LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class WORKS OF PROFESSOR CECIL H. PEABODY PUBLISHED BY JOHN WILEY & SONS. Thermodynamics of the Steam-engine and other Heat-engines. This work is intended for the use of students in technical schools, and gives the theoretical training required by engineers. Sixth Edition, Revised, vii + 543 pages, lit) figures. 8vo, cloth, $5.00. Tables of the Properties of Steam and other Vapors, and Temperature-Entropy Table. These tables were prepared for the use of students in technical schools and colleges, and of engineers in general. Eighth Edition, Rewritten. 8vo, vi + 133 pages, cloth, $1.00. VaIve=Gears for Steam-engines. This book is intended to give engineering students instruction in the theory and practice of designing valve-gears for steam-engines. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 8vo, v + 142 pages, 33 fold- ing-plates, cloth, $2.50. Steam-boilers. By Prof. Cecil H. Peabody and Prof. Edward F. Miller. Nearly 400 pages ; 142 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, $4.00. Manual of the Steam-engine Indicator. 154 pages ; 98 figures. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. Naval Architecture. v + 616 pages ; 217 figures. 8vo, cloth, $7.50. TABLES OF THE PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS AND TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE BY CECIL H. ,PEABODY PROFESSOR OF NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARINE ENGINEERING MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY EIGHTH EDITION. REWRITTEN TOTAL ISSUE FIFTEEN THOUSAND K OF THE UNIVERSITY ; OF / NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED 1909 COPYRIGHT, 1888, 1907, 1909, BY CECIL H. PEABODY. Stanhope ipress F. H. GILSON COMPANY BOSTON. U.S.A. PREFACE. THE Tables of the Properties of Steam were published in 1888, to accompany the author's " Thermodynamics of the Steam Engine"; in 1907 they were revised, taking advantage of added information then available, and a Temperature-Entropy Table was added to facilitate calculations for steam turbines. The properties of steam have recently been redetermined by new and refined methods, that are capable of great certainty and precision, so that computations based upon them show a satisfactory concordance. These tables have been recomputed with this information, and may, therefore, be used with confidence and may be expected to have permanence. The Temperature-Entropy Table gives solutions of all adiabatic prob- lems (and many others) both for saturated and for superheated steam with ease and precision, and permits us to make certain determinations not otherwise possible. For engineering purposes answers to such prob- lems may in general be read directly from the table; greater refinement can be had by interpolation when necessary. Original data are given in the Introduction, and methods of compu- tation are given with such completeness that each one may decide for himself the degree of accuracy he shall attribute to the properties and methods presented. The author desires to express his appreciation of assistance given by Mr. H. A. Everett, S.B., in the preparation of material, computation of tables and reading of proof. C. H. P. MAY ist, 1909. 196479 CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION Page i Table I. Table II. Table III. Table IV. Table V. Table VI. Table VII. Table VIII. Table IX. Table X. Table XI. Table XII. Table XIII. Table XIV. Table XV. STEAM, ENGLISH UNITS, DEGREES 35 STEAM, ENGLISH UNITS, POUNDS 45 STEAM, FRENCH AND ENGLISH UNITS 54 ETHER 66 ALCOHOL 67 CHLOROFORM 68 CARBON BISULPHIDE . 69 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 70 ACETON 71 AMMONIA 72 SULPHUR DIOXIDE 73 SPECIFIC VOLUMES OF LIQUIDS 74 VOLUMES OF HOT WATER 74 INCHES OF MERCURY AND POUNDS 75 CORRECTIVE FACTORS, SUPERHEATED STEAM 76 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE 77 NAPERIAN LOGARITHMS 130 FOUR-PLACE LOGARITHMS 132 OF THE UNIVERSITY , OF PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. INTRODUCTION. FOR engineering purposes steam is generated in a boiler which is partially filled with water^ and arranged to receive heat from the fire in the furnace. The ebullition is usually energetic, and more or less water is mingled with the steam; but if there is a fair allowance of steam space over the water, and if proper arrangements are provided for withdrawing the steam, it will be found when tested to contain a small amount of water, usually between half a per cent and a per cent and a half. Steam which contains a considerable percentage of water is passed through a sepa- rator which removes almost all of it. Such steam is considered to be approximately dry. If the steam is quite free from water it is said to be dry and saturated; steam from a boiler with a large steam space and which is making steam very slowly is nearly if not quite dry. Steam which is withdrawn from the boiler may be heated to a higher temperature than that found in the boiler, and is then said to be super- ; heated. The physical properties of both saturated and superheated steam have now been determined by methods susceptible of certainty and precision so that computations based on them show satisfactory concordance. The results of these investigations will be quoted directly from the original authorities, together with their estimate of the degree of precision to be attributed to their results. This matter should be read with care, so that each one may determine for himself the confidence he can have in the following tables and the accuracy of computation made by their aid. Saturated Steam. The essential properties of saturated steam are heat of the liquid, heat of vaporization, specific pressure and specific vol- ume; other properties dependent on these are heat equivalent of external work, heat equivalent of internal work, entropy of the liquid and entropy of vaporization. All these properties depend on the temperature only, and may conveniently be determined and tabulated for use in solving engineering problems. They are given by Tables I and III for each 2 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. degree Fahrenheit and each degree Centigrade, and by Table II for each pound per square inch. Properties of some other vapors are given in Tables IV to XL Thermometric Scales. Temperatures are commonly measured by mercurial thermometers which may be graduated on the Fahrenheit or the centigrade scales. The centigrade scale has its zero at the freezing- point of water, and the boiling-point is called 100 degrees. The Fahren- heit thermometer has its freezing-point numbered 32 F., and its boiling- point 212 degrees. It is clear that IF = - tc + 3 2 and tc = ~ (h ~ 3 2 )- o y Physicists base their heat measurements on a thermodynamic scale, which is determined from certain theoretical considerations of the proper- ties of gases. For engineering purposes the difference between this scale and the scale of the mercurial thermometer is not important. Standard Temperature. It is customary to refer all calculations for gases to the standard conditions of the pressure of the atmosphere (760 mm. of mercury) and to the freezing-point of water. Formerly the freezing- point was taken as the standard temperature for water and steam as even now it is the initial point for tables of the properties of saturated vapors. But the investigation of the mechanical equivalent of heat by Rowland resulted in a determination of the specific heat of water with much greater delicacy than is possible by Regnault's method of mixtures, and showed that the freezing-point is not well adapted for the standard temperature for water. It is the habit of many physicists to take 15 C. as the standard temperature, and this corresponds substantially with 62 F., at which the English units of measure are standard. Unit of Heat. The unit for the measurement of heat is the amount of heat required to raise one unit of weight of water one degree from the standard temperature. The calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water from 15 to 16 C. The British Thermal Unit is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water from 62 to 63 F. These two definitions lead to a discrepancy of 0.03 of one per cent, which is insignificant for engineering purposes; in these tables the B.T.U, is taken as the standard, and the discrepancy noted is ignored. INTRODUCTION. 3 Some physicists prefer to use for the unit of heat, one hundredth part of the heat required to raise a kilogram of water from freezing-point to boiling-point. Such a mean calorie is greater than those defined above, by 0.2 of one per cent. It requires also that a different value shall be assigned to the mechanical equivalent of heat than that given in the following section. Mechanical Equivalent of Heat. If mechanical energy or work is trans- formed into heat and applied to heating water, it will be found that 778 foot-pounds of work will be required to heat one pound of water from 62 to 63 F.; in other words, one B.T.U. is equivalent to that number of foot-pounds. This is known as the mechanical equivalent of heat. The most authoritative determination of this important constant appears to be that by Rowland,* who gives the value quoted, namely, 778 foot-pounds. This is equivalent to 427 metre kilograms in the metric system. Since his experiments were made, this important physical constant has been investigated by several experimenters, and also a recomputation of his results has been made after a recomparison of his thermometers. The conclusion appears to be that his results may be a little small, but the differences are not important, and it is not certain that the conclusion is valid. There seems, therefore, no sufficient reason for changing the accepted values given above. Specific Heat is the number of thermal units required to raise a unit of weight of a given substance one degree of temperature. The specific heat of water at standard temperature is unity, and any specific heat is essentially a ratio. Specific Heat of Water. The most reliable determination of the specific heat of water is that by Dr. Barnes,f who used an electrical method devised by Professor Callendar and himself, and who extended the method to and below freezing-point by carefully cooling water without the formation of ice to 5 C. This method gives relative results with great refinement, and gives also a good confirmation of Rowland's deter- mination of the mechanical equivalent of heat. Dr. Barnes reports values of the specific heat of water up to 95 C. * Proc. Am. Acad., vol. xv (N. S. vii), 1879. f Physical Review, vol. xv, p. 71, 1902. PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. For temperatures above boiling-point values of the specific heat of water have been determined by the author from Regnault's* experiments on the heat of the liquid, allowing for the correct specific heat of the water in his calorimeter from Barnes's work. The probable error of the heats of the liquid thus obtained, appears to be one-fourth of a per cent. But the heat of the liquid for temperatures above boiling-point is habit- ually associated with the heat of vaporization, and the above error is less than one-tenth per cent of their sum. In the following table Barnes's results are quoted directly from o to 55 C.; from 55 to 95 degrees his results have been slightly increased to join with results determined by recomputing Regnault's experiments on the heat of the liquid for water by allowing for the true specific heat at low temperature from Dr. Barnes's experiments. The maximum effect of modifying Dr. Barnes's results is to increase the heat of the liquid at 95 degrees by one-tenth of one per cent. Temperature. Temperature. Temperature. Specific Specific Specific Heat. Heat. Heat. C. F. C. F. C. F. 32 1.0094 45 113 0.99760 90 194 1.00705 5 41 1.00530 50 122 0.99800 95 103 1.00855 10 50 1.00230 55 131 0.99850 100 212 1.01010 15 59 1.00030 60 140 0.99940 120 248 1.01620 20 68 0.99895 65 149 1.00040 140 284 1.02230 25 77 0.99806 70 158 1.00150 160 320 1.02850 30 86 0.99759 75 167 1.00275 180 356 1.03475 35 95 0.99735 80 176 1.00415 200 392 1.04100 40 104 0.99735 85 188 1.00557 220 428 1.0476G The specific heats of water at high temperatures have been determined by Dietericif using a method which does not appear to have the certainty of Barnes's method. His results appear to be systematically larger than Barnes's results, the discrepancy at 95 C. being four-tenths of a per cent. Should his specific heats be used to determine the heat of the liquid at 200 C., the results would appear to be four-tenths of a per cent larger than the tabular values of the heat of the liquid at 200 C., in Table III. Even so if this be compared with the sum of the heat of the liquid and the * Memoir es de Vlnstitut de France, etc., tome xxvi. f Annalen der Physik, vol. 16, part 4, p. 593. 1905. INTRODUCTION. 5 heat of vaporization, the discrepancy becomes about one-tenth of a per cent. Heat of the Liquid. The heat required to raise one unit of weight of any liquid from freezing-point to a given temperature is called the heat of the liquid at that temperature. If the specific heat of water were constant the heat of the liquid would be found by multiplying the increase of temperature by the specific heat. An approximate result can be obtained by using the mean specific heat. For example, the mean specific heat from o to 25 C. may be taken to be (J X 1.0094 + 1.00530 + 1.00230 + 1.00030 + 0.99895 + J X 0.99806) = i. 00212, and 25 X 1.00212 = 25.05, which in this case corresponds exactly with the tabular value in Table III. The integral calculus gives for a varying specific heat the expression I 95- Physical Review, vol. xxv, 1907. INTRODUCTION. 7 From an investigation of certain experiments on the superheating of steam by throttling, Dr. Harvey N. Davis * gives for the total heat of steam in B.T.U. per pound, H = H 212 + 0.3745 (/ - 212) - 0.000550 (t - 2I2) 2 , ( 4 ) in which H 212 is the total heat at boiling point. Equation (2) gives for the heat of vaporization at boiling-point 969.7, and the method on page 5, for finding the heat of the liquid, gives 180.3 at that temperature, conse- quently the above equation may be written, for English units, H = 1150 + 0.3745 (/ 212) O.OOO550 (/ 2I2) 2 . (5) For French units the equation takes the form H = 638.9 + 0.3745 (/ - 100) - 0.00099 (* ioo) 2 . (6) Dr. Davis gives one-tenth of one per cent for the probable error of this equation. For other liquids the heats of vaporization are given by Regnault. Ether H = 94 -f 0.45* 0.00055556^ Chloroform H = 67 + o. 1375 t Carbon bisulphide H = 90 + o. 14601 0.0004123^ Carbon tetrachloride H = 52 4- o. 14625 / o. 000172 ^ Aceton. H = 140.5 -f 0.36644^ o.ooo5i6/ 2 Specific Pressure. It is customary to develop theoretical thermody- namic equations with the specific pressure expressed in pounds per square foot, for English units. Engineers habitually express pressures in pounds per square inch. For French units, specific pressures are expressed in kilograms per square meter. Engineers use kilograms per square centimeter, and on the other hand physicists commonly express pressure in millimeters of mercury. One cubic decimeter (or one liter) of mercury weighs 13.5959 kilograms, and a cubic decimeter is one-thousandth of a cubic meter, consequently the pressure of a column of mercury one millimeter high, on a base one meter square, is 13.5959 kilograms. The normal pressure of the atmosphere is taken to be 760 mm. of mer- cury (at o C.), which is equivalent to 10,333 kilograms per square meter. * Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Eng., 1908. 8 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. The normal pressure of the atmosphere is, therefore, 1.0333 kilograms per square centimeter. It was formerly the custom to graduate pressure gauges in atmospheres, for use in countries using the metric system. There is a tendency to confusion of units that are roughly approximate, and in some cases it is necessary to determine whether a pressure is intended to be in atmospheres or in kilograms per square centimeter. Taking the meter to be equivalent to 39.37 inches, and the kilogram to weigh 2.20462 pounds, then one millimeter of mercury will be equivalent to J 3-5959 X 2.20462 39-37 = .019338 of a pound per square inch. The normal pressure of the atmosphere is 760 times this, or 14.696 pounds per square inch. The corresponding specific pressure is 2116 pounds per square foot. Pressure of Saturated Steam. Recent determinations of the pressure of saturated steam have been made by Holborn and Henning* with all the resources of modern physical methods including the platinum thermometer. Their results reduced to the thermometric scale are set down in Table III exactly as given in their original report. Their own tests covered the range of temperature from 50 C. to 200 C., but they extend their results to 205 C. The results which they give from freezing-point to 50 C. were deduced by them from experiments of Thiesen and Scheel. In Table III the pressures from 205 to 220 C. are extrapolated by the author by aid of a curve of corrections for Regnault's equation for the range ioo-to 220 C. Holborn and Henning attribute to their own experiments a precision of Tta of a degree Centigrade; this is far beyond technical requirements for direct application, but is needed in the computation of specific vol- umes, as will appear later. Thiesen and Scheel's experiments had a less degree of precision; and the extrapolation from 205 to 220 C. is open to some doubt. Pressures of Other Vapors. Regnault determined the pressures of various vapors and deduced for all of them equations having the form log/> = a + ba n + c{3 n . (7) * Annalen der Physik, vol. 26, part 4, p. 83.3,1908. INTRODUCTION. The following table gives the special forms of the equation and the constants for several vapors: log a. a. 6. / c - Alcohol a - ban + c fin a + ban c fin a ba n cfin a ba n cfin a ban c ($n 5.4562028 5.0286298 5.2253893 5.4011662 12.0962331 4.9809960 0.0002284 2.9531281 3.4405663 9.1375180 0.0485397 3.1906390 0.0668673 0.2857386 1.9674890 Ether . . . Chloroform Carbon bisulphide Carbon tetrachloride. . . log a. log/?. n. Limits. Alcohol Ether 9.99708557-10 0.0145775 9.9974144 -10 9.9977628 -10 9.9997120 -10 9.9409485 -10 9.996877 -10 9.9868176 -10 9.9911997 -10 9.9949780 -10 J+20 t+ 20 t- 20 t+ 20 t+ 20 -20, + 150 C. - 20, + 120 C. + 20, + 164 C. - 20, + 140 C. - 20, + 188 C. Chloroform Carbon bisulphide Carbon tetrachloride. . . Zeuner* gives the following equation for aceton based on Regnault's work: log p = a ba n + c$ n \ log ba n = + 0.5312766 0.0026148/5 log c[$ n = 0.9645222 0.0215592 t. Specific Volume of Saturated Vapor. From the extreme difficulty of direct experimental determinations of the specific volume of saturated vapor it has been customary to compute this property by aid of the equation 5 = u + a = - (8) dt where s is the volume of the vapor and a is the volume of the liquid; the other quantities are r the heat of vaporization, T the absolute tempera- ture, the mechanical equivalent of heat, and A dt the differential coeffi- cient of the pressure with regard to temperature. A close approximation to the differential coefficient may be had by the following process : choosing a temperature (for example iooC), take the pressure at two degrees * Mechanische Warmetheorie. 10 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. higher (102 C.) and at two degrees lower (98 C.) and divide by 4. The pressures must be in kilograms per square meter. From Table III we deduce A/> 1100.3 061.6 AT 4 = 36 ' 92 ' The pressures are 1000 times the tabular pressures in kilograms per square centimeter. The expression - is taken to represent an operation of the nature explained above. This statement is given in hopes that it may make evident an important method to readers who are not conversant with calculus. Equation (8) must be used for all other vapors than steam, and for steam at temperatures less than 100 C.; it probably gives the best values for the specific volume of steam at temperatures higher than 100 C., as will appear in the discussion of experimental results. Laws of Thermodynamics. Theoretical thermodynamics is based on two propositions or laws known as the first and second laws. The first law is stated on page 3, under the heading Mechanical Equivalent of Heat. The second law cannot be stated so briefly and satisfactorily; it may perhaps be best represented by one of its consequences, which can be written T-T' ' . where e is the efficiency of an ideal perfect heat engine and T and T' are absolute temperatures at which the engine receives and rejects heat. For our present purpose it may be sufficient to define the absolute temperature by the expressions r = / + 2 73 C. (10) T = t + 459-5 F. (n) Derivation of Equation (8). It is hoped that the folio wing simple deriva- tion of equation (8) may be evident even to those who are not familiar with theoretical thermodynamics. Suppose that we have a simple engine consisting only of a piston moving in a cylinder with a closed end, both being supposed to be made of a non-conducting substance. Let Fig. i represent the indicator diagram of a series of operations as follows. First assume that there is one pound of water at the temperature / in the cylin- \ X d T-AT c INTRODUCTION. 1 1 der at the beginning of operations which can be represented by a; to this let there be applied the heat r\ it will entirely vaporize the water at constant pressure and the volume will increase from o to 5, the increase being u = s a. (12) The second operation is an expansion represented by be. During the third operation, represented by cd, we must imagine that heat is withdrawn in some way and that the steam partially condenses. Finally FlG - T - we have a compression da, which closes the diagram. The second law of thermodynamics, represented by equation (9), gives for the efficiency of the diagram T - (T - AT) *_&T T T' for the temperature at which heat is withdrawn is A T degrees less than T. Consequently the heat changed into work is rAT T But by the first law of thermodynamics this heat is equivalent to the work represented by the diagram. If is the mechanical equivalent, then A the work produced from the heat is A T But the pressure is p pounds per square foot during the forward stroke and p - A/> during the return stroke, so that the effective work is \p.u, where u is the increase in volume. For example, the piston might have one square foot of area and move u feet. Equating the above expressions Now it can make no difference whether the change of temperature is measured in the usual way and written A/ or measured as above. There- fore 12 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. The expression -^ is that discussed on page 10. Those familiar with calculus will recognize that equation (13) leads to (14) Specific Volume of Saturated Steam. The relation of the pressure of saturated steam to the temperature is given by Holborn and Henning in the form of a table of results which are quoted directly in Table III, the pressure being expressed in millimeters of mercury. It is considered that the best way of dealing with the differential coefficient -~ is to replace it by the ratio - , as discussed on page 10, using 4 C. for the interval of temperatures A/. A number of elements enter into this consideration. If the relation of the pressure to the temperature could be represented by a second degree curve, that is, if such a curve were a parabola with its axis vertical, the ratio -T* for any interval would be precisely equal to -j- . A table that A/ (it could be represented by such a curve would have constant second differ- ences; by second differences are meant the differences of the tabular dif- ferences as in Table III. An examination of second differences derived from Table III shows that they increase slowly, but that the increase is not perceptible for four degrees. For a six-degree interval the increase is barely perceptible, and for ten degrees it is very apparent. Now the precision claimed for the measurement of temperature is T &tf of a degree, so that a four-degree interval appears to give a precision of computation of ?VT> for a single value of -^ . It may be noted in passing that the precision of observation of the height of the mercury column is better than the temperature determinations and therefore does not contribute to the probable error. In order to diminish the effect of local variations of the nature of acci- dental errors, the values of the ratio were computed for each degree INTRODUCTION. 13 of temperature from o C. to 220 C. The first and second differences were then computed, and the computed values of ^ were changed when necessary to the amount of -njW in order to make the second differences regular. This process is equivalent to drawing a smooth or fair curve to represent physical properties obtained by observation. Having values of the ratio - for each degree of temperature, the spe- cific volumes were computed by equation (8). These values were then tested for fairness by taking second differences, and again the computed values were varied when necessary to the extent of yuW to make the second differences regular. The combined effect of both fairings is estimated not to exceed -svv, and it is believed that the probable error of the specific volumes thus determined is not greater than that amount for the range of temperature 50 C. to 200 C. covered by Holborn and Henning's experiments. This estimate carries with it the assumption that the methods of fairing give somewhat greater mean precision than can be attributed to a single computation of -~ For the range of temperature from o C. to 50 C., and especially for temperatures less than 30 C. (86 F.), so small a probable error cannot be claimed for the specific volumes; but that range has less interest for engineers. For temperatures less than 30 C. the specific volumes were derived in the following way. In the first place the values Apu given in Table III were computed from the specific volumes, and a curve was drawn to represent them; above 30 C. the computed values varied from the curve less than y^; in only a few cases was the variation greater than TsW- Below 30 C. it was considered more correct to take values of Apu from the curve which was there appreciably straight, and values of the specific volume were obtained for Table III by inver- sion of the method of computing Apu. In passing it may be said that all values of Apu in Tables I and III were derived from the curve mentioned, which gave a greater degree of precision than needed for that purpose. Since the pressures corresponding to temperatures above 200* C. are extrapolated, the specific volumes computed from them are affected by the same degree of uncertainty that attaches to the pressures. PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. Specific Volumes of Other Vapors. In order to apply equation (8) to the computation of vapors for which Regnault's equations are given on page 9, we may derive the differential coefficient in the form The following table gives values to be used for the factors that appear in that equation. SIGN. LogUa"). LogCB/3"). 4 a". BP n . Alcohol + + + + + + + + + + + - 1.1720041-0. 0029143 1 -1.3396624-0.0031223* -1. 3410130-0. 0025856* -1.4339778-0.0022372* -1.8611078-0.0002880* -1.3268535-0.0026148* t, temperature C. -2. 9992701-0. 0590515* -4.4616396+0.0145775* -2.0667124-0.0131824* -2.0511078-0.0088003* -1.3812195-0.0050220* -1.9064582-0.0215592* Ether Chloroform Carbon bisulphide.. Carbon tetrachloride Aceton Experimental Determinations of Specific Volumes. By far the best direct determinations of the specific volumes of saturated steam are those reported by Knoblauch,* Linde, and Klebe in connection with their deter- minations of the properties of superheated steam. These experiments determined the pressures at constant volume, and the results are so treated as to give the volume at saturation by extrapolation with great certainty. In their report they claim for their results, including volumes at satura- tion, a probable error not greater than COMPARISON OF EXPERIMENTAL AND COMPUTED VALUES OF THE SPECIFIC VOLUME OF SATURATED STEAM. Volumes Cu. M. Volume Cu. M. Tempera- Tempera- ture. Experi- mental. Computed. Per Cent Deviation. ture. Experi- mental. Computed. Per Cent Deviation. 100 1.674 1.671 + 0.18 145 0.4458 0.4457 + 0.02 105 1.421 1.419 + 0.14 150 0.3927 0.3921 + 0.15 110 1.211 1.209 + 0.17 155 0.3466 0.3463 + 0.09 115 1.036 1.036 160 0.3069 0.3063 + 0.20 120 0.8894 0.8910 -0.18 165 0.2724 0.2729 + 0.18 125 0.7688 0.7698 -0.13 170 0.2426 0.2423 + 0.12 130 0.6670 0.6677 -0.10 175 0.2168 0.2164 + 0.19 135 0.5809 0.5812 -0.05 180 0.1940 0.1941 -0.05 140 0.5080 0.5081 -0.02 * Mitteilungen uber Forschungsarbeiten, etc., Heft 21, S. 33, 1905. INTRODUCTION. 1 5 These experimenters give 32 determinations of the volume of saturated steam. In order to make a comparison of these experimental values with computations in Table III, a large plot was made with temperatures for abscissae and logarithms of volumes for ordinates, and a fair curve was drawn ; from this curve the experimental values set down in the preceding table were deduced; the computed values are taken from Table III. The greatest deviation is 0.2 of one per cent, which is the probable error assigned by the experimenters to their work. It may therefore be concluded that the claim of a probable error not in excess of -gvv for the computed values of the specific volume of saturated steam, and of a simi- lar degree of precision for the experimental values, is warranted. Now equation (8) includes explicitly the heat of vaporization, the absolute temperature and the mechanical equivalent of heat as well as the differential coefficient -^-. It also includes the heat of the liquid implicitly, since the heat of vaporization is derived from the total heat. Consequently the claim of a precision of -5^ for the specific volume attributes a like degree of precision to the first three named properties, and the same effective certainty to the heat of the liquid. It is true that we may independently attribute a greater precision to the three first properties named. Thus a probable error of T ^W is claimed for the total heat by Dr. Davis, and Callendar * claims a probable error of yuVtf or better for the absolute temperature; the real value of the mechanical equivalent is even now slightly in question, but the value assigned is probably in error less than T tfW. The conclusion appears to be that our knowledge of the properties of saturated steam is sufficient for engineering purposes, and that tables computed with available data will not require change. Specific Volume of Liquids. The coefficient of expansion of most liquids is large as compared with that of solids, but it is small as compared with that of gases or vapors. Again, the specific volume of a vapor is large compared with that of the liquid from which it is formed. Con- sequently the error of neglecting the increase of volume of a liquid with the rise of temperature is small in equations relating to the thermo- dynamics of a saturated vapor, or of a mixture of a liquid and its vapor when a considerable part by weight of the mixture is vapor. It is, there- fore, customary to consider the specific volume of a liquid to be constant. * Phil. Mag., Jan., 1903. 1 6 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. Table XII, giving the specific volumes of various liquids, was taker from the Phys.-Chem. Tabellen of Landolt and Bornstein. Volume of Water. Table XIII gives the volumes of water compared with its volume at 4. From o to 100 C., the values are those given b> Rossetti. Above 100, the values are those calculated by Hirn's equa- tion. Volumes of Liquids. The volumes of liquids at high temperatures, compared with the volume at freezing-point, are represented by the following equations given by Him : * Water 100 C. to 200 C. (vol. at 4 C.= Logs. unity) v=l + 0.00010867875* 6. 0361445- 1C + 0.0000030073653* 2 4. 4781862- 1C + . 0000000028730422* 3 1 . 4583419- 1C -0.0000000000066457031* 4 8. 8225409- 2C Alcohol 30 C. to 160 C. (vol. at C.= unity) v=l + 0.00073892265* 6.8685991- 1C + 0.00001055235* 2 3. 0233492- 1C - . 000000092480842* 3 2. 9660517- 1C + . 00000000040413567* 4 . 6065278- 1C Ether 30 C. to 130 C. (vol. at 0C.= unity) v= 1 + 0. 0013489059* 7. 1299817- 1C + 0.0000065537* 2 4. 8164866- 1C - . 000000034490756* 3 2 . 5377028- 1C + . 00000000033772062^ . 5285571 - 1C Carbon bisulphide 30 to 160 C. (vol. at 0C. = unity) v=l + 0. 0011680559* 7.0674636-10 + 0.0000016489598* 2 4.2172103-10 -0. 00000000081 119062* 3 0.9091229-10 + . 000000000060946589* 4 8 . 7849494- 20 Carbon tetrahcloride 30 to 160 C. (vol. at C.=unity) v= 1 + 0.0010671883* 7.0282409- 10 + 0.0000035651378* 2 4.5520763-10 - . 000000014949281* 3 2 . 1746202- 10 + . 000000000085182318* 4 9 . 9303494- 20 Internal and External Latent Heat. The heat of vaporization over- comes external pressure, and changes the state from liquid to vapor at constant temperature and pressure. Let the specific volume of the saturated vapor be s, and that of the liquid be o y then the change of volume is s a = u, on passing from the liquid to the vaporous state. The external work is p(s - a) = pu, and the corresponding amount of heat, or the external latent heat, is Ap (s o) = Apu, A being the reciprocal of the mechanical equivalent of heat. * Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 1867. INTRODUCTION. I? That part of the heat of vaporization which is not used in doing external work is considered to be used in changing the state from liquid to vapor. This work required to change the molecular arrangement is called dis- ^gregation work. The heat required to do the disgregation work is rep- resented by p = r - Apu. (15) Quality or Dryness Factor. All the properties of saturated steam, such as pressure, volume, and heat of vaporization, depend on the tem- perature only, and are determinable either by direct experiment or by computation, and are commonly taken from tables like those assembled in this book. Many of the problems met in engineering deal with mixtures of liquid and vapor, such as water and steam. In such problems it is convenient to represent the proportions of water and steam by a variable known as the quality or the dryness factor; this factor, x, is defined as that portion of each pound of the mixture which is steam; the remnant, i x, is consequently water. Specific Volume of Wet Steam. If a pound of a homogeneous mixture of water and steam is x part steam, then the specific volume may be represented by v = xs + (i x) a = xu + a, where u is the increase of volume due to vaporization. Intrinsic Energy. When heat is applied to a substance, a part is expended in increasing the temperature, a part is required to do the external work, and the remainder is considered to be used up in changing the molecular arrangement or condition. It has been seen that these three portions can be separated for saturated vapor; they are represented by #, Apu, and p. In some cases the first and last cannot be separated and must be treated together; in any case it is convenient to consider them together. The mechanical equivalent of their sum is called the intrinsic energy and may be represented by E - j G + ?) (16) If only a portion of the liquid is vaporized the external work and the disgregation work may be obtained by multiplying the proper quantity by the dryness factor, and the heat equivalents will be Axpu and xp. 1 8 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. In such case the intrinsic energy is E = ~(xp + q). (17) Entropy. In the discussion of steam-engines or other heat engines, it is convenient to begin by considering the way in which steam (or other working substance) would behave if the cylinder were made of non- conducting material. Afterwards the effect of the actual material can be investigated. The expansion line which an indicator would draw under such conditions is called an adiabatic line. Calculations for adiabatic changes of steam can be made by aid of a "special function devised for the purpose and called entropy. A discussion of adiabatic actions and of entropy can be found in any text-book on Thermodynamics; for example, on pages 17 and 31 of the " Thermodynamics of the Steam Engine " by the author. It is sufficient for our present purpose to con- sider that entropy can be expressed numerically and that the numerical values enter into the calculation of certain engineering problems. It is customary to represent entropy in general by <, but entropy may be represented by 6 in dealing with a liquid. To calculate the increase of entropy during any operation we may divide the heat added by the absolute temperature at which it is added. This leads to a very simple calculation in the case of vaporization of a liquid, as will be seen in the next paragraph. If the heat is added at a varying temperature, an approximation may be had by breaking the heat into small portions and dividing each by the mean* temperature and then summing up. Such an operation can be represented by the expression > (18) where dQ represents an infinitesimal amount of heat and T is the abso- lute temperature at which it is added. Equation (18) is a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics, and that law is sometimes said to be represented by it. Entropy of Vaporization. If a pound of water at the temperature t (or absolute temperature T) is partially vaporized, the heat expended is xr. The method of calculating entropy in the preceding paragraph gives in this case * - <<> = f; = * ^ ( J 9) INTRODUCTION. 19 In Tables I, II, and III values of are given for each degree or each pound. Entropy of the Liquid. When water is heated the specific heat varies and the heat is added at a varying temperature. While an approxima- tion can be had by breaking up the heat into small parts as indicated in the preceding paragraph, a satisfactory determination of the entropy of the liquid can be made only by aid of the methods of the integral cal- culus. These methods give for the entropy of the liquid '-f-f?- (*>> It is shown on page 5 that the specific heat of water can be repre- sented by c = i + k, and this expression introduced in the preceding equation gives t T in which t and T are the temperature by the thermometer of freezing, and the corresponding absolute temperature. The first part of the above expression for the entropy of the liquid can be computed readily, and the second part (which is small) can be determined graphically with great precision. This method was used for the tables of the properties of saturated steam. To obtain the entropy of any liquid named on page 6, we may first differentiate the proper equation to obtain dq and then integrate as indicated by the equation The values given in Tables IV to IX were determined in this way. Entropy of a Mixture of a Liquid and its Vapor. The increase in entropy due to heating a unit of weight of a liquid from freezing-point to the temperature / and then vaporizing x portion of it is -f, 2O PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. where is the entropy of the liquid, r is the heat of vaporization, and 7 is the absolute temperature. For steam - may be taken from the tables for other vapors it must usually be calculated. For any other state, determined by x l and ^ we shall have, for th< increase of entropy above that of the liquid at freezing-point, * The change of entropy in passing from one state to another is 4> - & = ~ + 6 - x -f l - 0,. 1 * 1 When the condition of the mixture of a liquid and its vapor is giver by the pressure and the value of x, then Table II giving the propertie: at each pound may be conveniently used for this computation. Adiabatic Equation for a Liquid and its Vapor. During an adiabati< change the entropy is constant, so that the preceding equation gives (?2 . (2a - 1 2 When the initial state, determined by x^ and ^ or p l} is known and the final temperature t 2 , or the final pressure p 2 , the final value # 2 may b< found by this equation. The initial and final volumes may be calcu lated by the equations v l = XjUi + a and v 2 = x 2 u 2 + a. Tables of the properties of saturated vapor commonly give the specifi( volume 5 but s = u + <7. The value of a for water is 0.016, and for other liquids will be found ir Table XII. For example, one pound of dry steam at 100 pounds absolute has the following properties found in Table II : /! = 327. 9 F. - = 1.1273; 0i = 0-4748; INTRODUCTION. 2 1 If the final pressure is 15 pounds absolute, we have / 2 = 2i3.oF. -^-= 1.4409; 02 = 0.3140; s 2 = 26.28, * 2 whence i. 6021 = 1.4409* + 0.3140. .:x 2 = .8939. The initial and final volumes are ^i = *i = 4-43 2 V 2 = X 2 u 2 + a = 23.43. Such a problem cannot be solved inversely, that is, we cannot assume a final volume and determine directly the temperature and pressure cor- responding. The Temperature-Entropy Table to be explained later will, however, give an approximate solution directly, and an exact solution by interpolation. External Work during Adiabatic Expansion. Since no heat is trans- mitted during an adiabatic expansion, all of the intrinsic energy lost is changed into external work, so that W = E l - E 2 = (?i - ft + oc lPl - x 2 p 2 ). (23) For example, the external work of one pound of dry steam in expanding adiabatically from 100 pounds to 15 pounds absolute is W = 778 (298.5 - 181.3 + i X 805.7 - 0.8939 X 896.2), W = 121. 8 X 778 = 94,760 foot-pounds. Attention should be called to the unavoidable defect of this method of calculation of external work during adiabatic expansion, in that it depends on taking the difference of quantities which are of the same order of magnitude. For example, the above calculation appears to give four places of significant figures, while, as a matter of fact, the total heat H from which p is derived is affected by a probable error of yAs or perhaps more. Both the quantities q l + x^ and q 2 + X 2 p 2 have a numerical value somewhere near 1000, and an error of juW is nearly equivalent to one thermal unit, so that the probable error of the above calculation is nearly one per cent. For a wider range of tempera- ture the error is less ; had the lower pressure been i pound the error would 22 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. have been of a per cent. This matter should be borne in mind in considering the use of approximate methods of calculation, for example, by aid of a diagram like the temperature-entropy diagram. Heat Contents. The heat required to raise one pound of water from freezing-point to a given temperature t corresponding to a pressure p t and to vaporize a part x at that pressure, is represented by xr + q\ this quantity may be called the heat contents. Rankine's Cycle. An important investigation for the steam-engine may be made by aid of the accompanying figure which represents the indicator diagram from a steam-engine without clear- ance and with a non-conducting cylinder. Steam is admitted at an absolute pressure p l from a to 6; adia- batic expansion follows from b to c\ finally the steam FIG. 2. is exhausted from c to d at the pressure p 2 . The external work during admission for one pound of steam having the quality x l is pM = #!(*i w i + *); the external work during expansion is and the external work during exhaust is P^2 = P 2 0*2^2 + (7), which must be subtracted since it is done by the piston on the steam. The effective work of the cycle is PM + E l - E 2 - p,v,, or, substituting the proper values, W = - (& + XM + Ap&Ut - q l - x,p 2 the last term is small and may be dropped. Remembering that r = p + Apu, we have W = A ^ + * lfl ~~ q * ~ INTRODUCTION. 23 The values of r and q may be taken from Tables I, II, or III, and the value of x 2 can be determined by aid of the equation + 6,. By the first law of thermodynamics the difference between the heat supplied to an engine and the heat rejected is equivalent to the work done, provided there are no losses; therefore, This most important conclusion can be stated as follows: the heat changed into work by a steam-engine working on Rankine's cycle is equal to the difference in the heat contents of the steam supplied to and exhausted by the engine. This same expression is found in the discussion of steam-turbines. Problems of this nature can be solved immediately by aid of the Temperature-Entropy Table. Superheated Steam. A dry and saturated vapor, not in contact with the liquid from which it is formed, may be heated to a temperature greater than that corresponding to the given pressure for the same vapor when saturated; such a vapor is said to be superheated. When far removed from the temperature of saturation, such a vapor follows the laws of perfect gases very nearly, but near the temperature of saturation the departure from those laws is too great to allow of calculations by them for engineering purposes. All the characteristic equations that have been proposed have been derived from the equation pv = RT, which is very nearly true for the so-called perfect gases at moderate temperatures and pressures; it is, however, well known that the equa- tion does not give satisfactory results at very high pressures or very low temperatures. To adapt this equation to represent superheated steam a corrective term is added to the right-hand side which may most conveniently be assumed to be a function of the temperature and pres- sure, so that calculations by it may be made to join on to those for saturated steam. 24 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. The most satisfactory characteristic equation of this sort is that given by Knoblauch,* Linde, and Klebe, pv = BT-p(i+ap) cY-- D - ( 2 4) p the pressure is in kilograms per square metre, v is in cubic metres, and T is the absolute temperature by the Centigrade thermometer. The constants have the following values: B = 47.10, a = 0.000002, C = 0.031, D = 0.0052. In the English system of units, the pressures being in pounds per square foot, the volumes in cubic feet per pound, and the temperatures in the Fahrenheit scale, we have pv= 85.85 T - p (i + 0.00000976 p) ^50,300,000 - 0.0833) (25) The following equation may be used with the pressure in pounds per square inch: pv = o. 59 62T-p(i+o.ooi 4 p) ^50,300,000 _ oo833 J. (26) The labor of calculation is principally in reducing the corrective term, and especially in the computation of the factor containing the tempera- ture. Table XV gives values of this factor for each five degrees from 100 to 600 F. For ordinary use the nearest value in the table may be selected without interpolation; when this is done the error in calculation of a volume will not exceed 0.2 of a percent for pressures less than 150; for higher pressures and near saturation the error may be twice as much. By interpolation the corrective factor may be obtained with precision for all conditions. Knoblauch attributes to his equation a probable error of 0.2 of a per cent within the range of his experiments which extends from 100 C. to 1 80 C., and to about 50 C. of superheating. It has been shown that a special treatment of his experimental values extrapolated to satur- ation shows at no place a greater discrepancy from the tabular values of Table III than 0.2 of a per cent. His equation when applied to saturated steam is nearly as good, the maximum discrepancy within his * Milteilungen uber Forschungsarbeiten, Heft 21, S. 33, 1905. INTRODUCTION. range being one-third of a per cent at 160 C. Below boiling-point the greatest discrepancy of his equation is half a per cent at 50 C.; toward freezing-point the discrepancy decreases to zero. Specific Heat of Superheated Steam. A very laborious investigation of the specific heat of superheated steam was made by Professor Knob- lauch * and Dr. Jakob with the special object of avoiding the presence of moisture in the steam near saturation. Professor Knoblauch's report gives the results of the investigations made, under his direction in the form of a table giving specific heats at various temperatures and pressures and in a diagram, which can be found in the original memoir, and he also gives a table of mean specific heats from the temperature of saturation to various temperatures at several pressures. This latter table is given here in both the metric system and in the English system of units. SPECIFIC HEAT OF SUPERHEATED STEAM. Knoblauch and Jakob. p Kg. per Sq. Cm. 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 p Lbs. per Sq. In. 14.2 28.4 56.9 85.3 113.8 142.2 170.6 199.1 227.5 156.0 284.4 t s Cent. 99 120 143 158 169 179 187 194 200 206 211 t s Fahr. 210 248 289 316- 336 350 368 381 392 403 412 Fahr. Cent. 212 100 463 302 150 0.462 0.478 515 392 200 462 475 502 530 560 597 635 677 482 250 0.463 0.474 0.495 0.514 0.532 0.552 0.570 0.588 0.609 0.635 0.664 572 300 0.464 0.475 0.492 0.505 0.517 0.530 0.541 0.550 0.561 0.572 0.585 662 350 0.468 0.477 0.492 0.503 0.512 0.522 0.529 0.536 0.543 0.550 0.557 752 400 0.473 0.481 0.494 0.504 0.512 0.520 0.526 0.531 0.537 0.542 0.547 The construction of this table is readily understood from the following example: Required the heat needed to superheat a kilogram of steam at 4 kilograms per square centimetre from saturation to 300 C. The saturation temperature (to the nearest degree) is 143 C.; so that the steam at 300 degrees is superheated 157 degrees, and for this is required the heat 157 X 0.492 = 77.2 calories. The experiments of Professor Knoblauch were made at 2, 4, 6, and 8 kilograms per square centimetre; the remainder of the table was obtained * Mitteilungen iiber Forschungsarbeiten, Heft 36, s. 109. 26 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. from his diagram, which was extended graphically to the extent indi- cated. Within the limits of the experimental work the table may be used with confidence, the greatest error being probably not more than one-third of one per cent. Total Heat of Superheated Steam. In the solution of problems that arise in engineering it is convenient to use the total amount of heat required to raise one pound of water from freezing-point to the tem- perature of saturated steam at the given pressure and to vaporize it and to superheat it at that pressure to the given temperature. This total heat may be represented by the expression H = q + r + c p (t - /.), (27) where t is the temperature of the superheated steam, t s is the temper- ature of saturated steam at the given pressure />, and q and r are the corresponding heat of the liquid and heat of vaporization. The mean specific heat c p may usually be taken from the table on page 25 without interpolation, as a small variation does not have a very large effect. The total heats or heat contents of superheated steam in the tempera- ture-entropy table were obtained by the following method. From Professor Knoblauch's table of true specific heats as given in his report a diagram was drawn with degrees of superheating for abscissae and true specific heats as ordinates; this diagram (which was substantially equivalent to Knoblauch's diagram) consisted of curves, which gave the specific heats at various constant pressures from i kilogram per square centimetre to 20 kilograms. His tabular values were taken directly for pressures from i kilogram to 10 kilograms, and the resultant dia- gram was faired by cross-curves, which were also used to extrapolate curves below i kilogram and above 10 kilograms; but in this extrapola- tion attention was given to his extrapolation, substantially the same results being obtained except near saturation for higher pressures. The diagram constructed, (which was better adapted for extension to satura- tion than Knoblauch's), indicated, at high pressure, the selection of smaller values of the specific heat at saturation, and there is reason to think that such values are more correct. The difference for pressures below 10 kilograms per square centimetre (140 pounds per square inch) in the resultant total heat computed by equation (27) is insignificant. INTRODUCTION. 2/ At 20 kilograms (280 pounds) the difference amounts to one thermal unit out of about 1200. The diagram described furnished the basis of a diagram from which the heat required to superheat the steam at a given pressure and to a given degree could be obtained graphically for English units. Having values of the third term in equation (27) the total heat was readily obtained. Entropy of Superheated Steam. By the entropy of superheated steam is meant the increase of entropy due to heating water from freez- ing-point to the temperature of saturated steam at the given pressure, to the vaporization and to the superheating at that pressure. This operation may be represented as follows: + F + / 1 t J Tf in which T is the absolute temperature of the superheated steam and T s is the temperature of the saturated steam at the given pressure; and can be taken from Table I. The last term was obtained for the tem- perature-entropy table by graphical integration of curves plotted with values of ^ derived from the curves of specific heats at various tempera- tures just described under the previous section. Properties of Ammonia and Sulphur Dioxide. One of the most inter- esting and important applications of the theory of superheated vapors is found in the approximate calculation of properties of certain volatile liquids which are used in refrigerating-machines, and for which we have not sufficient experimental data to construct tables in the manner followed for the fluids already discussed. All attempts in this line have followed the example of Ledoux, who made the first attempt and who took for the basis of his investiga- tions the form of equation proposed by Zeuner for superheated steam, namely, pv = BT - Cp a . Investigations by Knoblauch already discussed show that this equation can be considered only a crude approximation for steam, and conse- quently less confidence can be placed on investigations by its aid than we formerly thought.. Nevertheless, in our present condition and until 28 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. more complete experimental data are available we are constrained to use some such approximate method, and it does not appear profitable to recompute tables at this time. Fortunately Regnault determined the relation of temperature and pressure, and gave the following equations for pressure in millimetres of mercury, the temperature being on the Centigrade thermometer. SULPHUR DIOXIDE. AMMONIA. log p = a ba n cfi n log p = a - ba n cfi n a = 5.6663790 a = 11.5043330 b = 3.0146890 b = 7.4503520 c = 0.1465400 c = 0.9499674 log a 9.9972989 10 log a = 9.9996014 10 log /? = 9.9872900 10 log /? = 9.9939729 10 n = t + 28 n = t + 22 Limits, 28, + 62. Limits, 22, + 82. The corresponding equations for pressures in pounds per square inch for temperatures Fahrenheit are: SULPHUR DIOXIDE. AMMONIA. log p = a ba n cfi n log p = a - ba n - c! n a = 3.9527847 a = 9.7907380 log b = 0.4792425 log b = 0.8721769 10 log c = 9.1659562 10 log c = 9.9777087 - 10 log a = 9.9984994 10 log a = 9.9997786 10 log /? = 9.99293890 10 log /? = 9.9966516 10 n = t + i8.4F. n = t + 7.6F.' In the "Thermodynamics of the Steam Engine" by the author, pages 117 to 126, this calculation has been carried out with the best ascertained properties of the superheated vapors of sulphur dioxide and ammonia with the following results: SULPHUR DIOXIDE. AMMONIA. French units, pv = 14.5 T - 48 />' 22 ; pv = 54.3 T - i42/>i English units, pv = 26.4 T - 184 />' 22 ; pv = 99 T - 7io/>i The application of these equations to the vapors when saturated gives the following results: INTRODUCTION. 29 HEAT OF VAPORIZATION. SULPHUR DIOXIDE. AMMONIA. French units, r =* 98 0.27* r = 300 o.8/ English units, r = 176 0.27 (t 32) r = 540 0.8 (t 32) SPECIFIC HEAT OF THE LIQUID. SULPHUR DIOXIDE. AMMONIA. c = 0.4 c = i.i Tables X and XI were calculated by aid of the equations written, and may be of use for approximate calculations, in default of more reliable tables. Other Data. For convenience the following data are assembled : Length of the metre in inches 39-37- Weight of the kilogram in pounds 2 . 2046. Weight of i litre (i cubic decimetre) of mercury . . 13.5959 kilos. One horsepower, in foot-pounds per second 550. Cheval a vapeur, in kilogrammetres per second 75. 760 mm. of mercury. I0 >333 kilos per sq. m. Normal pressure of the atmosphere 14.7 Ibs. per sq. in. 2ii6 Ibs. per sq. ft. 29.921 in. of mercury. One inch of mercury is equivalent to 0.4912 pound. 273 Absolute temperature of freezing-point Mechanical equivalent of heat A 49i- 5 . 427 metre-kilograms. 778 foot-pounds. Explanation of Tables. Table I gives the properties of saturated steam for each degree Fahrenheit, in English units. It is in part com- puted directly and in part derived from Table III by interpolation, but the interpolation was so guarded that the numerical accuracy is the same as would be possible by direct computation. The proper degree of precision to be attributed to any property may be judged from the 3O PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. preceding statements of data and transformation. In general, atten- tion is given to this matter, each property being stated with the precision considered proper, avoiding superfluous figures. Exceptions are found Y in the cases of r, p and , which are sometimes given to five places, while the data do not warrant more than four; but there are practical conveniences in keeping one decimal place for those properties. Table II, which gives properties of steam for each pound pressure, is made by interpolation from Table I, the interpolation being so done that it has practically the same degree of accuracy. Table III is the fundamental table because the pressures are quoted directly from the original authorities. These pressures in millimetres of mercury are directly converted into kilograms per square centimetre and into pounds per square inch. They also serve as the basis of com- putation 1 of specific volumes which were computed both in cubic metres and in cubic feet. The degree of precision of interpolation for pressures at each degree. Fahrenheit was readily made greater than that required in practice, and the degree of precision for volumes was quite as good as the data warranted. Consequently all these tables have the same degree of reliability. This table gives properties for each degree Centigrade both in French and in English units, which frequently is of direct convenience. It also serves as a conversion table. Tables IV to IX were taken from Zeuner's "Mechanische Warme- theorie," making a correction for the true value of the mechanical equiv- alent of heat, instead of Joule's earlier value, and adding columns of entropy of the liquid. Tables X and XI for sulphur dioxide and ammonia were calculated by the approximate method described earlier; though open to a considerable degree of error they may be used till better information can be obtained. Tables XII and XIII do not appear to call for comment. Table XIV has been computed to aid in reducing data from tests where pressures are recorded in inches of mercury. Pressures measured in inches of mercury are usually less than that of the atmosphere, and the reading gives the vacuum, which is to be subtracted from the barometric reading to find the absolute pressure in inches of mercury. The table then gives the pressure in pounds per square inch, which can be taken to Table II to find the properties of steam. INTRODUCTION. 31 Table XV has been computed to reduce the labor of calculating the volume of superheated steam. It gives the value of the factor 150,300,000 * Y 3 - 8 33 in Knoblauch's equation on page 24 for English units. By aid of this table the volume for a given temperature and pressure can be readily computed. The inverse calculation assuming the volume cannot be made directly, but such problems can be resolved by trial without much labor. If the pressure and volume are assumed the temperature can be found neglecting the correction term, and this will enable us to enter the table at nearly the right place. TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. This table has been made to facilitate the solution of problems involv- ing adiabatic action for steam and some other problems. It gives for each degree Fahrenheit and for each hundredth of a unit of entropy the quality, heat contents, and specific volume, both for moist and for superheated steam. For convenience the pressures correspond- ing to the temperatures are also given. The properties named may be more exactly stated as follows: Moist Steam. Quality, #; the portion of a pound which is steam. Heat contents, xr + q. Specific volume, v = xu + a. Superheated Steam. Quality, / - t sat ; the number of degrees of superheating. Heat contents, r + q + c p (t - t sat ). Specific volume, v. The table is arranged in groups of eight triple columns, four on each of two pages, which face each other. Such a group is continued from the highest to the lowest temperature; then comes the next group of eight triple columns, etc. Commonly the solution of a given problem may be found in a single group or in two successive groups. It is important to note this feature of arrangement to avoid aimless search. 32 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. For engineering purposes it will be found sufficient to take the nearest temperature of saturated steam and the nearest column of entropy, and to take from the corresponding place in the table the required quantities. At the highest temperature (420 F.), the variation of half a degree of temperature corresponds to a variation of a pound and a half in pressure ; the other properties have the following variations: heat contents 0.15 of a B.T.U., and specific volume 0.008 of a cubic foot, which latter amounts to half of one per cent. At lower temperature the variation of pressure is progressively less, but the other two properties named are affected to about the same degree. Such variations if they were carried into com- putations and united with others in such a way as to occasion greater uncertainties would be liable to be inconvenient; but when found in the final results of computations and their limits known, are not likely to cause trouble. On the other hand the variation of half a hundredth of a unit of entropy will at 400 degrees correspond to 0.5 of a per cent of priming or moisture in the steam, and will carry a like variation into all of the work.- This uncertainty of using the table without interpolation will be nearly the same throughout the table. Should the variations named be considered to be too large in any case, greater accuracy can be had by interpolation. Direct interpolation for temperature or for entropy can be made with facility; cross-interpolation will be somewhat more troublesome. The use of the tables can best be illustrated by a few examples. Example i. Given the pressure by the gauge 150.3 pounds (165 absolute) and the priming 2.0 per cent (x = 0.980), to find the entropy, heat contents, and specific volume. This condition is found most nearly on page 80 and gives (j> = 1.54 ocr + q = 1176.8 v = 2.697. Example 2. Given the pressure 150.3 pounds by the gauge and the temperature 508 F., to find the entropy, heat contents, and specific volume. The temperature of saturated steam corresponding to 165 pounds absolute is 366 F and the superheating is 142. These condi- tions are found on page 95 and give < = 1.65 r + q + c p (t - ts) = 1273.3 v = 3-39 6 - Example 3. Required the amount of heat changed into work per pound of steam for Rankine's cycle, the initial pressure being 150.3 pounds / X xr + q V 366 .990 1185.0 2.723 126 .789 899.1 137- INTRODUCTION. 33 by the gauge and the exhaust being under a vacuum of 26 inches of mercury. The steam initially has i.o per cent of priming, and the barometer stands at 30 inches of mercury. The exhaust pressure is 4 inches of mercury, which by Table XIV corresponds to 1.96 pound. The initial absolute pressure is found by adding the equivalent of 30 inches of mercury or 14.7 pounds to 150.3, giving 165.0. The solution of this problem is found in the column for entropy 1.55. P Initial 165 Final, 2 Heat changed into work B.T.U. 285.9 Example 4. Required the velocity of discharge from a nozzle which takes steam at 150.3 pounds by the gauge and expands down to 26 inches of vacuum; the initial priming being .01 and the barometer being at 30 inches. The available heat is the same as that for the previous problem, namely, 285.9 B.T.U. for an adiabatic expansion. The velocity without friction would be V =\/2 X 32.2 X 778 X 285.9 = 37 8 6. If an allowance of ten per cent can be made for friction the velocity will be V = v/2 X 32.2 X 778 X 0.90 X 285.9 = 359- The specific volume at exit can be found as follows: The heat that would be changed into work with an allowance of ten per cent for friction will be 0.90 X 285.9 = 257.2 B.T.U. Subtracting from the initial heat contents leaves 1185 - 257 = 928 B.T.U. for the heat contents at 126 F. at the discharge, and this property is found for the entropy 1.60; the corresponding specific volume is 142 cubic feet. 34 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. Example 5. Suppose that the conditions of example 3 are applied to a steam-turbine which has four pressure stages. For adiabatic expan- sion the available heat per stage will be 285.9 + 4 = 7I-4B.T.U. This quantity may be subtracted four times successively from the initial heat contents and the results will be the heat contents for the intermediate and final pressures. All the properties are to be located in the columns for entropy 1.55. The results are as follows: INITIAL SECOND THIRD FOURTH DISCHARGE. STAGE. STAGE. STAGE. STAGE. Heat contents . . . II85.0 IH3-5 I042.I 970.6 899.1 Temperatures . . . 3 66 299 237 180 126 Pressures . . i6< 66.0 23.4 7- ^I 1. 00 A full discussion of this method with allowance for friction and other losses together with its limitations will be found in the author's Thermo- dynamics oj the Steam Engine. TABLE I. SATURATED STEAM. ENGLISH UNITS. Temperature, 1 Decrees 1 :iliicnheit. 1 Pressure, Pounds per Square Inch. 0) a fl |'i 'gJS'd JJl 1 "o . I? i tig jH 02 Density, Pounds per Cubic Foot. Temperature, Degrees Fahrenheit. t P Q r P Apu r tji 9 1 * J .5 vl i/V s 32 0.0886 7 0.0 1071.7 m 1017.5 54.2 0.0000 2.1804 3308. 9Q 0. 000302. Q 32 33 0.0923 07 1.0 1071.2 1016.9 54.3 0.0021 2.1749 3179jf 7 0.000315:;; 33 34 0.0960 ^ 2.0 1070.7 1016.3 54.4 0.0041 2.1695 3062 112 0. 000327 Jg 34 35 0.0999 .. 3.0 1070.2 1015.6 54.6 0.0061 2.1642 2950. nfi 0. 000339. Q 35 36 0.1040 JJ 4.0 1069.7 1015.0 54.7 0.0082 2.1588 2842}" 0.000352.^ 36 37 0.1082 ~ 5.0 1069.2 1014.4 54.8 0.0102 2.1535 2737}jg 0. 000365 Jj 37 38 39 0.1126 ., 0.1171 T 6.1 7.1 1068.7 1068.2 1013.8 1013.2 54.9 55.0 0.0122 0.0142 2.1481 2.1427 2634 ft 2538^ 0.000379., 0.000394};! 38 39 40 0.1217 * 8.1 1067.6 1012.5 55.1 0.0163 2.1373 244681 0.000409 J ; 40 41 0.1265 , n 9.1 1067.1 1011.9 55.2 0.0183 2.1321 2358 g6 0. 000424. ft 41 42 0.1315 10.1 1066.6 1011.3 55.3 0.0203 2.1267 2272*2 0. 000440 } 7 42 43 0.1367 ** 54 11.1 1066.0 1010.6 55.4. 0.0223 2.1214 2190 82 0.000457^ 43 44 0.1421 ,, 12.1 1065.5 1010.0 55.5 0.0243 2.1162 2110 7 , 0. 000474. 7 44 45 0.1476 I* 13.1 1065.0 1009.4 55.6 0.0262 2.1109 2035^ 0.000491}' 46 46 ' 1533 58 14.1 1064.4 1008.7 55.7 0.0282 2.1057 1963 69 0. 000509 j* 46 47 0.1591 fi . 15.1 1063.9 1008.1 55.8 0.0302 2.1005 1894, A 0. 000528. Q 47 48 0.1652 U, 16.1 1063.4 1007.5 55.9 0.0322 2.0954 1828 0.000547^ 48 49 0.1715 JJJ 17.1 1062.8 1006.8 56.0 0.0342 2.0902 1764 61 0.000567^ 49 50 0.1780 ., 18.1 1062.3 1006.2 56.1 0.0361 2.0850 1703 ftn 0.000587 9 . 50 51 0.1848 19.1 1061.811005.6 56.2 0.0381 2.0799 1643^ 0.00060822 61 52 0.1918 ^ 20.1 1061.3 1005.0 56.3 0.0401 2.0748 1586 55 52 53 0.1990 21.1 1060.7 1004.3 56.4 0.0420 2.0697 1531 52 0.000653 9q 53 54 0.2064 L* 22.1 1060.211003.7 56.5 0.0440 2.0647 0.000676rJ 54 55 0.2140 Jj 23.1 1059.7 1003.1 56.6 0.0459 2.0596 H29*> 0.000700^4 55 56 0.2219 Qi 24.1 1059.1 1002.4 56.7 0.0479 2.0546 1381 46 0.000724 9( . 56 57 0.2301 * 25.1 1058.6 1001.7 56.9 0.0498 2.0496 1335; 0.000749^ 57 58 0.2385 gj 26.1 1053.1 1001.1 57.0 0.0517 2.0446 1291 44 0.000775^ 58 59 0.2471 27.1 1057.6 1000.5 57.1 0.0537 2.0396 1248 41 0. 000801 2? 59 60 0.2561 28.1 1057.0 999.8 57.2 0.0556 2.0347 1207 40 0.000828^0 60 61 0.2654 Jjg 29.1 1056.5 999.2 57.3 0.0575 2.0298 1167 39 0.000857 29 61 62 63 0.2750 Qfi ' 2848 101 30.1 31.1 1056.0 1055.5 998.6 998.0 57.4 57.5 0.0594 0.0614 2.0249 2.0201 ^36 0.000887 qft 0.000917^ 62 63 35 36 SATURATED STEAM TABLE I. Temperature, Degrees Fahrenheit. S, fill p 0) 's & Q a r II- P ! l 11 Apu J Sj 1 e 3 t ilg w r T Is*! 3 S o a OQ s !l |ii I * i s Temperature, ~ Degrees Fahrenheit. I 64 0.2949 in , 32.1 1055.0 997.4 57.6 0.0633 2.0152 1056 0.000947, 9 64 65 3054 33.1 1054.4 996.7 57.7 0.0652 2.0103 1021 o 0.000979^ 65 66 ;3161 m 34.1 1053.9 996.1 57.8 0.0671 2.0055 988 32 0.001012 34 66 67 0.3272^ 35.1 1053.4 995.5 57.9 0.0690 2.0007 956 31 0.001046 Q , 67 68 0.3386}!* 36.1 1052.8 994.8 58.0 0.0709 1.9959 925 29 0.001081! 68 69 0.3505J22 37.1 1052.3 994.2 58.1 0.0728 1.9911 896^ 0.001116^ 69 70 0.3627 19 , 38.1 1051.8 993.6 58.2 0.0747 1.9863 868 98 0.001152 70 71 0.3752};; 39.1 1051.2 992.9 58.3 0.0766 1.9816 840 2? O'o01190 3 n 71 72 - 3879 J33 40.1 1050.7 992.3 58.4 0.0784 1.9769 813 25 0.001230*g 72 73 0.4012 1Q7 41.1 1050.2 991.7 58.5 0.0803 1.9722 788 2 , 0.001269 49 73 74 0.4149}^ 42.1 1049.7 991.1 58.6 0.0822 1.9675 763 24 0.00131K 9 74 75 0.4289}^ 43.1 1049.2 990.5 58.7 0.0841 1.9629 7 QQ^4 0.001353^2 75 76 0.4434 1/lft 44.1 1048.7 989.8 58.9 0.0859 1.9583 717 99 0.001395 44 76 77 0.4582}^ 45.1 1048.1 989.1 59.0 0.0878 .9536 695 21 0.001439** 77 78 ' 4736 158 46.1 1047.6 988.5 59.1 0.0896 .9490 67 *20 0.001484*? TTO 78 79 0.4894 1R9 47.1 1047".! 987.9 59.2 0.0915 .9444 654 90 0.001529, 8 79 80 0.5056}^: 48.1 1646.5 987.2 59.3 0.0934 .9398 634 2 - 0.001577** 80 81 - 5223 172 49.1 1046.0 986.6 59.4 0.0952 .9352 615} 9 0.001626*2 81 82 0.5395 177 50.1 1045.4 985.9 59.5 0.0971 .9306 596 lg 0.001678, 9 82 83 - 5572 182 51.1 1044.9 985.3 59.6 0.0989 .9261 578 17 0.001730^3 83 84 52.1 1044.4 984.7 59.7 0.1007 .9216 561 17 0.001783 55 84 85 0.5942 1Q9 53.1 1043.9 984.1 59.8 0.1026 1.9171 544 1fi 0.001838, fi 85 86 0.6134}^ 54.1 1043.3 983.4 59.9 0.1044 1.9126 528 0.001894^ 86 87 0.6332^ 55.1 1042.8 982.8 60.0 0.1062 1.9081 513 lso 0.001950 5g 87 88 0.6535 9in 56.1 1042.3 982.2 60.1 0.1081 1.9037 498. QI^ 0.002008 fi1 88 89 0.6745 9 }" 57. 1041.7 981.5 60.2 0.1099 1.8992 483.4!*; 0. 002069 89 90 0.6960JJJ 58. 1041.2 980.9 60.3 0.1117 1.8948 469 ' 2 138 0.002131^ DO 90 91 0.7181 997 59. 1040.6 980.2 60.4 0.1135 .8903 455.4 34 0.002196 fifi 91 92 0.7408 f ( 60. 1040.1 979.6 60.5 0.1153 .8859 442 - 29 0.002262^ 92 93 0^7642 234 61. 1039.5 978.9 60.6 0.1171 .8815 429. l}~ 0.002330 7 ^ 93 240 1^4 .".s .15 sja perature, egrees ihrenheit. | H t I&&5 p * o> Q |o T &** p |ll Apu II m e ft>! w r T O M ^ -P gSfcPi OQ s o Q 1 s SQfe t 146 3.361 QA 114.0 1009.6 943.4 66.2 0.2085 1 . 6674 106.5 2 , 0.00939 99 146 147 3.447^ 115.0 1009.0 942.7 66.3 0.2102 1.6636 104.0 f. 0. 00961^, 147 148 3.535^ 116.0 1008.4 942.0 66.4 0.2118 1.6599 101.624 0.00984^ 148 149 3.624 Q1 117.0 1007.8 941.3 66.5 0.2135 1 . 6563 99.2 0.01008 9 ., 149 150 3.715~ 118.0 1007.2 940.6 66.6 0.2151 1.6526 96.9 f 0.01032;; 150 151 3 ' 808 95 119.0 1006.7 940.0 66.7 0.2168 1 . 6490 ^1 0.01056^ 151 152 3.903 Q7 120.0 1006.1 939.3 66.8 0.2184 1 . 6453 92.5 2 0.01081 9 , 152 153 4.000JJ 121.0 1005.5 938.6 66.9 0.2200 1.6416 90.4 f 0. 01106R 153 154 4 -"?oi 122.0 1004.9 937.9 67.0 0.2217 1.6380 88.4 fjj 0.01131^ 154 155 4.200 inQ 123.0 1004.3 937.2 67.1 0.2233 1 . 6344 86.4 - 0.01157 9fi 155 156 4.303^ 124.0 1003.7 936.5 67.2 0.2249 1.6307 84.5 \l 0.01183 9 o 156 157 4.409^ 125.0 1003.1 935.8 67.3 0.2265 1.6271 82.6 \l 0.01211^ 157 158 4.517 tftQ 126.0 1002.5 935.1 67.4 0.2282 1.6235 80.7 1R 0.01239 9Q 158 159 ,, COC 109 4.626 n 10 127.0 1002.0 934.4 67.6 0.2298 1 . 6200 78.9 } 0.01267^ 159 160 4 - 738 H4 128.0 1001.4 933.7 67.7 0.2314 1.6164 77.2 \l 0.01296*5 160 161 4.852 117 129.0 1000.8 933.0 67.8 0.2330 1.6129 75.4 0.013260, 161 162 4.969 }}l 130.0 1000.2 932.3 67.9 0.2347 1 . 6093 73.7 }l 0.01357^ 162 163 5 - 088 122 131.0 999.6 931.6 68.0 0.2363 1 . 6058 72.1 {I 0.01387 3 g 163 164 5.210 19 ,, 132.0 999.0 930.9 68.1 0.2379 1 . 6023 70.6 -. 0.01417o ft 164 165 5 - 334 12fi 133.0 998.4 930.2 68.2 0.2395 1.5988 69.1 \l 0.01447," 165 166 5 A cr >uo .460 129 134.0 997.9 929.6 68.3 0.2411 1.5953 67.7 H 0.01477^ 166 167 5.589 iqi 135.0 997.3 928.9 68.4 0.2427 .5918 66.2 1A O.OlSlOoo 167 168 5.720},i 136.0 996.7 928.2 68.5 0.2443 .5884 RA 14 64.8 ,, 0.01543^ 168 169 5.853| 33 137.0 996.1 927.5 68.6 0.2459 .5849 63-4 | 4 0.01577o 36 169 170 5.990^0 138.0 995.5 926.8 68.7 0.2475 .5814 62.0 14 0.01613 q7 170 171 6.129}^ 139.0 994.9 926.1 68.8 0.2491 .5780 60.6 \* 0.01650?! 171 172 6 ' 270 H5 140.0 994.3 925.4 68.9 0.2506 .5745 59.3 g 0.01686^ 172 173 6.415 H8 141.0 993.7 924.7 69.0 0.2522 .5711 58.1 0.01722 qfi 173 174 6 . 563 1 r-i 142.0 993.1 924.0 69.1 0.2538 .5677 56.9 " 0. 01758^ 174 175 R >7 14 1O1 6.714 154 143.0 992.5 923.3 69.2 0.2554 1.5643 55.7 H 0.01795^ 175 176 6.868 ir . 7 144.0 991.9 922.6 69.3 0.2570 1.5609 54.5 n 0.01834o Q 176 177 7.025j.l 145.0 991.3 921.9 69.4 0.2585 1.5575 53.4 {{ 0.01873^ 177 178 7 18^ 160 7.185 161 146.0 990.7 921.2 69.5 0.2601 1.5541 52.3 }} 0.01912^ 178 179 7.346 1R4 147.0 990.1 920.5 69.6 0.2617 .5507 51.2 in 0.01953 40 179 180 7 5in 164 ' - O1 V 1 fiQ 148.0 989.5 919.8 69.7 0.2633 .5474 50.2 }g 0.01993^ 9 180 181 7.678^ 8 149.0 988.9 919.1 69.8 0.2648 .5440 4Q IV"' 1Q2 0.02035^ 181 182 7.849 17 , 150.1 988.3 918.4 69.9 0.2664 .5406 48.11 QQ 0.02078 44 182 183 8.024};s 151.1 987.7 917.7 70.0 0.2680 .5373 47.12XJ 0.02122^ 183 184 o 9n9 178 8.202 lgl 152.1 987.1 917.0 70.1 0.2696 .5340 46 ' 17 94 0.02166 4 * 184 185 8.383 1Q , 153.1 986.5 916.3 70.2 0.2711 1.5307 45.23 Qft 0.02211., 185 186 o c c o J- ^ c 8.568 18g 154.1 985.9 915.6 70.3 0.2727 1.5273 44 ' 33 88 0.02256^ 186 SATURATED STEAM TABLE I., 39 Temperature, . Dcirn'r- Fahrenheit. I t -f 2 p i 9 Heat of VapJ orization. pi P ^ Heat Equiva- e leatofLxter- c nal Work. e Entropy of h Vaporiza- tion. fill OQ S Density, eo i H- Pounds per Cubic Foot. Temperature, I <- Degrees Fahrenheit. | 187 8.756 1Q1 155.1 985.3 914.9 70.4 0.2742 .5240 43.45 Q , 0. 02301. 7 187 188 8 ' 947 194 156.1 984.7 914.2 70.5 0.2758 .5207 42.59^ 0.02348T' 188 189 157.1 984.0 913.4 70.6 0.2773 .5174 41. 75 84 0.02395 4 g 189 190 9 339 '158.1 983.4 912.7 70.7 0.2789 .5141 40.92 Q1 0. 02444. 190 191 9 . 541 n/\f 159.1 982.8 912.0 70.8 0.2805 .5108 40 - n 80 0.02493~ 191 192 Q 74fi 160.1 982.2 911.3 70.9 0.2820 .5076 ' 78 0.02544 51 192 193 9 955 213 161.1 981.5 910.5 71.0 0.2835 .5043 38.53 7 , 0.02595, 9 193 194 162.1 980.9 909.8 71.1 0.2851 .5010 37.77^ 0.02647^ 194 195 l^lll 163.1 980.3 909.1 71.2 0.2866 .4978 37.03 0.02700^ 195 196 10.605 225 164.1 979.7 908.4 71.3 0.2882 1.4946 36.31 7n 0.02754.. 196 197 165.1 979.1 907.7 71.4 0.2897 1.4913 35.61 0.02808?* 197 198 n - 059 232 166.2 978.4 906.9 71.5 0.2912 1.4881 34 ' 93 66 0.02863^ 198 199 11.291 9 , 7 167.2 977.8 906.2 71.6 0.2928 1.4849 34.27,, 0.02918,, 199 200 n - 528 240 168.2 977.2 905.5 71.7 0.2943 1.4817 33.62^, 0. 02974^ 7 200 201 11 . 768 . , 169.2 976.6 904.8 71.8 0.2958 1.4786 , QQ 63 OA . UU /*(\ O.OSOSni 201 245 62 58 202 12.013 9 . ft 170.2 976.0 904.1 71.9 0.2973 .4754 32.37, 9 0.03089 60 202 203 12 261 171.2 975.4 903.4 72.0 0.2989 .4723 31.75^ 203 204 12:514^ 172.2 974.7 902.6 72.1 0.3004 .4691 31.15 0.03210^ 204 205 12.771 9 , 9 173.2 974.1 901.9 72.2 0.3019 .4659 30.56, fi 0.03272,, 205 206 13.033;^ 174.2 973.5 901.2 72.3 0.3034 .4628 29.98^ 0.03335^ 206 207 13.299" 175.2 972.8 900.4 72.4 0.3049 .4596 29 ' 41 55 0.03399gg 207 208 13.570 97 , 176.2 972.2 899.7 72.5 0.3064 .4565 28.86,. 0.03465,, 208 209 13.845;'* 177.2 971.6 899.0 72.6 0.3079 .4534 28.32^ 0.03531 209 210 14.125 280 178.3 970.9 898.3 72.6 0.3095 .4502 27.80^2 0.03597 210 211 14.409 9QQ 179. 970.3 897.6 72.7 0.3110 .4471 27.29,! 0.03664 7ft 211 212 14.698;* 180. 969.7 896.9 72.8 0.3125 .4441 26. 78^0. 0.03734^ 212 213 14 992 181. 969.1 896.2 72.9 0.3140 .4410 26.29 49 213 214 215 15.291 30 . 15.595^ 182. 183. 968.5 967.8 895.5 894.7 73.0 73.1 0.3155 0.3170 .4380 .4349 25.81 4? 25.34 4 g 0.03874 79 0.03946 7 , 214 215 216 15 903 308 U<3 314 184. 967.2 894.0 73.2 0.3185 .4318 0.04019^ 216 217 16.217, 10 185. 966.5 893.2 73.3 0.3200 .4287 24.43.. 0.04093 7 , 217 218 16.536^ 186. 965.9 892.5 73.4 0.3215 .4257 23.99*, 0.04168 7 218 219 16 859 187.4 965.2 891.7 73.5 0.3230 .4226 23.56 4 2 0.04244^ 219 220 17.188,0s 188.4 964.6 891.0 73.6 0.3244 .4196 23. 14., 0.04321 7Q 220 221 17.523^ 189.4 964.0 890.3 73.7 0.3259 .4165 22.73 4 J 0. 04399.1Q 221 222 17.863^ 190.4 963.3 889.5 73.8 0.3274 .4135 04478 222 223 18.208,, n 191.4 962.7 888.8 73.9 0.3289 .4105 21.93 0.04560 Q , 223 224 18.558^" 192.4 962.0 888.1 73.9 0.3304 .4075 21 ^54 39 0. 04643*, 224 225 18.914^? ool 193.4 961.4 887.4 74.0 0.3319 .4045 21 ' 16 38 83 225 226 19.275,, fi 194.4 960.7 886.6 74.1 0.3333 .4015 20.78,, 0.04811 Q , 226 227 19 ' 643 375 195.4 960.1 885.9 74.2 0.3348 .3985 20 ' 42 35 0.04897* 227 SATURATED STEAM TABLE I. -i I 1 *. li. H"O 83 *, jgp M t 'S le . ro '5 *2"3 J .i sj 1 r 'ytJM Uj- c p |ll Apu 0| 0* II c "*" W e Entropy of ^h Vaporiza- tion. 02 & ^1| & 1 s Temperature, 1 -* Degrees Fahrenheit. | 310 77.63 n , 280.1 901.3 820.5 80.8 0.4512 1.1713 5.622 7fi 0.1779 9 . 310 311 78 ' 76 115 281.1 900.5 819.7 80.8 0.4525 1.1688 5.546,12 0.1803 9 ^ 311 312 79 - 91 U6 282.1 899.8 818.9 80.9 0.4538 1.1663 S.472 74 - 1827 25 312 313 81.07 11( 283.2 899.1 818.1 81.0 0.4552 1.1639 5.399 7Q 0.1852 9 , 313 314 82.25}} 284.2 898.3 817.3 81.0 0.4565 1.1614 5. 326 ' 0.1877^ 314 315 83.44m 285.2 897.6 816.5 81.1 0.4578 1.1589 5.254 0.1903^ 315 316 84.64 286.2 896.8 815.6 81.2 0.4592 1.1564 5.182 7Q 0.1929 97 316 317 85.86};* 287.3 896.0 814.8 81.2 0.4605 1.1539 5.112; 0.1956 97 317 318 S7.09}23 288.3 895.2 813.9 81.3 0.4618 1.1514 K 04-r 9 &>0455 69 0.19832 7 318 319 88.33 19fi 289.3 894.5 813.1 81.4 0.4631 1.1490 4.974 67 0.2010 9ft 319 320 89.59}^ 290.4 893.7 812.3 81.4 0.4644 1.1465 4 - 907 fifi 0.2038 97 320 321 QQ Q7128 291.4 892.9 811.4 81.5 0.4658 1.1440 4 " 841 64 0.206528 321 322 92.16^0 292.4 892.2 810.6 81.6 0.4671 1.1416 4.777 fi , 0.2093 9Q 322 323 93.46}^ 9 293.4 891.4 809.8 81.6 0.4684 1.1392 4 714i 0.2121 9 323 324 94 ' 78 134 294.5 890.6 808.9 81.7 0.4697 1.1367 i.653|J 0.2149^ 324 325 96.12 10 . 295.5 889.8 808.1 81.7 0.4710 1.1343 4.594, 7 0.2177 97 325 326 97 46 296.5 889.0 807.2 81.8 0.4723 1.1318 4 ' 537 57 0.2204 9 ' 326 327 98.S2HI 297.5 888.3 806.4 81.9 0.4736 1.1294 4 " 480 56 0.2232^ 327 328 100.20 1QQ 298.6 887.5 805.6 81.9 0.4749 1.1269 4.424 0.2260 29 328 329 I01.58J2 299.6 886.7 804.7 82.0 0.4762 1.1245 4 -368^ . 22o9 i *1 fcl WS wJg Jf 4- > d ^ ^11 ||1 r ~~~ !J!l i n pi pi P !>! 111! i|| Bftl H p^ K S W w e Q H * ' 9 r ' Apu e r f s 1 s t 351 136.27 177 322.3 869.2 785.9 83.3 0.5047 1.0724 3.302, Q 0.3028, 7 351 352 138.04} 323.3 868.3 785.0 83.3 0.5059 1.0700 3.263^ 0.3065, 7 352 353 139.83} 79 324.4 867.5 784.1 83.4 0.5072 1.0677 , oox" y ' 3102 38 353 354 141.64 1R9 325.4 866.7 783.3 83.4 0.5085 1.0654 3.185, ft 0.3140, 8 354 355 143 ' 46 184 326.4 865:9 782.4 83.5 0.5097 1.0631 3.147 38 0.3178,Q 355 356 145.30 18? 327.5 865.1 781.5 83.6 0.5110 1.0608 3.109 38 ' 3217 39 356 357 147.17 18 , 328.5 864.3 780.7 83.6 0.5123 1.0585 3.071 00 0.3256 41 357 358 149 ' 05 191 329.5 863.5 779.8 83.7 0.51351.0562 3.033^ 0.3297*} 358 359 150.96 193 330.6 862.6 778.9 83.7 0.5148 1.0539 2.996- 0.3338*J 359 360 152.89 1Q , 331.6 861.8 778.1 83.7 0.5161 1.0516 2.960,, 0.3378 41 360 361 154 83 332.6 861.0 777.2 83.8 0.5173 1.0493 2.925^? 0.3419*} 361 362 156: 78 l98 333.7 860.2 776.3 83.9 0.5186 1.0470 2.890^ 0.3460 42 362 363 158.76 200 334.7 859.3 775.4 83.9 0.5199 1.0448 2.856,, 0.3502,, 363 364 160 - 76 201 335.7 858.5 774.6 83.9 0.5211 1.0425 2.821^ 0.3545*^ 364 365 162.77 2Q4 336.8 857.7 773.7 84.0 0.5224 1.0403 2.787^ 0.3688JJ 365 366 164.81 9n7 337.8 856.8 772.8 84.0 0.5236 1.0380 2.754,, 0.3631,, 366 367 166. 88 2 , 07 338.8 856.0 771.9 84.1 0.52491.0357 2.721X2 0.3675** 367 368 168.96 2 ? 8 339.9 855.2 771.0 84.2 0.5261 1.0335 2.689 32 0.3719** 44 368 369 171.06 911 340.9 854.4 770.2 84.2 0.5274 1.0312 2.657 Q1 0.3763,, 369 370 173 17 341.9 853.5 769.3 84.2 0.5286 1.0289 2.626^ 0.3808*^ 370 371 175!3l2J 4 343.0 852.7 768.4 84.3 0.5299 1.0267 2.596 0.3852** 371 372 177.47 918 344.0 851.8 767.5 84.3 0.5311 1.0245 2.566, Q 0.3897, fi 372 373 179. 65 345.0 851.0 766.6 84.4 0.5324 1.0222 2.536 9 " 0.3943*^ 373 374 181 - 85 223 346.1 850.2 765.8 84.4 0.5336 1.0200 2.507 29 0.3989^ 374 375 184.08 99 347.1 849.3 764.9 84.4 0.5349 1.0178 2.478 9ft 0.4035, 7 375 376 377 186.32;;* 188.60J5JJ 348.2 349.2 848.5 847.6 764.0 763.1 84.5 84.5 0.5361 0.5374 1.0156 1.0134 2 - 450 2S 2.422 28 0.4082*7 0.4129 47 376 377 378 190. 88,,,, 350.2 846.8 762.2 84.6 0.5386 1.0112 2.394 9a 0.4177, 378 379 193 19 351.3! 846.0 761.4 84.6 0.5398 1.0089 2.366 97 0.4226*Q 379 380 19 5 :52 233 352.3 845.1 760.5 84.6 0.5411 1.0066 2.339 2 y 0.4275 49 380 381 197.87 353.3 844.3 759.6 84.7 0.5423 1.0045 2.312 27 0.4325 K1 381 382 200.25 9 ^ 354.4 843.4 758.7 84.7 0.5435' 1.0022 2.285 9 0.4376?^ 382 383 202.64 24 j 355.4 842.5 757.7 84.8 0.5448 1.0000 2 ' 259 25 " 4426 50 383 384 205. 05 9 ,, 356.5 841.7 756.9 84.8 0.5460 0.9978 2.234 , 0.4476,, 384 385 207.49;** 357.5; 840.8 756.0 84.8 0.547310.99571 2.209^ 4527 385 386 209.96JJJ 358.5 840.0 755.1 84.9 0.5485 0.9935 2.184- 0:4579^2 386 387 388 212. 45 2 214.96;?] 359.6 360.6 839.1 838.3 754.2 753.3 84.9 85.0 0.5497 0.5509 0.9913 0.9891 2.160 94 2.136 9 * 0.4630, 9 0.4682?, 387 388 389 217 ' 50 255 361.7 837.4 752.4 85.0 0.5522 0.9869 2 - 112 24 0.4735^ 389 390 220.05 25g 362.7 836.6 751.6 85.0 0.5534 0.9848 2.088 94 0.4789, R 390 391 363.7 835.7 750.6 85.1 0.5546J0.9826 2.064 24 - 4845 55 391 44 SATURATED STEAM TABLE I. 2 -1 2 03^3 1 0) a JJK II- 1 "o 3 * || l elS- "SS -S t! rfS^ &3 o. i "*i5 111 ^MJjj If 3 -^.2* +J . o^ o^ ftw o" Q e lall .tJ s2 H I ** a is 111 iJl !* H OQ gPnO H 1 p g r p Apu e r T S 1 s I 392 225. 2 97 364.8 834.8 749.7 85.1 0.5558 0.9804 2.041 99 0.490, 392 393 227.9;' 365.8 834.0 748.9 85.1 0.5571 0.9783 2.019?? 0.495^ 393 394 230.5*7 366.9 833.1 747.9 85.2 0.5583 0.9761 1.99722 0.501^ 394 395 233. 2 97 367.9 832.2 747.0 85.2 0.5595 0.9740 1.975 99 0.506 ft 395 396 235. 9 9 ' 368.9 831.4 746.2 85.2 0.5607 0.9718 1.953 22 0.512^ 396 397 238 - 6 28 370.0 830.5 745.2 85.3 0.5619 0.9696 1.931 21 0.518^ 397 398 241. 4 27 371.0 829.7 744.4 85.3 0.5632 0.9675 1.910 21 0.524, 398 399 244. i;' 372.0 828.8 743.5 85.3 0.5644 0.9654 1.889,} 0.529^ 399 400 246.9 2 373.1 827.9 742.6 85.3 0.5656 0.9633 1.868 2 J 0.535g 400 401 249. 7 9Q 374.1 827.0 741.6 85.4 0.5668 0.9611 .847 91 0.541 7 401 402 252.6;* 375.2 826.1 740.7 85.4 0.5680 0.9589 .826^ 0.548' 402 403 255.S 2 , 9 376.2 825.2 739.8 85.4 0.5692 0.9568 .806*! 0.554g 403 404 258. 4 2q 377.3 824.4 739.0 85.4 0.5704 0.9547 .786 9n 0.560 R 404 405 261. 3^ 378.3 823.5 738.1 85.4 0.5716 0.9525 .766:" 0.566^ 405 406 264 ' 3 30 379.4 822.6 737.1 85.5 0.5728 0.9504 747 9 0.572^ 406 407 267.3, ft 380.4 821.7 736.2 85.5 0.5741 0.9483 1.728 1Q 0.579 fi 407 408 270.3^" 381.4 820.8 735.3 85.5 0.5753 0.9462 1.709Jg 0.585^ 408 409 273.3^ 382.5 820.0 734.5 85.5 0.5765 0.9441 1.691 lg 0.591J 409 410 276.30, 383.5 819.1 733.6 85.5 0.5777 0.9420 l.673 1fi 0.598 fi 410 411 279.4^! 384.6 818.2 732.7 85.5 0.5789 0.9399 1.655} 0.604 7 411 412 282.5 3 2- 385.6 817.3 731.7 85.6 0.5801 0.9378 1.637 lg 0.611^ 412 413 285. 7 Q9 386.7 816.4 730.8 85.6 0.5813 0.9357 1.619 1S 0.618 7 413 414 288. 9,f 387.7 815.5 729.9 85.6 0.5825 0.9336 1 601 0.625' 414 415 292 -32 388.7 814.6 729.0 85.6 0.5837 0.9315 iimg 0.631^ 415 416 295. 2 389.8 813.7 728.1 85.6 0.5849 0.9294 1.567 17 0.638 7 416 417 298. 5^ 390.8 812.8 727.2 85.6 0.5861 0.9273 1.550} 7 0.645' 417 418 301.8^ 391.9 811.9 726.3 85.6 0.5873 0.9253 1.533^ 0.652' o 418 419 305. lo. 392.9 811.0 725.4 85.6 0.5885 0.9232 1.516 17 0.660 7 419 420 808..5S 394.0 810.1 724.5 85.6 0.5896 0.9211 1.499}' 0.667' 420 421 Q1 1 Q"" 911.834 395.0 809.2 723.6 85.6 0.5908 0.9191 1.483JJ 0.674^ 421 422 315.2,. 396.1 808.3 722.7 85.6 0.5920 0.9170 l.467 1t . 0.682 7 422 423 318.6^ 397.1 807.4 721.8 85.6 0.5932 0.9149 l':452,X 0.689 7 423 424 322. lf 5 398.2 806.5 720.9 85.6 0.5944 0.9128 M36j 0.696^ 424 425 325. 6 q , 399.2 805.6 720.0 85.6 0.5955 0.9108 1.421,, 0.704 7 425 426 329.1^ 400.3 804.7 719.1 85.6 0.5967 0.9088 1 ' 406 15 0.711' 426 427 332 - 6 36 401.3 803.8 718.2 85.6 0.5979 0.9067 1.391 15 0.719 8 427 428 336.2 402.3 802.9 717.3 85.6 0.5991 0.9047 1.376 0.727 428 TABLE II. SATURATED STEAM ENGLISH DNITS. jj ? V e. H ts . *i "o i|S y sj til IB "=1 Sj SI 'g X^i 2*^ | ||= iii! rtl |w g3 So S S"^ g C *83 3 g>'5 SfePU {S<5 ^x PH H H K E"~ c M"" c H W QQ Q PH P f i r p Apu e r 8 1 P f\ t f f sEi 8 ' 1 101.84 9 JQ 69.8 1034.7 973.1 61.6 0.1329 1.8433 333. lif>nn 0.00300 97fi 1 2 126 15,co7 94.2 1021.9 957.8 64.1 0.1753 1.7432 173. i 1 SI: 0.00578 9fi7 2 3 ftu.ag5 109.6 1012.2 946.4 65.8 0.2011 1.6841 118.4 2 gQ 0.00845 2 g| 3 4 153.00 09A 121.0 1005.5 938.6 66.9 0.2200 1.6416 90.4 171 0.01106 9 . Q 4 5 162.26 7 ? 130.3 1000.0 932.1 67.9 0.2351 1 . 6084 73.3 [{I 0.01364 ;J 5 6 i ~n 07 138.1 995.5 926.8 68.7 0.2476 1.5812 61.9 g 3 0.01616 2 ^Q 6 7 176.84 An9 144.9 991.4 922.0 69.4 0.2583 1.5580 53 ' 6 63 0.01866 9 , n 7 8 182.86 Si 150.9 987.8 917.8 70.00.26781.5378 A7 Oft 0.02116 9 J" 8 9 188.27 94 156.4 984.5 914.0 70.5 0.2762 1.5198 42.36 39Q 0.02362 ^ 9 10 11 12 193.21 , 197.74 f\ 201.95 ^ 161.3 165.9 170.1 981.4 978.6 976.0 910.4 907.1 904.1 71.0 71.5 71.9 0.2838 0.2908 0.2972 1 . 5036 1.4889 1.4756 38.37, 9fi 35. II 32 ? 32.40 2 ^ 0.02606 949 0.02848 5*5 0.03088 239 10 11 12 13 14 205.87 QAC 209.55 3 174.1 177.8 973.6 971.2 901.3 898.6 72.3 72.6 0.3032 0.3088 1.4632 1.4516 30.06 203 28.03^ 0.03327 24Q 0.03567 9 *X 13 14 15 213.03 32 g 181.3 969.1 896.2 72.9 0.3140 1 . 4409 26 ' 28 154 0.03805 2 g 15 16 216.31 19 184.6 967.0 893.8 73.2 0.3189 1 . 4308 24.74 1QR 0.04042 , 16 17 219.43 9Q7 187.8 965.0 891.5 73.5 0.3236 1.4213 23. 38 }J? 0.04277 ^ 17 18 222.40 HI 190.8 963.1 889.3 73.8 0.3280 1.4123 22. ITffi 0.04511 i\l 111) ^oO 18 19 225.24 971 193.7 961.2 887.2 74.0 0.3322 1.4038 21.07 Jo. 04746 OQO 19 20 227.95 9 'f 196.4 959.4 885.1 74.3 0.3362 1.3957 20.09 l\ 0.04978"" 20 21 230.56 2 ^} 199.1 957.7 883.1 74.6 0.3401 1.3879 in in yi iy.iy 82 0.0521 23 21 22 233.07 9 ,, 201.6 956.0 881.2 74.8 0.3438 1.3804 18.37 75 0.0544 24 22 23 235.50 9 , 9 204.1 954.4 879.4 75.0 0.3473 1.3733 1 7^,62 7 0.0568;* 23 24 237.82 ^ 206.4 952.9 877.7 75.2 0.3507 1.3665 16.92 0.0591^ 24 25 240.07 91Q 208.7 951.4 876.0 75.4 0.3539 1.3600 16.29 - Q 0.0614 9 , 25 26 242.26 "9 210.9 949.9 874.4 75.5 0.3571 1.3536 15.70 0.0637; 26 27 244 ' 36 205 213.0 948.5 872.8 75.7 0.3601 1.3475 15.17 ^ 0.0659^ 27 28 246.41 9nn 215.1 947.1 871.2 75.9 0.3631 1.3417 14.67 ., 0.0682 9 , 28 29 248.41 :"!; 217.2 945.8 869.7 76.1 0.3660 1.3360 14-19 H 0705 9 o 29 30 250.34 Jgj: 219.1 944.4 868.2 76.2 0.3687 1.3305 13.74 g 0.0728^ 30 31 252.22 1ft , 221.0 943.1 866.7 76.4 0.3714 1.3252 13.32 , Q 0.0751 99 31 32 254.05 }* 222.9 941.8 865.2 76.6 0.3740 1.3200 12.93 37 0.0773 23 32 45 4 6 SATURATED STEAM TABLE II. I A a ij *i "3 o ~|| N u-S 3 _J3 > C '5 E**-^* '3 jd | jj r^ ^H |||g ~cj * c III w.2 1 1 w^l r^O *l P !}< 'S S *> o '| C 3 *^2 ' "PMcc H K w K~ G X~ a 02 | 1 P t q r > Apu e r f S 1 S P 33 255.84 17 , 224.7 940.6 863.8 76.8 0.3766 1.3149 12.56 . 0.0796 9 , 33 34 257.59!'* 226.5 939.4 862.5 76.9 0.3791 1.3101 12.21 0.0819 9 ^ 34 35 259.29$ 228.2 938.2 861.2 77.0 0.3815 1.3054 11.88 gQ 0.0842J2 35 36 260.96 1fi9 229.9 937.1 859.9 77.2 0.3838 1.3007 11.58 9Q 0.0864 99 36 37 262.58}^ 231.6 935.9 858.6 77.3 0.3861 1.2962 11.29 0.0886 99 37 38 264 ' 17 156 233.2 934.8 857.4 77.4 0.3883 1.2918 11.01 28 0.0908 22 38 39 265.73 1f . Q 234.8 933.7 856.2 77.5 0.3905 1.2875 10.75 9fi 0.0930 OQ 39 40 267.26}^ 236.4 932.6 855.0 77.6 0.3927 1.2833 10.49 9 n no^^ 40 41 268. 76 I*" 237.9 931.6 853.8 77.8 0.3948 1.2792 10.25 23 0'.0976 2 ^ 41 42 270.23 1AQ 239.4 930.6 852.7 77.9 0.3968 1.2752 10.02 go 0.0998 99 42 43 271.66}!? 240.8 929.5 851.5 78.0 0.39.88 1.2713 9.801 9 ^ 9 0. 1020o 43 44 273. 07} 4 ] 242.3 928.5 850.4 78.1 0.4008 1.2675 9,589^ O.'l043 22 44 45 274.40,00 243.7 927.5 849.3 78.2 0.4027 1.2638 9.387 1Q9 0.1065 99 45 46 275.82}* 245.1 926.6 848.2 78.4 0.4046 1.2601 9.195}^ 0.1087 9 ; 46 47 277.16}oi 246.4 925.6 847.2 78.4 0.4065 1.2565 9.012}?^ 0.1109 99 47 131 174 w& 48 278.47 247.8 924.7 846.2 78.5 0.4083 1.2530 8 838! ftc 0.1131 99 48 49 279.76};; 249.1 923.8 845.1 78.7 0.4101 1.2496 8.670}" o.iissf; 49 50 281.03} 9 ' 250.4 922.8 844.1 78.7 0.4119 1.2462 8.507} 7 0.1176 99 50 125 157 22 51 282. 28, 9 , 251.7 921.9 843.1 78.8 0.4136 1.2428 8.350^2 0.1198 22 51 52 283 - 52 122 253.0 921.0 842.1 78.9 0.4153 1.2395 8. 198}?f - 1220 22 52 53 284.74 11Q 254.2 920.1 841.1 79.0 0.4170 1.2363 8.052 HO - 1242 22 53 54 285.93 11fi 255.4 919.3 840.2 79.1 0.4186 1.2332 7.912.0, 0.1264 99 54 55 287.09}} 256.6 918.4 839.2 79.2 0.4202 1.2302 7-.778.JJ: 0.1286 9 ; 55 56 288.25}} 257.8 917.6 838.3 79.3 0.4218 1.2271 7 ' 647 128 0.1308^ 56 57 289.40 t1 o 259.0 916.7 837.4 79.3 0.4233 1.2241 7.519 199 0.1330 99 57 58 290.53}}? 260.1 915.9 836.5 79.4 0.4249 1.2211 7. 397 0.1352 99 58 59 291 - 64 no 261.3 915.1 835.6 79.5 0.4264 1.2182 7.280 n4 0.1374^ 59 60 292.74 g 262.4 914.3 834.7 79.6 0.4279 1.2154 7.166 m 0.1395 99 60 61 293.82}[j 263.5 913.5 833.8 79.7 0.4294 1.2126 7 - 055 106 - 1417 22 61 62 294.88 1Q5 264.6 912.7 832.9 79.8 0.4308 1.2099 6.949 1Q3 0.1439^ 62 63 295.93 1Q4 265.7 911.9 832.1 79.8 0.4323 1.2072 6.846 1Q1 0.1461 22 63 64 296 ' 97 03 266.7 911.1 831.2 79.9 0.4337 1.2045 A 7 /I d 0. 1483^ 64 65 298.00}62 267.8 910.4 830.4 80.0 0.4351 1.2018 6:647 95 0.1504*2 65 66 299.02 inn 268.8 909.6 829.6 80.0 0.4365 1.1992 6.552 Q9 0.1526 99 66 67 300.02 QQ 269.8 908.9 828.8 80.1 0.4378 1.1966 6.460 ^ 0.1548 9 ; 67 68 301.01 jjg 270.9 908.1 827.9 80.2 0.4391 1.1942 6.370 9 ? 0.1570^ 68 69 301.99 Q7 271.9 907.4 827.1 80.3 0.4405 1.1917 6.283 R 0.1592 9 ' 69 70 302.96 fti 272.9 906.6 826.3 80.3 0.4418 1.1892 6.199 " 9 o.ieis;; 70 71 303.91 11 273.8 905.9 825.5 80.4 0.4430 1.1867 6.117 82 0.1635^ 71 72 304.86 Q ~ 274.8 905.2 824.8 80.4 0.4443 1.1843 6.036 7R 0.1657 91 72 73 305.79 93275.8 904.5 824.0 80.5 0.4456 1.1819 5.958 ^ 0.1678^ 73 UNIVERSITY F SATURATED STEAM TABLE II. 47 M -5 0) 3 c. S 4 fh "833 "3 , in N |1 3 m jj "trf & S i 1 h z M ^ tjj tt O o> 4a > 3 fa fef.2 .ti 3J2 ^ PI T? y - f. a g3 il g|-3 1^1 1 !>-j life ft g O 3 f. = r gfiHOQ EH S n E c K- c m GO Q P t q r p Apu e r T 3 1 s p 74 306.72 Q9 276.7 903.8 823.2 80.6 0.4468 1.1795 5.882 7 , 0.1700 22 74 75 307.64^ 277.7 903.1 822.4 80.7 0.4480 1.1772 5 807 0.1722 99 75 76 308.54 9 278.6 902.4 821.7 80.7 0/4492 1.1750 5:735*3 0.1744^ 76 77 309.44 8g 279.5 901.8 821.0 80.8 0.4504 1.1727 5.665 6g 0.1765 99 77 78 310.33 280.4 901.1 820.3 80.8 0.4516 1.1705 e KQ7o 0.1787 9 f 78 79 ui:ii 281.3 900.4 819.6 80.8 0.4528 1.1683 S^SO^ 0.1808^} 7ff 80 312.08 Sfi 282.2 899.8 818.9 80.9 0.4540 1.1661 5.466 fi , 0.1829 22 80 81 312.94 283.1 899.1 818.1 81.0 0.4551 1.1640 5.403X7 81 82 313.79 g4 283.9 898.5 817.4 81.1 0.4562 1.1619 5.342*} ; 1872^ 82 83 314.63 fi , 284.8 897.8 816.7 81.1 0.4573 .1598 5.281 61 0.1894 99 83 84 315.47, 285.7 897.2 816.1 81.1 0.4584 .1577 5.220^1 o.i9ie;; 84 85 316.30J2 286.5 896.6 815.4 81.2 0.4595 .1557 5.161$ 0.193821 85 86 317.12 R1 287.4 895.9 814.7 81.2 0.4606 .1536 5-104 g 0.1959 99 86 87 317.93* 288.2 895.3 814.0 81.3 0.4617 .1516 5.048^ 0.1981 99 87 88 318773* 289.0 894.7 813.3 81.4 0.4628 .1496 4-993^ 0.2003^2 88 89 90 319.53-q 320.32^ 289.9 290.7 894.1 893.5 812.7 812.1 4H- 0.4638 0.4649 1.1477 1.1457 4.939,, 4.886;?? 0.2025 99 0.2047 9 f 89 90 91 321.10}! 291.5 892.9 811.4 81.5 0.4659 1.1438 *' 835 50 0.206822 91 92 321.88 77 292.3 892.3 810.7 81.6 0.4669 1.1419 4.785, Q 0.2090 90 92 93 322.65'' 293.1 891.7 810.1 81.6 0.4679 1.1400 4.736*^ 0.2112?; 93 94 323.41 293.9 891.1 809.5 81.6 0.4689 1.1382 4.6S9* 7 0.2133^ 94 95 324. 16 7 , 294.6 890.5 808.8 81.7 0.4699 1.1363 4,644 0.2153 91 95 96 324. 91 7 ? 295.4 889.9 808.2 81.7 0.4709 1.1345 4.599*j 0.2174;} 96 97 325.66^ 296.2 889.3 807.5 81.8 0.4719 1.1327 4.556^ 0.2195^ 97 98 326. 40 7 , 296.9 888.7 806.9 81.8 0.4729 1 . 1309 4.514,. 0.2215 91 98 99 327.13', 297.7 888.2 806.3 81.9 0.4738 1.1291 4.473* 0.2236;* 99 100 327.8672 298.5 887.6 805.7 81.9 0.4748 1.1273 4.432*} 0.225621 100 101 328.58 79 299.2 887.0 805.1 81.9 0.4757 1.1255 4.391 4Q 0.2277 91 101 102 329. 30 7 T 299.9 886.5 804.5 82.0 0.4766 1.1238 4.351* 0.2298 9 i 102 103 330.017J 300.6 885.9 803.8 82.1 0.4776 1.1221 4.311* 0.2320^1 103 104 330.72 7f) 301.4 885.3 803.2 82.1 0.4785 1.1204 4.272, 9 0.2341 21 104 105 331.42^" 302.1 884.8 802.7 82.1 0.4794 1.1187 4.233,^ 2362 105 106 332.11gg 302.8 884.3 802.1 82.2 0.4803 1.1170 *' 195 38 0. 2384^ 106 107 332.79 fiQ 303.5 883.7 801.5 82.2 0.4812 .1154 4.157, 7 0.2406 91 107 108 333.48 304.2 883.2 800.9 82.3 0.4821 .1137 4.120^; 0.2427;i 108 109 334. 16g 304.9 882.6 800.3 82.3 0.4830 .1121 4.083 37 0.2449^2 109 110 334.83 ft7 305.6 882.1 799.7 82.4 0.4838 .1105 4.047, R 0.2471 99 110 111 335.50' 306.3 881.6 799 .*2 82.4 0.4847 .1089 4.011 3 ^ 0.2493;; 111 112 336 ' 17 66 307.0 881.0 798.6 82.4 0.4856 .1073 3 - 976 33 0.2515^ 112 113 336.83-, 307.7 880.5 798.0 82.5 0.4864 1.1057 3.943,, 0.2536 99 113 114 337 -* 8 66 308.3 880.0 797.5 82.5 0.4873 1.1041 3.909 3 * 0.2558^ 114 48 SATURATED STEAM TABLE II. Pressure, ti Pounds per Square Inch. Temperature, Degrees Fahrenheit. fl} s S2 *s ^ Q Ij s'-s fl r is. m pi p ?l . 9 i Apu ^S '^ ll H 8 * ft W r T n i . mi *3fcOH OJ s Density, 1 M Pounds per Cubic Foot. t--^ SI 111 m 3 g m o a 1 P4C p 115 338.14 fi , 309 .t) 879.5 797.0 82.5 0.4881 1.1026 3.876oo 0.2580 91 115 116 338.78^ 309.7 879.0 796.4 82.6 0.4890 1.1011 3.844** 0.26015* 116 117 339. 42g* 310.3 878.5 795.9 82.6 0.4898 1.0996 3.812 32 0.262321 117 118 340.06 A o 311.0 878.0 795.3 82.7 0.4906 1.0981 3.781 9q 0.2644 91 118 119 340.69^ 311.7 877.4 794.7 82.7 0.4914 1.0966 3.752^ 0.2665 9 | 119 120 341 ' 31 63 312.3 876.9 794.2 82.7 0.4922 1.0951 3.723^ 0.26862} 120 121 341.94 fi9 312.9 876.4 793.6 82.8 0.4930 1.0936 3.694 2g 0.2707 22 121 122 342.56^ 9 313.6 875.9 793.1 82.8 0.4938 1.0921 3.665 9 * 0.2729;: 122 123 343. 18<; 2 314.2 875.4 792.6 82.8 0.4946 1.0907 3.637'f 0.2750^} 123 124 343.79 fin 314.8 875.0 792.1 82.9 0.4954 1.0892 3.609 9R 0.2771 99 124 125 344.39V 315.5 874.5 791.6 82.9 0.4962 1.0878 3.581* 0.2793;: 125 126 345.00^ 316.1 874.0 791.0 83.0 0.4970 1.0864 3.554*} 0.2814*} 126 127 345.60 fin 316.7 873.5 790.5 83.0 0.4977 1.0850 3.527 9fi 0.2835 91 127 128 346.20^" 317.3 873.0 790.0 83.0 0.4985 1.0836 3.501^ 0.2856 9 ! 128 129 346 ' 79 59 317.9 872.6 789.5 83.1 0.4993 1.0822 3 - 476 25 0.2877^} 129 130 347.38, fi 318.6 872.1 789.0 83.1 0.5000 1.0808 3.451 24 0.2898 90 130 131 347.96^ 319.2 871.6 788.5 83.1 0.5008 1.0794 3 - 427 25 o.29is;y 131 132 348.55^ 319.8 871.1 788.0 83 ..1 0.5015 1.0780 3.402^ 0.29392} 132 133 349.13, 7 320.4 870.7 787.5 83.2 0.5023 1.0767 3.378 24 0.2960 91 133 134 349.70^' 320.9 870.2 787.0 83.2 0.5030 1.0754 3.354^ 0.2981 9 ! 134 135 350.27^ 321.5 869.8 786.5 83.3 0.5037 1.0741 3.33l| 0.3002^} 135 136 350.84, 7 322.1 869.3 786.0 83.3 0.5044 1.0728 3.308 99 0.3023 9n 136 137 351. 4lJ' 322.7 868.8 785.5 83.3 0.5052 1.0714 3 - 286 22 0.3043 9 " 137 138 OKI QQ' 51.98 5 g 323.3 868.3 785.0 83.3 0.5059 1.0701 3 - 264 22 0.3064*} 138 139 352.54,, 323.9 867.9 784.5 83.4 0.5066 1.0688 3.242 99 0.3085 91 139 140 353.09^ 324.4 867.4 784.0 83.4 0.5073 1.0675 3.220 9 f 0.3106 9 ;> 140 141 353.65^ 325.0 867.0 783.6 83.4 0.5080 1.0662 3.19922 0.31262" 141 142 354.20,, 325.6 866.5 783.1 83.4 0.5087 1.0649 3.177 2 i 0.3147 21 142 143 354.75^ 326.2 866.1 782.6 83.5 0.5094 1.0637 3.156^ 0.3168 9 ! 143 144 355.29^ 326.7 865.6 782.1 83.5 0.5101 1.0624 3.13621 0.31892} 144 145 355.83,, 327.3 865.2 781.6 83.6 0.5108 1.0612 3.115 Q 0.3210 91 145 146 356.37^ 327.8 864.8 781.2 83.6 0.5115 1.0599 3.095;" 0.323i;i 146 147 356 ' 91 53 328.4 864.3 780.7 83.6 0.5122 1.0587 3.074 2 J 0.325321 147 148 357.44,, 328.9 863.9 780.3 83.6 0.5128 1.0575 3.054 20 0.3274 22 148 149 357. 97^ 329.5 863.5 779.8 83.7 0.5135 1.0563 3.034;" 0.3296 99 149 150 358.50g2 330.0 863.0 779.3 83.7 0.5142 1.0551 3-()H 2 <> 0.3318'j 150 151 359.02, 9 330.6 862.6 778.9 83.7 0.5148 1.0539 2.995 lg 0.3339 9n 151 152 359.54^ 9 331.1 862.2 778.5 83.7 0.5155 1.0527 2.977} 0.3359 9 i 152 153 360.06^1 331.6 861.8 778.1 83.7 0.5162 1.0515 2.958J9 0.3380 2 } 153 154 360.57, 9 332.2 861.3 777.6 83.7 0.5168 1.0503 2.940 lg 0.3401 91 154 155 361.09^ 332.7 860.9 777.1 83.8 0.5175 1.0491 2.922J8 0.3422JJ 155 SATURATED STEAM TABLE II. 49 M | 1 i. |L ia| 3-j *o til M .| sll 13 1 >i o'| 5 o 1 & 4= > a 4 .i|| ni l&s |2 gl |i pi ill II ra~ ill fill in r-4 H K H n E W w QQ w ^ P 1 9 r p Apu e r T 3 8 p 156 361.60,, 333.2 860.5 776.6 83.9 0.5181 1.0479 2.904, e 0.3444 91 156 157 362.11*} 333.8 860.1 776.2 83.9 0.5187 1.0468 2. 886}? 0.3465 9 } 157 158 362.62 5Q 334.3 859.6 775.7 83.9 0.5194 1.0456 2.869}} 0.34863} 158 159 363.12, n 334.8 859.2 775.3 83.9 0.5200 1.0445 2.852, Q 0.3507 91 159 160 161 363.62)?" 364.12 335.3 335.9 858.8 858.4 774.9 774.5 83.9 83.9 0.5206 0.5213 1.0434 1.0422 2.834}? 2.817} 7 0.3528 9 i 0.3550^ 160 161 162 364.62, Q 336.4 858.0 774.0 84.0 0.5219 1.0411 2.800 17 0.3571 99 162 163 365.11*Q 336.9 857.6 773.6 84.0 0.5225 1.0400 2.783" 0.3593 9 f 163 164 365.60*5 337.4 857.2 773.2 84.0 0.5231 1.0389 2.767}* 0.3614^} 164 165 366.09, Q 337.9 856.8 .772.8 84.0 0.5237 .0378 2.751 lfi 0.3635 91 165 166 366.58*g 338.4 856.4 772.3 84.1 0.5244 .0367 2.735} 0.3656 9 } 166 167 367.06*g 338.9 856.0 771.9 84.1 0.5250 .0356 0.36772} 167 168 367. 54, 8 339.4 855.6 771.4 84.2 0.5256 .0345 2.704, fi 0.3698 99 168 169 368.02*g 339.9 855.2 771.0 84.2 0.5262 .0335 2.688} 0.3720 9 f 169 170 368.50JJ 340.4 854.8 770.6 84.2 0.5268 .0324 2.673};! 0.3741^} 170 171 368. 97, Q 340.9 854.4 770.2 84.2 0.5273 .0313 2.658,, 0.3762 99 171 172 369.45* 341.4 854.0 769.8 84.2 0.5279 .0302 2.643 e 0.3784;f 172 173 369.92*} 341.8 853.6 769.4 84.2 0.5285 1.0291 2.628 H O.SSOSg} 173 174 370. 39, 7 342.3 853.2 769.0 84.2 0.5291 1.0280 2.614,, 0.3826 9n 174 175 370.86*' 342.8 852.8 768.5 84.3 0.5297 .0270 2.600}* 0.3846 9 " 175 176 371.32* 343.3 852.4 768.1 84.3 0.5303 .0260 2.586}* 0.3867^ 176 177 371.78.- 343.8 852.0 767.7 84.3 0.5309 .0250 2.573,, 0.3887 91 177 178 372.24* 344.2 851.6 767.3 84.3 0.5314 .0239 2.559}* 0.3908 9 } 178 179 372.70* 344.7 851.3 766.9 84.4 0.5320 .0229 0.392922 179 180 373.16., 345.2 850.9 766.5 84.4 0.5326 .0219 2.531,, 0.3951 91 180 181 373.61*? 345.7 850.5 766.1 84.4 0.5331 .0209 2.518}:? 0.3972^ 181 182 374.07* 346.2 850.1 765.7 84.4 0.5337 .0199 2.505}!] 0.399221 182 183 374.52.. 346.6 849.7 765.3 84.4 0.5343 .0189 2.492,, 0.4013 2 , 183 184 374.96** 347.1 849.4 764.9 84.5 0.5348 .0179 2.479 19 0.4034;;, 184 185 375.41*;! 347.5 849.0 764.5 84.5 0.5354 .0169 2.467J2 0.405421 185 186 375.86., 348.0 848.6 764.1 84.5 0.5359 1.0159 2.454, 9 0.4075 20 186 187 376.30,* 348.5 848.2 763.7 84.5 0.5365 1.0149 2.442}; 0.4095S 187 188 376.74** 348.9 847.8 763.3 84.5 0.5370 1.0140 2.429}* 0.41162} 188 189 377.. 18,, 349.4 847.5 763.0 84.5 0.5376 .0130 2.417 2 0.4137 91 189 190 377.61*;? 349.8 847.1 762.6 84.5 0.5381 .0121 2.405}; 0.4158 9 } 190 191 378.05*^ 350.3 846.8 762.2 84.6 0.5387 .0111 2.393J2 - 4179 22 191 192 378.49., 350.7 846.4 761.8 84.6 0.5392 .0101 2.380 19 0.4201 91 192 193 378.92*, 351.2 846.0 761.4 84.6 0.5397 .0091 2.368{i 0.4222 9 } 193 194 379.35*:? ^C 351.6 845.7 761.1 84.6 0.5403 .0081 2.357 12 0.4243^} 194 195 379. 78, 9 352.1 845.3 760.7 84.6 0.5408 .0071 2.345 1t 0.4264 9 , 195 196 380.20*' 352.5 844.9 760.3 84.6 0.5413 .0062 2.334}^ 0.42852} 196 SATURATED STEAM TABLE II. 11 1 3 1. s . iJ "o-; "e Lt ||a W KJ ill 111 =1 2 1 *| |r| = ^; '3 g7 3 Hi fill DDfo *M O D 111 SpkOQ Q&< $3 i ii"* III "c ** %>* "5 ^ 9 i u c; lit 111 ill "o's a" i 3 i\ I'i iii ill E t! fill til gp^o ill III HH K H w- c n W ** w 02 Q p t Q r ' Apu e r T S 1 8 P 238 396.78 369.7 830.7 745.4 85.3 0.5617 0.9701 .936 a 0.517 9 238 239 397.14 370.1 830.4 745.1 85.3 0.5621 0.9693 .928 7 0.519; 239 240 397.50 370.5 830.1 744.8 85.3 0.5625 0.9686 .921' 0.521^ 240 241 397.86 370.9 829.8 744.5 85.3 0.5630 0.9678 .913 C 0.523 241 242 398.22 371.2 829.5 744.2 85.3 0.5634 0.9670 .905? 0.525; 242 243 398.59^ 371.6 829.1 743.8 85.3 0.5639 0.9663 .898? 0.527^ 243 244 398.96 372.0 828.8 743.5 85.3 0.5643 0.9655 .890 a 0.529 9 244 245 399.32 372.4 828.5 743.2 85.3 0.5648 0.9647 .882 7 0.531; 245 246 399.68 36 372.8 828.2 742.9 85.3 0.5652 0.9640 .875 8 7 0.533g 246 247 400.04,, 373.1 827.8 742.5 85.3 0.5656 0.9632 .867- 0.536 9 247 248 400.39 373.5 827.5 742.2 85.3 0.5661 0.9624 .860' 0.538 9 248 249 400.75 373.9 827.2 741.8 85.4 0.5665 0.9617 .852* 0.5402 249 250 401.10,, 374.2 826.9 741.5 85.4 0.5669'0.9609 .845- 0.542 9 250 251 401.45 374.6 826.6 741.2 85.4 0.56730.9601 .838' 0.544^ 251 252 401 ' 79 35 375.0 826.3 740.9 85.4 0.5678 0.9594 .830 252 253 402.14,. 375.3 826.0 740.6 85.4 0.5682 0.9586 .823- 0.549 9 253 254 402.48,* 375.7 825.7 740.3 85.4 0.5686 ! 0.9579 .816- 0.5512 254 255 402.83g4 376.0 825.4 740.0 85.4 0.5690 0.9572 .809? 255 256 403.17,,. 376.4 825.1 739.7 85.4 0.5694 0.9564 .803- 0.555 9 256 257 403.52 376.8 824.8 739.4 85.4 0.5699 0.9557 .796 7 0.557 9 257 258 403 " 86 35 377.1 824.5 739.1 85.4 0.5703 0.9550 .789^ 0.5592 258 259 404.21,, 377.5 824.2 738.8 85.4 0.5707 0.9542 1.782. 0.561 9 259 260 404. 55*! 377.8 823.9 738.5 85.4 0.5711 0.9535 1.775- 0.563, 260 261 404.89^ 378.2 823.6 738.2 85.4 0.5715 0.9527 1.768 7 0.5662 261 262 405.23,, 378.5 823.3 737.9 85.4 0.5719 0.9520 1.762- 0.568 9 262 263 405.57,, 378.9 823.0 737.5 85.5 0.5723 0.9513 1.755' 0.570 9 263 264 405.90^ 379.2 822.7 737.2 85.5 0.5727 0.9506 1.749^ 0.572^ 264 265 406.23,, 379.6 822.4 736.9 85.5 0.5731 0.9499 1.743- 0.574 9 265 266 406.57,, 379.9 822.1 736.6 85.5 0.5735 0.9492 1.736' 0.576 9 266 267 406.90 380.3 821.8 736.3 85.5 0.5739 0.9485 1.730^ 0.5783 267 268 407.23,, 380.6 821.5 736.0 85.5 0.5743 0.9478 1 . 724- 0.580 2 268 269 407.57^ 381.0 821.2 735.7 85.5 0.5747 0.9471 1.717J 0.582; 269 270 407.9033 381.3 820.9 735.4 85.5 0.5751 0.9464 1.711 6 0.5843 270 271 408.23,, 381.7 820.6 735.1 85.5 0.5755 0.9457 1 . 705 A 0.587 9 271 272 408.57,, 382.0 820.3 734.8 85.5 0.57590.9450 1.699^ 0.589 9 272 273 408.90^ 382.4 820.1 734.6 85.5 0.5763 0.9443 l.Wj 0.591^ 273 274 409. 23. 382.7 819.8 734.3 85.5 0.5767 0.9436 1.687 R 0.593 274 275 409.57?* 383.1 819.5 734.0 85.5 0.5771 0.9429 1.68H 0.595; 275 276 409.90 383.4 819.2 733.7 85.5 0.5775 0.9422 0.597^ 276 277 410.23, 9 383.8 818.9 733.4 85.5 0.5779 0.9415 1 . 669 A 0.599 9 277 278 410.5532 384.1 818.6 733.1 85.5 0.5783 0.9408 1.663^ 0.6012 278 SATURATED STEAM TABLE II. If s i Sri 1 j>d |L Pi '3 .2* "8 t iP | || I'll a|| +,& Jl ^1- -^ C -i Pi liil ||| H 1^ go W |Jc sS"" "c "- 1 W jpfePH & |^c * t Q r > Apu 9 r T S 1 s P 279 410.87, 9 384.4 818.3 732.8 85.5 0.5787 0.9402 1.657, 0.603 9 279 280 411.19*, 384.8 818.0 732.5 85.5 0.5791 0.9395 1.652 0.605, 280 281 411.5233 385.1 817.7 732.1 85.6 0.5795 0.9388 6 0.608^ 281 282 411.84, 9 385.4 817.4 731.8 85.6 0.5799 0.9381 1.640 ft 0.610 282 283 412.16*f 385.8 817.2 731.6 85.6 0.5803 0.9375 1.634? 0.612^ 283 284 412.47JJ} 386.1 816.9 731.3 85.6 0.5806 0.9368 1.629g 0.614^ 284 285 412.78,, 386.4 816.6 731.0 85.6 0.5810 0.9362 1.623, 0.616 9 285 286 413.09*i 386.7 816.3 730.7 85.6 0.5814 0.9355 1/617* O.eiSg 286 287 413.4132 387.1 816.0 730.4 85.6 0.5818 0.9348 1.612* 0.620 3 287 288 413.72 Q1 387.4 815.8 730.2 85.6 0.5821 0.9342 1.606 ft 0.623 9 288 289 414.03** 387.7 815.5 729.9 85.6 0.5825 0.9335 1.600 0.625 9 289 290 414.35*2 388.1 815.2 729.6 85.6 0.5829 0.9329 1.595 6 0.627^ 290 291 414.68, 9 388.4 814.9 729.3 85.6 0.5833 0.9322 1.589, 0.629 9 291 292 415.00*f 388.7 814.6 729.0 85.6 0.5837 0.9315 1.584? 0.631 9 292 293 415.31*1 389.1 814.3 728.7 85.6 0.5840 0.9308 1.579JJ 0.633^ 293 294 415.63 Q1 389.4 814.1 728.5 85.6 0.5844 0.9302 1.573, 0.636 9 294 295 415.94** 389.7 813.8 728.2 85.6 0.5848 0.9295 1.568? 0.638 9 295 296 416.24^ 390.0 813.5 727.9 85.6 0.5852 0.9289 1.563? o 0.640^ 296 297 416.55 390.4 813.2 727.6 85.6 0.5855 0.9282 1.558, 0.642 9 297 298 416.85*" 390.7 813.0 727.4 85.6 0.5859 0.9276 1.553* 0.644; 298 299 417.1530 391.0 812.7 727.1 85.6 0.5862 0.9270 1.5476 0.646^ 299 300 417.45^ 391.3 812.4 726.8 85.6 0.5866 0.9264 1.542, 0.649 9 300 301 417.76** 391.6 812.1 726.5 85.6 0.5870 0.9258 1.537? 0.651 9 301 302 418.06*" 391.9 811.9 726.3 85.6 0.5873 0.9252 1.532? 0.653^ 302 303 418.36 Q1 392.3 811.6 726.0 85.6 0.5877 0.9245 1.527, 0.655 9 303 304 418.67** 392.6 811.3 725.7 85.6 0.5881 0.9239 1.522* 0.657 9 304 305 418 - 97 29 392.9 811.1 725.5 85.6 0.5884 0.9233 1.517 5 0.659^ 305 306 419.26 393.2 810.8 725.2 "85.6 0.5888 0.9227 1.512, 0.661 Q 306 307 419.56*0 393.5 810.5 724.9 85.6 0.5891 0.9220 1.507? 0.664* 307 308 419.85^ 393.8 810.3 724.7 85.6 0.5895 0.9214 1- 502 5 0.6662 308 309 420.15 394.1 810.0 724.4 85.6 0.5898 0.9208 1.497, 0.668 9 309 310 420.45*" 394.4 809.7 724.1 85.6 0.5902 0.9202 1.492? 0.670 9 310 311 420.7631 394.8 809.5 723.9 85.6 0.5905 0.9196 1.487? o 0.672^ 311 312 421.06 9Q 395.1 809.2 723.6 85.6 0.5909 0.9190 1.482, 0.675 9 312 313 421.35 395.4 808.9 723.3 85.6 0.5912 0.9184 1.477* 0.677;; 313 314 421.6530 395.7 808.7 723.1 85.6 0.5916 0.9177 1.473: o 0.679^ 314 315 421.94 n 396.0 808.4 722.8 85.6 0.5919 0.9171 1.468, 0.681 9 315 316 422.24*" 396.3 808.1 722.5 85.6 0.5923 0.9165 1.463? O.eSSg 316 317 422. 53JJ 396.6 807.9 722.3 85.6 0.5926 0.9159 1.459* 317 318 422.82 396.9 807.6 722.0 85.6 0.5930 0.9153 1.455, 0.687, 318 319 423.1129 397.2 807.3 721.7 85.6 0.5933 0.9147 1.450* 0.690* 319 SATURATED STEAM TABLE II. 53 d -s 3 aJj | Q. > C ' &* gS.*' 2 3 *, .iP 11 11 3 C 3 ~ uJs Si s| K?| wS| f *1 = *! Sfj P" joJcH SGfa 0)"" g'3 is 2g^ 8 1*3 t C^ &* iimlH fS5 >* H A S K W~" H W 02 p p I * r P Apu e r T 8 ^ p 320 321 322 423.40 2Q 423. 69~ 423.97^ 397.5 397.8 398.1 807". 1 806.8 806.6 721.5 721.2 721.0 85.6 85.6 85.6 0.5937 0.5940 0.5943 0.9141 0.9135 0.9129 .446, 441 5 .436^ 0.692 9 0.694; 0.696 2 320 321 322 323 324 325 424.26 9R 424. 54JJ 424.83** 398.4 398.7 399.0 806.3 806.0 805.8 720.7 720.4 720.2 85.6 85.6 85.6 0.5947 0.5950 0.5953 0.9123 0.9117 0.9111 .432. .428* .424* 0.698 9 0.700; 0.702^ 323 324 325 326 327 328 425.11 2g 425.40JJ 399.3 399.6 399.9 805.5 805.3 805.0 719.9 719.7 719.4 85.6 85.6 85.6 0.5957 0.5960 0.5964 0.9106 0.9100 0.9094 1.419. 1-.415J 1.411 5 0.705 9 0.707; 0.709 2 326 327 328 329 330 331 425.97 2q 426.26;* 428.54*; 400.2 400.5 400.8 804.7 804.5 804.2 719.1 718.9 718.6 85.6 85.6 85.6 0.5967 0.5970 0.5974 0.9089 0.9083 0.9077 .406, .402* .398* 0.711 9 0.713 9 0.715^ 329 330 331 332 333 334 426.83 9fi 427.n; 427.39 2 401.1 401.4 401.7 804.0 803.7 803.5 718.4 718.1 717.9 85.6 85.6 85.6 0.5977 0.5980 0.5984 0.9071 0.9065 0.9059 .394, .389^ .385* 0.717, 0.720 9 0.722^ 332 333 334 335 336 427.67 97 427. 94^ ' 402.0 402.2 803.2 803.0 717.6 717.4 85.6 85.6 0.5987 0.5990 0.9054 0.9048 1.381, 1.377* 0.724 9 0.726 335 336 TABLE III. SATURATED STEAM. FRENCH AND ENGLISH CONVERSION TABLES." j PRESSURE. HEAT OF THE LIQUID. HEAT OF VAPORIZATION. LENT OF IN- TERNAL WORK. s -' c 3 e$s m n. 03 ' 5 <-S tf ,. c5 c3 '43 <3 03 03 j . [D $ p .2 & 8 s&S jLg j) ,_, 3 C -g ^ ^0 Q 4 o EH j> H a 4?-^ ^ 8 |Q& 1 3 ed 3 PQ 6 H ' p P P q q r r ' P t 4.579 ,,, 0.00623 .- 0.0886 fifi 0.00 0.0 595.4 1071.7 565.3 1017.5 32 i 4.924 ^ 0.00670 la 0.0952 7 ^ 1.01 1.8 594.9 1070.8 564.7 1016.4 33.8 2 ^' 391 0.00719 g 3 0.1023 7 g 2.02 3.6 594.4 1069.9 564,0 1015.3 35.6 3 5.681 , 1fi 0.00772 , 7 0.1099 ftn 3.03 5.5 593.9 1069.0 563.4 1014.2 37.4 4 6.097 ;JJ 0.00829 ^ 0.1179 " 4.03 7.3 593.3 1068.0 562.8 1013.1 39.2 5 6.541 gj 0.00889 g]J 0.1265 9 j 5.04 9.1 592.8 1067.1 562.2 1011.9 41 6 7-011 , nn 0.00953 AR 0.1356 Q7 6.04 10.9 592.3 1066.1 561.5 1010.7 42.8 7 7.511 " 0.01021 Xo - 1453 102 7.05 12.7 591.8 1065.2 560.9 1009.6 44.6 8 8-042 JJJ 0.01093 77 8.05 14.5 591.2 1064.2 560.2 1008.5 46.4 9 8.606 , QQ 0.01170 Q9 0.1664 U6 9.05 16.3 590.7 1063.3 559.6 1007.4 48.2 10 9.205 JOE 0.01252 ^ . 17oO. fjq 10.06 18.1 590.2 1062.3 559.0 1006.2 50 11 9.840 "^ 0.01338 ll 0.1903} 23 11.06 19.9 589.6 1061.3 558.3 1005.0 51.8 12 10.513 71 , 0.01429 Q . 0.2033 1Q8 12.06 21.7 589.1 1060.4 557.7 1003.9 53.6 13 11.226 it] 0.01526^' 0.2171 If 13.06 23.5 588.6 1059.4 557.1 1002.7 55.4 14 11.980 79 ;.-<- 3 ~ O O 3 1 o 3 H PQ o 3 p H J3 ta H PQ 1 p P p Q q r r p P t 31 32 33 33.57 1Qfi 35 - 53 206 0.04564 266 oiosiii^ 0.6492 37Q - 6871 398 0.7269 3 ? 8 31.04 32.04 33.04 55.9 57.7 59.5 579.1 578.6 578.0 1042.4 1041.4 1040.4 545.7 545.1 544.4 982.2 981.0 979.9 87.8 89.6 91.4 34 35 36 39.75 997 j c\ AO^^ * 44 ' 40 250 0.05404 30Q 0.05713; - 06037 339 0.7687 43Q - 8126 460 0.8586^ 34.03 35.03 36.03 61.3 63.1 64.9 577.4 576.9 576.4 1039.4 1038.5 1037.5 543.7 543.1 542.5 978.7 977.6 976.4 93.2 95 96.8 37 38 39 46.90 9fi1 49 ' 51 275 52.26 27 7 ' }:06731 3 ^ 0.07105 374 0.9068, ftfi 0.9574^ 1.0105^ 37.02 38.02 39.02 66.6 68.4 70.2 575.8 575.3 574.7 1036.5 1035.5 1034.5 541.8 541.2 540.5 975.2 974.0 972.8 98.6 100.4 102.2 40 41 42 55.13 3Q1 58.14 3 ?! -*g| 0.07495 41Q 0.07905*2g 1.0661, 8 o 1.1243^: 1.1854^ 40.02 41.01 42.01 72.0 73.8 '75.6 574.2 573.6 573.1 1033.5 1032.5 1031.5 539.9 539.2 538.6 971.7 970.5 969.3 104 105.8 107.6 43 44 45 64.59,^ 68 ' 05 361 71.66 3?7 0.08782 470 0:09743^ 9 J 1.2492 fifi7 1 ' 3159 699 43.01 44.01 45.00 77.4 79.2 81.0 572.5 571.9 571.3 1030.5 1029.4 1028.4 537.9 537.2 536.5 968.2 966.9 965.7 109.4 111.2 113 46 47 48 75.43 395 83:50 4 4 J 2 0.10256 536 0.10792^ 0.11353JJHJ 1.4587 7R o 1.5360IK 1fi1 /(7 ' " ' 6147 832 46.00 47.00 48.00 82.8 84.6 86.4 570.8 570.2 569.6 1027.4 1026.4 1025.3 535.8 535.1 534.4 964.5 963.3 962.0 114.8 116.6 118.4 49 50 51 87.80 45Q 92- 30 4 ^ 0.11937 612 1.6979 S7n 1 ' 7849 907 48.99 49.99 50.99 88.2 90.0 91.8 569.0 568.4 567.8 1024.3 1023.2 1022.2 533.7 533.0 532.3 960.8 959.6 958.4 120.2 122 123.8 52 53 54 101.88,,, 106. 99^! 112 " 30 555 0.13852 6Q4 0.14546?;* 0.15268 7 ^ 1.9701 Q oo 2.0689^ 2.172 J^ 7 51.99 52.99 53.98 93.6 95.4 97.2 567.3 566.8 566.2 1021.2 1020.2 1019.1 531.7 531.1 530.4 957.2 956.0 954. 7 125.6 127.4 129.2 55 56 57 117.85, 7R 123.61 A 'o 129.63^ 2 0.16023 7CQ 0.16806^ - 17624 851 2.279 t11 2.390 }" 2.506 J 2 J 54.98 55.98 56.98 99.0 100.8 102.6 565.6 565.1 564.5 1018. 1017. 1016. 529.7 529.1 528.4 953.5 952.3 951.1 131 132.8 134.6 58 59 60 135.89 R , 9 142.41 R7 g 149 ' 19 ?05 0.18475 sft7 0.19362; 0.20284^ 2.627 197 2.754 },: 2.885 J 3 g 57.98 58.97 59.97 104.4 106.2 108.0 563.9 563.4 562.8 1015. 1014. 1013. 527.7 527.1 526.4 949.9 948.7 947.5 136.4 138.2 140 61 62 63 156.24 7Q ,, 163.58:!? 171.20 2 0.21242 inft 0.2224 fr; 0.2328 {JJ* 3.021 ,, 9 3.163 \^L 3.310 J^ 4 60.97 61.97 62.97 109.8 111.6 113.4 562.2 561.7 561.1 1012.0 1011.0 1009.9 525.7 525.1 524.4 946.3 945.1 943.8 141.8 143.6 145.4 64 65 66 179.13, 187 ' 36 856 195 " 92 888 0.2435 119 0.2547 }}; 0.2664 J 2 Q 3.464 1( . Q 3.623 } RR 3.789 J 7 J 63.98 64.98 65.98 115.2 117.0 118.8 560.5 559.9 559.3 1008.9 1007.8 1006.8 523.7 523.0 522.3 942.6 941.3 940.1 147.2 149 150.8 67 68 69 204.80 Q99 214 ' 02 956 223 ' 58 995 0.2784 19fi 0.2910 f 0.3040 J 3 ; 3.960 17g 4 ' 324 192 66.98 67.98 68.98 120.6 122.4 124.2 558.8 558.2 557.6 1005.8 1004.7 1003.6 521.7 521.0 520.3 938.9 937.6 936.3 152.6 154.4 156.2 70 233.53 1Q3 0.3175 14Q 4.516 1Q9 69.98 126.0 556.9 1002.5 519.5 935.0 158 SATURATED STEAM TABLE III. 57 HEAT EQUIVALENT O SPECIFIC VOLUME. DENSITY. . OF EXTER- 1 c ^ 1 "i NAL WORK. ~ii ^ k '3 a|S "^ O N >3 P IS r ea ill 1 Jl. jll 111 t Apu Apu e r T 8 ' 1 a 1 8 t 31 33.4 60.2 0.1077 1.9046 31.24 lfi9 501 0. 03201 17 , 0.001996.. 87.8 32 33.5 60.4 0.1110 1.8966 29.62}^ 474.7 26 0.03376}')? 0.002107}} 7 89.6 33 33.6 60.5 0.1142 1.8886 28 - 08 H6 449 ' 7 232 0. 03561 }jj 0. 002224 J 2 J 91.4 34 35 33.7 33.8 60.7 60.9 0.1175 0.1207 1.8806 1.8728 26.62 137 25.25 27 426.5 218 404 ' 7 205 0.03757 2Q3 0. 002345. 9fi 0. 00247l},X 93.2 95 36 33.9 61.1 0.1239 1.8650 23.98J 27 384.2 1Q3 - 04170 220 0. 002603 J 37 96.8 37 38 34.0 34.1 61.3 61.5 0.1272 0.1304 1.8572 1.8494 22.78.., 21.66"; 364.9 181 346.8J{ 0.04390 22q 0.04619^ 0.002740., 0.002884}*; 98.6 100.4 39 34.2 61.7 0.1336J1.8417 90 58 101 329.7 162 0.04859^ 0. 003033 Jg 7 102.2 40 34.3 61.8 0.13681.8341 19.57 Qft 313.5.,, 0.0511o* 0.003190. fift 104 41 34.4 62.0 0.1399 1.8265 18.61 Q 298.o}2 7 !o.0537 9 g 0.003356};^ 105.8 42 34.5 62.2 0.1431 1.8189 17.69 gy 283.3J 47 J0.0565^ 0.003530jgj 107.6 43 34.6 62.3 0.1463 1.8113 16.82 fi 269.5.^ 0.0595, n 0.003711 1Q 109.4 44 34.7 62.5 0.1494 1.8038 16.01 7 * 256.5 30 0.0625," 0.003899}! 111.2 45 34.8 62.7 0.1526 1.7963 15.25 j; 244 - 4 m 0.0656 32 0.004092^3 113 46 35.0 62.9 0.1557 1.7889 14.54 fifi 233-0.00 0.0688 , 0.004292 9in 114.8 47 35.1 63.1 0.1588 1.7815 13.86 55 222.l}"^0.0722o1 0.004502;;" 116.6 48 35.2 63.3 0.1619 1.7742 13 21 b5 11 61 211 ' 7 98 0.0757^ 0.004724^ 118.4 49 35.3 63.5 0.1650 1.7669 12.60 ., 201.9 Q , 0.0794, Q 0.00495 9 . 120.2 50 35.4 63.6 0.1682 1.7597 12.02 11 192.6 JJ 0.0832^ 00519 122 51 35.5 63.8 0.1713 1.7525 11.47 11 183.8 11 0.0872 0!00544 25 5 123.8 52 35.6 64.0 0.1743 .7454 10.96 , Q 175.5 7C 0.0912 0.00570 9R 125.6 53 35.7 64.2 0.1774 .7383 10.47 * 7 167.7 i 0.0955 4 3 0.00596 28 127 .4 54 35.8 64.4 0.1804 .7312 10.00 * 160.3 J! 0.1000*^ 129.2 44 71 46 29 55 35.9 64.6 0.1835 .7242 9.56 . 9 153.2 fi7 0.1046.Q 0.00653,o 131 56 36.0 64.8 0.1865 .7173 9.14 J* 146.5 5 0.1094*^ 0.00683," 132.8 57 36.1 65.0 0.1895 .7104 8.74 140.1 4 ' 1144 52 0.00713 33 134.6 58 36.2 65.2 0.1925 . 7035 8.36 , fi 134.0 , 7 0.1196,. 0.00746,, 136.4 59 36.3 65.4 0.1955 .6967 8.00 3 128.3 r: 0.1250^ 0.00779,^ 138.2 60 36.4 65.6 0.1986 .6899 7 ' 66 32 122.8 II 0.1305^ 0.00814, oo 140 61 36.5 65.7 0.2016 .6831 7.34 ,, 117.6 . 0.1362 An 0.00850, 7 141.8 62 36.6 65.9 0.2046 .6764 7.03 ^ 112.7 4 ; 1422 0.00887,' 143.6 63 36.7 66.1 0.2075 .6696 6.74 11 108.0 :' p t. 71 243. 8. n - 0.3315^, 4 715 70.98 127.8 556.4 1001.5 518.8 933.9 159.8 72 254.5 07 o.346o:f: 4.921 9 ?| 71.99 129.6 555.8 1000.4 518.1 932.6 161.6 73 R C lll 265.6 n5 ' 3611 156 5 - 136 222 72.99 131.4 555.2 999.4 517.4 931.4 163.4 74 277.1 11Q 0.3767 162 5.358 99 156 o' 5233^2 7 443 293 7.44d 302 82.02 147.6 549.9 989.8 511.2 920.1 179.6 83 84 85 400.5 A 1 A IT** 433'5 168 0.5445 99n 0.5665^ - 5894 235 7.745 313 8.058 3 ^ 8 ' 383 334 83.03 84.03 85.04 1*9.4 151. 153. 549.3 548.7 548.1 988.7 987.6 986.5 510.5 509.8 509.1 918.8 917.6 916.3 181.4 183.2 185 86 450. 8, 7Q 0.6129 242 8-717,.. 86.04 154. 547.4 985.4 508.3 915.0 186.8 87 468.6}' 9.062^*2 87.05 156. 546.8 984.3 507.6 913.7 188.6 88 487. l} 8 * S: 6623^ 9 ' 419 368 88.06 158. 546.2 983.2 506.9 912.5 190.4 89 506.1 197 0.6881 9ftc 9.787, an 89.06 160. 545.6 982.1 506.2 911.2 192.2 90 0.7149^8 10.167^!: 90.07 162. 544.9 980.9 505.4 909.9 194 91 546. I 2 ? 3 ' 7425 285 10.560 393 91.08 163. 544.3 979.8 504.7 908.5 195.8 92 567.l 91ft 0.7710 9Q4 I0.966.. 1fi 92.08 165. 543.7 978.7 504.0 907.2 197.6 93 588 ' 7 223 0.8004^ 11.3842i? 93.09 167. 543.1 977.6 503.3 906.0 199.4 94 611 '230 0.8307^ n ' 815 445 94.10 169. 542.5 976.5 502.6 904.7 201 2 95 634.0 9Q7 8620 12. 260., Q 95.11 171. 541.9 975.4 501.9 903.4 203 96 657.7^1 ) 8942 12 718 96.12 173.0 541.2 974.2 501.1 902.1 204.8 97 -4g 0.9274 342 13.190 488 97.12 174.8 540.6 973.1 500.4 900.8 206.6 98 707.3 OAn 0.9616 354 13.678, no 98.13 176.6 539.9 971.9 499.6 899.4 208.4 99 733.3^0 14.180^? 2 99.14 178.5 539.3 970.8 498.9 898.2 210.2 100 760. O 267 [0333 14.697|i; 100.2 180.3 538.7 969.7 498.2 896.9 212 275 374 532 101 787.5 9fi , 1.0707o SR 15.229,, Q 101.2 182.1 538.1 968.5 497.5 895.5 213.8 102 815.9 1093 .5.778 102.2 183.9 537.4 967.3 496.8 894.1 215.6 103 845.1 30Q 1.-1490 397 16 ' 342 581 103.2 185.7 536.8 966.2 496.1 892.9 217.4 104 875 1 1.1898., 91 16.923.QQ 104.2 187.6 536.2 965.1 495.4 891.6 219.2 105 906 ' 1 318 1.23192,; 17.522^ 105.2 189.4 535.6 964.0 494.7 890.3 221 106 1.275222' 18.137^ 106.2 191.2 534.9 962.8 493.9 889.0 222.8 327 444 632 107 108 109 970.6,,. 1004.3,^ 1038 - 8 35? 1.3196 457 11?23 470 1.41^ 485 18.769,,, 19.420^J 20,089^ 9 107.2 08.2 09.3 193.0 194.8 196.7 534.2 533.6 532.9 961.6 960.5 959.3 493.1 492.4 491.6 887.6 886.3 885.0 224.6 226.4 228.2 110 1074.5 366 1.4608 498 20.777 7()9 10.3 198.5 532.3 958.1 490.9 883.6 230 SATURATED STEAM TABLE III. 59 HEAT EQUIVALENT _ SPECIFIC VOLUME. DENSITY. OF EXTER- ~ Q . 1 i NAL WORK. "83 - ^3 _^ u I 1 III &- 1 P II oj c ! i 11 I.,, ~^2 O ill E-> o 3 H "c a W ill !& |il M J t Apu Apu s r T s 3 i s 1 S t 71 37.6 67.6 0.2311 1.6171 4.838 1Q1 775 0.2067 c . 0.01290 ,. 159.8 72 37.7 67.8 0.2340 1.6107 4.647 74 ' 4 29 0.2152 ; 0.01344 J; 161.6 73 37.8 68.0 0.2369 1 . 6044 4 - 466 m 71.5 2? 0.2239 ^ 0.01398 g* 163.4 74 37.9 68.2 0.2398 1.5981 4.294 1R , 68.8 0ft 0.2329 Q9 0.01453 165.2 75 38.0 68.5 0.2427 1.5918 4 - 130 157 66.2; 0.2421 I 0.01510 R( l 167 76 38.1 68.6 0.2456 1.5856 3.973 151 63 - 7 25 0.2517 11 0.01570 g 4 168.8 77 38.2 68.8 0.2484 1.5793 3.822..,, 61.2 0.2616 Q 0.01634 R 170.6 78 38.3 68.9 0.2513 1.5731 3.676!* 58 - 8 22 0.2720j" 7 0.01700 R7 172.4 79 38.4 69.1 0.2541 1.5670 3 " 537 l33 56.6 22 0. 2827^J 0.01767 gg 174.2 80 38.5 69.3 0.2570 1 . 5609 3.404 54.5 2Q 0.2938 0.01835 7n 176 81 38.6 69.5 0.2598 1.5548 3 ' 277 121 en e*U 0.3052 HI 0.01905 7 " 177.8 82 38.7 69.7 0.2626 1.5487 3 ' 156 H6 5 :6 i9 0.3168J 2 J 0.01976 ifi 179.6 83 84 38.8 38.9 69.9 70.0 0.2654 0.2682 1.5426 1.5366 3.040 m 2.929 05 48.71 17Q 46.92j R Q 0.3289 2 0.3414 If 0.02053 7fi 0.02131 '* 181.4 183.2 85 39.0 70.2 0.2711 1.5307 2 - 824 loi 45 23 ' 161 0.3541} 27 0.02211 ^ 185 86 39.1 70.4 0.2739 1.5247 2.723 OR 43.62 t , 4 0.3672 17 , 0.02293 a , 186.8 87 39.2 70.6 0.2767 1.5187 2.627 I 42 ' 08 149 3807|oQ 0.02376 g 7 188.6 88 39.3 70.7 0.2795 1.5128 2.534 H 40.59 H4 0.3946} 3 ^ 0.02463 9 | 190.4 89 39.4 70.9 0.2823 1.5069 2.444 8fi 39.15 1QQ 0.4091 1( . ft 0.02554 QA 192.2 90 39.5 71.0 0.2851 1.5010 2.358 ! 37.77;, 9 0.4241 ^ 0.02648 11 194 91 39.6 71.3 0.2879 1.4952 2.275 | 36.45} 32 0.4395}^ 0.02743 99 195.8 92 39.7 71.5 0.2906 1.4894 2.197 7 , 35.19 110 0.4552 0.02842 QQ 197.6 93 39.8 71.6 0.2934 1.4836 2.122 79 34 -OOl14 0.4713}^ 0.02941^ 199.4 94 39.9 71.8 0.2961 1.4779 2.050 7 g 32.S6}} 4 0.4878j^ - 03043 lo6 201.2 95 96 40.0 40.1 72.0 72.1 0.2989 0.3016 1.4723 1.4666 1.980 A7 .913 H 31.75 1Q8 30 - 67 04 0.505,' 0.523:^ 0.03149 1V 0.03260};! 203 204.8 97 40.2 72.3 0.3043 1.4609 .849 , 29.63^ 4 0.54l} 8 0.03375JJ? 206.6 62 yy iy 117 98 40.3 72.5 0.3070 1.4552 .787 , Q 28.64 Q , 0.560 ig 0.03492 208.4 99 40.4 72.6 0.3097 1.4496 .728 ; 27.69 Q 0.579!^ 0.0361l}i^ 210.2 100 40.5 72.8 0.3125 1;4441 ATI 91 671 nA 26.78 01 0.598^ 0.03734j;^ 212 O4 oo Ml 127 101 40.6 73.0 0.3152 1.4386 -617 25.90 fi 0.618 91 0.03861 19Q 213.8 102 40.6 73.2 0.3179 1.4330 .564 " 25.06 J 0.639;^ 03990 215.6 103 40.7 73.3 0.3205 1.4275 K1A 5U 514 4g 24.25 8 g 0.661 22 0:04124} 34 217.4 104 40.8 73.5 0.3232 1.4220 .465 Al 23.47 74 0.683 99 0. 04261 , 219.2 105 40.9 73.7 0.3259 1.4165 .419 ll 22.73 79 0.705;; 0. 04400 J 4 g 221 106 41.0 73.8 0.3286 1.4111 .374 4 g 22.01 72 0.728 23 0.04543 H9 222.8 107 41.1 74.0 0.3312 1.4057 .331 , 9 21.31 R - 0.751 9 , 0. 04692. 224.6 108 41.2 74.2 0.3339 1.4003 .289 4 f 20.64 R ' 0.776^ 0. 04845 J, 7 226 4 109 41.3 74.3 0.3365 1.3949 248 39 19.99 g 2 0.801 2 ^ o n"on 228.2 110 41.4 74.5 0.3392 1.3895 1.209 3? 19.37 6Q 0.827 26 0.0516 17 230 6o SATURATED STEAM TABLE III. HEAT EQUIVA- PRESSURE . HEAT OF HEAT OF LENT OF IN- i THE LIQUID. VAPORIZATION. TERNAL WORK. "5 s 4 f I|S ll 1 5* & | 2 ,j | . 4 . |)1 Is M <-> 2, 55 " Ip S Ejj 'o H E o & si-fi Spo 3*3 o ^S^oS 1^5 a m 3 ri 3 PQ So S S M w h t P p p 5 Q. r r p p t 111 112 1148!7?oS 1-5106 K11 ,/> 1 nOi i .5617,07 22'2H 728 111.3 112.3 200.3 202.1 531.6 530.9 956.9 955.7 490.2 489.4 882.3 880.9 231.8 233.6 113 1187 ' 4 397 C1 ., ,527 6144 540 22:%2 ?67 113.3 203.9 530.3 954.5 488.7 879.5 235.4 114 115 1227. W 1267. 9 4 ? 8 6684 .7238??* 23.729 78Q 24.518 8 *Q 114.3 115.3 205.8 207.6 529.6 528.9 953.3 952.1 487.9 487.1 878.2 876.8 237.2 239 116 1309. 8* .7808^ 116.4 209.4 528.2 950.8 486.3 875.4 240.8 430 585 832 117 1352. 8..0 8393 600 26.160 Q ,, 117.4 211.2 527.5 949.5 485.5 873.9 242.6 118 1397. 442 27 - 015 878 118.4 213.0 526.9 948.4 484.8 872.6 244.4 119 1442 ^65 liSSigj 27 ' 893 899 119.4 214.9 526.2 947.2 484.0 871.3 246.2 120 121 1488. 9 477 1536.6*'' 2.0243 R , 8 2 ' 0891 665 28 ' 792 923 120.4 121.4 216.7 218.5 525.6 524. P 946.0 944.8 483.4 482.6 870.0 868.6 248 249.8 122 1585 ' 7 503 3 :664 973 122.5 220.4 524.2 943.5 481.8 867.1 251.6 123 1636.0,^ 2.2241 7n9 31.637 inn 123.5 222.2 523.5 942.3 481.0 865.8 253.4 124 1687. 5^ 2.2943 72 jj 32 64 124.5 224.1 522.8 941.0 480.2 864.3 255.2 125 !740.5> 2.3663 738 33 - 66 105 125.5 225.9 522.1 939.8 479.4 863.0 257 126 1794.7 2.4401 7 ,, 34.71 In7 126.5 227.7 521.4 938.6 478.6 861.6 258.8 127 1850 '3^ 2.5156 77 ;? 35.78 JV1 127.5 229.5 520.7 937.3 477.8 860.2 260.6 128 1907 - 3 585 2 ' 5931 795 36.88 JJ 3 128.6 231.4 520.0 936.1 477.0 858.8 262.4 129 1965. 8, QQ 2.6726 C1 , 38.01 11ft 129.6 233.3 519.3 934.8 476.3 857.4 264.2 130 2025. 6gj 3 2.7540*^* 39.17 {;J 130.6 235.1 518.6 933.6 475.5 856.0 266 131 ' 629 2.8373 g54 40.36 HI 131.6 236.9 517.9 932.3 474.7 854.6 267.8 132 2149. 8 A , 2.9227^. 41.57 194 132.6 238.7 517.3 931.1 474.0 853.2 269.6 133 2214. O^ 42 3.0101*'* 42.81 {go 133.7 240.6 516.6 929.8 473.3 851.8 271.4 134 2280.0^5 3.0999JJJJ 44.09 J 3 134.7 242.4 515.9 928.5 472.5 850.4 273.2 135 2347. 5 6qo 3.1916 QQS 45.39 1Q , 135.7 244.2 515.1 927.2 471.6 848.9 275 136 2416. 5 7 ^g 3.2854^* 46.73 JJ! 136.7 246.0 514.4 925.9 470.8 847.5 276.8 137 2487.3 3.3816 985 48.10 } 3 J 137.7 247.9 513.7 924.6 470.1 846.1 278.6 138 2559. 7 7A1 3.480l 1ft1 49.50 , 138.8 249.7 513.0 923.3 469.3 844.6 280.4 139 2633.8;*i 3.581 }JJi 50.93 }^ 139.8 251.6 512.3 922.1 468.5 843.3 282.2 140 2709.5 3.684 }g3 52.39 J*Q 140.8 253.4 511.5 920.7 467.6 841.8 284 141 2787. 1 7Q , 3.789 1nfi 53.89 .,, 141.8 255.3 510.7 919.3 466.8 840.2 285.8 142 2866.4' 3.897 Jr, 55.43 f^ 7 142.8 257.1 510.1 918.1 466.1 838.9 287.6 143 004.7 nolo ;y47.7 828 4.008 JJg 57.00 JgQ 143.9 259.0 509.3 916.7 465.3 837.4 289.4 144 3030. 5 8 ,, 4.121 1t , 58.60 1A . 144.9 260.8 508.6 915.4 464.4 835.9 291.2 145 3115. 3 84 ; 4.236 }} 60.24 {JJ 145.9 262.7 507.8 914.1 463.6 834.5 293 146 3202.1^8 ,, oc/ , 118 4.354 12Q 61.92 }J 146.9 264.5 507.1 912.8 462.8 833.1 294.8 147 3290. 8 Qft , 4.474 19 63.64 17 , 148.0 266.4 506.4 911.5 462.0 831.6 296.6 148 3381.32x2 4.597 JS 65.39 };J 149.0 268.2 505.6 910.1 461.2 830.1 298.4 149 3474 -947 4.723 J26 67.18 Jgg 150.0 270.1 504.9 908.8 460.4 828.7 300.2 150 3568. 7 Q66 4.852 132 69.01 187 151.0 271.9 504.1 907.4 459.5 827.2 302 SATURATED STEAM TABLE III. 6l EQUIVALENT 0) SPECIFIC VOLUME. DENSITY. OF EXTER- c -r *i -S NAL WORK. *- - *2 -5 Temperatu Degrees Centigram 1 p F 1 W i" Ij I 8 * JuS ill & 3 w^S til J* 1 Apu Apu r f 8 1 i 8 t 111 112 41.4 41.5 74.6 74.8 0.3418 0.3445 .3842 .3789 .172, fi 136 S5 18.77 . 18.20^' 0.853 97 0.880 9 i 0.0533 17 0.0550} 7 231.8 233.6 113 41.6 75.0 0.3471 .3736 tn-t l 2 cA .SoS Qfci H 3 PQ H 5 w f2 H 1 i 1 Apu Apu e f s s s s t 151 152 44.6 44.7 80.4 80.5 0.4429 0.4453 1.1870 1.1824 0.3824 5 0.3729 6.126 152 5 ' 974 48 2.615 R7 2.682 0.1632 0.1674^ 303.8 305.6 153 44.8 80.6 0.4477 1.1778 0.3637JJJ 5 ' 826 H3 2.750 g 0.1716 42 307.4 154 44.8 80.7 0.4501 1.1733 0.3548 Q , 5.6831,,, 2.818 ?0 0.1759.. 309.2 155 44.9 80.9 0.4525 1.1688 0.3463!? 5 ' 546 133 2.888 'V 0.1803^ 311 156 45.0 81.0 0.4549 1.1644 0.3380^ 5.413 131 2.959 J* 0.1847 44 312.8 157 158 45.0 45.1 81.1 81.2 0.4573 0.4596 1.1599 1.1554 0.3298 sn 0.3218 7 " 5.282 _ 5 ' 154 25 3.032 7fi 3.108 5 0.1893. 7 0.1940^g 314.6 316.4 159 45.2 81.4 0.4620 1.1509 0.3140} 5 - 029 l23 3.185 77 0.1988 5Q 318.2 160 45.3 81.5 0.4644 1.1465 0.3063 7 . 4.906 117 3.265 cn 0.2038, ft 320 161 45.3 81.6 0.4668 1.1421 0.2989'* 4.789}} 2 3.345 [{ 0.2088^" 321.8 162 45.4 81.7 0.4692 1.1377 0.2920 DO 4.677 1Q6 3.425 80 0.2138^ 323.6 163 45.5 81.8 0.4715 1.1333 0.2855 6 . 4.571 in9 3.503 7Q 0.2188, n 325.4 164 45.5 81.9 0.4739 1.1289 0.2792^ 4 - 469 101 3.582 ' 9 0.2238^ 327.2 165 45.6 82.0 0.4763 1.1245 0.2729^ 63 4.368 1QO 3.664 ** 0.2289^ 329 166 45.6 82.1 0.4786 1.1202 0.2666 ft , 4.268 1on 3.751 Q1 0.2343, fi 330.8 167 45.7 82.2 0.4810 1.1159 0.2603^, 4.168 10 3.842 Ji 2399^? 332 6 168 45.7 82.4 0.4833 1.1115 - 2540 60 4.070 9 5 3.937 9 g ' 2457 59 334.4 169 45.8 82.5 0.4857 1.1072 0.2480, 7 3.975 Q9 4.032 0.2516, Q 336.2 170 45.9 82.6 0.4880 1.1029 0.2423?' 3.883 g* 9 4.127 Q 0.2575^ 338 171 46.0 82.7 0.4903 1.0987 0.2368JJJ 4.223 99 0,2036" 339.8 172 46.0 82.8 0.4926 1.0944 0.2314, 9 3.709 8 , 4.322 qq 0.2696 ft9 341.6 173 46.1 82.9 0.4949 1.0901 0.2262?;: 3.626 a? 4.421 0.2758, 343.4 174 46.1 83.0 0.4972 1.0859 0.2212 3.545 g 4.521 1QO 2821 345.2 175 176 46.2 46.2 83.1 83.2 0.4995 0.5018 1.0817 1.0775 0.2164. 7 0.2117*' 3.467 7fi 3.391 7 , 4.621 4.724 ^ 0.2884 A , 0.2949^ 347 348.8 177 46.3 83.3 0.5041 1.0733 0.2072 3.318 }j 4.826^2 0.3014^ 350.6 45 10i DO 178 46.3 83.4 0.5064 1.0691 0.2027.. 3.247 7ft 4.933 no 0.3080 ftc 352.4 179 46.4 83.5 0.5087 1.0649 0.1983* 9 3.177 '" 5. 04^ 0.3148^ 354.2 180 46.4 83.6 0.5110 1.0608 0.1941 3.109^8 5.15 12 0.3217JJ 356 181 46.5 83.7 0.5133 1.0567 0.1899. 9 3.041 fi7 5.27 n 0.3288 7 . 357.8 182 46.5 83.8 0.5156 1.0525 0-1857- 2.974 ^, 5.38j 2 0.3362', 359.6 183 46.6 83.8 0.5178 1.0484 ' 1817 39 2.911 ^ 5.50 12 0.3435^ 361.4 184 46.6 83.9 0.5201 1.0443 0.1778, ft 2.849 fi9 5.62 3 0.3510 78 363.2 185 46.7 84.0 0.5224 1.0403 A i 7/in 2.787 ^ 5 ' 75 13 0.3588 7 Q 365 186 46.7 84.1 0.5246 1.0362 :1702 36 2.727 0.3667^ 366.8 187 46.8 84.2 0.5269 1.0321 0.1666,. 2.669 ,, 6.00,, 0.3746 ft 368.6 188 46.8 84.3 0.5291 1.0280 0.1632,* 2.614 6.13" 0.3826 1 ^ 370.4 189 46.9 84.3 0.5314 1.0240 0.1598^ 4 2.560 g 3 6 ' 26 13 n Qonft, 372.2 190 46.9 84.4 0.5336 1.0200 0.1565 32 2.507 M 6.39 13 0.3989 g3 374 6 4 SATURATED STEAM TABLE III. PRESSURE. HEAT OF THE LIQUID. HEAT OF VAPORIZATION. HEAT EQUIVA- LENT OF INTER- NAL WORK. . H * |y| l!i |bf,fi| hj j t> H i p E-! J ti til cQ ti ~*O W CUBO 'aQtS "3 PQ 3 PQ > s' t "eS "3 "3 a 3 -. -2 o H r- III ill 1 g *f 1JN > S if "3 Jl'i 1" I" r 1 m l ?l r* I 5 1 CQ |9g* 1 ' P a H r > Apu 8 Y t 12.70 0.00 236.5 236.50 223 .38 13.12 .0000 32.21 0.03105 10 24.23 5.59 244.4 238.81 225 .29 13.52 0.01996 17.39 .05750 10 20 44.46 11.42 252.0 240.58 226.56 14.02 .04003 9.847 0.1016 20 30 78.52 17.49 258.0 240.51 226 .03 14.48 .06029 5.753 0.1738 30 40 133.69 23.71 262.0 238.29 223 .44 14.85 0.08073 3.465 0.2886 40 50 219.90 30.21 264.0 233 .79 218.59 15.10 0.1014 2.143 0.4666 50 60 350.21 37.37 265.0 227 .63 212.38 15.25 0.1223 1.359 .7358 60 70 541.15 44.58 265.2 220 .62 205 .28 15.34 0.1435 .8855 1.129 70 80 812.91 52.11 265.2 213.09 197.69 15.40 0.1650 0.5921 1.689 80 90 1189.3 59.97 266.0 206 .03 190.54 15.49 0.1868 .4073 2.455 90 100 1697.6 68.18 267.3 199.12 183.54 15.58 .2090 .2874 3.479 100 110 2367.6 76.74 269.6 192.86 177.15 15.71 0.2315 0.2083 4.801 110 120 3231.7 85.67 272.5 186.83 170.97 15.86 .2544 0.1544 6.477 120 130 4323 .0 94.98 276.0 181.02 164.99 16.03 .2776 0.1170 8.547 130 140 5674.6 104.70 280.5 175.80 159.55 16.25 0.3013 .0905 11.05 140 150 7318.4 114.82 285.3 170.48 154.03 16.45 .3254 0.0714 14.01 150 68 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. TABLE VI. SATURATED VAPOR OF CHLOROFORM. FRENCH UNITS. .A j , c o5 Density. 5$ if *!f *U- I I '3 fe . || a "o < "o || S "- 1 'S o ^ i ii 1 B 1 ssi wig 8 o J | , S Q feb i *o 1? ^ .* "1 ** 3 *o ^ "el *O ^ > 0) 'S 2 o s S Q tJo H w s W n tS & i ^ H t p 9 JET r p A P u e s Y t 59.72 0.00 67.00 67.00 62.45 4.55 .00000 2.377 .4207 10 100.47 2.33 68.38 66.04 61.29 4.75 0.00836 1.475 0.6780 10 20 160.47 4.67 69.75 65.08 60.14 4.94 0.01646 0.9601 1.042 20 30 247.51 7.02 71.12 64.10 59.00 5.10 .02432 0.6437 1.554 30 40 369 .26 9.37 72.50 63.13 57.87 5.26 0.03196 0.4449 2.248 40 50 535 .05 11.74 73.87 62.13 56.73 5.40 .03940 0.3155 3.170 50 60 755 .44 14.12 75.25 61.13 55.60 5.53 0.04664 0.2291 4.356 60 70 1042.1 16.51 76.62 60.11 54.45 5.66 0.05369 0.1700 5.88 70 80 1407.6 18.91 78.00 59.09 53.31 5.78 0.06057 0.1286 7.78 80 90 1865.2 21.32 79.37 58.05 52.16 5.89 0.06729 0.0991 10.09 90 100 2428 .5 23.74 80.75 57.01 51.01 6.00 0.07386 0.0777 12.87 100 110 3111.0 26.17 82.12 55.95 49.84 6.11 .08027 0.0618 16.18 110 120 3925.7 28.61 83.50 54.89 48.67 6.22 0.08655 0.0500 20.00 120 130 4885.1 31.06 84.87 53.81 47 .48 6.33 .09270 0.0410 24.39 130 140 6000.2 33.52 86.25 52.73 46.30 6.43 0.09872 0.0340 29.4 140 150 7280.6 35.99 87.62 51.63 45.10 6.53 0.10462 0.0286 35.0 150 160 8734.2 38.47 89.00 50.53 43.90 6.63 0.11041 0.0243 41.2 160 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. 69 TABLE VIL SATURATED VAPOR OP CARBON BISULPHIDE. FRENCH U1SITS. a d ^ G d Density. j< |i Jb - 2* ^ o J > c 2*3 - g > c sl j3 3 a o| ||i 3 S I |l ||| 3 * O s| .2 o 3 2 S 1 ! aJ" S <3 ^ S si n "8 8, s" -H B -s j3 eg - o gj | |^ so g jl* *J O* I 3 3 X w w i 1 S JB fall |S6 ^ P q H r P Apu S v t fit* 32.95 0.00 52.00 52.00 48.54 3.46 .00000 3.272 .3056 10 55.97 1.99 53.44 51.45 47.85 3.60 0.00714 2.005 0.4987 10 20 90.99 3.99 54.86 50.87 47.13 3.74 0.01409 1.283 0.7794 20 30 142.27 6.02 56.23 50.21 46.33 3.88 0.02087 0.8510 1.175 30 40 214.81 8.06 57.58 49.52 45.51 4.01 .02749 0.5831 1.715 40 50 314.38 10.12 58.88 48.76 44.62 4.14 0.03396 0.4109 2.434 50 60 447 .43 12.20 60.16 47.96 43.69 4.25 .04028 .2969 3.368 60 70 621.15 14.30 61.40 47.10 42.75 4.35 .04648 0.2192 4.562 70 80 843 .29 16.42 62.60 46.18 41.74 4.44 .04255 0.1650 6.061 80 90 1122.3 18.55 63.77 45.22 40.50 4.72 0.05849 0.1263 7.92 90 100 1467.1 20.70 64.90 44.20 39.62 4.58 0.06433 0.0980 10.20 100 110 1887.4 22.87 66.01 43.14 38.52 4.62 .07006 0.0770 12.99 110 120 2393.7 25.06 67.07 42.01 37.36 4.65 0.07569 0.0611 16.37 120 130 2996.9 27.27 68.10 40.83 36.18 4.65 0.08122 ,0490 20.41 130 140 3709 .0 29.49 69.10 39.61 34.95 4.63 0.08666 0.0395 25.3 140 150 4543.1 31.73 70.07 38.34 33.75 4.59 0.09201 0.0321 31.2 150 160 5513.1 34.00 71.00 37.00 32.47 4.53 .09729 .0262 38.2 160 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. TABLE IX. SATURATED VAPOR OF ACBTON. FRENCH UNITS. - Density. I 2 b d "a ll - TJ 3 1 - 0} "5 3 5-d "3 B 1 c | | * 1 "o S *o S =3 ill ill *1 a = 1 11 1 tS-g *". 3' ill in & 83* is 3 i > i * ^ ** 1 s 3 o s S Q ) S fi K H H 1 B 1 $ 1 P 5 H r P * 6 8 y t 63.33 0.00 140 .50 140 .50 131 .82 8.68 .00000 4.275 .2339 10 110.32 5.10 144.11 139.01 129.51 9.50 0.01832 2.686 0.3723 10 20 180.08 10.29 147.62 137.33 127.16 10.17 0.03627 1.758 0.5688 20 30 280 .05 15.55 151.03 135.48 124.83 10.65 .05389 1.187 .8425 30 40 419.35 20.89 154.33 133.44 121.39 11.05 0.07119 0.8227 1.215 40 50 608.81 26.31 157.53 131.22 119.86 11.36 .08820 0.5830 1.715 50 60 860.96 31.81 160.63 128.82 117.22 11.60 0.1049 0.4215 2.372 60 70 1189.9 37.39 163.62 126.23 114.43 11.80 0.1214 0.3106 3.220 70 80 1611.1 43.05 166.51 123.46 111.49 11.97 0.1376 0.2328 4.296 80 90 2140.8 48.79 169.30 120.51 108.41 12.10 0.1536 0.1773 5.640 90 100 2796.2 54.61 171.98 117.37 105.17 12.20 0.1694 0.1372 7.289 100 110 3594.3 60.50 174.56 114.06 101.78 12 -.28 0.1850 0.1076 9.294 110 120 4552.0 66.48 177.04 110.56 98.23 12.33 .2004 0.0856 11.68 120 130 5684.9 72.54 179.42 106 .88 94.53 12.35 0.2156 .0689 14.51 130 140 7007 .6 78.67 181.69 103.02 90.67 12.35 0.2306 0.0561 17.83 140 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. TABLE X. SATURATED VAPOR OF AMMONIA. ENGLISH UNITS. ( d 0) aJ Density. , M M pfl .2 .a ifl 1 8 * * 03 tl 1 11 IE S . I .2 1! 3~ w if 1 il 1 A 3 <3 . ffg-g 3 . Il o ca {-H r-j (D Q 1 1 SO 1 pi 1 1 1> 1 o ^ 1 o |l P I ill! E P H 1 w B jiq H 02 ^ H ' p g. H r p Apu 6 s y t -40 9.93 -79 519 598 550 48 -0.1737 26.1 0.0383 -40 -35 11.53 -74 520 594 546 48 -0.1607 22.6 .0442 -35 -30 13.36 -68 522 590 541 49 -0.1482 19.7 0.0507 -30 -25 15.40 -63 523 586 537 49 -0.1354 17.3 0.0580 -25 -20 17.70 -57 525 582 532 50 -0.1229 15.2 0.0660 -20 -15 20.25 -52 526 578 528 50 -0.1102 13.3 0.0750 -15 -10 23.10 -46 528 574 524 50 -0.0982 11.8 .0848 -10 -5 26.25 -41 529 570 519 51 -0.0859 10.5 0.0956 -5 29.74 -35 531 566 515 51 -0.0738 9.32 0.108 5 33.58 -30 532 562 511 51 -0.0619 8.31 0.120 5 10 37.80 -24 534 558 506 52 -0.0501 7.44 0.134 10 15 42.43 -19 535 554 502 52 -0.0386 6.68 0.150 15 20 47.49 -13 537 550 497 53 -0.0271 6.02 0.166 20 25 53.01 -8 538 546 493 53 -0.0157 5.43 0.184 25 30 59.01 -2 540 542 489 53 -0.0044 4.92 0.203 30 35 65.53 3 541 538 484 54 .0067 4.46 0.225 . 35 40 72.59 9 543 534 480 54 0.0177 4.06 0.247 40 45 80.21 14 544 530 475 55 .0287 3.70 0.270 45 50 88.44 20 546 526 471 55 0.0395 3.38 0.296 50 55 97.30 25 547 522 467 55 0.0502 3.09 0.323 55 60 106.82 31 549 518 462 56 .0608 2.84 0.352 60 65 117.04 36 550 514 458 56 0.0713 2.61 0.383 65 70 '127.98 42 552 510 454 56 0.0817 2.40 0.416 70 75 139.67 47 553 506 449 57 0.0921 2.22 .451 75 80 152.15 53 555 502 445 57 0.1023 2.05 0.488 80 85 165.47 58 556 498 441 57 0.1124 1.90 0.527 85 90 179.64 64 558 494 436 58 0.1224 1.76 0.568 90 95 194.70 69 559 490 432 58 0.1324 1.63 0.612 95 100 210.70 75 561 486 428 58 0.1423 1.52 0.657 100 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. 73 TABLE XI. SATURATED VAPOR OP SULPHUR DIOXIDR ENGLISH UNITS. JB 1 1 i Density. .a &i jB 3 1 Is 11 "8 5 0-2 -.0 |* i P I 'I 1 J | ?! 1 if 3 fc . srS-g IjN a Is -^ g If HQ! ill if 1 i* *a "o 1 ^ H 1 IIII l(t| H w H H H W 3 in s t p <7 H r p Apu 8 y 1 -40 3.14 -29 166 195 182 13 -0.0632 23.0 .0434 -40 -35 3.70 -27 167 194 180 14 -0.0584 19.7 .0507 -35 -30 4.34 -25 168 193 179 14 -0.0539 17.0 .0590 -30 -25 5.07 -23 168 191 177 14 -0.0492 14.7 .0682 -25 -20 5.90 -21 169 190 176 14 -0.0447 12.7 .0785 -20 -15 6.83 -19 170 189 175 14 -0.0401 11.1 .0901 -15 -10 7.88 -17 170 187 173 14 -0.0357 9.73 0.103 -10 -5 9.05 -15 171 186 172 14 -0.0312 8.56 0.117 -5 10.35 -13 172 185 170 15 -0.0268 7.54 0.133 5 11.81 -11 172 183 168 15 -0.0225 6.67 0.450 5 10 13.41 -9 173 182 167 15 0.0182 5.93 0.169 10 15 15.19 -7 174 181 166 15 -0.0140 5.29 0.189 15 20 17.15 -5 174 179 164 15 -0.0098 4.72 0.212 20 25 19.30 -3 175 178 163 15 -0.0057 4.23 0.236 25 30 21.66 -1 176 177 162 15 -0.0016 3.81 0.263 30 35 24.24 1 176 175 160 15 .0024 3.43 0.291 35 40 27.06 3 177 174 158 16 .0064 3.10 0.322 40 45 30.12 5 177 172 156 16 0.0104 2.81 0.356 45 50 33.45 7 178 171 155 16 0.0144 2.58 0.390 50 55 37.07 9 179 170 154 16 0.0182 2.32 0.430 55 60 40.98 11 179 168 152 16 0.0221 2.11 0.473 60 65 45.20 13 180 167 151 16 .0259 1.94 0.516 65 70 49.75 15 181 166 150 16 .0297 1.78 0.563 70 75 54.64 17 181 164 148 16 .0334 1.63 0.614 75 80 59.90 19 182 163 146 17 .0372 1.50 0.668 80 85 65.54 21 183 162 145 17 .0409 1.38 0.725 85 90 71.57 23 183 160 143 17 .0445 1.27 0.786 90 95 78.02 25 184 159 142 17 .0482 1.18 0.849 95 100 84.90 27 185 158 141 17 0.0518 1.09 0.917 100 74 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. TABLE XII. SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND SPECIFIC VOLUME OF LIQUIDS. Name of Liquid. Specific Gravity, compared with Water at 4 C. Specific Volume. Cubic Meters per Kilo. Alcohol, C 2 H O . . .80625 0.736 1.527 1 .2922 1 .6320 0.81 1 .4336 0.6364 'Mendelejeff, 1869] . . "Kopp, 1860] 0.001240 0.001358 .000655 .000774 0.000613 0.00123 .0006981 0.001571 Ether, C 4 H 10 O Chloroform Thorpe, 1880] . . . Thorpe, 1880] . . . Thorpe, 1880] . . . "Zander, 1882] . . . "Andre'eff, 1859] . . . "Andreeff, 1859] . . . Carbon bisulphide, CS 2 .... Carbon tetrachloride, CC1 4 . . Aceton, CgtLO Sulphur Dioxide, SO 2 Ammonia NH 3 TABLE XIII. VOLUME OF 'WATER Vol. at 4 C. =1. [Rossetti, 1871] and [Him, 1867]. Temper- ature . Volume. Temper- ature. Volume. Temper- ature. Volume. Temper- ature. Volume. 10 1 .000253 60 1.01691 110 1 .0512 160 .1018 20 1 .001744 70 1 .02256 120 1 .0599 170 .1139 30 1 .00425 80 1 .02887 130 1 .0694 180 .1268 40 1 .00770 90 1 .03567 140 1 .0795 190 .1403 50 1.01195 100 1 .04312 150 1 .0903 200 .1544 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. 75 TABLE XIV. CONVERSION TABLE. INCHES OF MERCURY AND POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 0.00 0.49 0.98 0.05 0.54 1.03 0.10 0.59 1.08 0.15 0.64 1.13 0.20 0.69 1.18 0.25 0.74 1.23 0.29 0.79 1.28 0.34 0.84 1.33 0.39 0.88 1.38 0.44 0.93 1.42 3 4 5 1.47 1.96 2.46 1.52 2.01 2.51 1.57 2.06 2.55 1.62 2.11 2.60 1.67 2.16 2.65 1.72 2.21 2.70 1.77 2.26 2.75 1.82 2.31 2.80 1.87 2.36 2.85 1.91 2.41 2.90 e 7 8 2.95 3.44 3.93 3.00 3.49 3.98 3.05 3.54 4.03 3.09 3.59 4.08 3.14 3.63 4.13 3.19 3.68 4.18 3.24 3.73 4.22 3.29 3.78 4.27 3.34 3.83 4.32 3.39 3.88 4.37 9 10 11 4.42 4.91 5.40 4.47 4.96 5.45 4.52 5.01 5.50 4.57 5.06 5.55 4.62 5.11 5.60 4.67 5.16 5.65 4.72 5.21 5.70 4.76 5.26 5.75 4.81 5.30 5.80 4.86 5.35 5.85 12 13 14 5/89 6.39 6.88 5.94 6.43 6.93 5.99 6.48 6.97 6.04 6.53 7.02 6.09 6.58 7.07 6.14 6.63 7.12 6.19 6.68 7.17 6.24 6.73 7.22 6.29 6.78 7.27 6.34 -6.83 7.32 15 16 17 7.37 7.86 8.35 7.42 7.91 8.40 7.47 7.96 8.45 7.52 8.01 8.50 7.56 8.06 8.55 7.61 8.10 8.60 7.66 8.15 8.64 7.71 8.20 8.69 7.76 8.25 8.74 7.81 8.30 8.79 18 19 20 8.84 9.33 9.82 8.89 9.38 9.87 8.94 9.43 9.92 8.99 9.48 9.97 9.04 9.53 10.02 9.09 9.58 10.07 9.14 9.63 10.12 9.19 9.68 10.17 9.23 9.73 10.22 9.28 9.77 10.27 21 22 23 10.32 16.81 11.30 10.37 10.86 11.35 10.41 10.90 11.40 10.46 10.95 11.44 10.51 11.00 11.49 10.56 11.05 11.54 10.61 11.10 11.59 10.66 11.15 11.64 10.71 11.20 11.69 10.76 11.25 11.74 24 25 26 11.79 12.28 12.77 11.84 12.33 12.82 11.89 12.38 12.87 11.94 12.43 12.92 11.99 12.48 12.97 12.03 12.53 13.02 12.08 12.57 13.07 12.13 12.62 13.11 12.18 12.67 13.16 12.23 12.72 13.21 27 28 29 13.26 13.75 14.24 13.31 13.80 14.29 13.36 13.85 14.34 13.41 13.90 14.39 13.46 13.95 14.44 13.51 14.00 14.49 13.56 14.05 14.54 13.61 14.10 14.59 13.66 14.15 14.64 13.70 14.20 14.69 30 14.74 14.78 14.83 14.88 14.93 14.98 15.03 15.08 15.13 15.18 7 6 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS- TABLE XV. CORRECTIVE FACTORS FOR SUPERHEATED STEAM. Values of the factor 150 ' 3 W' OOQ - 0.0833. Temperature. Value, of Factor. Temperature. Value, of Factor. Temperature. Value of Factor. Fahr. Abs. Fahr. Abs. Fahr. Abs. 200 659.5 0.441 335 794.5 0.216 470 929.5 0.104 205 664.5 0.429 340 799.5 0.211 475 934.5 0.101 210 669.5 0.417 345 804.5 0.205 480 939.5 0.098 215 674.5 0.405 350 809.5 0.200 485 944.5 0.095 220 679.5 0.395 355 814.5 0.195 490 949.5 0.092 225 684.5 0.385 360 819.5 0.190 495 954.5 0.090 230 689.5 0.375 365 824.5 0.185 500 959.5 0.087 235 694.5 0.365 370 829.5 0.180 505 964.5 0.084 240 699.5 0.356 375 834.5 0.175 510 969.5 0.082 245 704.5 0.347 380 839.5 0.171 515 974.5 0.079 250 709.5 0.338 385 844.5 0.166 520 979.5 0.077 255 714.5 0.329 390 849.5 0.162 525 984.5 0.074 260 719.5 0.320 395 854.5 0.158 530 989.5 0.072 265 724.5 0.312 400 859.5 0.153 535 994.5 0.070 270 729.5 0.304 405 864.5 0.149 540 999.5 0.067 275 734.5 0.296 410 869.5 0.145 545 1004.5 0.065 280 739.5 0.288 415 874.5 0.141 550 1009 .5 0.063 285 744.5 0.281 420 879.5 0.138 555 1014.5 0.061 290 749.5 0.274 425 884.5 0.134 560 1019.5 0.059 295 754.5 0.267 430 889.5 0.131 565 1024.5 0.057 300 759.5 0.260 435 894.5 0.127 570 1029 .5 0.055 305 764.5 0.253 440 899.5 0.123 575 1034.5 0.053 310 769.5 0.247 445 904.5 0.120 580 1039.5 0.051 315 774.5 '0.240 450 909.5 0.117 585 1044.5 0.049 320 779.5 0.234 455 914.5 0.113 590 1049 .5 0.047 325 784.5 0.228 460 919.5 0.110 595 1054.5 0.045 330 789.5 0.222 465 924.5 0.107 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE THIS table gives the properties of moist and of superheated steam at each degree of temperature Fahrenheit, and for each hundredth of a unit of entropy. At the left hand of each page are given the temperatures and the corre- sponding pressures of saturated steam; the lines across the tables are, therefore, constant pressure lines, and for moist steam are also constant temperature lines. The table is divided by a broken line which corresponds roughly to the saturation line; properties to the left of that line are for moist steam and to the right are for superheated steam. The triple-columns are headed with the entropy, and are constant entropy lines; they can be used for solving problems concerning adiabatic operations in a closed cylinder, and similar problems. At any point in the table, determined by the entropy and the pressure (or the corresponding temperature of saturated steam), there are given three properties : (1) The quality, which for moist steam is the proportion of a pound that is steam, and for superheated steam is the number of degrees of super- heating. (2) The heat contents, or the number of thermal units required to change a pound of water at freezing into steam at the given pressure and with the given quality. (3) The specific volume in cubic feet per pound. For examples, solved by aid of the table, see page 32. 77 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. tj TJ c 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 oJ 3 g 1 ^ O u ft, * S _ 3 c d c g a & I |*^ a I | o 42 I i >> II o g < 1 I&5 23 03 m 23 i^ 1 23 > 1 23 8,^" H 5 B OQ a B $ 0" W 02 o- H co 420 308.5 10.7 1212.5 1.535 23.1 1221.2 1.569 36.5 1230.4 1.609 50.7 1239.6 1.651 419 305.1 9.7 1211.5 1.548 22.0 1220.3 1.584 35.4 1229.4 1.622 49.6 1238.5 1.665 418 301.8 8.6 1210.5 1.562 21.0 1219.3 1.599 34.3 1228.4 1.637 48.4 1237.5 1.679 417 298.5 7.6 1209.5 1.576 19.9 1218.4 1.612 33.1 1227.4 1.652 47.2 1236.5 1.694 416 295.2 6.6 1208.6 1.589 18.8 1217.5 1.626 32.0 1226.4 1.667 45.9 1235.5 1.709 415 292.0 5.5 1207.6 1.603 17.7 1216.5 1.640 30.8 1225.4 1.681 44.7 1234.5 1.723 414 288.9 4.5 1206.6 1.617 16.6 1215.5 .655 29.7 1224.4 1.696 43.5 1233.5 1.738 413 285.7 3.4 1205.6 1.632 15.4 1214.4 .670 28.5 1223.4 1.711 42.3 1232.5 1.753 412 282.5 2.4 1204.7 1.645 14.3 1213.4 .685 27.3 1222.4 1.724 41.2 1231.5 1.768 411 279.4 1.3 1203.8 1.660 13.2 1212.4 .700 26.2 1221.5 1.740 40.0 1230.5 1.783 410 276.3 0.3 1202.9 1.674 12.2 1211.5 .715 25.1 1220.5 1.754 38.8 1229.5 1.799 409 273.3 9994 1201.9 1.690 11.1 1210.5 1.730 23.9 1219.5 1.770 37.6 1228.4 1.814 403 270.3 9984 1201.0 1.706 10.0 1209.6 1.745 22.7 1218.5 1.786 36.4 1227.4 1.830 407 267.3 9974 1200.0 1.723 9.0 1208.7 1.760 21.6 1217.5 1.802 35.1 1226.4 1.845 406 264.3 9966 1199.2 1.741 7.9 1207.7 1.776 20.5 1216.5 1.819 33.9 1225.4 1.861 405 261.3 9956 1198.2 1.759 6.8 1206.7 1.791 19.3 1215.5 1.834 32.7 1224.4 1.877 404 258.4 9947 1197.3 1.777 5.7 1205.7 1.808 18.2 1214.6 1.850 31.5 1223.4 1.894 403 255.5 9937 1196.3 1.795 4.6 1204.7 1.823 17.1 1213.7 1.865 30.3 1222.4 1.910 402 252.6 9928 1195.3 1.813 3.5 1203.8 1.839 16.0 1212.7 1.882 29.1 1221.4 1.927 401 249.7 9918 1194.3 1.832 2.4 1202.9 1.856 14.9 1211.8 1.899 27.9 1220.4 1.944 400 246.9 9907 1193.4 1.851 1.3 1202.0 1.873 13.8 1210.8 1.915 26.7 1219.4 1.961 399 244.1 9899 1192.4 1.870 0.2 1201.0 1.890 12.7 1209.8 1.931 25.5 1218.4 1.978 398 241.4 9889 1191.5 1.889 9993 1200.0 1.909 11.5 1208.8 1.950 24.3 1217.4 1.995 397 238.6 9881 1190.6 1.908 9984 1199.1 1.928 10.4 1207.9 1.968 23.1 1216.4 2.013 396 235.9 9871 1189.6 1.928 9974 1198.1 1.948 93 1206.9 1.985 21.9 1215.4 2.030 395 233.2 9862 1188.6 1.948 9965 1197.2 1.968 8.1 1206.0 2.002 20.7 1214.4 2.049 394 230.5 9852 1187.7 1.967 9955 1196.3 1.988 7.0 1205.0 2.020 19.5 1213.4 2.068 393 227.9 9843 1186.7 1.987 9945 1195.3 2.008 5.9 1204.0 2.039 18.3 1212.4 2.087 392 225.2 9835 1185.8 2.007 9937 1194.3 2.028 4.8 1203.0 2.058 17.1 1211.4 2.105 391 222.6 9825 1184.8 2.028 9927 1193.3 2.049 3.7 1202.0 2.076 15.9 1210.4 2.124 390 220.1 9816 1183.9 2.049 9917 1192.3 2.071 2.6 1201.0 2.095 14.7 1209.3 2.144 389 217.5 9806 1182.9 2.071 9907 1191.4 2.092 1.5 1200.0 2.115 13.5 1208.3 2.163 388 215.0 9798 1181.9 2.093 9899 1190.4 2.114 0.3 1198.9 2.135 12.3 1207.3 2.183 387 212.5 9788 1180.9 2.114 9889 1189.4 2.136 9990 1197.8 2.158 11.1 1206.3 2.203 386 210.0 9779 1179.9 2.136 9879 1188.4 2.158 9980 2.180 9.9 1205.3 2.223 385 207.5 9769 1179.0 2.158 9870 1187.4 2.180 9970 1195^8 2.202 8.7 1204.3 2.244 384 205.1 9761 1178.0 2.181 9861 1186.5 2.203 9962 1194.8 2.225 7.5 1203.3 2.265 383 202.6 9752 1177.1 2.203 9852 1185.5 2.226 9952 1193.9 2.248 6.3 1202.3 2.286 382 200.3 9743 1176.1 2.226 9843 1184.4 2.249 9943 1192.9 2.272 5.1 1201.3 2.308 381 197.9 9734 1175.1 2.251 9833 1183.5 2.274 9933 1191.9 2.297 3.9 1200.3 2.329 380 195.5 9724 1174.2 2.274 9823 1182.6 2.298 9923 1190.9 2.321 2.7 1199.3 2.351 379 193.2 9716 1173.2 2.299 9815 1181.6 2.322 9914 1190.0 2.346 1.5 1198.3 2.373 378 190.9 9705 1172.2 2.323 9804 1180.6 2.347 9903 1189.0 2.371 0.3 1197.3 2.394 377 188.6 9696 1171.2 2.348 9795 1179.6 2.372 9893 1188.0 2.396 9992 1196.3 2.420 376 186.3 9687 1170.2 2.374 9786 1178.6 2.397 9884 1187.0 2.422 9983 1195.3 2.446 375 184.1 9679 1169.2 2.399 9777 1177.5 2.423 9876 1185.9 2.447 9974 1194.2 2.472 374 181.9 9671 1168.3 2.426 9769 1176.5 2.449 9867 1184.9 2.474 9965 1193.2 2.498 373 179.7 9661 1167.3 2.451 9759 1175.5 2.475 9857 1183.9 2.500 9955 1192.2 2.524 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. Temperatures, Degrees Fahr. | 1 | *a E b 5 gSLS 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 >> 1 6 3 jj ,1 > 1 63 JJ il do 1 < 6 3 *j O |J ,1 I* OQ >> a a 6 3 11 n |J || 02 420 419 418 308.5 305.1 301.8 66.1 64.9 63.6 1248.8 1247.7 1246.7 1.692 1.705 1.720 82.7 81.4 80.0 1258.3 1257.2 1256.2 1.739 1.753 1.768 100.5 99.0 97.5 1267.8 1266.7 1265.6 1.784 1.799 1.814 118.9 117.4 115.9 1277.7 1276.6 1275.6 1.830 1.845 1.861 417 416 415 298.5 295.2 292.0 62.3 61.0 59.7 1245.6 1244.6 1243.5 1.735 1.750 1.765 78.7 77.3 76.0 1255.1 1254.1 1253.1 1.783 1.799 1.814 96.0 94.6 93.1 1264.5 1263.4 1262.3 1.829 1.844 1.859 114.4 112.9 111.4 1274.5 1273.5 1272.4 1.877 1.893 1.909 414 413 412 288.9 285.7 282.5 58.4 57.1 55.9 1242.5 1241.5 1240.5 1.781 1.796 1.812 74.7 73.3 72.0 1252.0 1251.0 1250.0 1.829 1.844 1.859 91.7 90.3 88.9 1261.3 1260.3 1259.3 1.875 1.890 1.906 109.9 108.3 106.8 1271.3 1270.2 1269.1 .926 .942 .958 411 410 409 279.4 276.3 273.3 54.6 53.3 52.1 1239.5 1238.4 1237.4 1.827 1.843 1.858 70.7 69.4 68.0 1248.9 1247.9 1246.9 1.875 1.891 1.906 87.4 86.0 84.6 1258.2 1257.2 1256.1 1.922 1.939 1.954 105.3 103.9 102.4 1268.1 1267.1 1266.0 .975 .992 2.009 408 407 406 270.3 267.3 264.3 50.8 49.5 48.3 1236.4 1235.4 1234.4 1.874 1.891 1.907 66.6 65.3 64.0 1245.8 1244.8 1243.8 1.923 1.940 1.956 83.2 81.8 80.3 1255.1 1254.1 1253.1 1.971 1.988 2.003 100.9 99.4 97.9 1264.9 1263.8 1262.7 2.025 2.043 2.060 405 404 403 261.3 258.4 255.5 46.9 45.6 44.4 1233.4 1232.3 1231.3 1.924 1.940 1.957 62.6 61.3 59.9 1242.6 1241.5 1240.4 1.972 1.989 2.006 78.9 77.5 76.0 1252.1 1250.9 1249.7 2.021 2.039 2.056 96.4 94.9 93.4 1261.6 1260.5 1259.4 2.078 2.095 2.113 402 401 400 252.6 249.7 246.9 43.1 41.8 40.6 1230.3 1229.3 1228.3 1.974 1.991 2.009 58.5 57.1 55.8 1239.4 1238.3 1237.3 2.023 2.040 2.058 74.5 73.0 71.6 1248.6 1247.5 1246.4 2.074 2.093 2.110 91.9 90.4 88.9 1258.4 1257.3 1256.2 2.131 2.150 2.168 399 398 397 244.1 241.4 238.6 39.3 38.0 36.7 1227.2 1226.2 1225.1 2.027 2.045 2.064 54.5 53.1 51.8 1236.3 1235.2 1234.2 2.077 2.095 2.113 70.3 68.9 67.5 1245.3 1244.3 1243.3 2.129 2.148 2.167 87.5 86.0 84.5 1255.2 1254.1 1253.0 2.187 2.205 2.224 396 395 394 235.9 233.2 230.5 35.5 34.3 33.0 1224. 1223. 1222. 2.082 2.101 2.120 50.4 49.1 47.8 1233-2 1232.1 1231.0 2.131 2.150 2.169 66.0 64.7 63.3 1242.3 1241.2 1240.2 2.186 2.205 2.224 83.0 81.5 80.1 1251.9 1250.8 1249.7 2.243 2.263 2.282 393 392 391 227.9 225.2 222.6 31.8 30.6 29.3 1221. 1220. 1219.0 2.138 2.157 2.178 46.4 45.0 43.7 1230.0 1229.0 1227.9 2.188 2.208 2.227 61.9 60.5 59.2 1239.1 1238.0 1237.0 2.244 2.263 2.283 78.6 77.1 75.7 1248.6 1247.5 1246.4 2.303 2.323 2.343 390 389 388 220.1 217.5 215.0 28.0 26.7 25.5 1218.0 1217.0 1216.0 2.198 2.217 2.236 42.4 41.1 39.8 1226.9 1225.9 1224.8 2.247 2.268 2.289 57.9 56.5 55.0 1235.9 1234.8 1233.8 2.304 2.325 2.346 74.2 72.7 71.2 1245.3 1244.2 1243.1 2.363 2.384 2.405 387 386 385 212.5 210.0 207.5 24.3 23.0 21.8 1215.0 1213.9 1212.8 2.257 2.278 2.299 38.4 37.0 35.7 1223.7 1222.7 1221.6 2.310 2.331 2.352 53.6 52.3 50.9 1232.7 1231.6 1230.6 2.367 2.389 2.410 69.8 68.3 66.8 1242.0 1240.9 1239.8 2.427 - 2.449 2.470 384 383 382 205.1 202.6 200.3 20.5 19.3 18.0 1211.8 1210.8 1209.8 2.320 2.341 2.362 34.4 33.0 31.7 1220.5 1219.5 1218.4 2.374 2.395 2.418 49.6 48.1 46.7 1229.6 1228.5 1227 .4 2.432 2.454 2.476 65.3 63.8 62.3 1238.7 1237.6 1236.5 2.493 2.516 2.539 381 380 379 197.9 195.5 193.2 16.8 15.6 14.3 1208.7 1207.7 1206.7 2.384 2.406 2.429 30.4 29.1 27.8 1217.4 1216.3 1215.3 2.440 2.463 2.486 45.4 43.9 42.6 1226.4 1225,3 1224.2 2.500 2.523 2.546 60.8 59.4 57.9 1235.4 1234.3 1233.2 2.561 2.585 2.609 378 377 376 190.9 188.6 186.3 13.0 11.8 10.5 1205.6 1204.6 1203.6 2.452 2.474 2.497 26.4 25.1 23.8 1214.2 1213.1 1212.1 2.509 2.533 2.557 41.3 39.9 38.5 1223.2 1222.1 1221.0 2.570 2.594 2.619 56.4 55.0 53.5 1232.1 1230.9 1229.7 2.633 2.658 2.682 375 374 373 184.1 181.9 179.7 9.3 8.0 6.8 1202.6 1201.6 1200.6 2.520 2.544 2.568 22.5 21.1 19.8 1211.1 1210.1 1209.0 2.581 2.605 2.630 37.1 35.7 34.3 1219.9 1218.8 1217.6 2.643 2.668 2.694 52.0 50.6 49.1 1228.6 1227.5 1226.4 2.707 2.732 2.758 80 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. Temperature, Degrees Fahr. i-ih-iv-i Pressure, Pounds! ^3 & Square to CO Or 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 j>> 1 li 2 B , < la ^ a 2* aj si F OQ >, Of la -j a 23 d ll || GO _>. 1 J* 11 W 4 3 2. l> CQ 372 371 370 9653 9644 9635 1166.3 1165.3 1164.3 2.478 2.504 2.531 9751 9741 9732 1174.6 1173.6 1172.6 2.502 2.529 2.556 9848 9838 9830 1182.9 1181.9 1180.9 2.527 2.554 2.581 9946 9936 9927 1191.2 1190.2 1189.1 2 . 552 2.579 2.607 369 368 367 171.1 169.0 166.9 9626 9617 9608 1163.3 1162.3 1161.3 2.559 2.587 2.615 9723 9714 9705 1171.6 1170.6 1169. 2.583 2.612 2.641 9820 9811 9801 1179.9 1178.9 1177.8 2.609 2.638 2.667 9917 9908 9898 1188.1 1187.1 1186.0 2.635 2.664 2.693 366 365 364 164.8 162.8 160.8 9600 9590 9582 1160.3 1159.3 1158.3 2.645 2.674 2.704 9696 9686 9678 1168. 1167. 1166. 2.670 2.701 2.731 9792 9783 9774 1176.8 1175.8 1174.8 2.697 2.726 2.757 9889 9879 9870 1185.0 1184.0 1183.0 2.723 2.753 2.784 363 362 361 158.8 156.8 154.8 9572 9564 9556 1157.3 1156.3 1155.3 2.735 2.765 2.796 9668 9660 9651 1165. 1164. 1163. 2.762 2.793 2.824 9764 9755 9746 1173.7 1172.7 1171.7 2.789 2.819 2.851 9860 9851 9841 1182.0 1181.0 1179.9 2.816 2.847 2.879 360 359 358 152.9 151.0 149.1 9546 9538 9529 1154.3 1153.3 1152.3 2.826 2.859 2.891 9641 9633 9624 1162. 1161. 1160. 2.855 2.887 2.920 9736 9728 9719 1170.7 1169.7 1168.6 2.883 2.914 2.948 9832 9823 9813 1178.9 1177.9 1176.8 2.910 2.943 2.976 357 356 355 147.2 145.3 143.5 9520 9512 9503 1151.3 1150.3 1149.3 2.925 2.958 2.992 9614 9606 9597 1159. 1158. 1157. 2.954 2.987 3.021 9709 9700 9692 1167.6 1166.6 1165.6 2.982 3.016 3.050 9803 9795 9786 1175.8 1174.7 1173.7 3.011 3.045 3.080 354 353 352 141.6 139.8 138.0 9494 9486 9477 1148.3 1147.3 1146.2 3.025 3.059 3.093 9588 9579 9571 1156. 1155. 1154. 3.055 3.089 3.124 9682 9673 9664 1164.6 1163. 1162. 3.085 3.120 3.154 9776 9767 9758 1172.7 1171.7 1170.6 3.114 3.149 3.184 351 350 349 136.3 134.5 132.8 9468 9459 9451 1145.2 1144.2 1143.2 3.127 3.162 3.198 9561 9552 9544 1153. 1152. 1151. 3.158 3.193 3.230 9654 9645 9637 1161. 1160. 1159. 3.189 3.224 3.261 9748 9739 9730 1169.5 1168.5 1167.4 3.219 3.254 3.291 348 347 346 131.1 129.4 127.7 9443 9434 9426 1142.2 1141.2 1140.2 3.235 3.272 3.310 9535 9527 9518 1150. 1149. 1148. 3.267 3.304 3.342 9628 9619 9611 1158. 1157. 1156. 3.299 3.336 3.374 9721 9712 9703 1166.4 1165.4 1164.3 3.329 3.367 3.406 345 344 343 126.0 124.4 122.7 9417 9408 9400 1139.1 1138.1 1137.1 3.348 3.387 3.427 9509 9500 9492 1147. 1146. 1145.1 3.380 3.420 3.461 9601 9592 9583 1155. 1154. 1153.1 3.413 3.453 3.494 9693 9684 9675 1163.2 1162.2 1161.1 3.445 3.486 3.527 342 341 340 121.1 119.5 117.9 9391 9383 9375 1136.1 1135.0 1134.0 3.467 3.507 3.548 9483 9474 9466 1144.1 1143.0 1142.0 3.501 3.542 3.583 9574 9566 9557 1152.1 1151.0 1150.0 3.535 3.576 3.617 9666 9657 9648 1160.1 1159.0 1158.0 3.569 3.610 3.652 339 338 337 116.3 114.8 113.3 9366 9357 9349 1133.0 1131.9 1130.9 3.591 3.634 3.679 9457 9448 9439 1140.9 1139.9 1138.8 3.626 3.669 3.714 9548 9538 9530 1148.9 1147.9 1146.8 3.661 3.705 3.750 9639 9629 9620 1156.9 1155.8 1154.8 3.696 3.740 3.786 336 335 334 111.7 110.3 108.8 9340 9332 9323 1129.8 1128.8 1127.8 3.723 3.769 3.8-16 9430 9422 9413 1137.8 1136.8 1135.8 3.759 3.805 3.853 9521 9512 9503 1145.7 1144.7 1143.7 3.795 3.842 3.890 9611 9602 9593 1153.7 1152.6 1151.6 3.831 3.878 3.926 333 332 331 107.3 105.8 104.4 9315 9306 9298 1126.7 1125.7 1124.7 3.863 3.911 3.959 9405 9396 9387 1134.7 1133.6 1132.6 3.900 3.948 3.997 9494 9485 9477 1142.6 1141.5 1140.5 3.937 3.986 4.035 9584 9575 9566 1150.5 1149.4 1148.4 3.975 4.023 4.073 330 329 328 103.0 101.6 100.2 9291 9282 9274 1123.7 1122.6 1121.6 4.007 4.055 4.104 9380 9370 9363 1131.5 1130.5 1129.5 4.046 4.094 4.143 9469 9459 9451 1139.4 1138.4 1137.4 4.084 4.133 4.182 9558 9548 9540 1147.3 1146.2 1145.2 4.122 4.172 4.222 327 326 325 98.8 97.5 96.1 9265 9257 9248 1120.5 1119.5 1118.4 4.152 4.201 4.250 9354 9345 9337 1128.4 1127.3 1126.3 4.192 4.241 4.290 9442 9434 9425 1136.3 1135.2 1134.1 4.231 4.281 4.331 9531 9522 9513 1144.1 1143.0 1142.0 4.271 4.321 4.371 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. 8l il jt 372 371 370 Is ft I s * 2 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.69 >, a l| 11 H 1 >, I If 15 ,1 l> m I 1 la |l eg! *S 1 J IS ii t 177.5 175.3 173.2 5.5 4.2 3.0 1199.5 1198.5 1197.4 2.592 2.616 2.640 18.5 17.2 15.9 1207.9 1206.8 1205.8 2.655 2.680 2.706 32.9 31.5 30.0 1216.5 1215.4 1214.3 2.720 2.746 2.772 47.7 46.1 44.7 1225.3 1224.1 1222.9 2.783 2.810 2.836 369 368 367 366 365 364 171.1 169.0 166.9 164.8 162.8 160.8 1.7 0.4 1196.4 1195.4 2.665 2.690 14.6 13.3 12.0 10.7 9.4 8.1 1204.7 1203.7 1202.7 1201.6 1200.5 1199.5 2.732 2.759 2.785 2.811 2.838 2.865 28.6 27.3 25.9 24.5 23.2 21.8 1213.2 1212.2 1211.1 1210.0 1209.0 1207.9 2.798 2.824 2.852 2.879 2.906 2.935 43.3 41.8 40.4 39.0 37.5 36.1 1221.9 1220.8 1219.7 1218.6 1217.5 1216.4 2.864 2.891 2.919 2.946 2.974 3.002 9994 9985 9975 9966 1194.3 1193.3 1192.3 1191.2 2.719 2.750 2.780 2.811 363 362 361 158.8 156.8 154.8 9955 9946 9937 1190.2 1189.2 1188.1 2.843 2.874 2.906 6.8 5.5 4.2 1198.4 1197.4 1196.4 2.894 2.920 2.949 20.4 19.0 17.6 1206.7 1205.6 1204.5 2.964 2.993 3.021 34.6 33.2 31.8 1215.3 1214.2 1213.0 3.030 3.060 3.089 360 359 358 357 356 355 152.9 151.0 149.1 147.2 145.3 143.5 9927 9917 9908 9898 9889 9880 1187.1 1186.1 1185.0 1183.9 1182.9 1181.9 2.938 2.971 3.005 3.040 3.074 3.109 2.9 1.6 0.4 1195.3 1194.3 1193.3 2.978 3.007 3.037 16.3 14.9 13.6 12.2 10.9 9.5 1203.4 1202.3 1201.2 1200.2 1199.1 1198.1 3.050 3.081 3.111 3.141 3.171 3.201 30.3 28.9 27.4 26.0 24.6 23.2 1211.9 1210.9 1209.8 1208.7 1207.6 1206.5 3.119 3.148 3.178 3.209 3.240 3.270 9992 9983 9974 1192.23.069 1191.1 3.104 1190.03.139 354 353 352 141.6 139.8 138.0 9870 9860 9851 1180.9 1179.8 1178.7 3.143 3.179 3.215 9963 9954 9945 1189.03.173 1187.93.209 1186.83.245 8.1 6.8 5.4 1197.0 1196.0 1195.0 3.232 3.264 3.296 21.8 20.4 19.0 1205.4 1204.3 1203.3 3.302 3.334 3.367 351 350 349 348 347 346 136.3 134.5 132.8 131.1 129.4 127.7 9841 9832 9822 9813 9804 9795 1177.6 1176.6 1175.5 1174.5 1173.5 1172.4 3.249 3.286 3.323 3.361 3.399 3.438 9934 9925 9915 9906 9897 9887 1185.7 1184.7 1183.6 1182.6 1181.6 1180.5 3.280 3.317 3.354 3.393 3.431 3.470 4.0 2.7 1 3 1193.9 1192.8 1191.7 3.328 3.360 3.392 17.5 16.0 14.6 13.2 11.8 10.4 1202.1 1201.0 1199.9 1198.8 1197.7 1196.7 3.400 3.433 3.466 3.499 3.534 3.570 9999 9989 9979 1190.6 1189.6 1188.5 3.425 3.463 3.503 345 344 343 126.0 124.4 122.7 9785 9776 9766 1171.3 1170.3 1169.2 3.477 3.518 3.561 9877 9868 9858 1179.4 1178.3 1177.2 3.510 3.551 3.593 9969 9959 9950 1187.4 1186.3 1185.2 5.543 3.584 3.627 8.9 7.5 6.0 1195.5 1194.4 1193.3 3.606 3.641 3.679 342 341 340 121.1 119.5 117.9 9757 9748 9739 1168.1 1167.1 1166.0 3.601 3.643 3.685 9849 9839 9830 1176.1 1175.1 1174.0 3.635 3.677 3.720 9940 9931 9921 1184.1 1183.0 1182.0 3.669 3.711 3.754 4.6 3.2 1.8 1192.2 1191.1 1190.1 3.716 3.754 3.792 339 338 337 116.3 114.8 113.3 9730 9720 9710 1164.9 1163.8 1162.7 3.729 3.774 3.820 9820 9810 9801 1172.9 1171.8 1170.7 3.764 3.809 3.856 9911 9901 9891 1180.9 1179.8 1178.7 3.799 3.845 3.891 0.3 1189.0 3.832 9992 9982 1187.8 1186.7 3.880 3.927 336 335 334 111.7 110.3 108.8 9701 9692 9683 1161.6 1160.6 1159.6 3.866 3.914 3.963 9791 9782 9773 1169.6 1168.5 1167.5 3.902 3.950 3.999 9882 9872 9863 1177.6 1176.5 1175.4 3.938 3.986 4.036 9972 9962 9953 1185.6 1184.5 1183.4 3.974 4.023 4.073 333 332 331 107.3 105.8 104.4 9674 9664 9655 1158.5 1157.4 1156.3 .012 .061 .111 9763 9754 9745 1166.4 1165.3 1164.2 4.048 4.098 4.148 9853 9843 9834 1174.3 1173.2 1172.1 4.085 4.135 4.186 9943 9933 9923 1182.3 1181.1 1180.0 4.122 4.173 4.224 330 329 328 103.0 101.6 100.2 9646 9637 9629 1155.2 1154.1 1153.1 .161 .211 .261 9736 9726 9718 1163.1 1162.1 1161.0 4.198 4.249 4.299 9825 9815* 9806 1171.0 1170.0 1168.9 4.237 4.287 4.338 9914 9904 9895 1178.9 1177.8 1176.7 4.275 4.326 4.378 327 326 325 98.8 97.5 96.1 9620 9610 9601 1152,0 1150.9 1149.8 4.311 4.361 4.412 9708 9699 9689 1159.9 1158.8 1157.7 4.349 4.400 4.451 9797 9787 9777 1167.8 1166.6 1165.5 4.389 4.440 4.492 9885 9876 9866 1175.6 1174.5 1173.4 4.429 4.481 4.532 82 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. Temperature, Degrees Fahr. ii o 1 S^-a m *> So a * H 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 >, a 6 J2 g J v || I> QQ jj 1 l| 1* ! - ^ QQ tj "3 O 1 J* I 1 |j !> 02 15 1 i,ii _ a g B ! '5 => i* OQ 324 323 322 94.8 93.5 92.2 9239 9231 9223 1117.3 1116.3 1115.2 4.300 4.352 4.407 9327 9319 9311 1125.2 1124.1 1123.1 :4.341 14.394 4.449 9415 9407 9398 1133.0 1131.9 1130.9 4.382 4.435 4.491 9503 9495 9486 1140.8 1139.8 1138.7 4.423 4.477 4.532 321 320 319 90.9 89.6 88.3 9215 9207 9199 1114.2 1113.2 1112.1 4.462 4.519 4.576 9302 9294 9286 1122.0 1121.0 1119.9 4.504 4.562 4.620 9389 9382 9373 1129.8 1128.8 1127.7 4.546 4.605 4.663 9477 9469 9460 1137.6 1136.6 1135.5 4.589 4.647 4.706 318 317 316 87.1 85.9 84.6 9190 9182 9173 1111.1 1110.0 1108.9 4.636 4.695 4.755 9277 9269 9260 1118.8 1117.8 1116.6 4.679 4.739 4.799 9364 9355 9346 1126.6 1125.5 1124.4 4.723 4.783 4.844 9451 9442 9433 1134.4 1133.3 1132.1 4.767 4.828 4.889 315 314 313 83.4 82.3 81.1 9166 9157 9149 1107.9 1106.8 1105.8 4.817 4.878 4.941 9252 9243 9235 1115.6 1114.6 1113.5 4.862 4.924 4.987 9338 9330 9321 1123.4 1122.3 1121.2 4.907 4.970 5.033 9425 9416 9407 1131.1 1130.0 1128.9 4.953 5.016 5.080 312 311 310 79.9 78.8 77.6 9141 9133 9125 1104.7 1103.6 1102.5 5.003 5.066 5.131 9227 9219 9210 1112.4 1111.3 1110.2 5.050 5.114 5.179 9313 9304 9295 1120.1 1119.0 1117.9 5.097 5.161 5.227 9399 9390 9381 1127.8 1126.7 1125.6 5.144 5.209 5.275 309 308 307 76.5 75.4 74.3 9116 9109 9100 1101.5 1100.4 1099.3 5.196 5.264 5.333 9201 9194 9185 1109.2 1108.1 1107.0 5.245 5.313 5.383 9287 9279 9270 1116.8 1115.7 1114.6 5.293 5.362 5.432 9372 9364 9355 1124.5 1123.4 1122.3 5.342 5.411 5.482 306 305 304 73.2 72.2 71.1 9093 9084 9076 1098.2 1097.1 1096.0 5.403 5.473 5.545 9177 9169 9160 1106.0 1104.8 1103.7 5.453 5.524 5.597 9262 9253 9244 1113.6 1112.4 1111.3 5.503 5.575 5.648 9347 9337 9329 1121.3 1120.1 1118.9 5.554 5.626 5.700 303 302 301 70.0 69.0 68.0 9068 9059 9052 1095.0 1093.9 1092.8 5.620 5.693 5.769 9152 9143 9136 1102.7 1101.6 1100.4 5.671 5.745 5.821 9236 9227 9219 1110.3 1109.2 1108.0 5.723 5.798 5.875 9320 9311 9303 1117.9 1116.8 1115.6 5.775 5.850 5.928 300 299 298 67.0 66.0 65.0 9043 9036 9027 1091.7 1090.7 1089.6 5.846 5.924 6.002 9127 9119 9111 1099.3 1098.3 1097.2 5.899 5.978 6.057 9210 9203 9194 1106.9 1105.9 1104.8 5.953 6.032 6.112 9294 9286 9277 1114.5 1113.5 1112.3 6.007 6.087 6.167 297 296 295 64.0 63.1 62.1 9020 9011 9004 1088.5 1087.4 1086.3 6.083 6.165 6.248 9103 9094 9086 1096.1 1095.0 1093.9 6.138 6.220 6.304 9186 9177 9169 1103.7 1102.5 1101.4 6.194 6.277 6.361 9269 9260 9252 1111.2 1110.0 1108.9 6.250 6.334 6.419 294 293 292 61.2 60.2 59.3 8995 8987 8980 1085.2 1084.1 1083.1 6.332 6.418 6.505 9077 9070 9062 1092.8 1091.7 1090.6 6.389 6.476 6.564 9160 9152 9144 1100.3 1099.2 1098.1 6.447 6.535 6.623 9242 9234 9226 1107.8 1106.7 1105.6 6.505 6.593 6.682 291 290 289 58.4 57.5 56.7 8972 8963 8956 1082.0 1080.9 1079.8 6.594 6.683 6.775 9054 9045 9037 1089.5 088.4 087.3 6.654 6.744 6.837 9136 9127 9119 1097.0 1095.9 1094.8 6.713 6.804 6.898 9218 9209 9201 1104.5 1103.4 1102.2 6.773 6.865 6.959 288 287 286 55.8 54.9 54.1 8947 8940 8932 1078.7 1077.6 1076.5 6.868 6.964 7.061 9029 9021 9013 086.2 085.1 084.0 6.931 7.027 7.125 9110 9102 9094 1093.6 1092.5 1091.4 6.992 7.090 7.188 9192 9183 9175 1101.1 7.055 1100.0,7.153 1098.97.252 285 284 283 53.2 52.4 51.6 8924 8916 8908 1075.4 1074.3 1073.2 7.160 7.259 7.361 9005 8996 8988 082.9 081.7 080.6 7.225 7.325 7.427 9086 9077 9069 1090.3 1089.1 1088.0 7.289 7.390 7.493 9167 9158 9150 1097.7 1096.5 1095.4 7.354 7.455 7.559 282 281 280 50.8 50.0 49.19 8900 8892 8885 1072.1 1071.0 069.9 7.465 7.570 7.677 8980 8973 8965 079.5 078.4 077.3 7.532 7.639 7.746 9061 9053 9045 1086.9 1085.8 1084.7 7.600 7.7C7 7.816 9141 9133 9125 1094.3 1093.21 1092.1 7.666 7.774 7.884 279 278 277 48.41 47.64 46.88 8876 8868 8860 068.8 067.6 066.5 7.784 7.895 8.006 8956 8948 8940 076.2 075.0 073.9 7.854 7.966 8.077 9036 9028 9020 1083.6 1082.4 1081.3 7.924 8.037 8.149 9116 9107 9099 1090.97.994 1089.78.106 1088.68.220 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. Temperature, Degrees Fahr. Ji $X 4 ju 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 >, 1 *l H K -5 tn 2 l> 03 f ll 2* jj 5 1* - a 23 |J 1* < jj |! o5 *J P cc 324 323 322 94.8 93.5 92.2 9591 9583 9573 1148.7 1147.6 1146.5 4.464 4.518 4.574 9679 9670 9661 1156.5 1155.4 1154.3 4.505 4.559 4.616 9767 9758 9749 1164.3 1163.2 1162.1 4.545 4.600 4.657 9855 9846 9836 1172.2 1171.1 1169.9 4.586 4.641 4.699 321 320 319 90.9 89.6 88.3 9564 9556 9547 1145.4 1144.4 1143.2 4.631 4.690 4.750 9652 9643 9634 1153.2 1152.2 1151.0 4.673 4.733 4.793 9739 9730 9721 1161.0 1160.0 1158.8 4.715 4.775 4.835 9827 9818 9808 1168.8 1167.8 1166.6 4.757 4.818 4.879 318 317 316 87.1 85.9 84.6 9538 9528 9519 1142.2 1141.0 1139.9 4.811 4.872 4.934 9625 9615 9606 1149.9 1148.8 1147.6 4.855 4.916 4.979 9711 9702 9692 1157.7 1156.6 1155.4 4.897 4.960 5.022 9798 9788 9779 1165.5 1164.4 1163.1 4.941 5 . 004 5.067 315 314 313 83.4 82.3 81.1 9511 9502 9493 1138.9 1137.8 1136.7 4.998 5.062 5.126 9597 9588 9579 1146.65.043 1145.55.108 1144.45.172 9684 9674 9665 1154.3 1153.2 1152.1 5.088 5.152 5.218 9770 9760 9750 1162.1 1161.0 1159.8 5.133 5.198 5.264 312 311 310 79.9 78.8 77.6 9484 9475 9466 1135.5 1134.4 1133.3 5.191 5.256 5.323 9570 9561 9552 1143.2 1142.1 1141.0 5.238 5.303 5.370 9656 9646 9637 1151.0 1149.8 1148.7 5.284 5.350 5.419 9742 9732 9722 1158.7 1157.5 1156.4 5.331 5.397 5.466 309 308 307 76.5 75.4 74.3 9457 9449 9439 1132.2 1131.1 1130.0 5.391 5.460 5.532 9542 9534 9524 1139.9 1138.8 1137.6 5.439 5.510 5.581 9627 9619 9609 1147.6 1146.4 1145.3 5.488 5.559 5.631 9713 9704 9694 1155.3 1154.1 1153.0 5.535 5.607 5.680 306 305 304 73.2 72.2 71.1 9431 9422 9413 1128.9 1127.7 1126.6 5.604 5.677 5.751 9516 9506 9497 1136.6 1135.3 1134.2 5.654 5.728 5.803 9600 9591 9581 1144.2 1143.0 1141.8 5.705 5.779 5.854 9685 9675 9666 1151.9 1150.6 1149.5 5.755 5.829 5.906 303 302 301 70.0 69.0 68.0 9404 9395 9387 1125.5 1124.4 1123.2 5.827 5.903 5.981 9488 9479 9471 1133.2 1132.0 1130.8 5.879 5.956 6.035 9573 9563 9554 1140.8 1139.6 1138.5 5.931 6.008 6.088 9657 9647 9638 1148.4 1147.2 1146.1 5.983 6.061 6.141 300 299 298 67.0 66.0 65.0 9378 9369 9360 1122.1 1121.1 1119.9 6.061 6.142 6.223 9461 9453 9443 1129.7 1128.6 1127.5 6.115 6.196 6.278 9545 9536 9527 1137.3 1136.2 1135.0 6.169 6.251 6.333 9628 9620 9610 1144.96.223 1143.86.306 1142.66.389 297 296 295 64.0 63.1 62.1 9352 9343 9334 1118.8 1117.6 1116.5 6.306 6.390 6.476 9435 9426 9417 1126.4 1125.2 1124.1 6.362 6.447 6.534 9518 9508 9500 1133.9 1132.7 1131.6 6.418 6.504 6.591 9601 9591 9582 1141.56.474 1140.36.560 1139.1 6.648 294 293 292 61.2 60.2 59.3 9325 9317 9308 1115.4 1114.3 1113.1 6.563 6.652 6.742 9407 9399 9390 1122.9 1121.8 1120.6 6.621 6.711 6.801 9490 9481 9473 1130.5 1129.4 1128.2 6.679 6.770 6.861 9572 9564 9555 1138.06.737 1136.96.828 1135.76.920 291 290 289 58.4 57.5 56.7 9300 9291 9282 1112.0 1110.9 1109.7 6.834 6.926 7.021 9382 9372 9364 1119.5 1118.4 1117.2 6.894 6.987 7.083 9464 9454 9445 1127.1 1125.9 1124.7 6.954 7.048 7.145 9546 9536 9527 1134.6 1133.4 1132.2 7.014 7.109 7.206 288 287 286 55.8 54.9 54.1 9273 9265 9256 1108.5 1107.4 1106.3 7.117 7.216 7.316 9355 9346 9337 1116.0 1114.9 1113.8 7.180 7.280j 7.380 9436 9427 9418 1123.5 1122.4 1121.2 7.242 7.343 7.444 9517 9508 9499 1131.0 1129.9 1128.7 7.305 7.406 7.508 285 284 283 53.2 52.4 51.6 9248 9239 9230 1105.2 1104.0 1102.9 7.419 7.521 7.626 9329 9319 9311 1112.6 1111.4 1110.3 7.483 7.587 7.693 9410 9400 9391 1120.0 1118.9 1117.7 7.548 7.653 7.759 9490 9481 9472 1127.5 7.613 1126.37.718 1125.27.826 282 281 280 50.8 50.0 49.19 9222 9213 9205 1101.8 1100.7 1099.5 7.733 7.842 7.953 9302 9293 9285 1109.27.801 1108.1 7.911 1106.98.022 9382 9374 9365 1116.6 1115.5 1114.3 7.868 7.979 8.091 9463 9454 9445 1124.0 1122.9 1121.7 7.936 8.047 8.161 279 278 277 48.41 47.64 46.88 9195 9187 9179 1098.28.064 1097. 118. 177 1096.08.292 9275 9267 9258 1105.78.134 1104.58.248 1103.3^.364 9355 9347 9338 1113.1 1111.9 1110.7 8.204 8.319 8.436 9435 9426 9417 1120.5 1119.2 1118.0 8.274 8.390 8.508 84 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. to to to 1 Temperature, 33 1 Degrees Fahr. 1 1 PH d IsJ c PI 46.13 45.39 44.67 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 >> Jji -u O 23 B ll 8 > U) to "c 3 a Ifl * c 8J ll '5 D ^ 02 >> 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 Cfic< ^ flS c b. ft c 6s i ^ Is i ^ 3s aj $ Is c ll ill 1 - C J'"i '% 3 11 | 3 il '| 1 *i a H Of a E a a B GQ a *" CO 276 46.13 9170 1094.9 3.409 9250 1102.2 8.482 9329 1109.6 8.555 9408 1116.9 8.628 275 45.39J 9162 1093.7 8.530 9241 1101.1 8.604 9320 1108.4 8.677 9400 1115.7 8.751 274 44.67 9153 1092.5 8.654 9232 1099.9 8.729 9312 1107.2 8.803 9391 1114.5 8.878 273 43.95 9145 1091.4 8.779 9224 1098.8 8.855 9303 1106.1 8.931 9382 1113.4 9.006 272 43.24 9136 1090.3 8.908 9215 1097.6 8.985 9294 1104.9 9.062 9373 1112.2 9.138 271 42.54 9128 1089.1 9.039 9206 1096.4 9.116 9285 1103.7 9.194 9364 1111.0 9.272 270 41.84 9119 1087.9 9.166 9198 1095.2 9.245 9276 1102.5 9.324 9355 1109.8 9.402 269 41.161 9111 1086.8 9.303 9189 1094.1 9.383 9267 1101.3 9.463 9346 1108.6 9.543 268 40.49 9102 1085.6 9.439 9180 1092.9 9.520 9258 1100.1 9.601 9336 1107.4 9.682 267 39.83 9094 1084.4 9.577 9172 1091.7 9.659 9250 1098.9 9.741 9328 1106.2 9.823 266 39.17 9085 1083.2 9.721 9162 1090.4 9.805 9240 1097.7 9.888 9318 1104.9 9.971 265 38.53 9077 1082.1 9.868 9155 1089.3 9.952 9232 1096.5 10.04 9310 1103.8 10.12 264! 37.89 9069 1080.9 10.01 9146 1088.1 10.10 9223 1095.3 10.18 9301 1102.6 10.27 263 37.26 9060 ! 1079. 7 10.16 9137 1087.0 10.24 9215 1094.2 10.33 9292 1101.4 10.42 262 36.64 9052 1078.5 10.31 9129 1085.8 10.40 9206 1093.0 10.49 9283 1100.2 10.57 261 36.02 9043 1077.4 10.46 9120 1084.6 10.55 9197 1091.8 10.64 9274 1099.0 10.73 260 35.42 9035 1076.2 10.62 9111 1083.4 10.71 9188 1090.6 10.80 9265 1097.8 10.89 259 34.83 9026 1075.0 10.78 9103 1082.2 10.87 9179 1089.4 10.96 9256 1096.6 11.05 258 34.24 9017 1073.8 10.94 9094 1080.9 11.03 9170 1088.1 11.12 9247 1095.3 11.22 257 33.66 9010 1072.7 11.11 9086 1079.8 11.20 9162 1087.0 11.30 9238 1094.1 11.39 256 33.09 9001 1071.5 11.28 9077 1078.6 11.37 9153 1085.8 11.47 9229 1092.9 11.56 255 32.53 8993 1070.3 11.45 9068 1077.4 11.54 9144 1084.6 11.64 9220 1091.7 11.74 254 31.97! 8984 1069.0 11.63 9060 1076.1 11.72 9135 1083.3 11.82 9211 1090.4 11.92 253 31.42 8975 1067.9 11.81 9051 1075.0 11.91 9127 1082.1 12.01 9202 1089.2 12.11 252 30.88 8967 1066.7 11.99 9043 1073.8 12.09 9118 1080.9 12.19 9194 1088.0 12.29 251 30.35! 8959 1065.5 12.18 9034 1072.6 12.28 '9109 1079.7 12.38 9185 1086.8 12.48 250 29.82 8950 1064.3 12.37 9025 1071.4 12.47 9101 1078.5 12.58 9176 1085.6 12.68 249 29.30 8942 1063.1 12.56 9017 1070.2 12.67 9092 1077.3 12.77 9167 1084.4 12.88 248 28.79 8934 1061.9 12.76 9009 1069.0 12.86 9084 1076.0 12.97 9158 1083.1 13.08 247 28.29 8926 1060.7 12.96 9001 1067.8 13.07 9075 1074.8 13.18 9150 1081.9 13.29 246 27.80 8917 1059.5 13.17 8992 1066.6 13.28 9066 1073.6 13.39 9141 1080.7 13.50 245 27.31 8909 1058.4 13.37 8983 1065.4 13.48 9058 1072.5 13.60 9132 1079.5 13.71 244 26.83 8901 1057.2 13.58 8975 1064.2 13.70 9049 1071.3 13.81 9124 1078.3 13.92 243 26.35 8893 1056.0 13.79 8967 1063.0 13.91 9041 1070.1 14.02 9114 1077.1 14.14 242 25.881 8885 1054.8 14.01 8958 1061.8 14.13 9032 1068.8 14.24 9106 1075.9 14.36 241 25.42 8876 1053.6 14.24 8950 1060.6 14.36 9023 1067.6 14.47 9097 1074.6 14.59 240 24.97 8868 1052.3 14.46 8942 1059.3 14.58 9015 1066.3 14.70 9089 1073.3 14.82 239 24.52 8859 1051.1 14.70 8933 1058.1 14.82 9006 1065.1 14.94 9080 1072.1 15.06 238 24.08 8851 1049.9 14.93 8925 1056.9 15.06 8998 1063.9 15.18 9071 1070.9 15.30 237 23.64 8843 1048.7 15.17 8916 1055.7 15.30 8989 1062.7 15.42 9062 1069.7 15.55 236 23.21 8835 1047.5 15.43 8908 1054.5 15.55 8981 1061.5 15.68 9054 1068.4 15.81 235 22.79 8826 1046.3 15.68 8899 1053.3 15.81 8972 1060.2 15.94 9044 1067.1 16.07 234 22.38 8818 1045.0 15.94 8891 1052.0 16.07 8963 1058,9 16.21 9036 1065.8 16.34 233 21.97 8810 1043.8 16.20 8883 1050.8 16.34 8955 1057.7 16.47 9028 1064.6 16.60 232 21.57 8802 1042.6 16.47 8874 1049.5 16.60 8946 1056.4 16.74 9018 1063.3 16.87 231 21.17 8794 1041.4 16.74 8866 1048.3 16.88 8938 1055.2 17.02 9010. 1062.1 17.16 230 20.78 8786 1040.2 17.02 8858 1047.1 17.16 8930 1054.0 17.30 9002 1060.9 17.44 229 20.40 8777 1 1039.0 17.31 8849 1045.9 17.45 8921 1052.817.59 8992 1059.6 17.73 86 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. bObObO 1 Temperatures, g^g | Degrees Fahr. t-'ifco Pressure, Pounds o?op per Square tooio Inch. oo>*>-to 1 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 >, 0" J* j |l 6 3 3. '3 o > & ii Jl 1 c 5. 8 I >, ! JJ |! ! \> VI t ! l| ll Oi ll 3 S> I* VI 8482 8475 8468 1010.2 1009.1 1007.9 17.02 17.31 17.60 8553 8546 8540 1017.1 1015.9 1014.7 17.17 17.45 17.75 8625 8618 8611 1024.0 1022.8 1021.6 17.31 17.60 17.89 8697 8689 8682 1030.8 1029.6 1028.4 17.45 17.74 18.04 225 224 223 18.91 18.56 18.21 8459 8452 8445 1006.7 1005.5 1004.4 17.90 18.21 18.52 8531 8523 8515 1013.5 1012.3 1011.2 18.05 18.36 18.67 8602 8594 8586 1020.4 1019.2 1018.0 18.20 18.51 18.83 8673 8665 8657 1027.2 1026.0 1024.8 18.35 18.66 18.99 222 221 220 17.86 17.52 17.19 8437 8430 8422 1003.2 1002.0 1000.8 18.84 19.16 19.49 8508 8500 8493 1010.0 1008.8 1007.6 19.00 19.32 19.65 8579 8571 8563 1016.8 1015.6 1014.4 19.16 19.48 19.81 8649 8642 8634 1023.6 1022.4 1021.2 19.31 19.64 19.98 219 218 217 16.86 16.54 16.22 8414 8406 8399 999.6 998.3 997.1 19.82 20.17 20.52 8484 8477 8469 1006.4 1005.1 1003.9 19.99 20.34 20.69 8555 8547 8539 1013.1 1011.8 1010.6 20.15 20.50 20.86 8625 8617 8609 1019.9 1018.6 1017.4 20.32 20.67 21.03 216 215 214 15.90 15.60 15.29 8392 8384 8377 995.9 994.7 993.5 20.88 21.25 21.62 8461 8454 8446 1002.7 1001.5 1000.3 21.05 21.42 21.80 8531 8524 8516 1009.4 1008.2 1007.0 21.23 21.60 21.98 8601 8593 8585 1016.2 1015.0 1013.7 21.40 21.78 22.16 213 212 211 14.99 14.70 14.41 8369 8361 8354 992.3 991.1 989.9 22.00 22.39 22.80 8438 8431 8424 999.1 997.9 996.7 22.18 22.58 22.99 8508 8500 8493 1005.8 1004.6 1003.4 22.37 22.76 23.18 8577 8569 8562 1012.5 1011.3 1010.1 22.55 22.95 23.36 210 209 208 14.13 13.85 13.57 8347 8340 8332 988.7 987.5 986.3 23.20 23.62 24.05 8416 8409 8401 995.4 994.2 993.0 23.40 23.81 24.25 8485 8478 8470 1002.1 1000.9 999.6 23.59 24.01 24.44 8554 8546 8538 1008.8 1007.5 1006.3 23.78 24.20 24.64 207 206 205 13.30 13.03 12.77 8325 8317 8309 985.1 983.8 982.6 24.48 24.93 25.39 8393 8385 8378 991.7 990.5 989.3 24.68 25.14 25.60 8462 8454 8446 998.4 997.2 995.9 24.89 25.34 25.81 8530 8522 8514 1005.1 1003.8 1002.6 25.09 25.55 26.02 204 203 202 12.51 12.26 12.01 8302 8294 8287 981.4 980.2 979.0 25.86 26.33 26.83 8370 8362 8355 988.0 986.8 985.6 26.07 26.55 27.05 8438 8430 8423 994.7 993.4 992.2 26.28 26.76 27.26 8506 8498 8491 1001.3 1000.1 998.9 26.50 26.98 27.48 201 200 199 11.77 11.53 11.29 8280 8272 8265 977.8 976.5 975.3 27.31 27.81 28.32 8347 8340 8332 984.4 983.1 981.9 27.54 28.04 28.55 8415 8407 8399 991.0 989.7 988.5 27.76 28.26 28.78 8483 8475 8467 997.6 996.3 995.1 27.98 28.49 29.01 198 197 196 11.06 10.83 10.61 8257 8250 8242 974.1 972.8 971.5 28.84 29.38 29.93 8325 8317 8309 980.7 979.4 978.1 29.08 29.62 30.17 8392 8384 8376 987.3 985.9 984.7 29.31 29.85 30.41 8459 8451 8443 993.9 992.5 991.2 29.55 30.09 30.65 195 194 193 10.39 10.17 9.96 8235. 8227 8220 970.4 969.1 967.9 30.49 31.07 31.67 8302 8294 8286 976.9 975.6 974.4 30.74 31.33 31.93 8368 8360 8353 983.4 982.2 981.0 30.99 31.58 32.18 8435 8427 8419 990.0 988.7 987.5 31.24 31.83 32.44 192 191 190 9.75 9.54 9.34 8212 8204 8197 966.7 965.4 964.2 32.28 32.91 33.54 8278 8270 8263 973.2 971.9 970.7 32.54 33.17 33.81 8345 8336 8329 979.7 978.4 977.2 32.80 33.44 34.08 8411 8403 8395 986.2 984.9 983.7 33.06 33.70 34.35 189 188 187 9.14 8.95 8.76 8190 8182 8174 963.0 961.7 960.5 34.19 34.85 35.52 8256 8247 8240 969.5 968.2 967.0 34.47 35.13 35.80 8321 8313 8306 976.0 974.7 973.4 34.74 35.41 36.09 8387 8379 8371 982.4 981.1 979.9 35.02 35.69 36.37 186 185 184 8.57 8.38 8.20 8166 8159 8151 95 '.2 958.0 956.7 36.20 36.90 37.63 8232 8224 8216 965.7 964.5 963.2 36.49 37.20 37.93 8297 8290 8282 972.1 970.9 969.6 36.78 37.49 38.24 8363 8355 8347 978.6 977.4 976.0 37.07 37.79 38.54 183 182 181 8.02 7.85 7.68 8144 8137 8130 955.5 954.3 953.0 38.37 39.15 39.94 8209 8202 8194 961.9 960.7 959.4 38.68 39.46 40.26 8274 8267 8259 968.4 967.1 965.8 38.99 39.77 40.58 8339 8332 8324 974.8 973.5 972.2 39.29 40.08 40.90 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. d = . 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 Efe 3 j , j ^ d 0* g 1 Sco^j >; J $ || >, 6 & ! J c5 3 1 J >; i | H ill I J O I K "* CO 1 I 1 CO 1 5 ii H 00 228 20.02 8768 1037.7 17.60 8840 1044.6 17.74 8912 1051.5 17.89 8983 1058.3 18.03 227 19.64 8761 1036.5 17.89 8832 1043.4 18.04 8904 1050.3 18.18 8975 1057.1 18.33 226 19.28 8754 1035.3 18.19 8825 1042.2 18.34 8896 1049.0 18.49 8968 1055.9 18.63 225 18.91 8744 1034.1 18.50 8815 1041.0 18.65 8887 1047.8 18.80 8958 1054.6 18.95 224 18.56 8736 1032.8 18.82 8807 1039.7 18.97 8878 1046.5 19.12 8949 1053.3 19.28 223 18.21 8728 1031.6 19.14 8799 1038.5 19.30 8870 1045.3 19.45 8941 1052.1 19.61 222 17.86 8720 1030.4 19.47 8791 1037.2 19.63 8862 1044.0 19.79 8932 1050.9 19.95 221 17.52 8712 1029.2 19.80 8783 1036.019.96 8853 1042.8 20.12 8924 1049.7 20.28 220 17.49 8704 1028.0 20.14 8774 1034.8 20.30 8845 1041.6 20.47 8915 1048.4 20.63 219 16.86 8695 1026.7 20.49 8765 1033.5 20.65 8836 1040.3 20.82 8906 1047.1 20.98 218 16.54 8687 1025.4 20.84 8757 1032.2 21.01 8827 1039.0 21.18 8897 1045.8 21.34 217 16.22 8679 1024.2 21.20 8749 1031.0 21.37 8819 1037.7 21.54 8889 1044.5 21.72 216 15.90 8671 1022.9 21.57 8741 1029.7 21.75 8811 1036.4 21.92 8880 1043.2 22.09 215 15.60 8663 1021.7 21.95 8733 1028.5 22.13 8802 1035.222.30 8872 1042.0 22.48 214 15.29 8655 1020.5 22.34 8724 1027.2 22.52 8794 1033.922.70 8863 1040.7 22.88 213 14.99 8647 1019.3 22.73 8716 1026.0 22.91 8785 1032.7 ! 23.10 8855 1039.4 23.28 212 14.70 8638 1018.023.13 8708 1024.7 23.32 8777 1031.423.50 8846 1038.1 23.69 211 14.41 8631 1016.8 23.55 8700 1023.5 23.74 8769 1030.223.93 8838 1036.9 24.12 210 14.13 8623 1015.5 23.97 8692 1022.2 24.16 8761 1028.924.35 8830 1035.6 24.55 209 13.85 8615 1014.2 24.40 8684 1020.9 24.59 8753 1027.624.79 8822 1034.3 24.98 208 13.57 8607 1013.0 24.84 8676 1019.7 25.04 8744 1026.325.24 8813 1033.0 25.43 207 13.30 8599 1011.7 25.29 8667 1018.4 25.49 8736 1025.1 25.69 8804 1031.7 25.89 206 13.03 8590 1010.5 25.75 8659 1017.1 25.96 8727 1023.826.16 8796 1030.4 26.37 205 12.77 8582 1009.2 26.23 8651 1015.9 26.44 8719 1022.5 26.64 8787 1029.1 26.85 204 12.51 8574 1007.9 26.71 8642 1014.6 26.92 8710 1021.2 27.13 8778 1027.8 27.34 203 12.26 8566 1006.7 27.20 8634 1013.3 27.41 8702 1019.9 27.63 8770 1026.6 27.84 202 12.01 8558 1005.5 27.70 8626 1012.1 27.92 8694 1018.7 28.14 8762 1025.3 28.36 201 11.77 8550 1004.2 28.21 8618 1010.8 28.43 8685 1017.4 28.65 8753 1024.0 28.88 200 11.53 8542 1002.9 28.72 8610 1009.5 28.94 8677 1016.1 29.17 8745 1022.7 29.40 199 11.29 8534 1001.7 29.25 8601 1008.3 29.48 8669 1014.8 29.71 8736 1021.4 29.94 198 11.06 8526 1000.4 29.78 8593 1007.0 30.02 8661 1013.6 30.25 8728 1020.2 30.49 197 10.83 8518 999.1 30.33 8585 1005.6 30.57 8652 1012.2 30.81 8719 1018.7 31.05 196 10.61 8509 997.8 30.90 '8576 1004.3 31.14 8643 1010.9 31.38 8710 1017.4 31.63 195 10.39 8502 996.5 31.48 8569 1003.1 31.73 8635 1009.6 31.98 8702 1016.2 32.22 194 10.17 8494 995.2 32.08 8560 1001.8 32.33 8627 1008.3 32.58 8693 1014.9 32.83 193 9.96 8486 994.0 32.70 8552 1000.5 32.95 8619 1007.1 33.21 8685 1013.6 33.46 192 9.75 8477 992.7 33.32 8544 999.2 33.58 8610 1005.7 33.85 8676 1012.3 34.11 191 9.54 8469 991.4 33.97 8535 997.9 34.23 8601 1004.4 34.50 8667 1010.9 34.76 190 9.34 8461 990.2 34.62 8527 996.7 34.89 8593 1003.2 35.16 8659 1009.7 35.43 189 9.14 8453 988.9 35.29 8519 995.4 35.57 8585 1001.9 35.84 8651 1008.4 36.12 188 8.95 8445 987.6 35.97 8510 994.1136.25 8576 1000.6 36.53 8642 1007.036.81 187 8.76 8437 986.4 36.66 8502 992.8 36.94 8568 999.3 37.23 8634 1005.8 37.51 186 8.57 8428 985.1 37.36 8494 991.5 37.65 8559 998.0 37.94 8625 1004.4 38.23 185 8.38 8420 983.8 38.08 8486 990.238.38 8551 996.7 38.68 8616 1003.1 38.97 184 8.20 8412 982.5 38.84 8477 988.939.14 8542 995.3 39.44 8607 1001.8 39.74 183 8.02 8404 981.2 39.60 8469 987.639.91 8534 994.1 40.21 8599 1000.5 40.52 182 7.85 8397 979.9 40.40 8461 986.440.71 8526 992.8 41.02 8591 999.2 41.33 181 7.68 8389 978.6 41.21 8453 985.041.53 8518 991.4 41.85 8583 997.8 42.17 88 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. n TJ a 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 |fi PH os I! . 3 & li i i ^ 8* ll ^ 1 j 0) ll a s i P 02 02 C 1 11 'i 1 15 3 11 1 -^ c i* 1 ll 'C * H 5 w CB 5 w e 5 tn QQ 0" W OQ 180 7.51 8122 951. 40.77 8186 958.1 41.0 8251 964, 41.42 8316 970. 41.74 179 7.35 8114 950. 41.55 8178 956.8 41.8 8243 963. 42.21 8308 969. 42.54 178 7.19 8107 949. 42. 4C 8171 955.6 42.7 8236 961. 43.07 8300 968. 43.41 177 7.03 8100 947. 43.25 8164 954.3 43.5 8228 960. 43.94 8292 967. 44.28 176 6.87 8092 946. 44. 1C 8156 953.0 44.4 8220 959. 44.80 8284 965. 45.15 175 6.71 8084 945. 45.03 8148 951.7 45.3 8212 958. 45.74 8276 964. 46.10 174 6.56 8077 944. 45.96 8141 950.5 46.3 8205 956. 46.68 8268 963. 47.05 173 6.42 8070 942. 46.88 8133 949.2 47.2 8197 955. 47.62 8261 961. 47.99 172 6.27 8062 941. 47.81 8126 947.9 48.19 8189 954. 48.56 8253 960. 48.94 171 6.13 8054 940.3 48.81 8117 946.6 49.19 8181 952.9 49.58 8244 959. 49.96 170 5.99 8047 939.0 49.89 8110 945.3 50.3 8173 951.6 50.7 8236 957.9 51.1 169 5.85 8039 937.8 51.0 8102 944.1 51.4 8165 950.3 51.8 8228 956.6 52.2 168 5.72 8032 936.5 52.0 8095 942.8 52.5 8158 949.1 52.9 8221 955.3 53.3 167 5.59 8024 935.2 53.1 8087 941.5 53.5 8150 947.8 54.0 8212 954.0 54.4 166 5.46 8017 934.0 54.3 8079 940.2 54.7 8142 946.5 55.1 8205 952.7 55.5 165 5.33 8009 932.7 55.3 8072 938.9 55.8 8134 945.2 56.2 8197 951.4 56.6 164 5.21 8002 931.4 56.5 8064 937.6 56.9 8127 943.9 57.4 8189 950.1 57.8 163 5.09 7994 930.1 57.6 8057 936.3 58.1 8119 942.6 58.5 8181 948.8 59.0 162 4.969 7987 928.8 58.9 8049 935.0 59.3 8111 941.2 59.8 8173 947.5 60.2 161 4.852 7979 927.6 60.2 8041 933.8 60.6 8103 940.0 61.1 8165 946.2 61.6 160 4.738 7972 926.3 61.5 8034 932.5 62.0 8096 938.7 62.5 8157 944.9 63.0 159 4.626 7964 925.0 62.8 8026 931.2 63.3 8088 937.4 63.8 8150 943.5 64.3 158 4.517 7957 923.7 64.2 8018 929.9 64.7 8080 936.0 65.2 8142 942.2 65.7 157 4.409 7950 922.4 65.7 8011 928.6 66.2 072 934.8 66.7 8134 940.9 67.2 156 4.303 7942 921.1 67.1 8003 927.3 67.6 065 933.4 68.1 8126 939.6 68.7 155 4.200 7934 919.8 68.5 .7995 926.0 69.1 056 932.1 69.6 8118 938.3 70.1 154 4.099 7926 918.5 70.1 7987 924.6 70.6 048 930.8 71.1 8109 936.9 71.7 153 4.000 7919 917.2 71.6 7980 923.4 72.1 041 929.5 72.7 8102 935.6 73.2 152 3.903 7911 915.9 73.2 7972 922.0 73.7 033 928.2 74.3 8093 934.3 74.9 151 3.808 7903 914.6 74.8 7964 920.7 75.4 024 926.8 76.0 8085 932.9 76.6 150 3.715 7896 913.3 76.5 7957 919.4 77.1 017 925.5 77.7 8078 931.6 78.3 149 3.624 7888 912.0 78.3 7949 918.1 78.8 009 924.2 79.4 8069 930.3 80.0 148 3.535 7881 910.7 80.1 7941 916.8 80.7 002 922.9 81.3 8062 929.0 81.9 147 3.447 7873 909.4 81.9 7933 915.5 82.5 993 921.5 83.1 8053 927.6 83.8 146 3.361 7866 908.1 83.8 7926 914.2 84.4 986 920.2 85.0 8046 926.3 85.7 145 3.278 7858 906.8 85.6 7917 912.8 86.3 977 918.9 87.0 8037 924.9 87.6 144 3.196 7850 905.5 87.6 7910 911.5 88.3 970 917.6 88.9 8029 923.6 89.6 143 3.116 7842 904.1 89.6 7902 910.2 90.3 961 916.2 91.0 8021 922.2 91.7 142 3.037 7835 902.8 91.7 7894 908.9 92.4 954 914.9 93.1 8013 920.9 93.8 141 2.960 7827 901.5 93.9 7887 907.5 94.6 946 913.5 95.3 8005 919.6 96.0 140 2.885 7820 900.2 96.0 7879 906.2 96.8 938 912.2 97.5 7997 918.2 98.2 139 2.812 7812 898.9 98.3 7871 904.9 99.0 930 910.8 99.8 7989 916.8 00.5 138 2.740 7805 897.6 00.6 7864 903.5 101.4 923 909.5 102.1 7982 915.5 02.9 137 2.669 7797 896.2 03.0 7855 902.2 103.8 914 908.1 104.5 7973 914.1 05.3 136 2.600 7789 894.9 05.5 7848 900.8 106.3 907 906.8 L07.1 7965 912.7 07.8 135 2.533 7782 893.6 08.0 7840 899.5 108. 8 899 905.5 109.6 7957 911.4 10.4 134 2.467 7774 892.2 10.5 7832 898.1 111.4 890 904.1 L12.2 7949 910.0 13.0 133 2.403 7766 890.9 13.2 7825 896.8 L14.1 883 902.7 L14.9 7941 908.6 15.8 i TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. 8 9 J 1 o 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 CGh |1 eg c 4 i V a , oJ - r r fc UMj >, 6| n 3 6s c a >> Ss ! J >, 3 en i a Ij= "5 m J'"l I U 1^ "3 11 13 II || H S = & tzj w < H % E i 180 7.51 8380 977.2 42.07 8445 983.6 42.39 8509 990.0 42.72 8574 996.4 43.04 179 7.35 8372 976.0 42.87 8437 982.3 43.20 8501 988.7 43.53 8566 995.1 43.86 178 7.19 8364 974.7 43.75 8429 981.1 44.08 8493 987.4 44.42 8557 993.8 44.76 177 7.03 8357 973.4 44.62 8421 979.8 44.97 8485 986.1 45.31 8549 992.5 45.65 176 6.87 8348 972.1 45.50 8412 978.4 45.85 8476 984.8 46.19 8540 991.1 46.54 175 6.71 8340 970.8 46.45 8404 977.1 46.81 8468 983.5 47.17 8532 989.8 47.52 174 6.56 8332 969.5 47.41 8396 975.8 47.77 8460 982.1 48.14 8524 988.5 48.50 173 6.42 8324 968.2 48.36 8388 974.5 48.73 8452 980.8 49.10 8515 987.2 49.47 172 6.27 8316 966.9 49.32 8380 973.2 49.69 8443 979.5 50.1 8507 985.8 50.4 171 6.13 8308 965.5 50.3 8371 971.8 50.7 8434 978.1 51.1 8498 984.4 51.5 170 5.99 8300 964.2 51.5 8363 970.5 51.8 8426 976.8 52.2 8489 983.1 52.6 169 5.85 8291 962.9 52.6 8355 969.2 53.0 8418 975.5 53.4 8481 981.8 53.8 168 5.72 8284 961.6 53.7 8347 967.9 54.1 8410 974.2 54.5 8473 980.4 54.9 167 5.59 8275 960.3 54.8 8338 966.6 55.2 8401 972.8 55.6 8464 979.1 56.0 166 5.46 8267 959.0 56.0 8330 965.2 56.4 8393 971.5 56.8 8455 977.7 57.2 165 5.33 8259 957.7 57.1 8322 963.9 57'. 5 8385 970.1 57.9 8447 976.4 58.4 164 5.21 8251 956.3 58.3 8314 962.6 58.7 8376 968.8 59.1 8439 975.0 59.6 163 5.09 8243 955.0 59.4 8306 961.2 59.9 8368 967.5 60.3 8430 973.7 60.8 162 4.969 8235 953.7 60.7 8297 959.9 61.2 8359 966.1 61.6 8421 972.3 62.1 161 4.852 8227 952.4 62.0 8289 958.6 62.5 8351 964.8 63.0 8413 971.0 63.4 160 4.738 8219 951.1 63.5 8281 957.3 63.9 8343 963.5 64.4 8405 969.7 64.9 159 4.626 8211 949.7 64.8 8273 955.9 65.3 8335 962.1 65.8 8396 968.3 66.2 158 4.517 8203 948.4 66.2 8265 954.6 66.7 8326 960.7 67.2 8388 966.9 67.7 157 4.409 8195 947.1 67.7 8257 953.3 68.2 8318 959.4 68.7 8380 965.6 69.2 156 4.303 8187 945.8 69.2 8248 951.9 69.7 8310 958.1 70.2 8371 964.2 70.7 155 4.200 8179 944.4 70.7 8240 950.571.2 8301 956.7 71.7 8362 962.8 72.3 154 4.099 8170 943.0 72.2 8231 949.2 72.8 8293 955.3 73.3 8354 961.5 73.8 153 4.000 8163 941.7 73.8 8224 947.9 74.3 8284 954.0 74.9 8345 960.1 75.4 152 3.903 8154 940.4 75.4 8215 946.5 76.0 8276 952.6 76.5 8336 958.7 77.1 151 3.808 8146 939.0 77.1 8206 945.1 77.7 8267 951.2 78.3 8328 957.3 78.9 150 3.715 8138 937.7 78.9 8199 943.8 79.4 8259 949.9 80.0 8320 956.0 80.6 149 3.624 8130 936.3 80.6 8190 942.4 81.2 8250 948.5 81.8 8311 954.6 82.4 148 3.535 8122 935.0 82.5 8182 941.1 83.1 8243 947.2 83.7 8303 953.3 84.4 147 3.447 ,8114 933.7 84.4 8174 939.7 85.0 8234 945.8 85.6 8294 951.8 86.3 146 3.361 8106 932.3 86.3 8165 938.4187.0 8225 944.4 87.6 8285 950.5 88.2 145 3.278 8097 930.9 88.3 8157 937.0 88.9 8217 943.0 89.6 8276 949.1 90.2 144 3.196 8089 929.6 90.3 8149 935.7 90.9 8208 941.7 91.6 8268 947.7 92.3 143 3.116 8081 928.2 92.4 8140 934.3 93.0 8200 940.3 93.7 8259 946.3 94.4 142 3.037 8073 926.9 94.5 8132 932.9 95.2 8192 938.9 95.9 8251 944.9 96.6 141 2.960 8065 925.6 96.7 8124 931.6 97.4 8183 937.6 98.1 8243 943.6 98.8 140 2.885 8056 924.2 98.9 8115 930.299.7 8175 936.1 100.4 8234 942.1 101.1 139 2.812 8048 922.8 101.3 8107 928.8 102.0 8166 934.8 102.8 8226 940.8 103.5 138 2.740 8041 921.5 103.6 8099 927.4 104.4 8158 933.4 105.2 8217 939.4 105.9 137 2.669 8032 920.1 106.1 8091 926.0 106.9 8149 932.0 107.7 8208 938.0 108.4 136 2.600 8024 918.7 108.6 8083 924.7 109.4 8141 930.6 110.2 8200 936.6 111.0 135 2.533 8016 917.3 111.3 8075 923.3 112.1 8133 929.2 112.9 8192 935.2 113.7 134 2.467 8007 915.9 113.9 8066 921.9 114.7 8124 927.8 115.5 8182 933.7 116.4 133 2.403 7999 914.6 116. 6 8058 920.5 117. S 8116 926.4 118.3 8174 932.3119.2 90 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. Temperature, Degrees Fahr. 1 2 gjj d III 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 >> 1 p O" 69 H m I 5 ,5 o l> CO | I || ll W ^j ^ CO > c 6 9 ^ o c 0) -^ m ll !> CO | 1 Ij I 1 a! lJ P CO 132 131 130 2.341 2.280 2.220 7759 7751 7744 889.5 888.2 886.9 116.0 118.7 121.7 7817 7809 7802 895.4 894.1 892.8 116.9 119.6 122.6 7875 7867 7860 901.4 900.0 898.7 117.7 120.5 123.5 7933 7925 7917 907.3 905.9 904.6 118.6 121.4 124.4 129 128 127 2.161 2.103 2.047 7736 7729 7721 885.5 884.2 882.9 124.6 127.7 130.8 7794 7786 7778 891.4 890.1 888.8 125.6 128.6 131.8 7852 7844 7836 897.3 895.9 894.6 126.5 129.6 132.7 7909 7901 7893 903.2 901.8 900.5 127.4 130.5 133.7 126 125 124 1.992 1.938 1.886 7713 7705 7698 881.5 880.2 878.8 134.1 137.4 140.8 7770 7763 7755 887.4 886.1 884.6 135.0 138.4 141.8 7828 7820 7812 893.2 891.9 890.5 136.0 139.4 142.9 7885 7877 7869 899.1 897.8 896.3 137.0 140.4 143.9 123 122 121 1.835 1.785 1.737 7690 7682 7675 877.5 876.1 874.8 144.3 148.0 151.8 7747 7739 7732 883.3 881.9 880.6 145.4 149.1 152.9 7804 7796 7788 889.1 887.7 886.4 146.5 150.2 154.1 7861 7853 7845 895.0 893.5 892.2 147.5 151.3 155.2 120 119 118 1.689 1.642 1.597 7667 7659 7652 873.4 872.1 870.7 155.6 159.6 163.7 7724 7716 7708 879.2 877.9 876.5 156.8 160.8 164.9 7780 7772 7764 885.0 883.7 882.3 157.9 162.0 166.2 7837 7828 7821 890.8 889.4 888.0 159.1 163.1 167.4 117 116 115 1.552 1.509 1.467 7644 7636 7628 869.3 867.9 866.6 168.0 172.3 176.8 7700 7692 7684 875.1 873.7 872.4 169.2 173.6 178.1 7756 7748 7740 880.9 879.4 878.1 170.5 174.9 179.4 7812 7804 7796 886.6 885.2 883.8 171.7 176.1 180.7 114 113 112 1.426 1.386 1.347 7620 7612 7605 865.2 863.9 862.5 181.4 186.0 190.9 7676 7668 7660 871.0 869.6 868.2 182.7 187.4 192.3 7732 7724 7716 876.7 875.3 873.9 184.0 188.8 193.7 7788 7779 7771 882.4 881.0 879.6 185.3 190.1 195.1 111 110 109 1.308 1.271 1.235 7597 7589 7581 861.2 859.8 858.4 196.0 201.3 206.7 7652 7644 7636 866.8 865.4 864.1 207.4 202.7 208.2 7707 7699 7691 872.5 871.1 869.7 198.8 204.2 209.7 7763 7755 7746 878.2 876.8 875.4 200.3 205.7 211.2 108 107 106 1.200 1.165 1.131 7573 7565 7558 857.0 855.6 854.2 212.2 218.0 224.0 7629 7620 7612 862.7 861.3 859.9 213.7 219.6 225.6 7684 7675 7667 868.3 866.9 865.5 215. 221. 227. 7739 7730 7722 874.0 872.6 871.2 216.8 222.8 228.9 105 104 103 1.098 1.066 1.035 7550 7542 7534 852.8 851.4 850.1 230.1 236.4 242.9 7605 7596 7589 858! 5 857.1 855.7 231.8 238.1 244.7 7659 7651 7643 864.1 862.7 861.3 233. 239. 246. 7714 7705 7697 869.8 868.3 866.9 235.1 241.5 248.2 102 101 100 1.005 0.975 0.946 7526 7519 7511 848.7 847.3 845.9 249.6 256.5 263.5 7581 7573 7565 854.3 852.9 851.5 251.4 258.3 265.4 7635 7627 7619 859.9 858.5 857.1 253. 260. 267. 7689 7681 7673 865.5 864.1 862.7 255.0 262.0 269.2 99 98 97 0.918 0.891 0.864 7503 7495 7487 844.5 843.1 841.8 270.8 278.3 286.1 7557 7549 7541 850.1 848.7 847.4 272.7 280.3 288.1 7611 7603 7595 855.7 854.2 852.9 274. 282. 290. 7665 7656 7648 861.3 859.8 858.5 276.6 284.3 292.2 96 95 94 0.838 0.813 0.788 7480 7472 7464 840.4 839.0 837.6 294.2 302.5 311.0 7533 7525 7517 846.0 844.6 843.1 296.3 304.6 313.2 7587 7579 7571 851.5 850.1 848.7 298.4 306.8 315.5 7640 7632 7624 857.1 855.7 854.2 300.5 308.9 317.7 93 92 91 0.764 0.741 0.718 7456 7448 7440 836.2 834.8 833.4 319.9 329.2 338.8 7509 7501 7493 841.7 840.3 838.9 322.2 331.6 341.2 7563 7554 7546 847.3 845.8 844.4 324.5 333.9 343.7 7616 7607 7599 852.8 851.3 849.9 326.8 336.2 346.1 90 89 88 0.696 0.675 0.654 7433 7425 7417 832.0 830.6 829.1 348.7 358.9 369.4 7485 7477 7469 837.5 836.1 834.6 351.2 361.5 372.0 7538 7530 7522 843.0 841.6 840.1 353.7 364.0 374.6 7591 7583 7574 848.4 847.0 845.5 356.2 366.5 377.2 87 86 85 0.633 0.613 0.594 7409 7401 7393 827.7 826.3 824.9 380.1 390.8 402.2 7462 7454 7446 833.2 831.8 830.3 382.8 393.5 405.0 7514 7506 7498 838.7 837.2 835.8 385.5 396.3 407.9 7567 7558 7550 844.1 842.7 841.2 388.2 399.1 410.7 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. 1 Pressure, Pounds i>er Square ncli. 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 1 i ! || 1 6 | l| r 1 a a 3s JJ ! J 1 |l |l GQ 132 131 130 2.341 2.280 2.220 7991 7983 7975 913.2 911.8 910.4 119.5 122.3 125.3 8049 8041 8033 919.1 917.7 916.3 120.3 123.2 126.2 8108 8099 8091 925.0 923.6 922.2 121.2 124.1 127.1 8166 8157 8149 930.9 929.5 928.1 122.1 125.0 128.0 129 2.161 128 2.103 127 2.047 7967 7959 7951 909.1 907.7 906.3 128.3 131.5 134.7 8025 8017 8008 915.0 913.6 912.2 129.3 132.4 135.7 8083 8074 8066 920.8 919.4 918.0 130.2 133.4 136.6 8140 8132 8123 926.7 925.3 923.9 131.1 134.3 137.6 126 1.992 125 1.938 124 1.886 7942 7934 7926 904.9 903.6 902.1 138.0 141.5 145.0 8000 7991 7983 910.8 909.4 908.0 139.0 142.5 146.0 8057 8049 8040 916.6 915.3 913.8 140.0 143.5 147.1 8115 8106 8097 922.5 921.1 919.6 141.0 144.5 148.1 123 122 121 .835 .785 .737 7918 7910 7902 900.8 899.3 898.0 148.6 152.4 156.3 7975 7966 7958 906.6 905.1 903.8 149.7 153.5 157.4 8032 8023 8015 912.5 911.0 909.6 150.8 154.6 158.5 8088 8080 8072 918.3 916.8 915.4 151.8 155.7 159.7 120 .689 119 .642 118J .597 7893 7885 7877 896.6 895.2 893.8 160.2 164.3 168.6 7950 7941 7933 902.4 901.0 899.6 161.4 165.5 169.8 8007 7998 7990 908.2 906.8 905.4 162.5 166.7 171.0 8063 8054 8046 914.0 912.6 911.1 163.7 167.8 172.2 117 116 115 .552 .509 .467 7869 7860 7852 892.4 890.9 889.6 172.9 177.4 182.0 7925 7916 7908 898.2 896.7 895.3 174.2 178.7 183.3 7981 7972 7964 903.9 902.4 901.0 175.4 179.9 184.6 8037 8028 8020 909.7 908.2 906.8 176.7 181.2 185.9 114 113 112 .426 .386 .347 7843 7835 7827 888.2 886.8 885.4 186.7 191.5 196.5 7899 7891 7882 893.9 892.5 891.1 188.0 192.8 197.9 7955 7946 7938 899.6 898.2 896.8 189. 194. 199. 8011 8002 7993 905.4 904.0 902.5 190.7 195.6 200.7 111 110 109 .308 .271 .235 7818 7810 7801 884.0 882.5 881.1 201.7 207.1 212.7 7874 7866 7857 889.7 888.2 886.8 203.1 208.6 214.2 7929 7921 7912 895.4 893.9 892.5 204. 210. 215. 7984 7976 7967 901.1 899.6 898.2 206.0 211.5 217.2 108 107 106 1.200 1.165 1.131 7794 7785 7777 879.7 878.3 876.8 218.4 224.4 230.5 7849 7840 7831 885.4 884.0 882.5 219.9 225.9 232.1 7904 7895 7886 891.0 889.6 888.1 221. 227. 233. 7959 7950 7941 896.7 895.3 893.8 223.0 229.1 235.4 105 104 103 1.098 1.066 1.035 7769 7760 7752 875.4 874.0 872.6 236.8 243.3 249.9 7823 7814 7806 881.1 879.6 878.2 238.4 245.0 251.7 7878 7869 7861 886.7 885.2 883.8 240.1 246.7 253.4 7933 7923 7915 892.4 890.9 889.5 241.8 248.4 255.2 102 101 100 1.005 0.975 0.946 7744 7735 7727 871.1 869.7 868.3 256.8 263.9 271.0 7798 7790 7781 876.8 875.3 873.8 258.6 265.7 272.9 7852 7844 7835 882.4 880.9 879.4 260.4 267.5 274.8 7906 7898 7889 888.0 886.5 885.0 262.2 269.4 276.7 99 98 97 0.918 0.891 0.864 7718 7710 7702 866.9 865.4 864.0 278.6 286.3 294.3 7772 7764 7756 872.4 871.0 869.6 280.5 288.3 296.3 7826 7818 7809 878.0 876.5 875.1 282.5 290.3 298.4 7880 7872 7863 883.6 882.1 880.7 284.4 292.3 300.4 96 95 94 0.838 0.813 0.788 7694 7685 7677 862.6 861.2 859.7 302.6 311.1 319.9 7747 7739 7730 868.2 866.8 865.3 304.7 313.3 322.1 7801 7792 7784 873.7 872.3 870.8 306.8 315.4 324.3 7854 7846 7837 879.3 877.9 876.4 308.9 317.6 326.6 93 92 91 0.764 0.741 0.718 7669 7660 7652 858.3 856.9 855.4 329.1 338.6 348.5 7722 7713 7705 863.9 862.4 860.9 331.4 340.9 350.9 7775 7766 7758 869.4 867.9 866.4 333.6 343.3 353.3 7828 7819 7811 874.9 873.4 871.9 335.9 345.6 355.7 90 89 88 0.696 0.675 0.654 7644 7635 7627 853.9 852.5 851.0 358.6 369.1 379.8 7696 7688 7679 859.4 858.0 856.5 361.1 371.6 382.4 7749 7741 7732 864.9 863.5 862.0 363.6 374.2 385.0 7802 7793 7785 870.4 868.9 867.4 366.0 376.7 387.7 87 86 85 0.633 0.613 0.594 7619 7610 7602 849.5 848.1 846.7 390.9 401.8 413.5 7671 7663 7654 855.1 853.6 852.1 393.5 404.6 416.4 7724 7715 7706 860.5 859.0 857.5 396.2 407.4 419.2 7776 7767 7759 866.0 864.5 863.0 398.9 410.1 422.1 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. 13 a 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 02 C3 3 s "*^ S ,3 c Q) G 4) a O L B II 03 O* g*-S 8s c 3 >> 1 8s >, 8s | B 1 11 1^ 1 11 1^ 3 11 1^ I 1! 1? H 5 s cc 5 w O" w OQ w 420 308.5 138.3 1287.8 1.881 158.4 1298.3 1.931 179.8 1309.0 1.983 201.4 1320.0 2.031 419 305.1 136.6 1286.7 1.895 156.7 1297.1 1.946 178.0 1307.8 2.000 199.5 1318.7 2.048 418 301.8 135.0 1285.6 1.912 155.0 1295.9 1.963 176.2 1306.7 2.016 197.7 1317.5 2.065 417 298.5 133.4 1284.5 1.927 153.4 1294.7 1.979 174.5 1305.5 2.033 195.9 1316.2 2.082 416 295.2 131.9 1283.4 1.944 151.8 1293.6 1.996 172.7 1304.3 2.050 194.0 1315.0 2.099 415 292.0 130.3 1282.3 1.959 150.1 1292.5 2.013 171.0 1303.1 2.066 192.2 1313.7 2.116 414 288.9 128.7 1281.2 1.975 148.4 1291.3 2.030 169.2 1301.9 2.084 190.4 1312.5 2.133 413 285.7 127.1 1280.1 1.991 146.7 1290.2 2.047 167.5 1300.7 2.100 188.6 1311.3 2.150 412 282.5 1-25.5 1279.0 2.008 145.0 1289.0 2.064 165.8 1299.6 2.118 186.8 1310.2 2.168 411 279.4 124.0 1277.9 2.025 143.4 1287.9 2.081 164.0 1298.4 2.135 184.9 1308.9 2.187 410 276.3 122.3 1276.7 2.043 141.7 1286.7 2.098 162.2 1297.2 2.154 183.0 1307.7 2.205 409 273.3 120.8 1275.5 2.060 140.1 1285.6 2.116 160.5 1296.0 2.172 181.2 1306.5 2.224 408 270.3 119.2 1274.4 2.077 138.4 1284.5 2.133 158.7 1294.8 2.190 179.4 1305.3 2.243 407 267.3 117.7 1273.3 2.095 136.8 1283.3 2.152 157.0 1293.6 2.208 177.6 1304.0 2.261 406 264.3 116.1 1272.2 2.112 135.1 1282.1 2.170 155.3 1292.4 2.226 175.7 1302.8 2.280 405 261.3 114.5 1271.1 2.130 133.4 1281.0 2.188 153.5 1291.3 2.244 174.0 1301.6 2.299 404 258.4 112.9 1270.0 2.148 131.8 1279.9 2.206 151.8 1290.1 2.263 172.2 1300.4 2.318 403 255.5 111.3 1268.9 2.167 130.1 1278.7 2.225 150.0 1288.9 2.282 170.3 1299.1 2.337 402 252.6 109.7 1267.8 2.185 128.6 1277.6 2.243 148.3 1287.8 2.302 168.5 1297.9 2.356 401 249.7 108.2 1266.7 2.203 126.9 1276.4 2.261 146.6 1286.6 2.321 166.8 1296.7 2.377 400 246.9 106.7 1265.6 2.223 125.3 1275.3 2.280 144.9 1285.4 2.340 164.9 1295.5 2.398 399 244.1 105.2 1264.4 2.241 123.6 1274.2 2.301 143.0 1284.2 2.360 163.1 1294.3 2.418 398 241.4 103.6 1263.3 2.260 122.0 1273.1 2.320 141.4 1283.0 2.380 161.3 1293.1 2.438 397 238.6 102.0 1262.2 2.279 120.4 1271.9 2.340 139.6 1281.8 2.400 159.5 1291.9 2.459 396 235.9 100.5 1261.1 2.300 118.6 1270.7 2.360 137.9 1280.7 2.420 157.7 1290.7 2.479 395 233.2 99.0 1260.1 2.320 117.0 1269.6 2.380 136.1 1279.4 2.440 155.9 1289.6 2.500 394 230.5 97.5 1259.0 2.340 115.4 1268.4 2.400 134.5 1278.3 2.461 154.1 1288.4 2.521 393 227.9 95.9 1257.9 2.361 113.8 1267.3 2.421 132.9 1277.1 2.482 152.3 1287.2 2.543 392 225.2 94.4 1256.8 2.382 112.2 1266.1 2.441 131.1 1276.0 2.504 150.6 1286.0 2.565 391 222.6 92.8 1255.6 2.403 110.5 1265.0 2.462 129.4 1274.8 2.525 148.8 1284.8 2.587 390 220.1 91.3 1254.5 2.424 108.9 1263.9 2.483 127.7 1273.6 2.546 147.0 1283.6 2.610 389 217.5 89.8 1253.4 2.444 107.3 1262.8 2.505 126.0 1272.5 2.569 145.2 1282.4 2.632 388 215.0 88.2 1252.3 2.466 105.7 1261.6 2.527 124.3 1271.3 2.591 143.4 1281.2 2.654 387 212.5 86.6 1251.2 2.488 104.1 1260.4 2.546 122.5 1270.1 2.613 141.6 1280.0 2.677 386 210.0 85.0 1250.0 2.510 102.4 1259.2 2.571 120.9 1268.9 2.636 139.9 1278.8 2.701 385 207.5 83.5 1248.9 2.532 100.8 1258.1 2.594 119.1 1267.7 2.660 138.1 1277.6 2.725 384 205.1 81.9 1247.8 2.554 99.2 1257.0 2.617 117.5 1266.5 2.684 136.3 1276.3 2.750 383 202.6 80.4 1246.6 2.577 97.6 1255.8 2.640 115.7 1265.4 2.707 134.5 1275.0 2.773 382 200.3 78.9 1245.4 2.600 95.9 1254.6 2.664 114.0 1264.2 2.730 132.6 1273.8 2.799 381 197.9 77.4 1244.3 2.623 94.3 1253.4 2.688 112.3 1263.0 2.755 130.9 1272.6 2.823 380 195.5 75.8 1243.2 2.646 92.6 1252.3 2.713 110.7 1261.8 2.780 129.1 1271.4 2.849 379 193.2 74.3 1242.1 2.671 91.0 1251.1 2.737 109J.O 1260.6 2.805 127.3 1270.2 2.873 378 190.9 72.7 1241.0 2.696 89.4 1249.9 2.761 107.3 1259.5 2.830 125.5 1268.9 2.899 377 188.6 71.2 1239.9 2.720 87.8 1248.7 2.787 105.7 1258.4 2.856 123.7 1267.7 2.925 376 186.3 69.7 1238.7 2.745 86.1 1247.5 2.813 104.0 1257.2 2.883 122.0 1266.5 2.952 375 184.1 68.1 1237.5 2.770 84.5 1246.4 2.839 102.3 1256.0 2.909 120.1 1265.3 2.979 374 181.9 66.6 1236.3 2.795 83.0 1245.3 2.864 100.7 1254.8 2.935 118.4 1264.1 3.005 373 179.7 65.0 1235.2 2.821 81.4 1244.2 2.891 99.0 1253.6 2.962 116.7 1262.9 3.033 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. 93 Temperature, Degrees Fahr. | 1 c C| g*d m u U !*5 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 > 1 1 <$ jl o 1 ll I 5 * 03 >> I l| 1* V *! I* 02 i 3 Of 6 3 J! ! l> 1 1 J* I 1 OQ 420 419 418 308.5 305.1 301.8 223.6 221.7 219.8 1331.1 1329.9 1328.6 2.086 2.103 2.120 245.1 243.2 241.3 1341.7 1340.4 1339.2 2.140 2.157 2.174 267.4 265.4 263.4 1353.3 1352.0 1350.6 2.193 2.210 2.229 289.7 287.7 285.7 1364.4 1363.1 1361.8 2.243 2.261 2.280 417 416 415 298.5 295.2 292.0 217.9 216.0 214.1 1327.3 1326.0 1324.7 2.138 2.156 2.174 239.4 237.5 235.5 1337.9 1336.7 1335.5 2.191 2.210 2.228 261.4 259.4 257.4 1349.2 1347.8 1346.6 2.246 2.264 2.282 283.8 281.9 279.9 1360.5 1359.2 1357.9 2.299' 2.318 2.337 414 413 412 288.9 28.7 282.5 212.2 210.3 208.4 1323.5 1322.3 1321.0 2.191 2.209 2.227 233.6 231.7 229.8 1334.2 1333.0 1331.7 2.246 2.263 2.282 255.4 253.5 251.5 1345.3 1344.0 1342.6 2.300 2.319 2.338 277.9 275.9 273.9 1356.6 1355.3 1354.0 2.356 2.375 2.394 411 410 409 279.4 276.3 273.3 206.5 204.6 202.7 1319.8 1318.5 1317.3 2.245 2.263 2.282 227.9 226.0 224.0 1330.5 1329.2 1327.9 2.301 2.320 2.339 249.5 247.5 245.6 1341.3 1340.1 1338.8 2.356 2.376 2.395 271.9 269.9 267.9 1352.7 1351.4 1350.0 2.414 2.433 2.454 408 407 406 270.3 267.3 264.3 200.8 198.9 197.0 1316.1 1314.8 1313.6 2.301 2.320 2.339 222.0 220.1 218.2 1326.7 1325.4 1324.2 2.358 2.377 2.396 243.7 241.8 239.9 1337.5 1336.3 1335.0 2.414 2.434 2.455 265.9 263.9 261.9 1348.7 1347.4 1346.1 2.474 2.494 2.514 405 404 403 261.3 258.4 255.5 195.1 193.2 191.4 1312.3 1311.0 1309.8 2.359 2.378 2.398 216.3 214.4 212.5 1322.9 1321.6 1320.3 2.415 2.435 2.456 237.9 235.9 233.9 1333.7 1332.4 1331.1 2.475 2.495 2.516 259.9 257.9 255.9 1344.8 1343.4 1342.1 2.535 2.556 2.577 402 401 400 252.6 249.7 246.9 189.5 187.6 185.7 1308.5 1307.3 1306.0 2.418 2.437 2.457 210.5 208.5 206.6 1319.0 1317.7 1316.4 2.477 2.497 2.518 231.9 230.0 228.0 1329.8 1328.5 1327.2 2.536 2.558 2.580 253.9 251.9 249.9 1340.9 1339.6 1338.3 2.599 2.620 2.642 399 398 397 244.1 241.4 238.6 183.8 182.0 180.1 1304.8 1303.5 1302.3 2.478 2.499 2.520 204.7 202.8 200.9 1315.1 1313.9 1312.6 2.538 2.560 2.581 226.0 224.0 222.0 1325.9 1324.6 1323.3 2.601 2.623 2.645 248.0 246.0 244.0 1337.0 1335.7 1334.4 2.664 2.687 2.709 396 395 394 235.9 233.2 230.5 178.2 176.3 174.5 1301.0 1299.7 1298.5 2.541 2.563 2.585 199.0 197.1 195.2 1311.4 1310.1 1308.9 2.603 2.625 2.648 220.0 218.0 216.0 1321.9 1320.6 1319.3 2.667 2.690 2.713 242.0 240.0 238.0 1333.1 1331.8 1330.4 2.731 2.755 2.779 393 392 391 227.9 225.2 222.6 172.7 170.8 168.9 1297.3 1296.0 1294.8 2.607 2.630 2.652 193.3 191.4 189.5 1307.7 1306.5 1305.2 2.670 2.694 2.718 214.1 212.1 210.1 1318.0 1316.7 1315.3 2.736 2.759 2.784 236.0 234.0 232.0 1329.1 1327.8 1326.5 2.803 2.827 2.851 390 389 388 220.1 217.5 215.0 167.0 165.2 163.3 1293.6 1292.4 1291.2 2.675 2.699 2.721 187.6 185.6 183.7 1304.0 1302.7 1301.4 2.741 2.764 2.789 208.2 206.3 204.4 1314.1 1312.8 1311.6 2.808 2.832 2.856 230.0 228.0 225.9 1325.1 1323.8 1322.5 2.876 2.901 2.927 387 386 385 212.5 210.0 207.5 161.4 159.6 157.7 1289.9 1288.6 1287.4 2.746 2.769 2.793 181.8 179.9 178.0 1300.1 1298.8 1297.5 2.813 2.839 2.863 202.4 200.4 198.4 1310.3 1309.1 1307.8 2.881 2.907 2.931 223.9 221.9 219.9 1321.2 1319.9 1318.5 2.951 2.978 3.003 384 383 382 205.1 202.6 200.3 155.9 154.0 152.2 1286.1 1284.9 1283.7 2.819 2.843 2.869 176.1 174.1 172.2 1296.3 1295.0 1293.7 2.888 2.914 2.940 196.5 194.5 192.6 1306.5 1305.2 1303.9 2.958 2.984 3.010 217.9 215.9 213.9 1317.2 1315.9 1314.6 3.030 3.057 3.084 381 380 379 197.9 195.5 193.2 150.3 148.5 146.6 1282.5 1281.2 1280.0 2.893 2.920 2.946 170.3 168.4 166.5 1292.4 1291.1 1289.9 2.967 2.994 3.020 190.7 188.8 186.9 1302.6 1301.4 1300.2 3.037 3.065 3.093 211.9 209.8 207.7 1313.2 1311.9 1310.5 3.111 3.139 3.167 378 377 376 190.9 188.6 186.3 144.8 143.0 141.2 1278.8 1277.6 1276.4 2.973 2.999 3.026 164.6 162.7 160.9 1288.6 1287.4 1286.1 3.046 3.074 3.102 184.9 183.0 181.0 1298.9 1297.6 1296.3 3.120 3.148 3.176 205.7 203.7 201.7 1309.2 1307.9 1306.6 3.195 3.223 3.251 375 374 373 184.1 181.9 179.7 139.4 137.6 135.8 1275.23.053 1273. 9i3.081 1272.73.109 159.0 157.1 155.2 1284.9 1283.6 1282.3 3.130 3.158 3.187 179.1 177.2 175.3 1295.0 1293.7 1292.4 3.204 3.233 3.261 199.7 197.7 195.7 1305.3 1304.0 1302.7 3.281 3.311 3.340 94 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. jj -a a 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 oE 3 5 1| . s Jj ! Jjs aJ g 6s to w S tn 2, 1 3 9 J EQ i UH | 1 I * o "3 1 5 13 1 I ' 1 +j a '3 < M 00 02 5 ffi CO 5 Jj I s *! i# 02 i a J* 11 n ! l> CQ 6 < 6 3 *i a 23 W ^j J<2 I 1 ! !> CQ 177. 1 175.3 173.2 133.9 132.1 130.3 1271.4 1270.1 1268.9 3.138 3.167 3.196 153.3 151.4 149.5 1281.0 1279.8 1278.5 3.215 3.245 3.275 173.4 171.5 169.6 1291.2 1289.9 1288.6 3.293 3.323 3.354 193.7 191.7 189.7 1301.4 1300.1 1298.8 3.370 3.400 3.432 369 368 367 171.1 169.0 166.9 128.5 126.7 124.9 1267.7 1266.5 1265.3 3.225 3.254 3.284 147.6 145.7 143.8 1277.2 1275.9 1274.6 3.305 3.335 3.365 167.7 165.7 163.8 1287.4 1286.1 1284.8 3.384 3.415 3.447 187.7 185.7 183.7 1297.5 1296.2 1294.9 3.464 3.495 3.527 366 365 364 164.8 162.8 160.8 ^23.1 121.3 119.5 1264.0 1262.8 1261.6 3.314 3.344 3.376 142.0 140.0 138.2 1273.3 1272.1 1270.9 3.396 3.428 3.460 161.9 160.0 158.0 1283.5 1282.2 1280.9 3.479 3.511 3,. 545 181.7 179.7 177.7 1293.6 1292.3 1291.0 3.559 13.593 3.626 363 362 361 158.8 156.8 154.8 117.7 115.9 114.1 1260.3 1259.0 1257.8 3.408 3.440 3.472 136.3 134.4 132.5 1269.6 1268.3 1267.0 3.490 3.524 3.557 156.0 154.0 152.0 1279.6 1278.3 1277.0 3.579 3.612 3.647 175.7 173.8 171.8 1289.7 1288.4 1287.0 3.660 3.695 3.730 360 359 358 152.9 151.0 149.1 112.3 110.5 108.8 1256.6 1255.3 1254.1 3.504 3.537 3.570 130.6 128.8 127.0 1265.7 1264.5 1263.2 3.590 3.624 3.660 150.0 148.1 146.2 1275.7 1274.4 1273.1 3.682 3.716 3.750 169.8 167.9 166.0 1285.63.765 1284.33.801 1283.03.839 357 356 355 147.2 145.3 143.5 107.1 105.3 103.6 1252.9 1251.7 1250.5 3.605 3.640 3.675 125.1 123.2 121.4 1262.0 1260.7 1259.4 3.695 3.730 3.765 144.3 142.4 140.5 1271.8 1270.5 1269.2 3.786 3.822 3.860 164.0 162.0 160.0 1281.73.874 1280.43.913 1279.03.950 354 353 352 141.6 139.8 138.0 101.8 100.1 98.4 1249.3 1248.0 1246.8 3.713 3.749 3.787 119.6 117.8 115.9 1258.2 1257.0 1255.8 3.803 3.840 3.878 138.7 136.9 135.0 1268.0 1266.7 1265.4 3.898 3.936 3.975 158.0 156.0 154.0 1277.7 1276.4 1275.0 3.990 4.029 4.068 351 350 349 136.3 134.5 132.8 96.5 94.7 93.0 1245.6 1244.3 1243.0 3.824 3.861 3.900 114.1 112.4 110.6 1254.6 1253.3 1252.0 3.915 3.955 3.994 133.1 131.2 129.4 1264.2 1262.9 1261.6 4.014 4.052 4.091 152.0 150.1 148.2 1273.7 1272.4 1271.1 4.108 4.149 4.190 348 347 346 131.1 129.4 127.7 91.3 89.5 87.8 1241.8 1240.6 1239.3 3.940 3.980 4.020 108.8 107.0 105.1 1250.8 1249.6 1248.3 4.033 4.075 4.115 127.5 125.6 123.7 1260.3 1259.0 1257.8 4.132 4.172 4.213 146.2 144.2 142.2 1269.8 1268.5 1267.2 4.230 4.273 4.314 345 344 343 126.0 124.4 122.7 86.0 84.1 82.4 1238.0 1236.8 1235.6 4.062 4.104 4.148 103.3 101.5 99.7 1247.0 1245.8 1244.6 4.157 4.200 4.241 121.9 120.0 118.0 1256.5 1255.2 1253.9 4.255 4.297 4.340 140.3 138.4 136.4 1265.8 1264.5 1263.2 4.357 4.400 4.443 342 341 340 121.1 119.5 117.9 80.7 79.0 77.1 1234.3 1233.0 1231.8 4.190 4.232 4.276 97.9 96.1 94.3 1243.3 1242.0 1240.8 4.285 4.329 4.373 116.1 114.2 112.3 1252.6 1251.3 1250.0 4.384 4.428 4.473 134.5 132.5 130.6 1261.9 1260.6 1259.3 4.488 4.533 4.579 339 338 337 116.3 114.8 113.3 75.4 73.6 71.9 1230.6 1229.3 1228.0 4.320 4.364 4.409 92.5 90.7 89.0 1239.6 1238.3 1237.0 4.417 4.461 4.507 110.4 108.6 106.7 1248.8 1247.5 1246.3 4.519 4.564 4.610 128.7 126.7 124.8 1258.0 1256.7 1255.4 4.625 4.672 4.720 336 335 334 111.7 110.3 108.8 70.1 68.4 66.7 1226.8 1225.6 1224.3 4.455 4.500 4.548 87.2 85.4 83.7 1235.8 1234.6 1233.3 4.553 4.599 4.648 104.8 103.0 101.1 1245.0 1243.7 1242.4 4.657 4.705 4.754 122.9 120.9 119.0 1254.1 1252.7 1251.4 4.768 4.817 4.865 333 332 331 107.3 105.8 104.4 65.0 63.2 61.4 1223.1 1221.9 1220.7 4.595 4.642 4.692 81.9 80.2 78.4 1232.1 1230.9 1229.7 4.697 4.744 4.793 99.3 97.4 95.6 1241.1 1239.8 1238.6 4.803 4.850 4.900 117.0 115.0 113.0 1250.1 1248.7 1247.4 4.916 4.967 5.019 330 329 328 103.0 101.6 100.2 59.8 58.0 56.3 1219.4 1218.2 1217.0 4.740 4.790 4.840 76.6 74.9 73.1 1228.4 1227.2 1226.0 4.845 4.895 4.947 93.7 91.9 90.0 1237.3 1236.0 1234.7 4.953 .005 .057 111.1 109.2 107.3 1246.0 1244.7 1243.4 5.070 5.123 5.180 327 326 325 98.8 97.5 96.1 54.6 52.9 51.1 1215.7 1214.5 1213.2 4.890 4.941 4.994 71.4 69.5 67.7 1224.7 1223.5 1222.2 4.998 5.050 5.105 88.1 86.3 84.5 1233.4 1232.1 1230.7 .109 .163 .218 105.4 103.5 101.7 1242.1 1240.8 1239.5 5.233 5.290 5.345 9 6 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. Temperature, Degrees Fahr. Pressure, Pounds! per Square Inch. 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 < 1* J! CO 1 c +j o 1 I 1 "rt 3 a a 6 $ 85 oJ CO J 42 jJ ll CO 324 323 322 94.8 93.5 92.2 9943 9934 9924 1180.0 1178.9 1177.8 4.626 4.683 4.741 5.0 3.5 1.9 1187.9 1186.7 1185.5 4.700 4.747 4.797 19.3 17.7 16.1 1195.8 1194.7 1193.5 4.810 4.860 4.910 34.3 32.7 31.0 1204.0 1202.8 1201.6 4.934 4.987 5.040 321 320 319 90.9 89.6 88.3 9914 9905 9895 1176.6 1175.6 1174.4 4.799 4.860 4.922 0.3 1184.4 4.845 14.4 12.9 11.3 1192.3 1191.2 1190.1 4.965 5.018 5.073 29.3 27.7 26.0 1200.4 1199.2 1198.0 5.093 5.146 5.200 9992 9982 1183.3 1182.1 4.903 4.965 318 317 316 87.1 85.9 84.6 9885 9875 9865 1173.3 1172.1 1170.9 4.985 5.048 5.112 9972 9962 9952 1181.0 1179.8 1178.6 5.029 5.092 5.157 9.7 8.1 6.5 1188.9 1187.7 1186.5 5.128 5.182 5.239 24.4 22.7 21.0 1196.9 1195.7 1194.5 5.257 5.314 5.370 315 314 313 312 311 310 83.4 82.3 81.1 79.9 78.8 77.6 9856 9846 9836 9827 9817 9808 1169.8 1168.7 1167.6 1166.4 1165.3 1164.1 5.178 5.244 5.311 5.378 5.445 5.514 9942 9932 9922 9913 9903 9893 1177.5 1176.4 1175.3 1174.1 1173.0 1171.8 5.224 5.290 5.357 5.424 5.492 5.562 4.9 3.3 1.6 1185.3 1184.2 1183.0 5.296 5.351 5.410 19.3 17.6 16.0 14.3 12.6 11.0 1193.4 1192.2 1191.0 1189.8 1188.6 1187.4 5.429 5.487 5.545 5.605 5.665 5.725 9999 9989 9978 1181.8 1180.6 1179.4 5.471 5.540 5.610 309 308 307 76.5 75.4 74.3 9798 9789 9779 1163.0 1161.8 1160.6 5.584 5.656 5.729 9883 9874 9864 1170.6 1169.5 1168.3 5.632 5.705 5.779 9968 9959 9948 1178.3 1177.1 1175.9 5.681 5.754 5.829 9.3 7.6 5.8 1186.2 1184.9 1183.6 5.788 5.850 5.915 306 305 304 303 302 301 73.2 72.2 71.1 70.0 69.0 68.0 9770 9760 9750 9741 9731 9722 1159.5 1158.3 1157.1 1156.0 1154.9 1153.7 5.804 5.879 5.956 6.034 6.113 6.194 9854 * 9844 9834 9825 9815 9306 1167.2 1165.9 1164.8 1163.7 1162.5 1161.3 5.855 5.930 6.008 6.086 6.166 6.247 9939 9929 9918 9909 9899 9889 1174.8 1173.6 1172.4 1171.3 1170.1 1168.9 5.905 5.981 6.059 6.139 6.218 6.300 4.0 2.2 0.4 1182.4 1181.2 1180.0 5.980 6.047 6.110 9993 9983 9973 1178.9 1177.7 1176.5 6.191 6.271 6.353 300 299 298 67.0 66.0 65.0 9712 9703 9693 1152.5 1151.4 1150.2 6.276 6.359 6.443 9795 9786 9776 1160.1 1159.0 1157.8 6.330 6.414 6.498 9879 9870 9859 1167.7 1166.6 1165.4 6.384 6.469 6.554 9963 9953 9943 1175.3 1174.1 1172.9 6.438 6.523 6.609 297 296 295 64.0 63.1 62.1 9684 9674 9665 1149.0 1147.8 1146.7 6.530 6.617 6.706 9767 9757 9748 1156.6 1155.4 1154.3 6.585 6.673 6.762 9850 9840 9830 1164.2 1162.9 1161.8 6.641 6.729 6.819 9933 9923 9913 1171.7 1170.5 1169.3 6.697 6.786 6.877 294 293 292 61.2 60.2 59.3 9655 9646 9637 1145.5 1144.4 1143.2 6.795 6.887 6.980 9737 9728 9719 1153.1 1151.9 1150.7 6.852 6.945 7.038 9820 9811 9801 1160.6 1159.4 1158.2 6.910 7.004 7.098 9902 9893 9883 116*8.1 1166.9 1165.7 5.968 7.063 7.157 291 290 289 58.4 57.5 56.7 9628 9618 9609 1142.0 1140.9 1139.7 7.075 7.169 7.268 9710 9700 9690 1149.6 1148.4 1147.2 7.134 7.229 7.329 9792 9782 9772 1157.1 1155.9 1154.7 7.194 7.290 7.390 9874 9863 9854 1164.5 1163.3 1162.1 7.254 7.351 7.452 288 287 286 55.8 54.9 54.1 9599 9590 9581 1138.5 1137.3 1136.2 7.367 7.469 7.572 9680 9671 9662 1146.0 1144.8 1143.6 7.430 7.533 7.637 9762 9752 9743 1153.5 1152.3 1151.1 7.491 7.595 7.700 9843 9834 9824 1160.9 1159.7 1158.5 7.554 7.658 7.764 285 284 283 53.2 52.4 51.6 9571 9562 9553 1135.0 1133.8 1132.6 7.678 7.784 7.892 9652 9642 9633 1142.4 1141.2 1140.0 7.743 7.850 7.959 9733 9723 9714 1149.9 1148.6 1147.4 7.807 7.915 8.024 9814 9804 9794 1157.3 1156.1 1154.9 7.872 7.980 8.091 282 281 280 50.8 50.0 49.19 9543 9534 9525 1131.4 1130.3 1129.1 8.003 8.116 8.230 9624 9614 9605 1138.8 1137.6 1136.5 8.071 8.184 8.299 9704 9695 9685 1146.2 1145.1 1143.9 8.137 8.251 8.368 9784 9775 9765 1153.7 1152.5 1151.3 8.204 8.319 8.436 279 278 277 48.41 47.64 46.88 9515 9506 9497 1127.9 1126.6 1125.4 8.344 8.461 8.580 9595 9586 9576 1135.2 1134.0 1132.8 8.414 8.532 8.651 9675 9665 9656 1142.6 1141.4 1140.2 8.484 8.603 8.723 9755 9745 9736 1150.0 1148.7 1147.5 8.553 8.673 8.794 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. 97 j 1 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 ttT ^ 3 i! <| Is ! g Jj I -n j2 <5 .3 s l J* 3$ B H E PH I *j C K I 1 1 K cc < - a I 1 1 I 1 P 324 94.8 49.4 1212.0 5.048 66.0 1220.9 5.160 82.6 1229.5 5.273 99.9 1238.3 5.400 323 93.5 47.8 1210.8 5.100 64.2 1219.6 5.216 80.8 1228.2 5.330 98.0 1237. 015.459 322 92.2 46.0 1209.6 5.155 62.4 1218.3 5.270 78.9 1226.9 5.389 96.1 1235.7 5.518 321 90.9 44.3 1208.4 5.210 60.6 1217.1 5.327 77.0 1225.6 5.446 94.2 1234.4 5.575 320 89.6 42.6 1207.2 5.265 58.8 1215.9 5.384 75.1 1224.3 5.506 92.4 1233.1 5.635 319 88.3 40.9 1206.0 5.322 57.0 1214.6 5.440 73.3 1223.0 5.565 90.5 1231.8 5.697 318 87.1 39.1 1204.8 5.380 55.1 1213.3 5.500 71.4 1221.7 5.625 88.7 1230.5 5.759 317 85.9 37.5 1203.6 5.435 53.3 1212.0 5.560 69.6 1220.4 5.685 86.8 1229.2 5.820 316 84.6 35.7 1202.4 5.495 51.5 1210.8 5.623 67.8 1219.1 5.750 84.9 1227.9 5.885 315 83.4 34.0 1201.2 5.554 49.8 1209.6 5.685 66.0 1217.8 5.813 83.0 1226.6 5.949 314 82.3 32.3 1200.0 5.614 48.0 1208.3 5.745 64.1 1216.55.875 81.1 1225.3 6.02 313 81.1 30.5 1198.8 5.673 46.2 1207.1 5.810 62.3 1215.2 5.940 79.2 1224.0 6.09 312 79.9 28.8 1197.6 5.734 44.4 1205.9 5.873 60.4 1214.0 6.00 77.3 1222.7 6.16 311 78.8 27.0 1196.4 5.798 42.7 1204.7 5.937 58.6 1212.8 6.07 75.4 1221.4 6.23 310 77.6 25.4 1195.2 5.863 40.9 1203.5 6.00 56.8 1211.6 6.14 73.4 1220.1 6.30 309 76.5 23.7 1193.9 5.928 39.1 1202.2 6.07 55.0 1210.3 6.20 71.5 1218.7 6.37 308 75.4 21.9 1192.75.990 37.3 1200.9 6.14 53.1 1209.0 6.27 69.6 1217.4 6.44 307 74.3 20.1 1191.5 6.06 35.5 1199.7 6.21 51.3 1207.7 6.34 67.7 1216.1 6.51 306 73.2 18.5 1190.3 6.12 33.8 1198.5 6.27 49.4 1206.5 6.41 65.8 1214.8 6.58 305 72.2 16.8 1189.1 6.19 32.0 1197.3 6.34 47.5 1205. 2)6. 48 63.9 1213.5 6.65 304 71.1 15.0 1187.9 6.26 30.1 1196.0 6.41 45.7 1203.9 6.55 62.0 1212.2 6.73 303 70.0 13.3 1186.7 6.33 28.3 1194.7 6.49 43.9 1202.6 6.62 60.1 1210.9 6.80 302 69.0 11.6 1185.56.40 26.5 1193.4 6.56 42.0 1201.3 6.70 58.2 1209.6 6.88 301 68.0 9.9 1184.3 6.48 24.8 1192.2 6.64 40.1 1200.0 6.78 56.3 1208.3 6.96 300 67.0 8.1 1183.1 6.56 23.0 1191.0 6.71 38.3 1198.7 6.86 54.4 1207.0 7.04 299 66.0 6.4 1181.96.64 21.2 1189.8 6.79 36.4 1197.4 6.94 52.5 1205.7 7.12 298 65.0 4.7 1180.7 6.71 19.4 1188.5 6.87 34.5 1196.2 7.01 50.5 1204.4 7.20 297 64.0 2.9 1179.4 6.78 17.6 1187.2 6.95 32.6 1194.9 7.09 48.6 1203.1 7.28 296 63.1 1.2 1178.1 6.86 15.8 1185.9 7.02 30.8 1193.6 7.17 46.7 1201.8 7.37 295 62.1 9996 1176.8 6.934 14.0 1184.6 7.10 29.0 1192.3 7.25 44.8 1200.5 7.45 294 61.2 9985 1175.6 7.026 12.2 1183.4 7.18 27.1 1191.0 7.34 42.9 1199.2 7.53 293 60.2 9975 1174.47.121 10.4 1182.2 7.27 25.3 1189.7 7.43 41.0 1197.9 7.62 292 59.3 9965 1173.2 7.217 8.6 1181.0 7.35 23.4 1188.4 7.51 39.0 1196.6 7.70 291 58.4 9956 1172.0 7.314 6.8 1179.7 7.44 21.5 1187.1 7.60 37.0 1195.3 7.80 290 57.5 9945 1170.8 7.412 5.0 1178.5 7.52 19.7 1185.9 7.69 35.0 1194.0 7.89 289 56.7 9935 1169.5 7.514 3.2 1177.2 7.61 17.9 1184.7 7.78 33.1 1192.7 7.99 288 55.8 9925 1168.3 7.616 1.3 1176.0 7.70 16.0 1183.5 7.88 31.2 1191.4 8.08 287 54.9 9915 1167.1 7.722 9996 1174.6 7.785 14.1 1182.2 7.97 29.3 1190.1 8.17 286 54.1 9905 1166.0 7.828 9986 1173.4 7.892 12.3 1180.9 8.06 27.4 1188.8 8.27 285 53.2 9895 1164.7 7.937 9976 1172.1 8.002 10.4 1179.7 8.15 25.5 1187.5 8.36 284 52.4 9885 1163. 418.046 9965 1170.88.112 8.5 1178.5 8.25 23.6 1186.2 8.45 283 51.6 9875 1162.2 8.158 9955 1169.6 8.224 6.7 1177.3 8.35 21.7 1184.9 8.55 282 50.8 9865 1161.1 8.272 9945 1168.5 8.339 4.9 1176.0 8.45 19.8 1183.6 8.65 281 50.0 9855 1159.9 8.388 9935 1167.38.456 3.0 1174.7 8.55 17.9 1182.3 8.76 280 49.19 9845 1158.7 8.505 9925 1166.1 8.575 1.1 1173.48.65 16.0 1181.0 8.86 279 48.41 9835 1157.4 8.623 9915 1164.88.693 9994 1172.2 8.763 14.0 1179.7 8.97 278 47.64 9825 1156.1 8.744 9905 1163.58.815 9984 1170.9 8.886 12.1 1178.4 9.07 277, 46.88 9815 1154.9 8.866 9895 1162.38.938 9974 1169.7 9.010 10.1 1177.1 9.18 98 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. to to to 1 Temperature, ^ 1 Degrees Fahr. Pressure, Pounds! per Square Inch. 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 >, < I.J |I d il P 02 >, 1 0" 1* |l -1 5. \> 02 >> 1 3 & l| I'J ,1 'o l> 02 >, 4* "rt J3 a c 6 % 13 o a = 3. '5 o r 46.13 45.39 44.67 9488 9479 9470 1124.3 1123.1 1121.9 8.701 8.825 8.953 9567 9558 9549 1131.7 1130.5 1129.2 8.773 8.899 9.027 9647 9637 9628 1139.0 1137.8 1136.5 8.846 8.972 9.102 9726 9716 9707 1146.4 1145.2 1143.9 8.918 9.045 9.176 273 272 271 43.95 43.24 42.54 9461 9451 9442 1120.7 1119.5 1118.3 9.082 9.215 9.350 9539 9530 9521 1128.0 1126.8 1125.6 9.158 9.292 9.427 9618 9609 9599 1135.3 1134.1 1132.9 9.234 9.369 9.505 9697 9687 9678 1142.7 1141.5 1140.2 9.308 9.445 9.583 270 269 268 41.84 41.16 40.49 9433 9424 9414 1117.1 1115.9 1114.7 9.481 9.623 9.763 9511 9502 9492 1124.3 1123.2 1122.0 9.560 9.703 9.844 9590 9580 9570 1131.6 1130.4 1129.2 9.639 9.782 9.925 9668 9658 9648 1138.9 1137.7 1136.5 9.717 9.862 10.00 267 266 265 39.83 39.17 38.53 9406 9395 9387 1113.5 1112.2 1111.0 9.905 10.05 10.20 9483 9473 9465 1120.8 1119.5 1118.3 9.987 10.14 10.29 9561 9551 9542 1128.0 1126.7 1125.5 10.07 10.22 10.37 9639 9629 9620 1135.3 1134.0 1132.8 10.15 10.30 10.46 264 263 262 37.89 37.26 36.64 9378 9369 9360 1109.8 1108.6 1107.4 10.35 10.50 10.66 9456 9446 9437 1117.0 1115.8 1114.6 10.44 10.59 10.75 9533 9523 9514 1124.3 1123.1 1121.8 10.52 10.68 10.84 9610 9601 9591 1131.5 1130.3 1129.1 10.61 10.76 10.92 261 260 259 36.02 35.42 34.83 9351 9341 9332 1106.2 1105.0 1103.8 10.82 10.98 11.14 9428 9418 9409 1113.4 1112.2 1110.9 10.91 11.07 11.23 9504 9495 9485 1120.6 1119.4 1118-.1 11.00 11.16 11.33 9581 9572 9562 1127.9 1126.6 1125.3 11.09 11.25 11.42 258 257 256 34.24 33.66 33.09 9323 9315 9305 1102.5 1101.3 1100.1 11.31 11.48 11.66 9399 9391 9381 1109.6 1108.5 1107.3 11.40 11.58 11.75 9476 9467 9458 1116.8 1115.6 1114.4 11.49 11.67 11.85 9552 9543 9534 1124.0 1122.8 1121.6 11.59 11.77 11.95 255 254 253 32.53 31.97 31.42 9296 9287 9278 1098.8 1097.6 1096.4 11.83 12.02 12.21 9372 9363 9353 1106.0 1104.7 1103.5 11.93 12.12 12.31 9448 9438 9429 1113.1 1111.8 1110.6 12.03 12.21 12.41 9524 9514 9505 1120.3 1119.0 1117.8 12.12 12.31 12.51 252 251 250 30.88 30.35 29.82 9269 9260 9251 1095.2 1094.0 1092.7 12.39 12.58 12.78 9345 9335 9326 1102.3 1101.1 1099.8 12.49 12.69 12.89 9420 9410 9401 1109.4 1108.2 1106.9 12.60 12.79 12.99 9495 9486 9476 1116.5 1115.3 1114.0 12.70 12.89 13.10 249 248 247 29.30 28.79 28.29 9242 9233 9225 1091.5 1090.2 1089.0 12.99 13.18 13.39 9317 9308 9299 1098.6 1097.3 1096.1 13.09 13.29 13.50 9392 9383 9374 1105.6 1104.3 1103.1 13.20 13.40 13.61 9467 9457 9448 1112.7 1111.4 1110.2 13.30 13.51 13.72 246 245 244 27.80 27.31 26.83 9215 9206 9198 1087.8 1086.6 1085.3 13.61 13.82 14.04 9290 9280 9272 1094.8 1093.6 1092.4 13.72 13.93 14.15 9364 9355 9346 1101.9 1100.7 1099.4 13.83 14.04 14.26 9439 9429 9420 1108.9 1107.7 1106.4 13.94 14.15 14.38 243 242 241 26.35 25.88 25.42 9188 9180 9171 1084.1 1082.9 1081.6 14.25 14.48 14.71 9262 9254 9244 1091.2 1089.9 1088.6 14.37 14.59 14.83 9336 9328 9318 1098.2 1096.9 1095.6 14.48 14.71 14.95 9410 9401 9392 1105.2 1103.9 1102.6 14.60 14.83 15.06 240 239 238 24.97 24.52 24.08 9162 9153 9144 1080.3 1079.1 1077.8 14.94 15.18 15.43 9236 9226 9217 1087.3 1086.1 1084.8 15.06 15.31 15.55 9309 9300 9291 1094.3 1093.1 1091.8 15.18 15.43 15.67 9383 9373 9364 1101.3 1100.1 1098.8 15.30 15.55 15.80 237 236 235 23.64 23.21 22.79 9135 9127 9117 1076.6 1075.4 1074.1 15.68 15.93 16.20 9208 9199 9190 1083.6 1082.3 1081.0 15.80 16.06 16.33 9281 9272 9263 1090.6 1089.3 1088.0 15.93 16.19 16.46 9354 9345 9335 1097.5 1096.2 1094.9 16.05 16.32 16.59 234 233 232 22.38 21.97 21.57 9109 9100 9091 1072.8 1071.6 1070.3 16.47 16.74 17.01 9181 9173 9163 1079.7 1078.5 1077.2 16.60 16.87 17.14 9254 9245 9235 1086.6 1085.4 1084.1 16.73 17.00 17.28 9326 9317 9308 1093.6 1092.3 1091.0 16.86 17.13 17.41 231 230 229 21.17 20.78 20.40 9082 9074 9064 1069.1 1067.8 1066.5 17.29 17.58 17.87 9154 9146 9136 1076.0 1074.7 1073.4 17.43 17.72 18.02 9226 9218 9208 1082.9 1081.6 1080.3 17.57 17.85 18.16 9299 9290 9280 1089.8 1088.5 1087.2 17.70 17.99 18.30 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. 99 Temperature, Degrees Fahr. I T3 C o I't jy 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 >> Is I 1 g i| 5 o r J<3 IJ 1 ll 1* DO >> 9 !<2 jl d &\ V- cc a 6 2 |l *j l> cc 276 275 274 46.13 45.39 44.67 9805 9796 9786 1153.7 1152.5 1151.2 8.991 9.119 9.251 9885 9875 9865 1161.1 1159.8 1158.5 9.063 9.193 9.325 9964 9954 9944 1168.5 1167.2 1165.9 9.136 9.266 9.400 8.2 6.3 4.3 1175.9 1174.6 1173.3 9.29 9.40 9.51 273 272 271 43.95 43.24 42.54 9776 9766 9756 1150.0 1148.8 1147.5 9.384 9.521 9.660 9855 9845 9835 1157.3 1156.1 1154.8 9.460 9.598 9.737 9934 9924 9913 1164.6 1163.4 1162.1 9.536 9.675 9.815 2.4 0.6 1172.0 1170.7 9.63 9.76 9992 1169.4 9.89 270 269 268 41.84 41.16 40.49 9746 9737 9726 1146.2 1145.0 1143.8 9.795 9.941 10.09 9825 9815 9804 1153.5 1152.3 1151.1 9.874 10.02 10.17 9903 9893 9882 1160.89.953 1159.6 10.10 1158.3 10.25 9982 9971 9960 1168.1 1166.9 1165.6 10.03 10.18 10.33 267 266 265 39.83 39.17 38.53 9717 9706 9697 1142.5 1141.2 1140.0 10.23 10.39 10.54 9795 9784 9775 1149.8 1148.5 1147.3 10.31 10.47 10.63 9873 9861 9852 1157.0 1155.7 1154.5 10.40 10.55 10.71 9950 9937 9930 1164.3 1163.0 1161.8 10.48 10.64 10.79 264 263 262 37.89 37.26 36.64 9688 9678 9668 1138.7 1137.5 1136.3 10.70 10.85 11.01 9765 9755 9745 1146.0 1144.8 1143.5 10.78 10.94 11.10 9842 9832 9822 1153.2 1152.0 1150.7 10.87 11.02 11.19 9920 9910 9899 1160.5 1159.2 1157.9 10.95 11.11 11.28 261 260 259 36.02 35.42 34.83 9658 9648 9639 1135.1 1133.8 1132.5 11.17 11.34 11.51 9735 9725 9715 1142.3 1141.0 1139.7 11.26 11.43 11.60 9812 9802 9792 1149.5 1148.2 1146.9 11.35 11.52 11.69 9889 9878 9868 1156.7 1155.4 1154.1 11.44 11.61 11.78 258 257 256 34.24 33.66 33.09 9629 9620 9610 1131.2 1130.0 1128.7 11.68 11.86 12.04 9705 9696 9686 1138.3 1137.1 1135.9 11.77 11.95 12.14 9781 9772 9762 1145.5 1144.3 1143.0 11.86 12.05 12.23 9858 9848 9838 1152.7 1151.5 1150.2 11.96 12.14 12.33 255 254 253 32.53 31.97 31.42 9600 9590 9580 1127.4 11 26/1 1124.9 12.22 12.. 41 12.61 9676 9666 9656 1134.6 1133.2 1132.0 12.32 12.51 12.71 9752 9741 9731 1141.7 1140.4 1139.2 12.41 12.61 12.81 9828 9817 9807 1148.9 1147.5 1146.3 12.51 12.70 12.91 252 251 250 30.88 30.35 29.82 9571 9561 9551 1123.6 1122.4 1121.1 12.80 12.99 13.20 9646 9636 9626 1130.7 1129.5 1128.2 12.90 13.10 13.30 9722 9712 9701 1137.9 1136.6 1135.3 13.00 13.20 13.41 9797 9787 9776 1145.0 1143.7 1142.4 13.10 13.30 13.51 249 248 247 29.30 28.79 28.29 9542 9532 9523 1119.8 1118.5 1117.3 13.41 13.61 13.83 9617 9607 9598 1126.9 1125.6 1124.3 13.51 13.72 13.94 9692 9682 9672 1134.0 1132.6 1131.4 13.62 13.83 14.04 9767 9757 9747 1141.1 1139.7 1138.4 13.72 13.93 14.15 246 245 244 27.80 27.31 26.83 9513 9503 9494 1116.0 1114.8 1113.5 14.05 14.26 14.49 9588 9578 9569 1123.0 1121.8 1120.5 14.16 14.38 14.60 9662 9652 9643 1130.1 1128.8 1127.5 14.27 14.49 14.71 9737 9726 9717 1137.1 1135.9 1134.6 14.38 14.60 14.83 243 242 241 26.35 25.88 25.42 9484 9475 9465 1112.2 1110.9 1109.6 14.71 14.94 15.18 9558 9549 9539 1119.2 1117.9 1116.6 14.83 15.06 15.30 9632 9623 9613 1126,3 1125.0 1123.7 14.94 15.18 15.42 9706 9697 9686 1133.3 1132.0 1130.7 15.05 15.29 15.54 240 239 238 24.97 24.52 24.08 9456 9446 9437 1108.3 1107.0 1105.7 15.42 15.67 15.92 9530 9520 9510 1115.3 1114.0 1112.7 15.54 15.79 16.04 9603 9593 9584 1122.3 1121.0 1119.7 15.66 15.91 16.17 9677 9666 9657 1129.3 1128.0 1126.7 15.78 16.04 16.29 237 236 235 23.64 23.21 22.79 9427 9418 9408 1104.5 1103.2 1101.9 16.18 16.44 16.72 9500 9491 9481 1111.4 1110.1 1108.8 16.30 16.57 16.85 9573 9564 9554 1118.4 1117.1 1115.8 16.43 16.70 16.98 9646 9637 9626 1125.4 1124.0 1122.7 16.55 16.83 17.11 234 233 332 22.38 21.97 21.57 9399 9390 9380 1100.5 1099.2 1097.9 16.99 17.27 17.55 9472 9462 9452 1107.4 1106.1 1104.8 17.12 17.40 17.68 9544 9535 9524 1114.4 1113.1 1111.8 17.26 17.53 17.82 9617 9607 9597 1121.3 1120.0 1118.7 17.39 17.67 17.96 231 230 229 21.17 20.78 20.40 9371 9362 9351 1096.7 1095.4 1094.1 17.84 18.13 18.44 9443 9434 9423 1103.6 1102.3 1100.9 17.98 18.27 18.58 9515 9505 9495 1110.5 1109.2 1107.8 18.12 18.41 18.72 9587 9577 9567 1117.4 1116.1 1114.7 18.25 18.55 18.87 100 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. ll II 228 227 226 Pressure, Pounds] per Square Inch. 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 >> I || ll H 4 ll 3 o r > "3 3 a 63 +3 a 11 *j F OJ >> 5 3 0" l| |l ! '5 1 1 l| ll 0> ll ll 02 20.02 19.64 19.28 9055 9047 9039 1065.2 1064.0 1062.7 18.17 18.47 18.78 9127 9118 9110 1072.1 1070.9 1069.6 18.32 18.62 18.93 9198 9190 9182 1079.0 1077.7 1076.4 18.46 18.77 19.08 9270 9261 9253 1085.8 1084.6 1083.3 18.60 18.91 19.23 225 224 223 18.91 18.56 18.21 9029 9020 9012 1061.5 1060.2 1059.0 19.11 19.43 19.76 9100 9091 9083 1068.3 1067.0 1065.8 19.26 19.58 19.92 9171 9162 9154 1075.1 1073.8 1072.6 19.41 19.74 20.07 9243 9234 9224 1082.0 1080.7 1079.4 19.56 19.89 20.23 222 221 220 17.86 17.52 17.19 9003 8995 8986 1057.7 1056.5 1055:2 20.10 20.44 20.79 9074 9065 9056 1064.5 1063.3 1062.0 20.26 20.60 20.96 9145 9136 9127 1071.3 1070.1 1068.8 20.42 20.77 21.12 9215 9206 9197 1078.1 1076.9 1075.6 20.58 20.93 21.28 219 218 217 16.86 16.54 16.22 8976 8968 8959 1053.9 1052.6 1051.3 21.15 21.51 21.89 9047 9038 9029 10G0.7 1059.: 1058.0 21.31 21.68 22.06 9117 9108 9099 1067.4 1066.0 1064.8 21.48 21.85 22.23 9107 9178 9169 1074.2 1072.8 1071.5 21.65 22.02 22.40 216 215 214 15.90 15.60 15.29 8950 8942 8933 1050.0 1048.7 1047.4 22.27 22.66 23.06 9020 9011 9002 1056.7 1055.4 1054.1 22.44 22.83 23.24 9090 9081 9072 1003.5 1062.2 1060.9 CC.62 23.01 23.41 9160 9151 9141 1070.2 1068.9 1067.6 22.79 23.19 23.59 213 212 211 14.99 14.70 14.41 8924 8915 8907 1046.2 1044.9 1043.6 23.46 23.88 24.31 8994 8985 8976 1052.9 1051.6 1050.3 23.64 24.06 24.50 9063 9054 9045 1059.6 1058.3 1057.0 23 G 24^25 24.68 9132 9123 9115 1066.3 1065.0 1063.7 24.01 24.43 24.87 210 209 208 14.13 13.85 13.57 8899 8890 8882 1042.3 1041.0 1039.7 24.74 25.18 25.63 8968 8959 8950 1049.0 1047.7 1046.4 24.93 25.37 25.83 9037 9028 9019 1055.7 1054.3 1053.0 25.12 25.57 26.03 9106 9097 9088 1062.4 1061.0 1059.7 25.31 25.76 26.23 207 206 205 13.30 13.03 12.77 8873 8864 8855 1038.4 1037.1 1035.8 26.09 26.57 27.06 8941 8932 8923 1045.0 1043.7 1042.4 26.30 26.78 27.27 9010 9001 8992 1051.7 1050.4 1049.1 26.50 26.98 C7.48 9078 9069 9060 1058.4 1057.1 1055.7 26.70 27.19 27.69 204 203 202 12.51 12.26 12.01 8846 8837 8830 1034.5 1033.2 1031.9 27.56 28.06 28.58 8914 8905 8897 1041.1 1039.8 1038.6 27.77 28.27 28.80 8983 8973 8965 1047.8 1046.4 1045.2 27.98 28.49 29.02 9051 9041 9033 1054.4 1053.1 1051.8 28.19 28.71 29.24 201 200 198 11.77 11.53 11.29 8821 8812 8803 1030.6 1029.3 1028.0 29.10 29.63 30.17 8888 8879 8871 1037.2 1035.9 1034.6 29.32 29.85 30.40 8956 8947 8938 1043.8 1042.5 1041.2 29.55 30.08 30.63 9024 9014 9005 1050.4 1049.1 1047.7 29.77 30.31 30.86 198 197 196 11.06 10.83 10.61 8795 8786 8777 1026.7 1025.3 1024.0 30.72 31.29 31.87 8862 8853 8844 1033.3 1031.9 1030.5 30.96 31.53 32.11 8929 8920 8911 1039.9 1038.4 1037.1 31.19 31.76 32.36 8997 8987 8978 1046.5 1045.0 1043.6 31.43 32.00 32.60 195 194 193 10.39 10.17 9.96 8769 8760 8752 1022.7 1021.4 1020.1 32.47 33.09 33.72 8836 8827 8818 1029.3 1027.9 1026.6 32.72 33.34 33.98 8902 8893 8885 1035.8 1034.5 1033.2 32.97 33.59 34.23 8969 8960 8951 1042.4 1041.0 1039.7 33.21 33.84 34.49 192 191 190 9.75 9.54 9.34 8743 8734 8725 1018.8 1017.4 1016.2 34.37 35.03 35.70 8809 8800 8791 1025.3 1023.9 1022.6 34.63 35.30 35.97 8875 8866 8857 1031.8 1030.4 1029.1 34.89 35.56 36.24 8942 8932 8923 1038.3 1037.0 1035.6 35.15 35.83 36.51 189 188 187 9.14 8.95 8.76 8717 8708 8699 1014.9 1013.5 1012.2 36.39 37.09 37.80 8783 8774 8765 1021.4 1020.0 1018.7 36.67 37.37 38.08 8849 8839 8830 1027.8 1026.5 1025.2 36.94 37.65 38.37 8915 8905 8896 1034.3 1032.9 1031.6 37.22 37.93 38.65 186 185 184 8.57 8.38 8.20 8690 8682 8673 1010.9 1009.6 1008.2 38.52 39.27 40.04 8756 8747 8738 1017.3 1016.0 1014.6 38.81 39.56 40.34 8821 8812 8803 1023.8 1022.5 1021.1 39.10 39.86 40.64 8887 8878 8868 1030.2 1028.9 1027.5 39.39 40.15 40.94 183 182 181 8.02 7.85 7.68 8664 8656 8648 1006.9 1005.4 1004.2 40.83 41.64 42.49 8729 8721 8712 1013.3 1012.0 1010.6 41.13 41.96 42.80 8795 8786 8777 1019.8 1018.4 1017.0 41.44 42.27 43.12 8860 8851 8842 1026.2 1024.8 1023.4 41.75 42.58 43.44 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. 101 Temporal uro, Degrees Fahr. 1 *f i^ (&H c 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 , 8 6 3 jJ -i $ 5 Jj 11 H J !? >> 1 l| |l ! *5 ^ > c 3s I 1 ll V 228 227 226 20.02 19.64 19.28 9342 9333 9324 1092.7 1091.4 1090.1 18.75 19.06 19.38 9413 9404 9396 1099.6 1098.3 1097.0 18.89 19.20 19.52 9485 9476 9467 1106.5 1105.2 1103.9 19.04 19.35 19.67 9557 9547 9539 1113.3 1112.0 1110.7 19.18 19.50 19.82 225 224 223 18.91 18.56 18.21 9314 9305 9295 1088.8 1087.5 1086.2 19.71 20.04 20.38 9385 9376 9366 1095.7 1094.3 1093.1 19.86 20.20 20.54 9456 9447 9437 1102.6 1101.2 1099.9 20.01 20.35 20.70 9527 9518 9508 1109.4 1108.0 1106.7 20.16 20.50 20.85 222 221 220 17.86 17.52 17.19 9286 9277 9268 1084.9 1083.6 1082.3 20.74 21.09 21.45 9357 9347 9338 1091.8 1090.5 1089.1 20.89 21.25 21.61 9428 9418 9408 1098.6 1097.3 1095.9 21.05 21.41 21.77 9498 9489 9479 1105.4 1104.1 1102.7 21.21 21.57 21.93 219 218 217 16.86 16.54 16.22 9258 9248 9239 1081.0 1079.6 1078.3 21.81 22.19 22.57 9328 9318 9309 1087.8 1086.4 1085.1 21.98 22.35 22.74 9398 9388 9379 1094.522.14 1093.1 22.52 1091.822.91 9468 9459 9449 1101.3 1099.9 1098.6 22.31 22.69 23.08 216 215 214 15.90 15.60 15.29 9230 9220 9211 1077.0 1075.7 1074.4 22.96 23.36 23.77 9300 9290 9281 1083.7 1082.4 1081.1 23.14 23.54 23.95 9369 9360 9350 1090.5 1089.2 1087.8 23.31 23.72 24.13 9439 9430 9420 1097.2 1095.9 1094.6 23.48 23.89 24.31 213 212 211 14.99 14.70 14.41 9202 9192 9184 1073.1 1071.7 1070.4 24.19 24.62 25.06 9271 9262 9253 1079.8 1078.4 1077.1 24.37 24.80 25.25 9341 9331 9322 1086.5 1085.1 1083.8 24.56 24.99 25.44 9410 9400 9391 1093.324.74 1091.9J25.17 1090.625.63 210 209 208 14.13 13.85 13.57 9174 9166 9156 1069.1 1067.7 1066.4 25.51 25.96 26.42 9243 9234 9225 1075.8 1074.4 1073.1 25.70 26.15 26.62 9312 9303 9294 1082.5 1081.1 1079.7 25.89 26.35 26.82 9381 9372 9362 1089.2 1087.8 1086.4 26.08 26.54 27.02 207 206 205 13.30 13.03 12.77 9147 9137 9128 1065.0 1063.7 1062.4 26.90 27.39 27.90 9215 9206 9196 1071.7 1070.4 1069.0 27.10 27.60 28.10 9284 9274 9265 1078.4 1077.0 1075.7 27.30 27.80 28.31 9352 9342 9333 1085.0 1083.7 1082.3 27.51 28.01 28.52 204 203 202 12.51 12.26 12.01 9119 9109 9101 1061.0 1059.7 1058.4 28.40 28.92 29.46 9187 9177 9168 1067.7 1066.3 1065.0 28.62 29.14 29.68 9255 9245 9236 1074.3 1072.9 1071.6 28.83 29.35 29.90 9323 9313 9304 1080.9 1079.6 1078.2 29.04 29.57 30.12 201 200 199 11.77 11.53 11.29 9091 9082 9073 1057.0 1055.7 1054.3 29.99 30.53 31.09 9159 9149 9140 1063.6 1062.3 1060.9 30.21 30.76 31.32 9227 9217 9207 1070.3 1068.9 1067.5 30.44 30.99 31.55 9294 9284 9275 1076.9 1075.5 1074.1 30.66 31.21 31.78 198 197 196 11.06 10.83 10.61 9064 9054 9045 1053.0 1051.6 1050.2 31.66 32.24 32.84 9131 9121 9112 1059.6 1058.1 1056.8 31.89 32.48 33.08 9198 9188 9179 1066.2 1064.7 1063.3 32.13 32.72 33.33 9265 9255 9245 1072.8 1071.3 1069.9 32.36 32.96 33.57 195 194 193 10.39 10.17 9.96 9036 9026 9018 1048.933.46 1047.5 34.09 1046.2j34.74 9103 9093 9084 1055.4 1054.1 1052.7 33.71 34.34 35.00 9170 9160 9151 1062.0 1060.6 1059.3 33.95 34.60 35.26 9236 9226 9217 1068.5 1067.1 1065.8 34.20 34.85 35.51 192 9.75 1911 9.54 190 9.34 9008 8998 8989 1044.8 1043.5 1042.1 35.41 36.09 36.78 9074 9065 9055 1051.4 1050.0 1048.6 35.67 36.36 37.05 9141 9131 9121 1057.9 1056.5 1055.1 35.93 36.62 37.32 9207 9197 9188 1064.4 1063.0 1061.6 36.19 36.89 37.60 189 9.14 188 8.95 187 8.76 8980 8971 8962 1040.8 1039.4 1038.1 37.49 38.21 38.94 9046 9037 9027 1047.3 1045.9 1044.6 37.77 38.49 39.22 9112 9102 9093 1053.8 1052.4 1051.0 38.04 9178 38.77i 9168 39.51 9159 1060.3 1058.8 1057.5 38.32 39.05 39.79 186 185 184 8.57 8.38 8.20 8954 8943 8933 1036.7 1035.4 1034.0 39.68 40.45 41.25 9018 9008 8999 1043.1 1041.8 1040.4 39.97 40.74 41.55 9083 9074 9064 1049.6 1048.2 1046.8 40.27 41.04 41.85 9149 9139 9129 1056.1 11054.7 1053.2 40.56 41.33 42.15 183 182 181 8.02 7.85 7.68 8925 8916 8907 1032.6 1031.3 1029.8 42.05 42.89 43.76 8990 8981 8972 1039.0 1037.7 1036.2 42.36 43.21 44.08 9055 9046 9036 1045.5 1044.1 1042.6 42.67 43.52 44.40 9120 9111 9101 1051.9 1050.5 1049.0 42.97 43.83 44.71 IO2 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. h 1 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 *3 o 3 || oTo 1 ^CQ -H 6 !* z i 1 j 3 g Ijs v 1 l| to ii ? IHs 1 I 1 02 1 ll w 02 1 I 1 02* "d G W ^ J| 02 180 7.51 8639 1002.8 43.37 8703 1009.2 43.69 8768 1015.6 44.01 8833 1022.0 44.34 179 7.35 8630 1001.5 44.19 8695 1007.9 44.52 8759 1014.3 44.85 8824 1020.7 45.18 178 7.19 8622 1000.2 45.09 8686 1006.6 45.43 8750 1012.9 45.76 8815 1019.3 46.10 177 7.03 8613 998.9 45.99 8678 1005.2 46.34 8742 1011.6 46.68 8806 1018.0 47.02 176 6.87 8604 997.5 46.89 8668 1003.8 47.24 8732 1010.2 47.59 8796 1016.5 47.94 175 6.71 8596 996.1 47.88 8660 1002.5 48.23 8724 1008.8 48.59 8788 1015.2 48.95 174 6.56 8587 994.8 48.86 8651 1001.2 49.22 8715 1007.5 49.59 8779 1013.8 49.95 173 6.42 8579 993.5 49.84 8643 999.8 50.2 8706 1006.1 50.6 8770 1012.5 51.0 172 6.27 8570 992.1 50.8 8634 998.5 51.2 8697 1004.8 51.6 8761 1011.1 52.0 171 6.13 8561 990.7 51.9 8624 997.0 52.3 8688 1003.4 52.6 8751 1009.7 53.0 170 5.99 8552 989.4 53.0 8616 995.7 53.4 8679 1002.0 53.8 8742 1008.3 54.2 169 5.85 8544 988.1 54.2 8607 994.3 54.6 8670 1000.6 55.0 8733 1006.9 55.4 168 5.72 8536 986.7 55.3 8599 993.0 55.7 8662 999.3 56.1 8725 1005.5 56.5 167 5.59 8527 985.3 56.4 8589 991.6 56.9 8652 997.9 57.3 8715 1004.1 57.7 166 5.46 8518 984.0 57.7 8581 990.2 58.1 8644 996.5 58.5 8706 1002.8 58.9 165 5.33 8510 982.6 58.8 8572 988.9 59.2 8635 995.1 59.7 8697 1001.4 60.1 164 5.21 8501 981.3 60.0 8563 987.5 60.5 8626 993.7 60.9 8688 1000.0 61.3 163 5.09 8492 979.9 61.2 8555 986.1 61.7 8617 992.4 62.1 8679 998.6 62.6 162 4.969 8484 978.5 62.5 8546 984.7 63.0 8608 991.0 63.4 8670 997.2 63.9 161 4.852 8475 977.2 63.9 8537 983.4 64.4 8599 989.6 64.8 8661 995.8 65.3 160 4.738 8467 975.8 65.4 8529 982.0 65.8 8590 988.2 66.3 8652 994.4 66.8 159 4.626 8458 974.5 66.7 8520 980.7 67.2 8582 986.8 67.7 8643 993.0 68.2 158 4.517 8449 973.1 68.2 8511 979.3 68.7 8573 985.4 69.2 8634 991.6 69.7 157 4.409 8441 971.8 69.7 8503 977.9 70.2 8564 984.1 70.7 8626 990.3 71.2 156 4.303 8432 970.4 71.3 8494 976.5 71.8 8555 982.7 72.3 8616 988.8 72.8 155 4.200 8424 969.0 72.8 8485 975.1 73.3 8546 981.3 73.8 8607 987.4 74.4 154 4.099 8415 967.6 74.4 8476 973.7 74.9 8537 979.9 75.5 8598 986.0 76.0 153 4.000 8406 966.2 76.0 8467 972.4 76.5 8528 978.5 77.1 8589 984.6 77.6 152 3.903 8397 964.8 77.7 8458 971.0 78.2 8519 977.1 78.8 8580 983.2 79.4 151 3.808 8388 963.4 79.4 8449 969.5 80.0 8510 975.7 80.6 8570 981.8 81.2 150 3.715 8380 962.1 81.2 8441 968.2 81.8 8501 974.3 82.4 8562 980.4 83.0 149 3.624 8371 960.7 83.0 8432 966.8 83.6 8492 972.9 84.2 8552 978.9 84.8 148 3.535 8363 959.3 85.0 8423 965.4 85.6 8483 971.5 86.2 8544 977.6 86.8 147 3.447 8354 957.9 86.9 8414 964.0 87.5 8474 970.0 88.1 8534 976.1 88.8 146 3.361 8345 956.6 88.9 8405 962.6 89.5 8465 968.7 90.2 8525 974.7 90.8 145 3.278 8336 955.1 90.9 8396 961.2 91.5 8456 967.2 92.2 8516 973.3 92.8 144 3.196 8328 953.8 92.9 8388 959.8 93.6 8447 965.8 94.3 8507 971.9 94.9 143 3.116 8319 952.3 95.1 8378 958.4 95.8 8438 964.4 96.4 8498 970.4 97.1 142 3.037 8311 951.0 97.3 8370 957.0 98.0 8429 963.0 98.7 8489 969.0 99.4 141 2.960 8302 949.6 99.5 8361 955.6 100.3 8421 961.6 101.0 8480 967.6 101.7 140 2.885 8293 948.1 101.8 8352 954.1 102.6 8411 960.1 103.3 8470 966.1 104.0 139 2.812 8285 946.8 104.3 8344 952.7 105.0 8403 958.7 105.8 8462 964.7 106.5 138 2.740 8276 945.4 106.7 8335 951.3 107.4 8394 957.3 108.2 8453 963.3 109.0 137 2.669 8267 943.9 109.2 8326 949.9 110.0 8384 955.8 110.8 8443 961.8 111.5 136 2.600 8258 942.5 111.8 8317 948.5 112.6 8376 954.4 113.4 8434 960.4 114.2 135 2.533 8250 941.1 114.5 8309 947.1 115.3 8367 953.0 116.1 8426 959.0 116.9 134 2.467 8241 939.7 117.2 8299 945.6 118.0 8358 951.5 118.8 8416 957.5 119.7 133 2.403 8232 938.3 120.0 8291 944.2 120.9 8349 950.1 121.7 8407 956.0 122.6 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. 103 jj 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 t* 3 a, CM 3 fia .3 >> Ja of * Is j |j || >> J| J a K&s 3 V % > 1 il '1^ 13 3 11 '1^ 3 1 -2 '1^ EH PL, & K 02 a B tn a B 9 B GO 180 7.51 8897 1028.4 44.66 8962 1034.8 44.99 9026 1041.2 45.31 9091 1047.6 45.64 179 7.35 8888 1027.0 45.51 8953 1033.4 45.84 9017 1039.8 46.17 9082 1046.2 46.50 178 7.19 8879 1025.7 46.44 8944 1032.1 46.77 9008 1038.4 47.11 9072 1044.8 47.45 177 7.03 8870 1024.3 47.37 8934 1030.7 47.71 8999 1037.1 48.05 9063 1043.4 48.39 176 6.87 8860 1022.9 48.29 8925 1029.3 48.64 8989 1035.6 48.99 9053 1042.0 49.34 175 6.71 8852 1021.5 49.30 8916 1027.9 49.66 8979 1034.2 50.0 9043 1040.6 50.4 174 6.56 8843 1020.2 50.3 8906 1026.5 50.7 8970 1032.8 51.0 9034 1039.2 51.4 173 6.42 8833 1018.8 51.3 8897 1025.1 51.7 8961 1031.4 52.1 9024 1037.8 52.4 172 6.27 8824 1017.4 52.3 8888 1023.7 52.7 8951 1030.0 53.1 9015 1036.4 53.5 171 6.13 8815 1016.0 53.4 8878 1022.3 53.8 8941 1028.6 54.2 9005 1034.9 54.6 170 5.99 8805 1014.6 54.6 8869 1020.9 55.0 8932 1027.2 55.4 8995 1033.5 55.8 169 5.85 8796 1013.2 55.8 8859 1019.5 56.2 8922 1025.8 56.6 8986 1032.0 57.0 168 5.72 8788 1011.8 56.9 8851 1018.1 57.4 8914 1024.457.8 8977 1030.6 58.2 167 5.59 8778 1010.4 58.1 8841 1016.7 58.5 8904 1022.9 58.9 8966 1029.2 59.4 166 5.46 8769 1009.0 59.4 8832 1015.3 59.8 8894 1021.6 60.2 8957 1027.8 60.6 165 5.33 8760 1007.6 60.5 8822 1013.9 61.0 8885 1020.1 61.4 8948 1026.3 61.8 164 5.21 8751 1006.2 61.8 8813 1012.4 62.2 8876 1018.7 62.7 8938 1024.9 63.1 163 5.09 8742 1004.8 63.0 8804 1011.0 63.5 8866 1017.3 63.9 8928 1023.5 64.4 162 4.969 8732 1003.4 64.4 8794 1009.6 64.8 8856 1015.8 65.3 8919 1022.0 65.7 161 4.852 8723 1002.0 65.8 8785 1008.2 66.2 8847 1014.5 66.7 8909 1020.7167.2 160 4.738 8714 1000.6 67.3 8776 1006.8 67.8 8838 1013.0 68.2 8900 1019.2 68.7 159 4.626 8705 999.2 68.7 8767 1005.4 69.2 8829 1011.6 69.7 8890 1017.8 70.1 158 4.517 8696 997.8 70.2 8757 1004.0 70.7 8819 1010.1 71.2 8881 1016.3 71.7 157 4.409 8687 996.4 71.8 8748 1002.6 72.3 8810 1008.8 72.8 8871 1014.9 73.3 156 1 4.303 8678 995.0 73.3 8739 1001.1 73.8 8800 1007.3 74.4 8862 1013.5 74.9 155 4.200 8668 993.6 74.9 8729 999.7175.4 8791 1005.9 76.0 8852 1012.0 76.5 154J 4.099 8659 992.1 76.5 8720 998.3 77.1 8781 1004.4 77.6 8842 1010.5 78.2 153 4.000 8650 990.7 78.2 8711 996.9 78.7 8772 1003.0 79.3 8833 1009.1 79.8 152 3.903 8640 989.3 79.9 8701 995.4 80.5 8762 1001.5 81.0 8823 1007.7 81.6 151 3.808 8631 987.9 81.7 8692 994.0 82.3 8752 1000.1 82.9 8813 1006.2 83.5 150 3.715 8622 986.5 83.5 8683 992.6 84.1 8743 998.7 84.7 8804 1004.8 85.3 149 3.624 8613 985.0 85.4 8673 991.1 86.0 8733 997.2 86.6 8794 1003.3 87.2 148 3.535 8604 983.6 87.4 8664 989.7 88.0 8724 995.8 88.6 8785 1001.9 89.3 147 3.447 8594 982.2 89.4 8654 988.2 90.0 8715 994.3 90.6 8775 1000.4 91.3 146 3.361 8585 980.8 91.4 8645 986.892.1 8705 992.9 92.7 8765 998.9 93.3 145 3.278 8576 979.3 93.5 8636 985.4 94.1 8695 991.4 94.8 8755 997.4 95.4 144 3.196 8567 977.9 95.6 8626 983.9 96.3 8686 990.0 96.9 8746 996.0 97.6 143 3.116 8557 976.4 97.8 8617 982.5 98.5 8676 988.5 99.2 8736 994.5 99.9 142 3.037 8548 975.0 100.1 8608 981.0 100.8 8667 987.0 101.5 8727 993.1 102.2 141 2.960 8539 973.6 102.4 8598 979.6 103.1 8658 985.6 103.8 8717 991.6 104.5 140 1 2.885 8530 972.1 104.7 8589 978.1 105.5 8648 984.1 106.2 8707 990.1 106.9 139 2.812 8521 970.7 107.3 8580 976.7 108.0 8639 982.7 108.7 8698 988.6 109.5 138 2.740 8512 969.3 109.7 8571 975.2 110.5 8630 981.2 111.2 8689 987.2 112.0 137 2.669 8502 967.8 112.3 8561 973.7 113.1 8620 979.7 113.9 8678 985.7 114.6 136 2.600 8493 966.3 115.0 8552 972.3 115.8 8610 978.3 116.6 8669 984.2 117.4 136 2.533 8484 964.9 117.8 8543 970.9 118.6 8601 976.8 119.4 8660 982.7 120.2 134 2.467 8474 963.4 120.5 8533 969.3 121.3 8591 975.3 122.2 8649 981.2 123.0 133 2.403 8465 962.0 123.4 8524 967.9 124.3 8582 973.8 125.1 8640 979.7 126.0 104 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. .1 1 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 3^ H n, J <2 >, rS ri | g r^ a SQ lS*S $ o> > $Z %> 3 2 3 1 " H & B OQ H < B OJ s & ** 05 N cc a & 132 2.341 8456 960.5 126.4 8515 966.4 127.3 8573 972.3 128.2 8631 978.3 129.0 131 2.280 8447 959.1 129.4 8505 965.0 130.3 8563 970.9 131.2 8621 976.8 132.1 130 2.220 8438 957.6 132.6 8496 963.5 133.5 8554 969.4 134.4 8612 975.3 135.3 129 2.161 8429 956.2 135.8 8487 962.0 136.7 8544 967.9 137.7 8602 973.8 138.6 128 2.103 8420 954.7 139.1 8478 960.6 140.0 8535 966.4 141.0 8593 972.3 142.0 127 2.047 8411 953.3 142.5 8468 959.1 143.4 8526 965.0 144.4 8583 970.8 145.4 126 .992 8401 951.8 146.0 8459 957.6 147.0 8516 963.5 148.0 8573 969.3 149.0 125 .938 8392 950.4 149.6 8449 956.2 150.6 8506 962.1 151.7 8564 967.7 152.7 124 .886 8383 948.8 153.3 8440 954.6 154.4 8497 960.5 155.4 8554 966.3 156.4 123 .835 8373 947.4 157.2 8430 953.2 158.2 8487 959.1 159.3 8544 964.9 160.4 122 .785 8364 945.9 161.2 8421 951.7 162.3 8478 957.5 163.4 8535 963.3 164.5 121 .737 8355 944.4 165.3 8412 950.2 166.4 8469 956.0 167.5 8525 961.8 168.6 120 .689 8346 942.9 169.4 8403 948.7 170.6 8459 954.5 171.7 8516 960.3 172.9 119 .642 8336 941.5 173.7 8393 947.3 174.9 8449 953.0 176.1 8506 958.8 177.3 118 .597 8328 940.0 178.2 8384 945.8 179.4 8440 951.5 180.6 8496 957.3 181.8 117 .552 8318 938.5 182.8 8374 944.3 184.1 8430 950.0 185.3 8487 955.8 186.5 116 .509 8309 937.0 187.5 8365 942.8 188.8 8421 948.5 190.1 8477 954.2 191.3 115 .467 8300 935.5 192.4 8355 941.3 193.7 8411 947.0 195.0 8467 952.8 196.3 114 .426 8290 934.0 197.3 8346 939.8 198.6 8401 945.5 200.0 8457 951.3 201.3 113 .386 8280 932.6 202.4 8336 938.3 203.7 8392 944.0 205.1 8447 949.8 206.4 112 .347 8271 931.1 207.7 8327 936.8 209.1 8382 942.5 210.5 8438 948.2 211.9 111 .308 8261 929.6 213.1 8317 935.3 214.6 8372 941.0 216.0 8428 946.7 217.4 110 .271 8253 928.1 218.9 8308 933.8 220.3 8363 939.5 221.8 8418 945.2 223.3 109 .235 8243 926.6 224.7 8298 932.3 226.2 8353 938.0 227.7 8408 943.7 229.2 108 .200 8234 925.1 230.7 8289 930.8 232.3 8344 936.4 233.8 8399 942.1 235.3 107 .165 8224 923.6 237.0 8279 929.3 238.6 8334 934.9 240.2 8389 940.6 241.8 106 .131 8215 922.1 243.5 8270 927.7 245.1 8324 933.4 246.7 8379 939.0 248.4 105 .098 8206 920.6 250.1 8260 926.2 251.8 8315 931.9 253.4 8370 937.5 255.1 104 .066 8196 919.1 256.9 8251 924.7 258.7 8305 930.3 260.4 8360 936.0262.1 103 .035 8187 917.6 263.9 8241 923.2 265.7 8296 928.8 267.5 8350 934.5 269.2 102 1.005 8178 916.1 271.2 8232 921.7 273.0 8286 927.3 274.8 8341 932.9 276.6 101 0.975 8169 914.5 278.6 8223 920.2 280.5 8277 925.8 282.3 8331 931.4 284.2 100 0.946 8159 913.0 286.2 8213 918.6 288.1 8267 924.2 290.0 8321 929.8 291.9 99 0.918 8150 911.5 294.1 8205 917.1 296.1 8257 922.7 298.0 8311 928.3 300.0 98 0.891 8140 910.0 302.3 8194 915.6 304.2 8248 921.2 306.2 8302 926.7 308.2 97 0.864 8131 908.5 310.7 8185 914.1 312.7 8238 919.7 314.8 8292 925.2 316.8 96 0.838 8122 907.1 319.4 8175 912.6 321.5 8229 918.2 323.6 8282 923.7 325.7 95 0.813 8113 905.5 328.4 8166 911.1 330.6 8219 916.7 332.7 8273 922.2 334.9 94 0.788 8103 904.0 337.7 8157 909.6 339.9 8210 915.1 342.1 8263 920.6 344.3 93 0.764 8094 902.5 347.3 8147 908.1 349.6 8200 913.6 351.9 8254 919.1 354.2 92 0.741 8085 901.0 357.3 8138 906.5 359.7 8191 912.0 362.0 8244 917.5 364.4 91 0.718 8075 899.4 367.7 8128 905.0 370.2 8181 910.5 372.6 8234 916.0 375.0 90 0.696 8066 897.9 378.5 8119 903.4 380.9 8171 908.9 383.4 8224 914.4 385.9 89 0.675 8057 896.4389.5 8109 901.9 392.0 8162 907.4 394.5 8215 912.9 397.1 88 0.654 8047 894.8 400.7 8100 900.3 403.4 8152 905.8 406.0 8205 911.2 408.6 87 0.633 8038 893.3 412.4 8091 898.8 415.0 8143 904.3 417.7 8195 909.7420.4 86 0.613 : 8029 891.8 423.9 8081 897.2 426.7 8133 902.7 429.4 8186 908.1 1432. 2 85 0.5941 8019 890.2 436.2 8072 895.7 439.1 8124 901.1 441.9 8176 906.5J444.8 io6 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. ll i H a If aJ a* ill 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 1 la + c r Specific Volume. I Heat Con- tents. Specific Volume. > 1 a Heat Con- tents. Specific Volume. Quality. Heat Con- tents. Specific Volume. 420 419 418 417 416 415 414 413 412 411 410 409 408 407 406 405 404 403 402 401 400 399 398 397 396 395 394 393 392 391 390 389 388 387 386 385 384 383 382 381 380 379 378 377 376 375 374 373 308.5 305.1 301.8 298.5 295.2 292.0 288.9 285.7 282.5 279.4 276.3 273.3 270.3 267.3 264.3 261.3 258.4 255.5 252.6 249.7 246.9 244.1 241.4 238.6 235.9 233.2 230.5 227.9 225.2 222.6 220.1 217.5 215.0 212.5 210.0 207.5 205.1 202.6 200.3 197.9 195.5 193.2 190.9 188.6 186.3 184.1 181.9 179.7 ... ... 300.9 298.7 296.6 294.5 292.4 290.4 288.3 286.2 284.1 282.0 280.0 277.9 275.9 273.8 271.7 269.6 267.6 265.5 263.5 261.4 259.4 257.3 255.3 253.3 251.2 249.2 247.1 245.0 243.0 241.0 238.9 236.9 234.8 232.7 230.6 228.5 226.5 224.4 222.4 220.3 218.2 216.2 1368.3 1366.8 1365.4 1364.0 1362.6 1361.3 1359.9 1358.6 1357.3 1355.9 1354.6 1353.3 1351.9 1350.5 1349.1 1347.8 1346.4 1345.0 1343.7 1342.4 1341.0 1339.7 1338.3 1337.0 1335.7 1334.3 1333.0 1331.7 1330.4 1329.0 1327.7 1326.4 1325.0 1323.6 1322.3 1320.9 1319.5 1318.1 1316.8 1315.5 1314.1 1312.8 2.410 2.430 2.450 2.470 2.490 2.510 2.530 2.551 2.572 2.593 2.614 2.636 2.658 2.680 2.703 2.725 2.748 2.770 2.794 2.820 2.843 2.868 2.892 2.917 2.941 2.967 2.993 3.019 3.045 3.071 3.099 3.126 3.153 3.181 3.210 3.237 3.267 3.297 3.325 3.354 3.384 3.415 abi'.o 298.9 296.7 294.5 292.3 290.2 288.1 286.0 283.9 281.9 279.8 277.7 275.5 273.3 271.1 269.0 266.9 264.8 262.6 260.4 258.3 256.1 254.0 251.9 249.8 247.7 245.6 243.5 241.4 239.3 237.1 1364'. 9 1363. 1362. 1360. 1359. 1357. 1356. 1355. 1353. 1352. 1351. 1349.8 1348.3 1346.9 1345.5 1344.0 1342.6 1341.2 1339.8 1338.4 1337.0 1335.7 1334.3 1332.9 1331.6 1330.2 1328.9 1327.5 1326.1 1324.7 1323.3 21697 2.720 2.742 2.765 2.788 2.811 2.835 2.859 2.884 2.909 2.933 2.958 2.983 3.009 3.036 3.061 3.089 3.116 3.144 3.171 3.200 3.229 3.258 3.287 3.316 3.346 3.376 3.408 3.438 3.469 3.501 ... 299'. 9 297.6 295.4 293.2 291.1 289.0 287.0 284.9 282.7 280.5 278.3 276.1 273.9 271.8 269.6 267.4 265.2 263.0 261.0 258.9 1361.0 1359.6 1358.2 1356.8 1355.4 1354.0 1352.6 1351.2 1349.7 1348.2 1346.7 1345.3 1343.8 1342.4 1340.9 1339.5 1338.1 1336.8 1335.4 1334.1 3i 030 3.056 3.083 3.109 3.136 3.164 3.191 3.219 3.246 3.275 3.304 3.333 3.362 3.392 3.421 3.452 3.482 3.513 3.545 3.578 300 . 9 298.6 296.3 294.1 292.0 289.8 287.7 285.5 283.3 281.1 1358.4 1356.9 1355.4 1354.0 1352.7 1351.2 1349.8 1348.3 1346.8 1345.3 3.386 3.415 3.445 3.476 3.506 3.537 3.568 3.599 3.631 3.663 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE lO/ J i 2 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 Temperatur Degrees I *&* {si X Heat Con- tents. Specific Volume. Quality. Heat Con- tents. Specific Volume. Quality. Heat Con- tents. Specific Volume. Quality. Heat Con- tents. Specific Volume. 420 308 5 419 305 1 418 301 8 417 298 5 416 295 2 415 292 414 288.9 413 285.7 412 282.5 411 279 4 410 276 3 409 273 3 408 270 3 407 267 3 406 264 3 405 261 3 404 258 4 403 255 5 402 252 6 401 249 7 400 246 9 399 244 1 398 241 4 397 238 6 396 235.9 395 233 2 394 230 5 393 227.9 392 225 2 391 222 6 390 220 1 389 217 5 388 215 , 387 212.5 386 210 385 207 5 384 205.1 383 202.6 382 200.3 381 197 9 380 195 5 379 193 2 378 190 9 377 188.6 376 186.3 375 184.1 374 181.9 373 179.7 io8 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. Temperature, Degrees Fahr. | 1 ll p! m 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 i $ Jj |l ll & 1 O" ll | en .2 co 3 a l| "S o> ** B 3 OC Is 3 a l| & * SJ ll CQ 372 371 370 177.5 175.3 173.2 214.1 212.1 210.0 1311.5 1310.2 1308.8 3.446 3.478 3.509 235.0 232.9 230.8 1321.9 1320.6 1319.2 3.533 3.565 3.599 256.7 254.5 252.3 1332.7 1331.2 1329.8 3.608 3.642 3.676 279.0 276.8 274.5 1344.0 1342.5 1341.0 3.698 3.730 3.765 369 368 367 171.1 169.0 166.9 208.0 206.0 204.0 1307.5 1306.2 1304.9 3.540 3.573 3.605 228.8 226.7 224.6 1317.8 1316.5 1315.1 3.631 3.666 3.700 250.1 248.0 245.9 1328.4 1327.0 1325.6 3.709 3.743 3.779 272.2 270.0 267.8 1339.5 1338.0 1336.5 3.799 3.834 3.870 366 365 364 164.8 162.8 160.8 202.0 200.0 198.0 1303.5 1302.2 1300.9 3.640 3.674 3.708 222.5 220.4 218.3 1313.7 1312.4 1311.1 3.734 3.768 3.804 243.7 241.5 239.4 1324.2 1322.8 1321.4 3.814 3.849 3.885 265.6 263.4 261.1 1335.1 1333.7 1332.2 3.505 3.940 3.979 363 362 361 158.8 156.8 154.8 195.9 193.9 191.9 1299.5 1298.2 1296.9 3.744 3.780 3.815 216.2 214.1 212.0 1309.8 1308.4 1307.1 3.840 3.875 3.912 237.2 235.0 232.9 1320.0 1318.6 1317.2 3.921 3.959 3.997 258.9 256.7 254.5 1330.8 1329.4 1328.0 4.015 4.053 4.092 360 359 358 357 356 355 152.9 151.0 149.1 147.2 145.3 143.5 189.9 187.9 185.8 183.8 181.7 179.7 1295.5 1294.2 1292.9 1291.6 1290.3 1288.9 3.853 3.890 3.927 3.965 4.004 4.043 210.1 208.1 206.0 204.0 201.9 199.8 1305.7 1304.3 1302.9 1301.5 1300.1 1298.8 3.948 3.986 4.023 4.061 4.100 4.140 230.8 228.7 226.6 224.4 222.3 220.1 1315.8 1314.4 1313.0 1311.6 1310.3 1308.9 4.035 4.074 4.113 4.152 4.193 4.232 252.3 250.1 247.9 245.7 243.5 241.3 1326.6 1325.1 1323.7 1322.3 1320.8 1319.4 4.131 4.170 4.210 4.250 4.292 4.334 354 353 352 141.6 139.8 138.0 177.7 175.7 173.7 1287.6 1286.3 1284.9 4.082 4.122 4.162 197.7 195.6 193.5 1297.4 1296.0 1294.6 4.180 4.220 4.260 218.0 216.0 213.9 1307.5 1306.1 1304.8 4.275 4.315 4.358 239.1 236.9 234.7 1318.0 1316.7 1315.4 4.376 4.418 4.460 351 350 349 136.3 134.5 132.8 171.6 169.6 167.6 1283.5 1282.1 1280.7 4.204 4.246 4.288 191.4 189.3 187.2 1293.2 1291.8 1290 5 4.303 4.346 4.388 211.9 209.8 207.7 1303.4 1302.1 1300.7 4.400 4.442 4.486 232.4 230.2 228.1 1314.1 1312.6 1311.1 4.502 4.546 4.591 348 347 346 131.1 129.4 127.7 165.5 163.5 161.4 1279.3 1277.9 1276.6 4.330 4.373 4.416 185.1 183.1 181.0 1289.2 1287.8 1286.5 4.430 4.474 4.519 205.5 203.4 201.2 1299.3 1297.9 1296.5 4.530 4.575 4.620 226.0 223.9 221.7 1309.6 1308.1 1306.6 4.638 4.684 4.730 345 344 343 126.0 124.4 122.7 159.4 157.4 155.4 1275.3 1274.0 1272.7 4.459 4.504 4.549 179.0 177.0 175.0 1285.1 1283.8 1282.5 4.562 4.609 4.656 199.1 197.0 194.9 1295.1 1293.6 1292.2 4.668 4.713 4.760 219.5 217.3 215.1 1305.1 1303.7 1302.3 4.779 4.825 4.873 342 341 340 121.1 119.5 117.9 153.4 151.3 149.3 1271.3 1270.0 1268.6 4.594 4.640 4.688 172.9 170.9 168.8 1281.1 1279.7 1278.3 4.701 4.750 4.800 192.8 190.6 188.5 1290.8 1289.4 1288.0 4.810 4.857 4.907 213.0 210.9 208.8 1300.9 1299.5 1298.1 4.920 4.970 5.020 339 338 337 116.3 114.8 113.3 147.3 145.3 143.3 1267.2 1265.9 1264.5 4.734 4.782 4.830 166.7 164.6 162.5 1277.0 1275.6 1274.2 4.848 4.896 4.946 186.4 184.2 182.0 1286.6 1285.2 1283.8 4.957 5.008 5.059 206.7 204.5 202.3 1296.6 1295.2 1293.8 5.071 5.123 5.177 336 335 334 111.7 110.3 108.8 141.3 139.3 137.3 1263.2 1261.8 1260.5 4.880 4.930 4.980 160.4 158.4 156.3 1272.8 1271.4 1270.0 4.998 5.048 5.099 179.9 177.9 175.7 1282.4 1281.0 1279.6 5.110 5.165 5.220 200.1 197.9 195.7 1292.3 1290.9 1289.5 5.230 5.285 5.340 333 332 331 107.3 105.8 104.4 135.3 133.3 131.3 1259.2 1257.9 1256.6 5.030 5.083 5.137 154.3 152.2 150.2 1268.6 1267.2 1265.9 5.150 5.203 5.257 173.5 171.4 169.3 1278.2 1276.8 1275.4 5.274 5.330 5.385 193.5 191.3 189.1 1288.1 1286.7 1285.2 5.395 5.450 5.510 330 329 328 103.0 101.6 100.2 129.3 127.3 125.3 1255.2 1253.8 1252.5 5.190 5.245 5.300 148.1 146.0 144.0 1264.5 1263.2 1261.9 5.310 5.366 5.421 167.2 165.0 162.9 1274.0 1272.5 1271.1 5.444 5.500 5.560 187.0 184.9 182.7 1283.8 1282.4 1280.9 5.567 5.625 5.684 327 326 325 98.8 97.5 96.1 123.3 121.3 119.3 1251.2 1249.8 1248.4 5.358 5.413 5.470 142.0 139.9 137.9 1260.5 1259.1 1257.8 5.479 5.537 5.595 160.8 158.7 156.5 1269.7 1268.3 1266.9 5.617 5.676 5.735 180.5 178.3 176.1 1279.5 1278.0 1276.6 5.743 5.805 5.865 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. 109 Temperature, Degrees Fahr. o 2 OH OS fig S fa 8^5 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 Quality. Heat Con- tents. Specific Volume. Quality. Heat Con- tents. Specific Volume. Quality. Heat Con- tents. Specific Volume. 1 Heat Con- tents. Specific Volume. 372 371 370 369 368 367 366 365 364 363 362 361 360 359 358 357 356 355 354 353 352 351 350 349 348 347 346 345 344 343 342 341 340 339 338 337 336 335 334 333 332 331 330 329 328 327 326 325 177.5 175.3 173.2 171.1 169.0 166.9 164.8 162.8 160.8 158.8 156.8 154.8 152.9 151.0 149.1 147.2 145.3 143.5 141.6 139.8 138.0 136.3 134.5 132.8 131.1 129.4 127.7 126.0 124.4 122.7 121.1 119.5 117.9 116.3 114.8 113.3 111.7 110.3 108.8 107.3 105.8 104.4 103.0 101.6 100.2 98.8 97.5 96.1 300.3 298.0 295.7 293.6 291.4 289.2 287.0 284.9 282.7 280.5 278.3 276.0 273.7 271.4 269.2 267.0 264.7 262.4 260.1 258.0 255.8 253.5 251.3 249.0 246.7 244.4 242.2 240.0 237.7 235.4 233.1 230.9 228.7 226.4 224.1 221.9 219.7 217.6 215.4 213.1 211.1 208.9 206.6 204.3 202.1 199.9 197.6 195.4 1354.6 1353.1 1351.6 1350.1 1348.6 1347.2 1345.8 1344.4 1343.0 1341.6 1340.2 1338.7 1337.3 1335.8 1334.3 1332.8 1331.4 1330.0 1328.5 1327.0 1325.6 1324.1 1322.6 1321.1 1319.7 1318.2 1316.7 1315.2 1313.8 1312.3 1310.8 1309.3 1307.8 1306.3 1304.8 1303.3 1301.9 1300.5 1299.1 1297.6 1296.2 1294.8 1293.4 1292.0 1290.5 1289.0 1287.5 1286.0 3.783 3.817 3.850 3.886 3.922 3.959 3.995 4.031 4.070 4.107 4.145 4.185 4.225 4.265 4.305 4.348 4.390 4.430 4.474 4.519 4.562 4.608 4.653 4.699 4.744 4.790 4.838 4.888 4.935 4.983 5.031 5.082 5.135 5.186 5.239 5.293 5.345 5.400 5.455 5.510 5.567 5.626 5.683 5.740 5.800 5.863 5.925 5.987 300.3 298.0 295.6 293.3 291.0 288.7 286.4 284.1 281.8 279.5 277.2 274.9 272.6 270.4 268.1 265.9 263.7 261.4 259.1 256.9 254.6 252.3 250.1 247.8 245.5 243.3 241.0 238.8 236.5 234.2 231.9 229.6 227.3 225.0 222.7 220.4 218.1 215.8 1351.3 1349.7 1348.1 1346.5 1345.0 1343.5 1342.0 1340.5 1339.0 1337.5 1336.0 1334.5 1333.0 1331.5 1330.1 1328.7 1327.2 1325.8 1324.3 1322.9 1321.4 1320.0 1318.5 1317.0 1315.5 1314.0 1312.6 1311.1 1309.6 1308.1 1306.6 1305.1 1303.6 1302.1 1300.5 1299.0 1297.5 1296.0 4.240 4.283 4.324 4.365 4.407 4.450 4.490 4.534 4.579 4.623 4.667 4.713 4.760 4.805 4.852 4.900 4.948 4.996 5.046 5.098 5.150 5.203 5.255 5.308 5.363 5.419 5.474 5.529 5.588 5.643 5.700 5.760 5.820 5.880 5.940 6.000 6.063 6.128 1343*. 9 1342.4 1340.9 1339.4 1337.8 1336.3 1334.7 1333.1 1331.6 1330.0 1328.4 1326.9 1325.3 1323.8 1322.3 1320.8 1319.3 1317.8 1316.3 5.323 5.381 5.430 5.486 5.540 5.598 5.654 5.710 5.768 5.829 5.889 5.949 6.009 6.071 6.139 6.205 6.270 6.337 6.403 299'. 6 297.2 294.9 292.6 290.3 288.0 285.6 283.3 281.0 278.6 276.2 273.8 271.5 269.2 266.8 264.4 262.1 259.8 257.4 255.1 252.8 250.5 248.2 245.8 243.4 241.1 238.7 236.4 134Y.O 1345.5 1344.0 1342.5 1341.0 1339.5 1338.0 1336.5 1335.0 1333.5 1332.0 1330.5 1329.0 1327.5 1325.9 1324.4 1322.9 1321.4 1319.9 1318.3 1316.8 1315.3 1313.8 1312.3 1310.8 1309.3 1307.8 1306.3 4i 777 4.823 4.870 4.918 4.966 5.014 5.063 5.113 5.165 5.215 5.269 5.320 5.376 5.430 5.485 5.540 5.596 5.652 5.710 5.767 5.825 5.884 5.945 6.006 6.068 6.130 6.192 6.255 299'. 7 297.4 295.0 292.6 290.2 287.9 285.5 283.1 280.7 278.3 275.9 273.5 271.1 268.7 266.3 263.9 261.6 259.2 256.8 no TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. Temperature, Degrees Fahr. 'O a O tw ft 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 < a 6| w "* ll GO "3 3 a a 21 GO ks < -P B "* *J '5 o GO "3 I is +3 a sS "* w 5 & GO 324 323 322 94.8 93.5 92.2 117.3 115.3 113.3 1247.0 1245.6 1244.3 5.528 5.588 5.646 135.9 133.8 131.8 1256.4 1255.0 1253.7 5.653 5.713 5.777 154.4 152.2 150.0 1265.5 1264.0 1262.6 5.795 5.857 5.919 174.0 171.9 169.7 1275.2 1273.8 1272.4 5.928 5.988 6.05 321 320 319 90.9 89.6 88.3 111.3 109.4 107.4 1242.9 1241.6 1240.2 5.705 5.768 5.832 129.7 127.7 125.7 1252.3 1250.9 1249.5 5.839 5.905 5.969 148.0 145.9 143.7 1261.2 1259.8 1258.4 5.980 6.05 6.11 167.5 165.3 163.1 1271.0 1269.6 1268.1 6.11 6.18 6.25 318 317 316 87.1 85.9 84.6 105.4 103.4 101.4 1238.9 1237.4 1236.1 5.898 5.960 6.03 123.7 121.7 119.7 1248.2 1246.8 1245.5 6.03 6.10 6.17 141.7 139.6 137.5 1257.1 1255.7 1254.3 6.18 6.25 6.32 161.0 158.8 156.6 1266.7 1265.3 1263.8 6.32 6.40 6.46 315 314 313 83.4 82.3 81.1 99.5 97.5 95.5 1234.8 1233.5 1232.1 6.10 6.17 6.23 117.7 115.6 113.6 1244.1 1242.7 1241.3 6.24 6.30 6.37 135.4 133.3 131.2 1252.9 1251.6 1250.2 6.39 6.46 6.53 154.4 152.2 150.0 1262.3 1260.9 1259.4 6.54 6.60 6.67 312 311 310 79.9 78.8 77.6 93.5 91.6 89.7 1230.8 1229.5 1228.2 6.30 6.37 6.44 111.6 109.6 107.5 1240.0 1238.6 1237.2 6.44 6.51 6.58 129.1 127.0 125.0 1248.8 1247.4 1246.0 6.60 6.67 6.75 147.9 145.7 143.5 1258.0 1256.5 1255.0 6.75 6.83 6.90 309 308 307 76.5 75.4 74.3 87.7 85.7 83.8 1226.9 1225.6 1224.2 6.51 6.58 6.65 105.5 103.5 101.5 1235.9 1234.5 1233.2 6.65 6.73 6.80 122.9 120.9 118.9 1244.6 1243.2 1241.8 6.81 6.89 6.97 141.3 139.1 137.0 1253.6 1252.2 1250.8 6.97 7.05 7.13 306 305 304 73.2 72.2 71.1 81.9 79.9 78.0 1222.9 1221.6 1220.3 6.73 6.80 6.88 99.5 97.5 95.4 1231.9 1230.5 1229.1 6.88 6.96 7.04 116.8 114.7 112.6 1240.4 1239.0 1237.6 7.04 7.12 7.20 134.9 132.7 130.5 1249.4 1248.0 1246.6 7.21 7.29 7.37 303 302 301 70.0 69.0 68.0 76.0 74.0 72.1 1218.9 1217.6 1216.2 6.96 7.03 7.11 93.4 91.4 89.4 1227.7 1226.3 1225.0 7.11 7.20 7.28 110.5 108.4 106.3 1236.2 1234.8 1233.4 7.28 7.37 7.45 128.4 126.3 124.1 1245.1 1243.8 1242.3 7.45 7.54 7.63 300 299 298 67.0 66.0 65.0 70.2 68.3 66.3 1214.9 1213.6 1212.3 7.20 7.28 7.36 87.3 85.3 83.3 1223.6 1222.2 1220.8 7.36 7.45 7.54 104.2 102.1 100.0 1232.0 1230.7 1229.4 7.54 7.62 7.70 122.0 119.9 117.7 1240.9 1239.4 1238.0 7.71 7.80 7.89 297 296 295 64.0 63.1 62.1 64.4 62.4 60.5 1211.0 1209.7 1208.4 7.44 7.53 7.61 81.2 79.2 77.2 1219.4 1218.0 1216.6 7.62 7.70 7.80 98.0 96.0 94.0 1228.0 1226.6 1225.2 7.80 7.89 7.99 115.5 113.4 111.3 1236.6 1235.2 1233.8 7.98 8.07 8.17 294 293 292 61.2 60.2 59.3 58.6 56.7 54.7 1207.1 1205.8 1204.5 7.70 7.79 7.88 75.2 73.1 71.1 1215.3 1213.9 1212.6 7.89 7.99 8.08 91.9 89.9 87.8 1223.9 1222.5 1221.1 8.07 8.16 8.26 109.1 107.0 104.9 1232.4 1231.0 1229.5 8.26 8.35 8.45 291 290 289 58.4 57.5 56.7 52.7 50.8 48.9 1203.1 1201.8 1200.5 7.98 8.08 8.17 69.0 67.0 65.0 1211.3 1209.9 1208.6 8.17 8.27 8.37 85.7 83.6 81.5 1219.7 1218.3 1216.9 8.36 8.46 8.55 102.7 100.6 98.4 1228.0 1226.6 1225.1 8.55 8.65 8.75 288 287 286 55.8 54.9 54.1 46.9 44.9 43.0 1199.1 1197.8 1196.5 8.26 8.35 8.45 63.0 61.0 58.9 1207.3 1206.0 1204.6 8.46 8.56 8.66 79.4 77.4 75.3 1215.5 1214.1 1212.7 8.65 8.75 8.86 96.3 94.1 92.0 1223.6 1222.2 1220.8 8.85 8.96 9.07 285 284 283 53.2 52.4 51.6 41.0 39.0 37.0 1195.2 1193.8 1192.5 8.55 8.65 8.75 56.9 54.9 52.9 1203.2 1201.9 1200.5 8.76 8.87 8.98 73.2 71.1 69.1 1211.3 1209.9 1208.5 8.96 9.07 9.18 89.9 87.8 85.7 1219.4 1218.0 1216.5 9.18 9.28 9.40 282 281 280 50.8 50.0 49.19 35.0 33.1 31.1 1191.2 1189.9 1188.6 8.85 8.96 9.06 50.9 48.8 46.8 1199.2 1197.8 1196.4 9.08 9.20 9.30 67.0 65.0 62.9 1207.1 1205.7 1204.4 9.29 9.40 9.51 83.5 81.4 79.3 1215.1 1213.7 1212.3 9.50 9.62 9.74 279 278 277 48.41 47 . 64 46.88 29.2 27.3 25.3 1187.3 1186.0 1184.6 9.17 9.28 9.40 44.7 42.7 40.7 1195.09.41 1193.79.52 1192.39.63 60.9 58.8 56.8 1203.0 1201.7 1200.3 9.62 9.74 9.86 77.2 75.0 73.0 1211.0 1209.6 1208.2 9.85 9.97 10.10 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. Ill Temperature, l)-n-i-.s Kalir. 1 " O 1 3 M .d l u 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1 la I 1 1 ! 1 d 3 JJ OQ 1 11 H o I n .2 j Si - O & fj 324 323 322 94.8 93.5 92.2 193.2 191.0 188.8 1284.5 1283.0 1281.6 6.06 6.12 6.18 213.5 211.2 208.9 1294.5 1293.0 1291.5 6.20 6.26 6.33 234.0 231.6 229.3 1304.7 1303.1 1301.5 6.33 6.40 6.47 254.4 252.1 249.7 1314.7 1313.2 1311.6 6.47 6.54 6.60 321 320 319 90.9 89.6 88.3 186.5 184.3 182.0 1280.1 1278.7 1277.3 6.25 6.32 6.38 206.6 204.3 202.0 1290.0 1288.5 1287.0 6.40 6.47 6.54 226.9 224.5 222.2 1299.9 1298.4 1296.8 6.55 6.61 6.69 247.4 245.0 242.6 1310.1 1308.5 1306.9 6.67 6.75 6.82 318 317 316 87.1 85.9 84.6 179.9 177.6 175.4 1275.9 1274.5 1273.0 6.45 6.53 6.60 199.7 197.4 195.1 1285.5 1284.0 1282.5 6.60 6.67 6.74 219.9 217.5 215.1 1295.3 1293.8 1292.3 6.76 6.83 6.90 240.3 238.0 235.6 1305.4 1303.9 1302.4 6.89 6.97 7.04 315 314 313 83.4 82.3 81.1 173.1 171.0 168.8 1271.6 1270.1 1268.6 6.67 6.74 6.81 192.81281.0 190.5 1279.5 188.21278.0 6.81 6.89 6.98 212.8 210.4 208.0 1290.7 1289.2 1287.6 6.98 7.05 7.13 233.3 230.9 228.5 1300.8 1299.3 1297.8 7.12 7.20 7.28 312 311 310 79.9 78.8 77.6 166.6 164.3 162.1 1267.1 1265.7 1264.2 6.89 6.97 7.04 185.9 183.6 181.3 1276.5 1275.0 1273.5 7.05 7.13 7.20 205.6 203.2 200.8 1286.1 1284.5 1283.0 7.21 7.29 7.37 226.1 223.7 221.4 1296.3 1294.8 1293.3 7.36 7.44 7.53 309 308 307 76.5 75.4 74.3 159.9 157.6 155.3 1262.7 1261.2 1259.8 7.12 7.20 7.28 179.0 176.7 174.4 1272.0 1270.5 1269.0 7.28 7.36 7.44 198.5 196.1 193.7 1281.5 1280.0 1278.4 7.45 7.54 7.62 219.0 216.7 214.3 1291.8 1290.3 1288.8 7.61 7.69 7.78 306 305 304 73.2 72.2 71.1 153.1 150.9 148.6 1258.3 1256.8 1255.3 7.36 7.44 7.52 172.1 169.8 167.6 1267.5 1266.0 1264.5 7.52 7-61 7.70 191.4 189.1 186.7 1276.9 1275.4 1273.9 7.70 7.79 7.88 211.9 209.5 207.1 1287.2 1285.6 1284.0 7.87 7.96 8.05 303 302 301 70.0 69.0 68.0 146.5 144.2 142.0 1253.9 1252.4 1251.0 7.61 7.70 7.79 165.3 163.0 160.7 1262.9 1261.4 1259.9 7.79 7.88 7.97 184.4 182.1 179.8 1272.3 1270.8 1269.3 7.97 8.06 8.15 204.7 202.3 199.9 1282.4 1280.8 1279.2 8.15 8.24 8.34 300 299 298 67.0 66.0 65.0 139.8 137.7 135.4 1249.5 1248.1 1246.6 7.88 7-97 8-06 158.4 156.1 153.8 1258.4 1256.9 1255.4 8.06 8.15 8.25 177.4 175.1 172.8 1267.8 1266.2 1264.7 8.24 8-34 8.43 197.5 195.1 192.7 1277.6 1276.0 1274.5 8.43 8.52 8.61 297 296 295 64.0 63.1 62.1 133.2 131.0 128.9 1245.1 1243.6 1242.2 8.15 8.24 8.34 151. "6 149.3 147.0 1253.9 1252.4 1250.9 8.34 8.44 8.53 170.5 168.2 165.9 1263.2 1261.7 1260.1 8.53 8.63 8.73 190.3 187.9 185.5 1272.9 1271.4 1269.9 8.71 8.81 8.91 294 293 292 61.2 60.2 59.3 126.7 124.5 122.2 1240.7 1239.2 1237.7 8.43 8-53 8.63 144.7 142.5 140.3 1249.4 1247.9 1246.5 8.63 8.73 8.83 163.6 161.3 158.9 1258.6 1257.1 1255.6 8.83 8.93 9.03 183.1 180.8 178.4 1268.4 1266.9 1265.3 9.02 9.12 9.23 291 290 289 58.4 57.5 56.7 120.0 118.0 115.8 1236.2 1234.8 1233.4 8.73 8.84 8.94 138.0 135.7 133.5 1245.0 1243.5 1242.1 8.93 9.04 9.15 156.6 154.3 152.0 1254.0 1252.5 1251.0 9.14 9.24 9.35 176.0 173.6 171.3 1263.8 1262.2 1260.7 9.34 9.46 9.57 288 287 286 55.8 54.9 54.1 113.6 111.4 109.2 1232.0 1230.6 1229.2 9.04 9.15 9.26 131.2 129.0 126.8 1240.7 1239.3 1237.9 9.25 9.36 9.47 149.6 147.3 145.0 1249.5 1248.0 1246.5 9.46 9.57 9.68 168.9 166.6 164.2 1259.1 1257.6 1256.1 9.67 9.79 9.90 lit 283 53.2 52.4 51.6 107.0 104.8 102.7 1227.7 1226.3 1224.8 9.37 9.49 9.60 124.6 122.3 120.0 1236.4 1235.0 1233.5 9.58 9.70 9.82 142.7 140.4 138.1 1245.0 1243.5 1242.0 9.80 9.92 10.04 161.8 159.4 157.0 1254.5 1253.0 1251.4 10.03 10.15 10.27 282 281 280 50.8 50.0 49.19 100.5 98.3 96.1 1223.4 1222.0 1220.6 9.71 9.83 9.95 117.8 115.6 113.4 1232.0 1230.5 1229.0 9.94 10.06 10.18 135.8 133.5 131.2 1240.5 1239.1 1237.7 10.16 10.29 10.41 154.6 152.3 149.9 1249.8 1248.2 1246.7 10.39 10.51 10.64 279 278 277 48.41 47.64 46.88 94.01219.2 91. 811217. 8 89.6!1216.4 10.07 10.19 10.31 111.1 108.9 106.7 1227.510.30 1226.1H0.43 1224.610.56 128.9'l236.3 126.7 1234.8 124.4 1233.3 10.53 10.67 10.80 147.5 145.1 142.8 1245.1 1243.6 1242.1 10.77 10.90 11.04 112 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. to to to 1 Temperature, 332 1 Degrees Fahr. | "O c o jfl 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 I' J* OJ IJ 8 45 |J & J Ijs V o 1 s - 3 o oc K * CQ & ^ I 1 5 II 02 a w ** 46.13 45.39 44.67 23.3 21.3 19.3 1183.4 1182.1 1180.8 9.51 9.62 9.73 38.6 36.6 34.5 1191.0 1189.6 1188.3 9.75 9.87 10.00 54.7 52.6 50.5 1199.0 1197.6 1196.2 9.98 10.10 10.22 70.9 68.8 66.7 1206.8 1205.4 1204.0 10.22 10.34 10.47 273 272 271 43.95 43.24 42.54 17.4 15.4 13.4 1179.6 1178.3 1177.0 9.85 9.97 10.10 32.5 30.5 28.4 1187.0 1185.7 1184.3 10.11 10.23 10.36 48.4 46.3 44.2 1194.8 1193.4 1192.0 10.34 10.47 10.60 64.5 62.4 60.3 1202.6 1201.2 1199.8 10.60 10.73 10.86 270 269 268 41.84 41.16 40.49 11.5 9.5 7.5 1175.7 1174.4 1173.1 10.23 10.35 10.48 26.4 24.3 22.3 1183.0 1181.7 1180.3 10.49 10.61 10.75 42.1 40.0 38.0 1190.6 1189.2 1187.9 10.74 10.88 11.01 58.2 56.1 54.0 1198.4 1197.0 1195.7 10.99 11.13 11.27 267 266 265 264 263 262 39.83 39.17 38.53 37.89 37.26 36.64 5.6 3.6 1.6 1171.8 1170.5 1169.2 10.61 10.75 10.89 20.3 18.3 16.2 14.2 12.1 10.1 1178.9 1177.5 1176.1 1174.8 1173.5 1172.2 10.89 11.02 11.16 11.30 11.44 11.58 36.0 33.9 31.9 29.8 27.7 25.7 1186.5 1185.2 1183.8 1182.5 1181.1 1179.8 11.14 11.29 11.42 11.57 11.70 11.86 51.9 49.8 47.7 45.5 43.4 41.3 1194.3 1192.9 1191.6 1190.2 1188.8 1187.5 11.41 11.55 11.70 11.85 12.00 12.15 9997 9987 9976 1167.8 1166.5 1165.1 11.04 11.20 11.36 261 260 259 36.02 35.42 34.83 9966 9955 9945 1163.9 1162.6 1161.3 11.53 11.70 11.87 8.0 6.0 4.0 1170.9 1169.6 1168.3 11.71 11.87 12.02 23.6 21.6 19.5 1178.4 1177.1 1175.8 12.01 12.16 12.31 39.3 37.2 35.1 1186.1 1184.8 1183.5 12.30 12.46 12.62 258 257 256 34.24 33.66 33.09 9934 9925 9914 1159.9 1158.6 1157.3 12.05 12.24 12.42 2.0 0.0 1166.9 1165.6 12.18 12.33 17.4 15.3 13.2 1174.4 1173.0 1171.7 12.48 12.63 12.80 33.0 30.9 28.8 1182.1 1180.7 1179.4 12.79 12.95 13.11 9990 1164.4 12.52 255 254 253 32.53 31.97 31.42 9903 9893 9882 1156.0 1154.6 1153.4 12.61 12.80 13.01 9979 9969 9958 1163.1 1161.7 1160.4 12.70 12.90 13.10 11.0 8.9 6.8 1170.3 1168.9 1167.5 12.96 13.13 13.30 26.7 24.5 22.4 1178.0 1176.6 1175.2 13.29 13.46 13.63 252 251 250 249 248 247 30.88 30.35 29.82 29.30 28.79 28.29 9873 9862 9852 9842 9831 9822 1152.1 1150.8 1149.5 1148.2 1146.8 1145.5 13.20 13.40 13.61 13.83 14.04 14.26 9948 9937 9927 9917 9906 9896 1159.1 1157.8 1156.5 1155.2 1153.9 1152.6 13.30 13.50 13.72 13.93 14.15 14.37 4.7 2.6 0.6 1166.1 1164.8 1163.5 13.47 13.65 13.83 20.3 18.1 16.0 13.9 11.7 9.6 1173.9 1172.6 1171.2 1169.9 1168.5 1167.2 13.81 14.00 14.17 14.36 14.54 14.73 9992 9981 9971 1162.3 1161.0 1159.7 14.04 14.25 14.48 246 245 244 27.80 27.31 26.83 9811 9801 9791 1144.2 1142.9 1141.6 14.49 14.71 14.94 9885 9875 9865 1151.3 1150.0 1148.6 14.60 14.82 15.05 9960 9949 9939 1158.4 1157.1 1155.7 14.71 14.93 15.17 7.5 5.3 3.1 1165.8'l4.92 1164.4,15.11 1163.0 15.31 243 242 241 26.35 25.88 25.42 9780 9771 9760 1140.3 1139.0 1137.7 15.17 15.41 15.66 9854 9844 9834 1147.3 1146.0 1144.7 15.28 15.52 15.77 9928 9918 9907 1154.4 1153.0 1151.7 15.40 15.64 15.89 0.8 1161.5 15.52 9992 9981 1160.0 1158.7 15.76 16.01 240 239 238 24.97 24.52 24.08 9750 9740 9730 1136.3 1135.0 1133.6 15.90 16.16 16.39 9824 9813 9803 1143.3 1142.0 1140.6 16.02 16.28 16.54 9897 9887 9876 1150.3 1149.0 1147.6 16.14 16.40 16.66 9971 9960 9950 1157.3 1156.0 1154.6 16.26 16.52 16.78 237 236 235 23.64 23.21 22.79 9719 9710 9699 1132.3 1131.0 1129.7 16.68 16.95 17 .24 9793 9783 9772 1139.3 1138.0 1136.6 16.80 17.08 17.36 9866 9856 9845 1146.3 1144.9 1143.5 16.93 17.21 17.49 9939 9928 9917 1153.3 1151.9 1150.5 17.05 17.33 17.62 234 233 232 22.38 21.97 21.57 9689 9680 9669 1128.3 1127.0 1125.6 17.52 17.80 18.09 9762 9752 9741 1135.2 1133.9 1132.5 17.65 17.93 18.23 9834 9824 9814 1142.1 1140.8 1139.4 17.78 18.07 18.36 9907 9897 9886 1149.1 1147.7 1146.3 17.91 18.20 18.50 231 230 229 21.17 20.78 20.40 9659 9649 9639 1124.3 1123.0 1121.6 18.39 18.69 19.01 9731 9721 9711 1131.2 1129.9 1128.5 18.53 18.83 19.15 9803 9793 9782 1138.1 1136.8 1135.4 18.67 18.97 19.29 9876 9865 9854 1145.0 1143.7 1142.3 18.80 19.11 19.43 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. u g C 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 2g | j , d , . , 2| |S 1 |*d m u U I&s 1 6 3 *s C F 1 jl |j 3 6 3 H || I 3 8s 11 iJ H a 00 & ' T - 5 n 02 a n 02 276 46.13 87.5 1215.0 10.44 104.4 1223.2 10.69 122.1 1231.8 10.93 140.4 1240.6 11.16 275 45.39 85.3 1213.5 10.57 102.1 1221.8 10.81 119.8 1230.4 11.06 138.0 1239.0 11.30 274 44.67 83.1 1212.1 10.70 99.9 1220.3 10.96 117.5 1228.9 11.20 135.7 1237.5 11.44 273 43.95 81.0 1210.7 10.83 97.7 1218.8 11.09 115.2 1227.4 11.33 133.3 1236.0 11.59 272 43.24 78.8 1209.3 10.97 95.5 1217.3 11.22 113.0 1225.9 11.48 131.0 1234. 5111.72 271 42.54 76.6 1207.8 11.10 93.3 1215.8 11.37 110.7 1224.4 11.61 128.6 1233.0 11.88 270 41.84 74.5 1206.4 11.24 91.0 1214.4 11.50 108.4 1222.9 11.77 126.2 1231.5 12.03 269 41.16 72.3 1204.9 11.38 88.8 1213.0 11.65 106.1 1221.4 11.90 123.9 1230.0 12.18 268 40.49 70.1 1203.5 11.52 86.6 1211.5 11.80 103.8 1220.0 12.05 121.5 1228.4 12.33 267 39.83 68.0 1202.1 11.67 84.3 1210.1 11.95 101.6 1218.5 12.21 119.1 1226.9 12.49 266 39.17 65.8 1200.7 11.81 82.1 1208.6 12.10 99.3 1217. 1112.37 116.8 1225.4 12.64 265 38.53 63.6 1199.3 11.96 79.9 1207.2 12.26 97.0 1215.6 12.53 114.5 1223.9 12.80 264 37.89 61.5 1197.9 12.11 77.7 1205.8 12.41 94.8 1214.2 12.70 112.1 1222.4 12.97 263 37.26 59.4 1196.5 12.27 75.5 1204.3 12.56 92.5 1212.7 12.85 109.8 1220.9 13.14 262 36.64 57.2 1195.1 12.42 73.2 1202.9 12.73 90.2 1211.3 13.01 107.5 1219.4 13.30 261 36.02 55.0 1193.7 12.59 71.0 1201.5 12.90 88.0 1209.8 13.20 105.1 1217.9 13.48 260 35.42 52.8 -1192.3 12.75 68.8 1200.1 13.07 85.5 1208.3 13.36 102.7 1216.5 13.65 259 34.83 50.6 1190.9 12.90 66.6 1198.7 13.24 83.3 1206.8 13.54 100.4 1215.0 13.82 258 34.24 48.4 1189.5 13.08 64.4 1197.3 13.40 81.0 1205.3 13.70 98.1 1213.5 14.00 257 33.66 46.2 1188.1 13.25 62.1 1195.9 13.58 78.7 1203.8 13.89 95.8 1212.0 14.19 256 33.09 44.0 1186.7 13.41 59.9 1194.4 13.76 76.4 1202.4 14.08 93.4 1210.5 14.39 255 32.53 41.9 1185.3 13.59 57.7 1193.0 13.94 74.1 1200.9 14.25 91.1 1209.0 14.57 254 31.97 39.7 1183.9 13.78 55.5 1191.5 14.12 71.8 1199.4 14.44 88.7 1207.5 14.76 253 31.42 37.5 1182.5 13.95 53.3 1190.1 14.31 69.5 1197.9 14.63 86.3 1206.0 14.96 252 30.88 35.3 1181.1 14.14 51.1 1188.7 14.50 67.2 1196.5 14.82 84.0 1204.5 15.15 251 30.35 33.1 1179.7 14.33 49.0 1187.2 14.70 64.9 1195.0 15.02 81.6 1203.0 15.35 250 29.82 31.0 1178.3 14.51 46.7 1185.8 14.90 62.6 1193.5 15.22 79.3 1201.5 15.56 249 29.30 28.8 1177.0 14.70 44.5 1184.4 15.09 60.3 1192.0 15.42 77.0 1200.0 15.77 248 28.79 26.6 1175.6 14.90 42.3 1183.0 15.29 58.0 1190.6 15.63 74.6 1198.5 15.99 247 28.29 24.4 1174.2 15.09 40.1 1181.6 15.49 55.7 1189.1 15.83 72.2 1197.0 16.20 246 27.80 22.2 1172.8 15.29 37.9 1180.1 15.70 53.4 1187.6 16.04 69.9 1195.5 16.40 245 27.31 20.0 i!171.4 15.49 35.7 1178.7 15.90 51.1 1186.1 16.26 67.5 1194.0 16.62 244 26.83 17.8 1170.0 15.70 33.411177.2 16.11 48.8 1184.7 16.48 65.1 1192.5 16.85 243 26.35 15.7 1168.6 15.90 31.1 1175.7 16.32 46.4 1183.2 16.70 62.7 1191.0 17.08 242 25.88 13.5 1167.2 16.12 28.8 1174.3 16.55 44.1 1181.7 16.93 60.4 1189.5 17.30 241 25.42 11.3 1165.8 16.33 26.5 1172.8 16.78 41.8 1180.2 17.15 58.0 1188.0 17.54 240 24.97 9.1 1164.4 16.56 24.2 1171.4 17.00 39.5 1178.8 17.38 55.6 1186.5 17.78 239 24.52 6.9 1163.0 16.79 21. 911170. OU7. 23 37.2 1177.4 17.61 53.3 1185.0 18.02 238 24.08 4.7 1161.6 17.00 19.7 1168.6 17.45 35.0 1176.0 17.85 51.0 1183.5 18.28 237 23.64 2.5 1160.2 17.23 17.5 1167.2 17.69 32.8 1174.6 18.10 48.6 1182.0 18.52 236 23.21 0.1 1158.9 17.46 15.2 1165.8 17.94 30.5 1173.1 18.34 46.2 1180.5 18.78 235 22.79 9990 1157.4 17.75 12.9 1164.4 18.17 28.3 1171.6 18.59 43.8 1179.0 19.04 234 22.38 9980 1156.0 18.04 10.7 1163.0 18.42 26.0 1170.2 18.84 41.5 1177.5 19.30 233 21.97 9969 1154.6 18.33 8.5 1161.6118. 67 23.7 1168.7 19.10 39.1 1176.0 19.57 232 21.57 9958 1153.2 18.63 6.3 1160.2 18.93 21.4 1167.3 19.39 36.8 1174.6 19.84 231 21.17 9948 1151.9 18.94 4.1 1158.8 19.19 19.1 1165.8 19.64 34.5 1173.2 20.11 230 20.78 9937 1150.6 19.25 1.8 1157.4 19.45 16.9 1164.4 19.92 32.2 1171.7 20.40 229 20.40 9926 1149.2 19.57 9998 1156.0 19.711 14.7 1163.0 20.20 30.0 1170.3 20.69 1 1 1 114 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. to to to 1 Temperature, Cj^oo 1 Degrees Fahr. | a fcj <* 8 fa o e*3 W M*- PH 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 $4 *] >> $4 ,B i > a Zz || >, Ij B J 5 o 02 |l *> & < g^ l> OQ g W 20.02 19.64 19.28 9628 9619 9609 1120.2 1118.9 1117.6 19.32 19.64 19.97 9700 9690 9680 1127.1 1125.8 1124.4 19.47 19.79 20.12 9772 9762 9752 1134.0 1132.7 1131.3 19.61 19.93 20.27 9843 9833 9823 1140.8 1139.5 1138.1 19.76 20.08 20.41 225 224 223 18.91 18.56 18.21 9599 9589 9579 1116.3 1114.9 1113.6 20.31 20.65 21.01 9670 9660 9650 1123.1 1121.7 1120.4 20.46 20.81 21.16 9741 9731 9721 1129.9 1128.5 1127.2 20.61 20.96 21.32 9812 9802 9792 1136.8 1135.4 1134.0 20.76 21.11 21.47 222 221 220 17.86 17.52 17.19 9569 9559 9549 1112.2 1110.9 1109.5 21.37 21.73 22.10 9640 9630 9620 1119.0 1117.7 1116.3 21.53 21.89 22.26 9711 9700 9690 1125.8 1124.5 1123.1 21.68 22.05 22.42 9781 9771 9761 1132.6 1131.3 1129.9 21.84 22.21 22.59 219 218 217 16.86 16.54 16.22 9539 9529 9519 1108.1 1106.7 1105.4 22.47 22.86 23.25 9609 9599 9589 1114.9 1113.5 1112.1 22.64 23.03 23.43 9679 9669 9659 1121.7 1120.3 1118.9 22.80 23.20 23.60 9750 9739 9729 1128.5 1127.0 1125.6 22.97 23.36 23.77 216 215 214 15.90 15.60 15.29 9509 9499 9489 1104.0 1102.7 1101.3 23.66 24.07 24.49 9579 9569 9559 1110.7 1109.4 1108.0 23.83 24.25 24.67 9649 9639 9628 1117.5 1116.2 1114.8 24.01 24.42 24.85 9719 9708 9698 1124.3 1122.9 1121.5 24.18 24.60 25.03 213 212 211 14.99 14.70 14.41 9479 9469 9460 1100.0 1098.6 1097.3 24.92 25.36 25.82 9549 9539 9529 1106.7 1105.3 1103.9 25.10 25.54 26.01 9618 9608 9598 1113.4 1112.0 1110.6 25.29 25.73 26.19 9688 9677 9667 1120.1 1118.7 1117.3 25.47 25.92 26.38 210 209 208 14.1? 13. 8 13.57 9450 9441 9431 1095.9 1094.4 1093.1 26.27 26.74 27.22 9519 9510 9500 1102.5 1101.1 1099.8 26.46 26.93 27.42 9588 9579 9568 1109.2 1107.8 1106.4 26.66 27.13 27.61 9657 9647 9637 1115.9 1114.5 1113.1 26.85 27.32 27.81 207 206 205 13. 3C 13.03 12.77 9421 9411 9401 1091.7 1090.3 1088.9 27.71 28.21 28.73 9489 9479 9469 1098.4 1097.0 1095.6 27.91 28.42 28.93 9558 9548 9537 1105.0 1103.6 1102.2 28.11 28.62 29.15 9626 9616 9606 1111.7 1110.3 1108.9 28.31 28.83 29.35 204 203 202 12.51 12.26 12.01 9391 9381 9372 1087.6 1086.2 1084.9 29.25 29.78 30.34 9459 9449 9440 1094.2 1092.8 1091.5 29.46 30.00 30.56 9527 9517 9507 1100.8 1099.4 1098.1 29.68 30.22 30.78 9595 9585 9575 1107.5 1106.1 1104.7 29.89 30.43 30.99 201 200 199 11.77 11.53 11.29 9362 9352 9342 1083.5 1082.1 1080.7 30.88 31.44 32.02 9429 9419 9409 1090.1 1088.7 1087.3 31.11 31.67 32.25 9497 9487 9477 1096.7 1095.3 1093.8 31.33 31 . 89 32.48 9565 9554 9544 1103.3 1101.9 1100.4 31.55 32.12 32.71 198 197 196 11.06 10.83 10.61 9333 9323 9312 1079.3 1077.8 1076.4 32.60 33.20 33.81 9400 9390 9379 1085.9 1084.4 1083.0 32.83 33.44 34.06 9467 9457 9446 1092.5 1091.0 1089.5 33.07 33.67 34.30 9534 9524 9513 1099.1 1097.5 1096.1 33.30 33.91 34.54 195 194 193 10.39 10.17 9.96 9303 9293 9284 1075.1 1073.7 1072.3 34.45 35.10 35.77 9370 9360 9350 1081.6 1080.2 1078.8 34.70 35.35 36.03 9437 9426 9416 1088.2 1086.7 1085.4 34.94 35.60 36.28 9503 9493 9483 1094.7 1093.3 1091.9 35.19 35.85 36.54 192 191 190 9.75 9.54 9.34 9273 9263 9254 1070.9 1069.5 1068.1 36.45 37.15 37.87 9340 9329 9320 1077.4 1076.0 1074.6 36.71 37.42 38.14 9406 9395 9386 1083.9 1082.5 1081.1 36.97 37.68 38.41 9472 9462 9452 1090.4 1089.0 1087.6 37.24 37.95 38.68 189 188 187 9.14 8.95 8.76 9244 9234 9224 1066.8 1065.3 1063.9 38.59 39.33 40.08 9310 9300 9290 1073.2 1071.8 1070.4 38.87 39.61 40.36 9376 9365 9355 1079.7 1078.3 1076.9 39.14 39.89 40.65 9442 9431 9421 1086.2 1084.7 1083.3 39.42 40.17 40.93 186 185 184 8.57 8.38 8.20 9214 9204 9194 1062.5 1061.1 1059.7 40.85 41.63 42.45 9280 9270 9259 1069.0 1067.6 1066.1 41.14 41.93 42.75 9345 9335 9325 1075.4 1074.0 1072.6 41.43 42.22 43.05 9410 9400 9390 1081.9 1080.5 1079.0 41.72 42.52 43.35 183 182 181 8.02 7.85 7.68 9185 9175 9166 1058.3 1056.9 1055.4 43.28 44.14 45.03 9250 9240 9231 1064.7 1063.3 1061.8 43.59 44.45 45.35 9315 9305 9295 1071.2 1069.8 1068.2 43.89 44.77 45.67 9380 9370 9360 1077.6 1076.2 1074.7 44.20 45.08 45.99 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. Temperature, Degrees Fahr. r & 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1 P IJ 1 ll r 0) o S ^1 "3 03 5 a 63 *j a m |J OQ < a 3s I! H || 228 227 226 20.02 19.64 19.28 9915 9905 9894 1147.7 1146.4 1145.0 19.90 20.23 20.56 9987 9977 9966 1154.6 1153.2 1151.8 20.04 20.37 20.71 12.4 10.1 7.9 1161.5 1160.0 1158.6 20.48 20.77 21.06 27.7 25.4 23.0 1168.8 1167.4 1166.0 21.00 21.29 21.59 225 224 223 222 221 220 18.91 18.56 18.21 17.86 17.52 17.19 9883 9873 9863 9852 9842 9831 1143.6 1142.2 1140.9 1139.5 1138.1 1136.7 20.91 21.27 21.63 22.00 22.37 22.75 9955 9944 9933 9923 9912 9902 1150.4 1149.0 1147.7 1146.3 1144.9 1143.5 21.06 21.42 21.78 22.16 22.53 22.91 5.6 3.4 1.1 1157.2 1155.8 1154.4 21.37 21.68 22.00 20.7 18.3 16.0 13.7 11.3 9.0 1164.5 1163.0 1161.6 1160.1 1158.6 1157.2 21.89 22.19 22.51 22.83 23.17 23.50 9994 9983 .9972 1153.0 1151.6 1150.2 22.32 22.69 23.08 219 218 217 216 215 214 16.86 16.54 16.22 15.90 15.60 15.29 9820 9809 9799 9788 9778 9767 1135.3 1133.8 1132.4 1131.0 1129.6 1128.2 23.14 23.53 23.94 24.35 24.78 25.21 9890 9879 9869 9858 9848 9837 1142.1 1140.6 1139.2 1137.8 1136.4 1135.0 23.30 23.70 24.11 24.53 24.95 25.39 9960 9950 9939 9928 9917 9906 1148.8 1147.3 1145.9 1144.5 1143.1 1141.7 23.47 23.87 24.28 24.70 25.13 25.57 6.6 4.2 1.9 1155.7 1154.2 1152.8 23.83 24.16 24.50 9998 9987 9976 1151.3 1149.8 1148.4 24.87 25.31 25.75 213 212 211 14.99 14.70 14.41 9757 9746 9737 1126.8 1125.4 1124.0 25.65 26.10 26.57 9826 9816 9806 1133.6 1132.2 1130.8 25.83 26.29 26.76 9896 9885 9875 1140.326.02 1138.926.47 1137.526.95 9965 9955 9944 1147.0 1145.6 1144.2 26.20 26.66 27.14 210 209 208 14.13 13.85 13.57 9726 9716 9705 1122.6 1121.2 1119.8 27.04 27.52 28.01 9795 9785 9774 1129.3 1127.9 1126.5 27.23 27.71 28.21 9864 9854 9843 1136.027.42 1134.6127.91 1133.128.41 9933 9923 9911 1142.7 1141.2 1139.8 27.61 28.10 28.60 207 206 205 13.30 13.03 12.77 9695 9684 9674 1118.4 1116.9 1115.5 28.51 29.03 29.56 9763 9753 9742 1125.0 1123.6 1122.2 28.71 29.24 29.77 9832 9821 9810 1131.7 1130.3 1128.8 28.92 29.44 29.98 9900 9889 9878 1138.4 1136.9 1135.5 29.12 29.65 30.19 204 203 202 12.51 12.26 12.01 9663 9653 9643 1114.1 1112.7 1111.3 30.10 30.65 31.21 9731 9720 9711 1120.7 1119.3 1117.9 30.31 30.86 31.43 9799 9788 9778 1127.4 1125.9 1124.5 30.52 31.08 31.65 9867 9856 9846 1134.0 1132.6 1131.2 30.74 31.29 31.87 201 200 199 11.77 11.53 11.29 9632 9622 9611 1109.9 1108.4 1107.0 31.78 32.35 32.94 9700 9689 9679 1116.5 1115.0 1113.6 32.00 32.58 33.17 9768 9757 9746 1123.1 1121.6 1120.2 32.22 32.80 33.40 9835 9824 9813 1129.7 1128.2 1126.8 32.45 33.03 33.63 198 197 196 11.06 10.83 10.61 9601 9591 9580 1105.6 1104.1 1102.6 33.54 34.15 34.78 9669 9658 9647 1112.2 1110.7 1109.2 33.77 34.39 35.03 9736 9725 9714 1118.8 1117.2 1115.8 34.01 34.63 35.27 9803' 9792 9781 1125.4 1123.8 1122.3 34.24 34.87 35.51 195 194 193 10.39 10.17 9.96 9570 9559 9549 1101.335.44 1099.836.11 1098.436.79 9637 9626 9616 1107.8 1106.3 1104.9 35.69 36.36 37.05 9704 9693 9682 1114.335.93 1112. 9136.61 1111.5:37.31 9770 9759 9749 1120.9 1119.4 1118.0 36.18 36.86 37.56 192 191 190 9.75 9.54 9.34 9539 9528 9518 1097.0 1095.5 1094.1 37.50 38.22 38.95 9605 9594 9584 1103.5 1102.0 1100.6 37.76 38.48 39.22 9671 9660 9650 1110.0 1108.5 1107.1 38.02 38.75 39.49 9738 9726 9716 1116.5 1115.0 1113.6 38.28 39.01 39.76 189 188 187 9.14 8.95 8.76 9508 9497 9487 1092.7 1091.2 1089.8 39.69 40.45 41.22 9574 9563 9552 1099.2 1097.7 1096.3 39.97 40.73 41.50 9639 9628 9618 1105.7 1104.2 1102.7 40.24 41.01 41.79 9705 9694 9683 1112.1 1110.6 1109.2 40.52 41.29 42.07 186 185 184 8.57 8.38 8.20 9476 9466 9455 1088.342.01 1086.942.81 1085.443.65 9541 9531 9520 1094.8 1093.4 1091.9 42.30 43.11 43.95 9607 9596 9585 1101.2 1099.8 1098.3 42.59 43.40 44.26 9672 9662 9650 1107.7 1106.3 1104.7 42.88 43.70 44.56 183 182 181 8.02 7.85 7.68 9445 9435 9425 1084.0 1082.6 1081.1 44.50 45.39 46.30 9510 9499 9490 1090.4 1089.0 1087.5 44.81 45.70 46.62 9575 9565 9555 1096.945.12 1095.448.02 1093.946.94 9640 9630 9619 1103.3 1101.8 1100.3 45.42 46.33 47.26 n6 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. MMM 1 Temperature, 3 | Degrees Fahr. | 8 c .3 0) O 1 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 < 1* ll 02 13 3 11 W OQ 15 3 a 1 W ^ &> OQ 15 3 a 11 o 1 !^ DO 7.51 7.35 7.19 9156 9146 9137 1054.0 1052.6 1051.2 45.96 46.83 47.78 9220 9211 9201 1060.4 1059.0 1057.6 46.29 47.16 48.12 9285 9275 9265 1066.8 1065.4 1063.9 46.61 47.49 48.46 9350 9340 9330 1073.2 1071.7 1070.3 46.93 47.82 48.79 177 176 175 7.03 6.87 6.71 9127 9117 9107 1049.8 1048.3 1046.9 48.74 49.69 50.7 9191 9181 9171 1056.1 1054.7 1053.3 49.08 50.10 51.1 9255 9245 9235 1062.5 1061.0 1059.6 49.42 50.4 51.4 9320 9309 9299 1068.9 1067.4 1065.9 49.77 50.7 51.8 174 173 172 6.56 6.42 6.27 9098 9088 9078 1045.5 1044.1 1042.7 51.8 52.8 53.8 9161 9152 9142 1051.8 1050.4 1049.0 52.1 53.2 54.2 9225 9215 9205 1058.2 1056.7 1055.3 52.5 53.5 54.6 9289 9279 9269 1064.5 1063.1 1061.6 52.9 53.9 55.0 171 170 169 6.13 5.99 5.85 9068 9058 9049 1041.2 1039.8 1038.3 55.0 56.2 57.4 9131 9122 9112 1047.5 1046.1 1044.6 55.3 56.6 57.8 9195 9185 9175 1053.8 1052.3 1050.9 55.7 56.9 58.2 9258 9248 9238 1060.1 1058.6 1057.2 56.1 57.3 58.6 168 167 166 5.72 5.59 5.46 9040 9029 9020 1036.9 1035.5 1034.0 58.6 59.8 61.1 9103 9092 9082 1043.2 1041.7 1040.3 59.0 60.2 61.5 9165 9155 9145 1049.5 1048.0 1046.5 59.4 60.6 61.9 9228 9218 9208 1055.7 1054.3 1052.8 59.8 61.0 62.3 165 164 163 5.33 5.21 5.09 9010 9000 8991 1032.6 1031.1 1029.7 62.3 63.5 64.8 9073 9063 9053 1038.8 1037.4 1035.9 62.7 64.0 65.3 9135 9125 9115 1045.1 1043.6 1042.2 63.1 64.4 65.7 9198 9188 9177 1051.3 1049.9 1048.4 63.6 64.9 66.2 162 161 160 4.969 4.852 4.738 8981 8971 8962 1028.3 1026.9 1025.4 66.2 67.6 69.2 9043 9033 9023 1034.5 1033.1 1031.6 66.6 68.1 69.7 9105 9095 9085 1040.7 1039.3 1037.8 67.1 68.6 70.1 9167 9157 9147 1046.9 1045.5 1044.0 67.6 69.0 70.6 159 158 157 4.626 4.517 4.409 8952 8942 8933 1023.9 1022.5 1021.1 70.6 72.2 73.8 9014 9004 8994 1030.1 1028.6 1027.2 71.1 72.7 74.3 9075 9065 9056 1036.3 1034.8 1033.4 71.6 73.2 74.8 9137 9127 9117 1042.5 1041.0 1039.6 72.1 73.7 75.3 156 155 154 4.303 4.200 4.099 8923 8913 8903 1019.6 1018.1 1016.7 75.4 77.0 78.7 8984 8974 8964 1025.8 1024.3 1022.8 75.9 77.5 79.2 9046 9035 9025 1031.9 1030.4 1028.9 76.4 78.1 79.8 9107 9097 9086 1038.1 1036.6 1035.1 77.0 78.6 80.3 153 152 151 4.000 3.903 3.808 8894 8883 8873 1015.2 1013.8 1012.3 80.4 82.2 84.0 8955 8944 8934 1021.480.9 1019.9 82.7 1018.484.6 9015 9005 8995 1027.5 1026.0 1024.5 81.5 83.3 85.2 9076 9066 9055 1033.6 1032.1 1030.6 82.0 83.9 85.8 150 149 148 3.715 3.624 3.535 8864 8854 8845 1010.8 1009.4 1007.9 85.9 87.8 89.9 8925 8915 8905 1017.0 1015.4 1014.0 86.5 88.4 90.5 8985 8975 8965 1023.0 1021.5 1020.1 87.1 89.0 91.1 9046 9035 9026 1029.1 1027.6 1026.2 87.7 89.6 91.7 147 146 145 3.447 3.361 3.278 8835 8825 8815 1006.4 1005.0 1003.5 91.9 94.0 96.1 8895 8885 8875 1012.5 1011.0 1009.5 92.5 ' 94.6 96.7 8955 8945 8935 1018.6 1017.1 1015.6 93.1 95.3 97.4 9015 9005 8995 1024.6 1023.2 1021.6 93.8 95.9 98.0 144 143 142 3.196 3.116 3.037 8805 8795 8786 1002.0 1000.5 999.1 98.3 100.5 102.9 8865 8855 8845 1008.1 1006.6 1005.1 98.9 101.2 103.6 8925 8915 8905 1014.1 1012.6 1011.1 99.6 101.9 104.3 8985 8974 8964 1020.1 1018.6 1017.1 100.3 102.6 105.0 141 140 139 2.960 2.885 2.812 8776 8766 8757 997.6 996.1 994.6 105.2 107.7 110.2 8836 8826 8816 1003.6 1002.1 1000.6 105.9 108.4 111.0 8895 8885 8875 1009.6 1008.1 1006.6 106.7 109.1 111.7 8954 8944 8934 1015.6 1014.1 1012.6 107.4 109.8 112.5 138 137 136 2.740 2.669 2.600 8747 8737 8728 993.2 991.6 990.2 112.8 115.4 118.2 8806 8796 8786 999.1 997.6 996.1 113.5 116.2 119.0 8865 8855 8845 1005.1 1003.6 1002.1 114.3 117.0 119.8 8924 8913 8904 1011.1 1009.5 1008.0 115.0 117.7 120.6 135 134 133 2.533 2.467 2.403 8718 8708 8698 988.7 987.1 985.7 121.0 123.8 126.8 8777 8766 8757 994.6 993.1 991.6 121.8 124.7 127.7 8835 8825 8815 1000.6 999.0 997.5 122.6 125.5 128.6 8894 8883 8873 1006.5 1005.0 1003.4 123.4 126.3 129.4 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. II/ j3 -c c 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 s 3 a $ _ 11 & ** g I-S ,1 >, la 1 1 s 1^ 1 IJ l> 1 +a O 3* II H 9 K OQ "3 s 0" || ll 4 si l> GO >> 1 l| I 1 . 6 |l 'o &** 02 _>> 1 I* I 1 OJ I en 2. ' &* OQ >> 1 J'J I 1 S3 |1 '5 132 131 130 2.341 2.280 2.220 8689 8679 8670 984.2 982.7 981.2 129.9 133.0 136.2 8747 8737 8728 990.1 988.6 987.1 130.8 133.9 137.1 8805 8795 8786 996.0 994.5 993.0 131.6 134.7 138.0 8863 8853 8843 1001.9 1000.4 998.9 132.5 135.6 138.9 129 128 127 2.161 2.103 2.047 8660 8650 8641 979.7 978.2 976.7 139.5 142.9 146.4 8718 8708 8698 985.6 984.1 982.6 140. 143. 147. 8775 8766 8756 991.5 989.9 988.4 141.4 144.8 148.3 8833 8823 8813 997.3 995.8 994.3 142.3 145.8 149.3 126 125 124 1.992 1.938 1.886 8631 8621 8611 975.2 973.7 972.2 150.0 153.7 157.5 8688 8678 8668 981.0 979.5 978.0 151. 154. 158. 8745 8735 8725 986.9 985.4 983.8 152.0 155.8 159.6 8803 8793 8782 992.7 991.2 989.7 153.0 156.8 160.6 123 122 121 1.835 1.785 1.737 8601 8591 8582 970.7 969.1 967.6 161.4 165.6 169.8 8658 8648 8639 976.5 974.9 973.4 162. 166. 170. 8715 8705 8695 982.3 980.7 979.2 163.6 167.7 172.0 8772 8762 8752 988.2 986.6 985.1 164.6 168.8 173.1 120 119 118 1.689 1.642 1.597 8572 8562 8553 966.1 964.6 963.1 174.0 178.4 183.0 8629 8619 8609 971.9 970.4 968.9 175. 179. 184. 8685 8675 8665 977.7 976.2 974.7 176.3 180.8 185.4 8742 8732 8722 983.5 982.0 980.4 177.5 182.0 186.6 117 116 115 1.552 1.509 1.467 8543 8533 8523 961.6 960.0 958.5 187.8 192.6 197.6 8599 8589 8579 967.4 965.8 964.3 189.0 193.8 198.9 8655 8645 8635 973.1 971.5 970.0 190.2 195.1 200.2 8711 8701 8691 978.9 977.3 975.8 191.5 196.4 201.5 114 113 112 1.426 1.386 1.347 8513 8503 8493 957.0 955.5 953.9 202.6 207.8 213.3 8569 8559 8549 962.7 961.2 959.7 203.9 209. 214. 8625 8614 8604 968.5 967.0 965.4 205.3 210.5 216.1 8680 8670 8660 974.2 972.7 971.1 206.6 211.9 217.4 111 110 109 1.308 1.271 1.235 8483 8474 8463 952.4 950.9 949.4 218.9 224.7 230.7 8539 8529 8518 958.2 956.6 955.1 220. 226. 232. 8594 8584 8574 963.9 962.2 960.7 221.7 227.7 233.7 8649 8640 8629 969.6 968.0 966.4 223.2 229.1 235.2 108 107 106 1.200 1.165 1.131 8454 8444 8434 947.8 946.3 944.7 236.9 243.3 250.0 8509 8499 8489 953.5 952.0 950.4 238. 244. 251.6 8564 8554 8544 959.1 957.6 956.0 240.0 246.5 253.2 8619 8608 8598 964.8 963.3 961.7 241.5 248.1 254.9 105 104 103 1.098 1.066 1.035 8424 8414 8405 943.2 941.6 940.1 256.8 263.8 271.0 8479 8469 8459 948.8 947.2 945.7 258.4 265.5 272.7 8534 8523 8513 954.5 952.9 951.4 260.1 267.2 274.5 8588 8578 8568 960.1 958.5 957.0 261.8 268.9 276.2 102 101 100 1.005 0.975 0.946 8395 8385 8375 938.5 937.0 935.4 278.4 286.0 293.8 8449 8439 8429 944.1 942.6 941.0 280.2 287.9 295.7 8503 8494 8483 949.8 948.2 946.6 282.0 289.7 297.6 8558 8548 8537 955.4 953.8 952.2 283.8 291.6 299.5 99 98 97 0.918 0.891 0.864 8365 " 8356 8346 933.9 932.3 930.8 301.9 310.2 318.9 8419 8409 8399 939.5 937.9 936.4 303.8 312.2 320.9 8473 8463 8453 945.0 943.4 941.9 305.8 314.2 323.0 8527 8517 8507 950.6 949.0 947.5 307.7 316.2 325.0 96 95 94 0.838 0.813 0.788 8336 8326 8316 929.3 927.8 926.2 327.9 337.0 346.5 8389 8380 8370 934.8 933.3 931.7 330.0 339.2 348.8 8443 8433 8423 940.4 938.8 937.2 332.1 341.4 351.0 8497 8486 8476 946.0 944.4 942.8 334.2 343.5 353.2 93 92 91 0.764 0.741 0.718 8307 8297 8287 924.6 923.0 921.5 356.4 366.6 377.4 8360 8350 8340 930.1 928.5 927.0 358.7 369.1 379.8 8413 8403 8393 935.7 934.1 932.5 361.0 371.4 382.2 8466 8456 8446 941.3 939.6 938.0 363.3 373.7 384.6 90 89 88 0.696 0.675 0.654 8277 8267 8257 919.9 918.3 916.7 388.4 399.6 411.2 8330 8320 8310 925.4 923.8 922.2 390.8 402.2 413.8 8383 8373 8362 930.9 929.3 927.7 393.3 404.7 416.4 8435 8425 8415 936.4 934.8 933.1 395.8 407.3 419.1 87 86 85 0.633 0.613 0.594 8248 8238 8228 915.2 913.6 912.0 423.1 435.0 447.6 8300 8290 8280 920.6 919.0 917.4 425.8 437.7 450.4 8353 8342 8332 926.1 924.5 922.9 428.5 440.5 453.3 8405 8395 8384 931.6 930.0 928.3 431.2 443.2 456.1 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. u o c 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 el o 2 2 =o II fff. 6 a o & ** QQ 1 I 1 I 132 2.341 8921 1007.8 133.4 8980 1013.7 134.2 9038 1019.6 135.1 9096 1025.6 136.0 131 2.280 8911 1006.3 136.5 8969 1012.2 137.4 9027 1018.1 138.3 9085 1024.0 139.2 130 2.220 8901 1004.8 139.8 8959 1010.7 140.7 9017 1016.6 141.7 9075 1022.5 142.6 129 2.161 8891 1003.2 143.2 8949 1009.1 144.2 9006 1015.0 145.1 9064 1020.9 146.0 128 2.103 8881 1001.7 146.7 8938 1007.6 147.7 8996 1013.4 148.6 9054 1019.3 149.6 127 2.047 8870 1000.2 150.3 8928 1006.1 151.2 8985 1011.9 152.2 9043 1017.8 153.2 126 .992 8860 998.6 154.0 8917 1004.5 155.0 8975 1010.3 156.0 9032 1016.2 157.0 125 .938 8850 997.11157.8 8907 1003.0 158.8 8964 1008.8 159.8 9021 1014.7 160.9 124 .886 8839 995.5 161.7 8896 1001.3 162.7 8953 1007.2 163.8 9011 1013.0 164.8 123 .835 8829 994.0 165.7 8886 999.8 166.8 8943 1005.6 167.9 9000 1011.4 168.9 122 .785 8819 992.4169.9 8876 998.2 171.0 8932 1004.0 172.1 8989 1009.8 173.2 121 .737 8809 990.9 174.2 8866 996.7 175.4 8922 1002.5 176.5 8979 1008.3 177.6 120 .689 8799 989.3 178.6 8855 995.1 179.8 8912 1000.9 180.9 8968 1006.7 182.1 119 .642 8788 987.8 183.1 8844 993.6 184.3 8901 999.4 185.5 8957 1005.1 186.7 118 .597 8778 986.2 187.8 8834 992.0 189.0 8891 997.8 190.2 8947 1003.5 191.4 117 .552 8767 984.6 192.7 8824 990.4 193.9 8880 996.2 195.2 8936 1001.9 196.4 116 .509 8757 983.0 197.6 8813 988.8 198.9 8869 994.5 200.2 8925 1000.3 201.4 115 .467 8747 981.5 202.8 8803 987.3 204.0 8859 993.0 205.3 8915 998.7 206.6 114 .426 8736 979.9 207.9 8792 985.7 209.2 8848 991.4 210.6 8904 997.1 211.9 113 .386 8726 978.41213.3 8781 984.1 214.6 8837 989.8 216.0 8893 995.5 217.3 112 .347 8715 976.8 218.8 8771 982.5 220.2 8826 988.2 221.6 8882 993.9 223.0 111 .308 8705 975.3 224.6 8760 980.9 226.0 8816 986.6 227.4 8871 992.3 228.9 110 .271 8695 973.7 230.6 8750 979.3 232.1 8805 985.0 233.5 8861 990.7 235.0 109 .235 8684 972.1 236.7 8739 977.8 238.2 8794 983.4 239.7 8849 989.1 241.2 108 .200 8674 970.5 243.0 8729 976.2 244.6 8784 981.8 246.1 8839 987.5 247.7 107 .165 8663 968.9 249.7 8718 974.6 251.3 8773 980.2 252.8 8828 985.9 254.4 106 .131 8653 967.3 256.5 8708 973.0 258.1 8763 978.6 259.7 8817 984.3 261.3 105 .098 8643 965.7 263.4 8698 971.4 265.1 8752 977.0 266.8 8807 982.7 268.4 104 .066 8632 964.1 270.6 8687 969.8 272.3 8741 975.4 274.0 8796 981.0 275.7 103 .035 8622 962.6 278.0 8677 968.2 279.7 8731 973.8 281.5 8785 979.4 283.2 102 1.005 8612 961.0 285.6 8666 966.6 287.4 8720 972.2 289.2 8775 977.8 291.0 101 0.975 8602 959.4 293.4 8656 965.0 295.3 8710 970.6 297.1 8764 976.2 298.9 100 0.946 8591 957.8 301.4 8645 963.4 303.3 8699 969.0 305.2 8753 974.6 307.1 99 0.918 8581 956.2 309.7 8635 961.8 311.6 8689 967.4 313.6 8743 973.0 315.5 98 0.891 8571 954.6318.2 8624 960.2 320.2 8678 965.8 322.2 8732 971.3 324.2 97 0.864 8560 953.1 327.1 8614 958.5 329.1 8668 964.2 331.2 8721 969.8 333.2 96 0.838 8550 951.5 336.3 8604 957.0 338.4 8657 962.6 340.5 8711 968.2 342.6 95 0.813 8540 949.91345.7 8593 955.4 347.9 8647 961.0 350.0 8700 966.6 352.2 94 0.788 8529 948.3 355.4 8583 953.8 357.6 8636 959.4 359.9 8689 964.9 362.1 93 0.764 8519 946.7 365.6 8572 952.2 367.8 8626 957.8 370.1 8679 963.3 372.4 92 0.741 8509 945.1 376.1 8562 950.6 378.4 8615 956.1 380.8 8668 961.6 383.1 91 0.718 8498 943.5 387.0 8551 949.0 389.4 8604 954.5 391.8 8657 960.0 394.2 90 0.696 8488 941.9 398.3 8541 947.4 400.7 8594 952.9 403.2 8646 958.3 405.7 89 0.675 8478 940.3409.8 8531 945.8 412.4 8583 951.3414.9 8636 956.7 417.5 88 0.654 8467 938.6 421.7 8520 944.1 424.3 8572 949.6 426.9 8625 955.0 429.5 87 0.633 8457 937.0 433.9 8510 942.5 436.6 8562 948.0 439.2 8615 953.4 441.9 86 0.613 8447 935.4446.0 8499 940.9 448.8 9552 946.3 451.5 8604 951.8454.3 85 0.594 8437 933.8458.9 8489 939.2 461.8 8541 944.7464.6 8593 950.1467.5 120 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. "S 1 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.79 v M PH d Ijs I ] g J* ii H 1 23 02 5 23 W GQ 1 23 OQ 1 23 '" :> 324 94 8 276 1325 4 6 60 297 5 1336 1 6 77 323 93 5 273 4 1323 7 6 67 295 1334 4 6 84 322 92 2 271 1322 1 6 75 292 5 1332 7 6 92 321 90 9 268 4 1320 4 6 82 289 9 1331 1 6 99 320 89 6 266 1318 8 6 90 287 4 1329 5 7 06 319 88 3 263.5 1317.1 6.97 284.9 1327.8 7.14 318 317 316 87.1 85.9 84.6 260.9 258.4 255.9 1315.5 1313.9 1312.2 7.04 7.11 7.19 282.3 279.8 277.3 1326.2 1324.5 1322.9 7.21 7.29 7.37 300.8 298.3 i335'.o 1333.3 7^52 315 314 313 83.4 82.3 81.1 253.4 250.9 248.4 1310.6 1309.0 1307.4 7.28 7.35 7.44 274.7 272.1 269.6 1321.2 1319.5 1317.8 7.45 7.53 7.62 295.7 293.1 290.5 1331.6 1329.9 1328.3 7.60 7.69 7.77 ... 312 311 310 79.9 78.8 77.6 245.9 243.4 241.0 1305.8 1304.2 1302.6 7.52 7.60 7.68 267.1 264.5 262.0 1316.2 1314.6 1313.0 7.70 7.79 7.88 288.0 285.5 283.0 1326.6 1324.9 1323.3 7.86 7.95 8.03 ... 309 308 307 76.5 75.4 74.3 238.5 236.0 233.6 1301.0 1299.4 1297.8 7.77 7.86 7.95 259.5 257.0 254.4 1311.4 1309.7 1308.1 7.97 8.05 8.14 280.5 278.0 275.5 1321.7 1320.0 1318.3 8.12 8.21 8.30 299'. 1 296.5 1330.3 1328.6 8.40 8.50 306 305 304 73.2 72.2 71.1 231.2 228.8 226.4 1296.3 1294.7 1293.1 8.04 8.13 8.22 251.9 249.3 246.9 1306.4 1304.8 1303.2 8.23 8.33 8.42 273.0 270.5 267.9 1316.7 1315.0 1313.4 8.40 8.49 8.59 294.0 291.4 288.8 1326.9 1325.3 1323.6 8.59 8.69 8.79 303 302 301 70.0 69.0 68.0 224.0 221.7 219.2 1291.5 1289.9 1288.4 8.31 8.40 8.50 244.4 241.9 239.4 1301.6 1300.0 1298.3 8.51 8.60 8.70 265.3 262.8 260.1 1311.7 1310.0 1308.3 8.69 8.79 8.89 286.2 283.5 281.0 1321. g 1320.2 1318.5 8.89 8.99 9.09 300 299 298 67.0 66.0 65.0 216.7 214.2 211.8 1286.8 1285.2 1283.6 8.60 8.70 8.80 236.9 234.4 231.9 1296.7 1295.1 1293.5 8.80 8.91 9.01 257.6 255.0 252.5 1306.6 1304.9 1303.3 8.99 9.09 9.20 278.4 275.9 273.2 1316.8 1315.1 1313.4 9.19 9.29 9.40 297 296 295 64.0 63.1 62.1 209.3 206.8 204.4 1282.0 1280.4 1278.8 8.90 9.00 9.10 229.4 227.0 224.6 1291.9 1290.3 1288.7 9.11 9.22 9.33 250.0 247.4 244.9 1301.7 1300.1 1298.4 9.30 9.41 9.51 270.5 268.0 265.4 1311.7 1310.1 1308.5 9.50 9.61 9.72 294 293 292 61.2 60.2 59.3 202.0 199.5 197.1 1277.2 1275.6 1274.0 9.21 9.33 9.44 222.1 219.6 217.2 1287.1 1285.5 1283.9 9.44 9.55 9.66 242.3 239.8 237.3 1296.8 1295.2 1293.6 9.62 9.73 9.85 262.9 260.3 257.7 1306.8 1305.2 1303.5 9.83 9.95 10.06 291 290 289 58.4 57.5 56.7 194.7 192.3 189.8 1272.5 1271.0 1269.4 9.55 9.66 9.78 214.7 212.1 209.6 1282.3 1280.6 1279.0 9.77 9.88 10.00 234.7 232.1 229.6 1291.8 1290.2 1288.5 9.97 10.09 10.20 255.1 252.6 250.0 1301.9 1300.2 1298.5 10.18 10.30 10.42 288 287 286 55.8 54.9 54.1 187.4 185.0 182.6 1267.9 1266.4 1264.8 9.89 10.01 10.13 207.0 204.4 201.9 1277.4 1275.8 1274.2 10.12 10.24 10.36 227.0 224.5 222.0 1286.9 1285.2 1283.6 10.32 10.45 10.58 247.3 244.7 242.1 1296.9 1295.2 1293.5 10.56 10.68 10.80 285 284 283 53.2 52.4 51.6 180.2 177.8 175.4 1263.3 1261.7 1260.1 10.25 10.37 10.50 199.4 196.9 194.4 1272.6 1271.0 1269.4 10.48 10.61 10.74 219.4 216.9 214.4 1282.0 1280.4 1278.8 10.70 10.83 10.97 239.5 236.9 234.3 1291.8 1290.2 1288.5 10.94 11.06 11.20 282 281 280 50.8 50.0 49.19 173.0 170.6 168.2 1258.5 1257.0 1255.4 10.62 10.75 10.88 191.9 189.5 187.0 1267.8 1266.2 1264.6 10.87 1 .00 1 .14 211.9 209.4 206.8 1277.2 1275.6 1274.0 11.10 11.23 11.36 231.7 229.1 226.5 1286.8 1285.2 1283.5 11.34 11.47 11.62 279 278 277 48.41 47.64 46.88 165.8 163.4 161.0 1253.9 1252.4 1250.9 11.02 11.15 11.29 184.6 182.2 179.7 1263.1 1261.6 1260.0 1 .28 1 .42 1 .56 204.4 202.0 199.5 1272.4 1270.9 1269.3 11.50 11.65 11.80 224.0 221.4 218.8 1281.8 1280.2 1278.6 11.76 11.90 12.05 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. 121 J 1 le 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.83 ITemperatur Degrees ] !! <** iu Quality. Heat Con- tents. Specific Volume. Quality. Heat Con- tents. Specific Volume. Quality. Heat Con- tents. Specific Volume. Quality. Heat Con- tents. Specific Volume. 324 94.8 323 93.5 39!?, 92.2 321 90.9 I 320 89.6 319 88.3 318 87.1 317 85.9 316 84.6 315 83 4 314 82 3 313 81.1 312 79.9 311 78.8 310 77.6 309 76.5 308 75.4 307 74.3 306 73 2 305 72 2 304 71.1 303 '70.0 30?, 69.0 301 68.0 300 67.0 299.0 1326.7 9.37 299 66.0 296.3 1325.0 9.48 298 65.0 293.7 1323.3 9.60 297 64 291.0 1321.6 9 70 296 63 1 288.4 1319 9 9 81 295 294 62.1 61.2 285.8 283.1 1318.2 1316.4 9.92 10.03 293 60.2 280.5 1314.7 10.15 301.5 1325 2 10 36 292 59.3 277.8 1313.0 10.27 298.7 1323 4 10 48 291 58.4 275.1 1311.4 10.39 296 1321 7 10 60 290 57.5 272.4 1309.7 10.52 293.3 1320.0 10.73 2R9 56.7 269.8 1308.0 10 65 290 6 1318 3 10 86 288 55.8 267.2 1306.4 10.77 288.0 1316.6 10.99 287 54.9 264.5 1304.7 10.90 285.3 1314.8 11.11 286 54.1 261.9 1303.0 11.03 282.5 1313.1 11.25 285 284 283 282 281 280 279 278 277 53.2 52.4 51.6 50.8 50.0 49.19 48.41 47.64 46.88 259.3 256.7 254.0 251.4 248.7 246.0 243.3 240.7 238.1 1301.4 1299.7 1298.0 1296.4 1294.7 1293.0 1291.4 1289.7 1288.0 11.16 11.29 11.43 11.57 11.72 11.86 12.00 12.15 12.30 279.8 277.1 274.4 271.7 269.0 266.3 263.6 261.0 258.3 1311.4 1309.7 1308.0 1306.3 1304.6 1302.9 1301.2 1299.5 1297.8 11.39 11.53 11.67 11.81 11.96 12.10 12.25 12.40 12.56 301.0 298.3 295.5 292.8 290.0 287.2 284.5 281.7 279.0 1321.9 1320.1 1318.3 1316.5 1314.8 1313.0 1311.2 1309.5 1307.7 11.64 11.78 11.93 12.07 12.22 12.37 12.53 12.69 12.84 30l'.5 298.8 13Y9.0 1317.3 12.95 13.10 122 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. b a o 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.79 03 JJ) 5i c c5 , da si 6a a! s - g da d ll F jy 1 |3 1* a * GO a ^ CO* 03 < 23 CO 276 275 274 46.13 45.39 44.67 158.6 156.2 153.8 1249.3 1247.8 1246.3 11.43 11.57 11.72 177.3 174.8 172.3 1258.4 1256.8 1255.2 11.70 11.84 11.99 197.0 194.4 191.9 1267.7 1266.0 1264.4 11.94 12.09 12.24 216.2 213.6 211.0 1277.0 1275.3 1273.6 12.20 12.35 12.50 273 272 271 43.95 43.24 42.54 151.4 149.0 146.6 1244.7 1243.2 1241.7 11.86 12.01 12.16 169.9 167.4 165.0 1253.6 1252.0 1250.4 12.13 12.29 12.44 189.4 186.9 184.3 1262.8 1261.2 1259.6 12.39 12.54 12.70 208.4 205.8 203.2 1271.9 1270.3 1268.6 12.66 12.82 12.99 270 269 268 41.84 41.16 40.49 144.2 141.8 139.4 1240.2 1238.7 1237.2 12.32 12.47 12.63 162.5 160.0 157.5 1248.8 1247.2 1245.7 12.60 12.76 12.92 181.7 179.1 176.5 1258.0 1256.4 1254.8 12.86 13.02 13.20 200.6 198.0 195.4 1266.9 1265.3 1263.7 13.15 13.31 13.49 267 266 265 39.83 39.17 38.53 137.0 134.5 132.1 1235.7 1234.2 1232.6 12.79 12.95 13.12 155.0 152.6 150.1 1244.1 1242.6 1241.0 13.08 13.25 13.42 174.0 171.5 169.0 1253.2 1251.6 1250.0 13.36 13.53 13.70 192.8 190.2 187.7 1262.0 1260.4 1258.8 13.66 13.83 14.01 264 263 262 37.89 37.26 36.64 129.7 127.3 124.9 1231.0 1229.5 1228.0 13.29 13.46 13.64 147.7 145^2 142.8 1239.5 1237.9 1236.4 13.58 13.76 13.94 166.4 163.9 161.3 1248.4 1246.7 1245.1 13.88 14.06 14.23 185.1 182.5 179.9 1257.2 1255.6 1254.0 14.19 14.38 14.56 261 260 259 36.02 35.42 34.83 122.5 120.1 117.7 1226.4 1224.9 1223.3 13.81 13.99 14.17 140.3 137.8 135.3 1234.8 1233.2 1231.7 14.11 14.30 14.49 158.8 156.2 153.6 1243.5 1241.9 1240.3 14.41 14.60 14.79 177.3 174.7 172.1 1252.4 1250.8 1249.1 14.75 14.95 15.14 258 257 256 34.24 33.66 33.09 115.3 112.9 110.5 1221.7 1220.2 1218.6 14.35 14.54 14.74 132.9 130.4 128.0 1230.1 1228.6 1227.0 14.67 14.86 15.05 151.0 148.4 145.8 1238.7 1237.0 1235.4 14.99 15.18 15.38 169.5 166.9 164.3 1247.4 1245.8 1244.2 15.33 15.53 15.74 255 254 253 32.53 31.97 31.42 108.1 105.7 103.3 1217.1 1215.6 1214.1 14.93 15.11 15.31 125.4 123.0 120.4 1225.5 1224.0 1222.4 15.25 15.44 15.65 143.2 140.6 138.1 1233.8 1232.1 1230.5 15.58 15.78 15.99 161.8 159.2 156.5 1242.6 1241.0 1239.3 15.94 16.15 16.36 252 251 250 30.88 30.35 29.82 100.9 98.5 96.1 1212.5 1211.0 1209.4 15.52 15.72 15.94 118.0 115.5 113.0 J1220.8 1219.2 1217.6 15.86 16.06 16.27 135.5 133.0 130.4 1228.9 1227.3 1225.7 16.20 16.40 16.62 153.9 151.3 148.7 1237.7 1236.1 1234.4 16.58 16.80 17.02 249 248 247 29.30 28.79 28.29 93.7 91.3 88.9 1207.9 1206.4 1204.8 16.14 16.36 16.57 110.5 108.0 105.6 1216.0 1214.4 1212.9 16.49 16.70 16.92 127.9 125.4 122.9 1224.1 1222.6 1221.0 16.84 17.06 17.29 146.1 143.5 140.9 1232.8 1231.2 1229.6 17.24 17.47 17.70 246 245 244 27.80 27.31 26.83 86.5 84.0 81.6 1203.3 1201.8 1200.3 16.79 17.01 17.23 103.1 100.6 98.2 1211.4 1209.9 1208.3 17.14 17.35 17.60 120.4 117.8 115.3 1219.5 1217.9 1216.3 17.51 17.75 17.99 138.3 135.7 133.1 1227.9 1226.3 1224.7 17.93 18.17 18.41 243 242 241 26.35 25.88 25.42 79.2 76.8 74.4 1198.8 1197.3 1195.8 17.47 17.70 17.94 95.7 93.3 90.9 1206.7 1205.1 1203.6 17.83 18.07 18.30 112.8 110.3 107.8 1214.7 1213.1 1211.5 18.23 18.48 18.72 130.5 127.9 125.3 1223.1 1221.4 1219.8 18.67 18.91 19.17 240 239 238 24.97 24.52 24.08 72.0 69.6 67.2 1194.3 1192.8 1191.3 18.18 18.41 18.67 88.4 85.9 83.4 1202.0 1200.5 1198.9 18.56 18.80 19.06 105.2 102.7 100.2 1209.9 1208.3 1206.8 18.99 19.23 19.50 122.6 120.0 117.5 1218.2 1216.6 1215.0 19.43 19.70 19.97 237 236 235 23.64 23.21 22.79 64.8 62.4 60.0 1189.7 1188.2 1186.6 18.93 19.19 19.44 81.0 78.5 76.0 1197.4 1195.8 1194.3 19.31 19.59 19.85 97.7 95.2 92.7 1205.2 1203.6 1202.0 19.76 20.04 20.30 115.0 112.4 109.7 1213.4 1211.8 1200.1 20.24 20.50 20.80 234 233 232 22.38 21.97 21.57 57.6 55.2 52.8 1185.1 1183.6 1182.1 19.70 19.99 20.26 73.5 71.0 68.6 1192.7 1191.2 1189.6 20.12 20.40 20.69 90.1 87.6 85.1 1200.4 1198.8 1197.3 20.60 20.89 21.17 107.1 104.5 101.9 1208.5 1206.9 1205.3 21.10 21.39 21.69 231 230 229 21.17 20.78 20.40 50.4 48.0 45.7 1180.6 1179.1 1177.6 20.54 20.83 21.11 66.1 63.6 61.2 1188.0 1186.4 1184.9 20.99 21.29 21.58 82.6 80.1 77.7 1195.8 1194.3 1192.8 21.47 21.77 22.10 99.3 96.8 94.3 1203.7 1202.1 1200.5 22.00 22.30 22.61 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. 123 Temperature, Degrees Fahr. 1 Pressure, Pounds! per Square Inch. 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.83 >> I 4 j 11 w fi QD >* I a 3s 13 w *! p 02 I !<2 *! 0> ** w ij P 02 1 1 s* 11 B o 1 S - 3 o i* 02 276 275 274 46.13 45.39 44.67 235.4 232.8 230.2 1286.3 1284.7 1283.0 12.45 12.60 12.76 255.5 252.8 250.1 1296.1 1294.4 1292.7 12.71 12.87 13.03 276.3 273.5 270.8 1306.0 1304.2 1302.5 13.00 13.16 13.33 296.0 293.2 290.4 1315.6 1313.8 1312.0 13.26 13.43 13.60 273 272 271 43.95 43.24 42.54 227.6 224.9 222.2 1281.3 1279.6 1277.9 12.93 13.10 13.26 247.4 244.7 242.0 1291.0 1289.3 1287.6 13.20 13.36 13.54 268.0 265.2 262.5 1300.7 1299.0 1297.3 13.50 13.67 13.84 287.7 284.9 282.1 1310.2 1308.5 1306.7 13.77 13.95 14.13 270 269 268 41.84 41.16 40.49 219.5 216.9 214.3 1276.2 1274.5 1272.8 13.43 13.60 13.78 239.4 236.7 234.0 1285.9 1284.2 1282.5 13.70 13.89 14.06 259.7 257.0 254.2 1295.5 1293.7 1292.0 14.02 14.20 14.39 279.3 276.5 273.8 1304.9 1303.2 1301.4 14.31 14.50 14.68 267 266 265 39.83 39.17 38.53 211.6 209.0 206.3 1271.1 1269.4 1267.7 13.95 14.13 14.31 231.3 228.6 225.9 1280.8 1279.1 1277.4 14.24 14.43 14.60 251.4 248.7 246.0 129D.3 1288.5 1286.8 14.57 14.76 14.94 271.0 268.2 265.5 1299.7 1297.9 1296.1 14.87 15.06 15.26 264 263 262 37.89 37.26 36.64 203.6 200.9 198.3 1266.0 1264.3 1262.6 14.50 14.70 14.89 223.2 220.5 217.8 1275.7 1274.0 1272.3 14.80 15.00 15.19 243.3 240.5 237.7 1285.1 1283.3 1281.6 15.13 15.33 15.53 262.7 260.0 257.2 1294.4 1292.6 1290.9 15.45 15.65 15.86 261 260 259 36.02 35.42 34.83 195.6 193.0 190.4 1261.0 1259.4 1257.7 15.07 15.27 15.47 215.1 212.4 209.7 1270.6 1268.9 1267.1 15.39 15.58 15.79 235.0 232.2 229.5 1279.8 1278.1 1276.4 15.73 15.94 16.15 254.4 251.6 248.9 1289.2 1287.4 1285.6 16.07 16.27 16.49 258 257 256 34.24 33.66 33.09 187.9 185.4 182.9 1256.1 1254.5 1252.9 15.67 15.88 16.09 207.0 204.3 201.5 1265.4 1263.6 1261.9 16.00 16.20 16.41 226.7 224.0 221.2 1274.7 1273.0 1271.2 16.36 16.57 16.79 246.1 243.3 240.5 1283.9 1282.2 1280.5 16.70 16.93 17.15 255 254 253 32.53 31.97 31.42 180.2 177.6 174.9 1251.3 1249.6 1247.9 16.30 16.52 16.73 198.8 196.1 193.4 1260.2 1258.5 1256.8 16.62 16.84 17.06 218.5 215.7 213.0 1269.5 1267.8 1266.1 17.01 17.23 17.46 237.8 235.0 232.3 1278.7 1277.0 1275.2 17.39 17.60 17.84 252 251 250 30.88 30.35 29.82 172.2 169.5 166.8 1246.2 1244.5 1242.9 16.95 17.18 17.40 190.7 188.0 185.3 1255.1 1253.3 1251.6 17.29 17.52 17.75 210.3 207.5 204.7 1264.3 1262.6 1260.9 17.69 17.92 18.16 229.5 226.7 224.0 1273.5 1271.7 1269.9 18.09 18.32 18.56 249 248 247 29.30 28.79 28.29 164.2 161.5 158.8 1241.2 1239.5 1237.8 17.63 17.86 18.10 182.5 179.8 177.1 1249.9 1248.2 1246.6 18.00 18.23 18.48 202.0 199.2 196.4 1259.2 1257.4 1255.7 18.40 18.65 18.90 221.2 218.4 215.7 1268.2 1266.5 1264.8 18.80 19.06 19.32 246 245 244 27.80 27.31 26.83 156.1 153.4 150.7 1236.2 1234.6 1232.9 18.34 18.59 18.84 174.4 171.7 169.0 1244.9 1243.2 1241.5 18.73 18.99 19.23 193.6 190.9 188.1 1254.0 1252.3 1250.5 19.14 19.40 19.66 213.0 210.2 207.4 1263.1 1261.3 1259.6 19.59 19.84 20.11 243 242 241 26.35 25.88 25.42 148.0 145.4 142.8 1231.2 1229.5 1227.8 19.10 19.35 19.61 166.3 163.7 161.0 1239.8 1238.1 1236.4 19.49 19.76 20.03 185.3 182.6 179.9 1248.8 1247.1 1245.4 19.93 20.20 20.47 204.6 201.9 199.1 1257.9 1256.2 1254.5 20.39 20.67 20.95 240 239 238 24.97 24.52 24.08 140.1 137.3 134.5 1226.1 1224.4 1222.7 19.88 20.15 20.42 158.3 155.6 152.9 1234.7 1233.0 1231.4 20.31 20.59 20.87 177.1 174.3 171.5 1243.7 1242.0 1240.3 20.76 21.03 21.32 196.3 193.5 190.7 1252.8 1251.1 1249.3 21.25 21.53 21.82 237 236 235 23.64 23.21 22.79 131.8 129.1 126.5 1221.1 1219.4 1217.7 20.70 20.99 21.29 150.2 147.4 144.7 1239.7 1228.0 1226.3 21.16 21.45 21.76 168.8 166.0 163.2 1238.6 1236.9 1235.2 21.62 21.93 22.23 188.0 185.2 182.4 1247.6 1245.9 1244.2 22.13 22.44 22.76 234 233 232 22.38 21.97 21.57 123.8 121.1 118.4 1216.1 1214.5 1212.8 21.59 21.89 22.19 142.0 139.3 136.6 1224.6 1222.9 1221.2 22.06 22.38 22.69 160.4 157.6 154.9 1233.5 1231.7 1230.0 22.54 22.86 23.20 179.6 176.9 174.1 1242.4 1240.7 1238.9 23.09 23.41 23.74 231 230 229 21.17 20.78 20.40 115.8 113.2 110.7 1211.2 1209.6 1208.0 22.50 22.83 23.17 133.9 131.2 128.5 1219.5 1217.8 1216.1 23.02 23.35 23.68 152.1 149.3 146.6 1228.2 1226.4 1224.7 23.52 23.87 24.20 171.3 168.5 165.7 1237.2 1235.4 1233.7 24.10 24.45 24.79 124 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. Temperature, Degrees Fahr. T3 k "o* 9 .d m 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.79 tf> j* |J i Ss d o | S-g >> J* ! | I* ,1 1 r V < V |* m 1 r r 1 gs || OQ 228 227 226 20.02 19.64 19.28 43.3 40.9 38.5 1176.1 1174.6 1173.1 21.41 21.71 22.02 58.8 56.4 54.0 1183.3 1181.8 1180.3 21.90 22.20 22.53 75.2 72.7 70.2 1191.2 1189.6 1188.0 22.40 22.74 23.06 91.8 89.2 86.6 1198.9 1197.2 1195.6 22.94 23.29 23.61 225 224 223 18.91 18.56 18.21 36.1 33.7 31.3 1171.6 1160.1 1168.6 22.32 22.64 22.98 51.5 49.0 46.6 1178.8 1177.3 1175.8 22.87 23.20 23.54 67.7 65.2 62.7 1186.4 1184.9 1183.3 23.40 23.74 24.09 84.0 81.4 78.8 1194.0 1192.4 1190.8 23.96 24.30 24.67 222 221 220 17.86 17.52 17.19 29.0 26.6 24.2 1167.1 1165.6 1164.1 23.32 23.67 24.01 44.2 41.8 39.4 1174.3 1172.8 1171.3 23.90 24.25 24.60 60.2 57.7 55.1 1181.7 1180.1 1178.6 24.44 24.80 25.17 76.2 73.6 71.0 1189.2 1187.6 1186.0 25.01 25.40 25.79, 219 218 217 16.86 16.54 16.22 21.7 19.3 16.9 1162.6 1161.1 1159.6 24.37 24.73 25.10 37.0 34.6 32.2 1169.8 1168.3 1166.8 24.96 25.33 25.72 52.6 50.1 47.6 1177.0 1175.5 1174.0 25.55 25.93 26.31 68.5 65.9 63.4 1184.4 1182.8 1181.2 26.15 26.55 26.94 216 215 214 15.90 15.60 15.29 14.5 12.1 9.8 1158.2 1156.7 1155.2 25.47 25.83 26.22 29.8 27.4 25.0 1165.3 1163.8 1162.3 26.10 26.50 26.90 45.1 42.7 40.3 1172.4 1170.9 1169.4 26.72 27.13 27.54 60.9 58.3 55.7 1179.7 1178.1 1176.5 27.35 27.77 28.20 213 212 211 14.99 14.70 14.41 7.4 5.0 2.6 1153.8 1152.3 1150.8 26.60 26.98 27.38 22.6 20.2 17.9 1160.8 1159.3 1157.8 27.31 27.73 28.16 37.9 35.5 33.0 1167.9 1166.3 1164.8 27.95 28.38 28.80 53.1 50.6 48.0 1174.9 1173.3 1171.7 28.61 29.04 29.47 210 209 208 14.13 13.85 13.57 0.2 1149.4 27.80 15.5 13.1 10.7 1156.3 1154.9 1153.4 28.59 29.00 29.43 30.5 28.1 25.6 1163.3 1161.8 1160.3 29.23 29.67 30.11 45.5 43.0 40.5 1170.1 1168.6 1167.0 29.92 30.38 30.83 9991 9980 1148.0 1146.5 28.29 28.80 207 206 205 13.30 13.03 12.77 9969 9958 9947 1145.1 1143.6 1142.1 29.32 29.85 30.40 8.3 5.9 3.5 1151.9 1150.4 1148.9 29.87 30.30 30.75 23.2 20.7 18.2 1158.7 1157.2 1155.7 30.59 31.05 31.51 38.0 35.6 33.1 1165.5 1164.0 1162.5 31.30 31.79 32.28 204 203 202 12.51 12.26 12.01 9936 9924 9914 1140.6 1139.2 1137.8 30.95 31.51 32.09 0.7 1147.4 31.20 15.8 13.3 10.8 1154.2 1152.7 1151.2 31.99 32.48 32.97 30.6 28.1 25.6 1161.0 1159.4 1157.8 32.78 33.27 33.78 9992 9982 1145.9 1144.4 31.72 32.31 201 200 199 11.77 11.53 11.29 9903 9892 9881 1136.3 1134.8 1133.4 32.67 33.26 33.86 9971 9959 9948 1142.9 1141.4 1139.9 32.89 33.48 34.09 8.3 5.9 3.4 1149.6 1148.0 1146.5 33.46 33.98 34.48 23.1 20.6 18.1 1156.2 1154.7 1153.2 34.30 34.82 35.35 198 197 196 11.06 10.83 10.61 9870 9859 9848 1131.9 1130.4 1128.9 34.48 35.11 35.76 9937 9926 9915 1138.5 1136.9 1135.4 34.71 35.35 36.00 1.0 1145.0 35.00 15.6 13.1 10.7 1151.8 1150.3 1148.8 35.90 36.45 37.02 9993 9981 1143.5 1142.0 35. 5y 36.24 195 194 193 10.39 10.17 9.96 9837 9826 9815 1127.4 1125.9 1124.5 36.43 37.11 37.82 9904 9893 9882 1134.0 1132.5 1131.0 36.67 37.36 38.07 9971 9959 9948 1140.5 1139.0 1137.6 36.92 37.62 38.33 8.2 5.7 3.2 1147.3 1145.7 1144.2 37.60 38.18 38.78 192 191 190 9.75 9.54 9.34 9804 9793 9782 1123.0 1121.5 1120.1 38.54 39.28 40.03 9870 9859 9848 1129.5 1128.0 1126.6 38.80 39.54 40.30 9937 9925. 9914 1136.0 1134.5 1133.1 39. D6 39.81 40.57 0.6 1142.7 39.39 9991 9980 1141.1 1139.6 40.07 40.84 189 188 187 9.14 8.95 8.76 9771 9760 9749 1118.6 1117.1 1115.7 40.79 41.57 42.36 9837 9826 9815 1125.1 1123.6 1122.1 41.07 41.85 42.64 9903 9891 9880 1131.6 1130.1 1128.6 41.35 42.13 42.93 9969 9957 9946 1138.1 1136.5 1135.1 41.62 42.41 43.21 186 185 184 8.57 8.38 8.20 9738 9727 9716 1114.2 1112.7 1111.2 43.17 43.99 44.86 9803 9792 9781 1120.6 1119.1 1117.6 43.46 44.29 45.16 9869 9858 9846 1127.1 1125.6 1124.0 43.75 44.59 45.46 9934 9923 9911 1133.5 1132.0 1130.5 44.04 44.88 45.76 183 182 181 8.02 7.85 7.68 9705 9695 9684 1109.7 1108.2 1106.7 45.73 46.64 47.58 9770 9760 9749 1116.1 1114.7 1113.1 46.04 46.95 47.90 9835 9824 9814 1122.6 1121.1 1119.5 46.34 47.27 48.21 9900 9889 9878 1129.0 1127.5 1125.9 46.65 47.58 48.53 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. I2S ll ^3 1 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.83 Et2 11 f H 3 K4 || 1 ** - ll ;3 1 1 1 i ^ H fi o l> 1 -u C w -^ ll 3 ll '3 "3 1 3 11 1^ H a ** 02 < w 02 M OQ O" a OQ 180 7.51 9673 105.1 48.56 9737 1111.5 48.88 9802 1117.9 49.21 9867 1124.3 49.53 179 7.35 9662 103.7 49.47 9727 1110.0 49.80 9791 116.4 50.1 9856 1122.8 50.5 178 7.19 9651 102.2 50.4 9716 1108.6 50.8 9780 1114.9 51.1 9844 1121.3 51.5 177 7.03 9641 100.7 51.5 9705 1107.1 51.8 9769 1113.4 52.2 9833 1119.8 52.5 176 6.87 9629 099.2 52.5 9693 1105.5 52.8 9757 1111.9 53.2 9821 1118.2 53.5 175 6.71 9619 097.7 53.6 9683 1104.0 53.9 9747 1110.4 54.3 9811 1116.7 54.6 174 6.56 9608 096.2 54.7 9672 1102.5 55.0 9736 1108.8 55.4 9799 1115.2 55.8 173 6.42 9597 1094.7 55.8 9661 1101.0 56.1 9725 1107.3 56.5 9788 1113.7 56.9 172 6.27 9587 1093.2 56.8 9650 1099.5 57.2 9714 1105.8 57.6 9777 1112.1 58.0 171 6.13 9575 1091.6 58.0 9638 1097.9 58.4 9702 1104.2 58.8 9765 1110.5 59.2 170 5.99 9564 1090.1 59.3 9627 1096.4 59.7 9691 1102.7 60.1 9754 1109.0 60.5 169 5.85 9553 1088.6 60.6 9616 1094.9 61.0 9680 1101.2 61.4 9743 1107.5 61.8 168 5.72 9543 1087.1 61.8 9606 1093.4 62.2 9669 1099.7 62.7 9732 1105.9 63.1 167 5.59 9532 1085.6 63.1 9595 1091.9 63.5 9657 1098.1 63.9 9720 1104.4 64.3 166 5.46 9521 1084.1 64.5 9584 1090.3 64.9 9646 1096.6 65.3 9709 1102.8 65.7 165 5.33 9510 1082.6 65.7 9573 1088.8 66.1 9636 1095.0 66.6 9698 1101.3 67.0 164 5.21 9500 1081.0 67.1 9562 1087.3 67.5 9624 1093.5 67.9 9687 1099.7 68.4 163 5.09 9489 1079.5 68.4 9551 1085.7 68.9 9613 1092.0 69.3 9676 1098.2 69.8 162 4.969 9478 1078.0 69.9 9540 1084.2 70.3 9602 1090.4 70.8 9664 1096.6 71.2 161 4.852 9467 1076.5 71.4 9529 1082.7 71.9 9591 1088.9 72.3 9653 1095.1 72.8 160 4.738 9457 1075.0 73.0 9518 1081.2 73.5 9580 1087.4 74.0 9642 1093.6 74.4 159 4.626 9446 1073.4 74.5 9508 1079.6 75.0 9569 1085.8 75.5 9631 1092.0 76.0 158 4.517 9435 1071.9 76.1 9497 1078.1 76.6 9558 1084.2 77.1 9620 1090.4 77.6 157 4.409 9425 1070.4 77.8 9486 1076.6 78.4 9547 1082.7 78.9 9609 1088.9 79.4 156 4.303 9414 1068.9 79.5 9475 1075.0 80.1 9536 1081.2 80.6 9598 1087.3 81.1 155 4.200 9402 1067.3 81.2 9464 1073.4 81.8 9525 1079.6 82.3 9586 1085.7 82.8 154 4.099 9391 1065.7 83.0 9453 1071.9 83.6 9514 1078.0 84.1 9575 1084.2 84.6 153 4.000 9381 1064.2 84.8 9442 1070.4 85.4 9503 1076.5 85.9 9564 1082.6 86.5 152 3.903 9370 1062.7 86.7 9431 1068.8 87.2 9491 1074.9 87.8 9552 1081.0 88.4 151 3.808 9359 1061.1 88.6 9419 1067.2 89.2 9480 1073.3 89.8 9541 1079.4 90.3 150 3.715 9348 1059.6 90.6 9409 1065.7 91.2 9469 1071.8 91.8 9530 1077.9 92.3 149 3.624 9337 1058.0 92.6 9398 1064.1 93.2 9458 1070.2 93.8 9518 1076.3 94.4 148 3.535 9327 1056.5 94.8 9387 1062.6 95.4 9447 1068.7 96.0 9508 1074.8 96.6 147 3.447 9316 1055.0 96.9 9376 1061.0 97.5 9436 1067.1 98.1 9496 1073.1 98.8 146 3.361 9305 1053.4 99.1 9365 1059.5 99.7 9425 1065.5 100.4 9485 1071.6 101.0 145 3.278 9294 1051.8 101.3 9354 1057.9 102.0 9413 1063.9 102.6 9473 1070.0 103.3 144 3.196 9283 1050.3 103.6 9343 1056.4 104.3 9403 1062.4 104.9 9462 1068.4 105.6 143 3.116 9272 1048.7 106.0 9332 1054.8 106.7 9391 1060.8 107.3 9451 1066.8 108.0 142 3.037 9262 1047.2 108.5 9321 1053.2 109.1 9380 1059.2 109.8 9440 1065.2 110.5 141 2.960 9251 1045.7 110.9 9310 1051.7 111.6 9369 1057.7 112.3 9429 1063.7 113.1 140 2.885 9240 1044.1 113.5 9299 1050.1 114.2 9358 1056.0 114.9 9417 1062.0 115.6 139 2.812 9229 1042.5 116.2 9288 1048.5 117.0 9347 1054.5 117.7 9406 1060.5 118.5 138 2.740 9219 1041.0 118.8 9278 1047.0 119.6 9337 1053.0 120.3 9396 1058.9 121.1 137 2.669 9207 1039.4 121.6 9266 1045.3 122.4 9325 1051.3 123.2 9384 1057.3 124.0 136 2.600 9197 1037.8 124.5 9256 1043.8 125.3 9314 1049.7 126.1 9372 1055.7 126.9 135 2.533 9186 1036.2 127.5 9245 1042.2 128.3 9303 1048.1 129.1 9362 1054.1 129.9 134 2.467 9175 1034.6 130.5 9233 1040.6 131.3 9292 1046.5 132.1 9350 1052.4 133.0 133 2.403 9164 1033.1 133.6 9223 1039.0 134.5 9281 1044.9 135.3 9339 1050.8 136.2 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. u a 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.83 r d o f! a _ ol a 6- V a i c a! II H ill I M ^ 3 02 | .1 I* i 1 ! p >> "eS 3 O" 6 4S II ll 02 *j e 6 2 ll ! '5 ,0 ^ 02 132 131 130 2.341 2.280 2.220 9154 9143 9133 1031.5 1029.9 1028.3 136.9 140.1 143.5 9212 9201 9191 1037.4 1035.8 1034.2 137.7 141.0 144.4 9270 9259 9248 1043.3 1041.7 1040.1 138.6 141.9 145.3 9328 9317 9306 1049.2 1047.6 1046.0 139.5 142.7 146.2 129 128 127 2.161 2.103 2.047 9122 9111 9100 1026.8 1025.2 1023.6 147.0 150.5 154.2 9180 9169 9158 1032.7 1031.1 1029.5 147.9 151.5 155.1 9237 9226 9215 1038.5 1036.9 1035.3 148.8 152.4 156.1 9295 9284 9273 1044.4 1042.8 1041.2 149.7 153.4 157.1 126 125 124 1.992 1.938 1.886 9089 9079 9068 1022.0 1020.5 1018.8 158.0 161.9 165.8 9147 9136 9125 1027.9 1026.3 1024.7 159.0 162.9 166.9 9204 9193 9182 1033.7 1032.2 1030.5 160.0 163.9 167.9 9261 9250 9239 1039.6 1038.0 1036.3 161.0 164.9 169.0 123 122 121 1.835 1.785 1.737 9057 9046 9036 1017.3 1015.6 1014.0 170.0 174.3 178.7 9114 9103 9092 1023.1 1021.4 1019.9 171.1 175.4 179.8 9171 9160 9149 1029.0 1027.3 1025.7 172.1 176.5 181.0 9228 9217 9206 1034.8 1033.1 1031.5 173.2 177.6 182.1 120 119 118 .689 .642 .597 9025 9014 9003 1012.5 1010.9 1009.3 183.2 187.8 192.6 9081 9070 9060 1018.3 1016.7 1015.1 184.4 189.0 193.8 9138 9127 9116 1024.1 1022.5 1020.9 185.5 190.2 195.0 9195 9183 9172 1029.9 1028.3 1026.6 186.6 191.4 196.2 117 116 115 .552 .509 .467 8992 8981 8971 1007.7 1006.1 1004.5 197.6 202.7 207.9 9048 9037 9027 1013.5 1011.8 1010.2 198.9 204.0 209.2 9105 9093 9082 1019.2 1017.5 1015.9 200.1 205.2 210.5 9161 9149 9138 1025.0 1023.3 1021.7 201.4 206.5 211.8 114 113 112 1.426 1.386 1.347 8959 8948 8938 1002.9 1001.3 999.7 213.2 218.7 224.4 9015 9004 8993 1008.6 1007.0 1005.4 214.6 220.1 225.8 9071 9060 9049 1014.3 1012.7 1011.1 215.9 221.4 227.2 9127 9115 9104 1020.1 1018.4 1016.8 217.2 222.8 228.6 111 110 109 1.308 1.271 1.235 8926 8916 8905 998.1 996.4 994.8 230.3 236.4 242.7 8982 8971 8960 1003.8 1002.1 1000.5 231.7 237.9 244.2 9037 9027 9015 1009.5 1007.8 1006.2 233.2 239.4 245.7 9093 9082 9070 1015.2 1013.5 1011.9 234.6 240.8 247.2 108 107 106 1.200 .165 .131 8894 8883 8872 993.2 991.6 989.9 249.2 256.0 263.0 8949 8938 8927 998.9 997.3 995.6 250.8 257.6 264.6 9004 8993 8982 1004.5 1002.9 1001.2 252.3 259.2 266.2 9059 9048 9037 1010.2 1008.6 1006.9 253.8 260.8 267.8 105 104 103 .098 .066 .035 8862 8850 8840 988.3 986.7 985.1 270.1 277.5 285.0 8916 8905 8894 994.0 992.3 990.7 271.8 279.2 286.7 8971 8959 8949 999.6 997.9 996.3 273.4 280.9 288.5 9026 9014 9003 1005.3 1003.6 1002.0 275.1 282.6 290.3 102 101 100 1.005 0.975 0.946 8829 8818 8807 983.4 981.8 980.2 292.8 300.8 309.0 8883 8873 8861 989.1 987.4 985.7 294.6 302.6 310.8 8938 8927 8915 994.7 993.0 991.3 296.4 304.5 312.7 8992 8981 8969 1000.3 998.6 996.9 298.2 306.3 314.6 99 98 97 0.918 0.891 0.864 8796 8786 8775 978.6 976.9 975.3 317.5 326.2 335.3 8850 8839 8828 984.1 982.5 980.9 319.4 328.2 337.3 8904 8893 8882 989.7 988.0 986.4 321.4 330.2 339.4 8958 8947 8936 995.3 993.6 992.0 323.3 332.2 341.4 96 95 94 0.838 0.813 0.788 8764 8753 8743 973.7 972.1 970.4 344.7 354.3 364.3 8818 8807 8796 979.3 977.7 976.0 346.8 356.5 366.5 8871 8860 8849 984.8 983.2 981.5 348.9 358.7 368.7 8925 8914 8902 990.4 988.8 987.1 351.0 360.8 371.0 93 92 91 0.764 0.741 0.718 8732 8721 8710 968.8 967.2 965.5 374.7 385.5 396.7 8785 8774 8763 974.4 972.7 971.0 377.0 387.8 399.1 8838 8827 8816 979.9 978.2 976.5 379.2 390.1 401.5 8891 8880 8869 985.4 983.7 982.0 381.5 392.5 403.9 90 89 88 0.696 0.675 0.654 8699 8688 8678 963.8 962.2 960.5 408.2 420.0 432.1 8752 8741 8730 969.3 967.7 966.0 410.6 422.5 434.8 8805 8794 8783 974.8 973.2 971.5 413.1 425.1 437.4 8858 8846 8835 980.3 978.6 976.9 415.6 427.6 440.0 87 86 85 0.633 0.613 0.594 8667 8656 8645 958.9 957.2 955.6 444.6 457.0 470.3 8719 8708 8697 964.4 962.7 961.0 447.3 459.8 473.1 8772 8761 8750 969.8 968.1 966.4 450.0 462.6 476.0 8824 8813 8802 975.3 973.6 971.9 452.7 465.3 478.8 TEMPERATURE-ENTROPY TABLE. I2 9 Temperature, Degrees Fahr. Pressure, Pounds! per Square Inch. 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.83 >. 1 a 5 3 gS H *! | ll r sl & I ll 2 H || >* */ 1 S o S s *o o 132 131 130 2.341 2.280 2.220 9386 9375 9364 1055.2 1053.5 1051.9 140.3 143.6 147.1 9445 9433 9422 1061.1 1059.4 1057.8 141.2 144.5 148.0 9503 9491 9480 1067.0 1065.4 1063.7 142.1 145.4 148.9 9561 9549 9538 1072.9 1071.3 1069.6 142.9 146.3 149.8 129 128 127 2.161 2.103 2.047 9353 9342 9330 1050.3 1048.7 1047.1 150.7 154.3 158.1 9411 9399 9388 1056.2 1054.6 1053.0 151.6 155.3 159.0 9468 9457 9445 1062.1 1060.4 1058.8 152.5 156.2 160.0 9526 9514 9503 1068.0 1066.3 1064.7 153.5 157.2 161.0 126 125 124 1.992 1.938 1.886 9319 9307 9296 1045.4 1043.8 1042.2 162.0 166.0 170.0 9376 9365 9353 1051.3 1049.7 1048.0 163.0 167.0 171.1 9433 9422 9410 1057.1 1055.5 1053.8 164.0 168.0 172.1 9491 9479 9467 1063.0 1061.4 1059.7 164.9 169.0 173.2 123 122 121 1.835 1.785 1.737 9285 9273 9263 1040.6 1038.9 1037.3 174.3 178.7 183.2 9342 9330 9319 1046.4 1044.7 1043.1 175.3 179.8 184.3 9398 9387 9376 1052.2 1050.5 1048.9 176.4 180.9 185.5 9455 9444 9433 1058.1 1056.3 1054.7 177.5 182.0 186.6 120 119 118 1.689 1.642 1.597 9251 9240 9229 1035.7 1034.1 1032.4 187.8 192.6 197.4 9308 9296 9285 1041.5 1039.9 1038.2 188.9 193.7 198.6 9364 9352 9341 1047.2 1045.6 1044.0 190.1 194.9 199.8 9421 9409 9397 1053.0 1051.4 1049.7 191.2 196.1 201.0 117 116 115 1.552 1.509 1.467 9217 9205 9194 1030.8 1029.1 1027.5 202.6 207.8 213.1 9273 9262 9250 1036.5 1034.8 1033.2 203.8 209.0 214.4 9329 9318 9306 1042.3 1040.6 1039.0 205.1 210.3 215.7 9385 9374 9362 1048.0 1046.3 1044.7 206.3 211.6 217.0 114 113 112 1.426 1.386 1.347 9183 9171 9160 1025.8 1024.2 1022.5 218.5 224.1 230.0 9238 9227 9215 1031.5 1029.9 1028.2 219.9 225.5 231.4 9294 9282 9271 1037.3 1035.6 1033.9 221.2 226.9 232.8 9350 9338 9326 1043.0 1040.4 1039.7 222.5 228.2 234.2 111 110 109 1.308 1.271 1.235 9148 9137 9125 1020.9 1019.2 1017.6 236.0 242.3 248.8 9203 9192 9180 1026.6 1024.9 1023.3 237.4 243.8 250.3 9259 9248 9236 1032.3 1030.6 1028.9 238.9 245.2 251.8 9314 9303 9291 1038.0 1036.3 1034.7 240.3 246.7 253.3 108 107 106 1.200 1.165 1.131 9114 9103 9091 1015.9 1014.3 1012.6 255.4 262.3 269.5 9169 9157 9146 1021.6 1019.9 1018.2 256.9 263.9 271.1 9224 9212 9201 1027.2 1025.6 1023.9 258.5 265.5 272.7 9279 9267 9256 1032.9 1031.2 1029.5 260.0 267.1 274.3 105 104 103 1.098 1.066 1.035 9080 9068 9057 1010.9 1009.2 1007.6 276.8 284.3 292.0 9135 9123 9112 1016.5 1014.8 1013.2 278.4 286.0 293.8 9189 9177 9166 1022.2 1020.5 1018.8 280.1 287.7 295.5 9244 9232 9221 1027.8 1026.1 1024.5 281.8 289.4 297.3 102 101 100 1.005 0.975 0.946 9046 9035 9023 1005.9 1004.2 1002.5 300.0 308.2 316.5 9100 9089 9077 1011.5301.8 1009.8310.0 1008.1318.4 9155 9143 9131 1017.1 1015.4 1013.7 303.6 311.9 320.3 9209 9197 9185 1022.8 1021.1 1019.3 305.4 313.7 322.2 99 98 97 0.918 0.891 0.864 9012 9001 8989 1000.9 999.2 997.6 325.2 334.2 343.5 9066 9055 9043 1006.5 1004.8 1003.2 327.2 336.2 345.5 9120 9108 9097 1012.0 1010.3 1008.7 329.1 338.2 347.6 9174 9162 9150 1017.6 1015.9 1014.3 331. T 340.2 349.6 96 95 94 0.838 0.813 0.788 8978 8967 8956 996.0 994. 3 992.6 353.1 363.0 373.2 9032 9020 9009 1001.5 999.8 998.1 355.2 365.1 375.4 9085 9074 9062 1007.1 1005.4 1003.7 357.3 367.3 377.6 9139 9127 9115 1012.6 1010.9 1009.2 359.4 369.5 379.8 93 92 91 0.764 0.741 0.718 8945 8933 8922 990.9 989.2 987.5 383.8 394.8 406.3 8998 8986 8975 996.4 994.7 993.0 386.1 397.2 408.7 9051 9039 9027 1001.9388.4 1000.2)399.5 998.5411.1 9104 9092 9080 1007.5 1005.8 1004.1 390.6 401.9 413.5 90 89 88 0.696 0.675 0.654 8910 8899 8888 985.8 984.1 982.4 418.1 430.2 442.6 8963 8952 8940 991.3 989.6 987.9 420.6 432.7 445.2 9016 9004 8993 996.8 995.1 993.4 423.0 435.3 447.8 9069 9057 9045 1002.3 1000.6 998.8 425.5 437.8 450.4 87 86 85 0.633 0.613 0.594 8877 8865 8854 980.7 979.0 977.3 455.4 468.1 481.6 8929 8918 8906 986.2 984.5 982.8 458.1 470.8 484.5 8982 8970 8958 991.7 990.0 988.2 460.8 473.6 487.3 9034 9022 9010 997.1 995.4 993.7 463.4 476.4 490.2 130 NAPERIAN LOGARITHMS. e =2.7182818 log e = 0.4342945 = M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 1.0 0. 0000 0.0099^ 0.0198( 0.0295( 0.03925 1 0. 0487< 0.0582 0.0676( .0.0769 0.08618 1.1 1.2 1.3 0.09531 0.1823 0.2624 0.1044 0.1906 0.2700 0.1133 0.1988 0.2776 0.1222 0.2070 0.2852 0.1310 0.2151 0.2927 0.1398 0.2231 0.3001 0.1484 0.2311 0.3075 0.1570 0.2390 0.3148 0.1655 0.2469 0.3221 0.1739 0.2546 0. 3293 1.4 1.5 1.6 0.3365 0.4055 0.4700 0.3436 0.4121 0.4762 0.3507 0.4187 0.4824 0.3577 0.4253 0.4886 0.3646 0.4318 0.4947 0.3716 0.4382 0.5008 0.3784 0.4447 0.5068 0.3853 0.4511 0.5128 0.3920 0.4574 0.5188 0.3988 0.4637 0.5247 1.7 1.8 1.9 0.5306 0.5878 0.6418 0.5365 0.5933 0.6471 0.5423 0.5988 0.6523 0.5481 0.6043 0.6575 0.5539 0.6098 0.6627 0-5596 0.6152 0.6678 0.5653 0.6206 0-6729 0.5710 0.6259 0.6780 0. 5766 0.6313 0.6831 0.5822 0.6366 0.6881 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 0.6931 0.7419 0.7884 0.8329 0.6981 0.7467 0.7930 0.8372 0.7031 0.7514 0.7975 0.8416 0.7080 0.7561 0.8020 0.8459 0.7129 0.7608 0. 8065 0. 8502 0.7178 0.7655 0.8109 0.8544 0.7227 0.7701 0.8154 0.8587 0.7275 0.7747 0.8198 0.8629 0.7324 0.7793 0.8242 0.8671 0. 7372 0.7839 0.8286 0.8713 2.4 2.5 2.6 0.8755 0.9163 0.9555 0.8796 0.9203 0.9594 0.8838 0.9243 0.9632 0.8879 0.9282 0.9670 0.8920 0.9322 0.9708 0.8961 0.9361 0.9746 0.9002 0.9400 0.9783 0.9042 0.9439 0.9821 0.9083 0.9478 0.9858 0.9123 0.9517 0.9895 2.7 2.8 2.9 0.9933 1.0296 1.0647 0.9969 .0332 .0682 1.0006 1.0367 .0716 1.0043 1.0403 1.0750 1.0080 1.0438 1.0784 1.0116 1.0473 1.0818 1.0152 1:0508 .0852 1.0188 1.0543 1.0886 1.0225 1.0578 1.0919 1.0260 1.0613 1.0953 3.0 1.0986 .1019 .1053 1.1086 1.1119 1.1151 .1184 1.1217 1.1249 1.1282 3.1 3.2 3.3 1.1314 .1632 .1939 .1346 1.1663 1.1969 .1378 1.1694 1.2000 .1410 1.1725 1.2030 .1442 .1756 .2060 1.1474 1.1787 1.2090 .1506 1.1817 1.2119 .1537 .1848 .2149 1.1569 1.1878 1.2179 1.1600 .1909 .2208 3.4 3.5 3.6 .2238 .2528 .2809 1.2267 1.2556 1.2837 1.2296 1.2585 1.2865 1.2326 1.2613 1.2892 .2355 .2641 .2920 .2384 .2669 .2947 1.2413 1.2698 1.2975 .2442 .2726 .3002 1.2470 1.2754 1.3029 .2499 .2782 .3056 3.7 3.8 3.9 .3083 .3350 .3610 1.3110 1.3376 1.3635 1.3137 1.3403 1.3661 1.3164 1.3429 1.3686 .3191 .3455 .3712 .3218 .3481 .3737 1.3244 1.3507 1.3762 .3271 .3533 .3788 1.3297 1.3558 1.3813 .3324 .3584 .3838 4.0 .3863 1.3888 1.3913 1.3938 .3962 .3987 1.4012 .4036 1.4061 .4085 4.1 4.2 4.3 .4110 .4351 .4586 1.4134 1.4375 1.4609 1.4159 1.4398 1.4633 1.4183 1.4422 1.4656 .4207 .4446 .4679 .4231 .4469 .4702 1.4255 1.4493 1.4725 .4279 .4516 .4748 1.4303 1.4540 1.4770 .4327 .4563 .4793 4.4 4.5 4.6 .4816 .5041 .5261 1.4839 1.5063 1.5282 1.4861 1.5085 1.5304 1.4884 1.5107 1.5326 .4907 .5129 .5347 .4929 .5151 .5369 1.4951 1.5173 1.5390 .4974 .5195 .5412 1.4996 1.5217 1.5433 .5019 .5239 .5454 4.7 4.8 4.9 .5476 .5686 .5892 1.5497 1.5707 1.5913 1.5518 1.5728 1.5933 1.5539 1.5748 1.5953 .5560 .5769 .5974 .5581 .5790 .5994 1.5602 1.5810 1.6014 .5623 .5831 .6034 1.5644 1.5851 1.6054 .5665 .5872 .6074 5.0 .6094 [.6114 1.6134 1.6154 .6174 .6194 1.6214 .6233 1.6253 .6273 5.1 5.2 5.3 .6292 .6487 .6677 1.6312 1.6506 1.6696 .6332 .6525 .6715 1.6351 1.6544 1.6734 .6371 .6563 .6752 .6390 .6582 .6771 1.6409 1.6601 1.6790 .6429 .6620 .6808 1.6448 1.6639 1.6827 .6467 .6658 .6845 5.4 5.5 5.6 .6864 .7047 .7228 1.6882 1.7066 1.7246 .6901 .7884 .7263 1.6919 1.7102 1.7281 .6938 .7120 .7299 .6956 .7138 .7317 1.6974 L.7156 L.7334 .6993 .7174 .7352 1.7011 1.7192 L.7370 .7029 .7210 .7387 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS.. NAPERIAN LOGARITHMS. 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5.7 5.8 5.9 1 . 7405 1.7579 1.7750 1.7422 1.7596 1.7766 1.7440 1.7613 1.7783 1.7457 1.7630 1.7800 1.7475 1.7647 1.7817 1.7492 1.7664 1.7834 1.7509 1.7681 1.7851 1.7527 1,7699 1.7867 1.7544 1.7716 1.7884 1.7561 1.7733 1.7901 6.0 1.7918 1.7934 1.7951 1.7967 1.7984 1.8001 1.8017 1.8034 1.8050 1.8066 6.1 6.2 6.3 1.8083 1.8245 1.8405 1.8099 1.8262 1.8421 1.8116 1.8278 1.8437 1.8132 1.8294 1.8453 1.8148 1.8310 1.8469 1.8165 1.8326 1.8485 1.8181 1.8342 1.8500 1.8197 1.8358 1.8516 1.8213 1.8374 1.8532 1.8229 1.8390 1.8547 6.4 6.5 6.6 1.8563 1.8718 1.8871 1.8579 1.8733 1.8886 1.8594 1.8749 1.8901 1.8610 1.8764 1.8916 1.8625 1.8779 1.8931 1.8641 1.8795 1.8946 1.8656 1.8810 1.8961 1.8672 1.8825 1.8976 1.8687 1.8840 1.8991 1.8703 1.8856 1.9006 6.7 6.8 6.9 1.9021 1.9169 1.9315 1.9036 1.9184 1.9330 1.9051 1.9199 1.9344 1.9066 1.9213 1.9359 1.9081 1.9228 1.9373 1.9095 1.9242 1.9387 1.9110 1.9257 1.9402 1.9125 1.9272 1.9416 1.9140 1.9286 1.9430 1.9155 1.9301 1.9445 7.0 1.9459 1.9473 1.9488 1.9502 1.9516 1.9530 1.9544 1.9559 1.9573 1.9587 7.1 7.2 7.3 1.9601 1.9741 1.9879 1.9615 1.9755 1.9892 1.9629 1.9769 1.9906 1.9643 1.9782 1.9920 1.9657 1.9796 1.9933 1.9671 1.9810 1.9947 1.9685 1.9824 1.9961 1.9699 1.9838 1.9974 1.9713 1.9851 1.9988 1.9727 1.9865 2.0001 7.4 7.5 7.6 2.0015 2.0149 2.0281 2.0028 2.0162 2.0295 2.0042 2.0176 2.0308 2.0055 2.0189 2.0321 2.0069 2.0202 2.0334 2.0082 2.0215 2.0347 2. 0096 2.0229 2.0360 2.0109 2.0242 2.0373 2.0122 2.0255 2.0386 2.0136 2.0268 2.0399 7.7 7.8 7.9 2.0412 2.0541 2.0668 2. 0425 2.0554 2.0681 2.0438 2.0567 2.0694 2.0451 2.0580 2.0707 2.0464 2.0592 2.0719 2.0477 2.0605 2.0732 2. 0490 2.0618 2.0744 2.0503 2.0631 2.0757 2.0516 2.0643 2.0769 2.0528 2.0656 2.0782 8.0 2.0794 2.0807 2.0819 2.0832 2.0844 2.0857 2.0869 2.0881 2.0894 2.0906 8.1 8.2 8.3 2.0919 2.1041 2.1163 2.0931 2.1054 2.1175 2.0943 2. 1066 2.1187 2.0956 2.1078 2.1199 2.0968 2.1090 2.1211 2.0980 2.1102 2.1223 2.0992 2.1114 2.1235 2. 1005 2.1126 2.1247 2.1017 2.1138 2. 1258 2. 1029 2.1150 2.1270 8.4 8.5 8.6 2. 1282 2.1401 2.1518 2.1294 2.1412 2.1529 .1306 .1424 .1541 2.1318 2.1436 2.1552 2.1330 2. 1448 2.1564 2.1342 2.1459 2.1576 2.1353 2.1471 2.1587 2.1365 2.1483 2.1599 2.1377 2. 1494 2.1610 2.1389 2. 1506 2.1622 8.7 8.8 8.9 2.1633 2. 1748 2.1861 2.1645 2.1759 2.1872 .1656 .1770 .1883 2.1668 2.1782 2.1894 2.1679 2.1793 2. 1905 2.1691 2. 1804 2.1917 2.1702 2.1815 2.1928 2.1713 2.1827 2.1939 2.1725 2.1838 2.1950 2.1736 2. 1849 2.1961 9.0 2.1972 2. 1983 .1994 2. 2006 2.2017 2. 2028 2.2039 2. 2050 2.2061 2.2072 9.1 9.2 9.3 2.2083 2.2192 2. 2300 2.2094 2.2203 2.2311 .2105 .2214 .2322 2.2116 2.2225 2.2332 2.2127 2.2235 2.2343 2.2138 2. 2246 2.2354 2.2148 2.2257 2.2364 2.2159 2. 2268 2.2375 2.2170 2.2279 2.2386 2.2181 2. 2289 2.2396 9.4 9.5 9.6 2. 2407 2.25J3 2.2618 2.2418 2.2523 2.2628 .2428 .2534 .2638 2.2439 2.2544 2.2649 2. 2450 2.2555 2.2659 2.2460 2.2565 2.2670 2.2471 2.2576 2. 2680 2.2481 2.2586 2.2690 2.2492 2.2597 2.2701 2. 2502 2. 2607 2.2711 9.7 9.8 9.9 2.2721 2.2824 2.2925 2.2732 2.2834 2.2935 .2742 .2844 2.2946 2.2752 2.2854 2.2956 2.2762 2.2865 2.2966 2.2773 2.2875 2.2976 2.2783 2.2885 2.2986 2. 2793 2.2895 2.2996 2.2803 2.2905 2.3006 2.2814 2.2915 2.3016 10.0 2.3026 132 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. LOGARITHMS. Nat Proportional Parts. IN at. Nos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 123 456 789 10 0000 0043 0086 0128 0170 0212 0253 0294 0334 0374 4 8 12 17 21 25 29 33 37 11 0414 0453 0492 0531 0569 0607 0645 0682 0719 0755 4 8 11 15 19 23 26 30 34 12 0792 0828 0864 0899 0934 0969 1004 1038 1072 1106 3 7 10 14 17 21 24 28 31 13 1139 1173 1206 1239 1271 1303 1335 1367 1399 1430 3 6 10 13 16 19 23 26 29 14 1461 1492 1523 1553 1584 1614 1644 1673 1703 1732 369 12 15 18 21 24 27 15 1761 1790 1818 1847 1875 1903 1931 1959 1987 2014 368 11 14 17 20 22 25 16 2041 2068 2095 2122 2148 2175 2201 2227 2253 2279 358 11 13 16 18 21 24 17 2304 2330 2355 2380 2405 2430 2455 2480 2504 2529 257 10 12 15 17 20 22 18 2553 2577 2601 2625 2648 2672 2695 2718 2742 2765 257 9 12 14 16 19 21 19 2788 2810 2833 2856 2878 2900 2923 2945 2967 2989 247 9 11 13 16 18 20 20 3010 3032 3054 3075 3096 3118 3139 3160 3181 3201 246 8 11 13 15 17 19 21 3222 3243 3263 3284 3304 3324 3345 3365 3385 3404 246 8 10 12 14 16 18 22 3424 3444 3464 3483 3502 3522 3541 3560 3579 3598 246 8 10 12 14 15 17 23 3617 3636 3655 3674 3692 3711 3729 3747 3766 3784 246 7 9 11 13 15 17 24 3802 3820 3838 3856 3874 3892 3909 3927 3945 3962 245 7 9 11 12 14 16 25 3979 3997 4014 4031 4048 4065 4082 4099 4116 4133 235 7 9 10 12 14 15 26 4150 4166 4183 4200 4216 4232 4249 4265 4281 4298 235 7 8 10 11 13 15 27 4314 4330 4346 4362 4378 4393 4409 4425 4440 4456 235 689 11 13 14 28 4472 4487 4502 4518 4533 4548 4564 4579 4594 4609 235 689 11 12 14 29 4624 4639 4654 4669 4683 4698 4713 4728 4742 4757 1 3 4 679 10 12 13 30 4771 4786 4800 4814 4829 4843 4857 4871 4886 4900 1 3 4 679 10 11 13 31 4914 4928 4942 4955 4969 4983 4997 5011 5024 5038 1 3 4 678 10 11 12 32 5051 5065 5079 5092 5105 5119 5132 5145 5159 5172 1 3 4 578 9 11 12 33 5185 5198 5211 5224 5237 5250 5263 5276 5289 5302 1 3 4 568 9 10 12 '34 5315 5328 5340 5353 5366 5378 5391 5403 5416 5428 1 3 4 568 9 10 11 35 5441 5453 5465 5478 5490 5502 5514 5527 5539 5551 1 2 4 567 9 10 11 36 5563 5575 5587 5599 5611 5623 5635 5647 5658 5670 1 2 4 567 8 10 11 37 5682 5694 5705 5717 5729 5740 5752 5763 5775 5786 1 2 3 567 8 9 10 38 5798 5809 5821 5832 5843 5855 5866 5877 5888 5899 1 2 3 567 8 9 10 39 5911 5922 5933 5944 5955 5966 5977 5988 5999 6010 1 2 3 457 8 9 10 40 6021 6031 6042 6053 6064 6075 6085 6096 6107 6117 1 2 3 456 8 9 10 41 6128 6138 6149 6160 6170 6180 6191 6201 6212 6222 1 2 3 456 789 42 6232 6243 6253 6263 6274 6284 6294 6304 6314 6325 1 2 3 456 789 43 6335 6345 6355 6365 6375 6385 6395 6405 6415 6425 1 2 3 456 789 44 6435 6444 6454 6464 6474 6484 6493 6503 6513 6522 1 2 3 456 789 45 6532 6542 6551 6561 6571 6580 6590 6599 6609 6618 1 2 3 456 789 46 6628 6637 6646 6656 6665 6675 6684 6693 6702 6712 1 2 3 456 778 47 6721 6730 6739 6749 6758 6767 6776 6785 6794 6803 1 2 3 455 678 48 6812 6821 6830 6839 6848 6857 6866 6875 6884 6893 1 2 3 445 678 49 6902 6911 6920 6928 6937 6946 6955 6964 6972 6981 1 2 3 445 678 50 6990 6998 7007 7016 7024 7033 7042 7050 7059 7067 1 2 3 345 678 51 7076 7084 7093 7101 7110 7118 7126 7135 7143 7152 1 2 3 345 678 52 7160 7168 7177 7185 7193 7202 7210 7218 7226 7235 1 2 2 345 6 7 7 53 7243 7251 7259 7267 7275 7284 7292 7300 7308 7316 1 2 2 345 667 54 7324 7332 7340 7348 7356 7364 7372 7380 7388 7396 1 2 2 345 667 PROPERTIES OF STEAM AND OTHER VAPORS. 133 LOGARITHMS. Proportional Parts. Nat, Nos. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 123 456 789 55 7404 7412 7419 7427 7435 7443 7451 7459 7466 7474 2 2 345 567 56 57 7482 7559 7490 7497 7505 7566 7574J7582 7513 7589 7520 7597 7528 7604 7536 7612 7543J7551 7619 7627 2 2 2 2 345 345 567 567 58 7634 764217649 7657 7664 7672 7679 7686 769417701 1 2 344 567 59 7709 7716 7723 7731 7738 7745 7752 7760 7767 7774 1 2 344 567 60 7782 7789 77967803 7810 7818 7825 7832 7839 7846 1 2 3 4 566 61 7853 7860:78687875 7882 7889 7896 7903 7910 7917 1 2 3 4 566 62 7924 793179387945 7952 7959 7966 7973 7980 7987 1 2 3 3 566 63 64 7993 8062 8000 8069 8007 8075 8014 8082 8021 8089 8028 8096 8035 8102 8041 8109 8048 8116 8055 8122 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 556 556 65 8129 8136 8142 8149 8156 8162 8189 8176 8182 8189 1 2 3 3 556 66 8195 8202 8209 8215 8222 8228 8235 8241 8248 8254 1 2 3 3 556 67 8261 8267 8274 8280 8287 8293 8299 8306 8312 8319 1 2 3 3 556 68 8325 8331 8338 8344 8351 8357 8363 8370 8376 8382 1 2 3 3 456 69 8388 8395 8401 8407 8414 8420 8426 8432 8439 8445 1 2 234 456 70 8451 8457 8463 8470 8476 8482 8488 8494 8500 8506 1 1 2 234 456 71 85 i 3 8519 8525 8531 8537 8543 8549 8555 8561J8567 1 1 2 234 4 5 72 8573 8579 8585 8591 8597 8603 8609 8615 8621 8627 1 2 234 4 5 73 8633 863986458651 8657 8663:8669 8675 8681 8686 1 2 234 4 5 74 8692 8698 8704;8710 8716 8722 8727 8733 8739 8745 1 2 234 4 5 75 8751 8756 8762 8768 8774 8779 8785 8791 8797 8802 1 2 233 455 76 8808 8814 8820 8825 8831 8837 8842 8848 8854 8859 1 2 233 455 77 8865 8871 8876 8882 8887 8893 8899 8904 8910 8915 2 233 445 78 8921 8927 8932 8938 8943 8949 8954 8960 8965 8971 2 233 445 79 8976 8982 8987 8993 8998 9004 9009 9015 9020 9025 2 233 445 80 9031 9036 9042 9047 9053 9058 9063 9069 9074 9079 2 233 445 81 9085 9090 9096 9101 9106 9112 9117 9122 9128 9133 2 233 445 82 9138 9143 9149 9154 9159 9165 9170 9175 9180 9186 2 233 445 83 9191 9196 9201 9206 9212 9217 9222 9227 9232 9238 2 233 445 84 9243 9248 9253 9258 9263 9269 9274 9279 9284 9289 2 233 445 85 9294 9299 9304 9309 9315 9320 9325 9330 9335 9340 2 233 445 86 9345 9350 9355 9360 936593709375 9380 9385 9390 2 233 445 87 9395 9400 9405i9410 9<15'9420 9425 9430 9435 9440 1 223 344 88 9445 9450 ! 9455 9460 946594699474 9479 9484 9489 1 223 344 89 9494 9499 9504 9509 9513 951S 9523 9528 9533 9538 1 223 344 90 9542 9547 9552 9557 9562 9566 9571 9576 9581 9586 1 223 344 91 9590 9595,9600 9605 9609 9614,9619 9624 9628 9633 1 223 344 92 9638 9643 9647|9652 965796619666 967l'9675 9680 1 223 344 93 9685 9689 9694 9699 97039708 9713 97179722 9727 1 223 344 94 9731 9736 9741 9745 97509754 9759 9763 9768 9773 1 223 344 1 95 9777 9782 9786 9791 9795:9800 9805 9809 9814 9818 1 223 344 96 9823 9827 9832 9836 984119845 9850 9854 9859 9863 1 223 344 97 9868 9872 9877 9881 98869890 9894 9899 9903 9908 1 223 344 98 9912 9917 9921 9926 9930 9934 9939 9943 9948 9952 1 223 344 99 9956 9961 9965 9969 9974 9978 9983 9987 9991 9996 1 223 334 SHORT-TITLE CATALOGUE OF THK PUBLICATIONS OF JOHN WILEY & SONS NEW YORK LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED ARRANGED UNDER SUBJECTS Descriptive circulars sent on application. 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Boiler's Practical Treatise on the Construction of Iron Highway Bridges.. 8vo, 2 00 * Thames River Bridge Oblong paper, 5 00 Burr and Falk's Design and Construction of Metallic Bridges 8vo, 5 00 Influence Lines for Bridge and Roof Computations 8vo, 3 00 Du Bois's Mechanics of Engineering. Vol. II Small 4to, 10 00 Foster's Treatise on Wooden Trestle Bridges 4to, 5 00 Fowler's Ordinary Foundations 8vo, 3 50 Greene's Arches in Wood, Iron, and Stone 8vo, 2 50 Bridge Trusses 8vo. 2 50 Roof Trusses 8vo. 1 25 Grimm's Secondary Stresses in Bridge Trusses 8vo, 2 50 Heller's Stresses in Structures and the Accompanying Deformations.. . .8vo, 3 00 Howe's Design of Simple Roof- trusses in Wood and Steel 8vo. 2 00 Symmetrical Masonry Arches 8vo, 2 50 Treatise on Arches 8vo. 4 00 Johnson, Bryan and Turneaure's Theory and Practice in the Designing of Modern Framed Structures Small 4to, 10 00 Merriman and Jacoby's Text-book on Roofs and Bridges : Part I. Stresses in Simple Trusses 8vo, 2 50 Part II. Graphic Statics 8vo, 2 50 Part III. Bridge Design 8vo, 250 Part IV. Higher Structures 8vo, 2 50 Morison's Memphis Bridge Oblong 4tb, 10 00 Sondericker's Graphic Statics, with Applications to Trusses, Beams, and Arches 8vo, 2 00 Waddell's De Pontibus, Pocket-book for Bridge Engineers 16mo, mor. 2 00 * Specifications for Steel Bridges 12mo, 59 Waddell and Harringtoon's Bridge Engineering. (In Preparation.) Wright's Designing of Draw-spans. Two parts in one volume 8vo, 3 50 HYDRAULICS. Barnes's Ice Formation 8vo, 3 00 Bazin's Experiments upon the Contraction of the Liquid Vein Issuing from an Orifice. (Trautwine.) 8vo. 2 00 Bovey's Treatise on Hydraulics 8vo, 5 00 Church's Diagrams of Mean Velocity of Water in Open Channels. Oblong 4to, paper, 1 50 Hydraulic Motors 8vo, 2 00 Coffin's Graphical Solution of Hydraulic Problems 16mo, mor. 2 50 Flather's Dynamometers, and the Measurement of Power 1 2mo, 3 00 Folwell's Water-supply Engineering .8vo, 4 00 Frizell's Water-power 8vo, 5 00 Fuertes's Water and Public Health 12mo. 1 50 Water-filtration Works 12mo, 2 50 Ganguillet and Kutter's General Formula for the Uniform Flow of Water in Rivers and Other Channels. (Hering and Trautwine.) 8vo, 4 00 7 Hazen's Clean Water and How to Get It Large 12mo, $1 50 Filtration of Public Water-supplies 8vo, 3 00 Hazelhurst's Towers and Tanks for Water-works 8vo, 2 50 Herschel's 115 Experiments on the Carrying Capacity of Large, Riveted, Metal Conduits 8vo, 2 00 Hoyt and Grover's River Discharge 8vo, 2 00 Hubbard and Kiersted's Water-works Management and Maintenance. 8vo, 4 00 * Lyndon's Development and Electrical Distribution of Water Power. 8vo, 3 00 Mason's Water-supply. (Considered Principally from a Sanitary Stand- point.) 8vo, 4 00 Merriman's Treatise on Hydraulics 8vo, 5 00 * Molitor's Hydraulics of Rivers, Weirs and Slmices 8vo, 2 00 * Richards's Laboratory Notes on Industrial Water Analysis 8vo, 50 Schuyler's Reservoirs for Irrigation, Water-power, and Domestic Water- supply. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged Large 8vo, 6 00 * Thomas and Watt's Improvement of Rivers 4to, 6 00 Turneaure and Russell's Public Water-supplies 8vo, 5 00 Wegmann's Design and Construction of Dams. 5th Ed., enlarged 4to, 6 00 Water-Supply of the City of New York from 1658 to 1895 4to, 10 00 Whipple's Value of Pure Water Large 1 2mo, 1 00 Williams and Hazen's Hydraulic Tables 8vo, 1 50 Wilson's Irrigation Engineering 8vo, 4 00 Wood's Turbines 8vo, 2 50 MATERIALS OF ENGINEERING. Baker's Roads and Pavements 8vo, 5 00 Treatise on Masonry Construction 8vo, 5 00 Black's United States Public Works Oblong 4to, 5 00 Blanchard's Bituminous Roads. (In Press.) Bleininger's Manufacture of Hydraulic Cement. (In Preparation.) * Bovey's Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures 8vo, 7 50 Burr's Elasticity and Resistance of the Materials of Engineering 8vo, 7 50 Byrne's Highway Construction 8vo, 5 00 Inspection of the Materials and Workmanship Employed in Construction. 16mo, 3 00 Church's Mechanics of Engineering 8vo, 6 00 Du Bois's Mechanics of Engineering. Vol. I. Kinematics, Statics, Kinetics Small 4to, 7 50 Vol. II. The Stresses in Framed Structures, Strength of Materials and Theory of Flexures Small 4to, 10 00 * Eckel's Cements, Limes, and Plasters 8vo, 6 00 Stone and Clay Products used in Engineering. (In Preparation.) Fowler's Ordinary Foundations 8vo, 3 50 * Greene's Structural Mechanics 8vo, 2 50 * Holley's Lead and Zinc Pigments Large 12mo, 3 00 Holley and Ladd's Analysis of Mixed Paints, Color Pigments and Varnishes. Large 12mo, 2 50 Johnson s (C. M.) Rapid Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Special Steels, Steel-making Alloys and Graphite Large 12mo, 3 00 Johnson's (J. B.) Materials of Construction Large 8vo, 6 00 Keep's Cast Iron 8vo, 2 50 Lanza's Applied Mechanics 8vo, 7 50 Maire's Modern Pigments and their Vehicles 12mo, 2 00 Martens's Handbook on Testing Materials. (Henning.) 2 vols 8vo, 7 50 Maurer's Technical Mechanics 8vo, 4 00 Merrill's Stones for Building and Decoration 8vo, 5 00 Merriman's Mechanics of Materials 8vo, 5 00 * Strength of Materials 12mo, 1 00 Metcalf's Steel. A Manual for Steel-users 12mo, 2 00 Morrison's Highway Engineering 8vo, 2 50 Patton's Practical Treatise on Foundations 8vo, 5 00 Rice's Concrete Block Manufacture 8vo, 2 00 8 Richardson's Modern Asphalt Pavements 8vo, $3 00 Richey's Building Foreman's Pocket Book and Ready Reference. 16mo,mor. 5 00 * Cement Workers' and Plasterers' Edition (Building Mechanics' Ready Reference Series) 16mo, mor. 1 50 Handbook for Superintendents of Construction 16mo, mor. 4 00 * Stone and Brick Masons' Edition (Building Mechanics' Ready Reference Series) 16mo, mor. 1 50 * Ries's Clays: Their Occurrence, Properties, and Uses 8vo, 5 00 * Ries and Leighton's History of the Clay-working Industry of the United States 8vo. 2 50 Sabin's Industrial and Artistic Technology of Paint and Varnish 8vo, 3 00 Smith's Strength of Material 12mo, Snow's Principal Species of Wood 8vo, 3 50 Spalding's Hydraulic Cement 12mo, 2 00 Text-book on Roads and Pavements 12mo, 2 00 Taylor and Thompson's Treatise on Concrete, Plain and Reinforced 8vo, 5 00 Thurston's Materials of Engineering. In Three Parts 8vo, 8 00 Part I. Non-metallic Materials of Engineering and Metallurgy.. . .8vo, 2 00 Part II. Iron and Steel 8vo, 3 50 Part III. A Treatise on Brasses, Bronzes, and Other Alloys and their Constituents 8vo, 2 50 Tillson's Street Pavements and Paving Materials 8vo, 4 00 Turneaure and Maurer's Principles of Reinforced Concrete Construction. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged 8vo, 3 50 Waterbury's Cement Laboratory Manual 12mo, 1 00 Wood's (De V.) Treatise on the Resistance of Materials, and an Appendix on the Preservation of Timber 8vo, 2 00 Wood's (M. P.) Rustless Coatings: Corrosion and Electrolysis of Iron and Steel 8vo, 4 00 RAILWAY ENGINEERING. Andrews's Handbook for Street Railway Engineers 3X5 inches, mor. 1 25 Berg's Buildings and Structures of American Railroads 4to, 5 00 Brooks's Handbook of Street Railroad Location 16mo, mor. 1 50 Butts's Civil Engineer's Field-book 16mo, mor. 2 50 Crandall's Railway and Other Earthwork Tables 8vo, 1 50 Transition Curve 16mo, mor. 1 50 * Crockett's Methods for Earthwork Computations 8vo, ; 50 Dredge's History of the Pennsylvania Railroad. (1879) Papei 5 00 Fisher's Table of Cubic Yards Cardboard, 25 Godwin's Railroad Engineers' Field-book and Explorers' Guide. . 16mo, mor. 2 50 Hudson's Tables for Calculating the Cubic Contents of Excavations and Em- bankments 8vo, 1 00 Ives and Hilts's Problems in Surveying, Railroad Surveying and Geodesy 16mo, mor. 1 50 Molitor and Beard's Manual for Resident Engineers 16mo, 1 00 Nagle's Field Manual for Railroad Engineers 16mo, mor. 3 00 * Orrock's Railroad Structures and Estimates 8vo, 3 00 Philbrick's Field Manual for Engineers Itimo, mor. 3 00 Raymond's Railroad Engineering. 3 volumes. Vol. I. Railroad Field Geometry. (In Preparation.) Vol. II. Elements of Railroad Engineering 8vo, 3 50 Vol. III. Railroad Engineer's Field Book. (In Preparation.) Searles's Field Engineering 16mo, mor. 3 00 Railroad Spiral 16mo, mor. 1 50 Taylor's Prismoidal Formuke and Earthwork 8vo, 1 50 * Trautwine's Field Practice of Laying Out Circular Curves for Railroads. 12mo, mor. 2 50 * Method of Calculating the Cubic Contents of Excavations and Em- bankments by the Aid of Diagrams 8vo, 2 00 Webb's Economics of Railroad Construction Large 12mo, 2 50 Railroad Construction 16mo, mor. 5 00 Wellington's Economic Theory of the Location of Railways Large 12mo, 5 00 Wilson's Elements of Railroad-Track and Construction 12mo, 2 00 9 DRAWING. Barr's Kinematics of Machinery 8vo, $2 50 * Bartlett's Mechanical Drawing 8vo, 3 00 * " Abridged Ed 8vo, 150 Coolidge's Manual of Drawing 8vo. paper, 1 00 Coolidge and Freeman's Elements of General Drafting for Mechanical Engi- neers Oblong 4to, 2 50 Durley's Kinematics of Machines 8vo, 4 00 Emch's Introduction to Protective Geometry and its Application 8vo, 2 50 French and Ives' Stereotomy 8vo, 2 50 Hill's Text-book on Shades and Shadows, and Perspective 8vo, 2 00 Jamison's Advanced Mechanical Drawing 8vo, 2 00 Elements of Mechanical Drawing 8vo, 2 50 Jones's Machine Design: Part I. Kinematics of Machinery 8vo, 1 50 Part II. Form, Strength, and Proportions of Parts 8vo, 3 00 Kimball and Barr's Machine Design. (In Press.) MacCord's Elements of Descritpive Geometry .8vo, 3 00 Kinematics; or, Practical Mechanism 8vo, 5 00 Mechanical Drawing 4to, 4 00 Velocity Diagrams 8vo, 1 50 McLeod's Descriptive Geometry Large 12mo, 1 50 * Mahan's Descriptive Geometry and Stone-cutting 8vo, 1 50 Industrial Drawing. (Thompson.) 8vo, 3 50 Moyer's Descriptive Geometry 8vo, 2 00 Reed's Topographical Drawing and Sketching 4to, 5 00 Reid's Course in Mechanical Drawing 8vo, 2 00 Text-book of Mechanical Drawing and Elementary Machine Design.. 8vo, 3 00 Robinson's Principles of Mechanism 8vo, 3 00 Schwamb and Merrill's Elements of Mechanism 8vo, 3 00 Smith (A. W.) and Marx's Machine Design 8vo, 3 00 Smith's (R. S.) Manual of Topographical Drawing. (McMillan) 8vo, 2 50 * Titsworth's Elements of Mechanical Drawing Oblong 8vo, 1 25 Warren's Drafting Instruments and Operations 12mo, 1 25 Elements of Descriptive Geometry, Shadows, and Perspective 8vo, 3 50 Elements of Machine Construction and Drawing 8vo, 7 50 Elements of Plane and Solid Free-hand Geometrical Drawing. . . . 12mo, 1 00 General Problems of Shades and Shadows 8vo, 3 00 Manual of Elementary Problems in the Linear Perspective of Forms and Shadow 12mo, 1 00 Manual of Elementary Projection Drawing 12mo, 1 50 Plane Problems in Elementary Geometry 12mo, 1 25 Problems, Theorems, and Examples in Descriptive Geometry 8vo, 2 50 Weisbach's Kinematics and Power of Transmission. (Hermann and Klein.) 8vo, 5 00 Wilson's (H. M.) Topographic Surveying 8vo, 3 50 * Wilson's (V. T.) 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Vol. 1 8vo, 2 50 Schapper's Laboratory Guide for Students in Physical Chemistry 12mo, 1 00 * Tillman's Elementary Lessons in Heat 8vo, 1 50 Tory and Pitcher's Manual of Laboratory Physics Large 12mo, 2 00 Ulke's Modern Electrolytic Copper Refining 8vo, 3 00 LAW. * Brennan's Hand-book of Useful Legal Information for Business Men. 16mo, mor. 5 00 * Davis's Elements of Law 8vo, 2 50 * Treatise on the Military Law of United States 8vo, 7 00 * Dudley's Military Law and the Procedure of Courts-martial. . Large 12mo, 2 50 Manual for Courts-martial 16mo, mor. 1 50 Wait's Engineering and Architectural Jurisprudence 8vo, 6 00 Sheep, 6 50 Law of Contracts 8vo, 3 00 Law of Operations Preliminary to Construction in Engineering end Architecture 8vo, 5 00 Sheep. 5 60 MATHEMATICS. Baker's Elliptic Functions 8vo, 1 50 Briggs's Elements of Plane Analytic Geometry. 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Large 12mo, 1 vol. 2 50 Curve Tracing in Cartesian Co-ordinates 12mo, 1 00 Differential Equations 8vo, 1 00 Elementary Treatise on Differential Calculus Large 12mo, 1 50 Elementary Treatise on the Integral Calculus Large 12mo, 1 50 * Theoretical Mechanics 12mo, 3 00 Theory of Errors and the Method of Least Squares 12mo, 1 50 Treatise on Differential Calculus Large 12mo, 3 00 Treatise on the Integral Calculus Large 12mo, 3 00 Treatise on Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations. . .Large 12mo, 3 50 Karapetoff's Engineering Applications of Higher Mathematics. (In Preparation.) Laplace's Philosophical Essay on Probabilities. 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Differential Equations, by William Woolsey Johnson. No. 10. The Solution of Equations, by Mansfield Merriman. No. 11. Functions of a Complex Variable, by Thomas S. Fiske. Maurer's Technical Mechanics 8vo, 4 00 Merriman's Method of Least Squares 8vo, 2 00 Solution of Equations 8vo, 1 00 Rice and Johnson's Differential and Integral Calculus. 2 vols. in one. Large 12mo, 1 50 Elementary Treatise on the Differential Calculus Large 12mo, 3 00 Smith's History of Modern Mathematics 8vo, 1 00 * Veblen and Lennes's Introduction to the Real Infinitesimal Analysis of One Variable 8vo. 2 00 * Waterbury's Vest Pocket Hand-book of Mathematics for Engineers. 2lX5f inches, mor. 1 00 Weld's Determinants 8vo, 1 00 Wood's Elements of Co-ordinate Geometry 8vo, 2 00 Woodward's Probability and Theory of Errors 8vo, 1 00 12 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. MATERIALS OF ENGINEERING, STEAM-ENGINES AND BOILERS. Bacon's Forge Practice 12mo, $1 50 Baldwin's Steam Heating for Buildings 12mo, 2 50 Barr's Kinematics of Machinery 8vo, 2 50 * Bartlett's Mechanical Drawing 8vo, 3 00 * Abridged Ed 8vo. 1 50 * Burr's Ancient and Modern Engineering and the Isthmian Canal 8vo, 3 50 Carpenter's Experimental Engineering 8vo, 6 00 Heating and Ventilating Buildings 8vo, 4 00 Clerk's Gas and Oil Engine. (New edition in press.) Compton's First Lessons in Metal Working 12mo, 1 50 Compton and De Groodt's Speed Lathe 12mo, 1 50 Coolidge's Manual of Drawing 8vo, paper, 1 00 Coolidge and Freeman's Elements of Geenral Drafting for Mechanical En- gineers Oblong 4to, 2 50 Cromwell's Treatise on Belts and Pulleys 12mo, 1 50 Treatise on Toothed Gearing 12mo, 1 50 Dingey's Machinery Pattern Making 12mo, 2 00 Durley's Kinematics of Machines 8vo, 4 00 Flanders's Gear-cutting Machinery Large 12mo, 3 00 Flather's Dynamometers and the Measurement of Power 12mo, 3 00 Rope Driving 12mo, 2 00 Gill's Gas and Fuel Analysis for Engineers . 12mo, 1 25 Goss's Locomotive Sparks 8vo, 2 00 Greene's Pumping Machinery. (In Preparation.) Hering's Ready Reference Tables (Conversion Factors) 16mo, mor. 2 50 * Hobart and Ellis's High Speed Dynamo Electric Machinery 8vo, 6 00 Hutton's Gas Engine 8vo, 5 00 Jamison's Advanced Mechanical Drawing 8vo, 2 00 Elements of Mechanical Drawing 8vo, 2 50 Jones's Gas Engine 8vo, 4 00 Machine Design. Part I. Kinematics of Machinery 8vo, 1 50 Part II. Form, Strength, and Proportions of Parts 8vo, 3 00 Kent's Mechanical Engineer's Pocket-Book 16mo, mor. 5 00 Kerr's Power and Power Transmission 8vo, 2 00 Kimball and Barr's Machine Design. (In Press.) Levin's Gas Engine. (In Press.) 8vo, Leonard's Machine Shop Tools and Methods 8vo, 4 00 * Lorenz's Modern Refrigerating Machinery'. (Pope, Haven, and Dean). .8vo, 4 00 MacCord's Kinematics; or, Practical Mechanism 8vo, 5 00 Mechanical Drawing 4to, 4 00 Velocity Diagrams 8vo, 1 50 MacFarland's Standard Reduction Factors for Gases 8vo, 1 50 Mahan's Industrial Drawing. (Thompson.) 8vo, 3 50 Mehrtens's Gas Engine Theory and Design Large 12mo, 2 50 Oberg's Handbook of Small Tools Large 12mo, 3 00 * Parshall and Hobart's Electric Machine Design. 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Large 12mo, 3 00 Stone's Practical Testing of Gas and Gas Meters 8vo, 3 50 13 Thurston's Animal as a Machine and Prime Motor, and the Laws of Energetics. 12mo, $1 00 Treatise on Friction and Lost Work in Machinery and Mill Work. . .8vo, 3 00 * Tillson's Complete Automobile Instructor 16mo, 1 50 * Titsworth's Elements of Mechanical Drawing Oblong 8vo, 1 25 Warren's Elements of Machine Construction and Drawing 8vo, 7 50 * Waterbury's Vest Pocket Hand-book of Mathematics for Engineers. 2J X 5f inches, mor. 1 00 Weisbach's Kinematics and the Power of Transmission. (Herrmann Klein.) 8vo, 5 00 Machinery of Transmission and Governors. (Hermann Klein.). .8vo, 5 00 Wood's Turbines 8vo, 2 50 MATERIALS OF ENGINEERING. * Bovey's Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures 8vo, 7 50 Burr's Elasticity and Resistance of the Materials of Engineering 8vo, 7 50 Church's Mechanics of Engineering 8vo, 6 00 * Greene's Structural Mechanics 8vo, 2 50 * Holley's Lead and Zinc Pigments Large 12mo 3 00 Holley and Ladd's Analysis of Mixed Paints, Color Pigments, and Varnishes. Large 12mo, 2 50 Johnson's (C. M.) Rapid Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Special Steels, Steel-Making Alloys and Graphite Large 12mo, 3 00 Johnson's (J. B.) Materials of Construction 8vo, 6 00 Keep's Cast Iron 8vo, 2 50 Lanza's Applied Mechanics 8vo, 7 50 Maire's Modern Pigments and their Vehicles 12mo, 2 00 Martens's Handbook on Testing Materials. (Henning.) 8vo, 7 50 Maurer's Techincal Mechanics 8vo, 4 00 Merriman s Mechanics of Materials 8vo, 5 00 * Strength of Materials 12mo, 1 00 Metcalf's Steel. 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(Thurston.) 12mo, 1 50 Chase's Art of Pattern Making 12mo, 2 50 Creighton's Steam-engine and other Heat Motors 8vo, 5 00 Dawson's ''Engineering " and Electric Traction Pocket-book. .. . 16mo, mor. 5 00 Ford's Boiler Making for Boiler Makers 18mo, 1 00 * Gebhardt's Steam Power Plant Engineering 8vo, 6 00 Goss's Locomotive Performance 8vo, 5 00 Hemenway's Indicator Practice and Steam-engine Economy J2mo, 2 00 Hutton's Heat and Heat-engines 8vo, 5 00 Mechanical Engineering of Power Plants 8vo, 5 00 Kent's Steam boiler Economy 8vo, 4 00 14 Kneass's Practice and Theory of the Injector 8vo, $1 50 MacCord's Slide-valves. * 8vo. 2 00 Meyer's Modern Locomotive Construction 4to, 10 00 Mover's Steam Turbine! 8vo, 4 00 Peabody's Manual of the Steam-engine Indicator 12mo, 1 50 Tables of the Properties of Steam and Other Vapors and Temperature- Entropy Table 8vo, 1 00 Thermodynamics of the Steam-engine and Other Heat-engines. . . .8vo. 5 00 Valve-gears for Steam-engines 8vo. 2 50 Peabody and Miller's Steam-boilers 8vo, 4 00 Pupin's Thermodynamics of Reversible Cycles in Gases and Saturated Vapors. (Osterberg.) 12mo, 1 25 Reagan's Locomotives: Simple, Compound, and Electric. New Edition. Large 12mo, 3 50 Sinclair's Locomotive Engine Running and Management 12mo, 2 00 Smart's Handbook of Engineering Laboratory Practice 12mo, 2 50 Snow's Steam-boiler Practice 8vo, 3 00 Spangler's Notes on Thermodynamics 12mo, 1 00 Valve-gears 8vo, 2 50 Spangler, Greene, and Marshall's Elements of Steam-engineering 8vo. 3 00 Thomas's Steam-turbines 8vo, 4 00 Thurston's Handbook of Engine and Boiler Trials, and the Use of the Indi- cator and the Prony Brake 8vo, 5 00 Handy Tables 8vo. 1 50 Manual of Steam-boilers, their Designs, Construction, and Operation 8vo, 5 00 Manual of the Steam-engine -. 2vols., 8vo, 10 00 Part I. History, Structure, and Theory 8vo, 6 00 Part II. Design, Construction, and Operation 8vo, 6 00 Steam-boiler Explosions in Theory and in Practice 12mo, 1 50 Wehrenfennig's Analysis and Softening of Boiler Feed-water. (Patterson). 8vo, 4 00 Weisbach's Heat, Steam, and Steam-engines. (Du Bois.). . . .. 8vo, 5 00 Whitham's Steam-engine Design 8vo, 5 00 Wood's Thermodynamics, Heat Motors, and Refrigerating Machines. . .8vo, 4 00 MECHANICS PURE AND APPLIED. Church's Mechanics of Engineering 8vo, 6 00 Notes and Examples in Mechanics 8vo, 2 00 Dana's Text-book of Elementary Mechanics for Colleges and Schools .12mo, 1 50 Du Bois's Elementary Principles of Mechanics: Vol. I. Kinematics 8vo, 3 50 Vol. II. Statics 8vo, 4 00 Mechanics of Engineering. Vol. I Small 4to, 7 50 Vol. II Small 4to, 10 00 * Greene's Structural Mechanics 8vo, 2 50 James's Kinematics of a Point and the Rational Mechanics of a Particle. Large 12mo. 2 00 * Johnson's (W. W.) 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