PR 2002 K61 1903 TH€ KINGIS QUAIR * ^^^™ m 3 S — o 4 ^^= > 6 m ' ' r 9 = h s = > I 2 = "* C J ^^^_ I — | - —J I 9 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES sv 6 e I HGIRGFTCRFOLLOWISTHeQUAIR MAID B0 KING IAMCS OF SCOT- LAND TH€ FIRST CALLIT TH0 KINGIS QUAIR AND MAID QUHCN HIS MAIGSTIC W0S IN INGLAND. S + e q The The quhich TReuly eFTeR, day be day, Kincis ThaT all my wrrris maisTRrr had TOFORe, QuaiR. Quhich hensFeRTh The paynis did away. AndschoR-rly, so wele FoRTunehas hiR boRe, To quikin TReuly day by day my loRe, To my laRqes ThaT I am cumin aqayne, To blisse with hiR ThaT is my souiRane. Bot for als moche as sum michT Think or seyne, QuhaT nedis me, apoun so iixill euyn, To writt all This r I ansueRe Thus aqeyne,— • Quho ThaT FRom hell was CROppin onys In heuin, Wald cftcr O Thank for Ioy mak vj or vij : And eueRy wichT his awin suctc or sorc Has maisT In mynde : I can say you no moRe. GkequhomaylnThislyFehauemoReplesance Than cum to laRqesse FRom ThRaldom and peyne, And by The mene of Iuffis ORdinance, ThaT has so mony In his qoldin cheyne.^ Quhich This to wyn his heRTis soueReyne, Quho suld me wrre to wRrre tJiorof, laT se ! Now suFFicianTe Is my Felicrree. Besechinq vmo FaiR Venus abuFe, For all my bRCThiR ThaT bene In This place, This Is to seyne, ThaT seRuandis a« to luFe, And of his lady can no Thank purchase, HispaineRelesch,andsoneTOSTandInqRace, Borrh to his woRschip and to his FiRST ese ; So ThaT It hiR and Resoun noqhT displese: 1 AndekeFORThctm ThaT or noqhTenTRrr Inne The The danceoFluFe,boTThidde«'-waRT onway, In qude Tyme and sely to beqynne Quail*. ThaiR pRenTissehed,andFORThiRmoReIpRay For Thame ThaTpassiTbenThe monyaFFRay In luFe, and cunnynq or to Full plesance, Toq«aunTTham all, lo! qude peRseueRance: And eke I pRay for all The heRTis dull, ThaT lyuen heRe In sleuTh and IqnoRance, And has no cuRaqe ot The Rose to pull, ThaiR Hf to mend and ThaiR saulis auance Wrrh ThaiR sueTe loRe, and bRinq Tham to qude chance; And quho ThaT will noqlvr for This pRay eR TURn, Quhen Thai wald FaynesT speid, ThaT Thai may spuRn. To Rekyn of eueRy Thinq The ciRcumsTance, As hapniT me quhen lessen qan my sone, Of my RancouRe and wofuII chance, It was to lonq, I laT It be ThaReFOR. And Thus This fIourc, I can seye no moRe, So heRTly has vnTO my help aTTendrr, ThaT FRom The deTh hiR man sche has de~ FendiT. And eke The qoddis meRciFull viRkinq, For my lonq pane and TRewe seRuice In luFe, ThaT has me qeuin halely myn askinq, Quhich has my heRT for euiR sctt abuFe In peRFyTe Ioy, ThaT neuiR may RemuFe, Bot onely deTh : of quhom, In laudand pRise, Wrrh ThankFull heRT I say, RichT InThis wise:— li The " BlissiT moT be The qoddis all, Cinqis So Fain ThaT qlrrrenen In The Fmrnameni! Quoin. And blissiT be Thane myqhT celesTiall, ThaT haue conuoyrr hale, wiTh one assenT, My Iufc, and to so qlade a consequent And ThankiT be FonTunys exirrnee And quhele, ThaT Thus so wele has quhinliT me. "Thankrr moT be, and Fain and Iufc beFall The nyclrrinqale, ThaT, wiTh so qud emenT, Sanq Thane ofIufc The noTis sucTe and small, Quhain my Fain henTis lady was pnesenT, Hin wiTh Toqladon'rhaTsche FonThinwenT! And Thou qenaFloune, moT I-ThankiT be All oThin fIouris Fon The luFe of The ! "And ThankiT be The rain casTell wall, Quhane as I quhilom lukrr FunTh and lenT. TThankrr moT be The sancTis manciall, ThaT me FinsT causrr haTh This accidenT. TThankiT moT be The qnene bewis benT, Xhnouquhom,andvnden,FinsT FonTunyT me My henTis hele, and my conronT to be. "Fon to The pnesence sueTe and delrrable. RychTOF This Floune ThaT Full Is of plesance, By pnocessc and by menys rauonable, FinsT of The blisFul qoddis punueyance, And syne Thnou lonq and TnewconTynuance Of venay Farrh In Iufc and Tnew senuice, I cum am, and FonThin In This wise. In " VnwoRThy, lo, boT onely of hm qRace, In Iufis yok, trot esy is and sime, Kinqis In queRdoun of all my luFis space QuaiR. Sche haTh me Tak, hm humble cReaTURe. And Thus beFell my blisFull auenTURe, InyouTh, of luFcrhaT nowFRomday to day FlouRrrh ay newe, and yrr FORThiR, I say." Olrrili TReTise, nakrr of eloquence, Causinq simplese and pou^ ejRTee to wit; AndpnayThe RedeR to haue pacience Of xhy derauTe, and to sup^ poRTen It, Of his qudnese Thy bRukilnese to knyTT, And his Tonq for to Reule and to STeRe, TThaT Thy deFauTis helrr may ben heRe. Allace! andqiFThoucummysTlnThepResence, QuhaReasoFblameFaynesTThouwaldbequiTe, To heRe Thy Rude and cRukiT eloquens, Quho sal be ThaRe to pRay for Thy RemyT.^ No wichT, boT qeve hiR meRci will admyTT The for qud will,ThaT Is Thy qyd and stcrc: To quham for me Thou prrousely RequeRe. And Thus endiTh The fotoII InFluence CausiTFRomheuyn,quhaRepow^eRlscommyTT Of qouiRnance, by The maqniFicence Of Him ThaT hiesT In The heuin sitt; Xo Quhamwe Thank ThaT all ouReliF haTh wRiTT, Quho couThTlTRed,aqone synemonyayeRe, ' Hiqh In The heuynnis FiquRe ciRCuleRe.' liii VnTo Inpnis of my maisTems dene, Gowgrg andChauceRe, ThaT on The sTeppis QuaiR. san Of RCThomke quhill Thai wgrg lyuand hene, SupenlaTiue as poeTis lautteaTe, In moRalrree and eloquence ORnaTC, I Recommend my buk In lynis seuin, And ekeTham saulisvnTOTheblisse OFheuin. Amen. CxpliciT Quod Jacobus Paimus, ScoTonum Rex IllusTRissimus. liv H€RG GNDS THG KINGIS QUAIR, ©DITGDBYROB6RT ST0GL0XOM- POS€D IN TH0 FOUNT CALLGD TH0 KING'S FOUNT, DGSIGNGD BY CHARL0S RICKGTTS, AND PRINTGD UNDCR HIS SUPSR- VISION AT TH6 BALLANTYNC PR6SS, LONDON, MCMIIL Sold by Hacon and RickcTTs, London, And by John Lane, New Yonk UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below FEB 13 194* AUG 6 * 952 NOV 2 8 19Eft APR 4 - ipH 4B REC'D MLD MAY 5 1959 air juui 7 A960 APR 2 5 KJUUWESH NON-RENEWAttf\M APR 8 1963 Sa^n ft/eye Sto/^ Form L-0 aom-l, '41(1122) 7 196$ ECEIVED loan d: p.f 211121 JUL 2 P 196 * ID urn DEC ; : < [97; H/^RGE OR R^ E TRATION OR r «ecrb to- "W% V ; WITH NtW LIBRARY D -Uf;L .•'>- 1 V "> \ UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY t PLEA** DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD ^•LIBRARYtf/- University Research Library . j i