NRLF LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class - , BIBLIOGRAPHICAL COLLECTIONS AND NOTES. IV. CAREW HAZLI1 I SUPPLEMEN1 S THIRD AND I I .:. SER1 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL C0LLEC1 [ONS AND NO! E ~— BERNARD (3 iE NERM PREFATORY WORDS. The spontaneous proposal of Mr. Gray of Cambridge to prepare, as a labour of love, a General Index to my Bibliographical Works, is answer- able for the deviation which the present Supplements to my Third and Final Series of Collections and Notes mark from the settled purpose which I had formed of printing no more titles on a sectional plan. The dispersion of several important libraries during the last two or three seasons had involved, almost as a necessity, an accumulation at Barnes, where I live, of much new matter of interest, as I make it my unchangeable practice to let no book, if I can help it, pass through the auction-room unexamined and uncatalogued ; and in addition, the rarities in the Lists published by the Trade, both in London and the provinces, may be said almost as a constant rule to fall under my notice. In this manner it is easy to perceive how, in the course of about two years of unusual activity among the auctioneers, some 2000 fresh items might accrue ; and seeing the excessively arduous process of bringing them together, and the risk of destruction by fire, I deemed it, on the whole, advisable to go to press once more, especially as by such a course the matter constituting this Appendix would be incorporated with Mr. Gray's Index. The principal collections which have come into the market since I issued my last volume are those of Mr. R. S. Turner, Mr. Gibson-Craig, Baron Seillieres, the Earl of Aylesford, and the Earl of Hardwicke. The opportunity afforded to me by these and other sales has fructi- fied in a large accession of entries in the Early English, the Anglo-Gallic, and the Scotish Series, as well as to the stores of works on Great Britain and Ireland of an historical, devotional, or literary character printed abroad. The authorities at the British Museum have continued to shew me every possible courtesy in examining books in that institution ; but the curators of our university and college libraries are, I am bound to say, less attentive to the wants of workers like myself, and their organisation is, as a rule, of the most rudimentary character. Even at the Bodleian, since the regretted death of Dr. Coxe,* I find a singular and lamentable backwardness on the part of the keeper to assist a gratuitous and national undertaking like the present, although my labours ought to be viewed with exceptional indulgence, as conducive to the facilitation of research ; and I cannot avoid feeling that I should have experienced greater con- sideration from Sir Thomas Bodley than it pleased Mr. Nicholson on a particular occasion to pay me, where the application for help was of a perfectly legitimate and very modest nature. The Rev. F. Madan is personally most obliging, M'here I have occasionally applied for some piece of information. Nbn cuivis homini contingit adire Oxoniam, I can scarcely be expected to travel to Oxford for the verification of a few voids in a title, or for the collation of a tract. After all, I hope * My respected acquaintance, the late Dr. Coxe, spared no pain? to satisfy my occasional inquiries ; but I believe that he once good-humouredly wondered if Mr. Hazlitt thought that he was there specially to act as his assistant. 10^24 PRE FA TOR Y }\ 'ORDS. that Mr. Nicholson, as he grows older, will grow wiser. At present, he must be regarded as a novice. Xor must I omit the obligation under which I am always lying to my good friends the London booksellers — Mr. Quaritch himself, ever most liberal in the loan of any treasures which he acquires, Messrs. Jarvis & Son, Mr. Henry Gray, Mr. Leighton of Brewer Street, and many others. Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson, & Hodge also continue to give me every facility for inspecting the countless rarities of which I, and through me the public, owe our common knowledge to their courtesy. I have already dwelled on the considerable aid which I have all along derived from those gentlemen whose specialism it is to form col- lections on particular lines ; and the notable and increasing library of my friend Mr. Henry Stopes, of Upper Norwood, in the department of books illustrative of wines and other liquors in all their stages of development and application, has proved of very essential service to me. Within the limits which Mr. Stopes has thought fit to lay down for himself, some of the most instructive literature occurs — contributions of former times to topics of social interest and to many branches of economics. We see on Mr. Stopes's shelves numerous publications, not necessarily of a costly character, which shed light on the ideas of our ances- tors relative to such peculiarly human subjects as agriculture, gardening, cookery, the cultivation of the vine and hop, and a variety of suggestions, counsels, and lessons which might often be of value to ourselves. In the later instalments of my work there have been very large addi- tions to the division dealing with law and jurisprudence, in which I feel a rather warm interest. Our statute-book has been simplified and im- proved, and the members of the legal profession are no doubt, as a class, men of purer and higher character than in the old time. Yet there is an atmosphere of reverential awe enveloping passed generations of lawyers of exalted rank and repute, like Littleton, Coke, Bacon, and others, which has disappeared for ever ; they lived before social barriers had been broken down, and the fallacious and destructive religion of social equality and manhood-right had obtained even a hearing, much less that firm grip on our system which is going to be the gravest problem of Great Britain's future. With reference to entries in my pages from time to time relating to the literature of the Society of Friends, I wish it to be understood that I limit myself to such as have some interest independent of the Society, which has, as is well known, its own excellent bibliographer. It is to be expected that, after some thirty years' researches into this subject, there should be a perceptible shrinkage in the occurrence of books and pamphlets, still deficient in my volumes. There are one or two private libraries within my actual knowledge which are very likely to contain works or editions of works not yet submitted to my inspection, and stray relics are always cropping out, often from the most improbable quarters. Nor can 1 be otherwise than well aware that in the British Museum itself the means exist of supplying an infinite number of lacuna, if my leisure had permitted an exhaustive transcript of works deposited in that institution. My readers will agree with me PREFATORY WORDS. that this is an inevitable incidence ; and a further labour in which I find myself perpetuallv engaged is the rewriting of the faulty articles in my Handbook (1867), borrowed from sources of which I did not then, or till long after, fully appreciate the untrustworthiness. Among the matter which I have thus been diligently superseding, it is my duty to mention the musical bibliography of the late Dr. Eimbault, the miscellaneous Early English titles furnished by the late Mr. Collier, and the whole of the information which I was unwise enough to trans- fer to my own pages from the Manual of Lowndes. Nevertheless I have, after careful consideration, thought it best to amalgamate with my alphabet such portions of the editions of Ames's Typographical Antiquities, by Herbert and Dibdin, as I had not already obtained in the ordinary way, and as seemed to me sufficiently authen- tic and satisfactory to be of value to my consulters. The number of entries owing their presence in these pages to such a resolution, in addition to a few from Maskell's Centuries, 1843, will be found to be extremely moderate, since so much of the earlier bibliographical work was executed on a principle of which I cannot approve. The items thus derived at second-hand are carefully distinguished, those from Maskell by a f ; those from Herbert by a * ; those from Dibdin by a **. I was very unwilling to borrow from the last-named authority ; but he registers the particulars of certain articles then in the possession of Heber, and of which I have so far failed to discover the present whereabouts. One moral deducible from this extensive, yet still imperfect, accu- mulation of Early English literature is the vanity of human ambition in aspiring to collect, even regardless of outlay, the printed remains, if merely within certain lines, or on one or two specific topics ; and again, we are able to see from this Bibliographical Series how far short of completeness such libraries as those of Lord Oxford and Mr. Heber fell, after a lifetime and a large fortune expended in each case in the acqui- sition of everything which was procurable by public or private purchase. It has been only by a process of combination that I have achieved the progress which is here observable ; it has only been by calling into requi- sition the resources of the British Museum, all the provincial libraries, including those of Oxford and Cambridge, all private gatherings, and all the contents of the auctions during upwards of a quarter of a century. The range of subjects continues to retain the same width as in my former alphabets ; and I need scarcely observe that I take up articles into my pages quite irrespectively of their commercial value. A volume worth sixpence may easily be of far greater intrinsic importance than one which realises under the hammer a thousand sixpences. The pro- fessional collector will, I apprehend, be surprised, should my books fall by accident in his way, at the space accorded in them to publications of bygone days, which have become commercially waste paper. To suit his requirements, pieces of Old literature must cut a respectable figure in the auction-room, and be conspicuous features in all prices-cur- rent. His shelves are filled with convertible chattels. He principally affects authors in the best morocco ; for they are the safest goods to back. [It had been anticipated by Mr. Gray that his Index would be finished in October last, and my original Supplement teas accordingly printed in time to fall into it. But Mr. Gray found, in the first place, that the task which he had imposed on himself was afar heavier one than he calcidated, and secondly, he became, I am sorry to say, indisposed. The consequence has been that a very serious delay has occurred in the completion of the Index, and concurrently the residues of the large libraries of Mr. Gibson-Craig and Mr. Turner, as well as an important portion of that of the Earl of Hopetoun, have passed tinder the hammer. So far as the majority of our old families is concerned, they have ceased to take any pride in the possession of fine or rare books, as icell as of any other negotiable effects. They leave that pursuit to the more cultivated among our own bourgeoisie and to the richer citizens of the United States, ichose competition is already exercising a prodigious influence on the prices of certain classes of books, partly, no doubt, from the practice of employing commission agents, who come into conflict with the ordinary trade. But if struck me as a symptom that the ancient sentiment ivas not quite extinct here when Sir Charles Isham of Lamport refused ,£500 for his copy of a little volume containing "Venus and Adonis" and the "Passionate Pilgrim." BI010 many noble lords of a certain type would have jumped at this offer ! "Noblesse oblige" is a phrase which begins to bear a neio sense. I seemed scarcely to have any alternative but to annex from the above-mentioned and other incidental sources all that I had not so far properly and fully described. There was not very much in the concluding fortnight of Turner's sale; the third and last part of Craig yielded a considerable crop of publications, previously unregistered by me, on Trade, as icell as of books written and printed by Scotch- men abroad, illustrating the intimate relationship which formerly subsisted between Scotland and the Continent. The arduous and irksome nature of a bibliographer's labours mu*1 render it 2>!ain that the liberality of Messrs. Jaryis & Son in facilitating my examination of all their old pamphlets, chiefly belonging to the period from the Civil War to the end of the reign of William III., teas a service of a highly appreciable character. The process has enabled me to fill up many a gap in the grand edifice which it has occupied me so long to build up, and of xvhich the magnitude is perhaps rendered less conspicuous by the sectional treatment adopted, not from choice, but from necessity. I regret the dual alphabet, which has been under these unforeseen circumstances created ; but at the same time every item will be incorporated with the General Index to the entire Corpus of my Bibliographical labours. W. C. II. Barnes Common, Surrey. Midsummer, 18S9.] BIBLIOGRAPHICAL COLLECTIONS AND NOTES. A. B. C. ** The A. B. C. with the Pater-noster, Aue, Crede, and Ten Commaundementes in Englysshe, newly translated and set forth at the kynges most gracyous com- maundement. [London, Richard Lant, 1559.] Sm. 8°, 4 leaves. Printed only on one side, to be folded so as to admit of the blank pages being pasted together. It begins with five different Alphabets and Gloria Patri, then the Paternoster and Graces before and after meat. This is pro- bably the " A. B. C. in englesshe " licensed to Lant in 1558-9. ACADEMY. The New Academy of Complements, Erected for Ladies, Gentlewomen, Cour- tiers, Gentlemen, Scholars, Souldiers, Citizens, Country-men, and all persons of what degree soever, of both Sexes. Stored with variety of Courtly and Civil Complements, . . . Compiled by L. B. Sir C. S. Sir W. D. and others, the most refined Wits of this Age. London : Printed for George Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill. 1681. 12°, B — P in twelves, besides the title and frontis- piece. This includes a collection of the choicest songs a la mode, both amorous and jovial. ADAIR, JOHN, Geographer for Scotland. The Description of the Sea-Coasts and Islands of Scotland, With Large and Exact Maps, For the Use of Seamen : . . . Edinburgh : Printed in this Year M.DCG.iir. Large Folio. Title, 1 leaf: A— E, 2 leaves each, and the maps. The Gibson-Craig copy (part 2, No. 19, March 23, 1888) contained 15 maps, but was perhaps imperfect, as on sign. E occurred a catchword Part II. ADDRESS. An Earnest and Affectionate Address to the Common People of England. Con- cerning the Usual Recreations on Shrove Tuesday. London : Printed by J. Oliver, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smith- field. [Price 2s. 6d per Hundred to give away.] 12°, 4 leaves and the title. ^ELIANUS, CLAUDIUS. Clavdivs iElianvs His Various History. London Printed for Thomas Dring . . . 1666. 8°, A— Z 4 in eights, A 1 and Z 4 blank. This appears to be the same as the edi- tion of 1665, with a new title. iESOP. *iEsopi Phrygis et Vita ... & fabellre iueundissimas : quaru interpretes hi sunt . . . Addite sunt his qusedam iucudse ac honestse, selecte ex omnibus facetijs Po^ij Florentini, . . . [Col.] Londonij, Apud Winandum de Worde. Anno m.d.xxxv. 8°, M 4 in eights, besides the Life and Index. The Fables of iEsop. Volume I. [and II.] Paraphras'd in Verse, Adorn'd with Sculp- ture, . . . By John Ogilby Esq. . . . The Third Edition. London, Printed by the Author, at his House in White- Friers, m.dc.lxxiii. 8°. Volume I. A, 6 leaves, including a blank before the tiile : B — R 2 in eights: Annotations, (a) — (d 6) in eights : Volume II. title and dedication, 2 leaves : Annotations, (*a)— (*b) in eights : *B— *S in eights, including the Contents, 2 leaves. The present copy has a cancel title for both volumes. In that to the second, it is called the third instead of the second edi- tion, and lias a publisher's name and ad- dress, with the date 1675; but the title to the first only varies in arrangement. In both, however, sculptures are mentioned, but they do not occur, blank spaces being left for them. Both parts are dedicated by Ogilby to Charles Fitzroy, Earl of South- ampton. AGAS, RADOLPH. A Preparative to Platting of Landes and Tenements for Surueigh. Shewing the A A LAS US. ALGIERS. Diversitie of sundrie instruments applyed thereunto. Patched vp as plainly to- gether, as boldly offered to the curteous view and regard of all worthie Gentle- men, louers of skill. And published in- stead of his flying papers, which can- not abide the pasting to poasts. Lon- don, Printed by Thomas Scarlet. 1596. 4°, A — C in fours, A 1 probably blank. This tract is addressed at the end by Agas to the public "from my lodging at the Flower de Luce, ouer against the Suiine without Fleetbridge." B. M. **ALANUS AB INSUL1S. Parabola alani cu cSmeto. [This title is over a common cut. Col.] Impressus London per Winandum de worde in the fletestrete I signo solis comorante Anno dni. M. ccccc. viii. die xxiii Augusti. 4", AA— BB, 4 leaves each : CC, 6. There was an earlier edition by Julian Notary, 4°, 1505. **Parabola Alani, cum comento. [Col.] Explicit Alanus de parabolis. Londini in eedibtis Winandi de Worde. Anno m.d.xxv. Calen. Augusti. 4°, 20 leaves. ALBERTUS. *[Questiones de modis significandi. At the end occurs :] Explicit liber modorum signihcandi Alberti, impressus ad villain sancti Albani, anno M. cccc. lxxx. 8°, 46 leaves. Herbert cites Mr. Michael "Wodhull as the owner of a copy. ALCOCK, JOHN, Bishop of Ely. An exhortacyon made to Relygyouse systers at the tyme of theyr consecracyon by the Reuerende fader in god Johan Alcok bysshop of Ely. [Wynkyn de Worde, about 1500.] 4°. Communicated by Mr. Jacobus "Weale, from a fragment found iu another book belonging to the Cathedral Library at Wells. There are 28 long lines to a full page. The title given above occurs on a leaf marked A ii, A i having perhaps had the title or a large cut. **Gallicantus Johannia Alcock epi Eli- ensis ad coiratres suos curatos in sinodo apud Bemwell . xxv. die mensis Septem- bris. Anno millessimo . cccc. nonagesiino octauo. [London, Richard Pynson.] 4°, 26 leaves. Woodcut on title. Compare Dibdin, ii. 409-11. ALEHOUSES. Articles of direction touching Alehouses. Imprinted at London by Hubert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. Anno 1608. 4", A— B in fours, B 4 blank. H. Slopes, Esq. This is a series of licensing regulations ; the localities in London and the outskirts enumerated make it very curious. ALEMAN, MATTEO. The Life of Guzman d'Alfarache : Or, The Spanish Rogue. To which is added, The Celebrated Tragi-Comedy Celestina. In Two Volumes. Written in Spanish By Mateo Aleman. Done into English from the New French Version, and com- par'd with the Original. Adorn'd with Scriptures by Gaspar Bouttats. London, . . . 1708-7. 8°. . . A, 8 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B — Nn 2 in eights : with plates at pp. 59, 297, 330, 366, 388, 416, and 459, besides the frontispiece : Vol. II. A, 2 leaves : B — Ii 6 in eights : with plates at pp. 78, 128, 197, 275, 331, 348, and 368. Celestina has a separate title. ALESIUS or HALES, ALEXANDER, Scot us. Alexandri Alesii Doctoris Theologies diligens refutatio errorum, quos sparsit nuper Andreas Osiander in libro, cm titu- lum fecit De Vnico Mediatore Christo. Edita Witebergse ex officina Ioannis Luff- tij Anno 1552. 8°, A — E in eights. ALEXANDER DE VILLA DEI. *Textus Alexandri cum sententiis [et] constructionibus. [This is over a page- cut of master and pupils. The colophon :] Libro doctrinali Alexandri Richardus Pynson vigilanter correcto finem felicem imponere iubet anno domini M. CCCCC. v. 4°, 50 unnumbered leaves. *Textus alexandri, cu sentetijs & con- structionibus. [This title is over the same cut as in the ed. of 1505. At the end :] Libro doctrinali Alexandri Richardus Pynson vigilanter correcto finem felicem imponere iubet. Anno dfii m. ccccc. xiij. 4°, A — Q in eights, Q 8 probably blank or with the mark. ALFORD, alias GRIFFITH, R. P[ater] MICHAEL, S.J. Britannia Illvstrata sive Lvcii Helen ae Constantini Patria et Fides. Avthore Michaele Alfordo Societ. Iesv. Antwer- pia3, Typis Christophori Iegers, Anno M DC xli. 4°. Engraved title, dedication to Charles I., &c, 12 leaves : A— Hhh 2 in fours. Fides Regia Britannica Sive Annales Ec- clesiae Rritannicae. Ubi potissimuni Britannorvm Catholica, Roinana, et Ortho- doxa Fides per Quinque Prima Ssecula : . . . asseritur . . . Leodii, . . . m.dclxiii. . . . Folio. 4 vols. ALGIERS. Relazione deH'Abbreviamento delle Gal- ALLEN. ARC AND AM. ere nel Porto di Algieri Fatto dal Capitano Riccardo Giffort Inglese. La Notte Del Martedi Santo, a di 13. di Aprile. 1604. In Firenze, Nella Stamperia Sermatelli l'Anno 1604. 4°, 4 leaves. ALLEN, WILLIAM. An Admonition to the Nobility and People of England and Ireland concerninge the present warres made for the execution of his Holines Sentence, by the highe and mightie Kinge Catholike of Spaine. By the Cardinal of England, m.d.lxxxviii. 8°, A — C in eights : D, 6. Grenv. Coll. ALLOT, WILLIAM. Thesavrus Bibliorvm, . . . Opera & in- dustria Gvlielmi Allotti Angli, . . . con- cinnatus. . . . Lvgdvni, . . . m.d.lxxxv. 8°. *, 8 leaves : A — Iii in eights, last leaf blank. The colophon makes the book printed in 1584 : Vimiaci. Excudebat Ioannes Synio- netus. 1584. ALUM. A Proclamation prohibiting the Importa- tion of Allvme, and the buying and spend- ing thereof in any His Maiesties Domi- nions. Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and John Bill, . . . m.dc.xxv. A broadsheet formed of three leaves. AMERICA. A Proclamation forbidding the disorderly trading with the Saluages in New Eng- land in America especially the furnishing of the Natiues in those and other parts of America by the English with Weapons, and Habiliments of Warre. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . 1630. A broadsheet formed of two leaves. By the King. A Proclamation for the more effectual Reducing and Suppressing of Pirates and Privateers in America. London, Printed by Charles Bill, Henry Hill, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 168§. A broadside, formed of two sheets. AMMAN, JOHN CONRAD, M.D. The Talking Deaf Man : Or, A Method Proposed, whereby he that is born Deaf, may Learn to Speak. By the Studious Invention and Industry of John Conrade Amman, an Helvetian of Shafhuis, D r of Physick. . . . now done out of Latin into English, by D. F. M.D. 1693. London, Printed for Tho. Hawkins, in George- yards, Lumbard-street, 1694. Price Bound One Shilling. Sin. 8°, A— E in twelves, and a, 6 leaves. After the original dedication by the au- thor there is a second by Daniel Fox, the translator, to his learned friends, Richard Waller and Alexander Pittfield, Esquires, of the Royal Society. ANDREWS, MARGARET. The Life and Death of M r3 Margaret Andrews, the only Child of Sir Henry An- drews, Baronet, And the Lady Elizabeth his wife of Lathbury in the County of Bucks. Who died May 4 th 1680. In the 14 th Year of her Age. . . . London, Printed for Nath. Ponder . . . 1680. Sm. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — H 4 in eights, H 4 blank. Dedicated by the anonymous writer to Sir Henry and Lady Andrews. With Epitaphs. ANNE OF AUSTRIA, Consort of Louis XIIL. of France. Les Amours D'Anne D'Autriche Epouse de Louis XIIL Auec Monsieur le C. D. R[ichelieu] le veritable Pere de Louis XIV. aujourd'hui Roi de France. . . . Nouvelle Edition Revue & Corrigee. A Cologne . . . m.dc.lxxxxiii. 12°. *, 10 leaves, besides a frontispiece : A — H in twelves, H 12 blank. Dedicated to my Lord Lovelace in an epistle, where the writer dwells on the subservience of the Court of Charles II. to that of France. This volume contains " Examen des pre- textes de l'invasion des Francois pour l'in- struction des Anglois." ANTIPHONALE. Autiphonale ad usum ecclesie Sar . poli- tissimis imaginibus decoratum. Venalis habetur Londini a Francisco Byrckman in cimiterio sancti Pauli. [Parisiis, per Wolffgang Hopyl pro Francisco Byrck- man Coloniense. 1519-20.] Folio. 2 vols. With woodcuts and music. This book, of which the only complete copy known seems to be that in the British Museum, con tains the ParsHyemalis and the Pars Aestivalis. It is divided into five por- tions with separate signatures : — Temporal e or Proprium de Tempore, a — i in eights, i 8 presumably blank : Kalcndarium, 6 leaves under 4* : Psalteriuvi, a — z in eights, fol- lowed by 2 sheets of ei^ht, z and & : Com- mune Sanctorum, A— E in eights, F, 10: Proprium Sanctorum, A— X in eights, and AA — BB in sixes. ANTODE. Cviqve Svvm. Antode Contra Cathari Cantilenam. Meum meum :) rt (Meum tuum : Tuum meum :) § (Tuum tuum . [Col.] Cantabrigise : Ex celeberrimaa Aca- demise Typographeo. An Dom. 1635. 4°, 4 leaves. In Latin verse. ARCANDAM. The Most Excellent, Profitable and Plea- sant Book of the Famous Doctor, . . . ARCEUS. ART I CULL Arcandam, . . . Printed by W. W. for William Thackeray, .... 8°, A— M 4 in eights, A 1 blank. With cuts. ARCEUS, FRANCISCUS. A most excellent and Compendiovs Method of curing woundes in the head, and in other partes of the body, with other precepts of the same Arte, prac- tised and written by that famous man Franciscvs Arcevs, Doctor in Phisicke & Chirurgery : and translated into English by Iohn Read, Chirurgion. . . . Im- printed at London by Thomas East, for Thomas Cadman. 1588. 4°. A, 4 leaves : ^[ — 3 IT in fours : B— Kk in fours. Dedicated to John Bannister, William Clowes, and William Pickering, surgeons. With several copies of verses and curious scraps of poetry in the volume. ARISTOTLE. Here be . vij. Dialogues. The fyrst is of the sone and of the Moone. The seconde of Saturne, and of the Clowde. The . iii. of the Sterre named Transmontana, and other sterres. The . iiij. of the euyn Sterre and the morowe Sterre. The . v. of the Raynebowe, and the sygne Cancer. The . vi. of Heauen, and of Earth. The . vij. of the Eyre, and of the wynde. By these dialogues, a man maye take to hym selfe good Counsayle. [Col.] Imprynted by me Robert Wyer. . . . Sm. 8°, A— D 2 in fours. B. M. Sotheby's, April 6, 1887, No. 101, in a volume, ending imperfectly ou C 4. The Ethiques of Aristotle, that is to saye, preceptes of good behauonre andperfighte honestie, now newly translated into Eng- lish. [Col.] Imprinted at Londo in the parishe of Christes Church within new- gate by Richard Grafton, Printer too our soueraigne lorde Kvng Edward the VI. 1547. ... 8°, L 3 in half sheets. Dedi- cated by John Wilkinson, the translator from the Italian, to Edward, Earl of Derby. ARMY. A Petition from Severall Regiments of the Army, viz. Colonell Fleetwoods, Colonell Whalies, Colonell Barksteads, &C Presented to his Excellency, Thomas Lord Fairfax, at St. Albans, on Saturday the '11. of this present November, 1648. Wherein is set forth their Desires for a speedy, safe, and just settlement, that thereby the Kingdom may be freed from the heavy burthens that now they lye under, especially that of Free-Quarter. Also, A Letter from his Excellency, to the Committee of the Army, concerning the said grievances. London, Printed for George Whittington, ... 4°, 4 leaves. ARTHUR. Cy commence la table et registre des rubriches du premier volume du liure ou rSmai fait & c5pose a la perpetuation de memoire des vertueux faiz & gestes de plusieurs nobles & excelles cheualiers q furet au teps du tresnoble & puissat roy art? copaijmos de la table rode. Specialemet a la louage du tresvaillat cheualier lacelot du lac filz du roy ban de benoic es parties de gaulles q sen dit a present estre la duchie de berry. [Col.] Ce present & premier volume a este lm- prime a Rouen, en l'ostel de gaillard le bourgois 1 an de grace mil. cccc. iiii. xx. & huytte. xxiiii. iour de nouebre. Par iehan le bourgois . . . Folio. Leaf with page- woodcut on one side : aa, 4 leaves : a — z in eights : A— L 4 in eights. With woodcuts. In two columns. Sotheby's, Feb. 28, 1887 (Seillieres), No. 68, the first volume only, stained and wormed. Le preux et vaillat cheuallier Artus de bretaigne Nouuellemet Imprime a paris. [Col.] Cy finist le liure du vaillat et preux cheualier Artus fiiz du due de bretaigne. Imprime a paris par Michel le noir libraire iure . . . Le quinzeiesme iour de feurier L'an Mil cinq cens et deux. 4°. A, 8 leaves : B — Ii in sixes. With woodcuts. Long lines. Le Noir's de- vice is on Ii 6 verso. S Ensuit le preux cheuallier Art of < and Hymnes ) ( Thanksgiuing, Made by William Barlow, Bishop of Lincolne, For his ovvne Chappell and Familie onelie. Dulcis apud Dewm. . . . Hieron. . . 1613. 4°, black letter, A— D in fours, D 4 presumably blank. Without prefixes. Sotheby's, June 13, 1887, No. 253. BARNES. ROBERT. The supplication of doctour Barnes vnto the moost gracyous Kynge Henrye the eyght with the declaration of his articles condened for heresy by the byshops. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Poules chur[c]hyard at the signe of S. Augus- tyne by Hugh Syngelton. Cum preuilegio. ... 8°, A — Z in eights, and 4 leaves be- yond Z unsigned. Sotheby's, June 13, 1887, No. 254. BARRIFFE, WILLIAM. Military Discipline : . . . . The second Edition, Newly revised and much in- larged By William Barriffe, Lieutenant. [Quot from Psalm 144, 1.] London, Printed by R. 0. for Ralph Mab. 1639. 4°. A, 8 leaves, besides the portrait by Glover, A 1 occupied by a shield of arms : %, 4 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — Bb in eights : Cc, 6 leaves, besides two folded leaves : Dd, 4 leaves. There are also folded leaves at pp. 90 and 98. Mars, His Trivmph. Or, The Description of an Exercise performed the xviii. of October, 1638. in Merchant-Taylors Hall. By Certein Gentlemen of the Artillery Garden London. London, Printed by I. L. for Ralph Mab. 1639. 4°. * 4 leaves : A — F in fours. Dedicated to Alderman Thomas Soame, President of the Artillery Garden, Captain John Ven, Vice-Presi- dent, and others. With diagrams and music. BARROUGH, PHILIP. The Method of Physick, . . . The fifth Edition, corrected and amended. Lon- don, Imprinted by Richard Field, dwell- ing in great Woodstreete. 1617. 4°, A — Hh in eights : Ii, 4, the last two leaves blank. The Method of Physick, ... By Philip Barrough. The seventh Edition. London, Printed by George Miller, dwelling in Black-friers. 1634. 4°, A— Hh in eights: Ii, 2 leaves. BARTHOLOMEUS DE GLANVILLE. Hier beghinnen de titelen vz syn de namen der boeken daer men af spreke sal efl oec die capitglen der eerwaerdighen mans bartolome? engelsman en een gheor- dent broeder van shite franciscus oerde Ende heeft xix. boeke die sprekende sijn vande eygenscappen der dingen . . . [Col.] Hier eyndet dat boeck. . . . m.cccc. en lxxxv . . . Ende is gheprint en . . . haerlem . . . Folio . aa, 5 leaves : bb, 4 leaves : a (repeated), 8 leaves, ai and viii. with page-woodcuts : b — c in eights, c 4 a page-woodcut : d — m in eights, m 7 a page- woodcut : n — r in eights : z, 8 leaves: s, 8 leaves : a second gathering of eight under another font of s : t — v in eights : U, 8 leaves, u 2 a page- woodcut : w — y, 8 leaves each, y 7 a page-woodcut : z, 2 gatherings of eight, the last but one of the second a page-woodcut : />, 6 leaves : e, 5 leaves followed by a blank : A, 8 leaves, Ala page- woodcut : B — Q in eights: R — Y in eights, including U and V : AA — BB in eights : CC — DD in sixes : EE, 7 leaves, the last with a page-wood- cut. In two columns. BASILIOS, Emperor of Constantinople. The Sixty Sixe Admonitory Chapters of Basilius, King of the Romans, to his Sonne Leo, in Acrostick manner : That is, the first letter of euery Chapter, making vp his name and title. Translated out of Greeke by lames Scvdamore. Printed at Paris, m.dc.xxxviii. 8°. Title, dedi- cation to Prince Charles, and " Of the Author," 3 leaves : A— Q in fours. BATH, ORDER OF THE. The Manner of Creating the Knights of the Antient and Honourable Order of the Bath, According to the Custom used in England in Time of Peace. With a List of those Honourable Persons who are to be created Knights of the Bath at his Majesties Coronation, 23 Aprill, 1661. London, Printed for Phil. Stephens at the Kings Arms over against the Middle Temple. 1661. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. A True Relation of the Ceremonies at the Creating of the Knights of the Honour- able Order of the Bath, the 18. & 19. April 1661. With a Perfect List of their Names, in the same Order as they were Knighted by His Majesty. In uno tria juncta. London, Printed for Philemon Stephens, EEC ANUS. BERNARD. at the Kings-Armes over against the Middle-Temple-Gate in Fleet-street. 4°, A — B 2 iu tours. BECANUS, MARTINUS, S.J. Svnnna Actorvm Facvltatis Theologian Parisiensis contra Libruin inscriptumCon- troversia Anglicana de Potestate Regis & Pontificis &c Londini, Excudebat Bon- ham Norton . . . Anno CIO. 10. XIII. 4", A — D 2 in fours. BECON, THOMAS. *Newes out of heauen both pleasaunt & ioyfull, lately set forth to the great coso- lation and coforte of all christen me. Bv Theodore Basille. [Quot. from Romans, 10. how beautyfull ... At the end occurs :] Imprynted at London in Bo- tulphe lane, at the sygne of the whyte Beare, by John Mayler for John Gough. Anno dfli 1541. Cum priuilegio ad iin- primenduiii solum. Per Septennium. 8°, H in eights. With a prologue ad- dressed " To the ryii- _ . : . . E - A — 4 Yin sixes - 11 - - Y Bibl Cyssegr-Lai - B Drs- _ IT. c. 16. . . . Llundain gan 1 ^ham : ton a Iohn Bill . . . 162 tter. In two coIull A, 4 A — 4 E i sixes 1E( . maU, sepa: [A] — [Y 3] in 1 .._.-- ' • A . Bis! : S:. . Wl II ganl . een ] thret DC BICKXOLL, EDMU AS ■ - _ ■ : . : - : Ar : -• • - '£ . - • : I it conrmc n or periurie. 4 Examr . - :.- fLu. " Al London, 2. - A—l ! ! I T.itechnia M Va • -•.orance, Lnpostures, and '. " • Dir: - : . ' : - F..:l:.-..r:.: :Z-_.._1 I. :.:..!:.:.: 1 4* a— d : - A — Gs BISH . - ] rraytvre of the -." r:h of El. 3 t xx. irrefragable positiom cen.;: s -owcT, an_ re our Diocesan Lord j?, ... A Labour undertaken for the | -ace of all Gods people, . . . Printed in the Yeare, 164ft ^= . A — H in fours, H 4 Positions. 7 he I. -:. -7 - to Bedlam. : . isation of huh Treason by : ..- 1 : :.:._-:.: : : : :. :r»:a: = a e _ the same. Wherein is - - : of this then 1641. Wil rg to 1 Master "W rrs of I - recc* . .iiie. London, Printed : 1 W in the ire 164L 4 . 4 leaves. A Err.: in 1 - : Z - - pacy Eelypsed. By : - :.. ■ inter- position of a Pari; ^tl: Discoursed logu- ^P a*^ a 1 - herein is a Ambition Lon Printed for loin. ] L64L 4®, 4 ■ pin j of 1 1 ■ 1 . - : how obscurely made tho?~ whe: - ym and the other 1 nie:_: L . . . London, Prir.. L64L 4* 4 : •: ■ _ :: :- . ly w . -.>. : - De Ivre 2. _ - ro regions gia, Per Adamum Blacu id Pictauos. Pi Indication I - ts and - - A — T: i:. : _\ ] ^ugurario. P ud P. """.... 1-. ■':. i — - - nancipio runs. Biafkvc-I - - InaMjptrc: rse and in italic BLA - A Description of the Sea and Coasts of the BODY. BO YLE. Easterne, Northerne, and Westerne Navi- gation ; Collected and Compiled together out of the Discoveries of many Skilfull and expert Sea-men, . . . and Translated out of Dutch into English, By Richard Hynmers. Newly corrected of many faults. Amsterdam, Printed by William Iohnson Blaev, dwelling vpon the Water, by the Old Bridge, at the Signe of the Golden Sunne-Dyall. cio. 10 cxxxv. Cum Privilegio. Folio. With numerous charts, maps, and diagrams. Divided into three Books, each of which forms distinct parts, with separate paging to the several Books. **BODY OF POLICY. The book which is called the body of polycye, and it speketh of Venues and good maners. lib. III. Translated out of French. [Col.] Thus endeth the boke of the body of polycye. Imprynted at London without Newgate in S. Pulkers parysh by John Skot theyere M CCCCC XXI. 4°. The copy seen by Ames and Herbert was printed on vellum. Neither they nor Dibdin give any collation. BOIARDO, MATTEO MARIA, Count of Scandiano. Orlando Inamorato. The three first Bookes of that famous Noble Gentleman and learned Poet, Maihew Maria Boiardo Earle of Scandiano in Lombardie. Done into English Heroicall Verse, By R. T. Gentleman. Parendo impero Imperando pereo. Printed at London by Valentine Sims, dwelling on Adling hil at the signe of the white Swanne. 1598. 4°, A— I 3 in fours. In 8-line stanzas. Dedicated by Robert Tofte to the Lady Margarite Morgan, wife of Sir John Morgan, of Chilworth in the County of Surrey, Captain of Her Majesty's horsemen in that shire. B. M. George Steevens's copy. At the end occurs : II Disgratiato. K. T. G. BONAVENTURA. The Life of the Most holy Father S. Francis, Written, and in one booke com- piled, by that famous and learned man S. Bonauenture a Freer Minor, Cardinal 1 of the holy Roman Church Bishop of Alba, and the Seraphicall Doctor of the Church. Now lately translated into our English tongue. . . . Imprinted at Doway, by Martin Bogard, 1635. Sm. 8°. a and e, 8 leaver each : A — Z in eights : leaf as to Errata. Dedicated by F. C, the per- user, to the Lady Winifred Englefield. Translated by Anthony Montague. BOOK. *The contents conteyned in thys boke. Fyrst a kalander. A prayer to say at your vprysynge. . . Thys Emprynteth at westmynster by me Julyan Notary. Dwellynge in kyng strete. Anno do- mini m. vc. ii. die mensis Aprilis. 12°. Described by Herbert from a small frag- ment in the possession of John Fenn, Esq. BOOKS. A Proclamation to inhibite the Sale of Latine Bookes reprinted beyond the Seas, hauing been first Printed in Oxford or Cambridge. Printed at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, . . . m.dc.xxv. A broadsheet formed of two leaves. BOURNE, WILLIAM. *A Regiment for the Sea, containing very necessary matters for all sorts of Sea-men and Trauailers, as Masters of ships, Pilots, Marriners, and Marchants, Newly corrected and amended by the Author. Wherevnto is added a Hidrographicall discourse to go vnto Cathay, fiue seuerall wayes. Written by William Bourne. Imprinted at London by T. Este for John Wight. [At the end is added:] 1584. 4°. Dedicated to Edward Earl of Lincoln. BOWREY, THOMAS. A Dictionary English and Malayo, Ma- layo and English. To which is Added Some short Grammar Rules & Directions for the better Observation of the Pro- priety and Elegancy of this Language. And also Several Miscellanies, Dialogues, and Letters, in English and Malayo . . . Together with a Table of Time, . . . Lon- don : Printed by Sam. Bridge for the Author, . . . 1701. 4°, A— 4 E 2 in fours : *, 4 leaves : a (between A and B), 4 leaves. With a map of the countries where the Malayo tongue is spoken. Dedicated to the Directors of the English East India Company. B. M. BOYD, ZACHARY. The Last Battell of the Sovle in Death, 1. Volume. Careful lie digested . . . Bernard in Serm. JVovissima sunt quatuor, . . . Idem. Senibus mors . . . Printed at Edinburgh, by the Heires of Andro Hart. 1629. Sotheby's, April 19, 1888, No. 89. A differing title-page only. BOYLE, ROGER, Earl of Orrery. A Treatise of the Art of War : Dedicated BRADFORD. BREVIA. to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. And Written by the Right Honourable Roger Earl of Orrery. In the Savoy : Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringnian. . . . m.dc.lxxvii. Folio. Portrait of Charles II. on horseback by De Blois, and title, 2 leaves : a — b — c, 2 leaves each : titles of chapters, &c, 1 leaf: B — 3 G, 2 leaves each, last leaf blank. BRADFORD, JOHN. *A11 the examinacions of the Constante niartir of God, M. Iohn Bradforde, before the Lorde Chancellor, B. of Winchester, the B. of London, & other comissioners : whervnto is annexed his priuate talk & contlictes in prison after hiscondeninacion, with the Archb. of York, the B. of Chi- chester, Alphonsus, and King Philips confessour, two Spanish freers, and sundry others. With his modest learned and godly answeres. Anno Domini . 1561. Cum Priuilegio . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London in Fletestrete at the Signe of the Faucon by William Griffith, and are to be sold at the little shop in saincte Dunstones churchyard . . . The xiii. daie of Mave. 8°, 114 leaves. BRADY, ROBERT, M.D. An Historical Treatise of Cities, and Burghs or Boroughs. Shewing, Their Original, and whence, and from whom they received their Liberties, Privileges and Immunities ; what they were, and what made and constituted a Free Burgh, &, Free Burgesses. . . . London : Printed for Samuel Lowndes . . . 1699. Folio, A — L in fours : Appendix, A — D in fours : E, 6. BRETON, NICHOLAS. The Pilgrimage to Paradise, ioyned with the Countesse of Pembrookes loue, com- piled in verse by Nicholas Breton Gentle- man. Ccelum virtutis patria. At Oxford printed, by Ioseph Barnes, and are to he Bolde in Paules ( !hurch-yeard, at the signe of the Tygers head. 1592. 4". %, 4 leaves: A — N in fours, N 4 with the Errata. II. M. The Corser copy. Dedicated to the Countess of Pembroke, after which comes an address by the author to the students ami scholars of Oxford and a republication of a portion of the Bower of />arre in saint Clementes paryshe by me Henry Smyth. 8°. 179 leaves, besides the tables at etui. *Registrum omnia breuium tarn origina- liu tpuain iudicialium. Londini. Apud BREVIARIUM. 13 BRINSLEY. Guilielnmm Rastell. 1531. Cvni Privi- legio. [Col.] Thus endyth thys boke called the Register of the wryttys orygy- nall and iudiciall, prentyd at London by Wyllyam Rastell, and is to sell in Flete- strete at the house of the sayde Wyllyam, or in Poulys chyrch yarde, or els at temple barre at the house of Robert Redman. Cvm Privilegio. Folio. The writs are in Latin ; but some of the rules and notes are in French. The first part has 321 leaves, besides the table ; the second, or judicial writs, 85 leaves and the table. *"*Returna Brm. [Col.] Emprynted at Lodon in fietestrete By Ryehard Pynson. The yere of oure lord god. m.ccccc. xvi. 4°, 12 leaves. *Returna breuium. [Col.] Explicit Re- turna Briuium nouiter castigatum / Im- pressuin Londonij per me Robertum Red- man Anno doniini M.ccccc.xxxii. die vero mensis Februarij. xviij. 8°, A — B 4 in eights. With Pynson's cypher. Returna breuium. An. m.d.xliij. [This title is in a compartment, and there is no colophon or other imprint.] 8°, A — B 4 in eights. Apparently from the press of Robert Toy, with whose edition of the Ordinance it is in this copy bound up. But I suspect it to be merely part of the collective impression of twelve of these pieces, of which there were one or two issues for the convenience of lawyers and students. BREVIARIUM. Breuiarij Aberdonesis ad percelebris ecclie Scotorg potissimug vsum et consuetudine Pars hyemalis : de tpe et de stis ac daui- tico psalterio congruenter per ferias diuiso : cum Innitatorijs hymnis Antiphonis capi- tulis Responsorijs horis feriarg comaeora- tionibg j> ani curriculu necno coe scorg plurimagqg v'ginu & matronarg ac diuer- sorg scorg legedis : q sparsim in incerto antea vagabantur : cum Kalendario et mobiliu festorum tabula ppetua varijsq ; alijs adiuctis & de nouo additis sacerdo- tibg plurimu q necessary's i Edinburgesi oppido walteri chepma mercatoris ipesis Ipressa Februarys idibus. Anno salntis nfe & gre. ix M. supra et quigetesimu. 4°. Calendar, 8 leaves : Regula perpetua, &c, 8 leaves : A — Kk in eights : Advent Sunday, &c, A- — NN"in fours : Proprium sanctorum, A - — DD - in fours. In two columns. (ii.) Breuiarij Aberdonesis . . . Pars estiua- lis : . . . I Ediburgesi oppido walteri chep- ma mercatoris ipesis impressa pridie nonas Junii. Anno salutis nfe & gre . x. M. supra et qulgetesirnu. 4°. Calendar, 8 leaves : Regula perpetua, &c, 4 leaves : a — kk in fours : [no A :] B — P in fours : Q, 1 leaf : Proprium sanctorum, A — XX in fours, with the colophon, dated June 4, 1510, on XX 4 recto, and Chepman's device on the reverse. *Breuiariu secundu vsum hereford. [This title in red is over a cut of the portcullis crowned and supported, &c. At the end occurs :] Ad benedictissimi semperq ; sac- ratissimi domini ac saluatoris nostri iesu christi gloriam : et ad totius celestis curie laude: atq ; singularem illustrissime coinitis richemonten. commendationem : necnonad totigecclesie hereford' vtilitatem et salutem: impressum est hoc breuiarium secudum eiusdem diocesis vsum in claris- simo rathomagen . emporio : inipensis et curalnghelberti haghe dictecomitisbiblio- pole ac dedititii Anno salutis christi Mil- lesimo quingentesimo qiuto. ii. non. augusti. 16° or small 8°. In two parts, the second coniniencim r with fresh signa- tures, AA— FF in eights, FF 8 blank. Dedicated to the Countess of Richmond and Derby. Herbert does not give the collation of Part I. BRIDOUL, FATHER TOUSSAINT, of the Society of Jesus. The School of the Eucharist Established upon the Miraculous Respects and Ac- knowledgments, which Beasts, Birds, and Insects, upon several Occasions, have rendred to the Holy Sacrament of the Altar . . . now made English, and pub- lished, With a Preface concerning the testimony of Miracles. . . . London : Printed for Randal Taylor, . . . 1687. 4°, A — I in fours, besides the title and Imprimatur. BRIEGERUS, JULIUS. Flores Calvinistici Decerpti ex Vita Robert! Dvdlei Comitis Lecestriae in Anglia ; Hollandia ac Zelandia pro Elizabetha Anglias Regina Gubernatoris. Ioannis Calvini, Thomse Cranmeri, Ioan- nia Knoxij ; aliorumque Protectorum & Apostolorum sectai Zvvinglianse & Cal- uinianse in Anglia, Scotia, Gallia, Belgio & Germania. . . . Neapoli . . . Anno m.d.lxxxv. 8°, A — F 3 in eights. BRINSLEY, JOHN. Pveriles Conf'abulatiuncuke : Or Chil- drens Dialogues, Little conferences, or talkings together, or little speeches to- gether, or Dialogues fit for children. London, Printed by H. L. for Thomas BROUN. 14 BULLINGER. Man. 1617. Small 8°, A— E 4 in eights. B.M. With a postscript by John Brinsley, who speaks of condescending to the requests of those who had called for the translations mentioned and promised in his Grammar- School, 1612. BROUN, ANDREW, M.J). A Vindicatory Schedule, concerning the New Cure of Fevers : . . . . Edinbvrgh, Printed by John Reid, at his Printing- house in Bells Wynd, at the head of the Court of Guard. 1691. To be sold be John Mackie In the Parliament Close. 8°. Title, 1 leaf : dedications to James Viscount Stair, &c, 9 leaves : Preface, Contents, &c, 13 leaves : A — 2 in eights. BROWN THOMAS. Memoirs Relating to the late Famous Mr. Tho. Brown. With a Catalogue of his Library. London, Printed, and Sold by B. Brag. . . . 1704. (Price Six Pence.') 4°, A — D, 2 leaves each, a leaf of E with verses, and title and half-title, 2 leaves more. BROWNE, SIR THOMAS, M.D. Pseudodoxia Epidemica : . . . . The Third Edition, Corrected and Enlarged by the Author. Together with some Marginall Observations, and a Table Alphabeticall at the end. [Quot. from Julius Scaliger.] London, Printed by R. W. for Nath. Ekins, . . . 1658. Folio. Title and other prefixes under A, 6 leaves : no B : C — Xx in fours. BRUNUS, LUDOVICUS, Bishop of Asti, oh. 1508. Cronica summaria Serenissime dne His- paniarum refine [Isabella of Castile] : et de eius obitu. Londini per R. Pynson. [1504.] 4", 12 leaves. Huth Coll. Apparently a reprint of the supposed Roman edition, of which a copy is in the Br. Museum. The chief interest of this tract is in connection with the Spanish alliance and Catharine of Arragon. BUCHANAN, GEORGE. Rervm Scoticarvm Historia, libris xx. descripta . . . 1624. Francofvrti ad Mceiivm. 8°. (:) 4 leaves : A — Ii 4 in eights. Rerum Scoticarum Historia . . . Vltra- trajecti . . . CIO. ldc. LXViil. 8°. *, 4 leaves : a — e 2 in eights : A — 3 D 2 in eights. Rerum Scoticarum Historia . . . Trajecti ad Rhenum, . . . m.dc.xcvii. 8°, a — e in eights : A — Zz in eights. Georgii Buchanaui Scoti Franciscanus et Fratres. Elegiarum Lib. 1. . . . Quibus jam recens accedunt De Sphgera Libri V. In Bibliopolio Commeliano. cio io cix. 8°, A— N 4 in eights. Georgii Buchanani Scoti ad Viros sui Seculi clarissimos, Eorumque ad eundem, Epis- tolsp. Ex MSS. accurate descript*, Nunc primum in lucem editse. Londini . . . 1701. 8°, A— G in eights, A 8 with Errata. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. The Copy of a Letter from Alisbvry. Directed to Colonell Hampden, Colonell Goodwin, and read in both Houses of Par- liament, May 18. 1643. Relating how his Maiesty hath but 12 or 1400~ of his Forces, under the Command of the Earle of Cleveland, the Lord Shandosse, the Lord Crayford, and Sir Iohn Byron, into those parts, who amongst many other cruelties fired a Countrey Towne called Swanborne, . . . With An Ordinance concerning the Arch-Bishop of Canter- bury. . . . London, May 19. Printed for Iohn Wright . . . 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. BULLEIN, WILLIAM, M.D. *Bulleins Bulwarke of dei'ece againste all Sicknes, Sornes, and wound es that dooe daily assaulte mankinde,whiche Bulwarke is kepte with Hillarius the Gardiner, Health the Phisician, with their Chirur- gian, to helpe the wounded soldiors. Gathered and practised fro the moste worthie learned, both old and newe : to the greate coinforte of mankinde : Doen by Willyam Bullevn, and ended this Marche. Anno salutis. 1562. Imprinted at London by Jhon Kyngston. Folio. Dedicated to Lord Hunsdon. [BULLINGER, HENRY, and THEO- DORE DE BEZE.] A Confession of Fayth, made by common consent of diners reformed Churches be- yonde the Seas : with an Exhortation to the Reformation of the Churche. Per- used and allowed accordinge to the Queenes Maiesties Injunctions. Im- printed at London by Henry Wykes, for Lucas Harrison. [1566.] Small 8°, A — F 2 in eights and A — in eights. r, m. The Preface " Vnto the Christian Reader" is signed /. O. The exhortation is by Theo- dore de Beze, and is addressed to Louis of Bourbon, Prince of Conde, from Geneva, the 10 from the Calends of March 1565. At the end occurs: "This confession of faith, was publiquely presented again to the kings Maiestie, Charles the . is. of that name at Poissy the yeare 1561, the ninth Septemb." BUN Y AN. '5 BUTLER. *A Confesion of Faith . . . Imprinted at London l>y H. Bynneman, for Luke Har- rison, m.d.lxxi. 8°, S in eights. BUNYAN, JOHN. The Pilgrim's Progress. From this World to that which is to come. The Second Part. Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream. Wherein is set forth The manner of the setting out of Christian's Wife and Children, their Dangerous Jour- ney, and Safe Arrival at the Desired Country ... By John Bunyan. / have used Similitudes, Hos. 12. 1. London, Printed for Nathaniel Ponder, . . . 1684. 12°. A, 6 leaves : B— K in twelves : L, 4, besides the frontispiece and a cut be- tween pp. 182-3. On the back of the title is Bunyan's ap- pointment of N. Ponder as the publisher, and the book is introduced by a metrical interlocution by the author, in which a statement of Objects is followed by An- swers. I describe Mr. Elliot Stock's copy ; in the Lenox Library at New York is a second copy witli a cut between pp. 52-3, not in this, and some leaves of advertise- ments at end. The Pilgrims Progress, From this World to that which is to come : The Second Part . . . London, Printed for Nath. Ponder ... 1 687. Frontispiece, 1 leaf : A, 6 leaves : B— I in twelves ; I, 6, the last leaf blank. With two page-engrav- ings at pp. 52-3 and 160-1. The Barren Fig-tree : Or, The Doom & Dovvnfal of the Fruitless Professor. Shew- ing, That the Day of Grace may be past with him long before his Life is ended. ... To which is added His [Bunyan's] Exhortation to Peace and Unity among all that fear God. London, Printed for J. Robinson, . . . 1688. 12°, A— H in twelves. BURGES, C, D.D. No Sacrilege nor Sin to Alienate or Pur- chase Cathedral Lands, as such : Or, A Vindication of, not onely the Late Pur- chasers ; but, of the Antient Nobility and Gentry ; yea, of the Crown it self, all deeply wounded by the false Charge of Sacrilege upon New Purchasers. The third Edition, Revised, and Abbreviated, for the Service of the Parliament : With a Post-script to Dr. Pearson. . . . London ; Printed by James Cottrel. 1660. 4°, A — K in fours. Dedicated to the Parlia- ment. BURLEY, WALTER. Incipit Pulcher tractatt? collectus p vene- rabilem doctore Walteru hurley Anglicu. De vita prior. [This is a headline on the top of the leaf following the Table. At the end occurs :] Et sic finitur perpulcher tractatus . . . [Colonise] Per me Arnoldu ter Home Anno dai. 1472. 4°. Table, 12 leaves : the work, 85 leaves. Without signatures and catchwords. Sotheby's, June 1888 (Turner, 740). The figures of the date are very singular, and remind one of the mysterious Caxtou mono- gram. Liber de vitaac moribus ph'orum. poetartl q3 veteri? ex multis libris tractus ; necno breuiter& copendiose p venerabilemvirum mgfm walter3 hurley copilatus incipit feliciter. [Col.] Liber de vitz a [sic] moribus ph'orum impress? per me Con- radu de lomborch. Admissus aut ac approbatus ab alma vniuersitate Colo- niensi desinit feliciter. 4°, A — 1 in eights : m, 9. BURTON, RICHARD. Unparallel'd Varieties .... The Second Edition. London, Printed for Nath. Crouch, . . . 1685. 12°, A— H in twelves, and I, 8 leaves, besides the frontispiece and plates at B, E, F, H, and 1. Winter- Evenings' Entertainments. In Two Parts . . . By R. B. The Third Edition. London, Printed for Nath. Crouch .... 1705. 12°, A— H in twelves. With cuts. BUSH, PAUL, Priest and Bonhomme of Edingdon [Addington]. *This lytell boke conteynethe certayne godly medycynes necessary to be vsed among weldisposed people to eschew & to auoyde the comen plage of pestilens / thus collecte and sette forth in ordre by the diligent laboure of the religyous brother syr Paule Bushe preste and bone- home in the good house Edyngdon . . . [Col.] Imprynted by me Robert Redman Cum priuilegio. 8°, A — B 4 in eights. With an address by the author to the readers on the back of the title in three 7-line stanzas. BUSHELL, THOMAS. A lust and True Remonstrance of His MaiestiesMines-Royall in the Principality of Wales. Presented by Thomas Bushell Esquire, Farmor of the said Mines-Royall to his Majestic Printed at London by E. G. 1641. 1[ Cum privilegio. 4", A — E 2 in lours. BUTLER, CHARLES, of Magdalen Col- lege, Oxford. *Khetoricse libri duo, quorum Prior de Tropis & Figuris, Posterior de Voce & C. H. ( 16 ) CAME RAR JUS. Gestu, Prsecipue in vsum scholarum accuratius editi. Oxonise. Excudebat Iosephvs Barnesivs. 1600. 8°, A— I 4 in eights, besides the prefixes. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper. Suggeneia. De Propinqvitatis Matrimo- nium impediente Regvla. Quas vna omnes queestionis huius difncultatis facile expediat. Authore Carolo Bvtler, Magd. . . . Oxonise, Excudebant Iohannes Lich- field & GvliefmvB Tvrner, . . . 1625. 4°, A — K 2 in lours. C. C. H., Gent. The Plain Englishman's Historian : Or, A Compendious Chronicle of England, From its first being Inhabited to this present Year 1679. . . . London, Printed for Langley Curtis in Goat Court on Ludgate - hill. 1679. 12°, A— G in twelves, A with Imprimatur and G 12 blank. C.J. Brief Observations Concerning Trade, and Interest of Money. By J. C. London, Printed for Elizabeth Calvert at the Black-spread Eagle in Barbican, . . . 1668. 4°, A— E in fours, E 4 blank. On C 3 occurs a separate title to a reprint of A Tract against Usuric, 1021. A Short Addition to the Observations . . . By the same Hand. London, Printed for Henry Mortlock, . . . 1668. 4°, A — B in fours, first and last leaves blank. C. J., D.D. Contemplations on the Life & Glorv of Holy Mary, The Mother of Jesus. With a Daily Office, agreeing to each Mystery thereof. . . . Paris, Anno Domini, 1683. Permissa Superiorum. Sin. 8°. A, 4 leaves : (a), 4 leaves : B — N in fours. CALVIN, JOHN. The Mynde of the Godly and excellent learned man M. Jhon Caluyne, what a Faithfull man, which is instructe in the Worde of God ought to do, dwellinge amongest the Papistes. [Quot. from 2 Cor. 6.] Anno Domini m.d.xlviii. [Col.] Imprinted at Ippvswiche by me Jhon Oswen. Cum priuilegio. ... 8°, A — K 4 in eights, K 4 with the colophon. *Of the life or conuersation of a Christen man, a right godly treatise, wrytten in the latin tongue, by maister John Caluyne, a man of ryght excellente learnynge and of no lesse conuersation. Translated into English by Thomas Broke Esquier, Pay- maister of Doner. An. m.d.xlix. The first day of January. [Col.] Imprinted at London by John Daye & Wyllyam Seres dwelling in Sepulchres parishe, . . . 8°, A— K 3 in eights. *An epistle both of Godly Consolacion and also of aduertisement, written by John Caluine the pastoui & preacher of Geneua, to the right noble prince Edwarde Duke of Somerset, before the tyme or knoweledge had of his trouble, but de- lyuered to the sayde Duke, in the time of his trouble, and so translated out of frenshe by the same Duke. Imprinted at London by Edward whitchurche, the . v. daye of Aprill. 1550. Cum priui- legio " . . 8°, E 2 in eights. *The Catechisme, or maner to teache Chil- dren the Christian Religion. Made by . . . Jhon Caluin. . . . Imprinted at London by Jhon Kyngston. 1582. 8°, A — K in eights. Crvdelitatis Calvinianse Exempla Dvo Recentissima ex Anglia. Quorum pri- mum, continet barbarum ac sgeuuin Cal- vinianorum edictum recenter editum contra Catholicos : alteram vero, exhibet indignissimam mortem Illustrissimi viri coinitisNorthumbrise in castroLondinensi occisi mense Iulio huius Anni. 1585. . . . Adiectum est in fine exemplar qua- rundam literarum ex Amelia . . . Anno Domini 1585. 8°, A— D 6 in eights. CAMERARIUS, P., Councillor to the Free State of Niimberg. The Living Librarie, Or Meditations and Observations Historical], Natvral, Moral, Political, and Poetical. Written in Latin . . . And done into English by Iohn Molle Esquire. Hee, of all others, fittest is to write. That interminglcth Profit with Delight. Horace. London Printed by Adam Islip. 1621. Folio, A — Mm in sixes, first and last leaves blank. Dedicated, to John [Wil- liams,] Lord Bishop of Lincoln, Lord Keeper, by Richard Baddeley. The title is within an engraved compartment. CAMPION. 17 CARYLL. The translator appears to have died some time before the publication of his work. It is one which deals with a large variety of curious particulars, as, for instance, gypsies, beggars, devils, lycanthropy, dress, &c. AMPION, THOMAS. Songs of Mourning : Bewailing the vn- imely death of Prince Henry. Worded by Tho. Campion. And set forth to hee sung witK one voyce to the Lute, or Violl : By John Coprario. London : Printed for Iohn Browne, and are to be ?ould in S. Dunstons Churchyard. 1613. Folio, A — E, 2 leaves each. KJAPITO, WOLFGANGUS. An Epitome of the Psalmes, or briefe meditations vpon the same, with diuerse other moste christian prayers, translated by Richard Tauerner. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. 1539. [Col.] f[ Imprinted at London in Fletestrete at the signe of the whyte hart. 1539. Cum priuilegio ... 8°. Dedicated to Henry VIII. ARACCIOLI, G. The Italian Convert, Newes from Italy of a Second Moses Or The Life of Galeacivs Caracciolvs the Noble Marquesse of Vico . . . London, Printed bv A. G. for Anne More . . . 1635. 4°, A— K in fours, K 4 blank, no B. 3ARDS. Geographical Cards made and Sold For Henry Brome at y e Gun in St. Pauls Church-yard London 1676. 12°, 52 engraved leaves and the title, on the back of which is the description of the plan. Engraved by Van Hove. Some of the leaves are surmounted by portraits, and some refer to the English Plantations in America, Mexico, &c. JAPEL, ARTHUR, Earl oj Essex. An Impartial Enquiry into the Admini- stration of Affairs in England. With Some Reflections on the Kings Declaration of July 27. 1683 . . . Printed Anno 1683. 4°, A — L in fours, besides the title and a folded frontispiece. WARIER, BENJAMIN. A Copy of a Letter, written by M. Doctor Carier beyond the, to some particu- lar friends in England. Whereunto are added certaine collections found in bis Closet, made by him (as is thought) of the miserable ends of such as haue impugned the Catholike Church. . . . 1615. 4°, A — F 2 in fours. CARMICHAEL, JAMES. *Grammatice Latine, de etymologia, liber secundus, ex vetustissimis artis et lingue auctoribus depromptus, ex methodo, quam senatus literarum, regia auctoritate Ster- lingi habitus, Scotiae iuuentuti facilimam censuit. Addita sunt, sed minoribus characteribus, in pfovectioruni gratiam, ex intimis artis penetralibus, pleraque a nemine prius, congesta quibns auctor puerisproperantibus interdici velit. [Cam- bridge, Thomas Thomas, 1587.] 4°, 26 leaves 4- prefixes. Dedicated by Carmi- chael from the printer's office, the ides of September, 1587. This was apparently designed as a sequel to Andrew Symson's Rudimenta, 1587. See Hazlitt's School-Books, 188G, p. 187. CARMINA. *Carminvm Proverbialivm Totius hu- manse vitie statum breuiter deliniantium, . . . Impressum Londini, 1588. [Col.] Excudebat Thomas Dawsonus ex assigna- tione Chr. Barker. Sm. 8°, pp. 216.' CARTA FEODI. **Carta feodi simplicis cum littera at- turnatoria. [Col.] Impressa London per wynandum de worde in vico the iiete- stiete in signo solis comoiatem. Sm. 8°, 27 leaves. *Paruus libellus continens formam mul- tarum rerum | irout patet in kalendario in fine in contento. [Col.] *[ Impressum per me Robertum Redman. Anno doniini milessinioquingentisimo. xxx. 8°, A — D in eights : E, 10. With Pynson's cypher on the last page. *Paruus libellus continens formam mul- taru rerum, . . . [Col.] Explicit Carta feodi. Impressum Londini per Richardum Kele, An. dni. m. ccccc. xlvL 8°, 50 leaves. CARY, WALTER. A boke of the properlyes of herbes the which is called an Herbal. [Col.] Im- prynted at London by my John Skot dwellynge in Fauster lane. 12°, A — K4 in eights. With his device below the colopbon. CARYLL, JOSEPH, Preacher to Lincoln's Ian. The Saints Thankfull Acclamation at Christs Resvmption of his great power and the Initials of this Kingdonie Deli- vered in a Sermon at Westminster before the Honourable House of Commons, upon the day of their solemne Thanksgiving unto God, for the great victoiie given our Annie, under the Command of the Noble B CA TEC HIS M. iS CHARLES. Lord Fairfax, at Selly in Yorke-shire, and to other the Parliaments Forces in Pemhrock-shire, April 23 rd 1644. Lon- don, Printed by G. M. for Giles Calvert . . . 1644. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— H in tours, and the title. CATECHISM. *A shorte Cateehisme. A briefe and godly bringinge vp of youth / in the Knowlege and comauiidementes of God in fayth / prayer and other articles / necessary to be known e of all those that wilbe partakers of the kyngdom of Jesus Christ : set forth in mauer of a Dialogue. . . . Imprynted the year after the creation of the worlde 5525. And after the byrthe of our Sauiour 1550. 8", L in half-sheets. [Col.] Im- printed at London by Edwarde Whit- churche. . . . CATHOLICS. The Svpplication of all the Papists in England to King James, at his first com- ming to the Crowne, For a Tolleration of that Religion. . . . Whereunto is added, A Letter sent from Bishop Abbot Arch- bishop of Canterbury, to the King; against Toleration of the Popish Religion . . . London, Printed by E. Griffin, 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. CHAMBERLAYNE, EDWARD, M.B. Anglire Notitia ; . . . The Second Edi- tion corrected and much augmented . . . In the Savoy, Printed by T. N. for John Martyn Printer to the Royal Society, . . . M DC lxix. 12°. A, 6 leaves : B— X in twelves. CHAPMAN, GEORGE, and OTHERS. Eastward Hoe. As It was playd in the Blackfriers. By The Children of her Maiesties Reuels. Made by Geo: Chap- man . Ben: Iohnson. Job: Marston. At London Printed for William Aspley. 1605. 4", A— II in fours. There is no introductory matter except the Prologue on the back of the title. In tliis Chapman was assisted l>y Jonson and Marston. There were at least four editions the same year. For some obnoxious expressions touching the Scots the authors were committed, but subsequently pardoned by the King. These passages remain in one or two extant copies ; but in most tiny were cancelled. CHARLES STTART THE FIRST, King of Great Britain (1625-48). By the King. A Proclamation signifying his Maiesties pleasure, That all men being in Office of gouernment at the decease of his most deare, and most royall Father King lames, shall so continue, till his Maiesties further direction. Printed at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, . . . m.dc.xxv. A broadsheet formed of two leaves. A Proclamation declaring the Kings Maiesties Royall pleasure touching the Inhabitants of Algier, Tunis, Sallie, and Tituan, in the parts of Africa. Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, . . . M.DC.xxvur. A broadsheet. Lawes and Ordinances of Warre, For the better Government of His Maiesties Army Royall, in the present Expedition for the Northern parts, and safety of the King- dome. Under the Conduct of his Excel- lence, The Right Honourable Thomas Earle of Arundel and Surrey, Earl Mar- shall of England, &c. and Generall of his Majesties Forces. Imprinted at New- castle by Robert Barker, . . . And by the Assignes of John Bill. 1639. 4", A — D in fours, A 1 with a cut of the royal arms. The Bloody Treatie : Or, Proceedings between the King and Prince Rupert. As also, Between P.r. Rupert and Capt. Pickering, who hath brought in 4. of the Kings Collonels, to the Parliament ; with the whole proceedings of Ruperts perambulation from the King at Newark, and his return to Woodstock with 400. Horse. And bow cruelly they used Cap- taine Pickering during the Treatie . . . With Ruperts Letter to the King about a bloody massacre . . . London, Printed for J. C. 1645. 4°, 4 leaves. A Private Letter, From an Eminent Cava- lier, To his highly honoured friend in London ; Freely relating the present state of His Majesties Forces. London, Printed, Sept. 10, 164i'. 4°, 4 leaves. His Majesties Desires and Command to all the Trayned Bands and others on this side Trent, and Dominion of Wales to be in Readinesse with Horse and Arms to serve His Majesty for defence of the Kingdome, and to be in such readinesse, that they may be able to march at 24 houres warning at the furthest . . . With the Sheriffe of Yorkshires Proposition to the Gentry and Commonalty of that County. Iuly 1. 1642. Likewise, A Letter which came from Manchester, . . . Iulv 6. Printed for Iohn Norton, 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. Sundry Observations of severall Passages and Proceedings in the North, there taken by a Subject well-affected to the Pro- testant Religion, His Majesties Royall CHARLES. '9 CHARLES. Honour and Greatness, . . . Sent unto a faithfull and intimate friend of his in London. Containing a Description of the Qualities, Conditions, Aims, and In- tents of such as intend to act the fearfull Tragedie. The Destruction of His Ma- jesty, and His Kingdoms . . . London, Printed for F. C. July 29. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. A true and exact E elation of the manner of liis Mah-sties setting up of His Standard at Nottingham, on M unci ay the 22. of August. 1642. . . . London, Printed for F. Coles. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. With a cut on the title, containing a head of the King, a small view of Nottingham, &c. An Exact Relation, Shewing how the Governour of Portsmouth Castle de- livered it up in the name of the King to the Malignant, Party. Whereupon he thrust out the Protestants placing ill alfected persons in their Garrisons. Also A Terrible Combate Fovght in Bedford- shire between two Knigts [sic], The one sent in Commission of Array by the King, the other by the Parliament. . . . Likewise, The Lord Brooke His Resolu- tion concerning the Lord of Northamp- ton . . . August 5. Printed for Io. Hand gats, 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. Lawes and Ordinances of Warre, Estab- lished for the better Conduct of the Army By His Excellency the Earle of Essex Lord General 1 of the Forces raised by the Authority of the Parliament, for the defence of the King and Kingdom. London, Printed for Iohn Partridge and Iohn Rothwell, September, 1612. 4°, A — D in fours. An Abstract of some Letters, sent from Dorchester, to some friends in London, dated the 3. of Septeni. 1642. Con- taining A True Relation of the late pro- ceedings of Marquesse Hartford and the Cavaliers, at Sherborn Castle, with the opposition of that and other adjacent Counties to those Proceedings. London : Printed for Henry Overton, . . . 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. A Letter written from the Right Honor- able the Earle of Bedford, to a Lord of the House of Peeres, Of all the remark- able passages about Sherborn Castle. Being A full Relation of the graet over- throw given to the Cavalleers within a mile of Eivill : With the Resolution of the Earle of Bedford, to die in the cause. Desired by the Lords in Parliament, that this Letter be forthwith printed and pub- lished. London, Printed for Hugh Perrv, Septenib. 15. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. The Fovre Petitions of Hvutington Shire, Norfolk Svlfolk, and Es>ex. Ioyntly concerning the libertie of the Subiecte, to the Honourable Assembly of the High Court of Parliament. Vnanimously con- curring to the rooting out of Papists and their Religion from our Kingdome ; . . . The Petition of Huntington-shire, parti- cularly containing the behalfe of the Lord Kimbolton. London, Printed for Iohn Hammond, 1642. 4", 4 leaves. His Majesties Message to the House of Commons : Concerning an Order made by them for the borrowing of one hundred thousand pounds of the Adventurers Money for Ireland Together with the Answer of the House of Commons . . . September 6. London, Printed for John Wright, 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. A true and exact Relation of the Pro- ceedings of His Majesties Army in Che- shire, Shrop-Shire, and Worstershire. To- gether with what hath happened to the late Lord Strange now Earl of Derby, before Manchester. With the Resolution of the Town to oppose him, and the num- ber of Men which were slain. London, Printed lor M. Batt. Octob. 5. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. Some Observations concerning Iealous- ies between King and Parliament, With their causes and cures. Raptim Scripta, London. Printed for Iohn Rothwell 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. The Kings Majesties Instructions Vnto the Earle of Northampton, the Lord Dunsmore, the high Sheriff of the County of Warwick, and the rest of the Commis- sioners. For putting the Commission of Array in execution, in the said County of Warwick. London, Printed for A. Nor- ton, 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. The Proceedings in the late Treaty of Peace. Together with severall Letters of his Majesty to the Queen, and of Prince Rupert to the Earle of Northampton, which were intercepted and brought to the Parliament. With A Declaration of the Lords and Commons upon those Pro- ceedings and Letters . . . London, Prin- ted for Edward Husbands, . . . 164:5. 4°, A — M in fours. A More full Relation of the great Battell fought betweene Sir Tho: Fairfax, and Goring, on Thursday last, 1645. Made hi the House of Commons bv Lieut; Col: CHARLES. CHARLES. Lilbourne, the last Messenger that came from the Army. With the manner of ihe Fight, Goring cut on the Eare, the Lieutenant Generall of the Ordnance taken, and the particulars of what I --•• was on both sides. And the Routing of a party of Gorings Forces by the Club- men. . . . London, Primed by T. Forcet for Peter Cole. 1G45. 4°, 4 leaves. Numb. 2. Papers of Surrendering the Kings Majesty to English Commissioners on Satturday last, and Newcastle surren- dred to Major-Generall Skippon. With an Accompt of the whole businesse, in relation to that Agreement ; . . . And a List of the Lords, Knights and Gentle- men, that attend His Majesty to Holmsby, and the Convoy and Carriages . . . Lon- don : Printed by J. Coe, neer Cripple- gate. Anno Dom. 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. The Propositions of the Lords and Com- nums Assembled in Parliament for a safe nnd well grounded Peace. Presented to His Majesty at Hampton Court, the seventh of Septemb. 1647. And now to be Treated on in the Isle of Wight . . . Imprinted at London for John Wright . . . 1648. 4°, 12 leaves, or A— C in fours. Prince Charles His Declaration, For satis- faction of all his Majesties Loyall Sub- jects in England, Scotland, and Ireland. July 31. 1648. Signed Willoughby, Hop- ton, Culpepper. Printed in the Yeare 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. With the Prince of Wales's feathers on title, accompanied by the motto Mors ct Vita. Two Great Victories : One at Dover against Sir Richard Hardreds. and 2()0n Officers and Souldiers. The Block- Houses taken, with 30 piece of Ordnance, by Coll: Rich, the Castle Relieved, and the Enemy punished. Another Victorv in Wales : Tenby Castle taken by Lieu- tenant Gen: Crura well. And ColLPowel, Coll: Kemish, Coll: Uonell. and 30 Offi- cers, all prisoners at mercy, 20 piece of Ordnance taken, 300 Amies, 40 Horse, 5 Coulours, and 4 Parrels of Gunpowder. Also A Letter from Bow, of Transactions between the Commissioners of Parliament and the Essex men, Sir William Hieks, and divers others taken Prisoners. Prin- ted at London by Robert Ibbitson. in Smith field, near the Queenes-head Tav- ern, 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. His Maie>ties M •' 1 1 uses of Parliament, Brought from the Isle of Wight upon Monday the fourteenth of August 1648. By the Right Honourable the Earle of Middlesex, Sir Iohn Hipsley, and Master Bunckley concerning the Personal 1 Treatv. Printed in the Yeare. 1648. 4", 4 leaves. The Charges of the Commons of England, Against Charls Stuart, King of England, Of High Treason, and other High Crimes, exhibited to the High Court of Justice, By John Cook Escpiire, Solicitor General, appointed by the said Court, for, and on the behalf of the People of England. As it was read to Him by the Clerk in the said Court, . . . London, Printed for Rapha Harford, at the Gilt Bible in Queens-Head-Allev in Pater noster Row. 1648. 4°, 4 leaves". King Charles His Speech Made upon the Scaffold at Whitehall Gate, Immediately before his Execution, on Tuesday the 30. of Jan. 1648. With a Relation of the manner of his going to Execution. Pub- lished by speciall Authoritv. London Printed 'by Peter Cole, . . ". 1649. 4°, 4 leaves. CHARLES STUART THE SECOND, King of Great Britain (1660-85). A Relation in form of Journal, of the Voiage and Residence which the most Excellent and most Mighty Prince Charls the II. King of Great Britain, &c. hath made in Holland, from the 25 of May, to the 2 of June, 1660. Rendered into Eng- lish out of the Original French, By Sir William Lower, Knight. Hague, Printed by Adrian Ylack, Anno M., DC. lx. With Priviledge of the Estates of Holland and West - Freesland. Folio. Portrait of Charles in armour, title and The Printer to the Reader, 3 leaves : A — Ft', 2 leaves each. With plates at pp. 30, 32 (mis- printed 26), 78, 88, 90, and 106, and some copies of verses signed by Sir W. Lower at end, including an acrostic poem on Charles's name and title by the same. Iu the Westmoreland copy (Sotheby's, July 13, lSS7,No. 315), occurred at the end (a) — (i), 2 leaves each, a Latin poem also printed at the Hague in 1660, entitled A»!/lia Triumphant, by Robertus Keu- chemus. A Collection out of the Book called Liber Regal is, Remaining in the Treasury of the Church of Westminster. Touching the Coronation of the King and Queen together, According to the usual Form. London, Printed by R. D. for Charls Adam& at the Talbot in Fleetstreet, over again -t Fetter-Lane. 1661. 4°, A— B 2 in for re. CHA R TERHO USE. CRASHA IV. Et. a Dracone : Or, some Reflections Upon a Discourse Called Omnia a Belo comesta. Containing Some Animadversions from the North, npon the Letter out of the West. . . . London, Printed, 1668. 4", A — F 2 in fours. A New Narrative of the Old Plot. Being A New Ballad. To the Tune of, Some say the Papists had a Plot, &c. London, Printed for Charles Corbet at the Oxford- Arms in Warwick-Lane, 168.3. A folio broadside, containing 18 4-liue stanzas. Several Treaties of Peace and Commerce Concluded between the late King of Blessed memory Deceased, and other Princes and States ; With Additional Notes in the Margin, Referring to the several Articles in each Treaty, and a Table. Reprinted and Published by His Majesties Especial Command. London, Printed bv His Majesties Printers ; . . . 1686. 4°," A— LI in fours, LI 4 blank, besides title and Table, 2 leaves. Gibson-Craig, part 2, 4983, the Harleian copy in old red morocco, with the arms and Robert Harley stamped in gold on sides and the name stamped in gold (as usual) on fly- leaf inside cover. A Letter, containing some Remarks on the two Papers, writ by his late Majesty King Charles the Second, concerning Religion. [Edinburgh, 1689.] 4°, 4 leaves. CHARTERHOUSE. Suttons Hospitall : With the Names of Sixteen Mannors, many Thousand Acres of Land, Meadow, Pasture, and Woods ; with the Rents and Hereditaments there- unto belonging ; The Governours thereof, and number of Schollers and others that are maintained therewith. As Also, The last Will and Testament of Thomas Sut- ton Escpuire, Founder of the said Hos- pitall : . . . London, Printed by Barnard Alsop dwelling in Grubstreet, 1646 [July 10.] 4°, A— in fours. B. M. CHEAPSIDE CROSS. The Remarkable Fvneral of Cheapside- Crosse in London : With The Reeson why the Bishops, Jesuits, Papists, Cavaliers, and Arminians, refused to bee there. Also, The Order and Manner of the Funerall, and the severall Songs for that purpose appointed. London. Printed for Robert Hodgekinsonue. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. CHESHIRE. Neutrality condemned, by declaring the Reasons why the Deputy-Lieutenauts in- trusted by the Parliament for Cheshire, cannot agree to the Treaty of Pacification made by some of that County : At Bun- bery, December, 23, 1642. And may serve to prevent the like in other Coun- ties. [Col.] London Printed for Henry Overton, . . . December, 6. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. Without a regular title-page. CHETHAM, JAMES, of Smedley, near Manchester. The Angler's Vade Mecvm : Or, a Com- pendious, yet full, Discourse of Angling. . . . The Second Edition, Illustrated with Sculptures : And very much Enlarged. London, Printed for T. Basset . . . and W. Brown . . . 1689. 8°. A, 4 leaves : D — Y in eights. With two leaves at B and G with cuts of fish. The Preface is dated from Smedley, Nov. 26, 1G8S. CHIDLEY, SAMUEL. Bells Founder Confounded, Or Sabinianus confuted: With his damnable Sect. [Quo- tations from Jeremiah, &c] Written by a Lover of Musick, especially in Churches. Barns, Durand, and Platino tells, That Pope Sabiuuian brought in bells. Anno, 603. [London, 1658-9.] 4°, A— B in fours, B 4 blank. CHRISTIAN. ** *j\ How and whether a Christen man ought to fly the horryble Plague of the Pestilence. A Sermon out of the Psalme. Qui habitat, in adiutorio altissimi. ^[Trans- lated out of hie Almaine into Englishe. IF Imprinted at London by Leonarde Askell. [Col.] IT Imprinted at London by Leonard Askell for Thomas Purfoote dwelling in Powles church yarde at the signe of the Lucrece. [About 1565.] 8°, C in eights. At the end of the Sermon occurs : % Trans- lated by M[iles] Cjoverdale] out of hye Al- mayne, Anno. 1537. CHRONICLE. A cronicle of yeres, from the begynning of the worlde, wherin ye shal fynd the names of al the kinges of Englad, of y niayrs & shirifs of the citie of Londo, & briefly of many notable actes done, in, & sith, the reigne of King Henry the fourth newly augmented and corrected. Anno domini M. v. C. xlii. [Col.] Imprynted at London by John Byddell dwellyng in Fletestrete at the sygne of the sonne agaynste the coundeth. 8°, A — D in eights, D 7 with device and D 8 blank. CRASHAW, RICHARD. A Letter from M r Crashaw to the Countess CHURCH. COKE. of Denbigh. Against irresolution and Delay in matters of Religion. [London, 1653. Sept. 23.1 4°, 2 leaves. In verse. B.M. CHURCH. Ordinatio Ecclesise, Sev Ministerii Eccle- siastici, In Florentissimo Regno Anglise, conscripta serin one patrio, & in Latinam linguaiu bona fide conuersa, & ad consola- tioneni Ecclesiaruni Christi ubicunque locorum ac gentium, bis tristissimis tem- pi >ribus, Edita, AbAlessandro Alesio Scoto Sacrse Theologioe Doctore. Lipsiae . . . Anno m. d. li. 4°, A — R in fours : S, 6. CIVILITY. The Rules of Civility ; Or, Certain Ways of Deportment observed amongst all per- sons of Quality upon several Occasions. Newly revised and much Enlarged. Lon- don, Printed for J. Martyn, and J. Starkey, . . . mdclxxviii. 12°. A, 6 leaves, A 1 with an Advertisement: B — N in twelves: 0,6. CLOSET. A Closet for Ladies and Gentlewomen . . . Corrected, Amended, and much Enlarged, by adding a very useful! Table thereunto. London/ Printed by R. H. 1656. 12°, A — H in twelves, title on A 2. Many of the items in this volume are copied from Piatt's Jewel-house of Art and Nature, 1594. CLOSSE, G. The Parricide Papist, Or, Cut-throate Catholicke. A tragicall discourse of a murther lately committed at Padstow. . . . Printed at London for Christopher Hunt, dwelling in Louells lane in Paternoster- row. 1606. 4°, A— C in fours, A 1 ap- parently a blank. B. M. (Freeling's copy.) CLUN. An Egley [sic] upon the most Execrable Murther of M r Chin one of the Comedi- ans of the Theator Royal, Who was Rob'd and most inhumanely Kill'd on Tuseday- night, being the 2 d of August, 1664. near Totnam-Court, as he was going to his Country-house at Kentish town. Lon- don, printed by Edward Crowch dwelling on Snow-hill. A broadside. B. M. COACHES. Reasons to augment the Number of Hack- ney Coaches, "Within the Bills of Mor- tality, from Pour Hundred to Six or Eight Hundred : Most humbly tendred to the Consideration of Both Houses of Parliament. Folio, 2 haves. COCHL.EUS, JOHANNES. Pro Scotiae Regno Apologia Iohannis Cochlei. Adversvs Personatum Alex- andruin Alesium Scotuin, Ad Sereniss. Scotoru rege. m.d.xxxuii. [Col.] Excu- sum Lipsiae apud Michaelem Blum. 4°, A — E in fours, E 4 blank. Dedicated to James V. , King of Scotland, Prince of Ireland, and Lord of Iceland and the Orkneys. This is the last apparently of a series of tracts relative to the reading of the New Testament in Scotland. COCKER, EDWARD. Arts Glory : Or, The Pen mans Treasury: Containing Various Examples of Secretary, Text, Roman, and Italian Hands. Adorn- ed with many curious Knots and Flour- ishes to render them Pleasant as well as Profitable. With Directions, Theorems, and rare Principles of Art, Comprehend- ing very much of the Authors Know- ledge. Also a Receipt for Inke ; and to Write with Gold. Wholly Invented, Written, and Engraven, by Edward Cocker, dwelling on the South-side of St. Paul's Church, right over against Pauls-Chaine : Where he teacheth the Arts of Writing and Arithnietick. Are to be sold with other of the Authors Works, by Peter Stent, . . . and William Fisher, at the Postern-gate next Tower- hill, London, 1659. Obi. 4°. With a portrait by Gaywood. Title, 1 leaf : Pre- face and Directions, 3 leaves : plates, 26 leaves : Additional Directions, 8 leaves, the last page containing an anagram on Cocker's name by Jeremy Collier. Cockers Arithmetick : Perused and Pul>- lished by John Hawkins Writing-Master near St. George's Church in Southwark, by the Authors correct Copy, . . . Lon- don, Printed by J. R. for T. P. and are to be sold by John Back, . . . 1694. 12°. A, 6 leaves : B — K in twelves. Dedicated to Mainwaring Davies, Esq., of the Inner Temple, and Mr. Humphrey Davies of Newington Butts, Surrey. With a por- trait of Cocker. COINS. By the King. A Proclamation for making currant certaine French Coyne Printed at Oxford by I. L. and W. T. for Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, . . . m.dc.xxv. A broadside. By reason of the suspension of the opera- tions of the Tower Mint during the Plague. The coin was the quart d' ecu. The procla- mation was revoked by another of the 24th July same year. COKE, SIR EDWARD. A Little Treatise of Baile and Maineprize. Written by E. C. Knight, and now Pub- lished for a geiierall good. The Second COKE. COM MO N WEAL TH. Edition, Corected and enlarged. Lon- don. Printed for William Cooke, . . . 1637. 4°, A— E in lours, A 1 blank. Black letter. The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England : Concerning the Juris- diction of Courts. Proverbs 22. 28. Ne transgrediaris . . . Authore Edw. Coke Milite, I. C. . . . mdcxliv. Printed at London by M. Flesher, for W. Lee, and D. Pakeman. Folio. Portrait by Payne. Title, and Table, 5 leaves : B — Aaa in fours : Epilogue, 1 leaf. The Fifth Part of the Reports of S r Ed- ward Coke Knight, the Kings Attorney Generall : Of diners Resolutions and Judgments giuenvpon great deliberation, in matters of great importance & conse- quence by the reuerend Judges and Sages of the Law; . . . London Printed for the Companie of Stationers. Anno Dom. 1606. Cum Priuilegio. Folio. A, 6 leaves : B — K in fours. In two columns. Lat. and Engl. COKE, ROGER. A Discourse of Trade. In Two Parts. The First treats of The Reason of the Decay of the Strength, Wealth, and Trade of Eng- land. The latter, Of the Growth and Increase of the Dutch Trade above the English. By Roger Coke. London, Printed for H. Brome, . . . and B. Home in the first Court entering into Gresbam- Oolledge next Bishopsgate-street, 1670. 4°, A— M 2 in fours. Dedicated to Sir Charles Harbord. With an interesting Preface. [COLET, JOHN, Dean of St. Paul's, and WILLIAM LILY.] **Libellus deConstructione Octo Partium Orationis. [Col.] Explicit hie Libellns . . . Londini Impressus per Richardum pynson Regium impressorem. Anno in- carnationis dominicse Millesimo quige- tesimo decimottio. 4°, 28 leaves. On the back of the title is a Latin letter from Dean Colet to Lily, dated 1513, in which he speaks of St. Paul's as his only son. COLVILL, SAMUEL. The Grand Impostor Discovered : Or, An Historical Dispute of the Papacy and Popish Religion : 1. Demonstrating the newness ot both ; 2. By what arti (ices they are maintained : . . . Part 1. Divided in two Books . . . By S. C. Edinburgh, Printed by His Majesties Printers, for the Author, Anno Dom. 1673. 4°, A— Ee in fours: Book 2, A — M in fours, besides two leaves between A and A 2 in the first gathering with S. Colvill's dedication to the Duke of Lauderdale. CONFESSION. *The humble and vnfained confession of the belefe of certain poore banished men, grounded vpon the holy scriptures of God, and vpon the articles of that vndefyled and onlye vndoubted true christian faith, which the holy catholicke (that is to say, vniuersal) churche of God professeth, specially concerning, not only the worde of God, and the ministerye off the same, but alsothechurch and sacraments thereof. Which we send moost humbly vnto the lords of England and all the commons of the same. [Col.] From Wittonburge, by Nicholas Dorcaster. m.d.liiii. the xiiii. of May. Sm. 8°, 33 leaves. Tiie Confession of Faith, Together with the Larger and Lesser Catechisnies. Com- posed by the Reverend Assembly of Di- vines, Sitting at Westminster, Presented to both Houses of Parliament. Again Published with the Scriptures at large, ... To which is annexed two sheets of Church-Government with the Scriptures at large. [The second Edition.] . . . London, Printed by E. M. for the Com- pany of Stationers, . . . 1658. 4°. A, 4 leaves : b — c in fours, e 4 with Errata : An Ordinance, &c, *, 6 leaves : B — Q 3 in fours : The Humble Adiuce, &c, A — Ee 2 in fours, and the title : Ff, 4 leaves. Confessio Fidei, In Conventu Theolo- gorum authoritate Parliamenti Anglicani mdicto Elaboratus ; Eidem Parliaments postmodum Exhibita ; . . . . Una cum Catechismo duplici, Majori Minorique ; E Sermone Anglicano summa cum fide in Latinum versge. Edinburgi, Excude- bat ex Officina Societatis Stationariorum, Anno Dom. 1670. 12°, A— H in twelves. COMMONWEALTH. An Act Prohibiting The Importing of any Wines, Wooll or Silk from the King- dom of France, into the Commonwealth of England or Ireland, or any the Domi- nions thereunto belonging. Die Martis, 28 Augusti, 1649 . . . London, Printed by Edward Husband and John Field, Printers to the Parliament of England, 1650. A broadside. Panarmonia. Or, The Agreement of the People, Revised, and Recommended to the Great Patrons of the Commonwealth, and to the Sober-minded People of the Land in general : Humbly presented, with an Apology for Christian Liberty, To the Honourable Council of the Army. CONTEMPLA TION, 24 COURT BARON. London, Printed for Livewell Chapman, . . . 1659. 4°, A— F 2 in fours. COXTKMPLATIOX. *The foundement of contemplacyon. % Howe a man shall eontemple / and se pod in creatures. [Col.] Imprynted by me Robert Wyer in saynt Martyns parysshe. IF Cum priuilegio regali. 8°, A — B 4 in eights. COOK, MOSES. The Manner of Raising, Ordering, and Improving Forrest-trees : Also, How to Plant, Make and Keep Woods, Walks, Avenues, Lawns, Hedges, &c. With Several Figures proper for Avenues and Walks to End in, and convenient Figures for Lawns London, Printed for Peter Parker . . . 1676. 4°. A, 4 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — Ud in fours, he- sides four leaves witli figures hetween Dd and Dd 3. Dedicated to Arthur Lord Capel, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and the preface is dated from Cassiobury, Nov. 16, 1675. COPE. SIR ANTHONY. A godly ineditacion vpou . xx. select and chosen Psalmes of the Prophet Dauid, as wel necessary to al them that are desirous to haue y darke wordes of the Prophet de- clared and made playn : as also fruitfull to suche as delyte in the contemplatio of the spiritual meanyng of them. Com- piled and set furth by Sir Anthony Cope knight. Imprynted at London in Sepul- chres paryshe a lvtle aboue Holborne Conduit at the sygne of the Resurrection by Jhon Daye. Anno. M. d. xlvii. Cum priuilegio ... 4°. *, 4 leaves with title and dedication to Queen Katherine Parr : A— Bb in fours, Bb 4 blank. Sotheby's, June 1888 (Turner, 094), the Queen's own copy, in the original richly gilt ami ornamented biudiug, with the royal arms on sides, £27. COPRAUIO, JOHN. Fvneral Teares. For the death of the Right Honorable the Earle of Deuon- ehire. Figvred in seauen songes, whereof sixe are so set forth that the wordes may be exprest by a treble voice alone to the Lute and Base A^iole, or else that the meane part may bee added, if any shall affect more fulnesse of parts. The Seauenth is made in forme of a Dialogue, and can not be sung without two voyces. Inuented by Iohn Copraiio. J'ius fie. At London Printed by lohn Windet the Assigne of William Barley, for Iohn Browne, . . . 1606. Folio, A— E, 2 leaves each. CORIAT, THOMAS. M r Thomas Coriat to his friends in Eng- land sendeth greeting : From Agra the Capitall City of the Dominion of the Great Mogoll in the Eastern India, the last of October, 1616. [A woodcut of Coryat mounted on a camel.] At London printed by I. B. 1618. 4°. % 4 leaves, title on % 2 : A — E in fours. With woodcuts. COTTON, CHARLES. The Compleat Gamester : Or, Instruc- tions how to play at Billiards, Tercks, Bowls, and Chess. Together with all manner of usual and most Gentile Games either on Cards or Dice. To which is added, The Arts and Mysteries of Riding, Racing, Archery, and Cock-Fighting. The Second Edition. London : Printed for Henry Brome . . . 1676. Small 8°, A— Q 4 in eights, Q 4 blank, A 1 with the explanation of the frontispiece, and A 2 with the engraving in five compartments. COURT. A Proclamation for restraint of vnneces- sarie resorts to the Court. Printed at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, . . m.dc.xxv. [June 25.] A broad- sheet. A Proclamation for restraint of disorderly and vnnecessary resort to the Court. Printed at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, . . . m.dc.xxv. A broad- sheet formed of two leaves. A Proclamation for the Prices of Victuals within the Verge of the Court. Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, . . . m.dc.xxv. A broadsheet formed of two leaves. COURT BARON. **Modus tenend. Cur. BarSn. cum visu franco plegii. [Col.] Imprynted at Lon- don in Ponies chyrcheyarde at the sygne of the Trynyte By Henry Pepwell. 4", 14 leaves. **Modus tenend Cur Baron cum visu franc plegij. [Col.] Impressum per Richardum I'ynson Regis impressorem. 4", 14 leaves. On sign. C i, in the oath of a constable, he is required to be " buxom and obedeefit to the Justices," and elsewhere he swears that " lie shall presentment make of blood shedding, outcries, frays, and rescous." *Modus tenendi Cvriam Baronis. [Col.] Explicit modus obseruandi Curiam cum nouis additionibus. Impressum Londini in vico qui vocatur Fletestrete, per me Ro- berturo Redman. Anno Dai. m. d. xxxii. Cum priuilegio. 8°, 40 leaves. COURT. 25 CRANMER. *if Modus tenend. cur. baron cum visu franc, plegii. [Col.] % Explicit. % Im- prvnted in Ponies chyrclie yarde by John Skot. 4°, 14 leaves. Willi his device below the colophon. ?OURT OF HUNDRED. Modus Tenendi Vnuin Hundredil sine curiam de Recordo. [This title is over a cut of the royal arms without sup- porters. Col.] Impressum per Richardum Pynson Regis impressorem. 4°, 10 leaves. This tract, as Mr. Heber noted in his copy, is curious, as showing the practice of Colchester court in Edward IV. 's time. COURTS. *The maner of kepynge a court Barou and a Lete wyth dyuers fourmes of entreis, plaintes, processes, presente- nieiites and other maters determinable there. Newelv Imprinted and corrected. Anno. 1546. [Col.] Explicit . . . Im- press. Londini per me Robertum Toye. 8°, E 4 in eights. *Modus obseruandi cur cum leta sine visu plegii sequuntur lioc modo. [Col.] Im- pressu Londoni in vico qui vocatur Flete- strete per me Robertum Redman Anno dai M. ccccc. xxx. Cum priuilegio. 8°, A — E in eights. With Pynson's cypher on the last page. *Diuersite de courtz et leur Jurisdictions, et alia necessaria et vtilia. ^[ Impressum Londini. Anno Dni. M.ccccc.xliii. Per me W^yllyam Myddylton. 8°, C 4 in half sheets. 2RABB, JOHN. The Country-Man's Argument, against Couucellor AsgiLl's, Wherein is Proved, . . . that his Argument, that Death is not the Gate of Life, is but Weak, Ficti- tious, and Fabulous, . . . Dublin : Printed for the Author, 1702. 4°. A— D, 2 leaves each, D 2 blank, besides a leaf with a half-title, " Some Queries Concerning the Liberty and Property of an English Sub- ject in Ireland," on the reverse of which is the author John Crabb's address to the Queen. 3RAIG, JOHN, Minister of God's Word. *A short sunime of the whole catechisme, wherein the Question is proponed and answered in few wordes, for the greater ease of the commoune people and chil- dren. . . . Imprinted at Edinburgh, by Henrie Charteris Anno m.d.lxxxi. Cum Priuilegio Regali. 8°, G 6 in eights. Dedicated to the Professors of Christ's Evangel in New Aberdeen, from Edin- burgh, 20 July 1581. A Short Svmnie of the Whole Catechisme. .... Edinbvrgh Printed by Iohn Wreittoun for Io. Wood, and are to bee sold at his Shop, on the South side of the hie street, a little aboue the Crosse 1632. Sin. 8°, A — G in eights. CRAIG, SIR THOMAS, ofBiccarton. Ad Sereniss. et Potentiss. Principem Lico- bvm Sextum e sua Scotia decedentem Parasneticon. ExcudebatRobertusWalde- graue Sereniss. Reg. Majest. Typogra- phus. cioiociii. 4°, A — B in fours. In Latin verse. Subscribed T. Cragirs. I. C. Edinburgenus. Ad Serenissimvm Britunniarum Princi- pem Henricum, e Scotia Discedentem Propempticon. Edinbvrgi Excudebat Robertus Charteris Typo<_ r raphus. An. Dom. 1603. 4°, A— B in fours. Scotlands Sovereignty Asserted. Being A Dispute concerning Homage, against those who maintain that Scotland is a Feu, or Fee-Lie^e of England, and that therefore the King of Scots owes Homage to the King of England. . . . By Sir Thomas Craig, Author of the Book de Feudis. Translated from the Latin Manuscript, with a Preface added, with a short Ac- count of the Learned Author, and a Con- futation of that Homage said to be performed by Malcolm III. King of Scot- land, to Edward the Confessor, lately found in the Archives of England, and published in a single Sheet, by M r Rymer, the King's Historiographer. London, Printed lor Andrew Bell. . . . 1695. 8°, a — c 2 in eights : A — Ee 6 in eights, besides the title-page. Dedicated to my Lord Secretary Johnston by G. Ridpath the translator. CRAKANTHORP, RICHARD, D.D., of Queen's College, Oxford. Logics? Libri Quinque : {Pradicabilibus. Prsedicamentis. Syllogismo, ) Demonstrative. ejusq; speciebus, \ Probabili. Una cum Appendice de Syllogismo So- phistico. . . . Typis (St impensis Robert i Young, Anno Dom. M. DC. xli. 4°, A — Pp 2 in eights, except that A has only 6 leaves. The dedication to bis dearest master Richard Leveson is dated 1622. CRANMER, THOMAS, Archbishop of Canterbury. *All the Svhmyssyons, and recantations of Thomas Cranmer, late Archebyshop of Canterburye, truely set forth both in De CREA TV RE. 26 CULPEPER. Latyn and Englysh, agreable to the Originalles, wrytten and subscribed with his owne hande . . . Anno, m.d.lvi. Excusum Londiui in iEdibus Johannis Cawodi Typographi Regise Majestatis. Anno, m.d.lvi. Cum priuilegio. 4", 6 leaves. **CREATURE, THE DYING. **Here begynneth a lytell treatyse of the dyenge creature enfected with sykenes vncurable with many sorowl'ull coin- playntes. [Col.] Here endeth a lytell treatyse of the dyenge creature. En- prynted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of the Sonne by Wynkyn de WOrde. Anno dfii. m.ccccc.vii. 4°. CREDIT. A Description of the Office of Credit ; By the use of which, none can possibbly sustain Loss, but every man may certainly receive great Gain and Wealth. With a Plain Demonstration how a man may Trade with Six times his Stock, and never be Trusted; . . . With Divers other pub- lick and private conveniences and profits : As also Objections hitherto made against it, largely and fully Answered. London, Printed by the order of the Society, for Thomas Rooks, 1665. 4°, A — D in fours. CRICHTON, JAMES. Iacobi Critonii Scoti Ad Ainplissimvm ac Reverendiss mum - Virvm Gasparem Vicecomitem, Sumnia omnium Ordinum voluntate, Ad praxlaram Archiepisco- patus Mediolanen. Administrationem, delectuni, Gratvlatio. Superiorum Con- sensu. Mediolani, Ex Typographia Paci- fici Pontij. m.d.lxxxiiii. 4°, 4 leaves, the last blank. In verse. EpicedivmlllvstrissiinietReverendissimi Cardinalis Caroli Boromsei, Ab Iacobo Critonio Scoto; rogatu Clarissimi . . . loannis Antonij Magij Mediolanen. Proximo post obitum die, exaratum. De Consensv Superiorvm. Mediolani, . . . M.D.LXXXIIU. 4°, 4 leaves, the fourth blank. Epicedivm Illvstrissimi . . . Caroli Boro- iusei. Mediolani, Ex Typographia Paci- fici Pontij. M.D. LXXXIIII. 4", 4 leaves. A different edition. Sotheby's. June LSSS (Turner, No. 100S), printed on vellum. Iacobi Critonii Scoti Ad Nobilissimvm VirvnijPrvdentissimvmqveSvmmaeQves- tvrae Regiae Mediolanen. Administra- torem, Sfortiam Brivivm, De Musarum et Poetaruiu inprimis illustrium authori- tate, atque praestantia, Boluta et numeris Poeticis vincta oratione, ab eodem de- fensa, Iudicium. . . . Mediolani, Ex Typo- graphia Pacifici Pontij, . . . m. d. lxxxv. 4°, A— E in fours, E 4 blank. The leuf following the title is occupied by verses bended : Critonivs De Seipso. CROMWELL, OLIVER, LORD PRO- TECTOR (1651-8). By the Protector. A Proclamation for putting the Laws in execution for setting Prices on Wheat. Given at White-Hall this 20. of July 1655. Published by His Highness special Command. London, Printed by Henry Hills and John Field, Printers to his Highness, mdclv. A broadside. By the Protector. A Proclamation Com- manding a speedy and due Execution of the Laws made against the abominable sins of Drunkenness, profane Swearing and Cursing, Adultery, Fornication, and other acts of uncleannesse ; For observing the Assize of Bread, Ale, and Fewel, and touching Weights, and Measures ; For setting the Poor on Work, and providing for the impotent and aged poor, and punishing Rogues and Vagabonds, taking account of Church-Wardens and Overseers of the Poor ; and against disturbing of publick Preachers, and profanation of the Lords day. Published by His High- ness Special Command. London: Printed by Henry Hills and Iohn Field, Printers to His Highness. 1655. A broadside. A Modest Vindication of Oliver Crom- well from the Unjust Accusations of Lieutenant-General Ludlow in his Me- moirs. Together with some Observations on the Memoirs in general. London : Printed in the Year 1698. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — L 2 in fours. CULPEPER, NICHOLAS. A Physical Directory ; Or a Translation of the Dispensatory Made by the College of Physitians of London, And by them imposed upon all the Apothecaries of England to make up their Medicines by. And in this Third Edition is added A Key to Galen's Method of Physick. . . . By Nich. Culpeper, Gent. Student in Physick and Astrologie. . . . London : Printed by Peter Cole, . . . 1651. Folio, A — 3 K, 2 leaves each, besides the title and the portrait of Culpeper by Cross, with four lines of verse beneath. The Physitians Library. Containing all the Works of these most Famous Pnysi- tians following, Viz. Dan. Semertus, Laz. Riverius, Feb Platerus. . . . All which are of Excellent use for all Rational Per- CULTEPER. 27 DALLAS. sons, especially for all Cliyrurgeons at Sea in his Most Royal Majesties Ships, . . . London : Printed by Peter Cole and Edward Cole, Printers and Booke-sellers, . . . 1663. Folio, B — 3 Q, 2 leaves each, besides two title-pages, the second ex- pressing itself as " Pharmacopeia Londi- nensis : Or, The London Dispensatory. Further adorned by the Studies and Col- lections of the Fellows now living of the said Colledg" . . . and dated 1661. This book includes additions by Abdiah Cole ami others, as explained by Culpepper on the second title, or that which conies second in order. CULPEPER, SIR THOMAS, Senior, Knight. A Tract against the high rate of Usury Presented to the High Court of Parlia- ment, Anno Domini 1623. ... By Sir Thomas Culpeper, Sen. Knight. The Fourth Edition, To which is added a Preface, By Sir Thomas Culpeper Jun. Knight. London, Printed by T. Leach, for 'Christopher Wilkinson, . . . 1668. 4°, A— D in fours. A Short Appendix To a Late Treatise Concerning Abatement of Usury. By the same Author. London, Printed by Tno. Leach, for Christopher Wilkinson, . . . 1668. 4°, 4 leaves. CULPEPER, SIR THOMAS, Junior, Kiiiglit. The Advantages which will manifestly accrue to this Kingdom by abatement of interest from six to four per Cent. Lon- don Printed by T. L. for Christopher Wilkinson, at the Black-Boy over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet. 1668. A broadside. The Necessity of Abating Usury Re- Asserted ; In a Reply to the Discourse of Mr Thomas Manly Entituled, Usury at Six per Gent Examined, &c. &o. . . . By S r Thomas Culpeper, Jun. Knight. Lon- don, Printed by T. L. for Christopher Wilkinson, . . . 1670. 4°, A— H in fours. CUNNINGHAM, JAMES. An Essay, Upon The Inscription of Mac- duffs Crosse in Fyfe. By I. C. 1678. . . . Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, . . . 1678. 4°, A — C 2 in fours. In Floidum, Asaphensem Episcopum, Scotorum Reges, Regum Ritus Sacros, Ulacessitis Calumniis & imnieritis, Ex- probantein, Lacerantem, Traducentem, Versiculus unus & alter Hortatorius. . . . Impressus Anno Dom. 1685. 4°, A — E 1 in fours. By Mr. James Cunniinjhame is written in a coeval hand on the title. D. D. I. A Pvblication of Gviana's Plantation Newly undertaken by the Right Hon ble the Earle of Barkshire (Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter) and Company for that most famous River of the Amazones in America. Wherein is briefly shewed the lawfulnesse of planta- tions in forraine Countries ; hope of the natives conversion ; nature of the river ; qvalitie of the Land, Climate, and people of Gviana ; with the provisions for mans sustenance, and commodities therein grow- ing for the trade of Merchandise and man- ner of the Adventure. With an Answer to some objections touching feare of the Enemie . . . London Printed by William lones for Thomas Paine, and are to be sold in Trinitie Lane at the signe of the Horse-shooe. 1632. 4°, A— C in fours, and a leaf of D. This tract is addressed at the commence- ment "To all faithfull, and well affected Christians ; " the initials /. D. occur at the end. My description is taken from the Wimpole copy, sold among the Earl of Hardwicke's books at Christie's this year (1888). DALLAS, GEORGE, of Saint-Martins. System of Stiles, As now Practicable within the Kingdom of Scotland : And Reduced to a clear Method, not hereto- fore. Consisting of VI. Parts. . . . Begun in the Year 1666, and had its Period Anno 1688. Edinbvrgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Ander- son, . . . Anno Dom. 1697. Price, Bound and Guilded on the Back, Twenty Pound Scots. Folio. Title and dedication to John Earl of Tullibardine, 2 leaves : A — Xx, 2 leaves each : dedication of Part III. to the L. Chancellor of Scotland, 1 DALLINGTON. 28 DA Y. leaf : Yy — ZZz in twos : Aaaa — Iiiiiii in fours : Indices, 6 leaves. DALLINGTON, ROBERT, afterwards Sir Robert. Dallington EpitomisM : Or, Aphorisms Civil & Military. New Modell'd for the Use of the Present Age. — brevis esse laboro. Hor. London : Printed for Elizabeth Harris, . . . 1700. 12°, A— F in twelves. Dedicated by E. Stacy to William Duke of Gloucester. DALRYMPLE, SIR JAMES, of Stair, Knight and Baronet. The Decisions of the Lords of Council & Session, In the most Important Cases Debate before them, With the Acts of Sederunt. As also, An Alphabetical Compend of the Decisions ; With an Index of the Acts of Sederunt, and the Pursuers and Defenders Names, from June 1661. to July 1681. Edinbvrgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Ander- son, . . . Anno Dom. 1683. Folio. Title, dedication to George Earl of Aberdeen, from Leyden, Oct. 30— Nov. 9, 1683, and Index, 4 leaves : A — 3 S in fours : A — Yy in fours : Index, A — K, 2 leaves each. The Institutions of the Law of Scotland, Deduced from its Originals, and Collated with the Civil, Canon and Feudal Laws, and with the Customs of Neighbouring Nations. In IY. Books. By James Viscount of Stair, Lord President of the Session. The Second Edition, Revised, Corrected, and much Enlarged. With an Alphabetical Index to the Whole Work. Edinbvrgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, . . . 1693. Folio. Title, Advertisement, and Index, 3 leaves : A — 3 T in fours (ending with p. 504 and Book 3) : A (p. 521) — Kk in fours : Index, A — K, 2 leaves each. [DALRYMPLE, SIR JOHN.] An Account of the Affairs of Scotland, In Answer to a Letter Written upon the occasion of the Address Presented to His Majesty by some Members of that King- dom. [London, December 1, 1689.] 4 , A — F 3 in ours. Without a title-page. " P>y s 1 ' Jon Dalrymple" is written on the first page in a coeval hand. DANIEL, JOl IX. Songs for the LvteYiol and Voice : Com- posed by I. Danyel, Batchelar in Musicke. 1606. To M ris Anne Grene. London Printed by T. E. for Thomas Adams, At the signe of the white Lyon, in Panics Church-yard. Folio, A — L, 2 leaves each. With a metrical inscription after the title to M rs Anne Grene, the worthy Daughter to S r William Grene of Milton, Knight. DARGENCES, M. La Comtessede Salisbury, On L'Ordre de la Jaretiere. Nouvelle Historique. Pre- miere [et Seconde] Partie. A Paris, Chez Claude Barbin. . . . m.dc.lxxxii. . . . 12° or sin. 8°. Title, 1 leaf : a, 8 leaves : A — S 3 in eights : Seconde Partie, title, 1 leaf : A — R 6 in eights. Dedicated to the Due de Bouillon. DARELL, JOHN. M r Courtens Catastrophe and Adieu to East-India : Or, A General and Particular Protest Framed there, at Goa in Febr. 1644. For, and against the English East- India Company. Their Governour Deputy, Court of Committees, and Adventurers in England. And their Presidents, Agents, Commanders and Factors in East-India aforesaid. With A previous, conscious, and short Introduction, and Conclusion. . . . London Printed by R, I. 1652. 4°, A — B in fours, with John Darell's initials at the end. DAUBRAY, MARIE MAGDALEINE, Marquise de Brinrilliers. A Narrative of the Process against Madam Brinvilliers ; And of Her Condemnation and Execution, For having Poisoned her Father and Two Brothers. Translated out of French . . . London: Printed for Jonathan Edwyn, at the Sign of the Three Roses in Ludgate - Street. mdclxxvi. 4°, A— C in fours. B. M. DAVANZATI, BERNARDO. Scisma D'lnghilterra con altre Operette ... In Fiorenze. . . . M.DC.xxxviij. 4°. 4-, 8 leaves: B — Aa in fours: Bl>, 6 leaves. With a portrait of the author on the back of the title. DAVENANT, CHARLES, L.L.D. Essays upon Peace at home, and War Abroad. In Two Parts. By Charles D Avenant, L.L.D. Id agendum ve om- nium . . . Tit. Liv. lib. 2. dec. 5. London, Printed for James Knapton . . . 1704. 8°. Dedicated to the Queen. Part 1, the only portion in the Gibson- Craig copy, winch was on thick paper in old English morocco binding, has A — Ee 5 in eights, and a, 4 leaves. DAY. A.NGEL. The English Secretorie, Or, Methode of Writing of Epistles and Letters: . . . Now newly rettised, and in many parts corrected and amended. . . . London, Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, lor Wil- DEATH. 29 DE GRANADA. Ham Well iv, . . B— T in eights. 1614. 4". A, 4 leaves: )EATH. **The Doctrynalle of Dethe. [The above title is over a woodcut, repealed on the verso. On the recto of the following leaf occurs :] This treatyse is called the doc- trynale of dethe, and is to be rede afore a man or a woman whan it semeth that they be in the artycle of deth. [Colo- phon:] Enprynted at westmynster. In Castons hous. By me Wynkyn de worde. 4°, 16 leaves or a — b in sixes : c, 4. In Dibdin's time a copy was in the hands of Mr. Johnes of Hafod. )E BURGO, GIO. BATTISTA, Vicar Apostolic in Ireland, and of the De Burgh family. Hydravlica, aia Trattato Dell' Acqve Mineral] del Massino, ... In Milano, M. DC. lxxxix. ... 12°. t, 6 leaves : A — S 10 in twelves. )E CAUS, ISAAC. Wilton-Garden. Are to be sould by Tho- mas Rowlett att his shopp neare Temple Barre. [On the 3rd leaf is added :] Le Iardin de Vuilton Construict Par Tres noble et tres puissant Seigneur Philippe Conite de Penbrooke et Mongomeri . . . Isaac de caus Inuent. [London, about 1645.] Oblong folio, 25 leaves, including the title and following one with an en- graved description. Quaritch, February, 1887, No. 866. )E CRESSY, HUGH-PAULIN. Exomologesis : Or, A Faithfull Narration of the Occasion and Motives of the Con- version unto Catholike Vnity of Hvgli- Pavlin de Cressy, lately Deane of Laghlin, &c. in Ireland, and Prebend of Windsore in England. Now a second time printed ; . . . A Paris, Chez Jean Billaine, . . . m.dc.ltii. Sin. 8°. A, 6 : a, 6 : B— Cc 4 in twelves. Dedicated by Serenus Cressy to the Hon. Walter Montagu, from Paris, 21 Oct. 1652. DE DOMINIS, MARCUS ANTONIUS, Archbishop of Spalatro. A Declaration of the Reasons which moved Marcvs Antonivs de Dominis, Archbishop of Spalatro or Salonas, Primate of Dalma- tia and Croatia, to depart from the Romish Religion and his Countrey. Written by Himselfe in Latine, and now for the Populare vse translated. Edinbvrgh, Printed By Andro Hart, 1617. 4°, A— C in fours. DEER. A Proclamation for Fee Deere. Imprinted at London by Bonhani Norton and Iolm Bill, . . . m.dc.xxvi. A broadsheet. DE GRANADA, LOUIS or LOIS. *Of Prayer and Meditation. Wherein are conteyned fowertien deuoute Medita- tions for the seuen daies of the weeke, bothe for the morninges, and eueninges. . . . Imprinted at Paris by Thomas Brum- eau, at the signe of the Oliue. Anno Domini, m.d.lxxxii. 8°, 331 leaves, be- sides prefixes. With copperplates. Translated by Richard Hopkins, who de- dicates the volume to the Four Inns of Court. *A memorial! of a Christian life. Wherin are treated al such things as appertaine vn- to a Christian to do from the beginning of his couersion, vntil the end of his perfec- tion. Deuided into seauen Treatises . . . Written first in the Spanish tongue, by the famous Religious Father, F. Lewis de Granada, Prouinciall of the holy order of Preachers, in the Prouince of Portugall. . . . Imprinted at Rouen, by George Loyselet. Anno Domini. 1599. 8°, pp. 762, besides the contents. With a few coarse engravings. Translated by Richard Hopkins, and dedi- cated by him from Rouen, the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, 1599, to the Four Inns of Court. A Memoriall of a Christian Life. Wherei n are treated all such thinges, as appertaine vnto a Christian to doe, from the begin- ning of his conuersion, Vntill the end of his perfection. Deuided into seauen Treatises: . . . Written first in the Spanish tongue, by the famous Religious Father F. Lewis de Granada, Prouincial of the holy order of Preachers in the Prouince of Portugall. At S. Omers, For Iohn Heigham, m.dc.xxv. Cum Priuilegio. 8°, A— Qq 5 in eights. With a long dedicatory epistle by Richard Hopkins, the translator, from Rouen, the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, 1586, "To the Right Honorable, and Worshipfvll, of the Fovre Principal Howses of Covrte in London, professing the study of the Common Lawes of our Realiue." A spiritual doctrine contenting a rule To liue wel, with diners Praiers and Medita- tions. Abridged by the reuerend father Lewis de Granada of the holie order of Preachers. And divided into sixe trea- tises. ... At Lovan, Imprinted by Lau- rence Kellam 1599. 8°, pp. 397 + pre- fixes and table. Translated by Richard Gibbons, who dedi- cates it to Sir William Stanley, Knight, DE GUEVARA. DEMPSTER. Colonel of the English Regiment, from the College of Jesuits at Louvain, March 19, 1599-1600. DE GUEVARA, ANTHONIO. Spanish Letters : Historical, Satyrical, and Moral ; 01' the Famous Dom Antonio de Guevara : Bishop of Mondonedo, Chief Minister of State, and Historiographer Royal to the Emperor Charles V. Written by way of Essays on different Subjects, and every where interniixt with much Raillerie and Gallantry. Recommended by Sir R. L'S. and made English from the best Original by M r Savage. Menos fuera. London, Printed for E. Saunders . . . and A. Roper . . . 1697. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — N in eights. Dedicated by John Savage to Arnold, Earl of Albe- marle. DE LA FAYETTE, LA MARQUISE. The Princess of Mompensier. Written Originally in French, and now newly rendered into English. London, Printed Anno Dom. 1666. 8°, A— F in eights, F 8 blank. B. M. Zayde. A Spanish History, Or, Romance. Originally Written in French. By Mon- sieur Segrav. Done into English by P. Porter, Esq 6 ; The First [and Second] Part. London, Printed for William Cade- man, . . . 1678. 8°, A — M in eights, including a frontispiece : Part 2, B — N in eights, besides the title ami a blank. Dedicated to the Duke of Grafton. B, M. DE LA HAYE, SIEUR. The Policy and Government of the Vene- tians, Both in Civil and Military A Hairs . . . Faithfully Englished. London, Printed for John Starkey, . . . 1671. 12°. Title and Contents, 3 leaves : B — I i in twelves : K, 2. DE MALYNES, GERARD, Merchant. Englands View, in the Vnmasking of Two Paradoxes ; With a replication vnto the answer of Maister Iohn Bodine. By Gerrard de Malynes Merchant. Opposita iuxta se posita, magis apparent. London, Printed by Richard Field. 1603. 8°, A — N 6 in eights. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Sackville, Baron of Buckhurst. DE MENDOgA, DIEGO HURTADO. The Pleasant J I i.-tory of Lazarillo de Tonnes a Spaniard, wherein is contained his marvellous deeds and life. . . . The Third Edition, corrected ami amended. Acruerdo Oluido. Louden, Printed by E. G. for William Leake, . . . 1631). 8°, A — Aa 4 in eights, first and last leaves blank. The Pursuit commences on L with a separate title. This edition is dedicated by Thomas Walkley, the stationer, to Sir Charles Stanhope. DE MEZERAY. SIEUR. A General Chronological History of France, Beginning before the Reign of King Pharamond, and Ending with the Reign of King Henry the Fourth: Contain- ing both the Civil and the Ecclesiastical Transactions of that Kingdom. By the Sieur De Mezeray, Historiographer of France. Translated by John Bulteel, Gent. London, Printed bv T. N. for Thomas Basset, . . . 1683. Folio. Title and frontispiece by Faithorne, 2 leaves : 1, 2 leaves : B— 6 F in fours : Table, a — o, 2 leaves each. Dedicated to the Duke of York by Bulteel. DEMPSTER, GEORGE. The Prodigal Returned to Scotland, Or, A Letter, Writen by a Gentleman to his Friend at Montrose, Wherein he Repre- sents, The Lover's Warfare, the Vanity of reposing Confidence in Rich Friends, a short Historie of his own Misfortunes, the desireableness of Conversation, And lastly, the true Ciiaracter of Magnanimity, and a noble Ambition, and the Uncertainty and Contempt of Riches. . . . Edinburgh, Printed in June 1700 by John Reid Printer, and are to be Sold at John Val- lange's, Mrs. Ogstones ami Thomas Car- ruthers Stationers in Edinburgh, their Shops. 4°. Title and dedication, 2 leaves : A, 2 leaves : B — C in fours. Gibson-Craig, part 2, No. 15S3. DEMPSTER. THOMAS. Tragoedia Decemviratvs Arrogatvs, Tho- rn ae Dempsteri, A Mvresk I. C. Scoii. Ad Illustriss. I). Iacobum Augustum Thuanum . . . Parisiis, Apud Ioannem Libert, ... si. DC. xni. 8°. a, 8 leaves : A— K 4 in eights, K 3-4 blank. Licitatio Prol'essorvm Siue Praefatio So- leiunis Habita Pisis postridie Kal. Nouem- brisM. dc. xvi. . . . Autore Thomse Demp- stero a Muresk Scoto Pandectorum in Acad. Pisana Professore ordinario. Pi.-is, Apud Ioannem Fontanum, si. DC. XVI. Superioruin permissu. 4" or royal 8°. A, 4 : B, 6, the last leaf blank. " Dedi- cated to the Archbishop of Pisa. Gibson-Craig, part 2, No. 1584. Scotia Illvstrior, Sev Mendicabvla Re- pressa, Mode.-ta Parechasi Thomse Demp- steri I. C. a Muresck, Scoti, Bononise Humanitatis Professoris eminent is. Qva Libelli famosi impudentia detegitur ; mendacia ridicula confutantur ; Scotia 1 DE NEVILLE. 3i DE SOTO. Sancti sui Vindicantur, ac bona tide asse- rantur. Lvgdvni, Apud Petrmn Rou- sier. [1620.] 8°, A— L in fours, L 4 with Errata, and title and dedication to F. Barberini, 3 leaves. With some verses at the end by Willy Kynmond headed "Vo- tuin pro omnibus Hibernis," which are followed by others, signed Archy Arm- strong, both in Latin. Menologivm Scotorvm. In quo nullus nisi Seotua gente aut conuersatione, quod ex omnium gentium, moninientis, pio studio dei Gloriee, Sanctorvm Honori, Patriae Ornamento, Colligit publicat & inscribit Illustriss. Principi. Moecsenati. svo D. Maphaeo. S. R. E. Card. Bar- berino. Scotorum Protectori. Thomas Dempstervs Baro de Mvresk I(J. Scotus. Profess. Eminens. . . . Bononise, Typis Nicolai Tebaldini. m.dc.xxit. Superi- orum Permissu. 4°, a — b in fours : A — E in fours. Scotorvm Scriptorvm Nomenclatvrn. Quartum Aucta. . . . Ex suis Histori- arum lib. xix. excerpsit. Thomas Deinp- stervs . . . Bononise, . . . m.dc.xxii. 4°, a in fours : A— D 2 in fours. DE NEVILLE, FRANCIS. The Converlion of Francis de Neville, The Popes Missionary and Capvchin Preacher. Wherein many secrets of the Romish Clergy are revealed. With A Narration of the Authors Life. London, Printed for H. B. next to the Castle Taverne in Corn-hill, 1044. 4°, A— Z in fours. B. M. (imperfect.) The writer's dedication to the Parliament is dated March 28, 1G42. DENNE, HENRY. Grace, Mercy, and Peace, Conteining 1. Gods Reconciliation to Man. 2. Mans Reconciliation to God. . . . London, Printed for the Benefit of the City of Rochester. 8°. This includes another piece at end dated 1643. DE PELLETIER, LE SIEUR. La religion catholiqve sovstenve en tovs les poincts de sa doctrine. Contre le livre adresse avx Rois Potentats & Re- publiques de la Chrestiente par Iacques I. Rov d'Angleterre ... A Paris. Par lean Iannon. 1610. 8°. Huth Coll. Piohably the presentation-copy to Louis XIII. DE PEYRERE, ISAAC, of Bordeaux. Men before Adam. Or A Discourse upon the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth Verses of the Fifth Chapter of the Apostle Paul to the Romans. By which are prov'd, That the first Men were created before Adam. London, Printed in the Year, 1656. 8°, A— Ee in eights. DE QUEROUAILLE, LOUISE, Duchess of Portsmouth. A Dialogue between The Dutchess of Portsmouth, and Madam Gvvin, at part- ing. London, Printed for J. S. 1682. A folio leaf of verses. B. M. DESAINLIENS, alias HOLY - BAND CLAUDE. The French Littelton : . . . Imprinted at London by Richard Field dwelling in the Blacke-Friers. 1593. Sin. 8°, A— in eights. DE SERRES, JEAN. A Generall Historie of France. Written by Iohn de Sevres. . . . Imprinted by George Eld. 1611. Folio. ^[, 4 leaves, first blank : A, 8 : B — 5 X in sixes : Table. 14 leaves. With an engraved title and a series of woodcut portraits, &c. DE SOTO, FERNANDO. Virginia richly valued, By the description of the maine land of Florida, her next neighbour : Out of the foure yeres con- tinuall trauell and discouerie, for aboue one thousand miles East and West, of Don Ferdinando de Soto, and sixe hun- dred able men in his companie. Wherin are truly obserued the riches and fertilitie of those parts, abounding with things necessarie, pleasant, and profitable for the life of man : with the natures and dis- positions of the Inhabitants. Written by a Portugall gentleman of Eluas, emploied in all the action, and translated out of Portugese by Richard Haklvyt. At Lon- don Printed by Felix Kyngston for Matthew Lownes, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bishops Head in Pauls Churchyard. 1609. 4°, A— Aa 2 in fours. Dedicated by Hakluyt from his lodging in the College of Westminster, 15 April, 1609, to the Council and others for the plantation of Virginia. B. M. (2 copies.) The Worthye and Famovs History of the Travailes, Discouery, & Conquest, of that great Continent of Terra Florida, being liuely Paraleld, with that of our now Inhabited Virginia. As also The Como- dities of the said Country, With diners excellent and rich Mynes, of Golde, Siluer, and other Mortals, &c. which cannot but giue vs a great and exceeding hope of our Virginia, being so neere of our Continent. . . . London Printed for DE SOTO. 32 DIG BY. Mathew Lownes, dwelling in Paules Church-yard, at the Signe of* the Bishops- head. 1611. 4°, A— Aa 2 in fours. B.M. A reissue of the edition of 1009. DE SOTO, R. F. ANDREAS, Councillor to the Infanta Clara Eugenia. The Ransome of Time being Captive. "Wherein is declared how precious a thing is time, how much he looseth that looseth it, & how it may be redeemed. Trans- lated into English by J. H. At Doway, Printed bv Gerard Pinsone, at the eigne of Coline, 1034. 8°. * 8 leaves : A— M 4 in eights, M 4 with Errata. Dedicated by John Hawkins, the translator, to Kathe- rine Duchess of Buckingham. B. M. DEVOTIONS. A Collection of Private Devotions : In the Practice of the Ancient Chvrch, called The Hovres of Prayer As they were much after this maner published by Authoritie of Q. Eliz. 1560. . . . Lon- don, Printed bv R. Yovng. 1627. 12°, A — X 9 in twelves, besides 2 leaves after title marked (A) and (a 2). The approbation is subscribed by the Bishop of London. DIALOGUE. A Dialogue between Two Young Ladies Lately Married, Concerning Management of Husbands. London : Printed in the Year 1696. [April ?]. Price Six Pence. 8°, A— E 3 in fours. B. M. A Continuation of the Dialogue between Two Young Ladies Lately Married. Con- cerning the Management of Husbands. Part the Second. Wherein is a most Passionate Letter. Full of Wit and Affec- tion, Writ by Eloisa . . . London, Printed in the Year, 1696. Price Six Pence. 8°, A— F 2 in fours. B. M. A Dialogue between Mr Smith, Monsieur Ragouse, Menheir Dorvell, and M'Manoel Texiera, in a Walk to Newington. Lon- don : Printed in the Year of our Lord, 1701. 4°, A— E 2 in fours. DICK, WILLIAM. The Suffering Case of William Dick, Esq ; Grand-son and Heir of Sir William Dick, with others of his Family, By the In- tolerable oppression of Sir Andrew Dick, an unnaturall branch thereof, humbly tendred (for redresse) to the Honourable Members of the Parliament of England. [1648.] A broadside. DICKINSON, EDMUND. Delphi Phoenicizantes, sive. Tractatus, in quo Graecos, auicquid apud Delphos celebre erat, seu Pythonis & Apollinis historiam, seu Pteanica certamina, & praemia, seu priscam Templi formam . . . e Josiue historic, scriptisque sacris effin- xisse . . . ostenditur . . . Appemlitur Diatriba de Nose in Italian) adventn, ej usque nominibus Ethnicis : nee non de Origine Druidum. His accessit Oratiun- cula pro Philosophic liberanda. Authore Edmundo Dickmsono, Art : Magist : & Mertoiieiisis Colle^ii Socio. Oxonias Excudebat H : Hall Academiae Typo- graphic, Impensis Ric. Davis. 1655. 8°. Title, 1 leaf : * 4 leaves : A, 8 leaves : a, 3 leaves : B — P 4 in eights. Dedicated to Dr. Jonathan Goddard of Merton Col- lege, and physician of London. At p. 91 there is a reference to the Quakers. DICTIONARIOLUM Dictionariolvm et Colloqvia Octo Lin- gvarvm, Latina j , Gallicae, Bel.^icae, Tev- tonicae, Hispanica?, Italicae, Anglica?, & Portvgallicae . . . Dictionaire . . . [the same in French.] Nouuellemet reveiis corrigez &c. Augmentez de quatre Dia- logues, tres - profitable & vtil, tout au faict de marschandise, qu'aux voyages & anltres traffiques. Antverpiae Apud Henricvm Aertsens, Anno, m.dc.lxii. Obi. 8°, A — Bb in eights, including a finely engraved frontispiece. DIETARY. Here begynneth a deuoute treatyse named the Dyetary of ghostly helthe. [This title is on a scroll over a common page- cut. At the end occurs :] Imprynted at London in Ponies chyrchyarde at the sygne of the Trynyte by Henry Pepwell. The yere of our lorde god. M. CCCCC. xxi. The . xv. day of Nouembre. 4°. A 6 : B 4 : C 6 . B. M. There is a second cut on the back of the title. The printer's mark is below the colophon. DIGBY, EVERARD De Arte Natandi Libri duo, quorum Prior regulas ipsins artis, posterior ver6 praxin demonstrationenique continet. Authore Everardo Dygbeio Anglo in artibus Magistro. Londini Excudebat Thomas Dawson. 1587. 4°, A— P 2 in fours. Dedicated to Richard Wort ley, Esq. With numerous woodcuts. DIGBY, GEORGE, Earl of Bristol. Two Speeches, Of George Earl of Bristol With some observations upon them By which it may appear whether or no the said Earl deserve to be involved in the Common Calamity bi ought upon Roman DIG BY. 33 DORSETSHIRE. 3atkolicks, by the folly and presumption f some few factious Papists. London tinted in the Year, 1674. 4°, A— B in ours. Apparently from a foreign press. IGBY, SIR KENELM. ^ Discovrse, Concerning Infallibility in leligion. Written by a Person of Qvality, an Eminent Lord. Printed at Am- terdam in the yeare. M. DC. LH. 12°, L — S in eights and fours : T, 10. L Discovrse, Concerning Infallibility in teligion. Written by Sir Kenelme )igby, to the Lord George Digby, Eldest ionne of the Earle of Bristol. Printed ,t Paris by Peter Targa, Printer of the ^.rchbishoppricke. M. DC. Lll. 12°, A — > in eights and fours : T, 10. IGGES, LEONARD. 1 Booke called Tectonicon . . . Pub- ished by Leonard Digges Gentleman, in he yeare of our Lord, 1556. Imprinted ,t London by Felix Kingston, dwelling n Paternoster Rowe, ouer against the ligne of the Checker. 1599. 4°, A— G n fours, besides folding diagrams at pp. > and 18. With other cuts on the letter- less. ILLON, WENTWORTH, Earl of Ros- common. \.n Essay on Translated Verse. By the 3arl of Roscomon. Cape Dona Extrema Tuorwm. London, Printed for Jacob Ion son . . . 1684. 4°. A, 4 leaves : a), 3 leaves : B — D in fours. IRECTORY. k. Directory for the Publique Worship of jod, throughout the Three Kingdoms . . Together with an Ordinance of Parliament for the taking away of the Book of Common-Prayer : And for estab- ishing and observing of this present Directory throughout the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales. . . . Loudon : Printed for the Company of Stationers. 1645. 4°. Title and Im- orimatur, 2 leaves : Ordinance as to the Prayer-Book, 2 leaves : B — M in fours, M 4 with' the Contents. A.n Ordinance of the Lords and Commons . . for the more effectuall putting in execution the Directory for publique worship, in all parish Churches and Dhappells within the Kingdome of Eng- land and Dominion of Wales, and for the dispersing of them in all places and Parishes within this Kingdome and the Dominion of Wales. . . . Printed by T. W. for Edw. Husband, . . . 1646. 4°, 4 leaves. A View of the New Directory and A Vindication of the Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England ; In Answer to the Reasons pretended in the Ordinance and Preface, for the abolishing the one, and establishing the other. The Second Edition. Oxford, Printed by Henry Hall Printer to the University. 1646. 4°, A — P in fours. DISCOURSES. Two Discourses. The First, Concerning the Spirit of Martin Luther, And the Original of the Reformation. The Second, Concerning the Celibacy of the Clergv. Printed at Oxford. An. 1687. 4°, A— O in fours, and A — F 2 in fours. DISTILLER. The Distiller of London. Compiled and set forth by the special Licence and Command of the King's most Excellent Majesty. For the sole use of the Com- pany of Distillers of London. And by them to be duly observed and practiced. London, Printed by Robert Paske, Sta- tioner, at the Sign of the Stationers Amies and Ink-Botle in Westminster-Street, for the Company of Distillers, 1668. Folio, A— S, 2 leaves each. A is occupied by the title and a plate of the Distillers' Arms. In the copy belonging to Mr. Henry Stopes the list of cyphers is explained in coeval MS. DONNE, JOHN, Dean of St. Paul's. A Sermon vpon the VIII. Verse of the I. Chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. Preach'd To the Honourable Company of the Virginian Plantation. 13° Nouemb. 1622. By Iohn Donne Deane of St. Pauls, London. London. Printed by A. Mat : for Thomas Iones, and are to [be] sold at his Shop in the Strand, at the blacke Rauen,neere vnto Saint Clements Church. 1622. 4°, A— G in fours, A 1 blank. Dedicated to the Virginia Company. Tbere are a few interesting historical allusions. DORSETSHIRE. An Abstract of Some Letters sent from Dorchester, to some friends in London, Dated the 3. of Septem. 1642. Contain- ing A True Relation of the late proceed- ings of Marquesse Hartford and the Cavaliers, at Sherbon Castle, with the opposition of that and other adjacent Countries to those Proceedings. Lon- don : Printed for Henry Overton, . . . 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. C DRY DEN. 34 DURFEY. DRYDEN, JOHN. Of Dramatick Poesie, An Essay . . . Lon- don, Printed by T. Warren for Henry Herringman, . . . 1693. 4", A— G in fours. DUDITIUS, ANDREAS, Sbardellatus. Vita Reginaldi Poli, Britanni, S. R. E. Cartlinalis, Et. Cantvariensis Archiepis- copi. Venetiis, m.d.lviii. Ex Officina Dominici Guerrei, & loan. Baptistse fra- trum. 4°, A — M in fours. DUDLEY, JOHN, Duke of Northumber- land. Qvesta e la Confessione che Giouanni Duca di Northoniberlando fece, essendo egli sopra il falco per essere giustitiato. [Roma o Firenze ? 1553.] 4°, italic letter, 4 leaves. DUDLEY, ROBERT, Earl of Leicester. Discovrs de la Vie Abominable, Rvses, Trahison, Mevrtres, Impostvres, enipoi- sonnenients, paillardises, Atheismes, & autres tres iniques conuersations, des- quelles a vse & vse iournellement le my Lorde de Lecestre Machiaueliste, contre l'honneur de Dieu, la Maieste de la Royne d'Angleterre sa Princesse, & toute la Re- publique Chrestienne. Traduict d'Angloia en Francois & mis en forme de Dialogue . . . M.D.LXXXV. 8°. Title, verses to the Reader, the Queen, and Lord Leicester, and Letter to M. G. in Gracious Street, 6 leaves : A — Q in eights : R, 6. Brevis Narratio Triumphi quo a Senatu populoque Traiectensi Illustrissimus princeps Robertas DiuIIaeus Comes LeicESTRivs &c. Traiecti Batauorum ex- ceptus est Anno restitutse salutis 1586 quarto idus Martij. Vltratrajectj Henri - cus Borcolous Excudebat. Anno 1586. 4°, A — B in fours. A collection of addresses and verses in Latin and Dutch. DULICH1 US, HAETMANN, pseud. *A worke entytled of y olde god & the newe, of the olde faythe & the newe, of the olde doctryne and y newe / or orygy- nall begynnynge of Idolatrye . . . [Col.] Here endeth y e boke . . . Imprynted at London in Fletestrete by me Julian Ryd- dell, dwelling at y sygne of onr lady of pite, next to Flete brydge. M. v. C. xxxiiij. y xv. day of June. Cum priuilegio Regali. Fyrste reade / and then iudge. 8°, R in eights. The Preface is dated Feb. 24, 1523. DU-MAY, LEWIS, Sieur de Sallettes, Councillor to the Duke of Wurtemburgh. The Estate of the Empire : Or, An Abridgement of the Laws and Govern- ment of Germany. . . . Translated into French by D' Alexis Esq ; Doctor of Laws and Advocate in Parliament. Now faith- fully rendred into English. London, Printed by J. Macock for Richard Roy- ston, . . . 1676. 8°, A— Z in eights, title on A 2. With a portrait of the Emperor Leopold. DURFEY, THOMAS. Titus and Gisippus : Or, The Power of Friendship. A Moral Story, In Heroick Verse. Done from a Hint out of the Italian Prose of the Famous Boccace. Concluding with a Supplement, alluding to the Queens late Gracious Speech, . . . By M 1 ' D'urfey. Amicus certus in re in- certa cernitur. [London, about 1704.] 8°, B — E in eights, and the title. Stories Moral and Comical. Viz. The Banquet of the Gods. Titus and Gisippus : . . . The Prudent Husband : . . . Loyalty's Glory : . . . From Hints out of Italian, Spanish, and French Authors, ... By T. D'urfey, Gent. London, Printed by Fr. Leach, and sold by Isaac Cleave, ... 8°, A — S in eights, A 1 blank, and A 2 with half- title. Dedicated to Henry, Duke of Beaufort. Tales Tragical and Comical . . . ByTlio. D'Vrfey, Gent . . . London, Printed for Bernard Lintott . . . 1704. 8°. A, 4 leaves, first blank : a, 3 leaves : B — T 4 in eights. Dedicated to John Duke of Argyll. ( 35 E. T., Esquire. 'wo Charges, As they were delivered By C. E. Esquire, Justice of the Peace for he County of Suffolke. The one at Caster publick Quarter-Sessions of the leace, held at Ipswich in that County : )n Friday, April the 6. 1649. The other ipon the opening or first Publick sitting ipon the Commission of Sewers, at Wood- iridge in the Liberty of St. Etheldred in he same County : On Wednesday, Sept. '. 1649 . . . Wherein appeares the neces- ity of Government, and of steps and de- ;rees in it : . . . London. Printed for latthew Walbancke at Grays-Inne-Gate 4°. A, 2 leaves: B — D 2 in fours. ADMER OF CANTERBURY. Cadmeri Monachi Cantvariensis His- oriee Novorvm Sine Sui Sseculi Libri n. Res gestas (quibus ipse non modd pectator diligens sed comes etiam i actor plerumq; interfuit) sub Guil- almo I & II & Henrico I Anglia3 Regi- es, ab anno nempe Salutis MLXVI ad tcxxn potissimum complexi. In lucem x Bibliotheca Cottoniana emisit Ioannes leldenvs, & Notas porrd adjecit & Spici- jgium. . . . Londini, Typis & Impensis ruilielmi Stanesbeij. m.dc.xxiii. Folio. 'itle, dedication to the Bishop of Lincoln, ;ord Keeper, and Preface, 11 leaves : B -Ee in fours. iSTERN PARTS. lad Newes from the Eastern Parts, Or, L true and perfect relation of the strange Spectacles and Signes, both seen and heard l the Eastern Association. Distinctly stting forth the Names of the Townes nd Places where Englands Warning- 'iece lately appeared. As also, the de- :ription of a most wonderfull Sij^ht (or Jloud) which appeared over the famous, nd chiefe City, the Hague in Holland. . . London, Printed by B. Alsop, July 4. 1646. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. ADKD. A <;ood and fruitfull Exhortation vnto be Familie of Lone / and vnto all those hat are assembled ther-vnto . and rest oodwillinge to the Loue of God / and to Loue of their Neighbour / hauing a mst to accomplish all Righteousnes : ow they shall traine and foster them vp monge each other / in the Woorde and eruice of Loue . grow-vpp to Elders in the holy and godlie Vnderstandinge of the gratious Woorde. And in the obedi- ence of his Requiringe. Testified and set-fourth by Elidad / a Fellow-elder with the Elder H: N, in the Famelie of the Loue of Iesu Christ. Translated out of Base-almayne. [Printed abroad about 1575.] 8°, A in eights. ELIZABETH TUDOR, Queen of England (1558-1602). Iniunctions yiuen by the Queens Maiesty. Anno domini. 1559. The first yere of the raigne of our soueraign Lady Queene Elizabeth. Cum priuilegio Regise Maies- tatis. 4°, A— D in fours. This copy may want a leaf at end with the name of the printers, Jugge and Cawood. It has some curious MSS. notes of the time, probably by the Thomas Bankes whose auto- graph is on the title, and who has written at the top, " Pretiu istius libri xvjd." I have since seen a second copy, which exactly corresponds with this. ^Articles to be enquired in the visitacion, in the first yere of the raigne of our most dread soueraigne Ladye, Elizabeth by the grace of God, . . . Anno 1559. [Col.] Im- printed at London, in Powles Ciivrch yarde by Rycharde Jug^e and John Ca- wood printers to the Quenes Maiestie. Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis. 4°, A — B in fours, B 4 blank. Discorso della Gverra Bandita contro la Regina DTnghilterra, Dal Re di Scozia, e come egli ha preso la villa di Baruich, e bruciato gran numero di Villaggi apparte- nenti a detta Regina. Da di 9. di No- ueinbre vltimo lino a oggi. In Firenze, . . . 1588. 4°, 2 leaves. A short and true discourse for satisfying all those who not knowing the truth, speake indiscreetly of hir most excellent Maiestie, of the Lord Willughby Gouernour of hir Maiesties succours in the vnited Prouinces of the Low countries, and of all the Eng- lish nation : by occasion of a strange placcat of the 17. of April 1589 . the new stile, put foorth by certaine particular persons (as is said) vnder the name of Generall States of those vnited Prouinces. By which discourse, every one is praied and required to speak well and Honorably of th' actions of those Estates generall lawfully assembled. . . . [1589] 4°, pp. 51. Roman letter. The Secret History of the Most Renovn'd ELLIS. 36 ERASMUS. Q. Elizabeth, and E. of Essex. By a Per- son of Quality. Cologne : Printed for Will with the Wisp, at the Sign of the Moon in the Ecliptick. 12", A — E in twelves, E 12 blank, including the rough woodcut frontispiece to each of the two parts. B. M. ELLIS, JOHN, Preacher of (he Word at Cambridge. The Sole Path to a Sound Peace. Re- commended to the Honourable House of Commons in a Sermon at their publike Fast. Feb. 22. . . . London, Printed by John Itaworth, for George Latham, and John Rothwell, . . . 1643. 4°, A— 1 in fours. ENCHIRIDION. Enchiridion pclare ecclesie Sarum : de- uotissimis precationibus / ac venustissi- mis imagining et ijs quidem non paucis refertum. Parisijs Ex officina libraria vidue spectabilis viri Thielmanni keruer. 1528. Small 8°, a— z in eights. Hore de sacramento, 4 leaves : A — G in eights. With woodcuts. The printer's mark and colophon are on the last page. Sotheby's, June 9, 1888, No. 659, on vellum. ENGLAND. The Interest of England Maintained : The Honour of the Parliament vindicated ; The Malignants Plot upon the Presby- ters, to make them doe their worke Dis- covered. . . . Printed June the 8. 1646. 4°, A— C 2 in fours. A Brief Discovrse of the Present Miseries of the Kingdome : Declaring by what practices the people of England have been deluded, and seduced into Slavery, and how they have been continued therein, and by what meanes they may shake off that bondage, they are now enthraled under. Written by a lover of his Country, for the good of all such who are not contented to be slaves, but desire to be Free-men. Printed in the Yeare, 1648. 4°, A— D in fours. A Royalist production. A coeval MS. note on the title-page says: " Herein is given a generall account of y first rise of y late civil wane betwixt y King & y Parliam : solide & acute." England's Interest Asserted, In the Im- provement of its Native Commodities ; And mure especially the Manufacture of Wool : Plainly shewing its Exportation Un-manufactured, amounting unto Mil- lions of Loss to His Majesty. and Kingdom. With some Brief Observations of worthy Author Sir Walter Rawley, touch- ing the same. ... By a true Lover of His Majesty, and Native Country. Lon- don, Printed for Francis Smith, . . . 1669. 4°. Title, 1 leaf: A, 4 leaves: B, 1 leaf : C — E in fours: C (repeated) — E in fours. The White Horse, one of the signs where this tract was on sale, has been altered by a coeval hand to White Hart. Angliae Speculum Morale ; The Moral State of England, with the several Aspects it beareth to Virtue and Vice. With the Life of Theodatvs, and Three Novels ( Th . e Larid - Mariners y- "' < Friendship Sublimed, ( The Friendly Rivals. . . . London, Printed for Henry Herring- man, . . . 1670. 8°, A— N 2 in eights. Historian Anglicanse Scriptores X. Simeon Monachus N , Johannes Brompton Duuelmensis. ( Joruallensis. Johannes Prior Ha- f Gervasius Monachus gustaldensis. ) Dorobornensis. Ricardus \ Thomas Stubbs Domi- nicanus. Ailredus Abbas Rie- \Guilielmus Thorn Can- vallensis. / tuariensis. Radulphus de Diceto I Henricus Knighton Loudoniensis. 1 Leicestrensis. Ex Vetustis Manuscriptis, Nunc primum in lucem editi. Adjectis Variis Lectioni- bus, Glossario, Indiceque copioso. Lon- dini, Tvpis Jacobi Flesher, . . . M DC LIi. Folio. Edited by Sir Roger Twysden. EPISTLES AND GOSPELS. **The Pistels and Gospels of the Son- dayes and festyuall holy dayes, newly corrected and amended. [Col.] % Im- printed by Ihon Waylande in Fletestrete, at the signe of the blew garlande. % Cum priuilegio . . . 4°, 68 leaves, the last blank. ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS, of Rotter- dam. *An Epistell of the famous doctor Erasnnj of Roterdame / vnto the reuerende father & excellent prince / Christof'er bysshop of Basyle / cocerning the forbedynge of eat- ynge of flesshe / and lyke constitutyons of men . . . [Col.] Printed at London by Thomas Godfray. [1522.] Small 8°, R in hall-sheets. Dated from Basle, Easter-Monday, 1522. *Commonplaces of scripture orderly, and after a compendious forme of teacnynge, set forth with no li tie labour, to the great prof'yte and lielpe of all suche studentes of Gods worde, as haue not had longe exer- cyse in the same, by the right excellent clerke Erasmus Sarcerius. [Col.] IT Ini- ESS A VS. 37 EXQUEMLING. prynted at London by Johan Byddell, dwellynge in Fletestrete at the signe of the Sonne ouer agaynst the Cundite. In the yere of our lord god . m. ccccc.xxxviij. the xij. daye of August. Cum Privilegio. 8°. Herbert's copy was incomplete. *Flores aliquot sententiarum ex variis collecti scriptoribus. The flowers of senceis gathered out of sundry wryters by Erasmus in Latine and Englished by Rychard Tauerner. IT Huic libello non male conuenient Mimi illi Publiani nuper ab eodem Richardo versi. Londini. Ex edibus Wilhelmi Copland Anno, m.d.l. [Col.] Imprynted at London in Flete- strete at the sygne of the Rose Garland by Wyllyain Copland for Rychard Kele dwellynge in Lombard strete nere vnto the Stockes market at the sygne of the Egle. 8°, 8 leaves. *Prouerbes or Adages, gathered out of the Chiliades of Erasmus, by Richard Tauerner. With new additions, as well of Latin Prouerbes, as of English. Im- printed at London, in Fleete streete, by William How. 1569. 8°, 71 leaves. ESSAYS. Six Familiar Essays upon Marriage \ ( Death, Crosses in Love, > < Loyalty, Sickness, ) ( and Friendship. Written hy a Lady. London : Printed for Tho. Bennet, at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1696. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — H in eights. ETHEREGE, SIR GEORGE. She wou'd if She cou'd ; A Comedy. Acted at His Highness the Duke of York's Theater. Written by George Etherege Esq ; In the Savoy : Printed by T. N. for H. Herringman, ... 1671. 4 6 . A, 2 : B— L in fours : M, 2. ETON SCHOOL. Dionysii Poemation De Situ Orbis. Ex- cusum, in Vsum Scholar Regia3 Etonensis. Londini, Apud Iohannem Redmayne. mdclxviii. 8°, A— C in eights, C 8 blank. The Greek text. EURIPIDES. Hecvba, & Iphigenia in Aulide . . . Erasmo Roterodamo interprete. Eivsdeni Ode de laudibus Britannia?, Regisq ; Henrici septimi, ae regiorum liberorum eius . . . [Col.] Venetiis In AEdibvs Aldi Mense Decembri . m . d vn. 8°. Title and prefixes, 8 leaves, last two blank : A — I in eights. EUROPE. Evrope a Slave, unless England break her Chains : Discovering the Grand De- signs of the French-Popish Party in Eng- land for several Years past. London, Printed for W. D. . . . 1681. 12°, B— E in twelves, E 12 blank, and the title. *EXEMPLA. Incipiut exepla sacre scripture ex utroque testameto, secund. ordine literaru collecta. Et primo de Abstinentia. [Col.] Ex- plicit exepla . . . Inpressaq ; apud uilla sancti Albani. Anno dni M.cccc.lxxxi. 8°. a 8 : b 8 : c B : d— f 8 : g<5 [no h :] i — l 8 . Printed on papers with different marks, says Herbert. EXPOSITIO. Expositio hymnorii sed'uni vsum Sarum. [The rest of the page is occupied by a woodcut, the reverse blank.] No place, printer's name, or date [but apparently printed at Cologne about 1500.] 4°, A — I 5 in sixes (I 6 having probably had the colophon). Sotheby's, June 9, 1888, No. 867. This was probably printed with the Sequences, as usual. Expositio sequential sedum vsum Sa- rum. No place, &c. [Cologne, about 1500.] 4°, A— K in sixes. Intended to accompany the Hymns from the same press. EXQUEMLING, J. The History of the Bucaniers : Being an Impartial Relation of all the Battels, Sieges, and other most Eminent Assaults committed for several years upon the Coasts of the West-Indies by the Pirates of Jamaica and Tortuga. Both English, & other Nations. More especially the Unparallel'd Achievements of Sir H. M. Made English from the Dutch Copy: . . . London, Printed for Tho. Malthus at the Sun in the Poultry. 1684. 12°, A— I in twelves. With a portrait of Sir H. Morgan facing the title and a plate with four other portraits. A popular abridgment. ( 38 F. F. N. The Husbandmans fruitfull Orchard. Shewing diuers rare new secrets for the true Ordering of all sortes of fruite in their due seasons. Also how your en- crease and profite maie bee much more then heertofore, and yet your charge and labour the same. . . . Neuer before pub- lished. At London Imprinted for Roger Iackson, and are to bee sold at his shop in Fleet-street neere the conduit. 1609. 4 3 , black letter. A, 2 leaves : B— E 2 in fours. B. M. The Fruiterers'' Secrets, 1G04, with a new title. Gibson-Craig, part 2, No. 925 (March, 1888). FAIRS. By the King. A Proclamation prohibit- ing the keeping of Bartholomew and Siurbridge Faire. God saue the King. Printed at Oxford by I. L. and W. T. tor Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, . . . 1625. A broadside. In consequence of the Plague in London. A Proclamation prohibiting the keeping of Bartholomew Fayre, Sturbridge fayre, and our Lady Fayre in Southwarke. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . and by the Assignes of Iohn Bill M. DC. xxx. A broadsheet. FARTHING TOKENS. A Proclamation for the continuing of Our Farthing Tokens of Copper, and prohibit- ing the Counterfeiting of them, and the vse of all other. Printed at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill. . . . m.dc.xxv. A broadsheet formed of two leaves. FEAST. A Feast of Fat Things Full of Marrow. Containing several Scripture Sonus taken out of the Old and New Testament. With others, composed by the Author. Together with an Hundred of Li vine Hymns, being the first Century. . . . Lon- don, Printed by B. H. 1696. 12°. Title and Table, 4 leaves : Bb, 12 leaves : A, 8 leaves : B — E 4 in twelves. B. M. Sotheby's, June 9, 1888, No. C7G. Pro- bably by Elias Keach. FENNOR, DUDLEY, Minister of God's Word. An Answere vnto the Confutation of Iohn Nichols his Recantation . . . London Imprinted by Iohn wolfe for Iohn Har- rison & Thomas Maune, dwelling in Pater noster rowe, and are there to be solde, 1583. 4°, A — Cc in fours and the title, or 104 leaves. FESTIVAL. *lncipit liber qui vocatur festiualis de reveso correctus et impressus. [Col.] Finitu et completu extat hoc opusculu Jn celeberrima vrbe Parisiensi. Anno dhi M. cccc. xcv. die vero xxvi. Februarii. iin- pensis Nicolai Comitis. Folio, 125 leaves. Herbert's copy had not the Quatuor Ser- mones annexed. *Incipit liber qui vocatur festiualis. [This title is over a woodcut of Jesus and Mary, with an inscription beneath. The colo- phon is :] Finitum et completum per Richardum Pynson comorantem extra barram noui templi Londonu. Anno incarnationis domiriice. mcccc. nonagesi- monono. sexto die mensis Iulii. 4°, folios 156, besides the title-page, on the back of which the cut on the recto is repeated. There is another on the last page. In two columns. The festyuall. [This title is on a ribbon over a page-cut. The colophon is :] Thus endeth the festyuall. Imprynted at Lon- don in Fletestrete / at y sygne of the Sonne by Wynkyn de worde The yere of our lorde god. M. ccccc. xxviij. y fyfth day of Nouember. The . xx. yere of the reygne of Kynge Henry the . viij. 4°, A — Y in eights and fours : A A — LL in eights and fours, except that KK and LL have 4 leaves each. Sotheby's, June 9, 1888, No. 810, Has- kell's copy. *FIDELITAS. Fidelitas. A Distinct DecluratiO of the Requiring of the Lorde and of the godlie Testimonis of the holie Spirit of the Loue of Jesu Christ. Set-fourth by Fideli- tas, a Fellowe-elder with H. N. in the Familie of the Loue. Translated out of Base-almayne. . . . [Printed abroad about 1575.] 8°, A— C in eights. FIELD, JOHN. A brief exhortation, fruitfull and meete to he read, in this heauy tyme of Gods visitation in London to suche, as be Sicke, where the Ministers do lacke, or other- wise cannot be present to comfort them. I. F. Imprinted at London, by Jhon Day, dwelling oner Aldersgate beneath Saint Martines. Cum priuilegio. 8°, 8 leaves. B. M. FIELD. 39 FORTESCUE. FIELD, RICHARD, D.D. tOf the Church, Fine Bookes. At Lon- don, Imprinted by Humfrey Lownes, for Simon Waterson. 1606. 4°, Nn 2 in fours. Books I. — IV. only. FIESCHI, OTTOBONE, Papal Legate in England, afterwards Pope Adrian V. **Incipiunt opera supra constitutiones prouinciales et Othonis. [Col.] . . . Londonij apud humanissimum virum winandum de worde. Anno ab incarna- tione xp\ M.D.xxix. vigesimo octauo die mensis Nouebris. Sm. 8°, A — M in eights. Constitutions puincialles / and of Otho / and Octhobone / Translated in ro Eng- lyshe. Cum priuilegio. [Col.] Im- prynted at London in Fletestrete by me Robert Redman, Anno. m. d. xxxiiii. Cvm Privilegio. 8°. >%*, 8 leaves, the last blank : A, 4 leaves with the Table : A (repeated) — X 4 in eights. B. 31. King's books, from Ratcliff's collection. FISHER, JOHN, Bishop of Rochester. *A sermon had at Paulis by the comand- ment of the most reuerend father in god my lorde legate / and sayd by John the bysshop of Rochester / vpo quiquagesom Bouday/ concernynge certayne heretickes / whiche tha were abiured for hohlynge the heresies of Marty n Luther that famous heretike / and for y kepyng and reteyn- yng of his bokes agaynst the ordinance of the bulle of pope Leo the tenthe. Cu priuilegio a reye indulto. [Col.] Im- printed at London / in fletestrete / in the house of Thomas Berthelet / nere to the Cundite / at y e signe of Lucrece. Cum priuilegio a rege indulto. 4°, A — H in fours. FISHER, PAYNE. A Synopsis of Heraldry, Or, The most plain, short, and easie way for the per- fect attaining of that Art, containing all necessary Directions, in order thereunto. . . . London, Printed for L. Curtis, near Fleetbridge, and T. Simmons at the Princes Arms in Ludgate street. 1682. 8°. A, 8 leaves, including a frontispiece : [a], 4 leaves : 33 numbered plates : [a new title :] The Atchievemeuts of the Kings of England, since King Egbert. . . . 1682 : A, 8 leaves, besides 2 plates : B — I 4 in eights, besides two plates iu H. FLEETWOOD, W., Chaplain in ordinary to their Majesties. A Sermon against Clipping, Preach'd before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, at Guild- Hail Chappel, on Decemb. 16. 1694. London, Printed by Tho. Hodgkin, and are to be sold by John Whitlock, near Stationers-Hall, 1694. 4°, B— E in fours, besides the title and a leaf of Impri- matur, &c. A curious tract by the author of the Chronicon Prcciosum. FLEMING, ABRAHAM. Tiie Diamond of Deuotion : Cut and squared into six seuerall points : Namely 1. The footpath to Felicitie. 2 A guide to Godlines. 3 The Schoole of skill. 4 A swarme of Bees. 5 A plant of pleasure. 6 A Groue of Graces. Full of many fruitfull lessons auaileable to the leading of a godly and reformed life. By Abraham Fleming. ... At Lon- don, Printed by Peter Short, . . . 1602. 12°, A-G in twelves, G 12 blank. Printed within borders. With separate titles to each part. Dedicated to Sir George Carey, Knight Marshal of the Queen's household. FLETCHER, JOHN. The Bloody Brother. A Tragedy. By B. J. F. [sic.] London, Printed" by R. Bishop, for Thomas Allott, and Iohn Crook, . . . 1639. 4". A, 2 leaves: B — I in fours. FORD, THOMAS. Mvsicke of Svndrie Kindes, Set forth in two Bookes : The First whereof are, Aries [sic] for 4. Voices to the Lute, Orphorion, or Basse-Viol, with a Dialogue for two Voices, and two Basse Viols in parts, tunde the Lute way. The Second are Pauens, Galiards, Almaines, Toies, Iigges, Thumpes and such like, for two Basse-Viols, the Liera way, so made as the greatest number may serue to play alone, very easie to be performde. Com- posed by Thomas Ford. Imprinted at London by Iohn Windet at the Assignes of William Barley and are to be sold by Iohn Browne . . . 1607. Folio, A— M, 2 leaves each. Dedicated to Sir Richard Weston. FORTESCUE, SIR JOHN. **Pernobilis mi litis, cognomento For- tescu, qui tempo ri bus Henrici sexti floruit, de politica administratione, et legibus ciuilibus florentissimi regni Anglie commentarius. Excusum Londini tipis Edwardi Whitechurche, et veneunt in edibus Henrici Smyth Bibliopole Cum FORTUXATCS. 40 FRA.XCE. Priuilegio ad iniprinienduui solum. Sm. 8°, 74 leaves. FORTUNATUS. The Comical and Tragical History of Fortunatus : Wherein is contained his Birth, Travels, Adventures, .... Lon- don : Printed by and for W. 0. and are to be sold by C. Bates, ... 4°, A— C in fours. With cuts. FOWLER, CHRISTOPHER, Minister of the Gospel at St. Mary's in Reading. 1 heinonium Meridianum. Satan at Noon. Or, Antichristian Blasphemies, Anti- script urall Divellismes, Anti-morall Vn- cleanness, . . . Being, A sincere and im- partiall Relation of the Proceedings of the Commissioners of the County of Berks, Authorized by the Ordinance for Ejec- tion, against John Pordage, late Minister of Bradfield, in the same County. . . . With some Notes, and Animadversions upon a Book of the said John Pordage, intituled Innocency appearing, &c. . . . London : Printed for Francis Eglesfield, ...1655. 4°. % 4 leaves: A, 2 leaves, A 2 with Errata : B — X in fours, X 4 blank. Dedicated to the Protector. FOX, EDWARD, Bishop of Hereford. **Opvs eximivm de vera differentia regiae potestatis ac ecclesiasticae et qvae sit ipsa Veritas ac virtvs vtrivsque. Londini in aedibus Thomae Bertheleti. m.d.xxxiiii. [Col.] Thomas Bertheletvs Regivs Im- pressor excudebat. 8°, 64 leaves, the last blank. Altkorp (Herbert's copy on vellum). FOX, JOHN. Ad inclytos ac praspotentes Anglian Pro- ceres, Ordines, & Statvs, totamq ; eius gentis Nobilitatem, pro aftiietis fratri- bvs Svpplicatio. Autore Ioanne Foxo Anglo. Basileae, Per Ioannem Opoii- nuin. [Col.] Basileae, Anno Salutis human* m.d.l.vii. Mense Martio. 8°, a — e 4 in eights. Following the title is LibeUi ml .Initios carmen and Art or ipse ad Libellum, both presumably by Fox. FRANCE. A Letter from the Lord of Rosny, Great Treasurer of France to the Queene Regent of France. Concerning the resignation of his Oiliees. Faithfully translated out of French, by E. D. London Printed by Tho. Creede, for William Wright, and are to be sold at his shop on Snow - hill, at the signe of the Harrow. 1613. 4°, A — B in fours, A 1 blank. B. M. Remonstrances made by the Kings Ma- iesties Ambassadovr, vnto the French King, and the Queene his Mother, lime last past, 1615. Concerning the marriages with Spaine ; As also certayne Diabolicall opinions maintayned by Cardinall Perron, about the deposing and nuirthering of Kings. Together with the French Kings Letter to the Prince of Conde, dated the 26. of Iuly last, 1615. and the Prince his Answere thereunto. Translated accord- ing to the French Copie. London, Prin- ted bv William Stansby for Nathaniel Butter, . . . 1615. 4°, A— D in fours. L'Histoire et Discovrs Av Vray dv Siege qvi fvt mis devant la Ville d'Orleans par les Auglois, le Mardy xii iour d'Octobre. M.cccc xxviii. regnant alors Charles VII. Roy de France ... A Troves, Chez Claude Briden, . . . m.d.c.xxi. 12 mo , A — M in twelves, and N, 5 leaves. Dedi- cated by the publisher " A Messievrs Messievrs les Maires et Eschevins de la ville d'Orleans." A Narration, Briefely Contayning the History of the French Massacre, especially that horrible one at Paris, which happened in the yeare 1572. In the passage of which, are handled certaine Questions both Politike and Ethike, properly fit for Courtiers and States-men. The condition also of this present time is discouered, .... London : Printed by Thomas Snodham. 1618. 4°, A— F 2 in fours. Dedicated to Dr. N. F. " the famous Pa- tron of Learning, and learned men." B. M. The Present State of the Protestants in l r rance. In Three Letters. Written by a Gentleman at London to his Friend in the Country . . . Louden, Printed for John Holford, Book-seller in the Pall-Mali over against S. Alban's-Street. 1681. 4°, A — D in fours, and a, 2 leaves. Monsieur Colbert's Ghost, Or, France Without Bounds. Being A Particular Account by what ways it has attain'd to that Supream Grandeur, ... A Oologn, Chez Pierre Marteau. 1684. 12 mo . A, 3 leaves : B — F 3 in twelves. An Edict of the French King, Prohibiting all Publick Exercise of the Pretended Re- formed Religion in his Kingdom. Wherein he Recalls and totally Annuls the per- petual and irrevocable Edict of King Henry the IV. his Grandfather, given at Nantes ; . . . Translated out of French. The Second Edition Corrected, with Ad- ditions. Printed bv G. M. Anno Dom. 1686. 4°, A— E in fours. The Proceedings of the Parliament of Paris, Upon the Pope's Bull, Concerning FRANCIS. 4i GARDINER. the Franchises in the City of Rome, and the following Ordonnanee of the 26 th of December. Translated iuto English by Order of his Excellency Monsieur Barillon, his Most Christian Majesties Ambassadour Extraordinary to the King of Great Biit- taiii. London, Printed for R. Bentley, . . . 1688. 4°, A— E in fours, E 4 blank. The Conquest of Fiance, With the Life, and Glorious Actions of Edward the Black Prince. . . . Printed by A. M. for Charles Bates at the Sun and Bible in Pye-Corner. 4°, A — C in fours. With cuts. FRANCIS, BERNARD, Student in Divinity. The Christian Duty. [Quot. from 1. Cor. 14. 38.] Printed at Aire By Claude Francois Tulliet. m. dc. lxxxiv. With Licence of Superiors. 4". Title, To the Reader, &c, 4 leaves : A — Pp in fours : Qq, 6 leaves. FRENCH, JOHN. The Art of Distillation : ... To which is added in this Third Impression Calci- nation and Sublimation : In Two Books. As Also, The London Distiller Exactly and truly shewing the way (in words at length, and not in mysterious Characters and Figures) to draw all sorts of Spirits and Strong- Waters ; Together with their Virtues, and Other Excellent Waters. London : Printed by E. Cotes for T. Williams at the Bible in Little-Britain. 1664. 4°, A— 3 G 2 in fours, and a, 4 leaves. Dedicated to the author's friend, Tobias Garbrand,M.D., Principal of Glou- cester Hall, Oxford. With woodcuts. FULKE, WILLIAM. A most pleasant Prospect into the Garden of naturall Contemplation, ... By W. Fulke Doctor of Diuinitie. ... At Lou- don Printed for William Leake, . . . 1602. 8°. IT, 4 leaves, the first blank : A — I in eights, 1 8 blank. FULLER, THOMAS, D.D. Andronicvs, Or, The Vnfortunate Politi- cian. „, . ( Sin ; stoutly punished. Shewing -j Riqht; 81ir ^ rescued . [Quot. from Eccl. 8. 11.] By Tho. Fuller, B.D. London, Printed by W. Wilson, for John Williams, . . . 1646. 8°, A— L in eights, L 8 blank. G. GALENUS. ** Galeni Pergameni de pulsuu vsu Tho. Linacro Anglo interprete. Londini in adibus pinsonianis, cum priuilegio a rege indulto. 1522. 4°, 16 leaves. Dedicated to Cardinal Wolsey. GALTRUCH1US, P., of the Society of Jesus. The Poetical Histories Being a Compleat Collection of all the Stories necessary for a Perfect understanding of the Greek and Latine Poets and other Ancient Authors written Orginally in French. . . . Now Englisht and enricht with Observations. ... By Marivs DAssigny, B.D. London, Printed by B. G. and are to be sold by Moses Pitt, . . . 1671. 8°. A, 4 leaves : b, 8 leaves : B — Mm in eights : Index, 10 leaves. Dedicated to Sir Orlando Bridgman. GARCIA, DON. Laveriuv, Or The Spanish Gipsy: The whole Art, Mystery, Antiquity, Company, Noblenesse, and Excellency of Theeves and Theeving. With their Statutes, Lawes, Customes, Practises, Varieties, and Differences. . . . With a pleasant Dis- course hee had in Prison with a most famous Theefe. . . . Now in English by W. M. London, Printed not in New- gate, 1650. 12°. A, 6 leaves : B— M in twelves : N, 4. With a woodcut frontis- piece apparently intended for the hero. The unsold copies of 1C38 with a new title. [GARDINER, STEPHEN, Bishop of Winchester.] Confvtatio Cavillationvm, Qvibvs Sac- rosanctvm Evcharistia? Sacramentum, ab impiis C'apernaitis, impeti solet, Authore Marco Antonio Constantio, Theologo Louaniensi. Parisiis, Apud Ioanuem de Roigny, . . . 1552. Cum priuilegio Regis. 4°. a, 4 leaves : a — z in fours : A — Kk in fours. GAPE Y. GILLESPIE. GAREY, SAMUEL, Preacher of the Word at Wynfarthing, co. Norfolk. Great Brittans little Calendar : Or, Triple Diarie, In remembrance of three daies. Diuided into three Treatises. 1. Britan- nia vota : or God saue the King : for the 24. day of March, the day of his Maiesties happy proclamation. 2. Gcesaris Hostes : or, The Tragedy of Traytors : for the fift of August : the day of the bloody Gowries Treason, and of Ins Highnes blessed pre- sentation. 3. Amphitheatrum SceUrum : or, The Transcendent of Treason: the day of a most admirable deliuerance of our King, Queene, . . . from that most hor- rible and hellish proiect of the Gun- Powder Treason. Nouemb. 5. Where- unto is annexed a short disswasiue from Poperie. London, Printed by Iohn Beale for Henry Fetherstone, and Iohn Parker. 1618. 4°, A— Oo in fours. Dedicated to the Marquis of Buckingham. GARTER, ORDER OF THE. St. George for England : Or, A Relation of the Manner of the Election and Instal- lation of the Knights of the most Noble Order of St. George, called the Garter. Which is to be Solemnized on the 15. 16. and 17. of April next, at the Castle of AYindsore. London, Printed for James Thrale, and are to be sold at the sign of the Cross-keyes, at Pauls gate. 1661. 4°, A — B in fours, B 4 blank. GAUDEN, JOHN, D.D. The Case of Ministers Maintenance by Tithes, (As in England,) Plainly dis- cussed in Conscience and Prudence. Humbly propounded to the considera- tion of those Gentlemen of the Commit- tee, 'who are in Consultation about it. Tit. 11. 9. That thou mayest be able .... London, Printed by Thomas Maxey, for Andrew Crook, . . . 1653 [Sept. 14.] 4°, B — G 3 in fours, and the title. B. M. Funerals made Cordials : In a Sermon Prepared and (in part) Preached at the solemn Interment of the Corps of the Right Honorable Robert Rich, Heire apparent to the Earldom of "Warwick. (Who aged 23. died Febr. 16. at White- hall, and was honorably buried March 5. 1657. at Felsted in Essex.) By John Gauden, D.D. of Booking in Essex. . , . London, Printed by T. C. for Andrew Crook, . . . 1658. 4°. A, 4 leaves : [*], 2 leaves : B — R 2 in fours, besides the funeral escutcheon. With some verses at the end by Gauden and Sydney Godol- phin. GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH. Britanie vtrivsq; regu & prlcipti Origo & gesta insignia ab Galfrido Monemu- tensi ex antiquissimis Biitannici sermonis monumentis in latinu sermone traducta : & ab Ascensio cura & impedio magistri Iuoni Cauellari in lucem edita : pstant in eiusdem sedibus. [sidviii.] 4°. Title, &c, 8 leaves : A (repeated) — M in eights : N, 6 leaves, N 6 blank. GERSON, JOHN. The Following of Christ. Written in Latine by Thomas A Kempis . . . Re- viewed and in diuers things corrected. By M. C. Confessor to the English Nuns at Paris. Who also added the Authoura life in this last edition. Printed at Paris by Mistris Blageart. Anno 1636. 8". a — e, 8 leaves each : A — Ii in eights. The Following of Christ, Written in Latine, by Thomas of Kempis Canon Regvlar of the Order of S. Augustin. Translated into English and in this last Edition, Reuiewed & compared with several former Editions. Printed at Roan, By Ivlian Covrant. m.dc.lxx. 8°. a, 8 leaves, title on a 3 : §,4 leaves : A — Qq in eights, Qq 8 blank. GETHING, RICHARD. Digitus Dei, Or, A miraculous Victory gained by the English, upon the Rebels in Munster : Exprest in two Letters, Written to Lievtenant Colonell St. Leger, Sonne and Heir to the Right Honourable Sir William St. Leger, Knight, late Lord President of Munster, by hisLordships late Secretarv, Richard Gething. September 20, 1642. Loudon, Printed for Thomas Bates. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. GIBSON, SIR ALEXANDER, of Durie, one of the Senators of the College of Jus- tice. The Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, in .Mm-; ( 'a- s of Importance, Debated, and brought before Them ; From July 1621, to July 1642. With an Index of the Pursuers and Defenders Names . . . Corrected and Revised, by W. A. J. C. Edinbvrgh, Printed by the Heir of An- drew Anderson ; . . . AnnoDom.MDCXC. Folio. Title and dedication by Gibson to Viscount Stair, 2 leaves : A — 5 X 2 in fours : Index, A — L in twos. With a portrait by White after Paton. GILLESPIE, GEORGK. A Dispvte against the English-Popish Ceremonies, Obtrvded vpon the Chvrch of Scotland. Wherein Not only our owne GLANVILL. 43 GORDON. Argvnients against the same are strongly confirmed, but likewise the Answeres and Defences of ourOpposites, Svch as Hooker, Mortovne, Bvrges, . . . particularly con- futed. . . . Printed in the yeare of our Lord 1637. 4°, A— G in fours, and a leaf of H : Aa, 3 leaves : Bb — Gg in fours : Aaa — Zzz in fours : aaa — bbb in fours : ccc, 1 leaf : Aaaa — Ffff in fours. Reasons For which the Service Booke, urged upon Scotland ought to bee refused. [Col.] Printed in the year of God, 1638. 4°, 2 leaves. An Assertion of the Government of tbe Church of Scotland, in the points of Ruling-Elders, and of the Authority of Presbyteries and Synods. With a Post- script in answer to a Treatise lately pub- lished against Presbyteriall Government. . . . Printed in the year, 1641. 4°, A— Dd in fours, Dd 4 blank : B — F in fours with the Postscript. GLANVILL, JOSEPH, F.R.S. Philosophia Pia ; Or, A Discourse of the Religious Temper, and Tendencies of the Experimental Philosophy, Which is pro- test by the Royal Society. To which is annext A Recommendation, and Defence of Reason in the Affairs of Religion. By Jos. Glanvill Rector of Bath, and Fellow of the Royal Society. London, Printed by J. Macock for James Collins . . . 1671. 8°. A, 4 leaves, first blank : B— Q in eights, last leaf blank. Dedicated to Dr. Seth Ward, Bishop of Salisbury. GLAUBER, JOHN RUDOLPH. The Works of the Highly Experienced and Famous Chymist, John Rudolph Glauber : Containing a Great Variety of Choice Secrets in Medicine and Alchymy In the Working of Metallick Mines, ami the Separation of Metals. Also, Various Cheap and Easie Ways of making Salt- petre, and Improving of Barren-Land, and the Fruits of the Earth. . . . Translated into English, and published for Publick Good by the Labour, Care, and Charge, of Christopher Packe, Philo-chymico-Medi- cus. London, Printed by Thomas Mil- bourn, for the Author, . . . mdclxxxix. Folio. Title and frontispiece, 2 leaves : A, 2 leaves : (b), 2 leaves : B — 5 U, 2 leaves each, besides plates at pp. 1, 55, 67, 85, 188, and 338 : Second and Third Parts, A — 3 K, 2 leaves each, with a plate at p. 155 : A — Cc, 2 leaves each, with a plate at p. 22. Dedicated to Edmond Dickenson, M.D., Physician to the King, by Packe. GODFRIDUS. *Here begynneth the dyfference of astro- nomy, with the gouernayle to kepe mans body in helth, all the foure seasons of the yeare. [Col.] Imprynted by me Robert Wyer in Saynt Martyns Parysshe besyde Charynge Crosse. 8°, A — E in fours. Wyer printed two editions, differing in the title and after Giii. See Dibdin, iii. 200-1. GODWIN, FRANCIS, Bishop of Llandaff, afterward of Hereford. De Prsesvlibvs Angliae Commentarius : Omnivm Episcoporvm, Necnon et Car- dinalivm eiusdem Gentis, Nomina, Tem- pora, Seriem, atqve actiones maxime memorabiles ab vltima antiquitate re- posita complexus. Per Franciscvm God- winvm, Episcopum Landauensem. Lon- dini, Ex Officina Nortoniana. Apud loannem Billivm. m.dc.xvi. Cum Pri- uilegio Regis. 4°, A — Vv 4 in eights : A— M 2 in eights. GODWIN, THOMAS, M.A. Romanae Historiae Anthologia Recog- nita et Aucta. An English Exposition of the Homane Antiquities . . . Printed for Henrie Cripps of Oxford. 1625. 4°, A — Pp in fours, Pp 4 blank, besides title, dedication and preface, 3 11. more. I. Preces. II. Grammaticalia Qvoedam. Rhetoiica Brevis. Oxonise, Excudebat Iosephue Barnesius. 1616. 4°. Title and pp. 119, pp. 46-7 omitted in the numbering. Quaritch's General Catalogue, Part xiv., No. 38,164. I was too late to see this book, which had been ordered by an American customer. GOODE, WILLIAM. A Particular Relation of the Severall Removes, services, and successes of the Right Honorable the Earle of Manchesters Army (drawn forth of the Associated Counties of Norfolke, Suffolke, Essex, Cambridge, &c.) since he went from Bed- ford, April 20. to the compleating of the great Victory at Lincolne, May the 6 tb - 1644. Sent by William Goode from the Earles Quarters at Lincolne, to Mr Simeon Ash (of the Assembly of Divines) both Chaplaines to the said Noble Earle . . . London, Printed for Thomas Underbill, at the Bible in Woodstreet. 1644. 4°, 4 leaves. GORDON, JAMES, S.T.D.. S.J. Iacobi Gordon! Hvntlad Scotise Societate Iesv Doctoris Theologi, Controversiarvm Epitomes, In qua de Quaestionibus Theo- loL r icis hac nostra aitate controuersis bre- GREENWOOD. 44 GVILLIM. niter disputatui : . . . Tomus Primus . . . Avgvstoriti Pictonum . . . 1(512. . . 4°. a, 4 leaves : S, 2 leaves : A — Vv in lours. De Catholica Veritate Diatriba. Pro Epithalamio. Ad Serenissiinvm Vallio- ruin Principem, Magnum Britanniarum Hreredem. . . . Bvrdigalae, Apud Petrvin de la Covnn. CIO. CI. xxm. 8°. a, 8 leaves : A — R in twelves, R 12 blank. *GREENWOOD, JOHN. M. Some laid open in his coulers Wherein the indifferent reader may easily see, howe wretchedly and loosely lie hath handeled the cause against M. Penri. Done by an Oxford man, to his friend in Cambridge. [1589.] 8", pp. 124 + the Epistle. GREGORIUS. A Letter Relating the Martyrdonie of Ketaban, Mother of Trimorases Prince of the Georgians, & withal! A notable Im- posture of the Iesuites vpon that occa- sion : Sent from Gregorivs Monke and Priest, Agent for the Patriarke of Antioch vnto the most holy and learned Abbot Sophronivs. Written first in Greeke, and now done in English. Oxford, Printed by John Lichfield, An. D. 1633. 4°, A — D in fours, D 4 blank. *GREGORY XIII., Pope of Rome. An Oration or Funerall Sermon vttered at Roome, at the buriall of the holy Father Gregorie the 13. who departed in Iesus Christ the 11. of Aprill. 1585. Conteyn- ing his mailers, life, deedes, and last wordes at his death concerning the affayres of this present time. Together with the lamenta- tions (if the Cardinalles and whole Clergie. Faithfully translated out of the French Copie, printed at Paris . . . Otherwise to be intituled : A Sermon full of Papistical 1 adulation and matter sullicient to procure the wise and vertuous minded to con- teiime such u r rosse and palpable blind- nesse, and all persons to laugh at their absurde and erronious follies. Imprinted, Anno 1585. Sm. 8°, pp. 23. With a preface signed Robert Greene, and some Latin lines on the Pope by Beza. GREY, LADY JANE. *Jane by the grace of God, cpiene of Eng- land, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, and of the church of Englande, and also J telande, vnder Christ supreme head. To all our most louing, faithful 1, and obedient subiects . . . Witnesse our self at our Towre of London, the tenth daie of lulie, in the first yeere of our reigne. God saue the queene. Londini in sedibus Richardi Graftoni reginae typographi ex- cusuni. Anno Domini m.d.liii. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. A broadside. *GRIBALDI, MATTEO. A notable and maruailous epistle of the famous Doctor Matthewe Gribaldi, pro- fessor of the law in the vniuersitie of Padua : concerning the terrible iudge- ment of god vpon hym, that for feare of men denyeth Christ, and the knowen veritie : with a Preface of Doctor Cal- uine. Translated out of Latin intoo Eng- lish by E. A. [Col.] Imprinted the xx. day of April!. Anno Do. 1550. At YVor- ceter by Jhon Oswen. They be also to sell at Shrewsbury. Cum priuilegio . . . Sin. 8°. GUI DO DE MOXTE-ROCHERIO. *Manipulus Curatorum. [This is over a cut of the Crucifixion, &c. At the end :] Impressum per egregium Julianum Nota- rium linpressoreni conmoratem extra temple barre sub Intersignio sanctorum trium regum . . . Anno domini milesimo. ccccc. octauo. xii. die Augusti. 8°, 133 leaves and the Table. **Manipulus Curatorum. [Col.] Cele- berrimi viri dfii Guidonis de monte Rocheri. liber, qui manipulus Curator' inscribitur, vna cu Tabula eiusdem, finit feliciter. Exaratus London. Impressusq; per Richardum Pynson . eade in vrbe comorantem. Anno dfii. M.CCCCC.viij. quarto idus Nouembris. 4°, 126 leaves. GUILLIM, JOHN. A Display of Heraldry : . . . The fifth Edition Corrected and much enlarged by the Author himself in his life time ; Together with his own Addition of ex- plaining the terms of Hawking and Hunt- ing . . . London, Printed by T. R. for Richard Blome, 1664. Folio. Title, 1 leaf: dedications by Blome to the King and the Duke of Somerset, 2 leaves: Envoy of W. Segar to the author, in verse, and other verses, 1 leaf: To the Nobility most concerned, by Blome,. 1 leaf: V), 4 leaves : B — 3 F in fours ; and between FIT and FIT 2 live extra leave* marked *, &c. : Ggg, 2 leaves : Hhh — • ( >oo, 2 leaves each : Ppp, 3 leaves : Qqq, 2 leaves : Qqq (repeated), 1 leaf: [A], 2 leaves with An Exact Register, and a dedication by Blome to Algernon, Earl of Northumberland : Rrr — Ttt, 2 leaves each : a leaf subscribed Fr. Nower; [B] — [3 e], 2 leaves each : [t'l'fj 1 leaf : [gggj— [hhh] 2 leaves each, with additional arms, &c. G WINNE. 45 HAMILTON. GWINNE, MATTHEW, M.D., of St. John's College, Oxford, known as II Candido. Nero Traj, r oedia Nova. . . . Londini, Typis M. F. Proatant apud R. Mynne, . . . m.dc.xxxix. 8° or 12°, A— H 9 in twelves. Orationes Dvoe Londini Habitae in JEdi- bus Greshamiis, An. Dom. 1598. In laudem Dei, Ciuitatis, Fundatoris, Elec- torum. A Matthseo Gwinne Doct. & Medicinae ibidem praelectore, Collegij Diui Ioannia Baptistse apud Oxon. Socio. Londini. Excudebat Richardus Field. 1605. Sm. 8°, A— F 2 in eights, F 2 blank. B. M. In Assertorem Chymicse sed verse Medi- cinae Desertorem, Fra. Anthonivm, Mat- thsei Gwinn Pniliatri in Medicorum Londinensium Collegio quarti Censoris Registarij succincta Aduersaria. [Quot. from Virg. Mn. \. 12. 396.] Londini, Excudebat Richardus Field. 1611. 4°. *, 2 leaves : A — Kk 2 in fours. B. M. GWESTNETH, JOHN. The cofutacyon of the fyrst parte of Frythes boke, with a dysputacyon before whether it be possyble for any heretike to know that hym selfe is one or not. And also an other / whether it be wors to denye directely more or lesse of the fayth / put forth by John Gwynneth clerke. m.ccccc.xxxvi. [Col.] Here endeth the fyrste book. [St. Albans, by John Herford, for Richard Stevenage. 1536.] 8°. Title, prologue, and errata, 4 leaves : a — t in eights. With the device of Richard Stevenage on the last page. B. M. GWYN, ELEANOR, the Elder. An Elogy upon that never to be forgotten Matron, Old Maddam Gwinn, who was unfortunately Drown'd in her own Fish- pond, on the 29th of July 1679. A broadside in two columns. B. M. A True Account of the late most doleful, and lamentable Tragedy of Old Mad- dam Gwinn, Mother to Maddam Eleanor Gwinn, who was unfortunately drowned, in a Fish-Pond, at her own Mansion- House near the Neat-Houses. With an Account how that much to be deplored Accident, came to pass ; and what is ex- pected will be the sequel of the same. With an Epitaph, composed against the Solemnity of her Pompous Funeral and many other Circumstances. [London, 1679.] Folio, 2 leaves. Without any regular title. B. M. GWYN, ELEANOR, the Younger. Madam Gwins Answer to the Dutches of Portsmouths Letter. London Printed for J. Johnson. A broadside. B. M. H. H. E. Straffords Plot discovered, And the Par- liament vindicated, in their justice exe- cuted upon him, By the late Discovery of certain Propositions delivered to His Majestie by the late Earl of Strafford, a little before his Trial, with this Inscrip- tion : Propositions for the bridling of Par- liaments, and for the increasing of His Majesties Revenue much more than before. ... As also, a Form or Model for the discipline of this Designe, . . . Printed by Authoritie ; together with the Appro- bation of the Speaker of the Honourable House of Commons. London, Printed by Ruth Ra worth, for John Dallam, dwelling in Black-fryars, neer Carter- lane. 1646. 4°, A— -C in fours, C 4 blank. Dedicated by E. H. to the Parliament. B.M. H. H., D.D. Considerations of present Use concerning the Danger Resulting from the Change of our Church-Government. Printed in the Yeere 1646. [July 15.] 4°, A— B in fours. B. M. HALE, SIR MATTHEW. A Collection of Modern Relations of Matter of Fact, Concerning Witches & Witchcraft Upon the Persons of People to which is prefixed a Meditation con- cerning the Mercy of God in preserving us from the Malice and Power of Evil Angels. Written by the late Lord Chief Justice Hale, Upon Occasion of a Tryal of several Witches before him. Part 1. London. Printed for John Harris, at the Harrow in the Poultrey. mdcxciii. Price, 1/. 4°, A — H in fours, and * 4 leaves. This is all that I have seen. HAMILTON, FRANCIS, Scotus. De Sanctorvm Invocatione Demonstrate Dvplex. . . . Wircebvrgi. . . . Anno HARPSFELD. 46 HF.NR V. m.d.xcvi. 4°, A — K in fours, and a leaf of L. Ad Reverendiss: Et Illvstriss : Principem, Ac D. D. Ivlivm, Dei Gratia, Episcopvm Herbipolensem, . . . Oratio in Solenni Restitvtione Crenobij S. Iacobi Scotorum Herbipoli, Anno m. d. xcv. die inensis Aprilis vltinio. Habita A. R. P. Fran- cisco Hamiltonio Scoto, Ibidem Priore. Cvm Licentia Svperiorvm. Wircebvrgi . . . [1596.] 4°, A— C 2 in fours. DispvtatioTheologica De Legitimo Sanc- torvm Cvltv per Sacras Imagines : . . . [Wirceburgi.] Ex officina Typographica Geor.trij Fleiscbmanni. Anno m.d.xcvii. 4°. Title and 3 following leaves : A — K 2 in fours. HARPSFELD, JOHN, B.D. *Concio qusedam admodum elegans, . . . babita coram patribus et clero in Ecclesia Paulina Londini. 26. Octobris. 1553. Cui accedunt & sequentia, uidelicet Wilhel- rni Pij Decani Cicestrensis, & Iobannis Wynislei Arcbidiaconi Londini, Orationes laudatorise. [Col.] Excusum Londini in aedibus Iobannis Cawodi typographi Revise Maiestatis. Anno. m. d. liii. Mense De- cenibri. Sm. 8°, A — D 4 in balf-sbeets. Italic letter. HARRIS, JOHN. To tbe Parliament of tbe Common-wealth of England. Tbe Humble Representa- tion of Captaine John Harris. Exhibited on behalfe of the Common-wealth, against the proceedings of Sir Benjamin Rudiard, Alexander Pym Esq. Anthony Nickols Esq. (and John Cox their Agent) being some of the Trustees mentioned in an Ordinance of Parliament bearing date Ian. 5. 1645. for the payment of M. Pyms debts, and raising Portions for two younger children. . . . MDCLI. 4°, A — B in fours, B 4 blank, besides a folded leaf with Harris's Petition. Alexander Pym here mentioned appears to have been the son of John Pym, whose debts the Parliament had promised to pay. This is an interesting tract in connection with that distinguished man. HARVEY, CHRISTOPHER. The Synagogve, Or, The Shadow of the Temple. . . . The second Edition, cor- rected and enlarged. London, Printed by J. L. for Philemon Stephens, at the gilded Lion in Pauls Church-yard. 1647. 12°. A— B in twelves : (C), 8 leaves. HAY, ARCHIBALD. Ad lllustriss. Tit. S. Stephani In monte Coelio Cardinalem, D. Dauidem Betoun, Primatem Scotias, Archiepiscopu S. Andreas, Episco. Meripocensem, De faelici accessione dignitatis Cardinalitise, gratulatorius panegyricus Archibaldi Hayi. Res prceclara est : magni iuxta etc boni uiri personam agere. 1540. [Col.] Excusum Parisijs Anno redemptionis nostra?. 1540. Decimo tertio Calend. Iunii. 4°, A— R 2 in fours. With the title enclosed in an ornamental border, the name of the printer, Egidius Gounnont, at the foot. On the back of the title occurs a copy of verses to the Cardinal by Jo. Putin. *HAY, GEORGE. The Confutation of the Abbote of Cros- raguels Masse, set forth by Maister George Hay. Matth. 15. All plantation. . . . Imprinted at Edinburgh by Robert Lek- preuik, and are to be sauld at his hous at tbe nether Bow. Cum priuilegio 1563. 4°, 96 leaves. Dedicated to James, Earl of Murray. HAY, JOHN. Dispvtationvm Libri Dvo. . . . Avctore M. Ioanne Hayo Scoto, Societatis Iesv, . . . Lvgdvni, . . . m. d. lxxxiiii. 4°, a — 5 2 in fours : A — Yy in fours, Yy 4 with device only. HELVETIUS, J. F. The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires : In which is handled The most Rare and Incomparable Wonder of Nature, in Transmuting Metals ; Viz. How the intire Substance of Lead, was in one Moment Transmuted into Gold- Obrizon, with an exceedingly small par- ticle of the true Philosophick Stone. At the Hague. In the Year 1666. . . . faith- fully Englished. London, Printed for John Starkey . . . 1670. 12°, A— E in twelves : F, 5. HENRY VIII. Assertio Septem Sacramentorum Aduer- sus Mart. Lutherum . . . Parisiis . . . 1562. 8°, a— r in eights, r 8 blank : Fisher's Defensio, A — HH in eights. Sotheby's, JunelSSS (Turner), Marguerite de Valois's copy, bound by Clovis Eve, £118. **Epistola Regia ad Illvstrissimos Saxo- niae Dvces pie Admonitoria. [London, R. Pynson, about 1520.] 4°, 7 leaves. With eight lines of Errata on the rec'o of the last leaf. Illvstrissimi ac Potentissimi Regis, Sena- tus. Populiq; Anglise, sententia, &c. de eo Concilio, quod Paulus episcojnis Rom. Mantuse futurum simulauit : & de ea bulla, quae ad calendas Nouembres id prorogarit [Col.] Londini in iEdibvs HENR Y. 47 HIERONYMUS. Thomae Bertheleti Regii Impress. An. m.d.xxxyii. Cvm Privilegio. 8°, A — C 3 in eights. HENRY II., King of France. Loves Journal : A Romance, made of the Court of Henry II. of France. Printed with License at Paris, 1670. And now- made English. London, Printed by Thomas Ratcliff and Mary Daniel, and are to be sold by Booksellers in London. 1671. Sm. 8°. A, 4 leaver : B— I in eights. Interspersed with poetry. B. M. A series of tales of gallantry and adven- ture divided into days. HERBERT, WILLIAM, Earl of Pem- broke. Poems, Written by the Right Honorable William Earl of Pembroke, Lord Steward of his Majesties Houshold. Whereof Many of which are answered by way of Repartee, By S r Benjamin Rvddier, Knight. With several Distinct Poems, Written by them Occasionally, and Apart. London, Printed by Matthew Inman, and are to he sold by James Magnes, in Rnssel-street, near the Piazza, in Covent- Garden, 1660. 8°. Title and dedication to Christiana, Countess of Devonshire, by John Donne the younger, editor of the book, 3 leaves : B — I 4 in eights, I 4 blank. HEURINGIUS, SIMON, Salkedensis, M.D. *[An Almanac, with woodcuts over each of the twelve months, and before each dominical letter. ... At the end :] % Im- printed at London by Michel Lobley. [1545?]. A broadside. Heuringius was at this time in practice at Hagenaw as a doctor in physic and astro- nomy. HEYDON, JOHN. The Holy Guide : Leading the Way to the Wonder of the World : (A compleat Phisitian) teaching the Knowledge of all things, Past, Present, and to Come, viz. Of Pleasure, long Life, . . . With Rosie Crucian Medicines, ... By John Hey- don Philonomos, A Servant of God. and a Secretary of Nature. . . . London, Printed bv T. M. and are to be sold by Thomas Whittlesey . . . 1662. 8°, a— b in eights, a 1 blank : A — 3 F 3 in eights. Dedicated to Sir Richard Temple, Bart., in an interesting epistle. With some copies of complimentary verses and a portrait of the author by Cross and dia- grams. Hampaaneah Hammegulleh : Or, The Rosie-Crucian Crown : In which is set down the Angels of the Seven Planets, . . . By Eugenius Theodidactus Philono- mos, A Servant to God, and Secretary to Nature. London: Printed for the Author, . . . 1664. 8°, A— C in eights. The Wise Mans Crown : Or, The Glory of the Rosie-Cross. Shewing the Won- derful Power of Nature, with the full discovery of the true Caelum Terra;, or first Matter of Metals, . . . Communi- cated to the World By John Hey don, Gent. A Servant of God, and Secretary to Nature. . . London : Printed for the Author, . . . 1664. 8°. Portrait (three- quarter) and title, 2 leaves : A — G in fours. With a Life of Heydon by Fre- derick Talbot, Esquire. HESTER, JOHN. The first part of the Key of Philosophie. Wherein is contained the most excellent secretes of Phisicke and Philosophie, diuided into two Bookes. In the first is shewed the true and perfect order to dis- till, or draw forth the Oiles, ... In the second is shewed the true and perfect order to prepare, calcine, sublime, and dissolue al maner of Mineralles, . . . 1596. Imprinted at London, by Valen- tine Sirnmes. 8°, A — H in eights. Dedi- cated by Hester to Dr. John Walton, Bishop of Winchester. H. Slopes, Esq. Herbert quotes Begford's papers for this little volume, and refers on that authority to a second part, which I have not yet seen. HICKERINGILL, EDMUND. The Ceremony-Monger, His Character. In Six Chapters . . . With some Remarks (in the Introduction) upon the New-Star- Chamber, or late Course of the Court of King's-Bench. Of the Nature of a Libel, and Scandalum Magnatum . . . By E. Hickeringill, Rector of the Rectory of All-Saints in Colchester. London, Printed and are to be Sold by George Larkin . . . mdclxxxix. 4°, A — I 2 in fours. HICKES, GEORGE. Speculum Beatre Virginis. A Discourse of the Due Praise and Honour of the Virgin Mary. By a true Catholick of the Church of England. London, Printed, and are to be Sold by Randal Taylor, . . . 1686. 4°, A— F in fours, A 1 blank or witli the Imprimatur. Attributed to Dr. Hicks in a coeval hand on the title. HIERONYMUS DE SANCTO MAR- CHO. Compedium preclaru qd parva logica HI LD ANUS. 48 HOOPER. seu summule dicitur ad Itroduccionem iuuenum In facilitate logices, per fratre Hieronyinii de sancto march ordinis minoruiu sacri theologie baccalaurio mi- perime in amplissima Oxoniensi vniuer- sitate q; vtiliter compilatum ad metem doctoris subtilis Scoti. [Col. on Dd ii :] Explicit Compendia . . . Impressum in alma coloniensi vniuersitate In edib? Quentel. Anno incarnationis domini Millesimo quingetessimo septimo xij. die mensis octobris. 4°, A — B in sixes : C, 4 : D— Y in sixes : Z, 4 : A— Dd in sixes. HILDANUS, GULTELMUS FABRI- CIUS. His Experiments in Chyrurgerie: Concern- ing Combustions or Burnings, made with Gun powder, Iron shot, Hot water, Light- ning, or any other fiery matter . . . Trans- lated out of Latine by Iohn Steer, Chy- rurgeon. London, Printed by Barnard Alsop, living in Grubstreet, 1643. 4°, A — H in fours. With woodcuts. HILL, THOMAS. *A briefe and pleasaunt treatise, entituled Naturall & Artificiall conclusions: written first by sundrie scholersof the Vniuersitie of Padua in Italie, at the instant request of one Barthelmewe, a Tuscane : And now Englished by Tho. Hill Londoner, as well for the commoditie of sundrie Artificers, as for the matters of pleasure to recreate wittes at vacant tymes. Imprinted at London by John Kyngston for Abraham Kitson, 1581. Sin. 8°, A— D in eights. With a cut on the title (and again at C 7) of a candle burning in the mouth of a bottle. HOL BORNE, ANTHONY & WILLIAM. The Cittharn Schoole, By Antony Hol- borne Gentleman, and seruant to her most excellent Maiestie. Hereunto are added sixe short Aers Neapolitan like to three voyces, without the Instrument : done by his brother William Holborne. At Lon- don. Printed by Peter Short, dwelling on Breadstreet hill at the signe of the Starre. 1597. 4°. Title, 1 leaf: dedi- cation to Thomas Lord Burgh, Governor of the Brill, &c, and Lord Deputy of Ire- land, 2 leaves subscribed Antony Hol- borne. Ni merear moriar: Preface, 2 leaves : B — R in fours, R 4 with the colo- phon. College of Music. This copy wants A 4. HOLLAND. SAMUEL. The Phoenix Her Arrival & Welcome to England. It being an Epithalamy on the Marriage of the Kings Most Excellent Majesty with the Most Royal and Most Illustrious Donna Katharina of Portugal. London, Printed for the Author. 1603. Folio, 4 leaves. HYLTON, WALTER. *Here begyneth the Medled lyfe / Com- pyled by mayster Walter Hylton / to a deuoute man in temporall Estate / how he shulde rule hym Whiche is right ex- pedyent for euery man / and moste in especyall for them that lyue in the Medled lyfe / And it shewyth what Medled lyfe is. [Col.] Thus endeth this lytell treatyse intituled the Medled lyfe compyled by Walter Hylton / . . . Imprynted by me Robert Wyer in saynt Martyns parysshe / besyde Charynge crosse. 8°, a — f in fours. HOLT, JOHN. *Paruulorum Institutio ex Stanbrigi- ana Collectione. [Col.] Imprynted at London by Wynkyn de Worde . . . The yere of our lorde M.ccccc.xx. in y moneth of Marche. 4°, 12 leaves. *Paruulorum institutio ex Stansbrigiana collectione. Imprynted at London in Southwarke by my Peter Treucris. 4°, 12 leaves. Black letter. HOLWELL, JOHN. An Appendix to Holwell's Catastrophe Mundi, Being An Astrological Discourse of the Rise, Growth and Continuation of the Othoman Family, With the Nativities of the present French King, Emperors of Germany and Turkey, All truly Recti f'yed, . . . By John Holwel Teacher of the Mathematicks and Astrology. London, Printed by J. G. for F. Smith, . . . 1683. 4°, A — F in fours. HOMILY. An Homilie against disobedience and wvl- full rebellion. The first part. [GuL] Imprinted at London in Powles Cnurch yarde by Richard Iugge and Iohn Ca- wood, printers to the Queenes Maiestie. Cum priuilegio Regise Maiestatis. [1573.] 4", black letter, A — K in fours. Printed without a title-page. There are six parts of the Homily, concluding with a Thanksgiving. This issue is not in the British Museum, which possesses, however, two others slightly differing in type and spelling. HOOPER, JOHN, Bishop of Gloucester. *An Answer vnto my lord of Winchesters booke intytlyd a detection of the deuyls sophistrye, wherwith he robbeth the vn- lernyd people of the trew byleef in the HOPE. 49 HURT ADO. nioost blessyd sacrament of the aulter made by Johann Hoper. [Quot. from Psalm 119.] Vestigia mea . . . Prynted in Zurvch by Agostyne Fries. Anno m.d.xlvii. 4°, X in fours. A Declaration of the x. holie commande- ments of Almightie God . . . Collected out of the Scripture canonical], by Iohn Houper, with certaine new additions, made by the same Maister Houper. Come, and see : Iohn, 1. At London ; Imprinted by Robert Walde-graue, forThomas Wood- cocke. [About 1590.] 8°, A— 4 in eights. IOPE, SIR WILLIAM, of Balcomie, Baronet. Hope's New Method of Fencing : Or, The True and Solid Art of Fighting with the Back -Sword, Sheering - Sword, Small- Sword, and Sword and Pistol ; freed from the Errors of the Schools. . . . The Second Edition. By Sir William Hope of Bal- comie, Baronet, . . . Edinburgh : Printed by James 'Watson . . . mdccxiv. 4°, a — b in fours : A — Nn in fours, besides a leaf of Errata and two folded plates at p. 232 and at the end. IOPKINS, CHARLES. The Victory of Death ; Or, The Fall of Beauty. A Visionary Pindarick-Poem, Occasioned by the Ever to be deplor'd Death of the Right Honourable the Lord Cutts. By M r Charles Hopkins. Tanto Dea digna Marito. London : Printed by B. M. and are to be sold by Sam. Buckley . . . and Rich. Willington . . . 1698. 8°, A— F in eights. IOTMAN, JEAN, Sieur de Villars. Brutum Fulmen : Or The Bull of Pope Pius V. Concerning the Damnation, Ex- communication, and Deposition of Q. Elizabeth, . . . With some Observations and Animadversions upon it. By Thomas Lord Bishop of Lincoln. Whereunto is Annex'd the Bull of Pope Paul the Third, Containing the Damnation ... of King Henry the Eighth . . . London, Printed by S. Roycroft for Robert Clavell . . . mdclxxxi. 4°, A — Ss in fours. IOWARD. The Proceedings upon the Bill of Divorce between his Grace the Duke of Norfolke and the Lady Mary Mordant, Viz. 1. The Journal of the House of Lords, together with the Bill. . . . London, Printed for Matthew Gi Hi flower . . . 1700. Folio, A — R, 2 leaves each. IOWELL, JAMES. A Discours of the Empire, and of the Election of A King of the Romans, the greatest Businesse of Christendom now in Agitation. As also of the Colledge of Electors, Their particular interests, and who is most likely to be the next Emperor. J. Senesco, 11011 Segnesco H. London, Printed by F. L. for Rich : Lowndes . . . 1658. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— I in eights. At p. 109 Howell dates from Ilolborn, January 1, 1658. HULOET, RICHARD. Hvloets Dictionarie, newelye corrected, amended, Set in Order and Enlarged, with many names of Men, Townes, Beastes, Foules, . . . By Iohn Higgins late student in Oxeforde . . . Londini, In aedibus Tho- mpe Marshij. Anno . 1572. Folio. % 4 leaves, with title, To the Reader, &c. : A — Zz in sixes : Aaa, 7 leaves. HUME, DAVID. Apologia Basilica sev Machiavelli In- genivm, examinatuiu in libro quern inscripsit Principem. Auctore Davide Hvmio Theagrio Scoto-Britanno. Pari- siis, m.dc.xxvi. 4°, a in fours and A — Ii in fours, last leaf blank. Dedicated to Charles I. HUME, J. Traite de la Trigonometrie, Povr Resovdre tovs Triangles Rectilignes et Spheriqves. Avec les Demonstrations des deux cele- bres Propositions du Baron de Merchis- ton, non encores demonstrees. Dedie A Messire Robert Kar, Comte d'Ancrame, Gentil-homme de la Chambre du Roy de la Grand' Bretagne. A Paris, . . . M dc.xxxvi. Avec Privilege dv Roy. 8°. a, 4 leaves : e, 2 leaves : l, 4 leaves : a — p 2 in fours : A — Y in fours. With diagrams and a folded table between pp.' 68-9. HUNTAR, ALEXANDER, Burgess of Edinburgh. A Treatise of Weights, Mets and Measvres of Scotland. With their Qvantities, and Trve Foundatione, and sundrie profitable Observations, arising vpon everie one of them. . . . Edinbvrgh, Printed by Iohn Wreittoun, and are to bee solde at his Buith,at the Nether-Bowe. 1624. With Licence. 4°. % 4 leaves : A — Fin fours : G — K, 2 leaves each, besides two leaves (pp. 66-7) between K 1 — 2. Dedicated "to the Right Honorable and his very good Lord, Sr George Hay, of Kinfaunes, Chiefe Chancelor of Scotland." HURTADO, LUIS. Libro segundo del Emperador Palmerin en que se recuentan los grandes e haza- iiosos fechos de Primaleon e Polendus sus HUSBANDMAN. 5° INSTITUTION. fijos e de otros buenos caualleros estran- geros que a su corte vinieron. [Col.] Fue trasladado este segundo libro de pal- merin llamado Primaleo . . . de griego en nuestro lenguaje castellano e corregido e emendado en la muy noble ciudad de Ciudadrodrigo por francisco vasquez . . . Emprimiose en . . . Salamanca a tres dias del mes de Julio d. M. d. xii. aiios. Folio, a, 8 leaves : b — mm in sixes, mm 6 probably blank, besides the title and dedication, 2 leaves more. The copy described (Quaritch, August 1888, No. 1149) wanted the title-page. No copy of the First Book, and do other of this, seems to be known. Histoire dv Prevx, Vaillant et Tres-Vic- torievx Chevalier Palmerin d'Angleterre, ... A Paris, Par lean d'Ongoys, . . . m.d.lxxiiii. 8°. a, 8 leaves : a — z in eights : A — X 2 in eights. HUSBANDMAN. The Husbandman's Jewel, Directing How- to Improve Land from £10 per Annum, to ,£50. with small charge by Planting, Making Cyder as good as Canary, for 5d a Quart or less ; To Improve Land by draining, and by Hemp, Saffron, Liquorice ; To Brew Ale and Beer, make Cyder, Meed, Mum, Metheglin, and other Liquors, . . . London, Printed for G. Conyers, at the Ring in Little Brittain, Price . 1/. 12°. A, 4 : B, 6 : C, 2 : D, 6 : E, 4. B. M. **HWNNY LRAETHIR. Yny Ihyvyr hwnnylraethir. Gwyd or kymraeg. Kalandyr . . . m.d.xlvi. [Lon- don, Edward Whitchurch]. 8°, 16 leaves. This bonk, according to Ames, and his followers Herbert and Dibdin, shews the Welsh Calendar, the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, the Commandments, and the Seven Good Properties of the Church, &c. A copy in Ames's time was in the possession of Mr. W. Jones. I. IMPROPRIATION. Impropriation Purchased by the Com- missioners sitting at Goldsmiths- Hall, For Compositions with Delinquents. By Or- dinance of both Houses of Parliament. With a List of the Names of such Per- sons from whom they have purchased any Revenue for Augmentation of the Maintenance of Preaching Ministers. In several Parishes within the Kingdom. Published for the satisfaction of those ■whom it doth concern. London : Printed by Richard Cotes. 1648. 4°, A— D 2 in fours. The List is very curious from the familiar names in it. INFORM ATIO PUERORUM. **Libellus qui Informatio Pneror appel- latur . . . [Col.] Impresse in ciuitate London. Per Richardum Pynson. 4°, 17 leaves. Described by Dibdin from a titleless copy belonging to Heber. Dibdin supposed it to be an edition of the Vocabula of Stanbridge ; but from the extracts which he furnishes it seems to correspond with the Informatio Puerorum, of which it is perhaps another and unknown impression. INFORMATION. True Information of the Beginning and Cause of all our troubles : how they have been hatched, and how prevented. Where- in we may see the manifold contrivances and attempts of forraigne and home-bred Enemies, against the Parliament, King- dome, and purity of Religion. And how all their Endeavours whether by Force or fraud, never prospered. A Work worthy to be kept in Record, and to bee commu- nicated to Posterity. The people that will not understand shall fall. London , Printed in the Yeare 1648. 4°, A— D in fours : E, 2 leaves : F, 4. With a series of copper- plate engravings in the text. This was probably published by T. Jenner, or at all events it is the prototype of the illustrated tracts with his name as the stationer. INNOCENT VIII. *Our holy fader the Pope Innocent the viij. To the perpetual memory of this hereafter to be had / by his propre mocion without procurement of our souerayn lord the Kyng. ... [A declaration as to the marriage of Henry VII. and Elizabeth of York. 1487 ? London, W. Caxton ?] A broadside. Reprinted entire by Herbert, p. 17G3-4. INSTITUTION. The Institvtion of a Christen man, con- teynynge the exposition or interpretation of the edmune Crede, of the seuen sacra- mentes, of the x. comandementes, & of the Pater noster, and the Aue Maria, Iustifi- cation and purgatorie. Londini in Mdih vs Thomae Bertheleti Regii Impressoris. Anno Do. m.d.xxxvii. Mense Octob. INSTITUTUM. 5< IRELAND. Cvm Privilegio. 8". ;i, 4 leaves : A — P in eights. NSTITUTUM. *Christiani honiinis institutum. [Col.] Hoc fac et viues. Explicit Christiani honiinis institutum. Jmpressum Lon- don . per Henricum Pepwell, in cimiterio diui Pauli, sub intersignio sancte Trini- tatis commorantem m.ccccc.xx. 4°. [4 leaves.] With the printer's mark below the colophon. Described from a fragment, consisting of the last leaf only, by Herbert. NTERPRETER. The Interpreter Wherin three principall termes of State much mistaken by the vulgar are clearely unfolded. Qui vult decipi, decijnatur. Anno 1622. 8°, A in eights. In verse. B. M. (Jolley's copy.) The characters or terms are : A Puritan or Protestant, A Protestant or Formalist, and a Papist. From a Scotish press. NTERROGATORIES. ^Interrogatories. For the Doctrine and Manners of Mynisters and for other Orders in the Churche . . . Churchwardens, Scholemaisters, Clarkes. For the People. [At the end occurs :] To these Interroga- tories the Ordinarie requireth an Aun- swere accordingly by the laste Daye of August, or before if they niaye. Im- prynted at London in Foster lane by J lion Waley. 4°. NTRODUCTION. *An Introduction for to lerne to reken with the pen, and with the counters, after the true cast of aritnietyke, or awgrym, in hole numbers, and also in broken newly corrected, and certayne rules and ensamples added thereunto, in the year of our lorde. 1536. [Col.] Thus endeth the scyence of awgrym, the wiche is newly corrected out of dyuers bokes, because that the people may come to the more understandynge and knowlege of the sayde arte, or scyence of Awgrym. . . . Imprented in the yere of our Lorde, mcccccxxxvii. 8°, S in eights, three last leaves blank. Attributed by Herbert to the St. Albans press. **An introduction for to lerne to reckon with the pen . . . Anno 1539. [Col.] *^ Imprinted in Aldersgate strete by Nycolas Bourman. 8°, A — in eights. Bodleian. **An introduction for to lerne to reckon with the pen, or with the counters, accord- yng to the trewe cast of Algorisme, in hole numbers or in broken, newly cor- rected. And certayne notable and goodly rules of false positions, there vnto added, not before sene in our Englyshe tonge, by the which all maner of difficile ques- tions may easely be dissolued & assoyled. Anno. 1546. 8°, A— N in eights. There appears to be no clue to the prin- ters, unless, like the impression of 1537, it came from the press of John Herford at St. Albans. IRELAND. A Relation touching the present state and Condition of Ireland. Collected by a Committee of the House of Commons, and of severall letters, lately come from the Lords Justices of Ireland and others, and Printed by order of the said House. And also the Examination of Hubert Petit, taken the 19. of February, 1641. by the direction of the Lords Justices, and Counsell of Ireland. London, Printed by E. G. for Richard Best, . . . 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. The Coppy of a letter sent from the Earle of Traquere in Ireland the third of October 1641. To Old Father Philips, heere in England, and now prisoner in the Tower. Which letter was intercepted, at a certaine time by Sir Robert Richard- son, kept private but now disclosed. Vpon which old Father Philips was committed to the Tower. With a true relation how the number of Rebels dayly increase in the woods at Ireland. Printed at London 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. May the 4th. Captaine Yarners Relation of the Battaile fought at Kilrusli upon the 15 th - day of Aprill, by my Lord of Ormond, who with 2500 Foot and 500 Horse, overthrew the Lord Mountgarrets Army, . . . Together with a Relation of the proceedings of our Army, from the Second to the later end of Aprill, 1642. London, Printed for F. Coules, and G. Badger, 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. With a rough romance cut on the title represent- ing the fight. It is alleged that Mountgarret had 8000 foot and 400 horse. A Trve Relation of the late Occurrences in Ireland in two Letters ; One brought over by a Noble Gentleman, Sir Hards Waller, of a Sliarpe Skirmish there hap- pened the 29. of I mie last, . . . The other Dated the fourth of Iulie from I. H. to his Uncle W. E London, Printed bv A. N. for Edw. Blackmore. luly 18. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. Two accounts of victories over the Irish. A Declaration of the Commons assembled IRELAND. 52 ITALY. in Parliament ; Concerning the Rise and Progresse of the Grand Rebellion in Ire- land. Together with a multitude of Exa- minations of Persons of quality, whereby it may easily appear to all the world, who were, and still are, the promoters of that cruell and unheard of Rebellion . . . London, Printed for Edw. Husbands, . . . Iuly, 25. 1643. 4°, A— H in fours. The Trve Copies of Two Letters sent from Ireland : Shewing the severall Battailea and Victories obtained on the Rebels there. London, Printed for J. B. and R. Smith. 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. The Declaration and Ingagement of the Protestant Army in the Province of Mounster. Under the Command of the Right Honourable the Lord Baron of Inchiquin. Printed at Cork, and re- Printed at London in the Year, 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. Generall Owen Oneales Letter to Collo- nell Monck with the Propositions of Owen Oneale, the Lords, Gentry, and Commons of the Confederate Catholiques of Ulster : To the most Honourable, and Potent, the Parliament of England. Together with Coll. Monck his Answer. And Collonell Moncks Propositions to Owen Oneale, and the rest of the Confederate Catho- liques of Ulster. London, Printed for A. II. and S. G. and are to be sold near the Royall Exchange. 1649. 4°, 4 leaves. A Letter from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland [Oliver Cromwell] To the Honor- aide William Lenthal Esq. ; Speaker of ihe Parliament of England : Giving an Account of the Proceedings of the Army there under his Lordships Command, . . . Together with a Relation of the taking in of Wexford. ... As also the Propositions tendred for the Rendition of Wexford : . . . . London, Printed by John Field and Edward Husband, . . . 1649. 4°, A — li in fours. An Abstract of some few of those Barba- rous, Cruell Massacres and Murthers, of the Protestants, and English in some parts of Ireland, committed since the 23. of October 1641. Collected out of the Examinations. . . . Sent over to the Par- liament in a Letter from the Commis- sioners of Parliament in Ireland, . . . And Read in the Parliament the 19 day of May 1652. . . . London, Printed fur Robert Ibbitson dwelling in Smithfield neer Hosier Lane end. 1652. Folio, A— D, 2 leaves each. Black letter. Tyrconnel'a Proceedings in Ireland. And Motion in Council, as to the Burin ng ot Dublin : Together with a Speech then made against it. Sent to a Person of Quality in London. Dublin, the 27th of January, 1688. 4°, 2 leaves. IRVINE, C. Medicina Magnetica : Or, The rare and wonderful Art of Curing by Sympathy : Laid open in Aphorismes : Proved in Conclusions ; and digested into an easy Method drawn from both : . . . . Pre- served and Published, As a Master-Piece in this Skill. By C. de Iryngio, Chirurgo- Medicine in the Army. Nullum numen abest. Printed in the Year, 1656. 8°, A — H in eights, first and last leaves blank. Dedicated to General George Monk, Commander in chief of all the Forces in Scotland, and one of His High- ness's Council for the Government ol that Nation. IRVINE, CHRISTOPHER. Historiae Scoticre Nomenclatura Latino- Vernacula. . . . Christophorus Irvinvs, Abs Bon-Bosco, Auspice Summa Numine, concinnavit. Edinbvigi, Sumptibus quo- rundam Bibliopolorum Edinburgensium ; Typisque Jacobi Watson, . . . m.dc.xc.vii. 8°, A— M in fours. ITALY. ** A ioyfull new tidynges of the goodly victory, that was sent to the emperouts from the noble capitayne marcquis Del- gasto, shewing how and in what mannei all the Frenchmen that were in Italy, with all theyr captaynes be ouercome and destroyed of the valeant prince Salernej % Yet another newe tidinges, shewyng howe that Barbarossa, the great Turkes lieutenant, and admirall of the see, is gone out of France with a great army, taking many noble lordes and galleyesj as ye shall heare hereafter. Translated by the printer from Doucch, for Jhon Ghoughe. London, by John Mavlei [about 1540.] Small 8°. *The happy entraunce of the high borne Queene of Spaine, the Lady Margarit oj Austria, in the renowned Citty of Fer- rara. With feastiuall ceremonies vsed by Pope Clement the eight, in the holy Manage of their Maiesties. As also in that of the high borne Archduke Alberto] of Austria, with the Infanta Isabella Clara eugenia, Sister to the Catholique King of Spaine, Philip the third. First translated out of Italian alter the Coppy printed at Ferrara, allowed by the Magistrates . . . bun, Ion Imprinted by lohn Woolfe, . . . 1599. 4", 4 leaves. ( 53 ) J. ACOBUS DE VORAGINE. *TIere begynneth the legend named in latyn legenda aurea That is to saye in Englysslie the golden legende. ffor lyke is passeth golde in value all other nietallys ?o this legende excelleth all other bookes. This title is over a cut occupying the rest jf the page. At the end :] Thus endeth he legende named . . . wliyche werke I lyde accomplysshe and fynysshe att west- nynster the . viij.dayeof Janeuer. Theyere )f oure lorde Thousande cccc.lxxxxviii. A.nd in the xiiii. yere of the reynge of fcynge Henry the vii. By me wynkyn le worde. Folio. AMES STUART THE FIRST, King of Great Britain (1603-25). [n Homines Nefarios, qui seel ere, ausuq; immani, Paiiiameuti iampridem habendi Domum, pulvere bombardico evertere, ;untmachinati, scilicet quinto Novembris, 1605. Ad Prsecellentissimum Principem lacobvm, . . . Cantabrigian Ex officina [ohannis Legat. mdcv. 4°, A — C in fours, 4 blank. In verse. Apologie povr le Serment de Fidelite que le Serenissime Roy de la grand' Bretagne requiert de tous ses sujets, ... A Londres, Chez lean Norton, Imprimeur ordinaire du Roy, es langues estrangeres. 1609. ... 8°, A— T in fours, besides the portrait of James by Tho. de Leu : Tri- plici nodo, triplex cuneus, . . . A — N in lours. A Declaration of His Maiesties Royall pleasure in what sort He thinketh fit to enlarge, Or reserue Himselfe in matter of Bountie. Imprinted at London by Robert Backer, . . . Anno 1610. 4°, A— E 2 in fours, A 1 and E 2 blank. Svpplicatio ad Imperatorem, Reges, Prin- cipes, Svper Cavsas Generalis Cuncilij convocandi. Contra Pavlvm Qvintvm. Londini, Excudebat Bonham Norton, . . . Anno cio. K>. xin. 4°, A — E in fours, A 1 and E 4 blank. Declaration dv Serenissime Roy Jaqves 1. Roy de la Grand' Bretaigne . . . Povr le droit des Rois & independance de leurs Couronnes, Contre la Harangve de l'H- Ivstrissime Cardinal du Perron ... A Londres, Par Iehan Bill Imprimeur du Roy. m. dc. xv. Auec priuilege de sa Majeste. 4", a — b and A— Q in fours. Nostodia. In Serenissimi, Potentissimi, .... Iacobi .... felicem in Scotiam reditum, Academic Edinburgensis Con- gratulatio. Edinbvrgi, Excudebat An- dreas Hart. Anno 1617. 4°, A— G in fours. JAMES STUART THE SECOND, King of Great Britain (1685-8). Edwardus Confessor Redivivus. The Piety and Vertues of Holy Edward the Confessor, Reviv'd in the Sacred Majesty of King James the II. Being a Relation of the Admirable and Unexpected finding of a Sacred Relique, (viz. the Crucifix) of that Pious Prince, which was found in Westminster-Abbey, (the place of his Interment) 622 Years succeeding ; . . . . London, Printed by W. D. and are to be Sold by Randal Taylor . . . 1688. 4°, A — F 2 in fours. His Majesties Reasons for "Withdrawing Himself from Rochester, Wrote with His own Hand and Ordered by Him to be Published. Reasons why in this Con- juncture no Alteration should be made in the Government of the Church of Scot- land, By a Sincere Protestant and a Lover of his Country. Printed in the Year, 1689. 4°, 4 leaves. His Majesties Late Letter in Vindication of Himself : Dated at St. Germans en Laye, the Fourteenth of this Instant January, 168|. [Col.] Re-printed in the Year, 1689. 4°, 4 leaves. Without a title-page. JAMES IV., King of Scots (1488-1513). Epistola Regis Scotorum ad Christianissi- mum Angliae & Franciae Regem ante conliictum. Et resposum christianissimi Angliae & Franciae Regis. [1514.] 4°, 4 leaves. With a woodcut of the royal arms on the title. B. M. Sotheby's, Feb. 5, 1887, No. 1075. This is ati interesting tract relative to certain grievances between England and Scotland, including piracies. James mentions in his letter, dated from Edinburgh, July 26, 1513, the famous buccaneer Sir Andrew- Barton. La summation faicte par le Roy Descosse au Roy dangleterre. Iniprime a Rouen par coge de iustice. [The rest of the page is occupied by common cuts. About 1513.] Sm. 8", 4 leaves. Gothic letter. This is a similar narration of grievances JAMES. 54 JOHANNES. between James IV. of Scotland and Henry VIII., in which the former complains of injuries inflicted on his subjects by the Eng- lish king. JAMES VI., King of Scots (1566-1603). A Declaratioun of the Kings maiestiesin- tentioun and meaning toward the lait acts of parliament. Imprinted at Edinburgh, by Thomas Vautrouillier. 1585. Cum priuilegio regali. 4°, A— C in fours. This is a Scotish version of the tract printed the same year in English under the title of Treason pretended against the King of Scots, &c. Kepriuted in facsimile, 4°, 104G. JANE, JOSEPH, of Liskeard. Eikon Aklastos The Image Unbroken. A Perspective of the Impudence, Fals- hood, Vanitie, and Propbannes, Published in a Libell entitled Eikonoklastes against Eikon Basilike Or the Pourtraieture . . . Printed Anno Dom. 1651. 4°, A— LI 2 in lours. JENKINS, DAVID. Severall Papers Lately written and pub- lished by Iudge Ienkins, Prisoner in the Tower : viz. 1. His Vindication. 2. The Armies indempnity : . . . 3. Lex Tense. 4. A Cordiall ... 5. A Discourse touch- ing the inconveniences of a long continued Parliament 6. An Apologie for the Army. Anno 1647. 4°. A general title to the separately issued pieces, that to the Vindication cancelled. JESUS CHRIST. *Tbe passion of owr lord iesu christe wythe the contemplacyOs. [On the second leaf occurs :] Her begynnythe y passion of dar seygneur, Jesu christe front y resuscy- taeyo of lazarus and to thende translated owte of freche ynto englysche the yer of dar lorde. M.v.c.viij. On to the leawde of god ad of the soueraie vyrgyne marie & of al y saictes of paradys celestyall. And at the requeste of the moste puissat redoubtye kynge Henry the . vii. be the grace of god kynge of englande and of trace : the passio of our sauueur Jesu chryste ys translated owth of freche yn to gglysche with an addicio of moraly- tees hystoriees / examples or fygures . . . [( Paris, 1508.] Folio, G 4 in eights. Described by Herbert from his own copy. JOCQUET.DE. Les Triomphes, Entrees, Cartels, Tovrnois, Ceremonies, et Avltres Magnificences iaites en Angleterre, & au Palatinat, pour le Mariage & Reception, de Monseigneur le Prince Frideric V. Comte Palatin dv Rhin, Electevr dv Sainct Empire, Due de Baviere &c. Et de Madame Elisabeth, Fille Vniqve et Princesse de la Grande Bretagne, Electrice Palatine du Rhin &c. Son Espouse. A Heidelberg, Chez Gotard Vogvelein. cio io xm. 8°, A— S in fours. With nine folded engravings. B. Al. This edition entirely differs from that of Lyon, described in the Handbook, 1867. JOHANNES DE BURGO. Pupilla oculi De Septem Sacramentoru administratione: de decern preceptis deca- logi: ceterisq; ecclesiasticorg . . . officijs: Joannis de Burgo alme quonda Canta- brigiensis Uniuersitatg Cancellarij : . . . 1516. [Col.] . . . sumptili? puidoru Joannis Knoblouchi / & Pauli Botz . . . sub Anna dni. M.D.xvij. Kal<> Marti j. 4°, folioes 170, besides the Table. JOHANNES DE GARLANDIA. *Liber synonymoru Magistri Johannis de Garlandia / vna cu expositione magistri galfridi a>lici / vigiliq; diligetia ortho- graphic stilo correctus et exaratus . cum notabilibus in marginibusisertis / inregia quoq; Ciuitate Lodon impressus per Richard u Pynson / feliciter finit Anno incarnationis domini . M.ccccc. 4°, A — I in sixes : K, 4. Described by Herbert from bis own copy, wanting the title. JOHANNES DE MEDIOLANO. Regimen sanitatis Salerni. This boke techyng al people to gouerne them in helthe / is translated out of the Latyne tonge in to englishe by Thomas Paynell, Wliiche boke is as profitable & as nede- full to be had and redde as any can be tc obserue corporall helthe. [Col.] Thus endeth the regimetof helthe. Imprinted at London in Fletestrete / in the hous< of Thomas Berthelet / nere to ye cudite ; at y signe of Lucrece. Anno domini 1528. mense Augusto. Cum priuilegi( a rege indulto. 4 b . A, 6 leaves : B— Y ii fours : a— e in fours : f, 6. Dedicated t( John, Earl of Bedford, by Paynell. JOHANNES SARISBURIENSIS. [ Policraticus.] Hie liber ititulatur de nug curialiu & vestigijs phorg cuig Iohanne Salesberiensis Carnotesis epus fuit actor [No place, &c. Attributed to the Brother of Common Life at Brussels about 1476. FoliOj 250 leaves, including three blanks Two columns. The text is preceded by the Table and b; the Euthcticus of the author in verse, am at the end there are six pages of verses, als in Latin, on the members and functions c the human body. JOHNSON. 55 JO YE. OHNSON, WILLIAM. The Light of Navigation. Wherein are declared and liuely pourtrayed all the Coasts and Hauens of the West, North and East Seas. Collected partly out of the Books of the principall Authors which haue written of Nauigation (as of Lucas Iohnson Waghenar, and divers other) . . . Divided into two Bookes. ... By William Iohnson. At Amsterdam Printed by William Iohnson, . . . Anno 1622. Cum Privilegio. Obi. Folio. A — E in fours, A 1 with engraved title and A 2 with frontispiece : F — G in sixes : H, 2 leaves: I, 6 : K, 2 : L, 4 : M— Q, 2 leaves each : K, 8 : S, 2 : T, 4 : V, 2 : X, 8 : Second Book, with a new title, Aa, 2 : Bb, 4 : Cc, 6 : Dd— Ff, 2 each : Gg, 6 : Hh— Ii, 2 each : Kk, 4 : LI, 2 : Mm, 6 : Nn— Pp, 2 each : Qq, 4 : Rr, 2 : Ss, 8 : Tt— Xx, 2 each. With numerous diagrams accom- panied by volvelles and maps, which count in the sheets. iONES, JOHN, Chancellor of Llandaff. The Mysteries of Opium Reveal'd, By Dr Johu Jones, Chancellor of Landaff, a Member of the College of Physicians in London : And formerly Fellow of Jesus- College in Oxford ... A Deo Lux. London : Printed for Richard Smith at the Angel and Bible without Temple- Bar, mdcci. 8°. A, 6 leaves, including a letter from the College of Physicians and the Errata ; B — Bb 2 in eights, be- sides a folded leaf between U 3 and U 4. H. Stopes, Esq. The New Art of Spelling . . . By J. Jones, M.D. London, Printed in the Year 1704. 4°. A, 3 leaves : B— T in fours. I ONES, ROBERT, Musician, The First Booke of Songes or Ayres of foure parts with Tableture for the Lute. So made that all the parts together, or either of them seuerally may be song to the Lute, Orpherian or Viol de gamba. Composed by Robert Iones. Quce prosunt singula multa iuuant. Printed by Peter Short with the assent of Thomas Morley, and are to be sold at the signe of the Starre on Bredstreet hill. 1600. Folio. Title and To the Reader, 2 leaves : B — G 2 in fours. Dedicated to Sir Robert Sidney, Knight, Governor of Flushing. B. M. This copy wants title and dedication, which were in a second very imperfect one sold among Mr. Gibson-Craig's books in 1888. The Second Booke of Songs and Ayres, set out to the Lute, the base Violl the playne way, or the Base by tableture after the leero fashion : Composed by Robert Iones. Printed by P. S. for Mathew Selnian by the assent of Thomas Morley, and are to be sold at the Inner temple gate, 1601. Folio, A — M, 2 leaves each. Dedicated " To the Right Vertvovs and Worthy Knight, Sir Heury Leonard." B. M. [Ultimum Vale, or the Third Book of Airs of 1. 2. or 4. Voyces. By Robert Jones. London, T. Este, 1608.] Folio. Title, 1 leaf : dedication to Henry Prince of Wales and Preface "To the Silent Hearer," 1 leaf : B — M, 2 leaves each. College of Music. This copy wants the title. It has a MS. note on the flydeaf by Rimbault as to the rarity of the musical works of Jones. A Mvsicall Dreame. Or The Fovrth Booke of Ayres. The First part is for the Lute, two Voyces, and the Viole de Gamba ; The Second part is for the Lute, the Viole and foure Voices to Sing : The Third part is for one Voyce alone, or to the Lute, the Basse Viole, or to both if you please, Composed by Robert Iones. Quce fwosunt singula, multa iuuant. Lon- don Imprinted by the Assignes of Wil- liam Barley, and are to be solcle in Powles Church-yeard, at the Signe of the Crowne. 1609. Folio. A — K, two leaves each : L, 4 leaves. Dedicated to Sir John Levin- thorpe, Knight. B. M. The First Set of Madrigals, of 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Parts, for Viols and Voices, or for Voices alone, or as you please. Composed by Robert Iones. Quce prosunt singula, multa iuuant. London Imprinted by Iohn Windet 1607. 4°. B. M. (Bassus only) Collation : A, 2 : B— D in fours : E, 2. Dedicated to Robert, Earl of Salisbury. JORDEN. *Jordans medytacyons, with other dyuers matters in Englysshe : as apperyth by a short Table in the ende / after the ordre of the. A. B. C. [Col.] ^lmprynted by me Robert Wyer in the bysshop of Nor- wytche rentes . . . Cum priuilegio Regali: pro spatio septeni annorum. 8°, a — g in fours. JOVIUS, PAULUS. Descriptio Britanniae, Scotiae,Hyberniae, et Orchadvm. Ex Libro Pavli lovii, Episcopi Nvcer. De Iinperiis, et Gentibvs Cogniti Orbis. . . . [Col.] Venetiis apud Michaelem Tramezinum. muxlviii. 4°, a— hh in fours, except that the last sheet has six leaves, a is repeated. JOYE, GF.ORG K. *The subuersion of Moris i'aulse founda- JULIUS. 56 LAMBERT. tion ; whereupon lie sweteth to set faste and shoue vnder bis sliainles shoris, to vnderproppe the popis chircli, made by George Jove. More is become a vayn lyar in bis owne reselling and arguments ; and his folysh harte is blynded. Where lie beleued to haue done most wysely, there hath be shewed himself a starke foole. Rom. i. Moros in Greke is stultus in Latyn, a fool in Englysshe. Vivit Dotninus, cuius inuicta Veritas manet in eternum. At Emdoni by Jacob Auiik. [1534.] 8°, 41 leaves. JULIUS, ALEXANDER. Ecphrasis Paraphraseos Georgij Bueha- nani in Psalmos Davidis : Ab Alexandro Ivlio Edinbvrgeno. In Adolescentiae studios* gratiam elaborata. Londini, Ex- cusum apud Georgium Eld. M. dc. xx. 8°, A— Z'in eights: Aa, 6. Dedicated to Sir Oliver St. John, Lord Deputy of Ireland. B. M. JUSTICES OF PEACE. **The boke of iustyces of peas. [This is beneath a cut of a Kin enthroued, with bis judges, &c. At the end :] Thus endeth the boke of justyces of peas. Emprynted at London in Flete-strete at the signe of the rose garland by Robert Copland in the yere of our Lorde M.ccccc. and xv. 4°. K. KENT. The Bloody Husband, And Crvell Neigh- bovr, Or, A True Historie of Two Mvr- tbers, Lately committed in Laurence Parish, in the Isle of Thanet in Kent, neer Sandwich : One Murder by the hands of Adam Sprackling Esquire, . . . The other The Murther of Richard Langly, . . . Written by one that lives neer the Place where the said Murthers were com- mitted, and was present at M r Sprack- ling's tryall ; And published for the warning, and good of all. . . . London, Printed by Tbo. Warren, 1G53. 4°, A — B in fours. Sprackling perpetrated the murder of las own wife and also that of Langly. KNOX, JOHN. An Answer to a Great Nomber of blas- phemous cauillations written by an Ana- baptist, and aduersarie to Gods eternal Predestination. And Confvted By Iohn Knox, minister of Gods worde in Scot- land. Wherein the Autbor so discouereth the craft and falsbode of that sect, that tue i, r odly, knowing that error, may be confirmed in the trueth by the euident Wordes of God. [Quotation from Pro- verbs xxx. 12. Geneva.] Printed by Iobu Crespin. M. D. lx. 8°, A — Ff 4 in eights, Ff 4 with the Errata. Heir followeth the coppie of the resson- ing which was betuix the Abbote of Crosraguell and John knox, in Mayboill concerning the masse, in the yeare of God, a thousand hue hundreth tlire scoir and two yeares. [Quot. from Apocalypse xxii.] Imprinted at Edinburgh by Robert Lekpreuik, and are to [be] solde at his hous, at the neiber bow. Cum priui- legio. 1563. 4°. 12 prel. leaves and A — H in fours. Black letter. L. LACTANTIUS. Anthologia Lactantii Firmiani, . . . re- center in locos digesta communes per Thoinam Beconuin. Lvgdvni, Apvd Cle- meiitem Bavdiiivin. 1558. 8°. +,8 leaves : *, 8 leaves, the last blank : a — q 6 in eights. LADIES. The Petitiou of the Ladies of London and Westminster to the Honourable House for Husbands. [Col.] London. Printed for Mary Want-man, the Foremaid of the Petitioners, and Sold by A. Roper in Fleetstieet, 1693. 4°, 2 leaves. B. M. Compare Petition. t LAMBERT, FRANQOIS, ofAviynun. tThe Suimue of Christianitie gatheryd out almoste of al placis of scripture by LAMBERT. 57 LANCASHIRE. that noble and famouse clerke Francis Lambert of Avynyon. And translatyd by Tristram Revel. The yere of our lorde 1536. Sm. 8°, B— H 4 in eights. Attributed to the press of Robert Red- man by Mr. Maskell. The niinde and iudgernent of maister Frances Lambert of the wyll of man, declarynge and prouynge howe and after what sorte it is captyue and bonde, and not free : taken out of hys commentaries vpon Osee the Prophete, wherin vpon the . iiii. Chapter of the sayd prophet, he most Godly, plainlye and learnedly, entreateth, and writeth of the same. Neweiye trashited into Englishe by N. L. Anno Do. m. d. xlviii. the xviii. day of Decebre. [Col.] Imprinted at Lon- don, by John Day, and William Seres, . . . Cum gratia ... 8°, A— K 2 in eights, besides the dedication by Nicholas Lesse to Anne, Duchess of Somerset, 3 leaves more. LAMBERT, JOHN, Lord Lambert. Roome for Cuckolds ; Or My Lord Lam- berts Entrance into Sodome and Gonio- rah. To the Tune of, Is there no more Cuckolds but I. Printed for W. R. A broadside in two cols, and in verse. B. M. LANCASHIRE. To the Kings Most Excellent Maiesty, The Humble Petition of divers Recusants and others, in the County of Lancaster, that they may be received into his Ma- iesties Protection, and have their Amies redelivered to them, for the defence of his Maiesties Person and their Faun- lies. Together with his Maiesties Com- mission . . . London, Printed for Ed- ward Husbands and Iohn Frank, . . . 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. The Petition of divers of His Majesties faithful Subjects, of the true Protestant Religion, in the County Palatine of Lan- caster : Presented to His Majestie at York the last of May, by the high Sheriffe of that Countie, and divers other Gentlemen of Quality : . . . With His Majesties An- swer, June 6. 1642. London : Printed by Robert Barker, . . . 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. Severall Letters from the Committees in severall Counties, To the Honourable William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker . . . Read in both Houses of Parliament, Iune 27. 1642. Wherein (amongst divers other Passages very remarkable) is related how the Towne Men of Manchester, put them- selves into Arms, and stood upon their defence against the Lord Strange and his Forces, who came to seize on the Maga- zine. . . . London, Printed for Ioseph Hunscott, and Iohn Wright. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. Newes from Manchester Being A Trve Relation of the Battell fought before Manchester. Wherein the Lord Strange lost 150. Men besides 100. taken Prisoners, with the losse only of 12 Men of the Town side, whereof six of them were taken Prisoners. Sent in a Letter to a private Friend. London, Printed for Richard Best. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. A True and Perfect Relation of the Pro- ceedings at Manchester, From Sunday the 25. of September, to Sunday the second of October, mdcxlij. Wherein is Related six severall Battels fought by the Inhabi- tants of Manchester, with two thousand men against the Lord Si range, now Earle of Derby, and the Lord Rivers with 3000. horse and foot, . . . Declared in a Letter sent from M r Thomas Hawkins to Mr Erbie a Member of the House of Com- mons, and openly read in the said House, October the 4, 1642. October 6. Printed for H. Blake, 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. A Declaration and Svmmons sent by the Earl of Newcastle, to the Town of Man- chester, to lay down their Arms. With the Resolute Answer of the Commanders in chief, and Souldiers in Manchester. . . . London, Printed for Peter Cole, . . . July 15. 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. Some Notable Observations upon the late Svmmons By the Earl of Newcastle, of the Town of Manchester. Written by a Worthy Member of the House of Com- mons, and appointed to be printed . . . London, Printed for Edward Hvsbands, . . . 1643. August 4. 4°, 4 leaves. Preston, Novemb. 17. 1646. The Deli- berate Resolution of the Ministers of the Gospel within the County Palatine of Lancaster. With their grounds and Cau- tions according to which they put into execution the Presbytereall Government upon the present Ordinance of Parlia- ment. London, Printed for Luke Fawue . . . 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. The Harmonious Consent of the Ministers of the Province within the County Pala- tine of Lancaster, With their Reverend Brethren the Ministers of the Province of London, in their late Testimonies to the Trueth of Jesus Christ, and to our Solemn League and Covenant : As also against the Errours, Heresies, and Bias- LANG TON. 58 LA WES. pheraies of these times, and the Tolera- tion of them. London, Printed by J. Macock, for Luke Favvne, . . . mdcxlviii. 4°, A— D in fours, D 4 blank. The Paper Called the Agreement of the People taken into consideration, and the Lawfulness of Subscription to it Exa- mined, and Eesolved in the Negative, by the Ministers of Christ in the Province of Lancaster . . . London, Printed for Luke Fawne, . . . 1649. 4°, B— E 2 in fours, and the title. A Trip to Leverpoole, By Two of Fate's Children, In Search of Fortvnatvs's Purse. A Satyre. Addressed to the Honourable the Commissioners of Her Majesties Cus- toms. [Quot. from Hudibras.] By a Gentleman of Lincoln's-Inn : London ; Printed for Richard Croskill Bookseller in Lincoln's-Inn. 1706. Folio, A — G, 2 leaves each, A 1 blank, A 2 with title, G 1 not marked, G 2 blank. In verse. B. M. and H. Stopes, Esq. This appears to be the earliest printed account dealing with what is now one of our most important seaports and com- mercial headquarters. In a MS. narrative (printed in Halliwell's Palatine Anthology, 1850), showing the state of the place in 1704, we get an extraordinary idea of its growth in a couple of years. In the Stopes copy of the pamphlet before me, which is uncut, and finer than the only other I have seen, that in the British Museum, Liverpool is described as already threateniug to eclipse Bristol. It concludes with "The Publican bis Dream," which, like the remainder, is in verse. LANGTON, CHRISTOPHER. **A uery brefe treatise, ordrely declaring the prlcipal partes of phisick, that is to saye : Thynges natural. Thynges not natural! Thynges agaynst nature. Ga- thered, and sette forth by Christopher Langton. Anno dni m.d.xlvii. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Fletestrete by Edward Whitchurch the . x. day of April ... 8°, A— M 4 in eights. With some verses on the back of the title by W. Baldwin. Dedic ited to Edward Duke of Somerset. LATIMER, HUGH. Fiuitfull Sermons Preached by the right Reuerend Father, . . . M. Hvgh Latimer, newly Imprinted with others not hereto- fore set forth in print, ... At London, printed for the Company of Stationers. 1607 Cum Priuilegio. 4°. * 8 leaves : A — Tt 2 in eights. With Augustin P.ern- her's Epistle to the Duchess of Suffolk, dated from Southani, October 2, 1570, re- tained. *The Sermon that the Reuerende father in Christ, Hugh Latimer, byshop of Wor- cester, made to the clergie, in the couo- cacio, before the Parlvament began, the 9. day of June, the 28. yere of the reigne of our Souerayne lorde kyng Henry the viii. nowe translated out oHatyneintoenglyshe, to the intet, that thingis well said to a fewe, may be vnderstande of many, and do good to al the that desyre to be better. % Iniprynted at London by Thomas Ber- thelet printer to the kinges grace. The yere from the byrthe of Christ . 1537. the 23. of Nouember. Cum priuilegio. 8", E 4 in eights. LAUD, WILLIAM, Archbishop of Canter- bury. The Copie of a Letter sent from William Lavd Archbishop of Canterbury the 28. of June mdcxli. unto the Vniversitie of Oxford : Specifying, His willingnesse to resigne his Chancellor-ship, And withall deploring his sad Estate now in the time of his Imprisonment. Printed in the yeare, 1641. 4°, 2 leaves. Canterbvries Amazement : Or The Ghost of the yong fellow Thomas Bensted, who was Drawne, Hang'd, and Quartered by the meanes of the Bishop of Canterburie ; who appeared to him in the Tower, since the lesuites Execution. With a Discourse between the two Heads on London Bridge, the one being Thomas Bensteds, the other the late lesuites. Printed for F. Coules, in the Yeare 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. Black letter. With a large descriptive cut on title and a second on A 3 verso. Canterbvry's Will. With A serious Con- ference betweene His Scrivener and Him. Also A loving Admonition to his Brethren the Bishops. Printed in the Yeare 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. With the common woodcut portrait on title. LAWES, HENRY and WILLIAM. Choice Psalms . . . 1648. At a sale at Futtick's in March 1887 a copy of this book was sold, divided into four volumes, and having in each an inscrip- tion as follows : " Solus Deus ptector Meus W. Fiat Volvntas t ua Lavs deo. Ex dono Jhs Linn : " The last sentence is in a dif- ferent hand, probably that of the giver, but the rest appears to be the autograph of Mildmay Fane, Earl of Westmoreland. On the flyleaf of the Bassus part occurs : " This Musical! Set of Bookes composed by Mr Lawea an humbly and freely presented to the Bight Honourable Mildmay Earle of Westmorland, as a Small addition to his new erected Library and as a Monument of my atfection to the Muses from His most LEICES TERSH1RE. 59 LOMBARDUS. humble and most affectionate Servant Iohn Lynn." Lord Westmoreland's inscription is partly in capitals, and the words LA VS deo doubt- less allude to the composer. In this copy a portrait of the King, instead of being worked, as in the Huth one, on the back of the title to Cantus Sccundus, faces it as in the other portions. LEICESTERSHIRE. The Impeachment and Charge of M r Henry Hastings, Sonne to the Earle of Huntington, concerning his manifold Mis- demeanours, the dangerous insurrections, and Tumults occasioned by the said M l Hastings in the County of Leicester, . . . Also the substance of a Speech spoken by the Earl of Pembrook before the Com- mittee, . . . July 22. London, Printed for Iohn Warden. 4°, 4 leaves. With a common cut on the last page. An exact and true Relation of A most cruell and horrid Murther committed by one of the Cavaliers, on A woman in Leicester, Billetted in her House : Who was shot into the back, being within five Weeks of the time of her delivrey. . . . London, Printed for E. Husbands and I. Franck, . . . Sept. 17. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. LESCARBOT, MARC, Escuier, Seipieur de Vvieucourt. La Chasse Avx Anglois en l'He de Rez, et au Siege de la Rochelle, Et la Redvc- tion de la dite ville a l'obeissance du Roy. Av Roy. A Paris Chez Francois lacqvin, . . . m.dc.xxix. ... 8°. *, 3 leaves : A — G in fuurs : H, 6. In verse. Italic letter. LESLIE. Laurus Leslseana Explicata, Sive Clarior Enumeratio Personarum Utriusque Sexus Cognominia Leslie, Una cum Affinibus, Titulis, Officiis, Dominiis, Gestisque Cele- brioribus Breviter indicatis, Quibus A sexcentis, & amplius Annis Prosapia ilia Floret, . . . Groecii, ... 1692. Large folio, a — b, 2 leaves each : A — V, 2 leaves each. Dedicated to James Earl of Leslie. With a large portrait of the Earl and a folded genealogical table. LE STRANGE, SIR ROGER. Considerations and Proposals in order to the Regulation of the Press : Together with Diverse Instances of Treasonous, and Seditious Pamphlets, Proving the Necessity thereof. By Roger L'Estrange. London, Printed by A. C. June 3 d m.dc.lxiii. 4°, A — E in fours, and (a), 4 leaves. The Dissenters Sayings, In Requital for L'Estrange's Sayings. Published in Their Own Words, for the Information of the People. By Roger L'Estrange. London, Printed for Henry Brome, . . . 1681. 4°, A— G in fours, G 4 blank. LETTERS. Miscellaneous Letters and Essays, on several Subjects. Philosophical, Moral, Historical, Critical, Amorous, &c. In Prose and Verse. Directed to John Dryden Esq ; ... By several Gentlemen and Ladies. London : Printed for Ben- jamin Bragg, . . . 1694. 8°, A— Q in eights. Dedicated by Charles Gildon to Sir John Trenchard. LILY, WILLIAM, Grammarian. *A shorte introduction of Grammar generally to be vsed . . . Imprinted at London by the assignes of Frauncis Flower, 1577. 4°, L in eights. LINCOLN, DIOCESE OF. An Abridgement of that Booke which the Ministers of Lincolne Diocesse de- livered to his Majestie, . . . 1605. . . . Reprinted, Anno Dom. 1638. Small 8°. A, 6 : B— G in sixes : H, 6. LINDEWOOD, WILLIAM. *Constitvtiones Angliae Prouinciales. . . . Londini Excudebat Thomas Marshe. 1557. 8°, Gg 4 in eights. Dedicated in this edition by the printer to Cardinal Pole. LITANY. *The Golden Letanye in Englysshe. [This title is over a woodcut of the Almighty with the Saviour between his knees, &c. At the end :] Imprynted at London in Fauster Lane, by me Iohn Skot, dwellynge in saynt Leonardes parysshe. Sin. 8°. Althorp. +The Letanie or Suffrages. 1559. No place, &c. 8°, A in eights. LLOYD, WILLIAM, Bishop of St, Asaph. An Historical Account of Church-Govern- ment As it was in Great-Britain and Ireland, When they first received the Christian Religion. London, Printed for Charles Brome . . . 1684. 8°. A, 8 leaves : (b) — (d 2) in eights : B — N 4 in eights. Dedicated to Dr. Stillingileet and Mr. Henry Dodwell. LOMBARDUS, PETRUS, Hibernus, Arch- bishop of Armagh (1601-25). De Regno Hibernise Sanctorvm Insvlae Commentarivs. In Qvo, Praeter ejusdem Insula? Situm, Nominis Originein, &c. Pij Conatus & Res a Principe O-Neillo ad Fid em Catholicam propagandam fseli- LONDON. 60 LONDON. citer Gestae continentur. Lovanii, Apud Viduam Stephani Martini. 1632. 4°. Title, dedication to Clement VIII. &c, 8 leaves : A — Qqq 2 in fours. LONDON. [The Apprehension, Arraignement, and execution of Elizabeth Abbot, alias Ce- brooke, for a cruell and horrible murther, committed on the body of Mistris Kil- lingworth in S. Creechurch Parish neere Aldgate in London.] As also the Ar- raignement, Conuiction, and Execution of George laruis Priest alter the order of Saint Benedicts both which suffered death on Munday the eleuenth of April!. 1608. [A large cut of the execution of the woman.] Printed at Loudon, for Henry Gosson, and are [to be sold in Pater] noster-rovv, at the signe of the [Sun.] 4°, black letter, A — C in fours, C 4 blank. The top of the title in the copy used was mutilated, and that portion is copied from the headline on A 2. The imprint was also imperfect. I saw the tract at Leeds, in Yorkshire, Sept. 13, 1887. According to Arbers Transcript, the woman is called Seabrook, alias Abbott, and the date of execution is given as the 8th April in the Stationers' Register, where the murdered woman is said to be of Saint Katherine Crischurch, London. A Proclamation concerning Buildings, and inmates, within the Citie of London, and Confines of the same. Printed at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, . . .* [1625.] A broadside forming four leaves. A Trve Relation of the most wise and worthy Speech made by Captain Venn, one of the Burgesses of the Parliament : to the Apprentices of London ; who rose in Cheapside upon the Combustion at Westminster on Wednesday last at night, December the 29. 1641. As also The Randevowes they bad that night at the Counter in Wood-streete. With A De- scription of the estate of Ireland at, this present time. London: Printed for 11. H. 1641. 4", 4 leaves. An Exact and Trve Relation of that Tumultuous behaviour of divers Citizens and others at Guild-Hall, December the 12. 16 12. Wherein is related the busi- ness- they pretend, their Conference with ni\ Lord Major and a Court of Common Counsell, their Cruelty to the Souldiers, their breach of peace, and shainefull abuse to the Citizens, with other re- markeable Tiling. By a sad Spectator. Printed for B. A. & R D. Decemb. 13. 1642. 4", 4 leaves. Londons Declaration, In the Defence of the Citisens now in Arms. Concerning certain Aspersions cast upon them ; some calling them Traitors and Rebels to the King. Of which, They here nobly cleere themselves, . . . London, Printed for Iohn Greensmith, 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. Whereas at the open Generall Quarter Sessions of the Publick peace holden lor the City of London, at the Guildhall of the same City on Monday the three and twentieth day of Aprill, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty and live, before Christopher Packe Mayor .... [the Assize of Ale, Beer, ecc] Printed by James Flesher, Printer to the Honorable City of London. Three broad- side sheets printed so as to form one document. A Brief Collection out of the Records of the City, Touching Elections of the She- riffs of London and the County of Middle- sex. [Col.] Printed by S. Roycroft, Printer to this Honourable City. 1682. Folio, 2 leaves. The Forfeitures of Londons Charter, Or an Impartial Account of the Several Sei- sures of the City Charter, Together with the Means and Methods that were used for the Recovery of the same, with the Causes by which it came forfeited, as like- wise the Imprisonments, Deposing, and Fining the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs, since the Reign of King Henry the Third to this present Year, 1682. Bein^ faithfully collected out of Aniient and Modern Historys, and Seuerally Pub- lished for the satisfaction of the Inquisi- tive, upou the late Arrest made upon the said Charter by Writ of Quo Warranto. Printed for the Author, and are to be sold by David Brown, . . . and Thomas lien- skin . . . 1682. 4°, A— D in fours, and a leaf of E. LONDON, DIOCESE OF. *lniunctions geuen in the visitatio of the Eteuerende father in God Edmunde, bishop of London, begunne & continued in his Cathedral] churche and dioces of London, from tin' thyrd day of September, in the year of our Lorde god, a thousand flue liundreth and fifty foure, vntil the viij. dave of October, the yeare of our Lorde a thousand line liundreth fifty and fine the nexte ensuyng. Imprinted at London in l'aules churcheyard, at the signe of the holy gost, by John Cawood, Printer to the Kyng & Queenes highnesses. Anno Do- mini, 4. Octobris. 4°, 9 leaves. , LOWE. 61 LYTTELTON. Ko\\6piov Or Eye Salve to anoint the Eyes of ihe Ministers of the Province of Lon- don ; That they may see their Error (at least) in opposing the present Proceedings of the Parliament and Army, in the due Execution of Justice. By a Minister of the Gospel. London, Printed by G. Dawson for Henry Cripps and are to be sold in Popes Alley. 1649. 4°, 4 leaves. LOWE, PETER. A Discovrse of the Whole Art of Chirvr- gerie . . . Compiled by Peter Lowe Scot- tishman, . . . The third Edition ; cor- rected, and much amended. At London, ^[ Printed by Thomas Pvrfoot. An. Horn. 1634. 4°. f , 4 leaves : A— Ff in eights : Gg, 4 : The Presages of Divine Hippocrates, with a new title, A — D in fours. The first portion is dedicated to James Earl of Abercorn, whose arms are on the back of the title, from the author's own house in Glasgow, 20th December 1612 ; the second to the Archbishop of Glasgow from the same address, the 7th November 1611. With woodcuts and commendatory verses by Johu Norden, Physician, &c. LUTHER, MARTIN. *A Poke made by a certayne great clerke agaynst the Newe Idoll,aud Olde Deuyll, whiche of late tyme, in Misnia [Meissen] shulde haue ben canonysed for a saynt. | [(Job] Imprynted by me Robert Wyer dwellynge in saynt Martyns parysshe, besyde charynge Crosse. Cum priuilegio. 8°, 40 leaves. *The true hy stone of the Christen de- partynge of the reuerede ma, D. Martyne Luther, collected by Justus Jonas, Michael Celius, and Joannes Aurifaber whych were therat, & translated into Englysh by Jolian Bale . . . [Col] Thus endeth the oracyo or processe. . . . Anno M.D.XLVI. 8°, 21 leaves. LYTTELTON, SIR THOMAS. Leteltun teners newe correcte. [This title is over a large page-cut probably intended to represent Henry VII. sur- rounded by his councillors or judges. At the end occurs :] Tenorum Lytylton Lector iam cernito nnem. Folio. A, 8 leaves : B— H in sixes : I, 8. With Pynson's device and his name on I 8 verso. Grenv. Coll. Herbert's copy wanted the title, on the back of which wo have : Incipit tabula huius Libri. At the end of the Earl of Koden's copy, in a coeval hand, there is this colophon on the recti) of last leaf : Impressum per me Richardu Pynson Anno dni M. ccccc. xvj. — which may be the origin of Herbert's cita- tion of a dated edition of that year. **Lytylton tenures newly and moost truly correctyd & amendyd. [This title is over the arms of England and France crowned. Colophon :] Londini in ./Edibns Richardi Pynsonis . . . 1525. quarto idus Octobris. Sin. 8°, y in eights. Law- French. **Les Tenvres de Lyttelton novelment imprimes, es ouesq; toute diligense reuises, coriges, et amendes: et ensement oue plusours authoriteis annotes et mar- ques en le marge de cest lyuer on mesme les cases sount ouertement debatus et purparles plus a large. [Col.] IT Im- prynted at London by me Robert Red- man. IT Cum et priuilegio Regali. Small folio, 53 leaves, including the title and a blank at end. **Lytylton tenures. . . . [This title is over the King's arms crowned. Colo- phon :] Expliciunt tenores Litiltoni cum alterationibus eorundem et additionibus nouis necnon cum aliis non minus vtili- oribus. Lodini in yEdibus Rich. Pyn- soris Anno dni. M. ccccc. xxviij. die vero xviij. Iunii. Cum priuilegio. Sm. 8° or 12°, X 6 in eights. Pynson printed two different editions this year ; the other contains EE in eights. Lytyltons tenures newly and most truly correctyd & amendyd. [Beneath is the crowned Tudor rose in an enclosure of pieces. Robert Redman, 1528.] Small 8vo, A — X in eights, besides a table of the kinds of tenures after the title, 1 leaf. *Lyttylto tenures newly imprinted. [Col.] Londini in edibus Thome Ber- theleti Reg. impressoris / in Fletestrete prope aquagium sitis / sub signo Lucrecie Romane. 8°, R in eights. In French. Lytylton Tenvres Newly Revised, and truly corrected with a table (after the alphabete to fynde out briefely the cases desyred in the same) therto added very necessary to the readers. Cvm Privilegio Ad Imprimendvm solum per septennium. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Flete- strete at the sygne of the George by Wyl- lyam Powel. In the yere of our Lorde 1553. Cvm Privilegio ad imprimendum solum. 8". Title and Table, 16 leaves, last two blank : A — T in eights. ( 6= ) M. M.J. Brief Notes Upon a late Sermon, Titl'd, The Fear of God and the King ; Preech'd, and since Publish'd, By Matthew Griffith, D.D. And Chaplain to the late King. Wherein many Notorious Wrestlings of Scripture, and other Falsities are observd by J. M. London, Printed in the Year 1660. 4°, A— B in fours. M. P., Mercurius Scotus Hybemicus. The Speech of a Fife Laird Newly come from the Grave. [Robert Sanders, 1 Glas- gow, about 1670.] A broadside in three columns. Black letter. In verse. B. M. MACER, ^EMILIUS [or rather, Odo, a Pltysicimi]. Macers Herbal. Practysyd by Doctor Lynacro. Translated out of laten, into Englysshe, whiche shewynge [sic] theyr Operacyons & Vertues, set in the margent of this Boke, to the entent you niyght knowe theyr Reasons. [Col.] Imprynted by me Robert Wyer, dwellynge in seynt Martyns Parysshe at the sygne of seynt John Euangelyst, besyde Charynge Crosse. 8°, A — W in fours. Without prefixes. B.M. MACKENZIE, SIR GEORGE, of Rose- haugh. Observations on the Acts of Parliament, Made by King James the First [ — King Charles the Second] Wherein 1. it is Ob- served, if they be in Desuetude, Abro- gated, Limited, or Enlarged. 2. The Decisions relating to these Acts are men- tioned. 3. Some new Doubts not yet decided, are hinted at. . . . By Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehauidi, His Majesties AdvocatforScotland. Edinbvrgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, . . . 1687. Price Bound seven Pound ten shilling Scots. Folio. Imprimatur, etc., 1 leaf : A, 4 leaves : B — 6 C, 2 leaves each : Additions, 2 leaves. Dedicated to James II. Defensio Antiquitatis Regalis Scotorum Prosapiae, . . . Auctore Geo. Mackenzie, ... Ex Anglica in Latinam linguam versa a P. S. Trajecti ad Rhenum, . . . cio. IOC lxxxix. 8°, A— P 2 in eights. MACKQUEEN, JO. The Good Patriot Set forth in the Ex- ample of the Publick-Spirited Centurion. In a Sermon Preached in the Gray-Friar Church of Edinburgh, on the first Mun- day of June 1683, being the Day ordinarly Observed for the Commemoration of George Herriot, The Religious Founder of the Hospital called after his Name Herriots Hospital . . . Edinburgh, Printed bv John Reid at his Printing-house in Bells-Wynd, 1694. 4°. A, 4 leaves : To the Reader, 4 leaves : B — G 2 in fours. Dedicated to the Right Honourable Sir John Hall, of Dunglasse, Baronet, and the other Commissioners of the Scotish Burghs. MAGNA CHART A. **[ Magna Charta. There is no title, the work beginning with a Calendar and Table. Colophon :] Ad laudem et gloria cuncti potentis et beate virginis marie toteq; celestis curie Paruus codex qui Antiqua Statuta vocatur Explicit London iam solerti cura ac diligecia per Richard urn Pynsonum Regis impressorem Anno Iii- camationis dnice millesimo quigetesimo . xiiij. deciino sexto idibus inarcus [sic]. 12°, N in twelves. Agenda form. *Magna Carta. [Col.] f Ad laudem & gloria citncti potentis beate virginis Marie toteq; celestis curie Paruus codex qui Antiqua Statuta et Nona vocatur Explicit. In parochia sancti Clemen tis sub inter- signio sancti Georgij. cum solerti cura ac diligentia [honesti I] viri Roberti Redman nuperime exaratus. Anno Incarnationis dnice. Millesimo quingentesimo. xxv. nono idus Maii. ^[ Laus deo. Agenda form. Folioes 146 + 9 leaves of Tables, concluding with a leaf probably blank, and here deficient. MAIN WARING, ROGER, D.D., Bishop of St. David's. By the King. A Proclamation for the calling in, and suppressing of two Ser- mons, Preached and Printed by Roger Manwaring, Doctor in Diuinity, intituled, Relifjion and Allegiance. Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohu Bill, . . . m.dc.xxviii. A broadsheet. MALVEZZI, VIRGILIO. Stoa Triumphans : Or, Two sober Para- doxes, viz. 1. The Praise of Banishment. 2. The Dispraise of Honors. Argued in two Letters by the noble and learned Marquesse, Virgilio Malvezzi. MAN. 63 MARGARET. Now translated out of the Italian, with some Annotations annexed. . . . London, Printed by J. G. 1651. 12°. A, 4 leaves ; B— E in twelves : F, 8. Dedicated by T. P., the translator, to David Gwin, Esq. MAN. *[A broadside with a woodcut of a man on horseback, a spear in his right hand, and a shield in his left with the arms of France.] Emprynted at Beverley in the Hyegate, by me Hewe Goes. With the printer's mark or rebus, a H and a goose. MANDERSTON, WILLIAM, Scotus, Dio- cesis Sancti Andrea. Moralia magistri guillermi Manderston scoti philosophi Saereq, theologie pfes- soris in summa et ardua philosophia bi- partita ex varus autoribus p eude nuper- rime collecta. Et pro secunda impressione cu recentib? additionibg ab eode appositis reuisa . . . nuperrime impressum [Pari- siis] Anno a nativitate dni Millesimo quingentesimo . xxxv. Die vero. xxiii. Nouembrii. Sm. 8°, folioes 1-200 inclu- sively of title. Dedicated to Cardinal Beaton from Paris under date of 1523. Buth Coll. MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN. Johannes von Monteuilla Ritter. [This is the whole title. Col.] Getruckt zu Straszburg Johannes Priissz, Anno Do- mini. M.cccc.lxxxiiij. Folio, black letter, with numerous woodcuts, a — b in eights: c — d in sixes : e, 8 : f, 6 : g, 8 : h, 6 : i — k — 1 in eights : m, 7. Tractato de le piu marauegliose cose e piu notabile. . . . [Col.] Impssus bofl. p Ugone Rugeriu ano dni. Mcccclxxxviij. [Beneath is the printer's mark.] 4°, a — i in eights : k, 10. In two columns. With- out cuts. dANUALE. Manuale ad vsu ecclesie Sarisburiensis. Jam recens impressum: ab erratis et men- dis emunctissime vindicatum pro Jacobo Cousin. Anno. M.ccccc.xxxvij. 4°. With the music. The copy examined ended imperfectly on y7. Man vale ad vsum per Celebris ecclesie Sarisburiensis. Londini noviter Impres- sum Anno Domini, m.d.liiii. [Col.] Man- vale ad secundum [sic] vsum ecclesie Sarisburiensis, tam in cantu qj in littera diligentissime recognitum : & nusqj ante hac elimatus impressum. In quo ea que seruat ecclesiasticus ritus ordine congruo connectuntur. 4°, a — p in eights : q, 10 leaves. Finely printed in red and black, long lines, with the music. Manvale ad vsum per Celebris ecclesie Sarisburiensis : Londini recenter impres- sum necnon multis mendis tersum atqj emendatum. Anno Domini . 1555. 4°, a — p in eights : q, 10. This appears to be mainly the same im- pression as that of 1554. Both are, I ap- prehend, merely the Rouen edition of 1554 with a London title-page. MANWOOD, JOHN. A Treatise of the Lawes of the Forest : . . . London, Printed for the Societie of Stationers. Anno Dom. 1615. Cum Pri- uilegio. 4°. 1 and * 8 leaves each : A — Kk 4 in eights, Kk 4 blank. This edition, published after Manwood's death, contains additional pieces found among his MSS., as is stated in a short but interesting preface. MARBECKE, JOHN. The lyues of holy Sainctes, Prophetes, Patriarches, and others, contayned in holye Scripture, so farre forth asexpresse mention of them is delyuered vnto vs in Gods worde, with the interpretacion of their names : Collected and gathered ... By Iohn Maibecke . . . Anno. 1574. [Col."] Imprinted at London by Henry Denham, and Richarde Watkins. Anno. 1574. 4°. Title, dedication by author to Lord Burleigh, and R. M. to the Reader, 5 leaves : B — X in eights : Y, 4. Black letter. MARDELEY, JOHN, of the Tower Mint. ARuful complaynt of the publyke weale to Englande. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Thomas Raynahl. [About 1547.] 4°, 4 leaves. In 4-line stanzas. At the foot of the sixth page occur the initials J. M., probably John Mardeley. The last stanza is — " God saue Edward our kyng And hys counsellers so worthye and send theym grace to help thvs thinge For the weale of the communaltye." The Errata occur at the bottom of the seventh page. The tract is remarkable for the paucity of stops. MARGARET, ST. The [Life of Saint Margaret. This title is in a scroll over a woodcut occupying the rest of the page. At the end occurs :] Thus endeth the lvfe of saynt Margarete Enprynted at London in the pultry at the stockes at the longe shoppe by saynt myldredes churche, By John Mychell. 4°, A — C in fours. Sotheby's, Dec. 23, 1887, in Lot 3302, much mutilated. The woodcut on title is MARGUERITE. 64 MARTIAL. repeated on the back : it represents the Saint attended by the Lion. MARGUERITE D'ANGOULEME, Queen of Navarre. *A Godly Medytacyon of the christen sowle, conceminge a love towardes and hya Christe, compyled in frenche by ne ofNauerre,aptelie translated into English by the ryght ver- tuouse lady Elyzabeth doughter to our late souerayne Kynge Henxy the viii. [This title is over a cut of the Prii kneeling, and receiving the Saviour's bl< ssing. At the end occurs :] Imprented in the yeare of our lorde 1548. in Apryll. - . - ives. Edited by John Bale, and dedicated by him to the Princess. Included is a transla- tion by Elizabeth of the 13th Tsalru in Eng- lish verse. The History of the most Illustrious Lady Queen Margaret Daughter to Henry the seond, and first Wife to Henry the last of France. Truly representing the Con- trivance and prosecution of the Bloody Massacre and the growth and fury of the CivillWarinthat Kingdome, . . . Written in French by herowne most Royall hand and faithfully translated into English, By I! b :: Codrington Master of Arts. And recommended to the publicke. London, Printed hy R H. 1640. 8°. Title, de- dication hy translator to Sir Horatio Townsend,*K*and Bart., and Advertise- ment, &a, 3 leaves : 11— Q 4 in .. ights, Q 4 blank. M AUK 11 AM. GERVASE. A way to get Wealth. By Approued Rules of Practice in good Husbandry and Hus- wiferie. Containing The foure principal] Offices which support and maintaine a Familie. I. The husbanding and inrich- ing of all sorts of grounds, making the barren equall with the most fruitfull : with the reducing to their tirst perl all grounds whether arable or pasture. ouerflowing of Salt water. a-breaches, and the inriching of the -. knowledges not pub- lish'. . Also the presentation of ne, and a computation of Men .. tell labors. 11. The ordering and curing, with the natures, breeding, \~ . -. ing of all sorts of Cattell and. Fowle, . . . 111. The office of ;'. in Physicke, S ... I III. The office of Planting and Grafting, . . . The first three Book - I 03 G. M. last by M r William Lawson, tor the bene- fit of the Empire of Great Britaine. And all these newly corrected and augmented by the Authors. Printed at London lor i: ger Iackson, and are to bee sold at his sliop mere Fleetstreet Conduit. 1625. 4". //. Stopes, Esq. This is a creneral title to a volume con- taining Markham's Farewell to Husbandry, . ;,is Cheap and Good Husbandry, 1623 ; h\& Country Contentments, 1623 ; ai I Law- son's New Orchard and Garden, 1623. It appears to he the earliest collected issue. Markhams Mai.-ter-Peece. Containing all Knowledge belonging to the Smith, Far- rier, or Horse-Leech, . . . Imprinted at London by Nicholas and Iohn Okes, dwelling in the Well yard in little St. Bartholmews m-ere the Hospital! > 1636. 4°. Mind of the frontispiei frontispiece itself, title, &c, 7 i B— Pp in eights : Qq, 6 leaves. With leuts and a folded plate. MARSHALL, STEPHEN. A Sacred Panegyriek, Or A Sermon of Thanks-Givin_\ Preached to the two Houses of Parliament, His Excellency the Earl of Essex, the Lord Major . . . and Commissioners from the Church of S tland, Vpoii occasion of their Solemn Feasting, to testifie their thanki'ulnes to God, and union and concord one with another, after so many Desi^nes to divide them, and thereby mine the Kingdome, Ianuary IS. 1643. ' Published by Order of the Lords and Commons . . . London, Printed for Stephen Bowtell, . . . 1644. 4°. A. 2 leaves : B— E in fours : F, 1 leaf. Dedicated to the Parliament, MARSHALSEY. The Ancient Legal Course and, Funda- mental Constitution of the Palace-Covrt or Marshalsea. Together with the several _ - f all Proceedings there ; Audits present Establishment : Particular forth and Explained. Whereby it will : Authority this Court hath been in all Times. 1, rodon, Printed for Robert Crofts at the Crown in Chan- cery-lane. 1663. 12°. A. 8 huves, in- cluding!: (A Perpetual Almanac with the Crown and C. R. 2<* beneath] and an Explanation of it : A, repeated, 12 leaves: B, 1-2 : no C : D, 4. B. M. This is an interesting and most rare little volume, and appears to be the only separate account of this ancient tribunal, which had its analogues in other countries, and over which the celebrated Sir Thomas LdttletoE presided in the time of Henry V. I can trace only one other copy besides that in the British Museum. +MAKTIAL, JOHN, LL.B. and Stu Divinity. A Treatyse of the Cros.-e gathered ovl ol MARTIN. ^ MARY. the Scriptures, . . . Emprinted at Ant- werp by John Latins, at the signe of the Rape, with Privilege. Anno. 1564. 8", k& in eights. ARTIN", M. i Late Voyage to St. Kilda, The Remotest )f the Hebrides, Or Western Isles of Scot- and. With A History of the Island, Natural, Moral, and Topographical. Wherein is an Account of their Customs, Religion, Fish, Fowl, &c. As also a Rela- ion of a late Impostor there, pretended o be sent to St. John Baptist. Ly M. Martin, Gent. London : Printed for J). Brown, and T. Goodwin : At the Black Jwan and Bible without Temple-Bar ; ,nd at the Queen's Head against St. Dun- tan's Church in Fleet street, mdcxcviii. I". A, 5 leaves, including half-title : *, ! leaves with Contents : B — L in eights, j 8 with Advertisement. With a folded pap. Dedicated to the Right Hon. Charles dontague, Esq., Chancellor of the Exche- [uer, President of the Royal Society, &e. V Description of the Western Islands of Scotland. . . . London, Printed for Andrew Bell, at the Cross-Keys and Bible, n Cornhill, near Stocks-Market, 1703. S°, a — b in eights : A — Bb 4 in eights. With a folded map of the Islands and a date of the Form of the Heathen Temple. dedicated to Prince George of Denmark. ARTIN, WILLIAM, Recorder of Exeter. Pile Historic and Lives, of Twentie Kings if England. With the Successions of the )vkes, and Earles of this Realme ; from he Conqvest vntill the Twelfth yeare of he Famous Raigne of the most Admired i'rince King lames the First. Together vith the times of the Creations of the Barons, and Baronets, of this Kingdome. By William Martyn Esquire, Recorder of he Honorable Citie of Exeter. Frustra It per plura, quod fieri potest per pandora. jondon, Printed by W. Stansbyfoi Benrie •'etherstone. 1615. Folio. IT, 4 leaves : ), 6 leaves : A — Zz in fours : Aaa, 5 eaves. Dedicated to the Gallant Gentry if England. With verses to the Author >y his sons Nicholas, William, and Ed- van 1. ARTYR, PETER. dost Godly prayers compiled out of )auids Psalmes by D. Peter Martyr. translated out of Latin into English by jJharles Blemhan, B. Seene and allowed jecording to the order appointed. 1m- irinted at London by William Seres. 569. Cum priuilegio. 8°, A— LI 4 in ights. B. M. MARTYRS. Actiones et Monimenta Martyrum, Qvi A Wicleffb et Hvsso ad nostram hanc setate in Germania, Gallia, Anglia, Flan- dria, Italia, & ipsa demum Hispania, veritatem Euangelicam sanguine sno con- stanter obsignauerunt. Joannes Crispi- nvs, M.i) LX. 4". a — /3, 8 leaves each : 7, 4 leaves : A, 4 leaves : B — Ss in eights. The epistle of Crispin to the Reader is dated Geneva, 5 Kal. March, 156'0. MARVELL, ANDREW, M.P. Marvels Ghost : Being the True Copy of a Letter sent to the A. B. of C. upon his suddain Sickness, at the Prince of Orange's first Arrival into London. [London, 1688.] 4°, 2 leaves. In verse. MARY, called the Virgin. **Hore Beate Marie Virginia ad usum Sarum. [Col.] Hore beate marie vir- ginisad vsum insignisecclesie Sariifiniunt feliciter vnacii multis sanctoru & sanctarft sulfragiis, et multis aliis diuersis orationi- bus nouiter supadditis. Impresse Lon- donii per me winandum de worde coni- morantem in vico nucupato de Fletestrete ad signum solis . M.ccccc.ii. 4°, 150 leaves + the Calendar. **IIore beate Marie virginis secundum vsum insignis ecclesie Sarum totaliter ad longum & sine requie. [This is over a cut of the Salutation, and beneath it :] Be me Julyan Notary. [Col.] Hore beate Marie virginis . . . finiunt feliciter vna cu multis sanctoru et sanctaru sulfra- giis et multis aliis diuersis oratioibus nouiter supefadditis cu quatuor enan- gelis et passione dni et cu horis dulcissimi nomis lesu. Impresse London without Tempell bane in Saynt Clement parysshe be me Julyan Notary dwellynge at the sygne of the thre kynges. [1504.] 4", 307 leaves. On the back of the title is an Almanac for 1!) years from 1503. In Herbert's time a copy on vellum was in the possession of the Rev. Mr. Masters. Dibdin notices a similar one in the Towneley Collection ; and he also considers the book as evidently of foreign execution. *[IIone beatissima) virginis Maria? in verum usum Sarum. At the end occurs :] Hone . . . qua plurimis Biblia? historiis decorata? . . . Impresse quidem Parisiis in officina industrii calcographi Nicolai Pre- uost Impensis vero fidelissiini Mercatoris Francisci Byrkman civis Coloniensis & apud eundem venwulantur Londonii apud Csemeterium Sancti Pauli. Anno Dni. 1527. die 18 Jnlij. 4° or small folio, 222 leaves. E MARY. 66 MAXWELL. Herbert describes this from Dr. Lort's copy, which wanted the title. *Hore beate marie virginis ad vsum in- signis ac preclare ecclesie Saru cil figuris passionis mysteriu representfitilms re- center additis. [This title is in red and black over the printer's device, name, ami a copy of verses. On the back of the title is the Table to find Easter. At the end occurs :] Impresse Parisius per Johane bignon pro honesto viro Richardo fakes Lodon librario / & ibide comorate cymi- terio scti Pauli sub signo A. B. C. Agenda form, L in twelves. The Table is from 1521 to 1538. **lfore beate virginis Marie (ad vsum sacrosancte ecclesie Sarum)iam sequuntur. [This title occurs at the head of the lunar calculations for 1533, the copy employed having lost the title. At the end occurs :] ^j Robertus wyer me excudebat, in paro- chio diui Martini, morarn trahenti sub intersigno sancti Joannis. [1533.] Sin. 8°, 120 leaves. MARY I. TUDOR, Queen of England (1553-58). De Exeqviis Caroli V. . . Item De Exeqviis Maris Vngariae & Mariae Anglise reginarum, per eundem Imperatorem [Ferdinanduni] aliquot diebus post cele- bratis . . . Avgvstne Vindelicorvm . . . Anno Sal. 1559. IIII. Kal. Martij. 4°, A — Z in fours : a — f in fours : g, 6. Sotheby's, June 1888 (Turner, No. 9G4). MASSACHUSETTS. A true Relation of the Proceedings against certain Quakers, at the generall Court of the Massachusetts holden at Boston in New-England October. 28. 1659. London Printed by A. W. 1G60. [March 1, 1659-60.] A broadside. B. M. The Charter Granted by Their Majesties King William and Queen Mary, to the Inhabitants of the Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay in New-England. Boston in New-England : Printed by B. Green, Printer to the Honourable the Lieut. Governour & Council, for Benjamin Eliot, and Sold at his Shop, near the Town- House in King's Street. 1T26. Folio. Title ami Charter, A — B in fours : Table of Laws, A 1), -1 haves each, and a leaf of 1']. The Art* mill Laws, with a new title, also dated 172(>, A — Xx in fours. MATTHEW OF PARIS, Monk of St. Al- bans, ob. 1259. Mattheei Paris, Monachi Albanensis, Angli, Histoiia Maior, a Guilielmo Conquestore, ad vltimum annum Henrici tertij. Cum indice Completissimo. Londini, Anno Domini 1571. [Col.] Londini Excusum apud Reginaldum Vuolfium, Regiae Maiest. in Latinis Typographum. Anno Domini m. d. lxx. Folio, t, 4 leaves : A — 5 X in sixes : 5 Y, 7 leaves, including the colophon : Index, a — c in fours : d, 3. Edited by Archbishop Parker. At the foot of the title of the B. M. copy here employed occurs : Liber Henricj Sa- uile, ex dono Mathrej Parker, Cantuareus. Archepiscopi. Matthaei Paris, Monachi Albanensis . . . Historia Maior, . . . Cum Indice Com- pletissimo. . . Tigvri In Offieina Frosch- oviana, m.d.lxxxix. Folio. * — xxxx in sixes, last leaf blank : A — MM in sixes : NN, 5. B. M. Matthaei Paris Monachi Albanensis Angli, Historia Major. Juxta Exemplar Lon- dinense 1571, verbatim recusa. Et cum Rogeri Wendoveri, Willielmi Rishangeri Authorisque Majori Minorique Historic Chronicisque MSS, in Bibliotheca Regis, Collegii Corporis Christi Cantabrigia? Cottoni&que, fideliter collata. Hui< primum Editioni accesserunt, duoruir Offarum Merciorum Regum ; & vigint triumAbbatum S. Albani Vitae : Una run Libro Additamentorum. Per eunden Authorem. Qui & Variantes Lectiones Adversaria, vocumque barbararum Glos sarium adjecit ; simul cum Reruni Nominumque, Indicibus Completissimis Londini, Excudebat Eichardus Hodg kinson, 1640. . . . Folio. A, 8 leaves including frontispiece by T. Cecil am Imprimatur ; b — c in sixes : d, 4 : B — Q in sixes : 4 R, 2 leaves : 4 S — 4 Y ii sixes : 4 Y, 2 leaves : Index Rcrum, A — ( in sixes : D, 8 : Vitce Offarum, &c, will a new title dated 1639, *, 6 leaves : A — } in sixes : Y, 7 : y, 6 leaves : yy, 6 leaves vyy, 6 leaves : yyyy, 4 leaves : Z, ( leaves. Edited by William Watts. .MAXWELL, JAMES, M.A. The Golden Art, Or The right way o Enriching. Comprised in ten Rules proued and confirmed by many places o holy Scripture, .... Very profitable f<8 all such persons in Citie or Countrie, a: doe desire to <, r et, increase, conserue, am vse goods with a good conscience. . . London, Printed for William Leake, ant are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church yard, at the signe of the Holy Ghost 1611. 4°, A— Ee in fours, first and las; leaves blank, and a, 4 leaves between A and B. Dedicated to Sir William Craven MA VERNE. 67 MEXIA. Lord Mayor of London, and Sir John Arnott, Lord Provost of Edinburgh. B. 31. Qveene Elizabeths Looking-glasse of Grace and Glory. Wherein may be seen the fortune of the faithfull : that is to say, the wrastling, victory, and reward, or the combat, conquest and Crown of Gods children. . . . [Col.] London Printed by E. Aide, for Ed. White dwell- ing nere the little north-dore of Paules, at the signe of the Gun. 1612. Sm. 8°, A — P 4 in eights, title on A 2, besides Contents, 3 leaves marked A. Printed within borders. Dedicated by Maxwell " To the Greatest Honovr of the Memorie of the Most Illvstriovs Lady of Samothea, Marie. In her lifetime Queene-heire of Scotland, Queene-dowager of France, and by naturall descent Princesse Apparent of England, France, and Ireland." B. M. dAYERNE, SIR THEODORE, Knight. Archimagirus Anglo-Gallicus : Or, Excel- lent & Approved Receipts and Experi- ments in Cookery. Together with the best way of Preserving. As also, Rare Formes of Sugar- Works : According to the French Mode, and English Manner. Copied from a choice Manuscript of Sir Theodore Mayerne Knight, Physician to the late K. Charles. Magistro Artis, Edere est Esse. Printed for G. Bedell, and T. Collins, . . . 1658. 12°. A, 4 : B— F in twelves : G, 8. I take these particulars from the Jolley, Bliss, and Turner copy. MEAGER, LEONARD. The English Gardener : . . . London, Printed for J. Wright at the Crown on Ludgate Hill, 1683. 4°, A— T in fours, besides the 24 plates. Dedicated to Philip Hollman of Warkworth, co. Northampton, Esquire. MERCURIUS. Mercurius Academicus : Communicating the Intelligence and Affairs of Oxford to the rest of the Passive party thorowout the Kingdom. From Munday in Easter- week, to Saturday the 15. of April, Anno 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. Without a regular title. Mercurjus Crjttjcus, Communicating In- telligence from the Hypocrites at West- minster, the Sectaries in the Army, and the Moone-calves of the City. From Thursday Aprill, 27. to Thursday, May 4. 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. This is No. 3, and forms sign. 0. Craftie Cromwell : Or, Oliver ordering our New State. ATragi-Comedie. Where- in is discovered the Trayterous under- takings and proceedings of the said Nol, and his Levelling Crew. Written by Mercurius Melancholicus. [4 stanzas.] Printed in the Yeare, 1648. 4°. Mercurius Psitacus. Or, The Parotting Mercurie . . . From Munday June 5. to Munday Iune, 12. 1648. [4 stanzas.] Printed in the last year of the Reigne of this Parliament. 164S. 4°, 4 leaves. Mercurius Psitacus : The Parotting Mer- cury : Communicating the Affairs of the Kingdome, from Westminster, London, South-Wales, Sir Marmaduke Langdale and the Scots Forces now joyned in the North, the Kentish and Essexian Royal- ists, the Isle of Wight, and the town of Colchester. From Wednesday Iune 21. to Munday Iuly 3. 1648. [4 stanzas of 4 lines.] Printed in the Yeer 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. A third number from July 3 to July 17 makes another tract of 4 leaves. Mercurius Insanus Insanissimus, Now pretty well recover'd of his wits, He speaks plaiue truth and sense by girds and fits. Pro Rcyc & pro c/rege Perjidelem servum Principis &• Patrice. [1648.] 4°. This is called No. 7, but is marked A, while another part, marked B, is numbered 2. I have seen four parts, A — D in fours. Each has a copy of verses on the title ; in the second part the imprint is : Printed in the Yeere, 1648. The first has no regular title. METCALFE, THEOPHILUS. Short-writing. The most Easie, Exact, Lineal and Speedy Method that hath ever been obtained or taught. . . . The eighth Edition much enlarged and perfected by the Author. Which Book is able to make the Practitioner perfect without a Teacher. As many hundreds iu this City and els- where, that are able to write Sermons word for word can from their own experi- ence testifie. London, Printed, and are to be sold by John Hancock . . . 1652. 8°, A in eights, besides the portrait and frontispiece by Cross and 20 leaves of engraved characters. MEXIA, PEDRO, Historiographer to Charles V. The Foreste or Collection of Histories, no lesse profitable, then pleasant and neces- sarie, dooen out of Frenche into Englishe, by Thomas Fortescue. Ant vtile, ant iu- cundum, aid vtrumq; Imprinted at Lon- MIDDLESEX. 68 MINES. don by Jhon Kyngston, for Will vain Iones. 1571. 4°. a, 4 : b, 2 : A— Zz in fours, followed by 7 leaves irregularly signed. Dedicated to John Fortescue, Esq., Master of the Queen's Wardrobe, with whom he does not name his exact relationship. MIDDLESEX. *[A pardon and absolution granted by pope Clement VIII. for the church of Woxbridge in the diocese of London by Thomas Cardinal of York.] Impressum per me Riehardum Fakes. A small sheet. MIDDLETON, THOMAS. Honorable Entertainments, Compos'de for the Sendee of this Noble Citie. Some of which were fashion'd for the Entertain- ment of the Lords of his Maiesties most Honorable Priuie Councell, vpon the Oc- casion of their late Royall Employment. Inuented bv Thomas Middle ton. Im- printed at London by G. E. 1621. 8°, A — E 3 in fours, E 4 having been doubt- less blank. Sotheby's, March 19, 1888, No. 114. MIDDLETON, SIR THOMAS. An Exact [Copy] of Lievetenaut Generall Middletons Letter : To the Honourable Sir William Waller. And by him com- municated to, and Read in the Honour- able House of Commons, on Saturday last, being the 24. of this instant Moneth of August. 1644. Wherein is set forth a Victory obtained against the Enemy by a Partie of Horse and Dragoones, under the Command of Captaine Findier, Qnarter- Master-Generall to Sir William Waller, at Farrington. . . . [London, 1644.] 4°. 4 leaves. In this copy the imprint was cut off. MIEGE, GUY. A New Cosmography, Or Survey of the Whole World ; In Six Ingenious and Comprehensive Discourses. With a Pre- vious Discourse, being a New Project for bringing up Young Men to Learning. Humbly Dedicated to the Honourable Henry Lyttelton, Esq; By Gvy Miege, Gent. London, Printed for Thomas Basset, . . . 1682. 8°. Title and Ad- vertisement, 2 leaves : B — L 2 in eights, besides two separate diagrams between D 3-4 and L 1-2. MILTON, JOHN. Areopagitica ; A Speech of Mr John Milton Tor the Liberty of Vnlicenc'd Printing To the Parliament of England. [Quot from Euripides with an English translation.] London, Printed in the Yeare, 1644. 4", A — E in fours, and a leaf of F. Joannis Miltoni Defensio Secunda Pro Populo Anglicano : Contra infamem Libellum anonymum cujus Titulus, Regii sanguinis clamor . . . Accessit Alexandri Mori . . . Fides Publica, Contra calum- nias Ioannis Miltoni Scurrse. Haga?- Comitum, . . . m.dc.liv. Sin. 8". * 8 leaves : A — F 6 in twelves. A Treatise of Civil power in Ecclesiastical causes : Shewing That it is not lawfull for any power on earth to compel 1 in matters of Religion. The author J. M. London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, Anno 1659. 8°, A— D in twelves. Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. The Second Edition Revised and Augmented by the same Author. London, Printed by S. Simmons next door to the Golden Lion in Aldersgate-street, 1674. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — Y in eights, Y 8 blank. With a portrait by W. Dolle. Joannis Miltoni Angli, Artis Logicje Ad Petri Rand Methodum concinnata. Ad- jecta est Praxis Analytica & Petri Rami vita. Libris duobus. Londini, Inipensis Spencer Hickman, SocietatisRegalis Typo- graph i, . . . 1672. 12°. With a reduced copy by Dolle of the portrait by Fai- thorne. A, 10 leaves, A 1-2 blank, A 10 with Errata : B — L 6 in twelves. Joannis Miltonii Angli, Epistolarum Familiarum Liber Unus : Qvibvs Acces- serunt, Ejusdem, jam olim in Collegio Adolescentis, Prolusiones Queedam Ora- toriae. Londini, Inipensis Brabazoni Aylmeri. . . . 1674. 8°, A — K in eights, A 1 and K 8 blank, K 7 with Advertise- ments. A is irregularly signed. MINES. An Abstract of the Present State of the Mines of Bwlchvr-Kskir-Hvr [Cardigan], and of the Material Proceedings of the Committee, appointed for the Manage- ment thereof. Published for the Infor- mation and Satisfaction of the absent Partners, and at their Bequest. London, Printed in the Year 1700. 8°, A— M in eights. The Second Abstract, from Jan. 30 to April 30, 1700, begins on sign. M. The following penalties are spoken of at p. 126, and also provision for sickness for the workmen : "for Swearing, Cursing, Quar- relling, being Drunk, or neglectiug Devine Service on a Sunday, One S lulling ; for ab- senting from their Work two bours in a day without leave of the chief Operator, or MINISTERS. 69 MISSALE. refusing to obey his lawful commands, one days Wages ; for absenting one whole day without leave, a weeks "Wages, &c, all which Forfeitures are put into a strong Box, as a reserve for such of them as shall fall sick, or come to any accident." The First convict labour, sent out as "appren- tices," was employed at these mines. Under date September 11th, the ship " Hope " arrived at Dovey, from Loudon, " amongst other Freight, hath brought several Cri- minals to work at the Mines." Some of them ran away, as the following shows : — " Note, The Men run away are since taken, and committed to Netvyate, in order to their Execution." The Third Abstract of the State of the Mines of Bwlchyr-Eskir-Hir in the County of Cardigan. From the Thirtieth Day of April last (inclusive) to this pre- sent Nineteenth Day of December, 1700. By Order of the Committee. London : Printed by F. Collins, in the Old Bailey. 1700. Folio, 2 leaves. The Fourth Abstract of the State of the Mines of Bulchyr-Eskir-hir, in the County of Cardigan : From the 10th Day of De- cember last (inclusive) to this present 5th Day of May, 1701. By Order of the Committee. [Col.] London, Printed by Freman Collins, in the Old-baily, 1701. Folio, 2 leaves. MINISTERS. A Defence of the godlie Ministers, against the slaunders of D. Bridges, contayned in his answere to the Preface before the dis- course of Ecclesiasticall gouernement, with a Declaration of the Bishops pro- ceeding against them. . . . 1587. 4°, A — V in fours, V 4 with the Errata. The Joint-Testimonie of the Ministers of Devon, whose names are subscribed ; with their Reverend Brethren the Ministers of the Province of London, unto the truth of Jesus ... In pursuance of the solemn League, and Covenant of the three Na- tions . . . London, Printed by William Du-gard for Ralph Smith, . . . 1648. 4°, A— E in fours, E 4 blank. MISSALE. fMissale secundum vsum ecclesie sarisbu- riensis. [Col.] Impensa et arte magri Martini morin civis Rothoinagensis juxta insignem prioratum sancti laudi ejusdem civitatis moram trahentis officium sacrum ad usum sarum (ut vulgo loquimur) mis- sale dictum, sollerti correctionis lima nuper castigatum et impressurn : unit feliciter. Anno Domini M. cccc. lxxxii. die xii Octobris. Folio, Aa in eights : A— D in eights : E — G in sixes. See further in Maskell (Selected Centuries, 1843, pp. 9-10). *Missale secundum vsum Sarum. [Col.] In laudem sanctissinie trinitatis totiusq; milicie celestis ad honors et decore see ecclesie. Sard anglicane eiusq; deuo- tissimi cleri : hoc missale diuinorum officiorum vigilanti studio emendatum Jussu et impesis prestantissimi viri winkin de worde. Impressurn London, apud westmonasteriu per Julianum notarie et Johanem barbier felici numine ex- plicit^ est. Anno dni. M.cccc.lxxxxviij. xx. die mensis Decembris. Folio, 286 leaves. In two columns. Described by Herbert from his own copy, commencing on A ii. Fortuna opes auferre: no animu potest. Missale ad cSsuetudine insignis ecclesie Sarum vna cum dicte ecclesie institutis c5suetudinibusq3 nuper elamitissime Ipressu : additis plurhnis que in ceteris desiderantur. In alma Parisioruin aca- demia. Anno domini virtutum / codi- torisq3 mundi: Millesinio quingentesimo decimo kalendas mensis Aprilis 1510 . . . Folio, in two columns, with tine wood- cuts and the music. >J«, 8 leaves ; a — t in eights : v — y in sixes : A — H in eights : I, 10 : Commune Sanctorum, &c, A — H in eights, the last page occupied by a large romance-cut, accompanied by a shield of arms. Missale ad vsum atq 3 consuetudine insignis ecclesie Sar. nup vna cu diue ecclesie in- stitutis consuetudinibusq3 a varijs medis purgatu / & ad lima redactu Additis plurimis comoditatibg que in ceteris de- siderant. In alma Parisioru academia Impesis Francisci Byrkma Impressurn. 1515. No rutlis occurro : seil lima terso. ad vngue Nuper q fueram soididus atq3 lacer. 8°, in two columns, with small cuts and the musical notes. *i>, 8 leaves : a — z in eights, followed by two sheets of 6 and 8 with the music, Canon, &c. : A — L in eights : A (repeated) with the Commune, Sanctorum, &c, H in eights : I, 4 : aa, 8 : bb, 4. Missale ad vsum ecclesie Sarisburiensis. m.d.liiij. [Device of Robert Valentin of Rouen and verses Ad sacerdotem. At the end occurs :] Missale ad vsum Saris- buriensis [sic] explicit . . . Ex officina Richardi hamiltonis typographi. Venale hauetur Rothomagi / in edibus honesti viri Roberti valetini / bildiopolarum porticulo moram tenentis. 4°. HK 8 leaves : a — I in eights : K, 6 : Comune Sctorum, &c, A— V in eights : A — G in eights : H, 10. MISSALE. MONK. In two volumes. "With woodcuts and music. Missale ad vsfi ecclesie Sarisburiensis. m.d.Iv. [The device and name of Robert Valentin of Rouen and verses Ad sacer- dotem,] 4°. ►{«, 8 leaves : A — R in eights : Proprium festivitatum, &c, A — H in eights: A— G 7 in eights (G 8 probably with Table and colophon as in the ed. of 1554). With woodcuts and music. Missale ad vsum insignis ecclesie Saris- buriensis nunc recens typis elegantioribus exaratum, historiij nouis, varijs ac proprijs insignatum: et a mendis quam plurimus (quibus passim scatebat) omni diligentia nuper emendatum. Londini, Anno do- mini. M. D. Lvij. [Col.] Londini, Anno verbi incarnati. ji.d.lvii. Folio. HK 10 leaves: .*., 1 leaf, with the Benedictio salts et aquce, &c. : A ii — Kk in eights. In two columns. From the press of John Day. *Missale ad vsum celeberrime ecclesie Eboracensis, optimis caracteribus rece- ter Impressum, cum peruigili maximaq : lncubratione mendis quam pluribus emen- datum. . . . Sumptibus & expensis Johannis gachet, mercatoris librarii bene meriti, juxta prefatam ecclesiam commo- rantis. Anno dni decimo sexto supra millesimum et quingetessinm. Die vero quinta Februarii, completum atq; perfec- tuni. Folio, printed in black and red, with musical notes, woodcuts, and initial letters. A — Z in eights : &. 8 leaves : +, 8 leaves, concluding with Cautele ad mis- sam celebrandam. Described by Herbert from his own copy. **Anno incarnationis secundo supra quiu- gentissinmm atq; millesimum, die vice- sima prima mensis Septembris, opera et industria M. Petri Oliuerii et Iohannis Maud i tier, impressorum Rothomagi, juxta sacellum diui apostolorum principis Petri commorantium. [mpensa vero Johannis Eticardi, mercatoris : hoc nouum et egre- gium opus sacri Missalis ad vsum famose i ]> to ]--liris ecrlesie H > If mien, nuper instanti ac peruigili cura visum co turn et emendatum, necnon auctoritate reuereiidi in Christo patris et doraini eiusdem ecclesi episcop : meritissimi ac dominorum decani et capituli, est in pro- patulo veuale facili pn cio coram cunctis product um et exhibitum. [Col.] Finis missalis . . . impressum Rothomagi . . . impensis [ohannis Ricardi. . . . Folio. Dr. Hezekiah Bedford's copy, communi- cated to Ames, was printed on vellum. This volume is remarkable as containing the Form of Matrimony in English. MOCQUET, JEAN, Keeper of the Cabinet at the Tuilleries. Travels and Voyages into Africa, Asin, and America, The East and West-Indies ; Syria, Jerusalem, and the Holy-Land. . . . Divided into Six Books, and Enriched with Sculptures. Translated from the French, By Nathaniel Pullen, Gent. London : Printed for William Newton, Bookseller, in Little-Britain ; . . . 1696. 8°, B— Z in eights, and the title, besides 8 leaves under s between S and T. With a series of woodcuts copied on a reduced .-cale from De Bry and counting in the sheets. MONEY. **[A proclamation made by Henry VII. against clipped money. With six im- pressions of the money in the margin.] Et hoc sub periculo incumbenti nullatenus omittas. Teste me ipso, apud westmona- sterium quinto die. lulii . anno regni nostri decimo nono. [1504.] Regius impressor, within seynt Elens, Guillam [Faques.] A broadside. Described by Ames from an origiual then in the possession of Martin Folkes, Esq., F.R.S. MONIPENNIE, JOHN. Tiie abridgement or Snmmarie of the Scots Chronicles, with a short description of their originall, from the comming of Ga- thelvs their first Progenitor out of Gra.-cia into Egypt. And their comming into Por- tingall and Spaine, and of their Kings and Gouernours in Spaine, Ireland, and Albion, now called Scotland. . . . By Iohn Monipennie. Printed u1 Brittainea Bursse by Iohn Budge. 1612. 4". A, 2 leaves : B — O 2 in fours : A Short De- scription of the Western lie- of Scotland lying in the Deucalidon Sea, being aboue 300. Also the lies in Orkenay, and Schetland or Hethland. A — C 2 in fours, without a regular title, with the colophon : Printed at London by Simon Stafford, and a Table of Errata to the Moni- pennie. It appears as if the second part had been printed subsequently as an afterthought in a different type and from a different press, and the occasion taken to correct the mis- takes in the first portion, although there is no external indication of the work to which the table refers. MONK. The Capuchin Or The Pharisaisme, Su- perstition and Fan aticisme of Popery Lis- MONTAGUE. MURDER. covered by the (Pretended Sanctity, but) real Foolery and Knavery appearing in the Lives of the strictest Monks. By a Person of Quality. London, Printed for James Collins, . . . mdclxxv. 8°, A — K 7 and Aa — Dd 2 in eights. This appears to be the same work as that of 1671. The person of quality translated it from the French, and dedicates it, as in the edition of 1671, to Anthony, Lord Ashley, Viscount St. Giles. The second portion, commencing with a headline on Aa, is here called " The Monk's Hood, &c." MONTAGUE, RICHARD, Bishop of Chi- chester. A Proclamation, for the suppressing of a Booke, intituled, Appello Ccesarem, or, An Appeale to Ccesar. Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and lohn Bill, . . . M. dc. xxviii. A broadsheet. MONTAGUE, THE HONOURABLE WALTER, Abbot of Nanteuil. Miscellanea Spiritualia : Or, Devout Es- sayes : The Second Part. 1. Tim. 1. 16. Ideo Misericordiam . . . London, Printed for John Crook, Gabriell Bedell, and Partners, and are to be sold at the Ship in St. Pauls Church-yard, . . . 1654. [Oct. 31, 1653.] 4°. A— C 2 in fours : B — LI in fours. Dedicated to Queen Henrietta Maria from Nanteuil, August 1, 1653. B. M. MONTANUS, REGINALDUS GON- SALVIUS. De Heylighe Spanische inquisitie . . . door Reynaldo Gonsalvo Montan . . . nv eerst in onser Nederlanscher sprake door M. Mavlvmpertvm Taphasa, . . . ouerghe- set . . . [Col.] Ghedruct tot Louden, by Ian Day, In 't Iaer onssleeren. 1569. Sm. 8°. * 8 leaves : A — Aa in eights, Aa 8 blank. With a large folding plate between B and C representing an auto da fe. Day the printer appears to have been connected with the Dutch residents in Lon- don, more especially the congregation in Austin Friars. MONTGOMERY, ALEXANDER. The Cherrie and the Slae. Compyled into meeter, By Captaine Alexander Mont- gomerie. Edinbvrgh Printed by lohn Wreittoun. 1636. Sin. 8°, A— Din eights. B. M. The Flytting betwixt Montgomerie and Polwart. Newlie corrected and ani- mended. Edinbvrgh. Printed by the heirs of Thomas Finlason, for lohn Wood, and are to be sold in his shop on the South side of the high Street, a little aboue the Croce. 1629. 4°, A — C in fours, a leaf of D, and the title-page. In R. S. Turner's sale, June 1888, No, 1970, was a 4° MS. copy of this poem, sup- posed to be earlier than any known printed one. It was entitled : The Flyting against the Laird of Pollart. MORE, GEORGE, Esquire. Principles for Yong Princes : Collected out of sundry Authors, by George More Esquire. . . . London, Printed by Nicholas Okes dwelling neare Hoi borne Bridge, 1611. 12°, A— H 9 in twelves, A 1 blank. B. M. MORGAN, SIR THOMAS. A True and Just Relation of Maj. Gen. Sir Thomas Morgan's Progress in France and Flanders, With the Six Thousand English, In the Years 1657 and 1658 ; At the Taking of Dunkirk and other Im- portant Places. As it was Deliver'd by the General himself. London : Printed for J. Nutt, near Stationers-hall, 1699. 4°, 12 leaves, or 6 leaves preceded by C in fours and D, 2 leaves. Facing the title is An Advertisement set- ting forth the circumstances which led to the publication. MOSELLANUS, PETRUS. Paedologia Petri Mosellani Protegensis, in puerorum usum conscripta & aucta, Dialogi 37. Dialog! Pveriles Christo- phori Hegendorphini XII. lepidi seque ac docti. An. 1532. [Col.] Londini apud , Wynandum de Worde. An. m.d.xxxii. Mens. Iunij. 8°, A — D in eights. Italic letter. With the printer's device on D 8 verso and the title enclosed in a border. The copy here employed was obligingly pointed out to me by Mr. H. Newton Stevens. MURDER. Murther upon Murther : Being a Full and True Account of the Barbarous and Bloody Murther of M r Jarvis Clutt", Com- mitted by M r James Smith, Son to Judge Smith of the Middle Temple ; . . . Also, The Apprehending and Taking Thomas Withers and William Edwards, (dis- covered to be the Persons that Murthered the Drover and Penny-Post Man at Uxbridge) . . . London, Printed for J. Johnson, near Fleet-street. 1703. 8°, 4 leaves. ( 72 ) N. N. M. The Dutch Way of Toleration, Most pro- per for our English Dissenters. Written at the request of a Friend . . . The Second Edition. London, Printed in the Year, 1699. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— D in fours. N.N. Pleydoy Gedaen by N. N. Advocaet. In saake van N. N. gedaegden. in cas van falsiteyt, ter eeure. Op ende jegens N. N. Bailjau, In Otiiey Eysscher, ter andere ■ zijde. Anno 1677. 8°, 10 leaves. NAPIER, JOHN, Lord Napier of Mer- ck istoun. A Plaine Discouery of the whole Reuela- tion of Saint Iohn : set doune in two treatises: . . . SetfoorthBy IohnNapeir L. of Marchistoun younger. Wherevnto are annexed certaine Oracles of Sibylla, . . . Edinbvrgh Printed by Robert Walde-graue, printer to the Kings Ma- jestie. 1593. Cum Priuilegio Regali. 4°, A — T in fours. Dedicated to James VI. from Merchistoun, Jan. 29, 1593. Ovvertvre de tovs les Secrets de PApoca- lypse ov Revelation de S. lean. Par deux traites . . . Par lean Napeir (c.a.d.) Nonpareil Sieur de Merchiston, reueue par lui-mesme : Et inise en Francois par Georges Thomson Escossois. ... A La Rochelle, . . . 1602. 4°. a, and e, 4 leaves each, e 4 with a folded table : A — Hh in fours, and a leaf of Ii. With the dedication to James VI. sub- scribed lean Nonpareil. Mirifici Logarithniorum Canonis descrip- tio, Ej usque usus, in utraque Trigo- nonietria, . . . Authore ac Inventore, Ioanne Nepero, Barone Merchistonii, &c. Scoto. Edinbvrgi, Ex officina Andrea) Hart BibliopolaB, cio.dc.xiv. 4°, A — H in tours, and a leaf of I : I'ables, a — 1 in fours, and a leaf of m. Dedicated to Prince Charles. Mirilici Logarithmorvm Canonis Descrip- tio, Ej usque usus, in utraque Trigo- nometria; vt etiam in omni Logistico Matheniatica, . . . explicatio. Accesse- rvnt Opera Posthvma . . . Autore ac Inventore Ioanne .Nepero, Barone Mer- chistonii, &c. Scoto. Edinbvrgi, Excvde- bat Andreas Hart. Anno 1619. 4°. General title, 1 leaf : A — H in fours : I, 1 leaf : Tables, a — 1 in fours, and in, 1 leaf : Logarithmorvm Constrvctio, with a new title, A — I 2 in fours. A Description of the Admirable Table of Logarithmes. With A Declaration of the Most Plentifvl, Easy, and speedy vsie thereof in both kindes of Trigononietrie, as also in all Mathematical! calculations . . . translated into English by the late learned and famous Mathematician Ed- ward Wright. With an Addition of an Instrunientall Table . . . All perused and approued by the Author, and published since the death of the Translator. Lon- don, Printed by Nicholas Okes. 1616. 12°, A — I in twelves: K, 2. Dedicated by the translator's son, Samuel Wright, to the East India Company, with the ori- ginal preface and dedication of Napier preserved, a preface by H. Briggs, and verses by Richard Lever in praise of the author, work, and translator. There is a folded leaf in sign. I. Sign. A 12 is not in the copy used ; it may have been blank. A Description of the Admirable Table of Logarithmes : With A Declaration of the most Plentifull, Easie, and Speedy vse thereof in both kinds of Trigonometry, . . . translated into English by the late learned and famous Mathematician, Ed- ward Wright With an addition of the Instrunientall Table ... by Henrie Brigs Geometry-reader, at Gresham-house in London. All perused and approued by the Authour, and published since the death of the Translator . . . London, Printed for Simon Waterson. 1618. 12°, A — K 2 in twelves, A 2-10 repeated and A 1 of first alphabet blank. NARBOROUGH, SIR JOHN. A Particular Narrative of the Burning in the Port of Tripoli, Four Men of War, Belonging to these Corsairs, By Sir John Narbrough, Admiral of His Majesties Fleet in the Mediterranean, on the 14 th of Jan- uary 167£. Together with an Account of his Taking afterwards Five Barks Laden with Corn, And of his farther Action on that Coast. Published by Authority. In the Savoy, Printed by Tho: Newcomb. 1676. Folio, A — B, 2 leaves each, besides the map by Hollar. B. M. NAUNTON, SIR ROBERT. Fragments, Regalia, Or Observations on the late Queen Elizabeth, Her Times and Favorits. Written by Sir Robert Nauntcn, .Master of the Court of Wards. Printed, Anno Dom. 1641. 4°, A— F 2 in fours. NAVY. 73 NEW YORK. NAVY. By the King. A Proclamation for the better furnishing of the Nauy, and in- crease of Shipping. Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill . . . m.dc.xxvi. A broadsheet formed of two leaves. The Humble Petition and Desires of the Commanders, Masters, Mariners Younger Brothers and Sea-men of the Shipping belonging to the River of Thames (whose names are subscribed to the number of 558). presented to the Right Honourable the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, on Thursday the 29 of June, 1648. Together with all their Transac- tions concerning a Personall Treaty with His Maiesty : And their undertaking for the timely reducing of the revolted Ships, &c. John Kersey, Clerk of Trinity- House. With deliberate Answers of the Lords and Commons . . . London, Printed for George Lindsey, and are to be sold at his Shop at London-Stone, 1648. 4°, 8 leaves. NEEDHAM, MARCH A MONT. A Rope for Poll, Or, A Hue and Cry after Marcnemont Nedham. The late Scurru- lous News-writer. Being a Collection of his horrid Blasphemies and Revilings against the Kind's Majesty, his Person, his Cause, and his Friends, published in his weekly Politicus . . . London, Printed in the Year, 1660. 4°, A— F in fours, F 4 blank, besides the title and preface. NETHERLANDS. The Declaration of the Duke of Brabant [Philip III. of Spain] proffering a truce of perpetual peace with the Netherland States. London, 1607. 4°. I insert provisionally tliis entry of a tract which occurred at a sale many years ago, and which, having unfortunately omit- ted to take the full particulars as usual, I have been unable to trace. The piece refers to the same political transaction as the next oue. Articles of Agreement, Concerning the Cessation of Warre, betweene the Arch- duke and the Slates of the vnited Pro- uinces. Procured by a Fryar, called lohn of Ney, Confessour to the Arch-duke and the Infanta. Wherunto is annexed the state of other things happened about the same time. With Warres Testament, or his last Will, made at his departure out of the said Netherlands. Translated out of the Dutch. Imprinted at London for Thomas Archer, . . . 1607. 8°, A— C in fours, A 1 blank. B. M. Following the title is " Newes to the Reader, or to whom the Buyer desires to send Newes," signed "Thine W. BB." "Warres Testament" is inverse. This is the copy under the press-mark 1077. d. 59. I have an account of a second copy printed the same year iu 4°, and exhibiting the same collation. The Trivmphs of Nassav : Or, A Descrip- tion and Representation of all the Vic- tories both by Land and Sea, granted by God to the noble, high, and mightie Lords, the Estates generall of the vnited Nether- land Prouinces. Vnder the Condvct and command of his Excellencie, Prince Mav- rice of Nassav. Translated out of French by W. Shvte Gent. Loudon, Printed by Adam Islip, Anno Dom. 1613. Folio, A — 3 D in fours, 3 D 4 blank, besides title, dedication by Shute to the Earls of Pembroke and Montgomery, and Shute's Preface, 3 leaves. A Justification of the Directors of the Netherlands East-India Company. As it was delivered over unto the High and Mighty Lords the States General of the Vnited Provinces, the 22& f July, 1686. Upon the Subject and Complaint of M r Skelton, Envoy Extraordinary from the Kin ( .)4 : it is the last appearance of the Delights. PLAYERS. A Lenten Prologue Refus'd bythe Players. [About 1680.] A broadside in verse. PLUTARCH. The of good helthe, by the mosteexcellenl phylosopherPlutarche, the moste eloquent Erasmus beynge interpre- toure. [Col.] [mprynted by me Robert Wyer. Cum priuilegio regali ad impri- mendum solum. 8", black letter, A — D in fours. B. M. The leaf following the title, ou the back of which occur two cuts and the Argument of the work, contains an inscription headed : To the excellente man John yonge, mayster of the Roles : Erasmus of Roterodame, wyssheth health e. **% The preceptes of the excellent clerke & graue philosopher Plutarche, for the preseruation of good healthe. Londini In oificina Ricardi Graftoni . . . 1543. Sin. 8°, a — e in eights : f, 10, besides the dedication by John Hales, the translator, to Lord Chancellor Audley. POLE, REGINALD, Cardinal, and Arch- bishop of Canterbury. Reginaldi Poli Cardinalis Epistola De Sacramento Evcharistiae Nvnc primvm in Lvcem Edita, opera Deodati Quistri Cremonensis. Cremonse, Apud Christo- phorum Draconium, 1584. Ex Superi- urum consensu. 8°. *, 4 leaves : A — G 2 in eights. Reginaldi Poli Cardinalis Britanni, Ad Henricvm Octavvm . . . Pro Ecclesias- tical Vnitatis Defensione, Libri Qvatvor. Nunc primiim in Catholica Germanise Academia typis excusi. Quis & quant us vir hie Poivs fuerit, Lectorem, verbis Pavli Manvtii, Prsefatio docebit. Ingold- stadii, . . . cio. 13. lxxxvii. 8°. (:), 8 leaves : A — Z in eights : a — g 4 in eights. POLWHEELE, ELIZABETH. The Frolick : Or The Lawyer Cheated. An new Comedv first Coppye. Written by M« E. P. 1671. 4°. 91 leaves, in- cluding two blanks at end. Dedicated to Prince Rupert by the writer, who describes herself as an unfortunate young woman haunted by poetic devils. This, the original MS., has the book-plate of Arthur Hewes, Esq., doubtless a descen- dant of Rupert's mistress. The play is divided into acts and scenes. POPERY. Fiscus Papalis. Sive, Catalogue ... A part of the Popes Exchequer, That is A Catalogue of the Indulgences and Re- liqueS belonging to the seauen principall Churches in Rome. Laying downe the Spiritual riches and infinite treasure which (as sure as the Pope is holy & true) are to I ie found in the ( 'ail 10] ike Roman Churehe, whereof the poore Heretikes in England /■■Hi' not one Mite. Taken out of an antient Manuscript, and translated Together with certain e notes and Comments . . . By a Catholike Diuine. London, Printed by Nicholas Okes. for George Norton, . . . 1017. 4", A— N in lours, A 1 and N 4 blank. B. M. A Mittimvs to the Ivbile at Rome : Or, The Rates of the Popes Cvstom-Hovse. PORTIFORIUM. 33 PR A YER. Sent to the Pope, as a New-yeeres-gilt from England, this Yeere of I v bile, 1625. And faithfully published out of the old Latine Copie with Obseruations vpon the Romish Text, By William Crashawe, Batchelorof Diuinity,and Pastor at White- Chappell. London : Printed by G. P. for Iohn White, and are to be sold at his Shop, at the Signe of the Holy-Lambe, in Little Brittaine, neare Aldersgate-Street, m.dc.xxv. 4°. Title, 1 leaf : A, 4 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — Q in fours, Q 4 blank. The title-page is followed by an address "To the English Reader, whether Protes- tant, or Papist, be he a true Catholique, or a Rumane. An Aduertisement to helpe his Vnderstanding in the reading of this strange Booke," after which comes "A Cannon or direction to all Readers, touching these Romane Coynes," in which there is an at- tempted explanation of the value of the contemporary Papal and Italian currency. A yrosso, a carlino, a julio, a quattrino, a ducat, and a florin, are enumerated. A ducat and a florin are described as equiva- lent, the ducat as = 10 Julius, and the julio = t3d. Ten quattrini, again, are = a julio, and thirty = a carlino or grosso. On a 3-4 occur some Latin lines to the Author and the Book. The English Pope, Or, A Discourse Where- in the late mystieall Intelligence betwixt the Court of England, and the Court of Rome is in part discovered. And vvithall An Account given of the true Grounds of this unnaturall, more then civill warre. Together with an Epistle to the Reverend Divines now convened by Authority of Parliament, for consultation in matters of Religion. London, Printed for Robert Bostock, . . . 1643. 4°, A— E in fours. PORTIFORIUM. [Portiforium sen Breviarium ad usum Sarum. At the end occurs :] Impressuj Parisiis Anno dfii M.cccc. nonagesimo- nono. Sm. 8°. Printed in two columns. In red and black inks. B. M. Collation of this copy, which ison vellum, but which is not perfect: Calendar, leaves, Table of Moveable Feasts and Benedictio Halts et Aqua', 2 leaves : a — o in eights : p. 6: In festo see trinitatis [a headline], aa— ff in eights: A — O in eights: Fcstuin nominis Jesu, aa, 8 leaves : BB, 8 leaves. Portiforiu sen Breuiariu ad vsum ecclesie Sarisburiensis : castigatu / suppletum / marginalibus quotationibus adornatu / ac nuc primum ad verissimum ordinalis ex- Gplar in suum ordine a peritissimis viris redactii. Una cum directorii (quod et Pica vocant) interpositione Adiucto etiam indice pernecessario de festiuitatum / Do- minican"! / octauaru/ feriarumqj diuisione. Pars Estiualis. 8°. B. M. Collation : f, 8 leaves with title in a border, and Calendar ; A — G in eights: a — q in eights : AA— NN in eights : 00, 10. [Col.] ImpressaParisius. Annodfii. M.CCCCC. decimo. secundo kal. Februarii. Portiforium seu Breuiariu ad vsum ecclesie Sarisburiensis castigatum suppletu mar- ginalibus quotationibus adornatum, ac nunc primum ad verissimum ordinalis exemplar in suum ordinem a peritissimis viris redactuni. Paris Hyemalis. Parisiis. Apud viduam Francisci Regnault, . . . 1554. 4^> 8 leaves : A— Y 4 in eights: Psalterium . . . a — t 4 in eights, t 4 recto blank, the reverse with a woodcut : Pro- prium sanctorum, A — G 4 in eights. In two columns. POVEY, CHARLES. A Discovery of Indirect Practices in the Coal-Trade, Or A Detection of the Perni- cious Maxims and unfair Dealings of a certain Combination of Men, who affirm, It is a Cheat to be Just, and Just to Cheat. To which are added some Proposals for the Improvement of Trade ana Naviga- tion in general, and of the Colliery-Trade of New-Castle in particular. London, Printed by and for H. Hills, . . . 1700. 4°, B — G in fours, G 4 blank, and the title. POWELL, COLONEL. Colonell Powell and Col. Poyers Letter to His Highnesse the Prince of Wales ; With their Declaration, for Restoring His Ma- jesty, the Protestant Religion, the Lawes of the Land, and the Liberty of the Sub- iect. To which is Added An Exhortation to the People of England and the Citty of London. By A Welwisher of His Maiesty, The Kingdomes Peace, and the Peoples Freedome. Printed Anno Doin. 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. POWELL, THOMAS. The Attovrneys Academy : Or, The man- ner and Forme of proceeding Practi- cally, . . . The third Impression Cor- rected and inlarged with additions of the Verge Court and others. . . . London Printed for Benjamin Fisher, . . . 1630. 4°. * 2 leaves : A — Pp 2 in fours. PRAYER. *A good and Godly Prayer to be said at all tymes, of euery Christen, both man and woman, with a prayer vpon the Pater noster or Paraphrase vpon the same. IT Imprynted at London by John Aide, for Mychell Lobley. Anno. 1563. 8°, 8 leaves. Described by Herbert from his own copy. *The Pomander of prayer. [Col.] Im- PR A YEN. 84 PRIESTS. prented at London in the Fletestrete / at the sygne of the Rose garlande / by Robert Coplande. The yere of our lorde. the xxxi. day of October. 4°, A — G in fours, besides four leaves unsigned before the prologue. **The Pomander of prayer . . . [Col.] % Imprynted in Fletestrete at the sygne of the George, by Robert Redman the yere of our lorde. M.D.xxxi. 8°, A — E in eights : F, 10. PRAYER, BOOK OF COMMON. An Accompt of all the Proceedings of the Commissioners of both Perswasions, Appointed by his Sacred Majesty, Accord- ing to Letters Patents, for the Review of the Book of Common Praver. &c. London Printed for R H. 166l". 4°, A— F in fours and B — Q in fours. Advice to the Readers of the Common Prayer, and to the People Attending the same. With a Preface concerning Divine Worship. Humbly offered to considera- tion, for promoting the greater Decency and Solemnity in performing the Offices of Gods Publick Worship, Administred according to the Order Established by Law amongst us. By a well-meaning (though unlearned) Layick of the Church of England. London; Printed for Randal Taylor, . . . 1682. 4°. Title and to the Reader, 2 leaves : A — G 2 in fours. PRAYERS. *Deuoute prayers in englysshe of thactes of our redemption. [This is over a cut of the Saviour with the cross, &c. At the end occurs :] ^J Imprynted by me Roberte Redman Cum priuilegio. 8°, A — C 4 in eights. **The manual! of prayers, or the prymer in Englyshe, set out at length, whose contentes the reader by the prologe next after the kalender shal sone per- ceaue, and there in shal se brefly the order of the whole boke. Set forth by I lion late bysshoppe of Rochester, at the cdmaundement of the ryght honourable lorde Thomas Cruwel, lorde priuie seale, vicegerent to the kynges hyghnes. The prayer of a ryghteous man . . . Iacob. Cum priuilegio. [Col.] Imprynted in bottol lane, at the sygne of the whyt beare by me Ihon Mayler for Ihon Way- lande, and be to Bell in powles church- yarde, by Andrew Hester, at the whyt horse, and also by Mychel Lobley at the sygne of saynt Mychell. Cum priuilegio. ... 4°, Gg in fours. With an almanac for 17 years from 1"> 1". A Manval of Godly Praiers, and Litanies Newly Annexed, Taken out of many famous Authours, and distributed accord- ing to the daies of the weeke. With A large and ample exercise for the Morning and Evening. Newly Augmented, . . . At Roven, By Cardin Hamilton. 1614. Sm. 8°, A — Aa 2 in twelves, besides 14 leaves with title, Preface, Advertisements, Calendar, &c. PRECES. *Preees prinata3, in studiosorum gratia collects, & Regia authoritate approbatse. Math. 26. Vigilate & orate ... IT Lon- dini,excudebatGulielmusSeresius. Anno. 1568. Cum privilegio. 8°, Qq_ in half- sheets, besides the prefixes. Preces in Usum Antiquaa & Celebris Scholre Juxta D. Pauli apud Londinates. Londini, Excudebat Johannes Baker, . . . 1677. 8°, A— C in fours. PRESBYTER. The Character of a Presbyter, or, S r - John Anatomized. London, Printed for John Calvin at the Presbyters Head in Pauls- Church-Yard, 1660. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. PRESERVATIVE. *A godly and holsom preseruatyue agaynst disperacio at all times necessarye for the soule : but then chieflye to be vsed and ministred when the deuil doth assault vs most fiersely, & deth approcheth neiste. . . . [Col.] Imprynted at London in [Lothbury] by Wyllyam Copland, for Rychard Kele. 8°, A— E in eights. PRIESTS. Ban Wedy i Dyany ... A Certaine ( !ase Extracte out of the auncieiit Law of Hoel da, Kyiig of Wales in the yere of ottre Lorde, nyne hundred and fourtene passed : whereby it maye [be] gathered that priestes had lawfully maried wyues at that tyme. i. Cor. vii. It is better to mary, than to burne — St. Amhrosse. The consent of the wyll, is thys burnyng. . . . [Col.] Imprinted at London by Roberte Crowley, dwellyng in Elye rentes in Holburne. The yere of our Lord m.d.i.. Cum priuilegio ad imprimen. solum. 4°, 4 leaves. Welsh and Engl. *A Briefe Historie of the glorious Mar- tyrdom of 1± Keuerend Priests, executed within these twelve Monthes for Confession and defence of the Catholike faith, but vnder the false pretence of Treason, with a note of sundrie things that betel them in this life & Imprisonment : and a Pre- PRIMER. 85 PR O CESS ZONA LE. face declaring their Innocencie. Printed an: 1582. 8°. Herbert gives no collation ; a copy was in one of Thorpe's Catalogues. Among the priests were Campion and Sherwin. PRIMER. *This prymer of Salisbery vse / bothe in Englyshe and in Laten is set out a long without any serening. And dyuerse ex- pedient holsome exortatyons of crysten Jyuynge. The maty ns, Prymeand homes \ the vii \ salmes the Jateny the salines of the passion with the saline Beati vmmacu- lati \ and saynt Jeronis sauter \ And a confession general Also here vnto An- nexed, a fruytful werck called (the para- dyse of the soul) with dyuerse deuoute meditations and prayers therin \ which hath not ben vsyal sayd nor redde afore & al in englyshe. Also with Jhesus matyns with pryme \ and houres and euynsonge. & cetera. % Cum-gratia et Priuelegio Regali. ^f God sane our most noble kynge the . viij. Henry with his gratious (| uene Anne and all theyre progeny. John Gowghe the prynter. [Col.] Hereendeth this prymer with the paradyse of the soule. Iniprynted by Johan Gowge dwellyng in London, in cheapsyde next Paulis gate. 1536. 8°. With cuts. The Almanac for 20 years begins with 1535. Annexed to Herbert's copy was : IT An exposition after the maner of a con- temphicyon vpon y° li. psalnie called Rlise- rere mei Deus ; a prayer to Jesus ; the Paternoster ; and a prayer for the king and queen. Herbert remarks that this Primer follows a good deal that by W. Marshall of 1535. **The Primer in Englishe and Laten set oute at lengthe with the exposicion of Miserere and In te Domine Speraui, and with the Epistles and Gospels thorowe out all the whole yere. ^[ Imprinted at London by Ilion Mayler at the signe of the whyte Beare in Botulph lane. S in eights. The Exposicion . . . [Col.] Ini- prynted at London in Botulph lane by my Ihon Mayler. E in eights. The Epistles and Gospels . . . [Col.] ^[ Im- prynted in Botolph-lane . . . bymelhon Mayler. 83 leaves, besides the table. 8°. [The Primer. At the end occurs :] Im- printed at London by Thomas Gaultier, at the costes and charges of Robert Toye, dwelling in Paules Churche-yarde, at the sygne of the Bell. Very small 8°, printed in red and black, probably A — U ill eights. The copy used commenced on C ii, and wanted the whole of the Calendar. Here after Foloweth the Prymer in Eng- lysshe and in latin sette out alonge : after the vse of Saruin. [Robert Valentin's device.] [Col.] Impressum rotho- magi impensis honesti viri Roberti valen- tini bibliopolaru porticulo mora, tenen. 8°, A — S in eights. With wood- cuts. The Latin is printed in the margin in small type in red and black. The Primer in Englishe and Latine, set out a long, after the vse of Sar : with many godlie and deuoute praiers : as apeareth in the table. Imprinted at London, by Jhon kyngston, and Henry Sutton. 1557. Cum priuilegio ... 4°. Title and Calendar, 4 leaves : *, 4 leaves : CJ, 4 leaves : ( ), 4 leaves : (.1.), 4 leaves : A— Z in fours : ft, 4 leaves : Aa — Dd in lours, with the colophon on Dd 4 verso : Iniprynted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of the Sunne ouer against the Cunduite by John Wayland. Cum priui- legio per septennium. *The Prymer in Englishe and Latine, after Salisbury vse . . . [Col.] Iniprynted at London by the assignee of Jhon Way- land, forbidding all other Persones to Piynt or cause to be prynted this Prymer or anv other in Englysshe or in Latym-. [1558.] 8°, Dd in eights. The Primer, Or Office of the Blessed Virgin Marie, in English According to the last Edition of the Roman Breviarie. Printed at Mackline by Henry Iaey, Anno m.dc.xv. Cum Gratia & Priuilegio. 8°, A — Rr in sheets of 8 and 10 alternately. With a frontispiece and engravings by Wierx. B. M. PRINTING. Reasons Humbly Offered for the Liberty of Unlicens'd Printing. To which is Subjoin'd, The Just and True Character of Edmund Bohun, The Licenser of the Press. In a Letter from a Gentleman in the Country, to a Member of Parliament. London, Printed in the Year mdcxciii. 4", A — D in fours. A Letter to a Member of Parliament, Shewing, that a Restraint on the Press is inconsistent with the Protestant Religion, and dangerous to the Liberties of the Nation. London ; Printed by J. Darby, and sold by Andr. Bell . . . hdcxcvui. 4°, A— D in fours. PROCESSIONALE. *Processionale ad vsum insignia ac prse- clare ecclesie Saru / nouiter ac rursus castigatu / per excellentissimmn ac vigi- PROGNOSTICA TIOX. 86 PSALMS. lantissimum et reueretidissimuia in Christo patrem dominu nostril dominu episcopil de vinton feliciter incipit. Ant- werpie impressum per Christophoru en- douie impensis honesti mercatoris petri kaetz. Anno Doinini. 1525. Die vero. (!. Februarij . . . Venundant.ur Londonii apud petrum kaetz. 4°, 176 leaves, the last having a colophon and device. Processionale copletuni per totum fmi circulii. Ad vsum Celebris ecclesie Ebo- racensis. de nouo correctuin & emenda- tum Collectis. Impesis honesti viri Johan- nis Gachet library Eboraci comorantis. [Col.] Finit processionale ad vsum Eborace . nouiter Impressum expesis honesti viri Johannis Gachet. 8°, A — M in eights. With the musical notes. 11. M. Bandinel, 1861, £86, bought for the Bri- tish Museum. PROGNOSTICATION. **Prognostycacion & Almanacke of two Shepherdes, necessarye for all Houshold- ers. [Col.] Thus endeth the wyse Prog- nostication : Imprinted by me Robert Wyer dwellyne in SeyntMartynsparysshe, in the Duke of Suifolkes rentes, besyde charynge Crosse. Sm. 8°, A — B in fours. The last page contains, according to Dib- din, an Almanac for 1556, so that it might be one of Wyer's latest publications. PROPHESY. The Panther-Prophesy, Or, A Premoni- tion to all People, of Sad Calamities and Miseries like to befal these Islands. To which is added, An Astrological Dis- course Concerning That strange Appari- tion of an Army of Horse seen in Wales, near Montgomery, December the 20 th 1661. . . . Printed in the Year, 1662. Folio, A — C, 2 leaves each. PRYNNE, WILLIAM. The First Part of an Historical Collec- tion of the Ancient Parliaments of Eng- land, From the veer of our Lord 673, till the end of King John's Reign, Anno 1216. Wherein is clearly demonstrated by Histories and Records beyond contra- diction, That Tin- Ancient Parliaments, and Great Councils of England, during all this tract of time, ana many yeers after, were constituted, and consisted onely of our Kings, Princes, Dukes, Earls, . . . and those we now usually stile the House of Peers ; and that both the Legis- lative and Judicial Power resided onliy [«tc] in them ; without any Knights, Citizens, Burgesses of Parliament, oi Commons House, . . . By William Prynne, of Swanswick, Esquire. . . . London, Printed for Robert Hodges. 1649. 4°, A— D in fours. PSALMANAZAP, GEORGE, a native of Formosa, now in London. An Historical and Geographical Descrip- tion of Formosa, An Island subject to the Emperor of Japan. Giving an Ac- count of the Religion, Customs, Manners, &c. of the Inhabitants. Together with a Relation of what happen'd to the Author in his Travels, particularly his Confer- ences with the Jesuits, and others, in several Parts of Europe. Also the His- tory and Reasons of his Conversion to Christianity, . . . Illustrated with several Cuts. London : Printed for Dan. Brown, . . . and W. Davis, . . . 1704. 8°, A— Y in eights, and a, 4 leaves. Dedicated to the Bishop of London. With plates at pp. 16(», 173-4, 194, 207, 224-6 (4), 228, 230 (2), 233, 266, 276 (2), and 278. PSALMS. A Century of Select Psalms, and Portions of the Psalms of David, Especially those of Praise, Turned into Metre, and fitted to the usual Tunes in Parish-Churches. For the use of the Charter-House, Lon- don. The Fifth Edition Corrected. By John Patrick, Preacher there. London, Printed by J. H. for L. Meredith . . . 1691. 12°, A— G in twelves, title on A 2 : H,6. **Psalmes of Dauid drawen into English metre by Thomas Sterneholde. Cum privilegio ad iniprimendum solum. Im- printed at London by Edward Whit- churche Anno Domini 1551. Sm. 8vo, A— G in eights. The Whole booke of Psalmes, Collected into Englishe meeter by T. Stern. 1 . Hopk. and others : conferred with the Hebrew, with apt notes to sing them withal . . . London. Printed by Iohn Wolfe for the assignee of Richard Day. 15S7. 8°, A — Bbin eights. Black letter. With the music. The title is within a broad wood- cut bonier. *The Psalter or P.-almes of Dauid. Cor- rected and pointed as they shalbe song in Chinches, after the translation of the great Byble : With certayne addicions of Oollectes and other the ordinary seruice, gathered out of the booke of Common ] naver, conlirmed by Acte of Parliament in the fyrsl yere of the raigne of oursoue- raigne LadyQuene Elizabeth AnnoChrist. 1. 5. 6. 0. Cum priuilegio. [Col.] Iin- PSALTERIUM. 87 RECORDE. printed at London by Richarde Jugge and John Cawood. 4°. In two parts. Psalmse Y Brenhinol Brophwyd Dafydb, gwedi i cynghanedhu niewn masuran cymreig. Gann Gapten Wiliam Middel- tim. . . . Simon Stafford a Thomas Salis- bury ai printodbyn Llunden. 1603. 4°. ^[, 4 leaves : A — Qq in fours, Qq 4 blank. Dedicated by Middleton to Thomas Mid- dleton Esquire. Black letter. PSALTERIUM. **Psalterium cum Hymnis sed'm vsum et cosuetudinem Sarum et Eboracen . . . [Col.] Explicit Psalterium cu antiphonis d icalibg & ferialibg suis locis insertis, vna cum hymnis eccl'ie Sarum et Ebo- racen. deseruientibus. Impressum Parisiis Expesis & sumptib? honesti mercatoris Gwilhelmi Bretton. Anno virginad part?. Die vero. xxij. kalendas Aprilis. 4°. The Psalter, &c, 136 leaves : the Hymns for morning and evening, with a Table at end, 40 leaves. **Psalterium ad decandada in choro officia ecclesiastica accommodatissimum : cu sex- petita letania / hymnis quoq; ac vigiliis defunctoru vna cu kalendario & tabulis ex diuersis orthodoxoru practicis patru col- lectis : ad siinpliciu sacerdotii clericoruq; instructionem nuc quidem impressu : et a quoda erudito castigatu et auctu. 1530. Venundantur Londonii in cimiterio diui Pauli / apud Johanne renis / sub inter- signio sancti Georgii. 16°. After the Psalter, &c, there occurs on fol. 137 : " Sequutur hymni per totu amiu dicendi . . . ad vsum Sarum & Eboracen.," and two tables on eight leaves, the last blank. Herbert notes that Ames recites the book with this variant addition: "Sequuntur hymni secundum vsum Eboracen. qui non sunt in vsum Sarum.'' Psalterium Dauidis, ad vsum ecclesie Sa- risburiensis. Impressum Londini, per Ioannem Kyngston, & Henricum Sutton, Typographos. 1555. 8°. Title and Cal- endar, 8 leaves : A — R in eights. The title is within an engraved border. Sotheby's, Feb. 23, 1887, No. 751. PURCELL, JOHN, M.D. A Treatise of Vapours, Or, Hysterick Fits . . . London, Printed, and Sold by II. Newman . . . 1702. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— L in eights : M, 4. Dedicated to Sir John Talbot. PURY, THOMAS, of Gloucester. M r Thomas Pvry Alderman of Glocester his Speech, Upon that clause of the Bill against Episcopacy, the which Concernes Deanes, and Deanes and Chapters, at a Committee of the whole Hovse. Printed in the yeare 1641. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. Q- QUARLES, FRANCIS. Enchiridion : Containing Institvtions . . . Written by Fra: Quarles. London, Printed byR. F. 1644. 12". A, 6 leaves : B— K in twelves. R. RANDOLPH, JOHN. Honour Advanced : Or. A briefe account of the long keeping, and late leaving of the Close at Liechfield, Being a full Rela- tion of all the Passages worthy observa- tion during the whole time of the Siege ; As also of the honourable tearmes upon which it was resigned. Together with the Names of those valiant Commanders who have done this service both for Church and State ; ... By Captaine Juhn Randolph, A Commander, and eye- witnesser in the said Close . . . Printed for Tho: Underbill. 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. RECORDE, ROBERT, of Tenby, M.D. *Tlie Ground of Artes . . . with diuers new additions, as by the table doeth partely appeere. Made by Robert Recorde Doctor of Pbysicke. Imprinted at Lon- don, by Reynold Wolff. Cum Sereniss. Regis priuilegio. 8°, A — P 4 in eights. This impression includes at the end : The art of numbering by the hand, newly added. REDDISH. ROBERTSON. REDDISH, WILLIAM. Strange News from Stratton in Cornwal : Or, A True Relation of a cruel Bloody Murther committed by one J[ohn] R[oss] upon his own Father, for lucre of enjoy- ing his Estate ; who (after lie had com- mitted the Fact, and laid the Knife in the Bed wherein his Father lay) called in several Neighbours to witness that his Father had murthered himself. . . . Written by one William Reddish, who was in Stratton at the same time, when the Murther was committed : And written since in a letter to M r Pearce Manaton in Wind-mill-Court, in the Butcherrow near Teniple-Barr by his Brother, living within half a Mile of the said Town. With Allowance. Printed for I. Coniers, at the Sign of the Raven in Duck-Lane. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. This was Korlase's copv. It is inl.iid ; but I have met with no other. REGI, DOMENICO. Delia Vita di Tomaso Moro Gran Can- celliero D'Inghilterra Libri Dve Con accrescimento di notitie in questa Impres- sione Del P. Domenico Regi .... In Bologna, 1681. . . 12°. 4*, 12 leaves, including half-title, frontispiece, and por- trait : A — P 6 in twelves. REGISTER. A Seasonable Proposal to the Nation, Concerning A Register of Estates in this Kingdom, Tendred to the Consideration of the Publick-Spirited in both Houses. . . . Printed in the Year 1669. 4°, 4 leaves. REYNARD THE FOX. The most delectable History of Reynard the Fox Newly Corrected and purged . . . As also augmented and inlarged . . . London, Printed by J. Bell, 1650. 4°, Mack letter, A — V in fours. With cuts. RLVNOLDS, JOHN. Blood for Blood : Or Murthers Revenged. Briefly, yet Lively set forth in Thirty Tragical Histories. To which are added Five more, Being the sad Product of our own Times, Viz. Charles the Martyr. Mon- trose and Argyle, Sonds & his two Sons, ( htibuiv and Turner, Knight and Butler. With a short Apendix to the present age. . . . Faithfully digested for the benefit of Posterity By T. M. Esq; Oxford, Printed for the Author and are to be sold by the Booksellers in London. 1661. S". Frontispiece, 1 leaf: title, dedication to the Marquis of Newcastle, and Preface, I leaves : A— Z in eights, Z 8 with the label. RICH, COLONEL. The Declaration of Colonel Rich's Regi- ment. With the Engagement they have Entered into. Also Major Braman's Letter to Lievtenant Colonel Lagoe, upon their going into Portsmouth. To which is another Letter sent from Major Braman to a Friend of his in London. London, Printed by T. M. for Livewell Chapman, . . . 1659. 4°, 4 leaves. RICHARDSON, ROBERT, Canonicus, of Camhuskenneth. Exegesis inCanonem diui Augustini reces sedita, per Fratre Robertum Riehardinum [celejbris Ecclesiae Kainbuskenalis cano- nicuni. Lvtetiae, in aadibus Christian] Wechel . . . 1530. Sm. 8°. Title within a border, 1 leaf: Epistle to the Abbot Alexander Mylne of Cambuskenneth and Preface, 6 leaves : Contents, 6 leaves, fol- lowed by a blank : A, 6 leaves : B, 4 : C, 4 : D, 4 : E, 6 : F— H in fours : I, 6 leaves : K — M in fours : N, 6 : — 0, in fours : R, 6 : S — Z in fours : a, 6 : b — d in fours : e, 6 : f — h in fours : i, 6 : k — m in fours : n, 6 : o — q in fours : r, 6 : s — u in fours : x, 6 : y — z in fours : Aa — Bb in fours, Bb 4 with colophon: A A, 6: BB— CC in fours : DD, 6 : EE— HH in fours, HH 4 with colophon and mark. Sotheby's, April 24, 1888, No. 2248. RICHARDSON, ROBERT, B.D., Ministt r in London. A Briefe and Compendious exposition vpon the Psalme called Beprofundis which haue bene . And presentelye is horrible and detestable . Abused in the Churche of God. And nowe translated to the trew sens : to Gods glorie & to the Edifica- tion and confort of his Church. By M. Roberte Richardson Batchelereof diuinetie and Minister in Louden. [Col.] Im- printed at London by Thomas Purfoote tor William Norton.' 8°, black letter, A — B in eights. Britwt II. 1! II )PATH, GEORGE. Short-hand yet shorter: Or, The Ait of Short-Writing advanced . . . By George Ridpath. . . . London, Printed by J. 1). tor the Author, L687. 8", A— Cin eights, besides 2 folding plates. Dedicated to Philip, Lord Wharton. ROBERTSON, GEORGE. \'it;e & mortis D. Robert! Rolloci Scoti narratio. Scripta per Georgiutn Robert- sniuiin. Adiectis in eundeni quorundam Epitaphijs. Edinbvrgi Apud Henricum < lharteris. 1599. Sm. 8°, A— C in eights. /;. M. ROBINSON. S 9 KOSSE. ROBINSON, HENRY. Englands Safety, in Trades Encrease. Most humbly Presented to the High Court of Parliament. Mercatura si tenuis, sordid a ; si magna, splendida. Qucerenda pecunia primum. By Henry Robinson, Gent. London, Printed by E. P. for Nicholas Bourne, at the South Entrance of the Royall Ex- change. [1641?] 4°. A, 3 leaves : B— H in fours, H 4 with the Errata. The date in this copy has been nearly cut away. Certain Proposalls in order to the Peoples Freedome and Accommodation in some Particulars. With the Advancement of Trade and Navigation of this Common- wealth in generall. Humbly tendered to the view of this prosperous Parliament, . . . by Henry Robinson. London, Printed by M. Simmons, in Aldersgate-streete . . . 1652. 4", A— U in fours, D 4 blank. ROBINSON, THOMAS, Lutenist. In God reioyce, With instrument and voyce. The Schoole of Mvsicke: Wherein is tavght, The Perfect Method of Trve Fingering of the Lute, Pandora, Orpha- rion, and Viol de Gamba ; with most in- fallible generall rules, both easie and de- lightfull. Also, a method, how you may be your owne instructer for Prick-song, by the help of your Lute, without any other teacher : with lessons of all sorts, for your further and better instruction. Newly composed by Thomas Robinson, Lutenist. London: Printed by Tho. Este, for Simon Waterson, . . . 1603. Folio, A — 0, 2 leaves each. Dedicated to the King. The title is engraved. B. M. Robinson states in his epistle to James, that he had been employed at Elsinore in Denmark to instruct Queen Anne in music. New Citharen Lessons, With perfect Tun- ings of the same, From Foure course of Strings to Fourteene course, euen to trie the sharpest teeth of Enuie, with Lessons of all sortes, and methodicall Instructions for all Professors and Practitioners of the Citharen. By Thomas Robinson, Student in all the seuen liberall Sciences. London Printed by William Barley, and are to be si >ld at his Shop in Gracious-streete. 1 609. Cum Priuilegio. Small folio, A — M in fours. Dedicated to Sir William Cecil, Viscount Cranborne, following which epistle is a preface to the Reader, sub- scribed "Your musicall friend Thomas Robinson." With woodcuts. B. M. ROMAN HISTORY. A New and Easie Method to Understand the Roman History . . . By way of Dia- logue, For the Use of the Duke of Bur- gundy. Done (Hit of French, with very large Additions and Amendments by M r Th. Brown. The Third Edition Corrected : . . . London : Printed for R. Willington, . . . mdcciii. Small 8° or 12", A— N 6 in twelves. ROMBUS. Rombvs the Moderator : Or, The King Restor'd. From whence followes the Ar- raignment of seven incomparable Male- factors : with their faults, Confessions, and Astrseas severe Sentence, Rombus his qualifications : The Prisoners reprieves, and severall Punishments. A certain strange Accidentall, alias, his Excellens- cey begeting, and a presage of his Fortune, with other remarkable Passages. [12 lines of verse.] Printed in the Year. 1648. 4", A — B in fours. ROSARY. **Here begynneth the Rosary of our Sau- your Iesu, gyueing thankes and prayse to his holy name, by maner of meditacion of prayer : for all the labours & great paynes that he suffred for man in this worhle, from the fyrst instant of his blessed Incarnacion, vnto bis glorious Ascencion : Of the whiche is made men- tion in the . xxxii. chapiter of the . vi. day & thirde boke : And this treatise co- tayneth . vii. chapt's as seuyn meditacions for the vii. dayes in the weke. [This title is over a cut of Christ crowned with thorns, &c. Colophon :] Thus endeth the Rosary of our sauyour Iesu. Imprinted at Lon- don in Fletestrete by Richard Pynson prater to the kynges noble grace. Cum priuilegio. 4°, A — D in fours and sixes. *The Rosary with the articles of the lyfe & deth of Iesu Chryst, and peticios directe to our lady. [Col.] Thus endeth the Rosary in englysshe. Imprynted at Lon- don in Fauster-lane, by Johii Skot, dwel- lyng in saynt Leonardos parysshe. In the yere of our lorde M.ccccc.xxxvij. Sm. 8°, A — C in eights. Altkorp. ROSSE, ALEXANDER. Three Decads of Divine Meditations. Whereof each one containeth three parts. 1. A History. 2. An Allegory. 3. A Prayer. "With a commendation of the priuate Countrey life. By Alexander Rosse his Maiesties Chaplaine in Ordi- narie. London, Printed by A. M. for Francis Constable and arc to be sold at ROSY CROSS. 90 R UTTER. the Signe of the Crane in Si. Paules Church-yeard. 4°, A — E in fours, iirst leaf blank. Dedicated in verse to the Lady Kinloss. Leviathan Drawn out with A Hook : Or Animadversions upon M r Hobbs His Le- viathan. Together with some Observa- tions upon S r Walter Raleigh's History of the World. London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, for Richard Royston at the Angel in Ivy-Lane. 1653. 12°. General title, 1 leaf : Observations on Hobbs, A — F 6 in twelves : Observations on Ra- leigh, a — c in twelves, besides Table and Preface, 4 leaves. The first piece is inscribed to Francis Lucy, Esq. Virgilii Triumphantis Libri III. Instante Alexandre Rosreo. Roterodami, Sumpti- bus Arnoldi Leers. 1661. Sm. 8°. En- graved and printed titles and dedication to Charles II., 3 leaves : A— 8 in twelves. ROSY CROSS. The Fame and Confession of the Frater- ternity of R: C: Commonly, of the Rosie Cross. With A Preface annexed thereto, and a short Declaration of their Physical! Work. By Eugenius Philalethes. [Quot. from Jareb. apud Philostrat:] Veritas in Profundis. London, Printed by J. M. for Giles Calvert, . . . 1652. 8°. A, 8 leaves, title on A 2 : (a)— (d 4) in eights : B— E in eights. From the address of Eugenius Philalethes [Thomas Vaughan] to the Reader we collect that he was merely the publisher of a trans- lation. He adds that the Preface, which follows, is his own. Put in Crossley's copy (Part I., No. 2514) at p. 5G occurred this MS. note, apparently in the handwriting of the author : " Here ends the Fame and Con- fession of the Fraternitie : That which fol- lowes is my owne." — T. Vaughan. There is another note in the same hand and several passages marked. ROWLANDSON, JOSEPH. A True History of the Captivity & Res- piration of M rs Mary Rowlandson . . . 1682. Revised collation : A — G 2 in fours, the Sermon by Joseph Rowlandson, who doubt- less wrote the whole, commencing on F with the following headline : A Sermon Preached at Weathersfield, Nov. 21. 1678. By Mr. Joseph Rowlandson, it being a day of Fast- ing and Humiliation. It is on Jeremiah xxiii. 33, and is addressed in a Preface " To the Courteous Reader, (especially the In- habitants of the Town of Weathersfield, and Lancaster, in New-Englaud. " RUMP. The Rump serv'd in with a Grand Sallet. Or, A New Ballad, To the Tune of the Blacksmith. London, Printed in the Year 1660 [March 1, 1659-60.] A broadside in two columns. B. M. Fortunate Rising, Or The Rump Upward. London, Printed for Henry James. A broadside in two columns in verse. B. M. Bumm-Fodder Or Waste Paper Proper to wipe the Nations Rump with, or your Own. Finis, in English, The Rump. A broadside in two columns in verse. B. 31. Arsy Versy : Or, The Second Martyrdom of the Rump. To the Tune of The Blin I Beggar of Bednall-green. A broadside in two columns in verse. B. M. The Re-Resurrection of the Rump : Or, Rebellion and Tyranny revived. The third Edition. To the Tunc of the Black- smith. Finis, in English, The Rvmp. A broadside in two columns and in verse. B.M. Rump Rampant : With Sweet Old Cause in sippits : Set out by Sir T. A. Perfumer of his late Highnesse. To the Tune of, Last Parliament sat as snugg as a Cat. A broadside in two columns and in verse. B. M. The Rump Roughly, yet righteously ' Handled : In a New Ballad : To the tune of Cock Lorrel. A broadside iu two columns and in verse. B. M. A Vindication of the Rump : Or, The Rump Re-Advanc'd. To the Tune of, Vf tails all. Rumpatur. London, Printed for Rosicleer Arsewind, the Rvmps Leather-Seller. A broadside in two columns and in verse. B. M. PUTTER. **The Rutter of the see with the hauens, rodes, soundynges, kennynges, wyndes, Qoodes, and ebbes, daungers and costes of dv iters regions, with the lawes of the vie of Auleron, & the iudgementes of the see. [Col.] Thus endeththe Rutter of the see, with the lawes of the yle of Auleron, lately translated out of Frenche into Eng- lyshe. Imprinted at London in Poules chyrche yarde at the signe of y Maidens Head by me Thomas Petyt. The yere of our lorde God m.d.xxxvi. The . XVIII. daye of Marche. Sm. 8°. ( 9' ) s. s. c. The Art of Complaisance Or The Means to oblige in Conversation . . . The Second Edition. London, Printed for John Star- key .. . 1677. 12°. A, 6 leaves : B— H in twelves : I, 6. S. J. Masquarade du Ciel : Presented to the Great Queene of the Little World. A Celestiall Map, representing the True Site and Motions of the Heavenly Bodies, through the yeeres 1639, 1640, &c. Sha- dowing the late Commotions, between Saturn and Mercurv, about the Northern Thule. ... By J." S. London, Printed by R. B. for S. C. 1640. 4°, A— F 2 in fours, besides Imprimatur and title. De- dicated to the Queen. S. S., Gent. The Secretaries Studie : Containing new familiar Epistles. Wherein Ladies, Gen- tlemen, and all that are ambitious to write and speak elegantly, and elabo- rately, in a succinct & facetious strain, are furnished with fit Phrases, . . . Sic juvat indulgere fayacibus horis. London, Printed bv T. H. for John Harrison in S. Pauls Church-Yard, 1652. 8°, A— T 4 in eights, A 1 blank. Dedicated by S. S. to the Right Honorable, and most munificent, Francis, Lord Willoughby of Parham. SAINTS. The Fierie Tryall of Gods Saints ; (These Suffered for the witnes of Iesus, and for the word of God (vnder Queene Mary,) who did not worship the Beast, nor his Image, nor had taken his marke vpon their foreheads, or on their hands, or on their Garments, and these line and raigne with Christ : Reuel. 20. 4.) As a Counter- poyze to I. W. Priest his English Mar- tyrologe. And the Detestable Ends of Popish Traytors : .... At London, Printed by T. P. for Arthur Iohnson. 1611. 4°, A — I 3 in fours: Postscript, A — B in fours, B 4 blank. With a frontis- piece representing The Popes charge to his Bratts. SALISBURY, Diocese of. *Iniuctions gyuen by the bysshopof Salys- bury throughout his Dioces. . . . [Col.] Imprynted at the sygne of the sonne, by Johan Byddell, and are to sell at the close- gate in Salysbury. [1538.] 4", 4 leaves. See Herbert, p. 487. Described by him from his own copy. SALLUSTIUS, C. C. Here begynneth the famous cronycle of the warre / which the romayns had agaynst Jugurth vsurper of the kyn^- dome of Numidy : whiche cronycle is compyled in latyn by the renowmed romayn Salust. And translated into eng- lysshe by syr Alexander Barclay preest / at comaundement of the right hye and mighty prince : Thomas duke of North- folke. [Below is a. shield of arms occu- pying the rest of the page. At the end occurs :] Thus endeth the famous cro- nycle . . . imprented at London by Richarde Pynson printer vnto the kynges noble grace : witli priuylege vnto hym graunted by our sayd souerayn lorde the kynge. Folio, a in sixes : A — N in sixes : — P in fours, or 92 leaves. Tbe copy described has belonged to the Duke of Roxburghe, Sir Mark Sykes, and Mr. Heber, and was lent to me by Mr. T. V. Carr of C. C. Oxford. The large cut on a 4 seems to represent Barclay offering the book to the Duke of Norfolk. There was no Duke Thomas before February 1514. SALTER, HUMPHRY. The Genteel Companion ; Being exact Directions for the Recorder : With a Col- lection of the Best and Newest Tunes and Grounds Extant. Carefully Com- posed and Gathered by Humphry Salter. London, Printed for Richard Hunt and Humphry Salter, at the Lute in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1683. Obi. 8°. Title and dedication to all Ingenious Lovers of Music, 2 leaves : Directions, 4 leaves : the Music, 26 leaves. SALTONSTALL, WYE. The Complaint of Time against the Tu- multuous and Rebellious Scots. Sharpely inveighing against them (as most justly they deserve) this yeare, 1639. By W. S. London Printed by B. A. and T. F. for Richard Harper in Smithlield, at the Bible and Harpe. 1639. 4°, 4 leaves. In verse. With a large cut on the title. B. M. SALTPETRE. A Proclamation for the maintenance and encrease of the Mines of Saltpeter, and the true making of Gunpowder, and reforming abuses concerning the same. Printed at London by Bonham Norton, SALUS. 92 SCHOOLMASTER. and Iohn Bill, . . . m.dc.xxv. A broad- sheet formed of three leaves. **S&LUS. Salvs Corporis, Salvs Anime Pius contra venereos, gliada Hoineri. [This is over Richard Favvkes the printer's device. At the end :] Impressum est presens opuscu- lum londoniis in divi pauli semiterio, sub virginei capitis signo : Anno salutis. Millesimo quingetesimo nono. Mensis vero Decembris die xil. Folio, A — D 4 in eights. Bodleian. SAMPSON, RICHARD. tRichardi Sarapsonis, Regii Sacelli De- cani Oratio, qua docet, hortatur, admonet oinnes potissimu anglos, regige dignitati cum primis ut obediant, quia uerbum dei precipit, episcopo Romano ne sint au- dieiites, qui nullo iure diuino, in eos quicquam potestatis habet, postquam ita iubet rex, ut illi non obediant. . . . Londini In iEdibvs Tho. Bertheleti. [Col.] Thomas Bertheletvs Regivs Im- pressor Excvdebat. Cvm Priviltgio. 4°, 14 leaves. SANDERS, GEORGE. A briefe discourse of the late murther of master George Sanders, a -worshipful Citizen of London : and of the apprehen- sion, arraignement, and execution of the principall and accessaries of the same. Seene and allowed. Imprinted at Lon- don by Henrie Bvnnyman, dwelling in Knightriders streete, at the signe of the Mermayde. Anno. 1577. 8°, A — B in eights. Puttick's, January 31, 1888, No. 872. SANDERS, NICHOLAS. Les Trois Livres dv Doctevr Nicolas San- ders, Contenants l'origine & progrez du schisrae d'Angleterre. . . . Augmentez par Edouard Rishton, preinierement Im- primez en Latin, en Allemaigne, & depuis plus correctement a Rome. Celuy qui celle la r, rite, . . . Aug. m.d.lxxxviii. 8". Title and Argument, 2 leaves : a, 4 leaves ; A — Oo in eights. AVith an interesting preface by Rishton, who was in exile in France, on his escape or deliverance from an English prison. SARPI, PAOLO. The History of the Inqvisition : Com- posed by the Reverend Father Paul Ser- vita, who was also the Compiler of the Councell of Trent. A Pious, Learned, ami Curious Worke, necessary lor Coun- cellors, Casuists, and Politicians. Trans- lated out of the Italian Copy by Roberl Gentilis. London: Printed by J. Okes, for Humphrey Mosley, . . . 1639. 4°, A — M in lours, A 1 with the Imprimatur. In the Address of the Printer to the Reader we are led to understand that a MS. copy of the original had fallen into the hands of Gentilis, and that the Italian had not. so far been published. The Opinion of Padre Paolo, of the Order of the Servites, Consultor of State, Given to the Lords the Inquisitors of State. In what manner the Republick of Venice ought to govern themselves, both at home and abroad, to have perpetual Dominion. Deliver'd by Publick Order, in the Year 1015. London : Printed for R. Bentlv, . . . 1689. 12", A— F in twelves, A 1 with Imprimatur. Dedicated to Henry, Vis- count Sidney, in an epistle of some inte- rest, by W. A gl ion by. The dedication copy in old red morocco was sold in the second part of Gibson- Craig's library in March- April 1888. SAUNDERS, RICHARD, Student in Astrology and Physic. Saunders Physiognomie, And Chiro- niancie, Metoposcopie, The Symmetrical Proportions and Signal Moles of the Bi >dy, . . . The Second Edition very much En- larged. London, Printed by H. Brugis, for Nathaniel Brook, . . . 1671. Folio. With a portrait. Title and dedication, to Elias Ashmole of the Middle Temple, 3 leaves : a — c 2 in fours with verses, &c. : B — Eee in fours. With diagrams. SAVERY, THOMAS, Gentleman. The Miners Friend ; Or, An Engine to raise Water by Fire, DescriW-d. And of the manner of Fixing it in Mines. With an Account of the several other Uses it is applicable unto, and an Answer to the Objections made against it . . . London: Printed for S. Crouch at the Corner of Popes-Head-Alley in Cornhill 1702. 8", A— F in eights, F 8 blank. SCHOOLMASTER. The English Schole- Master Or Certaine rules and helpes, whereby the natives of the Netherlandes, may bee, in a short time, taught to read, understand, ami speake, the English tongue. By the helpe whereof, the English also may lie better instructed in the knowledge of the Dutch tongue, than by any vocabulars, or other Dutch and English books, which hitherto they have had, for that purpose. Am- sterdam. Printed in the Year 1646. 12°, A — K 10 in twelves including a duplicate title. Engl, and Dutch. B. M. Dedicated to the true natural inhabitants, and all Lovers of the peace and prosperity of the United Netherlands. SCHRODER. 93 SCOTLAND. The English Schole-Master ; Or, Certaine rules and helpes, . . . Amsterdam, Printed hy Iohn Bouman, in the Year 1658. 12°, A— K in twelves. B. M. The English I ( French, Latine ) ( Dutch, Schole-master, Or, An Introduction to teach young Gentlemen and Merchants to Travell or Trade. Being the onely lielpe to attaine to those Languages. Printed in the Netherlands 25 times, and this heing the first Edition in London. By A. G. for Michael Sparke, at the Signe of the blue Bible in Greene Arbour. 1637. Sm. 8°. Frontispiece, title, and M. S. to the Reader, 3 leaves : A 4 (wrongly marked A) — G 8 in eights, G 8 blank. In four columns. B. M. (the Bliss copy.) This is, iu fact, a tetraglot vocabulary. SCHRODER, JOHN, M.IK Zoologia : Or, The History of Animals As they are useful in Physick and Chirurgery. Divided into Four Parts ; The First treateth of the more perfect Terrestrial Creatures. The Second of Birds. Third of Fishes. Fourth of Insects. London : Printed by E. Cotes, for R. Royston at the Angel in Ivie-lane, and Rob. Clavel at the Stags-head near St. Gregories in St. Pauls-churchyard, 1659. 8". A, 4 leaves : B — L in eights : M, 4 11. The translator was T. Batesonn, who, in the Address to the Reader, cites Withers Motto. Under the Terrestrial Creatures in H occurs : " Homo, Man and Woman." The Compleat Chymical Dispensatory, In Five Books : Treating of ad Sorts of Metals, Precious Stones, and Minerals, of all Vegetables and Animals, and things that are taken from them, . . . Written in Latin, by Dr. John Schroder, That most Famous and Faithful Chymist. And Englished, By William Rowland, Dr. of Physick . . . London : Printed by John Darby, for Richard Chiswell, and Robert Clavel!, . . . 1669. Folio. Title, 1 leaf : dedication by Rowland "To the Right Honourable, and others, the Merchant Adventurers of England, and to all in- genious Druggists, Chirurgions, Apothe- caries, and all such as study Philosophy or Physick in their Mother-Tongue," 2 leaves : B — Yyy in fours, last leaf blank. SCOTLAND. *Epistola Exhortatoria ad Pacem, Missa ab illustrissimo Principe Domino Protec- tore Anglise, ac cpeteris Regiae Maiestatis Consiliarijs, ad Nobilitatem ac plebem, uniuersumq; populum Regni Scotia-. [Col.] Excusum Londini, tertio Nonas Martias per Reginaldum Wolfium, Regne Maiestatis in Latinis typographum. Anno Domini 1548. 4°, A— D in fours. Certeine Matters Concerning the Realme of Scotland, composed together. ... As they were Anno Domini, 1597. London, Printed by A. Hatfield, for Iohn Flasket . . . 1603. 4°, B— M in fours : N, 1 leaf, and the title-page. Grenv. Coll. Another copy in the Museum lias a title differing in orthography, and a third varies in the imprint. An Act and Ordinance Set down be the Lords of Privie Counsell and Session, anent the pryces to be taken heir-efter be the Clerks and Writters, bering pub- lick function and office within this King- dome. For all sic writts, acts, letters, and tracts, as concerns their office . . . Edin- bvrgh. IT Printed be Thomas Finlason, and are to be sauld at Nidreis wynd heid 1616. With the K. M. Licence. 4", A— D 2 in fours, D 2 with the mark. The Dissolution of the Parliament in Scotland Novemb. 19. 1641. After a sweet Sympathy, and agreement betwixt the King and his Subiects, in the setling of all Affaires, . . . with an Act of Par- liament ordaining the whole subiects and Lieges of that Kingdom© to obey, main- taine, and defend the conclusions, Acts and Constitutions of this last Session of Parliament, . . . Wherein is declared the illegall practicesof Iolm,Earleof Tracmair, . . . Together with a true Copy of the Band, as it was subscribed by the Noble- men, . . . London, Printed for John Wright. 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. A Declaration of the Officers of the Army in Scotland to the Churches of Christ in the three Nations. Edinbvrgh, Printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts-Close, over against the Trone-Church, Anno Horn. 1659. 4°, 4 leaves. An Address Sign'd by the greatest part of the Members of Parliament of Scot- land, and Deliver'd to His Majesty at Hampton-Court, the 15 th dav of October, 1689. 4°, 4 leaves. Without a regular title. A Memorial concerning the Disorders of the Highlands, Especially The Northern Parts thereof, and the Isles of Scotland, With an Account of some Means, by which the same may be Redressed and Prevented, and how Religion and Vertue may be promoted in these Parts. Edin- SCOTLAND. 94 SCOTLAND. bvrgh Printed in the Yeer m.dcc.iii. 4 ", 5 leaves. A Letter from the Nobility, Barons and Commons of Scotland, in the Year 132« », yet ex:anr under all the Seals of the Lity, Directed to Pope John : Wherein they declare their firm Resolutions, to adhere to their King Robert the Bruce, as the Restorer of the S ifety, and Liberties of the People, . . . Translated from the Original, in Latine, as it is insert by Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh. in his Observations on Precedency, >kc. Edin- , Re-printed in the Year 1703. 4°, 4 leaves. Memorial about a Commission for V sit- ing Schools, Colleges and Universities. [Col.] Printed [at Edinburgh] in the i'ear 1704 4", 2 leaves. A Dialogue between a Country-Man, and a Landwart School-Master, Concerning the Proceedings of the Parliament of England, in Relation to Scots Affairs, ecc. Edinburgh, Printed by John Reid Younger in the Year 1705. 4", 4 leaves. TheBookeof Common Prayer, . . . Edin- .1, Printed by Robert Youn?, . . . m.dc.xxxvii. Can Privilegio. Polio. Sotheby's, April 24. 1888, No. 1429. This copy included the Psalter, commencing The CL. Psalmes of David in Meeter : With CL. Praiers vpon the said Psalmes ; Ilk ane following the Psalme. . . . Prented at Edinbvrgh be Henrie Charteris. 1595. Cum Privilegio Regali. 8°, A — Mm 4 in eights. With the music. Tne Psalmes of David in Meeter, With Baptisme, the Lords supper, and Mar- • _ : and certaine Psalmes and prayer-. I _ :, Printed by Iohn Wreittoun, and are to be sold at his shop a little below the Salt-Trone. 1635. Sm oi 12 '. * 12 Leaves : A— Q in twelves. The Confessioun of faith Professit, and Belevit, be the Protest antes within the :ue of Scotland, Publisched be thaim in Parliament. Andbeth nairof, it and appreuit, as hailsu, cV sound D tryne gi lundit vpon the infallible treuth of Goddis worde. Math. 24. And jladtydingis . . . [CoL] Tiiir A and Artycles, ar Red in face i if Paliarment. And ratitiit be the three E-tatis of this . At K linburgh y 17. day of Ju y, - eir of God. . - I fvue hun- dreth three score jeris. And Imprtntit be me Ihone Scott. 1561. 4", black letter, A — E 2 in fours, besides the title. Grenv. ColL The Confession of the Faythe and Doc- trine beleued and professed, by the Pro- testantes of the Realme of Scotlande, exhibited to the Estates of the same in parliament, and by their publicke voices authorised as a doctrine, grounded vpon the infallible Worde of God. Math. 24. this glad tidings . . . Set lurth and authorised according to the Queencs Maiesties Iniunctions. Imprinted at London by Rouland Hall, dwellyng in vug lane at the sygne of the three arrowes. 1561. 8°, A — C in eights. A M. The Confession of Faith of the Kirk of Scotland, Svbscribed By the Kings Ma- and his Housholde, in the yeare of God, 15^1 ». Wit.: a Designation of such acts of Parliament, as are expedient, for tying the Virion, a:ter mentioned. And subscribed by the Nobles, Barrons. Gentlemen, Burgesses, Ministers, and Commons, in the yeare of God, 1638. [Three quotations. No place, name, or date.] 4°, A— C 2 in fours. *The Actis and Constitutionis of Parlia- ment maid be the rycht excellent princes Marie quene of Scottis. [Col.] Imprintit at Edinburgh, be Robert Lekpreuik. 1565. Folio. Black letter. This collection embraces 25 Acts and a Table. *The actis of parliament of the maist hie, maist excellent, and michtie prince, and our souerane lord, lames the sext, . . . be- gun and balden at E linburgh, the xv day of December, the jeir of God, ane thousand fvue hundreth lxvii jeir, be our said .-ouerane lordis derrest cousin and uncle, lames of Murray, lord Abirnethie regent to our souerane lord his realme an i Leigis ; . lir with the prelatis ; . . . The .-aid actis bein_ r oppinlie red, . . . [Col.] Im- printit at Edinburgh be Robert Lekpreuik, prentar to the kingis maiestie, the vi. day of April, the ?eir of God, ane thous ind fvue hundretn thre scoir aucht jeiris. Folio. *ln the Parliament Haldin and be^un at E inburgh the xxiiii Day of October, the Z : of God, ane thousand, fyue hundreth, scoir & ane zeiris. . . . Imprentit at E I nburgh, be Henrie Charteris. Anno. SECTS. 95 SHIRLEY. m.d.lxxxii. Cum Priuilegio Regali. Folio. This collection embraces 37 chapters. SECTS. *The original & sprynge of all sectes & orders by whom, wha or were they be- ganne. Translated out of hye Dutch in Englysh. [Col.] IT Here endeth the treatyse of all sectes, orders and religions, both of Christendom and the Jewes : translated out of hye Dutch in En- glysshe. IT Printed in Southwarke by me James Nicolsonfor JanGou^h. Cum priuilegio. 8°, 64 leaves + prefixes. SEDGWICK, OBADIAH, B.D., Pastor of Coggeshall in Essex. A Thanksgiving-Sermon, Preached before the honourable House of Commons at Westminster, April 9. 1644. For the happie and seasonable Victory of Sir Will. Waller and Sir Will. Balfore, &c. over Sir Ralph Hopton and his Forces raised against the Parliament. . . . London, Printed by J. R. for Samuel Gellibrand. . . . 1644. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— E in fours. SELDEN, JOHN. Johannis Sehleni Jurisconsulti Opera Omnia Tarn Edita quum Inedita. In Tribus Voluminibus. . . . Londini. . . . mdccxxvi. Folio. With a portrait by Vertue. Edited by David Wilkins, S.T.P. SELLER, JOHN, Senior. The Sea Gunner : Shewing the Practical Part of Gunnery, as it is used at Sea. And, As an Introduction thereto, there is exhi- bited two Conipendiums, one of Vulgar, the other of Decimal Arithmetick. With necessary Tables relating to the Art. To winch is added An Appendix, . . . Com- posed by John Seller, Senior. London : Printed by H. Clark lor the Author, and are to be sold by him at the Hermitage in Wapping, 1691. 8°, A— Q in eights, besides folded leaves at pp. 36 and 156, pp. 1 and 24 of Appendix, and a frontis- piece. SEQUESTRATION. All the severall Ordinances and Orders Made by the Lords and Commons . . . concerning Sequestring the Estates of De- linquents, Papists, Spyes and Intelligen- cers. Together with Instructions for such Persons as are imployed in sequestring of such Delinquents Estates. Very usefull for those whom it doth or may concern. . . . London, Printed for Edward Hus- bands, . . . 1644. 4", A— E in fours, and between C and D, A 2 — B 4 in fours with additional orders on the subject. All the severall Ordinances and Orders . . . London, Printed for Lawrence Black- lock, at the Signe of the Mear-mavd at the Middle-Temple-Gate. 1645. 4°", A— F in fours. SERMONES. *Quatuor Sermones. [Col.] Finitum Lundofi Per Richardum Pynson Anno dni. m.cccc.lxxxix. 4°, A— E in sixes : F, 8. Without a regular title. Printed to accompany Pynson's edition of the Festival of the same date. SHAKESPEAR, WILLIAM. Macbeth : A Tragedy. Acted At the Dvkes - Theatre. London, Printed for William Cademan, . . . 1673. 4°. A, 2 leaves with title and Persons' Names : B — K 2 in fours. SHEEP-KILLERS. Strange but true News from Several parts of the Kingdome, Of certain Sheep-killers, Or a sort of New Tallow-chandlers In the Counties of Essex, Leicester-shire, Northamptonshire, and part of Warwick- shire, &c. With a particular account of their proceedings, the number and manner of their killing them. Likewise, How they come to be discovered and taken by a Journey man Shoomaker, and are now in Leicester Goal, till next Assises. Pub- lished by a well-wisher to his King and Countrev. Printed for [Reuben Ruhais /] 1675. 4°, 4 leaves. The line of imprint has been partly cut off. SHEPPARD, SAMUEL. Epigrams Theological, Philosophical, and Romantick. Six Books, Also The Socra- tick Session, Or The Arraignment and Conviction, of Julius Scaliger, with other Select Poems. By S. Sheppard. Lon- don, Printed by G. D. for Thomas Buck- nell, at the Signe of the Golden Lion in Duck-Lane, 1651. Sm. 8°, A — S in eights, besides a frontispiece in compart- ments. B. M. Dedicated to the author's friends, Chris- topher Clapham and James Winter, in an epistle modelled on that of Davenant before his Madagascar, 1638. SHIRLEY, JOHN. The Accomplished Ladies Rich Closet of Rarities .... The Fifth Edition, with Large Additions, Corrected and Amended. London, Printed by W. Wilde for N. Boddington in Duck Lane ; and J. Blare on London Bridge. 1696. 12° or sm. 8°, A — H in twelves. H. Stopes, Esq. SHROPSHIRE. 96 SNARE. SHROPSHIRE. A Letter from Shrewsbury ; setting forth the Design which the Anabaptists and Quakers had to secure the Castle, and to have received five hundred more unto them in opposition to the Parliament. London, Printed for T. H. [March 1, 1659-60.] A broadside. B. M. SIBBALD, SIR ROBERT, M.D. Disputatio Medica De Variis Tabis spe- ciebus. . . . Robertus Sybbaldus, Scoto- Edinburg. . . . Lugduni Batavorum, . . . cio. ioc. lxi. 4°, A — B in fours, B 4 blank. Dedicated to John, Earl of Lindsay. Nuncius Scoto-Britannus, Sive Admo- nitio de Atlante Scotico Seu Descriptione Scotia3 Antiqvse et Modernse. . . . Cum Tabulis Geographicis in lucem publicam ilico edenda per Robertum Sibbaldum. . . . Edinburgi In Otticina Typographic;! Davidis Lindesii, . . . m.dc.lxxxiii. Folio. Title, 1 leaf : % 2 leaves : A, 1 leaf : B — E, 2 leaves each : Catalogus, &c, 7 leaves : A— Ee, 2 leaves each : Ff, 1 leaf : Index. 3 leaves : Pars Secunda, with a new title, dedication, and Index, 3 leaves : A, 1 leaf : B — 0, 2 leaves each : P, 1 leaf : Index and List of Plates, 2 leaves : Plates, 18 leaves. Scotland Illustrated : Or, An Essay of Natural History, In which are Exqui- sitely displayed the Nature of the Coun- try ; The Dispositions and Manners of the Inhabitants, and the Various Diseases incident to them ; . . . And the mani- fold Productions of Nature in the Three- fold Kingdom, (viz.) Vegetable, Animal and Mineral, .... Illustrated with near Fifty Copper Plates. Being the Work of Twenty Years. Published by the Command of . . . Charles II. . . . By Sir R. Sibbald M.D. Knight, Geographer to His Majesty, and Fellow of the KhiLjs C< dledge of Physicians at Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Printed by J. K. J. S. and .!. C. and are to be Sold by Tho. Malthus at the Sun in the Poultry. London. 1684. Folio. A reissue of the Nuncius, 1683, with a new title. Phalainologia Nova. Sive Observationes de Rarioribus quibusdam Balsenis in Scoti;v Littus Nuper Ejectis. . . . Edin- burgi, Typis Joannis Etedi. u DC xcn. 4". A — F 2 in fours, besides title and following leaf. Auctarium Mussei Balfouriani, E Musseo Sibbaldiano, Sive Enumeratio & Descrip- tio Return Rariorum, . . . Quas Robertus Sibbaldus, M.D. Eques Auratus, Aca- demic Edinburgenae donavit. . . . Edin- burgi, Impressum per Academise Typo- graphum, Sumptibns Academise, 16°<7. 8°, A— Ff in fours. B. M. The History, Ancient and Modern, of the Sheriffdoms of Fife and Kinross ; With the Description of Both, And of the Firths of Forth and Tay, And the Islands in them. In which, there is an Account of the Royal Seats and Castles ; And of the Royal Burghs and the Ports ; . . . Willi an Account of the Natural Products of the Land and Waters. By Sir Robert Sibbald, Doctor of Medicin . . . Edin- bvrgh : Printed by James Watson, for the Author, m. Dec. X. Folio. Title and leaf of dedication to the Right Honourable the Earl of Rothess, Sheriff-principal of Fife, 2 leaves : + + , 3 leaves : B — Tt, 2 leaves each : Appendix, 2 leaves, and a folded plate between K and L. SIMON, of London Wall, Anchorite^ **^[The Fruite of Redempcion : very profitable and moche necessary for euery christen man. [This title is over a cut of the Cross enclosed in a border. At the end occurs :] % Imprinted by me Robert Redman . . . The yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxxi. 8°, A— E 4 in eights. SINNERS. **The Contemplacyon of Synners. [Col.] Here endeth the treatyse called the Con- templacion of synners for euery day of the weke a singular medytacyon. Em- prentyd at Westmynster by Wynkyn de worde th . x. daye of Iuly. the yere of our lorde m.cccc.lxxxxix. 4". Compiled and finished at the request of Richard Fox, Bishop of Durham, and Lord Privy Seal. SMART, PETER, A Sermon Preached in the Cathedrall Chvrch of Dvrham. Iuly 7. 1628 . . . Printed in the Yeare, 1640. 4°, A — E in fours. SMITH, RICHARD. Florvm Historian Ecclesiastica3 Gentis Anglorvm, Libri Septem. . . . Parisiis, . . . m.dc.liiii. . . . Folio, a, 6 leaves : A — HHh in fours, the last leaf with the Approbatio, &c. Dedicated to Pope Inno- cent X. SNAPE, ANDREW, Junior, Farrier to His Majesty. The Anatomy of An Horse. Containing An exact and full Description of the Frame, Situation and Connexion of all SNA WSELL. 97 STANDRIDGE. his Parts, (with their Actions and Vses) exprest in Forty-nine Copper-plates. To which is added an Appendix, Containing two Discourses : The one, of the Genera- tion of Animals ; And the other, of the Motion of the Chyle, and the Circulation of the Bloud. London, Printed by M. Flesher for the Anthour, and are to be sold by T. Flesher . . . 1683. Folio, A— Fff in fours : 3 G, 2 leaves. With a portrait of the author by White, an. set. 38, 1682, aud the plates. Dedicated to Charles II. Sotheby's, July 23, 1888, No. Ill, large paper, old red morocco gilt, the great Duke of Ormonde's copy, ±."20. SNAAVSELL, EOBERT. A Looking-Glasse for married Folkes. Wherein they may plainly see their de- formities ; and also how to behaue them- selues one to another, and both of them towards God. Set forth Dialogue-wise i'or the more testable and plainnesse sake, By R, S. . . . London. Printed by N. 0. for Henry Bell, and are to bee sold at his shop on Holburne Hill neere the crosse Keyes. 1610. Sm. 8°, A— H 4 in eights, first and last leaves blank. B. M. SOLDIERS. A Proclamation for restraint of disorders in Souldiers, prested for his Maiesties seruice. Printed at London by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, . . . m.dc.xxv. A broadsheet formed of two leaves. SOMERSETSHIRE. A FvlL Declaration of All Particulers concerning the March of the Forces under Collonel Fiennes to Bristoll, and their carriage upon their enemies approach. As also A Relation of the late bloody abominable conspiracy against the City of Bristoll, . . . With the certaine Infor- mation, touching the death of Will: Ken- dall, a Trooper of Collonel Essex, who was shot by the said Collonel. From a Noble hand. Aprill, 18. London: Printed for R. D. 1643. 4°, A— C 2 in fours. SPARKE, MICHAEL, Stationer. The Crvms of Comfort with godly Prayers. Corrected and amended. 7. Edition. Ioh. 6. 12. Gather vp the broken meat. London, printed for Mi. Sparke. 1628. 12°, A— L in twelves, A 1 blank : Thank-full Remem- brances of Gods Wonderfull Deliverances of this Land, with a new title, A — C in twelves, C 12 blank, besides four folded engravings, descriptive of the Gunpowder Plot, the Spanish Armada, the restoration of Protestantism under Elizabeth, and the cessation of the Plague of 1625. B. M. SPARKE, THOMAS. A Sermon Preached at Whaddon in Buck- inghamshyre the 22. of Nouember 1593. at the buriall of the Right Honorable, Arthvr Lord Grey of Wilton, Knight of the most Honorable order of the Garter, by Thomas Sparke Pastor of Blechley. At Oxford, Printed by Ioseph Barnes Printer totheVniversitie. 1593. 8". %, 4 leaves: A — F 4 in eights. Dedicated to the Countess of Bedford and the Lady Grey her daughter. With some Latin elegiac lines by John Sanford. SPRUEL, JOHN. An Accompt Current betwixt Scotland & England Ballanced ; Together with An Essay of a Scheme of the Product of Scotland, and a few Remarks on each. As also A View of the several Products of the Ports or Nations we trade to, . . . By J. S. a Lover of our protestant Queen, Country, and Trade. . . . Edinburgh Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, . . . 1705. 4°. Title and dedication to the Duke of Argyll, 2 leaves : A — B 2 in fours : A — G, 2 leaves each. STAFFORD, WILLIAM, Viscount. Proces de Guillaume, Vicomte de Stafford, . . . Traduit sur l'Original Anglois . . . A Cologne, Chez Pierre Marteau, 1681. 12°, A — Gg 6 in twelves. STANBRIDGE, JOHN, Grammarian. *Vocabula mgri Stabrigi sua saltern edi- tione edita. Imprinted at London in the Southwarke by me Peter Treueris. 4°. D in fours. Black letter. **Vocabula magistri stabrigii. [Col.] Imprynted at London by Wynkyn de Worde dwellynge in fletestrete at the sygne of the Sonne agaynst the condyth. The xvij. day of August in the yere of our lorde god M.v.C. and xxxij. 4°. ^Accidentia ex Stanbrigiana : editio nuper recognita et castigate lima Roberti Whitintoni Lichfeldiensis in llorentissima Oxoniensi accademia laureati. [Col.] Imprynted at London without Bishopyes gate in saynt Botulphus parysshe by me John Skot dwelling at George alley gate. 4°. Herbert does not give the collation. **Accidentia ex Stanbrigiana editione nuper recognita et castigata lima Roberti Whitintoni . . . [Col.] Imprynted in London in Aldersgate strete, by Nycho- las Bourman, in the yere of our lord god m.ccccc. and xxxix. 4", 16 leaves. Althorp. The text begins on the back of the title. G STANDISH. 98 STATUTES. *Accidetia ex stabrigiana editione nuper recognita & castigata lima Roberti whit- intoni Lichfeldiesis . . . Imprynted at London in Southwarke by Peter Treueris. 4°, D in fours. Black letter. * Accidentia . . . Imprynted in South- warke by me Peter Treueris. 4°, A — B 4 : C 6 . The title in this other Southwark impres- sion is over a cut of a priest seated before a reading-desk. STANDISH, ARTHUR. The Commons Complaint. Wherein is contained Two Speciall Grievances . . . London, Printed bv William Stanshy. 1612. 4°, A— H in fours, A 1 and H 4 blank, besides " The Figure of the Plot," a folded leaf. Following the title is the royal privilege. STARKEY, GEORGE. Natures Explication and Helmont's Vin- dication, Or, A short and sure way to a long and sound life. Being A necessary and full Apology for Chymical Medica- ments, ... By George Starkey, a Philo- sopher made by the fire, and a professor of that Medicine which is real and not Histrionical. London, Printed by E. Cotes for Thomas Alsop . . . 1657. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a — c in eights, c 8 with the label : B — Y in eights. Dedicated to Robert Tichborn, Lord Mayor of London. STATUTES. [Noua Statuta. This is a headline on the first page of the text of the Acts 1 Edw. 1. to 12 Henry 7. At the end occurs :] Kinprynted by my Rycharde Pynson. Folio, black letter. Table, a, 6 leaves: b— c in eights : i\, 6 : a (repeated with the commencement of text) — z in eights : two sheets of 8 irregularly marked : A — C in eights : D — F in sixes: G, 4: Anno xi. Henrici vij. [the 8th, 9th, and 10th years wanting], D, 8 : E, 6 : F, 5 : G, 3. With the printer's mark on G 3 verso. Aylesford sale at Christie's, March 15, 1888, No. 1735. first leaf of Table deficient, and the 19th year Hen. 7 printed by Pyn- son bound up at end from another book. In this Volume are conteined the statutes made and established from the time of kyng Henry the thirde, vnto the iyrste yere of the reigne of our most gratious and victorious lonle kins* Henry the . viii Anno M.D.XLIII. [Col.] Londini in officina Thoma) Bertheleti typis im- pivss. Cum priuilegio. .. Aiiiio.m.d.xliii. Folio. Title and Table, 7 leaves : A — Y in eights : A (repeated) or rather Aa— Qq in eights : Rr— Tt in sixes, Tt 6 blank : a— f in eights : g— i in sixes. H. Stopes, Esq. Puttick's, Jan. 31, 1888, No. 673. [Statutes of the First Year of Charles II.] Anno Jlegni Caroli IJ. Regis Angliae, . . . Duodecimo. At the Parliament begun at Westminster, the Five and twentieth day of April, An. Dom. 1660 . . . London : Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, . . . 1660. Cum Privikgio. Folio. H. Stopes, Esq. This Collection opens with the Act for removing and preventing all Questions and Disputes concerning the Assembling and Sitting of this present Parliament, and con- tains 26 other separate titles, mostly with separate signatures. It includes the Sub- sidy of Tonnage and Poundage. A Collection of all the Statutes now in Force, Relating to the Excise upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors ; With An Abridg- ment of the said Statutes, and a Table of the Rates upon the several Liquors, &c. shewing by what Acts they are Imposed. To which is added A Table of Allowances for Common Brewers, &c. London, Printed by John Baskett, . . . And by the Assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd. 1722. 8°, A— Z in twelves. //. Stopes, Esq. [Magnum abbreviamentum. Col.] Ex- plicit abbreuiamentu statutof impssum p Richardu Pynson & totaliter finitum nono die Mensis octobris. Annodfii Mill'- mo quatcentessimo Nonagesimo nono. 1 2° or sm. 8°. Table, 7 leaves, possibly pre- ceded by a title here wanting : a — z in eights, followed by four leaves, of which the last has on the verso the colophon and mark. Puttick's, May 5, 1887, No. 596. The British Museum copy has no title. *An Abridgement of the Statutes. [Col.] Enprynted in the chepesyde at the sygne of the meremayde next to poulys gate the xxii. day of Dec8ber in the xix. yere of the reygne of our souerayne lorde kinge Henry the . viii. ^[ Per me Johannem Rastell. Cum Priuilegio Regali. [1527.] 8", folioes 264. *The grete abregement of the statutys of Englond vntyll the . xxij. yere of kyng Henry the . viij. Cum priuilegio Regali. [Col.] Prynted by w. Rastell in Flete- strete in saynte Brydys chyrch yarde. 1533. Cum priuilegio. 8°. 'The Statutes on 293 leaves, besides the statutes ex- pired : abridgment of the statutes of the 22nd year, 16 leaves : abridgment of the STA TUTES. 99 STATUTES. statutes of the 23rd and 24th years, C 10 in eights. This collation is Herbert's or Ames's. *The greate abbrydgement of all y statutes of Englande / vntyll the . xxx. yere of the reygne of our moste dread soueraygne lorde kynge Henry the eyght. To whom be all honour . . . Amen. Cum privi- legio Regali. [Col.] % Imprynted at London in Fletestrete / at the sygne of the George nexte to Saynt Dunstones churche by me Roberte Redman. Cum priuilegio Regali. 8°, FFF in eights, be- sides the prologue and table. **Annus quadragesimus Ed ward i tereii nouiter impressus et castigatus. vna cum multis aliis casibus adiectis nunquam an- tea impressis. [This is over a cut of the King enthroned, &c. At the end we have:] % Imprime a Loud res par moy Robert Redman le . x. iour de Marche. Lan de grace . mcccccxxxiiii. Cum pri- uilegio regali. Folio, 52 leaves. The woodcut on the title illustrates the legal costume of the time when the volume appeared. **Anno 28. Hen. VI. [Col.] Explicit. Imprynted by Richarde Pynson prenter vnto the Kyngs noble grace. Folio, a — b in sixes. **A° . xxxiiii. Henr. VI. [Col.] Im- pressus par Richard um Pynsonum regiii irnpressorem. Cum priuilegio. Folio. Ends on L 6. Without running title, folioes, and catchwords. **A° . ii°. Edw. IV. [Col.] Explicit annus sed'us E. iiii. sed'm Townsend de nuuo impressus in academia, ere ac im- pensis honesti viri Richardi Pynson Regii Ipressoris. Folio, a 8 : b — din sixes: E*. **A° . iiii. Edw. IV. [Col.] Explicit an- nus quartus Edwardi quarti. Imprynted at London in Fletestrete, by Rycharde Pvnson, prynter to y Kings noble grace. Folio. a c : b 4 : c 6 : d 6 : e 4 : f 6 : g 6 : h 8 . The last leaf probably had the device, the colophon occurring on h 7. Anno I. Henrici . vii. [This occurs on A ii, A i being deficient. The colophon is :] Enprynted at London withoute Tem- pell Barre / in Saynt Clementys parysshe / By me Julyan Notary dwellynge at the syne of the thre kynges. In y yere of our lorde a. M.ccccc.vii. 4°. A — E in sixes : F, 8. This volume contains also the second, third, and fourth years. The printer's de- vice is on F 8 verso. Sotheby's, July 14, 1887, No. 528. Anno vii. Henrici . vii. [Tins occurs on aa, the rest of the page occupied by wood- cuts. Col.] Enprynted at London with- oute Tempell Barre / . . . a. M.ccccc.vii. 4°, aa in eights. Annexed, in the same volume, sold at Sotheby's as above mentioned, occurred the 11th year, Aa — Gg in sixes, and the 19th year, A— B in sixes : C, 4 : D, 4 : E, 4 : F, 3. *Statuta in parliamento apud Westmone- sterium vicessimo quinto die Januarii anno regni metvendissimi regis Anglie et Francie domini Hibernie Henrici sep- timi decimo nono tento pro bono publico subditorum suorum inter cetera edita. [This is over a cut of the King, attended by the Serjeants in their coifs, &c. Col.] Emprented at London in Fletestrete at the signe of the George by saynt Dun- stones chyrche by me Richard Pynson squyer and prenter vnto the kynges noble grace. Folio. **Anno Regni Regis Henrici . viij. Tertio Statute. The Kynge our soueraygne lorde Henry the viij. . . . [Col.] Em- prynted by the commandement of our Souereign lord the Kyng and his counsell (by Richard Pynson printer vnto his noble grace, dwellyng in London in Fletestrete at the sygne of the George besyde saynt Dunstanes churche). 4°. A 6 :B 4 :C C : D 3 : E 4 . Anno xxin. Henrici Octavi. The king our soueraigne lord Henry the eyght by the grace of god . . . at the sessions of his high Court of parliament after diuers pro- rogations, helden at Westminster the . xv. daye of January / in the . xxnr. yere of his most noble reign . . . hath ordeined established and enacted certaine good statutis lawes and ordynaunces in maner and fourme folowynge. [Col.] God save the Kinge. Imprinted at London in Fletestrete by Thomas Berthelet prynter to the kynges moste noble grace. . . . [1532.] Folio, A — D in sixes. Anno. xxin. H. vm. The kynge oure soueraigne lorde Henry the eight ... at the session of his highe Courte of Parlia- ment after diuerse prorogations, holden at Westminster the . xv. day of January, . . . hath ordeyned established and en- acted certayne lawes and ordinances in maner and fourme folowing. [Col.] Im- printed at London in Fletestrete by Thomas Berthelet printer to the kynges moste noble grace. Cum priuilegio. Folio, A — D in sixes. With the royal arms supported by angels below the colophon. There is a third edition in the British STA TUTES. STONE. Museum, differing in certain typographical particulars from these two. *Anno secundo & tertio, Edovardi Sexti. IT Actes made in the session of this pre- sent Parliament, holden vpon prorogation at Westminster, the fourth day of Nouem- ber, in the second yeare of our most dreed soueraign Lord Edward vi. . . . and there continued and kept to the xiiij. day of Marche, in the in. yeare of our sayde Soueraygne Lorde . . . [Col.] Richardvs Graftonvs Typographus Regius excude- bat Anno domini. 1552. . . . Folio, 68 leaves. *1T Anno Qvinto et sexto Edwardi Sexti. Actes made in the Sessio of this present parliament holden vpon prorogation at Westminster the viii. daye of Januarye, in the hfthe yeare of the reygne of . . . Edwarde the . vi. . . . and there con- tinned and kept till the . xv. day of Aprill, in the . vi. yeare . . . [Col.] IF Richardvs Graftonvs typographus Re- gius excudebat. MenseJunii. 1552. Cum priuilegio. . . . Folio, 33 leaves. Anno Primo Reginae Elizabethe. At the parliament begoune at Westmynster, the xxiij. of January . . . Anno. 1559. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Poules Church yarde by Richard Iugge,and Iohn Cawood, Printers to the Queues Maiestie. Anno. m.d.ijx. Cum priuilegio. . . . Folio, A — E in sixes : F, 8 : Act of Subsidy, &c, A — B in sixes : C, 4. H. Slopes, Esq. Anno xiiij. Regina) Elizabethe. At the parliament begunne and holden at West- minster the eyght of Maye, . . . 1572. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richard Iugge, . . . Folio, A — D in sixes, D 6 blank. Anno xviii. Regiuaj Elizabethe. At this present Session of Parliament by proro- gation holden at Westminster the viii. day of February, . . . 1575. [Col.] Im- printed at London by Richarde Iugge, . . . Folio, A — E in sixes : F in eights : Act of Fifteens, &c, A — C in sixes : Act of General Pardon, A in sixes, the last leaf containing a table of imprinted Acts. Anno xxxv. Reginae Elizabethce. At the Parliament begun and holden at West- minster the xix. day of Februarie, . . . Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker . . . 1593. Folio, A— Din sixes : E, 4 leaves : |[, 4 leaves : CC, 4 leaves: Aa— Cc in sixes: Dd, 2 leaves : Ee, 6 leaves. Anno xiiij. Reginae Elizabethse. At the Parliament begun and holden at West- minster the xxvij. day of October, . . . Imprinted at London bv Robert Barker, . . . [1601.] Folio, A— Ff in sixes, Ff 6 blank : Gg, 4 leaves. [STEPHENS, EDWABD.] Reflections upon the Occurrences of the Last Year. From 5. Nov. 1688. to 5. Nov. 1689. Wherein the Happy Progress of the late Bevolution, and the Unhappy Progress of Affairs since, are considered ; The Original of the latter discovered, and the proper Means for Remedy proposed and recommended. [Quot. from Prov. xxvii. 5. 6.] London, Printed in the Year, 1689. 4°, A— E in fours. STEPNEY, W. The Spanish Schoole-master. Contain- ing Seven Dialogues, according to euery day in the weeke^ and what is ncessarie euerie day to be done, wherein is also most plainly shewed the true and perfect pronunciation of the Spanish tongue, . . . Newly collected and set forth by W. Stepney, professor of the said tongue in the famous Citie of London. Spes anchora tuta. Imprinted at London bv R. Field for Iohn Harison. 1591. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — R in eights, R 7 with Errata and R 8 blank. Dedicated by Stepney to Robert Cecil, son of Lord Burleigh, in Spanish. B. M. This volume includes Proverbs and Sen- tences, the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, the Ten Commandments, and a Vocabulary. STEVENSON, MATTHEW. Occasions Off-spring. Or Poems upon Seveiall Occasions : By Mathew Steven- son. Mart. Die mihi quid melius desidiosus agas ? London, Printed for John Place, and are to be sold at his .shop at Furnivalls Inne Gate in Holborne 1645. 12". A, 6 leaves : B — G 6 in twelves. With a por- trait by Gaywood, having some facetious verses beneath it. Dedicated to his cousin, Mr. Benjamin Cook. ST. GERMAIN, CHRISTOPHER, *Ib-re after foloweth a iyttell treatise called the neweaddicions. [Col.] Thomas Bertheletus regius impressor excudebat. Anno domini. M.o.xxxi. Cum priuilegio a rege indulto. 8°, 16 leaves. STONE. The Warming Stone, Excellent Helps really found out, tried, and had, by a Warming Stone in his Case, which not costing much, will save much cost in tire and withallavoyd the danger of fire : And likewise is very usefull and comfortable for STRACHEY. SURREY. the colds of aged and sicke people, and for Women with child, and in Child-bed : As also for Fluxes, . . . And likewise for the Poore. . . . These Stones with their Cases are to be sold at John Bartlets Shop in Pauls Churchyard. London, Printed by R. H. for Iohn Bartlet. . . . 1640. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. At p. 5 the writer says: "It is also ex- ceeding usefull for all schollars to heate tlieir hands and feet, when they must attend their studies in cold weather. And for al persons which by their trades in such seasons must keep their shops, or for the service of God continue in the Church." STRACHEY, WILLIAM. For The Colony in Virginea Britannia. Lawes Diuine, Morall and Martiall, &c. Alget qui non Ardet. Res nostras subinde non sunt, quales quis optaret, sed quales esse possunt. Printed at London for Walter Burre. 1612. 4°, A — N in fours, besides two leaves in A after title with dedica- tions to the Council of Virginia, the Lord [De] La Warr, and Sir Thomas Smith. B.M. On the flyleaf of this copy is an autograph inscription by Strachey, presenting the book to William Crashaw, Minister in the Middle Temple. These Laws, &c, are represented as hav- ing been originally framed by Sir Thomas Gates in 1610, amplified and approved by Lord De la Warr the same year, and again exemplified and enlarged by Sir Thomas Dale, Marshal and Deputy-Governor, 22d June 1011. [STUART, SIR J., and the REV. J. STIRLING.] Napthali, Or The Wrestlings of the Church of Scotland for the Kingdom of Christ ; Contained in A true and short Deduction thereof, from the beginning of the Reformation of Religion, until the Year 1667. . . . Whereunto are also sub- joined A Relation of the Sufferings and Death of Mr Hen. M^Kail, and some In- stances of the sufferings of Galloway and Nithisdale . . . Printed in the Year 1667. 8°. (a)— (c) in eights : (a)— (b) in eights : A— T in eights, T 8 blank. STUBBE, HENRY. The Common- Wealth of Oceana Put into the Ballance, and found too light. Or An Account of the Republick of Sparta, with occasional Animadversions upon M r James Harrington and the Oceanistical Model. By Henry Stvbbe of Ch. Ch. Oxon. . . . London, Printed for Giles Calvert, . . . 1660. 4°. Title and to the Reader, 2 leaves : B— B (repeated) in fours. STUBBES, PHILIP. A Chrystal Glass for Christian Women, Containing A most Excellent Discourse. . . . London, Printed for William Thackerav, at the Angel in Duck-lane. 4°, A— C in fours. Black letter. B. M. SULPITIUS VERULANUS, JOHAN- NES. **Stans puer ad mensam. [This title is in roman letter over the printer's black- grounded device. At the end occurs :] Londini in edibus Wynandi de Worde xxiiij. supra sesquimillesimu nostre salu- tis. Pridie Kalendas Nouembris. 4°, 6 leaves. *GrammaticeSulpitianaciitextuAscesiano recognito & aucto : vt proximo patebit epistolio. [This title is over an ordinary woodcut. The colophon :] Auctum atq; recognitor est hoc opus opera Ascensiano. Impressumq ; in ciuitate London. Per Richardum Pynson : in vico dicto the Fletestrete / In signo Georgij comorantem. Anno . M . ccccc. v . xi . die. Augusti. 4°. A — X in sixes : Aa — Ii in sixes. **SUM, ES, FUI. [A Treatise of Verbs. At the end :] Printed at London in the Olde bayly by Thomas Godfray. 4°, 8 leaves. Althor-p. This seems to be the only work by this printer with his place of business men- tioned. SURREY. A most strange and rare example of the iust iudgement of God executed vpon a lewde and wicked Coniurer [Simon Pem- broke]. The . xvij. day of Januarie . M.D.Lxxvij. In the parish church of S. Marie Ouerie in Southwark, in the pre- sence of diners credible & honest persons. Imprinted at London, by Henrie Benny- man. 8°, black letter, 6 leaves. With a cut on the title. B. M. Following the title is a leaf of verses of a religious cast ; the rest of the tract is prose. A Brief Narrative of the Proceedings of Doctor Parr, And some of the Parishioners of Mary Magdalen - Bermonsey in the County of Surrey. Against certain People called Quakers, Inhabitants of the said Parish for not Paying and Complying with an Illegal Tax, laid under pretence of Repairing their Church. . . . Also an Exhortorv Reprehension upon the whole . . . Printed in the Year 1677. 4°, A— K, 2 leaves each. A Charge given at the General Quarter- Sessions of the Peace for the County of SYLVESTER. TA YLOR. Surrey, Holden at Dorking on Tuesday the 5«» day of April, 1692 ... By the Honourable Hugh Hare, Esq; . . . The Second Edition Corrected. London, Printed for John Newton . . . 16U6. 4°, A — E in fours. Hare, one of the County Magistrates, dates from Betchworth. SYLVESTER, BERNARD. *Here begynneth a shorte monycyon, or counsayle of the cure & gotternaunce of a housholde / accordynge vnto policy : taken out of a pystle of a great learned man, called Bernard syluestre. [Col.] Here endeth the boke Intituled the goueraaunce of housholde Imprynted by nie Robert Wyer in the bysshop of Nor- wytche rentes besyde charynge crosse. 8vo, a — b in fours. SYLVESTER, JOSHUA, Merchant- A d- venturer. Poems .... 1614-15. Small 8vo. 2 vols. On the flyleaf of a copy of this book in the hands of Messrs. Jarvis k Son, January 27, 1888, occurred the following memo- randum, apparently in the autograph of Sylvester : — " 1617. In Middlebourgh. 19". Sep- tembr 8 . To my worthy tfrind M r . George Morgan Marchant-Adventur'". Accept \\ th this poore Mite a minde That hounours worth in euerie kinde." T. T. A. A Rich Store-house or Treasury for the Diseased. Wherein, are many approued Medicines for diners and sundry diseases, which haue been long hidden, and not come to light before this time. Now set foorth for the great benefit and comfort of the poorer sort of people, that are not of abilitie to go to the Physitions. By A. T. Jiebus aduersis constuns. At Lon- don, Printed for Thomas Purfoot, and Raph Blower, Ann. 1596. 4°. A, 2 leaves: B — V 2 in fours. Dedicated by Blower the stationer to the Right Honourable Thomas Skinner, Lord Mayor of London. TABLES. ♦[Writing Tables. At the end occurs :] Made at London by Robert Triplet, Sta- tioneror Bookebinder,dwellingin Distaffe lane, at the signe of the Aqua vite Still, neere olde fishstreete, and are there to be eolde. [1587.] Oblong 8°. [A]— D in eights. Described by Herbert, p. 1702, from an imperfect copy then belonging to Douce. TANNER, TliOMAS, Bishop of St. Asaph. Notitia Monastica Or A Short History of the Religious Houses in England and Wales. By Thomas Tanner B. A. Oxford, Printed at the Theater, and are to be sold by A. and J. Churchill at the sign of the Black Swan in I'ater-noster-row, London. L695. 8", a— f 2 in eights: plates of arnis, 5 leaves : A — X .3 in eights. Dedi- cated to Dr. Leopold-William Finch, Warden of All Souls College. TARBAT, GEORGE, Viscount, Clerk to //. M. Councils, Registry, and Rolls. A Vindication of Robert III. King of Scotland, From the Imputation of Bas- tardy, by the clear Proof of Elizabeth Mure (Daughter of Sir Adam Mure of Rowallan) her being the first Lawful Wife of Robert the II. then Stewart of Scot- land and Earl of Strathern. To be Sold at Thomas Carruther's Shop in the Par- liament-Closs. Edinbvrgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew An- derson, . . . Anno Dom. 1695. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — G in fours, G 4 witli the Descent of Charles II. from Fergus I. TAVERNER, JOHN. Certaine Experiments concerning Fish and Frvite : Practised by Iohn Taverner Gentleman, and by him published for the benefit of others. London, Printed for William Ponsonby. 1600. 4°, A— F in fours, first and last Laves blank. In the dedication to Sir Edmond Ander- son, Chief Justice of the Common J'leas, the author states that he had been induced to print these remarks by the translation of Dubravius. He refers to this again in the Preface, where he seems to speak of himself as a person of leisure, who hereby sought to occupy his time. TAYLOR, JOHN, the Water-Poet. Verbum Sempiternmn. London: Printed by F. Collins for T. Hive, at the Nags Head in Jewen-Street, 1693. The Old Testament, A — K in eights, A 1 with Im- primatur and A 2 with half-title : The TENURES. i°3 THORPE. New, a — h in eights, h 7-8 blank. Dedi- cated to Queen Mary. The copy employed was obligingly lent to me by Messrs. Pearson & Co. of Pall Mall. TENURES. [The Old Tenures.] Tenir per ceruice de chiualer : est a tente p homage foialte & escuage & tret a lay garde mariage & relfj. [This is a headline on A 1.] No place, &c. [London, R. Pynson.] Folio, A in sixes. Bound up with the Natura Brevium and Lyttelton's Tenures by Pvnson, from the Earl of Roden's library, sold at Sawbridge- worth in April or May 1888. A second copy is at Lambeth. Tenir per seruice de chiualer : . . . [Col.] Impressuin per Richard um Pynson. Folio, 8 leaves, the first occupied by a shield of arms. There is no title-page. Grenv. Coll. The colophon in this probably later im- pression occurs below the Hue beginning Suite seruice, in place of the word Finis in the other copy. [The Old Tenures. Tenir per service . . . At the end :] This Booke with the Natura Breuium was Empryntyd by me Rychard Pynson at the Instaunce of my maysters of the copany of Stronde Inne with oute tempyll Barre. off London. Folio, a in eights, a 1 with the shield of arms only, as in the Grenville copy. Bound up with the Natura Brevium among Addington's books, and doubtless intended to accompany it, yet nevertheless a distinct publication. Olde teners newly corrected. [Col.] Finis vetustar? legis tenurarum . . . Lddini in edibu? Roberti Redma Anno salut' nostre M.ccccc.xxviii. die vero xx. Januarii. Cum gratia & priuilegio. Sm. 8°, A— B in eights, B 8 blank. With the crowned Tudor rose on the title. ♦The olde tenures. [Col.] Hunc libel- lum excudebat Thomas Bertheletus regius impressor. Anno domini Millesimo quin- gentesimo tricesimo. 8", 12 leaves. TERENTIUS AFER, PUBL1US. **[The Flowers and Eloquent phrases. At the end occurs :] Londini in AEdibvs Thoma3 Bertheleti Regii Impressoris excvs. Anno, m.d.xxxviii. 8°, 192 leaves + title and other prefixes. Herbert's copy wanted the preliminary matter. TESTAMENT. The New Testament of ovr Lord Iesvs Christ, translated out of Greeke by Theod. Beza. And Englished by L. T. Lvke 11. x. Beholde, I bring you glad tidings ... At Dort Printed, by Isaac Canin. 1601. at the expensis of the aires of Henrie Charteris, and Andrew Hart, in Edinburgh. Cum Privilegio Regali. Title, Calendar, &c, 8 leaves : A — Xx 3 in eights. A pocket volume. B. M. ♦THOMAS DE CAMPIS. Here ben coteyned tiue notable Chapy- tres : nioche profitable for euery man, dyly gently to recorde. And after do folowe thyrtene degrees of Mortyfycacyon. [Col.] irimprynted by me Robert wyer in the bysshop of Norwytche rentes. HCum priuilegio regali. 8°, A — C 6 in eights. THOMAS, WILLIAM. [Pelegrine's Defence of Henry VIII. against the calumnies of Clement VII. in connection with the divorce from Anne Boleyn.] 4°, 64 leaves. An apparently unpublished MS. on paper. At the end, on the last leaf, otherwise blank, occurs : " Castigans castigauit me Dominus & morti non tradidit me. W Thomas." The only title is the word Pelegkine, be- neath which, perhaps in a different hand, are two lines of verse. This leaf is followed by " Pelegrine vnto the Reader." The text commences on fol. 2 witli an account of the origin of the treatise, the composition of which is laid at Bologna. Sotheby's, June 1888 (Turner), No. 1495. THOMPSON, SIR JOHN, Baronet. The Earl of Anglesey's State of the Gov- ernment & Kingdom : Prepared and in- tended for His Majesty, King Charles II. In the Year 1682. but the Storm Im- pending jjrowinLc so high prevented it then. With a short Vindication of His Lordship from several Aspersions cast upon Him, in a pretended Letter that carries the Title of His Memoirs. Lon- don : Printed for Samuel Crouch at the Corner of Pope's-Head-Alley in Cornhill. 1694. 4°, A— E in fours. Dedicated to the King and Queen. ♦THORPE, WILLIAM. The examination of Master William Thorpe prest accused of heresye before Thomas Arundell / Archbishop of Catur- bury / the yere of owre Lorde. M.cccc. and seuen. If The examination of the honorable knight syr Jhon Oldcastell Lorde Cobham, burnt bi the said Arche- bishop in the fyrste yere of Kynge Henry the fyfth : If be no more ashamed to heare it / then ye were and be / to do it. [About 1535.] 8°, I 4 in eights. THOUGHTS. 104 TRIUMPH. THOUGHTS. Regular and Irregular Thoughts on Poets and Orators : London : Printed for John Hartley . . . 1697. 4°, A— E 2 iu lours and the title. THROOMORTON, JOB. *The Defence of lob Throkmorton against the slaunders of Maister Sutcliffe, taken out of a Copye of his owne hande as it was written to an honorable personage. Prouerbes 20. 6. The, taulke of the vngodly . . . 1594. 4°, E in fours. TITUS, SILAS, Colonel. Traicte Politique Compose par William Allen Anglois, Et traduit nouvellement en Francois, ou il est prouve par I'exemple de Moyse, & par d' autres, tires hors de 1' escriture, que Tuer un Tyran Titulo vel exercitio, n'est pas un meurtre. Lugduni, Anno. M.DC.LViii. 12°, A — D in twelves, I) 12 blank. TOBACCO. By the King. A Proclamation touching Tobacco. Printed at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, . . . M.DC.xxv. A broadsheet. By the King. A Proclamation touching Tobacco. Imprinted at London by Bon- ham Norton and Iohn Bill, . . . m.dc.xxvi. A large broadsheet formed of three leaves. A Proclamation for the ordering of To- bacco. Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, . . . m.dc.xxvii. A broadsheet formed of two leaves. TOBIAS. *Mirabilia opera Dei: Certaine wonder- full Works of God which hapned to H. N. euen from his youth : and how the God of Heaven hath united himself with him, and raised up his gracious Word in him, and how he hath chosen and sent him to be a Minister of his gracious Word. Published by Tobias a Fellow Elder with II. N. in the Houshold of Love. Translated out of Base Almain. [ Printed abroad about 1575. J 4", pp. 137, besides the preface. TREASURE. t'lhis Booke is called the Treasure of gladnese, and seemeth by the Copie, bey- in<* a very little Manuall, and written in Velam, to be made aboue . cc. yerespast at the least. Whereby it appereth howe God in olde tvine, and not of late only, hath ben truly confessed and honoured. The copie hereof is for the antiquitie of it, preserved, and to be scene in the Printers Hall. Set forth and allowed according to the Quecncs Injunctions. Anno 15(53. Imprinted at London by W. Williamson for Iohn Charlwood dwelling in Barbican. Small 8°. **IIere begynneth a newe boke of mede- cynes intytuled or callyd y Treasure of pore men, whiche sheweth many dyuerse good medicines for dyuerse certayne dys- seases as in y c Table of y present boke more playnly shall appere. The Boke of medecines. [Col.] Thus endeth y boke of Medycynes. Imprinted at London iu y pultre at y longe shoppe by saynt Myl- dredys cliurche dore by me Rycherd Bankes. Cum priuilegio ... 4°, M in fours. With a cut on the title of a phy- sician writing at his desk, &c. Here beginneth a good Booke of Mede- cines called, the treasure of pore men. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Flete- strete, beneth the Conduit : at the Signe of Saynt John Euangeliste, bv Thomas Colwell. 1575. 8°, A— K in eights, be- sides the title and Table, 4 leaves. TREATISE. Here begynnetli a lytell necessarye Treatyse / the whiche speketh of tiie estate of the Comonalte and of the people / and how they ought to gouerne them in good maners. [Col.] 51 Laus deo. % Here endeth the boke Intituled good maners. Imprinted by me Robert Wyer in seynt Martyns parysshe besyde Charynge crosse. 8°, a — k in fours. A Treatise concerning Adultery and Divorce . . . London : Printed by R. Roberts. 1700. 4°, A— E in fours. TRIBULATION. **Herc begynnethe a lytyll treatyse which is called tiie xn. profytes of trybulacyon. [This title is over a cut, which Dibdin describes as " neatly executed and rare." The colophon is :] Emprynted at West- mynster in Caxtons hous. By me Wynkyn the Worde. 4", A — D in sixes. In Dibdin's time a copy was in the pos- session of Mr. Johnes of Hafod. lie ab- surdly places it after the edition of 1530. TRIUMPH. The Hermetical Triumph : Or, The Vic- torious Philosophical Stone A Treatise Moie compleat and more intelligible than any extant, concerning The Hermetical Mystery. Translated from the French. To which is added, The Ancient War of the Knights; Being an Alchvmistical Dialogue betwixt our Sunne, Gold and Mercury; . . . Translated from the Ger- man. London : Printed for Thomas Harris, at the Looking-Glass and Bible, TURKE Y. 105 TYRANTS. on London-Bridge. S°. A, 8 leaves, in- cluding a frontispiece : (a), 4 leaves : (b), 2 leaves : B— L 2 in eights : [*], 8 leaves : [**], 2 leaves : [***], 8 leaves : [****], 2 leaves. The Triumph of Friendship : And the Force of Love. Two New Novels from the French. London : Printed for D. Brown, . . . and J. Walthoe, . . . mdclxxxv. Sin. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — H in eights : I, 4 leaves. Dedicated by T. T. to Lord Lansdowne. TURKEY. *The tryumphant victory of thelmperyall niageste agaynst the turkes : The xxvi day of Septembre the yere of our lorde . m.ccccc.xxxii in Steumarke by a capy- tayne named Michael Meschsaer. Cum priuilegio. [Col.] Deo gracias. Trans- lated and Eniprynted out of frenche into englysshe by Robert Copland dwelling in Flete strete by Flete brydge at the sygne of the Rose garland, for Rychard bankes Bookseller Anno dfii. mccccc. and xxxii. 4°, 4 leaves. Reprinted entire by Dibdin (ii. 11G-18) from a copy lent to him by Bindley. **The order of the greate turckes courte, of hys menne of warre, and of all hys con- questes, with the somme of Maheometes doctrine. Translated oute of Frenche 1542. Richard us Grafton excudebat. Sm. 8°, A — H 4 in eights. A Brief Accompt of the Turks Late Ex- pedition, Against the Kingdome of Hun- gary, Transylvania, and the Hereditary Countries of the Emperour : Together with An Exact Narrative of the Remar- quable Occurrences at the Siege of New- hausel. Translated out of l)utch. Printed with Privilege. London, Printed by Richard Hodgkinson, and Thomas Mab, mdclxiii. 4°, A — F in fours. TURNER, JAMES. The Triumph of Truth : In an Exact and Impartial Relation of the Life and Con- versation of Collonel James Turner ; which he imparted to an Intimate Friend, a little before his Execution. [1GG3.] 4", B — E in fours. The copy employed had no title or sign. A. TURNER, RICHARD. Yovth Know Thy Selfe. Disce pucr virtutcm ex me, vcrumque labor em, Fortunam ex alijs. London, Printed by Avgvstine Mathewes and Iohn Norton, and are to be sold at the great South doore of Pauls. 1624. 4°, A — C 3 in fours. In verse. B. M. (Corser's copy.) TURNER, ROBERT, of Barnstaple. Roberti Tvrneri Devonii Oratoris et Phi- losophi Iugoldstadiensis Orationes xiv. . . . Commentationes in Loca Scriptvnv, . . . Panegyrici Dvo, . . . Ingoldstadii, . . . m.d.lxxxiiii. 8°. ) (, 8 leaves : A — Q in eights : Panegyrici, &c, a — p in eights, p 7 with Errata and p 8 blank. Roberti Tvrneri Devonii Oratoris et Philo- soplii Ingolstadiensis Orationes xiv. Ac cessit Oratio Fvnebris In Exeqviis II- lvstriss. Princ. Eystensis, & Epistola ad Alanum Cardinalem. Antwerpise, . . . 1597 . . . 8°, a in eights: A— M 6 in eights. TYNDALE, WILLIAM. *A compendious introduccion / prologe or preface to the pistle of Paul to the Romayns. [After the Introduction oc- curs :] Here tbloweth a treates (to iill vpp the leafe with all) of the pater noster / very necessary and profitable / . . . 8°, a — c G in eights. Supposed by Herbert, whose copy had the last leaf mutilated, to have appeared between the first and second editions of Tyndale's New Testament. TYRANTS. The English Tyrants, Or, A brief Historie of the Lives and Actions of the high and mighty States, the Lords of Westminster, and now (by usurpation) Kings of Eng- land. Containing all their Rebellious and Traiterous Proceedings and Transac- tions in Parliament. With their levying of War, . . . Continued from the first Convention of this Parliament, 1640. un- till the Kings Death, Jan. 30. 1G48. . . . London, Printed in the Year, 1G49. 4", A — B in fours. ( io6 ) u. UDALL, JOHN. The Key of the Holy Tongve : Wherein is conteineid, first the Hebrue Grammar (in a manner) woord for woord out of P. Martinivs. Secondly, a practize . . . Thirdly, A short Dictionary . . . All Englished ... By Iohn Udall. Im- printed at Leyden, By Francis Raphel- engivs, CIO. 10. xcill. 8°, A — Gg 4 in eights. URINES. *Here begynneth the seynge of Vrines of all coloures that Vrynes be of / with the medycines annexed to euery Vryne / & euery Vryne his Vrynal much profitable for euery man to knowe. [Col.] Here endeth the boke of seynge of waters Im- prynted at London in Fletestrete / by me Elyzabeth late wyfe vnto Robert Redman, dwellyng . . . 8°, A — F in eights. **5I Here beginneth the seinge of Vrynes . . . [Col.] Iniprynted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of the Rose Gar- land, by me Wyllya Copland for Abraham Vele. In the yere of our Lord. m.d.l.ii. The . xii. day of August. Sin. 8°, F in eights. USHER, JAMES, Archbishop of Armagh. Britannicaram Ecclesiarvm Antiqvitates. Quibus inserta est pestiferae adversiis Dei gratiam a Pelagio Britanno in Ecclesiam inducta? Hsereseos Historia. Collectore JacoboVsserioArchi-episcopoArmachano, totius Hibernise Primate. Dublinii, Ex Othcina Typographical Societatis Biblio- polarum. Anno cio ioc xxxix. 4°. %, 4 leaves : A, 2 leaves : (a), 4 leaves : A — 7 M in fours, the last leaf blank. Dedicated to the King. The last sheet has the Errata only. Prophecys Concerning the Return of Popery into England, Scotland, and Ire- land. By Arch-bishop Vsher, . . . Lon- don, Printed for A. Bancks, mdclxxxii. 4", A— E in fours, E 4 blank. V. V. R. The Manner of the Proceedings in the Courts of the Great Sessions in the Coun- ties of Montgomery, Denbigh, and Flint ; within Norih-Wales, as it is now is. Published by R. V. London, Printed, 1653. 4", 4 leaves. **VALENCIUS. [Expositiones super Psalterium. Col.] Expliciunt Reverend issi mi doctoris Va- lecii sup. psalteriu hucusq; expones. Im- presse in civitate Londoniensi ad expensas Wilhelmi Wilcokperme Johannem lettou. Anno Xpi M.CCCC.LXXXI. Folio, 291 leaves + .">"> more of Index. Without title, catchwords, and numerals. Bodleian. VALENTINE AND ORSON. The History of Valentine and Orson : . . . Belfast : . . . M.Dccy.xxxn. 4°, pp. 94 and the title. In two columns. With cuts. YAXDER LEYDEX HERMANXUS, of Ghent, Physician. Speedy Help for Rich and Poor. Or, Cer- tain Physicall Discourses touching the Vertue of Whey, in the Cure of the Grip- ing Flux of the Belly, and of the Dysen- tery. Of Cold Water, in the Cure of the Gout, and Green-wounds. Of Wine-Vine- ger, in the Preservation from, and Cure of the Plague. . . . London, Printed by James Young, for 0. P. and are to be sold by John Say well, . . . 1G53. 12°. A, 12 leaves, A, 1 blank: IT, (! leaves; B — K in twelves, K 12 blank. H. Stopes, Esq. The name of the English translator from the Latin does not appear. VANE, THOMAS. A Lost Sheep Returned Home : Or, The Motives of the Conversion to the Catholike Faith of Thomas Vane, . . . The Fourth Edition. . . . Printed at Paris, 1649. 12°, A — Ee 6 in twelves. VAUGHAN, HENRY, the Silurist. Olor Iscanvs. A Collection of some Select Poems, Together with these Translations following, &c. All Englished by H. Vaughau, Silurist. London : Printed, VA VASOR. 107 VIOLET. and are to be sold by Peter Parker, . . . 1679. 8°, A— L in eights, title on A 3 and L 8 with the Errata. A reissue of the unsold copies of 1651. VAVASOR, FRANCIS, of the Society of Jesus. Francisci Vavassoris Societ. Jesn De Epi- grammate Liber et Epigrammatvm Liliri Quatuor. Aucta libro editio. Parisiis, . . . m.dc.lxxviii. 8°, A — Y in fours, Y 4 with the Permission, and the title. VENICE. Aggravii Venetiani, &c. Or The Venetian and other Grievances Together, With a Proposal for raising the Price of Tin in the Counties of Cornwall and Devon, according to the Policy of the Venetians, when they regained the Western Trade, which they had once almost lost. Most humbly presented to the King's most Excellent Majesty, . . . The First Part. London, Printed for Sam. Crouch in Corn- hill, Abel Roper in Fleet-street, and Joseph Fox in Westminster-Hall, 1697. 4°, A — E 2 in fours : The Proposal, B — C in fours. VERON, JOHN. *The godly saiyngs of the old auncient faithful fathers / vpon the sacrament . . . Newlye compvled and translated oute of Latin intoo English. By Jhon Veron Senonoys. 1 Cor. xi. As often as ye eate . . . Imprinted the xj. day of October, Anno Do. 1550. At Worcester by Jhon Oswen. They be also to sell at Shrewes- burye. Cum priuilegio. . . . 8", H in eights. Veron's preliminary Exhortation is dated from Hackney, 31 Oct. 1548. Dedicated to Sir John Yorke, Knight, Treasurer of the King's Mint in Southwark, Master of the Woods this side Trent, and Sheriff of London. VERGIL, POLYDORE, of Urbino. Polydori Vergilii Vrbinatis Anglican His- torian Libri Vigintiseptem. . . . Basilea?, Apvd Mich. Isnigrinivm. Anno Folio, a — z in sixes : A — Pp in sixes, Pp 6 with the device. Polydori Vergilii . . . Anglicae Historiae Libri Vigintiseptem. . . . Basileae, Anno m.d.lxx. Folio, a — z in sixes : A — LI in sixes : Mm, 4 : a — /3 in sixes and 7 in eights, last leaf with colophon and device. *An Abridgement of the notable woorkeof Polidore Vergile. . . . Imprinted at Lon- don within the precincte. of the late dis- solued house of the Grey Friers, by Richard Grafton Printer to the Princes Grace, the . xvi. daie of April!, the yere of our lorde M.D.xlvi. Cum priuilegio. ... 8°. 156 leaves, besides dedication and table. Dedicated to Sir Anthony Denny. VICARS, JOHN. Decapla in P.-f the Ladies Hall In Deptford at Greenn- wieh the 4th f May 1617. 4°, 19 leaves. Unpublished MS. sold at Sotheby's, June 1888 (Turner), No. 2938. Dedicated by White to Lucy, Countess of Bedford. Preceding the leaf of Dedication is "A note of all the Maskers names," among which two boys, George Lippett and Paul Harbart, are Riven as representing Bacchus and Mercury. From the Evelyn Collection. WHITEHALL, ROBERT. Hexastichon Ieron, Sive Jconum Quar- undam extranearum (numero 258) Ex- plicate . . . Being an Epigrammatical Explanation of the most Remarkable Stories throughout the Old & New Testament after each Sculpture or Cut. . . . Dat. Cal. Jan. Anno Salutis M. D. C. lxxvii. Oxford, Printed by Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the Uni- versity. Folio. With the 258 plates (from Vischer's edition of Bible Cuts) pasted on to blank spaces in the middle of each leaf, the remainder of the obverse occupied by Whitehall's verses and the description, and the reverse blank. 258 leaves + title, engraved title to Vischer, 1 leaf, Whitehall's Preface, Imprimatur, and Contents, 7 leaves. The impressions seem to have been spe- cially taken off on thin paper for insertion in this book. WHITFORD, RICHARD. **^]A dayly exercise and experience of deathe, gathered, and set forthe by a brother of Syon Rycharde Whytforde. [This is over a cut of Death and a young man, &c. At the end occurs :] Imprynted at London in Fletestrete by me Robert Redman next to sainct Dustones Churche. 8°, A— D in eights. Written twenty years before at the re- quest of the reverend mother Dame Eliza- beth Gibs. **A werke for Housholders . . . [Col.] ^1 Imprynted at London in Fletestrete. at the sygne of the George, by me Robert Redman. The yere of our lorde God. M.D.xxxvii. 8°,"A— E in eights: F, 6: G, 4. The edition of 1531 by Redman forms part of a volume. See Collections, 3rd Series, p. 21. W1IITTINT0N, ROBERT, Grammarian. Whittyntoni Editio cum interpretamento Fracisci Nigri diomedes de accetu in pedestri oratioe potius q soluta obser- vando. [Col.] Explicit whittyntoni edi- tio : nnper Impressa London, per me Richard um pynson in vieo anglice nun- cupato (the Flete strete) in intersignro Georgii commorantem. Anno domini. m.ccccc.vx. [sic for 1515.] 4°. A s : B 6 : C 8 . B. M. Printed without any regular title. This seems to have been printed to accompany the treatises De Si/llabarum Quantitate and De Magistratibus ; but perhaps it was sold separately. Whittyntoni Editio de consinitate grama- tices et Constructione nouiter impressa. Ebor? Per me Vrsys Mylner in vibe par- rocliia Sancte Helene in vico (Blaake strete.) Moram traheotis [sic]. At the end occurs : Explicit Whittyntoni Editio de consinitate grammatices et Construc- tione : nouiter impresse. Ebor? / per me Vrsyfi Mylner in vico vulgariter nucu- pato(blake strete) Anno domini Millesimo quingentesimo decimo sexto die vero . xx. mensis Decembris. 4°, A — D in eights and fours. With a large cut on the title and the printer's mark on the last leaf. B. M. (Tutet's copy.) **Roberti whitintoni Lichfeldiensis. . . . Opusculu De Consinnitate Gifuna- tices et costructione reeognitum anno dfii. xix. supra sesquimilesimum. [Col.] Ex- plicit Roberti whitintoni editio de cocin- nitate gramatices et constructione : im- pressa London per wynandu de worde in eo vico q dicitur vulgariter (flete strete) comorate: Sub Solis intersignio. Anno dni. ii.ccccc.xix. Idibus Iunij. 4°. **Rol>erti Whitintoni Editio de Consin- nitate. . . . [Col.] Londini in vEdibus Richardi Pynsonis : Christi ab incarna- tibne Anno. 23. supra sesquimillessimum. 16 die Iunij. 4", 30 leaves. **Vulgaria Roberti Whi'intoni Lichfel- diensis Laureati de institutione grama'ti- culoru opusculu libello suo de coci imitate gramatices accommodate et in quattuor partes digestum. [Col.] Londini in edi- bus Winandi de Worde vieesinio supra sesquimillesimu nostre salutis anno. 4°, A — 11 in eights. UulgaTia Robefti Whittintoni Lichfel- diensis et de institutione grammaticu- liiiiim Opusculum : libello suo' de con- cinnitate Grammatices accommodate & in quatuor partes digestum. [Col.] Lon- dini I edibus Winandi de Worde xxi. supra WHITTINTON. WHITTINTON. sesquimillesimum nostii salutis anno. 4°, A — H in fours and eights. B. M. (Dr. Bliss's copy.) **Vulgaria. . . . [Col.] Londini in edi- bus Winandi de Worde . xxiiij. supra ses- quiinillesiraum nostre salutis anno. 4°, 48 leaves. **Vulgaria. . . . [Col.] Londini in edi- bus Winandi de Worde. xxxiij. supra ses- quimillesimum nostre salutis anno. 4°, A — M in fours. Vvlgaria Roberti whitintoni. . . . Apud inclytam Londini urbem. M . D . xxv. [Col.] Ex calcograpbia Richardi Pynsonis regii Irapressoris. Anno verbi incarnati. M.D.xxxi. 4°, A — M in fours. B. M. The title is within an engraved border, as in the edition of 1520. This copy appears to have been made up at the time of two issues. **Roberti Whitintoni Lauricomi Lich- feldiensis De Syllibaru Quantitatibus Opusculu recognitu Anno dni. xix. su- pra sesquimillesimum. [Col.] Explicit Whitintoni Laureati Editio nuperrime re- cognita diligenterq; nostre salutis anno. M.ccccc.xix. impressa Lodini per winadu de worde. kal. Noue. 4°. This includes the Editio Whitintoni with the gloss of F. Niger. Dibdin used Heber's copy, but gives no collation. The next edition, published in March 1519-20, is of course later. De syllabaru quantitate . . . Whitintoni editio cum interpretameto Francisci nigri. . . . [Col.] Londini in sedibus Winadi de Worden vicesimo primo supra . . . anno. 4°, A — M in fours and sixes : the Niger, &c, A 4 : B— C 6 . B. AI. Roberti Whittintoni. L. secunda grama- ticsB pars de syllabaru quantitate. . . . Whitintoni seditio cu interpretameto Fra- cisci nigri Diomedes de accetu. . . . [Col.] Exucussum [sic] Londini in officina Petri Treueris. 4°. A 4 : B 6 : C 4 : D— I 4 : K B : L 4 : M 6 : N 4 : O 6 : the second portion with Niger, ated 4. .March 1G89. [Edinburgh, 1090.] A folio leaf. WILLIAMS. "5 WING. A Description of the most Glorious and most Magnificent Arches Erected at the Hague, For the Reception of William III. King of Great Britain. With all the Motto's and Latin Inscriptions that were Written upon everyone of the said Arches. Translated into English from the Dutch. London : Printed for F. S. and are to be sold by Richard Baldwin . . . m.dc.xci. Folio, 4 leaves. The Pretences of the French Invasion Examined. For the Information of the People of England. London, Printed for R. Clavel at the Peacock in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1692. 4°, A— B in fours, besides title and half-title. The Debate at large, between the House of Lords and House of Commons, at the Free conference, held in the Painted Chamber, in the Session of the Conven- tion, Anno 1688. Relating to the Word, Abdicated, and the Vacancy of the Throne, in the Common's Vote. Printed for J. Wick ins ; And to be Sold by the Book- sellers of London and Westminster, 1695. 8°, A— B in fours : C— Pin eights : Q, 4. WILLIAMS, JOHN, Bishop of Lincoln, afterwards Archbishop) of York. The Holy Table Name and Thing More Antiently, properly, and literally used under the New Testament, then that of an Altar : Written long agoe by a Minister in Lincolnshire, in answer to D. Coal, a judicious Divine of Queene Maries days. Ilia Sacramenti donatrix Men*a. — Aurel. Pruden. in Peristaph. Hymno 11. Printed for the Diocesse of Lincoln. 1637. 4°, A — Ff in fours, and a leaf of Gg. WILLIAMS, ROGER, of Providence, N. E. Mr. Cottons Letter Lately Printed, Exa- mined and Answered : By Roger Williams of Providence in New-England. London, Imprinted in the yeere 1644. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B — G in fours. WILLYMOTT, WILLIAM, M.A., of King's College, Cambridge. English Particles Exemplify'd in Sen- tences Design'd for Latin Exercises : With the Proj^er Rendring of Each Par- ticle Inserted in the Sentence. For the Vse of Eton School. London : Printed for Sam. Smith, . . . 1703. 8°. Title and leaf with arms of the school : B — U in eights : X, 6. WILMOT, JOHN, Earl of Rochester. Poems and Translations. Written upon several Occasions, and To several Per- sons. By a late Scholer of Eaton. [Quot. from Juvenal and Cicero.] London : Printed for Henry Bonwicke, at the Red Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard. 1689. 8°. Title and Table, 4 leaves : B— L in eights : M, 4. WILSON, JOHN, Minister of the Episco- palian Church of Scotland. An Essay on Enthusiasm ; Teaching to distinguish between Inspirations War- rantable and Unwarrantable. Written at Kirkwall in Orkney, May 1699. Now Published for the Authors Vindication. To which is added, a Poem on the descent of the Holy Ghost, for Pentecost. Edin- burgh. Printed in the Year, m. dcc. vj. 4°, A— B in fours. Dedicated to the Earl of Cromarty, the death of whose wife Wilson mentions. Three Poems, Mahanaim, Or, Strivings with a Saviour, Containing a Dialogue betwixt Jesus and an Afflicted Soul ; Peniel, Or The Combatant Triumphing, Expressing Comfort under Clouds. And the Triumph Consummat, at the State of Glory. By an Experienced Admirer of Sanctified Afflictions. . . . Printed in the Year 1706. 4°, A— D, 2 leaves each. Dedicated by J. W. to Viscountess Stor- mont and the Lady ^Emilia Murray, her sister-in-law. B. M. WINDMILL. A New Wind-Mill, A New. At Oxford, Printed by Leonard Lichfield, 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. This is an address or epistle directed by Abednego Canne from Boston, Januar. 2, 1042-3, "To my dearely beloved Brother Mr Jonadas Trash, at his house in Soper- lane, at the signe of the Shuttle." WING, JOHN. The Crowne Conivgall Or, the Spovse Royall. A Discovery of the true honor and happines of Christian Matrimony Published for their consolation who are married, and their encouragment who are not, intending the benefit of both. By Iohn Wing, Pastor to the English Congregation, resident at Vlisshing in Zeeland. Printed at Middelbvrgh, By Iohn Hellenius dwelling in the market place, at the signe of the Gallev, Anno 1G20. 4°. Title, Dedication to Mathew Peke, Esq., Mayor of Sandwich, and Errata, 4 leaves : A — T 2 in fours, T 2 blank. WING, VINCENT. Astronomia Britannica : In Qua Per Novum Concinnioremq; Methodum, hi quinq;Trectatustraduntur, . . . Authore Vincentio Wing, Math em. Londoni, Typis WING A TE. 116 Y- WORTH. Johannis Macock, . . . 1669. Folio. De- dicated to Sir Robert Markham, Baronet. With a large portrait by Cross, with the Inscription : Vincentius Wing Lujfen- hamiensis Rutlandice Natus Anno. 1619. Die. 9. Aprilis. WINGATE, NINIAN, of Renfrew. Flagellum Seetariorum, Qvi Religionis Praetextv Seditionem in Caesarem, Avt in alios Orthodoxos Principes excitare stu- dent; . . . AccessitVelitatio inGeorgivm Bvchananvm circa Dialogum, quern scrip- sit <)e iure regni apud Scotos. . . . Ingol- stadii, . . . Anno, m.d.lxxxii. 4°. a, 4 leaves : A — Z in fours : a — o in fours. Dedicated to William, Count Palatine of the Rhine, from Ratisbon. WORCESTERSHIRE. A Letter sent from Mr. Sergeant Wilde, and Humphrey Salwey Esq; Both Mem- bers of the House of Commons, To the Honorable, William Lenthall, Esquior, Speaker of the House of Commons; Con- cerning divers Passages at the Quarter Sessions in Worcester, about the execu- tion of the Commission of Array, and the Ordinance of the Militia : At which Ses- sions was the greatest Assembly that hath been seen for many yeers past. Together with the humble Petition of the Grand- Jury-men . . . London, Printed by Luke Norton and John Field . . . July 18. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. WORLDS. A Discovery of New Worlds. From the French. Made English By Mrs. A. Behn. To which is prefixed a Preface by way of Essay on Translated Prose ; . . . London, Printed for William Canning, . . . 1688. b°, A — L in eights, besides a, 8 : b, 4 : c, 2. Dedicated to William, Earl of Drnin- 1 an grig. WOELIDGE, JOHN, Gentleman. The Compleat Bee-Master ; Or, A Dis- course of Bees : Shewing the best Way of Improving them, and Discovering the Fallacies that are imposed by some, for private Lucre, on the credulous Levers and Admirers of these Insects. London : Printed for, and Sold by G. Conyers, at the Ring in Little-Britain 1698. Price St. 6d. Small 8°. A, 4 leaves, besides the frontispiece : B — C in eights. B. M. WORSOP, EDWARD, Londoner. A Discoverie of sundrie errours and faults daily committed by Lande-meaters, igno- rant of Arithmeticke and Geometrie, to the damage, and preiudice of many her Maiesties subjects, with manifest proofe that none ought to be admitted to that function but the learned practicioners of those Sciences : Written Dialoguewise, according to a certaine communication had of that matter. ... At London, Printed by Hemie Middleton for Gre- gorie Seton. Anno 1584. 4°, A— K 2 in fours. Black letter. With diagrams. Dedicated to Lord Burleigh. WYER, ROBERT, Printer. Prognosticacion Drawen out of the Bookes of Ipocras, Auicen, and other notable Auctours of Physycke, shewynge the daunger of dyiu-rs syckenesses, that is to say, whether peryll of death be in them or not, the pleasure of almyghtye God resented. [Col.] Finis q. R. W. Im- prynted by me Robert Wyer. Cum pri- uilegio ad imprimendum solum. Sm. 8°, A — D in fours. With two woodcut figures of Hippocrates and Avicenna on back of title and W\ r er's device on D 4 verso. Y. YOLANDAOF SICILY. Tin' Chaste Seraglian : Or, Yolanda of Sicily. ANovel. [n Two Parts. Done out of French by T. II. (lent. London, Printed for R. Bentley and S. Magnes. . . . mdci.xxxv. 12°. Title and frontis- piece, - leaves: B — Gin twelves: II, 10. Dedicated by Thomas Hayes to Sir Wil- liam Kenricke, Baronet. Y- WORTH, W., Spagiric Doctor. rntroitus Apertus ad Artem 1 >>Millationis ; <>r. The Whole Art of Distillation Prac- tically Stated, And Adorned with all the New Modes of Working now in Use. . . . To which is Added, The True and Genuin Way of preparing Powers by three noble Menstruums, . . . Illustrated with Cop- per Sculptures. By W. Y-worth, Medi- Y- WORTH. 117 ZWINGLIUS. cinae Professor in Doctrinis Spagyriis & per ignem Philosophus. London, Printed for Ioh. Taylor . . . mdcxcii. 8°, A — N in eights, N 8 blank. With the Preface dated from St. Paul's, Shad well, and plates at pp. 11, 31, 59, and 139. H. Stopes, Esq. Chymicvs Rationalis : Or, The Funda- mental Grounds of the Chymical Art Rationally Stated and Demonstrated, By Various Examples in Distillation, Recti- fication, and Exaltation of Vinor Spirits, Tinctures, Oyls, Salts, Powers, and Oleo- sums ; in such a Manner as to retain the Specifick Virtue of Concrets in the greatest Power and Force. ... In which is con- tained A Philosophical Description of the Astrum, Lunare, Microcrosmicum, or Phos- pheros. Recommended to all that desire to improve and advance profitable Truths, such as are Real and not Hysterical. By W. Y- Worth, Spagirick Physician in both Medicines, and Philosopher by Fire. London : Printed for Thomas Salusbury, . . . 1692. 8°, A— Lin eights, A 8 with Advertisements. Dedicated to the Hon- ourable Robert Boyle, Esquire. H. Stopes, Esq. z. ZWINGLIUS, HULDRICH. *A short pathwaye to the ryghte and true vnderstanding of the holye and sacred Scriptures : . . . now translated out of Laten into Englysshe by John Veron, Senonois. James, i. Chap. lie that wanteth wisedome . . . Imprinted the xxiiii. daie of Maie. Anno Do. 1550. At Worcester by John Oswen. Cum priuilegio. . . . Sm. 8°, n in eights. Dedicated to Sir Arthur Darcy, Knight. SECOND SUPPLEMENT. ADAM AND EVE. Adam and Eve Stript of their Furbelows : Or, The Fashionable Virtues and Vices of both Sexes expos'd to publick View. . . . The Second Edition. . . . London, Printed for A. Bettesworth. . . . Price Bound 3/. 8°. A, 4 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B — P in eights. In prose and verse. A collection of Characters. AINSWORTH, R. The Most Natural and Easie "Way of In- stitution : Containing Proposals for mak- ing a Domestic Education less Chargeable to Parents, and More Easie and Beneficial to Children. By which Method, Youth may not only make a very considerable Progress in Languages, but also in Arts and Sciences, in Two Years . . . London, Printed for Christopher Hussey, at the Flower-de-Luce in Little-Britain. 1698. 4°, A— D in fours. Dedicated to Sir William Hustler. M.P. AINSWORTH, W. Triplex Memoriale : the substance of three Commemoration Sermons, preached at Halifax in remembrance of Mr. Natha- neel Waterhouse, with an extract out of his last Will and Testament. York, . . . 1650. 8°. This hook occurred in the Crossley sale, N<>. 13 ; but I failed to take a note of it, and have not been able to trace it since. Crossley's had on the title the autograph of Thomas Lister. The present makeshift account is from the auctioneer's catalogue. Unknown to Mr. Davies. Mr. Crossley says, '"It is by far the rarest book connected with Hali- fax." ALCHEMY. A New Light of Alchymie : Takenoutot' the fountaine of Nature, and Manual] Experience. To which is added a Treatise of Svlphvr : Written by Micheel Sandi vogius: i.e. Anagrammatical ly, Divi Lesc/ii Genus Ano. Also Nine Books id' the Nature of Things, Written by Para- celsus, .... Also a ( Ihymicall Di< tion- ary explaining hard places and words . . . All which arc faithfully translated cut of the Latin into the English tongue, By J. F. M.D. London, Printed by Richard Cotes, for Thomas Williams, at the Bible in Little-Britain, 1650. 4°, A— Ff in fours, besides a second sheet of A, 4 leaves, with the Preface. ALEXANDER, JOHN. God's Covenant Displayed, By John Alex- ander A Converted Jew. With A Pro- semial Discourse of the Reasons of this Conversion. London, Printed for Walter Kettilby, . . . 1689. 4°. Dedicated by Alexander to Sir John Maynard. Chief Lord Commissioner for the Great Seal of England. The copy used ended imperfectly on E 4. ANDERSON, ALEXANDER, of Aber- deen. Alexandri Andersoni Aberdonensis Svp- plementvm Apollonii Redivivi. sine, Analysis problematis hacteims desiderati ad Apollonij Pergad doctrinam . . . non itapridem restitutuni . . . Parisiis, Apud Hadrianvm Beys, . . . Anno cio. ioc. XII. 4°, A— M in fours, A 1 blank. With diagrams. ANTIDOTE. The Cabinet of Mirth : Or The Antidote against Melancholy. Compounded of Merry Tales, Jests, and Bulls. London, Printed for John Playford at his Shop in the Temple, 1674. 8°, A— G 3 in eights, sion. B omitted. With the same engrav- ing on title as in the editions of 1661, 1669, and 1682. The Preface is subscribed T!-.o. Jordan in this issue. In the others the work is anony- mous ; yet it was published by the same person as the editions of 16(59 and 1682, so that it can scarcely have been one of Jor- dan's be^ning productions ; nor, if the book had been his, was he the man to have with- held his name when it appeared before. ARCANA. Curiosa Arcana: Being Curious Secrets, Artificial and Natural. In Three Parts. . . . From the last Edition in French ; which contains near as much more as any other former Edition, To which isadded, A Supplement of Divers Curiosities by the Translator. The Whole Illustrated with ( 'opper Plates, adapted to the several Subjects. London : Printed for T. N. ARM IN. 119 BANKS. and Sold at the Ring in Little-Britain ; where may be had Hartmans Preserver of Health. . . . Price Five Shillings. [About 1700.] 8°, A— Aa in eights, be- sides 6 leaves marked *F between Z and Aa, headed Notable Things, and printed on different paper in a smaller tvpe. With plates at pp. 36, 77, 82, 85, 87, 107, 125, and 138. In two columns. Probably translated and compiled by Thomas Tryon. A very curious volume, lent to me by Mr. John Addison, of Fulham. It embraces Cookery, Medicine, Gardening, "Wines, the Mechanical Arts, &c. ARMIN, ROBERT. Foole Vpon Foole, or Six Sortes of Sottes, shewing their liues, humours and be- hauiours, with their want of wit in their shew of wisdome. Not so strange as true. Written by one seeming to haue his mothers witte, when some say he is fild with his fathers fopperie, and hopes he liues not without companie. Clonnico del Curtanio Snuffe. London Printed for William Ferbrand, dwelling neere Guild- hall gate ouer against the Maidenhead. 1600. 4°. See Halliwell-Phillipps' Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare, Cth ed., i. 295-6. My very old acquaintance the author, shortly be- fore his death, afforded me an opportunity of examining for bibliographical purposes all his early English books at Brighton and Brompton ; but I overlooked the present volume, taking it to be the impression of 1605. It differs materially from the latter in the title itself, which describes Armin as taking the part of the clown at the Curtain in 1609, whereas the copy of 1605 mentions him as thus engaged at the Globe. A Cal- endar of Shakespearean Rarities, by J. O. H. Phillipps, 1887, No. 751. Armin, doubtless, also wrote the Quips upon Questions, 1600, which I incautiously followed Mr. Collier in my Handbook, 1867, in giving to John Singer the actor. ARMY. Physician Cure thy Self: Or, An Answer To a Seditious Pamphlet, Entitled Eye- Salve for the English Army, &c. Written and Publish'*! for the Information and Benefit of the Souldjery ; and to them Directed. April 23. 1660. London, Printed for H. B. at the Gun in Ivy-lane, 1660. 4°, 4 leaves. ASSHETON, W. An Account of D r Assheton's Proposal (as Improved and Managed by the Wor- shipful Company of Mercers, London) for the Benefit of Widows of Clergymen and Others ; By Settling Joyntures and An- nuities at the rate of Thirty per Cent. . . . London : Printed for B. Aylmer, . . . 1699. Sm. 8°, 10 leaves. B. M. A Full Account of the Rise, Progress, & Advantages of Dr. Assheton's Proposal. London : Printed by J. R. Given Gratis at Mercers-Hall, and by J. Baker in Mer- cers-Chappel Porch, 1710. 12°, A— B in twelves. ATKYNS, SIR ROBERT, K.B., late one of the Judges of the Common Pleas. An Enquiry into the Power of Dispensing with Penal Statutes. Together with Some Animadversions upon A Book writ by Sir Edw. Herbert, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, Entituled, A short Ac- count of the Authorities in Law, upon which Judgment was given in Sir Edward Hales's Case. . . . London : Printed for Timothy Goodwin, . . . 1689. Folio, A — P, 2 leaves each, A 1 with Advertise- ment as to publication. ATTWOOD, WILLIAM, Esquire. The Case of William Attwood, Esq ; By the Late King William of Glorious Me- mory, Constituted Chief Justice of the Province of New York in America, and Judge of the Admiralty there, and in Neighbouring Colonies. With a True Account of the Government and People of that Province ; particularly of Bayard's Faction, and the Treason for which he and Hutchins stand Attainted ; but Reprieved before the Lord Cnrnbury's Arrival, upon acknowledging their Offences, and begging Pardon. London ; Printed in the Year mdcciii. Folio, A — F, 2 leaves each. B. W. A Seasonable Discourse : Shewing how that the Oaths of Allegiance & Supremacy, (As our Laws interpret them) Contain Nothing which any Good Christian ought to Bougie at. [Quotations.] Printed in the Year, 1679. 4°, A— E in fours. BANKS. Corporation-Credit, Or, A Bank of Credit made Currant, by Common Consent in London. More Useful and Safe than Money. London, Printed by John Gain, for the Office. Anno, m.dc.lxxxii. 4°, 4 leaves. Englands Interest Or The Great Benefit to Trade By Banks or Offices of Credit in London, &c. As it hath been Considered and Agreed upon by a Committee of Al- dermen and Commons, thereunto Ap- pointed, by the Right Honourable, the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Commons, in Common-Council Assembled. . . . Lon- BARLOW. BELLARMl.Xi:. don, Printed by John Gain, for the Office, m.dc.lxxxii. 4°, G leaves, the last blank, the 5th with a form for subscriptions. A Discourse concerning Banks. [Col.] Loin Ion, Printed for James Knapton at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard. mdcxcvii. 4°, 4 leaves. Some Considerations Offered against the Continuance of the Bank of England, In a Letter to a Member of the present Par- liament. 4°, A — C, 2 leaves each. BARLOW, WILLIAM. Magneticall Aduerti semen ts : Or Divers Pertinent observations, and approued ex- periments, concerning the nature and pro- perties of the Load-stone. . . . The second Edition. London, Printed by Edward Griffin for Timothy Barlow, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of Time. 1618. 4°, A— N in fours : A Briefe Discovery of the Idle Ani- madversions of Marke Ridley, with a new title, A — B in fours, besides a leaf of Er- rata. With woodcuts. Dedicated to Sir Dudley Digges, Knight. ]!. M. On N 4 of the first portion occurs an inte- resting letter from W. Gilbert of Colchester to Mr. William Barlow, respecting his own book on the magnet, his appreciation of Bar- low's labours, desire to see him, and the interest taken at Venice in the subject. BARONETS. Three Patents Concerning the Honour- able Degree and Dignitie of Baronets. The first containing the Creation and Grant. The second a decree with addition of other Priuiledges. The thirde a confirmation and explana- tion. % Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, . . . Anno 1(317. 4°, A — E in fours, A 1 blank. B. M. A second copy before me has the auto- graph on title of Humphrey Dyson. BARTON, DAVID, M.A., Rector of St. Margarets, New Fish Street, London. Mercy In the midst of Judgment : By a gracious discovery of a certain Remedy for London's Languishing Trade. In a Sermon Preached before the Right Hon- ourable the Lord Mayor and the Citizens of London, on September 12. 1669. at the new repaired Chappel at Guild-Hall. London, Printed for James Allestrv, . . . 1670. 4°, A— H in fours, A 1 with the Mayor's invitation to Barton to publish his discourse. A worthless performance. BASIL, WILLIAM. Two Letters from William Basil Esq; At- torney General of Ireland . ... of a Great Victory Obtained by the Parliaments Forces in the North of Ireland, on the plains of Lisnegarvy, against the Enemy there: . . . With a Relation of the taking of Dumcree ; and of the Surrender of Car- rickfergus upon Articles. . . . London, Printed by John Field for Edward Hus- band, Printer to the Parliament of Eng- land. 1649. 4°, 4 leaves. One of these was to the Speaker, the other to the Council, on the same subject. BASSET. The Disorders of Bassett, A Novel. Done out of French. London, Printed for John Newton at the Three Pidgeons over against the Inner Temple Gate, in Fleet-street. 1688. 12°, A— E 10 in twelves. B. M. "Written to illustrate the mischief occa- sioned in France by the game of basset. BAXTER, RICHARD. The Quakers Catechism, Or, The Quakers questioned, Their Questions Answered, And Both Published, For the Sake of those of them that have not yet sinned unto Death ; . . . London, Printed by A. N. for Thomas Underbill . . . and Francis Tvton . . . 1655. 4°, A— H 2 in fours, A 1 blank and H 2 with Errata. BEAUMONT, JOHN. Junior. The Present State of the Universe, Or an Account ofl. The Rise, Births, Names, . . . of the present Chief Princes of the World. II. Their Coats of Arms, . . . III. Their Chief Towns, . . . IV. Their Revenues. To which are added some other Curious Remarks. . . . London: Printed, and are to be Sold by Randall Taylor, near Sta- tioners-Hall. 1694. 4°. A, 2 leaves: B — 2 in fours, Dedicated to the Hon- ourable Charles Cottiugton, Esquire. BEDE. Venerabilis Bedae presbyteri de tempori- bus siue de sex aetatibus huius seculi Liber incipit. . . . Cum priuilegio. [Col.] Impressum Vene. p loan, de Tridino alias Tacuino anno domini . M.D.v. die. xxyiii. Mai. 4°, A— L in fours : M, 6. B. M. BELL, THOMAS, Philologus, Scotus, of Edinburgh. Roma Restituta, Sive Antiquitatum Ro- manarum Compendium Absolutum . . . Glasguse, Excudebat Robertus Sanders. . . . m.ih'.i.x.xii. Sm. 8". t, 6 leaves : ft, 8 leaves, last blank : A — T in eights. This volume contains a poem on the Spanish Armada, BELLARM1XK. A Defence of the Confuter of Bellarmin's BET HELL. BOOTH. Second Note of the Churchs Antiquity, Against the Cavils of the Adviser. Lou- don : Printed for Ric. Chiswell, . . . MDCLXXXVix. 4°, A — C in fours. BETHELL, COLONEL. Col: Bethels Letter to His Excellence tlie Lord Fairfax, Concerning the surrender of Scarbrough Castle, on Tuesday ,'Decemb. 19. 1648. Together, With a true Copy of the Articles .... London. Printed for J. Playford at his Shop in the Inner- Temple. Decernb. 25. 1648. 4°, 4 leaves. BIBLE. The Byble in Englyshe, that is to saye the contet of al the holy scrypture, both of y e olde, and newe testamet, with a pro- loge therinto, made by the reuerende father in God, Thomas archbysshop of Canterbury, ([ This is the Byble apoynted to the vse of the churches. C Prynted by Edward whytchurche, Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. M. D. XL. [Col.] The ende of the newe Testament : and of the whole Byble, Fynisshed in Apryll, Anno m.ccccc.xl. A duo factii est istud. Large folio. In two columns. With wood- cuts. Title within a broad engraved bor- der, Calendar, &c, 6 leaves : Prologue and Names of 'he Books, 4 leaves : a — 1 4 in eights: The seconde parte . . . with a new title, A — Q 2 in eights, followed by a blank, and possibly should be by a second to complete the half-sheet. The thirde parte . . . with a new title, AA — 3 K in eights : The newe Testamet . . . with a new title, AA — NN in eights. Sotheby's, March 29, 1889, No. G34, with autograph of " Thomas Walleys of Trow- bridge, 1540." and on fly-leaf memoranda of the death of Henry Wallis of Healing, aged 85, May 4, 1775, and of Elizabeth Fair, his daughter, who was mother of fifteen chil- dren, whose names and births are all recorded. She died, aged 4'2 years, April 28, 1794. BISHOPE, GEORGE. New-England Judged, By the Spirit of the Lord. In Two Parts. . . . Formerly Published by Georges Bishop, and now somewhat Abreviated. With an Appen- dix, Containing the Writings of several of the Sufferers ; . . . Also, An Answer to Cotton Mather's Abuses of the said People, . . . London, Printed and Sold by T. Sowle, . . . 1703. 8°. * 4 leaves: title to Part 1 : A— Xx in eights : Yy, 2 leaves : Zz, 4 leaves. "With a preface by Joseph Grover. BLAKE, WILLIAM, Housekeeper to the Ladiei School at Highgate. [Silver Drops, Or Serious Things. Lon- don, about 16ft0.] 8°, A— T 3 in eights, T 3 occupied by a notice, besides four plates, consisting of figures of Charity and Time, a view of Highgate Ladies' School, and a frontispiece with butterflies and verses. B. M. The text begius on p. 79, the matter pre- ceding being a series of letters addressed by Blake to various ladies of rank, who were patronesses of the Ladies' School at High- gate, where he was housekeeper. There is no regular title. The present copy appears to have belonged to the author, who has filled up in MS. the names of the benefac- tresses to the institution, including the Dowager - Countess of Northumberland, Lady Falkland, Lady Clayton, &c. The leaf at end begs donors to take a re- ceipt on the back of the plate of Time or Charity, sealed with the seals of the Trea- surer, Housekeeper, and Registrar ; which may account for the scarcity of the volume in a complete state. BLAND, PETER, of Gray's-Lnn, Gentle- man. A Royall Position, Whereby 'tis proved, that 'tis against the Common Laws of England to depose a King : Or, An Ad- dition to a Book, Intituled, Resolved on the Question : Or, A Question Resolved. . . . London, Printed for John Field. 1642. 4°, A— B in fours. Dedicated by Bland to his ever Honoured Uncle, Henry Shelly, Esquire, M.P. BODIN, J. The Sixe Bookes of a Common Weale. Written by I. Bodin a famous Lawyer, and a man of great Experience in matters of State. Out of the French and Latine Copies, done into English, by Richard Knolles. London Impensis G. Bishop. 1606. Rex & Lex. Folio, A— 3 V in sixes : 3 X, 8 leaves. The first and last leaves are blank. [Col.] Imprinted at London by Adam Islip. 1606. Dedi- cated by Knolles to his especial good friend, Sir Peter Manwood, K.B. BOHUN, R., of New College, Oxford. A Discourse Concerning the Origin and Properties of Wind. With An Historicall Account of Hurricanes, and other Tem- pestuous Winds. Oxford, Printed by W. Hall for Tho. Bowman Anno Dom. 1671. 8°, Title, 1 leaf: * 8 leaves: A— T in eights, T 8 blank. B. M. BOOTH, HENRY, afterwards Lord Ikla- mere and Earl of JFarrington. The Speech of the Honourable Henry Booth Esq; Spoken in Chester March 2. 168°. At his being Elected one of the Knights of the Shire for that County, to serve in the Parliament Summon'd to ! ■ 123 Meeting-House the 7"' of the third M called May, L682. I . Without a title-page. T Devouring! Informers of Bristol, &c. Being an Additional Account of some late Proceedings >>t' those Ravenous Beasts of Prey, dnst Dissenting- Protestants, . April 22. 1682. 4°,2 Leaves. \\ it h.-nr a title p BRITAIN. Britannia Triumphalis ; A Brief 11 of i be Warres and Greal Britain. From the Death of the lat <■ Ming, to the Dissolution of the Last Parliament V ■ • res mutat hutnanas, . . . London, Printed for Samuel Howes, and are to be soLd at his Shop in Popes-head A.lley. 1654 [April 28]. 8°. A. I Leaves : B eights. 1 BROOKE, SIR ROBEB r. S \ cvns Nouell cascade Lea ans <-t t»in]>s Lu Roy, II. 8 I',!. »;. ( i l.i K, \ ■■ M n . en l;i graund Abridgement com- per Sir Robert Brooke Chiual la disperse en Lea 1':; ',.•-. & es icy collect sub ans. Anno Do, 1578. * In edibns Richardi T I Cum priuil o. s . A P in eights. [Col.] «' Imprinted at 1 ndon in Fl< el w ithiu Temple Barre at the sis Starrc 1 \ Richard Tottj 1. ilu> w. of October. L57a BROW N r. JOHN, S A Coniple ■: ?n itise ol ilie Musoh . \ thev appear in Humane Body, and arise in Dissection; With Diverse Anatomical en ations Not yel Discovered. Illus- trated bj near Fourty Copper P at< \ iratelj I '■ lit i at< il and \ \ \ Ln the Stivov. Printed bj rim Newcombe for the Author. 1681, 1 '. Til !<• and >i> dication t" the Kii •2 leaves : Pi ivilege and a second di tion to ( !lu istopln i. I >uk< f \ marie, S 1< ;i\ es : a e, S 1< \&\ e i ich I. I leal \ \ . ' - - each : 0, •'? Ii a> es P, :'. I ives : no Q : R, 21 iv< S, T, 3 leavi \ \. 5f, 3 leavi Ce, leaves : Dd, 3 I' . 9 1' . 3 U LI . ives en h 3 II. I leaf. \\ il number* BR1 ^N, JOHN, Hie Vertvo\ D \ rmon l'r. ached at Saint Marion in W hi w ick. ai the Funeral 1 of t i * * • mo i \ eri nous and tin. lv reli vi Ueutluv omau, M I Puckering, Daughter an I h< ire t>> the right VVbrshipfull, Sir Thomas .. Lvuight and B the i \ r. v!. for 1 apman, . . . L640. . . \ C in fours, C i occupied by an 1 ipli bv the Author. Dedicated T, Puckering. BUCHANAN, GEORGE. S Franciscai l s, Elegiarvni Liber 1. Silvarvm ■ 1. Endeca-Syllabon Liber I. Epi- grammaton Libri III. De Spluvra ; mentvm. \- sxcn 8 . A ;hts. G ■ ■ Buchanani S inus et Fratrea, ... In Bihliopolio Commeliniano. , A — B in eights -. &G 1 : A \ ; in eights. Baptistes, Sive Calvmnia, L\ o tow Geoi .; ■ Bvohanano Sc» to I ndiuL Et prostant Antuerpite apud lacohum Henricium\w;u. 8°, A Din [talk Letter. Baptistes, Sive Calvmnia, L\ tore I Bvohanano Scoto, Franco- i\ rti, \pu.i AiMtv.un Wechelum. m.i'.i \\i\. 8°, A D m eights Italic letter. In this t\litu>i\ 01 Daniel Rogers, addressed to ih<' author on .ins. BURN M \. \ . !'«■ Proposals, Humbly Offer'd to the Honourable House of Commons, . . 1 That a Duty be Laid on Malt, in the stead of tin' present Duty on Be« r and A likewise, the Beveral Ei nunts that Revenue lies under, be Trans i. m'.i on that ol Malt, 1 1. That a Duty be laid on Mali, and the present P Beer and Ale be continued. To which is Annex'd In Aocoraptwhat iu all Pro bability the Frauds ol Brew radoamount to, ... , London, l'i Luted in tlie ^ 1696 r'. \ . . | ■ D the title, BURNET, QILBEB r. \ 1 1 . arse o] I '■ M ■ ry o f t it Rar< aud ) \ u Sii Robert ■mi w ho died th< January last in ih<- thirty niutli year of Written bj I lentleman \ uaintance . . . l&diuburgh, Printed I s atiom \ I hmi, \ linl m . Z i bhuik, \ \ on of tli<- Authority . i 'onsti ii. and Law • .'i tlu' Church and BUSH NELL. 124 CASTELLI. State of Scotland. In Four Conferences. Wherein the Answer to the Dialogues be- twixt the Conformist and the Non-Con- formist, is examined. By Gilbert Burnet, Professor of Theologie in Glasgow. Glas- gow, By Robert Sanders, Printer to the City, and University, 1673. 8°, A— Kk 4 in eights, Kk 4 blank. Dedicated to the Duke of Lauderdale. Some Passages of the Life & Death of . . . John Earl of Rochester .... Dvblin, Reprinted by Joseph Ray at College- Green, for William Winter at the Wan- dering Jew in Castle-street, . . . mdclxx vi. 4°, A— H in fours. BUSHNELL, WALTER, Vicar of Box, co. Wilts. A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Commissioners Appointed by O. Crom- well, For Ejecting Scandalous and Igno- rant Ministers. In the Case of Walter Bushnell Clerk, Vicar of Box in the County of Wilts. Wherein is shewed That both Commissioners, Ministers, Clerk, Witnesses have acted as unjustly even as was possible for men to do by such a Power : and all under the pretence of Godliness and Reformation. [Quota- tions.] Printed for R. Clavell at the Stags-head in S. Pauls church yard, 1660 [August]. 8°, A— R in eights, R 8 blank. Dedicated by Bushnell to Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, Knight and Baronet, and John Earnly, Esq., Knights of the Shire for the County of Wilts. B. M. See Hazlitt's Schools, Schoolbooks, and Schoolmasters, 1S88, p. 191. BUTLER, JOHN, B.D., emd Chaplain to the Duke of Ormonde; Rector of Lich- borrow in the Diocese of Peterborough. Christologia. Or A Brief (but True) Account of the certain Year, Moneth, Day and Minute of the Birth of Jesus Christ. . . . London. Printed by Joseph Moxon, . . . And by Hen. Broom, . . . 1671. 8°, A— X in eights, besides a folded plan before Part 11. Dedicated to the Duke of Ormonde. With astrological diagrams. C. C. Tieason's Master-piece : Or, A Conference lUld at Whitehall between Oliver The late Usurper, And A Committee of the then pretended Parliament; Who desired him to take upon him the Title of King of England &c. with an intent to exclude the Royal Line. . . . Collected by a faith- ful hand. London: Printed for Daniel Major, . . . 1680. 8°, A— H in eights. The writer subscribes himself ;it the end of the preface : " A hearty lover of his Kins,' and Country, C. C.—fursan Charles Cotton. CALAMY, EDMUND, B.D., Preacher at Ald> rmanbury, London. Englands Lookiug-Glasse, Presented in A Sermon, Preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at their late solemne Fast, December 22. 1641. . . . Published by Order of the House. London, Printed for Cadwallader Greene, and are to bee sold by Stationers, Anno 1642. 4°, A— E in fours. CAMBRIDGE, UNIVERSITY OF. Musa3 Cantabrigienses, Serenissimis Prin- cipalis Wilhelmo et Marias Anglise . . . Regi ac Reginae, Publico? Salutis ac Liber- tatis, Vindicibus, Ha3c Officii & Pietatis ergo D.D. Cantabrigian, Ex Officina Joan- nis Hayes, . . . 1689. 4°, A — M in fours: a — e 2 in fours. The second portion contains the English poems. The copy employed was on large paper in velvet. CAMPION, EDMUND. Rationes Decern Qvibvs Fretvs, Certamen Adversariis Obtvlit in causa Fidei, Ed- mundus Campianus E Societate Nomi- nis Iesv Presbyter : Allegata? Ad Cla- rissimos viros nostrates Academicos. Pertnissv Svperiorvm. Roma? Apud Franciscum Zanettum. 1582. 8° or 12°, A— D 6 in twelves, D 5-6 blank. There are several editions of this work in Latin, and it was translated into German and French. It was originally printed at the Stonor press for private circulation. CARTWRIGHT, THOMAS, Dean of Ripon and Chaplain-in-Ordinanj to His Majesty. A Sermon Preached to the Gentlemen of Yorkshire, at Bow-Church in London, The 24 th of June, 1684. Being the Day of their Yearly Feast. London, Printed for Tho. Flesher, . . . 1684. 4°, A— E in fours. Dedicated "To my very much Honoured Friends, the respective Natives of the County of York . . . ," more espe- cially to twelve persons named, including Sir Robert Legard, Sir Thomas Yarburgh, Abstrupas Danby, &c. CASTELLI, GIOSEPPE. Itinerario et sincero racconto del Viaggio fatto Dall' Altezza Serenissima Del Sig- nor Prencipe di Parma Alessandro Far- nese Per la Francia, Inghilterra, Olanda, Fiandra, e Spagna ... In Venetia, . . . mdclxvi. 4°, A — Cc in fours. With a portrait and frontispiece. B. M. CA T HO LICS. 125 CHARLES L CATHOLICS. To the Honourable The Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the Commons House in Parliament now assembled, Inanswere to the humble Petition of the Lay-Catho- likes of England. London, Printed. 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. CHAMBERLAYNE, EDWARD, LL.D., F.R.S. England's Wants : Or Several Proposals Probably beneficial for England, . . . By a true lover of his Country. The second Edition with considerable Addi- tions. London, Printed for Jo. Martyn, 1608. 4°, A— F in fours. B. M. and H. Stopes, Esq. This is a very enlightened and interesting pamphlet, proposing numerous reforms in our social, political, and juridical customs. Although published without his name, it is known to be Dr. Chamberlayne's from hav- ing been buried with him, agreeably to his instructions, with a copy of each of his other books, in his tomb at Chelsea Church. We thus become aware that he is the author of at least five pieces, to which we might other- wise have had no clue. CHAMBERLEN, PETER. The Poore Mans Advocate, Or, Eng- lands Samaritan. Powring Oyle and Wyne into the wounds of the Nation. By making present Provision for the Soul- dier and the Poor, by reconciling all Par- ties. By repaying all Arrears to the Par- liament Army. All publique Debts, and all the late Kings, Queenes, and Princes Debts due before this Session. Bonum quo Communius to melius. Truth needes no Comers, . . . London, Printed for Giles Calvert, [April, 1640.] 4°, A— F in fours: G, 6. Chamberlen, in his Epistle to the House of Commons, addresses it as " Ye choyce men of England." CHARLES STUART THE FIRST [1625-48.] [A Proclamation announcing the death of James I. and the accession of Charles I.] Imprinted at London by Bonham Norton, and Iohn Bill, Printers to the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie. 1625. A broadside. B. M. An Answer to the New Motions : Or, A serious and brief'e Discussion of certaine Motions now in question. London, Printed for Robert Bostock. 1641. 4°, A — C in fours. His Maiesties Proclamation and Declara- tion to all His loving Subjects, occasioned by a False and Scandalous Imputation laid upon his Maiesty, of an Intention of Raising or Leavying war against his Par- liament: and of having raised Force to that end. Published at His Court at York, the 16. day of Line 1642. With His Maiesties Declaration and Profession, disavowing any Preparations or Inten- tions . . . And the Declaration and Pro- fession of the Lords, and other, of His Majesties most Honourable Privy-Coun- sell, now at York, disavowing any appar- ance of the same. Reprinted by His Maiesties Command. Oxford, Printed by Leonard Lichfield, . . . 1642. 4°, A— L> in fours. A Vindication of the King. With some Observations upon the Two Hovses. By a true Sonne of the Church of En-land, and a Lover of his Countryes Liberty. London, Printed Anno Domini, 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. A Few Propositions shewing the Lawful- nesse of Defence against the injurious attempts of outra^ious violence. [The Parliamentary Imprimatur signed Joint White, June 8, 1643.] London Printed for Samuel Gellibrand, at the Brazen Serpent in Pauls churchya[r]d, 1643. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. His Majesties Late Protestation before His Receiving of the Sacrament. Printed in the Yeere of our Lord, 1643. [July 12.] A small broadsheet. B. M. [A Proclamation by Charles I. testifying his sense of the loyalty and services of the County of Cornwall. From the Court at Sudeley Castle, Sept. 10, 1643.] Printed at Oxford, by Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the Vniversity 1643. A broad- side. B. M. By the King A Proclamation forbidding any of His Majesties Subjects to assist the Rebells with Men, Money, Amies, Victualls, or Intelligence, to stop any of His Majesties Messengers, or Pacquets, or to offer violence to any of His Majesties Souldiers. Printed at Oxford by Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the University. 1643. A broadside. B. M. A Copie of Verses, said to be Composed by His Majestie, upon His first Imprison- ment in the Isle of Wight. [29 Sept. 1648.] A small broadsheet. B. M. His Majesties Paper Containing severall Questions propounded to the Commis- sioners Divines Touching Episcopacy. With an humble Answer returned to his Majesty by Mr. Marshall, Mr. Vines, Mr. Carill, and Mr. Seaman 4. October 1648. CHARLES I. 126 CHARLES II. Published by Authority. London printed by Moses Bell, 9 Octob. 1648. 4°, A— B2 in fours. An introductory letter, signed W. M-, is dated from Newport, Isle of Wight, 4 Oct. 1648. His Majesties Reasons against the pre- tended jurisdiction of the high Court of lustice, which he intended to deliver in writing on Munday Ianuary 22. 1648. Faithfully transcribed out of the Origi- iiall Copie under the Kings own Hand. Printed in the Yeer 1648. A broadside. II. 21. A List of the Names of the Judges of the High Court of Justice, for Tryall of tlie King Appointed by An Act of the Com- mons in England in Parliament Assem- bled. And a List of the Officers of the said Court by them Elected. Printed at London for R. I. 1649. A broadside. B. M Munday 29* January 1648. A True Relation of the Kings Speech, to the Lady Elizabeth, and the Duke of Glou- cester, the day before his Death. An- other Relation from the Lady Elizabeths own hand. Printed in the Yeare, 1648 [March 24]. A broadside. B. M. The Charge against the King discharged : Or, The King cleared by the people of England, from the severall Accusations in the Charge, delivered in against him at Westminster-Hall Saturday last, Jan. 20. bv that high Court of Justice erected by the Army- Parliament, which is here fully answered in every particular thereof. . . . Printed in the first Yeere of Englands Thraledome. [1649.] 4°, A— E 2 in fours. A True Copy of the Journal of the High Court of Justice, FortheTryalof K. Charles I. As it was Read in the House of Com- mons, And Attested under the hand of Phelps, Clerk to that Infamous Court. Taken by J. Nal-on, L.L.D. Jan. 4. 1689. With a Large Introduction. London, Printed by H. C. for Thomas Dring, . . . L684. Folio, A — Hll, 2 leaves each, be- sides the portrait of the King by R. White, the title, and an address to the Reader, 3 leaves more. A View of the Reign of King Charles the First. Wherein The True Causes of the Civil War are Impartially Delineated, By Stroke- borrow'd from Lord Clarendon, Sir Philip Warwick, 11. L'Estrange, and other most Authentic^ and Approved Historians. In Answer to the Libels lately Publish'd against a Sermon Preach'd by the Reverend White Kennet, D.D. Archdeacon of Huntingdon, &c. London : Printed for A. and J. Churchill in Pater- noster-Row, 1704. 4°, A — D in fours. CHARLES STUART THE SECOND [1660-85.] By the King. [A Proclamation offering a free pardon to all English officers and soldiers going over to the royal cause from that of the Parliament. Court at Stirling, 27 July 1650. Edinburgh, 1650.] A broadside. B. M. A Proclamation [announcing the acces- sion of Charles II. and the vacancy of the Crown from the death of Charles I.] Dublin Printed by William Bladen, by special Order, Anno Dom. 1660. A broad- side. B. M. The Form of His Majesties Coronation- Feast, to be Solemnizea and kept at West- minster-Hall Upon the 23 of April 1661. London Printed for R. Crofts at the Crown in Chancery-lane, 1661. A broad- side. B. M. The Kings Psalter. Containing Psalms and Hymns, With Easie and Delightful Directions to all Learners, whether Chil- dren, Youths, or others, for their better reading of the English Tongue. Also Prayers for every Day of the Week, be- ginning with the Letters of the name of our Soveraign Lord King Charles ; And Other observable Varieties, fit either for the School, or for the Closet, all which are profitable, plain, and pleasant, Lon- don, Printed for S. S. and sold by Tho. Hartley r at the Black-Boy behinde St. Albans Church in Wood street. 1071. 8°, partly black letter, A — M in eights, including the frontispiece. With wood- cuts. B. M. The title is followed by the following de- dication : " To the Tallest Top-Branch of the Second Cedar in the Boyal Lebanon of Great Britain, tlis Royal Grace, Edgar, Baron Dauntzey, in the County of Wilts, Earl and Duke of ( lambridge, Sou and Heir Apparent to the Thrice Illustrious Prince, the Most Highly Magnanimous James, Duke of York and Albany, &c. The Publisher in all prostrate humility Devotes and Dedicates this his Encuvkidio.n." On the back of this edifying effusion occurs a statement that the present work was in- tended to supersede the King's Primer, and that it was published by special authority of the Crown. Treason, Popery, &c. Brought to a Pub- lique Test : With regard to the Grounds of his Majesties late Declaration Concern- ing the Succession to the Crown — FAyere Pudor, Verumque, fidesque . . . London, CHARROX. 127 COKE. Printed in the Year 1680. 4°, B— F in fours and the title. A Relation of Two Free Conferences be- tween Father L'Chese, and Four Consi- derable Jesuits, touching the Present State of the Affair of the Romanists in England. In order to the Carrying out their Great Design. Sent in a Letter from Paris, to a Considerable Popish Lord in England. Printed, in the Year, 1680. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— F in fours. CHARRON, PIERRE. Oi'Wisdome. Three Bookes Written in French by Peter Charro Poet 1 " of Lawe in Paris. Translated by Samson Lennard. At London Printed for Edward Blount & Will. Aspley. 4°. ^f, 8 leaves, besides one following the title with " The subject and order of these three Books : " A — M in in eights : Nn, 4 leaves : Oo, 2 leaves, Oo 2 with the Errata. Dedicated " to the Most High and Mighty Prince, Henry, Prince of Great Britaine, Sonne and Heire apparent to our Souereigne Lord the King." The title is engraved by W. Hole. B. M. In the dedication Lennard enters into some interesting particulars about himself, and flatters both Henry and his father very freely. He served under Sydney at Zutphen, and died, it appears, in 1630. Puttick's, Dec. 7, 1888, No. 896, King James the First's copy, in old calf, with the lioyal Arms impressed in gold on either side of the cover. CHIO. An Account of Monsieur De QuesnesLate Expedition to Chio ; Together with the Negotiation of Monsieur Guilleragues the French Ambassadour at the Port. In a Letter written by an Officer of the Grand Vizir's to a Pacha. Translated into Eng- lish. London, Printed for Richard Ton- son . . . and Jacob Tonson . . . 1683. 4°, B — G in fours, a leaf of H, and title, dedication to George, Marquis of Halifax, by the anonymous translator, and Preface, 3 leaves more. B. M. CHURCH. The Religion of the Church of England, The Surest Establishment of the Royal Throne ; With the Unreasonable Latitude which the Romanists allow in point of Obedience to Princes. Rom. 13. 5. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for Conscience sake. London, Printed for R. P. in the Year 1678. 4°, A— F in fours. In the headline on A 2 this purports to be "a Letter occasioned by some late Dis- course with a Person of Quality." CLARKE, SAMUEL, late Minister of Bennet-Finck, London. The Life & Death of William, Surnanied The Conqueror : King of England, and Duke of Normandy. . . . London, Printed for Simon Miller, . . 1671. 4°, B— G 2 in fours and the title. -]• [CLEMENT, - A Discourse of the General Notions of Money, Trade, & Exchanges, As they stand in Relation to each other. At- tempted by way of Aphorism : With a Letter to a Minister of State . . . Wherein also some Thoughts are Sug- gested for the Remedying the Abuses of our Money. By a Merchant [Mr. Cle- ment.] London, Printed in the Year, 1695. 4°, A— E in fours. The words between brackets are in a coeval hand in the Gibson-Craig copy, here used. CLOTHING-TRADE. Reasons of the Decay of the Clothing- Trade, Humbly offered to the Parliament : With some Short Proposals of Redress. By a Well-wisher to the Trade, and the true English Interest. London, Printed for Randal Taylor ... 1691. 4°, A— B in fours. COCKER, EDWARD. Cocker's Decimal Arithmetick, . . . Per- used, Corrected, and Published by John Hawkins . . . London, Printed for George Sawbridge . . . and Richard Wellington .... mdcxcv. 8°, A— Ff in eights. De- dicated by Hawkins to Sir Peter Daniel, Kt., and Peter Rich, Esq., Alderman of London, and James Reading, Esq., J. P. for Surrey. COGAN, THOMAS. The Haven of Health. . . . The fourth Edition corrected and amended. London, Printed by Anne Griffin, for Roger Ball, and are to be sold at his shop without Temple-barre, at the Golden Anchor next the Nags-head Taverne. 1636. 4°. % 4 leaves : B, 4 leaves : A — v[v] in fours. COIN. The Proposal for the Raising of the Silver Coin of England, From 60 Pence the Ounce to 75 Pence, Considered ; With the Consequences thereof. London : Printed for Richard Cumherland, at the Angel in St. Paul's Church-yard. MDCXCVI. 4°, A— C, 2 leaves each. COKE, SIR EDWARD, afterwards Lord Coke, and Chief Justice of England. Les Reports de Edward Coke Lattorney general! le Roigne, de diuers Resolutions, COKE. 128 COKE. & Incitements donnes anec graund deli- beration, per les tresreuerends Iudges, & sages de la ley, de causes & matters en les quenx ne furront vnques resolue, on aiuges par deuant, & les raisons, & causes des dits resolutions & Iudgenients, durant le tresheureux regiment de tresillustre & re- noines Roigne Elizabeth, le i'ounteine de tout Iustice, & la vie de la ley. Lex est certaratio . . . Cicero. Londini in iEdi- bus Thompc Wight. Cum Priuilegio. Priino Ianuarij 1600. Folio. Title and Prefaces, 4 leaves : A — Uu in fours : Xx, 6 leaves. B. M. This, though not so stated on the title- page, is the first of a series of volumes pub- lished between 1G00 and 1C15, containing the e'even parts of Coke's Reports. A com- plete set is in the Museum. Collation : Le Second Part des Keportes, 1602, 6 prel. leaves and A — Aa 2 in fours : Le Tierce Part, 1002, 4 prel. leaves and B — Aa in fours : Le Qvart Part, 1604, A, 4 : B, 6 : A (repeated) — Ii in fours : Qvinta Part 1606 (described in C. S r - Edw. Coke, Sometimes Ciiiefe Justice of the upper Bench. Ori- ginally Written in French, by S r - John Davis . . . London, Printed by I. G. for W. Lee, . . . 1652. 12°, A and a, 4 leaves each : B — N in twelves : O, 8. B.M. The Twelfth Part of the Reports of Sir Edward Coke, Kt. Of Divers Resolutions and Judgments Given ... in Cases of Law, The most of them very Famous, being of the Kings especiall Reference, from the Council Table, Concerning the Prerogative, As for the digging of Salt- peter, Forfeitures, Forrests, Proclama- tions, &c. And the Jurisdictions of the Admiralty, . . . Also the Forms and Proceedings of Parliaments, both in Eng- land, & Ireland : With an Exposition of Poynings Law. . . . With Alphabeticall Tables, . . . London, Printed by T. R. for Henrv Twyford, and Thomas Dring, . . . 1658. Folio. Title and Preface, 2 leaves : Table, 2 leave- : B — Nn, 2 leaves each. B. M. On the flyleaf of this copy occurs in an old hand, the initial being somewhat indis- tinct, " Deusprovidebit. T. Kokeby ;" and at the foot of the preface, which is signed Edward Bulstrod, there is the following memorandum in a coeval hand : " Mr Bul- strode, in a Preface to y 1 st part of his reports makes an apology for his name being put to this book, & taxes this book as Erronious & unhtt for y Press." An Exact Abridgement of the Two last Volumes of Reports of Sr. Edw. Coke, Knight. ... By Thomas Mauley, of the Middle- Temple. . . . Printed at London: anil are to be sold bv Henrv Twyford and Timothy Twyford, 1670. 8°, B— D 4 in eights, besides title and preface, 3 leaves more. B. M. Mauley states that lie followed in his plan that of Edward Trotman, the abridger of Bookes 1 — 11. A General Table to all the Severall Books of the Reports of the late most Reverend Judge, Sir Edward Coke, . . . With Two Alphabeticall Catalogues. . . . Composed by Tho: Ashe of Graies-Inne. London, Printed by J. Flesher, for W. Lee, . . . 1652. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a, 4 leaves ; B— Gg in eights : Hh, 4. B. M. COKE. 129 COKE. The Reports of Sir Edward Coke, K> In Verse. Wherein The Name of each Case, and the Principal Points, are contained in Two Lines. To which are added, References in the Margin to all the Edi- tions of the said Reports, ... In the Savoy: Printed by Henry Lintot (Assignee of Edw. Sayer, Esq:) for J. Worrall at the Dove in Bell-yard near Lincoln's Inn. mdccxlii. 8°. A, 4 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B— K in fours. B. M. Le Necessarie vse & Fruit de les Plead- ings, conteine en le lieur de le tresreue- rend Edward Coke Lattorney general la Roigne. Quesque vn Collection de com- niemorable buy cases sparsiin cite en les Arguments de mesmes les Reports. . . . Londini In oedibus Thomse Wight. An. Doin. 1601. Cum Priuilegio. 8°, A— N in eights. Dedicated by Richard Cary to Sir Edmund Anderson, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. B. M. The First Part of the Institvtes of the Lawes of England. Or A Commentarie vpon Littleton, not the name of a Lawyer onely, but of the Law it self. [Quot. from Martial and Cicero.] Hcec ego grandceuus posui tibi candide lector. Authore Edw. Coke Milite. London, Printed for the Societie of Stationers. Anno 1628. Folio. 1f and 1H[, 4 leaves each, ^[ 1 occupied by a portrait of Coke by Payne, dated 1629 ; a portrait of Littleton ; A — 5 G in fours : Table, with a separate title, dated 1630, A — Q, 2 leaves each. With a folded Table of Consanguinity at fol. 20. B. If. The Second Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England. Containing the Ex- positions of many ancient, and other Statutes ; . . . Quod non lego, non credo. August. . . . Authore Edw. Coke, Milite, I. C. . . . London, Printed by M. Flesher, and R. Young, for E. D 1642. Folio. A, 6 leaves, including the portrait by Payne (1629) : B— 5 A in fours : 5 B, 6 leaves. B. M. At the top of the title in this copy occurs : Iolui Morris mdcxlii. The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England : ^Concerning Hij,'h Treason, and other Pleas of the Crown and Criminall causes. [Quot.] Authore Edw. Coke Milite, I.C. . . . mdcxliv. Printed at London by M. Flesher, for W. Lee, and D. Pakeman. Folio, A — Ii in fours, and a leaf of Epilogue marked Kk. The portrait of Coke occupies A 1. B.M. Synopsis Or, An Exact Abridgement of the Lord Cokes Commentaries upon Littleton : Being A briefe explanation of the Grounds of the Common Law. Com- posed by that Famous and Learned Lawyer Sir Humphrey Davenport Knight, here- tofore Reader of that Honorable Society of Graye's Inne, . . . London, Printed by E. G. for Matthew Walbancke, . . . 1652. 8°. Title and R. M. Barrister] to the Reader, 3 leaves : B — Gg 4 in eights. B.M. An Abridgement of the Lord Coke's Com- mentary on Littleton : Collected by an unknown Author ; yet by a late Edition pretended to be Sir Humphrey Daven- port Kt. And in this Second Impression purged from very many gross Errors com- mitted in the said former Edition. . . . London : Printed for W. Lee, . . . 1651. 8°, B— Ff in eights, Ff 7-8 blank, besides title and To the Reader and portraits of Littleton and Coke. B. M. An Exact Abridgment in English, . . . The Third Impression. London, Printed by F. Leach, for Matthew Walbancke, . . . 1657. 8°, A— Hh in eights, A 1 and Hh 8 blank. With a portrait of Coke. B. M. A Little Treatise of Baile and Maine- prize. Written by E. C. Knight, and now Published for a generall good. Lon- don : Printed for William Cooke, . . . 1635. 4°, A— E in fours, first and last leaves blank. B. M. The Compleate Copy-Hdder. Wherein is contained a Learned Discourse of the Antiquity and Nature of Manors and Copy-Holds. With all things thereto incident, As. ( Presentments. \ Admittances. ruarii. 8°, 114 leaves. Minster Library York and Sydney Sussex Coll. (Jamb. With a preface by Thomns Hannibal, Doctor of Laws. Compare Davies (Mgmoir of the York Press, 18(38, p. 17) with Her- bert's Ames, p. 437. Both copies men- tioned above have now lost the leaf of colophon, which was apparently in the latter in Ames's time. DISCIPLINE. Tiie First and Second Booke of Discipline. Together with some Acts of the Generall Assemblie, Clearing and confirming the same : And An Act of Parliament. [Quot. from Exodus, 25. 9.] Printed Anno 1621. 4°, A-0 2 in fours. The First and Second Booke of Disci- pline . . . London Printed in the yeare, 1641. 4°, A— B2 in fours: C— P 2 in fours. DISCOVERIES. Strange and Wonderful Discoveries of several Plots, Contrivances, and Wicked Conspiracies Laid to Ruin and Undoe some Thousands of honest and well- meaning People, found out and detected : With the Ways to avoid and prevent the danger they Threaten to this and other Kingdoms and States. Or, A Seasonable Warning to Travellers and House-Keepers, &c. Being A Discovery of the Ways and Devices High-way men take to Way-lay and Set upon such as Travel the Road : with Instructions to avoid them. As also the Foot Pad, Pick-pocket, Budge, Mill- ken, Bubber, Shop-lift and other Thieves ; with the many Pollicies and Stratagems they use, to commit Robberies of sundry Kinds, and bring their unlawful purposes about : with means to prevent or detect them. Highly necessary to be known, and now made publick at the Request of a Penitent Thief, for the good of all Honest People. Licensed according to Order. Printed for J. Conyers at the Black Raven near St Andrews-Church in Holborn. 1688. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. DISNEY, DANIEL. Some Remarkable Passages in the Holy Life and Death of Gervase Disney Esq ; To which are added Several Letters and Poems. Being dead, yet speafceth. Heb. 11, 4. London, Printed by J. D. for Jonathan Robinson . . . mdcxcii. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a, 4 leaves : B — V 4 in eights. B. M. Dedicated by D. Disney "To my Honoured Mother Mrs. Barbara Disney, my Dear Sister Mrs. Mary Disney, with other near Relations, for whose use this Book waa mainly intended." Tins is followed by a Preface by Samuel Slater. DISNEY, WILLIAM, Esquire. Nil dictum quod non dictum frius Or The Case of the Government of England Established by Law. Impartially Stated and faithfully Collected from the best Historians, President of former A«es, and Authority of Records. By W. D. Esquire. . . . London, Printed by A. B. for F. T. and are to be sold by Thomas Fox in Westminster-hall. 1681. 8°, A— N 2 in eights + prefixes, 4 leaves. B. M. The True Account of the Behaviour and Confession of William Disney, Esq ; Who was Tryed for High Treason by the King's Especial Commision of Oyer and Terminer, Held at the Marshalsea in Southwark, on Thursday the 25 th of June, 1685. Together, with his last Dying Words. . . . [Col.] London, Printed by George Croom, . . . 1685. Folio, 2 leaves. B. J/. DISTILLER. The Distiller of London. Compiled and set forth by the speciall License and Command of the Kings most Excellent Majesty : For the sole use of the Com- pany of Distillers of London. And by them to bee duly observed and practized. London, Printed by Richard Bishop. mdcxxxix. Folio, A — S, 2 leaves each, besides the leaf of the Company's Arms on a larger scale than in the edit, of 1668, and the Oath to be taken by Freemen, 2 leaves more. Dedicated by Sir Theo- dore de Mayerne and Thomas Cademan to the Distillers' Company. B. M. In the dedication Mayerne and Cademan refer to the recent incorporation of the DU Dill US. 136 ENGLAND. Company, and state that they had exa- mined the Rules, &c. The secret charac- ters have a contemporary MS. Key, as in Mr. Stopes's copy of 1668 ; Dr. French, in annexing the work to his Art of Distillation, 1653, substituted ordinary terms for these cyphers. The Imprimatur is dated Nov. 16, 1639. DUDITIUS, ANDREAS. Vita Reginaldi Poli, Britanni, S. R. E. Cardinalis, Et Cantvariensis Archiepis- copi. Venetiis, m.D.lxiii. ... 4°, A — M in fours. DU MOULIN, PIERRE, the Younger. A Letter of a French Protestant to A Scottishman of the Covenant. Wherein one of their chiefe pretences is removed, which is their conformitie with the French Churches in points of Discipline and Obe- dience. London, Printed by R. Young, and R. Badger. 1640. 4°, A— G in fours, A 1 blank. Dated from Chester, March J T , 1639-40. A Short and True Account of the Several Advances the Church of England hath made towards Rome : Or, A Model of the Grounds upon which the Papists for three Hundred years have built their Hopes and Expectations, that England would erelong return to Popery. By Dr. Du Moulin, sometime History- Professor of Oxford. ' Veritas Odium parit. London: Printed in the Year, 1680. 4°, A— P in fours. With separate titles to the respec- tive portions. [DUNNING, RICHARD.] Bread for the Poor : Or, A Method shew- ing How the Poor may be Maintained, and duly Provided for, in a far more Plentiful, and yet Cheaper manner than now they are, without Waste or Want, [Quot. from Mantuan.] Exeter, Printed by Samuel Darker, for Charles Yeo, John Pearce, and Philip Bishop. 1698. 4°, A — H, 2 leaves each. ELDERTON, EDWARD. The Hog Man's Vindication. From some Aspersions lately cast upon Him ; Relat- ing to Matters in Difference, touching the Relief of the Poor of Mile-end Old-town, in the Parish of Stepney. As also Some Arguments to shew how the Poor are Increased, and the Means to prevent it for the Future. Together with His Letter sent to the Gentlemen of that Town, at the Time of their Assessment. London : Printed for the Author, who finding but little Difference between the Charges of a Large Number and a Small, hath re- served a small quantity for Himself and Friends, and given the Rest Gratis, to Sam. Drury, Bookseller, at the Lion and [a small hole in leaf] White-Chappel, over against the Hay-Market. 1702. 4°, A — E in fours. ELIOT, JOHN. Ortho-Epia Gallica. Eliots Frvits for the French : Enterlaced with a double new Inuention, which teacheth to speake truely, speedily and volubly the French- tongue. Pend for the practise, pleasure and profit of all English Gentlemen, who will endeuour by their owne paine, studie, and diligence, to attaine the natu- rall Accent, the true Pronounciation, the swift and glib Grace of this Noble, Famous and Courtlv Language. Naturd dc Arte. London, Printed 'by lohn Wolfe. 1593. 4°, A— C 2 in fours : D— L 2 in fours : The Parlement of Pratlers, c — y in fours. Dedicated to Robert Dudley and in other addresses to the London professors of French and the Gentlemen Readers. B. M. ENGLAND. En^lands Complaint to Iesvs Christ, Against the Bishops Canons. Of the late Sinfull Synod, A Seditious Conventicle, A Packe of Hypocrites, a Sworne Con- federacy, a Traiterous Conspiracy against the true Religion of Christ . . . Printed Anno Dom. 1640. 4°, A— G 2 in fours. Rights of the Kingdom : Or, Customs of our Ancestours : Touching the Duty, Power, Election, or Succession, of our Kings and Parliament, our True liberty, Due Allegiance, Three Estates, . . . Freely Discussed through the British, Saxon, Norman Lawes and Histories. With an Occasional! Discourse of Great Changes yet expected in the World. London, Printed by Richard Bishop. 1649. 4°, Aa — Mm in fours : F — Z in fours : a — c in fours. With a Notice and the Errata on back of title. The writer explains in the Notice in ques- tion that the matter under the double alpha- bet had been intended to follow the rest, and that its transposition has occasioned some mistakes in the references from one portion to the other. A familiar Discourse, Between George, A true-hearted English Gentleman : And Hans A Dutch Merchant : Concerning the present Affairs of England. London, Printed by T. N. for Samuel Lowndes, . . . 1672." 4°, A— E in fours. A New History of the Succession of the ( 'I'nwii of England, And more particularly, From the time of King Egbert, till King ENGLISHMEN. 137 FAIRFAX. Henry the Eighth. Collected Generally from those Historians who wrote of their own Times, and who consequently were the best Witnesses and Relaters of the Actions done therein. [Quot. from Nicetas Choniates and Camden.] London, Printed for Ric. Chiswell . . . mdcxc. 4°, A — I in fours. A Brief Historical Account of Several of the most remarkable Years of War, Drought, Famine, and Pestilence in Eng- land, And the time when they happened. Together, with an Additional discourse of God's Judgments, ... As also of the Pre- diction of the late excellent Mathemati- cian and modest Astrologer Mr. Vincent Wing, as to this present Year 1699. By a Gent. . . . London, Printed for John Wells in London-house-yard, near St. Pauls. 1699. Small 8°, A in eights. England's Glory, Begun in I. Restoring our Religion. I. Rectifying our Coin. To be Compleat in III. Reforming our Manners. Tit. 11. 14. . . . London : Printed for Rich. Baldwin, . . . 1698. 4°. A, 2 leaves : a, 2 leaves : B — U, 2 leaves each. ENGLISHMEN. The Rights and Liberties of Englishmen Asserted. With a Collection of Statutes and Records of Parliament against For- eigners. Shewing, . . . With other use- ful Observations. Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Honourable House of Commons. London, Printed for A. Baldwin in Warwick lane. 1701. 4°, A — D 2 in fours, D 2 with Advertise- ments. This tract points out the disqualifications of aliens from holding any office iu England or Ireland, filling a see, following a trade, and carrying on the business of a broker. ERSKINE, MARGARET. An Exact and Faithful Relation of the Process Pursued by Dame Margaret Are- skine, Lady Castlehaven, Relict of the Deceased Sir James Foidis of Colli ng- toun ; against Sir James Foulis now of Collingtoun, before the Lords of Council and Session. . . . Edinburgh, Printed at the Society of Stationers Printing-house in Harts-Close, over-against the Trone- Church, 1690. 4°, B — I in fours, and the title. ETIENNE, HENRI. Ane Meruellous uiscours Vpon the lyfe, deides, and behauiours of Katherine de Medicis, Queue Mother : wherein are displayed the meanes which scho hath practised to atteyne vnto the vsurping of the Kingdome of France, and to the bringing of the state of the same vnto vtter ruyne. Printed at Cracow. 1576. 8°, A— I 5 in eights. B. M. Sotheby's, December 11, 1888, No. 341. EUROPE. The Dangers of Europe, From the Grow- ing Power of F ranee. With Some Free Thoughts on Remedies. And Particu- larly on the Cure of our Divisions at Home. In Order to a Successful War Abroad against the French King and his Allies. ... By the Author of, The Duke of Anjou's Succession considered. London ; Printed, and Sold by A. Baldwin, in Warwick- Lane. 1702. 4°. Title and Preface, 2 leaves : B — K 2 in fours. EVANS, KATHERINE. A Brief Discovery of God's Eternal Truth : And, A Way opened to the simple hearted, whereby they may come to know Christ. . . . Written in the Inquisition of Malta, by a Servant of the most High, called Katherine Evans. London, Printed for R. Wilson, 1663. Sm. 8°. A— D 4 in eights. With some short poems at the end. F. C. Essaies of Coniecture vpon Certaine Negotiations touchinge peace, Between the Archduke and the States, in Anno salutis 1607 By C. F. Veritate et liever- entia. 4°, 37 leaves. Puttick's, Dec. 6, 1888, No. 648j, in the original vellum. Not known to have been printed. F. N. The Frviterers Secrets : Containing direc- tions for the due time, and manner, of gathering all kindesof fruite,aswell stone- fruit as other : and how they are to be afterwards ordered in packing, carrying and conueighing them by land or by water. ... At London, Printed by R. B. and are to be solde by Roger Iackson. 1604. 4", black letter. A, 2 leaves : B— E 2 in fours. Sotheby's, Feb. 4, 1889, in Lot 216, from W. Forsyth's collection. FAIRFAX, SIR THOMAS. The Displaying of the Life-Guards Colours, Or A true Narrative of the late actings of his Excellencies Life-Guard, since their Order for Marching upon London to be Disbanded : . . . With a Vindication of FARTHING. 133 FORBES. divers Gentlemen imployed by them. And divers other things giving Light to each of them. Now Published to give satisfaction, and to prevent mis-appre- hensions concerning the proceedings of the Life-Guard of His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax. Magna est Veritas & j>nt rtdehit. London, Printed in the Year, 1648. 4°, A— B in fours. A Warrant of the Lord General Fairfax to the Marshall Generall of the Army [Captain Richard Lawrence], To put in Execution the former Ordinance & Orders of Parliament, and Act of Common Coun- cell, Concerning the Regulating of Print- ing, and disposing of scandalous Pam- phlets. Whereunto is annexed the said Ordinance and Orders. London, Printed by John Macock, for John Partridge. mdcxlix. 4°, A — B in fours. FARTHING, JOHN. The Excise Rectify'd : Or, A Plain Demonstration, That The Revenue now rais'd thereby is capable of being Im- proved at least Four or Five Hundred Thousand Pounds per Annum, which is now paid by the Subject, but diverted from its proper Channel into private Hands. London, Printed, 169|. 4°, A — B in fours. FENTON, ROGER, D.D. A Treatise of Vsvrie, ... At London Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for Wil- liam Aspley. 1612. 4", A— Y 2 in fours. FIENNES, WILLIAM, Lord Sag and Sele. The Scots Designe Discovered. Relating their dangerous attempts lately practised against the English Nation, with the sad consequence of the same. Wherein divers matters of Publick concernment are dis- closed. And the Book called Truths Manifest, is made apparent to be Lyes Manifest. [By W" ffienns L d Say .V Seale.] Simulata pietas duplex iniquitas. London, Printed, and are to be sold at the Marygold in S. Pauls Church-yard. L654. 1", A — L T in fours: Aa — LI 2 in fours. The attributed authorship between brackets is in a coeval hand ou the title of the copy emploj ed. FINCH, BENRY. A True Relation of the Twenty weeks Siege of London derry, By the Scotch, Irish, ami Dis-affected English, with the Daily Proceeding Passages thereof: As also the number of men kili'd, and taken Prisoners on both sides. Related in two Letters from Captaine Henry Finch, one of the Captains of London derry, and one of the Aldermen of the City. To His Friend in London. London, Printed by R. I. for S. G. and A. W. . . . 1649. 4° A — B in fours. FITZHERBERT, A. The booke of Husbandrye verve profitable & necessary .... Anno do. M. D. L. v. [Col.] Imprinted at London in Flete- strete at the signe of the Sunne ouer agaynst the Conduit by John Waylande. 8°, black letter, A— H in eights. Puttick & Simpson, May 15, 1889, in Lot 933, much mutilated. FLEETWOOD, WILLIAM, of King's College, Cambridge. Inscriptionum Anticpiarum Sylloge in Duas Partes Distributa. Quarum Prior Inscriptiones Ethnicas. . . . Altera Chris- tiana Monuinenta . . . complectitur. In Usum Juventutis Rerum Antiquarum Studiosaj Edita, . . . Londini, Impensis Guil. Graves. Bibliopolae Cantabrigiensis, M DC xci. 8°, A — Nn 2 in eights, be- sides 4 leaves marked [*] between Z 2-3. Dedicated to his pupils at King's. FLETCHER, J. The Differences, Cavses, and Ivdgements of Vrine : According to the Best Writers thereof, Both Old and new, summarily collected. London, Printed by Iohn Legatt, 1641. 8°. 1, 8 leaves : A— K 4 in eights, K 4 blank. With a few cuts. FORBES, JOHN, of Corse. Genethliaca Celsissiini Principis,Ser'"" rum ac Dominorum Dn. Friderici V. Comitis Palatini Rheni. S. R. Imp. Archidapiferi et Electoris, Ducis Bavaria 1 , &c. Patris. Et Dn. Elizabethan, Potentissimi Iacobi Manila? Britannia? . . . Reps. Filiae Unicoe. . . . Matris : Primogeniti Filij Ecolesiae & reipublicaj bono nascentis Cal. Jan. sub horam 12. noctis Heidelbergae. Autore Joanno Forbesiu Scoto-Britanno. Heidel, bergse, Typis Johannis Lancelotti, Acad- T v j m »g. An nn M DC xiv. 4°, A — C in tours. In Latin verse. B. M. [An Answer.' to M. I. Forbes of Corse His peaceable Warning. [Quotations.] Printed, Anno Dom. 1638. 4°, A— S in fours.] FORBES, WILLIAM, Advocate. The Duty and Powers of Justices of Peace in this Part of Great-Britain called Scot- land. With an Appendix concerning Weights and Measures. Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, . . . 1707. 8°, A— N FOX. 139 GAD BURY. in eights, N 8 blank, besides title and de- dication to the Right Honourable Sir David Dalrymple of Hales, Her Majesty's Solicitor. ^OX, JOHN. De Christo crucifixo concio. loan. Foxi. Londini, apud Iohanem Dayum Typo- graphum. An. Domini. 1571. Octob. 1. 4°, A — Y in fours : Aa — Ee in fours. FRANCE. A Relation of the French Kings Late Expedition into the Spanish-Netherlands, In the years 1667, and 1668. With an Introduction discoursing his Title there- unto : And an account of the Peace be- tween the two Crowns, made the second of May 1668. Englished by G. H. Gent, London, Printed for John Starkey, . . . 1669. 12°. A, 13 leaves, besides the title : B — I 10 in twelves. A Compendious History of the Taxes of France, and of the Oppressive Methods of raising of them. London : Printed by J. M. and B. B. for Richard Baldwin . . . mdcxciv. 4°. Title and anonymous dedication to Thomas, Earl of Stamford, Lord Gray of Grooby, 2 leaves : B — E in fours, and an extra leaf alter E 4. The Nativity of the Most Valiant and Puissant Monarch Lewis the Four- teenth, King of France and Navarre, Astronomically and Astrologically Hand- led. . . London, Printed in the Year, 1680. 4°, A— E 2 in lours. ULBECKE, WILLIAM. A. Direction or Preparatiue to t e Study of the Law At London Printed for the Company of Stationers. Anno Dom. 1620. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— N in sights, N 8 blank. ULLER, WILLIAM. Ri.udit to those that Suffer Wrong : Or, 1 Full Confutation of the Assertions of that Grand Iniposter Fuller, al' Fullee, il' Fouler, al' Elleson, al' &c. Con- cerning the Birth of the Pretended Prince jf Wales. Printed and Sold by the Book- sellers of London and Westminster. 1701. 3°, A— E in fours. DR. Fur Preedestinatus : Siue, Dialogismus [nterquendamOrdinis Prasdicantium Cal- idnistam & Furem ad laqueum damnatum labitus. In Quo ad vivuni representatur ion tantum quomodo Calvinistarum Dogmata ex se ipsis ansam praebent sceleri. . . Londini, Impensis F. G. Tvpis G. D. Anno Dom. 1651. 12°, A— D 6 in vvelves, D 6 blank. G. S. An Historical Account of the Antiquity and Unity of the Britanick Churches. Continued from the Conversion of these Islands to the Christian Faith, by St. Augustine, to this present Time. By a Presbyter of the Church of England. . . London, Printed for W. Whitwood, at the Angel and Bible in Little Britain, mdcxcii. 4°, A — in fours, 4 with Advertisements. G. W., Gent. The Case of Succession to the Crown of England Stated, In a Letter to a Member of the Honorable House of Commons. Being an Answer to that Pamphlet that pretends to prove the Parliament hath no Power to alter Succession. Printed, 1679. 4°, A— B in fours. B. M. GADBTJRY, JOHN. The Nativity of the late King Cliarls Astrologically and Faithfully performed ; With Reasons and Art, Of the Various Success, and Mis-fortune of His whole Life. Being [occasionally] a brief His- tory of our late unhappy Wars. Unto which is added (by way of Appendix) the Genitures of the late Queen, Prince, &c. And their Sympathy, or antipathy with this illustrious Nativity compared. By John Gadbury, Philomathematikos. Fa- tisagimur. . . Martial. London, Printed by James Cottrel. 1659 [August.] 8°, A — I in eights. Dedicated by the author to Mr. Thomas Barton, of London, Mer- chant. B. M. Nuncius Astrologicus. Or The Astrolo- gical Legate : Demonstrating to the World The Success that may probably (by the Influences of the Stars) be expected from the present unhappy Controversies be- tween the two Northern Kings : Deduced from the Nativity of His Royal Majesty of Denmark . . . London : Printed by J. Cottrel, for F. Cossinet ; and are to be sold at the Anchor and Mariner in Tower- Street. 1660. 8", A— D in eights, A 1 and D 8 blank. Dedicated to his most buddy valued friend Sir Richard Hutchin- son. B. J/. Natura Prodigiorum: Or, A Discourse touching the Nature of Prodigies. To- gether with the Kindes, Causes, and Ef- fects, of Comets (or Blazing-stars) Eclipses and Earthquakes ; . . . . With an Ap- pendix touching the Imposturism of the Commonly-received Doctrine of Prophe- cies . . . By John Gadbury Philomathe- matikos. Non est muta rerum Natura sed undiq ; loquax. Erasm. London, G ALLEN. 140 GORDON. Printed for Fr. Cossinet, at the Anchor and Mariner in Tower-street, 1665. 8°, A — 4 in eights. Dedicated to Sir George Monk. Two editions the same year. Both are in the British Museum. GALLEN, T., Philomathematikos. Gallen 1642. An Almanack and Prog- nostication for the yeare of God 164-J. Being the second alter Leap-yeare. The most usefull now extant, and so ordered that it will serve for any part of England. Peruse, and then censure. London, Printed by Rob. Young for the Companie of Sta- tioners. 12°. A, 12: B— C in sixes. Puttick & Simpson, May 15, 1889, in Lot 523, interleaved and annotated by some University graduate, who watched with ap- parent interest and curiosity the progress of the Civil Wax. He also gives particulars of his own life and occupation The King, the Lord General, the Earl of Essex, Sir Thomas and Lady Richardson, kc, are men- tioned. GELL, JOHN, M.D., of Edinburgh. Epilhalamivm et Gratvlatio,Svper Avgvs- sissimis Ivxtaqve felicissiniis Nuptiis Sereniss. Principum, Friderici V. Comitis Palatini . . . Et Elisabethse Iacobi, Magnae Britannise, . . . Regis . . . Fibre Vnicae: Et Fausto Eorundem Heitielbergam adventu . . . Heidelbergae M.DC.XIII. 4°, A — D in fours. In Latin verse. B. M. GERARD, FRIAR, of the Order of Obser- vants. The interpretacyon / and sygnvfycacyon of the Masse. C Here begynneth a good deuoute Boke to the honoure of God / of our lady his mother / & of all sayntes / and ryght pr of y table to al good Catholyke persones / to knowe howe they shall de- uoutly here Masse. And how salutaryly they slial Confesse them. And how re- uerently and honourably they shall go to the holy Sacrament or table of our sauyour Jhesu chryste / With dyuerse other profytable document? and oraysons or prayers here conteyned / Composed and ordeyned by frere Gararde frere mynoure of the ordreof the Obseruauntes. [Col.] C. Imprynted By me Robert Wyer / dwellynge at the sygne of saynt John Euagelyste in saynt Martyns parysshe in the felde / in the Bysshop of North- wytche rentes / besyde Charynge erosse. C in the yere of our Lorde God a. m.ccccc. xxxii. The xiii. daye of the moneth of Octobre. C Cum priuilegio Regali pro spatio septem annorum. 8". ►{«, 4 leaves : a — z in fours : K , 4 leaves : A — E in fours, E 4 with the device. B. M. Sotheby's, Feb. 4, 1889, No. 23, Herbert's copy. GERSON, JOHN, or Thomas a Kempis. Colloquium Animce : The sole-talke of the Soule : Or, A spirituall and heauenly Dialogue, betwixt the soule of Man and God. Which, for the great afhnitie it bath with other bookes of the Author published heretofore in our natiue tongue, is now entituled The fourth booke of the Imitation of Christ. Translated and cor- rected by Thomas Rogers. At London Printed by Humfrey Lownes. 1616. Sm. 8° or 12°. A, 6 leaves: B—H in twelves : 1,6. GILBY, ANTHONY. A Briefe Treatise of Election and Repro- bacion wythe certane answers to the obiec- tions of the aduersaries of this doctryne written by Anthony Gvlbie. . . . Im- printed [at Geneva] by lames Poullain, and Reny Houdouyn. m. d. lvi. Sm. 8°, A— D in eights. Turner, at Sotheby's, Nov. -Dec. 1888, No. 1933, damaged. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. An Account of the late Hardships and Violence Inflicted upon certain Persons called Quakers for their Peaceable Reli- gious Meetings in the City and County of Gloucester. London, Printed by Benja- min Clark in George-yard in Lombard- street Bookseller, 1682. 4°, 4 leaves. The Speech of Charles Trinder, Esq ; Recorder of Gloucester, at his Entrance upon that Office, .Tanvary the 18th, 168|. London : Printed, and are to be Sold by Randal Taylor, . . 16S§. Folio, A— E, 2 leaves each, A 1 with Imprimatur. GOODWIN, JOHN. Moses made Angry : Or, A Letter written and sent to Dr. Hill, Master of Trinity Colledg in Cambridg, Upon occasion of some hard Passages that fell from him in a Sermon preached at Pauls, May 4. 1651. By John Goodwin. . . . London, Printed bv J. M. for Henry Cripps and Lodowick Lloyd, . . . 1651. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. Dated from Coleman Street, May 9, 1651. GORDON, PATRICK. The First booke of the famous Historye of Penardo and Laissa, other ways callid the warres, of Love and Ambitione. Wherein is described Penardo his most admirable deeds of arms, his ambition of Ljlore his contempt of lvcre, with loves mighte assalts & ammorus temptations : Laissas feareful inchantment hir relief hir trauells and lastly loves admiral >el GORING. 14* H. I. 1 force, In hir releiving Penardo from ye ' fire. Doone in Heroik verse, by Patrik ; Gordon. Printed at Dort By George waters. 1615. 8°. Title, dedication I to George, Earl of Enye, Lord Gordon, , and preliminary verses, 10 leaves : A — 11 2 if in eights. In stanzas of 6 lines. B. M. Among the writers of encomiastic verses are W. Drummond, Alexander Gardyne, and Robert Gordon. GORING, GEORGE. The Declaration of Colonell Goring Vpon i his Examination, touching the late in- tended Conspiracie against the Scots. With the Report of that worthy Gentle- man Mr. Fyues to the House of Commons . . . Iune 1641. Printed in the yeare 1641. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. GOUGE, THOMAS, Minister of the Gospel. The Surest and Safest Way of Thriving. Or A Conviction ot the Grand Mistake in many, That what, is given to the Poor, is a loss to their Estate ; . . . . London : Printed by S. and B. G. for Nevil Sim- mons . . . 1676. Sm. 8°, A— F 6 in eights. A mere clerical performance. GOVERNMENTS. An Account of a Conversation Concerning a Right Regulation of Governments, For the Common Good of Mankind. In A Letter to the Marquess of Montrose, the Earls of Rothes, Roxburgh, and Hadding- ton, from London the 1st of December 1703. London : Printed for A. Baldwin, 1704. 8°, A— D in eights. GRANTHAM, THOMAS, M.A., Curate of Eston, near Tocester, co. Northampton. A Motion against Imprisonment, wherein is proved that Imprisonment for debt is against the Gospel, against the good of Clmrch, and Commonwealth. Matthew 18, 29. Have patience, and I \oill pay thee all. Printed at London for Francis Coules 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. GREENE, ROBERT. The Pleasant and Delightful History of Dorastus and Favnia. . . . By Robert Green, Master of Arts in Cambridge. London : Printed by W. 0. for G. Con- yers at the Ring in Little Britain, 1700. Price 6d. 4°, black letter, B — F in fours, and the title, on which is a woodcut. On the back of the title occurs : Dorastus his Love-passion ... in verse. GREGORY, JAMES, of Aberdeen. Geometric Pars Vniversalis, Inserviens Quantitation Curvarum transmutationi & mensurse. Patavii, mdclxviii. . . . 4°. t, 6 leaves : A— T in fours. With diagrams. GRUMBLETONIAN. The Characier of a Grnmbletonian, Or, The New Malecontent. London, Primed and are to be Sold by Richard Janeway . . . mdclxxxix. A folio leaf. GUEZ, JEAN LOUIS, Sieur de Balzac. Aristippvs, Or, Mons r de Balzac's Master- piece. Bein:, r A Discourse Concerning the Court. With an Exact T;ible of the prin- cipal! Matter. Englished by R. W. Lon- don, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, for Nat. Eakins at the Gun, and Tho. Johnson, at the Golden Key in Pauls-Church Yard, 1659. Sm. 8°. A, 8 leaves : B— H in twelves : I, 4. B. M. GUALDO PRIORATO, GALEAZZO. The History of the Managements of Car- dinall Julio Mazarine, Chief Minister of State of the Crown of France. Written in Italian by Count Galeazzo Guahlo Priorato. And Translated according to the Original. In the which are Related the Principal Successes Happened from the Beginning of His Management of Affairs till His Death. Tom 1. Parti. London: Printed by H. L. and R. B. in the Year 1671. Sm. 8°, A— Y 10 in twelves, A 1 with Imprimatur and Y 10 with Errata: Tom. 1. Part 11. dated 1672, B— S 3 in twelves and the title. With a portrait. B.M. The author's dedication to the Duke and Duchess Regent of Modena and Reggio is returned. Reprinted, 12°, 1691. GUILD, WILLIAM, Minister at King- Edward. Isaachars Asse, Braying, Vnder a double Burden. Or, The Vniting of Churches. [Quotations.] Aberdene, Imprinted by Edward Raban. Cvm Privilegio. 1621. 4°, A — C in fours. With some verses at the end. Dedicated to John Urquhart of Craighous, &c, and his wife Elizabeth Seton. H. A., Scoto- Britain. A Bitte to s:ay the Stomacks of good Svb- iects. Or A suddaine and short Vindica- tion of the Scots Commissioners Papers Intitvled The Answer of the Commis- sioners . . . Printed Anno Dom. 1647. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. H. I., M.D. Scelera aquarum: Or, A Supplement to Mr. Graunt On the Bills of Mortality. Shewing As well the Causes, as Encrease, HA, JO. 142 HARE. of the London, Parisian, and Amster- dam Scorlmte : With all its Attendants. Demonstrating the Locality, of the said Causes, and how they result from Mor- bifiek Salts, which abound in the Strata of the Earth, and Stagnate Waters, round those three Cities. [Quot. from Pliny, Nat. Hist. Lib. 25. cap. 3.] London : Printed for the Author, and Sold by Du Cliemin, at the Sign of Abraham Sacri- ficing Isaac, o\er against Somerset-House in the Strand, . . . 1701. 4°, A— E 2 in fours. B. M. ITA, JO., of tlie Inner Temple, Esquire. Nahash Redivivus In a Letter from the Parliament of Scotland, Directed to the Honorable William Lenthal, Speaker of the House of Commons. Examined and Answered. . . . London, Printed for Thomas Brewster, and are to be sold at the three Bibles in Creed-Lane, neer the West-End of Pauls. 1649. 4°, A— C in fours. HACKET, JOHN, lute Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. Scrinia Reserata : A Memorial Oli'er'd to the Great Deservings of John Williams, D.D. who some time held the Places of L (1 Keeper of the Great Seal of England, L tl Bishop of Lincoln, and L d Archbishop of York. Containing A Series of the Most Remarkable Occurrences and Transac- tions of His Life, in Relation both to Church and State ... In the Savoy : . . . Printed by Edw. Jones, for Samuel Lowndes over-against Exeter-Exchange in the Strand, m.dc.xciii. Folio, B— Ef in fours, besides the title, portrait by White. and Err at a. HAINES, RICHARD. A Method of Government for such Publick Working Aims-Houses as may be Erected in every Country for bringing all idle hands to Industry. As the lust known Expedient for restoring and ad- vancing the Woollen Manufacture. . . . With Allowance. London, Printed for Langley Curtis on Ludgate-hill. 1670. 4°, 4 leaves. England's Weal & Prosperity Proposed : Or, Reasons for Erecting Publick Work Houses in every County, For the speedy promoting of Industry and the Woollen Manufacture, shewing how the Wealth of the Nation may be encreased, many Hundred thousand pounds per A nun in. ... To which is added a Model of Government for such Work-Houses pre- pared by the same Author, . . . pur- suant to a Breviate of Proposals . . . for merly published. London, Printed foi Langlev Curtis, in Goat Court on Lud gate-hill. 1681. 4°, A— B in fours The Method, with a new title, 4 leaves Dedicated by Haines to Sir Patienc* Ward, Lord Mayor of London. HALL, JOSEPH, Bishop of Exeter. The Honor of the Married Clergie Maintayned against the malicious Glial lenges of C. E. Masse-Priest : Or, Tin Apologie written some yeares since for tin marriage of persons Ecclesiasticall, niadi good against the Cauils of C. E. Pseudo Catholike Priest. In Three Books. B] Ios. Hall. D. of Diuin. Deane of Worcest London Printed by W. S. for N. Butter 1620. 8°. A, 8 leaves : A (repeated), - leaves : B — Z in eights. Dedicated t< George, Archbishop of Canterbury. B. M The Museum copy purports to be printei for H. Feth[erstone]. HALLEY, GEORGE, A.M., Prebendary Ripon. A Sermon Preach'd in the Cathedral ant Metropolitical Church of St. Peter, ii York : Ou Friday, the Fifth of Noveni ber, 1697. Being the Anniversary-Dai . . . With a Postscript and Two Letters which clearly discover the Romar Designs against the English Church anc Nation. London : Printed for and Sole by Tho. Baxter, Bookseller, in Peter Gate, York. 1698. 4°, A— D in fours Dedicated to the Archbishop of York. The two letters at end are by Archbishop; Laud and Bramhall, the latter writtei when Bramhall was Bishop of Derry. HAMILTON, JAMES, Duke of Hamilton [A Declaration as to the General Demands 1638, and his share in that business as High Commissioner of the King. Then is no title ; but. the first leaf contains tin imprint :] Imprinted at Edinburgh by Robert Young, Printer to the Kings mosl Excellent Majestie . . . 1638. 4°, a and A in fours = 8 leaves. HARE, JOHN. S' Edwards Ghost : Or, Anti-Norman- isme : Being a patheticall Complaint and Motion in the behalfe of our English Nation against her good (yet neglected] Grievance, Normanisme. Qiuenam {ma- lum) est ista voluntaria servitus? Cicer. in orat. Phil. 1. London, Printed foi Richard Wodenotlie at the Starre undei Peter's Church in Cornhill. 1647. 4°, B — D in fours, besides title and preface. The date at the end is October 1642; and in his Address to the Reader Hare HARRINGTON. 143 HIDES. states that the tract had lain some time by him. HARRINGTON, SIR JAMES. Horse consecrates, or Spiritual Pastime. Concerning Divine Meditation upon the great mysteries of our faith and salva- tion. Occasional meditations and gratu- latory reflexions upon particular provi- dences and deliverances, vouchsafed to the Author and his family. Also a Scrip- ture-Catechisme dedicated to the service of his wife and children. And now pub- lished, together with other treatises men- tioned in the following page for common use . . . London, printed for the Author. 1682. Folio. Two leaves, then A— Zzzzz in twos, not counting the portraits of Sir James and Lady Katherine Harrington. Bodleian. HARRIS, BENJAMIN. A Short but Just Account of the Tryal of Benjamin Harris upon an Information brought against him for Printing and Vending a late Seditious Book called An Appeal from the Country to the City Printed in the Year 1679. Folio, A — B, 2 leaves each. B. M. HAY, JAMES. Collonel James Hays Speech to the Parlia- ment Upon the Debate concerning Tolera- tion. As it was taken by Anonimus A Member of the House, and sent to the Press with this Epigram on the Author Fcelixfisa suis cwlcbrata Catonibus Ehcuf Clodius in miseros furit, & Catalina Britannos. Printed in the Year 1655. 4°, A— D in fours, and a leaf after D 4 with " An Epistle to the Reader." HENRY VIII. TUDOR, King of Eng- land. Le traicte de la paix perpetuelle du roy treschrestie nostre souuerain seigfir et madame sa mere / regente en France en son absence. Auec treshault & tres- puissant prince Henry huytiesme de ce iiom/ par la grace de dieu roy Dangleterre/ leurs heirs et successeurs . publie a Lyon le .xxij. de septebre. Lan Mil. ccccc.xxv. [A crowned shield with the fleurs de lys.] Auec priuilege. [Paris, 1525.] 4°, 4 leaves, including one with the device on the title repeated on a larger scale and enclosed in a frame of ornamental design. HERBERT, EDWARD, Lord Herbert of Clt< rbury. De Veritate, . . . Exc. Lvtetiae Parisi- orvm. cio IOC xxiv. lam denuo sed auctius & emendatius recud. Londini per Avgvstinvm Matthaevm. cio 10c xxxiu. 4°. a, 3 leaves : A — Hh 2 in fours. De Veritate, . . . Cui Operi additi sunt duo alii tractatus ; Primus, De Cavsis Errorvm ; Alter, De Religione Laici ; Vna cum Appendice . . . Londini, 1645. 4°. a, 4 leaves : A — Ii 2 in fours : Be Causis Errorum, &c, A — X 2 in fours : Pra'cepta et Consilia, directed to his heirs and nephews, A — B in fours, B 4 blank : De Vita Humana Philosopihica Bisqui- sitio, 4 leaves — both the last in verse. De la Verite Entant Qvelle est distincte de la Reuelation, du Vray-semblable, du Possible & du Faux. . . . Reueu & augment e par le mesme Auteur. Troi- sieme Edition, m.dc.xxxiii. 4°. a, 4 leaves: A — Rr in fours: Errata, 2 leaves. HEYWOOD, JOHN. John Heywoodes woorkes. A dialogue conteyning the number of the effectuall prouerbes in the English tonge compact in a matter concernynge two maner of Mariages. With one hundred of Epi- : and three hundred of Epi- grammes vpo three hundred Prouerbes : and a fifth hundred of Epigrams. Where- unto are now newly added a sixth hun- dred of Epigrams by the sayde John Heywood. Londini. 1566. [Col.] Im- printed at London in Fleetstrete by Henry Wykes. Cum priuilegio. 4°, black letter, A — Ee 2 in fours, Ee 2 blank. B. J/., Budl., Capel Coll., &c. On sign. Q 1 verso is a page-woodcut with the full-length portrait of the author, as in the Spider and the Ftie, 1556. HICKERINGILL, EDMUND. Gregory, Father-Greybeard, With his Vi- zard oil; Or, News from the Cabal in some Reflexions Upon a late Pamphlet En- tituled, The Rehearsal Transpros'd. (After the fashion that now obtains) In a Letter to our old Friend, R. L. from E. H. Lon- don, Printed by Robin Hood, at the Sign of the He-Cow I. 0. if it be not a Bull, on the South-west and by West end of Lake-lemans and sold by Nath. Brooke at the Angel in Cornhil, 1673. 8°, A— X in eights. HIDES. The generall Greeuance of all England, Man, Woman, and Child : to the High and Honourable Court of Parliament. [In reference to the transportation or export of raw hides. About 1625.] A broadside. This document more particularly bears upon the injury sustained by curriers, shoe- makers, and cobblers. Sotheby's, Feb. 4, 1889, in Lot 216. HILDYARD. 144 HUMOUR. [HILDYARD, CHRISTOPHER, of York.] A List, Or Catalogve of all the Mayors, and Bayliifs, Lord Mayors, and Sheriffs, of the most Ancient. Honourable, Noble, and Loyall City of Yorke, From the time of King Edward the First ; untill this present year, 1664. being the 16 th year of the most happy Reign of our most gratious Soveraign Lord King Charles the Second. Together with many, and sundry Remarkable Passages, which hap- pened in their severall Yeers. Published by a true Lover of Antiquity, and a Well- wisher to the Prosperity of the City ; Together with his Hearty Desire of the Restoration of its former Glory, Splen- dor, and Magnificence : York, Printed by Stephen Bulkley, 1664. 4°, A— I 2 in fours, besides the title and frontispiece. B.M. This is the copy noticed by Mr. Davies {Memoir of the York Press, 1868, p. 16) as being preserved in Harl. MS. 6115 ; it is interleaved, so as to form a thick volume, and is enriched, perhaps by Hildyard him- self, with MSS. notes and illustrations throughout. HODGES or HODGE, JAMES. A Just and Modest Vindication of the Scots' Design, For the having Established a Colony at Darien. With A Brief Dis- play, how much it is their Interest, to apply themselves to Trade, and particu- larly to that which is Foreign. . . . Printed in the Year, 1699. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a, 8 leaves : B — P 4 in eights, P 4 blank. A 3 seems to be omitted in the signatures. Considerations and Proposals, For Sup- plying the present Scarcity of Money, and advancing Trade. By James Hodges Gent. Edinburgh, Printed ; and are to be sold at Mrs. Ogston's Shop in the Parliament-Close, 1705. 4°, A — C in fours, 4 blank. HODGES, RICHARD. Enchiridion Arithmeticon. Or A Manvt 1 of Millions Containing therein Mens Ac- compts Compvted, or Made vp. Whereby they may Svddenly know the true value of any commodity, at any price what- soever. . . . For Ease and Expedition the like hatli not bin published. The Time is short 1 Cor. 7. 29. Redeem the Time. Ephes. 5. 16. London, Printed by M. Flesher, and are to be sold in Southwark, within the Closse. neare St. Mary Overies Church, at the house of Richard Hodges a School-master, the Authour thereof. 1631. 8°, A— L 4 in eights. B. M. The date has been altered to 1634, and the same was the case with a second copy sold at Sotheby's, Feb. 12, 1889, No. 279. HODGES, WILLIAM. Great Britain's Groans : Or, An Account of the Oppression, Ruin, and Destruction of the Loyal Seamen of England, In the Fatal Loss of their Pay, Health, and Lives, and Dreadful Ruin of their Fami- lies . . . Printed in the Year 1695. 4°, A — D in fours, D 4 with the Errata. HOLME. THOMAS, and ABRAHAM FULLER. A Brief Relation of some part of the Suf- ferings of the True Christians, The People of God (in Scorn called Quakers) in Ire- land, For these last Eleaven Years, viz. from 16fi0 until 1671. . . Printed in the Year, 1672. 4°, A— K in fours. HOMER. Homer Alamode, The Second Part, In English Burlesque : Or, A Mock Poem upon the Ninth Book of Iliads. [Quota- tion from Statins with an English trans- lation.] Invented for the Meridian of Cambridge, where the Pole of Wit is elevated by several degrees. London, Printed by S. Roycroft, for Dorman New- man at the Kings Arms in the Poultrv, 1681. 8°. The copy employed ended imperfectly on B 8. HOUGHTON, THOMAS, of Lime Street, Gentleman. A Book of Funds : Or, Some Reason- able Projections and Proposals for Raising Three Millions of Money per Annum, for Supplies, to be Granted to His Majesty. By such Ways and Methods as will be least Burthensome to the People, during the War . . . London : Printed for the Authour. 1696. 4°, A— D in fours. HOWELL, JAMES. A Modern Account of Scotland ; Being, An Exact Description of the Country, And a True Character of the People and their Manners. Written from thence by an English Gentleman. Printed in the Year, 1679. 4°, A— C 2 in fours. HUGHES, WILLIAM, Late of Gray's Inn, Esquire. Hughes's Queries, Or, Choice Cases for Moots, Containing several Points of Law, not resolved in the Books. . . . London, Printed for George Dawes, . . . 1675. 12°. A, 12 leaves, A 1 with Imprimatur signed Fra North : [a], 6 leaves : B — F in twelves : G, 8. Dedicated to the Society of Gray's Inn. HUMOUR. The Humour of the Age. A Comedv. HYMN/. •4: INDIA. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane By His Majesty's Servants. — Pictoribus atque Pcetis . . . Hor. ert Barker,] Printer . . . : And by the A[ssignes] of Iohn Bill. [Anno 1606.] 4°, black letter, A — G 2 in fours, title on A 2. The copy employed was mutilated. JAMES STUART THE SECOND [1685-88]. A Just and Modest Vindication of His Royal Highness the Duke of York : In Observations upon a late Revived Pam- phlet, Intituled, A Word without Doors. Wherein the Reasons and Arguments of that Author, are Considered and Ex- amined. London, Printed for Thomas Benskin in Green's Rents, near Fleet- bridge, m.dc.lxxx. 4°, A — Bin fours. The Connexion : Being Choice Collec- tions of some Principal Matters in King James his Reign : Which may serve to supply the vacancy betwixt Mr. Town- shend's, and Mr. Rushworth's Historical Collections. London, Printed for W. Crook, at the Green Dragon without Temple Bar, 1681. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B — M in eights. With a portrait of Sir Thomas Overbury, and a print at p. 91 containing small full-lengths of the Earl and Cuuntess of Somerset. B. M. [The Proclamation of James II.] Lon- don, Printed by the Assignes of John Bill deceas'd : . . . 1684 [-5, 7 Feb.] A broadside. B. M. An Account of the Ceremonial at the Coronation of Their Most Excellent Ma- jesties King James II. and Queen Mary, at Westminster, the 23 of April 1685. In the first year of His Majesties Reign. Published by Order of the Duke of Nor- folk Earl Marshal of England. Printed by Thomas Newcomb in the Savoy, 1685. A large broadside. B. M. [A Proclamation by James II. respecting the landing of the Duke of Monmouth and others at Lyme in Dorsetshire, 13 June, 1685.] God Save the King. Lon- don, Printed by the Assignes of John Bill deceased : and by Henry Hill, and Thomas Newcomb, .... 1685. A broadside. B. M. A Poem Occasioned by His Majesties Most Gracious Resolution Declar'd in His Most Honourable Privy Council, March 18. 168f For Liberty of Con- science. London, Printed by George Lar- kin, at the Coach and Horses without Bishopsgate. 1687. A broadside. B. M. By the King, A Proclamation [for further liberty of conscience in Scotland, 21 July, 1687.] Edinburgh, Printed by Andrew Anderson, . . . and Reprinted by Thomas Newcomb for P. Forrester, in Kings- street Westminster, 16S7. A broadside. B. M. Reason and Authority : Or, The Motives of a Late Protestants Reconciliation to the Catholic Church. Together with Remarks upon some late Discourses against Transubstantiation. Publisht with Allowance. London, Printed by Henry Hills, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, For his Household and Chappel, 1687. 4°, A— R 2 in fours. An Answer to a Book, Entituled, Reason and Authority : . . . Together with a brief Account of Augustine the Monk, and Conversion of the English. In a Letter to a Friend. London, Printed by J. H. for Brabazon Aylmer, . . . 1687. 4°. Title and Imprimahir, 2 leaves : B — N in fours. Observations Upon a late Libel, Called A Letter from a Person of Quality to his Friend, concerning the Kings Declara- tion, &c. [London, 1687.] 4°, A— B 2 iu fours. Without any title-page. By the King. A Proclamation [confirm- ing his Declaration of Liberty of Con- science in Scotland, 28 May, 1688.] Edin- burgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson . . . 1688. A broadside. B.M. The Kings Letter to the Great Council of Peers. London, Printed for W. Thom- son, 1688. A small broadsheet, B. M. The Princess Anne of Denmark's Letter to the Queen. [Nov. 1688.] A broad- sheet. B. M. JAMES. 148 JONES. By the King. A Proclamation [against a threatened invasion from Holland.] Lon- don, Printed by Charles Bill . . . 1688. A large broadsheet. B. M. A Declaration of His Most Sacred Majesty Kim, r James II. To all his Loving Sub- jects in the Kingdom of England. [Dub- lin, 8 May, 1689.] A small broadsheet. B. M. The Anatomy of an Arbitrary Prince ; Or, King James the II. Set forth in his Proper Colours, and what England may expect from such a one. Written . . . by a Son of the Church of England. Printed for R. Baldwin, near the Black- Bull in the Old-Baily, 16S9. A folio leaf. The Abdicated Prince : Or, The Adven- tures of Four Years. A Tragi-Comedy, As it was lately Acted at the Court ol Alba-Regalis, By several Persons of Great Quality. Nee Lex est justior ulla . . . London, Printed for John Carterson, 1690. 4°. A, 2 leaves, with the title and Actors' names : B — I 2 in fours. A political piece referring to the transac- tions of the English Court and Government at this time. See Halliwell's Dictionary of Old Plays, 1860, in v. A View of the Court of St. Germain, From the Year 1690, to 1695. With an Account of the Entertainment Pro- testants meet with there. Directed to the Malecontents Protestants of Eng- land. London, Printed for R. Baldwin, near Oxford-Arms-Inn in Warwick-lane, mdcxcvi. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— E 2 in fours. An Elegy on the Death of King James the Second, Late King of England, Who departed this Mortal Life, on Wednesday the 3 d of Septemb. at St. Germains en Lay, at 3 a Clock in the Morning in the Sixty Eight Year of His Age, 1701. Lon- don, Printed by H. H. in Black- Fryers. 1701. Large folio, surmounted by royal arms and funeral emblems. B. M. JENKINS, DAVID. The Vindication of Judge Jenkins Pri- soner in the Tower, the 29. of Aprill, 1647. 4°, 4 leaves. Without a title- page. The Cordiall of Iudge Ienkins For the good People of London : In reply to a Thing, called, An Answer to the poyson- ous seditious Paper of Mr. David Jen- kins ; By H. P. Barister of Lincolns-Inne. Printed in the Yeere 1647. 4°, A— B in fours. JOHANNES DE BURGO. Pupilla oculi oibus presbyteris precipue Anglicanis summe necessaria : per sa- pientissimii diuini cultus moderator! Johannem de burgo quonda alme vni- uersitatis Cautabrigien. cancellariu : . . . Venudatur London, apud bibliopolas in cimiterio sancti Pauli : sub intersignio sancte ac indiuidue trinitatis. [Col.] . . . in alma Parisiorum academia opera Wollf- gagi hopylii impressa Anno nostre re- demptioie Millesimo quingentesimo-deci- mo. vij. kalendas Julij. Folio, a — r in eights : s, 9 leaves. In two columns. JOHANNES DE MEDIOLANO. Regimen Sanitatis Salerni. The Schooh of Salernes most learned and iuditious Director! e, . . . Perused, and corrected . . , London, Imprinted by Barnard Alsop, and are to be sold bv Iohn Barnes, at his shot in Hosier Lane. 1617. 4°, A— Ff 2 in fours. Dedicated in this impression bj Anonymus to Master Joseph Fenton Esquire, "a Gentleman skilfully experi- enced both in Physicke and Chirurgery.' JOHNSON, SAMUEL, M.A. Purgatory Prov'd by Miracles : Collected out of Roman-Catholick Authors. . Witl: some Remarkable Histories Relating tc British. English, and Irish Saints. With a Preface concerning the Miracles [Quot. from Card. Allen's Defence of tin Doctrine of Purgatory.] London : Printed for Richard Baldwin, mdclxxxviii. 4° B — G 2 in fours, besides title and pre- face, 3 leaves. B. M. JOHNSON, THOMAS. Merchant. A Plea for Free-Mens Liberties : Or The Monopoly of the Eastland Marchants ana- tomized by divers arguments (w ch will also serve to set forth the unjustnesse oi the Marchant-Adventurers Monopoly,] and proved illegal, unnatural!, irrational! against the honour of the Nation, tending to its ruine and vassalage, . . . Penned for the publique good, by Thomas John- son Merchant. [Quotations.] Printed Anno 1646. And are to be sold in Lon- don, at every Stationers shop, that loves liberty, and hates Monopolies. 4°, 4 leaves. • B. M. JONES, JOHN. Judges judged out of their own mouthes, OrThe Question resolved by Magna Charta, &c. Who have been Englands Enemies, Kings Seducers, and Peoples Destroyers, from Hen. 3. to Hen. 8. and before and since Stated by S r . Edward Coke, K nt , late L. Chief Justice of England. Ex- JONES. 149 KENT. postulated, and put to the Vote of the People, by J. Jones, Gent. Whereunto is added Eight Observable Points of Law, Executable by Justices of Peace. . . . London, Printed by W. Bently, and are to be sold by E. Dod, and N. Ekins, . . . mdcl. 12°. A, 2 leaves, with title and dedication to the Parliament and People : B-F in twelves, F 11-12 blank. B. M. Jurors Judges of Law and Fact : Or cer- tain Observations of certain differences in points of Law between a certain reverend Judg, called, Andr. Horn, and an un- certain Author of a certain Paper, printed by one Francis Neale this year 1650, styled, A Letter of due Censure and Redargution to Lievt-Col. John Lilburn, touching his Tryall at Guild-Hall, . . . London", Printed by W. D. for T. B. and G. M. [1650.] 12°, A— E in twelves, A 1 and E 12 blank. Dedicated by Jones to the Army of England " From my Lodging at M r . Mundays hous in Clark- enwel, this 29. of July, 1650." B. M. JONES, MICHAEL. Lieut: General Jones's Letter To the Councel of State, of a Great Victory which it hath pleased God to give the Forces in the City of Dublin under his Command, on the Second of this instant August, against the Earl of Orniond and the Lord Inchiquin's Forces before that City. Together with the list of all the Prisoners. . . . London, Printed for Ed- ward Husband, . . . August 11. 1649. 4°, A— B 2 in lours. JONSTON, ARTHUR. Paraphrasis Poetica Psalmorvm Davidis. Auctore Artvro Ionstono, Scoto. Acces- serunt ejusdem Cantica Evangelica Symbolvm Apostolicvm, Oratio Dominica, Decalogvs. Aberdoniae, Imprimebat Edwardus Ra- banus, Anno 1637. Sm. 8°. Title, dedi- cation, and to the Reader, 3 leaves : A — M* in eights. JURIKN, PIERRE. The Reflections of the Reverend and Learned Monsieur Jurien Upon the strange and Miraculous Exstasies of Isabel Vincent, The Shepherdess of Saov in Dauphine ; Who ever since February last hath sung Psalms, Prayed, Preached, and Prophesied about the present Times, in her Trances. As also Upon the Won- derful and Portentous Trumpetings and Singing of Psalms that were heard by Thousands in the Air (in many parts of France) in the Year 1686 : ... To which is added, A Letter of a Gentleman in Dauphine, To a Friend of his in Geneva, containing the Discourses and Prophesies of the Shepherdess. All Faithfully Translated out of the French Copies, for Publick Information. . . . London, Printed for Richard Baldwin in the Old- Baily, 1689. 4°, B— K2 in fours and the title. B. M. JURY-MAN. The Grand -Jury-Man's Oath and Office Explained : And the Rights of English- Men Asserted. A Dialogue between a Barrister at Law, and A Grand-Jury- Man. Loudon, Printed for Langley Curtis, near Fleet-Bridge upon Ludgate- Hill. 1680. 4°, B— D in fours and the title. JUVENAL and PERSIUS. Ivnii Ivvenalis Et Avli Persii Flacci Satyrse : Cum Annotationibus ad mar- ginem, quae obscurissima quae que dilu- cidare possunt. Londini Excudebat Richardus Field impensis Guilielmi Welby. 1612. Sm. 8°, A— L in eights, L 8 blank. Dedicated by the Editor, Thomas Farnaby, to Piince Henry. B.M. KEN, THOMAS, Bishop of Winchester. A Manual of Prayers For the Use of the Scholars of Winchester College. And all other Devout Christians. To which is added three Hymns for Morning, Even- ing, and Midnight ; not in the former Editions : By the same Author. Newly Revised. London, Printed for Charles Brome . . . 1700. 12°, A— Fin twelves, A 1 with the Arms of the College. KENNET, WHITE, D.D., Bishop of Peterborough. Memoirs of the Family of Cavendish. By White Kennet, D.D. Archdeac. of Hun- tingdon, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. London, Printed and Sold by H. Hills, ... For the Benefit of the Poor, 1708. 8°, A— F in fours. KENT. A baudie song of a maide of Kent. [1568.] Mentioned by Gosaon (Plaies Confuted, repr. Hazlitt, p. 189) as having formed part of some dramatic performance about this time ; he probably refers to the snatch in Wager's The longer thou livest, the more fool thou art, 1568, and doubtless the author quoted from a production under his eyes in the shape of a broadsheet. See Chappell's Popular Music, i. 348. K1RB Y. LE CLERC. KIRBY, RICHARD, and JOHN BI- SHOP, Students in the Celestial Science. The Marrow of Astrology In two Books. Wherein is contained the Natures of the Signes and Planets, with their several Governing Angels, . . . Also a new Table of Houses, exactly calculated for the Latitude of London, . . . London: Printed by Joseph Streater, near Paul's- Wharf in Thames-street, for the Authors, and are to be Sold bv John Southby at the Harrow in Cornhill. 1687. 4°, A— P in fours, and a leaf of Q : Part 2, A — in fours, and a, 4 leaves. L. M., D.D. Proposals to the King and Parliament, Or a Large Model of a Bank, Shewing how a Fund of a Bank may be made without much charge, or any hazard, that may give out Bills of Credit to a vast extent, that all Europe will accept of, rather than Money. . . . London, Printed for Henry Million at the sign of the Bible in Fleet- Street, 1678. 4°, A— F in fours. LADY. Tiie Lady's New-years Gift : . . . . The Second Edition Corrected by the Original. London, Printed by Matt. Gillyflower in Westminster-Hall, and James Partridge at Charing-Cross. 1688. Sm. 8°, B— H 10 in twelves, beside the frontispiece, title, and an Advertisement. In the Advertisement the publishers in- form us that the original MS. had been sent to a scrivener to be copied out, and that he had made a large number of mis- takes, which disfigure the first edition, and that the true copy may be distinguished by the engraving before the title. LA FONTAINE. Miscellaneous Poetical Novels or Tales, Relating Many pleasing and instructive Instances of Wit and Gallantry in Both Sexes : Suited to the Belle-Humeur of the Present Age. Adorn'd with Sculp- tures. London ; Printed for John Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, mdccv. Folio, B — F, 2 leaves each and the title : G, 1 leaf : Second Collection, B — F, 2 leaves each and the title. LAING, JAMES, Scotns, Doctor of the Sorbonne. De Vita et Moribvs atqve Rebvs Gestis Haereticorvm nostri Temporis &c. Tra- ductis ex sermone Gallico in Latinum, quibus multa addita sunt, . . . Parisiis, Apud Michaelem de Roigny . . . 1584. ... 8°. a, 8 leaves : S, 4 leaves : I, 8 leaves, last blank : A — P 6 in eights. Dedicated to Mary, Queen of Scots. LAW. Humble Proposals to the Parliament Now Assembled. Whereby the Profession ol the Civil Law may be used in certain Cases, to the great ease and benefit of the People, without looking back to Episco- pacy, or any thing that is abolished, oi making any use of the Popes Law, com- monly called The Canon Law, or taking away any thing from the Common Law and in a perfect compliance with this present Government. Loudon, Printed bv E. C. for R. Royston at the Angel ir Ivie-lane, 1656. 4°, A— B 2 in fours B 2 blank. LEAGUE. The Necessarie Leagve. Printed the las of Septemb. 1625. Sm. 8°, A— B ii eights, B 8 blank. Engl, and Fr. B. M LEAGUE AND COVENANT. Generall Demands Concerning the Lat< Covenant : Propounded by the Minister and Professors of Divinitie in Aberdene to some Reverend Brethren, who cam thither to recommend the late Covenan to them, . . . Edinhvrgh, Printed b; Robert Young, Anno 1638. Cvm Privi legio. 4°, A — E in fours. The Answeres of some Brethren of th Ministerie, To the Renlyes of the Mini sters and Professours of Divinitie In Aber deene : Concerning the Late Covenanl 2 : Chron. 15. 15. And all Ivda reioycet . . . Printed the yeare of God, 163S. 4' A — I, 2 leaves each. A Phenix, Or, The Solemn League an Covenant. Whereunto is Annexed, ] The Form and manner of His Majestie Coronation in Scotland. With a Sermo: then preached on that occasion, by Robei Douglas of Edenburfjh. II. A Declara tion of the Kings Majesty to all His lovin Subjects of the Kingdoms of Scotlanc &c. in the Yeare 1650. III. The grea Danger of Covenant-breaking, &c. Bein the substance of a Sermon preached h Edm. Calamy the 14. of Jan. 1645. befor the then Lord Mayor of the City of Lon don, Sir Tho. Adams, together with th Sheriffs, Aldermen, and Coinmon-councel of the said City : being the day of thei taking the Solemn League and Covenan at Michael Basenshaw, London. Edin burgh, Printed in the year of Covenant breaking. Sm. 8vo, A— G in twelve.- besides the frontispiece, title, and Preface 3 leaves more. LE CLERC, M. The Life and Character of Mr. Joh: LE FEVRE. 151 LINDEWOODE. Locke, Author of the Essay concerning Humane Understanding . . . done into English by T. F. P. Gent. London; Printed for John Clark at the Bible and Crown in the Old Change near St. Pauls . . . 1706. 4°. Title and Translator's Preface, 2 leaves : B— E in fours. LE FEVRE, RAOUL. The Recuyles or Gaderige to gyder of y Hystoryes of Troye. Wynkyn de Worde, 1503. Folio. Mr. Quaritch informs me that he has exa- mined his copy of this book, formerly in the Enschede Collection in Holland, since in two American collections successively, and now in Mr. Quaritch's possession, and that there is no doubt of the true date be- ing 1503, not 1502, as in the Pepys example. The copy at King's College, Cambridge, according to Dr. Aldis "Wright, who referred to it for me some years ago, has had the ad- ditional numeral inserted in MS. LEICESTERSHIRE. The Late Barbarous and Inhumane Cruel- ties Inflicted upon certain Persons Called Quakers for their Peaceable Religious Meetings, in the County of Leicester, by the Instigation of Thomas Cotten Priest, and divers Officers of the Parish of Broughton, . . . London, Printed for Benjamin Clark . . . 1682. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. LE STRANGE, SIR ROGER. The Case Put. Concerning the Succes- sion of His Royal Highness the Duke of York . . . The Second Edition Enlarged. London : Printed by M. C. for Henry Brome . . . 1679. 4°, A— E 2 in fours. The Reformed Catholique : Or, The True Protestant. [Matth. 24. 26 . . .] Lon- don, Printed for Henry Brome, . . . 1679. 4°. Title preceded by a blank, 2 leaves : B — F 2 in fours. The Casuist Uncas'd. In a Dialogue be- twixt Richard and Baxter, With a Mode- rator Between them, For Quietnesse Sake. By Roger L'Estrange. London, Printed for Henry Brome . . . 1681. 4°, A— L in fours. An Answer to a Letter to a Dissenter, Upon Occasion of His Majesties Late Gracious Declaration of Indulgence. Lon- don, Printed for R. Sare at Grays-Inn- Gate in Holborn, 1687. 4°, A— G 2 in fours. LETTER. A Letter to Monsieur B - - - de M - - - at Amsterdam, written Anno . 1676. No place, &c. 4°, 4 leaves. A Letter from a Soldier, Being some Re- marks Upon a Late Scandalous Pamphlet: Entituled, An Address of some Irish Folks to the House of Commons. Printed in the Year, 1702. 4°, A— D, 2 leaves each. A Letter to the Author of the Memorial of the Church of England. London, Printed in the Year 1705. 4°, A — D in fours, and a leaf of E. LETTER, PRINTER'S. Specimen of the Several Sorts of Letter Given to the University by Dr John Fell Sometime Lord Bishop of Oxford. To which is Added The Letter Given by M r F. Junius. Oxford, Printed at the Theater A.D. 1695. 4°, a— f 2 in fours. B.M. The two last leaves are occupied by a List of the Matrices given by Bishop Fell. The whole of the text is a reproduction of the several fonts. LINDEWOODE or LYNDEWODE, WILLIAM. [Provinciale seu Constitutiones Provincia- les Anglia3. Oxford, Theodore Rood,about 1485.] Large folio. In two columns. With signatures and headlines, the latter having the appearance of having been separately worked, and without catch- words and foliation, a — c in eights, a 1 being blank on recto, and occupied on verso by a woodcut : d, 6 : e— g in eights : h, 6 : i, 8 : k — 1 omitted : m — o in eights : p, 6 : q — s in eights : t, 6 : v — y in eights : z, 6 : A— D in eights : E, 6 : F— N in eights : O, 6 : P— R in eights : S, 10 leaves, the 10th blank : the Table, aa — cc in eights, aa i blank : dd, 9 leaves. On the 9th leaf of S occurs the colophon, but no imprint. B. M. De summa trinitate & fide catholica [This is the whole title on A 1 recto as a head-line ; on A 1 verso occurs as a run- ning title :] Liber primus De costitutioibus. [Col.] Expliciunt constitutiones Legatum cum Johanne Othone. Impressum per me Richardum Pynson. [About 1495.] 8°, a — g in eights : h, 9, followed by two blank : Constitutiones Othonis, a — e 4 in eights. With the colophon on E 2 verso and the mark on E 4 verso. Without catchwords and pagination, and with the signatures (except h) marked only on first leaf of sheet. B. M. Prouinciale seu Constitutiones Anglie Cum sunimariis atoj iustis annotationi- bus : honestis characteribus : summaqj accuratione rursum impresse. [Col.] Ex- plicitu est opus ... in inclyta parisiana acadeiuia. Anno salutis nostre Millesimo LISTER »52 L YNDSA V. quingentesimo primo. Maii vero die xxviij. Folio. In two columns, a 8 - b 6 : c 8 : d 8 : e 8 : f * ; g s : j, a . j_ q . 8 r 6 : s— z in eights : one sheet of eight and one of six under irregular signatures • A— B in sixes : C, 7. B. M. From the press of A. Bocanl. Prouinciale seu Costitutiones Anglie : cii summarijs / atq3 iustis annotationib'us / politissimis caracteribus / summaqj ac- curationae rursum reuise atq3 impresse. [Col.] Explicit preclaru opus Willhelmi Lindwoode eruditissinii viri super consti- tutionesprouinciales Anglie : summacura at(j5 diligentia Christophori Endouien. Antwerpie impressum . vna cu annota- tionibus debitis . . . Impensis vero Fian- cisci Brickman honesti mercatoris Anno salutis nostre millesimo quingentesimo vi- cesiino quinto . xx. die Deceml)ris. Folio printed in two columns, with copious marginal glosses. A (with verses and woodcuts enclosed in a border, Table &c.)— D 4 in eights, D 4 blank ' A (re- peated) — X in eights : AA— KK in eights : LL, 10. LISTER, MARTIN, F.E.S. Martini Lister E Societate Regia Londini Hystoriae Aniinalium Angliae Tres Trac- tatus : Unus de Araneis. ' Alter de Coch- leis Turn Terrestribus turn Fluviatilibus Tertius de Cochleis Marinis. Quibus ad- jectus est Quartus de Lapidibus ejusdem Insula} ad Cochlearum quandam ima.'i- nem figuratis. M.morias & Batumi. Lon- dini, Apud Job. Martyn . . . 1678. 4° A— Kk in fours, A 1 with Imprimatur and Kk 8 with Errata. With folded plates m D, P, X, Z, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, and Ii. LLOYD, DAVID, Dean of St. Asaph. 1 he Legend of Captaine Jones : Relating His adventure to Sea : His first landing and strange combate with a mighty Bear! His furious battell with his sixe and thirty men Against the Army of eleven Kings with their overthrow and deaths His relieving of Kemper Castle His strange and admirable Sea-fight with sixe huge Uallies of Spaine, and nine thousand Souldiers . . . London, Printed by M F lor Richard Marriot, and are to be sold at his Shop under the Kings Head Tavern i'L? ee t Str ? et '« e . ere Cha »cery lane end. 1648. _ 4°, A— C in fours and A— F in lours, including a frontispiece by W. Mar- shall to the first portion. B. M. LONDON. Another Cry of the Innocent & Oppressed For Justice : Or, A Second Relation of the unjust proceedings at the Sessions held a Hicks's Hall for the County of Middlesex and at the Old-Bail v, London, the 6 th am tne 14 th dayes of the 10th Month or De cember, 1664. With and against 32 mor of the People called Quakers, . . Vnt which also is now Added, A Brief; Shor Summary of the Sentencing of 36 mor of the aforesaid people, in scorn calle< Quakers ... at the two places abovi mentioned, . . . where thev were all Sen tenced for to be Transported to the Islam of Jamaica . . . London, Printed in tin Year, 1664. 4°, A— D in fours. Another Cry of the Innocent and Op^ pressed for Justice. Or a third Relatiot of the unjust proceedings at the Session? held at Hicks's Hall . . . Upon the 18" and 27 th dayes of the twelfth Month called February, in the year 1664. . . . Untc which is added a Short Postscript. Printed in the Year 1665. 4°, A— B in fours. Many of these were also shipped to " Ga- maica, as it is spelled on the title, for seven years. The Second Part of the Peoples \ An ^ \ T ., J ( and Just ( Liberties Asserted in the Proceedings against, and Tryals of Tho. Rudyard Francis Moor, Rich. Mew, ... At the Sessions begun and held at the Old-Bailey in London the last day of the 6 th Month, . . . Printed in the Year, 1670. 4°, A— I 2 in fours. Here is a full and true Relation of one Mr. Rich. Langlv, a Glazier, Living over- against the Sign of the Golden- Wheat- Sheaf in Ratcliff Highway, London, that lay in a Trance for Two Days and One Night. He also saw the Joys of Heaven, and the Terrors of Hell . . . Licensed according to Order. London: Printed for T. Bland m-ar Fleetstreet. 1708. 8° 4 leaves. B. M. LYNDSAY, SIR DAVID. The Workes of the Famovs and Worthy Knight, Sir Dauid Lindesay.of the Mount, alias, Lyon. King of Armes : Newlie corrected and vindicate from the former errours, . . . Edinbvrgh, printed by Andrew Hart. 1634. 8°, black letter, A— Y in eights. With the fictitious por- trait of the author on the title. B. M. As Andrew or Andro Hart was dead some time prior to 1634, the imprint appears to be inaccurate. Other books of this date purport to be printed by Hart's heirs. The Works of the Famous and Worthy Knight, Sir David Lindesay, . . . Edin- MAC ARIA. *53 MAN LEY. bvrgh, Printed by Andrew Anderson, and are to be sold at bis House, on the Nornb [sic] side of the Cross, Anno Dom. 1670. Small 8vo, black letter, A — L in twelves : M 8, the last leaf blank. B. M. The Works of the Famous and Worthy Knight, Sir David Lindesay of the Mount, alias Lyon, King of Amies. . . Glasgow, Printed by Robert Sanders, one of His Majesties Printers, 1696. 12°, A— L in twelves. Black letter. B. M. Puttick's, Jan. 31, 1889, No. 664, mis- dated in catalogue 1656. I suspect this to be the identical copy which occurred at a previous auction, and was then erroneously described as of 1636. The third figure of the date is a broken or partly-erased letter ; and the same is the case in that in the British Museum. Sanders was not a printer or pub- lisher at Glasgow till after the Restoration ; nor was there printing there before 1638. The Works of . . . Sir David Lindsay . . . Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, . . . 1709. 12°, black letter, A— L in twelves. B.M. The Works of Sir David Lindsay . . . Belfast, Printed by James Blow, and are to be sold at his Shop 1714. 12°, A— P in twelves. B. M. MACARIA. A Description of the Famous Kingdome of Macaria ; Shewing its Excellent Gov- ernment : Wherein the Inhabitants live in great Prosperity, Health, and Happi- nesse ; the King obeyed, the Nobles honoured, and all good men respected, Vice punished, and venue rewarded. An Example to other Nations. London, Printed for Francis Constable, Anno 1641. 4°, A— C 2 in fours. B. M. MACE, RICHARD, one of the Clerks of Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge. Profit, Conveniency, and Pleasure, to the whole Nation. Being a short Rational Discourse, lately presented to His Ma- jesty, Concerning the High-ways of Eng- land : Their Badness, the Causes thereof, .... Printed for a Publick good in the Year 1675. 4°, A— D 2 in fours. MACKENZIE, SIR GEORGE. Religio Stoici. Acts 1. 11. Ye men of Galilee, . . . Edinbvrgh, Printed for Robert Brown, and are to be sold at his Shop, at the Sign of the Sun, over against the Cross, 1663. Sm. 8°. A, 8 leaves, first blank : B, 4 : B (repeated)— E in eights : F, 7 leaves, no pp. 79, 80 : G — L in eights. B. M. MACKWORTH, SIR HUMPHREY, M.P. England's Glory : Or, The Great Im- provement of Trade in General, By a Royal Bank, Or Office of Credit, To be Erected in London ; Wherein many Great Advantages that will hereby accrue to the Nation, to the Crown, and to the People, are mentioned ; With Answers to the Objections that may be made against this Bank. . . . By H. M. . . . London, Printed by T. W. for Tho. Bever, at the Hand and Star, within Temple-Bar, 1694. 8°. A, 4 leaves : B— G in eights, G 8 blank. Dedicated to Sir William Ashurst. B. M. Peace at Home : Or, A Vindication of the Proceedings of the Honourable the House of Commons, On the Bill for Prevent- ing Danger from Occasional Conformity. Shewing the Reasonableness and even Necessity of such a Bill, for the better Security of the Established Government, for Preserving the Public Peace both in Church and State, and for Quieting the Minds of Her Majesty's Subjects. Lon- don : Printed by Freeman Collins, . . . 1703. Folio, A— E, 2 leaves each. A Bill for the Better Relief, Imployment, and Settlement of the Poor, As the same was Reported from the Committee of the Honoural de House of Commons ; In order that (by Reason of the great Importance and Universal Concern of the said Bill) the same be farther Consider'd against the Next Session of Parliament. London ; Printed by the Direction of Sir Humphry Mackworth, By Fr. Collins in the Old- Baily, for George Strahan, at the Golden- Ball, near the Royal" Exchange . . . 1704. Folio, A — E, 2 leaves each, and the title. An advertisement at end is dated by Mackworth from his house in Park Street, Westminster, April 24, 1704. MAN. The Man in the Moon, Discovering a World of Knavery under the Sunne ; Both in the Parliament, the Counsell of State, the Army, the City, and the Country. With Intelligence from all parts of Eng- land. Scotland, and Ireland. [1649.] 4°, A— I in fours(?). The present is No. 9, from June 5 to June 13, 1649, and is under sign. I. Whether there were more than nine numbers, I do Dot yet know. MANLEY, THOMAS. A Discourse ; Shewing That the Expor- tation of Wooll is destructive to this Kingdom : Wherein is also shewed the MARKHAM. 154 MONK. necessity of promoting our woollen Manu- facture, and moderating the Importation of some Commodities, and Prohibiting others ; with some easie Expedients touch- ing thereunto. By Thomas Manly Esquire. London. Printed for Samuel Crouch, 1677. 4°, A — B in fours. MARKHAM, GERVASE. The Complete Farriar, Or The Kings High-Way to Horsmanship. Experi- mentally unfolding 1. The dyeting and governing of the Running Horse. 2. How to order, feed, and keep any Horse for War, Pleasure, Hunting, or Travell. Lastly, Certaine rare and approved secrets for the Cure of the worst infirmities in Horses. By G. Markham. London, Printed by J. D. for R. Young, and are sold by P. Nevill in Ivie-lane, 1639. 8°, A— M 6 in eights. B. M. MARTIN, JAMES, of Dunkeld, Professor of PJiilosophi/ at Turin. Iacobi Martini Scoti Dvnkeldensis : . . . de prima simplicium, & concretorum cor- porum generatione .... Avgvstae Tav- rinorvm Apud hseredes Nicolai Beuila- quse. m.d.lxxvii. 4°, A — T in fours. Dedicated to the Archbishop of Turin, Chancellor of the University. B. M. Iacobi Martini . . . de prima simplicium . . . generatione disputatio. . . . Canta- brigiae, Ex otiicina Thomje Thomse cele- berrimae Acadeinise Cantabrigiensis Typo- graphi. 1584. 8°. % 8 leaves : A— M in eights. B. M. and Bodl. Iacobi Martini . . . De prima simplicium . . . generatione .... Francofvrdi Apud Ioannem Wechelum. mdlxxxix. 8°, A— I 4 in eights. B. M. MARTIN, RICHARD, of the Middle Temple. A Speech Delivered to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, in the name of the Sheriffs ofLondon and Middlesex. Printed at Oxford for William Webb, And re- printed for Anthony Vinson, 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. Originally published in 1603. [MAY, THOMAS.] Arbitrary Government Displayed to the Lite, In The Tyrannical Usurpation of a Junto of Men called the Rump Parlia- ment. And More especially in that of the Tyrant and Usurper, Oliver Crom- well. . . . With the Characters and Lives of several of those Usurpers, . . . Illus- trated with several Brass-Cutts, repre- senting the Chief Persons, and Passages therein. London, Printed for Charles Lei»h in the Year, 1682. 12°, A— D in twelves : *, 2 leaves : E — I in twelves. With a frontispiece and plates in com- partments iu signatures B, C, D, and I, MERCURIUS. Numb. 1. Of the Parliament's second Purge. Mercvrjvs Militaris, Or The People's Scout. Discovering the Design es Interests and Humors of the Civil and Martial Conventicles Of ( Westminster, < Darbv-House ( and White- Hall, &c. The English Frenchmen are quite gone, The English Scots past Tweed, And the English Jews got in the Throne, Next (sure) the true English speed. . . . Printed in the Yeer 1649. 4°, A— B in fours. This number is for the week from Tues- day, April 17, to Tuesday, April 24, 1649. MISSALE. Missale Ad vsum celeberrime ecclesie Eboracensis optimis caracteribus receter Impressum cura perui<,'ili maximaq5 lucu- bratione mendis q pluribus emendatum. Sumptibus & expensis Johannis gachet mercatoris librarii bene meriti iuxta pre- fatam ecclesiain commorantis. Anno dni decimo sexto supra millesimum et quiu- getesimu. Die vero quinta Februafii completum atq, perfectum. Folio. B. M. This copy is very incomplete. MONEY. The mistaken Advantage by Raising of Money, discovered in a Letter to a Friend. [Col.] Edinburgh, Printed by John Reid, . . . 1695. 4°, A— D 2 in fours, D 2 blank. MONIPENNIE, JOHN. An Abridgement or Summary of the Scots Chronicles. . . . Newly inlarged, corrected, and amended. Glasgow, By Robert Sanders, Printer to the Town, and are to be sold at his shop. 1671. Sm. b°, A — K in twelves. With a folded Table of the Kings of Scotland. MONK, GEORGE, Duke of Albemarle. The true state of the Transactions of Colonel George Monk with Owen-Roe- Mac-Art-O-Neal ; As it was Reported to The Parliament by the Councel of State. Together with the Votes & Resolutions of the Parliament thereupon. . . . London, Printed for Edward Hus- band, . . . August 15. 1649. 4°, A— B in fours. MOORE. 155 NETHERLANDS. The Northern Qveries from the Lord Gen: Monck His Qvarters, Sounding an Allarum, to all Loyal Hearts, and Free- born English-men. Arms, Arms, Anns, In Defence of our Lives, Laws, liberties, and Parliaments ; Against the Tyrannical Power, and Domination of the Sword. Printed in the Year of Englands Confu- sions, and ate to be sold at the Sign of Wallingford House, right against A Free Parliament. 4°, 4 leaves. MOORE, ADAM. Bread for the Poor. And Advancement of the English Nation. Promised by Enclosure of the Wastes and Common Grounds of England. London : Printed by R. & W. Leybourn, for Nicholas Bourn, . . . 1653. 4°, B— G in fours : a, 4 leaves, and the title. MORGAN, SYLVANUS. Peplvrn Heroum. A Tretise of Honor and Honorable men. Wherein the nature, Antiquity, necessity, effects of Amies and honor is fully demonstrated. Exemplified in divers remuneration an[d] signall Ar- moriall Remembrances. . . . BySiluanus Morgan 1642. 4°, 85 leaves. With a few arms in trick, &c. Unpublished MS. sold at Sotheby's, March 29, 1889, No. 942. MORLAND, SIR S. Tuba Stenoro-Phonica, An Instrument of Excellent Use, As well at Sea, as at Land ; Invented and variously Experimented in the Year 1670. And Humbly Presented to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty Charles II. In the Year, 1671. The Instruments (or Speaking-Trumpets) of all Sizes and Dimensions are Made and Sold by Mr. Simon Beal, one of His Ma- jesties Trump 8 : in Suffolk-street. Lon- don, Printed by W. Godbid, and are to be sold bv M. Pitt at the White-Hart in Little-Britain. 1672. Folio, A— D, 2 leaves each. With a series of engravings printed with the letterpress. The Poor Man's Dyal With an Instrument to Set it. Made applicable to any place in England, Scotland, Ireland, &c. By Sir Samuel Morland Knight and Baronet. 1689. And are to be Sold at all the But- ton-Sellers, Cutlers, and Toy-Shops about the Town. And will be shortly publisht in several other Sizes and Dimensions, for the Good of the publick, and for the con- sumption of the manufacture of our Nation. 4°, 4 leaves. With a Diagram of the Dial on A 2. Lambeth. Reprinted by Mr. Prosser of the Patent Office, 4°, 1886. MOSCHINI, CARLO. Brutes Turn'd Criticks, Or Mankind Moraliz'd by Beasts. In Sixty Satyrical Letters Upon the Vices and Follies of our Age . . . now done into English with some Improvements. . . . London, Printed for Daniel Dring at the Harrow and Crown at the Corner of Cliffords- Inn-Lane in Fleetstreet, 1695. 8°. A, 8 leaves : a — b 6 in twelves : B — H in twelves, H 12 with Advertisements. Dedicated by John Savage, the translator, to Thomas Coke of Melbourn in Derby- shire. With several seta of commendatory verses, including some in English by A. Boyer, J. Drake, E. Hart, and Alexander Oldis. MUN, THOMAS. England's Benefit and Advantage By Foreign Trade, Plainly Demonstrated. Dedicated to the Merchant-Adventurers of England. By Tho. Mun, Merchant. London : Printed bv E. J. lor Tho. Home . . . 1698. 8°. A, 4 leaves: B — M in eights. MUSEUM MINERVA. The Second Lecture Being an Introduc- tion to Cosmographie : Read Publiquely at S r Balthazar Gerbiers Academy on Bednall Greene. Rom. cap. 1. ver. 20. . . . London Printed for Robert Ibbit- son in Smithfield near the Queens- head Tavern, 1649. 4°. A — C in fours. Dedicated by Gerbier D'Ouvilly to the President of the Council of State, from Bethnal Green, Nov. 5. 1649. NAPIER, JOHN, Lord Napier of Mer- chistoun. Logarithmorvm Canonis Descriptio, Sev Arithmeticarvm Svppvtationvm Mirabilis Abhreviatio. . . . Lvgdvni, Apud Barth. Vincentium. m.dc.xx. ... 4°, A — M 2 in fours. Dedicated to James I. Mirifici Logarithmorvm Constrvctio. Et Eorvm ad Natvrales ipsorum numeros habitudines ; . . . Lvgdvni, . . . m.dc.xx. 4°. . . . A — H in fours, H 4 with Privi- lege. With a preface by Robert Napier, the writer's son. Napiers Narration : Or, An Epitome of his Booke of the Revelations . . . London, Printed by R. 0. and G. D. for Giles Cal- vert. 1641. 4°, A— C in fours. B. M. NETHERLANDS. A Proclamation Given by the Discreet Lords and States, against the slanders laid vpon the Euangelicall and Reformed Religion, by the Arminians and Separa- tists : Containing all the Points, Accusa- NEVILLE. 156 NEW ENGLAND. tions, Declarations and Confessions, taken out of the last Prouinciall Synode holden at Arnhem, the 15. day of September last past. 1618. Together with the seuerall Examinations and Confessions (at Vtrecht and the Hauhe) . . . Printed according to the Dutch Originals, At London Bv G. E. for Tli : Th: and Richard Chambers, and are to be solde at the eigne of the blacke Beare in Paules Church-yard. 1618. 4°, A— C in fours, C 4 blank. B. M. A Letter from the Synod of Zeland, To the Commissioners of the Generall As- sembly of the Kirk of Scotland : Written by them in Latin, and now faithfully translate into English : Expressing, 1. Their fellow-feeling of the present condi- tion of the Kirks of Ireland and England, & exciting us to the like . . . Printed at Edinburgh by Evan Tyler, . . . 1643. 4°, A — C 2 in fours. A Relation of the Defeating Card. Maza- rine & Oliv. Cromwel's Design to have taken Ostend by Treachery, in the Year, 1658. Written in Spanish by a Person of Quality (who was a chief Actor in the preventing of it) by way of Letter to a friend of his presently after the business. Since Printed in that Language, and now Translated into English. Fall are falentem [sic] non est fraus. London, Printed for Hen. Herringman, . . . 1666. Sm. 8°. A, 6 leaves, title on A 2 : B — F in twelves : G, 6. B. M. A Journal of the late Notions and Actions of the Confederate Forces Against the French, in the United Provinces and the Spanish Netherlands With Curious Re- marks on the Situation, Strength and Rarities of the most considerable Cities, Towns and Fortifications in those Coun- treys. Together with an exact List of the Army. Written by an English Officer, who was there during the last Campaign. London, Printed, and are to be sold by Richard Baldwin, near the Black Bull in the Old-Baily, 1690. 4°. A, 2 leaves: B— E in fours. B. M. NEVILE, ALEXANDER. Norfolkes Fvries, Or A View of Ketts Campe : Necessary for the Malecontentes of our Time, for their instruction, or terror ; and profitable for euery good svb- ject, to incourage him vpon the vndoubted hope of the Victorie, to stand faithfully to maintayne his Prince and Covntrey, his Wife and Children, goods, and In- heritance. With a Table of the Maiors and Sheriffes of the Worshipfull City of Norwich, euer since the first grant by Henry the Fourth ; Together with the Bishops of that See, and other Accidents there. Set forth first in Latin by Alex- ander Nevil, Translated into English, for the yse of the common People, by R. W. Minister of Frettenham in Norfolke, and a Citizen borne, who beheld part of these things with his yong Eyes. [Quot. from Rom. 13. 5.] London," Printed by Wil- liam Stansby for Henry Fetherstone, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church- yard, at the signe of the Rose. 1615. 4°, A — L in fours. Dedicated to Sir Thomas Hiren, Knight, Mayor of Norwich. B. J/. NEW ENGLAND. Newes from New-England : Of A most strange and prodigious Birth, brought to Boston in New-England, October the 17. being a true and exact Relation, brought over April 19. 1642. by a gentleman of good worth, now resident in London. Also other Relations of strange and prodigious Births in these Countries following. The 1. from New-England. The 2. from Oui- eres. The 3d. in Ravena. The 4. in Paris. The 5. in St. Andwes Church in Paris. The 6. in the Forrest Biern. [Col.] London : Printed for John G. Smith [do], 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. With cuts on the title and at end. B. M. Good news from New-England : With An exact Relation of the first planting that Countrey : A description of the pro- fits accruing by the Worke. Together with a briefe, but true discovery of their Order both in Church and Common- wealth, and maintenance allowed the painfull Labourers in that Vineyard of the Lord. With The names of the seve- ral 1 Towns, and who be Preachers to Them. London ; Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1648 [March 10, 1647-8.] 4°, A — C in fours, a leaf of D, and the title. Chiefly in verse. B. M. New-England's Present Sufferings under their Cruel Neighbouring Indians ; Re- presented in two Litters, lately Written from Boston to London. London, Printed in the Year 1675. 4°, 4 leaves. News from New-England, Being A True and last Account of the present Bloody Wars, carried on betwixt the Infidels, Natives, and the English Christians, and Converted Indians of New-England, de- claring the many Dreadful Battles fought betwixt them : As also the many Towns and Villages burnt by the merciless Heathens. . . . London, Printed for J. NEWNHAM. 157 OTIVAY. Coniers at the Sign of the Black-Raven in Duck-Lane, 1676. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. A Brief Relation of the State of New England, from the Beginning of the Plan- tation to the Present Year, 1689. In a letter to a Person of Quality. London, Printed for Richard Baldwin, near the Black Bull in the Old-Baily, 1689. 4°, A — C 2 in fours, C 2 with Advertisements. B. M. A Trip to New-England. With a Cha- racter of the Country and People, Both English and Indians. London, Printed in the Year, 1699. Folio, A— D, 2 leaves each. Probably written by William Fuller. NEWNHAM, JOHN. Nevvuanis Nightcrowe. A Bird that hreedeth braules in many Families and Housholdes. Wherein is reniemhred that kindely and prouident regard which Fathers ought to haue towards their Sonnes. Together with a disciphring of the inuurious dealinges of some younger sorte of stepdames. Vnicuique secundum opera eius. Cor. 2. Vix reijcis florem qui dulcem prcebet odorem. London, Printed by Iohn Wolfe. 1590. 4°, A— H in fours. Dedicated to Thomas Owen, Es- quire, Serjeant-at-law. In prose, except some verses at the end to and by the writer, and " The Bookes purpose " on the back of the title. B. M. NEWTON, JOHN, A.M., sometime Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge, and now Vicar of St. Martins, Leicester. The Penitent Recognition of Joseph's Brethren. A Sermon Occasion'd by Eliza- beth Ridgeway, who for the Petit Treason of Poysoning Her Husband, Was, on March 24. 168f, according to the Sentence of the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Street, one of His Majesties Judges of Assize for the Midland Circuit, Burnt at Leicester : When and where were also Executed William Tannessy and Edward Orton, for Burglary ; Sons of one Woman. To which is prefixed a full Relation of the Woman's Fact, Tryal, Carriage, and Death. Ornari res ipsa negat, contenta doceri. London, Printed lor Richard Chiswel, and sold by William Atkins, Bookseller in Leicester. 1684. 4°, A — F 2 in fours, A 1-2 and F 2 blank. De- dicated to Andrew Freeman, Esq., Mayor of Leicester. B. M. NICCOLS, RICHARD. Monodia Or Walthams Complaint, Vpon the death of that most Vertiious and Noble Ladie, late deceased, the Lady Honor Hay, sole Daughter and Heire to the Right Honorable Edward, Lord Dennie, Baron of Waltham, and wife to the Right Honourable lames Lord Hay. Virtus post funera vinit. By R. N. Oxon. London, Printed by W. S. for Richard Meighen and Thomas Iones, and are to be sold at their shop without Temide- barre vnder S. Clements Church. 1615. Small 8°. Bodleian. Collation : — A — B in eights, title on A 4, A 1-3 having been probably blank, as was B 8. Printed within head and tail pieces, only the first leaf of B signed. Dedicated by Niccols in verse "To the same right Honorable Lords, the Lord Dennie, and the Lord Hay;" on the back of which leaf is a curious woodcut. Tbere is a second on B 7 verso. Communicated by the Kev. F. Madan, of the Bodleian Library. NORFOLK. Good Counsel and Advice unto the Ma- gistrates and People of Norwich : With a brief Relation of some of the Sufferings of the People of Cod, called, Quakers in the said City. Printed in the Year 1676. 4°, 4 leaves. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. The Cry of Oppression Continued & En- creased in Nottingham-Shire Being A brief Relation of some of the late Cruel Sufferings of the People of God, called, Quakers in the said County ; . . . Printed in the Year, 1676. 4°, A — in fours. The copy employed ended imperfectly on A 4. OBSERVATOR. The Observator Defended in A modest Reply to the late Animadversions upon those Notes the Observator published upon the new Doctrines and Positions which the King by way of Recapitulation layes open so offensive. [About 1643.J 4", 6 leaves. ORIGEN. Origen against Celsus : Translated from the Original into English. By James Bellamy, Gent. . . . London, Printed for R. Mills, and Sold by J. Robinson at the Golden Lyon in St. Paul's Church-Yard 8", A — Del 6 in eights, A 1 with half-title. OTWAY, THOMAS, of Trotton, Sussex. Don Carlos Prince of Spain : A Tragedy : . . . The Second Edition Corrected. London, Printed by E. Flesher, for R. Tonson, . . . 1679. 4°, A— I in fours. Dedicated to the Duke of York. The History and Fall of Gains Marius. OVID I US. 158 PARKER. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Dukes Theatre. By Thomas Otway Qui color Albus erat nunc est contrarius Albo. London, Printed for Tho. Flesher, at the Angel and Crown in S. Paul's Church- yard. 1680. 4°, A— K 2 in fours. Dedi- cated to Viscount Falkland. The Orphan Or the Unhappy Marriage : A Tragedy As it is Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre. Written by Tho. Otway. [Quot. from Petronius.] London. Printed for R. Bentley and S. Magnes, . . . 1685. 4°, A— I in fours. Dedicated to the Duchess of York. OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. The Poet Banter'd : Or. Ovid in a Vizor. A Burlesque Poem on His Art of Love. . . . The Second Edition with Additions. London, Printed for A. Baldwin, in War- wick-Lane, 1702. 8°, A — F in fours. B. M. P. D. A Letter from a Jesuit at Paris, to his Correspondent in London ; Shewing the most effectual way to mine the Govern- ment and Protestant Religion. London, Printed, and are to be sold by Jonathan Edwin, at the Three Roses in Ludgate- street. 1679. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. The initials D. P. occur at the end as those of the writer, who dates from Paris, 12 Feb. 167|. PAINTING AND VARNISHING. A Short Introduction to the Art of Paint- ing and Varnishing. London, Printed for George Dawes, over against Lincolns-Inne- Gate, in Chancery-Lane, 1685. Sm. 8°, A in eights. B. M. Probably by John Smith, author of The Art of Painting, 1676, with which it is bound up at the British Museum. PAIOLI, ALFONSO, Ferrarese. Vite del Cardinale Givlio Mazarini, e di Oliviero Cromvele. In Venetia, Et in Bologna. 1675. ... 8°, A— G 10 in twelves. PALATINATE. His MaiestieB Manifest, Touching the Palatine Cavse : And Act of Parliament concerning the same. Published by His Majesties Command. Edinbvrgh, Printed bv Robert and James Brvson, Anno Dom. 1641. 4°, A— B in fours. PALMER, ROGER, Earl of Casthmaine. An Account of What past on Monday the 28th of October, 1689 In the House of Commons, And since at the Kings-Bench- Bar at Westminster, In Relation to the Earle of Castlemaine. London, Printed for Matthew Granger, 1690. 4°, A— C 2 in fours. PANKE, JOHN. The Fal of Babel. By the confusion of tongues, directly proving against the Papists of this, and former ages ; that ... it cannot be discerned by any man living, what they would say, or how be vnderstoode, . . . Printed at Oxford by Ioseph Barnes. 1608. 4°, A— D 3 in fours. B. M. There is in the Museum a reissue, 4 3 , Ox- ford, 1623. PARADISE. The Paradyse of daynty deuyses . . . 1576. Sotheby's, Feb. 14, 1889, No. C59, a copy wanting A 4, and having other leaves slightly defective. It was misdescribed as " pro- bably unique," although the owner might have known that it was not so, and the auctioneers ought certainly to have been aware that such a statement was erroneous and misleading, since at the Heber sale George Ellis's copy sold for £'16. The latter is now, I believe, at Britwell, and I per- sonally informed the artist who executed the facsimile of the missing leaf, that there was a duplicate of this volume in existence. Herbert, in his edition of Ames, de- scribes " the next earliest edition,"' that of 1577, from a copy then belonging to Sir Johu Hawkius ; but that impression, so far as I know, is not in the British Museum, which only possesses the issue of 1596. This appears to be a second serious error in the catalogue. Nor do I see the validity of the farther assertion that "every pos- sible search has been made for it in both public and private libraries without suc- cess." Nor do I believe that it was " bound by F. Bedford." I know that Bedford's private library was sold after his death in 1884. However, under the auspices of these romantic allurements, the item realised a large sum. I challenge every alleged fact published respecting it : — 1. That it was probably unique. 2. That every possible search had been made for a second copy. 3. That the missing leaf was supplied in facsimile from the next earliest edition in the British Museum. 4. That it was bound by F. Bedford. PARKER, SAMUEL. [Insolence and Impudence triumphant ; Envy and Fury enthron'd. The Mirrour of Malice and Madness, In a late Treatise, Entituled, A Discourse of Ecclesiastical Polity, dr., Or, The lively Portraiture of Mr. S. P. Limn'd and drawn by his own hand : And A brief View of his Tame and Softly, Alias, Wild and Savage Humour : As also, some account of his cold & frigid, i.e. fiery Complexion. . . . PARLIAMENT. 159 PENN. Printed in the Year 1669. 4°, A— C 2 in fours.] PARLIAMENT. Englands Prosperity in the Priviledges of Parliament, Set forth in a brief'e Col- lection of their most Memorable services for the honour and safety of this King- dome, since the Conquest, till these pre- sent times. London, Printed for Nicholas Iones. 4°, 4 leaves. The Petition of Rights, Exhibited to His Majestie, By the Lords Spiritvall and Temporall, and Commons in Parliament assembled, concerning Divers Rights and Liberties of the Subjects : with the Kings Majesties severall Answers there- unto. With his Majesties Declaration upon the same. London, Printed for M. Walbancke and L. Chapman. 1642. 4°, 4 leaves. The date has been altered with a pen to 1648. A Declaration of the Parliament of Eng- land. Written to the HiSit Liber Judex. London, Printed for Robert Clavel . . . [1660.] 4°, A— B in four.-, A 1 with the Royal Arms. A Present Answer to the late Complaint Vnto the House of Commons. By divers Members of the said House. Printed in the Yeare m.dc.xlii. 4°, 4 leaves. PARTRIDGE, JOHN. The Treasurie of hidden Secrets. ... At London, Printed by I. W. for Edward White, . . . 1608. 4°, black letter, A— I in fours. PASTOR. The Faithfull Pastor His Sad Lamenta- tion Over, heart-rending challenge and dreadful thunders against, Sharp reproof of, and seasonable warning to his Apos- tat- Flock. In a letter written by a French Minister, . . . Now carefully translated . . . Printed in the Year, 1687. 4°, A— G in fours. B. M. PATERSON, WILLIAM, Founder of the Bank of England. Proposals & Reasons for Constituting a Council of Trade. Edinburgh, Printed in the Year, 1701. 8°. * 4 leaves : **, 4 leaves : A — Bb in fours. PENN, WILLIAM. The Frame of the Government of the Province of Pennsilvania in America : Together with certain Laws Agreed upon in England by the Governour and Divers Free-Men of the aforesaid Province. To be further Explained and Confirmed there by the first Provincial Council and Gene- PETER. 1 60 PLOUGH. ral Assembly that shall be held, if they see meet. Printed in the Year mdclxxxh. Folio, A — D, 2 leaves each, B 2 misprinted A 2. The Preface is subscribed by Peun. PETER, CHARLES, Ghirurgeon. New Observations on the Venereal Dis- ease, With the True Way of Curing the same. The Second Edition Corrected and Enlarged. . . . London, Printed by S. D. and D. N. and are to be Sold by the Author, at his House in St. Martin's- Lane near Long-Acre, four doors from Newport-street, 1695. Price bound one Shilling. Sm. 8°, A— M in sixes. PETITIONS. The severall Humble Petitions of D. Bastwicke, M. Burton, M. Prynne. And of Nath. Wickins, Servant to the said Mr. Prynne. To the Honourable House of Parliament. Whereto is added the humble petitions of severall Friends of the said Mr. Prynne, and the acknow- ledgment prescrib'd to be made by Calvin Bruen, and the rest, in the Cathedrall Church of Chester, and Town-Hall thereof, for visiting the said Mr. Prynne. Printed in the Yeere, 1641. 4°, A— F 2 in funis. PETRUCCI, LODOVICO. Raccolta D'Alcvne Rime, Del Cavaliere Lodovico Petrvcci, Nobile Toscano, . . . Farrago Poematviu, Eqvitis Lvdovcci, Nobilis Tuscani, diversis locis et tem- poribus conscriptorum, & ad diversos Principes dedicatoruni ; vna cum sylva, suarum Persecution um. Oxonue, Ex- cudebat Josephus Barnesius. 1613. 4°, A — Q in fours, Q 4 with Errata, besides a leaf of arms, &c , before the title. Dedi- cated to James I. B. M. Some of the pieces are addressed to Oxonians ; others refer to Queen Eliza- beth, Sir Thomas Bodley, Prince Charles, the Elector Palatine, &c. The text is in Latin ami Italian on opposite pages. Apologia Eqvitis Lodovici Petrvcci contra Calvmniatores bvos Vnacvm Responsione ad libellum a Jesuitis contra Serenis- simum Leonardum Donatvm Ducem Venetvm promulgatum. Excusum Lon- dini. 1619. 4°. Title, 1 leaf : Dedica- tion to James I., 1 leaf: a leaf accom- panied by an emblem, containing verses mi one side directed to Archbishop Abbot, Sir F. Bacon, &c, and on the other an attestation by the Bishop of Salisbury, dated 25 Oct. 1617 : engraved portrait of the author, with 4 lines of verse be- neath, 1 leaf : To the. Reader, a preface in Italian, dated by Petrucci from the Fleet prison, 10 July 1619: A, with verses and emblems in copper, 4 leaves : A (re- peated) — B in fours : C, 1 leaf: ^[, 3 leaves: D 2— F 2 in fours. B. M. The book ends imperfectly on F 2 with the catchword Ad re. Petrucci was at one time a sergeant-major in the Venetian ser- vice in Crete. PETYT, WILLIAM, of the Inner Temple, Esquire. Miscellanea Parliamentaria : Containing Presidents 1. Of Freedom from Arrests. 2. Of Censures. . . . London, Printed for T. Basset . . . and J. Wickins . . . 1680. Sm. 8°. Title, preface, and contents, 3 leaves : A— S in twelves : T, 8 : besides a, 4 leaves. PEYTON, SIR EDWARD. The Divine Catastrophe of the Kingly Family of the House of Stuarte : . . . London : Printed for T. Warner, . . . mdccxxxi. Price One Shilling. 8°. A, 2 leaves : B — I in fours : K, 2. PHILIPPS. FABIAN. Regale Necessarium : Or The Legality, Reason and Necessity of the Rights and Priviledges Justly Claimed by the Kings Servants, And which ought to be allowed unto them. . . . London, Printed for Christopher Wilkinson and are to be Sold at his Shop at the Sign of the Black-Boy in Fleet-street, . . . 1671. 4°. a — c in fours : *, 4 leaves, the last with the Errata: B — 4L in fours. Dedicated to the Duke of Ormond. PIEDMONT. Maichlesse Cruelte. . . . 1655. The Narrative has a separate title as fol- lows : — A Collection or Narrative Sent to his Highness the Lord Protector of the Com- mon-Wealth . . . Concerning The Bloody and Barbarous Massacres, Murthers, and other Cruelties, committed on many thou- sands of Reformed, or Protestants dwelling in the Yallies of Piedmont, by the Duke of Savoy's Forces, joyned therein with the French Army, and severall Irish Regiments. Published by Command of his Highness. Printed for H. Robinson, at the three Pigeons in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1655. PIERCY, BENRY. Muster Henry l'iercies Letter to the Earle of Northumberland, and presented to the Parliament, June, Hi. 1641, 1. Concern- ing tin- Bishops functions and votes. . . . Printed in the yeare, 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. PLOUGH. God Speede the Plovgli. Genes. 26. 12. Sercns litzchak in terra ilta, adeptus est, in eodem amto centuplas mensuras. POOLE Y. 161 rRIESTS. London Printed by Iohn Harison, dwell- ing in Pater noster row, at the signe of the Gray-hound, and are there to he solde. 1601. 4°, A— B in fours. POOLEY, WILLIAM. Part of the Sufferings of Leicestershire & Northamptonshire, By Informers and Priests. Also, God's Mercies Testified Unto, And Mans Cruelty Bore Witness against .... As it hath o f ' late been manifested, and notoriously acted by the Priest and People of the Town of Farthin- stone, in the County of North-hampton, .... London, Printed in the Year 1683. 4°, A— B 2 in fours. POPERY. A Pill to Pvrge ovt Popery : Or A Cate- chisme for Romish Catholikes ; Shewing, Tiiat Popery is contrary to the grounds of the Catholike Religion, and that therefore Papists cannot bee good Catholikes. Lon- don Printed for Beniamin Fisher, and are to be sold at his shop in Pater-noster- Rowe, at the Signe of the Talbot. 1624. Cum Priuilegio. 8°, A — C in eights. B.M. In the Ordinary, by W. Cartwright, writ- ten in 1G34 (Hazlitt's Dodsley, xii. 272), Vicar Catchmey says to Christopher — " I shall live to see thee stand in a play- house door with thy long box, Thy lialf-crowu library, aud cry small books. Buy a good godly sermon, gentlemen — A judgment shown upon a knot of drunkards : A pill to purge out popery " I had not seen, when I edited Dodsley, a copy of this little volume. A Blowe for the Pope. Touching the Popes prerogatiues. Extracted word for word out of the Booke of Martyres. Edinbvr^h, Printed by Iohn Wreittoune. 1631. 4°, A — F 3 in lours and the title. B.M. The Popes Brief : Or Romes Inquiry after the death of their Catholiques here in England, during these Times of Warre : Discovered by two Commissions, .... Together with a Catalogue ot the Vicars General], and Archdeacons under the Bishop of Chalcedon, . . . With divers Letters concerning the same. Also seve- rall Letters and Papers of the Lord Inchi- quines in Ireland, .... London, Printed for Edw : Husbands. Decern. 7. 1643. 4°, A — E in fours. The Unreasonableness and Impiety of Popery: In a Second Letter Written upon the Discovery of the Late Plot. London, Printed for R. Chiswell, . . . 1678. 4°, A — E in fours, E 4 blank. The Creed of Pope Pius the IV. Or A Prospect of Popery taken from that Au- thentick Record. With short Notes. London, Printed for L. Meredith at the Angel in Amen Corner. 1687. 4°, A — B 2 in fours. POVERTY. The Prevention of Poverty ; Or, New Proposals Humbly Offered, For Enriching the Nation, Advancing His Majesties Re- venue, and Great Advantage both of the City of London and Country ; By Increase of Trade from our own Manufactures, . . . London, Printed for H. H. in the Year 1677. 4°, 4 leaves. PRESBYTERY. A Modell of the Government of the Chnrch under the Gospel, by Presbyters. Proved out of the holy Scriptures, to be that one, onely uniform Government of the universall visible Church, and of all Nationall, Provinciall, Classicall and Con- gregationall Churches : which is accord- ing to the will and appointment of Jesus Christ. . . . Composed by a Presbyterian Minister of the City of London, and ap- proved by divers of his learned Brethren, and at their request Published. London, Printed for Tho. Vnderhill, . . . 1646. 4°, A — E 2 in fours. Dedicated to the City and Inhabitants of London. " This is with deference the best Treatise on Church government that we have in the English language." — J as. Sutcliffe. — MS. note on back oj title in an eiyhtccntli-ccntury hand. PRICE, DANIEL, M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. The Marchant. A Sermon Preached at Pavles Crosse Sunday the 24. of August, being the day before Bartholomew faire. 1607. At Oxford, Printed by Ioseph Barnes. 1608. 4°, A— E 2 in fours, be- sides the title and dedication " To the Honourable Companie of Merchants of the Cittie of Loudon." B. M. PRIESTS. Historia Del Glorioso Martirio di Sedici Sacerdoti Martirizati in Inghilterra per la confessione, e difesa della fede Catolica, l'anno 1581, 1582, & 1583. Con vna pre- fatione,chedichiaralaloroinnocenza;com- posta par quelli, che c5 essi praticauano mentre erano villi, . . . Tradottadi lingua Inglese . . . S'e aggiunto il martirio di due altri Sacerdoti, & vno secolare Inglesi [sic], martirizati l'anno 1577. & 1578. In L PRIMER. 162 RANDOLPH. Macerala. eights. L583. 8°, A-O 4 I am not at present aware of any English original of this narrative. PRIMER. The Primer in English and Latin after Salisburye vse, set out at length with manye Godly prayers. Newly imprinted by the assignes of John Wayland this presente yeare. An. 1558. Cum priui- legie ad Imprimendum solum. Sm. 8°, printed in red and black, with the Latin in Roman type in the margin. Title, Calendar, and first leaf with Paternoster, 8 leaves : |T, 8 leaves : A — Kk in eights, Kk 7 with the colophon and last leal blank. [Col.] Imprinted at London by the assines of John Wailand, forbiddyng all other to print or cause it to be printed this primer, or anye other. An. 1558 The . xxn of August. PROTESTANT. APrsefatory Discourse to A late Pamphlet, Entituled, A Memento for English Pro- testants, &c. Being An Answer to that Part of the Compendium, which reflects upon the Bishop of Lincoln's Book. To- gether with some Occasional Reflections on Mr. L'Estrange's Writings. London. Printed by Tho. Dawks, for the Author. 1681. 4°. A, 6 leaves, including an Advertisement to the Reader with the Errata on back and a dedication to Thomas Lord Bishop of Lincoln : B — C in fours ; D, 5. B. M. A Protestant of the Church of England, No Donatist. Or, Some Short Notes on Lucilla and Elizabeth. London, Printed for T. Basset, . . . 1686. 4°, 4 leaves. PSALMS. The Book of Psalmes, Collected into Eng- lish Meeter, by Thomas Sternhold, . . . London : Printed by M. B. for the Com- pany of Stationers, 1647. Cum Privilegio. 4°, A — H in eights. In two columns. With tli e music. PUGET DE LA SERRE, JEAN, Historio- .grapher of France. Histoire de l'Entree de la Reyne Mere dv Roy Tres-Chrestien, dans la Grande- Bretaigne. Enrichie de Planches. A Londres, Par Jean Raworth, pour George Thomason, & Octauian Pullen, a la Rose, an Cimetiere de SainctPavl. m.dc.xxxix. Folio. Title, frontispiece, and dedication, 8 leaves: A— 0, 2 leaves each. With plates accompanying the text, except the folding one of the procession through Cheapside and three others in B, D, and L. PYM, JOHN, J/./'. A Letter Written out of the Country tr M r Iohn Pym Esquire, one. of the Worthy Members of the House of Commons, Feb- ruary 1. Printed for W. Webb, m.dc.xlii 4", 4 leaves. R. R. A Blast blown out of the North And Ecchoing up towards the South, to nieel the Cry of their Oppressed Brethren Being a Relation of some of the Suffering; and other Exercises of several of the . . , Quakers in and about Richmond. Massam, Coverdale, Wensleydale and Swaledale and some others of the adjacent Part: and Places in the North Riding of the County of York, since the beginning the year 1660. . . . Printed in the Yeai 1680. 4°, A— in fours. The copy employed ended imperfectly 01 F 3. The preface is signed R. E., and in forms us that portions of the narrative hai been prepared some years prior to the dat< of publication. RAGUENET, F. Histoire D'Olivier Cromwel. A Paris Chez Claude Barbin, au Palais, . . M.dc.xci. Avec Privilege Du Roy. Largs 4°, £— 1 in fours : A— 3 L in fours. With 1 portrait of the Protector by C. Vermeulen Dedicated to Bossuet, Bishop of Meaux B. J/. Three editions the same year, two at Pari! and one at Cologne (?). RALEIGH, SIR WALTER. Sir Walter Raleigh's Observations, Touch- ing Trade & Commerce with the Hol- lander, and other Nations, as it was pre- sented to K. James. Wherein is proved, that our Sea and Land Commodities servt to inrich and strengthen other Countries against our owne. With other Passages of high Concernment. Loudon, Printed by T. H. and are to be sold by William Sheeres, . . . 1653. 12°. A," 6: B— B in twelves: E, 6. With a portrait by Vaughan. A 1-2 and E 5-6 are blank. RANDOLPH, THOMAS. Poems With the Muses Looking-Glass, and Amyntas : Whereunto is added, The Jealous Lovers. By Tho. Randolph, M.A. . . . The Fifth Edition . . . Oxford, Printed [by Henry Hall] for F. Bowman, and are to be sold by John Croslev, Book- seller in Oxford. 1668. Sm. 8°", A— Ft in eights, A 1 with a half-title Randolphs 1 'oi ms. This is an entirely distinct impression from that previous!}- noticed (Cull, and REGE. 163 ROBINS. Notes, 1S7C, p. 351), although it has the same collation. The Muses' Looking-Glass has a London imprint. On the top of the title in this copy occurs: " Auglesey. March. 9. 11)70. 2 sh - 6." and the sides of the original calf binding have a crowned P in gold. REGE SINCERA. Observations both Historical and Marol upon the Burning of London, September 1666. With an Account of the Losses. And a most remarkable Parallel between London and Mosco, both as to the Plague and Fire. Also an Essay touching the Easterly-Winds .... London Printed by Thomas Ratcliffe, and are to be sold by Robert Pawlet at the Bible in Chan- cery-lane. 1667. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— F 2 in fours. REGICIDES. An Exact and Impartial Accompt of the Indictment, Arraignment, Trial, and Judgment (according to Law) of Twenty nine Regicides, The Murtherers of His Late Sacred Majesty . . . London, Printed for Andrew Crook at the Green Dragon in St. Paul's Church-yard, and Edward Powel at the White-Swan in Little-Britain. 1660. 4°. The copy employed ended imperfectly on B 4, containing B in fours and the title. RELATION. A True Relation of the Inhumane and Unparallel'd Actions, and Barbarous Mur- ders of Negroes or Moors : Committed on three Englisli-men in Old Calabar in Guinny. Of the Wonderful Deliver- ance of the Fourth Person, after he had endured Horrid Cruelties and Sufferings : who lately arrived in England, and is now in his Majesties Fleet. Together with a short, but true Account of the Customs and Manners and Growth of the Country, which is very Pleasant. Loudon, Printed for Thomas PassinL, r er . . . and Benjamin Hurlock . . . 1672. 4°, B— D 2 in fours, no A. B. M. A true and Perfect Relation of the Great Fight Fought the fourth of Decern. 1676 Between the Danish and Swedish Armies. London Printed in the Year 1676. 4°, 4 leaves. B. M. REYNOLDS, JOHN, of the Tower Mint, Assay-Master. A Brief and Easie way by Tables, To cast up Silver to the Standerd of XI. Ounces ij. Penny-weight. And Gold to the Stan- derd of xxii. Ounces. With Questions wrought by the Golden-Rule. Also by Decimall Tables. Calculated by John Reynolds of the Myut in the Tower. London, Printed by Thomas Fawcet. 1651. Sin. 8". Title and following leaf, 2 leaves: A — I in fours: Aa, 1 leaf : B— K 2 in fours. B. M. In this copy at the end occurs in the author's autograph : "12 August 1653 Ex' 1 by me John Reynolds." The same was the case with the only other copy which I have seen, if indeed this be not the same re- bound. RHEAD, ALEXANDER. Description of the Body of Man. With the Practise of Chirurgery, and the use of three and fifty Instruments. By Artifi- cial 1 Figures representing the members, and fit termes expressing the same. Set forth either to pleasure or to profit those who are addicted to this Study. Printed by Tho. Cotes, and are to be sold by Michael Sparke at the blew bible in Greene Arbor 1634. 4°, A— Y in fours, besides the extra leaves with the engravings : X — Ee in eights. RIDLEY, MARK, M.D., late Physician to the Duke of Moscow or Muscovy. A Short Treatise of Magnetecall Bodies and Motions. London. Printed by Nicho- las Okes. 1613. 4°. A, 4 leaves, A 1 blank : a. 4 leaves : A — X in fours, X 4 blank. With the title engraved by El- strack, a portrait of the author on the back of a 4, Eta : 34, An : 1594, and diagrams. B. M. Magneticall Animadversions. Made by Marke Ridley, Doctor in Physicke. Vpon certaine Magneticall Advertisements, lately published, From Maister William Barlow. London, Printed by Nicholas Okes. 1617. 4°, A— F in fours. B. M. R[OBINS] T[HOMAS.] The Amazement of Future Ages : Or, The Swaggering World Turn'd Up-side down. By which means the Astonishing Curiosities, the Charming Varieties, the Pleasant Remarks, the Ingenious Devices, the Unspeakable Miracles, the Merry Journeys and Voyages, the Roaring Prac- tices, the strange Prodigies, the Delightful Experiments, the Pretty Customs, Hu- mours, Laws, Governments, Dwellings, Inhabitants of the World Under our Feet, Of the World on which we tread And of the World in the Moon ad, I h ) Are Faithfully Described, to the Satisfac- tion of every Curious Palate. Written by T. R. on purpose to make Delightful Sport and Pastime these Winter Nights. London, Printed for John Dunton, . . . ROTHMAA'X. 164 SCOTLAND. 1684. Sm. 8°. A, 2 leaves: B— G in twelves. B. M. ROTHMANN, JOHN, M.D. Keiromantia : Or, The Art of Divining l>y the Lines and Signatures Engraven in the Hand of Man, By the Hand of Nature, Theorically, Practically. . . . Together With A Learned Philosophical! Discourse of the Soule of the World, and the Vni- versall Spirit thereof. A Matchlesse Piece. Written Originally in Latine . . . now Faithfully Englished, By Geo: Whar- ton Esq. Manus membrum Hominis lo- quacissimum. London, Printed by J. G. for Nathaniel Brooke, at the Angell in Corne-Hill, 1652. 8°, A— N 4 in eights, A 1 occupied by a woodcut frontispiece. Dedicated to Elias Ashniule, Esq. S. R. The Counter-Scuffle. Whereunto is added The Counter-Rat. Written by R. S. London : Printed by J. C. for Andrew Crook. 1670. 4°, A— G in fours, G 4 blank. With a woodcut on title and a second at D 4. SALMON, JAMES. Blovdy Newes from Ireland, Or, The barbarous Crueltie By the Papists acted in that Kingdome. By putting men to tbe sword, deflowring Women, and dragcdncr them up and downe the Streets, and cruelly murdering them, and thrusting their Speeres through their little Infants before their eyes, and carrying them up and downe on Pike-points, in great re- proach, and hanging mens Quarters on their Gates in the Street at Armagh . . . and other Places in Ireland. As also, the Bloudy Acts of Lord Mack-queere their Ring-leader, and Cousin to that Arch-Rebell Mack-queere Generall to Tyron, in the time of Queene Elizabeth of never dying memory. Related by James Salmon, lately come from thence, who hath lived there with his wife and children, these ID yeeres last past, and now to escape the Bloud-thirsty Rebels, made an escape away by night ; who is here resident in this City, Decemb. the 1. 1641. London, Printed tor Marke Rookes, and are to be sold in Grubstreet, neere to the Flying Horse. 1641. 4", 4 leaves. With a cut on the last page. SANDERSON, WILLIAM, Esquire. ( toaphice. The use of the Pen and Pencil. Or, The Most Excellent Art of Painting : In Two Parts. London, Printed for Robert Crofts, at the signe of the Crown in Chan- cery-Lane, under Serjeant's-Inne. 1658, Folio. Title and verses by T. Flatman, 2 leaves : a — b, 2 leaves each : second title, verses by G. M. on the portrait oi Charles I., 2 leaves : B — Z, 2 leaves each. With portrait of the author, an. set. 68, and of Charles I. by Faithorne. SAVOY. An Admonition giuen by one of the Duke of Sauoyes Councel to his Hignesse, Tend' ing to disswade him from enterprising against France. Translated out of French by E. A. London Printed by Iohn Wolfe 1589. 4°, A— C 2 in fours. B. M. SCHOOL. A School for Princes. Or, Political Reflections upon three Conspiracies pre ceding the Death of Alexander the Great Translated out of French by A. 0. Lon don, Printed for Thomas Fabian, at thf Bible in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1680 12°. A, 4 leaves, A 1 blank : B— G ii twelves. SCOTLAND. Decenniua Qvaedam Philosophica Siv< Theses, Probleinata, & Dispvtatione: Logicas, . . . Edinbvrgi Excudeba Ioannes Wreittoun. 1629. 4°, A— E ii fours, and a leaf of F. A series of academical themes deliverei and argued at St. Andrews University, o which the president was John Ramsay. Gibson-Craig, part 3, No. 847, the dedi cation copy to John, Lord Rothesay, in re< velvet, with initials in gold on sides. From Scotland. Two coppies of Letters The one sent from his Maiestie Aug. 31 to the Lord Keeper, .... The othe Sept. 1. from a Gentleman to his friend concerning the proceedings of the Parlia ment in Scotland. Printed for Tho. Bates 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. Good Counsell come from Scotland : Or A Solemn and Seasonable Warning to al Estates and Degrees of Persons through out the Land : For holding fast the Leagui and Covenant with En gland, and avoydin< every thing that may prove a snare am tentation to the breach thereof : By tin Commissioners of the Generall Assembly . . . Edinbvrgh, Printed by Evan Tyler . . . 1646. 4", 4 leaves. An humble Remonstrance of the Citizen of Edinburgh to the Convention of th< Estates of Scotland Concerning the King: Majestie, and the Kingdome of Scotland With A Declaration touching the Cove nant of the Kingdome, and Proposition: for Peace. March 1. 1648. Printed bj E. T. for the use of the Inhabitants of the SCOTLAND. 165 SCOTLAND. City of Edinburgh. 4°. A, 2 leaves : B— F in fours : G, 2. A Necessary and Seasonable Testimony against Toleration and the present pro- ceedings of Sectaries and their Abettors in England in reference to Religion and Government, with an Admonition and Exhortation unto their Brethren there, from the Commissioners of the Kirk of Scotland. As also The return of the Estates of the Parliament of Scotland thereupon, concurring with the said Tes- timony, and manifesting, that all the Members of Parliament have upon their solemn oath disclaimed the knowledge of or accession to the proceedings of the English Army, against his Majesty or the Members of Parliament in England, Jan. 18. 164;}. Together also with a letter from the said Commissioners to the Ministers in the Province of London, of the same date. Allowed of and entred according to Order. London, Printed by A. M. for Tho. Vnderhill at the Bible in Wood- street. 1649. 4°, A— C in fours. A Proclamation for calling together the Militia on this side of Tay, and the Fen- cible Men in some Shires. Edinburgh, the Thirtieth day of March, 1689. [Col.] Edinburgh, Printed in the Year, 1689. Folio, 4 leaves. An Account of the Affairs of Scotland, In Answer to a Letter Written upon the occasion of the Address lately Presented to His Majesty by some Members of the Parliament of that Kingdom. [Januarv, 1689-90.] 4°, A— F in fours, F 4 blank. Without a regular title. This narrative is dated at the end from London, Dec. 1, 1089. Overtures Offered to the Parliament, in which this Proposition is Advanced, That a small Suinme Impos'd on the Nation, for Reforming Our Standard, and for Repairing the Losses of the African and Indian Company, &c. bestowed on the Method propos'd, will be of ten times more value to the Nation in General, &c. To almost the whole individual Persons in the Kingdom, than the samen Summ will be, it Retained in each Particulers Hand. Edinburgh, Printed by John Reid, in the Year mdcc. 4°. Title and preface, 2 leaves : A, 4 leaves. A Further Explication of the Proposal relating to the Coyne. [1700.] 4°, A— C, 2 leaves each, and a leaf of D. The Circumstances of Scotland Con- sidered, With Respect to the present Scarcity of Money : Together with some Proposals for supplying the Defect there- of, and rectifying the Ballance of Trade. Edinburgh, Printed by James Watson in the year 1705. 4°, A — D 2 in fours. The Actis of Parliament of the maist hie, maist excellent and michtie Prince, and our Souerane Lord lames the sext, be the grace of God, King of Scottis, be- gun and haldin at Edinburgh, the xv. day of Decemb. The jeir of God ane thousand, fyue hunderth lxvii. jeir. Be our said Souerane Lord his derrest cous- ing & Uncle lames Erie of Murray, Lord Abirnethie, &c. Reget to our Souerane Lord, his Realme and Leigis. Togidder with the Prelatis, Erlis, Bar- ronis, Commissioneris of Burrowis, speci- alie comperand in the said Parliament, as the thre estatis of this Realme. The saidis actis being oppinlie red, concludit, and votit in the said Parliament, to re- mane as perpetuall lawis to the subjectis of this Realme in all tymes cuming. [The rest of the page is occupied by a large and fine shield of arms with sup- porters, &c. Col.] Imprentit at Edin- burgh be Robert Lekpreuik, Prentar to the kingis Maiestie, the vi. day of Aprill, the 5eir of God ane thousand fyue hun- dreth thre scoir aucht 5eiris. Folio, A — F in fours. B. M. Of the two copies in the British Museum, one has the title slightly mutilated, and the other is titleless, The Gibsou-Craig copy had no title. The Actis of the Parliament of the Maist hie, maist Excellent and Michtie Prince, and our Souerane Lord lames the sext .... begime and haldin at Edinburgh, the xv. day of december. The 5eir of God ane thousand, hue hundreth lxvij. ^eiris. Be our said Souerane Lordis derrest cousing . . . Imprentit at Edin- burgh be Iohne Ros. m.d.lxxv. Cum Priuilegio Regali. Folio, A — F in fours. B. M. In the Parliament of the richt Excellent, richt heich, and michtie Prince, James the Sext, . . . begonne at Striuiling, the xxviij. day of August, the 5eirof God ane thousand fyue hundreth three scoir and elleuin geirs, and in the Fyft 5eir of his hienes Regne. Be his Maiesties derrest Gudschir vmquhile Mathew Erie of Len- nox Lord Dernelie . . . The Actis, and Constitutiounis. . . . Imprentit at Sanct- androis be Robert Lekpreuik. Anno Do. m.d.lxxiii. Folio, A — C in fours. B. 31. SCOTLAND. 1 66 SELLER. In the Parliament of the Richt Excellent . . . lames the sext, our Souerane Lord, begune at Striuiling, the xxviij. day of August, the 5eir of God ane thousand fiue liundreth thre scoir and elleuin ^eiris, and in the Fyft 5eir of his hienes Regne. Be his Majesteis derrest Gudschir vm- quhile Mathew Erie of Lennox, Lord Dernelie, &c. Regent to his hienes, his Realnie, and leigis : And thre Estatis of this Realnie. And endit, and concludit vpon the seuint day of September nixt thairefter following, be vmquhile Johne Erie of Mar. Lord Erskine &c. being Re- gent . . . The Actis and Constitutiounis following war concludit to be obseruit as Lawis in time dimming. Imprentit at Edinburgh be me Iohne Ros. m.d.lxxv. Cum Priuilegio Regali. Folio, A — D in fours. B. M. In the Parliament Haldin at Striviling the xxv. day of lulii, the zeir of God, ane thousand, fyue hundreth, thre scoir and auchtene zeiris. The Lawis, statutis and Constitutiounis ar deuysit, ordanit, and concludit be the richt Excellent, . . . lames the Sext, . . . Imprentit at Edin- brugh be Iohne Ros. Anno Do. 1579. Cum Priuilegio Regali. Folio, A — G 2 in fours : H, with the Proclamation for publishing these Acts and the colophon, 2 leaves. B. M. In the Cvrrent Parliament Haldin at Edinburgh the xxii day of Mail, the zeir of God ane thousand, fyue hundreth, four- scoir zeiris, Thir Lawis, Statutis, & Con- stitutions ar deuisit, ordinit, and coln- cludit be the richt excellent, . . . James the Sext, . . . IT Imprentit at Edinburgh be Alexander Arhuthnet, Printer to the Kingis Maiestie. Folio, A — D in fours. B. M. In the Parliament Haldin and begun at Edinburgh the xxiiii. day of October, The Zeir of God, ane thousand, fyue hun- dreth, four scoir, ane Zeiris. Thir Lawis, Statutis, and Constitutiounis, ar diuisit, ordanit, and concludit, he the richt Ex- cellent . . . lames the Sext, . . . 1m- preniit at Edinburgh, be Henrie Charteris. Anno, m.d.lxxxii. Cum Priuilegio Re- gali. Folio, A — E in fours : F, 5.' Jl. M. An Assertion of the Government of the Church of Scotland, in the points of Rul- ing-Elders, and of the Authority of Pres- byteries and Synods. With a Postscript .... Edinburgh, Printed for lames Bryson, 1641. 4°. If and %% 4 leaves each : A — Dd in fours, Ud 4 blank : Post- script, B — F in fours. Propositions Concerning Church-Govern- ment and Ordination of Ministers . . . Reprinted at London for Robert Bostock, . . . 1647. 4°, A — F in fours. Some Questions Resolved Concerning Episcopal and Presbyterian Government in Scotland. . . . London, Printed ibi the Author, and are to be Sold by Ran- dal Taylor, . . . 1690. 4°, B— D in fours, besides the title and preface. The Psalms of David in Meeter : Newlj Translated, .... Allowed by the au- thority of the General Assembly 7 of the Kirk of Scotland, . . . Edinburgh, Printec by Thomas Brown, one of His Majesties Printers : 1675. Cvm Privilegio. Smal obi. 12°, A — K in twelves. Delitice Poetarvm Scotorvm hujus aev Illvstrivm. [Pars Prior et altera.] Am sterdami, . . . CIO. 10 cxxxvn. Sm. 8° Pars Prior, pp. 699, including title ane dedication to Sir John Scot of Scotstarvet Pars altera, pp. 573. Edited by Arthur Jonston. SEDGWICK, WILLIAM. The Leaves of the Tree of Life : For tin healing of the Nations. Opening all tin wounds of this Kingdome, and of even party, and applying a remedy to them By which we come to a right understand ing between King and Parliament. . . By the light of God shining upon Willian Sedgwick. Do you not know that tin Saints shall judge the World ? London Printed bv H. [sic] for Giles Calvert . . 1648. 4 5 . Title, 1 leaf: Preface, - leaves : Errata, &c, 1 leaf : B — Q it fours. SEDLEY, SIR CHARLES, Baronet. Antony and Cleopatra : A Tragedy. A it is Acted at the Dukes Theatre. Writ ten by the Honourable Sir Charles Sedley Baronet. . . . London, Printed for Richan Tonson. . . . MiX'LXXVii. 4". A, 2 leaves B — I in fours. SELLER, JOHN, Hydrographer in Ordi nary to the King. The ( loasting Pilot. Describing the Sea Coasts, Channels, Soundings, Sands Shoals, bocks, ec dangers: The Bayes Roads, Harbours, Rivers, Ports, Buoyee Beacons, and Sea-marks, upon the Coast of England Flanders and Holland Witl directions to bring a Shipp into any Har bour on the said Coasts. Beiii' r SETTLE. 167 SHE RING HAM. with new Draughts, Charts, and Descrip- tions, gathered from y experience and practise of diverse Able and Expert Navi- gators of our English Nation. Collected and Published by John Seller. . . . And are to be sold at his Shopps at the Her- mitage in Wapping : And in Exchange- Alley in Corne-Hill. . . . Cum Priui- legio. [About 1680.] Eolio, A— N, 2 leaves each : 0, 1 leaf, besides the en- graved title and ten maps engraved by E. Lamb, &c. B. M. Under the same press-mark (1804, b.) occurs a set of 27 volumes of Seller's publi- cations, in which he was partly concerned as author. SETTLE, DIONYS'E. A true reporte of the laste voyage into the West and Northwest regions, &c. 1577. worthily atchieued by Captaine Frobisher of the sayde voyage the first finder and Generall. With a description of the people there inhabiting, and other cir- cumstances notable. Written by Dionyse Settle, one of the companie in the sayde voyage, and seruant to the right Honour- able the Earle of Cumberland. Nil mor- talibus ardwum est. U Imprinted at Lon- don by Henrie Middleton. Anno. 1577. Sin. 8°, 32 leaves or A — H in eights. Dedicated to George Clifford, Earl of Cumberland. With verses on the back of the title by Abraham Fleming. Fifty copies reprinted at New York, 4°, 1868, by Mr. Baitlett, probably from the Carter-Brown copy. La Navigation dv Capitaine Martin For- bisher An^lois, es regions de west & Nordwest, en l'annee m.d.lxxvh. Con- tenant les moeurs & fagons de viure des Peuples, & habitans d'icelles, auec le por- traict de leurs habits & amies, & autres choses memorables & singulieres, du tout incou'uues par deca. m.d.lxxviii. Pour Anihoine Cnuppin. 8°, A — E in eights, besides the folded plate headed : Le Por- traict