I , PRINCIPLES POLITICAL ECONOMY PRINCIPLES POLITICAL ECONOMY WITH SOME OF THEIR APPLICATIONS TO SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY. JOHN STUART MILL PEOPLE S EDITION LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO 1885. Stack Annex PltEFACB. TIIK appearance of a treatise like the present, on a subject on which so many works of merit already exist, may be thought to require some explanation. It might perhaps be sufficient to say, that no existing treatise on Political Economy contains the latest improvements which have been made in the theory of the subject. Many new ideas, and new applica- tions of ideas, have been elicited by the discussions of the last few years, especially those on Currency, on Foreign Trade, and on the important topics connected more or less intimately with Colonization : and there seems reason that the field of Political Economy should be re- surveyed in its whole extent, if only for the purpose of incorporating the results of these speculations, and bringing them into harmony with the principles previously laid down by the best thinkers on the subject. To supply, however, these deficiencies in former treatises bearing a similar title, is not the sole, or even the principal object which the author has in view. The desigu of the book is different from that of any treatise on Political Economy which has been produced in England since the work of Adam Smith. The most characteristic quality of that work, and the one in which it most differs from some others which have equalled and even surpassed it as mere expositions of the general principles of the subject, is that it invariably associates the principles with their applications. This of itself implies a much wider range of ideas and of topics, than are included in Political Economy, considered as a branch of abstract specu- lation. For practical purposes, Political Economy is inseparably inter- twined with many other branches of social philosophy. Except on matters of mere detail, there are perhaps no practical questions, even among those which approach nearest to the character of purely econo- mical questions, which admit of being decided on economical premises alone. And it is because Adam Smith never loses sight of this truth ; because, in his applications of Political Economy, he perpetually appeals to other and often far larger considerations than pure Political Economy affords that he gives that well-grounded feeling of command over the a vi HiliFACE. principles c( the subject for purposes of practice, owing to which the " Wealth of Nations," alone among treatises on Political Economy, lias not only been popular with general readers, but has impressed itself strongly on the minds of meii of the world and of legislators. It appears to the present writer, that a wcrk similar in its object and general conception to that of Adam Smith, but adapted to the more extended knowledge and improved ideas of the present age, is the kind tf contribution which Political Economy at present requires. The "Wealth of Nations" is in many parts obsolete, and in all, imperfect. Political Economy, properly so called, has grown up almost from infancy since the time of Adam Smith : and the philosophy of society, from which practically that eminent thinker never separated his more peculiar theme, though still in a very early stage of its progress, has advanced many steps beyond the point at which he left it. No attempt, however, has yet been made to combine his practical mode of treating his subject with the increased knowledge since acquired of its theory, or to exhibit the economical phenomena of society in the rela- tion in which they stand to the best social ideas of the present time, as he did, with such admirable success, in reference to the philosophy of bis century. Such is the idea which the writer of the present work has kept before him. To succeed even partially in realizing it, would be a sufficiently useful achievement, to induce him to incur willingly all the chances of failure. It is requisite, however, to add, that although his object is practical, and, as far as the nature of the subject admits, popular, he has not attempted to purchase either of those advantages by the sacriBcc of strict scientific reasoning. Though he desires that his treatise should be more than a mere exposition of the abstract doctrines of Political Economy, he is also desirous that such an exposition should be found in. it. The present edition is an exact transcript from the sixth, except that all extracts and most phrases in foreign languages have been translated into English, and a very small number of quotations, or parts of quota- tions, which appeared superfluous, have been struck out. A reprint of an old controversy with the " Quarterly Review" on the condition of lauded property in France, which had been subjoined as an Appendix, has been dispensed with. CONTENTS. PRELIMINARY KEMARKS i t * , 1 BOOK I. PRODUCTION. CUAPTEB I. Of the Requisites of Production. 1. Koquisites of production, what 15 2. The function of labour defined 16 3. Does nature contribute more to the efficacy of labour in some occu- pations than in others ? 17 4. Some natural agents limited, others practically unlimited, ia quantity ll CHAPTEE II. Of Labour as an Agent of Production. % 1. Labour employed either directly about the thing produced, or in operations preparatory to its production 19 2. Labour employed in producing subsistence for subsequent labour . 20 3. in producing materials 21 4. or implements 22 n. in the protection of labour 23 G. in the transport and distribution of the produce 24 7. Labour which relates to human beings 25 8. Labour of invention and discovery 2G 9. Labour agricultural, manufacturing, and commercial 27 CHAPTER III. Of Unproductive Labour. 1. Labour does not produce objects, but utilities . 28 2. -which are of three kinds 2? 3. Productive labour is that which produces utilities fixed and em- bodied in material objects 30 4. All other labour, however useful, is classed as unproductive . . 31 5. Productive and Unproductive Consumption 32 6. Labour for the supply of Productive Consumption, and labour for the supply of Unproductive Consumption 33 CHAPTEB IV. Of Capital. 1. Capital is wealth appropriated to reproductive employment ... 34 2. More capital devoted to production than actually employed in it . 3G 8. Examination of some cases illustrative of the idea of capital . . 37 a. 2 ;; CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. Fundamental Propositions respecting Capital. TAG* 1. Industry is limited by Capital . .- . 39 2. but docs not always come up to that limit 41 3. Increase of capital gives increased employment to labour, without assignable bounds 41 4. Capital is the result of saving 43 5. All capital is consumed _ 44 6. Capital is kept up, not by preservation, but by perpetual repro- duction . . . 40 7. Why countries recover rapidly from a state of devastation ... 47 8. Effects of defraying government expenditure by loans .... 47 9. Demand for commodities is not demand for labour ..... 49 10. Fallacy respecting Taxation 55 CHAPTEE VI. Of Circulating and Fixed Capital. I 1 . Fixed and Circulating Capital, what 57 2. Increase of fixed capital* when at the expense of circulating, might be detrimental to the labourers 58 3. but this seldom if ever occurs 61 CHAPTEB VII. On what depends the dcrjree of Productiveness of Productive Agents. 1. Land, labour, and capital, are of different productiveness at diffe- rent times and places 63 2. Causes of superior productiveness. Natural advantages ... 63 3. greater energy of labour 65 4. superior skill and knowledge 66 f>. superiority of intelligence and trustworthiness in the commu- nity generally 67 6. superior security 70 CHAPTEE VIII. Of Co-operation, or the Combination of Labour. | 1. Combination of Labour a principal cause of superior productiveness 71 2. Effects of separation of employments analysed 73 3. Combination of labour between town and country ...... 74 4. The higher degrees of the division of labour 75 5. Analysis of its advantages 77 6. Limitations of the division of labour 80 CHAPTEB IX. Of Production on a Large, and, Production on a Small Scale. j 1. Advantages of the large system of production in manufactures . 81 2. Advantages and disadvantages of the joint-stock principle ... 84 3. Conditions necessary for the large system of production .... 87 4. Large and small farming compared 89 CHAPTER X. Of the Law of the Increase of Labour. 1. The law of the increase of production depends on those of three elements, Labour, Capital, and Land 90 2. The Law of Population m 07 3. By what checks the increase of population is practically limited . 93 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XI. Of the Law of the Increase of Capital. PiGl 1. Means and motives to saving, on what dependent 100 2. Causes of diversity in the effective strength of the desire of accu- mulation 102 3. Examples of deficiency in the strength of this desire 103 4. Exemplification of its excess 107 CHAPTEB XII. Of the L6 3. in Norway 159 4. in Germany 1G1 5. in Belgium 1 64 6. in the Channel Islands 167 7. in France 168 CHAPTER VII. Continuation of thi same subject. 1. Influence of peasant properties in stimulating industry .... 171 2. in training intelligence 172 3. in promoting forethought and self-control 773 4. Their effect on population 174 5. en the subdivision of land 180 CHAPTER VIII. Of Metayers. 1. Nature of the metayer system, and its varieties 183 2. Its advantages and inconveniences 184 3. Evidence concerning its effects in different countries 185 4. Is its abolition desirable ? 191 CHAPTER IX. Of Cottiers. 1. Nature and operation of cottier tenure 193 2. In an overpeopled country its necessary consequence is nominal rents , '. 195 3. which arc inconsistent with industry, frugality, or restraint on population 19(5 $ Ryot tenancy of India ....... 197 CONTENTS. xi CHAPTER X. Means of alolishing Cottier Tenancy. PAG* 1. Irish cottiers should be converted into peasant proprietors . . . 199 2. Present state of this question ............ 204 CHAPTER XI. Of Wages. 1. W.TXCS depend on the demand and supply of labour in other words, on population and capital ........... 207 2. Examination of some popular opinions respecting wages . . . 208 3. Certain rare circumstances excepted, high wag(/s imply restraints on population ................ .211 4. which are in some cases legal ........... 213 5. in others the effect of particular customs ........ 214 6. Due restriction of population the only safeguard of a labouring .................... 216 CHAPTER XII. Of Popular Remedies for Low Wages. 1. A legal or customary minimum of wages, with a guarantee of employment ................. 218 2. would require as a condition, legal measures for repression of population .................. 219 3. Allowances in aid of wages ............. 221 4. The Allotment System ............... 223 CHAPTER XIII. The Remedies for Low Wages further considered. 1. Pernicious direction of public opinion on the subject of population 225 2. Grounds for expecting improvement .......... 227 3. Twofold means of elevating the habits of the labouring people : by education ................. 230 4. and by large measures of immediate relief, through foreign and home colonization ................ 231 CHAPTER XIV. Of the Differences of Wages in different Employments. 1. Differences of wages arising from different degrees of attractive- ness in different employments ............ 233 2. Differences arising from natural monopolies ........ 236 3. Effect on wages of a class of subsidized competitors ..... 238 4. of the competition of persons with independent means of sup- port .................... 240 5. Wages of women, why lower than those of men ...... 242 0. Differences of wages arising from restrictive laws, and from combi- nations ................... 243 7. Casej in which wagos are fixed by custom ...,. 244 CHAPTER XV. Of Profits. 1. Profits resolvable into three parts; interest, insurance, and wages of superintendence ................ 245 2. The minimum of profits ; and the variations to which it is liable . 246 xii CONTENTS. TAG* 3. Differences of profits arising from the nature of the particular em- ployment ; 247 4. General tendency of profits to an equality '248 5. Profits do not depend on prices, nor on purchase and sale . . . 2">1 6. The advances of the capitalist consist ultimately in wages of labour 2~>'2 7. The rate of profit depends on the Cost of Labour 253 CHAPTER XVI. Of Sent. } 1. Pent the effect of a natural monopoly 255 2. No land can pay rent except land of such quality or situation, as exists in less quantity than the demand 255 3. The rent of land consists of the excess of its return above the return to the worst land in cultivation 2">7 4. or to the capital employed in the least advantageous circum- stances 2">8 6. Is payment for capital suiik in the soil, rent, or profit? .... 2;VJ 6. Rent does not enter into the cost of production of agricultural produce 262 BOOK III. EXCHANGE. CHAPTER I. Of Value. | 1. Preliminary remarks 264 2. Definitions of Value in Use, Exchange Value, and Price .... 265 3. What is meant by general purchasing power 265 4. Value a relative term. A general rise or fall of Values a contra- diction 266 5. The laws of Value, how modified in their application to retail transactions 267 CHAPTER II. Of Demand and Supply, in their relation to Value. 1. Two conditions of Value: Utility, and Difficulty of Attainment . 268 2. Three kinds of Difficulty of Attainment 269 3. Commodities which are absolutely limited in quantity .... 270 4. Law of their value, the Equation of Demand and Supply . . , 271 5. Miscellaneous cases falling under tkis law 272 CHAPTER III. Of Cost of Production, in its relation to Value. 1. Commodities which are susceptible of indefinite multiplication without increase of cost. Law of their Value, Cost of Production 274 2. operating through potential, but not actual, alterations of supply 275 CHAPTER IV. Ultimata Analysis of Cost of Production. K 1. Principal element in Cost of Production Quantity of Labour . . 277 2. Wages not an element in Cost of Production 278 CONTENTS. xiii PAG I 3. except in so far as they vary from employment to employment -J7'J 4. Profits an (-lenient in Cost of Production, in so far as they vary from employment to employment 280 5. or are spread over unequal lengths of time 281 6- Occasional elements in Cost of Production : taxes, and scarcity value of materials 283 CHAPTEB V. Of Kent, in its Relation to Value, 1. Commodities which are susceptible of indefinite multiplication, but not without increase of cost. Law of their Value, Cost of Pro- duction in the most unfavourable existing circumstances . . . 285 2. Such commodities, when produced in circumstances more favour- able, yield a rent equal to the difference of cost 286 3. Rent of mines and fisheries, and ground-rent of buildings . . . 288 4. Cases of extra profit analogous to rent . 289 CHAPTEB VI. Summary of the Theory of Value. 1. The theory of Value recapitulated in a scries of propositions . . 290 2. JIow modified by the case of labourers cultivating for subsistence . 292 3. by the case of slave labour 293 CHAPTES VII. Of Money. 1. Purposes of a Circulating Medium 293 2. Gold and Silver, why fitted for those purposes 294 3. Money a mere contrivance for facilitating exchanges, which docs not aft'ect the laws of Value 296 CHAPTEE VIII. Of the Value of Money, as de-pendent on I)emand and Supply. % 1 . Value of Money, an ambiguous expression 297 2. The value of money depends, caiteris paribus, on its quantity . . 298 3. together with the rapidity of circulation 300 4. Explanations and limitations of this principle 301 CHAPTEE IX. Of the Value of Money, as dependent on Cost of Production. 1. The value of money, in a state of freedom, conforms to the value of the bullion contained in it 303 2. which is determined by the cost of production 304 3. This law, how related to the principle laid down in the preceding chapter 306 CHAPTER X. Of a Double Standard, and Subsidiary Coins. 1. Objections to a double standard 307 2. The use of the two metals as money, how obtained without making both of them legal tender 308 JT CONTENTS. CHAPTER XI. Of Credit, as a Substitute for Money. PAT,* 1. Credit not a creation but a transfer of the means of production . . 309 2. In what manner it assists production 310 3. Function of credit in economizing- the use of money oil 4. Bills of exchange " 312 5. Promissory notes , , . o 1 4 6. Deposits and cheques . 315 CHAPTER XII. Influence of Credit on Prices. 1. The influence of bank notes, bills, and cheques, on price, a part of the influence of Credit 31 C 2. Credit a purchasing power similar to money 317 3. Effects of great extensions and contractions of credit. Phenomena of a commercial crisis analysed 318 4. Bills a more powerful instrument for acting on prices than book credits, and bank notes than bills 320 5. the distinction of little practical importance 322 6. Cheques an instrument for acting on prices, equally powerful with bank notes 32-4 7. Are bank notes money? 32? 8. No generic distinction between bank notes and other forms of credit 327 CHAPTER XIII. Of an Inconvertible Paper Currency. J . The value of an inconvertible paper, depending on its quantity, is a matter of arbitrary regulation 328 2. If regulated by the price of bullion, an inconvertible currency might be safe, but not expedient 330 3. Examination of the doctrine that an inconvertible currency is safe if representing actual property 331 4. of the doctrine that an increase of the currency promotes industry 332 5. Depreciation of currency a tax on the community, and a fraud on creditors 334 6. Examination of some pleas for committing this fraud ..... 334 CHAPTER XIV. Of Excess of Supply. 1. Can there be an oversupply of commodities generally? .... 336 2. The supply of commodities in general, cannot exceed the power of purchase 337 3. never does exceed the inclination to consume 338 4. Origin and explanation of the notion of general oversnpply . . . 339 CHAPTER XV. Of a Measure of Value. 1. A Measure of Exchange Value, in what sense possible .... 341 2. A Measure of Cost of Production 342 CHAPTER XVI. Of some Peculiar Cases of Value. 1. Values of commodities which have a joint cost of production . . 345 2. Values of the different kinds of agricultural produce ..... 344 CONTENTS. sv CHAPTER XVII. Of International Trade. PAGl 1. Cost oi' production not the regulator of international values . . . 347 2. Interchange of commodities between distant places, determined by differences not in their absolute, but in their comparative, cost of production 348 3. The direct benefits of commerce consist in increased efficiency of the productive powers of the world 349 4. not in a vent for exports, nor in the gains of merchants . . . 350 5. Indirect benefits of commerce, economical and moral; still greater than the direct , . 351 CHAPIEE XVIII. Of International Values. 8 1 . The values of imported commodities depend on the terms of inter- national interchange 352 2. which depend on the Equation of International Demand . . . 353 3. Influence of cost of carriage on international values 350 4. The law of values which holds between two countries, and two commodities, holds of any greater number 356 5. Effect of improvements in production, on international values . . 358 6. The preceding theory not complete 360 7. International values depend not solely on the quantities demanded, but also on the means of production available in each country for the supply of foreign markets 361 8. The practical result little affected by this additional element . . 363 9. The cost to a country of its imports, on what circumstances dependent 365 CHAPTER XIX. Of Money, considered as an Imported Commodity. g I. Money imported in two modes; as a commodity, and as a medium of exchange 367 2. As a commodity, it obeys the same laws of value as other imported commodities 367 3. Its value does not depend exclusively on its cost of production at the mines 3G9 CHAPTER XX. Of the Foreign Exchanges. 1 . Purposes for which money passes from country to country as a medium of exchange 370 2. Mode of adjusting international payments through the exchanges. 370 3. Distinction between variations in the exchanges which are self- adjusting, and those which can only be rectified through prices. 373 CHAPTER XXI. Of the Distribution of the Precious Metals through the Commercial World. 1. The substitution of money for barter makes no difference in exports and imports, nor in the law of international values 374 2. The preceding theorem further illustrated 37g xvi CONTENTS. FAG3 3. The precious metals, as money, are of the same value, and dis- tribute themselves according to the same law, with the precious metals as a commodity 379 4. International payments of a non-commercial character .... 379 CIIAPTEB XXII. Influence of Currency on the Exchanges and on Foreign Trade. 1. Varialions in the exchange, which originate in the currency . . 380 2. Ell'cct of a sudden increase of a metallic currency, or of the sudden creation of bank notes or other substitutes for money .... 38* 3. Eflect of the increase of an inconvertible paper currency. Eeal and nominal exchange 384 CHAPTEE XXIII. Of the Rate of Interest. 1 . Tho rate of interest depends on the demand and supply of loans . 385 2. Circumstances which determine the permanent demand and supply of loans 386 3. Circumstances which determine the fluctuations ...... 388 4. The rate of interest, how far, and in what sense, connected with the value of money 390 5. The rate of interest determines the price of land and of securities . 393 CHAPTEE XXIV. Of the Regulation of a Convertible Paper Currency. % 1 . Two contrary theories respecting the influence of bank issues . . 394 2. Examination of each 395 3. Keasons for thinking that the Currency Act of 1844 produces a part of the beneficial effect intended by it 397 4. but produces mischiefs more than equivalent 400 5. Should the issue of bank notes be confined to a single esta- blishment? 408 6. Should the holders of notes be protected in any peculiar manner against failure of payment ? 409 CHAPTEE XXV. Of the Competition of different Countries in the same Market. 1. Causes which enable one country to undersell another .... 410 2. Low wages one of those causes 411 3. when peculiar to certain branches of industry 412 4. but not when common lo all 414 5. Some anomalous cases of trading communities examined . . . . 414 CHAPTEE XXVI. Of Distribution, as affected by Exchange. | 1. Exchange and Money make no difference in the law of wages . . 416 2. in the law of rent . . . 417 3. nor in the law of profits 418 CONTENT'S. xvii BOOK IV. INFLUENCE OF THE PROGRESS OF SOCIETY ON PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION. CHAPTER I. General Characteristics of a Progressive State of Wealth. PAGB i 1. Introductory Remarks 421 2. Tendency of the progress of society towards increased command over the powers of nature ; increased security ; and increased capacity of co-operation 421 CHAPTEB II. Influence of the Progress of Industry and Population on Values and Prices. 1. Tendency to a decline of the value and cost of production of all commodities 424 2. except the products of agriculture and mining, which have a tendency to rise 425 3. that tendency from time to time counteracted by improvements in production 42G 4. Effect of the progress of society in moderating fluctuations of value 427 5. Examination of the influence of speculators, and in particular of corn dealers 423 CHAPTER III. Influence of the Progress of Industry and Population on Rents, Profits, and Wages. 1 . First case ; population increasing, capital stationary 430 2. Second case; capital increasing, population stationary .... 432 3. Third case ; population and capital increasing equally, the arts of production stationary 433 4. Fourth case; the arts of production progressive, capital and popu- lation stationary 433 5. Fifth case ; all the three elements progressive ....... 437 CHAPTEB IV. Of the Tendency of Profits to a Minimum. 1. Doctrine of Adam Smith on the competition of capital .... 439 2. Doctrine of Mr. Wakefield respecting the field of employment . . 4 1C* 3. AVhat determines the minimum rate of profit 4 It 4. In opulent countries, profits habitually near to the minimum . . 441! 5. prevented from reaching it by commercial revulsions ....-111 6. by improvements in production 445 7. by the importation of cheap necessaries and instruments . . 41(5 8. by the emigration of capital . . . 417 viij CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. Consequences of the Tendency of Profits to a Minimum. PAOl 1. Abstraction of capital not necessarily a national loss 448 2. In opulent countries, the extension of machinery not detrimental but beneficial to labourers 450 CHAPTER VI. Of the Stationary State. 1. Stationaiy state of wealth and population, dreaded and deprecated by writers 452 2. but not in itself undesirable 453 CHAPTER VII. On the Probable Futurity of His Labouring Classes. 1. The theory of dependence and protection no longer applicable to the condition of modern society 455 2. The future well-being of the labouring classes principally dependent on their own mental cultivation 458 3. Probable effects of improved intelligence in causing a better adjustment of population Would be promoted by the social independence of women 459 4. Tendency of society towards the disuse of the relation of hiring and service 459 5. Examples of the association of labourers with capitalists . . . . 461 6. of the association of labourers among themselves ..... 4(55 7. Competition not pernicious, but useful and indispensable .... 476 BOOK V. ON THE INFLUENCE OF GOVERNMENT. CHAPTER I. Of the Functions of Government in general. 1. Necessary and optional functions of government distinguished . . 479 2. Multifarious character of the necessaiy functions of government . 480 3. Division of the subject 482 CHAPTER II. Of the General Principles of Taxation. 1 . Four fundamental rules of taxation 483 2. Grounds of the principle of Equality of Taxation 484 3. Should the same percentage be levied on all amounts of income ? . 485 4. Should the same percentage be levied on perpetual and on termi- nable incomes ? 488 6. The increase of the rent of land from natural causes a fit subject of peculiar taxation 492 6. A land tax, in some cases, not taxation, but a rent-charge in favour of the public 493 7. Taxes falling on capital, not necessarily objectionable .... 494 CONTENTS. xbt CHAPTER III. Of Direct Taxes. FXGB 1. Direct taxes either on income or on expenditure 495 2. Taxes on rent 496 3. on profits . 496 4. on wages 498 5. An Income Tax 490 6. A House Tax 501 CHAPTEB IV. Of Taxes on Commodities. 1 . A Tax on all Commodities would fall on profits ....... 504 2. Taxes on particular commodities fall on the consumer 505 3. Peculiar effects of taxes on necessaries 506 4. how modified by the tendency of profits to a minimum . . . 507 5. Effects of discriminating duties 510 6. Effects produced on international exchange by duties on exports and on imports 512 CHAPTEB V. Of some other Taxes. 1 . Taxes on contracts ...517 2. Taxes on communication 518 3. Law Taxes 519 4. Modes of taxation for local purposes 520 CHAPTER VT. Comparison between Direct and Indirect Taxation. 1. Arguments for and against direct taxation 521 2. "\Vliatfbrmsofindirecttaxationmosteligible ....... 523 3. Practical rules for indirect taxation 524 CHAPTEE VII. Of a National Delt. 1. Is it desirable to defray extraordinary public expenses by loans? . 526 2. Not desirable to redeem a national debt by a general contribution 528 3. In what cases desirable to maintain a surplus revenue for the redemption of debt . . 529 CHAPTER VIII. Of the Ordinary Functions of Government, considered as to tJieir Economical Effects. 1. KlTocts of imperfect security of person and property 531 2. Kfi'i.vls of over-taxation 532 3. Effects of imperfection in the system of the laws, and in the admi- nistration of justice 533 CHAPTEK IX. The same subject continued. 1. Laws of Inheritance 526 2. Law and Custom of Primogeniture 537 3. Entails 539 xx CONTENTS. 4. Law of compulsory equal division of inheritances 540 o. Laws of Partnership 541 6. Partnerships with limited liability. Chartered Companies . . . 542 7. Partnerships in cnmmandite 545 8. Laws relating to insolvency 548 CHAPTEB X. Of Interferences of Government grounded on \ Erroneous Theories. | 1. Doctrine of Protection to Native Industry 552 2. Usury Laws j^. 558 3. Attempts to regulate the prices of commodities 561 4. Monopolies 502 5. Laws against Combination of Workmen 5G3 6. Restraints on opinion or on its publication 506 CHAPTER XI. Of the Grounds and Limits of the Laisser-faire or Non-interference Principle. 1. Governmental intervention distinguished into authoritative and unauthoritative 567 2. Objections to government intervention the compulsory character of the intervention itself, or of the levy of funds to support it . . 568 3. increase of the power and influence of government 570 4. increase of the occupations and responsibilities of government . 570 5. superior efficiency of private agency, owing to stronger interest in the work 571 6. importance of cultivating habits of collective action in the people 572 7. Laisser-faire the general rule 573 8. but liable to large exceptions. Cases in which the consumer is an incompetent judge of the commodity. Education .... 575 9. Case of persons exercising power over others. Protection of chil- dren and young persons ; of the lower animals. Case of women not analogous 577 10. Case of contracts in perpetuity 579 11. Cases of delegated management 579 12. Cases in which public intervention may be necessary to give effect to the wishes of the persons interested. Examples : hours of labour; disposal of colonial lands 581 13. Case of acts done for the benefit of others than the persons con- cerned. Poor Laws 585 14. Colonization 585 ,5. - other miscellaneous examples 539 "6. Government intervention may be necessary in default of private agency, in cases where private agency would bo more suitable . 590 PRINCIPLES POLITICAL ECONOMY. PRELIMINARY REMARKS. IN every department of human affairs, Practice long precedes Science : sys- tematic enquiry into the modes of action of the powers of nature, is the tardy product of a long course of efforts to use those powere for practical ends. The conception, accordingly, of Political Economy as a branch of science, is extremely modern ; but the (subject with which its enquiries are conversant has in all ages necessarily constituted one of the chief practical interests of mankind, and, in some, a most unduly engrossing one. That subject is Wealth. Writers on Political Economy profess to teach, or to investigate, the nature of Wealth, and the laws of its production and dis- tribution : including, directly or re- motely, the operation of all the causes by which the condition of mankind, or of any society of human beings, in respect to this universal object of human desire, is made prosperous or the reverse. Not that any treatise on Political Economy can discuss or even Dmimerate all these causes ; but it undertakes to set forth as much as is known of the laws and principles ac- cording to which they operate. Every one lias a notion, sufficiently correct for common purposes, of what is meant by wealth. The enquiries which relate to it are in no danger of being confounded with those relating to any other of the great human in- t'Trsts. All know that it is one tiling to be rich, another thing to be enlightened, br~. part of the national wealth when his powers are owned by another man, he cannot be less a part oi' it when they are owned by himself. Whatever he is worth to his master is so much pro- perty abstracted from himself, and its abstraction cannot augment the posses- sions of the two together, or of the country to which they both belong. In propriety of classification, however, the people of a country are not to be counted in its wealth. They are that for the sake of which its wealth exists. The term wealth is wanted to denote the de- sirable objects which they possess, not inclusive of, but in contradistinction to, their own persons. They are not wealth to themselves, though they are means of acquiring it. Wgalth, then, may be defined, all n i-o t'nl or agreeable things which possess exchangeable value ; or, in other words, all useful or agreeable things except those which can be obtained, in the quantity desired, without labour or sa- crifice. To this definition, the only objection seems to be, that it leaves in uncertainty a question which has been much debated whetherwhat are called immaterial products are to be considered as wealth : whether, for example, the skill of a workman, or any other natural or acquired power of body or mind, shall be called wealth, or not : a question, not of very great importance, and which, so far as requiring discussion, will be more conveniently considered in another place.* These things having been premised respecting wealth, we shall next turn our attention to the extraordinary dif- ferences in respect to it, which exist between nation and nation, and be- tween different ages of the world ; dif- ferences both in the quantity of wealth, and in the kind of it ; as well as in the manner in which the wealth existing in the community is shared among its saembers. iL here is, perhaps, no people or corn- Infra, book j. chap. iii. munity, now existing, which subsists entirely on the spontaneous produce of vegetation. But many tribes still live exclusively, or almost exclusively, on wild animals, the produce of hunting or fishing. Their clothing is skins ; theit habitations, huts rudely formed of loga or boughs of trees, and abandoned at an hour's notice. The food they use being little susceptible of storing up, they have no accumulation of it, and are often exposed to great privations. The wealth of such a community con- sists solely of the skins they wear ; a few ornaments, the taste for which exists among most savages ; some rude utensils ; the weapons with which they kill their game, or fight against hostile competitors for the means of subsistence; canoes for crossing rivers and lakes, or fishing in the sea ; and perhaps some furs or other productions of the wilder- ness, collected to be exchanged with civilized people for blankets, brandy, and tobacco ; of which foreign produce also there may be some unconsumcd portion in store. To this scanty in- ventory of material wealth, ought to be added their land; an instrument of production of which they make slender use, compared with more settled com- munities, but which is still the source of their subsistence, and which has a marketable value if there be any agri- cultural community in the neighbour, hood requiring more land than it pos- sesses. This is the state of greatest poverty in which any entire community of human beings is known to exist ; though there are much richer commu- nities in which portions of the inhabit- ants are in a condition, as to subsist- ence and comfort, as little enviable as that of the savage. The first great advance beyond this state consists in the domestication of the more useful animals ; giving rise to the pastoral or nomad state, in which mankind do not live on the produce of hunting, but on milk and its products, and on the annual increase of flocks and herds. This condition is not only more desirable in itself, but more con- ducive to further progress ; and a much more considerable amount of wealth \ accumulated under it. So long as tL\ PRELIMINARY REMARKS. rast natural pastures of the earth are not yet so fully occupied as to be con- sumed more rapidly than they are spontaneously reproduced, a large and constantly increasing stock of subsist- ence may be collected and preserved, with little other labour than that of guarding the cattle from the attacks of wild beasts, and from the force or wiles of predatory men. Large flocks and herds, therefore, are in time possessed, by active and thrifty individuals through their own exertions, and by the heads of families and tribes through the ex- ertions of those who are connected with them by allegiance. There thus arises, in the shepherd state, inequality of possessions ; a thing which scarcely exists in the savage state, where no one has much more than absolute ne- cessaries, and in case of deficiency must share even those with his tribe. In the nomad state, some have an abundance of cattle, sufficient for the food of a mul- titude, while others have not contrived to appropriate and retain any super- fluity, or perhaps any cattle at all. But subsistence has ceased to be precarious, since the more successful have no other use which they can make of their sur- plus than to feed the less fortunate, while every increase in the number of persons connected with them is an in- crease both of security and of power : and thus they are enabled to divest themselves of all labour except that of government and superintendence, and acquire dependents to fight for them in war and to serve them in peace. One of the features of this state of society is, that a part of the community, and in some degree even the whole of it, possess leisure. Only a portion of time is required for procuring food, and the remainder is not engrossed by anxious thought for the morrow, or necessary repose from muscular activity. Such a life is highly favourable to the growth of new wants, and opens a possibility of their gratification. A desire arises for better clothing, utensils, and imple- ments, than the savage state contents itself with ; and the surplus food ren- ders it practicable to devote to these purposes the exertions of a part of the tribe. In all or most nomad commu- nitk-s we find domestic manufactures of a coarse, and in some, of a fine kind. There is ample evidence that while those parts of the world which have been the cradle of modern civilization were still generally in the nomad state, considerable skill had been attained in spinning, weaving, and dyeing woollen garments, in the preparation of leather, and in what appears a still more diffi- cult invention, that of working in metals. Even speculative science took its first beginnings from the leisure character- istic of this stage of social progress. The earliest astronomical observations are attributed, by a tradition which has : much appearance of truth, to the shep- herds of Chaldaea. From this state of society to the agricultural the transition is not indeed easy, (for no great change in the habits of mankind is otherwise than difficult, ' and in general either painful or very slow,) but it lies in what may he called the spontaneous course of events. The growth of the population of men and cattle began in time to press upon the earth's capabilities of yielding natural pasture : and this cause doubtless pro- duced the first tilling of the ground, just as at a later period the same cause made the superfluous hordes of the nations which had remained nomad precipitate themselves upon those which had already become agricul- tural ; until, these having become suf- ficiently powerful to repel such inroads, the invading nations, deprived of this outlet, were obliged also to become agricultural communities. But after this great step had been completed, the subsequent progress of mankind seems by no means to have been so rapid (certain rare combina- tions of circumstances excepted) as might perhaps have been anticipated. The quantity of human food which the earth is capable of returning even to the most wretched system of agricul- ture, so much exceeds what could be obtained in the purely pastoral state, that a great increase of population is invariably the result. But this addi- tional food is onjy obtained by a great additional amount of labour; so that not only an agricultural has much les? 8 PRELIMINARY REMARKS. leisure than a pastoral population, but, with the imperfect tools and unskilful processes which are for a long time employed (and which over the greater part of the earth have not even yet been abandoned), agriculturists do not, unless in unusually advantageous cir- cumstances of climate and soil, produce so great a surplus of food beyond their necessary consumption, as to support any large class of labourers engaged in other departments of industry. The surplus, too, whether small or great, is usually torn from the producers, either by the government to which they are subject, or by individuals, who by superior force, or by availing them- selves of religious or traditional feel- ings of subordination, have established themselves as lords of the soil. The first of these modes of appro- priation, by the government, is cha- racteristic of the extensive monarchies which from a time beyond historical record have occupied the plains of Asia. The government, in those coun- tries, though varying in its qualities according to the accidents of personal character, seldom leaves much to the cultivators beyond mere necessaries, and often strips them so bare even of these, that it finds itself obliged, after taking all they have, to lend part of it back to those from whom it has been taken, in order to provide them with seed, and enable them to support life until an- other harvest. Under the regime in question, though the bulk of the popu- lation are ill provided for, the govern- ment, by collecting small contributions from great numbers, is enabled, with any tolerable management, to make a show of riches quite out of proportion to the general condition of the society; and hence the inveterate impression, of which Europeans have only at a late period been disabused, concerning the great opulence of Oriental nations. In this wealth, without reckoning the large portion which adheres to the iiands emp'oyed in collecting it, many of course participate, besides the immediate household of the sove- A large part is distributed among the various functionaries of go- vernment, and among the objects of the sovereign's favour or caprice. A part is occasionally employed in works of public utility. The tanks, wells, and canals for irrigation, without which in many tropical climates cultivation could hardly be carried on ; the em- bankments which confine the rivers, the bazars for dealers, and the seraees for travellers, none of which could have been made by the scanty means in the possession of those using them, owe their existence to the liberality and enlightened self-interest of the better order of princes, or to the benevolence or ostentation of here and there a rich individual, whose fortune, if traced to its source, is always found to have been drawn immediately or remotely from the public revenue, most frequently by a direct grant of a portion of it from the sovereign. The ruler of a society of this descrip- tion, after providing largely for his own support, and that of all persons in whom he feels an interest, and after maintaining as many soldiers as he thinks needful for his security or his state, has a disposable residue, which he is glad to exchange for articles of luxury suitable to his disposition : as have also the class of persons who have been enriched by his favour, or by handling the public revenues. A de- mand thus arises for elaborate and costly manufactured articles, adapted to a narrow but a wealthy market. This demand is often supplied almost ex- clusively by the merchants of more advanced communities, but often also raises up in the country itself a class of artificers, by whom certain fabrics are carried to as high excellence as can be given by patience, quickness of perception and observation, and manual dexterity, without any con- siderable knowledge of the properties of objects: such as some of the cotton fabrics of India. These artificers are fed by the surplus food which has been taken by the government and its agents as their share of the produce. So literally is this the case, that in some countries the workman, instead of taking the work home, and being PRELIMINARY REMARKS. 9 paid for it after it is finished, proceeds with his tools to his customer's house, and is there subsisted until the work is complete. The insecurity, however, of all possessions in this state of society, induces even the richest purchasers to give a preference to such articles as, being of an imperishable nature, and containing great value in small bulk, are adapted for being concealed or car- ried off. Gold and jewels, therefore, constitute a large proportion of the wealth of these nations, and many a rich Asiatic carries nearly his whole fortune on his person, or on those of the women of his harem. No one, except the monarch, thinks of invest- ing his wealth in a manner not suscep- tible of removal. He, indeed, if he feels safe on his throne, and reasonably secure of transmitting it to his descen- dants, sometimes indulges a taste for durable edifices, and produces the Pyramids, or the Taj Mehal and the .Mausoleum at Sekundra. The rude manufactures destined for the wants of the cultivators are worked up by vil- lage artisans, who are remunerated by land given to them rent-free to culti- vate, or by fees paid to them in kind from such share of the crop as is left to the villagers by the government. This state of society, however, is not destitute of a mercantile class ; com- posed of two divisions, grain dealers and money dealers. The grain dealers do not usually buy grain from the pro- ducers, but from the agents of govern- ment, who, receiving the revenue in kind, are glad to devolve upon others the business of conveying it to the places where the prince, his chief civil and military officers, the bulk of his troops, and the artisans who supply the wants of these various persons, are assembled. The money dealei's lend to the unfortunate cultivators, when ruined by bad seasons or fiscal exac- tions, the means of supporting life and continuing their cultivation, and are repaid with enormous interest at the next harvest : or, on a larger scale, they lend to the government, or to those to whom it has granted a portion oi the revenue, and are indemnified by assignments on the revenue collectors, or by having certain districts put into their possession.that they may pay them- selves from the revenues ; to enable them to do which, a great portion of the powers of government are usually made over simultaneously, to be exer- cised by them until either the districts are redeemed, or their receipts have liquidated the debt. Thus, the com- mercial operations of both these classes of dealers take place principally upon that part of the prod.ice of the country which forms the revenue of the govern- ment. From that revenue their capital is periodically replaced with a profit, and that is also the source from which their original funds have almost always been derived. Such, in its general features, is the economical condition of most of the countries of Asia, as it has been from beyond the commencement of authentic history, and is still, wher- ever not disturbed by foreign influ- ences. In the agricultural communities of ancient Europe whose early conditiot is best known to us, the course of things was different. These, at their origin, were mostly small town-commu- nities, at the first plantation of which, in an unoccupied country, or in one from which the former inhabitants had been expelled, the land which was taken possession of was regularly divided, in equal or in graduated allot- ments, among the families composing the community. In some cases, in- stead of a town there was a confedera- tion of towns, occupied by people of the same reputed race, and who were sup- posed to have settled in the country about the same time. Each family produced its own food and the mate- rials of its clothing, which were worked up within itself, usually by the women of the family, into the coarse fabrics with which the age was contented. Taxes there were none, as there were either no paid officers of government, or if there were, their payment had been provided for by a reserved portion of land, cultivated by slaves on account of the state ; and the army consisted of the body of citizens. The wholo io PRELIMINARY REMARKS produce of the soil, therefore, belonged, without deduction, to the family which cultivated it. So long as the progress of events permitted this disposition of property to last, the state of society was, for the majority of the free culti- vators, probably not an undesirable one ; and under it, in some cases, the advance of mankind in intellectual cul- ture was extraordinarily rapid and brilliant. This more especially hap- pened where, along with advantageous circumstances of race and climate, and no doubt with many favourable acci- dents of which all trace is now lost, was combined the advantage of a position on the shores of a great inland sea, the other coasts of which were already occupied by settled commu- nities. The knowledge which in such a position was acquired of foreign pro- ductions, and the easy access of foreign ideas and inventions, made the chain of routine, usually so strong in a rude people, hang loosely on these commu- nities. To speak only of their indus- trial development ; they early acquired variety of wants and desires, which stimulated them to extract from their own soil the utmost which they knew how to make it yield ; and when their Boil was sterile, or after they had reached the limit of its capacity, they often became traders, and bought up the productions of foreign countries, to sell them in other countries with a profit. The duration, however, of this state of things was from the first precarious. These little communities lived in a state of almost perpetual war. For this there were many causes. In the ruder and purely agricultural commu- nities a frequent cause was the mere pressure of their increasing population upon their limited land, aggravated as that pressure so often was by deiicient harvests in the rude state of their agri- culture, and depending as they did for food upon a very small extent of coun- try. On these occasions, the commu- nity often emigrated in a body, or sent forth a swarm of its youth, to seek, Bword in hand, for some less warlike people, who could be expelled from their land, or detained to cultivate it as slaves for the benefit of their despoilers. What the less advanced tribes did from necessity, the more prosperous did from ambition and the military spirit : and after a time the whole of these city-communities were either conquerors or conquered. In some cases, the conquering state contented itself with imposing a tribute on the vanquished : who being, in considera- tion of that burden, freed from the ex- pense and trouble of their own military and naval protection, might enjoy under it a considerable share of econo- mical prosperity, while the ascendant community obtained a surplus of wealth, available for purposes of collec- tive luxury or magnificence. From such a surplus the Parthenon and the Propylaea were built, the sculptures of ; ; paid for, and the festivals celebrated, for which ^Eschy his, Sopho- cles, Euripides, and Aristophanes com- posed their dramas. But this state of Eolitical relations, most useful, while it isted, to the progress and ultimate interest of mankind, had not the ele- ments of durability. A small conquer- ing community which does not incor- porate its conquests, always ends by being conquered. Universal dominion, therefore, at -last rested with the people who practised this art with the Romans ; who, whatever were their other devices, always either began or ended by taking a great part of the land to enrich their own ler.ding citi- zens, and by adopting into the govern- ing body the principal possessors (>f the remainder. It is unnecessary to dwell on the melancholy economical history of the Roman empire. When in- equality of wealth once .commences, in a community not constantly engaged in repairing by industry the . injuries of fortune, its advances are gigantic ; the great masses of wealth swallow up the smaller. The Roman empire ulti- mately became covered with the vast landed possessions of a comparatively few families, for whose luxury,'- and still more for whose ostentation, the most costly products were raised, whilo the cultivators of the soil were slaves, or small tenants in a nearly servile condition. From this time the wealth PRELIMINARY REMARKS. 11 of the empire progressively declined. In the beginning, the public revenues, and the resources of rich individuals, sufliei.-d at least to cover Italy with splendid edifices, public and private : but at length so dwindled under the enervating influencesofmisgovernment, that what remained was not even suffi- ci<-iit to keep those edifices from decay. The strength and riches of the civilized world became inadequate to make head against the nomad population which skirted its northern frontier : they overran the empire, and a different order of things succeeded. In the new frame in which European society was now cast, the population of each country may be considered as composed, in unequal proportions, of two distinct nations or races, the con- querors and the conquered : the first the proprietors of the land, the latter the tillers of it. These tillers were allowed to occupy the land on conditions which, being the product of force, were always onerous, but seldom to the extent of absolute slavery. Already, in the later times of the Roman empire, predial s-lavi-ry had extensively transformed itself into a kind of serfdom : the coloni of the Romans were rather villeins than actual slaves ; and the incapacity and distaste of the barbarian conquerors for personally superintending industrial occupations, left no alternative but to allow to the cultivators, as an incentive to exertion, some real interest in the soil. If, for example, they were com- pelled to labour, three days in the week, for their superior, the produce of the remaining days was their own. If they were required to supply the pro- visions of various sorts, ordinarily needed for the consumption of the castle, and were often subject to requisitions in excess, yet after sup- plying these demands they were suf- fered to dispose at their will of what- ever additional produce they could raise. Under this system during the Middle Ages it was not impossible, no more than in modern Russia (where, up to the recent measure of emancipa- tion, the same system still essentially prevailed) for serfs to acquire property ; and in fact, their accumulations are the primitive source of the wealth of modern Europe. In that age of violence and disorder, the first use made by a serf of any small provision which he had been able to accumulate, was to buy his freedom and withdraw himself to some town or fortified village, which had remained undestroyed from the time of the Ro- man dominion ; or, without buying his freedom, to abscond thither. In that place of refuge, surrounded by others of his own class, he attempted to live, se- cured in some measure from the out- rages and exactions of the warrior caste, by his own prowess and that of his fel- lows. These emancipated serfs mostly became artificers ; and lived by ex- changing the produce of their industry for the surplus food and material which the soil yielded to its feudal proprietors. This gave rise to a sort of European counterpart of the economical condition of Asiatic countries; except that, in lieu of a single monarch and a fluctua- ting body of favourites and employes, there was a numerous and in a consider able degree fixed class of great land- holders ; exhibiting far less splendour, because individually disposing of a much smaller surplus produce, and for a long time expending the chief part of it in maintaining the body of retainers whom the warlike habits of society, and the little protection afforded by govern- ment, rendered indispensable to their safety. The greater stability, the fixity of personal position, which this state of society afforded, in comparison with the Asiatic polity to which it economi- cally corresponded, was one main rea- son why it was also found more favour- able to improvement. From this time the economical advancement of society has not been further interrupted. Se- curity of person and property grew slowly, but steadily ; the arts of life made constant progress; plunder ceased to be the principal source of accumula- tion ; and feudal Europe ripened into commercial and manufacturing Europe. In the latter part of the Middle Ages, the towns of Italy and Flanders, tho free cities of Germany, and some towns of France and England, contained a large and energetic population of arti- 12 PRELIMINARY REMARKS. sans, and many ricn burghers, whose wealth had been acquired by manufac- turing industry, or by trading in the produce of such industry. The Com- mons of England, the Tiers-Etat of France, the bourgeoisie of the Conti- nent generally, are the descendants of this class. As these were a saving class, while the posterity of the feudal aristocracy were a squandering class, the former by degrees substituted them- selves for the latter as the owners of a great proportion of the land. This natural tendency was in some cases retarded by laws contrived for the pur- pose of detaining the land in the fami- lies of its existing possessors, in other cases accelerated by political revolu- tions. Gradually, though more slowly, the immediate cultivators of the soil, in all the more civilized countries, ceased to be in a servile or semi-servile state : though the legal position, as well as the economical condition attained by them, vary extremely in the different nations of Europe, and in the great communities which have been founded beyond the Atlantic by the descendants of Europeans. The world now contains several ex- tensive regions, provided with the va- rious ingredients of wealth in a degree of abundance of which former ages had not even the idea. Without compulsory labour, an enormous mass of food is annually extracted from the soil, and maintains, besides the actual producers, an equal, sometimes a greater number of labourers, occupied in producing conveniences and luxuries of innumer- able kinds, or in transporting them from place to place ; also a multitude of per- sons employed in directing and super- intending these various labours; and over and above all these, a class more numerous than in the most luxurious ancient societies, of persons whose oc- cupations are of a kind not directly productive, and of persons who have no occupation at all. The food thus raised, supports a far larger population than had ever existed (at least in the same regions) on an equal space of ground; and supports them with cer- tainty, exempt from those periodically recurring famines so abundant in the early history of Europe, and in Oriental countries even now not nnfrequent. Besides this great increase in the quan- tity of food, it has greatly improved in quality and variety ; while conveniences and luxuries, other than food, are no longer limited to a small and opulent class, but descend, in great abundance, through many widening strata in so- ciety. The collective resources of one of these communities, when it chooses to put them forth for any unexpected purpose ; its ability to maintain fleets and armies, to execute public works, cither useful or ornamental, to perform national acts of beneficence like the ransom of the West India slaves; to found colonies, to have its people taught, to do anything in short which requires expense, and to do it with no sacrifice of the necessaries-or even the substantial comforts of its inhabitants, are such as the world never saw before. But in all these particulars, charac- teristic of the modern industrial com- munities, those communities differ widely from one another. Though abounding in wealth as compared with former ages, they do so in very different degrees. Even of the countries which are justly accounted the richest, some have made a more complete use of their productive resources, and have obtained, relatively to their territorial extent, a much larger produce, than others ; nor do they differ only in amount of wealth, but also in the rapidity of its increase. The diversities in the distribution of wealth are still greater than in the production. There are great differences in the condition of the poorest class in different countries ; and in the propor- tional numbers and opulence of the classes which are above the poorest. The very nature and designation of the classes who originally share among them the produce of the soil, vary not a little in different places. In some, the landowners are a class in them, selves, almost entirely separate from the classes engaged in industry: in others, the proprietor of the land is almost universally its cultivator, own- PRELIMINARY REMARKS. 13 Ing the plough, and often himself hold- ing it. Where the proprietor himself does not cultivate, there is sometimes, between him and the labourer, an in- termediate agency, that of the farmer, who advances the subsistence of the labourers, supplies the instruments of production, and receives, after paying a rent to the landowner, all the pro- duce : in other cases, the landlord, his paid agents, and the labourers, are the only sharers. Manufactures, again, are sometimes carried on by scattered individuals, who own or hire the tools or machinery they require, and employ little labour besides that of their own family ; in other cases, by large num- bers working together in one building, with expensive and complex machinery owned by rich manufacturers. The same difference exists in the operations of trade. The wholesale operations in- deed are everywhere carried on by large capitals, where such exist ; but the retail dealings, which collectively oc- cupy a very great amount of capital, are sometimes conducted in small shops, chiefly by the personal exertions of the dealers themselves, with their families, and perhaps an apprentice or two ; and sometimes in large establishments, of which the funds are supplied by a wealthy individual or association, and the agency is that of numerous salaried shopmen or shopwomen. Besides these differences in the economical pheno- mena presented by different parts of what is usually called the civilized world, all those earlier states which we previously passed in review, have con- tinued in some part or other of the world, down to our own time. Hunt- ing communities still exist in America, nomadic in Arabia and the steppes of Northern Asia ; Oriental society is in essentials what it has always been ; the great empire of Russia is even now, in many respects, the scarcely modified image of feudal Europe. Every one of the great types of human society, down to that of the Esquimaux or Patago- nians, is still extant. These remarkable differences in the state of different portions of the human fcoe, with regard to the production and distribution of wealth, must, like all other phenomena, depend on causes. And it is not a sufficient explanation to ascribe them exclusively to the de- grees of knowledge, possessed at dif- ferent times and places, of the laws of nature and the physical arts of life. Many other causes co-operate ; and that very progress and unequal dis- tribution of physical knowledge, are partly the effects, as well as partly the causes, of the state of the production and distribution of wealth. In so far as the economical condition of nations turns upon the state of phy- sical knowledge, it is a subject for the physical sciences, and the arts founded on them. But in so far as the causes are moral or psychological, dependent on institutions and social relations, or on the principles of human nature, their investigation belongs not to phy- sical, but to moral and social science, and is the object of what is called Po- litical Economy. The production of wealth ; the ex- traction of the instruments of human subsistence and enjoyment from the materials of the globe, is evidently not an arbitrary thing. It has its neces- sary conditions. Of these, some are physical, depending on the properties of matter, and on the amount of knowledge of those properties possessed at the particular place and time. These Political Economy does not investigate, but assumes; referring for the grounds, to physical science or common expe- rience. Combining with these facts of outward nature other truths relating to human nature, it attempts to trace the secondary or derivative laws, by which the production of wealth is de- termined ; in which must lie the ex- planation of the diversities of riches and poverty in the present and past, and the ground of whatever in- crease in wealth is reserved for the future. Unlike the laws of Production, those of Distribution are partly of human institution : since the manner in which wealth is distributed in any given so- ciety, depends on the statutes or usage* therein obtaining. But though govern PRELIMINAttY REMARKS. mcnts or nations have the power of de- ciding what institutions shall exist, they cannot arbitrarily determine hnw those institutions shall work. The con- ditions on which the power they possess over the distribution of wealth is depen- dent, and the manner in which the dis- tribution is affected by the various modes of conduct which society may think fit to adopt, are as much a subject for scien- tific inquiry as any of the physical laws of nature. The laws of Production and Distri- bution, and some of the practical con- sequences deducible from them, are the subject of the following treatise. BOOK L PEODUCTIOIST. CHAPTER I. OP THE REQUISITES OP PRODUCTION. 1. THE requisites of production are two: labour, and appropriate natural objects. Labour is cither bodily or mental ; or, to express the distinction more com- prehensively, either muscular or nerv- ous ; and it is necessary to include in the idea, not solely the exertion itself, but all feelings of a disagreeable kind, all bodily inconvenience or mental an- noyance, connected with the employ- ment of one's thoughts, or muscles, or both, in a particular occupation. Of the other requisite appropriate na- tural objects it is to be remarked, that some objects exist or grow up sponta- neously, of a kind suited to the supply of human wants. There are caves and hollow treeB capable of affording shel- ter ; fruit, roots, wild honey, and other natural products, on which human life can be supported ; but even here a con- siderable quantity of labour is generally required, not for the purpose of creating, but of finding and appropriating them. In all but these few and (except in the very commencement of human society) unimportant cases, the objects supplied by nature are only instrumental to hu- man wants, after having undergone Bome degree of transformation by hu- man exertion. Even the wild animals of the forest and of the sea, from which the hunting and fishing tribes derive their sustenance though the labour of which they are the subject is chiefly that required for appropriating them must yet, before they are used as food, be killed, divided into fragments, and iubjected in almost all cases to some culinary process, which are operations requiring a certain degree of human labour. The amount of transformation which natural substances undergo bo- fore being brought into the shape in which they are directly applied to hu- man use, varies from this or a still less degree of alteration in the nature and appearance of the object, to a change so total that no trace is perceptible of the original shape and structure. There is little resemblance between a piece of a mineral substance found in the earth, and a plough, an axe, or a saw. There is less resemblance between porcelain and the decomposing granite of which it is made, or between sand mixed with sea-weed, and glass. The difference is greater still between the fleece of a sheep, or a handful of cotton seeds, and a web of muslin or broad cloth ; and the sheep and seeds themselves are not spontaneous growths, but results of pre- vious labour and care. In these se- veral cases the ultimate product is s extremely dissimilar to the substance supph'ed by nature, that in the custom of language nature is represented as only furnishing materials. Nature, however, does more than supply materials; she also supplies powers. The matter of the globe is not an inert recipient of forms and pro- perties impressed by human tends ; it has active energies by which H co-ope- rates with; and may even be used as a substitute for, labour. In the early ages people converted their com into flour by pounding it between two stones; they next hit on a contrivance whicb COOK I. CHAPTER I. 2. enabled them, by turning a handle, to make one of the stones revolve upon the other ; and this process, a little im- proved, is still the common practice of the East. The muscular exertion, however, which it required, was very severe and exhausting, insomuch that it was often selected as a punishment for slaves who had offended their masters. When the time came at which the labour and sufferings of slaves were thought worth economizing, the greater part of this bodily exertion was rendered unnecessary, by contriv- ing that the upper stone should be made to revolve upon the lower, not by human strength, but by the force of the wind or of falling water. In this case, natural agents, the wind or the gravitation of the water, are made to 4o a portion of the work previously done by labour. 2. Cases like this, in which a cer- tain amount of labour has been dis- pensed with, its work being devolved upon some natural agent, are apt to suggest an erroneous notion of the comparative functions of labour and natural powers ; as if the co-operation of those powers with human industry were limited to the cases in which they are made to perform what would other- wise be done by labour ; as if, in the case of things made (as the phrase is) by hand, nature only furnished passive materials. This is an illusion. The powers of nature are as actively opera- tive in the one case as in the other. A workman takes a stalk of the flax or hemp plant, splits it into separate fibres, twines together several of these fibres with his fingers, aided by a simple instrument called a spindle ; having thus formed a thread, he lays many such threads side by side, and places other similar threads directly across them, so that each passes alternately over and under those which are at right .ingles to it ; this part of the process being facilitated by an instrument called a shuttle. Pie has now produced a web of cloth, either linen or sack- cloth, according to the material. He is said to have done this by hand, BO natural force being supposed to have acted in concert with him. Hut by what force Is each step of this operation rendered possi- ble, and the web, when produced, held together? By the tenacity, or force of cohesion of the fibres : which is one of the forces in nature, and which we can measure exactly against other mechanical forces, and ascertain how much of any of them it suffices to neu- tralize or counterbalance. If we examine any other case of what is called the action of man upon r.a- \ ture, we shall find in like manner that the powers of nature, or in other words the properties of matter, do all the work, when once objects are put into the rigLt position. This one operation, of putting things into fit places for being acted upon by their own internal forces, and by those residing in other natural objects, is all that man does, or can do, with mat ter. He only moves one thing to or from another. He moves a seed into the ground ; and the natural forces of vege- tation produce in succession a root, a stem, leaves, flowers, and fruit. He . moves an axe through a tree, and it falls by the natural force of gravitation ; he moves a saw through it, in a parti- cular manner, and the physical proper- ties by which a softer substance gives way before a harder, make it separate into planks, which he arranges in cer- tain positions, with nails driven through them, or adhesive matter between them, and produces a table, or a house. He moves a spark to fuel, and it ignites, and by the force generated in combus- tion it cooks the food, melts or softens the iron, converts into beer or sugar the malt or cane-juice, which he lias previously moved to the spot. He has no other means of acting on matter than by moving it. Motion, and re- sistance to motion, are the only things which his muscles are constructed for. By muscular contraction he can create a pressure on an outward object, which, if sufficiently powerful, will set it in motion, or if it be already moving, will check or modify or altogether arrest its motion, and he can do no more. But this is enough to have given all the command which mankind have acquired over natural forces immeasurably more powerful than themseJvas : a command REQUISITES OF PRODUCTION. 17 which, great as it is already, is without doubt destined to become indefinitely greater. He exerts this power either by availing himself of natural forces in existence, or by arranging objects in those mixtures and combinations by \vhich natural forces are generated ; &a when by putting a lighted match to fuel, and water into a boiler over it, he generates the expansive force of steam, a power which has been made so largely available for the attainment of human purposes.* (Labour, then, in the physical world, is always and solely employed in put- ting objects in motion ; the properties of matter, the laws of nature, do the rest. The skill and ingenuity of hu- man beings are chiefly exercised in discovering movements, practicable by their powers, and capable of bringing about the effects which they desire. But, while movement is the only effect which man can immediately and directly produce by his muscles, it is not necessary that he should produce directly by them all the movements which he requires. The first and most obvious substitute is the muscular ac- tion of cattle : by degrees the powers of inanimate nature are made to aid in this too, as by making the wind, or water, things already in motion, com- municate a part of their motion to the wheels, which before that invention were made to revolve by muscular force. This service is extorted from the powers of wind and water by a set of actions, consisting like the former in moving certain objects into certain positions in which they constitute what is termed a machine ; but the muscular action necessary for this is not constantly renewed, but performed once for all, and there is on the whole a great economy of labour. 3. Some writers have raised the question, whether nature gives more assistance to labour in one kind of industry or in another ; and have said * This essential and primary law of man's power over nature was, I believe, first illus- trated ami made prominent as a fundamental principle of Political Economy, in the first chapte* of Mr. Mill's Element*. that in some occupations labour does most, in others nature most. In this, however, there seems much confusion of ideas. The part which nature has in any work of man, is indefinite ar.d incommensurable. It is impossible to decide that in any one thing nature does more than in any other. One cannot even say that labour does less. Less labour may be required ; but if that which is required is absolutely indispensable, the result is just as much the product of labour, as of nature. When two conditions arc equally necessary for producing the effect at all, it is unmeaning to say that so much of it is produced by ono and so much by the other ; it is like attempting to decide which half of a pair of scissors has most to do in the act of cutting ; or which of the factors, five and six, contributes most to the production of thirty. The form which i this conceit usually assumes, is that o< : supposing that nature lends more assist- ance to human endeavours in agricul- ture, than in manufactures. This notion, held by the French Economistcs, and from which Adam Smith was not free, arose from a misconception of the nature of rent. The rent of land being a price paid for a natural agency, and no such price being paid in manufac- : tures, these writers imagined that since a price was paid, it was because there was a greater amount of service to be paid for : whereas a better considera- tion of the subject would have shown that the reason why the use of land bears a price is simply the limitation of its quantity, and that if air, heat, electricity, chemical agencies, and the other powers of nature employed by manufacturers, were sparingly supplied, and could, like land, be engrossed and appropriated, a rent could be exacted for them also. 4. This leads to a distinction which we shall find to be of primary importance. Of natural powers, some are unlimited, others limited in quan- tity. By an unlimited quantity is of course not meant literally, but prac- tically unlimited : a quantity beyond the use which can in any, or at least BOOK I. CHAPTER 1. 4. in present circumstances, be made of it. Land is, in some newly settled countries, practically unlimited in quantity : there is more than can be used by the existing population of the country, or by any accession likely to In- made to it for generations to come. But even there, land favourably situa- ted with regard to markets or means of carriage, is generally limited in quantity : there is not so much of it as persons would gladly occupy and culti- vate, or otherwise turn to use. In all old countries, land capable of cultiva- tion, land at least of any tolerable fertility, must be ranked among agents limited in quantity. Water, for ordi- nary purposes, on the banks of rivers or lakes, may be regarded as of un- limited abundance ; but if required for irrigation, it may even there be in- sufficient to supply all wants, while in places which depend for their consump- tion on cisterns or tanks, or on wells which are not copious, or are liable to fail, water takes its place among things the quantity of which is most strictly limited. Where water itself is plenti- ful, yet water-power, i.e. a fall of water applicable by its mechanical force to the service of industry, may be ex- ceedingly limited, compared with the use which would be made of it if it were more abundant. Coal, metallic ores, and other useful substances found in the earth, are still more limited than land. They are not only strictly local, but exhaustible ; though, at a given place and time, they may exist in much greater abundance than would be ap- plied to present use even if they could be obtained gratis. Fisheries, in the sea, are in most cases a gift of nature practically unlimited in amount ; but the Arctic whale fisheries have long been insufficient for the demand which exists even at the very considerable price necessary to defray the cost of appropriation : and the immense ex- tension which the Southern fisheries have iu consequence assumed, ie tend- ing to exhaust them likewise. River fisheries are a natural resource of a very limited character, and would be rapidly exhausted, if allowed to be used by every one without restraint. Air, even that state of it which we term wind, may, in most situations, be ob- tained in a quantity sufficient for every possible use ; and so likewise, on the sea coast or on large rivers, may water carriage : though the wharfage or harbour-room applicable to the service of that mode of transport is in many situations far short of what would be used if easily attainable. It will be seen hereafter how much of the economy of society depends on the limited quantity in which some of the most important natural agents exist, and more particularly, land. For the present I shall only remark that so long as the quantity of a natural agent is practically unlimited, it cannot, un- less susceptible of artificial monopoly, bear any value in the market, since no one will give anything for what can be obtained gratis. But as soon as a limitation becomes practically opera- tive ; as soon as there is not so much of the thing to be had, as would be appropriated and used if it could be obtained for asking; the ownership or use of the natural agent acquires an exchangeable value. When more water-power is wanted in a particular district, than there are falls of water to supply it, persons will give an equiva- lent for the use of a fall of water. When there is more land wanted for cultivation than a place possesses, or than it possesses of a certain quality and certain advantages of situation, land of that quality and situation may be sold for a price, or let for an annual rent. This subject will hereafter be discussed at length ; but it is often useful to anticipate, by a brief sugges- tion, principles and deductions which we have not yet reached the place for exhibiting and illustratiu g fully. LABOUR AS AN AGENT OF PRODlfCTtON. 19 CHAPTER IT. OF I.AnOUR AS AX AGENT OF PRODUCTION. 1. Tnr. labour which terminates in *lio production of an article fitted for some human use, is 'either employed directly about the thing, or in previous operations destined to facilitate, perhaps r s-ential to the possibility of, the SUD- sequent ones. In making bread, for example, the labour employed about the thing itself is that of the baker; but the labour of the miller, though employed directly in the production not of bread but of flour, is equally part of the aggregate sum of labour by which the bread is produced ; as is also the labour of the sower, and of the reaper. Some may think that all these persons ought to be considered as em- ploying their labour directly about the thing ; the corn, the flour, and the bread being one substance in three different states. Without disputing about this question of mere language, there is still the ploughman who pre- pared the ground for the seed, and whose labour never came in contact with the substance in any of its states ; and the plough-maker, whose share in the result was still more remote. All these persons ultimately derive the re- muneration of their labour from the bread, or its price : the plough-maker as much as the rest ; for since ploughs are of no use except for tilling the soil, no one would make or use ploughs for any other reason than because the in- creased returns, thereby obtained from the ground, afforded a source from which an adequate equivalent could be asMLrned for the labour of the plough- maker. If the produce is to be used or consumed in the form of bread, it is from the bread that this equivalent must come. The bread must suffice to remunerate all these labourers, and several others ; such as the carpenters and bricklayers who erected the farm- buildings ; the hedgers and ditchers who made the fences necessary for the protection of the crop ; the miners and smelters who extracted or prepared the iron of which the plough and other implements were made. These, however, and the plough-maker, do not depend for their remuneration upon the bread made from the produce of a single harvest, but upon that made from the produce of all the har- vests which are successively gathered until the plough, or the buildings and fences, are worn out. ^A'e must add yet another kind of labour; that of transporting the produce from the place of its production to the place of its destined use : the labour of carrying the com to market, and from market to the miller's, the flour from the miller's to the baker's, and the bread from the baker's to the place of its final consumption. This labour is some- times very considerable : flour is trans- ported to England from beyond the Atlantic, corn from the heart of Russia ; and in addition to the labourers imme- diately employed, the waggoners and sailors, there are also costly instru- ments, such as ships, in the construc- tion of which much labour has been expended : that labour, however, not de- pending for its whole remuneration upon the bread, but for a part only ; ships being usually, during the course of their existence, employed in the transport of many different kinds of commodities. To estimate, therefore, the labour of which any given commodity is the re- suit, is far from a simple operation. The items in the calculation are very numerous as it may seem to some persons, infinitely so ; for if, as a part of the labour employed in making bread, we count the labour of tho blacksmith who made the plough, why not also (it may be asked) the labour of making the tools used by the black- smith, and the tools used in making these tools, and so back to the origin of things ? But after mounting one or two steps in this ascending scale, we corns 20 into a region of fractions too minute for calculation. Suppose, for instance, that the same plough will last, before being worn out, a dozen years. Only one-twelfth of the labour of making the plough must be placed to the account of each year's harvest. A twelfth part of the labour of making a plough is an appreciable quantity. But the same set of tools, perhaps, suffice to the plough- maker for forging a hundred ploughs, which serve during the twelve years of their existence to prepare the soil of as many different farms. A twelve- hundredth part of the labour of making his tools, is as much, therefore, as has been expended in procuring one year's harvest of a single farm : and when this fraction comes to be further appor- tioned among the various sacks of corn and loaves of bread, it is seen at once that such quantities are not worth taking into the account for any prac- tical purpose connected with the com- modity. It is true that if the tool- maker had not laboured, the com and bread never would have been produced ; but they will not be sold a tenth part of a farthing dearer in consideration of his labour. 2. Another of the modes in which labour is indirectly or remotely instru- mental to the production of a thing, requires particular notice : namely, when it is employed in producing sub- sistence, to maintain the labourers while they are engaged in the produc- tion. This previous employment of labour is an indispensable condition to every productive operation, on any other than the very smallest scale. Except the labour of the hunter and fisher, there is scarcely any kind of labour to which the returns are imme- diate. Productive operations require to be continued a certain time, before their fruits are obtained. Unless the labourer, before commencing his work, possesses a store of food, or can obtain access to the stores of some one else, in .sufficient- quantity to maintain him until the production is completed, he ca.i undertake no labour but such as can be carried on at odd intervals, concurrently with the oursuit of his BOOK 1. CHAFTEU II. 2. subsistence. lie cannot obtain food itself in any abundance ; for eveiy mode of so obtaining it, requires that there be already food in store. Agri- culture only brings forth food after the lapse of months ; and though the labours of the agriculturist are not necessarily continuous during the whole period, they must occupy a considera- ble part of it. Not only is agriculture impossible without food produced in advance, but there must be a very great quantity in advance to enable any considerable community to sup- port itself wholly by agriculture. A country like England or France is only able to carry on the agriculture of the present year, because that of past years has provided, in those countries or somewhere else, sufficient food to sup- port their agricultural population until the next harvest. They are only enabled to produce so many other things besides food, because the food which was in store at the close of the last harvest suffices to maintain not only the agricultural labourers, but a large industrious population besides, The labour employed in producing this stock of subsistence, forms a groat and important part of the past labour which has been necessary to enable present labour to be carried on. But there is a difference, requiring parti- cular notice, between this and the other kinds of previous or preparatory labour. The miller, the reaper, the ploughman, the plough-maker, the waggoner and waggon-maker, even the sailor and ship-builder when employed, derive their remuneration from the ultimate product --the bread made from the corn on which they have severally operated, or supplied the instruments for ope- rating. The labour that produced the food which fed all these labourers, is as necessary to the ultimate result, the bread of the present harvest, as any of those other portions of labour ; but is not, like them, remunerated from it. That previous labour bus received its remuneration from the previous food. In order to raise any product, there are needed labour, tools, and materials, and food to feed the labourers. But the tools and materials arc of o use except LABOUR AS AN AGENT OF PKODUCTION. for obtaining the product, or at least are to be applied to no other use, and the labour of their construction can be remunerated only from the product when obtained. The food, on the con- tiary, is intrinsically useful, and is ap- plied to the direct use of feeding human beings. The labour expended in pro- ducing the food, and recompensed by it, needs not be remunerated over again from the produce of the subsequent labour which it has fed. If we suppose that the same body of labourers carried on a manufacture, and grew food to F-u.-itaiu themselves while doing it, they have had for their trouble the food and the manufactured article ; but if they also grew the material and made the tools, they have had nothing for that trouble but the manufactured article alone. The claim to remuneration founded on the possession of food, available for the maintenance of labourers, is of an- other kind; remuneration for abstinence, not for labour. If a person has a store of food, he has it in his power to con- sume it himself in idleness, or in feed- ing others to attend on him, or to fight for him, or to sing or dance for him. If, instead of these things, he gives it to productive labourers to support them during their work, he can, and natur- ally will, claim a remuneration from the produce. He will not be content with simple repayment ; if he receives merely that, he is only in the same situation as at first, and has derived no advan- tage from delaying to apply his savings to his own benefit or pleasure. He will look for some equivalent for this for- bearance : he will expect his advance of food to come back to him with an increase, called in the language of busi- ness, a profit ; and the hope of this profit will generally have been a part of the inducement which made him accu- mulate a stock, by economizing in his own consumption ; or, nt any rate, which made him forego the .application of it, when accumulated, to his personal ease or satisfaction. The food also which maintained other workmen while producing the tools or materials, must have Lcen provided in advance by some one, a id he, too, must have his profit from the ultimate product ; but there is this difference, that here the ultimate product has to supply not only the profit, but also the remuneration of the labour. The tool-maker (say, for in- stance, the plough-maker) does not in- deed usually wait for his payment until the harvest is reaped ; the farmer ad- vances it to him, and steps into his place by becoming the owner of tho plough. Nevertheless, it is from tho harvest that the payment is to come , since the fanner would not undertake this outlay unless he expected that the harvest would repay him, and with a profit too on this fresh advance ; that is, unless the harvest would yield, be- sides the remuneration of the farm labourers (and a profit for advancing it), a sufficient residue to remunerate the plough-maker's labourers, give the plough-maker a profit, and a profit to the fanner on both. 3. From these considerations it ap- pears, that in an enumeration and clas- sification of the kinds of industry which are intended for the indirect or rena >te furtherance of other productive labour, we need not include the labour of pro- ducing subsistence or other necessaries of life to be consumed by productive labourers ; for tho main end and pur- pose of this labour is the subsistence itself; and though the possession of a store of it enables other work to be done, this is but an incidental consequence. The remaining modes in which labour is indirectly instrument*! to production, may be arranged under five heads. First : Labour employed in producing materials, on whica industry is to bf. afterwards employed. This is, in many cases, a labour of mere appropriation ; extractive industry, as it has been aptly named by M. Dunoyer. The labour of the miner, for example, consists of ope- rations for digging out of the earth substances convertible by industry into various articles fitted for human use. Extractive industry, however, is not confined to the extraction of materials. Coal, for instance, is employed, not only in the processes of industry, but in directly warming human beings. When so used, it is not a material of produc- 22 BOOK I. CHAPTER II. 4. tion, but is itself the ultimate product. So, also, in the case of a mine of pre- cious stones. These are to some small extent employed in the productive arts, as diamonds by the glass-cutter, emery and corundum for polishing, but their principal destination, that of ornament, is a direct use ; though they cotnmcrnTy require, before being soused, some pro- cess of manufacture, which may per- haps warrant our regarding them as materials. Metallic ores of all sorts are materials merely. Under the head, production of mate- rials, we must include the industry of the wood-cutter, when employed in cutting and preparing timber for build- ing, or wood for the purposes of the carpenter's or any other art. In the forests of America, Norway, Germany, the Pyrenees and Alps, this sort of labour is largely employed on trees of spontaneous growth. In other cases, we must add to the labour of the wood- cutter that of the planter and culti- vator. Under the same head are also com- prised the labours of the agriculturists in growing flax, hemp, cotton, feeding silk-worms, raising food for cattle, pro- ducing bark, dye-stuffs, some oleaginous plants, and many other things only useful because required in other de- partments of industry. So, too, the labour of the hunter, as' far as his object is furs or feathers ; of the shep- herd and the cattle-breeder, in respect of wool, hides, horn, bristles, horse-hair, and the like. The things u-ed as materials in some process or other of manufacture are of a most miscel- laneous character, drawn from almost every quarter of the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms. And besides this, the finished products of many branches of industry are the materials of others. The thread produced by the spinner is applied to hardly any use except as material for the weaver. Even the product of the loom is chiefly used as material for the fabricators of articles of dress or furniture, or of further instruments of productive in- dustry, as in the case of the sailmaker. The currier and tanner find their whole occupation in converting raw material into what may be termed prepared material. In strictness of speech, almost all food, as it comes from the hands of the agriculturist, is nothing more than material for the occupation of the baker or the cook. 4. The second kind of indirect labour is that employed in making tools or implements for the assistance of labour. I use these terms in their most comprehensive sense, embracing all permanent instruments or helps to production, from a flint and steel for striking a light, to a steam ship, or the most complex apparatus of manu- facturing machinery. There mny be some hesitation where to draw the line between implements and materials ; and some things used in production (such as fuel) would scarcely in com- mon language be called by either name, popular phraseology being shaped out by a different class of necessities from those of scientific exposition. To avoid a multiplication of classes and denominations answering to distinc- tions of no scientific importance, poli- tical economists generally include all things which are used as immediate means of production (the means wliich are not immediate will be considered presently) either in the class of imple- ments or in that of materials. Per- haps the line is most usually and most conveniently drawn, by considering as a material every instrument of produc- tion which can only be used once, being destroyed (at least as an instrument for the purpose in hand) by a single employment. Thus fuel, once burnt, cannot be again used as fuel ; what can be so used is only any portion which has remained unburnt the first time. And not only it cannot be used without being consumed, but it is only useful by being consumed ; for if no part of the fuel were destroyed, no heat would be generated. A fleece, again, is destroyed as a fleece by being spun into thread ; and the thread can- not be used as thread when woven into cloth. But an axe is not de- stroyed as an axe by cutting down a tree : it may be used afterwards to cut down a hundred or a thousand LABOUR AS AN AGENT OF PRODUCTION. 23 more ; and though deteriorated in some small degree by each use, it does not do its work by being deteriorated, as the coal and the fleece do theirs by oeing destroyed ; on the contrary, it is the better instrument the better it re- si-ts deterioration. There are some things, rightly classed as materials, which may be used as such a second and a third time, but not while the product to which they at first contri- buted remains in existence. The iron which formed a tank or a set of pipes may be melted to form a plough or a eteam-engine ; the stones with which a house was built may be used after it is pulled down, to build another. But this cannot be done while the original product subsists ; their function as materials is suspended, until the ex- haustion of the first use. Not so with the things classed as implements ; they may be used repeatedly for fresh work, until the time, sometimes very distant, at which they are worn out, while the work already done by them may sub- sist unimpaired, and when it perishes, does so by its own laws, or by casual- ties of its own.* The only practical difference of much importance arising from the distinction between materials and implements, is one which has attracted our attention in another case. Since materials are destroyed as such by being once used, the whole of the labour required for their production, as well as the absti- nence of the person who supplied the means of carrying it on, must be remunerated from the fruits of that * The able and friendly reviewer of this treatise in the Edinburgh Review (October 18 IS) conceives the distinction between ma- terials and implements rather differently : proposing to consider as materials " all the things which, after having undergone the change implied in production, are them- selves matter of exchange," and as imple- ments (or instruments) " the things which are employed in producing that change, but do not themselves become part of the ex- changeable result." According to these definitions, the fuel consumed in a manufac- tory would be considered, not as a material, but as an instrument. This use of the terms accords better than that proposed in the text, with the primitive physical meaning of the word " material ;" but the distinction on which it is grounded is one almost irrelevant to political economy. single use. Implements, on the con trary, being susceptible of repeated employment, the whole of the products which they are instrumental in bring- ing into existence are a fund whiVh can be drawn upon to remunerate the labour of their construction, and the abstinence of those by whose accumu- lations that labour was supported. It is enough if each product contributes a fraction, commonly an insignificant one, towards the remuneration of that labour and abstinence, or towards in- demnifying the immediate producer for advancing that remuneration to the person who produced the tools. 5. Thirdly : Besides materials for industry to employ itself on, and implements to aid it, provision must be made to prevent its operations from ! being disturbed and its products in- jured, either by the destroying agencies of nature, or by the violence or rapa- city of men. This gives rise to an- other mode in which labour not I employed directly about the product itself, is instrumental to its production ; namely, when employed for the protec- tion of industry. Such is the object of all buildings for industrial purposes, 1 all manufactories, warehouses, docks, granaries, barns, farm-buildings de- voted to cattle, or to the operations of agricultural labour. I exclude those in which the labourers live, or which are destined for their personal accom- modation : these, like their food, supply actual wants, and must be counted in the remuneration of their labour. There are many modes in which labour is still more directly applied to the protection of productive operations. The herdsman has little other occupa tion than to protect the cattle from harm : the positive agencies concerned in the realization of the product, go on nearly of themselves. 1 have already mentioned the labour of the hcdger and ditcher, of the builder of walls or dykes. To these must be added that of the soldier, the policeman, and the judge. These functionaries are not indeed employed exclusively in the protection of industry, nor dors their payment constitute, to the individual producer, BOOK I. CHAFFER II. 9. a part of the expenses of production. Tut they are paid from the taxes, which are derived from the produce of industry ; and in any tolerably go- verned coiuitry they render to its operations a sen-ice far more than equivalent to the cost. To society at large they are therefore part of the expenses of production : and if the returns to production were not suf- ficient to maintain these labourers in addition to all the others required, production, at least in that form and manner, could not take place. l>c- sides, if the protection which the government affords to the operations of industry were not afforded, the pro- ducers would be under a necessity of cither withdrawing a large share of heir time and labour from production, to employ it in defence, or of engaging armed men to defend them ; all which labour, in that case, must be directly remunerated from the produce ; and things which could not pay for this additional labour, would not be pro- duced. Under the present arrange- ments, the product pays its quota to- wards the same protection, and not- withstanding the waste and prodigality incident to government expenditure, obtains it of better quality at a much smaller cost. 6. Fourthly : There is a very great amount of labour employed, not in bringing the product into existence, but in rendering it, when in existence, accessible to those for whose use it is intended. Many important classes of labourers find their sole employment in some function of this kind. There is first the whole class of carriers, by land or water : muleteers, waggoners, bargemen, sailors, wharfmen, coal- neavers, porters, railway establish- ments, and the like. Next, there are the constructors of all the implements of transport ; ships, barges, carts, loco- motives, &c., to which must be added roads, canals, and railways, lloads are sometimes made by the govern- ment, and opened gratuitously to the public ; but the labour of making them is not the less paid for from the pro- duce. Each producer, in paying his quota of the taxes levied generally fo the construction of roads, pays for the use of those which conduce to his con- venience ; and if mad; with any toler- able judgment, they increase the re- turns to his industry by far more than an equivalent amount. Another numerous ckss of labourers employed in rendering the things pro- duced accessible to their intended con- sumers, is the class of dealers and traders, or, as they may be termed, distributors. There would be a great waste of time and trouble, and an in- convenience often amounting to im- practicability, if consumers could only obtain the articles they want by treat- ing directly with the producers. Doth producers and consumers are too much scattered, and the latter often at too great a distance from the former. To diminish this loss of time and labour, the contrivance of fairs and markets was early had recourse to, where con- sumers and producers might periodi- cally meet, without any intermediate agency : and this plan answers toler- ably well for many articles, especially agricultural produce, agriculturists having at some seasons a certain quan- tity of spare time on their hands. 1 !ut even in this case, attendance is often very troublesome and inconvenient to buyers who have other occupations, and do not live in the immediate vicinity ; while, for all articles the pro- duction of which requires continuous attention from the producers, these periodical markets must be held at such considerable intervals, and the wants of the consumers must cither be provided for so long beforehand, of must remain so long unsupplied, that even before the resources of society admitted of the establishment of shops, the supply of these wants fell univer- sally into the hands of itinerant dealers ; the pedlar, who might appear once a month, being preferred to the fair, which only returned once or twice a year. In country districts, remote from towns or large villages, the in- dii.-try of the pedlar is not yet wholly superseded. But a dealer who has a fixed abode and fixed customers is so much more to be depended on, that LABOUR AS AN AGENT OF PRODUCTION. 25 consumers prefer resorting to him if he is conveniently accessible ; and dealers therefore find their advantage in esta- blishing themselves in every locality where there are sufficient consumers IK ,u- at hand to afford them a remune- ration. In many cases the producers and i.l<-alcrs are the same persons, at least as to the ownership of the funds and the control of the operations. The tailor, the shoemaker, the baker, and many other tradesmen, are the pro- ducers of the articles they deal in, so far as regards the last stage in the production. This union, however, of the functions of manufacturer and re- tailer, is only expedient when the article can advantageously be made at or near the place convenient for retailing it, and is, besides, manufactured and sold in small parcels. When things have to be brought from a distance, the same person cannot effectually superin- tend both the making and the retailing of them : when they are best and most cheaply made on a large scale, a single manufactory requires so many local channels to carry off its supply, that the retailing is most conveniently dele- gated to other agency : and even shoes and coats, when tney are to be furnished in large quantities at once, as for the supply of a regiment or of a workhouse, are usually obtained not directly from the producers, but from intermediate dealers, who make it their business to ascertain from what producers they can be obtained best and cheapest. Even when things are destined to be at last sold by retail, convenience soon creates a class of wholesale dealers. When products and transactions have multi- plied beyond a certain point ; when one manufactory supplies many shops, and one shop has often to obtain goods from many different manufactories, the loss of time and trouble both to the manufacturers and to the retailers by treating directly with one another, makes it more convenient to them to treat with a smaller number of great lealcrs or merchants, who only buy to sell again, collecting goods from the various producers, and distributing them to the retailers, to be by them further distributed among the con- sumers. Of these various elements is composed the Distributing Class, whose agency is supplementary to that of the Producing Class : and the produce so distributed, or its price, is the source from which the distributors arc remu- nerated for their exertions, and for the abstinence which enabled them to ad- vance the funds needful for the business of distribution. 7. We have now completed the enumeration of the modes in which labour employed on external nature is subservient to production. But there is yet another mode of employing labour which conduces equally, though still more remotely, to that end: this is, labour of which the subject is human beings. Every human being has been brought up from infancy at the expense of much labour to some person or per- sons, and if this labour or part of it, had not been bestowed, the child would never have attained the age and strength which enable him to become a labourer in his turn. To the com- munity at large, the labour and ex- pense of rearing its infant population form a part of the outlay which is a condition of production, and which is to be replaced with increase from the future produce of their labour. By the individuals, this labour and expense are usually incurred from other motives than to obtain such ultimate return, and, for most purposes of political eco- nomy, need not be taken into account as expenses of production. But the technical or industrial education of the community ; the labour employed in learning and in teaching the arts of production, in acquiring and communi- cating skill in those arts ; this labour is really, and in general solely, under- gone for the sake of the greater or more valuable produce thereby attained, and in order that a remuneration, equivalent or more than equivalent, may be reaped by the learner, besides an adequate re- muneration for the labourof the teacher, when a teacher has been employed. As the labour which confers produc- tive powers, whether of hand or of head, may be looked upon as part of the la ?G COOK 1. CHAPTER II. hour by which society accomplishes its productive operations, or in other words, as part of what the produce costs to society, so too may the labour employed /n keeping up productive powers ; in preventing them from being destroyed or weakened by accident or disease. The labour of a physician or surgeon, when made use of by persons engaged Newton could not have produced the in industry, must be regarded in the Principia without the bodily exertion economy of society as a sacrifice in- be taught to do it. The dullest human being, instructed before- hand, is capable of turning a mill ; but a horse cannot turn it without some- body to drive and watch him. On the other hand, there is some bodily ingre- dient in the labour most purely mental, when it generates any external result. turred, to preserve from perishing by death or infirmity that portion ot the productive resources of society which is tixed in the lives and bodily or mental powers of its productive members. To the individuals, indeed, this forms but a part, sometimes an imperceptible part, of the motives that induce them to sub- mit to medical treatment : it is not principally from economical motives that persons have a limb amputated, or endeavour to be cured of a fever, though when they do so, there is gene- rally sufficient inducement for it even on that score alone. This is, therefore, one of the cases of labour and outlay which, though conducive to production, yet not being incurred for that end, or for the sake of the returns arising from it, are out of the sphere of most of the general propositions which political eco- nomy has occasion to assert respecting productive labour : though, when so- ciety and not the individuals are con- sidered, this labour and outlay must be regarded as part of the advance by which society effects its productive ope- rations, and for which it is indemnified by the produce. 8. Another kind of labour, usually classed as mental, but conducing to the ultimate product as directly, though not so immediately, as manual labour itself, is the labour of the inventors of industrial processes. I say, usually classed as mental, because in reality it is not exclusively so. All human exer- tion is compounded of some mental and some bodily elements. The stupidest hodman, -who repeats from day to day the mechanical act of climbing a ladder, performs a function partly intellectual ; so much so, indeed, that the most in- telligent dog or elephant could not, either of penmanship or of dictation; and he must have drawn many dia- grams, and written out many calcula- tions and demonstrations, while he was preparing it in his mind. Inventors, besides the labour of their brains, gene- rally go through much labour with their hands, in the models which they con- struct and the experiments they have to make before their idea can realize itself successfully in act. Whether mental, however, or bodily, their labour is a part of that by which the produc- tion is brought about. The labour of Watt in contriving the steam-engine was as essential a part of production as that of the mechanics who build or the engineers who work the instru- ment ; and was undergone, no less than theirs, in the prospect of a remuneration from the produce. The labour of inven- tion is often estimated and paid on the very same plan as that of execution. Many manufacturers of ornamental goods have inventors in their employ- ment, who receive wages or salaries for designing patterns, exactly as others do for copying them. All this is strictly part of the labour of production ; as the labour of the author of a book is equally a part of its production with that of the printer and binder. In a national, or universal point of view, the labour of the savant, or spe- culative thinker, is as much a part of production in the very narrow'.- ; as that of the inventor of a practical art; many such inventions Laving been the direct consequences of theoretic discoveries, and every extension of knowledge of the powers of nature being fruitful of applications to the purposes of outward life. The electro- magnetic telegraph was the wonderful and most unexpected consequence of the experiments of Gutted and the LABOUR AS AN AGENT OF PftODUCTION. 27 mathematical investigations of Am- pere : and the modern art of naviga- tion is an unforeseen emanation fi-oin tlic purely speculative and apparently rurioiis iii(|in'ry, by the mathe- maticians of Alexandria, into the pro- perties of three curves formed by the intersection of a. plane surface and a cone. No limit can be set to the im- portance, even in a purely productive and material point of view, of mere thought. Inasmuch, however, as these .1 fruits, though the result, are seldom the direct purpose of the pur- suits of savants, nor is their remu- neration in general derived from the increased production which may be caused incidentally, and mostly after a long intcival, by their discoveries; this ultimate influence does not, for most of the purposes of political eco- nomy, require to be taken into con- sideration ; and speculative thinkers are generally classed as the producers only of the books, or other useable or saleable articles, which directly ema- nate from them. But when (as in po- litical economy one .should always be prepared to do) we shift our point of view, and consider not individual acts, and the motives by .which they are determined, but national and universal results, intellectual speculation must be looked upon as a most influential part of the productive laoour of society, and the portion of its resources em- in carrying on and in remune- rating such labour, as a highly produc- tive part of its expenditure. 9. In the foregoing survey of the modes of employing labour in further- ance of production, I have made little r.ss of the popular distinction' of indus- try into agricultural, manufacturing, and commercial. For, in truth, this division fulfils very badly the purposes of a classification. Many great Blanches of productive industry find no place in it, or not without much straining; for example (not to speak of hunters or fishers) the miner, the road-maker, and the sailor. The limit, too, between agricultural and manufacturing indus- try cannot be precisely drawn. The tuiiler, ''or instance, and the baker are they to be reckoned among agri- culturists, or among manufacturers? Their occupation is in its nature ma- nufacturing; the food has finally parted company with the soil before it is handed over to them : this, however, might be said with equal truth of tha thresher, the winnower, .the makers of butter and cheese ; operations always counted as agricultural, probably be- cause it is the custom for them to .be performed by persons resident on the farm, and under the same superinten- dence as tillage. For many purposes, all these persons, the miller and baker inclusive, must be placed in the same class with ploughmen and reapers. They are all concerned in producing food, and depend for their remuneration on the food produced; when the one class abounds and flourishes, the others do so too ; they form collectively the " agricultural interest ;" they render but one service to the community by their united labours, and are paid fiom one common source. Even the tillers of the soil, again, when the produce is not food, but the materials of what are commonly termed manufactures, belong in many respects to the same division in the economy of society as manufac- turers. The cotton-planter of Carolina, and the wool-grower of Australia, have more interests in common with the spinner and weaver than with the corn-grower. But, on the other hand, the industry which operates immedi- ately upon the soil has, as we shall see hereafter, some properties on which many important consequences depend, and which distinguish it from all the subsequent stages of production, whe- ther carried on by the same person or not ; from the industry of the thresher and winnower, as much as from that of the cotton-spinner. When I speak, therefore, of agricultural labour, I shall generally mean this, and this exclu- sively, unless the contrary is either stated or implied in the context. The tenn manufacturing is too vague to be of much use when precision is required, and when I employ it, I wish to be un- derstood as intending to speak pcpu- larly rather thin scientifically. 26 BOOK I. CHAPTER III. 1, CHA1TER IIL Or CXPKODUGTIYK LABOUR. 1. LABOUR is indispensable to pro- duction, but has not always production for its effect. There is much labour, and of a high order of usefulness, of which production is not the object. Labour has accordingly been distin- guished into Productive and Unpro- ductive. There has been not a little controversy among political economists on the question, what kinds of labour should be reputed to be unproductive ; and they have not always perceived, that there was in reality no matter of I'act in dispute between them. Many writers have been unwilling to class any labour as productive, unless its result is palpable in some material object, capable of being transferred from one person to another. There are others (among whom are, Mr. M'Culloch and M. Say) who looking upon the word unproductive as a term of dis- paragement, remonstrate against im- posing it upon any labour which is regarded as useful which produces a benefit or a pleasure worth the cost. The labour of officers of government, of the army and navy, of physicians, lawyers, teachers, musicians, dancers, actors, domestic servants, &c. when they really accomplish what they are paid for, and are not more numerous than is required for its performance, ought not, say these writers, to be "stigmatized" as unproductive, an ex- pression which they appear to regard as synonymous with wasteful or worth- less. But this seems to be a misunder- standing of the matter in dispute. Pro- ihiction not being the sole end of human existence, the term unproductive does not necessarily imply any stigma ; nor was ever intended to do so in the pre- sent case. The question is one of mere language and classification. Differ- ences of language, however, arc by no means unimportant, even when not grounded on differences of opinion ; for though either of two expressions may be consistent with the whole truth, they generally tend to fix attention upon different parts of it. We must there- fore enter a little into the considera- tion of the various meanings which may attach to the words productive and unproductive when applied to labour. In the first place, even in what is called the production of material ob- jects, it must be remembered that what is produced is not the matter composing them. All the labour of all the human beings in the world could not produce one particle of matter. To weave broadcloth is but to re-arrange, in a peculiar manner, the particles of wool : to grow corn is only to put a portion of matter called a seed, into a situation where it can draw together particles of matter from the earth and air, to form the new combination called a plant. Though we cannot create matter, we can cause it to assume properties, by which, from having been useless to us, it becomes useful. What we produce, or desire to produce, is always, as M. Say rightly terms it, an utility. La- bour is not creative of objects, but of utilities. Neither, again, do we con- sume and destroy the objects them- selves ; the matter of which they were composed remains, more or less ahcrcd in form: what ha-- really been consumed is only the qualities by which they were fitted for the purpose they have been applied to. It is, therefore, pertinently asked by M. Say and others since, when we are said to produce objects, we only produce utility, why should not all labour which produces utility be accounted productive ? Why refuse that title to the surgeon who sets a limb, the judge or legislator who con- fers security, and give it to the lapi- dary who cuts and polishes a diamond? Why deny it to the teacher from whom I learn an art by which I can gain my bread, and accord it to the confectioner UNPRODUCTIVE LABOUR. 29 who i. mkes bonbons for the momentary pleasure of a sense of taste ? It is quite true that all these kinds of labour are productive of utility ; and the question which now occupies us could not have been a question at all, if the production of utility were enough | to satisfy the notion which mankind have usually formed of productive la- bour. Production, and productive, are d! i I'nrsc elliptical expressions, involv- ing the idea of a something produced ; but this something, in common appre- h.'iisi>.ii, I conceive to be, not utility, but Wealth. Productive labour means labour productive of wealth. We are recalled, therefore, to the question touched upon in our first chapter, what Wealth is, and whether only material products, or all useful products, are to U: included in it. 2. Now the utilities produced by labour are of three kinds. They are, First, utilities fixed and embodied in outward objects ; by labour employed in investing external material things with properties which render them ser- viceable to human beings. This is the common case, and requires no illus- tration. Secondly, utilities fixed and embodied in human beings ; the labour being in this case employed in conferring on human beings, qualities which render them serviceable to themselves and others. To this class belongs the la- bour of all concerned in education ; not only schoolmasters, tutors, and profes- sors, but governments, so far as they aim successfully at the improvement of the people ; moralists, and clergymen, as far as productive of benefit ; the labour of physicians, as far as instru- mental in preserving life and physical or mental efficiency ; of the teachers of bodily exercises, and of the various trades, sciences, and arts, together with the labour of the learners in acquiring them ; and all labour bestowed by any persons, throughout life, in improving the knowledge or cultivating the bodily or mental faculties of themselves or others. Thirdly and lastly, utilities not fixed or embodied in am ing in a mere seiviee rendered ; a plea- sure given, an inennvcnidi'v or a pnin averted, during a longer or a thorter time, but without leaving a permanent acquisition in the improved qualities of any person or thing ; the labour being employed in producing an utility di- rectly, not (as in the two former cases) in fitting some other thing to afford an utility. Such, for example, is the la- bour of the musical performer, the actor, the public declaimer or reciter, and the showman. Some good may no doubt be produced, and much more might be produced, beyond the moment, upon the feelings and disposition, or general state of enjoyment of the spectators ; or in- stead of good there may be harm ; but neither the one nor the other is the effect intended, is the result for which the exhibitor works and the spectator pays ; nothing but the immediate plea- sure. Such, again, is the labour of the army and navy ; they, at the best, pre- vent a country from being conquered, or from being injured or insulted, which is a service, but in all other respects leave the country neither improved nor deteriorated. Such, too, is the labour of the legislator, the judge, the officer of justice, and all other agents of go- vernment, in their ordinary functions, apart from any influence they may exert on the improvement of the na- tional mind. The service which they render, is to maintain peace and secu- rity ; these compose the utility which they produce. It may appear to some, that earners, and merchants or dealers, should be placed in this same class, since their labour does not add any properties to objects : but I reply that it does: it adds the property of being in the place where they are wanted, instead of being in some other place : which is a very useful property, and the utility it confers is embodied in the things themselves, which now actually are in the place where they are re- quired for use, and in consequence of that increased iitility could be sold at an increased price, proportioned to the labour expended in conferring it. This labour, therefore, does not belong to the third class, but to the first. 80 BOOK I. CHAPTER HI. 3. We have now to consider which of these three classes of labour should be accounted productive of wealth, since that is what the term productive, when used by itself, must be understood to import. Utilities of the third class, consisting in pleasures which only exist while being enjoyed, and services which only exist while being performed, can- not be spoken of as wealth, except by an acknowledged metaphor. It is es- sential to the idea of wealth to be sus- ceptible of accumulation : things which cannot, after being produced, be kept for some time before being used, are never, I think, regarded as wealth, since howaver much of them may be produced and enjoyed, the person bene- fited by them is no richer, is nowi-c improved in circumstances. But there is not so distinct and positive a viola- tion of usage in considering as wealth any product which is both useful and susceptible of accumulation. The skill, and the energy and perseverance, of the artisans of a country, are reckoned part of its wealth, no less than their tools and machinery.* According to this definition, we should regard all labour as productive which is employed * Some authorities look upon it as an essen- tial element in the idea of wealth, that it should he capable not solely of being accu- mulated, but of being transferred; and inas- much as the valuable qualities, and even the productive capacities, of a human being cannot be detached from him and passed to some one else, they deny to these the appel- lation of wealth, and to the labour expended in acquiring them the name of productive labour. It seems to me, however, that the skill of an artisan (for instance) being both a desirable possession and one of a certain durability (not to say productive even of material wealth), there is no better reason for refusing to it the title of wealth because it is attached to a man, than to a coalpit or a manufactory because they are attached to a place. Besides, if the skill itself cannot be parted with to a purchaser, the use of it niny ; if it cannot be sold it can be hire.l ; and it may be, and is, sold outright in all countries whose laws permit that the man himself should be sold along with it. Its defect of transferability does not result from a natural, but from a legal and moral obstacle. The human being himself (as formerly observed) I do not class as wealth. He is the purpose fur which wealth exists. But his acquired capacities, which exist only as means, and have been called into existence by labour, fall rightly, as it seems to me, within that designation. 3. in creating permanent utilities, whe- ther embodied in human beings, or in any other animate or inanimate objects. This nomenclature I have, in a former publication, f recommended as the most conducive to the ends of classification; and I ii m still of that opinion.. But in applying the term wealth to the industrial capacities of human be- ings, there seems always, in popular apprehension, to be a tacit reference to material products. The skill of an artisan is accounted wealth, only as being the means of acquiring wealth in a material sense ; and any qualities not tending visibly to that object are scarcely so regarded at all. A country would hardly be said to be richer, ex- cept by a metaphor, however precious a possession it might have in the genius, the virtues, or the accomplish- ments of its inhabitants ; unless indeed these were looked upon as marketable articles, by which it could attract the material wealth of other countries, as the Greeks of old, and several modem nations have done. While, therefore, I should prefer, were I constructing a new technical language, to make the distinction turn upon the pcrmaner riali rather than ur materiality ol employing terms ) has taken corn- product, yet when which common usa c plete possession of, it seems advisable so to employ them as to do the least possible violence to usage ; since any improvement in terminology obtained by straining the received meaning of a popular phrase, is generally purchased beyond its value, by the obscurity arising from the conflict between new and old associations. I shall, therefore, in this treatise, when speaking of wealth^ understand by it only w'hat is called mafanaT wcalil), and by productive labour only those kinds of exertion which produce utilities embodied in materiaLolaejts. ; But in limiting myself to "this sense of the word, I mean to avail myself of the full extent of that restricted accepta- tion, and I shall not refuse the appella- tion productive, to labour which yields t Et.i'uts on tome Umeltled Questions of Political Economy. Essay III. On the word* Productive and Unproductive. UNPRODUCTIVE LABOUR. 51 no material product as its direct result, provided that an increase of material products is its ultimate consequence. Thus, jabour__xpciuled in the acquj- ni t i on of manufacturing skill, 1 class as Plj^uctive. not in virtue ot tne skill itself, but of the manufactured products created by the skill, and to the creation of which the labour of learning the trade is essentially conducive. The labour of officers of government in ail' 'idTng the protection which, afforded in some manner or other, is indispen- sable to the prosperity of industry, must be classed as productive even of mate- rial wealth, because" without it, mate- rial wealth, in anything like its pre- sent abundance, could not exist. Such lal'nur may be said to be productive indirectly or mediately, in opposition to the labour of the ploughman and the cotton-spinner, which are productive immediately. They are all alike in this, that they leave the community richer in material products than they found it ; they increase, or tend to in- crease, material wealth. 4. By Unproductive Labour, on !tho contrary, will be understood labour which does not terminate in. .the ,cjca- t in of material wealth; which, Imw- eVer largely or successfully practised, does not render the community, and the world at large, richer in material pro- ducts, but poorer by all that is con- sumed by the labourers while so em- ployed. All labour is, in the language of political economy, unproductive, which ends in immediate enjoyment, without any increase of the accumulated stock of permanent means of enjoyment. And all labour, according to our pre- sent definition, must be classed as un- luctive, which terminates in a per- manent benelit, however important, provided that an increase of material products forms no part of that benefit. The labour of saving a friend's life is not productive, unless the friend is a productive labourer, and produces more than ho consumes. To a religious per- son the saving of a soul must appear a far more important service than the saving of a life ; but he will not there- fore call a missionary or a clergyman productive labourers, unless they teach, as the South Sea Missionaries have in some cases done, the arts of civilization in addition to the doctrines of their religion. It is, on the contrary, evi- dent that the greater number of mis- sionaries or clergymen a nation main- tains, the less it has to expend on other things ; while the more it expends judiciously in keeping agriculturists and manufacturers at work, the more it will have for every other purpose. By the former it diminishes, cceteris pari- '.?, its stock of material products ; by the latter, it increases them. Unproductive may be as useful as pro- ductive labour ; it may be more useful, even in point of permanent advantage ; or its use may consist only in pleasur- able sensation, which when gone leaves no trace ; or it may not afford even this, but may be absolute waste. In any case society or mankind grow no richer by it, but poorer. All material products consumed by any one while he produces nothing, are so much sub- traced, for the time, from the material products which society would other- wise have possessed. But though society grows no richer by unproduc- tive labour, the individual may. An unproductive labourer may receive for his labour, from those who derive pleasure or benefit from it, a remunera- tion which may be to him a considera- ble source of wealth ; but his gain is balanced by their loss ; they may have received a full equivalent for their expenditure, but they are so much poorer by it. When a tailor makes a coat and sells it, there is a transfer of the price from the customer to the tailor, and a coat besides which did not previously exist; but what is gained by an actor is a mere transfer from the spectator's funds to his, leav- ing no article of wealth for the specta- tor's indemnification. Thus the com- munity collectively gains nothing by the actor's labour ; and it loses, of hii receipts, all that portion which he con- sumes, retaining only that which he lays by. A community, however, may add to its wealth by unproductive labour, at the expense of other coui- 32 BOOK I. CHAPTER III 5. m unities, as an individual may at the expense of other individuals. The gains of Italian opera singers, German governesses, French ballet dancers, &c., arc a source of wealth, as far as , they go, to their respective countries, / if they return thither. The petty states of Greece, especially the ruder and more backward of those states, were nurseries of soldiers, who hired themselves to the princes and satraps of the East to carry on useless and de- structive wars, and returned with their savings to pass their declining years in their own country : these were unpro- ductive labourers, and the pay they received, together with the plunder they took, was an outlay without return to the countries which furnished it ; but, though no gain to the world, it was a gain to Greece. At a later period the same country and its colonies supplied the Boman empire with another class of adventurers, who, under the name of philosophers or of rhetoricians, taught to the youth of the higher classes what were esteemed the most valuable ac- complishments : these were mainly unproductive labourers, but their ample recompense was a source of wealth to their own country. In none of these cases was there any accession of wealth to the world. The services of the labourers, if useful, were obtained at a sacrifice to the world of a portion of material wealth ; if useless, all that these labourers consumed was, to the world, waste. To be wasted, however, is a liability .not confined to unproductive labour, i Productive labour may equally be ! wasted if more of it is expended than really conduces to production. If de- fect of skill in labourers, or of judgment in those who direct them, causes a ini.sapplicalion of productive industry ; if a farmer persists in ploughing with three horses and two men, when ex- perience has shown that two horses and one man are sufficient, the sur- plus labour, though employed for pur- poses of production, is wasted. If a new process is adopted which proves no better, or not so good as those before in use, the labour expended in perfect- ing the invention and in carrying it into practice, though employed for a productive purpose, is wasted. Pro- ductive labour may render a nation poorer, if the wealth it produces, that is, the increase it makes in the stock of useful or agreeable things, be of a kind not immcdi itely wanted : as when a commodity is unsaleable, be- cause produced in a quantity beyond the present demand ; or when specula- tors build docks and warehouses befoic there is any trade. Tho bankrr.pl states of North America, with their premature railways and canals, have made this kind ol mistake ; and it was for some time doubtful whether England, in the disproportionate de- velopment of railway enterprise, had not, in some degree, followed the example. Labour sunk in expectation of a distant return, when the great exigencies or limited resources of the community require that the return be rapid, may leave the country not only poorer in the meanwhile, by all which those labourers consume, but less rich even ultimately than if immediate re- turns had been sought in the first instance, and enterprises for distant profit postponed. 5. The distinction of Productive and Unproductive is applicable to con- sumption as well as to labour. All the members of the community are not labourers, but all are consumers, and consume either unproductively or pro- ductively. Whoever contributes no- thing directly or indirectly to produc- tion, is an unproductive consumer. The only productive consumers are j productive labourers ; the labour of I direction being of course included, as well as that of execution. But tho consumption even of productive labour ers is not all of it productive consump- tion. There is unproductive consump- tion by productive consumers. "\Vhat they consume in keeping up or im- proving their health, strength, and capacities of work, or in rearing other productive labourers to succeed them, is productive consumption. But con- sumption on pleasures or luxuries, whether by the idle or by the indus- trious, since r'JOduction is neither its UNPRODUCTIVE LABOCK. 93 object nor is in any way advanced by h, must be reckoned unproductive : with a reservation perhaps of a certain quantum of enjoyment which may be classed among necessaries, since any- thing short of it would not be consistent with the greatest efficiency of labour. That alone is productive consumption, which goes to maintain and increase the prod active powers of the commu- nity; either those residing in its soil, in its materials, in the number and efficiency of its instruments of produc- tion, or in its people. There are numerous products which may be said not to admit of being con- sumed otherwise than unproductively. The annual consumption of gold lace, pine apples, or champagne, must be reckoned unproductive, since these things give no assistance to produc- tion, nor any support to life or strength, but what would equally be given by tilings much less costly. Hence it might be supposed that the labour em- ployed in producing them ought not to be regarded as productive, in the sense in which the term is understood by political economists. I grant that no labour tends to the permanent enrich- ment of society, which is employed in producing things for the use of unpro- ductive consumers. The tailor who makes a coat for a man who produces nothing, is a productive labourer ; but in a few weeks or months the coat is worn out, while the wearer has not produced anything to replace it, and the community is then no richer by the labour of the tailor, than if the same sum had been paid for a stall at the opera. Nevertheless, society has been richer by the labour while the coat lasted, that is, until society, through one of its unproductive members, chose to consume the produce of the labour unproductively. The case of the gold lace or the pine apple is no further dill'erent, than that they are still fur- ther removed than the coat from the character of necessaries. These things also are wealth until they have been consumed. 6. We see, however, by this, that there is a distinction, more important to the wealth of a community than even that between productive and un- productive labour; the distinction, namely, between labour for the supply of productive, and for the supply of unproductive, consumption ; between labour employed in keeping up or in adding to the productive resources oi the country, and that which is em- ployed otherwise. Of the produce of the country, a part only is destined to be consumed productively ; the re- mainder supplies the unproductive con- sumption of producers, and the entire consumption of the unproductive classes. Suppose that the proportion of the annual produce applied to the first pur- pose amounts to half; then one-half the productive labourers of the country are all that are employed in the opera- tions on which the permanent wealth of the country depends. The other half are occupied from year to year and from generation to generation in pro- ducing things which are consumed and disappear without return ; and what- ever this half consume is as completely lost, as to any permanent effect on the national resources, as if it were con- sumed unproductively. Suppose that this second half of the labouring popu- lation ceased to work, and that the government or their parishes main- tained them in idleness for a whole year : the first half would suffice to produce, as they had done before, their own necessaries and the necessaries of the second half, and to keep the stock of materials and implements undi- minished : the unproductive classes, indeed, would be either starved or obliged to produce their own subsist- ence, and the whole community would be reduced during a year to bare neces- saries ; but the sources of production would be unimpaired, and the next year there would not necessarily be a smaller produce than if no such interval of inactivity had occurred ; while if the case had been reversed, if the first half of the labourers had suspended their accustomed occupations, and the second half had continued theirs, the country at the end of the twelvemonth would have been entirely impOTorished. It would be a great error to regret 34 BOOK I. CHAPl'EK IT. 1. the large proportion of the annual pro- duce, which in an opulent country goes to supply unproductive consumption. It would be to lament that the com- munity has so much to spare from its necessities, for its pleasures and for all higher uses. This portion of the pro- duce is the fund from which all the wants of the community, other than that of mere living, are provided for ; the measure of its means of enjoyment, and of its power of accomplishing all purposes not productive. That so great a surplus should be available for stich purposes, and that it should be applied to them, can only be a subject of con- gratulation. The things to be re- gretted, and which are not incapable of being remedied, are the prodigious inequality with which this surplus is distributed, the little worth of the ob- jects to which the greater part of it is devoted, and the large share which falla to the lot of persons who render no equivalent service in return. CHAPTER IV. OF CAPITAL. 1. IT has been seen in the pre- ceding chapters that besides the pri- mary and universal requisites of pro- duction, labour and natural agents, there is another requisite without which no productive operations beyond the rude and scanty beginnings of primitive industry, are possible : namely, a stock, previously accumulated, of the products of former labour. This accumulated stock of the produce of labour is termed Capital. The function of Capital in production, it is of the utmost import- ance thoroughly to understand, since a number of the erroneous notions with which our subject is infested, originate in an imperfect and confused appre- hension of this point. Capital, by persons wholly unused to reflect on the subject, is supposed to be synonymous with money. To ex- ' pose this misapprehension, would be to | repeat what has been said in the intro- ductory chapter. Money is no more ] synonymous with capital than it is J with wealth. Money cannot in itself perform any part of the office of capital, since it can afford no assistance to production. To do this, it must be exchanged for other things ; and any- thing, which is susceptible of being exchanged for other things, is capable . of contributing to production in the same degree. What capital does for production, is to afford the shelter, protection, tools and materials which the work requires, and to feed and otherwise maintain the labourers during the process. These are the services which present labour requires from past, and from the produce of past, labour. Whatever things are destined for this use destined to supply pro- ductive labour with these various pre- requisites are Capital. To familiarize ourselves with the conception, let us consider what is done with the capital invested in any of the branches of business which com- pose the productive industry of a country. A manufacturer, for example, has one part of ha eapital in the form of buildings, fitted and destined for carrying on his branch of manufacture. Another part he has in the form of macliinery. A. third consists, if he be a spinner, of raw cotton, flax, or wool ; if a weaver, of flaxen, woollen, silk, or cotton, thread ; and the like, according to the nature of the manufacture. Food and clothing for his operatives, it is not the custom of the present age that ho should directly provide ; and few capitalists, except the producers of food or clothing, have any portion worth mentioning of their capital in that shape. Instead of this, each capitalist ha.s money, which he pays to CAPITAL. 35 his workpeople, and so enables them to supply themselves : he has also finished pio'ls in hi.s warehouses, by the sale of which he obtains more money, to em- ploy in the same manner, as well as to replenish his stock of materials, to keep his buildings and machinery in repair, and to replace them when worn out. His money and finished goods, however, are not wholly capital, for he does not wholly devote them to these purposes : he employs a part of the one, and of the proceeds oi the other, in supplying his personal consumption and that of his family, or in hiring grooms and valets, or maintaining hunters and hounds, or in educating his children, or in paying taxes, or in charity. What then is his capital ? Precisely that part of his possessions, whatever it be, which is to constitute his fund for carrying on fresh produc- tion. It is of no consequence that a part, or even the whole of it, is in a form in which it cannot directly supply the wants of labourers. Suppose, for instance, that the capi- talist is a hardware manufacturer, and that his stock in trade, over and above his machinery, consists at present wholly in iron goods. Iron goods cannot feed labourers. Nevertheless, by a mere change of the destination of these iron goods, he can cause labourers to be fed. Suppose that with a portion of the proceeds he intended to maintain a pack of hounds, or an establishment of servants ; and that he changes his intention, and employs it in his busi- paying it in wages to additional workpeople. These workpeople are enabled to buy and consume the food which would otherwise have been con- sumed by the hounds or by the ser- vants ; and thus without the employer's having seen or touched one particle of the food, his conduct has determined that so much more of the food existing in the country has been devoted to the use of productive labourers, and so much less consumed in a manner wholly unproductive. Now vary the hyp.'thrMs, and suppose that what is thus paid in wages would otherwise have been laid out not in feeding ser- Tants or hounds, but in buying plate and jewels ; and in order to render the effect perceptible, let us suppose that the change takes place on a considera- ble scale, and that a large sum is divert i d from buying plate and jewels to employing productive labourers, whom we shall suppose to have been previously, like the Irish peasantry, only half employed and half fed. The labourers, on receiving their increased wages, will not lay them out in plate and jewels, but in food. There is not, however, additional food in the country ; nor any unproductive labourers or ani- mals, as in the former case, whose food is set free for productive purposea Food will therefore be imported if possible ; if not possible, the labourers will remain for a season on their short allowance : but the consequence of this change in the demand for com- modities, occasioned by the change in the expenditure of the capitalists from unproductive to productive, is that next year more food will be produced, and less plate and jewellery. So that again, without having had anything to do with the food of the laboureni directly, the conversion by individual)! of a portion of their property, no matter of what sort, from an unproductive destination to a productive, has had the effect of causing more food to be appro- priated to the consumption of produc- tive labourers. The distinction, then, between Capital and Not-capital, dpea not lie in the kind of commodities, but iiii'1 of tin.- ea- '. will to employ them forgone purpose rather than another ; and all property, however ill adapted in itself for the use of labourers, is a part of capital, so soon as it, or the value to be received from it, is set apart for productive re- investment. The sum of all the values so destined by their respective posses- sors, composes the capital of the country. Whether all those values are in a shape directly applicable to productive uses, makes no difference. Their shape, whatever it may be, is a temporary accident ; but, once destined for pro- duction, they do not fail to find a way of transforming themselves into tilings capable of being applied to it. 36 BOOK I. CHAPTER IV. 2. 2. As whatever of the produce of the country is devoted to production is capital, so, conversely, the whole of the capital of the country is devoted to production. This second proposition, however, must, be taken with some limitations and explanations. A fund may be seeking for productive employ- ment, and find none, adapted to the inclinations of its possessor : it then is capital still, but unemployed capital. Or the stock may consist of unsold goods, not susceptible of direct applica- tion to productive uses, and not, at the moment, marketable : these, until sold, are in the condition of unemployed capital. Again, artificial or accidental circumstances may render it. necessary to possess a larger stock in advance, that is, a larger capital before entering on production, than is required by the nature of things. Suppose that the government lays a tax on the produc- tion in one of its eavlier stages, as for instance by taxing the material. The manufacturer has to advance the tax, before commencing the manufacture, and is therefore under a necessity of having a larger accumulated fund than is required for, or is actually employed in, the production which he carries on. He must have a larger capital, to maintain the same quantity of produc- tive labour ; or (what is equivalent) with a sri\e:i capital he maintains less labour. Tli's mode of levying taxes, liu. 1 re lore, li...its unnecessarily the in- dustry of the country: a portion of the fund destined by its owners for produc- tion being diverted from its purpose, and kept in a constant state of advance to the government. For another example : a farmer may enter on his farm at such a time of the year, that he may be required to pay one, two, or even three quarters' rent before obtaining any return from the produce. This, therefore, must be paid out of his capital. Now rent, when paid for the land itself, and not for improvements made in it by labour, is not a productive expenditure. It is not an outlay for the support of labour, or for the provision of implements or materials the produce of labour. It is the price paid for the use of an appro- priated natural agent. This natural agent is indeed as indispensable (and even more so) as any implement : but the having to pay a price for it, is not. In the case of the implement (a thing produced by labour) a price of some sort is the necessary condition of its existence : but the land exists by nature. The payment for it, therefore, is not one of the expenses of produc- tion ; and the necessity of making the payment out of capital, makes it requi- site that there should be a greater capital, a greater antecedent accumu- lation of the produce of past labour, than is naturally necessary, or than ia needed where land is occupied on a different system. This extra capital, though intended by its owners for pro- duction, is in reality employed nnpro- ductively, and annually replaced, not from any produce of its own, but from the produce of the labour supported by the remainder of the farmer's capital. Finally, that large portion of the productive capital of a country which is employed in paying the wages and salaries of labourers, evidently is not, all of it, strictly and indispensably necessary for production. As much of it as exceeds the actual necessaries of life and health (an excess which in the case of skilled labourers is usually con- siderable) is not expended in supporting labour, but in remunerating it, and the labourers could wait for this part of their remuneration until the production is completed : it needs not necessarily pre-exist as capital : and if they un- fortunately had to forego it altogether, the same amount of production might take place. In order that the whole remuneration of the labourers should be advanced to them in daily or weekly payments, there must exist in advance, and be appropriated to productive use, a greater stock, or capital, than would suih'ce to carry on the existing exte.it of production : greater, by whatever amount of remuneration the labourers receive, beyond what the self-interest of a prudent slave-master would as.-ign to his slaves. In truth, it is only after an abundant capital had already been accumulated, that the practice of pay- ing in advance any remuneration o' CAPITAL. labour beyond a bare subsistence, could possibly have arisen : since whatever is so pakl, is not really applied to produc- tion, but to the unproductive consump- tion of productive labourers, indicating a fund for production sufficiently ample to admit of habitually diverting a part of it to a mere convenience. It will be observed that I have assumed, that the labourers are always subsisted from capital: and this is obviously the fact, though the capital needs not necessarily be furnished by a person called a capitalist. When the labourer maintains himself by funds of his own, as when a peasant-farmer or proprietor lives on the produce of his land, or an artisan works on his own account, they are still supported by capital, that is, by funds provided in advance. The peasant does not subsist this year on the produce of this year's harvest, but on that of the last. The artisan is not living on the proceeds of the work he has in hand, but on those of work previously executed and dis- posed of. Each is supported by a small capital of his own, which he periodically replaces from the produce of his labour. The large capitalist is, in like manner, maintained from funds provided in advance. If he personally conducts his operations, as much of his personal or household expenditure as does not exceed a fair remuneration of his labour at the market price, must be considered a part of his capital, expended, like any other capital, for production : and his personal consumption, so far as it con- sists of necessaries, is productive con- sumption. 3. At the risk of being tedious, I must add a few more illustrations, to bring out into astill clearerand stronger light the idea of Capital. As M. Say truly remarks, it is on the very elements of our subject that illustration is most usefully bestowed, since the greatest errors which prevail in it may be traced to the want of a thorough mastery over the elementary ideas. Nor is this surprising : a branch may be diseased and all the rest healthy, but unsound- ness at the root diffuses unhealthiness through the whole tree. Let ns therefore consider whether, and in what cases, the property of those who live on the interest of what they possess, without being personally en- gaged in production, can be regarded as capital. It is so called in common language, and, with reference to the individual, not improperly. All funds (mm which the possessor derives an in- come, which income he can use without sinking and dissipating the fund itself, are to him equivalent to capital. But to transfer hastily and inconsiderately to the general point of view, proposi- tions which are true of the individual, has been a source of innumerable errors in political economy. In the present instance, that which is virtually capital to the individual, is or is not capital to the nation, according as the fund which by the supposition he lias not dissipated, has or has not been dis- sipated by somebody else. For example, let property of the value of ten thousand pounds belonging to A, be lent to 13, a farmer or manufac- turer, and employed profitably in B's occupation. It is as much capital as if it belonged to B. A is really a farmer or manufacturer, not personally, but in respect of his property. Capital worth ten thousand pounds is employed in production in maintaining labourers and providing tools and materials; which capital belongs to A, while B takes the trouble of employing it, and receives for his remuneration the dif- ference between the profit which it yields and the interest he pays to A. This is the simplest case. Suppose next that A's ten thousand pounds, instead of being lent to B, aro lent on mortgage to C, a landed pro- prietor, by whom they are employed in improving the productive powers of hia estate, by fencing, draining, road-mak- ing, or permanent manures. This is productive employment. The ten thou- sand pounds are sunk, but not dis- sipated. They yield a permanent re- turn ; the land now affords an increase of produce, sufficient, in a few years, if the outlay has been judicious, to replace the amount, and in time to multiply it manifold. Here, then, is a value of ten thousand pounds, employed in in- BOOK I. CHAPTER IV. 3. ie produce f ^ le country. This constitutes a capital, for which C, it* he lets his land, receives the returns in the nominal form of increased rent ; nnd the mortgage entitles A to reo.-ive from these returns, in the shape of in- terest, such annual sum as has heen agreed on. We will now vary the cir- cumstances, and suppose that C does not employ the loan in improving his land, but in paying off a former mort- gage, or in itiaking a provision for children. Whether the ten thousand pounds thus employed are capital cr not, will depend on what is done with the amount by the ultimate receiver. If the children invest their fortunes in a productive employment, or the mort- gagee on being paid off lends the amount to another landholder to im- prove his land, or to a manufacturer to extend his business, it is still capital, because productively employed. Suppose, however, that C, the bor- rowing landlord, is a spendthrift, who burdens his land not to increase his fortune but to squander it, expending the amount in equipages and entertain- ments. In a year or two it is dissi- pated, and without return. A is as rich as before ; he has no longer his ten thousand pounds, but he has a lien on the land, which he could still sell for that amount. C, however, is 10,OOOZ. poorer than formerly ; and nobody is richer. It may be said that those are richer who have made profit out of the money while it was being spent. Xo doubt if C lost it by gaming, or was cheated of it by his servants, that is a mere transfer, not a destruction, and those who have gained the amount may employ it productively. But if C has received the fair value for his expendi- ture in articles of subsistence or luxury, which he has consumed on himself, or by means of his servants or guests, these articles have ceased to exist, and nothing has been produced to replace them : while if the same sum had been employed in farming or manufacturing, the consumption which would have taken place would have been mere than balanced at the end of the year by new products, created by the labour of those TJO would in that case have been the consumers. By C's prodigality, that which would have been consumed with a return, is consumed without return. C?fl tradesmen may have made a profit during the process ; but if the capital had been expended productively, an equivalent profit would have been made by builders, fencers, tool-makers, and the tradespeople who supply the con- sumption of the labouring classes ; while at the expiration of the time (to say nothing of any increase), C would have had the ton thousand pounds or its value replaced to him, which now he has not. There is, therefore, on the general result, a difference to the dis- advantage of the community, of at least ten thousand pounds, being the amount of C's unproductive expenditure. To A, the difference is not material, since his income is secured to him, and while the security is good, and the market rate of interest the same, he can always sell the mortgage at its original value. To A, therefore, the lien of ten thou- sand pounds on C's estate, is virtually a capital of that amount; but is it so in reference to the community ? It is not. A had a capital of ten thousand pounds, but this has been extinguished dissipated and destroyed by C's pro- digality. A now receives his income, not from the produce of his capital, but from some other source of income be- longing to C, probably from the rent of his land, that is, from payments made to him by farmers out of the produce of tli, ir capital. The national capital is diminished by ten thousand pounds, and the national income by all which those ten thousand pounds, employed as capital, would have produced. The loss does not fall on the owner of the destroyed capital, since the destroyer has agreed to indemnify him for it. But his loss is only a small portion of that sustained by the community, since what was devoted to the use and con- sumption of the proprietor was only the interest ; the capital itself was, or would have been, employed in the per- petual maintenance of an equivalent number of labourers, regularly repro- ducing what they consumed : and o! this maintenance they are deprived without compensation. FUNDAMENTAL PROPOSITIONS ON CAPITAL. 39 I. ft us no-.y vary the hypothesis still further, and suppose that the money is borrowed, not by a landlord, but by the State. A lends his capital to Govern- ment to carry on a war : he buys from the State what are called government securities ; that is, obligations on the government to pay a certain annual in- come. If the government employed the money in making a railroad, this might be a productive employment, and A's property would still be used as capital ; but since it is employed in war, that is, in the pay of officers and soldiers who produce nothing, and in destroying a quantity of gunpowder and bullets without return, the government is in the situation of C, the spendthrift landlord, and A's ten thousand pounds are so much national capital which once existed, but exists no longer : virtually thrown into the sea, as far as vealth or production is concerned ; though for other reasons tho employ- ment of it may have been justifiable. A's subsequent income is derived, not from the produce of his own capital, but from taxes drawn from the produce of the remaining capital of the commu- nity ; to whom his capital is not yield- ing any return, to indemnify them for the payment ; it is lost and gone, and what he now possesses is a claim on the returns to other people's capital and in- dustry. This claim he can sell, and get back the equivalent of his capital, which he may afterwards employ pro- ductively. True ; but he does not get back his own capital, or anything which it has produced ; that, and all its possi- ble returns, are extinguished : what ho gets is the capital of some other per- son, which that person is willing to ex- change for his lien on the taxes. An- other capitalist substitutes himself for A as a mortgagee of the public, and A substitutes himself for the other capi- talist as the possessor of a fund em- ployed in production, or available for it. By this exchange the productive powers of the community are neither increased nor diminished. The breach in the capital of the country was made when the government spent A's money : whereby a value of ten thousand pounds was withdrawn or withheld from pro- ductive employment, placed in the fund for unproductive consumption, and de- stroyed without equivalent. CHAPTER V. FUNDAMENTAL PROPOSITIONS RESPECTING CAPITAL. 1. IF the preceding explanations have answered their purpose, they have given not only a sufficiently complete possession of the idea of Capital accord- ing to its definition, but a sufficient familiarity with it in the concrete, and amidst the obscurity with which the complication of individual circumstances surrounds it, to have prepared even the unpractised reader for certain elemen- tary propositions or theorems respecting capital, the full comprehension of which is already a considerable step out of darkness into light. The first of these propositions is, That industry is limited by capital. This is so obvious as to be taken for granted in many common forms of speech ; but to see a truth occasionally is one thing, to recognise it habitually, and admit no propositions inconsistent with it, is another. The axiom was until lately almost universally disre- garded by legislators and political writers ; and doctrines irrcconcileablo with it are still very commonly pro- fessed and inculcated. The following are common expres- sions, implying its truth. The act of directing industry to a particular em ployment is described by the phrase " applying capital " to the employment. To employ industry on the land is to apply capital to the land. To etnjiloj BOOK I. CHAPTER V. J 1. labour in A manufacture is to invest capital in the manufacture. This im- plfes that industry cannot be employed to any greater extent than there is capital to invest. The proposition, in- deed, must be assented to as soon as it is distinctly apprehended. The ex- pression " applying capital " is of course metaphorical : what is really applied is labour ; capital being an in- dispensable condition. Again, we often speak of the "productive powers of capital." This expression is not lite- rally correct. The only productive powers are those of labour and natural agents ; or if any portion of capital can by a stretch of language be said to have a productive power of its own, it is only tools and machinery, which, like wind or water, may be said to co-ope- rate with labour. The food of labourers and the materials of production have no productive power ; but labour cannot exert its productive power unless pro- vided with them, 'riiere can be no more industry than is supplied with materials to work up and food to eat. Self-evident as the thing is, it is often forgotten that the people of a country are maintained and have their wants supplied, not by the produce of present labour, but of past. They consume what has been produced, not what is about to be produced. Now, of what has been produced, a part only is al- lotted to the support of productive labour ; and there will not and cannot be more of that labour than the por- tion so allotted (which is the capital of the country J can feed, and provide with the materials and instruments of production. Yet, in disregard of a fact so evident, it long continued to be believed that laws and governments, without creat- ing capital, could create industry. Not by making the people more labo- rious, or increasing the efficiency of their labour; these are objects to whict the government can, in some degree, indirectly contribute. But without any increase in the skill or energy of the labourers, and without causing any persons to labour who had previously been maintained in idleness, it WW still thought that the govern- ment, without providing additional funds, could create additional employ- ment. A government would, by pro- hibitory laws, put a stop to the impor- tation of some commodity ; and when by this it had caused the commodity to be produced at home, it would plume itself upon having enriched the country with a new branch of industry, would parade in statistical tables the amount of produce yielded and labour em- ployed in the production, and take credit for the whole of this as a gai n to the country, obtained through the prohibitory law. Although this sort of political arithmetic has fallen a little into discredit in England, it still flourishes in the nations of Continental Europe. Had legislators been aware that industry is limited by capital, they would have seen that, the aggre- gate capital of the country not having been increased, any portion of it which they by their laws had caused to be embarked in the newly-acquired branch of industry must have been withdrawn or withheld from some other ; in which it gave, or would have given, employ- ment to probably about the same quan- tity of labour which it employs in its new occupation.* * An exception must be admitted when the industry created or upheld by the re- strictive law belongs to the class of what are called domestic manufactures. These beiiig carried on by persons already fed by la- bouring families, in the intervals ol other employment no transfer of capital to the occupation is necessary to its being under- taken, beyond the value of the materials and tools, which is often inconsiderable If, therefore, a protecting duty causes this occu- pation to be carried on, when it otherwise would not, there is in this case a real increase of the production of the country. In order to render our theoretical proposi- tion invulnerable, this peculiar case must be allowed for : but it does not touch the prac- tical doctrine of free trade. Domestic manufactures cannot, from the very nature of things, require protection, since the sub- sistence of the labourers being provided from other sources, the price of the product, how- ever much it may be reduced, is nearly all elear gain. If, therefore, the domestic pro- ducers retire from the competition, it is never from necessity, but because the pro. duct is not worth the labour it costs, in the opinion of the best judges, those who enjoy the one and undergo the other. They prefer the sacrifice of buying their clothing to ihe labour of making it. They will not continue FUNDAMENTAL PROPOSITIONS ON CAPITAL. 41 2. Because industry is limited by capita], we are not however to infer that it always reaches that limit. Capital may be temporarily unemployed, as in the case of unsold goods, or funds that have not yet found an investment ; during this interval it does not set in motion any industry. Or there may not be as many labourers obtainable, as the capital would maintain and em- ploy. This has been known to occur in new colonies, where capital has sometimes perished uselessly for want of labour : the Swan River settlement (now called Western Australia), in the first years after its foundation, was an instance. There are many persons maintained from existing capital, who produce nothing, or who might produce much more than they do. If the labourers were reduced to lower wages, or induced to work more hours for the same wages, or if their families, who are already maintained from capital, were employed to a greater extent than they now are in adding to the produce, a given capital would afford employment to more industry. The unproductive consumption of produc- tive labourers, the whole of which is now supplied by capital, might cease, r be postponed until the produce came in ; and additional productive labourers might be maintained with the amount. By such means society might obtain from its existing re- sources a greater quantity of produce : and to such means it has been driven, when the sudden destruction of some large portion of its capital rendered the employment of the remainder with the greatest possible effect, a matter of paramount consideration for the time. Where industry has not come up to the limit imposed by capital, governments may, in various ways, for example by importing additional labourers, bring it nearer to that limit : as by the im- portation of Coolies and free Negroes into the West Indies. There is an- other way in which governments can create additional industry. They can create capital. They may lay on their labour unless society will give them more for it, than in their own opinion its product is worth. taxes, and employ the amount produc- tively. They may do what is nearly equivalent ; they may lay taxes on income or expenditure, and apply the Sroceeds towards paying off the public ebts. The fundholder, when paid off, would still desire to draw an income from his property, most of which there- fore would find its way into productive employment, while a great part of it would have been drawn from the fund for unproductive expenditure, since people do not wholly pay their taxes from what they would have saved, but partly, if not chiefly, from what they would have spent. It may be added, that any increase in the productive power of capital (or, more properly speaking, of labour) by improvements in the arts of life, or otherwise, tends to increase the employment for labour ; since, when there is a greater produce altogether, it is always probable that some portion of the increase will be saved and converted into capital ; especially when the increased returns to productive industry hold out an additional temptation to the conver- sion of funds from an unproductive destination to a productive. 3. While, on the one hand, in- dustry is limited by capital, so on the other, every increase of capital gives, or is capable of giving, additional em- ployment to industry ; and this with- out assignable limit. I do not mean to deny that the capital, or part of it, may be so employed as not to support labourers, being fixed in machinery, buildings, improvement of land, and the like. In any large increase of capital a considerable portion will generally be thus employed, and will only co-operate with labourers, not maintain them. What I do intend to assert is, that the portion which is destined to their maintenance, may (supposing no altera- tion in anything else) be indefinitely increased, without creating an impos- sibility of finding them employment : in other words, that if there are human beings capable of work, and food t feed them, they may always be em- ployed in producing something. Thia proposition requires to be somewhat BOOK I. CHAFf/EH V. 3. dwelt upon, being one of those which it is exceedingly easy to assent to when presented in general terms, but somewhat difficult to keep fast hold of, in the crowd and confusion of the actual facts of society. It is also very much opposed to common doctrines. There is not an opinion more general among mankind than this, that the unproductive expenditure of the rich is necessary to the employment of the poor. Before Adam Smith, the doc- trine had hardly been questioned ; and even since his time, authors of the highest name and of great merit* have contended, that if consumers were to save and convert into capital more than a limited portion of their income, and were not to devote to unproductive consumption an amount of means bear- ing a certain ratio to the capital of the country, the extra accumulation would be merely so much waste, since there would be no market for the commo- dities which the capital so created would produce. I conceive this to be one of the many errors arising in poli- tical economy, from rte practice of not beginning with the examination of simple cases, but rushing at once into the complexity of concrete phenomena. Ever)- one can see that if a benevo- lent government possessed all the food, and all the implements and materials, of the community, it could exact pro- ductive labour from all capable of it, to whom it allowed a share in the food, and could be in no danger of wanting a field for the employment of this pro- ductive labour, since as long as there was a single want unsaturatcd (which material objects could supply), of any one individual, the labour of the com- munity could be turned to the produc- tion of something capable of satisfying that want. Now, the individual pos- sessors of capital, when they add to it by fresh accumulations, are doing pre- cisely the same thing which we sup- pose to be done by a benevolent govern- ment. As it is allowable to put any case by way of hypothesis, let us ima- gine the most extreme case conceiv- able. Suppose that every capitalist For example, Mr. Malthus, Dr. Chalmers, M. de Sismondi. came to be of opinion that not being more meritorious than a well-conducted labourer, he ought not to fare better ; and accordingly laid by, from conscientious motives, the surplus of his profits ; or suppose this abstinence not sponta- neous, but imposed by law or opinion upon all capitalists, and upon land- owners likewise. Unproductive ex- penditure is now reduced to its lowest limit : and it is asked, how is the in- creased capital to find employment ? Who is to buy the goods which it will produce ? There are no longer cus- tomers even for those which were pro- duced before. The goods, therefore, (it is said) will remain unsold ; they will perish in the warehouses ; until capital is brought down to what it was originally, or rather to as much less, as the demand of the consumers lias lessened. But this is seeing only one- half of the matter. In the case sup- posed, there would no longer be any demand for luxuries, on the part of capitalists and landowners. But when these classes turn their in- come into capital, they do not thereby annihilate their power of consumption ; they do but transfer it from themselves to the labourers to whom they give employment. Now, there are two pos- sible suppositions in regard to the labourers ; either there is, or there is not, an increase of their numbers, pro- portional to the increase of capital. If there is, the case offers no difficulty. The production of necessaries for tho new population, takes the place of the production of luxuries for a portion of the old, and supplies exactly the amount of employment which has been lost. But suppose that there is no in- crease of population. The whole of what was previously expended in luxuries, by capitalists and landlords, is distributed among the existing labourers, in the form of additional wages. We will assume them to be already sufficiently supplied with neces- saries. What follows? That the labourers become consumers of luxu- ries ; and the capital previously em- ployed in the production of luxuries, ia still able to employ itself in the same j manner : the difference being, that tho FUNDAMENTAL PROPOSITIONS ON CAPITAL. 43 Kixuries are shared among the com- munity generally, instead of being con- ,-i few. The increased accumu- lation and increased production might, rigorously speaking, continue, until every labourer had every indulgence of wealth, consistent with continuing to work ; supposing that the power of their labour were physically sufficient to produce all this amount of indulgences for their whole number. Thus the limit of wealth is never deficiency of consumers, but of producers and pro- ductive power. Every addition to capital gives to labour cither additional employment, or additional remunera- tion ; enriches either the country, or the labouring class. If it finds addi- tional hands to set to work, it increases the aggregate produce : if only the same hands, it gives them a larger share of it ; and perhaps even in this case, by stimulating them to greater exertion, augments the produce itself. 4. A second fundamental theorem respecting Capital, relates to the source from which it is derived. It is the re- sult of saving. The evidence of this lies abundantly in what has been al- ready said on the subject. But the proposition needs some further illus- tration. If all persons were to expend in per- sonal indulgences all that they produce, and all the income they receive from what is produced by others, capital could not increase. All capital, with a trifling exception, was originally the result of saving. I say, with a trifling exception ; because a person who la- bours on his own account, may spend on his own account all he produces, without becoming destitute ; and the provision of necessaries on which he subsists until he has reaped his harvest, or sold his commodity, though a real capital, cannot be said to have been saved, since it is all used for the sup- ply of his own wants, and perhaps as speedily as if it had been consumed in idleness. We may imagine a number of individuals or families settled on as many separate pieces of land, each living on what their own labour pro- duces, and consuming the -whole pro- duce. But even these must >ave (that is, spare from their personal consump- tion) as much as is necessary for seed. Some saving, therefore, there must have been, even in this simplest of all states of economical relations; people must have produced more than they used, or used less than they produced. Still more must they do so before they can employ other labourers, or increase their production beyond what can be accom- plished by the work of their own hands. All that anyone employs in supporting and carrying on any other labour than his own, must have been originally brought together by saving ; somebody must have produced it and forborne to consume it. We may say, therefore, without material inaccuracy, that all capital, and especially all addition to capital, are the result of saving. In a rude and violent state of society, it continually happens that the person who has capital is not the very person who has saved it, but some one who, being stronger, or belonging to a more powerful community, has possessed himself of it by plunder. And even in a state of things in which property waa protected, the increase of capital baa usually been, for a long time, mainly derived from privations which, though essentially the same with saving, are not generally called by that name, be- cause not voluntary. The actual pro- ducers have been slaves, compelled to produce as much as force could extort from them, and to consume as little as the self-interest or the usually very slender humanity of their taskmasters would permit. This kind of compul- sory saving, however, would not have caused any increas? of capital, unless a part of the amouut had been saved over again, voluntarily, by the master. If all that he made his slaves produce and forbear to consume, had been con- sumed by him on personal indulgences, he would not have increased his capital, nor been enabled to maintain an in- creasing number of slaves. To main- tain any slaves at all, implied a pre- vious saving ; a stock, at least of food, provided in advance. This saving may not, however, have been made by any self-imposed privation of the mister; 44 but more probably by that of the slaves themselves while free ; the rapine or war, which deprived them of their per- sonal liberty, having transferred also their accumulations to the conqueror. There are other cases in which the term saving, with the associations usu- ally belonging to it, does not exactly fit the operation by which capital is increased. If it were said, for instance, that the only way to accelerate the in- crease of capital is by increase of saving, the idea would probably be suggested of greater abstinence, and increased privation. But it is obvious that what- ever increases the productive power of labour, creates an additional fund to make savings from, and enables capital to be enlarged not only without addi- tional privation, but concurrently with an increase of personal consumption. Nevertheless, there is here an increase of saving, in the scientific sense. Though there is more consumed, there is also more spared. There is a greater excess of production over consumption. It is consistent with correctness to call this a greater saving. Though the term is not unobjectionable, there is no other which is not liable to as great objections. To consume less than is produced, is saving ; and that is the process by which capital is increased ; not necessarily by consuming less, ab- solutely. We must not allow ourselves to be so much the slaves of words, as to be unable to use the word saving in this sense, without being in danger of forgetting that to increase capital there is another way besides consuming less, namely, to produce more. 5. A third fundamental theorem respecting Capital, closely connected with the one last discussed, is, that although saved, and the result of saving, it is nevertheless consumed. The word saving does not imply that what is saved is not consumed, nor even necessarily that its consumption is deferred ; but only that, if consumed immediately, it is not consumed by the person who saves it. If merely laid by for future use, it is said to be hoarded; and while hoarded, is not consumed at all. But if employed as BOOK I. CHAPTER V. 5. capital, it is all consumed ; though not by the capitalist. Part is exchanged for tools or machinery, which are worn out by use : part for seed or materials, which are destroyed as such by being sown or wrought up, and destroyed al- together by the consumption of the ultimate product. The remainder is paid in wages to productive labourers, who consume it for their daily wants ; or if they in their turn save any part, this also is not, generally speaking, hoarded, but (through savings banks, benefit clubs, or some other channel) re-em- ployed as capital, and consumed. The principle now stated is a strong example of the necessity of attention to the most elementary truths of our sub- ject : for it is one of the most elemen- tary of them all, and yet no one who has not bestowed some thought on the matter is habitually aware of it, and most are not even willing to admit 't when first stated. To the vulgar, it is not at all apparent that what is saved is consumed. To them, every one who saves, appears in the light of a person who hoards ; they may think such con- duct permissible, or even laudable, when it is to provide for a family, and the like ; but they have no conception of it as doing good to other people : saving is to them another word for keeping a thing to oneself; while spending ap- pears to them to be distributing it among others. The person who ex- pends his fortune in unproductive con- sumption, is looked upon as diffusing benefits all around ; and is an object of so much favour, that some portion of the same popularity attaches even to him who spends what does not be- long to him ; who not only destroys his own capital, if he ever had any, but, under pretence of borrowing, and on promise of repayment, possesses him- self of capital belonging to others, and destroys that likewise. This popular error comes from at- tending to a small portion only of the consequences that flow from the saving or the spending ; all the effects of either which are out of sight, being out of mind. The eye follows what is saved, in t n imaginary strong box, and there loses sight of it ; what is spent, it fol FUNDAMENTAL PROPOSITIONS ON CAPITAL. 45 lows into the hands of tradespeople and dependents ; but without reaching the ultimate destination in either case. Saving (for productive investment), and spending, coincide very closely in the first stage of their operations. The effects of both begin with consumption ; with the destruction of a certain portion of wealth ; only the things consumed, and the persons consuming, are different. There is, in the one case, a wearing out of tools, a destruction of material, and a quantity of food and clothing supplied to labourers, which they destroy by use ; in the other case, there is a consump- tion, that is to say, a destruction, of wines, equipages, and furniture. Thus far, the consequence to the national wealth has been much the same ; an equivalent quantity of it has been de- stroyed in both cases. But in the mending this first stage is also the final stage ; that particular amount of the produce of labour has disappeared, and there is nothing left ; while, on the contrary, the saving person, during the whole time that the destruction was going on, has had labourers at work repairing it ; who are ultimately found to have replaced, with an increase, the equivalent of what has been consumed. And as this operation admits of being repeated indefinitely without any fresh act of saving, a saving once made be- comes a fund to maintain a correspond- ing number of labourers in perpetuity, reproducing annually their own mainte- nance with a profit. It is the intervention of money which obseurrg, to an unpractised apprehen- sion, the true character of these pheno- mena. Almost all expenditure being carried on by means of money, the money comes to be looked upon as the main feature in the transaction ; and since that does not perish, but only changes hands, people overlook the destruction which takes place in the case of unproductive expenditure. The money being merely transferred, they think the wealth also has only been handed over from the spendthrift to other people. But this is simply con- founding money with wealth. The wealth which has been destroyed was not the money, but the wines, equipages, and furniture which the money pur- chased ; and these having been de- stroy, -d without return, society collec- tively is poorer by the amount. It may be said, perhaps, that wines, equipap's, and furniture, are not subsistence, tools, and materials, and could not in any case have been applied to the support of labour ; that they are adapteil for no other than unproductive consumption, and that the detriment to the wealth of the community was when they were produced, not when they were con- sumed. I am willing to allow this, as far as is necessary for the argument, and the remark would be very perti- nent if these expensive luxuries were drawn from an existing stock, never to be replenished. But since, on the con- trary, they continue to be produced as long as there are consumers for them, and are produced in increased quantity to meet an increased demand ; the choice made by a consumer to expend five thousand a year in luxuries, keeps a corresponding number of labourers employed from year to year in pro- ducing things which can be of no use to production ; their services being lost so far as regards the increase of the national wealth, and the tools, mate- rials, and food which they annually consume being so much subtracted from the general stock of the commu- nity applicable to productive purposes. In proportion as any class is improvi- dent or luxurious, the industry of the country takes the direction of producing luxuries for their use ; while not only the employment for productive labourers is diminished, but the subsistence and instruments which arc the means of such employment do actually exist in smaller quantity. Saving, in short, enriches, and spend- ing impoverishes, the community uk-r:^ with the individual ; which is but say- ing in other words, that society at large is richer by what it expends in main- taining and aiding productive labour, but poorer by what it consumes in its enjoyments.* * It is worth while to direct attention to several circumstances which to a curtain ex- tent diminish the detriment cau*eut though a demand for velvet does nothing more in regard to the employ- ment tor labour and capital, than to determine so much of the employment which .already existed, into that par- ticular channel instead of any other ; still, to the producers already engaged be effected how the farmer, whose capital and labour were already fully employed, would be enabled to supply the new wants of ]{, without producing less of other things; the only mode which presents itself is, that he should Jirst produce the food, and then, giving that food to the labourers whom A formerly fed, should by means of their labour, produce the luxuries wanted by B. This, accordingly, when the objectors are hard pressed, appears to be really their meaning. But it is an obvious answer, that on this supposition, B must wait for his luxuries till the second year, and they are wanted this year. By the original hypo- thesis, he consumes his luxurious dinner day by da.y,paripiifsit. with the rations of bread and potatoes formerly served cut by A to his labourers. There is not time to feed the labourers first, and supply B afterwards: he and they cannot both have their wants ministered to : he can only satisfy his own demand for commodities, by leaving as much of theirs, as was formerly supplied from that I'und, unsatisfied. It may, indeed, be rejoined by an objector, that, since on the present showing, time is the only thing wanting to render the expen- diture of B consistent with as large an em- ployment to labour as was given by A, why may we not suppose that B postpones his in- creased consumption of personal luxuries until they can be furnished to him by the labour of the persons whom A employed ? In that case, it may be said, he would employ and feed as much labour as his predecessors. Undoubtedly he would ; but why ? Because his income would be expended in exactly the same manner as his predecessor's; it would be expended in wage?. A reserved from his personal consumption a fund which he paid away directly tc labourers; B does I he same, only instead of paying it to them himself, he leaves it in the hands of the farmer, who pays it to them for him. On this supposition, B, in the first year, neither expending the amount, as far as lie is per- BOOK I. CHAPTER V. 9. in the velvet manufacture, and not in- tending to quit it, tlii.s is of tlie utmost importance. To them, a falling off in the demand is a real loss, and one which, even if none of their goods finally perish unsold, may mount to any height, up to that which would make them choose, as the smaller evil, to retire from the business. On the contrary, an increased demand enables them to extend their transactions to make a profit on a larger capital, if they have it, or can borrow it ; and, turning over their capital more rapidly, they will employ their labourers moro constantly, or employ a greater num- ber than before. So that an increased demand for a commodity does really, in the particular department, often serially concerned, in A's manner nor in his own, really saves that portion of his income, and lends it to the farmer. And if, in sub- sequent years, confining himself within the year's income, he leaves the farmer in arrears to that amount, it becomes an additional capital, with which the farmer may per- manently employ and feed A's labourers. Nobody pretends that such a change as this, a change from spending an income in wages of labour, to saving it for investment, de- prives any labourers of employment. What is affirmed to have that effect is, the change from hiring labourers to buying commodities for personal use ; as represented by our original hypothesis. In our illustration we have supposed no buying and selling, or use of money. But the case as we have put it, corresponds with actual fact in everything except the details of the mechanism. The whole of any country is virtually a single farm and manu- factory, from which every member of the community draws his-appointed share of the produce, having a certain number of coun- ters, called pounds sterling, put into his hands, which, at his convenience, he brings back and exchanges for such goods as he pre- fers, up to the limit of the amount. He does not, as in our imaginary case, give notice beforehand what things he shall require; but the dealers and producers are quite capa- ble of finding it cut by observation, and any change in the demand is promptly followed by an adaptation of the supply to it. If a consumer changes from paying away a part of his income in wages, to spending it that same day (not some subsequent and distant day) in things for his own consumption, and perseveres in this altered practice until pro- duction has had time to adapt itself to the alteration af demand, there will from that time be less food and other articles for the use of labourers, produced in the country, by exactly the value of the extra luxuries now demanded ; and the labourers, us a class, will be worse off by the pr >cise amount. FUNDAMENTAL PROPOSITIONS ON CAPITAL. 56 cause a greater employment to be given to labour by the same capital. The mistake lies in not perceiving that in the cases supposed, this advantage is given to labour and capital in one department, only by being withdrawn from another; and that when the change has produced its natural effect of attracting into the employment ad- ditional capital proportional to the in- creased demand, the advantage itself ceases. The grounds of a proposition, when well understood, usually give a tolera- ble indication of the limitations of it. The general principle, now stated, is, that demand for commodities deter- mines merely the direction of labour, and the kind of wealth produced, but not the quantity or efficiency of the labour, or the aggregate of wealth. ]>ut to this there are two exceptions. First ; when labour is supported, but not fully occupied, a new demand for something which it can produce, may stimulate the labour thus supported to increased exertions, of which the re- sult may be an increase of wealth, to the advantage of the labourers them- selves and of others. Work which can be done in the spare hours of persons subsisted from some other source, can (as before remarked) be undertaken without withdrawing capital from other occupations, beyond the amount (often very small) required to cover the ex- pense of tools and materials ; and even this will often be provided by savings made expressly for the purpose. The reason of our theorem thus failing, the theorem itself fails, and employment of this kind may, by the springing up of a demand for the commodity, be called into existence without depriving labour of an equivalent amount of em- ployment in any other quarter. The demand does not, even in this case, operate on labour any otherwise than through the medium of an existing capital ; but it affords an inducement which causes that capital to set in motion a greater amount of labour than it did before. The second exception, of which I shall speak at length in a subsequent chapter, consists in the known < of an extension of the market for a com- mo.lity, in rendering possible an in- creased development of the division of labour, and hence a more effective dis- tribution of the productive forces of so- ciety. This, like the former, is more an exception in appearance, than it is in reality. It is not the money paid by the purchaser which remunerates the labour ; it is the capital of the pro- ducer : the demand only determines in what manner that capital shall be em- ployed, and what kind of labour it shal 1 remunerate ; but if it determines that the commodity shall be produced on a large scale, it enables the same capital to produce more of the commodity, and may, by an indirect effect in causing an increase of capital, produce an even- tual increase of the remuneration of the labourer. The demand for commodities is a consideration of importance rather in the theory of exchange, than in that of production. Looking at things in the aggregate, and permanently, the remuneration of the producer is derived from the productive power of his own capital. The sale of the produce for money, and the subsequent expenditure of the money in buying other commo- dities, are a mere exchange of equiva- lent values, for mutual accommodation. It is true that, the division of employ- ments being one of the principal means of increasing the productive power of labour, the power of exchanging gives rise to a great increase of the produce ; but even then it is production, not ex- change, which remunerates labour and capital. We cannot too strictly repre- sent to ourselves the operation of ex- change, whether conducted by barter or through the medium of money, as the mere mechanism by which each Eerson transforms the remuneration of is labour or of his capital into the par- ticular shape in which it is most conve- nient to him to possess it; but in no wise the source of the remuneration itself. 10. The preceding principles de- monstrate the fallacy of many popular arguments and doctrines, which are continually reproducing themselves in new iunus. Fur example, it fois been BOOK I. CHAPTER V. 10. contended, and by some from whom better things might have been ex- pected, that the argument for the in- come-tax, grounded on its falling on the higher and middle classes only, and sparing the poor, is an error ; some have gone so far as to say, an impos- ture ; because in taking from the rich what they would have expended among the poor, the tax injures the poor as much as if it had been directly levied from them. Of this doctrine we now know what to think. So far, indeed, as what is taken from the rich in taxes, would, if not so taken, have been saved and converted into capital, or even expended in the maintenance and wages of servants or of any class of unproductive labourers, to that ex- tent the demand for labour is no doubt diminished, and the poor injuriously affected, by the tax on the rich ; and as these effects are almost always pro- duced in a greater or less degree, it is impossible BO to tax the rich as that no portion whatever of the tax can fall on the poor. But even here the ques- tion arises, whether the government, after receiving the amount, will not lay out as great a portion of it in the direct purchase of labour, as the tax- payers would have done. In regard to all that portion of the tax, which, if not paid to the government, would have been consumed in the form of commodities (or even expended in ser- vices if the payment has been advanced by a capitalist), this, according to (he principles we have investigated, falls definitively on the rich, and not at all on the poor. There is exactly the same demand for labour, so far as this por- tion is concerned, after the tax, as before it. The capital which hitherto employed the labourers of the country, remains, and is still capable of employ- ing the same number. There is the same amount of produce paid in wages, or allotted to defray the feeding and clothing of labourers. If those against whom I am now contending were in the right, it would be impossible to tax anybody except the poor. If it is taxing the labourers, to tax what is laid out in the produce of labour, the labouring classes pay all the taxes. The same argument, how- ever, equally proves, that it is impos- sible to tax the labourers at all ; since the tax, being laid out either in labour or in commodities, comes all back to them ; so that taxation has the singular property of falling on nobody. On the same showing, it would do the labourers no harm to take from them all they have, and distribute it among the other members of the community. It would all be " spent among them," which on this theory comes to the same thing. The error is produced by not looking directly at the realities of the phenomena, but attending only to the outward mechanism of paying and spending. If we look at the effects produced not on the money, which merely changes hands, but on the com- modities which are used and con- sumed, we see that, in consequence of the income-tax, the classes who pay it do really diminish their consumption. Exactly so far as they do this, they are the persons on whom the tax falls. It is defrayed out of what they would otherwise have used and enjoyed. So far, on the other hand, as the burthen falls, not on what they would have consumed, but on what they would have saved to maintain production, or spent in maintaining or paying unpro- ductive labourers, to that extent the tax forms a deduction from what would have been used and enjoyed by the labouring classes. But if the govern- ment, as is probably the fact, expends fully as much of the amount as the tax-payers would have done in the direct employment of labour, as in hiring sailors, soldiers, and policemen, or in paying off debt, by which last operation it even increases capital; the labouring classes not only do nol lose any employment by the tax, but may possibly gain some, and the whole of the tax falls exclusively where it was intended. All that portion of the produce of the country which any one, not a labourer, actually and literally con- sumes for his own use, does not contri- bute in the smallest degree to the maintenance of labour. No one is benefited by mere consumption, except CIRCULATING AND FIXED CAPITAL. 57 the person wbo consumes. And a per- son cannot both consume his income himself, anil make it over to be con- sumed by others. Taking away a cer- tain portion by taxation cannot deprive both him and them of it, but only him or them. To know which is the suf- ferer, we must understand whose con- sumption will have to be retrenched in consequence : this, whoever it be, is the person on whom the tax really falls. CHAPTER VI. ON CIRCULATING AND FIXED CAPITAL. 1. To complete our explanations on the subject of capital, it is necessary to say something of the two species into which it is usually divided. The distinction is very obvious, and though not named, has been often adverted to, in the two preceding chapters : but it is now proper to define it accurately, and to point out a few of its consequences. Of the capital engaged in the pro- duction of any commodity, there is a part which, after being once used, xists no longer as capital ; is no longer capable of rendering service to production, or at least not the same ser- vice, nor to the same sort of produc- tion. Such, for example, is the portion of capital which consists of materials. The tallow and alkali of which soap is made, once used in the manufacture, are destroyed as alkali and tallow ; and cannot be employed any further in the soap manufacture, though in their al- tered condition, as soap, they are capable of being used as a material or an instrument in other branches of manufacture. In the same division must be placed the portion of capital which is paid as the wages, or con- sumed as the subsistence, of labourers. That part of the capital of a cotton- spinner which he pays away to his workpeople, once so paid, exists no longer as his capital, or as a cotton- spinner's capital : such portion of it as the workmen consume, no longer exists as capital at all : even if they save any part, it may now be more properly regarded as a fresh capital, the result of a second act of accumula- tion. Capital which in this manner fulfils the whole of its office in the pro- duction in which it is engaged, by a single use, is called Circulating Capital. The term, which is not very appro- priate, is derived from the circum- stance, that this portion of capital re- quires to be constantly renewed by the sale of the finished product, and when renewed is perpetually parted with in buying materials and paying wages ; so that it does its work, not by being kept, but by changing hands. Another large portion of capital, however, consists in instruments of pro- duction, of a more or less permanent character : which produce their effect not by being parted with, but by being kept ; and the efficacy of which is not exhausted by a single use. To this class belong buildings, machinery, and all or most things known by the name of implements or tools. The durability of some of these is considerable, and their function as productive instruments is prolonged through many repetitions of the productive operation. In this class must likewise be included capital sunk (as the expression is) in permanent improvements of land. So also the capital expended once for all, in the commencement of an undertaking, to prepare the way for subsequent opera- tions : the expense of opening a mine, for example : of cutting canals, of making roads or docks. Other ex- amples might be added, but these are sufficient. Capital which exists in any of these durable shapes, and the return to which is spread over a period of corresponding duration, is called Fixed Capital. BOOK I. CHAPTER VI. 2. Of fixed capitals, some kinds require to Le occasionally or periodically re- newed. Such are all implements and buildings : they require, at intervals, partial renewal by means of repairs, and are at last entirely worn out, and cannot be of any further service as buildings and implements, but fall back into the class of materials. In other cases, the capital docs not, unless as a con.sequence of some unusual accident, require entire renewal : but there is always some outlay needed, either regularly or at least occasionally, to keep it up. A dock or a canal, once made, does not require, like a machine, to be made again, unless purposely destroyed, or unless an earthquake or some similar catastrophe has filled it up : but regular and frequent outlays are necessary to keep it in repair. The cost of opening a mine needs not be incurred a second time ; but unless some one goes to the expense of keeping the mine clear of water, it is soon ren- dered useless. The most permanent of all kinds of fixed capital is that em- ployed in giving increased productive- ness to a natural agent, such as land. The draining of marshy or inundated tracts like the Bedford Level, the reclaiming of land from the sea, or its protection by embankments, are im- provements calculated for perpetuity; but drains and dykes require frequent repair. The same character of perpe- tuity belongs to the improvement of land by subsoil draining, which adds so much to the productiveness of the clay soils ; or by permanent manures, tha't is, by the addition to the soil, not of the substances which enter into the composition of vegetables, and which are therefore consumed by vegetation, but of those -which merely alter the relation of the soil to air and water ; as sand and lime on the heavy soils, clay and marl on the light. Even such works, however, require some, though it may be very little, occasional out.ay to maintain their lull effect. These improvements, however, by the very fact of their deserving that title, produce an increase of return, which, alter defraying all expenditure 1"'^ them up, still leaves a surplus. This surplus formn the return to the capital sunk in the first instance, and that return does not, as in the case of machinery, terminate by the wearing out of the machine, but continues for ever. The land thus in- creased in productiveness, bears a value in the market, proportional to the increase : and hence it is usual to consider the capital which was in- vested, or sunk, in making the improve- ment, as still existing in the increased value of the land. There must be no mistake, however. The capital, like all other capital, has been consumed. It was consumed in maintaining the labourers who executed the improve- ment, and in the wear and tear of the tools by which they were assisted. But it was consumed productively, and lias left a permanent result in the im- proved productiveness of an appropri- ated natural agent, the land. Wo may call the increased produce the joint result of the laud and of a capital fixed in the land. But as the capital, having in reality been consumed, can- not be withdrawn, its productiveness is thenceforth indissolubly blended with that arising from the original qualities of the soil ; and the remune- ration for the use of it thenceforth de- pends, not upon the laws which govern the returns to labour and capital, but upon those which govern the recom- pense for natural agents. What tliee are, we shall see hereafter.* 2. There is a great difference be- tween the effects of circulating and those of fixed capital, on the amount of the gross produce of the country. Cir- culating capital being destroyed as such, or at any rate finally lost to the owner, by a single use ; and the pro- duct resulting from that one use being the only source from which the ownjr can replace the capital, or obtain any remuneration for its productive em- ployment ; the product must of course be sufficient for those purposes, or in other words, the result of a single use must be a reproduction equal to tho whole amount of the circulating capi- tal used, and a profit besides. This, * Infra, book ii, chap. xvi. On I(ent. CIRCULATING AND FIXED CAPITAL. 59 however, is by no means necessary in the case of fixed capital. Since ma- iliiiK i-y, for example, is not wholly cosi-umed by one use, it is not neces- sary that it should be wholly n placed t'n in the product of that use. The machine answers the purpose of its if it brings in, during each in- terval of time, enough to cover the ex- pense of repairs, and the deterioration in value which the machine has sus- tained during the same time, with a surplus sufficient to yield the ordi- iary profit on the entire value of the machine. From this it follows that all increase of fixed capital, when taking place at the expense of circulating, must be, at least temporarily, prejudicial to the in- terests of the labourers. This is true, not of machinery alone, but of all im- provements by which capital is sunk ; that is, rendered permanently incapa- ble of being applied to the maintenance Mild remuneration of labour. Suppose that a person farms his own land, with a capital of two thousand quarters of corn, employed in maintaining la- bourers during one year (for simplicity we omit the consideration of seed and tools), whose labour produces him an- nually two thousand four hundred quarters, being a profit of twenty per cent. This profit we shall suppose that he annually consumes, carrying on his operations from year to year on the original capital of two thousand quarters. Let us now suppose that by tne expenditure of half his capital he effects a permanent improvement of his land, which is executed by half his labourers, and occupies them for a year, after which he will only require, for the effectual cultivation of his land, half as many labourers as before. The remainder of his capital he employs as usual. In the first year there is no difference in the condition of the la- bourers, except that part of them have received the same pay for an operation on the land, which they previously obtained for ploughing, sowing, and reaping. At the end of the year, how- ever, the improver has not, as before, a capital of two thousand quarters of corn. Only one thousand quarters of his capital have been reproduced in tho usual way: he has now (inly those thousand quarters and his im- provements, lie will employ, in the next and in each following year, only half the number of labourers, and will divide among them only half the former quantity of subsistence. The loss will soon be made up to them if the improved land, with the diminished quantity of labour, produces two thousand four hundred quarters as be- fore, because so enormous an accession of gain will probably induce the im- prover to save a part, add it to his capital, and become a larger employer of labour. But it is conceivable that this may not be the case ; for (sup- posing, as we may do, that the im- provement will last indefinitely, with- out any outlay worth mentioning to keep it up) the improver will havo gained largely by his improvement if the land now yields, not two thousand four hundred, but one thousand five hundred quarters ; since this will re- place the one thousand quarters forming his present circulating capital, with a profit of twenty-five per cent (instead of twenty as before) on the whole capital, fixed and circulating together. Tho improvement, therefore, may be a very profitable one to iim, and yet very injurious to the labourers. The supposition, in the terms in which it has been stated, is purely ideal; or at most applicable only to such a case as that of the conversion of arable land into pasture, which, though formerly a frequent practice, is re- garded by modern agriculturists as the reverse of an improvement. The cleap- ing away of the small farmers in the north of Scotland, within the present century, was however a case of it ; and Ireland, since the potato famine and the repeal of the corn-laws, is another. The remarkable decrease which has lately attracted notice in the gross produce of Irish agriculture, is, to all appearance, partly attributable to the diversion of land from maintaining human labourers to feeding cattle : and it could not have taken place without the removal of a large part of the Irish population by emigration or death- 60 BOOK I. CHAPTER VI. We have thus two recent instances in which what was regarded as an agri- cultural improvement, has diminished the power of the country to support its population. The effect, however, of all the improvements due to modern science is to increase, or at all events, not to diminish the gross produce. But this does not affect the substance of the argument. Suppose that the im- provement does not operate in the manner supposed does not enable a part of the labour previously employed on the land to be dispensed' with but only enables the same labour to raise a greater produce. Suppose, too, that the greater produce, which by means of the improvement can be raised from the soil with the same labour, is all wanted, and will find purchasers. The improver will in that case require the same number of labourers as before, at the same wages. But where will he find the means of paying them ? He has no longer his original capital of two thousand quarters disposable for the purpose. One thousand of them are lost and gone consumed in making the improvement. If he is to employ as many labourers as before, and pay them as highly, he must borrow, or obtain from some other source, a thou- sand quarters to supply the deficit. But these thousand quarters already maintained, or were destined to main- tain, an equivalent quantity of labour. They are not a fresh creation ; their destination is only changed 1'rom one productive employment to another; and though the agriculturist has made up the deficiency in his own circulating capital, the breach in the circulating capital of the community remains un- repaired. The argument relied on by most of those who contend that machinery can never be injurious to the labouring class, is, that by cheapening produc- tion it creates such an increased de- mand for the commodity, as enables, ore long, a greater number of persons than ever to find employment in pro- ducing it. This argument does not seem to me to have the weight com- monly ascribed to it. The fact, though loo broadly stated, is, no doubt, often 2. true. The copyists who were thrown out of employment by the invention of printing, were doubtless soon out- numbered by the compositors and pressmen who took their place : and the number of labouring persons now occupied in the cotton manufacture is many times greater than were so occu- pied previously to the inventions of Hargreaves and Arkwright, which shows that besides the enormous fixed capital now embarked in the manufac- ture, it also employs a far larger circu- lating capital than at any former time. But if this capital was drawn from other employments ; if the funds which took the place of the capital sunk in costly machinery, were supplied not by any additional saving consequent on the improvements, but by drafts on the general capital of the community; what better are the labouring classes for the mere transfer? In what manner is the loss they sustained by the con- version of circulating into fixed capital, made up to them by a mere shifting of part of the remainder of the circulating capital from its old employments to a new one ? All attempts to make out that the labouring classes as a collective body cannot suffer temporarily by the intro- duction of machinery, or by the sinking of capital in permanent improvements, are, I conceive, necessarily fallacious. That they would suffer in the par- ticular department of industry to which the change applies, is generally ad- mitted, and obvious to common sense ; but it is often said, that though em- ployment is withdrawn from labour in one department, an exactly equivalent employment is opened for it in others, because what the consumers save in the increased cheapness of one par- ticular article enables them to augment their consumption of others, therein' increasing the demand for other kin-Is of labour. This is plausible, but, as was shown in the last chapter, involves a fallacy ; demand for commodities being a totally different thing . from demand for labour. It is true, the con- sumers have now additional means of buying other things; but this will not create the other things, unleis there is CIRCULATING AND FIXED CAPITAL. 61 capital to produce them, and the im- provement has not set at liberty any capital, if even it has not nbsorl.ed some from other employments. The supposed increase of production and of employment for labour in other depart- ments therefore will not take place ; and the increased demand for com- modities by some consumers, will be balanced by a cessation of demand on the part of others, namely, the la- bourers who were superseded by the improvement, and who will now be maintained, if at all, by sharing, either in the way of competition or of charity, in what was previously consumed by j other people. 3. Nevertheless, I do not believe \ that as things are actually transacted, improvements in production are often, if ever, injurious, even temporarily, to the labouring classes in the aggregate. They would be so if they took place suddenly to a. great amount, because much of the capital sunk must ne- cessarily in that case be provided from funds already employed as circulating capital. But improvements are always introduced very gradually, and are seldom or never made by withdrawing circulating capital from actual produc- tion, but are made by the employment of the annual increase. There are few, if any, examples of a great in- crease of fixed capital, at a time and place where circulating capital was not rapidly increasing likewise. It is not in poor or backward countries that great and costly improvements in pro- duction are made. To sink capital in land for a permanent return to intro- duce expensive machinery are acts involving immediate sacrifice for dis- tant objects ; and indicate, in the first place, tolerably complete security of property; in the second, considerable activity of industrial enterprise ; and in the third, a high standard of what has been called the " effective desire f accumulation :" which three things are the elements of a society rapidly progressive in its amount of capital. Although, therefore, the labouring classes must suffer, not only if the in- crease of fixed capital takes place at the expense of circulating, but even if it is so large and rapid as to retard that ordinary increase to which the growth of population has habitually adapted itself; yet, in point of fact, this is very unlikely to happen, since there is probably no country whose fixed capital increases in a ratio more than proportional to its circulating. If the whole of the railways which, during the speculative madness of 1845, obtained the sanction of Parlia- ment, had been constructed in the times fixed for the completion of each, this improbable contingency would, most likely, have been realized; but this very case has afforded a striking example of the difficulties which op- pose the diversion into new channels of any considerable portion of the capital that supplies the old : difficulties generally much more than sufficient to prevent enterprises that involve the sinking of capital, from extending themselves with such rapidity as to impair the sources of the existing em- ployment for labour. To these considerations must be added, that even if improvements did for a time decrease the aggregate pro- duce and the circulating capital of the community, they would not the less tend in the long run to augment both. They increase the return to capital ; and of this increase the benefit must necessarily accrue either to the capi- talist in greater profits, or to the cus- tomer in diminished prices ; affording, in either case, an augmented fund from which accumulation may be made, while enlarged profits also hold out an increased inducement to accumulation. In the case we before selected, in which the immediate result of the improve- ment was to diminish the gross pro- duce from two thousand four hundred quarters to one thousand five hundred, yet the profit of the capitalist being now five hundred quarters instead of four hundred, the extra one hundred quarters, if regularly saved, would in a few years icplace the one thousand quarters subtracted from his circulating capital. Now the extension of business which almost certainly follows in any department in which an improvement 62 BOOK I. CHAPTER VI. 3. lias been made, affords a strong in- ducement to those engaged in it to add to their capital ; and hence, at the slow pace at which improvements are usually introduced, a great part of the capital which the improvement ultimately ab- sorbs, is drawn from the increased profits and increased savings which it has itself called forth. This tendency of improvements in production to cause increased accumu- lation, and thereby ultimately to in- crease the gross produce, even if tem- porarily diminishing it, will assume a still more decided character if it should appear that there are assignable limits both to the accumulation of capital, and to the increase of production from the land, which limits once attained, all further increase of produce must stop ; but that improvements in pro- duction, whatever may be their other effects, tend to throw one or both of these limits farther off. Now, these are truths which will appear in the clearest light in a subsequent stage of our investigation. It will be seen, that the quantity of capital which will, or even which can, be accumulated in any country, and the amount of gross produce which will, or even which can, be raised, bear a proportion to the state of the arts of production there exist- ing ; and that every improvement, even if for the time it diminish the circulating capital and the gross pro- duce, ultimately makes room for a larger amount of both, than could pos- eibly have existed otherwise. It is this which is the conclusive answer to the objections against machinery ; and the proof thence arising of the ulti- mate benefit to labourers of mechanical inventions even in the existing state of society, will hereafter be seen to be conclusive.* But this does not dis- charge governments from the obligation of alleviating, and if possible prevent- ing, the evils of which this source of ultimate benefit is or may be produc- tive to an existing generation. If the sinking or fixing of capital in ma- chinery or useful works, were ever to proceed at such a pace as to impair materially the funds for the mainte- * Infra, book iv, chap. T. nance of labour, it would be incumbent on legislators to take measures for mo- derating its rapidity : and since im- provements which do not diminish employment on the whole, almost al- ways throw some particular class of labourers out of it, there cannot lie a more legitimate object of the legisla- tor's care than the interests of those who are thus sacrificed to the gains of their fellow-citizens and of posterity. To return to the theoretical distinc- tion between fixed and circulating capital. Since all wealth which is destined to be employed for reproduc- tion comes within the designation of capital, there are parts of capital which do not agree with the definition of either species of it ; for instance, the stock of finished goods which a manu- facturer or dealer at any time possesses unsold in his warehouses. But this, though capital as to its destination, is not yet capital in actual exercise : it is not engaged in production, but has first to be sold or exchanged, that is, converted into an equivalent value of some other commodities ; and there- fore is not yet either fixed or circulating capital ; but will become either one or the other, or be eventually divided between them. With the proceeds of his finished goods, a manufacturer will partly pay his work-people, partly re- plenish his stock of the materials of his manufacture, and partly provide new buildings and machinery, or repair the old ; but how much will be devoted to one purpose, and how much to another, depends on the nature of the manufacture, and the requirements of the particular moment. It should be observed further, that the portion of capital consumed in tha form of seed or material, though, un- like fixed capital, it requires to be at once replaced from the gross produce, stands yet in the same relation to the employment of labour as fixed capital does. What is expended in materials is as much withdrawn from the main- tenance and remuneration of labourers, as what is fixed in machinery ; and if capital now expended in wages wero diverted to the providing of materials, the effect on the labourers would be a* DEGREES OF PRODUCTIVENESS. 63 prejudicial as if it were converted into fixed capital. This, however, is a kind of change which never takes place. The tendency of improvements in pro- duction is always to economize, never to increase, the expenditure of seed or material for a given produce ; and t'.y interest of the labourers has no detri- ment to apprehend from this source. CHAPTER VII. U.\ WHAT DEPENDS THE DEGREE OF PRODUCTIVENESS OF PRODUCTIVE A6EXTS 1 . WE have concluded our general i survey of the requisites of production. \Ve have found that they may be reduced to three : labour, capital, and the mate- rials and motive forces afforded by nature. Of these, labour and the raw material of the globe are primary and indispensable. Natural motive powers may be called in to the assistance of labour, and are a help, but not an es- sential, of production. The remaining requisite, capital, is itself the product of labour: its instrumentality in pro- duction is therefore, in reality, that of labour in an indirect shape. It does not the less require to be specilk-d separately. A previous application of labour to produce the capital required for consumption during the work, is no less essential than the application of labour to the work itself. Of capital, again, one, and by far the largest, por- tion, conduces to production only by sustaining in existence the labour which produces : the remainder, namely the instruments and materials, contribute to it directly, in the same manner with natural agents, and the materials sup- plied by nature. We now advance to the second great question in political economy ; on what the degree of productiveness of these agents depends. For it is evident that their productive efficacy varies greatly at various times and places. With the same population and extent of territory, some countries have a much larger amount of production than others, and the same country at one time a greater amount than itself at another. Com- pare England either with a similar extent of territory in Russia, or with an equal population of Russians. Com- pare England now with England in the Middle Ages ; Sicily, Northern Af- rica, or Syria at present, with the same countries at the time of their greatest prosperity, before the Roman conquest. Some of the causes which contribute to this difference of productiveness are obvious ; others not so much so. We proceed to specify several of them. 2. The most evident cause of superior productiveness is what are called natural advantages. These are various. Fertility of soil is one of the principal. In this there are great varieties, from the deserts of Arabia to the alluvial plains of the Ganges, the Niger, and the Mississippi. A favourable climate is even more im- portant than a rich soil. There are countries capable of being inhabited, but too cold to be compatible with agriculture. Their inhabitants cannot pass beyond the nomadic state ; they must live, like the Laplanders, by the domestication of the rein-deer, if not by hunting or fishing, like the miser- able Esquimaux. There are countries where oats will ripen, but not wheat, such as the North of Scotland ; others where wheat can be grown, but from excess of moisture and want of sun- shine, affords but a precarious crop ; as in parts of Ireland. With each advance towards the south, or, in tho European temperate region, towards the east, some new branch of agricul- ture becomes first possible, then advan- tageous ; the vine, maize, figs, olives, silk, rice, dates, successively present themselves, until we come to the sugar, coffee, cotton, spices, &c. of climates which also afford, of the more common agricultural products, and with only a slight degree of cultiva- tion, two or even three harvests in a year. Nor is it in agriculture alone that differences of climate are impor- tant. Their influence is felt in many other branches of production : in the durability of all work which is exposed to the air ; of buildings, for example. If the- temples of Karnac and Luxor had not been injured by men, they might have subsisted in their original perfection almost for ever, for the in- scriptions on some of them, though anterior to all authentic history, are fresher than is in our climate an in- scription fifty years old : while at St. Petersburg, the most massive -works, solidly executed in granite hardly a generation ago, are already, as tra- vellers tell us, almost in a state to require reconstruction, from alternate exposure to summer heat and intense frost. The superiority of the woven fabrics of Southern Europe over those of England in the richness and clear- ness of many of their colours, is ascribed to the superior quality of the atmosphere, for which neither the know- ledge of chemists nor the skill of dyers has been able to provide, in our hazy and damp climate, a complete equivalent. Another part of the influence of climate consists in lessening the phy- sical requirements of the producers. In hot regions, mankind can exist in comfort with less perfect housing, less clothing ; fuel, that absolute necessary of liie in cold climates, they can almost dispense with, except for industrial uses. They also require less aliment ; as experience had proved, long before theory had accounted for it by ascer- taining that most of what we consume as food is not required for the actual nutrition of the organs, but for keeping up the animal heat, and for supplying the necessary stimulus to the vital functions, which in hot climates is almost sufficiently supplied by air and sunshine. Much, therefore, of the labour elsewhere expended to procure the mere necessaries of life, not being required, more remains disposable for BOOK I. CHAPTER VII. f 2. its higher uses and its enjoyments: if the character of the inhabitants docs not rather induce them to use up these advantages in over-population, or in the indulgence of repose. Amons natural advantages, besides soil and climate, must be mentioned i abundance of mineral productions, in convenient situations, and capable of ' being worked with moderate labour. Such are the coal-fields of threat Britain, which do so much to compen- sate its inhabitants for the disadvan- tages of climate ; and the scarcely inferior resource possessed by this country and the United State.s, in a copious supply of an easily reduced iron ore, at no great depth below the earth's surface, and in close proximity to coal deposits available for working it. In mountain and hill districts, the abundance of natural water-power makes considerable amends for the usually inferior fertility of those re- gions. But perhaps a greater advan- 1 tage than all these is a maritime situation, especially when accompanied with good natural harbours ; and, next to it, great navigable rivers, These advantages consist indeed wholly in saving the cost of carriage. But fe^v who have not considered the subject, have any adequate notion how great an extent of economical advantage this comprises ; nor, without having considered the influence exercised on production by exchanges, and by what is called the division of labour, can it be fully estimated. So important is it, that it often does more than counter- balance sterility of soil, and almost every other natural inferiority ; es- pecially in that early stage of industry in which labour and science have not yet provided artificial means of com- munication capable of rivalling the natural. In the ancient world, and in the middle ages, the most prosperous communities were not those which had the largest territory, or the most fertile soil, but rather those which had been forced by natural sterility to make the utmost use of a convenient maritime situation ; as Athens, Tyre, Marseilles, Venice, the free sitiea on the Baltic, awl the lik-j. DEGilEES OF PRODUCTIVENESS 8 3. So much for natural advan- the value of which, cateris j"irilitts, is too obvious to be ever underrated. But experience testifies that natural advantages scarcely ever do for a community, no more than fortune and station do for an indivi- dual, anything like what it lies in their nature, or in their capacity, to do. Neither now nor in former ages have jhe nations possessing the best climate and soil been either the richest or the most powerful ; but (in so far as regards the mass of the people) gene- rally among the poorest, though, in the midst of poverty, probably on the whole the most enjoying. Human b'fe in those countries can be supported on BO little, that the poor seldom suffer from anxiety, and in climates in which mere existence is a pleasure, the luxury which they prefer is that of repose. Energy, at the call of passion, they possess in abundance, but not that which is manifested in sustained and persevering labour: and as they seldom concern themselves enough about remote objects to establish good political institutions, the incentives to industry are further weakened by im- perfect protection of its fruits. Suc- cessful production, like most other kinds of success, depends more on the qualities of the human agents, than on the circumstances in which they work : and it is difficulties, not facilities, that nourish bodily and mental energy. Accordingly the tribes of mankind who have overrun and conquered others, and compelled them to labour for their benefit, have been mostly reared amidst hardship. They have either been bred in the forests of northern climates, or the deficiency of natural hardships has been supplied, as among the Greeks and Romans, by the artificial ones of a rigid military discipline. From the time when the circumstances of modern society per- mitted the discontinuance of that discipline, the South lias no longer produced conquering nations ; military vigour, as well as speculative thought and industrial energy, have all had their principal seats in the less favoured North. JMJ. As the second, therefore, of the causes of superior productiveness, we may rank the greater energy of labour. By this is not to be understood occa- sional, but regular and habitual energy. No one undergoes, without murmur- ing, a greater amount of occasional fatigue and hardship, or has his bodily powers, and such faculties of mind aa he possesses, kept longer at their utmost stretch, than the NortU Ame- rican Indian ; yet his indolence is proverbial, whenever he has a brief respite from the pressure of present wants. Individuals, or nations, do not differ so much in the efforts they are able and willing to make under strong immediate incentives, as in their capacity of present ex- ertion for a distant object, and in the thoroughness of their application to work on ordinary occasions. Some amount of these qualities is a necessary condition of any great improvement among mankind. To civilize a savage, he must be inspired with new wants and desires, even if not of a very ele- vated kind, provided that their gratifi- cation can be a motive to steady and regular bodily and mental exertion. If the negroes of Jamaica and De- merara, after their emancipation, had contented themselves, as it was pre- dicted they would do, with the neces- saries of life, and abandoned all labour beyond the little which in a tropical climate, with a thin population and abundance of tha richest land, is sufficient to support existence, they would have sunk into a condition more barbarous, though less unhappy, than their previous state of slavery. The motive which was most relied on for inducing them to work was their love of fine clothes and personal ornaments. No one will stand up for this taste as worthy of being cultivated, and in most societies its indulgence tends tc impoverish rather than to enrich ; but in the state of mind of the negroes it might have been the only incentive that could make them voluntarily undergo systematic labour, and so ac- quire or maintain habits of voluntary industry which may be converted to ' uiore valuable ends, lii England, it is BOOK I. CHAPTER VII. 4. not the desire of wealth that needs to be taught, but the use of wealth, and appreciation of the objects of desire which wealth cannot purchase, or for attaining which it is not required. Every real improvement in the cha- racter of the English, whether it consist in giving them higher aspira- tions, or only a juster estimate of the value of their present objects of desire, must necessarily moderate the ardour of their devotion to the pursuit of wealth. There is no need, however, that it should diminish the strenuous and business-like application to the matter in hand, which is found in the best English workmen, and is their most valuable quality. The desirable medium is one which mankind have not often known how to hit : when they labour, to do it with all their might, and especially with all their mind ; but to devote to labour, for mere pecuniary gain, fewer hours in the day, fewer days in the year, and fewer years of life. 4. The third element which de- termines the productiveness of the labour of a community, is the skill and knowledge therein existing; whether it be the skill and knowledge of the labourers themselves, or of those who direct their labour. No illustration is requisite to show how the efficacy of industry is promoted by the manual dexterity of those who perform mere routine processes ; by the intelligence of those engaged in operations in which the mind has a considerable part ; and by the amount of knowledge of natural powers and of the properties of objects, which is turned to the pur- poses of industry. That the produc- tiveness of the labour of a people is limited by their knowledge of the arts t>f life, is self-evident; and that any progress in those arts, any improved application of the objects or powers of nature to industrial uses, enables the eame quantity and intensity of labour to raise a greater produce. One principal department of these Improvements consists in the invention and use of tools and machinery. The manner in which these serve to in crease production and to economize labour, needs not be specially detailed in a work like the present : it will be found explained and exemplified, in a manner at once scientific and popular, in Mr. Babbage's well-known "Eco- nomy of Machinery and Manufac- tures." An entire chapter of Mr. Babbage's book is composed of in- stances of the efficacy of machinery iu " exerting forces too grtat for human power, and executing operations too delicate for human touch." But to find examples of work which could not be performed at all by unassisted labour, we need not go so far. With- out pumps, worked by steam-engines or otherwise, the water which collects in mines could not in many situations be got rid of at all, and the mines, after being worked to a little depth, must be abandoned : without ships or boats the sea could never have been crossed ; without tools of some sort, trees could not be cut down, nor rocks excavated ; a plough, or at least a hoe, is necessary to any tillage of the ground. Very simple and rude instruments, however, are sufficient to render literally possible most works hitherto executed by man- kind ; and subsequent inventions have chiefly served to enable the work to be performed in greater perfection, and, above all, with a greatly diminished quantity of labour: the labour thus saved becoming disposable for other employment. The use of machinery is far from being the only mode in which the effects of knowledge in aiding produc- tion are exemplified. In agriculture and horticulture, machinery is only now beginning to show that it can do anything of importance, beyond the invention and progressive improve- ment of the plough and a few other simple instruments. The greatest agri- cultural inventions have consisted in the direct application of more judicious processes to the land itself, and to the plants growing on it : such as rotation af crops, to avoid the necessity of leaving the land uncultivated for one season in every two or three ; improved manures, to renovate its fertility when xhausted by cropping ; ploughing an.1 DEGREES OF PRODUCTIVENESS. 67 draining the subsoil as well as the surface ; conversion of bogs and marshes into cultivable land ; such modes of pruning, and of training and propping up plants and trees, as experience has shown to deserve the preference; in the case of the more expensive cultures, planting the roots or seeds further apart, and more completely pulverizing the soil in which they are placed, &c. In manufactures and commerce, some of the most important improvements consist in economizing time ; in making the return follow more speedily upon the labour and outlay. There are others of which the advantage consists in economy of material. 5. But the effects of the in- creased knowledge of a community in increasing its wealth, need the less illustration as they have become familiar to the most uneducated, from such conspicuous instances as railways and steam-ships. A thing not yet so well understood and recognised, is the economical value of the general diffu- sion of intelligence among the people. The number of persons fitted to direct and superintend any industrial enter- prise, or even to execute any process which cannot be reduced almost to an affair of memory and routine, is always far short of the demand ; as is evident from the enormous difference between the salaries paid to such persons, and the wages of ordinary labour. The deficiency of practical good sense, which renders the majority of the la- bouring class such bad calculators which makes, for instance, their do- mestic economy so improvident, lax, and irregular must disqualify them for any but a low grade of intelligent labour, and render their industry far less productive than with equal energy it otherwise might be. The impor- tance, even in Jhis limited aspect, of popular education, is well worthy of the attention of politicians, especially in England ; since competent observers, accustomed to employ labourers of various nations, testify that in the workmen of other countries they often find great intelligence wholly apart from instruction, but that if an English labourer is anything but a hewer of wood and a drawer of water, he is indebted for it to education, which in his case is almost always self-education. Mr. Escher, of Zurich, (an engineef and cotton manufacturer employing nearly two thousand working men of many different nations,) in his evidence annexed to the Report of the Poor Law Commissioners, in 1840, on tbn training of pauper children, gives a character of English as contrasted with Continental workmen, which all persons of similar experience will, I believe, confirm. " The Italians' quickness of percep- tion is shown in rapidly comprehending any new descriptions of labour put into their hands, in a power of quickly com- prehending the meaning of their em- ployer, of adapting themselves to new circumstances, much beyond what any other classes have. The French work- men have the like natural characteris- tics, only in a somewhat lower degree. The English, Swiss, German, and Dutch workmen, we find, have all much slower natural comprehension. As workmen only, the preference is un- doubtedly due to the English ; because, as we find them, they are all trained to special branches, on which they have had comparatively superior training, and have concentrated all their thoughts. As men of business or of general usefulness, and as men with whom an employer would best like to be surrounded, I should, however, deci- dedly prefer the Saxons and the Swiss, but more especially the Saxons, be- cause they have had a very careful gen- eral education, which has extended their capacities beyond any special employment, and rendered them fit to take up, after a short preparation, any employment to which they may be called. If I have an English work- man engaged in the erection of a steam-engine, he will understand that, and nothing else ; and for other cir- cumstances or other branches of me- chanics, however closely allied, he will be comparatively helpless to adapt him- self to all the circumstances that may arise, to mako arrangements for them, and give EC- void advice or write clear F 2 BOOK I. CHAPTER VH. 5. Btatements and letters on his work in the various related branches of mechanics. 1 ' On the connexion hetween mental cultivation and moral trustworthiness in the labouring class, the same wit- ness says, " The better educated work- men, we find, are distinguished by superior moral habits in every respect. In the first place, they are entirely so- ber ; they are discreet in their enjoy- ments, which are of a more rational and refined kind ; they have a taste for much better society, which they approach respectfully, and consequently find much readier admittance to it ; they cultivate music ; they read ; they enjoy the pleasures of scenery, and make parties for excursions in the country ; they are economical, and their economy extends beyond their own purse to the stock of their master ; they are, consequently, honest and trustworthy.'' And in answer to a question respecting the English work- men, " Whilst in respect to the work to which they have been specially framed they are the most skilful, they are in conduct the most disorderly, de- bauched, and unruly, and least respect- able and trustworthy of any nation whatsoever whom we have employed ; and in saying this, I express the expe- rience of every manufacturer on the Continent to whom I have spoken, and especially of the English manufactu- rers, who make the loudest complaints. These characteristics of depravity do not apply to the English workmen who have received an education, but attach to the others in the degree in which they are in want of it. When the un- educated English workmen are re- leased from the bonds of iron discipline in which they have been restrained by their employers in England, and are treated with the urbanity and friendly feeling which the more educated work- men on the Continent expect and re- ceive from their employers, they, the English workmen, completely lose their balance : they do not understand their position, and after a certain time be- come totally unmanageable and use- less."* This result of observation is The vhole evidence of this intelligent borne out by experience in England itself. As soon as any idea of equal- ity enters the mind of an uneducated English working man, his head is turned by it. When he ceases to be servile, he becomes insolent. The moral qualities of the labourers are fully as important to the efficiency and worth of their labour, as the in- tellectual. Independently of the effects of intemperance upon their bodily and mental faculties, and of flighty un- steady habits upon the energy and con- tinuity of their work (points so easily understood as not to require being in- sisted upon), it is well worthy of medi- tation, how much of the aggregate effect of their labour depends on their trustworthiness. All the labour now expended in watching that they fulfil their engagement, or in verifying that they have fulfilled it, is so much with- drawn from the real business of pro- duction, to be devoted to a subsidiary function rendered needful not by the necessity of things, but by the dis- honesty of men. Nor are the greatest outward precautions more than very imperfectly efficacious, where, as is now almost invariably the case with hired labourers, the slightest relaxation of vigilance is an opportunity eagerly seized for eluding performance of their contract. The advantage to mankind of being able to trust one another, pen- etrates into every crevice and cranny of human life : the economical is per- haps the smallest part of it, yet even this is incalculable. To consider only the most obvious part of the waste of wealth occasioned to society by human improbity ; there is in all rich commu- nities a predatory population, who live by pillaging or over-reaching other people ; their numbers cannot bo authentically ascertained, but on the lowest estimate, in a country like England, it is very large. The sup- port of these persons is a direct bur- then on the national industry. The police, and the whole apparatus of pun- ishment, and of criminal and partly of and experienced employer of labour is de- serving of attention ; as woll as mucli testi- mony on similar points by other witnesses, contained in the same volume. DEGREES OF PRODUCTIVENESS. civil justice, are a second burthen ren- dered necessary by the first. The ex- orbitantly-paid profession of lawyers, so far as their work is not created by defects in the law of their own contri- ving, are required and supported prin- cipally by the dishonesty of mankind. As the standard of integrity in a com- munity rises higher, all these expenses become less. But this positive saving would be far outweighed by the im- mense increase in the produce of all kinds of labour, and saving of time and expenditure, which would be obtained if the labourers honestly performed what they undertake ; and by the in- creased spirit, the feeling of power and confidence, with which works of all sorts would be planned and carried on by those who felt that all whose aid was required would do their part faith- fully according to their contracts. Con- joint action is possible just in propor- tion as human beings can rely on each other. There are countries in Europe, of first-rate industrial capabilities, where the most serious impediment to conducting business concerns on a la' ge scale, is the rarity of persons who are supposed fit to be trusted with the receipt and expenditure of large sums of money. There are nations whose commodities are looked shily upon by merchants, because they cannot depend on finding the quality of the article conformable to that of the sample. Such short-sighted frauds are far from unexampled in English exports. Every one has heard of "devil's dust :'' and among other instances given by Mr. Babbage, is one in which a branch of export trade was for a long time ac- tually stopped by the forgeries and frauds which had occurred in it. On the other hand the substantial advan- tage derived in business transactions from proved trustworthiness, is not less remarkably exemplified in the same work. " At one ot our largest towns, sales and purchases on a very exten- sive scale are made daily in the course of business without any of the parties ever exchanging a written document." Spread over a year's transactions, how great a return, in saving of time, trouble, and expense, is brought in to the producers and dealers of such a town from their own integrity. " The influence of established character in producing confidence operated in a- very remarkable manner at the time ot the exclusion of British manufactures from the Continent during the last war. One of our largest establish- ments had been in the nabit of doing extensive business with a house in the centre of Germany : but on the closing of the Continental ports against our manufactures, heavy penalties were inflicted on all those who contravened the Berlin and Milan decrees. The English manufacturer continued, never- theless, to receive orders, with direc- tions how to consign them, and appoint- ments for the time and mode of pay- ment, in letters, the handwriting of which was known to him, but which were never signed except by the Christian name of one of the firm, and even in some instances they were without any signature at all. These orders were executed, and in no in- stance was there the least irregularity in the payments."* * Some minor instances noticed by Mr. Babbage may be cited in further illustration of the waste occasioned to society through the inability of its members to trust one another. " The cost to the purchaser is the price he pays for any article, added to the cost of verifying the fact of its having that degree of goodness for which he contracts. In some cases, the goodness of the article is evident on mere inspection ; and in those cases there is not much difference of price at different shops. The goodness of loaf sugar, for in- stance, can be discerned almost at a glance ; and the consequence is, that the price is so uniform, and the profit upon it so small, that no grocer is at all anxious to sell it ; whilst on the other hand, tea, of which it is exceed- ingly difficult to judge, and which can be adulterated by mixture so as to deceive the skill even of a practised eye, has a great variety of different prices, and is that article which every grocer is most anxious to sell to his customers. The difficulty and expense of verififtation are in some instances ?o great as to justify the deviation from well-estab- lished principles. Thus it is a general maxim that Government can purchase any article at a cheaper rate than that at which they can manufacture it themselves. But it has, nevertheless, been considered more econo- mical to build extensive flour-mills (such aa those at Deptford), and to grind their own corn, than to verify each sack of purchased flour, and to employ persons in devising me- 70 BOOK I. CHAFfER Vlf. 6. 6. Among the secondaiy causes frhich determine tlic productiveness of productive agents, the most important is Security. By security I mean the wmpleteness or the protection which society affords to its members. This consists of protection by the govern- ment, and protection against the go- vernment. The latter is the more important. Where a person known to possess anything worth taking away, can expect nothing but to have it torn from him, with every circumstance of tyrannical violence, by the agents of a rapacious government, it is not likely /hat many will exert themselves to produce much more than necessaries. This is the acknowledged explanation of the poverty of many fertile tracts of Asia, which were once prosperous and populous. From this to the degree of security enjoyed in the best governed thods of detecting the new modes of adulte- ration which might be continually resorted to." A similar want of confidence might deprive a nation, such as the United States, of a large export trade in flour. Again : " Some years since, a mode of pre- paring old clover and trefoil seeds by a pro- cess called doctoring became so prevalent as to excite the attention of the House of Com- mons. It appeared in evidence before a Committee, that the old seed of the white clover was doctored by first wetting it slightly, and then drying it by the fumes of burning sulphur; and that the red clover seed had its colour improved by shaking it in a sack with a small quantity of indigo ; but this being detected after a time, the doctors then used a preparation of logwood, fined by a little copperas, and sometimes by verdigris ; tlius at once improving the appearance of the old seed, and diminishing, if not destroying, its vegetative power, already enfeebled by age. Supposing no injury had resulted to good eed so prepared, it was proved that, from the improved appearance, the market price would be enhanced by this process from five to twenty-five shillings a hundred-weight. But the greatest evil arose from the circum- stance of these processes rendering old and worthless seed equal in appearance to the best. One witness had tried some doctored seed, and found that not above one grain in a hundred grew, and that those which did vegetate died away afterwards; whilst about eighty or ninety per cent of good seed usually grows. The seed so treated was sold to retail dealers in the country, who of course endeavoured to purchase at the cheapest rate, and from them it got into the hands of the farmers, neither of these classes being ca- pable of distinguishing the fraudulent from the genuine seed. Many cultivators in conse- quence diminished their consumption of the parts of Europe, there are gradations. In many provinces of France, before the Revolution, a vicious system of taxation on the land, and still more the absence of redress against the arbitrary exactions which were made under colour of the taxes, ren- dered it the interest of every cultivator to appear poor, and therefore to culti- vate badly. The only insecurity which is altogether paralyzing to the active energies of producers, is that arising from the government, or from persons invested with its authority. Against all other depredators there is a hope of defending oneself. Greece and the Greek colonies in the ancient world, Flanders and Italy in the Middle Ages, by no means enjoyed what any one with modern ideas would call security : the state of society was most unsettled and turbulent ; person and property articles, and others were obliged to pay a higher price to thoee who had skill to distin- guish the mixed seed, and who had integrity and character to prevent them from dealing in it." The tame writer states that Irish flax, though in natural quality inferior to none, sells, or did lately sell, in the market at a penny to twopence per pound less than foreign or British flax; part of the difference arising from negligence in its preparation, but part from the cause mentioned in the evidence of Mr. Corry, many years Secretary to the Irish Linen Board : " The owners of the flax, who are almost always people in the lower classes of life, believe that they can best advance their own interests by imposing on the buyers. Flax being sold by weight, various expedients are used to increase it ; and every expedient is injurious, particularly the damping of it ; a very common practice, which makes the flax afterwards heat. The inside of every bundle (and the bundles all vary in bulk) is often full of pebbles, or dirt of various kinds, to increase the weight. In this state it ii purchased and exported to Great Britain." It was given in evidence before a Com- mittee of the House of Commons that the lace trade at Nottingham had greatly itulen off, from the making of fraudulent and bad articles : that " a kind of lace called tingle* press was manufactured," (I still quote Mr. Babbage) " which, although good to the eye, became nearly spoiled in washing by the slipping of the threads ; that not one person in a thousand could distinguish the difference between single-press and double-press lace; that even workmen and manufacturers were obliged to employ amagnifying-glass for that purpose; and that in another similar article, called warp-lace, such aid was essential." COMBINATION OF LABOUR. Tl were exposed to a thousand dangers. But they were free countries; they were in general neither arbitrarily op- pressed, nor systematically plundered by their governments. Against other enemies the individual energy which their institutions called forth, enabled them to make successful resistance: their labour, therefore, was eminently productive, and their riches, while they remained free, were constantly on the increase. The Roman despotism, put- ting an end to wars and internal con- flicts throughout the empire, relieved the subject population from much of the former insecurity : but because it left them under the grinding yoke of its own rapacity, they became ener- vated and impoverished, until they were an easy prey to barbarous but free invaders. They would neither fight nor labour, because they were no longer suffered to enjoy that for which they fought and laboured. Much of the security of person and property in modern nations is the effect of manners and opinion rather than of law. There are, or lately were, coun- tries in Europe where the monarch was nominally absolute, but where, from the restraints imposed by estab- lished usage, no subject felt practically in the smallest danger of having his possessions arbitrarily seized or a con- tribution levied on them by the govern- ment. There must, however, be in such governments much petty plunder and other tyranny by subordinate agents, for which redress is not ob- tained, owing to the want of publicity which is the ordinary character of absolute governments. In England the people are tolerably well protected, both by institutions and manners, against jhe agents of government ; but, for the security they enjoy against other evil- doers, they are very little indebted to their institutions. The laws cannot be said to afford protection to property, when they afford it only at such a cost as renders submission to injury in general the better calculation. The security of property in England is owing (except as regards open violence) to opinion, and the fear of exposure, much more than to the direct operation of the law and the courts of justice. Independently of all imperfection in the bulwarks which society purposely throws round what it recognises as property, there are various other modes in which defective institutions impede the employment of the productive re- sources of a country to the best ad- vantage. We shall have occasion for noticing many of these in the progress of our subject. It is sufficient here to remark, that the efficiency of industry may be expected to be great, in pro- portion as the fruits of industry are insured to the person exerting it : and that all social arrangements are con- ducive to useful exertion, according as they provide that the reward of every one for his labour shall be proportioned as much as possible to the benefit which it produces. All laws or usages which favour one class or sort of persons to the disadvantage of others; which chain up the efforts of any part of the community in pursuit of their own good, or stand between those efforts and their natural fruits are (indepen- dently of all other grounds of condem- nation) violations of the fundamental principles of economical policy ; tend- ing to make the aggregate productive powers of the community productive in a less degree than they would other- wise be. CHAPTER VI1L OF CO-OPERATION, OR THB COMBINATION OP LABOUR. 1. Is- the enumeration of the ciiviiiiistances which promote the pro- ductiveness of labour, we have left one untouched, which, because of its importance, and of the many topics of discussion which it involves, requires 72 BOOK I. CHAPTER VIII. 1 to be treated apart. This is, co opera- tion, or the combined action of numbers. Of this great aid to production, a tingle department, known by the name of Division of Labour, has engaged a large share of the attention of political economists; most deservedly indeed, but to the exclusion of other cases and exemplifications of the same compre- hensive law. Mr. Wakefield was, I believe, the first to point out, that a part of the subject had, with injurious effect, been mistaken for the whole; that a more fundamental principle lies beneath that of the division of labour, and comprehends it. Co-operation, he observes,* is "of two distinct kinds: first, such co- operation as takes place when several persons help each other in the same em- ployment ; secondly, such co-operation as takes place when several persons help each other in different employ- ments. These may be termed Simple Co-operation and Complex Co-operation . " The advantage of simple co-opera- tion is illustrated by the case of two greyhounds running together, which, it is said, will kill more hares than four greyhounds running separately. In a vast number of simple operations performed by human exertion, it is quite obvious that two men working together will do more than four, or four times four men, each of whom should work alone. In the lifting of heavy weights, for example, in the felling of trees, in the sawing of timber, in the gathering of much hay or corn during a short period of fine weather, in draining a large extent of land during the short season when such a work may be properly conducted, in the pulling of ropes on board ship, in the lowing of large boats, in some mining operations, in the erection of a scaffolding for building, and in the breaking of stones for the repair of a road, so that the whole of the road shall always be kept in good order ; in all these simple operations, and thou- sands more, it is absolutely necessary that many persons should work to- gether, at the same time, in the same * Note to WaUefield's edition of Adam EiuUi). vol. :. p. 20. place, and in the Fame way. The savages of New Holland never help each other, even in the most simple operations ; and their condition is hardly superior, in some respects it is inferior, to that of the wild animals which they now and then catch. Let any one imagine that the labourers of England should suddenly desist from helping each other in simple employ- ments, and he will see at once the prodigious advantages of simple co- operation. In a countless number of employments, the produce of labour is, up to a certain point, in proportion to such mutual assistance amongst the workmen. This is the first step in social improvement." The second is, when " one body of men having com- bined their labour to raise more food than they require, another body of men are induced to combine their labour for the purpose of producing more clothes than they require, and with those clothes buying the surplus food of the other body of labourers ; while, if both bodies together have produced more food and clothes than they both require, both bodies obtain, by means of exchange, a proper capital for setting more labourers to work in their respective occupations." To simple co-operation is thus super- added what Mr. Wakefield terms Complex Co-operation. The one is the combination of several labourers to help each other in the same set of operations ; the other is the combina- tion of several labourers to help one another by a division of operations. There is " an important distinction between simple and complex co-opera- tion. Of the former, one is always conscious at the time of practising it : it is obvious to the most ignorant and vulgar eye. Of the latter, but a very few of the vast numbers who practise it are in any degree conscious. The cause of this distinction is easily seen. When several men are employed in lifting the same weight, or pulling the same rope, at the same time, and in the same place, there can be no sort of doubt that they co-operate with each other ; the fact is impressed on the mind by the mere sense of eight; but COMBINATION OF LABOUR. 73 when several men, or bodies of men, are employed at different times and places, and in different pursuits, their co-operation with each other, though it may be quite as certain, is not so readily perceived as in the other case : in order to perceive it, a complex ope- ration of the mind is required." In the present state of society the breeding and feeding of sheep is the occupation of one set of people, dress- ing the wool to prepare it for the spinner is that of another, spinning it into thread of a third, weaving the thread into broadcloth of a fourth, dyeing the cloth of a fifth, making it into a coat of a sixth, without counting the multitude of carriers, merchants, factors, and retailers put in requisition at the successive stages of this progress. All these persons, without knowledge of one another or previous understanding, co-operate in the production of the ultimate result, a coat. But these are far from being all who co-operate in it ; for each of these persons requires food, and many other articles of consump- tion, and unless he could have relied that other people would produce these for him, he could not Lava devoted his whole time to one step in the succes- sion of operations which produces one single commodity, a coat. Every person who took part in producing food or erecting houses for this series of producers, has, however uncon- sciously on his part, combined his labour with theirs. It is by a real, though unexpressed, concert, "that the body who raise more food than they want, can exchange with the body who raise more clothes than they want ; and if the two bodies were sepa- rated, either by distance or disincli- nation unless the two bodies should Virtually form themselves into one, for the common object of raising enough food and clothes for the whole they could not divide into two distinct parts the whole operation of producing a sufficient quantity of food and clothes." 2. The influence exercised on reduction by the separation of em- ployments, is more fundamental than, from the mode in which the subject is usually treated, a reader might be in- duced to suppose. It is not merely that when the production of different things becomes the sole or principal occupation of different persons, a much greater quantity of each kind of article is produced. The truth is much be- yond this. Without some separation of employments, very few things would be produced at all. Suppose a set of persons, or a number of families, all employed precisely in the same manner ; each family settled on a piece of its own land, on which it grows by its labour the food required for its o\fn suste- nance, and as there are no persons to buy any surplus produce where all are producers, each family has to produce within itself whatever other articles it consumes. In such circumstances, if the soil was tolerably fertile, and population did not tread too closely on the heels of subsistence, there would be, no doubt, some kind of domestic manufactures ; clothing for the family might perhaps be spun and woven within it, by the labour probably of the women (a first step in the separation of employments) ; and a dwelling of some sort would be erected and kept in repair by their united labour. But beyond simple food (precarious, too, from the variations of the seasons), coarse clothing, and very imperfect lodging, it would be scarcely possible that the family should produce any- thing more. They would, in general, require their utmost exertions to ac- complish so much. Their power even of extracting food from the soil would be kept within narrow limits by the quality of their tools, which would necessarily be of the most wretched description. To do almost anything in the way of producing for themselves articles of convenience or luxury, would require too much time, and, in many cases, their presence in a different place. Very few kinds of industry, therefore, would exist ; and that which did exist, namely the production of necessaries, would be extremely in- efficient, not solely from imperfect implements, but because, when the ground and the domestic industry fed 74 BOOK I. CHAPTER VIII. 8. by it bad been made to supply tbe necessaries of a single family in tole- rable abundance, tbere would be little motive, while the numbers of the family remained the same, to make either the land or tbe labour produce more. But suppose an event to occur, which would amount to a revolution in the circumstances of this little settlement. Suppose that a company of artificers, provided with tools, and with food sufficient to maintain them for a year, arrive in the country and establish themselves in the midst of the popu- lation. These new settlers occupy themselves in producing articles of use or ornament adapted to the taste of a simple people ; and before their food is exhausted they have produced these in considerable quantity, and are ready to exchange them for more food. The economical position of the landed popu- lation is now most materially altered. They have an opportunity given them of acquiring comforts and luxuries. Things which, while they depended solely on their own labour, they never could have obtained, because they could not have produced, are now ac- cessible to them if they can succeed in producing an additional quantity of food and necessaries. They are thus incited to increase the produc- tiveness of their industry. Among the conveniences for the first time made accessible to them, better tools are probably one ; and apart from this, they have a motive to labour more assiduously, and to adopt contrivances for making their labour more effectual. By these means they will generally succeed in compelling their land to produce, not only food for themselves, but a surplus for the new comers, wherewith to buy from them the pro- ducts of their industry. The new settlers constitute what is called a market for surplus agricultural pro- duce : and their arrival has enriched the settlement not only by the manu- factured articles which they produce, but by the food which would not have been produced unless they had been there to consume it. There is no inconsistency between this doctrine, and the proposition Te before maintained, that a market for commodities does not constitute em- ployment for labour.* The labour of the agriculturists was already pro- vided with employment ; they are not indebted to the demand of the new comers for being able to maintain themselves. What that demand does for them is, to call their labour into increased vigour and efficiency ; to stimulate them, by new motives, to new exertions. Neither do the new comers owe their maintenance and employment to the demand of the agri- culturists : with a year's subsistence in store, they could have settled side by side with the former inhabitants, and produced a similar scanty stock of food and necessaries. Nevertheless, we see of what supreme importance to the productiveness of the labour of pro- ducers, is the existence of other pro- j ducers within reach, employed in a different kind of industry. The power ' of exchanging the products of one kind of labour for those of another, is a condition, but for which, there would almost always be a smaller quantity of labour altogether. When a new mar- ket is opened for any product of in- dustry, and a greater quantity of the article is consequently produced, the increased production is not always ob- tained at the expense of some other product ; it is often a new creation, the result of labour which would otherwise have remained unexerted ; or of assist- ance rendered to labour by improve- ments or by modes of co-operation to which recourse would not have been had if an inducement had not been offered for raising a larger produce. 3. From these considerations it appears that a country will seldom have a productive agriculture, unless it has a large town population, or the only available substitute, a largo ex- port trade in agricultural produce to supply a population elsewhere. I use the phrase town population for short- ness, to imply a population non-agri- cultural ; which will generally be collected in towns or large villages, for * Supra, pp. 43 55. COMBINATION OF LABOUK. 75 the sake of combination of labour. The application of this truth by Mr. AVakefidd to the theory of colonization, has excited much attention, and is doubtless destined to excite much more. It is one of those great practical discoveries, which, once made, appear BO obvious that the merit of making them seems less than it is. Mr. Wakefield was the first to point out that the mode of planting new settle- ments, then commonly practised Betting down a number of families side by side, each on its piece of land, all employing themselves in exactly the same manner, though in favourable circumstances it may assure to those families a rude abundance of mere necessaries, can never be other than unfavourable to great production or rapid growth : aud his system con- sists of arrangements for securing that every colony shall have from the first a town population, hearing due propor- tion to its agricultural, and that the cultivators of the soil shall not be so widely scattered as to be deprived by distance, ol the benefit of that town population as a market for their pro- duce. The principle on which the scheme is founded, does not depend on any theory respecting the superior pro- ductiveness of land held in large portions, and cultivated by hired la- bour. Supposing it true that land yields the greatest produce when divided into small properties and cul- tivated by peasant proprietors, a town population would be just as necessary to induce those proprietors to raise that larger produce : and if they were too far from the nearest seat of non- agricultural industry to use it as a market for disposing of their surplus, and thereby supplying their other wants, neither that surplus nor any equivalent for it would, generally speaking, be produced. It is, above all, the deficiency of town population which limits the pro- ductiveness of the industry of a country ake India. The agriculture of India is /mducted entirely on the system of rfmall holdings. There is, however, a considerable amount of combination of labour. The village institutions and customs, which are the real framework of Indian society, make provision for joint action in the cases in which it is seen to be necessary; or where they fail to do so, the government (when tolerably well administered) steps in, and by an outlay from the revenue, executes by combined labour the tanks, embankments, and works of irrigation, which are indispensable. The imple- ments and processes of agriculture are however so wretched, that the produce of the soil, in spite of great natural fertility and a climate highly favourable to vegetation, is miserably small : and the land might be made to yield food in abundance for many more than the present number of inhabitants, without departing from the system of small holdings. But to this the stimulus is wanting, which a large town popula- tion, connected with the rural districts by easy and unexpensive means of communication, would afford. That town population, again, does not grow up, because the few wants and unas- piring spirit of the cultivators (.joined until lately with great insecurity of property, from military and fiscal ra- pacity) prevent them from attempting to become consumers of town produce. In these circumstances the best chance of an early development of the produc- tive resources of India, consists in the rapid growth of its export of agricul- tural produce (cotton, indigo, sugar, coffee, &c.) to the markets of Europe. The producers of these articles are consumers of food supplied by their fellow-agriculturists in India ; and the market thus opened for surplus food will, if accompanied by good govern- ment, raise up by degrees more ex- tended wants and desires, directed either towards European commodities, or towards things which will require for their production in India a larger manufacturing population. 4. Thus far of the separation of employments, a form of the combina- tion of labour without which there can- not be the first rudiments of industrial civilization. But when this separation is thoroughly established ; when it has become the general practice for cash 76 BOOK L producer to supply many others with one commodity, and to be supplied by others with most of the things which he consumes ; reasons not less real, though less imperative, invite to a further extension of the same principle. It is found that the productive power of labour is increased by carrying the separation further and further; by breaking down more and more every process of industry into parts, so that each labourer shall confine himself to an ever smaller number of simple ope- rations. And thus, in time, arise those remarkable cases of what is called the division of labour, with which all readers on subjects of this nature are familiar. Adam Smith's illustration from pin-making, though so well known, is so much to the point, that I will venture once more to transcribe it. "The business of making a pin is divided into about eighteen distinct operations. One man draws out the wire, another straights it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, a fifth grinds it at the top for receiving the head ; to make the head requires two or three distinct operations ; to put it on, is a peculiar business ; to whiten the pins is another ; it is even a trade by itself to put them into the paper I have seen a small manufactory where ten men only were employed, and where some of them, consequently, per- formed two or three distinct operations. But though they were very poor, and therefore but indifferently accommo- dated with the necessary machinery, they could, when they exerted them- selves, make among them about twelve pounds of pins in a day. There are in a pound upwards of four thousand pins of a middling size. Those ten persons, therefore, could make among them up- wards of forty-eight thousand pins in a day. Each person, therefore, making a tenth part of forty-eight thousand pins, might be considered as making four thousand eight hundred pins in a day. But if they had all wrought separately and independently, and with- out any of them having been educated to this peculiar business, they cer- tainly could not each of them have made twenty, perhaps not one pin in a day." CHAPTER VITT. 4. M. Say furnishes a still strongef example of the effects of division of labour from a not very important branch of industry certainly, the manu- facture of playing cards. "It is said by those engaged in the business, that each card, that is, a piece of paste- board of the size of the hand, before being ready for sale, does not undergo fewer than seventy operations, every one of which might be the occupation of a distinct class of workmen. And if there are not seventy classes of work- people in each card manufactory, it is because the division of labour is not earned so far as it might be ; because the same workman is charged with two, three, or four distinct operations. The influence of this distribution of employments is immense. I have seen a card manufactory where thirty work- men produced daily fifteen thousand five hundred cards, being above five hundred cards for each labourer ; and it may be presumed that if each of these workmen were obliged to perform all the operations himself, even suppo- sing him a practised hand, he would not perhaps complete two cards in a day : and the thirty workmen, instead of fifteen thousand five hundred cards, would make only sixty."* In watchmaking, as Mr. Babbage observes, "it was stated in evidence before a Committee of the House of Commons, that there are a hundred and two distinct branches of this art, to each of which a boy may be put ap- prentice ; and that he only learns his master's department, and is unable, after his apprenticeship has expired, without subsequent instruction, to work at any other branch. The watch- finisher, whose business it is to put together the scattered parts, is the only one, out of the one hundred and two persons, who can work in any other de- partment than his own."f * SAT, Court d'Economie Polilique Pra- tique, vol. i. p. 340. It is a remarkable proof of the economy of labour occasioned by this minute division of occupations, that an article, the production of which is the result of such a multitude of manual operations, can be sold for a trifling sum. t Economy of Machinery and Manufac- tures, 3rd ICdition, p. 201. 5. The causes of the increased efficiency given to labour by the divi- sion of employments are some of them too familiar to require specification ; but it is worth while to attempt a com- plete enumeration of them. 15y Adam Smith they are reduced to three. " First, the increase of dexterity in every particular workman ; secondly, the saving of the time which is com- monly lost in passing from one species of work to another ; and lastly, the in- vention of a great number of machines which facilitate and abridge labour, and enable one man to do the work of many.' 1 Of these, the increase of dexterity of the individual workman is the most ob- vious and universal. It does not fol- low that because a thing has been done oftener it will be done better. That depends on the intelligence of the workman, and on the degree in which his mind works along with his hands. But it will be done more easily. The organs themselves acquire greater power : the muscles employed grow stronger by frequent exercise, the sinews more pliant, and the mental powers more efficient, and less sensible of fatigue. What can be done easily has at least a better chance of being done well, and is sure to be done more expeditiously. What was at first done slowly comes to be done quickly ; what was at first done slowly with accuracy is at last done quickly with equal ac- curacy. This is as true of mental opera- tions as of bodily. Even a child, after much practice, sums up a column of figures with a rapidity which resembles intuition. The act of speaking any language, of reading fluently, of play- ing music at sight, are cases as remark- able as they are familiar. Among bodily acts, dancing, gymnastic exer- cises, ease and brilliancy of execution on a musical instrument, are examples of the rapidity and facility acquired by repetition. In simpler manual opera- tions, the effect is of course still sooner produced. " The rapidity," Adam iSmith observes, " with which some of the operations of certain manufactures are performed, exceeds what the human hand could, by those who have never seen COMBINATION OF LABOUR. them, be supposed capable of acquir- ing."* This skill is, naturally, at- tained after shorter practice, in propor- tion as the division of labour is more minute ; and will not be attained in the same degree at all, if the workman has a greater variety of operations to execute than allows of a sufficiently frequent repetition of each. The ad- vantage is not confined to the greater efficiency ultimately attained, but in- cludes also the diminished loss of time, and waste of material, in learning the art. " A certain quantity of material," says Mr. Babbage,f " will in all cases be consumed unprofitably, or spoiled, by every person who learns an art ; and as he applies himself to each new process, he will waste some of the raw material, or of the partly manufactured commodity. But if each man commits this waste in acquiring successively every process, the quantity of waste will be much greater than if each per- son confine his attention to one process.' ' And in general each will be much sooner qualified to execute his one pro- cess, if he be not distracted while learn- ing it, by the necessity of learning others. The second advantage enumerated by Adam Smith as arising from the division of labour, is one on which I cannot help thinking that more stress is laid by him and others than it deserves. To do full justice to his opinion, I will quote his own exposition of it. " The advantage which is gained by saving the time * " In astronomical observations, the senses of the operator are rendered so acute by habit, that he can estimate differences of time to the tenth of a second ; and adjust his measuring instrument to graduations of which five thousand occupy only an inch. It is the aanie throughout the commonest processes of manufacture. A child who fastens on the heads of pins will repeat an operation requiring several distinct motions of the muscles one hundred times a minute for several successive hours. In a recent Manchester paper it was stated that a peculiar sort of twist or 'gimp,' which cost three shillings making when first introduced, was now manufactured for one penny; and this not, as usually, by the invention of a now machine, but solely through the in- creased dexterity of the workman. '' J^lin- burgh Revieu for January 18 19, p 81. t Page 171. BOOK I. CHAPTER Vill. 5. commonly lost in passing from one son, of work to another, is much greater than we should at first view be pt to imagine it. It is impossible to >ass very quickly from one kd of work to another, that is carried on in A different place, and with quite differ- ent tools. A country weaver, who cultivates a small farm, must lose a good deal of time in passing from his loom to the field, and from the field to his loom. When the two trades can be carried on in the same workhouse, the loss of time is no doubt much less. It is even in this case, however, very considerable. A man commonly saun- ters a little in turning his hand from one sort of employment to another. When he first begins the new work, he is seldom very keen and hearty ; his mind, as they say, does not go to it, and for some time he rather trifles than applies to good purpose. The habit of sauntering and of indolent careless application, which is naturally, or rather necessarily acquired by every country workman who is obliged to change his work and his tools every half hour, and to apply his hand in twenty different ways almost every day of his life, renders him almost always slothful and lazy, and incapable of any vigorous application even on the most pressing occasions." This is surely a most exaggerated description of the inefficiency of country labour, where it has any adequate motive to exertion. Few workmen change their work and their tools oftener than a gardener; is he usually incapable of vigorous application? Many of the higher description of artisans have to perform a great multiplicity of opera- tions with a variety of tools. They do not execute each of these with the rapidity with which a factory work- man performs his single operation ; but they are, except in a merely manual sense, more skilful labourers, and in all senses whatever more ener- getic. Mr. Babbage, following in the track of Adam Smith, says, " When the human hand, or the human head, has been for some time occupied in any kind of work, it cannot instantly change its employment with full effect. The muscles of the limbs employed have acquired a flexibility during their exertion, and those not in action a stiffness during rest, which renders every change slow and unequal in the commencement. Long habit also pro- duces in the muscles exercised a capa- city for enduring fatigue to a much greater degree than they could support under other circumstances. A similar result seems to take place in any change of mental exertion ; the attention bestowed on the new subject not being so perfect at first as it becomes after some exercise. The employment of different tools in the successive pro- cesses, is another cause of the loss of time in changing from one operation to another. If these tools are simple, and the change is not frequent, the loss of time is not considerable ; but in many processes of the arts, the tools are of great delicacy, requiring accu- rate adjustment every time they are used ; and in many cases, the time employed in adjusting bears a large proportion to that employed in using the tool. The sliding-rest, the divi- ding and the drilling engine are of this kind : and hence, in manufactories of sufficient extent, it is found to be good economy to keep one machine con- stantly employed in one kind of work : one lathe, for example, having a screw motion to its sliding-rest along the whole length of its bed, is kept con- stantly making cylinders ; another, having a motion for equalizing the velocity of the wovk at the point at which it passes tho tool, is kept for facing surfaces ; whilst a third is con- stantly employed in cutting wheels." I am very far from implying that these different considerations are of no weight ; but I think there are counter- considerations which are overlooked. If one kind of muscular or mental la- bour is different from another, for that very reason it is to some extent a rest from that other ; and if the greatest vigour is not at once obtained in the second occupation, neither could the first have been indefinitely prolonged without some relaxation of energy. It is a matter of common experience COMBINATION OF LABOUfc. that s change of occupation will often i afford relief where complete repose would otherwise be necessary, and that A person can work many more hours without fatigue at a succession of oc- cupatu-:s, than if confined during the whole time to one. Different occupa- tions employ different muscles, or different energies of the mind, some of which rest and are refreshed while others work. Bodily labour itself restg from mental, and conversely. The variety itself has an invigorating effect on what, for want of a more phi- losophical appellation, we must term the animal spirits ; so important to the efficiency of all work not mechani- cal, and not unimportant even to that. The comparative weight due to these considerations is different with differ- ent individuals ; some are more fitted than others for persistency in one occupation, and less fit for change ; they require longer to get the steam Dp (to use a metaphor now common) ; the irksomeness of setting to work lasts longer, and it requires more tune to bring their faculties into full play, and therefore when this is once done, they do not like to leave off, but go on long without intermission, even to the in- jury of their health. Temperament has something to do with these differ- ences. There are people whose facul- ties seem by nature to come slowly into action, and to accomplish little until they have been a long time employed. Others, again, get into action rapidly, but cannot, without exhaustion, continue long. In this, however, as in most other things, though natural differences are some- thing, habit is much more. The habit of passing rapidly from one occupation to another may be acquired, like other habits, by early cultivation ; and when it is acquired, there is none of the sauntering which Adam Smith speaks cf, after each change; no want of energy and interest, but the workman comes to each part of his occupation with a freshness and a spirit which he does not retain if he persists in any one part (unless in case of unusual excitement) beyond the length of time to which he is accustomed. Women j are usually (at least in their present social circumstances) of far greater versatility than men ; and the present topic is an instance among multitudes, how little the ideas and experience oi women have yet counted for, in form- ing the opinions of mankind. There are few women who would not reject the idea that work is made vigorous by being protracted, and is inefficient for some time after changing to a new thing. Even in this case, habit, I believe, much more than nature, is the cause of the difference. The occupations of nine out of every ten men are special, those of nine out of every ten women general, embracing a multitude of details, each of which requires very little time. Women are in the con- stant practice of passing quickly from one manual, and still more from one mental operation to another, which therefore rarely costs them either effort or loss of time, while a man's occupation generally consists in working steadily for a long time at one thing, or one very limited class of things. But the situations are sometimes reversed, and with them the characters. Women are not found less efficient than men for the uniformity of factory work, or they would not so generally be em- ployed for it ; and a man who has cultivated the habit of turning his hand to many things, far from being the slothful and lazy person described by Adam Smith, is usually remarkably lively and active. It is true, however, that change of occupation may be too frequent even for the most versatile. Incessant variety is even more fa- tiguing than perpetual sameness. The third advantage attributed bj Adam Smith to the division of labour, is, to a certain extent, real. Inven- tions tending to save labour in a par- ticular operation, are more likely to occur to any one in proportion as his thoughts are intensely directed to that occupation, and continually employed upon it. A person is not BO likely to make practical improvements in ona department of things, whose attention is very much diverted to others. But, in this, much more depends on general intelligence and habitual activity cf BOOK I. CHAPTER VIH. 6. mind, than on exclusiveness of occupa- tion ; and if that exclusiveness is carried to a degree unfavourable to the cultivation of intelligence, there will be more lost in this kind of advantage than gained. We may add, that what- ever may be the cause of making inventions, when they are once made, the increased efficiency of labour is owing to the invention itself, and not to the division of labour. The greatest advantage (next to the dexterity of the workmen) derived from the minute division of labour which takes place in modern manufacturing industry, is one not mentioned by Adam Smith, but to which attention has been drawn by Mr. Babbage ; the more economical distribution of labour, by classing the work-people according to their capacity. Different parts of the same series of operations require unequal degrees of skill and bodily strength ; and those who have skill enough for the most difficult, or strength enough for the hardest parts of the labour, are made much more useful by being employed solely in them ; the operations which every- body is capable of, being left to those who are fit for no others. Production is most efficient when the precise quantity of skill and strength, which is required for each part of the process, 's employed in it, and no more. The operation of pin-making requires, it seems, in its different parts, such different degrees of skill, that the wages earned by the persons employed vary from fourpence halfpenny a day to six shillings ; and if the workman who is paid at that highest rate had to perform the whole process, he would be working a. part of his time with a waste per day equivalent to the difference be- tween six shillings and fourpence half- penny. Without reference to the loss sustained in quantity of work done, and supposing even that he could make a pound of pins in the same time in which ten workmen combining their labour can make ten pounds, Mr. Bab- bage computes that they would cost, in making, three times and three-quarters 88 mucli as they now do by means of Uie division of labour. In needle- making, he adds, the difference would be still greater, for in that, the scale of remuneration for different parts of the process varies from sixpence to twenty shillings a day. To the advantage which consists in extracting the greatest possible amount of utility from skill, may be added the analogous one, of extracting the utmost possible utility from tools. "If any man," says an able writer,* " had all the tools which many different occupa- tions require, at least three-fourths of them would constantly be idle and useless. It were clearly then better, were any society to exist where each man had all these tools, and alternately carried on each of these occupations, that the members of it should, if possible, divide them amongst them, each restricting himself to some par- ticular employment. The advantages of the change to the whole community, and therefore to every individual in it, are great. In the first place, the va- rious implements, being in constant employment, yield a better return for what has been laid out in procuring them. In consequence their owners can afford to have them of better quality and more complete construc- tion. The result of both events is, that a larger provision is made for the future wants of the whole society." 6. The division of labour, as all writers on the subject have remarked, is limited by the extent of the market. If, by the separation of pin-making into ten distinct employments, forty- eight thousand pins can be made in a day, this separation will only be ad- visable if the number of accessible consumers is such as to require, every day, something like forty-eight thou- sand pins. If there is only a demand' for twenty-four thousand, the division of labour can only bj advantageously carried to the extent which will every day produce that smaller number. This, therefore, is a further mode in which an accession of demand for a commodity tends to increase the * Statement of some New Principles on tht tub/ret of Political Eco'to.ni/, b\ John Rae^ (Boston, U.S.) p. 164, PRODUCTION ON A LARGE AND ON A SMALL SCALE. 81 efficiency of the labour employed in its production. The extent of the market may be limited by several causes : too small a population ; the population too scattered and distant to be easily ac- cessible ; deficiency of roads and water carriage ; or, finally, tlie population too poor, that is, their collective labour too little effective, to admit of their being large consumers. In'VJence, want of skill, and want of combination of labour, among those who would otherwise be buyers of a commodity, limit, therefore, the practicable amount of combination of labour among its pro- ducers. In an early stage of civiliza- tion, when the demand of any par- ticular locality was necessarily small, industry only flourished among those who by their command of the sea-coast or of a navigable river, could have the whole world, or all that part of it which lay on coasts or navigable rivers, as a market for their productions. The increase of the general riches of the world, when accompanied with freedom of commercial intercourse, im- provements in navigation, and inland communication by roads, canals, or railways, tends to give increased pro- ductiveness to the labour of every nation in particular, by enabling each locality to supply with its special products so much larger a market, that a great extension of the division of labour in their production is an ordi- nary consequence. The division of laibour is also limited, in many cases, by the nature of the employment. Agriculture, for example, is not susceptible of so great a division of occupation as many branches of manufactures, because its different operations cannot possibly be simul- taneous. One man cannot be always ploughing, another sowing, and another reaping. A workman who only prac- tised one agricultural operation would be idle eleven months of the year. The same person may perform them all in succession, and have, in most climates, a considerable amount of unoccupied time. To execute a great agricultural improvement, it is often necessary that many labourers should work together ; but in general, except the few whose business is superintendence, they all work in the same manner. A canal or a railway embankment cannot be made without a combination of many labourers ; but they are all excavators, except the engineer and a few clerks. CHAPTER IX. OP PRODUCTION OK A LARGE, AND PRODUCTION OR A SMALL SCALB. 1. FROM the importance of com- l.iiuvtion of labour, it is an obvious con- clusion, that there are many cases in which production is made much more effective by being conducted on a large scale. Whenever it is essential to the greatest efficiency of labour that many labourers should combine, even though only in the way of Simple Co-operation, the scale of the enterprise must be such as to bring many labourers to- gether, and the capital must be large enough to maintain them. Still more needful is this when the nature of the employment allows, and the extent of the possible market encourages, a F.E. considerable division of labour. The larger the enterprise, the farther tho division of labour may be carried. This is one of the principal causes of large manufactories. Even when no addi- tional subdivision of the work would follow an enlargement of the opera- tions, there will be good economy it enlarging them to the point at which every person to whom it is convenient to assign a special occupation, will have full employment in that occupa- tion. This point is well illustrated by Mr. Babbage.* " If machinesbe kept working through * Page 214, et seqq. 82 BOOK I. CHAPTER IX. 1. the twenty-four hours," (which is evi- dently the only economical mode of employing them,) "it is necessary that some person shall attend to admit the workmen at the time they relieve each other ; and whether the porter or other servant so employed admit one person or twenty, his rest will he equally dis- turhed. It will also be necessary occa- sionally to adjust or repair the machine; and this can be done much better by a workman accustomed to machine- making, than by the person who uses it. Now, since the good performance and the duration of machines depend, to a very great extent, upon correcting every shake or imperfection in their parts as soon as they appear, the prompt attention of a workman resi- dent on the spot will considerably re- duce the expenditure arising from the wear and tear of the machinery. But in the case of a single lace-frame, or a single loom, this would be too expensive a plan. Here then arises another circumstance which tends to enlarge the extent of a factory. It ought to consist of such a number of machines as shall occupy the whole time of one workman in keeping them in order : if extended beyond that number, the same principle of economy would point out the necessity of doubling or tripling the number of machines, in order to employ the whole time of two or three skilful workmen. " When one portion of the workman's labour consists in the exertion of mere physical force, as in weaving, and in many similar arts, it will soon occur to the manufacturer, that if that part were executed by a steam-engine, the same man might, in the case of weav- ing, attend to two or more looms at once : and, since we already suppose that one or more operative engineers have been employed, the number of looms may be so arranged that their time shall be fully occupied in keeping the steam-engine and the looms in order. " Pursuing the same principles, the manufactory becomes gradually so en- larged, that the expense of lighting during the night amounts to a con- nderable sum : and as there are already attached to the establishment persons who are up all night, and can therefore constantly attend to it, and also engineers to make and keep in re- pair any machinery, the addition of an apparatus for making gas to light the factory leads to a new extension, at the same time that it contributes, by di- minishing the expense of lighting, and the risk of accidents from fire, to re- duce the cost of manufacturing. " Long before a factory has reached this extent, it will have been found necessary to establish an accountant's department, with clerks to pay the workmen, and to see that they arrive at their stated times ; and this de- partment must be in communication with the agents who purchase the raw produce, and with those who sell the manufactured article." It will cost these clerks and accountants little more time and trouble to pay a large number of workmen than a small number : to check the accounts of large transac- tions, than of small. If the business doubled itself, it would probably be necessary to increase, but certainly not to double, the number either of ac- countants, or of buying and selling agents. Every increase of business would enable the whole to be carried on with a proportionally smaller amount of labour. As a general rule, the expenses of a business do not increase by any means proportionally to the quantity of busi- ness. Let us take as an example, a set of operations which we are ac- customed to see carried on by one great establishment, that of the Post Office. Suppose that the business, let us say only of the London letter-post, instead of being centralized in a single concern, were divided among five or six com- peting companies. Each of these would be obliged to maintain almost as large an establishment as is now sufficient for the whole. Since each must arrange for receiving and delivering letters in all parts of the town, each must send letter-carriers into every street, and almost every alley, and this too as many times in the day as is now done by the Post Office, if the service is to be as well performed. Each must have PRODUCTION ON A LARGE AND ON A SMALL SCALE. 83 an office for receiving letters in every neighbourhood, with all subsidiary arrangements for collecting the letters i'roin the different offices and re-dis- tributing them. To this must be added the much greater number of superior officers who would be required to check and control the subordinates, implying not only a greater cost in salaries for such responsible officers, but the neces- sity, perhaps, of being satisfied in many instances with an inferior standard of qualification, and so failing in the object. Whether or not the advantages ob- tained by operating on a large scale preponderate in any particular case over the more watchful attention, and greater regard to minor gains and losses, usually found in small establish- ments, can be ascertained, in a state of free competition, by an unfailing test. Wherever there are large and small establishments in the same business, that one of the two which in existing circumstances carries on the production at greatest advantage, will be able to undersell the other. The power of permanently underselling can only, generally speaking, be derived from increased effectiveness of labour ; and this, when obtained by a more ex- tended division of employment, or by a classification tending to a better economy of skill, always implies a greater produce from the same labour, and not merely the same produce from less labour : it increases not the sur- plus only, but the gross produce of industry. If an increased quantity of the particular article is not required, and part of the labourers in conse- quence lose their employment, the capital which maintained and employed them is also set at liberty ; and the general produce of the country is in- creased, by some other application of | their labour. Another of the causes of large manu- factories, however, is the introduction of processes requiring expensive ma- chinery. Expensive machinery sup- poses a large capital ; and is not re- sorted to except with the intention of producing, and the hope of selling, as much of the article aa comes up to the full powers of the machine. For both these reasons, wherever costly ma- chinery is used, the large system of production is inevitable. But the power of underselling is not in this case so unerring a test as in the former, of the beneficial effect on the total production of the community. The power of underselling does not depend on the absolute increase of produce, but on its bearing an increased propor- tion to the expenses : which, as was shown in a former chapter,* it may do, consistently with even a diminution of the gross annual produce. By the adoption of machinery, a circulating capital, which was perpetually con- sumed and reproduced, has been con- verted into a fixed capital, requiring only a small annual expense to keep it up : and a much smaller produce \vill suffice for merely covering that ex- pense, and replacing the remaining circulating capital of the producer. The machinery therefore might answer perfectly well to the manufacturer, and enable him to undersell his competitors, though the effect on the production of the country might be not an increase but a diminution. It is true, the article will be sold cheaper, and there- fore, of that single article, there will probably be not a smaller, but a greater quantity sold ; since the loss to the community collectively has fallen upon the work-people, and they are not the principal customers, if customers at all, of most branches of manufacture. But though that particular branch of industry may extend itself, it will be by replenishing its diminished circu- lating capital from that of the com- munity generally ; and if the labourers employed in that department escape loss of employment, it is because the less will spread itself over the labouring people at large. If any of them are reduced to the condition of unproduc tive labourers, supported by voluntary of legal charity, the gross produce of the country is to that extent perma- nently diminished, until the ordinary progress of accumulation makes it up : but if the condition of the labouring classes enable them to bear a tempo- Supra, chap. vi. p. 59. G 2 84 BOOK i. CHAPTER IX. 2. rary reduction of wages, and the super- seded labourers become absorbed in other employments, their labour is etill productive, and the breach in the gross produce of the community is re- paired, though not the detriment to ., the labourers. I have restated thie exposition, which has already been made in a former place, to impress more strongly the truth, that a mode of production does not of neces- sity increase the productive effect of the collective labour of a community, because it enables a particular com- modity to be sold cheaper. The one consequence generally accompanies the other, but not necessarily. I will not here repeat the reasons I formerly gave, nor anticipate those which will be given more fully hereafter, for deem- ing the exception to be rather a case abstractedly possible, than one which is frequently realized in fact. A considerable part of the saving of labour effected by substituting the large system of production for the small, is the saving in the labour of the capitalists themselves. If a hun- dred producers with small capitals carry on separately the same business, the superintendence of each concern will probably require the whole atten- tion of the person conducting it, suffi- ciently at least to hinder his time or thoughts from being disposable for any- thing else : while a single manufac- turer possessing a capital equal to the sum of theirs, with ten or a dozen clerks, could conduct the whole of their amount of business, and have leisure too for other occupations. The small capitalist, it is true, generally com- bines with the business of direction eome portion of the details, which the other leaves to his subordinates : the small farmer follows his own plough, the small tradesman serves in his own shop, the small weaver plies his own jboin. But in this very union of func- tions there is, in a great proportion of cases, a want of economy. The prin- cipal in the concern is either wasting, in the routine of a business, qualities suitable for the direction of it, or he is only fit for the former, and then the latter will be ill done. I must observe however that I do not attach, to this saving of labour, the importance often ascribed to it. There is undoubtedly much more labour expended in the superintendence of many small capitals than in that of one large capital. For this labour however the small pro- ducers have generally a full compensa- tion, in the feeling of being their own masters, and not servants of an em- ployer. It may be said, that if they value this independence they will sub- mit to pay a price for it, and to sell at the reduced rates occasioned by the competition of the great dealer or ma- nufacturer. But they cannot always do this and continue to gain a living. They thus gradually disappear from society. After having consumed their little capital in prolonging the unsuc- cessful struggle, they either sink into the condition of hired labourers, or be- come dependent on others for support. 2. Production on a large scale is greatly promoted by the practice of forming a large capital by the combi- nation of many small contributions ; or, in other words, by the formation of joint stock companies. The advan- tages of the joint stock principle are numerous and important. In the first place, many undertakings require an amount of capital beyond the means of the richest individual or private partnership. No individual could have made a railway from Lon- don to Liverpool ; it is doubtful if any individual could even work the traffic on it, now when it is made. The go- vernment indeed could have done both ; and in countries where the practice of co-operation is only in the earlier stages of its growth, the government can alone be looked to for any of the works for which a great combination of means is requisite ; because it can obtain those means by compulsory taxation, and is already accustomed to the conduct of large operations. For reasons, however, which are tolerably well known, and of which we shall treat fully hereafter, government agency for the conduct of industrial operations is generally one of the least eligible re- sources, when any other is available. PRODUCTION ON A LARGE AND ON A SMALL SCALE. 65 Next, there are undertakings which individuals are not absolutely inca- pable of performing, but which they cannot perform on the scale and with the continuity which are ever more and more required by the exigencies of n. society in an advancing state. In- dividuals are quite capable of despatch- ing ships from England to any or every partTof the world, to carry passengers nnd letters ; the thing was done before joint stock companies for the purpose were heard of. But when, from the increase of population and transactions, as well as of means of payment, the public will no longer content them- selves with occasional opportunities, but require the certainty that packets shall start regularly, for some places once or even twice a day, for others once a week, for others that a steam ship of great size and expensive con- struction shall depart on fixed days twice in each month, it is evident that to afford an assurance of keeping up with punctuality such a circle of costly operations, requires a much larger capital and a much larger staff of qualified subordinates than can be commanded by an individual capitalist. There are other cases, again, in which though the business might be perfectly well transacted with small or mode- rate capitals, the guarantee of a great subscribed stock is necessary or desir- able as a security to the public for the fulfilment of pecuniary engagements. This is especially the case when the nature of the business requires that numbers of persons should be willing to trust the concern with their money : as in the business of banking, and that of insurance : to both of which the joint stock principle is eminently adapted. It is an instance of the folly and jobbery of the rulers of mankind, that until a late period the joint stock principle, as a general resort, was in this country interdicted by law to these two modes of business ; to banking altogether, and to insurance in the department of sea risks ; in order to bestow a lucrative monopoly on par- ticular establishments which the go- vernment was pleased exceptionally to license, namely the Bank of England, and two insurance companies, the Lon- don and the Royal Exchange. Another advantage of joint stock, or associated management, is its incident of publicity. This is not an invariable, but It is a natural, consequence of the joint stock principle, and might be, as in some important cases it already is, compulsory. In banking, insurance, and other businesses which depend wholly on confidence, publicity is a still more important element of success than a large subscribed capital. A heavy loss occurring in a private bank may be kept secret ; even though it were of such magnitude as to cause the ruin of the concern, the banker may still carry it on for years, trying to retrieve its po- sition, only to fall in the end with a greater crash: but this cannot so easilj happen in the case of a joint stock com pany whose accounts are publisher periodically. The accounts, even if cooked, still exercise some check ; and the suspicions of shareholders, breaking out at the general meetings, put the public on their guard. These are some of the advantages of joint stock over individual manage- ment. But if we look to the other side of the question, we shall find that indi- vidual management has also very great advantages over joint stock. The chief of these is the much keener interest of the managers in the success of the undertaking. The administration of A joint stock association is, in the main, adminis- tration by hired servants. Even the committee, or board of directors, who are supposed to superintend the manage- ment, and who do really appoint and remove the managers, have no pecu- niary interest in the good working of the concern beyond the shares they in- dividually hold, which are always a very small part of the capital of the association, and in general but a small part of the fortunes of the directors themselves ; and the part they take in the management usually divides their time with many other occupations, of as great or greater importance to their own interest; the business beinj the principal concern of no one except those who are hired to carry it 011. Bui BOOK 1. CHAPTER IX. 2. experience shows, arid proverbs, the ex- pression of popular experience, attest, how inferior is the quality of hired servants, compared with the ministra- tion of those personally interested in the work, and how indispensable, when hired service must be employed, is " the master's eye" to watch over it. The successful conduct of an indus- trial enterprise requires two quite dis- tinct qualifications : fidelity, and zeal. The fidelity of the hired managers of a concern it is possible to secure. When their work admits of being reduced to a definite set of rules, the violation of these is a matter on which conscience cannot easily blind itself, and on which responsibility may be enforced by the loss of employment. But to carry on a great business successfully, requires a hundred things which, as they cannot be defined beforehand, it is impossible to convert into distinct and positive obligations. First and principally, it requires that the directing mind should be incessantly occupied with the sub- ject ; should be continually laying schemes by which greater profit may be obtained, or expense saved. This intensity of interest in the subject it is seldom to be expected that any one should feel, who is conducting a busi- ness as the hired servant and for the profit of another. There are experi- ments in human affairs which are con- clusive on the point. Look at the whole class of rulers, and ministers of state. The work they are entrusted with, is among the most interesting and exciting of all occupations; the per- sonal share which they themselves reap of the national benefits or misfortunes which befal the state under their rule, is far from trifling, and the rewards and punishments which they may ex- pect from public estimation are of the plain and palpable kind which are most keenly felt and most widely ap- preciated. Yet how rare a thing is it to find a statesman in whom mental indolence is not stronger than all these inducements. How infinitesimal is the proportion who trouble themselves to form, or even to attend to, plans of public improvement, unless when it is made etill more troublesome to them to remain inactive ; or who have any other real desire than that of rubbing on, so as to escape general blame. On a smaller scale, all who have ever em- ployed hired labour have had ample experience of the efforts made to give as little labour in exchange for the wages, as is compatible with not being turned off. The universal neglect by domestic servants of their employer's interests, wherever these are not pro- tected by some fixed rule, is matter of common remark ; unless where long continuance in the same service, and reciprocal good offices, have produced either personal attachment, or some feeling of a common interest. Another of the disadvantages of joint stock concerns, which is in some degree common to all concerns on a large scale, is disregard of small gains and small savings. In the management of a great capital and great transactions, espe- cially when the managers have not much interest in it of their own, small sums are apt to be counted for next to nothing ; they never seem worth the care and trouble which it costs to attend to them, and the credit of liberality and openhandedness is cheaply bought by a disregard of such trifling considera- tions. But small profits and small ex- penses, often repeated, amount to great gains and losses : and of this a large capitalist is often a sufficiently good calculator to be practically aware ; and to arrange his business on a system, which if enforced by a sufficiently vigi- lant superintendence, precludes thepos- sibility of the habitual waste, otherwise incident to a great business. But the managers of a joint stock concern sel- dom devote themselves sufficiently to the work, to enforce unremittingly, even if introduced, through every detail of the business, a really economical From considerations of this nature, Adam Smith was led to enunciate as a principle, that joint stock companies could never be expected to maintain themselves without an exclusive privi- lege, except in branches of business which like banking, insurance, and some others, admit of being, in a con- siderable degree, reduced to fixed rules. PRODUCTION ON A LARGE AND ON A SMALL SCALE. 87 This however is one of those over-state- ments of a tme principle, often met with in Adam Smith. In his days there were few instances of joint stock com- panies which had been permanently successful without a monopoly, except the class of cases which he referred to ; but since his time there have been many ; and the regular increase both of the spirit of combination and of the ability to combine, will doubtless pro- duce many more. Adam Smith fixed his observation too exclusively on the superior energy and more unremitting attention brought to a business in which the whole stake and the whole gain be- long to the persons conducting it ; and he overlooked various countervailing considerations which go a great way towards neutralizing even that great point of superiority. Of these one of the most important is that which relates to the intellectual and active qualifications of the direct- ing head. The stimulus of individual interest is some security for exertion, but exertion is of little avail if the in- telligence exerted is of an inferior order, which it must necessarily be in the majority of concerns carried on by the persons chiefly interested in them. Where the concern is large, and can afford a remuneration sufficient to at- tract a class of candidates superior to the common average, it is possible to select for the general management, and for all the skilled employments of a subordinate kind, persons of a degree of acquirement and cultivated intelli- gence which more than compensates for their inferior interest in the result. Their greater perspicacity enables them, with even a part of their minds, to see probabilities of advantage which never occur to the ordinary run of men by the continued exertion of the whole of theirs ; and their superior knowledge, and habitual rectitude of perception and of judgment, guard them against blunders, the fear of which would pre- vent the others from hazarding their interests in any attempt out of the ordinary routine. It must be further remarked, that it is not a necessary consequence of joint stock management, that the persons employed, whsther in superior or in subordinate offices, should be paid wholly by fixed salaries. There are modes of connecting more or less inti- mately the interest of the employe* with the pecuniary success of the con- cern. There is a long series of inter- mediate positions, between working wholly on one's own account, and work- ing by the day, week, or year for an invariable payment. Even in the case of ordinary unskilled labour, there is such a thing as task-work, or working by the piece : and the superior effi- ciency of this is so well known, that judicious employers always resort to it when the work admits of being put out in definite portions, without the neces- sity of too troublesome a surveillance to guard against inferiority in the execu- tion. In the case of the managers of joint stock companies, and of the super- intending and controlling officers in many private establishments, it is a common enough practice to connect their pecuniary interest with the inte- rest of their employers, by giving them part of their remuneration in the form of a percentage on the profits. The personal interest thus given to hired servants is not comparable in intensity to that of the owner of the capital ; but it is sufficient to be a very material stimulus to zeal and carefulness, and, when added to the advantage of supe- rior intelligence, often raises the quality of the service much above that which the generality of masters are capable of rendering to themselves. The ulterior extensions of which this principle of remuneration is susceptible, being of great social as well as economical im- portance, will be more particularly ad- verted to in a subsequent stage of the present inquiry. As I have already remarked of large establishments generally, when com- pared with small ones, whenever com- petition is free its results will show whether individual orjoint stock agency is best adapted to the particular case, since that which is most efficient and most economical will always in the end succeed in underselling the other. 3 The possibilitv of substituting 88 the large system of production for the small, depends, of course, in the first place, on the extent of the market. The large system can only be advantageous when a large amount of business is to be done : it implies, therefore, either a populous and flourishing community, or a great opening for exportation. Again, tbis as well as every other change in the system of production is greatly favoured by a progressive con- dition of capital. It is chiefly when the capital of a country is receiving a great annual increase, that there is a large amount of capital seeking for investment : and a new enterprise is much sooner and more easily entered upon by new capital, than by with- drawing capital from existing employ- ments. The change is also much faci- litated by the existence of large capitals in few hands. It is true that the same amount of capital can be raised by bringing together many small sums. But this (besides that it is not equally well suited to all branches of industry), supposes a much greater degree of com- mercial confidence and enterprise dif- fused through the community, and belongs altogether to a more advanced stage of industrial progress. In the countries in which there are the largest markets, the widest diffu- sion of commercial confidence and en- terprise, the greatest annual increase of capital, and the greatest number of large capitals owned by individuals, there is a tendency to substitute more and more, in one branch of industry after another, large establishments for small ones. In England, the chief type of all these characteristics, there is a perpetual growth not only of large manufacturing establishments, but also, wherever a sufficient number of pur- chasers are assembled, of shops and warehouses for conducting retail busi- ness on a large scale. These are almost always able to undersell the smaller tradesmen, partly, it is understood, by means of division of labour, and the economy occasioned by limiting the employment of skilled agency to cases where skill is required ; and partly, no doubt, by the saving of labour arising from the great scale of the transactions : BOOK I. CHAPTER IX. 3. as it costs no more time, and not much more exertion of mind, to make a large purchase, for example, than a small one, and very much less than to make a number of small ones. With a view merely to production, and to the greatest efficiency of labour, this change is wholly beneficial. In some cases it is attended with draw- backs, rather social than economical, the nature of which has been already hinted at. But whatever disadvan- tages may be supposed to attend on the change from a small to a large system of production, they are not applicable to the change from a large to a still larger. \Vhen. in any employment, the regime of independent small pro- ducers has either never been possible, or has been superseded, and the sys- tem of many work-people under one management has become fully es- tablished, from that time any further enlargement in the scale of production is generally an unqualified benefit. It is obvious, for example, how great an economy of labour would be obtained if London were supplied by a single gas or water company instead of the existing plurality. While there are even as many as two, this implies double establishments of all sorts, when one only, with a small increase, could probably perform the whole operation equally well ; double sets of machinery and works, when the whole of the gas or water required could generally be produced by one set only ; even double sets of pipes, if the companies did not prevent this needless expense by agree- ing upon a division of the territory. Were there only one establishment, it could make lower charges, consist- ently with obtaining the rate of pro- fit now realized. But would it do so ? Even if it did not, the community in the aggregate would still be a gaine r since the shareholders are a part of the community, and they would obtain higher profits while the consumers paid only the same. It is, however, an error to suppose that the prices are ever permanently kept down by the competition of these companies. Where competitors are so few, they always end by agreeing not to compete. They PRODUCTION ON A LAftGE AND ON A SMALL SCALK 89 may run a race of cheapness to ruin a new candidate, but as soon as he has established his footing they come to terms with him. When, therefore, a business of real public importance can only be carried on advantageously upon so large a scale as to render the liberty of competition almost illusory, it is an unthrifty ciispensation of the public re- Tources that several costly sets of ar- rangements should bo kept up for the purpose of rendering to the community this one service. It is much better to treat it at once as a public function ; and if it be not such as the government itself could beneficially undertake, it should be made over entire to the com- pany or association which will perform it on the best terms for the public. In the case of railways, for example, no one can desire to see the enormous waste of capital and land (not to speak of increased nuisance) involved in the construction of a second railway to connect the same places already united by an existing one ; while the two would not do the work better than it could be done by one, and after a short time would probably be amalgamated. Only one such line ought to be permitted, but the control over that line never ought to be parted with by the State, unless on a temporary concession, as in France ; and the vested right which Parliament has allowed to be acquired by the existing companies, like all other proprietary rights which are op- posed to public utility, is morally valid only as a claim to compensation. 4. The question between the large and the small sj'stems of pro- duction as applied to agriculture be- tween large and small farming, the arande and the petite culture stands, in many respects, on different grounds from the general question between great and small industrial establish- ments. In its social aspects, and as an element in the Distribution of Wealth, this question will occupy us hereafter: but even as a question of production, the superiority of the large system in agriculture is by no means BO clearly established as in manufac- tures. I have already remarked, that tho operations of agriculture are little sus- ceptible of benefit from the division of labour. There is but little separation of employments even on the largest farms. The same persons may not in general attend to the live stock, to the marketing, and to the cultivation of the soil ; but much beyond that pri- mary and simple classification the subdivision is not carried. The com- bination of labour of which agriculture is susceptible, is chiefly that which Mr. Wakefield terms Simple Co-opera- tion ; several persons nelping one another in the same work, at the same time and place. But I confess it seems to me that this able writer at- tributes more importance to that kind of co-operation, in reference to agricul- ture properly so called, than it de- serves. None of the common farming operations require much of it. There is no particular advantage in setting a great number of people to work to- gether in ploughing or digging or sow- ing the same field, or even in mowing or reaping it unless time presses. A single family can generally supply all the combination of labour necessary for these purposes. And in the works in which an union of many efforts is really needed, there is seldom found any impracticability in obtaining it where farms are small. The waste of productive power by sub- division of the land often amounts to a great evil, but this applies chiefly to a subdivision so minute, that the cultiva- tors have not enough land to occupy their time. Up to that point the same principles which recommend large manufactories are applicable to agri- culture. For the greatest productive efficiency, it is generally desirable (though even this proposition must be received with qualifications) that no family who have any land, should have less than they could cultivate, or than will fully employ their cattle and tools. These, however, are not the dimensions of large farms, but of what are reckoned in England very small ones. Th large farmer has some advantage it the article of buildings. It does not cost BO much to house a great numbet 90 BOOK I. CHAPTER IX. - 4. of cattle 5n one building, as to lodgi them equally well in several buildings There is also some advantage in im plements. A small farmer is not so likely to possess expensive instru ments. But the principal agricultural implements, even when of the best construction, are not expensive. It may not answer to a small farmer to own a threshing machine, for the small quan- tity of corn he has to thresh ; bul there is no reason why such a machine should not in every neighbourhood be owned in common, or provided by some person to whom the others pay a con- sideration for its use ; especially as, when worked by steam, they are so constructed as to be moveable.* The large fanner can make some saving in cost of carriage. There is nearly as much trouble in carrying a small por- tion of produce to market, as a much greater produce ; in bringing home a small, as a much larger quantity of manures, and articles of daily con- sumption. There is also the greater cheapness of buying things in large quantities. These various advantages must count for something, but it does not seem that they ought to count for very much. In England for some generations, there has been little experience of small farms ; but in Ire- land the experience has been ample, not merely under the worst but under the best management : and the highest Irish authorities may be cited in oppo- sition to the opinion which on this subject commonly prevails in England. Mr. Blacker, for example, one of the most experienced agriculturists and successful improvers in the North of Ireland, whose experience was chiefly in the best cultivated, which are also the most minutely divided parts of the country, was of opinion, that tenants holding farms not exceeding from five * The observations in the text may here- after require some degree of modification from inventions such as the steam plough and the reaping machine. The effect, how- ever, of these improvements on the relative advantages of large and small farms, will not depend on the efficiency of the instruments, but on their costliness. I see no reason to expect that this will be such as to make them inaccessible to small farmers, or com- binations of small farmers. to eight or ten acres, could live corn- fortably, and pay as high a rent as any large farmer whatever. " I am firmly persuaded" (he says,*) " that the small farmer who holds his own plough and digs his own ground, if he follows a proper rotation of crops, and feeds his cattle in the house, can undersell the large farmer, or in other words can pay a rent which the other cannot afford : and in this I am confirmed by the opinion of many practical men who have well considered the subject. . . . The English farmer of 700 to 800 acres is a kind of man approaching to what is known by the namts of a gentle- man farmer. He must have his horse to ride, and hi s gig, and perhaps an overseer to attend to his labourers ; he certainly cannot superintend himself the labour going on in a farm of 800 acres." After a few other remarks, he adds, " Besides all these drawbacks, which the small farmer knows little about, there is the great expense of carting out the manure from the homestead to such a great distance, and again cart- ing home the crop. A single horse will consume the produce of more land than would feed a small farmer and his wife and two children. And what is more than all, the large farmer says to his labourers, go to your work ; but when the small farmer has occasion to hire them, he says, come ; the intelli- gent reader will, I dare say, understand the difference." One of the objections most urged against small farms is, that they do not and cannot maintain, proportionally to their extent, so great a number of cattle as large farms, and that this occasions such a deficiency of manure, that a soil much subdivided must always be im- poverished. It will be found, however, that subdivision only produces this effect when it throws the land into the hands of cultivators so poor as not to possess the amount of live stock suit- ible to the size of their farms. A small 'arm and a badly stocked farm are not synonymous. To make the comparison "airly, we must suppose the same * Prize Essay on the Management of Landed ^roperty in Ireland, by "William Blacker, *isq. (1837,) p. 23. PRODUCTION ON A LARGE AND OK A SMALL SCALE. amount of capital which is possessed by the large farmers to be disseminated among the small ones. When this condition, or even any approach to it, exists, and when stall feeding is prac- tised (and stall feeding now begins to be considered good economy even on large farms), experience, far from bear- ing out the assertion that small farm- ing is unfavourable to the multiplica- tion of cattle, conclusively establishes the very reverse. The abundance of cattle, and copious use of manure, on the small farms of Flanders, are the most striking features in that Flemish agriculture which is the admiration of all competent judges, whether in Eng- land or on the Continent.* * " The number of beasts fed on a farm of which the whole Is arable land," (says the elaborate and intelligent treatise on Flemish Husbandry, from personal observation and the best sources, published in the Library of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge,) "is surprising to those who are not acquainted with the mode in which the food is prepared for the cattle. A beast for every three acres of land is a common pro- portion, and in very small occupations where much spade husbandry .9 used, the propor- tion is still greater. After comparing the accounts given >n a variety of places and situations of the average quantity of milk which a eow gives when fed in the stall, the result is, that it greatly exceeds that of our best dairy farms, and the quantity of butter made from a given quantity of milk is also greater. It appears astonishing that the occupier of only ten or twelve acres of light arable land should be able to maintain four or five cows, but the fact is notorious in the Waes country." (pp. 59, GO.) This subject is treated very intelligently in the work of M. Passy, On Systems of Cul- tivation and their Influence on Social Economy, ona of the most impartial discussions, as be- tween the two systems, which has yet ap- peared in France. " Without doubt it ii England that, on an equal surface, feeds the greatest number of animals ; Holland and some parts of Lom- bardy can alone vie with her in this respect : but is this a consequence of the mode of cul- tivation, and have not climate and local situation a share in producing it ? Of this I think there can be no doubt. In fact, what- ever may have been said, wherever large and tmall cultivation meet in the same place, the latter, though it cannot support as many sheep, possesses, all things considered, the greatest quantity of manure-producing animals. " In Belgium, for example, the two pro- vinces of smallest farms are Antwerp and East Flanders, and they possess on an average for every 100 hectares (250 acres) of culti- vated land, 74 horned cattle and 14 sheep. The disadvantage, when disadvan- tage there is, of BUI all, or rather of pea- sant farming, as compared with capi- talist fanning, must chiefly consist in inferiority of skill and knowledge ; but it is not true, as a general fact, that such inferiority exists. Countries of small farms and peasant farming, Flan- ders and Italy, had a good agriculture many generations before England, and theirs is still, as a whole, probably the best agriculture in the world. The empirical skill, which is the effect of daily and close observation, peasant farmers often possess in an eminent degree. The traditional knowledge, for example, of the culture of the vine, by the peasantry of the The two provinces where we find the large farms are Namur and Hainaut, and they average, for every 100 hectares of cultivated ground, only 30 horned cattle and 45 sheep. Reckoning, as is the custom, ten sheep a. equal to one head of horned cattle, we find in the first case, the equivalent of 76 I wfncn are the accumulated results of previous labour, and by land, the materials and instruments suppliea by nature, whether contained in the interior of the earth or constituting its surface. Since each of these elements of production maybe separately appro- priated, the industrial community may be considered as divided into J,a^d- capitalists, and productive labourers. Each of these classes, as RfBHJTfbTains a share of the produce : no other person or class obtains any- thing, except by concession from them. The remainder of the community is, in fact, supported at their expense, giving, if any equivalent, one consist- ing of unproductive services. These three classes, therefore, are considered in political economy as making up the whole community. 2. But although these three sometimes exist as separate classes, dividing the produce among them, they do not necessarily or always so exist. The fact is so much otherwise, that there are only one or two communities in which the complete separation of these classes is the general rule. Eng- land and Scotland, with parts of Bel- gium and Holland, are almost the only countries in the world where the land, capital, and labour employed in agri- culture, are generally the property of separate owners. The ordinary case is, that the same person owns either two of these requisites, or all three. The case in which the same person owns all three, embraces the two ex- tremes of existing society, in respect to the independence and dignity of the labouring class. First, when the labourer himself is the proprietor. This is the commonest case in the Northern States of the American Union ; one of the commonest in France, Switzerland, the three Scan- dinavian kingdoms, and parts of Ger- many ;* and a common case in parts * " The Norwegian return" (fay the Commissioners of Poor Law Enquiry, to whom information was furnished from nearly every country in Europe and America by the ambassadors and consuls there) " states that at the last census in 182.5, out of a popu- lation of 1,051,313 persons, there wer 59,-lfU freeholders. As by 59,464 freeholders must be meant 59,404 heads of families, or about 300,000 individuals ; the freeholders must form more Uwui one-fourth of the whole popu- 145 BOOK II. CHAPTER III. 3. of Italy and in Belgium. In all these comntries there are, no doubt, large landed properties, and a still greater number which, without being large, require the occasional or constant aid of hired labourers. Much, however, of the land is owned in portions too small to require any other labour than that of the peasant and his family, or fully to occupy even that. The capital employed is not always that of the peasant proprietor, many of these small properties being mortgaged to obtain the means of cultivating ; but the capital is invested at the peasant's risk, and though he pays interest for it, it gives to no one any right of inter- ference, except perhaps eventually to take possession of the land, if the in- terest ceases to be paid. The other case in which the land, labour, and capital, belong to the same person, is the case of slave countries, in which the labourers themselves are owned by the landowner. Our West India colonies before emancipation, and the sugar colonies of the nations by whom a similar act of justice is still unperformed, are examples of large establishments for agricultural and manufacturing labour (the production of sugar and rum is a combination of both) in which the land, the factories lation. Mr. Macgregor states that in Den- mark (by which Zealand and the adjoining islands are probably meant) out of a popula- tion of 926,110, the number of landed pro- prietors and fanners is 415,110, or nearly one-half. In Sleswick-Holstein, out of a population of 604,085, it is 196,017, or about one-third. The proportion of proprietors and farmers to the whole population is not given in Sweden ; but the Stockholm return estimates the average quantity of land an- nexed to a labourer's habitation at from one to five acres; and though the Gottenburg return gives a lower estimate, it adds, that the peasants possess much of the land. In Wurtemburg we are told that more than two-thirds of the labouring population are the proprietors of their own habitations, and that almost all own at least a garden of from th? tee-quarters of an acre to an acre and a half." In some of these statements, proprietors and farmers are not discrimi- nated ; but " all the returns concur in stating the number of day-labourers to be very mall." (Preface toForeign Communicationi, p, xxxviii.) As the general statin of the la- bouring people, the condition of a work- man for hire is almost peculiar to Great Britain. (if they may be so called), tfce ma- chinery, and the degraded labourers, are all the property of a capitalist. In this case, as well as in its extreme opposite, the case of the peasant pro- prietor, there is no division of the produce. 3. When the three requisites are not all owned by the same person, it often happens that two of them are so. Sometimes the same person owns the capital and the land, but not the labour. The landlord makes his engagement directly with the labourer, and supplies the whole or part of the stock neces- sary for cultivation. This system is the usual one in those parts of Conti- nental Europe, in which the labourers are neither serfs on the one hand, nor proprietors on the other. It was very common in France before the Revolu- tion, and is still much practised in some parts of that country, when the land is not the property of the culti- vator. It prevails generally in the level districts of Italy, except those principally pastoral, such as the Ma- remma of Tuscany and the Campagna of Rome. On this system the division of the produce is between two classes, the landowner and the labourer. In other cases again the labourer does not own the land, but owns the little stock employed on it, the land- lord not being in the habit of supplying any. This system generally prevails in Ireland. It is nearly universal in India, and in most countries of the Esst ; whether the government retains, as it generally does, the ownership of the soil, or allows portions to become, either absolutely or in a qualified sense, the property of individuals. In India, however, things are so far better than in Ireland, that the owner of land is in the habit of making advances to the cultivators, if they cannot cultivate without them. For these advances the native landed proprietor usually demands high interest ; but the prih- cipal landowner, the government, makes them gratuitously, recovering the advance after the harvest, together with the rent. The produce is here divided, as before between the sam COMPETITION AND CUSTOM. 147 two classes, ths landowner and the labourer. These are the principal variations in the classification of those among whom the produce of agricultural labour- is distributed. In the case of manufacturing industry there never are more than two classes, the laliniirors and the capitalists. The original artisans in all countries were either slaves, or the women of the family. In the manufacturing esta- blishments of the ancients, whether on a large or on a small scale, the labourers were usually the property of the capitalist. In general, if any manual labour was thought compatible with the dignity of a freeman, it was only agricultural labour. The converse system, in which the capital was owned by the labourer, was coeval with free labour, and under it the first great ad- vances of manufacturing industry were achieved. The artisan owned the loom or the few tools he used, and worked on his own account; or at least ended by doing so, though he usually worked for another, first as apprentice and next as journeyman, for a certain number of years before he could be admitted a master. ^But the status of a permanent journeyman, all his life a hired labourer and nothing more, had no place in the crafts and guilds of the Middle Ages. In country vil- lages, where a carpenter or a black- smith cannot live and support hired labourers on the returns of his business, he is even now his own workman ; and shopkeepers in similar circumstances are their own shopmen, or shopwomen. But wherever the extent of the market admits of it, the distinction is now fully established between the class of capitalists, or employers of labour, and the class of .labourers ; the capitalists, in general, contributing no other labour than that of direction and superin- tendence. CHAPTER IV. OF COMPETITION AND CUSTOM. 1. UNDER the rule of individual property, the division of the produce is the result of two determining agen- cies : Competition, and Custom. It is important to ascertain the amount of influence which belongs to each of these causes, and in what manner the opera- tion of one is modified by the other. Political economists generally, and English political economists above others, have been accustomed to lay almost exclusive stress upon the first of these agencies ; to exaggerate the effect of competition, and to take into little account the other and conflicting principle. They are apt to express themselves as if they thought that competition actually does, in all cases, whatever it can be shown to be the tendency of competition to do. This is partly intelligible, if we consider that only through the principle of com- petition has political economy any pretension to the character of a science. So far as rents, profits, wages, prices, are determined by competition, laws may be assigned for them. Assume competition to be their exclusive regu- lator, and principles of broad generality and scientific precision may be laid down, according to which they will be regulated. The political economist justly deems this his proper business : and, as an abstract or hypothetical sci- ence, political economy cannot be re- quired to do, and indeed cannot do, anything more. But it would be a great misconception of the actual course of human affairs, to suppose that com- petition exercises in fact this unlimited sway. I am not speaking of monopo- lies, either natural or artificial, or of any interferences of authority with the liberty of production or exchange. L 2 148 ROOK II. CHAPTER IV. 2. Such disturbing en : cs have always been allowed for by p 'iitical economists. I speak of cases in which there is no- thing to restrain competition : no hin- drance to it either in the nature of the -aso or in artificial obstacles ; yet in which the result is not determined by competition, but by custom or usage ; competition either not taking place at all, or producing its effect in quite a different manner from that which is ordinarily assumed to be natural to it. 2. Competition, in fact, has only become in any considerable degree the governing principle of contracts, at a comparatively modern period. The farther we look back into history, the more we see all transactions and en- gagements under the influence of fixed customs. The reason is evident. Cus- tom is the most powerful protector of the weak against the strong ; their sole protector where there are no laws or government adequate to the purpose. Custom is a barrier which, even in the most oppressed condition of mankind, tyranny is forced in some degree to respect. To the industrious population in a turbulent military community, freedom of competition is a vain phrase ; they are never in a condition to make terms for themselves by it : there is always a master who throws his sword into the scale, and the terms are such as ho imposes. But though the law of the strongest decides, it is not the interest nor in general the practice of the strongest to strain that law to the utmost, and every relaxation of it has a tendency to become a custom, and every custom to become a right. IJights thus originating, and not competition in any shape, determine, in a rude state of society, the share of the produce en- joyed by those who produce it. The relations, more especially, between the landowner and the cultivator, and the payments made by the latter to the former, are, in all states of society but th most modern, determined by the usage of the country. Never until late times have the conditions of the occu- pancy of land been (as a general rule) an affair of competition. The occupier fcr the time has very commonly been considered to have a right to retain his holding, while he fulfils the cus- tomary requirements; and has thus become, in a certain sense, a co-pro- prietor of the soil. Even where the holder has not acquired this fixity of tenure, the terms of occupation have often been fixed and invariable. In India, for example, and other Asiatic communities similarly consti- tuted, the ryots, or peasant-farmers, are not regarded as tenants at will, nor even as tenants by virtue of a lease. In most villages there are indeed some ryots on this precarious footing, con- sisting of those, or the descendants of those, who have settled in the place at a known and comparatively recent period: but all who are looked upon as descendants or representatives of the original inhabitants, and even many mere tenants of ancient date, are thought entitled to retain their land, as long as they pay the customary rents. What these customary rents are, or ought to be, has indeed, in most cases, become a matter of obscurity ; usurpation, tyranny, and foreign con- quest having to a great degree obli- terated the evidences of them. But when an old and purely Hindoo prin- cipality falls under the dominion of the British Government, or the manage- ment of its officers, and when the details of the revenue system come to be inquired into, it is usually found that though the demands of the great landholder, the State, have been swelled by fiscal rapacity until all limit is practically lost sight of, it has yet been thought necessary to have a distinct name and a separate pretext for each increase of exaction ; so that the de- mand has sometimes come to consist of thirty or forty different items, in ad- dition to the nominal rent. This cir- cuitous mode of increasing the pay- ments assuredly would not have been resorted to, if there had been an ac- knowledged right in the landlord to increase the rent. Its adoption is a proof that there was once an effective limitation, a real customary rent ; and that the understood right of the ryot to the land, so long as he paid rent according to custom, was at some tiros COMPETITION AND CUSTOM. 149 or other more than nominal.* The British Government of India always simplifies the tenure by consolidating the various assessments into one, thus making the rent nominally as welf'as really an arbitrary thing;, or at least a matter of specific agreement: but it scrupulously respects the right of the ryot to the land, though until the re- forms of the present generation (reforms j\vn now only partially carried into elluct) it seldom left him much more lhan a bare subsistence. In modern Europe the cultivators have gradually emerged from a state of personal slavery. The barbarian conquerors of the Western empire found that the easiest mode of ma- naging their conquests would be to leave the occupation of the land in the hands in which they found it, and to save themselves a labour so uncongenial as the superintendence of troops of slaves, by allowing the slaves to retainin a certain degree the control of their own actions, under an obligation to furnish the lord with provisions and labour. A common expedient was to assign to the serf, for his exclusive use, as much land as was thought sufficient for his support, and to make him work on the other lands of his lord whenever re- quired. By degrees these indefinite obligations were transformed into a definite one, of supplying a fixed quan- tity of provisions or a fixed quantity of labour : and as the lords, in time, be- came inclined to employ their income in the purchase of luxuries rather than in the maintenance of retainers, the payments in kind were commuted for payments in money. Each concession, at first voluntary and revocable at pleasure, gradually acquired the force of custom, and was at last recognised and enforced by the tribunals. In this manner the serfs progressively rose into a free tenantry, who held their land in perpetuity on fixed conditions. The conditions were sometimes very onerous, and the people very miserable. The ancient law books of the Hindoos mention in ?ome cases one-sixth, in others one-fourth of the produce, as a proper rent ; but there is no evidence that the rules laid down in those books were, t a-.y period of history, really acted upon. But their obligations were determined by the usage or law of the country, and not by competition. Where tne cultivators had never been, strictly speaking, in personal bondage, or after they had ceased to be so, the exigencies of a poor and little advanced society gave rise to another arrangement, which in some parts of Europe, even highly improved parts, has been found sufficiently advan- tageous to be continued to the present day. I speak of the metayer system. Under this, the land is divided, in small farms, among single families, the land- lord generally supplying the stock which the agricultural system of the country is considered to require, and receiving, in lieu of rent and profit, a fixed proportion of the produce. This proportion, which is generally paid in kind, is usually (as is implied in the words metayer, mezzaiuolo, and me- dietarius,) one-half. There are places, however, such as the rich volcanic soil of the province of Naples, where the landlord takes two-thirds, and yet the cultivator by means ol an excellent agriculture contrives to live. But whether the proportion is two-thirds or one-half, it is a fixed proportion ; not variable from farm to farm, or from tenant to tenant. The custom of the country is the universal rule ; nobody thinks of raising or lowering rents, or of letting land on other than the cus- tomary conditions. Competition, as a regulator of rent, has no existence, 3. Prices, whenever there was no monopoly, came earlier under tho influence of competition, and are much more universally subject to it, than rents: but that influence is by no means, even in the present activity of mercantile competition, so absolute as is sometimes assumed. There is no proposition which meets us in the field of political economy oftener than this that there cannot be two prices in the same market. Such undoubtedly is the natural eflect of unimpeded com- petition ; yet every one knows that there are, almost always, two prices in the same market. Not only are there in every large town, and in almost 150 uvery trade, cheap shops and dear shops, but the same shop often sells the same article at different prices to different customers : and, as a general rule, each retailer adapts his scale of prices to the class of customers whom he expects. The wholesale trade, in the great articles of commerce, is really under the dominion of competition. There, the buyers as well as sellers are traders or manufacturers, and their purchases are not influenced by indo- lence or vulgar finery, nor depend on the smaller motives of personal con- venience, but are business transactions. In the wholesale markets therefore it is true as a general proposition, that there are not two prices at one time for the same thing : there is at each time and place a market price, which can be quoted in a price-current. But re tail price, the price paid by the actual consumer, seems to feel very slowly and imperfectly the effect of Competition ; and when competition does exist, it often, instead of lowering prices, merely divides the gains of the high price among a greater number of dealers. Hence it is that, of the price paid by the consumer, so large a proportion is absorbed by the gains of retailers ; and any one who inquires into the amount Which reaches the hands of those who made the things he buys, will often be astonished at its smallness. When indeed the market, being that of a great city, holds out a sufficient induce- ment to large capitalists to engage in retail operations, it is generally found a better speculation to attract a large business by underselling others, than merely to divide the field of employ- ment with them. This influence of competition is making itself felt more .and more through the principal branches of retail trade in the large towns ; and the rapidity and cheapness of transport, by making consumers less dependent on the dealers in their immediate neighbourhood, are tending to assimilate more and more the whole country to a large town ; but hitherto it is only in the gi eat centres of business that retail transactions have been chiefly, or even much, determined by competition. Elsewhere it rather acts, BOOK II. CHAPTER IV. 3. when it acts at all, as an occasional disturbing influence ; the habitual re- gulator is Custom, modified from time to time by notions existing in the minds of purchasers and sellers, of some kind of equity or justice. In many trades the terms on which business is done are a matter of posi- tive arrangement among the trade, who use the means they always pos- sess of making the situation of any member of the body who departs from its fixed customs, inconvenient or dis- agreeable. It is well known that the bookselling trade was, until lately, one of these, and that notwithstanding the active spirit of rivalry in the trade, competition did not produce its natural effect in breaking down the trade rules. All professional remuneration is regu- lated by custom. The fees of physi- cians, surgeons, and barristers, the charges of attorneys, are nearly inva- riable. Not certainly for want of abundant competition in those profes- sions, but because the competition ope- rates by diminishing each competitor's chance of fees, not by lowering the fees themselves. Since custom stands its ground against competition to so considerable an extent, even where, from the multi- tude of competitors and the general energy in the pursuit of gain, the spirit of competition is strongest, we may bo sure that this is much more the case where people are content with smaller gains, and estimate their pecuniary interest at a lower rate when balanced against their ease or their pleasure. I believe it will often be found, in Con- tinental Europe, that pricesand charges, of some or of all sorts, are much higher in some places than in others not far distant, without its being possible to assign any other cause than that it has always been so : the customers are used to it, and acquiesce in it. An enterprising competitor, with sufficient capital, might force down the charges, and make his fortune during the pro- cess ; but there are no enterprising competitors ; those who have capital prefer to leave it where it is, or to make less profit by it in a more quiet way. SLAVERY. 151 These observations must be r as a general correction, to be applied whenever relevant, whether expressly mentioned or not, to the conclusions contained in the subsequent portions of this Treatise. Our reasonings must, in general, proceed as if the known Hiid natural effects of competition were sctually produced by it, in all cases in which it is not restrained by some positive obstacle. Where competition, though free to exist, does not exist, or where it exists, but has its natural consequences overruled by any other agency, the conclusions will fail more or less of being applicable. To escape error, we aught, in applying tho con- clusions of political economy to tha actual affairs of life, to consider not only what will happen supposing the maximum of competition, but how far the result will be affected if competi tion falls short of the maximum. The states of economical relation which stand first in order, to bo dis- cussed and appreciated, are those in which competition has no part, the arbiter of transactions being either brute force or established usage. These will be the subject of the next four chapters. CHAPTER V. OP SLAVERY. 1. AMONG the forms which so- ciety assumes under the influence of the institution of property, there are, as I have already remarked, two, otherwise of a widely dissimilar cha- racter, but resembling in this, that the ownership of the land, tho labour, and the capital, is in the same hands. One of these cases is that of slavery, the other is that of peasant proprietors. In the one, the landowner owns the labour, in the other the labourer owns the land. We begin with the first. In this system all the produce be- longs to the landlord. The food and other necessaries of his labourers are part of his expenses. The labourers possess nothing but what he thinks fit to give them, and until he thinks fit to take it back : and they work as hard as he chooses, or is able, to compel them. Their wretchedness is only limited by his humanity, or his pecu- niary interest. With the first conside- ration, we have on the present occa- sion nothing to do. What the second in so detestable a constitution of so- ciety may dictate, depends on the facilities for importing fresh slaves. If full-grown able-bodied slaves can be procured in sufficient numbers, aad imported at a moderate expense, self- interest will recommend working the slaves to death, and replacing them by importation, in preference to the slow and expensive process of breeding them. Nor are the slave-owners gene- rally backward in learning this lesson. It is notorious that such was the prac- tice in our slave colonies, while the slave trade was legal; and it is said to be so still in Cuba. When, as among the ancients, the slave-market could only be supplied by captives either taken in war, or kidnapped from thinly scattered tribes on the remote confines of the known world, it was generally more profitable to keep up the number by breeding, which necessitates a far better treat- ment of them ; and for this reason, joined with several others, the condi- tion of slaves, notwithstanding occa- sional enormities, was probably much less bad in the ancient world than in the colonies of modern nations. The Helots are usually cited as the type of the most hideous form of persona) slavery, but with how little truth, ap. pears from the fact that they were re- gularly armed (though not with the panoply of the hoplite) and formed an 152 BOOK II. integral part of the military strength of the State. They were doubtless an inferior and degraded caste, but their slavery seems to have been one of the least onerous varieties of serfdom. Slavery appears in far more frightful colours among the Romans, during the period in which the Roman aristocracy was gorging itself with the plunder of a newly conquered world. The Romans were a cruel people, and the worthless nobles sported with the lives of their myriads of slaves with the same reck- less prodigality with which they squan clered any other part of their ill-ac- quired possessions. Yet, slavery is divested of one of its worst features when it is compatible with hope : en- franchisement was easy and common : enfranchised slaves obtained at once the full rights of citizens, and instances were frequent cf their acquiring not only riches, but latterly even honours. By the progress of milder legislation under the Emperors, much of the pro- tection of law was thrown round the slave, he became capable of possessing property, and the evil altogether as- sumed a considerably gentler aspect. Until, however, slavery assumes the mitigated form of villenage, in which not only the slaves have property and legal rights, but their obligations are more or less limited by usage, and they partly labour for their own bene- fit ; tneir condition is seldom such as to produce a rapid growth either of population or of production. 2. So long as slave countries are nnderpeopled in proportion to their cultivable land, the labour of the slaves, under any tolerable manage- ment, produces much more than is eufficicnt for their support ; especially as the great amount of superintendence which their labour requires, preventing the dispersion of the population, en- sures some of the advantages of com- bined labour. Hence, in a good soil and climate, and with reasonable care of his own interests, the owner of many slaves has the means of being rich. The influence, however, of such a state of society on production, is perfectly well understood. It is a truism to CHAPTER V. 2. assert, that labour extorted by fear ofr punishment is inefficient and unpro- ductive. It is true that in some cir- cumstances, human beings can be driven by the lash to attempt, and even to accomplish, things which they would not have undertaken for any payment which it could have been worth while to an employer to ofl'cr them. And it is likely that productive operations which require much com- bination of labour, the production of sugar for example, would not have taken place so soon in the American colonies, if slavery had not existed tc keep masses of labour together. Then are also savage tribes so averse from regular industry, that industrial life is scarcely able to introduce itself among them until they are either conquered and made slaves of, or become con- querors and make others so. But after allowing the full value of these considerations, it remains certain that slavery is incompatible with any high state of the arts of life, and any great efficiency of labour. For all products which require much skill, slave coun- tries are usually dependent on fo- reigners. Hopeless slavery effectu- ally brutifies the intellect ; and intel- ligence in the slaves, though often encouraged in the ancient world and in the East, is in a more advanced state of society a source of so much danger and an object of so much dread to the masters, that in some of the States of America it is a highly penal offence to teach a slave to read. All processes carried on by slave labour are conducted in the rudest and most unimproved manner. And even the animal strength of the slave is, on an average, not half exerted. The unpro- ductiveness and wastefulness of the in- dustrial system in the Slave States is instructively displayed in the valuable writings of Mr. Olmsted. The mikk-st form of slavery is certainly the condi- tion of the serf, who is attached to the soil, supports himself from his allot- ment, and works a certain number of days in the week for his lord. Yet there is but one opinion on the ex- treme inefficiency of serf labour. The following passage is from Professor SLAVERY. 153 oones,* whose Essay on the Distribu- tion of Wealth (or rather on Rent), is a copious repertory of valuable facts on the landed tenures of different countries. " The Russians, or rather those German writers who have observed the manners and habits of Russia, state some strong facts on this point. Two ^Middlesex mowers, they say, will mow in a day as much grass as six Russian serfs, and in spite of the clearness of pro- visions in England and their cheapness in Russia, the mowing a quantity of bay which would cost an English farmer half a copeck, will cost a Hus- sion proprietor three or four copecks.f The Prussian counsellor of state, Jacob, is considered to have proved, that in Russia, where everything is cheap, the labour of a serf is doubly as expensive as that of a labourer in England. M. Schmalz gives a startling account of the unproductiveness of serf labour in Prussia, from his own knowledge and observation.! In Austria, it is dis- tinctly stated, that the labour of a serf is equal to only one-third of that of a free hired labourer. This calculation, made in an able work on agriculture (with some extracts from which I have been favoured), is applied to the prac- tical purpose of deciding on the number of labourers necessary to cul- tivate an estate of a given magnitude. So palpable, indeed, are the ill effects of labour rents on the industry of the agricultural population, that in Austria itself, where proposals of changes of any kind do not readily make their way, schemes and plans for the com- mutation of labour rents are as popular as in the more stirring German pro- vinces of the North. " What is wanting in the quality of the labour itself, is not made up by any excellence in the direction and * Etiay on the D'utribuiion of Wealth and on the Sources cf Taxation. By the Rev. Richard Jones. Page 50. t " Schmalz. Economie Politique, French translation, vol. i. p. G6." J Vol. ii. p. 107. The Hungarian revolutionary govern- ment, during its brief existence, bestowed on that country one of the greatest benefits it could receive, and one which the tyranny that succeeded has not dared to take away : superintendence. As the same writer* remarks, the landed proprietors " are necessarily, in their character of cul- tivators of their own domains, the only guides and directors of the in- dustry of the agricultural population," since there can bo no intermediate class of capitalist fanners where the labourers are the property of the lord. Great landowners are everywhere an idle class, or if they labour at all, addict themselves only to tho more exciting kinds of exertion ; that lion's share which superiors always reserve for themselves. " It would," as Mr. Jones observes, "be hopeless and irrational to expect, that a race of noble pro- prietors, fenced round with privileges and dignity, and attracted to military and political pursuits by the advan- tages and habits of their station, should ever become attentive cultivators as a body." Even in England, if the cul- tivation of every estate depended upon its proprietor, any one can judge what would be the result. There would be a few cases of great science and energy, and numerous individual instances of moderate success, but the general state of agriculture would be contemptible. 3. Whether the proprietors them- selves would lose by the emancipation of their slaves, is a different question from the comparative effectiveness of free and slave labour to the community. There has been much discussion of this question as an abstract thesis ; as if it could possibly admit of any uni- versal solution. Whether slavery or free labour is most profitable to the employer, depends on the wages of tha free labourer. These, again, depend on the numbers of the labouring popu- lation, compared with the capital and the land. Hired labour is generally so much more efficient than slave labour, that the employer can pay a considerably greater value in wages, than the maintenance of his slaves cost him before, and yet be a gainer it freed the peasantry from what remained of the bondage of serfdom, the labour rents ; decreeing compensation to the landlords at the expense of the state, and not at that of the liberated peasants. * Jones, pp. 53, 54, 154 BOOK II. CHAPTER V. 9. uy the change : but he cannot do this without limit. The decline of serfdom in Europe, and its extinction in the Western nations, were doubtless has- tened by the changes which the growth f population must have made in the pecuniary interests of the master. As population pressed harder upon the land, without any improvement in agriculture, the maintenance of the serfs necessarily became more costly, md their labour less valuable. With the rate of wages such as it is in Ire- land, or in England (where, in propor- tion to its efficiency, labour is quite as cheap as in Ireland), no one can for a moment imagine that slavery could be profitable. If the Irish peasantry were slaves, their masters would be as willing, as their landlords now are, to pay large sums merely to get rid of them. In the rich and underpeopled soil of the West India islands, there is just as little doubt that the balance of profits between free and slave labour was greatly on the side of slavery, and that the compensation granted to the slaveowners for its abolition was not more, perhaps even less, than an equi- valent for their loss. More needs not be said here on a cause so completely judged and decided as that of slavery. Its demerits are no longer a question requiring argu- ment ; though the temper of mind manifested by the larger part of the influential classes in Great Britain respecting the struggle now taking place in America, shows how grievously the feelings of the present generation of Englishmen, on this subject, have fallen behind the positive acts of the generation which preceded them. That \ae sons of the deliverers of the West Indian Negroes should see with com- placency, and encourage by their sym- pathies, the foundation of a great and powerful military commonwealth, pledged by its principles and driven by its strongest interests to be the armed propagator of slavery through every region of the earth into which its power can penetrate, discloses a men- tal state in the leading portion of our higher and middle classes, which it is melancholy to see, and will be a lasting blot in English history. Fortunately they have stopped short of actually aiding, otherwise than by words, the nefaiious enterprise to which they have not been ashamed of wishing success ; and it is now probable that at the ex- pense of the best blood of the Free States, but to their immeasurable ele- vation in mental and moral worth, the curse of slavery will be cast out from the great American republic, to find its last temporary refuge in Brazil and Cuba. No European country, except Spain alone, any longer participates in the enormity. Even serfage has now ceased to have a legal existence in Europe : Denmark has the honour of being the first Continental nation which imitated England in liberating its co- lonial slaves ; and the abolition of slavery was one of the earliest acts of the heroic and calumniated Provisional Government of France. The Dutch Government was not long behind, and its colonies and dependencies are now, I believe, without exception, free from actual slavery : though forced labour for the public authorities is still a re- cognised institution in Java, soon, wa may hope, to be exchanged for complete personal freedom. PEASANT PROPRIETORS. 155 CHAPTER VL OF PEASANT FP.'H'UIETOBS. 1. IN the regime of peasant pro- perties, as in that of slavery, the whole I.P dace belongs to a single owner, and tho distinction of rent, profit;*, and wages, does not exist. In all other respects, the two states of society are the extreme opposites of each other. The one is the state of greatest oppres- sion and degradation to the labouring class. The other is that in which they are the most uncontrolled arbiters of their own lot. The advantage, however, of small properties in land, is one of the most disputed questions in the range of poli- tical economy. On the Continent, though there are some dissentients from the prevailing opinion, the benefit of having a numerous proprietary po- pulation exists in the minds of most people in the form of an axiom. But English authorities are either unaware of the judgment of Continental agricul- turists, or are content to put it aside, on the plea of their having no experi- ence of large properties in favourable circumstances : the advantage of large properties being only felt where there are also large farms ; and as this, in arable districts, implies a greater accu- mulation of capital than usually exists on the Continent, the great Continental estates, except in the case of grazing farms, are mostly let out for cultivation in small portions. There is some truth in this ; but the argument admits of being retorted ; for if the Continent tnows little, by experience, of cultiva- tion on a large scale and by large capi- tal, the generality of English writers are no better acquainted practically with peasant proprietors, and have al- most always the most erroneous ideas of their social condition and mode of life. Yet the old traditions even of England are on the same side with the general opinion of the Continent. The " yeomanry" who were vaunted as the glory of England while they existed, and have been so much mourned over since they disappeared, were either small proprietors or small farmers, and if they were mostly the last, the cha- racter they bore for sturdy indepen- dence is the more noticeable. Thero is a part of England, unfortunately a very small part, where peasant proprie tors are s4ill common ; for such are the " statesmen" of Cumberland and West- moreland, though they pay, I believe, generally if not universally, certain customary dues, which, being fixed, no more affect their character of proprie- tors than the laud-tax does. There io but one voice, among those acquainted with the country, on the admirable ef- fects of this tenure of land in those counties. No other agricultural popu- lation in England could have furnished the originals of Wordsworth's pea- santry.* * In Mr. Wordsworth'g little descriptive work on the scenery of the Lakes, he speaks of the upper part of the dales as having been for centuries " a perfect republic of shep- herds and agriculturists, proprietors, for the most part, of the lands which they occupied and cultivated. The plough of each man was confined to the maintenance of his own family, or to the occasional accommodation of his neighbour. Two or three cows fur- nished each family with milk and cheese. The chapel was the only edifice that pre- sided over these dwellings, the supreme head of this pure commonwealth ; the members of which existed in the midst of a powerful empire, like an ideal society, or an organized community, whose constitution had been imposed and regulated by the mountains which protected it. Neither high-born nobleman, knight, nor esquire was here; but many of these humble sons of the hills had a consciousness that the land which they walked over and tilled had for more than five hundred years been possessed by men of their name and blood. . . . Corn was grown in these vales sufficient upon each estate to furnish bread for each family, no more. The storms and moisture of the climate induced them to sprinkle their up- land property with outhouses of native stone, as places of shelter for their sheep, where, in tempestuous weather, food was distributed to them. Every family spun from its own flock the wool with whicn it was clothed ; a BOOK n. CHAFPER VI. 2. The general system, however, of English cultivation, affording no expe- rience to render the nature and opera- tion of peasant properties familiar, and Englishmen being in general profoundly ignorant of the agricultural economy of other countries, the very idea of pea- sant proprietors is strange to the Eng- lish mind, and does not easily find access to it. Even the forms of lan- guage stand in the way: the familiar designation for owners of land being "landlords," a term to which " tenants" is always understood as a correlative. When, at the time of the famine, the suggestion of peasant properties as a means of Irish improvement found its way into parliamentary and newspaper discussions, there were writers of pre- tension to whom the word "proprietor" was so far from conveying any distinct idea, that they mistook the small hold- ings of Irish cottier tenants for peasant properties. The subject being so little understood, I think it important, before entering into the theory of it, to do something towards showing how the case stands as to matter of fact ; by exhibiting, at greater length than would otherwise be admissible, some of the testimony which exists respecting the state of cultivation, and the com- fort and happiness of the cultivators, in those countries and parts of countries, in which the greater part of the land has neither landlord nor farmer, other than the labourer who tills the soil. 2. I lay no stress on the condi- tion of North America, where, as is well known, the land, wherever free from the curse of slavery, is almost universally owned by the same person who holds the plough. A country combining the natural fertility of America with the knowledge and arts weaver was here and there found among them, and the rest of their wants was sup- plied by the produce of the yarn, which they larded and spun in their own houses, and rarried to market either under their arms, or more frequently on pack horses, a small train taking their way weekly down the ralley, or over the mountains, to the most commodious town." A Detcription of the Scenery of the Lake in the A'orth of England, 3rd edit, pp 50 to 53 and 63 to 65. of modern Europe, is so peculiarly circumstanced, that scarcely anything, except insecurity of property or a ty- rannical government, could materially impair the prosperity of the industrious classes. I might, with Sismondi, in- sist more strongly on the case of an- cient Italy, i especially Latiuin, that Campagna which then swarmed with inhabitants in the very regions which under a contrary regime have become uninhabitable from malaria. But I prefer taking the evidence of the same writer on things known to him by per- sonal observation. " It is especially Switzerland," says M. de Sismondi, " which should be tra- versed and studied to judge of the happiness of peasant proprietors. It is from Switzerland we learn that agriculture practised by the very per- sons who enjoy its fruits, suffices to procure great comfort for a very nu- merous population ; a great indepen- dence of character, arising from inde- pendence of position ; a great com- merce of consumption, the result of the easy circumstances of all the inhabi- tants, even in a country whose climate is rude, whose soil is but moderately fer- tile, and where late frosts and incon- stancy of seasons often blight the hopes of the cultivator. It is impossible to see without admiration those timber houses of the poorest peasant, so vast, so well closed in, so covered with carvings. In the interior, spacious corridors separate the different cham- bers of the numerous family ; each chamber has but one bed, which ia abundantly furnished with curtains, bedclothes, and the whitest linen ; carefully kept furniture surrounds it ; the wardrobes are filled with linen ; the daily is vast, well aired, and of exqui- site cleanness ; under the same roof is a great provision of corn, salt meat, cheese and wood; in the cow-honses are the finest and most carefully tended cattle in Europe ; the garden is planted with flowers, both men and women are cleanly and warmly clad, the wo- men preserve with pride their ancient costume ; all carry in their faces the impress of health and strength. Let other nations boast of their opulence, PEASANT PROPRIETORS. 197 Switzerland may always point with pride to her peasants."* The same eminent writer thus ex- presses his opinions on peasant pro- prietorship in general. " Wherever we find peasant proprie- tors, we also find the comfort, security, confidence in the future, and indepen- dence, which assure at once happiness and virtue. The peasant who with his children dues all the work of his little inheritance, who pars no rent to any one above him, nor wages to any one below, who regulates his produc- tion by his consumption, who eats his own corn, drinks his own wine, is clothed in his own hemp and wool, cares little for the prices of the mar- ket ; for he has little to sell and little to buy, and is never ruined by revul- sions of trade. Instead of fearing for the future, he sees it in the colours of hope ; for he employs every moment not required by the labours of the year, on something profitable to his chil- dren and to future generations. A few minutes' work suffices him to plant the seed which in a hundred years will be a large tree, to dig the channel which will conduct to him a spring of fresh water, to improve by cares often repeated, but stolen from odd times, all the species of animals and vegetables which surround him. His little patrimony is a true savings bank, always ready to receive all his little gains and utilize all his moments of leisure. The ever-acting power of na- ture returns them a hundred-fold. The peasant has a lively sense of the hap- piness attached to the condition of a proprietor. Accordingly he is always eager to buy land at any price. He pays more for it than its value, more perhaps than it will bring him in ; but is he not right in estimating highly the advantage of having always an advantageous investment for his labour, without underbidding in the wages- market of being always able to find bread, without the necessity of buying it at a scarcity price ? " The peasant proprietor is of all cultivators the one who gets most from the soil, for he is the one who thinks * Studiet in folitical Economy. Essay III. most of the future, and who has been most instructed by experience. He ia also the one who employs the human powers to most advantage, because dividing his occupations among all the members of his family, he reserves some for every day of the year, so that nobody is ever out of work. Of all cultivators he is the happiest, and at the same time the land nowhere occu- pies, and feeds amply without becom- ing exhausted, so many inhabitants as where they are proprietors. Finally, of all cultivators the peasant proprietor is the one who gives most encourage- ment to commerce and manufactures, because he is the richest."* This picture of unwearied assiduity, and what may be called affectionate interest in the land, is borne out in regard to the more intelligent Cantons of Switzerland by English observers. "In walking anywhere in the neigh- bourhood of Zurich,'' says Mr. Inglis, " in looking to the right or to the left, one is struck with the extraordinary industry of the inhabitants ; and if wo learn that a proprietor here has a re. turn of ten per cent, we are inclined to say, ' ho deserves it.' I speak at present of country labour, though I * And in another work (JVew Principlei of Folitical Economy, book iii. chap. 3) he says, " When we traverse nearly the whole of Switzerland, and several provinces of France, Italy, and Germany, we need never ask, in looking at any piece of land, if it belongs to a peasant proprietor or to a farmer. The. intelligent care, the enjoyments provided for the labourer, the adornment which the country has received from hU hands, are clear indications of the former. It is true an oppressive government may destroy the comfort and brutify the intelligence which should be the result of property; taxation may abstract the best produce of the fields, the insolence of government officers maj disturb the security of the peasant, the im- possibility of obtaining justice against a powerful neighbour may sow discourage- ment in his mind, and in the fine country which has been given back to the adminis- tration of the King of Sardinia, the pro- prirtor, equally with the day-labourer, wears th. livery of indigence." He was here speaking of Savoy, where the peasants were generally proprietors, and, according to au- thentic accounts, extremely miserable. But, as M. de Sismondi continues, " it is in vain to observe only one of the rules of political economy ; it cannot by itself suffice to pro. duce good ; but at least it diminishes evil." BOOK II. CHAPTER VI. 2. believe that in every kind of trade also, the people of Zurich are remark- able for their assiduity ; but in the industry they show in the cultivation f their land I may safely say they are unrivalled. When I used to open my casement between four and five in the morning to look out upon the lake and the distant Alps, I saw the labourer in the fields ; and when I re- turned from an evening walk, long after sunset, as late, perhaps, as half- past eight, there was the labourer, mowing his grass, or tying up his vines. ... It is impossible to look at a field, a garden, a nedging, scarcely even a tree, a flower, or a vegetable, without perceiving proofs of the ex- treme care and industry that are be- stowed upon the cultivation of the soil. If, for example, a path leads through or by the side of a field of grain, the corn is not, as in England, permitted to hang over the' path, exposed to be pulled or trodden down by every passer- by; it is everywhere bounded by a fence, stakes are placed at intervals of about a yard, and, about two or three feet from the ground, boughs of trees are passed longitudinally along. If you look into a field towards even- ing, where there are large beds of cauliflower or cabbage, you will find that every single plant has been watered. In the gardens, which around Zurich are extremely large, the most punctilious care is evinced in every production that grows. The vege- tables are planted with seemingly mathematical accuracy ; not a single weed is to be seen, not a single stone. Plants are not earthed up as with us, but are planted in a small hollow, into each of which a little manure is put, and each plant is watered daily. Where seeds are sown, the earth directly above is broken into the finest powder ; every shrub, every flower is tied to a stake, and where there is wall-fruit, a trellice is erected against the wall, to which the boughs arc fastened, and there is not a single thing that has not its appropriate rest- ing place."* * Stdtzerland, tJit South of France, and the Pyrenet* in 1830. By H. D.Inglls. Vol. i. ch. 2. Of one of the remote valleys of the High Alps the same writer thus ex- presses himself:* " In the whole of the Engadine the land belongs to the peasantry, who, like the inhabitants of every other place where this state of things exist, vary greatly in the extent of their pos- sessions. . . . Generally speaking, an Engadine peasant lives entirely upon the produce of his land, with the ex- ception of the few articles of foreign growth required in his family, such as coffee, sugar, and wine. Flax is grown, prepared, spun, and woven, without ever leaving his house. He has alsr. his own wool, which is converted into a blue coat without passing through the hands of either the dyer or the tailor. The country is incapable of greater cultivation than it has received. All has been done for it that industry and an extreme love of gain can de- vise. There is not a foot of waste land in the Engadine, the lowest part of which is not much lower than the top of Snowdon. Wherever grass will grow, there it is ; wherever a rock will bear a blade, verdure is seen upon it ; wherever an ear of 3 rye will ripen, there it is to be found. Barley and oats have also their appropriate spots ; and wherever it is possible to ripen a little patch of wheat, the cultivation of it is attempted. In no country in Europe will be found so few poor as in the Engadine. In the village of Suss, which contains about six hun- dred inhabitants, there is not a single individual who has not wherewithal to live comfortably, not a single indi- vidual who is indebted to others for one morsel that he eats." Notwithstanding the general prospe- rity of the Swiss peasantry, this total absence of pauperism, and (it may al- most be said) of poverty, cannot be predicated of the whole country; the largest and richest canton, that of Berne, being an example of the con trary ; for although, in the parts of it which are occupied by peasant prtv prietors, their industry is as remark- able and their ease and comfort as con- spicuous as elsewhere, the canton il * Ibid. cb. 8 and 10. PEASANT PROPRIETORS. 159 btirthened with a numerous pauper population, through the operation of the worst regulated system of poor-law administration in Europe, except that of England before the new Poor Law.* Nor is Switzerland in some other re- spects a favourable example of all that peasant properties might effect. There exists a series of statistical accounts of the Swiss cantons, drawn up mostly with great care and intelligence, con- taining detailed information, of tole- rably recent date, respecting the con- dition of the land and of the people. From these, the subdivision appears to be often so minute, that it can hardly be supposed not to be excessive : and the indebtedness of the proprietors in the flourishing canton of Zurich "borders,' 1 as the writer expresses it, "on the incredible;" so that "only the intensest industry, frugality, tem- perance, and complete freedom of com- merce enable them to stand their ground. ''f Yet the general conclusion deducible from these books is that since the beginning of the century, and con- currently with the subdivision of many great estates whieh belonged to nobles or to the cantonal governments, there has been a striking and rapid improve- ment in almost every department of agriculture, as well as in the houses, the habits, and the food of the people. The writer of the account of Thiirgau goes so far as to say, that since the * There have been considerable changes in the Poor Law administration and legisla- tion of the Canton of Berne since the sen- tence in the text was written. But I am not sufficiently acquainted with the nature ando peration of these changes, to speak more particularly of them here. t Historical, Geographical, and Statistical Picture qf Switzerland. 1'art I. Canton of Zurich. By Gerold Meyer Von Knonau, 1S34, pp. 80-1 . There are villages in Zurich, he adds, in which there is not a single pro- perty unmortgaged. It does not, however, follow that each individual proprietor is deeply involved because the aggregate mass of incumbrances is large. In the Canton of Schaffhausen, for instance, it is stated that the landed properties are almost all mort- gaged, but rarely for more than one-half their registered value (Part XIL Canton ffSdiaffhautfn, by Edward Im-Thurn, 1840, p. 52), and the mortgages are often for the improvement and enlargement of the estate. (Part XVII. Canton of Thiirgau, by J. A. Pupikofer, 1837, p. 209.) subdivision of tha feudal estates into peasant properties, it is not uncommon for a third or a fourth part of an estate to produce as much grain, and support as many head of cattle, as the whole estate did before.* 3. One of the countries in which peasant proprietors are of oldest date, and most numerous in proportion to the population, is Norway. Of the social and economical condition of that country an interesting account has been given by Mr. Laing. His testi- mony in favour of small landed prcv perties both there and elsewhere, is given with great decision. I shall quote a few passages. " If small proprietors are not good farmers, it is not from the same cause here which we are told makes them so in Scotland indolence and want of ex- ertion. The extent to which irrigation is carried on in these glens and valleys shows a spirit of exertion and co- operation " (I request particular atten- tion to this point), "to which the latter can show nothing similar. Hay being the principal winter support of live stock, and both it and corn, as well as potatoes, liable, from the shallow soil and powerful reflection of sunshine from the rocks, to be burnt and withered up, the greatest exertions are made to bring water from the head of each glen, along such a level as will give the command of it to each farmer at the head of his fields. This is done by leading it in wooden troughs (the half of a tree roughly scooped) from the highest perennial stream among the hills, through woods, across ravines, along the rocky, often perpendicular, sides of the glens, and from this main trough giving a lateral one to each farmer in passing the head of his farm. He distributes this supply by moveable troughs among his fields ; and at this season waters each rig successively with scoops like those used by bleachers in watering cloth, laying his trough between every two ngs. One would not believe, without seeing it, how very large an extent of land is tra- versed expeditiously by these artificial Thiirgau, p. 72. BOOK II. CHAPTER VI. 3. suowcrs. Tho extent of the main troughs is very great. In one glen I walked ten miles, and found it troughcd on both sides : on one, the chain is con- tinued down the main valley for forty miles.* Those may be bad farmers who do such things ; but they are not indolent, nor ignorant of the principle of working in concert, and keeping up establishments for common benefit. They are undoubtedly, in these respects, far in advance of any community of cottars in our Highland glens. They feel as proprietors, who receive the ad- vantage of their own exertions. ^ The excellent state of the roads and bridges is another proof that the country is in- habited by people who have a common interest to keep them under repair. There are no tolls."t On the effects of peasant proprietor- ship on the Continent generally, the same writer expresses himself as fol- " If we listen to the large farmer, the scientific agriculturist, the " [English] " political economist, good farming must perish with large farms ; the very idea that good farming can exist, unless on large farms cultivated with great capital, they hold to be _ absurd. Draining, manuring, economical ar- rangement, cleaning the land, regular * Reichensperper (The Land Question) quoted by Mr. Kay (Social Condition and Educatinn of fhe People in England and Europe,) observes, " that the parts of Europe where the most extensive and costly plans for watering the meadows and lands have been carried out in the greatest perfection, are those whore the lands are very much subdivided, and are in the hands of small proprietors. He instances the plain round Valencia, several of the southern depart- ments of France, particularly those of Vau- cluse and Bouches du Rhone, Lombardy, Tuscany, the districts of Sienna, Lucca, and Bergamo, Piedmont, many parts of Germany, &c., in all which parts of Europe the land is very much subdivided among small proprie- tors. In all these parts great and expensive systems and plans of general irrigation have been carried out , and are nowbeing supported, by the small proprietors themselves ; thus ihowing how they are able to accomplish, by means of combination, work requiring the expenditure of great quantities of capi- tal." A'uy, i. 126. t Laing, Journal of a Residence in Nortcay, Dp. 36, 37. t Kotet of a Traveller, pp. 299 ct soqq. rotations, valuable stock and impla ments, all belong exclusively to large farms, worked by large capital, and by hired labour. This reads very well; but if we raise our eyes from their books to their fields, and coolly compare what we see in the best districts farmed in large 1'arms, with what we see in the best districts farmed in small farms, we see, and there is no blinking the fact, better crops on the ground in Flanders, East Friesland, Holstein, in short, on the whole line of the arable land of equal quality on the Continent, from the Sound to Calais, than we see on the line of British coast opposite to this line, and in the same latitudes, from the Frith of Forth all round to Dover. Minute labour on small portions of arable ground gives evidently, in equal soils and climate, a superior productiveness, where these small portions belong in property, as in Flanders, Holland, Friesland, and Ditmarsch in Holstein, to the farmer. It is not pretended by our agricultural writers, that our large farmers, even in Berwickshire, Roxburghshire, or the Lothians, approach to the garden-like cultivation, attention to manures, drain- age, and clean state of the land, or in productiveness from a small space of soil not originally rich, which distin- guish the small farmers of Flanders, or their system. In the best farmed parish in Scotland or England, more land is wasted in the corners and borders of the fields of large farms, in the roads through them, unnecessarily wide be- cause they are bad, and bad because they are wide, in neglected commons, waste spots, useless belts and clumps of sorry trees, and such unproductive areas, than would maintain the poor of the parish, if they were all laid to- gether and cultivated. But large capital applied to farming is of course only applied to the very best of the soils of a country. It cannot touch the sma il unproductive spots which require more time and labour to fertilize them than is consistent with a quick return of capital. But although hired time and labour cannot be applied beneficially t o such cultivation, the owner's own time and labour may. He is working for PEASANT 1'RO'rRrtTORS. 161 no higher terms at fir.-;t from his land than a bare living. But in the course of generations fertility and value are produced ; a better living, and even very improved processes of husbandry, arc attained. Furrow draining, stall feeding all summer, liquid manures, are universal in the husbandry of the small farms of Flanders, Lombardy, Switzer- land. Our most improving districts under large farms are but beginning to adopt them. Dairy husbandry even, and the manufacture of the largest cheeses by the co-operation of many small farmers,* the mutual assurance of property against fire and hail-storms, by the co-operation of small farmers the most scientific and expensive of all agricultural operations in modern times, the manufacture of beet-root sugar the supply of the European markets with flax and hemp, by the hus- bandry of small farmers the abund- ance of legumes, fruits, poultry, in the usual diet even of the lowest classes abroad, and the total want of such variety at the tables even of our middle classes, and this variety and abundance * The manner in which the Swiss peasants combine to carry on cheesemaking by their united capital deserves to be noted. " Each parish in Switzerland hires a man, generally from the district of Gruyere in the canton of Freyburg, to take care of the herd, and make the cheese. One cheeseman, one pressman or assistant, and one cowherd, are considered necessary for every forty cows. The owners of the cows get credit each of them, in a book daily, for the quantity of milk given by each cow. The cheeseman and his assistants milk the cows, put the milk all together, and make cheese of it, and at the end of the season each owner receives the weight of cheese propor- tionable to the quantity of milk his cows have delivered. By this co-operative plan, instead of the small-sized unmarketable cheeses only, which each could produce out of his three or four cows' milk, he has the same weight in large marketable cheese superior in quality, because made by people who attend to no other business. The cheeseman and his as- sistants are paid so much per head of the cows, in money or in cheese, or sometimes they hire the cows, and pay the owners in money or cheese." Ifotet of a Traveller, p. 861. A similar system exists in the French Jura. See, for full details, Lavergne, Mural Economy of France, 2nd ed., pp. 139 et seqq. One of the most remarkable points in this Interesting case of combination of labour, is the confidence which it supposes, and which experience must justify iu the integrity of tJe persons employe! KB. essentially connected with the has- bandry of small fanners all these are features in the occupation of a country by small proprietor-farmers, which must make the inquirer pause before he admits the dogma of our land doctors at home, that large farms worked by hired labour and great capital can alone bring out the greatest produc- tiveness of the soil and furnish the greatest supply of the necessaries and conveniences of life to the inhabitants of a country." 4. Among the many flourishing regions of Germany in which peasant properties prevail, I select the Palati- nate, for the advantage of quoting, from an English source, the results of recent personal observation of its agri- culture and its people. Mr. Howitt, a writer whose habit it is to see all English objects and English socialities on their brightest side, and who, in treating of the Rhenish peasantry, certainly does not underrate the rude- ness of their implements, and the in- feriority of their ploughing, neverthe- less shows that under the invigorating influence of the feelings of proprietor- ship, they make up for the imperfec- tions of their apparatus by the inten- sity of their application. " The peasant harrows and clears his land till it is in the nicest order, and it is admirable to see the crops which he obtains."* "The peasants f are the great and ever-present objects of country life. They are the great population of tha country, because they themselves are the possessors. This country is, in fact, for the most part, in the hands of the people. It is parcelled out among the multitude The peasants are not, as with us, for the most part, totally cut off from property in the soil they cultivate, totally dependent on the labour afforded by others they are themselves the proprietors. It is, perhaps, from this cause that they are probably the most industrious pea- santry in the world. They laboiu busily, early and late, because they Rural and Dotmtio Lift of Germa.iv, p. 27. t Ibid. p. 40. M 162 BOOK II. feel that they are labouring for thern- eclvcs The German peasants work hard, but they have no actual want. Every man lias his house, his orchard, his roadside trees, commonly BO heavy with fruit, that he is obliged to prop and secure them all ways, or they would be torn to pieces. lie has his corn-plot, his plot for mangel- wurzel, for hemp, and so on. He is his own master ; and he, and every member of his family, have the strongest motives to labour. You see the effect of this in that unremitting diligence which is beyond that of the whole world besides, and his economy, which is still greater. The Germans, indeed, are not so active and lively as the English. You never see them in a bustle, or as though they meant to knock off a vast deal in a little time. . . . They are, on the contrary, slow, but for ever doing. They plod on from day to day, and year to year the most patient, untirable, and persever- ing of animals. The English peasant is so cut off from the idea of property, that he comes habitually to look upon it as a thing from which he is warned by the laws cf the large proprietors, and becomes, in consequence, spirit- less, purposeless The German bauer, on the contrary, looks on the country as made for him and his fellow-men. He feels himself a man; he has a stake in the country, as good as that of the bulk of his neighbours ; no man can threaten him with ejec- tion, or the workhouse, so long as he is active and economical. He walks, therefore, with a bold stop ; he looks you in the face with the air of a free man, but of a respectful one." Of their industry, the same writer thus further speaks : " There is not an hour of the year in which they do not find unceasing occupation. In the depth of winter, when the weather permits them by any means to get out of doors, they are always finding some- thing to do. They carry out their manure to their lands while the frost in in them. If there is not frost, they are busy cleaning ditches and felling old fruit trees, or such as do not bear well. Such of them as are too poor to Cli AFTER VI. 3. lay in a sufficient stock of wood, find plenty of work in ascending into the mountainous woods, and bringing thence fuel. It would astonish the English common people to see the in- tense labour with which the Germans earn their firewood. In the depth of frost and snow, go into any of their hills and woods, and there you find them hacking up stumps, cutting off branches, and gathering, by all means which the official wood-police will allow, boughs, stakes, and pieces of wood, which they convey home with the most incredible toil and patience."* After a description of their careful and laborious vineyard culture, he con- tinues, t " In England, with its great quantity of grass lands, and its large farms, so soon as the grain is in, and the fields are shut up for hay grass, the country seems in a comparative state of rest and quiet. But here they are everywhere, and for ever, hoeing and mowing, planting and cutting, weed- ing and gathering. They have a succession of crops like a market- gardener. They have their carrots, poppies, hemp, flax, saintfoin, lucerne, rape, colewort, cabbage, rotabaga, black turnips, Swedish and white tur- nips, teazles, Jerusalem artichokes, mangel-wurzel, parsnips, kidney-beans, field-beans and peas, vetches, Indian corn, buckwheat, madder for the manu- facturer, potatoes, their great crop of tobacco, millet all, or the greater part, under the family management, in their own family allotments. They have had these things first to sow, many of them to transplant, to hoe, to weed, to clear off insects, to top ; many of them to mow and gather in successive crops. They have their water-meadows, of which kind almost all their meadows are, to flood, to mow, and reflood ; watercourses to reopen and to maka anew ; their early fruits to gather, to bring to market with their green crops of vegetables ; their cattle, sheep, calves, foals, most of them prisoners, and poultry to look after ; their vines, as they shoot rampantly in the sum- * Sural and Domeitic I4fe qf Germany* p. 44. + Tbid. o. 60. PEASANT PROPRIETORS. 161 mer hc.it, to prune, and thin out tho leaves when they are too thick : and any one may imagine what a scene of incessant labour it is." This interesting sketch, to the general truth of which any observant traveller in that highly cultivated and populous region can bear witness, accords with the more elaborate de- lineation by a distinguished inhabitant, Professor Rau, in his little treatise " On the Agriculture of the Palati- nate."* Dr. Rau bears testimony not only to the industry, but to the skill ind intelligence of the peasantry; their judicious employment of manures, and excellent rotation of crops ; the progressive improvement of their agri- culture for generations past, and the spirit of further improvement which is still active. " The indefatigableness of the country people, who may be seen in activity all the day and all the year, and are never idle, because they make a good distribution of their labours, and find for every interval of time a suitable occupation, is as well known as their zeal is praiseworthy in turning to use every circumstance which pre- sents itself, in seizing upon every use- ful novelty which offers, and even in searching out new and advantageous methods. One easily perceives that the peasant of this district has reflected much on his occupation : he can give reasons for his modes of proceeding, even if those reasons are not always tenable ; he is as exact an observer of proportions as it is possible to be from memory, without the aid of figures : he attends to such general signs of the times as appear to augur him either benefit or harm."f The experience of all other parts of Germany is similar. " In Saxony," pays Mr. Kay, " it is a notorious fact, that during the last thirty years, and since the peasants became the pro- prietors of the land, there has been a rapid and continual improvement in the condition of the houses, in the manner of living, in the dress of the peasants, * On the Agriculture of the Palatinate, and particularly in the territory of Heidelberg. By Dr. Karl Heinrich Rau. Heidelberg, 1830. t Rau, pp. 19, 16. and particularly in tho culture of the land. I have twice walked through that part of Saxony called Saxon Switzer- land, in company with a German guid^ and on purpose to see the state of tha villages and of the farming, and I can safely challenge contradiction when I affirm that there is no farming in all Europe superior to the laboriously care- ful cultivation of tho valleys of that part of Saxony. There, as in the can- tons of Berne, Vaud, and Zurich, and in the Rhine provinces, the farms are singularly flourishing. They are kept in beautiful condition, and are always neat and well managed. The ground is cleared as if it were a garden. No hedges or brushwood encumber it. Scarcely a rush or thistle or a bit of rank grass is to be seen. The meadows are well watered every spring with liquid manure, saved from the drain- ings of the farm yards. The grass is so free from weeds that the Saxon meadows reminded me more of English lawns than of anything else I had seen. The peasants endeavour to outstrip one another in the quantity and quality of the produce, in the preparation of the giound, and in the general cultivation of their respective portions. All the little proprietors are eager to find out how to farm so as to produce the greatest results ; they diligently seek after im- provements ; they send their children to the agricultural schools in order to fit them to assist their fathers ; and each proprietor soon adopts a new im- provement introduced by any of his neighbours."* If this be not over- stated, it denotes a state of intelligence very different not only from that of English labourers but of English farmers. Mr. Kay's book, published in 1850, contains a mass of evidence gathered from observation and inquiries in many different parts of Europe, together with attestations from many distinguished writers, to the beneficial effects of pea- * The Social Condition and Education of the People in England and Europe; thoving the Iteult of the Primary School*, and of the division of Landed Property in Foreign Countriei, By Joseph Kay, Esq., M. A. Bar- rister-at-Law, and late Travelling Bachelor of the University of Cambridge. Vol. i. pp. 16* BOOK H. CHAPTER VI. 5. earn pioperties. Among the testimonies which he cites respecting their effect on agriculture, I select the following. " Edchensperger, himself an inhabi- tant of that part of Prussia where theland is the most subdivided, has published a long and very elaborate work to show the admirable consequences of a system of freeholds in land. He expresses a very decided opinion that not only are the gross products of any given number of acres held and cultivated by small or peasant proprietors, greater tban the gross products of an equal number of acres held by a few great proprietors, and cultivated by tenant farmers, but that the net products of the former, after deducting all the expenses of cultivation, are also greater than the net products of the latter. ... He mentions one fact which seems to prove that the fertility of the land in countries where the properties are small, must be rapidly increasing. He says that the price of the land which is divided into email properties in the Prussian Rhine provinces, is much higher, and has been rising much more rapidly, than the price of land on the great estates. He and Professor Eau both say that this rise in the price of the small estates would have ruined the more recent purchasers, unless the productiveness of the small estates had increased in at least an equal proportion ; and as the small proprietors have been gradually becoming more and more prosperous notwithstanding the increasing prices they have paid for their land, he argues, with apparent justness, that this would eeem to show that not only the gross profits of the small estates, but the njt profits also, have been gradually in- creasing, and that the net profits per acre, of land, when farmed by small proprietors, are greater than the net profits per acre of land farmed by a great proprietor. He says, with seem- ing truth, that the increasing price of land in the small estates cannot be the mere effect of competition, or it would have diminished the profits and the prosperity of the small proprietors, and that this result has not followed the rise. " Albrecht TLaer, another celebrated German writer on the difTeient systems of agriculture, in one of his later works (Principles of Rational Agriculture) expresses his decided conviction, that the net produce of land is greater when farmed by small proprietors than when farmed by great proprietors or their tenants. . . . This opinion of Thaer is all the more remarkable, as, during the early part of his life, he was verj strongly in favour of the English systeir of great estates and great farms." Mr. Kay adds, from his own observa- tion, " The peasant farming of Prussia, Saxony, Holland, and Switzerland is the most perfect and economical farm ing I have ever witnessed in any country."* 5. But the most decisive example in opposition to the English prejudice against cultivation by peasant pro- prietors, is the case of Belgium. The soil is originally one of the worst in Europe. " The provinces," says Mr. M'Culloch,t "of West and East Flanders, and Hainault, form a far- stretching plain, of which the luxuriant vegetation indicates the indefatigable care and labour bestowed upon its cul- tivation ; for the natural soil consists almost wholly of barren sand, and its great fertility is entirely the result of very skilful management and judicious application of various manures.' ' There exists a carefully prepared and compre- hensive treatise on Flemish Husbandry, in the Farmer's Series of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. The writer observes,! that the Flemish agriculturists " seem to want nothing but a space to work upon : whatever be the quality or texture of the soil, in time they will make it produce some thing. The sand in the Campine can be compared to nothing but the sands on the sea-shore, which they probably were originally. It is highly interest- ing to follow step by step the progress of improvement. Here you see a cot- tage and rude cow-shed erected on a spot of the most unpromising aspect. The loose white sand blown into irre- Kay, 1. 116-8. t Geographical Dictionary, art. " Belgium," J Pp. 11-14. PEASANT PROPRIETORS. 165 gular mounds is only kept together by the roots of the heath : a small spot only is levelled and surrounded by a ditch: part of this is covered with young broom, part is planted with po- tatoes, and perhaps a small patch of diminutive clover may show itself:" but manures, botli solid and liquid, are col- lecting, " and this is the nucleus from which, in a few years, a little farm will spread around. ... If there is no manure at hand, the only thing that can be sown, on pure sand, at first, is broom : this grows in the most barren soils ; in three years it is fit to cut, and produces some return in fagots for the bakers and brickraakers. The leaves which have fallen have somewhat en- riched the soil, and the fibres of the roots have given a certain degree of compactness. It may now be ploughed and sown with buckwheat, or even with rye without manure. By the time this is reaped, some manure may have been collected, and a regular course of crop- ping may begin. As soon as clover and potatoes enable the farmer to keep cows and make manure, the improvement goes on rapidly ; in a few years the soil undergoes a complete change : it be- comes mellow and retentive of moisture, and enriched by the vegetable matter afforded by the decomposition of the roots of clover and other plants. . . . After the land has been gradually brought into a good state, and is culti- vated in a regular manner, there ap- pears much less difference between the soils which have been originally good, and those which have been made so by labour and industry. At least the crops in both appear more nearly alike at harvest, than is the case in soils of different qualities in other countries. This is a great proof of the excellency of the Flemish system ; for it shows that the land is in a constant state of improvement, and that the deficiency of the soil is compensated by greater attention to tillage and manuring, especially the latter." The people who labour thus intensely, because labouring for themselves, have practised for centuries those principles of rotation of crops and economy of manures, wl ich in England are counted among modern discoveries : and even now the superiority of their agriculture, as a whole, to that of England, is ad- mitted by competent judges. "The cultivation of a poor light soil, or a moderate soil," says the writer last quoted,* "is generally superior in Flanders to that of the most improved farms of the same kind in Britain. \Ve surpass the Flemish farmer greatly in capital, in varied implements of tillage, in the choice and breeding of cattle and sheep," (though, according to the same authority ,f they are much " before us in the feeding of their cows,") " and the British fanner is in general a man of superior education to the Flemish peasant. But in the minute attention to the qualities of the soil, in the ma- nagement and application of manures of different kinds, in the judirions suc- cession of crops, and espccia.ly in the economy of land, so that every part of it shall be in a constant state of pro- duction, we have still something to learn from the Flemings," and not from an instructed and enterprising Fleming hero and there, but from the general practice. Much of the most highly cultivated part of the country consists of peasant properties, managed by the proprietors, always either wholly or partly by spade industry 4 "When the land is culti- vated entirely by the spade, and no horses are kept, a cow is kept for every three acres of land, and entirely fed on artificial grasses and roots. This mode of cultivation is principally adopted in the Waes district, where properties are very small. All the labour is done by the different members of the family;" children soon beginning "to assist in various minute operations, according to their age and strength, such as weed- ing, hoeing, feeding the cows. If they can raise rye and wheat enough to make their bread, and potatoes, tur- nips, carrots, and clover, for the cows, they do well ; and the produce of the sale of their rape-seed, tneir flax, their hemp, and their butter, after deducting the expense of manure purchased, whicu Flenith Huilandry, p. 3, t Ibid. p. 13. J Ibid., pp. 73 et seq. 166 BOOK II. CHAPTER VI. 5. 5s always considerable, gives them a very good profit. Suppose the whole extent of the land to be six acres, which is not an uncommon occupation, and which one man can manage;" then (after describing the cultivation), " if a man with his wife and three young children are considered as equal to three and a half grown up men, the fa- mily will require thirty-nine bushels of grain, forty-nine bushels of potatoes, a fat hog, and the butter and milk of one cow : an acre and a half of land will produce the grain and potatoes, and allow some corn to finish the fattening of the hog, which has the extra butter- milk : another acre in clover, carrots, and potatoes, together with the stubble turnips, will more than feed the cow ; consequently two and a half acres of land is sufficient to feed this family, and the produce of the other three and a half may be sold to pay the rent or the interest of purchase-money, wear and tear of implements, extra manure, and clothes for the family. But these acres are the most profitable on the farm, for the hemp, flax, and colza are included ; and by having another acre in clover and roots, a second cow can be kept, and its produce sold. We have, therefore, a solution of the prob- lem, how a family can live and thrive on six acres of moderate land." After showing by calculation that this extent of land can be cultivated in the most perfect manner by the family without any aid from hired labour, the writer continues, " In a farm of ten acres en- tirely cultivated by the spade, the addi- tion of a man and a woman to the members of the family will render all the operations more easy ; and with a horse and cart to carry out the manure, and bring home the produce, and occa- sionally draw the harrows, fifteen acres may be veiy well cultivated. . . . Thus it will be seen," (this is the result of some pages of details and calculations,*) " that by spade husbandry, an industri- ous man with a small capital, occupying only fifteen acres of good light land, may not only live and bring up a fa- mily, paying a 'good rent, but may accu- mulate a considerable sum in the course * Flemith Husbandry, p. 81. of his life. 1 ' But the indefatigable in dustry by which he accomplishes this, and of which so large a portion is ex- pended not in the mere cultivation, but in the improvement, for a distant re- turn, of the Boil itself has that indus- try no connexion with not paving rent? Could it exist, without presupposing, at least, a virtually permanent tenure ? As to their mode of living, "the Flemish farmers and labourers live much more economically than the same class in England: they seldom eat meat, except on Sundays and in har- vest: buttermilk and potatoes with brown bread is their daily food." It is on this kind of evidence that English travellers, as they hurry through Eu- rope, pronounce the peasantry of every Continental country poor and miserable, its agricultural and social system a failure, and the English the only regime under which labourers are well off. It is, truly enough, the only regime under which labourers, whether well off or not, never attempt to be better. So little are English labourers accustomed to consider it possible that a labourer should not spend all he earns, that they habitually mistake the signs of eco- nomy for those of poverty. Observe the true interpretation of the pheno- mena. " Accordingly they are gradually acquiring capital, and their great am- bition is to have land of their own. They eagerly seize every opportunity of purchasing a small farm, and the price is so raised by competition, that land pays little more than two per cent interest for the purchase money. Large Sroperties gradually disappear, and are ivided into small portions, which sell at a high rate. But the wealth and industry of the population is continually increasing, being rather diffused through the masses than accumulated in indi- viduals." 'With facts like these, known and accessible, it is not a little surprising to find the case of Flanders referred to not in recommendation of peasant pro- perties, but as a warning against them ; on no better ground than a presumptive excess of population, inferred from the distress which existed among the pea- PEASANT PROPRIETORS. 167 Bantry of Brabant and East Flanders in the disastrous year 1846 47. The evidence which I have cited from a writer conversant with the subject, and having no economical theory to sup- <>\vs that the distress, whatever may have been its severity, arose from no insufficiency in these little properties to supply abun lantly, in any ordinary circumstances, the wants of all whom they have to maintain. It arose from the essential condition to which those are subject who employ land of their own in growing their own food, namely, that the vicissitudes of the seasons must be borne by themselves, and can- not, as in the case of large farmers, be shifted from them to the consumer. When we remember the season of 1846, a partial failure of all kinds of grain, and an almost total one of the potato, it is no wonder that in so unusual a calamity the produce of six acres, half of them sown with flax, hemp, or oil seeds, should fall short of a year's pro- vision for a family. But we are not to contrast the distressed Flemish peasant with an English capitalist who farms several hundred acres of land. If the peasant were an Englishman, he would not be that capitalist, but a day-la- bourer under a capitalist. And is there no distress, in times of dearth, among day-labourers ? "Was there none, that year, in countries where small proprie- tors and small fanners are unknown ? I am aware of no reason for believing that the distress was greater in Bel- gium, than corresponds to the propor- tional extent of the failure of crops compared with other countries.* 6. The evidence of the beneficial operation of peasant properties in the Channel Islands is of so decisive a cha- racter, that I cannot help adding to the numerous citations already made, * As much of the distress latelycomplalned of in Belgium, as partakes in any degree of a permanent character, appears to be almost confined to the portion of the population who carry on manufacturing labour, either by itself or in conjunction with agricultural ; and to be occasioned by a diminished demand for Belgic manufactures. To the preceding testimonies respecting Germany, Switzerland, and Belgium, may part of a description of the economical condition of those islands, by a writer who combines personal observation with an attentive study of the informa- tion afforded by others. Mr. William Thornton, in his "Plea for Peasant Proprietors," a book which by the ex- cellence both of its materials and of its execution, deserves to be regarded as the standard work on that side of the question, speaks of the island of Guern- sey in the following terms : " Not even in England is nearly so large a quan- tity of produce sent to market from a tract of such limited extent. This of itself might prove that the cultivators must be far removed above poverty, for being absolute owners of all the pro- duce raised by them, they of course sell only what they do not themselves re- quire. But the satisfactoriness of their condition is apparent to every observer. 'The happiest community,' says Mr. Hill, ' which it has ever been my lot to fall in with, is to be found in this little island of Guernsey." ' No matter,' says Sir George Head, 'to what point the traveller may choose to bend his way, comfort everywhere prevails.' What most surprises the English vi- sitor in his first walk or drive beyond the bounds of St. Peter's Port, is the appearance of the habitations with which the landscape is thickly studded. Many of them are such as in his own country would belong to persons of middle rank ; but he is puzzled to guess what sort of people live in the others, which, though in general not large enough for farmers, are almost invari- ably much too good in every respect for day labourers Literally, in the whole island, with the exception of a few fishermen's huts, there is not one so mean as to be likened to the ordinary habitation of an English farm labourer. 'Look,' says a late Bailiff of be added the following from Niebuhr, re specting the Roman Campagna. In a letter from Tivoli, he says, " Wherever you find hereditary farmers, or Email proprietors, there you also find industry and honesty. I believe that a man who would employ a large fortune in establishing small freeholds might put an end to robbery in the mountain districts." Life and Letttrt of Niebuhr, tol. ii.p. 149. 168 BOOK II. CHAPTER VI. 7. Guernsey, Mr. De L'Isle Brock, 'at the hovels of the English, and compare them with the cottages of our pea- santry.' .... Beggars are utterly un- known Pauperism, able-bodied pauperism at least, is nearly as rare as mendicancy. The Savings Banks ac- counts also bear witness to the general abundance enjoyed by the labouring classes of Guernsey. In the year 1841, there were in England, out of a popu- lation of nearly fifteen millions, less than 700,000 depositors, or one in every twenty persons, and the average amount of the deposits was 301. In Guernsey, in the same year, out of a population of 2fi,000 the number of de- positors was 1920, and the average amount of the deposits 40?."* The evidence as to Jersey and Aldemey is of a similar character. Of the efficiency and productiveness of agriculture on the small properties of the Channel Islands, Mr. Thornton produces ample evidence, the result of which he sums up as follows : " Thus it appears that in the two principal Channel Islands, the agricultural popu- lation is, in the one twice, and in the other, three times, as dense as in Bri- tain, there being in the latter country only one cultivator to twenty-two acres of cultivated land, while in Jersey there is one to eleven, and in Guernsey one to seven acres. Yet the agriculture of these islands maintains, besides culti- vators, non-agricultural populations, respectively four and five times as dense as that of Britain. This differ- ence does not arise from any superi- ority of soil or climate possessed by the Channel Islands, for the former is na- turally rather poor, and the latter is not better than in the southern coun- ties of England. It is owing entirely to the assiduous care of the farmers, and to the abundant use of manure."f " In the year 1837," he says in another place,! " the average yield of wheat in the large farms of England was only twenty-one bushels, and the highest average for any one county was no more than twenty-six bushels. The * A Plea for Peasant Proprietor. By William Thomas Thornton, pp. 99104. t Ibid. p. 38. J Ibid. p. 0. highest average since claimed for the whole of England, is thirty bushels In Jersey, where the average size of farms is only sixteen acres, the average produce of wheat per acre was stated by Inglis in 1834 to be thidy-six bushels ; but it is proved by official tables to have been forty bushels in the five years ending with 1833. In Guernsey, where larms are still smaller, four quarters per acre, ac- cording to Inglis, is considered a pood, but still a very common crop." "Thirty shillings* an acre would be thought in England a veiy fair rent for middling land ; but in the Channel Islands, it is only very inferior land that would not let for at least 4Z." 7. It is from France, that im- pressions unfavourable to peasant pro- perties are generally drawn ; it is in Erance that the system is so often as- serted to have brought forth its fruit in the most wretched possible agricul- ture, and to be rapidly reducing, if not to have already reduced, the peasantry, by subdivision of land, to the verge of starvation. It is difficult to account for the general prevalence of impres- sions so much the reverse of truth. The agriculture of France was wretched, and the peasantry in great indigence, before the Devolution. At that time they were not, so universally as at present, landed proprietors. There were, however, considerable districts of France where the land, even then, waa to a great extent the property of the peasantry, and among these were many of the most conspicuous excep- tions to the general bad agriculture and to the general poverty. An au- thority, on this point, not to be dis- puted, is Arthur Young, the inveterate enemy of small farms, the coryphaeus of the modern English school of agri- culturists ; who yet, travelling over nearly the whole of France in 1787, 1788, and 1789, when he finds remark- able excellence of cultivation, never hesitates to ascribe it to peasant pro- perty. " Leaving Sauve," says he.-f A Plea for Peasant Proprietor!, p. 32. t Arthur Young's Tnirelg in Franoe, vol. i. p. 10. ANT PROPRIETORS. 169 'I was much struck with a large tract of land, seemingly nothing but huge rocks; yet most of it enclosed an 1 planted with the most industrious attention. Every man has an olive, a mulherry, an almond, or a peach tree, mill vines scattered among them ; so that the whole ground is covered with the oddest mixture of these plants and buLing rocks, that can he conceived. The inhabitants of this village deserve encouragement for their industry ; and if I were a French minister they should have it. They would soon turn all the deserts around them into gardens. Such a knot of active husbandmen, who turn their rocks into scenes of fertility, because I suppose their cncn, would do the same by the wastes, if animated by the same omnipotent principle." Again:* " Walk to 15os- Bendal," (near Dunkirk) " where M. le Brun has an improvement on the Dunes, which he very obligingly showed me. Between the town and that place is a great number of neat little houses, built each with its garden, and one or two fields enclosed, of most wretched blowing dune sand, naturally as white as snow, but improved by industry. The magic of property turns sand to gold." And again :f "Going out of Uange, I was surprised to find by far the greatest exertion in irrigation which I had yet seen in France ; and then passed by some steep mountains, highly cultivated in terraces. Much watering at St. Lawrence. The scenery very interesting to a farmer. From Gange, to tho mountain of rough ground which I crossed, ths ride has been the most interesting which I have taken in France ; the efforts of in-- dustry the most vigorous ; the anima- tion the most lively. An activity has been here, that has swept away all difficulties before it, and has clothed the very rocks with verdure. It would be a disgrace to common sense to ask the cause ; the enjoyment of property mi'st have done it. Give a man the secure possession of a bleak rock, and he will turn it into a garden ; give him Arthur Young's Tr:v*'t in France, vol. i. p. 88. t IbiJ.p. 61. a nine years lease of a gaiden, and he will convert it into a desert.'' In his description of the country at the foot of the Western Pyrenees, he speaks no longer from surmise, but from knowledge. " Take* the road to Moneng, and come presently to a scene which was so new to me in France, that I could hardly believe my own eyes. A succession of many well- built, tight, and comfortable fanning cottages built of stone and covered with tiles ; each having its little gar- den, enclosed by clipt thorn-hedge?, with plenty of peach and other fruit- trees, some fine oaks scattered in the hedges, and young trees nursed up with so much care, that nothing but the fostering attention of the owner could effect anything like it. To every house belongs a farm, per- fectly well enclosed, with grass bor- ders mown and neatly kept around the corn-fields, with gates to pass from one enclosure to another. There are some parts of England (where small yeomen still remain) that re- semble this country of Beam ; but we have very little that is equal to what I have seen in this ride of twelve miles from Pau to Moneng. It is all in the hands of little proprietors, with- out the farms being so small as to occasion a vicious and miserable popu- lation. An air of neatness, warmth, and comfort breathes over the whole. It is visible in their new-built houses and stables ; in their little gardens ; in their hedges; in the courts before their doors ; even in the coops for their poultry, and the sties for their hogs. A peasant does not think of rendering his pig comfortable, if his own happi- ness hang by the thread of a nine years' lease. We are now in Be"arn, within a few miles of the cradle of Henry IV. Do they inherit these blessings from that good prince ? The benignant genius of that good monarch seems to reign still over the country , each peasant has the foid in the pot." He frequently notices the excellence of the agriculture of French Flanders, where the farms " are all small, and * Arthur Young's Tratels in francg, vol. I. 170 BOOK II. CHAPTER VI. 7. much in the hands of little proprietors."* In the Pays de Caux, also a country of email properties, the agriculture was miserable ; of which his explanation was, that it " is a manufacturing country, and fanning is but a secon- dary pursuit to the cotton fabric, which spreads over the whole of it."f The same district is still a scat of manu- factures, and a country of small pro- prietors, and is now, whether we judge from the appearance of the crops or from the official returns, one of the best cultivated in France. In " Flan- ders, Alsace, and part of Artois, as well as on the banks of the Garonne, France possesses a husbandry equal to our own.":): Those countries, and a considerable part of Quercy, " are cul- tivated more like gardens than farms. Perhaps they are too much like gar- dens, from the smallness of properties. " In those districts the admirable rota- tion of crops, so long practised in Italy, but at that time generally neglected in France, was already universal. " The rapid succession of crops, the harvest of one being but the signal of sowing immediately for a second," (the same fact which strikes all observers in the valley of the Ehine,) " can scarcely be carried to greater perfec- tion : and this is a point, perhaps, of all others the most essential to good husbandry, when such crops are so justly distributed as we generally find them in these provinces ; cleaning and ameliorating ones being made the preparation for such as foul and ex- haust." It must not, however, be supposed that Arthur i'oung's testimony on the subject of peasant properties is uni- formly favourable. In Lorraine, Cham- pagne, and elsewhere, he finds the agriculture bad, and the small pro- prietors very miserable, in consequence, as he says, of the extreme subdivision of the land. His opinion is thus summed m> :|| " Before I travelled, I conceived that small farms, in property, were very susceptible of good cultivation ; and that the occupier of such, having * Young, pp. 3224. t Ibid. p. 325. t Ibid. vol. i. p. 357. Ibid. p. 3d. U Ibid. p. 412. no rent to pay, might be sufficiently at his ease to work improvements, and carry on a vigorous husbandry; but what I have seen in France, has greatly lessoned my good opinion of them. In Flanders, I saw excellent husbandry on properties of 30 to 100 acres ; but we seldom find here such small patches of property as arc common in other provinces. In Alt-ace, and on the Garonne, that is, on soils of such exuberant fertility as to demand no exertions, some small properties also are well cultivated. In Beam, I passed through a region of little fanners, whose appearance, neatness, ease, and happiness charmed me ; it was what property alone could, on a small scale, effect ; but these were by no means contemptibly small ; they are, as I judged by the distance from house to house, from 40 to 80 acres. Except these, and a very few other instances, I saw nothing respectable on small properties, except a most unremitting industry. Indeed, it is necessary to impress on the reader's mind, that though the husbandry I met with, in a great variety of instances on little properties, was as bad as can be well conceived, yet the industry of the pos- sessors was so conspicuous, and so meritorious, that no commendations would be too great for it. It was sufficient to prove that property in land is, of all others, the most active instigator to severe and incessant labour. And this truth is of such force and extent, that I know no way so sure of carrying tillage to a moun- tain top, as by permitting the adjoin- ing villagers to acquire it in property ; in fact, we see that in the mountains of Languecloc, &c., they -have con- veyed earth in baskets, on their backs, to form a soil where nature had denied it." The experience, therefore, of this celebrated agriculturist, and apostle of the grande culture, may be said to be, that the effect of small properties, cul- tivated by peasant proprietors, is ad- mirable when they are not too small: so small, namely, as not fully to occupy the time and attention of the family ; for he uft;n complains, with great PEASANT PROPlUi: . 171 apparent reason, of the quantity of idle time which the peasantry had on their hands when the lanil was in very small portions, notwithstanding the ardour with which they toiled to improve their little patrimony, in every way wbicktheir knowledge or ingenuity could suggest. He recommends, ac- cordingly, that a limit of subdivision should be fixed by law ; and this is by no means an indefensible proposi- tion in countries, if such there are, where division, having already gone farther than the state of capital and the nature of the staple articles of cul- tivation render advisable, still con- tinues progressive. That each peasant should have a patch of land, even in full property, if it is not sufficient to Bupport him in comfort, is a system wkh all the disadvantages, and scarcely any of the benefits, of small properties; since he must either live ir. indigence on the produce of his land, or d ["nd as habitually as if he had no landed possessions, on the wages of hired labour: which, besides, if all the hold- ings surrounding him are of similar dimensions, he has little prospect of finding. The benefits of peasant pro- perties are conditional on th'-ir not being too much subdivided; that is, on their not being required to main- tain too many persons, in proportion to the produce that can be raised from them by those persons. The question resolves itself, like most questions re- specting the condition of the labouring classes, into one of population. Are small properties a stimulus to undue multiplication, or a check to it ? CHAPTER VII. CONTINUATION OF THE SAME CUBJECT. 1. BEFORE examining the influ- ence of peasant properties on the ulti- mate economical interests of the labouring class, as determined by the increase of population, let us note the points respecting the moral and social influence of that territorial arrange- ment, which may be looked upon as established, either by the reason of the case, or by the facts and authorities cited in the preceding chapter. The reader new to the subject must have been struck with the powerful impression made upon all the wit- nesses to whom I have referred, by what a Swiss statistical writer calls the " almost superhuman industry'' of peasant proprietors.* On this point, at least, authorities are unanimous. Those who have seen only one country of peasant properties, always think the inhabitants of that country the most industrious in the world. There is as little doubt among observers, with The Canton SchaffJiausen (before quoted), what feature in the condition of the peasantry this pre-eminent industry is connected. It is " the magic of pro- perty," which, in the words of Arthur Young, " turns sand into gold." The idea of property does not, however, necessarily imply that there should be no rent, any more than that there should be no taxes. It merely implies that the rent should he a fixed charge, not liable to be raised against the pos- sessor by his own improvements, or by the will of a landlord. A tenant at a quit-rent is, to all intents and purposes, a proprietor ; a copyholder is not less so than a freeholder. What is wanted is permanent possession on fixed terms. " Give a man the secure possession of a bleak rock, and he will turn it into a garden ; give him a nine years' lease of a garden, and he will convert it into a desert." The details which have been cited, and those, still more minute, to b found in the same authorities, con- cerning the habitually elaborate BVB- 172 COOK II. CHAPTER VII. 2. tern of cultivation, and the thousand devices of the peasant proprietor for making every superfluous hour and odd moment instrumental to some in- crease in the future produce and value of the land, will explain what has heen said in a previous chapter* respecting the far larger gross produce which, with anything like parity of agricul- tural knowledge, is obtained, from the same quality of soil, on small farms, at least when they are the property of the cultivator. The treatise on "Flem- ish Husbandly" is especially instruc- tive respecting the means by which untiring industry docs more than out- weigh inferiority of resources, imper- fection of implements, and ignorance of scientific theories. The peasant cultivation of Flanders and Italy is affirmed to produce heavier crops, in equal circumstances of soil, than the best cultivated districts of Scotland and England. It produces them, no doubt, with an amount of labour whick, if paid for by an employer, would make the cost to him more than equivalent to the benefit ; but to the peasant it is not cost, it is the devotion of time which he can spare, to a fa- vourite pursuit, if we should not rather say a ruling passion.f * Supra, Book i. ch. ix. 4. t Read the graphic description by the his- torian Michelet, of the feelings of a peasant proprietor towards his land. "If we would know the inmost thought, the passion, of the French peasant, it is very easy. Let us walk out on Sunday into the country and follow him. Behold him yonder, walking in front of us. It is two o'clock ; his wife is at vespers ; he has on his Sunday clothes; I perceive that he is going to visit his mistress. " What mistress ? His land. " I do not say he goes straight to it. No, he is free to-day, and may either go or not. Does he not go every day in the week ? Accord- ingly, he turns aside, he goes another way, he has business elsewhere. And yet he goes. " It is true, he was passing close by ; it was an opportunity. He looks, but apparently he will not go in ; what for? And yet he enters. "At least it is probable that he will not work ; he is in his Sunday dress : he has a clean shirt and blouse. Still, there is no harm in plucking up this weed and throwing out that stone. There is a stump, too, which is in the way ; but he has not his tools with him, he will do it to-morrow. " Then he folds his arms and gazes, serious We have seen, too, that it is not solely by superior exertion that the Flemish cultivators succeed in ob- taining these brilliant results. The same motive which gives such inten- sity to their industry, placed them earlier in possession of an amount of agricultural knowledge not attained until much later in countries whore agriculture was carried on solely by hired labour. An equally high testi- mony is borne by M. de Lavergne* to the agricultural skill of the small proprietors, in those parts of France to which the petite culture is really suitable. " In the rich plains of Flanders, on the banks of the llhine, the Garonne, the Charente, the llhone, all the practices which fertilize the land and increase the productiveness of labour are known to the very smallest cultivators, and practised by them, however considerable may be the- advances which they require. In their hands, abundant manures, collected at great cost, repair and incessantly in- crease the fertility of the soil, in spite of the activity of cultivation. The races of cattle are superior, the crops magnificent. Tobacco, flax, colza, madder, beetroot, in some places ; in others, the vine, the olive, the plum, the mulberry, only yield their abun- dant treasures to a population of in- dustrious labourers. Is it not also to the petite culture that we are indebted for most of the garden produce ob- tained by dint of great outlay in the neighbourhood of Paris ?" 2. Another aspect of peasant properties, in which it is essential that they should be considered, is that of an instrument of popular education. Books and schooling are absolutely necessary to education ; but not all- sufficient. The mental faculties will and careful. He gives a long, a very long look, and seems lost in thought. At last, if he thinks himself observed, if he sees a passer- by, he moves slowly away. Thirty paces off he stops, turns round, and casts on his land a last look, sombre and profound, but to those who can see it, the look is full of passion, of heart, of devotion." The People, by J. Michelet, Part i. ch. 1. * Eesay on the literal Economy of England Scotland, and Ireland, 3rd cd. p. 127. PEASANT PROPRIETORS. 173 be most developed where they are most exercised ; and what gives more exer- cise to them than the having a multi- tude of interests, none of which can be neglected, and which can bo pro- vided for only by varied efforts of will and intelligence ? Some of the dis- paragers of small properties lay great stress on the cares and anxieties which beset the peasant proprietor of the Rhineland or Flanders. It is precisely those cares and anxieties which tend to make him a superior being to an English day-labourer. It is, to be sure, rather abusing the privileges of fair argument to represent the condition of a day-labourer as not an anxious one. I can conceive no circumstances in which he is free from anxiety, where there is a possibility of being out of employment ; unless he has access to a profuse dispensation of parish pay, and no shame or reluctance in de- manding it. The day-labourer has, in the existing state of society and popu- lation, many of the anxieties which have not an invigorating effect on the mind, and none of those which have. The position of the peasant proprietor of Flanders is the reverse. From the anxiety which chills and paralyses the uncertainty of having food to eat few persons are more exempt: it requires as rare a concurrence of cir- cumstances as the potato failure com- bined with, an universal bad harvest, to bring him within reach of that danger. His anxieties are the ordinary vicissi- tudes of more and less ; his cares are that he takes his fair share of the business of life ; that he is a free human being, and not perpetually a child, which seems to be the approved condition of the labouring classes ac- cording to the prevailing philanthropy. He is no longer a being of a different order from the middle classes ; he has pursuits and objects like those which occupy them, and give to their intel- lects the greatest part of such cultiva- tion as they receive. If there is a first principle in intellectual education, it is this that the discipline which does good to the mind is that in which the mind is active, not that in which it is passive. The secret for develop- ing the faculties is to give them much to do, and much inducement to do it. This detracts nothing from the impor- tance, and even necessity, of other kinds of mental cultivation. The pos- session of property will not prevent the peasant from being coarse, selfish, and narrow-minded. These things depend on other influences, and other kinds ol instruction. But this great stimulus to one kind of mental activity, in no way impedes any other means of in- tellectual development. On the con- trary, by cultivating the habit of turning to practical use every frag- ment of knowledge acquired, it helps to render that schooling and reading fruitful, which without some such aux- iliary influence are in too many cases like seed thrown on a rock. 3. It is not on the intelligence alone that the situation of a peasant proprietor exercises an improving in- fluence. It is no less propitious to the moral virtues of prudence, temperance, and self-control. Day-labourers, where the labouring class mainly consists of them, are usually improvident ; they spend carelessly to the full extent of their means .and let the future shift for itself. This is so notorious, that many persons strongly interested in the welfare of the labouring classes, hold it as a fixed opinion that an in- crease of wages would do them little good, unless accompanied by at least a corresponding improvement in their tastes and habits. The tendency of peasant proprietors, and of those who hope to become proprietors, is to tho contrary extreme ; to take even too much thought for the morrow. They are oftener accused of penuriousness than of prodigality. They deny them- selves reasonable indulgences, and live wretchedly in order to economize. In Switzerland almost everybody saves, who has any means of saving ; the case of the flemish fanners has been already noticed : among the French, though a pleasure-loving and reputed to be a self-indulgent people, the spirit of thrift is diffused through the rural population in a manner most gratifying aa a whole, and which in individual 174 BOOK II. CHAPTER VII. 4. instances errs rather on the side of ex- cess than defect. Among those who, from the hovels in which they live, and the herbs and roots which constitute their diet, are mistaken by travellers for proofs and specimens of general indigence, there are numbers who have hoards in leathern bags, consisting of sums in five-franc pieces, which they keep by them perhaps for a whole gene- ration, unless brought out to be expen- ded in their mostcherished gratification the purchase of land. If there is a moral inconvenience attached to a state of society in which the peasantry have land, it is the danger of their being too careful of their pecuniary concerns ; of its making them crafty, and "calculating'' in the objectionable sense. The French peasant is no simple countryman, no downright "peasant of the Danube:"* both in fact and in fiction he is now "the crafty peasant." That is the stage which he has reached in the progres- sive development which the constitu- tion of things has imposed on human intelligence and human emancipation. But some excess in this direction is a small and a passing evil compared with recklessness and improvidence in the labouring classes, and a cheap price to pay for the inestimable worth of the virtue of self-dependence, as the gene- ral characteristic of a people : a virtue which is one of the first conditions of excellence in a human character the stock on which if the other virtues are not grafted, they have seldom any firm root ; a quality indispensable in the case of a labouring class, even to any tolerable degree of physical comfort ; and by which the peasantry of France, and of most European countries of peasant proprietors, are distinguished beyond any other labouring population. 4. Is it likely, that a state of eco- nomical relations so conducive to fru- gality and prudence in every other respect, should be prejudicial to it in the cardinal point of increase of popu- lation ? That it is so, is the opinion expressed by most of those English political economists who have written anything about the matter. Mr. *8e the celebrated fable of La Fontaine. M'Culloch's opinion is well known. Mr. Jones affirms,* that a "peasant population, raising their own wages from the soil, and consuming them in kind, are universally acted upon very feebly by internal checks, or by mo- tives disposing them to restraint. The consequence is, that unless some ex- ternal cause, quite independent of their will, forces such peasant cultivators to slacken their rate of increase, they will, in a limited territory, very rapidly approach a state of want and penury, and will be stopped at last only by the physical impossibility of procuring subsistence." He elsewhere f speaks of such a peasantry as " exactly in the condition in which the animal dis- position to increase their numbers is checked by the fewest of those ba- lancing motives and desires which regulate the increase of superior ranks or more civilized people.'' The "causes of this peculiarity" Mr. Jones promised to point out in a sub- sequent work, which never made its appearance. I am totally unable to conjecture from what theory of human nature, and of the motives which in- fluence human conduct, he would have derived them. Arthur Young assumes the same "peculiarity" as a fact; but, though not much in the habit of qualifying his opinions, he does not push his doctrine to so violent an extreme as Mr. Jones ; having, as we have seen, himself testified to various instances in which peasant populations, such as Mr. Jones speaks of, were not tending to "a state of want and penury," and were in no danger what- ever of coming in contact with " phy- sical impossibility of procuring sub- sistence." That there should be discrepancy of experience on this matter, is easily to be accounted for. Whether the labour- ing people live by land or by wages, they have always hitherto multiplied up to the limit set by their habitual standard of comfort. When that standard was low, not exceeding a scanty subsistence, the size of pro. perties, as well as the rate of wages, * Essay on tJie Distribution qf Wealffk, p. 146. t Ibid. p. 68. PEASANT PROPRIETORS. 178 lias been kept down to what would barely support life. Extremely low ideas of what is necessary _for sub- sistence, are perfectly compatible with peasant properties ; and if a people nave always been used to poverty, and habit has reconciled them to it, there will be over-population, and ex- cessive subdivision of land. But this is not to the purpose. The true ques- tion is, supposing a peasantry to pos- >d not insufficient but sufficient for their comfortable support, are they more, or less, likely to fall from this state of comfort through improvident multiplication, than if they were living in an equally comfortable manner as hived labourers? All a priori con- siderations are in favour of their being less likely. The dependence of wages on population is a matter of specu- lation and discussion. That wages would fall if population were much in- civ;u"d is often a matter of real doubt, and always a thing which requires some exercise of the thinking faculty for its intelligent recognition. B'it every peasant can satisfy himself from evidence which he can fully appre- ciate, whether his piece of land can be made to support several families in the same comfort in which it supports one. Few people like to leave to their children a worse lot in life than their ov.n. The parent who has land to leave, is perfectly able to judge whether the. children can live upon it or not : but people who are supported by wages, see no reason why their sons should be unable to support themselves in the same way, and trust accordingly to chance. " In even the most useful and necessary arts and manufactures," says Mr. Laing,* " the demand for labourers is not a seen, known, steady, and appreciable demand : but it is so in husbandry," under small properties. "The labour to be done, the subsist- ence that labour will produce out of his portion of laud, are seen and known elements in a man's calculation upon his means of subsistence. Can his square of land, or can it not, subsist a family? Can he marry or not? are questions which every man can answer without delay, doubt, or speculation. Ifotet cor( u n g to Rohrer) . England 1811-21 ,, 1821-31 Ji 2-92 2-40 1-78 1-60 1-30 1-54 1-37 1-27 1-23 1-30 1-15 1-13 1-08 0-83 0-63 ) 0-55 au da Austria, (Rohrer) N. etherlaiuls Scotland Saxony . Baden . . . 1821-31 . . 1821-28 . . 1821-31 . . 1815-30 1820-30 (Heuni* Naples . France . and more rece But the nu itl ml . . 1814-24 1817-27 (Mathieu Y (Morsau de Jonnds er given by More 178 It CHAPTER VII. 4. rate of annual increase of the popula- tions of various countries, that of France, from 1817 to 1827, is stated at T^nr P cr cen ^> *hat of England during a similar decennial period being 1 T 6 7 annually, and that of the United States nearly 3. According to the official returns as analyzed by M. Legoyt,* the increaae of the population, which from 1801 to 1806 was at the rate of 1*28 per cent annually, averaged only 0-47 per cent from 1806 to 1831 ; from 1831 to 1836 it averaged 0'60 per cent; from 1836 to 1841, 0'41 per cent, and from 1841 to 1846, 0'68 per Jonno?, he adds, is not entitled to implicit .confidence. The following table given by M. Q,ue- tolet (On Man and the Development of hit Faeultiet, vol. i. ch. 7), also on the au- thority of Rau, contains additional matter, .and differs in some items from the preced- ing, probably from the author's having 'taken, in those cases, an average of dif- ferent years : Per cent. Ireland 2'45 Hungary 2'40 Spain 1'66 England 1-65 Rhenish Prussia . . . . 1*33 \ Austria 1'30 Bavaria 1'08 Netherlands 0'94 Naples 0-83 France 0'63 e'weden , 0'58 0'45 cent.f At the censns of 1851 the rate of annual increase shown was only 1'08 per cent in the five years, or 0'21 annually; and at the census of 1856 only 0'71 per cent in fire years, or 0'14 annually; so, that, in the words of M. de Lavergne, " popu- lation has almost ceased to increase in France "| Even this slow increase is wholly the effect of a diminution of deaths ; the number of births not in- creasing at all, while the proportion of the births to the population is con- stantly diminishing. This slow growth of the numbers of the people, while ceding year 1846, is summed up in the fol- lowing table : . M> III! s| JSS > *S *! o Per cent. Per cent. Sweden 0-83 1-14 1-36 1-30 Denmark . . , . 0-95 0-61 : 85 0-90 1-84 1-18 Saxony 1-45 0-90 Hanover .... 0-85 071 Wurtemberg . . . olo'l 1-00 Holland 0-90 1-03 Belgium .... 076 Sardinia . , . . 1 : 08 Great Britain (ex- ' elusive of Ireland) ] 1'95 1-00 0-68 0-50 United States . . 3-27 A very ci. rref I 1 ' ly P re P are(1 statement, by M. Legoyt, . in . * he ^"f z . del -^ono- mitte, for May I.** 7 ' wmch bnn S s U P the result* for France I-** tfae censu of the P re ' * Jo **r**l let Economittes for March and May 1847. t M Leeovt is of opinio n **** ** le population was understated in 1841. and the inereasa between that time and 18 '* eonsequently overstated, and that the real increase during the whole period was someth.'?S iatwmediate between the last two averages, or not much f^Tournal de Economittet fo y February 1847. In the Journal for January 1865, M. T i i. .:...,_ snmf* e numb ^ re riightly altered, and, I presume, corrected. The is 1-28 0-3J 0-69, O'0, 0-41, 0-68, .0-22, and 0'20. The last census, " ' ' reaction, the percentage, independently of the newly acquired ries o that of departments, being 0'32. 5 tn Ifm ! 1839 to 84S lOOy tO lO4d 1844 & 1845 965,444, 972,993, 970,617 -~*t 983,D<3, ing 1 in m. of the population, 1 in 34'00 ,, ,, 1 in 34-39 1 in 35"27 1 or.=Q 1 m 35'58 , In the last two years th births, according to M. Legoyt, were swelled by the effects of considerable immigration. " This diminution of births "he observes, vjlethere is aco,,- rtan though not a rapid increase both of population and of marriages, can only be attributed to ?he process of prudence and forethought in families It was a foreseen consequence of our civil and social institutions, which, producing a class who are landed proprietors are not easily ascertained with preci- sion, being of course extremely vari- able : but the mere labourers, who derived no direct benefit from the changes in landed property which took place at the Revolution, have unques- tionably much improved in condition since that period.* Dr. Rau testifies both landed and moveable, call forth in our people the instincts of conservation and of comfort." In four departments, nmong which are two of the most thriving in Nor- mandy, the deaths even then exceeded the births. The census of 1856 exhibits the re- markable fact of a positive diminution in the population of 54 out of the 86 departments. A significant comment on the pauper- warren theory. See M. do Lavergne's analysis of the returns. * " The classes of our population which have only wages, and are therefore the most exposed to indigence, are now (1846) much better provided with the necessaries of food, lodging, and clothing, than they were at the beginning of the century. This may be proved by the testimony of all persons who can remember the earlier of the two periods compared. Were there any doubts on the subject, they might easily be dissipated by consulting old cultivators and workmen, as I have myself done in various localities, with- out meeting with a single contrary testimony; we may also appeal to the facts collected by an accurate observer, M. Villerme, in his Picture of the Moral and Physical Condition of the Working Classes* book ii. ch. 1." (Researches on the Causes of Indigence, by A. Cle'ment, pp. 84-5.) The same writer speaks (p. 118) of " the considerable rise which has taken place since 1789 in the wages of agri- cultural day-labourers;" and adds the fol- lowing evidence of a higher standard of habitual requirements, even in that portion of the town population, the state of which is usually represented as most deplorable. ' In the last fifteen or twenty years a con- siderable change has taken place in the habits of the operatives in our manufacturing towns : they now expend'much more than for- merly on clothing and ornament. . . . Certain classes of workpeople, such as the canufs of Lyons," (according to all representations, like theircounterpart, our handloom weavers, the very worst paid class of artizans,) " no longer show themselves, as they did formerly, covered with filthy rags." (Page 164.) The preceding statements were given in former editions of this work, being the best to which I had at the time access ; but evi- dence, both of a more recent, and of a more minute and precise character, will now be to n similar fact in the case of another country in which the subdivision of the land is probably excessiye, the Palatinate.* I am not aware of a single authentic instance which supports the assertion that rapid multiplication is promoted by peasant properties. Instances may undoubtedly be cited of its not being prevented by them, and one of the principal of these is Belgium ; th prospects of which, in respect to popu- lation, are at present a matter of con- found in the important work of M. Leone de Lavergne, Mural Economy of France sine* 1789. According to that painstaking, well* informed, and most impartial enquirer, the average daily wages of a French labourer have risen, since the commencement of the Revolution, in the ratio of 19 to 30, while, owing to the more constant employment, the total earnings have increased in a still greater ratio, not short of double. The following are the statements of M. de Lavergne (2nd ed. p. 57) : " Arthur Young estimates at 19 sous \9\d. ] the average of a day's wages, which must now be about 1 franc 50 centimes f_l. Sd.~], and this increase only represents a part of the improvement. Though the rural popu- lation has remained about the same in num- bers, the addition made to the population since 1789 having centred in the towns, the number of actual working diiyshas increased, first because, the duration of life having augmented, the number of able-bodied men is greater, and next, because labour is better organized, partly through the suppression of several festival-holidays, partly by the mere effect of a more active demand. When we take into account the increased number of his working days, the annual receipts of the rural workman must have doubled. This augmentation of wages answers to at least an equal augmentation of comforts, since the prices of the chief necessaries of life have changed but little, and those of manufac- tured, for example of woven, articles, have materially diminished. The lodging of the labourers has also improved, if not in all, at least in most of our provinces." M. de Lavergne's estimate of the average amount of a day's wages is grounded on a careful comparison, in this and all other economical points of view, of all the different provinces of France. * In his little book on the Agriculture of the Palatinate, already cited. He says that the daily wages of labour, which during tha last years of the war were unusually high, and so continued until 1817, afterwards sank to a lower money-rate, but that the prices of many commodities having fallen in a still greater proportion, the condition of the peo- ple was unequivocally improved. The food given to farm labourers by their employers has also greatly improved in quantity and N 2 ISO eiderable uncertainty. Belgium has the most rapidly increasing population on the Continent ; and when the cir- cumstances of the country require, as they must soon do, that this rapidity should be checked, there will be a con- siderable strength of existing habit to be broken through. One of the un- favourable circumstances is the great power possessed over the minds of the people by the Catholic priesthood, whose influence is everywhere strongly exerted against restraining population. As yet, however, it must be remem- bered that the indefatigable industry and great agricultural skill of the people have rendered the existing rapidity of increase practically inno- cuous ; the great number of large es- tates still undivided affording by their gradual dismemberment, a resource for the necessary augmentation of the gross produce ; and there are, besides, many large manufacturing towns, and mining and coal districts, which attract *nd employ a considerable portion of the annual increase of population. 5. But even where peasant pro- perties are accompanied by an excess of numbers, this evil is not necessarily attended with the additional econo- mical disadvantage of too great a sub- division of the land. It does not follow because landed property is minutely divided, that farms will be so. As large properties are perfectly com- patible with Email farms, so are small properties with farms of an adequate size ; and a subdivision of occupancy is not an inevitable consequence of even undue multiplication among peasant quality. " It is now considerably better than about forty years ago, when the poorer class obtained less flesh-meat and puddings, and no cheese, butter, and the like." (p. 20.) " Such an increase of wages" (adds the Pro- fessor) "which must be estimated not in money, but in the quantity of necessaries and conveniences which the labourer is ena- bled to procure, is, by universal admission, a proof that the masa of capital must have in- creased." It proves not only this, but also that the labouring population has not in- creased in an equal degree ; and that, in this instance as well as in France, the division of the land, even when excessive, lias been compatible with a strengthening of the pru- dential oVok o population. BOOK II. CHAPTER VII. 5. proprietors. As might be expected from their admirable intelligence in things relating to their occupation, the Flemish peasantry have long learnt this lesson. " The habit of not divid- ing properties," says Dr. Ravi,* " and the opinion that this is advantageous, have been BO completely preserved in Flanders, that even now, when a peasant dies leaving several children, they do not think of dividing his patrimony, though it be neither en- tailed nor settled in trust ; they prefer selling it entire, and sharing the pro- ceeds, considering it as a jewel which loses its value when it is divided." That the same feeling must prevail widely even in France, is shown by the great frequency of sales of land, amounting in ten years to a fourth port of the whole soil of the country ; and M. Passy, in his tract " On the Changes in the Agricultural Condition of the Department of the Eure since the year 1800,"f states other facts tending to the same conclusion. " The example," says he, " of this department attests that there does not exist, as some writers have imagined, between the distribution of property and that of cultivation, a connexion which tends invincibly to assimilate them. In no portion of it have changes of owner- ship had a perceptible influence on the size of holdings. While, in dis- tricts of small farming, lands belong- ing to the same owner are ordinarily distributed among many tenants, so neither is it uncommon, in places where the grande culture prevails, for tho same farmer to rent the lands of several proprietors. In the plains of Vexin, in particular, many active and rich cultivators do not content themselves with a single farm ; others add to the lands of their principal holding, all those in the neighbourhood which * Page 33 1 of the Brussels translation. He cites as an authority, Schwerz, Papert on Agriculture, i. 185. t One of the many important papers which have appeared in the Journal dei i'eono- mistes, the organ of the principal political economists of Frances, and doing great and increasing honour to their knowledge and ability. AI. Passy's essay has been reprin'.ed separately as a pamphlet. PEASANT PROPRIETORS. 131 they are able to hire, and in this manner make up a total extent which in Eomo cases reaches or exceeds two hundred hectares" (five hundred Eng- lish acres). "The more the estates are dismemhered, the more frequent do this sort of arrangements hecome ; and as they conduce to the interest of all conci/rned, it is probable that time will confirm them." " In some places," says M. de La- vergne,* " in the neighbourhood of Paris, for example, where the advan- tages of the gramle culture become ', the size of farms tends to in- crease, several farms are thrown to- gether into one, and farmers enlarge their holdings by renting parodies from a number of diflerent proprietors. Elsewhere farms as well as properties of too great extent, tend to division. Cultivation spontaneously finds out the organization which suits it best." It is a striking fact, stated by the same eminent writer, f that the departments which have tho greatest number of small separate accounts with the tax- collector, are the Nord, the Somme, the Pas de Calais, the Seine Infe- rieure, the Aisne, and the Oise ; all af l!;t-;ii among the richest and best cultivated, and the first-mentioned of them the very richest and best culti- vated, in France. Undue subdivision, and excessive smallness of holdings, are undoubtedly a prevalent evil in some countries of peasant proprietors, and particularly in parts of Germany and France. The governments of Bavaria and Nassau have thought it necessary to impose a legal limit to subdivision, and the Prussian Government unsuccessfully proposed the same measure to the Estates of its Rhenish Provinces. But I do not think it will anywhere be found that the petite culture is the system of the peasants, and the ff ramie culture that of the great landlords : * Rural Economy of France, p. 455. t P. 117. See, for facts of a similar ten- dency, pp. 141, 250, an j other passages of the same important treatise ; which, on the other hand, equally abounds with evidence of the mischievous effect of subdivision when too minute, or when t':o :ia!uro of the soil ami pf ill products is not suitable to it. on the contrary, wherever the small properties are divided among too many proprietors, I believe it to bo true that the large properties also are par- celled out among too many farmers, and that'the cause is the same in both cases, a backward state of capital, skill, and agricultural enterprise. Thera is reason to believe that the subdivi- sion in France is not more excessive than is accounted for by this cause ; that it is diminishing, not increasing ; and that the terror expressed in some quarters at the progress of the mor- cellement, is one of the most ground- less of real or pretended panics.* If peasant properties have any effect in promoting subdivision beyond tho degree which corresponds to the agri- * Mr. La'.ng, in his latest publication, " Observations on the Social and Political State of the European People in 1843 and 1849," a book devoted to the glorification of England, and the disparagement of every- thing elsewhere which others, or even he himself in former works, had thought wortfc^ of praise, argues that "although the lanX itself is not divided and subdivided" on the death of the proprietor, "the value of the land i-, and with effects almost as prejudicial to social progress. The value of each share becomes a debt or burden upon the land." Consequently the condition of the agricul- tural population is retrograde ; " each gene- ration is worse off than the preceding on, although the land is neither less nor more divided, nor worse cultivated." And this h gives as the explanation of thegreat indebted- ness of the small landed proprietors in France (pp. 97-9). If these statements were correct, they would invalidate all which Mr. Lain? affirmed so positively in other writings, and repeats in this, respecting the peculiar efficacy of the possession of land in pre- venting over-population. But he is entirely mistaken as to the matter of fact. In the only country of which ho speaks from actual residence, Norway, be does not | retond that the condition of the peasant proprietors i* deteriorating. The facts already cited prove that in respect to Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland, the assertion is equally wide of the mark ; and what has been shown re- specting the slow increase of population in France, demonstrates that if the condition of the French peasantry was deteriorating, it could not be from the cause supposed by Mr. Laing. The truth I believe to be that in every country without exception, in which peasant properties prevail, the condition of the people is improving, the produce of the land and even its fertility increasing, and from the larger surplus which remains after feeding the agricultural classes, the towns are augmenting both in population and i:> the well-being of their inhabitants. ist BOOK II. CHAPTER VII. 5. cultural practices of the country, and which is customary on its large estates, the cause must lie in nne of the salu- tary influences of the' system ; the eminent degree in which it promotes providence on the part of those who, not being yet peasant proprietors, hope to become so. In England, where the agricultural labourer has no investment for his savings but the savings bank, and no position to which he can rise by any exercise of economy, except per- haps that of a petty shopkeeper, with its chances of bankruptcy, there is nothing at all resembling the intense spirit of thrift which takes possession of one who, from being a day labourer, oan raise himself by saving to the condi- tion of a landed proprietor. According to almost all authorities, the real cause of the morcellement is the higher price which can be obtained for land by selling it to the peasantiy, as an in- vestment for their small accumulations, than by disposing of it entire to some rich purchaser who has no object but to live on its income without improving it. The hope of obtaining such an investment is the most powerful of in- ducements, to those who are without land, to practise the industry, fru- gality, and self-restraint, on which their success in this object of ambition is dependent. As the result of this enquiry into the direct operation and indirect in- fluences of peasant properties, I con- ceive it to be established, that there is no necessary connexion between this form of landed property and an im- perfect state of the arts of production ; that it is favourable in quite as many respects as it is unfavourable, to the most effective use of the powers of the soil ; that no other existing state of agricultural economy has EO beneficial an effect on the industry, the intelli- gence, the frugality, and prudence of the population, nor tends on the whole so much to discourage an improvident increase of their numbers ; and that no existing slate, therefore, is on the whole eo favourable, both to their moral and their physical welfare. Compared with the English system of cultivation by hired labour, it must be regarded as eminently beneficial to the labouring class.* We are not on the present occasion called upon to com- pare it with the joint ownership of the land by associations of labourers. * French history strikingly confirms these conclusions. Three times during the course of ages the peasantry have been purchasers of land; and these times immediately pre- ceded the three principal eras of French- agricultural prosperity. " In the worst times," lays the historian Michelet (The People, Parti, ch. 1), "the times of universal poverty^ when even the rich are poor and obliged to sell, the poor are enabled to buy : no other purchaser pre- senting himself, the peasant in rags arrives with his piece of gold, and acquires a little bit of land. These moments of disaster in which the peasant was able to buy land at a low price, have always been followed by a sudden gush of prosperity which people could not account for. Towards 1500, loir example, when France, exhausted by Louis XI., seemed to be completing its ruin in Italy, the noblesse who went to the wars were obliged to sell: the land, passing into new hands, suddenly began to flourish ; men began to labour and to build. This happy moment, in the style of courtly historians, was called the good Louis XII. " Unhappily it did not last long. Scarcely had the land recovered itself when the tax- collector fell upon it; the wars of religion followed, and seemed to rase everything to the ground ; with horrible miseries, dreadful famines, in which mothers devoured tBeir children. Who would believe that the coun- try recovered from this? Scarcely is the war ended, when from the devastated fields, and the cottages still black with the flames, comes forth the hoard of the peasant. He buys ; in ten years, France wears a new face ; in twenty or thirty, all possessions have doubled and trebled in value. This moment, again baptized by a royal name, is called the good Benry IV. and the great Sichelicu." Of the third era it is needless again to speak ; it was that of the Revolution. Whoever would study the reverse of the picture, may compare these historic periods, characterized by the dismemberment of large and the construction of small proper- ties, with the wide-spread national suffering which accompanied, and the permanent de- terioration of the condition of the labouring jlasses which followed, the "clearing" away of small yeomen to make room for large grazing farms, which was the grand econo- mical event of .English history during the sixteenth ccnturv, METAYERS. 183 CHAPTER Ylll. OF METAYERS. 1. FROM tho case in which the produce of land and labour belongs undividedly to the labourer, we proceed to the cases in which it is divided, but between two classes only, the labourers and the landowners ; the character of capitalists merging in the one or the other, as the case may be. It is pos- sible indeed to conceive that there might be only two classes of persons to share the produce, and that a class of capitalists might be one of them ; tho character of labourer and that of landowner being united to form the other. This might occur in two ways. The labourers, though owning the laud, might let it to a tenant, and work under him as hired servants. But this arrangement, even in the very rare cases which could give rise to if, would not require any particular discussion, since it would not differ in any material respect from the three- fold system of labourers, capitalists, and landlords. The other case is the not uncommon one, in which a peasant Eroprietor owns and cultivates the md, but raises the little capital re- quired, by a mortgage upon it. Neither does this case present any important peculiarity. Ihere is but one person, the peasant himself, who has any right or power of interference in the management. He pays a fixed annuity as interest to a capitalist, as he pays another fixed sum in taxes to the government. Without dwelling further on these cases, we pass to those which present marked features of pecu- liarity. "When the two parties sharing in the produce are the labourer or labourers and the landowner, it is not n very material circumstance in the case, which of the two furnishes the stock, or whether, as sometimes hap- pens, they furnish it, in a determinate proportion, between them. The essen- tial difference doep not lie in this, but in another circumstance, namely, whether the division of the produce between the two is regulated by custom or by competition. We will begin with the former case ; of which the metayer culture is the principal, and in Europe almost the sole, example. The principle of the metayer system is that the labourer, or peasant, makes his engagement directly with the land- owner, and pays, not a fixed rent, either in money or in kind, but a cer- tain proportion of the produce, or rather of what remains of the produce after deducting what is considered ne- cessary to keep up the stock. The proportion is usually, as the name im- ports, one-half; but in several districts in Italy it is two-thirds. Respecting the supply of stock, the custom varies from place to place ; in some places the landlord furnishes the whole, in others half, in others some particular part, as for instance the cattle and seed, the labourer providing the im- plements.* " This connexion," says * In France, before the Revolution, ac- cording to Arthur Young (i. 403) there was great local diversity in this respect. In Champagne, " the landlord commonly finds half the cattle and half the seed, and the metayer, labour, implements, and taxes; but in some districts the landlord bears a share of these. In Roussillon, the landlord pays half the taxes ; and in Guienne, from Auch to Fleuran, many landlords pay all. Near Aguillon, on the Garonne, the metayers furnish half the cattle. At Nangis, in the Isle of France, I met with an agreement for the landlord to furnish live stock, implements, harness, and taxes ; the metayer found labour and his own capitation tax : the landlord repaired the house and gates ; the metayer the windows : the landlord provided sued the first year, the metayer the last; in the inter- vening years they supply half and half. In the Bourbonnois the landlord finds all sorts of live stock, yet the metayer sells, changes, and buys at his will; the steward keeping an account of these mutations, for the land- lord has half the product of sales, and pays half the purchases." In Piedmont, he says, " the landlord commonly pays the taxes and repairs the buildings, and the tenant provides cattle, implements; and seed." (II. 151 ) 184 BOOK II. CHAFIER VIII. 2. Sismondi, speaking chiefly of Tus- cany,* " is often the subject of a con- tract, to define certain services and certain occasional payments to which the metayer binds himself; neverthe- less the differences in the obligations of one such contract and another are inconsiderable ; usage governs alike all these engagements, and supplies the stipulations which have not been ex- pressed : and the landlord who at- tempted to depart from usage, who exacted more than his neighbour, who took for the basis of the agreement anything but the equal division of the crops, would render himself so odious, be would be so sure of not obtaining a metayer who was an honest man, that the contract of all the metayers may be considered as identical, at least in each province, and never gives rise to any competition among peasants in search of employment, or any offer to cultivate the soil on cheaper terms than one another." To the same effect Chateauvieux,f speaking of the me- tayers of Piedmont. " They consider it" (the farm) "as a patrimony, and never think of renewing the lease, but go on from generation to generation, on the same terms, without writings or registries."! 2. When the partition of the produce is a matter of fixed usage, not of varying convention, political eco- nomy has no laws of distribution to investigate. It has only to consider, * Studiei in Political Economy, Essay VI. On the Condition of the Cultivators in Tus- cany. t Letters from Italy. I quote from Dr. Rigby's translation, (p. 22.) J This virtual fixity of tenure is not how- ever universal even in Italy ; and it is to its absence that Sismondi attributes the inferior condition of the metayers in some provinces of Naples, in Lucca, and in the Kiviera of Genoa ; where the landlords obtain a larger (though still a fixed) share of the produce. In those countries the cultivation is splendid, but the people wretchedly poor. " The same misfortune would probably have befallen the people of Tuscany if public opinion did not protect the cultivator; but a proprietor would not dare to impose conditions unusual in the country, and even in changing one metayer for another, he alters nothing in the terms of the engagement." JVeio Principle! qffylitical Economy, book iii. ch. 5. as in the case of peasant proprietors, the effects of the system, first, on the condition of the peasantry, morally and physically, and secondly, on the efficiency of the labour. In both these particulars the metayer system has the characteristic advantages of peasant properties, but has them in a less de gree. The metayer has less motive to exertion than the peasant proprietor, since only half the fruits of his indus- try, instead of the whole, are his own But he has a nruch stronger motive than a day labourer, who has no other interest in the result than not to be dismissed. If the metayer cannot be turned out except for some violation of his contract, he has a stronger motive to exertion than any tenant-farmer who has not a lease. The metayer is at least his landlord's partner, and a half-sharer in their joint gains. Where, too, the permanence of his tenure is guaranteed by custom, he acquires local attachments, and much of the feelings of a proprietor. I am sup- posing that this half produce is suffi- cient to yield him a comfortable support. Whether it is so, depends (in any given state of agriculture) on the degree of subdivision of the land ; which depends on the operation of the population principle. A multiplication of people, beyond the number that can be properly supported on the land or taken off by manufactures, is indent even to a peasant proprietary, and 'f course not less but rather more incidcn. to a metayer population. The ten- dency, however, which we noticed Ii: the proprietary system, to promote prudence on this point, is in no small degree common to it with the metayer system. There, also, it is a matter of easy and exact calculation whether a family can be supported or not. If it is easy to see whether the owner of the whole produce can increase the pro- duction so as to maintain a greater number of persons equally well, it is a not less simple problem whether the owner of half the produce can do so.* * HI. Hastiat affirms that even in France, incontestably the least favourable example of the metayer system, its effect in repressing population is conspicuous. "It is a well-ascertained fact that th. METAYERS. 185 There is ono check which this system seems to offer, over and above those held out even by the proprietary system ; there is a landlord, who may exert a controlling power, by refusing his consent to a subdivision. I do not, however, attach great importance to this check, because the farm may be loaded with superfluous hands without being subdivided ; and because, so long as the increase of hands increases the gross produce, which is almost always the case, the landlord, who receives half the produce, is an immediate gainer, the inconvenience falling only on the labourers. The landlord is no doubt liable in the end to suffer from their poverty, by being forced to make advances to them, especially in bad seasons ; and a foresight of this ulti- mate inconvenience may operate bene- ficially on such landlords as prefer future security to present profit. The characteristic disadvantage of the metayer system is very fairly stated by Adam Smith. After pointing out that metayers " have a plain interest that the whole produce should be as great as possible, in order that their own proportion may be so," he con- tinues,* " it could never, however, be the interest of this species of culti- vators to lay out, in the further im- provement of the land, any part of the little stock which they might save tendency to excessive multiplication is chiefly manifested in the class who live on wages. Over these the forethought which retards marriageshas little operation.because the evils which flow from excessive compe- tition appear to them only very confusedly, and at a considerable distance. It is, there- fore, the most advantageous condition of a people to be so organized as to contain no regular class of labourers for hire. In me- tayer countries, marriages are principally determined by the demands of cultivation ; they increase when, from whatever cause, the metairics ofler vacancies injurious to production ; they diminish when the places re filled up. A faet easily ascertained, the proportion between the size of the farm and the number of hands, operates like fore- thought, and with greater effect. We find, accordingly, that when nothing occurs to make an opening for a superfluous population, numbers remain stationary : as is seen in our southern departments." Consideration* on Metai/nye, in the Journal det Economistes for February 1846. Wt-Mh ofXationi. book iii. ch. 2. from their own share of the produce, because the lord, who laid out nothing, was to get ono half of whatever it produced. The tithe, which is but a tenth of the produce, is found to be a very great hindrance to improvement. A tax, therefore, which amounted to one-half, must have been an effectual bar to it. It might be the interest of a metayer to make the land produce as much as could be brought out of it by means of the stock furnished by the proprietor ; but it could never be his interest to mix any part of his own with it. In France, where five parts out of six of the whole kingdom are said to be still occupied by this species of cultivators, the proprietors complain that their metayers take every oppor- tunity of employing the master's cattle rather in carriage than in cultivation ; because in the one case they get the whole profits to themselves, in the other they share them with their landlord." It is indeed implied in the very na- ture of the tenure, that all improve- ments which require expenditure of capital, must be made with the capital of the landlord. This, however, is es- sentially the case even in England, whenever the fanners are tenants-at- will: or (if Arthur Young is right) even on a "nine years lease." If the landlord is willing to provide capital for improvements, the metayer has the strongest interest in promoting them, since half the benefit of them will ac- crue to himself. As however the per- petuity of tenure which, in the case we are discussing, he enjoys by custom, renders his consent a necessary condi- tion ; the spirit of routine, and dislike of innovation, characteristic of an agri- cultural people when not corrected by education, are no doubt, as the advo- cates of the system seem to admit, a serious hindrance to improvement. 3. The metayer system has met with no mercy from English authori- ties. " There is not one word to be said in favour of the practice," says Arthur Young,* "and a thousand ar- guments that might be used against it. The hard plea of necessity can Travelt, vol i. pp. 404-5. 136 BOOK H. CHAPTER VIII. 3. alone be urged in its favour; the po- verty of the farmers being so great, that the landlord must stock the farm, or it could not be stocked at all : this is a most cruel burthen to a proprietor, who is thus obliged to run much of the hazard of farming in the most dan- gerous of all methods, that of trusting his property absolutely in the hands of people who are generally ignorant, many careless, and some undoubtedly wicked. ... In this most miserable of all the modes of letting land, the defrauded landlord receives a con- temptible rent; the farmer is in the lowest state of poverty ; the land is miserably cultivated ; and the nation sutlers as severely as the parties them- selves. . . . Wherever* this system prevails, it may be taken for granted that a useless and miserable population is found. . . . Wherever the country (that I saw) is poor and unwatered, in the Milanese, it is in the hands of metayers:" they are almost always in debt to their landlord for seed or food, and "their condition is more wretched than that of a day labourer. . . . Theref are but few districts'' (in Italy) " where lands are let to the occupying tenant at a money-rent ; but wherever it is found, their crops are greater; a clear proof of the imbecility of the metaying system." " Wherever it" (the metayer system) " has been adopted, 1 ' says Mr. M'Culloch,! "it has put a stop to all improvement, and has reduced the cultivators to the most abject po- verty." Mr. Jones shares the common opinion, and quotes Turgot and Destutt- 1 racy in support of it. The impression, however, of all these writers (notwith- standing Arthur Young's occasional references to Italy) seems to be chiefly derived from France, and France before the Revolution. || Now the situation of French metayers under the old regime * Travels, vol. ii. 151-3. t Ibid. ii. 217. t Principles of Political Economy, 3rd ed. p. 471. Estay on the Distribution of Wealth, pp. 102-4. ' 'I M. do Tracy is partially an exception, Inasmuch as his experience reaches lower down than the revolutionary period : but ho by no means represents the typical form of the contract. It is essential to that form, that the proprietor pays all the taxes. But in France the ex- emption of the noblesse from direct taxation had led the Government to throw the whole burthen of their ever- increasing fiscal exactions upon the occupiers : and it is to these exactions that Turgot ascribed the extreme wretchedness of the metayers : a wretchedness in some cases so exces- sive, that in Limousin and An;v>u- mois (the provinces which he admi- nistered) they had seldom more, ac- cording to him, after deducting all burthens, than from twenty-five to thirty livres (20 to 24 shillings) per head for their whole annual consump- tion : " I do not mean in money, but including all that they consume in kind from their own crops."* When we add that they had not the virtual fixity of tenure of the metayers of Italy, (" in Limousin,'' says Arthur Young, f " the metayers are considered as little better than menial servants, removable at pleasure, and obliged to conform in all tilings to the will of the landlords,") admits (as Mr. Jones has himself stated in another place) that he is acquainted only with a limited district, of great subdivision and unfertile soil. M. Passy is of opinion, that a French pea- santry must be in indigence and the country badly cultivated on a metayer system, be- cause the proportion of the produce claim- able by the landlord is too high ; it being only in more favourable climates that any land, not of the most exuberant fertility, can pay half its gross produce in rent, and leave enough to peasant farmers to enable them to grow successfully the more expen- sive and valuable products of agriculture. (On System* of Culture, p. 35.) This is an objection only to a particular numerical pro- portion, which is indeed the common one, but is not essential to the system. * See the " Memoir on the Surcharge of Taxes suffered by the Generality of Limoges, addressed to the Council of State in 1786," pp. 260-304 of the fourth volume of Turgot's Works. The occasional engagements of landlords (as mentioned by Arthur Young) to pay a part of the taxes, were, according to Turgot, of recent origin, under the com- pulsion of actual necessity. " The proprietor only consents to it when he can find no me- tayer on other terms ; consequently, even in that case, the metayer is always reduced to what is barely sufficient to prevent him from dying of hunger." (p. 27c), t Vol, i. p,404. METAYERS. 187 It is evident that their case affords no argument against the metayer system in its better form. A population who could call nothing their own who, like tho Irish cottiers, could not in any contingency be worse off had nothing to restrain them from multiplying, and subdividing the laud, until stopped by actual starvation. We shall find a very different pic- ture, by the most accurate authorities, of the metayer cultivation of Italy. In the first place, as to subdivision. In Lombardy,accordingtoChateauvieux*, there are few farms which exceed sixty acres, and few which have less than ten. These farms are all occupied by metay- ers at half profit. They invariably dis- play " an extentf and arichness in build- ings rarely known in any other country in Europe." Their plan "affords the greatest room with the least extent of building; is best adapted to arrange and secure the crop ; and is, at the same time, the most economical, and the least exposed to accidents by fire." The court-yard " exhibits a whole so regular and commodious, and a system of such care and good order, that our dirty and ill-arranged farms can con- vey no adequate idea of." The same description applies to Piedmont. The rotation of crops is excellent. " I should think} no country can bring so large a portion of its produce to market as Piedmont." Though the soil is not naturally very fertile, " the number of cities is prodigiously great." The agriculture must, therefore, be emi- nently favourable to the net as well as to the gross produce of the land. " Each plough works thirty-two acres in the season. . . . Nothing can be more perfect or neater than the hoeing and moulding up the maize, when in full growth, by a single plough, with a pair of oxen, without injury to a single plant, while all the weeds are effectually destroyed/' So much for agricultural skill. " Nothing can be so excellent as the crop which prece/les i'.nd that which follows it." The A heat "is thrashed by a cylinder, * Lelten front Italy, translated by Kigby, P. 16. t Jbi<3. pp. 19, 20. I Ibid. pp. 2*-31. drawn by ahorse, and guided by a boy, while the labourers turn over the straw with forks. This process lasts nearly a fortnight : it is quick and economical, and completely gets out the grain In no part of the world are the economy and the management of the land better understood than in Piedmont, and this explains the phenomenon of its great population and immense export of provisions." All this under metayer cultivation. Of the valley of the Arno, in its whole extent, both above and below Florence, the same writer thus speaks ;* "Forests of olive-trees covered the lower parts of the mountains, and by their foliage concealed an infinite number of small farms, which peopled these parts of the mountains : chest- nut-trees raised their heads on the higher slopes, their healthy verdure contrasting with the pale tint of the olive-trees, and spreading a brightness over this amphitheatre. The road was bordered on each side with village- houses, not more than a hundred paces from each other They are placed at a little distance from tho road, and separated from it by a wall, and a ten-ace of some feet in extent. On the wall are commonly placed many vases of antique forms, in which flowers, aloes, and young orange-trees are growing. The house itself is com- pletely covered with vines Before these houses we saw groups of peasant females dressed in white linen, silk corsets, and straw hats ornamented with flowers These houses being so near each other, it is evident that the land annexed to them must be small, and that property, in these valleys, must be very much divided ; the extent of these domains being from three to ten acres. The land lies round the houses, and is divided into fields by small canals, or rows of trees, some of which are mulberry-trees, but the greatest number poplars, the leaves of which are eaten by the cattle. Each tree supports a vine These divisions, arrayed in oblong squares, are large enough to be cul- tivated by a plough without wheel?, * Pp. 78-3. 189 BOOK H. CHAPTER VIII. S 8- and a pair of oxen. There is a pair of oxen between ten or twelve of the farmers; they employ them succes- sively in the cultivation of all the farms. .... Almost every farn/maintnins a well-looking horse, which goes in a small two-wheeled cart, neatly made, and painted red ; they serve for all the purposes of draught for the farm, and and also to convey the farmer's daugh- ters to mass and to balls. Thus, on holidays, hundreds of these little carts are seen flying in all directions, carry- ing the young women, decorated with flowers and ribbons.' 1 This is not a picture of poverty ; and so far as agriculture is concerned, it effectually redeems metayer cultiva- tion, as existing in these countries, from the reproaches of English writers ; but with respect to the condition of the cultivators, Chateauvieux's testi- mony is, in some points, not so favour- able. " It is* neither the natural ferti- lity of the soil, nor the abundance which strikes the eye of the traveller, which constitute the well-being of its inhabitants. It is the number of in- dividuals among whom the total pro- duce is divided, which fixes the portion that each is enabled to enjoy. Here it is very small. I have thus far, indeed, exhibited a delightful country, well watered, fertile, and covered with a perpetual vegetation ; I have shown it divided into countless inclosures, which, like so many beds in a garden, display a thousand varying produc- tions ; I have shown, that to all these inclosures are attached well-built houses, clothed with vines, and deco- rated with flowers ; but, on entering them, we find a total want of all the conveniences of life, a table more than frugal, and a general appearance of privation." Is not Chateauvieux here unconsciously contrasting the condition of the metayers with that of the fanners of other countries, when the proper standard with which to com- pare it is that of the agricultural day- labourers ? Arthur Young says,f " I was assured that these metayers are (especially near * Pp. 73-G. t Travel, vol. ii. p. 15$. Florence) much at their ease ; that on holidays they are dressed remarkably well, and not without objects of luxury, as silver, gold, and silk : and live well, on plenty of bread, wine, and legumes. In some instances this may possibly be the case, but the general fact is con- trary. It is absurd to think that me- tayers, upon such a farm as is cul- tivated by a pair of oxen, can live at their ease ; and a clear proof of their poverty is this, that the landlord, who provides half the live stock, is often obliged to lend the peasant money to procure his half. The meta- yers, not in the vicinity of the city, are so poor, that landlords even lend them corn to eat : their food is black bread, made of a mixture with vetches ; and their drink is very little wine, mixed with water, and called aqiiarolle; meat on Sundays only ; their dress very ordinary." Mr. Jones admits the su- perior comfort of the metayers near Florence, and attributes it partly to straw-plaiting, by which the women of the peasantry can earn, according to Chateauvieux,* from fifteen to twenty pence a-day. But even this fact tells in favour of the metayer system ; for in those parts of England in which either straw-plaiting or lace-making is carried on by the \vomen and children of the labouring class, as in Bedford- shire and Buckinghamshire, the con- dition of the class is not better, but rather worse than elsewhere, the wages of agricultural labour being depressed by a full equivalent. In spite of Chateauvieux's state- ment respecting the poverty of the metayers, his opinion, in respect to Italy at least, is given in favour of the system. " It occupiesf and constantly interests the proprietors, which is never the case with great proprietors who lease their estates at fixed rents. It establishes a community of interests, and relations of kindness between the proprietors and the metayers ; a kind- ness which I have often witnessed, and from which result great advantages in the moral condition of society. The proprietor, under this system, alwayi * Itttersfrosn I/cJy, p. 75, t Ibid. pp. 2W-6. METAYERS. 189 Interested in the success of the crop, never refuses to make an advance upon it, which the land promises to repay with interest. It is by these advances, and by the hope thus in- spired, that the rich proprietors o land have gradually perfected the whole rural economy of Italy. It is to them that it owes the numerous systems of irrigation which water its soil, as also the establishment of the terrace culture on the hiils: gradual but permanent improvements, which common peasants, for want of means, could never have effected, and which could never have been accomplished by the farmers, nor by the great proprietors who let their estates at fixed rents, because they are not sufficiently interested. Thus the in- terested system forms of itself that alliance between the rich proprietor, whose means provide for the improve- ment of the culture, and the metayer, whose care and labours are directed, by a common interest, to make the most of these advances." But the testimony most favourable to the system is that of Sismondi, which has the advantage of being specific, and from accurate knowledge ; his information being not that of a traveller, but that of a resident pro- prietor, intimately acquainted with rural life. His statements apply to Tuscany generally, and more par- ticularly to the Val di Nievole, in which his own property lay, and which is not within the supposed privileged circle immediately round Florence. It is one of the districts in which the size of farms appears to be the smallest. The following is his description of the dwellings and mode of life of the me- tayers of that district.* " The house, built of good walls with lime and mortar, has always at least one story, sometimes two, above the ground floor. On the ground floor are generally the kitchen, a cowhouse for twohomed cattle, and the storehouse, which takes its name, tinaia, from the large vats (tini) in which the wine is put to ferment, without any pressing : From his Sixth Essay, formerly re- ferred to. it is there also that the metayer locks up his casks, his oil, and his grain. Almost always there is also a shed supported against the house, where he can work under cover to mend his tools, or chop forage for his cattle. On the first and second stories are two, three, and often four bedrooms. The largest and most airy of these is generally destined by the metayer, in the months of May and June, tu the bringing up of silkworms. Great chests to contain clothes and linen, and some wooden chairs, are the chief furniture of the chambers ; but a newly-married wife always brings with her a wardrobe of walnut wood. The beds are uncurtained and unroofed, but on each of them, besides a good pail- lasse filled with the elastic straw of the maize plant, there are one or two mattresses of wool, or, among the poorest, of tow, a good blanket, sheets of strong hempen cloth, and on the best bed of the family a coverlet of silk padding, which is spread on festival days. The only fireplace is in the kitchen ; and there also is the great wooden table where the family dines, and the benches ; the great chest which serves at once for keeping the bread and other provisions, and for kneading ; a tolerably complete though cheap assortment of pans, dishes, and earthenware plates : one or two metal lamps, a steelyard, and at least two copper pitchers for drawing and hold- ing water. The linen and the work- ing clothes of the family have all bsen spun by the women of the house. The clothes, both of men and of women, are of the stuff called mezza lana when thick, mola when thin, and made of a coarse thread of hemp or tow, filled up with cotton or wool ; it is dried by the same women by whom it was spun. It would hardly be believed what a quan- tity of cloth and of mezza lana the peasant women are able to accumu- late by assiduous industry ; how many sheets there are in the store ; what a number of shirts, jackets, trowsers, petticoats, and gowns are possessed by every member of the family. By way of example I add in a note the inven- tory of the peasant family best known 190 to me : it is neither one of the richest nor of the poorest, and lives happily by its industry on half the produce of less than ten arpents of land.* The young women had a marriage portion of fifty crowns, twenty paid down, and the rest by instalments of two every year. The Tuscan crown is worth six francs [4s. lOdl. The commonest marriage portion of a peasant girl in the other parts of Tuscany, where the metairies are larger, is 100 crowns, 600 francs." Is this poverty, or consistent with poverty? When a common, M. de Sismondi even says the common, mar- riage portion of a metayer's daughter is 24Z. English money, equivalent to at least bOl. in Italy and in that rank of life ; when one whose dowry is only half that amount, has the wardrobe described, which is represented by Sismondi as a fair average ; the class must be fully comparable, in general condition, to a large proportion even of capitalist fanners in other countries ; and incomparably above the day- labourers of any country, except a new colony, or the United States. Very little can be inferred, against such evi- dence, from a traveller's impression of the poor quality of their food. Its in- expensive character may be rather the effect of economy than of necessity. Costly feeding is not the favourite luxury of a southern people ; their diet in all classes is principally vege- table, and no peasantry on the Continent has the superstition of the English labourer respecting white * Inventory of the troutseau of Jane, daughter of Valente Papini, on hermarriage with Giovacchino Landi, the 29th of April 1835, at Porta Vecchla, near Pescia : "28 shifts, 7 best dresses (of particular fabrics of silk), 7 dresses of printed cotton, 2 winter working dresses (mezza tena), 3 summer working dresses and petticoats (mola), 3 white petticoats, 5 aprons of printed linen, 1 of black silk, 1 of black merinos, 9 coloured working aprons (mola), 4 white, 8 coloured, and 3 silk, handkerchiefs, 2 em- broidered veils and one of tulle, 3 towels, 14 pairs of stockings, 2 hats (one of felt, the other of fine straw) ; 2 cameos set in gold, 2 %lden earrings, 1 chaplet with two Roman liver crowns, 1 coral necklace with its cross jf gold. . . . All the richer married women ftf the class have, besides, the i-este di seta, the great holiday dress, which they only wear Hour or five times in their lives." BOOK II. CHAPTER V1I1. 8. bread. But the nourishment of the Tuscan peasants, according to Sis- mondi, " is wholesome and various : its basis is an excellent wheaten bread, brown, but pure from bran and from all mixture." In the bad season, they take but two meals a day: at ten in the morning they eat their pollentn, at the beginning of the night their soup, and after it bread with a relish of some sort (companatico). In summer they have three meals, at eight, at one, and in the evening ; but the fire is lighted only once a day, for dinner, which consists of sonp, and a dish of salt meat or dried fish, or haricots, or greens, which are eaten with bread. Salt meat enters in a very email quantity into this diet, for it is reckoned that forty poninds of salt pork per head suffice amply for a year's provision ; twice a week a small piece of it is put into the soup. On Sundays they have always on the table a dish of fresh meat, but a piece which weighs only a pound or a pound and a half suffices for the whole family, however numerous it may be. It must not be forgotten that the Tuscan peasants generally produce olive oil for their own con- sumption : they use it not only for lamps, but as seasoning to all the vegetables prepared for the table, which it renders both more savoury and more nutritive. At breakfast their food is bread, and sometimes cheese and fruit ; at supper, bread and salad. Their drink is composed of the inferior wine of the country, the vinella or piquette made by fermenting in water the pressed skins of the grapes. They always, however, reserve a little of their best wine for the day when they thresh their corn, and for some festivals which are kept in families. About fifty bottles of vinella per annum, and five sacks of wheat (about 1000 pounds of bread) are considered as the supply necessary for a full grown man.'' The remarks of Sismondi on the moral influences of this state of so- ciety are not less worthy of attention. The rights and obligations of the metayer being fixed by usage, and all taxes and rates being paid by the pro- METAYERS. 191 prietor, "the metayer has the ml van- tages of landed property without the burthen of defending it. It is the landlord to whom, with the land, lie- long all its disputes : the tenant lives in peace with all his neighbours ; be- tween him and them there is no motive tor rival! ty or distrust, he preserves a good understanding with them, as well as with his landlord, with the tax- collector, and with the church : he sells little, and buys little ; he touches little money, but he seldom has any to pay. The gentle and kindly character of the Tuscans is often spoken of, but without sufficiently remarking the cause which has contributed most to keep up that gentleness ; the tenure, by which the entire class of farmers, more than three-fourths of the popula- tion, are kept free from almost every occasion for quarrel.'' The fixity of tenure which the metayer, so long as he fulfils his own obligations, possesses by usage, though not by law, gives him the local attachments, and almost the strong sense of personal interest, characteristic of a proprietor. "The metayer lives on his metairie as on his inheritance, loving it with affection, labouring incessantly to improve it, confiding in the future, and making sure that his land will be tilled after him by his children and his children's children. In fact, the majority of metayers live from generation to gene- ration on the same farm ; they know it in its details with a minuteness which the feeling of property can alone give. The plots terrassed up, one above the other, are often not above four feet wide ; but there is not one of them, the qualities of which the me- tayer has not studied. This one is dry, that other is cold and damp : here the soil is deep, there it is a mere crust which hardly covers the rock; wheat thrives best on one, rye on ano- ther: here it would bo labour wasted to sow Indian corn, elsewhere the soil is unfit for beans and lupins, further off flax will grow admirably, the edge of this brook will be suited for hemp. In this way one learns with surprise from the metayer, that in a space of ten arpents, the soil, the aspect, and the inclination of the ground greater variety than a rich farmer is generally able to distinguish in a farm of five hundred acres. For the latter knows that he is only a temporary occupant ; and moreover, that he must conduct his operations by general rules, and neglect details. But the expe- rienced metayer has had his intelli- gence so awakened by interest and affection, as to be the best of observers ; and with the whole future before him, he thinks not of himself alone, but of his children and grandchildren. There- fore, when he plants an olive, a tree which lasts for centuries, and exca- vates at the bottom of the hollow in which he plants it, a channel to let out the water by which it would be in- jured, he studies all the strata of the earth which he has to dig out."* 4. I do not offer these quota- tions as evidence of the intrinsic excellence of the metayer system ; but they surely suffice to prove that neither "land miserably cultivated" nor a people in " the most abject po- verty," have any necessary connexion with it, and that the unmeasured vitu- peration lavished upon the system by English writers, is grounded on an * Of the intelligence of this interesting people, M. de Sismondi speaks in the most favourable terms. Few of them can read ; but there is often one member of the family destined for the priesthood, who reads to them on winter evenings. Their language differs little from the purest Italian. The taste for improvisation in verse is general. " The peasants of the Vale of Nievole fre- quent the theatre in summer on festival days, from ninetn eleven at night: their admission costs them little more than five French sous [2|. 8, adopted, of sacrificing to the ii ment of the country, tlje proprietary rights of the sovereign. The motives to improvement which property gives, and ot which the power was so justly appreciated, might have been bestowed upon those upon whom they would have operated with a force incomparably greater than that with which they could operate upon any other class of men : they might have been bestowed upon those from whom alone, in every country, the principal improvements in agriculture must be derived, the Immediate cultivators of the soil. And a measure worthy to be ranked among the noblest that ever were taken for the, improvement of any country, miirht have helped to compensate thi- ef India for the miseries of that mis- government which they had so lung endured. But the legislators were English .aristocrats ; and aristocratical prejudices prevailed." The measure proved a total failure, as to the main effects which its well- meaning promoters expected from it. Unaccustomed to estimate the mode in which the operation of any given insti- tution is modified even by such variety of circumstances as exists within a single kingdom, they flattered them- selves that they had created, through- out the Bengal provinces, English landlords, and it proved that they had only created Irish ones. The new landed aristocracy disappointed every expectation built upon them. They did nothing for the improvement of their estates, but everything for their own ruin. The same pains not being taken, as had been taken in Ireland, to enable the landlords to defy the conse- quences of their improvidence, nearly the whole land of Bengal had to be sequestrated and sold, for debts or arrears of revenue, and in one genera- tion most of the ancient zemindars had ceased to exist. Other families, mostly the descendants of Calcutta money dealers, or of native officials who had enriched themselves under the British government, now occupy their place ; and live as useless drones on the soil which has been given up to them 4 . Whatever the government has sacri- MEANS OF ABOLISHING COTTIER TENANCY. ficed of its pecuniary claims, for the creation of such a class, has at the best been wasted. In the parts of India into which the British rule has been more recently introduced, the blunder has been avoided of endowing a useless body of great landlords with gifts from the public revenue. In most parts of the Madras and in part of the Bombay Presidency, the rent is paid directly to the govern- ment by the immediate cultivator. In the North- Western Provinces, the government makes its engagement with the village community collec- tively, determining the share to be paid by each individual, but holding them jointly responsible for each other's de- fault. But in the greater part of India, the immediate cultivators have not ob- tained a perpetuity of tenure at a fixed rent. The government manages the land on the principle on which a good Irish landlord manages his estate : not putting it up to competition, not asking the cultivators what they will promise to pay, but determining for itself what they can afford to pay, and defining its demand accordingly. In many districts a portion of the cultivators are considered as tenants of the rest, the government making its demand from those only (often a numerous body) who are looked upon as the successors of the original settlers or conquerors of the village. Some- times the rent is fixed only for one year, sometimes for three or five ; but the uniform tendency of present policy is towards long leases, extending, in the northern provinces of India, to a term of thirty years. This arrange- ment has not existed for a sufficient time to have shown by experience, how far the motives to improvement which the long lease creates in the minds of the cultivators, fall short of the influence of a perpetual settle- ment.* But the two plans, of annual settlements and of short leases, ara irrevocably condemned. They can only be said to have succeeded, in compari- son with the unlimited oppression which existed before. They are approved by nobody, and were never looked upon in any other light than as temporary ar- rangements, to be abandoned when a more complete knowledge of the capa- bilities of the country should afford | data for something more permanent. CHAPTER X. MEANS OF ABOLISHING COTTIER TENANCY. 1. WHEN the first edition of this work was written and published, the question, what is to be done with a cottier population, was to the English Government the most urgent of prac- tical questions. The majority of a population of eight millions, having long grovelled in helpless inertness and abject poverty under the cottier sys- tem, reduced by its operation to mere food of the cheapest description, and to an incapacity of either doing or will- ing anything for the improvement of their lot, had at last, by the failure of that lowest quality of food, been plunged into a state in which the alternative seemed to be either death, or to be permanently supported by other people, or a radical change in the economical arrangements under which it had hitherto been their misfortune to live. Such an emergency had com- pelled attention to the subject from the legislature and from the nation, but it could hardly be said with much re- sult ; for, the evil having originated in a system of land tenancy which with- drew from the people every motive t * Since this was written, the resolution has been adopted by the Indian Government of converting the long leases of the Northern Provinces into perpetual tenures at fixed rents, 200 BOOK II. CHAPTER X. 1. industry or thrift except the fear of starvation, the remedy provided by Parliament was to take away even that by conferring on them a legal claim to eleemosynary support : while, towards correcting the cause of the mischief, nothing was done, beyond vain complaints, though at the price to the national treasury of ten millions sterling for the delay. " It is needless," (I observed) " to expend any argument in proving that the very foundation of the economical evils of Ireland is the cottier system ; that while peasant rents fixed by com- petition are the practice of the country, to expect industry, useful activity, any restraint on population but death, or any the smallest diminution of poverty, is to look for figs on thistles and grapes on thorns. If our practical statesmen are not ripe for the recognition of this fact ; or if while they acknowledge it in theory, they have not a sufficient feeling of its reality, to be capable of founding upon it any course of con- duct ; there is still another, and a purely physical consideration, from which they will find it impossible to escape. If the one crop on which the people have hitherto supported them- selves continues to be precarious, either some new and great impulse must be given to agricultural skill and industry, or the soil of Ireland can no longer feed anything like its present population. The whole produce of the western half of the island, leaving nothing for rent, will not now keep permanently in ex- istence the whole of its people : and they will necessarily remain an annual charge on the taxation of the empire, until they are reduced either by emi- gration or by starvation to a number corresponding with the low state of their industry, or unless the means are found of making that industry much more productive." Since these words were written, events unforeseen by any one have saved the English rulers of Ireland from the embarrassments which would have been the just penalty of their indiffer- ence and want of foresight. Ireland, under cottier agriculture, could no longer supply food to its population : Parliament, by way of remedy, ap- plied a stimulus to population, but none at all to production ; the help, however, which had not been provided for the people of Ireland by political wisdom, came from an unexpected source. Self-supporting emigration the Wakefield system, brought into effect on the voluntary principle and on a gigantic scale (the expenses of those who followed being paid from the earnings of those who went before) has, for the present, reduced the popu- lation down to the number for which the existing agricultural system can find employment and support. The census of 1851, compared with that of 1841, showed in round numbers a diminution of population of a million and a half. The subsequent census (of 1861) shows a further diminution of about half a million. The Irish hav- ing thus found the way to that flourishing continent which for genera- tions will be capable of supporting in undiminished comfort the increase of the population of the whole world ; the peasantry of Ireland having learnt to fix their eyes on a terrestrial paradise beyond the ocean, as a sure refuge both from the oppression of the Saxon and from the tyranny of nature ; there can be little doubt that however much the employment for agricultural labour may hereafter be diminished by the general introduction throughout Ire- land of English farming, or even if like the county of Sutherland all Ireland should be turned into a grazing farm, the superseded people would migrate to America with the same rapidity, and as free of cost to the nation, as the million of Irish who went thither during the three years previous to 1851. Those who think that the land of a country exists for the sake of a few thousand landowners, and that as long as rents are paid, society and govern- ment have fulfilled their function, may see in this consummation a happy end to Irish difficulties. But this is not a time, nor is the human mind now in a condition, in which such insolent pretensions can be maintained. The land of Ireland, the land of every country, belongs to the MEANS OF ABOLISHING COTTIER TENANCY. 201 people of that country. The individuals called landowners have no right, in morality and justice, to anything hut the rent, or compensation for its sale- able value. "With regard to the land itself, the paramount consideration is, bv what mode of appropriation and of cultivation it can be made most useful to the collective body of its inhabitants. To the owners of the rent it may be very convenient that the bulk of the inhabitants, despairing of justice in the country where they and their ances- tors have lived and suffered, should seek on another continent that property in land which is denied to them at home. But the legislature of the em- pire ought to regard -with other eyes the forced expatriation of millions of people. When the inhabitants of a country quit the country en masse be- cause its Government will not make it a place fit for them to live in, the Government is judged and condemned. There is no necessity for depriving the landlords of one farthing of the pecu- niary value of their legal rights ; but justice requires that the actual culti- vators should be enabled to become in Ireland what they will become in America proprietors of the soil which they cultivate. Good policy requires it no less. Those who, knowing neither Ireland nor any foreign country, take as their sole standard of social and economical ex- cellence English practice, propose as the single remedy for Irish wretched- ness, the transformation of the cottiers into hired labourers. But this is rather a scheme for the improvement of Irish agriculture, than of the condition of the Irish people. The status of a day- labourer has no charm for infusing fore- thought, frugality, or self-restraint, into a people devoid of them. If the Irish peasantry could be universally changed into receivers of wages, the old habits and mental characteristics of the people remaining, we should merely see four or five millions of people living as day- labourers in the same wretched manner in which as cottiers they lived before ; equally passive in the absence of every comfort, equally reckless in multipli- cation, and even, perhaps, equally list- less at their work ; since they could not be dismissed in a body, and if they could, dismissal would now be simply remand- ing them to the poor-rate. Far other would be the effect of making them peasant proprietors. A people who in industry and providence have every- thing to learn who are confessedly among the most backward of European populations in the industrial virtues require for their regeneration the most powerful incitements by which those virtues can be stimulated : and there is no stimulus as yet comparable to pro- perty in land. A permanent interest in the soil to those who till it, is almost a guarantee for the most unwearied laboriousness : against over-population, though not infallible, it is the best preservative yet known, and where it failed, any other plan would probably fail much more egregiously; the evil would be beyond the reach of merely economic remedies. The case of Ireland is similar in its requirements to that of India. In India, though great errors have from time to time been committed, no one ever pro- posed, under the name of agricultural improvement, to eject the ryots or pea- sant farmers from their possession ; the improvement that has been looked for, has been through making their tenure more secure to them, and the sole dif- ference of opinion is between those who contend for perpetuity, and those who think that long leases will suffice. The same question exists as to Ireland; and it would be idle to deny that long leases, under such landlords as are sometimes to be found, do effect wonders, even in Ireland. But then, they must be leases at a low rent. Long leases are in no way to be relied on for getting rid of cottierism. During the existence of cottier tenancy, leases have always been long ; twenty-one years and three lives concurrent, was a usual term. But the rent being fixed by competition, at a higher amount than could be paid, so that the tenant neither had, nor could by any exertion acquire, a beneficial interest in the land, the advantage of a lease was merely nominal. In India, the government, where it has not im- prudently made over its proprietaiy 202 rights to the zemindars, is able to pre- vent this evil, because, being itself the landlord, it can fix the rent according to its own judgment ; but under indi- vidual landlords, while rents are fixed by competition, and the competitors are a peasantry struggling for subsistence, nominal rents are inevitable, unless the population is so thin, that the compe- tition itself is only nominal. The ma- jority of landlords will grasp at imme- diate money and immediate power ; and so long as they find cottiers eager to offer them everything, it is useless to rely on them for tempering the vicious practice by a considerate self-denial. A perpetuity is a stronger stimulus to improvement than a long lease : not only because the longest lease, before coming to an end, passes through all the varieties of short leases down to no iease at all ; but for more fundamental reasons. It is very shallow, even in pure economics, to take no account of the influence of imagination : there is a virtue in "for ever" beyond the longest term of years ; even if the term is long enough to include children, and all whom a person individually cares for, yet until he has reached that high degree of mental cultivation at which the public good (which also includes perpetuity) acquires a paramount as- cendancy over his feelings and desires, he will not exert himself with the same ardour to increase the value of an es- tate, his interest in which diminishes in value every year. Besides, while Eerpetual tenure is the general rule of mded property, as it is in all the countries of Europe, a tenure for a limited period, however long, is sure to be regarded as something of inferior consideration and dignity, and inspires less of ardour to obtain it, and of attach- ment to it when obtained. But where a country is under cottier tenure, the question of perpetuity itiquite secondary to the more important point, a limita- tion of the rent. Rent paid by a capi- talist who farms for profit, and not for bread, may safely be abandoned to competition ; rent paid by labourers cannot, unless the labourers were in a Btate of civilization and improvement which labourers have nowhere yet BOOK n. CHAPTER X. 1. reached, and cannot easily reach under such a tenure. Peasant rents ought never to be arbitrary, never at the dis- cretion of the landlord : either by cus- tom or law, it is imperatively necessary that they should be fixed ; and where no mutually advantageous custom, such as the metayer system of Tuscany, has established itself, reason and experience recommend that they should be fixed by authority : thus changing the rent into a quit-rent, and the farmer into a peasant proprietor. For carrying this change into effect on a sufficiently large scale to accom- plish the complete abolition of cottier tenancy, the mode which most obvi- ously suggests itself is the direct one, of doing the thing outright by Act of Parliament ; making the whole land of Ireland the property of the tenants, subject to the rents now really paid (not the nominal rents), as a fixed rent charge. This, under the name of "fixity of tenure," was one of the de- mands of the Repeal Association dur- ing the most successful period of their agitation ; and was better expressed by Mr. Conner, its earliest, most enthusi- astic, and most indefatigable apostle,* by the words, " a valuation and a per- petuity." In such a measure there would not have been any injustice, pro- vided the landlords were compensated for the present value of the chances of increase which they were prospectively required to forego. The rupture of ex- isting social relations would hardly have been more violent than that effected by the ministers Stein and Hardenberg, when, by a series of edicts, in the early part of the present century, they revo- lutionized the state of landed property in the Prussian monarchy, and lei't their names to posterity among the greatest benefactors of their country. To en- lightened foreigners writing on Ireland, Von Raumer and Gustavo de Beau- mont, a remedy of this sort seemed so exactly and obviously what the disease required, that they had some difficulty Author of numerous pamphlets, entitled " True Political Economy of Ireland,' 'Letter to the Earl of Devon," " T\v Letters on the RacUrent oppression of Iro ;and," and others. Mr. Conner has been ae agitator on the subject since 1832. MEANS OF ABOLISHING COTTIER 203 in comprehending how it was that the thing was not yet done. This, however, would have been, in the first place, a complete expropriation of the higher classes of Ireland: which, if there is any truth in the principles we have laid clown, would be perfectly warrantable, but only if it were the sole means of effecting a great public good. In the second place, that there should be none but peasant proprietors, is in itsi'lt'far from desirable. Large farms, cultivated by large capital, and owned by persons of the best education which the country can give, persons qualified by instruction to appreciate scientific : ics, and able to bear the delay and risk of costly experiments, are an important part of a good agricultural system. Many such landlords there are even in Ireland ; and it would be a public misfortune to drive them from their posts. A large proportion also of the present holdings are probably still too small to try the proprietary system under the greatest advantages : nor are the tenants always the persons one would desire to select as the first occu- pants of peasant-properties. There are numbers of them on whom it would have a more beneficial effect to give them the hope of acquiring a landed property by industry and frugality, than the property itself in immediate possession. There are, however, much milder measures, not open to similar objec- tions, and which, if pushed to the utmost extent of which they are sus- ceptible, would realize in no incon- siderable degree the object sought. One of them would be, to enact that whoever reclaims waste land becomes the owner of it, at a fixed quit-rent equal to a moderate interest on its mere value as waste. It would of course be a necessary part of this mea- sure, to make compulsory on landlords the surrender of waste lands (not of an ornamental character) whenever re- quired for reclamation. Another ex- pedient, and one in which individuals could co-operate, would be to buy as much as possible of the land offered for sale, and sell it again in small portions as peasant -properties. A Society for this purpose was at one time projected (though the attempt to establish it proved unsuccessful) on the principles, so far as applicable, of the Freehold Land Societies which have been so successfully established in England, not primarily for agricultural, but for electoral purposes. This is a mode in which private capital may be employed in renovating the social and agricultural economy of Ireland, not only without sacrifice but with considerable profit to its owners. The remarkable success of the Wa^-to Land Improvement Society, which proceeded on a plan far less advan- tageous to the tenant, is an instance of what an Irish peasantry can be stimulated to do, by a sufficient assur- ance that what they do will be for their own advantage. It is not even indispensable to adopt perpetuity as the rule ; long leases at moderate rents, like those of the Waste Land Society, would suffice, if a prospect were held out to the farmers of being allowed to purchase their farms with the capital which they might acquire, as the Society's tenants were so rapidly acquiring under the influence of its beneficent system.* When the lands * Though this society, during the years succeeding the famine, was forced to wind up its affairs, the memory of what it accom- plished ought to be preserved. The follow- ing is an extract in the Proceedings of Lord Devon's Commission (page 84), from the re- port made to the society in 1845, by their intelligent manager, Colonel Robinson : " Two hundred and forty -five tenants, many of whom were a few years since in a state bordering on pauperism, the occupiers of small holdings of from ten to twenty plantation acres each, have, by their own free labour, with the society's aid, improved their farms to the value of 439Gi. ; 605A having been added during the last year, being at the rate of 17/. 18. per tenant for the whole term, and 21. &. for the past year ; the benefit of which improvements each tenant will enjoy during the unexpired term of a thirty- one years' lease. " These 245 tenants and their families have, by spade industry, reclaimed and brought into cultivation 1032 plantation acres of land, previously unproductive mountain waste, upon which they grew, last year, crops valued by competent practical persons at 3S96/., being in the proportion of 157. 18*. each tenant; and their live stock, consisting of cattle, horses, sheep, and pigs, now actually upon the estates, is valued, according to the pre- sent prices of the neighbouring markets, at 204 BOOK II. CHAPTER X. /. were sold, the funds of the association would be liberated, and it might re- commence operations in some other quarter. 2. Thus far I had written in 1856. Since that time the great crisis of Irish industry has made further progress, and it is necessary to con- sider how its present state affects the opinions, on prospects or on practical measures, expressed in the previous part of this chapter. The principal change in the situa- tion consists in the great diminution, holding out a hope of the entire ex- tinction, of cottier tenure. The enor- mous decrease in the number of small holdings, and increase in those of a medium size, attested by the statistical returns, sufficiently proves the general fact, and all testimonies show that the tendency still continues.* It is proba- 4162Z., of which 1304/. has been added since February 1841, being at the rat* of 16/. 19*. for the whole period, and f>l. 6s. for the last year; during which time their stock has thus increased in value a sura equal to their present annual rent ; and by the statistical tables and returns referred to in previous reports, it is proved that the tenants, in general, improve their little farms, and increase their cultiva- tion and crops, in nearly direct proportion to the number of available working persons of both sexes, of which their families consist." There cannot be a stronger testimony to the superior amount of gross, and even of net produce, raised by small farming under any tolerable system of landed tenure ; and it is worthy of attention that the industry and zeal were greatest among the smaller holders ; Colonel Robinson noticing, as ex- ceptions to the remarkable and rapid pro- gress of improvement, some tenants who were " occupants of larger farms than twenty acres, a class too often deficient in the endur- ing industry indispensable for the successful prosecution of mountain improvements." * There is, however, a partial counter- eurrent, of which I have not seen any public notice. " A class of men, not very numerous, but sufficiently so to do much mischief, have, through the Landed Estates Court, got into possession of land in Ireland, who, of all classes, are least likely to recognise the duties of a landlord's position. These are f mall traders in towns, who by dint of sheer parsimony, frequently combined with money-lending at usurious rates, have suc- ceeded, in the course of a long life, in scrap- ing together as much money as will enable them to buy fifty or a hundred awes of land. These people never think of turning far- mers, but, proud of their position as land- lord*, proceed to turn it to the utmost ble that the repeal of the com laws? necessitating a change in the exports of Ireland from the products of tillage to those of pasturage, would of itself have sufficed to bring about this revo- lution in tenure. A grazing farm can only be managed by a capitalist farmer, account. An instance of this kind came under my notice lately. The tenants on the property were, at the time of the purchase, seme twelve years ago, in a tolerably com- fortable state. Within that period their rent has been raised three several times; and it is now, as I am informed by the priest of the district, nearly double its amount at the commencement of the present proprietor's reign. The result is that the people, who were formerly in tolerable comfort, are now reduced to poverty : two of them hav left the property and squatted near an adja- cent turf bog, where they exist trusting for support to occasional jobs. If this man is not shot, he will injure himself through the deterioration of his property, but meantime he lias been getting eight or ten per cent on his purchase-money. This is by no means a rare case. The scandal which such occur- rences! cause, casts its reflection on transac- tions of a wholly different and perfectly legitimate kind, where the removal of the tenants is simply an act of mercy for all parties. " The anxiety of landlords to get rid of cottiers is also to some extent neutralized by the anxiety of middlemen to get them. About one-fourth of the whole land of Ireland is held under long leases ; the rent received when the lease is of long standing, being generally greatly under the real value of the land. It rarely happens that land thus held is cultivated by the owner of the lease ; in- stead of this, lit sublets it at a rack rent to Email men, and lives on the excess of the rent which he receives over that which he pays. Some of these leases are always running out ; and as they draw towards their close, the middleman has no other interest in the land than, at any cost of permanent deterio- ration, to get the utmost out of it during the unexpired period of the term. For this pur- pose the small cottier tenants precisely an- swer his turn. Middlemen in this position are as anxious to obtain cottiers as tenants, as the landlords are to be rid of them ; and the result is a transfer of this sort of tenant from one class of estates to the other. The movement is of limited dimensions, but it does exist, and so far as it exists, neutralizes the general tendency. Perhaps it may be thought that this system will reproduce itself; that the same motives which led to the existence of middlemen will perpetuate the class ; but there is no danger of this. Landowners are now perfectly alive to the ruinous consequences of this system, how- ever convenient for a time ; and a chuiso against sub-letting is now becoming a mattei of course in every leae." (Private Commu- nication frotn Profesior Cairnet,) MEANS OF ABOLISHING COTTIER TENANCY. 205 or by the landlord. But a change in- volving so great a displacement of the population, has been immensely facili- tated and made more rapid by the vast emigration, as well as by that greatest boon ever conferred on Ireland by any Government, the Encumbered Estates Act; the best provisions of which have since, through the Landed Estates Court, been permanently incorporated into the social system of the country. The greatest part of the soil of Ireland, there is reason to believe, is now farmed either by- the landlords, or by small capitalist farmers. That these far- mers are improving in circumstances, and accumulating capital, there is con- siderable evidence, in particular the great increase of deposits in the banks of which they are the principal cus- tomers. So far as that class is con- cerned, the chief thing still wanted is security of tenure, or assurance of compensation for improvements. The means of supplying these wants are now engaging the attention of the most competent minds ; Judge Long- field's address, in the autumn of 1 864, and the sensation created by it, are an era in the subject, and a point has now been reached when we may confidently expect that within a very few years something effectual will be done. But what, meanwhile, is the con- dition of the displaced cottiers, so far as they have not emigrated ; and of the whole class who subsist by agricultural labour, without the occupation of any land ? As yet, their state is one of great poverty, with but slight prospect of improvement. Money wages, in- deed, have risen much above the wretched level of a generation ago : but the cost of subsistence has also risen BO much above the old potato standard, that the real improvement is not equal to the nominal ; and according to the best information to which I have access, there is little appearance of an im- proved standard of living among the class. The population, in fact, reduced though it be, is still iar beyond what the country can support as a mere grazing district of England. It may not, perhaps, be strictly true that, if ths present number of inhabitants are to be maintained at home, it can only be either on the old vicious system of cottierism, or as small proprietors grow- ing their own food. The lands which will remain under tillage would, no doubt, if sufficient security for outlay were given, admit of a more extensive employment of labourers by the small capitalist farmers; and this, in the opinion of some competent judges, might enable the country to support the present number of its population in actual existence. But no one will pre- tend that this resource is sufficient to maintain them in any condition in which it is fit that the great body of the peasantry of a country should exist. Accordingly the emigration, which for a time had fallen off, has, under the additional stimulus of bad seasons, revived in all its strength. It is calculated that within the year 1864 not less than 100,000 emigrants left the Irish shores. As far as regards the emigrants themselves and their posterity, or the general interests of the human race, it would be folly to regret this result. The children of the immigrant Irish receive the education of Americans, and enter, more rapidly and completely than would have been possible in the country of their de- scent, into the benefits of a higher state of civilization. In twenty or thirty years they are not mentally dis- tinguishable from other Americans. The loss, and the disgrace, are England's : and it is the English people and government whom it chiefly concerns to ask themselves, how far it will be to their honour and advan- tage to retain the mere soil of Ire- land, but to lose its inhabitants. With the present feelings of the Irish people, and the direction which their hope off improving their condition seems to be permanently taking, England, it is pro- bable, has only the choice between the depopulation of Ireland, and the con- version of a part of the labouring population into peasant proprietors. The truly insular ignorance of her public men respecting a form of agri- cultural economy which predominates in nearly every other civilized country, makes it only too probable that sh 206 BOOK II. CHAPTER X. 2. will choose the worse side of the alter- native. Yet there are germs of a ten- dency to the formation of peasant pro- prietors on Irish soil, which require only the aid of a friendly legislator to foster them ; as is shown in the follow- ing extract from a private communica- tion by my eminent and valued friend, Professor Cairnes : " On the sale, some eight or ten years ago, of the Thomond, Portar- lington, and Kingston estates, in the Encumbered Estates Court, it was ob- served that a considerable number of occupying tenants purchased the fee of their farms. I have not been able to obtain any information as to what followed that proceeding whether the purchasers continued to farm their small properties, or under the mania of landlordism tried to escape from their former mode of life. But there are other facts which have a bearing on this question. In those parts of the country where tenant-right prevails, the prices given for the goodwill of a farm are enormous. The following figures, taken from the schedule of an estate in the neighbourhood of Newry, now passing through the Landed Estates Court, will give an idea, but a very inadequate one, of the prices which this mere customary right gene- rally fetches. " Statement showing the prices at which the tenant-right of certain farms near Newry was sold : Lot Acri>s Rpnt Purchase-money Acres. itcnr. of tenant-right. 1 23 71 33 2 21 77 240 3 13 39 110 4 14 3J 85 S 10 33 172 G 5 . 13 75 7 8 . 2> 130 8 11 . 33 130 9 2 . 5 5 110 334 .980 " The prices here represent on the whole about three years' purchase of the rental : but this, as I have said, gives but an inadequate idea of that which is' frequently, indeed of that which is ordinarily, paid. The right, being purely customary, will vary in value with the confidence generally re- posed in the good faith of the land- lord. In the present instance, circum- stances have come to light in the course of the proceedings connected with the sale of the estate, which give reason to believe that the confidence in this casa was not high ; consequently, the rates above given may be taken as consider- ably under those which ordinarily pre- vail. Cases, as I am informed on the highest authority, have in other parts of the country come to light, also in the Landed Estates Court, in which the price given for the tenant-right was equal to that of the whole fee of the land. It is a remarkable fact that people should be found to give, say twenty or twenty-five years' purchase, for land which is still subject to a good round rent. Why, it will be asked, do they not purchase land out and out for the same, or a slightly larger, sum ? The answer to this question, I believe, is to be found in the state of our land laws. The cost of transferring land in small portions is, relatively to the pur- chase money, very considerable, even in the Landed Estates Court ; while the goodwill of a farm may be trans- ferred without any cost ut all. The cheapest conveyance that could be drawn in that Court, where the utmost economy, consistent with the present mode of remunerating legal services, is strictly enforced, would, irrespective of stamp duties, cost 101. a very sensible addition to the purchase of a small peasant estate : a conveyance to transfer a thousand acres might not cost more, and would probably not cost much more. But in truth, the mere cost of conveyance represents but the least part of the obstacles which exist to obtaining land in small portions. A far more serious impediment is tho complicated state of the ownership of land, which renders it frequently im- practicable to subdivide a property into such portions as would bring the land within the reach of small bidders. The remedy for this state of things, how- ever, lies in measures of a more radical sort than I fear it is at all probablo that any House of Common!! we are soon likely to see would even witfi patience consider. A registry of titles WAGES. 207 toay succeed in reducing this complex condition of ownership to its simplest expression ; but where real complica- tion exists, the difficulty is not to be <>t rid of by mere simplicity of form ; and a registry of titles while the powers of disposition at present enjoyed by landowners remirin undiminished, while every settlor and testator has on almost unbounded licence to multi- ply interests in land, as pride, the passion For dictation, or mere whim may suggest will, in my opinion, fail to reach the root of the evil. The effect of these circumstances is to place an immense premium upon large deal- ings in land indeed in most cases E ractically to preclude all other than irge dealings ; and while this is the state of the law, the experiment of peasant proprietorship, it is plain, cannot be fairly tried. The facts, how- ever, which I have stated show, I think, conclusively, that there is no obstacle in the disposition of the people to the introduction of this system." I have concluded a discussion, which has occupied a space almost dispro- portioned to the dimensions of this work ; and I here close the examina- tion of those simpler forms of social economy in which the produce of tho land either belongs undividedly to ono class, or is shared only between two classes. We now proceed to the hypo- thesis of a threefold division of the pro- duce, among labourers, landlords, and capitalists ; and in order to connect tho coming discussion as closely as possible with those which have now for some time occupied us, I shall commence with the subject of Wages. CHAPTER XL OF WAGES. 1. UNDER the head of Wages are to be considered, first, the causes which determine or influence the wages of labour generally, and secondly, the differences that exist between the wages of different employments. It is convenient to keep these two classes of consideration separate ; and in dis- cussing the law of wages, to proceed in the first instance as if there were no other kind of labour than common un- skilled labour, of the average degree of hardness and disagreeableness. Wages, like other things, may be re- gulated either by competition or by custom. In this country there are few kinds of labour of which the remunera- tion would not be lower than it is, if the employer took the full ad vantage of com- petition. Competition, however, must be regarded, in the present state of society, as the principal regulator of wages, and custom or individual character only as a modifying circumstance, and that in a comparatively slight degree. Wages, then, depend mainly upon the demand and supply of labour ; or as it is often expressed, on the propor- tion between population and capital. By population is nere meant the num- ber only of the labouring class, or rather of those who work for hire ; and by capital, only circulating capital, and not even the whole of that, but the part which is expended in the direct pur- chase of labour. To this, however, must be added all funds which, with- out forming a part of capital, are paid in exchange for labour, such as the wages of soldiers, domestic servants, and all other unproductive labourers. There is unfortunately no mode if ex- pressing by one familiar term, the ag- gregate of what may be called the wages-fund of a country : and as the wages of productive labour form nearly the whole of that fund, it is usual to overlook the smaller and less important part, and to say that wages depend on population and capital. It will be con- venient to employ this expression, re- mrmbering, however, to consider it as !>03 BOOK II. CHAPTER XL 2. elliptical, and not as a literal statement of the entire truth. With these limitations of the terms, wages not only depend upon the relative amount of capital and population, but cannot, under the rule of competition, be affected by anything else. Wages (meaning, of course, the general rate) cannot rise, but by an increase of the aggregate funds employed in hiring labourers, or a diminution in the num- ber of the competitors for hire ; nor fall, except either by a diminution of the funds devoted to paying labour, or by an increase in the number of labourers to be paid. 2. There are, however, some facts in apparent contradiction to this doctrine, which it is incumbent on us to consider and explain. For instance, it is a common saying that wages are high when trade is good. The demand for labour in any particular employment is more press- ing, and higher wages are paid, when there is a brisk demand for the com- modity produced; and the contrary when there is what is called a stagna- tion: then workpeople are dismissed, and those who are retained must sub- mit to a reduction of wages : though in these cases there is neither more nor less capital than before. This is true ; and is one of those complications in the concrete phenomena, which obscure and disguise, the operation of general causes ; but it is not really inconsistent with the principles laid down. Capi- tal which the owner does not employ in purchasing labour, but keeps idle in his hands, is the same thing to the labourers, for the time being, as if it did not exist. All capital is, from the variations of trade, occasionally in this state. A manufacturer, finding a slack demand for his commodity, forbears to employ labourers in in- creasing a stock which he finds it diffi- cult to dispose of ; or if he goes on un- til all his capital is locked up in unsold goods, then at least he must of neces- sity pause untii he can get paid for eome of them. But no one expects either of these states to be permanent ; if he did. he would at the first oppor- tunity remove his capital to some other occupation, in which it woulJ still continue to employ labour. The capital remains unemployed for a time, during which the labour market is overstocked, and wages fall. After- wards the demand revives, and per- haps becomes unusually brisk, en- abling the manufacturer to sell his commodity even faster than he caa produce it : his whole capital is then brought into complete efficiency, and if he is able, he borrows capital in addi- tion, which would otherwise have gone into some other employment. At such times wages, in his particular occupa- tion, rise. If we suppose, what in strict- ness is not absolutely impossible, that one of these fits of briskness or of stag- nation should affect all occupations at the same time, wages altogether might undergo a rise or a fall. These, however, are but temporary fluctuations : the capital now lying idle will next year be in active employment, that which is this year unable to keep up with the de- mand will in its turn be locked up in crowded warehouses ; and wages in these several departments will ebb and flow accordingly : but nothing can per- manently alter general wages, except an increase or a diminution of capital itself (always meaning by the term, the funds of all sorts, destined for the pay- ment of labour) compared with the quan- tity of labour offering itself to be hired. Again, it is another common notion that high prices make high wages ; because the producers and dealers, being better off, can afford to pay more to their labourers. 1 have already said that a brisk demand, which causes temporary high prices, causes also tem- porary high wages. But high prices, in themselves, can only raise wagea if the dealers, receiving more, are induced to save more, and make an addition to their capital, or at least to their purchases of labour. This is indeed likely enough to be the case ; and if the high prices came di- rect from heaven, or even from abroad, the labouring class might be benefited, not by the high prices themselves, but by the increase of capital occasioned by them. The same effect, however, WAGES. 209 Is often attributed to a high price which is the result of restrictive laws, or which is in some way or o tiier to be paid by the remaining mem\ers of the community ; they having no greater means than before to pay it with. High prices of this sort, it' they beneh't one class of labourers, can only do so at the expense of others ; since if the dealers by receiving high prices are enabled to make greater savings, or otherwise increase their purchases of labour, all other people by paying those high prices, have their means of saving, or of purchasing labour, reduced in an equal degree ; and it is a matter of accident whether the one alteration or the other will have the greatest effect on the labour market. Wages will probably be temporarily higher in the employment in which prices have risen, and somewhat lower in other employments : in which case, while the first half of the phenomenon excites notice, the other is generally over- looked, or if observed, is not ascribed to the cause which really produced it. Nor will the partial rise of wages last long : for though the dealers in that one employment gain more, it does not follow that there is room to employ a greater amount of savings in their own business : their increasing capital will probably flow over into other employ- ments, and there counterbalance the diminution previously made in the de- mand for labour by the diminished savings of other classes. Another opinion often maintained is, that wages (meaning of course money wages) vary with the price of food; rising when it rises, and falling when it falls. This opinion is, I conceive, only partially true : and in so far as true, in no way affects the dependence of wages on the proportion between capital and labour : since the price of food, when it affects wages at all, affects them through that Taw. Dear or cheap food caused by variety of seasons does not affect wages (unless they are artificially adjusted to it by law or charity) : or rather, it has some ten- dency to affect them in the contrary way to that supposed ; since in times of scarcity people generally compete more violently for employment, and lower the labour market against themselves. But dearness or cheapness of food, when of a permanent character, and capable of being calculated on before- hand, may afl'ect wages. In the first place, if the labourers have, as is oftep the case, no more than enough to keep them in working condition, and enable them barely to support the ordinary number of children, it follows that if food grows permanently dearer without a rise of wages, a greater number of the children will prematurely die ; and thus wages will ultimately be higher, but only because the number of people will be smaller, than if food had re- mained cheap. But, secondly, even though wages were high enough to admit of food's becoming more costly without depriving the labourers and their families of necessaries ; though they could bear, physically speaking, to be worse of perhapi they would not consent to be so. They might have habits of comfort which were to them as necessaries, and sooner than forego which, they would put an addi- tional restraint on their power of multi- plication ; so that wages would rise, not by increase of deaths but by dimi- nution of births. In these cases, then, wages do adapt themselves to the price of food, though after an interval of almost a generation. Mr. Ricardo considers these two cases to compre- hend all cases. He assumes, that there is everywhere a minimum rate of wages : either the lowest with which it is physically possible to keep up the population, or the lowest with which the people will choose to do so. To this minimum he assumes that tho general rate of wages always tends ; that they can never be lower, beyond the length of time required for a diminished rate of increase to make itself felt, and can never long continue higher. This assumption contains sufficient truth to render it admissible for the purposes of abstract science; and the conclusion which Mr. Kicardo draws from it, namely, that wages in the long run rise and fall with the per- manent rise of food, is, like almost all bis conclusions, true hypothetical!^. 210 BOOK n. CHAPTER XI. 2. that is, granting the suppositions from which he sets out. But in the appli- cation to practice, it is necessary to consider that the minimum of which he speaks, especially when it is not a physical, but what may he termed a moral minimum, is itself liable to vary. If wages were previously so high that they could bear reduction, to which the obstacle was a high standard of com- fort habitual among the labourers, a rise of the price of food, or any other disadvantageous change in their cir- cvBstanc*, may operate in two ways : it may correct itself by a rise of wages, brought about through a gradual effect on the prudtential check to population ; or it may permanently lower the etandard of living of the class, in case their previous habits in respect of popu- lation prove stronger than their pre- vious habits in respect of comfort. In that case the injury done to them will be permanent, and their deteriorated condition will become a new minimum, tending to perpetuate itself as the more ample minimum did before. It is to be feared that of the two modes in which the cause may operate, the last is the most frequent, or at all events sufficiently BO, to render all propositions ascribing a self-repairing quality to the calamities which befal the labouring classes, prac- tically of no validity. There is con- siderable evidence that the circum- stances of the agricultural labourers in England have more than once in our history sustained great permanent de- terioration, from causes which operated by diminishing the demand for labour, and which, if population had exercised its power of self-adjustmeat in obedi- ence to the previous standard of com- fort, could only have had a temporary effect : but unhappily the poverty in which the class was plunged during a long series of years, brought that pre- vious standard into disuse ; and the next generation, growing up without having possessed those pristine com- forts, multiplied in turn without any attempt to retrieve them.* * See the historical sketch of the condition of the English peasantry, prepared from the best authorities by Mr. William Thornton, The converse case occurs when, by improvements in agriculture, the repeal of com laws, or other such causes, the necessaries of the labourers are cheapened, and they are enabled with the same wages, to command greater comforts than before. Wages will not fall immediately; it is even possible that they may rise : but they will fall at last, so as to leave the labourers no better off than before, unless, during this interval of prosperity, the standard of comfort regarded as indispensable by the class, is permanently raised. Un- fortunately this salutary effect is by no means to be counted upon : it is a much more difficult thing to raise, than to lower, the scale of living which the labourers will consider as more indis- Eensable than marrying and having a imily. If they content themselves with enjoying the greater comfort while it lasts, but do not learn to require it, they will people down to their old scale of living. If from poverty their children had previously been insufficiently led or improperly nursed, a greater number will now b& reared, and the competi- tion of thesev when they grow up, will depress wages, probably in full pro- portion to the greater cheapness of food. If the effect is not produced in ibis mode, it will be produced by earlier Mid more numerous marriages, or by an ''ncreased number of births to a marriage. According to all experi- ence, a great increase invariably takes place in the number of marriages, in seasons of cheap food and full employ- ment. I cannot, therefore, agree in the importance so often attached to the repeal of the corn laws, considered merely as a labourer's question, or to any of' the schemes, of which some ono or other is at all times in vogue, for making the labourers a very little better off. Things which only affect them a very little, make no permanent impression upon their habits and requirements, and they soon slide back into their in his work entitled Over-Population ad id Remedy: a work honourably distinguished from most others which have been published in the present generation, by its rational treatment of questions affecting the ecoiii> micol condition of the labouring classes. WAGES. 211 former state. To produce permanent advantage, the temporary cause operat- ing upon them must be sufficient to make a great change in their condi- tion a change such as will he felt for many years, notwithstanding any stimulus which it may give during one generation to the increase of people. When, indeed, the improvement is of this signal character, and a generation grows up which has always been used to an improved scale of comfort, the habits of this new generation in respect to population become formed upon a higher minimum, and the improvement in their condition becomes permanent. Of cases in point, the most remark- able is France after the Revolution. The majority of the population being suddenly raised from misery, to inde- pendence and comparative comfort ; the immediate effect was that popula- tion, notwithstanding the destructive wars of the period, started forward with unexampled rapidity, partly be- cause improved circumstances enabled many children to be reared who would otherwise have died, and partly from increase of births. The succeeding generation howevergrew up with habits considerably altered ; and though the country was never before in so pros- perous a state, the annual number of births is now nearly stationary,* and the increase of population extremely slow.f Supra, pp. 177, 178. t A similar, though not an equal improve- ment in the standard of living took place among the labourers of England during the remarkable fifty years from 1715 to 1765, which were distinguished by such an extra- ordinary succession of fine harvests (the years of decided deficiency not exceeding five in all that period) that the average price of wheat during those years was much lower than during the previous half century. Mr. Malthus computes that on the average of sixty years preceding 1720, the labourer could purchase with a day's earnings only two-thirds of a peck of wheat, while from 1720 to 1750 he could purchase a whole peck. The average price of wheat according to the Kton tables, for fifty years ending with 17 IS, was 41s. 7}d. the quarter, and for the last twenty-three of these, 45s. 8d., while for the fifty years following, it was no more than &e. lid. So considerable an improvement in the condition of the labouring class, though arising from the accidents of seasons, yet continuing for more than a generation, 3. Wages depend, then, on the proportion between the number of the labouring population, and the capita) or other funds devoted to the purchase of labour ; we will say, for shortness, the capital. If wages are higher at one time or place than at another, if the subsistence and comfort of the class of hired labourers are more ample, it is for no other reason than because capital bears a greater proportion to population. It is not the absolute amount of accumulation or of produc- tion, that is of importance to the labouring class ; it is not the amount even of the funds destined for distri- bution among the laborers : it is the proportion between those funds and the numbers among whom they arc shared. The condition of the class can be bet- tered in no other way than by altering that proportion to their advantage : and every scheme for their benefit, which does not proceed on this as its foundation, is, for all permanent pur- poses, a delusion. In countries like North America and the Australian colonies, where the knowledge and arts of civilized life, and a high effective desire of accumu- lation, co-exist with a boundless extent of unoccupied land; the growth of capital easily keeps pace with the utmost possible increase of population, and is chiefly retarded by the im- practicability of obtaining labourers enough. All, therefore, who can pos- sibly be born, can find employment without overstocking the market : every labouring family enjoys in abun- dance the necessaries, many of the comforts, and some of the luxuries of life ; and, unless in case of individual misconduct, or actual inability to work, poverty does not, and dependence needs not, exist. A similar advantage, though in a less degree, is occasionally had time to work a change in the habitual requirements of the labouring class; and this period is always noted as the date of " a marked improvement of the quality of the food consumed, and a decided elevation in the standard of their comforts and conve- niences." (Malthus, Principle! of Political Economy, p. 225.) For the character of the period, see Mr. Tooke's excellent History of Price*, vol. i. pp. 33 to 61, and for the price* of corn, the Appendix to that work. PZ 212 BOOK n. CHAPTER XL S. enjoyed by some special class of la- bourers in old countries, from an extra- ordinarily rapid growth, not of capital generally, but of the capital employed in a particular occupation. So gigantic has been the progress of the cotton manufacture since the inventions of Watt and Arkwright, that the capital engaged in it has probably quadrupled in the time which population requires for doubling. While, therefore, it has attracted from other employments nearly all the hands which geogra- phical circumstances and the habits or inclinations of the people rendered available ; and while the demand it created for infant labour has enlisted the immediate pecuniary interest of the operatives in favour of promoting, instead of restraining, the increase of population ; nevertheless wages in the great seats of the manufacture are generally so high, that the collective earnings of a family amount, on an average of years, to a very satisfactory sum ; and there is, as yet, no sign of permanent decrease, while the effect nap ilso been felt in raising the general standard of agricultural wages in the counties adjoining. fiiii those circumstances of a country, or oi an occupation, in which popula- tion can with impunity increase at its utmost rate, are rare, and transitory. Very few are the countries presenting the needful union of conditions. Kither the industrial arts are backward and stationary, and capital therefore in- creases slowly ; or the effective desire of accumulation being low, the increase soon reaches its limit ; or, even though both these elements are at their highest known degree, the increase of capital is checked, because there is not fresh Lui'l U be resorted to, of as good quality as that already occupied. Though capital should for a time double itself simultaneously with popu- lation, if all this capital and popula- tion are to find employment on the same land, they cannot without an un- exampled succession of agricultural inventions continue doubling the pro- duce ; therefore, if wages do not fall, p-ofits must ; and when profits fall, Increase of capital is slackened. Be- sides, even if wages did not fall, the price of food (as will be shown more fully hereafter) would in these circunv stances necessarily rise ; which is equi- valent to a fall of wages. Except, therefore, in the very pecu- liar cases which I have just noticed, of which the only one of any practical importance is that of a new colony, or a country in circumstances equivalent to it ; it is impossible that population should increase at its utmost rate without lowering wages. Nor will the fall be stopped at any point, short of that which either by its physical or its moral operation, checks the increase of population. In no old country, there- fore, does population increase at any- thing like its utmost rate ; in most, at a very moderate rate : in some countries not at all. These facts are only to be accounted for in two ways. Either the whole number of births which nature admits of, and which happen in some circumstances, do not take place ; or if they do, a large proportion of those who are born, die. The re- tardation of increase results either from mortality or prudence ; from Mr. Mal- thus's positive, or from his preventive check : and one or the other of these must and does exist, and very power- fully too, in all old societies. Wherever population is not kept down by the pru- dence either of individuals or of the state, it is kept down by starvation or disease. Mr. Malthus has taken great pains to ascertain, for almost every country in the world, which of these checks it is that operates : and the evidence which he collected on the subject, in his Essay on Population, may ever now be read with advantage. Through out Asia, and formerly in most Euro pean countries in which the labouring classes were not in personal bondage, there is, or was, no restrainer of popu- lation but death. The mortality was not always the result of poverty : much of it proceeded from unskilful and care- less management of children, from un- cleanly and otherwise unhealthy habits of life among the adult population, and from the almost periodical occurrenca of destructive epidemics. Throughout Europe these causes of shortened life WAGES. 213 have much diminished, tut they have not ceased to exist. Until a period not very remote, hardly any of our large towns kept up its population, in- di-| rndently of the stream always flowing into them from the rural dis- tricts : this was still true of Liverpool until very recently; and even in Lon- don, the mortality is larger, and the average duration of life shorter, than in rural districts where there is much creator poverty. In Ireland, epidemic fevers, and deaths from the exhaustion of the constitution by insufficient nutriment, have always accompanied even the most moderate deficiency of the potato crop. Nevertheless, it cannot now be said that in any part of Europe, population is principally kept down by disease, still less by starvation, either in a direct or in an indirect form. The agency by which it is limited is chiefly Geventive, not (in the language of r. Malthus) positive. But the pre- ventive remedy seldom, I believe, con- sists in the unaided operation of prudential motives on a class wholly or mainly composed of labourers for hire, and looking forward to no other lot. In England, for example, I much doubt if the generality of agricultural labourers practise any prudential re- straint whatever. They generally marry as early, and have as many children to a marriage, as they would or could do if they were settlers in the United States. During the geneiation which preceded the enactment of the present Poor Law, they received the most direct encouragement to this sort of improvidence : being not only as- sured of support, on easy terms, when- ever out of employment, but even when in employment, very commonly re- ceiving from the parish a weekly allow- ance proportioned to their number of children ; and the married with large families being always, from a short- sighted economy, employed in prefe- rence to the unmarried ; which last premium on population still exists. Under such prompting, the rural labourers acquired habits of reckless- ness, which are so congenial to the un- cultivated mind, that in whatever manner produced, they in general long survive their immediate causes. There are so many new elements at work in society, even in those deeper strata which are inaccessible to the mere movements on the surface, that it is hazardous to affirm anything positive on the mental state or practical im- pulses of classes and bodies of men, when the same assertion may be true to-day, and may require great modifi- cation in a few years time. It docs, however, seem, that if the rate of in- crease of population depended solely on the agricultural labourers, it would, as far as dependent on births, and un- less repressed by deaths, be as rapid in the southern counties of England as in America. The restraining prin- ciple lies in the very great proportion of the population composed of the middle classes and the skilled artizans, who in this country almost equal in number the common labourers, and on whom prudential motives do, in a con- siderable degree, operate. 4. Where a labouring class who have no property but their daily wages, and no hope of acquiring it, refrain from over-rapid multiplication, the cause, I believe, has always hitherto been, either actual legal restraint, or a custom of some sort which, without intention on their part, insensibly moulds their conduct, or affords imme- diate inducements not to marry. It is not generally known in how many countries of Europe direct legal ob- stacles are opposed to improvident marriages. The communications made to the original Poor Law Commission by our foreign ministers and consuls in different parts of Europe, contain a considerable amount of information on this subject. Mr. Senior, in his pre- face to those communications,* says that in the countries which recognise a legal right to relief, " marriage on the part of persons in the actual receipt of relief appears to be everywhere prohi- bited, and the marriage of those who are not likely to possess the means of independent support is allowed by very * Forming an Appendix (F) to the General Report of the Commissioners, and also pub- lished by authority as a separate volume. 214 BOOK IL CHAPTER XI. 5. fow. Thus we are told that in Norway no one can many without ' showing, to the satisfaction of the clergyman, that he is permanently settled in such a manner as to offer a fair prospect that he can maintain a family.' " In Mecklenburg, that ' marriages lire delayed by conscription in the twenty-second year, and military ser- vice for six years ; besides, the parties must have a dwelling, without which a clergyman is not permitted to marry them. The men marry at from twenty- five to thirty, the women not much earlier, as both must first gain by ser- vice enough to establish themselves." " In Saxony, that ' a man may not marry before he is twenty-one years old, if liable to serve in the army. In Dresden, professionists (by which word artizans are probably meant) may not many until they become masters in their trade.' " In Wurtemberg, that ' no man is allowed to marry till his twenty-fifth year, on account of his military duties, unless permission be especially ob- tained or purchased: at that age he must also obtain permission, which is granted on proving that he and his wife would have together sufficient to maintain a family or to establish them- selves ; in large towns, say from 800 to 1000 florins (from 661. IBs. 4d. to Ml. 3*. 4d.) ; in smaller, from 400 to 500 florins : in villages, 200 florins (IfiZ. 13s. 4d.y* The minister at Munich says, " The great cause why the number of the poor is kept so low in this country arises from the prevention by law of marriages in cases in which it cannot he proved that the parties have reason- able means of subsistence ; and this regulation is in all places and at all times strictly adhered to. The effect of a constant and firm observance of this rule has, it is true, a considerable influence in keeping down the popula- tion of Bavaria, which is at present low for the extent of country, but it has a most salutary effect in averting extreme poverty and consequent misery. "f * Preface, p. xxxix. t Preface, p. xxxiii., or p. 554 of the Ap- pendix itself. At Lubeck, " marriages among tho poor are delayed by the necensity a man is under, first, of previously prov- ing that he is in a regular employ, work, or profession, that will enable him to maintain a wife : and secondly, of becoming a burgher, and equipping himself in the uniform of the burgher guard, which together may cost him nearly 41."* At Frankfort, " the go- vernment prescribes no age for marry- ing, but the permission to marry is only granted on proving alivelihood."f The allusion, in some of these state- ments, to military duties, points out an indirect obstacle to marriage, in- terposed by the laws of some countries in which there is no direct legal re- straint. In Prussia, for instance, the institutions which compel every able- bodied man to serve for several years in the army, at the time of life at which imprudent marriages are most likely to take place, are probably a full equivalent, in effect on population, for the legal restrictions of the smaller German states. "So strongly," says Mr. Kay, "do the people of Switzerland understand from experience the expediency of their sons and daughters postponing the time of their marriages, that the coun- cils of state of four or five of the most democratic of the cantons, elected, be it remembered, by universal suffrage, have passed laws by which all young persons who marry before they have proved to the magistrate of their dis- trict that they are able to support a family, are rendered liable to a heavy fine. In Lucerne, Argovie, Unterwal- den, and I believe, St. Gall, Schweitz, and Uri, laws of this character have been in force for many years."| 5. Where there is no general law restrictive of marriage, there are often customs equivalent to it. When the fnilds or trade corporations of the liddle Ages were in vigour, their bye- laws or regulations were conceived with a very vigilant eye to the advan- tage which the trade derived from limiting competition : and they made Appendix, p. 419. t Ibid. p. 567. t Kay, as before cited, i. 68. WAGES. 216 It very effectually the interest of arti- xans not to marry until after passing through the two stages of apprentice and journeyman, and attaining the rank of master.* In'. Norway, where the labour is chiefly agricultural, it is forbidden to engage a farm-servant for less than a year ; which was the general English practice until the poor laws destroyed it, by enabling the farmer to cast his labourers on parish pay whenever he did not imme- diately require their labour. In con- sequence of this custom, and of its enforcement by law, the whole of the rather limited class of agricultural labourers in Norway have an engage- ment for a year at least, which if the parties are content with one another, naturally becomes a permanent engage- ment : hence it is known in every neighbourhood whether there is, or is likely to be, a vacancy, and unless there is, a young man does not many, knowing that he could not obtain em- ployment. The custom still exists in * " In general," says Sismondi, " the num- ber of masters in each corporation was fixed, and no one but a master could keep a shop, or buy and sell on his own account. Each master could only train a certain number of apprentices, whom he instructed in his trade ; in some corporations he was only allowed one. Each master could also employ only a limited number of workmen, who were called companions, or journeymen ; and in the trades in which he could only take one ap- prentice, he was only allowed to have one, or at most two journeymen. No one was al- lowed to buy, sell, or work at a trade, unless he was either an apprentice, a journeyman, or a master ; no one could become a journey- man without having served a given number of years as an apprentice, nor a master, un- less he had served the same number of years as a journeyman, and unless he had also executed what was called his chefd'aeuvre, (masterpiece) a piece of work appointed in liis trade, and which was to be judged of by the corporation. It is seen that this organi- zation threw entirely into the hands of the masters the recruiting of the trade. They alone could take apprentices ; but they were not ;ompelled to take any; accordingly they required to be paid, often at a very high rate, for the favour ; and a young man could not enter into a trade if he had not, at start- ing, the sum required to be paid for his ap- prenticeship, and the means necessary for his support during that apprenticeship; since for four, five, or seven years, all his work Delonged to his master. His dependence on the master during that time was complete ; for the master's will, or even caprice, could Cumberland and WeatniO.-eland, except that the term is half a year instead of a year ; and seems to be still attended with the same consequences. The farm-servants are " lodged and boarded in their masters' houses, which thel seldom leave until, through the death of some relation or neighbour, they succeed to the ownership or lease of a cottage farm. What is called surplus labour does not here exist."* I have mentioned in another chapter the check to population in England during the last century, from the difficulty of obtaining a separate dwelling place.f Other customs restrictive of popula- tion might be specified : in some parts of Italy, it is the practice, according to Sismondi, among the poor, as it is well known to be in the higher ranks, that all but one of the sons remain unmar ried. But such family arrangements are not likely to exist among day-labourers. They are the resource of small proprie- tors and metayers, for preventing too minute a subdivision of the land. close the door of a lucrative profession upon .him. After the apprentice became a journey- man he had a little more freedom ; he could engage with any master he chose, or pass from one to another ; and as the condition of a journeyman was only accessible through apprenticeship, he now began to profit by the monopoly from which he had previously suf- fered, and was almost sure of getting well paid for a work which no one else was allowed to .perform. He depended, however, on the corporation for becoming a master, and did not, therefore, regard himself as being yet assured of his lot, or as having a permanent position. In general he did not marry until he had passed as a mas- ter. " It is certain both in fact and in theory that the existence of trade corporations hin- dered, and could not but hinder, the birth of a superabundant population. By the sta- tutes of almost all the guilds, a man could not pass as amaster before the ageof twenty-five : but if he had no capital of his own, if he had not made sufficient savings, he continued to work as a journeyman much longer ; some, perhaps the majority of artisans, remained journeymen all their lives. There was, however, scarcely an instance of their marry- ing before they were received as masters : had they been so imprudent as to desire it, no father would have given' his daughter to a man without a position." -Nete Priacipltt of Political Economy, book iv.^ch. 10. See also Adam Smith, book i., ch. 10, part 2. * See Thornton on Over-Population, pa(f 18, and the authorities there cited. t Supra, p. 99. 218 BOOK IL CHAPTER XI. 6. Jn England generally there is now scarcely a relic of these indirect checks to population ; except that in parishes owned by one or a very small number of landowners, the increase of resident labourers is still occasionally obstructed, by preventing cottages from being built, or by pulling down those which exist ; thus restraining the population liable to become locally chargeable, without any material effect on popula- tion generally, the work required in those parishes being performed by labourers settled elsewhere. The sur- rounding districts always feel them- selves much aggrieved by this practice, against which they cannot defend themselves by similar means, since a single acre of land owned by any one who does not enter into the combina- tion, enables him to defeat the attempt, very profitably to himself, by covering that acre with cottages. To meet these complaints it has already been under the consideration of Parliament to abolish parochial settlements, and make the poor rate a charge not on the parish, but on the whole union. If this proposition be adopted, which for other reasons is very desirable, it will remove the small remnant of what was once a check to population : the value of which, however, from the narrow limits of its operation, must now be considered very trifling. 6. In the case, therefore, of the common agricultural labourer, the checks to population may almost be considered as non-existent. If the growth of the towns, and of the capital there employed, by which the factory operatives are maintained at their present average rate of wages notwith- standing their rapid increase, did not also absorb a great part of the annual addition to the rural population, there seems no reason in the present habits of the people why they should not fall into as miserable a condition as the Irish previous to 1846; and if the market for our manufactures should, I do not say fall off, but even cease to expand at the rapid rate of the last fifty yeais, there is no certainty that tbis fate may not be reserved for us. Without carrying our anticipations forward to such a calamity, which tho great and growing intelligence of the factory population would, it may be hoped, avert, by an adaptation of their habits to their circumstances ; the existing condition of the labourers of some of the most exclusively agricul- tural comities, Wiltshire, Somerset- shire, Dorsetshire, Bedfordshire, Buck- inghamshire, is sufficiently painful to contemplate. The labourers of these counties, with large families, and eight or perhaps nine shillings for their weekly wages when in full employment, have for some time been one of the stock objects of popular compassion : it is time that they had the benefit also of some application of common sense. Unhappily, sentimentality rather than common sense usually presides over the discussion of these subjects ; and while there is a growing sensitive- ness to the hardships of the poor, and a ready disposition to admit claims in them upon the good offices of other people, there is an all but universal unwillingness to face the real difficulty of their position, or advert at all to the conditions which nature has made in- dispensable to the improvement of their physical lot. Discussions on the condition of 'the labourers, lamenta- tions over its wretchedness, denuncia- tions of all who are supposed to be in- different to it, projects of one kind or another for improving it, were in no country and in no time of the world so rife as in the present generation ; but there is a tacit agreement to ignore totally the law of wages, or to dismiss it in a parenthesis, with such terms as " hard-hearted Malthusianism ;" as if it were not a thousand times more hard-hearted to tell human beings that they may, than that they may not, call into existence swarms of creatures who are sure to be miserable, and most likely to be depraved ; and forgetting that the conduct, which it is reckoned so cruel to disapprove, is a degrading slavery to a brute instinct in one of the persons concerned, and most com- monly, in the other, helpless submis- sion to a revolting abuse of power. WAGES. 217 So long as mankind remained in a semi-barbarous state, with the indolence and the few wants of the savage, it |>robably was not desirable that popu- ation should be restrained : the pres- sure of physical want may have been a necefisary stimulus, in that stage of the human mind, to the exertion of labour and ingenuity required for ac- complishing that greatest of all past changes in human modes of existence, by which industrial life attained pre- dominance over the hunting, the pas- toral, and the military or predatory state. Want, in that age of the world, had its uses, as even slavery had ; and there may be corners of the earth where those uses are not yet super- seded, though they might easily be so were a helping hand held out by more civilized communities. But in Europe the time, if it ever existed, is long past, when a life of privation had the smallest tendency to make men either better workmen or more civilized beings. It is, on the contrary, evident, that if the agricultural labourers were better oft', they would both work more effi- ciently, and be better citizens. I ask, then, is it true, or not, that if their numbers were fewer they would obtain higher wages ? This is the question, and no other : and it is idle to divert attention from it, by attacking any incidental position of Malthus or some other writer, and pretending that to refute that, is to disprove the prin- ciple of population. Some, for instance, have achieved an easy victory over a passing remark of Mr. Malthus, ha- zarded chiefly by way of illustration, that the increase of food may perhaps be assumed to take place in an arith- metical ratio, while population in- creases in a geometrical : when every candid reader knows that Mr. Malthus laid no stress on this unlucky attempt to give numerical precision to things which do not admit of it, aiid every person capable of reasoning must see that it is wholly superfluous to his argument. Others have attached im- mense importance to a correction which more recent political economists have made in the mere language of the earlier followers of Mr. Malthus. Seve- ral writers have said that it is the tendency of population to increase faster than the means of subsistence. The assertion was true in the sense in which they meant it, namely that population would in most circumstances increase faster than the means of sub- sistence, if it were not checked either by mortality or by prudence. But in- asmuch as these checks act with un- equal force at different times and places, it was possible to interpret the language of these writers as if they had meant that population is usually gaining ground upon subsistence, and the poverty of the people becoming greater. Under this interpretation of their meaning, it was urged that the reverse is the truth : that as civiliza- tion advances, the prudential check tends to become stronger, and popula- tion to slacken its rate of increase, relatively to subsistence; and that it is an error to maintain that popula- tion, in any improving community, tends to increase faster than, or even so fast as, subsistence. The word tendency is here used in a totally dif- ferent sense from that of the writers who affirmed the proposition: but waving the verbal question, is it not allowed on both sides, that in old countries, population presses too closely upon the means of subsistence ? And though its pressure diminishes, the more the id ^as and habits of the poorest class of labourers can be improved, to which it is to be hoped that there is always some tendency in a progressive country, yet since that tendency has hitherto been, and still is, extremely faint, and (to descend to particulars) has not yet extended to giving to the Wiltshire labourers higher wages than eight shillings a week, the only thing which it is necessary to consider is, whether that is a sufficient and suitable provision for a labourer ? for if not, population does, as an existing fact, bear too great a proportion to the wages fund ; and whether it pressed still harder or not quite so hard at some former period, is practically of no moment, except that, if the ratio is an improving one, there is the better hope that by proper aida aivj eu 218 BOOK II. CHAPTER XII. 1. courage-mania it ma}- bo made to im- prove more and fester. It is not, however, against reason, that the argument on this subject has to struggle ; but against a feeling of dislike, which will only reconcile itself to the unwelcome truth, when every device is exhausted by which the recognition of that truth can be evaded. 1 1 is necessary, therefore, to enter into a detailed examination of these devices, and to force every position which is taken up by the enemies of the popula- tion principle, in their determination to find some refuge for the labourers, some plausible means of improving their condition, without requiring the exercise, either enforced or voluntary, of any self-restraint, or any greater control than at present over the animal power of multiplication. This will be the object of the next chapter. CHAPTEE XII. OP POPULAR REMEDIES FOB LOW WAGES. 1. THE simplest expedient which can be imagined for keeping the wages of labour up to the desirable point, would be to fix them by law : and this is virtually the object aimed at in a variety of plans which have at different times been, or still are, current, for remodelling the relation between la- bourers and employers. No one pro- bably ever suggested that wages should be absolutely fixed ; since the interests of all concerned, often require that they should be variable ; but some have proposed to fix a minimum of wages, leaving the variations above that point to be adjusted by competition. Another plan, which has found many advocates among the leaders of the operatives, is that councils should be formed, which in Englandhave been calledlocal boards of trade, in France " conseils de prud'- hommes," and of her names ; consisting of delegates from the workpeople and from the employers, who, meeting in conference, should agree upon a rate of wages, and promulgate it from authority, to be binding generally on employers and workmen ; the ground of decision being, not the state of the labour-market, but natural equity ; to provide that the workmen shall have reasonable wages, and the capitalist reasonable profits. Others again (but these are rather philanthropists interesting themselves for the labouring classes, than the labouring people themselves) are shy of admitting the interference of au- thority in contracts for labour: they fear that if law intervened, it would intervene rashly and ignorantly ; they are convinced that two parties, with opposite interests, attempting to adjust those interests by negotiation through their representatives on principles of equity, when no rule could be laid down to determine what was equitable, would merely exasperate their dif- ferences instead of healing them ; but what it is useless to attempt by the legal sanction, these persons desire to compass by the moral. Every em- ployer, they think, ought to give suffi- cient wages ; and if he does it not wil- lingly, should be compelled to it by general opinion ; the test of sufficient wages being their own feelings, or what they suppose to be those of the public. This is, I think, a fair representation of a considerable body of existing opi. nion on the subject. I desire to confine my remarks iff the principle involved in all these sug- gestions, without taking into accoun', practical difficulties, serious as these must at once be seen to be. I shall suppose that by one or other of these contrivances, wages could be kept above the point to whi<'h they wouM be brought by competition. This is as much as to say, above the highest rate which can be afforded by thi POPULAR REMEDIES FOR LOW WAGES. 219 existing capital consistently with em- ploying all the labourers. For it, is a mistake to suppose that competition merely keeps down wages. It is equally the means by which they are kept up. When there are any labour- ers unemployed, these, unless main- tained by charity, become competitors for hire, and wages fall ; but when all who were out of work have found em- ployment, wages will not, under the freest system of competition, fall lower. There are strange notions afloat con- cerning the nature of competition. Some people seem to imagine that its effect is something indefinite ; that the competition of sellers may lower prices, and the competition of la- bourers may lower wages, down to zero, or some unassignable minimum. Nothing can be more unfounded. Goods can only be lowered in price by competition, to the point which calls forth buyers sufficient to take them off; and wages can only be lowered by competition until room is made to admit all the labourers to a share in the distribution of the wages- fund. If they fell below this point, a portion of capital would remain un- employed for want of labourers ; a counter-competition would commence on the side of capitalists, and wages would rise. Since, therefore, the rate of wages which results from competition distri- butes the whole wages-fund among the whole labouring population ; if law or opinion succeeds in fixing wages above this rate, some labourers are kept out of employment ; and as it is not the intention of the philanthropists that these should starve, they must be pro- vided for by a forced increase of the wages-fund ; by a compulsory saving. It is nothing to fix a minimum of wages, unless there b a provision that work, or wages at least, be found for all who apply for it. This, accordingly, is always part of the scheme ; and is consistent with the ideas of more people than would approve of either a legal or a moral minimum of wages. Popular sentiment looks upon it as the duty of the rich, or of the state, to find employ- ment for all the poor. If the moral influence of opinion does not induce the rich to spare fiom their consump- tion enough to set all the poor to work at " reasonable wages," it is supposed to be incumbent on the state to lay on taxes for the purpose, either by local rates or votes of public money. The proportion between labour and the wages-fund would thus be modified to the advantage of the labourers, not by restriction of population, but by an increase of capital. 2. If this claim on society could be limited to the existing generation ; if nothing more were necessary than a compulsory accumulation, sufficient to provide permanent employment at am- ple wages for the existing numbers of the people ; such a proposition would have no more strenuous supporter than myself. Society mainly consists of those who live by bodily labour ; and if society, that is, if the labourers, lend their physical force to protect indivi- duals in the enjoyment of superfluities, they are entitled to do so, and have always done so, with the reservation of a power to tax those superfluities for purposes of public utility ; among whii.-h purposes the subsistence of the people is the foremost. Since no one is responsible for having been born, no pecuniary sacrifice is too great to be made by those who have more than enough, for the purpose of securing enough to all persons already in ex- istence. But it is another thing altogether, when those who have produced and accumulated are called upon to abstain from consuming, until they have given food and clothing, not only to all who now exist, but to all whom these or their descendants may think fit to call into existence. Such an obligation ac- knowledged and acted upon, would sus- pend all checks, both positive and pre- ventive ; there would be nothing to hinder population from starting for- ward at its rapidest rate ; and as the natural increase of capital would, at the best, not be more rapid than before, taxation, to make up the growing de- ficiency, must advance with the same gigantic strides. The attempt would 220 of coarse be made to exact labour in exchange for support. But experience lias shown the sort of work to be ex- pected from recipients of public charity. When the pay is not given for the sake of the work, but the work found for the sake of the pay, inefficiency is a matter of certainty : to extract real work from day-labourers Avithout the power of dismissal, is only practicable l>y the power of the lash. It is conceivable, doubtless, that this objection might be got over. The fund raised by tax- ation might be spread over the labour- market generally, as seems to be in- tended by the supporters of the "right to employment" in France ; without giv- ing to any unemployed labourer a right to demand support in a particular place or from a particular functionary. The power of dismissal, as regards indi- vidual labourers, would then remain ; the government only undertaking to create additional employment when there was a deficiency, and reserving, like other employers, the choice of its own workpeople. But let them -work ever so efficiently, the increasing po- pulation could not, as we have so often shown, increase the produce propor- tionally : the surplus, after all were fed, would bear a less and less propor- tion to the whole produce and to the population : and the increase of people going on in a constant ratio, while the Increase of produce went on in a di- minishing ratio, the surplus would in time be wholly absorbed ; taxation for the support of the poor would engross the whole income of the country ; the payers and the receivers would be melted down into one mass. The check to population either by death or prudence, could not then be staved off any longer, but must come into opera- tion suddenly and at once ; everything which places mankind above a nest of ants or a colony of beavers, having perished in the interval. These consequences have been so often and so clearly pointed out by au- thors of reputation, in writings known and accessible, that ignorance of them on the part of educated persons is no longer pardonable. It is doubly dis- creditable in any person setting up for BOOK II. CHAPTER XII. g 2. a public teacher, to ignore these con- siderations; to dismiss them silently, and discuss or declaim on wages and poor-laws, not as if these arguments could be refuted, but as if they did not exist. Every one has a right to live. We will suppose this granted. But no one has a right to bring creatures into life, to be supported by other people. Who- ever means to stand upon the first of these rights must renounce all preten- sion to the last. If a man cannot sup- port even himself unless others help him, those others are entitled to say that they do not also undertake the support of any offspring which it is physically possible for him to summon into the world. Yet there are abun- dance of writers and public speakers, including many of most ostentatious pretensions to high feeling, whose views of life are so truly brutish, that they see hardship in preventing paupers from breeding hereditary paupers in the workhouse itself. Posterity will one day ask with astonishment, what sort of people it could be among whom such preachers could find proselytes. It would be possible for the state to guarantee employment at ample wages to all who are born. But if it does this, it is bound in self-protection, and for the sake of every purpose for which government exists, to provide that no person shall be born without its consent. If the ordinary and spontaneous mo- tives to self-restraint are removed, others must be substituted. Kestric- tions on marriage, at least equivalent to those existing in some of the German States, or severe penalties on those who have children when unable to sup- port them, would then be indispensable. Society can feed the necessitous, if it takes their multiplication under its control ; or (if destitute of all moral feeling for the wretched offspring) it can leave the last to their discretion, abandoning the first to their own care. But it cannot with impunity take the feeding upon itself, and leave the mul- tiplying free. To give profusely to the people, whe- ther under the name of charity or of employment, without placing them POPULAR REMEDIES FOR LOW WAGES. 221 under such influences that prudential motives shall act powerfully upon them, is to lavish the means of benefiting mankind, without attaining the object. Leave the people in a situation in which their condition manifestly de- pends upon their numbers, and the greatest permanent benefit may be derived from any sacrifice made to im- prove the physical well-being of the present generation, and raise, by that means, the habits of their children. But remove the regulation of their wages from their own control; gua- rantee to them a certain payment, either by law, cr by the feeling of the community ; and no amount of comfort that you can give them will make either them or their descendants look to their own self-restraint as the proper means for preserving them in that state. You will only make them in- dignantly claim the continuance of your guarantee, to themselves and their full complement of possible posterity. On these grounds some writers have altogether condemned the English poor-Law, and any system of relief to the able-bodied, at least when uncom- bined with systematic legalprecautions against over-population. The famous Act of the 43d of Elizabeth undertook, on the part of the public, to provide work and wages for all the destitute able-bodied : and there is little doubt that if the intent of that Act had been fully carried out, and no means had been adopted by the administrators of relief to neutralize its natural tenden- cies, the poor-rate would by this time have absorbed the whole net produce of the land and labour of the country. It is not at all surprising, therefore, that Mr. Malthus and otheis should at first have concluded against all poor- laws whatever. It required much ex- perience, and careful examination of different modes of poor-law manage- ment, to give assurance that the ad- mission of an absolute right to be sup- ported at the cost of other people, could exist in law and in fact, without fatally relaxing the springs of industry and the restraints of prudence. This, how- ever, was fully substantiated, by the investigations of the oritjinal Poor Law Commissioners. Hostile as they are unjustly accused of being to the principle of legal relief, they are tho first who fully proved the compatibility of any Poor Law in which a right to relief was recognised, with the perma- nent interests of the labouring class and of posterity. By a collection of facts, experimentally ascertained in parishes scattered throughout England, it was shown that the guarantee of support could be freed from its injurious effects upon the minds and habits of the people, if the relief, though ample in respect to necessaries, was accom- panied with conditions which they dis- liked, consisting of some restraints on their freedom, and the privation of some indulgences. Under this proviso, it may be regarded as irrevocably esta- blished, that the fate of no member of the community needs be abandoned to chance ; that society can, and therefore ought to ensure every individual be- longing to it against the extreme of want ; that the condition even of those who are unable to find their own sup- port, needs not be one of physical suf- fering, or the dread of it, but only of restricted indulgence, and enforced rigidity of discipline. This is surely something gained for humanity, impor- tant in itself, and still more so as a step to something beyond; and hu- manity has no worse enemies than those who lend themselves, either knowingly or unintentionally, to bring odium on this law, or on the principles in which it originated. 3. Next to the attempts to regu- late wages, and provide artificially that all who are willing to work shall receive an adequate price for their labour, we have to consider another class of popular remedies, which do not profess to interfere with freedom of contract ; which leave wages to be fixed by the competition of the market, but, when they are considered insuffi- cient, endeavour by some subsidiary resource to make up to the labourers for the insufficiency. Of this nature was the expedient resorted to by parish authorities during thirty or forty years previous to 1834, generally 222 BOOK II. CHAPTER XII. 8. known as the Allowance System. This was first introduced, when, through a succession of bad seasons, and conse- quent high prices of food, the wages of labour had become inadequate to afford to the families of the agricultural labourers the amount of support to which they had been accustomed. Sentiments of humanity, joined with the idea then inculcated in high quarters, that people ought not to be allowed to suffer for having enriched their country with a multitude of inha- bitants, induced the magistrates of the rural districts to commence giving parish relief to persons already in private employment ; and when the practice had once been sanctioned, the immediate interest of the farmers, whom it enabled to throw part of the support of their labourers upon the other inhabitants of the parish, led to a great and rapid extension of it. The principle of this scheme being avowedly that of adapting the means of every family to its necessities, it was a natu- ral consequence that more should be given to the married than to the single, and to those who had large families than to those who had not: in fact, an allowance was usually granted for every child. So direct and positive an encouragement to population is not, however, inseparable from the scheme : the allowance in aid of wages might be a fixed thing, given to all labourers alike, and as this is the least objec- tionable form which the system can assume, we will give it the benefit of the supposition. It is obvious that this is merely another mode of fixing a minimum of wages ; no otherwise differing from the direct mode, than in allowing the employer to buy the labour at its market price, the difference being made up to the labourer from a public fund. The one kind of guarantee is open to all the objections which have been urged against the other. It pro- mises to the labourers that they shall all have a certain amount of wages, however numerous they may be : and removes, therefore, alike the positive and the prudential obstacles to an un- limited increase. But besides the objections common to all attempts to regulate wages without regulating population, the allowance system has a peculiar absurdity of its own. This is, that it inevitably takes from wages with one hand what it adds to them with the other. There is a rate of wages, either the lowest on which the people can, or the lowest on which they will consent, to live. \\ r e will suppose this to be seven shillings a-week. Shocked at the wretchedness of this pittance, the parish authorities hu- manely make it up to ten. But the labourers are accustomed to seven, and though they would gladly have more, will live on that (as the fact proves) rather than restrain the instinct of multiplication. Their habits will not be altered for the better by giving them parish pay. Keceiving three shillings from the parish, they will be as well off as before though they should increase sufficiently to bring down wages to four shillings. They will accordingly people down to that point ; or perhaps, without waiting for an increase of numbers, there are un- employed labourers enough in the workhouse to produce the effect at once. It is well known that the allow- ance system did practically operate in the mode described, and that under its influence wages sank to a lower rate than had been known in England before. During the last century, under a rather rigid administration of the poor-laws, population increased slowly, and agricultural wages were conside- rably above the starvation point. Under the allowance system the people increased so fast, and \vagvg sank so low, that with wages and allowance together, families were worse off than they had been before with wages alone. When the labourer depends solely on wages, there is a virtual minimum. If wages fall below the lowest rate which will enable th* population to be kept up, depopulation at least restores them to that lowest rate. But if the deficiency is to be made up by a forced contribution from all who have anything to give, wages may fall below starvation point ; they may fall almost to zero. This deplor- POPULAR REMEDIES FOR LOW WAGES. 223 able system, worse than any other form of poor-law abuse yet invented, inasmuch as it pauperizes not merely the unemployed part of the population but the whole, has been abolished, and of this one abuse at least it may be said that nobody professes to wish for ite revival. 4. But while this is (it is to be hoped) exploded, there is another mode of relief in aid of wages, which is still highly popular ; a mode greatly pre- ferable, morally and socially, to parish allowance, but tending, it is to be feared, to a very similar economical result : I mean the much - boasted Allotment System. This, too, is a con- trivance to compensate the labourer tot the insufficiency of his wages, by giving him something else as a supple- ment to them : but instead of having them made up from the poor-rate, he is enabled to make them up for himself, by renting a small piece of ground, which he cultivates like a garden by spade labour, raising potatoes and other vegetables for home consump- tion, with perhaps some additional quantity for sale. If he hires the ground ready manured, he sometimes pays for it at as high a rate as eight pounds an acre : but getting his own labour and that of his family for no- thing, he is able to gain several pounds by it even at so high a rent.* The patrons of the system make it a great point that the allotment shall be in aid of wages, and not a substitute for them ; that it shall not be such as a labourer can live on, but only sufficient to occupy the spare hours and days of a man in tolerably regular agricultural employment, with assistance from his wife and children. They usually limit the extent of a single allotment to a quarter, or something between a quar- ter and half an acre. If it exceeds this, without being enough to occupy him entirely, it will make him, they Bay, a bad and uncertain workman for hire : if it is sufficient to take him entirely out of the class of hired * Bee the Evidence on the subject of Allotments, collected by the Commissioners of Poor Law Enquiry. labourers, and to become Iris sole means of subsistence, it will make him an Irish cottier : for which assertion, at the enormous rents usually de- manded, there is some foundation. But in their precautions against cot- tierism, these well-meaning persons df not perceive, that if the system thc3 patronize is not a cottier system, it is, in essentials, neither more nor less than a system of conacre. There is no doubt a material diffe- rence between eking out insufficient wages by a fund raised by taxation, and doing the same thing by means which make a clear addition to the gross produce of the country. There is also a difference between helping a labourer by means of his own industry, and subsidizing him in a mode which tends to make him careless and idle. On both these points, allotments have an unquestionable advantage over parish allowances. But in their effect on wages and population, I see no reason why the two plans should sub- stantially differ. All subsidies in aid of wages enable the labourer to do with less remuneration, and therefore ultimately bring down the price of labour by the full amount, unless a change bo wrought in the ideas and requirements of the labouring class ; an alteration in the relative value which they set upon the gratification of their instincts, and upon the increase ot their comforts and the comforts of those connected with them. That any such change in their character should be produced by the allotment system, appears to me a thing not to be expected. The possession of land, we are sometimes told, renders the la- bourer provident. Property in land does so; or what is equivalent to pro- perty, occupation on fixed terms ami on a permanent tenure. But mere hiring from year to year was never found to have any such effect. Did possession of land render the Irishman provident ? Testimonies, it is true, abound, and I do not seek to discredit them, of the beneficial change pro- duced in the conduct and condition of labourers, by receiving allotments. Such an effect is to be expected whii* BOOK H. CHAPTER XII. 4. those who hold them are a small num- ber ; a privileged class, having a status above the common level, which they are unwilling to lose. They are also, no doubt, almost always, originally a select class, composed of the most favourable specimens of the labouring people : which, however, is attended with the inconvenience, that the per- sons to whom the system facilitates marrying and having children, are pre- cisely those who would otherwise be the most likely to practise prudential restraint. As affecting the general condition of the labouring class, the scheme, as it seems to me, must be either nugatory or mischievous. If only a few labourers have allotments, they are naturally those who could do best without them, and no good is done to the class : while, if the system were general, and every or almost every labourer had an allotment, I believe the effect would be much the same as when every or almost every labourer had an allowance in aid of wages. I think there can be no doubt that if, at the end of the last century, the Allotment instead of the Allowance system had been generally adopted in England, it would equally have broken down the practical restraints on population which at that time did really exist ; popula- tion would have started forward ex- actly as in fact it did ; and in twenty years, wages plus the allotment would have been, as wages plus the allow- ance actually were, no more than equal to the former wages without any allot- ment. The only difference in favour of allotments would have been, that they make the people grow their own poor-rates. I am at the same time quite ready to allow, that in some circumstances, the possession of land at a fair rent, even without ownership, by the gene- rality of labourers for hire, operates as a cause not of low, but of high wages. This, however, is when their land ren- ders them, to the extent of actual necessaries, independent of the market for labour. There is the greatest diffe- rence between the position of people who live by wages, with land as an extra resource, and of people who can. in case of necessity, subsist entirely on their land, and only work for hire to add to their comforts. Wages are likely to be high where none are com- pelled by necessity to sell their labour. " People who have at home some kind of property to apply their labour to, will not sell their labour for wages that do not afford them a better diet than potatoes and maize, although in saving for themselves, they may live veiy much on potatoes and maize. We are often surprised in travelling on the Continent, to hear of a rate of day's wages very high, considering the abundance and cheapness of food. It is want of the necessity or inclina- tion to take work, that makes day- labour scarce, and, considering the price of provisions, dear, in many parts of the Continent, where property in land is widely diffused among the people."* There are parts of the Con- tinent where, even of the inhabitants of the towns, scarcely one seems to be exclusively dependent on his ostensible employment ; and nothing else can ex- plain the high price they put on their services, and the carelessness they evince as to whether they are em- ployed at all. But the effect would be far different if their land or other resources gave them only a fraction of a subsistence, leaving them under an undiminished necessity of selling their labour for wages in an overstocked market. Their land would then merely enable them to exist on smaller wages, and to carry their multiplication so much the further before reaching the point below which they either could not, or would not, descend. To the view I have taken of tho effect of allotments, I see no argument which can be opposed, but that em- ployed by Mr. Thornton,-f- with whom on this subject I am at issue. His defence of allotments is grounded on the general doctrine, that it is only the very poor who multiply without regard to consequences, and that if the con- dition of the existing generation could be greatly improved, which he thinks * Laing's Note* of a Traveller, p. 456. t See Thornton on Over-Populatio,f&\. viii REMEDIES FOR LOW WAGES. 225 might be done by the allotment system, their successors would grownup with an increased standard of requirements, ami would not have families until they could keep them in as much comfort as that in which they had been brought up themselves. I agree in as much of this argument as goes to prove that a Biiddeu and very great improvement in the condition of the poor, has always, through its effect on their habits of life, a chance of becoming permanent. What happened at the time of the French Revolution is an example. But I cannot think that the addition of a quarter or even half an acre to every labourer's cottage, and that too at a rack rent, would (after the fall of wages which would be necessary to absorb the already existing mass of pauper labour) make so great a difference in the comforts of the family for a gene- ration to come, as to raise up from childhood a labouring population with a really higher permanent standard of requirements and habits. So small a portion of land could only be made a permanent benefit, by holding out en- couragement to acquire by industry nnd saving, the means of buying it out- right : a permission which, if exten- sively made use of, would be a kind of education in forethought and frugality to the entire class, the effects of which might not cease with the occasion . The benefit would however arise, not from what was given them, but from what they were stimulated to acquire No remedies for low wages have the smallest chance of being efficacious, which do not operate on and through the minds and habits of the people. While these are unaffected, any con- trivance, even if successful, for terupo- rarily improving the condition of tlio very poor, would but let slip the reins by which population was previously curbed ; and could only, therefore, con tinue to produce its effect, if, by the whip and spur of taxation, capital were compelled to follow at an equally accelerated pace. But this process could not possibly continue for long together, and whenever it stopped, it would leave the country with an in- creased number of the poorest class, and a diminished proportion of all ex- cept the poorest, or, if it continued long enough, with none at all. For "to this complexion must come at last" all social arrangements, which remove the natural checks to popula- tion without substituting any others. CHAPTER XIII. THE REMEDIES FOR LOW WAGES FURTHER CONSIDERED. 1. BY what means, then, is po- verty to be contended against? How is the evil of low wages to be reme- died ? It' the expedients usually recommended for the purpose are not adapted to it, can no others be thought of y Is the problem incapable of solu- tion? Can political economy do nothing, but only object to everything, and demonstrate that nothing can be dm ie y It' tli is were so, political economy might have a needful, but would have a melancholy, and a thankless task. If the bulk of the human race are always to remain as at present, slaves to toil in which they have no interest, and therefore feel no interest d nidg- ing from early morning till late at night for bare necessaries, and with all the intellectual and moral deficiencies which that implies without resources either in mind or feelings untaught, for they cannot be better taught than fed ; selfish, for all their thoughts are required for themselves ; without inte- rests or sentiments as citizens and members of society, and with a sense of injustice rankling in their minds, equally for what they have not, and 226 BOOK II. CHAPTER XHI. 1. for what others have ; I know not what there is which should make a person with any capacity of reason, concern himself about the destinies of the human race. There would be no wisdom for any one but in extracting from life, with Epicurean indifference, as much personal satisfaction to him- self and those with whom he sympa- thizes, as it can yield without injury to any one, and letting the unmeaning bustle of so-called civilized existence roll by unheeded. But there is no ground for such a view of human affairs. Poverty, like most social evils, exists because men follow their brute instincts .without due consideration. But society is possible, precisely be- cause man is not necessarily a brute. Civilization in every one of its aspects is a struggle against the animal in- stincts. Over some even of the strongest of them, it has shown itself capable of acquiring abundant control. It has artificiulized large portions of mankind to such an extent, that of many of their most natural inclinations they have scarcely a vestige or a remem- brance left. If it has not brought the instinct of population under as much restraint as is needful, we must remember that it has never seriously tried. What efforts it has made, have mostly been in the contrary direction. Religion, morality, and statesmanship have vied with one another in incite- ments to marriage, and to the multi- plication of the species, so it be but in wedlock. Religion has not even yet discontinued its encouragements. The Roman Catholic clergy (of any other clergy it is unnecessary to speak, since no other have any considerable influ- ence over the poorer classes) every- where think it their duty to promote marriage, in order to prevent fornica- tion. There is still in many minds a strong religious prejudice against the true doctrine. The rich, provided the consequences do not touch themselves, think it impugns the wisdom of Provi- dence to suppose that misery can result from the operation of a natural pro- pensity : the poor think that " God never sends mouths but he sends meat." No one would guess from the language of either, that man had any voice or choice in the matter. So complete is the confusion of ideas on the whole subject : owing in a great degree to the mystery in which it is shrouded by a spurious delicacy, which prefers that right and wrong should be mismea- sured and confounded on one of the subjects most momentous to human welfare, rather than that the subject should be freely spoken of and dis- cussed. People are little aware of the cost to mankind of this scrupulosity of speech. The diseases of society can, no more than corporal maladies, be prevented or cured without being spoken about in plain language. All experience shows that the mass of mankind never judge of moral ques- tions for themselves, never see any- thing to be right or wrong until they have been frequently told it ; and who tells them that they have any duties in the matter in question, while they keep within matrimonial limits ? Who meets with the smallest condemnation, or rather, who does not meet with sym- pathy and benevolence, for any amount of evil which he may have brought upon himself and those dependent on him, by this species of incontinence ? While a man who is intemperate in drink, is discountenanced and despised by all who profess to be moral people, it is one of the chief grounds mado use of in appeals to the benevolent, that the applicant has a large family and is unable to maintain them.* One cannot wonder that silence on this great department of human duty should produce unconsciousness of moral obligations, when it produces oblivion of physical facts. That it is possible to delay marriage, and to live in ab- stinence while unmarried, most people are willing to allow : but when persons are once married, the idea, in this country, never seems to enter any one's mind that having or not having a family, or the number of which it shall * Little improvement can be expected in morality until the producing large families is regarded with the same feelings as drunken- ness or any other physical excess. But while the aristocracy and clergy are foremost to set the example of this kind of incontinence, what can be expected from the poor ? RKMKDIES FOR LOW WAGES. 227 consist, is amenable to their own control. One would imagine that children were rained down upon married people, direct from heaven, without their being art or part in the matter ; that it was really, as the common phrases have it, God's will, and not their own, which decided the numbers of their offspring. Let us see what is a Continental philo- sopher's opinion on this point ; a man among the most benevolent of his time, and the happiness of whose married life has been celebrated. " NVhen dangerous prejudices," says Sismondi,* " have not become accre- dited, when a morality contrary to our true duties towards others,and especially towards those to whom we have given life, is not inculcated in the name of the most sacred authority ; no prudent man contracts matrimony before he is in a condition which gives him an assured means of living, and no married man has a greater number of children than he can properly bring up. The head of a family thinks, with reason, that his children may be contented with the condition in which he himself has lived ; and his desire will be that the rising generation should represent exactly the departing one: that one son and one daughter arrived at the marriageable age should replace his own father and mother ; that the children of his children should in their turn replace himself and his wife ; that his daughter should find in another family the precise equivalent of the lot which will be given in his own family to the daughter of another, and that the income which sufficed for the parents will suffice for the children." In a country increasing in wealth, some increase of numbers would be admissible, but that is a question of detail, not of principle. "Whenever this family has been formed, justice and humanity require that he should im- pose on himself the same restraint which is submitted to by the unmarried. When we consider how small, in every country, is the number of natural children, we must admit that this re- straint is on the whole sufficiently efiec- * NtK Prineiflet t a. full share of the privations) the whole of the intolerahle domestic drud- gery resulting from the excess. To be relieved from it would be hailed as a blessing by multitudes of women who now never venture to urge such a claim, but who would urge it, if sup- ported by the moral feelings of the community. Among the barbarisms which law and morals have not yet ceased to sanction, the most disgusting Burcly is, that any human being should be permitted to consider himself as having a riyht to the person of another. If the opinion were once generally established among the labouring class that their welfare required a due regu- lation of the numbers of families, the respectable and well-conducted of the body would conform to the prescrip- tion, and only those would exempt themselves from it, who were in the habit of making light of social obliga- tions generally ; and there would be then an evident justification for con- verting the moral obligation against bringing children into the world who are a burthen to the community, into a legal one; just as in many other cases of the progress of opinion, the law ends by enforcing against recal- citrant minorities, obligations which to be useful must be general, and which, from a sense of their utility, a large majority have voluntarily consented to take upon themselves. There would be no need, however, of legal sanctions, if women were admitted, as on all other grounds they have the clearest title to be, to the same rights of citizenship with men. Let them cease to be confined by custom to one phy- sical function as their means of living and their source of influence, and they would have for the first time an equal voice with men in .what concerns that function : and of all the improvements in reserve for mankind whicn it is now possible to foresee, none might be expected to be so fertile as this in almost every kind of moral and social benefit. It remains to consider what chance there is that opinions and feelings, grounded on the law of the dependence of wages on population, will arise among the labouring classes ; and by what means such opinions and feelings can be called forth. Before consider- ing the grounds of hope on this subject, a hope which many persons, no doubt, will be ready, without consideration, to pronounce chimerical, I will remark, that unless a satisfactory answer can be made to these two questions, the industrial system prevailing in this country, and regarded by many writers as the ne plus ultra of civilization the dependence of the whole labouring class of the community on the wages of hired labour is irrevocably con- demned. The question we are con- sidering is, whether, of this state of things, over-population and a degraded condition of the labouring class arc the inevitable consequence. If a prudent regulation of population be not reconcilable with the system of hired labour, the system is a nuisance, and the grand object of economical statesmanship should be (by whatever arrangements of property, and altera- tions in the modes of applying industry), to bring the labouring people under the influence of stronger and more obvious inducements to this kind of prudence, than the relation of workmen and employers can afford. But there exists no such incom- patibility. The causes of poverty are not so obvious at first sight to a popu- lation of hired labourers, as they are to one of proprietors, or as they would be to a socialist community. They are, however, in no way mysterious. The dependence of wages on the num- ber of the competitors for employment, is so far from hard of comprehension, or unintelligible to the labouring classes, that by great bodies of them it is already recognised and habitually acted on. It is familiar to all Trades Unions ; every successful combination to keep up wages, owes its success to contri- vances for restricting the number of the competitors ; all skilled trades are anxious to keep down their own num- bers, and many impose, or endeavour to impose, as a condition upon em- ployers, that they shall not take more than a prescribed number of appreo 230 BOOK II. CHAPTER XIII. 3. tices. There is, of course, a great difference between limiting their num- bers by excluding other people, and doing the same thing by a restraint imposed on themselves : but the one as much as the other shows a clear perception of the relation between their numbers and their remuneration. The principle is understood in its ap- plication to any one employment, but not to the general mass of employment. For this there are several reasons : first, the operation of causes is more easily and distinctly seen in the more circumscribed field: secondly, skilled utizana are a more intelligent class than ordinary manual labourers ; and the habit of concert, and of passing in review their general condition as a trade, keeps up a better understanding of their collective interests : thirdly and lastly, they are the most provident, because they are the best off, and have the most to preserve. What, how- ever, is clearly perceived and admitted in particular instances, it cannot be hopeless to see understood and acknow- ledged as a general truth. Its recog- nition, at least in theory,' seems a thing which must necessarily and immediately come to pass, when the minds of the labouring classes become capable of taking any rational view of their own aggregate condition. Of this the great majority of them have until now been incapable, either from the uncultivated state of their intelli- gence, or from poverty, which leaving them neither the fear of worse, nor the smallest hope of better, makes them careless of the consequences of their actions, and without thought for the future. 3. For the purpose therefore of altering the habits of the labouring people, there is need of a twofold action, directed simultaneously upon their in- telligence and their poverty. An effec- tive national education of the children of the labouring class, is the first thing needful: and, coincidently with this, a system of measures which shall (as the Revolution did in France) ex- tinguish extreme poverty for one whole generation. This is not the place for discussing, even in the most general manner, either the principles or the machinery of national education. But it is to be hoped that opinion on the subject is advancing, and that an education of mere words would not now be deemed sufficient, slow as our progress is to- wards providing anything better even for the classes to whom society pro- fesses to give the very best education it can devise. Without entering into disputable points, it may be asserted witnout scruple, that the aim of all in- tellectual training for the mass of the people, should be to cultivate common sense ; to qualify them for forming a sound practical judgment of the cir- cumstances by which they are sur- rounded. Whatever, in the intellectual department, can be superadded to this, is chiefly ornamental ; while this is the indispensable groundwork on which education must rest. Let this object be acknowledged and kept in view as the thing to be first aimed at, and there will be little difficulty in de- ciding either what to teach, or in what manner to teach it. An education directed to diffuse good sense among the people, with such knowledge as would qualify them to judge of the tendencies of their actions, would be certain, even without any direct inculcation, to raise up a public opinion by which intemperance and improvidence of every kind would be held discreditable, and the improvi- dence which overstocks the labour market would be severely condemned, as an offence against the commou weal. But though the sufficiency oi such a state of opinion, supposing it formed, to keep the increase of popu- lation within proper limits, cannot, I think, be doubted ; yet, for the forma- tion of the opinion, it would not do to trust to education alone. Education is not compatible with extreme poverty. It is impossible effectually to teach an indigent population. And it is diffi- cult to make those feel the value of comfort who have never enjoyed it, or those appreciate the wretchedness of a precarious subsistence, who have be'n made reckless by alwaya living REMEDIES FOR LOW WAGES. 231 from hand to mouth. Individuals often struggle upwards into a condition of ease ; but the utmost that can be ex- pected from a whole people is to main- tain themselves in it ; and improvement in the habits and requirements of the mass of unskilled day-labourers will be difficult and tardy, unless means can be contrived of raising the entire b< nly to a state of tolerable comfort, and maintaining them in it until a new generation grows up. Towards effecting this object there are two resources available, without wrong to any one, without any of the liabilities of mischief attendant on voluntary or legal charity, and not only without weakening, but on the contrary strengthening, every incen- tive to industry, and every motive to forethought. 4. The first is, a great national measure of colonization. I mean, a grant of public money, sufficient to remove at once, and establish in the colonies, a considerable fraction of the youthful agricultural population. By giving the preference, as Mr. Wake- tipld proposes, to young couples, or when these cannot be obtained, to families with children nearly grown up, the expenditure would be made to go the farthest possible towards accom- plishing the end, while the colonies would be supplied with the greatest amount of what is there in deficiency and here in superfluity, present and prospective labour. It has been shown by others, and the grounds of the opi- nion will be exhibited in a subsequent part of the present work, that coloni- zation on an adequate scale might be so conducted as to cost the country nothing, or nothing that would not be certainly repaid ; and that the funds required, even by way of advance, would not be drawn from the capital employed in maintaining labour, but from that surplus which cannot find employment at such profit as consti- tutes an adequate remuneration for the abstinence of the possessor, and which is therefore sent abroad for in- vestment, or wasted at home in reck- less speculations. That portion of the income of the country which is habi- tually ineffective for any purpose of benefit to the labouring class, would bear any draught which it could ba necessary to make on it for the amount of emigration which is here in view. The second resource would be, to devote all common land, hereafter brought into cultivation, to raising a class of small proprietors. It has long enough been the practice to take these lands from public use, for the mere purpose of adding to the domains of the rich. It is time that what is left of them should be retained as an estate sacred to the benefit of the poor. The machinery for administering it already exists, having been created by the General Inclosure Act. What I would propose (though, I confess, with small hope of its being soon adopted) is, that in all future cases in which common land is permitted to be enclosed, such portion should first be sold or assigned as is sufficient to compensate the owners of manorial or common rights, and that the remainder should be divided into sections of five acres or thereabouts, to be conferred in abso- lute property on individuals of the labouring class who would reclaim and bring them into cultivation by their own labour. The preference should be given to such labourers, and there are many of them, as had saved enough to maintain them until their first crop was got in, or whose character was such as to induce some responsible person to advance to them the requisite amount on their personal security. The tools, the manure, and in some cases the subsistence also, might be supplied by the parish, or by the state ; interest for the advance, at the rate yielded by the public funds, being laid on as a perpetual quit-rent, with power to the peasant to redeem it at any time for a moderate number of years pur- chase. These little landed estates might, if it were thought necessary, be made indirisible by law ; though, if tha ?lan worked in the manner designed, should not apprehend any objection- able degree of subdivision. In case of intestacy, and in default of amicable arrangement among the heirs, they 232 BOOK II. might be bought by government at their value, and regranted to some other labourer who could give security for the price. The desire to possess one of these small properties would probably become, as on the Continent, ;in inducement to prudence and eco- ii:>my pervading the whole labouring population ; and that great desideratum among a people of hired labourers would be provided, an intermediate class between them and their em- ployers ; affording them the double advantage, of an object for their hopes, and, as there would be good reason to anticipate, an example for their imi- tation. It would, however, be of little avail that either or both of these measures of relief should be adopted, unless on such a scale, as would enable the whole body of hired labourers remain- ing on the soil to obtain not merely employment, but a large addition to the present wages such an addition as would enable them to live and bring up their children in a degree of com- fort and independence to which they have hitherto been strangers. When the object is to raise the permanent condition of a people, small means do not merely produce small effects, they produce no effect at all. Unless com- fort can be made as habitual to a whole generation as indigence is now, nothing is accomplished; and feeble half-measures do but fritter away re- sources, far better reserved until the improvement of public opinion and of education shall raise up politicians who will not think that merely because a scheme promises much, the part of statesmanship is to have nothing to do with it. I have left the preceding paragraphs RS they were written, since they remain true in principle, though it is no longer urgent to apply their specific recommendations to the present state of tliis country. The extraordinary CHAPTER XIII. 4. cheapening of the means of transport, which is one of the great scientific achievements of the age, and the know- ledge which nearly all classes of tho people have now acquired, or are in the way of acquiring, of the condition of the labour market in remote parts of the world, have opened up a spon- taneous emigration from these islands to the new countries beyond the ocean, which does not tend to diminish, but to increase ; and which, without any national measure of systematic colo- nization, may prove sufficient to effect a material rise of wages in Great Britain, as it has already done in Ireland, and to maintain that rise unimpaired for one or more generations. Emigration, instead of an occasional vent, is becoming a steady outlet for superfluous numbers ; and this new fact in modern history, together with the flush of prosperity occasioned by free trade, have granted to this over- crowded country a temporary breathing time, capable of being employed in accomplishing those moral and intel- lectual improvements in all classes of the people, the very poorest included, which would render improbable any relapse into the overpeopled state. 'Whether this golden opportunity will be properly used, depends on the wisdom of our councils ; and whatever depends on that, is always in a high degree precarious. The grounds of hope are, that there has been no time in our history when mental progress has depended so little on governments, and so much on the general disposition of the people ; none in which the spirit of improvement has extended to so many branches of human affairs at once, nor in which all kinds of sugges- tions tending to the public good, in every department, from the humblest physical to the highest moral or intel- lectual, were heard with so little pre- judice, and had so good a chance of becoming known and being fairly con sidered. CES OF WAGES. 283 CHAPTER XIV. OF THE DIFFERENCES OP WAGES IN DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. 5 1. IN treating of wages, wo have liithcrto confined ourselves to the causes wbicli operate on them gene- rally, and en masse; the laws which govern the remuneration of ordinary or average labour: without reference to the existence of different kinds of work which are habitually paid at different rates, depending in some de- gree on different laws. We will now take into consideration these diffe- rences, and examine in what manner they affect or are affected by the con- clusions already established. A well-known and very popular chapter of Adam Smith* contains the best exposition yet given of this por- tion of the subject. I cannot indeed think his treatment so complete and exhaustive as it has sometimes been considered; but as far as it goes, his analysis is tolerably successful. The differences, he says, arise partly from the policy of Europe, which no- where leaves things at perfect liberty, and partly " from certain circumstances in the employments themselves, which either really, or at least in the imagi- nations of men, make up for a small pecuniary gain in some, and counter- balance a great one in others." These circumstances he considers to be : " First, the agreeableness or disagree- ableness of the employments them- selves ; secondly, the "easiness and cheapness, or the difficulty and expense of learning them ; thirdly, the con- stancy or inconstancy of employment in them ; fourthly, the small or great trust which must be reposed in those who exercise them ; and fifthly, the probability or improbability of success in them." Several of these points he has very copiously illustrated : though his exam- ples are sometimes drawn from a state of facts now no longer existing. " The wages of labour vary with the ease or Wealth of Nation*, book i. ch. 10. hardship, the cleanliness or dirtiness, the honourableness or dishonourable- ness of the employment. Thus, in most places, tako the year round, a journeyman tailor earns less than journeyman weaver. His work v much easier." Things have muclv altered, as to a weaver's remuneration, since Adam Smith's time ; and the artizan whose work was more difficult than that of a tailor, can never, I think, have been the common weaver. " A journeyman weaver earns less than a journeyman smith. His work is not always easier, but it is much cleanlier. 1 ' A more probable explana- tion is, that it requires less bodily strength. "A journeyman black- smith, though an artificer, seldom earns so much in twelve hours as a collier, who is only a labourer, does in eight. His work is not quite so dirty, is less dangerous, and is carried on in day- light, and above ground. Honour makes a great part of the reward of all honourable professions. In point of pecuniary gain, all things consi- dered," their recompense is, in his opi- nion, below the average. "Disgrace has the contrary effect. The trade of a butcher is a brutal and an odious business ; but it is in most places more profitable than the greater part of common trades. The most detestable of all employments, that of public exe- cutioner, is, in proportion to the quan- tity of work done, better paid than any common trade whatever. 1 ' One of the causes which make hand-loom weavers cb'ng to their occu- pation in spite of the scanty remunera- tion which it now yields, is said to be a peculiar attractiveness, arising from the freedom of action which it allows to the workman. "He can play or idle," says a recent authority,* "as feeling or inclination lead him ; rise * Mr. Muggeridge's Report to the Hand- loom Weavers Inquiry Commission. 234 BOOK II. CHAPTER XIV. 1. early or late, apply himself assiduously or carelessly, as be pleases, and work up at any time, by increased exertion, hours previously sacrificed to indul- gence or recreation. Tbere is scarcely another condition of any portion of our working population thus free from external control. The factory opera- tive is not only mulcted of his wages for absence, but, if of frequent occur- rence, discharged altogether from his employment. The bricklayer, the car- penter, the painter, the joiner, the stonemason, the outdoor labourer, have each their appointed daily hours of labour, a disregard of which would lead to the same result." Accordingly, " the weaver will stand by his loom while it will enable him to exist, how- ever miserably ; and many, induced temporarily to quit it, have returned to it again, when work was to be had." "Employment is much more con- stant," continues Adam Smith, "in some trades than in others. In the greater part of manufactures, a jour- neyman may be pretty sure of employ- ment almost every day in the year that he is able to work" (the interrup- tions of business arising from over- stocked markets, or from a suspension of demand, or from a commercial crisis, must be excepted). " A mason or bricklayer, on the contrary, can work neither in hard frost nor in foul weather, and his employment at all other times depends upon the occasional calls of his customers. He is liable, in conse- quence, to be frequently without any. What he earns, therefore, while he is employed, must not only maintain him while he is idle, but make him some compensation for those anxious and desponding moments which the thought of so precarious a situation must some- times occasion. When the computed earnings of the greater part of manu- facturers, accordingly, are nearly upon a level with the day wages of common labourers, those of masons and brick- layers are generally from one-half more to double those wages. No species of skilled labour, however, seems more easy to learn than that of masons and bricklayers. The high wages of those workmen, tlicrefore, are not so much the recompense of their skill, as the compensation for the inconstancy of their employ- ment. " When the inconstancy of the employment is combined with the hardship, disagreeableness, and dirti- ness of the work, it sometimes raises the wages of the most common labour above those of the most skilful artificers. A collier working by the piece is supposed, at Newcastle, to earn com- monly about double, and in m.iny parts of Scotland about three times, the wages of common labour. His high wages arise altogether from the hardship, disagreeablcness, and dirti- ness of his work. His employment may, upon most occasions, be as con- stant as he pleases. The coal-heavere in London exercise a trade which in hardship, dirtiness, and disagreeable- ness, almost equals that of colliers ; and from the unavoidable irregularity in the arrivals of coalships, the employ- ment of the greater part of them is necessarily very inconstant. If col- liers, therefore, commonly earn double and triple the wages of common labour, it ought not to seem unreasonable that coal-heavers should sometimes earn four or five times those wages. In the inquiry made into their condition a few years ago, it was found that at the rate at which they were then paid, they could earn about four times the wages of common labour in London. How extravagant soever these earn- ings may appear, if they were more than sufficient to compensate all the disagreeable circumstances of the business, there would soon be so great a number of competitors as, in a trade which has no exclusive privilege, would quickly reduce them to a lower rate." These inequalities of remuneration, which are supposed to compensate for the disagreeable circumstances of par- ticular employments, would, under cer- tain conditions, be natural conse- quences of perfectly free competition : and as between employments of about the same grade, and filled by nearly the same description of people, they are, no doubt, for the most part, DIFFERENCES OP WAGES. 235 reali'/ed in practice. But it is alto- gether a false view of the state of facts, to present this as the relation which generally exists between agree- able and disagreeable employments. The really exhausting and the really repulsive labours, instead of being better paid than others, are almost in- variably paid the worst of all, because ferformed by those who have no choice. t would be otherwise in a favourable state of the general labour market. If the labourers in the aggregate, instead of exceeding, fell short of the amount of employment, work which was gene- rally disliked would not be undertaken, except for more than ordinary wages. But when the supply of labour so far exceeds the demand that to find em- ployment at all is an uncertainty, and to be offered it on any terms a favour, the case is totally the reverse. Desi- rable labourers, those whom every one is anxious to have, can still exercise a chnia'. The undesirable must take what they can get. The more revolt- ing the occupation, the more certain it is to receive the minimum of remunera- tion, because it devolves on the most helpless and degraded, on those who from squalid poverty, or from want of skill and education, are rejected from all other employments. Partly from this cause, and partly from the natural and artificial monopolies which will be spoken of presently, the inequalities of wages are generally in an opposite direction to the equitable principle of compensation erroneously represented by Adam Smith as the general law of the remuneration of labour. The hard- ships and the earnings, instead of being directly proportional, as in any just arrangements of society they would be, are generally in an inverse ratio to one another. One of the points best illustrated by Adam Smith, is the influence exercised on the remuneration of an employment by the uncertainty of success in it. If the chances are great of total failure, the reward in case of success must be sufficient to make up, in the general estimation, for those adverse chances. But, owing to another principle of human nature, if the reward comes in the shape of a few great prizs, it usually attracts competitors in such numbers, that the average remunera- tion may be reduced not only to zero, but even to a negative quantity. The success of lotteries proves that this is possible : since the aggregate body of adventurers in lotteries necessarily lose, otherwise the undertakers could not gain. The case of certain pro- fessions is considered by Adam Smith to be similar. " The probability that any particular person shall ever be qualified for the employment to which He is educated, is very different in different occupations. In the greater part of mechanic trades, success is almost certain, but very uncertain in the liberal professions. Put your son apprentice to a shoemaker, there is little doubt of his learning to mak* a pair of shoes ; but send him tc study the law, it is at least twenty to one if ever he makes such proficiency as will enable him to live by the busi- ness. In a perfectly fair lottery, those who draw the prizes ought to gain all that is lost by those who draw the blanks. In a profession where twenty fail for one that succeeds, that one ought to gain all that should have been gained by the unsuccessful twenty. The counsellor-at-law, who, perhaps, at near forty years of age, begins to make something by his profession, ought to receive the retribution, not only of his own so tedious and expensive educa- tion, but of that of more than twenty others who are never likely to make anything by it. How extravagant soever the fees of counsellors-at-law may sometimes appear, their real retri- bution is never equal to this. Com- pute in any particular place what is likely to be annually gained, and what is likely to be annually spent, by all the different workmen in any common trade, such as that of shoemakers or weavers, and you will find that th former sum will generally exceed the latter. But make the same computf.- tion with regard to all the counsellor and students of law, in all the different inns of court, and you will find that their annual gains bear but a small proportion to their annual expense, fcOOK 11. CHAPTER XIV. 2. even though you rate the former as high, and the latter as low, as can well be done." Whether this is true in our own day, when the gains of the few are incom- parably greater than in the time of Adam Smith, but also the unsuccessful aspirants much more numerous, those who have the appropriate information must decide. It does not, however, seem to be sufficiently considered by Adam Smith, that the prizes which he speaks of comprise not the fees of counsel only, but the places of emolu- ment and honour to which their pro- fession gives access, together with the coveted distinction of a conspicuous position in the public eye. Even where there are no great prizes, the mere love of excitement is sometimes enough to cause an adven- turous employment to be overstocked. This is apparent " in the readiness of the common people to enlist as soldiers, or to go to sea. . . . The dangers and hair-breadth escapes of a life of adven- tures, instead of disheartening young people, seem frequently to recommend a trade to them. A tender mother, among the inferior ranks of people, is often afraid to send her son to school at a sea-port town, lest the sight of the ships and the conversation and adven- tures of the sailors should entice him to go to sea. The distant prospect of hazards, from which we can hope to extricate ourselves by courage and address, is not disagreeable to us, and does not raise the wages of labour in any employment. It is otherwise with those in which courage and address can be of no avail. In trades which are known to be very unwhole- some, the wages of labour are always remarkably high. Unwholesomeness is a species of disagreeableness, and its effects upon the wages of labour are to be ranked under that general head." 2. The preceding are cases in which inequality of remuneration is necessary to produce equality of attrac- tiveness, and are examples of the equalizing effect of free competition. The following are cases of real in- equality, and arise from a different principle. "The wages of labour vary according to the small or great trust which must be reposed in the workmen. The wages of goldsmiths and jewellers are everywhere superior to those of many other workmen, not only of equal, but of much superior ingenuity ; on account of the precious materials with which they arc intrusted. We trust our health to the physician, our fortune and sometimes our life and reputation to the lawyer and attorney. Such confidence could not safely be reposed in people of a very mean or low condition. Their reward must be such, therefore, as may give them that rank in society which so important a trust requires." The superiority of reward is not here the consequence of competition, but of its absence; not a compensation for disadvantages inherent in the em- Eloyment, but an extra advantage ; a ind of monopoly price, the effect not of a legal, but of what has been termed a natural monopoly. If all labourers were trustworthy it would not be necessary to give extra pay to working goldsmiths on account of the trust. The degree of integrity required being supposed to be uncommon, those who can make it appear that they possess it are able to take advantage of the peculiarity, and obtain higher pay in proportion to its rarity. This opens a class of considerations which Adam Smith, and most other political econo- mists, have taken into far too little account, and from inattention to which, he has given a most imperfect exposi- tion of the wide difference between the remuneration of common labour and that of skilled employments. Some employments require a much longer time to learn, and a much more expensive course of instruction thau others ; and to this extent there is, as explained by Adam Smith, an inherent reason for their being more highly remunerated. If an artizan must work several years at learning his trade before he can earn anything, and seve- ral years more before becoming suffi- ciently skilful for its finer operations, he must have a prospect of at last DIFFERENCES OF WAGES. 23; earning enough to pay the wages of all this past labour, with compensation for the delay of payment, and an indemnity for the expenses of his education. His wages, consequently, must yield, over and above the ordi- nary amount, an annuity sufficient to repay these sums, with the common rate of profit, within the number of years he can expect to live and be in working condition. This, which is necessary to place the skilled employ- ments, all circumstances taken to- gether, on the same level of advantage with the unskilled, is the smallest difference which can exist for any length of time between the two remu- nerations, since otherwise no one would learn the skilled employments. And this amount of difference is all which Adam Smith's principles account for. When the disparity is greater, he seems to think that it must be ex- plained by apprentice laws, and the rules of corporations, which restrict admission into many of the skilled employments. But, independently of these or any other artificial monopolies, there is a natural monopoly in favour c*f skilled labourers against the un- skilled, which makes the difference of reward exceed, sometimes in a manifold proportion, what is sufficient merely to equalize their advantages. If un- skilled labourers had it in their power to compete with skilled, by merely taking the trouble of learning the trade, the difference of wages might not exceed what would compensate them for that trouble, at the ordinary rate at which labour is remunerated. But the fact that a course of instruction is required, of even a low degree of cost- liness, or that the labourer must be maintained for a considerable time from other sources, suffices everywhere to exclude the great body of the labour- ing people from the possibility of any such competition. Until lately, all employments which required even the humble education of reading and writing, could be recruited only from_a select class, the majority having had no opportunity of acquiring those attainments. All such employments, accordingly, wore immensely overpaid, as measured by the ordinary remune- ration of labour. Since reading and writing have been brought within the reach of a multitude, the monopoly price of the lower grade of educated employments has greatly fallen, the competition for them having increased in an almost incredible degree. There is still, however, a much greater dis- parity than can be accounted for on the principle of competition. A clerk from whom nothing is required but the mechanical labour of copying, gains more than an equivalent for his mere exertion if he receives the wages of a bricklayer's labourer. His work is not a tenth part as hard, it is quite as easy to learn, and his condition is less pre- carious, a clerk's place being generally a place for life. The higher rate of his remuneration, therefore, must be partly ascribed to monopoly, the small degree of education required being not even yet so generally diffused as to call forth the natural number of com- petitors ; and partly to the remaining influence of an ancient custom, which requires that clerks should maintain the dress and appearance of a more highly paid class. In some manual employments, requiring a nicety of hand which can only be acquired by long practice, it is difficult to obtain at any cost workmen in sufficient num- bers, who are capable of the most delicate kind of work ; and the wages paid to them are only limited by the price which purchasers are willing to give for the commodity they produce. This is the case with some working watchmakers, and with the makers of some astronomical and optical instru- ments. If workmen competent to such employments were ten times as nume- rous as they are, there would be pur- chasers for all which they could make, not indeed at the present prices, but at those lower prices which would be tha natural consequence of lower wages. Similar considerations apply in a still greater degree to employments which it is attempted to confine to persons of a certain social rank, such as what are called the liberal professions ; into which a person of what is considered too low a class, of society, is not easily 238 BOOK H. CHAPTER XIV. 3. admitted, and if admitted, does not easily succeed. So complete, indeed, has hitherto been the separation, so strongly marked the line of demarcation, between the different grades of labourers, as to be almost equivalent to an hereditary dis- tinction of caste ; each employment being chiefly recruited from the chil- dren of those already employed in it, or in employments of the same rank with it in social estimation, or from the children of persons who, if origi- nally of a lower rank, have succeeded in raising themselvesby their exertions. The liberal professions are mostly sup- plied by the sons of either the profes- sional, or the idle classes : the more highly .skilled manual employments are filled up from the sons of skilled arti- zans, or the claes of tradesmen who rank with them : the lower classes of skilled employments are in a similar case ; and unskilled labourers, with occasional exceptions, remain from father to son in their pristine condition. Consequently the wages of each class have hitherto been regulated by the increase of its own population, rather than of the general population of the country. If the professions are over- stocked, it is because the class of so- ciety from which they have always mainly been supplied, has greatly in- creased in number, and because most of that class have numerous families, and bring up some at least of their sons to professions. If the wages of artizans remain so much higher than those of common labourers, it is because arti- zans are a more prudent class, and do not marry so early or so inconsiderately. The changes, however, now so rapidly taking place in usages and ideas, are undermining all these distinctions ; the habits or disabilities which chained people to their hereditary condition are fast wearing away, and every class is exposed to increased and increasing competition from at least the class im- mediately below it. The general re- laxation of conventional barriers, and the increased facilities of education which already are, and will be in a much greater degree, brought within the reach of all, ien d to produce, among many excellent effects, one which is the reverse ; they tend to bring down the wages of skilled labour. The in- equality of remuneration between the skilled and the unskilled is, without doubt, very much greater than is justi- fiable ; but it is desirable that this should be corrected by raising the un- skilled, not by lowering the skilled. If, however, the other changes taking place in society are not accompanied by a strengthening of the checks to population on the part of labourers generally, there will be a tendency to bring the lower grades of skilled la- bourers under the influence of a rate of increase regulated by a lower standard of living than their own, and thus to de- teriorate their condition without raising that of the general mass ; the stimulus given to the multiplication of the lowest class being sufficient to fill up without difficulty the additional space gained by them from those immediately above. 3. A modifying circumstance still remains to be noticed, which interferes to some extent with the operation of the principles thus far brought to view. While it is true, as a general rule, that the earnings of skilled labour, and es- pecially of any labour which requires school education, are at a monopoly rate, from the impossibility, to the mass of the people, of obtaining that educa- tion ; it is also true that the policy of nations, or the bounty of individuals, formerly did much to counteract the effect of this limitation of competition, by offering eleemosynary instruction to a much larger class of persons than could have obtained the same advan- tages by paying their price. Adam Smith has pointed out the operation of this cause in keeping down the re- muneration of scholarly or bookish oc- cupations generally, and in particular of clergymen, literary men, and school- masters, or other teachers of youth. I cannot better set forth this part of tho subject than in his words. " It has been considered as of so much importance that a proper number of young people should be educated for certain professions, that sometimes the public, and sometimes the piety 01 DIFFERENCES OF WAGES. 239 private founders, have established many pensions, scholarships, exhibi- tions, bursaries, &c. for this purpose, which draw many more people into those trades than could otherwise pre- tend to follow them. In all Christian countries, I believe, the education of the part of churchmen is paid for in this manner. Very few of them are edu- cated altogether at their own expense. The long, tedious, and expensive edu- cation, therefore, of those who are, will not always procure them a suitable re- ward, the church beingcrowded with peo- ple who, in order to get employment, are willing to accept of a much smaller re- compense than what such an education would otherwise have entitled them to ; and in this manner the competition of the poor takes away the reward of the rich. It would be indecent, no doubt, to compare either a curate or a chap- lain with a journeyman in any common trade. The pay of a curate or a chap- lain, however, may very properly be considered as of the same nature with the wages of a journeyman. They are, all three, paid for their work ac- cording to the contract which they may happen to make with their respective superiors. Till after the middle of the fourteenth century, five marks, con- taining as much silver as ten pounds of our present money, was in England the usual pay of a curate or a stipen- diary parish priest, as we find it regu- lated by the decrees of several different national councils. At the same period fourpence a day, containing the same quantity of silver as a shilling of our present money, was declared to be the pay of a master-mason, and threepence a day, equal to ninepence of our present money, that of a journeyman mason.* The wages of both these labourers, therefore, supposing them to have been constantly employed, were much supe- rior to those of the curate. The wages of the master-mason, supposing him to have been without employment one- third of the year, would have fully equalled them. By the 12th of Queen Arme, c. 1 2, it is declared ' That wiuereaa for want of sufficient mainte- * " 8e