%«ci.'^'.',"-< ', '.'. ^-.'JMMaatwwVMiwaMiM mmnumMWMmmtmit (wammrn i HEbTO in^itiQ^il /pOMUS pEl' OF Portsmouth. ^ICHDlf/ACON y^KlGHT. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE STORY OF THE 'DOMUS DEI' OF PORTSMOUTH, Commonlij tullcb THE ROYAL GARRISON CHURCH. By H. p. WRIGHT, M.A. CHAPLAIN TO THE FORCES, AND CHAPLAIN TO H.R.H. THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE, K.G. Nihil scriptiim miraculi causii. Tacitu-s. JAMES PARKER & Co., 377, STRAND. 1873- HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUICE OF CAMBRIDGE, K.G. THE soldier's TlXfE FKIEND, IN ALL THAT BEARS UrON HIS WELL DOING, BODILY, MENTALLY, AND sriRITUALLY, THIS VOLUME IS, BY PERMISSION, GRATEFULLY DEDICATED. 629859 PREFACE. As early as the time when Lord Frederick Fitz-Clarence was Governor of Portsmouth, the restoration of the Garrison Church was talked of ; but nothing was then done, as that highly esteemed olScer soon after left Portsmouth (1851) for India. In due time Lt.-Gen. Lord AVilliam Paulet, g.c.b., became Governor, and then, through the active exertions of the Reverend J. E. Sabin, Senior Chaplain of the Garrison, Sir J. Wm. Gordon, k.c.b., Commanding Ptoyal Engineer, Colonel Shadwell, C.B., (,)uarter-j\laster-General, and Captain Molesworth, R.E., Executive Officer, sui:)ported by the gene- rous nobleman at the head of the Garrison, that restoration was determined on, which has now I am happy to think, after a labour of eight years, drawn so near completion. But if Lord Wm. Paulet gave so liberally, and for nearl}^ six years laboured so strentiously as Chairman of the first Committee, in Lt-Gen. Viscount Templetown, kc.b., the present Gover- nor of Portsmouth, and Chairman of the Military Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for "War to arrange the interior of the Church, tlie work has found a very able and large-hearted supporter. Indeed, from the General down to the private soldier, the Garrison has from the first taken the liveliest interest in the preservation of our ancient and highly valuable ecclesiastical relic. !N"or has the Navy been forgetful of a Church so long used by the Eoyal Marines, in and around which lie the remains of so many distinguished naval officers. Admirals Sir Henry Chads, g.c.b., Sir Michael Seymour, G.C.B., Sir Thomas Pasley, Bart., g.c.b., G. G. Wellesley, c.b., and Major Generals Alexander, K.M.A., c.b., and Schomberg, r.m.a., c.b., were active members of the Committee, and, with other leading officers of the sister service, furthered the restora- tion in every possible way. And so also did the citizens of Portsmouth, among whom must be especially named, E. W. Pord, Esq., Mayor of the Borough, when the great Eestoration gathering took place on the 8th of August, 1865, in the Guildhall, W. G. Chambers, Esq., j.p.. Captain McCoy, J.P., and C. B. Hellard, Esq., who, as members of the Executive Committee, rendered m valuable assistance by their ready enterprise and sound practical advice. It, however, signifies little who did the work, let the glory be entirely and solely to God, who moved the faithful to do it. As to the " Story of the ' Domus Dei,' " for that I must hold myself alone responsible ; and I do so with confidence, because, I feel certain, all who know the difficulty of avoiding errors when writing the history of an ancient building will deal kindly with me, if I assure them that I have taken all possible pains to be accurate. I am thankful to say that I have found some very kind friends who have greatly Kghtened my labors. To Sir Frederick Madden, k.h., the leading arcliseologist of his day, I owe very much, so I do to the Eev. Mackenzie E. C. Walcot, B.D., F.s.A.., the Eev. C. Collier, m.a., and F. I. Baigent, Esq., of Winchester. They liave rendered me s.ervices for which I can never sufficiently thank them. Nor must I forget my respected friend B. J. Jeffery, Esq., of the British Museum, whose able and continuous exer- tions to help me have been only the more acceptable, because they were always so heartily rendered. I also owe a debt, I may say a great debt, to Mr. Ubsdell, of IV Portsmouth, who provided me with many rare and inter- esting sketches, and not a little valuable information. It only remains for me to add that, throughout the restoration of the " Domus Dei," the Committees have received the kindest consideration and support from the Secretaries of State for War, the Marqids de Grey and Eipon, K.G., and Lord Co,rdwe.ll, from H. E. Highness the Duke of Cambridge, e.g.. Commanding in Cliief, and from the Eev. G. E. Gleig, m.a., Chaplain Gene]-al of tlie Army. Portsmouth can glory in possessing the oldest military Church in the world, and a very remarkable example it is of pure early English Architecture (A.D. 1212). The memorials in this now beautiful " Domus Dei," tell of heroes who have rivalled the brightest deeds of chivalry, and the army may well be proud of a restoration in which it has taken such unceasing interest. HENEY PEESS WEIGHT. Portsmouth, February, 1876. Note— It is due to the subscribers and committee, to state that all ornament in the Church has been provided by special gifts for memorials. The total cost has been about £8500 (all paid, thank God !), and greatly is the country indebted to the world-known architect, G. E. Street, Esq., r.a., for the .. skill and care with which he has, through a period of ten years, carried out the restoration of " England's Militai-y Cathedi'al." CONTENTS. The " Domus Dei " Historical Sketcii of The Restoration of the "Domus Dei " The Restored Church — Its Gifts and its Memorials The AUar Tlic Organ Memorial Stalls Memorial Windows Funeral Tablets The Lectern The Pulpit Old Colours of Regiments Wardens or Masters of the "Domus Dei" Old Documents relating to the "Domus Dei " Confirmation of Grants by King John Confirmation of the Chantry The Murder of Bishop Moleyns Process held at Portsmouth on April 1st, 1508 The Deed of Surrender Revenue of the " Domus Dei " The Old Hospitals of Hampshire, &c. The " Domus Dei " and the Fortifications of Portsmouth Page. I 35 54 57 58 59 89 100 Uh 1 17 1 17 118 132 133 13'^ 139 142 •53 161 178 '83 ILLUSTRATIONS. 1. The Garrison Church Restored (Exterior) 2. The " Domus Dei" (Heiuy Yiii) 3. St. Thomas's Church (Henry Vlil.) 4. Seal of the " Domus Dei" 5. Map of Portsmouth (Henry vili.) 6. Plan of the "Domus Dei" (Ehzabeth) 7. Bottle found in the corner stone of the '• Domus Dei" 8. Landing of Katharine of Braganza q. The " Domus Dei " (Charles 11.) 10. The " Domus Dei" 1717, East view 1 1. The " Domus Dei " by I. Armstrong, 1730 12. The " Domus Dei " 1799 13. The "Domus Dei" 1814 14. The "Domus Dei " 1826, East view 15. The " Domus Dei " by Talbot Edwards, 17 16 16. The "Domus Dei" by Joseph Wakley, 1756 17. The Garrison Church before Restoration, 1 866 18. Plan of Garrison Church, 1794 19. Garrison Church before Restoration (Interior) 20. Garrison Church after Restoration (Interior) 2 1 . jNIemorial Windows (Chancel) 22. Memorial Windows (Nave) 23. Plan of the " Domus Dei " at the time of its surrender 24. Plan of the "Domus Dei " 1725 25. Plan of the "Domus Dei" 1744 Frontispiece Page 2 4 DOMUS DEI. [HE Royal Garrison Church of Portsmouth is all tliat remains of the ancieut Hospital, Alaison Dieu or Domus Dei, which once occupied a part of the now Governor's Green and the ground lying between the south side of the church and the ramparts. These Hospitals in England were generally founded at seaport towns or near the sea, so that they miglit receive ])ilgriiiis and strangers, both men and women, on their way to any renowned shrine ; and they were usually within the walls of the town with the principal population in their immediate vicinity, in order that the inhabitants might have assistance in case of sickness ; the Brethren, in those days, being for the most part the only persons who at idl understood the art of Uiedicine. In its original constitution the God's House was not purely ecclesiastical, the Master being sometimes a layman, sometimes a priest ; but, as a rule, when the revenue permitted, the office of ]\Iaster was filled by a priest. We find these Hospitals at Sontliampton, Portsmoutli, Dover, Arundel, &c., because they were there conveniently placed for pilgrims making for the great DOMUS DEI. sliriues of Winchester, Ciinterbury, Chichester, &c. They iin; generally of the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries^ iunl had SI connnon plan ; a long hall with vaulting and divided into bays by pillars. At one end was usually a l)oich, and at the other invariably a chapel. The central ])art of the hall was kept free, the occupants being housed in the aisles. Beside being Hospitals for the sick and aged like St. Mary's Hospital,* Chichester, which preserves its ancient arrangement with dwellings or cells in the aisles, t'lcy were true Houses of CJod ; the poor, the houseless, and the wanderer found a home there ; not with advantage 1 fear to the community at large, since the gathering together of distressed strangers must have tended greatly to spread the various contagious diseases, which proved such terrible scourges during the middle ages. The government was vested in a Master ; Brethren aided by Sisters carried on the duties of nursing, prescribing, cooking, &c , while the s])i ritual care of the Hospital was entrusted to Priest Chaplains. The Portsmouth " Domus Dei " was founded by Peter de llupibus. Bishop of Winchester.t The exact time is not known, although the year 1205 is commonly given by antiquarians. As the founder was consecrated lUshop ot Winchester, A..D. 1204, it is clear that the above date is too early. There is a charter;): of John, dateil 2nd November, l()th year of his reign (12 14) in which the king confirms to the Hospital built at Portesmuthe tive messuages in St. Mary's street, and five others in Ingeles Street, given Ity charter to the Hospital by William (de Wrotham), Archdeacon of Taunton ; also a certain land called " Westwode," given by charter by the burgesses of Portesmuthe, and 1 5s. rent from riichard Ih-itonc, given by Simon Forestarius. Witnessed liy Peter, 15isho}) of Winchester, W. Earl of Arundel, SaerEarl of ^\'inchester and others. We may therefore fairly conclude that the "Domus Dei" was built not long before this confir- mation by King John, or about 1212. Dugdale observes under * The plan iiiiiy also be seeu in BrowTi's at Stamford, and in Hospitals ivt Wells jind Sliorlxirno. + " Doimi.-i plurimas relipiosoruin ronstruxit. \livc sunt nominn domoniui quns fiind.ivit llospitalc di- Pintsimic " Matt. Par. Hist. AiikI. Ml. 277. X Cak'udariuiii Rnt. Cnii. Jf>li. p. 202. DOMUS DEI. tlie lie.ad ' Portsmouth,' " looter de llupibus founded liere temp. Johannis a Hospital called Clod's House, dedicated to St. John the Baptist and St. Nicholas."* It is worthy of notice that, althou<,di the " Domus Dei" has by tradition been dedicated to St. John the Baptist and St. Nicholas, there is no ancient document, that I am aware of, in which both these Saints are mentioned together. It is sometimes designated as of St. John Baptist (in 1283, 1284, VMo and 1308), but more frec|uently as of St. Nicholas (in 1235, 1298, 13U, 13-tO, 1361, 1356, 1376, 1393, 1162, 1192, &c.) In early times it was simply styled " Domus Dei de Portesmuthe," but, what is very strange, in the earliest document now known relative to the Hospital (the Charter al)Ove noticed) the King confirms land to the Hos- pital built at Portsmouth in honour of the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Cross, and St. Michael and All Angels. We can only suppose that the dedication had not then been actually made, and was afterwards altered. This also supports 1212 as about the year when "Domus Dei " was founded. Of the history of the Hospital from its foundation to its surrender little is kno^vn. The following are a few facts gathered chiefly from registers and papers in the library of Winchester Cathedral, in the British IMuseum and the Tower, and from the records of the Borough of Portsmouth. It is supposed by many that the now Garrison Church is an older building than St. Thomas's, the parish church, and they base their opinion upon the fact that in the year 1 229, the parish church is mentioned as the ^leiof church of Portsmouth ; and further, they hold that in aU proba- bility it was consecrated in that year, for in 1229, .special provision was made that the privileges of God's House should not encroach on the rights of the parish church. + This is altogether a mistake, as St. Thomas's Church was * Dugdale (la.st Edition.) t Allen's History of Portsmouth, p. 121. The word is nonce not novcc. t See Deed of Amicable Settlement, A.D. 1229. DOMUS DEI. not built during the episcopate of Peter de Kupibus nor iliiring that of his predecessor Godfrey de Lucy, but was, \ve liave every reason to believe, entirely the work of Bisho]) IJicliard Toclive between 1173 and 1188. Tlie exact year of its consecration I cannot discover, but the following notices of the church will bring us near the date. A grant we know was made by John de Gisors to the church and canons of St. Mary, Southwick, of a place on his land named Sudewede " apud insulam de Portesia " (then in the occupation of a certain Lucas) 13 perches in length by 12 perches in width, for the purpose of building a cliapel in honour of St. Thomas t1ie JNlartyr, (" ad erigen- dani in eo Capellam in honore gioriosi Marty ris Thornie Cantuariensis quondam archipresulis.") Now this John de Gisors was contemporary with Eichard Toclive, Bishop of Winchester, 1173—1188 and Godfrey de Lucy 1188— 1 204. Tie also granted a messuage " in villa mea de Portesmuthe " (in my town of Portsmouth) " ad repara- cionem capelloe Sancti Thomaa " (for the repair of the chapel of St. Thomas). In addition to this we find in a charter of William, Prior of St. Switlmn, mentinn made of a charter of Pdchard (Toclive) Bisliop of Winchester, in which he (the Bishop) confirms to the Priory of Southwick the chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr, which with his consent tliey had hrgitn to build in their Parish of Portsea. This is dated 1185.* The church, therefoie, in 1185 could not have been completed ; and did we want further proof of this, we possess it in the fact that St. Thomas's Church is not mentioned in a Bull of Po])e Urban III. of that year, confirming to the Priory of Southwick all their churches by name. It is then just possible, but not very probable, that St. Thomas's Church was not quite completed, and therefore not consecrated, until shortly after the death of Bishop Toclive. The Churchyard was conse- crated by Godfrey de Lucy, a.d. 1196. * See Cartulary of Sautliwick Priory iu jio.sst-s.sioc of T. Tbistlethwayte Esq. for all the above quotatious. DOM us DEI. Tlie time thus fixed as about that when St. Thomas's was consecrated, well explains the jealousy which soon sj^rang up between the parish church and the "Donuis Dei ;" for if the Hospital of God's House was built say — nearly a quarter of a century after the mother church, we can easily understand that the ]\Iaster and Brothers of an interesting and influential Hospital would soon invite to tliem the fees and legacies of the faithful, and so seriously interfere with the monetary prosperity of the parish church. This at once caused complaints, and when matters became serious the dispute was referred to the Bishop, and was settled by tlie following ancient and curious deed : — " To all the Sons of Holy Mother Church, Master Alanus he Stokes, Official of Peter, Bishop of Winchester, Greeting in the Lord. Be it kno^vn to all, that every controversy argued before any Judges, between the Prior and Convent of Southwick on one part, and the Master and Brothers of the Hospital of God's House of Portsmouth on the other, concerning the parochial right of their Chvu'ch of Portsmouth, is amicably settled after this form before us : — The said Prior and Convent concede that in the aforesaid Hospital, Divine Service may be celebrated, according to the parochial right of their Church of Portsmouth, by two priests, only the Rector of the Hospital is to be employed if he be a priest ; and if any stranger priest, visiting the same for the pui-pose of going abroad, or travelling, shall wish to celebrate, if shall be lawful for him to do so ; and they may have two bells, not exceeding the weight of the bells of the Mother Church, which shall only ring at Matins, and Masses, and Vespers, and for the Dead, and a short None after the ringing of the None of the Mother Church. The said Brothers shall not receive the Parisliioners of Portsmouth to confession, nor to Communion of the Body of Christ, unless any shall be sick and speciallj' ask confession of any piiest of the Hospital, the requisite consent of the parish priest being first obtained. They shall not re- ceive any stranger to confession publicly in Lent, except the brothers, sisters, own family, sick persons lying there, and inmates. Nevertheless if any sti-an- ger shall seek advice from any priest of the Hospital, it shall be lawful to receive him privately. Moreover on Sundays, and on the eight chief festivals, namely, the Birth-day of our Lord, the Epijihany, the Pui-ification, the Annunciation of the Blessed Mai-y, the Ascension of our Lord, the Assumption and Nativity of the Blessed Mary, and the Feast of All Saints, the aforesaid ■ Brothers of the IIoN])ital shall not receive the Parishioners of Portsnioutli. If however, it shall happen, that any of the aforesaid Parishioners shall come to 6 DOMUS DEI. hoar Divine Service on the aforesaid festivals, or on Sundays, at the aforesuid Hospital, they shall bo adniittod, and their oftcring, if any he brought, shall be restored whole and in good faith to the Mother Church, under the penalty here- under expressed, unless the said Parishioners shall have made satisfaction on the aforesaid days to the aforesaid Mother Church. " Moreover it shall not be lawful for any one of the said Hospital to enter ships, in order to give Benediction, or preach, or read the Gospel, but he may lawfully beg ahns, the Gospel being read and rites performed by the Chaplain of the Mother Church. Moreover the aforesaid Canons concede, that the Hospital shall have a Cemetery only for the Brothers and the Sisters of the said Hospital, and for the servants and poor persons dying in the said Hospital : but we mean Brothers and Sisters in this sense : — those who have received and wear the habit there or have bequeathed their estates to the said Hospital. Besides, if any stranger shall chusc to be interred in the said Hospital, it shall be lawful for them to receive them, but the body shall bo first carried to the Mother Chru-ch and mass celebrated there. And be it kno^vn that it becomes the Parishioners of Portsmouth to leave their first legacy to the Mother Chui-ch, and the Parish Priest shall be bound to bo present at the making of the Will of the Parishioners ; for the damage however, that the Mother Church will suffer by this concession, the said Brothers of the Hospital shall pay to the Mother Church every year twenty shillings sterling, viz. : — five shillings at the Feast of St. Michael, five shillings at the Circum- cision of our Lord, at Easter five shillings, and at the Feast of St. John the Baptist five shillings. And for the greater security the said Brothers, by their corporal oaths, the Evangelists being touched, have bound themselves under a stipulated penalty, to wit, forty shillings to be paid to the aforesaid Prior and Convent, if any penalty be incurred, so that if after the oflfence, being canonically warned, they shall not give satisfaction within eight days, the penalty incurred shall be paid without contradiction to the said Prior and Convent ; which is to be understood alike on the part of the Prior and Convent. This Composition is executed in the first year after the decease of Stephen de Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury, and in testimony thereof the parties have strengthened the present deed with their seal ; and the Lord Bishop of Win- chester being absent, we by his authority confirm it, and append our seal, toge- ther with the seal of Master B., Archdeacon of the same place. These being witnesses. Master A. de EUesbunie, Master R. Canon, Master J. de Wallingford, R. Dean of Winchester, W. and S. Chaplains of the Ofiicial, Oliver, clerk, John, clerk, Adam do Portesie, knight, Andrew, Richard, and Jolm his sons, G. dc Basevile, H. de Bui'gh, knights, and many others." DOMUS DET. During tlie life of the noble founder, the Hospitnl attracted much the generous attention oi' tiie faithful, and after his death, tln-oughout the lotli and l^tli centuries, received a variety of valuable endowments and privileges. Tlie first gift, that of William de Wrotham, 1 have already noted. On the 22nd of September, 8 Hen. iii., (1219) the king ordered the Sheriff to give seisin to the Knights Tem- j>lars in P^ngland of the land iu Seleburne, which Emeric de Sacy left to them " agens in extremis " at the siege of Damietta ; reserving to the Brethren of the Hospital of l*ortesmuthe a rent of 10s., which the said Emeric had given to them before he took journey to Jerusalem ; as also the outgoings for one year, which the said Emeric had farmed to them in his lifetime. This charter was wit- nessed by Peter, Bishop of Winchester.* At tlie close of the same year the Sheriff is ordered to give seisin to Hugh de Vivonia of the land which belong<3d to Aemeric de Sascy in Bertone (Bartone Stacy) ; reserving to the said Aemeric or assignee the outgoings for one year, and reserving also to the Prior and Brethren of the Hospital of Portesmuthe, the land M'hich the said Aemeric had granted to them in the same manor, in alms. Tested at Winchester by the Justice and the Bishop oi' Winchester, 14th of December, 4 Hen. iii. (1219.)t In the years 1236, 1253, and 1208, proceedings were instituted before the itinerant justices relative to certain property in Winchester and Portsmouth, and for the settlement of some points at issue between the Master of the Hospital, the Yicar of Portesmuthe and the convent of Southwick. "In 1252 the Prior of Portesmuthe and others had right of common in Kington Wood Co. Dors. J In 1268 a fine was levied between Piobert Walerand and Eobert, Gustos of the Hospital of Portesmuthe, concerning some messuages and 200 acres of laud in Kington Magna and Parva. Tlie * Calend. Rot. Clans, p. 401. t Calend. Rot. Clans, p, 409. + MS. Harl. 4120. f. 3. DOMUS DEI. said Kobcrt Walorand granted to the said Gustos and Breth- ren a moiety of the Manor of Laseham in Dorsetshire.* A\'e also find tliat chiriiig the reign of Edward I. the Prior of CJod's House hi^kl half a knight's fee in Froditon (Fratton) luidur Hugh de Plains, of ancient foeffment.t He also in conjunction with Jcnxlan de Kyngestone held under William Pussell, a quarter of a fee in Wippingham, Tsle of Wight.:}: ]'>y a deed dated in r272, Richard le Coveror gave to the ]5rethren of God's House, yearly for ever, three silver pennies, out of a piece of land granted by him to the convent of Southwick ; and by a similar deed dated 1 270, liobert of St. Denis gave to the Brethren four shillings for ever, yearly charged upon a house and premises in the High Street of Pijrtsmouth, and payable on the Feasts of St. jMichael and St. John the Baptist. Jn 1283 a writ was addressed by the King to tlie Sherilf dated Htli jNIay, directing him to order John, Bishdp of Winchester, to surrender to the King the ad- vowson of St John 15aptist of Portsmouth.|| A suit was commenced in the King's court in consequence, and the Bishop presented a petition to the King's council offering to give up the manor of Swenstone, (Swainstou, Isle of Wight) and liOOO marks, causa imcis, on consideration of being confirmed by the King in the manors and advowsons of which he was patron.§ The result was a charter dated 5th Jmic, 1284, granted by the King to the Bishop, giving to him the manor of Menes and the advowsons of Mene- stoke and of the Hospital at Portesmuthe. For this con- cession a fine of £2000 was paid and the manor of Swainstone.11 An entry was afterwards made on the Glaus Poll of the 2 Pichard ii., (1387) stating that the Bishops of Winchester were always seized of the advowson of the * Pedes Fin. temp. Hen. iii. f . 76. t Te.sta de Neville, p. 234. X Testa de Neville, p. 240. II Regist. Pontissaia, f. 101. { Regist. Pontissara, f. 179. H Regist. Pontissara, f . 19o. DOMUS DEI. Hospital, as granted by Edward I. in the 12tli year of liis reign. In 1293 a further struggle began. A plea took place in the King's bench of the Prior of God's House against John Walerand for the moiety of the manor of Lasham, with the cliurch which the said Prior held by charter of Pobert Walerand, uncle of the said John. This was again contested in 1315 and 1819, and the Gustos oi' the Hospital received the value of the said moiety in the manor of Burghton (P)roughton near Stockbridge) which belonged to Adam Plukenet.* in the thirty fifth year of Edward I. (1 307) Pobert de Harwedone, the then ^Master of the Hospital, obtained a grant from the Crown of free warren over land situate in Portsmouth, Eroddington (Eratton) and Eeldershe.f In the reign of Edward ii. the chantry at the east end of the south aisle was founded (1325.) The following story of its foundation is highly interesting The Bishop of Win- chester (John de Stratforde) confirmed at Waltliani, 8 Kal Eeb. (25 January) 1325, letters of William de Harwedone, Custos of St. Nicholas of Portesmuthe and Ins Brethren, in which they state that by the pious liberality of Joan, sister and heir of Alan Plokenot, deceased, lady of Kilpeke and widow of Henry de Bohun, they had received many l)enefits ; and in consideration that tlie said lady had relinquished to the said Custos, and Brothers and Sisters, her right in the manor of Berughton (Broughton), they agree to admit to their fellowship and maintain a chaplain, to be presented by the said lady, who was to assist at the offices in the said house, like the other chaplains, and daily recite the offices for the souls of the said lady Joan, of Robert de Harwedone, formerly Custos, and of the said William de Harwedone. This deed is headed '■ Confirmacio Cantarie de I'ortesmuthe', and dated Portesmuthe, 2()th January, 1325.+ The piscina of the chantry is still remaining. * Abbrev. Placit. Ptisch. 12 Edward ii. t Calend. Rot. Cart. 35. Edward i. p. 38. + Stratford Reg. 1323—1333 fo. 11. JO DOMUS DEI. It would fip]ieai- from an entry in the rent roll of the Priory of Southwick 7tli Edward ill. (1338) that for the privilege of having this Chantry, " Domus Dei" paid to the ^Priory annually twenty shillings — surely a large sura! In 1341 Edward iii. confirmed to William de Overton in fee, one messuage 1 5 1 acres of land, 25 acres of meadow, 64 acres of pasture, 18 acres of wood and £5 lis. G^d. rent, in the villes of Estdene, Lokerley, and Hole- berg, county Southampton, quit from a feefarm rent of £8 a year ; to be hehl of the Gustos of Domus Dei of Portes- muthe as of his manor of Brighton (Broughton) by the service of 59s. lOd. a year.* And in the year 1349, the King further confirmed to William de Overton in fee divers lands in La Frenschmore near the manor of Burghton (Broughton) granted in feefarm to him by Edmund Arundell, Custos of St. Nicholas of Portesmuthe, for the annual payment of lOOs.f The Master of "Domus Dei" also petitioned the King relative to the thirtieths and fifteenths due from the Hos- pital to the Exchequer, and received a favourable answer to his prayer. In the year 1380, we find that " the Master of God's House of the Town of Portsmouth held freely of the Lord of Portsea the manor of Eroddington," " ren- dering yearly at the Feast of St. Michael, one pound of pepper and one pound of cummin, doing suit of court Irom three weeks to three weeks, paying a heriot, and giving a relief after the death of each tenant."+ In right of this manor the Master claimed, as the mesne lord, a fine on wreck within the ambit of his manor, and the following entry is extracted from the Portsea Eecords of Title to show the way in which the case was established and the fine apportioned between the chief and the mesne lord : — * Pat. 1.3 Edw. III. m. 25. t Tat. 22 Edward iii. pais. 2, m. 11. i Rental oi Portsea Manor (3rd Richard ii.) under the head Eroddington. DOMUS DEI. 11 " Concerning tlie wreck happening at Portesey on the first day of February, in the year of our Lord, 1384, and in tlie seventh year of the reign of King Eichard ii. divers shi])s, were endangered in the sea, and the wine in the same ships, being 30 U pipes of wine, came upon the land of the Lordship of Portesey, and of tlie Keeper of " Domus Dei " of Portsmouth. All wliich Eichard Foghill, the Bailiff of Sir John Thornie, the Abbot of Tychfeld, the Lord of the manor of Portesey, did arrest. Whereupon came the citizens of London, and the merchants of the wine aforesaid, and prayed livery of the said wine, for that two seamen of the aforesaid ships were saved and got up alive upon the soil aforesaid. And the aforesaid citizens of London and merchants faithfully proved that all tlie afore- said goods were and are their own, and paid a fine to the aforesaid Lord the Abbot, and to the Keeper of " Domus Dei " of Portesmuthe, to have again and possess the afore- said goods, because they were saved upon the soil of tlie two lords aforesaid, seven pounds six shillings and eight- pence, whereof the aforesaid Abbot received for his part seventy-three shillings and four-pence."* The last bequest of which we have any record is that of William of Wykeham, the noble founder of Winchester College, who in his will, dated 1404, left to St. Nicholas Hospital, Portsmouth, one suit of vestments and a chalice. While, as we have seen, the interests of the Hospital were duly cared for by Henry in. the following extract from the Patent lioUs' shows that in those early days the property of the Crown was as fully protected : — " At Portesmouth on the 3rd August, 1253, Henry in. granted to the Master and Brethren of the Hospital of Portesmouth, that by view of his Bailliffs and men of the town, they might enclose five feet of land by the side of the royal road near the said Hospital towards the south, also eight feet similarly situated near the Hos])ital towards the west, provided that from their enclosure they enlarge the King's Couit Roll of Tortsea, 1384. 12 DOMUS DEI. cmniuoiv way on the other side towards the east, to the same extent as they enclose from the same towards the west."* 1'he Superior of the Hospital was called from time to time by various titles. He is designated as Prior in 121.5, J 2.50, 1251, 1298, and twice so in the Festa de Neville (temp. Edward I.). As Gustos or Warden in 1307, and pre- served that title until towards the close of the fourteenth century. In 1376 we find Magister ot Gustos and also in 1402. In 1482 and 1492 Magister is applied, and that is the designation in the deed of surrender. The ancient seal of the Hospital attached to the surrender in the Record Office is of the usual monastic shape surrounded by the words "Sigillum coniune Domus-f- Dei de Portesmowth." At the upper part is a hand projecting from a cloud emblematic of the first Person of the Blessed Trinity and still used as a masonic emblem. Below this on either side the Sun and Moon, the latter represented as a horned crescent enclosing the profile of the human countenance ; between these and in the centre of the seal a double cross with angels worshipping. This represents the Second Person of the Trinity. At the lower part im- mediately below the cross is either an altar, or (as some think it) a roll of vellum ; if the latter, it indicates the Holy Scripture produced by the inspiration of the Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Ghost. The common seal of the Borough of Portsmouth is not unmindful of the Old Hospital. It bears the following inscription carried round a suit of three tabernacles, the centre and more elevated con- taining a figure of the Virgin and child, the others figures of St. Nicholas & St. Thomas of Ganterbury : "Portum : Virgo : luva : Nichola : Pove : Eoge : Thoma :" — " The Port Virgin assist! St. Nicholas cherish it! St. Thomas pray for it !" These prayers were addressed to the Virgin in whose honour a cliapel was dedicated in the Town, to St. Nicholas the special protector of sailors and the Patron * Patent Rolls, 37, Henry iii. t The word 'Donms' is on the SuiTendcr seal almost destroyed. I ooiild only sec clearly ' (Jin.' The other words are yery distinct. DOMUS DEI. 13 Saint of the "Doinus Dei," ami to St. Thomas of Canterbury, the Patron Saint of Povtsnionth parisli cliurch. From the death of William of Wykehani in 1404, to the surrender of the Hospital by John lucent, on the 2nd of June, 1540, there is only one occurrence recorded of any special interest ; indeed, as far as I have been able to dis- cover, with that solitary •exception, the old " Domus Dei " for nearly 150 years remained almost unnoticed. I need scarcely say that 1 allude to the murder of Adam Moleyns, Bishop of Chichester, "through the procurement of the Duke of York by shipmen slaine " on the 9th of January, 1411). The exact spot where the murder took place is un- known, but the current story that the Bishop fell close to the high altar is untrue. The Process,* in Bishop Fox's Eegister, distinctly states tliat he was inhumanly and ivith sacrilegious hands dragged hy the inhabitants '■out of the said Church called the 'Domus Dei;' while the same record tells us, that he was subjected to a cruel death "committed ai the aforesaid church called the 'Domus Dei.'" The word ' extra ' cannot be misunderstood, it clearly signifies that the nuirderers were nob inside the building when the crime was perpetrated ; while the words " at the aforesaid church" as clearly declare that they were not far from it. It is quite possible that the " shipmen " sought the Bishop in the Church, while he was ministering by nightf at the altar, and that, on his passing out by the south door, they dragged him through the Churchyard towards the beach, and there murdered him. But a little care will, I think, " enable us to fix within a few yards the very spot where the murder took place. The Process informs us that the Vicar and inhabitants of Portsmouth were required to erect, first a cross and afterwards a chapel " in the same place of the * See Process, pp. 142-153. id. Jan. intorfcctui Portcsmoulh." Hist, E'.'j!. Chr. Can), per John Stuiic, MS, in Curp. Cull. Cant. t 14-16 oid. Jan. intorfcctus fuit in node Mag-r. Adam Moloyns, Episi Cicestr. apud Portcsmoulh." li DOMUS DEI. crime." On the map of Portsmouth, drawn in the reign of Henry viii. before 1540, also on that of the reign of Elizabeth, (Cott. ]\IS.) there is a little building between the Church and the present Memorial Cross. In the Elizabeth plan will be found over the little building the word ' Chappel.' We may therefore fairly conclude that there the fold deed w^as done. The statement that the murder occurred in a boat is altogether unsupported. That Adam Moleyns was preparing to embark for the continent is true, and that lie was by " shipmen slaine " is very probable, but the tale that he was struck down while embarking seems scarcely w^orthy of our attention. The last notice we have of the " Domus Dei " as a House of Mercy is by Leland in the reign of Henry viii. "There is also (he writes) in the west southwest part of tlie town a fair hospital some time erected by Peter de Eupibus, Bishop of Winchester, wherein were twelve poor men and yet six be in it." This statement about six poor men only being yet in the Hospital is, I think, explained by the following passage found in a MS. at the Eecord office : — " The alms at Portsmouth included four score pounds from the temporal lands, out of which were maintained a chaplain priest, and further six men and six women received every week sixpence a piece, and every fortnight seven loaves of bread and five gallons of ale a piece."* We can easily believe, that, when the Hospital was founded, there were twelve brethren, but that afterwards it was deemed better for the sick that half the establishment should be sisters, and so a change was made accordingly by the Visitor's authority. Leland was evidently only par- tially informed, as nothing is said by him of the sisters, who were certainly half of the working staft'-f- of the " Domus Dei " at the time of its surrender. * See Page 126.— Letter to Mr. Forest. "t See Page 106 " Payments to the Poor with their diets." 1 kJ^W^ DOM us DEI. 15 Soon after came the terrible visit of the Commis- sioners. The deed of surrender is dated Juno 2nd lo'iO.* The dread of an onslaught upon ecclesiastical property had been felt, we may be sure, for many years, still to tlie last purchases were made by the Master of the " Domus Dei." As late as October, 1835, John Eaynolds of Portsmouth, shipwright, sells to John Incent, Clerk, Magister or Custos of the Hospital, two acres in Kingstone, paying 4d. a year to the king for all service ; this is dated April 11th, 1530. Again, Thomas Carpenter of Kingestone, husbandman, sells to the same Master or Custos of the Hospital of St. Nicholas called Goddys House de Portesmouthe, one acre in Prod- ington, to be held of the lord of the fee, at the rent of ^d. Dated 2nd October, 27, Henry viii. (1535.) The valuation of the Hospital in the Valor Ecclesias- ticus in 1534 is thus stated. The total value £79 13 7^, reprisals in alms, fees, &c., £45 14 2, leaving the net amount £33 19 5^. In a Poll of Accounts of Pichard Poulet, one of the receivers of the Court of Augmentations during the year, from Michaelmas, 22 Henry viii (1530) to ]\Iicliaelmas 1531, we find the "Hospital of St. Nicholas of Portesmouth vulgarly called Goddeshous " among those voluntarily surrendered ; the receipts then amounted to £39 18 5 (exclusive of certain allowances) from lands in Broughtone, Frodingtone, and Purgwelle (parish of Hamel- doue) and in Kingestone and Portesmouthe as also in I'roke, Preshwater and Wippingham in the Isle of Wight. (Potul. Harl. I. 14.) Pull particulars of all tlie estates and rights belonging to the Hospital have bv i-u i)reserved, A strict and accu- rate account of all the })roperty was talvcn by Eoger Tychebourne,i- and duly forwarded 1o the Chancellor of the Court of Augmentations. Prom it we learn as already stated * See pp. 157-160. t Sec No. viii. Page 163. IG DOMUS DEI. that for charitable gifts, fees, and other repayments, £45 14 2 were expended, leaving £33 19 5| as the amount of the Warden's income, suhject to tithe ; equal at least to £400 of the present day.* We can therefore well understand that the Wardenship of Portsmouth " Domus Dei " Avas always considered good preferment, and especially so in lax days, when non-residence was deemed the great divine's privilege but never his shame. Much of the landed property of tlie Hospital passed away into the possession of the Powerscourt family. During the rule of the House of York, the church and buildings about it received, we may suppose, the usual care and were kept in decent condition ; but after the sur- render, when the endowments had been alienated, there must have been at least 20 years of sad neglect. Indeed judging by the two estimates for repairs made during the reign of Elizabeth, the once highly favoured Hospital had been allowed to fall into a sadly dilapidated state. Changes however took place which happily tended to save the " Domus Dei " from utter ruin. As soon as Eliza- beth came to the throne it was determined to protect Portsmouth by powerful defences. To " good Queen Bess " Portsmouth is greatly indebted for increased importance, for she helped, in a very marked way, to make it the first arsenal of the world. Among other means of pro- viding money to meet the heavy expenses these defences entailed, a great lottery was put forth in 1569, the proceeds to be applied for fortifying Portsmouth. The works were commenced in 1559, and were vigorously carried on for nearly thirty years ; so much so that we find in 15SG the new fortifications were thoroughly supplied with * Mr. Hallam considers " any given sum under Heniy iii. and Edward i., as crjuivalent on general command over coumiodities, to be about twenty four or twenty five times their nominal value at present." We may therefore say with safety twelve limes in the days of Hemy viii. fc 1 « ^ ^' ^" ^ V k S DOMUS DEI. 17 Ordnance. All this necessarily tended to increase the importance of the Governor's position, and rendered it requisite to provide him with quarters in every way be- coming his high office. As early as June, 1564, charges were raatle for "felling and preparing timber for The flooring of God's House,*" but very soon after we find the authorities actively engaged in thoroughly repairing all the buildings of the " Domus Dei." In the Lansdowne MSS., Nos. 69 and 72, we are expressly told that the outlay set forth in the two estimates dated l58l, and July 24th, ir)82 was " for converting God's House and other buildings into a residence for a Governor." The estimate dated 1581 is of great interest, inas- much as we are able by it and the plan of God's House in the Cottonian MS. to give the name and position of every building then existing. It is thus worded :— The gate hous with the lodgingesf withoute the north ile of the Church iii score and xv foote long ; the rafter x foote and a halfe ; the church xxv foot wide ; the Armory sixe and fifty foot longe ; the Smithe's forge xxxii foot longe ; the Pay-Chamber at the end of the forge ; the Chamber from the Pay-chamber to the Captayne's chamber sixe score foot long ; the roofe over the Captayne's cham- bei- and the Great CharaberJ fifty and sixe foot long ; the roofe over the Dyning Chamber xxx fote longe ; the Pigeon hous ; the Hall roofe fifty foot longe ; the Kechin and^the Larder! I one hundred foote longe ; the roofe over the Back * State Papers, 'Domestic Elizabeth,' Vol. 34, No. 31. • / " Thp Gate hous with the lodging-es." These consisted of a small build- ing for the Porter and a larger for the use of guests. They may be seen on the plan, Lott. Mb., temp. Elizabeth," occuijying very nearly the spot where the entrance gate now stands. ■> j i 1 i Tli^^G^reat Chamber was the Guest House in the reception chamber called also the Ilooshye, sometimes the Ostre. This often comprised if^cral chambers under one name. The Captajaie's Chamber was the Master's C'liam- ber but called the Captayne's Chamber when the Hospital became occupied bv me uovemors of Portsmouth. II The Kechin and Larder were very large because great numbers of poor persons were fed from the Hospital. ' 18 DOM US DEI, gate xviii foot longe ; Bakehous and the Stable iii scov(^ and eight foot longe ; the roofe over the Nnrcery* sixe and lifty foot longe. Eepairs estimated at £99. The accompanying plan (No. 2) shows each of the buildings above specified. The otlier estimate, by liichnrd ro])Tnjay, is dated July 2-ith, 1582, and is principally confined to the cost of repairing the church. The sum here requireil is £500 Gs. 8d. This estimate has also especial value attached to it, ex- plaining as it does discoveries recently made at the west end of the church. It runs thus : — The churche ther wher the store of pouther doth lye, pykes, bowes, by lies, and other provysion aiul munition ; the roof(i ys covered with leade, which must be taken u]) and newe cast, and three tonnes of newe leade for to supply the wantes of those roofes ; and the gutters in the howse about the Captayne's lodging and others, th' offices and rooms to the same apperteyning ; the walles of the church to be cooped with asheler and crest for keeping the walles from receveing of rayne and other moysture ; and the repaiering of the same roofes, which are mooche decayed allredy by want of good and tyght covering ; vidz : two of the arches in ruyne, and one pyller of stone .standing betwen the two arches, which hath and doth take sooch rayne and moysture, that, onles present remydy be had and provyded, the same churche, or howse for store will utterly decaye and come to ruyne ; the charge whereof will amount to £240. The roofe of the Hall in Gode's howse withont the kytchen roofe, larders, stabelles, armory, forge, the Dynning Chamber, and all the lodgings in the same howse are to be striped and newe healed, for that the iiayles, lathe, pynes, and mooche of the stoue ys rotten, and so farre spent and gone that patching, byeting or mending i will not serve, for every meane blast of wynde and wether | teres, breakes, rypes up, and caryeth awaye th' old with ] * Xurecry — sometimes called the Fcrmcry. It -was used for the sick and infinn. DOMUS DET. J 9 the newe, as Mr. Captnync lumsclf hath syene, and therein is best wytnes ; the charge for stone, slat, lathe, nayles, pynnes and worknianshp will amount to £258. The breach in the wall at Gode's Howse over against the ar- moyry ys fyfty footes in length and xii footes in height. The making thereof up againe with cariage of stuffe will cost 4Cs. Sd. Sum total £500 6s. 8d. The church must have l)een converted into a store for arms before the days of Edward vi. for, in the first year of his reign (1547), we find in a IMS. in the library of the Society of Antiquaries, No. 129, a curious list of the " Mnnvcions within the Churche at Goddeshouse sent by the L. Grete Mr. from the Towre, 27 Sept. 3. Edw. Sexti." In the Churche were placed : " Sacre and Fawcono shott of yrone (and other shot), coilles of wollen roopes for bumbardes," shovels and spades, " skoopes, bloke billes, morispickes, chestes of bowes and arrowes, serpentyn pow- der, leade sowes, dryfattes with flaskes and toucheboxes, cassementes with hand gonnes and bowstrings." In the Chancdle we have more blocke billes and chestes of bowes and arrowes, also " collers and traces for horses," and lan- terns ; while in the Vestrie were stored " serpentyne and corne powder" and "lodells of latten for culveryns." Be- sides all these there were deposited in the Church some " munychions for fireworke," consisting of linseed oil, turpentine, rosin, saltpetre, pitch, tar, canvas "marlynlyne," packthread, twine, " okeham," liax and '•' packenedells." Other munitions were in the Lofte in the Armory, and in the Armory itself were " Almayne ryvettes " (suits of armour made in Germany) with splentes and salletts (head pieces) xxvi paire." It is evident, from the particulars set forth in the estimate, that the church was then in a dangerous state ; we may therefore fairly conclude that steps were taken to prevent the building Ijeconiing a mere ruin ; and further, we have every reason to believe that, to avoid expense, the whole of the west end bay was pulled down and the 2 20 DOMUS DEI. church made so much shorter. If it be asked on what ground such belief is based, I answer that when, in 18GG, the west wall was taken down to add a bay, according to the plan of the eminent architect, G. E. Street, Esq., R a., complete pillars were found embedded in the wall, and one or two of the stones of an arch remained above the capital of the south pillar. Some have supposed that it was originally intended to make the church one bay longer, but the plan was not carried out for want of funds. Few who know anything of Peter de Eupibus will accept such an explanation of the matter. That great bishop and the men of his day were not architects who failed in a work when so near its completion, as the church must have been if the supposition that funds were wanted be maintained. It is in every way far more probable that one bay was removed, and so the danger and difficulty set forth in the repair document were avoided. Indeed we may say that such was certainly the case. But there is a riddle connected with the story. When the workmen, in 18G6, were preparing the foundation of the new bay they came upon old foundations and found, at the north west corner, a bottle deposited in a bed of rubble work, four feet under ground ; the very spot now occupied by the corner stone of the restored building. This bottle, strange to say, is not older than the time of Charles i. and possibly was manufactured as late as the early part of the reign of George i. How is this to be accounted for ? AVhat object could there have been in placing the bottle where it was found ? I can only suppose that, after the marriage of Charles il. or at a somewhat later period, it was intended to restore the church to its original length, that the found- ations were commenced and the bottle deposited, but the work was then abandoned for want of funds or for some other cause. There is a curious plan drawn by Talbot Edwards in 1716, which evidently implies a great change in the Church ; that change we know was never carried out, but if we suppose that the foundations were laid and DOMUS DEI. 21 then the luidertakiug or part of it was abandoned as too expeDsive, tlie discovery of the bottle and the date of its manufacture will be fully accounted for. (See Plate No. 4.) As tlic Church and buildings about it were, at the close of Elizabeth's reign, at least, in decent repair, it is only- reasonable to suppose that they continued so during the next sixty years. The Governor would take due care that his own residence and all about it were kept in good order ; and that they were so kept, we may infer from the fact that Catherine ui" Braganza was received in Government House on her arrival from Portugal, and in it was celebrated her marriage with Charles ii. on the 21st May, 1G62. His Majesty, writing to Lord Clarendon early on that day, speaks very hopefully of his matrimonial prospects. " Portsmouth, 21st May, 8 in the morning. " I arrived here yesterday about two in the afternoon, and as soon as I had shifted myself I went to my wife's chamber. Her face is not ss exact as to be called a beauty, though her eyes are excellent good, and not anything in her face that in the least degree can shoque one ; on tlie con- trary, she hath much agreeableness in her looks altogether as ever I saw ; and if I have any skill in physiognomy, which I think I have, she must be as good a woman as ever was born. Her conversation, as much as T can perceive, is very good ; for she has wit enough and a most agreeable voice. You would wonder to see how well we are acquainted already ; in a word, I think myself very happy, for I am confident our two humours will agree very well togetlier. I have not time to say any more. My Lord Lieutenant will give an account of the rest.* C. The gatliering on the wedding day must have made Portsmouth very gay, and old " Domus Dei " must have presented a striking sight on the great and extraordinary occasion. Samuel Pepys tells us " I followed in the crowd * M.S. Lansdownc, 1236 fol. 117. 22 DOMUS DEI. of gallants through the Queen's lodging to Chapel, the rooms being all rarely furnished, and escaped hardly being set on fire yesterday. The Mayor, Mr. Timbrell, our anchorsmith showed me the present they have for the Queen — a salt-cellar of silver, the walls of chrystal with four eagles and four greyhounds standing up at the top to bear up a dish. 1 lay at Ward's the chirurgeon's in Portsmouth."* In the Kegister Book of St. Thomas's Church the marriage is entered as follows : — " Our Most Gracious Sovereign Lord, Charles the ii. by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c., and the most illustrious Princess Donna Catarina, Infanta of Portugal, daughter of the deceased Don Juan iv. and sister to the present Don Alphonso, King of Portugal, were married at Portsmouth, on the two and twentieth day of May, in the year of our Lord God, 1662, being in the 14th year of His Majesty's reign ; by the Reverend Father in God Gilbert, Lord Bishop of London, Dean of the Chapel Royal, in the presence of several of the Nobility of his Majesty's dominions and of Portugal" Anno 1662." It is a remarkable fact that the date of the marriage, as entered in this Register is wrong ! The date there given is Thursday, the '^2nd of May, whereas all contemporary authority concurs in stating it to have taken place on Wednesday, the 2^1st of May. In the Journal of Edward, Earl of Sandwich, (tlie Admiral who brought the Queen over) printed by Kennett in his Historical Register, 1728, he says that she landed on the 14tli of May, and went in her own coach attended by the Lords, the Portugal Am- bassador and himself walking on foot before the coach, " to the King's House in Portsmouth." On Wednesday, 21st May, the Earl tells us that the King and Queen came into the Presence Chamber, upon the throne, and the * Memoirs of Samuel Pepys. DOMUS DEI. 23 contract made with Portugal was read, after whicli the King- took the Queen by the linnd and saitl the words of matri- mony appointed in the Common Prayer, the Queen also declaring her consent. Then the P>ishop of London (Gilbert Slieldon) stood forth and made the declaration of matrimony and pronounced them man and wife* It is with regret that I give up the once cherished belief that Cliarles ii. was married in the Garrison Church, but, from the record of Lord Sandwich, it is quite evident that the marriage did not take place in the Church, but in the Presence Chamber of the King's House. This is con- firmed in the Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe (wife of Sir Eichard Fanshawe, the ambassador wdio had negotiated the marriage) who no doubt M^as present on the occasion. She says " upon the 21st of May, the King married the Queen at Portsmouth, in the Presence Chamber of His Majesty's House. There was a rail across the upper part of the room, in which entered only the King and Queen, the Bishop of London, the Marquis Desande, the Portuguese Ambassador, and my husband ; in the other part of the room there were many of the nobility and servants to their Majesties. The Bishop of London declared them married in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, and then they caused the ribbons Her Majesty wore to be cut in little pieces, and as far they would go every one had some."t It is supposed that the old altar cloth, on which was emblazoned a view of Lisbon and the Eoyal Arms of Portugal, was an offering made by the King to the Ptoyal Chapel on his marriage. This was not the only royal marriage which took place in tlie County of Hants, for in the year 1445, Margaret of Anjou, attended by a large assemblage of nobility, landed at Portsmouth, and proceeded to the * Hist. Reg. p. 96o. t 8vo. 1829 p. 143. 24- DOMUS DEI. Priory of Southwick, (to which the " Portsmouth Domus Dei " was attached) and was there married to Henry vi. on the first of April * Ten years after the marriage of Charles n. another royal visit was paid to the old " Domus Dei." " In September, 1672, the Mayor and Aldermen, with their mace, and in their peculiar robes, standing at the entrance of the Fort, the mayor made a speech to welcome James ii. to Portsmouth. The guns were fired and 3000 troops lined the streets and platform as His Majesty proceeded to God's House, the Governor's residence."t The next important gathering in the Chapel, if not royal, was, we may he certain, thoroughly real. The in- habitants met in 1G93 in God's House to settle a quarrel, which had arisen about the expenditure of money in the destruction of the beautiful tower and nave of the Parish Church, and placing in their stead deformities which wnll, I fear, long contrast with the brilliant architecture of its chancel ; a church only wanting fitting restoration to ren- der it equal to any in England. The particulars of this calamity and the use made of the " Domus Dei " are thus recorded in an old vestry book : — "In the year 1693, a new rate w^as agreed upon, and towards the re-building and repairing the Parish Church, every inhabitant shall be assessed to the said rate, at six tymes the sum that he, she, or they were rated to the last poor-book ; and ]\Ir. Ambrose Stanyford shall goe forward in the finishing the Church, and the parish shall be obliged to pay him what shall be due, and the money shall be raised by rate. After some time, dissatisfaction arose, and Mr. Henry ]\Iaydman was authorised by the inhabitants, meeting in God's House Chapell, (the then pro-parish Church) to superintend the disbursements of the monies raised, and to keep a strict account in a book. And in 1694, * Cartulary of Southmck Priory. t Borough, iiucoi-cls. rW H DOMUS DEI. to pay lip debts upon account of the Church, it was agreed that a book of rates shall be made, which shall amount unto and comprise six poor-books, after the rate of the said parish." Thomas Heather, good dear simple vicar, in his private notes, December 10, 1694, writes thus — " Our Parish Church is become a beauteous structure, I heartily wish I could see the chancel answer it." Although the close of the 17th century was a time of thick darkness as regards Gothic architecture and Church order, it possessed, at least in Portsmoutli. a bright and glowing gratitude ; for on the monument erected by the in- habitants to the memory of Anil)rose Stanyford, we find the following words — " Beneath this stone lyes the earthly remains of Ambrose Stanyford, Esq., who, hij the good pro- vidence of God, %vas the hapi^y instrument of eontriving, framing, and finishing the inside 'beauty of this House, for the glory of God and to the joy and comfort of his 'peo'ple assemlling here to His worshii^r This family of Stanyford continued in the Borough as leading burgesses until the middle of the seventeenth century, and then the name disappeared. Curiously enough, in the year 1794, we find a pue in the Garrison Church the pjroperty of a Mr. Stanyford. It is marked K on Plan No. 9, and this explanation is given," K seat formerly granted to Mr. Stanyford, and built at his own expense." Among the treasures of the " Domus Dei " is a set of massive Communion plate ; consisting of two immense flagons, two chalices, two pattens, and a large alms dish. They were presented by Queen Anne, but when, and on what particular occasion, I have not been able to discover. It is very probable that Her Majesty made the offering when she visited Government House with her Consort, Prince George of Denmark. At the same time it is only fair to state, that some maintain that the plate was given when the King of Spain embarked at Portsmouth, on His Majesty's return from Windsor, "where all the great ladies of Queen Anne's court had received costly gifts." 2(j DOM US DEL In tlie reigns of the 1st and 2nd Georges, Portsmouth a})pears to have received no royal attention ; but George ill. was on several occasions a visitor, inspecting the Garrison and Dockyard, or giving honour to the heroes who so nobly fought the battles of their country. On May 2ud, 1778, His ]\Iajesty and the Queen arrived at I'ortsmouth, and on Sunday morning went to the Royal Garrison Chapel, where the Eev. George Cuthbert, Vicar of Portsmouth, Chaplain to the King, and afterwards Mayor of the Borough, preached, taking his text from the 6th chapter of Deuter- onomy and the loth verse. And again in June, 1794, a few days after the arrival of the victorious Howe at Portsmouth, the King and his Queen came to the renowned arsenal to do honour to the great Admiral, accompanied on this occasion by six of the Eoyal children. " The Eoyal Family reached the Governor's House about 7 o'clock, when the band of the Gloucester JMilitia played on the Parade. The Queen and the ladies sat on the balcony for some time, and then joined the King and Prince Ernest on the Queen's battery, where, with a host of nobihty, they continued to promenade." A grand Levee took place on Friday the 27th, at Government House. It is only right to record that the king attended Divine Service in the Dockyard Chapel. His Majesty seems at all times to have borne in mind, that a nation's well being depends upon its holy recognition of the God of Forces. The old " Domus Dei " is of interest in the P)orough of Portsmouth, as being intimately connected with the Volunteer Forces of the last and present centuries. On the 29th May, 1799, the Royal Garrison Volunteers of Portsmouth, under the command of Major William Garrett, were assembled in the Garrison Church previous to the presentation of Colours to that loyal and devoted Corps. The sermon was preached by .the Rev. John Davies, b.a., St. Mary's Hall, Oxford, who took for his text, Psalm XVliT, verse o9. " Thou hast girded jne with strength unto the battle, Thou shalt throw down mine enemies under DOMUS DEI. 27 me." The words of tlie preacher were pLain and stirring : — " Embarked in the service of your king and country, as the inscription on your banner denotes, Honoured by the cxjjress approhation of your Soverdgii, to yo}i belongs the distinguished and exalted privilege of bearing on your consecrated standard the ensigns of royalty. So high a token of pre-eminence and favour can only be considered as the suitable reward of strict and soldier-like conduct, without which the purpose of enrolment would be defeated. Indeed, the uniform regularity of your deportment, and the undisturbed harmony which has, on all occasions, ])re- vailed through your ranks, whilst they reflect the highest lustre on the character of your ohicers, display most an)ply the sincerity of your zeal, and claim from every description of good and loyal men, the grateful tribute of confidence and esteem. " In thus augmenting the strength and promoting the wise and salutary measures of government, you have not even solicited, as a compensation for loss of labour, that reasonable allowance of pay which you might fairly and equitably have claimed. Aware too of the serious inter- ruption which every branch of commerce must occasionally sustain from the necessity of your frequently appearing in the military school, the inconveniences, to which not only yonrsclvcfi, but many of your respective employers cheer- fully submit at this momentous crisis, demand particular notice and commendation. " Thus brought into the field from the most patriotic and disinterested motives ; furnished with every regimental requisite at the sole expense of your liberal and zealous commander ; trained under the auspices of men equally independent and respectable, you may become, in the absence of regular forces, not merely a local safeguard and defence, but to your vigilance may be entrusted the im- portant charge of defending a Garrison, whose conse([iience to the Empire is no less the subject of deserved than universal admiration ; and whose spacious docks and 28 DOMUS DEI. immense mafijazines for the ready equipment of our vast naval bulwark stand unrivalled in the annals of the world. " It is here within our view that the great maritime force of the country is collected ; and we have seen the adjoining harl)OLir crowded with the spoils of vanquished squadrons. It is here too, that we have been eminently honoured with the presence of Majesty : here in person has He celebrated the triumphs of His Fleet : and here vnthin these walls has He offered up the pious incense of His gratitude and thanks to Him who giveth victory unto kings ; the great and glorious God, the Lord strong and mighty, even the Lord mighty in battle, who girdeth with strength of war." On leaving the Church, the Volunteers were formed be- neath the balcony of the Governor's House, which, with the small square tower at its west end, hid entirely the south side of the Chancel, and the Ensigns received the Colours from the hands of Mrs. William Garrett, who addressed the Major in the following words : — " Sir, — I have very great pleasure in presenting to your corps these emblems of loyalty and attachment to your king and country. From the known zeal and patriotism of yourself, your officers, and men, I have no doubt but you will defend them at the hazard of your lives. In protecting them you will, I trust, secure for your country the happiness it enjoys under its present constitution. It is my most sincere and ardent prayer to the Almighty Disposer of events that the cause, which you and your brethren in arms have so nobly stood forward in defence of, may be crowned with success ; and that the blessings of peace may be speedily restored to these kingdoms." To which Major W. Garrett returned the following answer : — " Madam, — I cannot but feel infinite gratification in returning to you my own thanks and those of my officers and men, for the honour you have conferred upon us in presenting to us these consecrated Banners. It will indeed ^ DO.MUS DEI, 29 be most satisf;ict(n'y to us hereafter to rcllect, that, in following the laudable example of our brother volunteers, we may have in any degree contributed to the i)ermaneiit security and welfare of our country against its foreign or domestic foes." " To you, gentlemen (turning to the Ensigns) I have the honour to deliver these sacred pledges of our fidelity and attachment to our king and country, confidently rely- ing, that in your hands they will never be disgi-acecl ; and from the frequent instances I have expeiienced of the zealous and spirited conduct of the corps I have the honour to command, I need only observe to them that these are the true rallying points, and to remind them, that the cause they have engaged in is for the preser- vation of all that Englishmen hold most dear — their wives, their children, their country, and their laws." " I beg leave to offer you, Sir, (the Eeverend R Davies) our best thanks for the very excellent discourse you have been good enough to give us. The sentiments it contained will, I trust, make a deep and lively impres- sion upon the minds of those to whom it immediately applied ; and I have no hesitation in declaring in the face of Heaven, and before you. Sir, our respected Governor, (Sir William Pitt) that being animated with the most zealous ardour for the defence of our King and country, we will, to the utmost of our abilities, whenever called upon, perform the duties of faithful soldiers and good citizens." When Major Garrett delivered that soldierly address it was little thought that, within three quarters of a cen- tury, a Volunteer Drill Shed would occupy a part of the then Governor's garden, and Volunteer Corps be drilled from Penny Street and (rreen Eow to the eastern and western ramparts. While the name of Garrett will be handed down in the story of Portsmouth as honourably connected with the old Government House and the gallant old Volunteers ; that of Colonel liichards will lonu' be 30 DOMUS DEI. remembered, as representing the 3rd Hants Artillery Volunteers, who proved such generous friends to the Gar- rison by providing it gratuitously, for nearly two years, with a most convenient temporary place of worship. I may mention here that, at the end of the last century, three handsomely bound Prayer Books were presented to tlie Garrison Church by George III. The exact date when the royal gift was made does not appear, but we may fairly suppose that it was shortly after the occasion when His Majesty there publicly thanked God for His merciful watchfulness over our nation. But the ohl "Domus Dei" was destined to receive a gathering more distinguished far than any it had ever known in the days of which I have already told ; for, on AVednesday, the 22nd day of June, 1814, it was announced hy telegraph to H. R. Highness the Duke of Clarence, the Port Admiral, that the Prince Regent had left London and would, with tlie Emperor of Paissia, Frederick, King of Prussia, Marshal Blucher, Prince Platoff, and a crowd of distinguished personages, pay a formal visit to England's great arsenaL The Royal party left London about nine o'clock, and arrived at Portsmouth at four o'clock the same day. On reaching the Landport gate, His Royal Highness was received by Lieut.-General Houston, Lieut.-Govcrnor of the Garrison, who presented His Royal Highness with the keys of the town, which were forthwith returned to the Lieut.-Governor. On entering the town a salute with a triple discliarge of all the artillery on the ramparts and the lines was given, and all the vessels fired a royal salute. These salutes were repeated when His Royal Highness alighted from his carriage at the Government House, where he was received by the Secretary of State for the Home Depart- ment, the Board of Admiralty, the Commissioners of the Navy, His Royal Highness the Admiral of the Fleet, Lieut.-General Houston, and other high officers. The Prince Regent proceeded at once to hold a Levee, at which the Admiral of the Fleet presented Admiral Sir Richard DOMUS DET. til Bickertou, Coinmanding the Port ; Vice Admiriils G. Martin and Sir Harry Ncale, Bart. : Kear Admirals Sir F. Laforey, Bart., Foote, and T. B. ]\Iartin ; and all the Captains and Commanders in commission at the IV)rt. Immediately after the Levee His Eoyal Highness pro- ceeded, with his attendants, to the balcony in front of Government House, where he was received hy the people with the greatest enthusiasm. At seven o'clock a dinner of forty covers was served, and the " Donnis Dei " rang again with the loyal shouts of the distinguished and honoured guests. Thousands of lamps lit up the build- ings in a way that would have greatly astonished the simple Brothers and Sisters and their Prior, could they have risen from their graves and seen their home, once so calm and (piiet, thus strangely changed. In the centre was the word ' Peace ' with a star blazing over it, and at the two angles of the house, the letters A and F in honour of the illustrious visitors. About eight. His Majesty the King of Prussia, accompanied by their Poyal Highnesses the Prince Poyal, PrinceWilliam, Prince William (His INIajesty's brother) and Prince Frederick of Prussia, were received by a guard of honour ; and at a much later hour, the Empe- ror of Pussia and the Duchess of Oldenburg arrived, attended by the Earl of Yarmouth, Count Lieven, and many noblemen of the imperial court. On Thursday, the 23rd, Prince Blucher joined the distinguished gathering ; and in the evening of that day the Prince Pegent had a dinner of still greater brilliancy. Their Majesties, the Grand Duchess, the Princes, and their respective suites, with the Board of Admiralty, the Ministers, and leading naval and military officers, sat down to a sumptuous repast of one hundred and twenty covers. The Prince Pegent and the royal visitors were pleased again to gratify the wishes of the people, by appearing on the balcony, and were received with a heartiness to be imagined, but not described. During the evening of the 24th,the Iron Duke,the loved DOMUS DEI. and renowned of the nation, reached Portsmouth. That im- mortal hero, ever actuated by a sense of duty, awaited at tlie old " Domus Dei " his Eoyal Master's return from the Naval lieview, which had occu])ied the whole day. The instant tlie Prince Eegent saw him he hastened towards him, seized him by the hand, and for the moment was unable to speak ; but at once recovering iiimself he turned to the assembled Sovereigns and Generals and said — " England's glory is now complete ; it only wanted the presence of your Grace." That night, Government House, some parts of which were as old as the days of King John, saw the Prince Piegent of England, with kings and nobles, and knights, and re- nowned officers, liritish and Foreign — a glorious company, gathered round a royal board rejoicing that God had in mercy given peace to Europe ; and once more the IJoyal Host and his guests presented themselves to the public, and received the warmest expression of joy and sympathy from a happy and contented people. On the following day, June 25th, a Levee was held. High hon- ours were conferred, the Mayor and Corporation did homage, and old " Domus Dei" witnessed a scene the like of which Portsmouth can never hope to see again. It must he remembered that Government House had for some years been uninhabited, (save a few back buildings occupied by the Town jNIajor) and was, on the visit of the allied Sovereigns, merely fitted up temporarily for the Prince Ptegent and his distinguished guests. It was never used again. Twelve years after that renowned visit not a trace of it was left. Its demolition commenced January 21st, 1826, and was completed on March 18th of that year. The only remains of antiquity particularly noticed were some "low pointed early English arches, surrounded by modern brickwork," some groining Ibrming the ceiling of wine cellars, and the lofty old chimney, so difficult to de- stroy ; but of this we may be sure, very much highly inter- esting to the antiquarian escaped the attention of busy, luieducated workmen. t.k :23tl:!^ DOMUS DEL .')S We have now, as we enter upon tlic second quarter of the nmeteenth century, the Chureh and Inlirniary of the ancient Hospital of St. Nicholas and St. John the Baptist standing alone ; the solitary, but truly sacred remains of an institution which, in days of sad disease and much poverty, had been to thousands a source of great comfort. Tliis will be a favourable moment for noticing the various changes which took place from time to time in the appear- ance of the Hospital. We have seen that, in the days of Elizabeth, it was thoroughly repaired, a part having been given over for the Captayne's or Governor's quarters ; while the remainder, the church included, was converted into government offices and storehouses. In course of time buildings incon- veniently placed, and therefore little used, would be pulled down, or, if not destroyed, greatly altered. Such is the common course of things ; but, allowing for all this, we may be certain, that the house which received Charles ii. and Catherine of Braganza, his affianced, on her airival from Portugal, was a portion of the old Hospital, not nearly so much changed as many imagine. Evelyn writes of it thus " The Hall of the Government House is artificially hung round with arms of all sorts, like the hall and keep at AVindsor." In 1716 the "gate hewse and lodging hewse " were still in existence, and they, be it remembered, were standing alone and of comparatively little use, and there- fore most lialde to decay. I have already suggested that possibly some extensive clianges were connnenced, but not carried out about the year 1710. By examining the sketch taken in the time of Charles II. and that of 1750 it will be seen that in neither are there dormer windows. It is therefore clear that late in the 17th or early in the J 8th century alterations were made in the roof of the church, for in the sketch by Talbot Edwards (1716) and Armstrong (1730) we find four dormer windows. It is equally clear that many additions were made about that period to Government House. My belief is that . Talbot Edwards who occupied in the Garrison, I understand, the VA DOA[US DEI. position of Director of Public Works did very much to tlie buildings of the old " Domus Dei " and desired to do more. It is highly probable that he introduced the dormer win- dows. If so for some cause or other they were removed and the roof of the church lowered before the year 1756, for the drawing of Joseph Wakley " taken on the spot " is we may be sure an accurate and valuable representation of the Church and Government House towards the end of the reign of George ii. A square tower is now found at the east end of the north aisle of the church but attached to the house. This is said to have been added in order that all shipping approaching the harbour might be seen. During the next fifty years further changes were made, but not affecting the extent of the building south-westward ; an observatory was added, the roofs altered, the double flight of steps was re- moved, and a balcony, supported by five pillars, placed towards the centre, to which there was entrance by a double door from the great state room. But all that has now disappeared. On the 18th March, 1862, as I have already said, the Church and Infirmary of the old Hospital stood alone, the precious relics of a period when God fearing men gave largely and gladly for Christ's sake. , U^j DOMUS DEI. 35 THE RESTORATION. LAS 1 the ancient beauty of " Domus dei " had sadly- departed. Externally and internally it offered every deformity which ages, ignorant of all laws of ecclesiastical architecture, could supply. The roof had been so frequently lowered that it was nearly flat ; a parapet of brick ran com- pletely along the north and south sides of the nave and chancel ; eight long repulsive windows in the nave admit- ted a flood of light from the north and south, while at the west end was a curiously hideous window, which when designed was deemed, I doubt not, a marvel of talent. The windows of the chancel were equally bad, save those at the east end. These were a part of the original building, but unhappily had been so shortened that they looked stumpy and uncomfortable. Add to this a shabby hovel for a vestry attached to the north aisle at the west end, a huge l)ox for a porch before the west entrance, and a lofty thick un- seemly wall, effectually shutting out worship, save on Sundays ; and you will have some idea of the appearance of God's House outwardly, after well intentioned ignorance had for generations laboured to preserve it. Internally there had been many and grave alterations since the days when the sick and suffering lay along the side aisles, and, while their bodies were being cured, f(jund food for their souls through the holy ordinances of the Church. What :1G DOMUS DEI. those alterations were it is impossible to say, but the accompanying plan gives a very vivid picture of the pues and seats, and how they were appropriated at the close of the last century. The entrance to the Governor's elevated pue was from Government House by a door fitted into one of the old windows ; officers and officers' wives occupied long seats against the walls on the north and south sides of the west end of the chancel ; the Governor's servants were placed near the altar ; but strange to say two-thirds of the chancel and half the nave were "disposed of to the inhabitants of Portsmouth." One pue it will be obsei'ved, had in days past been granted to a Mr Stanyford, it having been " built at his own expense." Who this Mr. Stanyford was, 1 have not been able to dis- cover ; but certainly some leading inhabitant of the Borough, as I obseiTe that between 1715 and 1749 five Mayors of Portsmouth bore that name. Possibly it was the renowned Ambrose who so cruelly marred the beauty of the Parish Church. As the water mark of the paper on which the plan is drawn gives the year 1794, we may suppose that about that date a gallery at the west end was built, for the singers were then, we find, " removed to the west door," As to the poor soldiers they were- consigned to benches in the far off part of God's House. Some slight alteration of the above distribution took place to accommodate " the En- gineers and respective officers of His Majesty's Ordnance ;" but beyond that I can discover no notice of any change, save an addition to the pues, until 1846, when within the church the appearance of everything had become thoroughly repulsive. Then, on entering the church, the great object which at once attracted the eye, was two huge figures of Moses and Aaron over the altar, holding up a frame work con- taining the ten commandments. In the chancel were high pues backed by pannelling, which went entirely round the walls up to the old string course. Over the chancel door, which had been blocked up, stood an im- mense oblong pue elaborately, and I m.ay say, beautifully, PL /IN OF THE /IT Portsmouth. ■with ihe severa,l Seats le. It was the result of generations which knew nothing of, and cared nothing for, church architecture, and never required the shadow of a lecturer to denounce ultra-ritualism. No change whatever took place for twenty years ; but at last, in the year 1846, much attention seems to have been paid to the internal arrange- ments. All the pues in the chancel, except the Governor's, were replaced by others more conveniently ai-ranged ; the nave was entirely cleared, except a single row of pues running partly across from the north and south aisles ; the stone floor was made good and covered with kaniptu- licon, and benches arranged throughout for the troops. Further, a font was erected, the pillars made clean ! with yellow wash, and the covered out-door staircase into the gallery changed to an open inside one. During 1850 and 1851 further alterations were made. The chancel was completely cleared and re-pued ; the Governor's gallery with stairs leading to it taken away ; the Communion rail carried to the wall ; the great picture of IMoses and Aaron was removed ; the east windows lengthened ; six new side 38 DOMUS DEI. windows were iutroduced; two stoves with imderground flues were provided ; new chairs and carpet placed within the Communion rail ; and subsequently a plain terry velvet cover was presented for the altar. The pulpit and prayer desk underwent several experiments but " nothing (notes the then Chaplain) would take from them their heavy appearance." It may be thought by some that much of the money expended during these latter changes was almost thrown away, as little or no attempt was made really to restore the ancient church. Such a conclusion would be very unjust. It is much to be rejoiced at that cleanliness and comfort were more aimed at than restoration, as thirty years ago the building would, by any such experiment have been lastingly injured ; whereas now it has happily passed through the hands of one of the greatest architects of this or any other age. But the money was well spent if only as a sanitary precaution, for, previous to the removal of the old pues and repairing the old floors, the atmosphere of the church must have been, not only very offensive, but highly dangerous to health. It is calculated that in some old cathedral cities and many of our thickly populated towns, in which churches and churchyards are very numerous, the mortality of the inhabitants was, previous to the days of church restoring, seriously increased by congre- gations assembling in old, musty, ill- ventilated buildings, beneath and around which thousands had been buried. The green reeking w^alls oozing from the piled earth without ; broken floors emitting impure gases from beneath ; foul, lofty, baized pues confining foul air ; begrimed hassocks ; all this and much more, acting upon a congregation breathing in a stove-heated, gas-lighted church, crowded with galleries and devoid of all ventilation, brought many a worshipper to a premature grave. We have, therefore, great cause for gratitude to those who made the first effurt to improve the old Garrison Church. They purified it and rendered it for a time at least clean and decent. But alas ! the cleanliness and decency did not last I ■^■iz44^-r^i/l^^n/ DOMUS DEI. 39 very long : fifteen years made the old God's House almost as bad as ever. On the outside, the dingy cement covering tlie fine old stone walls added to tlie ugliness of the building, dwarfed as it was in length and height ; while within, the chocolate painted pues and seats had become worn and unseemly ; the kamptulicon had rotted ; the smoke had given the ceiling and yellow washed walls and pillars a dismal appearance — in a word both chancel and nave had returned to their former state of impurity. That such was the common opinion is certain, for the " Ports- mouth Times" in a leading article of August, 1865, thus writes : — "We call the Garrison Church 'a larj^e buildinc;' for externally it might pass for a barn, or a drill shed, or a brewhouse ; and, without private information to the con- trary, we should not be much the wiser after an internal view, beyond acquiring the knowledge tliat it is a parallel- ogram divided into partitions. Further we should find the air pervaded by a thick, so to speak, fusty smell, consequent upon villainously low-pitched roofs, aggravated by the residuum of exhalations which we may call the essence of closely packed humanity. iSIr. Street, in his report, dated as far back as the 4tli December, 1861, speaks in equally strong language. Having declared that " the huilding is one of extreme archi- tectural value and interest," he describes its appearance in these words : — " The exterior of the Chapel has been so much modernized and mutilated that scarcely any original feature now remains. The roofs have all been lowered to a very fiat pitch ; The windows have been destroyed ; and the walls have been covered with plaster and whitewashed. The appearance of the building is now unsightly in the extreme, and, I think I may say, a disgrace to the conspic- uous site on which it stands." The opinion of so eminent an architect together with his simple but beautiful design, showing to what tlie fast decaying relic of antiquity might be restored, led, after several years of delay, to active measures. A meeting convened by circular was held in the Guildhall, nn August 40 DOMUS DEI. 5th, 1865, W. G. Chambers, Esq., J.P., occupying the chair, the Mayor, E. W. Ford, Esq., being nnavoidably absent, at which Colonel Shadwell, who (with the Eeverend J. E. Sabin, senior chaplain of the garrison) had from the first been most active in furthering the restora- tion, was invited " to state what was proposed to be acconqilished." Colonel Shadwell said, " that as- far back as 1862 it was suggested that the Garrison Chapel should be restored, but at that time the proposition fell through, and nothing was done until the Secretary of State came down to Portsmouth in August last year. Lord William Paulet, who was then Lieutenant-Governor, showed him the chapel. Earl de Grey was not particularly impressed with the beauty of the outside, but he thought tliat with regard to the interior, the building possessed great capabi- lities for improvement. The matter went on till March, when a letter was addressed by the Secretary of State for War to the Quarter Master General, in which Earl de Grey said that if the garrison of Portsmouth and others would be willing to contribute to the fund, he should be prepared to consider the propriety of inserting in the estimates for 1866-67 a sum of £1500, provided such a sum was raised as would, with such grant, defray the cost of the restoration." The following circular was subsef^uently issued : — " Restokation of the Garrison Church." " It is proposed to restore the chapel of Saints John the P)aptist and Nicholas, now used by the troops of the Portsmouth garrison, so that it may become a seemly house of worship for the living, and a resting place not wholly unworthy of the brave men who lie within and around its walls. " This chapel has been thoroughly surveyed by G. E. Street, Esq., the well known architect, and his designs for its restoration have met with genersd approval. " The architect has separateii his scheme into parts, DOMUS DEI. 41 each of wliicli can l)e executed in order, according to its importance as funds become availal)le. They are as follows : — 1. New roofs to the chiuicel and nave, new windows, wall cleauod and repaired at a cost of . . . . ...CI (i'iO 2. Rebnildiua: of the west front adding one bay to the length, thereby inereasing the internal acconiniodation . . . . .500 3. llene^\•inli: the iloors and seats . . . . . . 700 4. Building'a bell tiuTBt .. .. .. .. 500 5. Placing a fence of proj)er design round the graveyard . . 200 £3500 " The whole sum is larger than can be granted by the War Office, hence the necessity of an apyjeal to the Navy, to the Army, and to the public for contributions. " A confident hope is entertained that many persons will come forward to aid in restoring its sacred appearance to the ancient place of worship, containing or oversha- dowing as it does the remains of General Sir Charles Napier and many other gallant soldiers and sailors." Colonel Shadwell, having read the circular to the meeting, observed that " a provisional committee had been formed, a sul)Scription list opened, and that a few per- sons had already contributed, Lord William Paulet having lieaded the list with £50 as his first subscription." In order that matters might take an active form, Colonel Sir J. William Gordon, k.c.b , Commanding Koyal Engineer, moved, and Admiral Sir Henry Chads, G.c.B. seconded, the first resolution, viz. : — " That a vigorous effort be made by means of the combined action of the inhabitants of this town, of the members of the united services who have been and are resident therein, as also of those in any way interested in Portsmouth, to restore the ancient chapel of Saints John the Baptist and Nicholas, now used as a garrison chapel, to a state wuirthy of the site on which it stands, and of tlie memory of the brave men who lie interred therein." This was unanimously agreed to. It was further determined to nominate a committee to carry out the resolution, and to rerpiest Lord William Paulet to remain chairman of the general committee. 42 DOMUS DEI. The committee was formed in due season, and, on the 15th of August, met for the purpose of electing an exe- cutive committee. It was then decided that such com- mittee should consist of twelve members, who were at once nominated. Between the 15th of August, 18G5, and the end of January, 18G6, nothing was done beyond arranging committees, corresponding wdth the War Department and the architect, and raising subscriptions by private effort ; but on the 24th of the latter month, the names of the general and executive committee were " approved and ordered to be printed." They were as follows : — Chairman: MAJOR-GENERAL LORD WILLIAM PAULET, k.c.k. Adjutant-General to the Forces. The Bishop of Winchester. Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, g.c.b. Adml. Sir Thomas Pasley, Bt., k.c.b. ♦Admiral Sir H. D. Chads, G.c.u. Lieut-General Foster, e.e. *Rear-Admiral Wellesley, C.b. *Maj or- General Sir J. W. Gordon, K.C.B., r.e. *Major-Gen. T. R. Mould, c.b., r.e. ♦Major-General W. H. Elliott, r.a. Major-General Tate. ♦Colonel ShadweU, War Oflace. CoL Sir A. Aliscn, Bart., c.b., a.a.g- R. W. Ford, Esq. (Ex-Mayor) ♦Colonel Wodehouse, c.b., r.a. ♦Colonel Hadden, r.e. *J. W. MiUer, Esq., m.d. ♦The Rev. N. H. McGachen, m.a. ♦The Ven. Archdeacon Wright, m.a.. Chaplain to the Forces. *The Rev. J. E. Sabin, m.a., Chap- lain to the Forces. The Rev. H. St. George, Chaplain to the Forces. The Rev. S. Beal, m.a., Chaplain to the Royal Marine Artillery. *E. M. Wells, Esq., (Mayor of Portsmouth.) *C. B. Hellard, Esq. ♦Major-Gen. Alexander, c.b., r.m.a. Colonel Longden, k.A. Major-General H. Man-iott, r.m.l.i. Lieut. -Colonel Meehan, StaflF Officer of Pensioners. ♦Captain McCoy, J. P. Colonel Boulderson. Major-General Paynter, c.b., r.a. Colonel Willis, q.m.o. Major Breton, Town Major. *W. G. Chambers, Esq. Of which thnne marled * arc the Exccntive Committee. Hon. Secs. : Colonel G. A. Schombcrg, c.b. and Captain Molesworth, r.e. The executive committee, now in a position to work effectually, made every possible effort to begin the restora- tion ; and so successful was that effort that on the 21st DOM us DEI. 43 of November, 18G6, a contract was signed by tlie chairman Lord William Paulet, for the execution of I'arts 1 and 2. at an outlay of £3135, together with an organ chamber (£178) ; the latter sum being guaranteed by a member of the committee. It will be at once seen that the cost of the restoration had seriously increased. The total expense estimated in 1865 for the complete restoration of the church was £3500, but when tenders were called for, so greatly had labour and material advanced in price, that the money required reached £5000. Under these circum- stances, the Minister of War increased the government grant to £2000, and so enabled the committee to proceed in their work with all confidence. On the 10th of Febru- ary, 1868, when the builders, Messrs. Sims and Marten had nearly completed their contract, a letter was received from Sir J. William Gordon, stating, that a consultation had been held between Lord William Paulet and himself, and that, with the consent of the committee, they would jointly advance and pay into Messrs. Grants' bank £450, the amount required for completing the boundary wall and bell turret. This was a most acceptaljle offer, as it not only secured the execution of Parts 4 and 5 of the scheme, but also necessitated the improvement of the churchyard, which was in a most disgraceful condition. Any attempt to describe its state would of necessity prove a failure, so utterly had it been neglected for years. Brick graves abounded ; some tottering, some in ruins ; lofty iron rail- ings covered with rust and sadly nuitilated, stood round begrimed tombs, of which much was hidden by accumu- lated dirt and rank grass ; head stones were everywhere and in every direction ; deep hollows and irregular mounds alternated ; and round all stood a thick, high wall, inviting the thoughtless to use God's Acre as a receptacle of dead animals and old kettles. The restoration of the fabric of the church would have been seriously marred, had not the opportune and generous offer of Sir J. William Gordon, enabled the committee to proceed at once with the boundary wall, while the etjually kind consideration of 44 DOMUS DEI. Lord William Paulet, allowed tliera to biiild, without fur- ther delay, an elegant bell turret. In order that the churchyard might be duly cared for, and everytiiing done with a becoming caution, a sub-com- mittee was appointed ; and to its prudent exertions nuist be attributed, the well arranged walks and generally neat appearance of the ground. That which before Avas a disgrace became by degrees an ornament. A sum of four thousand guineas had now been ex- pended. Let us see what it had produced. The west front of tlie church had been rebuilt, and one bay added to the length of the building, thereby affording further internal accommodation ; new roofs had been put to the chancel and nave, and new windows ; an organ chamber l)uilt, and all the walls and pillars thoroughly repaired. Further, a handsome bell turret had been raised, and a substantial stone wall, suj)po]'ting an appropriate iron rail- in "■, had been carried round the churchyard. The resto- ration had been a dissolving view ; the ugliness of the old deformity had gradually disappeared, and the beauty of God's House gradually developed ; until at length the Garrison Church commanded the admiration of all who examined it. But, internally there was yet much to be done. The floor from one end to the other was of earth, and in several places there were large holes opening into deep vaults. It was therefore necessary at once to lay a concrete founda- tion throughout the building, to tile the chancel, to flood the nave with cement, and then to provide temporary fittings, which included 800 chairs. The estimate for all this was much smaller than expected. The whole cost would amount to only £825. Still this outlay, together with the then existing debt, would involve the committee in a responsibility of nearly £850. ISir J. William Gordon once more came to the rescue, and removed every impedi- ment to progress. At a meeting, held on the 1 9th of June, 1868, a letter was read from him stating "that he was very v/illing to forego his claim for repayment of the loan DOMUS DEI. 45 lent by him to the Eestorntion Fund, until money liad been collected for completing the clmncel and nave, and supplying the chapel with chairs. He hoped that by such arrangement, the chapel might be opened to the troops for Divine Service on the 1st of November, 18G8. Every exertion was made to meet the wish of Sir J. William Gordon, and with such success, that on Friday, the 30th of October, 18G8, a bright and happy day, the old Garrison Church of Portsmouth received a crowded congregation, to offer to the God of Forces grateful thanks for having permitted them so thoroughly to restore their holy building. The sermon, which was deeply heart stir- ring, was preached by the Ifight Eeverend The Lord Bishoj) of Winchester. His Lordship was received at the gate of the church by a large body of the local clergy, together with many chaplains of H. M. Forces. The offerings amounted to £75 Is. 8d. The building was riow out of the hands of the con- tractors, and the committee being in a position to request the War Department to appoint a Board of officers to survey the work, the secretary wrote a letter to that effect, and also informed the War Department, that, as the building had been prepared for service, the com- mittee wished to give it over as temporarily fitted, until such time as they were in a position to resume and complete the restoration. A letter was also' written to Mr. Street, asking him to name a day when, with the officials appointed by the authorities, he could inspect the works. After a short delay, the Board of survey was ap- pointed, and the Avork examined. Mr. Street expressed himself thoroughly satisfied. The only objection made, and certainly a very reasonable one, was that of the officer of engineers. Captain Keith, who recorded on the face of the report, that, as there was no porch at the southwest end of the south aisle, the means of ingress and egress were too limited. In all other respects the restoration was declared a great addition to the beauty of the town, and to the convenience of the trarrison. 46 DOMUS DEI. As this is a special sera in the restoration, it may be well here, for the information of subscribers and all inter- ested, to give a brief statement of monies received and monies expended, up to the time when the War Depart- ment took over the building from the contractors : — Received from War partinent do. ,, Lords the Admiralty By sale of old lead Subscriptions to 27th January, 1869 do. unpaid Grant for Gas, War D partment Balance unpaid De- of 2000 50 9 12 2 L577 5 3 57 3 98 944 3 £4736 3 5 Contract for general work 3135 do. Or. Jiii DOMUS DET. along the south aisle, ami rising suddenly about two feet at the east end. This has evidently been at one period all equally high, as the marks of the upper weathering can be easily traced. Many arcliaiologists have examined this wall, and strange have been the conjectures aliout it. A walk to the east end of either aisle will help, I think, tore- move the difficulty. It will there be seen that the roof of the aisles originally came down at a nuich steeper pitch, terminating at the weathering of the thick wall. The line of the old roof is quite distinct, the stone work above it being palpably of a much later period. There were th(M'e- fore no two light windows as at present, but in the thick wall, low down, there were narrow Early English piercings about six in number ; of which one fortunately remains perfect, a second presents its lower half, while further west- ^^'t^rd we find only the sill ; all plainly indicating that the sick within received light by a succession of small, narrow windows. But why, it may be asked build the south wall sor thick ? Because at first it was designed to make the side aisles broader than they now are. The south wall was built to such design, and so were the east ends with a win- dow in each ; but when the work had proceeded thus far it was determined, for some wise reason we may suppose, to narrow the aisles. A second wall was therefore necessary on the south side, which at once accounts for the seemingly continuous buttress and its weathering ; while, on the north side, the wall, which had not been commenced, was brought in to reduce the width of the aisle, and a splay left at its east end so as not to interfere with the beautiful three- light window already completed. The idea that the small window still existing in the south wall was a squint, by which the chantry altar could be seen, is evidently worth- less, as the chantry is of a date much later than that of the window. This is the only explanation T can suggest with res])ect to the curious north wall which has been so frequently examined and discussed, and the suggestion is supported by the fact, that, when the Church was extended the workmen found two walls, one within the other. 56 DOMUS DEI. Tlie Corl)el Table, which is commonly given as a beau- tiful example in the more imi)ortant works on Gothic architecture, is well worthy of attention ; but, beyond it, I am not aware that there is anything more connected with the extei'ior of the church calling for special remark. Let us now enter the building. As the door is opened the stranger is at once surprised and impressed. The lofty arches, and their broad space, give a grandeur to the interior which was little expected ; and so does the simple substan- tial roof carrying the eye far above heavenward. Along the narrow aisles you can picture the sick pilgrims stretched on their wooden bedsteads, kindly ministered to by the brothers and sisters ; and, if you walk to the east end of either aisle, you will at once perceive that the window is not in the centre, but was evidently pierced for a width which would have been secured had the first design for wider aisles been carried out. J\lany of the corbels in the nave are remarkable, indeed almost unique. They seem as it were to bud gracefully out from the capitals, and show exquisite taste and ingenuity on the part of the architect. The two aisle windows toward the east were, before the restoration, covered by lath and plaster and mural tablets. Their original form has been strictly preserved. Generally speaking, the Gapclla Infirmorum, the chapel of the intirmary, was separated from the Doimis Infirmorum, the hall of the infirmary, by a wall rising to the roof, and having a door in the centre. This was cer- tainly the case with the Portsmouth "Domus Dei," the doorway being marked on the Henry YIII. Plan, No. 16, but the partition was for convenience pulled down, when the haU was taken into use for public worship. The change was far from a disfigurement, for it opened out a deep and handsome chancel, to which the hall became au equally handsome nave. The chancer is 53 feet long and 22 feet broad, with a noble groined vaulting chastely bossed at the inter- sections, the ribs supported by delicate vaulting shafts with plain, foliaged, and grotesquely headed corbels. Above DOMUS DEI. 57 the vaulting is a spacious false roof, giving the proper pitch to the roof of the building. The three lancet win- dows at the east end with trefoiied head, are exactly what ^ they were when the chuich was first built, but those on the north and south sides, while filling the old openings, are new in design and greatly admired. Each is ornamented by two Purbeck marble shafts. The pavement of the chancel is throughout a union of encaustic tiles and marble ; that of the altar space having a very rich appearance from the introduction of bauds of green glazed tiling. The old sedilia were found nearly destroyed, but fortunately just sufficient remained to secure the design, which has been carefully copied. The piscina is close to the east wall, and near it a credence table, divided by a Purbeck marble shaft. On the north side of the altar, in 'the east wall, is a spacious alniery running in deeply south- wards. 1'he altar rails are perfectly plain, but supported by wrought iron standards of exquisite pattern. Before the restoration the two doors in the chancel were concealed by pannelling, That at the west end is the entrance to the belfry, which in old hospitals and monastaries, was commonly placed without the west end of the south side of the church.* J\Iany ask if this door did not formerly lead to a rood-loft, forgetting that rood-lofts are rarely (1 fancy never) found so early as the beginning of the thirteenth century. In the belfry hung the two bells mentioned in the Deed of Amicable Settlement, A. 13. 1229. If the chan- cel has a failing it is in height ; but, as a whole, it is of its kind rarely surpassed. AVe will now proceed to examine its gifts and memorials. THE ALTAK Is the gift of the Iieverend John E. Sabin, M.A., Chaplain to the Eorces, 1st class, to whom Portsmouth is greatly indebted for its now beautiful Garrison Church. He was * Arclicclogia Cantiana Page 201. No. 30. 58 DOMUS DEI. one of the very first movers in the work (they so often are forgotten while others get the credit) and has been a generous subscriber. The altar was designed 1)y G. E. Street, K.A., and made by Messrs. Bramble Brothers, Port- sea. The dimensions are as follows : — length, 9 feet ; height, 3 feet 9 inches ; breadth, 2 feet 9 inches. It is of the finest oak and handsomely pannelled. THE ORGAN, Occupying a spacious Organ Chamber which runs back from the centre of the north side of the chancel, is an offering made by the Sunday evening congregation and fricDds. The builder was Mr. A. Hunter, of 379, Kenning- ton Eoad, Lamlieth, whose skill as an organ builder is well known throughout Portsmouth ; and, especially so, for the brilliant instrument constructed for Mr. J. l). Antill, of Portsea, which is one of the largest organs in the county. Indeed it may justly be said, that Mr. Hunter, by his genius and perseverance, has secured a reputation which places him among the very foremost in his ])rofession. The synopsis of the Garrison Church Organ is as follows: — ■ GREAT ORGAX— Compass Double C to G. 6 Flute . . . . CC to G 7 Twelfth . . . . C!C; to G 8 Fifteenth . . . . VV to (J 9 Mixtuie Four Ranks CC to G 1 Double Diapason . . CC to G 'i Open Diapason ., CC to G 3 Dulciana . . Ten. C to G 4 Stopped Diai^ason . . CC to G 5 Principal . . CC to G SWELL ORGAN— Double C to G. 10 Double Diapasfin . CC to G 11 Open ])i;.i>:is Poi-tugucsc artillery, Avas the senior officer of that arm in the Allied anny. He commanded the Allied artillery at the battle of Vittoria, 1813 ; the siege and capture of St Sebastian, the passage of Bidassoa, battle of Nivolle, and battle of Nive in 1813 ; and at the passage of the Aduur, and battle of Toulouse in 1814. The next campaign of Lieut-Colonel Dickson was the inglorious one of New Orleans in 1814 — 15. He commanded the artillery of the expediti- onary force and was present in the attack on that place and at the capture of Fort Bowyer, Mobile, Retiu-ning from America early in the year, he was present and engaged in the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo, and subsequently command- ed the battering train with the Prussian ai-my at the sieges of Mau- benge, Landrecies, PhiUippeville, Marienbourg, and Rocroy, in July and August, 1815. To record the occasions on which this distinguished officer was honourably mentioned in public despatches would be to recapitulate nearly the whole of the foregoing actions. Captain Dickson was promoted to Brevet-Major and Brevet- Lieutenant Colonel in 1812, but, almost incredible to relate, he received no further promotion until 1825, when he attained the same rank regimentally, and was also aido-dc-camp to the King, with rank of Colonel in the army, on the 27th May, in the same year. In September, 1822, he was appointed Inspector of Artillery, and Deputy- Adjutant-General, Royal Artillery, on 10th April, 1827, in suc- ■cession to Lieut-General Sir J. Macleod, upon whose decease in January, 1833, he was appointed Master-Gunner, St. James's Park. In 1838 upon the death of Lieut-General Jlillar, he succeeded that officer as Director-General of Artillery (Field Train Dei)artment) , which appointment was combined Anth that of Deputy- Adjutant-Gen- eral during his life. Sir A. Dickson was also a Commissioner of the Royal Military College, Sandhur.st, and Public Examiner at Addiscombc I 2 08 DOMUS DEI. He was created a Kniglit Commander of the Bath in January, 1815, and on the 28th June, 1838, was made a Grand Cross of the same Order. He was also a Knight Commander of the Guelphic Order (k.c.h.), and was in receipt of a good serv'ice pension of £365 per anniuii. The following- medals and Foreign Orders were conferred upon Sir A. Dickson, viz : — (1) The gold cross and six clasps for the following battles and sieges in which he held a command of Artillery : — Albuera, Busaco, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajos, Salamanca, Yittoria, St Sebastian, Nivelle, Nive, Toulouse, (2) Medal for Waterloo. (3) The Prussian Order of Merit. (4) Knight of the Tower and Sword of Portugal. (5) Portuguese medal for Peninsular "War. (6) Spanish gold and enamel cross for Albuera. At the conclusion of the Peninsular War a most gratifying testimonial to his great merits was presented to him by his brother oflBcers of the Royal Artilleiy (many of whom were his seniors in the Regiment) in the shape of a handsome sabre, on the blade of which is the following- inscription : — " This sword is presented to Sir Alexander Dickson, k.c.b. and k.t.s by the Officers of the Royal Ai-tillery, who had the honour to serve under his command in the memorable campaigns of 1813-14, as a lasting mark of their gratitude to him for that zeal wliich added so much to the re- putation of his Corps, at the sieges of St Sebastian, and in the battles of Vittoria, Nive, Nivelle, Orthes, and Toulouse, the latter of which so successfullly terminated their long and arduoiis ser\'ices in Spain and France, under the Duke of Wellington." Major-General Sir Alexander Dickson died in London 22nd April, 1840, aged 63, and was buried in Plimistead Churchyard, with military honours. Among the celebrated artillerymen whose names and deeds add lustre to the annals of the corps, there is no name greater or more deserving of remembrance than that of Sir Alexander Dickson. 12 General the Honourable Sir Hercules Pakenham, g.c.b. served at the siege and capture of Copenhagen in 1807, also the Penin- sular Campaigns of 1808-9-10-11 .and 12, including the battle of Roleia, Vimiera (wounded), Busaco, and Fuentcs d' Onor, siege and DOMUS DEI. 69 storm of Badajoz (spvoroly wounded at the assault), he was also wounded in the aetion of Obidos, l.jth Aug:ust, 1808. Sir Hercules has received the pold medal for Busaco, Fuentes d' Onor, Ciudad Rodrigo, and Badajoz ; and the silver war medal with two clasps for Roleia and Yimicra. He was eight years Governor of Portsmouth commanding the South "Western District. 13 General the Right Honourable Sir George Brown, g.c.b. served at the siege and capture of Copenhagen in 1807 ; in the Penin- sula from July 1813 to May 1814, including the battle of Vimiera, passage of the Doui'o and capture of Oporto, with the previous and subsequent actions ; battle of Talavera (severely wounded through both thighs), action of the Light Division at the bridge of Almeida, battle of Busaco, the diflferent actions during the retreat of the French army from Portugal, action at Sabugal, battle of Fuentes d' Onor siege of San Sebastian, battles of the Nivelle and Nive, and the invest- ment of Bayonne. Sir George served afterwards in the American War, and was present at the battle of Blandensburg and capture of Washington, was slightly wounded in the head and very severely in the groin at Blandensburg. This hero of a hundi-ed fights commanded the Light Division throughout the Crimean War. He received the war medal with seven clasps for the Peninsula, and a medal and four clasps for service in the Crimea, was made G.c.b. and presented with the highest French service and Turkish decorations. After the Crimean War, Sir George commanded the troops in Ireland. 14 General Sir Charles James Napier, g.c.b. The three Napiers, Charles, William, and George — were known in the Peninsular War as ' Wellington's Colonels.' Charles the eldest, before he was twelve years old, received a commission in the 22nd foot. His first service was in the Irish rebellion, 1798, and in the insurrection, 1803. Com- manded the 50th throughout the campaign terminating vvith the battle of Corunna, when he was taken prisoner after receiving five wounds, viz. leg broken by a musket shot, sabre cut on the head, in the back by a bayonet, ribs broken by a cannon shot, and several severe contusions from the butt end of a musket — returned to the Peninsula the latter part of 1809, where he remained until 1811, and was present at the action of the Coa (had two horses shot under him), battle of Busaco (shot through the face, also jaw broken and eye injured), battle of Fuentes d' Onor, second siege of Badajoz, and a great number of 70 DOMUS DEI, skirmishes. In 1813 lie served in. a floating expedition, on the coast of the United States of North Amerioa ; served also the campaign of I8I0 find was present at the storming of Cambray. Commanded the force employed in Scinde, and on the 17th February, with only 2800 British troops, he attacked and defeated, after a des- perate action of three hours' duration, 22,000 of the enemy strongly posted at Meeanee. On the 21st February, Hydrabad surrendered to him, and on the 24th March, with 5000 men he attacked and signaUy defeated 20,000 of the enemy posted in a very strong and difficult posi- tion at Dubba, near Hydrabad, thus completing the entire subjugation of Scinde. Early in 1815, with a force consisting of about 5000 men of all arms, he took the field against the mountain and desert tribes, situated at the right bank of the Indus to the north of Skiharpore, and after an arduous campaign, he effected the total destruction of the hill robbers. He was in due time Commander-in-Chief of the army in India. Sir Charles received the gold medal for Corunna, and the silver war medal with two clasps for Busaco and Fuentes d' Onor. He was g.c.b. and Colonel of the 22nd foot. He was the first English general who ever recorded in his despatches the names of private sol- diers. Never lived a truer soldier than Charles James Napier. 15 Lieutenant-General Sir William Francis Patrick Napier, K.C.B., served at the siege of Copenhagen and battle of Kioge in 1807 ; Sir John Moore's campaign of 1808-9; the subsequent Peninsular campaigns from 1809 to the end of the war in 1814, and was present in many of the soul stirring scenes which he has described with so much ability in his admirable " History of the Peninsular War," including the action of the Coa (wounded), battle of Busaco, actions of Pombal, Redinha, and Casal Nova — was severely wounded at the head of six companies supporting the 52nd ; action of Foz d'Arouce, battle of Salamanca, passage of the Huebra, action of Vera, when Soult attempt- ed to relieve San Sebastian ; and again, when the Allies passed the Bidassoa ; battles of the Nivelle and Nive — wounded in defending the churchyard at Arcangues ; battle of Orthes ; served also in the cam- paign of 1815. Sir William received the gold medal and two clasps for Salamanca, Nivelle, and Nive, at which battles he commanded the 43rd Light Infantry, and the silver war medal with tliree clasps for Busaco, Fuentes d' Onor, and Orthes. He died Februaiy 12, 1860, aged 74. 16 Lieutenant-General Sir George Napier, k.c.b. accompanied the expedition to Sweden and from thence to Portugal in 1808, when DOMUS DEI. 71 he became Aide-de-Camp to Sir John Moore, in which capacity ho served the Corunna campaign, and was at the battle of Corunna, and the actions which preceded it, served afterwards with the 52nd in the campaigns of 1809-10 and 11, when he was made Brevet Major — ho and liis brother William being two out of eleven chosen by Lord Wellington on the occasion of Massena's retreat. He gained the brevet of Lieutenant-Colonel for leading the storming party at the smaller breach of Ciudad Rodrigo, where he lost his right ann, having had the same arm broken at the action of Casal Nova, and again wounded during the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, two days before he lost it in the breach. He was also wounded at the battle of Busaco, while in the act of striking N\-ith his sword a French Grenadier at the head of the enemy's attacking column. In 1813 he rejoined the 52nd, and was present at the battle of Orthes, the action of Tarbes, and the battle of Toulouse. Sir George was made K.c.B. and received the gold medal for Ciudad Rodrigo ; and the silver \^ar medal and three clasps. He was Governor and Commander- in-Chief of the Cape Colonies. Lieutenant-General Sir James Outram, g.c.r. went to India as a cadet in 1819, and was made lieutenant and adjutant of the 23rd Bombay Native Infantry. From 1835 to 1838 he was engaged in re- establishing order in the Matie Kanta. He went under Lord Keane to Afghanistan as aide-de-camp, and his ride from Khelat through the dangers of the Bolan Pass will long be famous in Indian annals. He became political agent at Guzerat and commissioner at Scindo. He was afterwards resident at Sattara and Baroda, and on the annexation of Oude, was made resident and commissioner by Lord DaUionsie. He was also commissioner with diplomatic powers during the Persian war. Landing at Bombay in July 1857, he went to Calcutta and was placed by Lord Canning in charge of the forces for the relief of Lucknow. His career during the mutiny was of the noblest kind, and upon him greatly depended the success of our arms. For his eminent services, he was made Licutenant-General in 1858, and received the thanks of Parliament in 1860. He took his seat as a member of the Supreme Council of India, but his failing health compelled him very soon after to resign and return to England. A statue was voted to him in Calcutta and noble g:ifts bestowed upon him. In England his numerous admirers erected a statue to his honour in London, and 72 DOMUS DEI. presented him with a valuable dessert service. He spent the winter of 1861 and 1862 in Egypt, and after a short residence in the south of France, died in Paris, March 11, 1863. His ser\aces in the East as a soldier and diplomatist extended over a period of forty years, and never did hero set a brighter example of moderation, humanity, and practical Christianity in all his dealings with the natives of India. 18 Major-Genekal Sir George Charles D'Agxtilar, k.c.b., served eight'ycars in India during the wars of Scindia and Holkar, and was present at the siege and storm of Baroach in Guzerat, in August, 1803; at the reduction of Powenghar in Malwa in 1804; the capture and occupation of Ougein, the capital of Scindia, in 1805 ; also at the several assaults upon the fortress of Bhurtpore in 1806, in the last of which he was wounded. Served subsequently in Walcheren at the siege of Flushing. Also in Sicily, the Greek Islands, and the coast of Spain, where he was present in 1813 at the action of Biar, and defeat of ISIarshal Suchet at CastaUa. Joined the army in the Netherlands under the Duke of Wellington in 1815, and was present at the capture of Paris. Major-General D' Aguilar served twenty six years on the general staff, of which eight were as Assistant Adjutant-General (principally under the Duke of York) and twelve as Adjutant-General of the aniiy in Ireland. He commanded the expedition which in 1847 assaulted and took the Forts of the Bocca Tigris in the Canton river, those of the staked barrier and those of the city of Canton, spiking 879 pieces of heavy ordnance. 19 Lietjtexant-General the Hoxolrable Sir George Cath- cart, K.C.B., son of William, Earl Cathcart, was bom in 1794, joined the 2nd Life Guards when he was 16 years of age and fought with the grand ai-my in the campaigns of 1812 and 1813 as Aide-de- Camp to Lord Cathcart ; was engaged at Lutzen 3rd May, Bautzen 20th and 21st May, Dresden 28th August, Leipsic 18th and 19th October, 1813; Brienne 1st February, Bar-sur-Aube 21st March and Fere Champanoise 25th March, 1814. Serv-ed also the campaign of 1815 as Aide-de-Camp to the Duke of Wellington, and was present at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. In 1837, he proved himself an energetic and efficient officer in quelling the outbreak in Canada. In 1852, he was made Governor of the Cape of Good Hope with commnnd of the forces, and DOMUS DEI. 73 brought to a successful end the harassing Kafir war. He returned to England in time to take command of a division during the Crimonn war, and was deemed one of the ablest and most active of the generals of the army in the East. His bravery was ever conspicuous, especially so at the battle of Inkcrman, when he fell a hero, beloved and res- pected by all who knew him. I well remember that early in the evening of the day our army reached the heights above Sebastopol, Sir George Cathcart sent my friend to Lord Raglan, offering to take Sebastopol at once with the 4th Division. It was my melancholy duty to bury this true nobleman and deep was the sorrow of our army at the loss of so gallant a soldier. His work entitled Commentaries on the War in Eussia and Germany in 1812 and 1813 has always been deemed a master-piece. 20 Major-General Sir Henry Barnard, k.cb., entered the Guards at the age of 15, was with the army of occupation and acted as Aide- de-Camp to his tmcle. Sir Andrew Barnard, g.c.b. ; served in Jamaica as Aide-de-Camp to Sir John Keene, and with the Guards in Canada during the rebellion. He commanded a Brigade in the Crimea, was afterwards Chief of the Sttdf and in command of the 2nd Division when ijeace was made. In February, 1857, he proceeded to India and was appointed to command the Umballa Division. Almost immedi- ately after his arrival there, the mutiny broke out, and he was actively employed in organizing the Delhi field force. On the death of Major- General Anson, he succeeded to the command of the army before Delhi, and after much successful fighting, died July 5th, 1857, worn out by toil, constant exposure to the sun and anxiety. Medal and clasp for the Crimea, k.cb.. Commander of the Legion of Honour, Commander 1st class of the Military Order of Savoy, and 3rd class of the Medjidhe. 21 General Sir Harry Jones, k.e., g.c.b., served in the expedition to Walcheren in 1809. Also the campaigns of 1810, 11, 12, 13, and 14, including the actions and sieges of Cadiz, Tarragona (1811,) Badajoz (1812,) Vittoria, St. Sebastian, passage of the Biddasoa, NiveUe, Nive, Bayonne. "Was wounded leading the forlorn hope at the first assault of St. Sebas- tian. He received the silver war medal with five clasps. "Was appointed commanding engineer of the fortifications on Montmartre after the entrance of the English troops into Paris, in 1815. Ap- pointed a Brigadier-General for paiticular service in the Baltic in DOMUS DEI. 1854, and commanded ttio British forces during the siege operations against Bomarsund, in the Aland Isles, and for his services in the Baltic, was made Major-General. Appointed to command the Royal Engineers in the Eastern campaign in 1855, which he retained until the fall of Sebastopol ; was wounded in the forehead by a spent grape shot on the 18th June. Medal and clasp, k.c.b., Commander 1st class Military Order of Savoy, &c., &c. Formed one of the Council of "War hfld in Paris in Januaiy, 1856, when he received the Cross of Commander of the Legion of Honour. Was made governor of the Militarj' CoUege, Sandhui-st, and created g.C.b. 22 Majoe-General Sir John William Gordon, k.e., k.c.b., served in the Crimea, and was at the battles of the Ahna, Inkerman, and at the siege of Sebastopol. He greatly distinguished himself throughout the war, was severely wounded, a ball passing through both arms while he was directing the siege operations ; received brevet rank of Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Colonel, c.b., fourth class of the Medjidhe, Officer of the Legion of Honour, and medal with three clasps for Alma, Inkerman, and Sebastopol; was afterwards created k.c.b. 23 Lieutenant-General the Honourable Sir James Yorke Scarlett, g.c.b., served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, in com- mand of the Heavy Cavalry Brigade, and afterwards of the Cavalry Division ; greatly distinguished himself at the battle of Balaklava, also at Inkerman and the Tchernya, and the siege and fall of Sebastopol. Medal with thi-ee clasps, k.c.b.. Commander of the Legion of Honour, Sardinia and Turkish medal and 2nd class of the Medjidhe, was afterwards Adjutant General and while in command of the troops at Aldershot Campi was created g.c.b. 24 Brigadier-General Thomas Fox Strangways served as a young subaltern with the Rocket Troop of the Royal Horse Artillery, sent to Germany and placed imder the orders of the Crown Prince of Sweden in 1813, and was engaged at the battle of Goerde, 15th Sept- ember, and the actions around Leipzig, 16th-19th October, 1813, during which he succeeded to the command of the troop, his irmnediate com- mander. Major Bogue, having been killed. For his services on that occasion he received the order of "St. Anne" from the Emperor of Russia, and the order of the " Sword " and a gold medal for " bravery and good conduct" from the Crown Prince of Sweden, both of whom were eye-witnesses of his gallantry during that short but eventful campaign. He served in the campaign of 1815, and was dangerously wounded at Waterloo. DOMUS DEI. /;> On the outbreak of the Ci-imean War, he embarked \ritTi the Araiy f or the East as a Lieut-Colonel of Horse Artillery, and succeeded to the command of the whole of the Artillery (on General Cator's resig- nation through sickness) with the rank of Brigadier-General. He landed with the army in the Ciimoa, and was present at the battles of Alma and Balaklava, and the first bombardment of Scbastopol. On the morning of the 5th November, 185-1, at the great battle of Inker- man, General Stningways was on horseback at Lord Raglan's right hand, when a shell from the enemy burst among the staff, and carried away his left leg. The shock was so great that he died about an hom- afterwards. Lieut.-Colonel Adye, the Assistant Adjutant-General to the Artillery, was with him when he fell, and received his last words. He was bui-ied the following day on Cathcart's Hill, deeply lamented as a brave, chivalrous officer, and a kind friend. A nobler soldier never breathed. 25 Major-Genebal Sir Hexry William Adams, k.c.b. commanded the 18th Royal Irish in the following operations — in China, 1840-1842, (medal) viz., the first taking of Chusan, storming and taking the heights above the city of Canton, capture of Amoy, second capture of Chusan, storming and taking the fortified heights of Chinhae and capture of the city of Ningpo. Was Brigadier-General with the Army of the East, commanded a brigade of the 2nd Division at the battles of the Alma and Inkerman, and died in Scutari Barracks, Dec. 19th, from wounds received in the latter action, before his well earned honours reached him. 26 Major-General Prank Adams, c.b. commanded the 28th Regt. thi-oiighout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and action of 18th of June in the cemetery. Succeeded to the command of the Brigade on Sir William Eyre being wounded, and brought it out of action. Medal and three clasps, C.B., Officer of the Legion of Honour, Sardinian war medal and 3rd class of the Medjidhe. 27 Colonel Wodeiioitse, r.a., c.b. served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the affairs of Bulgaria and McKenzie's Fiirm, the battle of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman, (horse killed) siege of Sebas- topol and repulse of the sortie on the 26th October, 1854. Medal and clasps, C.B. Knight of the Legion of Honour, 5th class Medjidhe and Sardinian medal, and afterwards Aide-de-Camp to the Queen. A model soldier, without fear and without reproach. 76 DOMUS DEL 28 ETONIANS who were killed or died of disease during the Crimean War:— James Hxtnter Blaik was M.P. for Ayrshire and Lt-Col. Scots Fusiliers Guards ; killed at the battle of Inkerman, November 5th, 1854. The Hon. John William Hely Hutchinson, Captain 13th Light Dragoons ; died at Scutari, 1855. Lieut. Kekewich, 20th Regiment, was at the battles of Abna, Balaklava and Inkerman, slightly wounded in the last battle; died at Corfu, February 16th, 1855, aged 18. Lieut. Francis Richard Hunt, killed at the attack on the Redan, June 18th, 1855. Frederick Luxmoore, Lieutenant 30th Regiment, killed at the battle of the Alma, September 20th, 1854. Frederick Henry Ramsden, Captain Coldstream Guards, killed at the battle of Inkerman. Leonard Neill Malcolm, 2nd Lieutenant Rifle Brigade, killed in the Crimea. James Charles Murray Cowell, Lt.Col. Coldstream Guards, killed at Inkerman. The Hon. Grey Neville, 5th Dragoon Guards, died of wounds received in the Cavalry Charge at Balaklava. Henry Langhorne Thompson, c.B.,oneof the gallant defenders of Kars, formerly 68th N. Infantry, died a few days after his return home in 1856. Heneage Wynne, Major 68th Light Infantry, killed at Inkerman. Horace William Cust, Captain Coldstream Guards, a.d.c. to General Bentinck, killed at the battle of the Alma. William Whitaker Maitland, died of disease contracted in the Crimea. Ashton Samuel Yate Benyon, Lieut. 53rd Regiment, died from exposure in the Crimea, 1855. Robert Henry Payne Crawfurd, Captain in the 96th Light Infantry, died in the Crimea. Herbert William Wilberforce, Lieutenant r.n., eldest son of the Bishop of Winchester, died at Torquay, 1856, on his return from the Baltic. Charles Francis Seymour, Lieut-Colonel Scots Fusilier Guards, served in the Kafir War, and fell at Inkerman. DOMUS DEI. 77 Charles Augustus Penrhyn Boileau, Lieutenant Rifle Brigade, died at Malta, 1855, of wounds received before Sebastopol. Arthur Ferdinand Platt, Major 49th Regiment, died at Scutari, 1855. Edward Rowland Forman, Captain Rifle Brigade, was killed in an assault on the Redan in 1855. Lacy "Walter Yea, Lieut.-Colonel 7th Royal Fusiliers, was killed at the storming the Redan, 1855. Hon. Sir George Cathcart, k.c.b., Lieut-General, killed at Inkerman, while in command of the 4th Division of the British Army in the Crimea, 1854. (See Stall No. 19, P. 72.) Edward John Wellesley, Major 73rd Regiment, Assist-Quar- Mast-General, died of cholera after the battle of Inkerman. James Molesworth, 7th Royal Fusiliui's, died at Malta on his retiuTi from the Crimea. Henry Astley Sparke, Lieutenant 4th Dragoons, killed in the Balaklava Charge, 1854. John Barry Marshall, Captain 4th Light Dragoons, died of fever in the Crimea. George Henry Proctor, Balliul College, Oxford, Assistant Chap- lain in the Crimea, died of fever at Scutari, 1855. George Duckworth, Captain 5th Dragoon Guards, died in Varna Bay, on board the ' Bombay,' in 1854. John Arthur Freeman, Captain Scots Greys, died at Balaklava, 1854. Cornelius Gichan Sutton, 23rd Fusiliers, died the night the troops landed in the Crimea, September 18th, 1854. Augustus Cox, Lieut-Colonel Grenadier Guards, died at the Alma on the arrival of the Army there, September 21st, 1854. AuDLEY Lempriere, Captain 77th Regiment, killed before Sebas- topol. James Birdsharpe, Major. Charles Luke Hare, Captain 7th Royal Fusiliers, died 1854 of wounds received at the battle of the Alma. Henry Montolien Bouverie, Captain Coldstream Guards, killed at Inkerman. Heniu' Townsend, Captain. Francis Byan Davis, Lieutenant Grenadier Guards, died at sea of wounds received before Sebastopol, 1854. DOMUS DEI. Hon. Granville Chaeles Coknavallis Eliot, killed at Inker- man. Herbert Millingdamp Vaughan, 95tli Regiment, wounded and taken prisoner in attack on Redan, died in Hospital. Hon. Francis Grosvenor Hood, Lieut-Colonel Grenadier Guards' killed in the trenches before Sebastopol, 1854. John Henry Upton Spalding, Midshipman, was killed in the trenches before Sebastopol. Owen Gwyn Scawden Davies, Lieutenant 38th Regiment, killed in the Crimea, 1855. Buncombe Frederick Ball Buckley, Captain Scots Fusilier Guards, lulled in the trenches before Sebastopol, 1855. Henry Thorold, Ensign 33rd Regiment, was shot thi-ough the heart while serving out cartridges at Inkerman. 29 HARROVIANS who fell in action, or died of disease, during the Crimean War. Major-General James Bucknall Estcourt, Adjutant General of the Anny in the East, died of cholera in the Crimea on the 24th of June, 1855, aged 53 years. Lieut-Colonel The Hon. Thomas Vesey Dawson, Coldstream Guards, fell at the battle of Inkerman on the 5th of November, 1854, aged 35 years. Lieut-Colonel James Brodie, c.b., 30th Regiment, fell mortally wounded in the attack on the Redan, on the 8th of September, 1855, aged 32 years. Captain Hylton Jolliffe, Coldstream Guards, died of cholera in the Crimea, on the 3rd of October 1854, aged 28 years. Captain George Lockwood, 8th Hussars, Aide-de-camp to the Earl of Cardigan, fell in the Light Cavalry Charge at Balaklava on the 25th of October, 1854, aged 36 years. Captain "William Kent Allix, 1st Royal Regiment, Aide-de- camp to General Sir de Lacy Evans, fell at the battle of Inkerman, aged 32 years. Captain The Hon. Charles "VVelbore Herbert Agar, 44th Regiment, fell at the assault upon Sebastopol on the 18th of June, 1855, aged 31 years. Captain William Henry Cecil George Pechell, 77th Regi- ment, fell in the trenches before Sebastopol, on the 3rd of September, 1855, aged 24 year.s. DOMUS DEI. 79 Captain James Augusti'S Lockhart, 41.st Regiment, fell in the advanced trenches before the Redan on the 8th of September, 1855, aged 21 years. Captain James Ernest Knight, 77th Regiment, died of fever before Seba.stopol on the 2nd of October, 1855, aged 19 years. Lieutenant Henry Anstruther, 23rd Regiment, fell in the battle of the Alma on the 20th of September, 1854, aged 18 years. Lieutenant The Hon. Robert Annesley, 11th Hussars, died of cholera in the Black Sea on the 28th of September, 1854, aged 20 years. Lieutenant Henry Charles Dawson, Enniskillen Dragoons, died of fever in Balaklava Bay on the 5th October, 1854, aged 19 years. Lieutenant Cavendish Hithert Greville, Coldstream Guards, fell at the battle of Inkerman, 1854, aged 19 years. Lieutenant Percival Hart Dulke, Rifle Brigade, died of fever in Balaklava Harbour on the 9th of April, 1855, aged 18 years. Lieutenant Robert John Brown Clayton, 34th Regiment, died in camp on the 12th of July, 1855, of wounds received at the assault on the Redan on the 18th of June, 1855, aged 20 years. Lieutenant Henry Charles Evans, 55th Regiment, fell mortally woimdcd in the trenches before Sebastopol on the 4th of August, 1855, aged 18 years. Lieutenant Henry Stuart Ryder, Rifle Brigade, fell within the Redan in the assault of the 8th of September, 1855, aged 20 years. Lieutenant Edward Shuttleworth Holder, 23rd Welsh Fusi- liers, fell mortally wounded at the assault on the Redau on the 8th of September, 1855, aged 18 years. Cornet Hugh Montgomery, 13th Light Dragoons, fell in the Light Cavalry Charge at Balaklava on the 25th of October, 1854, aged 24 years. Ensign James Hulton Clutterbuck, 63rd Regiment, fell at the battle of Inkerman, aged 19 years. 30 RUGBEIANS who fell during the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny. Sir Henry William Adams, k.c.b., (See Stall No. 25, P. 75.) Thomas Unett was Lieut.-Colonel of the 19th Regiment at the battle of the Alma, September 20th, 1854. His horse was se- verely wounded. At the battle of Inkerman, employed in the trenches and honourably mentioned. Mortally wounded while 80 DOMUS DEI. leading the assault of the Redan, Septemher 8th, ISo'y, died of" his wounds, September 15th. Douglas John Thomas Halkett, Major 4th Light Dragoons, killed in the Balaklava Charge, October 25th, 1854. In the retreat after the Charge of the Light Cavalry Brigade, he was seen to fall wounded, but the pursuing Russians soon swept over the spot, and nothing more is known. RoBEET Mvreay Banxer, Major 93rd Regiment, present at the battle of the Alma ; died at Balaklava, a few days after the battle, of disease aggravated by constant exposure to damp and cold. Samuel Toosey "Williams, Captain Scots Greys, was at the battle of Balaklava on the morning of the 25th of October, 1854. The Russian Cavalry advanced against the Scots Greys and Ennis- killens, in the proportion of three to one. The Scots Greys dashed forward, and were received into the midst of the enemy, who closed in upon them. For several minutes the red-coats disappeared, but soon were seen driving before them in headlong flight, the routed Russian Cavalry. Captain "Williams escaped unhurt, but was taken ill shortly afterwards and died at Pera, November 23rd, 1854. John Pratt "Winter, Captain of the 17th Lancers. On the flank march to Balaklava, his troop were ordered to charge the Russian rear-guard, at Mackenzie's farm, where they took several prisoners and a quantity of baggage. On the 25th of October, 1854, in the heroic charge of the Light Cavalry at Balaklava, he led the second squadron of his Regiment, and was seen to fall close to the enemy's guns just as the retreat was sounded. His horse, severely wounded by grape shot, galloped back to the English lines. Arthur Watkin ■Williams-"Wynn, son of the Right Hon. Sir H. Watkin "Williams- WjTm, Captain of the 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, kiUed at the battle of the Alma. I find in my notes as follows : — " A few yards from the ditch in front of the earth- work, English and Russians were lying one on the other. I counted eight officers of the 23rd Fusiliers, including poor Chester, their gallant Colonel ; a calm expression was on their faces, which seemed to say, ' Grieve not for us — we died doing our duty.' DOMUS DEI. 81 Captain AVatkiii Willianis-Wynn had A'oik- close u\) h> tho Russian gun, and was lyini;- with his face hoavcnwards. "When from Ji'dm Ahna's blood-stainod height There came the sound of woe, And in the tirst and ktest tight That nohk' head was hiw ; Fond hearts that \mthed beneath the blow Were tortured with keen thirst to know How, ere their h)ved and htst one bled, By fate's cold hand the gloomy thi-ead "of the last hour was spun : And yearnings from their English homo Bounded aeross the ocean foam, — " Where did ye lind my son ?" The answer from that fatal ground C'ame pealing ^\-ith a trump(^t sovmd, — •' Close to the Russian Grm." With many a gallant friend around him. In one proud death — 't was thus we found him I " William Halstead Poole, Captain 23rd Welsh Fusiliers was at the battles of the Ahna, and Inkerman. He was mortally wounded at the storming of the Redan, September Sth, ISoo, and died on tho 24th of September. George Chaiiles Widdeington Curtois, Lieutenant C3rd Regi- ment, killed at the battle of Inkerman. Edmund Corbett, Captain 88th Regiment, on the 17th June, 1855, while gallantly attacking the Quarries, received a ball through the head. His last words were " Come on men." Lawrence Blakiston, Captain 62nd Regiment, was engaged before Sebastopol from the latter end of 1854. He was killed at the attack of the Redan on September 18th, 1855, while in the act of passing through an embrasure of the parapet. John George Don Marshall, Captain 92nd Highlanders, served in the Burmese War of 1852-3, including the storming and capture of Rangoon, Bassein, and other niinf)r affairs ; also in tho Crimea at the seige of Sebastojjol. James Wemyss, Lieutenant 92nd Highlanders, was at the battle of the Alma, and at Balaklava, October 25th, where tho Regiment two deep, repulsed a large body of Russian Cavalry. Died on the 15th June, 1855, of Crimean fever John Henry Thompson, Lieutenant 17th Lancers, was killed by a round shot while biking part ■s\'ith his Regiment in the heroic charge of the Light Cavalry Brigade at Balaklava. 82 DOMUS DEI. Charles Howe Proby, Lieutenant First Royals, died at Malta, September lOth, 180'5, from an illness brouglit on by exposure in the trenches before Sebastopol. Reginald Cyril Goodenough, Lieutenant 97th Regiment, was mortally wounded at the storming of the Redan, September 8th, 1855, and died September 20th. Charles Augustus Penryn Boileau, Lieutenant Rifle Brigade, was mortally wounded at the assault of the Redan, June 18th, 1855. His gallantry had been especially commended by the Com- mander-in-Chief, Lord Raglan. Died of his wound at Malta, August 1st, 1855. Archibald Cleveland, Comet 17th Lancers, was at the battle of the Alma, charged the rear-guard of the Russians, and took several prisoners ; shared in the glorious charge of the Light Cavalry at the battle of Balaklava, where his horse was mortally wounded. At the battle of Inkerman he was struck by a shell and died of his wound on the following morning. "William OwE>f, 23rd Welsh Fusiliers, was mortally wounded before Sebastopol by a shell on the night of the 29th June, 1855. Henry Winchcombe Hartley, Lieut-Colonel of the 8th Regi- ment, served at the siege of Delhi, 1857, and was afterwards Brigadier at Umballah. Died at Jullunder, June 24th, 1858. George Biddulph, Lieut-Colonel 45th Native Infantry, served during the campaig-n on the Sutlej and with the army of the Pimjaub ; was present in 1848 at Chillian "Wallah, Goojcrat, Sadoolapore and passage of the Chenab. "When proceeding to join his Regiment, Tait's Irregular Horse, he was .surrounded and taken prisoner by a party of Sikhs near Ferozepoor, early on the morning of the battle of Moodkee, December I8th, 1845. He was conveyed up and down the Sikh Camp, mounted behind a trooper, to be shown as their first prisoner. Many of the enemy struck and abused him, and he was then chained to a gun, and a guard watched him for three days and nights. His undaunted bravery, however, under these circ/iunstances, and his tall figure (six feet four inches) elicited much admiration, and the Sikhs exclaimed that he was a true Englishman. Two days afterwards he was released, and allowed to join the British army at Moodkee. After a short absence in England, 1856, he returned to Bengal on the breaking out of the Sepoy mutiny. At the siege of Luck- now, November 18th, 1857, lie had to take the command of a DOMUS DEI. 83 di^asion, when Brig'adier Russell was wounded, and as he was exjjlaining plans, and organizing' a column to storm the hospital, a bullet, after passing through another officer's hat, struck him dead, passing through his brain. Thomas Onslow Wixnington Ingram, Lieut-Colonel of the 97th Regiment, received the Order of the Legion of Honour, medal and clasp, and Turkish medal for highly distinguished service before Sebastopol ; employed in 1857 in suppressing the Sepoy mutiny. On the 14th of March, was killed in the Kaiserbagh in Lucknow, a ball passing through the head. Charles Wilbraham Radcliffe, Captain 7th Regiment Bengal Light Cavalry, served during the campaign on the Sutlej, present at Sobraon, (Medal) ; was constantly engaged during the siege of Lucknow. While commanding a detachment of 600 men at Chinhut, to oppose 16,000 mutinous Sepoys, he was mortally wounded on the night of the 24th of September, at Lucknow, and died October 1st 1857, shortly before the relief by Lord Clyde. Had he lived, he would have been recommended for tho Victoria Cross, by Sir James Outram, for his gallant conduct at Chinhut. George Snell, 64th Native Infantry, Bengal, mui-dered with his wife and child during the Mutiny, at Seetapoor, Oude, Juno 3rd, 1857. Whaley Nicoll Hardy, Royal Artillery, served at the siege of Sebastopol, 1855, was killed at Sccunderabagh near Lxicknow, on November 16th, 1857. His death was mentioned with regret by the Governor-General in Council. "William Stephkn Raikes HonsoN, Brevet-Major of tho First European Bengal Fusiliers, and Commander of Hodson's Horse ; was present in 1845 at the battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshur, wounded at Sabraon; present also at several ail'uirs with the enemy, including the battle of Goojerat. Conmianded the corps of Guides in the attack upon the Affredies, on the heights above Bareedeo, 1853, and was engaged in repulsing the rebels from the English lines at the siege of Delhi, with his newly-raised Regiment of Irregular Horse. When Delhi was taken, the next day he started with Lieutenant Macdowell and fifty of his own men for Hmnayoon's tomb, about six miles from the city, where the King of Delhi was. The King Burreudcred U2 81 DOArtJS DEI. on rondition that liis life should he spared. The next day ho Rtaiied again for H\unayoon's tomh, where the three Princes were, the heirs apparent to the throne, and murderers. They sur- rendered unconditionally and were sent off to Delhi in a cart drawn by bullocks. There appeared every probability of a rescue from an increasing hostile crowd, when Hodson addressed his men, and informed them that these were the wretches who murdered helpless women and children. He then shot the three Princes, one after another, and their bodies were exposed in the city in the same place where they had outraged the European women. On the 11th of March, 1858, at Lucknow, after the Begum's Palace had been stormed, he received a mortal wound, of which he died the next day. Had he lived he would have received the Victoria Cross. Hodson' s Horse is to remain perma- nently a brigade of two regiments as a memorial of his gallantry. Charles Ayshford Sandford, Brevet-Major, was engaged in the suppression of the Bengal mutiny, 1857 ; he obtained the com- mand of the Guide Cavalry at the siege of Delhi, and took part in every action of importance, and was repeatedly mentioned in despatches as an excellent officer. On the advance to Lucknow he was appointed to the 5th Punjaub Cavalry, and while recon- noitring a village, on the 10th of March, 1858, was killed by some men concealed in a tower. Arthl'R Austen Moultrie, Lieutenant H. M. 90th Regiment, was mortally wounded at Lucknow, September 2oth, 1857, whilst gallantly charging a battery of the mutinous Sepoys. Died the next day. William Tate Groom, Lieutenant First Madras European Fusi- liers, was engaged mth his Regiment under General Havelock,. July 29th, 1857, when the guns of the Mutineers were taken and they were put to flight ; present the next day at Busseret Gimge, when the enemy were driven out and giins again seized ; also at Boorseeke Chowhi, on the 11th of Augiist. On the 1st October, he led the advance on Pliillip's battery, near Lucknow, was woimded October 9th, and died at Lxicknow, October 2Ist, 1857. Alexander Key, Lieutenant 28th Native Infantry, was murdered with seven other officers of his Regiment by the Mutineers, between Mahomdie and Aurungabad, June 5th, 1857. Charles James Salmoxd, Adjutant 2nd Cavalry Gwalior Contin- gent, during the Sepoy mutiny of 1856-7 was constantly engaged DOMUS DEI. under Sir Hiipe Grant, and took part in all the proceedings for tlii? relief and ^v^thdra^val of the garrison of Lucknow ; was womided and mentioned by Lord Clyde as having- greatly distinguished himself. After the action of the 6th of December, 1857, he was unable through iUness to join in the pui\suit of the rebels, and was shortly afterwards found killed near Ca\vnpore. Patkick Aldol'ME Gkant, Lieutenant, 7th Bengal Native Infantry, was murdered by the Mutineers at the cantonment, Lucknow, when the tu-st i-ebellion broke out. May 30th, 1857. Thomas George Pouluen, Lieutenant, Royal Artilleiy. While engaged in the suppression of the Sepoy mutiny, received sun- stroke and died at Tasseram on the 3rd of May, 1858. Leonard Redmayne, Lieutenant 14th Light Dragoons, was present at the captui'e of Dhai, Central India, October, 1857, and was killed in action with the rebels, November 23rd, 185Z. Edwin Fell Haig, Lieutenant and Adjutant 5th Fusiliers, was killed in action in the city of Lucknow, while effecting the relief of the garrison, September 26th, 1857. Philip Lovell Collier Phillips, Lieutenant Ith Battalion liiHi^s, on his voyage to Bengal to jjut down the Sepoy Mutineers, stemmed and quelled a serious mutLay on board ship. On the 9th August, 18q8, the ship unfortunately gTounded in the river, and exposure to cold and wet brought on iUness of which he died August 22nd, 1858. Edwin Stephen Sale, Ensign 37th Regiment, was killed July 30th, 1857, in the unfortunate night expedition to relieve Arrah. 31 Colonel Carpenter, c.b. commanded the 41st (the Welsh) Regt., at the battle of the Alma, and fell while gallantly leading it at the hard fought battle of Inkerman. 32 OFFICERS of the ARMY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. The severe demands made by the Crimean War upon the Medical Department told heavily upon its Officers, as is testified by the following long- list of casualties : — Deputy Inspector Generals. — Thomas Spenee, m.d., Alexander McGrigor, m.d. Staff Surgeons 1st Class. — Jolui Mitchell, m.d., Chilley Pine, Nicholas O'Comiur, m.d., George Kincaid Pitcaini, m.d., John Marshall. 8(5 DOAIUS DEI. Surgeons. — Francis Cornelius Hutliwaite, Peter Mackey, m.d., Daniel Anderson, m.d., William Bro^vne, "William Abbott Ander- son, John Newton, Francis Smith, Michael Allen Lane, Edward LeBlanc, Christopher Macartney, m.d., James Alexander Wishart, M.D., Walter Simpson, m.d., Christopher Bakewell Bassano. Assistant Surgeons. — Ebenezer Alfred Jenkin, Frederick York Shegog, M.D., Philip Giflard Martel, James Allyosius Shorrock, James Thomson, m.d., Alexander Rothney Reid, m.d., John Francis O'Leary, Hemy Beckwith, John James Norris, Edward Pati'ick Boyle, James Lament, m.d., Edmund Sidney Wason, jr.D., John Phillipson Langham, Frederick Arthur Macartney, Jtihn Grabham, William Renwick, Malcolm Currie Ancell, John Henry Gilborne. Acting Assistant Surgeons.— Frederick Graham, Harvey Ludlow, Robert Thomas Simons, John Horsley White, John Longmore, Harry William Wood, Joseph Mayne, Thomas Oak Mitchell, Alexander Struthers, m.d. Principal Apothecary. — George Hume Reade. Dispensers of Medicine. — James Martin Beveridgc, John H. Whitwell. Dressers. — Harrj- Hairison, Thomas Fell. 33 Colonel John Hinde King, c.b., Grenadier Guards, served with the 49th Regt. the Eastern Campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of the Alma and Inkerman, and seige of Sebastopol ; was present at the sortie on the 26th October, capture of the Quarries and assault of the Redan on the 18th June and 8th September ; was severely wounded, left hand amputated. Medal and three clasps, Brevet-Major and Lieut-Colonel, Knight of the Legion of Honour, and c.b. 34 Colonel Thomas Graham Egerton, c.b., 77th Regiment, was present at the affair of the Bulganak, at the battles of the Alma and Inkerman, and the seige of Sebastopol. His gallant conduct was at all times the admiration of the Army. He fell in the brilliant capture of the Rifle Pits on the 19th April, 1855, deeply lamented by a regiment to which he had been so noble an examijle. 35 OFFICERS, 49th REGIMENT :-No regiment was more distin- guished during the Crimean War than the 49th. Officers and men r] 7 A 9 6 ©: 0> 'So «> '^ 1 hjh > < Ckancel Oj T1 '^ > x:> i:^ E> V? JPlan'O/^the WltuZows in, the C^kan^el ofdh.c 6rarri^o?i ChuJ-cA to i^htcA Che de^onptioft refers DOMUS DEI. 87 were ever among the foremost A large niimhor of the survivors bore home with thom honourable marks of their gallantry : — Maj. Gen. Sir H. W. Adams, ic.c.is., died of wounds Dec. 19th, 1854 Major Thomas Dalton killed Nov. 5th, 1854 Major C. T. Powell killed Oct. 26th, 1854 Major C. S. Glazbrook killed Dec. 18th, 1854 Captain \V. "W. Maitland ague Nov. 15th, 1856 Captain "W. R. Corbet fever Mar. 19th, 1855 Captain C. Rochfort killed Sept. 8th, 1855 Lieut, and Adj. A. S. Armstrong killed Nov. 5th, 1854 Ensign C. Michell killed Sept. 14th, 1855 Ensign A. F. Platt fever Aug. 11th, 1855 Asst. Surgeon Becblavith cholera Oct. 18th, 1854 36 Major James Armas Butler, the " Hero of Silistria," served during the Kafir war 1846-7, in the 90th Light Infantry (medal) and afterwards in the Ceylon Rifle Corps ; died 13th June, 1854, aged 27, from a wound received while engaged in the glorious defence of Silistria. His skill and heroism commanded the admiration of the world. 37 Captain Henry Thomas Butler, 55th Regiment, served in China (medal) at Amoy, Chusan, Chinha(>, (including repulse of night attack) Chapoo, Woosing, Slianghac, and Ching Kiang Foo ; also served with the Army of the East, and was present at the battles of the Alma and Inkerman ; at the latter battle he was Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General to the First Division, and fell while actively engaged in his important duties, aged 42. 38 Captain Arthur Wellesley Cassax, 65th Regiment, lost left arm by a grape shot when leading the attack at the escalade of the Fortress of Dwarka in the East Indies ; mentioned in general orders by Lieut-General the Hon. Sir Charles Colville for his gallant con- duct on the occasion, was made a Knight of AVindsor for distinguished services — died at Portsmouth, 23th July, 1870, aged 75. 39 Twelve CHAPLAINS who feU dui-ing the Crimean War :— The Rev. G. Mockler The Rev. J. J. Wheblb The Rev. M. Canty The Rev. W. Whyatt The Rev. D. Shehan The Rev. G. H. Proctor ed 29th September, 1854 , ' — December, 1854 , 2nd February, 1855 , 23rd February, 1855 10th March, 1855 , 10th March, 1855 S8 DOMUS DEI. The Rev. H. J. Whitiielu died ITtli June, lS5o The Rev. J. Doyle „ — July, 1855 The Rev. J. Sheil „ 15th Au^yust, 1855 The Rev. J. Freeman „ 19tli August, 1855 The Rev. R. Lee „ 14tli October, 1855 The Rea'. G. Strickland „ 26tli April, 18-36 It is a remarkable fact, that considering the number employed, far more Chaplains died during the Crimean War, than in any other branch of the service. In my note book I find the following touching story of George Mockler, the first who nobly fell " The cholera was still with us, and poor Mockler, the Chaplain of the 3rd Division, was carried off by it just after our arrival on the Heights. At GalLipoli and in Bulgaria he had been a loved and respected minister of God, laboiu'ing with his wonted faithfulness among the sick, until at last he himself was attacked by a serious fever, which left him sadly en- feebled just at the time the army was embarking for the Crimea. Nothing would induce him to remain on board a transport : ' No,' he said, ' my soldiers may want me, and I feel that it is my duty to share their ti-ials and dangers.' He landed, and dragged his f ever-worn frame from Old Fort to Balaklava, where stricken by cholera, he laid him- self down to die. As soon as I heard of his illness, I hastened to him, and arrived a little before his end. I asked him if he knew me ; he said, ' Yes, well.' I then told him that I would commend him to God's keeping; and as I read the almost inspired ser^^ce for the Visitation of the Sick, the poor fellow, Avith his eyes fixed steadily heavenwards, softly breathed out his last words, ' Beautiful prayers, beautiful prayers,' and shortly after went to his rest." 40 Capt. Sir Robert Newman, Bart., Grenadier Guards, gallantly shared in the bi-illiant attack of the Guards on the thirteen gun battery, at the battle of the Ahna, and fell at Inkerman while bravely leading his Company against a Russian column. 41 Capt. Christopher Houe Hatchell, 43rd Light Infantry, was engaged in the suppression of the mutiny 1857-8. Medal ; also highly distingtiished himself by his gallantry during the New Zealand War, 1864-5 Medal. Accidently drowned in Cork harboui", October 11th, 1870, Aged 33. 42 Pierce Butler, Rector of Ulcombe, served as Chaplain to the Forces in 1854-5 at Scutari and with the 2nd Division before Sebastopol ! was present at the taking of Kcrtcli. He was the first promoter of DOMUS DEI. 89 the recent and already renowTicd Survey of the Sinaitic Peninsula ; died Febmary 8th, 1868. Gentle and brave, able and lowly, calm and adventurous, holy and cheerful, Pierce Butler was honoui-ed and be- loved by all who knew him. MEMOEIAL WINDOWS. The "windows of the church are twenty three in number, eight in the chancel and fifteen in the nave. They are all memorial windows by the eminent firm of Clayton & Bell, and are considered remarkably fine examples of modern stained glass. In order that there might be no violent con- trasts, as so often found in our cathedrals and large churches, the Restoration Committee decided, that all the memorial glass should be supplied by one Firm, and further that the subjects in the chancel should present the history of tlie New Testament, while those in the nave should give that of the Old Testament. This arrangement has afforded great satisfaction. The accompaning plan will assist the visitor while examining the windows. The Chancel, the three windows over the altar. (see NOS. I. II. III. IN THE PLAN). These ^^indows, each divided into three compartment.s, represent the Passion of our Lord. 1. The Affony. 2. The Jietraijal. 3. The Lord before the High Priest. 4. The Scourging. 5. The Ecce Homo. 6. Our Lord bearing the Cross. 7. The Stripping. 8. Jesus Crucified. 9. Talcing down from the Cross. No. I. i.s in memory of General Sir C. J. Napier, g.c.h. No. II. ,, ,, Field Marshal Lord Raglan, g.c.k. No. III. „ ,, Field Marshal Lord Clyde, G.c.R. 90 DOMUS DEI. THE TWO WINDOWS ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE CHANCEL. (see NOS. IV. AND V. IN THE PLAN). Each of these ■windows is divided into ten compartments, six containing Apos- tles, and four subjects taken from the Gospel. NO. IV. 1. St. Philip. 2. St. Bartholomew. 3. Oii7' Lord's Saptism. 4. The Temptation. 5. St. James. 6. St. John. 7. Call of St. Peter and St. Andrew. 8. Nicodcmus going to Christ hij night. 9. St. Peter. 10. St. Andrew. This window was an offering from the Officers of the 67th Rcgt. In the circle is the device of the 67th Rcgt., and on a brass beneath is the following inscription : — "To the memory of 11 officers and 361 noncommissioned officers and men of the 67th (South Hampshire Regt.) who died on foreign service dming the years 1858 to 1865 in India, China, and the Cape : — Paymaster J. A. Pop?, Ensign & Adjt. C. V. KiUecn Lieut. C. H. B. Turner Captain W. S. Arnold Lieut. C. U. Creyke Captain C. U. Coxen „ A. F. Robertson „ M. Nugent Ensign F. T. Blake „ J. H. A. Routledge Captain G. F. H. Atchison i:3th Oct., 1860 23rd May, 1862 17th Nov., 1867 10th Aug., 1859 9th Nov. 1862 28th Feb., 1864 24th July, 1863 20th Oct., 1862 27th Sept., 1862 not known 21st July, 1861 Home. Tien Tsien. Tien Tsien. Barrackpore. Aden. Home (on leave) Shanghai Taku Hong Kong On passage Home Tien Tsien " NO. V. 1. St. Jade. 2. St. Matthias. 3. Sermon on the Mount. 4. The Centurion jjleading for his Slave. 5. St. Jumcs. 6. St. Simon. 1. Raising Jairiis' Paughter. 8. Raising Lazarm. 9. St. Thomas. 10. St. Matthew. An offering from Colonel WiUis, c.b. On the glass is inscribed : — "To the Glory of God, and in memory of Eliza Angelina, wife of Colonel G eorge Harry WiUis, c.b., q.m.g. Southern District, who died oth August, 1867." DOMUS DEI. 91 THE THREE WINDOWS ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE CHANCEL. (see NOS. VI., VII. AND VIII. ON THE PLAN.) These windows, architecturally of great beautj', arc filled Avitli brilliant glass, and the drawing here as throughout the church is highly artistic. They represent the Burial, JResurrection, and Ascension of our Blessed Lord ; the Coining of the Comforter ; and the Conversion of Paul, and Acts of the Holy Apostles. NO. VI. 1. Joseph begging the body of Jesus. 2. Frejnar/fioii fur the Tomb. 3. The Entombment. 4. The Three Maries. 5. The Angel. 6. St. Peter and St. John. 7. Our Lord rising from the Tomb. 8. Xuli Me Tangere. 9. St. Thomas eonvitieed. This window was presented by the 46th Regt. The brass is inscribed thus : — " To the Glory of God, and in memory of Arthur George Vesey, command- ing 46th (South Devtm) Regt. who died at Suez on his return to England, October ISth, 1861, aged 49. This window was given by the Officers of the Regiment as a mark of their kindly feeling and resisect." Colonel Vesey joined the 46th Regiment on the 29th May, 1836. He era- barked with the service companies for the Crimea on the 12th October, 1854, and for his services at the siege of Sebastopol, received the Crimean medal and clasp, the Turkish medal and the 5th class of the Medjidhe. NO. "VIL 1. The walk to Emniaus. 2. The Supper at Bmmaus. Z. Feed my Sheep. 4r. The Ascension. 5. The Day of Penticost. This was also given by the 46th Regt. The words below the window are as follows : — " To the Glory 'of God and in memory of Colin Frederick Campbell, Major of the 46th Regiment and Colonel in the Army, who died at Simla 24th Sept. 1868, aged 44 years. This wndow is given by the officers of the Regiment as a mark of their kindly feeling and respect." 92 DOMUS DEI. Colonel Campbell joined the 46tli Foot on the 1st May, 18-iO. He em- harked with the service companies for the Crimea, on the 12th October, 18.34, and served at the siege of Sebastopol from that date to the conclusion of the war. When employed as Assistant Engineer, he was wonnded in the trenches on the 28th July, IBoo. He received the Crimean medal and clasp, the Turk- ish medal, the Sardinian war medal, the French decoration of Knight of the Legion of Honour, and the 5th class of the Medjidhe. Colonel Campbell was an oflacer of distinguished bravery and worth, noted for cool daring and high professional attainments. His early death in the very prime of life was a loss to the service generally. NO. VIII. 1. Stoning of St. Stephen. 2. Raising of Dorcas. 3. Healing at the Beautiful Gate. 4. Conversion of St. Paul. 5. St. Paul preaching at Athens. 6. Philip) baptising the Eunuch. This window tells of a family which will ever be honourably named in the history of England' s army : — Lt.-Gen. The Hon. H. D. Butler and his four sous. The words on the brass are very touching : — " To the Glory of God and in pious memory of Lieut.-General The Honour- able Henry David Butler, who served in Egypt and the Peninsular War, died in Paris, December 7th, 1856, and his four sons: — Henry Thomas, Captain 55th Regt. fell at Inkerman, Nov. 5, 1854, Aged 42. Charles George, Captain 86th Regt. died of Fever at Bombay, Dec. 17, 1854, Aged 31. Pierce, Rector of Ulcombe, Kent, some time Chaplain to the Forces in the Crimea, died Feb. 8th, 1868, Aged 42. James Ai-mar, Capt. Ceylon Rifle Regt., died from wounds received at the gallant defence of Silistria, June 21, 1854, Aged 27. This window was given by numerous friends and relations." The Nave. There are fifteen windows in the Nave. Two at the East end, three at the West, five on the North side, and five on the South. This will appear from Plan No. 11 J to which the reader is referred. NO. IX. 1. Annunciation. 2. Salutation. 3. Xativitg. 4. Adoration of 2fagi and Shepherds. 5. Presentation in ilic Temple. 6. -JesHS with the Doctors. 7. Jesus subject at Xazarcth. ® \> <*> ® «w 5>, »! >» I ■»> © 3>, iil_5i_]_±^ © A3 ^ s y X DOMUS DEI. 93 This window was presented by friends of Captain Molesworth, R.E., a very promising oflicer, who was suddenly called from a life of great usefulness. No one laboured harder than he to further the restoration of this Church, and, when taken to his rest, it may truly be said, that the Garrison and Borough of Portsmouth felt deeply the loss thej' had sustained. The words on the brass are few but forcible : — • " The above window is dedicated to the Glory of God, and in memory of Morgan Crofton Molesworth, 2nd Captain Royal Engineers, who died July 10th, 1867. He was highly distinguished in his profession, and greatly esteemed in the garrison and by the community. He laboured for the restora- tion of this church with a fervent spirit serving the Lord, and during the j)rnr;Tess of the work, at the early age of 30, was himself called to liis rest." " Be ye also ready." NO. X. 1. Jonathan. 2. David. This memorial was a gift by one who deemed it a privilege to pay respect to the memoiy of his two brothers, good men and true. On the glass are the following words : — "In memory of my brothers, Captain C. M. M. Wright, r.n., and Lieut. E. Dirke Wright, 59th Regiment. They bled for their country. H. P. Wright, Chaplain to the Forces, 1st Class, September, 1867." Captain Charles Mayson Moncriefifo Wright, after thirty three years afloat, reached Post rank, in days when to be a good first Lieutenant was to be far from promotion. He was severely wounded (1819) in the Persian Gulf when attacking the Pirates at Ras-al-Khyma, their head quarters, and also was greatly distinguished (1832) while suppressing piracy in the Straits of ISIalacca. Lieutenant Edmund Dirko Wright, led the forlorn hope at the taking of Bhurtpore in 1826, when he was severely woujided in the arm and hand. NO. XL 1. l,r>f taken prisoner. 2. Ahraham' x battle vifh the Kinf/.^. 3. Jftt- ehizedek and Abraham. 4. Abraham. The olFering of a sorrowing widow. On the brass is thus inscribed : — " To the Glory of God, and in loving memory of Edwin Wodchouse, Colonel Royal Artillery, CP., Aide-de-Camp to the Queen, eldest son of Vice- Admiral 94 DOMUS DEI. the Honourable Philip "VVodehouse, who died at Portsmouth, on the 6th Oct., 1870, Aged 53, this window is dedicated by his widow." " Lord ! eternal rest, and light perpetual." (See Page 7-)) NO. XII. 1. Jacob' s Bream. 2. Jacob and Rachel. 3. Meeting of Jacob and Esau. 4. Joseph in Egypt. 5. Jacob. This beautiful window was given by the 77th Regiment, a farewell offer- ing on lea\'ing the Garrison, (see Page 52) The inscription on the brass is as follows : — " To the Glory of God, and in Memory of CoLOXEL R. J. Stratox, c.b. Major H. A Macdonald. „ R. B. WiLLINGTON. „ W. N. M. Orpex. Captaix \V. Gair. H. S. Weigall. Lieut, and Adjutant G. Cook. Lieut. A. T. Butts. ,, A. Bishop. Ensign A. L. Henning. „ C. J. Arnold. ., F. P. Ferguson. „ H. N. Moore. who died in the service of their country, between the years 1856 and 1871, the Officers of the 77th (East Middlesex) Regiment have erected this -window." NO. xin. 1. 3foses Avenging the Israelite. 2. Moses before Pharaoh. 3. Passage of the Red Sea. 4. Manna. 5. Moses Striking the Rock. 6. Moses. The brass tells of the loss endured by the Reverend James Stuart Robson, Chaplain, r.m.a., who dedicated tliis window to the memory of those he ten- derly loved. On the brass are the foUowing words : — "To the Glory of God, and in memory of Lieut. Charles Rufus Robson, e.n. only brother, and of Ensign William James Stuart Robson, 17th Regt., only son of the Reverend J. Stuart Robson." DOMUS DEI. 95 Lieut. C. R. Robson, was actively cn^ged in the Baltic as 1st Lieutenant of II. M.S. Cruiser, and was present at the bombardment of Sweaborfr. Ho also {jreatly distinguished himself on the Coast of Africa, and, while employed on the Pacific Station, received the thanks of the American Government for assistance rendered to their ships, when iu imminent danger. NO. XIV. 1. Balaajns Journey. 2. Balaam's Trophccij. 3. Victory over the MiiUanites. 4. Passage of the Jordan. 5. Aaron. Offered by the Chaplain Department in memory of their Brethren. On the brass are these few words : — " To the Glory of God, and in memory of the twelve Chaplains who fell while striving to do their duty during the Crimean War, this ^\•indow is dedi- cated by the Chaplain Department of the Army." (See Page 87) NO. XV. I. Burniny of Ai. 2. The Fall of Jtrieho. 3. The Sun and Moon stand- ing still. 0. Joshua. Beneath this window are three brasses. One on the splay, on which is beautifully engraved the device of the 82nd Regiment, by wliich Corps the window was presented. On the second brass are the words : — " To the Gloi-y of God, and in memory of the undermentioned Officers, 250 non-commissioned Officers and soldiers of the 82nd Regiment (Prince of Wales' Volunteers) who have been killed in action or died since the regiment em- barked for the Crimea in 18o5. This window is erected by the Officers n«w serving in the regiment." On the third, the names of the Officers. Captain D. S. Collings Jan. 1855. Lieut. R. Haywood Feb. 1855. „ H. AsPiiEECE June, 1855. „ A. P. Hensley Nov. 1857. Ensign W. Thomson Nov. 1857. Captain /. Gordon Jan. 1858. Lieut. S. Douglass Mar. 1858. Captain S. Slater Sept. 1861. Ensign J. Carroll Feb. 1863. Lieut. H. A. Ellis May, 1863. 96 DOMUS DEI. Captain J. Gore Mar. 1864. „ J. H. PiLKIXGTON Aug. 1865. LiErT. S. Pitt Dec. 1865. „ J. N. Tanxer June, 1866. Captain C. Spencer July, 1866. Lieut. T. Ryan Sept. 1869. „ C. Neville Feb. 1870. LiEUT.-CoL. C. T. V. BuNm-RY, Jan. 1871. XVI. 1. Tlie Appml of tJie Ixraclitcs to God. 2. JncJah and Simeon affrcc to go vp tocjftlur. 3. Calrh'a conquest of Hebron. 4. Jael and Sii^era. 5. Deborah prais/nff God. 6. Caleb. The brass states full partioulars as to the donors : — " To the Glory of God the above window was given by the OfRrors, Non- commissioned Officers and Privates of the 46th (South Devon Regiment) aud in memory of comrades who died jduring the foreign service of the Corps in the Crimea, Corfu, and the three Presidencies of Bengal, Madi'as, and Bombay, during the years, 1854-1868." Names of Officers. Date of Death. Lt-Col. & Bt-Coloxel A. G. Vesey Died at Suez on passage home, 18th October, 1868. Major & Bt-Col. C. F. Camprell Died at Simla, 14th September, 1868 Captain W. H. 0. Toole Died on ISIarch from Alma to Sevastopol, September 1854. Captain T. J. Connell Died at Mooltan, 31st August, 1858. Captain C. B. Speke Died at Poona, 31st August, 1868. Lieutenant E. Messenger Killed at Sebastopol by explosion of a mine. Lieutenant F. Coucher Died at Mooltan, 19th August, 1859. Lieutenant V. Daly Died at Cawnpore, 26th April, 1862. Lieutenant A. K. Malcolmson Died at Calcutta, 7th February, 1867. Lieutenant E. G. Serle Died at Poona, 20th June, 1868. Ensign H. A. "Whitmoee Died at Corfu, 14th September, 1857. Surgeon A. G. Montgomery Died at Lucknow, 27th June, 1857. Quarter-Master G. Sanderson Died at Jullundur, 13th January, 1861. Quarter-Master W. G. Street Died at Shalyehanporc, 8th May, 1864. DOMUS DEI. 1)7 XVII. 1. Gideon Thrcs/ii/iff. 2. T/>e Fhrcc. 3. Trial of Gideon's Armi/. 4. Bcstroyinij Fenicl. 5. Gideon. This window is in memory of the Duke of Wellington's prcat friend, Sir Jiimcs McGrigor, Baronet, k.c.k., &c., whose long and valuable services are noticed in Pago (36. xvin. 1. Sd»i.io>l JiiUing the Lion. 2. Carrying awaij the gates of Gaza. 3. defeating the Philistines. 4. Samson's Leath. 5. Samson. No hero whose name is found in this Chui'ch deserved better a noble memorial than the gallant officer, ISIajor Thomas Oldfield, h.m., tci whoso memory this window is dedicated. Honoured ever by his enemies in whose front he fell, he sacrificed that life, which he had so often hazarded in the defence of his countiy, at the siege of Acre in Syria, aged 43. XIX. i. David introduced to Saul. 2. David killing Goliath. 3. Cave of Engedi. 4. David. This window is dedicated to the Gloiy of God and in memoiy of Lieut- General Lord Frederick Fitz-Clai-ence, G.c.it., son of King William iv.j born 1790; married, 1821, Lady Augusta, daughter of the 4th Earl of Glasgow; entered the army in 1S14 ; became a Lieut-General and Colonel of the 3Gth Regiment in 1851 ; appointed Commander-in-chief at Bombay in 1851 ; was raised to the rank of a Marquis's son in 1831 ; appointed Deputy Lieutenant of Northumberland; was Grand Master of the Freemasons of Scotland. Lord Frederick was Lieutenant Governor of Portsmouth from 1847 to 1851, and so endeared himself to the inhabitants, that, on his appointment as Commander- in-Chief in Bombay, they erected a monument to him, as an expression of their gratitude. On the west side of it are the following M-ords : — "To Lieut-General Lord Frederick Fitz-Clarencc, g.c.h., this Colunni is erected by the inhabitants of Portsmouth, to mark their sense of the many services rendered to the Borough during liis command of this Garrison." !J8 DOMUS DEI. XX. 1. The Creation. 2. The Temptation. 3. Driven from Paradise, 4. Tilling the earth. 5. An anr/el. This \\'in(loM- tells of an officer who saw long and active service, and was of a distinguished corps, one of the most distinguished. On the brass are the foUo\ving woixis : — " To the Gloiy of God and in memory of General Sir Charles Menzies, K.C.B., K.H., Knight Charles 3rd, Colonel of the Royal Marine Artillery, and formerly Aide-de-Camp to the Queen. Died August 22nd, 1866, aged 83. The above window is given as a mark of love and respect by his widow, Maria Wilhelmina Menzies." General Sir Charles Menzies was attached to Lord Nelson's squadron off Boulogne, where he participated in all the desperate cutting' out affairs on the French coast against Buonaparte's flotilla. Commanded a detachment of Royal Marines, and landed at Port Jackson, during an insiuTcction of convicts in March 180-1 ; by his promptitude and exertions the town of Sidney, and indeed the Colony, was in a great measure preserved, and tranquillity restored. On the 22nd of Jime, 1806, he was in one of the boats of H.M.S. Minerva, cutting out five vessels from under Fort Finisterre, and on the 11th of July follow- ing, he was in the barge, which, when 50 miles from where the frigate lay at anchor, captured by boarding the Buena Dicha, Spanish Privateer of three times the force of the boat, after a sharp conflict : this attack was planned by General Menzies. Commanded and landed the Marines at the storming of Fort Finisterre, being the first who entered the Fort. In boats cutting out the Spanish vessel of war St. Joseph from the Bay of Arosa, where he landed and made prisoner the Spanish Commodore, who delivered to him his sword. Com- manded the Marines at the capture of Fort Guardia. Slightly wounded cutting out the French corvette La Moselle from imder a battery in Basque Roads. Taking of Fort Camerinusand gun-boats from under its protection. Repeatedly engaged in severe boat actions and against batteries. Right arm ampu- tated. Received a sword of honour from the Patriotic Fimd. Commanded the Royal Marine Artillery from 1837-44. Is a Knight of Charles in. of Spain, and a Knight of the Tower and Sword of Portugal, was created k.h. and K.C.U. DOMUS DEL 99 XXI. 1. The Seuliuj of the Hainis. 2. The l^'id/it.s aealeil dinxicd Ihai'cn- ican/st. This much admired window is dedicated to the Glory of God and in me- moiy of Major-Gcneral Sir John William Gordon, u.e., k.c.b., by friends who deeply respected that true servant of God and his country. Sir J. William Gordon took from the beginning the liveliest interest in the restoration of this Church ; indeed it may be said that, had he not united with the Lieutenant Governor Lord William Paulet, the General of the District, and as Commandinj^ Engineer supported his Lordship in his strong appeal to the War Department, the work would never have been done. (See Stall 22, Page 74). XXIL THE GREAT WEST WINDOW. This window i^i a gift by the officers of the 43rd Light Infantry in me- mory of their brother officers who were killed dui-iug the New Zealand War, 18G4-5. It is considered as a work of art of the highest merit. 1. The recijifion of the Blessed. 2. The resurrection of the Blessed. 3. The reswreetion of the wicked. 4. The condeinnation of the wicked. 5. Angels and Archangels. (5. Prophets. 7. Apostles. 8. TJie Blessed Virgin Mary. 9. St. Joint tlie Baptist. 10. Majesty with the four Evangelists. This ■wdndow resembles very closely Ike much admired east window of Castle Combe Church, save that the lancets are not trefoilod. Scrope in his " History of Castle Combe" wi'ites thus of the " four nan-ow slightly trefoiled lancet lights with a quatrefoil opening above," "Its furiii, though very etlec- tive and beautiful, is extremely rare — perhaps unique." XXIII. 1. St. Ooorge. A Thaukoffcring from Alfred Smith, builder, he having been mcni fully preserved during the restoraliou of ihe chiu'ch. 100 DOMUS DEI. FUNERAL TABLETS Before the restoration of the church, Funeral Tablets, the generality of them poor in design, were fonnd all over the walls — behind the gallery, let into the pillars, blocking up windows, crowding the chancel ; indeed it seemed as if the most accomplished bad taste had from generation to gene- ration been occupied, first in designing the tablets, and afterwards in placing them. The Committee wisely acted upon the architect's advice as to the removal, as far as pos- sible, of all black backings, and then arranged the marble slabs in such a manner, that they should in no way vio- lently disturb the architectural beauty of the building. In order that the wording may not be entirely lost, for it is on many of the slabs scarcely legible, I have given an exact copy from each monument, and the position it occu- pies in the Church. CHANCEL — XOKTII SIDE. GKEY. Sacred to the memory of The Hon. Sir George Grey, Baronet, k.c.b., third son of Charles, 1st Earl Grey, 22 years Commissioner to His Majesty's Dockyard of this Port. Ho departed this life in the Faith and Hope of the Gospel, after a painful and protracted illness, which he bore \\-ith exemplary christian patience and resignation. Born October the 10th, 1767, died October the 3rd, 1828. " The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through. Jesus Christ, our Lord." Rom. vi. 23. DOMUS DEI. 101 FlSIIEIl Sacred to tlie memory of Benjamin Fisher, Esqiiiro, Major-General on tlio Stall', and Conuiiauding Royal Engineer in the Soutli West District, who died in this garrison on the 29th of September, 1814, in the G2nd year of his ago His abilities, zeal and integrity, were for 43 years faithfully devoted to his country's service in situations of great responsibility. His public conduct secured to him the approbation and respect of his superiors, his private virtues the ardent love of his family and attachment of all who knew him. GUISE. Sacred to the memory of Chri.stophor AVilliam Guise, fifth son of the lato Sir Jolm Guise, Bart., of Highnam Court, Gloucestershire, and Lieut, in the North Gloucester Regiment. An unfortunate accident in the execution of his duty terminated his earthly career, the 13th day of Octoljer, 1803, in the 21.st year of his age. He was highly esteemed and regretted by his brother officers, and died sincerely lamented by his afflicted relations. This monmncnt is greeted by his much distressed mother, in token of hor love and affection. CHA^^CEL — SOUTH SIDE, CAMPBELL. Sacred to the memory of Sir George Campbell, G.C.B., Admiral of the White Squadron of His Majesty's fleet. He was the son of Piyse Campbell, Esq., of Cawdor Castle, county of Nairn, N. B., and brother of Lord Cawdoi-, He married Eustatia, daughter of J. H. Campbell, Esq., Loixl Lyon King at Arms for Scotland, brother of Pryse Campbell. He died Commander-in- Chief at Portsmouth, Januaiy the 23rd, 1821, aged 59, having served 49 years in the Royal Navy, in which he eminently distinguished himself in most arduous and essential services. In consideration of which and his high character. His present Majesty, in the most gracious manner, appointed him Groom of the Bed-chamber, and conferred on him the most honourable Military Order of the Bath, " To him whoso loyal, brave, and gentle heart, Fulfilled the hero's and the Christian's part. Whose charity, like that which Paul injoiucd. Was wanri, bencflc'cnt, and imcoulincd, 102 DOMUS iJET. This stone is reared — to public duty true, The seaman's friend — the fathei' ol" his crew. Mild in reproof, sagacious in command, He spread fraternal zeal throug:hout his band ; He led each arm to act, each heart to feel What British valour owes to Britain's weal. These were his public virtues, but to trace His private worth, fair purity and grace ; To paint the traits that drew affection strong: I'rom friends, an ardent and an ample throng ; And more to speak his memory's grateful claim On her who mourns him most and bears his name, O'ercomes the trembling hand of widow's grief, O'ercomes the heart unconscious of relief; Save in Religion's high and holy tmst, Wliile placing this memorial o'er his dust. OLDFIELD. Sacred to the memory of Major Thomas Oldficld of the Marines, who from early youth distinguished himself under several commanders, and especially in America under Lord Comwallis, until, honoured even by his enemies in whose front he fell, he sacrificed that life, which he had so often hazarded in the ser- vice of his coimtry, at the seige of Acre in Syria, April the 7th, 1799, aged 43. This monimient was erected as a testimony of sincere affection and grati- tude, by the widow and son of Lieutenant John Nicholson Oldfleld of the Marines, the loving and loved brother of the above, who died Apiil the 9th, A.D. 1793, aged 41, and was interred at Alverstoke. IN THE TRANSEPT. LEGGATT. To the memory of the Rev. Samuel Leggatt, a.m., upwards of 26 years Chaplain to the Forces in this Garrison. Obiit March 7th, 1848. JEtat 74. MONCREIFF. In memory of Colonel Robert Moncreiff, formerly Commandant of the Portsmouth division of Royal Marines, in which corps, for a period exceeding 60 years, he was distinguished by valour and energy^ in service, and by a high sense of honour and justice in command. Died 24th of January, 1844, aged 36 years. DOM us DEI. 10:; r\Y. Sacred to the memory of John Baker Hay, Esquire, Captain of II. M.S. '• Quoen Caroline." IIo died most deeply lamented on the 13th of May, 1823. MCBEA^r. In mcmoiy of Captain William Frcdoriek McBoiin, of the 31: t Hunting- donshire Regiment, who died at Tien-Tsin, North China, the 21tit April, 1862, in his 38th year. This tablet is erected hy his brother ofHccrs, in token of their liigli regard for his upright and amiable character during the period he served in the regiment (upwards of seven years), and their deep regret at his im timely death. HODGSON. In memory of Christopher Hodgson, Lieut. 8 tth Regiment, son of Robert Hodgson, Esq., Prince Edward's Island. Obiit 2Gth December, 1838, aitat. 33. HljiVlE. Sacred to the memoi-y of John Hume, Surgeon, of His Majesty's 59th Regiment, who departed this life the 12th of August, 1828, in the 48th year of his age. FETHERSTON. Sacred to the menioiy of Lieut-Colonel Thomas Fetherston, of the Bengal Establishment, who departed this life the 13th August, 1832, aged 77 years. KAY. In memory of Lieut. Robert Kny, of the 7th Royal Fusiliers, who died at Manchester on the 1st of April, 1851, in the 31st year of his age. This tablet ia erected by his brother officers as a token of their esteem. MARSHALL. Sacred to the memcry of Captain George Marshall, of Her Majesty's 31st Regiment, eldest son of Lieut-Colonel Marshall, of the Royal Marines. Ho died on the 24th of August, 1842, in the 33rd year of his ago, in AfTghanistan, on his march to Cabool, of fever, brought on by over exertion and fatigue in action with the encmv on ihe 2fith of Julv, 1842. 104 DOMUS DEI. HARRISON. Sacred to the memory of ISlajor T. J. Harrison, late in the Royal Artillery, and of Weard House, Cornwall, who departed this life the 10th December, 1820, aged 58 years. This tablet was erected by the AS'idow of the deceased, as a tribute to his many excellencies and virtues, and as a memorial of her devoted attachment. Also Charles James Henry Harrison, second son of the above, who died at Malta on the 6th January, 1839, aged 28 years. His loss Avill be ever deeply mourned by his family for his many virtues. Ho was. a dutiful son, an aflFectionate brother, and a sincere friend. ROBERTS. Sacred to the memory of PajTnaster Roberts, 59th Regiment, who died of fever at Antigua, on the 16th of December, 1841, aged 38 years. Also to the memory of Ensign Prior, 59th Regiment, who died on the oth of February, 1844, aged 22 years, from the eifects of a wound caused by the accidental dis- charge of his gun whilst shooting near this place. This tablet was erected by- their brother oflBcers as a token of their esteem. AVEMYSS. Sacred to the memory of Lieut. Henry Wemyss, 21st Royal North British Fusilier.*!, yoimgest son of the late Colonel "Wemyss, of Wemysshall, Fifeshire, N.B., who died on the 27th October, 1832, aged 19 years. Brief and lovely was his span of life, his youth was full of fair promise, he was beloved by all wiio knew him, and to his mother, by whom this sad monument is raised, he jiever caused grief until his death. BUCK. In memory of Brevet Major Henry Buck, who died at Portsmouth on the 2!^st December, 1862, after having served for 18 years in the 63rd Regiment. Aged 36 years. Erected by his brother officers in token of their esteem. BULLOCK. Near this place are deposited the remains of Miss Hannah Bullock, who, departed this life 24th January, 1790, aged 44 years. WILLIAMS. Sacred to the memory of Lieut-Colonel Samuel Williams of the Roya.1 Marines, who served his king and country with honour and fidehty forty-two years, and died the 16th day of December, 1824, liiglily respected, in the o9th year of his age. DOMUS DEI. 105 CA:\irBELL. Sacred to the memory of Pictor Laurcntz Campbell, Esquire, a.c.e., lato Lieutenant in the Royal Scots Fusiliers, eldest son of Colonel Ronald Camp- bell, the 72nd Highlanders, born 31st March, 1809, died 4th October, 1848. Ho was successively appointed to various offices of confidence and authority under the government at tlic Cape of Good Hope, and New South Wales, in the department of H.M. Board of Trade, ai^d in the Manchcstev and Leeds, and South "Western Railways ; and was in all conspicuous for superior ability, and for an energy i^nd zeal to which at leqgth he fell a sacriflce at the age of 39. " By grt\co are ye suyed through fai^h, " And that not of youi-selves, it is the gift of God." ANDRAE, in iiiomory of H. G. Andrac, Esquire, late Bandmaster of the 4th (King's Own) Regiment, who died February- 11th, 1850, aged 49 years. Xhis. tablet waa erected by t'lc Band of the Regiment, as a testiniouy of their sincere respect for their departed Master, " Requiescat In Pace." SINOLAIR. This tablet is erected in memory of John Sinclair, m.d, late Assistant Sur-. gcon of H.M.S. " Excellent," by the officers of that Ship, as a token of their great regard and esteem. He died October the 2oth, 1840, aged 26 years, BYRO::. This tablet is erected as a token of sincere alfcction, to the memory of Rear Admiral Byron, C.B., who departed this life September the 2nd, 1837; also to that of his son, Commander Byron, who died February the 23rd, 1843, off Mazatlan, on the West Coast of Mexico, while in command of Her Majesty's Sloop of "War " Champion." KXATCIIBULL. Sacred to the memory of Ensign W\nid]iam Knatchbull, late of (he 1st Regiment of Foot Guards, second son of "Wjaidham Knatchbull, Esq. of Lon- don, by Catherine his ^vife, daughter of the late Sir Edward Knatchbull, Bart, of Mersham Hatch, in the county of Kent. He was compelled to quit his regi- ment on service in Spain for the recovery of his health. He died on board His Majesty's Ship "Dictator" the 14th day of October, 1813, being the day on ]0r> DOMUS DEI. which the ship arrived at Spithead. Ilnving at the early age of 18 paid the last tribute of the soldier, his remains were interred with military honours in the burial ground adjoining to this chapel. A sorrowing father caused this tablet to be placed here in sad remembrance of his irreparable loss, and in testimony of the mournful regret of the numerous friends and relatives of the deceased. HOVENDEN. Sacred to the memory of Major Nicholas Ilnvenden, 59.'h Regiment, who died at Leeds, on the 30th September, 1845, aged 52 years ; 36 of which he passed in the 59th Regiment, having served with it in the Peninsula, at "Water- loo, and Bhurtpore. This tablet was erected by his brother officers as a token of their esteem. NORTH AISLE — EAST END. O'CONNOR. SOLI DEO GLORIA. Sisto gradum mortalis ct hujus quern tenet uma hoec Collige virtutem, quodiice disce mori, Justitiam, regem, patriam, Christumque sccutus Moribus, officio, corde, et amore pio. Hie jacet Daniel O'Connor (vulgo Cornelius dictus) ex antiqua ct illustri O'Connorum prosapitl ortus, in Momonia Hybemia^ provincia, qui, per decern annorum curriculum, serenissimis nostris regibus Carolo prime, pioe memorioe, et Carolo secundo ter maximo, glorioso, jam ficliciter regnanti, Equestris Turmce Dux, fidcliter, prudenter, fortiter, inservivit ; consilio pru- dentissimus, expertissimus in hello, quietissimus in pace, stetit, vicit, vixit, neque elatus in prosporis neque dcjectus in adversis, ut eum nee tumid^ nee timid6 vixisse merito dicas, (uno varbo) semper idem, toti patricB totus, unicus amicis amcissimus, paupcribus pater perpetuus, vir singulari patientia, vigUan- tii, sobrietate, omatissimus ; uxorem duxitDominam Arnam "WTialey, eximioo modestise, pietatis, charitatis foeminam, Londini in Parochii Stse. Marise Magdalenje, ex qua nuUam habuit prolem,cum qu{l per deccm annorum spatium unanimiter vixit, depnsita tandem (prop dolor) hujus mortalitatis sarcina, vitam cum morte quiett-, pie, religiose commutavit, anno Regni Caroli Secundi xiv., et naturre rcparatce mdclxii. jEtatis su^ xxxxv., die x. septembris. Abi viator et refer, hujus interitu cajterorum mortalium vitam solvi DOMUS DEI. 10'] TRANSLATION. To the Glory of God alone. Stay your stop, thou mortal, and learn the ^^rtuo of him uhom this um contains, and, taking for your leader one who in morals, dutj% heart and pious love, followed justice, his king, his country and Christ, learn to die. Hero lies Daniel O'Connor (commonly called Cornelius), sprung from the ancient and illustrious race of the O'Connors, of the Province of ^lunster, in Ireland; who, for a period of ten years, as Captain of the Horse Guard, faithfully, pru- dently, and gallantly served our most Serene So\ereigns Charles I. of pious memorj', and Charles II. thrice most great and glorious, now happily reigning. Most prudent in council, most expert in war, mo.st gentle in peace, he stood, ho conquered, he lived, neither elated in prosperity nor dejected in adversity ; so that you may deservedly say, that he lived neither boastfully nor timidly. In a word, he was a devoted patriot, the warmest of friends and ever a father to the poor, one adorned in a remarkable manner with singular patience, vigilance, and sobriety. He married Dame Anna Whalcy, a woman of eminent modesty, piety, and charity, of the Parish of St. Mary Magdalene, London ; by whom he had no family, and with whom he lived in perfect concord for a period of ten years. The burden of this mortality having alas ! been laid aside, he quietly, piously, and religiously changed life for death in the xivth year of the reign of Charles II, and of our Redemption 1062, on the 10th September, aged 4r5. Go, traveller, and tell by the death of this man, how the life of other mor- tals should be spent. BALL. Sacred to the memory of Lieut-Colonel A. H. Ball, Royal Marines, who died 19th of April, 1829, aged 52 years, esteemed and regretted. NORTH WALL — EAST END. ASHHURST. Sacred to the memory of Nathan Ashhurst, Esq., fourteen years To\A'n- Major of this garrison, who, after a service of 44 years in various quarters of the globe, died here on the 19th of December, 1820, in the 60th year of his ago. To a zealous and faithful discharge of his military duties in this garrison, ho united in an exemplary degree the kind heartedness, benevolence, and friendly attentions of the citizen and good neighbour. To periDctuatc their sense of those his estimable qualities, the military and naval officers and inhabitants of this town have caused this monument to be erected. lOS DOMUS DEI. DESIMARETZ. Xo:ir this moniiinont lie interred the remains of Colonel E. Desimaretz, lute His Majesty's Commissary for the demolition of the works at Dunkirk, who departed this life the 16 th of September, 1768, in the 82nd year of his age. Though horn a foreigner, he early adopted every generous sentiment of ci\'il and religious liberty, and exerted his active abilities for the service of this nation, in quality of an engineer. An indefatigable zeal and unshaken integrity ia the execution of several important works oomnxitted to his charge deservedly en- titled him to the approbation of his superiors and the esteem of the public, while his social virtues in the sphere of private life endeared him to all his friends, by whom he is sincerely regretted. His affectionate daughter Mary Desimaretz Durnford hath caused this monument to be erected, as a testimony of filial piety to the memory of the best of fathers and of a tender mother, w:hose feliques. ^yore also, deposited in thjs chapel on the 21.st of July, 170^. SOUTH AISLE — EAST END. DAVIDS. Sacred to the memory of Lieut-Colqnol William Davids, INIajor in tho Portsmouth Division of Royal Marines, who died November the 8th, 1803, aged 47 years. This stone is placed here by a sincere friend, HAWKEK. Near this place lyeth the body of the Hon. Colonel Peter Hawker, late Lieut- Governor of Portsmouth, who departed this life the 5th day of January, 1732, in the 60th year of his age. The above tablet was repaired in 1838 by his great grandson, Colonel Peter Hawker. HOWE. In memory of John Howe, late Ensign in His Majesiy's 39th Regiment, who departed this life on tho 3rd day of January, 1832, in the 21st year of his age, and whose remains are tatcrred in the buiying ground of this chapel, SOUTH WALL — EAST END. YEO. Near his spot repose the mortal remains of Sir James Lucas Yeo, Captain DOMUS DEI. 109 in the Royal Na\-y, Knight Commiinder of the Bath, Knight Commander of St. Bento of Avis, -who died on the 21st of August, 1818, in the 37th year of his age. It was the eu^-iablc foi-tune of this able officer, living in times of high enterprise, to meet -with opportunities of distinction, of which he nobly availed himself, adding essentially to the national renovvii, and by his personal prowess wimiing for himself an imperishable name in the naval annals of liis country. This tablet was erected to his memory by his brother officers and personal friends. SOUTH AISLE — WEST END. DUENFOKD. In memory of Charles Durnford, late Ensign in His Majesty's 6oth Regi- ment, and fifth son of Colonel Durnford, of the corps of Royal Engineers, who died at this place on the 7th of January, 1832, aged 20 years. MARSHALL. Sacred to the memoiy of second Lieutenant Charles Dudley Pater Mar- shall, son of Lieut-Colonel Marshall of the Royal ISIarines, who died on board the brig "Annie," on his passage from Barbadoes to England, October the 14th, 1834, aged 21 years. CAMPBELL. In memory of Donald Campbell, Esquire, Rear- Admiral of the White, Commander-in-Chief of H.M. Ships on the Leeward Islands Station. Died at sea on board his Flagship "Salisbury," 11th of November, 1819, aged 67 years. Interred here 3rd of February, 1820. Also of Margaret Harriot, his wife, who died the 17th of Januaiy, 1831, aged 65 years. This nionumc(nt is erected by their affectionate son H. D. Campbell. As also to Donald Campbell, infant son of the above H. D. Campbell and Annie Maria, his wife, who died the 14th of August, 1831, aged 11 months. EOTTENBUEC;. Sacred to the memory of Lieut-General Francis Baron do Rottenburg, K.c.H., who departed this life, April 25th, 1832. This tablet is erected as a mark of respect by his aflfcctiona'tc daughter, Lady William Paget. IK) DOMUS DEI. FOSTKIl. Near this spot arc deposited the leniains of Martlia Foster, wife of Colonel Thomas Foster, who departed this life on the 3rd of May, l82o. SOUTH WALL— "WEST END. COOKES. Sacred to the mcmoiy of George C(jokes, Esq., late Lieutenant in the South Gloucester Militia, who died 7th of February, 1795, aged 27 years, eldest son of the Rev. Thomas Cookes, of Barboume House, Worcester. The deep regret which is still experienced for his most irreparable loss by his surviving friends will best express his vmcquallcd worth and rare endowments. This tablet M'as erected 14 111 Dcccnuber, 1820, by a surviving frioudi YOUNG To the memory of George James Young, Lieut. 17th Regiment, Bombay N. Infantry, who died at " Ootacamond," on the 23rd June, 1844, in the 21st year of his age. Also Charles Edward Yoimg, Lieutenant 50th Regiment, killed at the battle of " Moodkee" on the Sutlej, 18th of December, 1845, in the 20th year of his age. This tablet is erected by Major and Mrs. Young, late of the 38th Regiment, the son-owing parents of the above young officers cut olf in the morning of life in their countiy's service. MAC GREGOE. Sacred to the memory of Lieut-Colonel George MacGregor, C.n., of His Majesty's 69th Regiment, obiit 7th August, 1828, letat 48. This monument ■was erected by his aUbctionato and disconsolate widow. GIBBS. In memory of Major-General Sir Samuel Gibbs, k.c.h., who gloriously fell in the service of his country at New Orleans on the 9th of January, 1815, in the forty-fourth year of his age. DOMUS DEI. 1 11 M AUG II AN. In mcmoiy of Mary, the boloved wife of M:iJor I. Miiugliau, ii.M. ; sho died July the I'Jth, 18155, aged 43, also of Cecilia Barbara Harriett, their eldest daughter, As-ho died July the 17th, 1835, aged 21. To record his deep sorrow, but iu humble submission to the Divine "Will, the mourning father and huj^baud dedicated tliis tablet. MC BEAN. Sacred to llie nipmory of Amelia Harriotte, only daughter of M.njor Frederick McBcan, of II.M. 84th llegiineut, who died sincerely beloved and regretted by her paieuts and friends, 14th Febniarj', 1842, aged 5 years and 3 months. ROBINSON. Sacred to the memory of Thomas Robinson, Scruft-Major of the Ports- mouth Division of Royal Marines, who died June 1st, 1822, aged 40 years. This tablet is erected by the non-commissioned officers of that corps, as a mark of their esteem and respect for a brave soldier and a worthy man. WHETHAM. In memory of Lieut-General Arthur Whetham, First Gentleman of tho Bed Chamber to His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, Colonel of tho first battalion of the GOth Regiment, Lieutenant Governor of this Garrison and Commander of the South West District. He died 18th May, 1813, in tho sixtieth year of his age. TIMINS. In memory of Lieut-Colonel Thomas Timins, Royal Marines, who de- parted this life 25th October, 1828, aged C.7 years. Ho was senior oflBcer of his corps in tho battle of Trafalgar, and served his country ^fifty years with zeal, honour and humility. MADDEN. To the memory of Major Geneial Sir George Allan Madden, Knt. c.n., and Commander of the Order of tho Tower and Sword, bom Januaiy 3ixl, 1771, died December 8th, 1828, aged 57 years. His earlier services wore in Corsica and Egypt, subsequently he distinguished himself in the war of the Peninsula particularly near Fuentcsdc Cantos in Estremadm-a, where, at the head of tho 112 DOMUS DEI. brijj;ade of Portuguese Cavalry uuder his orders, lie [gallantly charged and repulsed the French army of Andalusia, on the 15th September, 1810, com- manded by Marshal Morticr ; and by this brilliant exploit was the means of saving the Spanish Army under the Marquis de Romana from destruction, MADDEN. To the memory of Captain "William John Madden, eldest son of James Madden, Esquire, of Colehill House, Fulham, Middlesex, and brother of Major General Sir G. A. Madden, bom 26th October, 1757, died 3rd May, 1833 ; also in memory of Sarah, wife of Capt. W. T. Madden, and daughter of the Rev. Arnold Carter, M.A., Minor Canon of Rochester Cathedi-al, bom the 21st June, 1759, died 8th May, 1833. CKOCKET. Sacred to the memory of Lieut. John Crocket, r.m.a., M-ho was killed lead- ing his men in an attack on a band of Pirates in the river Teba, near the Gambia, on the coast of Africa, on the 12th December, 1849, aged 26 years, lie met a soldier's death, and rests in a sailor's grave. Also to the memory of Michael Cairns, boatswain's mate, aged 35 years, and John Neale, Gimner r.m.a., aged 27 years, who died of wounds received on the same occasion. This tablet is erected by their messmates and shipmates in H.M. Steam Frigate " Centaur," who deoj^ly lament their untimely fate. TOERENS. Remember Charles Jolm Torrens, Captain, r.a.. and youngest son of Major-General Sir Henry Torrens, Adj-General, k.c.b., k.t.s. He died at Portsmouth, ISIarch 14th, 1847, aged 30 years. BALCHILD. Sacred to the memory of Brevet-Major Charles Elliott Balchild, of the Royal Marines, who died at sea on board H.M.S. " Queen," on the 15th Sept., 184G, aged 56. His remains are interred in the English cemetery at Cadiz. Entered the service on the 25tli April, 1804. DOMUS DEI. ] 1 3 H.M.S. "QUEEN." Sacred to the memory of Years months days James Napper, Surgeon aged 40 „ „ James Hislop Schoolmaster 28 ,, „ Young Green West Midshipman 15 7 5 Arthur Bridgman Simpson do. 12 7 10 Henry Smart Crawford do. 16 25 Charles William Thornton do. 11 11 John Augustus Aldham do. 15 3 8 of His Majesty's Ship " Queen," who fell victims to an insidious hrain fever which developed itself on hoard that ship, hetween the 14th day of Octoher, and the 15th day of Novemhor, 1827, after lea\-ing the Island of St. Jago, Cape de Verde ; on her passage from England to the Cape of Good Hope. This tablet is erected by Captain Lord Henry John Spencer Churchill, the gunroom officers, and midshipmen of H.M.S. " Tweed," as a tribute of their esteem and sincere regard. NORTH AISLE — WEST END. PELLEW. In memory of the Hon. Po\vnoll Fleetwood Pellew, R.N., grandson of Admiral Viscount Exmouth. He died at Portsmouth on Christmas Day, 1851 , first Lieutenant of the Royal Yacht " Victoria and Albert," after a short and severe illness, aged 28 years. " The beloved son of a widowed Mother." PERSSE. Sacred, as a tribute of sincere affection by Major William Persse, to the memory of his dear wife, Eliza, daughter of the Hon. Tudge Moore, who departed this life on board the " Roxburgh Castle," when within reach of the British shore, after an absence of 10 years, on tlio 26th May, aged 36 years. LAFOREY. Near this place are deposited the remains of Sir John Laforey. Baronet, Admiral of the Blue Squadron, who departed this life on board His M;ijesty'si I 114 DOMUS DEI. Ship " Majestic " at sea, on his passage from the West Indies, on the 14th day of Juno, in the year of our Lord, 1796, aged 76 years. BAJINES. In memory of Quarter-Master "William Barnes, 2nd Royal Cheshire !Mili- tia, who died at Portsmouth on the 28th of December, 1858, in the 4Gth year of his age. This tablet is erected by his brother officers as a token of their esteem. WOODHOUSE. Sacred to the memory of Ann Maria, wife of Lieut-Colonel William Woodhouse, commanding the 20th Regiment M.N.I. , bom November the 10th, 178-1, died at Quilon, on the coast of Malabar, November the 5th, 1826. Also of Ann her Mother, relict of the late Samuel Leggatt, Esq., of Norwich, bom August the 12th, 1746, died August the 20th, 1827, who lies buried in this Church. " Optimis et dilectissimis matrum et sororum, Samuel (hujus prgesidii sacerdos) Horatius et Gerardus hoc monumentum posuere." Also of Gerard Leggatt, Esq., Captain in the 41st Regiment M.N. I., born May the 6th, 1872 ; died at Madras, September the 16th, 1828. NORTH WALL — WEST END. CARDEW. In memory of Caroline, the beloved wife of Colonel Cardew, Commanding Royal Engineer of the South West and Sussex District, who departed this hfc, deeply lamented, at Landport House, Portsmouth, after a long and painful ill- ness, which she bore with christian fortitude and resignation, September the 19th, 1845, aged 61. " Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding weight of glory." WILLIAMS. Sacred to the memory of Anne Maria Williams, sister of the late Colonel Sir Richard Williams, K.B., and Colonel Samuel Williams, who died on the 7th day of Fobniarj', 1844, in the 87th year of her age. DOMUS DEI. 115 AECIIBOLD. Sacred to the memory of Lieut-Colonel Archbold of the Royal Marines who, after a faithful and honoiu-ablo service, died at Portsmouth on the in day of January, MDCCCix, aged Lxx years. Also of Mary his wife, who died on the XXIII day of March, mdcccui, aged LXiv years. Also of second Lieu- tenant Thomas Archbold, Royal Marines, son of the above Thomas and Mary Archbold, who died on the ii day of January, mdcclxxxvi, aged xv years, and of Harriett, their daughter, who died on the xxv day of February, MDCCLXXiv, aged iv years and ix months, and of James, their son, who died on the XTiii day of IMay, mdcclxxv, aged ii years and ii months. The above all deceased at Portsmouth, and are buried near this spot. This tablet is erected agreeably to the will of Mary Anne, the dutiful and affec- tionate daughter of the above Thomas and Maiy Ai-chbold, who died at Chel- tenham, on the VII day of October, mdcccxxii, aged Liv years, and was interred at Leckhampton. MEIK. In memory of Thomas Meik, m.d., 39 years Physician to the town and garrison of Portsmouth, who died on the 23rd May, 1811, aged 76 years, and was buried near this monument, as were also four of his sons who died in their infancy. Likewise of Margaret, daughter of the late James Lind, m.d., Phy- sician to Haslar Hospital, and relict of the above Thomas Meik, m.d. She died on the 18th December, 1832, aged 82 years. Maria Johnston, daughter of the above, obiit the 6lh August, 1841, aged 68 years. WILLLUIS. Sacred to the memory of Colonel Sir Richard Williams, late Commaudant of the Royal Marines, (i"ormcrly Commandant of the lloyal Marine Artilleiy) and Knight Commander of the most Hon. Order of the Bath, an honor granted in recompense of long and meritorious services in defence of his country. Died June 1st, 1859. GRANT. In memory of Lieut. William Grant, who, after a service of nearly sixty years, died on tho 30th September, 1806, To\*Ti-Major of this Garrison, in the 12 ]1G DOMUS DEL 79th year of his age, and on the anniversary of the day on which he very honorably distinguished himself at the battle of Bucker-Muhl in Germany, in the j'car 1762. He was a brave soldier and, in his character as a man, strength of mind, probity, and benevolence were united. BURNETT. In memory of Captain "William Burnett, e.n., 3rd son of the late Sir Robert Burnett, Bart, of Leys, who died ia command of Her Majesty's Ship "Magicienne" at Portsmouth, on the 16th of AprU, 18i0, aged 41 years. BALLINGALL. In memory of Colonel David James Ballingall, Colonel Commandant of the Woolwich Division of Royal Marines, who died the 31st March, 1846. Also of Mrs. Colonel BaUtagall, widow of the above, who died 5th December, 1859. JONES. In memory of Mary Gerrish Jones, widow of Capt. Lewis Tobias Jones, of the coimty of Sligo, Ireland, (formerly of the 14th Regiment) who died in April, 1835, and was inten-ed in a vault near this tablet. Also ia memoiy of the above Capt. Lewis Tobias Jones, who died at Bishop -Wearmouth in September, 1822. THE LECTEEN. The Lectern, of the purest oak, is much admired for its simplicity and elegance. It was given by the sons and daughters of Lieutenant Alexander Paisswurm, to whose memory it is dedicated. On a small brass are the following words : — A.D.M.G. " In Memoriam Alexandri Russwurm hanc Lectrinam Deo et Ecclesiae dedere pi^ recordantes Filii Filiasque." Lieutenant Russwurm served in the attack on New Orleans as Lieutenant, 5th W.I. Regiment. DOMUS DEI. 117 THE rULPIT. The Pulpit, designed by G. E. Street, R.A., was presented, in memory of their gallant comrades, by the crew of H.M.S. " Penelope." Beneath a cross, around which are the words " Crux mihi anchora," is the following inscription : — " To the glory of God and in momory of tho Seamen and Marines of H.M.S. Penelope, who were killed at Bomarsund or died in the service of their country, between the .5th of April, 1854, and July 8th, 1858, this Pulpit wuh erected by their .surviving shipmates. Stations — Baltic, Cape of Good Ilopt-, and East Indies." THE COLOURS IN THE CHURCH. The Colours of three Regiments — the 7th Royal Fusiliers, the Scinde Camel Corps, and the 67th (South Hampshire) Regiment, stand out on each side from the pillars in the nave. On a brass beneath each flag is inscribed the Regi- ment to which it belonged. The following words will be found on a tablet beneath the Colours of the Camel Corps : — The Standards waving above this Tablet are consecrated to the memory of General Sir Charles Napier, g.c.b., the conqueror of Scinde, by whose genius the Scinde Camel Corps was formed. Happier than most conquerors, he secured the aflfections of the vanquished by a wise and beneficial rule of that noble Province, which his valour and military skill had won for his countrj-. May his glorious name animate the hearts of British soldiers in the day of battle. This tablet is put up by Captain Bruce, Commanding the Camel Corps." The Colours of the G7th Regiment were first unfurle/ at Cork in IHio, and, after having been well rent by hay service during the war in China, were solemnly placed the old " Domus Dei," on the 30th October, 18G8. 118 DOMUS DEL WARDENS OR MASTERS OF THE "DOMUS DEI." HE list of the Wardens of the Hospital of Saint Nicholas is nearly complete, and a very valuable list it is. No one but the painstaking archseologist knows how long a time it requires to gather together the interesting particulars contained in the few pages of this chapter of my story. I therefore gladly here acknowledge that I am indebted to F. J. Baigent, Esq., of Winchester, for all the information I am able to supply with respect to the War- dens of the " Donius Dei," except that relating to the first three. It is, I have every reason to believe, the sub- stance or result of more than 20 years' investigation and hard work. The Bishops' liegisters preserved in the Li- brary of Winchester Cathedral, only commence with Bishop Pontissara. There was therefore a period of 70 years, during which AVardens of the Hospital existed, but their names could only be discovered by searching early docu- ments, into some of which they had been introduced as those of witnesses to deeds, or of parties to agreements bearing upon the interests of the Hospital. In this matter I received help from one who is world-known as a learned archaeologist, Sir Frederic Madden, k.ii., so long the emi- nent Keeper of the Manuscripts in the British Museum, indeed tliroughout my endeavour to tell the tale of the " Domus Dei," I have found him ever ready to guide me to what is trustworthy, and to warn me when my authority was weak. DOMUS DEI. 119 The most common title for the head of a Hospital is Gustos or Warden, and strictly speaking it is the most fitting designation, but Prior and Master are constantly met with in early documents. Curiously enough in the earliest document known connected with the " Domus Dei," (1214'), and also in that by which it was surrendered, the Superior is termed ' ]\Iaster.' I would here observe that its Masters were all men of mark, and the Warden- ship was at all times considered a valuable piece of prefer- ment. In days of tremendous pluralism, the value was undoubtedly increased by the fact, that the Head of the Hospital was seldom or ever called upon to be in resi- dence. With these preliminary remarks, I shall now proceed to give a list of the Wardens, and such particulars con- cerning them as I have been able to collect. After the rule of two or three, whose names have not yet been dis- covered, the Wardenship was held by Benjamin", in 1248.* This we learn from the following grant made in that year. William de Glamorgan, son of Philip de Glamorgan gives to the Ghurch of lilessed Mary of -f-Quarraria and the monks there Us. of quit rent, which Fulco de Wymering has been accustomed to pay yearly to the said William for a tenemeiit in Heleseye, &c., &c. " Witnesses, Benjo-min, Chaplain, then Prior of the Domus Dei of Portesmuwe, &c." Nicholas, before and in 12G6.| This also we know from the witnesses to a gift. Hugh Kaggy § of Por- tesmuwe gives to the church of Blessed Mary of Quar- raria and the monks there a house with a celhir andil solar, in the town of Portesmuwe, and moreover he concedes to * Augment. Off. Cart. Antiq., Vol. 21, f. 39. t Quarr Abbey in the Isle of "Wight, near Hyde. X Augment. Off. Cart. Antiq. Vol. 18, No. 266. § Caggy is written in the margin of the IMS., by a modern liand, but the name was evidently ' Raggy ' as in the gift witnessed by Benjamin. II Solar, a house or loft over a collar, an upper chamber. In some ji.irts of England a garret is still called a ' .soUar.' 120 DOMUS DEI. them a certain piece of land of another of his holdings, so that they and their successors shall render thence an- nually to the Brothers of the ' Domus Dei ' of Portesrauwe and their successors 12d. at the Feast of St. Michael. " Witnesses, Sir INIatthew, Prior of Southwick, Brother Nicholas, Prior of the ' Domus Dei,' Src, &c." PtOBERT, in 1268.* The name of this Warden and the date are obtained from an agi*eenient made in the 52nd year Hen. Ill, (1208), between Pobert Walerand and Kobert, Master of the Hospital of Portsmouth, preserved in the Piecord Oflice.-f- SiR EoGER DE Harwedone, about 1296. The exact date is not known, but he appears to have been collated to the Wardenship of the Hospital by John de Portissara during the latter part of his e]jiscopate. As the Bishop was consecrated in 1282, and died December, 1304, the above date will be not far from accurate. When Bishop Portissara was about to go abroad on matters connected with the well being of the State, he nominated Sir PtOger de Harwedone to be one of his Vicars General during his absence. Pie also presented him to the rectory of Edyndon, Wilts, on the 9th September, 1303, and to the rectory of Downton in the same county, on the 18th November of the following year. This Warden was also one of the Bishop's executors, and subsequently Vicar General to his successor Bishop Henry Wodeloke, and is so named in 1312. In 1314 he became prebendary of Lichfield, and resigning the government of '•' Domus Dei," w^as succeeded by his nephew. Sir William de Harwedone,^ 1314, who wascoUated to the Wardenship by Bishop Wodeloke, on the 16th June, 1314, and the Dean of Droxford was directed to induct * This was I believe, a ' Robert de Cnoel,' appoLated by Bishop John de Gervase. t Exchequer, Pedes Finium 52. Hen. III. No. 21. X It was during the incumbency of this Warden, viz. in 132J, that the Chitntry was founded (see Page 9). DOMUS DEI. 121 I him. Ill 1328 he was presented to the valuable rectory of Crondal by Uisliop John de Stratford, and he continued to hold the Wardenship, together with that rectory, till his decease. His will was proved before Bishop Adam de Oiieton at Farnham Castle, on the 22nd :March, 1339-40. Edmund de Akundkll, his successor, was collated on the 18th March, 1339-10, and the Trior of Southwick was ordered to induct him. He was appointed prebendary of York in 1341. At his death in 13-47 John de Edyndon, was appointed Warden of the Hospital by his uncle, Bishop William de Edyndon,* on the 12th Maich, 1347. He was ordained Accolite by Bishop Edyndon in the chapel of his manor at Eslier on the 2nd February, 1348-49, as "Gustos Hospitalis Sancti Nicho- lai de Portcsmoiitlie''; and Subdeacon, by the same title, at Farnham Castle on the 22th J\Iarch, 1349. He had after this date many other ecclesiastical appointments, including the Mastership of St. Cross Hospital, near Winchester, the rectory of Cheriton, and the Archdeaconry of Surrey. On the 12th November, 1351, the Bishop allowed him to exchange the Wardenship of St. Nicholas' Hospital for the tythes of the manor of Nuthangre with Tho.mas de EdyisDON, who was collated on the same day to the Wardenship, and Sir John Payne, Precentor of the Church of St. Marie's, Southampton, was directed to induct him. He was ordained Subdeacon by the title " Gustos Hospitalis Sancti Nicholai de Portcsmutlic " at Esher, on the 2Uth September, 1354; also Deacon at Farnham Castle as such, on the 20th April, 1859. He further held successively the rectories of Wonston, Alresford, Morstead and Downton. During Bishop Edyndon's last illness, within four days of the Bishop's death, he resigned the * Amon^ the ordinations of William de Edj-ndon, Bishop of AVinchester from 1345 to 1366, occurs the name 'Stephen atte Mule' (or 'de Molondinis' as he is also tenned) who received holy orders as a professed brother in the Ilouso of St. Nicholas of Portsmouth (fratcr professus in JJomo Sancti Nicholai de PortesmuthcJ ; Subdeacon 22 September, 1347 ; Deacon 7 March 1348-9 ; and Priest on 28 March, 1349. 122 DOMUS DEI. Wardenship viz. on the 2nd October, 1366, and the Bishop collated John de Wormexhale to the vacant office on the same day. Great care was taken to record the transaction with all possible minuteness : — " On the second day of October in the year of our Lord 1 366, at South Waltham,* the Wardenship of the Hospital of St. Nicholas, Portes- mouth, was conferred upon IMaster John de Wormenhale, Doctor of Laws ; being vacant by the free and spontaneous resignation of IMaster Thomas de Edyndou, its late Warden, made at South Waltham aforesaid, in the presence of Mas- ter Walter de Seveuhampton, Master John Corfe, John Beautree and Eobert de Lincoln, witnesses, on the said second day of October of the year abovenamed ; and then at the Lord Bishop of Winchester's donation ; and the same Master John was canonically appointed Warden of the same Hospital, with all the incumbencies and other rights appertaining to the same. And Master Walter de Seveuhampton, Treasurer of Wolvesey, and Eobert de Lin- coln, Eector of Alverstoke were directed jointly or sepa- rately to induct him." The whole proceeding was evidently an endeavour to have all concluded before the Bishop's death. One admires the prudence of having two to in- duct joiiitl)/ or separately/. If one should be sick or on a journey, the chances were against both being so. " Man proposes, God disposes." The Bishop died on the sixth of October, and, the induction not having taken place, the preferment was considered vacant and the right to present fell to Edward III., who generously carried out the wish of the late Prelate. By writ of Privy Seal tested at Westminster, on the 3rd of February, 13(J6, the King pre- sented John de Wormenhale to the Wardenship, " vacant and in the King's hands by reason of the vacancy of the Bishopric of Winchester ;" and he was instituted to the same on the 10th February, by ^Master John Beautree, the Official and Guardian of the Spiritualities of the See. * Bishop's Waltham, Hants. DOMUS DEI. 1-23 Master John de Wornienhale was ordained Aceolite, by Bishop Edyndon as lleclor of the Church of Felphani, Sussex, on the 18th December, IStil ; and was a])pointed Chancellor of the Diocese by the same prelate on the 11th July, 1361, and liis Ofiicial on the 3()th, 13G5. He was holding tliese ofhces at the time of the Bishop's death, who bequeathed to him £40 and a silver cup with a cover. AVilliam de Wykehain, in London on the 22nd February, 13G6-7, styles him Canon of Salisbury, and appoints him to be his Vicar and Commissary General, an office he conti- nued to hold until his death, together with the Wardenship of the Hospital. EiCHAED DE Wykeham, his successor, was collated to the Wardenship on the 5tli July, 1370. His incumbency was of short duration and on his decease, his kinsman Nicholas de Wykeham, Ai'chdeacon of Winchester, was appointed Warden on tlie 30th August, 1378, and was presented to the rectory of Whituey, Co. Oxon., on the same day. He subsequently had other preferments inclu- ding the Archdeaconry of Wilts. He was ordained Aceo- lite by William de Wykeham at Esher, on the 1 7th April, 1379, and Subdeacon by the Archbishop of Canterbury, in the Church of Arches, on the 4th June following. In the ■ last year of his life he refused to pay an assessment of 6s. 8d., but afterwards, it appears, matters were arranged* He died Archdeacon of AVilts and AVarden of the Hospital of St. Nicholas, in February or IMarch, 1406-7. The name of the successor of Nicholas de Wykeham, T am unaljle to give for certain, as there is a gap in the Episcopal records of the See. Good authority, I under- stand, exists for believing that it was John Forest, whose relative and executor,f Thomas Forest; died as Official Principal of the Diocese in 1463, making 1406, the year of Nicholas de Wykeham's death, a _ __ * Exchequer Clerical Subsidy, 7 Hen. IV. ~ t See Complaint Document Pago 120. 124- DOMUS DEI. very probable time for John Forest to enter upon the Mastership. * * * * Thomas Kykkeby, Prebendary of York, was, we know, Warden in 1 447. He was Master in Chancery from 1439 to 1447, and Master of the Eolls from 1447 to December, 1461, and Treasurer of Exeter Cathedral ; also Prebendary of Allcannings and of Middleton in the con- ventional church of St. Mary's, Winchester. He died in December, 1476. His will, dated the 7th October, 1474, and the codicil to it on the 8th December, 1476, were proved on the 5th January, 1479. He had resigned the Wardenship, some years before his death. SiK William Elyot, chaplain, was collated to it by Bishop Wayneflete on the 25th February, 1462-3. He was afterwards Archdeacon of Barnstable and Chancellor of Salisbury. Having held tlie Wardenship within a few days of thirty years, he resigned it on the 9th February, 1492-3. John Eyse was presented to the vacancy on the same day by Dr. Thomas Langton, Bishop of Salisbury and Postulate of the See of Winchester, and was duly institu- ted to the office of Warden by Cardinal Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury, on the 11th February, 1492-3. He was a native of Southampton, and on the 24th March, 1470, Bishop Wayneflete granted him letters dimissory to receive all the sacred orders from any Catholic Bishop having faculties and grace and favour from the Apostolic See. This John liyse was still Warden on the 30th April, 1507, when proceedings were instituted against him by Bishop Fox. On a recent visitation by the Bishop, the Hospital had been found in a ruinous and neglected state; the Warden was therefore cited to appear before the Bishop or his Commissary in the conventional church of St. JNIary Overy, Southwark, to show cause why all tithes, profits and emoluments should not be sequestered. Directions were specially given that the citation should be personally DOMUS DEI. 125 served vipon him, if possible. If not, the edict of citation, or a true copy of it, was to be publicly affixed to the door of the Hospital. These procecdinfj;s led to his resignation of the Wardenship. He afterwards became Treasurer, and subsequently Precentor of Exeter Cathedral, and died on the 2th of May, 1531. Willia;\[ Styxt, Bachelor of Laws, w\as now appoint- ed Warden by Bisliop Fox. He was ordained Accolite on the 29th December, 150G, and collated to the rectory of Meon Stoke on the 27th February, 1509-10 ; ordained Deacon on the 3rd jNIarch, 1514 ; and Priest on'tlie 5th June 1515. He died holding these preferments in March, 1522. John Incext, Doctor of Laws, Vicar General to Bishop Fox, Eector of Kimpton and late Eector of All Saints, Southampton, was collated, (the last AVarden,) on the 22nd September, 1522. He was ordained Deacon on the 18th February, 1512-13; and Priest on the 12th March following. In 1524 he was presented to the Mastership of St. Cross Hospital near AVinchester. He surrendered the Hospital of St. Nicholas of Portsmouth to Henry VIII. on the 2nd June, 1540, and two days afterwards was rewarded with the Deanery of St. Paul's, which he held, together with the Mastership of St. Cross Hospital and the rectory of Kimpton, till his death in 154-5. There is a very curious complaint document, which supplies valuable information about the monies of the ' Domus Dei,' and the unfaithful use thereof by one of the Masters. It also supports the opinion that John Forest was the predecessor of Thomas Kyrkeby as Warden. There is no date to the complaint, but it may be considered a writing of the end of the reign of Henry VI., or early in the days of Edward IV. Of this the reader shall judge for himself. I give a literal copy of it without the contrac- tions : — 3 Exchequer Trcasui-y of Receipt, IMiscoll. Books. Ajtj Chapter House fol. 237. (Inventories of Monasteries, &c.) Fyrst that the powr pcpull has nott thcr bred baked and ther drj-nkc brewed in the howsse as yt was wont for to be, and sythcns this mast not cancelled, not erased, nor suspected, in the terms following : — To all the 138 DOMUS DEI sons of Holy Mother Church who shall see or hear the present deed, William de Harewedone, "Warden of the house of St. Nicholas of Portesmuthia, and the brethren of the same place, — greeting in the Lord. Whereas by the pious liberality of the Lady Johanna, sister and heir of Sir Alan Plokenet, deceased, Lady of Kylpeke, formerly ^vife of Sir Henry de Bohun, we have received from the same, in recent times many gifts : considering also that the said Lady Johanna, for herself and her heirs, has released and for ever quit-claimed, to us the said William de Harwcdene,Warden of the said house, and to the brothers and sisters of the same house, all her right and claim, which she had, or in any manner could have, in the manor of Broughton, in the coimty of Southampton : We, being desirous, according to our ability, to make a just and suitable return to the same, concede to the same, for us and our successors for ever, that we and our successors, will admit into our society a Chaplain suitable to us and to the Warden of the Hospital of St. Nicholas of Portsmouth for the time being, and will sustain and treat him as one of the chaplains of our house, and will give to such chaplain yearly as to any one of the chaplains of our house aforesaid. And the said chaplain for his part, as our other chaplains, shall be obliged to be present at the divine offices in our house, and shall for ever celebrate daily the divine offices for the souls of the said Lady Johanna, of Sir Robert de Harewedone (formerly Warden of the aforesaid house) and for the souls of Sir William de Harewedone aforesaid, now Warden of the same, and of all parents and friends of the aforesaid deceased. And the said chaplain shall reverently obey us and the warden who may be for the time, in all canonical and lawful commands. And on the same chaplain withdrawing, or dying, or from any other ligitimate cause being removed, the said Lady Johanna and her heirs shall present to us, and to the Warden who may be for the time, another fitting one in his place, as is before set forth : and the said Warden and his successors for ever at their presentation ^vill substitute and admit the said chaplain, one after the other successively. In testimony of which matter we have caused the seal of the said Warden to be affixed to these letters. Dated at Portesmuthe, 20th day of January, a.d., 1325, and the 19th year of the reign of King Edward, the son of King Edward. Now we,* John, by divine permission, Bishop of Winchester, by our ponti- fical authority confirm all and singular contained in the said letters, as they are above expressed, so far as to us appertaineth, accounting them alike valid, • John Stratford obtained the See in 1322, and presided over it ten years ; four of them he was Chancellor of England. In 1332 he was removed to Canterbury. DOisrus DEI. 139 ag^reeable, and acceptable. In testimony of which matter wo have considered that our seal should bo affixed to these presents. Dated at Waltham, 8 Kalends Febr., (25th of January) a.d., 1325, and the 3d of oui- Translation. THE MUKDER OF AUAM MOLEYNS. At a critical period of the reign of Henry IV. we find that a distinguished Bishop of Chichester, Adam JNToleyns was cruelly murdered, and that the murder took place close to the " Domus Dei " of Portsmouth. The questions at once arise, who was Adam Moleyns and what was the cause of his murder. That he was a man of good family is certain. Gedler in his ' Universal Lexicon ' mentions him as one of the Molineux family, but, strangely enough, by a clerical error he entitles him Adam, Bishop of Chester instead of Chichester. In a list of the Bishops of Chichester, in the same work, Adam jMoleyns is found in his proper place. Dean Hook, whom to know is to love and revere, gives in a note of Vol. V. Page 160, " Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury," nearly all that is Ivnown of this ill-fated man : — " ADAM MOLEYNS OR MOLINEUX. The time and place of his birth are unknown, we only know that he was a Doctor in the Civil Law ; that he was Archdeacon of Taunton in 1440 ; held a Stall at York in 1441 ; that in the March of that year he became Dean of St. Burians, and in the October Dean of Salisbury. Having been formerly clerk or secretary to the Privy Council,* he was in 1444 made Keeper of the Privy Seal. He was consecrated to the See of Chichester at Lambeth, on the 6th of January, 1446, and held the living of Harietsham in Kent in Gom- mendam. He was a benefactor to the See, bestowing on * Adamus Molins, legnm Doctor, Sarisburicnsis Decanus, necnon et S. Birini in CornubiS., et Regiorum Consiliariorum quandoque Amanuensis, conse- cratus est mense Novembri 1445, et privati Sigilli Gustos mox constitutus. Occisus est Portesmuthae a nautis quibusdam, ad id sceleris perpetranduni per Richardum Ducem Eboracensem summissis ac subornatis, JuuU ncmn 1449. Dedit ille ad ornatum summi altaris in Ecelesia sui vela qu;edam ex huloscrico pretiosissima, coloris (juem vulgo diciinus Crimosiu, qui antiquitus (ut credo) purpureus fuit. (Godwin de Prjesulibus Ang-lia;. Heu. VI, 24) UO DOAIUS DEI. the Cathedral some rich vestments, and procuring for the lands of the Bishop an exemption from the jurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty. He acted as an assessor of the Archbishop of Canterbury to try Elinor Cobham, Duchess of Gloucester, for witchcraft. In 1443 he accompanied the Earl of Suffolk into France, to treat of the marriage of Henry VI. with Margaret of Anjuu. He naturally shared in the unpopularity of the Suffolk party,* increased by this royal marriage. He was one of the Commissioners at Tours to negotiate a truce with France, which was pro- longed to the year 1-449. He was disgusted with the state of public affairs and determined to quit the country and live abroad. He resigned his See, it is generally supposed, for this purpose. He certainly received a pension of 500 marks. When preparing for his voyage at Portsmouth, he was basely murdered in a boat by some seamen.f It was reported that this murder was committed at the instigation of Richard, Duke of York. This was probably a mere scandal but it follows, that, if such were the case, Moleyns was leaving England, not, as it was said, that he might retire from pub- lic life, but to effect some political intrigue. The Duke of York was not a man likely to doom anyone unnecessarily to death, though in the party violence of the day, little regard was paid to the sacredness of human life." The good Dean, with his wonted charity, is gentle to all, but, while with him we admii^e the Bishop's brilliant talents and his steady devotion to a miserably weak Sove- reign, we cannot but believe that from first to last he was * 'Adamus Molendinus, nobilis parentum stemmate, ingenio nobilior, virtutum vero calculo nobilissimus, bonus, ut fama prasdieat, literas incredibili qiiodam candoi-e fovebat. Quare oj)erfe pretiuiu erit, Hcrmanni Schedelii, historiographi, de eo judicium subjicere : — " Inter quos et amicus noster Adam de Molineux, secreti regis signaculi et custos et literarum cultor, amisso capite, truncatus jacuit." Hjec ille. Causa ejus mortis civile bellum, Mac JEre«r«'c<«««s liinc Eadveardinis de imperio contendentibus.' (Leland Comm. de Script. Brit, page 454). " Nobiles viri quamplures necati, nee sacerdotio prseditis parsus est (Dux Eboracensis) . Inter quos et amicus noster Adam Molynes, secreti regis signaculi custos et literarum cultor, amisso capite truncatus jacuit." (Schedel Liber Cronicarum, Nurenberg, 1493, fo. 288.) f It is evident from the 'Process' that Moleyns was not murdered in a boat. DOMUS DEI. 14 1 a zealous, and at times, au unscrupulou.s politician ; and .so during " the convulsive and bleeding agony of the feudal power," made for himself a very dangerous position. As Bishop of Chichester, he was the King's Confessor ; as Keeper of the Privy Seal, he was a prominent state ser- vant ; and circumstances had in many other ways rendered him an object of hatred to the York party. But his chief crime was, that with the " crafty avaricious and despotic Suffolk," he had headed the Queen's party. The alliance ended, we know, in the murder of both. Suffolk, when the cry was loud and against those who had given up France, basely accused the prelate of advising tlie surrender of the French province. The cowardly sacrifice, of one who had been a faithful ally, saved the ambitious noble only for a little moment. JMpleyns was murdered on the 0th of January, 1-1-49, and in the IMay folb^wing Suffolk, on the high seas, was seized as a traitor, beheaded with a rusty sword, and his body cast contemptuously on the sands of Dover. But, in the story of the " Domus Dei," the murder of Bishop Moleyns is chiefly interesting as connected with the 'Process,' held more than 50 years after, for the absolution of the inhabitants of Portsmouth from the sentence of excom- munication. Other Bi.shops have been murdered in England, but no old document remains setting forth proceedings similar to those noted in the Eegister preserved in Win- chester Cathedral. Walter de Stapledon, Bishop of Exeter, was unhorsed at the north gate of St. Paul's, taken to Cheap- side, and there stript and beheaded on the 15th of October, 1326. Archbishop Sudbury was murdered by the insur- gent populace on the 14th of June, 1881. And William Ayscough, Bishop of Salisbury, was dragged out of the Church of Ediugton, in Wilts, and murdered, on the 29th of June, 1450. But no Process remains to tell how the Church dealt with those who perpetrated these dark crimes. The following paper is therefore, I believe, unique of 142 DOMUS DEI. its kind, and I publish it with confidence, because I feel sure it will be read by many with great pleasure. NO. VI. Processus habitus apud Portysmouthe. E. Registro Domini Domini Ricardi Fox, Wintoniensia Episcopi, Tom. 2. Fol. 88—90. mCARDUS, permissione divina, Wintoniensis Episcopus, dilectis nobis in Christo, Abbati Monasterii de Tychefeld, ordinis premonstratensis, et Priori prioratus de Sutbwyk ordinis Sancti Augustini, nostre "Wintoniensis diocesis, ac Mao-istro Johanni Dowman, legTim doctori, nostro in spiritualibua vicario gene- rali, — salutem, graciam et benedictionem. CUM bone memorie dominus Adam Molens, legum doctor, Cicestrensis Episcopus, per inhabitantes de Portysmouthe mortem subierit temporalem, cujus pretextu ipsi inhabitantes et tota eorum sequela majoris excommimicationis sentenciam et Dei onmipotentis indigna- tionem incurrebant, et terra eorum multas passa est ruinas et jacturas ; inhabi- tantes ejusdem viUe moderni, volentes ah hujusmodi vinculo liberari ct penitenciam condignam et legitimam in hS-C parte subire, et de Dei onmipotentis mesericordia plenius coniisi, nobis, quatinue de remedio eis in hac parte providers oportuno dignaremur, instanter et humiliter supplicarunt. Nos i"-itur, Ricardus, Episcopus antedictus, saluti animarum eorundem inhabitancium providere cupientes, cum ecclesia nemini redeunti claudit gre- mium : ad inquirendum juxta juris exigenciam de hujusmodi dehcto, et inhabitantes predictos a sentencia hujusmodi absolvendum et penitenciam salutarem et condignam eis imponendam et injimgendam; ceteraque omnia alia et singula facienda, exercenda, et expedienda, que in premissis et circa ea necessaria fuerint sen quomodolibet oportuna, vobis conjunctim et divisim vices nostras tenore presencium committimus, et plenam ia Domuio concedimus potestatem ; vosque commissarios nostros ad suprascripta conjunctim et divisim ordinamus, constituimus et deputamus per presentes. In cujus rei testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus apponi fecimus. Datimi nostro sub sigiUo, primo die mensis Aprilis, Anno Domini, Millesimo Quingentesimo Octavo. Et nostre translationis anno Septimo. Sexto die, mensis Aprilis hac septima ante meridiem ejusdem diei , anno domiui millessimo quingentesimo octavo, indictione undecima, pontificatus sanctissimi in Christo patris et domini nostri domini Julii, divina providencia eo nomine pape Secundi anno Quitito, parrochiani ville de Portysmouthe, Winto- niensis diocesis, utriusque sexus, in multitudine copiosa waa, cum domino Roberto DOMUS DEI. 14^ Adam, vicario de Portysmouthe prwdicti, euperpolicio induto, ad pulsatioiiom campane in ecclesia parrochiali do Portysmoutho antodictA factam, ad candein ecclesiam parrochialein venerunt. Et quia Januo ipsius ccclesie, ob causas Commissarioa infrascriptas moventcs, clause fuerant, nunciatum fuit cis ut ad ecclesiam nuncupatam Domum Dei de Portysmoutho aceederent. Quibus ad et in dictam ecclesiam congregatis, vcrbo Dei per Religiosum virum, Fratrcm Hugonem, ordinis observanciarum, ville Southamptonie diete diocesis proponito, causaque eorum congregationis declarata, venerabiles viri,'_Magistri Johannes Dowman, legum doctor, Reverendi in Christo patris et domini domini Ricardi permissione divina, "Wiutoniensis Episcopi vicarius in spiritualibus generalis, domini Thomas Oke, Abbas Monasterii de Tychcfeld, diote Wiuto- niensis diocesis, ordinis premonstratensis, et Thomas Kent Prioratus de Suthc- wyk, ejusdem diocesis, ordinis Sancti Augustini Prior, ipsius Reverendi patris Commissarii in hac parte sufficienter et k'gitim6 deputati, stolis in- duti , commissione dicti Reverendi patris eisdem Commissariis factS, eis presents et public^ perlecta, onereque Commissionis hujusmodi in eos acceptato et per ipsos juxta tenorem ejusdem procedendum fore decreto, cum virgis in eorum manibus, dictos vicarium et parrochianos, propter facinoris enormitatem per inhabitantes dicte ville in bone meraorie dominum Adam Cicestrensem Episco- pum extra dictam ecclesiam nuncupatam domum Dei inhumaniter et manibus sacrilegis, nono die mensis Januarii, Anno domini Mellessimo * * * per inhabitantes hujusmodi abstractum, et in villa, de Portysmoutho predicts, morti crudeli suppositum, com- missi et perpetrati ad prefatam ecclesiam nuncupatam domum Dei, tanquam inhabiles et inidoneos ad essendum in ecclesiS, Dei, fugerunt et excluserunt. Qui, sic exclusi, ad locum delicti in qui idem Dominus Adam, Cicestrensis Epis- copus, mortem subiit, f estinanter iverunt. Quibus ad locum delicti existentibus prelibatus Prater Hugo consuluit ut ipsi, considerato delicto, pedibus nudis et tibiis, qui pati potuerint, ad valvas occidentales ecclesie parrochialis de Portys- moutho transirent so, ibidem more penitentum in precibus prostraturi, ac peni- tentiam et absolutionem eis impendi et ingressum ecclesie eis indulgeri petituri. Et incontinente ipsi domini Commissarii una cum Fratribus Roberto Goffo do Suthwyke predicta, Supprioro, Thoma Elton ejusdem loci canonico, Thoma Blankpayne de Tychcfeld priore, Thoma Godewyn, Willielmo Lambe, Thoma Godfrey ejusdem loci canonicis, in ordine sacerdotali constitutis ; dominis WUli- elmo Osmunderlawe de Wydley rectore, Stephano Soyward do Portesey, Edwardo Yong de Portchestur, vicariis ; Johanne Creke dicte ecclesie nimcu- pate domus Dei ct Thoma Belle de Alverstoke capollauis ; Thoma Mershe de Suth-svyk et Thoma Monmouthe do Tychcfelde noviciis, et ceteris prcdictis, ad 144' DOM us DEI. ecclesiam parrocliialem predictam iverunt. Et postquam dictam ecclesiam intra- verant prelibatus dominus Robertas Adam, de Portysmouthe vicarius, et parro- rhiani hujusmodi, pedibus et tibiis pro majori parte eorundem parrocliianomm nudis, precibus insistentibus una cum dicto Fratre Hugone ad dictas valvas (iccidentales accessermit et se bumiliter ibidem prostraverunt. Et, ostiis ipsius ecclesie de mandate ipsorum Comraissariorum ut prefertur undique clausis, dictis vicario et parrochianis extra ostium occidfntale dicte ecclesie par- rocliialis, in cimiterio ejusdem, more penitentum prostratis, prelibatus Frater Hugo et dictus vicarius, nomine suo et singulonim suorum parrocbianorum, ad dictiun ostium occidentale pulsarunt, et sibi ac parrochianis hujusmodi dictum ostium aperiri et ingressum sive aditum ecclesie ac penitenciam et absolutionem lamentabLLiter pecierunt. Quibus, pulsatione et petitione sic factis, iidem domini commissarii intus rogavenmt quigoam ibidem esset. Qui quidem Frater Hugo et vicarius, nomine suo et parrochianomm suorum singulorum, responderunt, peceatores adesse et veniam a Deo pro injectione manuum violentarum in domi- nmn Adam Cicestrensem Episcopum per inhabitantes ipsius ville de Portys- moutbe, dictonono die mensis Januarii, facta, petere et penitenciam subire paratos. Qui quidem commissarii eisdem Fratri Hugoni ac vicario et parro- cbianis responderunt, quod dubitarunt an potuerunt juxta petitionem factam concedere, eo quod sanguis ipsius episcopi mortui vindictam contra taliter delinquentes clamitavit ante dominum testantibus quatnor elementis, Aiere vide- licet. Aqua, Igne et Terra. — Prime Aiere, eo quod pestilenciis etaliis infirmitatibua plures inhabitancium ibidem pro majori parte fuerunt mortui, et teiTa eorum non fuit fertilis sed reddita sterilis. Secmido, Aqua, eo quod mercatores, ob dictum facinus et propter infamiam inhabitanci'jni hujusmodi, cum eorum navibus ad portum ibidem applicare noluerunt, et ex eo quod terre eorum in diversis partibus aquis absorpte et devastate fuerunt, et inhabitantes ibidem quam plurima alia damna et incommoda per aquam sustinuerunt. Tercio, Igne, eo quod edificia iUius ville et aliarum convicinarum pluries fuerunt igne consumpta. Quarta, Terr^, eo quod eorum terre non produxerunt fructus ut prius fecerunt et ex co quod gramen, in loco ubi dictus Episcopus passus fuit cum terra ex utraque parte, marescit et non virescit, ct sic habitationes eorum deserte fuerimt, adeo quod vix aliquos, qui cas inhabitare voluenmt, invenire potuerunt, et sic eonun ediiicia ruine dcdita fuerunt, et inhabitantes ibidem per- petua notati infamia. Et ob illas et plui'es alias causas non fuerunt, nee esse potuerunt habiles, nee poterant addmitti ad intrandum ecclesiam. Qui, adhuc prostrati, humiliter ct lamentabiliter pecierunt ingressum ecclesie afihnando qiiod ob causas et rationes per dictum fratrem Hugonem exponitas, penitentibus et DOMUS DEI. J 45 pcnitenciam ngcro et ad ecclosiam rediro volentibns ccclosia non daudit grpmium, et assucrunt so vellc pomgere ponitcnciam quamcunquc eis injungondam. Qui- bus responsionibus sic factis, dicti domini cominissarii dixcrunt, quod volnenmt descendere ad locuin delicti, et, si invenerint eos penitentes et paratos opcro ad complenduin id quod vorbo asscrucrunt, tunc ipsi cominissarii ofBcixun eonun ipsis impartirentur, et sic ipsi, vicarius et parrochiani, ad locum delicti more penitentum redicrunt. Quibus prcccdentibus, et ipsis doininis conimissariis cum sacerdotibus predictis suporpcUiciis et stolis indutis, aperto eis ostro occidontali predicto, paulo post sequontibus, iidcm domini commissarii, cum advonerint dictum locum delicti, et eos in prccibus hnmiliter prostnitos et pcnetcnciam ac absolutionem lamentabiliter petentes invenerint, ut ipsi parrochiani possent majorem graciam habere ad penetenciam recipiendam et commissarii ad injim- gendum, et eos absolvendum, voluerunt quod, ibidem prostrati, orationem domi- nicam ter quinquies et cimbolum apostolorum trinS. vice dicerent, dummodo iidem commissarii cum hujusmodi sacerdotibus, et aliis litteratis quamplurimis septem psalmos penitenciales genuflexo ibidem dicerent. Et incontincnte dicti s aeptem psalmis per prefatos dominos commissarios inceptis, cum perventum fuerit ad psalmum 'Miserere met De/is,' iidom domini commissarii dictos vicarium et parrochianos* [%argis disciplinaverunt, ipsis disciplinantibus dicentibus versus 'Miserere mci Deus secundum magnam mesericordiam tuam,' et ipsis disciplinatis, per se vel alios, versus, ' Et secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum dele iniquitatem meant, respondcntibus.] Quibus sic disciplinatis ac dictis septem psalmis finitis, domini commissarii predicti injunserunt parrochianis quod in eodem loco delicti erigerent crucem. Et quamcito commodt^ potuerint ibidem construerent capellam, in qua pro animabus dicti domini Ade Episcopi dcfuncti et omnium fidelium defunctorum Christifideles ad altissimum preces fundcro possent. Et quod in die parascovos time proximo sequentis, et sic eoruni in dicta parochia futuri successores parrochiani, singulis annis in die parasceves nudis pedibus et tibiis adirent dictum locum, pro dicti episcopi et omnium fide- lium defunctorum animabus ad Deum oraturi et oblationes ibidem juxta vires facultatum .suarum facturi. Et quod, infra triennium extunc proximo sequens singuli parrochiani hujusmodi, seu saltem certi eonmdem parrochianorum se- cundum discretionem inhabitancium, ibidem peregre proficiscerentur ad locum in • The Scribe has evidently made several mistakes when copying, as the wordiriR of the MS. is quite unintelligible. It is as follows : — " ^^rgis disciplinaverunt ipsis disci- plinaverunt ipsis disciplinantcs dicente versus 'Miserere mci Deus seeuiiilum magnnw misericordUnn tiinm ' ct ipsis disciplinatis, per se vel alios, versus ' £t seriiinium miilti- tudincm miserationum tiinrum rhle iniquitntem mcam ' respondente." The alterations made above express, I believe, what was intended by the drawer up of the rri'co'^'*. * 14G DOMUS DEI. quo idem Adam Episcopus defunctus tumulatur, ibidem veniam nomine omnium inhabitancium et pro ipsis petituii, et pro ipsius Episcopi defuncti et omnium fidelium defunctorum animabus oraturi et oblationes facturi. Necnon quod ipsi pariocliiani moderni, et eorum in parrochia predicta successores paiTocbiani fu- turi, seu saltern de quolibet domicilio eorundem ad minus unus in eodem loco delicti, nono die mensis Januarii, quo idem Episcopus s'abiit mortem, cum can- delis cereis in eorum manibus ardentibus, pro animabus dicti defuncti et omnium fidelium defunctorum singulis annis orationes ad Deum f undercut et annivorsa- rium servarent et quod in exequiis et missa 'de Requiem' personaliter interessent. Et ulterius, iiuem domini Commissariiinjunxerunt dictis vicario et parrochiauis quod redirent ad dictum ostium occidentale ecclesie parrochialis de Portys- moutbe, ibidem se humiliter prostraturi, ac disciplinam iterum et penitenciam aliam ac absolutionem recepturi. Et incontinente iidem parrochiani more peni- tentum, dictis vicario et ceteris presbiteris ac clericis, cum cruce erecta, thuri- bulariis et cereforariis eos precedentibus, letaniam decantantibus, Commissariis predictis cum virgis in eorum manibus eos sequentibus, ad dictum ostium occidentale redierunt. QUOS quidem vicarium et parrochianos sic prostratos, iidem Commissarii, precibus et orationibus certis per eos prius dictis, discipli- naverunt, et ipsos a sentencia excommunicationis, quam incurrerant, et prinio generaliter, et deinde ipsos pro majori parte in specie, absolverunt. Et insuper ipsi Commissarii injunxerunt dictis vicario et parrochianis, quatinus ipsi cum candelis accensis in eorum manibus intrarent ecclesiam, et misse ' de Requiem ' pro anima ipsius Episcopi defuncti et animabus omnium fidelium defunctorum et ' do Sancto Spiritu ' decantande, interressent et oblationes ad easdem Missas juxta eorum posse (?) facerent, que oblationes provenientes servarent'ir adedifi- cationem dicte capelle. Etiam iidem Commissarii injunxerunt eisdem vicario et parrocliianis, quod peragerent quamcunque penitenciam per prefatum Reve- rendum dominum, Ricardum "Wintoniensem Episcopum, ipsis impostei-um injungendam. Et dum misse, prima videlicet ' de Requiem,' per Abbatem, et secunda ' de Sancto Spiritu,' per Priorem predictum, ad summum Altare decan- tate fuerant, major pars parrocliianorum tempore offertorii utriusque misse oblationes fecit. Et ultra illas duas missas, diverse alio misse private, quarum certe fuerunt de quinque vulneribus et certe de nomine Jhesu ad alia altaria in Navi ipsius ecclesie parrocMalis celebrate fuerunt, parrochianis predictis singulis missis interessentibus. Quibus missis omnibus et singulis sic celebratis, iidem commissarii, una cum presbiteris et clericis predictis, Letaniam videlicet " Salve festa dies " decantantes, imri-ochianis cos sequentibus, villam de Portys- uiuutlie predicta in solemui processione circuicrunt. Et cum pervenorant ad DOMUS DEI. 147 locum delicti, ibidem sisterunt graduiu, et psalmo 'dc profundis' cum oratione pro ouima ipsius Episcopi defuncti et uniniabus onmiiun fidelium defunctorum, per eosdem Commissaries ac presbiteros et clericos ibidem dicto, ipsi Commissarii ac presbiteri et clerici residuum Letanio hujusmodi decantantes, parrocliianis eos sequentibus, ad dictam ecclesiam parrochialem processionaliter redierunt. Et processione finita dictus Magistor, Johannes Dowman, intima\dt eisdem paiTO- chianis et ceteris ibidem presentibus, quod dictus Revercndus pater, omnibus dictiuu locum visitantibus, et ibiJem stationes facieutibus psalmum ' de pro- fundis,' aut orationem dominicam quinquies cum salutacionc angelica quin- quies et siuibalo Apostolorum, ibidem pro animabus dicti defuncti et omnium fidelium defunctorum dicentibus, tociens quotiens quadraginta dies indulgencie concessit. Et deinde, post meridiem ejusdem sexti diei Aprilis, iidem Commis- sarii ac presbiteri et clerici solemnes exequias, pro anima dicti Episcopi defuncti et animabus omnium fidelium defunctonmi, in cadcm eeclesia parrochialis de Portysmouthe decantaveruut, majuri parte parrocliianorum predictorum ibidem jnterressente. TRANSLATION. Process held at Portsmouth. Richard, by divine permission, Bishop of Winchester, to our beloved in Christ the Abbot of the Monastery of Tychefeld, of the Premonstratensian Order, and the Prior of the Priory of Suth\vj'k, of the Order of St. Augustine, of our diocese of Winchester, and Master John Dowman, Doctor of Laws, our Vicar General in spiritualities Greeting, Grace, and Benediction. Whereas the Lord Adam, of good memoiy. Doctor of Laws, Bishop of Chichester, suffered temporal death through the inhabitants of Portysmouthe, on account of which the inhabitants and all their followers incurred the sentence of the greater excommunication and the anger of Ahnighty God, and their land has suffered many ruins and losses : the present inhabitants of the same town, desiring to be freed from such a bond, and on this behalf to submit to a fitting and legiti- mate penance, and trusting more fully in the mercy of Almighty God, earnestly and humbly supplicated us, that we would deign to provide a fitting remedy for them on this behalf. We therefore, Richard, the Bishop aforesaid, desiring to provide for the salvation of the souls of the same inhabitants, since the chm-ch closes her bosom to no one returning to her, by the tenor of those presents commit to you conjointly and singly our offices, and grant you full power in the Lord to enquire according to tho demands of justice concerning such crime, and to absolve the aforesaid inhabitants from such sentence, and to impose and hi 148 DOMUS DEI. enjoin on them a salutary and fitting penance, and to do, exercise, and effect all and singiilar other matters which, in the premises and respecting them, may- be necessary or in any manner opportune ; and we ordain, constitute, and depute you, conjointly and separately, by these presents, our Commissaries for the pur- poses above written. In testimony of which matter we have caused our seal to be affixed to these presents. Given, under our seal, on the first day of the month of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and eight, and in the seventh year of our translation. On the sixth day of the month of April, at seven o'clock in the foreiKion of that day, in the year of Our Lord, 1508, the 11th Indiction, the 5th year of the pontificate of the most holy father in Christ and Lord, our Lord Jiilius, by Divine Providence Pope, the second of that name, the parishioners of the town of Portysmouthe, in the diocese of Winchester, in a great multitude of each sex, together with Sir Robert Adam,* vicar of Portysmouthe aforesaid, vested in a surplice, at the tolling of a bell in the parish church of Portysmouthe afore- said, came to the same parish chuixh. And because, on account of the causes undermentioned moving the Commissaries, the doors of the church had been closed, it was announced to them that they should go to the church called the 'Domus Dei' of Portysmouthe. To whom assembled at and in the said church, the word of God being set forth by the Religious man, brother Hugh, of the order of Observantists of Southampton in the said diocese, and the cause of their congregation being declared, the venerable men. Master John Dowman, Doctor of Laws, Vicar General in spiritualities of the Reverend Father in Christ and Lord, the Lord Richard, by divine permission Bishop of Winchester, Sir Thomas Oke, Abbot of the monasteiy of Tychefelde in the said diocese of Winchester, of the Premonstratensian order, and Sir Thomas Kent, Prior of the Priory of Suthewyk in the same diocese, of the order of St. Augustine, Commissaries of the same Reverend Father sufficiently and lawfully appointed on this behalf, vested in stoles, the commission of the said Reverend Father made to the said Commissaries being presented to them and publicly read through, and they, having taken on them the burden of such commission, and resolved that they would proceed according to the tenor of the same, with rods in their hands drove out and excluded, as disqualified and unfit to be in the church of God, the said vicar and parishioners, on account of the enormity of the crime committed and pei-petrated, at the said chui-ch called the Domus Dei, * Sir Roger Adam was instituted to the Vicarape of Portsmouth 5th ifaj-, loOT, and to that of Portsea on the 29th Xuvcmbcr, 15(i9, whereupon he resigned "that of Portsmouth. DOMUS DEI. 149 by tlu' inhiibitaiits of tho said tovra apainst Iho Lord Adam, of jrood memory, liishop of Chichoster ; who was iulmmanly and with saerilofrious hands diajrg:t'd by tho inhabitants OTit of the said church, and in tho town of Portsmouth af oro- said subjected to a cruel death, on the 9th of January, in the year of our Lord One Thousand * * ♦ * "\Vho, thus excluded, went iu haste to the place of the crime in which the same Loi-d Adam, Bishop of Chi- chester suffered death. To whom, being at the place of the crime, the above mentioned brother Ilug-h counselled, that, having considered the crime, they who could suffer to do so should pass with naked feet and legs to the western doors of the parish church of Portysmouthe, there in the manner of penitents to prostrate themselves in prayers, and to seek penance and absolution to bo bestowed on them, and admission to the chui-ch to be granted them. And thereupon, the same lords Commissaries, together with brothers Robert Goife of SuthevN-j'k aforesaid Subprior, Thomas Elton of the same plact, Canon, Thomas Blankpayne of Tychefelde Prior, Thomas Gode-\vj-n, William Lambe, Thomas Godfrey of the same. Canons, arranged in sacerdotal order ; Sir "William Osmunderlawe of Widley, Rector, Sir Stephen Seyward of Portcsey, Sir Ed- ward Yong of Portchestur, Vicars, Sir John Creke of tho said church chilled the Donms Dei and Sir Thomas Belle of Alverstoke, Chaplains, Thomas Mcrshe of Suthe^vyk and Thomas Monmouthe of Tychefelde, no\'ices, and tho others before named, went to the aforesaid parish church. And, after they had en- tered the said church, the above mentioned Sir Robert Adam of Portysmouthe the Vicar, and the parishioners thereof, the feet and legs of the same parish- ioners for the most part being naked, instant in prayer, went, together with tho said brother Hugh, towards the said western doors, and there himibly prostrated themselves. And the doors of the chiu'ch, by the command of the Commis- saries, as is before stated, being closed on all sides, the said Vicar and parish- ioners on the oiitsidc of the western door of the said parish church, in tho cemetery of the same, being prostrate in the manner of penitents, the before mentioned brother Hugh and the said Vicar, in his own name and in that of everyone of his parishioners, knocked at the said western door and lamentably prayed for the said door to be opened, and for entrance or admission to the church, and penance and absolution for himself and such parishioners. Which knocking and petition being so made, the same lords Conmiissaries enquired from within who might be there. They for their part, brother Hugh and the Vicor, in the name of himself and of everyone of his parishioners, replied that sinners were present, and that they sought forgiveness from God for the laying of \'iolent hands on the Lord Adam, Bishop of Chichester, by the inhabitants of 150 DOMUS DEI. the town of Portysmoutlie, perpetrated on the said ninth day of the month of January, and that they were prepared to undergo penance. Which indeed Commissaries replied to the same brother Hugh and to the Vicar and parisli- ioners, that they doubted whether they could grant according to the petition made, because the blood of the dead Bishop cried for vengeance before the Lord against those sinning in such a manner : the four elements being witnesses, namely — Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. First, Air, because by pestilences and other weaknesses more of the inhabitants there for the greater part were dead, and their land was not fertile but rendered sterile. Secondly, Water, because merchants, on account of the said crime and by reason of the infamy of such inhabitants, hare been unwilling to call at the port there with their ships : and, besides that, their lands in the various places had been inimdated and devastated by the water, and the inhabitants there had sustained very many other damages and losses through water. Thirdly, Fire, because the buildings of that town and of other neighbouring places had been often consumed by fire. Fourthly Earth, because their lands have not brought forth fruits as they had formerly done, and, moreover, that the grass in the place where the said Bishop suffered, with the land on §aeh side, is Avithered and does not flourish ; and thus their habitations were deserted, insomuch that they could scarcely find any persons who ■cashed to inhabit them, and so their buildings have fallen to ruin, and the inhabitants there have been marked with perpetual infamy. And, on account of these and many other causes, they were not fit, neither could have been so, neither could they be admitted to enter the church. Who, still prostrate, humbly and lamentably besought admission to the church, affirming that on account of the causes and reasons set forth by the said brother Hugh, the church would not close her bosom to those who were penitent, and were desirous to perfoi-m penance and to return to the church, and they asserted that they were willing to perform whatever penance should be enjoined on them. Which answers being so made, the said Lords Commissaries said that they were willing to descend to the place of the crime, and, if they should find them penitent and prepared to accomplish in deed that which they declared in word, then they the Commissaries woidd impart to them their office : and so they, the vicar and parishioners, in the manner of penitents, returned to the place of the crime. Who going before, and the Lords Commissaries with the aforesaid priests vested in surplices and stoles, the aforesaid western door being opened to them, following a little behind them, the same Lords Commissaries, when they had come to the said place of the crime, and had found them humbly prostrate iu prayers and lamentably seeking penance and absolution, in order that the DOMUS DEI. IT)]. p.irishionors might bo able to have greater grace to receive poiiancc, and th(! C'oiiiinissaries to enjoin it and to absolve them, they desired that there piostrate tlicy should say the Loi-d's Prayer fifteen times and the Apostles' Creed thrice ; while the same Commissaries with such priests and other literates, as many as possible, should there say the seven penitential psalms with genuflexion. And thereupon the said seven psalms being begun by the said Lords Commissaries, when they came to the psalm " Miserere mei Deus," (have mercy upon me, O God,) the same Lords Commissaries disciplined the said vicar and parishioners with rods, they, the disciplinants saying the verso " Miserere mei Deus secun- dum magnam mcsericordiam tuam," (have mercy upon mo, God, after thy great goodness) and the disciplined answering by themselves or others the verse " Et secundum multitudiuem meserationum tuarum dele iuiquitatem meam," (and according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences.) "V^lio being so disciplined, and the said seven psalms being ended, the Lords Commissaries aforesaid enjoined on the parishioners that they should erect a cross in the same place of the crime ; and, as soon as they conveniently could, they should construct a *chapel there, in which the faithful in Christ might bo able to pour out their prayers to the Most High for the souls of the said Lord Adam, the Bishop deceased, and of all the faithful deceased ; and that on Good Friday then next following, and so their siiccessors, the futui-e parishioners in the said parish, on Good Friday in every year, with their feet and legs bare, should go to the said place to pray for the soul.s of the said Bishop and of all the faithful deceased, and to make offerings there according to their means ; and that, within the three years then next following, every such parishioner, or at least certain of the same parishioners, according to the discretion of the inhabitants there, should proceed abroad to the place in which the same Adam, the deceased Bishop, is buried, there to seek forgiveness in the name of all the inhabitants, and to pray for the souls of the same deceased Bishoj) and of all the faithful departed and to make oblations : and also that they the present parishioners and their successors, the future parishioners in the said parish, or in any case one at least from each of their families, in the same place of the crime, on the ninth day of the month of January, on which the same Bishop suffered death, with burning wax candles in their hands, eveiy year should • On the Map of Portsmouth drawn in the reiq:n of Ilonry VIII. before 1540, also on that of the reig;n of EUzabcth, there is a Hi tie buililiiipf ■jccupving a pkioe between *he Church aiul the present Memorial Cross. In the Eli/.aboth plan there is written over the little buiMiiiK the word ' Chappel.' "What object could the.-e be in putting a chapel so close to the ' I )omus Dei ? ' It was, I feel certain that alluded to in the Process, and erected over the very spot where Bishop Muleyus wui murdered. 152 DOMUS DEI. pour out their prayers to God for tlie souls of the said deceased, and of all the faithfiil deceased, and should keep the anniversary, and should be personally present at the funeral services and at the Mass "de Requiem." And further the same Lords Commissaries enjoined on the said vicar and parishioners, that they should return to the said western door of the parish church of Portys- mouthe, there humbly to prostrate themselves and again receive discipline and another penance and absolution. And thereupon the same parishioners, in the manner of penitents, returned to the said western door, being preceded by the said vicar and other priests, and singing the Litany, with the cross erect, and incense bearers and candle bearers, and followed by the aforesaid Commissaries with rods in their hands. And then, the same Commissaries, certain prayers and addresses having been previously said by them, disciplined the vicar and parishioners so prostrated, and absolved them from the sentence of excommuni- cation which they had incurred, at first generally, and afterwards for the most part separately. And, moreover, the Commissaries enjoined on the said vicar and parishioners that they, with lighted candles in their hands, should enter the church, and should be present at the singing of the Mass " de Requiem " for the soul of the same Bishop deceased, and the souls of all the faithful deceased, and the Mass " de Sancto Spiritu ; " and should make offerings at the same Masses according to their means, which offerings should be saved towards the building of the said chapel. The same Commissaries also enjoined on the same vicar and parishioners, that they should perform whatever penance should be afterwards enjoined them by the aforesaid Lord Richard, Bishop of Win- chester. And while the first Mass, namely " de Requiem," by the Abbot, and the second "de Sancto Spiritu," by the Prior aforesaid, were sung at the high altar, a great part of the parishioners made oblations in the time of the offertoi-y of each Mass. And besides those two Masses, various other private Masses were celebrated at other altars in the nave of the same parish church, certain of which were of the "Five Wounds," and certain of the " Name of Jesus," the said parishioners being present at each Mass. All and singular the which Masses having been celebrated, the same Commissaries, together with the pres- byters and clerks aforesaid, went in solemn procession around the town of Portysmouthe aforesaid, singing the Litany, that is to say " Salve festa dies," the parishioners following them. And when they had come to the place of the crime they halted there, and the psalm "De profundis," with a prayer for the soul of the deceased Bishop, and the souls of all the faithful deceased having been there said by the same Commissaries and presbyters and clerks, the Com- missaries and presbyters and clerks retained in procession to the said parish DOMUS DEI. 153 church, singing the remainder of such Litany, followed by the parishioners : and, at the end of the procession, the said Master John Downian intimated to the same parishioners and to others present, that the said Reverend Father granted forty days' indulgence to all persons visiting the said place and making stations there, so often as thoy sliould say there the " Do Profundis " and the Loi-d's Prayer five times, with the salutation of the angels five times, and the Apostles' Creed. And then, in the afternoon of the same sixth day of April, the same Commissaries, and Presbyters, and Clerks sang solemn funeral services in the same parish of Portj'smouthe, for the soul of the said deceased Bishop, and for the souls of all the faithful deceased, the greater part of the aforesaid parishioners being there present. THE DEED OF SUEEENDEE. Monastic life in the Churcli of Christ is nearly as oUl as Christianity itself No sooner did persecution set in than Christians fled to desert and solitary places for safety, and, when persecution ceased, the anchorite maintained from choice the retirement, to which originally he had been driven by heathen cruelty. But the solitude and isolation of the early devotee were soon found to be insutticient to satisfy the necessities of the religious life. Public worship, the participation of the sacraments, and mutual help soon called for the union of common life with solitude. The anchorite became of necessity a cenobite ; and so rapid then was the progress of Monasticism in the East, that Pachomius, the first disciple of the great St. Anthony, found himself Superior of 7000 cenobites. True, not sel- dom, pride, and ostentation, and hypocritical simulations of rigour, and bitter controversy, and other abuses resulted from the admiration of such extensive self-devotion, but it is equally certain, that the example set by the early monks tended greatly to forward Christianity in the East. 15 t DOMUS DEI. In the West, Monachism was little known until the fourth century, when it was introduced into Home and northern Italy by St. Athanasius, into Africa by St. Augus- tine, and afterwards into Gaul by St. Martin de Tours. It had then quite an eastern form, but it was soon found necessary to apply considerable relaxation, and at last to make a thorough change. This was the work of the holy St. Benedict, who not only cast aside the lingering relics of paganism, but introduced stricter discipline and order and so repressed the irregular and licentious life of the wan- dering monks. His object was not merely to save the soul of each individual recluse, but to render monastic life in every way useful. His monasteries therefore became schools of learning and training houses of clergy, and to him we are indebted, not only for treasures of sacred lore, but also for the preservation of many of the gems of classical literature. This was tlie first great work of Monachism in the West, wrought out mainly through the influence of a giant reformer, who, strange to say, is described by St. Gregory the G^reat as 'scienter ncsciens et sapientcr indodus ' — learnedly ignorant and wisely unlearned. The next marked religious movement in connection with Monasticism took place in the 1 2th Century, under Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Franciscan Order. In conniion with the older orders of monastic life, he held closely to the three vows of chastity, poverty, and obedi- ence, liut of these he maintained that poverty was spirit- ually by far the most powerful. He therefore allowed no property either for his order or any member of it. The very clothes the Franciscan wore, the girdle of his loins, the book of Divine Office were not his own, they belonged to God and His Church. The progress of this order was marvellous. In less than half a century it reckoned no fewer than 33 provinces, possessing 8000 convents with 200,000 members. The spiritual egotism of early mona- chism now gave place to a far more comprehensive range of spiritual duty. Indeed the temporal necessities of the DOMUS DEI. loo suftering and alUicted, lying exposed to tlie lieartlessness of a cold world, became one great ol)jcct of cloister care. And this it was which caused the establishment of hospitals for the sick, real ' Houses of God,' in connection with monastic establishments. It is (^[uite true that such hospitals had been attached to the Church, as inseparable from her work, from the very beginning of unpersecuted Clu'istianity, cer- tainly from the time of St. Basil ; but their number was greatly increased soon after the foundation of the Francis- cans, the dominant principle of that order calling the attention of the faithful to the bodily as well as the spirit- ual wants of the sick. As long as life and vigour and purity continued with the followers of 8t. Francis and his rivals, so long did holy men found 'Houses of Ood,' and no longer. Hence we find in our own country no ' Donuis Dei' dates earlier than the beginning of the J 2th century, the very time when the zeal and enthusiasm of St. Francis of Assisi began to be felt throughout Europe ; and, we may fairly conclude, that it was under the influence of that great reformer of monachism, Bishop Peter de Kupibus was led to found the 'Domus Dei ' of Portsmouth for the com- fort of Christ's poor. To St. Benedict the world is indebted for the preservation of books, which j\Iacaulay justly says were the " germs from whence a second and more glori- ous civilization " burst forth ; but to St. Fi-ancis it owes that closer attention to the wants of the suffering poor, which was excited by his marvellous renunciation of every thing earthly for the sake of Christ and his Church. Thus monastic life had its work to do, and for centuries did it with holy zeal. The influence it exercised for good during the middle ages is beyond all calculation. But too soon alas ! evils crept in — divisions took place, jealou.sies were stirred up, purity was often forgotten, and so the con- fidence of the general public was gradually lost. "The multiplication of monastic orders was owing to the steady flow of the tide of corruption ; *' in negotiis religionis facilius « Pet. Clun. Ep. i. 2i. 156 DOMUS DEI. possunt nova fundari qiiam Vetera reparari.' When the Benedictines evaded the severity of their rule by qualifying glosses, the Cluniac order arose ; but beginning in the tenth century with a strict rule they sunk into lux- ury in the twelfth ; the Cistercians started to shame them but soon lost all moral vigour ; next the Franciscan men- dicants appeared, but degenerated more completely in the first quarter of a century, after their introduction into England, than other orders had in three or four centuries." " The glory of Monasticisni was the fidelity with which it discharged its earlier mission ; the self sacrifice with whicli it taught men to rise superior to the trials and calamities of life ; the unfeigned piety with whicli the monk resigned every earthly advantage that he might win a heavenly reward. But it survived its reputation, and there is more hope of recovering to life the carcase around which the eagles have gathered, than of a renovated monkdom. The ribaldry of Boccaccio and Rabelais, and the more measured terms of Piers Plowman and Chaucer were mainly instru- mental in bringing about the downfall of Monasticism ; but this was after it bad already been shorn of its splendour, and when scarcely a ray remained to it of its true glory."* In England the stunning blow to Monastic institutions was given by Henvy VIII. just at the time when corruption had reached its height, not only in the cloister but in the palace. Cliristendom had been shaken to its foundations by the unfaithfulness of Christians ; the very priesthood, regu- lar and secular, was clothed in selfishness ; and, as all history has proved, where the priests are luxurious and idle the laity are of necessity immoral. An unscrupulous monarch was the instrument of vengeance to act upon an effete monachism. Eifty seven surrenders were made to him in 1539, of which thirty seven were monasteries, and twenty nunneries. When all had thus resigned, commis- sioners were appointeil bv the court of augmentations to * Blunt' s Doctrinal and IIi«torical Thwlogry. pp. 487, 493. DOMUS DEI. 1 57 receive tlie revenue and p;()ods belonging to these houses, to establish the pensions that were to be given to those that had been in them ; and to pull down the churches, or such other parts of the fabric as they thought superlluous, and to sell the materials. This having been done others began to get hospitals to be surrendered to the king. Burnet tells us that when Dr. liidley '• inveighed against the superstition towaixls images, and there was a general disposition over all the nation to pull them down," Ports- mouth was the first to set an example of iconoclastic zeal. It is satisfactory to know that the master of her "Domus Dei" was not moved by an equal zeal to be the first to surrender to the King possessions which had been solemnly dedicated to God. That unholy task fell to the lot of the unscru- pulous Thirleliy, who sold the INIastership of St. Thomas's Hospital, Southwark, for a mitre, and then in the most reckless way accommodated himself to every change that followed ; convenience rather than principle being his watchword. But within a year other Masters became unho- lily generous, all seeming to make the best bargain they could with the Crown. On the 2nd June, 1540, John Incent, Master of the Hospital of St. Nicholas, signed the follow- ing obsequious deed of surrender on behalf of himself and the brethren and sisters, and two days afterwards was re- warded with the deanery of St. Paul's. No. VII. Omnibus Christi fidelibus, ad quos prajsens scriptum pervoncrit, Johannes Incent, Legum Doctor, Magistcr Domus sive Hospitalis Sancti Nicolai de Portysmouthe, Wintoniensis dioccsis, et ejusdcm loci confratres et sororcs, sa- lutem in Domino sejnpitcrnam. Noveritis, nos, prwfatos mag-isti-um, confratres et sorores, unanimi consensu ct assensu nostris, animis deliberatis, corta scicntia. et mero motu nostris, ex quibusdam causis justis et rationalibus, nos, animaa et conscientias nosti-as specialiter movontibus, ultro ct sponte dedisse ct conces- sisse, ac per pra3scntcs dare, et conccderc, rcddcro ct confirmaro illustrissimo principi et domino nostro, Henrico octavo, Dei gratii Anglias ct Francias regi fidei defensori, domino Ilibemioa, ct in terri supremo capiti Anglicanrc ccclesia> 158 DOMUS DEI. totam dictam domuni sive Hospitalo Sancti Nicolai de Portosmoutho predicts, necnon omnia et singula maneria, dominia, messuagia, gardina, curtilagia, tofta, terras et tenementa, prata, pascua, pasturas, boscos, redditus, reversioncs, ser- vitia, molondina, passagia, feoda militum, wardas, maritagia, natives, villanos, cum eorum sequelis, communias, libertatcs, franchesias, jui-isdictionca, officia, curias, letas, liundreda, visus franci plegii, ferias, mercata, parcos, warenna, vivaria, aquas, piscarias, vias, *cliiminos, vacuos fundos, advocationes, nomi- nationes, preesentationes et donationes ecclesiarum, vicariarum, capellarum, cantariarum, hospitalium, et aliorum ecclesiasticorum beneficiorum quonim- cunque, rectorias, vicarias, cantarias, pensiones, portiones, annuitates, decimas, oblatiunes, ac omnia et singula emolumeuta, proficua, possessiones, heredita- laenta, et jura nostra quajcunque, tam infra Comitatum Southampton ise quam infra Comitatum Wiltesias, vel alibi infra rognum Anglite, "VVallise ac Marchi- arum eorujidem, eidem Domui sive Hospitali Sancti Nicolai de Portesmoutho prsedicta quoque modo pertinentia, spectantia, appendentia, sive incumbentia, ac omnimodas cbartas, evidentias, scripta et munimenta nostra eisdem domui sive hospitali, maneriis, terris et tenementis, ac caateris praemissis cum perti- nentiis, seu alicid inde parcellse, quoquo molo spectantia sive concementia, habenda, tenenda, et gaudendenda dictam domum sive hospitale, scitum, fun- dum, circuitum, et prtecinctum de Portesmouthe pra di 3ta, neci.on omnia et singula domiuia, maneria, terras, tenementa, rectorias, pensiones, et cajtera prtemissa, cum omnibus et singulis suis pertinentiis, prsefato invictissimo prin- cipi et domino nostro regi, heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum, cui in hac parte ad omnem juris effectum qui exinde sequi poterit aut potest, nos et dictam Domum sive Hospitale Sancti Nicolai de Portesmouthe prasdicta, ac omnia jui-a nobis qualitercumque acquisita, ut decet, subjicimus et submittimus, dantes et concedentes, prout per praasentes damus et concedimus, eidem regise majestati heredibus et assignatis suis, omnem et omnimodam plenam et liberam facul- tatem, auctoritatem, et potestatem, nos et dictam domum de Portesmouthe prse- dicta, unacum "omnibus et singulis maneriis, terris, tenementis, redditibus, reversionibus, servitiis, et singulis prsemissis, cum suis juribus et pertinentiis quibuscumque disponenduni, ac pro sua libera regia voluntate et libito ad quos- cunque usus majestati suco placcntcs, alienandum, donandum, convcrtendum, et transferendum, hujusmodi dispositiones, alienationes, donationes, conversiones, et translationes per dictam majestatem suam quovismodo fiendas ; extunc ratificantcs ratasque et gratas ac perpetuo firmas nos habitui-os promittimus per prieseutcs. • Tolls for passing through a forest with loaded carts or horses DOMUS DEI. 159 Et nos praifati Mnj;i.ster, coiifratrcs, sororos, ct successores nostri, diotani do- iiuini, prawinctum, scitum, Diansioucin, et ecclesiaju Sancti Nicolai do Portes- mouthe prajdicta, ac omnia et singula inancria, dominia, messuagia, gardina, cartilagia, tofta, prata, pascua, pasturas, boseos, subboscos, terras, touenicnta, ac omnia et singxda caetera prajmissa, cum suis pertinentiis uuiversis, domino nostro regi et assignatis suis, contra omnes gentes warrantizabimus impepctuiun. In cujus rei testimonium, nos, prajfati magister, confratres, et sorores, huic fscripto sigillum nostrum communo praasentibus, apponi fecimus. Datum se- c'undo die Junii, anno Domini millessimo quingcntessimo quadragcsinio, et regni illustrissimi domini nostri regis Ilenrici Octavi tricesimo secundo. Per me Joannem Incent. Capta et rccognita coram lae Willelmo Petre die et anno praedictis. Per me Willm. Petre. TRANSLATION. To all the faithful in Christ to whom the present wi-iting shall come, froin John Incent, Doctor of Laws, Master of the House or Hospital of St. Nicholas of Portsmouth in the diocese of "Winchester, and the brothers and sisters of the same place, eternal salvation in the Lord. Know that we, the aforesaid master, brothers and sisters, with our unanimous consent and assent, having deliberated in our minds, of our certain knowledge and mere motion, from divers just and reasonable causes, ourselves, our minds and consciences sjiecially moving, have willingly and freely given and granted, and by these presents do give and grant, render and confirm to our illustrious prince and lord, Henry the Eighth, by the grace of God, King of England and France, defender of the faith, lord of Ireland, and on earth supreme head of the English Church, all the said House or Hospital of St. Nicholas of Portsmouth aforesaid, and all the site, ground, circuit, and precinct of the same House of St. Nicholas of Portsmouth aforesaid, and also all and the singular manors, domains, messuages, gardens, court-yards, tofts, lands, and tenements, meadows, grazings, pasturages, woods, rents, reversions, services, mills, ferry-tolls, knights' fees, wards, mari- tages, bond-men, villains, with their appurtenances, conunons, liberties, fran- chises, jurisdictions, offices, courts, courts-leet, hundreds, \dews of frank-pledge, fairs, markets, parks, warrens, fish-ponds, waters, fishing-rights, roads, ways, vacant grounds, advowsons, nominations, prcsentiitions and donations of churches, vicarages, chapeh'ies, chantries, hospitals, and of other ecclesiastical benefices whatsoever, rectories, vicarages, chantries, pensions, portions, annuities IGO DOMUS DEL tentlis, oblations, and all and singular our emoluments, profits, possessions, heriditaments, and rights, whatsoever, as well within the county of South- ampton as within the county of Wilts, or elsewhere in the Kingdom of England, Wales, and the Marches of the sanie, to the said House or Hospital of St. Nicholas of Portsmouth aforesaid, in any manner, pertaining, helonging, appending or applying, and our various charters, evidences, writings and muni- ments of every kind, to the same house or hospital, manors, lands and tenements, and to the other premises with their appurtenances, or to any parcel thereof be- longing or concerning : To have, to hold, and to enjoy the said House or Hospital, the site, ground, circuit, and precinct, of Portsmouth aforesaid, and also all and singular the domains, manors, lands, tenements, rectories, pensions, and the other premises, with all and singular their appurtenances, to the aforesaid most iu\-incible prince and lord our King, his heirs and assigns for ever : to whom, in this behalf, to every effect of right which thence might or can follow, we, as becomes us, yield and submit onrselves and the said House or Hospital of St. Nicholas of Portsmouth aforesaid, and all the rights howsoever acquired by us, — giving and granting, as by these presents we give and grant to the same Royal Majesty, his heirs and assigns, all and every manner of full and free faculty, authority, and power, to dispose of ourselves and the said House of Portsmouth aforesaid, together with all and singular the manors, lands, tene- ments, rents, reversions, services, and the singular premises, with their rights and appurtenances whatsoever, and according to his own free royal vdU and pleasiire, to alienate, grant, convert, and transfer to whatsoever uses may please His Majesty, ratifying the dispositions, alienations, donations, conversions and translations of this sort, by His said Majesty in any manner thenceforth to be made, and we promise by these presents to hold the same good, acceptable, and firm for ever. And we the aforesaid master, brothers, sisters, and our suc- cessors, will for ever warrant against all people, to our Lord the King and his assigns, the said house, precinct, site, mansion and church of St. Nicholas of Portsmouth aforesaid, and all and singular manors, domains, messuages, gar- dens, court-yards, tofts, meadows, grazings, pasturages, woods, under-woods, lands, tenements, and all and singular the other premises, with the whole of their appurtenances. In testimony whereof, we the aforesaid master, brothers and sisters, have caused our common seal to be affixed to this writing. Dated 2nd June, a.d., 1540, and 32 Henry viii. By me John Inccnt. Taken and recorded before me, William Petre, on the day and year aferesaid. By me Willm. Petre. DOMUS DEI. 161 EEVENUE OF THE "DOMUS DEL' The ' Act for the dissolution of Abbeys,' secured to the crown the possession of one-fiftli of the lands of the king- dom, and, by means of the Court of Augmentations, the greatest possible care was taken to realize to the utmost every penny coming from the property of the suppressed houses. But it must not be supposed that this general con- fiscation met with approval from the public. At the outset all admitted that the number of religious houses was far too great, and so the first suppression was deemed a wise proceeding ; but, when an act was passed vesting all mo- nastic possessions in the king, the coimtry became dissatis- fied, and as Burnet strongly puts it, " this suppression of abbeys was universally censured." Even Henry was afraid to take to himself those vast estates without feigning that he intended to use them for the glory of God. With his own hand he WTote the following preamble to the draft of an " Act for the King to make Bishops." Well would it have been for his memory had his deeds accorded "with his professions as thus expressed ! " Forasmuch as it is not unknown the slothful and ungodly life which hath been used amongst all those sort which have borne the name of religious folk ; and to the intent, that, from henceforth, many of them might be turned to better use, as hereafter shall follow, whereby God's Word might be the better set forth ; children brought up in learning ; clerks nourislied in the universities ; old servants decayed to have livings ; alms houses for poor people to be sustained in ; readers of Greek, Hebrew, and Latin to have good stipend ; daily 102 DOMUS DEI. alms to be ministered ; mending of highways ; exhibition for ministers of the Church ; it is thought unto the King's Highness most expedient and necessary, tliat more bishop- rics and colleges shall be established."* The godless monarch promised largely, but lied as unblushingly. He soon forgot his wonderful schemes for the moral and reli- gious advancement of his people. God's money was used freely by him to keep up an extravagant household ; for " the upholding of dice-playing, masking and banquetting"; nay for the support of every kind of loose indulgence. And thus the royal heart became more and more hardened. So much so, that, when he appealed to parliament to join with him in another sacrilegious raid upon heaven's trea- sures, he openly avowed that the money gathered in by the abolition of charities, many of them very rich, should be spent in carrying on wars against France and Scotland ; " and for the maintenance of your most royal estate, ho- nour, dignity, and estimation, which all your most loving subjects, of natural duty, be bound to conserve and in- crease by all such ways and means as they can devise." It is sometimes said, that, with all the King's selfishness, he was certainly most liberal in his pensions to those who had been inmates of the suppressed houses. Never was a statement more false. The moid, formerly in the occupation of John Guttler, now in the occupation of Francis Dawtre, knight, payable yearly on the .same term. And of lis. of rent of assise of certain lands and meadows called Whittons, in the occupation of Wil- liam Brent, paj-able yearlj' on the same temi. And of 5s. of rent of assise (jf certain lands and meadows formerly in the occupation of William Rengbrue, M 2 IG-i DOM US DEI. now in the occupation of Jolin Broyne, Esquire, payable yearly on tlie same term. And of 13s. 4d. of rent of assise of certain lands and meadows in the occupation of Edward Hanis, gentleman, payable yearly on the same term. And of 7s. of rent of assise of certain lands and meadows called Galruge, in the occupation of Thomas Hynckpen, Esquire, payable yearly on the same term. And of 8s. of rent of assise of certain lands and meadows called Alwarde, in the occupation of John Eyer, payable yearly on the same term. And of 5s. of rent of assise of certain lands and meadows called Worsetters in the occu- pation of Robert Blake, payable yearly on the same term. And of 6s. of rent of assise of certain lands and meadows formerly in the occupation of John Schort, now in the occupation of George Scheperd, payable yearly on the same term. And of 28. 6d. of rent of assise of two messuages in the occiipation of John Kebell, son and heir of George Kebell, payable yearly on the same term. Of any profit arising from the price of one pound of pepper of rent of assise of a piece of groimd in the same place, in the occupation of John Kebell, gentle- man, he renders no account, because it was delivered to the Auditor as pertain- ing to his office. But he renders account of 14d. of rent of assise of two closes at the end of the village of Broughton aforesaid, in the occupation of the afore- said John Kebell, payable yearly on the same term. And of 3s. of rent of assise of certain lands and meadows called Grenis, in the occupation of John Mersche, payable yearly on the same term. And of lis. 2d. of rent of assise of a tenement and certain lands in the occupation of the aforesaid John Mersche, payable yearly on the same term. And of 8s. of rent of assise of a cottage in Mascalle in the occupation of John Regat, payable yearly on the same term. And of 6d. of rent of assise of certain lands formerly in the occupation of Henry Clarke, now in the occupation of the heirs of John Masey, payable yearly on the same term. And of 12d. of rent of assise of a cottage called the Priest's House, in the occupation of the Rector of the church of Broughton aforesaid, payable annually on the same term. Anti of 8s. of rent of assise of a meadow called Spirewell, otherwise Chawlewell, late in the occupation of the Prior and Convent of Motissont, now in the occupation of John Sandis, Lord Sandis, payable yearly on the same term. 113s. 6d. Exd. Customary Rents of Tenants there. And of 37s. 8d. of customary rent of a messuage, two virgates and a half of land, and of a bam and thirty acres of land with the appurtenances, in Broughton aforesaid : also of a cottage there near Tymber's Crosse, in the occupation of Robert Ockeboume, by copy of Court Roll, to be held to himself; Matilda his wife, and Edward their son, for the term of the life of the one of DOMUS DEI. 165 I tliera living the longest, payable in cqnal portions on the usual tornis there. And of 16s. of customary rent of the .'sauio pasture called Blackmore, near East TjTiderley, in the occupation of the sanao Robert Ockbourno and of Edward his son, for the term of the life of cither of them living the longest, payable yearly on the same terms. And of Gs. of customary rent of two closes called Plancstonis, in the occupation of Robert Harris and of Alice his wife, for the term of their life payable yearly on the same terms. And of 16s. 8d. of customary rent of a tenement and one virgate of land, with the appurtenances, in the occupation of Henry Goddard for the term of his life, payable yearly on the same terms. And of 10s. lOd. of customary rent of a messuage, and one virgate of land with their appurtenances, in the occupation of Margery Abbot, ^vidow, payable yearly on the same terms. And of 12s. of customary rent of a messuage and one virgate of land, in Broughton aforesaid, and of certain lands and pastures in Tyderley called Chepencrofte, in the occupation of Henry Acton for the term of his life, payable yearly on the same terms. And of 8s. of customary rent of a messuage and one virgate of land, with their appurte- nances, in the occupation of Richard Acton, Johanna his wife, and John their son, for the term of the life of either of them living the longest, annually at the same terms. And of 5s. of customary rent of three closes of meadow at Forde, namely, Blakemore, Habtathe, and Eastleese, with their appurtenances, in the occupation of John Lote for the term of his life, payable yearly on the same terms. And of 15s. of customary rent of a messuage, one virgate of land and two closes called Bowers and Bonnye, in the occupation of Elizabeth Smith for the term of her life, of Robert Mesche and Richard Philipp, sons of the same Elizabeth, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 5s. 8d. of cus- tomary rent of a messuage and half a virgate of land with the appurtenances in the occupation of Robert Coper, junior, for the tenn of his life, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 40s. of customary rent of a messuage with two virgates of land pertaining to the same messuage, in the occupation of John Sabb for the term of the life of himself and of Henry his eldest son, pay- able yearly at the same terms. And of 10s. of customary rent of one virgate of land with a close and a meadow called Pitlands, near Brodelane, in occupation of John Schayland, for the term of his life, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 8s, of customary rent of a close and a virgate of land in the occupation of Margery Coper, widow, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 7s. of customary rent of the closes called the Frithe, situated in the parish of Motissount, late in the occupation of Richard Purdell, and formerly of Richard Bassef, now in the occupation of William Purdell, son of the aforesaid Richard 166 DOMUS DEI. Purdell, for the term of his life, payable at the same terms. Sum £9 17s. lOd. Rents of Tenants at the Lord's will. And of 20s. of rent of a meadow called Ockeley, now in the occupation of Kathei-ineWellis, widow, at the lord's will, payable in equal portions at the Feasts of St. Michael the Archangel, and of the Annunciation of Blessed Mary the Virgin. And of 3s. 4d. of rent of a cottage called Smytho's Forge, in the occupation of John Molde at the lord's will, payable yearly on the same terms. And of 16s. of rent of one virgate of land in the occupation of Richard Loppe at the lord's will, payable yearly on the same terms. And of 12s. 7d. of rent of two closes called Sutheleese and Vatercombe, in the occupation of Robert Ockbome at the lord's will, payable yearly on the same terms. And of 2s. of rent of a close called Gosemore in the occupation of Augustine Whithed, at the lord' s will, payable yearly on the same terms. And of 26s. 8d. of rent of certain lands and pastui-es called Overton Lesse in the occupation of John Weldon at the lord's will, payable yearly on the same terms. And of 5s. of rent of a pas- ture called Wintersdowne in the occupation of aU tenants there at the lord's wiU, payable yearly at the term of St. Michael Archangel only. Sum, £4 5s. 7d. Farm of the Manor. And of £6 of the farm of the site of the manor of Broughton aforesaid, with all the arable lands, meadows, grazings, pastures, underwood, and other their appurtenances, (except wards, marritages, reliefs,* eschaets, fines, liberties, franchises, pannagesf, and all perquisites of courts, views of frank-pledge, and two principal chambers with stable for horses, reserved to the said late Master and his successors), so together let to Robert Ockbome by indenture dated December 1st, 14 Henry viii. for the term of forty years, rendering thence annually to the aforesaid John Incent, his successors and assigns, £6, at the feasts of the Annunciation of Blessed Mary the Virgin, and of St. INIichael the Archangel, by equal portions. And the said Robert agrees that he himself and his assigns, at their own proper charges and expenses, shall find for the afore- said John Incent and his steward, with all their attendants for the time being, as well straw, hay, and horses' provisions, as food and drink ; also all other necessaries so often and whenever it shall happen that any Court shall be held there : and the said Robert and his assigns shall collect all the rent of the tenants of the manor aforesaid, with all stray beasts, amercements, frues, and perquisites of Courts, and shall render a proper account and payment thereof * Reliefs — fines paid by the heir at a tenant's death. t Pannages — waste of hedges, &c. DOMUS DEI. 1G7 auuually to the iifores-.iiii John Inct^nt and his suocossors, twice a year at tho court to be lield there, during the term aforesaid. And the same Robert shall well and sufficiently repair, sustain, and maintain all and every kind of repairs pertaining or belonging to the same manor, and so, in tho end of his term, all these, thus well and sufficiently made and repaired, shall quit in tho same state as he had received them, or in a better state. And the same Robert and his assigns shall have and receive in the woods and underwoods pertaining to the site of the manor aforesaid, sufficient timber for the repairs of the house and hedges, and for fires, ploughs, and carts, by the delivery and assignment of tho aforesaid John Incent and his successors, or of their deputies on this behalf, during the term aforesaid, as is more fully contained in the said indentures, namely, for the said two terms falling within the time of this Account, in this the nineteenth year of his tenancy. And of 46s. 8d. of the farm of all those pas- tares there called Fronchemore, Fulsey, Fyshweres, and Frenchemore Comles, within the parish of West Cudderly aforesaid, so together let to John Tyler and his assigns by indenture, dated May 3rd, 2o Henry viii, for the term of 24 years, rendering thence annually 46s. 8d. in equal portions on the Feasts of the Annunciation of Blessed Mary the Virgin, and of St. Michael the Arch- angel. And the aforesaid John Tyler, that he, his executors and assigns, occupying the aforesaid pastures, shall make suits of Court twice a year in the Manor of Broughton aforesaid : and further he agrees, that he and his assigns shall repair, sustain, and maintain all the hedges and ditches of the said pas- tui'cs at their own proper costs and expences, during the term aforesaid, and s( , in the end of the aforesaid term, the said pastures, well and sufficiently repaired , shall surrender. And the aforesaid John Tyler agrees, neither he himself nor his assigns shall cut or carry wood or underwood there gro%viug, without spcciiil license of the said Master or his successors, during the aforesaid term, as is more fuUy contained in the same Indentures : viz., for the said two tonus falling within the time of this computation, in the seventh year of his Tonii. Sum, £8 6s. 8d. Perquisites of Courts. And he renders account of 20s. of perquisit<^!; of Courts held within tho time of this Computation ; namely of certain rents payable annually, by the te- nants of the aforesaid manor, at two views of frank-pledge held there every year, viz., from rents of this kind for two views of frank-pledge happening there within the time of tliis Computaiion. Of any profit arising from amerce- ments and other casualties appertaining to the said Court, he renders no account, because no Courts liavo bcLai ln.'ld there this year by the l\v ualli of the said Computer. Sum, 20s. 168 DOMUS DEI. Rents of Assise in Froddington. 13ut he renders account of 4s. of rents of Assise of certain lands lately per- taining to the late Abbot of Tychefyld, in the occupation of Thomas Wriothcslcy , knight, payable yearly on the term of St. Michael the Archangel, as appears by a certain rental thereof made and renewed, produced and examined at the time of jTiaking this Computation. Sum, 4s. Rents customary of Tenants there. And of 13s. 4d. of customary rent of a messuage and certain lands and pastures, with appurtenances called Feldershe lande, lying on the west side of the street called Feldershe lane, late in the occupation of Milo Gamett, with common of pasture of Portisdowne belonging to the aforesaid lands and pas- tures, now in the occupation of John Darbye by copy of Court, payable yearly, at the Feasts of the Annunciation of Blessed Mary the Virgin, and of St. Mi- chael the Archangel, in equal portions. And of 5s. of customary rent of two cottages and four acres of land formerly in the occupation of Robert Warner and of another acre of land, lying in Suthfeld (Southfield) in two hills in the same field, lately purchased by John Incent, Master of the same Hospital, now in the occupation of Thomas Atwood, by copy of Court, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 34s. lOd. of customary rent of a messuage and garden adjoining, and of two virgates of land formerly in the occupation of Richard West, and of a messuage and a virgate of land lately in the occu- pation of William Dewke, now in the occupation of John Pynne, by copy of Court, payable yearly at the same times. And of 21s. 4d. of customary rent of two cottages, with their appurtenances, lately in the occupation of Richard Stubber, and of a \argate of land with its appurtenances called AVade, and of a garden formerly in the occupation of Robert Gylam, now in the occupation of Thomas Turner, by copy of Court, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 6s. 8d. of customaiy rent of a cottage containing five acres of land lately in the occupation of John Milbye, now in the occupation of Thomas Turner, by copy of court, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 27s. 4d. of customary rent of a messuage and three virgates of land with the appurtenances iu Frod- ington aforesaid, and of a croft lately in the occupation of John Palmer, now in the occupation of Thomas Palmer by copy of Com-t-roll, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 13s. 4d. of customary rent of two cottages and a croft adjoining, and of certain lands , containing by estimate ten acres of land, late in the occupation of Richard Bull, now in the occupation of John Hereley by copy of Court, payable yenrly at the snme tonus. And of 39s. Gd. of customary DOMUS DEI. 1C9 rent of two cottages with their appurtenances formerly in the occupation of Richard Merer, and of a cottage with its appurtenances late in the occupation of John Meldye, and a virgate of land with its appurtenances formerly in the occupation of John Gemiyn, and a cottage with its appiu-tenances late in tho occupation of Stephen Closche, now in the occupation of William Pciyn hy copy of Court, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 23s. 8^d., of custom- ary rent of a messuage with its appurtenances formerly in the occupation of William Pynnyng, and of divers land called Hoggisland, and two cottages with their appurtenances lately in the occupation of John Lede, now in the occupa- tion of John Tudson by copy of Court, payable yearly at the same terms. And of lis. lOd. of customary rent of a tenement and a virgate of land with a garden adjoining and their appurtenances, late in tho occupation of Richard Mandall, now in the occupation of William Fawconer, by copy of Court, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 23s. 8id. of customary rent of a messuage and a vir- gate of land called Fychette, and of a toft of a messuage and a virgate of land called Dabyes, with their appurtenances, in tho occupation of John Chatton, Esquire, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 10s. 9d. of customary rent of a messuage and a virgate of land with the appurtenances, late in the occupa- tion of Anne Hogfyld, now in the occupation of John Harewood, otherwise Hogfylde, by copy of Court, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 7s. of customary rent of a tenement and seven acres of land, late in the occupation of Thomas Crowe, foi-merly in the occupation of John Willisman, by copy of court payable yearly at the same terms. And of 9s. of customary rent of a cottage and and two acres of land and a croft, and five acres of land with a garden in Bock- land, in the occupation of Edmund Stubberet, by copy of Court, payable yearly at the same terms . And of 9s. of customary rent of a close called Ruschep- lantimore, lying near Northdowne, in the occupation of James Benstede, by copy of Court, payable yearly at the same terms. Sum, £12 17s. 8|d. Farm. And of £18 8s. of the farm of the site of the manor of Frodyngton afore- said with all the demesne lands, arable and pasture, pertaining to the same site of the manor, in as ample mode and form as a certain Heniy Bickeley lately held the same site, lands, and pastures, excepting the rents of the tenants there, the perquisites of the courts, the heriot fines, and all other rents pertaining to the same, together with the Hall, parlour, chamber, stable, and dovecot, wholly reserved to the said Master and to his successors, with free entrance and egress to and from tho premises, so together let to James Bcnested by Indcntui'o dated July 25th, 31 Henry viii., for the term of 41 years, paying rent thereof yearly 170 DOMUS DEI. £18 sterling, at the Feasts of the Nativity of our Lord, the Annunciation of Blessed Mary the Virgin, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and of St. Mi- chael tlie Archangel, in equal portions, and rendering yearly three quarters and a half of oats and a cart load of straw, when he should be required to do so by the said Master aad his successors during the term aforesaid. And the afore- said James Benestod covenajits that he will well and sufSeiently repair, sustain and maintain, during the aforesaid term at his own proper charges and expenses, all the necessai-ies pertaining or belonging to the same manors, houses and barns, with the hedges and walls, (excepting only large timber and roofings of houses, with stones, at the costs and charges of the aforesaid John lucent and his successors during the term aforesaid.) And further the same James and his assigns shall have and receive, in whatever woods and underwoods belung to the site of the aforesaid manor, sufficient housebote,* ploughbote, cartbote, hedgebote and foldbote, by the delivery and assignment of the aforesaid John Incent and his successors during the aforesaid term, as is more fully contained in the said indentures : namely, as well for the said rent of £18 above,, payable yearly at the aforesaid terms, reserved, as from and for the price of the three quarters and a half of oats, 7s., and the said cart load of straw, 12d., owing for the entire year, ending at the feast of St. Michael the Archangel falling within the time of this Account, as above, in this the first year of his term. Of any profit arising from the farm of the Hall, parlour, chamber or dovecot aforesaid, above reserved, he renders no account in this year, because no one has wished to rent them during the aforesaid time. Sum, £18 8s. Od. Yearly Times for License to appoint Under Tenants. And of 12d. from John Tudson, for the annual fine for license to have under-tenants, payable yearly in equal portions at the terms of the Annuncia- tion of Blessed Mary the Virgin, and of St. Michael the Archangel, as appears by the B,ental thereof made, produced and examined at the time of making this Accoimt. And of 12d. from Edward Stubber, for a similar fine and license to have under tenants, payable yearly in equal portions at the same terms, as ap- pears by the same Rental. Perquisites of Courts. Of any profit arising from the perquisites of Courts held there this year, he renders no account, because no Courts wei'e held there during the whole time of this Account, by the oath of the Computer. • These terms signify all wood required for domestic purposes, and for making and repairing ploughs, carts, hedges and folds. DOMUS DEI. 171 Rents of Assise of Free Tenants in Burwtll. But lie renders account of 4s. of rents of assise of certain lands and pas- tures there called Ruschemore in tlie occupation of Anthony Ponde, esquire, l^ayable yearly at the term of St. Michael the Archangel, only, as appears by a certain Rental thereof, made and renewed, produced and examined at the time of making this Account. And of -is. 3d., of the rent of assise of certain lands in the occupation of John Cossyn, payable yearly at the same term. And of 22|d. of the rent of assise of certain lands in the occupation of Agnes Flette, widow, payable yearly at the same term. And of 2d. from the same widow Agnes from and for the relief of suits of Court, payable yearly at the same term. And of 10s. of rent of assise of certain lands in the occupation of Rich- ard Bensted, payable yearly at the same term. Sum 20s. Id. Rents of Assise of Free Tenants in Kingston. And of 6d. of rent of assise of a messuage and garden adjoining the same, in the occupation of Robert Gay, payable yearly at the term of St. Michael the Archangel only, as appears by a certain Rental thereof made and renewed, produced and examined with regard to this Account. And of lOd. from the rent of assise of certain lands called Cosschins landes, in the occupation of William Hesberd, payable yearly at the same term. And of LSd. from the rent of assise of certain lands and pasturages called Robbert, in the occupation of Thomas Carpenter, payable yearly at the same term. And of 12d. from the rent of assise of a tenement in the occupation of John Balcheffe, payable yearly at the same term. And of 4d. from the rent of assise of certain lands and pasturages called Little Hoggercroft, in the occupation of Robert White, Esquire, payable yearly at the same term. And of 2|d. from the rent of assise of a messuage and certain lands in the occupation of Thomas Turner, payable yearly at the same term. And of 8d. from the rent of assise of certain lands and pasturages called Doggecrofte, in the occupation of the aforesaid Thomas Carpenter, payable yearly at the same time. Sum, 4s. 9|d. Farm. And of 58s. from the farm of two tenements there, with 21 acres of land, lying in Dockefeld, and of 8 acres and a half of land lying in Marfeld and Mete- feld, 13 acres of land lying in Biston Feld, with a certain late pool called the ' grete lacke,' containing by estimation ten acres of land, and a little close called Goddishouseclosse, so together let to Thomas Carpenter, by Indentures dated October 2nd, 27 Hen. viii., for the term of 31 years, rendering thence yearly 58s. at the Feasts of the Annunciation of Blessed Mary the Virgin, and of 172 DOMUS DEI. St. Michael the Archangel, in equal portions. And the aforesaid Thomas Car- penter and his assigns, at their o\vn proper charges and expenses, will well and sufficiently repair, sustain, and maintain all the aforesaid tenements, lands, and closes, with the hedges, and will vacate them at the end of their term thus well and sufficiently repaired, as is more fully contained in the said Indentures ; namely for the said two terms falling within the time of this Account, in this fifth year of his term. And of 22s. 6d. from the farm of 28 acres of arahle land lying in the liberty of Portsmouth aforesaid, let to John Butler, by Inden- ture dated April 16, 26 Henry viii., for the term of 15 years, rendering thence yearly 22s. 6d., in equal portions at the Feasts of the Annunciation of Blessed Mary the Virgin, and of St. Michael the Archangel. And the same John and his assigns shall well and sufficiently repair, sustain, and maintain all the hedges and ditches of every kind pertaining to the same lands, and at the end of his Term shall vacate them thus well and sufficiently repaired. And further the said John and his executors shall have yearlj', during the aforesaid tenn, the last crop of the meadow called Goddishouse, made from the 15th day after the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel annually until the Feast of Blessed Mary the Virgin ; and similarly the said John shall have and carry off all the manure in Goddishouse aforesaid, during the said Term, as is more fully contained in the same Indentures : namely, for the said two terms falling within the time of this Account, in the 7th year of his Term. Sum, £4 Os. 6d. Perquisites of Courts. Of any profits arising from the perquisites of Courts held there this year, he renders no account, because no Courts have been held there during the whole time of this Account, by the oath of the Computer. Sam, Nil. Portesmouth. But he renders account of 10s. from the rent of a tenement there with a garden, adjoining in the occupation of James Michel at the loi-d's will, payable in equal portions at the Feasts of the Annunciation of Blessed Mary the Vir- gin, and St. Michael the Archangel. And of 8s. from the rent of a tenement in the occupation of Leonard Colman at the lord's wiU, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 2s. from the rent of certain lands at Kinghall Grene, called Morecrof te, in the occupation of Thomas Yonge, at the will of the lord, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 10s. from the rent of a tenement in High Street near the church, called the Steyers, with a garden towards the same chiirch, in the occupation of AVilliam Goslinge at the lord's will, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 4d. from the rent of a certain parcel of laud DOAIUS DEI. 173 in the oocupation of Robert Lyndon, at the lord's will, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 8s. from the rent of a tenement called Angulare Tene- ment, in the occupation of Alice Schamber, widow, at the lord's will, payable yearly at the same tonus. And of 8d. from the rent of a garden lately in the occupation of Master Palsched, now in the occupation of John Chattcrton, Esquire, at the lord's will, payable yearly in the same terms. And of 18d. from the rent of a certain piece of land in Goddishouso greue, near the Angu- lare Tenement, upon which was foi'morly a tenement called Oxalles, in the occupation of a tenant at the lord's will, payable yearly at the same terms. Sura 40s. 6d. And of 53s. 4d. from the farm of a -windmill there, with all the tolls of grains and its other appurtenances, pertaining or belonging to the same mill, so together let to John Golde, by indenture dated October 10, 24 Henry viii. for the term of 10 years, rendering thence yearly 53s. 4d. in equal portions, at the feasts of the Annunciation of Blessed Mary the Virgin, and of St. Michael the Archangel. And the said John and his assigns, at their own proper charges and expenses, will repair, sustain, and maintain all the reparations of every kind of the said mill, as weU in wood, and iron, and brass work, as in all other necessaries whatsoever pertaining to the same time, dming the term aforesaid ; and so at the end of his tenu will vacate it well and sufficiently repaired, as is more fully contained in the said ludentui-es : namely, for the said two terms falling within the time of this Account, in the eighth year of his Term. Of any sums of money received by the same Computer this year, from and for the site of the late Hospital aforesaid, with the gardens, lands, and soil, existing within the precincts of the same late house, containing among themselves one acre and a half of land ; — or from a small parcel of land, on the south side of the said late house, called Godishouse Churchyard, containing 4 perches in length and as many in breadth ; — or from an acre of meadow adjoining the said house, lately in the hands and proper occupation of the Master of the said late Hospital, during the time of the aforesaid Computer, he renders no Account : — because the said site, lands, and other premises, during the same time were not let, but were occupied by the late Master, Brothers, and Sisters of the aforesaid late Hospital. Sum, 53s. 4d. Isle of Wight. But he renders account of 6s. 8d. from the customary rents of a messuage and 20 acres of land, there in the occupation of Thomas Lacy by copy of Comtj payable yearly in equal portions, at the feasts of the Annunciation of Blessed 174 DOMUS DEI. Mary the Virgin and of St. Micliael the Archangel. And of 6s. of customary rent of certain lands called [ ? ] in the occupation of John Forest, by copy of Court, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 16s. of customary rent of a messuage in Broke, and twenty eight acres of arable land, and of two buttes of meadow in the occupation of John Dewgard, by copy of Court, payable yearly at the same terras. And of lOs. of customary rent of a messuage and 14 acres of arable land, and 4 buttes of meadow, in the occupation of Thomas Leper, by copy of Coui-t, payable yearly at the same terms. And of 23s. 4d. of customary rent of a messuage with a courtyard and five crofts of arable land, containing between them 40 acres of land, and 30 acres of land late in the occu- pation of WiUiam [ ? ] by copy of Court, now in the occupation of [ P ], payable yearly at the same terms. Sum, 77s. 8d. Manor of Stedeham. Of any sums of money received, by the said Receiver to the use of the King's Majesty, from the issues or profits of the aforesaid manor, during the whole time of this Computation, he renders no account, because the said manor of Stedeham, with all and singular its right, and the whole of the appurtenances, is annexed and boimd to the honor of Petworth of the same lord the King, and the issues and profits of the same manor are rendered to the said lord the King by Geoffrey Chamber, Receiver of the same lord the King, of his honor afore- said. Sum, Nil. Sum total received £74. 12s. 2d. Exoneration of Rents. — From which. The same Computer, in exoneration or allowance made in the said compu- tation of and for the moiety of £76 16s. 9id. from part of the issues, rents, re- venues, and profits of the possessions pertaining to the said late Hospital, owing at the Feast of the Annunciation of Blessed Mary the Virgin in the 30th year of the King aforesaid, falling within the time of this Computation, because the said late Master of the same late Hospital, received and had all the issues, rents, revenues, and profits aforesaid, owing to the late Hospital at the said Feast of the Annunciation of Blessed Mary the Virgin, happening before the dissolution of the said late hospital, for the use, and sustontation, and for the expenses of same Hospital, the brothers and sisters there, from the recognizance of the same Master : and so in such exoneration this year £33 8s. 45d. Sum, £33 8s 4f d. Defect of Rents. And in defect of rent of a tenement with a garden adjacent, in Portes- mouth, late in the occupation of James MicliiU, at 10s. a year, remaining in the DOMUS DEL 175 hands of the lord the King, for want of a tenant durinj^ the whole time of this Computation, by the oath of the said Compiiter, os. And in defect of rent of another tenement, there late in the occupation of Leonard Colman, at 8s. a year, remaining in the hands of the said lord the King, for want of a tenant during the same time, 4s. And in defect of rent of a toft or piece of land in Godis- housegrene near the Anguler Tenement, called Yoxhalle, late in the occupation of [ ? ] at I8d. a year, remaining in the hands of the same lord the King from the same cause, diu-ing the said time, 9d. Sum, 9s. 9J. Fees and Stipends. And in foe or stipend of the said Computer, as special Receiver of all the possessions aforesaid, at 53s. 4d. a year : namely, in allowance of such fee or stipend for the half-year ending at the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, in the said 32nd year of the King aforesaid, 26s. 8d. And in fee of John Wyn- treshuU, Esquire, steward of all the domains, manors, lands, and tenements belonging to the said late Hospital, by the writing of John Incent, doctor of laws. Master of the late Hospital aforesaid, and the brothers and sisters of the same place, dated under their common seal on the 12th day of August, 26 Henry viii. aforesaid, thereof made to himself dui'ing his life, with a certain annuity or annual rent' of 40s. for the exercise and occupation of the aforesaid office, to be received annually at the feasts of the Annunciation of Blessed Mary the Virgin, and of St. Michael the Archangel, by the hands of the Re- ceivers, Bailiffs, Fanners, and other ofiBcers of the domains, manors, lands and tenements aforesaid, to be paid every year during the life of the same John Wintreshull, with clause of distraint in the manor of Broughton for the non- payment of the annuity aforesaid, as is more fully contained in the said writing, namely, in the allowance of such fee for the half-year ending at the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, in the said 32nd year of the King aforesaid, 20s. And in fee of Henry Acton, Woodward of all the woods of the manor of Broughton, at 3s. 4d. a year ; namely in allowance of such fee for the aforesaid time, 20d. And in stipend of [ ? ] Reaper of Broughton aforesaid, at 3s. 4d. a year ; namely in allowance of such fee for the time aforesaid, 20d. And in stipend of John Woode, clerk, chaplain of the said Hospital, engaged to celebrate divine service and to administer the sacraments within the chapel or church there, at £6 13s. 4d. a year ; namely in allowance of such stipend for the half- year ending at the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel in the said year, the 32nd of the King aforesaid, 66s. 8d. Sum, 116s. 8d. Payments to the Poor, with their diets. And in monies paid by John Incent, clerk, doctor of laws, to twelve 176 DOMUS DEI. brothers and sisters of the said hospital, for their diet, from the 27th day of March, 31 Hen. viii. to the 11th day of September, 32nd year of the same King-, namely during the period of 24 weeks, at the rate of 7d. per week for each of such brothers and sisters, as more fully appears in a certain bill thereof made by the said John Incent, rendered at the time of making this Computation £8 8s. And in similar monies paid by the said late Master to the same brothers and sisters for their stipends, namely to each of them for every quarter of a year 3s. 4d. ; that is to say, in such allowance for the quarter of a year ending at the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, in the said 32nd year of the afore- said King, 40s. And in similar monies paid by the said Computer to the aforesaid brothers and sisters for their diet, from the said 11th day of September, in the said 32nd year of the King aforesaid exclusive, to the Feast of St.Michael the Archangel thence next following inclusive, namely for 18 days, at the rate of Id. a day for each of them, 18s. And in similar monies, paid by the same Computer to the same brothers and sisters for their stipends, due for the quarter of a year ending at the said Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, in the said 32nd year of the King aforesaid, at the rate of 3s. 4d. for each of them, 40s. Sum, £13 6s. Cost of necessaries. And in monies paid by the same Computer for wax candles, bought for the altar of the chui'ch or chapel of the Hospital aforesaid, during the time of the Computation aforesaid, 12d. And in costs and charges of the aforesaid Roger Tychebome so superintending the domains and manors aforesaid, and renewing the rentals of the same domains and manors, and paying the aforesaid stipends and diets of the poor, as aforesaid, for the space of three weeks, together with 13s. 4d. for the crating of the said rentals from the valuation of the oificers of the lord the King, 51s. lid. And in stipend of the Auditor's clerk WTiting this Computation, 6s. 8d. Sum, 59s. 7d. Deliveries of monies. And in monies delivered by the said Computer to Richard Poulet, Esquire, Receiver of the lord the King of the Augmentations of the revenues of the Crown of the same lord the King, in the county of Southampton, from the issues of his office for this year, from the recognition or bill of the same Re- ceiver before the Auditor, £14 8s. 3id. Sum, £14 8s. S^d. Sum of all the allowances and deliveries aforesaid £70 8s. 8d. And duo £i 3s. 6d. DOMUS DEI. 177 Henry Bickcley, late Mayor of Portcsmouth, from and for such sums of money received by him from James Bensted, the farmer of Frodyngton, for a certain rent issuing from lands and tenements, lying within the liberty of Fortcsmouth, parcel of the possessions of the said late Hospital, towards the pay- ment of the fee farm of the same town, as more fully appears by a bill of the same Henry, dated 14 October, for the year ending at the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, in the said 32nd year of the King afoi-esaid, signed and renewed in the same year by his own hand. 54s. 2d. Thomas Lord Sandes, from and for the rent of assise of certain of his lands called Spirewell, otherwise Chalwel, in Broughton, in the right of the late Priory of Mottessonte, being this year in arrears, and not paid. 8s. John Kobull of Tuderley, gentleman, from and for such sums of money received by him from the farm of certain lands called Overton leases, parcel of the manor of Broughton aforesaid, due for the half-year ending at the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, in the said 32nd year of the King aforesaid. 13s. 4d. Anthony Ponde, Esquire, from and for the rent of assise of certain lands and pastures called Rashmere in Hamuldon aforesaid, being this year in arrears and not paid. 4s. Thomas "Wriothisley, Knight, from and for the rent of assise of his lands in Frodd ington, in the right of the late monastery of Tichefelde, this year being in arrear, and not paid. 4s. Valor Ecclesiasticus, Hemy viii. Hospital of St. Nicholas of Portysmouth. John Incent, now Master. Is worth, in the form of the lands together with other rents, as well spirit- ual as temporal, as appears by a certain account book, signed by the hands of the Commissioners of the lord the King. £79 13s. T^d. Reprisals (or Deductions.) In charitable gifts, fees, and other repayments, as appears by the said account book. £45 14s. 2d. And remains worth £33 19s. 5Jd. Tenths thereof " 67s. lip. 178 DOMUS DEI. THE OLD HOSPITALS OF HAMPSHIEE AND THE EELIGIOUS HOUSES AND ORDERS MENTIONED IN THE " STORY OF THE ' DOMUS DEI ' OF PORTSMOUTH." The foUowiug notes, chiefly from ' Cox's Magna Bri- tannia,' will be found interesting to any who may not be well acquainted with the suppressed ecclesiastical estab- lishments of Hampshire. The monasteries and orders noticed have been already brought before the reader by name : — St. Crosse's, near Winchester, an Hospital, founded by Henry Beaufort, Cardinal and Bishop of Winchester, half-brother of King Henry IV., who, by licence from King Henry YI. Reg. 21., granted to the Master and Bre- thren of the Hospital of the Holy Crosse, near Winchester, divers manors and lands, &c. to the yearly value of £500, for the maintainance of two chaplains, five and thirty poor men, and three women, to be governed by the said Master. The Cardinal dying before his foimdation was completed, King Henry VI. Reg. 33. incorporated them under a Rector of their own, by the name of ' The New Alms House of Noble Poverty', established near Winchester by Henry, Cardinal of England, and Bishop of Winchester, son of John, late Duke of Lancaster, of noble memory. DOMUS DEI. 179 with grant of a common seal, and power to purchase, «S:c. The Hospital or College of St. Jolm de fothering bridge was given to it, of which House the ancient custom was, by the first foundation, to dine a hundred poor every day, if so many came. 80UTHAMPTOX, an Hospital called 'Domus Dei,' founded and endowed by Philippa, Queen of King Edward III., with divers possessions, for the maintenance of a Gus- tos and several poor men and women, besides some scholars. Gervase de Hampton, Margaret de liedvariis, and ]nany others, gave diverse lands, &c. to this Hospital, all whose gifts were I'ecited and confirmed by King Edward III. The patronage of this Hospital was in that King, who gave it to the Provost and scholars of Queen's-Hall in Oxford, and to their successors for ever. He also granted to the Gustos, scholars, brothers, and sisters of that hospital, and tlieir successors, the alien priory of Sherburn in the county of Southampton, with all its lands, &c., with this privilege, to be freed from all taxes and foliages for ever. Kichard, Duke of York, tlie father, and Richard, Earl of Cambridge, the grandfather of that King, are in the said grant alleged to be buried in this Hospital. Basingstoke, an Hospital, founded by King Henry in. ad sustentationem Ministiorum Altaris Ghristi, i.e., for the maintenance of the Ministers that serve at the altar of Christ. QuARRER or QuARRERA, an Abbey of Cistercian Monks, built and endowed, by Baldwin de Rivers, Earl of Devon. Richard, Earl of Exeter, son of Baldwin, con- firmed to God, the Holy Virgin, and Gaufridus, Ablxjtof Savigny, (to which Abbey it was made a cell) this house and divers lands and revenues given by his father, adding others to pray for the souls of his father and mother. Henry Fitz-Empresse, who writ himself Son of the Duke of Normandy, and Earl of Anjou, Engelgerius de Bohun, and William de Vernon, Earl of Devon, were benefactors to this house. 180 DOMUS DEI. SuTiiWYK or SoUTinviCK, a Monastery of Canons Eegular of St. Augustine, founded and endowed with divers lands Ly King Henry I., who granted them not only a freedom from taxes and all other exactions, hut all sorts of liberties ; as not to he impleaded for any matter, hut in the presence of himself, or his heirs, &c. The manor and parsonage oi Southampton, valued at £60 15s. Id., besides the salary of £6 13s. 4d. paid out of it yearly to the curate, belonged to it, and was, after the dissolution, exchanged with the Lord Cliancellor, Sir Thomas Wriothesley, by King Henry VIII. Eeg. 38. for other lands. Tychefeld or Titchfield, an Abbey of Monks, called Pra3monstratentes, founded by Peter de Eupibus, Bishop of Winchester, upon the manor of Tychefeld, by the grant of King Henry ill., to wlioni it belonged. He endowed it with several lands and revenues, and the King granted to the Monks very great liberties in the said manor and their lands ; as to be free from tolls, suit of forest-courts, la wing of dogs, &c. Eva de Clinton, Eeginald de Alba- mara, Baldwin de Eipariis, Lord of the Isle of Wight, (Gilbert de IMansel, and Peter de Sukemund were great bene- factors to this Abbey. This last gave certain lands in Ingeyenne, to hold of the chief Lord by half a knight's- fee, and of himself and his heirs by a pair of spurs, or 3d. to be paid at the Feast of St. Michael. All these gifts were coniirmed to this house by King Edward ii. Eeg. ii. The Abbot of Hales-Owen in Shropshire, founded by the same Bishop, was the Visitor of this abbey, and John Powl, Abbot, visited in 1420, and took an inventory of all their goods and stock, Avhich is set down in the Monas- ticon. Canons Eegular of St. Augustine. It is unknown how far St. Augustine ever framed any formal guidance of monastic life, but a rule based on his writings was adopted by as many as thirty monastic fraternities ; of which one was that of the ' Canons Eegular of St. Augustine,' estab- lished about the middle of the 11th century. Their discipline DOMUS DEI. 181 was not so severe as that of the monk properly so called, but more so than that of the secular or parochial clergy. They wore along cassock, with a white rochet over it, all covered by a black cloak, whence they were often called Black Canons. In England, where they were established early in the 12th century, they had about 170 houses. Cistercians. An order which takes its name from Citeaux, (Cistercium) near Dijon, and was founded by the Benedictine abl)ot, Robert de Moleme, in 1098. AVithin little more than a century after their foundation the Cis- tercians possessed nearly 2000 abbeys in various parts of Europe. They were exceedingly strict, poverty was their watchword, all splendovn- in their churches was avoided, not even a cross could boast of silver or gold. They never had a cure of souls, and were known by wearing a white robe with a black scapulary. The number of Cistercian abbeys in England at the time of the general surrender was 75, besides 26 nunneries. Eiches and indolence brought this powerful order into decay. Even before the Reformation many of their convents had died out. Peemonstratensians. An order which was estab- lished at one time very generally throughout Germany. It was founded, in the early part of the 1 2th century, by St. Norbert, a native of Xanten. Struck by the looseness and carelessness of the Clergy, secular as well as regular, he resolved to attempt a reform. The spot chosen by him for his cloister was, he fancied, revealed to him, and called Pre Montre, or in Latin, Pratum MonstraUim ' the meadow pointed out,' from which the name of the order was taken. It was substantially that of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine, and aimed, by reformed rules, to return to the primitive fervour of the monastic institute, and above all things to give holy instruction to the people. Music was deemed a beautiful and helping handmaid of religion. This order spread rapidly in France, the Low Countries, and Germany, while it was very coldly received in Italy and Spain. As usual, time brousfht with it relaxation of 182 DOMUS DEI. discipline ; a reform was attempted which only created division. The order gradually fell into unpopularity, ex- cept in Germany, and has now almost entirely disappeared. In Austria, here and there, is found a thinly peopled hut wealthy house of Nohertines, but it is an order evidently fast approaching its end. Observantists. In the time of Leo x. the Franciscan Order was much disturbed by a controversy of some standing as to the original rule and practice laid down by St. Francis. The quarrel (nided in division. The less rigid party, uiider the name ' Conventuals,' obtained a distinct General, and authority for a mitigated attention to their rules. Their churches and convents admit greater richness of architecture and decoration ; and they are at liberty to acquii-e and retain, in the name of the order, the property of these and similar possessions. The stricter community, known as ' Observantists ' or Franciscans Strictioris Ohser- vantice (Ohservantes), renounced all property, adhering to the rigid law of poverty as laid down by St. Francis At the close of the last century they are said to have numbered above 70,000, distributed over 3000 convents, and they still are a very numerous and wide spread body, as well in Europe as in America, and in the missionary districts of the East. DOMUS DEI. 183 THE "DOMUS DEI" AND THE FORTIFI- CATIONS OF PORTSMOUTH. HE " Domus Dei " has, from the day of its surrender to the present moment, been connected with the defence and government of Portsmouth. As early as the first year of Edward vi. (1547) we find the " Churche at Goddeshouse," " the Loft in the Armory," and " the Ar- mory " used as storehouses for " munycions sent by the Lord Grete Mr. from the Towre." In the time of EHzabeth, the Master's House, the Hall, and Kitchen were converted into a fitting dwelling for the Queen's 'Captayne' or Gover- nor of Portsmouth, and were occupied as the Government House until the early part of this century. Further, there is every reason to believe that, from the time when Ports- mouth became a fortified town witli a garrison, the troops have always worshipped in the Church of the " Domus Dei." Fortifying Portsmouth is therefore closely connected with the preservation of the buildings of the old Hospital, and on that account deserves some notice in the Story of the " Domus Dei." Although Portsmouth was, when a small fishing vil- lage, created a Borough by Eichard i.,* it made little or no * The lion-hearted King embarked from Portchester for Palestine and landed there on his return. Hence, it is said, we find the star and crescent on the Borough Shield. 184 DOM us DEI. progress for the next three centuries. In 1345, when Edward III. was raising a fleet for the invasion of France, while the Isle of Wight provided 13 ships and 220 men, Southampton 21 ships and 570 men, and Lymington 9 ships and 158 men, Portsmouth could only send 5 ships and 96 men. And, just twenty two years later, although on the 15th day of JSIovember, in the ICth year of that King's reign (1343), the crown had, out of compassion &c. ("compacientes statui hominum nostrorum vilh"e de Portes- mouth qui, per diversa incendia, roberias, et clestructiones aliegenarum hostium nostrorum diversis vicibus ibidem de guerra applicantium, multipliciter sunt depress!, ac volentes eo prastextu cum hominihus pr£edictis agere generose &c.") granted certain privileges to enable the inhabitants to wall* and fortify the town, (" in muragio et fortifacione villa?,") so utterly unprotected was Portsmouth, that the Nor- mans entered the harbour with a great force, and set fire to the whole town.*)- This raid appears to have called forth no effort to raise even a small fortification, for it was only in the time of Edward vi. that the " toures in the * " Rex omnibus ad quos, etc, salutcm. Supplicarimt nobis homines \'ill83 de Portsmouth, ut, cum quiutodecimo die Novembris, anno regni nostri Anglias sextodecimo, in auxilium villse prsedictas claudendse, paviendoe, et emendanda;, concesserimus eisdem hominibus, quod, a predicto quintodecimo die usque ad finem octo annorum tunc proxime sequentimn plenarie completurum, de rebus venalibus ad dictam villam venientibus cei'tas consuetudines caperent, prout in litteris nostris patentibus eisdem hominibus inde confectis plenius conti- netur." The scheme turned out a failure. Within three years the inhabitants found that heavily taxing outsiders was in reality heavily taxing themselves, and besought the King to relieve them by cancelling the letters patent, and so doing away with the troublesome tolls. The to^vn had suil'ered severely and the enclosing been but little furthered — " homines et mercatores, tarn aiieni- gense quam indiginaj, ad villam prsedictam accedere non curanmt, sicque iideni homines predictte villas de Portesmuth, proficuum aliquod de hujusmodi conces- sione hucusque non perciperint seu percipere possent, praiterquam quadraginta solidos, quos circa reparacionem et emendationem clausuras dictas villa) appo- .suerunt ; velimus eisdem hominibus concedere, quod ipsi dictas littcras nostras nobis, ex causa prajdicta, restituere posse cancellandas, ita quod de collectione custumarum prasdictarum decetero exonerari possent." Forty shillings, equal to about £20 of the present time, did, we may be sure, very little towards pro- tecting Portsmouth. Patent Roll, 18 Edward in. pt. 2. m. 37. t " Normani intraverunt cum magna, potentia et miserunt in flammam ignis totam villam." Henry de Knyghtou. DOMUS DEL ]85 liaven mouth were begun." Eicliard iii. during liis short reign turned his attention careiully to l*ortsmoutli. lie " set forward " the towers begun by Edward iv, and, curi- ously enough, the first State Paper, telling of the appoint- ment of a Governor of Portsmouth, dates very soon after his accession to the throne. In the Ilarleian MS. 483.1 25, the King concedes to "William Vuedale (Uvedale) Esquire,* the Keepership of the castle and town of Portchestre, Portes- mouthe, and of the country there about ; also the super- vision and government of the town of Portsmouth and of the royal place there, as long as it shall be pleasing to the King ;" and in Har. MS. 433. f. 35. b. is given to " Wil- liam Mirfeld Thoffice of keeping of the Castelle of Port- chestre and of the fforeste and warren ther ; and also the supervisore and guuernour of the Towne of Portsmouthe, and of the place ther, with other ut patet in billa for terms of lyff". "Portsmouth was now just developing into import- ance. Its vast and well placed harbour was evidently deemed an object well worthy of government care. And this is supported by the facts, that in 1 500 Henry vii. made Portsmouth a royal dockyard, and " Henry viii., at his first warres into France, erected on the southe part of the toune IV. great brewing howses, with the implements, to serve his shippes at such tyme as they should go to se in tyme of warre." He also " ended the tourres in the haun mouthe, at the procuration of Fox, Bishop of Winchester."t Still, with all this attention, Portsmouth could in no way be called a fortified town, for, on the further testimony of Leland, we are invited to believe that the defences erected by Henry viii. were but of the feeblest kind : — " The towne of Portsmouthe is mured from the est tour a forough lengthe, with a mudde waulle armed with tymbre, whereon be great peaces of yron and brassen ordi- nauns ; and this peace of waulle, having a ditch without * He lies buried ia South wick C'huich. t Leland Itin. \n\. m. p. 32. 18G DOMUS DEI. it, niuneth so far flat south south-east, and is the place moste apte to defend the toun there open on the hauen. Ther runneth a ditch almost flat est for a space, and within it is a waulle of mudde like to the other, and so theus goetli rounde aboute the toun to the circuite of a mile. Ther is a gate of tymber at the north-est ende of the toun, and by it is cast up an hille of erthe diched, wherein be gunnes to defend entre into the toun by land. Ther is much va- cant ground wytin the toun walle. Ther is one fair streate in the toune from west to north est. The toun is bare and little occupied in tyme of peace."* In 1552 Edward vi., writing to his friend Barnaby Fitz Patrick, fully confirms Leland's description : — " From this we wente to Portismouth toune, and there viewed not only the toune itself and the hauen, l)ut also divers bulwarkes ; in viewing of which we find the bul- warkes chargeable, massie, and ramparted, but il facioned, il flanked, and set in unmete places ; the toune weake in comparison of that it ought to be ; the hauen notable greate, and standing by nature easie to be fortified. And, for the more strenoth thereof, we have devised two stronjr castellis on either side of the hauen, at the mouth thereof ; for at the mouth of the hauen is not past ten score over, and for a mile and a heaf hable to bear the greatest ship in Christendom." But possibly some may think that Leland and the boy king+ were poor judges of defences. If so, the following interesting letter, addressed by the Governor of Portsmouth to the Privy Council, will satisfy any reasonable mind : — * Leland Itin. vol. iii. p. 81. + Cardan, the Italian physician, who saw Edward VI. professionally in 1552, said that he was ' a marvellous boy ' — " monstrifictis puelhts" — and Sir James Mackintosh, (History, Vol. ii. p. 249) states that the journal he wrote " bears marks of an mi- tidnted taste and of a considerate mind." DOMQS DEI. 187 NO. IX. Sfcite Papers, Domestic, Edward VI., Vol. I. No. 19. The CaptajTie of Portismoutli to the CounsoU xvii February, 1546-7, To the ryght honorable and my syngulcr good lords, the lords of the King's niajisties most honorable preve counsell. Geve this with all possyble dylygence. It may please your honorable lordships, to be advertysyd, that, thys nyght at viij of the clocke within night, I did receve the kings majisties comyssyon for the leveing of iic. men within the sheres of Surrey, Wylyts, and Berkesher. And, imedyately upon the receypt thereof, I have dyspachcd my brother wt ii. of my household Sarvants into the same Sheres, so that, I trust, the men shalbe at Portsmouthe by the day apoynted in your lordships' letters, which is the xxviii of thys present. I do not dout but that your lordships dothe ryght well consydre the estate of thys Towne, and how it lyeth open, so that at a lowe ■watfT men may cum into yt although they were xxx in rank. And also, the gates to the water syde ar so weke, that iiii. or fy ve good felowes with a peec of Tymber may lay them on the ground, and the walla, with thys frost that hathe byn now of late, doeth mowther away and begynnyth in dyvers places to fall into the dyke ; besides that the f elds adjoyning to the dytchys brynke growe full of bushys and fursys, vere mete to bo made playne for the suerty of the To-\vne, which I doubt to doo wout commandment from your lordships, which yf I may have shalbe shortly don. And, for settyng on c. of the iic. to worke as laborers, I lacke both tolys and caryage with Tymber plancks, and many other things wherewith I could occupy them yf I had yt, yet neverthelesse they shalbe doing. Of Mr. Captayne of the Wyght I have not yet hard any thyng towching the iic, whiche I shuld receve of hym, and therefore I have geven my brother (whom I have sent for the leveying of the men) xx£ in hys purse to be geven to them in prest tyll the King's Matie. money .shall cum, trustmg that your good lordships wyll with spede geve ordre how they shalbe payd from tyme to tyme. Here lackyth also Gonners for the grete ordenaunce, who are in nomber in thys Towne but XV. And here is about thys Towne xvij. pecys of brasse and xlviij. pecys of Iron, as thys boke can declare, which I send to your lordships herein enclosyd. The Ships with the kyng's matis. vyctueUs ar not yet gon, but ar putt backo agaync with the contrary wyndc. This after nowno thcr cam ii ships Spanyards into the Rode here, who Sityd that they durst not passe the Sees homward for fere of six (all ships, 188 DOM US DEI. Scotts or Frencliinen ; they were in doubt whiclie they wer, that wer on the Southe part of the wyght within a kennyng of the land.* And thus, haveyng no doubt but that I wyll render unto your lordships a good accompt of the Kings majestis Towne here, or ells to lay my bonys therin, I shall always pray Almighty God to send your lordships th'encrease of moche honor. From Portismouth this xvj of February at xi of the clock, at mydnight. Your lordships bowden Edward Vaughan. The anxiety of the Captain of Portsmouth to repair the works as the walls were " fast mowthering away," and his simple story, that " four or five good felowes with a pece of timber may lay the gates to the water side on the ground," make it perfectly certain that the poor guns of those days, however numerous, were of litte worth when mounted on platforms ready to fall after a few discharges. On the 30th November, 1585, it is reported to the Lord Grete INTaster, that, through the weakness of the platform, the gunners dare not fire a salute on the Queen's coro- nation day. If such was the state of things even in the time of Elizabeth, the use of the ' Ordynaunce,' as mounted on the batteries of Portsmouth and " within Goddeshouse " on the ICth February, 1540-7, may be easily imagined. NO. X. State Papers Domestic. Edward Vi. Vol 1, No. 20. Ordynaimce belonging to the Towne of Portismouthe, February IGth, 1546-7. In the BastyUan betwixt Mr. Rydleyes Tower and the Towne, upon the great platform of the Towne "Wall. First oone Culveryn of Brasse, wt a forlocke. * Within a month after the accession of Edward, it became quite certain that a strugiglc with Scothmd was close at hand. On the 27th of February, 1547, Sir Andrew Dudley was instructed to cruise off the Scottish coast, and within a fortnight he had captured the Scottish vessel 'Lion.' The ships spoken of as "lately victualled," and the active proceedings on the part of the " Captayne of Portesmouthc " are clearly move- ments made on account of the war about to take place with Scotland, and therefore possibly with France. (Ellis, " Second Series " Vol. ii p. 17.) DOMUS DEL 189 Item oone Eoblo Culveryn of Brassc of Arcancs makyng It. oone Frencho Canon of Brassc. It. oone Scottisshe Doble Culveryn of Brasse. It. oone Saker of Brasse with a Rose and a g-artor aboute it. It. oone Sakcr of cast Iron of Levett's making. It. iiii Bumbards of Iron, witb tbeir Chambers. In the grene Bulwark towards the Wynd Myll hyll. Item a Canon of Brasse of Peter Bawde's making. It. a Culveiyn of Brasse of the same man's makyng with a forlocke. It. a Frenche Demy Canon of Brasse. It. a Frenche Saker of Brasse. It. a Demy Slyng of Iron with ii chambers. It. too Flanckers of Iron vnth. their iiii chambers. It. oone porte piece of Iron %vdth ii Chambers. In the new Mownt at the end of the iiij bruhouses. Item three Fowlers of Iron, with echo of theym oone Chamber. In Davy Savor's Bulwerk. Item ii Sakers of cast Iron of Levett's makyng. It. oone hole Slyng of Iron with ii Chambers. It. ii Flanckers of Cast Iron with their Chambers. In the new Bastylian at the gate. Item oone Saker of cast Iron of Levett's makyng. It. oone Fowler of Iron with a Chamber. Upon the Mownto at the gate. Item oone Saker of Brasse with the Rose and the garter abouto it. It. too Fawconnes of Brasse. It. a Demy Culveryn of cast Iron of Levett's makyng. It. oone quarter Slyng of Iron with ii Chambers. It. Fyve Flanckers of Iron with their Chambers. At the Wall's ende by the Towno gate. Item oone Saker of Brass broken, with the Rose and the garter abouto it. It. oone Flancker of Iron, with a Chamber. In the new Bastylian towards Kyngston. Item iii Flanckers of Iron with their Chambers. 190 DOMUS DEI. In the Bulwerk towards KjTigston. Item oone Saker of Brasse ^v-ith the Rose and the garter upon it. It. oone Fawcon of Brasse with the Rose upon it. It. oone quarter Slyng of Iron with ii Chambers. It. iii Flanckers of Iron with their Chambers. Upon the "WaU to the Docke "Warde. Item oone Saker of cast Iron of Levett's makj-ng. It. oone Saker of cast Iron of Flaunder's makyng. In the Bulwerk at the Myll bridge goj-ng to the Docke "Wardes. Item oone Doble Culveryn of Brasse of Peter Bawde's making. It. ii Sakers of cast Iron of Levett's makyng. It. oone Slyng of Iron. It. iii Flanckers of Iron with thejT Chambers. Upon the grene before goddeshouse gate. Item too Sakers of cast Iron, the oone of Levett's makyng, and the oth^r of Flaunder's makjTig. It. too SerpentjTies of Iron with their Chambers. It. oone port piece of Iron without any Chambers. AVithin goddeshouse. Item oone Fawconet of Brasse. The Nomber of Brasse pieces of Ordynamice as well great as small xxii. The Nomber of Iron pieces of Ordynaunce of all sorts xlviii. The hole Nomber of pieces of Ordynaimce as well of Brasse as of iron Ixv. Ordenaunce from Portesmouth xvi Fcbmarj', 1-546-7 Such was the weak state of Portsmouth during the reign of Edward vi. Under the rule of ]Mary, neglect made ii still "weaker. Eeligious excitement, deadly perse- cution, and busy consj)irator-hunting prevented in her time anything like attention to national defences. The whole country for a season lost heart. But the fall of Calais, on the 7th January, 1558, seems to have brought it to a deep sense of its degraded conditio^--. On the 20th January, the Parliament assembled and granted a subsidy to carry on the war against the French King and the Scot.s, " who DOMUS DEI. 191 daily do practise by all dislionoural)le ways and means, with the aid and power of all their confederates and allies, to annoy their majesties and this their realm, and other the dominions of the same ; and, by all likelihood, if time and place do permit, do mind to make some in- vasion into sundry parts of this realm, as well npon the sea coast as elsewhere."* Money having been voted, some- thing had to be done ; if not by the honest and patriotic, the selfish and unprincipled were, we may be quite sure, ready to feign active measures and share the spoil. On the 30th March, Thomas Harvey, Knight jNIarshal, received instructions about taking muster of the forces at Ports- mouth, and on the last day of Octol)er, £.500 were remitted for payment of the Garrison. Nothing more was done. Happily for Portsmouth, and still more so for tlie country at large, before the end of the year the Queen died. There was no issue by the Spanish alliance, and so, by God's mercy, the world had an opportunity of seeing " a noble and puissant nation rousing herself like a strong man after sleep and shaking his invincible locks."t Yes ! with Eliza- beth came a wondrous change for the better. England was herself again. A writer intimately acquainted with every State Paper of that Queen's reign justly remarks, " The wisdom and energy of Elizabeth's government are conspicuous in the care taken to put the defences of the realm in a complete state of efficiency." " In her reign, defences were promoted by the systematic organization of the militia, by the holding of frequent musters periodically, at intervals of about three years, and by surveys of all the creeks and landing places, aud by attention to the breed of horses in gentlemen's parks throughout the kingdom. All this was carried on by commissions addressed to the * 4 and 5 Philip and Mary, c. ii. t Milton" s "Areopagitica." 192 DOMUS DEI. nobility and gentry in every comity."* As navies, especi- ally in Spain, were becoming formidable, we naturally find great attention given to Portsmouth and its vast and well placed harbour. The State Papers connected with forti- fying Portsmouth during the reign of Elizabeth would fill a volume with highly interesting details. The following pressing appeal to the Privy Council from the Governor of Portsmouth, and the order from the Queen to the Earls of Arundell and Sussex will show how soon, after Eliza- beth's accession to the throne, energetic steps were taken for strengthening the fortifications of the country.f The wording of Captain Tumour's petition is quaint, but it tells of a good man and true. NO. XI, state Papers, Domestic, Eliz. Vol. 2, No. 12. To the right honorable the lords and other of the Queen's majesties' priA-y Coimsell. My good Lords ye experience by execution and sight of mayne mischiefs, which are insident to ye warres and daile ministred by princis, hath taught me, a simple man, to judge ye better of myne own estate, and of ye place wherein I serve, to ye which I owe my life. And albeit in respect of my duetie to ye Queue's highnes, and in perfourmannce of such servic as is loked for at my hands, I waye not my life any more then I ought. Yet, I consider what honor it were to you all to appoint my servic so, as if ye enemey came to seeke us, I might either be able to repulce him, or at ye lest, if I were his praye, to make * Introduction to " Catalogue of State Papers Domestic Elizabeth." "I" Beer for the Navy was not forgotten. Henry viii. had erected brew- houses, (once occupyingthe siteof the present Four- House Barracks) but without fresh water they were useless. The Earl of Winchester therefore writes thus, on January 14th, 1560, to his "loving friend Sir William Cecill, Knight, prin- cipall Secretarie to the Queue's Majestic : — " " The brue house and the freshe water must be had at Portesmouth as in the great booke is declared " (State Papers Dom. Eliz. Vol. ii, No. 3.) The daily allowance of a sailor, in the time of Elizabeth, was : — lib. of biscuit, one gallon of beer, 21bs. of beef four days a week ; the other three, stock fish, butter, and cheese instead of beef. Pay, od. a day at sea ; 4|d. when in harbour. (State Papers Dom. Eliz. April 13. 1565.) DOMUS DEI. 193 hym buy me so deare ere he waune me, as lie should never hast after to fetche enie more of ye price. And yis help were a fortificacion in Portismouth, ■which like as it is a quarter built allready, and wold \vith small charge bo finished to such force as yt might for ever bo kept with fewer men then her Majistic hath here at yis instant, against ye frcnche kyngs worst or eny other enimie. So shoiild it allso be able to receve ye riches of ye He, and what more is, take away ye unnecessary chargs consumid here in keping other forts which ys beynge finished, and may well appeare to be vanelie maynteyned. I am ye bolder, my lord, to offer you my opinion, because I knowe your L. carfidl to forsee ye safety of us all, and your contrey ; and that you consider the greatnes of your ennimie ye frenche kyng, his gredie ambicion, and advancement of his pride and cor- rage by his late conquests,* by ye wch he hathe brought us to our olde bounds. And what honour it were to hym to take foote hold here of us, who have mas- terid them in their countrey, and kept them trebutarie your L. can wisely judg. So may it, therefore, seeme good unto you to determine uppon yis fortificacion, and to remove ye trust uppon old presidents, how yis peece hath bene kept in tymes past, because, as our strength is lessenid, our ennimies are increasid. And to conclude, forasmuch as my words may want credit in yis matters, yt may please you to use ye opinion and judgement of Mr. "Worsely, who, if he be comanded to perus yis litell plot, I dought not, shall confemie my words concerning ye forte. And thus I humbly ende, and leve to trouble you. From Portismouthe ye 26 Januarie, 1558-9. The derth and scarcitie of victualls and other necessaries insident to ye soldier is here very great, wch may be grtly rodressid if yt may stand with your L. plesurs to consider me with a pay. Your Lordshipes humbly at commandment, Edward Tumour. NO. XII. State Papers Dom. Eliz. Vol. 14, No. 42, (1560.) By the Queue. To oui- right trustie and welboved cosen and counsailor, the Earle of Arun- deU, lord Steward of our howse,- and lord warden of our forrest, within our Com. of Southt. ; And to our right trustie and right welbeloved cosen, Therlo of Sussex, Chief Justice and Justice in Oyer of all our forrests, parks, warrens, * Calais, after having been held by the England 210 years, was retaken by the Duke of Guise, January 7th, 1558. 194 DOMUS DEI. and cliasea of this side Trent ; and, in their absence, to the Lieutenant and "Woodward of the same Forrest. Right ti'ustie and right welbeloved and trustie and welbeloved, wee grete you well. And wheareas wee have committed the surveie of all our castles and forts, within our ysle of wight and the seacoste within our countie of Southtn., to ova- trustie and right welbeloved the Lord St. John, and the repaire of the same castles and forts by his discrecion, from time to time ; for the doing whereof wee have given him letters, under our signe manuell and signet, au- thorizing him to the doing thereof, and also imprested him money for that purpose, wch Reparacions cannot be made with out necessarie Timber. "Wee, therefore, mynding our said castles and forts to be kept in good reparacion, will and commaund you to delyver, from time to time, to our Mr. Carpenter, of our Works of the said castles, and of all other our work within Portismouth and our saide Isle of Wight, aU soche timber as the said lord St. John shall wright unto you, for indenting with the saide Mr. Carpenter, from tyme tyme, for all soch tymber as you shall delyver ujion the lord John's letters for the saide repa- racions. And thes our letters shalbe WaiTant sufficient with the letters and indentures of the lord St. John, and Mr. Carpenter mencioning the receipt of the said Timber in that behalfe. Forseing that you suffer the said Mr. Car- penter to make sale of. the said loppes and toppes to our most proffet, or make lyme with some part of the same, towards the charges of our said works. Geoven at our honnor of Hampton Courte the viith dale of November, the second yere of our Reigne. To show further the activity of the government, we have a letter, from an enterprising and self confident engi- neer, making it clear that plans, for the effectual defence of Portsmouth, were ready for execution so early as 1560, and that an efficient officer was sent down during the year to see them carried out. The Lords of the Privy Council seem to have been in great fear lest the plans should be lost. Mr. Portenary assures their Lordships that, were they known to the whole world, no harm could possibly follow. But he shall speak for himself : — KO. XIIL state Papers, Dom. Eliz. Vol. 15, No. 79. (1560) Most excellent and noble Lords, under that most humble reverence and DOMUS DEI. 195 obedient service, wch bocometh a most humble and obedient servant unto your excellencies, (whoso hand I moat huniblye kysse) may yt please the same to heare and consider that which folio we th : — * * * * Now your excellencies have commanded me, that I shuld go to Portosmouth to visite the town and situacon thereof, and to take the platt att my discretion. Whereupon I made a platt wherewith every manue was not satisfied. Whore- fore I indevored myself to devise two other platts, that cyther of them is of such a strength as shalbe imprennable, and also with the least charges that possible were, which doo content and satisfie your excellencies, as in lykewise I did at Barwick devise a third platt of an invincible force and of a reasonable charge. Now, and yt may please your excellencies to putt the case, that all the platte of Portesmouth were lost and came in whattsoever mannes hands in the whoale worlde, there could incurre no danger at all, nor any occasion of suspi* cion. For whosoever mought have them could not thereby ymagin any evill enterprise toflfend yt, but contrary wyse, they wold be glad of them for a patron and example to fortifye their frontiers thereafter. Because they may be com- pared to all fortresses which ar of late made in Christiandom, and peradvcnture better considered and with a more comodite and force then is in those which are already made in diverse places. All the new fortresses of fame as Milan, Placencia, Modana, and Turino in Italye, Chalon in Burgenye, and Antwerp, no stranger is forbidden the rampares, and all their platts are in every manes hand. And, in lykemaner, when anye of the said platts shalbe put in execu- tion and buylded at Portesmouth, or at any other place, thorowly as they ar devised, all reason will geve that no force shuld be hable to prevaile again yt or put yt in any danger. Provided that yt be furnished but indifferently. There- fore there could not chance so greatt a danger for the losse of souch lyke platts as some have thought, and made yt so heynous, when the thing shalbe tho- rowly considered. True yt ys that to losse them, shuld be a great displeasure, but not that any danger shuld therefore folow. * * * * Now, your excellencies doo comand me to goo to Portesmouth, to put in execution the platt your excellencies are resolved upon, I am prompte and ready t'obey your whoale comandment to do that service, to use souch diligence and to take souch pain and travayle as souch a work doth require, and as yt doth be- com her Majistiea faithful servant. To which end, yf yt mought please your excellencies I woold most humblye beseech the same to ordeyn, that I should goo thether with souch a coniissiou 2 196 DOMUS DEI. as may be thought meet to her Majisties faithful servant yn that vocation, to be hable thereby to ordeyne and comand for the service of Bouch a work, to th'end I may assuredly put the sayd work to his perfect effect, and her Majistie to be whoally and thorowly served. Two years after Portenary's letter we find mention made of the Governor's House. Whetlier tlie Captayne of Portsmoutli had yet taken up his quarters in the Mas- ter's House of the ' Domus Dei,' I cannot say for certain. It is highly probable that he had, as a few years later, when the buildings of the Hospital were all thoroughly repaired, the Captayne's House is mentioned as a well known part of the establishment. Kyllwey's report and petition present an amusing story of travel and prices 300 years ago. NO. XIV. state Papers Dom. Eliz. Vol. 24, No. 57. To the right honorable Sir William Cyrill, knight, secretorie to the Quene's Majestic those be given. At my repayre hether uppon Sondaye, as I wrote to your honor I wolde doo, I founde Sir Adryan Ponings so imbeusied and so nere uppo goinge, as I colde have noo tyme with him to consider off anye thinge, namelye in what con- dicion he wolde leave the howse, and, synce his departure, I doo understande bye my ladye his wyffe, that he hath geven order for the rigginge of the howse, as nothinge is to remayne butt bare walles. So as I am compelled to bringe stufife fro my howse, as well for the kychen as otherwise, and understandinge that my lorde of Warwicks repayre hether is so nere at hande, and the dystance of my howse allmoste fortie myles oif, besides the treble of iij ferris bye the waye, as I feare I shall not be hable to gett hyt hether to sarve that tiime, the provission for his diet lykewise is all to seek, as I have great feare I shall not entei'tayne hym as I wolde ; and f jTidinge thes quarters not onlye barre for provyssion but also extreme deare, and here noo helpe at all butt for the pennye and I not storyd of money, ham constraynid therefore to crave furtherance at your hands for the obtaynge of the Quene's Majesties warrant for one monethes waggis in prest. More your honor shall understande, that here is delivered, synce Mr. Poning' s depart\ire, bye the hands of this bearer, clarke of the armorye, DOMUS DEL 197 fiftie eyght drye fatts off corseletts, harquebutta cccxxv, and flaskets cccxxiij , and of towchboxes cccxxxiij, of morris pykes eleven hundered iiij skore xiiij, for Imployment ; of wbich I trusto your honor will cause comyssion to be di- rectid, as of the premesis, to returne sutche dyreccion as bye the lords of the cownsell shalbe thought mete. Thus I leave farder trobelinge your honor com- mending the same to the marcyfuU preservacion of the aUmightie. From portesmouthe, the xxixth of September, 1562. Your honors to comande Wm. KyUwey. How far the appeal for a month's pay was successful is not stated, but this we know that, two days before the application was made, the Queen had given authority for the issue of the usual pay and table money : — NO.. XV state Papers, Dom. Eliz. Vol. 2-4, No. 53. By the Queue. Right trustie and right welbeloved cosin, we grete you well. Whereas, at- the request of your sonne the Lord Cliidiock Poulett, we have for this tymo excused hym from the charge of our Towne of Portesmouth, and have ap- pointed Sir Willm. Kyllwey, Knight, to tak the charge thorof in thabsence of Sir Adrian Ponyngs. We will and require yow to make allowance and payment unto the same Sir WiUm. Kyllwey, upon the warrant dormant re- mayning with yow, for the wage and entertainement of the Captayne there, in such sort as the said Adrian Poynys was by the same allowed. To begynne at such day as you shall hereafter understand, untill the retourne thither of the said Sir Adrian Ponyngs. And these our lettres shalbe your warrant in this behalf. Geven under our signet at Hampton Court, xxvij Septombris, 1562. The fortifications had now been well commenced, and here it is that we, for the first time, meet with an account of the repair of a part of the old " Domus Dei." The floor of the Church having become decayed, £40 were ex- pended to renew it : — - 198 DOMUS DEL NO. XVI. State Papers Dom. Eliz. Vol. 34, No. 31. (24 July, 1564.) A note of the cliarges for felling, hewyng, breking into loades, and sawinge of the timber for the flouring of the church in Gods house. Item, the feUinge, squaiing, and the breking into loads, also sawing into hordes, and sawing iuto somer posts and joysts, the charges is xl£. Good progress was made in the defences, we may sup- pose, during the next four years, for, in July 1568, Eichard Popinjay reports, that he has spent all the money supplied him, and urges the necessity of carrying on the works with vigour. He forwards with his report a detailed estimate of " the wantes or lackes for the fyrnishynge of the Plat- forme, wher the greate Ordnaunce lyeth at Portsmouthe."* Acting upon the opinion of the surveyor, evidently an officer possessing the confidence of the authorities, more money (£219 10s. 7d.) is expended on the platform, and in finishing " the watchhowse according to the platte ;" and then three commissioners are specially appointed to exam- ine thoroughly " the Towne fortresses, and bull workes of Portesmouthe, and the Ordynanc munytion, armor, and shott, remaynynge in the same, and the defects thereof, &c." The letter of the Commissioners and their " vewe and surveye " are valuable papers, simply as records of the strength or rather weakness of Portsmouth on June 9th, 157J- ; but they are especially so, as connected with the story of the " Domus Dei," inasmuch as they tell us how " godes howse yarde," " godes howse churche," and " godes howse hawl " were used just 300 years ago, what articles were stored in them, and what was their condition. * state Papers Dom. EUz. Vol. 47, No. 51. DOMUS DEI. 199 NO. XVII. State Papers Dom. Eliz. Vol. 78, No. 12. I8th May, 1571. To tlie ryght honorable our verye goode lord, tlie lordes and others of the Quenes Majesties most honorable prying Co-wiiBayle. Ryght honorable, accordjTige to the Quenes Majisties Letter, dated the xxiiijth of Apryll last, to us dyrected, we together wythe Sir henry Iladeclyf , have taken vewe and surveye of the Towne, fortreses, and buU Avorkes of Portesmowthe, and of the Ordynanc, munytyon, armor, and shott nowe re- maynynge within the same, and the defcctes thereof, and mustered the inha- bitants of the ToAvne and Isle of Portesmowth, of vrhyche owr doynge we have sent here withe unto your honors partycular bookes, subscrybed wthe o^vr handes and the hand of the sayed Sir Henry, nowe Captayne of the sayed Towne and Isle. In the end of whiche booke ys contayned tho defectes and wantes we fyndo in the premisses accordynge to owre symple knoledge and under- standynge, referryng the consyderacon therof unto your honors, and so most humbly we take owr leave of your honors, praying unto th' almighty God for tho longo preservatyon and continuanc of the same. "Wrji^en at Portesmouthe, the xviiijth of May, 1571. Yoiu" honors most humble to commawnde, H. Wallop, Wm. Kyngosmyll, John Basyng. (Indorsed) Sir H. Wallop and the rest of ye Comissioncrs for ye survey of Porter- mouth to ye LLs of ye Counsell. NO. XVIII. State Papers Dom. Eliz. Vol. 78, No. 12-2. The Survey of Munition in Portesmouthe, 9th June, 1571. A book declarynge the veue or Surveye of the munytyon, ordynance, ar- mour, and weapon remaynynge in the Quenes Majisties Towne and Fortresses in Portesmouthe, after the dethe of Sir Adryan Poynynges, knight, late Cap- tayne of the sayed Towne and Fortresses, made and delyvercd by Sir Henry 200 DOMUS DEI. Wallopp, Sir Wyllym kyngesmyll, knight, and John Basyng, Esquire, by virtue of the Quenes Majisties letters, beaiyng date the xxiiijth daye of Apryll, A.D. 1572, unto us in that behalfe dyrected into the handes of Sir Henry Radecliffe, knight, remaynynge nowe her highnes Captayne of the Isle and foresayed towne and fortresses of Portesmouthe, the xvjth daye of Maye, in the xiijth yeare of the Raygne of owr most gratyws and Soverayne ladye, Queue Elizabeth, etc., as hereafter more playnly maye appeare. In godes howse yarde. 145 360 34 270 340 Shott. Inp. Cannon Shott It. Canon Shott It. Culveryng Shott It. Culveryng Shott It. Stone Shott of aU heygte Ordynance Item, one fawcon of brasse with sponge and ladle mownted 1 It., fawcon of cast iron with sponge and ladle mownted 3 In godes howse churche. MuNiTYON Inp. Colyvers . . 99 It. mowldes for Colyvers . . 60 It. yf harquebuses serviseible . . 98 It. of harquebuses unserviseible . . 8 It of flaskes and tuchboxes of Walnuttre 100 It. of flasks unserviseible . , 356 It. of tutchboxes unserviseible . . 160 It. of bowes . . 183 It. of pykes , . 1000 It. of black bylles . . 1000 It. Sheves of Arrowes .. 1000 It. two barryelles of bowstryngs containing xx grose 2 It. wholes for sakers . . 4 It. of fawcon wheles-payers . . 1 It, of Culverynge wheles-payers . . 3 It. one stock for a canon . . 1 It. Culverynge Stockes .. 3 It. Mynyon Stockes . . 2 It. Stockes for portpeces and slynges . . 10 DOMUS DEL 201 It. of Stockes redy sawed . . 15 It. of plankes redy sawed for Stockes . . 60 It. Canon ladles . . 2 It. plat for ladles, powndea . . 40 It. Sawlt peter, powiides . . 24 It. of groat Howies of Matche waglits . . 300 It. of owld decayed matclie not servj'sable, wayghte 100 It. of Spanysh aud Inglislie Iron, tones one and half It. more of Inglysho barres of Iron . . 8 It. drye hydes . . 4 It. of Monyons . . 41 Powder It. of Come powder grounde, barrelles. . 6 It. more of Come powder grounde, barreUea 14 It. of Serpentyne powder, half barrelles 27 It. more of Serpentyne powder, pontyons 2 It. more of Serpentyne powder, weights 100 It. of Come powder decayed, powndes , . 100 Ordynanc It. harquebuses of crecke . , 2 • Shott It. Mynyon Shott . . 13 In godes howso hawl. MUNYTTON Inp. harquesbusses . . 29 It. pykes . . 40 It. black byUes . , 38 Henry Radeclyflf. H. "Wallop. Wm. Kjnigesmyll. Jolin Basyng. A note of the defects and wants within the To\vne and fortresses of Portes- mowthe, and the Hand nowe commyttei to the charge of Sii- Henry Raddiffe, 1 . First, the newe platform, the vanuer thereof is so decayed by the beatinge and rage of the Sea, as, if it be not presentlye amended, yt wilbe the decaye of the whole waUe to the water syde. And also one arche over the northe gate of the same is fallen downe. 2. Itm. the Towne waUes Ramparts are genally decayed, and diver.s highe ways used over the same, and no gates hable to be shutte. And the bul- warkes of earthe gretely decayed and ruyned and ordinance leftc in the same. 202 DOMUS DEI. 3. Itm. tlierbe a nombre of harquebuzcs within the said to\vne of the Queues Majisties store, wherof the greter parte bee Callyvers in their places. 4. Itm. there is a Smith's forge* joyninge to the Armorie that is altogether unfinished, whereby there can nothinge bee amended belonginge to the Armory, ordynaunce, and munition. 6. Itm. ther is but one Armorer for the kepingo of the Armour and shotte, which is not sufficient for suche a proporcion. 6. Itm. the Armory* that now is is to litle, and so decayed as the Rayne beateth in thoroghe the walle, at evry storme, waich want may be sup- plied by makinge Goddes howse churche an Armorye and store howse, wherfor it will aptlie serve, with some convenient change, and is a thinge in our opin- ions, very nedefuU to be donne. 7. Itm. the planckes of the platf orme of the round towre is so decayed as it is not hable to beare th' ordinauucc. 8. Itm. Wee fynd th Inhabitants of the Towne and Hand very few in nombre, and yet many of them not serviceable, nor well armed, nor furnished for service, as by the particular booke of musters therof to your honor it will apeare more at large. Henry Radcclyff. A. "Wallop. Wm. Kingesmyll. John BasjTig. The honest and accurate survey, made by the Com- missioners, proved no mere formal proceeding, but was acted upon at once. It had evidently been called for with the determination, on the part of the authorities, to carry on the works at Portsmouth with the greatest vigour. Of this we find ample proof in the State Papers relating to the fortifications of Portsmouth from 1571 to 1586. In 1573, Frymlege forwards an estimate for making a bridge at the entrance of the Town with gates and drawbridge ; and in 1574, William Popinjay, the Government Surveyor, submits his plan for a new quay. In 1577, we find this same Wm. Popinjay engaged in " repairing the breaches there between the two towers." As the instructions con- veyed to him and his under officers, through the Governor of Portsmouth, are very stringent, and imply that those *• The Smitli's forge and the Armoiy formed part of the old Hospital. DOMUS DET. 203 engaged in public works during "the good old times" spent the money entrusted to them witli little regard to economy and efficiency, the orders, dated August 18th, 1577, will, I doubt not, be found interesting and much to the point. NO. XIX. state Papers. Dom. Eliz. Vol. 115, No. 5. August 18th, 1577. A. L. to Sir Henry EadeclifFe concerning the Workes at Portcsmouthe. After our hartie commendacons. There is delivered by her majistie's order unto Richard Popinjay, Surveior of Portcsmonth, for the repairing of the breaches there betwene the two towers, so miiche money as, uppon a viewe and estimate made by you and others, was thought woulde suffer for the doing thereof ; and for that we are desirouse that both the money should be imployed and husbanded into her Majistie's best comoditie, and also the worke to be more carefullie and substancially don and ended, in due and convenient tyme, con- sidring that, in like cases, the under oflBcers are more comonlie addicted to their owne gaine then to the well ordering of her majestic' s money, and perfourming their duties as were requisite, it is by us ordered, that the said Surveyor shall firstc make you acquainted withe the plotte to be taken for his proceading in the worke, which he shall af terwardes in noe respect alter without your privitie acd conscente ; and for the disbursing of the money the sume remaining in his handes shall not be layed oute and payed, but with your knowledge and your hande to be sett to suche paiments as are to be made in that behalfe ; which we are the willinger to trouble you withal, for that you signifie unto us that there wilbe, withe good order, some parte of the 500£ saved to be imployed some other waie for her Majisties furder service, and for the better saving of charges from tyme to tyme, and avoiding of confusion in the doing of the workes by retaLu- ing more persons in the s;ime then shiill ueudofullye sufBse ; suche as the said Surveyor shall from tyme to tyme discharge eitherfor their unhabilitie, or that there shalbe no furder use of their travell, we pray you that pasports, signed wth your hande, or in your absence by your depute and the Surveyor, be without delaye provided & delivered imto them for their departure the whence, that they be not constrained to linger there after thcr shalbe noe use of their service. And, when there is a quantitie of timber required for the mending of the said breaches, whereof as you know there is no grcate plentio in these parts, wo 204) DOMUS DEI. thincke it convenient, & so praye you to have regards, that no more be waste- fullie spent that waie then shall of necessitie serve for that purpose, & thereof remitting the care & oversight both of that & the rest with you, not doubting of your care therein, according to the trusts reposed in you. Wo bidd you hartelie farewell. From the courte of Otelands the xviijth of Augusta 1577. To these instructions I may add others equally strict, indeed more so, given about the same date to the same Surveyor. They relate especially to keeping all the plans of the fortifications secret, and to the due employment of able-bodied, qualified workmen. The care taken to see that " uppon the Sondaye or Sabothe Daye every Clerk be at the Church with his men, called by liis book before seven of the clock in the morninge/' t^Us well of olden times. NO. XX. Burghlcy Papers. Bibl. Lansdowne. Vol. 116, No. 23. f. 65. Articles and Instructions to be kepte and observed by Richard Poppynjaye, Sui-veyor of Portismouth. 1 fRrste, that the plot nowe agreed & concluded uppon be kepte very close & secret, & that no Counter thereof be geven, made or delivered, nor the Plot it self to be shewed or sene of any withoute Warranto from us : & that the work be followed accordinge to the said plot. 2 Item, that the Pyoners & souldiers be in their worck, at the dys- position & appoyntment _ of the said Surveyor, together with the store of ShoveUs, Spades, Scavells, Baskets, Handbarrowes, Wheelbarrowes & such lyke, to be delivered to the men as needeth. 3 Item, that there be to every hundred men but one Clerck, Cap- taine, leader or overseer, and that every suche Clerck be suche one as hathe byen a Trayned Souldyer, and hathe experiens of the trayninge and leading of men and none other. 4 Item, that every Clerck geve dyligent care to kepe his Men at Worck in due and Convenient tymes appoynted by the Surveyor. Item, that order be taken by the Surveyor for their Convenient victu- allinge and lodging reasonably. DOMUS DEL 205 Item, that vppon the Sondayo or Sabotho Daye every Clcrck be at the Chureho, with his men called by his book, before Seven of the Clock in the Mominge, to here not onely the Service biit also the Sermon, which botho to be ended at nyne of the Clock, and that none due dcparte the Chureho till all be ended, without greate and vrgent Cause, vppon paine to be punished and to lose his Dayes wages. 7 Item, that all those Labourers be for any faulte or dysorder not criminal!, at the Punishment and Correction of the Surveyor, aU the Workinge Daies, and on the Muster or trayninge Daio at the Dyscretion of the Muster master, and leaders or Capitaines. 8 Item, that yf any of those doe fall syck and be not serviceable, that none suche be holden and retained in wages above two Dayes, but, vppon Notice to the Surveyor of his sicknes, his reconning and accompt be made up and his rest, after Order taken with the victualler, payde him, and to have his Pasporte from the Surveyor and to be Dyschardgcd, that the Queenes money be not vainly Consumed and spent to no vse. 9 Item, that the Surveyor, according to the Credyte and trust Com- itted unto him, take care that all those that shalbe appoynted for this Service, be Lustie stronge, and able to performe their Duties, or other wise to dyscharge any vnmeete, and to receve others in their places, that the worck and service be not hindered. 10 Item, that the Surveyor do prescribe Orders to the Victuallers, Drapers, shoemakers, and others, concerning the Credyte and Order of the men generally and particularly Comitted to his Chardge. 11 Item, that the Surveyor doe foresee that there be placed no super- fluus Clercks or other officers, but as aifore for every 100 men one Clerck, for the keping and delivering Orderly the store, two Clercks for himself for the Orderly keping, checking, and ingrossing of the Monethely payebookes, one Clerck for the threasorer or Paymaster, and a Marshall for punishinge of suche as shalbe foimde to loyter, quarrell, pyke, or other wyse. 12 Item, that the Surveyor be present at every pay to be made, and that he Dyli gently see that true and whole payment be made to the worckmen, officers, victuallers, and others ; that there he] no exclamation or Dysorder therin, and that, vppon suche payment ended, the said Surveyor and Mr. Car- penter do setto their hands and subscrive. 13 Item, that the Surveyor doe appointe one honest and sufficient man for the caUinge together the said workemen to worck, and tymes to leave worck, by the sounde of a bell, or other wyse. 206 DOMUS DEI. 14 Item, that, vppon the Dayes of Muster or trayning, therbe ij Drummes appointed for the Muster or trayiiing Daies onely, and to be set do^vn in the bookes for every of those Daies, per man xijd.* But what, it may be asked, became of the " Domus Dei," the Armory of which, in 1571, was in so dilapidated a state ? It was evidently left to get worse and worse, until at last its condition became so serious, that an immediate repair of all the buildings was deemed necessary. This we learn from the estimate by Thomas Frymleye " of the charge of the repaire of Godes howse in Portesmouthe, 1581." The paper, which we now give, with its full parti- culars of the outlay required, has already been noticed, and found of the highest importance. The details are very clearly set forth, and the estimate takes in every building of the old Hospital. No. XX. British Museum, Lansdowne MSS. 31. No. 72, (1581.) The estimacion of the reparacons of Goddes Hous in Portesmouth. Inprimis, the Gate hous viith. the lodgings without, ij thousand of Slatte xjs, the slatter xv, the soddor and Plummer iiijs. xxxs. Itm. the north He of the Church iij score and xv foote longe, the Rafter x foote and a halfe, the Church xxv foot wide, one tonn of lead there, sodder and plummer tenne pound, Tymher iiij load, Sa-\vyer and Carpenter £vi. £xvj. Itm. the Armory sixe and fifty foot longe, the Rafter vviij foote, foiu-e thousand tyle xxxijs, the tyler xxxs. £iij. ijs. Itm. the Smithes forge xxxij foote longe, the Rafters xviij foot, thousand slatte sixtene shillings and sixe pence, the slatter sixteene shillings.^ xxxijs. vjd. Itm. the Pay Chamber at the end of the forge one thousand of Slatte vs. vjd., the slatter vj. vjd. xijd. • At the end, in another handwriting, is as follows : — "my L. of sussexe, when he is present at portesmouthe, mof^t not be thus exempted from rule, althoe my L. wold be Warned that the plotte of the fortiflcacion may be kept secrete and not shoede abroade. DOMUS DEI. 207 Itm. the Chamber from the Pay Chamber to the CaptajTies Chamber, sixe score foot longe, the Rafter xvij foote, tcmie thousand of slatte, fifty fyve shillings, the slatter foiu-o poimde. £vj. xvs. Itm. the Roofe over the Captayiies Chamber and the great Cham- ber fifty sixe foot longe, the Rafter xx foot, four thousand slatto xxijs, the slatter xxs. xlijs. Itm. the roofe over the djTiing chamber xxx foote longe, the Raf- ter xiv foote, two thousand of slatte xjs, the slatter xiijs. xxiiijs. Itm. the Pigeon hous, thre thousand of Slatte sixteene shillings and sixe pence, the slatter xxjs., thre studdyes repayring xvs. lijs. vjd. Itm. the Hall roofe beinge fifty foote longe, the rafter xxiiij foote, tenn thousand slatte fyve and fifty shillings, the slatter £vi. £vij. xvs. Itm. the Kechin and the larder one hundred foote longe, the raf- ter xix foot, ten thousand slate five and fifty shillings, the slatter £v £vij. xvs. Itm. the roofe over the Back gate xviij foot longe, the rafter xvj foot, two thousand slate xjs. the slater xs. xxis. Itm. the roofe over the Bakehous and the stable iij score and viij foot longe, the rafter xviij foote, tenne thousand of slatte fyve and fifty shil- lings, the slatter £v. £vij. xvs. Itm. the roofe over the Nurcery sixe and fifty foote longe, the rafter xiiij foote, two thousand tyle xvjs. the tyler twelve shillings. xxviijs. Itm. Cresses one hundred, lath sixe thousand, lath nails xxx thousand. £v. vjs. Itm. Tymber for all Gods hous xxx load, the sawj'cr and Car- penter £xxviij. £xxviij. Itm. the Bridge at Portesmouth, Tymber fyve load, the sawyer and carpenter £iiij. xs. £iiij- ss. Sum Totall is iiij score £xix (£99.) Itm. lead one Tonne. Remember the Wall by the churchc at Godds hous, and all the Towne wall, with the Rampiers and Bullwarcks. Thomas Frymleye. We may suppose that Frymleye's report of the expen- diture required for the general improvement of the ' Domus Dei ' was not deemed satisfactory, as the alterations pro- posed by him were not carried out ; but in the following year another estimate was prepared by Popinjay. Instead 208 DOMUS DEI. of £99, it was resolved to expend £500 6s. 8d., and so to put in perfect condition the Churcli and all the buildings' connected therewith. Especial attention was to be paid to the Captayne's house, in order that it might be a fitting residence for the Governor of the most important military station in her Majesty's dominions. How long a time was taken for the execution of the estimate I cannot say, but it was probably part of a very large undertaking to thoroughly complete important works at Portsmouth, and the whole occupied, we may suppose, several years. I say this because, on February 2th, 1 584,* we are informed that £425 were being " paid monthly for works to be hurried on at Portsmouth ;" on June 6th, 1585,* the curtain from " the Grene BuU-warke to the Newe Bull-warke at the bruehowse " had been completed ; and, on March 10th, 1587,* orders were given to send from the Tower, with all possible speed, the Ordnance and Mu- nitions necessary for the fortifications of Portsmouth. All was now in condition to defend the noblest harbour in the world. Portsmouth had been so strengthened by Elizabeth that it could defy the power of Spain-|- or of any other country, for its Governor* had been provided a House * State Papers Dom. Eliz. ■f Tlie Spanish. Armada arrived in the channel, July 11th, 1581, and was defeated the next day by Drake and Howard. From the 21st to the 28th Howard maintained a rising fight. About one third of the Spanish armament returned to Spain. The hiuTy in sending guns, &c. , to Portsmouth is thus fully explained X The Governor of Portsmouth has always occu{)ied, and does still occupy as a Military man, a very prominent position in the country. In the year 1581, that position was seriously endangered by an Act of Parliament. In order that the Governor or ' Captayne ' of Portsmouth might continue to hold the power, which had, from the earliest times, been accorded to him, the Earl of Sussex moved the follo^ving Proviso : — Provide that this acte nor any thing therein contajTied shall not extend to alter, prejudice, or hiu-t the authority of the Captaine of Portismouth that now is, for and concerning the charge and goverment of the said towno and Isle of Portismouth, but that the said Captaine may use and enjoy the same in as largo and ample manner as he did, or might have donne, before the making of this acte, any thing therein contained to the contrary in any wise not ^vith standing. DOMUS DEI. 209 destined in after ages to receive kings and their courts, and the old Church* and Infirmary had been so restored that in these days of Victoria, the hitest, and dearest, and best of England's Queens, they are still, after a further and more perfect restoration, a beautiful and honoured House of God, in which brave and loyal soldiers are trained to fight manfully under the banner of the great Captain of their Salvation. Such is the " Story of the ' Domus Dei ' of Ports- mouth. The old Hospital was founded in times when holy men deemed it a privilege to provide a home for the sick and suffering, and, during three centuries and a quarter, it proved a source of vast comfort to thousands, who sought therein bodily and spiritual relief. To know the value of a ' Domus Dei ' in days long gone by we must bear in mind the miserable homes then possessed by all classes, especially by the poor, and the trying diseases produced therein. Dirt, salt diet, and ignorance of the healing art The causes that move me to require this provisoe be these : — First, for that the Captaine of this towne hath alwaies had the charge and government of the towne without the superioryty or overrule of any other governor or officer. Secondly, for that it hath neither Gierke of the Checke, paymaister, nor thresaurer that deales with any accoumpt or pay. Thirdly, for that those men or soldiours that be in pay be all household servants, and ever hath bene since the discharge of the garrison in King Ed- wardes time. Fourthly, for that there is a referring vnto ordinaunce and orders heereto- fore sett downe or to be sett downe. There never was any direct order sett downe but that the same was aUwaies referred to the discretion of the Captaine, who hath and must charge the same as occasion and the time and service shall require. Fifthly, for that, by this act, the Captaines letters pattentes, gravnted vnder her Maiesties great seale, shall not only be abbridged as well in his pay and charge, but also as it wore made voyde and of none effect. Lastly, the premisses considered I hope this honorable house will have their honorable consideracion, as well of the honor and creditt of the Capten as also of the benefitt and use of his letters pattentes, without abbridging of the same, vnlesse his service or doings deserve the contrary. (Brit. Mus. Bibl. I.ansd. No. 31, Art. 71.) * On ' Twelf Eve ' 1590, a terrible storm carried off part of " the j-oofe of Goddcshowse " and the cost of repairing it was £15. State Papers Dom. Eliz. Feb. 24. 1590. 210 DOMUS DEI. made life very short, and often very wretched — indeed nothing but constant out-door occupation saved some parts of the country from becoming depopulated by disease. AVe can therefore well imagine how useful and how beloved were the twelve brothers and sisters of the " Goddeshowse of Portesmouthe," whose lives were passed in tending upon helpless sufferers. Happily through the great progress of art and science, such christian love has found other and more efficient means of helping the sick poor. Ports- mouth has, from a small fishing village, grown to be the most distinguished arsenal in the world, with a population of more than 100,000 souls. It has large military and civil hospitals, offering, without money and without price, skilful relief to the suffering, such as in the middle ages no man ever dreamt of ; and comforts unknown, even in our own time, to many a nobleman in the wilds of Hun- gary. For this, and much more, we bless God, and pray that as a nation we may in gratitude praise His Holy name. But, \Vhile thus acknowledging the immense advantages possessed by the sick in our advanced and enlightened age, we are called upon the more loudly to honour the memory of the faithful few, who, in olden times with the best knowledge of medicine then to be obtained, devoted them- selves night and day to God's poor in God's House. We are invited to look upon the Infirmary and Church, the sole remains of a very ancient and once very useful insti- tution, as of inestimable worth — of which ecclesiastically and archteologically Portsmouth, nay the whole county of Hampshire, may well be proud. But there is another, and a very strong reason, why the now Garrison Church of Portsmouth should be dear to the hearts of Englishmen. It contains and overshadows the dust of England's gallant soldiers and sailors, the great Napier, the leader of a thou- sand battles, the conqueror of Scinde, lying close to its western door. It is, in good truth, a national monument, dedicated to the memory of the brave sons of a brave land — of heroes, wlio under God have fought and conquered DOMUS DEI. 211 in all quarters, and among all nations. Every patriot may well be prond to aid in its preservation. But there is yet a still higher, a more glorious reason, why this ancient House of God, this last earthly home of loving conn^ades, should be honoured and maintained ; it is the gatliering place, the rallying spot, where, apart from the strife and struggle of the world, England's army, regiment after regi- ment, falls down and worships the Lord of Hosts, lays its sins before the cross of Christ, and seeks the protecting influences of God's Holy Spirit. My story has been told, and having told it, I most earnestly invite all who esteem and value the British sol- dier to cheerfully and liberally help us complete the res- toration of the Royal Garrison Church of Portsmouth ; and, in taking farewell of the reader, I can only ask him to join with me and say: — may England long continue a God-fearing country a]id her army never forget tliat it is the Lord God omnipotent who alone " treadeth down our enemies in the battle." i APPENDIX. Among the valuable documents relating to ancient Hospitals we may placa in the first rank the Inventory of St. Mai-y's Hosj)ital, Dover, discovered by the eminent ecclesiologist and antiquarian, the Rev. Mackenzie E. C Walcott, while making researches in the Record Office for his ' Cathedral Cities of England and Wales.' " Such lists (he justly observes) have been called, with more pithiness than injustice, the skeletons of monastic history ; for it requires only a slight stretch of imagination, and a little thought, to reproduce the various chambers with their fumitui-e complete, and present to the mind's eye a true and vivid portraitui-e of their inner and domestic arrangements. No description so complete has ever come under my notice. I regTct that from the destruction of documents it is out of my power to contribute any information with regard to the internal working of a Maison Dieu."* There is also another document, I may say, of equal if not greater interest, lately published by the Rev. C. A. Swainson, D.D.,t which exhibits the foim of admission into a ' Domus Dei,' and then introduces us to that inner working of a Hospital, for a knowledge of which Mr. Mackenzie "Walcott so earnestly yearned. I publish them both as an Appendix to my " Story of the 'Domus Dei ' of Portsmouth," because they are exactly what the reader requires to help him as he examines the old plans of that Hospital. The Inventory will enable him to furnish every building from the Warden's House to the Stable and Bake- house, and will well suggest the stj'le of life passed by the inmates; M'hile the Oxford MS. tells him, with much detail, the way by which Brothers and Sisters were formally admitted, what their duties were, under what discipline they lived, and how they rendered themselves useful to " the poor and sick people,'' who in their sickness or distress sought help in the ' House of God.' * Archseologia Canliana, Vol. vii. p. 272. t The Hospital of St. Mary of Chichester, bj- C. A. Swainson, I>.D. 11. I. The Inventory of all such goods and catalls as be in the house called the Meason de Dieu, of Douver, and of all catell, the which wer of the late Master ami Brethren, ther taken by John Anthony,* servant to the most wurshipfull^ Master Crumwell, Secretary to the Kyngs Hyghnes, the xxiii daie ofjannuarye the xxvjth yere of the reigne of Kyng Henry the \iiitli. Plate, first, iij gylt chalyses, with ij patens and ij gylt sponys, wlierof one chalyce is coper and gylt, waying- xlii uncs. Item, ij olde fasshon pieces, with ij covers, parcel! gylt, waying Ix uncs. Item, iij pownstf pecys of silver, waying xxj uncs. Item, iij parcell gilt saltts, with a cover, waying xv uncs. Item, ij standyng Cuppys, parcell gylt, with a cover, waying sv uncs. Item, iij dosen of sylver sponys, waying xxvj uncs. Item, a Cruett of sylver, parcell gylt, and a nut ^vith a cover of sylver, parcell gylt, weying xv uncs. Item, iiij Saltts, parcell gylt, with ij covers, waying xxxiii uncs. Item, ij litell potts with covers of sylver, parcell gylt, and a flatt piece of sylver, parcell gylt, weying xxiiij uncs. Item, iij dosen of sylver sponys, we\ing xxiij uncs. Item, ij sponys of sylver gylt, waying Item, V grete masers with small bonds of sylver and gylt, and a littell olde nut Avith a bonde of sylver and gylt, and a littell bonde of sylver and gylt, waying in all Ix uncs. Item, ij Nutts with ij covers of sylver and gylt, and the seid Nutts gar- nysshid with sylver and gylt, waying xxxiij uncs. Item, iiij Masers, whereof iij of them be with gylt bonds, and the fourth with a sylver bonde, dailye occupied, waying xxiiij uncs. Item, ij Masers with brode bands, sylver and gylt, and a litell maser with a fote and a small bande, sylver and gylt, waying xviii uncs. * He was one of the visitors of monasteries (2 Cranmer, p. 271.) t Pownced, punched, punctured, stippled, stamped, or pricked, by way of ornamen- tation. A. pouncet-box was a perforated perfume-box, and a pouncer was used by gravers. This kind of work was called pounsonnez or ponqonnee in French, and in IjaXin ponsntum. (See ' Aroh«eologia,' vol. xxix. p. 55.) Pownson is rendered 'puncto' in the ' Promptorium Parvulorum,' vol. ii. p. 411. The word occurs also in the MS. Inventory of Whalley. Ill, Item, ij small masers with brode bands of sylvcr and gylt, waying Ix lines. Item, a stone pot and a nut, gamysshid with sylver and gilte, with ij covers of sylver and gilt, waying xv uncs. Item, a standyug Cuppc with a cover and a goblet with a cover all gilt weying xxii uncs. In the Vestrye.* First, iij chalyccs of sylver and gylt, and one other of coper and gylt, waying Ixiii uncs. Item, j chalice and a paxef of sylver, parcell gylt, waying xv uncs. Item, ij candlestycks of sylver, parcell gylt, waying xx uncs. Item, ij cruetts, wherof one is of byrralljj gamyshsshed with sylver and gilt, and the other sylver and gylt, waying vj uncs. d. i. Item, ij Sensors, and a ship^^ of sylver, parcell gylt, waying Ixxv uncs. Item, ij basens of sylver, parceU gylt, waying xxxix uncs. Item, a Crosse of Coper and gylt, with certeyn sylver plate about the same. Item, iiij Corporasses|| with ther casys of clothe of golde and sylver. Item, iiij Corporasses and ther casys, daylye occupied. Item, iij Cortens of green sylke. Item, ii Copes of black velvet, with a vestment for a proyst, decon, and sub-deakon, with that that apperteynith. Item, V copys of cloth gold, ^vith a vestmentH for a priest, decon, and sub- deakon, with thappurtenances* the grownde of blewe velvett. * Richard de la Wyohe, the canonized bishop of Chichester, consecrated St. Ed- mund's Altar in the Maison Dicu on Mid-Lent Sunday, 12,03, in the presence of King Henry III. The Chapel was dedicated to St. Mary in 1227. t Pax, " asser ad pacem," or osculatory, " tabula ad osculandiim " — a tablet of ■wood or round metal plate, which the priest kissed and gave to the people for the sama purpose after the consecration, instead of the ancient kiss of charity. t Beryl designated both the precious stone and fine glass, like crystal. I The incense-boat ; furnished with a spoon. II Corporas, — a consecrated white Unen cloth, used in the service of the altar and placed over its ordinary coverings ; upon it the chalice and host rested. (See Arch. Cant. V. p. 70, note 2.) The technical name of the embroidered case was " theca," " biu-su," " repositorium," etc. ^ Vestment was the technical name for a suit of mass-robes for priest, deacon, and sub-deacon — the chasuble, dalmatic, and tunicle. The cope (from cop, a covering,) which resembled an ample cloak, was used in processions. (Durandi Ration, lib. iii. c. 1 ; Canons, 960, c. 33.) The chasuble (c«s«/«, a little house,) like the ancient trabea, was of rich texture, with an apertiue for the centre, and hanging down on every side almost to the ground ; the dabnatic, so called fi-om a robe of state worn in Dalmatia, was shorter, and open at the sides, which terminated in angles, and had wide sleeves and two stripes of embroidery ; the tunicle was without embroidery, and the sleeves were nar- rower, and the whole di-ess of less dimensions. The dalmatic was not worn by tha Cistercians. (Martine de Ant. Mon. l;it. iv. p. 78.) * Appurtenances or appendages, viz. the albo, amice, stole, maniple, and girdle. IV. Item, ij copys of crjonson velvet, olde, ^vitll a vestment for a preyst, decon, and sub-dekan, •svitli thappurtenances. Item, a cope with a vestment for a preyst, decon, and subdecon, ■with thap- purtenanccs of grene clothe of bawdekyn. Item, j cope of white sylke, embrodered with byrds of grene sylver, with a vestment for preist, decon, and subdecon, with thappurtenances. Item, a vestment for a priest and decon of red sylke, embrowdered with byrds of golde, ■with thappurtenances. Item, j red vestment with thappurtenances of bawkekyn* worke, olde. Item, j vestment of red damaske, ■with the appurtenances. Item, j vestment of purple velvet, ■with the appertenances. Item, j vestment of white damaske ■with a grene Crosse, with the appur- tenances. Item, j vestment of red sylke, ■with the appurtenances. Item, j olde vestment of black velvet for a priest and decon, ■with the appurtenances. Item, xti copys of red satten of brugs. Item, xj copys of wbyte bustian, imbrodered ■with red rosys of sayef and cloth. Item, iij copys of grene sylke, old bawdkyn worke. Item, j vestment of red sylke, bawdkyn worke, ■with the appurtenances. Item, j vestment of olde whj'te fustyan, ■with a Crosse of red saye, ■with the appurtenances. Item, ix olde vestments, with all thyng thereto belongyng, occupied dailye. Item, iij olde carpetts, of tapestreye, to be laid before the aulter. Item, ij carpetts of red woUen, and ij wbyte wollen and iij other carpetts, to be laid before aulters. Item, ii cusshons made of an olde cope, and ij other olde cushons. In the Great Chamber called the Hoostkye.:J: First, in the same * Ba'wclkyn (like the Italian haldachino, a canopy,) cloth of gold from Bagdad, Babylon, or Baldacca, -whence the fii'st rich stuffs of this kind ■were imxjorted. (Vincen't of Beauvais, 1. xxxii. c. 30.) + Saye, a kind of ■woollen cloth, or serge, made in large quantities at Sudbury, near Colchester. t The Guest House, or reception chamber, still remaining. The -word in the Inventory of Hales Owen Abbey is spelt Ostre, and Osti-ipanes are mentioned at Roch- ester (Custum. Roflf. p. 2.5). The Black Hostry at Ely adjoined the Infirmary. In the Hostry of "Whallcy I find mentioned the chief chamber, the parlour beneath, the lady chamber, the gallery chamber, the bishop's chambers, and the King's receiver's chambers. (MS. Invent, p. 310.) chamber iiij tables, ij payer of trestylls, ij old Gentyshe* carpetts, j long setell iiij formes, j litell oldo cubbord, iij toruid chcyres, with iiij oldc cussliyns, and j olde wyrred stole, a payr of andjTons with a fyre foike, and a lyltell olde chest, wherein is one olde Gentyshe coverlet. Item, a grete bedsted, with a testure of wod, a fetherbcd, and a coverlet of verdour. Item, a litell bedsted with a fetherbed, and an olde coverlet. In the Littell Chamber avithin the Hoostrye. First, j bedstede, a fetherbed, an olde blanket, a coverlet of verdour, olde, a littell olde quylt, a testourf of saye, with cortens of the same, and hang-yngs of the chamber of olde saye, payntted, ij torned cheyres with one olde cusshon. Item, j OTHER LiTTEL CHAMBER, wherein is j bedstede and an olde fetherbed. In THE Chamber over the Water. First, in the same chamber ij tables, ij formes, and j tomed cheyer. Item, IN the chamber within that a bedstede, with j olde fetherbed and j olde coverlet of tapystry, with a testui'e and curteyns of other whyte clothe. Item, an olde presse, wherein lieth an old quylt, an olde coverlet of tapys- trye, and j coverlet of red woUen, very olde. Item, another littell chamber within that, ij bedsteds, j oldo matteras, J and j olde liteU fetherbed. In the Chamber called Sir Peer'sS Chamber. First, ij bedsteds, ij fetherbedds, j olde coverlet. Naperye in the Custody of John Enyvers wife.|| First, xxx payr of Canvass sheats, xij olde payr of olde sheets. Item, v pajTs and j sheete for the Hoostrye. Item, v payr of olde sheets for the Firmcrye.H Item * In the custom accounts of Sandwich, temp. Henry VIII., six "Kentish " carpets occur, and in the Booke of New Rates, 2 James I., are Brunswick, China, Gentish, and Turkey carpets. There is an instance of the latter in the Prior's Chamber of the Xew- Work. + Teester, rendered capitelhim in the ' Promptorium,' vol. iii, p. 489. It was the upper hanging over a bed. The word also occurs for horse-equipage or housings, Wardrobe Issue, 6 Edw. III., 5 Rio. II., and a cover for a " mail," 13:i2. t The matras occurs in the Inventory of Pulteney's effects, 25 Edw. III. Matrag coopert. de carde Yndey, matras paley, mati-as de cirpis prec. 4 den. i The guest chambers were usually called after the name of some person, probably a former occupant of distinction. II John Enyver was one of the brethren of the hospital. ^ The Infirmary. VI. X pylowes, with vj pyllowberes. Item, vj table cloths of playne clothe, very olde, dailye occupied. Item, iiij towells of playne clothe, very olde. Item, iij olde dyaper clothes and ij diapre towells, vrith xij diaper napkins, very olde. Item, ij in woll, by estimacyon xxx quarters. In the Kechyn. First, vj brasse potts, j grete ketell of coper and viij other ketells, iiij gredyrons, and x spytts, grete and small, ij trevetts, with another grete ketell with an iron bande, xl platters, x dishes, xx sawcers, xx podyngers.* In a Chest in the Newe Kechyn. First, xv grete platters of the sylver fasshon, x large disshes of the sylver fashon, viij small disshes of the sylver fasshon. Item, vj other disshes, with the grete chargers. In the Master's Chamber. First, platters of sylver fashion vj, disshes V, prodyngers xii, sawcerj vi. Item of another sorte, xij platters, xij disshes. In the Master's Stable, ij sorellf geldyngs, a white nag, a black nag. In the Stable for the Best Cart Horses, ij grey horses, a black horse, a sorell horse, a sorell geldyng. In the Second Stable. One sorell geldyng, ij grey geldyngs, j black geldyng, j white geldyng. In the Fermery. For power preystes iij bedds, for power men ix bedds for power women ij beds. In the Gardener.* x quarters of whete. In the Bruehouse. 1 quarters of malt, and all thyng belongyng to a bruehouse In the Bakehol'SE. All thyng and implements thereunto belongjTig. In the Barnes. Of whete, by estimacyon, xx quarters ; of barleye, by estimacyon, xxx quarters ; of tares, by estimacion, xx coppes ; of heye, by estimacyon, v or vj lodes. Catell pertaynyng to the house and being ther. Fyrst, iij mylke kyne, j bore, iij sowes, xvj lyeware, called yong hoggs. Shepe remaynyng in ther owne hands. First, in ewys vc di. xxiij. Item wethers iiiic viij. Item, teggs iic xlv. Shepe put out to farme. First to William Haman, of Ewell, xx ewes. Item to Thomas Peper, of Charlton, Ixiii wethers. Item to John Stelman, of St. Margarett's, xxx ewes. Item to ffag, of Dudmanston, iicv wethers. * PodjTigers, porriugers. The word is spelt Podegares in tlie Inv. of Laiigley Priory, 1485. t A sorell denoted a land of horse, 32 Edw. III. A corruption of garner or granary Vll. Catell rcmaynyng in Roinncy Marsshe. Fii-st, xx lone bullocks of Nortli- em Ware. Item, viij contrcy bullocks at the stacke. Item, iij fat oxen for the larder. Item, ij kyen. Item, iiij leue contrey bullocks. Item, viii marycs,* young and olde. Item, iij staggs of ii years age. Item, iij coltts of i yere of age. Item, j mare of ii yeres of age. Item, vj fat wethers. Item, v burcns. Item, xxiij lene ware. Item, teggs xxij. Catell remaynyng at Whitfelde, beyng in their owne hands. First, xx yong oxen, xij bullocks of iij yeres of age, xiij bullocks of ii yero of age, xxxv kyen, xv calvys, vii yong hoggs, j colt, coloured baye. Redy money left by the late master, xxiv Ii. vijs. vj^. Sum. The weight of all sylver, one -wdth thother, vc xxvii unces and di. The weight of the masers and nuts, clix uncs. The some of all shepe, one wth another, mli vie. The some of all bullocks and kyen, cxix. The same of mares and coltts, xv. The some of horse and geldyng, xiiij . Per me dom. Henr. "Wodd ; per me dom "Will. Coorte ; per me dom. John Bumell ; per me dom. William Nowle ; per me John Evyner.f II. The form of admission of a Brother or Sister to a ' Domas Dei,' and the discipline exercised therein. " If any one seeks the Hospital of St. Mary, at Chichester, let the Prior examine whether he is in sound or infinn health. If he is in sound health, whether male or female, let the Prior consider whether he is a person of good conversation, of honest life and character, likely to be useful to the house, whether in serving or labouring for the poor. If he should be found such, the Prior should first point out to him the povei-ty of the house, the poorness of the * Mares. t The master and 'brethTcn of St. Mary's Hospital, or Maison Dieu, acknowledged Henry Wood, John Burnell, William Noole, and John Thompson. (Ibid. p. 19, App. ii.) The latter name is that of the master, as appears from the title of the Invcntoiy of St. Martin's; was his alias Enwer ? John Gierke, master of the Hospital, according to Holinsheadbuiltc. 1500, a round tower at the S.W. part of the bay, to shelter it from winds, and enable ships to lie moored to it, and this " corner " was, in consequence called " Little Paradise." His successor, John Thomson, when Rector of St. John's in 1533, built a pier in the harbour. Vlll. food, the gravity of the obedience, and the heavy duties wliich may posxiLIy deter him and induce him to recall his purpose. But if he persevere in knocking, then, with the counsel of the Lord Dean and the brethren of the House, he may be received in the name of the Lord, without the intervention of any money or any compact, unless he has any property of his own and is disposed to resign it into the hands of the Prior. But if the character of the man be insufficient he must be repelled entirely. " He, however, who is to be admitted, must first swear that he will in all things be faithful to the house, and that he will observe to the utmost of hia power the rules established in it. Then he must promise three things in this fashion. I, N., promise to God and to the Blessed Mary, that hereafter, with their assistance, I will observe towards myself chastity, towards my superiors obedience, and that I will hold no property of my own without the licence and consent of the Prior. This done, if he is a male, he will kiss the brethren ; if a female, the sisters, in order. Then let the males be cropped below the ear ; or the hair of the women be cut off back to the middle of the neck, and thence- forward they must be addressed by the name of brother and sister. If a brother under the instigation of the devil, fall into immorality, out of which scandal arises, or if he be disobedient to the superior, or if he strike or woimd the brethren or clients, or commit any other grevious irregularity, then, if he prove incorrigible, he must be punished severely, and removed from the society like a diseased sheep, lest he contaminate the rest. But let this be done not with cruelty and a tempest of words, but with gentleness and compassion, Still should he promise amendment if he be allowed to return, and give security for it, let him be treated mercifully, as the judgment of the Prior, the Confessor, and the brethren of the House may decide, but so, that, without accepting of persons, the fair dealing of the House be maintained, and a worthy penance be enjoined. If the sin be concealed and without scandal, let the penance, though suited to the oifence, be concealed too. But if the brother shall have a quarrel with a brother with noise and riot, then let him fast for sev6n days, on Wed- nesdays and Eridays on bread and water, and sit at the bottom of the table and without a napkin ; and a sister likemse. If a brother or sister shall, against the wishes of the Prior, leave the House and stay either in the city or without it, then, if, changing his mind, he desire again to retui-n, let him fast thirty days, on Wednesdays and Fridaj-s, on bread and water, sitting as above. If a brother shall be found, whilst alive and in health, to have money or property which he had concealed from the Prior, let the money be hung round his neck, iX. «adlet liiin be well flogged, and do penance for thirty days, as before. If lie shall have acquired the money out of the goods of the Hospital, care must be taken thenceforward that he has no administration in its household matters. If a brother shall die in the House, and then it .shall bo discovered that ho had property which he had concealed, he must be buried beyond the walls of the ■cemetery, unless on his death bed he shall have revealed it to the priest. Trivial and daily excess of the brcthi-cn and sisters must also be attended to, lest, whilst they are overlooked, small offences should become great. " If however, any one in infirm health and destitute of friends should .seek •admission into the house for a term, until he shall recover, then let him be re- ceived gladly and assigned a bed. Let everything that he requires be administered to him as the means at the disposal of the House may permit ; and if he has anything of his own let the Prior take charge both of it and of his clothes, until he is restored to health ; then let them bg given back to him without diminution, and let him depart, unless, of his ovra accord, he offer the whole or part to the house. If he die in the House, let his goods be distributed as he has disposed of them. If he die intestate, let his property be kept for a year in the House, so that if any friend of the deceased shall come and prove that he has a claim upon it, justice may not be denied to him. If no one claims within the year, let it be merged into the property of the Hospital.. " In regard to the poor people who are received late at night, and go forth early in the morning, let the Prior take care that their feet are washed, and, as far as possible, their necessities attended to. Care must be taken that they do not annoy the sick, that they do not pilfer, that they behave respectfully iu word and deed. The sexes must be separated. " The brothers and sisters must pray continually, or be engaged in work, that the devil may not find them with nothing to do. If they earn anything, let them not conceal or appropriate it, but let it be expended for the common good. " "When the seven canonical hours are being daily said in the Church of God, let the brothers and sisters who are ignorant of them say, every ordinary week day, at each hour, the Lord's Prayer seven times, with the Gloria Patri, except at matias, when, instead, they must repeat fifty Paternosters. On feast days they must say fifteen Paternosters at each hour ; at matins, a hundred. Let the brothers and sisters say every day a hundred and fifty Ave Marias. For a brother or sister who has died, let them say a hundred and fifty Pater- nosters. Let whoso knows it say the Psalter; and lei one half keep watcU X. before matins, and the other half after ; but no one must, because of these pray- ers, omit the other things which may be enjoiaed him by way of penance. " When the brethren meet for food, if a presbyter is present, let him publickly say the Benediction, and each brother say the Lord's Prayer in private. If no presbyter is present, let each make the sign of the cross over the bread, and say In Nomine Patris. After the meal let each lift up his hands and return thanks to God, and say Paternoster. Let them eat in silence, and without murmuring, whatever is placed before them, providing that what is prepared shall be sufficient for nature, and not addressed to the taste. " Every evening, when the poor have been received and refreshed, let prayers be said for the Pope, for the Archbishop, and Bishop of the place, the Dean and Chapter of the Church of Chichester, and for all the Prelates of the Church ; for the King and Queen, and for the peace of the realm ; for Master Thomas, the Dean, Master de Keynsham, Master G. of Gloucester, &c., and for all the Canons'; for Dominus Martin, and for all the citizens of this city, for all the benefactors of the House, living and dead (their names being mentioned) , who founded the House, who constructed it, or gave to it fixed rents. If a priest be in the Hospital, let him say the prayers with the Psalms accustomed to be said in the Chui'ch on the Lord's Day ; but if no i^riest be there let one of the brethern say them ; and at each prayer let each brother and sister say one Paternoster and one Ave Maria."* Dr. Swainson remarks, that this " docimaent of great moment" gives us the reason why endo^vments flowed so largely towards the House of St. Mary. " The Hospital was intended to be a temporary home for the sick and infirm ; the brethren and sisters who dwelt within its walls were intended to act as nurses. It was also intended to act as a refuge for a night to the wandering poor — the casuals of the modem day." It was in fact a ditto of the " Domus Dei" of Portsmouth, only on a'smaller scale. That at Dover was, we may believe, about the same size as the Portsmouth Hospital, possibly somewhat more extensive. If the reader will take the Plan of the Portsmouth Hospital, drawn in the days of Henry viiith, and make use of the Dover Inventory, he will be able " to reproduce the various chambers with their furniture complete, and present to his mind's eye a true and vivid portraiture of their inner and domestic arrange- ments." The University College MS. will help him still further, for by means of it, he may see the brothers and sisters at work, watch their discipline and rejoice over their active doings in behalf of God's poor. * Dr. Swaiiison's valuable Papers from -vrhicli this extract has been taken, will be found in Vol. xxiv. of the Sussex Archseological Society's Collections. NOTES. Page 12. The Pliotograpli is from a fancy picture. I give it as an illustration, because it represents very accurately the Borough Seal, and the Seal of the " Domus Dei" is seen hanging below it. Page 24. It is stated that the "Domus Dei" was attached to the Southwick Priory ; that is not true, the wording should have been : — " to which the Portsmouth ' Domus Dei ' paid amiually a chantry fee of 20s." The Bishops of Winchester always presented to the Wardenship of the Hospital. Margaret of Anjou, having landed at Portsmouth, went at once to the ' Domus Dei,' and having rested there, proceeded the same day to the Priory of Southwick, where she was married to Henry vi., on the 1st of April, 1445. Mortimer's History of England, Vol ii, p. 67. Page 32. " That immortal hero, ever actuated by a sense of duty, awaited at the old 'Domus Dei' his royal Master's retui-n from the Naval Review." It was little thought in those days that, before the close of the century, the church of the ' Domus Dei' would be restored, and a Stall therein be dedicated to the memory of the great Wellington. As there never was in any age a more distinguished, or a more patriotic soldier, the reader will, I doubt not, examine with pleasure the followiug list of honours gained by the " Iron Duke" — 1. The Garter. 2. The Bath. 3. The Supreme Order of the Annon- ciate of Sardinia. 4. The Golden Fleece of Spain. 6. The Tower & Swurd of Portugal. 6. The St. Esprit of France. 7. The Elephant of Denmark. 8. The Sword of Sweden. (Militarj-) 9. St. Andrew of Russia. 10. The Black Eagle of Prussia. 11. The Red Eagle of Brandenbergh (Prussia) 12. Fidelity of Baden 13. St. Alexander Newsky of Russia. 14. St. Januarius of the two Sicilies. 15. Maria Theresa of Austria (Mili- tary) 16. Military Merit of Wurtemburg. 17. St. George of Russia (Military) 18. The Lion d'Or of Hesse Cassel, 19. Max Joseph of Bavaria. 20. St. Ferdinand of Sicily (Military) 21. The Crown of Saxony. 22. St. Ferdinand of Spain (Military) 23. The Lion of Baden, soraetimea called Lion of Zaringhen 24. St. Hermauagildo of Spain (Mili- tary) 25. The Guelph of Hanover. 26. Wilhelm of the Netherlands (Military) The Duke of Wellington was Field jSIarshal of the Armies of eight different Nations, viz — 1. Great Britain. 2. Spain. 3. Portugal. 4. The Netherlands. 5. Austria. 6. Russia. 7. Prussia. 8. Hanover. Page 141. I might have added to the list of murdered Bishops Thomas a Becket and Bishop VValcher of the See of Durham. Thomas a Becket. All know that Henry ii. solemnly swore, in the cathe- dral of Avranches, that he was innocent in word or deed of the murder of the Archbishop, and was as solemnly absolved of all censure. It is erjually well known, that on the lltli of June, 1174, the king walke'd barefoot from Harbledo\vn to Canterbury, and there knelt at the Tomb of Becket, and was scourged with a knotted cord. But it is not so •well known that, among the acts of unholy pre- sumption committed by Henry viii., we have to place that of formally un- sainting the great Archbishop. The king ordered his Attorney-General to tile a " Quo Warranto " against him for usurping the otBce of a saint. Becket was cited in court to answer to the charge. Judgement of "ouster" would have passed against him by default, had not the king, to shoiv his impartiality and regard for the administration of jnntice, assigned him coiuisel at the public expense. The case having been called on, and the Attorney General and Beck- et's counsel fully heard, sentence was pronounced to this effect :■ — " That Thomas, sometime Archbishop of Canterbury, had been guilty of contumacy, treason, and rebellion, and that his house should be publicly burnt, to admonish the living of their duty by the piuiishment of the dead ; and that the offerings made to his shrine should be forfeited to the Crown, his images and pictures destroyed, and his name erased from the list of Saints ." There is a curious State Paper, dated August 18th, 1538, which gives a letter from Cramner to Cromwell. The A rchbishop alludes thus to the Mar- tyr : — " Farther, because I have in great suspecte that St. Thomas of Canter- bury, his blodde in Christes' Church, in Canterburye, is but a fajTied thing, and made of some red okar or such like matier, I beseech your Lordship that Dr. Lee and Dr. Barbour, my Chapleyn, may have the kinges' commisssion to tryo and examen that, and all other like things there * Bi.ihop Walcher. The following passage by Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy in his Preface to " Killoe's Register," gives an interesting account of the mur- der of Bishop Walcher, but I cannot hear of any paper or story of the excom- munication which followed the cruel deed : — Bishop AValcher, being of an unaspiring listless character, loving quietude and detesting turbulence, permitted his officers, without check or restraint to oppress his tenants and people. The general discontent which pre- vailed, amounting almost to rebellion, having reached the Bishop's ears, he appointed a day and place at Gateshed to hear their complaints and redress their wrongs. The multitude however were too violent and impatient to wait for deliberation or justice. Greatly outnumbering tht Bishop's retainers, who were quite imprepared for resistance, they fell upon them and massacred all without mercy. The Bishop himself, who had taken refuge in the Church there, wai; lanced to death with brutal ferocity on the 14th of INIay, 1080. * Canterbury in the Olden Time by John Brent, f.s.a. ERRATA. read 1826 „ Span „ No. 1 b. ,, Archajologia „ Pontissara. „ Conventual. „ Pell Records „ Zedler. £40 Foot note — instead of "raising fight" read "running fight." There are, I dare say, a few other misprints. The above are the most important. Some of the statements made in the "Story of the Domus Dei" will be doubted, possibly declared inaccurate by antiquarians. I shall be very thankful for any correction ; also for any informaticm which may throw addi- tional light upon a subject which I have studied with intense pleasure. Page 34 1862 56 Space 56 No. 16 57 Archoelogia 120 Portissara 124 Conventional 136 Fell Records 139 Gedler 184 £20 208 Foot note — ini 1 THE LIBRARY tlNIVERSITY OF CALIFOKNi. If AA 000 979 547 7 '.M^