>rael's Inalienable Possessions DAVID BARON Paptr, od. net; Clctfa, is. net Israel's Inalienable Possessions. The Gifts and the Calling of God which are without Repentance By DAVID BARON AUTHOR OF THE A.VCIBNT SCRIPTURES AND THE MODERN JE\V "THE JEWISH PROBLEM'' ETC. London Morgan and Scott, 12, Paternoster Buildings, E.G. or Hebrew Christian Testimony to Israel 23, Boscastle Road, N.W. And may be ordered of any Bookseller PREFACE. " I "HE substance of this booklet is an address, afterwards written out in amplified form for The Scattered Nation, whence, by request, it is now reprinted. May the Great Shepherd of Israel bless this weak and inade- quate effort to quicken interest in the hearts of Christians for the people still " beloved for the fathers' sakes," to whom He has never forgotten to be gracious even in the darkest hours of their long night of sorrow. DAVID BARON. 2095993 BY THE SAME AUTHOR. A DIVINE FORECAST OF JEWISH HISTORY: A PROOF OF THE SUPERNATURAL ELEMENT IN SCRIPTURE. Paper, 6