ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PASADENA CALIFORNIA VOLUME I Ordinances Granting and Relating to Franchises PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PASADENA CALIFORNIA VOLUME I Ordinances Granting and Relating to Franchises PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 1912 THIS VOLUME contains the Ordinances of the City of Pasadena granting and relat- ing to franchises. In compiling these Ordinances, no attempt has been made to pass upon the validity of the franchise granted, or to indicate grants which have lapsed by reason of non-user or failure to com- ply with conditions. Ordinances of the City of Pasadena Granting and Relating to Franchises ORDINANCE NO. 27. An Ordinance Granting to M. G. Elmore, His Associates and Assigns, the Right to Erect Gas Works in the City of Pasadena, and to Lay Down and Maintain Gas Pipes in the Streets and Alleys Thereof. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the privilege of laying down and maintaining gas pipes and constructing gas works in the streets and alleys of the City of Pasadena and of supplying gas tor the lighting of the streets and buildings in said city for the period of twenty-five (25) years from the date of the passage of this ordinance is hereby granted to M. G. El- more, his associates and assigns; said pipes to be laid and work con- nected therewith, to be done under the direction of the Superintendent of Streets. Sec. 2. The privilege hereby granted is granted upon the condi- tion that the said Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena or that body, person or persons who may by operation of law succeed to the rights, duties and privileges of said Board, shall have the right at any time to regulate the charges made for the gas supplied, and also to al- low similar privileges to any other person or corporation; and upon the further condition that the location, changes of location, and laying down of said pipes shall be subject to the reasonable direction of said Board of Trustees or its successors, and shall do as little injury as possible to the paving, planking or macadamizing of the said streets and alleys; and shall not injure or interfere with any water pipes now laid; and that whenever the paving, planking or macadamizing of such streets or alleys is displaced for the purpose of laying down pipes, or removing the same, or making connections therewith or repairs thereto, such paving, planking or macadamizing shall be replaced in as good condition as before said work was done. Sec. 3. That said M. G. Elmore, his associates and assigns, shall commence the work of erecting gas works and of laying down gas pipe within thirty days from the date of passage of this ordinance, and that on or before January 1st, 1887, said gas works shall be completed and in running order and gas shall be furnished to the inhabitants of said city. Sec. 4. That the gas works of said M. G. Elmore, his associates and assigns, shall be placed upon the tract of land, on Raymond Ave- nue, where the same are now being constructed, and shall not during said term be removed to any other place within said city except by authority and consent of said Board of Trustees or its successors. Sec. 5. Said Board of Trustees hereby reserves the right to itself and its successors to appoint at any time during said term an inspector of gas meters, and upon such appointment said M. G. Elmore, his asso- ciates and assigns, shall not furnish or use any gas meter which has not been proved and sealed by the inspector of gas meters. Sec. 6. Said Board of Trustees hereby reserves to itself and its successors the right to establish a license to be paid by said M. G. Elmore, his associates and assigns for the privileges herein granted. Sec. 7. The rights and privileges hereby granted are granted upon each and all of the conditions and provisions herein contained and reserved and if the said M. G. Elmore, his associates and assigns, shall fail to comply therewith or with any part thereof then and in that event all of said rights shall be forfeited and this grant shall be null and void. Sec. 8. It is a further condition of this franchise that the laying of said pipes shall in all cases conform to the established grades of the 278091 .the cit> am ,'now established, and when any new grades shall be ihade, or -any established' grade shall be changed, said pipes shall be made to conform therewith, under the direction of the city authorities in like manner as provided in the first two sections of this ordinance. Sec. 9. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star. Passed Oct. 4, 1886. ORDINANCE NO. 28. An Ordinance Granting a Franchise For a Street Railroad Along Certain Streets in the City of Pasadena to Alonzo J. Painter and His Assigns. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do orjlain as follows : Section 1. That the reasonable right of way is hereby granted to Alonzo J. Painter and to his assigns to construct, lay down, maintain and operate one single line of iron street railroad track and run cars thereon moved by horses, mules, or by wire ropes running under the streets, moved by stationary steam engines or water power, and carry passengers and freight thereon for the period of fifty (50) years from the date of passage hereof along the following public highways or streets, viz.: Commencing at a point in the center of Colorado Street four hundred and eighty-seven (487) feet east of the center of Pair Oaks Avenue; thence north across said Colorado Street and across a right of way owned by said Alonzo J. Painter to the intersection of Union Street and Raymond Avenue; thence north on said Raymond Avenue to the north line of Walnut Street; thence north on a right of way owned by said Alonzo J. Painter to Chestnut Street; thence west on Chestnut Street to the intersection of Chestnut Street and Fair Oaks Avenue; thence on -the new extension of Fair Oaks Avenue to Fair Oaks Avenue on the Painter and Ball Tract as recorded in Book 4, page 549, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County; thence north on the last named avenue to the north line of the City of Pasadena, being about the distance of one mile and one-seventh, more or less; with the right to construct necessary switches, curves, turnouts and side tracks, it being understood that the center of the street or a line as near as possible thereto is intended except that along the part of Chestnut Street above described, the track shall be laid just far enough south of the center of the street so that there shall be a space between said track and the track of the street railroad now established there, sufficient to allow all cars to pass each other freely and without dan- ger; and it being a further condition that no switch side-track or turnout shall be placed on said Chestnut Street. Provided and upon condition that construction of said road shall be commenced within the period of three months from date of passage hereof and over the entire distance shall be finally completed, equipped, stocked and in running order within twelve months from the date of passage hereof. It being understood that this franchise and right of way shall be forfeited by the grantee herein or his successors as to any portion of the said road which at the expiration of the said twelve months shall remain and be unfinished, leaving the franchise to that portion of said road which is completed and in running order, unaffected by such failure. Provided, further, that said builder or builders of said road shall plank, pave or macadamize the entire length of said route along which the said road may be constructed between the rails and for two feet on each side thereof whenever ordered to do so by the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, or by that body, person or persons who may by operation of law succeed to the rights, duties or privileges of said Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, and shall keep the same and all portions of the streets over which any part of said track may be constructed, constantly in repair, flush with the street and provided with good crossings wherever roads may be made to cross said railroad and provided that the track shall not be more than five feet wide between the rails and there shall be a space between the main track and sidetracks or turnouts sufficient to allow the cars to pass each other freely and without danger. Provided further that all curves made in the construction of this road shall be laid out and desig nated by the City Surveyor of Pasadena at the expense of the owner of this franchise; and provided further that the track shall be guarded on each side by plank at least four inches wide laid against the rail and flush with the street and with the top of the rail so as to diminish as much as possible the obstruction to the street. Provided, further, that the laying of said track shall in all cases conform. Whenever any part of said road has been or shall be graded to an established grade, and whenever any such established grade shall be changed or altered the bed of the road and the tracks shall be made to conform therewith; and that whenever this road shall intersect or be intersected by any other track neither of said intersecting roads shall occupy or use a track of the other for a distance of more than five blocks; and if the owners of such intersecting tracks shall not agree upon the compensation to be paid to the owner for the use of + a track the same may be determined as provided in Title VII, Part III, of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California, with such amendments thereto as may be made. Provided, further, that said builder of said road shall provide said railroad with all the proper and necessary flumes and culverts for the passage of water under said track from the lands higher than said track or roadbed are or are required to be. Whenever and wherever and in whatever manner said Board of Trustees or its successors shall order said flumes or culverts to be placed. Provided, further, that the city reserves the right to grade, sewer, macadamize, pave, improve, alter or repair all or either of said high- ways or any part thereof and to pipe, or to authorize piping of the same for water, gas, or other purposes such work to be done with as little injury as possible to said railroad, but when work shall make it neces- sary the owner of said road must shift the rails so as to avoid the obstruction made thereby. Provided, further, that the rate of fare for passengers on said rail- road shall never exceed ten cents for one fare for any distance along said road. Provided, further, and upon condition that if at any time for the space of six months the said road, or any portion thereof be unused as a street railroad, the franchise for the said portion so unused shall be thereby forfeited. The Board of Trustees hereby reserve the right to establish a rate of fare on said road not exceeding ten cents or less than five cents. And the owner or owners of this franchise shall pay to the City of Pasadena such license on each car as may be ordained. The rights and privileges hereby granted are granted upon each and all of the conditions and provisions herein contained and reserved. And if the said grantee his successors in interest and assigns shall fail to comply therewith or with any part thereof, then and in that event all of said rights shall be forfeited and this grant shall be null and void, except as herein provided; and that nothing herein contained shall be construed in any manner as granting an exclusive franchise. Provided, further, that in so far as this ordinance grants a right to carry freight, this Board of Trustees, or that body, person or persons who may succeed to the rights, duties and privileges of said Board of Trustees, may at any time revoke said right to carry freight; and that the carriage of freight shall conform to such regulations, as to time, speed, amount, or otherwise, as may be made by the above described municipal authorities. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Star. Passed Oct. 4, 1886. Amended by Ordinance No. 34. ORDINANCE NO. 34. An Ordinance Amending an Ordinance Entitled "An Ordinance Grant- ing a Franchise for a Street Railroad Along Certain Streets in the City of Pasadena to Alonzo J. Painter and His Assigns." The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the conditions of the privilege or franchise granted by the ordinance entitled "An Ordinance granting a franchise for a Street Railroad along certain streets in the City of Pasadena, to Alonzo J. Painter and his assigns," passed on the 4th day of October,. 1886, be and they are hereby modified as hereinafter stated, with respect to the matters hereinafter mentioned and not otherwise, so that, (1), the track of said road shall be laid north of the center line Chestnut Street, instead of south as in said ordinance provided; and (2), the track of said road shall not be required to be guarded by plank where flat rails are used, such as in the opinion of this Board do not require such guard, but this Board or its successors in authority may order such guards to be placed whenever deemed necessary. Sec. II. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star. Passed and approved Nov. 20th, 1886. ORDINANCE NO. 116. An Ordinance Amending an Ordinance Entitled "An Ordinance Grant- ing a Franchise for a Street Railroad Along Certain Streets in the City of Pasadena to Alonzo J. Painter and His Assigns." The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the conditions of the franchise or privilege granted by ordinance No. 28, entitled "An ordinance granting a franchise for street railroad along certain streets in the City of Pasadena to Alonzo J. Painter and his assigns, passed on the 4th day of October, 1886, and the amendment thereupto known as ordinance No. 34 and passed November 20th, 1886, be and the same are modified as hereinafter stated with respect to the matters hereinafter mentioned and not other- wise, so that: The cars may be operated by electricity received from storage batteries, the said electricity to be used as the motive power in pro- pelling cars to be used upon said line or any line owned or operated by the said A. J. Painter or his assigns in connection herewith, in addi- tion to the locomotive powers allowed by ordinance No. 28 aforesaid. Provided, nevertheless, that the privileges here granted are sub- ject to revocation by the Board of Trustees if it should appear to them that at any time within a period of six months after the commencement of the use of the system then used that the same is more unsafe and dangerous than cars moved by horses, mules or so called cable power to the free and safe use of the streets, upon behalf of the public, over which said line is operated. Said notice of revocation shall be in writing and if said cars are run thereafter otherwise than as allowed in ordinance No. 28 aforesaid, each and every separate offence thereof shall be and is hereby made a misdemeanor and shall subject any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance upon conviction to a fine of $100 Dollars for each separate offence or to an imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Union, a newspaper published daily in said city. Passed June 12th, 1888. Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinances Nos. 28, 34 and 116. VALE w Nj . G AVEL WALMUT HOLLY UNION ST COLORADO D o o I ORDINANCE NO. 39. An Ordinance Granting a Franchise For a Street Railroad Along Cer- tain Streets and Public Places in the City of Pasadena, to G. A. Swartwout and His Assigns. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right of way is hereby granted to G. A. Swart- wout, and his assigns, to construct, lay down, maintain and operate one single line of iron street railroad track, and run cars thereon moved by horses, mules, or by wire ropes running under the streets and moved by stationary steam engines, and carrying passengers thereon, for the period of thirty-five years from the date of passage hereof, along the following public highways or streets, viz. Beginning at the center of the crossing of Villa Street with Lake Avenue in said City of Pasadena; thence running westerly along said Villa Street to the Center of Los Robles Avenue; thence south along Los Robles Avenue to Walnut Street; thence west along Walnut Street to Euclid Avenue; thence south along Euclid Avenue to Colorado Street; thence west along Colorado Street to a point one hundred feet east of the east line of the right of way of the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Valley Railroad Company, being about the distance of one and one-half miles, more or less; with the right to construct the necessary switches, curves, turn- outs and sidetracks, it being understood that the center of the street or* a line as near thereto as possible is intended, except that along the part of Colorado Street above described the track shall be laid just far enough north of the center of the street so that there shall be a space between said track and the track of the street railroad now established there, sufficient to allow all cars to pass each other freely and without danger; it being further a condition that no switch, side track or turnout shall be placed on said portion of Colorado Street. Provided, however, that within sixty days from the day of passage hereof the said G. A. Swartwout shall pay to the Colorado Street Railroad Company the sum of two hundred dollars, and to the City of Pasadena the sum of two hundred dollars, as compensation for ex- penses heretofore incurred in grading the Colorado Street hill; and this franchise shall not be in effect for any purpose until said sums are paid as herein required; Provided, also, that no turn-out or switch shall be constructed along said road, or permitted to remain, except in places designated by this Board. Provided, also, and upon condition that construction of said road shall be commenced within the period of three months from date of passage hereof, and over the entire distance shall be finally completed, equipped, stocked and in running order within twelve months from the date of passage hereof. It being understood that this franchise and right of way shall be forfeited by the grantee herein or his successors as to all of said road not completed at the expiration of the said twelve months, if any portion of the said road at the expiration of the said twelve months shall remain and be unfinished; and all conditions as to time are essential parts of this grant. Provided, further, that said builder or builders of said road shall plank, pave or macadamize the entire length of said route along which the said road may be constructed between the rails and for two feet on each side thereof, with such materials, at such time, and in such man- ner as the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, or that body, per- son or persons who may by operation of law succeed to the rights, duties or privileges of the said Board of Trustees of the City of Pasa- dena, may determine, and shall keep the same and all portions of the streets over which any part of said track may be constructed, constant- ly in repair, flush with the street and provided with good crossings wherever roads may be made to cross said railroad, and shall in con- struction leave the entire width of traveled road in good graded condi- tion; and in event of a refusal of the grantee or grantees or successors or assigns to plank, pave or otherwise improve such roadway, within the limits above mentioned in the same manner as the other part or 8 parts of the streets used at the time of construction, or as ordered at any time thereafter, the Board of Trustees may contract with some competent person or persons according to such order, and when finished the cost of the same shall to so plank, pave, macadamize or improve such roadway and street be charged against such grantee or grantees, the cost of the same shall be charged against such grantee or grantees, successors or assigns, to be paid by them, and the same shall be a first lien upon the franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock of such rail- way prior to all claims and liens of every kind whatsoever and if the same be not paid within sixty days after the completion of the work then either the contractor or the City of Pasadena may sue for and re- cover the amount due in a civil action, and in the event of judgment may levy upon and sell the said franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock, to the highest bidder at public sale to satisfy such claim or lien. And in constructing or repairing said railroad not more than the length of one block shall be obstructed at a time or for longer period than ten working days, and all excavations and embankments must be so enclosed with fencing as to protect travelers from injury while passing the streets by night; and said excavations, embankments and fencing enclosing the same, must be so lighted by night as to enable travelers and persons using said "streets to see and avoid being injured, thereby. And no alterations or repairs on such railway exceeding in cost the sum of Twenty-Five Dollars, or requiring more than twenty- four hours to complete, that will in any way impede or obstruct travel upon the streets, shall be made without the consent of the Board of Trustees or other proper authority. And provided that the track shall not be less than three and one- half nor more than five feet wide between the rails, and there shall be a space between the main track and side tracks or turnouts sufficient to allow the cars to pass each other freely and without danger; pro- vided, further, that all curves made in the construction of this road shall be laid out and designated by the City Surveyor of Pasadena, at the expense of the owner of this franchise; further, thai the track shall be guarded on each side by plank at least four inches wide and two inches thick, laid against the rail and flush with the street and with the top of the rail so as to diminish as much as possible the obstruction to the street in such places as this Board may direct, but where flat rails are used, such as in the opinion of this Board do not require such plank guard, then such guard need not be used; and it is hereby pro- vided that such flat rails must be used on the portion of Colorado Street affected by this ordinance. Provided, further, that the laying of said track shall in all cases conform to the established grade whenever any part of said highways has been or shall be graded to an established grade and in other cases to the actual grade, and whenever any such grade shall be changed or altered, the bed of the road and the tracks shall be made to conform therewith; and provided, also, that, whenever this road shall intersect or be intersected by any other track, neither of said intersecting roads shall occupy or use a track of the other for a distance of more than five blocks, unless by order of this Board or its successors as hereinafter stated, and -if the owners of such intersecting tracks shall not agree upon the compensation to be paid to the owner for the use of a track the same may be determined as provided in Title VII, Part III, of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California, with such amend- ments thereto as may be made. But the roadway and tracks of the owner or owners of one railway may be used by the owner or owners of any other railroad, with the permission of the Board ol Trustees first had and obtained and without judicial proceedings, and upon paying a proper proportion of the cost and maintenance of the said roadway and tracks, which property shall be assessed by three disinterested persons as appraisers, to be appointed by the Board of Trustees, and thereafter the cost of alterations, repairs or other necessary improvements shall be paid in the same proportion. Provided, further, that said builder of said road shall provide said railroad with all the proper and necessary flumes and culverts for the passage of water under the said track from the lands higher than said track or roadbed are or are required to be, whenever and wherever and in whatever manner said Board of Trustees or its successors shall order said flumes or culverts to be placed. Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 39. COLORADO w. t. Provided, further, that the city reserves the right to grade, sewer, macadamize, pave, construct zanjas, alter or repair all or either of said highways or any part thereof, and to pipe or to authorize the piping of the same for water, gas, or other purposes, such work to be done with as little injury as possible to said railroad, but when it shall be neces- sary the owner of said road must shift the rails so as to avoid the obstruction made thereby. Provided, further, that the rate of fare for passengers on said railroad shall never exceed ten cents for one fare, for any distance along said road. Provided, further, and upon condition that not less than four com- plete trips shall be made each day during the continuance of this fran- chise, and the Board of Trustees may regulate the schedule of time and designate the number of trips to be made each day; and if at any time the said road or any portion thereof shall be unused as a street railroad as contemplated by this ordinance, then this entire franchise shall be forfeited for the whole of said road, if such forfeiture shall be declared by the Board of Trustees, or its successor or successors. The Board of Trustees hereby reserves the right to establish a rate of fare on said road not exceeding ten cents or less than five cents, for one entire single trip along the road of said grantee or his assigns. The Board of Trustees may require tickets for passage on one rail- way to be accepted on any railway in the City, in which case each rail- way shall account to each other railway for the tickets of such railway that may have been used on such other railway. The owner or owners of this franchise shall pay to the City of Pasadena such license on each car as may be ordained. The rights and privileges hereby granted are granted on each and all of the conditions and provisions herein contained and reserved. And if the said grantee, his successors in interest and assigns, shall fail to comply therewith, or with any part thereof, then and in that vent all of said rights shall be forfeited and this grant shall be null and void except as herein provided; and that nothing herein contained shall be construed in any manner as granting an exclusive franchise. When the time of this franchise expires, if it has not been forfeited, the owners thereof shall be entitled to the preference for a renewal thereof if they will accept the same on terms like and equal to the terms accepted by any competitor demanding such franchise. And in case of any litigation of this franchise, the owners thereof do in accepting said franchise guarantee said City of Pasadena against any liability or costs on account of such litigation. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star. Passed Dec. 31st, 1886. ORDINANCE NO. 41. An Ordinance Granting a Franchise For a Street Railroad Along Cer- tain Streets and Public Places in the City of Pasadena, to N. G. Yocum and His Assigns, The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right of way is hereby granted to N. G. Yocum, and his assigns, to construct, lay down, maintain and operate one single line of iron street railroad track, and run cars thereon moved by horses, mules, or by wire ropes running under the streets and moved by stationary steam engines, and carry passengers thereon, for the period of thirty-five years from the date of passage hereof, along the following public streets or highways, viz.: Beginning at the west line of Fair Oaks Avenue and center of Colorado Street in said City of Pasadena; running thence west on Colorado Street to Vernon Avenue; thence north on Vernon Avenue to Kensington Place; thence westerly on Kensington Place to Orange Grove Avenue; thence south on Orange Grove Avenue to the Arroyo Drive, being about the distance of three- fifths of one mile, more or less; with the right to construct the neces- sary switches, curves, turnouts and side tracks, it being understood that the center of the street or a line as near thereto as possible is intended, provided, that no turnout, or switch shall be constructed 11 along said road, or permitted to remain, except in places designated by this Board. Provided also and upon condition that construction of said road shall be commenced within the period of three months from date of passage hereof, and over the entire distance shall be finally completed, equipped, stocked and in running order within twelve months from the date of passage hereof. It being understood that this franchise and right of way shall be forfeited by the grantee herein or his successors as to all of said road not completed at the expiration of the said twelve months, if any portion of the said road at the expiration of the said twelve montns shall remain and be unfinished; and all conditions as to time are essential parts of this grant. Provided, further, that said builder or builders of said road shall plank, pave or macadamize the entire length of said route along which the said road may be constructed between the rails and for two feet on each side thereof, with such materials, at such time, and in such man- ner as the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, or that body, per- son or persons who may by operation of law succeed to the rights, du- ties or privileges of the said Board of Trustees of the Gity of Pasadena, may determine, and shall keep the same and all portions of the streets over which any part of said track may be constructed, constantly in repair, flush with the street and provided with good crossings wherever roads may be made to cross said railroad, and shall in construction leave the entire width of traveled road in good graded condition; and in event of a refusal of the grantee or grantees or successors or assigns to plank, pave or otherwise improve such roadway, within the limits above mentioned in the same manner as the other part or parts of the streets used at the time of construction, or as ordered at any time thereafter, the Board of Trustees may contract with some com- petent person or persons to so plank, pave, macadamize or improve such roadway and street according to such order and when finished the cost of the same shall be charged against such grantee or grantees, successors or assigns, to be paid by them, and the same shall be a first lien upon the franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock of such rail- way prior to all claims and liens of every kind whatsoever; and if the same be not paid within sixty days after the completion of the work then either the contractor or the City of Pasadena may sue for and recover the amount due in a civil action, and in the event of judgment may levy upon and sell the said franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock, to the hignest bidder at public sale to satisfy such claim or lien. And in constructing or repairing said railroad not more than the length of one block shall be obstructed at a time or for a longer period than ten working days, and all excavations and embankments must be so enclosed with fencing as to protect travelers from injury while passing the streets by night; and said excavations, embankments and fencing enclosing the same must be so lighted by night as to enable travelers and persons using said streets to see and avoid being injured thereby. And no alterations or repairs on such railway exceeding in cost the sum of Twenty-Five Dollars, or requiring more than twenty- four hours to complete, that will in any way impede or obstruct travel upon the streets, shall be made without the consent of the Board of Trustees or other proper authority. And provided that the track shall not be less than three and one- half feet nor more than five feet wide between the rails, and there shall be a space between the main track and side tracks or turnouts sufficient to allow the cars to pass each other freely and without danger; provided, further, that all curves made in the construction of this road shall be laid out and designated by the City Surveyor of Pasadena, at the expense of the owner of this franchise; further, that the track shall be guarded on each side by plank at least four inches wide and two inches thick, laid against the rail and flush with the street and with the top of the rail so as to diminish as much as possible the obstruction to the street in such places as this Board may direct; but where flat rails are used, such as in the opinion of this Board do not require such plank guard, then such guard need not be used; and it is hereby provided that such flat rails must be used on the portion of Colorado Street affected by this ordinance. Provided, further, that the laying of said track shall in all cases conform to the established grade whenever any part of said highways 12 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 41, VEIRNJOrsJ has been or shall be graded to an established grade and in other cases to the actual grade, and whenever any such grade shall be changed or altered, the bed of the road and the tracks shall be made to conform therewith; and provided, also, that wherever this road shall intersect or be intersected by any other track, neither of said intersecting roads shall occupy or use a track of the other for a distance of more than five blocks, unless by order of this Board or its successors as hereinafter stated, and if the owners of such intersecting tracks shall not agree upon the compensation to be paid to the owner for the use of a track the same may be determined as provided in Title VII, Part III, of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California, with such amend- ments thereto as may be made. But the roadway and tracks of the owner or owners of one railway may be used by the owner or owners of any other railroad, with the permission of the Board of Trustees first had and obtained and without judicial proceedings, and upon paying a proper proportion of the cost and maintenance of the said roadway and track, which property shall be assessed by three disinterested persons as appraisers, to be appointed by the Board of Trustees, and thereafter the cost of alterations, repairs or other necessary improvements shall be paid in the same proportion. Provided, further, that said builder of said road shall provide said railroad with all the proper and necessary flumes and culverts for the passage of water under the said track from the lands higher than said track or roadbed are or are required to be, whenever and wherever and in whatever manner said Board of Trustees or its successors shall order said flumes or culverts to be placed. .Provided, further, that the city reserves the right to grade, sewer, macadamize, pave, construct zanjas, alter or repair all or either of said highways or any part thereof, and to pipe or to authorize the piping of the same for water, gas, or other purposes, such work to be done with as little injury as possible to said railroad, but when it shall be neces- sary the owner of said road must shift the rails so as to avoid the ob- struction made tnereby. Provided, further, that the rate of fare for passengers on said rail- road shall never exceed ten cents for one fare, for any distance along said road. Provided, further, and upon condition that not less than four com- plete trips shall be made each day during the continuance of this fran- chise, and the Board of Trustees may regulate the schedule of time and designate the number of trips to be made each day; and if at any time the said road or any portion thereof shall be unused as a street railroad as contemplated by this ordinance, then this entire franchise shall be forfeited for the whole of said road, if such forfeiture shall be declared by the Board of Trustees, or its successor or successors. The Board of Trustees hereby reserves the right to establish a rate of fare on said road not exceeding ten cents or less than five cents, for one entire single trip along the road of said grantee or his assigns. The Board of Trustees may require tickets for passage on one rail- way to be accepted on any railway in the City, in which case each rail- way shall account to each other railway for the tickets of such railway that may have been used on such other railway. The owner or owners of this franchise shall pay to the City of Pasadena such license on each car as may be ordained. The rights and privileges hereby granted are granted on each and all of the conditions and provisions herein contained and reserved. And if the said grantee, his successors in interest and assigns, shall fail to comply therewith, or with any part thereof, then and in that event all of said rights shall be forfeited and this grant shall be null and void except as herein provided; and that nothing herein contained shall be construed in any manner as granting an exclusive franchise. When the time of this franchise expires, if it has not been forfeited, the owners thereof shall be entitled to the preference for a renewal thereof if they will accept the same on terms like and equal to the terms ac- cepted by any competitor demanding such franchise. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star. Passed Dec. 31, 1886. Approved Dec. 31, 1886. Amended by Ordinance No. 49. 14 ORDINANCE NO. 49. An Ordinance Amending "An Ordinance Granting a Franchise For a Street Railroad Along Certain Streets and Public Places in the City of Pasadena, to N. G. Yocum and His Assigns," Passed December 31, 1886, and Extending the Said Franchise Over Additional Streets. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the ordinance entitled "An Ordinance granting a franchise along certain streets and public places in the City of Pasa- dena, to N. G. Yocum and his assigns," passed December 31, 1886, be and the same is hereby amended as follows: By striking out from the first paragraph thereof the words "with the right to construct the necessary switches, curves, turnouts and side-tracks, it being understood that the center of the street, or a line as near thereto as possible, is intended," and substituting for said words so stricken out, the following words: "Also, Beginning at the center of Kensington Place and center of Millard Avenue in said City of Pasadena; running thence Northerly on Millard Avenue to Walnut Street; thence Westerly on Walnut Street to Mountain Avenue; thence crossing Mountain Avenue at the junction of Mountain Avenue and Ar- royo View Drive; thence Northerly and Westerly on Arroyo View Drive to the junction of Reservoir Terrace Drive; thence on Reservoir Ter- race Drive Southerly to the junction of Arroyo Drive and Park Place Drive; thence on Park Place Drive North Westerly crossing the Arroyo Seco to the Westerly line of the City Limits; being about the distance of two-thirds of one mile; with the right to construct the necessary switches, curves, turnouts and side-tracks along all the rights of way given either by said amended ordinance or by this ordinance, it being understood that the center of the street, or a line as near thereto as possible, is intended." Provided, that the additional rights now given by this ordinance of amendment, are subject to all and singular the conditions, limitations and provisions contained in said original ordinance hereby amended; and gives no further rights than the city has a right to give on the premises herein described, as public highways. If any of said premises are not dedicated as public highways, this, franchise shall not take effect until they are so dedicated. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star. Passed Feb. 26, 1887. 15 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 49. w ORDINANCE NO. 44. An Ordinance Granting a Franchise For a Street Railroad Along Cer- tain Streets and Public Places in the City of Pasadena to O. S. Picher, E. C. Webster, C. S. Martin and Samuel Stratton and Their Assigns. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right of way is hereby granted to O. S. Picher, E. C. Webster, C. S. Martin and Samuel Stratton and their assigns tt> construct, lay down, maintain and operate one single line of iron street railroad track and run cars thereon moved by horses,, mules, or by wire ropes running under the streets and moved by stationary steam en- gines, and carry passengers thereon, for the period of Thirty-five years from the date of passage hereof, along the following public highways or streets, viz.: commencing in the center of Colorado Street, opposite its junction with Broadway Avenue; thence to and along the center of Broadway Avenue southwardly to the center of California Street; thence east along the center of California Street to Lake Avenue; thence north along Lake Avenue to Colorado Street, being about the distance of two miles, more or less; with the right to construct the necessary switches, curves, turnouts and side-tracks, it being under- stood that the center of the street or a line as near thereto as possible is intended; Provided, that no turnout, or switch shall be constructed along said road, or permitted to remain, except in places designated by this board. Provided also and upon condition that construction of said road shall be commenced within the period of three months from date of passage hereof, and over the entire distance shall be finally completed, equipped, stocked and in running order within twelve months from the date of passage hereof. It being understood that this franchise and right of way shall be forfeited by the grantee herein or his successors as to all of said road not completed at the expiration of the said twelve months, if any portion of the said road at the expiration of the said twelve months shall remain and be unfinished; and all conditions as to time are essential parts of this grant. Provided, further, that said builder or builders of said road shall plank, pave or macadamize the entire length of said route along which the said road may be constructed between the rails and for two feet on each side thereof, w r ith such materials, at such time, and in such man- ner as the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, or that body, per- son or persons who may by operation of law succeed to the rights, duties or privileges of the said Board of Trustees of the City of Pasa- dena may determine, and shall keep the same and all portions of the streets over which any part of said track may be constructed, constant- ly in repair, flush with the street and provided with good crossings wherever roads may be made to cross said railroad, and shall in con- struction leave the entire width of traveled road in good graded condi- tion; in event of a refusal of the grantee or grantees or successors or assigns to plank, pave or otherwise improve such roadway, within the limits above mentioned in the same manner as the other part or parts of the streets used at the time of construction, or as ordered at any time thereafter, the Board of Trustees may contract with some compe- tent person or persons to so plank, pave, macadamize or improve such roadway and street according to such order, and when finished the cost of the same shall be charged against such grantee or grantees, succes- sors or assigns, to be paid by them, and the same shall be a first lien upon the franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock of such railway prior to all claims and liens of every kind whatsover; and if the same be not paid within sixty days after the completion of the work then either the contractor or the City of Pasadena may sue for and recover the amount due in a civil action, and in the event of judgment may levy upon and sell the said franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock, to the highest bidder at public sale to satisfy such claim or lien. And in constructing or repairing said railroad not more than the length of one block shall be obstructed at a time or for a longer period than tea 17 working days, and all excavations and embankments must be so en- closed with fencing as to protect travelers from injury while passing the streets by night; and said excavations, embankments and fencing enclosing the same, must be so lighted by night as to enable travelers and persons using said streets to see and avoid being injured thereby. And no alterations or repairs on such railway exceeding in cost the sum of Twenty-Five Dollars, or requiring more than twenty-four hours to complete, that will in any way impede or obstruct travel upon the streets, shall be made without the consent of the Board of Trustees or other proper authority. And provided that the track shall not be less than three and one-half feet nor more than five feet wide between tne rails, and there shall be a space between the main track and side tracks or turnouts sufficient to allow the cars to pass each other freely and without danger; provided, further, that all curves made in the construction of this road shall be laid out and designated by the City Surveyor of Pasadena at the expense of the owner of this franchise; further, that the track shall be guarded on each side by plank at least four inches wide and two inches thick, laid against the rail and flush with the street and with the top of the rail so as to diminish as much as possible the obstruction to the street; but where flat rails are used, such as in the opinion of this Board do not require such plank guard, then such guard need not be used; and it is hereby provided that such flat rails must be used on the portion of Colorado Street affected by this ordinance. Provided, further, that the laying of said track shall in all cases conform to the established grade whenever any part of said highways has been or shall be graded to an established grade and in other cases to the actual grade, and whenever any such grade shall be changed or altered, the bed of the road and the tracks shall be made to conform therewith; and provided also that whenever this road shall intersect or be intersected by any other track, neither of said intersecting roads shall occupy or use a track of the other for a distance of more than five blocks unless by order of this Board or its successors as herein- after stated, and if the owners of such intersecting tracks shall not agree upon the compensation to be paid to the owner for the use of a track the same may be determined as provided in Title VII, Part III, of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California, with such amendments thereto as may be made. But the roadway and tracks of the owner or owners of one railway may be used by the owner or owners of any other railroad, with the permission of the Board of Trustees first had and obtained, and without judicial proceedings, and upon paying a proper proportion of the cost and maintenance of the said roadway and track, which property shall be assessed by three disinterested persons as appraisers, to be appointed by the Board of Trustees, and thereafter the cost of alterations, repairs or other neces- sary improvements shall be paid in the same proportion. Provided, further, that said builder of said road shall provide said railroad with all the proper and necessary flumes and culverts for the passage of water under the said track from the lands higher than said track or roadbed are or are required to be whenever and wherever and in whatever manner said Board of Trustees or its successors shall or- der said flumes or culverts to be placed. Provided, further, that the city reserves the right to grade, sewer, macadamize, pave, construct zanjas, alter or repair all or either of said highways or any part thereof, and to pipe or to authorize the piping of the same for water, gas or other purposes, such work to be done with as little injury as possible to said railroad, but when it shall be necessary the owner of said road must shift the rails so as to avoid the obstruction made thereby. Provided, further, that the rate of fare for passengers on said rail- road shall never exceed ten cents for one fare, for any distance along said road. Provided, further, and upon condition that not less than four com- plete trips shall be made each day during the continuance of this fran- cnise, and the Board of Trustees may regulate the schedule of time and designate the number of trips to be made each day; and if at any time the said road or any portion thereof shall be unused as a street railroad as contemplated by this ordinance, then this entire franchise 18 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 44. ! 1 COLORADO ST. > \ Id > J ^ 1 UJ (T LJ Q 2 X C*UF J STEJLt-r H ! w. shall be forfeited for the whole of said road, if such forfeiture shall be declared by the Board of Trustees or its successor or successors. The Board of Trustees hereby reserves the right to establish a rate of fare on said road not exceeding ten cents or less than five cents, for one entire single trip along the road of said grantee or his assigns. The Board of Trustees may require tickets for passage on one railway to be accepted on any railway in the City, in which case each railway shall account to each other railway for the tickets of such rail- way that may have been used on such other railway. The owner or owners of this franchise shall pay to the City of Pasadena such license on each car as may be ordained. The rights and privileges hereby granted are granted on each and all of the con- ditions and provisions herein contained and reserved. And if the said grantees, their successors in interest and assigns, shall fail to comply therewith, or with any part thereof, then and in that event all of said rights shall be forfeited and this grant shall be null and void except as herein provided; and that nothing herein con- tained shall be construed in any manner as granting an exclusive fran- chise. When the time of this franchise expires, if it has not been for- feited, the owners thereof shall be entitled to the preference for a re- newal thereof if they will accept the same on terms like and equal to the terms accepted by any competitor demanding such franchise. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star. Passed January 15th, 1887. ORDINANCE NO. 68. An Ordinance Granting a Franchise For a Street Railroad Along Cer- tain Streets and Public Places in the City of Pasadena to E. C. Webster and His Assigns. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right of way is hereby granted to E. C. Webster and his assigns to construct, lay down, maintain and operate one single (or double) line of iron street railroad track and run cars thereon moved by horses, mules, or by wire ropes running under the streets and moved by stationary steam engines, and carry passengers thereon, for the period of thirty-five years from the date of passage hereof, along the following public highways or streets, viz.: Beginning at the end of the track of the City Railway Company of Pasadena as now laid, on Raymond Avenue at the north side of Colorado Street, and extend- ing south across Colorado Street and along Raymond Avenue to the City limits with the right to construct the necessary switches, curves, turnouts, and side tracks, it being understood that the center of the street, or a line as near thereto as possible is intended. Provided, that no turnout or switch shall be constructed along said road, or permitted to remain, except in places designated by this Board. Provided, also, and upon condition that construction of said road shall be commenced within the period of three (3) months from date of passage hereof, and over the entire distance shall be finally completed, equipped, stocked and in running order within twelve (12) months from the date of passage hereof. It being understood that this fran- chise and right of way shall be forfeited by the grantee herein or his successors as to all of said road not completed at the expiration of the said twelve (12) months, if any portion of the said road at the expira- tion of the said twelve (12) months shall remain and be unfinished; and all conditions as to time are essential parts of this grant. Provided, further, that said builder or builders of said road shall plank, pave or macadamize the entire length of said route along which the said road may be constructed between the rails, and for two feet on each side thereof, with such materials, at such time, and in such manner as the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena or that body, person or persons who may by operation of law succeed to the rights, 20 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 68. COLO RA D o duties or privileges of the said Board of Trustees of the City of Pasa- dena, may determine, and shall keep the same and all portions of the streets over which any part of said track may be constructed, con- stantly in repair, flush with the street and provided with good cross- ings wherever roads may be made to cross said railroad, and shall in construction leave the width of traveled road in good graded condition. And in event of a refusal of the grantee or grantees or successors or assigns to plank, pave or otherwise improve such roadway, within the limits above mentioned, in the same manner as the other part or parts of the streets used at the time of construction, or as ordered at any time thereafter, the Board of Trustees may contract with some com- petent person or persons to so plank, pave, macadamize or improve such roadway and street according to such order, and when finished the cost of the same shall be charged against such grantee or grantees, suc- cessor or assigns, to be paid by them, and the same shall be a first lien upon the franchise, tracks, roadways and rolling stock of such road- way prior to all claims and liens of every kind whatsoever; and if the same be not paid within sixty (60) days after the completion of the work then either the contractor or the City of Pasadena may sue for and recover the amount due in a civil action, and in the event of judg- ment may levy upon and sell said franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock, to the highest bidder at public sale to satisfy such claim or lien. And in constructing or repairing said railroad not more than the length of one block shall be obstructed at a time or for a longer period than ten working days, and all excavations and embankments must be so enclosed with fencing as to protect travelers from injury while pass- ing the streets by night; and said excavation, embankments and fencing enclosing the same, must be so lighted by night as to enable travelers and persons using said streets to see and avoid being injured thereby. And no alterations or repairs on such railway exceeding in cost the sum of twenty-five (25) dollars, or requiring more than twenty- four (24) hours to complete, that will in any way impede or obstruct travel upon the streets, shall be made without the consent of the Board of Trustees or other proper authority. And provided that the track shall not be less than three and one- half (3 l / 2 ) feet nor more than five feet wide between the rails, and there shall be a space between the main track and side tracks or turn- outs sufficient to allow the cars to pass each other freely and without danger; provided, further, that all curves made in the construction of this road shall be laid out and designated by the City Surveyor of Pasa- dena, at the expense of the owner of this franchise; further, that the track shall be guarded in each side by plank at least four (4) inches wide and two (2) inches thick, laid against the rail and flush with the street and with the top of the rail so as to diminish as much as possible the obstruction to the street on such places as this Board may direct; but when flat rails are used, such as in the opinion of this Board do not require such plank guard, then such guard need not be used; and it is hereby provided that such flat rails must be used on the portion of Colorado Street affected by this ordinance. Provided, further, that the laying of said track shall in all cases conform to the established grade whenever any part of said highways has been or shall be graded to an established grade, and in other cases to the actual grade, and whenever any such grade shall be changed or altered, the bed of the road and the tracks shall be made to conform therewith; and provided, also, that whenever this road shall intersect or be intersected by any other track, neither of said intersecting roads shall occupy or use a track of the other for a distance of more than five blocks, unless by order of this Board or its successors as hereinafter stated, and if the owners of such intersecting tracks snail not agree upon the compensation to be paid to the owner for the use of a track the same may be determined as provided in Title VII, Part III, of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California, with such amend- ments thereto as may be made. But the roadway and tracks of the owner or owners of one railway may be used by the owner or owners of any other railroad, with the permission of the Board of Trustees first had and obtained and without judicial proceedings, and upon pay- 22 ing a proper proportion of the cost and maintenance of said roadway and track, which property shall be assessed by three disinterested persons as appraisers, to be appointed by the Board of Trustees, and thereafter the cost of alterations, repairs or other necessary improve- ments shall be paid in the same proportion. Provided, further, that said builder of said road shall provide said railroad with all the proper and necessary flumes and culverts for the passage of water under the said track from the lands higher than said track or road bed are or are required to be, whenever and wherever and in whatever manner said Board of Trustees or its successors shall order said flumes or culverts to be placed. Provided, further, that the city reserves the right to grade, sewer, macadamize, pave, construct zanjas, alter or repair all or either of said highways or any part thereof, and to pipe or to authorize the piping of the same for water, gas, or other purposes, such work to be done with as little injury as possible to said railroad, but when it shall be necessary the owner of said road must shift the rails so as to avoid the obstruction made thereby. Provided, further, that the rate of fare for passengers on said railroad shall never exceed ten (10) cents for one (1) fare, for any dis- tance along said road. Provided, further, and upon condition that not less than four com- plete trips shall be made each day during the continuance of this franchise, and the Board of Trustees may regulate the schedule of time and designate the number of trips to be made each day; and if at any time the said road or any portion thereof shall be unused as a street railroad as contemplated by this ordinance, then this entire franchise shall be forfeited for the whole of said road, if such forfeiture shall be declared by the Board of Trustees, or its successor or successors. The Board of Trustees hereby reserves the right to establish a rate of fare on said road not exceeding ten cents or less than five cents, for one entire single trip along the road of said grantee or his assigns. The Board of Trustees may require tickets for passage on one rail- way to be accepted on any railway in the city, in which case each rail- way shall account to each other railway for the tickets of such railway that may have been used on such other railway. The owner or owners of this franchise shall pay to the City of Pasadena such license on each car as may be ordained. The rights and privilges hereby granted are granted on each and all of the conditions and provisions herein contained and reserved. And if the said grantee, his successors in interest and assigns, shall fail to comply therewith, or with any part thereof, then and in that event all of said rights shall be forfeited, and this grant shall be null and void except as herein provided; and that nothing herein con- tained shall be construed in any manner as granting an exclusive franchise. When the time of this franchise expires, if it has not been forfeited, the owners thereof shall be entitled to the preference for a renewal thereof if they will accept the same on terms like and equal to the terms accepted by any competitor demanding such franchise. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Star, a newspaper published weekly in said city. Passed June 4, 1887. ORDINANCE NO. 71.. . An Ordinance Granting a Franchise For a Strret Railroad. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right of way is hereby granted to Stephen Townsand, and his assigns, to construct, law down, maintain and oper- ate one single line of iron railroad track, and run cars thereon moved by horses, mules, or by wire ropes running under the streets and moved by stationary steam engines, (such engines to be kept in place appointed by this Board), and carry passengers thereon, for the period of thirty-five years from the date of passage hereof, along the following public highways or streets, viz.: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of New Fair Oaks Avenue with the center line of Old Fair 23 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 71, OuD Oaks Avenue, and extending thence along Old Fair Oaks Avenue Northerly to the city limits, with the rights to construct the necessary switches, curves, turnouts and sidetracks, it being understood that the center of the street, or a line as near thereto as possible is intended. Provided, that no turnout or switch shall be constructed along said road, or permitted to remain, except in places designated by this Board. Provided, also, and upon condition that construction of said road shall be commenced within the period of three months from date of passage hereof, and over the entire distance shall be finally completed, equipped, stocked and in running order within twelve months from the date of passage hereof. It being understood that this franchise and right of way shall be forfeited by the grantee herein, or his successors as to all of said road not completed at the expiration of the said twelve months, if any portion of the said road at the expiration of the said twelve months shall remain and be unfinished; and all conditions as to time are essential parts of this grant. Provided, further, that said builder or builders of said road shall plank, pave or macadamize the entire length of said route along which the said road may be constructed between the rails, and for two feet on each side thereof, with such materials, at such time, and in such manner as the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, or that body, person or persons who may by. operation of law succeed to the rights, duties or privileges of the said Board of Trustees of the City of Pasa- dena, may determine, and shall keep the same and all portions of the streets over which any part of said track may be constructed, con- stantly in repair, flush with the street and provided with good cross- ings wherever roads may be made to cross said railroad, and shall in construction leave the width of traveled road in good graded condition, and keep the same sprinkled and wet down, so as to be well packed and free from dust; and in event of a refusal of the grantee or gran- tees or successors or assigns to plank, pave or otherwise improve such roadway, within the limits above mentioned, in the same manner as the other part or parts of the streets used at the time of construction, or as ordered at any time thereafter, the Board of Trustees may con- tract with some competent person or persons to so plank, pave, macad- amize or improve such roadway and street according to such order, and when finished the cost of the same shall be charged against such grantee or grantees, successors or assigns, to be paid by them, and the same shall be the first lien upon the franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock of such railway prior to all claims and liens of every kind whatsoever; and if the same be not paid within sixty days after the completion of the work then either the contractor of the City of Pasa- dena may sue for and recover the amount due in a civil action, and in the event of judgment may levy upon and sell said franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock, to the highest bidder at public sale to satisfy such claim or lien. And in constructing or repairing said railroad not more than the length of one block shall be obstructed at a time or for a longer period than ten working days, and all excavations and embankments must be so enclosed with fencing as to protect travelers from injury while passing the streets by night; and said excavations, embankments and fencing enclosing the same, must be so lighted by night as to enable travelers and persons using said streets to see and avoid being injured thereby. And no alterations or repairs on such railway exceeding in cost the sum of twenty-five dollars, or requiring more than twenty-four hours to complete, that will in any way impede or obstruct travel upon the streets, shall be made without the consent of the Board of Trustees or other proper authority. And provided that the track shall not be less than three and one- half feet nor more than five feet wide between the rails, and there shall be a space between the main track and the side-tracks or turn- outs sufficient to allow the cars to pass each other freely and without danger; provided, further, that all curves made in the construction of this road shall be laid out and designated by the city surveyor of Pasa- dena, at the expense of the owner of this franchise; further, that the track shall be guarded on each side by plank at least four inches wide and two inches thick, laid against the rail and flush with the street and with the top of the rail, so as to diminish as much as possible the ob- struction to the street in places as the Board may direct; but when flat 25 rails are used, such as in the opinion of this Board do not require such plank guard, then such guard need not be used. Provided, further, that the laying of said track shall in all cases conform to the established grade whenever any part of said highways has been or shall be graded to an established grade, and in other cases to the actual grade, and whenever any such grade shall be changed or altered, the bed of the road and the tracks shall be made to conform therewith; and provided, also, that whenever this road shall intersect or be intersected by any other track, neither of said intersecting roads shall occupy or use a track of the other for a distance of more than five blocks, unless by order of this Board or its successors as hereinaf- ter stated, and if the owners of such intersecting tracks shall not agree upon the compensation to be paid to the owner for the use of a track the same may be determined as provided in Title VII, Part III, of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California, with such amend- ments thereto as may be made. But the roadway and tracks of the owner or owners of any one railway may be used by the owner or owners of any other railroad, with the permission of the Board of Trustees first had and obtained and without judicial proceedings, and upon paying a proper proportion of the cost and maintenance of said roadway and track, which property shall be assessed by three disinter- ested persons as appraisers, to be appointed by the Board of Trustees, and thereafter the cost of alterations, repairs or other necessary im- provements shall be paid in the same proportion. Provided, further, that said builder of said road shall provide said railroad with all the proper and necessary flumes and culverts for the passage of water under the said track from the lands higher than said track or roadbed are or are required to be, whenever and wherever and in whatever manner said Board of Trustees or its successors shall or- der said flumes or culverts to be placed. Provided, further, that the city reserves the right to grade, sewer, macadamize, pave, construct zanjas, alter or repair all or either of said highways or any part thereof, and to pipe or to authorize the piping of the same for water, gas, or other purposes, such work to be done with as little injury as possible to said railroad, but when it shall be neces- sary the owner of said road must shift the rails so as to avoid the ob- struction made thereby. Provided, further, that the rate of fare for the passengers on said railroad shall never exceed ten cents for one fare, for any distance along said road. Provided, further, and upon condition that not less than four com- plete trips shall be made each day during the continuance of this fran- chise, and the Board of Trustees may regulate the schedule of time and designate the number of trips to be made each day, and if at any time the said road or any portion thereof shall be unused as a street rail- road as contemplated by this ordinance, then this entire franchise shall be forfeited for the whole of said road, if such forfeiture shall be declared by the Board of Trustees, or its successor or successors. The Board of Trustees hereby reserves the right to establish a rate of fare on said road not exceeding ten cents or less than five cents, for one entire single trip along the road of said grantee or its assigns. The Board of Trustees may require tickets for passage on one rail- way to be accepted on any railway in the city, in which case each rail- way shall account to each other railway for the tickets of such rail- way that may have been used on such other railway. The owners of the franchise shall pay to the City of Pasadena such license on each car as may be ordained. The rights and privileges hereby granted are granted on each and all of the conditions and pro- visions herein contained and reserved. And if the said grantee, his successors in interest and assigns, shall fail to comply therewith, or with any part thereof, then and in that event all of said rights shall be forfeited and this grant shall be null and void except as herein provided; and that nothing herein con- tained shall be construed in any manner as granting an exclusive fran- chise. When the time of this franchise expires, if it has not been for- feited, tne owners thereof shall be entitled to the preference for a re- newal thereof if they will accept the same on terms like and equal to the terms accepted by any competitor demanding such franchise. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- 26 nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star, a newspaper published weekly in said city. Passed June 18, 1887. ORDINANCE NO. 72. An Ordinance Granting a Franchise For a Street Railroad Along Cer- tain Streets and Places, to the Colorado Street Railway Company and Its Assigns. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right of way is hereby granted to the Colorado Street Railroad Company, and its assigns, to construct, lay down, main- tain and operate one single line of iron street railroad track, and run cars thereon moved by horses, mules or by wire ropes running under the streets and moved by stationary steam engines (such engines to be kept in places appointed by this Board), or by electricity (providing no poles are used for suspending wires), and carry passengers thereon, for the period of thirty-five years from the date of passage hereof, along the following public highways or streets, viz.: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Los Robles Avenue, in said City of Pasadena, with the center line of Colorado Street; running thence South on Los Robles Avenue to the city boundary line, with the right to construct the necessary switches, curves, turnouts and sidetracks, it being understood that the center of the street, or a line as near there- to as possible, is intended. Provided, that no turnout or switch shall be constructed along said road, or permitted to remain, except in places designated by this Board. Provided, also, and upon condition that construction of said road shall be commenced within the period of three months from date of passage hereof, and over the entire distance shall be finally completed, equipped, stocked and in running order within twelve (12) months from the date of passage hereof. It being understood that this fran- chise and right of way shall be forfeited by the grantee herein, or his successors, as to all of said road not completed at the expiration of the said twelve (12) months, if any portion of the said road at the expira- tion of the said twelve (12) months shall remain and be unfinished; and all conditions as to time are essential parts of this grant. Provided, further, that said builder or builders of said road shall plank, pave or macadamize the entire length of said route along which the said road may be constructed, between the rails, and for two (2) feet on each side thereof, with such materials, at such time, and in such manner as the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, or that body, person or persons who may by operation of law succeed to the rights, duties or privileges of the said Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, may determine, and shall keep the same and all portions of the streets over which any part of said track may be constructed con- stantly in repair, flush with the street, and provided with good cross- ings wherever roads may be made to cross said railroad, and shall in construction leave the width of traveled road in good graded condi- tion, and keep the same sprinkled and wet down, so as to be well packed and free from dust; and in event of a refusal of the grantee or grantees or successors or assigns to plank, pave or otherwise improve such roadway, within the limits above mentioned, in the same manner as the other part or parts of the streets used at the time of construc- tion, or as ordered at any time thereafter, the Board of Trustees may contract with some competent person or persons to so plank, pave, macadamize or improve such roadway and street according to such order, and when finished the cost of the same shall be charged against such grantee or grantees, successors or assigns, to be paid by them, and the same shall be a first lien upon the franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock of such railway prior to all claims and liens of every kind whatsoever; and if the same be not paid within sixty (60) days after completion of the work, then either the contractor or the City of Pasadena may sue for and recover the amount due in a civil action, and in the event of judgment may levy upon and sell said franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock, to the highest bidder at public sale to satisfy such claim or lien. And in constructing or repairing said railroad not more than the 27 length of one block shall be obstructed at a time or for a longer period than ten (10) working days, and all excavations and embankments must be so enclosed with fencing as to protect travelers from injury while passing the streets by night; and said excavations, embankments and fencing enclosing the same, must be so lighted by night as to en- able travelers and persons using said streets to see and avoid being injured thereby. And no alterations or repairs on such railway exceed- ing in cost the sum of twenty-five dollars, or requiring more than twen- ty-four hours to complete, that will in any way impede or obstruct travel upon the streets, shall be made without the consent of the Board of Trustees or other proper authority. And provided that the track shall not be less than three and one- half feet nor more than five (5) feet wide between the rails, and there shall be a space between the main track and side tracks or turnouts sufficient to allow the cars to pass each other freely and without danger; provided, further, that all curves made in the construction of this road shall be laid out and designated by the city surveyor of Pasa- dena, at the expense of the owner of this franchise; further, that the track shall be guarded on each side by plank at least four (4) inches wide and two (2) inches thick laid against the rail, and flush with the street and with the top of the rail, so as to diminish as much as possi- ble the obstruction to the street' in such places as this Board may di- rect; but when flat rails are used, such as in the opinion of this Board do not require such plank guard, then such guard need not be used; and it is hereby provided that such flat rails must be used on the portion of Colorado Street affected by this ordinance. Provided, further, that the laying of said track shall in all cases conform to the established grade whenever any part of said highways has been or shall be graded to an established grade and in other cases to the actual grade, and whenever any such grade shall be changed or altered, the bed of the road and the tracks shall be made to conform therewith; and provided, also, that whenever this road shall intersect or be intersected by any other track, neither of said intersecting roads shall occupy or use a track of the other for a distance of more than five blocks unless by order of this Board or its successors as herein- after stated, and if the owners of such intersecting tracks shall not agree upon the compensation to be paid to the owner for the use of a track the same may be determined as provided in Title VII, Part III, of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California, with such amendments thereto as may be made. But the roadway and tracks of the owners of one railway may be used by the owner or owners of any other railroad, with the permission of the Board of Trustees first had and obtained and without judicial proceedings, and upon paying a proper proportion of the cost and maintenance of said roadway and track, which property shall be assessed by three disinterested persons as appraisers, to be appointed by the Board of Trustees, and thereafter the cost of alterations, repairs or other necessary improvements shall be paid in the same proportion. Provided, further, that said builder of said road shall provide said railroad with all the proper and necessary flumes and culverts for the passage of water under the said track from the lands higher than said track or roadbed are or are required to be, whenever and wherever and in whatever manner said Board of Trustees or its successors shall or- der said flumes or culverts to be placed. Provided, further, that the city reserves the right to grade, sewer, macadamize, pave, construct zanjas, alter or repair all or either of said highways or any part thereof, and to pipe or to authorize the piping of the same for water, gas, or other purposes, such work to be done with as little injury as possible to said railroad, but when it shall be neces- sary the owner of said road must shift the rails so as to avoid the ob- struction made thereby. Provided, further, that the rate of fare for passengers on said rail- road shall never exceed ten cents for one fare, for any distance along said road. Provided, further, and upon condition that not less than four com- plete trips shall be made each day during the continuance of this fran- chise, and the Board of Trustees may regulate the schedule of time and designate the number of trips to be made each day; and if at any time the said road or any portion thereof shall be unused as a street rail- 28 road as contemplated by this ordinance, then this entire franchise shall be forfeited for the whole of said road, if such forfeiture shall be de- clared by the Board of Trustees, or its successor or successors. The Board of Trustees hereby reserves the right to establish a rate of fare on said road not exceeding ten cents or less than five cents, for one entire single trip along the road of said grantee or its assigns. The Board of Trustees may require tickets for passage on one rail- way to be accepted on any railway in the city, in which case each rail- way shall account to each other railway for the tickets of such railway that may have been used on such other railway. The owner or owners of this franchise shall pay to the City of Pasadena such license on each car as may be ordained. The rights and privileges hereby granted are granted on each and all of the condi- tions and provisions herein contained and reserved. And if the said grantee, its successors in interest and assigns, shall fail to comply therewith, or with any part thereof, then and in that event all of said rights shall be forfeited and this grant shall be null and void except as herein provided; and that nothing herein contained shall be construed in any manner as granting an exclusive franchise. When the time of this franchise expires, if it has not been forfeited, the owners thereof shall be entitled to the preference for a renewal thereof if they will accept the same on terms like and equal to the terms accepted by any competitor demanding such franchise. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Star, a newspaper published weekly in said city. Passed June 18, 1887. (See ordinance No. 371 removing restric- tions). ORDINANCE NO. 371. An Ordinance Removing a Restriction Contained in Ordinance No. 72, and Granting Permission to Erect Poles and Wires Along Los Robles Avenue. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the Restriction and Proviso contained in Ordinance No. 72, whereby the owners of the franchise therein granted are for- bidden to erect poles for suspending wires, be and the said Restriction and Proviso is hereby removed, and permission is hereby granted to the Pasadena and Los Angeles Electric Railway Company and its suc- cessors and assigns to erect poles and over-head wires along Los Robles Avenue for the purpose of conveying the electricity necessary to propel its cars along said avenue. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star, a newspaper published and circulated in said city. Passed and approved the 19th day of July, 1897. 29 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinances Nos. 72 and 371. COLORADO ,ST R E E T w -^T ,T3~ ORDINANCE NO. 81. An Ordinance Granting a Right of Way to the Pasadena Railway Com- pany. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That a right of way be and the same is hereby granted to the Pasadena Railway Company, a corporation, whose petition there- for has been duly presented and filed, for the purpose of maintaining and operating an ordinary steam railway, within the limits of the City of Pasadena, California, for the period of thirty-five years, as follows, to-wit: The route of said railway in said city is understood by said petition to be definitely shown by a survey and map of said route, extending "between Station "O" and Station 383 plus 11.73, as adopted by said Company, said survey and map being made by J. M. Willard, Civil Engineer; said map or a copy thereof shall be filed with the Clerk of said City, and this ordinance shall not take effect until such copy is filed and endorsed as approved by- the President of the Board of Trus- tees of said City; and the right of way hereby granted consists in the right to pass over and along the streets of said City for the distances in said map appearing; Provided and upon condition that in the construction of said road along or across any street the said Railroad Company shall place the ties of said road in such a way that the top of the ties shall be flush with the street, and in laying the track shall conform, in all cases where any part of said route has been graded, to such established grade, and in all other cases as nearly as practicable to the natural grade and surface of the street; and whenever at any time any part of such street shall be graded, or the grade thereof changed and altered, the bed of the road and the tracks thereof shall be changed and shifted by the said grantee so as to conform as nearly as practic- able therewith; and whenever the said railroad shall cross any zanja or water ditch within said City good and proper culverts shall be con- structed so as not to interfere with or impede the flow of the water therein; and that whenever at any time the said route shall intersect any street now or hereafter to be opened in said City, or shall pass in front of any such street, the said grantee shall construct and maintain good, proper and substantial board crossings the whole distance across or in front thereof. Provided, further, and upon the condition that the City reserves the right to grade, sewer, pave, macadamize, improve, alter or repair' any and all parts of the highways over which said railroad shall pass, and to lay down pipe therein for water, gas and other purposes, and to construct sewers and zanjas over and along the same, and at any and all times to use, manage and control the said street as a public street to the same power whenever deemed necessary, as if this franchise had not been granted; including the right to limit time of stopping rolling stock on streets. Provided, further, that said railroad, over the entire distance with- in the City, shall be finally completed, equipped, stocked and in run- ning order within twelve months from the date of passage hereof; that said builder or builders of said road shall plank, pave or macadamize the entire length of said route wherever the same shall touch any highway existing or hereafter to be created, between the rails and for two feet on each side thereof, with such materials, at such time and in such manner as the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, or that body, person or persons who, by operation of law, succeed to its duties, rights or privileges, may determine, and shall keep the same constant- ly in repair, and in construction shall leave the width of traveled road in good graded condition and keep the same sprinkled down, so as to be well packed; and in the event of a refusal of the grantee or gran- tees, their successors or assigns, to plank, pave or otherwise improve such roadway, within the limits above mentioned, in the same manner as other parts of the streets used at the time of construction, or or- dered at any time thereafter, the Board of Trustees may contract with 31 some competent person or persons to so plank, pave or macadamize or improve such roadway and street according to such order, and when finished the cost of the same shall be charged against such grantee or grantees, their successors or assigns, to be paid by them, and the same shall be a first lien upon the franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling- stock of such railway prior to all claims and liens of every kind what- soever; and if the same be not paid within sixty days after the com- pletion of the work then either the contractor or the City of Pasadena may sue for and recover the amount due in a civil action, and in the event of judgment may levy upon and sell said tracks, franchise, road- way and rolling-stock to the highest bidder at public sale, to satisfy such claim or lien; Provided, further, that said Railway shall by its owners be pro- vided with all proper and necessary flumes and culverts for the pass- age of water under the said track from lands higher than said track or roadbed are or are required to be, whenever and wherever and in what- ever manner said Board of Trustees or its successors shall order said flumes or culverts to be placed. Provided, further, that if at any time the said road or any portion thereof shall be unused as a railroad as contemplated by this Ordi- nance then this entire franchise shall be forfeited for the whole of said road within the limits of said City, if such forfeiture shall be declared by the Board of Trustees or its successor or successors. Provided, also, that the owner or owners of this franchise and of said railroad shall pay to the City of Pasadena such license on each car or engine or upon its business as may be ordained; that the Railroad Company, its successors in interest and assigns, if they shall fail to comply with the conditions and provisions herein contained', or with any part thereof, shall forfeit all the rights hereby granted, and this grant shall be null and void, except as herein provided; and- that nothing herein contained shall be construed in any manner as granting an exclusive franchise; that when the time of this franchise expires, if it has not been forfeited, the owners thereof shall be entitled to thr preference for a renewal thereof, if they will accept the same on terr , like and equal to the terms accepted by any competitor demanding such franchise; and in case of any litigation of this franchise or in any wise concerning the right of way of said railroad, the said Railroad Company does, in accepting this franchise, guarantee said City of Pasadena against any liability or costs on account of such litigation. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star, a newspaper published weekly in said City. Passed Oct. 22, 1887. Approved Oct. 22, 1887. ORDINANCE NO. 99. An Ordinance Granting a Franchise For a Street Railroad Along Cer- tain Streets and Places, to the Colorado Street Railroad Company and Assigns. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right of way is hereby granted to the Colorado Street Railroad Company, and its assigns, to construct, lay down, maintain and operate one (1) single line of iron street railroad track and run cars thereon moved by horses, mules, or by wire ropes running under the streets and moved by stationary steam engines (such en- gines to be kept in places appointed by this Board), or by electricity (providing no poles are used for suspending wires) and carry passen- gers thereon for the period of thirty-five (35) years, from the date of passage hereof along the following public highways or streets, viz.: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Los Robles Ave- nue, in said City of Pasadena, with the center line of California Street; extending thence easterly along the center line of California Street to its intersection with the center line of Lake Avenue, thence nortn along the center line of Lake Avenue to its intersection with the center line of San Pasqual Street; thence easterly along the center line of San Pasqual Street to the City boundary line; with the right to construct the necessary switches, curves, turnouts and side tracks, it being un- 32 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 99. L-O& ROBt-ETS >\VE derstood that the center of the street or a line as near thereto as pos- sible is intended. Provided, that no turnout or switch shall be constructed along said road, or permitted to remain, except in places designated by this Board. Provided, also, and upon condition that construction of said road shall be commenced within the period of three (3) months from date of passage hereof, and over the entire distance shall be finally com- pleted, equipped, stocked and in running order within twelve (12) months from the date of passage hereof. It being understood that this francnise and right of way shall be forfeited by the grantee herein, or its successors, as to all of said road not completed at the expiration of the said twelve (12) months, if any portion of the said road at the ex- piration of the said twelve (12) months shall remain and be unfinished, and all conditions as to time are essential parts of this grant, Provided, further, that said builder or builders of said road shall plank, pave or macadamize the entire length of said route along which the said road may be constructed, between the rails, and for two (2) feet on each side thereof, with such materials, at such time, and in such manner as the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, or that body, person or persons who may by operation of law succeed to the rights, duties or privileges of the said Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, may determine, and shall keep the same and all portions of the streets over which any part of said track may be constructed, con- stantly in repair, flush with the street, and provided with good cross- ings wherever roads may be made to cross said railroad, and shall in construction leave the width of traveled road in good graded condition, and keep the same sprinkled and wet down so as to be well packed and free from dust, and in event of a refusal of the grantee or grantees or successors or assigns to plank, pave or otherwise improve said road- way, within the limits above mentioned, in the same manner as the other part or parts of the streets used at the time of construction or as ordered at any time thereafter, the Board of Trustees may contract with some competent person or persons to so plank, pave, macadamize or improve such roadway and street according to such order and when finished the cost of the same shall be charged against such grantee or grantees, successors or assigns to be paid by them and the same shall be the first lien upon the franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock of such railway prior to all claims and liens of every kind whatsoever, and if the same be not paid within sixty (60) days after the completion of the work, then either the contractor or the City of Pasadena may sue for and recover the amount due in a civil action, and in the event of judgment may levy upon and sell said franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock, to the highest bidder at public sale to satisfy such ciaim or lien. And in constructing or repairing said railroad not more than the length of one (1) block shall be obstructed at a time or for a longer period than ten (10) working days and all excavations and embank- ments must be so enclosed with fencing as to protect travelers from injury while passing the streets by night; and said excavations, em- bankments and fencing enclosing the same, must be so lighted by night as to enable travelers and persons using said street to see and avoid being injured thereby and no alterations or repairs on such railway ex- ceeding in cost the sum of twenty-five (25) dollars or requiring more than twenty-four (24) hours to complete that will in any way impede or obstruct travel upon the streets, shall be made without the consent of the Board of Trustees or other proper authority. And provided that the track shall not be less than three and one- half (S 1 /^) feet nor more than five (5) feet wide between the rails and there shall be a space between the main track and side tracks or turn- outs sufficient to allow the cars to pass each other freely and without danger; provided, further, that all curves made in the construction of this road shall be laid out and designated by the City Surveyor of Pasadena, at the expense of the owner of this franchise; Further, that the track shall be guarded on each side by plank at least four (4) inches wide and two (2) inches thick, laid against the rail and flush with the street and with the top of the rail, so as to diminish as much as possible the obstruction to the street in such places as this Board may direct, but when flat rails are used, such as in the opinion 34 of this Board do not require such plank guard then such guard need not be used. Provided, further, that the laying of said track shall in all cases conform to the established grade, whenever any part of said highway has been or shall be graded to an established grade and in other cases to the actual grade and whenever any such grade shall be changed or altered, the bed of the road and the tracks shall be made to conform therewith; and provided also that whenever this road shall intersect or be intersected by any other track, neither of said intersecting roads shall occupy or use a track of the other for a distance of more than five (5) blocks, unless by order of this Board or its successors as here- inafter stated, and if the owners of such intersecting tracks shall not agree upon the compensation to be paid to the owner for the use of a track the same may be determined as provided in Title VII, Part III, of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California with such amendments thereto as may be made. But the roadway and tracks of the owners of one railway may be used by the owner or owners of any other railroad, with the permission of the Board of Trustees first had and obtained and without judicial proceedings and upon paying a prop- er proportion of the cost and maintenance of said roadway and track, which property shall be assessed by three (3) disinterested persons as appraisers, to be appointed by the Board of Trustees and thereafter the cost of alterations, repairs and other necessary improvements shall be paid in the same proportion. Provided, further, that said builder of saiu road shall provide said railroad with all the proper and necessary flumes and culverts for the passage of water under the said track from the lands higher than said track or roadbed are or are required to be whenever and wherever and in whatever manner said Board of Trustees or its successors shall order said flumes or culverts to be placed. Provided, further, that the city reserves the right to grade, sewer, macadamize, pave, construct zanjas, alter or repair all or either of said highways or any part thereof, and to pipe or authorize the piping of the same for water, gas, or other purposes, such work to be done with as little injury as possible to said railroad, but when it shall be neces- sary the owner of said road must shift the rails so as to avoid the ob- struction made thereby. Provided, further, that the rate of fare for the passage of said rail- road shall never exceed ten (10) cents for one (1) fare for any distance along said road. Provided, further, and upon condition that not less than four (4) complete trips shall be made each day during the continuance of this franchise, and the Board of Trustees may regulate the schedule of time and designate the number of trips to be made each day, and if at any time the said road or any portion thereof shall be unused as a street railroad as contemplated by this Ordinance, then this entire franchise shall be forfeited for the whole of said road, if such forfeiture shall be declared by the Board of Trustees, or its successor or successors. The Board of Trustees hereby reserves the right to establish a rate of fare on said road not exceeding ten (10) cents or less than five (5) cents, for one (1) entire single trip along the road of said grantee or its assigns. The Board of Trustees may require tickets for passage on one (1) railway to be accepted on any railway in the City, in which case each railway shall account to each other railway for the tickets of such rail- way that may have been used on each other railway. The owner or owners of this franchise shall pay to the City of Pasadena such license on each car as may be ordained; the rights and privileges hereby granted are granted on each and all the conditions and provisions herein contained and reserved. And if the said grantee, its successors in interest and assigns, shall fail to comply therewith, or with any part thereof, then and in that event all of said rights shall be forfeited and this grant shall be null and void except as herein provided, and that nothing herein contained shall be construed in any manner as granting an exclusive franchise. When the time of this franchise expires if it has not been forfeited the owners thereof shall be entitled to the preference for a renewal thereof if they will accept the same on terms like and equal to the terms ac- cepted by any competitor demanding such franchise. 35 Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Star, a newspaper published weekly in said city. Passed Jan. 16, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 107. An Ordinance Granting a Franchise For a Street Railroad to the Pasa- dena Street Railway Company. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right of way is granted to the Pasadena Street Railroad Company and its assigns to construct, lay down, maintain and operate one single line of iron railroad track and run cars thereon moved by horses, mules, electricity, or by wire ropes running under the streets hereinafter named, and operated by stationary engines run by steam, gas, electricity or water power, such engines to be kept in places appointed by this Board, and to carry passengers thereon for the period of thirty-five years from the date of passage hereof, along the following public highways or streets, to-wit: Beginning on the west line of Raymond Avenue at the intersection with Vineyard Street; thence running west along the centers of Vineyard and Dayton Streets to Pasadena Avenue; thence south along the center of Pasa- dena Avenue to California Street; thence west along the center of California Street to Grand Avenue; and thence along the center of Grand Avenue, following the course of said street in a southwesterly direction to the south line of the Thomas & Wotkyns Tract, with the right to construct the necessary switches, curves, turnouts and side- tracks, it being understood that the center of the street or a line as near thereto as possible is intended. Sec. 2. Provided that no turnout, sidetrack or switch shall be con- structed along said road or permitted to remain except in places designated by this Board. Sec. 3. Provided also and upon condition that the construction of said road saall be commenced within the period of three months from the date of passage hereof, and over the entire distance shall be finally completed, equipped, stocked and in running order within twelve months from the date of passage hereof. It being understood that this franchise and right of way shall be forfeited by the grantee herein or his successors as to all of said road not completed at the expiration of the said twelve months, if any portion of the said road at the expira- tion of the said twelve months shall remain and be unfinished, and all conditions as to time are essential parts of this grant. Sec. 4. Provided, further, that said builder or builders of said road shall plank, pave or macadamize the entire length of said route, along which the said road may be constructed, between the rails, and for two feet on each side thereof, with such materials, at such time, and in such manner as the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, or that body, person, or persons, who may by operation of law succeed to the rights, duties or privileges of the said Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, may determine, and shall keep the same and all portions of the streets, over which any part of said track may be constructed, con- stantly in repair flush with the street and provided with good crossings wherever roads may be made to cross said railroad, and shall in con- struction leave the width of traveled road in good graded condition and keep the same sprinkled and wet down, so as to be well packed and free from dust, and in event of the refusal of the grantee or gran- tees, or successors or assigns to plank, pave or otherwise improve such roadway within the limits above mentioned in the same manner as the other part or parts of the streets used at the time of construction, or as ordered at any time thereafter, the Board of Trustees may con- tract for such work to be done and charge the same against such gran- tee or its assigns, and if the same be not paid within sixty days after the completion of the work, then either the contractor or the City of Pasadena may sue for and recover the amount due in a civil action and enforce the same by execution and sale. Sec. 5. In constructing or repairing said railroad not more than one block shall be obstructed at a time or for a longer period than ten working days, and all excavations and embankments must be so en- 36 closed with fencing as to protect travelers from injury while passing the streets by night, and lighted by lanterns in conformity with the ordinances in such cases made and provided by the City. And no alterations or repairs of such railroad exceeding in cost the sum of twenty-five dollars, or requiring more than twenty-four hours to com- plete, that will in any way impede or obstruct travel upon the streets, shall be made without the consent of the Board of Trustees or other proper authority. Sec. 6. And provided that the track shall not be less than three and one-half nor more than five feet wide between the rails, and there shall be a space between the main track and sidetracks or turnouts sufficient to allow the cars to pass each other freely and without danger; provided, further that all curves made in the construction of this road shall be laid out and designated by the City Surveyor of Pasadena, at the expense of the owner of this franchise; further that the track shall be guarded on each side by a plank at least four inches wide and two inches thick, laid against the rail and flush with the street and with the top of the rail, so as to diminish as much as possi- ble the obstruction to the street in such places as this Board may di- rect; but when flat rails are used, such as in the opinion of this Board do not require such plank guard, then such guard need not be used. Sec. 7. Provided, further, that the laying of said track shall in all cases conform to the established grade whenever any part of said highway has been or shall be graded to an established grade, and in oher cases to the actual grade, and whenever any such grade shall be changed or altered, the bed of the road and tracks shall be made to conform therewith; and provided, also, that whenever this road shall intersect or be intersected by any other track, neither of said inter- secting roads shall occupy or use a track of the other for a distance of more than five blocks unless by order of this Board or its successors as hereinafter stated, and if the owners of such intersecting tracks shall not agree upon, the compensation to be paid to the owner for the use of a track, the same may be determined as provided in Title VII, Part III, of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California, with such amendments thereto as may be made. But the roadway and tracks of the owner or owners of one railroad may be used by the owner or owners of any other railroad with the permission of the Board of Trustees first had and obtained and without judicial proceed- ings, and upon paying a proper proportion of the cost and maintenance of said roadway and track; which property shall be assessed by three disinterested persons as appraisers, to be appointed by the Board of Trustees, and thereafter the cost of alterations, repairs or other neces- sary improvements shall be paid in the same proportion. Sec. 8. Provided, further, that said builder of said road shall pro- vide said railroad with all the proper and necessary flumes and cul- verts for the passage of water under the said track from the lands higher than said track or roadbed are or are required to be, whenever and wherever and in whatever manner said Board of Trustees or its successors shall order said flumes or culverts to be placed. Sec. 9. Provided, further, that the City reserves the right to grade, sewer, macadamize, pave, construct zanjas, alter or repair all or either of said Highways or any part thereof, and to pipe or to authorize the piping of the same for water, gas, or other purposes, such work to be done with as little injury as possible to said railroad, but when it shall be necessary the owner of said road must shift the rails so as to avoid the obstruction made thereby. Sec. 10. Provided, further, that the rate of fare for passengers on said railroad shall never exceed ten cents for one fare for any distance along said road. Sec. 11. Provided, further, and upon condition that not less than four complete trips shall be made each day during the continuance of this franchise, and the Board of Trustees may regulate the schedule of time and designate the number of trips to be made each day; and if at any time the said road or any portion thereof shall be unused as a street railroad as contemplated by this ordinance, then this entire franchise shall be forfeited for the whole of said road, if such forfei- ture shall be declared by the Board of Trustees or its successor or suc- cessors. Sec. 12. The Board of Trustees hereby reserves the right to es- 37 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 107. tablish a rate of fare on said road not exceeding ten cents or less than five cents for one entire single trip along the road of said grantee or its assigns. Sec. 13. The Board of Trustees may require tickets for passage on one railroad to be accepted on any other railroad in the City, in which case each railroad shall account to each other railroad for the tickets that may have been used on such other railroad. The owners of the franchise shall pay to the City of Pasadena such license on each car as may be ordained. The rights and privileges hereby granted are granted on eacn and all of the conditions and pro- visions herein contained and reserved; and if the said grantee, its suc- cessors in interest and assigns shall fail to comply therewith or with any part thereof, then and in that event all of said rights shall be for- feited and this grant shall be null and void except as herein provided; and that nothing herein contained shall be construed in any manner as granting an exclusive franchise. When the time of this franchise ex- pires, if it has not been forfeited, the owners thereof shall be entitled to the preference for a renewal thereof, if thy will accept the same on terms like and equal to the terms accepted by any competitor de- manding such franchise. Sec. 14. The City Clerk shall "certify to the passage of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star, a newspaper published weekly in said city. Passed March 24, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 110. An Ordinance Granting a Continuance of the Franchise For a Street Railroad Along Certain Streets and Other Public Places in the City of Pasadena to G. A. Swartwout and His Assigns. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right of way is hereby granted to G. A. Swart- wout, J. B. Young and C. C. Thompson and their assigns to construct, lay down, maintain and operate one single line of iron street railroad track and run cars thereon moved by horses, mules or wire ropes run- ning under the streets and moved by stationary steam engines and carry passengers thereon for the period of thirty-five years from the date of the passage thereof along the following public highways or streets, viz.: In a direct line west along the Northern part of Colorado Street from the present terminus of the Highland Railroad line built under and by virtue of a franchise granted by ordinance No. 39 of the City of Pasadena to a point of connection with the line to be built by E. C. Webster or his assigns on Raymond Ave. under Ordinance No. 68 of the City of Pasadena and the amendment thereto with the right to connect therewith by the necessary curves and turn tables; also, be- ginning at the present track of the Highland Railroad Company on Broadway at the intersection thereof with Bellevue Drive, thence in a westerly direction on and along Bellevue Drive to the center of Ray- mond Ave. with the right to lay the necessary curves to connect same with the line to be built along said Raymond Avenue under and by vir- tue of ordinance No. 68 and its amendments, and with the line now laid and owned by said Highland Railroad Company on Broadway at the place of beginning. Provided, that no turnout or switch shall be constructed along said road or permitted to remain, except in places designated by this Board. Provided, also, and upon condition that construction of said road shall be commenced within the period of three months from date of passage hereof, and over the entire distance shall be finally com- pleted, equipped, stocked and in running order within twelve months from the date of passage hereof. It being understood that this fran- cnise and right of way shall be forfeited by the grantee herein or their successors as to all of said road not completed at the expiration of the said twelve months, if any portion of the said road at the ex- piration of the said twelve months shall remain and be unfinished; and all conditions as to time are essential parts of this grant. Provided, further, that said builders of said road shall plank, pave or macadamize the entire length of said route along which the said 39 road may be constructed between the rails, and for two feet on each side thereof, with such materials, at such time, and in such manner as the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, or that body, person or persons who may by operation of law succeed to the rights, duties or privileges of the said Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, may determine, and shall keep the same and all portions of the street over which any part of said track may be constructed, constantly in repair, flush with the street and provided with good crossings wher- ever roads may be made to cross said railroad, and shall in construc- tion leave the width of traveled road in good graded condition; and in event of a refusal of the grantees or successors or assigns to plank, pave or otherwise improve such roadway within the limits above men- tioned, in the same manner as the other part or parts of the streets used at the time of construction, or as ordered at any time thereafter, the Board of Trustees may contract with some competent person or persons to so plank, pave, macadamize or improve such roadway and street according to such order, and when finished the cost of the same shall be charged against such grantees or successors or assigns to be paid by them, and the same shall be a first lien upon the franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock of such railway prior to all claims and liens of every kind whatsover; and if the same be not paid within sixty days after the completion of the work, then either the contractor or the City of Pasadena may sue for and recover the amount due in a civil action, and in the event of judgment may levy upon and sell said franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock, to the highest bidder at public sale to satisfy such claim or lien. And in constructing or repairing said railroad not more than the length of one block shall be obstructed at a time or for a longer period than ten working days, and all excavations and embankments must be so enclosed with fencing as to protect travelers from injury while passing the streets by night; and said excavations, embank- ments and fencing enclosing the same must be so lighted by night as to enable travelers and persons using said streets to see and avoid being injured thereby. And no alterations or repairs on such railway exceeding in cost the sum of twenty-five dollars, or requiring more than twenty-four hours to complete, that will in any way impede or obstruct travel upon the streets shall be made without the consent of the Board of Trustees or other proper authority. And provided that the track shall not be less than three and one- half feet nor more than five feet wide between the rails, and there shall be a space between the main track and sidetracks or turnouts sufficient to allow the cars to pass each other freely and without danger; provided further, that all curves made in the construction of this road shall be laid out and designated by the City Surveyor of Pasadena at the expense of the owner of the franchise; further that the track shall be guarded on each side by plank at least four inches wide and two inches thick, laid against the rail, and flush with the street and with the top of the rail, so as to diminish as much as pos- sible the obstruction to the street in such places as this Board may direct; but when flat rails are used, such as in the opinion of this Board do not require such plank guard, then such guard need not be used; and it is hereby provided that such flat rails must be used on that portion of Colorado Street affected by this ordinance. Provided, further, that the laying of said track shall in all cases conform to the established grade whenever any part of said highways has been or shall be graded to an established grade and in other cases to the actual grade and whenever any such grade shall be changed or altered, the bed of the road and the tracks shall be made to conform therewith; and provided, also, that whenever this road shall intersect or be intersected by any other track neither of said intersecting roads shall occupy or use a track of the other for a distance of more than five blocks, unless by order of this Board or its successors as herein- after stated, and if the owners of such intersecting tracks shall not agree upon the compensation to be paid to the owner for the use of a track the same may be determined as provided in Title VII, Part III, of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California, with such amendments thereto as may be made. But the roadway and tracks of the owner or owners of one railway may be used by the owner or owners of any other railroad, with the permission of the Board of 40 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 110. COL-ORADO W CENTER n O I 5T, I O tt (Q Trustees first had and obtained and without judicial proceedings, and upon paying a proper proportion of the cost and maintenance of the said roadway and track, which property shall be assessed by three dis- interested persons as appraisers, to be appointed by the Board of Trustees, and thereafter the cost of alterations, repairs or other necessary improvements shall be paid in the same proportion. Provided, further, that said builders of said road shall provide said railroad with all the proper and necessary flumes and culverts for the passage of water under the said track from the lands higher than said track or roadbed are or are required to be, whenever or wherever and in whatever manner said Board of Trustees or its successors shall order said flumes or culverts to be placed. Provided, further, that the city reserves the right to grade, sewer, macadamize, pave, construct zanjas, alter or repair all or either of said highways or any part thereof and to pipe or to authorize the piping of the same for water, gas or other purpose, such work to be done with as little injury as possible to said railroad, but when it shall be neces- sary the owner of said road must shift the rails so as to avoid the obstruction made thereby. Provided, futrher, that the rate of fare for passengers on said railroad shall never exceed ten cents for one fare, for any distance along said road. Provided, further, and upon condition that not less than four com- plete trips shall be made each day during the continuance of this fran- chise, and the Board of Trustees may regulate the schedule of time and designate the number of trips to be made each day; and if at any time the said road or any portion thereof shall be unused as a street railroad as contemplated by this ordinance, then this entire franchise shall be forfeited for the whole of said road if such forfeiture shall be declared by the Board of Trustees, or its successor or successors. The Board of Trustees hereby reserves the right to establish a rate of fare on said road not exceeding ten cents or less than five cents for one entire single trip along the road of said grantee or their as- signs. The Board of Trustees may require tickets for passage on one rail- way to be accepted on any railway in the City, in which case each rail- way shall account to each other railway for the tickets of such railway that may have been used on such other railway. The owner or owners of this franchise shall pay to the City of Pasadena such license on each car as may be ordained. The rights and privileges hereby granted are granted on each and all of the condi- tions and provisions herein contained and reserved. And if the said grantee, their successors in interest, and assigns shall fail to comply therewith, or with any part hereof, then and in that event all of said rights shall be forfeited and this grant shall be null and void except as herein provided; and that nothing herein con- tained shall be construed in any manner as granting an exclusive franchise. When the time of this franchise expires, if it has not been for- feited, the owners thereof shall be entitled to the preference for a re- newal thereof if they will accept the same on terms like and equal to the terms accepted by any competitor demanding such franchise. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published in the Pasadena Star, a newspaper published weekly in said City. Passed April 11, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 114. AN Ordinance Granting a Franchise to a Street Railroad to the Pasa- dena Street Railroad Company, a Corporation, and Its Assigns. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That the right of way is hereby granted to the Pasa- dena Street Railroad Company, a corporation duly organized under the Laws of the State of California, and its assigns, to construct, lay down, maintain and operate one single line of iron street railroad track and run cars thereon moved by horses, mules or wire ropes running under the street and moved by stationary engines, and carry passen- 42 gers thereon for the period of thirty-five years from the date of the pas- sage of this ordinance along the following public highways and streets, viz.: Commencing at a point 500 feet north of Chestnut Street in the center line of Summit Avenue for a starting point, thence North along the center line of said Summit Avenue to Villa Street, thence East along the center line of Villa Street to Marengo Avenue, thence North along the center line of Marengo Avenue to Illinois Street, thence East along the center line of Illinois Street to Moline Avenue. Provided that no turnout or switch shall be constructed along said road or be permitted to remain except in places designated by this Board. Provided, also, and upon condition that the construction of this road shall be commenced within the period of one month from the date of passage hereof and over the entire distance, shall be finally com- pleted, equipped, stocked and in running order within two months from date of passage hereof. It being understood that this franchise and right of way shall be forfeited by the grantees herein or their successors as to all of said road not completed at the expiration of said two months; if any por- tion of .the said road at the expiration of the said two months shall be unfinished; and all conditions as to time are essential parts of this grant. Provided, further, that the builders of said road shall plank, pave or macadamize the entire length of said route along which the road may be constructed between the rails and for two feet on each side thereof with such materials, at such time and in such manner as the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena or that body, person or per- sons who may by operation of law succeed to the rights, duties or priv- ileges of the said Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, may de- termine, and shall keep the same and all portions of the street over which any part of said track may be constructed constantly in repair flush with the street and provided with good crossings wherever roads may be made to cross said railroad, and shall in construction leave the width of traveled road in good graded condition; and in the event of a refusal of the grantees or successors or assigns to plank, pave or other- wise improve such roadway within the limits above mentioned, in the same manner as the other part or parts of the streets used at the time of construction or as ordered at any time therafter, the Board of Trus- tees may contract with some competent person or persons to so plank, pave or macadamize or improve such roadway according to such order and when finihsed the cost of the same shall be charged against such grantees or successors or assigns, to be paid by them, and the same shall be a first lien upon the franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock of such railway prior to all claims and liens of every kind what- soever; and if the same be not paid within sixty days after the com- pletion of the work, then either the contractor or the City of Pasadena may sue for and recover the amount due in a civil action and in the event of a judgment may levy upon and sell said franchise, tracks, roadway and rolling stock to the highest bidder at public sale to sat- isfy such claim or lien. And in constructing or repairing said railroad not more than the length of one block shall be obstructed at a time or for a longer period than ten working days, and all excavations and embankments must be so enclosed with fencing so as to protect travelers from injury while passing the streets by night; and said excavations, embankments and fencing enclosing the same must be so lighted by night as to enable travelers and persons using our streets to see and avoid being injured thereby. And no alterations or repairs on said railway exceeding in cost the sum of $25.00 or requiring more than twenty-four hours to complete will in any way impede or obstruct travel upon the streets shall be made without the consent of the Board of Trustees or other proper authority. And provided that the track shall not be less than three and one-half feet or more than five feet wide between the rails, and there shall be space between the main track and side tracks or turnouts sufficient to allow the cars to pass each other freely and with- out danger; Provided further, that all curves made in the construc- tion of the road shall be laid out and designated by the City Engineer at the expense of the owner of the franchise; Further that the track shall be guarded on each side by pank at least four inches wide and 43 two inches thick laid against the rails and flush with the street and top of the rail so as to diminish as much as possible the obstruction of the street in such places as this Board may direct. But when flat rails are used, such as in the opinion of the Board do not require such plank guard, and it is hereby provided that such flat rails must be used on that portion of Colorado Street affected by this ordinance. Provided, further, that the laying of said track shall in all cases conform to the established grade whenever any part of said highway has been or shall be graded to an established grade, and in other cases to the actual grade, and whenever any such grade shall be changed or altered, the bed of the road and the tracks shall be made to conform therewith; And provided also that whenever this road shall intersect or be intersected by any other track, neither of said intersecting roads shall occupy or use a track of the other for a distance of more than five blocks unless by order of this Board or its successors as herein- after stated, and if the owners of such intersecting tracks shall not agree upon the compensation to be paid to the owner for the use of a track the same may be determined as provided in Title VII, Part III, of the Civil Procedure of the State of California with such amend- ments thereto as may be made. But the roadway and tracks of the owner or owners of any other railroad with the permission of the Board of Trustees first had and ob- tained and without judicial proceedings and upon paying a proportion of the cost and maintenance of the said roadway and tracks, which property shall be assessed by three disinterested persons as appraisers, to be appointed by the Board of Trustees, and thereafter the cost of alterations, repairs and other necessary improvements shall be paid in the same proportion. Provided further that said builders of said road shall provide said railroad with all proper and necessary flumes and culverts for the passage of water under the said track from the lands higher than said track or roadbed are or are required to be wherever or whenever and in whatever manner said Board of Trustees or its suc- cessors shall order said flumes or culverts to be placed. Provided, further, that the city reserves the right to grade, sewer, macadamize, pave, construct zanjas, alter or repair all or either of said highways or any part thereof and to pipe or authorize the piping of the same for water, gas or other purpose, such work to be done with as little injury as possible to said railroad, but when it must be neces- sary the owner of said road must shift the rails so as to avoid the ob- struction made thereby. Provided, further, that the rate of fare for passengers on said rail- road shall never exceed ten cents for one fare for any distance along said road. Provided, further, that and upon condition that not less than four complete trips shall be made each day during the continuance of this franchise, and the Board of Trustees may regulate the schedule of time and designate the number of trips each day, and if at any time the said road or any portion thereof shall be unused as a street rail- road as contemplated by this ordinance, then this entire franchise shall be forfeited for the whole of said road, if such forfeiture shall be declared by the Board of Trustees or its successor or successors. The Board of Trustees hereby reserves the right to establish a rate of fare on said railroad not exceeding ten cents or less than five cents for one entire single trip along the road of said grantees or their assigns. The Board of Trustees may require tickets for passengers on one railway to be accepted on any railway in the city, in which case each railway shall account to each other railway for the tickets of such railway that may have been used on such other railway. The owner or owners of this franchise shall pay to the City of Pasadena such license as may be ordained. The rights and privileges hereby granted are granted on each and all of the conditions and provisions herein contained and preserved. And if the said grantees, their successors in interest and assigns, shall fail to comply therein or with any part therof, then in that event all of said rights shall be forfeited and this grant shall be null and void, except as herein provided, and that nothing herein contained shall be construed in any manner as granting an exclusive franchise. When the time of this franchise expires if it has not been forfeited 44 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 114. ft $ AST K| I < j ORANGE : | GROVE LAVE w. the owners thereof shall be entitled to the preference of a renewal therof, if they will accept the same on terms like and equal to the terms accepted by any competitor demanding such franchise. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Star, a newspaper published in said city. Passed and approved May 22nd, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 155. An Ordinance Granting a Franchise For a Steam Railroad to Los An- geles, Pasadena and Glendale Railway Company. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right-of-way is granted to Los Angeles, Pasa- dena and Glendale Railway Company to construct, lay down, maintain and operate a single or double line of railroad track and run cars moved thereon by the use of the steam motor power under such re- strictions as the Board of Trustees may from time to time hereafter determine, and to carry passengers and freight on said line so con- structed for a period of thirty-five years from the date of the passage hereof, along the following property-to-wit : Description of Route No. 2 of the Los Angeles, Pasadena and Glen- dale Railroad, through the City of Pasadena, "Indicated in map in green lines." Beginning at a point on the south line of East Columbia Street, the same being the southern limit of the City of Pasadena, 26.55 feet east of the northeast corner of Raymond's Brick Block and being station 266 -|- 61 of the survey of the Los Angeles, Pasadena and Glen- dale Railroad and running thence as follows: From Sta. 266 -|- 61 by a curve to the right of 1432.7 feet radius 70.86 feet to the north line of East Columbia Street (Sta. 267 - - 31.86) at a point 108.6 feet west of the intersection of the north line of East Columbia Street with the west line of Fair Oaks Avenue. Thence by same curve 58.64 feet (Sta. 267 -j- 90.5) to a point in street given by W. Thompson to the Fair Oaks Avenue Street Car Co. 12.5 feet from the east side of same. Thence by tangent (course N. 2 18' E. Mag.) parallel with and 12.5 feet from the east side of said street 129.5 feet to a point (Sta. 269 -|-20). Thence by a curve to the right of 637.3 feet radius crossing Fair Oaks Avenue 187.50 feet to a point on the present east line of Fair Oaks Avenue; said point being 21.53 feet north of the intersection of the right-of-way of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. Thence by same curve to right 695.2 feet to a point (Sta. 271 -I- 77.03). Thence by tangent parallel with and 9 feet from the north line of the right-of-way of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. 91.16 feet to a point, being Station 273 -\- 17.57, being the beginning of the curve to the left as described in description of Route No. 1. From this point the description is the same as Route No. 1. Thence by curve to the left of radius (287.9) feet 235.25 feet to Sta. 275 -|- 52.82. Thence by tangent (course N. 14 43' W. Mag.) 100.48 feet to the south line of Wallis Street 206.5 feet from the present east line of Fair Oaks Avenue (Sta. 276 -|- 53.30). Thence by same tangent 50 feet to the north line of Wallis Street (Sta. 277 -[- 03.3). Thence by same tangent through lots 25 and 8 of G. E. Smith's Subdivision, 389.5 feet to the south line of Glenarm Street (Sta. 280 -|- 92.80). Thence by same tangent 50 feet to the north line of Glenarm Street (Sta. 281 -j- 42.80). Thence by same tangent in the cetner of a 15-foot alley in the Mills Tract 1295.0 feet to the end of the alley at north line of said tract (Sta. 294 -j- 37.80). Thence by a curve to the left of 273.7 feet radius, through the lands of Mrs. Hannaford, 84.64 feet to a point (Sta. 295 -[- 22.44). 4 Thence by a curve to the right of 573.7 feet radius 84.64. feet to a point (Sta. 296 -|- 07.10). Thence by tangent (course N. 14 43' W. Mag.) 28.7 feet to the south line of T. Banbury's Subdivision. Thence by same tangent through lots 1 and 2 of said subdivision 132.0 feet to the north line of same (Sta. 297 -|- 67.80). Thence by same tangent through lot 8 of the Central Tract 75 feet to the north line of said lot 8 (Sta. 298 -|- 42.80). Thence by same tangent through the center of a 20-foot alley 225 feet to the south line of Central Street (Sta. 300 -[- 67.80). Thence by same tangent 60 feet to the north line of Central Street (Sta. 301 -|- 27.80). Thence by same tangent in center of 20-foot alley in Central Tract 605.0 feet to the south line of San Pasqual Street (Sta. 307 -|- 32.80). Thence by same tangent 50 feet to the north line of San Pasqual Street (Sta. 307 -|- 82.80). Thence by same tangent in center of alley 251.08 feet to a point (Sta. 310 -j- 33.88). Thence by curve to right of 383.1 feet radius 53.93 feet to the south line of California Street (Sta. 310 -j- 87.80). Thence by same curve 15.20 feet to a point (Sta. 311 -j- 03 P. R. C.). Thence by a curve to the left of '383.1 feet radius, 45 feet to the north line of California Street (Sta. 311 -j- 48). Thence by same curve 24.12 feet to a point in center of alley in Banbury's Subdivision. Sta. 311 -j- 72.10). Thence by tangent (course N. 14 43' W. Mag.) in center of alley in Banbury and Julia E. Ward's Subdivisions 848.5 feet to the south line of Bellevue Drive (Sta. 320 -|- 20.60). Thence by same tangent 70.0 feet to the north line of Bellevue Drive (Sta. 320 -|- 90.60). Thence by same tangent in center of 15-foot alley in the Julia E. Ward Homestead Tract 363.60 feet to the north line of same. Thence by same tangent in center of 25-foot alley in the Glendale Tract 370.0 feet to the south line of Glendale Street (Sta. 328 -I- 24.20). Thence by same tangent 50 feet to the north line of Glendale Street (Sta. 328 -j- 74.20). Thence by same tangent in the center of alley in the Glendale Tract, the Wood and Banbury Subdivision and the Williams Home Tract 950 feet to the north line of the Williams Home Tract and the south line of an alley (Sta. 337 -|- 74.20). Thence by same tangent 10 feet to the north line of said alley (Sta. 337 - r 84.20). Thence by same tangent through lot 31 of P. G. Wooster's Sub- division 130 feet to the south line of Vineyard Street (Sta. 339 -|- 14.20). Thence by same tangent 50 feet to the north line of Vineyard Street (Sta. 339 -j- 64.20 feet). Thence by same tangent across the lands of P. G. Wooster 260 feet to a point; the same being a point 40 feet south of the south line of Kansas Street (Sta. 342 -|- 24.20 feet). The width of the right-of-way over all lands herein mentioned is to be 20 feet. Together with the right to construct the necessary switches, curves, turnouts and side-tracks. Provided, further, that no turnout or switch shall be constructed along said road or permitted to remain where the same will conflict with the street crossing. A map of the said road showing in detail the curves and courses above described shall be filed with the City Clerk. Wherever and whenever in this franchise the City of Pasadena has granted a right-of-way for the said railroad it is understood and agreed that the same shall not be construed as affecting any property other than that in which the city has the fee or an easement sufficient to justify such grant of a right-of-way. In all other cases the franchise here granted is to be operative only in so far as expressing a willingness to allow said road the use of the said land upon their acquiring a legal right so to do whether by con- demnation, grant or purchase or otherwise from the owners of the fee thereof. The city reserves the right to hereafter regulate the speed of the trains when passing through the corporate limits, and to pass ordi- 47 nances relative to the rights of switches and the proper abatement of smoke nuisance and the noises ensuing from the escape of steam and like matters, as far as the best police powers of the city require. Provided, also, and upon condition that the construction of said road from its northern terminal point in the City of Pasadena aforesaid shall be commenced within a period of Sixty days from the date of the passage thereof, and shall be equipped and in running order, and shall run so as to carry passengers from its northern depot terminal in Pasa- dena aforesaid to its terminal depot in the City of Los Angeles over the entire distance, and shall be finally completed, equipped stocked and in running order and so shall run within five months from the date of the passage hereof; it being understood that this franchise and the right-of-way shall be forfeited by the grantee herein or its successors, at the option of the Board of Trustees, if any portion of the said road at the expiration of the said five months shall remain and be unfin- ished, unless the delay is caused by the unavoidable failure in the de- livery of the necessary road supplies; and all conditions as to time now and hereafter mentioned are essential parts of this grant. Provided, however, that in case the said Los Angeles, Pasadena and Glendale Company is prevented from the construction of the road by injunction proceedings, the time lost by such delay shall not be in- cluded in the aforesaid time specified, if the said Los Angeles, Pasa- dena and Glendale Railway Company shall use all due diligence, and shall take the necessary and proper proceedings to remove the said injunction. Provided, further, that the said Los Angeles, Pasadena and Glen- dale Railway Company shall pay to the City of Pasadena any and all damages arising to the City of Pasadena, or which may be assessed against it arising from or in any way growing out of the granting of this franchise to the said Los Angeles, Pasadena and Glendale Railway Company. And provided, further, that the said Los Angeles, Pasadena and Glendale Railway Company shall construct and maintain good and con- venient crossings and sidewalks upon such grade or grades at the in- tersection of the streets as may be from time to time required by the Board of Trustees, as well as flagmen, cattle-guards, culverts and warning tables across the track and grounds at the intersection of all streets now existing, or which may hereafter be authorized or opened by the Board of Trustees, and shall comply with and be subject to all laws and ordinances of the said City of Pasadena now in force, or which may hereafter be adopted. It is further provided that wherever the words "Board of Trus- tees" shall be used in this grant, it shall apply to such persons or body incorporate as may succeed to the rights and privileges of the said Board of Trustees. This ordinance shall not take effect or be in force until after the said Los Angeles, Pasadena and Glendale Railway Company shall have entered into a bond to the City of Pasadena in the penal sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars, Gold Coin of the United States of America, conditioned for the payment of all damages arising to the City of Pasadena, or which may be assessed, against it arising from or in any way growing out of the granting of this franchise, and the further and proper fulfillment of all the conditions imposed upon the said Los Angeles, Pasadena and Glendale Railway Company, in the constructing, maintaining and operating of said road as hereinafter and heretofore specified in this ordinance. And provided, further, that the said Los Angeles, Pasadena and Glendale Railway Company shall provide the said railroad with all proper and necessary flumes and culverts for the passage of water under the said track or roadbed is or is required to be, whenever and wherever and in whatever manner the said Board of Trustees or its successors shall order said flumes or culverts to be placed. Provided, further, that the City reserves the right to grade, sewer, macadamize, pave, construct zanjas, alter or repair all or any portion of said tract of land or any part thereof, and to pipe and authorize the piping of the same for water, gas, or other purposes; such work to be done with as little injury as possible to the said railroad. Provided, further, that the rate of fare for passengers on said rail- road shall never exceed the price of Thirty-five Cents for a round trip 48 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 155. GREECE I CENTER^ y! CALIFORNIA GLENARM COLUMBIA ST 40 IBTREET "STREET W. between its northern terminus in Pasadena and the business center of the City of Los Angeles, and for a single trip the sum of Twenty Cents per single fare in either direction between its terminal depots in Pasadena and Los Angeles. And provided, further, and upon condition that not less than Twelve passenger trains shall be run each way each day daily be- tween the City of Pasadena and the City of Los Angeles during the continuance of this franchise; provided, however, that two of said trains shall be run each day after 6:00 p. m., and provided neverthe- less that if the consent is first obtained from the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, the number of trains may be reduced each day to such number as the Board of Trustees may deem justifiable under the facts as presented and warranting a reduction in the number of trains required to be run. Provided, further, that if for two days, the act of God and un- avoidable delays excepted, the said road or any portion thereof shall be unused, as the same is required to be by this franchise between the aforesaid City of Pasadena and the City of Los Angeles, then this entire franchise for the tract of land heretofore described shall be wholly void, if such forfeiture shall be so declared by the Board of Trustees or its successor or successors aforesaid. The owners of this franchise shall pay to the City of Pasadena such license on each car and engine as may be ordained hereafter; and the rights and privileges hereby granted are granted on each and all of the conditions and provisions herein contained and reserved. And if the said grantee, its successors in interest or assigns shall fail to comply therewith, or with any part thereof, then and in that event all of said rights shall be forfeited, and this grant shall be null and void, except as herein provided; and that nothing herein contained shall be- construed as in any way granting an exclusive franchise. Provided, further, that if the said alley shall at any time be here- after widened to a uniform width of forty feet without expense to the Los Angeles, Pasadena and Glendale Railway Company, by any person or corporation, then the City of Pasadena reserves the right to require- the said Railroad Company, their successors and assigns to move their track to and occupy only, the west 20 feet of such widened alley; and surrender the east 20 feet so vacated to the City of Pasadena without expense to the City of Pasadena; and the City of Pasadena further reserves the right to permit the building of another Railroad along the east side of such widened alley, so to be vacated by the said Railway Company. When the time of this franchise expires, if it has not been for- feited, the owner shall be entitled to the preference for a renewal there- of, if thy will accept the same on terms like and equal to the terms ac- cepted by any competitors demanding such franchise. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Union, a newspaper published in said City of Pasadena. Passed and approved June 29th, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 175. An Ordinance Granting a Franchise to the Pasadena Electric Light and Power Co. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the Pasadena Electric Light & Power Co., its successors and assigns, be, and it is hereby granted the right to erect and maintain poles upon, and to run wires and to carry thereon lamps, over and along the streets and alleys within the limits of said City of Pasadena, for the purpose of operating an Electric Light & Power plant, for the term of thirty years from and after the date of passage and approval of this ordinance, subject to and dependent upon the pro- visions, conditions and limitations contained in Sections 2 and 3 of this ordinance. Sec. 2. Provided that such poles, so erected and to be erected, shall be placed fifty yards apart, unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Trustees, or other legislative body of said city, and shall in all cases set inside of and be flush with the curb where streets are 50 curbed, unless otherwise ordered, and said Company shall keep the sidewalks and streets in repair within a radius of three feet of any and all poles belonging to and placed by said Company, and on all other streets and alleys at such points as may be ordered by the Board of Trustees, or other legislative body of said city; and provided that all said poles, wires and lamps shall be located wherever and such loca- tion shall be changed whenever and as often and to whatsoever place or places said Board of Trustees, or other legislative body shall order; this right to be exercised equitably and with reasonable regard to the rights of said corporation; and provided, that the said city reserves the right to use any or all of said poles for the purpose of placing and carrying thereon wires and boxes for a fire alarm system for said city, free of any charge therefor; and provided, further, that all of said poles shall be neat in appearance and shall be painted, and any or all of said wires shall be covered and insulated; and that said city re- serves the right to cut any of said wires, for not over twelve hours at a time, repairing the same free of expense to said Pasadena Electric Light & Power Co., its successors or assigns, whenever required by public convenience or private necessity; and provided, further, that said electric light plant shall be in working order within one year from and after the passage of this ordinance, and that it shall not cease operations for more than fifteen days at any one time, unavoidable ac- cidents and delays excepted, during the term of this franchise. Sec. 3. Provided that said Pasadena Electric Light & Power Co., its successors or assigns, shall pay into the City Treasury of said city such license fee as may be now or hereafter in force, or required by said city, for the privilege of carrying on said business ; and further, provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as granting an exclusive franchise or creating a monopoly of said business in said city. Sec. 4. This franchise is granted upon each and every condition and provision herein contained; and upon the failure or refusal of said Pasadena Electric Light & Power Co., its successors or assigns, to comply with any one or more thereof, or with any law or ordinance of said City of Pasadena now or which may hereafter be in force, then and in that event all of the rights granted by this franchise shall be forfeited, and this franchise shall at once be null and void; and this franchise shall not take effect unless the said Pasadena Electric Light & Power Co., shall, within twenty days from and after the passage of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk a written acceptance of this franchise and all its terms and conditions. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once, in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star and Daily Union, a newspaper published in said city. Passed and approved the 12th day of July, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 187. An Ordinance Granting to the Western Union Telegraph Company the Right to Place and Maintain Its Poles and Lines in the Street, Alleys and Public Ways of the City of Pasadena, State of Califor- nia, on the Terms and Conditions Herein Stated. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, State of California, that the Western Union Telegraph Com- pany, its successors and assigns, are authorized to erect and maintain on the streets, alleys and public ways of said city the poles and fixtures and wires necessary for the purpose of supplying the citizens of said city and the public, communication by telegraph or other improved electrical device, such use to be and continue upon the terms and con- ditions hereinafter stated. Sec. 2. The location of the poles and lines now in vise, is hereby approved; and the location of all poles and lines hereafter to be erected, and any change in the location of the poles and lines now in use, or extensions thereof, shall be under the direction and control of the Board of Trustees of said city. Reserving to said Board of Trus- tees the power to cause any necessary change in the location thereof at -any time not destructive to the rights herein granted. Sec. 3. Said poles and wires shall be placed and maintained so 51 as not to interfere with travel on said highways, and said Company shall hold said city free and harmless from all damages arising by reason of any abuse of said occupancy. This grant is made, and is to be enjoyed, subject to such reasonable regulation and ordinances of a public nature, as said Board of Trustees of said city is authorized and sees proper at any time to adopt, not destructive to the rights herein granted. Sec. 4. The right of use herein given shall not be exclusive, and the Board of Trustees of said city reserves the power to grant a like right of way to any other Telegraph Company; the same, however, not to interfere with the reasonable and proper exercise of the privileges herein granted. Sec. 5. In consideration whereof, said Western Union Telegraph Company shall, and by the acceptance of this ordinance does, agree to allow the Board of Trustees of said city to attach at any time to the top cross-arm of any of said poles, where practicable, the city fire- alarm and police wires, and said poles are hereby made a municipal instrumentality for that purpose; provided, however, said attachment shall be so made as not to interfere with said Company's use, and said attachment shall be made and maintained under the direction of said Company's Manager in said City of Pasadena. The said Company shall and will furnish for the said city the use of its poles for the attachment thereto of its fire-alarm boxes, without charge to said city. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect on and after its passage and the filing by said Company of unconditional acceptance thereof in the office of the Clerk of said City of Pasadena. Sec. 7. That whenever said Company ceases to operate a tele- graph line in said City of Pasadena and ceases to use the said poles and lines herein provided for, in the operation of its line of telegraph, then said Company shall remove said lines and poles from the streets and alleys of said city within sixty days from date that said Company so ceases to use and operate said lines. Sec. 8. All ordinances and parts of ordinances, orders and reso- lutions upon the subject of telegraph poles, wires, etc., of previous date, in so far as the same relates to the Western Union Telegraph Company, are hereby repealed and annulled. Sec. 9. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish said ordi- nance once in the Pasadena Daily Star, a newspaper published and cir- culated daily in said city and thereupon and thereafter this ordinance shall be in full force and effect. Passed and approved the 10th day of August, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 188. An Ordinance Granting to the Pasadena Street Railroad Company the Right to Construct a New, Change or Alter Their Street Railroad Track Within the Limits of Said City of Pasadena on the Streets Where the Said Track Is Now Located and a Franchise Upon Cer- tain Other Streets in Said City to Construct and Maintain a Street Railway, and to Operate the Whole Thereof by Electric Power. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to the Pasadena Street Railroad Company, (A Corporation) its successors and assigns, the right to construct and maintain for the period of Forty-four years from the 10th day of October, 1891, a single or double track street Rail- road, to be operated with electric power, over and along certain streets in the City of Pasadena hereinafter named, together with the right to make any and all necessary changes and alterations in the track now owned and operated by it in said City, and also the right to construct and maintain a single or double track for said purpose upon the streets hereinafter named in said City upon which it has not any track, to- gether with the right to construct all switches, turnouts, power-houses and all appliances, structures and attachments necessary for the effec- tive operation of said Street Railroad. Provided that said road shall at all times be constructed, maintained and operated in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. The Streets and parts of Streets 52 over which the right of way, and privileges herein enumerated are granted, are particularly described as follows, to-wit: Commencing on the South line of Columbia Street in said City, at a point which is near the center of the Street known as Orange Grove or Sylvan Avenue in South Pasadena, and at the junction of said Orange Grove or Sylvan Avenue in South Pasadena, with the South line of Columbia Street in City of Pasadena; thence Easterly and Northerly on a proper curve to a point near the center of Columbia Street; thence Easterly along or near the center line of Columbia Street to the junction of Columbia Street with Fair Oaks Avenue as originally laid out; thence North on Fair Oaks Avenue to Chestnut Street; thence East on Chestnut Street to Summit Avenue; thence North on Summit Avenue to Villa Street; thence East on Villa Street to Marengo Avenue; thence North on Marengo Avenue to Illinois Street; thence East on Illinois Street to Moline Avenue, a distance of about 3% miles. Together with the right to make all necessary curves, switches, turnouts and proper connections at the intersections of streets. Said tracks shall be laid as nearly as possible in the center of the streets, and if double track, shall be laid and maintained as near each other as proper regard for safety will allow. Sec. 2. Said Railroad shall be -constructed of the best material, such as is used in first-class roads, and shall be kept constantly in repair, flush with the streets, and said Pasadena Street Railroad Com- pany, its successors and assigns shall plank, pave, or macadamize the entire length of the street used by its tracks between the rails, and for two feet on each side thereof, and between the tracks, if there be more than one, whenever ordered by the Board of Trustees or other Legislative body of said City, and shall be kept constantly in repair, flush with the street, and with good and suitable crossings. Said tracks shall not be more than five feet wide within the rails, and the road-bed thereof shall conform at all times to the established official grade of said streets. All repairs shall be made to the satisfaction of the Super- intendent of Streets of said City. And said grantee and its successors and assigns shall construct all necesary ways, or conduits for the passage of water under the tracks of said Railroad where the same naturally flows, and it is understood that said grantee, its successors and assigns shall have the right to excavate and remove portions of the streets necessary to cross tracks properly; and said City expressly reserves the right to, at any time grade, pave, and macadamize or sewer any part of said streets, or to lay gas, water, or other pipes therein; said rights to be exercised in a way which will injure said Railroad as little as possible. And provided and upon the express condition that the said The Pasadena Street Railroad Company, its successors and assigns shall have the right to construct, at its own expense and at such a place and of such a character as may be decided by the Board of Trustees or other Legislative body of said City, bridges for the use of its road and cars over what is known commonly as the "Raymond Cut," being the cut made by the Railroads at the East end of Columbia Street and the South end of Fair Oaks Avenue near the crossing of said streets as originally laid out. Or that said Company may make such pro- visions as it is able with the Railroad Compainies whose duty it is to construct and maintain bridges at said points whereby they may join in the construction and maintenance of proper bridges, reserving always the right to the Board of Trustees or other Legislative body of said City to determine what amount of roadway on said bridges shall be necessary for the exclusive use of the general traveling public; and the said Pasadena Street Railroad Company, its successors and as- signs, will be given every reasonable privilege to use whatever portion of the balance of said bridge that may be necessary for its purpose, it being distinctly understood that such a grant shall be in no sense ex- clusive or in any way tending to compel the City or the Railroad Com- panies operating in said cut to furnish bridges for said Street Railroad Company. And provided further, that the said City reserves the right to levy an annual license upon the cars of said Company. And provided further, that the said City reserves the right to impose such terms, restrictions and limitations, as to the use of streets and as to the construction and mode of operating said road as may by 53 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 188. EA5rJ I ORA.{NGE| I GROVE I LAVE. the Board of Trustees or other Legislative body of said city, at any time be deemed for the public safety and welfare. And provided further, that said road shall never be used for any other purpose than that of ordinary passenger traffic. . And provided further, that by the acceptance of this franchise, the grantee agrees to comply with and be subject to any and all laws and ordinances of said City of Pasadena now in force or which may hereafter be adopted. Sec. 3. That the rate of fare for any distance along said road or its branches, one way, shall not exceed five cents for one passenger within the corporate limits of said City of Pasadena, and that persons under eighteen years of age who attend the public schools of said City shall be required to pay but half fare, provided said pupils shall pur- chase their tickets in quantities of at least one dollar's worth at a time; such tickets shall be available only between the hours of 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. in actual passage to and from school; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall sell such tickets whenever requested to do so by a pupil who shall present a certificate from a teacher, ap- proved by the Principal of said City School, that said- person is a pupil of said school. Sec. 4. The rights and privileges herein contained are hereby granted upon the express condition 'that work upon said road shall be commenced within one year, and the said Railroad shall be com- pleted and in operation within two years from the date of the passage of this ordinance. And if said road be not completed and in operation within two years from said time, then this franchise shall be forfeited as to the portion thereof which is at said time uncompleted; and in case any portion of said road be unused for the period of thirty days after the completion of said road, then the franchise covering that por- tion so unused shall be forfeited. But it is expressly declared and understood that no failure on the part of the said grantee, its succes- sors or assigns, to construct, maintain or operate said road or* any por- tion thereof by electric power shall work a forfeiture or in any man- ner impair the right of said grantee, its successors or assigns to still maintain and operate the same or any portion therof, under its present franchise with horse or mule power. Sec. 5. This franchise is granted upon the conditions expressly set forth therein, and any failure to comply with the conditions shall operate as a forfeiture of said franchise. Sec. 6. Within ten days after the date of the passage of this Ordinance, the said Pasadena Street Railroad Company, its successors or assigns, shall file with the Clerk of the said City of Pasadena a writ- ten acceptance of all the said terms and conditions of this Ordinance. Sec. 7. The Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance, and shall cause the same to be published one time in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in full force. Passed and approved the 26th day of September, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 191. An Ordinance Granting to George H. Rogers and His Assigns, a Fran- chise For An Electric Street Railroad Through Certain Streets of the City of Pasadena. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to George H. Rogers and his assigns, the right to construct, operate and maintain Railroad tracks through and over and along certain streets and public highways hereinafter named; and to propel cars upon such tracks, by use of electricity. Said right is granted for the term of Fifty years from the date of the passage of this Ordinance. Said right is granted, subject to all of the provisions and restrictions herein contained. Sec. 2. The right is hereby granted to construct, operate and maintain, either a single track, or double track Street Railroad, either in whole, or in part along the streets hereinafter named, including the right to construct all switches, turn-outs, power-houses, and all appli- ances, structures and attachments necessary for the effective operation of said Street Railroad, by electricity. Said track shall be laid as 55 nearly as possible in the center of the streets through which they run, and if the tracks be double, they shall be laid and maintained as near each other as proper regard for safety will allow. Sec. 3. Said Railroad shall be constructed of the best material such as is used in first-class roads operated by like power, and the City of Pasadena hereby reserves the right to compel by ordinance, the adoption and use of said Railroad of the best and latest improvements and inventions for the operation of Street Railroads by electricity, at any time the same may be deemed necessary by the Board of Trustees or other Legislative body of said city. Said Railroad shall be kept constantly in repair, flush with the streets, and with good crossings, and the said grantee and his assigns shall plank, pave, or macadamize the entire length of the street used by the tracks of said Railroad, be- tween the rails and for two feet on each side thereof, and between the tracks, if there be more than one, whenever ordered by the Board of Trustees, or other Legislative body of said city. Said tracks shall not be more than five feet wide within the rails, and in case of double track, there must be a space between said tracks sufficient to allow the cars to pass each other freely. The road-bed of said tracks shall conform at all times to the established official grade of said streets.- All repairs shall be made under the direction, and to the satisfac- tion of the Superintendent of Streets of said city. And said grantee and his assigns, shall construct all necessary ways or conduits for the passage of water under the tracks of said Railroad, where the same naturally flows, or otherwise, if ordered by said city, through its proper officers. Said grantee and his assigns shall have the right to excavate and remove portions of the streets where necessary to cross tracks prop- erly. Said city expressly reserves the right to at any time grade, pave, and macadamize or sewer, any part of the streets through which said tracks run, or to lay gas, water, or other pipes therein. Sec. *4. And provided, that the said city reserves the right to levy an annual license upon the cars used on said Railroad And provided, futher, that the said city reserves the right to im- pose such terms, restrictions and limitations as to the use of streets, and as to the construction and mode of operating said Railroad, as may by the Board of Trustees or other Legislative body of said city at any time be deemed for the public safety and welfare. And provided, further, that said road shall never be used for any other purpose than that of ordinary passenger traffic. And provided, further, that by the acceptance of this franchise, the grantee and his assigns agree to comply with, and be subject to any and all laws and ordinances of said City of Pasadena, now in force, or which may hereafter be adopted. Sec. 5. And provided, further, that the rate of fare for any dis- tance along said road or any of its branches, one way, shall not exceed five cents for one passenger, within the corporate limits of said City of Pasadena; and that all children attending the public schools of said city, shall be required to pay but one-half fare, provided said pupils purchase their tickets in quantities of at least one dollar's worth at a time; and said tickets shall be available only between the hours of 7 a. m. and 6 p. m. of the same day in actual passage to and from school; and said grantee and his assigns, shall sell such tickets when- ever requested so to do by a pupil who shall present a certificate from a teacher in said public schools, that said person is a pupil of said school. Sec. 6. The rights and privileges herein contained, are hereby granted upon the express condition that work upon said road for the purpose of causing the same to be completed and in operation to be run by electricity, shall be commenced within one year, and the said Rail- road shall be actually completed and in operation and run by elec- tricity within two years from the date of the passage of this Ordinance. And if said work shall be not commenced within one year as afore- said, and said Railroad shall be not completed and in operation, and run by electricity within two years from said date as aforesaid, then this franchise shall be null and void, and absolutely forfeited, and in case any portion of said road be unused as aforesaid, for the period of Thirty days at any time after the completion of said road, then the 56 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 191. Jli "^OLO'ciTrrt fuMfltt E.ORANGE .2oo '* PASADENA ? 5 30 5 1 i/ 1 t n cc IB )I_ORAC i^r ST ^ h ? ' *l 1 Gl ^E N 5T I w. 1 E RAYMOND - North f 5 Termination 5f R.R.Co. < CEr slTEF I ST CTT BLl .EV/U E 1 ^RIVE o 1 railway on said Colorado Street between the West line of said Pasa- dena Avenue, and a point two hundred feet west thereof. To run cars thereon and maintain and use said extension, said third rail and said side-track or switch in connection with and as a part of the main line of street railway now maintained under ordi- nances of said city, numbered 41 and 49, and subject to all and every the terms, obligations, conditions and limitations contained in either said ordinances. To construct, maintain and operate at the Southwest corner of Colorado Street and Raymond Avenue a curved connecting line of street railway between the present track of the Colorado Street Rail- road Company on Colorado Street and that of the Highland Street Railroad Company on Raymond Avenue, so that cars can run from one track to the other. This right of connection and operation to be exercised only with the consent of both of said Street Railway Com- panies or their assigns or successors and subject to all and every of the terms, obligations, conditions and limitations contained in the various ordinances of said city, granting franchises to either of said Companies, or by which they or either of them operate their roads. To continue the line of the Highland Street Railway Company south on Raymond Avenue from its present southern terminus on Ray- mond Avenue to a point two hundred feet south of the south line of Bellevue Drive, subject to the consent of said Highland Street Railway Company, or its successors, also subject to the consent of Geo. H. Rogers or his assigns and to all and every the terms, obligations, con- ditions and limitations in its franchise contained. Sec. 2. The grantee of this franchise shall file with the City Clerk a written acceptance of this franchise, subject to all of its terms, ob- ligations, conditions and limitations, within ten days after its pas- sage, or the same shall be void. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star, a newspaper published in the City of Pasadena. Passed and approved the 6th day of October, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 203. An Ordinance Granting to the Colorado Street Railroad Company, Its Successors and Assigns, a Franchise For a Street Railroad. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That a franchise is hereby granted to the Colorado Street Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, for the term of Thirty years: To construct, maintain and operate a line of street railway on Colorado Street in the City of Pasadena from the center line of Fair Oaks Avenue eastward, to the present western terminus of its track, at or near the East line of Fair Oaks Avenue. To construct and maintain a third rail parallel with the main line of said street railway within eighteen inches of the south rail of said main line from said center line of Fair Oaks Avenue eastward to a continuation southward of the West line of Worcester Avenue. To construct and maintain a side-track or switch to said street railway on said Colorado Street between the East line of Marengo Ave- nue and the West line of Worcester Avenue extended South. To run cars thereon and maintain and use said extension, said third rail and said side-track or switch in connection with and as a part of the main line of said street railway now maintained and operated by said Colorado Street Railway Company, and subject to all and every the terms, obligations, conditions and limitations contained in the ordinance or ordinances by and under which said street railway is maintained and operated. Sec. 2. The grantee of this franchise shall file with the City Clerk a written acceptance of this franchise, subject to all of its terms, obli- gations, conditions and limitations, within ten days after its passage, or the same shall be void. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star, a newspaper published in the City of Pasadena. Passed and approved the 6th day of October, 1892. 64 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 203. (B t- V) 3* Id I* |f kJ i P PI COLORAO STREE IT v_= Is QC. I; 1 SROADWAV MARENGO^ Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 216. W COLORADO GREEN ORDINANCE NO. 216. An Ordinance Granting a Franchise to the Los Angeles Terminal Rail- way Company. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right is hereby granted to the Los Angeles Terminal Railway Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns to extend the side-track of said Company, which now joins its main track immediately north of Kansas Street, parallel with its present main track, to and across said Kansas Street at a distance of not more than thirty feet from said main track, and to construct and maintain said side-track across said Kansas Street, for the term and period of Thirty-five years, from the date hereof. This franchise is an extension of, and in addition to, the franchise granted by Ordinance No. 200 of said city, and this franchise is sub- ject to all the terms, conditions and limitations contained in said Ordi- nance No. 200 and upon failure or violation of any one of them this franchise shall be void. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star. Passed and Approved the 22nd day of May, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 253. An Ordinance Granting a Franchise. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted to the Southern California Railway Company, its successors and assigns, the right to construct and maintain a side-track and a spur-track across Glendale Street in said city, between the main track of said company and Broadway Avenue, and to operate the same, and run rolling stock therover for the term of forty (40) years, from and after the date of this ordinance. Said side and spur-tracks to be connected with the main track of said company. Sec. 2. Said right and franchise is granted subject to each and every provision, requirement and condition herein contained, and upon the failure on the part of said grantee to faithfully comply with the same, said franchise snail become void. Said city expressly reserves the right to at any time regulate the speed of trains crossing said Glendale Street, and also to regulate the time which any rolling stock of said company may occupy said street, or any portion thereof. Said grantee, its successors or assigns shall cause said tracks to be con- structed in a first-class manner, and shall keep the same constantly in repair and flush with the street, and shall at any time when required by the order of the Street Superintendent of said city, place said tracks to the official grade of said street, and cause good and sufficient ap- proaches to be made to said track, and shall pank, pave or macada- mize between the rails of said tracks, and for two feet on each side thereof, and also between said tracks and the main track whenever ordered by the Board of Trustees or other Legislative body of said city. Sec. 3. The grantee of this franchise, its successors and assigns expressly agrees to comply with any and all ordinances of said city which are now in force, or may hereafter be enacted. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star. Passed and Approved the llth day of June, 1894. 67 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 253. W ORDINANCE NO. 257. An Ordinance Granting to L. P. Hansen and His Assigns the Right to Construct and Operate An Electric Street Railway Along Certain Streets of the City of Pasadena. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right-of-way be, and the same is hereby granted to L. P. Hansen and his assigns, over and along the public streets of the City of Pasadena in this ordinance named, for the period or six months and no longer, from and after the approval hereof, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating a single or double track electric street railway thereon, together with the right to construct all switches turn-outs and to erect poles and all over- head constructions that may be necessary for the purpose of operating said road and enabling it to be as efficient as the best electric roads; provided, that such road shall at all times be constructed, maintained and operated according to the provisions of this ordinance. The streets and portions of streets over which this right is granted are particularly described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of Fair Oaks Avenue and Bellevue Avenue; thence east on Bellevue Avenue to Raymond Avenue, also the right to change the present tracks that are now being used as a horse-car railway to a single or double track electric railway along and over the following described streets; commencing at the intersection of Colorado Street and Raymond Avenue; thence north on Raymond Avenue to Chestnut Street; thence west on Chestnut Street to Fair Oaks Avenue; thence north on Fair Oaks Avenue to the North City limits; provided, that only a single track may be laid between Kansas Street and Union Street on Raymond Avenue, and never a double track. Together with the right to make the necessary curves and con- nections at street intersections; said tracks to be laid as nearly equi- distant from the center of the streets as possible, and as near each other as a proper regard for safety will allow. Provided, that in all cases where this franchise is granted over streets now occupied by other lines of street railway, owned by persons or corporations whether named herein or not, that said grantee and his assigns shall have the right to operate over any and all such tracks in accordance with and limited only by the statutes of the State of Cali- fornia applicable thereto; and in case the gauge of the tracks of said other persons or corporations shall not conform to the gauge of the tracks of said grantee herein, or his assigns, then the said grantee, or his assigns shall be permitted to lay a third rail over the distance traversed by the said two roads jointly. Sec. 2. And the said grantee and assigns shall use in the recon- struction of said road the best material, such as is used on first-class roads, and such as is being used in the construction work now being done on Raymond and Fair Oaks Avenues by the parties making appli- cation for this franchise; and shall construct said tracks in the man- ner now required on Fair Oaks Avenue; and shall pave or macadamize the said road between the rails, between the tracks and for two feet on each side thereof, with the same material used by the city, upon the streets over winch said road runs respectively, and keep the same constantly in repair, flush with the street and provided with suitable crossings; and shall make the road-bed conform at all times to the established grade of the streets, all repairs and grades to be made under the instructions and to the satisfaction of the Street Superinten- dent of the city. In case the said grantee fails to comply with the instructions given by said officer for ten days after service thereof upon an officer or agent of said grantee, he, the said officer, shall enter upon the road of said grantee and do the work as ordered by said Board of Trustees, said officer to keep an itemized account of the cost of said work, which said grantee, by acceptance of this franchise, hereby agrees to pay immediately upon its presentation to said gran- tee's local agent stationed in Pasadena. 69 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 257. c J L ?t VILLA COLORADO E^ ORANGE GROVE AVE STREET _ TNUT STREET ST. BELLEVUH n r STREET Provided, further, that cars shall be run over the road constructed under this franchise during every day, unless prevented by the e'e- ments. Provided, further, that cars shall be operated upon said line at intervals of not more than twenty minutes each way during the day time and until eleven o'clock at night. Provided, further, that said grantee or assigns shall construct all necessary flumes and culverts tor the free passage of water under the tracks of said railway where the same naturally flows, and that all curves, aqueducts, turn-outs and switches shall be constructed under plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer. And it is understood that said grantee shall have the right to excavate and remove portions of the street necessary to properly con- struct said road. It is understood further that the city, in making the grant of this franchise, expressly reserves the right to pave, macadamize, renew or sewer any of the said streets, or to lay gas, water or other pipes therein, such work to be done so as to injure said road as little as pos- sible. Provided, further, that the cars upon said road shall not be al- lowed to stand on the street intersections or on main streets in such manner as to obstruct the use of said streets by vehicles. Sec. 3. That the rate of fare for any distance along said road or its branches, one way, shall not exceed five cents for one passenger, and that persons under eighteen years of age who attend the public schools of said city, or Throop Polytechnic Institute, shall be required to pay but half fare, provided said pupils shall purchase their tickets in quantities of at least one dollar's worth at a time; such tickets to be available only between the hours of 8 a. m., and 6 p. m., in actual passage to and from school; and said grantee, or assigns, shall sell such tickets whenever requested so to do by a pupil who shall present a certificate from a teacher, approved by the Superintendent of said school, that he or she is such pupil of said schools. And, further, that said grantee or assigns, shall carry policemen, firemen, and mail carriers in the employ of the United States Govern- ment free on said cars when on duty, subject at all times to the rules of the road. Sec. 4. The said grantee, or assigns, is hereby required to file a written acceptance of the terms and conditions hereof with the City Clerk of said city within thirty days after the passage of this ordi- nance. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. Passed and approved the 29th day of July, 1894. NOTE: By Resolution No. 1459 adopted July 21, 1903, all rights not exercised under this ordinance were declared forfeited. ORDINANCE NO. 264. An Ordinance Granting to L. P. Hansen and His Assigns the Right to Construct and Operate An Electric Street Railway Along Certain Streets of the City of Pasadena. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right-of-way be, and the same is hereby granted to L. P. Hansen and his assigns, over and along the public streets of the City of Pasadena in this ordinance named, for the period of fifty (50) years, and no longer, from and after the approval hereof, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating a single or double track electric street railway thereon, together with the right to construct all switches and turn-outs and to erect poles and all overhead constructions that may be necessary for the purpose of operating said road and enabling it to be as efficient as the best elec- tric roads; provided, that such road shall at all times be constructed, maintained and operated according to the provisions of this ordinance. The streets and portions of streets over which this right is granted are particularly described as follows, to-wit: Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 264. o\ INTAfN ST MOUNTAIN ST W. VILLA \ COt-ORADO /TS E^. ORANGE GROVE AVE STREET _MSTNUT STREET ST BELLEVUE n r DRIVE Commencing at the intersection ot" Fair Oaks Avenue and Belle- Drive; thence east on Bellevue Drive to Raymond Avenue, also the right to change the present tracks that are now being used as a horse car railway to a single or double track electric railway along and over the following described streets: Commencing at the intersec- tion of Colorado Street and Raymond Avenue; thence north on Ray- mond Avenue to Chestnut Street; thence west on Chestnut Street to Fair Oaks Avenue; thence north on Fair Oaks Avenue to the North City Limits; provided, that only a single track may be laid between Kansas Street and Union Street on Raymond Avenue, and never a double track. Together with the right to make the necessary curves and connec- tions at street intersections; said tracks to be laid as nearly equi-dis- tant from the center of the streets as possible, and as near each other as a proper regard for safety will allow. Said road shall be constructed and in operation with eletcric power over the whole of the route described in this franchise within 24 months from the date of the passage of this ordinance, and upon a failure on the part of the grantee of this franchise to have said road in operation as aforesaid, then this franchise shall be void. Provided, that in all cases where this franchise is granted over streets now occupied by other lines of street railway, owned by per- sons or corporations whether named herein or not, that said grantee and his assigns shall have the right to operate over any and all such tracks in accordance with and limited only by the statutes of the State of California, applicable thereto; and in case the gauge of the tracks of said other persons or corporations shall not conform to the gauge of the tracks of said grantee herein or his assigns, then the said grantee or his assigns shall be permitted to lay a third rail over the distance traversed by the said two roads jointly. Sec. 2. And the said grantee and assigns shall use in the re- construction of said road the best material such as is used on first class roads, and in accordance with the plans adopted for the con- struction of the road already constructed for like purpose on Raymond Avenue and Fair Oaks Avenue in said city; and shall pave or macad- amize the said road between the rails, between the tracks and for two feet on each side thereof, with the same material used by the city, upon the streets over which said road runs respectively, and keep the same constantly in repair, flush with the street, and provided with suitable crossings; and shall make the road-bed conform at all times to the established grade of the streets, all repairs and grades to be made under the instructions and to the satisfaction of the Street Su- perintendent of the city. In case the said grantee fails to comply with the instructions given by said officer for ten days after service thereof upon an officer or agent of said grantee, he, the said officer, shall enter upon the road of said grantee and do the work ordered by said Board of Trustees, said officer to keep an itemized account of the cost of said work, which said grantee, by acceptance of this franchise, hereby agrees to pay immediately upon its presentation to said gran- tee's local agent stationed in Pasadena. Provided, further, that cars shall be run over the road constructed under this franchise during every day, unless prevented by the ele- ments. Provided, further, that cars shall be operated upon said line at intervals of not more than twenty minutes each way during the day time and until eleven o'clock at night. Provided, further, that said grantee or assigns shall construct all necessary flumes and culverts for the free passage of water under the tracks of said railway where the same naturally flows; and that all curves, aqueducts, turn-outs and switches shall be constructed under plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer. And it is understood that said grantee shall have the right to excavate and remove portions of the street necessary to properly con- struct said road. It is understood further that the city, in making the grant of this franchise, expressly reserves the right to pave, macadamize, renew or sewer any of the said streets, or to lay gas, water or other pipes therein, such work to be done so as to injure said road as little as pos- sible. 73 Provided, further, that the cars upon said road shall not be al- lowed to stand on the street intersections or main streets, in such man- ner as to obstruct the use of said streets by vehicles. Said road shall be run in connection with and as a part of a line of electric road running from the City of Pasadena to the City of Los Angeles, and connecting with the electric road system in said city, and cars shall run direct from all points on the route described in this franchise to the said City of Los Angeles, and all points on the electric road system in said city; or provision shall be made by the grantee of this franchise for transfers to cars running to said City of Los Angeles, and on said electric system; and it is expressly provided and agreed that the rate of fare over said road from any point in the City of Pasa- dena on the line of said road, to any point in the City of Los Angeles, on the line of said electric road system shall never exceed the sum of fifteen (15c) cents for one passenger, for a single trip either way. Sec. 3. That the rate of fare for any distance along said road or its branches inside the City of Pasadena, one way, shall not exceed five cents for one passenger, and that persons under eighteen years of age who attend the public schools of said city, or Throop Polytechnic In- stitute, shall be required to pay but half fare, provided said pupils shall purchase their tickets in quantities of at least one dollar's worth at a time; such tickets to be available only between the hours of 8 a. m. and 6 p. m., in actual passage to and from school; and said grantee, or assigns, shall sell such tickets whenever requested so to do by a pupil who shall present a certificate from a teacher, approved by the Superintendent of said school, that he or she is such pupil of said schools. And, further, that said grantee, or assigns, shall carry policemen, firemen and mail carriers in the employ of the United States govern- ment, free on said cars when on duty, subject at all times to the rules of the road. Sec. 4. The grantee of this franchise shall file with this Board of Trustees within five days after the date of the passage of this ordi- nance, a good and sufficient bond in the penal sum of Five Thousand ($5000.00) dollars, with sureties who shall qualify according to law, and who shall be satisfactory to this Board of Trustees. Which said bond shall be conditioned for the construction of said road over the entire route described in this franchise, within the time herein pro- vided for, and said sum of Five Thousand Dollars shall be liquidated damages for failure so to do. Sec. 5. The said grantee, or assigns, is hereby required to file a written acceptance of the terms and conditions hereof with the City Clerk of said city, within five days after the passage of this ordi- nance. Sec. 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and shall cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. Passed and approved the 22nd day of October, 1894. NOTE: By Resolution No. 1459 adopted July 21, 1903, all rights not exercised under this ordinance were declared forfeited. ODINANCE NO. 270. An Ordinance Granting to L. P. Hansen and His Assigns the Right to Construct and Operate An Electric Street Railway Along Certain Streets of the City of Pasadena. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right-of-way be, and the same is hereby granted to L. P. Hansen and his assigns, over and along the public- streets of the City of Pasadena, in this ordinance named, for the period of fifty (50) years, and no longer, from and after the approval hereof,, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating a single or double track electric street railway thereon, together with the right to construct all switches and turn-outs and to erect poles and all over- head constructions that may be necessary for the purpose of operating; said road and enabling it to be as efficient as the best electric roafs,. 74 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 270. 0> I JL | OLO N ' CJTV LIMITS I r H E.ORANGE GROVE /sve VIL.L A STREET r j p CHESTNUT jp * STREET o r w > J ro > o V 3} n p z m "J 2 C/l 1 L J COLORADO STREET 1 , n jo H -< > rn w : H 5 O 1 > 8 > m m i CALIFORNIA STREET \ n. \ \ N w. E: i ( GL.ENARM 1 STREET L^^ r~ Si if 1<1 COLONlBIAwl PV- M 11 rn mT ST. " ^ > - ^ \ provided, that such road shall at all times be constructed, maintained and operated according to the provisions of this ordinance. The streets and portions of streets over which this right is granted are particularly described as. follows, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of Columbia Street and Orange Grove Avenue; thence along Columbia Street to Fair Oaks Avenue; thence north on Fair Oaks Avenue to Chestnut Street; thence east on Chestnut Street to Summit Avenue; thence north on Summit Avenue to Illinois Street; thence east on Illinois Street to Lake Avenue. Also commencing at the intersection of Vernon Avenue and Colo- rado Street; thence on Colorado Street east to Lake Avenue, thence north on Lake Avenue to City Limits. Also commencing at the intersection of Glenarm Street and Ray- mond Avenue; thence north on Raymond Avenue to Colorado Street. Also commencing at the intersection of Colorado Street and Los Robles Avenue; thence north on Los Robles Avenue to Villa Street; thence east on Villa Street to the City Limits. Also commencing at the intersection of Fair Oaks Avenue and Wallis Street; thence east on Wallis Street to Depot Street. Also commencing at Fair Oaks Avenue and California Street; thence east on California Street to Lake Avenue; thence north on Lake Avenue to Colorado Street. Provided, that on Fair Oaks Avenue, between Kansas Street and Union Street, and on Colorado Street, between De Lacy Street and Little Avenue, and on Raymond Avenue, between Kansas Street and Colorado Street, and on Chestnut Street, between Raymond Avenue and Summit Avenue, there shall be but a single track, and that a double track shall never be laid upon said portions of said streets. Together with the right to make the necessary curves and con- nections at street intersections; said tracks to be laid as nearly equi- distant from the center of the streets as possible, and as near each other as a proper regard for safety will allow. Said road shall be constructed and in operation with electric power over the whole of the route described in this franchise within two years from the date of the passage of this ordinance, and upon a failure on the part of the grantee of this franchise to have the said road in operation as aforesaid, then this franchise shall be void, as to such portions as shall not be completed. Provided, that the system of roads shall be operated in the form of a loop, beginning on Fair Oaks Avenue at its intersection with Belle- vue Drive, and extending northward on Fair Oaks Avenue to Chestnut Street; thence east on Chestnut Street to Raymond Avenue; thence south on Raymond Avenue to Bellevue Drive; thence west on Bellevue Drive to Fair Oaks Avenue; and that cars shall be run over said loop in a northerly and southerly direction alternately, so that one car snail go north on Fair Oaks Avenue and going around said loop shall go south on Raymond Avenue; and the next car shall go north on said loop on Raymond Avenue, and south on said loop on Fair Oaks Ave- nue, so that all cars running on said loop shall go both up and down alternately, on both Fair Oaks Avenue and Raymond Avenue, and give equal service on both streets, and that upon a failure at any time so to operate said road or to run cars thereon in accordance with this provision, then and in that event the whole franchise granted by this ordinance shall become, and be absolutely void. Sec. 2. And the said grantee and assigns shall use in the con- struction of said road the best material, such as is used on first-class roads, and in accordance with the plans adopted for the reconstruc- tion of the road already constructed for like purpose on Raymond Ave- nue and Fair Oaks Avenue, in said city; and shall pave or macadamize the said road between the rails, between the tracks and for two feet on each side thereof, with the same material used by the city upon the streets over which said road runs respectively, and keep the same con- stantly in repair, flush with the street, and provided with suitable crossings; and shall make the road-bed conform at all times to the established grade of the streets, all repairs and grades to be made under the instructions and to the satisfaction of the Street Superin- tendent of the city. In case said grantee fails to comply with the instructions given by said officer for ten days after service thereof upon an officer or agent of said grantee, he, the said officer, shall 76 enter upon the road of said grantee and do the work ordered by said Board of Trustees, said officer to keep an itemized account of the cost of said work, which said grantee, by acceptance of this franchise here- by agrees to pay immediately upon its presentation to said grantee's local agent, stationed in Pasadena. Provided, further, that cars shall be run over the road constructed under this franchise during every day, unless prevented by the ele- ments. Provided, further, that cars shall be operated upon the following portions of said line, to-wit: Upon Columbia Street to Fair Oaks Avenue; thence north on Fair Oaks Avenue to Chestnut Street; east on Chestnut Street to Raymond Avenue; south on Raymond Avenue to Bellevue Drive; and west on Bellevue Drive to Fair Oaks Avenue; and on Colorado Street between Vernon Avenue and Lake Avenue; at intervals of not more than twen- ty minutes, each way, during the day-time and until eleven o'clock at night; and on all other streets or portions of streets, at not greater in- tervals than one hour, each way, during the day-time and until eleven o'clock at night. Provided, further, that said grantee or assigns shall construct all necessary flumes and culverts for the free passage of water under the tracks of said railway where the same naturally flows; and that all curves, aqueducts, turn-outs and switches shall be constructed under plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer. And it is understood that said grantee shall have the right to excavate and remove portions of the street necessary to properly con- struct said road. And it is understood further that the city, in making the grant of this franchise, expressly reserves the right to pave, macadamize, re- new or sewer any of the said streets, or to lay gas, water or other pipes therein, such work to be done so as to injure said road as little as possible. Provided, further, that the cars upon said road shall not be al- lowed to stand on the street intersections or on main streets, in such manner as to obstruct the use of said streets by vehicles. Said road shall be run in connection with and as a part of a line of electric road running from the City of Pasadena to the City of Los Angeles, and connecting with the electric road system in said city; and provision shall be made by the grantee of this franchise for transfers within the corporate limits of Pasadena, to cars running to said City of Los Angeles, and on said electric system; and it is ex- pressly provided and agreed that the rate of fare over said road, from any point in the City of Pasadena on the line of said road to a point at the intersection of Fourth and Spring Streets and Fourth and Broad- way in the City of Los Angeles, on the line of said electric road sys- tem, shall never exceed the sum of fifteen (15c) cents for one passen- ger, for a single trip either way. Sec. 3. That the rate of fare for any distance along said road or its branches inside the City of Pasadena, one way, shall not exceed five cents for one passenger, and that persons under eighteen years of age who attend the public schools of said city, or Throop Polytechnic Institute, shall be required to pay but half fare, provided said pupils shall purchase their tickets in quantities of at least one dollar's worth at a time; such tickets to be available only between the hours of 8 a. m. and 6 p. m., in actual passage to and from school; and said grantee, or assigns, shall sell such tickets whenever requested so to do by a pupil who shall present a certificate from a teacher, approved by the Superintendent of said school, that he or she is such pupil of said school. And provided, further, that said grantee or assigns, shall carry policemen or firemen in the employ of said city, and mail carriers in the employ of the United States Government, at all times while engaged in the actual discharge of duty, on the cars of said railroad, without paying any sum of money whatever, for fare or otherwise, and the grantee of this franchise and assigns, doth by the acceptance of this franchise, promise and undertake to comply with this condi- tion and requirement. And said city reserves the right to levy an annual license upon the cars used on said road. 77 And, provided, that said road shall never be used for any other purpose than that of passenger traffic and a general express, baggage and United States mail traffic. And provided, further, that by the acceptance of this franchise the grantee and assigns agree to comply with and be subject to any and all laws and ordinances of said City of Pasadena, now in force, or which may hereafter be adopted. Provided that nothing herein contained shall be construed to, in any manner, affect the permit given to certain local lines of street rail- road, to operate their lines by electric power, and requiring the use of said electric power by the first day of January, 1895, or to in any manner affect the bond heretofore given to this city, guaranteeing the use of said roads with electric power by said first day of January, 1895. Sec. 4. The said grantee, or assigns, is hereby required to file a written acceptance of the terms and conditions hereof with the City Clerk of said city, within five (5) days after the passage of this ordi- nance. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and shall cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. Passed and approved the 10th day of December, 1894. NOTE: By Resolution No. 1459 adopted July 21, 1903, all rights not exercised under this ordinance were declared forfeited. NOTE: By Resolution No. 3052, adopted on Nevomber 21st, 1911, consent was given to the abandonment of all rights and privileges to maintain or operate a street railway along Columbia Street in the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 279. An Ordinance Granting to J. A. Muir and Assigns a Franchise For a Steam Railroad. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to J. A. Muir and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate a single track railroad Tvith authority to propel cars thereon with steam power, along the route hereinafter described for the period of fifty (50) years from and after the passage of this ordinance, and also the privilege to construct and operate side-tracks, switches and turn-outs, as hereinafter de- scribed, in this ordinance, and not otherwise. That the streets over and along which said road shall be con- structed are hereby described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Depot Street with the south line of Ipswich Street, and running thence northerly along Depot Street, Broadway and Frost's Court to a point one hun- dred and ten (110) feet south of the south line of Colorado Street. The center line of the track to be located on the center line of Depot Street to Broadway, and along the center line of Broadway to a point four hundred thirty-eight and twenty-seven one hundredths (438.27) feet north of the north line of Temple Street, produced westerly; the same being the full distance of Broadway where the same is one hundred (100) feet wide; thence on a direct line northerly, the center line of the track of said railroad to be sixty (60) feet east of the west line of Broadway, to the south line of Kansas Street; thence along the center line of Broadway and Frost's Court to a point one hundred and ten (110) feet south of the south line of Colorado Street. The privileges hereby granted are upon the following conditions and provisions: First: That the grantee herein or his assigns shall acquire lot numbered Five (5) of Frost's Subdivision, said lot being twenty-five (25) feet wide, fronting on Colorado Street, and extending south one hundred and ten (110) feet and being on the east side of Frost's Court, and shall dedicate the same, as a public street, to the City of Pasadena, such dedication to be subject, however, to the right of the grantee herein or his assigns to lay a track for switching purposes on the east 78 side of said twenty-five (25) feet, and at all times to leave free from railroad tracks, for street purposes, not less than thirty (30) feet. Second: That no side-track for the passing of trains or cars, shall ever be constructed along said line of railroad on a public highway, north of a point which is three hundred and seventy (370) feet south from the south line of Glendale Street. But necessary side-tracks for the passing of trains may be constructed south of said point. Third: That no switch shall ever be constructed from said main line of railroad, except on written petition from the owner of an interest in the adjoining property, made to the Board of Trustees, or other legislative body, of said city, who may grant or refuse permis- sion to construct the same. Fourth : That when any portion of the right-of-way hereby granted is over private property, that the grantee of this franchise, or his assigns, shall at his own expense procure the right to cross the same, either by condemnation or otherwise. Fifth: That the grantee of this franchise or his assigns, shall within one (1) year from and after the date of the passage of this ordinance, construct a passenger depot at some point between Kansas Street and Colorado Street, costing not less than five thousand ($5000) dollars. Sixth: That the grantee of this franchise or his assigns, shall within one (1) year from and after the date of the passage of this ordi- nance have said road completed and running trains thereon, and shall operate said road in connection with and as a part of the Southern Pacific Railroad System. And shall run passenger trains direct from its said passenger depot in Pasadena, to its main depot in the City of Los Angeles, without change of cars. Seventh: That the grantee of this franchise or his assigns shall maintain and operate said road with good service, and in the event that said grantee or his assigns shall at any time cease to operate said road from any cause, for the period of ten (10) days, except when the delay is occasioned by the action of the elements or unavoida^e accidents, then and in that event this franchise, and all privileges hereby granted shall be forfeited and become void. Eighth: That the road-bed shall at all times conform to the of- ficial grade of the streets along which it runs, which are now estab- lished or which may be hereafter established, and that the grantee of this franchise and his assigns shall at all times keep the road-bed flush with the street, and provided with good and suitable crossings', and shall plank or macadamize the same, between the rails and for two feet on each side thereof whenever and wherever ordered by the Board of Trustees or other legislative body of said city, and in the event of a failure to comply with the requirements hereof for ten (10) days after notice so to do, then the city may either declare this franchise to be forfeited, or may cause its Superintendent of Streets to proceed to construct the required work, in a good and substantial manner, and the grantee of this franchise and his assigns, by the acceptance hereof agrees to pay the cost thereof within thirty days after the presenta- tion of a bill for the same; and the Superintendent of Streets shall have authority and power to regulate the matter of passage of storm water along and under said tracks, and the grantee of this franchise and his assigns, by the acceptance hereof, agrees to comply therewith. Ninth: That within thirty days after the passage of this ordi- nance, the grantee or his assigns shall file with the City Clerk, a writ- ten acceptance of this ordinance and all of its terms, conditions, pro- visions and requirements, and also a bond in the penal sum of twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars, conditioned for the construction and opera- tion of said road within one (1) year from the date of the passage of this ordinance, in connection with and as a part of said Southern Pacific Railroad System. Said bond shall be made to said City of Pasadena, and shall by its terms provide that upon a failure of its condition, that said sum of $20,000 shall be liquidated damages for said failure; and said bond shall be signed by two or more sureties satis- factory to the said Board of Trustees, who shall approve the same. And upon a failure to file either said written acceptance or said bond within said time, this franchise and all rights and privileges hereby granted shall immediately be forfeited and become void. Upon a failure upon the part of the grantee of this franchise or his assigns to 79 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinances Nos. 279, 310 and 1202. JL COLORADO STREET CENTER!- CALIFORNIA W ST ^J 1ES WICH ST comply with or fulfill any one of the forgoing conditions or provisions, this franchise shall become and be forfeited and void. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said city. Passed and approved the 29th day of January, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. 310. An Ordinance Granting to Southern Pacific Railroad Company and Assigns a Franchise For the Privilege of Constructing Certain Sidings and Side-Tracks Upon and Over Certain Streets in the City of Pasadena. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to Southern Pacific Rail- road Company and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate certain side-tracks and sidings to be used in connection with the railroad constructed on Broadway and other streets, under the pro- visions of an ordinance passed by this Board on the 29th day of Jan- uary, 1895, numbered 279, for the period of fifty years from and after the 29th day of January, 1895. The streets over and along which said switches, side-tracks and spurs shall be constructed are hereby described as follows: Commencing at the south line of Green Street sixty (60) feet east of the west line of Broadway, and running thence northerly crossing Green Street, parallel with the west line of Broadway one hundred and seventy (170) feet, more or less, to the south line of lot twelve (12) of Frost's Subdivision. Also, a side-track on Broadway commencing at a point three hun- dred and seventy (370) feet south of the south line of Glendale Street, and running northerly and across Glendale and Green Streets to a point one hundred and seventy (170) feet north of the south line of Green Street. Said track to be east of the present main track, as con- structed, authorized by said Ordinance No. 279. And also to construct an additional side-track lying to the east of the last described side-track, crossing Glendale and Green Streets. This additional side-track to be constructed entirely upon private property, except the crossing of Glendale and Green Streets. Also the privilege of making a connection for a siding leading from the last mentioned side-track at a point twelve (12) feet, more or less, south of the north line of Green Street. Said siding running thence northerly to private property upon the east side of Broadway. The privileges hereby granted are upon the following conditions and provisions: That the road-bed shall at all times conform to the official grade of the streets along and across which said side-tracks and spurs shall run, w r hich are now established or which may hereafter be estab- lished; and that the grantee of this franchise, and its assigns, shall at all times keep the road-bed flush with the street, and provided with good and suitable crossings, and shall plank and macadamize the same, between the rails, and for at least two feet on each side thereof, when- ever and wherever ordered by the Board of Trustees, or other legisla- tive body of said city. And in the event of a failure to comply with the requirements hereof for ten days after notice so to do, then the city may either declare this franchise to be forfeited, or may cause its Street Superintendent to proceed to construct the required work in a good and substantial manner, and the grantee of this franchise, and its assigns, by the acceptance hereof, agrees to pay the cost there- of within thirty days of the presentation of a bill for the same; and the Superintendent of Streets shall have authority and power to regulate the matter of the passage of storm water along and under said side- tracks and spurs, and the grantee of this franchise, or its assigns, by the acceptance hereof agrees to comply therewith. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said city. Passed and approved the 21st day of October, 1895. 81 ORDINANCE NO. 1202. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Consenting to the Use of Elec- tricity As a Motive Power Along a Portion of the Railroad Tracks Operated Under Ordinance No. 279. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 465 (a) of the Civil Code of the State of California, permission is hereby granted to use electricity as motive power for the purpose of propelling cars or trains along a certain portion of the railroad in the City of Pasa- dena operated and maintained pursuant to Ordinance No. 279 of the City of Pasadena. The portion of said railroad referred to is de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly line of Ipswich Street with center line of Broadway produced southerly; thence northerly along said southerly prolongation of center line of Broad- way, over and across private property and intersecting streets, to the northerly line of Glenarm Street; thence continuing northerly along center line of Broadway to a point four hundred thirty-eight and twen- ty-seven hundredths (438.27) feet north of north line of Bellevue Drive produced westerly; thence northerly along a line sixty (60) feet east- erly of and parallel to the west line of Broadway, over and across private property and intersecting streets to the south line of Colo- rado Street. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall not be construed to require the abandonment of the use of steam as a motive power for propelling cars or trains along said railroad. Neither this ordinance nor any circumstance, fact or inference arising herefrom shall in any way alter or modify the respective rights, obligations or liabilities, or status of the city, and the grantee or assignee of the franchise granted by said Ordinance No. 279, except as the use of a different motive power is permitted hereby. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Pasa- dena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held February 27th, 1912, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Chaff ee, Fogg, Korstian, Rhodes, Root and Shutt. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 27th day of February, 1912. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 290. An Ordinance Granting a Franchise to Edward Groenendyke For the Right to Operate An Electric Light, Power and Heating Plant. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That Edward Groenendyke, his successors and assigns be, and he is hereby granted the right to erect and maintain poles upon, and to run wires and to carry lamps thereon over and along the streets and alleys within the limits of the City of Pasadena, for the purpose of operating an electric light, power and heating plant for the term of fifty (50) years from and after the date of the passage and approval of this ordinance, subject to, and dependent upon, the pro- visions, conditions and limitations contained in Sections 2 and 3 of this ordinance. Sec. 2. Provided that such poles to be erected shall be placed fifty (50) yards apart unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Trus- 82 tees or other legislative body of said city, and shall in all cases set inside of and be flush with the curbs where streets are curbed unless otherwise ordered, and the said Edward Groenendyke, his successors or assigns, shall keep the sidewalks and streets and alleys in repair within a radius of three (3) feet of any and all poles belonging to and placed by said Edward Groenendyke, his successors or assigns, and on all streets and alleys said poles shall be located at such points as may be ordered by the Board of Trustees or other legislative body of said city; and provided, that all said poles, wires and lamps shall be located wherever, and such location shall be changed whenever, and as often as, and to whatsoever place or places said Board of Trustees or other legislative body shall order; this right to be exercised equitably and with reasonable regard to the rights of said Edward Groenendyke, his successors or assigns; and provided, that the said city reserves the right to use any or all of said poles for the purpose of placing and carrying thereon wires and boxes for a fire-alarm system for said city free of any charge therfor; and urovided, further, that all of said poles shall be neat in appearance and shall be painted and any or all of said wires shall be properly covered and insulated; and that said city reserves the right to cut any of said wires for not over twelve hours at a time, repairing the same free of expense to said Edward Groenendyke, his successors or assigns, whenever required by public convenience or private interest; and provided, further, that said elec- tric light, power and heating plant shall be in working order within one (1) year from and after the passage of this ordinance, and that it shall not cease its operations for more than thirty (30) days at any one time, unavoidable accidents and delays excepted, during the term of this franchise. Sec. 3. Provided that said Edward Groenendyke, his successors or assigns shall pay into the City Treasury of said city such license fee as may now or hereafter be in force or required by said city for the privilege of carrying on said business; and further, provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as granting an exclusive franchise or creating a monopoly of said business in said city. Sec. 4. This franchise is granted upon each and every condition and provision herein contained; and upon the failure or refusal of said Edward Groenendyke, his successors or assigns, to comply with any one or more thereof or with any law or ordinance of said City of Pasadena now or which may hereafter be in force, then and in that event all of the rights granted by this franchise shall be forfeited, and this franchise shall be at once null and void; and this franchise shall not take effect unless said Edward Groenendyke shall within five (5) days from and after the passage of this ordinance file with the City Clerk a written acceptance of this franchise and all its terms and con- ditions. Sec. 5. And be it further provided, that the powerhouse and the fixed machinery by and from which said electric light plant is oper- ated, shall be located at such point as may be selected by the grantee of this franchise, his successors and assigns, and the Board of Trus- tees of said City of Pasadena, and not otherwise. Sec. 6. Provided, further, that within thirty days after the pass- age of this ordinance the grantee, or his assigns, shall file with the City Clerk a good and sufficient bond in the penal sum of one thousand ($1000.00) dollars, conditioned for the completion and successful opera- tion of said electric light plant, within six months from and after the date of the passage of the ordinance granting the same. Said bond shall be made to the said City of Pasadena, and shall be signed by two or more sureties satisfactory to said Board of Trustees, who shall approve the same, and shall by its terms provide that said sum of $1000 shall be liquidated damages for failure to comply with its re- quirements. Upon a failure to file said bond as herein provided said franchise, and all rights and privileges hereby granted shall immedi- ately be forfeited and become void. Sec. 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star, a newspaper published in said City of Pasadena. Passed and approved the 25th day of March, 1895. 83 ORDINANCE NO. 346. An Ordinance Granting Certain Rights-of-Way, Franchises and Privi- leges Over and Across Certain Streets in the City of Pasadena to the Southern California Railway Company. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That a franchise and right be, and the same is hereby granted to the Southern California Railway Company, its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate a single standard gauge track across Locust Street and Walnut Street, in the City of Pasadena, upon the routes as hereinafter set forth. The route across Locust Street to be as follows: The center line of the track commencing at a point in the south line of Locust Street which is distant one hundred and seventeen feet, more or less, east along said south line of Locust Street from the northwest corner of Lot 11, in Block "E" of Legge's Central Tract; running thence north 23 degrees, five minutes east, across Locust Street to a point in the north line of said Locust Street, which is dis- tant one hundred and twenty-eight and five-tenths feet, more or less, east along said north line of Locust Street from the southwest corner of Lot 4, in Block "B" of the Legge Tract. The route across Walnut Street to be as follows: The center line of the track commencing at a point in the south line of Walnut Street which is distant four hundred and seven and five-tenths feet, more or less, east along said south line of Walnut Street from the northwest corner of Lot 3, Block "B" of the Legge Tract; running thence north 23 degrees, 5 minutes, east across Walnut Street to a point in the north line of said Walnut Street which is dis- tant two hundred and fifty-eight feet, more or less, west along said north line of Walnut Street from the west line of Marengo Avenue. The said track to be used either as a main or side-track. Provided, however, that this franchise shall convey no rights to the grantee thereof until said grantee shall in writing agree to remove its present track, where the same crosses Walnut and Locust Streets, within sixty days after the new track is ready for operation, to a point parallel with said new track, the right to construct which is granted by this franchise, and distant from the same no more than the ordinary distance between double track railroads; and to abandon all rights to said old track where the same now crosses Walnut and Locust Streets; and the right and franchise are hereby granted to so remove said pres- ent track to said points as above provided, and to construct and oper- ate the same thereat; and upon a failure to so remove said track and abandon said rights this franchise shall be and become absolutely void. Sec. 2. And the said The Southern California Railway Company is hereby further granted the right and franchise to propel cars and engines, moved by either steam or other motive power, across said streets, upon said routes, for the transportation of freight and pas- sengers, and for other general railroad purposes. Sec. 3. The grantee of this franchise or its assigns shall main- tain and operate said road with good service, and in the event that said grantee or its assigns shall at any time cease to operate said road from any cause, for the period of ten (10) days, except when the delay is occasioned by the action of the elements or unavoidable accidents, then and in that event, his franchise, and all privileges hereby granted shall be forfeited and become void. Sec. 4. That the road-bed shall at all times conform to the offi- cial grade of the streets along or across which it runs, which are now established or which may be hereafter established, and that the grantee of this franchise and its assigns shall at all times keep the road-bed flush with the street, and provided with good and suitable crossings; and shall pank, pave and macadamize the same, between the rails and for two feet on each side thereof, and between tracks, whenever and wherever ordered by the Board of Trustees or other legislative body of said city, and in the event of a failure to comply with the requirements hereof, for ten (10) days after notice so to do, then the city may either declare this franchise to be forfeited, or may cause its Superintendent of Streets to proceed to construct the re- quired work, in a good and substantial manner, and the grantee of this 84 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 346. W. franchise and its assigns, by the acceptance hereof, agrees to pay the cost thereof within thirty days after the presentation of a bill for the same; and the Superintendent of Streets shall have authority and power to regulate the matter of passage of storm-water along and un- der said tracks, and the grantee of this franchise and its assigns, by the acceptance hereof, agrees to comply therewith. Sec. 5. Said track and railroad shall be used in connection with, and as a part of, the system of railroad now owned and operated by the Southern California Railway Company. Sec. 6. This franchise and the rights hereby granted shall con- tinue for the period of fifty years from the date of the passage hereof. Sec. 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said city. Passed and approved the 4th day of November, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 416. An Ordinance Granting to C. W. Smith, and His Successors and As- signs, the Right to Construct and Operate An Electric Street Rail- way on a Portion of Colorado Street in the City of Pasadena. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right of way be and the same is hereby granted to C. W. Smith, his successors and assigns, through, across and along that portion of Colorado Street in the City of Pasadena in this ordinance named for a period of thirty (30) years from and after the approval hereof for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating a single track electric street railway thereon, together with the right to construct all switches and turn-outs and to erect poles and all overhead constructions that may be necessary for the purpose of operating said railway and to enable it to be as efficient as the best electric roads: Provided that said railway shall be at all times constructed, main- tained and operated according to the provisions of this ordinance and in accordance with the provisions of law applicable thereto. The portion of Colorado Street over which said right of way is granted is particularly described as follows: Beginning on said Colo- rado Street at the intersection of the east line of Pasadena Avenue and running thence westerly along said Colorado Street to a point one hundred feet east of the easterly line of Orange Grove Avenue. Provided that the track of said railway shall be laid as nearly as possible along the middle of the said street and that the said tracks shall not be more than five (5) feet wide within the rails: Provided, also, that the construction of said road shall commence within six (6) months from the passage of this ordinance and the same shall be constructed and in operation with cars regularly running thereon with electricity over the whole of the route described in this ordinance within one (1) year from the date of the passage of this ordinance, and upon failure on the part of the grantee of this franchise to have the said road in operation as aforesaid over the whole of said route, then this ordinance and the franchise granted thereby shall be null and void. Sec. 2. The said grantee, his successors or assigns shall use in the construction of said road the best material including a rail which shall be satisfactory to the Board of Trustees of said city; and all of the wires used in the construction of the said road that are to be charged with electric current, excepting only the trolley wire, shall be covered and insulated. And the said grantee, his successors or as- signs shall pave or macadamize such road between the rails and for two (2) feet on each side thereof with the same material used by the city upon the said street over which said road runs and keep the same constantly in repair, flush with the street and provided with suitable crossings and shall make the road-bed conform at all times to the es- tablished grade of the street, and all repairs and grades are to be made under the instructions and to the satisfaction of the Street Superin- tendent of the said city. In case the said grantee, his successors or assigns shall fail to comply with the instructions given by said Street Superintendent for ten (10) days after service thereof upon the said 86 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 416. W. \ COLORADO ST. r IL grantee, his successors or assigns, or any of his or their officers or agents, the said Street Superintendent may enter upon the road of said grantee, his successors or assigns, and do the work as ordered by the Board of Trustees, said Street Superintendent to keep an itemized ac- count of the cost of said work, which said grantee, his successors or assigns by acceptance of this franchise agrees to pay immediately upon the presentation of such account to said grantee, his successors or assigns, or any of his or their officers or agents. Provided, further, that cars shall be run over the road constructed under this franchise during every day unless prevented by the ele- ments or by reason of strike or strikes, riot or riots, war or the act of God, or other superhuman cause: Provided, further, that cars shall be operated upon said road at intervals of not more than thirty (30) minutes each way between the hours of 7 o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m. of each day: Provided, further, that said grantee, his successors or assigns shall construct all necessary flumes and culverts for the free passage of water under the tracks of said railway where same naturally flows, and that all curves, aqueducts, turn-outs and switches shall be con- structed under plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer: Provided, further, that the City of Pasadena reserves the right to use, free of charge to the said city, the upper two feet of any of the poles which may be erected by the said grantee, his successors or as- signs, in the construction of the said railroad, for the purpose of stringing fire alarm or police alarm wires on the said poles at any time. Provided, further, that the said grantee, his successors or assigns shall furnish to the said city, free of cost, sufficient electric current to charge such storage batteries as may be used by the said city in its said fire alarm and police alarm systems, the said electric current to be taken by the said city for such purpose at such times as may not in- terfere with the operation of the said railroad of the said grantee, his successors or assigns: Provided, further, that the said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall at all times use such means as may be approved by science and directed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, for the pro- tection of all water, sewer and other underground pipes or conduits, from damage from the electric current used by the said grantee, his successors or assigns in operating the said railroad. And it is understood that the said grantee, his successors or as- signs, shall have the right to excavate and remove portions of the street necessary to properly construct said road and to erect needful apparatus to properly equip and run said road: It is understood, however, that the said city in making the grant of this tranchise expressly reserves the right to pave, macadamize, renew or sewer any portion of the said street, or lay gas, water or other pipes therein, such work to be done so as to injure said railroad as little as possible. Provided, further, that the cars upon said road shall not be al- lowed to stand on the street intersections or on the said street in such manner as to obstruct the use of said street by vehicles. Sec. 3. The rate of fare for any distance along said road or its branches shall not exceed five (5) cents for one passenger, and persons under eighteen (18) years of age who attend the public schools of said city shall be required to pay but half fare, provided said pupils shall purchase their tickets in quantities of at least one dollar's worth at a time, such tickets to be available only between the hours of 8 o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m., in actual passage to and from school on each day of the week except Saturday and Sunday, and except on holidays when said public schools are not in session, and the said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall sell such tickets whenever requested to do so by a pupil who shall present a certificate from a teacher ap- proved by the Superintendent of Schools of said city that he or she is such pupil of said public schools. Provided, however, that the said grantee, his successors or assigns shall carry policemen and firemen in the employ of the said city, and the mail carriers in the employ of the United States Government, at all times while engaged in the actual discharge of duty, on the cars of said railway, without paying any sum of money whatever for fare or otherwise, and the grantee of this franchise, his successors or assigns, 88 doth, by the acceptance of this franchise, promise and undertake to comply with this condition and requirement. Provided, further, that the grantor herein hereby reserves for itself and its successors the right to levy an annual license upon the cars used upon the said road: Provided, further, as a condition hereof that the grantee or his assigns will annually on the 5th day of December in each calendar year, beginning with the calendar year of 1905 and continuing there- after during the life of this franchise, pay into the City of Pasadena, or its successors, in lawful money of the United States, for the priv- ilege of exercising the franchise here granted, five per cent of the gross annual receipts arising from the use, operation or possession of this franchise: And provided, further, that this franchise shall be forfeited by a failure to make the payment stated herein. And provided, further, that this franchise is granted expressly upon each of the conditions and provisions herein contained and in consideration of the promise of the grantee herein named to keep and observe each of the conditions and- provisions herein expressed to be kept and observed by the said grantee, and by the acceptance of this franchise the said grantee promises and agrees to keep and observe each of said conditions and provisions; and 'said acceptance is and shall be evidence of the promise and contract of said grantee to keep and observe each and every condition in this franchise contained, and a failure upon the part of said grantee to keep and observe each and every one of said conditions and provisions shall create a forefeiture of this franchise. Sec. 4. The said grantee is hereby required to file a written acceptance of the terms and conditions hereof with the City Clerk of the said city within five (5) days after the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. Passed and approved the 5th day of December, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 417. An Ordinance Granting C. W. Smith, His Successors and Assigns, the Right to Construct and Operate An Electric Street Railway on a Portion of Los Robles Avenue in the City of Pasadena. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right-of-way be, and the same is hereby granted to C. W. Smith, his successors and assigns, through, across and along that portion of Los Robles Avenue in the City of Pasadena in this ordinance named for the period of thirty (30) years from and after the approval hereof for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating a single track electric street railway thereon, together with the right to construct all switches and turn-outs and to erect poles and all overhead constructions that may be necessary for the purpose of operating said railway and to enable it to be as efficient as the best electric roads: Provided that said railway shall be at all times constructed, main- tained and operated according to the provisions of this ordinance and in accordance with the provisions of law applicable thereto. The portion of Los Robles Avenue over which said right-of-way is granted is particularly described as follows: Beginning at the inter- section of Villa Street with said Los Robles Avenue and running thence northerly on said Los Robles Avenue to the city limits: Provided that the track of said railway shall be laid as nearly as possible along the middle of the said street and that the said tracks shall not be more than five (5) feet wide within the rails: Provided, also, that the construction of said road shall commence within six (6) months from the passage of this ordinance and the same shall be constructed and in operation with cars regularly run- ning thereon with electrical power over the whole of the route de- scribed in this ordinance, within one (1) year from the date of the passage of this ordinance, 'and upon failure on the part of the grantee 89 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 417. OLD N. CITY ASHTABULA T. ORANGE VILLA GROVE AVE STREET of this franchise to have the said road in operation as aforesaid over the whole of said route, then this ordinance and the franchise granted thereby shall be null and void. Sec, 2. The said grantee, his successors or assigns shall use in the construction of said road the best material including a rail which shall be satisfactory to the Board of Trustees of said city; and all of the wires used in the construction of the said road that are to be charged with electric current, excepting only the trolley wires, shall be covered and insulated. And the said grantee, his successors or assigns shall pave or macadamize such road between the rails and for two (2) feet on each side thereof with the same material used by the city upon the said street over which said road runs and keep the same constantly in repair, flush with the street and provided with suitable crossings and shall make the road-bed conform at all times to the established grade of the street, and all repairs and grades are to be made under the instructions and to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent of the said city. In case the said grantee, his succes- sors or assigns shall fail to comply with the instructions given by said Street Superintendent for ten (10) days after service thereof upon the said grantee, his successors or assigns, or any of his or their officers or agents, the said Street Superintendent may enter upon the road of said grantee, his successors or assigns and do the work as ordered by the Board of Trustees, said Street Superintendent to keep an itemized account of the cost of said work, which said grantee, his successors or assigns by acceptance of this franchise agrees to pay immediately upon the presentation of such account to said grantee, his successors or assigns, or any of his or their officers or agents. Provided, further, that cars shall be run over the road constructed under this franchise during every day unless prevented by the ele- ments or by reason of strike or strikes, riot or riots, war or the act of God, or other superhuman cause: Provided, further, that cars shall be operated upon said road at intervals of not more than thirty (30) minutes each way between the hours of 7 o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m. of each day: Provided, further, that said grantee, his successors or assigns shall construct all necessary flumes and culverts for the free passage of water under the tracks of said railway where same naturally flows, and that all curves, aqueducts, turn-outs and switches shall be con- structed under plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer: Provided, further, that the City of Pasadena reserves the right to use, free of charge to the said City, the upper two feet of any of the poles which may be erected by the said grantee, his successors or as- signs, in the construction of the said railroad, for the purpose of string- ing fire alarm or police alarm wires on the said poles at any time. Provided, further, that the said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall furnish to the said city, free of cost, sufficient electric current to charge such storage batteries as may be used by the said city in its said fire alarm and police alarm system, the said electric current to be taken by the said city for such purpose at such times as may not inter- fere with the operation of the said railroad of the said grantee, his successors or assigns: Provided, further, that the said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall at all times use such means as may be approved by science and directed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, for the pro- tection of all water, sewer and other underground pipes or conduits, from damage from the electric current used by the said grantee, his successors or assigns in operating the said railroad. And it is understood that the said grantee, his successors or as- signs shall have the right to excavate and remove portions of the street necessary to properly construct said road and to erect needful apparatus to properly equip and run said road: It is understood, however, that the said city in making the grant of this franchise expressly reserves the right to pave, macadamize, renew or sewer any portion of the said street, or lay gas, water or other pipes therein, such work to be done so as to injure said railroad as little as possible. Provided, further, that the cars upon said road shall not be al- lowed to stand on the street intersections or on the said street in such manner as to obstruct the use of said street by vehicles. 91 Sec. 3. The rate of fare for any distance along said road or its branches shall not exceed five (5) cents for one passenger, and per- sons under eighteen (18) years of age who attend the public schools of said city shall be required to pay but half fare, provided said pupils shall purchase their tickets in quantities of at least one dollar's worth at a time, such tickets to be available only between the hours of 8 o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m., in actual passage to and from school on each day of the week except Saturday and Sunday, and except on holidays when said public schools are not in session, and the said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall sell such tickets whenever re- quested to do so by a pupil who shall present a certificate from a teacher approved by the Superintendent of Schools of said city that he or she is such pupil of said public schools. Provided, however, that the said grantee, his successors or assigns shall carry policemen and firemen in the employ of the said city, and the mail carriers in the employ of the United States Government, at all times while engaged in the actual discharge of duty, on the cars of said railway, without paying any sum of money whatever for fare or otherwise, and the grantee of this franchise, his successors or as- signs, doth, by the acceptance of this franchise, promise and under- take to comply with this condition and requirement. Provided, further, that the grantor herein hereby reserves for it- self and its successors the right to levy an annual license upon the cars used upon the said road: Provided, further, as a condition hereof that the grantee or his assigns will annually on the 5th day of December in each calendar year, beginning with the calendar year of 1905 and continuing there- after during the life of this franchise, pay unto the City of Pasadena, or its successors, in lawful money of the United States, for the priv- ilege of exercising the franchise here granted, five per cent of the gross annual receipts arising from the use, operation or possession of this franchise: And provided, further, that this franchise shall be forfeited by a failure to make the payment stated herein. And provided, further, that this franchise is granted expressly upon each of the conditions and provisions herein contained and in consideration of the promise of the grantee herein named to keep and observe each of the conditions and provisions herein expressed to be kept and observed by the said grantee, and by the acceptance of this franchise the said grantee promises and agrees to keep and observe each of said conditions and provisions; and said acceptance is and shall be evidence of the promise and contract of said grantee to keep and observe each and every condition in this franchise contained, and a failure upon the part of said grantee to keep and observe each and every of said conditions and provisions shall create a forfeiture of this franchise. Sec. 4. The said grantee is hereby required to file a written ac- ceptance of the terms and conditions hereof with the City Clerk of the said city within five (5) days after the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. Passed and approved the 5th day of December, 1899. NOTE: See Ordinance No. 645. ORDINANCE NO. 499. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Granting to the Pacific Electric Railway Company, and Its Assigns, the Right to Construct, and For the Period of Forty Years to Operate and Maintain An Electric Street Railroad Upon Certain Streets in the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the right, privilege and franchise is hereby .granted to the Pacific Electric Railway Company, and its assigns, to construct, and for the period of forty years, to operate and maintain 92 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 499. E.ORANG GROVE 1 "CHESTNUT sr. r w CALIFORNIA a single track street railroad, to be operated by electricity over the route, and in and upon the streets in said city described as follows : Commencing at the intersection of Chestnut Street and Raymond Avenue in said city; thence easterly on Chestnut Street to Summit Avenue; thence northerly on Summit Avenue to Illinois Street; thence easterly on Illinois Street to Los Robles Avenue. Also beginning at the junction of Colorado Street with Orange Grove Avenue and running thence northerly and easterly along Orange Grove Avenue and Illinois Street to Summit Avenue. Also beginning at the junction of Lake Avenue and California Street, and running thence easterly on California Street to the east city limits. Together with the right to construct and maintain all necessary turn-outs, curves, connections with street intersections, such switches as may be approved by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, and all other appliances, proper constructions and attachments that may be necessary for the purpose of operating said road. Provided, however, that said railroad shall be constructed and at all times operated and maintained, and said right, privilege and fran- chise is hereby granted, and shall be at all times exercised and enjoyed in accordance with and subject to each and every of the terms and conditions of this ordinance, and not otherwise. Sec. 2. That the street railroad constructed and operated under this franchise shall be used only for the transportation of passengers and the United States mail, baggage and express parcels and packages of small bulk. Sec. 3. That the track of said railroad shall be placed as nearly as possible in the center of the streets over which the same shall run. Sec. 4. That the grantee of this franchise, its successors or assigns, shall use in the construction of said road, the best material, including a rail weighing not less than fifty (50) pounds per yard, which rail and material shall be satisfactory to the Street Superin- tendent of the said City of Pasadena, the said rails shall be so laid as to be continuously welded or otherwise securely fastened and said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, at their own cost or expense, pave or macadamize the said road between the rails and for two (2) feet on each side thereof, with the same material used by said city, and under the same specifications and in the same manner as upon the streets over which said road runs respectively; and shall keep the same constantly so paved or macadamized and in repair, flush with the street, and provided with suitable crossings, and shall make the road- bed conform at all times to the established grade of the street; pro- vided, however, tnat where any of the above named streets have been graded or otherwise improved prior to the granting of said franchise, said road-bed and rails shall conform to and be flush with the surface of said graded or otherwise improved street or streets, whether such surface be above or below the official grade of such street or streets; and on all street or streets said road-bed and rails shall conform to such grade as aforesaid. And provided, further, that upon any re- grading or improving of said street or streets, said road-bed and rails shall, by said grantee, its successors or assigns, be placed upon and made to conform to said official grade; all repairs and grades to be made under the instruction and to the satisfaction of the Street Super- intendent of said City of Pasadena. In case the said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall fail to comply with the instructions given by said official, tor ten (10) days after service thereof upon and said grantee, its successors or assigns, or upon the manager or agent of said grantee, its successors or as- signs, in said City of Pasadena, he, the said official, shall enter upon the road of said grantee, its successors or assigns, and do the work as ordered by the said City Council of the City of Pasadena, and said official shall keep an itemized account of the cost of said work, which said grantee, its successors or assigns, by the acceptance of said fran- chise agrees to pay immediately upon its being presented to said grantee, its successors or assigns, or said manager or agent stationed at Pasadena. That cars shall be run over the road constructed under this fran- chise during every day at intervals of not more than one-half hour, from seven o'clock a. m. to eleven o'clock p. m., unless prevented by 94 the elements, riots, strikes, or unavoidable causes. Provided, further, that cars shall be operated over said road with sufficient frequency to provide ample facilities for all persons applying for transportation thereover, and that cars shall be operated with sufficient frequency to accommodate all persons who may apply for transportation over said road excepting times of extraordinary and unforeseen amounts of travel. That said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall construct all necessary flumes and culverts for the free passage of water under the tracks of said railroad, whenever and wherever necessary, and that all such flumes and culverts, and all curves, aqueducts, turn-outs and switches, shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications approved by the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena. That said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall cause all wires used in the construction of said road that are to be charged with electric current, excepting only the trolley wire, to be covered and in- sulated. That the City of Pasadena in granting such franchise expressly reserves the right to pave, macadamize, renew or sewer any of said streets, or to lay gas, water or other pipes therein, said work to be done so as to injure said road as little as possible. Said city also expressly reserves the right to use, free of charge to the said city, the upper two (2) feet of any of the poles which may be erected by the said grantee, its successors or assigns, in the con- struction of the said railroad, for the purpose of stringing fire alarm or police alarm wires on the said poles at any time; provided, how- ever, that the said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall not be liable for any damage or injury which may be caused by the use of the said poles by the said city as herein reserved or the stringing of the said wires thereon. That the cars upon said road shall not be allowed to stand on any street or on any intersection in such a manner as to obstruct the use of the said street by vehicles or pedestrians, nor longer than two min- utes at any time. Sec. 5. That the grantee of this franchise and its successors or assigns shall and will at all times, upon and after the completion -of said road, during the operation of the same, and without extra charge, issue to and receive from passengers going in one direction, transfers good for one continuous passage over and upon any and every other line and lines of any other road or roads within the said city, which said grantee, its successors or assigns, does now, or may hereafter own, control, operate, or have a controlling interest in, and provided, as a further condition that said grantee and its successors or assigns, shall and will at all times, as aforesaid, issue, or cause to be issued to said passengers, without extra charge, a similar transfer from any and every other line or lines which said grantee, its succes- sors or assigns, does now or may hereafter own, control, operate or have a controlling interest in, as aforesaid, to, over, and upon the road operated and maintained under this franchise. Sec. 6. That the rate of fare for any distance over said road, or its branches within the city, one way, shall not exceed five cents for one passenger. That persons under the age of eighteen (18) years who attend the public schools of said city, shall be required to pay half fare; pro- Tided, the said pupils shall purchase their tickets in quantities of at least one dollar's worth at a time; such tickets to be available only between the hours of eight a. m. and six p. m., in actual passage to and from school; and that said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall sell such tickets whenever requested so to do by a pupil who shall pre- sent a certificate from a teacher, approved by the Superintendent of Schools of the city, that he or she is a pupil of said schools. That said grantee, and its successors or assigns, shall carry all regular policemen, and police officers, firemen and letter carriers when on duty, and the Mayor, Councilmen, Street Superintendent, City Engi- neer of said City of Pasadena, free on said cars, but subject to such reasonable rules as to such free transportation as may be established "by the person or corporation operating the said road. That said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, on or before December 15th, of each year, pay to the City Tax and License Col- 95 lector of the City of Pasadena, the annual license upon each car, that is now or may be hereafter fixed by the ordinances of said city. Sec. 7. That said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, during the life of this franchise, pay to the City of Pasadena, in lawful money of the United States, two per cent of the gross annual receipts of such grantee, its successors or assigns, arising from the use, operation or possession of said franchise. No per centage shall be paid for the first five years succeeding the date of said franchise, but thereafter such per centage shall be payable annually, and this franchise is to be forfeited by a failure to make the payments provided for. Provided, that if the road for which this franchise is granted shall be an exten- sion of an existing system of street railroads, then the gross receipts shall be estimated to be one-half of the proportion of the total gross receipts of said system which the mileage of such extension bears to the total mileage of the whole of said system, and said estimate shall be conclusive as to the amount of the gross receipts of said ex- tension. That if the road for which this franchise is granted, shall be operated by said grantee, its successors or assigns, in connection with, or as a part of a system of interurban street railroads, then the gross receipts shall be estimated to be that proportion of the total gross re- ceipts of the whole of said system of urban and interurban street rail- roads which the mileage of the road for which this franchise is granted bears to the total mileage of the said whole system, and said estimate shall be conclusive as to the amount of the gross receipts arising from the use, operation or possession of said franchise. And it shall be the duty of the grantee of this franchise, and of its successors or assigns, to file with the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena, at the expiration of six years from the date of the granting of this franchise and at the expiration of each and every year there- after, a statement, verified by the oath of the grantee, its successors or assigns, or by the oath of the manager or presiding officer of said grantee, its successors or assigns, showing the total gross receipts and gross earnings collected and received by said grantee, its suc- cessors or assigns, during the preceding twelve months from all traffic over any part of the line for the construction and operation of which this franchise is granted, and over any part of the system of street railroads of which it may be an extension, and over any part of any interurban system of street railroads of which it may be a part, and from all other sources, and within ten days after the time for filing the aforesaid statement, it shall be the duty of said grantee, its successors or assigns, to pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Pasadena the aggregate sum of said per centage upon the amount of the gross an- nual receipts arising from the use, operation or possession of this franchise, determined and computed in the manner hereinbefore pro- vided. Any neglect, omission or refusal by said grantee, its successors or assigns, to file said verified statement or to pay the said percentage of said gross annual receipts at the times, or in the manner herein- before provided, shall ipso facto work a forfeiture of the franchise herein granted and of all rights thereunder, to the City of Pasadena, Sec. 8. That the w r ork of constructing said road shall be com- menced in good faith within not more than four (4) months from the date of the granting of said franchise, and shall be continuously prose- cuted thereafter in good faith and without unnecessary or unavoid- able intermissions or delays. That said work of construction shall be completed within not more than three (3) years from the awarding of this franchise. That the work of construction shall be commenced at the intersection of Raymond Avenue and Chestnut Street in said city and continuously prosecuted from the point of commencement so that at least one-third of the work of constructing said road shall be completed within one (1) year from the time of commencement, and if said work be not so commenced, prosecuted and completed within the times or in the manner herein specified said franchise shall be for- feited. Sec. 9. That said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall not sell, transfer or assign any of the rights or privileges granted by this franchise, except by a duly executed instrument in writing, filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena; and provided, further, 96 that nothing in tnis franchise contained shall be construed to grant to said grantee, its successors or assigns, any right to sell, transfer or assign this franchise or any of the rights or privileges thereby granted, except in the manner aforesaid. Sec. 10. That said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall at all times use such means as may be approved by science and directed by the City Council of the said City of Pasadena, for the protection of all water, sewer or other underground pipes or conduits from damage from the electric current used by said grantee, its successors or as- signs, in operating the said railroad. Sec. 11. That any neglect, failure or refusal to comply with any of the conditions of this franchise, shall thereupon immediately, ipso facto effect a forfeiture thereof and the said city, by its City Council, may thereupon declare this franchise forfeited, and may exclude said that nothing in this franchise contained shall be construed to grant to grantee, its successors or assigns, from the further use of the streets of said city under this franchise, and said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall thereupon and immediately surrender all rights in and to the same, and this franchise shall be deemed and shall remain null, void cind of no effect. Sec. 12. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Even- ing Star. Approved September 26th, 1902. NOTE: By Ordinance No. 645 consent is given to the abandon- ment of certain portions of the franchise granted by this ordinance. Also by Ordinance No. 865 consent is given to the abandonment of cer- tain portions of the franchise granted by this ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 508. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Granting to C. S. Campbell- Johnston and His Assigns, the Right to Construct, and For a Pe- riod of Twenty-five (25) Years to Operate and Maintain An Elec- tric Street Railroad Upon Certain Streets in the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That the right, privilege and franchise is hereby granted to C. S. Campbell- Johnston and his assigns, to construct and for a period of twenty-five (25) years to operate and maintain a single track Street Railroad, to be operated by electricity, over the route and in and upon the streets in said City, described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of Pasadena Avenue with Green Street; thence east along Green Street to its intersection with Fair Oaks Avenue. And a single, or double track street railroad, to be operated by electricity and for the same period, over the route and in and upon the streets in said city described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of Bellevue Drive with Raymond Avenue; thence south on Raymond Avenue to its intersection with California Street; thence west on California Street to its intersection with the easterly line of Wood Lot No. 46; also from the intersection of California Street and Grand Avenue; thence south on Grand Avenue to the dividing line between the lands owned by W. Clapp and W. H. Winans; thence through private property to the easterly line of Arroyo Wood Lot No. 47. Also from the intersection of BePevue Drive with Raymond Avenue; thence east on Bellevue Drive to its intersection with Broadway; thence north on Broadway to its inter- section with Green Street. And for a single track street railroad to be operated by electricity, and for the same period, over the route and in and upon the streets in said city described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of Broadway and Green Street; thence north on Broadway to Colorado Street; thence across said Colorado Street to intersection with Little Avenue (now Broadway) ; thence north on Little Avenue (now Broadway) to its intersection with Holly Street; thence west on Holly Street to its intersection with Fair Oaks Avenue. Also from the intersection of California Street and Pasadena Avenue; thence north along Pasadena Avenue to its in- tersection with Colorado Street. Together with the right to construct and maintain all nscossary 97 turn-outs, curves, connections with street intersections, such switches as may be approved by the City Council of the. City of Pasadena, and all other appliances, proper constructions and attachments that may be necessary for the purpose of operating said road. Provided, however, that said railroad shall be constructed and at all times operated and maintained, and said right, privilege and fran- chise, is hereby granted; and shall be at all times exercised and en- joyed in accordance with and subject to each and every of the terms and conditions of this ordinance and not otherwise. Sec. 2. That the street railroad constructed and operated under this franchise shall be used only for the transportation of passengers and the United States mail, baggage and express parcels and packages of small bulk. Sec. 3. That the track of said railroad shall be placed as nearly as possible in the center of the streets over which the same shall run. Sec. 4. That the grantee of this franchise, his successors or as- signs, shall use in the construction of said road, the best material, in- cluding a rail weighing not less than fifty (50) pounds per yard, which rail and material shall be satisfactory to the Street Superintendent of said City of Pasadena, the said rails shall be so laid as to be con- tinuously welded or otherwise securely fastened and said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall, at their own cost or expense, pave or macadamize the said road between the rails and for two (2) feet on each side thereof, with the same material used by said city, and under the same specifications and in the same manner as upon the streets over which said roads runs respectively; and to sprinkle the same with water or oil as may be required by the City Council and shall keep the same constantly so paved or macadamized and in repair, flush with the street and provided with suitable crossings, and shall make the road-bed conform at all times to the established grade of the street; provided, however, that where any of the above named streets have been graded or otherwise improved prior to the granting of said franchise, said road-bed and rails shall conform to and be flush with the surface of said graded or otherwise improved street or streets, whether such surface be above or below the official grade of such street or streets; and on all street or streets said road-bed and rails shall con- form to such grade as aforesaid. And provided, further, that upon any regrading or improving of said street or streets, said road-bed and rails shall, by said grantee, his successors or assigns, be placed upon and made to conform to said official grade; all repairs and grades to be made under the instruction and to the satisfaction of the Street Super- intendent of said City of Pasadena. In case the said grantee, his successors or assigns, fail to comply with the instructions given by said official, for ten (10) days after service thereof upon said grantee, his successors or assigns, or upon the manager or agent of said grantee, his successors or assigns, in said City of Pasadena, he, the said official, shall enter upon the road of said grantee, his successors or assigns, and do the work as ordered by the said City Council of the City of Pasadena, and said official shall keep an itemized account of the cost of said work, which said grantee, his successors or assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise agrees to pay immediately upon its being presented to said grantee, his successors or assigns, or said manager or agent stationed at Pasadena. That cars shall be run over the road constructed under this fran- chise during every day at intervals of not more than fifteen minutes, from seven o'clock a. m. to eleven o'clock p. m., unless prevented by the elements, riots, strikes or unavoidable causes. Provided, further, that cars shall be operated over said road with sufficient frequency to provide ample facilities for all persons applying for transportation thereover, and that cars shall be operated with sufficient frequency to accommodate all persons who may apply for transportation over said road excepting times of extraordinary and unforseen amounts of travel. That said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall construct all necessary flumes and culverts for the free passage of water under the tracks of said railroad, whenever and wherever necessary and that all such flumes and culverts, and all curves, aqueducts, turn-outs and switches, shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications approved by the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena. 98 That said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall cause all wires used in the construction. of said road that are to be charged with elec- tric current, excepting only the trolley wire, to be covered and in- sulated. That said City of Pasadena in granting such franchise expressly reserves the right to pave, macadamize, renew or sewer any of said streets, or to lay gas, water or other pipes therein, said work to be done so as to injure said road as little as possible. Said city also expressly reserves the right to use, free of charge to the said city, the upper two (2) feet of any of the poles which may be erected by the said grantee, his successors or assigns, in the con- struction of the said railroad, for the purpose of stringing fire alarm or police alarm wires on the said poles at any time; provided, however, that the said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall not be liable for any damage or injury which may be caused by the use of the said poles by the said city as herein reserved or the stringing of the said wires thereon, and that the City Council also reserves the right at any time after five (5) years from the date of sale and when required of other like users of francnises to order "all wires connected with the use of said franchise under ground. That the cars upon said road shall not be allowed to stand on any street or on any intersection in such a manner as to obstruct the use of the said street by vehicles or pedestrians, not longer than two min- utes at any time. Sec. 5. That the grantee of said franchise and his successors or assigns shall and will at all times, upon and after the completion of said road, during the operation of the same, and without extra charge, issue to and receive from passengers going in one direction, transfers good for one continuous passage over and upon any and every other line and lines or any other road or roads within the said city, which said grantee, his successors or assigns do now, or may hereafter own, control, operate or have a controlling interest in, and provided as a fur- ther condition that said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall and will at all times, as aforesaid, issue or cause to be issued to said pas- sengers without extra charge, a similar transfer from any and every other line or lines which said grantee, his successors or assigns, do now or may hereafter own, control, operate or have, a controlling inter- est in, as aforesaid, to, over, and upon the road operated and main- tained under said franchise. Sec. 6. That the rate of fare for any distance over said road, or its branches within the said city, one way, shall not exceed five cents for one passenger. That persons under the age of eighteen years who attend the pub- lic schools, of said city, and all students attending Throop Polytechnic, shall be required to pay half fare; provided, that said pupils shall pur- chase their tickets in quantities of at least one dollar's worth at a time; such tickets to be available only between the hours of eight a. m. and six p. m. in actual passage to and from school; and that said grantee, his successors or assigns shall sell such tickets whenever requested so to do by a pupil who shall present a certificate from a teacher, approved by the Superintendent of Schools of the city, or Secretary of said Throop Polytechnic, that he or she is a pupil of said schools. That said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall carry all regu- lar policemen, and police officers, firemen and letter carriers when on duty, and the Mayor, Councilmen, Street Superintendent, City Engi- neer and other city officers named in the charter of said City of Pasa- dena free on said cars, but subject to such reasonable rules as to such free transportation as may be established by the person or corporation operating the said road. That said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall, on or before December 15th of each year, pay to the City Tax and License Collector of the City of Pasadena, the annual license upon each car that is now, or may be hereafter fixed by the ordinance of said city. Sec. 7. That said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall during the life of this franchise, pay to the City of Pasadena, in lawful money of the United States, two per cent of the gross annual receipts of such grantee, his successors or assigns, arising from the use, operation or 99 possession of this franchise. No percentage shall be paid for the firsx five years succeeding the date of this franchise, but thereafter such percentage shall be payable annually, and this franchise is to be for- feited by a failure to make the payments provided for. Provided, that if the road for which this franchise is granted shall be an extension of an existing system of street railroads, then the gross receipts shall be estimated to be one-half of the proportion of the total gross receipts of said system which the mileage of such extension bears to the total mileage of the whole of said system, and said estimate shall be con- clusive as to the amount of the gross receipts of said extension. That if the road for which this franchise is granted, shall be operated by said grantee, his successors or assigns, in connection with or as a part of a system of interurban street railroads, then the gross receipts shall be estimated to be that proportion of the total gross re- ceipts of the whole of said system of urban and interurban street rail- roads which the mileage of the road for which this franchise is granted bears to the total mileage of the said whole system, and said estimate shall be conclusive as to the amount of the gross receipts arising from the use, operation or possession of this franchise. And it shall be the duty of the grantee of this franchise and of his successors or assigns, to file with the City Clerk of the City of Pasa- dena, at the expiration of six (6) years from the date of the granting of this franchise, and at the expiration of each and every year there- after a statement verified by the oath of the grantee, his successors or assigns or by the oath of the manager or presiding officer of said gran- tee, his successors or assigns, showing the total gross receipts and gross earnings collected and received by said grantee, his successors or assigns, during the preceding twelve months from all traffic over any part of the line for the construction and operation of which this franchise is granted, and over any part of the system of street rail- roads of which it may be an extension, and over any part of any inter- urban system of street railroads of which it may be a part, and from all other sources, and within ten days after the time for filing the afore- said statement, it shall be the duty of said grantee, his successors or assigns, to pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Pasadena the ag- gregate sum of said percentage upon the amount of the gross annual receipts arising from the use, operation or possession of this franchise, determined and computed in the manner hereinbefore provided. Any neglect, omission or refusal by said grantee, his successors or assigns, to file said verified statement or to pay the said percentage of said gross annual receipts at the times, or in the manner herein- before provided, shall ipso-facto work a forfeiture of the franchise herein granted and of all rights thereunder, to the City of Pasadena. Sec. 8. That the work of constructing said road shall be com- menced in good faith within not more than four (4) months from the date of the granting of this franchise, and shall be continuously pros- ecuted thereafter in good faith and without unnecessary or unavoid- able intermissions or delays. That said work of construction shall be completed within not more than three (3) years from the awarding of this franchise. That the work of construction shall be commenced at the intersection of California Street and Arroyo Wood Lot Number 46 in said city, and continuously prosecuted from the point of commence- ment, so that at least one-third of the work of constructing said road shall be completed within one (1) year from the time of commence- ment, and if said work be not so commenced, prosecuted and com- pleted within the times or in the manner herein specified, this fran- chise shall be forfeited. Sec. 9. That said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall not sell, transfer or assign any of the rights or privileges granted by this fran- chise, except by a duly executed instrument in writing, filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena; and provided, further, that nothing in this franchise contained shall be construed to grant to said grantee, his successors or assigns, any right to sell, transfer or assign this franchise or any of the rights or privileges thereby granted, except in the manner aforesaid. Sec. 10. That said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall at all times use such means as may be approved by science and directed by the City Council of the said City of Pasadena, for the protection of all 100 Map Showing Streets Affected by CrdJnanc No. 508. 1 _J I] COLORADO D>D GREEN DRt^C CENTC ST, ST sO JiC nnlr i sr IBELLEVUE DRIVE water, " s'ewer" anfl 9ther underground pipes or conduits from damage from the electric current used by the said grantee, his successors or assigns, in operating the said railroad. Sec. 11. That any neglect, failure or refusal to comply with any of the conditions of this franchise, shall thereupon immediately, ipso- facto, effect a forfeiture thereof and the said city, by its City Council, may thereupon declare this franchise forfeited, and may exclude said grantee, his successors or assigns, from the further use of the streets of said city under the said franchise, and said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall thereupon and immediately surrender all rights in and to the same, and this franchise shall be deemed and shall remain null, void and of no effect. Sec. 12. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Evening Star. Approved February 17th, 1903. NOTE: By Ordinance No. 645 consent is given to the abandon- ment of certain portions of the franchise granted by this ordinance. Also by Ordinance No. 865 consent is given to the abandonment of certain portions of the franchise granted by this ordinance. NOTE: By Resolution No. 3148, adopted April 23rd, 1912, consent was given to the abandonment of all rights and privileges to operate or maintain an electric street railway along and upon Broadway, be- tween Bellevue Drive and Colorado Street in the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 511. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Granting to F. F. Graves and His Successors or Assigns, the Right to Construct, Erect, and, for the Period of Thirty-one Years, Maintain and Operate Lines of Tele- phone and Telegraph Wires, by Means of Conduits or Poles Under and Upon the Streets and Alleys in Said City. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That the right, privilege and franchise is hereby granted to F. F. Graves and his successors and assigns, to construct, lay down, maintain and operate for a period of thirty-one years, a sys- tem of under-ground conduits and wires along and under the public streets, alleys, lanes, highways and public places, in that portion of the City of Pasadena known as the "Conduit District," and more particu- larly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Los Robles Avenue and Walnut Street and running thence west along Walnut Street to Marengo Ave- nue, north on Marengo Avenue to Chestnut Street, west on Chestnut Street to Fair Oaks Avenue, south on Fair Oaks Avenue to Walnut Street, west along Walnut Street to Pasadena Avenue; thence south along Pasadena Avenue to Bellevue Drive; thence east on Bellevue Drive and Temple Street to Marengo Avenue; thence north on Ma- rengo Avenue to Center Street; thence east on Center Street to Los Robles Avenue and thence north on Los Robles Avenue to the point of beginning. Also the right, privilege and franchise is granted to the said F. F. Graves, his successors or assigns, to erect, maintain and operate for a term of thirty-one years, poles and wires, with all necessary and auxiliary fixtures upon, over and along the streets, alleys, lanes, high- ways and public places of the said City of Pasadena, situate and lying without that portion of said city hereinbefore described as the "Con- duit District." And to transmit sounds, signals, conversations and intelligence through and over said wires by means of electricity, together with the right to construct, operate, and maintain all necessary feeders, surface wires, house connections, and such other apparatus and appliances in connection therewith as may be necessary for the purpose of safely and efficiently operating and maintaining said system of conduits, poles, wires and fixtures and carrying on a general telephone, tele- graph, district messenger and burglar alarm business by means thereof. Provided, however, that said conduit lines, poles, surface wires, 102 house connections and auxiliary fixtures shall be constructed, erected and at all times maintained and operated, and said right, privilege and franchise is hereby granted and shall be at all times exercised and en- joyed in accordance with and subject to each and every of the terms and conditions of this ordinance, and not otherwise. Sec. 2. That the conduit to be laid or maintained under this fran- chise shall be not larger in horizontal diameter than thirty inches; that said conduit shall be made of vitrified tiling cement lined pipes, or wood fibre laid in concrete, and shall be thoroughly insulated, and that said conduit shall be laid at all points not less than eighteen inches below the established grade of the streets under which said con- duit is laid; that said conduit shall be located in conformity with the regulations that the City Council may prescribe; that said conduit shall be constructed in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer of said city; and that all excavations for laying and repairing said conduit shall be done in such a manner as not to interfere with the free use of the streets by the public, except, such temporary interference as may be necessarily incident to the proper prosecution of said work; that all excavation shall be made and refilled in strict compliance with the ordinances of said city, which may be in force at the time of the per- formance of said work; that within said "Conduit District" no poles shall be erected for the purpose of carrying aerial wires or cables except such as may be necessary for the purpose of distribution of said wires to the various subscribers for telephone, telegraph, district messenger, burglar or fire alarm service within said conduit area, and where practical all such distributing poles shall be placed on the divid- ing line between lots or along public alleys. And that the grantee of this franchise, his successors or assigns, shall make such bond or deposits of money with the City Treasurer as may be, from time to time, required from persons making excavations in the streets of said city, for the purpose of insuring the restoration of all streets to a good and perfect condition along said excavation. Sec. 3. That traps or manholes may be constructed along the line of said conduit, for the purpose of affording access thereto, provided that said traps or manholes shall be located and constructed in con- formity with the instructions, and to the satisfaction of the City Engi- neer of said city; said traps or manholes to be so capped and covered as to be flush with the surface of the street and not to interfere in any way with the use of said street for travel or traffic. Sec. 4. That in the event that a change of grade, the laying of any sewer or the making of any other improvement in any of the streets along and under which said conduits may be laid, shall in the opinion of the Street Superintendent of said city, render necessary any change in the position of said conduit, the grantee of this franchise, his suc- cessors or assigns, shall shift or move the same at his own cost and expense in conformity with the instructions and to the satisfaction of the said Street Superintendent, and in case said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall fail to comply with the instructions given therefor by said official for ten days after service of said instructions upon the said grantee, his successors or assigns, he, the said official, may do the work required in said notice to be done and keep an itemized account of the cost thereof which said grantee, his successors or assigns, by the ac- ceptance of this franchise agrees to pay immediately upon said account being presented to said grantee, his successors or assigns, or to such manager or agent. Sec. 5. That the work of constructing and laying down said con- duit in that portion of said City of Pasadena now known as the "Con- duit District," and hereinbefore described, shall be commenced in good faith within not more than four months from the date of the granting of this franchise, and shall be continuously prosecuted thereafter in good faith and shall be completed within not more than two years thereafter, so that within that time a complete conduit system shall be constructed and laid down throughout said "Conduit District" of suf- ficient capacity and extent to accommodate at least 5,000 subscribers, and to provide a general telephone service in all parts of said "Conduit District," and that if said work be not so commenced, prosecuted and completed within the time and in the manner specified, this franchise shall be forfeited. 103 Sec. 6. That the grantee of this franchise, his successors or as- signs, shall in good faith, lay out and expend for material and labor used and performed in the construction of said conduit, the erection of said poles, and in the construction and installation in connection there- with of wires, switch-boards, and telephonic and telegraphic apparatus and appliances the following sums within the periods hereinafter men- tioned, respectively: $20,000 within eight months after the grant of the franchise; a further and additional sum of $20,000 within twelve months after this grant; a further and additional sum of $20,000 within eighteen months after this grant; a further and additional sum of $20,000 within twenty- four months after this grant, and a further and additional sum of $20,000 within thirty-six months after this grant, making a total of $100,000 to be expended within thirty-six months after this grant. And it shall be the duty of the grantee of this franchise, his suc- cessors or assigns, to file with the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena, before or within ten days after the expiration of each of said periods of eight, twelve, eighteen, twenty-four and thirty-six months after the grant of this franchise, a statement verified by the oath of said grantee, his successors or assigns, or by the oath of the manager, or presiding officer of said grantee, his successors or assigns, showing in detail the sums expended for said material and labor by said grantee, his successors or assigns, during the preceding period of eight, twelve, eighteen, twenty-four or thirty-six months, as the case may be. And any failure or omission to pay out and expend for said labor and ma- terial the full sum hereinbefore required to be expended within either of the respective periods described, or any refusal or omission to file within the times herein prescribed, any of said verified statements, shall ipso-facto work a forfeiture of this franchise, and of all rights thereunder to the City of Pasadena. Sec. 7. That the poles to be erected and maintained under this franchise shall be of a size and character satisfactory to the City En- gineer of the City of Pasadena and shall be erected and located in con- formity with the instructions and to the satisfaction of the said City Engineer. Said city shall have the right at any time to require the removal of any and all poles erected under this franchise and cause all wires thereon to be placed under ground. Provided that such right shall not be exercised except by ordi- nance applicable alike to and shall only be enforced alike against all telephone, telegraph and electric poles and wires within said city, owned or held by any and all persons, companies, and corporations do- ing business within said city. Said city shall have the right at any time after five years from the date of this franchise, to acquire all the rights and property of every character of said grantee, his successors and assigns, under this fran- chise and within the City of Pasadena in the following manner: Said city shall appoint two appraisers, the grantee shall appoint two appraisers, and the four shall elect a fifth appraiser, and it shall be the duty of said five persons to determine the valuation to be placed upon said property and rights of grantee, his successors and assigns, and to be paid by said city for the same. In determining said amount, the sum fixed by the majority of said appraisers shall be final and conclusive as to the amount to be paid. Sec. 8. That the grantee of this franchise, his successors or as- signs, shall, within thirty days from the date of the commencement of the operation of said telephone business, furnish to the City of Pasa- dena, 25 telephones, and connect the same with the telephone system of said grantee, his successors or assigns, and thereafter maintain and keep the same in good repair and working order, and shall construct and maintain a connecting line with the sewer farm of said city, during the term of this franchise without expense or charge to the City of Pasadena, and that said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall, if re- quired by the said city, furnish and allow to it, during the term of this franchise, the free use of all necessary conductors not exceeding twen- ty-five pair, in said conduits for the uninterrupted operation of the fire alarm and police telegraph systems of said city, and the free use of four pins on top of the top cross-arm on each of the poles erected, or 104 maintained under this franchise, during the whole term tnereof, for the purpose of carrying or stringing wires used by said city for telegraph, telephone, or police or fire alarm purposes, provided, however, that said city shall in its use and maintenance of its conductors on such crossarms, comply with the reasonable plans and rules of said grantee, his successors or assigns, so that there shall be a minimum danger of contact between the conduits and the wires or cables of the said gran- tee, his successors or assigns. Sec. 9. That all telephone lines constructed or operated under this franchise shall have full metallic circuits, and that the conduit system constructed and laid under this franchise shall be of such size and capacity as to accommodate wires, cables or conductors sufficient to provide for five thousand telephones. That the rent or charge for an unlimited independent metallic cir- cuit telephone service in the system established or maintained under this franchise, shall not exceed fifty-four dollars per annum for a tele- phone installed in any office or premises for business purposes, within the limits of said City of Pasadena, as now or in future established. And a charge not to exceed twenty-seven dollars per annum for a telephone installed in a private residence for residence use within the limits of said City of Pasadena, as now or in future established. Provided, however, that an additional charge of six dollars per an- num may be made on all telephones installed when the total number exceeds five thousand, and a further additional charge of six do'lars per annum on all telephones installed in like manner, on each addi- tional thousand or fraction thereof. Sec. 10. That, except as hereinafter provided, said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall not, without the consent of the city, evi- denced by ordinance, sell or transfer the conduits, poles, wires, or ap- pliances of any kind or description, or sell, lease, assign or transfer any of the rights or privileges herein authorized or granted to any person, company, trust, or corporation now, or hereinafter engaged in the tele- phone, telegraph, district messenger, burglar alarm or conduit business and shall not at any time enter into any combination, directly or indi- rectly, with any person or persons, or any corporation, concerning the rate to be charged for telephone, telegraph, district messenger or burg- lar alarm services, and no officers, employes or managers of the con- duit, telephone, telegraph, district messenger, and burglar alarm sys- tem, authorized under this franchise, shall at any time be in charge of, or be officers, employes, or managers of any other conduit, telephone, telegraph, district messenger or burglar alarm system, constructed or being operated in this city; provided, however, that said grantee, his successors or assigns, may assign this franchise to a corporation or- ganized by him or them, under the laws of the State of California, or some other state of the United States, for the purpose of carrying on a general telephone, telegraph, district messenger and burglar alarm business, and of owning, constructing, maintaining and operating lines, conduits, cables, wires and other electrical conductors, together with all necessary feeders, service wires and house connections to be used for the transmission of sound signals and intelligence by means of electricity, in the City of Pasadena; and provided, further, that notice of said assignment shall be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena sixty days after the execution of said assignment. Sec. 11. That the grantee of this franchise, his successors or as- signs, shall, during the life of this franchise, pay to the City of Pasa- dena, in lawful money of the United States, two per cent of the gross annual receipts of said grantee, his successors or assigns, arising from the use, operation or possession of this franchise. No percentage shall be paid for the first five years succeeding the date of this franchise, but thereafter, such percentage shall be payable annually. The amount of the gross annual receipts of the grantee of this franchise, his suc- cessors or assigns, arising from its use, operation or possession, shall be deemed and understood to be the total gross earnings collected or received or in any manner gained or derived by the grantee of this franchise, his successors or assigns, from telephone, telegraph, district messenger or burglar alarm charges or rentals, and from the leasing or letting of lines, poles or conduits. And it shall be the duty of the grantee of this franchise, his successors or assigns, to file with the City 105 Clerk of the City of Pasadena, at the expiration of six years from the date of the granting of this franchise, and at the expiration of each and every year thereafter, a statement, verified by the oath of said gran- tee, his successors or assigns, or by the oath of the manager or presid- ing officer of said grantee, or his successors or assigns, showing the to- tal gross receipts and gross earnings collected or received or in any manner gained or derived by the said grantee, his successors or as- signs during the preceding twelve months from telephone, telegraph, district messenger and burglar alarm charges and rentals from the leasing or letting of lines, poles or conduits. And within ten days after the time for filing the aforesaid statement it shall be the duty of the said grantee, his successors or assigns, to pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Pasadena, the aggregate sum of the said percentage upon the amount of the gross annual receipts, arising from the use, opera- tion or possession of this franchise, determined and computed in the manner hereinbefore provided. And any neglect, omission or refusal by said grantee, his successors or assigns, to file said verified state- ment, or to pay said percentage of the said gross annual receipts, at the times or in the manner hereinbefore provided, shall ipso facto work a forfeiture of this franchise and of all rights thereunder to the City of Pasadena. Sec. 12. That any neglect, failure or refusal to comply with any of the conditions of this franchise, shall thereupon immediately ipso facto effect a forfeiture thereof, and the said city by its City Council, may thereupon declare this franchise forfeited, and may exclude said grantee, his successors or assigns, from any further use of the streets of said city under this franchise, and said grantee, and his successors or assigns, shall thereupon and immediately surrender all rights in and to the same, and this franchise shall be deemed and shall remain null, void and of no effect. Sec. 13. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Even- ing Star. Approved March 18th, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 550. An Ordinance Granting to Pacific Electric Railway Company, and Its Assigns, a Franchise to Construct, Maintain and Operate for the Period of Thirty-five Years, Pole and Wire Lines, for the Purpose of Conducting and Transmitting Electricity and Electrical Energy, for Light, Heat and Power Purposes, Over and Along Certain Streets in the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordaio as follows: Section 1. That the right, privilege and franchise be, and the same is hereby granted to Pacific Electric Railway Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate for the period of thirty-five years from date of taking effect of this ordinance, pole and wires line for the purpose of conducting and transmitting electricity and electrical energy, for light, heat and power purposes, to- gether with the right to construct all cross arms, conductors of all kinds, guy wires, and any and all such appliances and attachments as may be necessary or convenient for the proper operation of said pole and wire lines, over and along the following route in the City of Pasa- dena, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of Fair Oaks Avenue and Glenarm Street, and running thence easterly on Glenarm Street to Los Robles Avenue; thence northerly on Los Robles Avenue to California Street; also, commencing at the intersection of Hawkeye Street and Lake Ave- nue, and running thence northerly on Lake Avenue to California Street; also, commencing at the intersection of Villa Street and Lake Avenue, and running thence northerly on Lake Avenue to the north city limits. Sec. 2. That the pole and wire system to be constructed under this franchise shall be constructed of first-class material, and in a good and workmanlike manner. 106 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 550. J BOYLSTON ST OLD N. CITY~~n I W. E.ORANGE GROVE VI LLA jMITS [Tj AVE _5T. r rn COLORADO ST. CENTER m ST < CALIFORNIA ST. V ^ n That the worK of constructing said pole and wire lines shall be commenced in good faith within not more than four months from the granting of this franchise, and if not so commenced within said time this franchise shall be declared forfeited, and shall be completed with- in not more than three years thereafter, and if not so completed within said time this franchise shall be forfeited. Sec. 3. That the grantee of this franchise, and its successors and assigns, shall, during the life of this franchise, pay to the City of Pasa- dena, in lawful money of the United States, two per cent of the gross annual receipts of such grantee, and its successors and assigns, arising from the use, operation or possession of this franchise; provided, that If the purchaser of this franchise shall be the owner of any line of railroad operated by electricity, no percentage of gross receipts shall be charged for power furnished for the operation of said railroad line or lines. No percentage shall be paid for the first five years suc- ceeding the date of this franchise, but thereafter such percentage shall be payable annually, and this franchise is to be forfeited by failure to make the payments provided for. It shall be the duty of the grantee of this franchise and of its suc- cessors and assigns to file with the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena, at the expiration of six years from the date of the granting of this francnise, and at the expiration of each and every year thereafter, a statement, verified by the oath of said grantee or its successors and assigns, or by the oath of the manager or presiding officer of said grantee, or its successors or assigns, showing the total gross re- ceipts and gross earnings collected or received by said grantee or its successors or assigns during the preceding twelve months from the operation of the pole and wire lines for which this franchise is granted, and within ten days after the time for filing said statement it shall be the duty of said grantee, and his or its successors and assigns, to pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Pasadena, the aggregate sum of the said percentage upon the amount of the gross annual receipts aris- ing from the use, operation or possession of this franchise, determined and computed in the manner hereinbefore provided. And any neglect, omission or refusal by said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, to file said verified statement, or to pay the said percentage of the said gross annual receipts at the times or in the man- ner hereinbefore provided, shall ipso facto work a forfeiture of this franchise and of all rights thereunder to the City of Pasadena. Sec. 4. That any neglect, failure or refusal to comply with any of the conditions of this franchise shall thereupon immediately ipso facto effect a forfeiture thereof, and the said city, by its City Council, may thereupon declare this franchise forfeited, and may exclude said gran- tee or its successors or assigns from further use of the streets of said city under this franchise, and said grantee and his or its successors and assigns shall thereupon and immediately surrender all rights in and to the same, and this franchise shall be deemed and shall remain null, void and of no effect. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. Became effective June 22d, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 645. An Ordinance Directing the Pacific Electric Railway Company to Con- struct a Railroad Along the Line of Certain Franchises Heretofore Granted in the City of Pasadena, and Accepting the Abandonment of Certain Portions of Certain Other Franchises on Certain Condi- tions. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That no part of that certain franchise granted to the Pacific Electric Railway Company, giving it the right to construct a street railroad over certain streets in the City of Pasadena (which franchise was granted on the 26th of September, 1902, by Ordinance No. 499, and included, among other streets, Orange Grove Avenue, 108 formerly Illinois Street, between Fair (JaKs Avenue and Los Robles- Avenue) has ever been forfeited, and that the Pacific Electric Rail- way Company, the present owner of said franchise, is requested to build and operate an electric railroad along said street, between said points, forthwith. Sec. 2. That no part of that certain franchise granted to C. W. Smith, and giving him the right to construct a street railroad in the City of Pasadena (which franchise was granted on the 5th day of December, 1899, by Ordinance No. 417, and included, among other streets, Los Robles Avenue, between Villa Street and the north city limits of the City of Pasadena) has ever been forfeited, and that the Pacific Electric Railway Company, the present owner of said fran- chise, is requested to build and operate an electric railroad along said street, between said points, together with a siding or turn-out running between said points, forthwith. Sec. 3. That no part of that certain franchise granted to the Los Angeles & Pasadena Electric Railway Company for the construc- tion of an electric railroad in the City of Pasadena (which franchise was granted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Ange- les on the 8th day of January, 1900, and which granted the right to operate an electric railroad beginning at the then northern boundary of the City of Pasadena, where the same was intersected by Los Robles Avenue; thence northerly on Los Robles Avenue to Wash- ington Street; thence easterly on Washington Street to Lake Ave- nue; thence southerly on Lake Avenue to the north city boundary) has ever been forfeited, and that the Pacific Electric Railway Com- pany, the present owner of said franchise, is requested to build and operate an electric railroad along said street between said points, together with a turn-out or switch on Los Robles Avenue and on Washington Street, forthwith: Sec. 4. That no part of that certain franchise granted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles to G. A. Swart- wout for the construction of an electric railroad on Lake Avenue in the City of Pasadena, (which franchise was granted on the 9th of June, 1886, and which covered that portion of Lake Avenue begin- ning at the then northerly city limits of the City of Pasadena and run- ning north on said Lake Avenue to the base of the Sierra Madre Mountains), has ever been forfeited, and that the Pacific Electric Railway Company, the present owner of said franchise, is requested to build and operate an electric railroad along said street, between said points, forthwith. Sec. 5. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena, do hereby consent, when the street railroads referred to in Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 hereof, excepting only those portions of said street rail- road required by the franchise referred to in Section 1 hereof, to be built on Chestnut Street and Summit Avenue, shall be fully completed and in operation; provided that the actual work of the construction of said street railroads shall be commenced in good faith within sixty (60) days from the passage of this ordinance and that each and all of said street railroads, excepting only the portions thereof required by the franchise referred to in said Section 1, to be built on Chestnut Street and Summit Avenue, shall be fully completed and in operation on or before July 1st, 1906; and, provided also, that the said Pacific Electric Railway Company shall within five (5) days from the pass- age of this ordinance file with the City Clerk its acceptance in writ- ing of this ordinance, and all the terms and conditions thereof, to- gether with a bond with sufficient surety to be approved by the Mayor of said city in the penal sum of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars, condi- tioned that it will commence in good faith, the construction of said street railroads within sixty (60) days from the passage of this ordi- nance, and that all of said street railroads shall be fully completed and in operation on or before July 1st, 1906; to the abandonment by the Pacific Electric Railway Company of any and all portions of fran- chises owned or claimed by it for the construction of street railroads on Chestnut Street and Summit Avenue in said City of Pasadena, without prejudice to any portion of said franchises or either of them on streets upon which a street railroad has already been constructed. Sec. 6. In case said written acceptance and bond are not filed as. 109 provided for in Section 5 hereof, no rights or privileges shall accrue under this ordinance to said Pacific Electric Railway Company, nor shall the declarations in this ordinance of non-forfeiture of any fran- chise referred to nerein, or the requests for the construction of any of said railroads have any force of effect whatever. Sec. 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Even- ing Star, and thereafter and on the filing of said written acceptance and bond it shall take effect and be in force. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the ity Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held December 19th, 1905, by the following vote: Ayes: Messrs. Ashby, Barnes, Crandall, Dyer, Loughery and Root. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 20th day of December, 1905. WILLIAM WATERHOUSE, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 699. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Granting to Lloyd R. Macy and His Assigns, the Right to Construct, and for a Period of Twenty (20) Years to Operate and Maintain An Electric Railroad Upon a Portion of Lake Avenue in the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That a franchise be, and the same hereby is granted to Lloyd R. Macy and his assigns, to construct, and for a period of twenty (20) years to operate and maintain an electric railroad, to be single or double track, in whole or in part, at the option of the gran- tee, or his assigns, over the route and in and upon the street in said city described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of Lake Avenue with the south boundary line of the City of Pasadena; thence northerly along Lake Avenue to California Street. Together with the right to construct and maintain all necessary turn-outs, curves, connections with street intersections, such switches as may be approved by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, and all other -appliances, proper constructions and attachments as may be necessary for the purpose of operating said road. That the terms and conditions upon which the said franchise will be offered for sale, and granted, are the following, to-wit: FIRST: That the railroad to be constructed and operated under this franchise shall be used for the transportation of passengers, bag- gage, United States mail, and express matter, provided that cars other than closed ones of a neat and attractive design shall only be con- veyed over said road between the hours of 10 p. m. of each day and 6 a. m. of the following day; also, for material to be used in the con- struction and maintenance of railways. SECOND: That the tracks to be laid under said franchise shall be placed as near equidistant from the center of the street as possi- ble, and where said road is double-tracked, as near each other as a proper regard for safety will allow. THIRD: That the grantee of said franchise, his or its succes- sors or assigns, shall use in the construction of said road the best material including a rail weighing not less than fifty (50) pounds per yard, which rail and material shall be satisfactory to the Street Super- intendent of the said City of Pasadena, the said rails shall be so laid as to be continuously welded or otherwise securely fastened and said grantee, his or its successors or assigns, shall, at their own cost or expense, pave or macadamize the said road between the rails and for two (2) feet on each side therof, with the same material used by said city, and under the same specifications and in the same manner as upon the streets over which said road runs respectively; and shall keep the same constantly so paved or macadamized and in repair, flush 110 with the street, and provided with suitable crossings, and shall make the road-bed conform at all times to the established grade of the street; provided, however, that where any of the above named streets have been graded or otherwise improved prior to the granting of said franchise, said road-bed and rails shall conform to and be flush with the surface of said graded or otherwise improved street or streets, whether such surface be above or below the official grade of such street or streets; and on all street or streets said road-bed and rails shall conform to such grade as aforesaid. And provided, further, that upon any regrading or improving of said street or streets, said road- bed and rails shall, by said grantee or his or its successors or as- signs, be placed upon and made to conform to said official grade; all repairs and grades to be made under the instruction and to the sat- isfaction of the Street Superintendent of said City of Pasadena. In case the said grantee or his or its successors or assigns, fails to comply with the instructions given by said official, for ten (10) days after service thereof upon said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, or upon the manager or agent of said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, in said City-of Pasadena, he, the said official, shall enter upon the road of said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, and do the work as ordered by the said City Council of the City of Pasadena, and said official shall keep an itemized account of the cost of said work, which said grantee or his or its successors or assigns, by the acceptance of said franchise agrees to pay immediately upon its being presented to said grantee or his or its successors or assigns or said manager or agent stationed at Pasadena. That cars shall be run over the road constructed under this fran- chise each way during every day at intervals of not more than one- half hour, from 7 o'clock a. m. to 11 o'clock p. m., unless prevented by the elements, riots, strikes, or unavoidable causes. Provided, further, that cars shall be operated over said road with sufficient frequency to provide ample facilities for all persons applying for trans- portation thereover, and that cars shall be operated with sufficient frequency to accommodate all persons who may apply for transporta- tion over said road excepting times of extraordinary and unforeseen amounts of travel. Provided, further, that said grantee or his or its successors or assigns shall have the right to excavate and remove portions of said streets necessary to properly construct said road and to erect needful apparatus, boilers, engines and other appliances to properly equip and run said road, after having obtained written consent of the City Coun- cil in case said works to be of a permanent nature, provided, further, that the City of Pasadena, in grating said franchise expressly reserves the right to pave, macadamize, renew or sewer any of said streets or to lay gas, water, or other pipes therein, said work to be done so as to injure said road as little as possible. That said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, shall con- struct all necessary flumes and culverts for the free passage of water under the tracks of said railroad whenever and wherever necessary, and that all such flumes and culverts, and all curves, aqueducts, turn- outs and switches, shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer of the City of Pasa- dena. That said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, shall cause all wires used in the construction of said road that are to be charged with electric current, excepting only the trolley wire, to be covered and insulated. That the cars upon said road shall not be allowed to stand on any street or on any intersection in such a manner as to obstruct the use of the said street by vehicles or pedestrians, nor longer than two min- utes at any time. FOURTH: That the grantee of said franchise and his or its suc- cessors or assigns, shall and will at all times upon and after the com- pletion of said road, during the operation of the same, and without extra charge, issue to and receive from passengers going in one direc- tion, transfers good for one continuous passage over and upon any and every other line and lines or any other road or roads operated entirely within the said city, which said grantee or his or its sue- Ill cessors or assigns, does now, or may hereafter, own, control, operate, or have a controlling interest in, and provided, as a further condition,, that said grantee and his or its successors or assigns, shall and will at all times as aforesaid, issue, or cause to be issued to said passen- gers, without extra charge, a similar transfer from any and every otter line or lines operated entirely within the said city, which said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, does now or may here- after own, control, operate or have a controlling interest in, as afore- said, to, over, and upon the road operated and maintained under said franchise. FIFTH: That the grantee of said franchise by its acceptance thereof agrees that in consideration of the granting of said franchise and as a condition thereof, it and its successors or assigns will pay one-third (1-3) of the gross cost and expense of widening Lake Ave- nue from the south boundary line of the City of Pasadena to California Street in said city, in the event that the Council of said city at any time within one (1) year from the granting of said franchise orders said street to be widened. The cost and expense of said work as estimated and fixed in the report of the commissioners and approved by the Council under proceedings as provided for in the Act entitled, "An act to provide for laying out, opening, extending, widening, straightening, closing up in whole or in part any street, square, lane, alley, court or place within municipalities, and to condemn and acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that pur- pose:" approved March 6th, 1889, shall be finally determinative of and shall be regarded as the said gross cost and expense of said widening. And the said one-third (1-3) thereof shall be paid said commissioners upon demand made at any time after said approved report is filed with the Street Superintendent of said city as provided for in Section 15, of said Act. Further, that the City of Pasadena shall have the right at any time upon request of the City Council thereof to use the poles of said grantee now erected or which may be erected along said street from said south boundary line of the City of Pasadena to California Street, to carry wires and other appliances to be used by said city for the purpose of supplying electric light for the use of said city and its in- habitants, and for the purpose of supplying and maintaining a fire and police alarm system. SIXTH: That the rate of fare for any distance over said road, or its branches within said city, one way, shall not exceed five cents for one passenger. That persons under the age of eighteen years who attend public schools of said city, shall be required to pay only half fare; provided that said pupils shall purchase their tickets in quantities of at least one dollar's worth at a time, such tickets to be available only between the hours of 8 a. m. and 6 p. m., in actual passage to and from schools; and that said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns shall sell such tickets whenever requested so to do by a pupil who shall present a certificate from a teacher, approved by the Superintendent of Schools of the city that he or she is a pupil of said schools. That said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns shall carry all regular policemen, police officers, firemen and letter carriers of said City of Pasadena, when on duty, free on said cars, but subject to such reasonable rules as to such free transportation as may be established by the person or corporation operating the said road. That said grantee or his or its successors or assigns, shall on or before December 15th, of each year, pay to the City Tax and License Collector of the City of Pasadena, the annual license upon each" car, that is now or may be hereafter fixed by the ordinances of said city. SEVENTH: That said grantee, or his or its successors or as- signs, shall during the life of said franchise pay to the City of Pasa- dena, in lawful money of the United States, two per cent of the gross annual receipts of such grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, arising from the use, operation or possession of said franchise. No percentage shall be paid for the first five years succeeding the date of said franchise, but thereafter such percentage shall be payable an- nually, and said franchise is to be forfeited by failure to make the payments provided for. Provided that if the road for which said 112 rrancnise is granted sHall be an extension of an existing system of street railroads then the gross receipts shall be estimated to be one- half of the proportion of the total gross receipts of said system which the mileage of such extension bears to the total mileage of the whole of said system, and said estimate shall be conclusive as to the amount of the gross receipts of said extension. And it shall be the duty of the grantee of said franchise and of his or its successors or assigns, to file with the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena, at the expiration of six years from the date of the granting of said franchise and at the expiration of each and every year thereafter, a statement, verified by the oath of the grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, or by the oath of the manager or presiding officer of said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, showing the total gross receipts and gross earnings collected and received by said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, during the preceding twelve months from all traffic over any part of the line for the construction and operation of which said franchise is granted, and over any part of the system of street railroads of which it may be an extension and within ten days after the time for v filing the aforesaid statement, it shall be the duty of said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, to pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Pasadena the aggregate sum of said percentage upon the amount of the gross annual receipts arising from the use, operation or possession of said franchise, deter- mined and computed in the manner hereinbefore provided. Any neglect, omission or refusal by said grantee or his or its suc- cessors or assigns, to file said verified statement or to pay the said percentage of said gross annual receipts at the times on in the manner hereinbefore provided, shall ipso facto work a forfeiture of the fran- chise herein proposed to be granted, and of all rights thereunder, to the City of Pasadena. EIGHTH: That the work of constructing said road shall be com- menced in good faith within not more than four (4) months from the date of the granting of said franchise, and shall be continuously prose- cuted thereafter in good faith and without unnecessary or avoidable intermissions or delays. That said work of construction shall be com- pleted within not more than one (1) year from the awarding of said franchise. NINTH: That said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, shall not sell, transfer or assign any of the rights or privileges granted by said franchise, except by a duly executed instrument in writing, filed in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena, and pro- vided, further, that nothing in said franchise contained shall be con- strued to grant to said grantee or his or its successors or assigns, any right to sell, transfer or assign said franchise or any of the rights or privileges thereby granted, except in the manner aforesaid. TENTH: That said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, shall at all times use such means as may be approved by science and directed by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, for the protec- tion of all water, sewer and other underground pipes or conduits from damage from the electric current used by the said grantee, his or its successors or assigns, in operating the said railroad. ELEVENTH: That said grantee of said franchise shall, within five (5) days after such franchise is awarded, file with the Clerk of the City of Pasadena, a written acceptance of the terms and conditions or said franchise, and shall also, within five (5) days after said fran- chise is awarded, file with the City Council of the City of Pasadena a bond running to said city, with at least two good and sufficient sure- ties to be approved by the City Council, in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars, conditioned that said grantee, his or its successors or assigns, shall well and truly observe, fulfill and perform, each and every term and condition of said franchise, and that in case of any breach of condition of said bond, the whole amount of the penal sum therein named shall be taken and deemed to be liquidated damages, and shall be recoverable from the principal and sureties upon said bond. In case said bond shall not be so filed, the award of said fran- chise shall be set aside, and the same may be granted to the next high- est bidder, or again offered for sale, in the discretion of said City Council. 113 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 699. W. . CALIFORNIA OLD S. .Cl'Ty. jST \ HAWK6YE ST TWELFTH: That any neglect, failure or refusal to comply with any of the conditions of said franchise, shall thereupon immediately ipso facto effect a forfeiture thereof, and the said city, by its City Council, may thereupon declare said franchise forfeited, and may ex- clude said grantee, his or its successors or assigns, from the further use of the streets of said city under the said franchise, and said gran- tee, his or its successors or assigns, shall thereupon and immediately surrender all rights in and to the same, and said franchise shall be deemed and shall remain null, void and of no effect. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Da^y News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held July 17th, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes: Messrs. Barnes, Braley, Crandall, Dyer, Loughery and Root. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 17th day of July, 1906. WILLIAM WATERHOUSE, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 723. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Granting to Pasadena Park Im- provement Company and Its Assigns, the Right to Construct, and for a Period of Twenty (20) Years to Operate and Maintain An Electric Railroad Upon a Portion of East Orange Grove Avenue in the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That a franchise be, and the same hereby is granted to Pasadena Park Improvement Company and its assigns, to construct, and for a period of twenty (20) years to operate and maintain an elec- tric railroad, to be single or double track, in whole or in part, at the option of the grantee, or its assigns over the route and in and upon the street in said city, described as follows, to-wit: Along East Orange Grove Avenue from the intersection of Lake Avenue with said Orange Grove Avenue; thence easterly to the east city limits of said city. Together with the right to construct and maintain all necessary curves and connections with street intersections, such turn-outs and switches as may be approved by the City Council of the City of Pasa- dena, and all other appliances, proper constructions and attachments as may be necessary for the purpose of operating said road. Sec. 2. That the terms and conditions upon which said franchise is granted are as follows, to-wit: 1st. That the railroad to be constructed and operated under this franchise shall be used for the transportation of passengers, bag- gage, United States mail, express matter, provided that cars other than closed ones of a neat and attractive design shall be conveyed over said road only between the hours of 10 p. m. of each day and 6 a. m. of the following day; also, for material to be used in the construction and maintenance of railways within the City of Pasadena. 2nd, That the tracks to be laid under said franchise shall be placed as near equidistant from the center of the street as possible, and where said road is double-tracked, as near each other as a proper regard for safety will allow. 3rd. That the grantee of said franchise, his or its successors or assigns, shall use in the construction of said road, the best material, including a rail weighing not less than fifty (50) pounds per yard, which rail and material shall be satisfactory to the Street Superin- tendent of the said City of Pasadena, the said rails shall be so laid as to be continuously welded or otherwise securely fastened, and said grantee, his or its successors or assigns shall, at their own cost and expense, pave or macadamize the said road between the rails and for 115 two (2) feet on each side thereof, with the same material used by said city, and under the same specifications and in the same manner as upon the street over which said road runs; and shall keep the same constantly so paved or macadamized and in repair, flush with the street, and provided with suitable crossings, and shall make the road- bed conform at all times to the established grade of the street; pro- vided, however, that where the above named street has been graded or otherwise improved prior to the granting of said franchise, said road-bed and rails shall conform to and be flush with the surface of said graded or otherwise improved street, whether such surface be above or below the official grade of such street. And provided, further, that upon any regrading or improving of said street, said road-bed and rails shall, by said grantee or his or its successors or assigns, be placed upon and made to conform to said official grade; all repairs and grades to be made under the instruction and to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent of said City of Pasadena. In case the said grantee or his or its successors or assigns, fails to comply with the instructions given by said official, for ten (10) days after service thereof upon said grantee, or his or its successors or as- signs, or upon the manager or agent of said grantee, or his or its suc- cessors or assigns, in said City of Pasadena, he, the said official, may enter upon the road of said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, and do the said work, and said official shall keep an itemized account of the cost of said work, which said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, by the acceptance of said franchise agrees to pay immediately upon its being presented to said grantee or his or its successors or assigns, or said manager or agent stationed at Pasadena. The -cars shall be run over the road constructed under this fran- chise durign every day at intervals of not more than one-half hour, from 7 o'clock a. m., to 11 o'clock p. m., unless prevented by the ele- ments, riots, strikes, or unavoidable causes. Provided, further, that cars shall be operated over said road with sufficient frequency to pro- vide ample facilities for all persons applying for transportation there- over, and that cars shall be operated with sufficient frequency to ac- commodate all persons who may apply for transportation over said road, excepting times of extraordinary unforeseen amounts of travel. That all cars operated over said road shall stop at all street inter- sections to take on or discharge passengers. That said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, shall con- struct all necessary flumes and culverts for the free passage of water under the tracks of said railroad whenever and wherever necessary, and that all such flumes and culverts, and all curves, aqueducts, turn- outs and switches, shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer of the City of Pasa- dena. That said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, shall cause all wires used in the construction of said road that are to be charged with electric current, excepting only the trolley wire, to be covered and safely insulated. That the cars upon said road shall not be allowed to stand on any street or on any intersection in such a manner as to obstruct the use of the said street by vehicles or pedestrians, nor longer than two minutes at any time. 4th. That the grantee of said franchise and his or its successors or assigns, shall and will at all times upon and after the completion of said road, during the operation of the same, and without extra charge, issue to and receive from passengers going in one general direction, transfers good for one continuous passage over and upon any and every other line and lines or any other road or roads operated entire- ly within the said city, which said grantee or his or its successors or assigns, does now, or may hereafter, own, control, operate or have a controlling interest in, and provided, as a further condition, that said grantee and his or its successors or assigns, shall and will at all times as aforesaid, issue, or cause to be issued to said passengers, without extra charge, a similar transfer from any and every other line or lines operated entirely within the said city, which said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, does now or may hereafter own, 116 control, operate or have a controlling interest in, as aforesaid, to, over, and upon the road operated and maintained under said franchise. 5th. That the City of Pasadena shall have the right at any time upon request of the City Council thereof to use the poles of said gran- tee, or its successors, or of the persons or corporation which may operate cars over the road constructed under said franchise, now erected or which may be erected along said street, to carry wires and other appliances to be used by said city for the purpose of sup- plying electric light for the use -of said city and its inhabitants, and for the purpose of supplying and maintaining a fire and police alarm system. 6th. That the rate of fare for any distance over said road or its branches within said city, one way, including transfers, shall not ex- ceed five cents for one passenger. That persons under the age of eighteen years who attend public schools of said city, shall be required to pay only half fare; provided that said pupils shall purchase their tickets in quantities of at least one dollar's worth at a time, such tickets to be available only between the hours of 8 o'clock a. m., and 6 o'clock p. m., in actual passage to and from schools; and that said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns shall sell such tickets whenever requested so to do by a pupil who shall present a certificate from a teacher, approved by the Super- intendent of Schools of the city that he or she is a pupil of said scnools. That said grantee or his or its successors or assigns, shall carry all regular policemen, police officers, firemen and letter carriers of said City of Pasadena, when on duty, free on said cars but subject to such reasonable rules as to such free transportation as may be established by the person or corporation operating the said road. That said grantee or his or its successors or assigns, shall on or before December 15th, of each year, pay to the City Tax and License Collector of the City of Pasadena, the annual license upon each car, that is now or may be hereafter fixed by the ordinances of said city. 7th. That said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, or any persons or corporation operating cars over any road constructed under said franchise, shall, during the life of said franchise, pay to the City of Pasadena, in lawful money of the United States, two per cent of the gross annual receipts of such grantee, or his or its successors or as- signs, or persons or corporation operating cars over said road, arising from the use, operation or possession of said franchise or road. No percentage shall be paid for the first five years succeeding the date of said franchise, but thereafter such percentage shall be payable an- nually, and said franchise is to be forfeited by a failure to make the payments provided for. Provided that if the road for which said fran- chise is granted or used shall be an extension of an existing system of street railroads, then the gross receipts shall be estimated to be such a proportion of the total gross receipts of said system which the mileage of such extension bears to the total mileage of the whole of said system, and said estimate shall be conclusive as to the amount of the gross receipts of said extension. And it shall be the duty of the grantee of said franchise and of his or its successors or assigns, or persons or corporation using said road, ( to file with the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena, at the ex- piration of six (6) years from the date of the granting of said fran- chise and at the expiration of each and every year thereafter, a state- ment, verified by the oath of the grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, or by the oath of the manager or presiding officer of said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, or by the oath of the per- son, or of the manging or presiding officer of any corporation operating cars over said road as aforesaid, showing the total gross receipts and gross earnings collected and received by said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, or by the person or corporation operating cars over said road during the preceding twelve (12) months from all traffic over any part of the line for the construction and operation of which said franchise is granted or used, and over any part of the system of street railroads of which it may be an extension and within 117 ten (10) days after the time for filing the aforesaid statement, it shall be the duty of said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, or of said person or corporation operating cars over said road, to pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Pasadena the aggregate sum of said percentage upon the amount of the gross annual receipt aris- ing from the use, operation or possession of said franchise or road, determined and computed in the manner hereinbefore provided. Any neglect, omission or refusal to file said verified statement or to pay the said percentage of said gross annual receipts at the times or in the manner hereinbefore provided, shall ipso facto work a forfeiture of the franchise herein proposed to be granted and of all rights thereunder, to the City of Pasadena. 8th. That the work of constructing said road shall be com- menced in good faith within not more than two (2) months from the date of the granting of said franchise and shall be continuously prosecuted thereafter in good faith and without unnecessary or avoid- able intermissions or delays. And shall be completed in all events within not more than eight (8) months from the awarding of said franchise. 9th. That said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, shall not sell, transfer or assign any of the rights or privileges granted by said franchise, except by a duly executed instrument in writing, filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena; and provided, further, that nothing in said franchise contained shall be construed to grant to said grantee or his or its successors or assigns, any right to sell, transfer or assign said franchise or any of the rights or privi- leges thereby granted, except in the manner aforesaid. 10th. That said grantee, or his or its successors or assigns, shall at all times use such means as may be approved by science or directed by the City Council of the City of Pasadena for the protection of all water, sewer and other underground pipes or conduits from damage from the electric current used by the said grantee, his or its suc- cessors or assigns, in operating the said railroad. llth. That the said grantee of said franchise shall, within five (5) days after such franchise is awarded, file with the Clerk of the City of Pasadena, a written acceptance of the terms and conditions of said franchise, and shall also, within five (5) days after said franchise is awarded, file with the City Council of the City of Pasadena, a bond running to said city, with at least two good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the City Council, in the penal sum of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars, conditioned that said grantee, his or its successors or assigns, shall well and truly observe, fulfill and perform, each and every term and condition of said franchise, and that in case of any breach of condition of said bond, the whole amount of the penal sum therein named shall be taken and deemed to be liquidated damages, and shall be recoverable from the principal and sureties upon said bond. In case said bond shall not be so filed, the award of said fran- chise shall be set aside, and the same may be granted to the next highest bidder, or again offered for sale, in the discretion of said City Council. 12th. That any negTect, failure or refusal to comply with, any of the conditions of said franchise, shall thereupon immediately ipso facto effect a forfeiture thereof, and the said city, by its City Council, may thereupon declare said franchise forfeited, and may exclude said grantee, his or its successors or assigns, from the further use of the streets of said city under the said franchise, and said grantee, his or its successors or assigns, shall thereupon and immediately surrender all rights in and to the same, and said franchise shall be deemed and shall remain null, void and of no effect. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the 118 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 723. '! 2 Z ^ o 2 E. QRANG AV91 rn I is City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held November 7th, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes: Messrs. Barnes, Braley, Crandall, Dyer, Loughery, and Root. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 7th day of November, 1906. WILLIAM WATERHOUSE, Mayor of the City ot Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 812. An Ordinance Granting to Pacific Electric Railway Company the Right to Construct and for a Period of Twenty (20) Years to Operate and Maintain an Electric Street Railroad Upon Certain Portions of Streets in the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That a franchise be and it is nereby granted to Pacific Electric Railway Company and its assigns to construct and for a period of twenty (20) years and no longer, to operate and maintain a double track electric street railroad upon those portions of public streets in the City of Pasadena described as follows, to-wit: Along Fair Oaks Avenue between Green Street and Union Street; along Colorado Street between Vernon Avenue and Broadway; and along Raymond Avenue between Vineyard Street and Union Street. Sec. 2. That the terms, conditions and limitations upon which said franchise is granted are as follows, to-wit: 1st. That the single track street railroad over said portions of said streets now maintained and operated by said Pacific Electric Railway Company shall be removed, and the double track to be laid under said franchise, placed as nearly equi-distant from the center of the respective streets as possible, and as near each other as a proper regard for safety will allow; said tracks shall not exceed four (4) feet and eight and one-half (S l / 2 ) inches in width between the rails. This franchise and the acceptance thereof shall not be construed to vitiate or abridge any right of said Pacific Electric Railway Company or its assigns or successors to maintain and operate a single track electric street railroad upon said portions of said streets under any franchise or franchises already granted, and within and during the time and subject to the terms and conditions during and under which said franchises have been granted; or affect or vitiate any bond or bonds conditioned upon the faithful performance of the terms and conditions of said iranchises already granted. 2nd. The said grantee and its successors or assigns shall use in the construction of said road the best material, including a rail weigh- ing not less than seventy (70) pounds per yard, such as is used on first-class street railroads, which rail shall be satisfactory to the City Council of the City of Pasadena, and said rail shall be so laid as to be continuously welded, or otherwise securely fastened together; and the said grantee and its successors or assigns shall at its own expense and cost pave, surface or macadamize the said 'road between the rails, between the tracks, and for two (2) feet on each side thereof with the same material used by the city and under the same specifica- tions, and in the same manner as upon the streets over which said road runs respectively; and shall keep the same constantly so paved or macadamized and in repair, flush with the street, and provided with suitable crossings, and shall make the roadbed conform at all times to the established grade of the street; provided, however, that where any of the above named streets have been graded or otherwise improved prior to the granting of said franchise, said roadbed and rails shall conform to and be flush with the surface of said graded or otherwise improved street or streets whether such surface be above or below the official grade of such street or streets; and on all other street or streets; said roadbed and rails shall conform to such official grade as aforesaid; and provided further that upon any re-grading or other improving of said street or streets, said roadbed and rails shall 120 by said grantee or its successors or assigns, be placed upon and made to conform to said official grade; all repairs arid grades to be made under the instructions and to the satisfaction of the street superin- tendent of said city. In case the said grantee or its successors or assigns shall fail to comply with the instructions given by said Street Superintendent for ten (10) days after service thereof upon the said grantee, or its successors or assigns, or upon the manager or agent of said grantee, or its successors or assigns, he, the said street super- intendent, may enter upon tne road of said grantee, or its successors or assigns, and do the work as ordered by the said Street Superin- tendent. In such case and Street Superintendent shall keep an itemized account of the cost of said work, which said cost, together with twenty (20j per cent, thereof additional, the said grantee and its successors or assigns by the acceptance of said franchise agrees to pay to the City of Pasadena immediately upon memorandum of said cost being presented to said grantee, or its successors or assigns, or to such manager or agent stationed in Pasadena. This provision shall not, however, abate or modify tne power of the City Council to forfeit said franchise for failure to comply with the instructions of the Street Superintendent, or City Council or with any other terms of said franchise. 3rd. Said grantee, and its successors or assigns, shall construct, re-construct and repair under the streets along or across which its said tracks shall run, all flumes and culverts for the free passage of water under the tracks of said railroad wherever and whenever neces- sary, and all such riumes shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer or City Council of said city, and the determination of the City Engineer shall be final as to the necessity for such construction or re-construction or repairs. Provided, further, that the City of Pasadena in granting said franchises, expressly reserves the right to pave, macadamize, renew or sewer any of said streets, or to lay gas, water or other pipes therein, said work to be done so as to injure said road as little as possible. Cars shall be run each way over the whole length of the road constructed under said franchise at intervals of not more than twenty (20) minutes, between the hours of seven o'clock in the morning and eleven o'clock at night of each day during the term of said franchise, unless prevented by the elements, riots, strikes or unavoidable causes. Provided, further, that cars shall be operated over said road with sufficient frequency to provide ample facilities for all persons applying for transportation thereover, and that cars shall be operated with sufficient frequency to accommodate all persons who may apply for transportation over said road, excepting during times of extraordinary and unforeseen amounts of travel. 4th. Said grantee, or its successors or assigns, shall cause all wires used in the construction of said road that are to be or are charged with electric current, (excepting only the trolley wire and bonding wires) to be covered and safely insulated. 5th. Cars upon said road shall not be allowed to stand on any street, or on any intersection in such a manner as to obstruct the use of the said street by vehicles or pedestrians, nor longer than two minutes at any time. 6th. Said grantee and its successors or assigns shall and will at all times upon and after the completion of said road, during the operation thereof, and without extra charge, issue to and receive from passengers going in one general direction transfers good for one continuous passage over and upon every other line and lines, or any other road or roads operated entirely within the said city which said grantee, or its successors or assigns, does now or may hereafter own, control, or have a controlling interest in, and provided as a further condition that said grantee and its successors or assigns shall and will at all times, as aforesaid, issue or cause to be issued to said passengers, without charge, a similar transfer over any and every other line or lines operated entirely within the said city which said grantee, or its successors or assigns does now or may hereafter own, control, operate or have a controlling interest in as aforesaid, to, over and upon the road operated and maintained under said fran- chise, 121 7th. The rate of fare for any distance over said road, or its-, branches, within said city, one way, including transfers, shall not ex- ceed five (5) cents for one passenger. Persons who attend public schools of said city shall be required' to pay only one-half (%) fare, provided that said pupils shall purchase- their tickets in quantities of at least one dollar's worth at a time, such tickets to be available only between the hours of eight o'clock a. m., and six o'clock p. m., in actual passage to and from schools, and that said grantee, or its successors or assigns shall sell such tickets whenever requested so to do by a pupil who shall present a certificate from a teacher, approved by the superintendent of schools of the city that he or she is a pupil of said schools. 8th. Said grantee and its successors or assigns shall carry all regular policemen, police officers, firemen and letter carriers of said" City of Pasadena, when on duty, free on said cars within said city, but subject to such reasonable rules as to such free transportation- of said grantee, or its successors or assigns may prescribe. 9th. Said grantee and its successors and assigns shall allow and agree to, tne joint use of poles and pole lines by said city and said grantee, its successors and assigns, subject only to such reasonable regulations as the safety of life and property require. And said grantee and its successors and assigns will allow and agree to said joint use of said poles and pole lines upon terms and conditions as favorable to the City of Pasadena as the terms and conditions extended to any other person or corporation with whom the joint use of poles or pole lines is had by said grantee, its successors or assigns. 10th. Said grantee, or its successors or assigns shall, on or before December 15th of each year, pay to the City Tax and License Collector of the City of Pasadena the annual license upon each car that is now or nereafter may be fixed by ordinance of said city. llth. Said grantee or its successors or assigns, or any persons or corporation operating cars over any road constructed under said fran- chise shall, during the life of said franchise, pay to the City of Pasa- dena, in lawful money of the United States, two (2) per cent, of the gross annual receipts of such grantee, and its successors and assigns arising from the use, operation or possession of said franchise; no percentage shall be paid for the first year succeeding the date of said franchise, but thereafter such percentage shall be payable annually, and said franchise is to be forfeited by failure to make the payments provided for. Provided, that if the road for which said franchise is granted shall be an extension of an existing system of street railroad, then the gross receipts shall be estimated to be such a proportion of the total gross receipts of said system as the mileage of such exten- sion bears to the total mileage of the whole system, and said estimate shall be conclusive as to the amount of the gross receipts of said extension. And it shall be the duty of the grantee of said franchise, and of its successors or assigns, or persons or corporation using said road, to file with the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena at the expiration of two (2) years from the date of the granting of said franchise, and at the expiration of each and every year thereafter, a statement verified by the oath of the grantee, or its successors or assigns, or by oath of the manager or presiding officer of said grantee, or of his or its successors or assigns, showing the total gross receipts and gross earnings collected or received by said grantee, or its successors or assigns during the preceding twelve (12) months from all traffic over any part of the line for the construction and operation of which said franchise is granted, or over any part of the system of said railroad of which it may be an extension, and from all other sources; and within ten (10) days after the time for filing aforesaid statement, it shall be the duty of said grantee and its successors or assigns to pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Pasadena the aggregate sum of the said percentages upon the amount of the gross annual receipts arising from the use, operation or possession of said franchise deter- mined and computed in the manner hereinbefore provided. Any neglect, omission or refusal of said grantee, or its successors . 122 or assigns to file said verified statement or to pay the said percentage of the said gross annual receipts at the times, or in the manner herein- before provided, shall ipso facto work a forfeiture of said franchise, and of all rights thereunder to the City of Pasadena. 12th. No work of constructing said road shall be done, and the streets hereinbefore described, shall not be torn up or excavated, or left in a state of other than good and perfect condition and repair, between the first day of December, 1907, and the first day of April, 1908. That the work of constructing said road may commence at any time prior to said first day of December, 1907, but the work or por- tion thereof so commenced must be completed and the streets or portions thereof which may have been dug up, properly surfaced and repaired by said first day of December, 1907. The portion of said work which shall not have been done within the time aforesaid, may be commenced on or immediately after the first day of April, 1908, and shall be continuously prosecuted thereafter in good faith and without unnecessary or avoidable intermission or delay, and shall be entirely completed by the first day of June, 1908. If said work be commenced, prosecuted or compelted at other or in a different manner from the times and manner above specified, said franchise shall be- come thereby ipso facto forfeited. 13th. Said grantee or its successors or assigns shall not sell, transfer or assign any of the rights or privileges granted by said franchise, except by a duly executed instrument in writing filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena; and provided, further, that nothing in said franchise contained shall be construed to grant to said grantee, or its successors or assigns, any right to sell, transfer or assign, said franchise or any of the rights or privileges thereby granted, except in the manner aforesaid. 14th. That the said grantee of said franchise shall, within five (5) days after such franchise is awarded, file with the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena, a written acceptance of the terms and conditions of said franchise, and snail also witnin five (5) days after said fran- chise is awarded, file with the City Council of the City of Pasadena a bond running to said city with at least two good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the City Council in the penal sums of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars, conditioned that said grantee, or its suc- cessors or assigns, shall well and truly observe, fulfill and perform each and every term and condition of said franchise, and that in case of any breach of condition of said bond the whole amount of the penal sum therein named, shall be taken and deemed to be liquidated damages, and shall be recoverable from the principal and sureties upon said bond. In case said bond shall not be so filed, the award of said franchise shall be set aside, and any money paid therefor will be forfeited. Provided, further, that by the acceptance of this fran- chise the grantee thereof and its successors or assigns agree to comply with and be subject to any and all laws and ordinances of said City of Pasadena now in force or which may hereafter be adopted. Sec. 3. Any neglect, failure or refusal to comply with any of the terms, conditions or requirements of said franchise shall thereupon immediately ipso facto effect a forfeiture thereof, and the said city by its City Council may thereupon declare said franchise forfeited and may exclude said grantee, its successors or assigns from any further use of the streets of said city under the said franchise, and said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall thereupon and immedi- ately surrender all rights in and to the same, and said franchise shall be deemed and shall remain null, void and of no effect. No provision of said franchise shall abridge or affect the right of said city should its council deem such action advisable to commence or maintain any suit or action in any court to forfeit said franchise. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held October 8th, 1907, by the following vote: 123 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 812. 15 3 O J n 5 I > X r o 5 * CD 30 O J !.LJ*Ljfl_ UNION ST LZD a OR ADO i. GKEEN DAYTON STREET ST. r FT w. Ayes: Councilmen Braiey, Crandall, Dyer, Hotaling, Root and Webster. Noes: None. HEM AN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 8th day of October, 1907. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 865. An Ordinance Consenting to the Abandonment of Certain Portions of Certain Franchises in the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That the Pacific Electric Railway Company is hereby authorized, and the Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do hereby consent to the abandonment of all that portion of that certain franchise granted to C. S. Campbell-Johnston and assigns by Ordinance No. 508 of the Ordinances of the City of Pasadena, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of Pasadena Avenue and Green Street and running thence east along Green Street to its intersection with Fair Oaks Avenue: Also commencing at the intersection of California Street at Grand Avenue and running thence south on Grand Avenue to t. dividing line between the lands owned by W. Clapp and W. H. Winanfe, thence through private property to the easterly line of Arroyo Wood Lot No. 47; Also commencing at the intersection of Broadway with the south line of Colorado Street; thence across Colorado Street to the inter- section with Little Avenue (now Broadway); thence north on Little Avenue (now Broadway) to its intersection with Holly Street; thence west on Holly Street to its intersection with Fair Oaks Avenue; Also from the intersection of California Street and Pasadena Avenue north along Pasadena Avenue to its intersection with Colorado Street. Sec. 2. The said Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do hereby consent to the abandonment of said Pacific Electric Railway Company of that certain franchise on California Street from Lake Avenue eastward to the old city limits of Pasadena, which franchise was granted by Ordinance No. 499. Sec. 3. The provisions of this ordinance shall take effect upon the acceptance of the terms of the said ordinance in writing, by the Pacific Electric Railway Company, filed with the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena within ten (10) days from and after the adoption of this ordinance. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held July 16th, 1908, by the following vote: Ayes: uouncilmen Braiey, Cattell, Crandall, Hotaling, Mesereau and Root. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 16th day of July, 1908. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. 125 ORDINANCE NO. 886. An Ordinance Granting to the Pacific Electric Railway Company the Right to Construct and for a Period of Twenty (20) Years to Oper- ate and Maintain an Electric Street Railroad Upon Certain Por- tions of Streets in the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That a franchise be, and it is hereby granted to the Pacific Electric Railway Company, and its assigns, to construct and for a period of twenty (20) years to operate and maintain an electric rail- road, to be single or double track, in whole or in part, at the option of tne grantee thereof, or its successors or assigns, over the route and in and upon the street in said city described as follows: Commencing at the center of the intersection of Lake Avenue and California Street, thence east on California Street to a line eight hundred (800) feet east of the east line of Wilson Avenue. Together with the right to construct and maintain all necessary turnouts, curves, connections with street intersections, such switches as may be approved by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, and all other appliances, proper constructions and attachments as may be necessary for the purpose of operating said road. Sec. 2. That the terms and conditions upon which said franchise is granted are as follows: 1st. That the railroad to be constructed and operated under this franchise shall be used for the transportation of passengers, baggage, United States mail and express matter, provided that cars other than closed ones of a neat and attractive design shall only be conveyed over said road between the hours of 10 p. m. of each day and 6 a. m. of the following day; also, for material to be used in the construction and maintenance of railways. 2nd. That the tracks to be laid under said franchise shall be placed as near equidistant from the center of the street as possib'e, and where said road is double-tracked, as near each other as a proper regard for safety will allow. 3rd. That the grantee of said franchise, its successors or assigns, shall use in the construction of said road the best material, including Si rail weighing not less than fifty (50) pounds per yard, which rail and material shall be satisfactory to the Street Superintendent of the said City of Pasadena; the said rails shall be so laid as to be con- tinuously welded or otherwise securely fastened, and said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, at their own cost or expense, pave or macadamize the said road between the rails and for two (2) feet on each side thereof, with the same material used by said city, and under the same specifications and in the same manner as upon the streets over which the said road runs respectively; and shall keep the same constantly so paved or macadamized and in repair, flush with the street, and provided with suitable crossings, and shall make the roadbed conform at all times to the established grade of the street; provided, however, that where any of the above-named streets have been graded or otherwise improved prior to the granting of said fran- chise, said roadbed and rails shall conform to and be flush with the surface of said graded or otherwise improved street or streets, whether such surface be above or below the official grade of such street or streets; and on all street or streets said roadbed and rails shall con- form to such grade as aforesaid. And provided, further, that upon any re-grading or improving of said street or streets, said roadbed and rails shall, by said grantee, or its successors or assigns, be placed upon and made to conform to said official grade; all repairs and grades to be made under the instruction and to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent of said City of Pasadena. In case the said grantee, or its successors or assigns, fails to comply with the instructions given by said official, for ten (10) days after service thereof upon said grantee, or its successors or assigns, in said City of Pasadena, he the 126 said official may enter upon the road ot said grantee, or its successors or assigns, and do the work as ordered by the said City Council of the City of Pasadena, and said official shall keep an itemized account of the cost of said work, together with twenty (20%) per cent, thereof additional, which the said grantee, or its successors or assigns, by the acceptance of said iranchise, agrees to pay immediately to the City of Pasadena, upon memorandum of said costs being presented to said grantee, or its successors or assigns, or to such manager or agent stationed in Pasadena. This provision shall not, however, abate or modify the power of the city Council to forfeit said franchise for faiiure to comply with the instructions of the Street Superintendent or City Council, or with any other terms of said franchise. 4th. Provided that cars shall be run over the road constructed under this francnise at such time or times as public gatherings shall be held at Tournament Park in the City of Pasadena and service shall be requested by the Mayor of the City of Pasadena for the pur- pose of accommodating all persons attending such public gatherings, and at such additional times as may be deemed necessary by the grantee of this francnise, or its successors or assigns; and provided, further, that at such time that a franchise is granted to any person, firm or corporation to construct, operate and maintain an electric railroad on California Street from the easterly end of the road con- structed under this francnise, in an easterly direction, the provisions of such franchise relative to the time during which, and the intervals at which cars shall run for the accommodation of persons applying for transportation, shall apply to and be made a part of the terms and conditions of this franchise as though herein contained. 5th. Provided, further, that the City of Pasadena, in granting said franchise, expressly reserves the right to pave, macadamize, re- new or sewer any of said streets, or to lay gas, water or other pipes therein, said work to be done so as to injure said road as little as possible. 6th. That said grantee, or its successors or assigns, shall con- struct all curves, aqueducts, turnouts, and switches in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena. , 7th. Said grantee, and its successors or assigns, shall construct, re-construct and repair under the streets along or across which its said tracks shall run, all flumes and culverts for the free passage of water under the tracks of said railroad, wherever and whenever necessary, and all such flumes shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer or City Council of said city, and the determination of the City Engineer shall be final as to the necessity for such construction or re-construction or repairs. 8th. That said grantee, or its successors or assigns, shall cause all wires used in the construction of said road that are to be or are charged with electric current, excepting only the trolley wire and bonding wire, to be covered and insulated. 9th. That the cars upon said road shall not be allowed to stand on any street or on any intersection in such a manner as to obstruct the use of the said street by vehicles or pedestrians, nor longer than two minutes at any time. 10th. That the City of Pasadena shall have the right at any time, upon request of the City Council thereof, to use the poles and spans of said grantee now erected or which may be erected along said California Street from the center of the intersection of Lake Ave- nue and California Street to a line eight hundred (800) feet east of the east line of Wilson Avenue, to carry wires and other appliances to be used by said city for the purpose of supplying electric light for the use of said city and its inhabitants, and for the purpose of supply- ing and maintaining a fire and police alarm system. That the wires strung upon said poles and spans shall be located and placed to the satisfaction and subject to the approval of the Electrical Engineer of the said grantee and its successors or assigns. The provisions in this franchise contained, relative to the use of poles and spans by the City of Pasadena, shall continue until an agreement is made between the said city and the said grantee, and its successors or assigns, and the persons or corporations maintaining electric light and telephone poles 127 in the City of Pasadena, for the joint use and maintenance of poles, or poles and spans on the streets of the City of Pasadena. llth. That the rate of fare for any distance over said road, or its branches, within said city, one way, including transfer, shall not exceed five (5) cents for one passenger. That the grantee of said franchise, and its successors or assigns, shall and will at all times, upon and after the completion of said road, during the operation of the same, and without extra charge, issue to and receive from passengers going in one general direction, transfers good for one continuous passage over and upon any and every other line and lines or any other road or roads operated entirely within the said city, which said grantee, or its successors or assigns, does now, or may hereafter, own, control, operate, or have a controlling interest in; and provided, as a further condition, that said grantee, and its successors or assigns, shall and will at all times as aforesaid, issue, or cause to be issued to said passengers without extra charge, a similar transfer from any and every other line or lines operated entirely within the said city, which said grantee, or its successors or assigns, does now or may hereafter own, control, operate or nave a controlling interest in, as aforesaid, to, over and upon the road operated and maintained under said franchise. That all persons under eighteen (18) years of age, who attend public schools of said city or the Throop Polytechnic Institute in said city, shall be required to pay only one-half (%) fare, provided said pupils shall purchase their tickets in quantities of at least one dollar's worth at a time; such tickets to be available only between the hours of 8 a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m. in actual passage to and from said schools herein mentioned, and that said grantee, or its successors or assigns, shall sell such tickets whenever requested so to do by a pupil who shall present a certificate from a teacher, approved by the super- intendent of public schools or an officer of said Throop Polytechnic Institute, that he or she is a pupil of said public schools or Throop Polytechnic Institute. 12th. That said grantee, or its successors or assigns, shall carry all regular policemen, police officers, firemen and letter carriers of said City of Pasadena, when on duty, free on said cars, but subject to such reasonable rules as to such free transportation as said grantee, or its successors or assigns may prescribe. 13th. That said grantee, or its successors or assigns, shall, on o** before December 15th of each year, pay to the City Tax and License Collector of the City of Pasadena, the annual license upon each car, that is now or may be hereafter fixed by the ordinances of said city. 14th. That the said grantee, and its successors or assigns, or any persons or corporation operating cars over any road constructed under said franchise, shall, during the life of said franchise, pay to the City of Pasadena, in lawful money of the United States, two per cent, of the gross annual receipts of such grantee, or its successors or assigns, arising from the use, operation or possession of said franchise. No percentage shall be paid for the first five years succeeding the date of said franchise, but thereafter such percentage shall be payable annually, and said franchise is to be forfeited by failure to make the payments provided for. Provided that, if the road for which said franchise is granted shall be an extension of an existing system of street railroads, then the gross receipts shall be estimated to be one- half (%) of the proportion of the total gross receipts of said system which the mileage of such extension bears to the total mileage of the whole of said system, and said estimate shall be conclusive as to the amount of the gross receipts of said extension. And it shall be the duty of the grantee of said franchise and of its successors or assigns, to file with the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena, at the expiration of six years from the date of the granting of said franchise and at the expiration of each and every year there- after, a statement, verified by the oath of the grantee, or its succes- sors or assigns, or by the oath of the manager or presiding officer of said grantee, or its successors or assigns, showing .the total gross receipts and gross earnings collected and received by said grantee, or its successors or assigns, during the preceding twelve months from all traffic over any part of the line for the construction and operation, 128 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 886. o > F i ^ i s 1 O CALIFORNIA ST t> v > < 80O' H m R m of which said franchise is granted, and over any part of the system of street railroads of which it may be an extension, and from all other sources, and within ten (10) days after the time for filing the afore- said statement, it shall be the duty of said grantee, or its successors or assigns, to pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Pasadena the aggregate sum of said percentage upon the amount of the gross annual receipts arising from the use, operation or possession of said fran- chise, determined and computed in the manner hereinbefore provided. Any neglect, omission or refusal by said grantee, or its successors or assigns, to file said verified statement or to pay the said percent- age of said gross annual receipts at the times or in the manner herein- before provided, shall ipso facto work a forefeiture of said franchise and of all rights thereunder, to the City of Pasadena. 15th. That the work of constructing said road shall be com- menced in good faith within not more than thirty (30) days from the date of the granting of said franchise, and shall be continuously prose- cuted thereafter in good faith and without unnecessary or avoidable intermissions or delays. That said work of construction shall be com- pleted within not more than four (4) months from the awarding of said franchise. 16th. That said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall not sell, transfer or assign any of the rights or privileges granted by said fran- chise, except by a duly executed instrument in writing, filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena; and provided further, that nothing in said franchise contained shall be construed to grant to said grantee, or its successors or assigns, any right to sell, transfer or assign said franchise, or any of the rights or privileges thereby granted, except in the manner aforesaid. 17th. That said grantee, or its successors or assigns, shall at all. times use such means as may be approved by science and directed by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, for the protection of all water, sewer and other underground pipes or conduits from damage from the electric current used by the said grantee, or its successors or assigns, in operating the said railroad. 18th. That said grantee of said franchise shall, within five (5) days after such franchise is awarded, file with the Clerk of the City of Pasadena, a written acceptance of the terms and conditions of said franchise, and shall also within five days after such franchise is awarded, file with the City Council of the City of Pasadena a bond running to said city, with at least two good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the City Council, in the penal sum of five thousand ($5000) dollars, conditioned that said grantee, its successors or as- signs, shall well and truly observe, fulfill and perform each and every term and condition of said franchise, and that in case of any breach of condition of said bond, the whole amount of the penal sum therein named shall be taken and deemed to be liquidated damages, and shall be recoverable from the principal and sureties upon said bond. In case said bond shall not be so filed the award of said franchise shall be set aside, and any money paid therefor shall be forfeited, and said franchise shall, in the discretion of said City Council, be re-advertised and again offered for sale. Provided, further, that by the acceptance of this franchise the grantee thereof, and its successors or assigns, agree to comply with and be subject to any or all laws and ordi- nances of the City of Pasadena now in force or which may hereafter be adopted. Sec. 3. That any neglect, failure or refusal to comply with any of the conditions of said franchise, shall thereupon immediately ipso facto effect a forfeiture thereof, and the said city, by its City Council, may thereupon declare said franchise forfeited, and may exclude said grantee, its successors or assigns, from any further use of the streets of said city under the said franchise, and said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall thereupon and immediately surrender all rights in and to the same, and said franchise shall be deemed and shall remain null, void and of no effect. That no provision of said franchise shall operate or affect the right of said city, should its City Council deem such action advisable, to commence or maintain any suit or action in any court to forfeit said franchise. 130 Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held September ^9th, 1908, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Braley, Cattell, Crandall, Hotaling and Root. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. By W. C. YALE, Chief Deputy. Approved this 29th day of September, 1908. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1141. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating the Manner in Which Those Portions of Streets Required by Law to Be Paved and Kept in Repair by Persons, Firms or Corporations Having Steam, Elec- tric, Interurban or Street Railroad or Railway Tracks Thereon Shall Be Paved, Prescribing the Manner in Which the Road-beds of Said Tracks Shall Be Constructed, and Fixing the Type of Rail to Be Used in Certain Track Construction. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. The word "street" as herein used shall include ave- nues, boulevards, highways, lanes, alleys, crossings, intersections, courts and public ways of the City of Pasadena. The expressions "railway tracks" as herein used shall include the tracks of any steam, electric, interurban or street railroad or railway. The expression "space occupied by railways tracks ' (or an expres- sion similar in effect thereto) as herein used shall mean the portion of a street required by law to be paved, improved or kept in repair by the person, firm or corporation maintaining railway tracks thereon. A "standard road-bed" is a road-bed constructed as hereinafter provided of (a) hydraulic cement concrete, (b) stone balast, or (c) asphalt concrete. (a) HYDRAULIC CEMENT CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. When hydraulic cement concrete construction is used, the hy- draulic cement concrete shall be composed by volume of one (1) part cement, three (3) parts sand, and six (6) parts of broken stone, and the concrete shall extend at least six (6) inches below the bottom of the ties, and the space between and around the ties shall be filled in with concrete at least level with the top of the ties. When the street in which said construction is made is ordered paved with a pavement having a cement concrete base, or is already paved with such a pavement, then said construction shall be to a level with the sub-grade of the wearing surface of said pavement so laid or ordered laid. In other cases it shall be to a level with the sub-grade of the pavement ordered to be laid, or already laid. The concrete need not extend more than three (3) inches beyond the end of the ties, and in no case more than two (2) feet beyond the outer rails of the track, (b) STONE BALLAST CONSTRUCTION. When stone ballast construction is used, the ballast shall be com- posed of hard durable stone or of screened gravel, free from dust and dirt, of such sizes and so graded as to permit a thorough grouting. The ballast shall be at least six (6) inches thick below the bottom of the ties, and the space between and around the ties shall be filled in with ballast at least level with the top of the ties, but said ballast need not extend more than three (3) inches beyond the end of the ties, and in no case more than two (2) feet beyond the outer rails of the railway tracks. The entire thickness of the ballast shall be thoroughly grouted with hydraulic cement mortar composed by volume of not less than one (1) part cement to three (3) parts of sand. When the street in which said construction is made is ordered paved with a 131 pavement having a cement concrete base, or is already paved with such pavement, then said construction shall be to a level with the sub- grade of the wearing surface of said pavement so laid or ordered ta be laid. In other cases it shall be to a level with the sub-grade of the pavement so laid or ordered to be laid. (c) ASPHALT CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. When asphalt concrete construction is used, the asphalt con- crete shall be composed of from six (6) to nine (9) per cent of refined asphalt with a penetration of from eighty (80) to one hundred (100) degrees, District of Columbia Standard, of from thirty (30) to forty (40) per cent of sand, and of from fifty (50) to sixty (60) per cent of crushed rock graded in sizes from one-quarter (%) inch minimum to three (3) inches maximum. The asphalt concrete shall be thor- oughly mixed in suitable mixers and shall be heated to a temperature of from two hundred and fifty (250) to three hundred (300) degrees before being placed. The asphalt concrete shall extend at least eight (8) inches below the bottom of the ties. When the street in which said construction is made is ordered paved with a pavement having a ce- ment concrete base, or is already paved with such a pavement, then said construction shall be to a level with the sub-grade of the wearing sur- face of said pavement so laid or ordered to be laid. In other cases it shall be to a level with the sub-grade of the pavements so laid or ordered to be laid. The asphalt concrete need not extend more than three (3) inches beyond the end of the ties and in no case more than two (2) feet beyond the outer rails of the track. A "standard pavement" is a pavement in the space occupied by railway tracks laid under the same specifications and superintendence (except so far as the thickness of the same or any part thereof is modified by the construction of the road-bed) as the pavement in the street contiguous thereto. "A 'standard rail' is a grooved girder rail not less than seven inches in height and of such pattern, weight and dimension as shall be approved by the City Council of the City of Pasadena." (This paragraph, amendment approved July 9, 1912, Ord. No. 1237.) Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning or operating a steam, electric, interurban or street railroad or railway in the City of Pasadena, to pave or to cause or to permit ta be paved the space occupied by his or its tracks, or to construct the roadbed of such tracks, or to cause or permit such roadbed to be con- structed, in any other manner than as prescribed in this ordinance. Sec. 3. That whenever the City Council shall order any street upon or across which there are any railway tracks to be paved with asphalt, vitrified brick, stone blocks, oil macadam or other permanent pavement, any person, firm or corporation having such railway tracks thereon shall construct a standard roadbed for such tracks. Sec. 4. That whenever the City Council shall order any street upon or across which there are any railway tracks to be paved or otherwise improved, any person, firm or corporation having railway tracks thereon shall improve the space occupied by such tracks with, a standard pavement, provided, however, that upon all streets which may be hereafter paved with asphalt, vitrified brick, stone blocks, oil macadam or other permanent pavement, that portion of the street for a space of not less than six and one-half (G 1 /^) inches on the gauge side and not less than two and one-quarter (2*4) inches on the outer side of each rail of such tracks and contiguous thereto, may be paved with stone blocks or vitrified paving blocks, with the consent of the City Council, all of said blocks to be laid evenly and uniformly on edge in a cement mortar upon a standard roadbed, and provided fur- ther, that upon all streets which may be hereafter paved with asphalt or similar pavement, the specifications for which require a binder course, such binder course need not be constructed between the rails or between the tracks, if there be more than one track. Sec. 5. That whenever the City Council shall, by ordinance or resolution, have ordered any street to be paved or otherwise improved, upon or across which any railway tracks exist, the said City Council 132 hall by order duly entered upon its minutes, fix the time within which any person, firm or corporation having such railway tracks thereon, shall in the case of any such street ordered to be paved with asphalt, vitrified brick, stone blocks, oil macadam or other permanent pave- ment, complete the construction of the roadbed of such tracks in the manner hereinbefore provided, and complete the paving of the space occupied by the railway tracks with standard pavement as herein pro- vided; and in the case of any such street so ordered to be otherwise paved or improved, said City Council shall by order duly entered upon its minutes, fix a time within which any person, firm or corporation shall complete the paving of the space occupied by the railway tracks with standard pavement as herein provided. The City Clerk shall cause a copy of such order to be forthwith served upon such person, firm or corporation. Service of such copy may be made by delivering the same personally to the General Manager or Superintendent, or Local Agent in the City of Pasadena, of such person, firm or corpora- tion. Proof of the service of such order shall be made by affidavit of the person making the same and the record thereof shall be kept in the office of the City Clerk. Nothing herein contained shall be con- strued to prevent the City Council from extending the time so fixed, for good cause, and prior to the expiration thereof, upon an application in writing made by such person, firm or corporation. Upon the service of such copy of such order, as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of such person, firm or corporation to prosecute the work specified in such or- der with due diligence to completion, within the time so fixed, or within such time as so extended by said City Council. Sec. 6. That whenever any person, firm or corporation having any railway tracks upon or across any street that has already been paved with asphalt, vitrified brick, stone blocks, oil macadam or other perma- nent pavement, Tshall desire to replace the rails of such tracks or ties or both, with new rails or ties or both, such person, firm or corpora- tion shall, before commencing such work, give notice in writing to the Superintendent of Streets of his or its intention so to do. Thereupon said Superintendent of Streets shall cause an inspection to be made of the portion of such street where it is so proposed to do such work of replacement, and in writing advise the City Council of the condi- tion thereof. If the pavement or the roadbed where it is proposed to do such work, has not been constructed in conformity with the pro- visions hereof, the City Council shall, by order duly entered upon its minutes, require said person, firm or corporation to reconstruct such roadbed and to repave the said portion of such street to conform with the requirements of this ordinance. The City Council shall, in such order, fix the time within which the work therein described shall be done and shall cause a copy of such order to be served upon such per- son, firm or corporation. Such service shall be made, proved, and a record thereof kept, in tne same manner as herein provided for the service of the order in Section 5 hereof. The time specified in such order may be extended by the City Council for good cause, upon appli- cation in writing made by such person, firm or corporation, prior to the expiration of such time. If said roadbed, where it is proposed to lay such new rails or ties, has been ballasted with broken stone or screened gravel, nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the City Council in its discretion, from not requiring such roadbed to be reconstructed; and provided further, that if the distance for which such person, firm or corporation, shall desire to replace such rails or ties or both, shall be less than six hundred (600) feet, the City Council may, in its discretion, grant a special permit to use such paving ma- terials in the work of replacing such rails or ties or both, as it may prescribe, and in such permit it shall fix the time for the completion of said work; and if such permit is granted, all work of paving and re- pairing thereunder shall be done under the instruction and to the sat- isfaction of the Superintendent of Streets. Any person, firm or corporation served with a copy of said order, or securing a special permit as herein provided, is hereby required to prosecute the work specified therein diligently to completion within the time fixed and stated therein, or within such time as the same may be extended, as aforesaid. 133 Sec. 7. Before making any order or determination fixing the time for the completion of any work as provided in Section 5 hereof, or be- fore making any order or determination as provided in Section 6 here- of, the City Council shall cause at least five (5) days notice to be given to the person, firm or corporation who or which would be affected by any such order or determination, of the date of the meeting at which it is proposed to make the same. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be served by delivering the same personally to the General Man- ager, or Superintendent, or Local Agent in the City of Pasadena, of the person, firm or corporation to be affected by such proposed order or determination. Proof of the service of such notice shall be made by affidavit of the person making the same, and the record thereof shall be kept in the office of the City Clerk. The provisions of this section shall be deemed to be directory and the failure to give such notice shall not impair the validity or effect of any order or determination made hereunder. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets to inspect frequently and carefully all railway tracks in streets of the City of Pasadena, and whenever he finds the space occupied by such tracks to be in bad condition or out of repair, to advise the City Coun- cil thereof in writing, specifying in reasonable detail the location of such tracks and the particulars in which the space occupied thereby is in bad condition or out of repair. Sec. 9. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning or operating any steam, electric, interurban or street railroad or railway in the City of Pasadena, to use or lay, or cause or per- mit to be used or laid, any rails other than a standard rail in the construction of the railway tracks thereof, upon or across any street that shall hereafter be paved with asphalt, vitrified brick, stone blocks, oil macadam or other permanent pavement, or in replacing the rails of any such track or tracks that shall be taken up and replaced with new rails, for a distance of six hundred (600) feet or over. Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to require the use of such grooved girder rails on curves where guard rails are used or on track crossings, or on streets not paved with asphalt, vitri- fied brick, stone blocks, oil macadam or other permanent pavement. Provided further, that on all streets except Colorado Street, between Vernon Avenue and Lake Avenue, and Pair Oaks Avenue, between Chestnut Street and California Street, and Raymond Avenue, between Chestnut Street and California Street, and Broadway, between Colo- rado Street and Bellevue Drive, a Tee rail of a weight approved by the City Council may be used in lieu of such grooved girder rail. Sec. 10. The act, omission or failure of any officer, agent or other person acting for or employed by, any person, firm or corporation operating any steam, electric, interurban or street railway within the City of Pasadena, in violation of the provision of this ordinance, shall in every case be also deemed to be the act, omission or failure of such person, firm or corporation so operating such steam, electric, interur- ban or street railroad, as aforesaid, as well as that of such officer, agent, or other person. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, either as officer, agent, employe or principal, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500) or by imprisonment in the city jail for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Any corporation violat- ing any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punishable by a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500). Sec. 11. This ordinance shall go in effect at 12 o'clock on the 1st day of November, 1911. Sec. 12. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held September 5th, 1911, by the following vote: 134 Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Chaff ee, Fogg, Korstian, Root and Shutt. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Celrk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 5th day of September, 1911. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1180. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Granting to the Pacific Electric Railway Company a Franchise to Construct and Operate an Elec- tric Railroad in and Upon Washington Street in the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That a franchise be, and it is hereby granted to the Pacific Electric Railway Company, herein designated as "Grantee," and its successors and assigns, to construct, operate and maintain an elec- tric railroad along Washington Street, in the City of Pasadena, between North Lake Avenue and the east city boundary line of said city. That the said franchise is described as follows, to-wit: A franchise to construct, operate and maintain an electric railroad, to be single or double track, in whole or in part, at the option of the grantee hereof, or its successors or assigns, along and upon Washing- ton Street in the City of Pasadena from the intersection therewith of North Lake Avenue to the eastern boundary line of said city. Together with the right to construct and maintain all necessary curves, connections with street intersections, and such turn-outs and switches as may be approved by the City Council of the City of Pasa- dena, and all other appliances, proper constructions and attachments as may be necessary for the purpose of operating said railroad. The terms and conditions upon which said franchise is granted are the following, to-wit: I. The duration of the franchise shall be thirty years from the date of the publication of this ordinance, but should the city at any time after the expiration of nineteen years seek to acquire said road by con- demning or any legal procedure, the value of said franchise shall not be included in determining the value of the interest of the grantee or its successors or assigns in said road, not, however, excluding the value of such line as a connection with other lines or the value of the good will incident to the fact that the road is in actual operation. II. The work of constructing said road shall be commenced in good faith within not more than four (4) months from the date of the grant- ing of such franchise, and shall be continuously prosecuted thereafter in good faith and without unnecessary or avoidable intermission or delays. Said work of construction shall be fully completed and said road shall be in operation within not more than one year from the date of the granting said franchise. In the event that the grantee exercises the option of constructing a double track railroad such option shall be exercised and the work of construction of said double tracks shall be fully completed within five (5) years from the date of the publication of the ordinance granting the franchise; provided, however, the City Council may by ordinance require the earlier exercise of said option in the event of the improvement of said street. III. The tracks to be laid under said franchise shall be placed as near equidistant from the center of the street as possible; and where said road is double-tracked, said tracks must have a space between them sufficient to allow the cars to pass each other freely and must be as near to each other as a proper regard for safety will allow. Said tracks must not be more than five (5) feet wide between the rails. 135 IV. The grantee of said franchise, or its successors or assigns, shall at its own cost and expense, sprinkle, clean, plank or re-plank, pave or re-pave, macadamize, or re-macadamize the entire length of the street occupied by the track or tracks used by it, and between the rails and for two (2) feet on each side thereof, and between the tracks, if there be more than one, and on each side therof, and keep the same con- stantly in repair, flush with the street and with good crossings. Such work must be done with such kinds of materials and in such manner as may be provided by ordinance now in force, or which may hereafter be adopted. It shall be competent to require such work to be done as part of the same operation as the work on the remainder in width of said street. The several requirements contained in Ordinance No. 1141 of the City of Pasadena, being an ordinance entitled "An ordi- nance of the City of Pasadena regulating the manner in which those portions of streets required by law to be paved and kept in repair by persons, firms or corporations having steam, electric, interurban or street railroad or railway tracks thereon, shall be paved, prescribing the manner in which the roadbeds of said tracks shall be constructed, and fixing the type of rail to be used in certain track construction" (to which said ordinance reference is hereby made), shall, together with all ordinances amendatory thereto, govern and be binding upon the grantee of said franchise, and its successors or assigns. Upon the regradirig or improving of said street, said roadbed or rails shall by the grantee, or its successors or assigns, be placed upon and made to conform to such official grade. Said grantee, or its successors or as- signs, shall construct, reconstruct and repair under and across the streets along which said tracks shall run, all flumes and culverts for the free passage of water under the tracks of said railroad whenever and wherever necessary. All such flumes and culverts shall be con- structed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer or City Council of said city, and the determination of the City Engineer shall be final as to the necessity of such construc- tion or reconstruction and repairs. In the event that the grantee of the franchise, or its successors or assigns, shall fail or neglect to comply with the requirements hereof in respect to the construction or mainte- nance of its roadbed, tracks, rails, flumes or culverts, the city may pro- vide for the doing of said work at the expense of said grantee, or its successors or assigns, either by the doing of said work by the city and the recovery of the cost thereof, or by the letting of a contract therefor, and the issuance of a warrant which shall represent the said cost and which shall be a lien upon the tracks, roadbed, rails, poles and wires of said grantee, or its successors or assigns. V. The City of Pasadena shall have the right at any time, upon re- quest of the City Council thereof, to use the poles of such grantee, or its successors or assigns, which may be erected pursuant to the terms of the franchise, to carry wires and other appliances used by said city, for the purpose of supplying electricity for the use of said city and its inhabitants, and for the purpose of supplying and main- taining a fire and police alarm system, upon proper division of expense incident to such joint use. VI. This franchise shall not be interpreted as granting any right to transport freight except that the line constructed thereunder may transport or appropriate cars and at such time as will not interfere with the regular passenger traffic, such material as may be needed for the construction of its tracks, or extensions thereto, or for the paving, repairing or macadamizing of the street along which said line or its extensions is constructed, and shall also, upon payment of such com- pensation as may be agreed upon between the grantee, or its successors or assigns, transport such street building materials or other materials for the city or for contractors of the city as may be needed in the construction or repairing of streets or other public works. The right to regulate the use of said line for the transportation of express mat- ter is expressly reserved to the City Council. 136 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 1180. VII. Cars shall be run over the road constructed under this franchise each way during every day at intervals of not more than one-half hour from 7 o'clock a. m. to 8 o'clock p. m., and at intervals of not more than one hour thereafter until 11 p. m., unless prevented by the elements, riots, strikes, or unavoidable causes. Provided, further, that cars shall be operated over said road with sufficient frequency to provide ample fa- cilities for all persons applying for transportation thereover, excepting at times of extraordinary and unforseen amounts of travel. VIII. The rate of fare for any distance over said road, or its branches within said city, one way, shall not exceed five cents for one pas- senger. School children under the age of eighteen years attending the public or other schools, whether within or without the city, shall be required to pay only half fare while traveling over said road or its branches within the city, provided that such pupils shall purchase their tickets in quantities of at least one dollar's worth at a time, such tickets to be available only between the hours of 7:30 a. m. and 6 p. m. in actual passage on the way to and from school. Said grantee, or its successors or assigns, shall sell such tickets, whenever requested so to do by a pupil who shall present a certificate from his or her teacher certifying that he or she is a pupil of said school. IX. The grantee of such franchise, or its successors or assigns, shall and will at all times upon and after the completion of said road, during f;he operating of the same and without extra charge, issue to and re- ceive from passengers going in one direction transfers good for one continuous passage over and upon any and every other line or lines, or any other road or roads, operated within the City of Pasadena, which said grantee, or its successors or assigns, does now or may hereafter own, control, operate, or have a controlling interest in. And provided as a further condition that said grantee, or its successors, or assigns, shall and will at all times as aforesaid, issue or cause to be issued to said passengers, without extra charge, a similar transfer from any and every other line or lines operated within the city, which said grantee, or its successors or assigns, does now or may hereafter own, control, operate, or have a controlling interest in, as aforesaid, to, over and upon the roads operated and maintained under such fran- chise. X. The said grantee, or its successors or assigns, shall carry all regu- lar policemen, police officers and firemen of said City of Pasadena, and U. S. Mail carriers, when on duty, free on such cars, but subject to such reasonable rules as to such free transportation as may be es- tablished by the person or corporation operating said road. XL The grantee of such franchise, or its successors or assigns, shall forever indemnify and save harmless the city against and from all damages, judgments, decrees, costs and expenditures which the city may suffer, or which may be recoverable from or obtained against the city for or by reason of the privilege conferred by said franchise, or for or by reason of, or growing out of, or resulting from, the exercise of said grantee, or its successors or assigns, of the privileges or any of them granted by such franchise, or from any act or acts of the gran- tee, or its successors or assigns, exercising such franchise, or the serv- ants or agents of such grantee, or its successors or assigns, under or by virtue of the provisions of such franchise. The liability of the said grantee, or its successors or assigns, hereunder shall not, however, be deemed to be limited by the amount of the bond required to be given by paragraph 11 of the notice of sale of said franchise and given by the grantee hereunder pursuant to the requirements of said notice. XII. The said grantee, or its successors or assigns, shall during the life of said franchise, pay to the City of Pasadena, in lawful money of the United States, two per cent of the gross annual receipts of such gran- 138 tee, or its successors or assigns, or persons or corporations operating cars over said road, arising from the use, operation or possession of said franchise or road. No percentage shall be paid for the first five years succeeding the date of said franchise, but thereafter such per- centage shall be payable annually, and said franchise is to be forfeited by a failure to make the payments provided for. Provided that if the road for which said franchise is granted or used shall be an extension of an existing system of street railroads, then the gross receipts shall be estimated to be one-half of the proportion of the total gross receipts of said system which the mileage of such extension bears to the total mileage of the whole of said system, and said estimate shall be conclu- sive as to the amount of the gross receipts of said extension. And it shall be the duty of the grantee of said franchise and of its successors or assigns, or persons or corporation using said road, to file with the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena, at the expiration of six (6) years from the date of the granting of said franchise and at the expiration of each and every year thereafter, a statement, verified by the oath of the grantee, or its successors or assigns, or by the oath of the manager or presiding officer of said grantee, or its successors or assigns, or by the oath of the person, or of the managing or presiding officer of any corporation operating cars over said road as aforesaid, showing the total gross receipts and gross earnings collected and received by said grantee, or its successors or aspigns, or by the person or corporation operating cars over said road during the preceding twelve (12) months from all traffic over any part of the line for the construction and operating of which said franchise is granted or used, and over any part of the system of street railroads of which it may be an extension and within ten (10) days after the time for filing the aforesaid state- ment, it shall be the duty of said grantee, or its successors or assigns, or of said person or corporation operating cars over said road, to pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Pasadena, the aggregate sum of said percentage upon the amount of the gross annual receipts arising from the use, operation or possession of said franchise or road, deter- mined and computed in the manner hereinbefore provided. XIII. ' The said grantee, or its successors or assigns, shall not sell, trans- fer or assign any of the rights or privileges granted by said franchise except by a duly executed instrument in writing filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena, and provided further that noth- ing in said franchise contained shall be construed to grant to said grantee, or its successors or assigns, any rights to sell, transfer or assign said franchise or any of the rights or privileges thereby granted, except in the manner aforesaid. XIV. In granting this franchise the t city (without admitting or recog- nizing in any way that it is not already vested with the powers herein- after reserved) hereby expressly reserves the right to grade, sewer, pave, macadamize, alter, repair or otherwise make or provide for the making of local improvements in the street along which said franchise is granted; also to enact and enforce all reasonable ordinances regu- lating the rails, tracks, roadbeds, poles, wires, fares, transfers and serv- ice of the grantee or its successors or assigns, together with all reason- able and proper ordinances, in the exercise of its police power and of its power to make, and provide for the making of, local improve- ments by special assessment, and nothing herein or in such franchise contained shall ever be construed or taken to exempt, or as a con- tract right exempting, the grantee or its successors or assigns, from complying with any ordinances now in force or which may hereinafter be adopted. The enumeration herein of specific rights reserved shall not be taken as exclusive or as limiting the general reservations here made. XV. This franchise is granted upon each and every condition herein contained and shall ever be strictly construed against the grantee and its successors and assigns. Nothing shall pass thereby unless it be granted in plan and unambiguous terms. Each of said conditions is a material and essential condition to the granting of said franchise. Any 139 -neglect, failure or refusal to comply with any of the conditions ot such franchise, or with any of the terms or conditions of any ordi- nance now in force or which may hereafter be adopted, shall thereupon immediately and ipso factor effect a forfeiture thereof, and the said city, by its City Council, may thereupon declare said franchise forfeited and may exclude said grantee or its successors or assigns, from the further use of said street under said franchise. Said grantee, or its successors or assigns, shall thereupon and immediately surrender all rights in and to the same and said franchise shall be deemed and shall remain null and void and of no effect. No provision hereinbefore made tor the purpose of securing the enforcement of the terms and condi- tions of this franchise shall be deemed an exclusive remedy or to afford the exclusive procedure for the enforcement of said terms and condi- tions, but the remedies and procedures herein outlined or provided, including forfeiture, shall be deemed to be cumulative. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held January 23rd, 1912, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Chaff ee, Fogg, Korstian, Rhodes, Root and Shutt. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 23rd day of January, 1912. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. 140 ORDINANCE NO. 1245. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Granting to John McDonald and William Easterbrook a Franchise to Construct and Operate an Electric Railroad Along Lincoln Avenue of Said City. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That a franchise be and it is hereby granted to John McDonald and William Easterbrook, herein designated as "Grantees," and their successors and assigns to construct, operate and maintain an electric railroad along Lincoln Avenue in the City of Pasadena. That the said franchise is described as follows, to-wit: A franchise to construct, and for the period of thirty years, to operate and maintain a double track electric railroad along and upon Lincoln Avenue in the City of Pasadena, from the intersection of said Lincoln Avenue and Fair Oaks Avenue; thence northwesterly along Lincoln Avenue to the point where said Lincoln Avenue turns to the northeast; thence northeatserly and northerly, continuing along Lin- coln Avenue to the notrherly line of Montana Street. Together with the right to construct and maintain all necessary curves, connections at street intersections and such turnouts and switches as may be approved by the City Council of the City of Pasa- dena, and all other appliances, proper constructions and attachments as may be necessary for the purpose of operating said railroad. The terms and conditions upon which said franchise will be offered for sale and granted are the following, to-wit: I. The work of constructing said road shall be commenced in good faith within not more than four (4) months from the date of the grant- ing of such franchise, and shall be continuously prosecuted there- after in good faith and without unnecessary or avoidable intermis- sions or delays. Said work of construction shall be fully completed and said road shall be in operation within not more than one year from the date of the granting of this franchise. II. The tracks to be laid under said franchise shall be placed as near equidistant from the center of the street as possible; and must have a space between them sufficient to allow the cars to pass each other freely and must be as near to each other as a proper regard for safety will allow. Said tracks must not be more than five (5) feet wide between the rails. III. The grantees of said franchise, or their successors or assigns, shall at their own cost and expense, sprinkle, clean, plank or re-plank, pave or re-pave, macadamize or re-macadamize the entire length of the street occupied by the track or tracks used by them, and between the rails and for two (2) feet on each side thereof, and between the tracks if there be more than one, and on each side thereof, and keep the same constantly in repair, flush with the street and with good cross- ings. Such work must be done with such kinds of materials and in such manner as may be provided by ordinance now in force or which may hereafter be adopted. It shall be competent to require such work to be done as part of the same operation as the work on the remainder in width of said street. The several requirements contained in Ordi- nance No. 1141 of the City of Pasadena being an ordinance entitled "An ordinance of the City of Pasadena regulating the manner in which those portions of streets required by law to be paved and kept in repair by persons, firms or corporations having steam, electric, interurban or street railroad or railway tracks thereon shall be paved, prescribing the manner in which the roadbeds of said tracks shall be constructed, and fixing the type of rail to be used in certain track construction" (to which said ordinance reference is hereby made), shall, together with all ordinances amendatory thereto, govern and be binding upon the grantees of said franchise and their successors or assigns. The grantees or their successors or assigns in the construction of the tracks constructed under the franchise, shall use a standard rail, as the same 141 is defined in said Ordinance No. 1141, between Fair Oaks Avenue and Orange Grove Avenue. Upon the re-grading or improving of said street, said roadbed and rails shall by the grantees, or their successors or assigns, be placed upon and made to conform to such official grade. Said grantees, or their successors or assigns, shall construct, recon- struct and repair under and across the streets along which said tracks shall run, all flumes and culverts for the free passage of water under the tracks of said railroad whenever and wherever necessary. All such flumes and culverts shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer or City Council of said city, and the determination of the City Engineer shall be final as to the necessity of such construction or reconstruction and repairs. In the event that the grantees of the franchise, or their successors or assigns, shall fail or neglect to comply with the requirements hereof in respect to the construction or maintenance of their roadbed, tracks, rails, flumes or culverts, the city may provide for the doing of said work at the expense of said grantees or their successors or assigns, either by the doing of said work by the city and the recovery of the cost thereof, or by the letting of a contract therefor, and the issuance of a warrant which shall represent the said cost and which shall be a lien upon the tracks, roadbed, rails, poles and wires of said grantees or their successors or assigns. IV. The City of Pasadena shall have the right at any time, upon re- quest of the City Council thereof, to use the poles of such grantees, or their successors or assigns, which may be erected pursuant to the terms of the franchise, to carry wires and other appliances used by said city, for the puprose of supplying electricity for the use of said city and its inhabitants, and for the purpose of supplying and maintain- ing a fire and police alarm system, upon proper division of expense incident to such joint use. V. The railroad to be constructed and operated under this franchise shall be used for the transportation of passengers and United States mail; subject to the full and complete control of the city (hereby re- served). It may also be used for the transportation of baggage, ex- press matter, and such material as may be needed for the construc- tion of tracks or extensions thereto or for paving, repairing or macad- amizing of the streets along which said line or its extensions is con- structed. VI. Cars shall be run over the road constructed under this franchise each way during every day at intervals of not more than one-half hour from 7 o'clock a. m. to 8 o'clock p. m., and at intervals of not more than one hour thereafter until 11 p. m., unless prevented by the elements, riots, strikes, or unavoidable cause. Provided, further, that cars shall be operated over said road with sufficient frequency to pro- vide ample facilities for all persons applying for transportation there- over, excepting at times of extraordinary and unforeseen amounts of travel. VII. The rate of fare for any distance over said road, or its branches, within said city, one way, shall not exceed five cents for one passen- ger. School children under the age of eighteen years attending the public or other schools, whether within or without the city, shall be required to pay only half fare, while traveling over said road or its branches within the city, provided that such pupils shall purchase their tickets in quantities of at least one dollar's worth at a time, such tickets to be available only between the hours of 7:30 a. m. and 6 p. m., in actual passage on the way to and from schools. Said grantees or their successors or assigns shall sell such tickets whenever re- quested so to do by a pupil, who shall present a certificate from his or her teacher certifying that he or she is a pupil of said school. VIII. The grantees of such franchise, or their successors or assigns, shall and will at all times, upon and and after the completion of said road, during the operation of the same, and without extra charge, 142 Map Showing Streets Affected by Ordinance No. 1245. ST. issue to and receive from passengers going in one direction, transfers good for one continuous passage over and upon any and every other line or lines, or any other road or roads, operated within the City of Pasadena, which said grantees, or their successors or assigns, do now or may hereafter own, control, operate or have a controlling interest in. And provided as a further condition that said grantees or their successors, or assigns, shall and will at all times as aforesaid, issue or cause to be issued to said passengers, without extra charge, a similar transfer from any and every other line or lines operated within the city, which said grantees, or their successors or assigns, do now or may hereafter own, control, operate, or have a controlling interest in, as aforesaid, to, over and upon the road operated and maintained under this franchise. IX. The said grantees, or their successors or assigns, shall carry all regular policemen, police officers and firemen of said City of Pasa- dena, and United States mail carriers, when on duty, free on such cars, but subject to such reasonable rules as to such free transporta- tion as may be established by the person or corporation operating said road. X. The grantees of such franchise, or their successors or assigns, shall forever indemnify and save harmless the city against and from all damages, judgments, decrees, costs and expenditures which the city may suffer, or which may be recoverable from or obtained against the city, for or by reason of the privileges conferred by said franchise, or for or by reason of, or growing out of, or resulting from the exercise of said grantees or their successors or assigns, of the privileges or any of them granted by this franchise, or from any act or acts of the grantees, or their successors or assigns, exercising such franchise or the servants or agents of such grantees, or their successors or assigns, under or by virtue of the provisions of such franchise. The liability of said grantees or their successors and assigns hereunder shall not, however, be deemed to be limited by the amount of the bond required to be given by paragraph 10 of the Notice of Sale of said franchise and given by the grantees hereunder pursuant to the requirements of said notice. XI. The said grantees or their successors or assigns, shall, during the life of said franchise, pay to the City of Pasadena, in lawful money of the United States, two per cent of the gross annual receipts of such grantees or their successors or assigns, or persons or corporation operating cars over said road, arising from the use, operation or pos- session of said franchise or road. No percentage shall be paid for the first five years succeeding the date of said franchise, but thereafter such percentage shall be payable annually, and said franchise is to be forfeited by a failure to make the payments provided for. Provided that if the road for which said franchise is granted or used shall be an extension of an existing system of street railroads, then the gross receipts shall be estimated to be one-half of the proportion of the total gross receipts of said system which the mileage of such extension bears to the total mileage of the whole of said system, and said esti- mate shall be conclusive as to the amount of the gross receipts of said extension. And it shall be the duty of the grantees of said franchise and of their successors or assigns, or persons or corporation using said road, to file with the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena, at the expiration of six (6) years from the date of the granting of said fran- chise and at the expiration of each and every year thereafter, a state- ment, verified by the oath of the grantees or their successors or assigns, or by the oath of the Auditor or Secretary of said grantees or their successors or assigns, or by the oath of the person, or the Audi- tor or Secretary of any corporation operating cars over said road as aforesaid, showing the total gross receipts and gross earnings collected and received by said grantees or their successors or assigns, or by the person or corporation operating cars over said road during the preceding twelve (12) months from all traffic over any part of the 144 line for the construction and operation of which said franchise is granted or used, and over any part of the system of street railroads of which it may be an extension and within ten (10) days after the time for filing the aforesaid statement, it shall be the duty of said grantees, or their successors or assigns, or of said person or corpora- tion operating cars over said road, to pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Pasadena, the aggregate sum of said percentage upon the amount of the gross annual receipts arising from the use, operation or possession of said franchise or road, determined and computed in the manner hereinbefore provided. XII. The said grantees or their successors or assigns, shall not sell, transfer or assign any of the rights or privileges granted by said fran- chise except by a duly executed instrument in writing, filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena; and provided further, that nothing in said franchise contained shall be construed to grant said grantees, or their successors or assigns, any rights to sell, trans- fer, or assign said franchise or anyvof the rights or privileges thereby granted, except in the manner aforesaid. XIII. In granting this franchise the city (without admitting or recog- nizing in any way that it is not already vested with the powers here- inafter reserved) hereby expressly reserves the right to grade, sewer, pave, macadamize, alter, repair or otherwise make or provide for the making of local improvements in the street along which said franchise is granted; also to enact and enforce all reasonable ordinances regu- lating the rails, tracks, roadbeds, poles, wires, fares, transfers and service of the grantees or their successors or assigns, together with all reasonable and proper ordinances, in the exercise of its police power and of its power to make and provide for the making of local improvements by special assessment, and nothing herein contained shall ever be construed or taken to exempt, or as a contract right ex- empting the grantees or their successors or assigns from complying with any ordinances now in force or which may hereafter be adopted. The enumeration herein of specific rights reserved shall not be taken as exclusive or as limiting the general reservations here made. XIV. This franchise is granted upon each and every condition herein contained and shall ever be strictly construed against the grantees and their successors and assigns. Nothing shall pass thereby unless it be granted in plain and unambiguous terms. Each of said conditions is a material and essential condition to the granting of said franchise. Any neglect, failure or refusal to comply with any of the conditions of such franchise, or with any of the terms or conditions of any ordinance now in force or which may hereafter be adopted shall thereupon im- mediately and ipso facto effect a forefeiture thereof, and the said city, by its City Council, may thereupon declare said franchise forfeited and may exclude said grantees or their successors or assigns from the further use of said street under said franchise. Said grantees or their successors or assigns shall thereupon and immediately surrender all rights in and to the same and said franchise shall be deemed and shall remain null and void and of no effect. No provision hereinbefore made for the purpose of securing the enforcement of the terms and conditions of this franchise shall be deemed an exclusive remedy or to afford the exclusive procedure for an enforcement of said terms and conditions, but the remedies and procedure herein outlined or provided, including forfeiture, shall be deemed to be cumulative. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held July 30th, 1912, by the following votes: 145 Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Chaff ee, Korstian, Rhodes, Root, and Shutt. Noes : None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 30th day of July, 1912. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. BEFORE THE RAILROAD COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. APPLICATION NO. 54. In the Matter of the Application of The Pacific Telephone and Tele- graph Company for Authorization to Purchase the Capital Stock of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena. APPLICATION NO. 58. In the Matter of the Application of The Pacific Telephone and Tele- graph Company for Authorization to Sell or Lease Its Telephone Exchange at Pasadena, California, to The Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena. APPEARANCES : H. D. Pillsbury, for The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. H. M. Robinson, for The Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena. William J. Carr, City Attorney, for the City of Pasadena. Sam M. Haskins, for The Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, of Los Angeles. Arthur Wright, for the United States Long Distance Telephone and Telegraph Company. DECISION, jfishleman and Edgerton, Commissioners. These two applications were filed on May 20th and 21st, 1912, respectively, and thereafter the City of Pasadena asked and was granted leave to intervene. The applications were consolidated and the hearing on the applications and the intervention held on the 21st day of June, 1912, in the City of Pasadena. The testimony disclosed the situation, which is substantially as follows : As the result of litigation between the City of Pasadena and The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, finally determined by the Supreme Court of the State of California, (Sunset Telephone and Telegraph Company vs. City of Pasadena, 118, Pac. 796), The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company finds itself unable to operate further its telephone exchange business within the City of Pasadena without the granting of a new franchise by that city. The Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena is operating a telephone exchange in the City of Pasadena under a legal franchise. The City of Pasadena desiring to consolidate the telephone service being rendered, has refused to renew the franchise of The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company and has insisted upon a consolidation of its telephone service. It appears from all the evidence before us that such a consolidation is generally desired and is desirable. The United States Long Distance Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany is an interested party because of the fact that it is now and has been for some time in the past rendering long distance service to the patrons of the existing Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, whereas, the patrons of The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany have had access to the long distance lines of The Pacific Tele- phone and Telegraph Company, and it is proposed that, under the consolidation, the subscribers to telephone service in Pasadena shall 146 have access to long distance service of both long distance telephone systems. No opposition has developed from any source to those ultimate purposes and desires of the applicant and the interested parties, and it appears that they are results that will tend greatly to the public benefit and convenience, both in the City of Pasadena and a consider- able territory adjacent thereto. It remains, then, to effect such a result under such reasonable terms and regulations as will safeguard the interests of the general public, the telephone users and the operating companies involved, in the future. The City of Pasadena requests that the order which we shall issue in the premises be made subject to the endorsement of the City of Pasadena. The Commission does not desire to put itse^ in the light of issuing an order requiring any other approval and in this case our decision and order are made entirely without reference to, or recognition of, any such necessity, but desiring in every way to co- operate with the city authorities jointly interested in the regulation of utilities and in this case, the City of Pasadena and the residents thereof being the parties directly "interested in the combination of these two systems, we are disposed not to permit a combination under terms which will be distasteful to the authorities of such city. Therefore, we are disposed to make the effectiveness of this decision and order contingent upon the approval of it by the City of Pasadena through a proper ordinance and the effective date hereof will be the date of the going into effect of such ordinance. If the City of Pasadena is not satisfied with the terms imposed herein and does not pass an ordinance approving the same, then, of course, the result will be a denial of the application to consolidate. The City of Pasadena has requested that certain conditions be imposed, most of which we now find to be entirely proper and reason- able, and with slight exception, we will make our approval contingent upon such conditions. Certain conditions asked for are imposed by operation of law, particularly those preventing the increase of rates and the impairment of the standard of service and, therefore, no conditions are necessary to be imposed with reference thereto. The only two important provisions concerning which there is much con- troversy are those requiring an optional two-number and particular- party service over The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company's lines between the Pasadena Exchange and the City of Los Angeles and the requirement of a deposit on the part of the subscriber as a prerequisite to having his service connected. The first matter involves primarily a question of expense. State- ments have been submitted to the Commission showing that a com- pliance with the City's request in this regard will occasion expenditures of considerable size and it seems to be undisputed that such is a fact. We do not desire to require this company to make unnecessary ex- penditures, but on the other hand, we desire to require the very best possible service within the territory involved. It has not been made clear to us that the added advantages to the city will offset the addi- tional expenditure, but we do not desire to foreclose the question and we reserve a decision as to this matter and request that sometime within a year from date the city authorities present to us their further views, based upon experience with the consolidated system. If it appears at such time that any inconvenience is occasioned to the patrons of this company within the City of Pasadena by reason of not requiring optional two-number and particular-party service, the Commission will require that such optional two-number and particular- party service be installed and the decision is rendered contingent upon the companies involved being willing immediately to comply with this Commission's orders in this regard, if it shall hereafter be made. As to requiring a deposit, we feel that the need of such deposit should be plain. Anything which adds to the burdens of the patrons of a utility without being of substantial benefit to the utility should, of course, not be required and any payment which adds to the bur- dens of the patrons of the utility which the utility has not a plain right to exact will not by this Commission be approved. We, therefore, 147 reject the application to require a deposit of any sum in the nature of a guarantee and telephone service shall be rendered upon applica- tion and on the signing of the company's contract, which contract shall be subject to the approval of the City of Pasadena. We would suggest, however, that this company keep a detailed statement as to any losses which may be entailed by reason of its not being allowed to exact a guarantee, and if, at a subsequent date,, it appear that these losses are sufficiently large to warrant the im- position of a deposit, we will be disposed to modify this decision and order in this regard. The city also requests that within a reasonable time all property and rights of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasa- dena shall be assigned and transferred to the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company resisted this application on the ground that the holders of the bonds of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company might object to such a condition. At the suggestion of the Commission, the representatives of the bondholders were consulted and we have been assured that no objection would be raised by the bondholders to the granting of this request. We, therefore, recommend the following order: Application having been made by The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company for authorization to purchase the capital stock of The Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena, which application has been consolidated with the application of The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company for authorization to sell or lease its telephone exchange plant at Pasadena, California, to the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena, and a hearing having been duly held upon said consolidated applications, and it appearing to the Commission that the applications should be granted under reasonable restrictions and limitations regarding the administration and continuation of the consolidated telephone service, it is hereby ordered as follows: The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company is authorized to purchase the capital stock of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, and The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company is authorized to sell or lease its telephone exchange plant at Pasadena, California, to The Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, of Pasa- dena, California, in conformity with the following terms and conditions and contingent upon the passage of an ordinance of the City of Pasa- dena approving said purchase and sale and said terms and conditions. I. (a) Long Distance toll service shall be maintained and be at all times available to all present or future telephone subscribers who may be subscribers to the consolidated telephone service in Pasadena, so that any subscribers in Pasadena may have incoming service from or outgoing service to the existing toll lines now entering Pasadena. It shall be optional with these subscribers over which toll system their messages shal 1 be sent. In particular, ample and suitable space, room, and facilities shall be furnished the United States Long Dis- tance Telephone and i elegraph Company, their successors and assigns, in any building in which the exchange telephone service shall be established, in which said Long Distance Company shall have the right to set up, maintain, and operate a sufficient and satisfactory long distance equipment and apparatus for caring for and continuing its long distance business, both outgoing and incoming. The United States Long Distance Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany shall have the right and may install its apparatus, appliances, equipment, and facilities for the carrying on of and caring for its long distance business, and shall employ on its own account all operators and employees necessary to conduct said business. The physical connections between the long distance apparatus and equipment and the apparatus of the local plant shall be made in a manner suitable to carrying on the long distance business to the. advantageous operation of the long distance apparatus and lines and 148 proper service for the patrons of the local company and without unnecessary cost. The patrons of the local company shall have the right and option to call for long distance service over the lines of the United States Long Distance Telephone and Telegraph Company and <;alls made by patrons of the local company for such service shall be so handled by the operators of the local company that the service given the patrons of the local company by the Long Distance Com- pany shall not be in any way at a disadvantage. All messages, both incoming and outgoing, over the lines of the Long Distance Company shall be handled promptly by the operators of the local company and with the same promptness that incoming and outgoing messages are handled over the long distance lines of any other company. The Long Distance Company shall have the right to designate the name by which its service shall be called and published. As new or additional equipment or alterations in equipment are made by the local company, the Long Distance Company shall be given the information at as early a da v te as possible of any contemplated changes and permitted to do anything necessary to bring its equipment into proper relation with the proposed change, and no delay or hindrance shall be made by the local company in this connection nor in the event the Long Distance Company shall desire to make changes in or additions to its own apparatus. (b) The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company shall main- tain its present long distance service, whether particular party or two- number, until the further order of this Commission. (c) A directory or directories showing the subscribers of the Pasadena Exchange shall be furnished each of such subscribers not less than twice each year. Such directory or directories shall also contain the names and numbers of all the subscribers of The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company of the City of Los Angeles and contiguous territory, and in the Pasadena edition of such directory, the Pasadena lists of subscribers shall appear first. A directory or directories shall also be furnished each of such subscribers by the United States Long Distance Telephone and Telegraph Company not less than twice annually, containing all the subscribers of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Los Angeles, and also the sub- scribers of other independent companies operating in territory contigu- ous to Los Angeles. II. Local Rates and Service. The rentals charged the subscribers of the Pasadena Exchange, and the service given and facilities afforded by said Exchange, shall conform to the following requirements: (a) The minimum rate for the several classes of service now prevailing in the systems of The Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena and of The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company in Pasadena, respectively, and the maximum radius of serv- ice under the said several rates now existing in the said systems, respectively, shall in the several instances prevail as the maximum rate and the minimum radius. (b) The average time for answering line signals shall not ex- ceed 4.3 seconds. (c) The percentage of line signals answered in ten seconds or under shall not be less than 95 per cent. (d) The average time for the disconnection . of calls shall not exceed four seconds. (e) The percentage of disconnections within eight seconds shall not be less than 95 per cent. (f) The calls not affected by operators' errors shall not be less than 98 per cent. (g) The above service requirements shall apply under normal conditions, and at no time shall the ratio of operators to traffic handled be less than is necessary to the maintenance of these standards under normal conditions. (h) Telephone service shall be rendered upon application on 149 the signing of the Company's contract, which contract shall be sub- ject to the approval of the City of Pasadena, and without a deposit of any sum in the nature of a guarantee or the requiring of paying in advance for longer than one month. III. General and Miscellaneous Requirements. (a) The interchange of service between the two systems pend- ing their physical consolidation shall be effected within three months after the order granting these applications goes into effect, and the engineering work necessary to effect complete consolidation of the systems shall be fully completed within not less than twelve months from the date this order goes into effect. Strict adherence to the service requirements hereinbefore outlined will not be insisted upon during the time last mentioned, but allowance will be made for in- herent difficulties in rendering first-class service during the time of effecting physical consolidation of the systems. (b) The construction to be retained in service in the course of the physical consolidation as well as future installations, shall, so far as located within the City of Pasadena, be subject to the approval of the City Engineer of Pasadena, and shall conform to the ordinances of said city now, or which may hereafter be, in effect. As nearly as possible installation without the City and within the Exchange limits shall follow the construction within the city. Particularly shall in- terior block construction for the business section and rear property line construction for the residence section prevail in the preservation of existing facilities, as well as future installations, subject to the supervision of the City Engineer, and conditioned upon rights of way being obtainable from property owners without charge, or for reason- able compensation. (c) For the purpose of determining gross receipts, a percentage of which will go to the City of Pasadena, the Company shall make a just segregation of toll revenues based upon a pro rate determined upon the actual segregation of toll investments and expenses and exchange investments and expenses. In case the Company and the City do not agree as to such segregation, the party dissatisfied there- with shall have the right to appeal to the Railroad Commission, the determination of which, in this respect shall be final. (d) The permission hereby granted shall become effective only upon the concurrence by ordinance of the City Council of the City of Pasadena of said transactions and consolidation, and the terms and conditions thereto herein contained, and this consent shall become effective concurrently with such approval by said City Council. (e) Within not less than eighteen months from the date of this order, all property and rights of The Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena shall be assigned and transferred to The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, conditioned upon the assent of the City of Pasadena thereto upon reasonable terms (the terms herein stated shall be deemed reasonable), it being contemplated hereby that the true ownership and control of such Exchange shall appear. (f) Nothing in this order or in the proceeding preliminary there- to shall be deemed in any way to be an acceptance either by the Railroad Commission or by the City of Pasadena of the valuation placed upon the property of said Home Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany, or The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company or the Sunset Telephone and Telegraph Company. The value of the properties of said Companies is expressly left open for future determination. (g) Nothing in this order, or in the proceedings preliminary there- to, shall be deemed in any way to constitute a contract between said Telephone Company, or any of them, and the City of Pasadena or the State of California. It is intended hereby to establish certain service, construction, and rate regulations to which said Company, and each of them, must conform until otherwise provided by law. 150 The above decision and order are hereby approved and ordered filed as the opinion and order of this Commission. San Francisco, California, July 13, 1912. JOHN M. ESHLEMAN, Commissioner. ALEX GORDON, Commissioner. EDWIN O. EDGERTON, Commissioner. (SEAL) A true copy. H. C. MATHENSON, Assistant Secretary. ORDINANCE NO. 1250. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena (a) Consenting to the Purchase by The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company of the Capital Stock of The Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasa- dena, and the Sale by The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany of its Property in the City of Pasadena and Within the Limits of its Pasadena Exchange to The Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena, and (b) Regulating Telephone Rates and Service in the City of Pasadena. WHEREAS, certain proceedings have been duly had and taken before the Railroad Commission of the State of California upon appli- cations made by The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company for authorization to purchase the capital stock of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena, and to sell or lease its telephone exchange at Pasadena to said Home Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany of Pasadena, which proceedings resulted in an order duly made and entered by said Railroad Commission on the 13th day of July, 1912, granting said applications upon certain terms and conditions, and WHEREAS, the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Los Angeles and the United States Long Distance Telephone and Telegraph Company, by reason of their interest in the long distance toll service to and from Pasadena, duly intervened in said proceedings and asked for certain orders effecting long distance and directory facilities, and WHEREAS, said proceedings and order look to the consolidation of competing telephone exchanges in Pasadena, and the operation of said consolidated telephone system by the Home Telephone and Tele- graph Company of Pasadena until said system shall be taken over by The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, (as required in said order), and the furnishing of certain long distance and directory facilities by the United States Long Distance Telephone and Telegraph Company, and the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Los Angeles, and WHEREAS, said order of the Railroad Commission is conditioned upon the City of Pasadena approving the transactions contemplated by said proceedings and order; NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Mayor- and City Coun- cil of the City of Pasadena as follows: Part I. SECTION 1. That the City of Pasadena hereby consents to and approves the purchase by The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany of the capital stock of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany of Pasadena, and the sale by The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company of its telephone exchange at Pasadena to the Home Tele- phone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena (being the transactions, authorization for which was granted by the Railroad Commission of the State of California by its order dated July 13, 1912, in applications numbered 54 and 58). This consent and approval is given upon and subject to the terms and conditions, (and which are in substance the terms and conditions contained in said order of the Railroad Com- mission), hereinafter set forth, each and every one of which is material and the violation of or non-compliance with any one or more of which 151 shall relate back and invalidate and render without any effect whatsoever this consent and approval. Upon any violation of or non- compliance with, any one or more of said terms and conditions, by the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena, or its suc- cessor in interest, this consent and approval shall be deemed never to have been given, and the respective rights of the corporations interested or concerned in the proceedings recited to have been had and taken shall be the same as if this consent and approval had never been given. The terms and conditions upon which this consent and approval are given as aforesaid, are as follows: I. Long Distance Toll Service. Long distance toll service shall conform to the following require- ments : (a) Long distance toll service shall be maintained and be at all times available to all present or future telephone subscribers who may be subscribers to the consolidated telephone exchange in Pasadena, (the expressions "consolidated exchange," or "local exchange" or "Pasadena exchange" as herein used shall be deemed to mean the telephone exchange operated or maintained at Pasadena by the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena, or its successor in interest), so that any subscribers in Pasadena may have incoming service from or outgoing service to the existing toll lines now entering Pasadena. It shall be optional with these subscribers over which toll system their messages shall be sent. In particular, ample and suitable space, room and facilities shall be furnished the United States Long Distance Telephone and Telegraph Company, their successors and assigns, in any building in which the exchange telephone service shall be established, in which said Long Distance Company shall have the right to set up, maintain and operate a sufficient and satisfactory long distance equipment and apparatus for caring for and continuing its long distance business, both outgoing and incoming. The United States Long Distance Telephone and Telegraph Company shall have the right and may install its apparatus, appliances, equipment and facilities for the carrying on of and caring for its long distance business, and shall employ on its own account all operators and employees neces- sary to conduct said business. The physical connections between the long distance apparatus and equipment and the apparatus of the local exchange shall be made in a manner suitable to carrying on the long distance business to the advantageous operation of the long distance apparatus and lines and proper service for the patrons of the local exchange, and without unnecessary cost. The patrons of the local exchange shall have the right and option to call for long distance service over the lines of the United States Long Distance Telephone and Telegraph Company, and calls made by patrons of the local ex- change for such service shall be so handled by the operators of the local exchange that the service given the patrons of the local exchange by the Long Distance Company shall not be in any way at a dis- advantage. All messages, both incoming and outgoing, over the lines of the Long Distance Company shall be handled promptly by the operators of the local exchange and with the same promptness that incoming and outgoing messages are handled over the long distance lines of any other company, or over the long distance lines of the owner of the local exchange. The Long Distance Company shall have the right to designate the name by which its service shall be called and published. As new or additional equipment or alterations in equipment are made in the local exchange, the Long Distance Company shall be given the information at as early a date as possible of any contemplated changes and permitted to do anything necessary to bring its equipment into proper relation with the proposed change, and no delay or hindrance shall be made by the operator of the local exchange in this connection, nor in the event the Long Distance Company shall desire to make changes in or additions to its own apparatus. (b) The United States Long Distance Telephone and Telegraph Company shall maintain its present long distance service and may make such service and two-number service optional. In addition to 152 such long distance service by said United States Long Distance Tele- phone and Telegraph Company, the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena and its successor in interest shall furnish a long distance service, both incoming and outgoing, available to all the subscribers of the local exchange, at least equivalent to that now furnished by The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, and available between subscribers of the local exchange and subscribers of other exchanges owned or controlled by The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. (c) A directory or directories showing the subscribers of the Pasadena exchange shall be furnished each of the subscribers of said exchange not less than twice each year free of charge. Such directory or directories shall also contain the names and numbers of all the subscribers of The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company of the City of Los Angeles and contiguous territory, and in the Pasadena edition of such directory, the Pasadena list of subscribers shall appear first. A directory or directories shall also be furnished, free of charge, to each of such subscribers by the United States Long Distance Tele- phone and Telegraph Company or the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Los Angeles not less than twice annually, containing all the subscribers of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Los Angeles, and also the subscribers of other independent companies operating in territory contiguous to Los Angeles. The list of subscrib- ers of the Pasadena exchange shall be published in said directories of The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, the United States Long Distance Telephone and Telegraph Company and the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Los Angeles. II. Local Rates and Service. The rentals charged the subscribers of the Pasadena Exchange, and the service given and facilities afforded by said Exchange, shall conform to the following requirements: (a) The minimum rate for the several classes of service now prevailing in the systems of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany of Pasadena and of The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany at its Pasadena Exchange, respectively, and the maximum radius of service under the said several rates now existing in the said systems, respectively, shall in the several instances prevail as the maximum rate and the minimum radius. (b) The average time for answering line signals shall not exceed 4.3 seconds. (c) The percentage of line signals answered in ten seconds or -under shall not be less than 95 per cent. (d) The average time for the disconnection of calls shall not exceed four seconds. (e) The percentage of disconnections within eight seconds shall not be less than 95 per cent. (f) The calls not affected by operators' errors shall not be less than 98 per cent. (g) The above service requirements shall apply under normal conditions, and at no times shall the ratio of operators to traffic handled be less than is necessary to the maintenance of these standards under normal conditions. (h) Telephone service shall be rendered upon application on the signing of the operating company's contract, which contract shall be subject to the approval of the City of Pasadena, and without a deposit of any sum in the nature of a guarantee or the requiring of payment in advance for longer than one month. III. General and Miscellaneous Requirements. (a) The interchange of service between the two systems pend- ing their physical consolidation shall be effected on or before October 1st, 1912, and the engineering work necessary to effect complete con- solidation of the systems shall be fully completed on or before July 1st, 1913. Strict adherence to the service requirements hereinbefore outlined will not be insisted upon during the time last mentioned, but .allowance will be made for inherent difficulties in rendering first-class 153 service during the time of effecting physical consolidation of the systems. (b) The construction to be retained in service in the course of the physical consolidation as well as future installation, shall, so far as located within the City of Pasadena, be subject to the approval of the City Engineer of Pasadena, and shall conform to the ordinances of said city now, or which may hereafter be, in effect. Particularly shall interior block construction for the business section and rear property line construction for the residence section prevail in the preservation of existing facilities, as well as future installations, sub- ject to the supervision of the City Engineer, and conditioned upon rights of way being obtainable from property owners without charge, or for reasonable compensation. (c) For the purpose of determining gross receipts, a percentage of which will go to the City of Pasadena, the operating company snail make a just segregation of toll revenues based upon a pro rata determined upon the actual segregation of toll investments and ex- penses and exchange investments and expenses. In case the operating company and the City do not agree as to such segregation, the party dissatisfied therewith shall have the right to appeal to the Railroad Commission, the determination of which, in this respect, shall be final. (d) Within not less than eighteen months from July 1st, 1912, all property and rights of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany of Pasadena shall be assigned and transferred to The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, conditioned upon the assent of the City of Pasadena thereto, it being contemplated hereby tnat the true ownership and control of such Exchange shall appear. (e) The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company shall, on or before the 31st day of October, 1912, pay to the City a sum equal to two (2) per cent of its gross receipts for its Pasadena business be- tween the 12th day of June, 1912, and the date which the interchange of service between the systems of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena and The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany in Pasadena commences. Part II. SEC. 2. By the term "company" as used in Part II of this ordi- nance is meant any corporation, co-partnership, association or person engaged in conducting, operating or maintaining in the City of Pasa- dena a telephone exchange or telephone exchange business for the electrical transmission of articulate speech between persons within said city. By the expression "local telephonic service or facilities" as used in Part II of this ordinance is meant telephonic service or facili- ties furnished to any telephone subscriber in the City of Pasadena with other subscribers in said city, and in the exchange limits of the company's Pasadena exchange. SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for any company or for any officer, agent, collector or employe of such company, directly or indirectly, or in any manner or form to charge, demand, collect or receive any rate or rates, rental or rentals, or payment or compensation or con- sideration for local telephonic service or facilities furnished by it in the City of Pasadena, greater than the following rates which are here- by established as the rates which said company may charge and collect: The minimum rate for the several classes of service prevailing on the first day of June, 1912, in the systems of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena, and of The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company in Pasadena, respectively, and the maximum radius of service under the said several rates prevailing on said date in the said systems, respectively, shall, in the several instances, pre- vail as the maximum rate and the minimum radius. The Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Pasadena shall, within twenty days from the date of the adoption of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk a statement of its rates in force and effect on June 1st, 1912, which statement shall be verified by the Secretary thereof. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company shall like- wise within twenty days from the date of the adoption of this ordi- 154 nance, file with the City Clerk a statement of its rates in force on June 1st, 1912, within its Pasadena exchange limits, which schedule shall be verified by its traffic manager, or other officer in charge of its rates. For the purposes of this ordinance such schedules shall not be deemed to be binding upon the city in the event of their being found incorrect or inaccurate. This section, except the portion thereof requiring the filing of statements of rates, shall go in effect at 12 o'clock noon on the 1st day of October, 1912. SEC. 4. It shall be unlawful for any company, or for any officer, agent or employe of such company, to fail, neglect or refuse to render local telephonic service to any person in the City of Pasadena upon application therefor being made and upon the signing of the com- pany's contract (which contract shall be subject to the approval as to form by the City Council of the City of Pasadena), and without requiring or demanding the deposit of any sum in the nature of a guarantee, and without requiring or demanding any payment in ad- vance in excess of one month's payment of the rate in Section 3 hereof established for the class bf service for which application is made. This section shall go into effect at 12 o'clock noon on the 1st day of October, 1912. SEC. 5. It shall be unlawful for any company or for any officer, agent, or employe of such company, to conduct, or engage or assist in conducting, in the City of Pasadena, any local telephone exchange or local telephone exchange business, the service and facilities afforded by which do not conform fully to each and every of the following service and facility requirements: (a) The average time for answering line signals shall not exceed 4.3 seconds. (b) The percentage of line signals answered in ten seconds or under shall not be less than 95 per cent. (c) The average time for the disconnection of calls shall not exceed four seconds. (d) The percentage of disconnections within eight seconds shall not be less than 95 per cent. (e) The calls not affected by operators' errors shall not be less than 98 per cent. (f) At no time shall the ratio of operators to traffic handled be less than is necessary to the maintenance of these standards. This section shall go into effect at 12 o'clock noon on the 1st day of October, 1912. SEC. 6. It shall be unlawful for any company, or for any officer, agent or employe of such company, to conduct or carry on, or assist in conducting or carrying on, in the City of Pasadena, more than one telephone exchange or telephone exchange business, or any telephone exchange, in which any subscriber thereto is not afforded the oppor- tunity of being connected with any other telephone subscriber in said city. This section shall become effective at 12 o'clock noon on the 1st day of October, 1912. SEC. 7. It shall be unlawful for any company, or for any officer, agent or employe of such company, to maintain or assist in maintaining in the City of Pasadena, any telephone exchange or system having or using any unnecessary duplication of poles, pole lines or equipment, upon or along any of the streets of said city. This section shall become effective at 12 o'clock noon on the 1st day of July, 1913. SEC. 8. Any company in removing or eliminating any duplication of poles, pole lines, wires or equipment, in the City of Pasadena, shall, in every instance, continue its poles, pole lines, wires or equipment which are the most adequate and efficient. The construction to be retained in service in the course of any removal or elimination of duplication of poles, pole lines, wires or equipment, as well as any future installation of such poles, pole lines, wires or equipment, shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer of the City of Pasa- dena. Interior block construction for the business section, and rear property line construction for the residence section, shall prevail in 155 INDEX Ordinance Number Grantee. Nature of Franchise. Page 27. M. G. Ellmore Gas 3 28. Alonzo J. Painter Street railroad 4 34. Amending Ord. No. 28 5 39. G. A. Swartout Street railroad 8 41. N. G. Yocum Street railroad 11 44. O. S. Pitcher et al Street railroad 17 49. Amending Ord. No. 41 15 68. E.C.Webster Street railroad 20 71. Stephen Townsand Street railroad 23 72. Colorado Street Railroad Co Street railroad 27 81. Pasadena Railway Co Street railroad 31 99. Colorado Street Railroad Co Street railroad 32 107. Pasadena Street Railroad Co Street railroad 36 110. G. A. Swartout et al Street railroad 39 114. Pasadena Street Railroad Co Street railroad 42 116. Amending Ord. No. 28 6 155. Pasadena and Glendale Railroad Co Steam railroad 46 175. Pasadena Electric Light and Power Company. Electric wires, poles, etc. 50 187. Western Union Telegraph Company. Telegraph wires, poles, etc. 51 188. Pasadena Street Railroad Co Street railroad 52 191. George H. Rogers Street railroad 55 197. Pasadena Railway Co Steam railroad 58 200. Los Angeles Terminal Railway Co Steam railroad 60 202. T. S. C. Lowe Street railroad 62 203. Colorado Street Railroad Co Street railroad 64 216. Los Angeles Terminal Railway Co Steam railroad 67 253. Southern California Railway Co Steam railroad 67 257. L. P. Hansen Street railroad 69 264. L. P. Hansen Street railroad 71 270. L. P. Hansen Street railroad 74 279. J. A. Muir, (See Ord. No. 1202) Steam railroad 78 290. Edward Groenendyke Electric wires, poles, etc. 82 310. Southern Pacific Railroad Co Steam railroad 81 346. Southern California Railway Co Steam railroad 84 371. Removing restrictions in Ord. No. 72 29 416. C. W. Smith Street railroad 86 417. C. W. Smith Street railroad 89 499. Pacific Electric Railway Co Street railroad 92 508. C. S. Campbell-Johnston Street railroad 97 511. F. F. Graves. Telephone and telegraph wires, conduits, etc. 102 158 INDEX CONTINUED Ordinance Number. Grantee. Nature of Franchise. Page 550. Pacific Electric Railway Co Street railroad 106 645. Accepting abandonment, etc. (See Ord. 499) 108 699. Lloyd R. Macy Street railroad 110 723. Pasadena Park Improvement Co Street railroad 115 812. Pacific Electric Railway Co Street railroad 120 865. Abandonment (See Ord. 508) 125 886. Pacific Electric Railway Co Street railroad 126 1141. Regulating paving rights of way 131 1180. Pacific Eelctric Railway Co Street railroad 135 1202. . . . .Providing for use of electric power under Ord. 279 82 245. John McDonald, et al Street railroad 141 1250. Consenting to telephone merger 151 Order of Railroad Commission consenting to telephone merger 146 Ordinance regulating paving rights of way 131 INDEX TO STREETS OVER WHICH FRANCHISES FOR STREET RAILWAYS HAVE BEEN GRANTED. Arroyo View Drive 15 Bellevue Drive 39-69-73-82-97 Broadway 17-78-81-82-97-125 California Street 17-32-36-76-94-97-126 Center Street 39-67 Chestnut Street 4-6-53-69-73-76-94 Colorado Street 4-8-11-39-58-62-64-76-86-120-125 Columbia Street 53-76 Dayton Street 36 Depot Street 78 El Molino (Moline) 53 Euclid Avenue 8-58 Fair Oaks Avenue 4-53-69-73-76-120 Frost's Court 78 Glenarm 106 Glendale Street 67-81 Grand Avenue 36-97-125 Green Street 81-95-125 Holly Street 84-97-125 Illinois (Now Orange Grove Avenue) 43-53-76-94-108 Kansas Street 67-81 Kensington Place 11 Lake Avenue 17-32-58-76-106-109-110 Lincoln Avenue 23-141 Little Avenue (Now Broadway) 97-125 Locust Street 84 Los Robles Avenue 8-27-29-58-76-89-106-109 Marengo Avenue 43-53 Millard Avenue 15 Moline (Now El Molino) 53 Mountain Avenue 15 Orange Grove Avenue 11-43-53-76-94-108-115 Old Fair Oaks (Lincoln) Avenue 23 159 INDEX CONTINUED Park Place Drive 15 Pasadena Avenue 36-97-125 Raymond Avenue 4-20-62-69-73-76-97-120 Reservoir Terrace Drive 15 San Pasqual Avenue 32 Summit Avenue 43-53-76-94 Vernon Avenue 11 Villa Street 8-43-53-58 Vineyard Street 36 Wallis Street 76 Walnut 8-15-58-84 Washington Street 109-135 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PASADENA CALIFORNIA VOLUME II General Ordinances of the City of Pasadena Providing For and Affecting Streets and Other Public Works and Im- provements, and Adopting Spec ificatio ns PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PASADENA CALIFORNIA VOLUME II General Ordinances of the City of Pasadena Providing For and Affetting Streets and Other Public Works and Improvements, and Adopting Specifications PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 1912 THIS volume contains (a) general ordinances of the City of Pasadena providing systems for effecting street and other public work and im- provements; (b) ordinances adopting specifications, and (c) ordinances of interest to public officials dealing with street and other public work, and to contractors. The spe- cial specifications adopted by resolution have been omitted ; also there have been omitted ordinances adopting specifica- tions which are now obsolete. SUBDIVISION I. Improvement Ordinances. ORDINANCE NO. 1012. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Requiring Owners of Abutting Property to Connect Their Property With Sewer Mains, and Pro- viding for the Making of Such Connections and the Establishment of a Lien for the Cost Thereof Against the Property Connected and Providing for the Enforcement of Liens Thus Created. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. Whenever a public sewer is hereafter laid in any street, lane, alley or other public place in the City of Pasadena, or whenever any street, lane, alley or other public place in said city is ordered by the City Council to be graded or regraded to the official grade, paved or repaved, macadamized or re-macadamized, oiled or re-oiled, in which there is any sewer main, the owners of real property fronting upon any such street, lane, alley or other public place shall connect, or cause, or procure to be connected their several premises, fronting thereupon, with such sewer main, as herein provided, where such premises are not already connected at the distances and intervals here- inafter in this section specified. Where such abutting real property is subdivided into lots not exceeding in width one hundred (100) feet, such connections shall be made with each lot; and where not subdivided or subdivided into lots of greater width than one hundred (100) feet, said conections with said main therein shall be made at not greater intervals or distances apart than fifty (50) feet. If any of said owners fail, refuse or neglect to make or cause to be made such connections, or any thereof, either as in this section required or as may be ordered by the City Council as hereinafter in Section 3 hereof pro- vided, then the City of Pasadena shall make or cause the same to be made under the procedure, in the manner and with the effect in this ordinance established and provided. Sec. 2. When a contract is let for the construction of a public sewer in any street, lane, alley or other public place in the City of Pasadena, or when the City Council shall by resolution or ordinance order any street, lane, alley or other public place in said city to be graded or regraded to the official grade, paved or repaved, macada- mized or re-macadamized, oiled or re-oiled, the Superintendent of Streets shall immediately give notice in the manner hereinafter in this section provided to the owners of real property fronting upon any such street lane, alley or other public place to connect their several prem- ises so fronting, where the same are not already connected in the man- ner in this ordinance specified, with such sewer main therein or about to be laid therein. Said notice shall recite briefly that a contract has been let for the construction of a public sewer in, or that the street, lane, alley or other public place has been ordered improved, as the case may be, and shall state that property abutting thereupon must be connected with the sewer main in said street, lane, alley or other pub- lic place and shall refer to this ordinance for further particulars as to the nature of the requirements and as to the proceedings to be taken in case such connections are not made. The Superintendent of Streets shall cause said notice to be published for five (5) days in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Pasadena, and where the premises abutting upon said street, lane, alley or other public place are occupied, shall serve or cause to be served a copy of said notice upon the occupant of each thereof. Where not occupied, a copy of said notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place upon each of such premises. The affidavit of publication of said notice by the proprietor, foreman or clerk of the newspaper or affidavit or affidavits of the Superintendent of Streets or of the person or per- sons posting or serving said notices shall be filed in the office of the Superintendent of Streets and shall be prima facie evidence of due and proper publication, service and posting of said notice. Personal service of said notice upon the owner of any property as to which connec- tions are required to be made, shall dispense with the necessity of all other or further notice as to him. Sec. 3. When ten (10) days of the date of the last publication of said notice, any such owner of real property fronting upon any such street, lane, alley or other public place, may make and file with the City Clerk a written protest against being required to make said con- nection or connections. At the regular meeting of the City Council next succeeding the date of the expiration of the time within which protests may be filed, the said City Council shall hear such protest or protests, or at said time the City Council may fix another time at which such protest or protests will be heard, in which latter case the City Clerk shall give notice of the time and place and the fact of said hearing by mailing a notice thereof in the postoffice of the city, pos- tage prepaid, addressed to each protestant. The City Council may sus- tain or overrule said protest or protests, or it may order that said con- nections be made at different intervals than in Section 1 hereof speci- fied; and it may extend the time within which connections shall be made by the owners of abutting property. Its determination may be made and evidenced by motion duly passed, the ayes and noes being taken and entered upon the records of the City Council. The City Council may also at its said first regular meeting after the expiration of the time within which protests may be made, when no such protests are made, make its determination respecting the matters and things above specified, in the same manner and with the same effect above provided. In either case its determination shall be final and con- clusive. A copy of the motion by which the determination of the City Council is evidenced shall be posted for two (2) days in a conspicuous place near the Council Chamber door. Sec. 4. Within ten (10) days from the date of such determination by the City Council, or in case no protest is filed, within ten (10) days from the date of the regular meeting of the City Council next suc- ceeding the expiration of the time within which such protests may be made, or, in case a public sewer is being laid and the same is not ac- cepted until after the date of said determination or the date of said meeting, within ten (10) days from the date of its acceptance by the city, or within the time fixed by the City Council if an extension of time is made, each of such owners of abutting real property desiring to connect or cause to be connected his premises with said main, shall in good faith commence the work of making said connections, and each thereof, said connections to be made as in Section 1 hereof speci- fied, or in accordance with the determination of the City Council made as provided in Section 3 hereof. Sec. 5. At the expiration of said ten (10) days, the Superintendent of Streets shall make or cause to be made each and every connection herein required to be made, work upon which has not in good faith been commenced within the time herein fixed. Said connections and each thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance with the specifications following: Lateral connections with sewers shall be made with vitrified salt- glazed pipe, six (6) inches in diameter, in accordance with specifica- tions contained in Ordinance No. 281 of the City of Pasadena. Such pipe shall be laid at right angles to the property line and at a fall of one-fourth (*4) inch to the foot. The end of the pipe at the prop- erty line shall be safely and securely sealed. All connections shall be made from the main in the street, lane, alley or other public place to the property line of the property connected. Sec. 6. The Superintendent of Streets shall provide himself with a suitable record book entitled "LIENS FOR LATERAL CONNEC- TIONS." Said book shall have appropriate headings where may be entered the name of each street, lane, alley or other public place in which lateral connections shall be made pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance. Under such headings columns shall be provided in which may be entered the name of the owner of the property with which a connection is made, a description of such property, connec- tions made and date of completion of each such connection, expense incurred by the city in making each such connection, date of delin- quency, penalty for delinquency, total amount chargeable aginst prop- erty at date of sale, date of sale, name of purchaser, date of redemp- tion and by whom redeemed, amount paid to redeem, date of deed to the city. When lateral connections are made as herein provided, with property upon any street, lane, alley or other public place, the Superin- tendent of Streets shall enter in said book under the name of such street, lane, alley or public place, the name of each owner of real property with which a connection is made, if known, and if not known, he shall enter under such heading the words, "Unknown Owner," a brief description of the property connected, the connections made, the date of each such connection and the expense incurred by the city in making or causing to be made each such connection. No error in the name of the owner of property and no mistake or error in the descrip- tion of the property, provided the description is such that the property referred to can be determined therefrom, shall affect the validity of the lien in this ordinance provided for. Sec. 7. When the entries respecting any particular street, lane, alley or place have been made by the Superintendent of Streets, as provided in Section 6 hereof, he shall cause to be published notice thereof for five (5) days in a daily newspaper published and circulated in the City of Pasadena. Sec. 8. Any property owner affected by proceedings taken as here- in provided, feeling aggrieved by any act or determination of the Su- perintendent of Streets or City Council in relation thereto, or who may claim that said connections or any thereof have not been made in a safe and workmanlike manner, or having any objection to the correct- ness or legality of the entries in said record book of the said Superin- tendent of Streets, may within thirty (30) days of the date of the first publication of the notice provided in Section 7 hereof, make and file with the City Clerk an objection in writing, which shall succinctly specify the ground of his objection. All objections shall be heard at the regular meeting of the City Council next succeeding the expiration of the time for filing the same, or the City Council may fix a time and place therefor, in which latter case notice of the time and place of hearing shall be given each objector in the same manner as provided in Section 3 hereof. Upon such appeal, the City Council may remedy and correct any error or informality in the proceedings, and revise and correct any of the acts or determinations of the Superintendent of Streets relative to said work, and may confirm, amend, set aside, alter, modify, or correct the said changes entered in said book in such manner as to it shall seem just, or require said work to be completed accord- ing to the directions of the City Council, and may instruct and direct the Superintendent of Streets to correct the entries in said book to con- form to the decision of the Council in relation thereo. The decisions and determinations of said City Council, upon hearing as aforesaid, shall be final and conclusive upon all persons entitled to object under the provisions of this section. Sec. 9. Upon the determination of the City Council as aforesaid being complied with, or if the proceedings are confirmed, upon said determination or if no objections are filed, at the expiration of said thirty (30) days, the portion of said book containing said entries shall become the assessment roll as to the charges for connections in the particular street, lane, alley or public place to which it pertains, and the amount of the charges entered therein against each property shall become a lien there against for said amount and shall thereupon be- come due and payable. Said lien shall not be extinguished until paid in full, or a valid deed of the property subject thereto is given by the Superintendent of Streets, as hereinafter provided. Commencing in the first week of January and the first week of July of each year the Super- intendent of Streets shall cause to be published for a period of ten (10) days in a daily newspaper published and circulated in the City of Pasadena, a list of all of said liens remaining due and unpaid on the first day of the month in which said publication is commenced. Said list shall contain the name of the owner of each property delinquent for any said assessment, or if the name of said owner does not appear, then the fact that said lien is entered against "Unknown Owner," a de- scription of the property and the total amount of the lien against the same, with a notice that unless said lien is paid in full before twelve (12) o'clock noon of the first Monday of the month next succeeding the month in which said list is published, ten (10) per cent of the amount of each such lien shall be added therto for delinquency, and that on the first Tuesday of the month next succeeding the month in which said list is published, each piece of property against which a lien remains unpaid, will, at the hour of ten (10) o'clock a. m., at the office of the Superintendent of Streets, in the City Hall of the City of Pasadena, by operation of law and declaration of the Superintendent of Streets, be sold to the City of Pasadena for the amount of said lien and delin- quency penalty. The Superintendent of Streets shall enter in said record book the date of each of said sales and amount for which sold, and that the same was sold to the City of Pasadena. Sec. 10. A redemption of any parcel of property sold for delin- quent assessment may be made by any party at any time within one (1) year from the date of sale by paying to the Superintendent of Streets the amount for which the property is sold, and, in addition thereto, ten (10) per cent thereof, if paid within three (3) months from date of sale; twenty (20) per cent if paid within six (6) months; thirty (30) per cent if paid within nine (9) months, or forty (40) per cent if paid within twelve (12) months. When redemption is made, the Street Superintendent will note that fact on said record book in the appropriate column, entering therein the date of redemption, person by whom redeemed, and amount paid. Sec. 11. At the expiration of twelve (12) months from the date of sale, the Superintendent of Streets shall execute to the City of Pasa- dena a deed of the property sold, in which shall be recited a description of the property sold, the name of the owner thereof as given on the said record book, a statement that said property was sold for a delin- quent lien for making lateral connections, the amount for which such property was sold and the date of sale. The deed of the Superinten- dent of Streets of Pasadena shall be prima facie evidence of all mat- ters recited therein, and the regularity of all proceedings prior to the execution thereof, and of title in the grantee. Sec. 12. The provisions of Ordinance No. 984 of the City of Pasa- dena respecting deposits in the case of excavations in the streets and other public places of the city shall apply in respect to all connec- tions made by property owners pursuant to the provisions of this ordi- nance. In case the property owners do not make connections, as herein required, and the Superintendent of Streets makes the same as herein provided, then and in that case there shall be included in the expense of making each such connection the sum of one ($1) dollar, which shall be in lieu of the deposits and charges provided in said Ordinance No. 984. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall affect the provisions of any ordinance or ordinances of the City of Pasadena, now or which may hereafter be in force, respecting the inspection of sewer and other connections, and the payment of fees therefor. Any fees provided by any such ordinance or ordinances shall be paid as in other cases, and shall be considered when connections are made by the city, as a part of the expense of making such connections. Sec. 13. This ordinance shall be liberally construed to the end that its purposes may be effected. No error or informality in any acts or preceedings taken hereunder, which do not substantially affect the rights of property owners, or affect the jurisdiction of the City Council in the premises, shall invalidate the proceedings taken here- under or liens established in accordance with the provisions hereof. Wherever in this ordinance matters and things are required to be per- formed or done within or at specified times by the Superintendent of Streets, or by the City Council, such provisions respecting time shall be construed to be directory and not mandatory. Sec. 14. This ordinance shall take effect immediately, and shall apply to all streets, lanes, alleys and other public places in the city as to which the improvements in Section 1 hereof specified have been by the City Council ordered within less than fifteen (15) days of the date of the passage hereof, or as to which contracts have been made for the construction of sewers within less than fifteen (15) days from the date of the passage hereof. Sec. 15. All expenses incurred by the Superintendent of Streets in making lateral connections, pursuant to the provisions hereof, shall 6 be paid upon demands approved, audited and allowed as other de- mands against the city. Sec. 16. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 17. The City Clerk shall certify to me adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held May 24th, 1910, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian, Mersereau and Root. Noes: Councilman Cattell. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 24th day of May, 1910. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1070. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Providing a Method for the Im- provement and Care of Streets, and of Rights-of-Way and Property Owned by the City, and for the Assessment of the Cost Thereof Upon the Property Benefited Thereby, and for the Issuance of Improvement Bonds to Represent Assessments for Such Costs, and Regulating the Use of Certain Kinds of Improvements. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : PART I. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Section 1. DESIGNATION OF ORDINANCE. This ordinance shall be designated "Pasadena Improvement Ordinance" and a refer- ence thereto by such designation shall be sufficient for all purposes. Sec. 2. DEFINITIONS. The word "street" as herein used shall be deemed, and is hereby declared, to include avenues, boulevards, high- ways, lanes, alleys, crossings, intersections, courts and public ways of the City of Pasadena. The expression "right-of-way" as herein used shall be deemed, and is hereby declared, to include any right, interest or easement in real property owned or held by the City of Pasadena by a title per- mitting its improvement in the particular or particulars as to which proceedings hereunder for such improvement may be instituted. The word "improvement" as herein used shall be deemed, and is hereby declared, to include any of the following, either singly or in any combination thereof: The grading or regrading to the official grade, the paving or re- paving, the macadamizing or remacadamizing, the graveling or re- graveling, the oiling or reoiling of any street; the construction or re- construction in any street of sidewalks, cross walks, curbs, gutters, culverts, bridges, tunnels, of sewers, ditches, drains, conduits and channels, for sanitary and drainage purposes, or either or both there- of, with necessary outlets, cesspools, manholes, catch basins, flush tanks, conecting sewers, ditches, drains, conduits, channels and other appurtenances; the construction or reconstruction in any street of un- derground conduits, with ducts, lateral connections, manholes and appurtenances for the carrying and use of light, power and other wires, electrical conductors and appliances belonging to the city, and of light, power, telegraph, telephone and other wires, electrical con- ductors and appliances; the planting of grass, shrubbery and trees in the space between the sidewalk and roadway in any street; the construction or reconstruction through property and rights-of-way, or either or both thereof, owned by the city of sewers, ditches, drains, conduits and channels, for sanitary and drainage purposes, or either or both thereof, with necessary outlets, cesspools, manholes, catch basins, flush tanks, connecting sewers, ditches, drains, conduits, chan- nels and other appurtenances; the construction or reconstruction through property and rights-of-way, or either or both thereof, owned by the city of underground conduits, with ducts, lateral connections, manholes and appurtenances for the carrying and use of light, power and other wires, electrical conductors and appliances belonging to the city, and of light, power, telegraph, telephone and other wires, elec- trical conductors and appliances; and the construction of any work of the character in this section specified necessary to compelte the improvement of any part of any street, or of any property or right-of- way owned by the city. The word "city" as herein used shall be deemed, and is hereby declared, to mean the City of Pasadena. The word "council" as herein used shall be deemed, and is here- by declared, to mean the legislative department of the City of Pasa- dena. The word "charter" as herein used shall be deemed, and is here- by declared, to mean the charter of the City of Pasadena, adopted and granted pursuant to the provisions of Section 8, of Article XI of the Constitution of the State of California. The word "lot" as herein used shall be deemed, and is hereby declared, to mean a single piece, parcel or subdivision of land sepa- rated from continguous land by such lines or courses of division as are commonly used to denote different pieces or parcels of land for the purpose of assessment for city taxes. The expression "assessment district" as nerein used shall be deemed, and is hereby declared, to mean the district of land fixed and established, in the proceedings taken hereunder, to be benefited by and to bear the cost and expense of the improvement described and ordered in the proceeding in which established. The expression "incidental expenses" as herein used shall be deemed, and is hereby declared, to include all expenses necessarily incurred in connection with any proposed improvement for typewrit- ing, posting and publication of ordinances, resolutions, orders and notices, the compensation of the City Engineer for work in preparing maps, diagrams, plans and surveys, and all other matters incident thereto, the compensation of the person appointed by the Super- intendent of Streets to take charge of and superintend the work and the expense of making the assessment. The words "pave" or "repave" as herein used shall be deemed, and are hereby declared, to mean and include pavement of stone, whether paving blocks or macadamizing or of bituminous rock or as- phalt, or of iron, wood, brick or other material, whether patented or not, which the Council shall, by ordinance or resolution, adopt. Sec. 3. STREETS AND PROPERTY SUBJECT TO IMPROVE- MENT. All streets within the City of Pasadena now opened or dedi- cated or which may hereafter be opened or dedicated to public use, and real property and rights-of-way now or which may here- after be owned or acquired by the city may be improved as in this ordinance provided. The streets indicated and shown on that cer- tain map on file in the office of the City Engineer and designated "Map of the City of Pasadena showing streets of the city and names thereof, Sheets 1, 2 and 3," are hereby declared to be public streets of the City of Pasadena with the names on said map designated. Sec. 4. POWER TO ORDER IMPROVEMENT. Whenever the public interest or convenience may require, the Council may, under the provisions of this ordinance and in the manner and with the effect herein provided, order the improvement of any street or streets in, or any real property or rights-of-way owned by, the City, in whole or in part, either in length or width, and the various kinds of im- provements need not be co-terminous. Sec. 5. ORDINANCE OF INTENTION. Before ordering any im- provement made which is authorized by the preceding sections hereof the Council shall pass an Ordinance of Intention so to do in which ordinance the improvement shall be briefly and succinctly described. It shall not be. necessary to describe in detail such improvement but in said ordinance reference may be made to specifications, plans, cross sections or profiles, or any or all thereof, on file, for further par- ticulars and description of the improvement. The improvement of various streets in, and real property and rights-of-way owned by, the city, may be embraced in and covered by one preceeding when the 8 improvement, in whole or in part, comprises and consists of one con- necting system and when the cost thereof is to be assessed upon a district established as hereinafter provided. It shall not be necea- sary in the Ordinance of Intention to except from the improve- ment described work required by law to be done by any person or company maintaining railroad tracks in the street to be improved. Such exception shall be understood to have been made in said ordi- nance and in all proceedings subsequent thereto by virtue hereof. Whenever any improvement in front of any lot shall have been made, and the same is upon the official grade and in condition satisfactory to the Superintendent of Streets, the Council may except from the improvement described the improvement so made. Whenever the proposed improvement, in the opinion of the Council, is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, it may make the cost of such im- provement chargeable upon a district, which district it shall, in the Ordinance of Intention, describe by specifying the exterior boundaries thereof and declare it to be the district to be benefited by said im- provement and to be assessed to pay the cost thereof. No Ordinance of Intention embracing the plantipg of grass, shrubbery or trees shall be passed, unless there shall first be filed with the City Clerk a petition therefor of the owners of a majority of the frontage abutting upon the street or part thereof to be so improved. In the Ordinance of Intention there shall be fixed a time and place for the hearing of protests respecting the proposed improvement, which time shall not be less than twenty (20) days from the date of its adoption. Sec. 6. PUBLICATION AND POSTING OF ORDINANCE OF INTENTION AND NOTICES OF IMPROVEMENT. The Ordinance of Intention shall be published once, in the English language, in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Pasadena. The Superintendent of Streets shall also cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of the proposed improvement, not more than three hundred (300) feet in distance apart, and not less than three (3) in all, notices of the passage of said ordinance. When an assessment dis- trict is established in the Ordinance of Intention, such notices shall also be posted along the streets and parts of streets within said dis- trict and not more than three hundred (300) feet in distance apart. Said notice shall be headed "Notice of Improvement" in letters of not less than one (1) inch in length and shall, in date of approval and the less than one (1) inch in length and shall, in legible characters, state the fact of the passage of the ordinance, its date of approval and the notices of the improvement posted at least ten (10) days prior to the day fixed in the Ordinance of Intention for the hearing of protests. The posting of notices shall not be deemed insufficient when there has been a substantial compliance with the requirements hereof respecting their location and distances apart. Sec. 7. PROTESTS AND HEARING. No protest shall be con- sidered unless in writing and filed with the City Clerk before the day fixed for the hearing of protests nor shall the protest of any property owner be considered which does not indicate the property represented by such protestant. When protests are made as herein provided, the Council, at the time fixed for the hearing thereof or at the time or times to which such hearing may be adjourned, shall proceed to hear and pass upon such protests, and its decision shall be final and con- clusive; provided, however, that when a protest is made against the purposed improvement and the Council finds that it is made by the owners of a majority of the frontage of the property abutting upon the improvement when the cost thereof is not assessable upon a dis- trict, or, when the cost of the improvement is assessable upon a dis- trict, that it is made by the owners of a majority of the frontage of property fronting upon the improvement and upon streets, or parts thereof, within the assessment district, the making of said improve- ment shall be barred for a period of six (6) months from the date at which said majority protest is filed unless the said protest be over- ruled by the concurrent vote of at least six (6) members of the Council. The determination of the Council may be made by motion. Sec. 8. WHEN JURISDICTION ACQUIRED. At the date fixed for the hearing of protests when none have been made, or when made have been overruled as herein provided, immediately thereupon, the Council shall be deemed to have acquired jurisdiction to order the- proposed improvement. Sec. 9. ORDERING IMPROVEMENT. Having acquired jurisdic- tion, the Council shall, by ordinance, order that the improvement described in the Ordinance of Intention be made. The ordinance need not describe the improvement nor the assessment district when such a district is fixed but may refer to the Ordinance of Intention for such descriptions. The ordinance shall be published once, in the English language, in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Pasadena. Sec. 10. NOTICE CALLING FOR BIDS. Upon the adoption of the ordinance ordering the improvement, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause notice to be posted conspicuously for five (5) days on or near the Council Chamber door, and a similar notice to be published for five (5) days in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Pasadena, inviting sealed proposals or bids for making the improve- ment therein ordered. In said notice it shall be sufficient to refer to the Ordinance of Intention for a description of the improvement and for all particulars concerning the same. The time within which proposals or bids may be presented shall be specified in the notice. The notice shall also specify the time, to be fixed by the Superin- tendent of Streets, within which the improvement shall be completed. Sec. 11. BIDDER TO FURNISH CERTIFIED CHECK AND TO SPECIFY PRICES FOR DIFFERENT CLASSES OF IMPROVEMENT. No proposal or bid shall be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to the order of the Mayor of the city, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount which shall not be less than ten (10) per cent of the aggregate of the proposal or bid. If the successful bidder shall not enter into a contract as hereinafter provided, then the certified check accompanying his bid shall thereby become forfeited to the city and be collected by it. All checks other than those of the suc- cessful bidder shall be returned. When the improvement embraces different classes of work proposals or bids shall specify the price at which each of the respective classes of work will be done. All proposals or bids shall be delivered to the City Clerk and the Council in open session shall examine and declare the same. Sec. 12. AWARD OF CONTRACT. The contract shall be awarded to the bidder proposing and offering to make the improvement at the lowest aggregate price; provided, however, that the Council may reject all proposals or bids and readvertise in the manner provided for advertisement in the first instance; also, when on bids or proposals are received they may be readvertised for as in the first instance. The award of contract may be made by motion. Sec. 13. NOTICE OF AWARD. Notice of the award of any con- tract hereunder shall be posted conspicuously on or near the Council Chamber door for five (5) days and published for five (5) days in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Pasadena. Such notice shall refer to the ordinance of Intention and shall state the name of the person, firm or corporation to whom or which the con- tract is awarded and the price or prices at which awarded. Sec. 14. WAIVER OF OBJECTIONS. At any time within ten (10) days from the date of the first publication of the notice of award of contract, any owner of, or other person having any interest in, any lot liable to assessment, who claims that any of the previous acts or proceedings relating to the improvement for which the contract was awarded are irregular, defective, erroneous or faulty, may file with the City Clerk a written notice specifying in what respects said acts and proceedings are irregular, defective, erroneous or faulty. If,, in the opinion of the Council, any such specification is well taken, it may abandon all proceedings in the matter of the improvement to a point prior to the step in said proceedings in which the irregularity, defect, error or fault specified, occurred, and proceed from such point as in the first instance, or if, in the opinion of the Council, said speci- fication is not well taken, it may reject the same. All objections to any act or proceeding prior to the date of the said notice of award, in relation to said improvement, not made in writing and in the manner and at the time in this section provided, shall be waived, excepting. 10 as to matters directly affecting the jurisdiction of the Council to order the said improvement. Sec. 15. SUCCESSFUL BIDDER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT. Within five (5) days after the expiration of the ten (10) days for filing objections, as provided in Section 14 hereof, when no objections are filed, or when objections are filed and rejected by the Council, within five (5) days from the date of such rejection, the successful bidder shall enter into a contract in the manner and form hereinafter pro- vided to make said improvement at the prices specified in his bid. If said bidder neglects, fails or refuses to enter into such a contract within said period then the Council, without further proceedings, shall again advertise for proposals or bids as in the first instance, and award the contract for said improvement to the then lowest regular bidder. Sec. 16. BOND. The contractor shall, at the time of executing any contract for any improvement hereunder, execute a bond to the satisfaction and approval of the Superintendent of Streets with two or more sureties, and payable to the city in such sum as the Mayor shall deem adequate and not to exceed fifty (50) per cent of the aggre- gate amount of his bid, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract, and the sureties shall justify before some person com- petent to administer an oath in the aggregate in a sum double the amount mentioned in said bond over and above all statutory exemp- tions. Sec. 17. BOND FOR PROTECTION OF LABORERS AND MA- TERIAL MEN. Every contractor to whom is awarded any contract for making an improvement ordered hereunder shall, before executing the said contract, file with the Superintendent of Streets a good and sufficient bond, approved by the Mayor, in a sum not less than one- half of the aggregate amount payable by the terms of said contract. Such bond shall be executed by the principal and at least two sureties, who shall qualify for double the sum specified in said bond, and shall be made to inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies or cor- porations who perform labor on, or furnish materials to be used in the said improvement, and shall provide that if the contractor, person, company or corporation to whom said contract was awarded fails to pay for any materials so furnished for the said improvement, or for any work or labor done thereon of any kind, that the sureties will pay the same, to an amount not exceeding the sum specified in said bond. Any materialman, person, company or corporation, furnishing materials to be used in the performance of the work specified in said contract, or who performed work or labor upon the said improvement, whose claim has not been paid by the said contractor, person, com- pany or corporation to whom the said contract was awarded, may, within thirty (30) days from the time said improvement is completed, file with the Superintendent of Streets a verified statement of his or its claim, together with a statement that the same, or some part there- of, has not been paid. At any time within ninety days after the filing of such claim, the person, company or corporation filing the same or his or its assigns may commence an action on said bond for the recovery of the amount due on said claim, together with the costs incurred in said action and a reasonable attorney's fee, to be fixed by the court, for the prosecution thereof. Sec. 18. CONTRACTS AND LIABILITY AND WORK THERE- UNDER. All contracts for improvements hereunder shall be made by the Superintendent of Streets in his official capacity. In such contracts there shall be specified the time for the completion of the improvement which shall conform to the time for completion fixed in the notice calling for bids. Work under the contract must in all cases be done under the direction and be completed to the satisfac- tion of the Superintendent of Streets and the materials used shall comply with the specifications and all contracts shall so provide. In no case, except where otherwise herein specifically provided, shall the city or any officer thereof be liable for the cost of any improvement made pursuant to proceedings hereunder, nor for any delinquency of persons or property assessed and every contract for improvement made hereunder shall contain an express provision to this effect. The Superintendent of Streets may, with the consent of the Council, ex- tend the time for the completion of the improvement subject to such 11 penalty, if any, as the Council in its discretion may fix when consent- ing to such extension of time, such penalty to be deducted from and to reduce accordingly the contract price. Sec. 19. DIAGRAM AND CERTIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER. Before the making of the assessment by the Superintendent of Streets, the City Engineer shall prepare for and deliver to the said Superin- tendent of Streets, a diagram showing the location of the improve- ment and of each lot fronting thereupon, each thereof being given a separate number, and also showing the number of feet in each lot fronting upon such improvement. When the cost of the improvement is to be assessed upon a district fixed in the Ordinance of Intention such digram shall show the location of the improvement and each lot in said district, each thereof being given a separate number, and also show the dimensions of each said lots in the district. Lots owned by the city and devoted to a public use shall be indicated upon the dia- gram. The City Engineer shall certify upon the said diagram the quantity of work done in the proceeding. Sec. 20. APPORTIONMENT OF THE COST OF IMPROVE- MENTS. The cost of the improvement made in any proceeding here- under shall include the amount due under the contract therefor, to- gether with all the incidental expenses incurred in the preceeding under which made. It shall not include the cost of any work done in such portion of any street as is required by law to be kept in order or repair by any person or company maintaining railroad tracks therein. Such cost, except the portion thereof by Section 4 of Ar- ticle IX of the Charter required to be paid by the city, shall be as- sessed upon the property (including the property of any railroad or street railroad) benefited by the improvement, as herein provided. (a) Whenever the Council, in its Ordinance of Intention, de- clares the improvement to be of more than local or ordinary public benefit and establishes an assessment district to bear the cost of the improvement, then the cost of the improvement (except the por- tion thereof required to be paid by the city) shall be assessed upon the several lots in said assessment district, as follows, to-wit: Upon each, respectively, in proportion to the estimated benefits to be re- ceived by each of said several lots. (b) In all other cases the cost of the improvement (except the portion thereof required to be paid by the city) shall be assessed upon the lots fronting upon the improvement as follows, to-wit: Upon each lot fronting upon said improvement, respectively, in pro- portion to the frontage at a rate per front foot sufficient to cover the total cost of the improvement so assessable; provided, that whenever any improvement in front of any lot shall have been made, previous to the passage of the Ordinance of Intention, and the Council, in or- dering the improvement, excepts therefrom the improvement already so made, then and in that case, the lot in front of which said improve- ment has been made, shall not be included in the frontage assessment for the class of improvement from which such exception is made; and provided, further, that the cost of the construction of any side- walk or curb or gutter (except the portion thereof required to be paid by the city) shall be assessed upon the lots fronting thereon on the same side of the street where the same shall be constructed, each lot being separately assessed in proportion to the frontage at a rate per front foot sufficient to cover the cost of the improvement so assessable. Sec. 21. ASSESSMENT. Upon the completion of the improve- ment to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets, the said Superintendent of Streets shall proceed to assess the cost thereof in conformity with the provisions of Section 20 hereof, according to the character of the improvement made. The assessment shall briefly refer to the improvement contracted for and made, and shall show the amount to be paid therefor under the contract and any incidental expenses, the amount of the cost of the improvement to be paid by the city under the provisions of Section 4 of Article IX of the Charter, the name of the owner of each lot assessed, (when the name of the owner is unknown the assessment may be made to unknown owners), the number of each lot assessed, which number shall correspond with the number on the diagram by Section 19 hereof required to be made 12 and the amount assessed against each lot respectively. When the assessment against any lot is for various classes of improvement, the portion thereof pertaining to each class shall be separately stated. The diagram referred to in Section 19 hereof shall be attached to the assessment. The assessment shall be entered in a substantial book appropriately designated and kept among the records of the Super- intendent of Streets. Sec. 22. NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT AND HEARING. Upon the completion of the assessment, the Superin- tendent of Streets shall notify the Council to that effect. The Coun- cil shall thereupon fix a time when it will hear and pass upon the assessment and the proceedings thereto, and all appeals respecting the said assessment and said proceedings. Notice thereof shall be given by publication for five (5) days in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Pasadena. The time of hearing shall not be less than fifteen (15) days from the date of the first publication of the notice. Sec. 23. HEARING AND CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENT. Any person affected by, or having any objection of whatsoever nature to, the assessment or any of the proceedings thereto or work done or determinations made therein, may appeal to the Council as herein provided. An appeal shall be effected by filing with the City Clerk, prior to the day fixed for the hearing of the assessment, a written notice briefly specifying the grounds of appeal. At the time fixed for the hearing upon the assessment, or at the time or times to which such hearing may be adjourned, the Council shall consider said as- sessment and hear and pass upon all appeals respecting the same, or proceedings thereto, and may remedy and correct any error, irregu- larity, defect or informality in the proceedings, and revise and cor- rect any of the acts or determinations of the Superintendent of Streets relative to said improvement, and may make any order in the premises which to it shall seem just and proper. When no appeal is taken, or when the orders and determinations of the Council upon appeal have been complied with, and the Council is satisfied with the correct- ness and legality of the assessment, it shall, by ordinance, confirm the assessment, and its judgment therein shall be final and conclusive upon all persons entitled to appeal under the provisions of this section as to all errors, defects, informalities and irregularities not directly affecting the jurisdiction of the Council to order the improvement. The ordinance shall be in the following or substantially the fol- lowing form, (filling the blanks) : ORDINANCE NO (P. W.) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PASADENA CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT DESCRIBED IN OR- DINANCE NO (P. W.) The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That a hearing upon the assessment to pay the cost of the improvement described in Ordinance No (P. W.) having been duly had as required by Ordinance No. 1070 of the City of Pasadena, the said assessment is hereby confirmed, and the several amounts assessed are hereby declared to be a lien upon the lots assessed, respectively. Sec. 2. That a copy of this ordinance be recorded with the assess- ment, in the records of the Superintendent of Streets, and that a copy of said assessment, the diagram attached thereto and of this ordinance, certified to by the Superintendent of Streets, be delivered to the con- tractor, and the contractor shall thereupon be authorized and em- powered to demand and receive the amounts of the several assess- ments made to cover the cost of the improvement. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the 13 I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held 19 , by the follow- ing vote: Ayes : Councilmen Noes : Councilmen Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this day of 19 Mayor of the City of Pasadena. The ordinance confirming the assessment shall be published once, in the English language, in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Pasadena. The Superintendent of Streets shall record the same with the assessment and diagram, entering the date of such recordation, and thereafter all persons shall be deemed to have con- structive notice of the assessment and diagram, and ordinance con- firming the assessment. Sec. 24. EFFECT OF CONFIRMATION AND RECORDATION. Upon the confirmation of the assessment and the recordation of the ordinance confirming the same as hereinbefore provided, the several amounts assessed, together with accruing interest, penalties and costs, shall be a lien upon the lots assessed, respectively, until discharged by payment or until the title to the lot assessed has absolutely vested in a purchaser under a sale to enforce the lien of such assessment. Sec. 25. PAYMENT OF PORTION OF EXPENSE CHARGEABLE TO CITY. The portion of the expense of any improvement by the provisions of Section 4 of Article IX of the Charter payable by the city and all assessments against lots owned by the city and devoted to a public use, shall be due and payable upon the said recordation of the ordinance confirming the assessment. Payment thereof shall be made upon demands approved by the Superintendent of Streets and audited and allowed as in the case of other demands against the city. Sec. 26. DELIVERY OF CERTIFIED COPY OF ASSESSMENT TO CONTRACTOR AND ITS EFFECT. Upon the recordation of the ordinance confirming the assessment, as hereinbefore provided, the Superintendent of Streets on the demand of the contractor or his or its agent or assignee, but not until after the payment to him of all incidental expenses incurred, shall prepare and deliver to the contrac- tor or his or its agent or assignee a certified copy of the said assess- ment and diagram and ordinance confirming the assessment, endorsing thereupon the date of delivery, and thereupon, by virtue thereof, the said contractor or his or its agent or assignee shall be authorized and empowered to demand and receive the amount of the several assess- ments made to cover the cost of the improvement for which made. Sec. 27. DEMAND OF PAYMENT AND RETURN. The contrac- tor or his or its assignee, or some person in his or its behalf, shall call upon the persons assessed, or their agents, if they can conveniently be found, and demand payment of the amount assessed to each. If any payment be made, the contractor or his or its assignee, or some person in his or its behalf, shall receipt the same. Whenever the persons so assessed, or their agents, cannot conveniently be found, or whenever the name of the owner of the lot is stated as unknown on the assessment, then the said contractor or his or its assignee, or some person in his or its behalf, shall publicly demand payment on the premises assessed. Within thirty (30) days after the date at which the assessment and diagram and ordinance confirming the assessment is delivered to the contractor or his or its agent or as- signee, or within such further time as the Council may grant, there shall be returned to the Superintendent of Streets said copy of said assessment and diagram and ordinance confirming the assessment, with an affidavit by the contractor or his or its assignee, or some person in his or its behalf, stating the nature and character of the demand and whether any of the assessments remain unpaid, in whole or in part, and the amount of each thereof. Thereupon the Superin- tendent of Streets shall endorse upon the assessment the fact of said return having been made and the date thereof and shall enter in said 14 assessment the payments in said return shown to have been made. Thereafter, upon satisfactory proof being made that any assessment has been paid in full prior to the institution of suit to enforce the same the Superintendent of Streets shall enter the same as paid. Sec. 28. INTEREST. After the return, made as provided in Section 27 hereof, but not until the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of the recordation of the ordinance confirming the as- sessment, all assessments unpaid shall draw interest at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum. Sec. 29. CAUSE OF ACTION TO ENFORCE LIEN OF ASSESS- MENT. The contractor, or his or its assignee, shall have, and is hereby given, a cause of action to enforce the lien of any assessment levied hereunder, remaining unpaid, for the amount of said assess- ment, accruing interest, and penalties herein provided, such action to l)e brought in the court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. 30. ACTIONS TO ENFORCE LIEN OF ASSESSMENT. No action to enforce the lien of any assessment levied hereunder shall be instituted until the expiration -of thirty (30) days from the date of the recordation of the ordinance confirming the assessment, nor until the return made as provided in Section 27 hereof. The amount for which the lien shall be foreclosed and enforced and of the plaintiff's recovery in any such action, shall be the amount of the original assess- ment and interest thereupon at the rate of ten (10) per cent per annum from the date at which interest begins to run as provided in Section 28 hereof, together with a penalty of fifteen ($15.00) dollars and the costs of such action. The certified copy of the assessment and diagram and ordinance confirming the assessment shall be prima facie evidence of the regularity and correctness of the assessment and all proceedings thereto, and, with proof of demand and non-pay- ment of the assessment made as in Section 27 hereof required, of the plaintiff's right to recovery in the action. Actions brought here- under, except as otherwise herein provided, shall be governed by the provisions of the Codes. Sec. 31. PUBLICATION AND POSTING. Whenever any ordi- nance, notice, order or determination is required to be published or posted and the duty of posting or procuring the publication or posting of the same is not specifically enjoined upon any officer of the city, it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to post or procure the publica- tion or posting thereof, as the case may be. No proceeding or step therein shall be invalidated or affected by any error or mistake or departure herefrom as to the officer or person posting or procuring the publication or posting of any ordinance, notice, order or determi- nation hereunder when the same is actually published or posted in the manner and for the time herein required. Sec. 32. PROOFS OF PUBLICATION AND POSTING. Proof of the publication or posting of any ordinance, notice, order or deter- mination provided for in this ordinance shall be made by the affidavit of the printer of the newspaper in which published, his foreman, or principal clerk, or the poster of the notice, order or determination, annexed to a copy of the ordinance, notice, order or determination published or posted, and specifying the times when, or at which, the same was published or posted, as the case may be. It shall be the duty of the officer upon whom is enjoined the duty of posting or pro- curing the publication or posting of any ordinance, notice, order or determination hereunder to keep among the official records of his office the affidavits of publication and posting thereof. Sec. 33. OFFICIAL RECORDS. All records of proceedings here- under made or kept by the city or any officer thereof are declared to be official writings and records and shall have the effect and may be proved as other official writings and records. Sec. 34. PETITIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT. Petitions heretofore made and filed praying for the improvement of any street in any of the particulars as to which, under the provisions hereof, a petition is required, and requesting the preparation of an ordinance providing for such an improvement under the provisions of the Charter, shall be deemed, and are hereby declared, to satisfy the provisions of this 15 ordinance requiring such a petition, provided such petition in other respects conforms with the provisions hereof. Sec. 35. NOTICES OF HEARING. Whenever, in proceedings hereunder, a time and place for hearing by the Council is fixed, and from any cause the hearing is not then and there held or regularly adjourned to a time and place fixed, the jurisdiction of the Council in the premises shall not thereby be divested or lost, but the Coun- cil may proceed anew to fix a time and place for the hearing and cause notice thereof to be given by publication for five (5) days in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Pasadena, the date of the first publication thereof to be at least ten (10) days before the day fixed for the hearing. Thereupon, the Council shall have juris- diction to act as in the first instance. Sec. 36. IMPROVEMENT BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. Permis- sion to improve any street, or property or right-of-way owned by the city, shall not be given by the Council after the adoption of an Ordinance of Intention hereunder and upon the adoption of such an ordinance, any permission theretofore given to make any such im- provement by private contract as to which such improvement has not already been effected to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets shall become revoked, and such improvement shall be made in the proceeding instituted by said Ordinance of Intention. Sec. 37. EFFECT OF ORDINANCE. This ordinance is adopted pursuant to subdivision fifteenth of Section 3 of Article 1 of Article IX and other provisions therefor of the Charter of the City of Pasa- dena. It shall, in no wise, affect the various acts of the Legislature of the State of California providing modes and systems for the im- provement of streets, rights-of-way and real property, the planting, care and maintenance of grass, shrubbery and trees in streets, and the issuance of bonds, but is intended to and does provide an alternative method and system of proceedings for making and effecting the im- provements provided for by this ordinance, and for the issuance of bonds and it shall be within the discretion of the Council to proceed in making such improvements either under the provisions of said acts of the Legislature, or of this ordinance. When any proceeding is commenced under this ordinance, its provisions shall apply thereto, and any provisions contained in any of said acts of the Legislature in conflict with the provisions hereof shall have no effect whatever as to proceedings commenced and carried on hereunder. The election of the Council to proceed under the provisions of this ordinance shall be expressed in its Ordinance of Intention to order the improvement described therein made. Sec. 38. CONSTRUCTION OF ORDINANCE. This ordinance shall be liberally construed to the end that its purposes may be effected. No error, irregularity, informality, and no neglect or omis- sion of any officer of the city, in any proceeding taken hereunder, which does not directly affect the jurisdiction of the Council to order the improvement, shall avoid or invalidate any such proceeding or any assessment for the cost thereof. The exclusive remedy of any person affected or aggrieved thereby shall be by appeal to the Council as herein provided. PART II. SPECIAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF IM- PROVEMENT BONDS. Sec. 39. ELECTION TO PAY IN INSTALLMENTS AND ISSU- ANCE OF BONDS. At any time within thirty (30) days from the date of the recordation of the ordinance confirming the assessment in pro- ceedings had and taken under Part I of this ordinance, the owner of any lot assessed, when the amount of such assessment is fifty ($50) dollars or over, may elect to pay such assessment in install- ments and to have an improvement bond issued against such lot to represent the assessment, in the form and manner and with the effect herein in this part provided. Such election shall be effected by the owner of such lot, or his authorized agent for him, filing with the Superintendent of Streets an affidavit made before a competent officer that he is the owner of the lot in question, which affidavit must be 16 accompanied by a certificate of a searcher of records that he is such owner of record, and also by filing with the said Superintendent of Streets a written agreement upon the form hereinafter fixed, waiving all objections of whatsoever kind or nature against the assessment and all proceedings thereto and undertaking to pay the amount of the assessment on his lot, in either five or ten yearly installments, each of which shall be due on the first day of July of each year, and the first of which shall be due upon the first day of July next following the date of such bond, with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum, payable at the same time as the installments of principal. Said agreements shall contain a provision to the effect that in case of default in the payment of any installment of the principal provided for therein, or interest accrued on deferred payments, at the time called for by said agreement, then, and in that event, the entire remaining unpaid installments shall become immediately due and payable, and that the same, and all liens and agreements which are security therefor, may be collected and enforced by action in the name of the owner of such bond in the court of competent jurisdiction. Said agreement shall be in the fol 1 lowing or substantially the following form (filling blanks) : The undersigned, being the owner of the lot assessed under No in the assessment for the improvement of , said lot being assessed tlferein for the sum of ($ ) dollars, do hereby expressly waive and release all objections of what- soever kind or nature against the said assessment and all proceed- ings thereto and in consideration of the benefit of said improvement and of the extension of time for paying therefor herein requested, do undertake and agree to pay the amount of said assessment, to-wit: the sum of ($ ) dollars in yearly installments, at % the time, in the manner, and with the interest, specified and provided in Ordinance No. 1070 of the City of Pasadena, and do elect to have a bond issued against said lot in the manner and form and with the effect provided in said Ordinance No. 1070 and do expressly agree that in the case of default in the payment of any installment of the principal provided for in said bond, or interest accrued on deferred payments, then, and in that event, that the entire remaining unpaid installments shall be- come immediately due and payable, and that the same, and all liens and agreements which are security therefor, may be collected and enforced by action in the name of the owner of such bond in the court of competent jurisdiction. Upon an election being effected as herein provided the Superin- tendent of Streets shall make a note thereof in his records opposite the assessment as to which such election is made. All agreements and affidavits made and filed hereunder shall be bound in a substan- tial book and kept among the records of the Superintendent of Streets. At the expiration of thirty (30) days after the recordation of the ordinance confirming the assessment, the Superintendent of Streets shall advise, in writing, the City Treasurer respecting the assessments as to which the owners have elected to pay in install- ments. The City Treasurer shall thereupon prepare and issue to the contractor, or his or its assignee, a separate bond representing each assessment as to which such right of election has been exercised, running for either five (5) or ten (10) years, as specified in the agreement made as herein provided, which bond shall be in the follow- ing or substantially the following form (filling blanks) : PASADENA IMPROVEMENT BOND. Series $ No Under and by virtue of and pursuant to the provisions of Ordi- nance No of the City of Pasadena, I, out of the fund for the above designated improvement bonds, Series 17 will pay to or order, the sum of ($ ) dollars with interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum, as is hereinafter specified, at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Pasadena, State of California. This bond is issued to repre- sent the cost of a certain improvement upon in the City of Pasadena, as the same is more fully described in assessment No made by the Superintendent of Streets of said City, after his acceptance of said improvement, and on record in his office. Its amount is the amount assessed in said assessment against the lot numbered therein and in the diagram attached thereto, and which now remains unpaid; but until paid, with accrued interest, is a first lien upon the property affected thereby, as the same is described herein and in said recorded assessment with its diagram, to-wit: the lot, or parcel of land in the City of Pasadena, County of Los Angeles, State of Cali- fornia, described as follows : and this bond is issued in accordance with the written request therefor on file in the office of said Superintendent of Streets. This bond is payable exclusively from said fund, and neither the City of Pasadena, nor any officer thereof, is to be holden otherwise of its principal or interest. The term of this bond is years from July 1st, 19 , and at the expiration of said time, the whole sum then unpaid shall be due and payable; but on the first day of July of each year, after the date hereof, an even annual pro- portion of its whole amount is due and payable upon presentation of the coupon therefor, until the whole is paid, with accrued interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum. The interest is payable annually on the first day of July in each year hereafter, upon presentation of the coupons therefor, the first of which is for the interest from date to the first day of July, 19 and thereafter the interest coupons are for the annual interest. Should default be made in the first, or any succeeding payment of the principal, or in any payment of interest by the owner of said lot, or any one in his behalf, the holder of this bond is entitled to de- clare the who'e unpaid amount to be due and payable, and shall thereupon have a right of action in the court of competent jurisdic- tion to collect the same and to enforce all liens and agreements which are security therefor. At said City of Pasadena, this day of in the year one thousand nine hundred and City Treasurer of the City of Pasadena. No mistake or error in the description in the bond of the lot assessed shall affect the validity or lien of the bond, unless the mis- take or error is such that the lot cannot be identified. Sec. 40. RECORD OF BONDS ISSUED, AND PAYMENTS FOR AND ON ACCOUNT THEREOF. The City Treasurer shall enter in a book kept tor that purpose in his office, a record of each bond issued hereunder, specifying the date of its issue, the amount for which issued, to whom issued, its duration and a description of the lot against which issued. Payments of principal and interest on account of any bond issued hereunder shall be made to the City Treasurer of the City of Pasadena, who shall keep a separate account of all such payments, (entering the same in the record herein required to be kept) and place the same in appropriate funds for the payment of principal and interest of the bonds on account of which paid, and who shall, upon the surrender of the coupons attached to said bond, pay to the holder thereof, or his order, the amount called for by said coupons out oi the funds in his possession applicable thereto. 18 Sec. 41. EFFECT OF BOND. A bond issued hereunder shall represent the assessment, the lien of which shall continue unimpaired until the amount of the assessment, with accrued interest as in this part provided, is paid, or until the title to the lot assessed has abso- lutely vested in a purchaser under a sale to enforce the lien of such assessment. The provisions of this part hereof respecting the time, manner, and amount of payment and the enforcement of payment and of the lien of, the assessment, shall govern in cases in which a bond is issued. Sec. 42. CAUSE OF ACTION. The owner of any bond issued hereunder upon default being made in the payment of principal or interest thereon, shall have a cause of action in the court of com- petent jurisdiction for the recovery of the amount due thereon and the enforcement of all liens and agreements securing the same. Sec. 43. ACTIONS TO ENFORCE LIEN OF ASSESSMENTS TO REPRESENT WHICH BONDS HAVE BEEN ISSUED. The amount for which the lien shall be foreclosed and enforced and of the plaintiff's recovery in any such action, shall be the amount of the original assessment and accrued interest thereupon as herein in this part provided, remaining unpaid, and the costs of the action. The improvement bond shall be prima facie evidence of the regularity and validity of all proceedings thereto, and with proof of default and non-payment of the principal or interest due under the terms of said bond, of the plaintiff s right to recovery in the action. Actions brought hereunder, except as otherwise herein provided, shall be governed by the provisions of the Codes. PART III. SPECIAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE CARE AND MAINTEN- ANCE OF GRASS, SHRUBBERY AND TREES IN THE SPACE BETWEEN THE SIDEWALKS AND ROADWAYS. Sec. 44. CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF GRASS, SHRUBBERY AND TREES. Whenever the owners of a majority of the frontage abutting upon any street, or part thereof, in the City of Pasadena, shall make and file with the City Clerk a petition requesting that the City care for and maintain the grass, shrubbery and trees, or any thereof, in the space between the sidewalk and roadway in such street, or part thereof, the Council may, under the provisions of this ordinance and in the manner and with the effect herein provided, order and direct that the City assume such care and maintenance. Sec. 45. ORDINANCE OF INTENTION. Before ordering and directing the care and maintenance of grass, shrubbery and trees, or any thereof, in any street, or portion thereof, the Council shad pass an Ordinance of Intention so to do, briefly and succinctly describing the work proposed to be done and specifying the date as near as may be at which and the period of time (which shall not exceed ten (10) years) for which it is proposed that he City assume charge of such care and maintenance. In the Ordinance of Intention there shall be fixed a time and place for the hearing of protests respecting the pro- posed improvement, which time shall not be less than twenty (20) days from the date of its adoption. Sec. 46. PUBLICATION AND POSTING OF ORDINANCE OF INTENTION AND NOTICES OF IMPROVEMENT. The Ordinance of Intention shall be published once, in the English language, in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Pasadena. The Superintendent of Streets shall also cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of the street, or part thereof, described in the Ordi- nance of Intention, not more than three hundred (300) feet in dis- tance apart, and not less than three (3) in all, notices of the passage of said ordinance. Said notice shall be headed "Notice of Intention to Maintain Grass Plots," in letters not less than one inch in length and shall, in legible characters, state the fact of the passage of the ordinance, its date of approval, and the work proposed, and refer to the ordinance for further particulars. The Ordinance of Intention shall be published and the notices posted at least ten (10) days prior to the day fixed in the Ordinance of Intention for the hearing of protests. 19 Sec. 47. PROTESTS AND HEARING. No protest shall be con- s'idered unless in writing and filed with the City Clerk before the day fixed for the hearing of protests. When protests are made as herein provided, the Council, at the time fixed for hearing, or at the time or times to which such hearing may be adjourned, shall proceed to hear and pass upon such protests, and its decision shall be final and Conclusive. The determination of the Council in the premises may be made by motion. Sec. 48. WHEN JURISDICTION ACQUIRED. At the date fixed for the hearing of protests when none have been made, or when made have been overruled as herein provided, immediately thereupon, the Council shall be deemed to have acquired jurisdiction to order the proposed care and maintenance. Sec. 49. ORDERING CARE AND MAINTENANCE. Having acquired jurisdiction, the Council shall, by ordinance, order that the care and maintenance described in the Ordinance of Intention, be assumed. It shall be sufficient in said ordinance to refer to the Ordinance of Intention for a description of the care and maintenance to be assumed, and the time when and the period for which it shall commence and continue. The ordinance shall be published once, in the English language, in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Pasadena. Sec. 50. PREPARATION OF DIAGRAM. Whenever the Council, under the provisions of this part hereof, orders the care and maintenance of grass, shrubbery and trees, or any thereof, in any street, or portion thereof, the City Engineer shall thereupon prepare a diagram showing the street, or part thereof, to be cared for and maintained, and each lot fronting thereupon, each thereof being given a separate number, and also showing the number of feet in each lot fronting upon said street, or portion thereof. Such diagram, upon completion, shall be delivered by the City Engineer to the Superin- tendent of Streets and the date of such delivery endorsed thereupon by the latter. A similar diagram, but showing, however, any sub- division of any lot made since the preparation of the prior diagram, shall be prepared by the City Engineer and delivered to the Super- intendent of Streets on or before the first day of July of each succeed- ing year during which said care and maintenance shall continue. Sec. 51. WORK HOW AND BY WHOM DONE. The work of caring for and maintaining grass, shrubbery and trees, ordered here- under, shall be done and performed by the City through its Board of Park, Police and Fire Commissioners. Sec. 52. ACCOUNT OF COSTS AND EXPENSES INCURRED TO BE KEPT. The Board of Commissioners shall keep, or cause to be kept, a full, complete and detailed account of all costs actually and necessarily incurred by the City for the care and maintenance of the grass, shrubbery and trees in any street, or portion of a street, the care and maintenance of which is ordered hereunder, which account shall show the portion of the said cost arid expense incurred for such care and maintenance in the space between the sidewalk and roadway in front of each lot upon the same side of the street. On or before the twentieth day of July of each year, the said Board of Commissioners shall cause to be made and filed with the Super- intendent of Streets a verified statement showing the total costs and expenses incurred during the year ending upon the thirtieth day of the preceding June, and also showing the portion of such costs and expenses incurred for such care and maintenance in the space between the sidewalk and roadway upon the same side of the street and in front of each lot .fronting upon the street or portion thereof so cared for and maintained, during said period. In the accounts and state- ments herein required, it shall not be necessary to describe the lots, but a reference thereto by their respective numbers upon the diagram prepared by the City Engineer shall be sufficient. Sec. 53. ASSESSMENTS. On or before the tenth day of August of each year, the Superintendent of Streets shall make an assessment of the cost and expenses incurred in the care and maintenance of the grass, shrubbery and trees in any street, or portion thereof, ordered hereunder, during the year ending on the preceding thirtieth day of 20 June. The assessment shall refer to the street, or portion thereof, as to which such care and maintenance has been assumed, and the work done, and shall show the entire amount of the costs and expenses incurred by the City, and the portion thereof pertaining to each lot for the cost and expense of caring for and maintaining the grass, shrubbery and trees or any thereof in front of each lot and upon the same side of the, street, during said period, and shall also show the name of the owner of each such lot if known (when the name of the owner is unknown, the assessment may be made to unknown owners) and the number of . each lot, which shall correspond with the number on the diagram. The diagram referred to in Section 50 hereof shall be attached to the assessment. Sec. 54. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT AND HEADING. Upon the completion of the assessment, the Superintendent of Streets shall notify the Council to tbat effect. The Council shall thereupon fix 'a time when it will hear and pass upon the assessment and the pro- ceedings thereto, and all appeals respecting the said assessment ahti said proceedings. Notice thereof shall be given by publication for five (5) days in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Pasadena. The time of hearing shall not be less than fifteen (15) days from the date of the first publication of the notice. Sec. 55. HEARING AND CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENT 1 . Any person affected by, or having any objection of whatsoever nature to the assessment, or 'any of the proceedings thereto or in relation thereto, may appeal to the Council as herein provided. An appeal shall be effected by filing with the City Clerk, prior to the day fixed for the hearing upon the assessment, a written notice briefly specify- ing the grounds of appeal. At the time fixed for the hearing upon the assessment, or at the time or times to which such hearing may be adjourned, the Council shall consider said assessment and hear and pass upon all appeals respecting the same or proceedings thereto, and may remedy and correct any error, irregularity, defect or informality in the proceedings and may make any order in the premiess which to it shall seem just and proper. When no appeal is taken, or wheii the orders and determinations of the Council upon appeal have fieeri complied with, and the Council is satisfied with the correctness and legality of the assessment, it shall, by ordinance, confirm the assess- ment, and its judgment therein shall be final and conclusive upon all persons entitled to appeal under the provisions of this section, as to all errors, defects, irregularities and informalities, not directly affect- ing the jurisdiction of the Council to order the care and maintenance. The ordinance shall be in the following or substantially the following form, (filling the blanks) : ORDINANCE NO (P. W.) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PASADENA CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT FOR THE WORK DESCRIBED IN ORDINANCE NO (P. W.) The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That a hearing upon the assessment to pay the cost of caring for and maintaining the (grass, shrubbery and trees, as the case may be) on (name of street) as specified in Ordinance No (P. W.) having been duly had as required by Ordinance No. 1070 of the City of Pasadena, the said assessment is hereby confirmed and the several amounts assessed are hereby declared to be a lien upon the lots assessed, respectively. Sec. 2. That a copy of this ordinance be recorded with the assess- ment by the Superintendent of Streets, and that a copy of said assessment and diagram, and of this ordinance, certified to by the Superintendent of Streets, be delivered to the City Auditor and Assessor. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the 21 I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held ....', 19 , by the following vote : Ayes : Councilmen Noes : Councilmen Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this day of 19 Mayor of the City of Pasadena. The ordinance confirming the assessment shall be published once, in the English 'anguage, in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Pasadena. The Superintendent of Streets shall record the same with the assessment and diagram, entering the date thereof. Sec. 56. DELIVERY OF ASSESSMENT TO THE CITY AUDITOR AND ASSESSOR. Upon the recordation of the ordinance confirming the assessment as provided in Section 55 hereof, the Superintendent of Streets shall immediately thereupon deliver a copy of the assess- ment and diagram and ordinance confirming the same to the City Auditor and Assessor, who shall note the amount of each assessment on the assessment books of city taxes against the respective lots assessed, and thereafter, the amount of each of said assessments shall be a lien against the respective lots assessed of the same charac- ter and effect and shall be collected in the same manner and at the same time, as city taxes. When any lot assessed hereunder shall be assessed for city taxes in separate parcels the assessment shall be entered against such parcels according to their respective frontage upon the street. Sec. 57. ABANDONMENT OF CARE AND MAINTENANCE. Upon a petition signed by the owners of a majority of the frontage of lots fronting upon the street, or portion thereof, the care and maintenance of which has been assumed hereunder by the City, with the City Clerk petitioning that said care and maintenance terminate, the Council shall fix a time and place for the hearing of said petition and cause notice thereof to be given by publication for five (5) days in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Pasadena. The time of hearing shall be not less than fifteen (15) days from the date of the first publication of the notice. At such hearing, the Coun- cil may, in its discretion, order the abandonment of all further care and maintenance of such grass, shrubbery and trees, or any thereof, assumed as herein provided, and may fix a time at which such care and maintenance by the City shall cease. Sec. 58. APPLICATION OF REVENUES DERIVED FROM UNDERGROUND CONDUITS. Whenever underground conduits have been constructed under the provision of this ordinance or whenever it is proposed to construct any such conduits, the Council may, in its discretion, determine to apply the net revenues, or any portion thereof, derived by the City from the rental and use of the conduits in the street or portion thereof in which or for the service of property fronting upon which, the same are constructed, and as to which such care and maintenance is assumed, during the continuance thereof, to the cost and expense of such care and maintenance. In such case the revenues so applicable shall be deducted from the respective assess- ments, each lot receiving a deduction according to its frontage. The determination of the Council in this respect shall be expressed in its Ordinance of Intention adopted pursuant f to the provisions of this part hereof. Sec. 59. PROVISIONS OF PART I OF THIS ORDINANCE APPLICABLE HERETO. The provisions of Sections 1, 2, 3, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37 and 38 of Part I of this ordinance, so far as apposite, shall be applicable to proceedings under this part. PART IV. SPECIAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO UNDERGROUND CONDUITS. Sec. 60. TITLE TO UNDERGROUND CONDUITS. The title to all underground conduits and their appurtenances constructed under 22 the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon their acceptance, vest in the City. Sec. 61. REMOVAL OF POLES AND WIRES. Whenever, under the provisions of mis ordinance, underground conduits have been constructed in any street or through rights-of-way or property owned by the City for the purpose of serving the property fronting upon any street, and have been accepted by the City, it shall be the duty of any person, firm or corporation maintaining poles, wires, electrical con- ductors or appliances, for the transmission or distribution of elec- tricity, along the street in which, or for the service of property fronting upon which, such conduits are constructed, within a reason- able time and not exceeding one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of the final acceptance of such conduits by the City, to remove all poles, wires, electrical conductors and appliances owned or con- trolled by him or it, irom such street (except poles, wires and appli- ances actually used in and necessary for the operation of a street railway when there is such a street railway in said street) and to occupy with his or its said wires, electrical conductors and appliances, such underground conduits. All poles, wires, electrical conductors and appliances, (excepting poles, wires and appliances actually used in and necessary for the operation of a street railway when there is such a street railway in said street) in any such street, after the expiration of said period of one hundred twenty (120) days, shail constitute and are hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and it shall be the duty of the City Engineer, Superintendent of Streets, Chief of Police and Chief of the Fire Department, or any or all thereof, to summarily abate and remove any such poles, wires, electrical con- ductors and appliances immediately, upon order therefor by the Council. It shall be the duty of the Manager of the Municipal Light- ing Works Department and of each and every officer of the City in charge of any poles, wires, electrical conductors or appliances, used for the transmission or distribution of electricity, along any street in which, or for the service of property fronting upon which, conduits are constructed hereunder, within one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of the final acceptance of such conduits by the City to remove all such poles, wires, electrical conductors and appliances (except cluster light posts and appliances used in connection there- with), owned by the City, and to occupy with such wires, electrical conductors and appliances the said underground conduits. The pro- visions of this section shall likewise apply to wires crossing any such street where in the construction of such underground conduits provision is made for carrying such cross wires. Sec. 62. MANAGEMENT AND USE OF CONDUITS. The man- agement and control of all conduits constructed hereunder shall be vested in the Council, which shall make regulations respecting the rentals, use, occupation, maintenance and repair thereof. Charges for the use and occupation of space in such conduits shall be at a uniform rate for all persons, firms or corporations occupying the same, but nothing herein contained shall be construed to require or contemplate a payment or allowance of any rental, charge or com- pensation for the use of space in such conduits by the City with any of its wires, electrical conductors or appliances. Sec. 63. THIS ORDINANCE TO GRANT NO FRANCHISES OR PRIVILEGES. Nothing herein contained and no fact or inference arising therefrom, or contained in, or arising from, any proceedings under this ordinance, shall grant or confer any franchise or privilege from the City to any person, firm or corporation to use any street, or portion thereof, for the construction, operation or maintenance of poles, wires, electrical conductors, conduits or appliances. No person, firm or corporation shall have the right or privilege to occupy with its wires, electrical conductors or appliances space in any conduit constructed under this ordinance without he or it has a franchise from competent authority to use the street in which or for the service of property fronting upon which, such conduit is constructed, for the construction, maintenance and operation of his or its poles, wires, electrical conductors or appliances. Nothing in this ordinance con- tained, however, shall prevent or preclude the City from allowing or 23 requiring the Sunset Telephone a*nd Telegraph Company, a corporation, and the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, a corporation, 'or either of them, to use and occupy with their or its wires, electrical conductors and appliances, conduits constructed hereunder pending the determination of the litigation between said corporations and the City respecting the right of said corporations to use the streets 'of tne City for the construction, maintenance and operation of their and its' poll's, wires, electrical' Conductors and appliances without securing a' franchise therefor from thfe City or paying compensation to th& City -for 1 such use of its' streets. Sec. 64. ORDINANCE TO TAKE EFFECT WHEN. This Or<9! nance shall take effect immediately upon its publication. Sec. 65. Tne City 'Clerk shall certify to the adoption 'of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in th^ Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that th foregoing ordinance 1 was adopted by' the Crty Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held December 20th, 1910, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Chaff ee, Fogg, Hotaling- Korstian, Merser^au and Root. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 20th day 'of December, 1910. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1132. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Requiring and Providing for the Removal From Property, Lands, or Lots, of Weeds, Rubbish and Other Material Which May Endanger or Injure Neighboring Prop erty or the Health or Welfare of Residents of the Vicinity, and Providing for the Establishment of Liens for the Cost of Such Removal and for the Enforcement of Such Liens. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. Whenever the Superintendent of Streets shall find weeds, rubbish or any other material upon any property, lands or lots in the City of Pasadena which' may endanger or injure neighbor- ing property, or the health or welfare of the residents of the vicinity of such property, lands or lots, he shall give, or cause to be giveni notice to remove such weeds, rubbish or other material in the manner hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. Such notice shall t>e given by posting in a conspicuous place upon the property, land or lot upon which such weeds, rubbish or other material are, a notice neaded "Notice to Clean Premises" in letters not less than one (1) inch in length, and which shall in legible characters direct the removal of the weeds, rubbish or other material, as the case may be, and refer to this ordinance for further particulars. Personal service of a notice similar in substance upon the owner, ocdupant or agent in charge of such property, land or lot, shall dis- pense with the posting of notice herein provided for. Sec. 3. Within ten (10) days from the date of posting of such notice or in case of personal notice within ten (10) days from the date of the personal service thereof, the owner of or any person interested in the property, land or lot affected by such notice, may appeal to the City Council from the requirements thereof. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed with the City Clerk. At the next regular meeting of the City Council it shall proceed to hear and pass upon such appeal and its decision thereupon shall be final and conclusive. Sec .4. Unless within ten (10) days from the date of the posting of the notice provided for in Section 2 hereof, or in case personal notice is given within ten (10) days from the date of the personal service thereof, or in case of appeal to the City Council within ten (10) days from the date of the determination thereof, unless the same is sustained, the weeds, rubbish or other material, as the case 24 may be, 'are removed from said property, land or lot, as directed by said notice or by the City Council on appeal, the Superintendent of Streets shall thereupon remove or cause the same to be removed. If upon appeal the requirements of the original notice are modified; the Superintendent. o Streets in removing or causing to be removed such weeds, rubbisn or -other material, shall be governed by the deter- mination of the City Council so made. . . . Sec. 5. The "Superintendent of Streets shall keep, or cause to be kept, in his office, a permanent record book showing the description of each piece of property or lot from which weeds, rubbish or other material are removed nnder the provisions of this ordinance, the name of the owner thereof, if known, the date of posting of notice herein provided 'for, ; or in case of personal service the date of l such personal service, and in case of appeal the date of the determination of the City Council, and the expense incurred in the removal of such weed^ rubbish or other material. Sec. 6. Between the 1st and loth day of July of each year the Superintendent of Streets shall cause to be published a notice to the effect 'that any person affected or aggrieved by any act or determination of the Superintendent 1 of Streets or of the City Council hereunder during the preceding fiscal year, may at any time prior to the 1st day of August next succeeding, appeal therefrom to ttie City Council. Said notice shall be' published for five (5) days in a newspaper pub- lished and circulated in the City of Pasadena. At any time prior to the first day of August next succeeding, any person affected or aggrieved by any act or determination of the Superintendent of Streets or of the City Council made hereunder during the preceding fiscal year, may appeal therefrom to the City Council. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed with the City Clerk. At the next regular meeting of the City Council after the first day of August A. shall proceed to hear and pass upon such appeal, and its determina- tion thereupon shall be final and conclusive. The Superintendent of Streets shall carry out any directions of the City Council made upon appeal, and he shall cause appropriate corrections and entries to be made in his said record book to conform therewith. Section 7. At the expiration of the time for appeal as herein provided, or upon the determination of the City Council upon appeal and on compliance with the requirements of any determination so made, the Superintendent of Streets shall deliver to the City Auditor and Assessor an abstract of the entries in the record book herein provided to be kept for the preceding fiscal year. Such abstract shall snow the property affected and the amount charged there against. The City. Auditor and Assessor shall thereupon note the amount of each such charge on the assessment books of city taxes against the respective lots charged, and thereafter the amount of each such charge shall be a lien against the respective property cnarged there- with of the same character and effect, and shall be collected in the same manner and at the same time as city taxes. The provisions of this section shall not apply as to any piece of property or land or lot, the charge against which has been paid prior to the delivery to the City Auditor and Assessor of said abstract, but in such case an appropriate entry shall be made in the said record book by the said Superintendent of Streets, showing that such charge 1 as been paid. Sec. 8. Proof of the publication, posting of service of any notice, order or determination provided for in this ordinance shall be made by the affidavit of the printer of the newspaper in which published, his foreman, or principal clerk, or the person posting or serving the notice, order or determination annexed to a copy of order, notice or determination published, posted or served, as the case may be, and specifying the time when, or at which the same was published, posted or served, as the case may be. It shall be the duty of the Superintend- ent of Streets to keep among the official records of his office the affidavits of publication, posting or service herein provided for. Sec. 9. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the 25 City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held June 13tu, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Chaff ee, Davies, Fogg, Korstian, Rhodes, and Root. Noes: None. HEM AN DYER. Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 13th day of June, 1911. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1178. Ah Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating the Making of Street Improvements Under Private Contract. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, as principal, agent or contractor, to make any improvement in any of the streets of the City of Pasadena, by or under private contract, unless permission from the City Council therefor is first secured and unless the deposit herein provided for is made. The term "improvement," as herein used, shall be deemed, and is hereby declared, to include the grading or regrad- ing, the macadamizing or remacadamizing, the graveling or regravel- ing, the oiling or reoiling of any street, or the construction or recon- struction in any street of sewers, sidewalks, crosswalks, curbs or gutters. Sec. 2. Any permission granted by the City Council for the mak- ing of any such improvement, by or under private contract, shall be deemed to have been made subject to the terms of this ordinance. Before any such permission shall become effective for any purpose, there shall be deposited with the Superintendent of Streets such sum as he may estimate to be necessary to cover the cost of inspection and supervision by the City of said improvement. Said improvement shall be made under the direction, and to the satisfaction, of the Super- intendent of Streets. Upon its acceptance by him, he shall deduct from the deposit made, as herein required, the cost to the City of inspec- tion and supervision thereof, and the remainder of such deposit, if there be any, shall be returned to the person making the same upon demands approved, audited and allowed, as in the case of other demands against the City. In the event that the estimated amount of the cost of inspection and supervision of said improvement shall prove to be insufficient, the Superintendent of Streets may cause the work of making such improvements to be stopped until such addi- tional sum is deposited as will cover said cost, in which case it shall be unlawful to continue with the same until such additional sum is deposited. The Superintendent of Streets shall be given at least twenty-four hours' notice in writing of the time of commencement of the work of making any improvement, permission to make which is granted hereunder, in order that he may procure and assign an inspector to inspect the same; and it shall be unlawful for any person as principal, agent or contractor to commence any such work, until after twenty- four (24) hours' notice in writing has been given to the Superintendent of Streets, stating the time at which such work will be commenced. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets to cause such improvements made by or under private contract to be duly inspected and supervised during the progress of the work there- upon and to cause to be kept a just and true account of the cost of inspection and supervision of such improvement; and otherwise to carry out the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 4. Any person, as principal, agent or contractor, who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100) or by imprison- ment in the city jail for a period not to exceed Thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- 26 nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held January 13th, 1912, by the following vote : Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Chaff ee, Korstian, Rhodes, Root and Shutt. Noes : None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 13th day of January, 1912. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor o^ the City of Pasadena. 27 SUBDIVISION II. , ....._ .... , .Ordinances Adopting Specifications. .. . ORDINANCE NO. 281. An Ordinance Adopting General Specifications for Sewers. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That the following be and they are hereby adopted as and for the general specifications for the sewers to be constructed within said City of Pasadena: PIPE. All pipe shall be of the first quality vitrified, salt-glazed sewer pipe, sound and well burned throughout their entire thickness, impervious to moisture, of smooth and well glazed exterior and interior surfaces, free from cracks, flaws, blisters, fire checks, and all other imperfections, circular in bore, varying from a true circle not more than one-twelfth of an inch for every three inches in diameter, of true form in their length, whether straight or curved, internally of the exact specified diameter, and of uniform standard thickness. SOCKET JUNCTIONS. All pipes shall be socket pipes, with true and circular sockets concentric with the bore of the pipe, and shall be furnished in pieces two feet in length. For all junction pieces, a well fitted stopper shall be furnished without charge. Y'S. All "Y" branches shall branch under forty-five degrees, except when otherwise specified, or shown on special drawings. The pipes shall be inspected on the line of the work, and all pipes rejected shall be immediately removed from the work. TRENCHES. The ground shall be excavated in open trenches to the necessary width and depth. These trenches shall be one foot wider on each side than the exterior diameter of the sewer. Whenever the nature of the ground will admit of it, the bottom of the excavation must conform exactly to the outside of the lower half of the sewer. Before any pipe or special is put into place a small excavation must be made in the previously graded trench, to receive the hub, so that each pipe will have a firm and uniform bearing upon said graded bottom, over virtually its entire length. All adjustment of the pipe, to line and grade, must be done by scraping away or filling in the earth under the body of the pipe, and not by blocking or wedging r^ the hub. PUMPING. The contractor shall, at his own expense, pump out or otherwise remove any water or sewage whieh may be found, or shall accumulate in the trench, and he shall construct all pumps, dr/iins, dams, flumes or other works necessary for keeping the excavation clean of water during the progress of the work. In no case shall any pipe be laid or sewer work done under or in water. Should there be any water in the socket-holes under the joints, it must be entirely removed with a sponge, and any earth or water adhering to any part of the pipes where the mortar is to be applied must be entirely removed before making the joints. SHORING. The sides of the excavation shall be supported with suitable sheet planking and bracing whenever necessary, but no allowance will be made therefor; and in all cases the sheet piling shall be drawn as the work progresses (unless otherwise permitted by the written order of the Street Superintendent) in such manner as to prevent the caving in of the sides of the trench. All openings shall be carefully filled and rammed. 28 SPOIL BANKS. The materials excavated shall be laid compactly on the side of the trench, and kept trimmed up so as to be of as little inconvenience as possible to the public travel or the adjoining tenants. In case the street is not wide enough to throw the earth without stopping the pas- sage way on the sidewalk, the contractor shall, at his own expense; erect a board fence and keep a passage-way of six feet open on said sidewalk. Free access must be left to all hydrants and water gates. BACK-FILLING. The work shall be back-filled carefully, and sand or fine grave) packed and rammed under and around the sewer, with proper tools; In refilling all the trenches the earth shall be faithfully rammed with, paver's rammers, in layers not exceeding nine inches in thickness, or shall be settled by thoroughly flooding the trench, wherever the Street Superintendent may require the same to be done; and where the trenches do not furnish sufficient material of the proper quality, the contractor shall procure and supply such deficiency at his own cost and expense. CEMENT. All cement used shall be of the best Portland Cement. CEMENT TESTS. The Street Superintendent shall make or cause to be made, any tests that may be desired to satisfy him (the Street Superintendent) as to the strength and quality of the cement and he shajl reject any and all parcels that do not conform to these tests. CEMENT MORTAR. The cement mortar shall be composed of one part, by measure- ment, of the cement above mentioned, and two parts of coarse, clean, sharp sand, free from loam, vegetable matter, silt or dirt. If the Street Superintendent deems it advisable to do so, the sand must be screened and washed. The cement and sand shall be carefully mixed dry, the water added, and the mortar made fresh for the work in hand. The mortar must be made in quantities as required. All mortar used must be mixed in a proper water tight box, and in no case upon the pavement or ground. No mortar shall be used that shows evidence of having set, that has been left over night, or that has become unfit for good work from standing too long or from any other cause; and no remixing of mortar will be allowed. CONCRETE. Concrete shall be composed of one part, by measurement, of cement, two of sand and five of gravel. The cement and sand for concrete must be of the same quality as that before specified for mortar. The gravel shall be clean and hard, of good quality, varying in size from that which will pass through a ring two inches in diameter to that of a pea. All concrete is to be thoroughly mixed dry and turned at least four times and then water enough added to make a stiff mass and turned twice. The concrete thus prepared shall be imme- diately placed in position in the work and tamped until the mortar flushes the surface. No concrete shall be used that shows evidence of having set, that has become unfit for good work from standing too long, or from any other cause, and no remixing of concrete will be allowed. BRICK MASONRY. The brick masonry shall be constructed of best quality of hard burned brick and laid in cement mortar of the quality above specified. The bricks are to be thoroughly wet immediately before being laid. Every brick is to have full cement joints under bottom, sides and ends. MANHOLES, FLUSHTANKS. Manholes and flushtanks shall be constructed of such size and at such places as may be indicated upon the plans. They shall be built to conform to the plans of the same in the office of the City Engineer. All walls to be built of brick eight inches thick. In all cases an eight- inch arch, resting on a sand joint of one-half inch in thickness shall be turned over the pipes entering manholes and flushtanks; but the pipes 29 entering manholes and flushtanks shall not be set or laid until the foundation of the manholes or flushtank is built and ready to receive thoroughly cleaned, and in dimensions, weight and quality of iron, and in all respects in conformity with the plans in the office of the City Engineer, are to be fitted to the above described manholes and flush- tanks. The insides of all manholes and flushtanks are to be neatly plastered with cement mortar of the quality above described, and the joints on the outside are to be flushed full with mortar and neatly struck. The inside of all manholes and flushtanks must be provided with iron bars, three-quarters of an inch thick, firmly and securely fastened into the brick wall, fifteen inches apart, as indicated on the plan, said bars to be used as steps. All manholes and flushtanks shall be provided with a galvanized iron dust pan, as shown on the plans. MANHOLE COVERS. Manhole covers must weigh at least 300 pounds; and must stand a pressure, when applied in the center, of not less than ten tons. Must be thoroughly cleaned, and thoroughly covered with tar paint, or asphalt, and must pass through the hands of the inspector, and be accepted and marked by him before going to the work. The covers are to conform to the plans on file in the office of the City Engineer. SPURS. Pipes having six-inch spurs with hubs moulded thereon, for house connections, shall be laid at such point as the Street Superintendent may direct. The "Y" branches and dead ends of all pipes to be closed with earthenware caps and the space above the caps filled with pure sand, covered with a thin coating of pure cement mortar, the sand underneath to be wet before this mortar is put onto it. MATCHING AND LAYING PIPES. All pipes, previously to their being lowered into the trench, shall be fitted together and matched, so that when joined in the trench they may form a smooth and true line of tubes. The ends of the pipe when laid in the sewer shall abut against each other in such manner that there shall be no shoulder or unevenness of any kind along the bottom half of the inside of the sewer. The joint will then be completely filled by pressing into it with the fingers all the mortar it will hold; and the mortar will then be neatly beveled off from the outer edge of the hub to the sides of the pipe, especial care being taken to secure good and proper work at the bottom of the joint. The joints of all pipes are to be carefully wiped and pointed, inside and out, with cement mortar and all mortar that may be left inside shall be thoroughly cleaned out and the pipe left clean and smooth. LINE AND GRADE. The contractor will see that the sewers shall be laid truly in line and grade throughout according to the plans or directions furnished by the City Engineer from time to time, and all curves, junctions and other pieces required shall be properly excavated for and laid as directed. The work must be made water tight at all points, and any leaks or defects must be immediately repaired when discovered. Especial care must be taken in keeping the work perfectly water- tight. Wherever it is necessary, in the opinion of the Street Super- intendent, a gasket of oakum shall be used. 300 FEET OPEN. In no case, from the commencement to the termination of the work aforesaid, without previous written permission from the Street Super- intendent, shall more than 300 feet of trench be opened in advance of the complete building of the sewer; and on the completion of each section of three hundred feet of the sewer and re-grading and re-paving, re-macadamizing or re-graveling, as the case may be, over the same shall be completed, and surplus earth, sand and rubbish on that sec- tion, immediately removed, or they will be removed at the contractor's expense whenever the Street Superintendent shall so direct; but the contractor shall be allowed twenty-four hours for said removal after written notification thereof has been given him. 30 RE-GRADING, ETC. The whole of the re-grading and re-paving, re-macadamizing or re- graveling shall be done to the satisfaction of the Street Superinten- dent. Also all cross-walks must be re-laid and placed in as good con- dition as when found. CONNECTING WITH DRAINS. The contractor shall not connect any drains with the sewer referred to in this contract without having previously obtained a permit from the Street Superintendent. TAKING CARE OP WATER. The contractor shall provide for the flow of sewers, drains or water courses, interrupted during the progress of the work, and shall restore and make good all connections that may be directed. INCOMPETENT MEN. If any person employed on the work by the contractor shall appear to the Street Superintendent to be incompetent or disorderly, he shall be discharged immediately on the Requisition of said Street Superin- tendent, and such person shall not again be employed on the work. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. The contractor shall have charge of and be responsible for the entire line of work, until its completion and acceptance, and any unfaithful or imperfect work that may be discovered at any time before the final completion and acceptance of the work embraced in the agreement, shall be corrected immediately on the requirement of the Street Superintendent. LABOR AND MATERIALS. All materials to be provided by the contractor shall be of the best description; and he shall furnish all efficient labor and implements necessary for the full and complete performance of his contract. If any material or implements should be brought to the ground which the Street Superintendent may deem to be of improper description, or improper to be Used in the work, the same shall be removed by the contractor as soon as practicable. OB'SERVING ORDINANCES. The 'contractor will be required to observe all the ordinances of the City in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping open passage- way, and protecting the same where they are exposed and would be dangerous to public travel; and he will be held responsible for all damages the City may have to pay in consequence of his failure to protect the public from injury. OBSTRUCTING TRAVEL. The contractor will be expected to execute the work in such a manner as to interrupt as little as possible the public use of the street; Tie will be required to preserve from needless obstruction the carriage- way on one side of the line of the proposed work, and he will be held responsible for all practicable and legal notice and signals to the pub- lic of the state or the street while the work is in progress. FENCES. It shall also be his duty to erect and keep erected a fence or proper "barrier along the line of work on trenches, and across the ends of the safe, in order to guard the public effectually from liability to fall into the trenches or from upsetting their vehicles against the earth thrown from the trenches during tne entire progress of the work, both by day and night. RED LIGHT AT NIGHT. A red light must be maintained at night, at each end of the Carriers, from twilight in the evening until sunrise, and a watchman employed as additional security, whenever the same may be needed. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. The contractor is to take all the risk as to the quality of the ^excavation, also its condition as to the presence or absence of water, and all contingencies attending the work. 31 REMOVING OBSTRUCTIONS. In case it should be necessary to remove any railroad tracks, gas pipes or water pipes, or any portion thereof, the company or companies owning said tracks or pipes, or their agents or superintendent, will', upon proper application of the contractor, be notified by the Street Superintendent to remove the same within a specified time; and the contractor shall not interfere with said tracks, gas pipes, water pipes, or any portion thereof until the expiration of the time specified in said notice. The work shall be carried on in such portions as the Street Super- intendent may direct. Whenever the words "Street Superintendent" or "City Engineer" are used in this specification, they refer to the Street Superintendent and City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, or their authorized agents or inspectors, and all disputes as to the meaning of these specifica- tions, explanations or directions necessary to completing satisfactorily the different descriptions of work contemplated and provided for under the contract will be given by the Street Superintendent and City Engineer. Whenever the word "Contractor" is used in this specification, it refers to the party or parties of the second part to the agreement for the construction of the work herein specified. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star. Passed and approved this llth day of February, 1895, by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes: Trustees Hamilton, Lukens, Washburn, Weed and Presi- dent Cox. Noes: None. (Signed) JOHN S. COX, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena and signed by its President at its meeting held on the llth day of February, 1895. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 842. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Adopting Specifications for Grading Streets With Natural Surface, for Construction of Cement Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the general specifications for street grading with natural surface in the City of Pasadena, to be known as "Specifica- tions No. 7 for grading of streets with natural surface in the City of Pasadena," shall be as herein contained and are hereby as such adopted. 1st. The work herein provided for is to be done in accordance with the plans, profiles and cross-sections on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, and all work shall during its progress and on its completion, conform to the lines and levels which may from time to time be given by the City Engineer in accordance therewith. GRADING. 2nd. Grading shall include all filling, removal of all earth, stone or other material of whatsoever nature that may be encountered in preparing the street, and all trimming, shaping or other work that may be necessary in bringing the surface of the street to the required grade and cross-section. When mud or other soft material is en- countered it shall be taken out and the space refilled with good earth or gravel. The contractor will not be required in such cases to exca- vate the mud or other soft material to a greater depth than two (2) feet below grade. Fills shall consist of good wholesome earth which 32 shall be deposited in layers not exceeding one (1) foot in thickness, each layer to be separately moistened and well packed. The slopes of embankments shall be trimmed as they are carried up. The walks shall be raked free of stone and, in case of a fill, shall be moistened and rolled. After the roadway has been brought to the required grade and cross-section as above specified, the surface shall be rolled with a roller weighing not less than six (6) tons until the surface is unyield- ing. The City of Pasadena will furnish a roller to the contractor free of cost but the contractor will be required to pay for the services of the man operating the roller, also for the fuel used. Depressions made by roiling shall be filled with good earth and again rolled. Such portions of the street as cannot be reached by the roller and all places excavated below grade, and refilled, and all pipe trenches and other places that cannot be properly compacted by the roller shall be tamped solid, and in case of wet weather or muddy ground making the use of the roller unsafe or impracticable the rolling shall not be undertaken until the ground has become sufficiently dry. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. 3rd. All work shall be in every respect executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. The contractor is required to preserve all monuments and all stakes set for lines, levels or measurements for work in their proper places, until authorized to remove them by the City Engineer, and any expense in replacing said monuments or stakes, which the contractor or his subordinates may have failed to preserve, shall be borne by the contractor. Any overseer, superintendent, laborer, or other person employed on the work by the contractor, who shall perform his work in a manner contrary to these specifications, shall be discharged immediately, and such person shall not again be employed on the work. All loss or damage arising from any unforeseen obstruction or difficulties which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, or from the action of the elements, or from any act or omission not authorized by these specifications on the part of the contractor, or any person or agent employed by him, before final acceptance of the work, shall be sus- tained by the contractor. No work which may be defective in its construction, or deficient in any of the requirements of these specifications, will be considered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any officer of the City or inspector connected with the work, to point out said defects or defi- ciency during construction, and the contractor shall be required to correct any imperfect work, before the final acceptance of the work. The contractor assumes all risk of variance in any computation or statement of amounts of quantities necessary to complete the work required by the contract, and agrees to furnish all necessary labor and material, and to fully complete said work in accordance with the plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Street Superin- tendent and City Engineer. Bidders must examine and judge for themselves as to the location of the proposed work, the nature of the excavation to be made, and the work to be done. The contractor shall give twenty-four (24) hours' notice in writing when he shall require the services of the City Engineer for laying out any portion of the work. He shall dig all stake holes necessary to give lines and levels. The contractor shall be required to remove at his own expense, all obstructions, such as trees, stones, debris, etc., that may be in the way of making said improvements. No more than one cross street shall be closed at any one time. The contractor will be required to observe all the ordinances of the City of Pasadena in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping open passage ways, and protecting the same by erecting a fence or proper barrier along the line of the work and across the ends of same, in order to guard the public effectively from danger during the prog- ress of the work, and he shall post all proper notices and signals to the public of the state of the street while the work is in progress. A red light must be maintained at night at each end of the bar- riers, from sunset until sunrise. 33 In case it should be necessary to move the property of any owner of a public utility or franchise, such owner will, upon proper applica- tion by the contractor, be notified by the Street Superintendent to move such property within a specified reasonable time, and the con- tractor shall not interfere with said property until after the expira- tion of the time specified. The right is reserved to the City and the owners of public utilities and franchises to enter upon the street for the purpose of making repairs or changes that may become necessary by the work. The contractor shall remove all surplus material and rubbish from the work after its completion, and before he makes application for the acceptance of the work. The contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when he desires a final inspection of the work, when the latter will, as soon as possible, make the necessary examination, and if the work is found in compliance with the above specifications, the Street Superintendent will furnish the contractor with a certificate to that effect. Whenever the word "Contractor" is used in these specifications it refers to the party or parties of the second part in the agreement for the construction of the work herein specified. When the words "Street Superintendent" or "City Engineer" are used in these specifications they refer respectively to the Street Super- intendent and the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, or their authorized agents or inspectors. Sec. 2. That the general specifications for the construction of cement curbs in the City of Pasadena to be known as "Specifications No. 8 for the construction of cement curbs in the City of Pasadena," shall be as herein contained and are hereby as such adopted. 1st. The work herein provided for is to be done in accordance with the plans, profiles and cross-sections on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, and all work shall, during its progress and on its completion, conform to the lines and levels which may from time to time, be given by the City Engineer, in accordance therewith. GRADING FOUNDATION. 2nd. The foundation shall be brought to the proper grade and all soft or spongy material shall be removed and replaced with good wholesome earth or gravel which shall be moistened and tamped or rolled until it is solid. If the soil is adobe it shall be removed to a depth of two (2) inches below the foundation of the curb and the space refilled with good sand or gravel which shall be tamped solid. The material to be supplied in case of a fill shall be good earth, and shall be built up in layers not exceeding one (1) foot in thick- ness, each layer to be well packed by rolling or tamping. The fill shall be flooded with water in order to thoroughly settle it. SHAPE. 3rd. TKe curbs shall be of such dimensions (or size) as shall be fixed in the Resolution of Intention. The radius of curb returns shall be ten (10) feet at street inter- sections, from four (4) feet alley intersections, and four (4) feet at private drives, unless otherwise shown on the above mentioned plans, cross-sections or profiles. The curb returns at all street and alley intersections shall be brought to the property line and at all private drives shall be brought to the sidewalk line. MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION. 4th. Cement curbs shall be constructed of concrete as follows: One (1) part (by measure) of Portland cement; Three (3) parts (by measure) of sand; Six (6) parts (by measure) of gravel or broken rock; When unscreened gravel is used five (5) sacks or one and one- fourth (1*4) barrels of Portland cement shall be added to each yard of gravel. The cement shall be best Portland cement and shall be delivered in suitable packages with brand and name of manufacturer plainly 34 marked thereon. A bag of cement shall contain ninety-four (94) pounds of cement net. Each barrel of Portland cement shall contain four (4) bags of the above net weight. The sand shall be clean, sharp and free from loam, vegetable mat- ter, silt and dirt. The gravel or broken rock shall be of hard durable material and shall have sizes ranging from the size of a pea minimum to that which will pass through a two and one-half (2%) inch ring maximum. All sand, gravel or crushed rock used in construction shall be dumped on planks, in separate piles not exceeding two loads. All concrete shall be mixed by skilled workmen on a proper water- tight platform. The materials shall be thoroughly mixed and incor- porated while dry so as to form a homogeneous mixture of the ingre- dients, then the water shall be added in such quantities as to produce a uniformly and thoroughly wet mass, but not enough so as to produce a slush. While being wetted the whole mass shall be turned over at least twice more. No concrete shall be used that shows evidence of having set, that has become unfit for good work from standing too long, or from any other cause, and no remixing of concrete will be allowed. The concrete thus prepared shall be immediately placed into posi- tion in the curbing and thoroughly tamped until water appears on the surface, the tamping to be done before any layer exceeds the depth of six (6) inches. Before the concrete has developed hard set, the finishing coats shall be applied as follows: The top of the curb and the face and back for a distance of two (2) inches from the top, shall receive a coat one-half (*/&) inch thick, the face of the curb from the top to the gutter line shall then receive a finishing coat of at least one-fourth (*4) inch in thickness. The finishing coats shall be composed of one (1) part (by measure) of cement to two (2) parts (by measure) of sand, and shall be troweled and uniformly marked off into blocks which shall not be more than three (3) feet in length. the curb shall be protected from the sun and thoroughly watered for ten (10) days after completion. CEMENT TESTS. 5th. The cement tests for all cement work, under the specifica- tions contained in this ordinance, snail be made in accordance with the methods proposed by the Committee of Uniform Tests of Cement of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and shall be open to contractors. FINENESS It shall leave by weight a residue of not more than five (5%) per cent, on the No. 100 and not more than twenty-five (25%) per cent, on the No. 200 sieve. TIME OF SETTING Initial set of the cement shall not be less than thirty (30) minutes, but must develop hard set in not less than one (1) hour nor more than ten (10) hours. TENSILE STRENGTH Requirements for tensile strength for briquettes one (1) inch square in section shall be as follows: NEAT CEMENT. A &e- Pounds. 24 hours in moist air 175 7 days (1 day moist air, 6 days in water) 500 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 600 ONE PARTJ2EMENT, THREE PARTS SAND. 7 days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water) 170 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 240 CONSTANCY OF VOLUME Pats of neat cement about three (3) inches in diameter, one-half (%) inch thick at the center, and tapering to a thin edge, shall be kept in moist air for a period of twenty-four (24) hours. (a) A pat is then kept in air at normal temperature and observed at interva's for at least twenty-eight (28) days. (b) Another pat is kept in water maintained as near 70 degrees 35 Fahr, as practicable, and observed at intervals for at least twenty- eight (28) days. (c) A third pat is exposed in any convenient way in an atmos- phere of steam, above boiling water, in a loosely closed vessel for five hours. These pats, to satisfactorily pass the requirements, shall remain firm and hard and show no signs of distortion, checking, cracking or disintegration. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. 6th. The contractor shall give at least one week's notice to the City Engineer so that he may test the cement proposed to be used on the work. No cement shall be hauled on the work that has not been tested and accepted by the City Engineer. All work shall be in every respect executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. The contractor is required to preserve all mon- uments and all stakes set for lines, levels or measurements for work in their proper places, until authorized to remove them by the City Engi- neer, and any expense in replacing said monuments or stakes, which the contractor or his subordinates may have failed to preserve, shall be borne by the contractor. Any overseer, superintendent, laborer, or other person employed on the work by the contractor, who shall perform his work in a man- ner contrary to these specifications, shall be discharged immediately and such person shall not again be employed on the work. All loss or damage arising from any unforseen obstruction or difficulties which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, or from the action of the elements, or from any act or omission not authorized by these specifications on the part of the contractor, or any person or agent employed by him, before final acceptance of the work, shall be sus- tained by the contractor. No work which may be defective in its construction, or deficient in any of the requirements of these specifications, will be considered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any officer of the City or inspector connected with the work, to point out said defects or defi- ciency during construction, and the contractor shall be required to correct any imperfect work, before the final acceptance of the work. The contractor assumes all risk of variance in any computation or statement of amounts of quantities necessary to complete the work required by the contract, and agrees to furnish all necessary labor and material, and to fully complete said work in accordance with the plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Street Superin- tendent and City Engineer. Bidders must examine and judge for themselves as to the loca- tion of the proposed work, the nature of the excavation to be made, and the work to be done. The contractor shall give twenty-four (24) hours' notice in writing when he shall require the services of the City Engineer for laying out any portion of the work. He shall dig all stake holes necessary to give lines and levels. The contractor shall be required to remove at his own expense, all obstructions, such as trees, stones, debris, etc., that may be in the way of making said improvements. No more than one ci oss street shall be closed at any one time. The contractor will be required to observe all the ordinances of the City of Pasadena in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping open passage ways, and protecting the same by erecting a fence or proper barrier along the line of the work and across the ends of same, in order to guard the public effectively from danger during the prog- ress of the work, and he sh^ll post all proper notices and signals to the public of the state of the street while the work is in progress. A red light must be maintained at night at each end of the bar- riers, from sunset until sunrise. In case it should be necessary to move the property of any owner of a public utility or franchise, such owner will, upon proper applica- tion by the contractor, be notified by the Street Superintendent to move such property within a specified reasonable time, and the con- 36 tractor shall not interfere with said property until after the expiration of the time specified. The right is reserved to the City and the owners of public utilities and franchises to enter upon the street for the purpose of making repairs or changes that may become necessary by the work. The contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when he the work after its completion, and before he makes application for the acceptance of the work. The contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when he desires a final inspection of the work, when the latter will, as soon as possible, make the necessary examination, and if the work is found in compliance with the above specifications, the Street Superintendent will furnish the contractor with a certificate to that effect. Whenever the word "Contractor" is used in these specifications it refers to the party or parties of the second part in the agreement for the construction of the work herein specified. Whenever the words "Street Superintendent" or "City Engineer" are used in these specifications they refer respectively to the Street Superintendent and the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, or their authorized agents or inspectors. Sec. 3. That the general specifications for cement gutters in the City of Pasadena, to be known as "Specifications No. 9 for the con- struction of cement gutters in the City of Pasadena," shall be as herein contained and are hereby as such adopted. 1st. The work herein provided for is to be done in accordance with the plans, profiles and cross-sections on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, and all work shall, during its progress and on its completion, conform to the lines and levels which may, from time to time, be given by the City Engineer, in accordance therewith. GRADING FOUNDATION. 2nd. The foundation shall be brought to the proper grade and all soft or spongy material shall be removed and replaced with good wholesome earth or gravel which shall be moistened and tamped or rolled until it is solid. If the soil is adobe it shall be removed to a depth of two (2) inches below the foundation of the gutter and the space refilled with good sand or gravel which shall be tamped solid. The material to be supplied in case of a fill shall be good earth, and shall be built up in layers not exceeding one (1) foot in thick- ness, each layer to be well packed by rolling or tamping. The fill shall be flooded with water in order to thoroughly settle it. SHAPE. 3rd. Thickness of gutter shall be specified in these specifications; width of gutter shall be as fixed in Resolution of Intention. MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION. 4th. Cement gutters shall be constructed of concrete as follows: One (1) part (by measure) of Portland cement; Three (3) parts (by measure) of sand; Six (6) parts (by measure) of gravel or broken rock. When unscreened gravel is used five (5) sacks or one and one- fourth (1*4) barrels of Portland cement shall be added to each yard of gravel. The cement shall be the best Portland cement and shall be deliv- ered in suitable packages with brand and name of manufacturer plainly marked thereon. A bag of cement shall contain ninety-four (94) pounds of cement net. Each barrel of Portland cement shall contain four (4) bagjs of the above net weight. The sand shall be clean, sharp and free from loam, vegetable mat- ter, silt and dirt. The gravel or broken rock shall be of hard, durable material and shall have sizes ranging from the size of a pea minimum to that which will pass through a two and one-half (2M>) inch ring maximum. All sand, gravel and crushed rock used in construction shall be dumped on planks in separate piles not exceeding two loads. 37 All concrete shall be mixed by skilled workmen on a proper water- tight platform. The materials shall be thoroughly mixed and incor- porated while dry so as to form a homogeneous mixture of the ingre- dients, then the water shall be added in such quantities as to produce a uniformly and thoroughly wet mass, but not enough so as to produce a slush. While being wetted the whole mass shall be turned over at least twice more. No concrete shall be used that shows evidence of having set, that has become unfit for good work from standing too long, or from any other cause, and no remixing of concrete will be allowed. The concrete thus prepared shall be immediately spread upon the foundation and thoroughly tamped until water appears on the surface. After tamping this layer of concrete shall be four (4) inches in thick- ness. On this concrete base before developing initial set, shall be placed a finishing coat two (2) inches in thickness composed of one (1) part (by measure) of cement, one and one-half (1%) parts (by measure) of sand of same quality as heretofore specified for concrete, and two and one-half (2%) parts gravel or broken stone ranging from the size of a pea minimum to that which will pass through a one (1) inch ring maximum. The finishing coat shall be thoroughly tamped to a true grade and floated after which it shall be marked off into blocks not more than three (3) feet in length. Cement gutters at entrances to private driveways shall be brought to the sidewalk line. Unless the street is to be paved, boards six (6) inches wide and one (1) inch thick shall be laid along the outside edge of the gutter. Said boards to remain in after the completion of the work, and shall be included in the width of the gutter. The surface of the finished gutters shall be covered with earth or sand and kept damp for ten (10) days after completion. Where the cement gutters as herein specified, are to be con- structed in connection with cement curbs, the gutters and curbs shall be constructed, either as one continuous mass, or the gutter con- struction shall follow the curb construction before the concrete in the curbs shall have had time to set. CEMENT TESTS. 5th. The cement tests for all cement work, under the specifica- tions contained in this ordinance, shall be made in accordance with the methods proposed by the Committee of Uniform Tests of Cement of the Amreican Society of Civil Engineers, and shall be open to con- tractors. FINENESS It shall leave by weight a residue of not more than five (5%) per cent, on the No. 100 and not more than twenty-five (25%) per cent, on the No. 200-sieve. TIME OF SETTING Initial set of the cement shall not be less than thirty (30) minutes, but must develop hard set in not less than one (1) hour nor more than ten (10) hours. TENSILE STRENGTH Requirements for tensile strength for briquettes one (1) inch square in section shall be as follows: NEAT CEMENT. Age. Pounds. 24 hours in moist air 175 7 days (1 day moist air, 6 days in water) 500 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 600 ONE PART CEMENT, THREE PARTS SAND. 7 days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water) 170 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 240 CONSTANCY OF VOLUME Pats of neat cement about three (3) inches in diameter, one-half (%) inch thick at the center, and tapering to a thin edge, shall be kept in moist air for a period of twenty-four (24) hours. (a) A pat is then kept in air at normal temperature and observed at intervals for at least twenty-eight (28) days. (b) Another pat is kept in water maintained as near 70 degrees Fahr, as practicable, and observed at intervals for at least twenty- eight (28) days. 38 (c) A third pat is exposed in any convenient way in an atmos- phere of steam, above boiling water, in a loosely closed vessel for five (5) hours. These. pats ( to satisfactorily pass the requirements, shall remain firm and hard and show no signs of distortion, checking, craking or disintegration. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. 6th. The contractor shall give at least one week's notice to the City Engineer so that he may test the cement proposed to be used on the work. No cement shall be hauled on the work that has not been tested and accepted by the City Engineer. All work shall be in every respect executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. The contractor is required to preserve all monuments and all stakes set for lines, levels or measurements for work in their proper places, until authorized -to remove them by the City Engineer, and any expense in replacing said monuments or stakes, which the contractor or his subordinates may have failed to preserve, shall be borne by the contractor. Any overseer, superintendent, laborer, or other person employed on the work by the contractor, who shall perform his work in a man- ner contrary to these specifications, shall be discharged immediately, and such person shall not again be employed on the work. All loss or damage arising from any unforseen obstructions or difficulties which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, or from the action of the elements, or from any act or omission not authorized by these specifications on the part of the contractor, or any person or agent employed by him, before final acceptance of the work, shall be sus- tained by the contractor. No work which 'may be defective in its construction, or deficient in any of the requirements of these specifications, will be considered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any officer of the City or inspector connected with the work, to point out said defects or deficiency during construction, and the contractor shall be required to correct any imperfect work, before the final acceptance of the work. The contractor assumes all risk of variance in any computation or statement of amounts of quantities necessary to complete the work required by the contract, and agrees to furnish all necessary labor and material, and to fully complete said work in accordance with the plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Street Superin- tendent and City Engineer. Bidders must examine and judge for themselves as to the location of the proposed work, the nature of the excavation to be made, and the work to be done. The contractor shall give twenty-four (24) hours' notice in writing when he shall require the services of the City Engineer for laying out any portion of the work. He shall dig all stake holes necessary to give lines and levels. The contractor shall be required to remove at his own expense, all pbstructions, such as trees, stones, debris, etc., that may be in the way of making said improvements. No more than one cross street shall be closed at any one time. The contractor will be required to observe all the ordinances of the City of Pasadena in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping open passage ways, and protecting the same by erecting a fence or proper barrier along the line of the work and across the ends of same, in order to guard the public effectively from danger during the prog- ress of the work, and he shall post all proper notices and signals to the public of the state of the street while the work is in progress. A red light must be maintained at night at each end of the bar- riers, from sunset until sunrise. In case it should be necessary to move the property of any owner of a public utility or franchise, such owner will, upon proper applica- tion by the contratcor, be notified by the Street Superintendent to move such property within a specified reasonable time, and the con- tractor shall not interfere with said property until after the expiration of the time specified. 39 The right is reserved to the City and the owners of public utilities and franchises to enter upon the street for the purpose of making repairs or changes that may become necessary by the work. The contractor shall remove all surplus material and rubbish from the work after its completion, and before he makes application for the acceptance of the work. The contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when he desires a final inspection of the work, when the latter will, as soon as possible, make the necessary examination, and if the work is found in compliance with the above specifications, the Street Superinten- dent will furnish the contractor with a certificate to that effect. Whenever the word "Contractor" is used in these specifications it refers to the party or parties of the second part in the agreement for the construction of the work herein specified. Whenever the words "Street Superintendent" or "City Engineer" are used in these specifications they refer respectively to the Street Superintendent and the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, or their authorized agents or inspectors. Sec. 4. That the general specifications for the construction of cement sidewalks in the City of Pasadena, to be known as "Specifica- tions No. 10 for the construction of cement sidewalks in the City of Pasadena," shall be as herein contained, and are hereby as such adopted. 1st. The work herein provided for is to be done in accordance with the plans, profiles and cross-sections on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, and all work shall, during its progress and on its completion, conform to the lines and levels which may from time to time, be given by the City Engineer, in accordance therewith. GRADING FOUNDATION. 2nd. The foundation shall be brought to the proper grade, three and one-half (3%) inches below the surface of the finished sidewalk, and all soft or spongy material shall be removed and replaced with good wholesome earth or gravel which shall be moistened and tamped or rolled until it is solid. If the soil is adobe it shall be removed to a depth of two (2) inches below the foundation of the sidewalk and the space refilled with good sand or gravel which shall be tamped solid. The material to be supplied in case of a fill shall be good earth, and shall be built up in layers not exceeding one (1) foot in thick- ness, each layer to be well packed by rolling or tamping. The fill shall be flooded with water in order to thoroughly settle it. Whenever the cement sidewalk does not cover the entire space between the curb and property line the space not covered by cement walk shall be brought to a true grade between the cement walk and the curb and the whole shall form one contimuous plane from the property line to the curb. SHAPE. 3rd. The width of cement sidewalks shall be as fixed in the Resolution of Intention, excepting at all street intersections where there are cement or granite curb returns the cement sidewalk shall be left so as to cover the entire surface included within the prolongation of the side lines of the intersecting streets and the curb returns. The depth of the cement sidewalk shall be three and one-half (S 1 /^) inches. MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION. 4th. Cement sidewalks shall be constructed of concrete as follows: one (1) part (by measure) of Portland cement; Three (3) parts (by measure) of sand; Six (6) parts (by measure) of gravel or broken rock. When unscreened gravel is used five (5) sacks or one and one- fourth (1%) barrels of Portland cement shall be added to each yard of gravel. The cement shall be best Portland cement and shall be delivered in suitable packages with brand and name of manufacturer plainly marked thereon. A bag of cement shall contain ninety-four (94) pounds of cement net. Each barrel of Portland cement shall contain four (4) bags of the above net weight. 40 The sand shall be clean, sharp and free from loam, vegetable mat- ter, silt and dirt. The gravel or broken rock shall be of hard, durable material and shall have sizes ranging from the size of a pea minimum to that which will pass through a two and one-half (2%) inch ring maximum. All sand, gravel or crushed rock used in construction shall be dumped on planks, in separate piles not exceeding two loads. All concrete shall be mixed by skilled workmen on a proper water-tight platform. The materials shall be thoroughly mixed and incorporated while dry so as to form a homogeneous mixture of the ingredients, then the water shall be added in such quantities as to produce a uniformly and thoroughly wet mass, but not enough so as to produce a slush. While being wetted the whole mass shall be turned over at least twice more. No concrete shall be used that shows evidence of having set, that has become unfit for good work from standing too long, or from any other cause, and no remixing of con- crete will be allowed. The concrete thus prepared shall be placed upon the foundation and shall be at least three (3) inches in thick- ness after having been thoroughly tamped until water appears upon the surface. On this concrete base, before developing initial set, shall be placed a finishing coat one-half ( l / 2 ) in thick, composed of one (1) part (by measure) of cement and two (2) parts (by measure) of sand of the same quality as heretofore specified for concrete. The surface of the finishing coat shall be smoothly polished and marked off into blocks not more than three (3) feet square. A sufficient quantity of lamp black shall be mixed with the finishing coat to give it a dark slate color. Strips at least three and one-half (3%) inches wide shall be used as rules during construction. The sidewalk shall be protected from the sun and thoroughly watered for ten (10) days after completion. CEMENT TESTS. 5th. The cement tests for all cement work, under the specifica- tions contained in this ordinance, shall be made in accordance with the methods proposed by the Committee of Uniform Tests of Cement of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and shall be open to contractors. FINENESS It shall leave by weight a residue of not more than five (5%) per cent, on the No. 100 au4 not more than twenty-five (25%) per cent, on the No. 200-sieve. TIME OF SETTING Initial set of the cement shall not be less than thirty (30) minutes, but must develop hard set in not less than one (1) hour nor more than ten (10) hours. TENSILE STRENGTH Requirements for tensile strength for briquettes one (1) inch square in section shall be as follows: NEAT CEMENT. Age. Pounds. 24 hours in moist air 175 7 days (1 day moist air, 6 days in water) 500 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 600 ONE PART CEMENT, THREE PARTS SAND. 7 days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water) 170 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 240 CONSTANCY OF VOLUME Pats of neat cement about three (3) inches in diameter, one-half (%) inch thick at the center, and tapering to a thin edge, shall be kept in moist air for a period of twenty-four (24) hours. (a) A pat is then kept in air at normal temperature and observed at intervals for at least twenty-eight (28) days. (b) Another pat is kept in water maintained as near 70 degrees Fahr. as practicable, and observed at intervals for at least twenty- eight (28) days. (c) A third pat is exposed in any convenient way in an atmos- 41 phere of steam, above boiling water, in a loosely closed vessel for five hours. These pats, to satisfactorily pass the requirements, shall remain firm and hard and show no signs of distortion, checking, cracking or disintegration. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. 6th. The contractor shall give at least one week's notice to the City Engineer so that he may test the cement proposed to be used on the work. No cement shall be hauled on the work that has not been tested and accepted by the City Engineer. All work shall be in every respect executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. The contractor is required to preserve all mon- uments and all stakes set for lines, levels or measurements for work in their proper places, until authorized to remove them by the City Engineer, and any expense in replacing said monuments or stakes, which the contractor or his subordinates may have failed to preserve, shall be borne by the contractor. Any overseer, superintendent, laborer, or other person employed on the work by the contractor, wno shall perform his work in a manner contrary to these specifications, shall be discharged immediately, and such person shall not again be employed on the work. All loss or dam- age arising from any unforseen obstruction or difficulties which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, or from the action of the elements, or from any act or omission not authorized by these specifications on the part of the contractor, or any person or agent employed by him, before final acceptance of the work, shall be sus- tained by the contractor. No work which may be defective in its construction, or deficient in any of the requirements of these specifications, will be considered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any officer of the City or inspector connected with the work, to point out said defects or defi- ciency during construction, and the contractor shall be required to- correct any imperfect work, before the final acceptance of the work. The contractor assumes all risk of variance in any computation or statement of amounts of quantities necessary to complete the work required by the contract, and agrees to furnish all necessary labor and material, and to fully complete said work in accordance with the plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent and City Engineer. Bidders must examine and judge for themselves as to the loca- tion of the proposed work, the nature of the excavation to be made, and the work to be done. The contractor shall give twenty-four (24) hours' notice in writ- ing when he shall require the services of the City Engineer for laying out any portion of the work. He shall dig all stake holes necessary to- give lines and levels. The contractor shall be required to remove at his own expense, all obstructions, such as trees, stones, debris, etc., that may be in the way of making said improvements. No more than one cross street shall be closed at any one time. The contractor will be required to observe air the ordinances of the City of Pasadena in relation to the obstruction of streets, keep- ing open passage ways, and protecting the same by erecting a fence or proper barrier along the line of the work and across the ends of same, in order to guard the public effectively from danger during the progress of the work, and he shall post all proper notices and sig- nals to the public of the state of the street while the work is in progress. A red light must be maintained at night at each end of the bar- riers, from sunset until sunrise. In case it should be necessary to move the property of any ow T ner of a public utility or franchise, such owner will, upon proper applica- tion by the contractor, be notified by the Street Superintendent to move such property within a specified reasonable time, and the con- tractor shall not interfere with said property until after the expira- tion of the time specified. 42 1 The right is reserved to the City and the owners of public utilities and franchises to enter upon the street for the purpose of making repairs or changes that may become necessary by the work. The contractor shall remove all surplus material and rubbish from the work after its completion, and before he makes application for the acceptance of the work. The contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when he desires a final inspection of the work, when the latter will, as soon as possible, make the necessary examination, and if the work is found in compliance with the above specifications, the Street Super- intendent will furnish the contractor with a certificate to that effect. Whenever the word "Contractor" is used in these specifications it refers to the party or parties of the second part in the agreement for the construction of the work herein specified. Whenever the words "Street Superintendent" or "City Engineer" are used in these specifications they refer respectively to the Street Superintendent and the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, or their authorized agents or inspectors. Sec. 5. Ordinance No. 529 and all ordinances and parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, except that it is expressly provided that any work or proceeding heretofore commenced under the specifications provided for in any of the ordinances or reso- lutions of said City of Pasadena, shall in no wise be affected by said repeal, and the same shall in all respects, be finished and completed under the specifications as- set forth in the said several proceedings, and the adoption of this ordinance and of this repealing clause shall in no wise affect said proceedings or work. Sec. 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held February llth, 1908, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Braley, Cattell, Crandall, Hotaling, Root and Webster. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this llth day of February, 1908. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 977. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Adopting Specifications for the Construction of Vitrified Brick Pavement and Gutters in the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That the specifications for the construction of vitrified brick pavement and gutters in the City of Pasadena, to be known as "SPECIFICATIONS NO. 12 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF VITRI- FIED BRICK PAVEMENT AND GUTTERS IN THE CITY OF PASA- DENA," shall be as herein and are hereby as such adopted: (1) The work herein provided for is to be done in accordance with the plans, profiles and cross-sections on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, and all work shall, during its progress and on its completion, conform to the lines and levels which may from time to time be given by the City Engineer, in accordance therewith. (2) WORK. The work to be done is as follows: 1st. To excavate or fill in the area upon which the pavement 43 herein provided for is to be constructed, to such an extent as may be required by the plans, profiles, cross-sections and specifications. 2nd. To lay thereon the pavement hereinafter specified. 3rd. To furnish all materials necessary to perform said work. 4th. To do whatever else is required by these specifications. (3) SUB-GRADE. The sub-grade shall be parallel to and nine and one-half (9%) inches below the surface of the finished work. (4) GRADING. Grading shall include the removal of all earth, stone, and all other materials that may be encountered and shall include also all filling, trimming, or other work that may be necessary in bringing the surface to the required sub-grade. When mud, sand or other soft material below sub-grade is encountered, it shall be taken out and the space refilled with good earth or gravel, which shall be rolled until the surface of the founda- tion ceases to sink under or creep in front of the roller. The con- tractor, however, shall not be required in such cases to excavate the mud or other soft material to a greater depth than two (2) feet below sub-grade. After a section has been graded as above specified it shall be watered sufficiently for the moisture to penetrate all the loose earth and the surface shall then be either thoroughly tamped or rolled with a roller having an effective compressive weight of not less than 250 pounds to the lineal inch of tire, until the surface is firm and unyield- ing. Depressions made by rolling shall be leveled up with good earth and again rolled. All pipe trenches and other places that cannot be properly compacted by the roller, shall be tamped solid, and in cases of wet weather or soft or muddy ground, making the use of the roller unsafe and impracticable, the rolling shall not be undertaken until the ground has become sufficiently dry. The contractor shall notify the Superintendent of Streets when a section has been brought to sub-grade, when the latter will check the elevation of the same, and if the work is found to be in accordance with the specifications and grades given, the contractor shall proceed as hereinafter mentioned: (5) CONCRETE BASE. Upon the sub-grade prepared as above specified and thoroughly dampened, shall be laid the concrete base prepared as hereinafter provided, and composed of the following materials: One (1) part (by measure) of Portland cement; Three (3) parts (by measure) of sand; Six (6) parts, by measure, of broken stone. The cement shall be the best Portland cement and shall be delivered in suitable packages with brand and name of manufac- turer plainly marked thereon. A bag of cement shall contain ninety- four (4) pounds of cement net. Each barrel of Portland cement shall contain four (4) bags of the above net weight. The sand shall be clean, sharp and free from ioam, vegetable matter, silt and dirt. The broken stone shall be of hard, durable material and shall have sizes ranging from the size of a pea minimum to that which will pass through a three (3) inch ring maximum. All sand and crushed stone used in construction shall be dumped on planks. Unless a concrete mixer is used the concrete shall be mixed by skilled workmen on a proper water-tight platform. The materials shall be thoroughly mixed and incorporated while dry so as to form a homogeneous mixture of the ingredients, then the water shall be added in such quantities as to produce a uniformly and thoroughly wet mass, but not enough so as to produce a slush. While being wetted the whole mass shall be turned over at least twice more. No concrete shall be used that shows evidence of having set, or that has become 44 unfit for good work from standing too long, or from any other cause, and no remixing of concrete will be allowed. The concrete thus prepared shall be immediately spread upon the foundation and thoroughly tamped until water appears on the surface. After tamping this layer of concrete shall be four (4) inches in thickness. The surface of the concrete shall be thoroughly watered for at least forty-eight (48) hours before receiving the cushion coat. CEMENT TEST. The cement tests for all cement work, under the specifications contained in this ordinance, shall be made in accordance with the methods proposed by the Committee of Uniform Tests of Cement of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and shall be open to contrac- tors. FINENESS It shall leave by weight a residue of not more than five (5%) per cent on the No. 100 and not more than twenty-five (25%) per cent, on the No. 200-sieve. TIME OP SETTING Initial set of the cement shall not be less than thirty (30) minutes, but must develop hard set in not less than one (1) hour nor more than ten (10) hours. TENSILE STRENGTH Requirements for tensile strength for briquettes one (1) inch square in section shall be as follows: Age. NEAT CEMENT. Pounds. 24 hours in moist air 175 7 days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water) 500 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 600 ONE PART CEMENT, THREE PARTS SAND. 7 days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water) 170 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 240 CONSTANCY OF VOLUME Pats of neat coment about three (3) inches in diameter, one-half (y 2 ) inch thick at the center, and tapering to a thin edge, shall be kept in moist air for a period of twenty-four (24) hours. (a) A pat is then kept in air at normal temperature, and observed at intervals for at least twenty-eight (28) days. (b) Another pat is kept in water maintained as near 70 degrees Fahr. as practicable, and observed at intervals for at least twenty- eight (28) days. (c) A third pat is exposed in any convenient way in an atmos- phere of steam, above boiling water, in a loosely closed vessel for five (5) hours. These pats, to satisfactorily pass the requirements, shaft remain firm and hard and show no signs of distortion, checking, cracking or disintegration. (6) SAND CUSHION. Upon the concrete base, laid as above specified and swept free from all dirt and rubbish, shall be spread a layer of sand one and one-half (iy 2 ) inches to one and three-fourths (1%) inches in depth. The sand need not necessarily be sharp, but it must be screened, dry, and free from more than three (3) per cent of loamy matter. It shall be spread by the aid of a templet and made to conform smoothly to the true surface of the finished work. There shall be no disturbance of the surface of the cushion coat previous to laying the vitrified bricks thereon. (7) LAYING VITRIFIED BRICK. Upon the cushion coat shall be laid the vitrified brick vertically on edge at right angles to the curb, except at street intersections, and in close contact with each other. Brick in adjoining rows must be laid so as to break joints at least two (2) inches. No bats or parts of brick shall be used except for the purpose of closure or for break- ing joints in starting courses. After the bricks are laid they shall be thoroughly inspected and all warped, spalled and soft bricks removed and replaced by more perfect ones. 45 herein provided for is to be constructed, to such an extent as may be required by the plans, profiles, cross-sections and specifications. 2nd. To lay thereon the pavement hereinafter specified. 3rd. To furnish all materials necessary to perform said work. 4th. To do whatever else is required by these specifications. (3) SUB-GRADE. The sub-grade shall be parallel to and nine and one-half (9M>) inches below the surface of the finished work. (4) GRADING. Grading shall include the removal of all earth, stone, and all other materials that may be encountered and shall include also all filling, trimming, or other work that may be necessary in bringing the surface to the required sub-grade. When mud, sand or other soft material below sub-grade is encountered, it shall be taken out and the space refilled with good earth or gravel, which shall be rolled until the surface of the founda- tion ceases to sink under or creep in front of the roller. The con- tractor, however, shall not be required in such cases to excavate the mud or other soft material to a greater depth than two (2) feet below sub-grade. After a section has been graded as above specified it shall be watered sufficiently for the moisture to penetrate all the loose earth and the surface shall then be either thoroughly tamped or rolled with a roller having an effective compressive weight of not less than 250 pounds to the lineal inch of tire, until the surface is firm and unyield- ing. Depressions made by rolling shall be leveled up with good earth and again rolled. All pipe trenches and other places that cannot be properly compacted by the roller, shall be tamped solid, and in cases of wet weather or soft or muddy ground, making the use of the roller unsafe and impracticable, the rolling shall not be undertaken until the ground has become sufficiently dry. The contractor shall notify the Superintendent of Streets when a section has been brought to sub-grade, when the latter will check the elevation of the same, and if the work is found to be in accordance with the specifications and grades given, the contractor shall proceed as hereinafter mentioned: (5) CONCRETE BASE. Upon the sub-grade prepared as above specified and thoroughly dampened, shall be laid the concrete base prepared as hereinafter provided, and composed of the following materials: One (1) part (by measure) of Portland cement; Three (3) parts (by measure) of sand; Six (6) parts, by measure, of broken stone. The cement shall be the best Portland cement and shall be delivered in suitable packages with brand and name of manufac- turer plainly marked thereon. A bag of cement shall contain ninety- four (4) pounds of cement net. Each barrel of Portland cement shall contain four (4) bags of the above net weight. The sand shall be clean, sharp and free from loam, vegetable matter, silt and dirt. The broken stone shall be of hard, durable material and shall have sizes ranging from the size of a pea minimum to that which will pass through a three (3) inch ring maximum. All sand and crushed stone used in construction shall be dumped on planks. Unless a concrete mixer is used the concrete shall be mixed by skilled workmen on a proper water-tight platform. The materials shall be thoroughly mixed and incorporated while dry so as to form a homogeneous mixture of the ingredients, then the water shall be added in such quantities as to produce a uniformly and thoroughly wet mass, but not enough so as to produce a slush. While being wetted the whole mass shall be turned over at least twice more. No concrete shall be used that shows evidence of having set, or that has become 44 unfit for good work from standing too long, or from any other cause, and no remixing of concrete will be allowed. The concrete thus prepared shall be immediately spread upon the foundation and thoroughly tamped until water appears on the surface. After tamping this layer of concrete shall be four (4) inches in thickness. The surface of the concrete shall be thoroughly watered for at least forty-eight (48) hours before receiving the cushion coat. CEMENT TEST. The cement tests for all cement work, under the specifications contained in this ordinance, shall be made in accordance with the methods proposed by the Committee of Uniform Tests of Cement of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and shall be open to contrac- tors. FINENESS It shall leave by weight a residue of not more than five (5%) per cent on the No. 100 and not more than twenty-five (25%) per cent, on the No. 200-sieve. TIME OF SETTING Initial set of the cement shall not be less than thirty (30) minutes, but must develop hard set in not less than one (1) hour nor more than ten (10) hours. TENSILE STRENGTH Requirements for tensile strength for briquettes one (1) inch square in section shall be as follows: Age. NEAT CEMENT. Pounds. 24 hours in moist air 175 7 days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water) 500 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 600 ONE PART CEMENT, THREE PARTS SAND. 7 days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water) 170 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 240 CONSTANCY OF VOLUME Pats of neat coment about three (3) inches in diameter, one-half ( V 2 ) inch thick at the center, and tapering to a thin edge, shall be kept in moist air for a period of twenty-four (24) hours. (a) A pat is then kept in air at normal temperature, and observed at intervals for at least twenty-eight (28) days. (b) Another pat is kept in water maintained as near 70 degrees Fahr. as practicable, and observed at intervals for at least twenty- eight (28) days. (c) A third pat is exposed in any convenient way in an atmos- phere of steam, above boiling water, in a loosely closed vessel for five (5) hours. These pats, to satisfactorily pass the requirements, shaft remain firm and hard and show no signs of distortion, checking, cracking or disintegration. (6) SAND CUSHION. Upon the concrete base, laid as above specified and swept free from all dirt and rubbish, shall be spread a layer of sand one and one-half (1%) inches to one and three-fourths (1%) inches in depth. The sand need not necessarily be sharp, but it must be screened, dry, and free from more than three (3) per cent of loamy matter. It shall be spread by the aid of a templet and made to conform smoothly to the true surface of the finished work. There shall be no disturbance of the surface of the cushion coat previous to laying the vitrified bricks thereon. (7) LAYING VITRIFIED BRICK. Upon the cushion coat shall be laid the vitrified brick vertically on edge at right angles to the curb, except at street intersections, and in close contact with each other. Brick in adjoining rows must be laid so as to break joints at least two (2) inches. No bats or parts of brick shall be used except for the purpose of closure or for break- ing joints in starting courses. After the bricks are laid they shall be thoroughly inspected and all warped, spalled and soft bricks removed and replaced by more perfect ones. 45 compliance with the above specifications, the Street Superintendent will furnish the contractor with a certificate to that effect. Whenever the word "Contractor" is used in these specifications it refers to the party or parties of the second part in the agreement for the construction of the work herein specified. Whenever the words "Street Superintendent" or "City Engineer" are used in these specifications they refer respectively to the Street Superintendent and the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, or their authorized agents or inspectors. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held January IHh, 1910, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Cattell, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian, Mersereau and Root. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this llth day of January, 1910. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 988. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Adopting Specifications for the Construction of Asphalt Pavement in Said City. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That the specifications for the construction of asphalt pavement in the City of Pasadena, to be known as "SPECIFICATIONS NO. 13 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT PAVEMENT IN THE CITY OF PASADENA," shall be as herein and are hereby as such adopted. (1) The work herein provided for is to be done in accordance with the plans, profiles and cross-sections on file in the office of the City Engi- neer of the City of Pasadena, and all work shall, during its progress and on its completion, conform to the lines and levels which may from time to time be given by the City Engineer, in accordance therewith, (2) WORK. The work to be done is as follows: 1st. To excavate or fill in the area upon which the pavement herein provided for is to be constructed, to such an extent as may be required by the plans, profiles and cross-sections and specifications. 2nd. To lay thereon the pavement hereinafter specified. 3rd. To furnish all materials necessary to perform said work. 4th. To do whatever else is required by these specifications. (3) SUB-GRADE. The sub-grade shall be parallel to and seven (7) inches below the surface of the finished work. (4) GRADING. Grading shall include the removal of all earth, stone, and all other materials that may be encountered and shall include also all filling, trimming, or other work, that may be necessary in bringing the surface to the required sub-grade. When mud, sand or other soft material below sub-grade is encoun- tered, it shall be taken out and the space refilled with good earth or gravel, which shall be rolled until the surface of the foundation ceases to sink under or creep in front of the roller. The contractor, however, shall not be required in such cases to excavate the mud or other soft material to a greater depth than two (2) feet below sub-grade. 48 After a section has been graded as above specified it shall be watered sufficiently for the moisture to penetrate all the loose earth and the surface shall then be either thoroughly tamped, or rolled with a roller having an effective compressive weight of not less than three hundred fifty (350) pounds to the lineal inch of tire, until the surface is firm and unyielding. Depressions made by rolling shall be leveled up with good earth and again rolled. All pipe trenches and other places that cannot be properly compacted by the roller, shall be tamped solid, and in cases of wet weather or soft or muddy ground, making the use of the roller unsafe and impracticable, the rolling shall not be undertaken until the ground has become sufficiently dry. The contractor shall notify the Superintendent of Streets when a section has been brought to sub-grade, when the latter will check the elevation of the same, and if the work is found to be in accordance with the specifications and grades given, the contractor shall proceed as hereinafter mentioned: (5) CONCRETE BASE. Upon the sub-grade prepared as above specified and thoroughly dampened, shall be laid the concrete base prepared as hereinafter pro- vided, and composed of the following materials: One (1) part (by measure) of Portland cement; Three (3) parts (by measure) of sand; Six (6) parts (by measure) of broken stone. The cement shall be the best Portland cement and shall be deliv- ered in suitable packages with brand and name of manufacturer plain- ly marked thereon. A bag of cement shall contain ninety-four (94) pounds of cement net. Each barrel of Portland cement shall contain four (4) bags of the above net weight. The sand shall be clean, sharp and free from loam, vegetable mat- ter, silt and dirt. The broken stone shall be of hard, durable material and shall have sizes ranging from the size of a pea minimum to that which will pass through a three (3) inch ring maximum. All sand and crushed stone used in construction shall be dumped on planks. Unless a concrete mixer is used the concrete shall be mixed by skilled workmen on a proper water-tight platform. The materials shall be thoroughly mixed and incorporated while dry so as to form a homogeneous mixture of the ingredients, then the water shall be added in such quantities as to produce a uniformly and thoroughly wet mass, but not enough so as to produce a slush. While being wetted the whole mass shall be turned over at least twice more. No concrete shall be used that shows evidence of having set, or that has become unfit for good work from standing too long, or from any other cause, and no remixing of concrete will be allowed. The concrete thus prepared shall be immediately spread upon the foundation and throughly tamped until water appears on the surface. After tamping this layer of concrete shall be four (4) inches in thick- ness. The surface of the concrete shall be thoroughly watered for at least ten (10) days, after which sufficient time shall be allowed for the surface to become thoroughly dry before receiving the binder course. CEMENT TESTS. The cement tests for all cement work, under the specifications con- tained in this ordinance, shall be made in accordance with the methods proposed by the Committee of Uniform Tests of Cement of the Ameri- can Society of Civil Engineers, and shall be open to contractors. FINENESS It shall leave by weight a residue of not more than five (5%) per cent on the No. 100 and not more than twenty-five (25%) per cent on the No. 200-sieve. TIME OF SETTING Initial set of the cement shall not be less than thirty (30) minutes, but must develop hard set in not less than one (1) hour nor more than ten (10) hours. TENSILE STRENGTH Requirements for tensile strength for briquettes one (1) inch square in section shall be as follows: 49 NEAT CEMENT. Age. Pounds. 24 hours in moist air 175 7 days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water) 500 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 600 ONE PART CEMENT, THREE PARTS SAND. 7 days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water) 170 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 240 CONSTANCY OF VOLUME Pats of neat cement about three (3) inches in diameter, one-half (%) inch thick at the center, and tapering to a thin edge, shall be kept in moist air for a period of twenty-four (24) hours. (a) A pat is then kept in air at normal temperature, and observed at intervals for at least twenty-eight (28) days. (b) Another pat is kept in water maintained as near 70 degrees Fahr. as practicable, and observed at intervals for at least twenty- eight (28) days. (c) A third pat is exposed in any convenient way in an atmos- phere of steam, above boiling water, in a loosely closed vessel for five (5) hours. These pats, to satisfactorily pass the requirements, shall remain firm and hard and show no signs of distortion, checking, cracking or disintegration. (6) BINDER COURSE. Upon the foundation previously prepared and thoroughly swept free from all rubbish, shall be laid a binder course prepared as here- inafter specified, and composed of the following materials: Stone shall be clean, hard and of durable quality, broken to pass through a one (1) inch screen. Stone containing more than ten (10) per cent of particles exceeding one and one-quarter (l 1 ^) inches in their largest dimension, or more than fifteen (15) per cent of particles passing a ten (10) mesh to the inch screen will be rejected. The broken stone shall be heated in a suitable heater to a tem- perature of between two hundred fifty (250) and three hundred twen- ty-five (325) degrees Fahr. Asphaltic cement must be of the quality and consistency specified hereinafter. It shall be heated to a temperature between two hundred fifty (250) and three hundred twenty-five (325) degrees Fahr., and shall then be thoroughly incorporated with the heated stone in a suit- able mixer in such proportions that each particle of stone shall be thoroughly coated with a sufficient quantity of asphaltic cement to bind the particles of stone firmly together when the mass is laid upon the street and firmly compressed. Binder which appears dull from lack of cement or over-heating, or which contains an excess of cement will be rejected. The binder mixture, prepared as above, shall be hauled to the street while still hot, and carefully spread upon the foundation with hot iron rakes and shovels to such depth that, after receiving its final compression, it shall have a thickness of one (1) inch. It shall then be immediately rolled with a roller having an effective compres- sive weight of not less than 170 pounds to the lineal inch width of tire. The rolling shall be continued while the binder is in hot plastic condition. All places that are inaccessible to the roller must be thoroughly tamped with hot iron tampers to an even and true surface. The upper surface of the binder course shall be made exactly par- allel with the required surface of the finished pavement, and the whole course when finished must be thoroughly compacted and the particles bound firmly together. No more of the binder shall be laid than can be covered with the surface mixture on the succeeding two days. (7) ASPHALT WEARING SURFACE. Upon the binder course prepared and laid as above described, and thoroughly swept free from all rubbish, shall be laid an asphalt 50 wearing surface composed of asphaltic cement, sand and stone dust, the different ingredients being mixed in such proportions that the per- centage composition, by weight, of the wearing surface shall be within the following limits : (1) Bitumen soluble in carbon disulphide between 10 per cent and 12 per cent. (2) Sand, stone dust and other inorganic ingredients as follows: Passing screen of 200 mesh to the inch, between 10 per cent and 14 per cent. Passing screen of 80 mesh to the inch and rejected by screen of 200 mesh to the inch, between 20 per cent, and 28 per cent. Passing screen of 50 mesh to the inch and rejected by screen of 80 mesh to the inch, between 20 per cent and 26 per cent. Passing between screen of 40 mesh to the inch and rejected by screen of 50 mesh to the inch, between 11 per cent and 14 per cent. Passing screen of 30 mesh to the inch and rejected by screen of 40 mesh to the inch, between 7 per cent and 10 per cent. Passing screen of 20 mesh to the inch and rejected by screen Of 30 mesh to the inch, between 4 per cent and 8 per cent. Passing screen of 10 mesh to itie inch and rejected by screen of 20 mesh to the inch, between 2 per cent and 5 per cent. At least 10 per cent and not more than 18 per cent of the wearing surface mixture shall be stone dust. If the composition contains the ingredients aforesaid, and within the percentages above fixed, it will be accepted as in compliance with this paragraph. (8) PAVEMENT MATERIALS ASPHALTIC CEMENT. The asphaltic cement must be prepared from California products. It shall be a mixture of a refined liquid asphalt with a refined solid asphalt or be an oil asphalt, and must be free from admixture with any residues obtained by the artificial distillation of coal, coal tar or paraffine oil. The asphaltic cement must be homogeneous and its consistency at the time of its use must fall within the limits of 60 degrees and 80 degrees penetration by the District of Columbia standard. It must be adhesive and ductile and also slightly elastic at a temperature of thirty-two (32) degrees Fahr. When twenty (20) grammes are heated to a temperature of three hundred (300) degrees Fahr. for five (5) consecutive hours in an uncovered cylindrical dish three and one- half (3%) centimeters high by five and one-half (5%) centimeters in diameter, it must not lose more than one (1) per cent in weight, and its penetration must not be reduced as a result of such heating more than 50 per cent. It must, when ready for use, contain at least ninety-nine (99) per cent of bitumen so^ble in carbon disulphide. It shall be soluble in cold carbon tetrachloride to the extent of at least ninety-seven (97) per cent. When two hundred (200) cubic centimeters of the solvent are poured on one (1) gramme of the asphaltic cement and the mix- ture is allowed to stand for eighteen (18) hours at a temperature of twenty-five (25) degrees centrigrade and filtered at twenty-five (25) degrees centigrade. Not less than seventy (70) per cent shall be solu- ble in eighty-six (86) degrees naphtha when one hundred fifty (150) cubic centimeters of the solvent are poured on one-half (^) grammes of the finely divided asphaltic cement and the mixture is allowed to stand for eighteen (18) hours at a temperature of twenty-five (25) degrees centigrade and filtered at twenty-five (25) degrees centi- grade. It shall not contain more than fifteen (15) per cent of fixed carbon on ignition. When the asphaltic cement is prepared by mixing a solid oil asphalt with a liquid asphalt, the solid oil asphalt shall be prepared by distilling the crude oil until the asphaltic residium has a penetration not less than fifty (50) degrees by the District of Columbia standard, and shall not be prepared by mixing or fluxing a more solid asphalt with a liquid or softer asphalt. The refined liquid asphalt used in softening a solid asphalt must 51 be a stiff residium of petroleum oil with an asphalt base. It must be free from water and from light oils volatile at less than two hun- dred fifty (250) degrees Fahr. When twenty (20) grammes are heated to a temperature of three hundred (300) degrees Fahr. for five (5) consecutive hours in an uncovered cylindrical dish three and one-half (3^) centimeters high by five and one-half (oy 2 ) centimeters in diam- eter, it must not lose more than three (3) per cent in weight. It must contain not less than ninety-nine (99) per cent of bitumen soluble in carbon disulphide. SAND. The sand for wearing surface shall be clean, hard-grained and sharp, and shall contain not more than three (3) per cent of loam, clay or other earthy impurities; it must all pass a ten (10) mesh to the inch screen. STONE DUST. The stone dust for wearing surface shall be a finely powdered limestone, granite, quartz or other mineral material, and shall be of such fineness that all of it will pass a fifty mesh to the inch screen, and at least sixty-six (66) per cent shall pass a two hundred (200) mesh to the inch screen. SAMPLES. The contractor shall furnish to the City Engineer, for test, when- ever called for and free of charge, samples of all the materials enter- ing into the composition of the pavement, the asphalt and asphaltic cement to be furnished in boxes, and said City Engineer shall have access at all times to all branches of the work. (9) PREPARING THE WEARING SURFACE. The sand shall be heated in suitable driers to a temperature be- tween three hundred (300) and three hundred seventy-five (375) degrees Fahr. The hot sand and cold stone dust shall then be thor- oughly mixed together in a suitable mixer. The necessary quantity of asphaltic cement (previously heated to between two hundred fifty (250) and three hundred (300) degrees Fahr.,) shall then be added, and the whole mass shall be mixed until every particle of sand and stone dust is thoroughly coated with a thin layer of asphaltic cement. In no case, after refining, shall the asphaltic cement be heated above three hundred twenty-five (325) degrees Fahr. The material so produced must leave the mixer at a temperature between two hundred fifty (250) and three hundred twenty-five (325) degrees Fahr., and must be fine-grained and capable of producing a compact pavement. Proper sand, and sufficient, asphaltic cement arid stone dust must be used in order to secure this result. (10) LAYING THE WEARING SURFACE. The surface mixture, prepared as above, shall be brought to the work in suitable carts or dump wagons, and shall not be colder than two hundred fifty (250) degrees Fahr., or hotter than three hundred twenty-five (325) degrees Fahr. when it reaches the street. It shall at once be uniformly spread over the binder course with hot shovels, and hot rakes to such a depth that after receiving its ul- timate compression, the finished asphalt wearing surface shall have a thickness of not less than two (2) inches. It shall be immediately compressed by hot hand rollers, after which a small amount of hydraulic cement or infusorial earth shall be swept over it, and it will then immediately be thoroughly rolled by a roller weighing not less than 170 pounds to the lineal inch width of tire. This rolling must be continued for not less than five hours for each one thousand (1000) square yards of pavement. All places that are inaccessible to the roller must be tamped with hot iron tampers. The resulting pavement must show a close-grained, even and smooth surface, true to grade and cross-sections, and free from all hollows and inequalities. When a straight edge five (5) feet long is laid on the finished surface of the roadway and parallel with the line of the street, the surface shall in no place vary more than one-quarter 52 of an inch from the lower edge of the straight edge. No traffic shall be allowed on the street until the pavement is thoroughly cooled and set. No binder or wearing surface shall be laid in rainy weather, or when the foundation or binder is wet from rain or other cause. (11) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. The contractor shall give at least one week's notice to the City Engineer so that he may test the cement proposed to be used on the work. No cement shall be hauled on the work that has not been tested and accepted by the City Engineer. All the work shall be in every respect executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. The contractor is required to preserve all mon- uments and all stakes set for lines, levels or measurements for work in their proper pla.ces, until authorized to remove them by the City Engineer, and any expense in replacing said monuments or stakes, which the contractor or his subordinates may have failed to preserve shall be borne by the contractor. No work which may be defective in its construction, or deficient in any of the requirements of these specifications, will be considered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any officer of the City or inspector connected with the work, to point out said defects or deficiency during the construction, and the contractor shall be required to correct any imperfect work, before the final acceptance of the work. The contractor assumes all risk of variance in any computation or statement of amounts of quantities necessary to complete the work required by the contract, and agrees to furnish all necessary labor and material, and to fully complete said work in accordance with the plans and specifications, and to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent and City Engineer. Bidders must examine and judge for themselves as to the loca- tion of the proposed work, the nature of the excavation to be made, and the work to be done. The contractor shall give twenty-four (24) hours' notice in writing when he shall require the services of the City Engineer for laying out any portion of the work. He shall dig all stake holes necessary to give lines and levels. The contractor shall be required to remove at his own expense, all obstructions, such as trees, stones, debris, etc., that may be in the way of making said improvements. No more than one cross street shall be closed at any one time. The contractor will be required to observe all the ordinances of the City of Pasadena in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping open passage ways, and protecting the same by erecting a fence or proper barrier along the line of the work and across the ends of same in order to guard the public effectively from danger during the progress of the work, and he shall post all proper notices and signals to the public of the state of the street while the work is in progress. A red light shall be maintained at night at each end of the bar- riers from sunset until sunrise. In case it should be necessary to move the property of any owner of a public utility, or franchise, such owner will, upon proper appli- cation by the contractor, be notified by the Street Superintendent to move such property within a specified reasonable time, and the con- tractor shall not interfere with said property until after the expira- tion of the time specified. The right is reserved to the City and the owners of public utilities and franchises to enter upon the street for the purpose of making repairs or changes that may become necessary by the work. The contractor shall remove all surplus material and rubbish from the work after its completion and before he makes application for the acceptance of the work. The contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when he desires a final inspection of the work, when the latter, will, as soon as possible, make the necessary examination, and if the work is 53 found in compliance with the above specifications, the Street Super- intendent will furnish the contractor with a certificate to that effect. Whenever the word "Contractor" is used in these specifications it refers to the party or parties of the second part in the agreement for the construction of the work herein specified. Whenever the words "Street Superintendent" or "City Engineer" are used in these specifications they refer respectively to the Street Suprintendent and the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, or their authorized agents or inspectors. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held March 8th, 1910, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Fogg, Korstian, Mersereau and Root. Noes : None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 8th day of March, 1910. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1000. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Adopting Specifications No. 14 for the Construction of Storm Water Sewers, Conduits and Appur- tenances in the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : ""^ection 1. That the specifications for storm water sewers, con- duits and appurtenances in the City of Pasadena, to be known as "SPECIFICATIONS NO. 14 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STORM WATER SEWERS, CONDUITS AND APPURTENANCES IN THE CITY OF PASADENA," shall be as herein, and are hereby as such adopted. (1) WORK. The contractor shall furnish all materials and perform all the labor necessary to execute the work in every respect in accordance with the plans, profiles and cross-sections on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, and all work shall conform to the sizes and dimensions and the lines and grades shown on said plans, profiles and cross-sections, and with the lines and levels which may from time to time be given by the City Engineer, in accordance therewith. (2) EXCAVATION. (1) TRENCHES: The ground shall be excavated in open trenehes to the necessary width and depth. The clear width of trenches, exclusive of timbering, where the same may be necessary, shall be as follows: For vitrified pipe, at least one (1) foot greater than the external diameter of the pipe to be laid therein. For concrete and brick sewers a width equal to the external diameter of the sewer. The trench shall not be open more than three hundred (300) feet in advance of the sewer construction, nor left unfilled for more than three hundred (300) feet in the rear thereof. Whenever the nature of the ground will admit of it, the bottom of the trench shall be excavated to the exact form and size 6f the base of the sewer. (2) REMOVING SOFT OR SPONGY MATERIAL: All soft or spongy earth and material below sub-grade, not to exceed a depth of two (2) feet, shall be removed by the contractor and replaced with 54 good earth or gravel of a quality which will pack when moistened and tamped, and it shall be so moistened and tamped until solid. (3) BRACING TRENCHES: The sides of the excavation shall be supported with sheet planking and bracing whenever the ground will not stand unsupported, and in all cases the sheet piling or timbers shall be drawn, as the work progresses, in such manner as to prevent caving in of the sides of the trench. All openings caused by the removal of the sheet piling or timbers shall be filled with good earth, which shall be compacted by flooding or tamping. (4) SPOIL BANKS: The materials excavated shall be laid com- pactly along the side of the trench, and kept trimmed up so as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to the public travel. In case the street is not wide enough to hold the earth without stopping the passageway on the sidewalk, the contractor shall erect a board fence and keep a passageway of five (5) feet on said sidewalk. Free access must be left to all fire hydrants and water gates. (3) VITRIFIED PIPE SEWERS. (5) VITRIFIED PIPE: (a) -QUALITY: All pipes shall be first quality vitrified salt-glazed sewer pipe, sound and well burned throughout their entire thickness, impervious to moisture and must give a clear metallic ringing sound when struck. (b) GLAZING: The pipe must be smooth and its interior sur- face must be thoroughly glazed. (c) SIZE AND SHAPE: All pipes shall be socket pipes, with sockets true, circular and concentric with the bore of the pipe. All sockets must be of full standard depth and of sufficient diameter to receive to the full depth the spigot end of the next following pipe or special, without any chipping whatsoever of either, and also to leave an annular space not less than three-eighth (%) of an inch in width for the cement motrar joint. The body of the pipe shall have a uniform thickness not less than that given in the following schedule: Inside Standard . Double Diameter Pipe Strength 6 inch 3-4 inch Pipe 8 inch 3-4 inch 10 inch 7-8 inch 12 inch 7-8 inch 1 inch 14 inch 1 1-8 inch 1 1-6 inch 16 inch 1 1-8 inch 1 1-3 inch 18 inch 1 1-4 inch 1 1-2 inch 20 inch 1 1-4 inch 1 3-4 inch 22 inch 1 3-8 inch 1 5-6 inch 24 inch 1 1-2 inch 2 inch 30 inch 1 3 r 4 inch 2 1-4 inch The bore of the pipe shall not vary from a true circle more than three (3) per cent of its nominal diameter. No pipe or special designed to be straight shall exhibit a diviation from a straight line of more than three-eighths (%) of an inch. (d) IMPERFECTIONS: All pipes and specials must be free from injurious cracks, checks, blisters or broken rims. The following imperfections in a pipe or special will be considered injurious and cause for rejection: A single crack in the body of the pipe extending through the entire thickness regardless of the extent of such crack. A single fire crack which extends through one-half the thickness and over three (3) inches long. Two or more fire cracks in the body of the pipe of a less length than three (3) inches and extending through one-half the thickness. Any fire crack which is more than one-sixteenth of an inch wide at its widest point. Lumps, blisters or flakes on the interior surface of a pipe or special. Two or more breaks in the socket or spigot unless they can be placed in the upper half of the sewer. (e) CAPS: Caps shall be furnished with each branch pipe and consist of a disk of vitrified clay, three-fourths (%) of an inch thick, fitting snugly the bell ends of the branch pipe. (6) MORTAR: All mortar used for making vitrified pipe joints shall be composed of one (1) part cement and one and one-half (IV 2 ) parts sand by volume. (7) LAYING OF VITRIFIED PIPE: All pipes previously to their being lowered into the trench, shall be fitted together and matched so that when joined in the trench they form a true and smooth line of tubes and shall be laid without break uphill from structure to struc- ture. Each length of pipe shall have a firm and uniform bearing on the sub-grade over its entire length, and shall be true to line and grade. The ends of the pipe when laid in the sewer shall abut against each other in such manner that there shall be no shoulder or uneven- ness of any kind along the bottom half of the inside of the sewer. The joint shall then be completely filled by pressing into it with the fingers all the mortar it will hold; the mortar shall then be neatly beveled off from the outer edge of the hub to the sides of the pipe, special care being taken to secure good and proper work at the bot- tom of the joint. The joints of all pipes are to be carefully wiped and pointed inside and out, with cement mortar, and all material that may be left inside shall be thoroughly cleaned out and pipe left clean and smooth. Work must be made water tight at all points and any leaks or defects must be repaired when discovered. (4) BRICK SEWERS. (8) SEWER BRICK: The brick used shall be whole, sound, hard brick with rectangular surfaces and straight edges and must give a clear ringing sound when struck together. They shall be uniform in quality and of standard dimensions, viz., 8 inches by 4 inches by 2% inches. The bricks shall be culled, or sorted as they are brought on the ground. All birck will be subject to the following test, to be made by the City Engineer: Three or more brick shall be broken across, thoroughly dried, weighed, then immersed in water for twenty-four hours and then weighed again. The absorption shall be determined by the difference between the two wights, and if such absorption shall exceed ten (10) per cent of the dry weight, the brick from which the samples for test were selected shall be rejected. (9) VITRIFIED BRICK: Vitrified brick must be free from lime and other impurities. They must be free from fire cracks or checks of more than superficial character or extent. All brick so distorted in burning or with such prominent kiln marks as to produce an uneven surface shall be rejected. Salt-glazed brick will not be accepted. They shall be of a size not less than two and one-half (2%) inches nor more than three and one-fourth (3%) inches in thickness; not less than seven and one-half (T 1 /^) inches nor more than nine (9) inches in length and not less than three and three-quarters (3%) nor more than four (4) inches in width; but .brick in contiguous work shall not vary more than one-eighth of an inch in any measurement except in length. All brick will be subject to the following tests, to be made by the City Engineer: 1st. ABSORPTION TEST: Three or more brick shall be broken across, thoroughly dried, accurately weighed, then immersed in water for seventy-two hours, and then accurately weighed again. The ab- sorption shall be determined by the difference between the two weights, and if such absorption shall exceed three (3) per cent of the dry weight, the brick from which the samples for test were selected, shall be rejected. 2nd. ABRASION TEST: This test shall be made in a foundry rattler the inside dimensions of which shall be as follows: Diameter, 28 inches; length, 20 inches. Such a number of whole, dry brick that their total volume shall equal, as nearly as possible, eight (8) per cent of the cubic contents of the rattler shall be placed therein. There 56 shall then be added an abrasive charge of 300 pounds of cast iron blocks as follows: 10 blocks about 2 1 / inches square and 4 J / inches long, with edges rounded to about % inch radius and weighing iy 2 pounds each, and 225 pounds of cubical blocks about 1% inches on a side and with square corners and edges. The rattler shall be revolved 1800 times at a speed of from 28 to 30 revolutions per minute. The loss by abrasion during such test shall not exceed 25 per cent of the original weight of the brick. (10) MORTAR: Mortar shall be composed of one (1) part, by measure, of cement to two and one-half (2^) parts, by measure, of sand. (11) CONSTRUCTION: The work in all cases is to be well and thoroughly bonded and the bricks are to be neatly and truly laid. The brick shall be cleaned and thoroughly wet immediately before being laid and shall be laid within a "push joint" and in no case shall slushing or grouting of a joint be allowed, nor shall a joint be made by working in the mortar after brick is laid. No brick shall be laid in water and no water shall be allowed to stand or run upon the brick work until the mortar is v set. The joints between courses of brick manholes and other structures shall be as nearly as possible of uniorm thickness, not to exceed three-eighths (%) of an inch. In sewers the joints between courses shall be one-fourth (%) of an inch in thickness and between rings one-half (%) of an inch in thickness. The courses in sewers are to be laid to line and kept per- fectly straight in the direction of the sewer and parallel to the rise of the same. The bricks shall be laid as stretchers and they shall break joints with those in the adjacent courses. Where new work is joined to the surface of unfinished work, the latter must be thoroughly cleaned and moistened. All inverts or bottom courses in sewers shall be worked from templets, accurately made and correctly set to line and grade as furnished by the City Engineer. The outside ring of the invert shall be laid on a bed of mortar one-half (%) inch in thickness and the invert shall be allowed to set for twenty-four (24) hours before the arch is turned. The upper portion of arch of the sewer shall be formed on strong centers of correct form and dimensions according to the size and shapes required. The joints of the work shall be so arranged that it will be necessary to tap the key course into place with a hammer. The back of the arch shall be covered with a coat of mortar one-half (%) inch in thickness. The center shall not be struck until after the expiration of thirty- six (36) hours after the arch is finished and the backfilling is up to a level with the crown of the arch; the center shall then be turned and struck with great care so as not to crack or injure the work. All brick work shall be kept moistened for at least six (6) days, by sprinkling with water. All fresh work shall be protected from injury and wheeling or walking on it will not be allowed. If any work is injured by drawing the centers, or from any other cause whatever, the part so damaged shall be immediately taken out and rebuilt at once. (5) CONCRETE SEWERS. (12) PROPORTIONS: Cement concrete sewers shall be com- posed of one (1) part, by measure, of Portland cement; three (3) parts, by measure, of sand; five (5) parts, by measure, of gravel or broken stone. Sand shall be clean and sharp, free from loam, vegetable matter, silt and dirt. The gravel or broken stone shall be of hard durable material and shall range from one-fourth (%) of an inch minimum to three (3) inches in greatest dimension maximum. If gravel is used it shall be graded, having not less than forty (40) per cent, which will pass through a one (1) inch ring. If broken stone is used it shall be the run of the crusher from which that portion which will pass through a ten (10) mesh sieve has been removed. When unscreened gravel 57 is substituted for the above, five (5) sacks of one and one-fourth (1^4) barrels of Portland cement shall be added to each yard of gravel. The unscreened gravel shall be a graded aggregate containing no particle which will not pass through a two and one-half (2^) inch ring. It shall contain from thirty-five (35) per cent, to forty (40) per cent. sand. Where new work is joined to old concrete, the surface of the old work shall be thoroughly cleaned and moistened, and a bed of neat mortar one-fourth (*4) of an inch shall be used to secure a bond between them. No wheeling, working or walking on newly laid con- crete will be allowed until it has set. (13). INVERT FACING: The concrete for invert facing shall be composed of one (1) part, by measure, of cement; one and one-half (1^) parts, by measure, of a graded gravel or broken stone ranging from one-fourth (%) inch minimum to that which will pass through a one and one-fourth (1%) inch ring maximum, and shall have a depth of not less than two (2) inches. It shall be tamped into place with concrete backing to form a solid whole. All proportions for the invert facing shall be obtained by actual measurement in boxes, and no material shall be used which has not been thus measured. All mixing shall be done in boxes or upon water tight platforms or mixers. The consistency of the concrete shall be that known as a wet mixture, enough water being used so that it will be plastic but not fluid, and when tamped will cause water to flush to the surface. If for any reason the concrete is so wet that water rises to the surface by wheeling or other means of transport from the mixer to the place of deposit, it shall be turned over and re-mixed with a shovel before it is tamped into place. The forms shall not be struck until the expiration of seventy-two (72) hours after the concrete has set. (6) CONCRETE CONDUITS. (14) CONCRETE: The concrete for the side walls shall be com- posed of one (1) part, by measure, of Portland cement; three and one-naif (3%) parts, by measure, of clean sharp sand, and six (6) parts, by measure, of gravel or broken stone. The gravel or broken stone shall be a graded aggregate ranging in size from a one-fourth (iyi) inch minimum up to four (4) inches in greatest dimension maximum. If unscreened gravel is substituted for the above, one (1) barrel of cement shall be added to each yard of gravel. The gravel shall be a graded aggregate and shall contain from thirty-five (35) to forty (40) per cent. sand. (15) PLACING: The concrete shall be deposited in layers not exceeding nine (9) inches in thickness, shall be spaded next to the forms to allow the finer material to come in contact with the side forms, and shall then be thoroughly tamped until water appears on the surface. (16) COBBLE STONE BOTTOM: The cobbles for the bottom of the conduit shall be of hard sound granite having a depth of not less than seven (7j inches and a width of not less than four (4 1 inches. They shall be thoroughly bedded in two (2) inches of clean sand and gravel previously rammed until solid. All stones shall bear on their largest ends and shall be rammed after being laid. (17) GROUT: A cement grout consisting of one (1) part, by measure, of cement to three (3) parts, by measuer, of clean sharp sand shall then be poured over the cobbles, trowled into the joints and lightly brushed so as to form a true even surface with only a por- tion of the face of the cobbles exposed. (18) REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB: The slab shall be com- posed of cement concrete in the following proportions: One (1) part, by measure, of Portland cement; two (2) parts, by measure, of sand, and four (4) parts, by measure, of gravel or broken stone. Gravel or broken stone shall be a graded aggregate and of such size as will pass through a one and one-fourth (1%) inch screen and be retained on a one-fourth (%) inch mesh screen. No unscreened 58 gravel shall be used in the concrete slab. The consistency of the concrete shall be that known as a "wet mixture," enough water being used so that it will be plastic but not fluid, and when rammed and tamped will cause water to flush to the surface. If for any reason the concrete is so wet that water rises to the surface in wheeling or other means of transport from the mixer to the place of deposit, it shall be turned over and re-mixed with a shovel before it is deposited. (19) RAILING: The railings shall be constructed of the best quality galvanized wrought iron pipe having an internal diameter of one and one-half (l 1 /^) inches. The lower ends of the pipe shall be thoroughly imbedded in the concrete. After the railing has been con- structed it shall be painted with two (2) coats of black carbon paint. (7) MANHOLES AND CATCH BASINS. (20) BRICK: The brick used in the brick manholes shall con- form to the requirements for sewer brick as contained in these specifi- cations. All walls shall be built of brick eight (8) inches thick and in all cases an eight (8) inch arch "resting on sand joint one-half (%) inch in thickness shall be turned over the pipe entering manholes but the pipes entering the manholes shall not be laid until the foundation of the manhole is built ready to receive it. Joints on the inside and outside of all brick manholes shall be flushed full, mortared and neatly struck. (21) CONCRETE: The concrete manholes shall be composed of one (1) part, by measure, of Portland cement; three (3) parts, by measure, of sand, and five (5) parts, by measure, of gravel or broken stone. After mixing it shall be immediately placed in position in layers not exceeding eight (8) inches in thickness and tamped and rammed until it is thoroughly compacted and until free mortar appears on the surface. Forms for concrete manholes shall be tight, having a smooth neat surface and shall be of sufficient strength to be unyielding during the process of placing and tamping concrete. The forms shall not be removed until the cement is set. (22) STEPS: Manholes shall be provided with iron bars three- fourths (%) inch in diameter, firmly and securely fastened into the brick or concrete wall, and shall be spaced fifteen (15) inches apart. (23) PLASTER: The exposed surfaces of all concrete manholes and catch basins shall be plastered with mortar composed of one (1) part, by measure, of cement, and two (2) parts, by measure, of sand. (24) MANHOLE COVERS: Cast iron manhole heads and covers free from imperfections must be constructed of tough gray iron free from blowholes and other imperfections. The quality shall be such that a blow from a hammer will produce an indentation on a rec- tangular edge of the casting without flaking the metal. Before leav- ing the foundry all castings shall be thoroughly cleaned and subjected to a hammer inspection, after which they are to be dipped in a prepara- tion of asphalt or coal tar, and oil applied at a temperature of not less than 290 degrees Fahr. nor more than 310 degrees Fahr. in such manner as to form a firm and tenacious coating. (8) CEMENT. The cement tests for all cement work, under the specifications contained herein, shall be made in accordance with the methods pro- posed by the committee of Uniform Tests of Cement of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and shall be open to contractors. (25) FINENESS: It shall leave by weight a residue of not more than five (5) per cent, on the No. 100 and not more than twenty-five (25) per cent, on the No. 200 sieve. (26) TIME OF SETTING: Initial set of the cement shall not be less than thirty (30) minutes, but must develop hard set in not less than one (1) hour nor more than ten (10) hours. (27) TENSILE STRENGTH: Requirements for tensile strength for briquettes one (1) inch square in section shall be as follows: 59 NEAT CEMENT. Age. Pounds 24 hours in moist air 175 7 days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water) 500 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 600 ONE PART CEMENT, THREE PARTS SAND. 7 days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water) 170 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 240 Cement testing, neat below 700 pounds at 28 days and showing a retrogression below the seven (7) day test shall be rejected. The sand test must in all cases show an increase in strength at twenty- eight (28) days over the seven (7) day test. (28) CONSTANCY OF VOLUME: Pats of neat cement about three (3) inches in diameter, one-half (%) inch thick at the center, and tapering to a thin edge, shall be kept in moist air for a period of twenty-four (24) hours. (a) A pat is then kept in the air at normal temperature and observed at intervals for at least twenty-eight (28) days. (b) Another pat is kept in water maintained as near 70 degrees Pahr. as practicable, and observed at intervals for at least twenty- eight days. (c) A third pat is exposed in any convenient way in an atmos- phere of steam, above boiling water, in a loosely closed vessel for five (5) hours. These pats, to satisfactorily pass the requirements, shal remain firm and hard and show no signs of distortion, checking or cracking or disintegration. (9) MIXING. (29) CONCRETE: Unless a mixer is used all concrete shall be mixed by skilled workmen on a water-tight platform. Materials shall be thoroughly mixed and incorporated while dry by turning at least two (2) times so as to form a homogeneous mixture of the in- gredients. Water shall then be added in a fine spray in such quantities so as to produce a uniform wet mass but not enough so as to produce a slush. While being wet the whole mess shall be turned over at least twice more. No concrete shall be used that shows evidence of having set or that has become unfit for good work from standing too long, or from any other cause, and no re-mixing of concrete will be allowed. After the concrete is thoroughly mixed it shall be rammed in place without delay, and shall be so placed and tamped so as to produce a smooth exterior surface where exposed. All sand, gravel and crushed rock used in construction shall be dumped on planks in separate piles not exceeding two loads. All proportions shall be obtained by actual measurement in boxes and no material shall be used which has not been thus measured. (30) MORTAR: The cement and sand must be thoroughly mixed whiel dry until the mass assumes a uniform color; then water shall be added to give the mass a proper consistency. Mortar shall be made fresh as needed and no mortar shall be used which has begun to set and no re-tamping shall be allowed. Mortar shall be mixed in a water-tight box and in no case on the pavement or ground. (10) STEEL. Steel shapes shall be of medium steel having an ultimate strength of 60,000 to 70,000 pounds, per square inch, with an elastic limit of not less than one-half the ultimate strength. Steel shall stand bending through 180 degrees around a bar equal to the thickness of the piece tested without fracture on the outside of the bent portion. The steel rods throughout shall be what is known as "mild" steel. The rods shall have an elastic limit of from 40,000 to 45,000 pounds per square inch, and shall stand bending thorugh 180 degrees around a bar of its own diameter without showing any signs of fracture. All steel must be free from cracks and shall have a clean smooth finish. 60 Before being imbedded in the concrete the surface of the steel shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dust, oil, grease or other matter that may be detrimental to the positive adhesion to the concrete. (11) FORMS AND CENTERING. Rigid forms and centering shall be provided to receive the con- crete and hold it in place until firmly set, and shall be thoroughly sprinkled before placing concrete. The frames shall be of sufficient strength to carry the entire dead weight of the structure as a liquid without any deflection. The forms shall have a smooth inside surface and shall either be beveled so as to conform to the shape of the structure, or tar paper shall be placed over the forms so that there is no leakage of the. liquid mass. Forms and centering shall be drawn or struck with great care so as not to injure or crack the work. (12) SPRINKLING. (31) CONCRETE: All concrete work shall be protected from the sun and kept thoroughly wet for at least ten (10) days after initial set. (32) BRICK: All brick work shall be protected from the sun and kept thoroughly wet for at least six (6) days after construction. (13) BACKFILLING. (33) VITRIFIED PIPE SEWERS: As soon as the mortar joints are sufficiently set to permit it, without injury to such joint, fine earth, free from stones, shall be carefully deposited under and around the pipe, and the earth shall be placed in layers not exceeding six (6) inches in thickness. It shall be thoroughly compacted by tamping until the filling is brought up to one (1) foot above the pipe, and shall be thoroughly saturated with water. Special care must be exercised to not injure the mortar joints. After the backfilling has been partially completed as above specified, the remainder of the trench may be filled by using graders or other means. (34) CONCRETE AND BRICK SEWERS: Backfilling on con- crete sewers shall not be commenced before the expiration of at least seventy-two (72) hours after the concrete has been placed. Back- filling on brick sewers shall not be commenced before the expiration of twenty-four (24) hours after the placing of the exterior plaster coat on the sewer arch. The material for backfilling shall be fine earth free from stones, placed in layers not exceeding six (6) inches thick, carefully deposited by the use of shovels and thoroughly compacted by tamping until the filling is brought up to one (1) foot above the sewer. This earth shall be thoroughly saturated with water. After the backfilling is partially completed as above specified, the work shall stand until the cement has set to such an extent that the sewer will not be injured, after which the remainder of the trench may be filled by the use of scrapers or other means. (35) CONCRETE CONDUITS: The backfilling of concrete con- duits shall be brought to the original surface of the ground, provided the excavation furnishes sufficient material. Whenever the excavation does not furnish sufficient material for backfilling, the contractor will not be required to supply such de- ficiency, but shall be required to replace all material excavated in any block against the sidewalls of the conduit in that block on a slope of one and one-half (1%) to one (1). (36) SURPLUS MATERIAL: All surplus material excavated, and all material not required for backfilling must be removed from the street or right-of-way at the completion of the backfilling; pro- vided, however, that whenever material is excavated from a right-of- way and the owner of the fee through which said right-of-way extends notifies the contractor that he desires said material, the surplus re- maining after backfilling the construction through and across the block in which said excavation is made, shall not be required to be removed by the contractor. (Amended. See page 62.) 61 (14) RESTORING STREET SURFACE. (37) UNIMPROVED STREET AND RIGHT-OF-WAY: Whenever a sewer is built in any ungraded street or right-of-way the trench shall be re-filled to the original surface; provided, however, that in no case shall there be less than two and one-half (2^) feet of earth over the sewer. And provided, further, that where a fill is required on which to construct the sewer the fill shall be made of good sound earth built up in layers, each layer being not more than one (1) foot thick and the layers thoroughly compacted by rolling or tamping. The width of the side slopes of such fill will be shown on the plan or profile. Where the trenches do not supply sufficient material or the proper quality for making the fill, the contractor shall supply the deficiency. (38) IMPROVED STREETS: In all paved, macadamized, oiled or otherwise improved streets, the surface over the trench shall be finished by the contractor with the same roadway material that was removed in re-filling the trench, in conformity with the specifications for constructing said class of pavement last adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, prior to the time of signing of the contract. (39) RECONSTRUCTING CURBS AND GUTTERS: The recon- struction of cement curbs and gutters which are of necessity broken into by the construction of catch basins or their connecting drain shall be done by the contractor in conformity with specifications No. '8 and 9 for the construction of cement curbs and gutters, as adopted by Ordinance No. 842 of the City of Pasadena, and in accordance with the following additional requirement: namely, the curb and gutter shall be removed to the next joint beyond the outermost exterior of the catch basin frame work, and such curb or gutter shall be re- constructed so that it will neatly and thoroughly join with both the catch basin and the old curb and gutter. (15) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. (40) MATERIALS AND SAMPLES: All materials must be of the specified quality, and fully equal to samples when samples are required. The contractor shall furnish to the City Engineer, for test, whenever called for and free of charge, samples of all materials proposed to be used in the work. Rejected material must be immedi- ately removed from the work by the contractor. (41) EXAMINATION OF GROUND: Bidders must examine and judge for themselves as to the location of the proposed work, the nature of the excavation to be made, and the work to be done. (42) SETTING STAKES: The contractor shall give twenty- four (24) hours' notice in writing when he will require the services of the City Engineer for laying out any portion of the work. He shall dig all stake holes necessary to give lines and levels. The contractor shall preserve all stakes set for the lines, levels or measurements of the work in their proper places until authorized to remove them by the City Engineer, and any expense incurred In replacing said stakes which the contractor or his subordinates may have failed to preserve shall be borne by the contractor. (43) PRESERVATION OF MONUMENTS: The contractor shall not disturb any monuments or stakes found on the line of the improve- ments until ordered by the City Engineer, and he shall bear the expense of re-setting and monuments or stakes which may be disturbed without orders. (44) REMOVING OBSTRUCTIONS: The contractor shall re- move all trees, stones, debris, and other obstructions that may be encountered in making the said improvements. (45) OBSERVING CITY ORDINANCES: The contractor shall observe all the ordinances of the City of Pasadena in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping passage ways open and protecting the same where they are exposed or are dangerous to travel. (46) BARRIERS, LIGHTS, ETC.: The contractor shall take all necessary measures to protect the work and prevent accidents during construction. He shall provide and maintain all necessary barriers, guards, temporary bridges, watchmen and lights. (47) PUBLIC UTILITIES: In case it should be necessary to move the property of any owner of a public utility or franchise, such owner will, upon proper application by the contractor, be notified by the Superintendent of Streets to move such property within a specified reasonable time. The right is reserved to the owners of public utilities and fran- chises to enter upon the street for the purpose of making repairs or changes of their property that may be made necessary by the work. The City shall also have the privilege of entering upon the street for the purpose of repairing sewers or making house connections there- with, or repairing culverts or storm drains. Whenever it is necessary to move any public sewer or lateral con- nections thereto, the contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent, who will make such change as may be necessary within a reason- able time. (48) DEFECTIVE WORK: No work which may be defective in its construction, or deficient in any v of the requirements of these speci- fications, will be considered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any officer of the City or Inspector connected with the work to point out said defects or deficiency during construction, and the con- tractor shall correct any imperfect work, whenever discovered, before the final acceptance of the work. (49) PROTECTION OP WORK AND CLEANING UP: The con- tractor shall care for all work until final completion and acceptance. He shall remove all surplus material and rubbish from the work after its completion, and before he makes application for the acceptance of the work. (50) FINAL INSPECTION: The contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when he desires a final inspeciton of the work, when the latter will, as soon as possible, make the necessary examina- tion, and if the work is found in compliance with these specifications, the Superintendent of Streets will furnish the contractor with a certificate to that effect. (51) ALLOWABLE VARIATION: When in the specifications a maximum and minimum, either in size, percentage or thickness, or relating to quality, or character, or other matter, is allowed or pre- scribed, the work shall be accepted as in compliance therewith, if within such maximum or minimum so allowed hereby. (52) DEFINITIONS: Whenever the word "CITY" is used in these specifications it refers to the City of Pasadena. Whenever the word "CONTRACTOR" is used in these specifica- tions, it refers to the party or parties of the second part in the agree- ment for the construction of the work herein specified. Whenever the words "STREET SUPERINTENDENT" or "CITY ENGINEER" are used in these specifications, they refer, respectively, to the Street Superintendent and City Engineer of the City of Pasa- dena, or their authorized agents or inspectors. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held April 26th, 1910, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Cattell, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian, Mersereau and Root. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 26th day of April, 1910. THOMAS BARLEY, Mayor o. the City of Pasadena. 63 Fibre tubes not surrounded with concrete shall stand the follow- ing mechanical test: A section of the tube shall be heated to a temperature of 150 degrees Fahr. for one hour. It shall then be immediately placed on two (2) inch saddle blocks on fifty (50) inch centers, and shall withstand a load of three hundred fifty (350) pounds applied at the center without breaking or changing the cross-section of the bore more than one-eighth (%) of an inch from a true circle. Where bends are required on lateral fibre tube connections they shall be of at least thirty-six (36) inch radius. All dead ends of fibre tubes shall be plugged with a wooden plug which shall fit snugly in the end of the tube. All fibre laterals shall drain toward its manhole or vault. Fibre tubes to be surrounded by concrete shall be laid on a bed of cement concrete three (3) inches in thickness with three (3) inches of concrete on the sides and three (3) inches of concrete on top of the nest of tubes. The bed of concrete shall be leveled off and tamped to grade; a layer of tubes shall then be laid, leaving one (1) inch between each tube and three (3) inches between the outside edge of the tube and the outside of the trench. Th space between the ducts shall then be completely filled with cement grout. A second layer of conduits shall then be laid in contact with and vertically above the first layer, after which grout shall be poured around the tubes in such a manner as to completely fill the space surrounding the tubes. After the top line of conduits have been laid and surrounded with cement grout, concrete to a depth of three (3) inches shall be placed on the top of the nest of tubes. """""""The joints of all fibre tubes before being placed together, shall be dipped in a hot compound suitable for sealing the joints, and shall be used in sufficient quantities to prevent any leakage of water into the interior of the tube. All tubes shall be finished clean, free from all obstructions, before the acceptance the work. (5) WROUGHT IRON PIPE. Standard dipped wrought iron pipes with screw joints shall be used throughout. The threads and couplings shall be thoroughly painted with red lead before the pipes are joined, but care must be taken to prevent any obstruction remaining in the pipe which would prevent the pulling in of cables or wires. The radius of all bends of wrought iron pipe shall be as follows: Inside Diameter of Pipe. Radius. V 2 inch. 4 inches. % inch. 6 inches. 1 inch. 12 inches. iy 2 inches. 18 inches. 2 inches and over. 36 inches. All ends of wrought iron pipe which do not terminate in a man- hole or other vault, shall be capped with a wrought iron cap. All wrought iron laterals shall drain toward the vault or manhole. (6) VITRIFIED SALT-GLAZED PIPE. All vitrified salt-glazed pipe shall be first quality, sound and well burned throughout their entire thickness, impervious to moisture, and shall give a clear metallic sound when struck. The pipe must be smooth and its interior surface must be thoroughly glazed. The bore of the pipe shall not vary from a true circle more than three (3) per cent, of its nominal diameter. All pipes and specials must be free from injurious cracks, checks, blisters, or broken rims, and shall have no lumps, blisters, or flakes on the inner surface of the pipe or special. All bends shall be made with one or more standard one-eighth (%) bend of sewer tile. Where joints are made between the tile and iron pipe the joint shall be wrapped with burlap to prevent the concrete from getting into the interior of the pipe. 66 All vitrified pipe laterals shall drain toward its vault or manhole. All laterals shall be laid bell end of the tile pointing away from the vault, and the dead end of all laterals shall be capped with a vitrified cap. After the trench has been brought to the proper line and grade all pipe shall be laid therein in the following manner: Before any pipe is put into place a small excavation shall be made in the previously prepared bed to receive the hub, so that each pipe shall have a firm and uniform bearing over its entire length. All adjustment to line and grade must be made by scraping away or filling in the earth under the body of the pipe, and not by wedging or block- ing up the hub. All pipes previous to their being lowered into the trench shall be fitted together and matched, so that when joined in the trench there shall be no shoulders or unevenness along the lower half of the pipe. The faces of all spigot ends and of all shoulders in the hubs or sockets must be true and brought into fair contact, and all lumps and excrescences on said faces shall be cut away before the pipe is lowered into the trench. (7) MANHOLES. The contractor shall construct manholes, vaults, junction cham- bers and other appurtenances that are called for on said plans and profiles, and fit them with cast iron frames and covers, which shall conform to the surface of the pavement. Pulling irons and bolts shall be placed in the manhole when the structure is being constructed. Brick manholes shall be constructed of whole sound hard brick with rectangular surfaces and straight edges, and must give a clear, ringing sound when struck together. They shall be uniform in quality and of standard dimensions, viz., eight inches by four inches by two and one-fourth inches (8 in. x 4 in. x 2% in.) All brick shall be subject to the following test: Three (3) or more brick shall be broken across, thoroughly dried and weighed, then immersed in water for twenty-four (24) hours and weighed again. The absorption shall be determined by the difference between the two weights and, if such absorption shall exceed ten (10) per cent of the true weight, the brick from which the samples for test were selected shall be rejected. All brick shall be thoroughly wet immediately before laying. Each brick shall be laid with full mortar joints on its bed end and side and one operation. The brick work shall be well bonded and joints between bricks shall not exceed three-eighths (%) of an inch on the inside of the structure. All joints on the inside of the struc- ture shall be neatly struck and pointed where plastering is not specified on the plans. The outside of all structures shall be neatly plastered with mortar one-half (%) of an inch thick. All mortar used for brick masonry shall be composed of one (1) part of cement to two and one-half (2%) parts of sand, by volume. Concrete manholes shall be of cement concrete, composed of one (1) part, by measure, of cement, three (3) parts, by measure, of clean sharp sand, and five (5) parts, by measure, of gravel or broken stones. Sand shall be clean and sharp, free from loam, vegetable matter, silt and dirt. The gravel or broken stone shall be of hard, durable material and shall range from one-fourth (^) of an inch minimum to three (3) inches in greatest dimension maximum. If gravel is used it shall be graded, having not less than forty (40) per cent, which will pass through a one (1) inch ring. If broken stone is used it shall be the run of the crusher from which that portion which wi'l pass through a ten (10) mesh sieve has been removed. When unscreened gravel is substituted for the above, five (5) sacks, or one and one- fourth (1^4) barrels of Portland cement shall be added to each yard of gravel. The unscreened gravel shall be a graded aggregate contain- ing nor particle which will not pass through a two and one-half (2%') 67 inch.. ring. . It ah all contain .from thirty-five- -f36). per ^ent.. to .forty (40) per cent. sand. Where new ^rork is jbined-to old 'concrete, the- surface of the old work shall be thoroughly cleaned and moistened, and a bed of neat mortal* one-fourth (}4) of -an inch shall be 'used to secure a bond between them. No wheeling, working or walking on newly laid con- crete will be allowed until it has set. The materials entering the concrete shall l>e thoroughly mixed and. incorporated while dry, so as to form a homogeneous mixture of the ingredients. After the materials have been' turned at least two times dry, water shall be added in fine spray in such quantities so as to produce a uniform wet mass, not enough so as 1 to produce a slush. While being wet the whole mass shall be turned over at least twice more. No concrete 'shall be used that shows evidence of having set or that has become; "unfit for good work from standing too long or from any other cause, and no re-mixing of concrete will be allowed. After the concrete is thoroughly mixed it shall be tamped in place without delay and shall be so' placed and tamped as to produce a smooth exte'Hor surface where exposed. All sand, gravel or crushed rock used in construction shall be dumped on planks in separate piles not exceeding two loads. <) CEMENT. The cement tests for all cement work, under the specifications contained herein, shall be made in accordance with the > methods pro- posed by the Qommittee. of Uniform Tests of, Cement of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and shall be open to contractors. FINENESS; It shall,, leave by weight a residue of not more than five (5) per cent. on. the No. 100 and not more than twenty -five (25) per cent, on the No. 200 sieve. TIME OF SETTING; . Initial set of the cement shall not be less than thirty (30) minutes, but must develop hard set in not less than one (1) hour nor more than ten (10) hours. TENSILE .STRENGTH: Requirements for tensile strength for briquettes one (1) inch, square in section shall be as follows: NEAT CEMENT. Age. Pounds. 24 hours in moist air . 175 7 days (1- day in moist air, 6 .days in water ) 500 28 days (1 day in moist air, 27 days in water) 600 ONE PART CEMENT, THREE PARTS SAND. 7 days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water) 170 28 days (I day in moist air, 27 days in water) 240 Cement testing, neat below 700 pounds at 28 days and- showing a retrogression below the seven (7) day test shall be rejected. The sand test must in all cases show an increase in strength .at twenty- eight. (28) days over the seven (7) day test. CONSTANCY OF VOLUME: Pats of neat cement about three (3) inches in diameter, one-half CVz) inch thick at the center and tapering to a thin edge, shall be kept in moist air for a period of twenty-four (24) hours. (a) A pat is then kept in air at normal temperature- and observed at intervals for at least twenty-eight (28) days. (b) Another pat is kept in water maintained as near 70 degrees Fahr. as practicable, and observed at intervals for at least twenty-eight (28) days. (c) . A third pat is exposed in any convenient way in an atmos- phere of steam, above boiling water, in a loosely closed vessel for five (5) hours. These pats, to satisfactorily pass the requirements, shall, remain firm and hard and show no signs of distortion, checking, cracking or disintegration. . (9) STEEL. . Steel shapes shall be of medium steel having an ultimate strength of 60,000 to 70,000 pounds per square inch, with an elastic limit pf not less than one-half the ultimate strength. St,eel shall ( stand . bending through 180 degrees around a bar equal to the thjckness of. the piece tested without fracture 'on 'the outside of the bent portion. ^The steel rods throughout shall be what is known as "mild" steel. The rods shall have an elastic limit of from 40,000 to' : 45,000 pounds per square inch, and shall stand bending 'through 180 degrees around a bar of its own diameter without showing* any signs 'of fracture. All steel' must be free from cracks and shall have a clean, smooth finish: 1 Before being imbedded in the concrete the surface of the steel 'shall be thor- oughly cleaned of all dust, oil, grease or otiier^ matter that may be detrimental to the positive adhesion to the Concrete. BACK-FILLING. Back-filling on ducts surrounded with concrete shall not be com- menced -before the expiration of at least, forty-eight hours after tae concrete has been placed. Backrfilling on. vitrified, pipe. shall not be commenced until the mortar joints are sufficiently set to permit it without -injury to such joints. In back-filling fine earth free from stones shall be carefully deposited under and around the pipe and earth shall be placed in layers not exceeding six (6) inches in thick- ness. It shall be thoroughly compacted by tamping until filling is brought up to one (1) foot above the pipe, and shall be thoroughly saturated with water. Special care must be exercised to not injure the mortar joints. After' the back-filling has been partially completed, as above specified, the remainder of the trench may be filled by using graders or other means. The earth of all trenches shall be either conlpacted by tamping or flooding with water, or by both tamping and flooding. (11) RE-PAVING. Whenever a conduit is .built in an .ungraded street or right-of-way, trenches shall be re-filled to the original surface. In all. paved, macadamized, oiled or otherwise improved streets, the surface over the trench shall he finished by the contractor with the same class of roadway material that was removed in excavating the trench, in conformity with specifications for constructing said class of pavement, last adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, prior to the time of signing the contract. (12) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. The contractor shall give at least one (1) week's n6tice to the City Engineer so that he may test the cement proposed to be uged on the work. No cement shall be hauled on the work that has not been tested and accepted by the City Engineer. ' . All the work shall be in every respect executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. The contractor is, required to preserve all monuments and all stakes set for lines, levels or measurements for work in their proper places, until authorized to remove them by the City Engineer, and any expense in replacing said monuments or stakes, which the contractor or his subordinates may have failed to preserve, shall be borne by the contractor. No work which may be defective in its construction, or deficient in any of the requirements of these specifications, will be considered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any officer of the city or inspector connected with the work, to point out said defects or de- ficiency during the construction, and the contractor shall be required to correct any imperfect work before the final acceptance of the work. The contractor assumes all risk of variance in any computation 69 inch. ling. .It shall contain from, thirty-fire -|3f). per ^ent. to forty (40) per cent*, sand. Where new grease or other matter that may be detrimental to the positive adhesion to the concrete. (10J BACK-FILLING. Back-filling on ducts surrounded with concrete shall not be com- menced -before the expiration of at least, forty-eight hours after tne concrete- has been placed. Backfilling on. vitrified, pipe. shall not be commenced until the mortar joints are sufficiently set to permit it without -injury to such joints. In back-filling fine; earth free from stones shall be carefully deposited under and around the pipe and earth shall be placed in layer's not exceeding six (6) inches in thick- ness. It shall be thoroughly compacted by tamping until filling is brought up to one (1) foot above the pipe, and shall be thoroughly saturated With water. Special care must be exercised to not injure the mortar joints. After' the back-filling has been partially completed, as above specified, the remainder of the trench may be filled by using graders or other means. The earth of all trenches shall be either compacted by tamping or flooding with water, or by both tamping and: flooding. (11) RE-PAVING. Whenever a conduit is .built in an ungraded street or right-of-way, trenches shall be re-filled to the original surface. In all . paved, macadamized, oiled or otherwise improved streets, the surface over the trench shall be finished by the contractor with the same class of roadway material that was removed in excavating the trench, in conformity with specifications for constructing said class of pavement, last adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, prior to the time of signing the contract. (12) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. The contractor shall give at least one (1) week's notice to the City Engineer so that he may test the cement proposed to be u^ed on the work. No cement shall be hauled on the work that has not Deen tested and accepted by the City Engineer. All the work shall be in every respect executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. The contractor is required to preserve all monuments and all stakes set for lines, levels or measurements for work in their proper places, until authorized to remove them by the City Engineer, and any expense in replacing said monuments or stakes, which the contractor or his subordinates may have failed to preserve, shall be borne by the contractor. No work which may be defective in its construction, or deficient in any of the requirements of these specifications, will be considered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any officer of the city or inspector connected with the work, to point out said defects or de- ficiency during the construction, and the contractor shall be required to correct any imperfect work before the final acceptance of the work. The contractor assumes all risk of variance in any computation 69 or statement of amounts of quantities necessary to complete the work required by the contract, and agrees to furnish all necessary labor and material, and to fully complete said work in accordance with the plans and specifications, and to the satisfaction of the Street Superin- tendent and City Engineer. Bidders must examine and judge for themselves as to the location of the proposed work, the nature of the excavation to be made, and the work to be done. The contractor shall give twenty -four (24) hours' notice in writing when he shall require the services of the City Engineer for laying out any portion of the work. He shall dig all stake holes necessary to give lines and levels. The contractor shall be required to remove, at his own expense, all obstructions, such as trees, stones, debris, etc., that may be in the way of making said improvements. No more than one cross-street shall be closed at any one time. The contractor will be required to observe all the ordinances of the City of Pasadena in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping open passage ways, and protecting the same by erecting a fence or proper barrier along the line of the work and across the ends of the same, in order to guard the public effectively from danger during the progress of the work, and he shall post all proper notices and signals to the public of the state >of the street while the work is in progress. A red light must be maintained at night at each end of the barriers from sunset until sunrise. In case it should be necessary to move the property of any owner of a public utility, or franchise, such owner will, upon proper applica- tion by the contractor, be notified by the Street Superintendent to move such property within a specified reasonable time, and the con- tractor shall not interfere with said property until after the expiration of the time specified. The right is reserved to the City and the owners of public utilities and franchises to enter upon the street for the purpose of making re- pairs or changes that may become necessary by the work. The contractor shall remove all surplus material and rubbish from the work after its completion and before he makes application for the acceptance of the work. The contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when he desires a final inspection of the work, when the latter wiL, as soon as possible, make the necessary examination, and if the work is found in compliance with the above specifications, the Street Superintendent will furnish the contractor with a certificate to that effect. Whenever the word "Contractor" is used in these specifications, it refers to the party or parties of the escond part in the agreement for the construction of the work herein specified. Whenever the words "Street Superintendent or "City Engineer" are used in these specifications, they refer respectively to the Street Superintendent and the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, or their authorized agents or inspectors. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held February 7th, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Chaff ee, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian, Mersereau and Root. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 7th day of February, 1911. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. 70 ORDINANCE NO. 1087. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Adopting Specifications No. 17 for the Construction of Bitulithic Pavement On a Bituminious Base, in the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That "Specifications No. 17 for the construction of bitulithic pavement on a bituminous base, in the City of Pasadena," shall be as herein, and are hereby as such dopted. (1) The work herein provided for is to be done in accordance with the plans, profiles and cross-sections on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, and all work shall, during its prog- ress and on its completion, conform to the lines and levels which may, from time to time, be given by the City Engineer, in accord- ance therewith. (2) WORK. The work to be done is as follows: (1) To excavate or fill in the area upon which the pavement herein provided for is to be constructed, to such an extent as may be required by the plans, profiles, cross-sections and these specifications. (2) To construct and lay thereon the bitulithic pavement includ- ing foundation hereinafter specified. (3) To furnish all materials necessary to perform said work and construct the same. (4) To do whatever else is required by these specifications. (3) SUB-GRADE. The sub-grade for the roadway shall be parallel to and six (6) inches below the finished surface of the work, and shall conform to the cross-sections of the work on file in the office of the City Engi- neer of the City of Pasadena. (4) GRADING. Grading shall include the removal of all earth, stones, solid rock, and all other materials that may be encountered in preparing the street, and shall include also all filling, trimming, and shaping that may be necessary to bringing the surface of the street to the sub- grade or required shape. When mud or other soft material below sub-grade is encountered, it shall be taken out and the space refilled with good earth or gravel, which shall be rolled until the surface of the foundation ceases to sink under or creep in front of the roller. The contractor, how- ever, shall not be required in such cases to excavate the mud or other soft material to a greater depth than two (2) feet below sub- grade, and shall not be required to excavate rock to a greater depth than three (3) inches below the grade of the completed pavement. The formation of well defined ruts is specially prohibited. After the block or section has been graded as above specified it shall be watered sufficiently for the moisture to penetrate all loose earth and the surface shall then be rolled with a roller as hereinafter specified, until the surface is firm and unyielding. Depressions made by rolling shall be leveled up with good earth and again rolled. Such portions of the street as cannot be reached by the roller, and all places excavated below sub-grade and refilled, and all pipe trenches and other places that cannot be properly compacted by the roller, shall be tamped solid, and in cases of wet weather or soft or muddy ground, making the use of the roller unsafe or imparcticable, the rolling shall not be undertaken until the ground has become sufficiently dry. The contractor shall notify the Superintendent of Streets when a block or section has been brought to sub-grade, when the latter will check the elevation of the same, and if the work is found to be in 71 accordance with the specifications and grades given, the contractor shall proceed as hereinafter specified. (5) BROKEN STONE FOUNDATION. Upon the sub-grade prepared as above specified, shall be spread a layer of broken stone of such thickness that, when thoroughly rolled with, a roller hereinafter, specified, the surface shall be four (4) inches above sub-grade. All portions of the broken stone foundation that cannot be reached by the roller shall be tamped to grade. All depres- sions made by the roller must be filled with fresh material, and again rolled. The rolling must continue until the surface is hard and com- pact and does not yield under the roller. The broken stone shall be hard durable material, uniform in quality. and shall not exceed three (3) inches in the largest dimen- sions. Stone of a round form that will not bind well shall either be broken or removed from the street. On this foundation shall be evenly spread a coating of asphalt p*aving cement having a penetra- tion of between 70' deg. and 80 'deg. Dow standard at 78 deg. Fahr., using one (1) gallon per square yard, and it shall be poured at a tem- perature between 200 deg. and 300 deg. Fahr. The asphalt paving cement shall be prepared from California asphaltic oil, and shall be adhesive and ductile and also slightly elastic at a -temperature of thirty-two (32) degrees Fahr. When twenty (20) grammes are heated to a., temperature of three hundred (300) degrees Fahr., for five (5> consecutive hours in an uncovered cylinderical dish three and one- half (Syz) centimeters high by five and one-half (5 %) centimeters in diameter, it shall not lose more than one (1) per cent in. weight, and its penetration shall not be reduced as a result, of such heating more than 50 per cent. It shall, when ready for use, contain at least ninety-nine (99) per cent of bitumen soluble in carbon disulphide. It shall be soluble in carbon tetrachloride to the extent of at least ninety-seven and one-half (97%) per cent when two hundred (200) cubic centimeters of the solvent are poured on one (1) gramme of the asphaltic cement and the mixture is allowed to stand for eigh- teen (18) hours at a temperature of twenty-five (25) degrees centi- grade and filtered at twenty-five (25) degrees centigrade. Not less than seventy (70) per cent shall be soluble in eighty-six (86) degrees naptha when one hundred fifty (150) cubic centimeters of the solvent are poured on one-half (%) gramme of the, finely divided asphaltic cement and the mixture is allowed to stand for eighteen (18) hours at a temperature of twenty-five (25) degrees centigrade and filtered at twenty-five (25) degrees centigrade. It shall not contain more than fifteen (15) per cent of fixed carbon on ignition. (6) BITULITHIC WEARING SURFACE. On the foundation previously prepared and thoroughly swept free from all rubbish shall be laid the bitulithic wearing surface, which shall be prepared as hereinafter specified, and composed of the fol- lowing materials: . : . (1) Broken stone. (2) Bitulithic Water Proof Cement. (3) Sand and Stone Dust. The broken stone shall be hard tough rock, roughly cubical in shape, free from loam or organic matter, and shall stand the test hereinafter prescribed. The Bitulithic Water Proof Cement shall be refined from crude liquid asphalt. The sand shall be clean, hard grained and sharp and shall not t contain more than three (3) per cent of loam, clay or other earthy impurities, and shall all pass a ten (10) mesh to the inch screen. The stone dust shall be finely powdered lime stone or other hard and durable rock or Portland cement, as the contractor elects, and shall be of such fineness that all of.it will pass a fifty (50) mesh to the inch screen and at least sixty-six (66) per cent shall pass a two hundred (200) mesh to the inch screen. The stone shall be passed through a screen having various; sized open- ings from one and one-half (1%) inches maximum to one-tenth (1-10) inch minimum diameter. The difference in the widths of openings 72 in successive screened sections shall not exceed one-fourth- (^) inch in sections having openings smaller than one-half (V ) inch, and shall not exceed one-half (y 2 ) inch in sections having openings greater than one-half (*) inch. Each size of stone thus separated by the screen shall pass, into a separate bin or receptacle. The stone from each bin shall be accurately weighed and the several sizes, of stone and the sand and stone dust shall be combined in the following proportions. by weight: > Per cent of weight. Passing l l / 2 inch mesh screen and retained on a 1 inch mesh screen 10 to 15 Passing 1 inch mesh screen and retained on a % inch mesh Screen . . ,26 to 35 Passing % inch mesh screen and retained on a % inch mesh screen ............:-... 12 to 20 Passing !/4 inch mesh screen and retained on 10 mesh to the inch screen . . . . . 8 to 12 Passing 10 mesh to the inch screen and retained on a 200 mesh to the inch screen .- 24 to 2 Passing 200 mesh to the inch screen : 4 to 7 From sixty (60) per cent to eighty (80) per cent of the aggregate passing a ten (10) mesh screen shall pass' a forty (40) mesh to the inch screen 'and from fifteen (15') : per cent to thirty (30) per cent of the sand shall pass an eighty (80) mesh to the inch screen. If the composition contains the ingredients aforesaid and within the percentages above fixed, it will be accepted as in compliance with this paragraph. The broken stone and sand in the proportions here- tofore given shall be heated in such driers as -will permit it to be uniformly heated and each, batch of mineral aggregate so composed of the different sizes accurately weighed as above, shall pass while hot into a mixer where Bitulithic Water Proof Cement, previously heated from 200 degrees to 250 degrees Fahr., shall be incorporated with the heated stone until the combination is a uniform bitumious concrete. The amount of bitulithic cement used in each batch shall be from seven (7) per cent to nine and one-naif (9%) by weight of the weight of the bitulithic surface mixture, and shall be accurately weighed and used in such proportion as will thoroughly coat each particle of stone and fill all voids in the mixture. The surface mixture prepared as above shall be brought to the work in covered carts or dump wagons, and shall not be cooler than 200 degrees Fahr., when deposited on street. It shall at once be uni- formly spread over the foundation to suoh a depth that, after receiv- ing its ultimate compression the finished surface shall have a thick- ness of not less than two (2) inches. It shall then be immediately rolled with a roller, as hereinafter specified, having a compression of not less than three hundred (300) pounds to the linear inch width of tire, until the surface is unyielding, true to grade and cross-section. The completed bitulithic surface shall be a solid, dense, bitumin- ous concrete, the mineral aggregate of which shall have a high degree of inherent stability. And the completed bitulithic surface shall have at least ninety (90) per cent of the specific gravity of the solid rock. No pavement shall be laid in rainy weather or when the founda- tion is wet from rain or any other cause. (7)' SURFACE FINISH. Upon the bitulithic wearing surface shall be spread a thin uniform coating of bitulithic flush coat composition^ by means of a spreading machine so designed as to spread quickly and evenly, the desired amount of flush coat composition over the wearing surface< This flush coat composition shall be applied at the rate of one-fourth (^4) gallon per square yard of paving surface at a temperature sufficient to cause the bitulithic composition to flow freely but not exceeding two hundred and fifty (250) degrees Fahr. While the flush coat composition is still warm at least two <2) coats of stone screenings not greater than one-fourth (*4) inch in their largest dimension of the same character as the wearing surface rock, shall be spread over the surface of the pavement, at- a temper- 73 ature of 200 degrees Fahr. to 250 degrees Fahr., in such a manner as to rapidly and uniformly cover the surface of the pavement, using not less than one (1) cubic yard of screenings to one hundred (100) square yards of wearing surface. The surface shall then be rolled with a roller, as hereinafter specified, until the pavement becomes cool. On grades over four (4) per cent shall be used a mineral flush coat prepared by mixing the flush coat composition with one-fourth (14) inch hot stone screenings applied while hot and rolled into the surface to provide a rougher surface. (8) HEADER. Whenever the pavement does not terminate against a curb, gutter, railway track, or other pavement, the contractor shall provide and lay upon the line of said termination a header of red-wood plank two (2) inches thick and at least eight (8) inches wide. The top edge of the plank shall conform to the cross-sections of the street when finished and shall be dipped in liquid asphalt before being put in place. (9) ROLLING. The rolling herein specified for the sub-grade and the rock base wearing surface and the surface finish shall be done with a roller having a compression of not less than three hundred (300) pounds to the linear inch width of tire. (10) ABRASION TEST. The broken stone used in the bitulithic wearing surface and the surface finish shall not lose more than nineteen (19) per cent, of its weight after being exposed to abrasion and fracture in a cubical testing machine nine (9) inches on a side inside dimension, support on trunnions at two diagonal vertices, and having one-tenth (1-10) inch circular openings at all other vertices. In making the test the rattler shall revolve at a uniform rate of 60 R. P. M., for ten thousand (10,000) revolutions. Only the percentage of material worn off which will pass through a ten (10) mesh screen shall be considered in deter- mining the amount of abrasion. The broken stone used in the test shall be of a size which will pass a one and one-half (1%) inch ring and will be retained on a one and one-fourth (l 1 ^) inch ring, and the amount of broken stone used when making the test shall be one thousand (1,000) grammes. (11) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. All the work shall in every respect be executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. The contractor is required to preserve all monuments and all stakes set for lines, levels or measurements for work in their proper places, until authorized to remove them by the City Engineer and any expense in replacing said monuments or stakes, which the contractor or his subordinates may have failed to preserve shall be borne by the contractor. No work which may be defective in its construction, or deficient in any of the requirements of these specifications, will be considered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any officer of the City or inspector connected with the work, to point out said defects or deficiency during the construction and the contractor shall be required to correct any imperfect work, before the final acceptance of the work. The contractor assumes all risk of variance in any computation or statement of amounts of quantities necessary to complete the work required by the contract, and agrees to furnish all necessary labor and material, and to fully complete said work in accordance with the plans and specifications, and to the satisfaction of the Street Super- intendent and City Engineer. Bidders must examine and judge for themselves as to the loca- tion of the proposed work, the nature of the excavation to be made, and the work to be done. The contractor shall give twenty-four (24) hours' notice in writing when he shall require the services of the City Engineer for laying 74 out any portion of the work. He shall dig all stake holes necessary to give lines and levels. The contractor shall be required to remove at his own expense, all obstructions, such as trees, stones, debris, etc., that may be in the way of making said improvements. The contractor will be required to observe all the ordinances of the City of Pasadena in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping open passage ways, and protecting the same by creating a fence or proper barrier along the line of the work and across the ends of the same in order to guard the public effectively from danger during the progress of the work, and he shall post all proper notices and signals to the public of the state of the street while the work is in progress. A red light must be maintained at night at each end of the bar- riers from sunset until sunrise. In case it should be necessary to move the property of any owner of a public utility, or franchise, such owner will, upon application by the contractor, be notified by the Street Superintendent to move such property within a specified reasonable time, and the contractor shall not interfere with said property until after the expiration of the time specified. The right is reserved to the City and owners of public utilities and franchises to enter upon the street for the purpose of making repairs or cahnges that may become necessary by the work. The contractor shall remove all surplus material and rubbish from the work after its completion and before he makes application for the acceptance of the work. The contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when he desires a final inspection of the work, when the latter will, as soon as possible, make the necessary examination, and if the work is found in compliance with the above specifications, the Street Superintendent will furnish the contractor with a certificate to that effect. Whenever the word "Contractor" is used in these specifications it refers to the party or parties of the second part in the agreement for the construction of the work herein specified. Whenever the words "Street Superintendent" or "City Engineer" are used in these specifications they refer respectively to the Street Superintendent and the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, or their authorized agents or inspectors. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held Febru- ary 14th, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Chaff ee, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian, Mersereau and Root. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 14th day of February, 1911. THOMAS BARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1156. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Adopting Specifications for Oiling Streets in the City of Pasadena With Asphaltic Oil. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Secion 1. That "Specifications No. 19 for Oiling Streets in the City of Pasadena with Asphaltic Oil" shall be as herein and are hereby as such adopted. (1) The work herein provided for is to be done in accordance with the plans, profiles and cross-sections on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, and all work shall, during its prog- ress and on its completion, conform to the lines and levels which may 75 from time to time be given by the ,Ctt>y Engineer, in accordance there- with, .. , . (2) ; WORK. The work to be done is as follows: (1.) To e^xcaVate or fill in the area upon which the oiling herein provided for is to be performed to such an extent as may be required by the plans' and profiles 'and these specifications. (2) To place thereon broken stone foundation' and surfacing materials and to roll and oil the same as hereinafter specified. (3) To furnish all materials' and tools necessary to perform said work and canstruct the same. (4) To do whatever else is required by these specifications. . (3) SUB-GRADE. The sub-grade T shall be parallel to and two (2) inches below the surface of the finished work. (4) GRADING. . When grading is required it shall include the removal of all earth, stone and all other materials that -may be encountered and shall include also , all filling, trimming, or other work that may be necessary in bringing the surface to the required sub-grade. After a section has been graded as above specified, it shall be watered- sufficiently for the moisture to penetrate all the loose earth and the surface shall then be either thoroughly tamped, or rolled with a roller having an effective compressive weight of not less than three hundred fifty <350) pounds to the lineal inch width of tire, until the surface is firm -and unyielding. Depressions made by rolling shall be leveled up with good earth and again rolled. All pipe trenches and other places that cannot be properly compacted by the roller, shall be tamped solid, and in cases of wet weather or soft or muddy ground, making the use of the roller unsafe and impracticable, the rolling shall not be undertaken until the ground has become sufficiently dry. (5) BROKEN STONE FOUNDATION. After the sub-grade shall have been prepared as above. specified, examined by the Street Superintendent and a certificate of accptance issued by him, a layer of crushed stone which will pass through a two and one-half (2%) screen and be retained on a one and. one-half (1%) inch screen graduated in size, shall be placed to such a depth that, after being, thoroughly sprinkled and rolled with a, roller having an effective compressive weight of not less than three hundred and fifty (350) pounds to the lineal inch width of tire, it shall have a depth of one and one-half (1%) inches. The rolling shall continue until the stone foundation forms one solid mass, which will not yield under the weight of the roller. Upon the base prepared as above specified, shall be applied liquid asphaltum. at the rate of three-fourths (%) gal- lons to each square yard of street surface. (6) WEARING SURFACE. After the broken stone base shall have been' prepared, as above specified, examined by the Street Superintendent and a certificate of acceptance issued by him, a layer of crushed rock consisting of stone which will pass through a one and one-half '(l 1 /^) in'ch s'creen and be retained on a one-fourth (^4) inch screen, graduated in size, shall be evenly spread over the rock base to such thickness that, after being thoroughly sprinkled and rolled with a toiler having an' effective com- pressive weight of not less than three hundred and fifty (3&0) pounds to the lineal inch width of tire, it shall be one-half (V>) inch in thick- ness. - - . .."-.. This layer of crushed roek shall be -spread, and made ^parallel with the finished grade and cross-section. Liquid asphaltum shall then be applied -at the- rate of one-half 76 -gallon to each square yard of street surface, after which a layer of rock screenings (one-fourth (*4) inch and under in size and free from du'st), shall be spread in sufficient quantities to absorb all surplus oil and produce a uniform surface. The surface shall then be thoroughly rolled until it becomes hard and smooth and free from all hollows and irregularities. (7) ASPHALTIC OIL. The asphaltic oil used as herein provided shall be applied at a tem- perature of not less than 200 degrees Fahr. nor more than 280. degrees Fahr! It shall be an asphaltic oil with no admixture with any artificial or refined products, and shall contain not less than eighty-eight (88) per cent, of asphaltum at eighty (.80) degrees penetration District of Columbia Standard when 20 grammes are heated. to a temperature of four hundred (400) degrees Fahr. in an uncovered cylindrical dish two and one-fourth (2 1 / 4) inches in diameter. The asphaltic oil shall contain not. more than two (2) per cent, of sulphur and the .residuum at eighty (80), degrees penetration shall not contain more than two and one-half. (2.y 2 ) per cent, of sulphur. 'The residuum shall be soluble in carbon tetra-chloride to the extent of at least ninety-nine and eight- tenths (99,8) per cent., and the oil shall not contain more than two (2) per cent, of water and sediment. (8) GENERAL REQUIREMENT. The contractor shall give at least one week's notice to the City Engineer so that he may test the asphaltic oil proposed to be used on the work. No asphaltic oil shall be hauled on the work that has not been tested and accepted by the City Engineer. All the work- shall be in every respect executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. The contractor is required to preserve all monuments and all stakes set for lines, levels or measurements for work in their proper places, until authorized to remove them by the City Engineer, and any expense in replacing said monuments or stakes, which the contractor or his subordinates may have failed to preserve, shall be borne by the contractor. The contractor shall, when required to do so by the Street Super- intendent, remove from the work any overseer, superintendent, laborer or other person employed on the work who shall refuse or neglect to obey any lawful directions of the Street Superintendent in anything relating to the work, or who shall perform bis work in a manner con- trary to these specifications, or who shall be found to be unfaithful or incompetent, or shall commit any trespass on any public or private property in the vicinity of the work, or for any improper conduct, and shall not again employ him or them on the work. No w.ork which may be defective in its construction, or deficient in any of the requirements of these specifications, will be considered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any officer of the City or inspector connected with the work, to, point out said defects or deficiency during the construction, and the contractor shall be re- quired to correct any imperfect work, before the final acceptance of the work. The contractor assumes all risk of variance in any computation or statement of amounts of quantities necessary to complete the work required by the contract, and agrees to furnish all necessary labor and material, and to fully complete said work in accordance with the plans and specifications, and to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent. Bidders must examine and judge for themselves as to the location of the proposed work, the nature of the excavation to be made, and the work to be done. The contractor shall give twenty-four (24) hours' notice in writing, when he shall require the services of the City Engineer for laying out any portion of the work. He shall dig all stake holes necessary to give lines and levels. The contractor shall be required to remove at his own expense, all obstructions, such as trees, stones, debris, etc., that may be in the way of making said improvements. No more than one cross street shall be closed at any one time. 77 The contractor will be required to observe all the ordinances of the City of Pasadena in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping open passage ways, and protecting the same by erecting a fence or proper barrier along the line of the work and across the ends of the same in order to guard the public effectively from danger during the progress of the work, and he shall post all proper notices and signals to the public of the state of the street while the work is in progress. A red light must be maintained at night at each end of the barriers from sunset until sunrise. In case it should be necessary to move the property of any owner of a public utility, or franchise, such owner will, upon proper applica- tion by the contractor, be notified by the Street Superintendent to move such property within a specified reasonable time, and the con- tractor shall not interfere with said property until after the expiration of the time specified. The right is reserved to the City and the owners of public utilities and franchises to enter upon the street for the purpose of making repairs or changes that may become necessary by the work. The contractor shall remove all surplus material and rubbish from the work after its completion and before he makes application for the acceptance of the work. The contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when he desires a final inspection of the work, when the latter will, as soon as possible, make the necessary examination, and if the work is found in compliance with the above specifications, will furnish the contractor with a certificate to that effect. Whenever the word "Contractor" is used in these specifications it refers to the party or parties of the second part in the agreement for the construction of the work herein specified. Whenever the words "Street Superintendent" or "City Engineer" are used in these specifications they refer respectively to the Super- intendent of Streets and the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, or their authorized agents or inspectors. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held November 28th, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Chaff ee, Fogg, Korstian, Rhodes, Root and Shutt. Noes: None, HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. ' Approved this 28th day of November, 1911. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1159. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Adopting Specifications for Oiling Streets in the City of Pasadena With Asphaltic Oil. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That "Specifications No. 18 for Oiling Streets in the City of Pasadena with Asphaltic Oil" shall be as herein and are hereby as such adopted. (1) WORK TO BE DONE. The work to be done is as follows: (1) To excavate or fill in the area upon which the oiling herein provided for is to be performed to such an extent as may be required to bring the surface to the required sub-grade. (2) To place thereon broken stone and surfacing materials and to roll and oil the same as hereinafter specified. 78 (3) To furnish all materials and tools necessary to perform said work and construct the same. (4) To do whatever else is required by these specifications. (2) GRADING. When grading is required it shall include the removal of all earth, stone and all other materials that may be encountered and shall include also all filling, trimming, or other work that may be neces- sary in bringing the surface to the required sub-grade. After a section has been graded as above specified, it shall be watered sufficiently for the moisture to penetrate all the loose earth and the surface shall then be either thoroughly tamped, or rolled with a roller having an effective compressive weight of not less than three hundred fifty (350) pounds to the lineal inch width of tire, until the surface is firm and unyielding. Depressions made by rolling shall be leveled up with good earth and again rolled. All pipe trenches and other pieces that cannot be properly compacted by the roller, shall be tamped solid, and in case of wet weather or soft or muddy ground, making the use of the roller unsafe and impracticable, the rolling shall not be undertaken until the ground has become sufficiently dry. The contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when a sec- tion has been brought to the final sub-grade whereupon it shall be tested for grade and cross section, and when found satisfactory in all respects the Street Superintendent shall issue his certificate to that effect, after which, but not before, the oiling may proceed. (3) OILING. Upon the roadway asphaltic oil shall be evenly applied at the rate of three fourths (%) gallon to the square yard of street surface, after which a layer of crushed rock which will pass through a one and one- half (1%) inch ring and be retained on a one-fourth (*4) inch mesh screen graduated in size, shall be evenly spread to a depth of one (1) inch. After the surface has been rolled a second coating of asphaltic oil shall be applied at the rate of one-half (%) gallon per square yard of street surface. Rock screenings (one-fourth (*4) inch and under in size and free from dust) shall then be spread on the surface to a depth of one-half (%) inch, after which the surface shall be watered and thoroughly rolled until it becomes hard and smooth and free from all hollows and irregularities. (4) ASPHALTIC OIL. The asphaltic oil used as herein provided shall be applied at a temperature of not less than 220 degrees Fahr. nor more than 260 degrees Fahr. It shall be an asphaltic oil with no admixture with any artificial or refined products, and shall contain not less than eighty-five (85) per cent of asphaltum at eighty (80) degrees penetra- tion District of Columbia Standard, when twenty (20) grammes are heated to a temperature of 400 degrees Fahr. in an uncovered cylindri- cal dish two and one-fourth (2*4) inches in diameter. The asphaltic oil shall contain not more than two (2) per cent, of sulphur and the residuum at eighty (80) degrees penetration shall not contain more than two and one-half (2%) per cent, of sulphur. The residuum shall be soluble in carbon tetra-chloride to the extent of at least ninety-nine and eight-tenths (99.8) per cent, and the oil shall not contain more than two (2) per cent, of water and sediment. (5) GENERAL REQUIREMENT. The contractor shall give at least one week's notice to the City Engineer so that he may test the asphaltic oil proposed to be used on the work. No asphaltic oil shall be hauled on the work that has not been tested and accepted by the City Engineer. All the work shall be in every respect executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. The contractor is required to preserve all monuments and all stakes set for lines, levels or measurements for work in their proper places, until authorized to remove them by the 79 'City Engineer, and any expense in replacing said monuments or stakes, which the contractor or his subordinates may have failed to preserve, shall be borne by the contractor. The contractor shall, when required to do so by the Street Super- intendent, remove from the work any overseer, superintendent, laborer or other person employed on the work who shall refuse or neglect to obey any lawful dirctions of the Street Superintendent in anything relating to the work, or who shall perform his work in a manner contrary to these specifications, or who shall be found to be unfaithful or incompetent, or who shall commit any trespass on any public or private property in the vicinity of the work, or for any improper con- duct, and shall not again employ him or them on the work. No work which may be defective in its construction, or deficient in any of the requirements of these specifications, will be considered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any officer of the City or inspector connected with the work, to point out said defects, or deficiency during the construction, and the contractor shall be required to correct any imperfect work, before the final acceptance of the work. The 'contractor assumes all risk of variance in any computation or statement of amounts of quantities necessary to complete the work required by the contract, and agrees to furnish all necessary labor and material, and to fully complete said work in accordance with the plans and specifications, and to the satisfaction of the Street Super- intendent. Bidders must examine and judge for themselves as to the loca- tion of the proposed work, the nature of the excavation to be made, and the work to be done. The contractor shall give twenty-four (24) hours' notice in writing, when he shall require the services of the City Engineer for laying out any portion of the work. He shall dig all stake holes necessary to give lines and levels. The contractor shall be required to remove at his own expense, all obstructions, such as trees, stones, debris, etc., that may be in the way of making said improvements. No more than one cross street shall be closed at any one time. The contractor will be required to observe all the ordinances of the City of Pasadena in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping open passage ways, and protecting the same by erecting a fence or proper barrier along the line of the work and across the ends of the same in order to guard the public effectively from danger during the progress of the work, and he shall post all proper notices and signals to the public of the state of the street while the work is in progress. A red light must be maintained at night at each end of the bar- riers from sunset until sunrise. In case it should be necessary to move the property of any owner of a public utility, or franchise, such owner will, upon proper appli- cation by the contractor, be notified by the Street Superintendent to move such property, within a specified reasonable time, and the con- tractor shall not interfere with said property, until after the expiration of the time specified. The right is reserved to the City and the owners of public utilities and franchises to enter upon the street for the purpose of making repairs or changes that may become necessary by the work. The contractor shall remove all surplus material and rubbish from the work after its completion and before he makes application for the acceptance of the work. The contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when he desires a final inspection of the work, when the latter will, as soon as possible, make the necessary examination, and if the work is found in compliance with the above specifications, will furnish the contrac- tor with a certificate to that effect. Whenever the word "Contractor" is used in these specifications it refers to the party or parties of the second part in the agreement for the construction of the work herein specified. Whenever the words "Street Superintendent" or "City Engineer" are used in these specifications they refer respectively to the Superin- tendent of Streets and the City Engineer of the City of Pasadna, or their authorized agents or inspectors. 80 Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to he published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held November 29th, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Fogg, Korstian, Rhodes, Root and Shutt. Noes: None. HEM AN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 29th day of November, 1911. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1177. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Adopting Specifications for the Construction of Macadam Pavement in the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That "Specifications No. 20 for the Construction of Macadam Pavement in the City of Pasadena" shall be as herein and are hereby as such adopted. (1) The work herein provided for is to be done in accordance with the plans, profiles and cross-sections on file in the office of the City Engi- neer of the City of Pasadena, and all work shall, during its progress and on its completion, conform to the lines and levels which may, from time to time, be given by the City Engineer, in accordance therewith. (2) WORK. The work to be done is as follows: (1) To excavate or fill in the area upon which the pavement herein provided for is to be constructed to such an extent as may be required by the plans, profiles, cross-sections and these specifica- tions. (2) To construct and lay thereon the macadam pavement includ- ing the surfacing materials and asphaltic oil hereinafter specified. (3) To furnish all materials necessary to perform said work and construct the same. (4) To do whatever else is required by these specifications. (3) SUB-GRADE. The sub-grade for the roadway shall be the depth below the finished pavement which the Resolution of Intention specifies for the total depth of the pavement, and shall conform to the cross-section of the work on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena. (4) GRADING. Grading shall include the removal of all earth, stone, and all other materials that may be encountered and shall include also all filling, trimming, or other work that may be necessary in bringing the sur- face to the required sub-grade. When mud, sand or other soft material below sub-grade is encoun- tered, it shall be taken out and the space refilled with good earth or gravel, which shall be rolled until the surface of the foundation ceases to sink under or creep in front of the roller. The contractor, how- ever, shall not be required in such cases to excavate the mud or other soft material to a greater depth than two (2) feet below sub-grade. After a section has been graded as above specified it shall be watered sufficiently for the moisture to penetrate all the loose earth and the surface shall then be either thoroughly tamped, or rolled with a roller having an effective compressive weight of not less than three hundred fifty (350) pounds to the lineal inch width of tire, until the 81 surface is firm and unyielding. Depressions made by rolling shall be leveled up with good earth and again rolled. All pipe trenches and other places that cannot be properly compacted by the roller, shall be tamped solid, and in cases of wet weather or soft or muddy ground, making the use of the roller unsafe and impracticable, the rolling shall not be undertaken until the ground has become sufficiently dry. The contractor shall notify the Superintendent of Streets when a section has been brought to sub-grade, when the iatter will check the elevation of the same, and if the work is found to be in accord- ance with the specifications and grades given, the Superintendent of Streets shall issue a certificate stating that the sub-grade is accep- table in these respects. (5) BKOKEN STONE FOUNDATION. Upon the sub-grade prepared as above specified shall be spread a layer of crushed rock that will pass through a three and one-half (3^) inch ring and be retained on a one and three-fourths (1%) inch ring, graduated in size, to such a depth that after being thoroughly sprinkled and rolled with a roller having an effective compressive weight of not less than three hundred fifty (350) pounds to a lineal inch width of tire, the surface shall be two (2) inches below the surface of the finished pavement. Such portions of the surface as cannot be reached by the roller shall be tamped to grade. All depressions shall be filled with fresh material, sprinkled and again rolled. As the rolling of the broken stone foundation progresses rock screenings of a size that will pass through a one and three-fourths (1%) inch ring and be retained on a one-half (%) inch ring shall be spread over a surface in sufficient quantities to thoroughly bind the broken stone foundation and form a true surface. The sprinkling and rolling shall continue until the stone founda- tion forms one solid mass which will not yield under the weight of the roller. Upon the base prepared as above specified shall be applied asphal- tic oil at tne rate of one-half (%) gallons to each square yard of street surface. (6) WEARING SURFACE. After the broken stone base shall have been prepared as above specified, examined by the Superintendent of Streets and a certifi- cate of acceptance issued by him, a layer of broken stone, which will pass through a one and three fourths (1%) inch ring and be retained on a three-fourths (%) inch ring, graduated in size, shall be evenly spread over the rock base to such thickness that after being thorough- ly sprinkled and rolled with a roller having an effective compressive weight of not less than three hundred fifty (350) pounds to the lineal inch width of tire, the surface shall be parallel with and one-half (%) inch below the grade of the finished pavement. Asphaltic oil shall then be applied at the rate of one (1) gallon to each square yard of street surface, after which a layer of broken , stone, which will pass through a three-fourths (%) inch ring and be retained on a one-fourth (%) inch mesh screen, graduated in size, shall be evenly spread to a depth of one-half (%) inch in thickness. The surface shall then be thoroughly watered and ro led, followed by a coating of asphaltic oil, applied at the rate of one-half (M>) gal- lon per square yard of street surface. After spreading a light coating of rock screenings (one-fourth (*4) inch and under in size and free from dust) sufficient to absorb all surplus oil and produce a uniform surface of pavement, it shall be watered and thoroughly rolled until it becomes hard and smooth, true to grade and cross-sections and free from all hollows and irregularities. (7) ASPHALTIC OIL. The asphaltic oil used as herein provided shall be applied at a temperature of not less than 250 degrees Fahr. nor morp than 300 degrees Fahr. It shall be an asphaltic oil with no admixture with any artificial or refined products, and shall contain not less than ninety-two (92) per cent, of asphaltum at eighty (80) degrees penetra- 82 tion District of Columbia Standard, when 20 grammes are heated to a temperature of four hundred (400) degrees Fahr. in an uncovered cylindrical dish two and one-fourth (2}i) inches in diameter. The residuum at eighty (80) degrees penetration shall not contain more than two and one-half (2%) per cent, of sulphur and shall be soluble in carbon tetra-chloride to the extent of at least ninety-nine and eight-tenths (99.8) per cent., and the oil shall not contain more than two (2) per cent of water and sediment. (8) BROKEN STONE. The broken stone shall be a hard, durable material that crushes with sharp fractures and shall be uniform in character. It shall con- tain no rock that has not been fractured and shall not contain more than ten per cent, of rock having rounded surfaces. The broken stone used in the broken stone foundation shall not lose more than 30 per cent, of its weight after being tested in the manner hereinafter specified in the abrasion machine maintained by the City of Pasadena. The broken stone for the wearing surface shall not lose more than 23 per cent, of its weight after being tested in the manner here- inafter specified in the abrasion machine maintained by the City of Pasadena. (9) ABRASION MACHINE. The abrasion machine above referred to is cubical in shape and nine (9) inches on a side inside dimension. It is supported on trun- nions at two diagonal vertices and has 1-10 inch circular openings at all other vertices. In making the test it shall revolve at a uniform rate of 60 R. P. M. for ten thousand (10,000) revolutions. Only the percentage of material worn off which will pass through a ten (10) mesh screen shall be considered in determining the amount of abra- sion. The broken stone used in the test shall be of a size which will pass through a one and one-half (1%) inch ring and will be retained on a one and one-fourth (1*4) inch ring and the amount of broken stone used when making the test shall weigh one thousand (1,000) grammes. (10) GENERAL REQUIRMENTS. The contractor shall give at least one week's notice to the City Engineer so that he may test the asphaltic oil proposed to be used on the work. No asphaltic oil shall be hauled on the work that has not been tested and accepted by the City Engineer. All the work shall be in every respect executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. The contractor is required to preserve all mon- uments and all stakes set for lines, levels or measurements for work in their proper places, until authorized to remove them by the City Engineer, and any expense in replacing said monuments or stakes, which the contractor or his subordinates may have failed to preserve shall be borne by the contractor. The contractor shall, when required to do so by the Street Super- intendent, remove from the work any overseer, superintendent, laborer or other person employed on the work who shall refuse or neglect to obey any lawful directions of the Street Superintendent in anything relating to his work or who shall perform his work in a manner con- trary to these specifications, or who shall be found to be unfaithful or incompetent, or who shall commit any trespass on any public or priv- ate property in the vicinity of the work, or for any improper conduct, and shall not again employ him or them on the work. No work which may be defective in its construction, or defi- cient in any of the requirements of these specifications, will be con- sidered as accepted in consequence of the failure of any officer of the City or inspector connected with the work, to point out said defects or deficiency during the construction, and the contractor shall be required to correct any imperfect work, before the final acceptance of the work. The contractor assumes all risk of variance in any computation 83 or statement of amounts or quantities necessary to complete the work required by the contract, and agrees to furnish all necessary labor and material, and to fully complete said work in accordance with the plans and specifications, and to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent. Bidders must examine and judge for themselves as to the location of the proposed work, the nature of the excavation to be made, and the work to be done. The contractor shall give twenty-four (24) hours' notice in writing, when he shall require the services of the City Engineer for laying out any portion of the work. He shall dig all stake holes necessary to give lines and levels. The contractor shall be required to move at his own expense, all obstructions, such as trees, stones, debris, etc., that may be in the way of making said improvements. No more than one cross street shall be closed at any one time. The contractor shall be required to observe all the ordinances of the City of Pasadena in relation to the obstruction of streets, keeping open passage ways, and protecting the same by erecting a fence or proper barrier along the line of the work and across the ends of the same in order to guard the public effectively from danger during the progress of the work, and he shall post all proper notices and signals to the public of the state of the street while the work is in progress. A red light must be maintained at night at each end of the bar- riers from sunset until sunrise. In case it should be necessary to move the property of any owner of a public utility, or franchise, such owner will, upon proper applica- tion by the contractor, be notified by the Street Superintendent to move such property within a specified reasonable time, and the con- tractor shall not interfere with such property, until the expiration of the time specified. The right is reserved to the City and the owners of public utilities and franchises to enter upon the street for the purpose of making repairs or changes that may become necessary by the work. The contractor shall remove all surplus material and rubbish from the work after its completion and before he makes application for the acceptance of the work. The contractor shall notify the Street Superintendent when he desires a final inspection of the work, when the latter will, as soon as possible, make the necessary examination, and if the work is found in compliance with the above speifications, will furnish the contractor with a certificate to that effect. Whenever the word "Contractor" is used in these specifications it refers to the party or parties of the second part in the agreement for the construction of the work herein specified. Whenever the words "Street Superintendent" or "City Engineer" are used in these specifications they refer respectively to the Super- intendent of Streets and the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena, or their authorized agents or inspectors. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held January 13th, 1912, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Chaff ee, Korstian, Rhodes, Root and Shutt Noes : None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 13th day of January, 1912. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. 84 SUBDIVISION III. Miscellaneous Ordinances. ORDINANCE NO. 180. An Ordinance Regulating the Grade of Streets and Sidewalks. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That hereafter, in fixing of all official grades for streets the official grade shall be established on the property line and not the curb line. Sec. 2. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 1100). Sec. 3. That the slope of all sidewalk construction hereafter made, shall be one-fourth (%) of one (1) inch to one (1) foot in width from the property line. (Amended by Ordinance No. 1100). Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star and Daily Union. Passed and approved December 20th, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 242. An Ordinance Establishing the Datum Plane of the City of Pasadena. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That for the purpose of establishing and designating all official grades within said City of Pasadena the datum plane of said City is hereby declared to be sea level. Sec. 2. That the datum plane heretofore used in fixing all official grades in said City is hereby approved, and its use is hereby ratified and confirmed, and said datum plane is hereby declared to apply to all official grades heretofore established in said City. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Evening Star. Passed and approved the 19th day of March, 1894. ORDINANCE NO. 616. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Pasadena Requiring Persons Inspecting Street Work to File Memoranda at the Office of the City Engineer at the Close of Each Day, and Fixing Penalty for Violation Thereof. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be the duty or any person who is employed by the City or assumes to act for the City in superintending, inspecting or directing any work upon the streets, avenues or alleys of said City, as well as upon any sewer, culvert, ditch or storm water drain, who makes any written memoranda of such work or of the "Y's" or other connections or locations of the sewers, drains, culverts, ditches or storm water drains, at the close of each day, or on the next suc- ceeding business day, to file such written memoranda, dated and signed by him at the office of the City Engineer of said City. Any person violating any of the terms or conditions of this section or making a wilfully false memorandum, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment not exceeding ninety days or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of any person, who has heretofore assumed to act or who has acted on behalf of the City as Inspector or Superintendent of Streets or who has directed the manner in which 85 any work should be done or performed by any company or person upon any avenue, street, lane or alley of the City of Pasadena or upon any sewer, conduit, culvert or ditch in said City and who has, while so acting, made any written memoranda of such work as to the location of such ditch, conduit, culvert, sewer or of the location of the "Y's" or other means for connecting with such sewer, to forthwith file with the City Engineer such memoranda. And any person neglecting or refusing to file such memoranda at the time and place above provided, or, who shall alter or change such memo- randa or destroy the same, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction thereof, be punished by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment not exceeding ninety days or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Evening Star. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held October 3rd, 1905, by the following vote: Ayes: Messrs. Ashby, Barnes, Braley, Crandall, Dyer, Loughery and Root. Nones: None. HEM AN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 3rd day of October, 1905. WILLIAM WATERHOUSE, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 625. An Ordinance Authorizing the Superintendent of Streets to Make Writ- ten Contracts for Certain Purposes. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. The Superintendent of Streets of the City of Pasadena is hereby authorized, when in his opinion it is necessary for the best interests of the City, to contract for the building of street crossings or culverts, and to purchase the materials therefor and also for the per- formance of any other work it would be proper for such superintendent to perform in the ordinary discharge of his duty, provided such con- tract shall not exceed one hundred ($100) dollars in the amount to be paid thereon and shall, before the same is executed, have endorsed thereon the approval of the Mayor. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Even- ing star. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held November 7th, 1905, by the following vote: Ayes: Messrs. Ashby, Barnes, Braley, Crandall, Dyer, Loughery and Root. Noes : None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 8th day of November, 1905. WILLIAM WATERHOUSE, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 664. An Ordinance Providing for the Removal of Bridges and Approaches Erected Across Gutters. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. When in the opinion of the Superintendent of Streets of said City, any bridge or approach erected across a gutter of a pub- 86 liv street in said City, shall obstruct the free passage of water in said gutter, it shall be his duty to at once notify the owner of the property in front of which such bridge or approach exists to show cause before the City Council of said City, on a day and hour fixed in said notice why such bridge or approach should not be removed. The time and hour fixed in such notice by said Superintendent of Streets for said hearing shall be on a day fixed as a regular Council meeting day; such day appointed for hearing shall not be less than seven (7) days from the date of notice. Sec. 2. The Council shall on the day fixed for such hearing, or on such day as the hearing may be continued, hear the matter and determine whether or not such bridge or approach shall be removed, and if the Council orders them removed they shall be removed at such time as the Council may direct by the Superintendent of Streets. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held February 20th, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes: Messrs. Ashby, Barnes, Braley, Crandall, Dyer, Loughery and Root. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 20th day of February, 1906. WILLIAM WATERHOUSE, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1150. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating the Granting of Extensions of Time to Contractors. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. Whenever any person, firm or corporation who or which is making any public improvement in the City of Pasadena, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 1070 of said City, or pur- suant to provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California entitled "An Act to provide for Work upon Streets, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places and Sidewalks, and for the Construction of Sewers within Municipalities," approved March 18th, 1885, and acts amendatory thereto, or pursuant to the provisions of any other act of the Legislature of the State of California providing for the mak- ing of local improvements by special assessment, desires, in accord- ance with the terms of the ordinance or act pursuant to which the contract therefor is let, to secure the consent of the City Council to an extension of time for the completion of said improvement, fixed and established in the contract therefor, or to secure its con- sent to any subsequent extension of the time for such completion, he or it shall fiel with the City Clerk at least three weeks prior to the expiration of said time for completion, a written application addressed to the City Council requesting its consent to such extension, and in such application he or it shall state briefly and succinctly the reasons or grounds upon which such application is based. The City Clerk shall present such application to the City Council at its first regular meeting thereafter and the same shall thereupon be referred separately to the Superintendent of Streets and to the Street Com- mission of the City of Pasadena for report and recommendation. Sec. 2. The consent of the City Council to an extension of such time for completion will be granted only upon good cause there- for appearing, and may be granted subject to any penalty which the City Council, at the time of granting its said consent may, in its discretion, fix. In the event that a penalty is fixed as herein pro- vided, the same shall be deducted from and shall reduce accordingly the contract price of said improvement. The consent of the City 87 Council to an extension of time for such completion may be ex- pressed by motion. When it is desired to consent to such an exten- sion subject to a penalty, the same may be expressed in the follow- ing or substantially the following form: Moved by Councilman That the application of the contractor, making the improvement on described in No for the consent of the City Council to an extension of time to complete said improvement, be and the same is hereby granted, and the consent of the City Council is hereby given to sue hextension as follows and subject to the following conditions: The time for the completion of said improvement shall be the day of , 19 , but each day elapsing between the day of , 19 , being the date at which the said contrastor now required to complete said improvement and the date of the final completion thereof, there shall be imposed a penalty of $ to be de- ducted from and to reduce accordingly the contract price for said improvement. Within two days from the date hereof said contractor... shall make and file with the City Clerk a written acceptance of said exten- sion, subject to the terms hereof, and in the event that said contractor. . fail. ., neglect. . or refuse. . to make and file such written acceptance of said extension, subject to the terms hereof, then and in that event the consent of the City Council therefor shall be deemed to have been refused. Ayes : Councilmen Noes: Sec. 3. The Superintendent of Streets shall not extend the time for the completion of any improvement without the consent of the City Council therefor being first secured. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall become effective on the 1st day of December, 1911, Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the asme to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held October 31st, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Chaff ee, Fogg, Korstian, Rhodes, Root, and Shutt. Noes : None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 31st day of October, 1911. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 807. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Pasadena Authorizing the Superintendent of Streets to Employ One or More Persons to See That Contracts for Paving and Other Public Work Is Being Properly Performed. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the Superintendent of Streets, when he is by reason of other official duties unable to give such close personal attention, as in his judgment the best interests of the City require, to the performance of any contract for paving, grading, macadamizing or otherwise improving any avenue, street, alley or other public place in said City, or for the construction of any sewer, or the improvement thereof, storm drain or channel, or any other public work or improve- ment, is hereby authorized to employ one or more competent persons, 88 :as may be necessary, at a rate of not to exceed three ($3) dollars per day each for the time actually employed, whose duty it shall be to see that the work, which he shall be charged by the Superintendent of Streets to watch and care for, is being strictly performed according to the terms and conditions of the contract un'der which said work is being done; and he shall at least once every day and oftener if necessary, report to the said Superintendent of Streets, and especially call his attention to the manner in which said work is being performed, and in the event he shall discover any imperfections in the workman- ship, or materials used, he shall immediately report the same to the Superintendent of Streets. Sec. 2. That Ordinance No. 785, and all ordinances and parts of -ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held September 17th, 1907, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Braley, Crandall, Dyer, Hotaling, Root, .and Webster. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 17th day of September, 1907. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1041. .An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Providing for Uniformity in the Width of Roadways on the Streets of Said City. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. Except when otherwise specifically directed by the Council, curbs and gutters hereafter constructed in any street in the City of Pasadena, either by private contract, or under proceedings pursuant to the laws of the State of California, or charter, or ordi- nances of the City of Pasadena, shall conform with the lines therefor fixed in the following schedule of roadway widths with the qualifica- tions to such schedule herein in this section provided: PJCO 3 ^ ^ 3 CG CC CJCQ JH J3 ^ Jl * J3 * c3 CQ O c3 CQ cd Cw ^Q c3 c3 CO 'S O o rt O .o- d O 1> -M' 3^1 g.ai 2!g*| K**i 2^ 40 feet 20 feet 22 feet 24 feet 26 feet 45 feet 22 feet 24 feet 26 feet 28 feet 50 feet 24 feet 26 feet 28 feet 30 feet 55 feet 26 feet 28 feet 30 feet 32 feet 60 feet 28 feet 30 feet 32 feet 34 feet 65 feet 30 feet 32 feet 34 feet 36 feet 70 feet 34 feet 38 feet 40 feet 42 feet 80 feet 38 feet 42 feet 44 feet 46 feet 100 feet 50 feet 54 feet 58 feet 60 feet When a street crosses Colorado Street, each section thereof, north 89 and south of Colorado Street, shall be considered as a separate street for the purpose of calculating its length. Whenever a portion, not more than one thousand (1000) feet in length, of a street is narrower than the main portion of said street, the width of the roadway shall be as fixed in the foregoing schedule for the wider portion of said street; and whenever such a portion, not more than one thousand (1000) feet in length, of a street is wider than the main portion of said street, the width of the roadway, shall be as fixed in the foregoing schedule for the narrower portion of said street. Streets along which there are street railway tracks shall not be governed by this ordinance; nor shall anything herein contained apply to or affect courts or dead-end streets which extend less than two hundred fifty (250) feet from the intersecting or terminating street. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held September 6th, 1910, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Fogg, Korstian and Mersereau. Noes: Councilman Root. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. 90 INDEX Page Abrasion machine, macadam pavement 83 Abrasion, test of bitulithic pavement 74 Abandonment, grass, shrubbery and trees, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 22 Account of costs, care of grass, shrubbery and trees, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 20 Action to enforce lien of assessment, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 15 Action to enforce liens of assessment, on which bonds have issued, (Imp. Ord. 1070) .\ . . 19 APPEAL, from notice to clean premises 24 From assessment under Imp. Ord. 1070 13 From proceedings enforcing sewer connections 5 To council, care of grass, shrubbery and trees, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 21 To council under Ordinance No. 1132 25 Apportionment of cost under Improvement Ordinance No. 1070 12 Approaches, erected across gutters, removal of 87 Asphaltic oiling, general requirements 77-79 Asphalt materials 5l Asphaltic oil in macadam pavement 82 Asphaltic oil, composition 77 Asphaltic oil in streets, specifications 75-78 Asphalt pavement, general requirements 53 Asphalt pavement, specifications for 48 Assessments, care of grass, shrubbery and trees, (Imp. Ord. 1070) . . .20 Assessment, under Improvement Ordinance 1070 12 Assessment lien and action thereon, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 15 Award of contract, street work, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 10 BACK FILLING, Concrete conduits 61 Wire conduits 6& Sewers 29 Vitrified pipes, sewers, concrete and brick sewers, con- crete conduits 61 Bids for street work, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 10 Bitulithic pavement on a bituminous base, specifications for 71 Bitulithic pavement, general requirements 74 BOND, Of contractor, street work, improvement 11 Form of improvement, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 17 Improvement, (Ord. 1070) 16 Payment of bond, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 18 For protection of laborers and material men 11 Record of, (Imp. Ord. 1070) , 18 Brick masonry in sewers 29 Brick storm sewers 56 Brick, vitrified, pavement and gutters 43 Bridges, across gutters, removal of 87 Caps on vitrified pipes 56 91 Page Mortar in vitrified brick storm sewers 57 Mortar for vitrified pipe, joints 56 NOTICE, Calling for bids, street work, Ord. 1070 10 Of assessment, care of grass, shrubbery and t^ees, (Imp. Ord. 1070) : 21 Of award of contract, street work, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 10 Of completion of assessment and hearing, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 13 Of hearings, jurisdiction of Council, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 16 Of improvement, care of grass, shrubbery and trees, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 19 To clean premises 24 To make sewer connections 3 To remove rubbish 24 To remove weeds 24 Obstruction of travel 31 Obstruction, removal of, sewers 32 Occupation of conduits, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 23 Oil, asphaltic, composition 77-79 Oil, asphaltic, in macadam pavement 82 Oiling streets, specifications for 75-78 Open sewer trench, 300-foot limit 30 Ordering, care and maintenance, trees, etc., (Imp. Orel. 1070) 20 Ordinances confirming assessment, care of grass, shrubbery and trees, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 21 Ordinance confirming assessments under Imp. Ord. 1073 13 Ordinance of intention, care of grass, shrubbery and vrees, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 19 Ordinance of intention to improve streets 8 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., effect of Improvement Ordi- nance 24 Pasadena Improvement Ordinance 7 Payment, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 14 PAVEMENT, Asphalt, specifications for 48 Macadam, specifications for 81 Vitrified brick 43 Petition for abandonment, care grass, shrubbery and trees, (Imp. Ord. 1070') , 22 Petitions for improvement, (Imp. Ord. 1070) .15 Pipe in wire conduits 66 Pipes, matching and laying 30 Pipes, obstructing sewers 32 Pipe, vitrified, salt glazed in wire conduits 66 Po'es, removal of, (Imp. Ord. 1070) , 23 POSTING, Of notices, duty of Clerk, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 15 Of ordinance of Intention, care of grass, shrubbery and trees, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 19 Of notice of improvement, care of grass, shrubbery and trees, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 19 Ordinance and notices under Imp. Ord. 1070. . - 9 Private contract, street improvement under 26 Private contract, improvement by (Imp. Ord. 1070) . 16 Proof of publication and posting 8 Page Protest, against required sewer connections 4 Protests, care of trees, etc., (Imp. Ord. 1070) 20 Protests under Improvement Ordinance 1070 9 PUBLICATION, Of notices, duty of Clerk, (imp. Ord. 1070) 15 Of notice of improvement, care of grass, shrubbery and trees, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 19 Of ordinance confirming assessment, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 22 And posting of Ordinance of Intention, (Ord. 1070) 9 Of Ordinance of Intention, care of grass, shrubbery and trees, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 19 Pumping sewer trenches 28 Recordation of assessment, effect of, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 14 Records are public, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 15 Re-grading after sewers 31 Removal of bridges and approaches across gutters 87 Removal of surplus material 34 Re-paving after sewers 31 Re-paving after wire conduits 69 Restoring of street surface 62 Return showing payments, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 14 Revenues from conduits, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 22 Right of way, defined 7 Roadways, width of 89 Roller, city to furnish 33 Rubbish, removal of 24 Sand cushion, vitrified brick, pavement and gutter 45 Sewers of concrete, (storm) 57 Sewers, connecting with 31 Sewer connections enforcement of 5 Sewer mains, property owners required to connect 3 Sewers, specifications for 28 Sewers, storm, of brick 56 Sewers, storm, manholes and catch basins 58 Sewers for storm water, specifications 54 Shoring, sewers 28 Shrubbery, care of, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 19 Sidewalks, regulating grade of 85 Sidewalks, specifications for 32 Socket junctions, sewers 28 SPECIFICATIONS For asphalt pavement , 48 For bitulithic pavement on a bituminous base 71 For grading streets 32 For gutters, sidewalks and curbs 32 For macadam pavement 81 For oiling streets, with asphaltic oil 75-78 For sewer connections . t 4 For sewers 28 For storm water sewers 54 For underground conduits 62 For vitrified brick, pavement and gutters 43 Spoil banks, sewers 29 Spurs, sewers 30 Steel shapes in wire conduits . . . > 69 95 Page Storm sewers, manholes and catch basins 58 Storm water sewers, specifications 54 Street defined 7 Street improvements, under private contract 26 STREETS, Oiling of, specifications 75-78 Regulating grade of 85 Subject to improvement 8 Surface, restoring of 62 Specifications for grading 32 Width of roadways 89 Street work, persons inspecting, to file memoranda 85 Sunset Telephone & Telegraph Co., effect of Improvement Ordi- nance 24 Superintendent of Streets to make written contracts 86 Tests of cement 29-35-38-41-45-49-58-68 Tests of vitrified brick 46 Tests of vitrified brick for storm sewers 56 Time, extension of, to contractors 87 Title to conduits, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 22 Travel, obstruction of 31 Trees, etc., care of, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 19 Trenches, sewers 28 Trenches for storm water sewers and conduits 54 Uniformity of width of roadways 89 Use of conduits, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 23 Vitrified duct, wire conduits 65 Vitrified brick pavement and gutters 43 Vitrified brick, paving and gutters, (general requirements) 47 Vitrified brick storm sewers 56 Vitrified brick, tests of 46 Vitrified pipe, laying of 56 Vitrified pipe, storm water sewers, specifications 55 Vitrified salt glazed pipe in wire conduit 66 Water sewers and conduits, general requirements 62 Waiver, of objections, street work, Ord. 1070 10 Weeds, removal of , 24 Width of roadways 89 Wire conduits, general requierments 69 Wires, conduits for, specifications 64 Wires, removal of, (Imp. Ord. 1070) 23 Written contracts, Street Superintendent authorized to make 86 Wrought iron pipe in wire conduit 66 Y's in sewers 28". 96 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PASADENA CALIFORNIA VOLUME III GENERAL PENAL ORDINANCES PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PASADENA CALIFORNIA VOLUME III General Penal Ordinances PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 1912 This volume contains all the Penal Ordinances of the City of Pasadena (excepting- the Building Code), in effect November 1st, 1912. The compiler has omitted all ordinances specifically repealed or wholly superseded by later enactments. Ordinances par- tially superseded or doubtful have been included and appro- priate notices added referring to the later ordinance on the same subject. The Building Code of the City, although a penal ordi- nance, is not published herein but appears in a separate volume. Penal Ordinances of the City of Pasadena ORDINANCE NO. 6. Prohibiting the Disturbance of the Peace Within the City of Pasadena. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. Every person who, within the limits of the City of Pasadena, maliciously disturbs the peace or quiet of any neighborhood, or any person therein, by loud or unusual noise, or by tumultuous or offensive conduct, or threatening, traducing, quarreling, challenging to fight, or fighting, or use any vulgar, profane or indecent language with- in the presence or hearing of womeji or children, in a loud and boister- ous manner, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred ($200) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail, if there be one, and if not, then by imprisonment in the County Jail, for not more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon the due publication thereof. H. J. HOLMES, President. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena, and signed by its President at its meeting on the 1st day of July A. M., 1886. C. A. SAWTELLE, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 55. An Ordinance to Provide for the Proper Construction of Sidewalks, and Enforce the Observance of Grades. Tne Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That whenever and wherever an official grade of any street or road or portion of a street or road in the City of Pasadena shall have been, or shall be, by ordinance or resolution established, each and every sidewalk that shall be made or re-made, or that shall have its curb set, or reset, after the official grade has been so estab- lished, shall be made to conform to such established grade, and as to sucn grade shall be constructed according to the plans thereof, if any there be, made by the City Engineer; but if the plans of the City Engi- neer differ from the requirements of any ordinance of the city, then as to such variance such ordinance shall be obeyed. If any sidewalk has been or shall be constructed, made, re-made or repaired in manner in conflict with any grade or plan officially established or made, then and in that case such sidewalk is hereby declared to be a public obstruction to the street and sidewalk, and a nuisance; such nuisance shall be abated by or under the direction of the Superintendent of Streets; who- ever creates or maintains such nuisance, or violates any provision of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and each day of continuance of such nuisance shall be a separate offense; and any person guilty of such misdemeanor shall be punished by fine not exceed- ing three hundred ($300) dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not, exceeding three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and to cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Star. Passed and approved March 26. ORDINANCE NO. 247. An Ordinance Prohibiting Houses of Prostitution and Ill-Fame in the City of Pasadena. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be and is hereby made unlawful for any per- son to open, keep, maintain or carry on within the limits of the City of Pasadena, any bawdy house or place of ill-fame or prostitution, or to reside or live in any such house or place of ill-fame or prostitution for the purpose of carrying on or assisting in carrying on the business or practice of fornication or prostitution. Sec. 2. Any act in violation of this ordinance for each day of its continuance shall be deemed to be separate offense. Every person who violates any of the provisions of this ordinance is guilty of a mis- demeanor, and every such violation is punishable as a misdemeanor, by imprisonment in the City Jail not more than ninety (90) days or by fine not exceeding three hundred ($300) dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. The act of keeping any such house or place of ill-fame or prostitution is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and every such house or place is a nuisance. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Daily Evening Star. Passed and appproved the 2nd day of April, 1894. Sec Section 315. Penal Code. ORDINANCE NO. 250. An Ordinance Protecting Fire Alarm Wires. Tne Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That it shall be and is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person to cut, break, or in any manner injure, remove, or destroy any wire, post, insulator, or alarm box belonging to or being a part of the fire alarm system of the City of Pasadena. Sec. 2. It shall also be unlawful for any person within the City of Pasadena to send in an alarm from any fire alarm box, except for the purpose of giving an alarm of a fire which such person has reason to believe exists. Sec. 3. It shall also be unlawful for any person to attach any wire to any fire alarm pole belonging to said City, or in any other manner to interfere with or use the same without the written consent of the Board of Trustees of said City, and in no case shall any wire be placed upon said pole, within two feet of any fire alarm wire, and all wires which are now permitted upon any 4 of said poles, and which are nearer than two feet to any said fire alarm wire, shall be removed to the proper distance within thirty (30) days from the passage of this Ordinance. Sec. 4. Every person violating any of the provisions of this Ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined in a sum not exceeding three hundred ($300) dollars, or be imprisoned in the City Jail not exceeding three (3) months, or suffer both such fine and imprisonment in the judgment of the Court. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Daily Evening Star. Passed and approved the 9th day of April, 1894. ORDINANCE NO. 275. An Ordinance Making Certain Offenses a Misdemeanor. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That every person who, within the corporate limits of the City of Pasadena, shall either: 1. Go to any house for the purpose of begging; or 2. Accost any person on the public highway for the purpose of begging; or 3. Wander about the streets at late or unusual hours of the night, having no lawful business; or 4. Lodge in any barn, shed, shop, outhouse or other building or structure without the permission of the owner or party entitled to the possession thereof, is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be pun- ished b> a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment in the City Jail not exceeding three months and a judgment of imprison- ment hereunder shall include a provision that the defendant shall labor on the public works of said City during said term. Section 2. The Court shall have power, in its discretion to sus- pend sentence in any case of conviction under this Ordinance, condi- tioned upon the defendant immediately leaving the City of Pasa- dena, and not returning; but upon failure to leave said City, or upon return thereto, the defendant shall be sentenced and the judgment of the Court enforced. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily Star, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said City. Passed and approved this 14th day of January, 1895, by the follow- ing vote: Ayes: Trustees Lukens, Washburn, Weed, and President Cox. Noes : None. JOHN S. COX, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 303. An Ordinance Regulating Connections With Sewers. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows, to wit: Section 1. That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person to connect with any sewer in any public highway in said city, which was constructed out of public funds, or with funds raised from the sale of bonds of the city, without first having paid into the City Treasury an amount which shall equal forty (.40) cents, per front foot for each foot in the lot, piece or parcel of land with which said sewer is to be con- nected. The Street Superintendent shall issue no permit for such a connection until the fee therefor as aforesaid shall have been paid. Sec. 2. Every person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three hundred ($300) dollars, or by imprison- ment in the City Jail not exceeding three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Daily Evening Star. Passed and approved the 5th day of August, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. 392. An Ordinance for the Purpose of Protecting Manholes and Flushtanks in the Public Sewers, in the City of Pasadena. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That it shall be and is hereby made unlawful for any person or persons, except properly authorized officials or employes of said City of Pasadena to remove any covering to any manhole or flush- tank conected with any public sewer in said city, or to place, or cause to be placed any matter or material of whatsoever kind, in any such manhole or flush tank, or any opening thereto. Sec. 2. Every person who violates any provision of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in a sum not to exceed three hun- dred ($300) dollars, or by imprisonment m the City Jail for a term not to exceed three (3) months, by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the pasage of his ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Daily News. Passed and approved the 14th day of March, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 441. An Ordinance Requiring the Cleaning of Sidewalks Within the City of Pasadena. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. All persons owning property in the City of Pasadena fronting upon any public street, lane or alley of said City, are hereby required to keep the sidewalks immediately in front of said property, and the space between the curb line of the property line and the line of said property, free from dirt, filth, garbage or rubbish, other than the natural soil of the same, and to keep said sidewalks and said space free from any hole or holes, or any obstructions dangerous to life or limb; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall prevent excavating through or across any sidewalk where said excavating is done in accordance with the terms and provisions of any other Ordi- nance of the City of Pasadena, and in accordance with the regulations therein contained covering said excavation. Sec. 2. A violation of this Ordinance shall constitute a misde- meanor, and any person violating the same or any part hereof shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding twenty-five ($25) dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding twenty-five (25) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Daily News, a newspaper published daily in said city. Passed and approved the 26th day of March, 1901. (See Building Code. Also Ordinance No. 466.) ORDINANCE NO. 442. An Ordnance Regulating the Numbering of Buildings Within the City of Pasadena and Providing a Method Therefor. The Board of Trustees of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. All entrances from the public streets of the City of Pasadena to buildings shall be numbered as hereinaiter provided. Sec. 2. In all cases where the building is located on or back of the property line of the street on which the same fronts, the numbers may be placed either at the side of the main entrance of said buildings, over said main entrance, upon the porch or piazza, or said numbers may be placed over or at the side of the gateway of said property, or upon any steps or other structure near the back of the property line thereof, in such a maner that the same may be plainly seen from the street in front of said property. Whenever houses are located back of the property line said num- bers shall be placed and maintained in such a manner that the same will not be hidden from view from the street by any trees, bushes, shrubs or other obstructions. Said numbers snail be at least two (2) inches in height, and of cor- responding width. Sec. 3. The starting points for all numbers on streets now laid out or which shall be hereafter laid out within the City are as follows: Fair Oaks avenue and Colorado street, and the nearest point to these streets, for all streets crossing or running from them. Sec. 4. Twelve and one-half (12%) feet frontage of all lots shall be allowed for each number. The City Engineer shall, so far as is prac- ticable, assign the numbers on either side of the streets in such a way that the consecutive even and uneven numbers shall be opposite each other, and the City Engineer shall furnish information on application of the number controlled by each lot. Sec. 5. The numbering on streets running from or crossing Fair Oaks avenue shall be "east" and "west," and for those running from or crossing Colorado street, "north" and "south," said streets, respectively, as the dividing line. Odd numbers shall be on the northerly and west- erly sides of the streets, and even numbers those on the southerly and easterly sides. Sec. 6. All owners, agents, occupants, lessees, tenants and sub- tenants of buildings who have not provided their buildings with the proper numbers on or before April 15, 1901, and all owners, agents, occupants, lessees, tenants and sub-tenants of buildings which may hereafter be erected who have not provided such buildings with the proper numbers on or before fifteen (15) days after the completion of said buildings, shall be subject to notification so to do, in writing, at any time, by the Superintendent of Streets, and if within fifteen (15) days from the date of said notice they neglect or refuse so to do, they shah be deemed guilty of a midemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than five ($5) dollars, nor more than thirty ($30) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail, or, if there be none, then in the County Jail, for not less than five (5) days, nor more than thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 7. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 8. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Daily News, a newspaper published daily in said city. Passed and approved the 26th day of March, 19.01. ORDINANCE NO. 453. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Against Keeping or Permitting to Be Kept, Places for Playing Certain Games, and Prohibiting the Playing or Betting at Such Games. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, either as principal, agent or employee, or othewise, to keep, conduct or main- tain within the City of Pasadena any house, room, apartment or place used in whole or in part as a gambling house, or place where any game not mentioned in Section 330 of the Penal Code of the State of Cali- fornia, is played, conducted, dealt, or carried on with cards, dice or other device, for money, checks, chips, credit or any other representa- tive of value. Sec. 2. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, either as principal, agent, employee or otherwise, knowingly to permit any house, room, apartment, or place, owned by him or under his charge or control, in said City of Pasadena, to be used, in whole or in part as a gambling bouse, or place for playing, conducting, dealing or carrying on any game not mentioned in Section 330 of tbe Penal Code of tbe State of California, with cards, dice, or other device, for money, checks, cnips, credit, or any other representative of value. Sec. 3. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to play or bet at or against any game not mentioned in Section 330 of the Penal Code of the State of California, which is played, conducted, dealt, or carried on with cards, dice, or other device, for money, checks, chips, credit, or any other representative of value, in any house, room, apart- ment, or place described in Section 1 of this Ordinance, in said City of Pasadena. Sec. 4. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than five ($5) dol- lars or more than five hundred ($500) dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. Sec. 5. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. The City Clerk shal certify to the pasage of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Daily News. Adopted August 13, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 455. An Ordinance Regulating the Appearance of Minors on the Public Streetc, ttc., of Pasadena, After 8:30 O'Clock P. M. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That it is hereby made unlawful for any child under the age of seventeen (17) years, and not accompanied by its parent or adult guardian having legal custody and control of said child, to loiter, wander or stroll about the public streets, avenues, aileys or any public place of said City of Pasadena, between the hour of 8:30 o'clock p. m. and the time of sunrise on the succeeding day. Sec. 2. That it shall be unlawful for any parent, guardian, or other person having legal care and custody of any child under the age of seventeen (17) years, to allow or permit any such child or ward to go upon or be upon any public street, avenue, alley or other public place in said City of Pasadena, unaccompanied by such parent, guar- dian, or other person having legal care and custody of such child, be- tween the hour of 8:30 o'clock p. m. and the time of sunrise on the succeeding day. Sec. 3. A violation of this Ordinance or any part thereof shall constitute a misdemeanor, and any person violating the same or any part thereof, upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five (25) dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding twenty-five (25) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 4. The City Clark shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Daily News. Adopted August 20, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 459. An Ordinance Creating the Office of Poundmaster and Defining His Duties, to Prevent Certain Animals From Running at Large, and to Provide a Dog Tax. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. The office of poundmaster shall be, and the same is hereby established and the Superintendent of Streets shall be ex- officio poundmaster. Sec. 2. There shall be provided by the City a suitable enclosure to keep and safely hold all animals hereinafter enumerated and sub- ject to be impounded, which shall be known and designated as the City Pound. Sec. 3. It is hereby declared unlawful for any ox, steer, bull, cow, horse, colt, jack, mule, calf, sheep, goat or hog to run at large in the City of Pasadena, or to be pastured or herded, staked or tied in any of the streets, lanes, alleys, public squares, parks or other public places belonging to or under the control of the City of Pasadena, and it shall be unlawful for any of said animals, or stock of any kind, to be tied, staked or pastured upon any private property within the limits of said City of Pasadena without the consent of the owner or occupant of such property, or in such a way as to trespass in any manner upon the aforesaid public places. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the poundmaster to take up, im- pound and safely keep any of the animals, enumerated in Section 3 of this ordinance found running at large, staked, tied, or being herded or pastured in any street, lane, alley, court, square, park or other place belonging to or under the control of said City, or upon any private property in said City, contrary to the provisions of Section 3 of this ordinance. When any animal is so impounded, the poundmaster shall imme- diately notify the owner thereof, if known to him, and shall post three notices, one in front of the City Hall of said City, and two other notices in other public places in said City of Pasadena. Said notices shall contain a description of said animal, and shall set forth that unless reclaimed said animals will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, at a time and place to be specified in said notices, which time shall not be less than five (5) days nor more than ten (10) days from the posting of said notices, and if said animals are not reclaimed be- fore the expiration of the time specified in said notices, the pound- master shall proceed to sell the same at the time and place and in the manner specified in said notices. Sec. 5. The owner of any animal impounded shall have the right to reclaim the same at any time prior to the sale thereof upon pay- ment to the poundmaster of the costs and charges hereinafter pro- vided in this ordinance for impounding and keeping said animals, or, if sold, to receive the proceeds of the sale thereof, less the costs and charges aforesaid and costs of sale, within thirty (30) days after such sale, upon satisfactory proof of the ownership of said animals soid duly made before the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of said poundmaster to safely keep all animals impounded by him, and to give the same the necessary food and water, and all ordinary attention necessary for the welfare of said animals. Sec. 7. The poundmaster shall collect from the owner, or any person seeking to reclaim any of the animals hereafter mentioned, the following sums, to wit: For impounding any horse, bull, ox, cow, jack, mule, steer, or colt, two ($2) dollars per head; for impounding any hog, sheep, goat or calf, one and 50-100 ($1.50) dollars per head; for keeping any horse, bull, ox, cow, jack, mule, steer or colt, fifty (.50) cents per head per day; for keeping any hog, sheep, goat, or calf, twenty-five (.25) cents per head per day; for posting notices and sale of any of said animals, one ($1) dollar each. Sec. 8. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person owning or having charge, care or control of any dog to have or keep the same within the corporate limits of the City of Pasadena, and no dog shall be permitted to be and remain within the said corporate limits thereof, unless there shall be attached to such dog a collar on which there shall be a m-stal tag, obtained from the City Tax and License Collector of said City as hereinafter provided and inscribed as hereinafter provided. The said City Tax and License Collector is hereby authorized and directed to procure every year, prior to the 1st day of July, such number of tags as may be sufficient for use during the year, with the year plainly inscribed. Said tags to be effective until the 30th day of June of the year next ensuing, and no longer. Said Tax and License Collector shall furnish tags to the owner or owners, or person having the care, charge or control thereof, applying therefor, for the sum of one and 50-100 ($1.50) dollars for each male dog and for each spayed female dog; and two and 50-100 ($2.50) dollars for each female dog. And shall keep a register wherein shall be entered the name of the owner to whom the tag has been issued, and the number and date thereof. Sec. 8. Amendment approved April 20, 1909, by Ordinance No. 934. fcec. 9. It is hereby made the duty of the said poundmaster, and of any police officer of said City, to take up all dogs found in the streets, lanes, alleys, parks or other public places, or upon any vacant, unoccupied or unenclosed lots, lands or permises within the corporate limits of the said City of Pasadena, unless a tag be attached thereto as in this ordinance provided. When such dog is taken up by a police officer, he shall be delivered by him to the poundmaster. All of said dogs shall be impounded in the public pound. Sec. 10. The poundmaster shall keep confined at the public pound, properly provided with food and water, for three days, all dogs impounded by him, and unless such dog or dogs be redeemed by the payment of one ($1.00) dollar pound fee. And a description of all dogs impounded shall be posted for three days; if not redeemed within three days after the description thereof has been so posted, they shall be killed by the poundmaster in some humane way and not in any other manner. Sec. 10. Amendment approved January 31, 1911, by Ord. No. 1081. Sec. 11. The word "dog," whenever used in this ordinance, shall be deemed to include female as well as male dogs. Sec. 12. Any person owning or having charge, care or control of any dog, who shall permit or allow the same to run at large upon any street, lane, alley, park or other public place within the corporate limits of the City of Pasadena, and any person who shall permit or allow any dog to be kept or to remain upon any premises under his immediate control, unless such dog shall be registered and shall have a collar at- tached thereon, on which there shall be a tag inscribed as in this ordinance provided, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding fifty (50) dollars or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding fifty (50) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 13. Any person who shall imitate or counterfeit the tags in this ordinance provided for, or shall use any imitation or counterfeit of such tag, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty ($50) dollars or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding fifty (50) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 14. Any person rescuing or attempting to rescue any animal mentioned herein from the possession of the poundmaster while en- gaged in conveying the same to the City pound, or after said animal is confined in said pound, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed fifty ($50) dolars, or by imprisonment for a period not to exceed fifty (50) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 15. The poundmaster shall pay over daily to the City Treas- urer all sums collected by him as herein provided, and the same shall be placed in the general fund, and make a monthly report to the City Council of his proceedings hereunder. 10 Sec. 16. If an animal impounded under the provisions of this or- dinance be not redeemed or sold within the time and in the manner specified in this ordinance, it shall be killed by said poundmaster, ex- cept as hereinbefore provided in the case of dogs, by such method as shall seem suitable to him, and thereupon he shall convey the same to the City Sewer Farm, and bury the same in the place designated by the Superintendent of said farm. Sec. 17. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 18. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this or- dinance and cause same to be published once in The Pasadena Daily News. Adopted October 1, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 466. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Obstruction of the Streets, Alleys, Side- walks and Public Places Within the City of Pasadena, for Any Purpose Without a Permit; Also Requiring the Lighting of Said Obstructions by Night. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to obstruct or use any street, alley, sidewalk or public place within the City of Pasadena, by placing thereon any build- ing, buiding material, gravel, dirt, or obstruction of any kind whatso- ever, without a permit having first been issued therefor, as hereinafter provided, and only in accordance with the terms of said permit as issued. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to constuct a building, make repairs, or to perform any other work by which it may become necessary to place any building material, gravel, dirt, or other obstruction upon the streets, alleys, sidewalks or public places, within said city, must first obtain a permit from the Superintendent of Streets of said city, to place any such obstruction as hereinbefore mentioned, upon said streets, alleys, sidewalks or public places, and said Superin- tendent of Streets shall issue such permit free of charge. Sec. 2^/2. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1197 (Building Code). Sections 1, 2, and 2 l /z. amendment adopted July 10, 1906, Ordinance 698. Sec. 3. Any such person, firm or corporation obtaining such per- mit and for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned, must proceed with the moving or construction of the building, or other work for which the building material, dirt, or other obstruction is required, with all due diligence, and when completed, restore said street, alley, sidewalk or public place to its former condition. Sec. 4. Any person, firm or corporation placing or causing to be placed any such building, building material, gravel, dirt, or other ob- struction on any of said streets, alleys, sidewalks or public places, shall during the night time put up and maintain such lights as shall effectually prevent the happening of any accident in consequence of such obstruction. Sec. 5. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not to exceed one hundred ($100) dollars, or by imprisonment in the city jail for a term not to exceed sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. See. 5. Amendment approved September 27, 1905, by Ordinance No. 615. 11 Sec. 6. Ordinances No. 17 and 86, and all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Daily News. Approved November 19, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 472. An Ordinance Requiring the Trimming of Hedges and Eradication of Certain Weeds Within the City of Pasadena, and Prohibiting Thorn-Bearing Hedges and Barbed-Wire Fences From Being Placed Along Public Highways Within the Said City. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That all hedges along the line of any public highway within the corporate limits of the City of Pasadena, shall be kept trimmed and in such a condition that no part of the same shall project over the property line on to the sidewalk or the street. Sec. 2. That no hedge along the line of any public highway with- in the said City shall be allowed to grow to a greater height than four (4) feet from the grade of the sidewalk, when the same is within three hundred (300) feet of the track of any steam railroad. Sec. 3. That no thorn-bearing hedge, and no barbed-wire fence shall ever be placed or remain along the line of any public highway within said City. Sec. 4. That all weeds whose seeds are of a winged or downy nature and which could be spread by the wind, as well as all other weeds which are permitted to grow within said city, are hereby de- clared to be a public nuisance, and all owners or occupants of any piece of land within said city, are hereby required to eradicate all such weeds from such land. Sec. 5. Whenever any land in said city is permitted to become in the condition as hereinbefore stated, it shall be the duty of the Super- intendent of Streets to give written notice thereof to the owner, if known, or to the occupant if there be any, and if not then by posting said notice conspicuously on said property. Said notice shall be ad- dressed "To the owner of the following described premises," and shall describe the same, and shall briefly state the work required to be done, and shall refer to this ordinance, and shall contain a statement that unless said work shall be done within ten (10) days from the date of said notice, that said Superintendent of Streets will do the same, and that the costs and expenses thereof will be charged up and made a lien against said property. And if said work be not done within ten (10) days from the date of said notice it shall be the duty of said Superin- tendent of Streets to forthwith proceed and do the same. Sees. 4 and 5. Amendment approved December 26, 1905, by Ordi- nance No. 646. See Ord. 1132. Sec. 6. He shall keep a record of said notices; also keep a separate record of the work done on each piece, parcel or lot of land, and the cost of the same. sec. 7. As soon as said work is completed said Superintendent of Streets shall render a statement showing the cost thereof, and deliver same to the City Assessor, who shall note the amount thereof on the assessment roll against the property charged, and thereafter said amount shall be a lien against said property, and shall be collected ax the same time and in the same manner as other city taxes. Sec. 8. That is shall be the duty of both the owner and the occ"- pant of any property in said City, to see that the requirements of this Ordinance are strictly enforced, and every person willfully failing to 12 comply with or enforce any such requirements, or allowing any prop- erty owned or occupied by him to be in a condition contrary to the pro- visions of this Ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed three hundred ($300) dollars, or by imprisonment not to exceed three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 9. Ordinance No. 233, and all Ordinances and parts of Ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 10. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Even- ing Star. Approved February 25, 1902. NOTE This Ordinance has been repealed in part by Ordinance Xo. 1132. (See Vol. IV.} ORDINANCE NO. 475. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Possession of Lottery Tickets, Papers, Stamps, Tools, Instruments, or Devices. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person to have in his possession any lottery ticket, or any ticket/bill, paper, de- vice, certificate, or instrument purporting to be or to represent a ticket, chance, share, or interest in, or depending upon the event of, a lottery; or any tool, instrument, stamp, die, cut, or device used, or intended to be used in, or for contriving, setting up, preparing, printing, stamping, writing, or getting ready for sale, or distribution, any lottery ticket, or lottery tickets, or used or intended to be used in, or for contriving, setting up, preparing, proposing, or drawing a lottery; or any tool, in- strument, stamp, die, cut, or device for stamping, or marking lottery scrolls, or for stamping, or marking any statement, declaration, mem- orandum, copy, or list of lottery tickets that have been sold, or for marking, or for stamping any paper, statement, certificate, or instru- ment representing, or purporting to be a statement, scroll, copy, or list of numbers, characters, or figures chosen, selected, designated, or marked as played, or as having been played at, or in, or against a lot- tery, or lottery drawing; or any tool, punch, instrument, die, cut, or de- vice used, or intended to be used, in or for contriving, or preparing, or setting up, or printing, or stamping, or writing, or getting ready for distribution, or circulation, lottery drawings, or papers, bills, hand-bills, cards, writings, prints, instruments, or devices setting forth or contain- ing, or purporting to set forth or contain memoranda, statements, copies, or lists of the lucky or winning numbers, characters, or figures in or of a lottery or lottery drawing. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding three hun- dred ($300) dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and shall cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Evening Star, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. (Approved March 11, 1902.) Sec Sections 319 to 329, Penal Code. 13 ORDINANCE NO. 479. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Playing of Drums and Musical Instru- ments, and the Holding of Public Meetings Upon Any Street, Alley, Sidewalk or Other Public Place Within the Corporate Limits of the City of Pasadena Without First Obtaining a Permit. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person or persons to play upon any drum or musical instrument or instruments, on or upon any street, alley, sidewalk, or public place within the cor- porate limits of the City of Pasadena, without first obtaining a written permit so to do, in the manner and form as hereinafter described. Sec. 2. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person or persons to engage in, hold or conduct any public meeting for the pur- pose of lecturing, haranguing, preaching, praying, exhorting, singing, or for such like purposes, upon any street, alley, sidewalk, or public place within the corporate limits of the City of Pasadena, without first ob- taining a written permit so to do, in the manner and form as hereinafter described. Sec. 3. The permit as hereinbefore required, shall be obtained from the Mayor of said City, and shall be granted by the Mayor free of charge, when in his judgment the issuance of sucn permit shall not conflict with the purpose of this Ordinance, to wit: The promotion of the safety and security of public travel, and not otherwise, provided, such permit shall specify the time when, the street, alley, sidewalk, or public place where said privilege is to be exercised. Sec. 4. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding three hundred ($300) dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not ex- ceeding three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 5. Ordinance No. 329, and all Ordinances and parts of Ordi- nances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Even- ing Star. (Approved April 2, 1902.) ORDINANCE NO. 480. An Ordinance Regulating Bill Posting, Placing of Signs, and the Paint- ing, Posting and Distribution of Advertising Matter and Samples Within the Corporate Limits of the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation within the corporate limits of the City of Pasadena, to paint, post, put up, or display, in any public place, or on any wall, billboard, fence, post, tree, building or other place or publicly distri- bute, any bill, poster, picture, lithograph, map, plat, sample, sign or other device or advertisement, calling or directing public attention to any show, circus, theatrical performance or other amusement, or to any wares, merchandise, or property offered for sale, or to any auction of real or personal property, or to any railroad excursion, or to any route of travel, or to any object or thing, when the object of such advertise- ment is to derive profit or gain of any kind unless such person or per- sons suall have been duly licensed in the manner hereinafter pre- scribed, provided, that nothing herein shall be so construed as to ap- ply to any church, charitab'e or educational society or institution, or to any political party, nor to include any notice or advertisement pre- 14 scribed or required by law in any case, nor to any notice posted by any lawful officer. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation conducting the business of bill posting within the limits of said City, or who paints, posts, puts up, displays or who distributes signs, bills, posters, pictures, litho- graphs, maps, plats, samples, or other devices or advertisements of any kind wnatever, must first procure a license so to do, and upon applica- tion therefor, and upon payment into the City Treasury the sums as hereinafter required, a license shall be issued to sucn person, firm or corporation for such purpose. The rates for license as hereinbefore required shall be as follows: For one year, $25.00. For six months, $16.00. For three months, $8.00. For one week or less (per day), $1.00. Sec. 3. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, whether a licensed bill poster or not, to paint, post, put up, or display any sign, bil poster, picture, lithograph, map, plat, sam- ple, or other device or advertisement of any kind upon any wall, bill- board, fence, post, pole, tree, building or other place within the cor- porate limits of said city, without express permission from the occu- pant, owner, lessee, or person having the possession thereof. Sec. 4. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, whether a licensed bill poster or not, to paint, post, put up or display any sign, bill, poster, picture, lithograph, map, plat, or other device or advertisement, of any kind, upon any sidewalk, curb, bridge, telephone, telegraph, electric or other pole, or to distribute any such sample or advertising matter as hereinbefore described on or upon any street, alley, sidewalk, bridge, or public place within the cor- porate limits of said City. Sec. 5. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to construct, erect, or permit to exist, any sign, bill- board, bulletin-board, or any device for advertising purposes, on, upon or over any portion of any street, alley or public place within the cor- porate limits of said city, provided, however, that the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to signs that do not project from the build- ing over the sidewalk more than two (2) feet and are not over two (2) feet in width, and not less than eight (8) feet above the walk, nor to show cases attached to the buildings, and not extending from the build- ings over the sidewalk more than eight (8) inches nor to signs painted on the front flap of canvas awnings extending over the sidewalk. Pro- vided, however, that the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to electrically illuminated, extensible or swinging signs which do not pro- ject from the building to which they may be attached, over, or upon any portion of any street, alley, or public place more than eighteen (18) inches when flat against the wall of said building, nor beyond the curb line when extended, and the bottom of which sign is not less than eight (8) feet above the pavement. Said signs may be extended from buildings only from sunset to sunrise, and then only when actually illuminated. Said signs must be safely and strongly constructed and suspended, to the satisfaction of the City Electrician, acording to plans first approved by him, and only by permit issued by him. No permit for the erection of such signs shall be issued unless the applicant agrees to keep the sign illuminated at least three (3) hours da^y, Sun- day excepted, and upon payment of a fee of three (3) cents per outlet with a minimum of one ($1) dollar, and a failure to keep said sign illu- minated as agreed shall ipso facto operate as a revocation of the per- mit herein provided for. The provisions of Ordinance No. 544 of the City of Pasadena shall, except as herein modified, apply to the construction, erection, lighting and use in all respects of said signs and the electrical connections thereof. (Section 5. Amendment approved September 25, 1906, by Ordi- nance No. 716.) Sec. 6. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in a sum not 15 exceeding three hundred ($300) dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprison- ment in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 7. Ordinances No. 345 and 391, and all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Sec. 8. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Evening Star. (Approved April 2, 1902.) ORDINANCE NO. 481. An Ordinance Declaring the Act of Carrying Concealed Weapons to Be Unlawful. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain a& follows : Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, other than a public officer, or person having duly secured a permit so to do, to wear, or carry concealed on or about his person, any pistol, dirk, or other dangerous or deadly weapon, provided, however, that the ordinary penknife, pocket knife, or toilet shears are not deemed dan- gerous or deadly weapons within the provisions of this Ordinance. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding three hun- dred ($300) dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to grant a written permit to any peaceable person, when in his judgment he may deem it neces- sary tor such person to carry concealed weapons for his own protec- tion. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 419, and all Ordinances and parts of Ordi- nances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Evening Star. (Approved April 2, 1902.) ORDINANCE NO. 486. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Adopting "Rules of the Board of Health," and Providing for Their Enforcement. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. The following "Rules" of the Board of Health of said City are hereby adopted, and a failure to observe the same by any person is hereby declared unlawful. RULES OP THE BOARD OF HEALTH Of the City of Pasadena. Providing for the Registration of Practicing Physicians, Surgeons and Midwives and Regulating the Reports of Births, Deaths and Contagious and Infectious Diseases, and for the Inspection of Milk, Dairies, Fish, Game, Poultry, Meats, Fruit and Food of all Kinds, and the Examination and Disinfection of all Places. Adopted February 18, 1902. 16 Section I. Every physician, surgeon, or midwife practicing his or her profession in the City of Pasadena, shall register with the Health Officer, giving the location of office, or place of business, and residence, together with street ana number. Sec. II. Every physician or midwife in the City of Pasadena shall report in writing to the Health Officer, on or before the first of each month, all births occurring in his or her practice during the previous month. Sec. III. Every physician shall sign a certificate of death of any person of whom he or she may have the care at the time of death, as attending physician, giving the date of attendance and cause of death, and deliver the same to the Health Officer. No certificate of death shall be accepted by the Board of Health signed by any person who is not a legalized physician of the State of California; and all certificates signed by such illegal practitioners shall be by the Health Officer re- ferred to the Coroner for investigation. No certificate giving heart failure, insufficiency of heart, or dropsy, as the cause or death, shall be accepted, by the Board of Health. Sec. IV. Every undertaker shall report to the Health Officer giv- ing the name, age, nativity, date of death, number and name of street, condition of life, whether married or single, sex, occupation, time of residence in the county, place and date of interment, on or before the fifth day from the date of death, or the day his services are accepted to perform the duties of undertaker. Sec. V. Every physician shall report to the Health Officer every patient he may have within the city limits, afflicted with Asiatic Cholera, Typhus Fever, Yellow Fever, Smallpox, Scarlet Fever, Diph- theria, Typhoid Fever, Glanders, Leprosy and Measles. Also the death or removal of any person affected with Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Sec. IV. Every person within the city limits sick of Asiatic Cholera, Typhus Fever, Yellow Fever, or Smallpox, after satisfactory diagnosis has been established, shall be removed to the City Hospital, provided by the city for such patients, or quarantined on the premises where found; in the latter case the Health Officer shall quarantine said patient and the premises upon which such patient may reside, for five weeks or more, at the discretion of the Board of Health, causing the erection thereupon, in a conspicuous place of said premises, a black flag for Asiatic Cholera, and a yellow flag for Smallpox, Typhus and Yellow Fever, and at the same time place a card, setting forth the fact, on the door of the building in which the person sick of the disease may reside. Sec. VII. Whenever any person sick with Scarlet Fever is re- ported to the Health Officer, on proving the existence of the disease, he shall cause to be posted in a conspicuous place of tne infected house, a red placard setting forth the fact, the same to remain fifteen (15) days or more, at the discretion of the Health Officer, from the time said person was first taken sick of the disease, until after the premises have been disinfected under the supervision of the Health Officer. Sec. VII (a). Whenever any person affected with Anterior-polio- myelitis, or Infantile Paralysis, is reported to the Health Officer, the Health Officer, upon proving the existence of the disease, shall cause to be posted in a conspicuous place on the house or place occupied by such person, a white card printed with black and yellow ink, setting- forth the fact, said card to remain thirty (30) days, or longer, and until after the premises have been thoroughly disinfected under the supervision of the Health Officer. (Sec. I'll (a) added by Ordinance No. I2SI.) Sec. VIII. Whenever any person sick with Diphtheria is reported to the Health Officer, on proving the existence of the disease, he shaU cause to be posted in a conspicuous place of the infected house a green placard setting forth the fact, the same to remain ten (10) days after the recovery or removal of said person, and until after the premises have ben thoroughly disinfected under the supervision of the Health Officer. Sec. IX. No person shall without a permit from the Health Officer, carry or remove from one building to another, or from any 17 railroad depot to any house, or through any public streets, any person sick of any contagious or infectious disease. Any person having an infectious disease in his house, or on or about his premises, shall, immediately after the death, convalsecence or removal of the person affected therewith, disinfect, cleanse and purify said house, or premises, under the supervision of the Health Officer. Sec. X. All books belonging to the Public Library of the City of Pasadena coming from premises infected by any infectious or con- tagious disease, shall be disinfected under the supervision of the Health Officer before being returned to the Public Library. The Health Officer shall report in writing to the Librarian of the Public Library the name and residence of each person affected w*-- any infectious or contagious disease. The Librarian, upon receipt of information from the Health Officer of any infectious or contagious disease existing in a house, shall refuse to issue books from the Public Library to any person residing in such house until after the Health Officer has declared said house thoroughly disinfected. Except to Tuberculosis cases, books may be issued, but must be disinfected before being re-issued. Sec. XI. The Health Officer shall report in writing the name and residence of each person affected with Asiatic Cholera, Yellow Fever, Smallpox, Typhus i>ever, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever and Measles, to the Superintendent of Public Schools and the Principal of any private school in which any person so affected may be an attendant. Sec. XII. Tne Superintendent of the Public School or the Prin- cipal of any school, upon receipt of information from the Health Officer of any infectious or contagious disease existing in a house or place of habitation, shall immediately exclude from the schools or school any person so affected, or any person or persons residing in such house or place 01 habitation, and no person or persons shall be re-admitted to the schools or school without a permit from the Health Officer. Sec. XII (a). Whenever the prevalence in the community of a contagious or infectious disease shall, in the opinion of the Board of Health necessitate such action, the said Board may, in its discretion, order that all children of or under the age of twelve years, shall be excluded from all public gatherings, playgrounds and places of amuse- ment, instruction or entertainment. (Sec. XII (a) added by Ordinance No. 1251.) Sec. XIII. Milk, fruit, vegetables, poultry, fish and game, and food of whatsoever kind offered for sale in the City, shall at all times be subject to a rigid inspection by the Mrk, Food and Sanitary Inspector, who shall keep an accurate record of all of said inspections and file the same with the Secretary of the Board of Health once each month. (See also Ordinance No. 574.) Sec. XIV. Dairies, outbuildings, closets, cesspools, poultry yards, stables, barns, etc., throughout the City shall be subject to the inspec- tion of the Milk, Food and Sanitary Inspector, who shall keep an ac- curate record of all such places so inspected, and shall make a report of the same to the Secretary of the Board of Health once each month. Sec. XV. The above rules contemplates the general supervision of all matters pertaining to the sanitary conditions of the City and the public institutions thereof over all questions of defective drainage, the disinfection and sanitary cleaning of all public and private places, and the abatement of all nuisances prejudicial to the health of the citi- zens, or any of them, and for the prevention of the development and spread of contagious and infectious diseases. Sec. 2. Any person violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine in a sum not exceeding three hundred ($300) dol- lars, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 3. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this Ordinance, are hereby repealed. 18 Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Evening Star. (Approved April 15, 1902.) ORDINANCE NO. 487. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Providing for the Punishment of Drunkenness and Disorderly Persons, and the Keeping of Disor- derly Houses. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person to lie or sleep in or upon any street, alley, sidewalk, or other public place within the corporate limits of the City of Pasadena, or to appear therein in a drunken or intoxicated condition. Sec. 2. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person to keep a riotous house, or permit any riotous or disorderly conduct in any house, yard, or premises connected therewith, owned or occupied by such person, or be guilty of any riotous or disorderly conduct in any house, yard, or premises, whereby the peace, quiet, or decency of any person in the neighborhood of such house, yard, or premises may be disturbed. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding three hun- dred ($300) dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 4. Ordinance No. 82, and all Ordinances and parts of Ordi- nances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Evening Star. (Approved April 22, 1902.) ORDINANCE NO. 488. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Discharge of Fire-Arms Within the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, other than an officer of the law while on duty, or a member of the National Guard upon a range established with the consent of the Mayor and the City Council, to discharge any fire-arms within the corporate limits of the City of Pasadena. Consent is hereby given to the estab- lishment of the range by the National Guard in the Arroyo between Dakota and Montana streets. (Section 1. Amendment approved October 4, 1910, by Ordinance No. 1048.) Sec. 2. Any person violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in a sum not to exceed three hundred ($300) dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance, and shall cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Evening Star. 'Approved April 29, 1902.) ORDINANCE NO. 519. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Prohibiting the Carrying of Air- Guns, Sling-Shots, Catapults or Gum-Shooters. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It is hereby declared to be uplawful for any person to carry or discharge any air-gun, sling-shot, catapult, gum-shooter, or other like instrument within the corporate limits of the City of Pasa- dena. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding ten ($10) dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten (10) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion or the Court. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Evening Star. (Became effective July 2, 1903.) ORDINANCE NO. 520. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Prohibiting the Obstruction of Aisles, Passage-Ways, Corridors or Stairways in Public Buildings. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct any aisle, passage-way, corridor or stairway of any Church, Assembly Hall or other public building within the corporate limits of the City of Pasadena, and used for the purpose of worship, instruction, entertain- ment or public assemblages, by standing in or occupying said aisles, passage-ways, corridors or stairways during or preparatory to any service, performance, exhibition, lecture, concert, ball or other public gathering, or by placing therein, any chair, settee, camp stool or other obstruction. And it shall be unlawful for the lessee, manager, owner, or person in charge of any church, assembly hall or other public building within said City, to permit any exit door to be locked or fastened immediately preceding, during or immediately after any service, performance, lec- ture, exhibition, concert, ball or other public gathering. (See Building Code.} Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding three hun- dred ($300) dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in tne discretion of the Court. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Evening Star. (Became effective July 2, 1903.) NOTE. Repealed in part by Section 37 of Ordinance Xo. 10/2. ORDINANCE NO. 531. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Prohibiting Persons From Loi- tering About Public Buildings, From Injuring or Destroying Public Buildings or Property, and Regulating Billiard Rooms, Pool Rooms and Bowling Alleys. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unalwful for any person to wander or loiter in or about any public building within the corporate 20 limits of the City of Pasadena, and having no legitimate business therefor, or to lie or sleep in or about any such building. Sec. 2. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person to mar, injure or deface any part of any public building, bridge or band- stand, or to mar, injure, deface or destroy any public fountain, bench, settee, of other public property within the corporate limits of the City of Pasadena. Sec. 3. It is hereby declared to be unalwful for tne proprietor, manager or person in charge of any billiard room, pool room or bowling alley located within the corporate limits of the City of Pasa- dena, to permit or allow any person to remain in or enter any such bil- liard room, pool room, or bowling alley between the hours of twelve (12) midnight and six (6) o'clock a. m., of any day, for the purpose of engaging in or taking part in any game of any kind, and it is declared to be unlawful for any person to remain in or to enter any such place between the said hours and for any of the said purposes. (Sec Ordinance No. 867.) Sec. 4. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordi- nance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding one hun- dred ($100) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail of said City of Pasadena, for a term not exceeding one (1) month, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Even- ing Star.. (Became effective October 23, 1903.) ORDINANCE NO. 532. An Ordinance Requiring Persons Dealing in Certain Second-Hand Ar- ticles to Make Out and Deliver Weekly to the Chief of Police of the City of Pasadena, a Report of All Purchases and Sales of Such Articles Made by Them Within One Week Next Preceding Said Report. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as .follows: Section 1. That every person, firm or corporation buying or sell- ing or otherwise dealing, as a business, in second-hand bicycles, dia- monds, silverware, jewelry, old gold or silver, clothing, tools, harness, robes, whips, garden-hose, firearms or junk or either or any of said articles within the City of Pasadena, shall keep a record of all articles so purchased which shall at all times during business hours be open to the inspection of the Cuief of Police or of any police officer of said City of Pasadena, and shall, at least once a week, make out and deliver to the Chief of rolice of said City of Pasadena, on a blank form to be furnished him by said Chief of Police for that purpose, a full, true and complete report of all second-hand bicycles, diamonds, silverware, jewelry, old gold or silver, clothing, tools, harness, robes, whips, garden hose, firearms or junk or either or any of said articles or things pur- chased, sold or otherwise dealt in or with by sucn person, firm or cor- poration within said City of Pasadena, within the week immediately preceding said report, together with the time, meaning the hour of the day when purchased or sold or otherwise dealt in or with, and a de- scription of the person or persons from whom bought or to whom sold, or with whom dealt with, and also the true name as nearly as the same is known to the person, firm or corporation making such report. Said report shall be written in the English language in a clear, leg- ible manner. Sec. 2. When said Ordinance takes effect, the Chief of Police of said City of Pasadena shall immediately cause such a number of blanks to be printed as may be necessary for that purpose, and shall there- after, from time to time, cause such additional blanks to be printed as 21 may be required, which said blanks shall be so printed and subdivided that it shall have spaces for writing in the following matters, to wit: Description of articles purchased, description of articles sold, de- scription of articles otherwise dealt with, name and residence of person, firm or corporation from whom purchased, name and place of residence of person, firm or corporation to whom sold, name and place of resi- dence of person, firm or corporation with whom otherwise dealt with, description of person from whom bought or to whom sold, or with whom otherwise dealt with, showing true name as nearly as known, age, sex, complexion, color of mustache or beard or both where both are worn, style of dress, height, also the time when the articles were purchased, sold or otherwise dealt with. Said blank shall also bear a caption providing blank spaces, in which to fill in the date of said report, the name and place of residence of the person making the same, and the hour of the day when made. Said Chief of Police shall further cause to be printed in some con- venient place therein, a copy of this Ordinance. Sec. 3. The Chief of Police of said city shall deliver said blanKs to the person from whom said reports are required, from time to time, free of charge, and shall, upon receipt of said report, file the same in some secure place in his office, and the same shall be open to inspection only to the Police Department of said city, or upon order of some court duly made for that purpose. Sec. 4. Any violation of this Ordinance or of any of the pro- visions thereof, shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, or by imprison- ment in the City Jail for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Evening Star. (Became effective October 23, 1903.) ORDINANCE NO. 533. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Requiring Notices to Be Given to the Owners or Operators of Overhead Electrical Wires, When the Removal of a Building Requires the Displacement. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That is shall be unlawful for any person within the city limits of the City of Pasadena to remove any building, where such removal will require the removal or displacement of any overhead electrical wires, until after forty-eight (48) hours after the expiration of notice in writing, given by the person or company proposing to re- move any such building to the person or company owning or operating such electrical wires or appurtenances. Sec. 2. That upon receipt of any such notice, the person or cor- poration owning or operating such electrical wires or appurtenances shall, within twenty-four (24) hours thereafter, furnish the person or corporation proposing such removal an estimate showing the maxi- mum cost of removal and replacement of such wires; and said wires shall be removed and replaced in such manner as the person or cor- poration owning or operating them shall determine shall oe necessary for the safety ot the public; and the entire expense of such removal and replacement shall be borne and paid by the person or company pro- posing such removal. Sec. 3. That any violation of this Ordinance, or any of the pro- visions thereof, shall constitute a misdemeanor and that any person or persons violating the same shall be punishable upon conviction there- of by a fine of not less than ten ($10) dollars and not to exceed one hundred ($100) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail of the City 22 of Pasadena for a period of not less than three (3) days and not ex- ceeding fifty (50) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in The Pasadena Evening Star. (Became effective October 23, 1903.) ORDINANCE NO. 536. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Requiring Drivers of Sprinkling Wagons to Leave a Dry Place for Crosswalks. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person driving, handling or using a sprinkling-wagon on the public streets of said city, to wet the cross-walks at street intersections; provided, nothing herein con- tained shall prevent the sprinkling of the cross-walks when ordered by the Mayor of said city. (Amendment approved January 12, 1904, by Ordinance No. 540.) Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten ($10) dollars, or by im- prisonment in the City Jail not exceeding ten (10) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Evening Star. (Became effective November 19, 1903.) See also Ordinance No. 630. ORDINANCE NO. 538. An Ordinance Providing for the Issuance of Plumbing Permits and for the Inspection of Plumbing in the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. Permit Required and Fees Therefor. Any person de- siring to do any plumbing work within the limits of the City of Pasa- dena, shall apply to the Plumbing and Building Inspector of said city for a permit so to do, at the same time filing with the Plumbing and Building Inspector a plan or drawings and description of the work pro- posed to be constructed, and in conformity with which the same shall be constructed, and no part of said work shall be commenced or done until after the Plumbing and Building Inspector has approved of the plans, drawings and description, and issued a permit for the proposed work to be done in accordance with the rules and regulations herein- after set forth and provided for. In cases where building permit is necessary the plumbing permit will not be issued until after building permit has been issued. For said plumbing permit the Plumbing and Building Inspector shall charge and collect at the following rate, to wit: For all work costing less than $25, fifty (.50) cents. For all worK costing $25, and less than $100, one ($1) dollar. For all work costing $100, and less than $500, two ($2) dollars. For all work costing $500, and less than $1,000, three ($3) dollars. For each additional one hundred $100) dollars, or fraction thereof, twenty-five (25) cents. Sec. 2. Water, Peppermint or Smoke Test. All work done on sub- mitted plans shall be subject to inspection, and notice must be given to the Plumbing and Building Inspector by the owner or contractor 23 doing said work or having the same done, as soon as said work is ready for inspection. Notice shall be given to inspect both the rough and finished work, and the contractor shall secure a final certificate from the Plumbing and Building Inspector, and deliver the same to the owner or agent. All work must be left uncovered and convenient for examination until inspected and approved of by said Plumbing and Building Inspec- tor. Such inspection shall be made within forty-eight (48) hours of such notification being received at the office of said inspector, and no plan shall be changed without written permission from the Plumbing and Building Inspector. The inspecting officer may apply the water, peppermint or smoke test; and all the necessary tools, labor and as- sistance for such tests shall be furnished by the person or persons assuming control of the work, and such person or persons shall remove or repair any defective material or work when so ordered by the in- specting officer. Any soil pipe, drain pipe, trap, water closet, urinal, sink or other fixture set up, or fitting or fittings laid, used or construct- ed otherwise, than in accordance with these regulations, or which shall, in the opinion of the Plumbing and Building Inspector, be or become of bad or defective quality, shall, upon notice, either verbal or in writ- ing, from the said inspector, be removed or repaired in the manner determined, and within the time fixed by the inspecting officer, and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to occupy or make use of any house or buildings where plumbing work has been constructed, un- less the owner, agent, or lessee of said building shall have first pro- cured a final certificate of acceptance from the Plumbing and Building Inspector. Sec. 3. Permit, When Necessary. The Plumbing and Building Inspector shall not issue a permit to any person or persons to do any plumbing or housedrainage work until said person or persons have registered his or their name or names and address or addresses in a book kept for that purpose in the office of the Plumbing and Building Inspector. It will not be necessary to obtain a permit in case of the following repairs: Leaks in drains, soil, waste or vent pipes, but should any trap, drain, soL pipe, waste or vent pipe be or become bad or de- fective, and it be necessary to remove and replace with sound ma- terial in any part or parts, a permit must be procured and inspection made as herein provided. Sec. 4. Cesspool Construction. Every house or building in or for which any house drainage or plumbing arrangements are constructed shall be separately and independently connected with an accepted city sewer, when such sewer is constructed on the street or alley upon which tne property abuts, and in case there is no sewer constructed on such street or alley, said house or building may be connected with a cesspool to be constructed to the satisfaction of the Plumbing and Building Inspector. Said cesspool must not be located at a less dis- tance than five (5) feet from any property line nor less than twenty (20) feet away from any dwelling, without special permission so to do from the Plumbing and Building Inspector, and shall have a strong and firm cover of brick arch not less than eighteen (18) inches below the surrounding surface of the ground; provided, however, that when a building or buildings are in the rear of another building, which other building is connected with an accepted city sewer, and in case said building or buildings so in the rear do not front upon a street upon which there is an accepted city sewer, the plumbing work of the said building or buildings in the rear may be connected with the plumbing work of the building in front, by permission of the council first had, after a written certification filed by the Plumbing and Building In- spector with the City Council that the said connection will not render said building, or any of them, unsanitary. And it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to use or occupy any house or building in the City of Pasadena, in or for which any house drainage or plumbing arrangements are constructed, unless such house, drainage or plumb- ing arrangements are connected with an accepted city sewer, when such connection is required by or under this section. (Section 4 adopted September 1, 1908, by Ordinance No. 876.) Section 5. The use of fresh air inlets between cesspool and house are prohibited. 24 Sec. 6. Soil and Waste Pipes. All soil and waste pipes to a point two (2) feet outside of the exterior wall of the building, shall be cast iron, not less than two (2) inches internal diameter, except in case of water closet, which shall not be less than four (4) inches internal diameter, and shall be carried undiminished in size up to six inches above the highest point in the roof or fire walls of all new buildings and in old buildings to a point satisfactory to the Plumbing and Build- ing Inspector, and shall not terminate within eight feet of any win- dow, air shaft, or opening of any house or building, and the same shall be further removed if the inspecting officer considers it necessary. All drains outside of the building and to the street sewer or cesspool shall be first grade vitrified iron stone pipe, cast iron, or bituminized fibre pipe and shall have an internal diameter not less than four (4) inches. Stoneware or bituminzed fibre pipe shall not be allowed within two feet of the exterior wall of any building; neither shall any vitrified pipe come within twelve (12) inches of the surface of the ground through its entire course. The jointing of each and every section of vitrified piping must be completely and uniformly filled with the best Portland cement, two parts of cement and one part of sand, and every joint thoroughly cleaned from the inside, so as not to form an obstruction. The different sections must b^ laid in perfect line on the bottom and sides with a fall of not less than one-fourth (%) of an inch per foot toward the street, sewer or cesspool. Provided, however, that said sections and said sewer may be laid witli a fall of less than one-fourth (*4) of an inch per foot after written permission obtained from the Plumbing and Building Inspector. (This paragraph adopted July 31, 1906, by Ordinance No. 702.) This piping must be made perfectly watertight; it shall not be cov- ered or oncealed in any way until it has been properly tested and ap- proved by the Inspector of Plumbing and Building. All changes in di- rection shall be made with curves or "Y" branches, and all connections with "Y" branches and one-eighth (%j bends. Sec. 7. Venting and Trapping of Fixtures. Every water closet, sink, slop-hopper, bathtub and each tray or set of wash trays or other fixutres connected with the drain pipe directly or indirectly, must be separately, independently and effectively trapped and vented. The trap must be placed as near the fixture as possible, and in no case further than two feet trom the fixture. All sinks in kitchens or boarding houses or hotels accomodating more than twenty (20) persons, shall be provided with suitable and approved grease trap. No wooden wash trays shall be maintained, constructed or used inside of any building or porch. All wash trays maintained, used or constructed in any build- ing shall be of non-absorbent material. No union coupling of any de- scription shall be used in or in connection with concealed work. No rubber connection shall be used. Drum traps may be used only in bathtub connections. Sec. 8. All traps to fixtures shall be separately and effectively vented, and all special air pipes within a radius of twelve (12) feet may converge into one pipe. (This paragraph adopted July 31, 1906, by Ordinance No. 702.) The size of same to be governed by provisions of Section 10 hereof, and to extend up to and six (6) inches above the highest point of the roof or at such point as the Plumbing and Building Inspector may designate or be conducted into the main stack. Sec. 9. Cellar Drains. No brick, sheet metal, earthenware or chimney flue shall be used as a sewer ventilator or to ventilate any trap, drain, soil or waste pipe. Cellar drains shall not be connected with any soil or waste pipes except by special permission of the Plumb- ing and Building Inspector. Sec. 1 0. The Plumbing and Building Inspector, in approving plans or in accepting work of any and all persons carrying on, conducting, assuming control of, constructing or causing to be constructed, any plumbing or house drainage affecting the sanitary condition of any house or building of said city, shall be governed by the following regu- lations, and it shall be unlawful for any person to fail, neglect or re- fuse to comply with the same, upon notice so to do: First. Water Closets. No water closet shall be put into or upon any property, house, or building except said water closet be flushed 25 through a flush pipe of not less than one and one-fourth (l 1 ^) inches inside diameter, and except it use a tank containing not less than four (4) gallons of water. Plunger closets, pan ^osets, Philadelphia hop- per, latrines, or range closets, or any closet where the supply to bowl is direct from the street service or building supply, are prohibited in all cases, and where such exist shall be removed and replaced with modern closets. (This subdivision adopted July 31, 1906, by Ordinance No. 702.) Second. Top Fixtures. A fixture that is a top fixture on a vertical stack and not more than two (2) feet from the inlet to the stack, need not have its trap revented, provided it does not discharge into the stack below the level of its seal, except water closets whose trap is in the bowl. All other traps shall set true to their water seals. Third. Extra Heavy. All soil or waste pipes in buildings over three stories in height shall be of the grade known as "Extra Heavy," except in cases of horizontal branches receiving the discharge of fix- tures located not more than three (3) feet above the intersection of the branch line and the vertical soil or waste line, which may be of the type known as "Standard." The said grade known as the "Extra Heavy" shall be of the fol- lowing size per lineal foot: Four (4) inches, thirteen (13) pounds; five (5) inches, seventeen (17) pounds; six (6) inches, twenty (20) pounds. All soil pipes shall be carried full size up to and six (6) inches above the highest point of the roof, or to such a point as may be desig- nated by the Plumbing and Building Inspector, and shall be left with- out cowl or cap. (This subdivision adopted July 31, 1906, by Ordinance No. 702.) Fourth. No fixture shall be trapped by having its outlet connected with the trap of another fixture. Fifth. Soil or Waste Pipes. All soil or waste pipes two (2) inches or more in diameter must be of cast iron coated inside and out with tar or lead. All waste pipes less than two inches in diameter shall be of lead. Sixth. Defective Material. Before the fixtures are placed in con- nection with the plumbing of any house or building, or any portion of the drainage system is covered or concealed from view, the outlet of the soil pipe and all openings into it below the top shall be hermet- ically sealed; the pipe shall then be filled with water to the highest point in the system. Defective pipes and fittings of their different kinds must be removed and replaced by sound material; cement work of any description is prohibited and every part of the work shall con- form to these rules and regulations, and shall be subject to the ap- proval of the Plumbing and Building Inspector. Seventh. Caulking. All joints in cast iron soil pipes, whether in- side of the building or otherwise, shall be made with pig lead and oakum, and thoroughly caulked. Eighth. Galvanized Vents. All vent pipes and their fittings of less than three (3) inches inside diameter shall be of galvanized iron screw pipe. . (This subdivision adopted July 31, 1906, by Ordinance No. 702.) All vents and extensions above the highest fixture, if cast iron, of not less than four (4) inches, may be "Standard Pipe." Ninth. Cleanouts. All vertical stacks or soil and waste pipes shall be provided with a brass trap screw ferrule at the foot, and also in other places where the inspecting officer may think it necessary. Trap screw ferrules shall be the same diameter as waste stack or lateral run. All changes of direction of soil or waste pipes shall be made with full "Y" branches and one-eighth (%) bends; sanitary "T's"' shall not be used except in perpendicular stacks. All clean-outs shall be extended to outside of walls or some convenient point easy of ac- cess, satisfactory to the Plumbing and Building Inspector. Tenth. Connections. All connecting between lead piping shall be joined by wiped joints. Connections between soil pipe and lead, or wrought iron pipe and lead, shall be made with brass ferrules or brass solder nipples, and their joining shall be wiped. Bolted or copper bit, cup, or flush soldered joints are prohibited in all cases. 26 Eleventh. Material for Soil or Waste Pipes. Waste pipes in all cases shall be of lead, or cast iron of the following sizes: For bathtubs, wash basins, laundry trays, sinks, urinals, each not less than one and one-half (iy 2 ) inches; slop hoppers not less than one and one half (l 1 /^) inches. Twelfth. Size of Vents. All traps and vents shall be of the same size as the waste except wash basins, which may be of one and one- fourth (l 1 ^) inch trap and vent; provided, that if more than one small fixture shall be vented, the size of such pipes shall be as follows : For more than one (1) and not exceeding two (2) fixtures, one and one-half (l 1 ^) inch; for more than two (2) and not exceeding six (6), two (2) inches; for more than six (6) and not exceeding twelve (12), two and one-half (2^) inches; for more than twelve (12) and not ex- ceeding twenty (20), three (3) inches. The term "small fixture" shall mean any fixture using not larger than one and one-half (1^) inches waste pipe. (This subdivision adopted July 31, 1906, by Ordinance No. 702.) Thirteenth. Crown vent pipes from water closets or slop hoppers shall not be less than two (2) inches, and not less than three (3) feet above the highest fixture in the .system. Water closets where more than one water closet or slop hopper is vented through the same pipe, the size shall be as follows: For more than one (1) and not to exceed four (4) closets, or slop hoppers two (2) inches; for more than four (4) and not to exceed eight (8), two and one-half (2^) inches; for more than eight (8) and not exceeding fourteen (14), three (3) inches; for more than fourteen (14) and not exceeding twenty-four (24), four (4) inches. Any vent pipe running in a horizontal direction shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in length, and shall have a fall of not less than one-quarter (}) inch per foot. Fourteen. Perpendicular Vents. All vents shall rise perpendicu- lar to a point six (6) inches above the fixtures, except water closets, however, which shall be allowed a three (3) foot limit below the floor in order to reach the nearest partition. (This subdivision adopted July 31, 1906, by Ordinance No. 702.) Fifteenth. No privy vault, cesspool, exhaust from engine or blow- off from boiler shall be connected with a house drain or sewer. Sixteenth. Every safe, waste from basin, bath, sink, water closet or other fixture shall not connect with any soil pipe, waste pipe, or sewer, but shall discharge into a water supplied sink or outside of building, except in case of urinal, which shall be trapped and back- vented. Seventeenth. Every water closet, sink, bathtub, basin, or other fixture, maintained with any house or building, that are of bad and de- fective quality, and are removed and replaced with other fixtures of their respective class, shall ha.ve their traps vented in accordance with this ordinance. Eighteenth. Privy Vaults and Cesspools Not Allowed, When. No- privy vault or cesspool shall be maintained or allowed in any part of the city where a sewer exists in the street or alley upon which the property abuts. Nineteenth. Work Condemned. All plumbing or house drainage work done to replace any that may be condemned by the Board of Health or Plumbing and Building Inspector shall be considered as new work and constructed in conformity with the requirements of this or- dinance; and no person or persons shall connect or cause to be con- nected any plumbing or house drainage work with any public sewer unles the said plumbing and house drainage work conforms to the re- quirements of this ordinance. Twentieth. Persons Liable. When anything is prohibited in this ordinance not only the persons actually doing the prohibited thing, but also the employes, and all other persons actively concerned therein, shall be liable upon conviction to the penalty prescribed. Twenty-first. Upon the removal, or alteration of any building, or the making of any addition thereto, if new plumbing fixtures are placed in such building, either in the original or altered or added part thereof, such new fixture? must be properly connected with and attached to the fixtures in the original parts of such building: and if the fixtures are- to be reset, either in the old or new part of such building, then both such original or additional fixtures and any altered plumbing whatever, must comply in all respects with the rules and regulations prescribed in this ordinance. Sec. 11. The following regulations shall govern all gas fitting within the said city: The length and minimum size of gas pipe must be run in accord- ance with the following table: TABLE SHOWING LENGTH AND MINIMUM SIZE OF GAS PIPE WHICH MUST BE RUN. Greatest Number Size. Greatest Length. of Burners. % inch, vertical only 15 feet 2 y 2 inch 25 feet 6 % inch 50 feet 15 1 inch 75 feet 30 1% inch 100 feet 60 1% inch 150 feet 100 2 inch 200 feet 200 In estimating the number of lights, use the following table: 1 burner for each side light or hall drop. 3 burners for each heating stove or drop light. 6 burners for each gas water heater. 10 burners for each kitchen range. (The foregoing table adopted July 31, 1906, by Ordinance No. 702.) Sub. 1. The number of lights allowed per %-inch opening is two, using the ordinary gas burner, and no %-inch pipe must be run hori- zontally. No gas pipe of less than %-inch shall be used in piping buildings. No main riser shall be less than %-inch and end of same must be located by the inspector. Openings intended for meter con- nections must be conveniently located and under direction of the Plumbing and Building Inspector. Sub. 2. All drops must be placed plumb and well secured by straps soldered to the pipes and screwed to the joist, or drops may be soldered in if preferred. Bracket openings must also be so secured and run square with finish. Sub. 3. The size of drops must be %-inch and they shall extend through the plaster 1% inches and all be alike in length. Bracket openings must extend through plaster 1 inch, and all openings must be closed with iron caps. Sub. 4. For hotels, churches, theatres or public buildings where a large amount of gas is to be used, the pipes must be of increased size and plans of same shall be submitted to the Plumbing and Building Inspector before commencement of work. Sub. 5. In making alterations or extensions in a building, or in piping an old building the same regulations must be observed as in new work. Sub. 6. The gasfitter must make all plans of work with length and sizes marked with figures and submit same to the Plumbing and Building Inspector before testing is asked for. Sub. 7. No concealed work will be inspected, and due notice must be given of time inspetcion is desired. Sub. 8. All pipe must be run in a good workmanlike manner, be well secured and grade towards the meter. There must be no "traps" nor stoppages of any kind. Unions shall not be used in concealed work. Split or broken pipes or fittings repaired with cement or lead, or "rusted" to stop leaks, will not be passed by the Plumbing and Building Inspector, and no work or alteration shall be made to piping after inspection without due notice and re-inspection. All testing will be done at a pressure of ten (10) pounds per square inch. Sec. 11 %. The use of thread fittings is not allowed in any soil or waste line. (This paragraph adopted July 31, 1906, by Ordinance No. ;02.) Sec. 12. Any person, persons, association, or corporation, who shall either violate or neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions 28 of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than five ($5) dol- lars, and not more than one hundred ($100) dollars, or by imprison- ment not less than five (5) days and not more than fifty (50) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment; and every day during which the work of plumbing or drainage is continued in violation of the provi- sions of this ordinance shall be considered as constituting a new of- fense, and be punishable as in this section provided. Sec. 13. Ordinances No. 474 and 525 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 14. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Even- ing Star, and thereupon and thereafter the same shall take effect and be in force. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held on the 8th day of December, 1903, by the following vote: Ayes. Messrs. Heiss, Lougery, Shibley, Slavin and Twombly. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, v Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 9th day of December, 1903. WILLIAM H. VEDDER, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 539. An Ordinance Establishing Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Public Parks of the City of Pasadena, and Prescribing the Penalty for the Violation of the Same. Whereas, The Board of Commissioners of said city has adopted rules and regulations governing the public parks of said city, in the form given in the following ordinance: The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows:* Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person or persons to do any of the acts hereinafter specified within the limits of any of said public parks. 1. To lead, or let loose any cattle, horse, mule, goat, sheep, swine, dog, or fowl, of any kind; provided that this shall not apply to dogs when led by a cord or chain, not more than six (6) feet long. 2. To carry or discharge any firearms, firecrackers, rockets, tor- pedoes, or any other fireworks. 3. To cut, break, injure, deface, or disturb any tree, shrub, plant, rock, building, cage, pen, monument, fence, bench, or other structure, apparatus, or property; or to pluck, pull up, cut, take or remove any shrub, bush, plant or flower; or to mark, or write upon any building, monument, fence, bench, or other structure. 4. To cut or remove any wood, turf, grass, soil, rock, sand or gravel. 5. To distribute any hand-bills, or circulars, or to post, place, erect any bills, notice, paper, or advertising device or matter of any kind. 6. To swim, bathe, wade in, or pollute the waters of any fountain, pond, lake or stream. 7. To make or kindle a fire for any purpose. 8. To camp or lodge therein. 9. To ride, or drive any horse, or other animal, or to propel any vehicle, cycle, or automobile elsewhere than on the roads or drives provided for such purpose, and never on the footpaths. 10. To indulge in riotous, boisterous, threatening, or indecent conduct, or abusive, threatening, profane, or indecent language. 11. To sell, or offer for sale, any merchandise, article, or thing, whatsoever, without the written consent of the Mayor. 29 12. To hitch, or fasten any horse, or other animal, except at a place specially designated and provided for such purpose. 13. To ride or drive at a rate of speed, exceeding four miles per hour. 14. To ride or drive any horse or animal not well broken and un- der perfect control of the driver. 15. To play or bet at or against any game which is played, con- ducted, dealt or carried on with cards, dice, or other device, for money, chips, shells, credit or any other representative of value, or to main- tain or exhibit any gambling table or other instrument of gambling or gaming. 16. To practice, carry on, conduct, or solicit for any trade, occu- pation, business or profession, without the written permission of the Mayor. 17. To play or engage in any game, excepting at such place as shall be specially set apart for that purpose. 18. To drive or have any dray, truck, wagon, cart, perammulator, or other traffic vehicle, carrying or regularly used or employed in car- rying goods, merchandise, lumber, machinery, oil, manure, dirt, sand, or soil, or any article of trade or commerce, or any offensive article or material whatsoever upon any road or drive, except such as may be especially provided or designated for such use. 19. To drink any spirituous, vinous, malt or mixed liquors. 20. To throw or deposit any bottles, tin cans, broken glass, paper, clothes, sheet iron, or any rubbish. Sec. 2. No company, society or organization shall hold, or con- duct any picnic, celebration, parade, service, or exercise in any public park without first obtaining permission from the Mayor of said city, and it shall be unlawful for any person to take part in any picnic, cele- bration, parade, service, or exercises held or conducted contrary to the provisions hereof. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person having the control or care of any dog to suffer or permit such dog to enter or remain in a public park unless it be led by a leash of suitable strength not more than six (6) feet in length. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any male person over eight years of age to enter or use any water-closet for women in a public park. Sec. 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding two hun- dred ($200) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a term not exceeding three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Court. Sec. 6. All foremen and employes in public parks are hereby given the power and authority of special policemen for the purpose of making arrests for any violation of the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and shall cause same to be published once in the Pasadena Evening Star. (Became effective December 12, 1903.) ORDINANCE NO. 562. An Ordinance Forbidding Boxing Exhibitions in the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the oity of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to hoM, conduct or engage in, or be present as a spectator at any boxing contest or spar- ring exhibition in the City of Pasadena; provided, however, that noth- ing in this section contained shall be construed so as to apply to any prize fight or sparring exhibition prohibited by Section 412 of the Penal Code of the State of California, or to any private boxing with boxing gloves weighing not less than eight (8) ounces each, the backs of which are padded with soft material. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to permit 30 any room, building, place or premises owned by him, or in his charge or control, to be used in whole or in part for the purpose of holding or conducting a prize fight, boxing contest or sparring exhibition, or for any person to let any room, building, place or premises owned by him or in his charge or control, knowing that the same is to be used in whole or in part for such purposes; provided, however, that nothing in this section contained shall be construed so as to apply to private box- ing with boxing gloves weighing not less than eight (8) ounces each, the backs of which are padded with soft material. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in the sum of not less than one hun- dred ($100) dollars, nor more than five hundred ($500) dollars, or by imprisonment in 'the City Jail for not less than thirty (30) days, nor more than one hundred (100) days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment, at the discretion of the Court. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held on the 18th day of October, 1904, by the following vote: Ayes. Messrs. Heiss, Loughery, Shibley, Slavin and Twombly. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of tne City of Pasadena. Approved this 18th day of October, 1904. WILLIAM H. VEDDER, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 566. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Requiring Hotels, Lodging, Rooming and Boarding Houses to Keep a Register. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person either as owner, keeper or proprietor to keep, conduct, maintain or carry on in said city any hotel, lodging, rooming or boarding house without keeping a register wherein all persons upon securing lodging, rooms or board in said hotel, lodging, rooming or boarding house, shall be required to inscribe their names and place of residence, together with the date of the registration, and the number of the room or rooms occupied by such persons. Said register shall be kept in a conspicuous place in said hotel, lodging, rooming or boarding house, and shall not be removed therefrom, and shall at all times be kept open for inspec- tion. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding one hun- dred ($100) dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held December 20, 1904, by the following vote: Ayes. Messrs. Heiss, Loughery, Shibley, Slavin and Twombly. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 20th day of December, 1904. WILLIAM H. VEDDER, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. 31 ORDINANCE NO. 567. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating the Height of Awnings. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to construct, erect or maintain any awning and al- low the same to project over the sidewalk of any street, alley or pub- lic place in said City of Pasadena, at a height of less than six and one- half (6%) feet above the sidewalk. Said distance to be measured from the surface of the sidewalk to the lower edge of the flap of the awning. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not ex- ceeding fifty ($50) donars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a term not exceeding ten (10) days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily news. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held December 20, 1904, by the following vote: Ayes. Messrs. Heiss, Loughery, Shibley, Slavin and Twombly. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 20th day of December, 1904. WILLIAM H. VEDDER, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 574. An Ordinance Providing for the Destruction of Diseased Fruit and Vegetables, Prohibiting the Sale Thereof, and Providing for Appointment as Sanitary Inspectors of the Members of the Horti- cultural Commission of the County of Los Angeles. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, either as owner, agent or employe, to sell, expose for sale, or to Keep or maintain for sale, or to give away, any fruits or vegetables infected with scale or other insects, or their larvae or pupa, injurious to fruits, trees, plants, vegetables or vines. Sec. 2. All fruits and vegetables sold, exposed or offered for sale or kept or maintained or stored for sale, or given away, within the City of Pasadena, shall be subject to inspection at all times by the Health Officer of the City of Pasadena, his deputies, the Sanitary Inspectors of the Health Department of said City, and by such members of the Horticultural Commission of the County of Los Angeles as have been appointed Sanitary Inspectors under the provisions of this Ordinance. Said Health Officer of the City of Pasadena, his deputies, the Sanitary Inspectors of the Health Department of said city, and such members of the Horticultural Commission of the County of Los Angeles, as have been appointed Sanitary Inspectors under the provisions of this Ordi- nance, are hereby authorized to enter into any place or places where fruits or vegetables are kept or offered for sale or otherwise, or any house, storeroom, salesroom, depot or any other such place where fruit or vegetables are kept, maintained or stored, to inspect the same, or any part thereof, and are authorized to arrest any person selling, 32 keeping, maintaining, storing, exposing or offering for sale or gift, any infected fruit or vegetables. Sec. 3. Members of the Horticultural Commission may be ap- pointed Sanitary Inspectors of the City of Pasadena by the Health Of- ficer of said City, under the provisions of this Ordinance, and said Health Officer is hereby authorized to make said appointments; pro- vided, however, such Sanitary Inspectors appointed hereunder shall not receive a salary or other compensation from the said City for any duties they may perform. Sec. 4. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, or shall be imprisoned in the City Jail for not exceed- ing one hundred (100) days, or may suffer both such fine and imprison- ment. Sec. 5. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordi- nance and shall cause it to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. (Became effective January 18,. 1905.) (See Ordinance No. 486.) ORDINANCE NO. 586. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Prohibiting Certain Disorderly Conduct Upon the Streets. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be disorderly conduct for any person to carry, or convey by any vehicle, solely for the purpose, upon the streets of said City of Pasadena, any sign or signs advertising any sale of any articles, or to cry upon said streets, any article for sale in a loud and boisterous manner, and such conduct is hereby declared unlawful. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding one hun- dred ($100) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a term not exceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Evening Star. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held March 28th, 1905, by the following vote: Ayes: Messrs. Heiss, Loughery, Shibley, Slavin and Twombly. Noes : None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 28th day of March, 1905. WILLIAM H. VEDDER, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 630. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Prohibiting Sprinkling on Paved Streets, and Sidewalks or Certain Streets in Said City. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person to sprinkle with water any street, lane, alley or public place paved with asphaltum, in the City of Pasadena. 33 Sec. 2. It has hereby declared to be unlawful for any person to sprinKle or otherwise deposit water on the sidewalk of any of the por- tions of streets hereinafter designated, between the hours of 7:30 o'clock a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m. The portions of streets which persons are prohibited from sprink- ling or other wise depositing water on the sidewalks are designated as follows, to wit: Marengo avenue between Colorado street and Union street; Union street between Marengo avenue and De'acy street; Raymond avenue between Chestnut street and Green street; Fair Oaks avenue between Chestnut street and Green street; Co orado street between Delacy street and Marengo avenue; Green street between Raymond avenue and Fair Oaks avenue. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance is hereby declared to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding twenty-five ($25) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a term not exceeding ten (10) days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cuase the same to be published once in the Pasadena Even- ing Star. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held November 7, 1905, by the following vote: Ayes. Messrs. Ashby, Barnes, Braley, Crandall, Dyer, Loughery and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 8th day of November, 1905. WILLIAM WATERHOUSE, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. (See also Ordinance No. 536.) ORDINANCE NO. 656. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating Theatres. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. For the purposes of this ordinance a theatre is defined to be a building in which is a room used for theatrical or operatic ex- hibitions or other public entertainments; said room having a total seat- ing capacity of one hundred (100) or more persons, upon the stage of which movabe scenery is used, or which has a stage twenty (20) feet or more in depth, with the ceiling of the stage more than three (3) feet higher than the proscenium arch at any point. Sec. 2. Each and every theatre in the City of Pasadena, of five hundred (500) or more seating capacity, is required to be bounded by at least one public highway, upon which shall open the main entrance and exit, and by at least two (2) streets, alleys, or courts, or by at least one (1) street, alley or court and one (1) fireproof passageway, other than the aforesaid public highway from which the main entrance leads. Each of said streets, alleys and courts and said fireproof passageway shall have an open and unobstructed out et to a public highway, and shall be not less than ten (10) feet in width. All exits hereinafter pro- vided, other than the main entrance and exit, shall lead into such streets, alleys, courts or fireproof passageway, and the word exit where used in this ordinance shall be construed to mean a door or open- ing through the outer wall of the theatre. Where any exit is above the ground level it shall open upon a metallic platform or balcony with a metallic stairway with railings, which stairway shall descend to one of the beforementioned streets, alleys or courts, or to the before nen- tioned fireproof passageway, or to the public highway from which the main entrance leads. The main floor of such theatre shall have at 34 least two exits, in addition to the main exit, which exits shall open into such streets, alleys or courts, or into such fireproof passageway. Each balcony or gallery shall have at least two exits, and said exits shall lead to a metallic platform or balcony with metallic stairways with railings, which stairways shall descend to the beforementioned streets, alleys or said fireproof passageway, and in no case shall they lead to the same interior hall or corridor as that from which the main exit leads. The required width of all exits, other than the main exit, sha 1 ! be calculated upon the following basis: Each exit shall be ten (10) inches in width for eacn one hundred (100) seating capacity or frac- tion thereof, but in no case shall any exit be less in width than four (4) feet. A sign shall be placed over each exit, in plain view of the audience, said sign to be composed of letters not less in height than four (4) inches, and said sign shall be illuminated by a light of not less than eight (8) candle power. All doors in said theatre shall swing out- ward, and shall be kept unlocked from the time the audience is per- mitted to enter, until it shall have dispersed. There shall be no steps in any aisle or passageway on the main floor. Stairways in the aisles in the balconies or galleries shall be of a pitch not steeper than six (6) inches in twelve (12) inches. No passageway shall contain a turn of less than ninety (90) degrees. (See Building Code.} Sec. 3. In each and every theatre in the City of Pasadena having a seating capacity of five hundred (500) or more, the auditorium shall be separated from the stage by a fire wall built of brick, concrete or masonry, and such wall shall extend at least four (4) feet above the auditorium roof, and snail be coped. The upper twelve (12) feet of such wall shall be not less than twelve U2) inches thick and shall be increased in thickness four (4) inches for every twelve (12) feet or fraction thereof of height of wall below the same. Above the prosce- nium opening there snail be an iron girder or truss of sufficient strength to safely support the load above, and the same shall be covered with fireproof material to protect it from heat. Should there be con- structed an orchestra balcony above the stage, over the proscenium opening, the said orchestra balcony shall be placed on the auditorium side of the proscenium fire wall, above mentioned, and shall be entered only from the auditorium side of said fire wall. The moulded frame around the proscenium opening shall be formed entire^ of fireproof material. If metal be used said metal shall be filled in solid with non-combustible materials and securely anchored to the wall with iron. The face of the proscenium wall on the stage side shall be in line vertically and flush with the face of the supporting walls at the sides of the opening, in order that the curtain hereinafter provided for may fit snugly against the wall at all points. The proscenium opening shall be protected by a fireproof curtain on the stage side, which shall be constructed and maintained in one of the following modes, and not otherwise; said curtain shall consist of a rigid metal grille, covered on each side with a layer of pure woven asbestos cloth, at least one-eighth (%) of an inch thick, capab'e of sus- taining without damage a temperature of 1000 degrees Fahrenheit, and reinforced with brass wire woven into the fabric thereof; or in case said asbestos be not so reinforced, then between the asbestos c'oth and the metal grille there shall be on each side of the metal grille a gal- vanized iron woven wire screen of one-quarter (%) inch mesh, securely fastened both to the metal grille and to the asbestos cloth, or said cur- tain shall consist of pure woven asbestos cloth, at least one-eighth (y 8 ) of an inch thick, capable of sustaining without damage a temperature of 1000 degrees Fahrenheit, and reinforced with brass wire woven into the fabric thereof, and fastened at the sides by means of metal rings to vertical steel rods set inside the proscenium opening, and close to the face of the proscenium wall; or said curtain shall consist of one (1) inch redwood planking, on each side of which sha 1 ! be spread a layer of pure woven asbestos cloth, not less than one eighth (%) of an inch thick, and capable of sustaining without damage a temperature of 1000 degrees Fahrenheit, and over each layer of asbestos cloth there shall be placed a layer of sheet metal of not less than No. 20 gauge, and "aid curtain shall run in a groove on each side of the proscenium 35 opening, so as to prevent any draft from passing around the edge thereof. There shall be no light nor any obstruction placed or arranged so as to interfere with the operation of said curtain or make it possible to prevent the descent of the said curtain at any time by carelessness, intent or otherwise. Such curtain shall be operated at each side of the proscenium arch by an endless chain or other mechanical device, and shall be so arranged that it can be operated either from the stage or from the stage loft. Said curtain shall be tested by an actual test and shall be approved by the Chief of the Fire Department of said city be- fore a permit for its use shail be issued. There shall be no doorway or opening through the proscenium wall from the auditorium above the level of the first floor, and such first opening or openings shall have Underwriters' "Standard Fire Resisting Doors,' on each face of the wall, and said door or doors shall be so hung as to be opened from either side at all times, on automatically closing spring hinges. Sec. 4. Stand pipes, two and one-half (2%) inches in diameter shall be provided as follows: One (1) standpipe on each side of the stage, with hose attach- ment, and with fifty (50) feet of two (2) inch hose attached to each standpipe, said hose to be capable of sustaining a pressure of two hun- dred (200; pounds to the square inch throughout its entire length, all properly connected and fitted up for immediate use, the hose to be supplied with proper nozzles and supported on appraved form of metal rack, and kept in condition satisfactory to the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department. Said standpipes shau receive their supply of water direct from the city mains through a four (4) inch pipe. Said hose attachments shall be provided with a valve for each line of hcse, and said valves shall be the only valves on said standpipes or supply pipe, except one cut-off at street line, which cut-off shall be closed only when it is necessary to make repairs to said standpipes or supply pipe. A chemical fire extinguisher shall be placed in each wing of the stage, said extinguisher to be of not less than three (3) gallons capacity, and of a type approved by the Chief of the Fire Department of said city. Said extinguishers shall be at all times in good working order, and shall be kept in accessible places ready for immediate service. All standpipes, hose and fire extinguishers required in this section shall be kept at all times clear from obstruction. Sec. 5. Each and every theatre in the City of Pasadena, having a seating capacity of five hundred (500) or more persons, shall have an opening over the stage through the roof; said opening shall have an- inside diameter of at least forty-eight (48) inches. Said opening shall have a door or doors so arranged that they may be instantly opened from the stage at any time, and said door or doors shall be tested be- fore each and every performance to see that they are in perfect work- ing order. In case of a fire on the stage, it shall be the duty of the fire- men hereinafter provided for to see that said door or doors are imme- diately opened. Sec. 6. Each and every theatre in the City of Pasadena, having a seating capacity of five hundred (500) or more shall employ and main- tain during all of each and every performance a fireman acceptable to the Chief of tne Fire Department of the City of Pasadena. It shall be the duty of said fireman to see that all the provisions or this ordinance relating to the fireproof curtain, lights, fire extinguishing apparatus and opening over the stage have been complied with, and upon failure of the owner, lessee or manager of said theatre to comply with such provisions, said fireman shall at once report said failure to the Chief of the Fire Department of said city. Said fireman shall see that all fire extinguishing apparatus herein required is in proper working order, and in case of fire he shall see that such apparatus is properly used. Sec. 7. Each and every theatre in the City of Pasadena having a seating capacity of five hundred (500) or more, shall have a main entrance of not less than ten (10) feet in width. Each and every theatre in the City of Pasadena having a seating capacity of less than five hundred (500) shall have a main entrance of not less than seven (7) feet in width. And all doors shall swing out- ward and shall be kept unlocked from the time the audience is per- mitted to enter until it shall have dispersed. A fire extinguisher shall 36 be placed in each wing of the stage and such theatre and shall conform to requirements provided in this ordinance for other theatres. Sec. 8. The following are adopted as rules and regulations gov- erning the installation and maintenance of electrical wiring in each and every theatre in the City of Pasadena. a. No open arc lamp will be permitted to be used in any theatre, hall or place or amusement. b. Each and every hand-feed arc lamp must be attended by a competent operator. c. Each and every rheostat for arc lights shall be enclosed in a metal cover, with proper provision for free circulation of air and heat, and must be placed in such position as to be free from danger of fire. d. Each and every arc lamp must have an idividual fuseless switch on its stand, asbestos covered wire only to be uesd in connec- tion therewith. e. Each and every stage plug must be enclosed in a metal box. f. Temporary wiring for shows using fire flies, series lamps, etc., shall be done with approved rubber covered wire, each wire to be separately enclosed in such rubber tubing. Staples and annunciator wire must not be used.. g. A special auxiliary circuit must be provided and permanently installed for the use of shows requiring an extra number of lights. This circuit must run direct from the main transformer to the switch- board. h. The circuit on which are placed the exit lights must be tapped ahead of the main line switch, shall be controlled by an auxiliary switch, and this switch shall not be pulled at any time during any per- formance. i. In addition to the exit light circuit, there shall be provided a separate circuit, on which shall be placed lights for the proper illumi- nation of all corridors, hallways, stairways and pasageways, said cir- cuit shall be tapped ahead of the main line switch, shall be controlled by an auxiliary switch, and this switch shall not be pulled at any time during any performance. j. Each and every arc lamp used on the stage shall be protected by a hood. k. All electric wiring in any theatre in the City of Pasadena shall be in accordance with the rules of the National Underwriters' Associa- tion, and shall be approved by the City Electrician of the City of Pasa- dena before being connected. (See Electrical Code, Ordinance No. 1208.) Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the owner, lessee or manager of each and every theatre in the City of Pasadena to see that the fore- going regulations are strictly observed, and upon failure to do so they shall be individually liable under the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 10. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not ex- ceeding five hundred ($500) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a term not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court, and every day during which any theatre herein specified is allowed to continue in a condition in violation of the terms of this ordinance, shall be considered as con- stituting a separate offense, and shall be punishable as in this section provided. Sec. 11. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Even- ing Star. I hereby certify that tne foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the 37 City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held January 16, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes. Messr. Barnes, Braley, Crandall, Dyer, Loughery and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 16th day of January, 1906. WILLIAM WATERHOUSE, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. (Repealed in part. See Ordinance No. 1197.) ORDINANCE NO. 665. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Placing, Depositing or Discharging of Oil in the Public Sewers of the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to place, deposit or discharge, or to cause, suffer or permit to be placed, deposited or discharged, any oil, petroleum, naphtha, liquid asphaltum, or any kindred substance, or water mixed with any such substances, into any public sewer of this city, or laterals connected therewith in said city, or on or upon any street, alley or public place, or upon any private property in said city, in such a man- ner that the same will be permitted to run into any such sewer or laterals or in such a manner that the same will flow or stand in or upon any street, sidewalk, gutter or other public place in said city; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall prohibit the use of said substances in making authorized street improvements; and provided further that this ordinance shall not be construed as prohibit- ing the ordinary drippings of oil from automobiles and other motor propelled vehicles. (Section 1. Amendment approved June 11, 1912, by Ordinance No. 1225.) Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not ex- ceeding two hundred ($200) dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprison- ment in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held February 20, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes. Messrs. Ashby, Barnes, Braley, Crandall, Dyer, Loughery and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 20th day of February, 1906. WILLIAM WATERHOUSE, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. 38 ORDINANCE NO. 669. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating the Labeling of Oil Cans. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1, Any person selling or offering for sale any kerosene, gasolene, naphtha, benzene, benzone, camphene or like product in said city, shall cause to be plainly marked on the vessel containing such kerosene, gasolene, naphtha, benzene, benzone, camphene, or like pro- duct, in legible characters, the true name of the contents thereof. Sec. 2. Any person selling or offering for sale any kerosene, gaso- line, naphtha, benzene, benzone, camphene or like product in said city, in a vessel bearing a label not designating the true name of the con- tents thereof, shall be subject to the penalties as set forth in Section 3 hereof. Sec. 3. Any person vio^ting any of the provisions of this Ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of & misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding one hun- dred ($100) dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held March 6, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes. Messrs. Ashby, Barnes, Braley, Crandall, Dyer, Loughery and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 6th day of March, 1906. WILLIAM WATERHOUSE, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 673. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Pasadena Fixing the Standard of Purity for Gas. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. Any individual, firm, company or corporation furnish- ing gas to the City of Pasadena or to any of its inhabitants or any con- sumer therein shall be, and is hereby required to furnish and supply pure gas of not less than sixteen (16) sperm candle power and not containing more than twenty (20) grains of sulphur in one hundred (100) cubic feet of gas nor more than five (5) grains of ammonia in any form in one hundred (100) cubic feet of gas, and said gas shall be free of the impurity known as s^phureted hydrogen and shall not con- tain more than twenty-five (25) per cent, of corbon monoxide and such gas shall also be free from all other noxious impurities; and any such individual firm, company or corporation who shall furnish gas of a lower standard of purity or of less illuminating power than that re- quired in and by the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined not less than twenty -five ($25) dollars nor more than three hundred (300) dol- lars for each and every offense; and each and every day on which such individual firm, company or corporation shall furnish or supply 39 gas to any person in this city in violation of any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting, held March 27, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes. Messrs. Ashby, Barnes, Braley, Crandall, Dyer, Loughery and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 27th day of March, 1906. W. B. LOUGHERY, Mayor pro tern, of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 675. An Ordinance Providing for the Inspection of Gas Meters, Fixing the Price of Gas, Adding to the Duties of Health Officer, and Providing for the Appointment of a Deputy Health Officer. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That in addition to the duties fixed by the City Charter and all other duties heretofore fixed by Ordinance, the Health Officer of the City of Pasadena shall perform the duties herein imposed upon him. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of such Health Officer to examine and test any gas meter furnished to any consumer of gas in said city by any individual, firm, company or corporation furnishing gas to the City of Pasadena, or any consumer therein whenever requested so to do by such consumer and upon payment of the fee as hereinafter provided; such inspection to be made substantially in accordance with the fol- lowing requirements: whenever any consumer of gas furnished as aforesaid shall make request in writing to such Health Officer to have any meter, furnished and installed by such individual, firm, company or corporation on the premises of such consumer, inspected by such Health Officer for the purpose of ascertaining whether such meter registers accurately and correctly and pays to such Health Officer the sum of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) inspection fees as herein- after fixed, such inspector shall proceed to make a test of such gas meter. Before making any such test, the Health Officer shall give notice to the person making application for such test, and also to the individual, firm, company or corporation whose meter is about to be tested, of the time and place where he intends to test such meter. Notice to the individual firm, company or corporation furnishing gas shall be given in writing, sent by mail, addressed to such individual, firm, company or corporation in the City of Pasadena, with the postage prepaid, and a like notice shall be sent to such applicant's address. Such notice shall be mailed at least twelve (12) hours before the time set for the testing of such meter. The test of such meter shall be made by said Health Officer or his deputy at such time and place as he shall designate in such notice or notices, and shall be made in such manner as to thoroughly test such meter with a view of ascertaining whether it registers accurately. Any consumer's meter tested as aforesaid shall be deemed to be correct if it registers not to exceed two (2) per cent, above, or two (2) per cent, below the correct standard. Sec. 3. The inspection herein provided for to be made shall be prima facie correct both upon the individual, firm, company or cor- poration owning such meter, and the consumer in or upon whose prem- ises such meter was installed, and the amount of gas flowing through such meter for a period of three (3) months before the c'ose of the month in which such meter shall be inspected shall be deemed to be as 40 if such meter were during such three months, in the same condition as it was found in at the time such inspection was had. Sec. 4. If the result of any such inspection shall show any such meter so inspected to be incorrect and to have registered in such man- ner as to show a greater consumption of gas than was actually con- sumed, or which actually flowed through the meter, the amount ad- vanced by the person desiring such test shall be forthwith returned by the Health Officer to such person, and such inspection shall be made without cost or expense of any kind to him. The cost of making such inspection of any meter so found to be incorrect shall be paid by the individual, firm, company or corporation furnishing gas through the same and by whom or for whose benefit such meter was installed, and the amount of the fee as hereinafter fixed for such inspection shall be paid by such individual, firm, company or corporation upon a bill being presented to him or it by the Health Officer with his certificate show- ing that such meter was found by him to be incorrect. If the result of any such inspection of any meter shall show such meter to be register- ing correctly or to have registered a smaller amount of gas than was actually consumed or flowed through such meter, then in that case the expense of such inspection shall be paid for out of fee required to be advanced by the person making such application for such inspection, and no part of such fee in such case shall be returned to such appli- cant, and the inspector shall take the number of such meter, and also place his own number thereon, and it shall be unlawful for the same to be used again until it is made correct and has been again inspected by the Health Officer and approved by him; and for such inspection a fee of one ($1) dollar shall be paid. If any meter is found upon inspection to be correct there shall be attached to it by the inspector a ticket signed by him showing date of the inspection and inspection number, and where located, and that it was found to be correct, and any person wilfully removing such ticket or changing the same or attaching the same to any other meter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five ($25) dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding fifteen (15) days, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 5. Any consumer desiring inspection of any gas meter with- in the city, shall accompany the application herein provided for with a fee of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50), which shall be paid to the Health Officer and shall obtain a receipt from him for such payment, which receipt shall describe the location of the meter to be inspected and the name of the consumer for whose benefit such gas meter was installed. Sec. 6. Whenever request shall be made to inspect any meter which is installed in any premises, the Health Officer shall have the right, upon giving the notice hereinbefore provided for, to disconnect and detach such meter and convey the same to such place as he may desire for the purpose of making such inspection. Sec. 7. The Health Officer of this city, or his authorized deputy, shall have the right at any time to direct any individual, firm, company or corporation furnishing gas as aforesaid, to remove any meter of said individual, firm, company or corporation between the hours of 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. of any week day from the premises of any consumer in the presence of said Health Officer or deputy, and to turn it over to him for the purpose of testing said meter; and the said individual, firm, company or corporation shall, whenever deemed necessary by said Health Officer or his deputy, be required to supply to any con- sumer whose meter may be removed for inspection as aforesaid, an- other meter for use during the time required for such inspection. Whenever such individual, firm, company or corporation shall fail to remove any meter under such direction as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for said Health Officer or his deputy to remove such meter for the purpose of testing same. Sec. 8. All fees received by such Health Officer or his deputy shall be accounted for by him monthly, and shall be by him paid into the City Treasury monthly, and monthly reports thereof under oath by him submitted to the City Council. Sec. 9. It shall be unlawful for any individual, firm, company or corporation engaged in supplying gas for consumption in this city, to 41 require, demand or receive a deposit of money or other valuable thing as a condition precedent to or as security for furnishing any consumer with a meter. Sec. 10. No individual, firm, company or corporation manufac- turing, selling, supplying or distributing gas in this city for illuminat- ing or tor fuel purposes shall charge, exact, demand or collect from any consumer thereof more than the sum of one ($1) dollar per thousand (1,000) cubic feet of gas consumed or used. Said sum of one ($1) dol- lar per one (1,000) thousand cubic feet of gas shall be the net price charged, exacted, demanded or collected from each consumer. Any individual, firm, company or corporation, or any servant or employe thereof who shall in violation of the provisions of this section charge, require or collect from any consumer of gas in the City of Pasadena any sum in excess of the above rate, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding three hundred ($300) dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding three (3) months, or suffer both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. {See also Ordinance No. 678.) Sec. 11. Any individual, firm, company or corporation supplying gas for light or fuel purposes to the City of Pasadena of any of the in- habitants thereof or any consumer therein, shall not charge for making any connection between his, their or its pipes and those of any person applying for gas, nor for the setting of any meter more than the ac- tual cost of doing the same; gas shall be delivered into the consumer's pipes at an even pressure, which shall not be less than two (2) inches water pressure, and such gas shall be supplied promptly and in suffi- cient quantity to all paying consumers thereof and to all persons applying therefor on or adjacent to any street or alley along which the mains of said individual, firm, company or corporation shall have been extended. Any individual, firm, company or corporation wilfully violating any of the terms or provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding two hundred ($200) dollars. Sec. 12. Any individual, firm, company or corporation who shall remove any meter from the house, store, factory or premises of any consumer of gas in this city, against the will and consent of any such consumer of gas who is willing to pay for gas furnished him, and ten- ders the amount due at the price estimated and fixed in the preceding section of this ordinance, shall be subject to a penalty of not more than one hundred ($100) dollars for each and every offense; provided, however, that any individual, firm, company or corporation furnishing gas to consumers in this' city shall have the right to remove any meter for the purpose of repairing same on condition that such meter so re- moved shall be replaced, or a new one substituted in its place within two (2) hours of the time of the removal of such meter. Sec. 13. Said Health Officer shall keep a register in his office in which shall be recorded the number and description of each meter in- spected by him, and the time when it was so tested by him, together with a record of all notices sent or given by him, and ail other proceed- ings of his office. Such records shall at all times be open to the in- spection of the Mayor, any member of the City Council and the head of any department. Sec. 14. It shall be the duty of said Health Officer, and he shall from time to time and as often as once a month and at such other time or times as he shall be directed by the Mayor or City Council, make tests of the quality of gas furnished by any individual, firm, com- pany or corporation engaged in furnishing and supplying gas to con- sumers in this city, and he shall communicate to the Mayor and City Council the result of such tests. If at any time he shall discover that the quality of gas being so furnished or supplied to the city, or to any consumer therein, either as to purity or illuminating powers, is below the standard required by the provisions of this ordinance or any other ordinance of this city, he shall forthwith report such fact to the Mayor and City Council with a record showing the tests made by him. Sec. 15. Any person who shall alter or change any gas meter or the register thereon, with intent to defraud any individual, firm, com- pany or corporation, or who shall tamper with or change any certificate 42 issued by said Health Officer or his deputy relating to the inspection of any gas meter for the purpose of defrauding any individual, firm, com- pany or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than twenty-five ($25) dol- lars, or imprisoned not more than fifteen (15) days, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 16. The Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, shall have power to appoint a Deputy Health Officer, who shall possess the power to perform all duties imposed by this ordinance upon the Health Officer, and the compensation for such officer shall be fixed from time to time by the City Council. Sec. 17. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held April 3, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes. Messrs. Ashby, Barnes, Braley, Crandall, Dyer, Loughery and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 3rd day of April, 1906. WILLIAM WATERHOUSE, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 678. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Pasadena Regulating the Price of Gas. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. If any individual, firm, company or corporation fur- nishing gas to the City of Pasadena or to the inhabitants thereof or to any consumer therein, shall at any time after sixty (60) days from the adoption of this ordinance furnish or offer to furnish gas at a lower price or receive a less price for gas than the maximum rate now al- lowed by the ordinance of this city, to be charged and received there- for, then and in that event the lowest price at which said gas is at any time furnished or offered to be furnished or which is received therefor by any such individual, firm, company or corporation shall be taken and deemed to be the full value of gas furnished by such individual firm, company or corporation to the City of Pasadena or to any of its inhabitants or to any consumer in said city, and it shall be unlawful for any such individual, firm, company or corporation to thereafter ask, demand or receive a higher price therefor, anything in any ordi- nance heretofore adopted to the contrary notwithstanding; and any individual, firm, company or corporation asking, demanding or receiv- ing such increased price shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeantor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than twenty-five ($25) doUars, and not more than three hundred ($300) dollars, for each and every such offense. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of Pasadena, at its meeting held April 17, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes. Messrs. Ashby, Barnes, Braley, Crandall, Dyer, Loughery and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 17th day of April, 1906. WILLIAM WATERHOUSE, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. (.?('<: Ordinance No. 675.) 43 ORDINANCE NO. 719. An Ordinance Requiring All Persons, Associations or Corporations Owning or Operating Street Railways Over Any of the Streets In the City of Pasadena, to Keep Certain Portions of Said Streets Constantly Oiled. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That all persons, association or corporations having, owning or operating any street railway or railways upon any street or streets in the City of Pasadena, shall keep the portion of such street or streets between the rails of said railway and for two (2) feet on each side thereof, constantly oiled in such manner as shall effectively lay and keep laid the dust upon said portion of such street or streets. Provided, however that the terms of this ordinance shall not apply to such portion of said railway which is or may be upon any portion of any street surfaced with brick or stone block pavements, or asphalt, and provided that the terms of this ordinance snail not be construed to relieve the owner or operator of any street railway in said city from the duties imposed upon said owner or operator, by the terms of its franchise. Sec. 2. Any person, persons, association or corporation who shall violate, neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of this ordi- nance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty -five ($25) dollars, nor more than five hundred ($500) dollars or by imprisonment for not less than five (5) days, nor more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and every day during which such failure, neg- lect or refusal, to comply with the terms of this ordinance shall con- tinue, shall be considered as a new offense and punishable as in this ordinance provided. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take and be in effect upon and after the first day of November, 1906. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting, held October d, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes. Messrs. Ashby, Barnes, Braley, Crandall, Dyer, Loughery and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 9th day of October, 1906. WILLIAM WATERHOUSE, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 757. An Ordinance Requiring the Placing of Gates, Flagmen and Bells At Certain Railroad Crossings, In the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company be, and it hereby is required within ninety (90) days from date of the passage of this ordinance, to place, and thereafter maintain suitable gates at each of the crossings of the track or tracks of said company, across Lake avenue, Los Ro^es avenue, Marengo avenue and Colorado street, respectively, in the City of Pasadena. Said gates shall be neatly constructed and painted white, and lighted at night by tow (2) lanterns, one (1) being attached near the end of a gate on each side of the tracks. At all times between the hours of 6 o'clock a. m., 44 and 10 o'clock p. m., said gates shall be properly operated, and shall be c!osed upon the approach of all trains, engines or cars, betweeen said hours, in such manner as to effectually close the passageway along the streets over said tracks until said trains, engines or cars shall have passed, but said gates shall not be closed or manipulated so as to un- necessarily or unreasonably impede or block travel upon any of said streets. Sec. 2. That said Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Com- pany be, and it is hereby required within ten (10) days from the date of the passage of this ordinance, to place and station and thereafter maintain Flagmen at each of tne places where the track or tracks of said railroad company cross the following streets in the City of Pasa- dena, to wit: Green street, Union street, Madison avenue and El Mo- lino avenue. That said Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company be, and it is hereby required within ninety (90) days from the date of the passage of this ordinance to place and thereafter maintain automatic wigwag alarm bells or automatic alarm bells known as automatic flag- men at each of the places where the track or tracks of said railroad company cross the following streets in the City of Pasadena, to wit: Glenarm street, California street, Ritzman street, Bellevue drive, Cen- ter street and Mentor avenue. (Amended by Ordinance No. 1272.) That said Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company be, and it is hereby required within ninety (90) days from the date of the passage of this ordinance to place and thereafter maintain alarm bells at each of the places where the track or tracks of said railroad com- pny cross the following streets in the City of Pasadena, to wit: Walnut street, Hill avenue, Holliston avenue, Michigan avenue, Wilson avenue, Elm avenue, Euclid avenue, Galena avenue, Worcester avenue, Chest- nut street and Holly street. Such alarm bells shall be so constructed and operated as to give due and timely notice to all passersby of the approach of any engine, train or car to said crossing, but no bell shall be made or permitted to ring except upon the approach of an engine, train or car, and then only when said engine, train or car is within five hundred (500) feet of the crossing at which said bell shall be placed, Sec. 3. That the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Company be, and it is hereby required to hereafter maintain flagmen at each of the places where the track or tracks of said railroad company cross the following streets in the City of Pasadena, to wit: Colorado street and Fair Oaks avenue. That said San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Com- pany be, and it is hereby required within ninety (90) days from the date of the passage of this ordinance to place and thereafter maintain automatic wigwag alarm bells or automatic alarm bells known as auto- matic flagmen at each of the places where the track or tracks of said railroad company cross the following streets in the City of Pasadena, to wit: Glenarm street and California street. That said San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Com- pany be, and it is hereby required within ninety (90) days trom the date of the passage of this ordinance to place and thereafter maintain alarm bells at each of the places where the track or tracks of said railroad company cross the following streets in the City of Pasadena, to wit: Congress street, Pasadena avenue and Elevado drive. Such alarm bells shall be so constructed and operated as to give due and timely notice to all passersby of the approach of any engine, train or car to said crossing, but no bell shall be made or permitted to ring ex- cept upon the approach of an engine, train or car, and then only when said engine, train or car is within five hundred (500) feet of the cross- ing at' which said bell shall be placed. No engine, train or car shall be run on tne track or tracks of said railroad company where said track or tracks cross the following streets of the City of Pasadena, to wit: Walnut street, Villa street, Orange Grove avenue and Lincoln avenue, at a speed exceeding eight (8) miles per hour, and at said last named crossings suitable signs shall be erected indicating said maximum rate of speed. "No engine, train or car shall run on the track or tracks of said Railroad Company where said track or tracks cross the following street in said city, to wit: Fair Oaks avenue, at a speed exceeding 45 six (6) miles per hour, and at said crossing a suitable sign shall be erected indicating said maximum rate of speed." (Last sentence added by Ordinance No. 1272.) ^ec. 4. Tnat the Southern Pacific Railroad Company be, and it is hereby required to hereafter maintain a flagman at the to-lowing named street in the City of Pasadena, where the track or tracks of said railroad company cross said street, to wit: Green street. That said Southern Pacific Railroad Company be, and it is hereby required within ninety (90) days from the date of the passage of this ordinance to place and thereafter maintain automatic wigwag alarm bells or automatic alarm bells known as automatic flagmen at each of the places where the track or tracks of said railroad company cross the for owing streets in the City of Pasadena, to wit: Glenarm street, California street, Ritzman street, Bel'evue drive and Center street. Such alarm beUs snail be so constructed and operated as to give due and timely notice to all passersby of the approach of any engine, train or car to said crossing, but no bell shall be made or permitted to ring except upon the approach of an engine, train or car, and then only when said engine, train tr car is within five hundred (500) feet of the crossing at wnich said bell shall be placed. "Provided, however, that as long as no engine, train or car is caused to run on any track of said Rai road Company, where said track crosses any of said streets, at a speed exceeding fifteen (15) miles per hour, and the flagmen or alarm bel's required by Section 4 of Ordinance No. 757 are maintained, as therein provided, said automatic wigwag alarm bel's, known as automatic flagmen, shall not be re- quired at said crossings." (Last paragraph added by Ordinance No. 1272.) (Sections 2, 3, and 4, amendment approved April 16, 1912, Ordi- nance No. 1216.) Sec. 5. In all cases where flagmen are hereinbefore required to be placed, said flagmen shall give due and timely notice and warning to a'.l passersby or persons attempting to cross said tracks, of the ap- proach of trains, engines or cars; said flagmen shall be stationed at said points at all times between the hours of 6 o'c'ock a. m. and 10 o'c'ock p. m., when trains, engines or cars shall cross the streets at which said flagmen are herein required to be stationed. Sec. 6. No person, firm or corporation owning or operating any railroad or railroads in the City of Pasadena shall cause or permit any train, engine or car to stand upon its tracks across any street or inter- section in said city, for a longer period than three (3) minutes. Sec. 7. Any person, firm or corporation which shall violate, or neg'ect or reiuse to comply with, any of the provisions of this ordi- nance sha 1 ! be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, sha 1 ! be punished by a fine of not less than fifty ($50) dollars nor more than three hundred ($300) dollars for each offense. The failure, neg- lect or refusal to place, station or maintain each or any gate, flagman or be 1 ! required by this ordinance to be placed, stationed or main- tained, sha'l constitute a separate and distinct offense and be punished as in this section provided. And every day upon which or during which any person, firm or corporation shall neglect or refuse to p'ace, sta- tion or maintain any gate, flagman or bell of this ordinance required to be placed, stationed or maintained, shall constitute a separate and dis- tinct offense, and be punished as in this section provided. Sec. 8. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting neld March 26, Iy07, by the fo'lowing vote: Ayes. Messrs. Barnes, Braley, Crandall, Dyer, Loughery, Root and Towle. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this z6th day of March, 1907. WILLIAM WATERHOUSE, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. 4 City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held January 7, 1908, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Braley, Cattell, Crandall, Hotaling, Root and Webster. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 7th day of January, 1908. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 833. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating Express Wagons, Drays, Automobiles, Public Carriages, Hacks and Other Public Vehicles Used for the Purpose of Carrying Baggage, Freight or Passengers Within the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : (Section 1. Repealed December 6, 1910, by Ordinance No. 1065). Sec. 2. Every person driving, maintaining or operating an auto- mobile, public carriage, hack or other vehicle within said city for the purpose of carrying passengers for hire, shall post and maintain in a conspicuous place a card plainly printed and showing the maximum charges hereinafter fixed by this ordinance; said cards to be furnished by the City Tax and License Collector upon application. The maximum charges of any automobile carrying passengers for hire in the City of Pasadena are fixed as follows, to-wit: For the hire of any automobile built for the accommodation of seven (7) persons, including the chauffeur, five ($5) dollars per hour for each and every hour when the period of such hire does not exceed five (5) consecutive hours; and four ($4) dollars per hour for each and every hour when the period exceeds five (5) consecutive hours. For the hire of any automobUe built for the accommodation of five (5) persons, including the chauffeur, four ($4) dollars per hour for each and every hour when the period of such hire does not exceed five (5) consecutive hours; and three ($3) dollars per hour for each and every hour when the period exceeds five (5) consecutive hours. For the hire of any automobile built for the accommodation of two (2) persons, including the chauffeur, three ($3) dollars per hour for each and every hour when the period of such hire does not exceed five (5) consecutive hours; and two ($2) per hour for each and every hour when the period exceeds five (5) consecutive hours. The maximum charges for public carriages, hacks and other pub- lic vehic'es carrying passengers for hire in the City of Pasadena shall be as follows, to wit: One person to any part of the city, fifty (50) cents; each addi- tional person, twenty-five (25) cents; For the hire of any two-seated carriage, first hour, one and fifty one-hundredths ($1.50) dollars; each additional hour, one ($1) dollar; For the hire of a three-seated carriage, first hour, two ($2) dol- lars; each additional hour, one and fifty one-hundredths ($1.50) dollars ; Provided fifty (50) cents additional charge per vehicle may be made on rainy days and holidays and from 6 o'clock p. m. to 8 o'clock a. m.; That the charges prescribed in this ordinance shall in every in- stance include the services of the chauffeur or driver, as the case may be. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to charge, demand, collect or receive, either as owner, agent, collector, employee, or otherwise for the services of any vehic'e in this ordinance mentioned, used for the carrying of passengers for hire, any amount, rate or compensation greater than the charges fixed by this ordinance. Sees. 4, 4V 2 and 5. (Repealed December 27, 1910, Ord. No. 1072. 55 Sec. 6. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a term not ex- ceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Court. Sec. 7. Ordinance No. 504 and Ordinance No. 537, and all ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby re- pealed. Sec. 8. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held January 20, 1908, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Braley, Cattell, Crandall, Hotaling, Root and Webster. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 20th day of January, 1908. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 835. An Ordinance Prohibiting Distribution of Samples of Patented Medi- cines, Etc. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That it is and shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to distribute any sample of any medicinal preparation, or compound, or patented or any medicine, within the corporate limits of the City of Pasadena. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction theerof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a term not ex- ceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held January 28, 1908, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Braley, Cattell, Crandall, Hotaling, Root and Webster. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 28th day of January, 1908. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 841. An Ordinance Regulating the Use of the Streets and Public Places by Telegraph and Telephone Lines, Requiring the Securing of Fran- chises and Fixing Charges to Be Paid for Such Use, Providing for the Inspection of Such Lines, and Forbidding the Maintenance of Certain Lines and Declaring Them Nuisances. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to erect, lay, maintain or operate in or upon any of the streets, alleys or public places of the City of Pasadena any telegraph or tele- phone line or lines, or any poles, wires or appliances constituting or used for or as a part of such line or lines, doing local or intrastate business without a franchise or privilege therefor from the City of Pasadena. Sec. 2. Any and all telegraph or telephone line or lines doing a local or intrastate business, and ajll poles, wires and appliances con- stituting or used for or as a part of such line or lines, maintained or operated in or upon any of the streets, alleys or public places of said city without a franchise or privilege therefor from the City of Pasa- dena are hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and any person, firm or corporation, whether as owner or lessee, principal or agent, either for himself or itself, or for any person, firm or corporation, or any per- son as officer of any corporation or member of any firm, or as clerk or employee or otherwise, who, or which, shall erect, lay, maintain or operate or assist to erect, lay, maintain or operate any such telegraph or telephone line or lines or any pole, wire or appliance constituting or used for or as a part of such line or lines in the City of Pasadena without a franchise or privilege therefor from said city shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction there- of, shall be punished by a fine of five hundred ($500) dollars, or by im- prisonment in the City Jail for a period of ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day during or upon which such telegraph or telephone line or lines or any pole, wire or appliance con- stituting or used for as a part of such line or lines are maintained or operated in, upon or over any of said streets, alleys or public places without a franchise or privilege therefor from said city, as herein pro- vided, shall constitute a distinct and separate offense. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation maintaining or operating, in or upon any of the streets, alleys or public places of the City of Pasadena any telegraph or telephone line or lines doing an interstate business, shall pay to said city, semi-annually, in advance, for the use of the streets, alleys and public places by the poles, wires and appli- ances of such lines, the sum of seventy-five (75) cents for each and every pole maintained by it in or upon any of the streets, alleys or public places of said city, and used for or as a part of said interstate line or lines, or which is placed or maintained in or upon any of said streets, alleys or public places and upon or to which wires or appli- ances used in or for such interstate line or lines are placed or at- tached. Such payment shall be made to the City Tax Collector of said city on the first day of April and the first day of October, respectively, of each year. Provided, however, that if such person, firm or corpora- tion have or secure a franchise or privilege from the City of Pasadena to maintain and operate telegraph or telephone lines in or upon its streets, alleys or public places, he, or it, shall not be required to pay the amounts herein required for the time subsequent to the securing of such franchise, and during the life thereof. For each and every day such person, firm or corporation is delin- quent in making the payments herein required, the sum of twenty-five ($25) dollars shall be added to the amount due as a penalty for such delinquency. This section, or any acts or proceedings had thereunder, shall not be construed as a grant by said city of the right or privilege to use the streets for the purposes therein provided, or any purpose, except for and during the six months' period immediately succeeding a time fixed 57 by said section for payment to said city and upon which date such pay- ment is actually made. Nor shall this section nor any section of this ordinance be con- strued or operate to prevent or render unnecessary the securing of any franchise for the erection or maintenance of telegraph or telephone poles, wires or other appliances in or over the streets, alleys or public places of said city for local or state purposes. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to construct, maintain or operate in or upon the streets, alleys or public places of the City of Pasadena any telegraph or telephone line or lines, or any pole, wire or appliance constituting or used for or as a part of such line or lines doing an interstate business without having paid to the City of Pasadena the sum or sums required to be paid by Section 3 hereof, and in the manner and at the times therein prescribed, or hav- ing a franchise or privilege from the City of Pasadena to construct, maintain and operate telegraph or telephone lines in its streets, alleys or public places, and any such telegraph or telephone line or lines, or any pole, wire or appliance constituting or used for or as a part of such line or lines maintained or operated in or upon any of the streets, al- leys or public places of the city without the required compensation therefor having been made, or without a franchise therefor, from thfe City of Pasadena, are hereby declared to be public nuisances. Any person, firm or corporation, whether as owner or lessee, prin- cipal or agent, either for himself or itself, or for any other person, firm or corporation, or any person as officer of any corporation, or member of any firm, or as clerk or employee or otherwise, who, or which shall lay, construct, erect, maintain or operate, or assist to lay, construct, erect, maintain or operate, any such telegraph or telephone line or lines, or any pole, wire or appliance constituting or used for or as a part of such line or lines in any of said streets, alleys or public places without the payment provided for in Section 3 hereof having been made, or without a franchise therefor, from the City of Pasadena, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be pun- ished by a fine of five hundred ($500) dollars, or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day during or upon which such telegraph or telephone line or lines, or any pole, wire or appliance constituting or used for or as a part of such line or lines, maintained or operated with- out the required payment therefor having been made, or without a franchise therefor, from the City of Pasadena, shall constitute a dis- tinct and separate offense. Sec. 5. The amount or amounts by this ordinance required to be paid shall be deemed a debt to the City of Pasadena, and upon failure to pay the same, the City of Pasadena may maintain a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction for the recovery and collection thereof. Sec. 6. Any person, firm or corporation maintaining or operating any telegraph or telephone line or lines, or any pole, wire or appliance constituting or used for or as a part of such line or lines in or upon any of the streets, alleys or public places of the City of Pasadena shall, upon the first day of April and the first day of October, respectively, of each year, file with the clerk of said city a statement or diagram, verified by the affidavit of the general or local manager or agent of such person, firm or corporation, showing the number of poles in said streets, alleys and public places on such date maintained or used by it for or as a part of said line or lines, the location of each of said poles and whether maintained and used for or as a part of an intrastate and local, or for or as a part of an interstate line, or for os as a part of both an intrastate and local and an interstate line. Any person, firm or corporation, whether as owner or lessee, prin- cipal or agent, either for himself or itself, or for any other person, firm or corporation, or any person as officer of any corporation or member of any firm, or as clerk or employes or otherwise, who, or which, shall lay, construct, erect, maintain or operate or assist to lay, construct, erect, maintain or operate any telegraph or telephone line or lines, or any pole, wire or appliance constituting or used for or as a part of such line or lines, in or over any of said streets, alleys or public places while the statement required by this section shall not have been filed as 58 therein required shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of five hundred ($500) dollars or imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of nienty (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. For each day during or upon which such person, firm or corporation, as aforesaid, shall lay, construct, erect, maintain or operate, or assist to lay, construct, erect, maintain or operate any such telegraph or telephone line or lines, or any pole r wire or appliance constituting or used lor or as a part of such line or lines while such statement shall not have been filed as herein required, shall constitute a distinct and separate offense, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred ($500) dol.ars or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of not longer than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprison- ment. Sec. 7. No telegraph or telephone pole, wire or appliance shall be erected or laid in or upon any street, alley or public place in the City of Pasadena and no permit shall be granted by any officer thereof to any person, firm or corporation to erect or lay any telegraph or tele- phone pole, wire or appliance in or upon any street, alley or public place therein unless such person, firm or corporation shail have first secured a franchise from said city to erect and maintain such pole, wire or appliance in said streets, alleys or public places or unless, in case such person, firm or corporation be maintaining or operating lines doing an intrastate business, he, or it, shall have paid the amounts re- quired by Section 3 of this ordinance for tne use of the streets, alleys or public p'aces by poles, wires or appliances then maintained or used by it therein. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the City Engineer, the Street Su- perintendent, the General Manager of the Municipal Electric Lighting Department, the Chief of Police and Chief of the Fire Department, or any or all of said officers, to summarily abate and remove any poles, wires or appliances by this ordinance declared to be a nuisance, imme- diately upon order therefor by the City Council. Any person who shall prevent, or attempt to prevent any officer or employee or agent of said city from abating or removing any such pole, wire or appliance so declared to be a nuisance, or interfere with such officer, employee or agent, when engaged in such work, or at- tempting to engage therein, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon convictioA thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred ($500) dollars or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period of not more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and im- prisonment. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the City Engineer, Street Superin- tendent and Chief of Police to exercise constant supervision over all telephone and te'egraph poles and wires in the streets, alleys and pub- lic places of said city, and to report to the City Council all violations of the ordinance and all dangerous, defective or unsuitably placed poles and wires. Sec. 10. This ordinance, or any part thereof, may be altered or repealed at any time and no rights or privileges shall ever be acquired hereunder which may not be withdrawn, altered or modified by the city. Sec. 11. This ordinance shall go into force and effect March 31, 1908, at 12 o'clock p. m. Sec. 12. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 13. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held February 4, 1908, by the f Growing vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Braley, Cattell, Crandall, Hotaling and Webster. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 4th day of February, 1908. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. 59 ORDINANCE NO. 861. An Ordinance Establishing Rules and Regulations Governing the Trim- ming, Pruning, Care and Removal of Shade and Ornamental Trees and Shrubbery, in and Upon the Streets, Parks, Pleasure Grounds, Boulevards, Alleys or Public Places of the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Sec. 1. The office of Tree Warden is hereby established. It shall be the duty of the Tree Warden to plant, trim, prune, and care of shade or ornamental trees or shrubbery, and to remove objec- tionable tree shrubbery, in and upon the streets, parks, pleasure grounds, boulevards, alleys or public places of the City of Pasadena, subject to the supervision of the Superintendent of Parks of the City of Pasadena, and under the direction and control of the Board of Commis- sions of the Park, Police and Fire Departments of said city. The Board of Commissioners of the Park, Police and Fire Departments of the City of Pasadena shall have power to designate the kind [ or variety of shrubbery, palms, tree or trees to be planted on the streets of the city. Provided, however, that the owners of property fronting on said streets may petition or request the said Board that such shrubbery, palms, tree or trees to be designated and planted shall be of a certain kind or va- riety. Said petition or request to be merely advisory or to the action of said Board. And provided further, that nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed to prevent or prohibit the planting, in and upon the streets of the city, of shrubbery, palms, tree or trees of the kind or variety designated by the Board of Commissioners as afore- said, or to prevent or prohibit the caring for any shrubbery, palm, tree or trees upon the streets of said city. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to cut, trim, prune, remove, injure or interfere with any shrub or orna- mental tree or shrubbery in the parks, pleasure grounds, boulevards, streets, alleys or public places of the City of Pasadena. Sec. 3. Provided, however, that any person, firm or corporation owning property fronting upon a street in the City of Pasadena may, upon written application to the Board of Commissioners of the Park, Police and Fire Departments of said city, be granted permission, under the direction and supervision of the Superintendent of Parks, to cut, trim, prune, or remove any tree or shrubbery upon the portion of the street upon which their said property fronts. Provided, further, that any person, firm or corporation may, upon filing a written application thereof, together with an agreement to pay the cost and expense of cutting, trimming, pruning or removing such trees or shrubbery, with the Board of Commissioners of the Park, Police and Fire Departments, be granted permission to have said trees or shrubbery cut, trimmed, pruned, or removed by or under the direction of the Tree Warden of the City of Pasadena, should the said Board of Commissioners deem it advisable to grant such permission. Sec. 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not ex- ceeding two hundred (200) dollars, or shall be imprisoned in the City Jail for a term not exceeding sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- 60 nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held April 21, 1908, by the following vote: Ayes! Councilmen Cattell, Crandall, Hotaling, Root and Webster, Noes. Councilman Barnes. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena Approved this 21st day of April, 1908. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 867. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Declaring It To Be Unlawful for Persons Under the Age of Twenty-one Years to Visit Certain Places. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years to visit, enter or loiter in or about any billiard room, or pool room in the City of Pasadena. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for the proprietor, manager, or person in charge of any billiard room, or pool room in the City of Pasadena, to allow any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years to visit, enter, or loiter in or about such place in his charge, ownership, or man- agement. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding one hun- dred ($100) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail of the said City of Pasadena, for a term not exceeding one (1) month, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 4. That Ordinance No. 557 is hereby repealed. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by tho City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held July 21, 1908, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Cattell, Mersereau and Root. Noes. Councilmen Braley, Crandall and Hotaling. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 21st day of July, 1908. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 915. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Repealing Ordinance No. 778 and Providing That Union Soldiers and Sailors of the Civil War Be Granted Licenses Free of Cost. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. That on and after the passage of this act, no license fee nor fee for application for license shall be required of any Union soldier or sailor of the Civil War, honorably discharged from the mili- tary or marine service of the United States, who may make applica- tion for license for the sale, vending, hawking, peddling or auctioning 61 of goods, wares or. merchandise not prohibited by law, or for the sale of milk from not more than three (3) cows; by and for himself only; for the conducting of business of bill-posting, or for painting, posting, putting up, displaying or distributing signs, bills and posters, pictures, lithographs, maps, samples or other device or advertisements by and for himseTf only; or for the driving or operating of any automobile, public carriage, hack or other public vehic'e used for the purpose of carrying baggage, freight or passengers for hire, by and for himself only. Sec. 2. Such license or application for license shall be granted free of cost to such soldier or sailor making application therefor, upon presentation of his certaificate of discharge and proof of his identity to the officer issuing te same; provided, however, that nothing in this act sha 1 ! be construed to do away with the necessity of obtaining a license in any case whatsoever. Sec. 3. That Ordinance No. 778, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held Jnuary 12, 1909, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Braley, Hotaling, Mersereau and Root. Noes. Councilman Crandall. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 12th day of January, 1909. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. (Sec Ordinance No. 1065.) ORDINANCE NO. 937. An Ordinance Prohibiting Vicious Dogs From Running at Large in the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for tne owner or person entitled to the custody of any dog which is vicious, to permit the same to run at large within the corporate limits of the City of Pasadena. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding twenty-five ($25) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a term not xceed- ing thirty-five (35) days, or by such fine and imprisonment, in the dis- cretion of the uourt. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held May 4, 1909. by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Cattell, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian, Mer- sereau and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 4th day of May, 1909. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. 62 ORDINANCE NO. 960. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating the Use of Storm Water Rights-of-Way and Channels. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to make any. ob- struction or any excavation in or upon any right-of-way for storm water or drainage purposes owned or controlled by the City of Pasadena, or in or upon any storm water channel or ditch constructed, operated or maintained by said city. Sec. 2. Provided, however, that in all cases where a storm drain or drainage channel or ditch owned by the City of Pasadena crosses the land of any person, such person may cover or cause the same to be covered. Such work of covering shall be done in accordance with plans and specifications to be furnished by the City Engineer of the City of Pasadena and shall be done to the satisfaction of said City Engineer. Sec. 3. Any person owning property in the City of Pasadena in- tersected by or abutting upon any right-of-way for storm water or drainage purposes owned by the City of Pasadena, shall be permitted and allowed to use such portion of such right-of-way adjoining such property not occupied by a storm water channel or ditch for agricul- tural or horticultural purposes. Sec. 4. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding fifty ($50) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a term not exceeding thirty (SO) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discre- tion of the Court. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held September 7, 1909, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Cattell, Fogg, Hotaling, Kostian, Mer- sereau and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 7th day of September, 1909. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 967. An Ordinance Regulating the Furnishing and Sale of Electricity for Lighting Purposes In the City of Pasadena and Providing Rates Therefor. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. By the term "company" as used in this ordinance, is meant any corporation, co-partnership, association or person engaged in the business of furnishing, or selling, electricity for lighting pur- poses in the City of Pasadena. Sec. 2. For the purposes of this ordinance, a "meter" is defined to be an instrument or appliance for measuring quantity of electric en- ergy, so adjusted and maintained as to correctly register, in kilowatt hours, within two (2) per cent., plus or minus, the amount of electric energy measured by it, when compared with, and tested by a standard indicating watt meter, with the proper formula, frequency, voltage, current, time and constants pertaining to the particular meter under test, and so adjusted and maintained as to correctly register, in kilo- watt hours, the amount of electric energy measured by it without a 63 greater error than two (2) per cent., plus or minus, when recording ten (10) per cent, fifty (50) per cent., and one hundred (100) per cent, of the electric energy which it is designed to record, when compared with a standard indicating watt meter, and tested as herein provided. Whenever a meter is required by this ordinance it shall conform to the definition and requirements of this section. Sec. 3. The City Electrician may at any time examine and test any electric meter installed or about to be installed in the City of Pasa- dena for measuring electric energy for lighting purposes, and for such purpose may disconnect and remove any meter from any place where installed or placed to the testing place selected by him. It shall be un- lawful for any person, firm or corporation to hinder, impede or inter- fere with the City Electrician in making examination or test of any meter. (See Ordinance No. 1208, Sec. 17.) Sec. 4. Every company shall install and maintain at or upon the premises of each of its customers a meter for the purpose of measur- ing and determining the amount of electric energy for lighting pur- poses by it furnished to such customer. It shall be unlawful for any company or any officer, agent, servant or employe of any company, to sell or lurnish electric energy for lighting purposes to any consumer or person in the City of Pasadena, unless such energy be measured by a meter so installed and maintained. It shall be unlawful for any com- pany or any officer, agent, servant or employee of any company, di- rectly or indirectly, in any form or manner, to charge, demand, collect or receive payment or compensation for electric energy furnished for lighting purposes which is not based upon and proportioned to the amount of energy actually furnished, and determined and measured by a meter installed and maintained as herein provided. Sec. 5. Separate meters may be installed for the measurement of electric energy furnished for incandescent lighting and electric energy furnished for arc lighting, but where separate meters are not installed all energy furnished for lighting purposes shall be deemed to be used for the type of lighting the rates for the first or "A" class of which are the higher, whether herein fixed or established as herein provided. Sec. 6. For the purpose of fixing and establishing rates, electric energy sold or furnished in the City of Pasadena by any company for incandescent lighting is and shall be classified as follows: "Class A" The first one hundred (100) kilowatt hours, or less, of energy furnished in any one month to any consumer. "Class B" The kilowatt hours of energy furnished in any one month to any consumer in excess of one hundred (100) kilowatt hours and not exceeding five hundred (500) kilowatt hours. "Class C" The kilowatt hours of energy furnished in any one month to any consumer in excess of five hundred (500) kilowatt hours and not exceeding one thousand (1000) kilowatt hours. "Class D" The kilowatt hours of energy furnished in any one month to any consumer in excess of one thousand (1000) kilowatt hours and not exceeding two thousand (2000) kilowatt hours. "Class E" The kilowatt hours of energy furnished in any one month to any consumer over two thousand (2000) kilowatt hours. For the purpose of fixing and establishing rates, electric energy sold or furnished in the City of Pasadena by any company for arc lighting is, and shall be, classified as follows: "Class A Arc" The first one hundred (100) kilowatt hours, or less, of energy furnishd in any one month to any consumer. "Class B Arc" The kilowatt hours of energy furnished in any one month to any consumer in excess of one hundred (100) kilowatt hours and not exceeding five hundred (500) kilowatt hours. "Class C Arc" The kilowatt hours of enerby furnished in any one month to any consumer in excess of five hundred (500) kilowatt hours. The number of kilowatt hours of energy furnished for either of said purposes by any company shall be calculated monthly and the charge therefor shall be based upon the number of kilowatt hours fur- nished during each respective month. Sec. 7. Except when otherwise established as herein provided, the rates for electric energy and for the various classes thereof fur- 64 nished by any company for lighting purposes in the City of Pasadena shall be as follows: Class A Eleven (11) cents for each kilowatt hour. Class B Ten (10) cents for each kilowatt hour. Class C Nine (9) cents for each kilowatt hour. Class D Eight and one-half (8%) cents for each kilowatt hour. Class E Eight (8) cents for each kilowatt hour. Class A Arc Ten (10) cents for each kilowatt hour. Class B Arc Nine (9) cents for each kilowatt hour. Class C Arc Eight (8) cents for each kilowatt hour. Provided, however, that a minimum monthly charge may be col- lected for electric lighting, which charge shall be one dollar ($1) per meter of three (3) kilowatt capacity, or less, and thirty (30) cents per kilowatt for each additional kilowatt of meter capacity required. The capacity of meters used shall not be greater than is necessary to cor- rectly measure and register the amount of energy used by each respec- tive consumer. Sec. 8. Any company desiring to establish rates for electric en- ergy by it furnished for lighting purposes in the City of Pasadena less than the rates fixed by Section 7 bf this ordinance may do so by filing with the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena and publishing for a period of ten (10) days, commencing with the day of said filing, in a news- paper of general circulation published at least six (6) days a week in said city, a schedule of rates it desires and elects to establish. The rates thus established must be based upon and proportioned to the amount of electric energy actually furnished as measured and regis- tered by a meter. They must follow and conform to the classification established by Section 6 of this ordinance, and a single rate must be fixed for each class of energy. No rate shall be higher than the rate fixed in Section 7 of this ordinance for the corresponding class of en- ergy, and the minimum monthly charge in said section provided shall not be increased. No rate for any class shall be higher than any rate fixed or established for a class higher in the same alphabetical scale, the "A" class in each classification being deemed to be the highest class in its respective scale. The rates stated in such schedule shall become effective at 12 o'clock noon of January 1, 1910, if filed and fully published on or before that time, and if filed or published thereafter, then thirty (30) days after the filing and last publication thereof, and shall thereupon become and be the lawful rates, and the only lawful rates, which such company may charge or collect until the same be changed as in this section permitted and provided. The rates established, as herein provided, may be changed from time to time, in whole or in part, by the filing and publication of a new schedule, conforming to the requirements of this section, provided, however, that no rate shall be increased without the consent of the City of Pasadena given by ordinance. Sec. 9. All electric energy sold or furnished for power, heating, or purposes other than lighting, when not measured by a separate meter installed and maintained for the purpose of measuring such En- ergy shall be deemed and considered as electric energy furnished for lighting purposes, and the same, and the furnishing and sale thereof and the rates therefor, shall be in all respects subject to the conditions and provisions of this ordinance. (Sec Ordinance No, 1242.) Sec. 10. It shall be unlawful for any company which has not, as provided by Section 8 hereof, established rates different from those fixed by Section 7 hereof, or for any officer, agent, collector or em- ployee of such company, directly or indirectly, by the use of false or inaccurate meters, or by false or inaccurate reading of meters, or by any special rebate, drawback or other device, or in any manner or form, to charge, demand, collect, or receive, any rate or rates, or pay- ment or compensation or consideration, for electric energy furnished for lighting purposes in the City of Pasadena, greater or less than or different from, the rates herein fixed. It shall be unlawful for any company which has, as provided by Section 8 hereof, established rates different from those fixed by Section 7 hereof, or for any officer, agent, collector or employee of such com- pany, directly or indirectly, by the use of false or inaccurate meters, or oy raise or inaccurate reading of meters, or by any special rebate, .drawback or other device, or in any manner or form, to charge, de- mand, collect or receive any rate or rates, or payment or compensation or consideration for electric energy by it furnished for lighting pur- poses in the City of Pasadena greater or less than or different from its said rates so established. Provided, however, that any company may furnish incandescent lamps to renew lamps of customers burned out, and may furnish arc lamps and repair and furnish carbons for the same, without charge to customers. The furnishing to each customer or person of electric energy other than by meter measurement as herein provided, or at rates other than as herein fixed or established and herein permitted, shall be deemed unlawful, and a separate and distinct offense, and each such offense shall be punished as herein provided. For each customer or person to, or upon whom, any charge or de- mand is made, or from whom any money or thing of value is collected or received, as, or for, rate, payment, compensation or consideration for electric energy at rates other than, or different from, those herein fixed or established as herein permitted, a separate and distinct offense shall be deemed committed and each such offense shall be punished as herein provided. Sec. 11. Any person, firm, corporation, whether as owner or lessee, principal, agent, clerk or employee, either for himself or itself, or for any other person, firm or corporation, which, or who, shall vio- late any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprison- ment in the City Jail not exceeding six (6) months, or by a fine not exceeding five hundred ($500) dollars, or by both such fine and im- prisonment. Sec. 12. Nothing herein contained, nor any action of circumstance taken or arising hereunder, shall be deemed a waiver of, or abridge, the powers of the city to at any time fix or change rates, or regulate the furnishing or sale of electricity for any purpose. Sec. 13. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall apply to the furnishing of electric energy to the City of Pasadena for lighting its streets, alleys or parks. Sec. 14. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 15. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon and after the first day of January, 1910, at 12 o'clock noon; provided, how- ever, that schedules of rates, as provided by Section 8 hereof may be filed and published before the said time and become effective as pro- vided by said section. Sec. 16. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Star. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held October 13, 1909, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Cattell, Fogg, Korstian, Mersereau and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 13th day of October, 1909. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 981. An Ordinance Relating to Weights and Measures and Establishing the Standard Thereof. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That the office of Sealer of Weights and Measures of the City of Pasadena is hereby created. The Milk, Food and Sanitary Inspector of said city shall be ex-officio Sealer of Weights and Meas ures and shall have the pqwers and perform the duties herein granted and provided. Sec. 2. That there shall be a regulation of weights and measures within the City of Pasadena, and the standard weights and measures now in charge of the Sealer of Weights and Measures of the City of Pasadena, the same being standards established by the Government of the United States and by the State of California, and consisting of: 1 set of brass standard avoirdupois weights comprising (1) each of the following weights, to-wit: * 1, 2, 4 and 5 pounds and %, /%, and 1, 2, 4 and 8 ounces re- spectively; 1 set of standard liquid capacity measures consisting of: 1 gallon, 1 quart, 1 pint and % pint; 1 set of 2 standard 50 pound test weights. 1 set of grip weights consisting of one (1) each of the following weights, to-wit: 5, 10 and 20 pounds respectively, are, and the same are hereby declared to be and established as the standard weights and measures in the City of Pasadena. (Sec. 2 Amendment approved July 26, 1910, Ord. No. 1032.) Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Sealer of Weights and Meas- ures, at least once in each calendar year, to examine and test the ac- curacy of all weights, measures, scales or other apparatus of appli- ances within the City of Pasadena used for weighing or measuring any article for sale or which is used in such manner that the accuracy thereof may pecuniarily interest any person, firm or corporation other than the owner of the same; and if the Sealer of Weights and Meas- ures shall find any such weight, measure, scale or any other apparatus or appliance used as herein specified to be correct, he shall seal and mark the same with the letters "P. C. S." (meaning "Pasadena City Sealer"), and with the month and year when so sealed, and make and deliver to the owner or person in charge of such weight, measure, scale or other apparatus or appliance a certificate of the accuracy thereof and of his inspection and approval. Said Sealer of Weights and Measures shall condemn all weights, measures, scales or other ap- pliances or apparatus used for the purposes herein specified, which are not correct, or which the owner or person in charge thereof shall fail or neglect to have corrected and made comformable to the standards herein specified after notice of the inaccuracy thereof by the Sealer of Weights and Measures as herein provided, and he shall mark the same with the letters "Cond. P. C. S.," (meaning "Condemned, Pasadena City Sealer"), and they shall not thereafter be used. (Amendment approved October 18, 1910, by Ordinance No. 1052.) Sec. 4. That every person, firm or corporation owning or using any weight, measure, scale or other apparatus or appliance used for weighing or measuring any article for sale in the manner prescribed in this ordinance shall cause the same to be examined, tested and sealed as hereinbefore required; and no such weight, measure, scale or other appliance or apparatus shall be deemed inspected, tested or sealed un- til the owner or person in charge thereof shall have paid for and ob- tained a proper certificate from the Sealer of Weights and Measures and the owner or person in charge thereof shall post such certificate on the weight, measure, scale or other apparatus or appliance inspected and tested, or in some conspicuous place adjacent thereto; and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to fail, refuse or neglect so to do. 67 Sec. 5. The proximity of any weight, measure, scale or other ap- pliance or apparatus used for weighing or measuring goods, wares, or other articles exposed for sale, to such goods, wares or articles shall be evidence of the use of such weight, measure, scale or other appliance or apparatus, and any person, firm or corporation owning or having charge thereof, if the same shall, upon inspection by the Sealer of Weights and Measures, be found not to comply with the standards herein established, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable as hereinafter specified. Sec. 6. The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall charge and collect the following fees for examining, testing-, sealing and certifying to the accuracy of all weights, measures, scales or other appliances or apparatus used for weighing or measuring any article for the pur- poses specified in this ordinance, to-wit: "For testing and sealing each set of weights or appliances as follows: Counter scales of a capacity of six (6) pounds or less, fifteen (15) cents; counter scales of a greater capacity than six (6) pounds, twenty -five (25) cents; portable platform scales of one thou- sand (1000) pounds capacity or less, twenty-five (25) cent's; dormant or floor scales, fifty (50) cents; wagon scales, two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50); railroad track scales, five dollars ($5.00). All other scales not herein described, twenty-five (25) cents. "For testing and sealing each liquid measure of a capacity of one (1) gallon or less, (five (5) cents; each liquid measure of a capacity exceeding one (1) gallon, five (5) cents for the first gallon, and five (5) cents for each gallon- or fractional part of a gallon in excess thereof. "Such fees shall be paid by the owners of or persons using such weights, measures, scales or other appliances or apparatus used as provided in this ordinance; provided, however, that not more than one fee shall be charged for inspecting the same weight, measure, scale or other appliance or apparatus, during the same calendar year, unless upon a subsequent inspection the same is found not to comply with the standard, in which case the Sealer of Weights and Measures shall charge and collect for each subsequent inspection in the same calendar year, double the fees specified in this ordinance." (Sec. 6. Amendment adopted August 8, 191 1, Ordinance No. 1136.) Sec. 7. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use, or to cause or permit to be used, any weight, scale, measure or other apparatus or appliance used for weighing or measuring as in this ordinance specified, unless the same has been examined, tested, marked and stamped as correct by the Sealer of Weights and Measures as in this ordinance provided. Sec. 8. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to fail, neglect or refuse to submit to the inspection of the Sealer of Weights and Measures, on his demand, any weight, measure, scale or other appliance or apparatus used for weighing or measuring as in this ordinance provided, or to fail, neglect, or refuse to have the same prop- erly adjusted after notice of the incorrectness thereof given by the Sealer of Weights and Measures. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use, or to cause, or permit to be used, any weight, scale, measure or other appliance or apparatus used for weigh- ing or measuring, as in this ordinance provided, which has been con- demned by the Sealer of Weights and Measures. Sec. 9. If, upon the inspection of any weight, measure, scale or other appliance or apparatus used as prescribed in this ordinance, the same shall be found by the Sealer of Weights and Measures not to comply with the standards fixed and prescribed by this ordinance, the Sealer of Weights and Measures shall immediately thereupon notify the owner or person, firm or corporation using 'or in charge thereof that the same is incorrect, and such owner or person, firm or corpora- tion using or in charge thereof shall, by such notice, be required to cause the same to be properly adjusted . within such time after such inspection, not to exceed five (5) days, as the Sealer of Weights and Measures shall prescribe, and if such person, firm or corporation own- ing, using or having charge of such weight, measure, scale or other ap- paratus or appliance used for the purposes prescribed in this ordi- nance, shall fail or neglect to have the same properly adjusted after 68 such inspection within the time required by such notice, such weight, scale, measure or other appliances or apparatus shall be condemned by the Sealer of Weights and Measures, and shall be thereupon marked or stamped "Cond. P. C. S." (meaning "Condemned, Pasadena City Seal- er"), and shall not thereafter be again used, and such failure or neglect shall be deemed a violation of the provisions of this ordinance and pun- ishable as hereinafter provided. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to remove or damage, or to cause to be removed or damaged, any mark or stamp placed by the Sealer of Weights and Measures on any weight, scale, measure or other appliance or apparatus. Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of the Sealer of Weights and Measures to visit from time to time, as he shall deem necessary, all places in said city where weights, scales or measures of any kind or character are used, and to inspect the same, and for that purpose it shall be lawful for him, and he is hereby empowered at any reasonable hour to enter any storehouse or other building in the City of Pasadena, where any such weight, scale or measure is used, or where he has reason to be- lieve the same is being used. Sec. 11. The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall keep a record of all scales, measures, weights or other appliances or apparatus in- spected by him, specifying the dats, place of inspection and the names of the persons, firms, or corporations for whom the inspections were made, which record shall also specify the scales, measures, weights or other appliances or apparatus found to be accurate and sealed by him, and all by him condemned, and the names of all persons, firms or cor- porations who fail to have the same corrected when the same are by him found to be incorrect and the amount of money charged and col- lected by him for such testing and sealing as aforesaid, which record, and all books and accounts kept by the Sealer of Weights and Meas- ures shall at all times be subject to public inspection; and the said Sealer shall, on the last day of every week, deposit with the City Treasurer the amount collected by him to date of deposit. Sec. 12. The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall procure, at the expense of the city, such record books, blank forms and other stationery as may be required for the equipment and conduct of his office. He shall use a duplicate form of receipt for all moneys collect- ed by him, the original of which shall be delivered to the party paying the same and the copy shall be retained in his office. Sec. 13. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the distri- bution and sale of ice at retail shall sell the same by weight and shall keep posted in a conspicuous place in the wagon, cart or other vehicle, from which the same is distributed, a list of the prices charged there- for. Sec. 14. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation as principal, agent, officer or employee: (a) To charge or collect from any person, firm or corporation for a greater quantity or weight of ice, goods, wares or merchandise than has actually been furnished to such person, firm or corporation. When the quantity or weight of any ice, goods, wares or merchandise is designated when sold, either by tags or marks thereupon or by signs or placards or by a statement of the vender, such designation shall be deemed and considered to state the quantity or weight charged or col- lected for: (b) Or, to deliver or to cause or permit to be delivered to any purchaser a quantity less than two thousand (2,000) pounds for every ton purchased of coal, coke or briquettes, or of hay, grain, feed or other animal provender of any kind, or a quantity less than a proportion of two thousand (2,000) pounds for any fraction of a ton. Sec. 15. That any person, firm or corporation as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employe, violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred ($300) dollars or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period of not more than three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment Sec. 16. That this ordinance shall go into full force and effect on July 1, 1910, at 12 o'clock noon, except as to Sections 13, 14 and 15, and 69 except as to the provisions hereof establishing the office of Sealer of Weights and Measures and providing for the procuring of standard weights and measures, which shall go into effect immediately. Pro- vided further, that upon the procuring of standard weights and meas- ures the Sealer of Weights and Measures shall inspect and seal weights and measures as herein provided. There shall be but one general in- spection of weights and measures during the year 1910. Sec. 17. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held February 15, 1910, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Cattell, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian, Mer- secreau and Root. Noes. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 15th day of February, 1910. THOMAS BARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. (See Statutes of 1911, page 383.) ORDINANCE NO. 984. An Ordinance Regulating the Making and Filling of Excavations In Public Streets, Alleys, Sidewalks and Other Public Places. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation, before making or causing or permitting to be made any excavation in or under the sur- face of any public street, alley, sidewalk or other public place for the installation, setting, repair or removal of any pipe, conduit, duct, tun- nel or pole or for any other purpose, shall file with the superintendent of streets a statement and plat and make a deposit to cover the cost of inspection and of restoring such public street, alley, sidewalk or other public place to its original condition, together with the incidental ex- penses in connection therewith, all as in this ordinance provided. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to refuse, fail or neglect to file the statement and plat and make a deposit, or either or any thereof, as in this ordinance provided, before making or causing or permitting to be made any such excavation. Sec. 2. The person, firm, or corporation intending to make any such excavation, shall first file with the Superintendent of Streets a written statement which shall contain the name and residence or busi- ness address of the person, firm or corporation filing the same, and shall state in detail the location and area of each excavation intended to be made, and the purpose for which to be made, and shall contain a designation of a person living or having a place of business in the City of Pasadena upon whom any notice or notices hereinafter pro- vided for may be served, and an agreement that service of notice upon the person thus designated, either personally or by leaving the same at his residence or place of business in the City of Pasadena shall consti- tute notice to the person, firm or corporation making and filing the statement. The statement shall be upon or accompanied by a plat showing the location of each proposed excavation. The Superintendent of Streets may require that such plats be of uniform size and material and, except where excavations proposed to be made cover more than one (1) block, require the use of forms of plats by him prepared and that the statement herein required be written or made upon such plat. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make or cause or permit to be made any excavation or to install, set or maintain, or to cause or permit to be installed, set or maintained, any pipe, conduit, duct, tunnel, pole or tank in or along the surface of any 70 street, alley, sidewalk or other public place at any location other than that described in the statement and shown on the plat filed by such person, firm or corporation, as required by the provisions of this ordi- nance. Sec. 4. Special deposits shall be made with the Superintendent of Streets upon the filing of any statement and plat, as follows: A sum equal to thirty (30) cents per square foot of surface of each excava- tion to be made in any street or other public place which has been macadamized or paved; a sum equal to twenty (20) cents per square foot of surface of each such excavation to be made in any street or other public place which has been oiled but not macadamized or paved; and a sum equal to ten (10) cents for each square foot of surface of each such excavation to be made in the streets or other public places which are neither macadamized, paved or oiled. Provided, that no de- posit shall be less than ten ($10) dollars for an excavation to be made in a street or other public place which has been paved or macadamized or five ($5) dollars for an excavation to be made in a street or other public place which has been oiled but not paved or macadamized and three ($3) dollars for excavation in any other street or public place; and provided further that, any person, firm or corporation intending to make excavations in public streets, alleys or other public places may make and maintain with the Superintendent of Streets a general de- posit in the sum of five hundred ($500) dollars, which general deposit shall be used for the same purposes as the special deposit described hereinbefore in this section; and while such general deposit is main- tained at said sum of five hundred ($500) dollars, such person, firm or corporation shall not be required to make the special deposits hereinbe- fore in this section provided for, but shall be required to file a written statement for all excavations proposed to be made and a plat showing the location thereof as in this ordinance provided and to comply with all the provisions of this ordinance. Provided, that the deposit to be made for a permit to excavate for the purpose of making house connections to sewers or for making re- pairs to the same shall be made as hereinafter in this section required. When a statement is filed for an excavation for the purpose of making a house connection with a sewer or for making repairs to the same, the person, firm or corporation filing such statement shall make a special deposit with the Superintendent of Streets of ten ($10) dollars for each such excavation to be made in a paved or macadamized street or public place; five ($5) dollars for each such excavation to be made in oiled street or public place; arid the sum of three ($3) dollars for each such excavation where the same is to be made in a street or public place that has not been paved, oiled, or macadamized. Provided, however, that any person, firm or corporation may make and maintain with the said Superintendent of streets a general deposit of one hundred ($100) dollars, which general deposit shall be used for the same purposes as the special deposit for house connections referred to in this section; and while such general deposit is maintained at the said sum of one hundred ($100) dollars, such person, firm or corporation shall not be required to make a special deposit for such purposes as in this section provided for, but shall be required to file the written statement and plat for each such excavation as in this ordinance provided and to com- ply with all the provisions of this ordinance. When the number and amount of excavations made under any general deposit is double the number or amount of such excavations which could have been made under the amount of such deposit if the same had been made from time to time as special deposits, then the Superintendent of Streets, with the consent thereto of the Council evidenced by motion duly made and passed, may require the amount of such general deposit to be increased by one hundred (100) per cent. Sec. 5. When a statement and plat is filed and a special or gen- eral deposit made, as in this ordinance provided, the Superintendent of Streets shall issue a certificate in writing showing the filing of said statement and plat. Such certificate shall specify the person, firm or corporation to whom it is issued, the street, alley or other public place and the particular portion or portions thereof to be excavated, and shall state whether the person, firm or corporation to whom issued has made a general or a special deposit, and if a special deposit, shall state the amount thereof, and shall be a receipt therefor. Sec. 6. All excavations shall be leveled and the surfaces thereof restored to their original condition without delay in the best and most workmanlike manner with the same kind of material as that removed in making the excavation so that the condition of each excavated street shall be the same in every respect as that existing before such excava- tion was made. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation making any excavation in any public street, alley or other public place to maintain safe crossings for vehicle traffic at all street intersections and safe crossings for pedestrians at intervals of not more than three hundred (300) feet. If any such excavation is made across any public street or alley, at least one safe crossing shall be maintained at all times for vehicles and pedestrians. Free access must be provided to all fire hydrants and water gates. All materials excavated shall be laid compactly along the side of the trench and kept trimmed up so as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to public traffic. All gut- ters shall be maintained free and unobstructed for the full depth of the adjacent curb and for at least one (1) foot in width from the face of such crub at the gutter line. Where a gutter crosses an intersection street, an adequate waterway shall be provided and at all times main- tained. It shall also be the duty of every person, firm or corporation making any excavation in any public street, alley or other public place, to place and maintain barriers at each end of such excavation, and at such places as may be necessary along the excavation to prevent acci- dents, and also to place and maintain lights at each end of such excava- tion and at distances of not more than fifty (50) feet along the side thereof, from sunset each day to sunrise of the next day, until such excavation is entirely refilled; and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to fail, refuse or neglect to comply with any re- quirements contained in this section. Sec. 8. After such excavation is commenced, the work of making and refilling the same shall be prosecuted with due diligence and so as not to obstruct the street or other public place or travel thereon more than is actually necessary therefor. If the work is not so prosecuted, or if the work of refilling does not in the judgment of the Superin- tendent of Streets comply with the terms of this ordinance, the Super- intendent of Streets shall notify the person, firm or corporation named in the certificate and doing or causing said work to be done, that the work is not being prosecuted with due diligence or that the refilling of such excavation has not been properly done and shall require such per- son, firm or corporation within five (5) days after the service of such notice to proceed with the diligent prosecution of such work or proper- ly to fill the same, as the case may be. If such notice is not complied with the Superintendent of Streets shall do such work as may be necessary to refill such excavation and to restore the street or other public place, which shall have been excavated, to as good condition as the same was in before such excavation or excavations were made. Sec. 9. The person, firm or corporation by whom or which any excavation shall be made in any public street, alley or other public place, shall be deemed and held to guarantee the work of the refilling and repairing thereof for the period of one (1) year after the refilling of such excavation against all defects in workmanship of material. Upon the completion of the work of refilling, notice thereof shall be given to the Superintendent of Streets, who shall make a note thereof and the date when given, upon the statement covering and describing said work, and the said period of one (1) year shall be deemed to run from the date of the giving of such notice of completion. Whenever, prior to the expiration of such period of one (1) year, any part of the pavement or surface of any public street or place so guaranteed be- comes in need of repairs by reason of any defective workmanship or materials in such work of refilling or repairing, the Superintendent of Streets shall serve upon the person, firm or corporation by whom the excavation was made, as appears from the statement filed and cover- ing said work, a written notice stating the repairs necessary and re- quiring such repairs to be made within five (5) days after the service 72 of such notice. If the same is not complied with, the Superintendent of Streets shall at once make such repairs. Sec. 10. The said city shall deduct from the deposit made on ac- count of any excavation under the provisions of this ordinance a sum equal to one (1) cent for each square foot of surface of excavation made in, any public street, alley or other public place that has been paved, oiled or macadamized; and one-fifth (1-5) of one (1) cent for each square foot of surface of excavation made in any public street, alley or other public place that has not been paved, oiled or macadam- ized. The number of feet of excavation shall be determined by the statement and plat herein required to be made and filed. Provided, however, that such deduction shall not be less than fifty (50) cents in the aggregate for excavations made in the same street, alley or other public place, or described and designated in any one statement and plat, or less than one ($1) dollar in the case of an excavation for the making or repair of any sewer connection. The balance of each such deposit, whether special or general, after the deductions herein pro- vided for have been made, shall be retained by the City of Pasadena for one (1) year from the date of notice of completion of the work. The said city shall also deduct the cost of any work done or repairs made by the Superintendent of Streets^ as provided for in this ordinance, and the sum of twenty-five (25) cents for each notice served as herein provided, from any or all deposits then on hand belonging to or there- after to be made by any person, firm or corporation required by this ordinance to do any work or to make any repairs, and who or which shall have failed, refused or neglected to have performed such work or made such repairs. Sec. 11. Each special deposit made pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance shall be retained by the City of Pasadena for a period of one (1) year after notice of the completion of the refilling of the exca- vation on account of wnich such special deposit was made and at the expiration of such period of one (1) year, such special deposit less the deductions made pursuant to this ordinance shall be returned to the person, firm or corporation making the same or to his heirs or his as- signs. Each general deposit made pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance may be returned at any time to the person, firm or corpora- tion making the same, or to his heirs or its assigns, after first making the deductions therefrom authorized by this ordinance. Provided, however, that the City of Pasadena shall retain of each such general deposit such amount and for such period of time as would be required by this ordinance if a special deposit has been made on account of the several excavations made under or on account of such 'general deposit. Sec. 12. The decision of the Superintendent of Streets as to the cost of any work done or repairs made by him or under his directions pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance shall be final and conclu- sive as to such cost. Sec. 13. The Superintendent of Streets shall open and keep with each person, firm or corporation making either a special or general de- posit under the provisions of this ordinance, and for each such deposit, a full and accurate account thereof showing the amount of any such de- posit received and all deductions made therefrom. Sec. 14. All moneys refunded pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance shall be paid upon demands approved by the Superintendent of Streets and audited and paid in the same manner as other demands against the city are audited and paid. Sec. 15. All excavation or refilling of excavations, and repair of street surfaces pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance shall be made under the direction and inspection of the Superintendent of Streets. It shall be his duty to supervise and direct all such making or refilling of excavations and repairing of street surfaces and to require that all such excavations, refilling and repairing comply with the re- quirements of the ordinances of the city. Sec. 16. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to install or cause or permit to be installed any service pipe, main pipe, conduit, duct, tunnel or other structure, except manholes, culverts and catch basins in any public street, alley or other public place at a dis- tance of less than two (2) feet six (6) inches below the established 73 grade of the center line of such public street, alley, or other public place. Where not already occupied, the location in the center of any street, lane or alley for a width of five (5) feet is reserved for the con- struction and maintenance of public sewers. Sec. 17. It shall be the duty of members of the police, fire or lighting departments of the City of Pasadena to report or cause to be reported to the Superintendent of Streets any defect or defects in the filling or repairing of any excavation made in the streets or other pub- lic places of said city subsequent to the date at which this ordinance goes into effect. Sec. 18. None of the provisions of this ordinance shall apply to any work done or to be done along, in or upon any public street, alley or other public place pursuant to any law of the State of California, or any ordinance of the City of Pasadena, providing for the improvement thereof, or to any work done or to be done along, in or upon any such street, alley or other public place pursuant to any contract for improve- ment authorized by the Council. Provided, however, that the provi- sions contained in Sections 6 and 7 of this ordinance shall apply to all such work and to all excavations to be made along, in or upon any pub- lic street, alley or other public place. Sec. 19. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to exca- vations made by any department, board or officer of the City of Pasa- dena in the pursuit of its or his official duty. Sec. 20. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed to prevent any person, firm or corporation maintaining any pipe or pipes, conduit or conduits in any public street, alley or other public place, by virtue of any law, ordinance or permit from making such excavation as may be necessary for the preservation of life or property when such necessity arises during such hours as the offices of the city are closed. Provided, that the person, firm or corporation making such excavation shall file a statement and plat and make the deposit, either special or general, therefor as required by this ordinance within four (4) hours after the offices of the city are first opened subsequent to the making of such excavation. Sec. 21. Any person, firm or corporation as principal, agent, offi- cer, clerk, or employe, who or which shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction therefor shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed five ($500) dollars, or by imprisonment not to exceed six (6) months in the City Jail, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 22. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall affect any ordi- nance or requirements in the City of Pasadena now or which may hereafter be in effect, in regard to inspection of plumbing, gas or elec- tric construction, or as to making connection with public sewers or other mains or conduits in said city, or as to the payment required for the making of connections with public sewers constructed out of public funds, or with funds raised from the sale of bonds of said city. Sec. 23. Nothing in this ordinance contained and no fact, circum- stances or inference arising therefrom shall be deemed or "considered to grant any franchise or privilege in, over or under any public streets, alleys or other public places in the City of Pasadena. Sec. 24. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Provided, that any such repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution and punishment of any person, firm or corporation for any act heretofore done or permitted in violation of any ordinance which may be repealed by this ordinance, and shall not affect any prosecution or action which may be pending in any court for the violation of any ordinance repealed by this ordinance, and shall not affect, or release any person, firm or corporation from the liability for the breach of the conidtion of any bond or undertaking given under and in pursuance of any ordinance repealed by this ordinance. Sec. 25. This ordinance shall go into effect at 12 o'clock noon of the 1st day of April, 1910. Sec. 26. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the 74 City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held February 23, 1910, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Cattell, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian, Mer- sereau and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 23d day of February, 1910. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 991. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Relating to the Use of Fire Hy- drants and Forbidding Obstructions In the Vicinity of Such Hydrants. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. Any person, firm or corporation intending to take water through, from or by means of any fire hydrant in the City of Pasadena shall first make and file with the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment of said city a statement in writing showing the hydrant or hy- drants through, from or by means of which, and the time or times at which he or it intends to take such water or to use said hydrant or hydrants, and such other information as may be required by said Chief of said Fire Department. Said statement may be made upon forms prepared and furnished by said Chief. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to take water through from or by means of or to use any fire hydrant in the City of Pasadena without first, making and filing the statement herein provided for, or to take water through, from or by means of or to use any such fire hydrant or hydrants in places or at times different from those specified in such statement made and filed herein provided. Sec. 2. Any person using or taking water through, from or by means of any fire hydrant in the City of Pasadena shall, upon finishing such use, carefully close the valve or valves upon such hydrant so that the same, and each and all thereof, shall be in good working order, and shall carefully replace all caps on said hydrants. Any person so taking water through, from or by means of or using any such hydrant shall provide himself with a suitable wrench or wrenches, which shall accurately fit the valve stem and cap thereof; and it shall be unlawful for any person to apply to and use upon the valve stem or cap of any such hydrant any wrench which does not so fit the valve stem or cap to which applied. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person to injure or damage any fire hydrant in the City of Pasadena. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to make or leave or to permit to be made or left any dirt, refuse or other obstruction on any public street or alley within twenty (20) feet of any fire hydrant in the City of Pasadena (or to leave any vehicle, horse or other animal standing in any public street within twenty (20) feet of any such fire hydrant). (See Ordinance No. 1072, Sec. 22.) Provided, however, that nothing in this section shall apply to any ob- struction necessarily made by reason of any work of street improve- ment ordered by the Mayor and City Council. Sec. 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the City Jail not exceeding three (3) months, or by a fine not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published onec in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held March 15, 1910, by the following vote: Ayes. Barnes, Cattell, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian, Mersereau and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 15th day of March, 1910. THOMAS BARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. NOTE. The portion of Section 4 of above ordinance enclosed in parenthesis repealed by Section 21 of Ordinance No. 1072.) ORDINANCE NO. 1002. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating the Sale of Berries. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration to sell or offer for sale, or cause or permit to be sold, or of- fered for sale within the City of Pasadena, any strawberries or black- berries in boxes containing less than one (1) full pint of such berries, dry measure, or unless said berries contained in any such box weigh not less than twelve (12) ounces avordupois; nor any raspberries or loganberries in any box unless said berries in any such box shall weigh not less than eight (8) ounces avoirdupois. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, clerk or employee, who or which shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, or by imprisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days in the City Jail, or by such fine or imprisonment. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held April 26, 1910 by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Cattell, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian, Mer- sereau and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 26th day of April, 1910. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1003. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating and Prohibiting the Discharge and Use of Fire Works In Said City. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person to fire, shoot, discharge, set off, or explode within the City of Pasadena, any torpedo, rocket, fire cracker, squib or other fire works, or blank cartridge, or anything containing any proportion of chloride of potash, mixture of sulphur and saltpeter, or any substance of an explosive nature; pro- vided, however, that the Mayor and Council may permit any person or organization to conduct a public celebration or pyrotechnical display and for that purpose to use and discharge fire works at such time and place and under such conditions as the Mayor and Council may fix and establish upon granting such permission. 76 Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any parent, guardian or other person having the legal care and custody of any child under the age of fourteen (14) years to allow, permit or suffer such child to fire, shoot, discharge, set off or explode within the City of Pasadena, any torpedo, rocket, fire cracker, squib or other fire works, or blank cartridge, or anything containing any proportion of chloride of potash, mixture of sulphur and saltpeter, or any substance of an explosive nature. Sec. 3. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding one hundred ($100) dol- lars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a term not exceeding ten (10) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held April 26, 1910, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Cattell, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian and Mersereau. Noes. Councilman Root. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 26th day of April, 1910. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1051. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Prohibiting Certain Exhibitions and Regulating the Showing of Pictures of Certain Classes and Kinds. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall "be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employee, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, to show, display or exhibit, or to assist in showing, displaying or exhibiting, in the City of Pasa- dena, in any theatre or place of amusement, or in any other place to which the public is admitted, any picture or series of pictures of the classes or kinds commonly shown, displayed, produced or exhibited in or by means of mutoscopes, kinetoscopes, vitascopes, biographs, cine- matographs or automatic or moving picture devices, without a permit, in writing, for the showing, displaying or exhibiting thereof, obtained as hereinafter in this ordinance provided, or without the permit there- for, obtained as hereinafter in this ordinance provided, being kept posted in a conspicuous place at or near the entrance to the theatre, place of amusement or other place at which the same are shown, dis- played or exhibited. Sec. 2. No permit shall ever be granted hereunder for the show- ing, displaying or exhibiting of any picture or series of pictures of an obscence, indecent, lascivious or immoral character, or suggestiveness, or of any crime or criminal of felonious act or deed, or- representation of any thereof, or of any prize or ring fight or sparring match or repre- sentation of any thereof. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to show, display or exhibit any picture or series of pictures of the classes or kinds spe- cified in Section 1 hereof shall apply, in writing, to the Chief of Police of the City of Pasadena for a permit therefor. The applicant for the permit shall thereupon, and is hereby required to show, display or ex- hibit to the said Chief of Police and the said Chief of Police shall, and is hereby required to, examine and inspect, the plates, films, rolls or 77 other apparatus by means of or with which the picture or series of pic- tures are shown, displayed, produced or exhibited, or the pictures or series of pictures shown, displayed or exhibited, for and on account of which the application for a permit is made. Within three (3) days from the date at which the Chief of Police makes said examination and inspection he shall, without charge, grant a permit for the showing, dis- playing or exhibiting of the said picture or series of pictures respecting which said examination and inspection has been made by him, unless the same are of the character specified in Section 2 hereof, in which case, the permit shall, within said three (3) days, be refused. When a permit is granted hereunder it shall be in writing and shall state the name of the person, firm or corporation to whom granted, its date, and the picture or series of pictures for which granted. Sec. 4. An appeal from the action of the Chief of Police in refus- ing to grant a permit hereunder may be taken to the Board of Park, Police and Fire Commissioners of the City of Pasadena by the unsuc- cessful applicant for the permit. The said board shall thereupon pro- ceed to inspect and examine the picture or series of pictures for which a permit has been refused, and if, in its opinion, the picture or series of pictures are not of the character for which by the terms of this ordi- nance a permit cannot be granted it may order the Chief of Police forthwith to grant the permit. Sec. 5. The picture or series of pictures for which a permit is granted, may be shown, displayed or exhibited by the person, firm or corporation to whom the permit is granted, or by any other person, firm or corporation who may desire to show, display, produce or ex- hibit the same, provided the written permit be delivered to such other person, firm or corporation, and a written notice thereof be given to the Chief of Police. Any number of such transfers of the permit may be made. Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for any firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employe, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, to show, display or exhibit, or to assist in showing, displaying or exhibiting, in the City of Pasadena, in any theatre or place of amusement, or any other place to which the public is admitted, any picture or series of pictures of the classes or kinds commonly shown, displayed, or exhibited in or by means of kinetoscopes, vitascopes, biographs, cinematographs, or automatic or moving picture devices, of an obscene, indecent, lascivious or immoral character or suggestiveness, or of any crime or criminal or felonious act or deed or representation of any thereof, or of any prize or ring fight or sparring match or representation of any thereof, or to show or produce, or to assist in showing or producing, in the City of Pasadena, in any theatre or place of amusement or in any place to which the pub- lic is admitted, any obscene, indecent or immoral act, play, perform- ance, representation, picture or exhibition. Sec. 7. Any person, firm or corporation who or which shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred ($500) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not exceed- ing six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 8. Ordinance No. 1028, and all ordinances and parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held October 11, 1910, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Cattell, Fogg, Hotaling, Kortian, Mer- sereau and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 14th day of October, 1910. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. 78 ORDINANCE NO. 1055. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Defining Nuisances and Prohibit- ing Their Maintenance. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. Slaughter Houses, Tanneries and Fertilizer Works. It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and it shall be unlawful, for any person, firm, or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or em- ployee, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to maintain, conduct or carry on, or assist in maintaining, conducting, or carrying on, any slaughter house or estab- lishment or place of business for tanning, scouring or dressing hides or leather, or any fertilizer works. Sec. 2. Rendering and Reducing Lard, -Etc. It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and it shall be unlawful, for any person, firm or cor- poration as principal, agent, officer, clerk, or employee, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm 'or corporation, in the City of Pasa- dena, to conduct, carry on or engage in, or assist in conducting, carrying on or engaging in, the business of rendering fat, lard or tallow, or of steaming, boiling, reducing or rendering any animal substance except between the hours of 10 p. m. and 4 a. m. Sec. 3. Smoke, Dust and Fumes. It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk, or employee, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to maintain, conduct or carry on, or assist in maintaining, conducting or carrying on, any business, yard, establishment or place in such a man- ner that dense or thick black or gray smoke or cinders or soot are emitted therefrom, or to maintain, conduct, or carry on, or assist in maintaining, conducting or carrying on, any business, yard, establish- ment or place, in such a manner that dust in large and unusual quanti- ties is accumulated or caused, without sprinkling with oil or water said yard, establishment or place, or the place or premises where such busi- ness is maintained, conducted or carried on, with sufficient frequency and to sufficient extent to lay and settle such dust and prevent the same from spreading or being blown on the premises of other persons, or to maintain, conduct or carry on, or assist in maintaining, conduct- ing or carrying on, any such business, yard, establishment or place in such a manner that gas or fumes, unwholesome and injurious to the health, or injurious to the property, or offensive to the senses of the inhabitants of said city, or any number thereof, are emitted therefrom. Sec. 4. Burning Offal, Etc. It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and it shall be unlawful, for any person, firm or corporation, as prin- cipal, agent, officer, clerk, or employee, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to burn or suffer or permit to be burned upon the premises owned, occupied or controlled by him or it, any bone, feathers, offal, flesh, hair or other substance in such a manner as to cause odors or gas therefrom to taint the air and render it unwholesome or injurious to the health or of- fensive to the senses of the inhabitants of said city, or any number thereof. Sec. 5. Filthy Stables and Yards. It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk, or employee, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to keep or suffer or permit to be kept at or upon any premises owned, controlled or occupied by him or it, any chicken coop, yard, cow house, stable, cellar, vault, drain, pool, sewer or sink in a foul, offensive, nox- ious or filthy condition. Sec. 6. Laundries to be Connected With Sewers. It is hereby de- clared to be a nuisance, and it shall be unlawful, for any person, firm, or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk, or employe, for him- self of itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to use or suffer or permit to be used for the purpose of a laundry or wash house any building or premises unless the same shall 79 be connected with a public sewer of the city, or to convey or suffer or permit to be conveyed any slops, wash water, or refuse substance from any laundry or wash house within said city into any sink, cess pool, pit,, or on the ground, or in any manner disposing of the same except by conducting the same into a public sewer of said city. Sec. 7. Premises to Be Connected With Sewers. It is hereby de- clared to be a nuisance, and it shall be unlawful, for any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employee, for him- self or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to maintain or suffer or permit to be maintained at or upon any premises owned, controlled or occupied by him or it, any cesspool, vault or privy for the reception of human excrement or fecal matter when there is a public sewer capable of serving said premises which has been accepted by the City of Pasadena for a period of six months in the street in front of the lot on which said premises are situated. Sec. 8. Privies. It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and it shall be unlawful, for any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employe, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to keep or main- tain or suffer or permit to be kept or maintained at or upon any prem- ises owned or controlled by him or it, any privy or dry closet for the reception of human excrement or fecal matter in such a manner that offensive odors are emitted therefrom, or within fifty (50) feet of any dwelling house of another, or without having the same screened from flies. Sec. 9. Deposit of Rubbish, Etc., On the Streets. It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and it shall be unlawful, for any person in the City of Pasadena, to throw, deposit, or place at or upon any street of said city any tin, sheet iron, broken glass, thorny clippings or branches, clothing, bottles, paper, night soil, rubbish, rind, skin, or peel of any fruit or vegetable, or any foul or noisome substance. Sec. 10. Expectorating. It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and it shall be unlawful, for any person in the City of Pasadena, to expec- torate upon the floor of any public building, hall, stairway, street car, or other public conveyance, or upon any sidewalk, or upon the streets of the City of Pasadena at the intersections of Colorado street and Pair Oaks avenue, and of Colorado street and Raymond avenue, or within twenty-five (25) feet of said intersections of said streets. Sec. 11. Obstructions In the Streets. It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and it shall be unlawful, for any person, firm, or corpora- tion, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employee, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to erect, construct, place or maintain any building, fence, porch, steps, posts, poles, tracks, wires, pipes, conduits or other obstruction, in whole or in part, upon or in any street of said city without express authority therefor, and without having complied with all ordinances of the City of Pasadena relating thereto. Sec. 12. Excavations In the Streets. It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, a principal, agent, officer, clerk or employee, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to dig in, excavate, tear up or injure any street, of said city, without express authority therefor, and without having complied with all the ordinances of the City of Pasadena relating thereto. Sec. 13. Fowls. It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and it shall be unlawful, for any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk, or employee, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to suffer or permit any hens, chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, pigeons, doves, squabs, or other similar fowls owned or controlled by him or it, to go upon the premises of any other person in said city, or to keep the same or any thereof nearer than fifteen (15) feet of any dwelling house or structure intend- ed for use as a dwelling house within said city unless such house or structure shall be owned or occupied by him or it, or to suffer or permit any 'hens, chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys or other similar fowls owned or controlled by him or it to run at large upon the streets of said city. Sec. 14. Cattle. It is hereby declared to be a nuisance and it. 80 shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employee for himself or itself, or for any person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to keep or maintain more than two (2) head of cattle at or upon any premises owned, occupied or controlled by him or it in said city within three hundred (300) feet of any dwelling house other than that owned or occupied by him or it; or to keep or maintain more than one (1) head of cattle within one hundred (100) feet, or any cattle within fifty (50) feet of any such dwelling house. No person shall be deemed to have violated this sec- tion by reason of keeping more than two (2) head of milch cows out- side the one hundred (100) foot limit herein prescribed under a permit heretofore granted by the Mayor and City Council, until such permit shall have been revoked. (Sec, 14. Amendment approved January 24, 1911; effective February 15, 1911. See Ordinance No. 1075.) Sec. 15. Deposit and Accumulation of Refuse. It is hereby de- clared to be a nuisance, and it shall be unlawful, for any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employe, for him- self or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to cause, suffer or permit the carcass of any animal to re- main upon any lot, premises or place owned, controlled or occupied by him or it, for a period of more than twenty-four (24) hours, or to cause, suffer or permit any animal or vegetable matter, garbage, filth, night soil, slops, swill, suds, stagnant water or other offensive matter liable to become putrid, to collect or be deposited upon any lot, premises or place owned, controlled or occupied by him or it, except as to garbage, as otherwise provided by ordinance now in force or hereafter enacted, regulating the accumulation, collection and removal thereof. Sec. 16. Removal of Garbage. It is hereby declared to be a nui- sance, and it shall be unlawful, for any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employee, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to haul, remove, or carry any garbage through, upon or along any street of the City of Pasadena unless he or it be thereto duly authorized and unless such garbage is contained in a strong, watertight or metal compart- ment or receptacle having a tight-fitting wooden or metal cover or cov- ers and so constructed as to prevent any garbage from falling, leaking or spilling or odor escaping therefrom, such compartments or recep- tacles and the wagon or truck carrying the same, used for carrying or hauling garbage, to be thoroughly cleansed at least once each day be- fore being used for such purpose. (See also Ordinance No. 1056.) Sec. 17. Cleaning Cesspools. It is hereby declared to be a nui- sance, and it shall be unlawful for, any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employee, for himself or itself* or for another person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to clean, or move the contents of, any cesspool, privy, or vault within the cor- porate limits of the City of Pasadena between the hours of 4 o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p. m, or to carry the contents of any cesspool, privy or vault along any street of said city between the hours hereinbefore mentioned. All carts, vehicles or receptacles, of whatever nature, used for the purpose of carrying and removing the contents of any cesspool, privy or vault, along any of the streets of said city, are required to be suffi- ciently strong and tight to prevent any leakage and shall be so tightly covered as to prevent any offensive odor arising therefrom, and shall be thoroughly flushed with water immediately after use so that they shall be in a clean and sanitary condition. Sec. 18. Hauling Dirt, Etc. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employee, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, to haul any dirt, sand, gravel or similar material upon or along any paved, oiled or macadamized street in the City of Pasadena, unless contained in a box or receptacle sufficiently tight to prevent the same from sifting or dropping upon such street. Sec. 19. Dump Grounds. It is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and it shall be unlawful, for any person, firm or corporation, as prin- 81 cipal, agent, officer, clerk or employee, for himself or itself, or for an- other person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to use or suffer or permit to be used any premises owned, occupied or controlled by him or it for the throwing, dumping or depositing of table refuse, offal, swill, accumulation of animal, vegetable and other matter that attends the preparation, consumption, decay or dealing in, or storage, of meats, fish, fowls, fruits or vegetates, or animals, or any garbage, or offal, ashes, tin cans, or rubbish. The following described property situated in the City of Pasadena, county of Los Angeles, State of Cali- fornia, to wit: All that portion of lot twenty-nine (29), block "A," San Pasqual Tract, as per map recorded in Book 5, page 291, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles county, described as foFows: Beginning at Station No. 49 in the west line of said lot twenty-nine (29); thence north seventy- five (75) degrees, thirteen (13) minutes east seventy-five and twenty- four hundredths (75.24) feet to Station No. 48; thence north seventy (70) degrees, twenty-five (25) minutes east, eight hundred twenty-five and thirty-eight one hundredths (825.38) feet; thence south twenty- two (22) degrees, forty-one (41) minutes east eight hundred seven and two tenths (807.2) feet; thence south fifty-one (51) degrees forty-five (45) minutes west eleven hundred and sixty-eight one hundredths (1100.68) feet to the west line of lot numbered twenty-nine (29) ; thence north fourteen (14) degrees, forty (40) minutes west e'even hundred seventy and thirty-eight one-hundredths (1170.38) feet, to the point of beginning; shall be known and used as a public dumping ground there- for, to be used as such free of charge, subject to the control of the City Council. .This section shall not be construed to prohibit the burying of ashes and tin cans accumulated by any family upon premises occupied by it. Sec. 20. Pollution of Water. It is hereby declared to be a nui- sance, and it shall be unlawful, for any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employee, for himself or itse'f, or for another person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to cor- rupt, pollute or render unwholesome or impure the water of any drink- ing fountain, hydrant or place within said city. Sec. 21. Musical Instruments. It is hereby declared to be a nui- sance, and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or emp'oyee, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, vending, advertising or soliciting the sale of, or assisting in vending, advertis- ing or soliciting the sale of any kind of notions, merchandise or medi- cines to use a musical instrument or instruments or device, or to sing or call out or to make any noise or noises, to attract persons for the purpose of vending, advertising or soliciting the sale of notions, medi- cines or merchandise. Sec. 22. Unnecessary Noises. It is hereby declared to be a nui- sance, and it shall be unlawful, for any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employee, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, in the City of Pasadena, to make, cause or suffer or permit to be made or caused, upon any premises owned, occupied or controlled by him or it any unnecessary noises or sounds which are physically annoying to persons of ordinary sensitive- ness, or which are so harsh, or so prolonged or unnatural, or unusual in their use, time or place as to occasion physical discomfort to the in- habitants of the City of Pasadena, or any number thereof. Sec. 23. Separate Offenses. Each day during which a nuisance as stated in this ordinance is maintained, continued or suffered or per- mitted to be maintained, continued or to exist, shall constitute a dis- tinct and separate offense. Sec. 24. Penalties.. Any person, firm, or corporation, as principal, officer, agent, clerk or employee, who or which shall violate any pro- vision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hun- dred ($500) dollars or by imprisonment in the City Jail not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 25. Repeals Ordinances Nos. 209, 381, 399, 443, 489, 568, 713, 836, 839, 847, 857, 906 and Section 8 of Ordinance No. 943, and all ordi- 82 nances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Provided, that any such repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecu- tion and punishment of any person, firm or corporation for any act heretofore done or permitted in violation of any ordinance, which may be repea'ed by this ordinance, and shall not affect any prosecution or action which may be pending in any court for the violation of any ordi- nance repealed by this ordinance. Sec. 26. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held November 4, 1910, by the foPowing vote: Ayes. Councilmen Cattell, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 5th day of November, 1910. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1056. An Ordinance Regulating the Accumulation, Collection and Removal of Garbage In and From the City of Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. For the purpose of this ordinance the word "garbage" shall be held to include and mean garbage and kitchen and table re- fuse and offal and swill and every accumulation of animal, fruit or vegetable matter that attends the preparation, use, consumption, de- cay or dealing in or storage of meat, fish, fowls, fruit or vegetables. Sec. 2. For the purpose of this ordinance the word "person" shall mean any person, firm, or corporation acting either as principal, agent or employee. Sec. 3. The City of Pasadena, its agents, servants or employees thereto authorized shall gather and collect garbage within said city, and it shall be unlawful for any other person to collect or gather, or cause to be collected or gathered, garbage within said city, or to carry, convey or transport, or cause to be carried, conveyed or transported, garbage through any of the streets, alleys or public places of said city. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit, keep or ac- cumulate, or cause to be deposited, kept or accumulated, any garbage in, about or upon any lot or parcel of land, or any public or private drive, alley or street, or any house, store, restaurant, or other place in the City of Pasadena unless the same be enclosed in a watertight gal- vanized iron or metal receptacle with a close-fitting cover, and pro- vided with handles. Provided, that this section shall not be construed as to prevent the feeding of garbage to hogs or chickens in proper amounts for immediate consumption by such hogs or chickens and so that such garbage shall not accumulate. Sec. 5. The receptacle herein provided for garbage shall have a capacity of not less than five (5) nor more than twenty (20) gallons, and it shall be unlawful to keep such receptacle in any place not easily accessible to the person collecting or authorized to collect garbage. Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful to put into such receptable, or place or mix with garbage, any ashes, broken crockery, broken bottles, stones, bricks, tin vessels, trimmings from lawns or flower gardens, pasteboard boxes, berry boxes, paper, straw, sawdust, packing mater- ials, shavings, boxes, natural soil, street sweepings, earth or other ac- cumulation or material which is not garbage as by this ordinance de- fined. Sec. 7. It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere in any manner with the collection and disposal of garbage by the city, its agents, servants or employees. 83 Sec. 8. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not ex- ceeding five hundred ($500) dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding ninety (90) days in the City Jail, or by both fine and im- prisonment, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall take effect Monday, November 7, 1910. Sec. 10. Ordinances Nos. 857, 906, 954 and 970, and all other ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 11. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held November 4, 1910, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Cattell, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 5th day of November, 1910. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1065. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Fixing Licenses, Requiring the Securing of License Certificates, and Forbidding the Carrying On of Certain Businesses, Trades, Callings, Occupations, Professions, Exhibitions and Avocations, Without a License Certificate There- for. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. A license certificate from the City of Pasadena issued as herein provided shall authorize the person, firm or corporation to whom, or to which issued, by himself or itself, or, unless otherwise herein expressly provided, by bona fide employees in the regular course of their employment, to engage in, carry on or conduct, in the City of Pasadena, the business, trade, calling, profession, exhibition or avoca- tion for which issued, during the life of such license certificate, and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employee, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, to engage in, carry on or conduct in the City of Pasadena any business, trade, calling, profession, exhibition or avocation hereinafter in this ordinance named, without such a license certificate therefor, issued as herein provided or at a time other than authorized in such license certificate. (See Ordinance No. 915.) The engaging in, carrying on or conducting of any business, trade, 'calling, profession, exhibition or avocation in the City of Pasadena for which a license certificate is required under the provisions of this ordi- nance, without having procured such a license certificate therefor, shall constitute a distinct and separate offense for each and every day that such business, trade, calling, profession, exhibition or avocation is en- gaged in, carried on or conducted. Sec. 2. License certificates from the City of Pasadena shall be issued by the ex-officio City Tax and License Collector and be counter- signed by the City Auditor upon, and not before (except as otherwise provided by Ordinance No. 915 of the City of Pasadena), the payment to the said ex-officio City Tax and License Collector, of the amount herein fixed and established for the engaging in, carrying on or con- ducting, of the business, trade, calling, profession, exhibition or avoca- 84 tion for which issued. Every license certificate issued hereunder shall specify the name of the person, firm or corporation to whom or to which issued, the business, trade, calling, profession, exhibition or avocation for which issued, its date of issue and the date of its ex- piration and such other matters and things as may be herein expressly required All licenses shall be paid in lawful money of the United States. ' Sec. 3. License certificates issued hereunder shall be non-trans- ferable, except with the permission of the Mayor and City Council, and shall confer no authority or privilege upon any person, firm or corpora- tion other than to whom or to which issued, or transferred with the permission of the Mayor and City Council, or to engage in, conduct or carry on any business other than the one specified therein, or at a time subsequent to the termination of the license certificate by expiration of the term for which issued or by its revocation. Sec. 4. The amounts necessary to be paid for license certificates from the City of Pasadena for the various businesses, trades, callings, professions, exhibitions and avocations herein named, are hereby fixed and established as follows: Subdivision 1. For every foot peddler of goods, wares or mer- chandise not otherwise specifically provided for, four dollars ($4) per day. Subdivision 2. For every peddler of goods, wares or merchan- dise not otherwise specifically provided for, using a wheeled vehicle, eight dollars ($8) per day for each vehicle. Subdivision 3. For every peddler of fruits, vegetables or poultry not grown, produced or raised by himself, or of candies, confections or ice cream, three dollars ($3) for three (3) months, five dollars ($5) for six (6) months or seven dollars ($7) for twelve (12) months. Subdivision 4. For every peddler of fruits, vegetables or poultry not grown, produced or raised by himself or of candies, confections or ice cream, using a wheeled vehicle, twenty-five dollars ($25) for six (6) months, or forty dollars ($40) for twelve (12) months for each vehicle Subdivision 5. For each foot peddler of fish not having a regular- ly established market or place of business within the city, two dollars ($2) for three (3) months, three dollars ($3) f6r six (6) months or five dollars ($5) for twelve (12) months. Subdivision 6. For every peddler of fish not having a regularly established plaec of busines or market within the city, and using a wheeled vehicle, twenty-five dollars ($25) for six (6) months or forty dollars ($40) for twelve (12) months for each vehicle. Subdivision 7. For every person, firm or corporation not having a grocery regularly established in the City of Pasadena, selling or solicit- ing to sell groceries therein, fifty dollars ($50) for three (3) months, seventy-five dollars ($75) for six (6) months or one hundred dollars ($100) for twelve (12) months. Subdivision 8. For every person, firm or corporation not having a regularly established placs of business in the city selling or soliciting to sell bread or other bake stuffs, twenty-five dollars ($25) for six (6) months, or forty dollars ($40) for twelve (12) months for each vehicle, provided, however, that a license under Subdivision 7 of this section shall be deemed to include bread and other bake stuffs and shall ob- viate the requirement of license therefor. Subdivision 9. For every person, firm or corporation selling or soliciting to sell hay, feed, wood, coal or fuel not grown, raised or pro- duced by himself or itself, not having a regularly established place of business in the city, ten dollars ($10) for six (6) months or fifteen dol- lars ($15) for twelve (12) months. Subdivision 10. For every person, firm or corporation not having a regularly established meat market in the city, selling meats in quan- tities less than ten pounds, two dollars ($2) per day. Subdivision 11. For every person, firm or corporation maintain- ing, conducting or carrying on an auction sale of goods, wares or mer- c -andise, twenty-five dollars ($25) per day. No license shall be required for the selling of any goods at public sale belonging to the United States or to the State of California, or for the sale of property by virtue of any process issued by any State or 85 Federal Court, or for the bona fide sale of household goods at the domici'e of the owner. Subdivision 12. For every person, firm or corporation opening or conducting a temporary or transient place of business for the sale of goods, wares or merchandise, five (5) per cent, on the amount of all sales during the time such business shall be so conducted. Such fee shall be payable on or before the 10th day of each month for the sales made during the previous calendar month. Every such person, firm or corporation before any such place of business shall be opened by him or it, and before any sale shall be made by him or it at such place of business, shall give the bond and procure the license hereinafter re- quired. Such bond shall be payable to the City of Pasadena, shall be for the sum of five hundred ($500) dollars, shall be in form approved by the City Attorney with sufficient sureties approved by the Mayor, and shall be conditioned that sucn person, firm or corporation will well and truly account for all sales made by him or it under oath to the City Tax Collector as fully as may be required by him, and that such per- son, firm or corporation will pay the fees as above required, and that upon failure to so account or pay the fees, the full amount of such bond shall be forfeited to the city. Upon delivery of such bond to the City Tax Collector, and after the same shall have been approved as above required, the City Tax Collector shall issue a license certificate to such person, firm or corporation for such time as shall be required by them not to exceed one year. Such license certificate may be re- voked at any time by the City Council for failure to account or pay the fees as above required. Any place of business opened and established for a special sale of goods, wares or merchandise, or for the sale of goods, wares or merchandise which is not intended to be regularly kept open and established for one year or more, or of which the owner shall fail or refuse to file the affidavit and give the bond herein- after in this subdivision mentioned, shall be deemed a temporary or transient place of business within the meaning hereof. Every person, firm or corporation hereafter opening or establish- ing any place of business for the sale of goods, wares or merchandise, within the City of Pasadena, who shall file with the City Tax Collector an affidavit by such person, or a member of such firm, or by the man- ager or an officer of such corporation, stating that such person, firm or corporation intends in good faith to continue such business for a period exceeding one year in the City of Pasadena, shall not be required to file a bond, pay the fees or procure the license as above required, provided that such person, firm or corporation shall execute and de- liver to the City Tax Collector a bond payable to the City of Pasadena for a sum to be fixed by the City Council, in form approved by the City Attorney, with sufficient sureties approved by the Mayor, conditioned that if such person, firm or corporation shall not continue in such busi- ness for a period of one year in the City of Pasadena, he or it will ac- count for and pay the fees above required in this subdivision for tem- porary or transient places of business. Subdivision 13. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of driving, maintaining or operating in the City of Pasa- dena any express wagon, dray or other vehicle used for the purpose of carrying baggage or freight for hire, for each vehicle used for such pur- pose twelve dollars ($12) per year. Subdivision 14. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of driving, maintaining or operating in the City of Pasa- dena, any automobile used for the purpose of carrying passengers for hire, for each such automobile used for such purpose, when having a seating capacity of less than eight (8) passengers, twenty-five dollars ($25) per year, and when having a seating capacity of eight (8) or more passengers, forty dollars ($40) per year. Subdivision 15. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of driving, maintaining or operating in the City of Pasa- dena any public carriage or any vehicle used for the purpose of carry- ing passengers for hire, for each such carriage or vehicle used for such person, tweTve dollars ($12) per year. Subdivision 16. For every person, firm or corporation conducting or showing any circus or menagerie, fifty dollars ($50) per day. 86 Subdivision 17. For every person, firm or corporation conducting or exhibiting any side show to any circus or menagerie, where a sep- arate admission fee is charged, ten dollars ($10) per day for each such side show. Subdivision 18. For every person, firm or corporation conducting or showing any exhibition of trained animals other than at a circus or menagerie or as a regular number or feature of a theatrical or vaude- ville performance, twenty-five dollars ($25) per day. Subdivision 19. Repealed. See Ordinance No. 1204.) This amendment shall not affect or prevent the prosecution and punishment of any person, firm or corporation for the violation of the ordinance amended hereby and shall not affect any prosecution or ac- tion which may be pending in any court for the violation of the ordi- nance amended by this ordinance. Whenever any person, firm or cor- poration has secured a license in conformity with the requirements of any of the ordinances hereby repealed, for the engaging in, carrying on or conducting of any business, trade, calling, profession, exhibition or avocation, for which a license is required by this ordinance, the license so obtained during the life thereof, shall be given the same weight and effect as a license certificate secured under the terms of this ordinance for the same business, trade, calling, profession, exhibition or avoca- tion. All persons holding an auctioneer's license at the time of the pas- sage of this ordinance shall be entitled to have the fees paid for the same refunded pro rata for the unexpired time of such license. Sec. 4. (Amendment adopted November 14, 1911, by Ordinance No. 1153.) Sec. 4 1 / . For every person engaged in the occupation of private watchman in the City of Pasadena and who, while so engaged, or employed, patrols any portion of the public streets or places of said city, the sum of Two Dollars ($2.00) per year for the first year, and One Dollar *,$1.00) per year for each subsequent year. Every person engaged in such occupation shall wear on his person a badge to be furnished by the Chief of the Police Depart- ment of said city, which badge shall be the property of said city, and shall bear a license number and the words "City of Pasadena, Licensed Private Patrolman." Said badge shall be exhibited at any time on demand of any police officer of said city, and shall be surrendered to said Chief of the Police Department in case such license certificate is revoked as hereinafter provided. A copy of each license certificate issued hereunder shall be filed with the Chief of the Police Department of said city, together with the address of the holder thereof, the name of his employer and the territory patroled by him, and said Chief of the Police Department shall be at all times informed of any change in such address, name or territory. The failure on the part of any person holding such license cer- tificate to comply with any and all of the provisions of this ordinance shall be cause for the revocation of such license certificate, and said Board of Police, Park and Fire Commissioners shall have power, for such cause, to revoke the same, after notice and hearing upon the matter has been given to the hoMer thereof, and upon the return to him of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00). (Sec. 4 l / 2 added by Ordinance No. 1238.) Sec. 5. A number shall be furnished by the ex-officio Tax and Li- cense Collector for each wagon, dray, automobile, or other vehicle spe- cified in Subdivision 17, 18 and 19 of Section 4 hereof, for which a li- cense is issued, and such number shall be affixed on the person of the driver of the vehicle for which said number is given. Sec. 6. Any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, of- ficer, clerk or employee, who or which will violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than five ($5) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500) dollars, or by imprison- ment not to exceed six (6) months in the City Jail, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 7. That Ordinances No. 452 and 961 and Section 1 of Ordi- nance No. 833, and all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict 87 herewith, are hereby repealed, provided that such repeal or repeals shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any per- son, firm or corporation for the violation of any ordinance repealed hereby, and shall not affect any prosecution or action which may be pending in any court for the violation of any ordinance repealed by this ordinance. Whenever any person, firm or corporation has secured a license in conformity with the requirements of any of the ordinances hereby repealed, for the engaging in, carrying on or conducting of any business, trade, calling, profession, exhibition or avocation, for which a license is required by this ordinance, the license so obtained during the life thereof, shall be given the same weight and effect as a license cer- tificate secured under the terms of this ordinance for the same busi- ness, trade, calling, profession, exhibition or avocation. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon and after the 7th day of December, 1910, at 12 o'clock noon. Sec. 9. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held December 6, 1910, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian, Mersereau and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 6th day of December, 1910. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. (Sec also Ordinance No. 1134 in re. license for spraying and fumi- gating.) ORDINANCE NO. 1204. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Repealing Subdivision 19 of Sec- tion 4 of Ordinance No. 1065, as Amended by Ordinance No. 1153, Revoking All License Certificates Heretofore Issued Thereunder, and Making It Unlawful for Any Person to Carry On or Practice the Business or Arts Therein Named. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That Subdivision 19 of Section 4 of Ordinance No. 1065, as amended by Ordinance No. 1153, be, and the same is hereby, re- pealed. Sec. 2. That all license certificates heretofore issued to any per- son carrying on, practicing or professing to practice the business or arts named in Subdivision 19 of Section 4 of Ordinance No. 1065, as amended by Ordinance No. 1153, be, and the same are hereby, revoked. All fees covering the unexpired terms of license certificates heretofore issued under Ordinance No. 1065 and Ordinance No. 1153, and now in force, shall be returned by the Tax and License Collector and demands for same audited and allowed as in the case of other demands against the city. Sec. 3. That it shall be unlawful for any person to carry on, prac- tice or profess to practice in the City of Pasadena, the business or art of astrology, palmistry, phrenology, life-reading, fortune telling, car- tomancy, clairvoyance, clair-audience, crystal-gazing, hypnotism, me- diumship, prophecy, augury, divinition, magic or necromancy, and de- mand or receive a fee therefor. Sec. 4. Any person who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred ($500) dollars, or by im- prisonment in the City Jail not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect the 1st day of April, 1912. Sec. 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this. Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held March 5, 1912, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Chaffee, Fogg, Korstian, Rhodes, Root and Shutt. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 5th day of March, 1912. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1072. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating Traffic Upon and Use of the Streets. The Mayor and the City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain :as follows: Section 1. Speed Limit Generally. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive any horse or other animal or to drive or propel any bicycle, automobile or other riding machine or horseless vehicle, or any vehicle, at a rate of speed greater than twenty (20) miles per hour on or along any street in the City of Pasadena. Sec. 2. Speed Limit at Street Intersections. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive any horse or other animal, or to drive or propel any bicycle, automobile or other riding machine or horseless vehicle, or any vehicle, at a rate of speed greater than fifteen (15) miles per hour past or across any of the street intersections within that part of the City of Pasadena, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the north boundary line of Villa street and the east boundary line of Los Robles avenue; thence in a general southerly direction along the east boundary line of Los Robles avenue to the south boundary line of California street; thence in a general westerly direction along the south boundary line of California street to the west boundary line of Pasadena avenue; thence in a gen- eral northerly direction along the west boundary line of Pasadena ave- nue to the north boundary line of Villa street; thence along the north boundary line of Villa street to the place of beginning. It shall be unlawful to ride or drive any such animal, or propel any such vehicle past or across the intersection of Fair Oaks avenue and Colorado street, or the intersection of Raymond avenue and Colorado street at a rate of speed greater than eight (8) miles per hour. Sec. 3. Vehicles Passing Street Car. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive any horse or other animal or to drive or propel any bicycle, automobile or other riding machine or horseless vehicle, or any vehicle, at a rate of speed greater than eight (8) miles per hour when passing within ten (10) feet of any street car standing upon any street within the City of Pasadena. Sec. 4. Street Car Passengers to Have Right-of-Way. All persons entering or leaving any electric railway car at or in the immediate vicinity of the intersection of Colorado street and Fair Oaks avenue, or at or in the immediate vicinity of the intersection of Colorado street and Raymond avenue, or while waiting opportunity to so enter while near such car, shall have the right-of-way over all vehicles on said streets. Sec. 5. Reckless Driving. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive any horse or other animal, or drive or propel any bicycle, .automobile or other riding machine or horseless vehicle, on any street in the City of Pasadena, at a rate of speed greater than is reasonable and proper having regard to the traffic and use of the street, or so as to 89 endanger the life or limb of any person, or in excess of the rate pre- scribed by this ordinance. Sec. 6. Person Under Fifteen Years of Age Not to Drive Automo- biles. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of fifteen years to drive any automobile in any street in the City of Pasadena. Sec. 7. Speed Limit for Street Cars. It shall be unlawful for any person as motorman or conductor, or otherwise, to run or operate any electric railway car in the City of Pasadena at a greater rate of speed than twenty (20) miles per hour, or across or around the intersections of Colorado street and Los Robles avenue, Euclid avenue, Marengo avenue, Broadway, Raymond avenue, Fair Oaks avenue and Delacy street, respectively; or across or around the intersections of Raymond avenue and Union street and Green street, respectively; or across or around the intersections of Fair Oaks avenue and Union street and Green street, respectively, at a greater rate of speed than eight (8) miles per hour. Sec. 8. Speed Limit for Steam Railway Engines. It shall be un- lawful for the engineer or any person in charge of any steam railway engine to run or drive the same in the City of Pasadena at a rate of speed greater than twenty (20) miles per hour. Sec. 9. Hitching. It shall be unlawful for any person having charge, custody or control of any horse, mule or donkey to leave such animal or cause or permit the same to be left unattended and unse- cured in any street in the City of Pasadena. A horse, mule or donkey left unattended in any street shall be deemed to be unsecured within the meaning of this ordinance unless it shall be securely tied or hitched by a chain, strap or rope fastened to its neck, halter or bridle and to a post or other permanent fastening, or by a chain, strap or rope fas- tened to the bit of its bridle and to a weight of not less than twenty (20) pounds resting upon the ground, or in the case of one or two horses or mules harnessed to a wagon having a brake, by tightly set- ting the brake on such wagon, backing the horse, mule or team so the traces shall be loose, pulling the lines taut and securely fastening them to the wagon, in such manner that the wagon can be drawn only by means of the lines. Sec. 10. Hitching to Trees and Cluster Light Posts. It shall be unlawful for any person to fasten, tie or hitch any horse, mule or other animal to any shade or ornamental tree or to any cluster light post along any street in the City of Pasadena, or to fasten, tie or hitch any such animal in such close proximity to any such shade or ornamental tree or to any such cluster light post as will permit such animal to injure, deface or mar any such tree or post. Sec. 11. Bell or Gong Required. It shall be unlawful for any per- son to drive or propel any bicycle, automobile or other riding machine or horseless vehicle in the City of Pasadena without having attached to such bicycle, automobile or other riding machine or horseless ve- hicle, a bell, gong or horn in good working order and sufficient to give warning of the approach of such vehicle. Such bell, gong or horn shall be of such size only as may be necessary to give such warning and shall not be sounded except when necessary to give such warning. Sec. 12. Lights on Vehicles. It shall be unlawuful for any person to drive or propel any automobile upon or along any street in the City of Pasadena at any time during the period from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise without having attached to the front of such automobile one or more lamps which shall show a white light visible in the direction in which such automobile is proceeding and having attached to the rear of such vehicle one or more lamps which shall show a red light in the direction from which such vehicle is going, or to drive or propel any vehicle, except a bicycle or an oil tank wagon containing and used in transporting in bulk any product of petro^um or any hydrocrabon liquid that will flash or emit an inflammable vapor below the temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit, upon or along any street in the City of Pasadena at any time during such period without having a light attached thereto, or to leave any vehicle, except such an oil tank wagon or bicycle, standing in any street of the City of Pasa- dena during such period without having a light attached thereto. Sec. 13. Mufflers. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or 90 propel any automobile or motorcycle in the City of Pasadena, unless the sound or report of the exhaust of said automobile or motorcycle shall be effectually muffled or quieted by a muffler or other device or devices, except an automobile when ascending a grade of five (5) per centum or more. Sec. 14. Riding or Driving on Sidewalks. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive any horse or other animal, or drive or pro- pel any bicycle, automobile or other riding machine or horseless ve- hicle, or any vehicle, along or upon any sidewalk in the City of Pasa- dena. "Vehicle" in this section shall not be construed to mean invalid chairs, baby carriages or small vehicles commonly used by children in their sports, provided that coasters exceeding four (4) feet in length are hereby declared to be street vehicles and are hereby excluded from the sidewalks; and further provided, that children coasting on the side- walks may do so only on parts of walks at the time unoccupied by pedestrians. Sec. 14. (Amendment approved January 24, 1911, by Ordinance No. 1076.) Sec. 15. Law of the Road. Every person in charge of any horse or of any vehicle by whatever means drawn or propelled on any street in the City of Pasadena, having but two wheel tracks or well beaten paths for vehic"es shall, whenever practicable, turn to the right and surrender the left track upon meeting any person in charge of any horse or other animal, or any vehicle by whatever means propelled, and upon all occasions is required reasonably to turn to the right and when it is practicable so to do to drive upon the right hand side of the street. Sec. 16. Vehicles at Street Intersections. Every person in charge of any horse or other animal or of any vehicle by whatever means drawn or propelled, in the City of Pasadena, when turning any corner to the left, shall pass to the right of the point of intersection of the centre line of the street from which he is turning with the centre line of the street into which he is turning, keeping such point of intersec- tion at all times to his left hand. Sec. 17. Crossing Street In Congested District. Every person riding, driving or propelling any vehcile, crossing from one side of Colorado street between Broadway and Fair Oaks avenue, or Raymond avenue between Green street and Union street, or Fair Oaks avenue between Green street and Union street, in the City of Pasadena, shall make such crossing only by turning to the left so as to head in the same direction as the traffic on that side of the street toward which the crossing is made. Sec. 18. Vehicles Standing in Streets. It shall be unlawful for any person in charge of any vehicle, by whatever means drawn or pro- pelled, to allow the same to remain standing upon any street in the City of Pasadena with the inside front or rear wheel more than two feet from the nearest curb line, or on Co^rado street between Marengo avenue and Delacy street, on Fair Oaks avenue between Dayton street and Holly street, and on Raymond avenue between Dayton street and Holly street, to stop the same other than with the right side of the same along the crub, or for any person in charge of any motorcycle or bicycle to allow the same to stand along the curb on any street in the City of Pasadena within a distance of three feet from any other motor- cycle or bicycle. Sec. 19. Vehicles Backed to Curb. It shall be unlawful for the owner or person in charge of any vehicle upon any street in the City of Pasadena to allow said vehicle to remain backed up to the curb except when such vehicle is being loaded or unloaded. Sec. 20. Obstructions by Vehicles. It shall be unlawful for the owner or any person in charge of any horse or other animal or any street car or any carriage, wagon, automobile, motorcycle, bicycle or other vehicle to stop the same upon any street intersection or upon any part of any street intersection or termination or to obstruct the enrance to any public or private alley or driveway in the City of Pasa- dena. 91 Sec 21. Vehicles Not to Stand on Certain Places.. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permit any vehicle, public or otherwise, to stand or remain on North Raymond Avenue, and on the west side of South Raymond avenue and on South Fair Oaks Avenue within bixty (60) feet of the intersection of said streets with Colorado Street and on North Fair Oaks Avenue and on the east side of South Raymond Avenue within one hundred and twenty (120) feet of the intersection of said streets with Colorado Street, or within twenty (20) feet of any drinking fountain or watering trough in said city, or to leave any horse or other animal or any vehicle standing on any street within twenty (20) feet of any fire hydrant in said city. Sec. 21. (Amended. See page 92.) Sec 22. Congested Streets. The congested streets of the City of Pasadena, for the purpose of Sections 23 and 24 of this Ordinance, are hereby declared to be as follows: Co^rado street between Delacy street and Marengo avenue; Fair Oaks avenue between Green street and Union street; Raymond avenue between the north line of Dayton street produced east and Union street; Union street between Delacy street and Marengo avenue; Green street between Delacy street and Broadway and Broadway be- tween Union street and Green street. Sec. 23. Permit for Public Vehicles Required. It shall be unlaw- ful for the owner or person in charge of any hack, coach, carriage, au- tomobile, cab or other vehicle, used or intended for use in carrying passengers for hire, or of any express wagon, dray or other vehicle used or intended for use in carrying freight or baggage for hire, to allow any such vehicle while awaiting employment to stand upon the congested streets of the City of Pasadena as designated in Section 22 hereof, without a permit in writing therefor from the Board of Park, Police and Fire Commissioners of the City of Pasadena, as provided in the next succeeding section of this ordinance, or at a place on said streets different from that designated in such permit, or unless the said per- mit is attached to said vehicle in a conspicuous place; provided, how- ever, that it shall not be unlawful for any such public vehicle, with or without a permit therefor, to stand on Broadway between the north line of Green street and the south line of Colorado street and on the south side of East Colorado street, directly in front of the Southern Pacific passenger depot and on the east side of Raymond avenue south of the north line of Dayton street, produced east, or on the south line of Green street between Raymond avenue and the right-of-way of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, within a distance of not less than ten (10) feet from any other such vehicle and during and not more than ten (10) minutes before the arrival of any passenger train at the depot nearest to which said vehicle is standing. Sec. 24. Permits. The Board of Park, Police and Fire Commis- sioners of the City of Pasadena is hereby empowered, in its discretion, to grant permits to owners or persons in charge of hacks, cabs, car- riages, coaches, automobiles, or other vehicles used in carrying pas- sengers for hire, and of express wagons, drays or other vehicles used for carrying baggage or freight for hire, allowing any such vehicle awaiting employment to stand at a certain place designated by such board upon the congested streets of the City of Pasadena as specified in Section 22 hereof, which permit shall in all cases continue in force for one (1) year from the date thereof, unless sooner revoked as herein provided. A separate permit shall be issued for each vehicle and all permits issued by said board pursuant to the provisions hereof shall contain the name of the person to whom the same is issued, the kind of vehicle and license number of the vehicle for which issued, and the place designated as a stand for such vehicle. Permits granted here- under shall be non-transferable and shall confer no authority upon any person other than to whom granted, or as to any vehicle other than the one for which granted. The said Board of Commissioners may, how- ever, in its discretion, allow a partial transfer of any such permit so as to cover another vehicle of the same class as that for which granted. When such a transfer as to the vehicle covered by the permit is grant- ed, such fact, together with the kind of vehicle and license number thereof, as to which such partial transfer is granted, shall be endorsed 92 upon the permit. The Board of Commissioners may, in its discretion, revoke the permit of any person who shall have been convicted of a violation of any provision of this ordinance. Every person in charge of any vehicle for which a permit shall have been obtained pursuant to the provisions hereof, shall keep such permit attached to such vehicle in a conspicuous place at all times while in use, as aforesaid, and shall allow the examination of such permit whenever requested to do so by any police officer. In granting permits hereunder, the said Board of Commissioners shall be governed by the provisions of this ordinance and by the following rules: (a) No permit shall be granted except upon the written applica- tion of the person desiring the same, filed with said Board of Commis- sioners, stating the kind and license number of the vehicle for which a permit is sought, and the proposed location of the stand for such ve- hicle, accompanied by the written consent of the lessee or occupant of the ground floor of the premises in front of which it is desired that such vehicle may stand, or where such premises are unoccupied, of the owner thereof. (b) No permit shall be granted to occupy any stand without the written consent of the lessee or eccupant of the ground floor of the premises in front of which such stand is located, or where such prem- ises are not occupied, of the owner of such premises. (c) No permit shall be granted for any express wagon, dray, au- tomobile truck, or other vehicle used or intended for use in carrying baggage or freight for hire to stand on Colorado street between the west line of Broadway and the east line of Delacy street. (d) Permits shall not be granted for more than ten (10) vehicles to stand upon any one block of any congested street, nor shall permits be granted for more than five (5) such vehicles to stand upon the same side of the street in any such block. (e) Permits shall not be granted for more than four (4) vehicles to stand in any block on Colorado street between Delacy street and Broadway nor for more than two (2) such vehicles to stand upon the same side of the street in any block on Colorado street between Delacy street and Broadway. (f ) No vehicle shall be permitted to stand within fifty (50) feet OL another vehicle upon the same side of any street, nor within sev- enty-five (75) feet of any street intersection. Sec. 25. Soliciting. It shall be unlawful for any person, upon the following streets or portions of streets in the City of Pasadena, to wit: Colorado street between Los Robles avenue and Delacy street, Fair Oaks avenue between Walnut street and Dayton street; Raymond ave- nue between Walnut street and the north line of Dayton street pro- duced east; Broadway between Union street and Green street, to solicit for or direct attention to any express wagon, dray, automobile, public carriage, hack or other public vehicle used for the purpose of carrying baggage, freight or passengers for hire. Sec. 26. Soliciting at Stations. It shall be unlawful for any per- son to occupy any portion of any railway passenger station or depot or the platform or sidewalk adjacent thereto in the City of Pasadena for the purpose of soliciting for any hotel, boarding house or public vehicle. Sec 27. Peddlers' Wagons. It shall be unlawful for any person having charge, custody or control of any cart, wagon or other vehicle, to allow such vehicle to remain within the limit of any one block on the streets of Pasadena for the purpose of vending from such vehicle, hay feed, wood, meats, fruits, vegetables, goods, wares or merchandise, longer than (10) minutes in any one day within the following described district, to wit: That portion of the city bounded on the north by Wal- nut street; on the east by Marengo avenue; on the south by Bellevue drive and on the west by Pasadena avenue. Sec. 28. Vehicles Standing in the Street. It shall be unlawful for the owner or person in charge of any carriage, hack or any vehicle de- signed to be drawn by a horse or horses, or any animal or animals, to leave such carriage, hack or other vehicle upon any street in the City of Pasadena without such horse or horses, or other animal or animals, being hitched thereto. Nothing in this section, however, shall apply to the leaving of any such vehicle in the street for a reasonable timo 93 while the same is being loaded or unloaed, or in case of accident to such vehicle or to the animals drawing the same. (Section 28. Amendment approved March 12, 1912, by Ordinance No. 1205.) Sec. 29. Traffic on Boulevards. It shall be unlawful for any per- son to drive or propel any heavily laden wagon, automobile truck or other vehicle, or any truck, wagon or other vehicle employed in carry- ing ice, hay, coal, manure, lumber, brick, building material, sand, earth, gravel, natural oil or crude petroleum, or regularly employed in carry- ing goods or merchandise, along or upon Marengo avenue or Orange Grove avenue in the City of Pasadena where the same have been here- tofore by ordinances set apart and dedicated as boulevards, or any other streets or avenues which may hereafter by ordinance be set apart and dedicated as boulevards, and except on the street intersections of such boulevards, and except that portion of Marengo avenue between Union street and Green street; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to the use of said boulevards by vehicles carrying goods, merchandise or material to or from premises situated upon said boule- vards so far as necessary for such purpose or to use the said boule- vards in the care thereof. Sec. 29 (a). Traffic On Streets While Being Improved. While the roadway of any street, or portion thereof, or portion of such road- way, in the City of Pasadena, is being improved (whether by private contract or by special assessment) the Superintendent of Streets may, when in his opinion traffic thereon would injure such improvement, or- der the roadway of such street, or portion thereof, or portion of such roadway which would be so injured closed to traffic. When such or- der is made the Superintendent of Streets, or the contractor with the authorization of the Superintendent of Streets, shall cause to be placed suitable barriers bearing the sign, "STREET CLOSED FOR TRAFFIC," "Superintendent of Streets." in such a way as to indicate plainly the portion of such street so closed to traffic. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or propel, or cause or permit to be driven or propelled, any vehicle upon the roadway or any street or portion thereof, or portion of such roadway in the City of Paasdena closed to traffic as herein in this section provided, and while the barriers and signs herein provided for are in place. As soon as such improvement will bear traffic without injury thereto, the barriers and signs herein provided for to be removed and said street thrown open to traffic. Sec. 29 (b). Traffic on Oiled Streets. Whenever any street, or portion thereof, in the City of Pasadena has been improved by oiling (whether by private contract or by special assessment), and the thick- ness of such pavement does not exceed three (3) inches, upon the com- pletion of such improvement, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause to be posted along the line of such improvement, at intervals of not more than one block, notices upon which shall be printed substantially the following: "VEHICLES HAVING STEEL OR IRON TIRES AND CARRYING A LOAD IN EXCESS OF 600 POUNDS, INCLUDING VEHICLE, PER LINEAL INCH COMBINED WIDTH OF TIRES NOT ALLOWED ON THIS STREET." After three months from the date of completion of such improvement, such signs shall be removed. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or propel, or cause or permit to be driven or propelled upon any street in the City of Pasa- dena which has been improved by oiling, where the thickness of such pavement does not exceed three (3) inches, any vehicle having steel or iron tires which together with its load exceeds in weight 600 pounds per lineal inch combined width of tires of such vehicle, during the period of three months after the completion of such improvement. Nothing in this section, however, shall be construed to prohibit or limit traffic on street intersections. Sec. 29 (c). Heavy Teaming. It shall be unlawul for any person to drive or propel, or cause to be driven or propelled upon any street in the City of Pasadena. 94 (a) Two or more freight vehicles, hitched tandem, or (b) Any vehicle having steel or iron tires which, with its load, exceeds in weight 1,000 pounds per lineal inch combined width of tires on such vehicle. (Sections 29 (a), 29 (b) and 29 (c) added by amendment approved March 12, 1912, by Ordinance No. 1205.) Sec.. 30. Right of Way Given to Fire Apparatus. All fire engines, hose wagons, hook and ladder wagons, and all other fire apparatus in the City of Pasadena shall have the right of way over ail vehicles along any street of the city when responding to an alarm of fire. Sec. 31. Street Cars to Stop Upon Approach of Fire Apparatus. On the approach of any fire engine, hose wagon, hook and ladder wagon or other fire apparatus in the City of Pasadena, which is responding to an alarm of fire, the motorman or other person operating any street car on any street in said city is required immediately to stop the c.-r which he is operating until such fire apparatus has passed; and, in the night time, to put out and extinguish or cover the headlight of such street car. Sec. 32. Persons Following Fire Engines.. It shall be unlawful for any person to accompany, by means of any vehicle, any fire engine, hose wagon, hook and ladder wagon, or other fire apparatus when the same is responding to an alarm of fire, at a less distance than three hundred (300) feet from any such apparatus, or to otherwise impede or obstruct the progress of any part of such fire apparatus. Sec 33. Unlawful to Drive Over Fire Hose. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or propel any vehicle, by whatever means drawn or propelled, over any fire hose in any street of the City of Pasadena. Sec. 34. Physicians to Have Right of Way. Physicians respond- ing to calls to attend the sick or injured, where haste is necessary, and ambulances conveying the sick or injured, or responding to calls, shall have the right of way over all persons and vehicles on all streets, al- leys and public places within the corporate limits of the City of Pasa- dena. It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to yield such right of way; provided, to entitle physicians to this privilege they shall wear on their person a numbered badge of such design as may be approved by the City Treasurer (such badge sha'i be obtained from the City Treasurer upon application), and the City Treasurer is hereby author- ized to obtain a sufficient nuntber of badges not to exceed one hundred (100), and shall co'lect from each physician to whom a badge is issued the actual cost of such badge. Sec. 35. Switching of Railroad Rolling Stock. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person to use any portion of Colorado street in the City of Pasadena lor the purpose of switching any steam railroad locomotive, car or rolling stock across said street. Sec. 36. Reporting Accidents. The person riding, driving, or in charge of any animal, or riding, driving, propelling or in charge of any vehic.e upon any street in the City of Pasadena, which shall collide with any other animal or with any other vehic'e or with any pedestrian in any such street when any injury or damage to person or property resulis therefrom, is required, when not physically disabled and in- capacitated by such collision, to report the same to a police officer of the City of Pasadena, if one be present, and if no such officer be pres- ent to report the same immediately to the person in charge of the po- lice station in the City Hall of said city, stating in such report the time when and place where such collision took place, the name of the per- son or persons injured, it known, and the name of the person or per- sons riding, driving or in charge of the animal or animals, or riding, driving, propelling or in charge of the vehicle or vehicles involved in sucn collision. Sec. 37. Obstruction of Streets. It shall be unTawful for any per- son to stand or sit id'y in or upon any street, sidewalk or crosswalk in the City of Pasadena, or to stand or sit in or noon any such street, sidewalk or crosswa k so as in any manner to hinder or obstruct the iiee pat-sage therein of persons passing a ong the same, or so as in any manner to annoy or molest persons passing along the same, or to stand 95 in or at the entrance of any church, hall, theater or place of public assembly so as in any manner to obstruct such entrance. Sec. 38. Display of Goods On Sidewalks and Obstruction of Streets. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use or occupy any public sidewalk in the City of Pasadena for the display of goods, wares, merchandise, or to leave any goods, wares, merchan- dise, boxes, barrels, trucks or other articles upon any street or portion of a street of the City of Pasadena. Sec. 39. Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employee, who or which shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred ($500) dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months in the City Jail, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 40. Repeals. Ordinances Nos. 201, 385, 434, 471, 563, 604,. 614, 732, 943, 944, 959, 1024, 1034 and 1043, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Pro- vided, that any such repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution and punishment of any person for any act heretofore done or permit- ted to be done in violation of any ordinance which may be repealed by this ordinance, and shall not affect any prosecution or action which may be pending in any court for the violation of any ordinance re- pealed by this ordinance. Sec. 41. Time When Ordinance Becomes Effective. This ordi- nance shall go into effect at 12 o'clock noon of the first day of Febru- ary, 1911, provided, however, the provisions of Section 24 hereof shall become effective at once, to the extent that the Board of Commission- ers under the terms thereof, may grant permits to become effective on February 1, 1911. Sec. 42. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held December 27 r 1910, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Chaffee, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian and Mersereau. Noes. Councilman Root. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 27th day of December, 1910. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1091. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating the Use of Public Parks at Night, in Said City, The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain a& follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to go or be upon the grass in any public park within the City of Pasadena at any time between one hour after sun down and 6 o'clock of the following morning. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to loiter or remain in any public park within the City of Pasadena at any time between 10:30 o'clock at night and 6 o'clock of the following morning. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding twenty-five ($25) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail, for a term not ex- ceeding twenty-five (25) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. 96 Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certiy to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held March 1, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilman Barnes, Chaff ee, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian, Mersereau and Root. Noes. None. HBMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 1st day of March, 1911. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1118. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating Smoking on Street Cars. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person upon any street car or interurban car in the City of Pasadena, that has a platform or open section and is equipped with seats for passengers on such plat- form or open section, to smoke any cigar, cigarette or pipe, or smoke tobacco in any manner or form, except upon the last three seats on each side of the rear open section or platform, or when there shall be no open section or platform at the rear of such car then except upon the last three seats on each side of the open section or platform of such car. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation owning, controlling or operating any street car or interurban car that has two platforms or open sections to maintain a sign on each plat- form or open section of such car, stating that smoking is prohibited except upon the last three seats of the rear open section, and upon such car having one open section that smoking is prohibited except upon the last three seats of the open section. Each such sign shall be so placed and shaU be in legible characters of such size that the same may be read from any portion of such platform or open section of such car. Sec. 3. Any persons violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than five ($5) dollars, nor more than twenty-five (25) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period of not more than ten (10) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held April 18, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Chaffee, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian, Mersereau and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 18th day of April, 1911. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. 97 ORDINANCE NO. 1119. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating the Construction and Maintenance of Wires, Cables and Conductors for Use or Used in Carrying Electricity. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. The expression "Class A, Wire" as herein used shall be deemed, and is hereby declared to mean and include any overhead wire, cable or conductor intended to be used or used to carry or con- duct electricity of a higher constant potential than six thousand six hundred (6,600) volts. The expression "Class B, Wire" as herein used shall be deemed and is hereby declared to mean and include any overhead wire, cable or conductor intended to be used or used to carry or conduct elec- tricity of a constant potential of three thousand five hundred (3,500) volts or over and not exceeding six thousand six hundred (6,600) volts. The expression "Class C, Wire" as herein used shall be deemed and is hereby declared to mean and include any overhead wire, cable or conductor intended to be used or used in connection with light, power, telephone, telegraph or messenger purposes to carry or conduct e'.ectricity of a potential of less than three thousand five hundred (3,500) volts. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employee for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation to construct or assist in con- struction, or to suffer to be constructed in the City of Pasadena any class "A" wire, except for a distance of not exceeding three hundred (300) feet from the generating or sub-station into which it enters or from wh'ch it leaves, or except for a branch line connecting with a line a^eady constructed; provided, however, such branch line shall not exceed in length one thousand (1,000) feet, and the construction con- forms in all respects to the requirements of this ordinance. (Section 2. Amendment approved June 13, 1911, by Ordinance No. 1131.) Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employee, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, to maintain, or to assist in maintaining or to suffer to be maintained in the City of Pasadena on and after six (6) months from the date of passage of this ordinance, any class "A" wire heretofore constructed. (a) Where there are any class "B" or class "C" wires on the same pole or other poles nearer than eight (8) feet to such class "A" wire, and (b) Unless said class "A" wire is above the class "B" or class "C" wires on the same pole or other pole lines, and (c) Unless at every point where a class "A" wire crosses above or parallels a class "B" or a class "C" wire, the class "A" wire is se- curely protected from such other wires by the use of double crossarms, not less than ten (10) feet long and spaced not less than three (3) feet apart, the wires to be secured to insulators on the end positions of each arm, the wires to be not less than fifty-five and one-half (55^) inches from the centre of the pole to which they are attached, and the construction to be so arranged that in no case, should the class "A" wire break, can it fall upon such other wires, and (d) Unless the said class "A" wire is not less than fifteen (15) feet from any building, except the generating or sub-station into which it enters or from which it leaves, and (e) Unless the said class "A" wire is attached to the top position of a pole not less than sixty (60) feet in height, and (f) Unless said class "A" wire is at least equivalent to a number four (4) medium hard drawn copper strand Brown & Sharpe gauge wire. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk or employee, for himself or itself, or 98 for another person, firm or corporation, to construct or maintain or to assist in constructing or maintaining or to suffer to be constructed or maintained in the City of Pasadena any class "B" wire, unless such wire is at least equivalent to a number four (4) medium hard drawn copper strand Brown & Sharpe gauge wire and has no span longer than one hundred and fifty (150) feet, and is attached to the top positions of poles not less than fifty (50) feet in height, except for a distance not exceeding three hundred (300) feet from the generating or sub- station into which it enters or from which it leaves, and has insulator guards at all corners and unless, at every point where it crosses above or paralle s any class ''C" wires, it is securely protected from such other wires by the use of double cross arms not less than ten (10) feet long and spaced not less than three (3) feet apart, the wires to be secured to insulators on end positions of each arm and wires not to be less than fifty-five and one-half (55^) inches from the centre of the pole to which they are attached, so that in no case, should the said class "B" wire break, can it fall upon such other wires. Sec. 5. Each person, firm or corporation operating or maintaining any class "A" or class "B" wires within the City of Pasadena shall, within thirty (30) days from the date of the passage of this ordinance, fTe with the City Clerk a schedule showing the location of all existing class "A" or class *'R" wires owned or controlled by him or it, together with the length of the poles upon which the same are maintained and the vo'tage used on such wires. All class "A" or class "B" wires not specified in a schedule made and filed as herein provided shall be deemed new wires and shall be subject to the provisions hereof re- specting new construction. Sec. 6. In all cases where the c'earance between wires does not conform with the requirements hereof, the class "A" and class "B" wires must be raised to make the necessary clearance; provided, how- ever, that nothing herein contained shall require the raising of such higher potential wires to a greater height than seventy-five (75) feet from the surface of the ground. Where the person, firm or corporation, owning or controlling such higher potential wires, raises them to a height of seventy-five (75) feet from the surface of the ground and the clearance does not then conform with the requirements of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the person, firm or corporation owning or controlling the class "C" wires to lower them a sufficient distance to afford the clearance herein required. Sec. 2. The City Electrician is hereby authorized, and it shall be his duty to disconnect any class "A," class "B" or class "C" wire con- structed or maintained in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance and it sha 1 ! be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, as principal, agent, officer, clerk, or employee, for himself or itself, or for another person, firm or corporation, to connect up, use or maintain the same for the carrying or conducting of electricity, unless the con- struction is first made to conform to the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 8. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding five hundred ($500) dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months in the City Jail, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day during which any calss "A," class "B" or class "C" wire is used or maintained in vio'ation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a distinct and separate offense. Sec. 9. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall be deemed to prohibit the use of underground c'ass "A" or class "B" wires or of un- derground high potential cables installed in accordance with the provi- sions of Ordinance No. 761 of the City of Pasadena. Sec. 10. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby Certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the 99 City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held May 1, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Chaffee, Fogg, Hotaling, Korstian, Mersereau and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 1st day of May, 1911, at 10:30 o'clock a. m. THOMAS EARLEY, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1134. An Ordinance Imposing Licenses for Spraying or Fumigating Trees, Plants or Vines. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in, con- duct, or carry on the business of spraying or fumigating trees, plants, vines or orchards, in the Citv of Pasadena, without having produced a licensed certificate therefor from the ex-officio City Tax and License Collector, as hereinafter provided. The engaging in, carrying on, or conducting of said business with- out having produced such a lincense certificate therefor, shall consti- tute a distinct and separate offense for each and every day that such business is engaged in, carried on, or conducted. The license certificate above mentioned shall be issued by said City Tax and License Collector, and be countersigned by the City Audi- tor, upon and not before the payment to said City Tax and License Collector of the sum of three (3) dollars for one (1) year. Every li- cense certificate issued hereunder shall specify the name of the person to whom issued, the business for which issued, its date of issue and the date of its expiration. The license certificate issued hereunder shall be non-transferable, and shall confer no authority or privilege upon' any person other than to whom issued. No such license shall be issued except upon a written permit from the Board of Park, Police and Fire Commissioners. Said Board of Park, Police and Fire Commissioners shall, upon application being made to them for any such permit, examine the applicant and the implements and apparatus to be used by him in such business, and grant such permit only if they find that the applicant understands the proper conduct of such business, and is competent to engage therein, and that the said implements and apparatus are properly constructed and suitable for said business. Whenever any person holding such a permit does any spraying or fumigating in a negligent or unskillful manner, or uses therefor improper materials or unfit or improperly constructed apparatus or implements, said Board of Park, Police or Fire Commissioners may, upon notice to such person and after hear- ing him upon the matter, revoke any permit granted to him under this ordinance, and after such revocation no further license shall be issued to him. All such permits and written notice of all such revocations shall be filed with the Tax and License Collector. For the purposes of this ordinance every person who has charge of or directs the opera- tions of any outfit of apparatus or implements used in the business of spraying or fumigating trees, plans, vines or orchards, or who applies thereto or prepares, the chemicals used in such fumigation, whether on his own account or as agent of another, shall be deemed to be en- gaged in such business, and shall be required to have a license there- for. Sec. 1%. The Board of Park, Police and Fire Commissioners is hereby authorized and required to make such rules consistent with the requirements of the county board of horticultural commissioners as may be necessary for the proper regulation of the methods and ma- terials employed in and the manner of engaging in, carrying on or 100 conducting said business of spraying or fumigating, and to revoke any such permit and cause any such license to be withdrawn upon refusal or neglect to comply with such rules. The City Tax and License Col- lector shall furnish to each person now holding and hereafter granted such permit and license certificate a suitable badge, numbered and bearing the words "Spraying and Fumigating, Pasadena, Cal., Em- ployer's License," and the words in brackets "Not a City Employee," which badge shall be conspicuously worn by such person while en- gaged in soliciting for and performing the said business of spraying or fumigating. Said badge shall be returned to the officer furnishing the same in case such permit and license are revoked as herein pro- vided. The City Tax and License Collector shall furnish to each em- ploye of each person now holding or hereafter granted such permit and license a suitable badge, numbered, and bearing the words "Spraying and Fumigating, Pasadena, Cal., Licensee's Employee," and the words in brackets "Not a City Employee," which badge shall be worn as aforesaid and returned if required as hereinbefore provided. Nothing herein contained shall be held or construed to constitute any holder of such permit, license, certificate or badge, an employee or agent of said Board or city, (Section IVz. Amendment: approved February 20, 1912, by Ordinance No. 1199.) Sec. 2. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding one hundred ($100) dol- lars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a term not exceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the dis- cretion of the Court. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held July 25, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Chaffee, Fogg, Korstian, Rhodes and Root. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 25th day of July, 1911. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1141. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating the Manner in Which Those Portions of Streets Required by Law to Be Paved and Kept in Repair by Persons, Firms or Corporations Having Steam, Elec- tric, Interurban or Street Railroad or Railway Tracks Thereon Shall Be Paved, Prescribing the Manner in Which the Roadbeds of Said Tracks Shall Be Constructed, and Fixing the Type of Rail to Be Used in Certain Track Construction. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. The word "street" as herein used shall include ave- nues, bou^vards, highways, lanes, alleys, crossings, intersections, courts and public ways of the City of Pasadena. The expression "railway tracks" as herein used shall include the tracks of any steam, electric, interurban or street railroad or railway. The expression "space occupied by railway tracks" (or an expres- sion similar in effect thereto) as herein used shall mean the portion of a street required by law to be paved, improved or kept in repair by the person, firm or corporation maintaining railway tracks thereon. A "standard roadbed" is a roadbed constructed as hereinafter 101 provided of (a) hydraulic cement concrete, (b) stone ballast, or (c) asphalt concrete. (a) Hydraulic Cement Concrete Construction. When hydraulic cement concrete construction is used, the hydraulic cement concrete shall be composed by volume of one (1) part cement, three (3) parts sand, and six (6) parts of broken stone, and the concrete shall extend at least six (6) inches below the bottom of the ties, and the space be- tween and around the ties shall be filled in with concrete at least level with the top of the ties. When the street in which said construction is made is ordered paved with a pavement having a cement concrete base, or is already paved with sucn a pavement, then said construction shall be to a level with the sub-grade of the wearing surface of said pavement so laid or ordered laid. In other cases it shall be to a level with the sub-grade of the pavement ordered to be laid, or already laid. The concrete need not extend more than three (3) inches beyond the end of the ties, and in no case more than two (2) feet beyond the outer rails of the track. (b) Stone Ballast Construction. When stone ballast construc- tion is used, the ballast shall be composed of hard durable stone or of screened gravel, free from dust and dirt, of such sizes and so graded as to permit a thorough grouting. The ballast shall be at least six (6) inches thick below the bottom of the ties, and the space between and around the ties shall be filled in with ballast at least level with the top of the ties, but said ballast need not extend more than three (3) inches beyond the end of the ties, and in no case more than two (2) feet beyond the outer rails of the railway tracks. The entire thick- ness of the ballast shall be thoroughly grouted with hydraulic cement mortar composed by colume of not less than one (1) part cement to three (3) parts of sand. When the street in which said construction is made is ordered paved with a pavement having a cement concrete base, or is already paved with such a pavement, then said construction shall be to a level with the sub-grade of the wearing surface of said pavement so laid or ordered to be laid. In other cases it shall be to a level with the sub-grade of the pavement so laid or ordered to be laid. (c) Asphalt Concrete Construction. When asphalt concrete con- struction is used the asphalt concrete shall be composed of from six (6) to nine (9) per cent, of refined asphalt with a penetration of from eighty (80) to one hundred (100) degrees District of Columbia Stan- dard, or from thirty (30) to forty (40) per cent, of sand, and of from fifty (50) to sixty (60) per cent, of crushed rock graded in sizes from one-quarter (^4) inch minimum to three (3) inches maximum. The asphalt concrete shall be thoroughly mixed in suitable mixers and shall be heated to a temperature of from two hundred and fifty (250) to three hundred (300) degrees before being placed. The asphalt con- crete shall extend at least eight (8) inches below the bottom of the ties. When the street in which said construction is made is ordered paved with a pavement having a cement concrete base, or is already paved with such a pavement, then said construction shall be to a level with the sub-grade of the wearing surface of said pavement so laid or ordered to be laid. In other cases it shall be to a level with the sub- grade of the pavements so laid or ordered to be laid. The asphalt concrete need not extend more than three (3) inches beyond the end of the ties and in no case more than two (2) feet beyond the outer rails of the track. A "standard pavement" is a pavement in the space occupied by railway tracks laid under the same specifications and superintendence (except so far as the thickness of the same or any part thereof is modified by the construction of the roadbed) as the pavement in the street continguous thereto. A "standard rail" is a grooved girder rail not less than seven inches in height and of such pattern, weight and dimension as shall be ap- proved by the City Council of the City of Pasadena. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning or operating a steam, e'ectric, interurban or street railroad or railway in the City of Pasadena, to pave or to cause or to permit to be paved the space occupied by his or its tracks, or to construct the road- 102 bed of such tracks, or to cause or permit such roadbed to be construct- ed, in any other manner than is prescribed in this ordinance. Sec. 3. That whenever the City Council shall order any street upon or across which there are any railway tracks to be paved with asphalt, vitrified brick, stone blocks, oil macadam or other permanent pavement, any person, firm or corporation having such railway tracks thereon shall construct a standard roadbed for such tracks. Sec 4. That whenever the City Council shall order any street upon or across which there are any railway tracks to be paved or other wise improved, any person, firm or corporation having railway tracks thereon shall improve the space occupied by such tracks with a standard pavement; provided, however, that upon all streets which may be hereafter paved with asphalt, vitrified brick, stone blocks, oil madadam or other permanent pavement, that portion of the street for a space of not less than six and one-half (G 1 /^) inches on the gauge side and not less than two and one-quarter (2^4) inches on the outer side of each rail of such tracks and contiguous thereto, may be paved with stone blocks or vitrified paving blocks, with the consent of the City Council, all of said blocks to be laid evenly and uniformly on edge in a cement mortar upon a standard roadbed, and provided further, that upon all streets which may be hereafter paved with asphalt or similar pavement, the specifications for which require a binder course, such binder course need not be constructed between the rails or between the tracks, if there be more than one track. Sec. 5. That whenever the City Council shall, by ordinance or resolution, have ordered any street to be paved or otherwise improved, upon or across which any railway tracks exist, the said City Council shall by order duly entered upon its minutes, fix the time within which any person, firm or corporation having such railway tracks thereon, shall in the case of any such street ordered to be paved with asphalt, vitrified brick, stone blocks, oil macadam or other permanent pave- ment, complete the construction of the roadbed of such tracks in the manner hereinbefore provided, and complete the paving of the space occupied by the railway tracks with standard pavement as herein pro- vided; and in the case of any such street so ordered to be otherwise paved or improved, said City Council shall by order duly entered upon its minutes fix a time within which any person, firm or corporation shall complete the paving of the space occupied by the railway tracks with standard pavement as herein provided. The City Clerk shall cause a copy of such order to be forthwith served upon such person, firm or corporation. Services of such copy may be made by deliver- ing the same personally to the general manager, or superintendent, or local agent in the City of Pasadena, of such person, firm or corpora- tion. Proof of the service of such order shall be made by affidavit of the person making the same and the record thereof shall be kept in the office of the City Clerk. Nothing herein contained shall be con- strued to prevent the City Council from extenidng the time so fixed, for good cause, and prior to the expiration thereof, upon an appMcation in writing made by such person, firm or corporation. Upon the service of such copy of such order, as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of such person, firm or corporaiton to prosecute the work specified in such order with due diligence to completion, within the time so fixed, or within such time as so extended by said City Council. Sec. 6. That whenever any person, firm or corporation having any railway tracks upon or across any street that has already been paved with asphalt, vitrified brick, stone blocks, oil macadam or other permanent pavement, shall desire to replace the rails of such tracks or ties or both, with new rails or ties or both, such person, firm or cor- poration shall, before commencing such work, give notice in writing to the Superintendent of Streets of his or its intention so to do. There- upon said Superintendent ot Streets shall cause an inspection to be made of the portion of such street where it is so proposed to do such work of replacement, and in writing advise the City Council of the condition thereof. If the pavement or the roadbed where it is pro- posed to do such work, has not been constructed in conformity with the provisions hereof, the City Council shall by order duly entered upon its minutes require said person, firm or corporation to reconstrust such 103 roadbed and to repave the said portion of such street to conform with the requirements of this ordinance. The City Council shall, in such order, fix the time within which the work therein described shall be done and shall cause a copy of such order to be served upon such per- son, firm or corporation. Such service shall be made, proved, and a record thereof kept, in the same manner as herein provided for the service of the order in Section 5 hereof. The time specified in such order may be extended by the City Council for good cause, upon appli- cation in writing made by such person, firm or corporation, prior to the expiration of such time. If said roadbed, where it is proposed to lay such new rails or ties, has been ballasted with broken stone or screened gravel, nothing herein contained shall be construed to pre- vent the City Council in its discretion, from not requiring such road- bed to be reconstructed; and provided further, that if the distance for which such person, firm or corporation, shall desire to replace such rails or ties or both, shall be less than six hundred (600) feet, the City Council may, in its discretion, grant a special permit to use such pav- ing materials in the work of replacing such rails or ties, or both, as it may prescribe, and in such permit it shall fix the time for the comple- tion of said work; and if such permit is granted, all work of paving and repairing thereunder shall be done under the instruction and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets. Any person, firm or corporation served with a copy of said order, or securing a special permit as herein provided, is hereby required to prosecute the work specified therein diligently to completion within the time fixed and stated therein, or within such time as the same may be extended, as aforesaid. Sec. 7. Before making any order or determination fixing the time for the completion of any work, as provided in Section 5 hereof, or be- fore making any order or determination as provided in Section 6 here- of, the City Council shall cause at least five (5) days notice to be given to the person, firm or corporation who or which would be affected by any such order or determination, of the date of the meeting ac which it is proposed to make the same. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be served by delivering the same personally to the general man- ager, or superintendent, or local agent, in the City of Pasadena, of the person, firm or corporation to be affected by such proposed order or determination. Proof of the service of such notice shall be made by affidavit of the person making the same, and the record thereof shall be kept in the office of the City Clerk. The provisions of this section shall be deemed to be directory and the failure to give such notice shall not impair the validity or effect of any order or determination made hereunder. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets to inspect frequently and carefully all railway tracks in streets of the City of Pasadena, and whenever he finds the space occupied by such tracks to be in bad condition or out of repair, to advise the City Coun- cil thereof in writing, specifying in reasonable detail the location of such tracks and the particulars in which the space occupied thereby is in bad condition or out of repair. Sec. 9. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning or operating any steam, electric, interurban or street railroad or railway in the City of Pasadena, to use or lay, or cause or permit to be used or laid, any rails other than a standard rail in the construc- tion of the railway tracks thereof, upon or across any street that shall hereafter be paved with asphalt, vitrified brick, stone blocks, oil ma- cadam or other permanent pavement, or in replacing the rails of any such track or tracks that shall be taken up and replaced with new rails, for a distance of six hundred (600) feet or over. Provided, how- ever, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to require the use of such grooved girder rails on curves where guard rails are used or on track crossings, or on streets not paved with asphalt, vitrified brick, stone blocks, oil macadam or other permanent pavement. Pro- vided, further, that on all streets except Colorado street between Ver- non avenue and Lake avenue, and Fair Oaks avenue between Chestnut street and California street, and Raymond avenue between Chestnut street and California street, and Broadway between Colorado street 104 .and Bellevue drive, a tee rail of a weight approved by the City Council may be used in lieu of such grooved girder rail. Sec. 10. The act, omission or failure of any officer, agent or other person acting for or employed by, any person, firm or corporation operating any steam, electric, interurban or street railway within the City of Pasadena, in violation of the provisions of this ordinance, shall in every case be also deemed to be the act, omission or failure of such person, firm or corporation so operating such steam, electric, inter- urban or street railroad, as aforesaid, as well as that of such officer, agent, or other person. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, either as officer, agent, employee or principal, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred (500) dollars, or by im- prisonment in the City Jail for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Any corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction shall be punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred ($100) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500) dollars. Sec. 11. This ordinance hall jgo into effect at 12 o'clock on the 1st day of November, 1911. Sec. 12. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and shall caues the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held September 5, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilman Barnes, Chaffee, Fogg, Korstian, Root and Shutt. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 5th day of September, 1911. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1142. An Ordinance to Prohibit Monkeys and Similar Animals Being at Large In Pasadena. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person owning or having control of any monkey, ape, chimpanzee, or other animal of the mon- key kind, to permit, allow or suffer such animal to run at large within the City of Pasadena, or to permit, allow or suffer such animal to be or go upon any street or public place within the City of Pasadena without having such animal securely fastened by a chain or rope, firm- ly held by such person or attched to his person or to a musical instru- ment carried by such person. Such animal shall be deemed and con- sidered as running at large within the meaning of the expression as herein used, when not confined within an enclosure or when not safely tied or chained. Sec. 2. Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordi- nance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the City Jail not exceeding thirty (30) days or by fine not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, or by .both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- 105 nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held September 12, 1911, by the for owing vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Chaffee, Fogg, Korstian, Root and Shutt. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 12th day of September, 1911. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1143. An Ordinance Prohibiting Fires West of Arroyo Drive. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful to set fire to, ignite or burn any material in the open air within the limits of the City of Pasadena west of Arroyo drive and south of Linda Vista avenue. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets to cause notices setting forth the provisions of this ordinance to be print- ed and posted at conspicuous points along the public streets and places within the district above designated. Sec. 3. Any person violating the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five ($25) dollars. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held September 19, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Chaffee, Fogg, Korstian, Root and Shutt. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 19th day of September, 1911. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1155. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Fixing, and Providing for the Payment of, Rentals for the Occupation of Space in Underground Conduits Constructed Under the Provisions of the Pasadena Im- provement Ordinance, and Regulating the Use, Occupation, Repair and Upkeep of Such Conduits. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as forows: Section 1. There is hereby established an electrical" board which shall have charge of the use, occupation, repair and upkeep of conduits constructed under the provisions of the Pasadena Improvement Ordi- nance, and which, subject to the provisions hereof and of the City Charter, shall have authority to employ labor, purchase material and incur expenses necessary therefor. Said Board shall assign space in said conduits to persons, firms or corporations desiring to use the same. It shall perform the duties and exercise the powers herein 106 provided. The Board shall consist of the Manager of the Municipal Electric Lighting Works Department, the City Engineer and the City Electrician. Its office shall be in Room 12 in the City Hall. Sec. 2. There is hereby created and established a department of the general fund which shall be known as the Conduit Fund Depart- ment,, and into which shall be paid all receipts by way of rentals or otherwise on account of the use of conduits constructed under the provisions of the Pasadena Improvement Ordinance, and from which shall be made all disbursements and expenditures for the maintenance, repair and upkeep of the same. See. 3. Every person, firm or corporation occupying space in con- duits constructed under the provisions of the Pasadena Improvement Ordinance shall pay to the City of Pasadena a rental price for space so used at the rate of Four (4) Cents per duct foot per annum. Rental payments shall be made to the City Treasurer. Rentals shall be com- puted for the fiscal year, or portion thereof, for which space is occu- pied. Such rentals shall be payable in advance on or before the 1st day of July for the ensuing fiscal year. When space in such conduits is first occupied after the commencement of the fiscal year and before its close, the rental for such space shall be computed according to the time which would elapse from the date of the commencement of such occupancy to the close of the fiscal year. The payment therefor shall be made on or before said date of occupancy. For space in such conduit occupied exclusively by wires, electrical conductors and appliances of the City of Pasadena used for the trans- mission of electricity for commercial purposes, there shall be trans- ferred from the appropriate fund or funds to the Conduit Fund Depart- ment an amount equivalent to the rental hereinbefore established for the use of such space. Such transfer need not be made in advance but may be made at any time prior to the close of the fiscal year, or portion thereof, for which such space is used. No transfer, payment or allowance shall be made for space occupied by wires, electrical con- ductors and appliances, owned and used by the city for the purpose of lighting the street in which, or for the service of which, such conduits are constructed. It is expressly provided, however, that any person, firm or corpora- tion may give a bond with sufficient sureties, approved by the Mayor, to the City of Pasadena in a sum sufficient to cover the rental for space occupied by him or it in such conduit for the fiscal year, or portion thereof, in which event the person, firm or corporation giving such bond shall not be required to pay rental in advance but may pay such rental at any time prior to the close of such fiscal year. Changes in the rental rate herein fixed shall be made only by ordinance adopted at least three (3) months prior to the commence- ment of the fiscal year for which such changed rate shall apply; pro- vided, however, that the rate herein fixed shall continue until the fiscal year 1913-1914. Sec 4. Every person, firm or corporation, who or which, by the provisions of Section 61 of the Pasadena Improvement Ordinance is required to occupy with his or its wires, electrical conductors and appliances, space in the conduits constructed under the provisions of said ordinance, shall within a reasonable time before the expiration of the period within which he or it is required by the terms of said section to occupy said conduits, file with the E^ctrical Board a written statement showing the number of duct feet which it is desired to oc- cupy, the relative location of the ducts preferred, the date at which he or it desires to install wires, electrical conductors and appliances in said conduits, and the estimated time necessary to effect such in- stallation. The Electrical Board shall have power to, and shall assign space in, said conduits to any person, firm or corporation filing such state- ments, and who or which, under the provisions of Part 4 of the Pasa- dena Improvement Ordinance, is authorized and required to occupy space in said conduits, having a reasonable regard to the needs and requirements of other persons, firms and corporations desiring or need- ing space therein. Said Board shall also have power to and shall fix the time at which the wires, electrical conductors and appliances of any such person, firm or corporation shall be installed. 107 The provisions hereof, so far as applicable, shall govern in the case of any person, firm or corporation already occupying space in such conduits with his or its wires, electrical conductors and appli- ances, desiring to occupy additional space therein. The Electrical Board may require information additional to that hereinbefore specified, to be contained in the statement herein required to be made Sec. 5. No person, firm or corporation shall occupy space in any conduit constructed under the provisions of the Pasadena Improvement Ordinance without either having first paid the rental price therefor as herein fixed in advance, or having given the bond as herein provided. No person, firm or corporation shall continue in the occupation of space in such conduits after default made in the payment of the rental price thereof as herein required. Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person to enter the manholes of any conduits constructed under the provisions of the Pasadena Im- provement Ordinance, or to tamper with any such conduits or cables or wires therein or appurtenances thereto, without first securing a per- mit therefor from the Electrical Board as in this ordinance provided. This section, however, shall not be construed to apply to authorized employes or agents of the city engaged in the maintenance, repair, or upkeep of such conduits or appurtenances thereto, nor shall it apply to any person, firm or corporation occupying space in such conduits, or to employees thereof, while engaged in the repair of such conduits, or cables or wires therein, in cases of emergency, where it is imprac- ticable to first secure a permit as herein in this ordinance provided. Sec. 7. Occupants of space in conduits desiring access to man- holes will be issued a permit upon application to the Electrical Board. The Electrical Board shall provide blank forms of application for such permits. The permits shall state the number of employes of the occupant who shall be permitted in any manhole at the same time, and as nearly as practicable shall state the time at which access to such manhole may be had. Such permit need not be signed by all the mem- bers of said Board, but said Board may delegate power to issue the same in its name. When in cases of emergency as provided in Section 6 hereof access is had to manholes without a permit, a statement on forms provided by the Electrical Board shall be made and filed with said Board showing the time at which and purpose for which such access was had. Sec. 8. On or before the first day of August of each year, the Elec- trical Board shall make and file with the City Council a report show- ing all receipts and expenditures for the preceding fiscal year on ac- count of conduits constructed under the provisions of the Pasadena Improvement Ordinance. Sec. 9. The following rules and regulations are hereby adopted as the rules and regulations governing the use, occupation and repair of conduits, manholes, appurtenances, cab^s, electrical appliances and conductors, except as otherwise in this ordinance specifically provided. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, as princi- pal, agent, officer or employee, for himself or itself, or for another per- son, firm or corporation, to neglect or fail to comply with and conform to said Rules and Regulations. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. REPAIRS: The occupant of space in the conduits shall repair his or its wires, electrical conductors and appliances when ordered to do so by the Electrical Board upon the conditions of any cable having been found such as to be unsatisfactory for the purpose for which in- tended. In each instance a time limit will be set, within which time limit the repairs must be satisfactorily made, otherwise the use of the wire or other appliance will be ordered discontinued. While the employees of any occupant are at work in the manhole, they shall be careful not to touch or disturb any wire, electrical con- ductor or appliance except those upon which permits have been given for repairs or work. Should it become necessary for any reason to disturb any other appliances than those specifically mentioned in the permit, said employees shall notify some member of the Electrical 108 Board. No such appliances belonging to any other occupant shall be touched or disturbed until the person, firm or corporation owning the same shall have been notified. Except in cases of emergency, such communications shall be in writing. Any employee who shall show a disposition to disregard this regulation shall be, in the discretion of the Electrical Board, prohibited access into any manhole, or upon any part of such conduits. 2. WIRES AND APPLIANCES. All wires shall be properly tagged with the name of the owner, the number of amperes, the character of current and the potential at which it is operated. Should, for any reason, a dead end of wire be left in manhole, it shall not be left with the bare end of conductor exposed, but with lead covered cables of all classes, the sheath shall be hermetically sealed at the end, either by soldered joint, or in a proper terminal. The location of wires on racks in the manholes shall conform to the system as established by the Electrical Board, and no deviation will be a'lowed except by special permission. All wires, for whatever service intended, shall be fitted with the proper protective devices where they connect to overhead lines or leave the conduits. For continuous service, cables should be selected with a carrying capacity not greater than 1,500 amperes per square inch for rubber insulated cables. In special instances these figures are subject to change, by reason of any improved form of insulation which may in the future be adopted. 3. ELECTROLYSIS PREVENTION: The lead sheath of all wires and cables must be grounded in each section. 4. TESTS: The Electrical Board, through its proper and ac- credited representatives, shall at all times have the right of entrance into the power station or other point of distribution belonging to the occupant of space in conduit for the sole purpose of testing. Notice shall be given to such occupant of the time at which it is desired to make such test. 5. CLASSIFICATION OF CONDUCTORS: Conductors for which these conduits are constructed will be considered as being divided into five classes: Class I. Conductors carrying a very low potential such as tele- phone, telegraph and for similar signaling purposes. Class II. Conductors carrying a current up to 220 volts, including the commercial 110 volt 3-wire system of distributing mains. Class III. Conductors operating under a potential of between 220 and 2300 volts. Class IV. Conductors operating under a potential between 2300 volts and 6600 volts. Class V. Conductors operating under a greater potential than 6600 volts. 6. LIMITING INSULATION RESISTANCES: Class I. The occupant will find immediate repairs necessary should the insulation resistance of cables of this class fall below the point where efficient service can be performed through the conductors. Should such insulation resistance fall below one megohm per mile, the cable will be considered defective, and will be treated as is provided in these Rules and Regulations for defective cables. The insulation of all cables shall be suitable for voltage at which they are to operate, and shall conform to the specifications of the American Standard General Cable Specifications, as relating to paper insulated lead covered cables for telephone, ^ telegraph, electric light, railway and power service. All cable having* other than paper insula- tion shall comply with the voltage test as provided for by the Ameri- can Standard General Cable Specifications for testing paper insulated 109 lead covered cables. The voltage rating shall be determined from the following rating table: assure Test at factory i volts. in volts. 5 30 60 min. min. min. 500 1250 1000 1000 1000 2500 2000 1600 1500 3750 3000 2400 2000 5000 4000 3200 2500 6250 5000 4000 3000 7500 6000 4800 4000 10000 8000 6400 5000 12500 10000 8000 6000 15000 12000 9600 7000 17500 14000 11200 8000 20000 16000 12800 9000 22500 18000 14400 10000 25000 20000 16000 11000 27500 22000 17600 12000 30000 24000 19200 13000 32500 26000 20800 14000 35000 28000 22400 15000 37500 30000 24000 16000 40000 32000 25600 17000 42500 34000 27200 18000 45000 36000 28800 19000 47500 38000 30400 20000 50000 40000 32000 21000 52500 42000 33600 22000 55000 44000 35200 23000 57500 46000 36800 24000 60000 48000 38400 25000 62500 50000 40000 26000 65000 52000 41600 27000 67500 54000 43200 28000 70000 56000 48800 29000 72500 58000 46400 30000 75000 60000 48000 Factors 2.5 2.0 1.6 Test 5 min. 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 22000 24000 26000 28000 30000 32000 34000 36000 38000 40000 42000 44000 46000 48000 50000 52000 54000 56000 58000 60000 2.0 after installation in volts. 30 min. 1000 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 6400 8000 9600 11200 12800 14400 16000 17600 19200 20800 22400 24000 25600 27200 28800 30400 32000 33600 35200 36800 38400 40000 41600 43200 44800 46400 48000 60 min. 1000 1300 1950 2600 3250 3900 5200 6500 7800 9100 10400 11700 13000 14300 15600 16900 18200 19500 20800 22100 23400 24700 26000 27300 28600 29900 31200 32500 33800 35100 36400 37700 39000 1.6 1.3 7. PRECAUTIONS. Before allowing any of his or its employees to enter a manhole, the occupant shall first make sure that there is no danger due to the presence of gas in such manhole. Provision must be made for a sufficient number of hand or power blowers when needed for removing gas or to keep up the circulation of air while men are in the manhole. While the work is in progress, should there be danger of driving gas into other manholes in which work is not being done, such manholes shall be opened and protected as below provided, if considered necessary by the Electrical Board. All manholes opened by the occupant shall be protected by a guard at least thirty-six (36) inches high surrounding the opening. No lights requiring flames will be allowed in the manholes. Spelter used for wiping joints of the lead covers of wires or cables shall never be lowered into the manhole when red hot. Smoking by employees of the occupant while in or about the man- hole openings, is prohibited. 8. TRANSFORMER VAULTS: The above Rules and Regulations, except in special instances, shall also cover the use of transformer vaults by the occupant. Sec. 10. The City will make all necessary repairs in conduits con- structed under the provisions of the Pasadena Improvement Ordinance arising from the ordinary Tise thereof. The occupant must use ordinary care for the preservation of said conduits and their appurtenances in safety and good condition, and must make all repairs, or indemnify the city for loss or damage, occasioned by his or its lack of such ordi- nary care in the use thereof. 110 Sec. 11. Nothing herein contained and no fact or inference arising herefrom, nor contained in or arising from any action of the Electrical Board or from anything done hereunder, shall grant or confer any franchise from the city to any person, firm or corporation to use any street of portion thereof in which conduits have been constructed for the use or maintenance of wires, cables, electrical conductors or appli- ances. No person, firm or corporation shall have the right or privilege, or shall be allowed to occupy with his or its wires, electrical conductors or appliances, space in any conduit constructed under the provisions of the Pasadena Improvement Ordinance, without he or it has a sub- sisting and valid franchise from competent authority for the use of the street in which, or for the services of property on which such conduit is constructed, for the construction, maintenance and operation of its poles, wires, electrical conductors or appliances. Sec. 12. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance, either as officer, principal, agent or emp oyee, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punish- able by a fine not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500) or by imprison- ment in the City Jail for a period not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Any corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500). Sec. 13. 'The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held November 21st, 1911, by the rollowing vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Chaff ee, Fogg, Korstian, Rhodes, Root, and Shutt. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 21st day of November, 1911. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1157. On Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Adopting Regulations Governing the Furnishing of Vinous and Malt Liquors With Meals, Regulating the Advertising and Storage of, and the Soliciting of Orders and Giving of Prescriptions for Alcoholic Liquors, and Regulating the Sale of Such Liquors and of Alcohol by Druggists. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1 of Article 14 of the Charter of the City of Pasadena, the following restrictions and regulations are hereby adopted as the restrictions and regulations gov- erning the furnishing of vinous or malt liquors in hotels, boarding houses and restaurants to guests or customers in connection with and as a part of a regular meal. 1. Vinous or malt liquor shall be sold only with and as a part of a regular meal cotsing not less than twenty (20) cents exclusive of the vinous or malt liquor and sold and consumed between the hours of 11:30 a. m. and 2 p. m. or between the hours of 5:30 p. m. and 8 p. m. 2. Vinous or malt liquor shall not be furnished with meals in any hotel, boarding house or restaurant except in the regular dining room of such hotel, boarding house or restaurant in full view of the public therein, or in the private dining room of such registered hotel guests as have such regularly rented roms for the whole period of their stay in the city; and such liquors shall not be furnished with meals in any hotel, boarding house or restaurant in the regular dining room of which tables at which meals are served are screened, curtained or enclosed so as to obstruct the view of such tables. Ill 3. Vinous or malt liquor shall not be furnished with meals in any hotel, boarding house or restaurant to any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years. 4. Vinous or malt liquor shall not be furnished with meals in any hotel, boarding house or restaurant, the dining room of which is con- ducted in conjunction with or opens into any billiard or poolroom ta which the public is admitted. 5. Vinous or malt liquor shall not be furnished with meals in any hotel, boarding house or restaurant unless the owner or proprietor thereof shall have a permit from the City Council therefor, which per- mit the City Council may in its discretion grant to proper persons, firms or corporations. Such permit shall be issued without charge. Any permit granted hereunder may be revoked by the City Council at any time for such cause as to said Council shall seem sufficient, and any such permit shall ipso facto terminate upon a conviction being had for the keeping of the hotel, boarding house or restaurant for which issued contrary to the provisions of Section 1 of Article 14 of the Charter and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, as principal, agent, servant or employee, in the City of Pasadena, to solicit or take any order or make any agreement for the furnishing or delivery within said city of any spirituous, vinous, malt or other alcoholic liquor, or to keep or maintain in said city any storehouse, warehouse or other place used for the storage of any such liquor sold without the city for distri- bution or delivery within the city. This section, however, shall not be construed to apply to the soliciting or taking of such orders from a regularly licensed druggist authorized to sell the same, at his place of business, or to the storage of any such liquor by such druggist at his place of business; or to the storage by a common carrier of shipments of any such liquor from without the state prior to delivery to the con- signee thereof; or to the soliciting or taking of orders for the furnish- ing or delivery of vinous or malt liquor from the owner or proprietor of any hotel, boarding house or restaurant authorized to sell the same, or to the storage of any such vinous or malt liquor by any such owner or proprietor, or to the sale of any liquor as authorized by Section 1 of Article 14 of the Charter and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, as principal, agent, servant, or employee to post, show or display or to suffer or permit to be posted, shown or displayed in the City of Pasadena, any sign, card, emblem or device advertising any spirituous, vinous, malt or other al- coholic liquor, or to transport or convey or to suffer or permit to be transported or conveyed along any street of said city, any such liquor in any vehicle advertising the same or bearing the trade name or mark or usual designation of any manufacturer of such liquor or without the receptacles in which such liquor is contained, being effectively covered and concealed from view. This section, however, shah not be con- strued to apply to the use in hotels, boarding houses and restaurants of written or printed lists of vinous or malt liquors for sale to the guests thereof, provided there shall be plainly and conspicuously writ- ten or printed upon any such list the following: "THE CITY CHAR- TER OF PASADENA PROHIBITS THE SALE OF ANY BUT VINOUS AND MALT LIQUOR. THESE CAN BE SOLD ONLY WITH A REGULAR MEAL BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 11:30 A. M. AND 2 P. M. AND BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 5:30 P. M. AND 8 P. M. Sev. 4. It shall be unlawful for any physician in the City of Pasadena, to give or write for any person not in actual need thereof as a medicine, any prescription for any spirituous, vinous, malt or other alcoholic liquor, either separately or compounded with other ingre- dients, or to give any such prescription therefor which does not con- tain the name of the person applying for such prescription, the name of the person for whose use the prescription is made and the date at which the said prescription is given. Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person, as principal, agent, servant or employee, to keep, maintain or carry on, or to assist in keeping, maintaining or carrying on in the City of Pasadena, any drug store or pharmacy, where spirituous, vinous, malt or other alcoholic 112 liquor or alcohol is sold or given away and at which any of the follow- ing restrictions and regulations are not fully complied with. 1. Such liquor shall be furnished only with a prescription con- forming to the requirements of Section 4 hereof. One prescription shall authorize but a single sale or furnishing of such liquor. These prescriptions or true copies thereof shall be kept on a separate file at such drug store or pharmacy, open to public inspection. 2. Alcohol shall be sold or given away only for scientific or me- chanical uses. For each said sale or furnishing an entry shall be made in a book kept exclusively for such purposes, stating the date of sale or furnishing the name and address of the recipient, the quantity of alcohol sold or furnished and the purpose for which it is stated by the recipient to be required. Said book shall be kept at such drug store or pharmacy, open to inspection by the Mayor, Chief of Police or by any person who may be designated by them or either of them, or by the City Council. (Subdivision 2. Amendment approved December 14, 1911, by Ordi- nance No. 1160.) 3. No such liquor or alcohol shall be sold or given away at any drug store or pharmacy, unless the owner or proprietor thereof shall have a permit from the City Council therefor, which permit the City Council in its discretion may grant to proper persons, firms or cor- porations. Such permit shall be issued without charge. Any permit granted hereunder may be revoked by the City Council at any time for such cause as to said Council shall seem sufficient, and any such permit shall ipso facto terminate upon a conviction being had for the keeping of such drug store or pharmacy in violation of Section 1 of Article 14 of the Charter or of any of the provisions hereof. Sec. 6. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred ($500) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period not to exceed six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall go into effect at 12 o'clock noon on the 15th day of December, 1911; provided, however, that the City Council may prior to this ordinance going into effect grant permits as provided in Sections 1 and 5 hereof. Sec. 9. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and shall cause the same to be published in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting he ] d November 29, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Fogg, Korstian, Rhodes, Root and Shutt. Noes. Councilman Barnes. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 29th day of November, 1911. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1164. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Permitting Stands for Furnish- ing Food Upon New Year's Day. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. No person opening any place of business or establish- ing any stand for the purpose of furnishing food to the public on New Year's Day only shall be required to pay any fee to the city or to ob- tain therefrom any permit or license therefor, provided such place of business or stand shall be -established or erected on private premises. 113 Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foreging Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held December 26, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Fogg, Korstian, Rhodes, Root and Shutt. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 26th day of December, 1911. . WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1170. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Requiring a License Certificate for Selling Programs of the Tournament of Roses, and Permitting Free Distribution of the Same. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell in the City of Pasadena on New Year's Day in any year, any programs of the Tournament of Roses of the City of Pasadena, or anything purporting to be such program, without first procuring a license certificate there- for from the City Tax Collector. The amount to be paid for such license certificate shall be the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) ; provided, nothing herein or in any ordinance contained shall be construed to prevent or forbid the free distribution, without the procurement of a license certificate, or the payment of a fee, of the programs of the Tournament of Roses printed under the authority of the Tournament of Roses Association of Pasadena. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00), or by imprisonment in the City Jail not exceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena, at its meeting held December 27th, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Fogg, Rhodes, Root, and Shutt. Noes: Councilmen Chaff ee and Korstian. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 27th day of December, 1911. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1178. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating the Making of Street Improvements Under Private Contract. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful any person, as principal, agent or contractor, to make any improvement in any of the streets of the City of Pasadena, by or under private contract, unless permission from the City Council therefor is first secured and unless the deposit herein provided for is made. The term "improvement," as herein used, shall 114 be deemed, and is hereby declared, to include the grading or regrading the macadamizing or remacadamizing, the graveling or regraveling, the oiling or reoiling of any street, or the construction or reconstruction in any street of sewers, sidewalks, crosswalks, curbs or gutters. Sec. 2. Any permission granted by the City Council for the mak- ing of any such improvement, by or under private contract, ghall be deemed to have been made subject to the terms of this ordinance. Be- fore any such permission shall become effective for any purpose, there shall be deposited with the Superintendent of Streets such sum as he may estimate to be necessary to cover the cost of inspection and su- pervision by the city of said improvement. Said improvement shall be made under the direction, and to the satisfaction, of the Superintendent of Streets. Upon its acceptance by him, he shall deduct from the de- posit made, as herein required, the cost to the city of inspection and supervision thereof, and the remainder of such deposit, if there be any, shall be returned to the person making the same upon demands ap- proved, audited and allowed, as in the case of other demands against the city. In the event that the estimated amount of the cost of inspec- tion and supervision of said improvement shall prove to be insufficient, the Superintendent of Streets may cause the work of making such im- provements to be stopped until such additional sum is deposited as will cover said cost, in which case it shall be unlawful to continue with the same until such additional sum is deposited. The Superintendent of Streets shall be given at least twenty-four (24) hours' notice in writing of the time of commencement of the work of making any improvement, permission to make which is granted hereunder, in order that he may procure and assign an inspector to in- spect the same; and it shall be unlawful for any person as principal, agent or contractor to commence any such work, until after twenty- four (24) hours' notice in writing has been given to the Superintendent of Streets, stating the time at which such work will be commenced. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets to cause such improvements made by or under private contract to be duly inspected and supervised during the progress of the work thereupon and to cause to be kept a just and true account of the cost of inspec- tion and supervision of such improvement; and otherwise to carry out the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 4. Any person, as principal, agent or contractor, who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed one hundred ($100) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting he'd January 13, 1912, by the following vote: Ayes. Councilmen Barnes, Chaffee, Korstian, Rhodes, Root and Shutt. Noes. None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 13th day of January, 1912. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. NOTE. For convenience in handling, Ordinance No. 1197 {Building Code), is published in a seperate volume. 115 ORDINANCE NO. 695. An Ordinance Consolidating and Amending Ordinances Nos. 513, 594, 602, 650 and 672 Establishing Fire Limits in the City of Pasadena, and Fixing the Character of Materials and Construction Permitted Therein. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. That Ordinances of the City of Pasadena Nos. 513, 594, 605, 635, 650 and 672 be consolidated and amended to read as fol- lows: (Sections 2 to 17, inclusive. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1197.) Sec. 18. Storage of Straw and Hay. It shall be unlawful in said DiStirct No. 1 to store or keep any quantity of straw or .hay of any kind exceeding two (2) tons in weight, of loose hay, or ten (10) tons of baled hay. And it shall be unlawful in said District No. 2 to store or keep stray or hay of any kind in excess of amounts mentioned, without a permit from the City Council. Sec. 19. Storage of Gasoline, Petroleum, Etc. It shall be unlaw- ful for any persons, persons, firm or corporation to store or permit the storage on premises occupied, owned or controlled by such person, firm or corporation, or keep for sale within said Fire District No. 1, any of the following articles, except as herein provided, to wit: Any petroleum, gasoline or any product of petroleum, or hydro- carbon liquids, other than refined kerosene oil, unless the same be in iron tanks in fireproof building detached from any other building, and at least twenty-five (25) feet distant therefrom, or nearer thereto than twenty-five (25) feet, and not in larger quantities than one hundred (100) gallons, provided, that where crude oil or distillate is to be used for fuel, the same to be consumed on the premises where kept, a quan- tity not in excess of one hundred (100) barrels may be kept, provided it be kept in properly constructed tanks buried beneath the ground, through wihch tank is filled, to be perfectly closed except while tank is being filled. Tank shall have vent-pipe not less than three-fourths surrounded on all sides by fireproof material. The opening or pipe of an inch in diameter, to be attached to tank and extend at least ten feet higher than the building, and to be covered at the top with copper gauze of close mesh. All connections to be made tight with well fitted joints, and all pipes and connections to be capable of resisting a pres- sure of three hundred (300) pounds per square inch. All connections from storage tank to boiler or furnace, and the method of feeding, to be subpect to the inspection and approval of the Chief Engineer of tht Fire Department. Provided, that for ordinary domestic use said fuel oil or distillate may be stored in elevated iron tanks of not more than fifty (50) gallons capacity. Sec 20. Prohibiting Litter in Fire Limits. Every person, firm or corporation making or causing any litter within said general fire lim- its, shall remove all of same at once and keep and maintain his pre- mises free from combustible material, except as herein provided. Sec. 21. Burning Material; When Prohibited. It shall be unlaw- ful within said Fire District No. 1 to set fire, ignite or burn any ma- terial in the open air, except between the hours of 6 o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock a. m., and then only at a distance of not less than twenty-five (25) feet from any building or structure, and only under competent supervision. This section shall also apply to Fire District No. 2, except that material may be burned in said district at any time between the hour of 6 o'clock a. m. and 12 o'clock m. Provided, however, that fires man be lighted within the said dist- tricts, No. 1 and 2, when lighted for the purpose of heating tires, for the purpose of setting the same on wheels of wagons and other ve- hicles; such fires shall be lighted and maintained oniy for such period of time as is actually necessary for the said purpose, and under com- petent supervision during the entire time of such lighting and mainte- nance. 116 (Last paragraph added by amendment approved August 20, 1907, by Ordinance No. 799.) Sec. 22, Unenclosed Light; Where Prohibited. It shall be unlaw- ful in said general fire limits to use any portable light in any building or place where combustible materials of any kind are kept, unless said light is securely kept in an enclosed lantern. Sec. 23. (Repealed by Ordinance No. 1003.) Sec. 24. Wiring of Streets Permit Required. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person, firm or corporation to string wires along or across any street, alley or public place in said city, without first securing a permit for same from Chief Engineer of the Fire Department of said city. Such permit shall be issued by said Chief Engineer to any per- son, firm or corporation upon application, which permit shall state the conditions and term of use. All such wires shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with said permit, with a view for the better protection of property from fire. This shall not apply to any person, firm or corporation having a franchise to erect and maintain wires; or to such wires as shall be erected by the said city. Sec. 25. Penalties. Any person, persons, firm or corporation who shall violate, neglect or refuse to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three hundred ($300) dollars, or by imprisonment for not longer than three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. And every day during which any building erected, altered, moved or enlarger, in vio- lation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, continues in such condition, and every day during which any violation of this ordinance continues, shall be considered as constituting a new offense, and be punished as in this section provided. Sec. 26. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordi- nance, and cause the same to be published once in the Paasdena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held June 26, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes. Messrs. Ashby, Barnes, Braley, Dyer, Loughery and Root. Noes. Crandall. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 26th day of June, 1906. WILLIAM WATERHOUSE, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1208. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Fixing the Duties and Powers of the City Electrician, Regulating the Installation, Alteration and Repair of Inside and Outside Electrical Construction, and Provid- ing for the Inspection of the Same. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows: Section 1. The office of City Electrician as heretofore established is continued with the salary now fixed or such as may hereafter be provided therefor. Sec. 2. Duties of City Electrician. The City Electrician shall collect and account for the fees and deposits herein fixed and provided for, issue permits and certificates, make inspections, and perform suca 117 other acts and duties as are in this and other ordinances of the City of Pasadena specified, and in general shall have supervision of the installation, maintenance and repair of all electrical wiring, connec- tions, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, machinery, equipment and work inside, outside, overhead or underground in the City of Pasadena. Sec. 2. Permit. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to in- stall, alter, repair, add to or change any inside electrical wiring, con- nections, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, machinery, or work, or to set any electrical meter, within the City of Pasadena, shall, before doing so, make application in writing to the City Electrician for a permit therefor : (a) Minor Repairs. Provided that any necessary repairs to Cen- tral Station apparatus, machinery or appliances, or repairs to electric motors, generators or appliances, necessitating no new wiring or no alterations to old wiring, or regular repairs necessary for proper main- tenance of electric irons, heaters, sockets or switch parts shall not be deemed to be alterations or repairs necessitating a permit within the meaning of this ordinance; but nothing herein shall be construed to relieve any person, firm or corporation, from the necessity of obtain- ing a permit before altering or repairing any inside electrical wiring. (b) Emergency Work. Provided further, that in case of an emergency necesitating immediate new wiring or repairs to electrical wiring at a time when the office of the City Electrician is closed, so that a permit cannot then be obtained, such permit may thereafter be issued by the City Electrician, if written application shall be made therefor, during the next succeeding day that said office shall be open, accompanied by an affidavit, which said affidavit shall recite the fact that such permit could not be sooner obtained on account of said office not being open, and that on account of such emergency, an urgent necessity existed for doing such work at once. (c) Technical Institutions. Provided further, that experimental electrical work in laboratories of technical educational institutions of college rating shall not necessitate a permit within the meaning of this ordinance. (d) Apparatus for Demonstration. Provided further, that elec- trical apparatus or appliances may be displayed or demonstrated in regular places of business of electrical dealers, if the circuits to which such apparatus or appliances are attached shall have been regularly inspected under this ordinance. (e) When Permit Issues. When the fee herein required is paid and the special or general deposit herein required is made, and not before the City Electrician shall issue to the applicant a permit which shall state the kind of work to be done and the location by street and number of the building where the work is to be done. Such permit shall be without effect as to any work not therein described or as to any place other than therein specified. If the work authorized by such permit is not begun within ninety (90) days from the date thereof and completed, and a certificate issued thereon, within one year from the date thereof, such permit shall thereupon and thereafter be null and void; and before doing any further work at the location designated in said permit, a new permit must be obtained, in like manner as the first, and only upon payment of the fees and making the deposit spe- cified in this ordinance. Sec. 4. Building Permit When Necessary. Where by any ordi- nance of the City of Pasadena now or which may hereafter be in force, a building permit is necessary, the permit herein provided for shall not be issued until the building permit has been first obtained. Sec. 5. Fees. (a) The City Electrician shall charge and collect the following fees in advance, fo/ permits, inspections and services: For each permit granted pursuant to Section 3 hereof $ .25 For each special permit granted pursuant to Section 15 hereof .25 For inspecting wiring or fixtures, per outlet or fixture 05 The inspection fee shall not be less than 25 Where fixtures on open work can be inspected with the wiring, no charge shall be made for the inspection of the fixtures. 118 Where a total of not more than five outlets and fixtures combined are installed on alteration work, but one permit and one inspection fee shall be required. Transparencies and similar devices containing 56 watt lamps, or less, not more than twelve (12) in number, shall be classed as fixtures at fixture rates. For inspecting each arc lamp and switch $ .25 For inspecting each electrical heater 25 For inspecting each electric sign, 10 cents per letter with mini- mum fee ot $1.00 For inspecting each lighting or power service conection 50 For inspecting each motor of *4 H. P. and over $1.00 For inspecting each generator, % H. P. and over $1.00 For inspecting each wireless telegraph set 25 For inspecting each motor and generator combination $1.50 For inspecting each rectifier charging outfit $1.00 For inspecting each station transformer $2.50 (b) For the inspecting of electrical apparatus or for extra in- spection necessitated by defective work, or for any inspection service rendered for which no fee is herein prescribed, the City Electrician shall charge and collect a fee of 75 cents per hour for time actually consumed in making the inspection, with a minimum fee of 50 cents. (c) For inspecting each electric motor of % H. P. capacity, or over, each electrical generator, each station transformer or each motor generator set of % H. P. capacity, or over, after initial inspection and approva 1 , as provided in Section 8 hereof, the City Electrician shall charge and collect one-half (*) the fee hereinbefore provided for the initial inspection, the minimum fee being 50 cents. When no defects shall be found in or in connection with such apparatus, such inspection shall be made free of charge. (d) Any person, firm or corporation who shall commence any electrical work in the City of Pasadena, whether the same shall be new work or alterations to old work, without first obtaining a permit therefor, as in this ordinance provided, shall, except as provided in Section 3 (b) of this ordinance, if subsequently allowed to take out such permit, be required to pay for the same double the fee hereinbe- fore provided for such permit. Sec. 6. Deposits. In order to insure the payment of fees and charges herein fixe-1 and established, and in order that inside electrical wiring, connections, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, machinery, equip- ment and work hereinafter installed, altered, repaired, added to or changed within the City of Pasadena, shall comply with the require- ments hereof, either special or general deposits shall be made as follows : Special deposit for wiring a single building, or for installing electrical fixtures therein, the building permit for which was taken out for $2,500 or less $ 10.00 General deposit, fo** wiring any number of buildings, or for in- stalling electrical fixtures therein, the building permits for which have in no instance exceeded $2,500 25.00 General or special deposit for wiring of building or buildings, or for installing electrical fixtures therein, the building per- mits for which have in no instance exceeded $5,000 50.00 Special or general deposit for wiring a building or buildings, or for installing electrical fixtures therein, any building per- mit for which shall have exceeded $5,000 100.00 Said deposit of $100 shall cover any or all work to be performed by any single person, firm or corporation under this ordinance. On old buildings, or alteration work where no building permit is required, a deposit of $10.00 shall be required on each building where the number of outlets does not exceed fifty, or a deposit of $25.00 on each building where the number of outlets exceeds fifty. Provided, however, that any person, firm or corporation which shall have been engaged in the electrical contracting or fixture busi- nes in the City of Pasadena for a period of at least three (3) months 119 consecutively and next preceding the date of his application for a per- mit under this ordinance, may, if he so elect, in lieu of the general or special deposit hereinbefore provided, make a special application for a permit, which special application shall be substantially as fol- lows: "Pasadena, Cal., I hereby agree, in consideration of the waiving of the deposit re- quired by Section 6 of Ordinance No. 1208, that I will make any and all corrections or repairs required by the City Electrician, as provided in said ordinance, o.a any electrical work performed by me in the City of Pasadena, within a period of ten (10) days from the date of notice of said requirement made to me by the City Electrician. I further agree that in case of my default in this agreement the City Electrician is hereby authorized and instructed to issue no further permits to me or to any person, firm or corporation for me, either directly or in- directly, until such time as the corrections or repairs above referred to have been made and inspected, and a certificate issued covering same. (Signed) After the special application above referred to has been properly signed, and not before, the City Electrician may issue to such person, firm or corporation, permits as in such application provided. But no such permits shall be issued to any such person, firm or corporation, which shall not havo made any and all corrections or repairs within a period of ten (10) cays, as above provided, until such a time as such corrections and repairs shall have been made, and a certificate cover- ing same issued, ail as hereinbefore provided. From said deposit or deposits, whether special or general, the City Electrician may deduct any sum or sums due to the city from him or it for special fees or charges herein fixed and established. Whenever upon inspection any work done pursuant to any permit issued under Section 3 hereof does not conform with the provisions and require- ments of this ordinance, the City Electrician shall give written notice to the person, firm or corporation to whom, or to which, was issued the permit under which said work was done, specifying the particulars in which said work is deficient or defective. If, within ten (10) days from the date of the service of such notice said work is not made to conform to the provisions and requirements hereof, the City Elec- trician shall do or cause to be done such work (or as much thereof as 'may be done with the amount of such deposit) as may be necessary to that end and shall deduct the cost of the work so done from that general or special deposit of the person, firm or corporation failing to comply with the terms of said notice. If, as provided above, said work is made to conform to the provisions and requirements of this ordi- nance, the City E'ectrician shall issue a certificate to that effect to the person, firm or corporation for whom or for whose benefit said elec- trical wiring, connections, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, machinery, equipment or work was installed, altered, repaired, added to or changed, upon which the same may be used with the same effect as if the work had passed inspection in the first instance. The City Electrician shall keep a full and correct account of all deposits, whether general or special, received by him, and all deduc- tions made therefrom. Deposits made as herein provided shall be de- posited by the City Electrician with the City Treasurer. Payments from the amount of such deposits shall be made upon demands ap- proved by the City. Electrician and audited and allowed as other de- mands against the city. Whenever any person, firm or corporation, who or which has made any deposit, either special or general, has paid all fees and charges due to the city under the terms of this ordinance, and all work done by him or it has been inspected and the certificates there- for issued, the balance of any deposit or deposits by him or it made, shall be returned upon demand. Sec. 7 Notice of Defective Work. Whenever the City Electrician shall find any inside electrical wiring, connections, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, machinery, equipment or work in the City of Pasadena, 120 which is dangerous to life or property, or which does not conform to the requirements hereof, he shall notify the owner or person in charge thereof or of the building wherein the same are placed, to cease using electric current in or through such electrical wiring, connections, fix- tures, appliances, apparatus, machinery, equipment or work, and to have the defects therein repaired within a reasonable time, not exceed- ing ten (10) days from the date of notice. The notice herein provided to be given shall be in writing and shall specify the particulars in which such electrical wiring, connections, fixtures, appliances, appara- tus, machinery, equipment or work is defective. The City Electrician may also give written notice to any person, firm or corporation fur- nishing electric current to any such electrical wiring connections, fix- tures, appliances, apparatus, machinery, equipment or work, to cease supplying such current to the same until the defects therein are re- paired and the certificate to that effect is issued. Sec. 8. Inspection and Certificates. Upon written notice being given accompanied by a complete plan of the work done, the City Electrician shall within twenty-four hours, inspect all work done pur- suant to any permit issued as herein provided, and when such work is found by him to conform to the provisions and requirements of this ordinance, he shall issue a certificate to that effect. No such cerifi- cate shall be issued until the work conforms fully and in all respects to the provisions and lequirements hereof. When any inside electrical wiring, connections, fixtures, appli- ances, apparatus, machinery, equipment or work has been repaired as in Section 7 hereof provided, the City Electrician shall issue a cer- tificate to that effect. Sec. 9. Yearly Inspection of Motors. Each electric motor of ^4 H. P. capacity or over, and each electric generator, station, trans- former or motor generator set of % H. P. capacity or over, in the City of Pasadena, shall be inspected at least once each year by the City Electrician, and if upon such inspection such machinery or apparatus shall be found to conform to the provisions and requirements pf' this ordinance, or, pursuant to the directions of the City Electrician, is made to conform thereto, he shall issue a certificate to that effect. Sec. 10. Repairs to Be Made Upon Written Notice* When any alterations or repairs are necessary in any duct, .conduit, pole, con- ductor, or other electrical appliance, in order to comply with -this or- dinance, such alterations or repairs must be made by the person, firm or corporation owning, operating or installing such duct, conduit, pole, conductor or other electrical appliance, immediately upon notice in writing frcm the City Electrician. Sec. 11. Repairs to Be Made Within Ten Days. After receiving a written notice from the City Electrician of defects in any installation, the person, firm or corporation who or which performed the work on such installation, shall correct such defects within ten (10) days from the date of such notice, to the satisfaction of the City Electrician, and within said time shall notify said City Electrician that said defects have been corrected. The City Electrician may refuse to issue further permits to any person, firm or corporation in default under this section, Sec. 12. Notice to Repair Overhead or Underground Wiring. Whenever the City Electrician shall find any outside electrical wiring, installation or equipment, or any electrical wiring, installation or equipment contained in underground conduits, .which does not conform with the requirements of the National Electrical Code hereinafter re- ferred to, he shall notify the person, firm or corporation maintaining or using the same thereof, specifying a time, not exceeding thirty (30) days from the date. of notice, in which .same shall be repaired. Sec. 13. Adoption of National Electrical Code, 1911 Edition. Ex- cept as otherwise herein provided -and required, all- electrical wiring, connections, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, machinery, equipment and work hereafter installed, altered, repaired, added to or changed, with- in the City of Pasadena, shall conform to what is commonly known as the "National Electrical Code of the National Board of Fire Under- writers," Edition of 1911, a copy of which code as now existing and hereby approved and adopted for the purposes aforesaid, is on file in 121 the office of the City Clerk of said city, marked in ink on the outer cover thereof "Code approved and adopted by Ordinance No. 1208." Sec. 14. California State Law. Except as otherwise herein pro- vided or provided in that certain act of the legislature entited "An act regulating the placing, erection, use and maintenance of electric poles, wires, cables and appliances, and providing the punishment for the violation thereof," approved April 22, 1911 (Statutes 1911, page 1037); or provided in an act of the legislature entitled "An act to regulate the construction and maintenance of subways, manholes and under- ground rooms, chambers and excavations, used to contain, encase, cover, or conduct wires, cables or appliances to conduct, carry or handle electricity, and providing the punishment for the violation thereof," approved April 22, 1911 (Statutes 1911, page 1042). Outside electrical wiring, installation and equipment and electrical wiring, in- stallation and equipment in underground conduits, shall conform to the requirements of the National Electrical Code hereinbefore referred to. Sec. 15 Miscellaneous Rules. The following rules and regula- tions are hereby adopted as the rules and regulations governing the installation, alteration and repair of inside electrical wiring, connec- tions, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, machinery and work within the City of Pasadena, except as otherwise in this ordinance or the National Electrical Code, 1911 Edition, specifically provided. 1. Concealing Electrical Wiring. No work shall be covered or concealed until the certificate hereinbefore provided for shall have been issued, or the City Electrician's notice of inspection and approval has ben posted at the service switch outlet. All plumbing and other pipe or tube work must be in place on the work to be concealed before the electrical wiring is inspected. No such wiring will be considered as completed until such piping and tube work is in place. Where more than one meter is put on the same service and board, subsequent serv- ice inspections will be free, provided that a permit must in all cases be obtained and notice must in all cases be given the City Elec- trician before setting or connecting in any meter. Meter loop must be left in an accessible location, in screen porch, where possible, not over nine (9) feet from floor, and in such position that meter will be in sight where possible. 2. City Electrician's Decision Final. The decision of the City Electrician shall be binding and final as to the meaning of any of the provisions of the National Electrical Code hereinbefore referred to, provided that in case of dispute, if mutually desired, apeal shall be made to the Secretary of the Electrical Commission of the National Fire Protection Association. All materials meeting with the require- ments of said code shall be approved and accepted by the City Elec- trician, whether bearing the stamp of the National Board of Fire Underwriters or not, and until so approved, no such materials may be used. All material or work which is not specifically covered by said code must be approved by the City Electrician. Where the City Electrician shall withdraw approval of a device theretofore approved, he shall give sixty (60) days notice of his intention to interested parties. 3. Service Switch. Where service switch is located outside a building, the wireman shall protect same from the weather in a satis- factory manner. 4. Conduit Rules. Ordinary black or galvanized pipe will not be approved for use as conduit. Where conduit runs along the top of a pergola or other outside construction, the hole at the last downward turns shall be filled with asphalt or other waterproof compound, unless entire fixture is weatherproof. Rigid conduit construction shall be required exclusively for the installation of wiring in hotels, schools, churches, theaters, or any other public buildings, or any buildings con- taining more than twenty-four (24) rooms, except private residences, for new work. Repairs or additional work on such buildings shall be done with conduit, armored cable, or metal moulding. Where wires are to be imbedded in Silicel or other similar substances, conduit or armored conductors shall be used. Conduit shall be required on out- side of all store fronts. Pull boxes shall be used in all conduit runs 122 where a plan of the work has been submitted to and approved by the which exceed 150 feet in length, except in public streets and except inspection department. When two separate services enter a building, if conduit is used they shall run in separate conduits. All conduit or metal moulding exceeding ten (10) feet in length or containing more than one outlet shall be grounded with not less than a No. 10 wire which shall be protected from mechanical injury. Gas pipes shall not be approved for grounds. Where running underground feeds from pole to house, conduit shall extend up the pole to within at least two (2) feet of lowest crossarm. Proper entrance fittings or conduits shall be required in all cases. Greenfield flexible conduit shall not be allowed in concrete or where exposed to moisture, unless lead lined. It shall not be plastered solid in a brick wall, but a channel shall be cut to re- ceive it. Outlet boxes shall be required in all cases, the same as for rigid conduit, but box may be concealed where deemed necessary by inspector. Hacksaws shall not be used for cutting it. All wiring on outside of any outside wall in Fire District No. 1 or any outside wall of a brick or concrete building shall be in rigid conduit. If extending above roof, it shall extend at least seven (7) feet above a flat roof or one (1) foot above a pitched roof, in the case of a service. Junction boxes shall be required in all cases where conduit is run in connection with knob and tube work. 5. Temporary Work, Etc. No temporary work or alterations shall be aPowed on live circuits unless protected by proper switch and fuse. Excepting the screen porch, not more than one point of distri- bution shall be allowed on any floor of a residence without special per- mission. Feed wires shall be No. 10 Brown & Sharp gauge or larger. Where branch blocks are separated, the intervening wires shall be bushed or loomed. All cutout cabinets shall have the bottom sloped at approximately an angle of 45 degrees. All metal cabinets shall be provided with gutters, except rear connected cabinets. For all out- side spans from building to building over four (4) feet six (6) inches, either, not less than No. 4 Knobs shall be used or two (2) No. 5* Knobs at each end of span. 6. Allowance on Outlets. In arranging circuits to comply with Code Rule 23 (d) in residences, ceiling outlets shall be wired for not less than the number of 56 watt lamps specified below: Reception hall 2 56 watt lamps Living room 3 56 watt lamps Dining room 3 56 watt lamps Each bedroom 2 56 watt lamps Not less than No. 6 wire shall be required for feeds for moving picture machines. Not less than No. 10 wire shall be required for feeds for stereopticon machines. A separate circuit shall on all new work be required for each or any electric iron, or for any other device requiring 550 watts or more. 7. Tags on Heats, Etc. The City Electrician shall furnish suit- able printed tags to all persons, firms or corporations engaged in the business of selling electrical heaters, ranges or other electrical appli- ances or devices. Said tags shall specify that the use of such devices consuming five hundred fifty (550) or more watts of electrical energy is illegal on an ordinary lighting circuit, and such tags shall be at- tached to all such devices when sold or offered for sale by such per- sons, firms or corporations. 8. Special Circuits for Heaters. No electric heating device con- suming over five hundred and fifty (550) watts shall be connected with any lighting circuit or any other circuit having wire less in size than No. 10 Brown & Sharp gauge. Not more than ten (10) sockets shall l)e allowed on one circuit except by special premission. No socket shall be figured for less than 56 watts. There shall be used a three wire feed where the number of circuits exceeds four. Three wire cir- cuits shall not be allowed except for electric signs. Wiremen shall run proper sized feeds to outside of building, and shall leave proper ized fuses in place. Knots which severely kink or strain the wire shall not be allowed. All wires larger than No. 6 must be stranded, with soldered terminals, for conduit work. The contractor shall test 123 all his concealed work upon completion of same. Each store, flat or dwelling shall have its own independent feeds and service switch,, except that where there is more than one store, flat or dwelling in a building, two separate feeds may be installed from the outside to a dis- tributing point where separate service switches and meter loops shall be installed for each such store, flat or dwelling. Knob and tube or open work shall not be allowed in Fire District No. 1. 9. Loss. In any system of wiring, the loss shall not exceed one (1) per cent, in mains or feeders and one (1) per cent, in lamp cir- cuits, and the combined total drop in voltage in service wires, feeders and distributing circuits shall not exceed a total of five (5) per cent, when at full load, provided that maximum drop with underground feeds from crossarm or manhole to service switch shall not exceed four (4) per cent. In motors or heaters the drop shall not exceed two (2) per cent, from outside of building to motor or heater, based on rated capacity of motor or heater. The size of wire for motor feeds shall be figured to allow at least (50) per cent, starting overload. 10. Conduit in Fire District No. 1. In Fire District No. 1, as now established or as may hereafter be established, not more than one cen- ter outlet shall be allowed on a store circuit for concealed work, and all electrical work in said district hereafter shall be placed in metal conduits, armored cable or metal moulding. All electrical moulding installed in the City of Pasadena shall be of metal. 11. Knob and Tube Work. All wires under buildings shall be- considered as concealed, within the meaning of this ordinance. No job shall be considered as completed until after the back plastering, if any, is finished. All switch or outlet boxes shall be placed flush with finished surface, or a metal collar shall be used to bring them flush. Cross-over bushings shall be taped at both ends, and where more than one is used, they shall be taped together. An approved outlet box or plate shall be used at every outlet. In case plate is used it shall be of a size sufficient to cover entire wall surface inside of canopy. Switch boxes shall be cut into a backing board not less than 1x5 inches in cross section. When fastening knobs to one inch boards, screws shall be used. Wires shall be supported at least every four (4) feet six (6) inches. Attic wires shall either be run between joists or .on rafters, not more than three (3) feet from plate. If rafters are used, wires shall be protected where passing from rafters down to ceiling below. "Trees" shall be no longer approved. Where joists are over three (3) inches wide they shall be bored. All bushings shall be securely fast- ened in place, unless holes are given at least ten (10) degrees slant to hold them. Knobs shall be used within six (6) inches of bushings where making a right angle turn or where strain is brought on bush- ing. Wiring in cellars or anywhere under houses shall be bored or protected. Backin? boards shall be required at all outlets, but no knobbing shall be allowed upon them. No backing less than 1x4 inches shall be approved. Three (3) inch mud bushings shall be re- quired, and taped in place. 12. Fixtures. No fixtures shall be approved in which it is neces- sary to twist the wires to assemble or hang same. All sockets within reach of any pipes or plumbing fixtures, or cement floors or of the ground, shall be of porcelain. All portables MUST have reinforced cord, and in shops, factories, etc., they shall be provided with lamp guards. Lamp guards shall be required in closets. No cord shall be allowed in show windows unless provided with approved metal armor. There shall be no exposed metal lugs carrying current allowed on side outlets, in show windows or anywhere within reach. Cord drops shall not be allowed on porches unless cord is armored or reinforced. All cord ends shall be knotted in pendants, and unless soldered, shall be eye-looped and taped. In mission or other wooden fixtures, cord or wire shall be protected from wood with fireproof tubing, and an iron outlet box shall be used. All fixtures on metal lath, concrete, brick, etc., shall be effectually insulated therefrom. All ends of wire at va- cant outlets shall be taped and cleared by fixture men. Where pend- ants hang within reach of gas pipe, the pipe shall be protected by an insulating joint and the cord reinforced. All fixtures where exposed to moisture shall be waterproof. All fixtures shall be securely hung.. 124 Fixture arms shall be secured in position by set screws, solder, cement or otherwise. 13. High Potential Motors. Motors or generators operating at a potential in excess of 480 volts shall not be allowed except in central stations or where professional help is continuously employed, while motor is in use. Professional help shall be deemed to be a person, at least twenty-one years of age, able to read and write the English language, and thoroughly familiar with the risk attendant upon the operation of high potential motors. Lead covered cable shall be used exclusively to feed such motors. The back of the switchboard shall be effectually protected to prevent access by unauthorized persons. All live parts in connection with such motors shall be protected in a satisfactory manner. 14. Exchange Telephones. No exchange telephone shall be in- stalled, and no such telephone shall be used in any building or con- nected with any service or exchange board in the City of Pasadena from and after the first day of October, 1912, until the service connec- tions shall have been made with properly insulated wires, and until both sides of the circuit on each service connection are protected by a protective device approved by the National Fire Protection Associa- tion, and satisfactory to the City "Electrician. The following protectors are approved for th;s purpose, and any similar device equally good may "be approved, viz: Protector manufactured by: American Telephone and Telegraph Co., Boston, Mass. Frank B. Cook, Chicago, 111. Types B4, B5 and B6. D. & W. Fuse Co., Providence, R. I. Johns-Pratt Co.. Hartford, Conn. Foote-Pierson Co. and Viaduct Electric Co., and used by Postal Telegraph-Cable Co., New York, N. Y. Catalogue No. 66. Troy Telephone Specialty Co., Troy, N. Y. Catalogue No. 3027. Provided, that where the entire circuit from the Central Station to the telephone is run in underground conduit, the protective device hereinbefore referred to may be omitted. 15. Plans. Plans shall be filed with this department promptly upon completion of work, that the same may be inspected before work is concealed. Under no circumstances shall work be passed which can- not be inspected. No inspection of completed work shall be made until plans have been filed as above and all fees have been paid. Wire- men in making out plans shall specify sizes of feeds and sub-feeds and length of same in all cases of more than four (4) circuits. Whenever a canopy covers a combination outlet, it shall be so noted on the plan. 16. Pipes. After inspection, no pipe or other metal work shall be placed nearer than three (3) inches to any electric work without first notifying the City Electrician so that said wires may be properly inspected and protected. In such cases all requirements of the City Electrician as to placing of the wire or work, or as to the insulation thereof, shall be fully complied with. See. 16. Temporary Work. Where a permit to install work of a temporary character, for a time to be specified in such permit not in any case to exceed thirty (30) days, shall have been issued by the City Electrician, a strict compliance with the foregoing rules for per- manent work will not be exacted, provided the character of the work is entirely safe for the period designated in the permit and the same is done to the satisfaction of the City Electrician. Sec. 17. Meter Tests. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to install or maintain any electric meter or other device for measuring electrical energy for purposes other than for lighting, unless such meter or other device shall conform to the requirements of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 967 of the City of Pasadena. Upon ap- plication of any person, firm or corporation, who or which would be affected by the use of any meter or measuring device not conforming to such requirements, and the payment to the City Electrician of a fee of one dollar ($1), the City Electrician shall examine and test such meter or measuring device and for such purpose may disconect and remove any such meter or measuring device from place where installed, or about to be installed, to the testing place selected by 125 him, and shall immediately return same after test, if found correct. Where practicable the meter shall be tested in place, and the con- sumer shall not be deprived of current in case meter is removed as hereinbefore provided. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to hinder, impede or interfere with the City Electrician when making such test. If, upon examination and test, such meter or measuring device shall be found to run more than two (2) per cent, plus or minus, when recording 25, 50 or 100 per cent, of the electric energy which its is designed to record, when compared with a standard indicating watt- meter with the formula, frequency, voltage, current, time and con- stants pertaining to the particular meter or measuring device under test, the City Electrician shall seal the same, and it shall be unlawful to use or permit to be used such meter or measuring device to measure electrical current sold for purposes other than lighting in the City of Pasadena, until such meter or measuring device has been repaired and upon test by the City Electrician found correct, and a fee of three dollars ($3.00) paid by the person, firm or corporation so selling elec- tricity. Upon the payment of said last named fee, the fee of one dollar ($1.00) originally paid by the applicant as aforesaid shall be returned to him by the City Electrician. Each day during or upon which any such meter or measuring device is or may be used in viola- tion of this ordinance, shall be considered a separate offense. Sec. 18. Unlawful to Do Work Without Obtaining Permit, Etc. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation as principal, agent, officer, servant or employe, for himself or itself or for another person, firm or corporation: (a) To install, alter, repair, add to or change any inside electrical wiring, connections, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, machinery, equip- ment or wcrk, or to install any electrical meter without first securing a permit therefor, as in this ordinance provided; or (b) To use or to permit or suffer to be used electrical current through or in connection with any inside or outside electrical wiring, connections, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, machinery, equipment or work installed, altered, repaired, added to or changed pursuant to any permit issued hereunder until the certificate in Section 8 hereof pro- vided shall have been issued. Provided, however, when the use of current through such work will not be dangerous to life or property, the City Electrician may is- sue a temporary permit which shall authorize the use of current through the same; but such permit shall not authorize such use for a period longer than specified in such temporary permit and in no event for a period longer than thirty (30) days. (c) To furnish for use electrical current to be used through or in connection with any inside or outside electrical wiring, connections, appliances, apparatus, machinery, equipment or work after receiving notice from the City Electrician as provided in Section 7 hereof to cease supplying such current until the defects in such work have been repaired and a certificate issued thereon; or, (d) To suffer or permit electrical current to be used through or in connection with any electric generator, station transformer or motor generator set of %, H. P. capacity or over, after the same has been inspected and orders given for the alteration or repair thereof until such alterations or repairs are made; or (e) To maintain or use any outside electrical wiring, installation or equipment or any wiring, installation or equipment contained in nnderground conduits, after notice given as provided in Section 12 hereof until the same shall be made to conform to the requirements of this ordinance; or (f) To hinder, impede or interfere with the City Electrician, or his deputy, in the discharge of his duties under this ordinance, or to refuse, fail or neglect to comply with and to conform to any provi- sions or requirements of this ordinance. Sec. 19. Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation as principal, agent, officer, servant or employe, who or which shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed 126 five hundred ($500) dollars, or by imprisonment not to exceed six (6) months in the City Jail, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 20. City Not Liable. This ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person, firm or cor- poration, owning, operating, controlling or installing any electrical wiring, connections, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, machinery, equip- ment or work, inside, outside, overhead or underground in the City of Pasadena, for damages to anyone injured by any defect therein, nor shall the city be held as assuming any such liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein or certificate issued as herein provided, or by reason of any ol the matters or things herein provided for and regulated. Sec. 21. Spec! He Provisions. The requirements of this ordinance are hereby specifically declared to cover, govern and control the in- stallation, alteration or repair of any electrical wiring, connections, fixtures, appliances, apparatus or machinery in any school buildings and other buildings or structures by any school district, school board, board of education, or any public or quasi-public or political corpora- tion or body. Sec. 22. Repeal. Ordinances Nos. 761, 802 and 840 and all ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby re- pealed, but nothing herein contained shall be deemed to repeal or affect any of the provisions of Ordinance No. 967. The repeal of Or- dinance No. 761 and the ordinances amendatory thereto, shall not re- lease any person, firm or corporation from liability for fees or charges fixed therein and remaining unpaid and shall not affect or prevent the prosecution and punishments of any person, firm or corporation for any act heretofore done or committed in violation of any ordinance which may be repealed hereby, and shall not affect any prosecution or action which may be pending in any court for the violation of any ordinance repealed by this ordinance. Sec. 23. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held April 2, 1912, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Fogg, Korstian, Rhodes, Root and Shutt. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 2nd d.ay of April, 1912. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1219. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating the Vending of News- papers and Periodicals. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale in or upon any public street or other public place in the City of Pasadena, any newspaper or periodical, unless such person shall have first degistered his name and address with the Chief of the Police De- partment and shall have received from him a permit in writing therefor. Each permit shall expire in one year from and after the date thereof unless sooner revoked, and the same may be revoked by the Chief of the Police Department in his discretion for disorderly conduct of the holder thereof. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction 127 thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed fifty ($50) dol- lars. Sec. 3 The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordi- nance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held May 7, 1912, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Fogg, Korstian, Rhodes, Root and Shutt. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 7th day of May, 1912. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1229. An Ordinance of the City of Pasadena Regulating the Establishment and Maintenance of Hospitals in Said City. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation as principal, agent, officer, servant or employee to establish, conduct or maintain in the City of Pasadena any hospital, sanatorium or other place (not prohibited by Section 373 of the Penal Code) for the recep- tion, care or treatment of any sick or diseased person, without having first obtained a permit therefor in writing from the Board of Health of said City. Section 2. The Board of Health shall have power to issue permits for such hospitals, sanatoriums or other places, and every such permit shall specify the name and residence of the person, firm or corporation conducting the same and the street and street number where the same is located and shall be revocable for cause by said Board of Health in any case where the provisions of this Ordinance are violated or in any case where in the judgment of said Board of Health such hos- pital, sanatorium or other place is being managed, maintained or con- ducted without due regard to the health, comfort or morality of the inmates thereof, and other persons who may be affected thereby, or without due regard to its proper sanitary or hygienic arrangements and appliances. Under no circumstances shall any such permit be issued by the Board of Health for any hospital or sanatorium which shall not be properly connected with a sewer, and which shall not have in use a properly equipped incinerator (for the destruction of refuse matter other than garbage) of a type approved by the Board of Health and which shall not have at least one isolation room which shall be used exclusively for isolating patients affected or thought to be affected with any contagious or infectious disease. Section 3. It shall be lawful for the officers and representatives of the Board of Health at all reasonable times to enter and inspect such hospitals, sanatoriums or other places. Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a term not to exceed thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this 128 Ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting hid June 25th, 1912, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Chaff ee, Fogg, Korstian, Rhodes, Root, and Shutt. Noes: None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 25th day of June, 1912. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. ORDINANCE NO. 1242. An Ordinance Regulating the Furnishing and Sale of Electricity for Power, Heating and Purposes Other Than Lighting in the City of Pasadena and Providing Rates Therefor. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Pasadena do ordain as follows : Section 1. By the term "company" as used in this Ordinance, is meant any corporation, co-partnership, or person engaged in the busi- ness oi furnishing, or selling, electric energy for power, heating, or purposes other than lighting in the City of Pasadena. Section 2. For the purposes of this Ordinance, a "meter" is de- fined to be an instrument or appliance for measuring quantity of electric energy, so adjusted and maintained as to correctly register, in kilowatt hours, within two (2) per cent, plus or minus, the amount of electric energy measured by it, when compared with, and tested by a standard indicating watt meter, with the proper formula, fre- quency, voltage, current time and constants pertaining to the particu- lar meter under test, and so adjusted and maintained as to correctly register, in kilowatt hours, the amount of electric energy measured by it without a greater error than two (2) per cent., plus or minus, when recording ten (10) per cent, fifty (50) per cent., and one hun- dred (100) per cent., of the electric energy which it is designed to record, when compared with a standard indicating watt meter, and tested as herein provided. Whenever a meter is required by this Ordinance it shall conform to the definition and requirements of this section. Section 3. The City Electrician may at any time examine and test any electric meter installed or about to be installed in the City of Pasadena for measuring electric energy for power, heating or purposes other than lighting, and for such purposes may disconnect and remove any meter from any place where installed or placed to the testing place selected by him. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to hinder, impede or interfere with the City Electrician in making examination or test of any meter. Section 4. Every company shall install and maintain at or upon the premises of such of its customers a separate meter, (except as otherwise in this section provided), for the purpose of measuring and determining the amount of electric energy for purposes other than lighting by it furnished to such customer. It shall be unlawful for any company or any officer, agent, servant or employee of any com- pany, to sell or furnish electric energy for purposes other than lighting to any consumer or person in the City of Pasadena, unless such energy be measured by a separate meter so installed and maintained. It shall be unlawful for any company or any officer, agent, servant or employee of any company, directly or indirectly, in any form or manner, to charge, demand, collect or receive payment or compensation for electric energy furnished for purposes other than lighting, which is not based upon and proportioned to the amount of energy actually furnished, and determined and measured by a meter installed and maintained as herein provided. Nothing in this section, however, shall be con- 129 strued to require the use of a separate meter for the measuring of elec- tric energy sold or furnished for power, heating or purposes other than lighting, when such energy shall be measured by a meter installed, maintained and used for the purpose of measuring electric energy fur- nished for lighting purposes, as provided for in Ordinance No. 967 of the City of Pasadena, and Ordinances amendatory thereto now or hereafter in force, but in such event such energy so sold or furnished for power, heating or purposes other than lighting, shall be deemed and considered as electric energy furnished for lighting purposes, and the same and the furnishing and sale thereof, and the rates therefor shall be, in all respects, subject to the conditions and provisions of said Ordinance No. 967, and Ordinances amendatory thereto now or hereafter in force. Section 5. For the purpose of fixing and establishing rates, electric energy sold or furnished in the City of Pasadena by any com- pany for power, heating or purposes other than lighting, is and shall be classified as follows: "CLASS A POWER." The first one hundred (100) kilowatt hours, or less, furnished 'in any one month to any consumer. "CLASS B POWER." The kilowatt hours furnished in any one month to any consumer in excess of one hundred (100) kilowatt hours and not exceeding three hundred (300) kilowatt hours. "CLASS C POWER." The kilowatt hours furnished in any one month to any consumer in excess of three hundred (300) kilowatt hours and not exceeding five hundred (500) kilowatt hours. "CLASS D POWER." The kilowatt hours of energy furnished in any one month to any consumer in excess of five hundred (500) kilo- watt hours and not exceeding one thousand (1000) kilowatt hours. "CLASS E POWER." The kilowatt hours of energy furnished in any one month to any consumer in excess of one thousand (1000) kilowatt hours and not exceeding fifteen hundred (1500) kilowatt hours. "CLASS F POWER." The kilowatt hours of energy furnished in any one month to any consumer in excess of fifteen hundred (1500) kilowatt hours and not exceeding two thousand (2000) kilowatt hours. "CLASS G POWER." The kilowatt hours of energy furnished in any one month to any consumer in excess of two thousand (2000) kilowatt hours and not exceeding three thousand (3000) kilowatt hours. "CLASS H POWER." The kilowatt hours of energy furnished in any one month to any consumer over three thousand (300) kilowatt hours. Tho number of kilowatt .hours of energy furnished for said pur- pose by any company shall be calculated monthly and the charge therefor shall be based upon the number of kilowatt hours furnished during each respective month. Section 6. Except when otherwise established as herein provided, the rates for electric energy and for the various classes thereof fur- nished by any company for power, heating or purposes other than lighting in the City of Pasadena shall be as follows: Class A Power. Six (6) cents for each kilowatt hour. Class B Power. Five (5) cents for each kilowatt hour. Class C Power. Four (4) cents for each kilowatt hour. Class D Power. Three and one-half (3.5) cents for each kilowatt hour. Class E Power. Two and one-half (2.5) cents for each kilowatt hour. Class F Power. Two (2) cents for each kilowatt hour. Class G Power. One and eight-tenths (1.8) cents for each kilowatt hour. Class H Power. One and two-tenths (1.2) cents for each kilowatt hour. Provided, however, that a minimum monthly charge shall be col- lected for electric energy furnished for purposes other than lighting, which charges shall be One Dollar ($1.00) per meter of One and one- half (l 1 /^) kilowatt capacity or less, and seventy-five (75) cents for each additional kilowatt of meter capacity required, the capacity of meter required to be determined by a standard indicating watt meter. 130 Provided, further, that for all electric energy furnished in any one month to any consumer in excess of five thousand (5000) kilowatt hours, when such energy is used between the hours of 5:00 p. m. and 10:00 p. m., an increase in the rates herein fixed of twenty-five (25) per cent may be made at the option of the company, but such increase, if made, must apply equally to all customers using such energy between these hours. Section 7. Any company desiring to establish rates for electric energy by it furnished for power, heating or purposes other than lighting in the City of Pasadena less than the rates fixed by Section 6 of this Ordinance may do so, subject to the conditions hereinafter contained, by filing with the City Clerk of the City of Pasadena and publishing for a period of ten (10) days, commencing with the day of said filing, in a newspaper of general circulation published at least six (6) days a week in said city, a schedule of rates it desires and elects to establish. The rates thus established must be based upon and proportioned to the amount of electric energy actually furnished as measured and registered by a meter. They must follow and conform to the classification established by Section 5 of this Ordinance, and a single rate must be fixed for each class of energy. No rate shall be higher than the rate fixed in Section 6 of this Ordinance for the corre- sponding class of energy, and the minimum monthly charge in said section provided shall not be increased or decreased. No rate for any class shall be higher than any rate fixed or established for a class higher in the same alphabetical scale, the "A" class in each classifica- tion being deemed to be the highest class in its respective scale. The rates stated in such schedule shall become effective at 12 o'clock noon of September 1st, 1912, if filed and fully published on or before that time, and if filed or published thereafter, then thirty days after the filing and last publication thereof, and shall thereupon become and be the lawful rates, and the only lawful rates, which such company may charge or collect until the same are changed as in this section permitted and provided. The rates established as herein provided, may be changed from time to time, in whole or in part, by the filing and publication of a new schedule, conforming to the requirements of this section, provided, however, that no rate shall be increased without the consent of the City of Pasadena given by ordinance. No company shall reduce its rates by filing a schedule thereof as in this section provided, unless on or before the filing of said schedule it shall file with the City Clerk, on forms furnished and approved by the City Council, a statement showing the actual value of its entire property devoted to public use, the value of its property in the City of Pasadena devoted to such public use, its gross receipts for its entire system during the preceding year, the portion of said gross receipts received from its system in the City of Pasadena, the portion of said receipts from its entire system received for its lighting business, and the portion from its power business, the portion of said receipts from its system in the City of Pasadena received from its lighting business, and the portion from its power business, its operating expenses for its entire system during the said period, and its operating expenses for the portion of its system in the City of Pasadena, and such other in- formation bearing upon its financial condition as may be required by the forms so furnished and approved by the City Council. The form of statement on file in the office of the City Clerk entitled "Form of Utility Report Required by Ordinance No. 1242," is hereby approved. Said form may be changed from time to time by the Council on motion. Accompanying said statement shall be a statement of the estimated revenue of the company in Pasadena, for the year following the date at which said new schedule of rates becomes effective under said new schedule. The correctness of such statement, and of the several items thereof must be verified by the oath of its Auditor, (if there be one), or if it has no Auditor, then by its President or Secretary. In addi- tion to said financial statement there must also be filed affidavits by its President (if there be one), and its General Manager, or if it has no General Manager, then by the person having general charge of its business, showing that said reduction is not made solely for competitive purposes, but that in good faith said company expects that said pro- 131 posed lower rates will produce an income from its Pasadena business which, after payment of all proper charges for operation, maintenance, taxation, and depreciation, and taking into consideration the income to be received on account of its lighting business will bring a return on the value of its property devoted to public use in said City of Pasadena of not less than four (4) per cent per annum. Section 8. It shall be unlawful for any company or any person, agent, servant or employe of any company, to make or file any state- ment or affidavit required by Section 7 hereof which is untrue in any particular. Section 9. It shall be unlawful for any company which has not, as provided by Section 7 hereof, established rates different from those fixed by Section 6 hereof, or from any officer, agent, collector or em- ploye of such company, directly or indirectly, by the use of false or inaccurate meters, or by false or inaccurate reading of meters, or by any special rebate, drawback or other device, or in any manner or form, to charge, demand, collect or receive, any rate or rates, or pay- ment or compensation or consideration, for electric energy furnished for power, heating or purposes other than lighting in the City of Pasa- dena, greater or less than or different from the rates herein fixed. It shall be unlawful for any company which has, as provided by Section 7 hereof, established rates different from those fixed by Sec- tion 6 hereof, or for any officer, agent, collector or employe of such company, directly or indirectly, by the use of false or inaccurate meters, or by false or inaccurate reading of meters, or by any special rebate, drawback or other device, or in any manner or form, to charge, demand, collect or receive any rate or rates, or payment or compensa- tion or consideration for electric energy by it furnished for power, heating or purposes other than lighting, in the City of Pasadena, greater or less than or different from its said rates so established. The furnishing to each customer or person of such e'ectric energy other than by meter measurement as herein provided, or at rates other than as herein fixed or established as herein permitted, shall be deemed unlawful, and a separate and distinct offense, and each such offense shall be punished as herein provided. For each customer or person to, or upon whom, any charge or demand is made, or from whom any money or thing of value is col- lected or received, as, or for, rate, payment, compensation or consid- eration for electric energy at rates other than, or different from, those herein fixed or established as herein permitted, a separate and dis- tinct offense shall be deemed committed, and each such offense shall be punished as herein provided. Section 10. Any person, firm or corporation, whetner as owner or lessee, principal, agent, clerk or employe, either for himself or itself, or for any other person, firm or corporation, which, or who, shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the City Jail not exceeding six (6) months, or by a fine not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 11. Nothing herein contained, nor any action or circum- stances taken or arising hereunder, shall be deemed a waiver of, or abridge, the power of the City to at any time fix or change rates, or regulate the furnishing or sale of electricity for any purpose. Section 12. All ordinances or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance" are hereby repealed, but nothing herein contained shall be deemed a repeal or modify Ordinance No. 967 of the City of Pasadena, but said ordinance and all ordinances amendatory thereto, and this ordinance shall be considered and construed together. Section 13. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon and after the first day of September, 1912, at 12 o'clock noon; provided, however, that schedules of rates, as provided by Section 7 hereof, may be filed and published before the said time and become effective as provided by said section. Section 14. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Pasadena Daily News. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the 132 City Council of the City of Pasadena at its meeting held July 16th, 1912, by the following votes: Ayes: Councilmen Barnes, Fogg, Korstian, Rhodes, Root and Shutt. Noes : None. HEMAN DYER, Clerk of the City of Pasadena. Approved this 16th day of July, 1912. WILLIAM THUM, Mayor of the City of Pasadena. 133 INDEX Page Accidents, reporting of required, when 95 Advertising devices, distribution of without license, prohibited. ... 14 Advertising devices in public places, upon walks, etc., prohibited when 15 Advertising by s:gns on vehicles, prohibited 33 Advertising, use of musical instruments and noises 82 Air Guns, carrying or discharge of, prohibited 20 Aisle, obstruction of prohibited 2b Alarm Bells at railroad crossings, interference with 54 Alarm of Fire, false, prohibited 4 Alleys, excavation in, permit and plat required 70 Alleys, obstruction of without permit 11 Alleys, sleeping in prohibited 19 Animals at large in public place, on private property, pro- hibited 9 Animal carcass of to be removed 81 Animals not to bo left unsecured 90 Animals of monkey type prohibited from running at large 105 Animals, trained, license for exhibition required 87 Anterior Poliomyelitis, treatment of, Rules of Board of Health ... 17 Ape, prohibited from running at large 105 Asiatic Cholera, Rules of Board of Health 17 Assembly Hall, locking of doors, prohibited 20 Assembly Hall, obstruction of aisle, passageway, etc., prohibited.. 20 Astrology, practice of prohibited 88 Auction Sale, license for 85 Augury, practice of prohibited 88 Automobile, speed limit, etc., see Traffic Ordinance Automobiles, public, regulating charges of 55 Automobile, public, license for 86 Automobile, public, permit required, for stand 92 Automobiles not to be driven by persons under 15 90 Automobile to have muffler 91 Awnings, height of 32 Baggage Carrying, license for 86 Bandstand, marring or injuring, prohibited 21 Barbed wire fences along public highways, prohibited 12 Barn Lodging in, without consent of owner 5 Barns, Rules of Board of Health 18 Baudy houses, prohibited 4 Beer, regulating sale of Ill Begging, prohibited. (See also Penal Code) 5 Bells, alarm, interference with, at railroad crossings 54 Bells at Railroad Crossings, when required 44 Bell Required, on certain vehicles 90 134 Page Benzine Cans, labeling of required 39 Benzene Cans, labeling of required 39 Berries, regulating sale of. 76 Billboards over public places, when prohibited 15 Bill distribution of, without license 14 Billiard Room, minors not allowed in . . . . 61 Billiard Room, ordinance regulating hours 21 Bill Posters, license of 15 Bill Posting, regulating 14 Births, reports of, Rules of Board of Health 16 Blank Cartridge, regulating discharge of 76 Board, Electrical, established 106 Board of Health, duties of in connection with hospitals, etc. ..... 128 Boarding House to keep register 31 Boarding House, sale of liquors regulated Ill Bonfires, hours during which permitted. (For fire district limits, see also Building Code) - 116 Books, use of infected, Rules of Board of Health 18 Bones, burning of prohibited ., 79 Bonds, certain dealings in prohibited 53 Bottles, deposit on streets, prohibited 80 Boulevards, traffic on regulated 94 Bowling Alley, ordinance regulating hours 21 Boxing, allowing use of room for 30 Boxing, exhibitions forbidden 30 Boxing Match, picture of prohibited 77 Bread, license for sale of 85 Bridge, marring or injuring, prohibited , . . . . 21 Brokers, certain deals, prohibited 53 Bucket Shops, prohibited . 53 Buildings, numbering of required 6 Buildings, removal of. (See Building Code) Building Code: The Building Code of the City of Pasadena is published in a separate volume. Bull, at large or in public place, on private property, prohibited.. 9 Bull, fee for impounding 9 Bulletin Boards over public places, when prohibited 15 Burning Material, when prohibited -, 116 Business, transient place of, requirements 86 Cables used for carrying electricity, regulated 98 Calf, fee for impounding 9 Calf, at large, or in public place, on private property, prohibited . . 9 Camphene Cans, labeling of required 39 Carcass of animal to be removed , , , 81 Cars, street, speed limit 90 Cars to stop on approach of fire apparatus. 95 Carriage, public, license far. . . . . . '. 86 Carriage, public, permit required 92 Carriages, public, charges of, regulating 55 Cartomancy, practice of prohibited ,-..... . . . 88 Cartridge, blank, regulating discharge of 76 Catapults, carrying or discharge of, prohibited -20 Cattle in dairies 47 135 Page Cattle, regulating distance from dwelling 80 Caulking, plumbing ordinance 26 Celebration, public fire works and pyrotechnical display regu- lated 76 Cellar Drains, requirements 25 Cesspool Construction, requirements 24 Cesspools, cleaning of, regulated 81 Cesspool, conveyance of contents through streets, when pro- hibited 81 Cesspools, not allowed, when, plumbing ordinance. . 27 Cesspools, nuisance, prohibited 80 Cesspools, Rules of Board of Health 18 Chair in Aisle or Passageway, prohibited 20 Chickens, regulating keeping of 80 Chicken Yards, Rules of Board of Health 18 Children, appearance on public streets after 8:30 P. M., prohibited 8 Children Driving Automobiles, prohibited 90 Chimpanzee, prohibited from running at large 105 Church, locking of exit door prohibited 20 Church, obstruction in aisle, passageways, etc., prohibited 20 Church, obstruction of entrance prohibited 96 Cigar, smoking on street cars 97 Cigarette, smoking on street cars 97 Cinematograph, permit required 77 Circus, license for 86 City Electrician, duties of 117 City Veterinarian, duties of 47 Chair-audience, practice of prohibited 88 Clairvoyance, practice of prohibited 88 Cleaning of Sidewalks, required 6 Clean-outs, plumbing 26 Closets, Rules of Board of Health 18 Closets, water, plumbing regulations 25 Closets, water, vault, prohibited where sewers exist 27-80 Clothing, deposit on streets, prohibited 80 Cluster Light Poles, hitching to prohibited 90 Coal, license for sale of 85 Concealed Weapons, prohibited 16 Conduit Fund Department established 106 Conduits, underground, ordinance regulating size, rental, etc 106 Colt, at large or in public place, on private property, prohibited. . . 9 Colt, fee for impounding 9 Congested streets described 92 Connections, plumbing 26 Connection with sewers constructed with public funds , 5 Construction of Cesspools 24 Construction of Buildings (See Building Code). Construction of Sidewalks 3 Contagious Diseases, Rules of Board of Health 16 Contagious Diseases in Schools , 18 Contract, private, street improvements under 114 Corridor, obstruction of prohibited 20 Counterfeiting License, dogs 10 136 Page Covering of Storm Drain , 63 Cow, at large or in public place, on private property, prohibited . . 9 Cows, in dairies 47 Cow, fee for impounding 9 Cow, regulating distance from dwelling 80 Cream, sale of 47 Crossing, railroads, bells, flagmen and gates required 44 Crossing Streets, traffic ordinance 91 Cross Walks to be left dry 23 Crystal-gazing, practice of prohibited . . 88 Curbs to conform to grades 3 Curfew Ordinance 8 Dairies, inspection of, Rules of Board of Health 16 Dairies, regulating inspection, etc 47 Dairies, Rules of Board of Health 18 Dangerous Weapon, prohibited . v 16 Deadly Weapon, concealed, prohibited 16 Dealers in Second-hand Articles, to report 21 Deaths, reports of 16 Defacing Public Buildings, prohibited 21 Defective Material, plumbing 26 Deposits, under electrical ordinance 119 Dice, played for money, prohibited 7 Diphtheria, Rules of Board of Health 17 Dirk, concealed, prohibited 16 Dirt dropping on streets : 81 Diseased Fruit and Vegetables, sale forbidden 32 Diseases, infectious and contagious, Rules of Board of Health .... 16 Disorderly Conduct in house or yard, etc., prohibited 19 Disorderly Conduct on streets, prohibited 33 Disorderly Houses, prohibited 19 Distribution of Bills, posters, pictures, etc., for advertising pur- poses 14 Disturbance of Peace, prohibited 3 Divinition, practice of prohibited 88 Dog License Ordinance 9 Dogs, at large 10 Dogs, vicious, prohibited from running at large 62 Door of Church, assembly hall, or public building, locking of, pro- hibited 20 Doves, regulating keeping of 80 Drains in Cellars, requirements 25 Drays, charges of, regulating 55 Dray, license for 86 Dray, permit required for stand 92 Driving on Sidewalks, prohibited 91 Drum, playing of without permit 14 Drunkenness in Public Places, prohibited 19 Ducks, regulating keeping of 80 Dump Ground established 82 Dumping of Refuse regulated 82 Dust, nuisance prohibited 79 Electrical Board established 106 137 Page Electrician, City, duties of , 117 Electric Construction, ordinance regulating 117 Electricity, lighting rates fixed 63 Electricity, power rates fixed 129 Electric Meters, inspection of 63 Electric Signs, placing and wiring regulated 15 Electric Wires, cutting to move building 22 Electricity, use of wires carrying regulated 98 Excavations in Sidewalks, prohibited 6 Excavations in Streets, sidewalks, etc., permit required. (See also Building Code) 70 Excavations in Streets, prohibited 80 Exhibition, immoral, etc., prohibited 78 Expectorating, prohibited in certain places (See Penal Code) 80 Express Wagons, charges of, regulating 55 Express Wagon, license for 86 Express Wagon, permit required for stand 92 False Fire Alarm, prohibited - 4 Feathers, burning of, prohibited 79 Fees for impounding animals 9 Fee for licensing dogs 10 Feed, license for sale of 85 Fences, barbed wire, where prohibited 12 Fertilizer Works, nuisances 79 Filth, accumulation of, prohibited 81 Firearms, discharge of, prohibited 19 Fire Alarm, false, prohibited ... 4 Fire Alarm Wires, protected 4 Fire Apparatus, cars to stop on approach of 95 Fire Apparatus, right of way 95 Firecracker, regulating discharge of 76 Fire Districts (Limits are described in Building Code, which, is published in a separate volume.) Fire Districts, hours during which fires are permitted. . ., 116 Fire Engines, following of 95 Fire Hose, unlawful to drive over 95 Fire, hours during which permitted 116 Fire Hydrants, obstruction in vicinity of 75 Fire Hydrants, use of : 75 Fire Limits, prohibiting litter within 116 Fires West of Arroyo Drive, prohibited ; 106 Fireworks, discharge of by children 77 Fireworks, discharge of, regulating 76 Fish, inspection of 16 Fish, license for peddler 85 Fittings, gas 28 Fixtures, top ...... 26 Fixtures, venting and trapping of, plumbing 25 Flagmen at railroad crossings 44 Flesh, burning of, prohibited 79 Flush-tanks in Sewers, protecting , 6 Food, inspection of 16 Food Stand, on New Year's Day, license not required. 113 138 Page Foot Peddlers, license for 85 Fornication, houses of, prohibited 4 Fortune Telling, practice of, prohibited 88 Fountain, public, marring or injuring, prohibited 21 Fowls, regulating keeping of 80 Franchises Required, telephone and telegraph lines 57 Freight Carrying, license for 86 Fruit and Vegetables, diseased, sale forbidden 32 Fruit, inspection of 16 Fruits and Vegetables, license for peddler 85 Fuel, license for sale of 85 Fumes, nuisance, prohibited 79 Fumigating Trees, license for 100 Funds, under electrical ordinance 118 Gambling and Gambling Houses, prohibited 7 Game, inspection of k . . . . 16 -Games for Money, prohibited 7 Garbage, accumulation of, prohibited 81 Garbage, removal of, Nuisance ordinance 81 Garbage, removal of regulated 83 Gas, Duties of Health Officer. 40 Gas Fittings 28 Gas Meters, inspection of 40 Gas, nuisance prohibited 79 Gas Pipe, table of, plumbing ordinance 28 Gas, price of, fixed 43 Gas, purity of, regulated 39 Gasoline Cans, labeling of 39 Gasoline, storage of, ordinance regulating 116 Gates at railroad crossings 44 Geese, regulating keeping of 80 Glanders, Rules of Board of Health 17 Glass, deposit on streets, prohibited 80 Goat, at large or in public place, on private property, prohibited . . 9 Goat, fee for impounding 9 Grades, observance of in sidewalk and curb construction 3 Gravel, dropping on streets, prohibited 81 Groceries, license for soliciting and selling 85 Gum-shooters, carrying or discharge of, prohibited 20 Hacks, charges of, regulating 55 Hair, burning of, prohibited . , 79 Hall, obstruction in aisle or passageway, etc., prohibited 20 Hall, obstruction of entrance, prohibited 96 Hall for public assembly, locking of doors prohibited 20 Hay, license for sale of 85 Hay, storage of, ordinance regulating 116 Health, Board of, Rules 16 Health Officer, duties of 18 Hedges, trimming required, thorn-bearing prohibited . 12 Height of Hedges, regulated 12 Hens, regulating keeping of 80 Hitching animals 90 Hitching to trees, cluster light poles, prohibited < 90 139 Page Hog, at large or in public place, on private property, prohibited. . 9 Hog, fee for impounding 9' Holes in Sidewalks, prohibited 6 Horn required, on certain vehicles 90 Horse, at large or in public place, on private property, prohibited. 9 Horse, fee for impounding 9 Horticultural Commission to inspect fruit and vegetables 32 Hospitals, ordinance regulating 128 Hotels to keep register 31 Hotels, sale of liquors regulated Ill Houses of Prostitution, prohibited 4 Hydrants, fire, use of 75 Hypnotism, practice of, prohibited 88 Indecent Language, prohibited 3 Indecent play or exhibition, prohibited 78 Infantile Paralysis, Rules of Board of Health 17 Infectious Diseases, Rules of Board of Health 16 111 Fame, houses of, prohibited 4 Immoral play or exhibition, prohibited 78 Improvements to streets under private contract 114 Injuring public buildings, bridge, fountain, bench, etc., prohibited. 21 Inspection of electric construction 117 Inspection of fruit and vegetables 32 Inspection of milk, dairies, meat, fruit, food, etc 16 Intoxication in public, prohibited 19 Jack, at large or in public place, on private property, prohibited . . 9 Jack, fee for impounding 9 Kerosene Cans, labeling of, required 39 Kinetascope, permit required 77 Labeling of Oil Cans, required 39- Language, profane and indecent, prohibited 3 Lard, nuisance in rendering 79 Laundries to be connected with sewers 79 Law of Road 91 Lecturing on Streets, without permit 14 Leprosy, Rules of Board of Health 17 Library Books, infected, Rules of Board of Health 18 License for Billposting 14 License for distribution of bills, posters, and advertising devices. . 14 License, dogs, counterfeiting of 10 License, none required for food stand on New Year's Day 113 License number for vehicles 87 License Ordinance, general 84 License Ordinance, dogs 9 License, sale of milk and cream 47 Licenses issued to soldiers and sailors free of cost 61 License for spraying and fumigating trees 100 Life-reading, practice of, prohibited 88 Lights on vehicles, required when 90 Lights uninclosed, where prohibited 117 Lighting of obstructions, required 11 Lighting Rates, electric 6 Liquors, ordinance regulating sale, use, advertising, etc Ill 140 Page Litter in Fire Limits, ordinance prohibiting 116 Locking of door of church, assembly hall, et., prohibited 20 Lodging House, to keep register 31 Lodging in places without consent of owner, prohibited 5 Loitering in public buildings, etc., prohibited 21 Lotteries, prohibited 13 Magic, practice of, prohibited 88 Malt Liquors, sale of regulated Ill Manholes in sewers, protecting 6 Marring public buildings, bridge, fountain, bench, etc., prohibited. 21 Material, defective plumbing 26 Matograph, permit required 77 Measles, Rules of Board of Health 17 Measures and Weights established 7 Meats, inspection of ._ 16 Meat, license for sale of, when required 85 Medicines, distribution of samples, prohibited 56 Mediumship, prohibited 88 Menagerie, license for 86 Merchandise, display on sidewalks, prohibited 96 Meters, electric, inspection of 63 Meters, gas, inspection of 40 Meetings upon streets, alleys and sidewalks 14 Midwives, registration and duties of 16 Milk and Cream, sale of 47 Milk, Food and Sanitary Inspector, duties of with respect to dairies 48 Milk, inspection of 16 Minors, appearance on public streets after 8:30 P. M., prohibited. . 8 Minors, driving automobiles, prohibited 90 Minors not allowed in pool and billiard rooms 61 Monkey, prohibited from running at large 105 Motorcycles to have mufflers 91 Moving Buildings (See Building Code.) Moving Pictures, permit required 77 Moving Pictures, requirement of building (See Building Code.) Mufflers required 90 Mule, at large or in public place, on private property, prohibited.. 9 Mule, fee for impounding 9 Musical Instruments, use of in advertising, prohibited 82 Musical Instruments, playing of without permit 14 Mutoscope, permit required 77 Naptha Cans, labeling of, required 39 National Guard Range established 19 Necromancy, practice of, prohibited 88 New Year's Day, food stand, license not required 113 Newspapers, vending of, ordinance regulating 127 Night Soil, deposit on streets, prohibited 80 Noise (disturbance of peace), prohibited 3 Noises, unnecessary, prohibited 82 Nuisance, grade of sidewalks and curbs 3 Nuisance Ordinance, general -79 Nuisances, telephone and telegraph lines, without franchises 57 141 Page- Number of license for vehicles, display required 87 Numbering of Buildings. 6 Obstruction of aisles, passageways, corridors, etc., in public buildings 20 Obstructions, lighting required 11 Obstruction on sidewalks, prohibited 6 Obstruction of sidewalk by display of goods, etc 96 Obstruction of streets, alleys and public places without permit, prohibited (See also Building Code) 11 Obstruction of streets by persons 96 Obstructions in streets prohibited 80 Obstruction of streets by railway 95 Obstruction in storm water right-of-way 63 Obstruction by vehicles in streets 91 Obstruction in vicinity of fire hydrants 75 Odor, nuisance prohibited 79 Offal, burning of, prohibited 79 Offensive matter, accumulation of, prohibited 81 Oil Cans, labeling of 39 Oiling portions of streets, duties of railway companies 44 Oil in sewers or on streets 38 Oiled Streets, traffic on 94 Ox at large, or in public place on private property, prohibited 9 Ox, fee for impounding 9 Outbuildings, Rules of Board of Health 18 Palmistry, practice of, prohibited 88 Paper, deposit on streets, prohibited 80 Parks, care of street trees 60 Parks, regulating use of at night 96 Parks, rules and regulations, general 29 Passageway, obstruction of, prohibited 20 Patent Medicine, distribution of, prohibited 56 Paved Streets, sprinkling of, prohibited 33 Peace, dis. .turbance of, prohibited & Peddler of Fish, license for 85 Peddlers of fruit and vegetables, license for 85 Peddlers, foot, license for 85 Peddler using vehicle, license for 85 Peddler's wagon not to remain in block more than 10 minutes. .. 93 Peel of fruit or vegetable, deposit on street prohibited 80 Periodicals, vending of, ordinance regulating 127 Permit for display of pictures, exhibition of immoral, prohibited. . 78 Permit for electrical construction required 117 Permit for obstructions in streets, alleys, etc. (See Building Code) 11 Permit for public meeting on streets and sidewalks 14 Permit for public vehicle required 92 Permit for plumbing 23 Perpendicular vents 27 Persons Liable, plumbing ordinance 27 Petroleum, storage of, ordinance regulating 116 Phrenology, practice of, prohibited 88 Physicians to have right-of-way 95 Physicians, registration of, required 16 142 Page Pictures, distribution of for advertising 14 Pictures, obscene, etc., prohibited 77 Pictures, permit required for display of certain classes 77 Pigeons, regulating keeping of 80 Pipes, soil and waste 25 Pipe smoking on street cars 97 Pistol, concealed, prohibited 16 Play, immoral, prohibited 78 Plumbing Ordinance 23 Plumbing Tests 23 Pollution of water 82 Pool Room, ordinance regulating hours 21 Pool Rooms, minors not allowed in 61 Posters of bills, license of 15 Posters, distribution of for advertising 14 Pou'try Yards, Rules of Board of Health 18 Poundmaster, duties of 9 Pound, ordinance providing for animals in 9 Power Rates, electrical, fixed 129 Preaching on streets, without permit, prohibited 14 Private Contract, street improvements under, ordinance regu- lating 114 Privy, nuisance, prohibited 27, 80 Privy Vault, cleaning of 81 Privy Vault, conveyance of contents through streets 81 Privy Vaults, not allowed when 80,27 Private Watchmen, license for 87 Prize Fight, picture of prohibited 77 Profane Language, prohibited 3 Programs of Tournament of Roses, license for sale of 114 Prophecy, practice of, prohibited 88 Prostitution, houses of, prohibited 4 PubMc Buildings, loitering, lying or sleeping in, prohibited 21 Public Building, marring or injuring, prohibited 21 Public Carriages, charges of, regulating 55 Public Carriage, license for 86 Public Carriage, permit required for stand 92 Public Gatherings, Rules of Board of Health 18 Public meetings upon streets, alleys and sidewalks 14 Public Places, excavations in 70 Public Vehicles, charges of, regulating 55 Public Vehicle, license for 86 Public Vehicles, permit required 92 Purity of Gas 39 Quarantine, contagious diseases, Rules of Board of Health 17 Railroad Crossings, gates, flagmen, bells required 44 Railroad Crossings, interference with alarm bells, prohibited 54 Railway companies' roadbeds, manner of paving 101 Railway Engines, speed limit 90 Railways to oil portions of streets 44 Rail, type to be used in certain track construction 101 Rate Ordinance, electricity for lighting 63 Rate Ordinance, Gas 43 143 Page Rate Ordinance, regulating sale of electricity for power 129 Reckless Driving, prohibited 89 Refuse, accumulation of, prohibited 81 Refuse, removal of, regulated 83 Register to be kept in hotels, lodging, rooming and boarding houses 31 Registration of physicians, surgeons, midwives, etc 16 Removal of Buildings (See Building Code.) Rendering Lard, nuisance 79 Reporting of Accidents 95 Restaurant, sale of liquors regulated Ill Riding on Sidewalks, prohibited 91 Right of way, ambulance 95 Right of way, fire apparatus 95 Right of way, physicians 95 Right of way, street car passengers 89 Rind, deposit on street prohibited 80 Riotous House, prohibited 19 Road, law of 91 Roadbeds, standard defined 101 Roadbeds of railway companies, manner of construction, type of rails, etc. 101 Rocket, regulating discharge of 76 Rooming House, to keep register 31 Rubbish, accumulation of, inflammable, prohibited 116 Rubbish, deposit on streets, prohibited. 80* Rules of the Board of Health 16 Sailors granted licenses free of cost 61 Samples, distribution of for advertising 14 Samples of Medicines, distribution of, prohibited 56 Sand, dropping on streets 81 Sanitary Inspector to inspect fruit and vegetables 32 Sanitorium, ordinance regulating 128 Scales to be tested 67 Scarlet Fever, Rules of Board of Health 17 Schools, contagious diseases in 18 Sealer of Weights and Measures, office established 67 Second-hand Articles, regulating dealing in 21 Settee, marring or injuring, prohibited 21 Sewers, deposit of oil in 38 Sewers, laundries to connect with 80 Sewers, placing materials in manholes and flush-tanks, prohibited. 6 Sewers, regulating connection with 5 Shed, lodging in without consent of owner 5 Sheep, at large or in public place, on private property, prohibited. 9 Sheep, fee for impounding 9 Sheet Iron, deposit on streets, prohibited 80 Shop, lodging in without consent of owner 5 Sidewalks, cleaning of required, obstruction, excavations, etc., prohibited 6 Sidewalks, construction of 3 Sidewalk, deposit of water on, forbidden 33 Sidewalks, display of goods on 96 144 Page Sidewalks, excavations in (See also Building Code) 70 Sidewalk, obstruction of by advertising devices 15 Sidewalk obstruction of without permit (See also Building Code) 11 Sidewalks, obstruction of by display of goods, etc 96 Sidewalks, riding or driving on, prohibited 91 Sidewalks, sleeping on, prohibited 19 Side Show, license for 87 Sign Boards over public places, regulated 15 Signs, electric, regulating wiring, etc 15 Signs on vehicles, advertising by 33 Singing on streets without permit 14 Skin of fruit or vegetable, deposit on streets, prohibited 80 Slaughter Houses, nuisances 79 Sleeping in public buildings 21 Sling-shots, carrying or discharge of, prohibited 20 Slops, accumulation of, prohibited 81 Small-pox, Rules of Board of Health 17 Smoking in moving picture machine room, prohibited (See Build- ing Code.) Smoking on street cars, regulated 97 Smoke, nuisance prohibited 79 Soldiers and Sailors, granted licenses, free of cost >.,... 61 Soil and waste pipes * 25 Soliciting for hotel, boarding house or public vehicle at station... 93 Soliciting for public vehicle 93 Sparring, allowing use of room for 30 Sparring, exhibitions forbidden 30 Sparring Match, picture of, prohibited 77 Speed Limit established 89 Spitting, prohibited certain places (See Penal Code) 80 Spraying Trees, license for 100 Sprinkling of paved streets, prohibited 33 Sprinkling Wagons, to leave dry cross walks 23 Squabs, regulating keeping of 80 Stables, filthy, prohibited 79 Stables, Rules of Board of Health 18 Stagnant Water, accumulation of, prohibited 81 Stairway, obstruction of, prohibited 20 Stand for sale of food on New Year's Day, license not required . . 113 Steer, at large or in public place, on private property, prohibited. 9 Steer, fee for impounding 9 Stocks, certain dealings in, prohibited 53 Storage of gasoline, petroleum, etc., ordinance regulating 116 Storage of straw and hay, ordinance regulating 116 Storm Drain, covering of , 63 Storm Drain, contruction of 63 Storm Water right-of-way obstruction 63 Straw, storage of, ordinance regulating 116 Streets, care and removal of trees 60 Street Car Passengers, right of way 89 Street Cars, speed limit 90 Street Cars to stop on approach of fire apparatus 95 Streets, congested, described 92 Streets, conveyance of contents of cesspool, etc 81 145 Page Street Crossings, traffic ordinance 91 Streets, deposit of oil on 38 Streets, deposit of rubbish, glass, etc .' - 80 Streets, disorderly conduct upon / 33 Streets, dropping dirt, gravel, etc., on 81 Streets, excavations in (See also Building Code) , 70 Street Improvements under private contract, ordinance regu- lating 114 Street Intersections, vehicles using 91 Streets, leaving vehicles without animals, to stand in 93 Streets, manner of paving roadbeds required to be paved by railway companies 101 Streets, obstruction of without permit (See Building Code) 11 Streets, obstruction, nuisances, prohibited 80 Streets, obstruction of by persons .' 95 Streets, obstruction by vehicles 91 Streets, oiling of portions, by railways 44 Streets, paved, sprinkling of, prohibited 33 Street, right-hand side to be used . 91 Streets, sleeping in, prohibited 19 Streets, speed of vehicles regulated 89 Streets, traffice on while being improved 94 Streets, use of by heavy vehicles . . . . 95 Streets, use of by telephone and telegraph lines. 57 Streets, use of for switching : 95 Streets, vehicles standing in 91 Streets, wiring of, permit required 117 Surgeons, registration of 16 Swill, accumulation of, prohibited 81 Switching on Streets, prohibited 95 Tandem, two or more freight vehicles, prohibited 95 Tanneries, nuisances . 79 Teaming on Streets, regulated 94 Telephone and Telegraph Lines, use of streets 57 Temporary Business, bond required 86 Tests of Plumbing 23 Testing Weights and Measures 68 Theater, obstruction of entrance, prohibited ". 96 Theaters, ordinance regulating (See Building Code) 34 Thorn-bearing Hedges, prohibited 12 Thorns, deposit on streets, prohibited 80 Ticket, lottery, use of, prohibited 13 Tin, deposit on streets, prohibited. 80 Tobacco, use of on street cars 97 Top Fixtures 26 Torpedo, regulating discharge of ".'... 76 Tournament of Roses, programs, license for sale of 114 Traffic on Boulevards 94 Traffic on Oiled Streets 94 Traffic Ordinance 89 Traffic on Streets while being improved. . . . . r . 94 Trained Animals, license for exhibition 87 Transient, place of business, bond required . 86 Trapping of Fixtures ; 25 146 Page Trash, accumulation of inflammable, prohibited 116 Trees, hitching to, prohibited 90 Trees and shrubbery in streets, care of 60 Tree Warden, office established 60 Tuberculosis, Rules of Board of Health 17 Turkeys, regulating keeping of 80 Typhoid Fever, Rules of Board of Health 17 Typhus Fever, Rules of Board of Health 17 Underground Conduits, ordinance regulating 106 Undertakers' Reports of Death 17 Uninclosed Lights, where prohibited 117 Vagrancy, prohibited 5 Vault, privy, nuisance, prohibited 80 Vegetables, diseased, sale forbidden 32 Vehicles (See Traffic Ordinance.) Vehicles backed to curb ^ 91 Vehicle having iron tires, excessive weight, prohibited 95 Vehicles not to stand on certain places 91 Vehicles left without animals hitched thereto 93 Vehicles, lights on 90 Vehicles standing in streets 91 Vehicles to have bell or horn 90 Vending of newspapers and periodicals, ordinance regulating 127 Vents, galvanized 26 Venting and Trapping of Fixtures 25 Vents, size of, plumbing 27 Veterinary, duties of, dairies 47 Veteran of Civil War to receive license free of cost 61 Vinous Liquors, sale of, regulated Ill Vitascope, permit required 77 Wagons (See Traffic.) Wagons, peddler, not to remain in hlock more than 10 minutes. . . 93 Wandering about streets, prohibited 5 Waste Pipes 25 Waste Pipes, material for 27 Watchmen, private, license for 87 Water Closets, outdoor vaults, when prohibited 27-80 Water Closets, plumbing regulations 25 Water, deposit on sidewalk on paved street 33 Water, stagnant, prohibited 81 Water, pollution of 82 Weapons, concealed, prohibited 16 Weights and Measures established 67 Wetting cross walks 23 Weeds, eradication of certain, required (See also Ord. 1132) 12 Wine, sale of, regulating Ill Wiring, ordinance regulating 117 Wires Overhead, cutting to move building 22 Wiring of Streets, permit required 117 Wires used for carrying electricity, regulated 98 Work, condemned, plumbing 27 Wood, license for sale of 85 Yards, filthy, prohibited 79 Yellow Fever, Rules of Board of Health 17 147 INDEX TO ORDINANCE NUMBERS No. 6 Page 3 No. 757 Page 44 55 3 765 47 247 4 825 53 250 4 827 54 275 5 833 55 303 5 835 56 392 6 841 57 441 6 861 . . . . 60 442 6 867 61 453 7 915 61 455 8 937 62 459 9 960 . . . . 63 466 11 967 63 472 12 981 67 475 13 984 70 479 14 991 75 480 14 1002 7 481 16 1003 76 486 16 1051 77 487 ... 19 1055 79 488 19 1056 83 519 . . . 20 1065 84 520 20 1072 89 531 ... 20 1091 96* 532 21 1118 97 533 22 1119 9g 536 23 1132 (Not a penal ordinance) 538 23 1134 100 539 .. . . 29 1141 101 562 30 1142 105 566 31 1143 106 567 32 1155 106 574 . . 32 1157 Ill 586 33 1164 113 630 . v 33 1170 114- 656 34 1178. '. H4 665 38 1197 (Building Code published 669 39 in separate volume) 73 39 1204 gg 675 40 1208. 117 678 43 1219. 127 695 116 1229. 128 719 . . 44 1242. ..129 NOTE. The above list of Ordinance numbers includes only the original Ordinances. Amendments have been made and are pub- lished in this volume, but the numbers of the amending Ordinances are not listed. 148 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW 30m-6,'14 YC 70920 JS J& UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IvIBRARY