Fish *- (ramc _ CONSERVATION o- o: 1 I 7i 5 7 3 California ,egional acility OF OUR WILD BIRDS THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CONSERVATION OF OUR WILD BIRDS cCONSERVATION OF OUR WILD BIRDS METHODS OF ATTRACTING AND INCREASING THE NUMBERS OF USEFUL BIRDS AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SANCTUARIES BY BRADFORD A. L SCUDDER ? SECRETARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS FISH & GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION ISSUED BY THE MASSACHUSETTS FISH AND GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION 748 TREMONT BUILDING BOSTON INTRODUCTION VERYWHERE throughout this broad land of ours there exists a wholesome de- sire to protect the wild life about us. We of this twentieth century are living in an age when both societies and individuals are zealously striving, not only to inspire a love for this wild life, but also to instruct the people at large regarding how it may be wisely conserved. Love for the out-of-doors is strong in most of us and the call to the country is insistent. Each year the throng increases of those who respond to this summons, many to reside there permanently, others as sojourners only during the delightful months of the year, and the charms of a country life are doubly enhanced by the presence of the wild creatures about us. The wild life, especially the birds, contribute largely to both our welfare and our happiness. While engaged in their important work of ridding the country of injurious insect pests and the seeds of noxious weeds, they at the same time gratify our aesthetic tastes by their cheery songs, bright colors, and vivacious movements. There is also the additional charm of being able to watch the evolution of their home-building, from the gathering of the first nesting material until the young spread their wings and fly away. Unfortunately many of those who delight in the charms of the country have been denied the opportunity of learn- ing much about the habits of birds, what species will nest in bird-houses, where to properly place these houses, or how to care for the birds that visit us in the bleak [7] 365032 weather of winter and come about our homes searching for food. Hosts of birds may be attracted about our country homes at all seasons of the year by offering food, shelter, and suit- able lodgings, and the author in following the precepts of the Massachusetts Fish and Game Protective Association, has endeavored to set forth in a manner both clear and comprehensive, methods by which this may be accom- plished. In this important work of protecting and conserving our wild life we are confronted with a situation that de- mands instant and careful consideration. The author refers to the antagonistic points of view held by the bird pro- tectionist and the sportsman. The former adheres to the theory that the shooting of all birds and quadrupeds for mere sport should be absolutely abolished, while the latter argues that game birds and quadrupeds exist for the pur- pose of providing a source of legitimate recreation. We do not wish to criticise the exponents of these doctrines, each has a right to his own beliefs. Therefore let us strive to create a spirit of goodwill and cooperation, such as will inspire both parties to devote their energies unceas- ingly to the cause of wild life protection and propagation. Our game birds afford recreation to many that delight in shooting, a legitimate pastime when tempered with moderation, and one to be encouraged as an incentive to become better acquainted with nature, and to render the young mind keen by training the powers of observation. Savage man however, hunted not for the mere sport of the chase, but to supply himself with the necessities of [8] life. So, all statements to the contrary notwithstanding, do not try to excuse your own present sporting propensity, on the ground that it is a portion of the inheritance be- queathed you by an ancestor, who armed with a flint- tipped spear followed the pre-historic mammals. Our wild life of the present day is in numbers but a fragment of what our country contained a quarter-century ago. That vandal, commercialism, the destroyer of our natural resources, played havoc, not only with our game birds and quadrupeds, but also with our birds that con- tribute so largely to the welfare of the country in an eco- nomic way. Now that the market-hunter and the pur- veyor of plumages of wild birds are no longer allowed to ply their nefarious trade, our wild life may hope to estab- lish itself in its former abundance, but we must all "put our shoulders to the wheel," and help repair "the years that the locusts have eaten." By the establishing of refuges the birdlover and the sportsman may meet on common ground and be of mu- tual benefit. In every city and town there should be established a permanent sanctuary, the most successful method of perpetuating our useful and interesting forms of wild life. In conserving our game birds and quadrupeds by means of protected areas, we at the same time aid in increasing the numbers of insectivorous birds, so that those who establish refuges primarily for game, become indi- rectly public benefactors. Artificial propagation of certain species of our native game birds is yet in its infancy, is doubtful of success, and too costly in operation to be attempted by those possessing [9] only moderate means. However if denied the possibilities of a game-farm, we may at least establish sanctuaries and increase the natural supply of game, not only by protective measures, but also by creating a sincere public sentiment for this method of game conservation. Competent admin- istration, persistent and systematic feeding and housing of the birds and rigorous enforcement of the laws, are all necessary to bring success to this enterprise. The author wishes to thank not only the members of the Executive Committee, but also many other members of the Massachusetts Fish and Game Protective Associa- tion, who by their loyal and enthusiastic support have made the publication of this book a success. Thanks are due Mr. Edward Howe Forbush, for his kindly interest shown, both by reading the proof, and in making many valuable suggestions. Our former President of this Associ- ation, Mr. William Brewster, deserves many thanks for much excellent advice given relative to bird nesting- boxes, gleaned from his experience of many years in at- tracting birds. It was for the purpose of aiding those who are interested in conserving the wild life about us that this little book was prepared, and it is the sincere hope of the author that it will be a stimulus to whoever reads its pages to join the ever-increasing ranks of those who stand for the rational protection of our WILD BIRDS. BRADFORD ALEXANDER SCUDDER. January, 1916. [10] CONTENTS INTRODUCTION BIRDS THAT WE SHOULD ENCOURAGE TO NEST ABOUT OUR COUNTRY HOMES 13 NESTING- BOXES 21 MARTIN HOUSES .31 BIRD BATHS . .35 WINTER FEEDING OF BIRDS 38 BERRY AND SEED BEARING TREES AND SHRUBS . . .42 AQUATIC PLANTS ........ 4S THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SANCTUARY . . . .48 ENEMIES OF WILD BIRDS ....... 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WORKS PERTAINING TO BIRDS AND THE OUT-OF-DOORS 68 ILLUSTRATIONS Nesting-Box for Flicker 22 Drop-front Nesting-Box, FOR CHICKADEE, BLUEBIRD, ETC. 24 Nesting-Boxes Mounted on Pole and Iron Pipe . . 26 Food Houses and Shelter for Gamebirds 39 [ill BIRDS THAT WE SHOULD ENCOURAGE TO NEST ABOUT OUR COUNTRY HOMES TO aid those who have a fondness for birds, and wish to attract them about their homes, but who through lack of opportunity possess no intimate knowledge of the nesting-habits of each species, the following list of common birds is given. All of these thus enumerated are found generally throughout our three Southern New England States, and when offered pro- tection will nest on our farms, often in such proximity to our houses that their home-building and domestic cares may be ob- served from the luxury of an arm-chair on the veranda, or from a convenient window. Birds of different species vary greatly in their choice of a location for a nesting-site, and it is from our knowledge of the peculiar nesting-habit of each species that we are able to anticipate their desires and prepare a congenial environment. Some birds nest on the ground, or in tussocks of grass; some in low bushes and thick shrubbery; others among the branches of our orchard and shade trees ; some few species excavate holes in the decayed trunks, or branches of trees; and some species not able to excavate holes for themselves, will occupy these vacated apartments, and also the nesting-boxes prepared by man. Although we may not solve the secret of the Bluebirds' pref- erence for the nesting-box, let us welcome the little home-seekers by offering an apartment to their liking. In many sections now over-run by that exotic pest, the European House Sparrow, and where nesting-boxes intended for the use of our native birds would be immediately tenanted by this unwelcome guest, birds of other nesting-habits may be attracted by the planting of thick shrubbery and coniferous trees. Therefore the birds in this subjoined list have been grouped in accordance with their nesting-habits. [131 BIRDS THAT NATURALLY NEST IN CAVITIES IN TREES FOR THESE WE SHOULD PROVIDE NESTING-BOXES NEARLY all of the various species of birds that have recip- rocated the kindness of their human friends by accepting the nesting-boxes prepared for them, originally nested either in the abandoned homes of the woodpecker architects, or in cavities in trees formed from the combined effects of decay and the action of the elements. In either instance, the bottom of these cavities is always padded with a soft layer of particles of wood, chips of the woodpecker artisan, or a deposit of decayed wood. All members of the wood- pecker family lay their eggs upon this layer of chips, which slightly hollowed forms a nest, no other material being used. In all nesting-boxes this natural lining of the bottom should be sup- plied, using for the purpose coarse sawdust, or ground cork, to the depth of two inches. This detail is most essential, and should not be overlooked. Woodpeckers will not occupy a nesting-box that lacks this floor covering, the eggs would roll about on the bare floor, and prevent the parent bird from prop- erly covering them during the period of incubation. It is also the opinion of the author, that birds other than woodpeckers, species that use various materials for the construction of a nest, are more readily induced to occupy a nesting-box having this layer of sawdust or cork, than one in which it is lacking. A nesting-box, with the correct inside dimensions, and proper size of entrance for each species is given in the appended list. The mechanical construction and the placing of these nesting- boxes in position will be fully described in the chapter entitled, "Nesting-boxes." BLUEBIRD: Nesting-box should have the following inside dimensions, floor, 5 by 5 inches; depth, 10 inches; entrance, 1^ inches in diam- eter, with its lower edge 7 inches above the floor. It may be mounted upon a pole; fastened to the side of a barn or other farm building; or to the trunk of a tree standing in the open, and at a height of from 8 to 15 feet above the ground, wherever placed. [14] TREE SWALLOW! Nesting-box should have the following inside dimen- sions, floor, 5 by 5 inches; depth, 7 inches; entrance, \\/2 inches in diameter, with its lower edge 4 inches above the floor. It may be mounted upon a pole, and the pole may then be screwed or bolted to a post in the fence inclosing the garden, orchard, or mowing land. When fastened to the trunk of a tree, be sure that one is chosen whose branches are high enough above the nesting-box to allow the birds free- dom of access to their home, after the foliage has fully matured. The nesting-box should be placed at a height of from 8 to 15 feet above the ground. CHICKADEE: Nesting-box should have the following inside dimensions, floor, 4 by 4 inches; depth, 10 inches; entrance, \V^ inches in diameter, with its lower edge 7 inches above the floor. It should be placed at a height of from 6 to 12 feet above the ground, and may be mounted on a pole placed in the orchard, or open woods, or fastened to the trunk of a tree. All nesting-boxes for the Chickadee should be situated in open spots, and not in the dense forest. Possibly a nesting-box painted a dull white, simulating the color of a gray birch stub, would be more readily occupied by the Chickadee, than one stained a shade of brown or olive green. This is a suggestion of the author, and might be worth trying, from the fact that the Chickadee when excavating its home in a dead tree prefers the gray birch, the decayed wood of which is easily removed by the tiny builder. WHITE-BREASTED NUTHATCH : Nesting-box should have the following inside dimensions, floor, 4 by 4 inches; depth, 10 inches; entrance, \V\ inches in diameter, with its lower edge 7 inches above the floor. It should be placed at a height of from 10 to 20 feet from the ground, on the trunk of a tree in open woods or in the orchard. HOUSE WREN: Nesting-box should have the following inside dimen- sions, floor, 4 by 4 inches; depth, 8 inches; entrance, 1 inch in di- ameter, with its lower edge 6 inches above the floor. It may be fastened to the side of an outbuilding; to a tree in the orchard; or, mounted on a pole. In any of these situations, the height above the ground should be from 6 to 10 feet. FLICKER: Nesting-box should have the following inside dimensions, floor, 6 by 6 inches; depth, 18 inches; entrance, 2^ inches in diam- eter, with its lower edge 14 inches above the floor. It should be fastened to a tree standing in the open, or a pole and at a height of from 8 to 20 feet above the ground. Trees bordering country highways, or near the edges of open fields should be selected for this purpose. RED-HEADED WOODPECKER: Nesting-box should have the following inside dimensions, floor, 6 by 6 inches; depth, 16 inches; entrance, 2 inches in diameter, with its lower edge 12 inches above the floor. It may be fastened to the trunk of a tree standing in the open, at a height of from 15 to 20 feet above the ground. [15] SCREECH OWL: Nesting-box should have the following inside dimen- sions, floor, 8 by 8 inches; depth, 18 inches; entrance, 3 inches in diameter, with its lower edge 12 inches above the floor. It should be placed at a height of from 10 to 25 feet above the ground, on the trunk of a tree among both pine and hardwood groves of fairly open growth, or fastened to one of the large branches of an apple tree in an ancient orchard. SPARROW HAWK: Nesting-box should have the following inside dimen- sions, floor, 8 by 8 inches; depth, 18 inches; entrance, 3 inches in diameter, with its lower edge 12 inches above the floor. It should be fastened to the trunk of a tree standing in the open country, or along the borders of a highway, at a height of from ten to twenty feet. WOOD DUCK: Nesting-box should have the following inside dimensions, floor, 12 by 12 inches; depth, 24 inches; entrance, 6 inches in diam- eter, with its lower edge 16 inches above the floor. Suitable natural nesting-sites for the Wood Duck do not occur in abundance, so that by placing nesting-boxes on the trunksof large trees withina short distance of a pond or stream, and at a height of from 8 to 20 feet above the ground, we may induce one or more pairs of these beautiful waterfowl to stay in our neighborhood, and raise a brood of young. CRESTED FLYCATCHER: Nesting-box should have the following inside dimensions, floor, 6 by 6 inches; depth, 12 inches; entrance, 2 inches in diameter, with its lower edge 8 inches above the floor. It should be fastened on the trunk of an apple tree, or a hardwood tree standing in the open woods, about 15 feet from the ground. DOWNY WOODPECKER: Nesting-box should have the following inside dimensions, floor, 4 by 4 inches; depth, 12 inches; entrance, l!4 inches in diameter, with its lower edge 8 inches above the floor. This should be fastened to the trunk, or a large perpendicular branch of an apple tree, or to a hardwood tree standing in the open forest, at a height of 15 feet. The Downy Woodpecker rarely raises a brood of young in a nesting-box, but frequently uses it as a winter sleeping apart- ment. However, by persisting in offering this species a suitable nesting- box of the above dimensions, we may eventually be rewarded by its being accepted. HAIRY WOODPECKER: Nesting-box should have the following inside dimensions, floor, 6 by 6 inches; depth, 15 inches; entrance, 1V^ inches in diameter, with its lower edge 12 inches above the floor. This species is more of a woodland bird, than others of its family, and seldom nests in close proximity to a dwelling. Nesting-box should be fastened to the trunk of a hardwood tree in fairly open woods, and placed at a height of from 10 to 20 feet above the ground. Like its cousin, the Downy, this Woodpecker does not favor ready-made apartments, but let us persist in our efforts to secure this bird as a tenant. [16] BIRDS THAT NEST AMONG THE BRANCHES OF ORCHARD AND SHADE TREES ROBIN : Nests commonly in trees of various species both broad-leaved, and coniferous, and frequently on the cornices of buildings. KINGBIRD: Nests among; the branches of apple trees, seeming to prefer this tree to that of many other species. A pair of Kingbirds near the house are a safe-guard from the depredations of both Hawks and Crows. SCARLET TANAGER : This species is also a lover of the orchard, and fre- quently nests among the branches of the apple tree. REDSTART: Nest is placed in the fork of branch of maple and oak trees, in rather swampy localities, and in small white birches. BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER: Nests among the branches of the white pine, groves of which it frequents during the breeding season, and in small upland cedars. PINE WARBLER: Nests and spends the breeding season among the pitch- pines, but when these trees are wanting, shares the groves of white pine with its cousin, the Black-throated Green Warbler. YELLOW-THROATED VIREO: Nest of this species is very often suspended from a fork of the trailing branches of the elm tree. RED-EYED VIREO: The purse-shaped nest of this species is suspended from the small branches of maples, birches, and other broad-leaved trees. CEDAR BIRD: Nest is usually placed in the fork of a small branch of an apple or other orchard tree, and sometimes in the fork of a sapling growing in open meadow land. This bird is not an early nester, and does not commence to build until about the first of July. AMERICAN GOLDFINCH: This species delays its nest-building until July, when it constructs a nest in the fork of one of the small branches of both apple and maple trees. PURPLE FINCH: Nest is built among the branches of cedars, firs, and other coniferous trees. CROW BLACKBIRD: The bulky nest of this species is built among the branches of white pine and other coniferous trees. Sometimes among bushes near water holes. BALTIMORE ORIOLE: The elm trees of our New England towns are the favorite nesting sites of this bird, from the drooping branches of which its pendulous nest is hung. BLUE JAY: Nests among the branches of both coniferous and broad- leaved trees. In spite of its handsome attire, this species should not be encouraged to nest in numbers, for it destroys many eggs and young of our useful birds. LEAST FLYCATCHER: Nest is placed in the fork of a branch of an apple tree, more frequently than in that of a tree of other species. [17] WOOD PEWEE: Nest is usually placed in a fork of the large branches of an oak tree, and sometimes saddled on a large limb. The Wood Pewee prefers open woods of hardwood growth, free from underbrush and where the oaks predominate. The nest is an exquisite piece of work- manship, and the outside is usually studded with lichens. RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD: Nest is usually saddled on the dead limb of a hardwood tree, sometimes in the forest, often in the apple orchard. It is one of the most beautiful bits of bird architecture, and simulates a knot or excrescence on a branch so closely, that the observer would pass it by unnoticed, did not the bird by angry buzzing about, betray her secret. BIRDS THAT NEST IN BUSHES AND THICK SHRUBBERY WOOD THRUSH: While this species is more or less of a woodland bird, it frequently appears about country estates possessing an abundance of shrubbery, particularly that bordering a small stream or artificial pond. Among this shrubbery, or in the fork of a small sapling in moist woods, the nest is built. CATBIRD: The nest of this species is often built in a thick clump of shrubbery near the house, such as lilac bushes, azaleas, and syringas. Clumps of high bush blueberries, and other shrubs of dense growth are also favorite nesting sites of this bird, especially about the borders of wet meadows and sluggish brooks. BROWN THRASHER: This species is not as fond of nesting near our homes as is its cousin the Catbird, preferring to build its nest among the thick clumps of scrubby growth of huckleberry bushes, scrub oaks and other dense cover, of wild pasture land, both upland and swamp. After the young are hatched the parent birds come about our gardens and lawns searching for insect food for the young birds, and to indulge in the pleasures of the bird bath. CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER: The nest of this species is placed in the fork of a small hardwood sapling. Young sprout growth of birches, and maples being frequently chosen for this purpose, as well as hazelnut, huckle- berry, and other small bushes in swampy meadows. YELLOW WARBLER: The nest of this species is placed in the fork of a small low-growing tree or bush of various hardwood species near the borders of swampy meadows, and sometimes midst the shrubbery near our homes. FIELD SPARROW: Nests in low growth of bushy uplands and fields, and occasionally the nest is placed upon the ground. CHIPPING SPARROW: Nest of this species is built not only in clumps of shrubbery, but also in apple trees, cedars and firs. [18] BIRDS THAT NEST UPON THE GROUND OR IN TUSSOCKS OF GRASS OVENBIRD: Both this bird and the following species construct an arched nest on the ground, often beneath the protecting cover of a small pile of brush or fallen branch, in moist woods of oaks and maples. Frequently the nest is placed close by the edge of a woodland path. BLACK AND WHITE WARBLER: As mentioned above the Black and White Warbler nests upon the ground in much the same manner as the Ovenbird. The author has found several nests of this bird that were placed under the projecting edge of a leaf-strewn depression in the oak woods, where at some former time large boulders had been removed. SONG SPARROW: The nest of this species is frequently placed in the grassy overhanging bank of a brook, sometimes in a tussock of coarse grass, and occasionally in a low-growing bush. VESPER SPARROW: This species builds its nest upon the ground in upland pastures. RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD: Tussocks of coarse grass, sedge and clumps of cat's-tail are all favorite nesting sites of this bird in marshes and swampy meadows. Button-ball bushes about the borders of ponds and streams are also chosen as nesting places by this species. MEADOW LARK: The nest of the Meadow Lark is placed upon the ground among the tall grasses of the hayfield that form an arch over it. During the operations of mowing, care should be taken to prevent the destruction of the nest by scythe or mower knives, by having your workmen locate the nests, before the operations of the hay harvest are under way. The Meadow Lark is of inestimable value to the farmer as a destroyer of insects injurious to both hay and grain crops, and strong efforts should be made to increase the numbers of this species. BOBOLINK: The cheery Bobolink nests upon the ground in the midst of the hayfield where the nest is concealed beneath a tussock or clump of grass. This bird is another valuable friend of the farmer and the same care should be used in avoiding destruction of its nest during the haying- time, as with that of the Meadow Lark. BOB- WHITE: While the whistle of the Quail comes up from the field, the wife of the merry piper is quietly brooding her eggs, along the borders of the grain field or mowing land, where she has placed her nest, so kind farmer have a care when the hay or grain crop is about to be harvested. Other places are also chosen as a nesting site by this bird, a clump of low-growing huckleberry or bayberry bushes, the edge of a brush-pile, or the protecting lower rail of the old Virginia fence, still found on some farms. [19] RING-NECKED PHEASANT: This bird has become very abundant in certain sections in Massachusetts, and having been given a long season of pro- tection, comes about our estates and nests frequently in close proximity to our homes. The nest is placed upon the ground, where it is well concealed among the thick grasses or clumps of bayberry bushes and trailing blackberry vines. RUFFED GROUSE: Nests on the ground in open hardwood growth, and the nest is sometimes placed beneath a fallen tree-top, or, the edge of a pile of brush. SPOTTED SANDPIPER: Many nests of this little sandpiper are constructed in the strawberry beds on our farms, where the bird arranges a nest of the hay or straw used as a winter protection to the plants, and deposits her eggs. WOODCOCK: Nests on the ground in swampy or moist woodlands. Both parents and young visit the gardens at night in search of earthworms and grubs, and cornfields of the farmer are also favorite feeding grounds. BIRDS THAT NEST IN BUILDINGS OR ON THE BEAMS BENEATH BRIDGES BARN SWALLOW : Nests on the beams and rafters in barns, provided there is an entrance and exit continually open. The passing of our old-fash- ioned New England barn with its wide open doors and windows in roof, is the cause of the disappearance of this beautiful bird from certain localities where it was formerly abundant. CLIFF OR EAVE SWALLOW: This species is of sociable disposition, and nests in colonies, the bottle-shaped nests of mud being attached beneath the eaves or cornices of country barns and outbuildings. CHIMNEY SWIFT: Nests commonly throughout Southern New England wherever it can find an unused chimney. It is a good plan to watch these birds and discover which particular chimney they have chosen for nesting quarters, and thus avoid destroying both nest and young by a temporary blaze in the fireplace during the months of May, June and July. PHOEBE FLYCATCHER: Nests on the beams and top of wall beneath barns, on the timbers beneath bridges, and often on the top rail or cornice of the veranda of the house. [20] NESTING BOXES OOMETIME in the long ago an American Indian made the 1^ astonishing discovery that birds of certain species could be induced to occupy homes fashioned for them by human hands, and promptly swung aloft from the tips of his lodge-poles, cala- bashes or gourds, the dried shells of which, with entrances prop- erly cut, made ideal nesting-boxes. In many sections of the South, the calabash is grown in large quantities by the planters, and is still used as a nesting-box for Bluebirds, Purple Martins, and Wrens of several species, with most successful results. After the calabash has ripened and the shell has become hardened, a cir- cular opening of a size to admit the particular species of bird for which it is intended, is cut in the side of the calabash, at a point where its diameter is the greatest. The seeds and dried meat are then extracted by means of a piece of wire bent into a hook. Holes are made in the neck, through which a piece of stout tarred marline or other cord is passed, also two small holes, two inches apart, are made in the back, opposite the entrance, through which another cord is passed. The top cord is used for suspending the gourd from a branch, and the lower one is to prevent the gourd from swaying too much in a stiff breeze. Two or three quarter-inch holes bored in the bottom will serve for drainage, the shape of the calabash being such that more or less water runs inside during rain storms. Calabashes have been used with considerable success as nesting-boxes in one or more towns in New York State; but for New England and other sections of the country in the same latitude, a nesting-box constructed of boards will withstand the wear and tear of the elements far better, as the calabash is rather fragile, and often lasts but one season. In the South their saving grace is minimum cost and ease of production in quantities. Nesting-boxes have run the gamut, from tomato cans to elabo- rate affairs, with roofs of burnished copper, and the manufacturer of bird houses has entered the field with his wares. Many manu- factured commodities that are displayed in the shops come from over seas, and the first nesting-boxes constructed on scientific lines, of- fered for sale in this country, bore the mark "Made in Germany." [21] irapocr I NEST/NG-BOX FOR FLICKER FIGURE A. Vertical cross section showing construction. (A) holes bored for nails or screws used in securing box to post or tree trunk. FIGURE B. Front view showing method of fastening top in place by pushing a round galvanized nail (B) in the hole on each side. Nails project far enough to be removed by the fingers. Type of nesting-box used by E. H. Forbush. [22] Baron Hans von Berlepsch, whose lifetime has been spent in the study of the nesting-habits of European birds, evolved this type of nesting-box, copying as closely as possible the works of the woodpecker architects. These boxes are made from sections of bark-covered logs, the interiors of which have been cut out with a special tool, to a form and size corresponding with the original, pear-shaped nesting-hole of the woodpecker artisans. Entrances are then cut at the proper angle, and of sizes suitable to admit whatever particular species of bird is desired as an occu- pant. This type of nesting-box has been used with phenomenal success in Europe, where many hundred pairs of birds of various species nested in them upon the estate of Baron von Berlepsch, in Germany. These boxes are now manufactured in this country, and we hope that our own native birds will take as kindly to them as have their European cousins. Nesting-boxes of the von Ber- lepsch type require the use of special tools and power machines for their manufacture, and it would be useless for the amateur to attempt to make these by hand. With the possible exception of the Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers, all our hole-nesting species will use the rectangular box of boards. Ernest Harold Baynes, Meriden, New Hampshire, manufactures the von Berlepsch boxes in quantities, and those who may wish this type of nesting-box may obtain them of him in various sizes. With the exception of the Flicker and the Red-headed Woodpecker, our native species of Woodpeckers still persist in excavating their own dwellings, and have not as yet been induced to occupy these ready-made apart- ments. Dead timber and decayed branches are the building sites of the Woodpeckers. Unfortunately they also harbor both insects and fungus, each a menace to the health of the forest, and the forester is forced to remove these plague spots. Woodpeckers are valuable guardians of the forest, and efforts must be made to re- place the homes thus taken from them, by the offering of a nest- ing-box that they will accept. It is not the intention of the author to discourage the manufact- ure and sale of nesting-boxes, but to aid those of moderate means who wish to attract birds, and cannot afford to pay the prices charged by the manufacturer, even though the price be but one [23] A/ I FRONT DHOP-THONT NESTING- BOX Drawings show vertical cross section and front view. Door hinged at bottom with brass screws ( B ) . Fastened at top with a round galvanized nail (N) pushed in from each side and easily removed when box is to be opened. (H) hole in side of door on each side to admit nails. Entrance cut on an angle of sixty degrees. Size given above for Flicker. For other species consult dimensions given in the list of birds, "That Natu- rally Nest in Cavities in Trees," etc. [24] dollar per box. The motive in putting up nesting-boxes is to at- tract the birds and increase their numbers for economic reasons, thus the cost is an important factor in determining to what extent these boxes will be used by persons of moderate means. Often a person with a large bank account, and whose country estate is of a size to warrant the placing of fifty bird houses, will consider very carefully the advisability of investing fifty dollars in bird homes, even though he realizes the value of birds as destroyers of insect pests. Our American birds will use a rectangular box quite as readily as one of the von Berlepsch type. Wood is the best material to use. Nesting-boxes of tin or other metal become very hot when exposed to the glare of the sun, and those made of earthenware are cold and damp. A nesting-box that happily combines ready acceptance by the birds, is proof against the depredations of both cats and squirrels, and that can be manufactured at a reasonable cost, is the one to be used. Boards, nails, and the few tools essential for the construction of a practical bird house that fulfills the above requirements, are to be found in every well ordered household, and with the aid of the working plans contained in this handbook, the farmer, the school boy, and the commuter, may in their leisure moments enjoy the pleasure to be derived from their own handiwork, and at the same time contribute to the happiness of the birds. White pine boards, seven-eighths of an inch in thickness, planed on one side only, makes the best building material. When pine is not obtainable, other woods may be used. Old boards that have become weathered are first rate for this purpose, only say what you think, "sotto voce" when your saw strikes a hidden nail. Use the planed surface for the outside of the box, the rough side for the interior, and as a further aid to the young birds in their ascent from the nest to the entrance, score the inside of the board forming the front with a series of horizontal saw-cuts. Begin an inch below the entrance, making them an eighth of an inch deep and a quarter of an inch apart. The entrance should be cut on an upward slant at an angle of sixty degrees, and have its [25] Fie. i F.o. Z. FIGURE 1. Upper half showing method of fastening nesting-box to top of wooden pole. A step of the same depth as the thickness of the board forming the back of the box, and long enough to extend well up the back and ensure stability, is cut on the side of the pole at its top. The lower edge of the box will rest upon this. Fasten firmly with wood screws, one in front, through the pro- jecting back-board, and two in back through holes bored in pole to prevent splitting. FIGURE 1. Lower half showing manner of fastening pole to fence post or stump of tree. Lag screws are used on account of the extra strength needed and of course must be driven by means of a wrench. Bore the holes for these large enough to allow the lag screws to go through the pole without splitting it. In the post itself, do not bore the holes too deep. Just start the hole and then set up the lag screws firmly with the wrench until all the loose play is taken up. FIGURE 2. Left-hand drawing showing nesting-box mounted on iron pipe. Right-hand drawing showing bot- tom of box with the flange or plate, threaded for pipe, firmly screwed on. If preferred, the flange may be dis- pensed with and the end of the pipe flattened on an anvil, holes drilled for screws about six inches apart and the box fastened in the same manner as described for the wooden pole except that the step for bottom of box to rest upon is eliminated. [26] edge champfered or countersunk to make a rounded surface upon which the birds alight before entering. Perches are unnecessary, and when provided are used mainly by English Sparrows. By placing the entrance high up under the projecting roof, and cut- ting it on an upward slant, the birds are sheltered from both sun and rain. Before cutting the entrance, stain the outside of the box a neutral tint of olive brown or gray, using an oil stain for this pur- pose. Not only the edges of the entrance, but also the interior of the box, should be fresh and clean, hence the care in applying the stain. Boxes for the Tree Swallow, that are to be mounted on poles and placed in the open, may be painted white, boxes of a dark color becoming over-heated when exposed to the direct rays of the sun. For the purpose of ventilation, bore two one-quarter inch holes in each side of the box, about an inch below the top or roof. Obtain some coarse dry sawdust, or some ground cork from your Italian vender of fruit, in which come packed his Mal- aga and Tokay Grapes. Before fastening the boxes in permanent position, place in each a quantity of this sufficient to cover the bottom to a depth of two inches. Do not overlook this important detail, especially in the boxes designed for members of the Wood- pecker family. The dimensions given for each individual nesting- box in the list of birds, are inside measurements in all instances, unless otherwise specified, so whoever may construct bird houses from these dimensions must allow for thickness of material when cutting up his stock. When many boxes are to be made, it will expedite matters to have the stock run out by a local lumber mill to the proper width for front, back and sides of the individual boxes. It is then a very simple matter to cut off the pieces as required. A carpenter's bench and the following list of tools are all the equipment needed for this work. Two saws, one a cutting-off, the other a splitting saw; a carpenter's square; a hammer; a block plane; a bit-stock, with an extension bit for cutting the different sized entrances, and two or three small drills; a two-foot rule; a stout screw-driver; a sharp pocket-knife, and last but not least, pencil with soft lead. In addition you will need a supply of gal- vanized nails and brass screws, of a size best adapted to the thick- ness of material used. Better begin with a few wood-working [27] tools, and add to the list from time to time, whatever is found to be needed, than purchase at the outset an expensive outfit, many tools of which may prove later to be of no special value. Where the nesting-boxes shall be placed is the next proposi- tion. When the box is to be fastened to a tree, one should be chosen that stands in the open, along the borders of country high- ways, edges of woodland, or open spots in the forest. Birds do not like the dense cover of the forest, especially those nesting in holes in trees or bird houses. A light pole, twelve or fifteen feet in length, may have a bird house fastened to its top, and this pole may then be bolted to a post in the fence inclosing your garden, meadow or orchard. By placing bird houses in this manner at intervals of two hundred feet along the line of fence, Bluebirds and Tree Swallows may thus be colonized, and a multitude of insects injurious to both fruit and foliage will be destroyed by these birds in the imme- diate vicinity. At the end of the season poles and boxes may be taken down, cleaned and stored away until the following spring. In the country these poles are to be had for the labor of cutting. Bluebirds, Wrens and Tree Swallows are the only species that readily occupy houses that are placed on barns and other farm buildings. The height above ground at which the various houses should be placed is given in the chapter entitled "Birds That We Should Encourage to Nest About Our Country Homes." A good rule to follow is to place a bird house not less than eight feet above the ground or more than twenty. Nesting- boxes should not be placed too near one another. Birds are fickle in making a choice of apartments, and will quarrel about them. Two hundred feet is about the right distance that each box should be from its neighbor. The beginner, in his enthusiasm, is quite apt to put up too many nesting-boxes the first season. Better put out a few the first season, and, if results are favorable, in- crease the number the next year. Where the nesting-box is placed in the open, the entrance should face the South or West. Boxes facing the North or East are exposed to cold, driving rainstorms, that are likely to occur at any time during the nesting season, and which are fatal to both eggs and young. [28] The boxes should be fastened in a vertical position when pos- sible, and if at an angle, they should tip slightly forward rather than backwards. Late in the month of February or early in March is the best time to put up bird houses. There is no particular advantage to be gained by putting them up late in the autumn, and squirrels and wood mice soon fit them up for winter quarters. The author suggests that a plan of one's country estate be drawn, upon which the location of each nesting-box may be marked and a number assigned to it. Each nesting-box will have a number corresponding to the one upon the plan. The boxes may have the numbers marked upon the under side of each, or better have them placed at the height of one's eyes at the base of the tree or pole upon which the box is fastened. Much interesting and valuable data may be collected concerning the nesting-habits of the birds occupying the boxes, length of time from the taking possession of the box until the young leave the nest; number of broods raised by each species during the season; list of species using the nesting- boxes; list of the various species of insects brought to the young by the parents. After the departure of the birds, the nesting-boxes should be carefully cleaned, the nests removed, and a search made for the egg clusters of the gypsy moth frequently deposited in bird houses. Sprinkle in each box a small quantity of powdered sulphur to free them of parasites. When possible the nesting-boxes should be taken down and stored for the winter, replacing them again late in the month of February or during the first week in March, as before mentioned. Cats and squirrels are enemies of birds, and if we are to have birds about our homes in numbers, we must eliminate these pests. Cats climb trees without the slightest difficulty, and being noc- turnal in habit, hunt at hours when they are concealed from our watchfulness, climb to the nesting-boxes, pull out the young birds or their parents and devour them. Both species of squirrels, the red and the gray, are destroyers of birds, their eggs, and young. The red squirrel is the more vil- lianous of the two, and should be destroyed on sight wherever found. Gray squirrels are found in far too great numbers in our [29] parks and on some large private estates, and should be systemati- cally "thinned out." On many occasions I have seen a gray squirrel racing at top speed along a wall or fence, pursued by sev- eral irate robins, furiously pecking at him, until the chase ended by the squirrel taking refuge in the stone wall or a hole in a tree. Squirrels will also enlarge the entrances to bird houses by gnaw- ing, and render them unfit for use. A wide flange of tin or galvanized iron placed around the tree or post on which the nesting-box is fastened, will prevent cats from climbing, and this arrangement will also keep squirrels from ascending to the nest, when the tree stands at a distance from others. On a tree whose branches mingle with its neighbor's, this would not avail, for squirrels travel with ease among the tree- tops, and would leap from an adjoining tree to the one containing the nesting-box, descend and devour its contents at their leisure. A galvanized iron plate, threaded for an inch pipe, may be fas- tened to the bottom of the nesting-box. A pipe, twelve or fifteen feet in length, may then be substituted for the light wooden pole ; have its top threaded and the nesting-box firmly screwed on. Two one-quarter inch holes, drilled in the lower end of the pipe about six inches apart, will allow of its being bolted to the fence post, and I guarantee that no feline claws will obtain a foothold upon this iron post of small diameter. Suitable lengths of discarded iron pipe in good condition, may frequently be obtained at a low figure. These will answer the purpose fully as well as new pipe, and any plumber will cut a thread on each to fit the bottom-plate. Another method of fastening is to flatten the end of the pipe on an anvil and drill two holes through it, six inches apart, and fasten the pipe securely to the back of the nesting-box with screws or light bolts. In this manner the box is rigidly secured. In order to be successful in securing as tenants our native spe- cies of birds, one must keep a watchful eye upon the nesting- boxes, otherwise they will be pre-empted by English sparrows, starlings and squirrels. Nesting-boxes that are put up and left unwatched during the nesting season, will be as unproductive of results as a farmer' s garden in which the weeds have been allowed to run riot. [30] MARTIN HOUSES THE Purple Martin is the largest of the Swallows, beautiful in color, form and flight, and displays a fondness for man by nesting always in close proximity to our dwellings. Some tribes of North American Indians encouraged the presence of Martins about their wigwams, by suspending from the lodge poles, cala- bashes or gourds fashioned into nesting boxes, which these birds readily occupied. The French Creoles of Louisiana also adopted this same method in providing nesting places, the gourds in this instance being fastened to the top of a pole set in the ground. Martins are birds of a sociable disposition, and will nest in com- munities when provided with a nesting box containing many apartments, each family living in a state of perfect harmony with its neighbors next door. Being a bird of powerful flight, it is able to travel long distances in foraging for food, and a large colony of Martins will thus rid a wide area of winged insect pests, especially during the period following the hatching of the eggs and until the young birds have left the nest. Disastrous cold storms in the spring of 1903, and wanton shooting in the southern states during the years following, sadly decimated the ranks of the Martins. Thanks to a wise legislation, our migratory birds are now the feathered wards of the United States Government and protection at all times is afforded them within the borders of the United States. Thus, barring destruction by the elements, the Purple Martin should soon re-establish itself in its oldtime abundance throughout southern New England, provided suitable nesting sites are made ready for the birds. Let us therefore encourage the pres- ence of these beautiful birds by erecting a Martin house, such an one as will add picturesqueness to its environment of lawns and shrubbery. Martin Houses are really miniature reproductions of our own dwelling houses, and various styles of architecture may be used in their design, and they may contain few or many rooms, as may suit the fancy or ability of the builder. Unless one is very proficient in the use of wood-working tools and has a well-equipped carpen- ter 's bench, it would be advisable to purchase a Martin house out- [31] right from a reputable builder of these houses. There are in this country at least three manufacturers who furnish houses complete with pole, and whose advertisements appear in the columns of magazines devoted to birds and the out-of-doors. However should one wish to attempt the construction of a domicile for Martins, he will find that a light (weight) oak barrel, with entrances properly cut, and compartments fitted inside, the top finished with a conical-shaped roof and the whole affair neatly painted, makes both a practical, and an artistic house. Each room should be at least six inches or more square, and seven or eight inches high, with the entrance two and one half inches in diameter. The en- trance may be either circular in form, or shaped like an inverted U. The lower edge of the entrance should be made flush with the floor of the apartment, thus facilitating the removal of old nesting-material and a thorough cleaning of each apartment at the end of the season. One may use his individual taste in adding perches at the entrances, or in making a little balcony completely around the house, two inches below the edge of the entrances, on each tier of apartments. This house should be mounted on a pole twenty feet from the ground. Heavy galvanized pipe makes an ideal material for this purpose, the pipe being run through the centre of the barrel, where it may be securely bolted, and the ground end firmly imbedded in a barrel of cement sunk level with the sur- face of the lawn. Given a coat of enamel paint, this pole is proof against the claws of any felines who may seek to go aloft in quest of the feathered tenants or their progeny. While the Purple Martin is courageous and will give chase to any species of Hawk venturing near its home, it seems to be unable to successfully cope with the English Sparrow. This undesirable bird will, unless rigorous methods of extermination are used, pre-empt the Martin houses and destroy both their eggs and young. There is nothing quite as exasperating to the bird-lover, as the sight of a crowd of Sparrow gamins sitting at the entrances of the Martin houses, and yelling notes of derision at the rightful owners. The English Sparrow is a canny bird, and will desert a neighborhood for several months after having been shot at a few times. Use a shot-gun of small bore persistently [32] during the entire year, supplemented by wire Sparrow traps baited with cracked corn during the winter, and destroy their eggs and nests wherever found. Martins arrive during the first or second week in May, and by keeping the Martin house cov- ered with burlap or bagging until their arrival, the Sparrow will be forced to look elsewhere for quarters, for it is an early breeder, and nests before the Martin arrives. The European Starling has now made its appearance in Massa- chusetts and adjoining states, is fast becoming established, and is increasing in numbers. The Starling, like the English Sparrow, was introduced by some thoughtless, but well-meaning individ- ual, for the purpose of combating the ravages of injurious insects. The results have not been satisfactory from an economic point of view, from the fact that the Starling has shown a disposition to acquire a liking for fruits of many sorts as well as grains. While it is true that at certain seasons of the year he destroys many harmful insects, that his glossy plumage, yellow bill, his sedate saunterings about the lawn, his gurgling, whistling notes and droll antics afford both interest and amusement to the observ- er, yet he can never fulfill the mission that rightfully belongs to many species of our native birds. It is deplorable that the time and energy wasted in unsuccess- ful attempts along these lines, could not have been devoted in the years that have gone to increasing the numbers of our native birds. The Starling will nest in bird houses, in cornices and crevices of buildings, and in the abandoned holes of woodpeckers, and is thus a menace to our native birds of similar nesting-habits. The owner of a Martin house must use the same vigorous methods of elimination with this species as with the English Sparrow, or put up nesting-boxes for the Starling. The Martins start on their long southern journey late in Au- gust, or during the first week in September. Immediately after their departure, the house should be thoroughly cleaned, the nests removed, and it is well to look at this time for the egg clusters of the gypsy moth that are frequently deposited in the nesting apartments. A little powdered sulphur scattered on the [33] floor of each apartment will free the premises of parasites. After the process of renovating is completed, and the house has been well aired for two or three days, close all the openings to the apartments. Where the openings are circular in form, large corks may be obtained to fit them snugly, the use of which will not render the appearance of the Martin house as unsightly as when swathed in burlap. The burlap or canvas covering is sug- gested as a material to use only when the shape of the entrances will not allow the use of corks. The saving grace of the burlap or canvas is, that it is easily obtained and quickly applied. Professional builders of Martin houses, furnish a pole that is hinged at the ground-end. This arrangement allows the Martin house to be tipped over and placed upon the ground, or better, a carpenter's saw-horse. In this position it is readily cleaned and may then be covered from the weather during the winter, and again raised to position in the spring upon the arrival of the Martins. In this manner the English Sparrow elimination prob- lem is solved. The Martin house should be set up in the open and not too near one's own dwelling. The midst of a wide expanse of lawn is a suitable spot for this purpose. Martins like plenty of freedom about their homes, so do not erect the Martin house close to trees. The Martin is a bird fond of the wide expanse of farm lands and fertile, flat valleys of slow flowing rivers, and is not found abund- antly in hilly or mountainous country. Martin houses may be obtained of the following makers, all of whom are recommended as builders of thoroughly practical domi- ciles for the Purple Martin : The Audubon Bird-House Company, Meriden, New Hampshire; Joseph H. Dodson, 1200 Associa- tion Building, Chicago, Illinois; Jacobs Bird House Company, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. [34] BIRD BATHS WATER is as essential to birds as food, not only to quench their thirst and help assimilate their food, but also for the purpose of bathing, for birds are cleanly creatures. In hot weather and during the nesting season, birds drink often, and bathe fre- quently, and unless a supply is furnished near at hand, must fly long distances in its quest. Therefore bathing places should be established at intervals about one's grounds, particularly if the estate be of great extent. The selection of location is of vital importance to the welfare of the birds. However wary a bird may be at other times, it is during the pleasure of the bath that its watchfulness is relaxed, and caught off its guard, is pounced upon by some cat that has made a successful stalk from the cover of a nearby clump of shrubbery. To make this danger as remote as possible, place the bath in the open at some distance from any cover, and also as an addi- tional precaution have the bath mounted, when practicable, on a pedestal at least three feet in height. A bath may be a simple one easily constructed by the amateur, or it may be an affair of exquisite design, such as would fittingly adorn an Italian garden, along with its sundial and roses, and from the centre of which a fountain may play. The possibilities of a bird bath are limited only by the purse of the owner and the skill of the craftsman. Frequently boulders are found scattered about over an estate, the tops of which have been hollowed by the elements to a depth and shape ideal for a bath. Such a natural tub for the birds may be filled daily with water by means of a bucket, and is easily cleaned two or three times a week by using a stiff brush and sponge. Trailing or climbing vines planted about the base of the boulder will soon cover its grim sides with a mantle of green, and the moisture generated by the boulder itself, together with that supplied from the water removed from the bath during the pro- cess of cleaning, will keep the vines in a flourishing condition even during the heat of summer. A judicious use of the pruning-shears will keep the vines from over-running and covering the bath. [35] A boulder lacking the naturally hollowed surface, suitable for a bird bath, may by the aid of bricks, or better, rough stones and Portland cement, be transformed into an excellent bath that may be oval or rectangular in shape, or the sides may follow the con- tour of the boulder. A well-proportioned bath should be three feet long and two and one-half feet wide. It should have a depth of one-half inch at the edge, and the bottom should slope gradually toward the centre, where the greatest depth should not be over three and one-half inches. Birds alight at the edge of the bath and wade in cautiously until they find the depth that suits them, before begin- ning their ablutions, there is no sudden plunge into its depths. In making a permanent bird bath in the midst of a lawn, first cut out carefully the turf, making the opening large enough to admit of a siding of bricks set on edge to be placed around as a retaining border, so that the measurements of the finished bath inside the brick edging will be two and one-half by three feet. Remove the earth to the depth of twelve or sixteen inches, placing it upon a piece of canvas spread upon the lawn near by, and thus prevent disfiguring the surroundings with earthy debris. Fill this excavation with pieces of coarse, broken stone to within four inches of the top, and then set the bricks up on edge around the borders. Mix sharp sand and Portland cement together, using only water enough to form a stiff paste that can be easily handled. Use three parts of sand to one of cement, and stir the dry materials well together before adding the water. A shallow wooden box makes an excellent mortar-bed in which to prepare the mate- rial. After the cement has been applied and has "set" long enough so that it may be easily manipulated, take your trowel and smooth up ,the bath. Begin at the centre and work toward the sides, so that the bath will slope gently from the edge to the centre. Before the cement becomes too hard, a thin coating of pure cement may be rubbed over the three to one formula, and will make a more waterproof coating. By consulting a local mason, who will be glad to aid you, if only by suggestions, you will be able to successfully build the bird bath without much difficulty and in a creditable manner. [36] On many estates where the water supply is furnished either by the municipality, or from a private storage tank, the bird bath may be properly connected by pipes, so that an unlimited flow of water may be maintained throughout the season. Under these favorable conditions, a pipe may be run up through the centre of the bath, and form a fountain, the gentle spray from which is welcomed by the birds. All these suggestions must be worked out by the individual in accordance with the peculiar conditions to be met in various locations. Where the water supply is furnished by pipes, a cut- off must be placed below the freezing point, so that the water may be shut off during the winter months. During the winter season the problem of furnishing water for the birds is a difficult one, and we must fall back on our old friend, the dealer in poultry supplies, who will furnish a drinking fountain, the water of which is kept above the freezing point by means of a kerosene heater. [37] 365032 WINTER FEEDING OF BIRDS BIRDS are neither mendicants nor loafers, and except under the most adverse conditions of weather, do not look to their human friends for a supply of food, but cheerfully and indus- triously gather the insects and seeds of weeds that are everywhere found in abundance, and thus fulfill the economic part planned for them by nature. Insects, their larvae, and eggs form the principal diet of all young birds, from the time they emerge from the shell until they are fully grown and strong on the wing, and the quantity of insect food consumed during this period of a bird's life is be- yond conception. The eggs of leaf-devouring insects hatch soon after the un- folding of the leaves, in order that the larvae may feed on the foliage while it is young and tender. To counter-balance this state of affairs in the plant and insect world, nature has timed the hatching of the eggs in the nest to coincide with the first appear- ance of the larvae, which furnish the greater part of the food sup- ply of the nestlings, whose demands for food are insistent. In this manner the insects injurious to vegetation are kept in check. The migration of birds is regulated not only by weather condi- tions, but also by the scarcity or abundance of food, as the case may be. So long as a bird is well fed, low temperatures have no terrors for him. Snow and ice cover the food supply of the ground-feeding birds, and sleet storms incase the trees in an icy mail, that locks up the insects and their eggs securely from the birds that are dependent upon them for food. These are conditions that we must offset by providing food of various sorts for our feathered friends. All insectivorous winter birds are fond of beef suet, and this, like all fats, is a heat pro- ducing food of great value to birds during periods of intense cold. A good sized portion of suet should be placed on a piece of galvanized wire netting of one-half inch mesh, fourteen inches long and six inches wide. Fold the netting over so that it incloses the suet, and the ends meet evenly. Twist the wires on top and [38] SW/IYCIAIGTMD HOUSE OPENTROKT VIEW 3- fcr** A^. /eet 6 feet lnd "FOOD HOUSE TOU (JAME-BIKM ia.r qiimt, but when this bird donapprir it in unimlly in largo numbeito. The last large flight was during the autumn and winter of 1906- 1907, at which time the writer shot several of these birds and saw many others. This species of hawk is very fond of the flesh of Ruffed Grouse, and during the above mentioned flight the writer found the remains of several Grouse that had been killed and eaten by this bird. When this hawk appears in the vicinity a systematic campaign of extermination should be waged against it with the shot-gun. Foxes in the last decade have become very numerous through- out Massachusetts and other states. Reynard is not however as black as he is sometimes painted. He seems to live on neighborly terms with the Ruffed Grouse, and what few birds of this species he picks up are usually those that have been wounded by and es- caped from the gunner, or some weakling of the covey not strong enough to burst away on whirring wing. When mice and hares are plenty the Fox takes his toll from these. Should Foxes become a menace to the game birds, the shot-gun and hounds, and the steel-trap must be used to reduce their numbers to a safety point. Encourage the hares to increase and you will divert the Fox from preying upon the game birds. In many metropolitan suburbs the Crow and the Blue Jay have become both too numerous and too familiar to be tolerated with safety to our more useful birds. They should be systematically "thinned out." Individual Crows develop strong likings for young birds and eggs, particularly when the Crows have a family of their own dependent upon them. During the spring of 1914, a pair of Crows built a nest within a quarter of a mile of my home, and managed to make away with between thirty-five and forty chickens about a week old, before the theft was discovered. These Crows afterwards quietly dangled from the tip of a pole on the edge of the field as a warning to others of their tribe, who might seek to carry on depredations of a like nature. This same season, while journeying by train, I saw a Crow flying along within twenty yards of the car window, with a Quail's egg impaled upon its beak. I [65] will wager that later trips were made by this Crow to the Quail's nest as long as the supply of eggs held out. Blue Jays sneak quietly through the woods, and among the orchard and shade trees during the nesting season and help them- selves to the eggs and young of useful birds. For a bird usually so garrulous, the Blue Jay at this season of the year is strangely silent. It is an ominous silence, the silence used by a thief in his under- handed work. Whenever the Robin discovers a Jay during the nest- ing season on the prowl, he immediately sounds the alarm, when Robins and other birds immediately flock to the scene and hustle the Jay out of the neighborhood. When this commotion is heard among the birds, grab the shot-gun and annihilate the Blue Jay. The Great Horned and Barred Owl, are both very destructive to bird life and should be shot wherever found. The Snapping Turtle destroys many young Wild Ducks of all species, and is rather difficult to capture. This Turtle not only seizes the downy young, but also ducks that are half-grown. The bird protectionist has however a valuable ally in the much ma- ligned Skunk. The Skunk undoubtedly destroys some eggs and young of our ground-nesting birds, but endeavors to repay this loss by destroying many eggs of the Snapping Turtle. The Skunk has a decided epicurean taste in this respect, and makes a most thorough search for the eggs of the turtle that have been deposited in sandy stretches near river or pond, promptly digs them out and devours them on the spot, the broken shells scat- tered about giving evidence of the work. Too many dogs roam the woods during the nesting season, and a law should be enacted compelling their owners to restrain them at home during the spring and summer months. Some bird dogs develop what is called the "self-hunting" habit, and catch gamebirds on their nest, or the young. Most of the danger how- ever comes from the presence in the woods at night of both rabbit and fox hounds. These dogs while in chase of their quarry, frighten many ground nesting birds from their nests, with the result that the eggs are left to become chilled, and thus prevented from hatching, or the young birds die from exposure before the parent can return to them with the coming of daylight. [66] Rats and Weasels are very destructive, and should be trapped or shot whenever or wherever one may chance to find them. One of the greatest difficulties that the protector of wild life experiences in his efforts to increase the numbers of useful birds and animals, is the constantly recurring numbers of predatory spe- cies that will inevitably swarm within his protected area. However we must admit, from the results of observations by reputable nat- uralists, covering a period of many years, that predaceous species of both birds and mammals, when not too abundant, render an important service in keeping the health of our useful species at its highest standard, by destroying the sickly and maimed indi- viduals. This prevents disease from spreading and becoming a se- rious epidemic, particularly among our upland gamebirds. All the hawks, owls and foxes should not be destroyed, for then our country would soon be overrun by weasels, rats, mice and other rodents. It is only when the numbers of harmful species are out of all proportion to those of the useful species that we must by a * process of extermination restorelflature's balance^Unfortunately _ji f^fl today the predaceous birds and species in many sections of our ' country have multiplied in numbers beyond a point of safety. There is no way of overcoming this menace except by eternal vigilance in judicious trapping and the use of firearms. Like vul- tures, these "pests "as Dr. Hornaday rightfully calls them, seem to intuitively gather to the good hunting grounds of the Wild Life Refuge or Sanctuary. Present day methods of spraying trees with poisonous fluids and the use of powerful machines for the purpose, must no doubt continue, in order to destroy the myriads of leaf-eating insects that defoliate our trees. Nevertheless, nests, eggs, and young birds are destroyed by the powerful, drenching stream thrown by the power- sprayer. Birds are not found in numbers in sections where the trees have been thoroughly sprayed. Not only have their homes been destroyed, but also the insect life upon which they feed. Whether many birds die from the effects of eating insects that have been poisoned is a question that still remains unanswered. [67] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WORKS PERTAINING TO BIRDS AND THE OUT-OF-DOORS THIS list of books was compiled as an aid to those who may wish to continue the study of bird protection and the estab- lishment of game refuges and sanctuaries. Works on shooting, fishing and exploration have also been included, from the fact that much interesting and instructive material is often found among the pages of books on these subjects, and in many instances their authors are among our foremost advocates of wild life conservation. Many of the members of this Association are both enthusiastic sportsmen and anglers, and it is only fair that a list of books on the subjects most dear to them should be included in this compilation. The books included in this list comprise not only the most recent publications on the various subjects, but also well known works that have stood the test of time and the critics, and which are indispensable to the student of wild life. Many of these are classics, and should always be within the reach of everyone who has a love for the out-of-doors, and religiously read at least once every season. What can more completely veil your urban sur- roundings of a winter's night, and transport you to the open country, than the reading of Frank Bolles' s "Land of the Lin- gering Snow" and "At the North of Bearcamp Water," or John Burroughs' "Wake-Robin"? Many books that have not been included in this list have great merit, but space would not admit of more. So the writer must be pardoned if he has unintentionally slighted the books of other authors by not placing them on these pages. BIRDS Audubon and his Journals. 2 vols. $7.50 Bailey, Mrs. Florence Merriam Birds of Field and Village. Illustrated 2.00 Bailey, Mrs. Florence Merriam Handbook of Birds of the Western United States. Illustrated 3.50 Bolles, Frank At the North of Bearcamp Water 1.25 Bolles, Frank Land of the Lingering Snow 1.25 [68] Brewster, William Birds of the Cambridge Region, Massachu- setts $2.50 Burroughs, John Wake-Robin. With Portrait 1.15 Chapman, Frank M. Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America. Colored plates. 1914 3. 50 Chapman, Frank M. The Warblers of North America. Col- ored plates. 1914 3.00 Forbush, Edward Howe History of the Game-Birds, Wildfowl, Shore Birds of Massachusetts and Adjacent States. Illustrated 1.00 Forbush, Edward Howe Useful Birds and Their Protection. Illustrated 1.00 Herrick, F. H. Home Life of Wild Birds. Illustrated 2.00 Hoffmann, Ralph A Guide to the Birds of New England and Eastern New York. Illustrated 1.50 Minot, Henry D. The Land-Birds and Game-Birds of New England. Edited by William Brewster. With Portrait and out- line illustrations 3. 50 Reed, Chester A. Bird Book. Illustrated, colors. 1915 3.00 Sandys, E. W., and Van Dyke, T. S. Upland Game-Birds. Illustrated 2.00 Sanford, L. C. Waterfowl Family. Illustrated 2.00 Townsend, Charles W. Birds of Essex County, Massachusetts 2.50 Townsend, Charles W. Along the Labrador Coast. Illustrated 1.50 Townsend, Charles W. A Labrador Spring. Illustrated 1.50 Townsend, Charles W. Sand Dunes and Salt Marshes 2.00 Trafton, Gilbert H. Methods of Attracting Birds. Illustrated 1.25 Trumbull, Gurdon Names and Portraits of Birds Which Inter- est Gunners. Illustrated 2.00 Wright, Mabel Osgood Birdcraft. Illustrated 2.00 SHOOTING, FISHING AND WOODCRAFT Bennet, E. Shots and Snapshots in British East Africa. Illustrated. 1914 2.00 Breck, Edward The Way of the Woods j a Manual for Sports- men. Illustrated 1. 75 Camp, Samuel G. Fishing Kits and Equipment 1.00 Carnegie, W. Practical Game Preserving 3.00 Dugmore, A. Radclyffe The Romance of the Beaver. Illustra- ted with photographs from life and drawings by the author. 1914 2. 50 Duncan, Stanley and Thorne, Guy Complete Wildfowler Ashore and Afloat. Illustrated 3. 75 Frazer, Perry D. Angler's Workshop 1.00 [69] Gathorne-Hardy, A. E. My Happy Hunting Grounds. Illustrated $3.00 Grinnell, George B. Hunting in High Altitudes. Illustrated 2.50 Holder, Charles F. Big Game at Sea. Illustrated 2.00 Holder, Charles F. Big Game Fishes of the United States. Illustrated 2.00 Holder, Charles F. Game Fishes of the World. Illustrated 5.00 Holder, Charles F. Salt Water Game Fishing .70 Hornaday, William T. Camp Fires in the Canadian Rockies. Illustrated 3.00 Hornaday, William T. Camp Fires on Desert and Lava. Illustrated 3.00 Hornaday, William T. Our Vanishing Wild Life. Illustrated 1.50 Hornaday, William T. Wild Life Conservation. Illustrated. 1914 1.50 Huntingdon, Dwight W. Our Big Game. Illustrated 2.00 Huntington, Dwight W. Our Feathered Game. Illustrated 2.00 Huntington, Dwight W. Our Wild Fowl. Illustrated 1.50 Jefferies, John Richard The Gamekeeper at home. New edition. Illustrated 1.20 Jones, Owen and Woodward, Marcus Game Keeper's Note Book 2.10 Jordan and Evermann American Food and Game Fishes 4. 00 Kearton, Cherrie Wild Life Across the World with the Camera 5. 00 Kephart, Horace Book of Camping and Woodcraft. Illustrated 1.50 LaBranche, G. M. L. Dry Fly and Fast Waters 2.00 Marbury, Mary Orvis Favorite Flies and Their Histories. Illus- trated in colors and black and white 5.00 Martindale, Thomas Hunting in the Upper Yukon. Illustrated 2.00 Mcllhenny, Edward A. The Wild Turkey and its Hunting. Illustrated. 1914 2.50 Rhead, Louis Bait Angling for Common Fishes 1.25 Rogers, Sir John Godfrey Sport in Vancouver and Newfound- land. Illustrated 2.00 Roosevelt, Theodore African Game Trails. Illustrated 4.00 Roosevelt, Theodore Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter. Illustrated 3.00 Scull, E. Marshall Hunting in the Arctic and Alaska. Illustra- ted. 1914 2.50 Sears, George W. (Nessmuk) Woodcraft. A Classic 1.00 Seton, Ernest Thompson Life Histories of Northern Animals. 2 Vols. Complete history of North America Animals from the Field Mouse to the Moose. Illustrated 18. 00 Seton, Ernest Thompson The Arctic Prairies. Illustrated 2.50 [70] Sheldon, Charles The Wilderness of the Upper Yukon. Illus- trated $3.00 Sheldon, Charles Wilderness of the North Pacific Coast Islands. Illustrated 2.00 Singer, Daniel J. Big Game Fields of America North and South. Illustrated. 1914 2.25 Southard, Charles Z. Trout Fly-Fishing in America 7.50 Thomas, W. S. Trails and Tramps in Alaska and Newfound- land. Illustrated 2.50 White, Stewart Edward African Camp Fires. Illustrated 1.50 White, Stewart Edward Camp and Trail. Illustrated 1.50 White, Stewart Edward Land of Footprints. (Hunting Adven- tures in Africa.) Illustrated 1.50 White, Stewart Edward The Forest. Illustrated 1.50 White, Stewart Edward The Mountains. Illustrated 1.50 White, Stewart Edward The Rediscovered Country. (Africa.) Illustrated. 1915 2.00 Whitney, Harry Hunting with the Eskimos. Illustrated 3.50 Nearly all of the books mentioned in the above list may be found on the shelves of the larger City and Town Libraries throughout our country. Many of these are desirable to own, and the price has been given opposite each. [71] - University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. UWTIEBITY 0? CAI Sftltt* AT SK 353 sU3c 001 327 573 o Univer Sou Lil