5P!p MMBM FARM LIFE SERIES THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN By CHARLES WILLIAM BURKETT HANDY FARM DEVICES AND HOW TO MAKE THEM By ROLFE COBLEIGH MAKING HORTICULTURE PAY By M. G. KAINS FARM CROPS By CHARLES WILLIAM BURKETT PROFITABLE STOCK RAISING By CLARENCE A. SHAMEL PROFITABLE POULTRY PRODUC- TION By M. G. KAINS Other Volumes in Preparation TEe Farmer's Veterinarian A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Farm StOCk I Containing Brief and Popular Advice on the Nature, Cause and Treatment of Disease, the Common Ailments and the Care and Management of Stock when Sick By CHARLES WILLIAM BURKETT Editor of American Agriculturist ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK ORANGE JUDD COMPANY 1915 s I H Copyright, 1909 ORANGE JUDD COMPANY NEW YORK PBINTED IN U. S. A. PREFACE LARGE class of people, by force of circumstances, are compelled to treat their own animals when sick or dis- abled. Qualified veterinarians are not always available; and all the ills and accidents incident to farm animals do not require professional attendance. Furthermore, the skilled stockman should be familiar with common diseases and the treatment of them. He should remember, too, that the main- tenance of health and vigor in our farm stock is the direct result of well-directed management. Too frequently this is neither understood nor admitted, and an unreasonable lack of attention, when animals are ill or indisposed, works out dire mis- chief in the presence of physical disorder and in- fectious diseases. A fair acquaintance with the common ailments is helpful to the owner and to his stock. This leads to health, to prevention of disease, and to skill in attendance when disease is at hand. The volume herewith presented abounds in help- ful suggestions and valuable information for the most successful treatment of ills and accidents and disease troubles. It is an everyday handbook of disease and its treatment, and contains the best ideas gathered from the various authorities and the experience of a score of practical veterinarians in all phases of veterinary practice. C. W. BURKETT. NEW YORK, June, 1909. Table of Contents Page INTRODUCTION Facing Disease on the Farm . . * , 1 CHAPTER I. How the Animal Body is Formed . ,. . CHAPTER II. Some Physiology You Ought to Know - 21 CHAPTER III. The Teeth as an Indication of Age ... 34 CHAPTER IV. Examining Animals for Soundness and Health . 39 CHAPTER V. Wounds and Their Treatment .... 54 CHAPTER VI. Making a Post-Mortem Examination . . 62 CHAPTER VII Common Medicines and Their Actions 69 CHAPTER VIII. Meaning of Disease 82 CHAPTER IX. Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease ... 92 CHAPTER X Diseases of Farm Animals ..... 101 Til LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Pap 1. Health .... Frontispiece 2. Common Sheep Scab . j . 3 3. Hog House and Feeding Floor . .. 5 4. Poulticing the Throat . , m 8 5. How a Cell Divides . . ,. : : . lo 6. Bones of Skeleton of a Horse . .,-. 16 7. One of the Parasites of the Hog . . 18 8. Circulation and Digestion ... 22 9. Diseased Kidney . . . 25 la Stomach of Ruminant . . . 27 11. Circulation of Blood in Body . ,.. 30 12. Lumpy Jaw (jaw bone) . . . 36 13. Bad Attitude Due to Conformation . 41 14. Ewe Neck . . . . . . 46 15. Anatomy of the Foot . . . 49 16. Fractures . .. . . 54 17. Bandaging a Leg .... 57 18. Rickets in Pigs 63 19. Round Worms in Hog Intestines . 66 20. Tetanus Bacilli : . 71 21. Ready for the Drench 81 22. Bacteria As Seen Under the Microscope 85 23. Result of Bone Spavin ... 90 24. Feeling the Pulse .... 94 25. How Heat Affects Growth . . 96 26. Diseases of the Horse . . : . ; 102 X LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page 27. Lumpy Jaw (external view) . . 105 28. Where to Tap in Bloating . ... . 118 29. Bog Spavin 122 30. Horse Bots in Stomach . ,.. . 124 31. Colic Pains . . . .: . 138 32. Retention of the Urine .: t .> . 141 33. Curb . . 145 34. Fistulous Withers '" " ,. ; .. .156 35. Foot Rot in Sheep".,'' ' '_'.'" '' J 160 36. Founder . ",/ .' " ' '.^ . 163 37. Bad Case of Glanders ' ,* '.*" . 170 38. Ventral Hernia ' i .., n 'i- ! 180 39. An Attack of Cholera .'' -, ; '"* l 182 40. The Result of Hog Cholera . ,. 186 41. Kidney Worms in the Hog >.. ' ; . 1 205 42. Liver Fluke .. . . ,., ' : . 207 43. Lockjaw ....... 209 44. Lymphangitis . . . . 215 45. Natural Presentation of the Foal .' ' " 225 46. Abnormal Presentation of the Foal '. ' 227 47. Quittor V 235 48. A Cattle Bath Tub . . . 'V 241 49. Side Bones ..... 244 50. Splint . . , .^ . . . 248 51. Twisted Stomach Worms . . . 252 52. Tuberculosis Germs . '""' 264 INTRODUCTION Facing Disease on the Farm To call a veterinarian or not that is the ques- tion. Whether your horse or cow is sick enough' for professional attendance, or just under the weather a little, is a problem you will always be called upon to face. And you must meet it. It has always faced the man who raises stock, and it is a problem that always will. Like human beings, farm stock have their ailments and troubles; and, in most cases, a little care and nursing 1 are all that will be required. With these troubles all of us are acquainted ; especially those who have spent much time with the flocks and the herds on the farm. Through experience we know that often with every reasonable care, some animals, frequently the healthiest-looking ones, in the field, or stable, give ^rouble at the most unsuspected times. So the ffjtult is not always with the owner. There is no reason, however, why an effort should not be made, just as soon as any trouble is noticed, to assist the sick animal to recover, and help nature in every way possible to restore the invalid to its usual normal condition. The average observ- ing farmer, as a rule, knows just about what the trouble is ; he usually knows if treatment is beyond him, and if not, what simple medical aid will be effective in bringing about a recovery with greatec dispatch than nature unaided will effect. Now, of course, this means that the farmer should be acquainted with his animals; in health and disease their actions should be familiar to him. 2 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN If he be a master of his business he naturally knows a great deal about his farm stock. No man who grows corn or wheat ever raises either crop extremely successfully unless he has an intimate knowledge of the soil, the seed, the details of fer- tilization and culture. He has learned how good soils look, how bad soils look; he knows if soils are healthy, whether they are capable of producing big crops or little crops. So with his stock. He must know, and he does know, something as to their state of health or ill health. With steady observation his knowledge will increase; and with experience he ought to be able to diagnose the common ailments, and not only prescribe for their treatment, but actually treat many of them himself. Unfortunately, many farm- ers pass health along too lightly and the common disorders too seriously. This is wrong. The man who deals with farm animals should be well acquainted with them, just as the engineer is ac- quainted with his engine. If an engine goes wrong the engineer endeavors to ascertain the trouble. If it is beyond his experience and knowledge he turns the problem over to an expert. It should be so with the stock raiser. So familiar should the owner be with his animals in case of trouble he ought to know of some helpful remedy or to know that the trouble is more serious than ordinary, in which case the veterinarian should be called. All of this means that the art of observing the simple functions should be acquired at the earliest possible moment where to find the pulse of horse or cow, how many heart beats in a minute, how many respirations a minute, the color of the healthy nostril, the use of the thermometer and where to place it to get the information, the character of the INTRODUCTION 3 eye, the nature of the coat, the passage of dung and water, how the animal swallows, the attitude when standing, the habit of lying down and getting up- all of these should be as familiar to the true stock- man as the simplest details of tillage or of planting or of harvesting. Moreover, the stockman should be a judge of external characters, whether natural or temporary. COMMON SHEEP SCAB Here Is an advanced case and shows how serious the trouble may become. A very small Itch mite is the cause. The mites live and multiply under the scurf and scab of the skin. He should have a knowledge of animal conforma- tion. If to know a good plow is desirable, then to know a good pastern or^foot'is; desirable. If the art of selecting wheat is a' worthy acquisition, then the art of comparing hocks of different horses is a' worthy accomplishment also. If experience tells the grower that his corn or potatoes or cotton is strong, vigorous and healthy or, just_the!reverse f 4 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN observation and experience ought also to tell him when his stock are in good health or when they lack thrift or are sick and need treatment LEARN TO RECOGNIZE ANIMAL DISEASES Few farmers there are, indeed, who are not acquainted with crop diseases. Smut is readily recognized when present in the wheat or corn or oat field; so colic, too, should be recognized when your horse is affected by it. The peach and the apple have their common ailments; so have the cow and pig. In either case the facts ought to be familiar. So familiar that as soon as diagnosed and recognized prompt measures for treatment should be followed that the cure may be effected before any particular headway is at all made. Handled in this way, many cases that are now passed on to the veterinarian would never develop into serious disturbances at all. PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE The old saying, " Prevention is better than cure," is both wisdom and a splendid platform on which to build any branch of live stock work. Every dis- ease is the result of some disturbance, somewhere. It may be improper food ; the stockman must know. Moldy fodder causes nervous troubles in the horse. Cottonseed meal, if fed continuously to pigs, leads to their death. Hence, food has much to do with health and disease. Ventilation of the stable plays its part. Bad air leads to weakness, favors tuber- culosis, and, if not remedied, brings about loss and death. Fresh air in abundance is better than med- icine ; and the careful stockman will see that it be not denied. INTRODUCTION 5 Good sanitation, including cleanly quarters, wholesome water and dry stables, has its reward in more healthy animals. When not provided, the animals are frequently ill, or are in bad health more or less. As these factors proper food, good ven- tilation, and effective sanitation are introduced in stable accommodations, diseases will be lessened and stock profits will increase. HOG HOUSE AND FEEDING FLOOR This convenient hog house Is Inexpensive, and the feed- ing floor at the side insures cleanliness and thorough sani- tary conditions. A sanitary hog house should be one of the chief improvements of the farm. DISINFECT FREQUENTLY; IT NEVER HURTS AND IT MAY DO A WORLD OF GOOD As disease is better understood it becomes more closely identified with germs and bacteria. Hence, to lessen disease we must destroy, so far as pos- sible, the disease-producing germs. For this purpose nothing is better than sunlight and disin- fectants. Sunlight is itself death to all germs; therefore, all stables, and the living quarters for farm animals, should be light and airy, and free from damp corners and lodgment places for dust, ver- min, and bacteria. Even when animals are in good (r THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN health, disinfection is a splendid means for ward- ing off disease. For sometimes with the greatest care germs are admitted in some manner or form. By constantly disinfecting, the likelihood of any encroachment by germs is greatly lessened. Fortunately we have disinfectants that are easily applied and easily obtained at small cost. One of these disinfecting materials is lime, just ordinary slaked lime, the lime that every farmer knows. While it does not possess the disinfecting power of many other agents, it is, nevertheless, very de- sirable for sprinkling about stables and for white- washing floors, walls, and partitions. When so used the cracks and holes are filled and the germs destroyed. Ordinary farm stables should be white- washed once or twice each year, and the crumbled lime sprinkled on the litter or open ground. It is not desirable to use lime with bedding and manure, for the reason that it liberates the nitrogen con- tained therein. Hence the bedding and manure should be removed to the fields as frequently as possible, where it can be more helpful to the land. Thus scattered, the sunlight and purifying effects of the soil will soon destroy the disease bacteria, if any are present in the manure. Another splendid disinfectant is corrosive sub- limate, mercuric chloride, as it is often called. Use one ounce in eight gallons of water. This makes one-tenth of one per cent solution. In preparing this disinfectant, allow the material to stand for several hours, so as to permit the chemical to be- come entirely dissolved. This solution should be carefully guarded and protected, since it is a poison and, if drunk by animals, is liable to cause death. If infected quarters are to be disinfected, see that INTRODUCTION 7 the loose dirt and litter is first removed before applying the sublimate. Carbolic acid is another satisfactory disinfectant. Usually a five per cent solution is recommended. It can be easily applied to mangers, stalls, and feed boxes. Enough should be applied so that the wood or iron is made wet and the cracks and holes more or less filled. Chloride of lime is a cheap and an easily prepared disinfectant. Use ten ounces of chloride of lime to two gallons of water. This makes a four per cent solution, and should be ap- plied in the same way as the corrosive sublimate. Formalin has come into prominence very recently as a desirable disinfectant. A five per cent solu- tion fills the bill. Floors and cracks should be made thoroughly wet with it. By using one or more of these agents the living quarters of farm animals can be kept wholesome, sweet, and free from germ diseases. In fact, the use of disinfect- ants is one of the best aids of the farmer in warding off disease and in lessening its effects when once present. PUT SICK ANIMALS OFF BY THEMSELVES Many diseases are introduced into a herd or flock by thoughtlessness on the part of the owner. I have known distemper to be introduced into stables and among horses, Texas fever and tuberculosis into herds of cattle, and hog cholera among hogs, because diseased animals, when purchased, were not separated off by themselves, for a short time at least. If this were done, farmers would lessen the chance of an introduction of disease into their healthy herds. Consequently quarantine quarters should be provided; especially is this true if new 8 THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN animals are frequently purchased and brought to the farm where many animals are raised and handled. These quarantine quarters need not be expensive, and they ought to be removed far enough from the farm stock so that there may be no easy means of infection. When newly pur- chased animals are placed in the quarantine quar- ters they should be kept there long enough to determine if anything strange or unusual is taking place. POULTICING THE THROAT The picture shows how to apply a poultice to the throat. CHAPTER I How the Animal Body is Formed The cell is the unit of growth. It is so with all forms of life plant or animal, insect or bacterium. In the beginning the start is with a single cell, an gg> if y u please. After fertilization has taken place, this single cell enlarges or grows. Many changes now occur, all rather rapidly, until the cell walls become too small, when it breaks apart and forms two cells just like the first used to be. This is known as cell division. As growth increases, the number of cells increases also until in the end there are millions. Nature of the Cell. The cell is very small. In most cases it cannot be seen with the naked eye. The microscope is necessary for a study of the parts, the nature and the character of the cell. In the first place the cell is a kind of inclosed sac, in which are found the elements of growth and life. Surrounding the cell is a thin wall known as the cell membrane. In plants this cell wall is composed of cellulose, a woody substance, which is thin and tender in green and growing plants, but hard and woody when the plant is mature. Within the limits of the cell is the protoplasm, the chief constituent of the cell; locked up in this protoplasm is life, the vital processes that have to do with growth, development, individual existence. Embedded within the protoplasm is another part known as the nucleus and recognized under the microscope by its density. Around the nucleus is 9 IO THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN centered the development of new cells or reproduc- tionfor the changes that convert the mother-cell into offspring-cells are first noted in this place. So much for plant cells. Is this principle dif- ferent in animals? For a long time it was thought HOW A CELL DIVIDES The simple steps In cell division are pictured here. Start- ing with a single cell, growth and enlargement take place, ending finally in cell division or the production of two individual cells. that plants and animals were different. But upon investigation it was discovered that animals were comprised of cells just as plants. And not only was this discovered to be true, but also that animal cells corresponded in all respects to plant cells. Hence in animals are to be found cells possessing the cell walls formed of a rather thick membrane, the granular protoplasm or yoke, and the nucleus established in the yoke. HOW THE ANIMAL BODY IS FORMED II The ovum, known as the female egg, is composed of the parts just described. If it is not fertilized when ripe it passes away and dies. If fertilized in a natural way, it enlarges in size and subsequently divides into two cells; and these, passing through similar changes, finally give rise to the various groups of cells from which the body is developed. The Animal Body a Group Collection. The body is, therefore, a mass of cells ; not all alike, of course, but grouped together for the purpose of doing cer- tain special kinds of work. In this way we have various groups, with each group a community per- forming its own function. The brain forms one community; and these cells are concerned with mind acts. The muscle cells are busy in exerting force and action. Another group looks after the secretions and digestive functions, while another group is concerned solely with the function of generation and reproduction. And so it is through- out the body. Both individual cells and group cells are con- cerned with disease. One cell may be diseased or destroyed, but the surrounding ones may go on just the same. It is when the group is disturbed that the greatest trouble results. A Word About the Cells. The cell always pos- sesses its three parts membrane, protoplasm, and nucleus. But there is no rule as to the size or shape. Cells may be round or oblong, any shape. Substances pass in and out of the cell walls; and they are in motion, many of them, especially those that line the intestines and the air passages, and the white corpuscles of the blood. More than this, some cells, Dr. Jekyl-like, change their appearance and shape, send out finger-like bodies to catch 12 THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN enemies or food, and even travel all around in the body, often leaving it altogether. The animal body contains five forms of tissues: Epithelial, in which the cells are very compact, forming either thin or thick plates; the connective tissue, by which many organs are supported or embedded ; muscle tissue, either smooth or striated, and in which the cells are in fibers that contract and shorten ; nerve-tissue, that has to do with nerve and ganglion cells by which mental impulses are sent; and blood and lymph tissue or fluid tissues. The first group is intimately connected with the secretory organs, or those organs which secrete certain substances essential for the proper work of the body. Thus we have salivary glands, mucous glands, sweat glands, and the liver and pancreas. Connective tissue includes fibrous tissue, fatty tis- sue, cartilage and bone. The fibrous connective tissue is illustrated when the skin is easily picked up in folds. Fatty tissue occurs where large amounts of fat are deposited in the cells. Cartilage is found where a large amount of firm support is required. With muscle we are all familiar"; it is the real lean meat of the body. Blood and Lymph. The blood is a fluid in which many cells are to be found. The fluid is known as serum or blood-plasma and the cells as corpuscles, and are both red and white. The red cells give the characteristic color. When observed under a microscope, they appear as small, round disks. They are of great importance to the body work. Because of the coloring matter in them the oxygen of the air is attracted when it comes in HOW THE ANIMAL BODY IS FORMED 13 contact with the blood in the lungs. Oxygen is in reality absorbed, and on the blood leaving the lungs it is distributed to all parts of the body. The oxy- gen supply of the body is, therefore, in the keeping of the red corpuscles. White corpuscles have a different work; they guard the body by picking up poison, bacteria, and other undesirable elements and cast these out through the natural openings of the body. Com- pared with the red cells, they exist in far less num- bers and may wander about through all parts of the body. Lymph is a fluid in which a few cells, lymph corpuscles, are suspended. These cells are very much like the colorless corpuscles of the blood, only no red blood cells are present. But the lymph attends to its own business; it bathes the tissues and endeavors to keep them in a healthy condition. Skin and Hair. Without a covering the delicate muscles would be unprotected. The skin serves in this capacity. It does still more; out of it is exuded poisonous substances, perspiration, and, at the same time, the skin is a sort of respiratory organ, through which much of the carbonic acid formed in the body escapes. The skin possesses two general layers, the cutis and sub-cutis; in the first is contained also epidermis. Developed in the skin are the outer coverings like hair, wool, feathers, horns, claws, and hoofs. THE FRAMEWORK OF THE BODY The framework of the body undergoes a gradual development from birth to maturity. It represents the bony structure of the body ; and on it all other 14 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN parts depend for support and protection. The brief summary of its parts and work that follows here has been adapted from Wilcox and Smith. The Skeleton. This consists of a backbone, skull, shoulder girdle, pelvic girdle, and two pairs of appendages. The backbone may be conven- iently divided into regions, each comprising a cer- tain number of vertebrae. The cervical vertebrae include those from the skull from the first rib. In all mammals except the sloth and sea cow the num- ber of cervical vertebrae is seven, being long or short, according as the neck of the animal is rela- tively long or short. The first and second cervical vertebrae, known as the atlas and axis, are especially modified so as to allow free turning movements of the head. The next region includes the dorsal or thoracic vertebras, which are characterized by having ribs movably articulated with them. The number is 13 in the cat, dog, ox, sheep, and goat; 14 in the hog; 18 or 19 in the horse and ass, and six or seven in domestic poultry. In mammals they are so joined together as to permit motion in several direc- tions, but in poultry the dorsal vertebrae are more rigidly articulated, those next to the sacrum often being grown together with the sacrum. The spines are high and much flattened in all ungulates, long and slender in dogs and cats. They slope back- ward, forming strong points of attachment for the back muscles. Several ribs, varying in number in different animals, meet and become articulated with the breast bone or sternum. The sternum consists of seven to nine articulated segments in our domes- tic mammals, while in fowls the sternum is one thin high bone furnished with a keel of varying depth. The lumbar vertebras lie between the dorsal HOW THE ANIMAL BODY IS FORMED 1$ vertebrae and the sacrum. The number is five in the horse, six in the hog, ox and goat, and seven in the sheep. The sacrum is made up of a certain num- ber of vertebrae, which are rigidly united and serve as an articulation for the pelvic arch. The number of sacral vertebrae is five in the ox and horse, four in sheep and hogs, and 12 to 17 in birds. The caudal or tail vertebrae naturally vary in num- ber according to the length of the tail (7 to 10 in sheep, 21 in the ox, 23 in hogs, 17 in the horse, 22 in the cat, 16 to 23 in the dog). In ungulates the anterior ribs are scarcely curved, the chest being very narrow in front. The number of pairs of ribs is the same as the number of dorsal vertebrae with which they articulate. The Skull. This part of the skeleton is really composed of a number of modified vertebrae, just how many is not determined. The difference in the shape of the skulls of dffferent animals is deter- mined by the relative size of the various bones of the skull. In hogs, for example, the head has been much shortened as a result of breeding, thus giving the skull of the improved breeds a very different appearance from that of the razorback. The shoulder girdle consists of a shoulder blade, collar bone and coracoid on either side. The fore leg (or wing, in case of birds) articulates with the socket formed by the junction of these three bones. In all the ungulates the shoulder blade is high and narrow, the coracoid is never much developed, and the collar bone is absent. In fowls all three bones of the shoulder girdle are well developed, the collar bone being represented by the " wish bone." The Pelvic Girdle. This consists of three bones on either side, viz., ilium, ischium, and pubis. The first two are directly articulated to the spinal THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN" A VICTIM OF TUBERCULOSIS This cow, reacting to the tubercular test, was killed. The bottom picture shows the extent to which tuberculosis had affected her lungs. At least ten per cent of the cattle in the United States have this dreaded and destructive disease. 4 Knee 5 Cannon 6 Fetlock 7 Pastern 8 Foot 9 Withers 20 Back 21 Side 22 Underline 23 Flank 24 Croup 25 Tail 26 Haunch 27 Thigh 28 Stifle 2 Hook 80 Point of Hook 81 Cannon 82 Foot 83 Coronet 84 Fetlock 85 Pa8 torn EXTERIOR POINTS OF THE HORSE CASTRATION HOW THE ANIMAL BODY IS FORMED 1^ column, while the pubic bones of either side unite below to complete the arch. The three bones of each side of the pelvis are present in all our domestic animals, including the fowls. Legbones of Farm Animals. There is one formula for the bones of the fore and hind legs of farm animals. The first segment is a single bone, the humerus of the fore leg, femur of the hind leg. In the next segment there are two bones, radius and ulna in the fore leg, tibia and fibula in the hind leg. In the dog, cat, and Belgian hare the radius and ulna are both well developed and distinct. In ungulates the humerus is short and stout, while the ulna is complete in the pig, rudimentary and behind the radius in ruminants and firmly united with the radius in the horse. Similarly with the hind leg the fibula is a complete bone in the pig, while in the horse there is merely a rudiment of it, attached to the tibia. Feet. The mammalian skeleton has undergone the greatest modification in the bones of the feet. In the horse there are only six of the original ten wrist or carpal bones, and, since there is but one of the original five toes, the horse has also but one metacarpal or cannon bone. Splint-like rudiments of two other metacarpal bones are to be found at the upper end of the cannon bone, or at the " knee " joint. Below the cannon bone, and forming the shaft of the foot, we have the small cannon bone, coronary bone, and coffin bone the last being within the hoof with the navicular bone behind it. The stifle joint of the horse corresponds to the knee of man. The " knee " of the horse's fore leg cor- responds to the hock of the hind leg, both being at the upper end of the cannon bone. The fetlock joint is between the large and small cannon bones, 1 8 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN the pastern joint between the small cannon or large pastern bones, and the coffin joint between the coronary and coffin bones. The horse walks upon what corresponds to the nail of the middle finger and middle toe of man. In pigs four digits touch the ground, the first being absent and the third and fourth larger and in front of the second and fifth. In ruminants the third and fourth digits reach the ground, while the second and fifth do not. In dogs the first digit appears on the side of the leg, not in contact with the ground. ONE OF THE PARASITES OF THE HOG The thorn-headed worm attached to the anterior part of the small intestine often causes death. Not more than five or six are usually found in a single animal. In fowls the wing, which corresponds to the fore leg of mammals, shows a well-developed humerus, radius and ulna, while only one carpal and one metacarpal bone remain, along which the wing feathers are attached. In the leg the femur and tibia are strong bones, but the fibula is a mere splint. The tarsal bones are absent, while the shank consists of a metatarsal bone (really three bones fused together), to which the four toes are articulated. HOW THE ANIMAL BODY IS FORMED 1$ The Muscular System of Farm Animals. The muscular system is too elaborate, the number of muscles too great, and their modifications for dif- ferent purposes too complex for consideration in detail in the present volume. All muscles are either striped or unstriped (as examined under the microscope), according as they are under the im- mediate control of the will or not. The heart muscle forms an exception, for it is striped though involuntary. The essential characteristic of muscle fibers is contractility, which they possess in high degree. The typical striped muscles are concerned in locomotion, being attached at either end to a bone and extending across some movable joint. The most important unstriped muscles are found in the walls of the intestines and blood vessels. The Nervous System. In so far as our present purposes are concerned, the nervous system may be disposed of in a few words. The central nerv- ous system consists of a brain and spinal cord. The microscopic elements of this tissue are pecu- liarly modified cells, consisting of a central body, from which fibers run in two or more directions. The cell bodies constitute the gray matter, and the fibers the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. The gray substance is inside the spinal cord and on the surface of the brain, constituting the cortex. The most important parts of the brain are the cerebrum, optic lobes, cerebellum, and medulla. There are twelve pairs of cranial nerves originat- ing in the brain and controlling the special senses, movements of the face, respiration, and pulse rate. From each segment of the spinal cord a pair of spinal nerves arises, each of which possess both sensory and motor roots. The sympathetic nervous system consists of a trunk on either side, running 2O THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN from the base of the skull to the pelvis, furnished with ganglionic enlargements and connected with the spinal nerves by small fibers. The Respiratory Organs. These include the nose, larynx, trachea or windpipe, and lungs. The trachea forks into bronchi and bronchioles of smaller and smaller size, ending in the alveoli or blind sacs of the lungs. In fowls there are numerous extensions of the respiratory system known as air sacs, and located in the body cavity and also in the hollow bones. The air sacs communicate with the lungs, but not with one an- other. The Urinary Organs. These consist of kidneys connecting by means of ureters with a bladder from which the urethra conducts the urine to the out- side. In the male the urethra passes through the penis and in the female it ends just above the opening of the vagina. The kidneys are usually inclosed in a capsule of fat. The right kidney of the horse is heart-shaped, the left bean-shaped. Each kidney of the ox shows 15 to 20 lobes, and is oval in form. The kidneys of sheep, goats, and swine are bean-shaped and without lobes. The Reproductive Apparatus. This consists of ovaries, oviducts, uterus or womb, and vagina in the female ; the testes, spermatic cords, seminal vesicle and penis, together with various connecting glands, especially prostate gland and Cowper's gland, in the male. In fowls there is no urinary bladder, but the ureters open into the cloaca or posterior part of the rectum. The vagina and uterus are also wanting in fowls, the oviducts open- ing directly into the rectum. The male copulating organ is absent except in ducks, geese, swan, and the ostrich. CHAPTER II Some Physiology You Ought to Know A close relation exists between the soil, plant, and the animal. One really cannot exist without the other to fulfill its destiny. A soil without plant or animal growth is barren, devoid of life. The soil conies first; the elements contained in it and the air are the basis of plant and animal life. The body of the animal is made up of the identical elements found in the plant, yet the growth of the plant is necessary to furnish food for animal life. The plant takes from the soil and from the air the simple chemical elements, and with these builds up the plant tissue which, in its turn, is the food of the animal. The animal cannot feed directly from the soil and air; it requires the plant first to take the elements and to build them into tissue. From this tissue animals get their food for maintenance and growth. Then the animal dies; with its decay and decom- position comes change of animal tissue, back to soil and air again ; back to single simple elements, that new plants may be grown, that new plant tis- sue may be made for another generation of animal life. Thus the plant grows out of the soil and air, and the decay of the animal plant life furnishes food for the plant that the plant may furnish food for the animal. Thus we see the cycle of life ; from the soil and air come the soil constituents. Meaning of Plant Building. Before the single simple elements were taken into the plant, they 21 22 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN SOME PHYSIOLOGY YOU OUGHT TO KNOW 23 were of little value. The animal could not use them for food, they could not be burned to furnish heat, and they stored up no energy to carry on any of the world's work. What a change the plant makes of them! So used, they become the source of the animal food, and, as food, they contain five principal groups with which the animal is nour- ished. These five groups are the air, water, the protein compounds, the nitrogen free compounds, such as starch, crude fiber, sugar and gums, and the fat or ether extract, as it is called. DIGESTION OF THE FOOD Before these different constituents of the plant can be used as food for animals, they must be pre- pared for absorption into the system of the animal. This preparation takes place in the mouth, oesoph- agus tube, the stomach, and the intestines, aided by the various secretions incident to digestion and absorption. Any withholding of any essential con- stituent has its result in inefficiency or illness of the animal. Withhold ash materials, for instance, from the food, or supply an insufficient quantity, and the fact will be evidenced by poor teeth, deficient bone construction and poor health in general. Let the feeding ration be short in protein, and the result will be shown in the flesh and blood. Let the car- bohydrates and fat be withheld or supplied insuf- ficiently, and energy will be denied and a thrifty condition will not be possible. The supply of these different constituents in the proper proportion gives rise to the balanced ration ; and is concerned in a treatise of this kind only in so far as it has to do with disease or health. For, 24 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN remember this fact: live stocK are cioseiy associ- ated with right feeding. If foods be improperly prepared, or improperly supplied, or the rations poorly balanced, with too much of one constituent and too little of another, the effect will be manifest in an impoverished condition of the system. That means either disease, or disease invited. Not only must these facts be considered, but other matters given recognition also. The greater part of the trouble of the stockman in the way of animal diseases is due to some disturbance of the digestive system, or to the water supply, or to ven- tilation, or to the use to which the animal is put from day to day. Attention to the details of digestion has its reward in thrifty, healthy stock; a lack of this attention brings trouble and either a temporary ailment or a permanent disease. Process of Mastication. Food is taken in the mouth, where it is masticated by means of the teeth, lips, cheeks, and the tongue. While the process of mastication is taking place there is being poured into the mouth large quantities of saliva, which softens the food and starts the process of diges- tion. The active principle of saliva is a soluble fer- ment, called ptyalin, that converts the starch of food into sugar. The amount of saliva that is poured into the food is very great, being often as much as one-tenth of the weight of the animal. This ferment is active after the teeth have been formed, which explains why it is not advisable to feed much starchy food to children before their teeth have begun development The food, after being ground and mixed with the saliva fluid, goes to the stomach. With the horse and hog the stomach is a single sac not capable of holding very large quantities of food; with the SOME PHYSIOLOGY YOU OUGHT TO KNOW 2$ cow and sheep, on the other hand, ./e find a large storehouse for holding food a storehouse that is divided into four compartments, the rumen or paunch, reticulum, omasum, and the abomasum. The first three communicate with the gullet by a common opening. The cud is contained in the first and second stomachs, and, after it has been masticated a second time, it passes to the third and fourth, and to the bowels, where the process of digestion is continued. Gastric Juice. From this it will be noticed that DISEASED KIDNEY The kidney of the hog is pictured here. As a rule It is sually Impossible to diagnose kidney troubles In hogs and similar lower animals. chewing the cud is an act in the process of diges- tion ; it refers only to rechewing the food so as to get it finer and better ground for digestion. While in the stomach the saliva continues the digestion of the starchy matter and is assisted by the gastric fluid that pours in from the lining of the stomach, which converts the protein or albuminoids into peptones. The fatty matter is not acted upon at this point. There are three constituents of gastric juice, which affect the changes in the food. These are pepsin, rennet, and acid. With rennet you are acquainted. It is used in the kitchen, in the mak- ing of cheese, and is obtained from the stomach of 26 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN calves or other young animals. Pepsin, also ob- tained directly from the stomach, is now a con- spicuous preparation in medicine. The food, after leaving the stomach, goes into the bowels and is acted upon by secretions of the liver and pancreas or sweetbreads. It should be noted in passing that no secretion enters the first three divisions of the ruminant's stomach. It is only in the fourth or true stomach that the gastric juice is found. The Stomach Churn. While food is in the stomach it is subjected to a constant turning move- ment that causes it to travel from the entrance to the exit or intestines. When it passes into the small intestines it is subjected to the action of bile and pancreatic juices, which have principally to do with the breaking up of the fat compounds. Both resemble, to a certain extent, saliva in their ability to change starch into sugar. The secretion of the bile comes from the liver and the pancreatic juice from the pancreas or sweetbreads, and both are poured into the intestines near the same point, so that they act together. The ferments they contain act in the following ways: They change starch into sugar, fat into fatty com- pounds, they curdle milk, and convert protein com- pounds into soluble peptones. The process of digestion is finally ended in the intestines, where absorption into the system takes place. There is no opening at all from the bowels into the body, but the digestive nutriment is picked up by the blood when handed into the body from the intestines by means of countless little cells called villi, that line the walls of the intestines. These villi cells have little hair-like projections ex- tending into the intestines, which constantly move ; these protrusions, as they move about, catch on to SOME PHYSIOLOGY YOU OUGHT TO KNOW 27 the digested nutriment, draw it into the cells them- selves, where it is handed on to the blood, when it is later on distributed to all parts of the body. You can realize that an immense number of these ab- sorption cells are present when the length of the intestine is considered. In the ox the intestine is nearly 200 feet long. After the nutriment is drawn The four main divisions of the ruminant's stomach are pictured here. The first three divisions are the store-houses for food until it is fully prepared for the fourth stomach or abomasum. from the food the undigested portions are voided periodically as feces or dung. Absorption of the Nutriment. Digestion, there- fore, is a dissolving process; food is admitted to the system by means of cells. You remember that 28 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN all plant food first passes into a soluble state be- fore it can enter the roots and be conveyed to the parts of the plants that require additional food for growth. In the case of plants the entrance is by means of the root hairs. In the case of the animal, entrance in the body is by means of the villi cells that line the intestines. From this we see that digestion is both an intricate and delicate process. Any loss of appetite, any disturbance of the diges- tion work, and any irregularity of the bowels bear decided results, one way or the other, to the rest of the system ; and any disturbance of the body at other points, although having no direct relation to the digestion system, sooner or later affects the digestion and in so doing causes additional trouble. Directly affecting digestion may be improper food, either liquid or solid; and over-exercise or not enough of it may prove troublesome, for exer- cise is clearly related to digestion. When the digestion process is disturbed, air or gas may ac- cumulate in the stomach or bowels and give rise t colic or hoven. A watery action of the intestines, due to inflammation or irritation, may lead to dysentery and enteritis ; or some obstruction like a hair-ball or a clover fuzzy ball, or the knotting of the intestines, may occur, temporarily or perma- nently impairing digestion so seriously often as to cause death itself. CIRCULATION As water in the plant is the carrier of plant food throughout the plant, so is blood the carrier and distributor of food in the animal. When food is absorbed, it either passes into the lymphatic sys- tem or into the capillaries of the blood system. SOME PHYSIOLOGY YOU OUGHT TO KNOW 2O, If in the former, it is carried to the thoracic duct, which extends along the spinal column and enters one of the main blood vessels. If collected by the capillary system, it is carried to the portable rein, thence to the liver and finally to the heart, where it meets with the blue blood collected from all parts of the bod} At this point, the blood contains both the nutri- ment and the waste matter of the body. Before it can be sent through the body again the waste ma- terial must be thrown out of the system by means of the lungs. This is accomplished by the heart forcing to the lungs the impure blood with its im- purities collected from all parts of the body and also the nutriment collected from the digestive tract. The chief organs, therefore, of the circulatory system are the blood and lymphatic vessels contain- ing respectively blood and lymph. The only dif- ference between these two materials is in the fact that lymph is blood without the red-blood corpuscles. The body, after all, really depends upon this lymph for nourishment, since it wanders to all parts of the body, surrounds all the cells in all of the tissues and in this way carries to the cells the very kinds of food that they need. Lymph Passes Through Cell Walls. The blood vessels have no openings into the body at all. In this respect the blood system is like the digestive system; it is separate and distinct in itself. The blood, however, does creep through the walls of the blood vessels. In so doing the blood corpuscles are left behind and lymph is the result. The center of the blood system is the heart. It is the engine of the body. Going out from it is the great aorta, which subdivides into arteries and <0 -'O o I U SOME PHYSIOLOGY YOU OUGHT TO KNOW 3! farther away further subdivides until there is a great network of little arteries; these in turn be- come very tiny and take the name of capillaries. Thus the red blood, by means of arteries and capil- laries, is carried to all parts of the body. This plan of distribution would not be complete unless some way were provided for the return of the blood to the heart and lungs for purification. And just such an arrangement has been provided. Another kind of network collects this scattered blood at the extremities into separate vessels, which gradually increase in size and finally empty their possessions into the heart. These are the veins of the body, and have to do with the impure blood of the body. How the Heart Does Its Work. The power back of blood distribution is the heart. It is an auto- matic pump, as it were, that sends blood to the lungs and through the arteries to all parts of the body. The heart is divided into four divisions: the left and right ventricles and the right and left auricles. The right auricle receives the blood from the upper half of the body through a large vein and the lower half of the body through another large vein, and the blood from both lungs empties into the left auricle through two left and two right pulmonary veins. The large arteries of the heart which carry the blood from the heart to the dif- ferent organs arise from the ventricle. The blood always flows in the same direction. It goes into the auricle from the veins, and from this into the ventricle. It then passes into the arteries, then to the veins and then to the capillaries. The action of the heart is very much like a force pump; the dark blood flows into the right auricle, which contracts; when this is done, the blood is 32 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN forced into the right ventricle; this in turn con- tracts and forces the blood into the lungs, where oxygen is taken on and carbonic acid gas and other impurities are thrown off. From the lungs the blood, now red and pure, passes into the left auricle and thence into the left ventricle, from which it is forced into the aorta to be distributed to all parts of the body. We now see the close connection existing be- tween the digestive system and the circulatory system. The digested food in the intestines is gathered in by villi cells. The question can now be asked, What do these cells do with this nutri- ment or digested food? They pour it into the absorbent vessels or lymphs, as they are called; these in turn empty the assimilated stores of food into larger and still larger vessels, which continues until the whole of the nutritive fluid is collected into one great duct or tube, which pours its con- tents into the large veins at the base of the neck, from whence it is carried into the circulatory sys- tem, the very basis of which is the blood. RESPIRATION The dark and impure blood, after returning to the heart, is sent to the lungs. It is, when collected from the body, just before being sent to the lungs dark, dull and loaded with worn-out matter. It must now be sent to the lungs, where it may be spread over the delicate thin walls of millions of vesicles, to be exposed to the air, which is inhaled by the acts of breathing. The blood gives off the broken-down material and carbonic acid gas very readily. It is both unpleasant and disagreeable, and the blood cells find it very unattractive. SOME PHYSIOLOGY YOU OUGHT TO KNOW 33 The cells of the blood, however, have a great at- traction for oxygen, consequently the cells absorb oxygen with greediness, so that when the blood returns to the heart it is fresh and bright and ready to take its journey back over the body again. This is done just about every three minutes. This endless round continues until stopped forever by death. The relation existing between the animal and plant functions is brought to light in another way. When the plant was building tissue it released oxygen and exhaled it into the air. At the same time, by means of leaves, it gathered in the car- bonic acid to use in plant building. Of course this was got from the air. The animal in performing its functions and in building its tissue inhales oxy- gen from and exhales carbonic acid gas into the air. Thus it is that animals take up what is unnecessary to the plant and the plant uses what is waste and poison to the animal. CHAPTER III The Teeth As An Indication of Age When a colt is born the first and second tem- porary molars, three on each jaw, are to be seen. iThese are large when compared with the size of those that later replace them. In from five to ten days after birth the two central incisors or nippers make their appearance. In three or four weeks the third temporary molars appear, followed within a couple of months by an additional incisor on each side of the first two, both above and below. The corner incisors appear between the ninth and twelfth months after birth. This makes the full set of teeth twenty-four in number. There is now no change in number, although there is considerable change taking place all the time ; the incisor teeth, in rubbing against each other, are more or less worn, giving rise to the expression " losing the mark." The two molars present at birth remain until the animal is about three years old, at which time they fall out of their sockets by the protrusion of the second set, or permanent molars. This change from temporary to permanent teeth takes place usually without difficulty and without trouble. The permanent teeth push their way up from below crowding those in view. While this pushing and crowding is going on the temporary teeth are losing ground, for the reason their roots are being absorbed, and a time comes when the cap only is left attached to the gums. This cap drops M THE TEETH AS AN INDICATION OF AGE 35 out and the new or permanent tooth soon is estab- lished in its place. LOSING OF TEMPORARY TEETH According to the observation of Mayo, the tem- porary incisors are replaced by permanent teeth as follows : " The two central incisors are shed at about two and a half years, and the permanent ones are up * in wear ' at three years. The lateral in- cisors are shed at three and a half and the per- manent ones are up and in wear at four years. The corner incisors are shed at four and a half and the permanent ones are up and in wear at five. " The molars are erupted and replaced as fol- lows: The fourth molar on each jaw (which is always a permanent molar) is erupted at ten to twelve months; the fifth permanent molar at two to two and a half years, and the sixth usually at four and a half to five. The first and second molars, which are temporary, are shed and replaced by per- manent ones at two to three years of age. The third temporary molar is replaced by a permanent one at three and a half years. In males, the canine Of bridle teeth are erupted at about four and a half years of age. At about five years of age a horse is said to have a full mouth of permanent teeth." THE MARK IN THE TOOTH Horsemen make use of the " mark in the tooth " for determining the age between five and eleven. In examining teeth you observe that two bands of enamel are to be seen ; one exterior, that surrounds the tooth, the other interior, which is termed the casing enamel. It is this latter, or " date cavity," that is used to tell the age. 36 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN The mark in the tooth is occasioned by the food blackening the hollow pit. This is formed on the surface by the bending in of the enamel, which passes over the surface of the teeth, and, by the gradual wearing down of the enamel from friction, and the consequent disappearance of it, the age can be determined for a period of several years. When a horse has attained his sixth year the mark on the central or middle incisors or nippers LUMPY JAW The disease is caused by the ray fungus. The result is local tumors in the bones and other tissues. of the lower jaw will be completely worn off, leav- ing, however, a little difference of color in the cen- ter of the teeth. The cement which fills the hole produced by the dipping in of the enamel will be somewhat browner than that of the other portions of the tooth, and will exhibit evident proofs of the edge being surrounded by enamel. At seven years the marks in the four middle in- cisors are worn out and are speedily disappearing in the corner ones. These disappear entirely at the THE TEETH AS AN INDICATION OP AGE 37 age of eight ; thus all marks are obliterated at this age on the lower jaw; the surface of the teeth are level and the form of the teeth changes to a more oval form. The marks on the upper jaw are still present, since there has been less friction and wear on them. At nine the marks disappear from the central upper incisors, at ten from the adjoining two, and at eleven from the corner teeth. To tell the age of the horse beyond this period is difficult and uncertain, except by those very much experienced in performing the undertaking. The shape of the teeth, the color and the condition all enter into the determination but there is no fast and fixed rules after the marks have disap- peared. TEETH OF CATTLE Cattle have no incisor teeth on the upper jaw. They have eight incisors on the lower jaw. Ac- cording to Mayo, the temporary incisors are as follows : " The central incisors or nippers are up at birth, the internal lateral at one week old, the external lateral at two weeks, and the corner in- cisors at three weeks old. They are replaced by permanent incisors approximately as follows, though they vary much more than in the colt : The central incisors are replaced at 12 to 18 months; the internal laterals at about two and a half years; the external laterals at three to three and a half years; and the corner incisors at about three and a half years. In the horned cattle, a ring makes its appearance at three years of age, and a new ring is added annually thereafter." 38 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN TEETH OF SHEEP Sheep, like cattle, have no incisor teeth on the upper jaw. Like cattle, they have eight incisors on the lower jaw when the mouth has reached full age. The change of the teeth occurs as follows: At birth the lamb has two incisors, followed by two more very soon. At the end of two weeks two more are out, making six incisors in all. At three weeks of age two more have appeared, completing the appearance of the temporary or milk teeth. The permanent begin to replace the temporary teeth between one and one and a half years. The two central milk teeth are first replaced by two longer and stronger teeth. The lamb is now known as a yearling. At two years the two teeth adjoining the central incisors are replaced by permanent ones ; at three the two adjoining these are replaced, making now six permanent incisors. Between four and four and a half the last two permanent incisors appear and the sheep then has a full mouth. CHAPTER IV Examining Animals for Soundness and Health In purchasing farm stock, it is a good plan to deal with reputable people only. Leave the horse trader alone. He knows too many tricks, and if you are a stranger to him you can be pretty certain that he will try one on you just for fun. Fortunately farmers sell to strangers more fre- quently than they buy of them, and when they seek new stock they deal largely with breeders, who, like themselves, are farmers and not given to the tricks of low and disreputable methods; nevertheless, every purchaser of stock should be familiar with animal form and able to recognize defects and faults when he sees them. This is as much his business as to breed, raise or feed the stock on his farm. LOOKING THE ANIMAL OVER Know what form you want; draft and speed represent different types, so do dairy and beef. With all classes of farm stock there are a few points that are desirable in all stock. One of these is width between the eyes. No animal of any breed or class possessed of a narrow forehead is at all perfect. A wide forehead is one of the abso- lute beauties. These are desirable characters of all farm animals; they represent culture and refinement and good breeding. The purchaser or breeder, therefore, should not only know conformation, but he should know quality. 39 4 - DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 15! linseed oil. The rectum and lower bowel should be washed out with large injections of simple warm water. For chronic forms 10 grains of calomel, a teaspoonful of opium, and 4 tablespoons each of gentian and chalk are advised. These are to be mixed and given either as a ball or as a drench once a day. Six tablespoonfuls of laudanum in a pint of boiled starch every two hours until the straining ceases, is also very good. When cattle are affected, remove from grass or other succulent food, put on a dry diet and give a pint of linseed oil every day until recovery. If the action of the bowels does not cease promptly, give 2 tablespoonfuls of pow- dered alum and 2 tablespoonfuls of powdered ginger in a quart of milk once or twice a day until the dis- charge moderates. An excellent medicine is 10 tablespoonfuls of castor oil and 4 tablespoonfuls of laudanum mixed with linseed gruel and given as a drench. ENTERITIS. See Inflammation of the Bowels. EPILEPSY. See Fits. EPIZOOTIC. See Influenza. ERGOTISM. A parasitic fungus that grows on different species of grass and produces in one stage of its development black or purple enlarged spurs causes ergotism. The disastrous effect of ergot seems to appear in the late fall and winter, when hay or straw infected with ergot are continuously fed. The animals will be troubled with irritation of the bowels and a sloughing off of the extrem- ities. Frequently the animals lose parts of their tails or ears or hoofs. In others, gangrenous sores appear. In the early stages of the poisoning the symptoms are not clearly marked. The best treatment is secured by an entire change of food, so as to remove the cause, and then 152 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN to follow with good laxative food. Of course, medicinal treatment will not be satisfactory if an important part of the animal like the hoof were to be destroyed. So much expense would be con- nected with keeping the animal until a new hoof had been formed that it is better at the beginning to destroy the animal unless very valuable. Where sores only manifest themselves such treatment as given an ordinary wound will be efficacious, pro- vided food absolutely free of ergot is supplied. ERYSIPELAS.- An inflammation of the skin and tissues beneath. Owing to a blood poison, it is characterized by a swelling and hardness of the affected parts which has a tendency to spread and form abscesses. In horses and cattle, erysipelas is nearly always the result of wounds and generally of those in the legs of animals weakened by hard work and poor food, or else in young animals whose blood is vitiated by the poison of glanders or some other animal contamination. The disturbance is noticed on the third or fourth day after the injury in the immediate neighborhood of the wound. The skin is swollen, smooth, hot, tender, and painful. The swelling gradually extends around it, some- times deep into the muscles. The surface is hard and tense, but often when the finger is firmly pressed upon it and withdrawn a depression is left. In severe cases chills occur, the pulse is weak and quick, the breathing hurried, the bowels constipated and the urine scanty and highly colored. There is con- siderable thirst, but no appetite. A brisk purge is the first step in treating. Follow the purge with tincture of chloride of iron, 4 teaspoonfuls in a pint of water. Give this every three or four hours. At the same time give internally 4 tablespoonfuls of hyposulphite of soda in a pint of water three times a DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 1 53 day. Externally bathe the wound with the follow- ing mixture : Tincture of chloride of iron, 4 table- spoonfuls, and alcohol one pint. Another good ointment is sugar of lead 4 tablespoonfuls in a pint of water. This should be applied with a wet cloth to the diseased parts. FARCY. -See Glanders. FEVER. Any rise in temperature above the normal. It is, as a rule, a symptom of the body's reaction to some form of infection. It is, there- fore, not a disease in itself, but an indication of some disorder occasioned by infection or poison. To treat fever is not so necessary as to remove the cause that brought about the disturbance in the first place. It follows from this that fever is not a cause, but a result. Germs come first, and fever is only a sign that tells of their presence. Another thing brought to light in reference to fever is this : Germs are less active, their vital energy is weakened and their power lessened when the heat in the body is increased. Consequently they are less active in their destructive tendencies as the temperature rises. Fever is, therefore, a provision of self-defense, and the body's plan of bringing its forces together to battle against the germ foes that have invaded it. Just what degree of temperature is to be con- sidered is difficult to establish. Many things enter into the problem, like exercise, age, food, and mode of living. In general, however, any special rise above the normal, whatever that may be, is the signal of danger and infection. A rise of a degree or two indicates a mild disturbance, hence a mild fever; an elevation of two or three degrees in- dicates a slight fever; of four or five, of consider- able fever; and if six or seven, of high fever. When the elevation reaches 108 degrees, the limit of life 154 THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN has just about been reached. In some diseases there is a regular alternative between morning and even- ing temperatures. In others, the course is con- tinuous, with slight variations, while in others the course is intermittent. In this last named it varies at different portions of the day, but reaches a normal at a certain time each day. The pulse-rate usually bears a certain relation to the height of the disease. Consequently the pulse should be taken in connection with the fever height indicated by the thermometer. A fast pulse and a high fever in general is more serious than a high fever with a pulse only slightly above the normal number of beats. There are exceptions to this however, as, for instance, in cerebro-spinal menin- gitis. In the early stages of fever, the develop- ment cannot at the moment always be decided. In many cases little treatment, if any, will be neces- sary. The caution should be observed, neverthe- less, of ascertaining the cause of the disturbance, if possible. In any case, simple cathartics can be given, good air provided, nourishing feed supplied, and time allowed for careful observation of the system and of the actions and movements of the animal. FISTULAE. A chronic discharge from some tubelike channel, with no tendency to heal. Fistulae are most common in horses. They may be located on the withers (fistulous withers), on the side of the face (tooth fistulae), on the breast bone (sternal fistulae), or on the lower jaw (salivary fistulae), Fistulous withers are caused from some external in- jury (the animal rolling on a rock, ill-fitting collars, the saddle pressing on the withers, or from being struck by a club). Tooth fistulas are caused by a decayed tooth. The pus in trying to get out of the DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 155 body takes the easiest course and eats through the bones of the face and escapes, causing a chronic discharge. A sternal or breast fistula is caused by some sharp object being run into the breast and striking the breast bone, injuring it and causing decay and pus formation. A salivary fistula is caused by an injury to the tube which carries the saliva from the gland to the mouth. Symptoms of Fistulous Withers. At first a large swelling appears on one or both sides of the withers. In about a week this enlargement becomes soft, and the fluid contained in it can be distinctly felt. If left to itself the swelling gets larger and softer, and in a month or so breaks and discharges the con- tents. The fluid that comes from the swelling is first thin and streaked with blood ; later it contains yellow-appearing masses. The last material is the pus. The sack that formed at the time the fistula was caused is a hard, firm membrane. This keeps the wound from healing. For this reason the dis- charge becomes chronic. The wound may heal and there will be no pus discharged for a month, then the old opening will be broken and the pus will flow out again until the sack is emptied. This healing of the wound and then breaking again may be kept up for years, unless the disease is properly treated. As a general rule, the affected animal runs down in flesh. Treatment for fistulous withers consists of open- ing the swelling and inserting muslin strips that have been dipped into terchloride of antimony. In- sert one and remove, inserting another and leave in the opening for three or four hours. Repeat this operation every four or five days for a month. In addition rub on the outside of the swelling once every two weeks a mixture made of 2 teaspoonfuls 156 THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN of cantharides and 4 tablespoonfuls of lard. The tooth fistula usually calls for the removal of the tooth and thorough disinfection of the opening from the face through to the mouth. With a sternal fistula FISTULOUS WITHERS Sometimes only the skin and tissue immediately under It become affected. In such cases little trouble need be antici- pated; but if the cause is not removed, the deeper structures, muscles and bones, may become diseased. the diseased bone may need to be scraped and then antiseptic washes used daily. The salivary fistula is more difficult to treat. Better have the veteri- narian to examine, and an operation may be neces- sary. DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 157 FITS. Some horses are subject to fits, and with them it is incurable. These should not be driven, because, when the attack comes on, injury may result to the animal itself and to the occupants in the carriage. The cause of the difficulty may be overfeeding, bad circulation or indigestion. When an attack occurs the best treatment is to throw cold water over the head. If this attack is repeated you had better consult a veterinarian. FLATULENT COLIC. See Colic. FLEAS. Fleas are always a nuisance and always disagreeable. They live in dry, filthy quarters and associate with dogs, hogs, and chickens. To keep fleas away or to destroy them when at hand, clean the quarters occupied by the animals, destroy the bedding and add lime and disinfectants. Dogs may be washed in a creolin solution of, say, 2 table- spoonfuls of creolin to each pint of water. To dis- infect chicken, hog, and horse pens use in a hand spray any of the so-called sheep dips or other preparations manufactured for lice, itch, mange, or insect troubles. FLIES. These pests are a nuisance on every farm. While they do not directly cause death they greatly worry and irritate farm stock, especially in summer, and in this way greatly affect the results whether along dairy or beef lines. It would be impossible to estimate the misery these pests inflict on the stock of the country during a single year. Aside from the pain that flies inflict on domestic animals, they are carriers of disease, both to the human family and the beast family. A great many common infectious diseases are spread by flies, in- cluding such serious diseases as typhoid fever and tuberculosis. The only treatment is in way of pre- vention. As the breeding places are in filth and 25 THE FARMERS VETERINARIAN manure, it follows that if these be destroyed or removed, and not permitted to accumulate, the floods of flies will disappear. The fly remedies now on the market are excellent. When sprayed about the stable premises and on the animals the flies stay away until the application evaporates. Darkened stables are not attractive to flies, and by this means the nuisance and annoyance is min- imized. FLUKES, LIVER. See Liver Flukes. FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE. This malady generally affects ruminants, but, although found most often in cattle, sheep, and goats, it may be transmitted to swine, and, in some instances, to horses, dogs, cats, birds, or human beings. In most cases where proper disinfection is made the animal recovers in about 15 days. The most dangerous thing about foot and mouth disease is the fact that it spreads so rapidly. The virus which transmits the disease may be carried by railroad cars, bedding, feeds, dairy products, dogs, cats, birds, or persons. A dog running through a pasture may be the means of infecting a whole herd. The cause of the disease has not been satisfac- torily determined, but it is definitely known that the virus which reproduces the disease comes from the ulcers and natural secretions and excretions of the body, such as milk, saliva, perspiration, feces, urine, and exhalation. The contagion is not harm- ful when dried. Infected animals lose the power of transmitting the disease when the ulcers of the mouth, feet, and udder have healed. In from three to five days after infection the animal has a moderate fever. The appetite is lost and the mouth is kept closed. There is a dribbling of saliva, and in two or three days yellowish-white DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 159 spots the size of a hemp seed appear on the gums, the lower surface of the tongue, lining of the mouth and on the lips. These eventually attain the size of a silver dollar. They run together, burst and form painful, foul-smelling ulcers. At this stage the saliva is more profuse and ropy and the animal makes characteristic smacking noises with the mouth. Infected animals lose flesh rapidly, in some cases as much as 100 pounds in eight or ten days. The milk is thick, yellowish-white, has a bad taste, and is with difficulty made into cheese or butter. The reduction in milk yield during the sickness and for some time after recovery is 50 to 75 per cent. Usually, a jhort time after an appearance of the disease in the mouth parts, there is a redness, heat and swelling of the skin at its junction with the hoof and especially between the toes and upon the soles of the foot. Similar ulcers to those on the mouth appear on the feet and soon burst. The animal becomes lame and moves stiffly and lies down a great deal. These ulcers ordinarily heal up in one or two weeks. In some cases the animal dies suddenly, in others lingers a few hours with difficult breathing and dis- charge of blood from the nose, and finally dies of paralysis of the heart and lungs. In still other cases emaciation and reduction of milk flow is the only bad result. Sometimes ulcers form at the root of the horn and cause the horn to drop off. Owing to the nature of the disease, its contagion and danger, treatment should be in line of preven- tion and in destruction of infected animals. While the disease yields to treatment, our best sugges- tions when the disease is suspected is in notification to the state officers and in securing the services of 160 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN a veterinarian who will be able to advise what is best to do. FOOT PUNCTURE. See Wounds and Their Treatment. FOOT ROT IN SHEEP. A chronic inflamma- tion of the foot, marked by ulceration, softening of the hoof, lameness, and the discharge of a sticky material which has a very fetid odor. It is a con- tagious disease, and is produced by a germ that lives in the soil and gains entrance to the feet through wounds and surfaces chafed by barbed grasses and stones, or by gritty clay, which becomes lodged between the toes and hardens there. The first symptom is a slight lameness. If the af- fected foot be examined, that part just above the horny part of the cleft of the foot, either in front or behind, will be found in- ?>n/-l tnniof ana moist. OT ulcers SOOn appear, generally on the heel. These penetrate the foot and burrow beneath the horny parts, causing fistulous tracts from which exudes a foul-smelling pus possessing an odor sufficiently characteristic to indicate the disease in a flock, even without a close examination. In time, the foot becomes greatly overgrown and deformed, the hoofs increasing in length and curl- ing upward. In bad cases, the suffering is so great the animal lies down most of the time, but when only the front feet are diseased, it will crawl around on its knees. FOOT ROT A disease usually asso- dated with sheep, it is sometimes so serious that Erosions the entire hoof rots away. DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS l6l That the disease is contagious is shown by the fact that it generally starts in one foot and spreads to the others, and, at the same time, the feet of other sheep in the same flock become diseased in the same way, the outbreak covering a period of several months. In cases that recover sponta- neously the foot is deformed and the joint is stif- fened. It is only in virulent outbreaks where all the feet are diseased, or where some complication, such as maggots, is present, that deaths occur. Having as its cause a microbe, it is proper to take measures of prevention as well as cure. In purchasing sheep, it is highly advisable to keep them isolated for a week, as a test. All overgrown hoofs should be trimmed. Sores or wounds, from any cause, should be carefully disinfected daily. Low, boggy lands should not be used as pasture for sheep, and dirty, unsanitary pens should be made sanitary, as these all predispose to an out- break of the disease. As treatment, first isolate all affected animals. Mild cases are best treated by making the sheep stand for several minutes daily in a trough con- taining a disinfectant, or, better still, by arranging the trough of suitable length with fenced-up sides and a widened entrance, so the sheep can be easily started into the inclosure and made to wade through the disinfectant. In bad cases and where the hoof is underrun with pus, the horn and all overgrowths must be cut away so as to expose the diseased parts to the action of the disinfectant. The foot should then be dried, dusted with finely powdered burnt alum, and bandaged to keep out the dirt. This antiseptic treatment of the feet must be kept up daily as long as the disease exists. Any of the following may r62 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN be used: I pound chloride of lime to 12 quarts of water; I pound of pure carbolic acid to 4 gallons of water; a solution of creolin; a coal-tar disin- fectant of the same strength; or any good sheep dip containing these substances in the proper amounts. FOUNDER. An inflammation of the sensitive or soft structures between the hoof and bones of the foot. The popular belief that founder is to any extent in the legs and chest is probably an error. The disease is in the feet, and those symptoms which make it appear as a stiffness in the legs and shoulder are but the natural results of soreness in the feet. The same statement might be made re- garding those cases which are popularly described as "stove up in the shoulder." Instead of the soreness being in the shoulder in these cases, it is generally in the feet, or at least below the knee. It is somewhat difficult to explain how those influences or causes which are known to produce founder bring about that condition, but observa* tion shows clearly that an irritation of the diges- tive tract, or in fact, any extensive irritation of any mucous surface, may produce an inflammation of the sensitive laminae of the feet; that is, founder. Therefore founder may be produced by a change of feed or excessive feeding, a change of work or excessive work which results in exhaustion, large quantities of feed or water when warm or fatigued, sudden changes of temperature such as cooling too fast when sweating, and a long drive on hard roads, especially without shoes. Excessive purging or diarrhoea may also produce it. Founder also occa- sionally results from irritation of foaling, but this is not common. DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 163 There is no essential difference in the nature of the disease determined by the particular agent or condition which causes it. " Water founder," and that produced by over-feeding, concussion, or ex- treme fatigue are, in so far as the character of the disease is concerned, one and the same thing. Founder May Occur in the fore or hind feet or in both; but generally the fore feet are those af- fected. A stiffness and disinclination to move are perhaps the first symptoms noticed. The position in which the animal stands is characteristic. The fore feet will be placed well forward, so that the weight will be borne by the heels, while the hind feet are brought well up under the body in order to take as much weight off the front feet as FOUNDER possible. This position gives a rather un- In bad cases of founder the foot shrinks from the steady appearance to wasting of the sensitive sub- . , , ,, , . stances. A typical foundered animal, and the hind foot is pictured here. feet arfi f r e q u e n 1 1 y shifted in order to maintain as steady a posi- tion as possible. From this fact founder is frequently mistaken by inexperienced persons for a disease of the kidneys. The body temperature is usually considered increased ; that is, there is fever as it is generally expressed due to inflamma- tion in the feet. As is usual in the first stages of inflammation, the pulse beat is increased in fre- quency and force. An increase of heat in the feet, with a manifestation of pain when the hoofs are tapped with a hammer, are, when taken with all the foregoing facts, sufficient evidence of founder. 164 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN When founder occurs in one foot, however, as it sometimes does, the diagnosis may be more dif- ficult for the inexperienced. When it occurs only in the hind feet the position which the animal takes will not be different from that taken with founder in only both fore feet but from different causes. The hind feet are brought well forward under the body, but for the purpose of throwing such little weight as is borne on them on the heels. The Feet Should Be Kept Moist. Remove the shoes and apply moisture to the feet. The latter may be done by standing the animal in water five or six inches deep each day, several hours at a time, or by the application of a poultice of wheat bran or some such material, or by wrapping the feet with cloths and keeping them thoroughly saturated with water. The animal should always be encouraged to lie down and take the weight off his feet, which is beneficial. When this occurs, a poultice of some sort must be used to apply mois- ture to the feet. It may be applied by the use of a sack large enough to envelop the foot and hold sufficient of the poultice to retain the moisture for some time. This application of moisture to the feet should be continued until the severity of the inflammation and the lameness have subsided. Unless the founder be due to excessive purga- tion, a quart of raw linseed oil should be given as a purgative. During the first 48 hours from 30 to 40 drops of tincture of aconite may be given every three or four hours. Four tablespoonfuls of nitrate of potash (saltpeter) should also be given three times a day in the feed or on the tongue. If the lameness continues after the acute symptoms have subsided, a rest of several weeks on a soft pasture and the application of a blister around the DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 165 top of the hoof are recommended. The following mixture has been useful as a blister: Red iodide of mercury, I part; lard, 4 parts; cerate of can- tharides, 4 parts. Apply around the top of the hoof, except at the heels, and rub for 10 to 15 minutes. The animal should be tied so that it can- not get its mouth to the blistered part for several hours after the medicine has been applied. CHRONIC FOUNDER. In a majority of cases the above treatment will be followed by a good recovery, but an animal once foundered is probably more likely to suffer from a subsequent attack. If the lameness does not entirely disappear in a week or ten days, it is seldom that a complete recovery takes place. In such cases the animal is likely to remain unfit for road work and to continue to show more or less soreness. These are the cases that are later said to have " chest founder," or " stove up in the shoulder," owing to the fact that the muscles of the chest waste away from lack of free use. In some cases still more serious results follow an acute attack of founder. The inflammation may be so severe that there is separation between the hoof and structures, the formation of pus, and a descent of the central organs of the foot, which causes a bulging of the sole. In such cases, even though recovery takes place to such an extent that it is advisable to allow the animal to live, it is not fit for work, and can only be used for breeding purposes. FOWL CHOLERA. See Chicken Cholera. GAPES. A symptom caused by worms in the windpipe; oftenest seen in young chicks and tur- keys. Birds droop, cough, and lower their wings. 166 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN A feather moistened, but not dripping, with kero- sene or oil of turpentine is the commonest remedy. Cleanliness of food, water and quarters is the great preventive. Poultry men who keep their chicks on ground not used for chick raising the previous year, and who insist on strictest cleanliness, report highly satisfactory results in avoiding gapes. GARGET. A swelling, accompanied by inflam- mation of the udder. It may be caused by kicks or blows, by germs getting into the udder, or as a result of holding the milk too long. Do not use the milk when the udder is affected. For garget rub with hot camphorated oil twice a day. Give as medicine 8 tablespoonfuls of hyposulphite of soda each day, either in the feed or in a drench. Keep up the treatment for two weeks. GASTRITIS. A rather uncommon disease in domestic animals and the result of a disturbance in the stomach, with inflammation following, caused by irritating substances, usually of a poisonous nature. A common symptom is nausea and pain like colic. Indeed, the ordinary outward signs of colic are observed. At first the pulse is strong, which weak- ens, and runs rapidly, from 80 to 100 beats a minute. As the disease progresses the pulse becomes ir- regular and the animal dull and listless. Treatment consists of simple agents. If the disturbance is due to some potassium compound, give oil ; if to ammonia, give vinegar; if from turpentine, give oil and opium, the opium in teaspoonful doses every couple hours. After recovery, let only easily digested food be provided. GID IN SHEEP. A disease of the brain due to a worm in the brain substance. This worm, known as the bladder worm, is a form of the tape-worm of the dog at an early stage of its existence. The DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS l6/ eggs of this worm, on being swallowed, are hatched in the stomach, from which they enter into the circulation, finally lodging in the brain and spinal cord. Those that lodge elsewhere, as in the heart and lungs, grow for a time and then disappear. The most conspicuous symptom is the staggering, stupefied condition of the affected animal. In walking, if a single side is affected, a circle is described. The feet are raised as if the animal did not see well. In many cases blindness results. The growth of the worm is somewhat rapid. In about three weeks after the appearance of the disease a softened condition of the skull results, which may be found by pressing the fingers over it. From this it will be observed that there is prac- tically no treatment for animals affected. Occa- sionally the skin is accidentally broken over the point where the worm is encysted, out of which it emerges and the sheep recovers. Treatment, therefore, is along the line of this natural recovery. Find the soft spot by pressing the fingers over the skull, then introduce the trocar and canula. Withdraw the trocar, apply a syringe to the canula, and withdraw the contents of the cyst within. Of course, inflammation of the brain may set in and the sheep die from this, or another worm may be present and grow, thus caus- ing continued disease. Inasmuch as the bladder worm of sheep is a stage of the tape-worm of the dog, it follows that destroying all affected sheep, so as to prevent the dogs from becoming reinfested from it, is the only really safe and satisfactory method of warding off the trouble. GLANDERS. A contagious disease peculiar to the horse, ass, and mule, and may be communicated to human beings, and also sometimes to carnivorous 168 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN animals in menageries, by means of infected horse flesh, and also by means of inoculation to field mice, guinea pigs, dogs, cats, goats, rabbits, and sheep. Pigs are not readily susceptible and cattle appear to be immune. Like all diseases of a contagious or infectious character, glanders is due to a specific organism, known as the bacillus malleus. The external manifestations of glanders differ and consequently the disease is spoken of as glan- ders or farcy, depending upon the symptoms pre- sented. The disease is known as glanders when the horse suffering from it has a discharge from the nose, ulcers on the septum nasi (the partition divid- ing the nasal cavities) and enlarged submaxillary glands, and is known as farcy when the affected animal has farcy " buds " or ulcers on the skin, and corded lymphatic vessels running from one " bud " to another. In farcy, the corded lymphatics, " buds " and ulcers on the skin are very apt to be on the inside of one hind leg or the other, but may appear on the inside of a fore leg, or on the neck or body. Farcy was, in olden times, thought to be a different disease from glanders, and was believed by many to be curable, while glanders has always been gen- erally believed to be incurable, but it is now known that farcy is simply one manifestation of glanders. It has been found that a horse with glanders may give another farcy, and vice versa. Guinea pigs inoculated with the discharge from a glandered horse's nose will develop glanders, and pure cul- tures of the glanders bacillus can be obtained from them, and in a similar way if guinea pigs are in- oculated with the discharge from a sore on a horse with farcy glanders may be produced in these little experimental animals, and upon post mortem ex- amination pure cultures of the glanders bacillus can DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 169 be obtained from the lesions of the disease pro- duced in them. Glanders and farcy may again be divided into two forms, acute and chronic glanders, and acute and chronic farcy. In the acute form the disease develops rapidly, the lesions form more speedily and with greater rapidity than in the chronic form and the animal loses strength and condition and dies within the course of a few weeks, sometimes in the course of a week or two. It is not unusual to meet with an animal showing symptoms of both glanders and farcy, especially in the acute form. In the chronic form the symptoms are not so well marked, and a horse may go for months keeping in fairly good condition and able to do its work, the disease developing very slowly, and at times show- ing a tendency to recover; yet such an animal is a source of danger to other horses, and also to the man taking care of him or driving him. A horse with chronic glanders, or farcy, may give the dis- ease to another in an acute form, especially if the other one is more susceptible for some reason, such as a less strong constitution or being run down by hard work. Post mortem examination of horses with glan- ders, or farcy, nearly always reveals the presence of glanders nodules or tubercles in the lungs, and, in many instances, there is no doubt but what a horse may have the tubercles of glanders in his lungs for some time before showing outward symp- toms of the disease, and in many cases the primary lesions of the infection occur in the lungs. A horse with lung glanders may be a source of danger to other horses and cause disease in them and yet go unsuspected for some time. A case is said to have occurred in Boston a number of years ago where a 170 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN hack horse lost eight successive mates with gland- ers ; he was finally killed and his lungs were found to be full of glanders nodules, and yet he never showed any external symptoms of glanders. Such BAD CASE OF GLANDERS The farcy form is shown here. The animal has not long to live. Except for experimental purposes, every horse having glanders should be killed as soon as the disease Is discovered. cases could be cited in large numbers if soace per- mitted, but one example will answer. A horse with lung glanders may have a little dry, spasmodic cough, may look somewhat unthrifty, DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 17! and if the temperature were taken it might be slightly above normal, say, 101 degrees to 101^2, the normal temperature being 100 degrees. Yet such an animal might do its work, last for a long time and not be suspected as a source of danger until several cases had occurred in the stable, for which it was difficult to account. While a well-marked case of glanders or of farcy is not difficult of diagnosis, there are many obscure cases which escape detection for some time. If a horse has a well-marked discharge from one or both nostrils, with characteristic chancres visible upon the mucous membrane of the septum nasi, and hard enlarged submaxillary glands in the intermaxillary space, it is not a difficult matter to diagnose such a case, and any horseman ought to recognize it. The same is true of a well-marked case of farcy. When the lymphatic vessels on the inside of a leg, especially a hind leg, are swelled and corded, with a chain of farcy buds along their course, some of which have gathered and broken, leaving a dis- charging open ulcer in the skin, it is quite evident that the animal is suffering from farcy. A peculiarity of glanders seems to be a tendency for the symptoms to appear on the left side; in many cases of glanders the discharge and ulcera- tion is in the left nostril, and the left submaxillary gland is enlarged ; and in a large number of the cases of farcy met with it is the left hind leg that shows the lesions of the disease. In obscure cases of glanders or farcy the diagnosis is not always so easy, even for experts, and then other methods for determining the trouble have to be resorted "to. These are the guinea pig test and the mallein test. The guinea pig test consists of inoculating one or two of these little animals with the discharge from 172 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN a suspected horse's nose, or from a farcy sore. If they should develop glanders it would be proof positive that the suspected horse had this disease; if they do not develop glanders it is not always pos- itive proof that the suspected horse is free from the disease. Sometimes more than one test is necessary, or another method of diagnosis may have to be resorted to. This is the mallein test. Mallein is a product made from cultures of the glanders bacillus analagous to tuberculin as made from cultures of the tubercle bacillus, and is used for testing horses for glanders much as tuberculin is used for testing cattle for tuberculosis. A horse infected with glanders will react to a mallein test in much the same way as a cow infected with tuber- culosis will react to the tuberculin test. It is not customary in some states to kill a horse that reacts to mallein unless it shows some clinical evidence of disease. All horses that show clinical evidence of glanders or farcy in some states are killed by the state authority, and the law requires persons know- ing or suspecting cases of this kind to report in writing to the chief of the cattle bureau of the state board of agriculture or to the inspector of animals in the city or town where the disease is believed to exist, except in some cities where the city board of health has full charge of glanders and farcy. Anyone selling, removing, transporting, or concealing a horse knowing or having reasonable cause to believe it has glanders or farcy is in most states liable to a heavy penalty. In stables where glanders exists, in some cases, all the horses are tested and divided; the reactors are separated from the non-reactors, and those that react are tested once a month until they cease to react, or show physical indications of glanders and DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 173 are killed. Used in this way mallein seems to have a curative effect on incipient cases, and has been very successfully used in freeing infected stables from the disease. When a horse is killed because it has glanders or farcy the stall should be thor- oughly disinfected where it has been kept, as well as the harness, blankets, currycomb and other utensils, and anything that cannot be easily disin- fected ought to be destroyed. Public watering troughs where the horse has been watered should be emptied and cleaned out, and the blacksmith ought to disinfect his shop where the horse was shod. There are various diseases that may be taken for glanders or farcy, and there have also been numer- ous instances where glanders has been taken for something else ; for instance, chronic nasal catarrh. What many old-time veterinarians used to call chronic nasal catarrh or nasal gleet, were, in many instances, if not in nearly all, cases of chronic glanders, and when one of these cases of nasal gleet was rounded up in a locality, glanders disap- peared in that neighborhood A horse with a chronic discharge from the nose as the result of a decayed tooth may sometimes be mistaken for a case of glanders, and also a horse with distemper or strangles ; but the latter generally recovers soon, and in strangles the gland under the jaw softens and breaks and discharges while in glanders the gland remains firm and hard and gen- erally not sensitive to manipulation. There is a disease that has been troublesome m Pennsylvania and parts of Ohio the last two years called suppurative lymphangitis or epizootic lym- phangitis, which may be mistaken for farcy, but animals suffering from it do not react to mallein, and guinea pigs inoculated with the discharges do 174 THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN not develop glanders. There is not much glanders in the Eastern states, except in the cities, and the disease is not of a great deal of interest to farmers, except to avoid purchasing animals with it at some of the unreliable sales stables. Where a case oc- curs on a farm, except on some market gardener's farm near a city, it is found, as a rule, that the horse was purchased at some unscrupulous dealer's stable in the city, and, in some instances, other horses on the farm are infected, and the farmer not only loses his new acquisition, but has two or three other horses killed besides that have become infected. Farmers buying new horses at city sales stables ought to endeavor to deal with only reputable con- cerns, and to avoid cheats. It is well to remember that a person cannot get something for nothing, and it is not likely that anyone can buy a horse for $50 to $75 because it is afraid of elevated railroad trains that would otherwise be worth $300 to $500, or because a widow lady wants a good home for her late husband's old pet. Anyone buying horses from a fake coal company, or a humbug ice com- pany, or an unknown express company that is just going out of business, is liable to invite a serious disease to his farm. GRAVEL OR DIRT IN FOOT. A collec- tion of pus, or other fluid containing gravel or dirt. It occurs most frequently in the foot, and is associated with the horse and mule almost exclusively. The cause may be from a bruise, but more frequently it is due to a punc- tured wound of the foot by nail, wire, or other pointed object. Nearly always there will be dirt carried into the wound with the offending object or shortly after its removal. This dirt, infected with germs, sets up an inflammation of the sensitive DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 175 structures causing more or less lameness. In many instances the nail hole becomes closed up and the collected matter may have to seek an outlet above the hoof. To determine the trouble a very careful examination of the hoof should be made, looking for any opening leading into the foot, often detected by discoloration of the part/ or at an over-sensitive point in the foot. Treatment should consist in making or enlarg- ing the opening at a dependent part of the hoof, if possible, so that all secretion formed in the wound can find a ready escape to the outside. Without free opening there is danger of tetanus (lockjaw) developing. The wound should be thoroughly cleansed, and washed with some mild disinfectant, after which a small quantity of oil of turpentine should be injected, and the wound packed with calomel or iodoform and covered with a pledget of cotton. If the wound is very deep or extensive it may be beneficial, after thoroughly cleansing the foot, to apply a hot bran or flaxseed poultice. Use poultice for several days and change daily. GREASE HEEL. A form of eczema that at- tacks the skin of the heel and fetlock. Sometimes the disease becomes so severe as to crack open, from which blood oozes out. A crust forms and later on becomes painful and disagreeable. To remove the scurvy part that is noticed first, apply a poul- tice, made of wheat bran or linseed meal. Change the poultices two or three times during the day. After removal each time wash with warm water, in which has been put some carbolic acid or creolin,and then apply the poultice again. After the poulticing is ended apply a salve made of 4 tablespoonfuls of oxide of zinc and 8 tablespoonfuls of vaseline. If indigestion seems to be associated in any way, give 176 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN the horse a dose of physic, aloes being best for the purpose. GRUB IN THE HEAD. This condition is the presence of the larva (worm stage) of the sheep bot fly, located in the frontal sinuses (cavities) of the head. The trouble is .confined to sheep and occa- sionally goats. The so-called " grub " of the horse is found in its stomach, while the " grub " of cattle is found along its back just underneath the skin. The adult fly, which lays the living " sheep grub," is of a yellowish-gray color, slightly larger than a house fly. During the warmer part of the summer days the fly goes about depositing its young in the nose of the sheep. The young then work their way upward into cavities of the head between the eyes, but not into the brain cavity. Here they attach themselves to the lining, remaining when un- molested for some ten months, then lose their hold and are sneezed out to the ground. Burrowing into the ground they enter the pupa or dormant stage, when, after a month or six weeks, they emerge as adult flies to replenish their kind. When few grubs are in the head little trouble may be observed, but if more numerous may cause free discharge of dirty white or yellowish, thick fluid, loss of appetite, frequent coughing and sneezing, tossing of head and weakened gait, and the animal may be- come too weak to rise, and finally dies. With a special instrument (trephine) bore a hole into the cavity containing grubs and remove them with forceps. When they are present every year the sheep should be protected by keeping the nose smeared with tar during summer months. This can be done by causing sheep to lick salt from holes in a trough after placing tar about the holes. DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS HAIR BALLS. True hair balls are seldom found in other animals than cattle, resulting either from licking themselves or others; but different kinds of indigestible balls or concretions are fre- quently found in cattle and other animals, particu- larly the horse, in the stomach or intestines. Dust balls are occasionally formed when animals are fed upon mill cleanings. In sections where crimson clover is fed, and frequently in over-ripe condition in large quantities, balls are formed of parts of the indigestible heads. Again, calcareous or mineral matter may accumulate about an indigestible sub- stance as a nucleus. These are not well-defined, in many instances, and the balls are often present without making it known. So long as they do not irritate the bowel too much, or do not occlude the opening from one portion of the bowel to another, they are likely to escape notice. In case they do obstruct the bowel they become serious obstacles, the greater number of these cases terminating in death. The symptoms then become those of colic from obstruction. In many cases no relief can Jbe given, but attempts should be made to cause the obstruction to pass by giving mild purgatives and copious enemas. HEAVES. The term "heaves" is used to de- scribe that disease of the horse which otherwise is known as " broken wind," or technically as " emphy- sema of the lungs." This ailment, which is incurable when thoroughly established and to which a ten- dency is inherited by the offspring of an affected sire or dam, is characterized by the following symp- toms: Double, bellows-like action of the abdom- inal muscles in breathing; short, suppressed cough, usually accompanied by passage of gas from the rectum; gluttonous appetite; harsh, staring coat THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN of hair; pot belly; weakness; lack of endurance, sweating, panting, or staggering during work; dilated nostrils; frequent passage of gas and soft, foul-smelling feces when starting from stable. The disease begins with indigestion, affecting in time the pneumo-gastric nerve of the stomach and then the branch nerves running to the lungs. At first the air tubules and vesicles of the lungs be- come dilated (aneurism) ; later they may break down into large air spaces and the surrounding lung tissues become involved (interlobular em- physema). Air then is easily inhaled, but is ex- haled with difficulty and the effort causes cough and expulsion of gas (flatus). The distress may be relieved by treatment, but perfect recovery is impossible when the lungs have become badly affected. Treat by substituting wet oat straw for hay in winter and grass for hay in summer. Allow double the usual rest period after a meal. Work when stomach is not distended with food. Do not feed hay at noon. Use lime water to^wet all food. Once or twice a week give raw linseed oil in a bran mash to open bowels. Give half an ounce of Fowler's solution of arsenic night and morning. Do not breed from affected horses. HEAT EXHAUSTION AND SUNSTROKE. The horse that is stricken with heat exhaustion or which falls from heat, apoplexy or " sunstroke," is sick or out of sorts at the time of attack ; otherwise he would withstand heat and work. The middle horse of a three-horse team suffers most and is apt to succumb to the ill-effects of the combined radia- tion of heat from his mates and direct rays f the sun. Attacks are most apt to happen on the third or fourth day of a spell of intensely hot weather char- acterized by mugginess, electrical storms and mois- DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 179 ture-saturated air. At such times the horse that has indigestion, a heavy, unhealthy coat of hair, a skin or kidney trouble or any affection of the brain or heart is the one that must be most carefully watched and worked. With the hope of preventing attacks feed light rations, no corn, no mashes, no ground feed other than bran ; avoid green grass, unless the horses are on it all of the time ; do not feed hay at noon ; allow cool, pure drinking water often when horses are at work; keep stables clean, darkened, screened, and ventilated; shade the polls of the horses' heads during work time and in such a way that air passes freely under the shading device. In sunstroke the horse falls and soon succumbs. In heat exhaustion he lags, stops sweating, pants, staggers, skin is dry, nostrils dilated, membranes of eyes and nostrils red. High fever is present. Treat by keeping cold, wet packs to the poll of head or letting a stream of cold water run over it. Shower body with cold water from a sprinkling can. Stand horse in shady place under a tree where air passes. Give stimulants freely in water as a drench every hour at first, then less often as symptoms abate. A suitable stimulant is whiskey in half pint doses, or a mixture of one part of aromatic spirits of ammonia and two parts each of alcohol and sweet spirits of niter. Dose is two ounces in half pint water. Do not bleed horse or give aconite. Give half ounce doses of saltpeter in water twice daily as horse recovers. Call the veterinarian in sunstroke cases. HERNIA. A protrusion of any portion of the bowels or their coverings through a break in the walls of the abdomen. A rupture, for that is the popular term, is most common in horses. Often i8o THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN at birth they are seen near the navel. These dis- appear in a few months without any treatment being required. In mature horses the usual causes are blows, kicks or some violent effort that tears the muscular structure. The characteristic symptom is the bulging out of the gut, tumorlike; and this often can be slipped VENTRAL HERNIA It may occur in any part of the abdomen and varies in size with the extent of the rupture. back where it belongs. If the rent be not closed, even if the gut is returned, the least bit of strain is liable to force it out again. Some kinds of hernia cause immense pain and the animal shows it. In treating, work the gut back to its place. This done, place a pad a flat piece of wood or leather will do over the wound and fasten in such a way as to keep it in place. This should be worn for a month until recovery is complete. Such treatment TEXAS FEVER The annual loss to the South, because of the cattle tick, extends into many millions of dollars. Investigations show that a complete extermination can be effected at a cost of $6 per farm. DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS l8l will not serve in all cases of hernia. An operation may be necessary, which should be made only by a skillful veterinarian. HIDE-BOUND. -This is not a disease at all, but an indication of poor health, more particularly of poor nutrition ; usually the result of indigestion, im- proper food, worms or want of proper exercise. The skin is hard, rough, papery, and cannot be picked up from the body with ease. When the attempt is made, it suggests that the body is too large for the skin. Of course treatment is in th* nature of better food, that proper nourishment may be secured. A good physic will be proper to start with and then follow with a tonic, easily assimilable food of a nature that will properly nourish the body. HIGH BLOWING A sound produced in the act of breathing while the air is being expelled from the lungs during forced respiration. It is a fluttering sort of a sound. When horses are trotting or pac- ing the sound is essentially a nasal one, and is not to be regarded as a state of unsoundness. It is rather a measure of excitability, and associated with horses of much spirit and good breeding. HIP JOINT LAMENESS. A disease of the hip, caused usually by some injury as from a fall or kick. A slight swelling is observed just over the hip, and lameness when the animal walks or trots. In severe cases, the horse will hop and catch the lame leg. The best treatment is absolute rest. Frequent applications of hot water are good. After each application bathe with a solution made of 4 ounces of water, 2 ounces of tincture of opium, 2 ounces of tincture of arnica and an ounce of bella- donna. If the lameness continues, use a blister 182 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN made of 2 teaspoonfuls of cantharides and 4 table- spoonfuls of lard. Allow the blister to remain for an entire day, then wash off with soap and water and apply lard or vaseline. Repeat in a couple of weeks if necessary. If the lameness disappears, give the horse rest for several weeks. HIPPED. A fracture at the point of the hip. The most common cause is striking the point of the hip against a door post or pole. Sometimes a kick is responsible. While recovery follows, as a rule, from the very nature of the fracture, there is no treatment that will remedy the broken point. After the soreness has passed no inconvenience results; only a blemish is observed. HOG CHOLERA. The term, hog cholera has become quite ambiguous, partly on account of new discoveries concerning the cause of the disease and partly on account of what have been supposed to be two different but curiously related diseases being generally included under this general term. Until within a year or two we have supposed that there were two infectious diseases of hogs recog- nized under the general terms of hog cholera and swine plague. It now seems probable that we will be able to do away with the term swine plague entirely. The disease considered here answers to tne fol- lowing requirements: (a) Infectious by associa- tion or other natural exposure; (b) the animal before death and the carcass after death show cer- tain accepted symptoms which are clearly recog- nized as pertaining to cholera; (c) the blood is virulent and capable of reproducing the disease on inoculation into susceptible hogs; (d) attack and recovery confer immunity. It is to be understood that we might easily have diseases among swine DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS where characteristic " a " or even " might be present and yet the disease be not true hog cholera. Until within recent years American authorities, bacteriologists and veterinarians alike, have very generally accepted a certain germ, the bacillus of Salmon and Smith, as the specific cause of hog cholera and another somewhat similar germ as the cause of what was supposed to be a distinct but AN ATTACK OF CHOLERA One of the familiar attitudes assumed when the hog 1 is affected with cholera. When this far along, not many cases of recovery are observed. curiously related disease swine plague. But within a few years workers in the Federal bureau of animal industry have apparently demonstrated that hog cholera is caused by a living germ so small that it passes easily through germ filters which re- move all known forms of the bacillus of Salmon and Smith. It may be interesting to note further that this new germ is so small as to be invisible to the highest available powers of the best microscope. That it is a living organism and not a chemical 184 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN poison may be very easily demonstrated. The curious relations to this disease of the old bacilli of hog cholera and of swine plague are not well understood, but it seems quite possible that they may play some part in the later development of the disease after the disease processes have been started by the invisible germ. While our old theories and supposed information concerning the cause of hog cholera have been very much dis- turbed by newer work, it is important to remember that hog cholera is now just as much as before to be recognized as a distinctly infectious disease. It is important to remember also that this infection is absolutely necessary, or there can be no cholera no matter how susceptible animals may be. There can be no cholera without this primary and specific cause any more than there can be plants in our wheat fields without the previous presence of mustard seed. Conditions of soil and climate may favor a rank growth of mustard. Conditions of feed and keep may favor the development and spread of hog cholera. They may decrease resist- ance and increase susceptibility, but cannot origi- nally cause the disease. It is a rather common ex- perience that hogs kept closely housed and fed, especially with such foods as corn, offer less resist- ance than do other hogs. In our vaccine work we frequently find hogs of this type which die readily under inoculation with blood of low grade virulence. Hogs of hardier type may become slightly sick or not sick at all with inoculation from the same in- fectious material. Pampered show herds appear especially susceptible to both natural infection and artificial inoculation. The farmer, and for that matter the public in general, should bear in mind that the cause of hog DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 185 cholera is a living organism capable of enormously rapid self-multiplication actual, though very minute particles of matter. This, fully understood, makes it apparent that infection may be carried in any way that other fine particles of matter may be carried. It thus becomes very apparent that the infection may be carried by sick hogs or upon the legs and bodies of hogs not sick; it may be carried in wagon boxes, in hog racks, in stock cars, or upon shoes and clothing of people. It is very evident that the infection may be carried down stream, especially in small creeks, and give rise to other outbreaks. So far as the sick hog is concerned, we are quite sure that the blood and the manure are thoroughly infectious and there can be no question concerning the infectiousness of fresh carcasses of dead hogs. Perhaps we should say first of all that we rarely get all of the accepted symptoms of hog cholera plainly shown in one case. It is important to bear in mind that cases vary in virulence from those of very chronic type where hogs live for weeks and finally die or recover, to very acute cases where they die overnight. The hog coming down with cholera is usually sluggish at first, lying around in the shade and re- fusing feed. The hair may become rough. The eyes early show symptoms of inflammation, with a sticky discharge. There is usually a suppressed cough. The gait may become irregular and uncer- tain, especially with the hind legs. After these preliminary symptoms have been shown for a time, the skin becomes red, changing to purple, especially noticeable in white-haired hogs. The hog is then usually within a very few days of death. As already explained, not all cases are typical. Sometimes hogs die in an outbreak of cholera from 186 THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN undoubted hog cholera, and yet the ante mortem or post mortem symptoms show very little upon which to base a diagnosis. But we may easily demonstrate that these were cases of cholera by injecting their blood into sus- ceptible hogs and by thus producing typ- ical cholera. At the autopsy of an ordinary case of cholera the first and perhaps the most striking thing seen is the purpling of the skin. On open- the carcass small blood spots may be found under the skin and in the fat cut through. The glands along the intestines are THE RESULT OF HOG CHOLERA intensely in- A post mortem of a hog dying from flamed. The cholera will show ulcers like those pic- tured here. Look for them in the large muCOUS m 6 m- intestlne ' brane of the stomach is frequently thickened and roughened and in chronic cases there may be ulcers. On openiBg the intestines we see areas here and there of intense inflammation in the acute cases or numerous ulcers in cases of more chronic type. In DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 187 very acute cases we find areas intensely inflamed, even bloody in places. The slow chronic cases develop characteristic hog cholera ulcers. These may appear at almost any point on the lining 1 mem- brane, but more particularly in the blind pouch and around the point where the small intestine connects with the large intestine. On stripping off a very thin transparent membrane covering the kidneys, a typical case of hog cholera will usually show minute red spots on the surface somewhat resemb- ling the covering of a turkey egg, which gives the common name of turkey egg kidney of hog cholera. Preventing the Disease. Clearly there are cer- tain things which the owner of healthy hogs in a hog cholera district should do and a good many things which he should not do. The same is equally true for the man who has sick hogs in a neighbor- hood where there are uninfected herds. The owner of healthy hogs and his family should keep away from public stock yards, from all pens and yards on other farms whether sickness among hogs pre- vails or not. It may easily occur that a neighbor's hogs may appear well but have recently received the infection and be already capable of scattering the disease. We do not know at what period in the development of this disease infected hogs be- come capable of disseminating hog cholera. During a hog cholera season the owner of healthy hogs should institute something in the way of pri- vate quarantine and pleasantly, perhaps, but firmly, ask visitors, especially stock buyers and threshing machine crews, to keep at a reasonable distance from the pens and yards. It is safer for one man to have exclusive care of healthy hogs during the hog cholera season, and this man should be very careful where he goes with reference to possible l88 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN infection. Special fencing or other provisions should be made wherever practical to keep dogs out of the pens and yards, for, under certain conditions, dogs become verv active agents in spreading the disease. The owner of a healthy herd should be very care- ful about buying in hogs for feeding or breeding purposes, and, in the Western states especially, all public stock yards and stock cars must be regarded as possible sources of spread. Hogs coming into the herd for breeding purposes, if by rail, should be shipped in other than stock cars, and should not be unloaded so as to go through stock yards. All new hogs coming on to a farm where the disease has not appeared, should be kept carefully apart from the herd for from two to three weeks after arrival. vThe disease may thus have time to develop, if the animals have been infected before shipment or en route. It is decidedly worth while to be careful about clean feeding, for it seems probable that this is a common method by which infection enters the body. This being the case, troughs and feeding floors should be frequently disinfected with steam, boiling water, or a very dilute corrosive sublimate solution (1:1,000 dissolved in water), with the troughs subsequently rinsed out with plain water. Or the troughs and feeding floors may be disin- fected with any of the coal tar disinfectants if they are used in sufficient strength. These are not poisonous in any probable quantity which hogs would get. A Disastrous Experience. The farmer should be especially careful about buying hogs out of stock yards. Some years ago a certain Minnesota farmer purchased a lot of feeders from Sioux City and took them home to his farm. In about two DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 189 weeks his hogs commenced dying. A little later hogs previously on the farm began dying. In a little while he was losing hogs at the rate of 25 a day, losing a total of about 200. This loss of 200 hogs was scarcely a drop in the bucket too small for consideration in comparison with the loss which this outbreak cost the state, for, with some others coming into the state from Iowa and Nebraska, this outbreak cost the state, as carefully estimated, about $1,250,000 during that one year. As soon as the Minnesota farmer here referred to realized that he had cholera and was liable to lose a large portion of his herd, he shipped out a lot of fat hogs ready for market. These were yarded for a time in the public stock yards of his town, and one of them died while waiting for shipment. This hog was left for a day or so in the yard. Later a carload of feeding hogs was shipped in from a point in South Dakota, where they had never had hog cholera. These South Dakota hogs were unloaded into the yards where the fat hog had died some time before, and were sold out from there by auction. It was a very interesting study to follow the resulting outbreaks ; but a very serious matter for the owner and for that entire portion of the state. Practically every farmer who bought hogs at this sale, and very many of those who walked around the yards looking at the hogs, but without buying, had hog cholera on their farms in a very uniform period after the sale. Surely the moral of this tale is so self-evident as to need no further suggestion. Cleaning Up. Troughs and feeding floors, at least, and, if practicable, the hog house also, should be kept clean and frequently disinfected during an outbreak. When the outbreak appears to be over, I9O THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN the owner must decide as to just what he will do in the way of disinfection and cleaning up, or whether he will stay out of the hog business for a year and allow the infection to die out. This is, of course, without regard for the possibility of putting in vaccinated and immune hogs. Feeding troughs and feeding floors and the hog house in general, may be disinfected if of reasonably good construction, by a thorough cleaning and then by one of the methods suggested under prevention. If the sick hogs have been kept in an old straw shed or in an old hog house that is about ready to fall down anyway, by all means the best method of disinfection is by burning. Without disinfection or burning the owner cannot be safe in putting in susceptible hogs within much less than a year after the last hog died or recovered. The slow old chronic cases that go dragging around at the end of an outbreak should usually be killed and safely buried, for it is rarely profitable to put such hogs in shape for market. It might possibly be worth while to hold such a one over and nurse them along, in case of valuable brood sows, for hogs having recovered from cholera are usually immune for life. Brood sows which have had the disease and re- covered usually give something more than natural immunity to their offspring. But the degree of immunity so conferred is so variable in degree and uncertain otherwise that it cannot be depended upon as a routine method of establishing immune herds. Yards may be practically disinfected by plowing or by burning off a good layer of straw. Hog Cholera Vaccination. Generally stated, this vaccine consists of two parts: (a) Blood serum from the body of a specially immunized hog; and (b) virulent blood serum from the body of a hog DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 19! about to die from cholera. The general theory upon which this double vaccine is used is that of giving the animal an infectious disease and at the same time a treatment which enables the animal to resist the infection. When the hog is through with it he is in exactly the same condition as though he had gone through a natural exposure and recovered. General Method. We start this work with cer- tain hogs that are immune usually because they have passed through an outbreak. It has been shown that when such immune hogs are treated with large injections of virulent blood under the skin or into a vein, that they do not usually become sick, but their own blood develops a peculiar prop- erty that gives protection to other hogs that are naturally susceptible. When the blood or rather blood serum from this specially treated immune hog is injected into the bodies of healthy susceptible hogs, the latter be- comes likewise immune, but the immunity so gained lasts only a short time, possibly four to six weeks, and is then gradually lost. If we give a small in- jection of virulent blood at the same time, or soon after the immunizing serum is given, then the treated hog becomes immune for a long period, per- haps for life. The Serum Hog. The specially immunized hog which produces this immunizing serum is known as a hyperimmune, and to save words will be hereafter mentioned as such. The simply immune hog may be prepared for producing serum in either one of three ways, (i) By three rapidly increasing doses of virulent blood serum injected under the skin at intervals of seven to ten days; (2) by one enor- mously large injection of virulent serum under the 192 THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN skin; (3) by injecting virulent blood in smaller doses directly into the blood circulation. In this work an ordinary immune hog weighing loo pounds is given a quart of very virulent blood. a teaspoon of which similarly injected would kill a hog that was not immune. In other words the immune, and especially the hyperimmune hog, have developed certain properties in their blood antago- nistic to hog cholera virus. Vaccination. We have two possible methods of vaccinating or immunizing susceptible hogs (a) Serum only. This is by the injection under the skin of serum from the body of a hyperimmune hog and gives immediate but temporary immunity last- ing, as already stated, several weeks. If this animal, during the period of immunity, is exposed to natural infection, he becomes protected for a very long period, perhaps for life, (b) Simultaneous. The second method of vaccination consists of in- jecting immunizing blood serum into one thigh and a small amount of disease-producing serum at the same time, or soon after, into the other thigh, thus giving the animal the cholera and a cure for it at the same time. If the immunizing serum is potent and the virulent serum is really virulent, then the animal so treated becomes permanently immune. The serum-only method is usually preferred in actual outbreaks and for hogs not yet sick, because this gives immediate protection, and the hogs, being naturally exposed, usually develop a permanent im- munity. The simultaneous method of vaccination is preferred where we are very confident of the serum's potency against the virulent blood, and for hogs that have not yet been infected. It may yet be found wise to use this method even in out- breaks. DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 193 Vaccination Does Not Spread Cholera. Every in- telligent stockman who reads this will probably ask if there is not danger of scattering cholera by this simultaneous vaccination into districts where it has not yet appeared. A considerable amount of direct evidence on this point is better than any amount of theorizing and personal opinions. This evidence all agrees that unless the vaccinated hogs become distinctly sick as a result of the vaccina- tion (which can occur, and does very often), that there is practically no danger of disseminating the disease. This is especially true since all hogs on the farm are supposed to have been treated and are immune, and, therefore, incapable of developing cholera and so spreading the disease. It does occur, even with good serum, perhaps, that an occasional hog may become a little sick, and very rarely even die, as a result of vaccination. But with good serum given in standard dose and virulent blood also given in proper dose, the risk of this is so small that it may be safely disregarded and especially when all hogs on the farm or that may be exposed with such Bick hogs have been treated. HOLLOW HORN. A common term to denote a diseased condition of the blood. The horn is not hollow and never is. The old quack method of boring a hole in the horn with a gimlet and squirt- ing turpentine into the orifice is both cruel and ridiculous. While in fact the temperature of the horn is low, it is because of the general poverty of the blood of the animal. There is no merit in this kind of treatment. The most common symp- toms are general debility, scanty flesh, scurvy coat and coarse hair. The appetite is also irregular and it times greedy. Treatment is in line of better food and general improvement of the system. If 194 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN lice are found on the body, they must be destroyed by disinfectants and washes. A tonic, consisting of 2 teaspoonfuls of sulphate of iron, I teaspoonful of powdered nux vomica and 4 tablespoonfuls of ground gentian root given each day in the food or as a drench, will be very helpful in toning up the system and in enriching the blood. The most important factor of the treatment, however, is in nutritious, wholesome food. HOOF CRACKS. See Sand Cracks. HORN FLY. A small insect about half as large as the common house flies, and very much like them in appearance. Horn flies swarm about the head and settle near the base of the horn, where they bite and cause much irritation. They also attack cattle on the back and sides and flank. The fly mixtures that are commonly advertised, and ap- plied by means of a hand-spray, are excellent for keeping the pests away. A good home mixture to apply at the base of the horns is made of pine tar, kerosene, and fish oil. Use this in equal parts, and apply with a brush. HOVEN. See Bloating in Cattle. HYDROCEPHALUS. See Water in the Brain. HYDROPHOBIA, also called rabies and mad dog, is an infectious disease caused by some invis- ible organism. The disease is transmitted from one animal to another by the bite of an animal which is suffering with the disease or by direct inoculation. It is more common in the dog than any other animal, from the fact that dogs run at large and have a tendency to bite other dogs with which they come in contact while they are suffering with the disease. The dog shows two forms, furious and dumb. In the furious form the animal at first seeks dark DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 195 places, but is usually restless and will move from one place to another. This condition lasts for a day or two, after which time he becomes more rest- less and may go 30 miles in a day. He will drink water, eat sticks, stones, and bite other dogs, horses, and cattle, less often man. This condition will last from one to four days, and then the dog becomes partly paralyzed, so that he can no longer swallow, or his legs may be affected, so that he will lie in one place, and usually dies after a few days longer. In the dumb form, the animal seeks dark places, is rather restless, the throat and lower jaw become paralyzed, he is unable to swallow or to close his mouth and, therefore, cannot bite. Some- times they will change from one form of symptoms to the other. In the horse the symptoms vary somewhat from those in the dog. The horse is restless, usually violent and will kick and bite, oftentimes showing sexual excitement. He may break his teeth on the manger and oftentimes bites his own flesh at the place where he has been bitten by the dog. The symptoms usually develop in from eight to twenty- eight days after the animal is bitten, but may not develop for six months. The disease runs its course in from two to ten days, with a fatal termination. There is no treatment for the disease after the symptoms have developed. In case man is bitten he should take the " Pasteur " treatment, which is a preventive, and it should be taken in a very short time after being bitten. After the symptoms begin to show it is too late to take treatment. HYDROTHORAX. See Water in the Chest. IMPACTION OF RUMEN. A continued distentkm of the rumen caused by large quan- tities of undigested material lodging in the 196 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN rumen. Inflammation often results, with dis- tress and pain manifest. If relief is not at- tained the walls of the rumen become para- lyzed. Associated with the disturbances the animal is dull, the left side swollen, the breathing and pulse increase and the back aches. When lying down, the left side is always up. In treating, cold water dashed over the back and loins is recommended. A strong physic of Epsom salts and ginger will aid in stimulating the secretions and may bring relief. If gas accumulates so as to threaten the life of the animal, the trocar and canula should be used. If these are not available, use the knife, as described for hoven or bloat. In some cases the impaction becomes so pronounced as to resist ordinary treat- ment, when extreme measures will be necessary if the animal is to be saved. Better call your veteri- narian and open the rumen in order to remove the contents with the hand. The operation is as fol~ lows: At the point midway between the point of the hip and the last rib, and down about four inches from the backbone, an opening is made large enough to admit the hand. After the opening is made the edges are stitched to prevent any material from getting between the skin and the rumen wall. Now remove the greater part of the accumulated material; this done, the rumen, the muscles and the skin are each in turn stitched, the wound dressed and the animal given stimulating medicines. A splendid tonic consists of 4 tablespoonfuls each of ginger, tincture of gentian and tincture of iron. Give this tonic daily and until the animal has fully recovered. INDIGESTION. Failure to digest food with abdominal pains and indisposition resulting. Bad food and improper management are back of the DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS trouble in most instances. Mild cases require no treatment. A light, laxative diet is desirable for stub- born cases. If possible turn the animals on fresh grass. Jamaica ginger is generally prescribed for indigestion. Give 8 tablespoonfuls in a pint of warm water three times a day as a drench. Follow this with condition powders, or some good diges- tive tonic. After recovery see that the diet is varied and that laxative and succulent foods are supplied. INFECTIOUS PNEUMONIA. As the name in- dicates, this is an infectious trouble frequently ex- tending over considerable areas and occurs among both horses and cattle. It is very similar in its action to ordinary pneumonia or inflammation of the lungs. However, it does not seem to be so acute in its action. The same treatment is applied to cases of this kind as to ordinary pneumonia. When its presence becomes known, it is wise to remove all heathy animals to some other quarters. This lessens the danger of infection to healthy animals. After the disease has run its course, remove all litter and manure from the stables, thoroughly air out, admit as much sunlight as possible, and disin- fect all walls and floors. A coat of whitewash on the ceiling and walls is desirable. The floors should be literally wet with disinfectant fluid, which should be admitted to all cracks and open spaces. INFECTIOUS ANEMIA IN HORSES. See Swamp Fever. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. Sometimes this disease is called enteritis. It fre- quently follows severe cases of colic. It is the result of inflammation caused by indigestible material lodging in the stomach and intestines of animals. It may, however, result from other things that irritate the bowels. When first noticed, a general depression 198 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN prevails, with signs of pain in the bowels; breath- ing is quickened and frequently a chill shows itself. The horse acts very much as if he had a case of colic. As the disease progresses the pain increases and the pulse rises. In a few hours the pain be- comes very severe and the animal is in great agony all over; he breathes heavy, the legs and ears are cold and clammy and the pulse very high. In severe cases the pulse reaches to 100 and 105 beats a minute. The horse now is very ill indeed. He shows great weakness. It is very unlikely that he will survive more than a day or two. The disease usually runs from ten to fifteen hours, and unless there is a change for the better, death results. When far advanced there is little likelihood of successful treatment. Success lies only in early work, taking the disease in time. A satisfactory drench is made of 4 tablespoonfuls of tincture of laudanum, 10 to 15 drops of tincture of aconite, I tablespoonful of common soda, and i tablespoonful of ginger. These are mixed in a pint of warm water and given as a drench. Repeat this every hour until the animal gets relief. A mustard plaster gives relief when applied to the belly. A physic is not considered advisable, as it increases the in- flammation just what is not wanted at all. The most rational treatment consists in allaying the pain. Opium in teaspoonful doses every hour until the pain is relieved is helpful. Some veteri- nary practitioners use 10 grains of morphia and 4 tablespoonfuls of chloral hydrate in syrup and water for each dose. This dose is repeated every two or three hours until the symptoms abate. The diet should be carefully watched in diseases of this kind. Bran mashes made with linseed tea or slippery elm bark are suitable. Boiled food is DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 199 better than uncooked food. Good water frequently and in small quantities is desirable. Skimmed milk is excellent and may be fed for a week or two at a time. This food often effects a cure without any ether aid. INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. This is a common disease in farm stock. The disease occurs most frequently in late fall or winter or early spring, and is due to exposure while the animal is still warm and hot; bad ventilation influences it. Author- ities now generally believe it to be a germ disease and infectious. One of the first things noticed is the shivering of the animal and then a fevered con- dition; the animal seems to be hot, then cold; a peculiar breathing is noticed; the pulse quickens, ranges from 60 to 70 beats a minute; the eyelids on the inside take a scarlet hue. The animal does not eat, stands up much of the time with the head down and the ears lopped over ; a grating sound is noticed when the ear is placed to the chest. Fre- quently distress is experienced in the bowels ; con- stipation follows and the temperature rises gradu- ally until it reaches 105 degrees, which is reached about the sixth or seventh day. If recovery does not follow the appetite will disappear, the mouth become cold, the breath heavy and disagreeable and the pulse feeble, frequently not noticeable at all. After the case assumes a more favorable aspect, an effort should be made to keep the animal com- fortable and in as good condition as possible. It is therefore advisable to keep it well blanketed, the legs bandaged and rubbed. The patient should be kept also in a warm stall where good air is avail- able. Good food that is nourishing and easily digested should be provided. Sweet milk is good, 20O THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN and raw eggs mixed in the gruel are excellent also. A compress over the lungs does much good. The compress should be made out of heavy cloth, fre- quently rinsed in cold water and then placed over the lungs where they are covered with heavy, dry cloths. On recovery, rub the sides of the chest so as to thoroughly dry the surface. A mustard plaster, after the compress has been removed, is quite generally used. A stimulating medicine may be given during the early stages. Use a drench, consisting of 8 tablespoonfuls of whiskey to 4 table- spoonfuls of sweet spirits of niter. If the animal is in very great distress, give a drench every two or three hours consisting of 8 to 10 drops of Flem- ing's tincture of aconite, 2, tablespoonfuls of lau- danum mixed with a pint of cold water. After the animal is on the road to recovery, stop the use of these medicines and give a tonic consist- ing of nitrate of potash or saltpeter and ground gentian root, half and half. Give a teaspoonful three times a day. While the animal is sick, a little boiled flaxseed mixed with a soft food will keep the bowels regular. It is not wise to give purgatives, hence it is wise to give an injection consisting of warm soapy water, so as to empty the bowels. From two to four weeks of rest and care should be allowed for complete recovery. INFLUENZA. A specific disease of the horse affecting the mucous membrane of the air passages. When the mucous membrane of the eyelids is af- fected, pink eye results. Sometimes the mucous membrane of the intestines is affected, in which case colic or inflammation of the bowels results. The common cause is exposure to cold. If no work be required, plenty of fresh air be supplied, no drafts admitted and careful nursing otherwise, the disease DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 2OI will run its course in from two to three weeks and no medicines will be necessary. In cases where considerable cough prevails, the custom of putting a piece of camphor about the size of an egg in a pail of boiling water and holding the horse's head over it from a quarter to a half hour at a time is to be commended. The bowels should be kept free and open. Any of the ordinary purgatives will do. If weakness occurs, give 4 tablespoonfuls each of tincture of ginger, ground gentian root and sweet spirits of niter in a half pint of water three times a day. Two tablespoonfuls of nitrate of potassium given once or twice each day in the drinking water is also desirable. As the trouble abates, the med- icines suggested before may be dropped and in their place a teaspoonful of sulphate of iron and a tablespoonful of ground gentian root may be given daily in a bran mash or oatmeal gruel. Intestinal Worms in Horses. Intestinal worms may be classed as large and small. The large worms inhabit the small intestines, and the small ones the large intestines, the larger class of worms being more readily reached by worm destroyers than are the smaller ones, as the small intestines begin at the stomach and as remedies leave the stomach, the worm soon receives the dose prepared for it, while if one dose has to pass through about 60 feet of intestines before reaching the smaller worms in the larger intestines, much of the worm remedy is lost by mingling with the food, and diluted by mixing with the digestive fluids. Thus what is a remedy for the large species of worms will have little effect upon the smaller ones. As a farmer's dose for the larger species of worms, none, perhaps, is better than the following: Oil of turpentine, 2 ounces; extract or oil of male 202 THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN fern, one half ounce, mixed with 4 ounces of castor oil and 8 ounces of pure raw linseed oil, with half a pint of new milk, and given after the horse has fasted for about 14 hours. Repeat the dose in a week; then follow with two worm powders, com- mon smoking tobacco, eight ounces; powdered worm seed, 6 ounces; powdered sulphate of iron, 4 ounces ; mix with one-half pound each of salt and granulated sugar. Every morning before the horse is fed any other food, place a heaping tablespoon- ful of the powder in four quarts of wet wheat bran and allow the horse to eat it ; continue for ten days and the horse will be practically rid of worms of the larger species. Colts should receive smaller doses in proportion to age. 'The small worms need the worm powder to be given in the wheat bran every morning for fully two weeks. Then follow with an ounce dose of barbadoes aloes and a tablespoonful of ginger given by mixing with about 12 ounces of warm water and a gill of common molasses ; wait a week and repeat the powder treatment and follow with the aloes. In a case of the very small or rectal worms (pin worms) always use rectal injections, a good enema being made by steeping for two hours one pound of quassia chips in a gallon of soft water ; strain and add two ounces of common harft soap; use the whole at once, using at about blood temperature after the soap has dissolved. Repeat in three days and continue as long as worms are being brought away by the enemas. INTESTINAL WORMS IN SHEEP. See Stomach and Intestinal Worms in Sheep. ITCH. See Scab in Cattl JAUNDICE. Until of recent date the disease in the human so common at certain seasons of the DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 2O3 year was unknown among animals, or, at least, if present had never been discovered by the veteri- nary profession. But be that as it may, we are now finding it in plenty among horses of all ages, from colts up to aged horses; very prevalent among sheep, and quite frequent among cattle. The early writers on veterinary science usually attributed the cause to gall stones. But that theory can hardly be tenable in this country, where we find it essentially more prevalent on low, marshy soils or on the hill lands that have been long unplowed, where animals are pastured, or hays are cut. The general symp- toms of it are a general dullness, hanging of the head as though it ached, or pressing the head, if the animal be a bovine or sheep, against the barn or stall. The tongue will be found dry or covered with a thick, sticky slime. The membranes of tfie eyeball of a yellowish cast. In horses the tongue will usually have a black coating. The appetite in all animals is capricious. They will eat well one day and scarcely touch food the next. As a rule, they will manifest great thirst, yet will drink but little. There are exceptions to this, however. The voidings are not uniform. Sometime the urine is quite high colored; at other times not. But, as a rule, it is scanty. The feces are sometimes quite hard and covered with a shiny slime. At other times there will be extreme looseness of the evacu- ations. These last symptoms are to be well con- sidered in using a treatment when the voidings are hard and slimy. In case it is a horse that is ailing, a physic of aloes should be given, one ounce being the dose for a thousand pounds of horse, and two teaspoonfuls of podophylin. Give this dissolved in water and pour down as a drench, and follow with a bitter tonic for from two to four weeks, or until the 304 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN voidings are normal and all scurf is removed from the tongue. As a tonic for this none is better than a mixture of powdered gentian root, six ounces, powdered golden seal 2 ounces, powdered sulphate of iron 4 ounces, well mixed in I pound of common salt. Give in the feed a tablespoonful in ground oats three times a day, until improvement takes place. Then drop to twice a day and later once a day. In case of the bowels being very loose always give a pint dose of a mixture of castor oil 4 ounces, pure raw linseed oil 12 ounces. Then follow with the tonic powder named. The symptoms in cattle are quite similar to those of the horse, except the bovine's eyes usually discharge some, yet not pro- fusely, and there are frequently puffy swellings be- neath their lower jaws. In case their bowels are abnormally loose, give the oil as for the horse. If constipated give from one to two pounds of Epsom salts at one dose as the physic, with the podophylin added as for the horse, and follow with the same tonic powder. In the case of sheep, which are by nature constipated animals, nothing equals a ten-grain dose of calomel, followed the next day with a four or six-ounce dose of Epsom salts (sul- phate of magnesia), and as sheep are reluctant to eat any tonics in their feed, we are compelled to pour their medicine down them. Mix together 4 ounces each of the tincture of gentian, golden seal, ginger and iron, and give a tablespoonful twice a day in a half pint of water. But always give the calomel, as it will clean out the liver of a sheep as no other known agent will. The symptoms are much the same as in cattle. Begin treatment early or success will not follow. KIDNEY WORMS. The hog is mostly affected with these worms, although they have been found DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 205 in the dog also. Death does not, as a rule, follow the infestation unless in an aggravated form. Obviously there is no remedy. KNEE SPRUNG. A condition in which the knees bend forward as the result of contraction of tendons located along the back of the leg. In aggravated cases the tendons should be cut. If KIDNEY WORMS IN THE HOG "While worms are occasionally found In the kidneys, they do not frequently cause disease or death. this is to be done only a skilled surgeon should be allowed to perform the operation. LAMINITIS. See Founder. LICE. Farm animals, especially those housed in stables more or less infested with insects and vermin, are commonly troubled with lice. Animals in good health resist the insects, but those already in a non-thrifty condition do not fare so well. Lice cause a good deal of annoyance to farm stock, inas- much as they bite the skin, suck out blood, and thus cause considerable irritation. Lice can be seen 206 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN with the naked eye. Infestation, as a rule, takes place in filthy quarters, and the best means of dis- infecting such places is by the use of a spray of kerosene. One of the best means of applying this to hogs consists of rubbing posts, which are con- stantly smeared with kerosene. In this way the hogs are induced to treat themselves. Infected hogs may also be treated by pouring the kerosene directly over the infested parts, like the neck, shoulder and back. Dipping tanks made of cement or wood are frequently located in the run-yards, in which is placed some disinfectant fluid. Hogs use these small tanks as wallows, and in this way they disinfect themselves. For horses and cattle any of the advertised sheep and cattle dips now on the market may be used. Directions accompany the preparation and are plain- ly printed and explained on the containers in which these products are sold. It is always advisable to repeat the application or give a second dipping a week or ten days after making the first application. This will destroy the later hatchings of the eggs. An- other good remedy is made of boiling stavesacre seeds, I part to 20 parts of water, for an hour and let it simmer for another hour ; then add water to make it up to the original bulk. This applied to the affected parts brings quick relief. It is advisable to repeat the application in a week or ten days, so as to catch any new lice from any eggs that were not caught by the first application. A very common treatment is secured by mixing a pint of linseed oil, 8 tablespoon fuls of oil of tar and 8 tablespoonsfuls of sulphur. This is then rubbed on the affected parts once a day for two days and al- lowed to remain for a few days, after which it is washed off with soap and water. In serious cases, DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 207 the application should be repeated within a week or so. LIVER FLUKES. These are parasites usually found in the liver or its ducts. At times they are present in great numbers, giving rise to a serious disease called liver rot. When the fertilized eggs are discharged in the excrement of diseased animals and fall in fresh water they hatch out and are taken into the body by sheep and cattle, either in the food or drink. In a short time thereafter they have entrenched themselves in the liver of cattle or sheep. A few liver flukes in an animal causes little trouble, as the injury is largely mechanical anyway. No peculiar symptoms are conspicuous when only a few flukes are present. The greatest damage is done when hundreds of flukes develop in a sin- gle individual. In these cases the flow of the bile is checked. As a re- sult the health becomes impaired and the usual penalties of malnutrition follow. Swell- ing of the jaws and diarrhoea are often noticed in connection with the disease. When the host is badly infected with the flukes and in a badly run-down condition the trouble is al- ways serious, and medicinal treatment is of little real value. Tonics and good food may be given to help along but death usually follows. Salt is helpful as the flukes are sensitive to it. If an animal that has succumbed to the disease be ex- amined, the liver will be observed to be fairly rotten as a result of the inroads of the parasites. LIVER FLUKE 208 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN Treatment is in line of prevention only. Clean, pure fresh water, free of the eggs or the parasites, is necessary if the trouble is to be eradicated. The old ponds, ordinarily filled with stagnant water, should be drained. They harbor many bad para- sites, and their harm is far beyond their value. When water for sheep and cattle is taken from pure streams or wells the trouble from liver flukes and other parasites is reduced to a minimurr LOCKJAW. This disease, very frequently called tetanus, is an infectious disease in which the body muscles are spasmodically contracted or stiffened. The muscles that move the jaw are frequently af- fected and the animal is unable to open the mouth. Because of this condition the disease is commonly known as lockjaw. The spread of the disease does not occur through healthy animals coming in contact with animals having tetanus, but by inoculation. The germ of tetanus is present in the soil, manure and dust. It enters the body by way of wounds, especially punctured and bruised wounds. The injury may result from stepping on a nail, and the germs are planted in the deeper structures of the foot. Such a wound usually has poor drainage, the horn of the hoof closing the mouth or opening. Here the germs grow and produce a poisonous toxin that is said to be the most powerful produced by any bacteria. This toxin acts on the nerve centers of the brain and spinal cord, causing extensive spasmodic con- traction of the body muscles. Tetanus sometimes occurs in the absence of any noticeable wound. It may be in such cases that the seat of the infection is a slight abrasion of the skin, or the lining membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts. The tetanus bacillus is a DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 2OO, slender, spore-producing bacterium. The spore is located at one end of the rod in the form of a round head, that gives the organism a pin shape, hence the name of pin bacillus. It is very resistant to outside conditions and the action of the chemical LOCKJAW Note the rigid, tense position of the muscles. disinfectants. It is because of its ability to resist the action of disinfectants and the fact that it develops best when protected or covered by the tissues and wound secretions, that this disease so often follows ordinary wound treatment. From a few days to several weeks may lapse from the time of infection with the germs until the development of the stiffness and spasms. Some- times the wound by which the organism has en- tered the tissues has healed before the symptoms of tetanus are manifested. In case the symptoms de- velop a few days after the inoculation the disease 2IO THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN is severe or acute in form, and less violent or sub- acute if the symptoms are manifested alter the second week. The above statement does not hold true in all cases, but it may be considered true in a general way. Of the domestic animals the horse is the most commonly affected. The symptoms shown by this animal are very characteristic. Any person that has had the opportunity to see and examine a horse suffering from tetanus should have no trouble in recognizing the disease in other animals. The Characteristic Symptom is the spasmodic contraction of the muscles. This may vary in the different individuals, depending on the susceptibil- ity of the animal and the quantity of poisonous tQxin present in the system. There is at first a slight stiffness of the muscles of the back, neck, head, and limbs, and the animal is more nervous than common. A noise in the stable or a slap with the hand may increase the stiffness and contractions temporarily. The contracted condition of the muscles of the eye, are, perhaps, the most notice- able early in the disease. These muscles pull the eyeball backwards, the fatty cushion is pressed on and the third eyelid protrudes, covering at times from one-third to two-thirds of the front part of the eye. In the severe form of the disease the muscles feel hard, especially those of the back and neck, and the animal moves with difficulty. In addition to the muscular symptoms, the respiration and pulse beats are quickened and the body tem- perature higher than normal. The evidence of suf- fering from the contracted condition of the muscles is very marked, and, unless supported in some way, the animal may fall to the floor. If the symptoms develop a few days after infection, the animal DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 211 usually dies. The acute form is very fatal, but in the mild or subacute form the chance for making a recovery is good. Tetanus Is a Preventable Disease. It may be largely prevented by the careful disinfection of wounds, and the use of anti-tetanic serum. In most localities the proper treatment of the wound is a sufficient preventive measure, but in localities and stables where the disease is common the anti-tetanic serum should be used. Ordinary cleansing of a wound, as practiced by most stockmen, is not suf- ficient to destroy the bacillus of tetanus. The wound must be carefully cleaned, disinfected and prepared for healing. This should be kept in mind when treating a wound, and instead of using an agent that we know little about, we should secure reliable information regarding the different commer- cial disinfectants and methods of caring for wounds. That class known as tar disinfectants is most com- monly used. The better grade belonging to this class should be used. If anti-tetanic serum is used, it should be injected as soon after the injury has occurred as possible. The injection is made hypodermically, usually be- neath the skin on the side of the neck. Large doses of anti-tetanic serum given after the symptoms have developed may assist recovery. However, in the severe form of the disease this treatment is uncer- tain. When the animal comes down with the disease, it should be made as comfortable as possible. The quarters should be roomy, quiet, clean, and well ventilated. It is advisable to support the horse with a sling unless the animal is worried or made nerv- ous by it. This prevents his becoming tired and falling down. We should give the animal the best 212 THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN of care in the way of regulating the diet, etc., but should avoid annoying it by our attention. Medici- nal treatment is of little benefit and should be given a secondary place. In fact, dosing the animal with medicine, especially if large doses are given, may do more harm than good in the treatment of this disease. LOCO DISEASE. The word loco is a Spanish word, and means crazy. Loco disease is a disease of the brain and nervous system, especially of horses and cattle, but may also affect other animals. It results from eating any one of a number of poison- ous plants called loco which grow upon the dry, sandy prairies of some parts of the Western United States. In winter and early spring, when there is little or no grass, some animals acquire an appetite for this plant, and soon refuse all other kinds of food. When addicted to the weed an animal loses flesh rapidly, the eyesight becomes affected often it has no knowledge of distance and frequently when made to step over a board or rail will jump over it as though it were several feet high. Later, in the course of the disease, the brain becomes more affected and the animal acts more or less crazy, at times quite violent, at others depressed and dull. Should the animal live through the first attack it may linger for months or even years, but it usually dies as a result of the attack. Frequently some peculiar " foolish " habit follows the animals through life. Some have a nervous fit when excited or warmed up, others will not lead and some you cannot drive at all. There is no cure for the trouble. All that can be done is to prevent the habit from being formed or by removing the animal DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 213 from temptation and furnishing wholesome, nutri- tious foo " LUMPY JAW. See Actinomycosis. LUNGS, CONGESTION OR A filling of the lungs with blood. This is very common with horses in winter and is most frequently due to a chill. Animals that have been put to heavy work, or are in a weakened condition, are frequently sus- ceptible if left standing in a draft while still warm. Sluggishness is noticed, first followed by trembling at the flank, heavy breathing; the pulse will be noted as quick, but weak; a gurgling sound will be noted if the ear is placed against the chest. The best treatment is such as gives quick relief. If at work, place the horse at rest at once in the stable and cover with blanket. Have plenty of fresh air admitted, but do not allow a draft to blow over the patient. Assist circulation as much as possible by rubbing of the legs and apply cold pad to the chest. A mustard plaster applied over the chest is very good. A good drench consists of alcohol in 2 ounce doses, well diluted in water; at the same time another drench consisting of 4 tablespoonfuls of sweet spirits of niter and 2 tablespoonfuls of laudanum, mixed with a pint of water, is also very good. If the conditions indicate that the lungs are full of blood, add 10 drops of Fleming's tincture of aconite to the drench. The drenches may be given two or three hours apart until relief comes, at which time quiet is advised, although a little gentle walking for exercise is advisable. From this time on treat the animal as a patient, giving easily digested foods. A tonic consisting of ground gentian root and nitrate of potash, half and half, is excellent. Give a teaspoonful of this in the feed three times a day. 214 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN LUNG FEVER. See Inflammation of the Lungs. LUNG WORMS IN LAMBS AND CALVES. It has been proven in years gone by that the com- mon spirits of turpentine, when mixed with salt in proportions of a gill of turpentine to four quarts of common fine salt and placed in a covered box so constructed that sheep and calves can get their head in and eat the salt (yet the salt be protected from the weather), will practically prevent an in- fection. Some have advised the mixing of a half pint of sublimed sulphur with the salt and turpen- tine. There can be no objection to the sulphur when added in the proportions named. This remedy is not a cure but a preventive. In fact there is no cure, as these worms are in the bron- chial tubes and lungs, where no worm destroyer can reach them directly. But when the lamb or calf daily partakes of even a few drops of turpentine, the whole system becomes, to an extent, infected with the turpentine, and as the young worms come into existence, their home in the lungs becomes a very unhealthy home for them and they fail to mature. In some cases mature worms have been removed by injecting a mixture of turpentine, chloroform and olive oil into the windpipe, using about a teaspoonful of this mixture. Its effect is to stupefy the worms that it touches, and they may be coughed out by the suffering lamb or calf. The fumes of burning sulphur has also been advised by some veterinarians. But both remedies are as liable to kill as cure, and are by no means always successful. The farmer's business should be to prevent, not cure, diseases of this class; therefore prepare the salt box. LYMPHANGITIS. An inflammation of the DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 215 lymphatics, usually of the hind legs. Hence the name " big legs." It is the result of too rich ieeding, and too little work in many LYMPHANGITIS t This kind of inflammation is usually seen in the hind legs. It is most frequent in heavy draft horses, or in coarse plethoric individuals. It occurs most frequently after a short period of idleness. THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN cases on the one hand, or of overwork and insufficient food on the other. Lymphangitis often follows other diseases like distemper, influenza, or pneumonia, in which cases the system is weakened and the lymphatics in abnormal condition. It shows itself after a short period of idleness and rest. It usually begins with a chill and a rise of tempera- ture, which may be as much as 105 degrees, de- pending on the intensity of the attack. One or both hind legs may show swelling and be so stiff and sore after standing during the night as to be moved only with difficulty when the horse is taken out of the stable in the morning. The horse in moving seems able to bear little or no weight on the affected leg. At the same time, the pulse is full and throbby, respiration is fast, the bowels are constipated and the appetite is lost. In some cases the legs swell to an enormous size. If the inflammation is not relieved in a few days, the glands get badly diseased and blood poison may result. The disease, however, if taken in time, is easily treated. If it is caused by overfeeding, change this ; give more exercise. When the disease is first noticed, give the horse 4 tablespoonfuls of aloes, 4 tablespoonfuls of carbonate of soda and 4 table- spoonfuls of ginger. These should be dissolved in a half pint of boiling water, then mixed with a half pint of cold water, and then given as a drench. If the pulse is fast, it may be made easier and slower by giving 20 to 30 drops of tincture of aconite, every couple of hours. A couple of tablespoonfuls of nitrate of potash in the drinking water three times a day will increase the urine. This is desir- able to do in this disease. The leg should be bathed for at least a half an hour and then dried and a wash consisting of 2 tablespoonfuls of acetate DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS of lead, 8 tablespoonfuls of tincture of opium, and a quart of water should be applied to the legs. This should be rubbed in well with the hand every hour. In from 20 to 30 hours, a great change for the bet- ter will be noticed the inflammation will have been reduced; the pain will have disappeared and the bowels will be loose and active. From now on give general exercise at frequent periods, during the day. In cases caused by over- work or too little food or those following debilitat- ing diseases, like influenza or distemper, the treat- ment should be more stimulating; therefore, nutri- tive foods and tonics are best. Good hay and oats and other feed of a laxative nature should be fur- nished. A preparation, consisting of 4 tablespoonfuls, each, of tincture chloride of iron, tincture of gen- tian, and ginger in a pint of water three times a day will be found both stimulating and nourishing. If the disease has progressed so far that the legs break and show that matter is formed, wash them with warm water and follow with acetate of lead, sulphate of iron and carbolic acid. Use 2 table- spoonfuls of each in a quart of water and apply twice each day. If the swelling hangs on use Fowler's solution of arsenic, 4 tablespoonfuls to a dose in a bran mash once a day. Continue this for four or five weeks. A salve made of 2 teaspoon- fuls of iodide and 8 tablespoonfuls of vaseline should also be rubbed on the leg twice a week. MAD DOG. See Hydrophobia. MAGGOTS. The grubs of the ordinary flesh- flies so common about stables and houses. The adult fly deposits the minute larva? in fresh meat, in wounds, and frequently in dirty wool. These become the maggots so well known about the farm. 2i8 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN The distress caused by these when present in a wound is considerable, and they endanger life. The best treatment is in line of cleanliness. Keep old wounds clean by means of antiseptic washes and tag the sheep that no filth and dirt may ac- cumulate. If for any reason maggots are found, open the infected part and remove, if possible, both the maggots and sloughed tissue. Old sores or wounds, if they will not lend themselves to com- plete removal of the maggots, should be treated with a solution of carbolic acid and water. On some, turpentine can be used. Chloroform may be sprayed on, or injected into the wound with almost instant results. After the maggots are destroyed follow up the treatment with a good disinfectant until the wound has healed. MALLENDERS. An eruption of the skin above the feet in horses. The disease at first is very much like eczema. In time the watery fluid dries up and the sore parts become covered with hard crusts and scabs. The sore spots should be washed with some good disinfectant and repeated frequently enough to destroy the infection. A moderate purge is advisable. See that only wholesome food is pro- vided. MAMMITIS. Inflammation of the mammary gland or udder. The disease is frequently called caked bag and garget. In the last named, the milk secretion is altered and appears as a thick or a stringy fluid. Heavy milkers are most commonly affected. The udder becomes swollen, hot and somewhat tender just before calving. The swelling may extend forward along the belly. It often gets so severe as to require treatment. It is in this sense physiological. In a few days after calving, as a rule, the swelling disappears and the normal DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS condition is regained more quickly if the calf is allowed to suck the cow. In the first stages bloody milk is secreted and often pus is formed in one quarter or more of the udder. The udder should be carefully milked, cleaned, and, if the milk ducts are closed, it may be necessary to use a milk tube. This should be used cautiously so as not to injure the tissue of the udder and should be perfectly clean before inserting, otherwise serious inflam- mation may result. In bathing, use hot water for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, after which rub dry and apply an ointment made by dissolving 3 tablespoon- fuls of gum camphor and 4 tablespoonfuls of fluid extract of belladonna to a pint of clean, fresh lard. This ointment should be applied three times a day. A more serious form of the disease is known as contagious mammitis, and is due to invasion of the gland by bacteria. In cases of this kind the in- flammation is more extensive and the disorder calls for more careful treatment. Since the milk con- tains bad bacteria, it is necessary to destroy them so as to prevent spreading of the disease. The milker should have clean hands and should wash them in a disinfecting solution before milking an- other cow. The milk tube may be necessary in withdrawing the milk. After the milk has been removed from the udder, inject a solution of per- oxide of hydrogen or dioxygen or a solution of carbolic acid, I part to 50 parts of boiled water. After the solution has acted for a few minutes, it should be milked out. The external treatment for contagious mammitis should be similar to that of ordinary mammitis. MANGE. See Scab in Cattle. MILK FEVER. It is a remarkable fact that this disease occurs most commonly in cows which 22O THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN calved easily. This is explained by the fact that in such cases the os uteri remains relaxed for a greater length of time than it does in cases of difficult par- turition. Milk fever generally occurs in cows which are heavy milkers, and great eaters. Keep- ing the animals in permanent stables, and feeding large quantities of rich food while they are giving no milk are predisposing causes. The disease makes its appearance usually in from 24 to 48 hours after parturition. It seldom occurs after the third day, and some authors state that it has never been recognized before the starting of the milk secretion. The most salient symptoms to the average layman would, perhaps, be the anxious ex- pression of the animal, bellowing and mounting into the manger. Later they become very weak, stag- ger and fall, and are unable to rise. The members are usually extended in a rigid position. A rattling or whistling noise is heard in case the larynx is paralyzed. The feet, ears and horns feel cold to the touch. When a case is going to recover we see improvement as early as the second or third day. Recovery is usually complete at the end of from two to five days. Milk fever is one of the cases where the old maxim, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, is doubly applicable. If proper precautions were taken a large number of cases could be pre- vented. Give the pregnant animals daily exercise, and decrease their allowance of food Treatment Very Simple. Make the cow comfort- able. Now give her a small dose of Epsom salts from one-half to one pound, depending on her size. This should be given as a drench. Animals af- flicted with this ailment swallow with difficulty. Use care that the drench does not get into the lungs. DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 221 Perhaps the most satisfactory medical treatment is to use what is known as the Schmidt treatment. This is nothing more than injecting into the udder a solution made by dissolving in one quart of clean boiled water 3 teaspoonfuls of iodide of potash, after stripping all milk from the udder. A very satisfactory way is to get a rubber tube, attach it to a common milking tube which is placed into the teats in turn and pour the solution into the tube by means of a funnel. By massaging the udder the solution can be worked into each quarter in a short time without difficulty. In case iodide of potash is not available, inject air into the udder after drawing out the milk. I have known of many cases where air has been forced into the udder by means of a bicycle pump, and the animal recovered in a very short time. If the dis- ease does not respond to the treatment with readi- ness, repeat in a few hours, say, anywhere from five to ten hours after. Cold water or ice on the head is advisable. The use of stimulants is also recommended. Whiskey can be given in doses of 10 to 15 tablespoonfuls and Jamaica ginger 6 to 8 tablespoonfuls. Milk the cow frequently and mas- sage the udder, bathing in hot water. After the cow is on the way to recovery, witK- ' hold milk-stimulating foods for a few days and give some tonic like gentian and nux vomica, half and half, 2 or 3 tablespoonfuls two or three times a day. MONDAY MORNING SICKNESS. See Azo- turia. NASAL GLEET. When a cold or simple catarrh is neglected it may run into a chronic con- dition giving rise to nasal gleet. A thin, bluish dis- charge comes from the nose ; and the membranes of the nostrils, instead of being moist and pink in 222 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN color, take on a leaden hue. The coat at the same time shows unthriftiness. In such cases the face and head may swell because the accumulated ma- terials fail to pass out. When these bunches are tapped with the fingers, a dull sound is heard. Treatment consists of isolating- the animals and giv- ing them good care, nutritious food and well-ven- tilated quarters. A bucket, filled with boiling water, in which a half cup of turpentine is placed, and held under the nose to steam the nostrils and face, is excellent. Any sort of blanketing tkat will hold the steam about the head is very good to have at hand at the time. For internal treatment give a teaspoonful of sulphate of copper three times daily in a small bran mash ; following this drop the copper sulphate and give 2 tablespoonfuls of Fowler's solution of arnica twice a day in the mash. Should the bulges on the face become large, it will be necessary to open them. Often a part of the bone requires sawing out to get effective results. In these severe cases it is best to have your veteri- narian make the operation. NAVICULAR DISEASE. A disease of the navicular bone and the structures surrounding it. It is called " coffin joint lameness." This bone is situated at the back and inferior part of the coffin joint, and acts as a pulley over which the flexor tendon of the foot passes. Horses with upright pasterns are most liable to it, as more weight is thrown on this joint. Those shod with calkins on their shoes, which prevent the frog from coming in contact with the ground, therefore causing a shock to this joint, are also very liable to it. Some horses have hereditary tendency to this disease. Nails penetrating too deep through the sole, or anything that will cause inflammation of this joint, DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 223 is likely to produce navicular disease. The most prolific cause is bad shoeing. By degrees the in- flammation in a chronic form extends to other parts, causing a shrinking of the soft parts, result- ing in contraction of the foot. The lameness may appear suddenly and perhaps immediately after the horse has been shod, and is then usually thought to be the fault of nailing on the shoe. It is likely in this case that the smith has pared the sole and frog too thin, and that the part has suffered from a bruise by the horse step- ping on something hard. After a rest it may dis- appear, to return after the next drive. Sometimes the disease is of very slow progress in one or both fore feet. The first thing that is noticed is that the animal points its toe, and if both are affected, first one, then the other. The animal may not be lame, but it does not step out so well as it used to, and by degrees the part gets more tender, until the animal begins to go lame, and the lameness gradu- ally gets worse. There is a form of this lameness where the animal shows stiffness and lameness when first taken out of the stable, but, after being driven for a short distance, it passes off, and after it stands for awhile it will start off lame again. If this disease lasts for some time the muscles of the chest and shoulders seem stiff and may shrink. This has been called " chest founder " by horsemen. This is brought about by the soreness of the feet. The horse is afraid to step out, giving it the ap- pearance of being stiff; the muscles of the chest and shoulders will shrink from want of proper action, caused by the feet being sore. If there is heat and tenderness in the hollow of the heel or a redness of the sole, and an absence of any other disease of the foot or leg, we may consider with 224 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN almost a certainty that it is a case of navicular or coffin joint lameness. The result is contraction of the foot. Take off the shoes, so that the frog will rest on the ground, then poultice the feet with bran, made up with cold water if it is a recent case, but if it is of some months' standing hot water is better than cold; put the poultices into bags made a little larger than the foot ; put about two inches deep of the bran mash into the bag, then put the foot in and fill in all around as high as the fetlock, and tie the bag above the fetlock and around the ankle to keep it well on the foot. Wet this several times a day and change it once daily. Continue this for two weeks, and see that it is properly done ; if not, it will be of no service. Then blister the coronet with cantharides 2 teaspoonfuls and lard 4 table- spoonfuls. Repeat in three weeks, and give the animal a long rest. NITS. See Bot Flies. NODULAR DISEASE IN SHEEP. Nodules resembling those of tuberculosis found in the in- testines of sheep, are due to the presence of para- sitic worms. Profuse diarrhoea and a pronounced anemic condition prevail. A post mortem exami- nation of the intestines discloses the presence of numerous nodules in the intestinal walls. If the worm is present, no treatment is possible, for the reason that any medicine that would affect the worm would also affect the tissues and lead to their destruction. Prevention, therefore, is the only means of overcoming the disease. Sheep must be kept off infested pastures, and infested pastures must be plowed and given over to cultivated crops. IGive lambs only clean pastures to graze over. This means crop rotation in connection with sheep hus* DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 225 bandry. No feed that has been tramped over by infected sheep should ever be supplied to lambs or sheep not infested with the disease. OBSTETRICS. Difficult parturition is common in some females. And frequently others, less bothered as a rule with any difficulty at this period, deliver their offspring only after great labor and much difficulty. When such cases occur close vigilance not only frequently hastens delivery, but often saves the life of either the mother or off- spring or both. NATURAL PRESENTATION OF THE FOAL IB either of these cases delivery follows in the usual order without delay or injury to the mother. In many instances the trouble is seated in the womb; the neck of the womb remains closed, and even though long-continued and vigorous ef- forts are made, the offspring does not arrive. In cases of this kind assistance can be rendered which quickly removes the difficulty. First oil the hand and forearm and work the fingers into the passage, gently pressing it open. If the womb does not yield to this treatment saturate a sponge or cloth with extract of belladonna and rub it around the neck, leaving it thus for a little while. On remov- ing the sponge the passage will open. 226 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN Manner of Delivery. The natural position of the fetus at birth calls for the fore feet forward with the head resting on the knees. The fore feet, there- fore, in a normal delivery, are first presented and then the head. If the fetus is not unduly large, the mother will likely force the delivery without assistance. In case the struggle is extended gentle assistance will be in order. This can be rendered by a gentle pull on the legs and head. If this does not bring the offspring, you can consider that some- thing is wrong. However, do not be hasty, just give time. Mares usually deliver in a few minutes and cows often require an hour or so after labor begins. If you conclude that something is wrong oil the hand and arm. Shove the fetus back and ascertain, if possible, the trouble. If this examina- tion shows dropsy of the abdomen water in the belly puncture the abdomen with a knife in order that the fetus may be delivered. If the trouble is with the head water in the brain puncture the head that the water may run out, and then remove the arm and hand. When the struggle pains come on again, give a gentle pull and delivery will follow. Frequently the position is changed. Sometimes but one fore foot appears with the head, making it impossible to deliver the offspring. When a case like this occurs, shove the fetus back and bring the unpresented leg forward where it belongs, and then likely no further trouble will result. If the legs are in proper place but the head turned back- ward, it will be necessary to push the fetus back into the womb and bring the head forward in posi- tion. In case the head resists your efforts, adjust a noose over the head, and while you work with your hand inside, have an assistant gently pull on the rope, m order to draw the head into the proper DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 227 position. After the head and fore feet are put in natural position, delivery will follow without fur- ther difficulty. When all four feet appear together it is neces- sary to push the fore feet back into the womb just as far as it is possible to force them. This done, pull now on the hind feet and bring the fetus out, hind feet first. It is always a mistake to attempt delivery with the head first when delivery has pro- ceeded as suggested in cases of this nature. ABNORMAL PRESENTATION OF THE FOAL Delivery is not possible in either of the cases here illus- trated. Where such occur assistance must be rendered. See article on obstetrics for treatment. Where delivery is attempted with the hind legs foremost, it is regarded as safe, provided the feet come out as they should. If any difficulty is en- countered, shove the fetus back, straighten the legs, and then with the renewal of the labor strug- gles assist the mother by a gentle pull on the hind legs. Another common presentation is where you feel nothing but the tail, rump and hips. Adjust the fetus for proper delivery by shoving the hind end upwards and towards the front of the womb, then slip the hand down and get hold of the foot of THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN the hind leg and lift upwards and backwards until the legs are brought out into the passage. Now repeat the work for the other leg and the job is done. It is always a good plan, after difficult partu- rition, especially when any abnormal discharge ap- pears, to wash out the womb with warm water in which a little carbolic acid or creolin is placed. Use this daily for a few days. PALISADE WORM. The worms are found in the horse in two periods of existence. The mature worms are usually found attached to the mucous membrane of the intestinal wall of the large in- testine, with the head sunk deep for the purpose of sucking blood, which gives them the brown or red color. The immature are found sometimes in the same organs, in a small capsule covering, in small pellets of manure, in cavities or cysts, varying in size from a pin-head to that of a hazel nut, in the walls of the intestines, and also in the arteries and other structures of the body. When present in the kidneys or in the arteries leading to the kidneys, or in the surrounding tis- sues, a horse is especially sensitive to pressure over the loins. They have been known to cause paraly- sis. When found in the brain, an animal, when working, suddenly begins to stagger, the eyes be- come fixed, and the horse shows many of the symp- toms of " blind staggers." When the large arteries of the abdomen are affected, and this is their favor- able location in the circulatory system, the animal is frequently subject to colic, which often results in death. This is also the case when found in great numbers in the intestines. From a thorough investigation of a great many cases, both before and after death, the conclusions DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 229 are drawn that the parasite evolves a poisonous substance (toxin), which, in many instances, stupefies the brain or parts of the nervous system of the horse, and in that way causes coma, paraly- sis and death of the animal. Prevention is the best treatment. Hay and fod- der from swampy land are to be looked upon as suspicious. Pastures which are subject to over- flow should be avoided. Medicinal treatment con- sists of a prolonged, careful use of some of the essential oils or other vermifuges. The ordinary spirits of turpentine has proved a fairly good com- mon remedy. An ordinary animal will stand 8 tablespoonfuls of turpentine given in a pint to a quart of raw linseed oil, thoroughly mixed. If the animal is badly affected, the above dose may be given night and morning for two or three days, then omit for a week or two and repeat. The remedy should be discontinued as soon as the animal shows signs of irritation of the kidneys. PARALYSIS. A loss of power over some of the muscles due to a disordered state of the brain or nerves. This may result from disease or injury or some irritation. In horses and cattle the hind- quarters are not infrequently affected in this way, the result of indigestion from constipation or from attacks of colic. The animal shows weakness in one hind limb, moving it with difficulty when the opposite limb may then become affected. If the attack is very severe, the animal falls on its haunches and may not be able to rise. Tempera- ture, pulse and respiration, all are rather normal. Treatment should be directed to remove the cause of the disease. When there is colic or constipa- tion, give purges. A half teaspoonful of extract of nux vomica, given in a pint of milk twice a day, is 2JO THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN very good. Pouring cold water from a height and then immediately hot water sometimes greatly strengthens the muscles and has its use in treat- ing. Rubbing the parts with mustard stimulates them, and in some cases good results. Paralysis resulting from injury usually disappears as the part returns to its normal state. PARASITES. These are living plants or animals that live temporarily or continually in the bodies of other plants or animals and draw their nourishment from their host. It is doubtful if there is a single farm animal that does not harbor parasites at nearly all times during its life. There may be many of these in the same individual at the same time. Parasites may be harmful or not, as the case may be. Parasites may be divided into two classes plant parasites and animal parasites. The bacteria and molds are the most important among the former, whereas in the latter certain minute protozoa, certain forms of insects and cer- tain worms are the most commonly met. Such diseases as staggers, tuberculosis, and typhoid fever are the result of bacterial diseases, while Texas fever is an example of the protozoa class ; and then the insects and worms are types with which we are all acquainted. When a disease is caused by either, discussion will be found under the name of that disease. PARTURIENT APOPLEXY. See Milk Fever. PARTURITION, DIFFICULT. See Obstet- rics. PERITONITIS. An inflammation of the mem- brane which lines the abdominal cavity and which also invests the abdominal organs. It may be caused from some exposure to cold after some weakening disease. Some injury to the abdomen DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 23! or belly may cause it, or it may start from some inflammation that has attacked the stomach, liver, intestines, or the spleen. When attacked, a slight pain is felt and the animal lies down, stretches himself, sweats freely, and moans. Then he rises, walks about somewhat, and all the time breathes heavy and shows much weakness. The pulse runs up between 75 and 100 beats a minute. In time the legs and ears get cold. A good treatment is a pint of raw linseed oil, 4 tablespoonfuls of laudanum, and 10 drops of aconite. Mix these and give as a drench. A mustard plaster for the abdomen and something hot for the back are desirable. In two hours, if the pain continues, give 4 tablespoonfuls of laudanum and 10 drops aconite in a pint of luke- warm water. Use as a drench. PINK EYE. A contagious epidemic disease of the horse affecting the animal all over and par- ticularly the membranes of the air passages. There is general debility, considerable cough, and a general discharge from the nostrils. The transparent cover- ing of the eyeball becomes inflamed. At times the disease is very fatal, many horses succumbing to it. It is most common in the spring. One of the symptoms is the general weakness of the animal. He hangs his head, and trembles; has little appetite and appears cold. The eyes show a watery discharge and later a stare coat. The pulse at first is weak, but quick, and later rising to 80 or 90 beats a minute. At this stage the temperature is high, around 103 to 105 degrees. The breathing is accelerated to about 50 times a minute. The bowels do not act, or act very poorly, and the urine is very scanty. In treating, first isolate the animal and disinfect the stables to prevent spreading. Any of the common disinfectants will do. 232 THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN Good nursing is necessary. Keep the horse warm with blankets. Give him soft, nourishing food. The eyes should be bathed three or. four times a day with hot water. A little boric acid, say, a teaspoonful to a half pint of water, is good to use as a wash for the eyes and nostrils. To keep the kidneys active and to reduce the fever, give a tablespoonful of nitrate of potash dissolved in water two or three times a day. If the horse is very weak, one-half glass of whiskey in a pint of gruel three times a day is stimulating and helpful. It is better not to give any physic of any kind. After recovery, the horse should be given little or no work. A long rest of several weeks is necessary. PLACENTA. The covering of the fetus, com- monly called the afterbirth. As a rule, this comes away with the birth of the offspring. Occasionally in the cow it remains attached to the walls of the uterus, and if not removed will cause trouble, if not sickness and death. Soon after the birth of the calf, if the afterbirth remains, decomposition sets in and as a result the system is more or less poisoned. The first symptoms observed are the offensive odor, the reddish discharge and the decrease in the milk flow. If the afterbirth does not come away of itself, assistance is necessary. Do this during the first or second day, or the third day at the latest. To remove the afterbirth, tie up the cow and fasten her in a way that she cannot jump around. Now introduce the hand and arm, after careful washing and disinfecting and oiling, into the uterus and gradually and gently break the buttons or attach- ments from the walls of the uterus with the fingers. .With patience these will come away and the whole DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 233 membrane be removed. An occasional injection is advisable. Use some good disinfectant in the water, flush out thoroughly. PLEURISY.- This disease occurs in the chest cavity and is found inside the ribs and over the lungs. It is caused very much in the same way as inflammation of the lungs, like exposure to cold, standing in a draft, and cooling when warm. Some injury to the ribs may also cause the trouble. In the early stages the animal is noticed to shiver, the pulse is quick and strong, and there is great pain. The breath is heavy, and this is noticed as far back as the flanks. While the animal may ,lie down, its disposition is to stand up most of the time. There is an inclination to cough, but this is suppressed, because of the pain occasioned by it; therefore the cough really ends in a groan rather than in a normal cough. The extremities of the body become cold. The best treatment endeavors to prevent the disease from developing. Do just as you would in a case of inflammation of the lungs. Mustard plasters for the chest on each side are good. Keep the body well covered, including the legs and neck; have good ventilation in the stable, but keep the patient out of any draft. As soon as the disease is noticed, mix the follow- ing in a pint of cold water, and give as a drench: Ten drops of aconite, a half teaspoonful of bella- donna and two tablespoonfuls of laudanum. These should be given every two hours until the pain sub- sides. If the animal seems to be weak, and needs a stimulant, give 4 tablespoonfuls of spirits of niter and a half glass of whiskey. This may be given in a pint of cold water mixed with the gruel and given as a drench three or four times a day. 234 THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN At the same time use the following medicine to improve the kidney action: One-fourth pound of saltpeter or nitrate of potash and one-fourth of a pound of gentian root. These are to be mixed well together and a teaspoonful given 'three or four times daily. Soft foods are desirable. A small amount of water should be given frequently. Small quantities at a time are preferable to large quantities at infrequent intervals. PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. This is a very con- tagious disease of cattle introduced in this country from Europe. At one time it was a very serious menace to the cattle industry. Thanks to the very aggressive work of the United States Department of Agriculture, the disease has, so far as is known, * been eradicated from this country. No cases of the disease have been reported during the past dozen years. PNEUMONIA. See Inflammation of the Lungs. POLL EVIL. A swelling or soreness at the top of the head. Usually it is caused by an injury, like bumping the head in a doorway, or from a bruise made by the halter or bridle. It is first noticed by a swelling or soreness, which frequently causes trouble by forming an abscess ; sometimes this works down and even affects the bone. Treatment is very simple if handled in time. Remove the cause and then bathe with warm water and vinegar twice a day and apply a liniment of some kind. If the abscess is formed, it should be opened with a knife at the lowest point to remove the matter. From now on for a few days bathe the opening with warm water in which has been added some carbolic acid or creolin. If the case causes much trouble, you had better consult a veterinarian, as bad cases fre- DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 235 quently leave the neck stiff so that the animals are not able to eat off the ground. QUARTER CRACK. See Sand Crack. QUITTOR. A name given to a fistulous open- ing upon the heels and quarters of the coronary band, and is caused by treads, pricks in shoeing, bruises, and suppurating corns. Any injury which will cause suppuration within the foot will usually cause matter to form at the coronet, and may re- sult in quittor. The dis- ease is indicated by a swelling upon the coronet where the hair and hoof meet, great lameness, and a discharge of thin or thick curdy pus. There may be one or a number of small openings leading down into the sensitive part of the foot. The parts surrounding the r A 11 orl K^rnm/* C11 ana DCCOme narf 1 o n r1 takp on an nn- healthy action and are difficult to cure, and may be permanently diseased. Clean the foot and put it into a bran poultice for several days, then remove any horn that may be pressing on the sore part. If it is at the heel re- move the crust with a knife ; if it is in front of the hoof rasp it thin. Then probe the opening at the top to find the depth and direction. Put a grain of bichloride of mercury into tissue paper and roll it into a cone and press it down to the bottom of the opening. Treat all the openings in the same way. Put the foot into a bag to protect it from QUITTOR Fistulous wounds on any part of the coronet are usu- _ ally the result of a tread or Q U1 bruise. If neglected serious trouble may result. 236 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN injury and let it alone for three days, tnen clean out the openings and put in some more of the bi- chloride of mercury, and so on for two weeks, or until the parts become healthy and the hard swell- ing has decreased ; then make up a bath of chloride of zinc one ounce, cool water one gallon ; put the foot into this twice a day for twenty minutes at a time. As soon as the openings are healed blister the coronet with the following: Mix 2 teaspoonfuls of cantharides with 4 tablespoonfuls of lard ; repeat in two weeks if necessary. When it is time to put on the shoe and work the horse, a bar shoe will be best. If the animal has much fever in the early stages of the disease give a dose of aloes, and follow this by giving 2 tablespoonfuls of nitrate of potas- sium twice a day in bran mash. Later in the dis- ease give a teaspoonful of sulohate of iron once a day in bran mash as a tonic. RABIES. See Hydrophobia. RHEUMATISM.- A disease which affects the muscles or joints, wandering from one part of the body to another. It affects nearly all animals, in- cluding the horse, ox, dog, hog, and sheep. Rheu- matism of the muscles is usually due to catching cold, while rheumatism of the joints is often due to some micro-organism. Stiffness, which usually comes on suddenly, is a characteristic symptom. The animal may be able to move only with great difficulty. The joints may crack when moved, the affected muscles are hard and painful to touch, the soreness may shift from one part to another; and the animal sometimes makes a quick recovery, only to be followed by another attack in a short time or perhaps never again. These symptoms may be associated with a rise in body temperature and increased pulse. DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 237 The disease may last for a long time or only for a few days. In chronic cases the muscles decrease in size in the parts affected. In the dog it is very painful when caused to move and he will howl, or even howl when he thinks he is going to be moved. In sheep it seldom occurs except in young lambs. Pigs are often affected in the legs or back, sometimes becoming paralyzed in the hind legs. Rheumatism of the Joints usually shows very rapid swelling, increased heat, and is very painful. The animal is often so lame that it will not put any weight on the foot of the affected limb. For horses and cows, treatment consists of local applications of alcohol 50 parts and oil of mustard I part, rubbing it in well; or spirits of camphor. Give at the same time internally i teaspoonful of potassium iodide twice daily and not to exceed 12 doses; or salicylate of soda 4 tablespoonfuls daily. Keep the animal warm and in a well-ventilated stable. Pigs or dogs, according to size, should be given from 4 to 16 grains of salol, also using the above local applications. RINGBONE. A growth of bone on the pastern bone, just above the hoof. It causes lameness when it interferes with the joint or the passage of any of the tendons. Some horses are predisposed to bony diseases from the least injury, while others are not, and in selecting mares for breeding purposes the former should be rejected. This disease results from strains, bruises, or injuries to the cartilage of the joints. When the membrane of the bone or cartilage becomes inflamed there may be great lameness for several months before any enlarge- ment takes place, and it is somewhat difficult to detect. The absence of other diseases of the foot, with some heat in the pasterns, and soreness on 238 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN pressure or moving the joints indicates this dis- ease. In other cases the enlargement may make its appearance for some time before the horse be- comes lame, and in some cases it may never cause any lameness, but should always be looked upon with suspicion, as in the majority of cases it sooner or later causes lameness. Ringbone is more dif- ficult to cure on the fore feet than on the hind ones, as the pasterns are more upright on the former than on the latter, and, besides, the horse's fore legs have to bear two-thirds the weight of the body. The horse should have rest, and the shoes should be removed and the foot pared level. If there is heat in the part, keep it wet with the following lotion by means of a bandage saturated with it: Acetate of lead half an ounce and water one quart. Continue this for a few days, then apply a blister composed of cantharides 2 teaspoonfuls, biniodide of mercury I teaspoonful and lard 8 tablespoonfuls. Rub on a third of this with the fingers. It is not necessary to cut off the hair if the blister is well rubbed in. Let it remain on for 24 hours, then wash off and rub on a little lard. Repeat every second week until three blisters have been applied. Keep the horse's head tied while the blister is on so that he cannot get his mouth to the part. The horse should have a few months' rest after this treatment. If it does not cure the animal it is best to have him fired by a qualified veterinarian. RINGWORM. This is common in the domestic animals, especially in calves and young cattle, and is contagious. It depends upon the presence of a vegetable parasite, which develops and grows rapidly when it finds a suitable place for develop- ment. Ringworm may affect any part of the body, but its favorite seat is around the eyes, the face, DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS ears, and neck of cattle, and sometimes the back and hindquarters. A gray crust appears on the skin, and the hair drops out. This keeps spreading in the form of a ring until around the eyes, the side of the face, ears, or neck may be covered with it. It appears in the same way on the back, hips, and inside of the hind legs. It does not seem to affect the health of the animal, as it is found in the well-kept as well as those poorly kept. First remove the crusts by washing with warm water in which one ounce of carbonate of potas- sium has been put to every quart of water. A brush should be used in washing the parts. Then use the following: Iodine 2 teaspoonfuls and vase- line 4 tablespoonfuls. Rub a little of this on with a gloved hand. Repeat in three days. Or mix carbolic acid I ounce with 2 ounces of alcohol and apply a little of this to the parts with a feather once or twice; this last is very effective. ROARING. A disease, due to the wasting of the larynx; is characterized by loud, unnatural sounds after any violent exertion. The disease sometimes follows distemper and influenza or a local injury to the throat. Once established the disease is incur- able. In its early stages repeated light blisters may help. A common blister can be made of a half tea- spoonful of cantharides, a half teaspoonful of biniodide of mercury and 4 tablespoonfuls of vase- line or lard. ROUP. A disease of the mucous membrane in fowls. It is of the nature of an inflammation, with a discharge from the eyes and nostrils usually ac- companying. Damp and unsanitary quarters favor the development and spread of roup. It is clearly a germ disease, and, therefore, contagious. It is 240 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN spread by means of infected quarters and fowls. All discharges must be destroyed by disinfection, and the diseased fowls quarantined off by them- selves. The dead should be burned. Keep the quarters light and airy; admit an abundance of sunshine and fresh air. Feed wholesome, nutri- tious food, that the poultry stock may ward off the disease. The best treatment is that which pre- vents spreading to healthy fowls. If an outbreak occurs, disinfect thoroughly, liberally, and continu- ously. Antiseptics administered about the head will usually break up the disease. Creolin is good say, i part to 100 parts of water. Kerosene is also recommended In a sense, roup is the result of neglected colds. The birds sneeze, and manifest their uneasiness as animals do with common colds. A teaspoon- ful of pure carbolic acid to each gallon of drinking water is an excellent preventive and can be pro- vided at small cost. SAND CRACK. A crack found in any part of the wall of the foot. The crack is due to over- exertion. When the hoof is dry and hard and brit- tle, the crack usually begins at the top and extends downward. Frequently the sensitive tissue creeps into the crack, causing pain, and from which blood frequently issues. When a crack is first seen, the feet should be poulticed with linseed meal for a few days. This will remove the inflammation and soften the hoof. The next step will be to pare out a piece of the hoof at the top, separating it com- pletely from the coronary band a half inch or so on each side of the crack down to the quick. Fill this hole with tar. A bar shoe attached so as not to rest on the wall where the crack is located is yery helpful. DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 241 SCAB IN CATTLE. Scab or itch, sometimes called mange of cattle, is caused by a minute mite that lives upon the surface of the skin, burrowing into it. Other animals are not attacked by this parasite, although a similar one does afflict sheep. So long as cattle are doing well on grass, no dis- turbance is noticed. As soon, however, as they A CATTLE BATH TUB The tank here shown is used for dipping the cattle for treatment of mange. The dipping tank is now generally used throughout the West. are placed on dry food ana cold weather sets in, the disease appears, and, if the cattle do poorly, develops into a very aggravating form. Old cattle are less troubled, the attacks being more frequently on calves and yearlings and two-year- olds out of condition. In the early stages the itch- ing of the skin in the region of the neck or shoul- ders is first noticed. This is indicated by the 242 THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN animals digging at the skin with teeth and horns and the constant rubbing against posts or barbed wire or anything that may give relief at the time. The disease gradually spreads along the back, sides and outside of legs. In the early stages the coat looks rough, the skin has a scurvy appearance. In tkne, the hair comes off or is rubbed off, presenting bald patches of thick, glazed and wrinkled skin. After the hair comes off the parasites leave these regions, seeking other quarters and then the hair grows in again. There is a dejected and debilitated condi- tion in animals thus afflicted and they fail rapidly in flesh. Their appetites are poor and most of their time is expended in scratching themselves. Scab spreads rapidly through a bunch of cattle, especially if they are not thrifty, and disseminates it- self through a herd in four to six weeks. The thrifty, vigorous animals resist the infection for some time, but they gradually succumb. The disease is spread by direct contact and by contact with infected quar- ters. While the mites will live a week or ten days in protected places, they are almost immediately destroyed by direct sunlight. As soon as the disease is discovered in a bunch of cattle, the infected animal should be isolated and the infected quarters and rubbing posts disinfected with a 5 per cent solution of carbolic acid. Infected animals should be well fed and cared for, and be salted with a mix- ture of I pound of flowers of sulphur mixed with IO pounds of common salt. External treatment is necessary to affect a cure. If a large number of cattle are affected, a dipping wash through which the animals must swim in the dip is the best means for destroying the mites. The most efficient remedies, considering cost, are the coal tar products advertised as dip solutions. DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 243 A homemade dip that is both cheap and effective for treating a small number of animals may be made of 3 pounds of flowers of sulphur, 2,^/2. pounds of unslaked lime, 15 gallons of water. In making this unslaked lime into a thick paste, sift in the sulphur and stir well. Put this mixture in a kettle with, say, five gallons of water and boil for at least half an hour a longer time is better. When the chocolate-looking mass settles, the clear liquid is drawn off and water enough is added to make 15 gallons. The dip will be more effective if used when warm, just a bit hotter than the normal heat of the body. After the animals are dipped, they should remain in the solution about two minutes. This will be time enough to thoroughly saturate the scabs and destroy them. A couple of ablu- tions are required for complete eradication. When no treatment is resorted to, the dip should be applied with a scrubbing brush, cloth or sponges and all scabs and crusts should be thoroughly saturated. Warm sunny days are preferable for this kind of work. SEPTIC NAVEL INFECTION. A diseased condition at the attachment of the navel cord soon after birth. It is a good plan just after birth to apply some septic powder to the navel at the break- ing point. If trouble arises, apply a solution of carbolic acid, I part to 20 parts of water, after using some hydrogen peroxide. A little iodoform and alum, mixed half and half, make a good dust- ing powder to use also. SHEEP BOTS. See Bot Flies. SIDE BONES. On either side of the coffin bone there is a cartilage which may in certain cases be- come hardened by deposits of mineral matters, Which may thus lead to lameness. Side bones are 244 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN situated on one or both sides of the leg and bulge above the upper portion of the hoof. They may be the result of inflamed conditions, bruises or troubles like corns or hoof cracks. Slipping on the stony pavement is a frequent cause, as well as the great weight of the bodies in heavy horses. If the wagon tongue falls on the foot at this point, the car- tilage may be in- jured and induce the disease. The swell- ing is first noticed just above the hoof or near the heel. Lameness soon fol- lows. The treatment usually recommend- ed for side bones consists in the free use of cold foot SIDE BONES . ,. . , baths or cold water When the cartilages on either , , . . side of the foot of a horse just at bandages for a week the top of the hoof and close to the /r>. heel turn to bone, side bones are Or more. 1 mcture of iodine applied to the swollen parts is very good. A blister ap- plied after the water applications have been made for a week or so, is used by many veteri- narians. The blister is made of 2 teaspoonfuls of cantharides mixed with 4 tablespoonfuls of lard. It is rubbed in well with the fingers and allowed to remain for 24 hours, when it is washed off and applied a second time the following week. These applications are continued until the lameness dis- appears. If this does not bring permanent relief, DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 245 then firing of the injured parts and several months' rest will be necessary SLOBBERING. Some kinds of food cause an unnatural flow of saliva. Fresh crimson clover hay is one of these. Of course the continual flow of saliva is undesirable and unpleasant. It is un- natural and should be checked as soon as possible. This can be accomplished by changing the feed and then washing the mouth out with alum water. If a change is not observed soon, give a good physic. For horses use 8 teaspoonfuls of bitter aloes, a tea- spoonful of common soda and a teaspoonful of ginger. Mix these in a pint of water and give as a drench. For cattle, dissolve a pound of Epsom salts, a tablespoonful of common soda and a table- spoonful of ginger in a quart of lukewarm water and give as a drench. SPASMODIC COLIC. See Colic. SPAVIN. This disease, known in common language as bone spavin, is an enlargement of the hock joint similar to a ringbone about the coronary joint. It may affect the hock joint in such a way as to cement the small joints together, not caus- ing lameness, and apparently no blemish, but the free movement of the limb is impaired. Any con- dition which favors sprains, such as fast driving over hard or uneven roads, unequal paring of the hoof, thus causing the weight to be unequally dis- tributed in the joints, and severe labor in early life, or blows, bruises, or any injuries to tendons, liga- ments, or joints may cause spavin. In addition to these causes may be mentioned sprains caused by jumping, galloping, or trotting animals faster than they are accustomed to; also straining by starting a heavy load, slipping on an icy surface or sliding on a bad pavement. 246 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN If the patient is examined before any bony growth has developed, inflammation will be detected on the inside of the hock joint at the junction of the cannon bone and the joint. While in the stable the horse prefers to rest the diseased leg by setting 1 the heel on the toe of the opposite foot with the hock joint flexed. In traveling the patient is very lame when first taken out of the barn, but after traveling for a short distance goes sound. The diseased leg is not lifted clear from the ground, but nicks the toe in the middle of the stride, which is very noticeable on a pavement. A strained horse becomes very lame after being allowed to stand for even a very short time, then moved again. Preventive treatment consists in keeping horses' feet trimmed properly, not overworking colts while young, careful driving on hard or uneven roads, and avoiding all injuries that are liable to strain tendons, ligaments or joints of the limbs. Even after a spavin has developed it may be cured by proper treatment of the feet, and applying a fly blister. The fly blister is prepared by mixing thoroughly 4 tablespoonfuls of pulverized canthar- ides, 4 tablespoonfuls of biniodide of mercury and 8 ounces of lard. The hair is clipped over the spavin and the blister applied with considerable rubbing. The horse's head should be tied so as to avoid his biting the part blistered. A second ap- plication of the blister is to be used about a month after the first. If blistering fails to cure the spavin, point-firing may be resorted to. It is necessary to " fire " rather deeply to secure good results, care being taken not to fire into a joint. After firing, a fly blister should be rubbed into the holes where the hot iron has been used. DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 247 SPAYING. The removal of the ovaries to pre- vent breeding. Cast the animal on her right side. Give an anesthetic to prevent pain. When the animal is unconscious, free the limbs sufficiently to remove any pressure from the abdomen. Now pinch up a fold of the skin in the left side, midway between the prominent bone of the haunch or pelvis, and the last rib, about 4 inches below the backbone. Make an incision in the skin 5 or 6 inches long; now do likewise with the abdominal muscles until the lining membrane of the abdominal cavity is exposed. This membrane is then punc- tured and an incision made as long as that in the skin and muscles. Now kneel down in close contact with the cow's back and insert the arm, passing the hand within the brim or cavity of the pelvis. By so doing both ovaries can be secured and detached. This ended, the operation of uniting the abdominal muscles follows by means of stitches and sutures. Great care is necessary in having the instruments boiled and washed in antiseptics, and in having the fingers, hands, and arms severely clean and well saturated with a strong antiseptic solution. The operation should be made out in the open where neither dirt nor dust are to be found. Extreme care about germs will remove much of the risk associated with the operation. In spaying a sow, she is laid on an inclined board with the hindquarters up. The operator stands at the back of the sow. The hair is first clipped from the skin where the incision is to be made, high up in the flank and midway between the haunch and the last rib. The incision needs to be just large enough to admit the two fingers. Ovaries are located, pulled through the opening in the flank, and removed by tearing off with the fingers. The 248 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN flank incision is then closed by the necessary num- ber of stitches. This operation is sometimes performed in mares. But being rather uncommon the process is less understood. In this case it is best to call your veteri- narian or someone in the community well skilled in the operation. In all cases of spaying let severe cleanliness be the rule and practice, from the very beginning to the very end SPLINTS. Splints occur more commonly in the heavier breeds of horses than in those that are light in the bone below the knee. It is rare that splints occur any- where except on the inside of the front cannon bone, although they are sometimes seen on the outside of both the front and hind legs. Any enlargement of the bone occurring on the inside of the leg between the knee and fetlock comes under the name of splint. The usual cause is concussion, that is, the impact of the foot on the hard road. It may be the result of other causes, such as a blow, a twisting strain or faulty conforma- tion. Some animals are more liable to splints than others. It is, after all, to a certain extent, dependent upon heredity. At first the splint is hard to detect. If you notice a young horse going lame while doing road work, it is well to examine for splints. While working there seems to be no lameness at all, and when FLINT standing there seems to be no pain, DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 249 but when put to a trot the horse shows lameness and may raise and lower his head. If taken in time, a splint can be cured. The first thing to do with an animal suffering from a splint is to give the animal rest and place in such quar- ters where there is a soft floor, preferably the ground, and when so quartered one very frequently effects a complete cure. The application of cold water bandages acts well. If treatment of this sort fails, apply a blister of red iodide of mercury, I tablespoonful to 2 tablespoonfuls of lard. This blister should be applied with rubbing every day from two to four days, or until the area is well blistered. Then wait until the little scabs fall off, and if the animal is still lame, repeat the application of this blister. To apply the blister, clip off the hair over the enlargement and wash with vinegar to remove grease, then rub in blister with ends of fingers. Keep the animals tied short for two to four days in order to prevent rubbing or biting the leg. Four days after the last application of blister, wash carefully with warm water and soap and over it apply every day or so a little lard, to prevent dry- ing and also to loosen the scabs. SPRAINS. Injuries to the ligaments of joints, tendons, or muscles. They are caused by violence, as twisting, or from over-exertion ; also sprains are often the result of overwork. If an animal is worked until tired or exhausted he is unable to use the proper muscle force, and more strain has to be borne by the ligaments, resulting in sprains, which often occur in young horses or even in old horses, when put to work after long periods of rest. Swelling, heat, soreness, and partial or complete loss of the use of the part, which is shown by the degree of lameness, characterize the disorder. 250 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN Sprains are most common in the legs, at the fet- lock joint, in the tendons just back and above the fetlocks, but may occur in any part. The first and most important thing in the treatment > of sprains is rest, as sprains are a long time in mak- ing a complete recovery. In the early stages, that is, before swelling has taken place, applications of cold water should be used, applications of hot water, or hot packs of water, 1,000 parts, and bi- chloride of mercury I part, are very good. This ; will relieve the pain and reduce the swelling. Ap- plications of liniments are also very good. Should there be great heat and soreness in the part, it is well to use cold applications. Never blister in the early stages A blister may be used after the swell- ing has gone down, and the part has become cold, from two to four weeks after the injury occurred. This should be followed by rest for some time after all lameness has disappeared. STAGGERS. Staggers in horses is an affection of the brain showing itself usually in one of two forms sleepy or stomach staggers and blind or mad staggers. In the first form the stomach is at fault. Sudden change of feed, moldy or dirty food heavy work or fast driving right after a heavy meal or severe exposure is liable to cause indigestion in the stomach and this is reflected to the brain, caus- ing the animal to act dull or sleepy, sometimes showing symptoms of serious colic, with gas form- ing from the fermentation of the food, frequently resulting in death. Blind or mad staggers is an inflammation of the brain and may affect any of the lower animals. In the beginning of this form the symptoms closely resemble those in the stomach form, but as the in- flammation progresses the animal becomes blind DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 25! and violent and may roll, paw, kick, wander around in a circle, usually going only one way, either to the left or right, or it may walk or run in a straight line as near as possible for hours at a time paying no attention to injuries received in its travels. In either case the animal may be drenched once daily with a quart of raw linseed oil or a pound of Glau- ber salts, dissolved in water, which sometimes gives relief. Staggers in Sheep is mostly caused by the young stage of a tapeworm which infests sheep dogs. The dog eats the infected brain of the sheep and the sheep eats the egg of the tapeworm after it has passed through the dog. After the egg hatches in the stomach of the sheep the young worm passes through the bowels and other organs or tissues or circulates through the blood and reaches the brain, where it develops and causes an inflammation, re- sulting in disease. It is most common in young animals, rarely occurring in sheep after their second year. Prevention is about the only practical way of handling this trouble. The grounds should be thoroughly drained, allowing the animals only pure, fresh water to drink. It may be necessary to change pastures for a year or two. The brains of all sheep killed and the heads of all dying with the disease should be burned. STOMACH AND INTESTINAL WORMS IN SHEEP. If a box of salt is kept covered in some place frequented by the sheep, to which they are allowed to help themselves, and if said salt is satu- rated with spirits of turpentine in proportions of a gill to every four quarts of salt, it will wonderfully help to keep the worms from multiplying. It is Well, also, to have another box of larger size, where 252 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN sheep can help themselves at will, filled with tobacco stems. These stems should be cut up in inch lengths and from time to time a quantity of wheat bran should be put on top of the stems. When this is done the sheep soor k instinctively learn to use tobacco, and no young intestinal worm or stomach worm, except the tapeworm, can stand .-V^fjOl'- ;:-,-i>~ : .7v. TWISTED STOMACH WORMS A common attitude observed when sheep are afflicted with twisted stomach worms. The animal loses in flesh, and unless relief Is found in time, dies. The parasite is shown in the illustration. the diet. This will not kill mature worms. It will only prevent the worm family multiplying to the extent of injuring the health of sheep. But no sheep owner should feel wholly satisfied by preventive treatment of stomach worms. Twice a year the whole flock should be drenched with some agent which will destroy the mature worms. DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 253 There are two very inexpensive drenches which will quite effectually do this. The one is gasoline, the other coal tar creosote. The objection to gaso- line is that it needs to be so extremely carefully used or sheep will be killed by it. The dose is I tablespoonful (never more at one dose) to a mature sheep; mix with not less than 4 tablespoonfuls of raw linseed oil (never boiled oil) ; then add a half pint of sweet milk. In giving, set the sheep up on its haunches and shake the liquids well together until the last minute it is administered, or the gaso- line will separate and, if it enters the stomach in the unmixed form, it will seriously injure and may kill the sheep. There is no direct vermifuge that will as effectu- ally kill all species of worms in a sheep's stomach and intestines as will gasoline; yet the coal tar creosote or the more refined class of sheep dips, if given after a full 12-hour fast, before the flock is turned to pasture in the spring, and again about November, will destroy a large number of the mature worms. All lambs born in April or May should be drenched about August or September following, to be certain of ridding them of worms that may later cause their death. The dose of any of the sheep dips is a dessertspoonful mixed in a full pint of water. STONE IN BLADDER. See Concretions or Calculi of Urinary Organs. STRANGLES. This trouble, commonly called colt distemper, affects horses, and rarely mules and donkeys. It is such an infectious disease that nearly all horses contract the disease when colts and usually remain immune to future exposures. The cause is a very small organism or germ which enters the system when a healthy colt comes in 254 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN contact with a diseased one or when fed and watered in infected vessels. The seat of trouble is largely restricted to the respiratory organs, oc- casionally causing difficulty in breathing, owing to swelling in region of throat or to accumulations in air passages. The symptoms start out with more or less slug- gishness. The animal eats little, and does not care to take much exercise. A little watery discharge frequently appears from the eyes, and about the same time a watery discharge from the nostrils, which soon becomes thicker and more yellow in color. Usually the glands between the lower jawbones become enlarged and undergo suppuration with a rupture of them and free dis- charge of pus. The temperature of the animal may be slightly or very greatly increased from 103 to 105*. The pulsations may also be considerably quickened. When complications do not occur this disease usually runs its course in two weeks, leav- ing the animal little the worse for having passed through the affliction. The milder forms of this disease will need little or no treatment other than careful feeding and nurs- ing. A laxative diet, with something green, if pos- sible, should be given. The colt should be placed in clean, airy, and comfortable quarters, but not in a draft. To hasten the suppuration of the glands a poultice of hot bran or flaxseed may be applied to that region, and as soon as softening can be detected within, puncture the gland containing abscess with a clean knife blade and allow the escape of the collection of pus. During the course of the disease the animal should not be worked and care should be taken that it be not exposed to con- ditions likely to produce a cold. DISEASES OF FARM ANIMAL3 3*,$ STRINGHALT IN HORSES. Stringhalt is an involuntary contraction of the muscles that bring the hind leg or legs forward. The cause of Stringhalt is a deranged condition of the nerves supplying the muscles, causing the leg or legs to be brought up with a jerk. In slight cases of Stringhalt it is necessary sometimes to turn the animal round from right to left, and from left to right, in order to make him show signs of string- halt, the symptoms of the disease being exhibited as he turns one way only. This disease sometimes comes on suddenly, but generally develops slowly. It is an unsoundness, and depreciates the animal's value and makes him unfit for hard work or fast driving. There is no sure cure for Stringhalt ; the animal can sometimes be relieved by giving him one ounce bromide of potassium at a dose twice a day in bran mash, and continuing it for one week, then skipping a week and giving again. It can sometimes be relieved by cutting the tendon or tendons of the affected muscles, but the operation should be performed by a qualified veterinarian. SUNSTROKE. See Heat Exhaustion and Sun- stroke. SWAMP FEVER. This disease, by some called infectious anemia of horses, is produced by an in- visible organism, which is transmissible to horses, mules, and asses. About the first symptoms noticed are a general weakness of the animal ; it tires very easily and is not able to do any work. The loss of flesh is apparent in spite of the voracious appetite which the animal has at times. The appetite usually remains good until death, but the feed seems to do the animal no good. The temperature is very irregular. Some days it runs quite high, at times to 107; again it is below normal. An 256 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN animal may have several attacks of the trouble, but each succeeding attack seems to be more severe. The blood becomes thin, and the circulation im- paired, and frequently there appears a swelling under the chest or abdomen, or an enlargement of one or more legs. It is quite easy to recognize the trouble, especially in the advanced stages. The slow progress at the beginning, remittent fever, progressive emaciation and anemia, unimpaired or ravenous appetite, staggering gait, and excessive urination are usually all present to a greater or less degree. Recovery takes place only when treatment is begun early and when the disease is not too acute. In treating, absolute rest until fully recovered is one of the primary requisites, and purgatives are to be avoided. For the fever, the United States Department of Agriculture recommends an anti- pyretic of quinine 40 grains, acetanilide 2 drams, and powdered nux vomica 30 grains, four times daily. Cold water sponge baths and frequent copious rectal injections of cold water also aid in reducing the fever. After the fever subsides the following is recommended : Arsenious acid, 2 grams ; pow- dered nux vomica, 28 grams; powdered cinchona bark, 85 grams; powdered gentian root, no grams. These should be well mixed and one-half teaspoon- ful given at each feed of the affected animal. As in the case of all other infectious diseases, the healthy should be separated from the sick horses, and thorough disinfection of the infected stable, stalls, litter, and stable utensils should be used by mixing six ounces of any one of these chemicals with one gallon of water. One of the approved coal- tar sheep dips might also be used to advantage in a five per cent solution, and should be applied liberally to all parts of the stable, and sufficient lime may be DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 257 added to the solution to make the disinfectant area conspicuous. From the fact that the disease is more prevalent during wet seasons, it is always best to guard against allowing the animals to graze upon swampy land or to drink from ponds of stagnant water. The spread of the disease has been traced along creeks from one farm to another, which would suggest avoiding these places also. The draining of the low, swampy lands is especially recom- mended. SWEENY. Wasting of the muscles covering the shoulder blade of the horse is commonly called " sweeny," and the cause may be any strain, sprain, jerk, or bruise of the parts due to a bad fitting collar, or to awkward steps of a colt plowing for the first time, and especially when worked in the furrow. The great nerves of the shoulder are affected, and in consequence nutrition is impaired and the muscles waste away. A similar condition may affect the muscles of the hip, or of the space between the stifle and hip. Lameness seldom is a prominent feature in shoulder sweeny. Ordinarily the wasting comes on some time after the causative injury; then the skin alone appears to cover the bone (scapula) and the animal may have little power for work. In this connection it should be remembered that wasting of the shoulder muscles also may be due to any chronic lameness or soreness of the foot, or leg, between foot and shoulder. Wasting (atrophy) of muscles occurs when the muscles for any reason are not fully exercised. It, therefore, is important to make sure whether the cause is in the foot or in the shoulder before commencing treatment. 258 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN Treatment consists in stimulating flow of blood to the poorly nourished parts, and if this can be done the muscles gradually grow in again and re- gain their normal development and power. An old- fashioned plan is to make incisions in the skin and then blow up the parts with air to separate the skin from the bone. This should not be done. Setons (rowels) of tape may be inserted under the skin, but they leave scars. Better treatment consists in rubbing the parts twice daily with a stimulating liniment, or blistering at intervals of three weeks with cerate of cantharides, after removing the hair. A suitable liniment may be made by mixing together four ounces of druggist's soap liniment, one ounce each of aqua ammonia and water to make one pint. SWINE PLAGUE. See Hog Cholera. TAPE WORMS. The flat worms of domestic animals. They are most serious and common in sheep. Treatment is only partially satisfactory. To get any reasonable result food must be withheld for several hours before the medicine is given. Use the following: i teaspoonful of ethereal extract of male fern in four ounces of castor oil. It is desir- able to keep the sheep inclosed, so that the ground can be disinfected after the worms are expelled, otherwise infection will occur right over again. TETANIC. See Lockjaw. TEXAS OR TICK FEVER. The earliest ac- counts that we have of this disease date back to 1814. It was found that cattle driven from a cer- tain district in South Carolina to other parts of the state would infect others with the disease, while they themselves seemed to be in perfect health. The disease is known by various names in the dif- ferent sections of the country. It is often called DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 259 red water, Spanish fever, Australian tick fever, and murain. This is a specific fever, and is characterized by the peculiarity among animal diseases that animals which scatter the infection are apparently in good health, while those which sicken and die from it do not, as a rule, infect others. When the cattle are brought into the infected districts they usually contract the disease during the first of the summer, and if they are adult cattle, particularly milch cows or fat cattle, nearly all die; calves are more likely to survive. The disease is one from which immunity is acquired, and, there- fore, calves which recover from the disease are not again attacked, as a rule, even after they become adult. When the disease is prevalent or scattered be- yond the infected district the roads, barns and pas- tures are dangerous until freezing weather, when the disease disappears and cattle can be kept in the grounds or driven over the roads without catch- ing the disease. The midwinter months is the only time that cattle can be safely driven from an in- fected area to a non-infected area without spread- ing the disease. The Cause. Texas fever is caused by an organ- ism which lives within the red-blood corpuscles and breaks them up. It is not a bacteria, but a pro- tozoa, and belongs to the lowest forms of the animal kingdom. How it gets into the blood corpuscles is not known. The fatality is due not so much to the loss of blood corpuscles as to the difficulty which the organs have in getting rid of the waste products arising from this wholesale destruction. The Course of the Disease. After a period of exposure, which may vary from 13 to 90 days, the 260 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN disease first shows itself in dullness, loss of appe- tite and a tendency to leave the herd and lie down alone. A few days before these symptoms appear the temperature rises from 103 to 107. There is little change in temperature until death or recov- ery. , Pathological Changes Observable After Death. j The presence of small ticks on the udder or escutcheon is a very important sign in herds north of the Texas fever line. The watery condition of the blood. The spleen or milt very much en- larged, and filled with a blackish pulp. Enlarge- ment of the liver, and its color changed to a mahogany color. The distended gall-bladder, caused by an excessive amount of bile in it. The Cattle Tick (Boophilus bovis) is the carrier of this disease. Its life history is quite simple. It is unable to come to maturity and reproduce its kind unless it becomes attached to the skin of cattle, whence it may obtain its food. The eggs laid on the ground by the female tick after failing off the cattle begin to develop at once. The time required for hatching varies considerably, according to the temperature. In the heat of summer about 13 days, and in the fall, under the same conditions, from four to six weeks. On pastures these little crea- tures soon find their way on to cattle. They attach themselves, by preference, to the tender skin on the escutcheon, the inside of the thighs, and on the base of the udder. When very numerous they may be found on various parts of the body. They remain clinging to the cattle until mature, and then fall off and lay their eggs and hatch more new ticks. How Prevention Is Possible. The spread of Texas fever can be prevented by two ways sani- DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 26l tary arrangements and by vaccination. Where the cattle are infected with the tick, the ticks can be killed by smearing the animals with a solution capable of killing the ticks without harming the cattle. In large herds a large vat of crude petrol- eum is used to immerse the cattle in. In small herds smear the cattle with a mixture of equal parts of cottonseed oil and crude petroleum. How to rid the pastures of the tick without kill- ing the vegetation on them has for a long time been the problem. Divide the pasture in two parts by a double parallel line of fence with a lo-foot space between, to prevent ticks from crawling across. One of these pastures is then kept free of cattle for two winters and one summer. After the second winter it will be free of ticks and ready for tickless cattle, when the other pasture is abandoned for the same time. Vaccination is for the purpose of immunizing cattle that are brought from a non-infected district to an infected district. Calves about six to eight months old should be used, as they are more im- mune than adult cattle. The immunity is caused by introducing the germ into the blood in a weak- ened form. This may be done in two ways by placing virulent young ticks on the calves or by artificial vaccination. When this is practiced, it should be done in two or three inoculations, as it gives better results. The intervals should be about three weeks. The amount of virulent blood should be small the first time and increased in the follow- ing treatments. The inoculation always results in a more or less serious attack of the fever upon the animal treated. Some may die, but the proportion of deaths result- ing among animals taken directly into the infected 262 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN district is large to the proportion of deaths result- ing from vaccination. Medical treatment for this disease has proven unsatisfactory in the acute form, although in some chronic cases some good results may have been obtained by medical treatment. THICK LEG. See Lymphangitis. THOROUGHPIN. An enlargement situated on the sides and upper part of the hock joint of the horse, arising from a derangement of the sheath of the back tendon. The fluid with which it is filled can be pressed from one side to the other, hence the term thoroughpin. It seldom causes lameness. For treatment mix a teaspoonful of biniodide of mercury with 4 tablespoonfuls of lard. Rub on a little with the fingers, let it remain on for 24 hours, then wash off and rub on a little lard or vaseline. Repeat the blister every third week until the en- largement disappears. The horse should have rest while under treatment. THRUSH. A diseased condition of the secret- ing surface of the fatty frog in the foot. In severe cases the horny part often detaches from the sen- sitive tissue within. Bad shoeing is a common cause of the trouble, or anything else that prevents the frog from coming in contact with the ground. Lameness is sometimes associated with the disease. Treatment consists of careful cleaning, followed with linseed meal poultices if lame. After the foet is made dry, insert calomel into the little cavities. The calomel can be kept in and the dirt kept out by using paper or cloth plugs. Follow this treat- ment until normal condition is attained. THUMPS. This disease is limited in its action to pigs. Its cause is not definitely known. It is recog- nized by a peculiar contraction of the diaphragm in young pigs. While the pig may eat fairly well DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 263 the disturbance is associated with digestion. S.uch patients like to lie around and take very little exer- cise. The disease is more common where one kind of food like corn is fe&. The old common method was to cut off the ear. The common practice now is to give a purgative so as to relieve the stomach and bowels of accumulated material. The food should be changed and from I to 2 tablespoonfuls of Epsom salts should be given. The jerking move- ment of the muscles may be relieved or stopped by using laudanum, say, four drops to I or 2 tea- spoonfuls of aromatic spirits of ammonia in a half pint of water. TICK FEVER. See Texas Fever. TRICHINOSIS. A disease caused by the tri- china, a minute worm that affects people, hogs and rats. People become affected with the disease from raw or partly cooked pork. These worms are killed by thorough cooking or by the process of hot pickling and curing meat products. Hogs become affected through eating offal and rats about the slaughterhouses. Hogs that are fed on green grass and other wholesome food, free from these minute worms, are less likely to have trichinae embedded in their flesh and muscles. Hogs do not seem to be bothered with the trichinae, but people suffer very severely, as both soreness in the muscles and fever result. A few days after eating the trichinae, the worms multiply very rapidly in the digestive tract, from which they migrate to other parts of the body and work their way through the tissues. There is no remedy in way of treatment when affected. Pre- vention is the one cure. Inasmuch as five to ten per cent of hogs are affected, it is advisable that all 264 THE FARMER S VETERINARIAN pork or ham be eaten only after most thorough cooking. TUBERCULOSIS. Tuberculosis is a disease resulting from the growth of tubercle bacteria in the tissues of the animal. The bacteria, or germs, of tuberculosis, usually gain entrance to the organs of the body by being taken in with the food. Some- times they penetrate through the membranes in the throat and get into the glands of the head. Some- times they are taken into the digestive tract, where they pass through the walls of the intestines into the lymph channels and are carried through the large lymph vessel into the blood circulation. In some cases it would TUBERCULOSIS GERMS seem that the bacteria get These germs may be in- j n to the lungs on particles haled in the Iung3 with the . , , , air, admitted to the stomach of dust that are inhaled, and intestines with food and . - , . . , , , drink, or established in the After getting into the flesh by inoculation through v_j_, +,,u^^i^ l~~4 broken skin or mucous mem- DOdy, tubercle bacteria brane - multiply in the tissues to which they have been carried and produce the changes in them which we find on the examination of an animal suffering with tuberculosis. Tuber- culosis, therefore, is simply the outcome of the growth of the tubercle bacteria in the organs. Where Tubercles Are to Be Found. Tubercu- lous areas may be found in almost any part of the infected animal, but the organs that are usually af- fected are the lymphatic glands, either in the throat, the bronchial glands or those about the intestines and on the liver ; the lungs ; the liver ; the kidneys ; DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 265 intestines; udder and generative organs. The membrane covering the lungs (pleura), the heart (pericardium), and intestines (peritoneum), are frequently affected. It often happens that a large mass, or masses, of tuberculous tissue grow over one or more of these membranes. The most pecu- liar thing about bovine tuberculosis is the fact that frequently an animal will appear to be perfectly well, but when slaughtered will be found to have a large number of tuberculous areas or masses on the membranes or in its organs. The reason for this is that the diseased area is not at a vital point. The organ or membrane affected depends upon the one to which the germ is carried. Usually animals are infected in but one organ in the be- ginning, and from this diseased area the germs spread through the blood vessels or lymph chan- nels to other organs. When the diseased area is restricted to one organ or part, it is called " local- ized " tuberculosis, because it appears at the point where the seed or germ was first planted. When the germs spread through the circulation from this first or primary diseased area to other organs and set up new tuberculous growths, the con- dition is called " generalized " tuberculosis. When cattle are slaughtered for food, if they are found to be afflicted with localized tuberculosis, the flesh is considered to be fit for food, but if the disease is generalized the carcass is condemned. The Symptoms of Tuberculosis vary according to the location of the disease. If it is in the glands of the throat it is suggested by their enlargement. If it is in a gland about the lungs, which, because of its enlargement, presses on the oesophagus (gullet), there might be bloating. If the disease is in the lung 1 tissue there would be, after it is sufficiently 266 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN advanced, coughing and perhaps difficult breathing. If the disease is in the liver, it cannot be readily distinguished until it is far advanced. If the dis- ease is in the udder it manifests itself usually by the organ becoming firm or hard, and when the tissues are sufficiently broken down the milk from that quarter will be changed in appearance; some- times it is thick, containing pus, sometimes thin and watery. It is very difficult to diagnose tuber- culosis from the symptoms, as many other causes may give rise to similar manifestations. As tuberculosis is caused by a specific germ, the disease is spread by the germs escaping from the diseased animals and getting into the bodies of healthy ones. The tubercle bacteria escape from the infected animal with some one or more of the natural discharges of the body. For example, if the cow has a bad tuberculous area in the lung, the bacteria may be discharged into one of the air tubes and coughed up into the mouth. Some of them will escape with the saliva and infect mangers or pastures. Some of them may be swallowed and escape from the body with the feces. If the dis- ease is in the udder the germs will escape with the milk. There are some observations which indicate that sometimes the bacteria will escape with the milk where the udder is not affected. After the bacteria leave the diseased animal and are left in the manger, or in the pasture, or on the surface of water in the drinking trough, they can be readily taken up by healthy cattle that eat or drink after them. If they escape with the milk, calves and pigs that are fed with it readily become infected. After the germs get into the body of the healthy animal they will multiply and produce the disease, just as the seed of a noxious weed will, if blown DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 2OJ^ into a new field, germinate and produce the weed there. Tuberculosis spreads from animal to animal on the same principle that weeds spread from one field to another. In order to prevent the spread of tuberculosis it is simply necessary to prevent healthy animals from coming in contact with the diseased ones or eating or drinking after them. As tuberculosis cannot be readily detected by a physical examination until the disease is far ad- vanced in the organs affected, it is necessary, in order to determine which animals have the disease, to apply some test or to find the germs of the dis- ease in their excretions. The simplest test that has thus far been discovered is the action of tuber- culin. When tuberculin is injected under the skin of the animals affected with active tuberculosis the animals respond by a rise of temperature, which follows a somewhat definite curve. By means of this test it is possible to pick out the infected in- dividuals so that they can be separated from the healthy ones. The test should be repeated in from six months to a year in order to detect any new cases which might have developed from latent or arrested ones. We cannot always get all of the infected animals with the first test any more than we can always remove every weed from the garden by one hoeing. The Bang Method for the Control of tuberculosis consists in separating the animals that are infected from the well ones and keeping them for breeding purposes. The calves are removed from their dams as soon as born and fed with the milk of healthy cows, or the pasteurized milk of the infected ones. It has been found that but a small percentage of calves that are raised under proper precautions from 268 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN such animals have tuberculosis. By this means a sound herd of cattle may be developed from tuber- culous animals. This method was introduced by Prof. Bang of Copenhagen, and it has been found to be very effective in Denmark and other countries in Europe. It has been applied with much success in a large number of individual herds in the United States. Its success depends entirely upon the care which is taken in keeping tubercle bacteria away from the calves. In purchasing cattle for dairy or breeding pur- poses it is important that they should be taken from herds that are free from tuberculosis. The sound herd is the unit to be dealt with. Animals from such herds are far more reliable than non- reactors from tuberculous herds. TUMORS. Abnormal growths of tissues. There are many kinds of tumors. They are named from the kind of tissue of which they are composed, as fibrous and fatty. Just why tumors should de- velop is not known. Treatment is in the direction of direct removal; this means they are to be cut out with a knife. Another method is to tie a strong cord around the stem of the tumor, thus shutting off the blood supply. As soon as this is effected, there will be a sloughing away, with a sore remain- ing, which is to be treated as in an ordinary wound. Some tumors are burnt off with caustics. Arsenic or corrosive sublimate are commonly used, either singularly or combined. Better consult a veteri- narian about the removal of tumors on valuable animals. TUMORS IN PIGS AFTER CASTRATION. Bunches form on the cords of pigs after castration as a result of infection from dirty instruments or hands during the operation ; or from leaving the DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 269 cord too long, thus increasing the liability of its becoming infected. These tumors continue to grow, and in the worst cases attain the size of a man's head. Cut down on a tumor the same as in a simple case of castration. Separate the skin from the tumor and then swallow up the cord with the hands. Cut the cord off as high up as possible. The wound may be healed by the use of any of the common disinfectants. A teaspoonful of carbolic acid in a quart of water may be used once daily until the pigs are healed. Pigs should be kept in a clean pen after the operation. WARBLES. These are lumps in the skin of cattle, caused by grubs or warbles. A simple treat- ment is to cut the skin and squeeze out the grubs where the lumps are noticed. If all the grubs are killed in this way, there will be no mature flies to cause trouble later on. See article on Bot Flies. WARTS. The cause of these little tumors of the skin is not definitely known. They occur on all domestic animals, appearing most frequently on horses and cattle. Pure acetic acid, dropped on the wart until it is saturated and softened, de- stroys in the early stages. Warts about which a small cord may be tied are most easily treated in that way. After they have sloughed off, apply a little terchloride of antimony with a feather or cot- ton. When the scab forms, remove it and apply the chemical again. With a couple of applications the spot will be lower than the surrounding skin. Now use an ointment, made of 4 tablespoonfuls of oxide of zinc and 8 tablespoonfuls of lard. Apply this daily until the sore spot is healed. Sometimes a form of warts suddenly appears on colts and calves and scatter themselves about the lips, nose 270 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN and face. They are common and appear and dis- appear suddenly. No treatment is necessary. WATER IN THE BRAIN. Dropsy in the brain. A condition characterized by an accumula- tion of fluid in the brain. The disease is either congenital or arises during the first years of life. When it occurs the best thing is to kill the young individual at once. WATER IN THE CHEST. Often after a case of pleurisy a reaction conies and a very large quan- tity of water settles in the chest cavity, anywhere from two to four pailfuls. When the disease comes on the animal has difficulty in breathing; takes in the breath quickly. There is a constant biting at the flanks; the pulse increases to a hundred beats a minute. If you place your ear over the chest you will likely hear no sound at all. Best treat- ment is wholesome food, boiled flaxseed, and blis- ters for both sides of the chest. Use strong mustard plasters. A good medicine to use is one-fourth of a pound of saltpeter or nitrate of potash, one fourth of a pound of ground gentian and one-fourth of a pound of sulphate of iron. These should be mixed and then I teaspoonful given every four hours. You had better consult a veterinarian. Other complications set in so readily that help may be secured in other ways. Some veterinarians punc- ture the chest so as to draw off the surplus water that has accumulated. WHITE SCOURS OF CALVES. Calves of several days or weeks old suffer from indigestion, which is indicated by thriftlessness, and then scour- ing. The discharges are white, sour, curdled and fre- quent at first and then become watery, greenish and offensive, passing in stream often. Calves live some DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS days and fast lose flesh, showing all the symptoms of ill health. One of the commonest causes is feeding dirty, souring or decomposing factory skim milk in large quantities at long intervals; even sweet skim milk so fed may produce the trouble. To prevent scours give calves a perfectly clean, airy, sunny pen and yard attached. Separate any calf that scours. Avoid dirty, dark, damp, poorly ventilated pens in which scouring calves have been. Give all food from clean, scalded, sun-dried vessels. Feed small quantities of food often; and in milk mix lime water freely two or three times a week as a preventive; and daily when scouring has been experienced. Also see that the udders of cows nursing calves do not become contaminated with manure or other filth. Wash udders with a two per cent solution of coal tar disinfectant before any calf is allowed to suck for the first time, and then repeat to keep the udders clean. Also disinfect the navel of each calf at birth with a 1-500 solution of corrosive sublimate and repeat the application twice a day until the navel is perfectly healed over. At the first sign of scours give castor oil shaken up in milk. Two to 6 table- spoonfuls is the dose according to the size and age of the calf. Follow two or three times daily with a I to 2-teaspoonful dose of a mixture of one part of salol and two parts of subnitrate of bismuth in milk or water. For calves scouring on skim milk mix in each pint of milk i teaspoonful of a mixture of half an ounce of formaldehyde in 15^2 ounces of dis- tilled water, to be kept in an amber-colored bottle. WIND COLIC. See Colic. WIND PUFFS. An accumulation of synovia in the cavities between the tendons of the legs, esp- 272 THE FARMER'S VETERINARIAN daily between the back tendons and the bone just above the fetlock joint. The bulging out is on each side of the tendon. Horses subjected to severe exertions, like hard work on the roads, are most frequently affected. The puffs or galls sel- dom cause lameness or interfere with the usual work. Unless treated the puffs will become thicker and harder and sometimes solidified. When this happens lameness occurs. In the early stages, pads and bandages, if applied so as to cause pres- sure, will tend to remove the galls. If this treat- ment is not sufficient, then use a teaspoonful of biniodide of mercury, and 4 tablespoonfuls of lard. When mixed, these should be rubbed on with the fingers. After 24 hours remove with water and soap and repeat every other week until the puffs disappear. WIND SUCKING. See Cribbing. WORMS. See Intestinal Worms in Horses and Sheep; and Stomach Worms. WORMS IN HOGS. Hogs with worms in the intestines run down in condition, become very thin and lank, back is arched, eyes dull, refuse feed, walk stiffly, and appear lifeless. The worms may be very numerous, in bad cases completely filling the intestines. The pigs die if not treated. To secure the best results, affected hogs should re- ceive individual treatment. Twenty-four hours be- fore administering treatment very little feed should be given them. Then give the following medicine as a drench to each loo-pound hog; larger or smaller hogs should receive a dose in proportion : 4 table- spoonfuls of oil of turpentine, one-half teaspoonful of liquor ferri dialysatus and 6 ounces of raw lin- seed oil. If necessary, repeat the dose in four days. Index Page Abortion 101 Abscesses 103 Aconite 69 Actiriomycosis 104 Afterbirth 106 Aloes 69 Alum 69 Animal Body a Collection of Cells 1 1 Animal Body, How Formed. ... 9 Animals, Caring for Sick 99 Animal Diseases, Learn to Rec- ognize 4 Animals, Examining in the Stables 42 Animals, Out of Doors Test 44 Anthrax 108 Antimony 71 Apoplexy Ill Anemia 107 Aniseed 70 Arnica 70 Arsenic 70 Azoturia Ill Back 47 Bandage, How to Make It 57 Barrenness 113 Belladonna 70 Big Head 113 Big Jaw of Cattle 114 Big Knee 114 Big Leg 114 Bile 26 Biniodide of Mercury 71 Bitter Milk 114 Blackhead 114 Blackleg 115 Blackleg Vaccine 116 Bladder 67 Bladder, Stone in 117 Blind Staggers 117 Blistering 98 Bloating in Cattle 117 Blood 12 Blood Poisoning 120 Bloody Milk 121 Bloody Urine 121 Body 47 Body Tissues 12 Bog Spavin 122 Bone Spavin 1 '.' 3 Bot Flies 123 Bots 126 Breeze Flifis 123 Broken Yv'ind 126 Bromide of Potassium 71 Bronchitis 126 Bruises, Treating 60 Bunches 128 Pago Burns 128 Caked Bag 128 Caked Udder 128 Calculi of Urinary Organs 140 Calf Cholera 128 Calf Scours 129 Camphor 72 Cancer 129 Cantharides 72 Capped Elbow 130 Capped Hock 130 Capped Knee 131 Carbolic Acid 72 Castration 131 Catarrh 133 Cattle Scab 134 Cattle, Special Type in 44 Caustic Potash 74 Cell Division 10 Cell, Nature of 9 Cells, What They Are 11 Cercbro-Spinal Meningitis 134 Charbon 135 Chest Founder 135 Chicken Cholera 135 Choking 136 Chronic Founder 165 Circulation of Blood 28 Coffin Joint Lameness 137 Colds 137 Colic 137 Colic Mixture 80 Concretions 140 Constipation 142 Corns 142 Corns, Examine for 49 Cornstalk Disease 143 Corrosive Sublimate 73 Cough Mixture 80 Cow Pox 1 44 Cracked Hoofs 144 Cramp Colic 145 Creolin 74 Cribbing 144 Crib Suckers 145 Croton Oil 73 Curb MS Diabetes 146 Diarrhoea 147 Difficult Parturition 147 Digestion of Food 23 Dipping Live Stock 147 Disease, Diagnosis and Treat- ment 92 Disease on the Farm 1 Disease, Physical Examination in 92 Disease due to Heredity 84 Disease from Chemical Causes. . . 84 273 274 INDEX Page Disease, Origin of 86 Disease, The Causes of 83 Disease, The Meaning of 82 Disease, The Course of 87 Disease, The Termination of. ... 89 Disease, The Treatment of 95 Diseases of Farm Animals 101 Dishorning 148 Disinfect Frequently 5 Disinfectants 6 Distemper 148 Dropsy 148 Dysentery 150 Dystokia 149 Eczema 149 Enteritis 151 Epilepsy 151 Epizootic 151 Ergotism . . . .- 151 Erysipelas 152 Examining Animals 39 Farcy 153 Feet 17 Fever 153 Firing 98 Fistulas 154 Fits 157 Flatulent Colic : 157 Fleas 157 FJies v 157 Fluids, Liver 158 BJyBlister 80 Foot and Mouth Disease 158 Foot Puncture 160 Foot Rot in Sheep 160 Fore Legs 48 Founder 162 Fowl Cholera 165 Framework of the Body 13 Front Feet 48 Gapes 165 Garget 166 Gastric Juice 25 Gastritis 166 Gentian 75 Germs 85 Gid in Sheep 166 Ginger 75 Glanders 167 Gravel or Dirt in Foot 174 Grease Heel 175 Grub in the Head 176 Hair 13 Hair Balls 177 Heart, How it Works 31 Heat Exhaustion 178 Heaves 177 Hernia 179 Hide-Bound 181 High Blowing 181 Hind Feet 49 Hind Legs 49 Hip Joint Lameness 181 Hipped 182 Hog Cholera 182 Hollow Horn 193 Pag* Hoof Cracks 194 Hoof Ointment 80 Horn Fly 194 Horses, Special Type in 40 Hoven 194 Hydrocephalus 194 Hydrophobia 194 Hydrothorax 195 Hyposulphite of Soda 75 Impacti9n of Rumen 195 Indigestion 196 Infectious Anemia in Horses. . . . 197 Infectious Pneumonia 197 Inflammation of the Bowels 197 Inflammation of the Lungs 199 Influenza 200 Inoculation 86 Internal Organs 65 Intestinal Worms in Horses 201 Intestinal Worms in Sheep 251 Intestines 66 Iodide of Potassium 76 Iodine 76 Itch 202 Jaundice 202 Kidneys 67 Kidney Worms 204 Knee Sprunc* 205 Lameness, Examine for 50- Laminitis 205 Laudanum 76 Leg Bones 17 Leg Wounds 61 Lice 205 Linseed Oil 76 Liver Flukes 207 Lockjaw 208 Loco Disease 212 Lumpy Jaw 213 Lung Fever 214 Lungs 67 Lungs, Congestion of 213 Lung Worms in Calves 214 Lung Worms in Lambs 214 Lymph 12 Lymphangitis 214 Lymph Through Cells 29 Mad Dog 217 Maggots 217 Maggots in Wounds 61 Mange 219 Mastication 24 Medicines 69 Medicines, Administration of. ... 97 Medicines, Giving in a Ball 97 Medicines, Giving in a Drench. . . 97 Mallenders 218 Mammitis 218 Milk Fever 219 Monday Morning Sickness 221 Mouth, Examining the 46 Muscular System 19 Mustard Plasters 98 Nasal Gleet 221 Navicular Disease 222 Neck 47 INDEX 275 Page Nervous System 19 Nitrate of Potash 77 Nitrate of Soda 77 Nits 224 Nodular Disease in Sheep 224 Nostril 45 Nutriment, How Absorbed 27 Nux Vomica 77 Obstetrics 22S Paces, Testing of 52 Palisade Worm 228 Paralysis 229 Parasites 230 Parturient Apoplexy 230 Parturition, Difficult 230 Pelvic Girdle 15 Peritonitis 230 Physic Drench for Cattle 81 Physic Drench for Horses 81 Physiology You Ought to Know 21 Pink Eye 231 Placenta 232 Plant Building 21 Pleurisy 233 Pleuro-Pneumonia 234 Pneumonia 234 Poll Evil 234 Post-Mortem Examination 62 Post-Mortem, First Things to Do 63 Post-Mortem, Removing the Skin 65 Post-Mortem, The Discharges. . . 64 Poultices 98 Prescriptions 80 Prevention Better than Cure. ... 4 Profuse Staling 146 Protoplasm 9 Pulse, Taking the 93 Nail Punctures 59 Quarantine Quarters 8 Quarter Crack 235 Quittor 235 Rabies 236 Reproductive Apparatus 20 Respiration 32 Respiration, Taking the 95 Respiratory Organs 20 Rheumatism 236 Ringbone 237 Ringworm 238 Roaring 239 Roup 239 Salts 79 Sand Crack 240 Scab in Cattle 241 Septic Navel Infection 243 Sheep Bots 243 Sick Animals 7 Side Bones 243 Skeleton 14 Skin 13 Skull IS Slobbering 245 Soothing Ointment 80 Page Soundness, Examining Animals for 39 Spasmodic Colic 245 Spavin 245 Spaying 247 Spirits of Niter 78 Splints 248 Sprains 249 Staggers 250 Stomach 66 Stomach Churn 26 Stomach of Horse 24 Stomach of Ruminants 25 Stomach Worms in Sheep 251 Stone in Bladder 253 Strangles 253 Stringhalt in Horses 255 Sugar of Lead 78 Sulphate of Copper 78 Sulphate of Iron 78 Sulphur 79 Sunstroke 255 Swamp Fever 255 Sweeny 257 Swine Plague 258 Tape Worms 258 Teeth, As an Indication of Age . . 34 Teeth, Loosening of Temporary. . 35 Teeth of Cattle 37 Teeth of Sheep 38 Temperature, Taking the 94 Tetanus 258 Texas Fever 258 Thick Leg 262 Thoroughpin 262 Throat 47 Thrush 262 Thumps 262 Tick Fever 263 Tissues, Body 12 Tooth, The Mark in 35 Trichinosis 263 Tuberculosis 264 Tumors 268 Tumors in Pigs After Castratiom. 268 Turpentine 79 Urinary Organs 20 Warbles 269 Warts 269 Water in the Brain 270 Water in the Chest 270 White Scours of Calves 270 Wind Puffs 271 Wind Sucking 272 Wind, Testing the 51 Worms 272 Worms in Hogs 272 Wound, Cleansing the 56 Wounds 54 Wounds, First Step in Treating. . 56 Wounds, Kinds of 55 Wounds, Special Treatment of . . 58 F '/ THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. p Series 9482 : L LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 590 009