Number 25 Price 25 cents EPRINT AND CIRCULAR SERIES OF THE National Research Council A PARTIAL LIST OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL To January 1, 1922 ^QM v7 ■■ \ I nf^ p y Washington, D. C, Februar>', 1922 Announcement Concerning Publications of the National Research Council The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has been designated as the official organ of the National Research Council for the pubHcation of accounts of research, committee and other reports, and minutes. Subscription rate for the "Proceedings" is $5 per year. Business address: Home Secretary, National Academy of Sciences, Smith- sonian Institution, Washington, D. C. The Bulletin of the National Research Council presents contributions from the National Research Council, other than proceedings, for which hitherto no appropriate agencies of publication have existed. The "Bulletin" is published at irregular intervals. The sub- scription price, postpaid, is $5 per volume of approximately 500 pages. Numbers of the "Bulletin" are sold separately at prices based upon the cost of manufacture. The Reprint and Circular Series of the National Research Council renders available for purchase, at prices dependent upon the cost of manufacture, papers published or printed by or for the National Research Council. Orders for the "Bulletin" or the "Reprints and Circulars" of the National Research Council, accompanied by remittance, should be addressed: Publication Office, National Research Council, 1701 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D. C. REPRINT AND CIRCULAR SERIES OF THE National Research Council NUMBER 25 A PARTIAL LLST OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE NATIONAL REvSEARCH COUNCIL TO JANUARY 1, 1922* CONTENTS Organization and activities of the Council 2 Annual reports 2 Organization of the Council 2 Organization of divisions 2 Activities 3 Proceedings 4 Minutes 4 Committee reports 4 Science and industry 5 General surveys 5 Specific surveys 7 Text books 8 Reports of research 8 Advisory Committee on the Toxicity of Preserved Foods 8 Chemistry 9 Engineering 10 Explosives Investigations Committee 11 Medical sciences 12 Psychology \ 12 Bulletin of the National Research Council 12 Reprint and Circular Series of the National Research Council 13 *Revised and reprinted from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 7, 1921, pages 351-362. RESEARCH COUNCIL PUBLICATIONS ORGANIZATION AND ACTIVITIES OF THE COUNCIL Annual Reports 1916 First Report in Report of the National Academy of Sciences for the year 1916, pages 31-36. No copies for distribution. 1917 Second annual report. Reprinted from the Report of the National Academy of Sciences for the year 1917, pages 46-70. No copies for distribution. 1918 Third annual report. Reprinted from the Report of the National Academy of Sciences for the year 1918, pages 39-112. Limited supply distributed free, postage 2 cents. 1919 Fourth annual report. Reprinted from the Report of the National Academy of Sciences for the year 1919, pages 65-130. No copies for distribution. 1920 Fifth annual report. Reprinted from the Report of the National Academy of Sciences for the year 1920, pages 34-110. Distributed free, postage 2 cents. Organization ot thb CotrNcn, Report to the Engineering Foundation on the origin, foundation and scope of the National Research Council. Presented by CaryT. Hutchinson, Secretary. New York, February 27, 1917. Pages 8. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. Members and committees of the National Research Council. Washington, November 10, 1917. Pages 32. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. Executive Order issued by the President of the United States May 11, 1918. Wash- ington, 1918. Pages 2. No copies for distribution. War organization of the National Research Council. Washington, 1918. Pages 26. No copies for distribution. Organization of the National Research Council. Preamble. Washington, 1919. Pages 6. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. Organization and members 1919-1920. Washington, D. C, December, 1919. Pages 26. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. The National Research Council. By Vernon Kellogg. Reprinted from Inter- national Conciliation. September, 1920. Pages 8. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. Organization and members 1920-1921. Washington, D. C, December, 1920. Pages 45. Distributed free, postage 2 cents. Organization and members 1921-1922. Washington D. C, December, 1921. Pages 55. Distributed free, postage 2 cents. Organization of Divisions Anthropology and psychology. W. V. Bingham, chairman. Reprinted from Science, N. S., April, 1920, Vol. 51, pages 353-357. No copies for distribution. Educational relations. Vernon Kellogg, chairman. Washington, August 15, 1919. Pages 7. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. Engineering. Galen H. Clevenger, vice-chairman. Presented at the meeting of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, June, 1919. Pages 10. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. Engineering. Galen H. Clevenger, acting chairman. Reprinted from Science, N. S., July 18, 1919, Vol. 50, pages 58-60. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. Division of Engineering, National Research Council, in cooperation with Engineering Foundation. January, 1921. Pages 4. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. RESEA R CH CO UNCIL P UBLICA TIONS 3 Geology and geography. Edward B. Mathews, chairman. Washington, 1919. Pages 3. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. Medicine and related sciences. Richard M. Pearce, chairman. Washington, 1918. Pages 2. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. Research information committee. S. W. Stratton, chairman. Washington, April 15, 1918. Pages 4. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. States relations, preliminary announcement. By John C. Merriam, chairman. Washington, D. C, April, 1920. Pages 7. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. Activities The engineering work of the National Research Council. By HE^fRY M. Howe. Re- printed from the Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1918, pages 1715-1719. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. The National Engineering Societies and the National Research Council. By George E. Hale. Reprinted from the Journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, October, 1918, pages 825-829. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. The Division of Engineering of the National Research Council in cooperation with the Engineering Foundation. January, 1921. Pages 16. Limited supply dis- tributed free, postage 2 cents. Alloys Research Association announcing an informational service. Under the aus- pices of the Divisions of Engineering and Research Extension. November, 1920. Washington, D. C. Pages 18. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. Research Information Service. Robert M. Yerkes, chairman. February, 1921. Pages 8. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. A National Research Council. By George E. Hale. Reprinted from the New York Evening Post, October 9, 1916. Pages 2. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. National Research Council. Basis of organization and means of cooperation with state councils of defense. By George E. Hale. Reprinted from the Journal of the Franklin Institute, June, 1917, pages 759-766. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. The National Research Council. How it proposes to mobilize the nation's science for industrial progress and military efl&ciency. By George E. Hale. Re- printed from the New York Times, July 26, 1916. Pages 2. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. National Research Council. Research committees in educational institutions. By George E. Hale. Reprinted irom the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, March, 1917, Vol. 3, pages 223-227. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. The National Research Council. By Vernon Kellogg. Reprinted from the De- cember, 1920, issue of the North American Review. Pages 8. No copies for distribution. Better Tools for our scientists, engineers and industrial technical men. By J. R. Angell. December, 1920, Washington, D. C. Pages 11. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. The National Research Council and its chemistry committee. By Marston Taylor Bogert. Reprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical Society, May, 1917, Vol. 39, pages 841-855. No copies for distribution. The National Research Council and the organization of science. By Vernon Kellogg. Reprinted from The Nation's Business, November, 1919. Pages 7. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. 4 RESEARCH CO UNCIL P UBLICA TIONS National Research fellowships in physics and chemistry supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. March 29, 1919. Pages 4. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. National Research fellowships in physics and chemistry supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. Washington, D. C, January 1, 1920. Pages 4. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. The new International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. By Ei>ward W. Wash- BtJRN. Reprinted from Science, N. S., October 3, 1919, Vol. 50, pages 319-321. No copies for distribution. Organization of the American Geophysical Union. By Harry O. Wood. Science, N. S., March 19, 1920, Vol. 51, pages 297-299. Limited supply distributed free, postage 2 cents. Organization of the American Section of the proposed International Geophysical Union. A. A. MiCHELSON, chairman, F. R. MoulTon, T. C. Chamberlin. Reprinted from Science, N. S., September 5, Vol. 50, pages 233-238, and September 12, 1919, pages 255-259. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. Outline of plan for an inter-allied research council. Washington, 1918. Pages 2. No copies for distribution. Report of the meetings of the International Research Council and of the Affiliated Unions held at Brussels, July 18-28, 1919. Presented to the Division of Foreign Relations by W. W. Campbell, Chairman, American Delegation to the Inter- national Research Council. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 6, June, 1920, pages 340-348. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. Psychology and national service. By Robert M. YerkES. Reprinted from the Psychological Bulletin, July, 1917, Vol. 14, pages 259-262. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. Recommendations of the National Research Council of the United States with respect to the formation of an international chemical union. Report by the committee on publication of compendia of chemical literature, etc., to the president and council of the American Chemical Society. Washington, 1919. Pages 8. No copies for distribution. War activities of the National Research Council. By George E. Hale. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, July, 1918, pages 909-934. No copies for distribution. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL Minutes Meetings of the Council, its Executive Committee, Executive Board and Interim Committee, September 20, 1916, to October 14, 1919. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. Committee Reports Report of the astronomy committee. Presented for the committee by Edward C. Pickering, chairman. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, June, 1917, Vol. 3, pages 444-446. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. First report of the committee on botany. Presented for the committee by John M. Coulter, chairman. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, August, 1917, Vol. 3, pages 529-530. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. RESEARCH CO UNCIL P UBLICA TIONS 5 The scope and work of the botanical raw products committee. Presented for the com- mittee by Edward M. East, chairman. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, December, 1917, Vol. 3, pages 731-733. Dis- tributed free, postage 1 cent. Report of the committee on ceramic chemistry. Presented for the committee by E. W. Washburn, chairman. Washington, April, 1919. Pages 6. No copies for distribution. Report of the committee on ceramic research joint committee with the American Ceramic Society, with reference to a plan for the establishment of a system of research fellowships in ceramics supported by the industries. Submitted by Albert V. Bleininger, chairman. November 19, 1919. Pages 9. No copies for dis- tribution. Report of the Chairman at the annual meeting of the Division of Chemistry and Chem- ical Technology. Reprinted from the Journal of Industrial atid Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 12, No. 9, page 911. September, 1920. No copies for dis- tribution. Clean coal; the effect of high ash upon thermal efficiency, amount of boiler plant, amount of transportation equipment. Report prepared by the J. G. White Engineering Corporation and transmitted by the Engineering Committee of the National Research Council to the Committee on Clean Coal. Reprinted by The J. G. White Engineering Corporation, New York, January, 1918. Pages 8. No copies for distribution. Some projects of research in national nutrition. Report of the committee on food and nutrition. Division of Biology and Agriculture. March, 1921. Page 15. Distri- buted free, postage 1 cent. Report of the geology and paleontology committee. Presented for the committee by J. M. Clarke, chairman. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, December, 1917, Vol. 3, pages 721-724. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. An investigation of conditions in the departments of the preclinical sciences. Report of a committee of the Division of Medical Sciences of the National Research Council. Presented by Joseph Erlanger, chairman. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Medical Association, April 17, 1920, Vol. 74, pages 1117- 1122. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. The executive committee on natural resources. By John M. Clarke, Henry S. Graves and Barrington Moore. Reprinted from Science, N. S., Vol. 53, June 17, 1921, pages 550-552. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. Preservation of natural conditions. Prepared by the committee on the preservation of natural conditions of the Ecological Society of America. 1921. Pages 32. Limited supply distributed free, postage 2 cents. Psychology in relation to the war. By Robert ISI. Yerkes. Reprinted from The Psychological Revie-u.', March, 1918, Vol. 25, pages 85-115. Limited supply dis- tributed free, postage 2 cents. First report of the committee on zoologj-. Presented by Edwin G. Conklin, chairman. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, December, 1917, Vol. 3, pages 724-731. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY General Surveys Industrial research and national welfare. By George E. Hale. Reprinted from Science, N. S., November 22, 1918, Vol. 48, pages 505-507. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. 6 RESEARCH COUNCIL PUBLICATIONS Industrial research and national welfare. By Elihu Root. Reprinted from Science, N. S., November 29, 1918, Vol. 48, pages 532-534. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. The national value of scientific research. By George E. Hale. Reprinted from The Technology Review, November, 1916, Vol. 18, pages 801-817. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. The organization of research. By James R. Angell. Reprinted from the Journal of Proceedings and Addresses of the Association of American Universities, Twenty- first Annual Conference, November 7 and 8, 1919, pages 27-41. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. The organization of research in our American democracy. By James R. Angell. Preprinted from the Proceedings of the Institute of Medicine of Chicago. March 5, 1920. Pages 18. Distributed free, postage 2 cents. The obligation of the state toward scientific research. By James R. Angell. Re- printed from the Centennial Memorial Volume of Indiana University. July, 1921. Pages 12. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. The new opportunity in science. By R. A. Millikan. Published in Science, N. S., September 26, 1919, Vol. 50, pages 285-297. No copies for distribution. America's place in industrial research. Address given at the decennial celebration. Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, July 23, 1920, by H. E. Howe. Pages 18. Limited supply distributed free, postage 2 cents. Research in America after the war. By R. A. Millikan. Reprinted from the Trans- actions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1919, pages 129-140. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. The research spirit in everyday life of the average man. By John C. Merriam. Reprinted from Science, N. S., Vol. 52, pages 473-478, November, 1920. No copies for distribution. Science and national progress. Reprinted from Scientific American Monthly. January, 1920. Pages 5. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. February, 1920. Food as a national interest. By Vernon Kellogg. The ceramic industries. Pages 3. No copies for distribution. April, 1920. Bubbles, drops and grains. By Wilder D. Bancroft. Government maps. By Edward B. Mathews. Pages 5. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. May, 1920. Blue eyes and blue feathers. By Wilder D. Bancroft. Meat and milk in the food supply. (Report of the committee on food and nutrition of the National Research Council, April 3, 1920.) Pages 4. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. June, 1920. Selenium and tellurium. By Victor Lenher. The search for cereals. ByH.E. HowE. Pages 3. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. July, 1920. Fog and smoke. By Wilder D. Bancroft. The use and value of physical and chemical constants. By Hugh K. Moore. Pages 7. Distri- buted free, postage 1 cent. October, 1920. Institute for plant protection. By H. H. Whetzel. Pages 2. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. November, 1920. Scientific survey of the Pacific. By Clark WisslER. Pages 3. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. December, 1920. X-rays and atomic structure. By Augustus Trowbridge. Research — An aid to forest perpetuation. Pages 7. Limited supply distri- buted free, postage 1 cent. January, 1921. Our leprosy problem. Bubonic plague. Pages 2. Dis- tributed free, postage 1 cent. RESEA R CH CO UNCIL P UBLI CA TIONS 7 March, 1921. Tropical forests. By H. X. Whitford. Pages 4. No copies for distribution. May, 1921. Scientific work in Russia outside of Petrograd and Moscow. By Sergius Oldenburg ; translated by Michael Shapovalov. Pages 4. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. June, 1921. Recent work of the Russian Academy of Science. By Sergius Oldenburg. Paper making materials. By C. J. West. Pages 2. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. July, 1921. What do you know about diatoms? By H. P. Little. A national information service for science and technology. By Ruth Cobb. Pages 3. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. August, 1921. Balloons, helium gas and the age of the earth. By H. P. Little. Pages 2. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. Science and our social problem. By Vernon Kellogg. Reprinted from The Review. August 23, 1919. Pages 7. No copies for distribution. Topical discussion on cooperation in industrial research. By Edgar Marburg and others. Reprinted from the Proceedings of The American Society for Testing Materials, 1918, Vol. 18. Part 2. Pages 63. Limited supply distributed free, postage 3 cents. Specific Surveys A bibliography of investigations bearing on the composition and nutritive value of com and corn products. By HELEN M. Keith. Pages 178. Price $2.00, postage 17 cents. The function of educational institutions in development of research. By John C. Merriam. Reprinted from the University of California Chronicle, April, 1920, pages 133-142. Limited supply distributed free. Postage 1 cent. The nitrogen problem in relation to the war. By Arthur A. Noyes. Reprinted from the Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, June 19, 1918, Vol. 8, pages 381-394. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. The place of the university in chemical war work. By E. W. Washburn. Reprinted from the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, October, 1918, Vol. 10. Pages 7. No copies for distribution. Scientific publications from Germany. By Paul Brockett. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, December, 1917, Vol. 3, pages 717-721. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. Scientific research for national defense as illustrated by the problems of aeronautics. By Lt. Col. George O. Squier. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, December, 1916. Vol. 2. Pages 3. Distributed free,. postage 1 cent. Submarines in periodical literature from 1911 to 1917. Compiled by Helen R. Hos- mer. Reprinted from the Journal of the Franklin Institute, August, 1917, pages 251-306. No copies for distribution. The value of cooperative research in the development of the zinc industry. By John Johnston. Reprinted from the Report of the Organization Proceedings of the American Zinc Institute, October, 1918. Pages 7. No copies for distribution. Financial support for our universities. A constructive criticism. By Charles B. LiPMAN. Reprinted from the University of California Chronicle, January, 1921. Pages 49. No copies for distribution. Studying for honors in American colleges and universities. By Albert L. Barrows. Reprinted from School and Society, Vol. 13, April 9, 1921, pages 432-434. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. 8 RESEARCH CO UNCIL P UBLICA TIONS Science and community trusts. By Robert M. Yerkes. Published in Science, Vol. 53, June 10, 1921, pages 527-529. No copies for distribution. A more definite statement of the highway research work By W. K. Hatt. Reprinted from Automotive Industries, August 11, 1921, pages 278-279. No copies for distribution. An open letter to college seniors. By Carl E. vSeashore. Pages 8. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. Text Books Introductory meteorology. Prepared and issued under the auspices of the National Research Council, Division of Geology and Geography. 1918. Yale Uni- versity Press. Price $1.00. Military geology and topography. Prepared and issued under the auspices of the National Research Council, Division of Geology and Geography. 1918. Yale University Press. Price $1.25. The geography of Europe. Prepared and issued under the auspices of the Division of Geology and Geography, National Research Council. 1918. Yale University Press Outlines of the study of human action for the Students' Army Training Corps : 1. Courses in psychology for the Students' Army Training Corps. Reprinted from the Psychological Bulletin, April, 1918, Vol. 15, pages 129-136. Dis- tributed free, postage 1 cent. 2. The conditions of effective human action. By Raymond Dodge. Re- printed from the Psychological Bulletin, May, 1918, Vol. 15, pages 137-147. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. 3. Individual differences. By E. L. Thorndike. Reprinted from the Psy- chological Bulletin, May, 1918, Vol. 15, pages 148-159. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. 4. Tests of general intelligence. By L. M. Terman. Reprinted from the Psychological Bulletin, May, 1918, Vol. 15, pages 160-167. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. 5. The use of intelligence tests in the army. By L. M. Terman. Reprinted from the Psychological Bulletin, June, 1918, Vol. 15, pages 177-187. Dis- tributed free, postage 1 cent. 6. How the army uses individual differences in experience. By various mem- bers of the committee on the classification of personnel in the army. Re- printed from the Psychological Bulletin, June, 1918, Vol. 15, pages 187-206. Distributed free, postage 2 cents. 7. The obtaining of information: psychology of observation and report. By GtJY Montrose Whipple. Reprinted from the Psychological Bulletin, July, 1918, Vol. 15, pages 217-248. Limited supply distributed free, postage 2 cents. 8. The learning process. By Edward K. Strong, Jr. Reprinted from the Psychological Bulletin, October, 1918, Vol. 15, pages 328-342. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. 9. Morale in war and after. By G. Stanley Hall. Reprinted from the Psychological Bulletin, November, 1918, Vol. 15, pages 361-426. Distributed free, postage 3 cents. REPORTS OF RESEARCH Advisory Committee on the Toxicity of Preserved Foods The bacteriology of canned foods. By John Weinzirl. Reprinted from The Journal of Medical Research, January, 1919, Vol. 39, pages 349-413. No copies for dis- tribution. RESEARCH CO UNCIL P UBLICA TIONS 9 Carbohydrate fermentation by bacteria as influenced by the composition of the medium. By J. Bronfexbren.ver and M. J. Schlesinger. Reprinted from the Pro- ceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1918, Vol. 16, pages 44-46. No copies for distribution. On methods of isolation and identification of the members of the colon-typhoid group of bacteria. Late fermentation of lactose. By J. Bronfenbrenner and C. R. Davis. Reprinted from The Journal of Medical Research, September, 1918, Vol. 39, pages 33-37. No copies for distribution. On methods of isolation and identification of the members of the colon-typhoid group of bacteria. The preparation of milk and milk-whey as culture medium. By J. Bronfenbrex.ver, C. R. Davis, and K. Morishima. Reprinted from The Journal of Medical Research, January, 1919, Vol. 39, pages 345-348. No copies for distribution. The micro plate. A simple procedure for study of bacterial activity. By J. Brox- fexbrenner and M. J. SchlEsixger. Reprinted from The Journal of Medical Research, November, 1918, Vol. 39, pages 267-270. No copies for distribution. A new indicator for direct reading of hydrogen ion concentration in growing bacterial cultures. By J. Broxfexbrexxer. Reprinted from The Journal of Medical Research, September, 1918, Vol. 39, pages 25-32. No copies for distribution. A rapid method for the identification of bacteria fermenting carbohydrates. By J. Broxfexbrexxer and M. J. Schlesixger. Reprinted from American Jour- nal of Public Health, December, 1918, Vol. 8 pages 922-923. No copies for dis- tribution. Studies on canning. An apparatus for measuring the rate of heat penetration. By W. T. BoviE and J. Broxfexbrexxer. Reprinted from the Journal of Indus- trial and Engineering Chemistry, June, 1919, Vol. 11. Pages 7. No copies for distribution. A study of the micro-organisms found in merchantable canned foods. By E. W. Chey- NEY. Reprinted from The Journal of Medical Research, July, 1919, Vol. 40, pages 177-197. No copies for distribution. Chemistry An improved method for the quantitative determination of caffeine in vegetable ma- terial. Ilex vomitoria as a native source of caffeine. Investigations undertaken at the request of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the National Research Council. By Frederick B. Power and Victor K. Ches- NUT. Reprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical Society, August, 1919, Vol. 41. pages 1298-1312. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. Anti-dimming preparations for gas masks. Investigation undertaken at the request of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the Natiorsal Pesearc h Council. By Harry N. Holmes, F. F. Jewett, Gladys Leavell, DorTha Bailey and Edxa Shaver. Reprinted from the Journal of Industrial and Ettgi- neering Chemistry, December, 1919, Vol. 11, 13 pages. Distributed free, post- age 1 cent. The vapor pressure of tetranitro-methane. An investigation undertaken at the request of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the National Research Council. By Alax W. C. Mexzies. Reprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 41, September, 1919. Pages 2. No copies for distribution. Studies on the nitrotoluenes. I — Binary systems of a nitrotoluene and symmetrical trinitrometo.xylene. Investigation undertaken at the request of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the National Research Council. By James M. Bell and James P. Sawyer. Reprinted from the Journal of Indus- 1 RESEA R CH CO UNCIL P UBLl CA TIO NS trial and Engineering Chemistry, November, 1919, Vol. 11. Pages 9. Distrib- uted free, postage 1 cent. Studies on the nitrotoluenes. II — Refractive indices of mixtures of p-nitrotoluene^ 1,2,4-dinitrotoluene and 1,2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. Investigation undertaken at the request of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the National Research Council. By James M. Bei-L and Edmund O. Cummings. Reprinted from the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, November,. 1919, Vol. 11. Pages 3. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. Studies on the nitrotoluenes. Ill — Binary systems of the components p-nitrotoluene, 1,2,4-dinitrotoluene, 1,2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. Investigation undertaken at the request of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the National Research Council. By James M. Bell and Charles H. Herty, Jr. Reprinted from the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Decem- ber, 1919, Vol. 11. Pages 10. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. Studies on the nitrotoluenes. IV — The three-component system: p-nitrotoluene,. 1,2,4-dinitrotoluene, 1,2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. Investigation undertaken at the request of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the National Research Council. By James M. Bell and Charles H. Herty, Jr. Reprinted from the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, December, 1919, Vol. 11. Pages 6. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. Studies on the nitrotoluenes. V — Binary systems of o-nitrotoluene and another nitro- toluene. Investigation undertaken at the request of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the National Research Council. By James M. Bell, Edward B. Cordon, Fletcher H. Spry and Woodford White. Reprinted from the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, January, 1921, Vol. 13. Pages 7. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. Studies on the nitrotoluenes. VI — The three-component system: o-nitrotoluene, p-nitrotoluene, 1,2,4-dinitrotoluene. Investigation undertaken at the request of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the National Re- search Council. By James M. Bell and Edward B. Cordon. Reprinted from- the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, April, 1921, Vol. 13. Pages 3. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. Studies on the nitrotoluenes. VII — The three-component system: p-nitrotoluene, o-nitrotoluene, 1,2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. Investigation undertaken at the request of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the National Research Council. By James M. Bell and Fletcher H. Spry. Reprinted from the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, April, 1921, Vol. 13. Pages 2. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. Engineering Effect of cold-working and rest on resistance of steel to fatigue under reversed stress. Report of research under the auspices of the National Research Council. By H. F. Moore and W. J. Putnam. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1919, pages 391-404. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. Microstructural features of flaky steel. Report of research under the auspices of the National Research Council. By Henry S. Rawdon. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1919, pages 183-201. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. Path of rupture in steel fusion welds. Report of research under the joint auspices of;f National Research Council and Emergency Fleet Corporation. By S. W. RESEA R CH CO UNCIL P UBLICA TIONS 1 1 Miller. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engi- neers, 1919, pages 312-338. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. Production of ferromanganese in the blast furnace. Report of research under the joint auspices of the U. S. Bureau of Mines and the National Research Council. By P. H. RoYSTER. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1919, pages 367-378. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. Use of manganese alloys in open-hearth practice. Report of research under the joint auspices of the U. S. Bureau of Mines and the National Research Council. By Samuel L. Hoyt. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1919, pages 277-289. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. Welding mild steel. Report of research under the joint auspices of the National Re- search Council and the Emergency Fleet Corporation. Presented by H. M. Ho- BART, Chairman, Welding Research Sub-committee. Reprinted from the Bul- letin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1919, pages 517-565. Dis- tributed free, postage 2 cents. Explosives Investigations Committee The hygroscopicity of tri-nitrotoluene. Report of research under the joint auspices of the U. S. Bureau of Mines and the National Research Council. By Wilbert J. Huff. Report No. lOl-c-25, April 22, 1919. Pages 8. No copies for distribution. The preparation of hexanitro-diphenylamine from chlorobenzene. Report of research- under the joint auspices of the U. S. Bureau of Mines and the National Research Council. By E. J. Hoffman and Perry A. Dame. Reprinted from the Journal of the American Chemical Society, June, 1919, Vol. 41, pages 1013-1020. No copies for distribution. Papers published in Professional Memoirs, Corps of Engineers, United States Army and Engineer Department at Large, May-June, 1919, Vol. 11, pages 259-276: "Adobe" shot with grade IH TNT on boulder. By J. E. Tiffany. Report of tests to demonstrate the adaptability of grade III TNT for clearing land, or similar uses. By W. J. Montgomery. Report on shot of grade III TNT under water. By W. J. Montgomery. Report on breaking concrete piers with adobe shots of grade III TNT and 40 per cent straight nitroglycerin dynamite. By A. B. CoATES. Report of tests to determine the adaptability of grade III TNT for shoot- ing oak stumps. By W. J. Montgomery. No copies for dis- tribution. Sensitiveness of explosives to frictional impact. Report of research under the joint auspices of the U. S. Bureau of Mines and the National Research Council. By S. P. Howell. Technical Paper 234, 1919. Pages 17. Limited supply dis- tributed free, postage 1 cent. TNT as a blasting explosive. Report of research under the joint auspices of the U. S. Bureau of Mines and the National Research Council. By Charles E. MunroE- and Spencer P. Howell. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Department Circular 94, May, 1920. Pages 24. No copies for distribution. Use of TNT, a war-salvaged explosive, for peace-time purposes. By John Swene- hart. House Document No. 720, 66th Congress, 2nd Session, April 10, 1920. Pages 4. No copies for distribution. Products of detonation of TNT. By Charles E. Munroe and Spencer P. Howell.. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 59, pages 194-223. April, 1920. Limited supply distributed free, postage 2 cents^ 12 RESEARCH COUNCIL PUBLICA TIONS Notes on spontaneous explosions of nitroglycerin in oil and gas wells. By R. E. Col- LOM. Reports of Investigations, Bureau of Mines, May, 1920. Pages 8. Limited supply distributed free, postage 2 cents. The cause and prevention of after-corrosion of the bores of firearms. By WilbERT J. Huff. Reprinted from the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Vol. 12, pages 862-870. September, 1920. Limited supply distributed free, postage 2 cents. Modified TNT as a blasting explosive. By Charles E. Munroe and Spencer P. Howell. Reprinted from Public Roads, Vol. 3, pages 27-28. October, 1920. Limited supply distributed free, postage 2 cents. Medical Sciences The fermentation reactions of certain streptococci. XLH. Studies in bacterial metabolism. Investigation undertaken at the request of the Division of Medicine and Related Sciences, National Research Council. By Arthur I. Kendall, Alexander A. Day, Arthur W. Walker, and Marjorie Ryan. Reprinted from The Journal of Infectious Diseases, vSeptember, 1919, Vol. 25, pages 189-206. Limited supply distributed free, postage 2 cents. On the morphology and mitosis of Chilomastix mesnili (Wenyon), a common flagellate of the human intestine. By Charles A. Kofoid and Olive Swezy. Reprinted from the University of California Publication in Zoology, April 23, 1920, Vol. 20 pages 117-144. Distributed free, postage 2 cents. Observations on the toxicity of tetranitromethylaniline (tetryl), tetranitroxylene (T. N. X.), tetranitraniline (T. N. A.), dinitrodichlorbenzene (parazol) and metanitraniline. By H. Gideon Wells. June, 1920. Reprinted from the Journal of Industrial Hygiene, November, 1920, Vol. 2, No. 7, pages 247-252. Limited supply distributed free, postage 1 cent. Psychology Army mental tests. Methods, typical results and practical applications. Washing- ton, D. C, November 22, 1918. Pages 23. Distributed free, postage 1 cent. The measurement and utilization of brain power in the army. By Robert M. Yerkes. Science, N. S., March 7, pages 221-226 and March 14, 1919, pages 251-259. No copies for distribution. Mental tests in industry. By Robert M. Yerkes. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1919, pages 405-419. No copies for distribution. BULLETIN OF THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL The Bulletin of the National Research Council presents contributions from the National Research Council, other than proceedings, for which hitherto no appropriate agencies of publication have existed. The "Bulletin" is published at irregular intervals. The subscription price, postpaid, is $5 per volume of approximately 500 pages. Numbers of the "Bulletin" are sold separately at prices based upon the cost of manufacture. Volume 1 Number 1. The national importance of scientific and industrial research. By George Ellery Hale and others. October, 1919. Pages 43. Price 50 cents. Number 2. Research laboratories in industrial establishments of the United vStates of America. Compiled by Alfred D. Flinn. March, 1920. Pages 85. Price $1 .00. RESEARCH COUNCIL PUBLICATIONS 13 Number 3. Periodical bibliographies and abstracts for the scientific and technological journals of the world. Compiled by R. Cobb. June, 1920. Pages 24. Price 40 cents. Number 4. North American forest research. Compiled by the Committee on Amer- ican Forest Research, Society of American Foresters. August, 1920. Pages 146. Price $2.00. Number 5. The quantum theory. By Edwin P. Ad.'^ms. October, 1920. Pages 81. Price $1.00. Number 6. Data relating to X-ray spectra. By William Duane. November, 1920. Pages 26. Price 50 cents. Number 7. Intensity of emission of X-rays and their reflection from crystals. By Bergen Davis. Problems of X-ray emission. By David L. Webster. De- cember, 1920. Pages 47. Price 60 cents. Number 8. Intellectual and educational status of the medical profession as repre- sented in the United States Army. By Margaret V. Cobb and Robert M. YerkES. February, 1921. Pages 76. Price $1.00. Volume 2 Number 9. Funds available in 1920 in the United States of America for the encourage- ment of scientific research. Compiled by CalliE Hull. March, 1921. Pages 81. Price $1.00. Number 10. Report on photo-electricity including ionizing and radiating potentials and related effects. By Arthur LlEwelyn Hughes. April, 1921. Pages 87. Price $1.00. Number 11. The scale of the universe. Part I by Harlow ShaplEy. Part II by Heber D. Curtis. May, 1921. Pages 47. Price 60 cents. Number 12. Cooperative experiments upon the protein requirements for the growth of cattle. First report of the Subcommittee on Protein Metabolism in Animal Feeding. By Henry Prentiss Armsby, Chairman. June, 1921. Pages 70. Price $1.00. Number 13. The research activities of departments of the state government of Cali- fornia in relation to the movement for reorganization. By James R. Douglas. June, 1921. Pages 46. Price 60 cents. Number 14. A general survey of the present status of the atomic structure problem. Report of the Committee on Atomic Structure of the National Research Council. By David L. Webster and Leigh Page. July, 1921. Pages 61. Price 75 cents. Number 15. A list of seismologic stations of the world. Compiled by Harry O. Wood. July, 1921. Pages 142. $Price 2.00. Volume 3 Number 16. Research laboratories in industrial establishments of the United States, including consulting research laboratories. Originally compiled by Alfred D. Flinn. Revised and enlarged by Ruth Cobb (In press.) Number 17. Scientific papers presented before the American Geophysical Union at its second annual meeting. (In press.) REPRINT AND CIRCULAR SERIES OF THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Number 1. Report of the Patent Committee of the National Research Council. Presented for the Committee by L. H. Baekeland, Acting Chairman. Feb- ruary, 1919. Pages 24. Price 30 cents. 14 RESEARCH COUNCIL PUBLICATIONS Number 2. Report of the Psychology Committee of the National Research Council. Presented for the Committee by Robert M. Yerkes, Chairman. March, . 1919. Pages 51. Price 60 cents. Number 3. Refractory materials as a field for research. By Edward W. W.^shburn. January, 1919. Pages 24. Price 30 cents. Number 4. Industrial research. By F. B. Jewett. 1918. Pages 16. Price 25 cents. Number 5. Some problems of sidereal astronomy. By Henry N. Russell. Octo- ber, 1919. Pages 26. Price 30 cents. Number 6. The development of research in the United States. By James Row- land Angell. November, 1919. Pages 13. Price 25 cents. Number 7. The larger opportunities for research on the relations of solar and ter- restrial radiation. By C. G. Abbot. February, 1920. Pages 14. Price 20 cents. Number 8. Science and the industries. By John J. CarTY. February, 1920. Pages 16. Price 25 cents. Number 9. A reading list on scientific and industrial research and the service of the chemist to industry. By Clarence Jay West. April, 1920. Pages 45. Price 50 cents. Number 10. Report on organization of the International Astronomical Union. Pre- sented for the American Section, International Astronomical Union, by W. W. Campbell, Chairman, and JoEL Stebbins, Secretary. June, 1920. Pages 48. Price 50 cents. Number 11. A survey of research problems in geophysics. Prepared by Chairmen of Sections of the American Geophysical Union. October, 1920. Pages 57. Price 60 cents. Number 12. Doctorates conferred in the sciences in 1920 by American universities. Compiled by CalliE Hull. November, 1920. Pages 9. Price 20 cents. Number 13. Research problems in colloid chemistry. By Wilder D. Bancroft. January to April, 1921. Pages 54. Price 50 cents. Number 14. The relation of pure science to industrial research. By John J. Carty. October, 1916. Pages 16. Price 20 cents. Number 15. Researches on modern brisant nitro explosives. By C. F. van Duin and B. C. Roeters van Lennep. Translated by Charles E. Munroe. Feb- ruary, 1920. Pages 35. Price 50 cents. Number 16. The reserves of the Chemical Warfare Service. By Charles H. Herty. February, 1921. Pages 17. Price 25 cents. Number 17. Geology and geography in the United States. By Edward B. Mathews and Homer P. Little. April, 1921. Pages 22. Price 20 cents. Number 18. Industrial benefits of research. By Charles L. Reese and A. J. Wad- hams. February, 1921. Pages 14. Price 25 cents. Number 19. The university and research. By Vernon Kellogg. July, 1921. Pages 10. Price 15 cents. Number 20. Libraries in the District of Columbia. Compiled by W. I. Swanton in cooperation with the Research Information Service of the National Research Council and Special Libraries. June, 1921. Pages 19. Price 25 cents. Number 21. Scientific abstracting. By Gordon S. Fulcher. September, 1921. Pages 15. Price 20 cents. Number 22. The National Research Council. Its services for mining and metallurgy. By Alfred D. Flinn. October, 1921. Pages 7. Price 20 cents. Number 23. American research chemicals. By Clarence J. West. September, 1921. Pages 28. Price 50 cents. RESEA RCH CO UNCIL P UBLICA TIONS 15 TTumber 24. Organomagnesium compounds in synthetic chemistry: a bibliography of the Grignard reaction, 1900 to 1921. By Clarence J. WEST. (In press.) Number 25. A partial list of the publications of the National Research Council to January 1, 1922. February, 1922. Pages 15. Price 25 cents.