University of California College of Agriculture Agricultural Experiment Station Berkeley, California STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF TKS AFNUAL AVERAGE F.O.B. PRICES OF ZmmQ ASP/iRAGUS, 1925-26 TO 1948-49 by Sidney Hoos '•WVERSVTY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRAR COULEX-E OP AGKICULTURE DAVIS April, 1949 Contribution from the Gianninl Foundation of Agricultural Economics Mimeographed Report No, 95 statistical Analysis of the Annual Average F.O.B, Prices of Canned Asparagus, 1925-26 to 1948-49 Sidney Hoos y Dtiring a number of the years before World War II, the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics annually issued a report presenting the results of sta- tistical analyses of canned asparagus prices. Those reports were made available for the benefit of the canned asparagus industry, growers, packers, shippers and purchasers. During the war years, the reports were suspended because of the ab- normal conditions which prevailed then, such as federal price control. In September 1947, the California Agricultural Experiment Station issued two publications on asparagus.^ Those publications were made available for the purpose of presenting in general terms an analysis of the economic trends under- lying canned asparagus, and providing background information on the industry and its economic status. The prewar, wartime, and immediate postwar developments were reviewed to give a coBiprehensive basis for the industry's outlook. This report undertakes to resume the type of statistical analyses of the F.O.B, prices of canned asparagus which were issued in the prewar years, as noted above . With the experience of three postwar pack-years available now, we are beginning to get the basis fbr determining the postwar pattern of statistical 1/ Associate Professor of Agricultuiral Economics, Associate Economist in the Experiment Station and on the Giannini Foiandation. 2/ Sidney Hoos and H. Fisk Phelps, California Asparagus, Economic Status 1948, Calif, Agr, Exp. Sta. Circ, 373 (Sept. 1947). Sidney Hoos and H, Fisk Phelps, Statistical Supplement to Calif, Agr. Exp« Sta. Circ, 373 (Sept, 1947). 3/ For additional recent statistical data see: Sidney Hoos and Irvih Dubov. Selected Statistics Pertaining to California Asparagus, Calif, Agr. Exp, Sta. Contribution from the Giannini Foundation (April 1949) , ' ■ ■ ■ 2. relations. Analysis of the available evidence indicates the existence of a pattern which bears some similarity to but also has some characteristics different from the prewar statistical relations. . A major difference concerns the effects of consumers' money income as reflected by the index of nonagricxiltural income payments. In the prewar years, the net relation between the prices and con- sumers' income was best measured by a straight-line; that is, a change of income from one level had the same effect on price as a change of income from another level, within the range of experience. But when the postwar years are included in the analysis, it appears that the net relation between the prices and con- sumers' income can be adequately reflected by a curve; that is, the effect which a change of income has on price is influenced by the income level from which the change is considered. In other terms, an increase of 10 points in the income index, if money income is high as in postwar years, ivS associated with a smaller increase in the price than if the income index increases 10 points in relatively low income years such as the middle 1930' s. Below we present the results of an analysis of the major factors which have influenced the annual average F.O.B. prices received for canned asparagus by canners in California from 1925-26 through 1948-49, but excluding the war years 1941-42 through 1945-46^, The war years were omitted from the analysis because of the reasons noted above. Three formulations of the statistical demand relations for canned asparagus are summarized in this report. All three formulations cover the period 1925-26 through 1948-49, excluding the war years 1941-42 through 1945-46, The first formulation concerns the average relationships between F«O.B, prices of California canned asparagus and (l) domestic shipments of Cali- fornia canned asparagus, (2) the index of nonagricultural income payments in the United States, and (3) factors included under "time." For this first formulation: _ ■■<;:.: ; y,i-.i^^ '"^i®'?. IsSwv,,^:^ .Sfi-^ -ill; r? ^r-:}'ir • ' ' ■■< ■' -visit IM , ' ■ ■ ^■ I 3. Equation 1 in table 2 summarises the statistical results ^ obtained when the F*0 of 100,000 cases in domestic shipments of California canned asparagus was on the average accompanied by a change in the opposite direction of 13 cents a case in the F.O.B, price of California canned asparagus. This relation is shown graphically in panel A of figure 1, (b) With both domestic shipments of California canned asparagus and the volume of outside pack held constant, a change of 10 per cent in the index of nonagricultural income payments was on the average accompanied by a change in the same direction of 40 cents a case in the F.O.B, price of California canned asparagus. This re- lation is shown graphically in panel B of figiure 1. (c) With both domestic shipments of California canned asparagus and nonagricultural income payments held constant, a change of 100,000 cases in the volume of asparagus canned outside of California was on the average accompanied by a change in the opposite direction of 10 cents a case in the F.O.B, price of California canned asparagus. This relation is shown graphically in panel C of figvire 1. Differences between the actual prices and those estimated by equation 5 are given in table 3, column 3. The differences are plotted as deviations from the respective net regression lines in figure 1. f. I Figure 1: Net Regression of F»O.B. Prices of California Canned Asparagus, 1925-26 to 1948-49, on: A, Domestic Shipments of California Canned Asparagus; B, Index of Nonagri cultural Income Payments; and C, Pack of Asparagus Canned Outside of California 8,00 7.00 6.00 5.00 - 4.00 ICQ 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 50 150 200 Xg : California Domestic Shipments (10,000 oases) 46-470 ^1.3 14,680068 + 9,672110 log 100 150 200 250 300 Xg: Index of Konagricultural Income (1935-1939 = 100) 7. 8. TA.BLE 1 Annual Average. .F«0»B. Prices of California Canned Asparagus and Important Factors Affecting Them, 1925-26 to 1948-49 lear Domestic ship- Index of non- Canned asparagus March r •u.Da price ments of Cali- agricultural pack of s :ates through of California fornia canned income other than February canned asparagus asparagus (1935-39=100) California J. ► ■ - <> - ■ - c O 4 dollars per case iu,uuu cases ver cent 1,000 cases 1 no c oe p. AT D • Ui io4 iXU 4{ } , 1926-27 5.69 171 114 37i/ 1927-28 5.44 172 115 26 . L jC O — w y O • DO lyo 1 1 Q 402/ lycy— Ow j.yo 1 ox 51 t 1 y ou— 0 i ioy 110 lOOa/ 1931-32 5.54 130 94 14S 1932-33 4.10 159 72 2( J. yoo — o*± AO JLoO I 1 184 X jO*± — OU t .ou 1 A t; X4-0 OA 23e iyoo— oo 4 .00 100 Q7 O 1 281 1936-37 4.75 160 103 436 1937-38 5.22 159 106 631 X i/OO — A AR loo eo-i X yo y— f V A AA 1 AO 671 1940-41 4.68 184 117 921 X C7*±X— ft) p . 0 c lOD 1,44£ 1942-43 (n.a . ) 229 183 1,651 f 1943-44 (n.a. ) 209 221 1,482 1944-45 (n.a . ) 244 242 1,396 1945-46 6.38 246 247 1,44C ) 1946-47 6.86 238 258 1,65£ ) 1947-48 7.21 192 285 1,65£ 1948-49±/ 8.32 187 307 1,71E a/ Preliminary, subject to revision; (n.a,). not available. Sources of data: Col. 1: Years 1925-26 to 1935-36 compiled from records of canners. Years 1936-37 to 1948-49 from reports of Asparagus Advisory Board and records of canners. , Col. 2: From table 4, col. 6. I Col. 3: All figures obtained from the following sources-, converted to 1935-1939 base by dividing by 62.22. 1925-26 to 1928-29; TJ.S.3.A.E. mimeo. dated 2/2/42. 1929-30 and all subsequent years; National Supplement to Surv^ of Current Business, July 1947, table 48; Survey of Current Business, Jan. 1949 and weekly supplements — Feb. 11 and March 11, 1949. Col. 4: Years 1925-26 to 1932-33 from U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Biennial Census of Manufactures, v/ith 1926-27, 1928-29, and 1930-31 estimated; years 1933- 34 to 1941^42 compiled from Canned Food Pack Statistics, National Canners Association; years 1942-43 to 1948-49 derived from data in Canners League of California, Special Bulletin, December 28, 1948, San Francisco. — • * ! 1 I • ■■ * r 1 ; .. 3 -• • V [ ( ■ . ■ 1 -j- - ■■■ TABLE 2 California Canned Asparagus Regression Coefficients and Auxiliary Constants for Multiple Regression Analyses Covering 1925-26 through 1948-49 (excluding 1941-42 through 1945-46) Equation Dependent variable Constant term Net regression coef f icients (figures in parentheses are t-ratios) Adjusted co- efficient of multiple cor- relation: R Xl X2 X3 log 10 (X3) X4 t t2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Xl S. 558 254 -0.011268 (5.395960) 0.031402 (6. -411849) -0.1184 20 (5.103034) -0,008271 (1.765824) 0.9728 1 208.808293 -40.084387 (3.395960) 1.533069 (3.740093) -5.259179 (2.809868) -0,508232 (1.831976) 0,7628 3 Xl -10.023225 -0.012622 (4.187852) 8.463105 (17 1430529) -0.059260 (5.187517) 0.9773 4 ^2 -418.909099 -42.704453 (4.187852) 395.139516 (4.884515) -2.308664 (2.463400) 0.8173 5 Xl -11.999990 -0 .-012736 (4.377667) 9.672110 (15.763148) -0 .-000998 (5.464351) 0.9788 6 X2 -514.393086 -44.043169 (4.377667) 454 ."^69413 2 (4.770193) -0.040718 (2.658475) ,, ,. 0.8265 a/ = Annual average f,o.b, price of California canned asparagus; in dollars per case (see table l».col, 1). X2 = Domefatic shipments ef California canned asparagus; in units of 10,000 cases (see table 1, col, 2). X3 = Index of nonagricultural income payments in the United States, 1935-39=100 (see table 1, coi. 3). X4 «= Canned asparagus pack of states other than California; in units of 1,000 cases (see table 1, col. 4), t >»= Time in years; origin at 1935-36. ,-■•*■■-.. ■ ■■■ i j. ' -:-;X':.T.rW..T''p' 10. TABLE 3 Actual and Estimated F.O.B. Prices of California Canned Asparagus, 1925-26 through 1948-49 (excluding 1941-42 through 1946-46) Year March Difference: Percentage differ- through Actual Estimated col. 1 minus ence; col. 3 as February price price col. 2 per cent of col. 1 1 2 3 4 dollars per case per cent 1925-26 6.01 5.99 0.02 0.33 1926-27 5.69 5.68 0.01 1927-28 5.44 5.71 -0,27 -4.96 1928-29 5.63 5,58 0,05 0.89 1929-30 5.69 5.68 0.01 0.18 1930-31 5.64 5.62 0,02 0,35 1931-32 5.54 5.29 0,25 4.51 1932-33 4.10 3.92 0.18 4.39 1933-34 3.49 3.39 0.10 2.87 1934-35 4.30 4.33 -0.03 '•U« f U 1935-36 4.55 4.47 0.08 1.76 1936-37 4.75 4.99 -0.24 -5.05 1937-38 5.22 4.93 0.29 5,56 1938-39 4.48 4.77 -0.29 -6.47 1939-40 4.44 4.72 -0,28 -6.31 1940-41 4,68 4.74 -0,06 -1.28 • (war years) « 1946-47 6.86 6.64 0.22 3,21 1947-48 7.21 7.64 -0.43 -5.96 1948-49 8.32 7.96 0.36 4.33 Sources of data: Col. 1: From table 1, col. 1. Col. 2: Based on equation 5, table 2, ■ — 1 ■ . - ^ ii : . ... > .'. .... J.'. .--W.^ .•■'i:" ■ ' •■ ■ _ .:a *" ■ • i ^- > 1- ,: .; .. ■ ■ • . ■ ■ " ■' ■ ; . ; ■ •V.I,,. • » - . io,c ■ ■ ■■ ■ i i ' i.- - . : 8C<.0 •■ ! - ■ ■•■ j'.O * 1 : --• T-.i ! * • ••<■{. ! ; ■ f u. TABLE 4 Pack, Carry-over, Shipments and Domestic Movement of California Canned Asparagus, 1925-26 to 1948-49 j Year California Ma T*oVi Carry-over Available Total United California through Pack from for shipments States domes'' ;ic February preceding shipment exports shipments year 1 2 3 4 5 6 in ] L.OOO cases. 1925-26 1,745 170 1,915 1,664 325 1,33c ) 1926-27 2,236 251 2,487 2,080 367 \,1U 1927-28 2,190 407 2,597 2,195 474 1,72] 1928-29 2,338 402 2,740 2,471 540 1,931 1929-30 2,673 269 2,942 2,619 671 1,94? ! 1930-31 2,663 323 2,986 2,028 435 1,592 5 1931-32 1,747 958 2,705 1,646 350 1,296 1 1932-33 1,313 1,059 2,372 1,918 32 G 1,592 1933-34 2,135 454 2,589 2,313 485 1,82£ ! 1934-35 1,914 276 2,190 1,980 633 1,447 f 2,238 210 2,448 2,143 568 1,57J 1936-37 2,350 305 2,655 2,133 530 1,60: 5 1937-38 2,072 522 2,594 2,018 431 1,58"; r 1938-39 1,796 576 2,372 1,922 340 1,582 1939-40 1,849 450 2,299 2,126 338 1,786 ) 1940-41 2,182 173 2,355 1,956 116 1,84C ) 1,578 399 1,977 1,670 115 1,55J 1942-43 2.258 307 2,565 2,345 51 2,294 \ 1943-44 2,071 220 2,291 2,114 20 2,094 [ 1944-45 2,436 177 2,614 2,462 20 2,442 1945-46 2,480 152 2,632 2,506 47 2,45£ 1946-47 2,783 126 2,909 2,720 344 2,37{ 1947-48 2,259 189 2,448 2,274 352 1,922 1948-49a/ 1,983 174 2,157 2,027 156b/ 1,87] 1949-50a/ 130 a/ Preliminary, subject to revision. b/ March through December 1948. Sources of data: Cols. 1-4; Canners League of California and Asparagus Advisory Boards. Carry- over figures are total stocks on hand, sold and unsold. Col. 5; Compiled from reports of United States Bur'oau of Foreign and Commerce. Pounds converted to cases on the basis of 34 pounds per case. Col. 6; Col. 4 minus col. 5. I . i i « ' ■ • ' t • ' i '■ - ', ' 1 C - *, • - ■ -^../ V, ... ] • J. V 1 ' rnr ■■■ 1 •• V - 't <» ' • ,3 *") ?! ytrt ^ f.yi^ i