CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER HILLSBOROUGH CALIFORNIA 1918 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation CATALOGUE A BECKETT (Gilbert Abbott).— Autograph Contract between A Beckett and Francis Davidge covering the production of A Beckett ^s opera ' ' Little Red Riding Hood. ' ' 12 June, 1842. Auto- graphed in three places: G. A. A Beckett, Fr. Davidge; John Nash (witness). Folio. A BECKETT (Gilbert Abbott).— The Comic Blackstone. See Cruikshank Illustrations. ACHE (Caran d').— Album Caran d'Ache. First, Second and Third Series: Bric-a-brac Al- bum. C 'est a Prendre ou a Laisser Album. Paris, n. d. 4to, half crimson morocco. Numerous illustrations. ADDISON (Joseph) and STEELE (Sir Rich- ard). — The Spectator. Complete set of the 555 original numbers, as issued, from Thursday, March 1st, 1711, to Saturday, Dec. 6th, 1712. Folio, one volume, sprinkled calf, gilt, by R. de Coverley. This contains all the numbers published of the original Spectator, but several numbers of another periodical under the same name, CATALOGUE OF THE LIBKARY OF with which neither Addison nor Steele had had anything to do, were afterwards printed. This series contains the last number of the original, in which Steele closes the publication, and has also Nos. 613 and 618 of "Vol. VIII" of the Pseudo Spectator, issued by the same publishers. This was Frederick Locker's copy, from the Rowfant Library. Three interesting letters from Austin Dobson, with reference to the completion of the numbers for Locker, are inserted. Some of the later numbers have the original revenue stamp. The volume has a specially printed title : * * A Compleat Sett of the ' Spec- tators,' by Richard Steele, Esq." In addition to the papers on Sir Roger de Coverley (by Addison and Steele) the first appear- ance of Pope 's * ' The Messiah " is in No. 338. Pope also contrib- uted Nos. 404 and 408 and a short paper in 527. ALDINE PRESS.— DANTE. Le Terze Rime di Dante. (Lo 'Nferno e'l Purgatorio e'l Para- dise di Dante Aligheri). [Colophon] Venetiis Aedib. Aldi. Accuratissime Men. Aug. MDII. 24mo, full crushed levant morocco, edges marbled under the gilt by Trautz-Bauzonnet. The first Aldine Edition. Very rare, issued before the famous anchor had been adopted. This copy measures six and a quarter by three and seven-eighths inches, and is immaculate throughout. It is printed in the famous Aldine or Italic type, which was first used in the Virgil, one year earlier. The type is said to have been cut by Francesco da Bologna, better known as Francia. AINSWORTH (William Harrison).— Wind- sor Castle. See Cruikshank Illustrations. ALLIBONE (S. A.).— Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors, Living and Deceased, from the Earliest CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Accounts to the Latter Half of the XIX Century. With Supplement by J. F. Kirk. Philadelphia, 1897. 4to, five volumes, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, AMES (Richard).— Fatal Friendship: or, The Drunkard's Misery, being a Satyr against Hard Drinking. London, 1693. 4to, half roan. The McKee copy, with bookplate engraved by French. ANSTEY (Christopher).— The New Bath Guide, etc. See Cruikshank Illustrations. ARISTOTLE.— Aristotelis Ethicorum Nico- macheorum: Codicum MSS. Collatione recogniti & notis illustrati a G. Wilkinson. Oxonii, 1715. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco. Large paper copy. Frontispiece. ARNOLD (Matthew). — Alaric at Rome, A Prize Poem. Recited in Rugby School. June XII, MDCCCXL. Rugby: Combe and Crossley, MDCCCXL. 8vo, original pink wrappers, uncut. The First Edition of Arnold's first poem, and one of the rarest of nineteenth century books, of which but few copies are known. Only one other copy has previously appeared in the auc- tion rooms of this country. Twelve years ago it was quite un- known. Six copies in all have been brought to light. Arnold was but eighteen years of age when he won the scholar- ship at Eugby with this poem. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAKY OF ARNOLD (Matthew). — Cromwell: a Prize Poem, Recited in the Theatre, Oxford, June 28th, 1843. Oxford, J. Vincent, 1843. Small 8vo, full crushed levant morocco, with gold monogram on sides, gold paper doublure and fly, gilt top, uncut, and original wrappers hound in, by Maclehose, The First Edition of Arnold's second book. ARNOLD (Matthew). — England and the Italian Question. London: Longman 1859. 8vo, full crushed levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition. On the fly-leaf Arnold has written : ' ' With the Author's Compliments. J. Buckland. Gaymore Cottage." BAKST (Leon).— The Decorative Art of Leon Bakst. Appreciation by Arsene Alexandre. Notes on the Ballets by Jean Cocteau. Translated from the French by Harry Melvill. London : The Fine Art Society, 1913. Folio, half vellum. Portrait and seventy-seven plates. BALZAC (HoNORE de). — Les Contes Drola- tiques. [Paris, 1875.] 12mo, gilt top, uncut, original paper covers bound in. The Eighth Edition. Containing four hundred and twenty-five drawings by Gustave Dor6. CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER BALZAC (HoNORE de). — Ql^uvres Illustrees de: Edition Caiman Levy. Paris, n. d. 8vo, twenty volumes, three-quarters dark green morocco, gilt top, uncut. BARING-aOULD (Sabine).— The Book of Were- Wolves, Being an Account of a Terrible Superstition. London, 1865. 12mo, original pictorial cloth, uncut. The First Edition. Frontispiece. This gives a long account of the Marechal de Retz, the supposed original of our "Bluebeard." The book is a monograph on a peculiar form of popular superstition prevalent among all nations and in all ages. BARING-GOULD (Sabine).— Nero. London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 1907. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. The Royal Library Belles Lettres Series. BASILS (Giovanni Battista). — II Pentame- rone ; or The Tale of Tales. Being a translation hy the late Sir Richard Burton, ... of II Pentame- rone; Overo lo Cunto de li Cunte, Trattenemiento de li Peccerille, of Giovanni Battista Basile, Count of Torone (Gian AUessio Abbattutis). . . London: Henry and Co., . . 1893. 8vo, two volumes, black cloth as issued, uncut. BEARDSLEY (Aubrey).— A Book of Fifty Drawings. With an Iconography by Aymer Val- lance. London, 1897. 4to, decorated vellum, gilt top, uncut. One of fifty copies printed on Japanese vellum. 7 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF BEARDSLEY (Aubrey).— A Second Book of Fifty Drawings. London, 1899. 4to, decorated vellum, gilt top, uncut. One of fifty copies on Japanese vellum. Portrait. BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John). — Comedies / and / Tragedies / Written by Francis Beavmont And lohn Fletcher, Gentle- men. / Never printed before, / And now pub- lifhed by the Authours / Originall Copies. / Si quid habent veri Vatum praefagia, vivam. / London, / Printed for Humphrey Robinfon, at the three Pidgeons, and for / Humphrey Mofeley at the Princes Armes in St. Pauls / Churchyard. 1647. Folio, full crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. The First Edition with portrait by William Marshall. This is the first collected edition, and the volume does not contain the ''Wild Goose Chase," which was sometimes included in the work. There is a brilliant impression of the portrait of Fletcher engraved by Marshall, in the very first state of the plate; the name of Sir John Birkenhead being printed large beneath the nine lines of verse written by him, and the words ''vates duplex" in small letters. This edition appears to have been due to the enterprise of Moseley, and nothing which throws light upon the history of printing at this time is more interesting than the Postscript added at the end of the Commendatory Verses. The volume is dedicated to the Earl of Pembroke, to whom also was dedicated the First Folio Edition of Shakespeare: and in the dedication to the present volume is an interesting mention of this incident in which the great bard is termed "Sweet Swan of Avon Shakespeare." BECKFORD (William).— An Arabian Tale. (Vathek.) From an Unpublished Manuscript: 8 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER With Notes Critical and Explanatory. Printed for J. Johnson, in St. Paul's Church- Yard, and Entered at the Stationer's Hall. 1786. 8v0y brown hoards, with leather bach and ends, yellow edges. The First Edition. Large Paper, and so excessively rare, that the Beekford Library (when dispersed) only contained a small paper copy. This was Robert Southey's copy, with his bookplate. In his handwriting, on the inside cover, is written "Robert Southey. Jany. 3, 1811." On the title-page he has written **by W. Beck- ford of Fonthill," also "by Mr. Henley." Beekford wrote this book in French, at one sitting, when only twenty-two years old. BEHN (Aphra). — The Plays, Histories, and Novels, of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn. With Life and Memoirs. Complete in six volumes. London, John Pearson. 1871. 8vo, full tree calf, gilt top, uncut. BEBANGER (Pierre Jean de). — ^Chanson Morales et Autres. Avec Gravures et Musique. Paris, 1816. 18mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Caprin. The First Edition. BERNATH (Desire de).— Cleopatra: Her Life and Reign. London : Arthur L. Humphreys. 1908. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. The Royal Library Historical Series. 9 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF BERRY (Mary).— Extracts from the Journals and Correspondence of Miss Berry. From the Year 1783 to 1852. Edited by Lady Theresa Lewis. In Three Volumes. Second Edition. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1866. 8vo, three volumes, half green morocco. Frontispiece portraits. BIERCE (Ambrose).— The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce. New York and Washington: The Neale Publishing Company, 1909. 8v0y sixteen volumes, full brown crushed levant morocco, gold tooling, douhlures and fly-leaf of silk. One of two hundred and fifty sets, autographed by the Author. BIERSTADT (Oscar A.).— The Library of Robert Hoe. A Contribution to the History of Bibliophilism in America by 0. A. Bierstadt, Assistant Librarian of the Astor Library. With one hundred and ten illustrations taken from manuscripts and books in the collection. Duprat & Co., New York. 1895. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. The edition was limited to three hundred and fifty copies. BLAKE (William).— Two Water-Color Draw- ings. 1794. 8vo, with original mats. The originals for plates IV and VI of a book entitled "Europe, a Prophecy. '' 10 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER BLAKE (William). — Illustrations of the Book of Job. Twenty-one Plates Invented and En- graved by William Blake. 1825. London, 1826. Folio, half vellum, uncut, original label. Large Paper, Proof fidition, with the plates on India paper, all marked ** Proof. '* These are considered the finest engravings that Blake ever pro- duced. BLAKE (William). — Plates to Dante. [Lon- don, 1824.] Large folio, half morocco. Seven plates, India proofs before all letters. THE / BOOKE OF THE COMMON PRAIER / AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE / SAC- RAMENTES, AND / OTHER RITES AND / CEREMONIES / OF THE / CHURCHE: AFTER THE / USE OF THE CHURCHE OF / ENGLANDE. / Londini, in officina Richardi Graftoni, / Regij imprefferis. / Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum folum. / Anno Domini, M.D.DLIX. / Menfe Marti j. [Colophon] Excusum Londini, in aedibus Rich- ardi Graftoni Regij LuprelToris. Menfe Junij M.D.XLIX. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum folum. 4to, full blue morocco, gilt on the rough. This is one of the rarest of the early issues of Edward the Sixth's First Prayer Book. The one published by Whitchurch, March 7th, is the first. The most marked dissimilarity in the vol- umes issued by the London printers lies in the special woodcut title- 11 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF pages used by each. Grafton *s beautiful border (repeated for *'A Table" and "Kalender'') shows, above a Doric frieze supported by pilasters, a view of the Council Chamber with King Edward, surrounded by his advisors, and at the bottom the printers' pun- ning mark, on a shield held by two angels. It is as fine an example of work as anything of the period. Grafton afterwards used the same border for his edition of ''A Concordance of the Bible," printed in 1550. The unnumbered leaf at the end of the book contains the royal order concerning the price of the book. Only a few of the side margins are restored. It is evident that the Litany was not intended to form part of this book, as the previous page ends with "Finis," and it is not mentioned in the Table of Contents on verso of the title-page. BOSWELL (James). See Samuel Johnson. BOUGEREAU (William).— William Bouge- reau. Par Marius Vachon. Photogravure plates on India paper and numerous other illustrations. Paris, 1901. 4to, three-quarters brown crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt top J uncut. Complete Life and History of this Artist's work, with list of paintings from 1848 to 1897. BOURGET (Paul).— Pastels. (Dix Portraits de Femmes.) Paris, MDCCCLXXXIX. 12mo, half morocco and silk, gilt top, uncut, original paper covers bound in. One of twenty-five copies printed on Holland paper. BOURGET (Paul).— Nouveaux Pastels. (Dix Portraits d 'Homme.) Paris, MDCCCXCI. 12mo, half morocco and silk, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in. Number forty-nine of fifty copies on Holland paper. 12 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER BOURGET (Paul).— L'iltape. Paris, (1902). 12mo, half morocco and silk, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in. One of twenty copies on Japan paper. BRIGHAM (William T.). See Hawaiian Islands. BRINKLEY (Captain F.).— Japan, its History, Arts and Literature. (Also) China, its History, Arts and Literature. Boston and Tokio: J. B. Millet Company [1901]. 8vo, together twelve volumes, silk binding, gilt top, uncut. The Library Edition, limited to one thousand numbered copies. With numerous illustrations, mostly in colour, also folding maps. BROWNE (Hablot K.) [^^Phiz.'^— PELHAM (Camden). The Chronicles of Crime; or. The Newgate Calendar. A Series of Memoirs and Anecdotes of Notorious Characters. By Camden Pelham. Embellished with fifty-two engravings, from the original drawings by *^Phiz.'' London, 1841. 8vo, two volumes, cloth, unc\it. The First Edition, and scarce in the original binding. BROWNING (Robert).— Strafford: An His- torical Tragedy. By Robert Browning, Author of *^ Paracelsus." London, 1837. 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. The First Edition. Presentation copy, **Mrs. Macready, from 13 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF the Author. May 17, 1837/' written on the fly-leaf in Browning's handwriting. The two leaves of advertisements are lacking. This is Browning 's third book. The preface in this was omitted in later reprints. The tragedy was written for Macready. BROWNING (Robert).— (I) Bells and Pome- granates. No. I. — Pippa Passes. By Robert Browning, author of ^^ Paracelsus." London: Edward Moxon, [Bradbury and Evans, Printers] . . . M DCCCXLI. (II) Bells and Pomegranates. No. 11. King Victor and King Cbarles. By Robert Browning, . . . London: Edward Moxon, . . . . M DCCCXLIL (III) Bells and Pome- granates. No. III. Dramatic Lyrics. By Robert Browning, . . . London: Edward Moxon, . . . M DCCC XLIL (IV) Bells and Pomegranates. No. IV. The Return of the Druses. A Tragedy. In five acts. By Robert Browning . . . London: Edward Moxon, . . . M DCCC XLIIL (V) Bells and Pomegranates. No. V. A Blot in the 'Scutch- eon. A Tragedy, in three acts. By Robert Browning, .... London : Edward Moxon, . . . M DCCC XLIIL (VI) Bells and Pomegranates. No. VI. Colombe's Birthday. A Play, in five acts. By Robert Browning, . . . [Three lines from Han- mer.] London: Edward Moxon, . . . M DCCC XLIV. (VII) Bells and Pomegranates. No. VIL Dramatic Romances & Lyrics. By Robert Brown- ing, . . . London: Edward Moxon, . . . M DCCC XLV. (VIII) Bells and Pomegranates. No. VIII and last. Luria; and A Soul's Tragedy. By 14 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Robert Browning, . . . London, Edward Moxon, . . . M DCCC XLVI. 8vo, eight parts in one volume, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere, The First Editions, lacking advertisements, BROWNING (Robert).— The Statue and the Bust. London, 1855. 12mo, pp, 21, unbound and unopened. The First Edition. One of a very small number printed for Browning's own use and numbered among the rarest of his first editions. It appeared later in the same year in his Collected Poems, and with **Cleon'' was written specially for this volume. BROWNING (Robert).— The Ring and the Book. In four volumes. Smith, Elder and Co., London, 1868. 16mo, four volumes, original green cloth, uncut. The First Edition. BROWNING (Robert).— Robert Browning's Complete Works. With an Introductory Essay- by William Lyon Phelps. Introductions and Notes by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. New York: Fred de Fau & Company, 1910. 8vo, twelve volumes, three-quarters morocco, floral design tooled on hacks. The Assisi Edition, limited to one hundred sets. BROWNING ( Robert) .—Autograph Letter Signed. 12mo, one page, 19, Warwick Crescent, W. March 10, '86. To Mr. Kent, thank- ing him for a book. Signed, Robert Browning. With addressed envelope. 15 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF BRUNELLESCHI ILLUSTRATIONS. MUS- SET (Louis Charles Alfred de). — La Nuit Veni- tienne. Fantasio. Les Caprices de Marianne. Par Alfred de Musset. Illustrations de U. Brunel- leschi. L 'Edition d'Art. H. Piazza, Paris, 1913. Small folio, three-quarters morocco^ original covers hound in. One of five hundred copies printed on Japanese paper. BRUNELLESCHI ILLUSTRATIONS.— Con- tes du Temps Jadis. L 'Edition d'Art. Illustra- tions de U. Brunelleschi. H. Piazza, Paris, 1912. Small folio, three-quarters morocco, original covers hound in. One of four hundred copies on Japanese paper. BRYAN (W. A.). See Hawaiian Islands. BRYANT (William Cullen).— The Iliad of Homer. — The Odyssey of Homer. Translated into blank verse by William Cullen Bryant. Illus- trations by John Flaxman. Boston and New York : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1905. 4to, eight volumes, full hlue crushed levant mot occo, gold panels with special tooling on hack and sides, douhlures of hlue morocco with large peacock-hlue panel fra/med in special tooling, silk fly-leaves, gilt top, uncut. Large Paper Edition, limited to six hundred copies. 16 CHABLES TEMPLETOiT CROCKER BURGESS (Gelett).— The Lark. An Illus- trated Monthly Magazinelet, issued by Les Jeunes, Conducted by Gelett Burgess. Illustrated by Ernest Peixotto, Bruce Porter, Gelett Burgess, etc. San Francisco, May, 1895, to April, 1897. 8v0y two volumes, pictorial cloth, {'^The Piping Fmin^' and *^The Oread^^), with the original covers hound in, uncut. Complete set of the cleverest of the many freak magazines; almost entirely the work of one man. BURNEY(Feances [Mme. D 'Arbl ay ]).— Fanny Burney and Her Friends. Selected Passages from her Diary and Other Writings. Edited by Henry B. Wheatley. Seeley & Co. : London, n. d. 8vo, two volumes, three-quarters dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Large Paper copy with nine illustrations after Eeynolds, Gains- borough, Copley and West. Extra-illustrated by the insertion of one hundred and ninety-eight portraits and plates. Among the portraits are many fine India proofs, beautiful mezzotints and stipple engravings; mezzotint portrait of Dr. Armstrong, engraved by S. W. Reynolds; Maria Gunning, by A. M. Sanders after Sir Joshua Reynolds; David Garrick, his wife and also a portrait in character; Countess of Harrington, mezzotint engraved by S. W. Reynolds ; James Earl of Cardigan, engraved by J. Collyer ; etched portrait of Robert Dodsley, proof on Japan, of which only fifty impressions were made; Miss Reynolds, engraved by S. W. Rey- nolds; Sir Joshua Reynolds, mezzotint by J. W. Giller; R. B. Sheridan; Mrs. Piozzi; Lord Viscount Ligonier, proof mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds; The Nativity, brilliant impression; Queen Charlotte, engraved by Nilson; Mrs. Horton, engraved by Cook; Samuel Johnson, engraved by J. Heath, after Reynolds, 1736; Mrs. Piozzi, engraved by H. Meyer; mezzotint portrait of Shake- speare, by Charles Turner; Duchess of Portland, engraved by G. Vertue; Queen Charlotte, mezzotint by Spooner; Warren Hast- ings, engraved by Stubbs, 1795; stipple portrait of Charles James Fox; proof mezzotint of Dr. Johnson, engraved by S. W. Rey- nolds; portrait of William Pitt; George the Third; Augusta, Princess of Brunswick, mezzotint by R. Houston after J. Eeynolds; 17 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEARY OF Joseph Baretti, engraved by J. Hardy after Sir Joshua Eeynolds; Madame de Genlis, engraved by Lignon; Mrs. Kemble, engraved by Chessman, and many other fine and rare portraits. BURNS (Robert).— Poems, / Chiefly in the / Scottish Dialect, / By Robert Burns. / [Four lines of verse.] / Kilmarnock: / Printed by John Wilson. / M,DOC,LXXXVI. 8vo, full crushed levant morocco, gilt. The First Edition, and a fine tall copy. With two lines in Bums' autograph of ^'The Twa Dogs," from the original manu- script, inlaid to size. This small portion originally hung framed in the Jean Armour Cottage, and was procured from Col. William N. Burns, the poet's son. It passed into the hands of one of Jean Armour's relations and was purchased at the sale of the Burns and Armour relics in Glasgow, 1908. BURNS (Robekt).— Poems, / Chiefly in the / Scottish Dialect. / By / Robert Burns. / Edin- burgh: / Printed for the Author, / and sold by William Creech. / M,DCC,LXXXVII. 6vo, original calf, uncut. The first issue of the first Edinburgh edition. Portrait by Beugo after A. Nasmyth (the first portrait made of Burns). Lacks the half title. This was published the year after the Kilmarnock edition, contains twenty-seven pieces printed for the first time, and is dedicated "To the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the Caledonian Hunt." This is the rare first issue (two were published in the same year in Edinburgh) and contains all the needed * * points. ' ' On page xxxvii, the Duke of Roxburgh 's name is printed * * Boxburgh, ' ' and on page xlvi is the addenda to the subscription list. These were altered in the later issue, the addenda was incorporated in the list, and "Boxburgh" was correctly spelled "Roxburgh." Only a few copies of the genuine first issue of this edition were printed. On page 263, the word * * stinking ' ' is mis-spelled * * skink- ing." This copy is particularly interesting as having belonged to Rob- ert Ainslie, and was presented to him by Burns. On the fly-leaf is Ainslie 's signature, and throughout the book Burns has filled in the names where asterisks appear in the printed text. There are about forty of these notations in the handwriting of the poet. 18 CHARLES TEMPLfiTON CROCKIlR At the heading of ** Death and Doctor Hornbrook. A True Story," Burns has written "John Wilson schoolmaster, Tarbol- ton." An autograph note from Burns to Ainslie has been inserted in this copy. It has the address on the outside of the sheet '*Mr. Robt Ainslie. Writer, Care of Mr. Ainslie, Bookseller, Newtown, Edin. To be forwarded wherever he is." The note has neither beginning nor end, and it is probably the kind Burns would dash off when there seemed to be little to write about. It reads : * * I am not entirely sure of my farm's doing well — I hope for the best: but I have my Excise Commission in my pocket : I don 't care three skips of a cur-dig for the up-an-down gambols of Fortune. I am vexed at your seeming dispiritedness. I am afraid somewhat is going cross with you. The devil sometimes half whispers me, that you are wearing of an idle barren correspondence." BURTON (Sir Richard Francis). See Basile, Giovanni Battista. BYRON (George Gordon, Lord). — The Giaour, a Fragment of a Turkish Tale. By Lord Byron. . . London : . . . John Murray . . . 1813. 8v0y full green morocco ^ gilt top, uncut. The First Edition, with advertisements. BYRON (George Gordon, Lord). — The Corsair, a tale. By Lord Byron. London : . . . John Murray . . . 1814. 8vo, green morocco, gilt top uncut, with brown paper wrappers bound in. The First Edition, with advertisements. On title and cover is the autograph of Princess Mary of Gloucester. BYRON (George Gordon, Lord). — Hebrew Melodies. By Lord Byron. London : printed for John Murray .... 1815. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition, with aU the original advertisements. 19 CATALOGUE OP THE LIBBARY OF BYRON (George Gordon, Lord).— The Pris- oner of Chillon, and other poems. By Lord Byron. London: printed for John Murray . . . 1816. 6vo, full green morocco, gilt top, uncut, original brown paper covers hound in. The First Edition, with advertisements. BYRON (George Gordon, Lord). — Lord Byron's Farewell to England ; with three other poems, viz. Ode to St. Helena, To my Daughter, on the morn- ing of her birth, and To the Lily of France .... London : published by T. Johnson, . . . 1816. 6vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, douhlures and fly-leaves of le.vant, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition, with the advertisements. BYRON (George Gordon, Lord). — Manfred, a dramatic poem. By Lord Byron. London : John Murray . . . 1817. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, douh- lures and fly-leaves of crimson levant, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition, with four leaves of advertisements. BYRON (George Gordon, Lord). — Mazeppa, a poem. By Lord Byron. London: John Murray . . . 1819. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, douh- lures and fly-leaves of crimson levant, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition, with half title and advertisements. 20 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER CALIFORNIANA ADAMS & CO. BANK. San Francisco. The original book containing the twenty-five hundred signatures of depositors at the bank from 1849 to 1854. Folio, old oqlf. [AITKEN (James).]— From the Clyde to Cali- fornia with Jottings by the Way. Reprinted from the Greenock Herald. Illustrated with two photo- graphs. Greenock: William Johnston, Hamilton Street. Helensburgh: James Lament. Glasgow: William Porteous and Co. 1882. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Presentation copy. ALLEN (Benjamin Shannon). — California. From 1769 to 1909. An Illustrated History issued in Commemoration of the Portola Festival. Edited by Benjamin Shannon Allen. San Francisco, 1910. Folio, two volumes, limp morocco. Contains also many special articles by writers from all the lead- ing San Francisco papers. ANDERSON (Alexander D.).— The Silver Country of the Great Southwest. A Review of the Mineral and Other Wealth, the Attractions and Material Development of the Former King- dom of New Spain, Comprising Mexico, and the 21 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Mexican Cessions to the United States in 1848 and 1853. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 182 Fifth Avenue, 1877. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Contains a list of books on Mexico, California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, and Utah, besides general works on New Spain, etc. ANSON (George). — A Voyage Round the World, In the Years 1740, 1741, 1742, 1743, 1744, by George Anson, Esq., Afterwards Lord Anson, Commander-in-Chief of a Squadron of his South Seas. Compiled from his Papers and Majesty *s Ships, Sent upon an Expedition to the Materials, by Richard Walter, M.A., Chaplain of his Majesty's Ship, the Centurion, in that Expe- dition. With a Map, shewing the Track of the Centurion round the World. London : Printed for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; sold at the depository, Great Queen-Street, Lincoln 's-Inn-Fields, and 4, Royal Exchange ; and by all booksellers. 1848. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Frontispiece, folding map, and illustrations. This compilation of Richard Walter has long occupied a dis- tinguished position as a masterpiece of descriptive travel. The first edition was published in 1748, in quarto, and its textual dif- ferences with the later quartos are slight. The forty-two maps and plates should accompany all. There is an abridgment issued in octavo (as this copy), also frequently reprinted, and translations were made into French, Ger- man and other languages. Anson's voyage appears to have been the most popular book of adventure in the eighteenth century. It contains an interesting account of the Island of Juan Fernandez. CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER ARTICLES of Association and Agreement of the Noe Ranch Association, with By-Laws of the Board of Directors. Philadelphia, 1856. 12m0y original paper wrappers, ARTICLES of Association of the Philadelphia and California Mining Company, together with the By-Laws, Lease, Map, etc. Philadelphia, 1852. 8v0y original paper covers. These raining prospectuses with the invaluable maps are of the greatest historical importance. All of them are excessively scarce. BANCROFT (Hubert Howe).— Bancroft's Map of California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. San Francisco, 1864. Large folio, in 18mo cloth folder. The map is coloured. BARTLETT (John Russell) .—Personal Nar- rative of Explorations and Incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua, connected with the United States Boundary Com- mission, during the years, 1850, '51, '52, and '53. Maps, full-page plates, and text illustrations. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 346 & 348 Broadway, 1854. 8vOj two volumes, original cloth. The author was United States Commissioner on the Mexican Boundary Survey, in 1850 to 1853, and has here recorded an astonishing mass of valuable details of the Indians of the Mexican border. The illustrations of antiquities, etc., are highly important. The description of California will be found in Vol. II, pp. 1-107. Mr. Bartlett 's work is the best of the period. 23 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF BATES (Mrs. D. B.). — Incidents on Land and Water, or, Four Years on the Pacific Coast. Being a Narrative of the Burning of the Ships, Nonan- tum, Humayoon and Fanchon, together with many Startling Adventures on Sea and Land. Eighth Edition. Boston : Published for the Author, 1860. 12mo, original cloth, BATES (J. H.).— Notes of a Tour in Mexico and California. Printed for Private Distribution. New York: Burr Printing House, 1887. 8vo, original cloth. Presentation copy. BELL (William A.).— New Tracks in North America. A Journal of Travel and Adventure whilst engaged in the Survey for the Southern Railroad to the Pacific Ocean during 1867-8. In two volumes. London: Chapman and Hall, 193 Piccadilly, 1869. 8v0y two volumes, three-quarters red morocco. Contains tinted plates, illustrations and a map. Relates to Kansas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California, giving full and interesting accounts of the native people inhabiting those itates, and descriptions of life on the plains. BENJAMIN (J. P.).— The United States vs. Andres Castillero, on Cross Appeal. Claim for the Mine and Lands of New Almaden. Argument of Hon. J. P. Benjamin Delivered on the 24th, 24 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER 25th and 26th of October, and 5th of November, 1860, in reply to the Government's Special Coun- sel. Reported by Sumner & Cutter. San Francisco: Commercial Steam Book and Job Printing Establishment, 1860. 8vo, three-quarters morocco. Castillero came into possession of the New Almaden quicksilver mine in 1845, by the method of denouncement. By this Mexican law or custom, any person or company could present themselves to the nearest authorities and denounce an unworked mine, and, after certain formalities, be put in possession of all or part of it, according to its extent; the new owner being obliged to work his new possession, or a fresh claimant could denounce against him. In all cases, the Government claimed a certain proportion of the products. In this case, the Hon. J. P. Benjamin argued that the United States acting as the assistant of a band of unscrupulous speculators, had no right to the mine, as Castillero had acquired it under this law of denouncement prior to the ceding of California by Mexico to the United States in 1848. BENTON (Joseph A.).— The California Pil- grim. A Series of Lectures. Sacramento : Solomon Alter, publisher. Marvin & Hitchcock, San Francisco, 1853. 12mo, original cloth. Written in the form of an allegory, this work gives many de- tails of California life. The author, a clergyman, was the founder of the Congregational Church in California, having arrived in 1840. The plates, six in number, are apparently of the earlier work of Charles Nahl, afterwards famous. BEVERLY JOINT STOCK SAN FRAN- CISCO COMPANY. Constitution and By-Laws. Salem : Printed at the Register Press, 1849. 12m0j eight pages, marble paper covers, 25 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAKY OF BORTHWICK (J. D.).— Three Years in Cali- fornia. Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1857. 8vo, original clothe uncut. With eight tinted lithographs. A rare and most interesting work on early California. The tinted plates show two Gambling Saloons in 1851, a Chinese Min- ing Camp, the First Flume on the Yuba, a Bear and Bull Fight, a Ball in the Mines, and other characteristic scenes. Borthwick spent some time in 1851 as an actual miner at Weaver Creek. His book presents a faithful and graphic picture of the early days. BORTHWICK (J. D.).— Three Years in Cali- fornia. Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1857. 8v0f three-quarters morocco. Another copy. BOWLES (Samuel). — Across the Continent; a Summer's Journey to the Rocky Mountains, the Mormons, and the Pacific States, with Speaker Colfax. Springfield, Mass. : Samuel Bowles & Company. New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1866. 12m0y cloth. Folding map. Presentation copy to Mr. Stedman from the author with signed inscription. Mr. Bowles went overland to the Pacific Coast in company of the Hon. Schuyler Colfax, visiting Colorado, Nevada, and traveling all over California. BOWLES (Samuel). — Across the Continent. A Summer's Journey to the Rocky Mountains, the 26 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Mormons and the Pacific States, with Speaker Colfax. New Edition. Springfield, Mass. : Samuel Bowles & Company. New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1869. 12mo, BRIERLY (B.).— Thoughts for the Crisis: A Discourse Delivered in the Washington Street Baptist Church, San Francisco, Cal., on the Sab- bath following the Assassination of James King of William, by James P. Casey. San Francisco : Printed at the Eureka Book and Job Office, No. 168 Montgomery Street, 1856. 12mo, unbound. BRODERICK (David Colbeeth).— The Life of David Colbreth Broderick. A Senator of the Fifties. By Jeremiah Lynch. New York: The Baker & Taylor Company, 1911. 8vo. BROOKS ( J. Tyrwhitt).— Four Months Among the Gold-finders in California; being the Diary of an Expedition from San Francisco to the Gold Districts. London: David Bogue, Fleet Street, 1859. 8vo, original red cloth. The author was an English physician, and his diary begins at Monterey. It is one of the first works to give the results of actual experience in working in the newly discovered gold region. (First Edition, 1849.) Brooks' party of five accumulated more than one hundred pounds of gold, but unfortunately they were relieved of the greater part of it by highwaymen. 27 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF BROOKS (J. Tyrwhitt).— Vier Maanden onder de Goudzockers in Opper-Californie nit het Engelsch door G. Francken. Amsterdam : P. N. Van Kampen, 1849. 8vo. With map. BROWNE (J. Ross).— Report of the Debates in the Convention of California, on the Formation of the State Constitution, in September and October, 1849. Washington : Printed by John T. Powers, 1850. 8vo, cloth. An exhaustive account of the acts and proceedings of this most remarkable assembly. Browne was the only shorthand reporter in California, and for this work he received ten thousand dollars. An edition in Spanish was printed in 1851. BROWNE (J. Ross).— Resources of the Pacific Slope. A Statistical and Descriptive Summary of the Mines and Minerals, Climate, Topography, Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactories, and Mis- cellaneous Productions, of the Si:ates and Terri- tories West of the Rocky Mountains. With a Sketch of the Settlement and Exploration of Lower California. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1869. 8vo, Issued generally as a government document. The sketch of Lower California was written by Alexander S. Taylor. Pages 598- 604 contain a bibliography of Alaska by the same author. Some copies bear the imprint of H. H. Bancroft, San Francisco. BRYANT (EDWIN).— What I Saw in Cali- fornia; Being the Journal of a Tour, by the Emi- 28 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER grant Route and South Pass of the Rocky Moun- tains, across the Continent of North America, the Great Desert Basin, and through California in the years 1846-1847. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1848. 12mOy cloth. The Second Edition. An excellent authority both on the over- land journey and events in California. The author was the Al- calde at San Francisco, and this work went through many editions, one English, two French in 1848 and 1849. There was also an edi- tion, now very rare, printed with the addition of Wierbicki 's "California As It Is," and issued at Launcetown, Tasmania, in 1850. Beginning with the third, the American edition was slightly enlarged and a map added. The facts in reference to the military and naval operations in California did not come under the author's personal observation, but are derived from authentic sources. This is one of the earliest works to draw attention to the California gold deposits. BRYANT (Edwin).— What I Saw in Cali- fornia; Being the Journal of a Tour, by the Emigrant Route and South Pass of the Rocky Mountains, across the Continent of North Amer- ica, the Great Desert Basin, and through Cali- fornia in the years 1846-1847. London: Richard Bentley, 1849. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, BRYANT (Edwin).— What I Saw in California. Its Soil, Climate, Productions and Gold Mines. By Edwin Bryant, late Alcalde of San Francisco. London: G. Routledge and Co., 1849. 12mo, half morocco, original covers hound in. This is the first book printed in England describing the gold regions. 29 CATALOGUE OP IHE LIBRARY OF BUHREN (G. R.).— Das Goldland Kalifornien und Amerika im Allgemeinen Bern, 1874. 12mo, BURNETT (Peter Hardeman).— Recollections and Opinions of an Old Pioneer. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1880. 12mo. Burnett was the first governor of the state of California. His work is replete with the early history of Oregon and California, although it is presented in rather dry form. BURTON (Mrs. H. S.).— Don Quixote de la Mancha. A Comedy, in Five Acts. Taken from Cervantes' Novel of that Name. San Francisco : Printed by John H. Carmany & Co., 1876. 12m0y paper covers as issued, lacking back. Presentation copy. BURTON (Richard Francis).— The City of the Saints and Across the Rocky Mountains to California. London : Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts, 1861. 6vo, Plates and map. Written after a visit to California. This is the only book writ- ten by this distinguished traveller descriptive of Western America. BUSHNELL (Horace).— California: Its Char- acteristics and Prospects. San Francisco : Whitton, Towne & Co., Printers and Publishers, 1858. 8vo, original paper wrappers. This article first appeared in the ' ' Weekly Pacific, ' ' San Fran- 30 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Cisco, March 11, 1858, and subsequently reprinted in the **New Englander. " An edition was also published the same year in Hartford, Conn. Contains an early account of the Vigilance Com- mittee. CALIFORNIA AS IT IS. Written by Seventy of the Leading Editors and Authors of the Golden State for the Weekly Call. Third Edition. Published by the San Francisco Call Company, 525 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, Cali- fornia, 1882. 8vo, cloth, CALIFORNIA. All About California and the Inducements to Settle There. (For Gratuitous Circulation.) Fourth Edition. San Francisco: Published by the California Immigrant Union. 316 California Street. Printed by A. L. Bancroft & Co., 721 Market Street, 1872. 8vOy cloth. CALIFORNIA. The Calif ornian Crusoe; or, The Lost Treasure Found. A Tale of Mormonism. Second Edition. London: John Henry and James Parker, 377 Strand. 1858. 12mo, cloth, uncut. CALIFORNIA: Its Past History; its Present Position ; its Future Prospects : Containing a His- tory of the Country from its Colonization by the Spaniards to the Present Time; a Sketch of its Geographical and Physical Features: and a Mi- 31 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF nute and Authentic Account of the Discovery of the Gold Region, and the Subsequent Important Proceedings. Including a History of the Rise, Progress, and Present Condition of the Mormon Settlements. With Appendix, containing the Offi- cial Reports made to the Government of the United States. London: Printed for the Proprietors, 1850. 8vo, cloth. Plates and map. This anonymous work is considerably more complete than many of the contemporary accounts, both English and American. A per- fect copy should contain an engraved title, three plates, and a map, all of which are finely colored by hand. The plates represent views in the Sacramento Valley, and scenes of travel to the gold mines, and gold washing. CALIFORNIA MINING BUREAU ASSOCIA- TION. Constitution, By-Laws, Rules of Order and Order of Business. San Francisco: Printed by M. D. Carr & Co., 1865. 12m0j original paper covers, uncut. CALIFORNIA AND NEW MEXICO. (Ho. of Reps. 31st Congress, 1st Sess., Ex Doc. No. 17). Message of the President of the United States, Transmitting Information in Answer to a Resolu- tion of the House of the 31st of December, 1849, on the Saibject of California and New Mexico. [Washington, 1850.] 8vo, Beven folding maps. This important volume contains the official correspondence and 32 CHARLES TEMPLETOIT CHOCKER documents relating to California, 1847-1849, and is the most ex- tensive source of authorities covering that period. The conduct of the Mexican War in California; the formation of the military provisional government; the transition from territory to state; the constitution; land titles, and many phases of history from an official point of view form the contents. The maps are of the military fortifications of Fort Hill, Monterey; the Presidio, San Francisco; Lieutenant Derby's map of the route of General Riley through the mining districts in July and August, 1849; Fremont's surveys of California; Beale's expedition against the Indians; and two maps of Lower California. The importance of this Mes- sage was so great that Congress had printed ten thousand extra copies. CANFIELD (Chauncey L.).— The Diary of a Forty-niner. Edited by Chauncey L. Canfield. Morgan Shepard Company. San Francisco-New York, 1906. 8vo, original boards, C APRON (Elisha Smith).— History of Cali- fornia, from its Discovery to the Present Time. With a Journal of the Voyage from New York, via Nicaragua, to San Francisco, and back, via Panama. Boston: Published by John P. Jewett & Com- pany, 1854. 12mo, cloth. This work, of value in its day, is not yet entirely superseded. CHAPPE d'AUTEROCHE (Jean Abbe).— A Voyage to California to Observe the Transit of Venus, with an Historical Description of the Author's Route through Mexico, and the Natural History of that Province. Also a Voyage to New- foundland and SaJlee to make Experiments on Mr. 33 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEARY OF Le Roy's Time-keepers. By Monsieur de Cassini. London: Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly in the Poultry, MDCCLXXVin. 6vo. Folding plan. Translated from the French. This celestial phenomenon was visible only on the coast of California. Spain knew of the expedition and fearing the possible results hastened to dispatch Portola upon his mission of occupation and colonization of Upper California. The Abb6 Chappe died while in Lower California, and was there interred. The plan of Mexico City is very rare. CLAVIJERO (Francisco Saverio).— Historia de la Antigua 6 Baja California. Obra postuma del Padre Francisco Javier Clavijero, de la Com- paiiia de Jesus. Traducido del Italiano por el presbitero Don Nicolas Garcia de San Vicente. Mejico: Imprenta de Juan B. Navarro, editor, 1852. [With] Relacion historica de la vida del venerable Padre Fray Junipero Serra. Mejico: Imprenta de Juan de Navarro, editor, 1852. Folio, cloth. The work of Clavijero occupies pages 1-123. It is the only translation that has thus far appeared. The **Vida de Serra" ia included, pages 125-252. This is the well-known work of Padre Francisco Palou, and is here reprinted without change from the original edition of Mexico, 1787. A complete index accompanies both of the works. These two works were issued with the general title: "Biblioteca nacional y extranjera. Seccion primera. His- toria Antigua y Moderna Mejicana. " CLEAVELAND (E. L.).— Hasting to be Rich. A Sermon, Occasioned by the Present Excitement respecting the Gold of California, Preached in the Cities of New Haven and Bridgeport, Jan. and Feb. 1849. New Haven [1849]. 6vo, paper wrappers. 34 CHARLES TEMPLETON CHOCKER COKE (Henry John). — A Ride over the Rocky Mountains to Oregon and California. With a Glance at some of the Tropical Islands, including the West Indies and the Sandwich Isles. By the Hon. Henry J. Coke. London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Srtreet, 1852. 8vo, half morocco. Coke was a British globe-trotter, and his excessive English spirit is thoroughly exhibited in every chapter of this book. His adven- tures were many and frequently desperate. His ability to describe easily the sights and sensations of his journey has resulted in a most entertaining book. CONSTITUTION.— Constitution and By-Laws of the New England and California Trading and Mining Association. Together with the Names of the Officers and Members, the Order of Exercises at the Tremont Temple, and the Address by Rev. Edward Beecher. Boston, 1849. 8v0j original paper wrappers. This company was formed in 1848 to fit out a ship for a mining exjiedition to California. The only copy known. CONSTITUTION.— Constitution of the State of California. San Francisco: Printed at the office of the Alta California, 1849. 8v0y stitched, pp. 16. President Fillmore's copy with his name on title-page. CORTES (Fernando).— Historia de Nueva Es- pana, escrita por su Esclarecido Conquistador Heman Cortes, aumentada con otros Documentos, 35 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBKARY OF y Notas por el Illustrissimo Senor Don Francisco Antonio Lorenzano, Arzobispo de Mexico. Mexico, en la Imprenta del Superior Gobierno, 1770. Folio, old vellum. With frontispiece, vignette, folding plate of the Temple, map and thirty-three plates containing hundreds of figures. At page 328 occurs the rare first map of California engraved in America. According to its inscription, it was originally drawn by the Pilot Domingo del Castillo, in the City of Mexico in 1541. It was engraved in Mexico for the first time by Navarro. The thirty- one copper-plates of Mexican hieroglyphics were used by Lord Kingsborough in his great work on Mexican Antiquities published in 1831. COULTER (John).— Adventures on the West- ern Coast of South America and the Interior of California, Including a Narrative of Incidents at the Kingsmill Islands, New Ireland, New Britain and New Guinea, etc. In two volumes. London: Longman, Brown, Green and Long- man, Paternoster Row. 1847. 12m0f two volumes. Coulter has not yet been accepted in simple faith. In fact his narrative has been greatly discredited and adjudged as unreliable. His descriptions of California are found in Vol. II, pages 127-188. CROFUTT (George A.).— Crofutt's Trans-Con- tinental Tourist's Guide, containing a full and authentic description of over five hundred cities, towns where to look for and hunt the Buffalo, Antelope, Deer, and other game; . . . . and whom to stop with while passing over the Union Pacific Railroad, Central Pacific Railroad of California Their Branches and Connections by Stage and Water, From the Atlantic to the Pacific 36 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Ocean. Illustrated. Fourth Volume. Third An- nual Revise. George A. Crofutt, Publisher, New York, 1872. 12m0y cloth. Folding maps, views and illustrations. CROFUTT (George A.).— Crofutt 's New Over- land Tourist and Pacific Coast Guide, containing a condensed and authentic description of over One Thousand Two Hundred Cities, Towns . . . Vol. 2. 1879-80. Chicago, Illinois: The Overland Publishing Company. 12mo. CRONISE (Titus Fay).— The Natural Wealth of California, Comprising early History; Geog- raphy, Topography, and Scenery; Climate; Agri- culture and Commercial Products ; Geology, Zool- ogy, and Botany; Mineralogy, Mines and Mining Processes ; Manufactures ; Steamship Lines, Rail- roads, and Commerce; Immigration, Population, and Society; Educational Institutions and Litera- ture; Together with a Detailed Description of each County; Topography, Scenery, Cities and Towns, Agricultural Advantages, Mineral Re- sources, and Varied Productions. San Francisco: H. H. Bancroft & Company. New York: 113 William Street, 1868. 8vo. The best and most reliable work of the time, with sixteen plates. Many copies were issued without the plates. 37 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF CUTLER (R. p.).— A Thanksgiving Sermon: Delivered in the First Unitarian Church, Stockton Street, on Sunday Morning, November 23d, 1856, by the Pastor of the Church. Published by re- quest. San Francisco : Commercial Book and Job Steam Printing Establishment, 1856. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut, DIETRICH (Dr.). —The German Emigrants or Frederick Wolgemuth's Voyage to California, By Dr, Dietrich. Translated by Leopold Wray. Printed by F. Fechner, Guben. 12mo, boards. With seven crude hand-coloured illustrations. DOMENECH (Emanuel Henri Dieudonne, Abbe). — Seven Years' Residence in the Great Deserts of North America by the Abbe Em. Dome- nech. Apostolical Missionary, &c. Illustrated by fifty-eight woodcuts by A. Joliet, three plates of ancient Indian music, and a map showing the actual situation of the Indian tribes and the country described by the author. In two volumes. London : Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1860. 8vo, two volumes. Relates to Texas, New Mexico, California, Oregon, Utah, etc., and contains also much upon the manners and customs of the Indians. The abb6 was private chaplain of the ill-fated Maxi- milian, emperor of Mexico. CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER DRAKE (Eugene B.).— Jimeno's and Hart- nell's Indexes of Land Concessions from 1830 to 1846 ; also, Toma de Razon, or Register of Titles, for 1844-45; Approvals of Land Grants, by the Territorial Deputation and Departmental Assem- bly of California, 1835 to 1846; and a List of Unclaimed Grants. Compiled from the Spanish Archives in the United States Soirveyor-GeneraPs Office by Eugene B. Drake, Attomey-at-Law. San Francisco: Kenny & Alexander, Book- sellers, Stationers and Luporters, No. 608 Mont- gomery Street, 1861. 8vo, leather back. DRURY (P. Shelden).— The Startling and Thrilling Narrative of the Dark and Terrible Deeds of Henry Madison, and his Associate and Accomplice, Miss Ellen Stevens, Who was Exe- cuted by the Vigilance Committee of San Fran- cisco, on the 20th September last. Edited by Rev. P. Shelden Drury. Cincinnati: Published by Barclay & Co. [1857]. 8vo. An extremely lurid work, with suitable illustrations. At the time of her death Ellen Stevens had assumed the name of Adeline Myers. That she was executed by the Vigilance Committee of San Francisco is of course pure fiction. DWINELLE (John W.).— The Colonial His- tory of the City of San Francisco, Being a Narra- tive Argument in the Circuit Court of the United States for the State of California, for Pour Square CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Leagues Claimed by that City and Confirmed to it by that Court. Fourth Edition. San Francisco: Printed by Towne & Bacon, book and job printers, 1867. 8vo, calf. Three plates with map. Presentation copy inscribed *'With the regards of John W. Dwindle, ' ' written on fly-leaf. Opposite xliv is a slip of addenda, and also opposite page 364. Filled with references to the early missions, particularly with special rejjard to their lands, besides treating of the Neophyte and the Indian tribes of that locality. The work contains a large num- ber of documents, most of which are now either inaccessible or destroycil. The views of the harbor and mission of San Francisco are reproduced from Forbes' ** History of California.*' The fourth edition is identical in all particulars with the first. ELDREDGE (Zoeth Skinner).— The Begin- nings of San Francisco from the Expedition of Anza, 1774, to the City Charter of April 15, 1850. With Biographical and Other Notes. San Francisco: Zoeth S. Eldredge, 1912. 8vo, two volumes, cloth, EMORY (William Helmsley). [30th Congress, 1st Session, Ex. doc. no. 7.] Notes of a Military Reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth, in Mis- souri, to San Diego, in California, including Part of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila Regions. By Lieut. Col. W. H. Emory. Made in 1846-7, with the Advance Guard of the **Army of the West." Washington: Wendell and Van Benthuysen, Printers, 1848. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. With plates and maps. This is the Senate and House edition. Other editions contain 40 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER six hundred and fourteen pages (this only four hundred and six- teen), and reports by Abert, Cooke and Johnston. As in the Fremont narrative, this edition of Emory corresponds in text, maps, and subjects of plates, but the latter differ considerably in appearance and engraving. The work contains folding maps and a large number of jjlates and views, ethnology and natural history. ENGELHARDT (Zephyrin).— The Missions and Missionaries of California: Vol. I, Lower California. Superiorum permissu. San Francisco, Cal., The James H. Barry Company, 1908. — Vol. II. Upper California. Part I. General History. With illustrations, maps and fac-similes. San Francisco, Cal., The James H. Barry Company, 1912.— Vol. III. Upper California. Part II. Gen- eral History. With numerous illustrations and fac-similes. San Francisco, Cal.: The James H. Barry Company, 1913. 8vo, three volumes, cloth. ENTEL (W. Ten., Jr.).— Calif ornie en Zijne Bevolking. Uit het hoogduitsch van R. Von Schlaginweit, door W. Ten Entel, Jr. Deventer: A. Ter Gunne, 1873. 8vo. FARNHAM (Thomas Jefferson). — Travels in the Californias, and Scenes in the Pacific Ocean. Illustrated with Engravings and a map of the Californias. New York: Published by Saxton & Miles, 205 Broadway, 1846. 8vo, Second Edition, the first being published in 1844. Several later editions exist under various titles, with more or less abridgment. Only the frontispiece is present, the other engravings are missing. 41 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBKAEY OF FARNHAM (Thomas Jefferson). — Travels in the Great Western Prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky Mountains, and in the Oregon Territory. Entered according to an Act of Congress, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and forty- three. Poughkeepsie, 1843. 8vo, three-quarters morocco, FARNHAM (Thomas J.).— Life and Adven- tures in California, and Scenes in the Pacific Ocean. New York: Published by Wm. H. Graham, Tribune Building, 1846. 8vo, pictorial blue paper covers. Later edition of ** Travels in the Calif ornias, and Scenes in the Pacific Ocean." FAXES (Pedro).— Original Manuscript. No- ticia del Estado que guardan las Misiones de Mon- terey y California. N. p., 1775. 4to, seventy-three pages, paper covers. The writer calls it a Continuation and Supplement of the two works: "Extracto de Noticias del Puerto de Monterrey," August 16th, 1770, and the ''Diario Historico de los Viajes de Mar y Tierra hecha al Norte de la California,*' October 24th, 1770. He wrote it by order of the Viceroy Bucareli and finished it in Mexico City in November, 1775. Pedro de Faxe was Captain of Infantry of the Free Volunteers of Catalonia and Military Commandant of the posts in California for some years. The manuscript is written in a beautiful clear hand, and while it is not precisely a diary, is devoted to his marches from San Diego to San Francisco and back to Monterey (where he was finally 8tatione Commercial Steam Book and Job Printing Establishment, 1860. 8vo, unbound, JORDAN (David Starr).— The California Earthquake of 1906. Edited by David Starr Jor- dan. Articles by David Starr Jordan, John Cas- par Branner, Charles Derleth, Jr., Grove Karl Gilbert, Stephen Taber, F. Omori, Harold W. Fair- banks, Mary Austin. A. M. Robertson, San Francisco, 1907. 8vo. JOURNALS.— Journal of the Sixth Session of the Assembly of the State of California. Sacra- mento, 1855. — Journal of the Seventh Session, Sacramento, 1856. — Journal of the Ninth Session, Sacramento, 1858. — Journal of the House of As- 57 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAKY OF sembly of California at the Tenth Session, Sacra- mento, 1859. — Journal of the Eleventh Session, Sacramento, 1860. — Journal of the Twelfth Ses- sion, Sacramento, 1861. — Journal of the Thir- teenth Session, Sacramento, 1862. 8vo, seven volumes, original sheep. KELLY (William). — An Excursion to Califor- nia over the Prairie, Rocky Mountains, and Great Sierra Nevada. With a Stroll through the Diggings, and Ranches of that Country. In Two Volumes. London: Chapman and Hall, 193 Piccadilly, MDCCCLL 12mo, two volumes, original cloth. KELLY (William).— A Stroll through the Diggings of California. London: Simms and M'Intyre, 1852. The Bookcase. No. IV. 8vo, original boards, KENT (Edward N.).— Instructions for Collect- ing, Testing, Melting, and Assaying Gold, with a Description of the Process for Distinguishing Na- tive Gold from the Worthless Ores which are found in the same Locality. Accompanied by En- gravings. New York: Van Norden & Amerman, 1848. 12mo, original paper wrappers, 58 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER KING (Clarence). — Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. Boston: James E. Osgood and Company, 1872. 12mo, The First EJition. A well-known book, containing some charm- ing sketches and descriptions. Numerous editions followed in which the text was extended and a map added. KING (James, of William). — Original Docu- ment written by James King of William. San Francisco, March 25, 1850. Three pages, 4to, blue paper. An agreement between James King of William and Atlantic W. Renshaw, upon King having advanced the sum of five thousand dollars to enable Renshaw to go into the lumber business. KING (Thomas Butler). — California: the Wonder of the Age. A Book for Every One Going to or Having an Interest in the Golden Eegion. New York : William Gowans, 1850. 8vo, three-quarters morocco. Mr. King was collector of customs at San Francisco when he wrote this book. It was issued originally as a government report, and was considered of much interest and value. It was several times republished, one edition being printed in London in 1851. KIP (William Ingraham). Address before the Twelfth Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of California, by Wil- liam Ingraham Kip, Bishop of California. May, 1862. San Francisco : Towne & Bacon, 1862. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. 59 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF KOTZEBUE (Otto von).— A Voyage of Dis- covery, into the South Sea and Beering's Straits, for the Purpose of Exploring a North-East Pas- sage, Undertaken in the Years 1815-1818 Illustrated with Numerous Plates and Maps. In Three Volumes. London: 1821. 8v0y three volumes, half morocco, sprinkled edges. The first English translation, made by H. E. Lloyd, with many fine coloured plates. LANGWORTHY (Franklin).— Scenery of the Plains, Mountains and Mines; or, a Diary Kept upon the Overland Route to California, by way of the Great Salt Lake; Travels in the Cities, Mines and Agricultural Districts, Embracing the Return by the Pacific Ocean and Central America, in the years 1850, '51, '52, and '53. Ogdensburgh: Published by J. C. Sprague, bookseller, 1855. 12mo. LA PEYROUSE (Jean FnANgois Loup de).— A Voyage Round the World. Performed in the years 1785, 1786, 1787, 1788, by M. de la Peyrouse. Abridged from the Original French Journal of M. de la Peyrouse, which was lately published by M. Milet-Mureau, in Obediance to an Order from the French Government. To which are added, A Voyage from Manilla to California, by Fra An- 60 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER tonio Maurelli : and an abstract of the Voyage and Dilcovery of the late Capt. G. Vancouver. Boston: Printed for Joseph Bumstead. . . . 1801. 12mo, LEE (Daniel) and FROST (J. H.).— Ten Years in Oregon. By D. Lee and J. H. Frost, late of the Oregon Mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church. New York : Published for the authors : 200 Mul- berry Street, J. Collord, printer, 1844. 12mo, Folding map. Daniel Lee went to Oregon in 1834 as a missionary, under the patronage of the missionary society of his church. This journal forms a minute and an interesting account of arduous labors per- formed among the Indians. LEONARD (Zenas).— Narrative of the Adven- tures of Zenas Leonard, a Native of Clearfield County, Pa., who spent five years in Trapping for Furs, Trading with the Indians, etc., etc., of the Rocky Mountains. Written by Himself. Clearfield, Pa. : Printed and published by D. W. Moore, 1839. 8vo, half roan. First Edition in book form, portions of the narrative having appeared in the newspapers. Relates the adventures of a company of seventy men who left St. Louis in the Spring of 1831, on an expedition to the Rocky Mountains, for the purpose of trapping for furs and trading with the Indians. It comprises a minute 61 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBKARY OF description of the incidents of the adventure, and a valuable history of this immense territory from personal observation. 'ihis work is excessively rare, there being recorded no sale of a single copy. Cowan, the only bibliographer mentioning it, says there are only five copies known. LETTS (John M.).— California Illustrated; in- cluding a description of the Panama and Nicar- agua Routes. By a returned Californian. New York : William Holdredge, publisher, 1852. 8vo, Contains forty-eight plates. Reprinted with the following title, *'A pictorial view of Cali- fornia; including a description of the Panama and Nicaragua routes, with information and advice interesting to all, particularly those who intend to visit the gold regions. By a returned Cali- fornian. New York: Published by Henry Bill, 1853.'* The con- tents of these two editions are identical. There was evidently a deficiency in the supply of engravings prepared, for the number varies greatly. No list accompanies the work, but copies of each of the editions should possess forty-eight plates. LETTS (John M.).— California Illustrated. Another copy, with but thirty-seven plates. LEVY (Daniel). — Les Frangais en Calif omie. Cet ouvrage se vend au profit de la bibliotheque de la Ligue nationale frangaise de San Francisco. San Francisco : Gregoire, Tauzy et cie, libraires editeurs, 6 rue Post, 1884. 8vo. The author was one of the most learned members of the French colony in San Francisco, and this work is an authority of per- manent value. LOCKMAN (John).— Travels of the Jesuits into various parts of the world: Particularly Cliina and the East Indies. Intermixed with an account of the Manners, Gouvernment, Civil and CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Eeligious Ceromonies, Natural History, and Curi- osities, of the feveral Nations vifited by thofe Fathers. Tranflated from the celebrated Lettres edifiantes & curieufes ecrites de Miffions etran- geres, par les Miffionaires de la Compagnie de Jesus. A Work fo entertaining and curious, that it has already been tranflated into moft of the European Languages. In Two Volumes. By Mr. Lockman. London: Printed for David Steel, at the Bible and Grown. King-f treet. Little Tower-Hill, MDCCLXVIL 8vo, two volumes. The Calif ornian references are ** Dedication to the Jesuits of France," ''State of the Missions of California," **Picolo: Descent of the Spaniards on the Isle of California, 1683." A copy of the Kino map of California accompanies this work. Cowan mentions an edition of 1743, presumably the first. LOW (Frederick F.). — Inaugural Address of Frederick F. Low, Governor of the State of Cali- fornia, at the Fifteenth Session of the Legislature. Sacramento: 0. M. Clayes, 1863. 8vo, original paper covers. LYMAN (Albekt). — Journal of a Voyage to California, and Life in the Gold Diggings, and also of a Voyage from California to the Sandwich Islands. By Albert Lyman, of Hartford, a mem- ber of the Connecticut Mining and Trading Com- pany, which sailed on the Schooner General Mor- gan from New York, Feb. 22, 1849. Hartford, Conn. : Publishers, E. T. Pease ; Dex- 63 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRABY OF ter & Bro., New York: Redding & Co., Boston, 1852. 12mo, Illustrated. A very rare and famous book. The preface states that "the manuscript was very fully illustrated with graphic pencil sketches, of great artistic skill and beauty, a few of which only are trans- ferred to the printed copies. ' ' Two of these have been used. The remainder of the illustrations have been gathered by utilizing small and crude "stock" woodcuts common in the schoolbooks and the advertisement columns of that day. MACDERMOTT (Hugh Fairon).— Poems: Epic, Comic, and Satiric. Dedicated to Free- lunchers and Noodle-Headed Scribblers. San Francisco : Published by the Author, 1857. 16mo, original paper wrappers. An amusing collection of doggerel verse. MACEDONIAN SILVER LEDGE COM- PANY, California. Prospectus. Buffalo, N. Y., 1865. 8vo, original paper wrappers, MACGREGOR (Wh^liam Laied).— A Brief De- scription of Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. — San Francisco, California, in 1876. For Private Cir- culation Only. Edinburgh : Thomas Laurie, 1876. — Hotels, and Hotel Life, at San Francisco, Cali- fornia, in 1876. S. F. News Company, San Fran- cisco, [1876]. 8vo, half morocco, original paper wrappers bound in. Illustrated. Author's copy, with copyright receipt and the original photo- graphs from which the illustrations were made, inserted. 64 CHARLES TEMPLETOir CROCKER MACGEEGOR (William Laird).— Hotels and Hotel Life, at San Francisco, California, in 1876. S. F. News Company, San Francisco. 8vo. MACGREGOR (William Laird).— San Fran- cisco, California, in 1876. For Private Circula- tion only. Edinburgh: Thomas Laurie, 1876. 8vo, MACGREGOR (William Laibd).— Another copy. 8v0f original limp leather. Printer's copj-^, with blank pages and many type corrections in ink. MARCY (Randolph B.).— The Prairie Trav- eler. A Hand-Book for Overland Expeditions. With maps, illustrations, and itineraries of the principal routes between the Mississippi and the Pacific. New York: Harper & Brothers, publishers, 1859. 12mo, Folding map and illustrations. Describes the various routes to California, modes of travelling, outfitting, etc. This for many years remained the standard authority upon the overland routes. Several editions were pub- lished. MARCY (Randolph B.).— The Prairie and Overland Traveller : a Companion for Emigrants, 65 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Traders, Travellers, Hunters, and Soldiers traversing great plains and prairies. London: 1860. 12mo, Illustrations. MARRYAT( Samuel Francis). — Mountains and Molehills, or Recollections of a Burnt Journal. By- Frank Marryat. With illustrations by the author. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1855. 12mo, The English edition is greatly superior to this, the New York edition, published in the same year. With many engravings depict- ing California life and scenes, among the most interesting prints of that period. The English edition contains eight coloured litho- graphs. This is a scarce and interesting work on Californian life during the gold fever days. McGOWAN (Edward). — Narrative of Edward McGowan. Including a Full Account of the Author's Adventures and Perils while Persecuted by the San Francisco Vigilan<3e Committee of 1856. San Francisco : Published by the Author, 1857. 12mo, half calf. Portrait and illustrations. Edward McGowan, justice, was accused of being an accomplice of James P. Casey in the murder of James King of William, and to escape the Vigilance Committee he absconded. After unusual vicissitudes, he returned and established a weekly paper called the "Ubiquitous," in which at length and with great freedom he expressed his opinions of the committee and its actions. The cover-title contains a portrait of Judge McGowan not elsewhere in the work, and without which it is incomplete. MEMORIAL of the Six Chinese Companies. An Address to the Senate and House of Representa- G6 CHARLES TEMPLEfON CROCKER tives of the United States. Testimony of Cali- fornia's Leading Citizens before the Joint Special Congressional Committee. Read and judge us. San Francisco, Dec. 8th, 1877. 8vo, three-quarters crushed levant morocco. MILLER (Mrs. Stites). — Business Card of Mrs. Stites Miller's Boarding House, 237 Clay Street, San Francisco, Cal. Three and a half hy two inches. With a woodcut. MINER'S & Business Men's Directory. For the Year commencing January 1st, 1856, embrac- ing a General Directory of the Citizens of Tuolumne, and Portions of Calaveras, Stanislaus and San Joaquin Counties. Together with the Mining Laws of Each District, a Description of the Different Camps, and other Interesting Sta- tistical Matter. By Heckendom & Wilson. Columbia : Printed at the Clipper Office, 1856. 8vOy printed wrappers {stamp on title and wrappers). Woodcut view of the town of Columbia. An item of excessive rarity, one of but two copies known. As a Directory exceeded only in importance and rarity by that of Bogardus. Not mentioned in Cowan's Bibliography of California. Contains a view of Columbia, once a thriving town of five thou- sand population, and now but a ghost city of a few mountaineers. Contains also a list of the various mining camps of Tuolumne County, with the individual mining laws, the names and occupa- tions and place of residence of the inhabitants. 67 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF MINTURN (William).— Travels West. London : Samuel Tinsley, 10 Southampton Street, Strand, 1877. 8vo, three-quarters morocco, MIX (Warren). — California Merchants' and Miners' Almanac, 1856. San Francisco: Printed at the Mercantile Job Office, 1856. 12mo, original paper covers, uncut, MOLLHAUSEN (Baldwin).— Diary of a Jour- ney from the Mississippi to the Coasts of the Pacific with a United States Government Expedi- tion. With an Introduction by Alexander von Humboldt and illustrations in chromo-lithography. London : Longman & Co., 1858. 8vo, two volumes. This expedition started from Fort Smith in Arkansas and traversed Indian territory and New Mexico, arriving on the Pacific Coast at the seaport of San Pedro, to the north of the Californian mission of San Diego. The narration of the author's personal examination of the Indian life and aboriginal antiquities occupies a large portion of these volumes. The plates are principally illus- trative of such phases of the one, and remains of the other, as the author deemed most worthy of record. Mollhausen was topo- graphical draughtsman and naturalist to the expedition. NOGUCHI (Yone).— The Voice of the Valley. Introduction by W. C. Stoddard. San Francisco, 1897. 12m0y original hoards, uncut. Presentation copy, "For Mr. Edmund Clarence Stedman with compliments from Yone Noguehi, December, 1897, California." Inserted are two autograph letters by the author and one by Edwin Markham introducing him to Mr. Stedman. 68 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER NORDHOFF ( Charles) .—California : for Health, Pleasure and Residence. A Book for Travellers and Settlers. New York: Harper & Brothers, Franklin Square, 1873. 8vo, With map and illustrations. These descriptions of the natural attractions of California were considered the best of their time. NORDHOFF (Charles).— Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich Islands. New York; Harper & Brothers, Publishers, Franklin Square, 1874. 8vo, With map and illustrations. NORMAN (Lucia).— A Youth's History of Cali- fornia from the Earliest Period of its Discovery to the Present Time. San Francisco : A. Roman & Company . . . 1867. ISmo. This little work, although somewhat elementary, presents superior merits to many of much greater pretension. NORTON (Henry K.).— The Story of Cali- fornia from the Earliest Days to the Present. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1913. 12mo. O'MEARA (James).— Broderick and Gwin. The Most Extraordinary Contest for a Seat in the Senate of the United States ever Known. A Brief History of Early Politics in California. Sketches CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF of Prominent Actors in the Scenes, and an Un- biased Account of the Fatal Duel between Brode- rick and Judge Terry, together with the Death of Senator Broderick. San Francisco: Bacon & Company, Printers, 1881. 16mo, The best account of this remarkable state of affairs, which for a decade engaged the most able political leaders of all parties, with a vivid picture of the accompanying strenuous events. OWL (The). — A Magazine Devoted to Mental Improvement, Edited and Printed by the Boys of Santa Clara College, S.J. Vol. I, No. 1. Decem- ber, 1869. 8vo, original paper wrappers. Very rare. The first number of an early Californian college paper. PALOU (Francisco). — Relacion historica de la vida y apostolicas Tareas del Venerable Padre Fray Junipero Serra, y de las misiones que fundo en la California septentrional, y nuevos establici- mientos de Monterey. Escrita por el R. P. L. Fr. Francisco Palou, guardian actual del venerable fundador: dirigada a su santa provincia de la regular observancia de Nro. S. P. S. Francisco de la isla de Mallorca. A expensas de Don Miguel Gonaialez Calderon, sindico de dicho apostolico colegio. Impresa en Mexico, en la imprenta de Don 70 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Felipe de Zuiiiga y Ontiveros, calle del Espiritu Santo, aiio de 1787. 4to, parchment covers with thong ties. With plate and folding map. The most famous and the most extensive of the early works that relate to Upper California. The plate, a symbolical portrait of Serra, typifies his apostolic labors, and is to be found facing page one. The folding map, placed at the end of the work, repre- sents Old and New California, and contains the geographical names as known and the missions as they existed, then. It was engraved by Diego Froncoso, Mexico, 1787. Two varities of the map exist, both of which were printed from the same plate. In the earlier variety, the space shovra as the Pacific Ocean is blank, and in the later copies (as on this one) the space is occupied by the words "Mar Paeifieo," engraved in large characters. Miguel Jose Serra, a native of Petra, on the island of Mallorca, was born November 24th, 1713. He took the Franciscan habit in 1730, assuming the name of Junipero, and until 1749, devoted his life in preparation for missionary work. He reached Mexico, December 6th of that year, and began immediately the arduous spiritual work that ended only with his death. His early work in Mexico was for a time in the missionary field of the Sierra Gorda, and later in the college of San Fernando. In 1769, he arrived at San Diego in Alta California, and at that place, on July 16th, he founded the first Californian mission. From this time he was indefatigable, founding many missions, and traveling many miles, always on foot. His end came on August 28th, 1784, at San Carlos, the beloved mission that he founded June 3d, 1770. PALOU (Francisco). — ^Relacion historica de la vida y apostolicas Tareas del Venerable Padre Fray Junipero Serra .... Mexico, 1787. Another copy, but lacking the map. PALOU (Francisco). — Francisco Paloii's Life and Apostolic Labors of the Venerable Father Junipero Serra, Founder of the Franciscan Mis- sion to California. With an Introduction and 71 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAEY OF Notes by George Wharton James. English Trans- lation by C. Scott Williams. [California, 1913.] 8vo. PARBUET (George R.).— Oration Delivered on Board the Ship Sylph in the Pacific Ocean, July 4, 1849, with a Brief Account of her Voyage from Panama to San Francisco. Geneva, New York, 1850. 8v0y original paper wrappers. A very scarce pamphlet. PARSONS (George Frederick).— The Life and Adventures of James W. Marshall, the Discoverer of Gold in California. Sacramento: Published by James W. Marshall and W. Burke, 1870. 16mo, Illustrated. The best biography of Marshall that has appeared. PATTIE (James Ohio).— The Personal Narra- tive of James 0. Pattie, of Kentucky, during an Expedition from St. Louis, through the Vast Regions between that Place and the Pacific Ocean, and thence back through the City of Mexico to Vera Cruz, during Joumeyings of Six Years; in which He and His Father, Who Accompanied him. Suffered unheard of Hardships and Dangers, had 72 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Various Conflicts with the Indians, and were made Captives^ in which Captivity his Father died; Together with a Description of the Country, and the Various Nations through which they passed. Edited by Timothy Flint. Cincinnati: E. H. Flint. 1833. 8vo, original half sheep. Five plates. The Second Edition, generally considered to be the first until the discovery of copies dated 1831. PEN KNIFE SKETCHES; or, Chips of the Old Block. A Series of Original Illustrated Letters, Written by one of California's Pioneer Miners. Sacramento: Published at the Union Office, 1853. 8vo, original papar wrappers, uncut. Illustrated with woodcuts. PETERS (De Witt C.).— The Life and Adven- tures of Kit Carson, the Nestor of the Rocky Mountains, from facts narrated by himself. With original illustrations, drawn by Lumley, engraved by N. Orr & Co. New York: W. R. C. Clark & Co., 348 Broad- way, MDCCCLVIIL 8vo. The author has elevated Carson to a higher plane than that for which he was ordained. There are episodes in his relations with Fremont that are not altogether to his credit, and for which Fremont himself did not escape censure. 73 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF PIONEER (The): or, California Monthly Magazine. April, 1854. San Francisco: Pub- lished by W. H. Brooks & Company. Vol. I, No. 4. 8vo, original paper covers. Contains articles on Alcalde Grants in the City of San Fran- cisco, Our Divorce Law, California in 1851, Geology of the County of San Francisco, etc. PL ATT (Horace G.).— John Marshall and Other Addresses. The Argonaut Publishing Company, San Fran- cisco, California, [1908]. 8vo, PORTER (Burton B.).— One of the People. His Own Story. Published by the Author, [1907]. 8vo. PRICE (J.) AND HALEY (C. S.).— The Buyer's Manual and Business Guide ; Being a Description of the Leading Business Houses, Manufactories, Inventions, etc., of the Pacific Coast, together with Copious and Readable Selections, Chiefly from the California Writers. Compiled by J. Price and C. S. Haley. San Francisco : Francis & Valentine, 1872. 8vo, Among the contents are selections from the writings of Bret Harte, Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, and Joaquin Miller. PRICE (J.) AND HALEY (C. S.).— The Buyer's Manual and Business Guide. . . . Another copy. 74 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER PROCEEDINGS of the Friends of a Rail-road to San Francisco, at their Public Meeting, held at the U. S. Hotel in Boston, April 19, 1849. Includ- ing an Address to the People of the United States, etc. Third Edition. Boston : Button and Wentworth, Printers, 1849. 8vo, original wrappers. One of the earliest projects for a transcontinental railway having San Francisco as its terminus. It maintains that the plan of P. P. F. Degrand for a railroad from St. Louis to San Francisco was the only feasible scheme that had been offered. PURDY (Helen Throop). — San Francisco, As It Was, As It Is, and How to See It. Paul Elder and Company, Publishers, San Francisco, [1913]. 6vo. PUT'S SONGSTER.— Put's Original Califor- nia Songster, Giving in a Few Words What Would Occupy Volumes, Detailing the Hopes, Trials and Joys of a Miner's Life. 4th Edition, 18th Thou- sand. San Francisco, 1868. 24mOj paper wrappers, QUARTERLY REVIEW.-^Vol. LXXXVIL June-September, 1850. London : John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1850. 8vo, Pages 395-434 contain articles on California and the gold regions. QUARTZ MINING.— The Bums Ranche Gold Mining Company, Township No. 2, Mariposa 75 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBKARY OF County, in California. An Account of its Loca- tion, Title, Mineral Riches, etc. With its Charter and Proceedings, Letters, Certificates, and other Matters relating to it, etc. New York, 1851. 8vo, original paper wrappers. An excessively rare California item. REGLAMENTO, e Instruccion para los Pre- sidios que se han de formar en la Linea de Fron- tera de la Nueva Espana. Resuelto por el Rey Nuestra Senor en Cedula de 10. de Septiembre de 1772. Reimpresso en Mexico, 1773. 4to, unhowidy in half morocco slip-case, REVERE (Joseph Warren).— A Tour of Duty in California ; including a Description of the Gold Region; and an Account of the Voyage round Cape Horn ; with Notices of Lower California, the Gulf and Pacific Coasts, and the Principal Events attending the Conquest of the Californias. By Joseph Warren Revere, Lieutenant U. S. Navy, lately in command of the Military District of Sonoma. Edited by Joseph N. Balestier, of New York. With a map and plates from original de- signs. New York: C. S. Francis & Co., 252 Broad- way. . . . 1849. 12mo. Map and plates. One of the most valuable works of the period. The plates have been coloured by hand, as in some copies. 76 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER RICHARDSON (Albert Deane).— Beyond the Mississippi; from the Great River to the Great Ocean. Life and Adventures on the Prairie, Mountains and Pacific coast. With more than two hundred illustrations, from photographs and original sketches, of the prairies, deserts, moun- tains, rivers, mines, cities, Indians, trappers, pioneers, and great natural curiosities of the new states and territories. 1857-1867. Hartford, Conn.: American Publishing Com- pany . . . 1867. 8vo, Also contains a map. Reprinted in 1875. RICHMAN (Irving Berdine). — California un- der Spain and Mexico. 1535-1847. A Contribu- tion towards the History of the Pacific Coast of the United States, based on Original Sources (chiefly manuscript) in the Spanish and Mexican Archives and other Repositories. With maps, charts and plans. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Com- pany. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1911. 8vo, RINGGOLD (Cadwalader).— A Series of Charts, with Sailing Directions, embracing Sur- veys of the Farallones, Entrance to the Bay of San Francisco, Bays of San Francisco and San Pablo, Straits of Carquenez and San Joaquin 77 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRABY OF rivers, and the Sacramento river (with the middle fork) to the American river, including the cities of Sacramento and Boston, State of California, by Cadwalader Ringgold, commander, U. S. Navy. Washington: Printed by Jno. T. Towers, 1851. 8vo, The Fourth Edition, published in 1852, is the best. The frontis- piece is a view of San Francisco from Yerba Buena (Goat) Island. The city of Boston, if it ever existed, has been for many years a part of the city of Sacramento. It has long been forgotten, and its records appear to have faded from history. [ROBINSON (Alfked).]— Life in California: During a Residence of Several Years in that Ter- ritory, Comprising a Description of the Country and the Missionary Establishments, with Inci- dents, Observations, etc., etc. Illustrated with numerous engravings. By an American. To Which is Annexed, a Historical Account of the Origin, Customs, and Traditions, of the Indians of Alta-California. Translated from the Orig- inal Spanish Manuscript. New York: Published by Wiley & Putnam, No. 161 Broadway, 1846. — BOSCANA (Geronimo). Chinigchinich ; a His- torical Account of the Origin, Customs, and Tra- ditions of the Indians at the Missionary Estab- lishment of San Juan Capistrano, Alta Califor- nia ; called the Acagchemen Nation ; Collected with the Greatest Care, from the most Intelligent and best Instructed in the Matter. By the Reverend Father Friar Geronimo Boscana, of the Order of Saint Francisco, Apostolic Missionary at said 78 CHAELES TEMPLETON CROCKER Mission. Translated from the Original Spanish Manuscript, by One who was for many years a Eesident of Alta California. New York: Pub- lished by Wiley and Putnam, No. 161 Broadway, 1846. 12mo, two volumes in one, paged continuously. Portrait and plates. Alfred Robinson was the author and translator of these two works. This book is well known, and is one of the most useful sources of information of its time. The volume contains a por- trait of Father Boscana, and eight plates, among which are views of several of the missions, and one of Yerba Buena as it appeared when a primitive settlement. ROSS (James) and GARY (George).— From Wisconsin to California and Return. By James Ross and Hon. George Gary. Madison, Wis., 1869. 8vo, a little-known Western narrative. It is excessively rare and seems to be lacking in American libraries. ROYCE (Josiah).— California. From the Con- quest in 1846 to the Second Vigilance Committee in San Francisco. A Study of American Char- acter. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, [1886.] 12mo, Contains map. Entirely free from complexities of thought and style, this study by Mr. Royce has become an authority of value upon the history of this state. 79 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAKY OP EYAN (William Redmond). — Personal Adven- tures in Upper and Lower California, in 1848-9; with the Author's Experience at the Mines. Illus- trated by twenty-three drawings, taken on the spot. In two volumes. London : William Shoberl, Publishers, 20, Great Marlborough Street, 1850. 12mOy two volumes, three-quarters morocco, gilt top, uncut. The descriptions are among the best of the time. [SALES (Luis).] — Noticias de la provincia de Calif omias in tres cartas de un sacerdoto religioso hi jo del real convento de predicadores de Valencia a un amigo suyo. En Valencia : Por los hermanos de Orga con las necesarias licencias, 1794. 12mo, three volumes in one, old calf. With folding plates. This important work was written by a priest of the Dominican order. The first and second of these letters were written at San Miguel Mission, in California. The third is dated from the mis- sion of the same name in the Azores. The tables refer to the state of the missions of California in 1787 and 1788. The three volumes are usually bound together, and copies are exceedingly scarce. SAN DIEGO.— Descriptive, Historical, Com- mercial, Agricultural and other Important In- formation relative to the City of San Diego, California. Illustrated with 22 photographic views. Containing also a Business Directory of the City. so CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER [San Diego] : Printed at the office of the **San Diego Daily Union/' 1874. Svo, half morocco, original covers hound in. Very rare. The photographs are of great historical value, showing the appearance of the city in the early seventies. SAXON (Isabella).— Five Years Within the Grolden Gate. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippinoott & Co. London: Chapman & Hall, 1868. Svo. SEYD (Ernest). — California and its Resources. A Work for the Merchant, the Capitalist, and the Emigrant. London : Triibner and Co., 60 Paternoster Row, 1858. Svo, Plates, and two folding maps, with other illustrations. Eigtit of the plates are rather attractive coloured lithographs, and in addition there is a folding view of San Francisco in 1857. On the cover is a representation of the Californian gold fifty- dollar slug. Presentation copy, **R. M. Ebbsworth, Esq., with the author's best respects. London, 9th Oct. 1858." SEYD (Ernest). — California and its Resources. Another copy. SHAW (William). — Golden Dreams and Wak- ing Realities; being the Adventures of a Gold- Seeker in California and the Pacific Islands. London : Smith, Elder and Co., 65, Cornhill, 1851. 12mo. An entertaining work, with a particularly edifying description of the Mission Dolores. 81 catalooue op the librahy op . SHAW (William). — Golden Dreams and Wak- ing Realities. Another copy. SHERWOOD (J. Ely).— California: Her Wealth and Resources; with Many Interesting Facts respecting the Climate and People; the Official and other Correspondence of the Day, relating to the Gold Region; Colonel Mason's Report, and all that part of the President's Mes- sage having reference to the Country in which these Vast Discoveries have been made; also, a Memorial offered in Congress, in relation to the Proposed Railroad to the Pacific Ocean. New York: George F. Nesbitt, stationer and printer, corner of Wall and Water Streets. 1848. 8vo, paper wrappers, uncut, SHERMAN (William Tecumseh).— ^Collection of thirty-three Autograph Letters Signed. To the Hon. John T. Doyle of San Francisco and Menlo Park. 1869 to 1890. Folio, one hundred and seventy-four pages, bound together. With an accompanying volume containing the typewritten transcriptions. These letters, of a most intimate . nature, have never been pub- lished. They cover a period of twenty-one years and contain much information regarding early days in San Francisco and the Vigilance Committees, Sherman's personal esteem for General Grant, Garfield, Hancock, Hayes, and others, his sweeping opinion of Jefferson Davis, and the Confederacy, his non-belief, etc., etc. SHUCK (Oscar Tully).— The California Sorap- Book: a Repository of Useful Information and 82 CHARLES TEMPLETOlJ CROCKER Select Reading. Comprising choice selections of prose and poetry, tales and anecdotes, historical, descriptive, humorous, and sentimental pieces, mainly culled from the various newspapers and periodicals of the Pacific Coast. San Francisco : H. H. Bancroft & Company .... 1869. 8vo. A remarkable collectioD, assembled from many sources, upon all possible subjects. So large a mass of the early history of California is available in no other form. SHUCK (Oscar Tully).— California Anthol- ogy: or Thinking Thoughts on Many Themes, Carefully Selected from California Writers and Speakers. San Francisco: From the Press of Barry & Baird, 419 Sacramento St., 1880. 8vo, The subject matter is different from and of a later period than that contained in the author 's * * Scrap Book. ' ' SILLIMAN (BENJAMIN).— A Description of the Recently Discovered Petroleum Region in California, with a Report on the Same. New York: Francis & Luttrell, 1864. 8vo, original paper covers. With a map. SMET (Pierre Jean de). — Voyages aux Mon- tagnes Rocheuses, et une annee de sejour chez les tribus Indiennes du vaste Territoire de POregon, dependent des Ifitats-Unis d'Amerique, par le R. 83 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OP P. Pierre de Smet, missionaire de la Compagnie de Jesus. Malines. . . . 1844. 12mo. The author was a learned Jesuit missionary, and Ms work is the best and most important of its kind. Pages 80-81 contains the Lord's Prayer, Ave Maria and Credo in Indian. SMITH (Frank Meriweather) . — San Fran- cisco Vigilance Committee of '56, with some inter- esting sketches of events succeeding 1846. San Francisco, Cal. : Barry, Baird & Co., Print- ers and Publishers, 419 Sacramento Street, 1883. 8vo, paper covers, uncut. Prefaced by a view of the state of society in San Francisco from 1846. Accounts of both committees are given, dravsrn prin- cipally from the contemporary press. There is a particularly interesting account of the organization known as the ** Hounds," against which the Vigilantes first directed their action, also the ** execution" of several persons by them. SMUCKER (Samuel M.).— The Life of Col. John Charles Fremont, and his narrative of ex- plorations and adventures, in Kansas, Nebraska, Oregon, and California. The memoir by Samuel M. Smucker, A.M. New York and Auburn: Miller, Orton & Mul- ligan. . . . 1856. 12mo, SOULE (Frank), GIHON (John H.), and NISBET (James).— The Annals of San Fran- cisco; Containing a Summary of the History of the First Discovery, Settlement, Progress, and Present Condition of California, and a Complete History of all the Important Events Connected 84 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER with its Great City ; to which are added Biograph- ical Memoirs of some Prominent Citizens. Illus- trated with one hundred and fifty fine engravings. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 346 and 348 Broadway. San Francisco: Montgomery Street. London: 16 Little Britain, MDCCCLV. 8vo. Some of the features of this book have been subjected to criticism, and certain statements also have been pronounced unre- liable, but it is yet one of the principal sources of authority for the strictly local history of San Francisco from its beginning to June, 1854. There are a folding map of Mexico and the United States, two steel views of San Francisco, and four steel portraits, of Stockton, Geary, Matilda Heron and Alexina Baker. SOULE (Frank), GIHON (John H.), and NISBET (James).— The Annals of San Fran- cisco. . . . Another copy. SPEER (William). — An Answer to the Com- mon Objections to Chinese Testimony; and an Earnest Appeal to the Legislation of California, for Their Protection of our Law. San Francisco: Published at the Chinese Mis- sion House, 1857. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut, SPICE (R. P.).— The Wanderings of the Her- mit of Westminster between New York and San Francisco in the Autumn of 1881. Printed for Private Circulation, n. d. [Metchim & Son, Typ., 20, Parliament Street, London.] 8vo, Presented "With the Author's compliments.'* 85 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF STATUTE LAWS OF CALIFOKNIA.— The Statutes of California, Passed at the First Ses- sion of the Legislature. Begun the 15th Day of December, 1849, and ended the 22nd Day of April, 1850, at the City of Pueblo De San Jose. With an Appendix and Index. San Jose : I. Winchester, State Printer, 1850. 4to, old sheep. The extremely rare First Statutes of California. **The first legislature of the State of California consisted of sixteen senators and thirty-six assemblymen. The rainy season which had set in on the 28th of October, 1849, was at its height by the middle of De- cember, and did not close until the 22nd of March, during which period thirty-six inches of water fell upon the thirsty earth. The roads were rendered nearly impassable and the means of travel, otherwise than on horseback, being limited, it was with difficulty that the members made their way to San Jose from their different districts, no quorum being present on the first and second days. The legislative building furnished was an unfinished box, sixty feet long and forty feet wide, two stories in height, having a piazza in front. The ujjper story, devoted to the use of the assembly, was simply one large room, approached by a flight of stairs from the senate-chamber, a hall forty by twenty feet on the ground floor, the remainder of the space being occupied by the rooms of the secretary of state, and various committees. For the first few weeks, owing to the incompleteness of the hall, the senators held their meetings in the house of Isaac Branham, on the southwest corner of the plaza." Sabin mentions the book, but knows of no copy. With autograph of Th. W. Sutherland, District Attorney of California. STATUTE LAWS OF CALIFORNIA.— The Statutes of California, Passed at the First Session of the Legislature . . . San Jose, 1850. Another copy. From the library of Peter B. Sweeney, with his rubber stamp on the half title. Mr. Sweeney was a member of the famous * * Tweed Ring ' ' in New York City. 86 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER STATUTES of California Passed by the Legis- lature, Fifth Session. Sacramento, 1854, to Nine- teenth Session, Sacramento, 1872. 8v0y fifteen volumes^ full sheep, STEELE (James W.). ^^Dean Monahan''— The Sons of the Border. Sketches of the Life and People of the Far Frontier. Topeka, Kansas : Commonwealth Printing Com- pany, 1873. 12mo, STOCKTON (Robert Field).— A Sketch of the Life of Com. Robert F. Stockton ; with an Appen- dix comprising his Correspondence with the Navy Department respecting his Conquest of Califor- nia; and Extracts from the Defense of Col. J. C. Fremont, in Relation to the Same Subject; to- gether with his Speeches in the Senate of the United States, and his Political Letters. New York: Derby & Jackson, 119 Nassau St., 1856. 8vo, Stockton was provisional governor of California from July, 1846, to January, 1847, and about half of the work is of this period. STOCKTON (Robert Field).— Original Letter Book containing Orders, Dispatches, Proclama- tions, Letters, etc., sent between June 16th, 1846, and June 26th, 1847, covering the entire period of Commodore Stockton's seizure and government of California. Besides copies of his own letters, 87 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF this book contains copies of letters addressed to him, with a few original autograph letters of other writers. Folio, full sheep. This letter book contains copies of letters and orders sent by Commodore Stockton during the tumultuous period of his occupa- tion and government of California, and throws much light on the history of the time. Many of the letters are addressed to Major John C. Fremont, Military Commander of the Territory of Cali- fornia; George Bancroft, Secretary of the Navy; James Bu- chanan, Secretary of State; Commodore S, F. Dupont; General Jos^ Castro; General S. W. Kearny; James K. Polk, President of the United States, and others. There are also autograph letters from Archibald H. Gillespie, R. Sample, editor of "The Calif ornian, * ' and Col. William H. TAYLOR (Bayard). — Eldorado, or. Adventures in the Path of Empire; Comprising a Voyage to California, via Panama; Life in San Francisco and Monterey; Pictures of the Gold Region; and Experiences of Mexican Travel. London: George Routledge and Co., Sioho Square, 1850. 12mo, two volumes in one. Issued also in New York the same year. An early work of this distinguished author, and one of the best descriptions of Cali- fornia life in 1849. TAYLOR (Bayard). — Eldorado, or Adventures in the Path of Empire, etc With Illus- trations by the Author. New York: George P. Putnam, 155 Broadway. London : Richard Bentley, 1850. 12m0j two volumes. The plates are coloured litho^aphs of San Francisco, Sacra- mento, and other localities, and include an attractive print of CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Portsmouth Square. In some of the later reprints, the views have been omitted. The two very interesting views of San Francisco taken in 1848-1849 (coloured) are the earliest engravings of that city. TAYLOR (William).— California Life Illus- trated. By William Taylor, of the California Conference, author of ** Seven Years' Street Preaching in San Francisco '' and ** Address to Young America. ' ' Sixteen engravings. Eleventh thousand. New York : Published for the author by Carlton & Porter, 200 Mulberry Street, 1858. 12mo, This work is devoted chiefly to missionary experiences, but contains much local history of the period. The plates are repro- ductions of those in "The Annals of San Francisco." TAYLOR (William).— California Life Illus- trated. Etc. Another copy. THOMES (WiLLL^M H.).— On Land and Sea; or, California in the years 1843, '44, and '45. Illustrated by F. Childe Hassam. Chicago: Laird & Lee, Publishers [1892]. 12m0y paper covers. Doubtless partly fictitious, but one of the strongest pictures of the last days of old Mexican life in California. THOMES (William H.).— Lewey and I, or Sailor Boys ' Wanderings. A Sequel to * * On Land and Sea." Chicago: Laird & Lee, Publishers, [1892]. 8vo, paper covers, 89 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBKARY OF THORNTON (Jesse Quinn).— Oregon and California in 1848: with an Appendix, including Recent and Authentic Information on the Subject of the Gold Mines of California and other Valu- able Matter of Interest to the Emigrant, etc. With illustrations and a map. In two volumes. New York : Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 829 & 331 Pearl Street, Franklin Square, 1864. 8v0y two volumes. The first edition was published in 1849. Thornton arrived in Oregon in 1846, and soon after became judge of its Supreme Court. His work is one of the best authorities of the period, and the account he has given of the ill-fated Donner party is perhaps the most valuable in print. UGARTE (Jean de).— Vida, y Virtudes de el Venerable y Apostolico Padre Juan de Ugarte de la Compania de Jesus, Missionero de las Islas Califomias, y uno de sus primeros Conquista- dores. Escrita por el P. Juan Joseph de Villa- vicencio. Impressa .... en Mexico, 1752. 4tOy original limp vellum, UNITED STATES vs. PARROT et al. In the Circuit Court, Northern District of California and the Claim of Castillero, in the District Court, for the New Almaden Mine. Argument of Mr. Peachy and Mr. Yale in the District Court. On the Motion for a Commission to Take Evidence in the City of Mexico, in Support of the Claim. February, 1859. [San Francisco] : O'Meara & Painter, 1859. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. 90 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER UPHAM (Samuel C.).— Notes of a Voyage to California via Cape Horn, together with Scenes in El Dorado, in the years 1849-50. With an Appendix containing Reminiscences of Pioneer Journalism in California .... Extracts from the Manuscript Journal of the ** King's Orphan,'' in the year, 1842 .... together with the Articles of Association and Roll of Members of ^*the Asso- ciated Pioneers of the Territorial Days of Cali- fornia." With forty-five illustrations. Philadelphia: Published by the Author. 1878. 8vo. The author was a pioneer journalist, having been connected with the ** Pacific News" in San Francisco, in 1849, and with the ''Sacramento Transcript," in 1850. There is much contained in this interesting work that is not found in any other source, more especially regarding the early history of Sacramento, the history of the territorial pioneers, and pioneer journalism in California. VENEGAS (Miguel).— A Natural and Civil History of California: Containing an Accurate Description of that Country, its Soil, Mountains, Harbours, Lakes, Rivers, and Seas; its Animals, Vegetables, Minerals, and Famous Fishery for Pearls. The Customs of the Inhabitants, their Religion, Government, and Manner of Living, be- fore their Conversion to the Christian Religion by the Missionary Jesuits. Together with Accounts of the Several Voyages and Attempts made for Settling California, and taking Actual Surveys of that Country and the Adjacent Seas. Translated from the original Spauish of Miguel Venegas, a 91 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF Mexican Jesuit, published in Madrid, 1758. In two volumes. London: Printed for James Rivington and James Fletcher, at the Oxford Theatre, in Pater- Noster Row, 1759. 8vo, two volumes, full morocco, edges gilt. With map and plates. This is the rare First English Edition. One of the most faith- ful narratives regarding the original condition of the Indians of North America. The plates in Vol. I. are * * Women and Men in California ' ' and *'The Coyote or Fox, and the Taye or California Deer." Those in Vol. II. are "The Manner of Curing the Sick, or Sorcerers of California," and "The Martyrdom of Fathers Carranco and Tamaral." These four plates appear to have been issued with but a few copies of the work, as two is the number usually found. VENEGAS (Miguel).— A Natural and Civil History of California 8vo, two volumes, boards, edges cut. Another copy. With the four plates and map. VENEGAS (Miguel).— Noticia de la Cali- fornia, y de su Conquista Temporal, y Espiritual, Hasta el Tiempo Presente. Sacada de la Historia Manuscrita, formada en Mexico ano de 1739, por el Padre Miguel Venegas, de la Companie de Jesus ; y de otras Noticias, y Relaciones Antiguas, y Modemas. Aiiadida de Algunos Mapas Par- ticulares, y uno General de la America Septen- trional, Assia Oriental, y mar del sur intermedio, formados sobre las memorias mas recientes, y exactas, que se publican juntamentes Dedicada al 92 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Key Notro Seiior por la provincia de Nueva- Espana, de la Compania de Jesus. Con licencia. En Madrid: En la imprenta de la viuda de Manuel Fernandez, y del supremo oonsejo de la Inquisicion. Ano de M.D.GCLVII. 4to, three volumes, full calf. With four folding maps. George Bancroft's copy, with his bookplate. The first map of California is surrounded by a border of ten vignettes, showing inhabitants and animals of the country, and the martyrdoms of Padres Carranco and Tamaral. The second ia a map of the lands adjacent to the upper part of the Gulf of Cali- fornia, 1747, after the Jesuit missionary, Cinsag. The third is of the South Sea or Pacific Ocean between the Equator and 39° 30" north latitude. This has been copied from Anson, by Joseph Gonzales. The fourth is a general map of the north Pacific Ocean, showing Asia and America, and engraved by Manuel Rodriguez, 1756. This work is considered the foundation of a library of Cali- forniana. The maps have historical value and represent surveys made down to 1754, although the manuscript was written in 1739. The text was supplemented by fresh information, sent home from the missions for that purpose, so that the matter is brought fully down to date of publication. The work was edited by Padre Andres Marcos Burriel, although his name does not appear. He was an editor of intelligence and ability, and one of the three volumes is devoted to geography and explorations of the far north. Other than Cabrera, Burriel was the first writer whose sound sense allowed him to reject the apocryphal voyages as unworthy of credit, to restrict northern geography to actual discoveries, and to correctly define in print the peninsula and the regions of the Colorado and Gila Rivers as far as known. This work of Venegas has been translated into English, Dutch, French and German. The English translation has been a popular edition, but, it is stated, is faulty and a considerable portion has been omitted. VENEGAS (Miguel). — Naturlyke en burger- lyke historie van California. Behelzende eene naauwkeurige Befejryving van dat geweTt, dilTelfs 93 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Grond, Bergen, Havens, Meiren, Rivieren en Zeen, Dieren, GewaiTen, Mineralen en vermaarde Parel. VilTeheryen. De gewoontems van dilTelfs In- woonders, hunnen Godsehenft, Eegeering, en Levenswyze voor derzelver Bekeering, tot den Chriftelyken godsdienft door de Zendelingen der Jefuiten. Mitsfaders De Berichten van verrchei- dene Reizen en Tocliten, tot Temederzettingen derwaards gedaan van de dadelyke Opneemingen dier Landftreek, derzelver Inliam, en der Kuft van de Zuyd-Zee. Opgehelderd met Kopere Plaaten, en eene naawkeurige Kaart van het Land en de Naaftgelegene zeen. Uyt het oorfprong- kelyk Spaans van Miguel Venegas, Juf uit te Mex- ico, te Madrid in't jaar 1758 uytgekomen, in T. Engels, en nu in't nederduyts vertaald door J. J. D. In twee bock-dielen. Te Haarlem, gedrukt by Johannes Enfchede, Stads-Drukker, 1761. 8vOy three volumes. Collation complete. Identical with the copy in the Royal Library at The Hague. VENEGAS (Miguel).— Histoire Naturelle et Civile de la Californie, contenant une Defcription Exaete de ce Pays, de fon Sol, de fes Montagnes, Lacs, Rivieres, & Mers, de fes Animanx, Vegetaux, Mineraux, & de fa fameufe Pecherie des Perles; les Moeurs de fes Habitants, leur Religion, leur Gouvemement, & leur FaQon de Vivre avant leur 94 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Converfion au Clirif tianif me ; un Detail des dif- ferens Voyages, & Tentatives qu'on a faites pour sV Etablir, & Reconnoitre fon Golfe & la Cote de la Mer du Sud. Enrichie de la Carte du Pays, & des Mers adjacentes. Traduits de PAnglois, par M. E. Tome Premier. A Paris, Chez Durand, Libraire, rue Saint- Jacques; a la Sageire. M.DCC.LXVIL Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roi. 12m0y three volumes, original calf, VIGILANCE COMMITTEE OF 1856. By a Pioneer California Journalist. San Francisco : James H. Barry, Publisher, No. 429 Montgomery Street, 1887. 12mo, 'paper wrappers, WERTH (John J.).— A Dissertation on the Re- sources and Policy of California; Mineral, Agri- cultural and Commercial, including a Plan for the Disposal of the Mineral Lands. Benicia: St. Clair & Pinkham, publishers, 1851. 12mo. One of the earliest works descriptive of California, prepared by a local observer. It is usually cited as the first work to be printed in Benicia, but the sermon of Dr. Woodbridge antedates it by several months. Presentation copy with the following inscription: **The Hon. Danl. Webster with the respects of the author.** 95 CATALOGUE OP THE LIBKAKY OF WHITNEY (Atwell). — Almond-Eyed. A Story of the Day. With seventeen full-page illus- trations. Printed for the Author by A. L. Bancroft & Company, 721 Market Street, 1878. 12mo, original paper wrappers. Suppressed edition, very rare. WHITTLESTICK [Pseud.].— California Char- acters, and Mining Scenes and Sketches. San Francisco : Printed by Bonestell & Williston, n. d. (about 1850). 8vo, original paper covers, uncut, WILLIAMS (Albert). — A Pioneer Pastorate and Times, Embodying Contemporary Local Transactions and Events. By the Eev. Albert Williams, Founder and First Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, San Francisco. San Francisco: Wallace & Hassett, 419 Sacra- mento Street, 1879. 8vo. Mr. Williams was a close observer, and his work, divested of its spiritual features, presents many interesting pictures of early San Francisco. WINTHROP (R. C.).— Admission of Califor- nia. Speech of the Hon. R. C. Winthrop, of Mass., on the President's Message, transmitting the Constitution of California: Delivered in 96 CHARLES TEMPLETOK CftOCKER Committee of the Whole in the House of Eepre- seiitatives of the United States, May 8th, 1850. Washington : Gideon & Co., printers, 1850. 8vo, WISE (Henry Augustus). — Los Gringos: or, An Inside View of Mexico and California, with Wanderings in Peru, Chili, and Polynesia. By Lieut. Wise, U. S. N. New York: Baker and Scribner, 145 Nassau Street, and 36 Park Kow, 1849. 12mo. The author, sometimes known as *' Harry Gringo,'' wrote in a vigorous and picturesque style. His descriptions of California occupy pages 38 to 141. WOODS (James). — Recollections of Pioneer Work in California. By Rev. James Woods, a Pioneer Minister. San Francisco : Joseph Winterburn & Co., Book and Job Printers, 417 Clay Street, between San- some and Battery, 1878. 12mo, WYLD (James). — Geographical & Mineralogi- eal Notes to Accompany Mr. Wyld's Map of the Gold Regions of California. London: Pub. by James Wyld, Geographer to the Queen and Prince Albert. Charing Cross East, & 2 Royal Exchange, 1849. 8vo. With separate folding map. 97 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAEY OF WYLD (James). — Map of the Gold Regions of California. 1849. This is one of the best maps of California published in England. CARROLL (Lewis). See C. L. Dodgson. CATHERINE IL— The Life of Catherine II, Empress of Russia. By W. Tooke. With a Cor- rect Map of the Russian Empire. The Fifth Edi- tion. With great Additions and a copious Index. In Three Volumes. Dublin: Printed by J. Moore, 1800. 8vo, three volumes, leather backs. CATLIN (George).— 0-Kee-Pa: A Religious Ceremony; and other Customs of the Mandans. With thirteen coloured illustrations. [London], 1867. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. This publication was occasioned by the author's privately printed book describing the celebrated "Bull Dance,'* among the Mandan Indians. CATLIN (George). — Illustrations of the Man- ners, Customs, and Condition of the North Ameri- can Indians. With Letters and Notes, Written during Eight Years of Travel and Adventure among the Wildest and Most Remarkable Tribes now Existing. With 360 coloured engravings from the Author's original paintings. In Two Volumes. London: Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly. 1876. 8vo, two volumes, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, 98 CHARLES TfiMPLETON C!lOCKi:fi CERAMICS CHAFFERS (William).— Marks and Mono- grams on European and Oriental Pottery and Porcelain. By William Chaffers. With Historical Notices of each Manufactory. Over 3,500 Potters ' Marks and Illustrations. Tenth Edition, with an increased number of Potters' Marks and Addi- tional Information. Revised and Edited by Frederick Litchfield. London, 1903. 8vo. FORTNUM(C. Drury E.).— A Descriptive Cata- logue of the Majolica, Hispano-Moresco, Persian, Damascus, and Rhodian Wares, in the South Ken- sington Museum. With Historical Notices, Marks, and Monograms. Published for the Science and Art Department of the Committee of Council on Education. London, 1873. 8vo. Numerous woodcuts and twelve coloured plates. GULLAND (W. G.).— Chinese Porcelain. With Notes by T. J. Larkin. And Four Hundred and Eighty-five Illustrations. Second Edition. London: Chapman & Hall, Ltd., 1902. 8po, two volumes, 99 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF HOBSON(R. L.).-^Chinese Pottery and Porce- lain. An Account of the Potter's Art in China, from Primitive Times to the Present Day. With forty plates reproduced by three, four and five- color process, and ninety-six half-tone plates. London: Cassell. 1915. 8vo, two volumes,. There is a fully illustrated chapter on Marks and another very valuable on Forgeries and Frauds. Edition limited to fifteen hundred numbered copies. HODGSON (Mrs. Willoughby).— How to Iden- tify Old Chinese Porcelain. By Mrs. Willoughby Hodgson. With forty illustrations. Chicago : A. C. McClurg & Co., London : Methuen & Co., 1907. 12mo. MONKHOUSE (Cosmo).— A History and De- scription of Chinese Porcelain. With Notes by S. W. Russell, C.M.G. Cassell and Company [London], 1901. 8v0y cloth. Out of print and very scarce, the edition being limited to one thousand copies only. Contains twenty-four plates in colours and numerous illustrations. CERVANTES-^SAAVEDRA (Miguel de).— El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha compuesto por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. 100 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Nueva edition corregida por la real academia espanola con superior permiso: en Madrid, etc., MDCCLXXX. 4to, four volumes, tree calf, gilt borders and backs, red labels, CERVANTES-SAAVEDRA (Miguel de).— The History of the Valorous and Witty Knight- Errant Don Quixote of the Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes. Translated by Thon>as Skelton. The Illustrations by Daniel Vierge with an Introduc- tion by Royal Cortissoz. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, MCMVI. 8vo, four volumes, white vellum, three-quarters boards, uncut. Only one hundred and forty copies printed on imperial Japan paper, with two additional full-page illustrations and with extra prints, before letter, of all the full-page illustrations. CHARLES I.— The Full Proceedings of the High Court of Justice Against King Charles in Westminster Hall, etc. Translated out of the Latine of J. C. London, 1664. 18mo, old calf. The First Edition, with portrait. * * J. C. " was probably Sir John Coke, Jr., the Eoyalist. On the fly-leaf is written: ''John Wailing, Boston, 1772.'' CHARLES I. — EiKi2N BA2IAIKH. / The Por- traicture / Of / His Sacred Maiestie / in His Solitudes: / and Sufferings: / Rom. 8. / More 101 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF than Conquerour, &c. / Bona agere, & mali pati, Regium est. / [London], MDCXLVIII. 16mOj full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt, in contemporary style. The exceedingly rare First Edition of the King's Book, having the faulty pagination in signature G (91, 82, 83, 94, 95, 86, 87, 98, 99, 90, 91, 102, 103, 94, 95, 109), and title (without printer's name), of which only seven copies were known to Edward Alraack in his bibliography. This copy contains the excessively rare leaf of errata. It lacks the leaf preceding the title-page with verses signed "F. N. G.,'' and lacks at the end the ''Perfect Copie of Private Prayers used by His Majestie in the Time of his Suffer- ings," which are very often missing. In one of the Hoe copies the ' * Apophthegmata ' ' has a separate title-page with the imprint * * Printed by William Du-gard for Francis Eglesfield. ' ' The First Edition appeared almost before the King's body was cold. Its authority was disputed at the time, some believing it to be the work of Bishop Gauden. The book displays Charles First's piety and sets forth an explanation of his policy. CHATEAUBRIAND (Franqois Rene-Au- guste). — Atala, ou Les Amours de Denx 8auv- ages dans le Desert. A Paris : Chez Migneret, Imprimeur, Rue Jacob, No. 1186, et a PAncienne Libraire de Dupont, Rue de la Loi, No. 288. An. IX. (1801). ISmOy full crushed levant morocco, gilt on the rough, by Hardy-MennU, The First Edition, with bookplate of C. Jolly Bavoillot, designed by Giaeomelli. "Atala" first appeared in *'Le Mercure Fran^oise," when Chateaubriand was editor-in-chief. It was published surreptitiously in this edition immediately on its conclusion, without the author's consent. CHAUCER (Geoffrey).— The Works of Geof- frey Chaucer. See Eelmficott. CHEEVEE (Heney T.). See Hawaiian iBlazids. 102 CHARLES TBMPLETON CROCKER CHINA ALEXANDER (William).— The Costume of China, Illustrated in Forty-eight Coloured En- gravings. London: Published by William Miller, Albe- marle Street, 1805. Folio, full strmght-grain morocco, gilt. ALLEN (Clement Francis Romilly). — The Book of Chinese Poetry. Being the Collection of Ballads, Sagas, Hymns, and other Pieces known as The Shih Ching or Classic of Poetry. London, 1891. 8vo, BACKHOUSE (E.) and BLAND (J. 0. P.).— Annals and Memoirs of the Court of Pekin. (From the 16th to the 20th Century). Illustrated. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Com- pany, 1914. 8vo. BALL (J. Dyer). — Things Chinese. Being Notes on Various Subjects Connected with China. Sec- ond Edition. Revised and Enlarged. New York, 1893. 8vo. BARROW (John, Sir).— Travels in China. Con- taining descriptions, observations, and compari- sons, made and collected in the course of a short 103 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF residence at the Imperial Palace of Yuen-min- yuen, and on a subsequent journey through the country from Pekin to Canton Illustrated with several engravings in color. London, 1804. 4to, original half binding, BEAL (Samuel).— Travels of Fah-Hian and Sung-Yun, Buddhist Pilgrims to India (400 A. D. and 518 A. D.). Translated from the Chinese by Samuel Beal. London, 1869. 8vo, half blue morocco. With map. BEAUVOIR (Le Comte de).— Pekin, Yeddo, San Francisco. Voyage autour du monde. Ou- vrage enrichi de quatre cartes et de quinze gravures-photographies par Deschamps. Paris, 1872. 6vo, leather ba<^k. Maps and plates. BLAND (J. 0. P.) AND BACKHOUSE (E.).— China under the Empress Dowager. Being the History of the Life and Times of Tzu Hsi, com- piled from state papers and the private diary of the comptroller of her household. New and re- vised cheaper edition. Illustrated. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Com- pany, 1914. 8vo. 104 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER BUDD (Charles). — Chinese Poems. Translated by Charles Budd. Henry Frowde : Oxford University Press, Lon- don, New York, Toronto, and Melbourne, 1912. 6vo. CANDLIN (George T.)— Chinese Fiction. With illustrations from original Chinese works. Chi- cago, 1898. The Religion of Science Library, September, 1898. 8vo, with original wrappers. CHITTY (J. R.).— Things Seen in China. With fifty illustrations. New York, 1912. 16mo, CONGER (Sarah Pike— Mrs. E. H. Conger). Letters from China with Particular Reference to the Empress Dowager and the Women of China. With eighty illustrations from photographs and a map. Chicago, 1909. 8vo. DAVIS (John Francis). — Chinese Novels, Translated from the Originals: The Shadow in the Water. The Twin Sisters. The Three Dedi- cated Chambers. With Observations on the Lan- guage and Literature of China. New Edition. London : John Murray, 1843. 8vo, 105 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEARY OF DER LING (Princess). — Two Years in the Forbidden City, by the Princess Der Ling, First Lady-in- Waiting to the Empress Dowager. Illus- trated from Photographs. New York: Moffat, Yard and Company, 1912. 8vo, DOOLITTLE (Justus).— Social Life of the Chinese : With Some Account of Their Religions, Governmental, Educational, and Business Cus- toms and Opinions. With special but not exclu- sive reference to Fuhchau. With over one hundred and fifty illustrations. In Two Volumes. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1867. 12mo, two volumes, DOUGLAiS (Robert K.).— Chinese Stories. With illustrations. William Blackwood and Sons: Edinburgh and London, 1893. 12mo. FORTUNE (Robert).— A Journey to the Tea Countries of China; Including Sung-Lo and the Bohea Hills ; with a Short Notice of the East India Company's Tea Plantations in the Himalaya Mountains. With maps and illustrations. London, 1852. 6vo. 106 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER FOUR BOOKS (The), or The Chinese Classics in English. Compiled from the best previous works. Hongkong : Printed by Man Yu Tong . . . Holly- wood Road, Printer and Stationer, 1898. 8vo, GEIL (William Edgar).— Eighteen Capitals of China. With 139 illustrations. Philadelphia and London : J. B. Lippincott Co., 1911. 8vo. GILES (Herbert A.). — Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. In Two Volumes. London, 1880. 8vo, two volumes. GILES (Herbert A.). — Gems of Chinese Litera- ture. London: Bernard Quaritch. Shanghai: Kelly & Walsh, 1884. 6vo. GILES (Herbert A.). — Chinese Poetry in Eng- lish Verse. London : Bernard Quaritch. Shanghai : Kelly & Walsh, Ltd., 1898. Svo, paper covers. 107 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF GILES (Herbert A.). — Confucianism and its Rivals. Lectures Delivered in the University Hall of Dr. Williams' Library. London, October- December, 1914. New York, 1915. 8vo. The Hibbert Lectures. Second Series. GRAY (J. H.).— China, A History of the Laws, Manners, and Customs of the People. With one hundred and forty illustrations. London, 1878. 8vo, two volumes, half blue morocco. GRIFFIS (William Elliot).— China's Story in Myth, Legend, Art and Annals. Illustrated. Boston and New York: The Houghton Mifflin Company. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1911. 12mo. HEADLAND (Isaac Taylor).— Court Life in China, The Capitol, Its Officials and People. Illustrated. Fleming H. Revell Company [New York, 1909]. 12mo, HUC (M.).— The Chinese Empire. Forming a Sequel to the Work entitled ** Recollections of a Journey through Tartary and Thibet." In Two Volumes. Second Edition. London, 1855. 12mo, two volumes, half red morocco, 108 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER LAWTON (Lancelot). — Empires of the Far East. A Study of Japan and her Colonial Posses- sions, of China and Manchuria and of the Political Questions of Eastern Asia and the Pacific. In Two Volumes. Boston, 1912. 8vo, two volumes, LI HUNG CHANG.— The Memoirs of Li Hung Chang, Edited by William Francis Mannix, with an Introduction by Hon. John W. Foster. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Com- pany. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1913. 8vo, LUTE OF JADE (A), Being Selections from the Classical Poets of China. Rendered with an Introduction by L. Cranmer-Byng. New York, 1915. 12mo. The Wisdom of the East Series. MARTIN (R. Montgomery).— China: Political, Commercial, and Social; in an Official Report to her Majesty's Government. Two Volumes. London, 1847. 8vo, two volumes, NEVIUS (John L.).--China and the Chinese. A Greneral Description of the Country and its In- habitants; its Civilization and Form of Govern- ment; its Religious and Social Institutions; its 109 CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY OP Intercourse with Other Nations; and its Present Conditions and Prospects. Revised Edition. With map and illustrations. Philadelphia, 1904. 8vo. NICHOLS (Francis H.).— Through Hidden Shensi. Illustrated from photographs taken by and for the author. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1902. 8vo, ROSS (Edward Alsworth). — The Changing Chinese. The Conflict of Oriental and Western Culture in China. New York: The Century Company, 1912. 8vo. SMITH (Arthur B.). — Chinese Characteristics. Enlarged and Revised Edition with marginal and new illustrations. Fleming H. Revell Company, [New York, 1894]. 6vo. SMITH (Arthur A.). — Proverbs and Common Sayings from the Chinese. Together with much related and unrelated matter, interspersed with Observations on Chinese Things-in-general. New and revised edition. Shanghai: Printed at the American Presby- terian Mission Press. 1902. 12mo. 110 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER STANTON (William).— The Chinese Drama. Printed by Kelly & Walsh Ltd. Queen's Road and Duddell Street, Hongkong, and at Shanghai, Yokohama and Singapore. 1899. 8vo. THOMSON (John Stuart).— The Chinese. Illustrated from Photographs. Indianapolis : The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Pub- lishers. [1909.] 8vo, THOMSON (John Stuart).— China Revolution- ized. Illustrated with photographs and maps. Indianapolis : The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Pub- lishers. [1913.] 8vo. [THORN (Robert).]— Wang Keaou Lwan Pih Neen Chang Han; or, The Lasting Resentment of Miss Keaou Lwan Wang, A Chinese Tale: Founded on Facts. Translated from the original by Sloth (Robert Thorn). Canton, 1839. 16mo. Frontispiece. The First Edition. A most unusual book printed in China in 1839 in English. Presentation copy. WADDELL (Helen). — Lyrics from the Chinese. Second impression. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Com- pany, 1915. 12mo, 111 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF WEALE (B. L. Putnam). — Indiscreet Letters from Pekin, Being the notes of an eye-witness, which set forth in some detail, from day to day, the real story of the siege and sack of a distressed capital in 1900 — the year of great tribulation. New York : Dodd, Mead and Company, 1907. 6vo. WILLIAMS (S. Wells).— The Middle King- dom. A Survey of the Geography, Government, Literature, Social Life, Arts and History of the Chinese Empire and Its Inhabitants. Revised edition, with illustrations and a new map of the Empire. Two volumes. New York, 1907. 6vo, two volumes, WRIGHT (G. N.).— China, in a Series of Views, Displaying the Scenery, Architecture, and Social Habits, of that Ancient Empire. Drawn, from Original and Authentic Sketches, by Thomas Allom, Esq., with Historical and Descriptive Notices by the Rev. G. N. Wright, M.A. Fisher, Sons & Co., London, [1843]. 4to, two volumes, half morocco, WYLIE (A.). — Notes on Chinese Literature: with Introductory Remarks on the Progressive Advancement of the Art and a List of Transla- 112 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER tions, from the Chinese into various European Languages. Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press. London: Triibner & Co., 1867. 8vo, CIBBER (Colley).— An / Apology / For the / Life / of / Mr. Colley Cibber, Comedian and / Late Patentee of the Theatre-Royal. / With an Historical View of the Stage during his own time./ Vol. I. [Vol. II.] / Written by Himself. / . . . Hoc eft / Vivere bis, vita polTe priore frui. / Mart, lib. 2. / When Years no more of active Life re- tain, / 'Tis Youth renewed, to laugh 'em o'er again. / Anonym. / London: / Printed by John Watts for the Author. / MDCCXL. 4to, extended from two to four volumes, three- quarters blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top, un- cut. The First Edition. Extra illustrated with about three hun- dred views, portraits, etc. The extra portraits number 121 and embrace 4 of Cibber; Mrs. Oldfield as Kosalind (coloured), and 2 others; Booth (2); Wilkes (2); Betterton; Mrs. Barry (2, both rare) ; Mrs. Bracegirdle, Vanbrugh, Congreve, Doggett, Dryden, Shakespeare, Pope, B. Jonson, Mills, Penkethmau, M. Mohun, Griffin as the Queen Mother; Montagu, Earl of Halifax (with autograph signature); Sackville, Earl of Dorset; Jeremy Collier (B. Pv. White) ; Sir W. Davenant (by Faithorne) ; Aaron Hill, Steele, Swift, Farmelli, Nell Gwyn (rare coloured) ; Corelli, Charles I, Charles II, Henry Pelham (autograph signature), Addison, G. Kneller (autograph signature), George Bubb Dodington (with autograph signature) ; Edward Young, Duke of Marlborough, Killigrew, Fletcher, Beaumont, King James, William and Mary, Queen Anne, Otway, Rowe, Waller, Wren, Cromwell, Bolingbroke, Villers, G. Burnet, Molidre, Montaigne and others. The views number twenty-eight, including such rarities as: 113 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF the fan-shaped coloured print of Bartholomew Fair, 1721; The Bear Garden and Globe (from Wilkinson's Londoni lUustrata); the Duke's Theatre, Whitehall, Westminster Hall, Bridewell, Lin- coln's Inn, Blenheim (large coloured plan of same and garden); Windsor, Hampton Court, St. James Park, views of Winchester, Chatsworth, etc. The biographical and bibliographical items number over one hundred and thirty, the biographies being from London and dramatic magazines, and cover the lives of Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Betterton, Mrs. Barry, Dryden, Beaumont, Fletcher, Gay, Steele, and Doggett (from Daniel's "Merrie England"). The bibliographical notes embrace thirty-eight relating to the author, the rest to the authors mentioned in the text. CID (The).— Poem of the Cid. Text Reprinted from the Unique Manuscript at Madrid by Archer M. Huntington, M.A. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. (1897-1902.) Vol. I. The Text, Vol. II. The Text in English, Vol. III. Notes. 8vo, three volumes, original vellum, uncut, silk ties. CLARKE (William). — Three Courses and a Dessert. See Cruikshank Illustrations. CLAY (Henry).— The Life and Speeches of Henry Clay. Philadelphia, 1854. 8vo, two volumes in one, original morocco. On the first fly-leaf is written: *'This book was used by Abra- ham Lincoln when making his first great anti-slavery speeches — preceding the memorable campaign with Douglas. He quoted largely from Clay's speeches with wonderful effect. Jas. W. Soniers, formerly of Urbana, Illinois — then a young lawyer and personal friend of Lincoln." "In reading from this book I dis- tinctly remember that Mr. Lincoln, for the first time, used spec- tacles, apologizing to his audience, saying that he was not as lU CHARLES TEiMPLETOlJ CROCKER young as he used to be. This was, I think, in the fall of 1856. James W. Somers. " The business card of Mr. Somers is pasted opposite. The sec- ond lly-leaf bears the inscription, ** James W. Somers bought of Thos. A. McLaurie, Urbana, 111." Inserted is an endorsement in the autograph of Lincoln, "James W. Somers I personally know to be a most worthy young man; but whether he can be promoted, must be left to the Secretary. A. Lincoln, June 11, 1863." Passages on twenty-one pages have been marked in blue, red or black pencil, or ink, either by Lincoln or as having been read by Lincoln in his speeches. CLEMENS (Samuel Langhorne), [''Mark Twain.''] — Part of the Manuscript of *'A Tramp Abroad." Beginning with chapter XXV, ''Lucerne is a charming place," to "guten tag," at the end of chapter XXVII. The pages are numbered 858 to 1000. Each leaf is inlaid, and there is a photogravure of Mark Twain with his autograph on a separate sheet: "S. L. Clemens (Mark Twain)." 8vOj full green morocco^ gold tooling on hack and sides, gUt. CLUB OF ODD VOLUMES, ELEGIES AND EPITAPHS.— Early American Poetry, 1677-1717. The Club of Odd Volumes, Boston, 1896. 8po, boards, roan hack, uncut. Only one hundred copies printed on handmade paper. COMBE (William).— Life of Napoleon. See Cruikshank Illustrations. COMMINES (Philippe de). — Memoires sur les Principaux Faictes & Gestes de Louis onzieme & 115 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEARY OF de Charles huictieme son fils, Roys de France, revues pour la seconde fois par Denis Sauvage. Lyon, 1559. Folio. Beautiful specimen of Mearne's binding. CORNEILLE (Pierre).— Theatre de Pierre Corneille, avec des commentaires, &c., &c., MDCCLXIV. [Geneva], 1764. 8vo, twelve volumes, white cloth with crimson backs and corners, gilt top, uncut. Frontispiece and thirty-four plates by Gravelot. The ''Commentaires*' were written by Voltaire. This edition was published by a subscription raised by Voltaire for the benefit of Corneille 's great-granddaughter. COVERT (Capitaine Robert). — Early Voyages to the East Indies. A True and almost Incredible Report of an Englishman, that (being cast away in the good ship called the Assension in Cambaya, the farthest part of the East Indies), trauelled the Land thorow many unknowne Kingdomes and Great Cities; as also A Relation of their Com- modities and Manner of Traffique, and at what seasons of the yeere they are most in use, Fayth- fully related; With a Discovery of a Great Em- peror called the Great Mogool, a Prince not till now known to our English Nation. London: Printed for I. N. and Hugh Perry, at the signe of the Harrow, 1631. 4to, BLACK LETTER, full poUshcd colf, gilt, somc lower margins uncut. The Third Edition and a very fine copy of an exceedingly rare 116 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER and interesting volume. Contains the leaf of imprimatur at the end, and the final blank leaf completing the signature. The author's description of the animals, the people, the trees, etc., are of the highest interest. COWPER (William).— The Poetical Works of William Cowper. London : William Pickering, 1830. 16mo, three volumes, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. The Aldine Edition of British Poets. Portrait by H. Bobinson. COX (Sir George W.).— The Mythology of the Aryan Nations. New and revised edition. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1882. 8vo, half blue morocco, marbled edges, CROWQUILL (Alfred). See A. H. Forrester. CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS. [COMBE (William).] — The Life of Napoleon. A Hudi- brastic Poem in Fifteen Cantos, by Doctor Syntax. Embellished with 30 Engravings, by G. Cruik- shank. London: Printed for T. Tegg, 111, Cheapside; Wm. Allason, 31, New Bond Street; and J. Dick, Edinburgh, 1815. 8vo, fidl mottled calf, inside gold borders, red leather labels, gilt, by Tout, The First Edition, and a fine tall copy with the plates coloured throughout. It was re-issued in 1817, and copies bearing that date are sometimes sold as first editions. 117 CATALOGUE OF THE MBBARY OF CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS. EGAN (Pierce). — Life in London: or, The Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorne, Esq. and His Elegant Friend Corinthian Tom, Accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in Their Rambles and Sprees through the Metropolis. By Pierce Egan, Esq. Embellished with thirty-six Scenes from Real Life, Designed and Etched by I. R. and G. Cruikshank and Enriched also with Numerous Original Designs on Wood, by the same Artists. London: Printed by Sherwood, Neely & Jones, Paternoster Row, 1821. 8v0y original pictorial hoards, uncut. The First Edition, and a large thick paper copy of one of the most interesting of antiquarian books, especially so as it is in the original pictorial boards. This copy contains the advertisements, the rare half title, the music for Tom 's song, ' * London Town 's a Dashing Place, ' ' and the printer's name at the lower margin on back of half-title, with- out any advertisements. Also, the footnote commencing "Second Edition,'* on page nine (which Cohn attributed to the first spurious edition. CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS.— Tales of Irish Life. Illustrative of the Manners, Customs and Conditions of the People, with' designs by George Cruikshank. [Quotation by M. J. Whitty.] London: Published by J. Robins & Co., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row, 1824. 12mo, two volumes, three-quarters green mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition, with the half title, by M. J. Whitty. CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS.— Pierce Egan's Finish to the Adventure of Tom, Jerry, 118 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER and Logic, in their Pursuits through Life in and out of London: Illustrated by the Pencil of Mr. Robert Cruikshank. In 36 Scenes from Real Life, and enriched with several Designs on Wood by the same Artist, etc. London : Printed by C. Baynes, 13, Duke-Street, Lincoln 's-Inn-Field, for G. Virtue, 26 Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row ; Bath Street, Bristol ; and Great Ancoates Street, Manchester. 1830. 8vo, original hoards, uncut. The First Edition, with the edges entirely uncut. The wood- cuts in the text at top of pages 40-42 are lacking. CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS. ANSTEY (Christopher). — The New Bath Guide, or Me- moirs of B-N-R-D Family, in a Series of Poetical Epistles by Christopher Anstey, Esq. A New Edition with a Biographical and Topographical Preface and Anecdotal Annotations by John Britton, F.S.A. and Member of Several Other Societies. Embellished with engravings. London: Hurst, Chance & Co., St. PauPs Churchyard, 1830. 8v0y full red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition. Anstey 's poem was first published in 1766 and Smollett drew largely from it in the writing of his * ' Humphrey Clinker.'' CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS.— CLARKE (William). Three Courses and a Dessert. The 119 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Decorations by George Cruikshank. [Quotation.] Second Edition. London : Vizetelly, Branston & Co., Fleet Street, 1830. 8v0j half rocm, uncut. The Second Edition, with fifty-one woodcuts, mostly signed with G. C.'s initials. These illustrations, among the best that Cruikshank did, are frequently found in extra-illustrated books. CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS.— MERLE (William Henry). Odds and Ends, in Verse and Prose, by William Henry Merle, Esq., Illustrated by George Cruikshank, from Designs by the Author. London: Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, Paternoster Row, 1831. 8v0y half morocco, red edges. The First Edition. It was not published, but printed for the Author. On page 40 is "Mary Queen of Scots' Glass.'* CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS. — My Sketch Book. Designed, Etched and Published by George Cruikshank, 23, Myddleton Terrace, Pentonville, and Sold by Charles Tilt, 86, Fleet Street, Dec. 1st, 1834. Oblong quarto, original cloth, gilt. The First Edition, second issue. Containing thirty-six large plates, each with five to ten amusing etchings, all coloured by hand. The first state of Plate 2, Part V, has on a bag the letters "gold" instead of "gold,** which were changed in later issues. CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS.— (1). A Comic Alphabet, Designed, Etched and Published 120 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER by George Cruikshank, No. 23, Myddleton Ter- race, Pentonville, 1837. Twenty-four plates printed on India paper and mounted. (2). The Comic Alphabet, containing 26 coloured illustra- tions by (Robert) Cruikshank. By W. R. Mac- donald. London, n. d. 12mo, two volumes in one, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt sides and hack, gilt top, uncut, mth the original covers of both volumes pre- served, by Tout. The First Edition. An unusually fine copy. Proof impres- fiions of the George Cruikshank Alphabet are exceedingly scarce. CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS.— INGLIS (H. D.). Rambles in the Footsteps of Don Quixote, by the late H. D. Inglis, with Illustrations by George Cruikshank. London: Whittaker & Co., Ave Maria Lane, 1837. 12mo, original boards, paper label, uncut and unopened. The First Edition. CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS.— [BAR- HAM (RicHAKD Harris).] The Ingoldsby Legends, or Mirth and Marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire. London: Richard Bentley, 1840, 1842, 1847. 8vo, three volumes, full morocco, gilt top, uncut, with original covers bound in, by Riviere. The First Issue of the First Edition, with the blank page, 236, 121 CATALOGUE OF THE UBBARY OF and the excessively rare slip facing it. Only a few copies are known having both the blank page and the slip. There are nineteen etchings by George Cruikshank and the remainder are by John Leech. CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS.— [BAR- HAM (Richard Harris).] Martin's Vagaries: Being a Sequel to **A Tale of a Tub," Recently Discovered at the University of Oxford, Edited with Notes by Scriblerus Oxoniensis, and Illus- trated by G. Cruikshank. London: A. H. Bailey & Co., 83, Cornhill, 1843. 12mo, original wrappers, unopened. The First Edition, with two spirited etchings. A fine copy of one of the scarcer of the small books illustrated by him. CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS.—* ' Mar- tin *s Vagaries.'* Another copy. CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS.— AINS- WORTH (W. Harrison). Windsor Castle. An Historical Romance, by W. Harrison Ainsworth, Esq. New Edition, Illustrated by George Cruik- shank and Tony Johannot, with Designs on Wood by W. Alfred Delamotte. London : Henry Colbum, Publisher, Great Marl- borough Street, 1843. 8vOf half morocco J gilt top, uncut , original paper covers hound in. The First Edition with all the Cruikshank plates that appeared in * * Ainsworth 's Magazine, ' ' but without imprint or date. There arc fourteen plates by Cruikshank, and four by Johannot, with a portrait of the author by Maclise, engraved by S. Freeman. 122 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS.— A BEC- KETT (Gilbert Abbott). The Comic Blackstone. By Gilbert Abbott A Beckett. London: Punch Office, 1846. 12mOy original hoards, uncut. The First Edition, in one volume, with etched frontispiece and two woodcuts by George Cruikshank. CRUIKSHANK ILLUSTRATIONS.— MAY- HEW (Henry). The World^s Show, 1851, or The Adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys and Family, Who came up to London to enjoy Them- selves, and to see the Great Exhibition, by Henry Mayhew and George Cruikshank. London : David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street, 1851. 8vo, full calf, gilt top, uncut, with original covers hound in. The First Edition, as issued in one volume. CUNNINGHAM (Peter).— The Story of Nell Gwyn and the Sayings of Charles the Second. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1852. Folio, one volume extended to two, full red straight- grained morocco, special tooling, gilt. The First Separate Edition, originally published in **The Gen- tleman's Magazine," 1851. Each leaf is inlaid to small folio size, and one hundred and thirteen extra plates, some proofs, several very rare, are inserted. DARWIN (Charles).— The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preserva- tion of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. 123 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF With additions and corrections from the sixth and last English edition. New York : D. Appleton and Company, 1906. 12mo, two volumes in one, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. DARWIN (Charles).— The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin. Including an Autobiographical Chapter. Edited by his Son, Francis Darwin. Fifth thousand revised. London: John Murray, 1887. 8vo, three volumes, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. DARWIN (Charles) .—More Letters of Charles Darwin. A Record of his Work in a Series of Hitherto Unpublished Letters. Edited by Francis Darwin. Fellow of Christ's College, and A. C. Seward, Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. London: John Albemarle Street, 1903. 8vo, two volumes, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. Illustrated. DAUDET (Alphonse).— (Euvres Completes de Alphonse Daudet. Ifidition definitive. Ulustree de Gravures a PEau-Forte d'apres les dessines de Emile Adan, A. Dawant, A. F. Gorguet, P. A. Laurens et C. Leandre et precedee d'un essai de Biographic litteraire par Henry Ceard. Paris, 1899. 6vo, eighteen volumes, three-quarters dark green morocco, gilt top, uncut. 124 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER DEFOE (Daniel).— (1) The / Life / and Strange Surprising / Adventures / oi / Robin- son Crusoe, / of York, Mariner: / Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, / all alone in an un- inhabited Ifland on the / Coast of America, near the Mouth of / the Great River of Oroonoque ; / Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, / where in / all the Men perifhed but himfelf. / With / An Account how he was at laft as ftangely deli/ver'd by Pyrates. / Written by Himfelf. / London: / Printed for W. Taylor at the Ship in Pater-Nofter / Row, MDCCXIX. / The First Edition, 7% by 4% inches. Frontispiece. This copy iQcks the correct catchword ** always" at the foot of the first page of the preface, and the word ''apply'* is not incorrectly spelled "apyly," on verso of Preface. It also lacks the four pages at end, advertising books of William Taylor. (2) The Farther / Adventures / of / Robinson Crusoe; / Being the Second and Last Part / of his / Life, / And of the Strange Surprizing / Ac- counts of his Travels / Round three Parts of the Globe. / Written by Himfelf. / To which is added a Map of the World, in which is / Delineated the Voyages of Robinson Crusoe. / [Vignette of a Ship.] London: Printed for W. Taylor at the / Ship in Pater-Nofter-Row. MDCCXIX. The First Edition. Verso of last page of Preface is blank. There is some doubt as to whether this indicates the first or second issue of the First Edition. This copy contains the book advertise- ments at the end; also, the folding map. (3) Serious Reflections / during the / Life / and Surprifing / Adventures / of / Robinson 125 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF Crusoe: / with his / Vision of the / Angelick World. / Written by Himfelf. / [Vignette of a Ship.] London; Printed for W. Taylor, at the Ship / and Blaek-Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 172Q. The First Edition, with the folding frontispiece, a bird's-eye view of Crusoe's Island, by Clark and Pine, 1719. Contains the two pages of "Books lately Printed for W. Taylor, at the Ship and Black-Swan, in Pater-Noster-Row. ' ' At the end of the Pub- lisher's Introduction is an advertisement of the Third Edition of *' Robinson Crusoe" and the Second Edition of *'The Farther Adventures. ' ' 12m0y together three volumes, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt, by Riviere. DE QUINCEY (Thomas).— Confessions of an English Opium Eater. London: Printed for Taylor & Hessey, Fleet Street, 1822. 12mo, full green crushed levant morocco, edges gilt, by Zaehnsdorf, The First Edition. With four pages of autograph manuscript, unsigned, marked a, b, c, d, and paragraphs 5 and 6, fragments of critical notes concerning Schlosser on literature by De Quincey. DE QUINCEY (Thomas).— Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. London: Printed for Taylor & Hessey, Fleet Street, 1822. 12mo, original boards, uncut, with paper label and one page of advertisements. The First Edition. De Quincey wrote the ** Confessions * ' when his opium habit was of more than ten years' standing. 126 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER DICKENS (Charles). —The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. With Forty-three Illustra- tions by R. Seymour and Phiz. London: Chapman and Hall, 1836-37. 8v0y twenty parts in nineteen, original green wrappers, uncut. The First Edition in original parts, containing many of the Seymour plates in their first condition, and with many "slips" and advertisements. DICKENS (Charles). —The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. By Charles Dickens. With forty-three illustrations by R. Seymour and Phiz. London: Chapman and Hall . . . MDCCCXXXVIL 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled back and borders, gilt top, uncut, by Root, The First Edition, with the * * V " above the door in the frontis- piece. DICKENS ( Charles) .—The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. By Charles Dickens. With forty-three illustrations by R. Seymour and Phiz. London: Chapman and Hall . . . MDCCCXXXVIL 8vo, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition, with the "W" instead of the **V" above the door in the frontispiece. DICKENS (Charles).— A Christmas Carol. In Prose. Being a Ghost Story of Christmas. With Illustrations by John Leech. London: Chapman & Hall . . . MDCCCXLIV. 12m 0, original cloth, gilt edges. One of the experimental copies printed for Dickens in order that he might choose the colors of ink to be used in the title-page. 127 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OP The title-page is printed in red and green, and the printer's imprint and half-title in green, which combination was rejected for red and blue. Layard in his ** Suppressed Plates'' says: '*It may be mentioned that there are two or three copies known with the title-page and half-title in green and red instead of red and blue." Although dated 1844, these experimental copies were printed in November or December, 1843. The end papers are green, not yellow, and the issue bears Stave I, the most popular feature of the first issue. DICKENS (Charles).— The Christmas Books, as follows: 1. A Christmas Carol. In Prose. Being a Ghost Story of Christmas. With illustrations by John Leech. London: Chapman & Hall . . . MDCCCXLIII. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Issue of the First Edition, with the title-page printed in blue and red, and the green end papers, as well as the "Stave L" 2. The Chimes : A Goblin Story of Some Bells That Rang An Old Year Out and a New Year In. London: Chapman and Hall . . . MDCCCXLV. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, with leaf of adver- tisement. The First Issue of First Edition, with engraved vignette title- page and illustrations. 3. The Battle of Life, a Love Story. London : Bradbury & Evans . . . 1846. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, with the leaf of ad- vertisement. This is the accepted First Edition. The engraved title has the words, "A liove Story," in a simple scroll, with the publisher's imprint and date below. 128 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER 4. The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain. A Fancy for Christmas Time. London, 1846. 12mOy original cloth, uncut, with the leaf of advertisement. This copy of the First Edition has the broken pagination at page 166. 5. The Cricket on the Hearth, a Fairy Tale of Home. London : Printed and published for the Author by Bradbury and Evans. MDCCCXLVI. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, and the leaf of advertisement. The First Edition. DICKENS (Charles).— Dombey and Son. With illustrations by H. K. Browne. London, 1846-8. 8vo, twenty parts in nineteen, original paper wrappers, uncut. The First Edition and a fine set of the original numbers, with the numerous advertisements. Includes the "slip" in No. II, announcing: *'A New Christmas Book." In No. Ill appears the first announcement of the publication of Thackeray 's ' * Vanity Fair," with a reproduction of the cover design. In No. XV is a notice that * ' No Christmas Book ' ' will be issued that year by Mr. Dickens. DICKENS (Charles).— Bleak House. With illustrations by H. K. Browne. London, 1853. 8vo, twenty parts in nineteen, original pictorial wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, in original parts as issued. 129 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF DICKENS (Charles).— Little Dorrit. With illustrations by H. K. Browne. London, 1855-57. 8vo, twenty parts in nineteen, original paper wrappers, uncut. The First Issue of First Edition, in parts, in fine condition. Contains the ''Slip'* in Part XVI, correcting an error in the preceding chapter, and the usual advertisements. DICKENS (Charles).— The Mystery of Edwin Drood. With twelve illustrations by S. L. Fields and a Portrait. London, 1870. 8vo, six parts, original pictorial wrappers, un- cut, with the advertisements. The First Edition, with the prefatory note dated August 12, 1870, referring to the unfinished state in which the story was left at the author's death. DIDEROT (Denis).— Les Bijoux Indiscrets. Au Monomotapa [Paris, 1748]. 12mo, two volumes, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Large Paper copy of the First Edition, with six engravings and title-vignette, which is repeated. Cohen says that a re-impression or counterfeit of this edition was printed, with less beautiful typography, the distinguishing marks being an ornament on the title-page instead of a figure, and the figure of ** Amour'* in the first plate facing toward the left; but the title-page contains a figure, not an ornament. Whether the plates belong to the re-impression or not, the text is of the genuine first edition. D 'ISRAELI (Isaac). — Curiosities of Literature by Isaac D'Israeli. With a View of the Life and Writings of the Author by his Son. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street, 1849. 8vo, three volumes, half green morocco, by Wood. 130 CfiARLilS TEMPLfiTOl^ CROCKEft DODGSON ( Charles Lutwidge) . [' ' Lewis Car- roll."] — Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. With Forty-two illustrations by John Tenniel. London: Macmillan and Co., 1866. 12m0y original cloth, gilt. The First Published Edition. The first issue of this work was condemned by both author and illustrator, for the pictures were unsatisfactory. It was accordingly recalled and a new edition, printed by Richard Clay, sent out in its place. Enclosed with this copy are the two pamphlets, ' ' Christmas Greeting. (From a Fairy to a Child)," and '*An Easter Greeting to Every Child Who loves Alice." Also, an A. L. S. of one page. "Rev. C. L. Dodgson, Christ Church, Oxford" (stamped in blue in upper right-hand corner). Dated, Nov. 29/82; **My dear Evey, I find Miss Leith's Birthday-Book contains only one verse from 'Alice'! so it will not interfere with your friends' publica- tion. I hope the enclosed will improve your minds. Yours affectionately, C. L. Dodgson." DODGiSON ( Charles Lutwidge) . [' ' Lewis Car- roll. ^^] — Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There. By Lewis Carroll. With fifty illustrations by John Tenniel. London: Macmillan and Co., 1872. 12m0y original cloth, gilt. The First Edition. DODGrSON ( Charles Lutwidge) . [^ * Lewis Car- roll.''] — The Hunting of the Snark, an Agony in Eight Fits. By Lewis Carroll. London : Macmillan and Co., 1876. 12mo, original pictorial cloth, gilt. The First Edition, with nine illustrations by H. Holliday. D0DG80N ( Charles Lutwidge ) . {'' Lewis Car - ROLL."'] — Ehyme! and Reason? By Lewis Carroll. 131 CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY OP With Sixty-five illustrations by Arthur B. Frost and Nine by Henry H. Holliday. London: Macmillan and Co., 1883. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. DORAN (John). — Memories of Our Great Towns, with Anecdotic Gleanings concerning their Worthies and their Oddities. London: Chatto and Windus, 1878. 12mo, one volume extended to two, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by the Guild of Women Binders. Contains one hundred extra plates: fourteen coloured plates and eighty-six portraits, sixteen coloured portraits, two autograph letters by Leman Rede to Mrs. Davidge and Michael Kelly to Harley, 1817, two autograph signatures, and one song of Charles Dibdin engraved, with music. This was the last work published by Dr. Doran. DORAT (Joseph). — Les Baisers, Precedes du Mois de Mai, Poeme. La Haye et Paris : Lambert et Delalain, 1770. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt inside borders, doublures of blue levant, blue silk fly-leaves, gilt edges, by Lortic. Title printed in red and black, frontispiece engraved by Ponce after Eisen; one plate by De Longueil after Eisen; fleuron on the title and head- and tail-pieces, all engraved by Aliamet, Baquoy, Binet, Delaunay, Ling6e, De Longueil, Masquelier, Massard, Nee and Ponce, after Eisen, with the exception of two, which are engraved after Marillier. One of the copies printed on Dutch paper. The rare First Issue of the First Edition, with faulty pagina- tion in the first leaves of the "Poem de Mois de Mai,*' and without the "Imitations de plusieurs poetes latins"; the one to be most desired, as the impressions of the plates of those with the rectified pagination and supplement are inferior. Baron R. Portal is pronounces it the masterpiece of the eighteenth century, and deservedly so, for the illustrations stand unrivalled in grace- fulness. 132 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER DOUCET (Jerome).— Petr one, (Introduction & Fragments). Illustres de Huit Compositions de Louis Edouard Fournier. Eaux-Fortes de Xavier Lesueur. Paris : A. Ferroud, 1902. 8vo, citron crushed levant morocco, mosaic panels of blue morocco on hack and sides, gilt sprays of roses and leaves, figured satin linings, gilt on the rough, original covers bound in, by The Club Bindery, One of fifty copies on Japan paper, with the etchings in four states; outline, remarque proofs in bistre and in black, and fin- ished state. Original drawing by Fournier inserted. DOVES PRESS THE ENGLISH BIBLE Containing the Old Testament & The New, Translated out of the Original Tongues by Special Command of His Majesty King James the First and Now Reprinted with the Text Revised by a Collation of its Early and Other Principal Editions and Edited by the Late Rev. F. H. Scrivener, M.A., LL.D., for the Syndics of the University Press, Cambridge. The Doves Press, No. 1, The Terrace, Hammer- smith, MDCCCCIII-MDCCCCV. Folio, five volumes, full vellum, uncut, by The Doves Bindery. The monumental publication of the Press and the work, per- haps, upon which its fame will chiefly rest. 133 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRABY OF RUSKIN (John).— Unto This Last. Four Es- says on the First Principles of Political Economy. By John Ruskin. The Doves Press, No. 1, The Terrace, Hammer- smith, MDCCCCVII. [Colophon] : Printed by T. J. Cobden-Sanderson & Emery Walker, at the Doves Press 8vo, full blue morocco, gilt, by The Doves Bind- ery, 19 C-S 16. Only three hundred copies printed. KEATS (John).— Keats. MDCCCCXIV. [Colophon] : Selected, Arranged, Printed at the Doves Press, 15 Upper IVLall, Hammersmith, by T. J. Cobden-Sanderson, 8vo, original vellum, uncut. Only two hundred copies printed. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe).— Shelley. MD- CCCCXIV. [The Doves Press, No. 1, The Ter- race, Hammersmith, MDCCCCXIV.] 8vo, original vellum, uncut. Only two hundred copies printed. AMANTIUM IRJE.— Letters to Two Friends. 1864-1867. The Doves Press, No. 1, The Terrace, Hammer- smith, MDCCCCXIV. 8vo, original vellum, uncut. Only one hundred and fifty copies printed. 134 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER WORDSWORTH (William).— The Prelude. An Autobiographical Poem by William Words- worth. 1799-1805. The Doves Press, No. 1, The Terrace, Hammer- smith, MDCCCCXV. 8v0j original vellum, uncut. Only one hundred and fifty-five copies printed. DRAKE (Samuel G.).— Indian Captivities. Being a Collection of the Most Remarkable Nar- ratives of Persons taken Captive by the North American Indians, or Relations of those who, by Stratagem or Desperate Valor, have effected the most surprizing Escapes from their more Cruel Hands. To which are added Notes, Historical and Biographical, by Samuel G. Drake. Boston: The Antiquarian Bookstore, 1839. 8vo, original cloth. This book contains thirty-one entire narratives, entirely unabridged, and many quaint woodcut illustrations. DRYDEN (John).— Marriage A-la-Mode. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal. London: Printed by T. N. for Henry Herring- man, 1673. 4to, sewn, uncut, in full green crushed levant morocco case, by Riviere. Collation, Signatures B, four leaves, a, two leaves; B-M3 in fours. The First Edition, and in unusual condition. 135 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF DRYDEN (John).— Absalom / And / Achito- phel. / A / Poem. / Si Propius ftes / Te Capiet Magis / London : / Printed for J. T. and are to be Sold by W. Davis in / Amen-Comer, 1681. Folio, full crushed levant morocco, gilt on the rough, by Riviere, Collation: Two leaves without signatures; B-I, in twos. Title as above, one leaf (verso blank). "To The Eeader," one leaf. The poem, B-M22. The First Edition. The Earl of Shaftesbury, here typified as Achitophel, for his share in the conspiracy to place the young Duke of Monmouth (Absalom) on the throne, was committed to the Tower in July, 1681, and this satire appeared in November, just before the Grand Jury acquitted him. It was undertaken at the desire of Charles II, and Dryden was at work on it for about nine months. It is the most celebrated of Dryden 's political satires, and was answered in a parody called ' ' Towser the Second, * * said to be by Henry Clare; also by the Duke of Buckingham in "Poetical Eeflections," and by Samuel Pordage in "Azaria and Hushai," and by Settle in "Absalom Senior." DRYDEN (John). — Albion and Albanius: An Opera. Perform 'd at the Queen's Theatre, in Dorset Garden. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1685. Folio, full crimson crushed levant morocco, douhlures and fly-leaves of China silk, gilt top, uncut, Janseniste, by Riviere. Collation: Five leaves, including title, B-12 in twos. The extremely rare First Edition, in excellent uncut state. There is a long and interesting prose preface on opera writing. DRYDEN (John).— The / Hind / And The / Panther. / A / Poem, / In Three Parts. / — Anti- quam exquirite matrem. / Et vera, inceffu, patuit Dea. — Virg. / London: / Printed for Jacob Tonfon, at the 136 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Judges Head in / Chancery Lane near Fleet- ftreet, 1687. 4to, full morocco, gilt, hy Stikeman. Collation: A-S in fours; T, five leaves. The excessively rare First Edition. Contains the leaf '* Licensed, April the 11th, 1687," and the three-line Errata, on the verso of T5. A fine tall copy. This poem is Dryden's longest, and being a justification of his religious beliefs, is written in his best manner, many of the lines being amongst the most musical in the English language. It defends the Roman Catholic religion (written after Dryden's conversion), and its publication was deliberately timed to aid the King (James II) in his scheme of a Catholic revival. The key to the characters is as follows: Hind (Catholics) ; Panther (Church of England) ; Bear (The Independents) ; Hare (Quakers) ; Ape (Atheists) ; Lyon (The King) ; Boar (Ana- baptist) ; Fox (Socinian) ; Wolf (Calvinist). The publication brought out Matthew Prior 's * ' The Country Mouse and the City Mouse" (see Prior), a most witty satire on Dryden's mistaken effort. Sir Walter Scott states that the London edition is the first, and that the one bearing "Holyrood House" is a reprint, as the title states. DULAC ILLUSTRATIONS.— ANDERSEN (Hans Christian). Stories from Hans Andersen with Illustrations by Edmund Dulac. Hodder and Stoughton : New York and London, n. d. 4to, green morocco, gilt top, uncut. This edition de luxe is limited to seven hundred and fifty copies signed by the Artist. DULAC ILLUSTRATIONS.— POE (Edgar Allan). The Bells and Other Poems. By Edgar Allan Poe. With Illustrations by Edmund Dulac. Hodder and Stoughton, New York and London, n. d. 4to, stamped cloth, uncut, 137 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF DULAC ILLUSTRATIONS.— The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. With Illustrations by Edmund Dulac. Hodder and Stoughton. New York and London, n. d. 4to, vellum, uncut. This edition is limited to two hundred copies for the United States of America. DULAC ILLUSTRATIONS.— The Sleeping Beauty and Other Fairy Tales from the Old French, Retold by Sir Arthur Quiller-Coueh. Illustrated by Edmund Dulac. Hodder and Stoughton, New York and London, n.d. 4tOy full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. This edition de luxe is limited to one hundred and fifty copies for sale in the United States. DUMAS (Alexandre, fils). — La Dame aux Camelias. Piece au cinq Actes. Melee de Chant. Paris, 1852. 16mo, original paper wrappers, uncut. The First Edition. DU MAURIER (George).— Trilby. New York, 1894. 8vo, eight monthly parts taken from Harper's Magazine, January to August, 1894, and hound in half crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition, with the illustrations by Du Maurier, and a 138 CHAKLES TEMPLETON CROCKER frontispiece portrait on Japan paper by S. Hollyer. This first edition contains the illustration on page 579, entitled "The Two Appren- tices," one of whom is Whistler, and the original text, both of which were changed in the first published book form. DUNLAP (William).— Lover's Vows: A Play. New York, 1814. 12m0j half russet crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition. DUNLAP (William).— Peter the Great: A Play. New York, 1814. 12mo, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition. EBSWORTH (J. Woodfall).— Westminster Drolleries. Both Parts, of 1671, 1672; Being a Choice Collection of Songs and Poems, Sung at Court and Theatres; With Additions made by **A Person of Quality," etc. E. Roberts, Boston, Lincolnshire, MDCCCLXXV Merry Drollery. Compleat. Being Jovial Poems, Merry Songs, &c.. Collected by W. N., C. B., R. S., & J. C. Lovers of Wit. Both Parts, 1661, 1670, 1691. Now First Reprinted from the Final Edition, 1791, etc. By J. Woodfall Ebsworth, M.A., Cantab. Boston, Lincolnshire : Printed by Robert Roberts. Strait Bar-gate MDCCCLXXV. — Choyce Drollery : Songs and Sonnets. Being a Collection of Divers 139 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Excellent Pieces of Poetry, of Several Eminent Authors. Now First Reprinted from the Edition of 1656, etc., etc. By J. Woodfall Ebsworth, M.A., Cantab. Boston, Lincolnshire : Printed by Robert Roberts. Strait Bar-gate, M, DCCCLXXVI. 16mo, together three volumes, cloth, uncut, paper labels. In each of the first two volumes, the printer has written: **400 copies printed this size. This is No. 83 (78). R. Roberts." EGAN (Pierce). — Life in London. See Cruikshank Illustrations. EGAN (Pierce). — Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry and Logic, etc. See Cruikshank Illustrations. ELLIS (Henry). — A Voyage to Hudson's Bay, by the Dobbs Galley and California. In the years 1746 and 1747, For Discovering a North West Passage; with an accurate Survey of the Coast, and a Short Natural History of the Country To which is prefixed an Historical Account of the attempts hitherto made for the finding of a Pas- sage that Way to the East Indies. Illustrated with proper cuts, and a new and correct Chart of Hudson's Bay, with the Countries adjacent. London: H. Whitridge, 1748. 8vo, old calf, ELLIS (W.). See Hawaiian Islands. CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER ELZEVIR PRESS.— [BLESSEBOIS (Pierre Corneille).] Lupanie. Histoire amoureuse de ce temps. [A la Sphere], 1668. 12mo, full red morocco, gilt lines, gilt-tooled hack and inside borders, gilt, by Bauzonnet- Trautz. First and rarest edition of this licentious romance. From the Marquis de Champ-Repus' library, with book label. This volume belongs to the Elzevirs' collections and with all probability was issued from their press. The work is ascribed to Corneille Blessebois. FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS. See Hawaiian Islands. FEDERALIST.— The / Federalist: / A Collec- tion / of / Essays. / Written in Favour of the / New Constitution, / As Agreed upon by the Fed- eral Convention, / September 17, 1787. / In Two Volumes / Vol. I. / New- York : / Printed and Sold by J. and M. M 'Lean, / No. 41, Hanover-Square. / M, DCC, LXXXVIII. 16mo, two volumes, full crimson crushed levant morocco, special tooling, gilt top, uncut, by Taffin. The First Edition, and very scarce in the uncut state. This famous political book contains the eighty-five essays written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison, which powerfully influenced the adoption of the Federal Constitu- tion, not only in New York, but in the other states as well. James Madison's papers were changed considerably in later editions. Numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, and 62, were written by Mr. Jay; numbers 10, 14, 17, 18, 21, 37 to 58, and 63, were written by Mr. Madison; and the remainder, fifty-one in all, by Alexander Hamilton. PENELON (FRANgois de la Mothe). — Les Avantures de Telemaque, Fils d'Ulysse 141 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OP Nouvelle edition conforme au manuscript orig- inal Amsterdam, 1734. Folio, full blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by Thibaron-Joly, Frontispiece engraved by Folkema after Picart, portrait of Fenelon by Drevet after Vivien, fleuron on title by Tanje after Dubourg; twenty-four plates by Bernaerts, Folkema, V. Gunst and Surugue after Debrie, Dubourg and Picart; twenty-four vignettes by Duflos, Folkema and Tanje after Dubourg; and twenty-one tail-pieces by Duflos and Schenk after Debrie and Dubourg. Each page enclosed in a typographical ornamental border. This folio edition was limited to one hundred and fifty copies, and is one of the rare issues, with the "Ode" at the end, which was suppressed later by order of the Court. FIELD (Eugene).— Little Willie. October 19, 1895. Oblong 16mo, folded sheet. The First Edition, privately printed. FIELD (Eugene). —The Tribune Primer. With additional Sketches now first collected from the Denver Tribune. Jamaica, N. Y., 1900. 8vo, half calf, uncut. Only twenty-five copies printed on Japanese vellum paper. FIELDING (Henry).— The / History / of / Tom Jones, / a Foundling / In Six Volumes. / By Henry Fielding, Esq.; / Mores Hominum mul- torum vidit. / London : / Printed for A. Millar, over-against / Catherine-street in the Strand / MDCCXLIX. 12mo, six volumes, contemporary calf, rebacked, uncut. The earliest issue of the First Edition, with the leaf of errata. 142 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER FIELDING (Henry).— Amelia. By Henry Fielding, Esq. In Four Volumes. London: Printed for A. Millar, in the Strand, M.DCC.LIL 12mo, four volumes, original calf, tincut. The First Edition, with the leaf of advertisement in Vol. II. FITZGERALD (Edward).— Bubaiy at of Omar Khayyam. The Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Trans- lated into English Verse. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1859. 4to, original wrappers, as issued. The First Edition, and one of the rarest books of Victorian literature. The translation was finished in January, 1858, when it was sent to the editor of Frazer's Magazine, who kept it a year and then returned it to the author. Fitzgerald then had the poem printed by Quaritch, the edition consisting of no more than two hundred and fifty copies, of which two hundred were left in the printer's hands. The work did not sell and after a time was thrown in quantities on the penny stand. The greater number of copies were lightly thrown aside and destroyed. FITZGERALD (Edward).— The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. The Astronomer-Poet of Persia, Rendered into English Verse. London: Bernard Quaritch, Piccadilly, 1868. Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. The Second Edition. FITZGERALD (Edward).— Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, The Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Ren- dered into English Verse. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1872. Small 4to, original Roxburghe binding, uncut. The Third Edition. 143 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAKY OF FITZGERALD (Edward).— Rubaiy at of Omar Khayyam; and the Salaman and Absal of Jami. Rendered into English Verse. Lfondon: Bernard Quaritch, 1879. SmaJl 4to, full morocco, special tooling, silk doublure and fly, by Sangorski and Sutcliffe. The Fourth Edition, with frontispiece, to which is added the first edition of Fitzgerald's translation of the S&l&man and Absal of Jami. FITZHERBERT(Mrs. Maria Anne Smythe).— Memoirs of Mrs. Fitzherbert. With an Account of her Marriage with H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, afterwards King George the Fourth. By Charles Langdale. London: Richard Bentley, 1856. 8vo, fidl straight-grain morocco. FLINT ILLUSTRATIONS. — KINGSLEY (Charles). The Heroes or Greek Fairy Tales for my Children by Charles Kingsley. Illustrated after Drawings by W. Russell Flint. London: Philip Lee Warner. Publisher to the Medici Society Ltd. MDCCCCXII. 4to, original boards, uncut. Of this edition of "The Heroes" only 500 copies were printed on handmade Riccardi paper. FORD'S THEATRE PLAY-BILLS.— The Original Play-Bills Issued at the Theatre the Morning and Evening of the Day on which Lin- 144 CHARLES TEMPLETON CfiOCKEJR coin was Assassinated; Variations and Fac- similes; Data concerning them; am A. L. S. by O. II. Oldroyd; together with some earlier bills of interest. Thirty-five items mounted on thick cartridge paper, and hound in a ruirrow folio volume, half morocco, gilt. The scarcest of the bills contained in this volume is that printed in the afternoon, after it had been definitely ascertained that Lincoln would attend the performance. This is distinguished by having inserted a patriotic verse of eight lines, and by the omis- sion of the list of prices of the seats. It is extremely rare, and probably is the kind used by Lincoln. The regular bill for the performance, printed in the morning, accompanies it. In addition to these two there is another variety, with the imprint of Polkinhorn, in which the word "chairs'* is omitted after "orchestra" in the list of prices of admission, and reading "Sensational Drama," instead of "Sensation Drama," as in the others. This bill and the other issue without the verse have been declared on authority to have been found in the box after Lincoln was carried out, but it is natural to suppose that the variety with the verse especially printed in his honor would have been handed to the President and his party. The other bills in the volume include facsimiles by other print- ers; the issues of Polkinhorn bill announcing the attendance of the President; bills for previous performances in the same week; issues from October 19th to 26th, when Junius Brutus Booth appeared in the cast; two bills with Mrs. D. P. Bowers' name, and others. The whole embraces every variety of the "Lincoln Bill," including originals and forgeries. FORRESTER (A. H.). [^ ^Alfred Crow- quill.''] — The Sea Pie: An Omnium Gatherum of Literature and Art with Scraps to Suit All Hands. With Illustrations by A. Crowquill. Vol. I. London, c. 1842. 8vo, original cloth. The First Edition; only one volume of this work was pub- lished. 145 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF FORRESTER (A. H.). [**Alfred Crow- quill.''] — Phantasmagoria of Fun. Edited and Illustrated by A. Crowquill. London: Richard Bentley, 1843. 12mo, two volumes, half blue morocco, gilt. The First Edition. FRENCH WATER COLOUR PAINTERS.— Salon des Aquarellistes FranQais. Texte de Eugene Montrosier. Paris, 1887. 4to, three-quarters red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by C. Champs, Forty full-page plates and eighty head- and tail-pieces in tints by E. De Beaumont, Boilvin, Boutet de Monvel, Detaille, Dubufe, Flameng, Harpignies, Jeannoit, Lami, Leloir, Meissonier, Made- leine Lemaire, Adrien Marie, Baroness Rothschild, Worms, Vibert, L'Hermitte, and others. Only twenty-five copies printed on Japan paper. GALERIE FRANgAISE DES FEMMES CELEBRES PAR LEUR TALENTS, LEUR SANG OU LEUR BE AUTE.— Portraits en pied, dessines par M. Lante, d'apres originaux inedits, graves par M. Gaine et colores avec soin. Avec des notices biographiques et des remarques sur les habillements. Paris, 1827. Small folio, half blue straight-grain morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Dan)id. Illustrated with seventy beautifully coloured portraits, includ- ing among others, Marion de Lorme, Ninon de I'Enclos, Madame de Sevign6, Mile, de la Vallidre, Mme. de Maintenon, Sophie Arnould, etc. 146 CHABLilS TiJMt>Lll'roi^ CROCICER GAMBADO (Geoffrey). — An Academy for Grown Horsemen. See Bowlandson Illustrationa. GERM (The).— ART AND POETRY.— Being Thoughts Towards Nature. Conducted principally by Artists. London : Aylott and Jones, 8. Paternoster Row. G. F. Tupper, Printer, Clement's Lane, Lombard Street. 1850. 8vo, four parts, with four plates, in the paper wrappers, uncut. After the publication of the first two parts, the title was altered from ''The Germ" to "Art and Poetry.*' Parts 1 and 2 of this copy have a slip of paper bearing the new title pasted over the upper portion of the wrapper. Accompanying this copy are the following: The original octavo printed announcement of the publication, a printed letter from G. F. Tupper, the printer of the magazine, soliciting subscriptions to the work, the original subscription form, and envelope. GOLDSMITH (Oliver).— The Life of Richard Nash, of Bath, Esq.; Extracted principally from his Original Papers. Printed for J. Newbery ... at Bath, 1762. 8vo, full brown morocco, by Riviere, The First Edition, large paper copy, with portrait of Richard Nash, by Walker, containing the leaves of advertisement of "Books just published by J. Newbery.'' GOLDSMITH (Oliver).— The Traveller, or a Prospect of Society; a Poem. London, 1765. 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt, by Riviere. The First Edition, with the half-title and leaf of advertisements. Second issue, the first having been published December 19th, 1764. 147 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OP GOLDSMITH (Oliver). —The Deserted Village. A Poem. By Dr. Goldsmith. Lond. : Printed for W. Griffin, at Garrick's Head, in Catherine-Street, Strand, 1770. 6vo, full brown morocco, gilt. There were six quarto editions published by Griffin in 1770. The first of the three small octavo editions published in 1770 may be most easily identified by the misprint in line 37 of the poem, which there reads: ** Amidst thy bowers the tyrant's head is seen." In all later editions this line is corrected to read: "Hand" instead of "head." This copy has been corrected, and is therefore not the earliest issue, of which only two copies are known. GOLDSMITH (Oliver).— She Stoops to Con- quer; or. The Mistakes of a Night. A Comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent Garden. London: Printed for F. Newbery 1773. 8vo, full morocco. The First Edition, first issue, with the half-title, Dedication to Dr. Johnson, Prologue by David Garrick, Epilogues by Dr. Gold- smith and J. Craddock, Esq.; the price at foot of title, the hiatus in pagination 72-81, also, the many other errors in pagination. The last leaf is number 114. The word "Diggory" is omitted from the Dramatis PersonsB. P. 9, catchword ** scene" is printed in small type. Signature Kl, P. 65, is misprinted I, and its pagination is misprinted. The headline of this page is also mis- printed "A Comedy." Catchword P. 100 (reverse of N. 2), * * Tony ' ' is misprinted for * ' Hastings. ' ' This play is said to have succeeded on account of Dr. Johnson's frequent and hearty laughs the first night. GOLDSMITH (Oliver).— The Haunch of Ven- ison, a Poetical Epistle. London: G. Kearsley and J. Ridley, 1776. 4to, full levant morocco, gilt. The First Edition, with the rare half-title and with the portrait of Goldsmith etched by Bretherton, after a drawing by Bunbury. 148 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER GONCOURT (Edmond et Jules de).— Les Maitresses de Louis XV. Lettres et Documents inedits. Paris, 1860. 8vo, two volumes, ftUl red crushed levant morocco, doublures of citron morocco, inside bor- ders, gilt top, uncut, by Thibaron-Joly, The First Edition, one of eight copies printed on Holland paper. Extra-illustrated by the insertion of one hundred and fifty-four portraits and two autographs of Madame du Barry and Edmond de Goncourt. There are proofs before letters of the portrait of the Prince de Cond6 by Scriven; Cardinal de Bernis, by Savart, the Dauphin, by L'Empereur, the Due de Choiseul, by Moreau, and Louis XVIII, by R. Morghen; fine proofs by St. Aubin (9), Le Beau (9), Gaucher (6), Ceroni (6), Cochin (5), Fiquet (4), Savart (2), Marcenay (3), Delatre (3), portraits of Madame de Pompadour by Ceroni, St. Aubin, etc.; of Madame du Barry, by Ceroni, Gaucher, etc. In addition there are two original etchings by Madame de Pompadour, and a portrait of Louis XV (Volume II, p. 212) of marvellous execution, '*fait k la plume" by Oudinot in 1795. GONCOURT (Edmond et Jules de).— Les Aventures du Jeune Baron de Knifausen. Illus- trations et gravures de Louis Morin. Librairie de la Collection des dix. A. Romagnol, editeur. [Paris, 1904.] 4to, full red morocco, inside dentelles, gilt top, uncut, L'un de vingt Examplaires format in 8vo, jesus, sur papier Japon ou v^lin d 'Arches comprenant: I, pour les ouvrages grav6s a I'eau-forte pure, I'etat termine avec remarque, I'etat termine avec lettres; II, pour les ouvrages graves sur bois, trois suites des gravures, suite k la main sur Japon pelure, suite avant lettre, suite avec lettre. 149 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF GOUPIL ARTIST-PAINTER SERIES SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE.— By Lord Ronald Sutherland Gower, F.S.A., A Trustee of the Na- tional Portrait Gallery. With a Catalogue of the Artist's Exhibited and Engraved Works. Com- piled by Algernon Graves, F.S.A. Goupil et Cie., 1900. 4tOy full crimson morocco, gold panels, gilt top, uncut. Only two hundred copies on Japan paper. J. M. NATTIER.— Peintre de la Cour de Louis XV. By Pierre de Nolhac. Paris : Goupil et Cie., 1905. 4to, three-quarters blue levant morocco, green panels on hack, gilt top, uncut. Four hundred and twenty-five copies printed on Rives paper. J. H. FRAGONARD.— 1732-1806. By Pierre de Nolhac. Paris : Goupil et Cie., 1906. 4to, three-quarters blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. Coloured frontispiece and full-page plates in bistre. Only five hundred copies printed on Japan paper. SANDRO BOTTICELLI et Son Epoque.— By Emile Gebhart. Goupil et Cie., 1907. Folio, full brown morocco, panelled bach and sides, gilt top, uncut. Only fifty copies on Japan paper, with a duplicate set of plates on tinted paper. 150 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER FRANgOIS BOUCHER.— Premier Peintre du Roi. 1703-1770. By Pierre de Nolhac. Paris : Goupil et Cie., 1907. 4tOy three-quarters blue morocco ^ gilt top, uncut. Printed on handmade Rives paper, with coloured frontispiece and other illustrations in bistre and colours. FRANgOIS BOUCHER.— Premier Peintre dii Roi. 1703-1770. By Pierre de Nolhac. Paris : Goupil et Cie., 1907. 4to, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Only one hundred copies printed on Japan paper, with two supplementary sets of illustrations, one on Whatman paper and the other on tinted paper. MADAME VIGEE LE BRUN.— Peintre de la Reine Marie-Antoinette. 1755-1842. By Pierre de Nolhac. Paris: Goupil et Cie., 1908. Folio, three-quarters blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. Only five hundred copies printed on handmade paper. BRITISH PORTRAIT PAINTERS AND ENGRAVERS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CEN- TURY.— Kneller to Reynolds. With an Intro- ductory Essay and Biographical Notes by Edmund Gosse. Goupil et Cie., 1906. Folio, full light blue morocco, gold panelled bach and sides, gilt top, uncut. Only one hundred copies printed on Japan paper. 151 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF HUBERT ROBERT.— 1753-1808. By Pierre de Nolhac. Paris; Goupil et Cie., 1910. 4to, three-quarters blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. Only fivG hundred copies printed on special handmade paper. FRANZ HALS.— 1580 (?) -1666. By Josephine Peladan. Paris: Goupil et Cie., 1912. 4to, full red morocco, panels on back and sides with elaborate design in gold, gilt top, uncut, by Durvan. Only sixty-five copies on Japan paper. EUGENE LAML— 1800-1890. By P. Andre Lemoisne. Paris: Goupil et Cie., 1912. 4to, full brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Only sixty-five copies printed on Japan paper, with the plates in three states. LA GALERIE DU REGENT. PHILIPPE, DUC D 'ORLEANS.— By Casimir Stryienski. Paris: Goupil et Cie, 1913. 4to, full blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Only fifty copies printed on Japan paper. 152 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER GOUPIL HISTORICAL SERIES LA REINE MARIE-ANTOINETTE.— By Pierre de Nolhac. Paris: Boussod, Valadon et Cie., 1890. 4tOy full blue crushed levant morocco, panels on back and sides, doublures of levant morocco, with fly-leaves of heavy old French silk embroidered, gilt top, uncut, by Chambolle-Duru. One of fifty copies on Japan paper, and stamped by the Council of Administration of the Library Club. With a duplicate set of plates in bistre. MARY STUART.— By John Skelton, C.B., LL.S. Boussod, Valadon et Cie., New York, 1893. 4to, three-quarters red morocco, gilt top, uncut. With portrait of Mary Stuart in colours, reproduced from a miniature by Janet, in the collection of Her Majesty the Queen, at Windsor Castle. One hundred copies of this work have been printed for America, with a duplicate set of plates. LES CAVALIERS DE NAPOLEON.— By Frederic Masson. Paris: Boussod, Valadon et Cie. [1895], 4to, full blue morocco, gold panels on back and sides, and mauve panels with griffons, bees, etc, doublures of red morocco with gold border design, fly-leaves of old French embroidered silk, gilt top, uncut, by Chambolle-Duru, Illustrations after paintings and water-colours by Edouard Detaille. Seventy-five copies on Japan paper, with a duplicate set of the plates in bistre. Each copy has the autograph signature of Edouard Detaille. 153 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF LA DAUPHINE MARIE-ANTOINETTE.-^ By Pierre de Nolhac. Paris: Boussod, Valadon et Cie. [1896]. 4to, full blue crushed levant morocco ^ panels on hack and sides, doublures of red crushed levant morocco, panels like cover, fly-leaves of old blue French silk, gilt top, uncut, by Chambolle-Duru. Only sixty-five copies on Japan paper, with duplicate set of plates in bistre. QUEEN ELIZABETH.— By the Right Rever- end Mandell Creighton, D.D., Lord Bishop of Peterborough. Paris : Boussod, Valadon et Cie., 1896. 4to, three-quarters red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Two hundred copies only were printed, with a duplicate set of plates. QUEEN VICTORIA.— By Richard R. Holmes, F.S.A., Librarian to the Queen. London and Paris, 1897. 4to, three-quarters red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. With portraits of Queen Victoria and others, illustrating Her Majesty's private life, after the celebrated paintings by Wilkie and others. Portrait of Queen Victoria, finely coloured, with auto- graph signature. Only one hundred copies were printed, with a duplicate set of plates. CHARLES I.— By Sir John Skelton, K.C.B. Paris: Goupil et Cie., 1898. 4to, full brown crushed levant morocco, special 154 CHABLES TEMPLETON CKOCKBB gold design, doublures of levant, with heavy borders, gilt top, uncut. In the inside front cover is a miniature of Charles I. Only live hundred copies of this work were printed on Japan paper. JOSEPHINE, IMPERATRICE ET REINE.— By Frederic Masson. Paris : Goupil et Cie., 1899. 4to, full green morocco, panels on hack amd sides, doublures of maroon morocco, elaborately decorated with scrolls and the letter 'V sur- mounted by a crown, fly-leaves of old French silk, gilt top, uncut, by Chomibolle-Duru. One hundred and fifty copies on Japan paper. Coloured frontis- piece after Gerard's painting of Josephine. Many of the illus- trations are in duplicate, in bistre. OLIVER CROMWELL.-~By Samuel Rawson Gardiner. London, Paris and New York, 1899. 4to, full blue morocco, gold design, morocco doublures and silk fly-leaves, gilt top, uncut, by Ruban. With many full-page portraits after original paintings and miniatures, including a fine coloured portrait of Cromwell on India paper, after Robert Walker. Only three hundred and fifty copies printed on Japan paper. CATHERINE DE MEDICIS.— By Henri Bouchot. Paris : Goupil et Cie., 1899. 4to, full red morocco, panels on back and sides, gilt top, uncut, by The Club Bindery. One thousand copies on handmade paper of Blanchet Freres et Kleber. Illustrations in duplicate, some in colour. 155 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF LOUIS XV ET MARIE LECZINSKA.— By Pierre de Nolhac. [Paris] : Goupil et Cie., 1900. 4to, three-quarters red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Only one hundred copies on Japan paper, with duplicate set of plates in bistre. PRINCE CHARLES EDWARD.— By Andrew Lang. Paris: Goupil et Cie., 1900. 4to, three-quarters red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Three hundred and fifty copies only printed on Japan paper. CHARLES IL— By Osmund Airy. Paris : Goupil et Cie., 1901. 4to, three-quarters red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Three hundred copies on Japan paper. L'IMPERATRICE MARIE-LOUISE. — By Frederic Masson. Paris : Goupil et Cie., 1901. 4to, full green morocco, panels on hack and sides, small mauve panels with griffons, bees, etc., doublures of mauve morocco and decorated panels, fly-leaves of old French brocade, gilt top, uncut, by Chambolle-Duru. Only one hundred and fifty printed on Japan paper. HENRY VIIL— By A. F. Pollard, M.A. Paris : Goupil et Cie., 1902. 4to, three-quarters red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Only two hundred and fifty copies printed on Japan paper. 156 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER LOUIS XV ET MADAME DE POMPA- DOUR.— By Pierre de Nolhac. Goupil et Cie., Paris, 1903. 4tOj full mauve crushed levant morocco, panels on hack and sides, douhlures of olive morocco, fly-leaves of flowered silk, gilt top, uncut, by Chamh olle-Duru. Only one hundred copies on Japan paper, with duplicate set of plates. THE ELECTRESS SOPHIA AND THE HANOVERIAN SUCCESSION.— By Adolphus William Ward. Paris : Goupil et Cie., 1903. 4to, three-quarters red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Only two hundred and fifty copies printed on Japan paper. NAPOLEON ET SON FILS.— By Frederic Masson. Paris: Goupil et Cie., 1904. 4to, three-quarters red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Only one hundred and thirty copies on Japan paper. JAMES I AND VL— By T. F. Henderson. Paris: Goupil et Cie., 1904. 4to, three-quarters red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Only two hundred copies on Japan paper. MARIE-CAROLINE, DUCHESSE DE BERRY. 1816-1830.— By Vicomte de Reiset. Paris: Goupil et Cie., 1906. 4to, full blue morocco, panels on back and sides, 157 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAKY OF douhlures of red morocco, fly-leaves of blue silk, gilt top, uncut, by Chambolle-Duru. Only one hundred and thirty copies on Japan paper, with a double series of plates, some in colour. NAPOLEON ET LES FEMMES.— By Frede- ric Masson. Paris : Gonpil et Cie., 1906. 4to, full red morocco, decorated ivith laurel leaves, etc, gold panels on back and sides, gilt top, uncut, and coat-of-arms. Only fifty copies on Japan paper. QUEEN ANNE.— By Herbert Paul. Goupil et Cie., 1906. 4to, three-quarters red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Only two hundred copies printed on Japan paper. LE LIVRE DE SACRE DE L'EMPEREUR NAPOLEON.— By Frederic Masson. Paris: Goupil et Cie. [1907]. 4to, full blue morocco, morocco doublures and fly-leaves of blue marbled paper, gilt top, uncut, by Macdonald, Only fifty copies printed on Japan paper. Seventeen full-page plates, costumes and scenes after Isabey and Fontaine. LA REGENCE.— By Frantz Funck Brentano. 1715-1723. Paris : Goupil et Cie., 1909. 4to, fidl red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere, Only one hundred copies on Japan paper. 168 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER LE TRIANON DE MARIE-ANTOINETTE.— By Pierre de Nolhac. Paris : Goupil et Cie., 1914. 4to, full red morocco, gill top, uncut, by Riviere, panels on hack and sides, gilt top, uncut, by Mac- donald. Only sixty-five copies on Japan paper, with duplicate set of plates on Whatman paper. G-OYA (Don Francisco). — Les Courses de Taureaux. Texte par Armand Dayot. Illustra- tions par M. Luque. Recueil de quarante estampes inventees et gravees a I'eau-forte par Don Fran- cisco Goya y Lncientes. Paris, Lorzelet, n. d. 4to, full red crushed levant morocco, gold pan- elled and tooled by Bitter, gilt top, uncut, with original pictorial paper covers bound in. The Goya sketches are inlaid to size. This series was never published together during the lifetime of Goya, and contemporary prints are very rare. They exist either before the number of the plate had been etched upon it, or after the number had been placed, which Goya did on the right side of the drawing. GOYA (Don Francisco). — Los Desastres de la Guerra. Coleccion de ochenta laminas inventadas y grabadas al agua fuerte por Don Francisco Goya. Publicala la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Madrid, 1892. Oblong 4to, original marbled boards. This is a collection of eighty etchings, comprising a bitter political satire on war conditions. 159 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OP GOYA (Don Francisco). — Goya. Sa Biographie. [By Charles Yriarte.] Les Fresques, les Toiles, les Tapisseries, les Eaux-Fortes et le Catalogue de PCEuvre avec cinquante planches inedites d'apres les copies de Tabar, Bocourt et Ch. Yriarte. Paris, 1867. Folio, paper wrappers, uncut. The best account of Goya's life and work published. GRAND VILLE (J. J.). Les Fleurs Animees. Paris, n. d. 8vo, two volumes, cloth. Illustrated with many coloured plates of fancy costumes made to represent flowers. GREEY (Edward).— The Golden Lotus and Other Legends of Japan. Boston and New York, 1883. 12mo. Presentation copy with inscription on fly-leaf, also author's signature below the Preface. HAKLUYT (Richard).— The Principal Navi- gations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation, made by S«a or Overland, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the Earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1600 yeares London: George Bishop, Ralfe Newberie, & Robert Barker, 1599, 1599, 1600. Folio, three volumes in two, old marbled calf. The First Edition, with the extremely rare seven suppressed 160 CHARLES TEMPLBTON CROCKER leaves of the Voyage to Cadiz in 1596 (pages 607-619, of Vol. I). It is an unusual feature to find the Voyage to Cadiz inserted, as it does not really belong to the 1599 issue of Vol. I. On the title-page of the 1598 edition of Vol. I, the Cadiz voyage was announced, but the leaves containing it were sup- pressed by order of Queen Elizabeth after the disgrace of the Earl of Essex. In the issue of 1599, it was not intended to appear, and all mention of it is omitted from the title. In Vol. I, pages 187-208, is a curious poetical treatise entitled "The processe of the Libel of English policie, exhorting all England to keepe the sea,'' which is not in the first edition. HAMILTON (Anthony). — Memoires du Comte de Grammont. Preface de H. Gausseron. Paris, 1888. 8vo, full red morocco with gold designs^ silk dotiblures amd fly-leaves by Kaufmann. One of a special issue of seven hundred copies on Japan paper. Portrait and thirty-three full-page illustrations and vignettes, etched by L. Boisson after C. Delort. HARTE (Francis Bret). — Outcroppings : Be- ing Selections of California Verse. San Francisco and New York, 1866. 12mo, full apricot crushed levant morocco, large panels with specially tooled design. The First Edition. HABTE (Francis Bret).— M'Liss: An Idyl of Red Mountain; A Story of California in 1853. New York, 1873. 8vo, three-quarters blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut J with advertisements bound in. The First Edition. HARTE (Francis Bret).— The Queen of the Pirate Isle. Illustrated by Kate Greenaway, en- 161 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF graved and printed in colours by Edmund Evans. London: Chatto and Windus, [1886]. 4to, original pictorial cloth, uncut. The First Edition. The copies intended for the American market bear the Boston imprint and date, 1887. HARTE (Francis Bret).— The Writings of Bret Harte. With introductions, Glossary and Indexes. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., n. d. [1897.] 8vo, nineteen volumes, cloth, gilt top, uncut. The Autograph Edition, with photogravure illustrations. HARTE (Francis Bret) .—The Writings of Bret Harte. Boston and New York : Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1902. 8v'0, fourteen volumes, cloth, gilt top, uncut. The Riverside Edition. HARTE (Francis Bret). — Autograph Manu- script of * ' Gabriel Conroy. ' ' 8vo, two volumes, loose sheets, in covers, to ac- company the Autograph Edition, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS BRIGHAM (W. T.).— Hawaiian Feather Work. Honolulu, 1899. 4to, sewed. Fifteen plates (two coloured) and one hundred and fifteen illustrations in the text. 162 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER BRIGHAM (W. T.).— stone Implements and Stone Work of the Ancient Hawaiians. Honolulu, 1902. 4to, sewed. Thirty-five plates and ninety-eight illustrations in the text. BRIGHAM (W. T.).— Additional Notes on Hawaiian Feather Work. Honolulu, 1903. 4to, sewed. Four plates and twenty illustrations in the text. BRIGHAM (W. T.).— Mat and Basket Weaving of the Ancient Hawaiians. With sixteen plates (one coloured) and one hundred illustrations in the text.— STOKES [J. E. G.]. Hawaiian Nets and Netting. With sixty-six illustrations in the text. Honolulu, 1906. 4to, sewedy two volumes in one. BRIGHAM (W. T.).— Old Hawaiian Carvings. Honolulu, 1908. 4tOy sewed. Plate and twenty-one illustrations in the text. BRIGHAM (W. T.).— The Ancient Hawaiian House. Honolulu, 1908. 4to, sewed. With many plates and illustrations. 163 CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY OP BRIGHAM (W. T.).— The Volcanoes of Kilauea and Mauna Loa on the Island of Hawaii. Honolulu, 1909. 4to, sewed. With many plates and illustrations. BBIGHAM (W. T.).— Ka Hana 'Kapa: The Making of Bark-Cloth in Hawaii. Honolulu, 1911. 4to, sewed. With many plates (some coloured) and many illustrations in the text, and a portfolio of twenty-seven full-sized coloured repro- ductions of tapa. BRYAN (W. A.).— Key to the Birds of the Hawaiian Group. Honolulu, 1901. 4to, sewed. With full-page plates and many illustrations. CHEEVER (Henry T.).— The Island World of the Pacific : Being the Personal Narrative and Re- sults of Travel through the S'andwich or Hawaiian Islands, and Other Parts of Polynesia. With en- gravings. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1851. 4to, sewed. ELLIS (William). — Narrative of a Tour through Hawaii. Second Edition, Enlarged. London, 1827. 8vo. With maps and plates. 164 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS, or The Zoology of the Sandwich (Hawaiian) Isles; Being Results of the Explorations Instituted by the Joint Com- mittee Appointed by the Royal Society of London for Promoting Natural Knowledge, and the British Association for the Advancement of Science, and Carried on with the Assistance of those Bodies and of the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum at Honolulu. Edited by David Sharp. Cambridge, 1899-1910. 4tOf three volumes, (all published) in eighteen parts as issued. Map, four portraits, twenty-seven coloured plates and fifty others. WILSON (S. B.) AND EVANS (A. H.).— Aves Hawaiiensis : The Birds of the Sandwich Islands. 1890-1899. 4to, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, with original wrappers hound in. With map, and six plain and sixty-four coloured plates. HAYDN *S Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information Relating to All Ages and Nations. By the late Benjamin Vincent. Revised and Brought up to date by eminent authorities. Twenty-fifth Edition, Containing the History of the World to Midsummer, 1910. New York, 1911. 8vo. 165 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF HEARN (Lafcadio).— .**Gombo Zhebes.'' A Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs. New York, 1885. Small 4to, cloth. The First Edition. HEARN (Lafcadio).— Chita: A Memory of Lost Island. New York, 1889. 12mo, cloth. The First Edition. HEARN ( Lafcadio ) . — Shado wings. Boston, 1890. 12mOy original cloth, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition. Illustrated. HEARN (Lafcadio).— Yonma. The Story of a West Indian Slave. New York, 1890. 12mo, cloth, paper label, uncut. The First Edition, with Frontispiece. HEARN (Lafcadio). — Kokoro. Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life. Boston and New York, 1896. 12mo, original cloth. The First Edition. HEARN (Lafcadio). — Japanese Fairy Tales: Rendered into English by Lafcadio Heam: The 166 CHABLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Boy Who Drew Cats. Tokio, August 1st, 1898. 12mo.— The Goblin Spider. Tokio, July 1st, 1899. 16mo, — The Old Woman Who Lost Her Dump- lings. Tokio, May 15th, 1902. lJ2mo.— Chin Chin Kobakama. Tokio, March 10th, 1903. 12m0y together four volumes, uncut. All genuine First Issues, with coloured illustrations. These form a complete set of the Japanese Fairy Tales translated by Hearn. They are printed in beautiful colours on Japanese crepe paper, and each volume is the first issue with the day, month and year of publication in Japanese characters printed at the end. The fact that the first and second volumes were published in 1898 and 1899 respectively, seems to have hitherto escaped notice, as the copies usually found are dated 1902. HEARN (Lafcadio). — A Japanese Miscellany. Boston, 1901. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition. Illustrated. HEARN (Lafcadio). — The Romance of the Milky Way and Other Studies and Stories. New York, 1905. 12mo, cloth, yellow top, uncut. The First Edition. HEARN (Lafcadio). — Letters from the Raven. Being the Correspondence of Lafcadio Hearn with Henry Watkin. With a Introduction and Critical Comment by the Editor, Milton Bronner. New York: Brentano's, 1907. 8vo, original hoards, uncut. 167 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF HEARN (Lafcadio) .— 'Concerning Laf cadio Heara. By George M. Gould. With a Bibliog- raphy by Lauia Stedman. [Mrs. Gould.] Philadelphia: Jacobs & Company, 1908. 8v0y original hoards, uncut. HEARN (Lafcadio). — The Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn. By Elizabeth Bisland. Boston and New York, 1906. Two volumes. — The Jap- anese Letters of Lafcadio Hearn. By Elizabeth Bisland. Boston and New York, 1910. 6vo, together three volumes, original cloth, un- cut. [HEARN (Lafcadio).]— THOMAS (J. J.).— The Theory and Practice' of Creole Grammar. By J. J. Thomas. Port-of -Spain : The Chronicle Publishing Office, 1869. 8vo, cloth. Hearn 's own copy, with his stamp in three places, and annota- tions on six pages, made by him. Hearn used practically all the proverbs (pp. 120-127) in ''Ghombo Zhebes.'^ The "Creole Bibliography" credits that work as an original source. HENNEPIN (Father Louis).— A New Dis- covery of a Vast Country in America Extending Four Thousand Miles, between New France and New Mexico, with a Description of the Great Lakes, Cataracts, Rivers, Plants and Animals. Also, the Manners, Customs, and Languages of the Several Native Indians and the Advantage of Commerce with those Different Nations. With a 168 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKEB Continuation, giving an Account of the Attempts of the Sieur de la Salle upon the Mines of St. Barbe. The Taking of Quebec by the English, etc. London, 1699. 8v0y full crimson morocco^ gilt. The First Edition. Two folding maps and seven plates. A fine copy of this celebrated and very rare book. The frontispiece has been neatly inlaid, maps and several of the folding plates mounted. The plates include a fiiie impression of the famous view of Niagara, described by Father Hennepin as being six hundred feet high. HERRICK (Robert).— Hesperides: / Or, The Works / Both / Humane & Divine / of Robert Herrick Esq. / Ovid. / Effugient avidos Carmina noftra Rogos. / London / Printed for John Williams and Francis Eglesfield, / and are to be fold by Tho. Hunt, Bookf eller in Exon. / 1648. His / Noble Numbers : / Or, / His Pious Pieces, / Wherein (amongft other things) / He Sings the Birth of his Christ : / and Sighes for his Saviours Suffe- / ing on the Croffe. / Hesiod. / [Quotation in Greek.] London. / Printed for John Williams, and Francis Eglesfield. / 1647. 8v0j full orange morocco, gilt back and sides, broad dentelle inside borders, leather joints, by Roger Payne, Collation: Four leaves without signatures; B-Z and Aa-Cc, in eights; Aa-Ee, in eights. The rare First Edition and probably the rarest state of the title-page. Most of the copies sold recently, the Robert Hoe, Thomas J. McKee, and possibly others, were of the variety "Printed for John Williams, and Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold at the Crown and Marygold on Saint Pauls Church- yard. ' ' It contains the preliminary blank leaf and the * * Errata. ' * 169 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEARY OF This copy has high association interest, having been in several noted collections, as follows: 1. Thomas Warton, eminent historian of English poetry, and poet-laureate. There is a lengthy transcript from Edward Phil- lips' **Theatrum Poetarum," 1675, regarding the work, written entirely in Warton 's autograph, on margin of signature K2. (Re- bound after his ownership, as he died in 1790). 2. Rev. Thomas Corser, author of * * Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, ' ' where in Part VII of that monumental work (p. 200) he gives a very extended description of the work, stating that it was bound by Roger Payne. 3. The Earl of Crawford. Number 1033 in the catalogue of that famous collection dispersed in London in 1887, describes the book as "mor. tooled, leather joints, gt. edges, by C. Lewis, in imitation of Roger Payne." The binding is not signed, and there seems to be no evidence to prove the conclusion of the state- ment made in the Crawford catalogue that it is *'in imitation of Roger Payne." The volume has a genuine Roger Payne binding; a view in accord with that of two of the most eminent collectors and author- ities in this country. In addition it has the interest of being the identical copy mentioned in Dibdin's ''Library Companion," 1825, Vol. II, page 711, as follows: ''Mr. William Combes of Henley, a gentleman who collects with no inconsiderable ardour, is the fortunate owner of Joseph Warton 's own copy of Herrick's Hesperides — and he carries this book in his right hand coat pocket, and the first edition of Walton's Complete Angler in his left, when, with tapering rod and trembling float, he enjoys his favorite diversion of angling on the banks of the Thames. ' ' There is also a note in this copy, by Mr. Combes, respecting some errors in the pagination. This copy was in the Earl of Crawford's library in London. Collated August 14th, 1887, and perfect. HERRICK (Robert).— Poems. See Kelmscott Press. HOGARTH (William).— IRELAND- (John). Hogarth Illustrated. By John Ireland. London, 1897-98. 6vo, three volumes, full morocco, gilt. Fine impressions of the plates. This copy has the two sup- pressed plates especially engraved for this edition. There is also inserted a long autograph letter signed by John Ireland, relating to the work, and two prospectuses of it. The * ' Before and After ' ' plates are in proof state, 170 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER HOLBEIN (Hans).— The Dance of Death. Painted by Holbein and Engraved by W. Hollar. N. p., n. d. 18mo, full crushed levant morocco, by Bedford, Frontispiece and numerous engravings on copper. Besides portraits of Holbein and Hollar, there is a complete series of the famous copperplate engravings to illustrate this well-known volume. HOLLAWAY (E. W.)- See '^Keynard the Fox.'* HOLT (Rosa Belle). — Rugs: Oriental and Oc- cidental. Antique and Modem. A Handbook for Ready Reference. With thirty-three full-page illustrations, twelve in full colour, and other draw- ings in the text, and a map of the Orient. New and enlarged edition, entirely reset. Chicago : A. C. McClurg & Co., 1908. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. HORN BOOK.— An ABC Book, or the Alpha- bet printed on a thin piece of oak covered with leather and shaped with a handle. The letters being protected from damage by a transparent sheet of horn, which is secured to the board by tacks driven round the edge of the horn. Made about 1700-1715. Size, three inches brocM by five inches high, A most interesting specimen of the general mode of teaching very young children in the village schools two centuries ago. 171 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEARY OF IBSEN(Henrik).— The Works of Henrik Ibsen. Translated and Edited by William Archer. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1911. 8vo, sixteen volumes, vellum boards, gilt top, uncut. The Viking Edition, limited to two hundred and fifty-six copies printed on Ruisdael handmade paper. • ILLUMINATED MINIATURES.— Six oval Miniatures very finely painted in gold and colours, representing a Bishop at the Altar saying Mass during the moments of the Canon and the Com- munion. Cut from an illuminated French Book of Prayers for the Mass, of the beginning of the XVth Century. Mounted on heavy cardboard. Undoubtedly the work of one of the best French illuminators of the period. IMPOSTERS DETECTED (The); or, The Life of a Portuguese, In Which the Artifices and Intrigues of Romish Priests are Humorously Dis- played. The Whole Interpersed with several Curious and Entertaining Anecdotes, relating to some of the Principal Personages of the Kingdom of Portugal. In Two Volumes. London: Printed for W. Bristow, in St. Paul's Church-yard; and C. Etherington, at York. MDCCLX. 8vo, two volumes, full mottled calf, with yellow edges. The First Edition. 172 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER INGLIS (H. D.).— Rambles in the Footsteps of Don Quixote. See Cruikshank Illustrations. IRELAND (John). See Hogarth Illustrations. JEFFERSON (Joseph) .—Autograph Letter Signed. Buzzard's Bay, Massachusetts. Mch. 23rd '95. To Mrs. Rich, declining an invitation. Signed *^J. Jefferson.'* 12m0y four pages. JERNINGHAM (Charles Edward) and BET- TAN Y (Lewis).— The Bargain Book. New York ; Frederick Wame & Co., 1912. 8vo, With nine plates and nine tabular charts. JOHNSON (Samuel).— A / Dictionary / of the / English Language : / in Which / The Words are Deduced from their Originals, / and / Illustrated in their Different Significations / by Examples from the heft Writers. / To Which are Prefixed, / A History of the Language, / and / An English Grammar. / By Samuel Johnson, A. M. / In Two Volumes. / Vol. I. / [Quotation from Horace.] / London, / Printed by W. Strahan, / For J. and P. Knapton / MDCCLV. Folio, two volumes, old calf, sprinkled edges. The First Edition. This edition is not only remarkable as the first appearance of this monumental work, the first comprehensive English dictionary, but also for containing many curious and caustic definitions in the author's characteristic style, which in 173 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEARY OF many instances were suppressed in later editions. For his defini- tion of ' * excise, ' ' the author was twice arrested and barely escaped a Crown prosecution. See also ** pension/' ''oats," and "pun." JOHNSON (Samuel).— The / Life / of / Sam- uel Johnson, LL.D. / Comprehending / An Ac- count of his Studies / and Numerous Works. / in Chronological Order / etc., etc. In Two Volumes. / By James Boswell, Esq. / [Quotation from Horace.] / Volume the First. / London: / Printed by Henry Baldwin, / For Charles Dilly, in the Poultry. / M DCC XCL 4to, two volumes, full sprinMed calf, uncut. The First Edition, with portrait by J. Heath after Sir Joshua Reynolds, to whom the work is dedicated. JOHNSON (Samuel).— The Life of Samuel Johnson, with a Journal of His Tour to the Hebrides. Portrait and Illustrations. London: John Murray, 1848. [Imprimatur, 1835.] 12mo, ten volumes, full green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Birdsall. Extra-illustrated by the insertion of three hundred plates. JOHNSON (Samuel).— The Works of Samuel Johnson. Pafraets Press, Troy, New York, 1903. 8vo, sixteen volumes, full red morocco, gilt top, uncut. The Literary Club Edition, printed from type. JONSON (Ben).— L The / Workes / of / Ben- iamin Jonson. / - neque, me ut miretur turba, / laboro : / Contentus paucis lectoribus. / Imprinted 174 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER at / London by / Will Stansby / Ano D. 1616.— II. The / Workes / of Benjamin Jonson. / The f econd Volume. / Containing / These Plays, / Viz. / 1 Bartholomew Fayre. / 2 The Staple of Newes. / 3 The Divell is an AITe. / London : / Printed for Richard Meighen, / 1640. Folio, two volumes y full blue morocco, gilt. The engraved title-page of an architectural design is the work of William Hole. There is the general title and separate titles for each of the plays. The First Collected Edition of Jonson 's works, edited by the author himself, and very carefully printed. A particularly inter- esting feature of this edition is, that it contains the names of the actors who took part in some of the plays, including Shake- speare, Burbage, Heming, Condel, and others. This is one of the great books of the Elizabethan Age. The first volume contains Every Man in his Humour; Every Man out of his Humour; Cynthia's Eevels; Poetaster; Seianus, his Fall; Volpone, or The Foxe; Epicoene; The Alchemist; Catiline, His Conspiracy; The Epigrammes; Part of the King's Entertainment in Passing to his Coronation; A Panegyre, on the Happie Entrance of James our Soveraigne; A Particular Entertainment of the Queen and Prince; and Masques at Court. The second volume contains, besides the plays mentioned on the title-page, The Magnetick Lady; A Tale of a Tub; Ther Sad Shepherd; Masques; Under- Woods; Mortimer, his Fall; Horace, His Art or Poetrie; The English Grammar and Timber. KEATS (John).— Poems, / By / John Keats. / ^^What more felicity can fall to creature, / **Than to enjoy delight with liberty." / Fate of the Butterfly, — Spenser. [Vignette head of Spenser.] London: / Printed for / C. & J. Oilier, 3, Wel- heck Street, / Cavendish Square. / 1817. / 12m0y original hoards, uncut, with paper label. The First Edition and a perfect copy. 175 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF KEATS (John).— Endymion: / A Poetic Ro- mance. / By John Keats. / *^The stretched metre of an antique song." / London: / Printed for Taylor and Hessey, / 93. Fleet Street, / 1818. 8vo, original hoards with paper label, entirely uncut. Genuine First Issue of the First Edition, with the one line erratum. The five-line errata has been bound in. The imprint on verso of half-title reads ''Printed by T. Miller, Noble Street, Cheapside,'* while in the copies with the five-line errata, the imprint is '*T. Miller, Printer, Noble Street, Cheap- side." Contains also the four pages of advertisements, half-title and dedication leaf. KEATS (John).— Lamia, / Isabella, / The Eve of St. Agnes, / and / Other Poems. / By John Keats, / Author of Endymion. / London: / Printed for Taylor and Hessey, / Fleet-Street. / 1820. 12mo, original boards, entirely uncut. The First Edition. KELMSCOTT PRESS MORRIS (William).— The Story of the Glit- tering Plain, which has been also called the Land of Living men, or the Acre of the undying, Writ- ten by William Morris. [Colophon] : Here endeth the Glittering Plain, printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, Upper Mall, Hammersmith, in the County of Middlesex: and finished on the 4th day of 176 CHARLES TEMl>LfiTOi^ CROCKEft April of the year 1891. Sold by Reeves & Turner, 196 Strand, London. Small 4to, original vellum, uncut, with ties. Only two hundred copies were printed, the first at the Press. This famous Press is now discontinued. The whole of the wood- blocks were sent to the British Museum, on condition that they were not to be used for the space of one hundred years. This proviso, and the fact that the master mind, and also one of the able illustrators (the late Sir Edward Burne-Jones) have both passed away, make the volumes issued by William Morris extremely valuable. These publications are among the most magnificent specimens of typographic art that have ever been produced, and stand for all that is luxurious, artistic and beautiful. MORRIS (William).— The Story of the Glitter- ing Plain. Another copy, with label and signature of T. J. Cobden-San- derson. MORRIS (William).— Poems by the Way. Written by William Morris. [Colophon] : Here endeth Poems by the Way, written by William Morris, and printed by him at the Kelmsoott Press, 1891. Small 4to, vellum. Only three hundred copies printed. This is the first book printed at the Press in two colours, and the first in which the smaller printer's mark appears. The poems were written be- tween the years 1870 and 1891. This copy contains the book-label and the signature of T. J. Cobden-Sanderson. CAXTON (William).— The Golden Legend of Master William Caxton Done Anew. [Colophon] Here ends this new edition of William Caxton 's Golden Legend, in which there is no change from the original, except for correction of errors of the press, & some few other amendments thought 177 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEARY OF necessary for the understanding of the text. It is edited by Frederick S. Ellis, & printed by me William Morris at the Kelmscott Press 1892. 4to, three volumes, hoards. Only five hundred copies printed, with two woodcuts designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones. MORRIS (William).— News from Nowhere: or, An Epoch of Rest, being some Chapters from a Utopian Romance, by William Morris. [Colophon] : This book, News from Nowhere or an Epoch of Rest, was written by William Morris, and printed by him at the Kelmscott Press, 1892. Small 4to, vellum, with ties. Three hundred copies printed in black and red in the Golden type, with borders and a woodcut engraved by W. H. Hooper from a design by C. M. Gerer. The frontispiece is a picture of the old manor-house in the village of Kelmscott, from which the Press took its name. The text of this volume was printed before that of Shakespeare's Poems and Sonnets, but was held back awaiting the frontispiece. MORRIS (William).— A Dream of John Ball and a King's Lesson. By William Morris. [Colophon] : This book .... was written by William Morris and printed by him at the Kelm- scott Press, 1892. Small 4to, vellum, with ties. Only three hundred copies printed. The frontispiece was specially redrawn for this edition, and engraved by Mr. Hooper, who engraved nearly all Sir E. Burne-Jones' illustrations for the Kelmscott Press works. The inscriptions below the figures, and the narrow border, were designed by Morris himself. 178 CHARLES TEMPLETON CHOCKER MOERIS (William).— The Defence of Guene^ vere, and other Poems. [Colophon] : Here ends the Defence of Guene- vere, and other Poems, written by William Morris, and printed by him at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1892. Small 4to, vellum. Only ten copies printed in black and red on vellum. BIBLIA INNOCENTIUM: Being the Story of God's Chosen People before the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ Upon Earth, Written Anew for Children by J. W. Mackail, Sometime Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. [Colophon] : Here ends this book called Biblia Innocentium, written by J. W. Mackail, and printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, 1892. 8vo, vellum. Only two hundred copies were printed. BLUNT (Wilfrid Scawen). — The Love Lyrics & Songs of Proteus by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt with the Love Sonnets of Proteus by the same Author now reprinted in their full text with many sonnets omitted from the earlier editions. London, MDCCCXCIL [Colophon] Here ends the Love-Lyrics and Songs of Proteus, written by Wilfred Scawen Blunt: with the Love-Sonnets of 179 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OP Proteus by the same authors. Printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, . . . 1892. 8v0j vellum, with ties. This is the only book in which the initials are printed in red. This was done by the author's wish. Only three hundred copies printed. THE RECUYELL OF THE HISTORYES OF TROYE. [Colophon] : Here ends this new edition of Wil- liam Caxton's Recuyell of the Historyes of Troy, done after the first Edition: corrected for the press by H. Halliday Sparling, and printed by me William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1892. Large 4to, two volumes, vellum. Only three hundred copies printed on paper. A reprint of the first book printed in English. REYNARD THE FOXE.— The History of Rey- nard the Foxe. [Colophon] Here ends the His- tory of Reynard the Foxe, done into English out of Dutch by William Morris, at the Kelmscott Press, Upper Mall, Hammersmith, in the County of Middlesex. This book was corrected for the press by Henry Halliday Sparling, . . . 1892. Folio, full vellum, with ties. Only three hundred copies printed. RUSKIN (John).— The Nature of Gothic, a Chapter of the Stones of Venice. With a Preface by William Morris. [Colophon] : Here ends the Nature of Gothic 180 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER by John Ruskin, printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1892. Small 4to, vellum. Only five hundred copies printed on paper. This chapter of the ** Stones of Venice'* Kuskin always regarded as the most important in his book. Mr. Morris paid due tribute to it in his * * Hopes and Fears for Art. ' ' CAVENDISH (George).— The Life of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal Archbishop of York, Written by George Cavendish. [Colophon] Transcribed after the Autograph Manuscript of the Author, now in the British Museum, by F. S. Ellis, and finished the 25th day of December, in the year 1892, in the Parish of Cockington in the County of Devon, and printed by me William Morris, at the Kelmscott Press 1893. Small 4to, full vellum, with ties. Only two hundred and fifty copies printed. THE HISTORY OF GODEFBEY OF BOL- OYNE AND OF THE CONQUEST OF IHERU- SALEM. [Colophon] : This new edition of William Cax- ton's Godeffroy of Boloyne, done after the first edition, was corrected for the press by H. Halli- day Sparling, and printed by me William Morris, at the Kelmscott Press, 1893. Folio, vellum. Only three hundred printed on paper, and the first book pub- lished and sold at the Kelmscott Press, the others having been merely printed there. Contains the book label of T. J. Cobden-Sanderson. 181 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF MEINHOLD (William).— Sidonia the Sor- ceress, by William Meinhold, translated by Fran- cesca Speranza, Lady Wilde. [Colophon] : Here ends the Story of Sidonia the Sorceress translated from the German of Wil- liam Meinhold, by Francesca Speranza, Lady Wilde, and now reprinted by me, William Morris, .... 1893. Folio, vellum. Only three hundred copies of this favourite book of Morris' were printed. Special copy, having a label pasted inside the front cover, ** Given by Mrs. William Morris in Memory of her Husband, 1897," and a sheet of Kelmscott Press note paper, inscribed, * * With Mrs. Morris ' Compliments. ' ' William Morris ' autograph on part of a cheque is also inserted. MORE (Sir Thomas).— Utopia. Written by Sir Thomas More. [Colophon] : Now revised by F. S. Ellis and printed again by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1893. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, with sides covered with a leaf and tulip design, tooled in gold, with title in center, edges gilt, by Cohden- Sanderson, of the Doves Bindery, One of three hundred copies printed on handmade paper, and containing the bookplate of M. C. D. Borden. MORRIS (William). — Gothic Architecture. A lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition So- ciety. [Colophon] ; This paper, first spoken as a lec- 182 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER ture at the New Gallery, for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, in the year 1889, was printed by the Kelmscott Press during the Arts and Crafts Exhibition at the New Gallery, Regent Street, London, 1893. 16mo, half holland. Only five hundred copies were printed on paper. The first Kelmscott Press book printed in 16mo. The type was set up at Hammersmith and printed at the New Gallery. The four-line initials used appear for the first time. MORRIS (William).— Of King Florus and the Fair Jehane. [Colophon] Printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press .... 1893. 16mo, hoards. Only three hundred and fifty copies printed. THE ORDER OF CHIVALRY [and] The Ordination of Knighthood. [Colophon] The Order of Chivalry, translated from the French by William Caxton, edited by F. S. Ellis, & printed by me William Morris at the Kelmscott Press 1892.— [Colophon] This Ordination of Knighthood was printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press 1893. 8v0f full vellum, with ties. Only two hundred and twenty-five copies printed. SHAKESPEARE (William).— The Poems of William Shakespeare, Printed after the original copies of Venus and Adonis, 1593. The Rape of 183 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAEY OF Lucrece, 1594. Sonnets, 1609. The Lovers Com- plaint. [Colophon] : Here ends the edition of Shake- speare's Poems, edited hy Frederick S. Ellis and printed by me William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1893. 8vo, vellum, with ties. Only five hundred paper copies printed; although the number was large, this has become one of the rarest books from the Press. TENNYSON (Alfred Lord).— Maud, a Mono- drama. [Colophon] : Printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1893. 8v0j vellum, with ties. Only five hundred copies printed. The borders were specially designed for this book and were used again in the Keats, and one of them in "The Sundering Flood." It is the first of the octavo books with a woodcut title. With signature of T. J. Cobden-Sanderson on flie-leaf. BOOK OF WISDOM AND LIES.— Arma Georgiae. [Colophon] : Here endeth the Book of Wisdom and Lies, a Georgian storybook of the eighteenth century, by Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani: translated, with notes, by Oliver Wardrop. Printed by Wil- liam Morris at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1894. 8vo, vellum, with ties. Only two hundred and fifty copies printed. The arms of Georgia, consisting of the Holy Coat, appear in the woodcut title. 184 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER EPISTOLA DE CONTEMPTU MUNDI DE FRATE HIERONYMO DA FERRARA dellor- dine de frati predicatori la quale manda ad Elena Buonaccorsi sua madre, per consolaria della morte del fratello, suo Zia. [Colophon] : Impresse in Londra per Gug- lielmo Morris alia Stamperia Kelmscott, Adi ultimo di Novembre MDCCCLXXXXIV. Edited by Charles Fairfax Murray from the original autograph letter. 8vo, half hollcmd. This book was printed for Mr. C. Fairfax Murray, the owner of the manuscript, and was not for sale in the ordinary way. The printer's "mark" is printed in red, with the colophon in Italian. A presentation copy to Gleeson White from Mr. Murray. MORRIS (William).— The Friendship of Amis and Amile. Done out of the ancient French by William Morris. [Colophon] : Here ends the story of Amis & Amile, done out of the ancient French into Eng- lish by William Morris and printed by the said William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1894. 16mo, half holland. Only five hundred copies printed. A poem entitled **Amis and Amillion," founded on this story, was to have appeared in the second volume of "The Earthly Paradise," but, like other poems announced, it was not included in the work. MORRIS (William).— The Tale of the Em- peror Coustans and of Over Sea. Done out of ancient French. [Colophon] : This book, the Stories of the Em- 185 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF peror Coustans, and of Over Sea, was printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press 1894. 16mo, half holland. Only five hundred and twenty-five copies printed on paper in black and red. The first of these stories was the source of **The Man Born to be King," in ''The Earthly Paradise.'* MORRIS (William).— The Wood Beyond the World. [Colophon] Here ends the Tale of the Wood beyond the World, made by William Morris, and Printed by him at the Kelmscott Press 1894. Small 4to, full vellum, with ties. Only three hundred and fifty copies printed, with a woodcut designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones. PSALMI PENITENTIALES. [Colophon] : Thus ends the rhymed version of the Penitential Psalms found in a Manuscript of Horae Beatae Mariae-Virginis, written at Gloucester about the year 1440, and now transcribed and edited by F. S. EUis. Printed by William Morris 1894. 8vo, half holland. Only three hundred copies printed in black and red. From a manuscript written at Gloucester in the first half of the fifteenth century, but the Rev. Professor Skeat has pointed out that the scribe must have copied them from an older manuscript, as they are in the Kentish dialect of about a century earlier. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe).— The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. [Colophon] : Overseen by F. S. Ellis after the 186 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER text of foregoing Editions, & printed by me, Wil- liam Morris, at the Kelmscott Press 1894 [1895]. 8vo, three volumes, vellum. Only two hundred and fifty copies printed on paper. With woodcut title and borders. Red ink is not used in Vol. I, though it is used in Vol. II and sparingly in Vol. III. Some of the half borders designed for ' * The Wood Beyond the World ' ' reappear before the longer poems. With an ex libris ol T. J. Cobden-Sanderson, and his signature, on the fly-leaf. HERRI CK (Robert). — Poems chosen out of the Works of Robert Herrick. [Colophon] : J]dited by F. S. Ellis from the text of the edition put forth by the author in 1648. Printed by William ]\iorris at the Kelmscott Press 1895. 8vo, full slate blue crushed levant morocco, special tooling with design of roses and leaves on sides and baok, douhlures and fly-leaves of vellum, by the Doves Bindery. Only two hundred and fifty copies printed. MORRIS (William).— Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair. By William JViorris. [Colophon] : Here ends the Story of Child Christopher & Goldilind the fair: made by Wil- liam Morris and printed by him at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1895. 16mo, two volumes, half holland. Six hundred copies printed in red and black. The borders in this book were used once again, in **Hand and Soul." The plot of the story was suggested by that of * * Havelock the Dane, ' ' printed by the Early English Text Society. 187 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF ROSSETTI (Dante Gabriel).— Hand and Soul. By Dante Gabriel Rossetti. [Colophon] : Here ends Hand and Soul, written by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and reprinted from The Germ for Messrs. Way and Williams of Chi- cago, by William Morris, at the Kelmscott Press. .... 1895. Sold by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press. 18mo, vellum. Only five hundred and twenty-five copies were printed. SIR PERECYVELLE OF GALES.— [Colo- phon] Overseen by F. S. Ellis, after the edition edited by J. 0. Halliwell from the Thornton MS. in the Library of Lincoln Cathedral. Printed at the Kelmscott Press by William Morris, 1895. 8vo, half holland. Only three hundred and fifty copies printed. This is the first of the series to which Sire Degrovaunt and Syr Ysambrace belong. They were all reprinted from the Camden Society 's volume of 1844, which was a favourite with Morris from his Oxford days. Contains the label of T. J. Cobden-Sanderson. SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles).— Ata- lanta in Calydon, a Tragedy made by Algernon Charles Swinburne. [Colophon] : Here ends Atalanta in Calydon, a Tragedy made by Algernon Charles Swinburne, and printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1895. 4to, full brown crushed levant morocco , with 188 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER wide border of flower sprays in gold and mosaic, in the center of a large panel similarly tooled, in- side borders, edges gilt, by Sir Edward Sullivan, Only two hundred and fifty copies printed. THE TALE OF BEOWULF Sometime King of the Folk of the Weder Geats. [Colophon] : Here endeth the Story of Beowulf, done out of the Old English tongue by William Morris & A. J. Wyatt, and printed by the said William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1895. 4to, vellum. Only three hundred printed on plain paper. Contains the loose slip **Note to the Header.'* THE TALE OF BEOWULF. Another copy. CHAUCER (Geoffrey).— The Works of:— [Colophon] : Here Ends the Book of the Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, edited by F. S. Ellis; orna- mented with pictures designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, and engraved on wood by W. H. Hooper. Printed by me William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1896. Folio, gray boards with linen back. The finest production of the Kelmscott Press and a masterpiece of modern printing. The edition was limited to four hundred and twenty-five copies printed on specially made paper. CLANVOWE (Sir Thomas).— The Floure and the Leafe, & The Boke of Cupide, God of Love, or The Cuckow and the Nightingale. [Colophon] 189 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OP Edited by F. S. Ellis, and printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press 1896. 8vo, hoards. Only three hundred copies were printed. COLERIDGE (Samuel Taylor) .—Poems Chosen out of the Works of Samuel Taylor Cole- ridge. [Colophon] : Edited by F. S. Ellis, and printed by me, William Morris, at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1896. 8v0y vellum. Only three hundred copies printed on paper in black and red. This copy contains the book label of T. J. Cobden-Sanderson, and his signature on the fly-leaf. LAUDES BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS. [Colophon] : These Poems are talien from a Psalter written by an English scribe, most likely in one of the Midland counties, early in the 13th century. Printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1896. Large 4to, half holland. Only two hundred and fifty copies printed on paper. MORRIS (William).— The Earthly Paradise. By William Morris. [Colophon] : Printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, 1896. 6vo, eight volumes, vellum, with silk ties. Only six copies were printed on vellum. This was the first book printed on the paper with the apple watermark. None of the ten borders used in ''The Earthly Paradise" appear in any other book. The four different half-borders round the poems to the months are also not used elsewhere. 190 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER MORRIS (William).— The Well at the World's End. [Colophon] : Here ends The Well at the World's End, written by William Morris, with four pictures designed by Sir Edward Bume- Jones. Printed by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1896. Large 4to, vellum, with ties. Only three hundred and twenty-five copies were printed. This book, delayed for various reasons, was longer on hand than any other of the Kelmscott works. The eight borders, and six different ornaments between the columns, appear here for the first time. SIRE DEGRE VAUNT. [Colophon] : Edited by F. S. Ellis after the edition printed by J. 0. Halliwell from the MS. in the Library of Lincoln Cathedral. Printed at the Kelmscott Press, 1896. 8vo, half holland. Only three hundred and fifty copies printed on plain paper. With woodcut designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones. SPENSER (Edmund).— The Shepheardes Cal- ender: Conteyning Twelve ^glogues, propor- tionable to the Twelve Monethes. [Colophon] : Printed at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1896. 8vo, half holland. Only two hundred and twenty-five copies printed on plain paper. Contains twelve full-page illustrations by A. J. Gaskin. By an oversight the names of author, editor, and artist were omitted from the colophon. F. S. Ellis was the editor. With label of T. J. Cobden-Sanderson. 191 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OP MORRIS (William).— Love is Enough, or The Freeing of Pharamond: A Morality. Written by William Morris. [Colophon] : Here ends Love is Enough, or The Freeing of Pharamond, written by William Morris, with two pictures designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, & engraved on wood by W. H. Hooper. The picture on the opposite page was not designed for this edition of Love is Enough, but for an edition projected about twenty-five years ago, which was never carried out. Printed at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1897. Sold by the Trustees of the late William Morris at the Kelmscott Press. 4to, vellum. Frontispiece and plate opposite the colophon. This book was printed after Morris' death, but had been planned many years before. From the library of T. J. Cobden-Sanderson, with his auto- graph signature on the fly-leaf. MORRIS (William).— The Sundering Flood written by William Morris. Overseen for the Press by May Morris. Printed at the Kelmscott Press, 1897. Svo, half holland, in black and red with borders and a map. Only three hundred copies printed of this last romance written by William Morris. In the Longmans' edition of 1898, the bands of robbers called in the Kelmscott edition "Red and Black Skinners" appear correctly as "Bed and Black Skimmers." This copy contains the signature of T. J. Cobden-Sanderson on the fly-leaf. 192 CHARLES TfiMPLETON CROCKER MORRIS (William).— The Water of the Won- drous Isles by William Morris. Kelmscott, 1897. Large, 4to, vellum. Only two hundred and fifty copies printed. SOME GERMAN WOOD€UTS of the Fif- teenth Century. Being thirty-five reproductions from books that were in the library of the late William Morris. Edited, with a list of the prin- cipal woodcut books in that library, by S. C. Cockerell. Published at the Kelmscott Press, 1897. Large 4to, half holland. Only two hundred and twenty-five printed. Tlie blocks, with one exception, were prepared by Walker & Boutall, under the direction of William Morris. SYR YSAMBRACE. Edited by F. S. Ellis after the edition printed by J. 0. Halliwell, from the MS. in the Library of Lincoln Cathedral. Published at the Kelmscott Press, .... 1897. 8vo, half holland. Only three hundred and fifty printed on paper, in black and red, with a woodcut designed by Sir Edward Burne-Jones. KENDALL (GEORGE H.).— Narrative of an Expedition across the Great South-western Prairies from Texas to Santa Fe, with an Ac- count of the Disasters which befell the Expedi- tion from Want of Food and the Attacks of Hostile Indians; the Final Capture of the Texans and 193 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAKY OF their Sufferings on a March of 2,000 Miles as Prisoners of War, and in the Prisons and Lazar- ettos of Mexico. London, 1845. 12mo, two volumes, cloth, uncut. A fine copy, with coloured plates and a map. KILLIGREW(Thomas).— Comedies and Trage- dies. Written by Thomas Killigrew, Page of Honour to King Charles the First. And Groom of the Bed-Chamber to King Charles the Second. London: Printed for Henry Herringman. 1664. Folio, full crimson morocco, gilt back and bor- ders, edges gilt on the rough, by Francis Bedford, The First Edition, with separate titles to all the plays bearing the date 1663 (excepting * * Clarcilla, " which has a duplicate title of ''The Prisoners,'^ dated 1664). The rare portrait of Killi- grew, with his dog, is by William Faithorne after W. Sheppard, and is a brilliant impression of Faithorne 's engraving. The margins of this copy are exceptionally broad. Contains both the Lefferts and the Halsey bookplates. KIPLING (Rudyabd). — (Printed for private circulation only.) Schoolboy Lyrics. By Rudyard Kipling. Lahore: Printed at the ** Civil and Military Gazette'' Press. 188L 12mo, full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition, with additional pages of manuscript copied in by a previous owner, of Kipling's later verses. This is actually Kipling's first book, although he himself gives that honor to the * * Departmental Ditties. ' ' At the time the book was printed, Kipling had not yet completed his sixteenth year, and was still in England at the United Service College. This little volume was, however, printed by his parents in India. Probably only fifty copies were issued. 194 CHARLES tEMPLETON CftOCKElfi KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Smith Administra- tion. Allahabad, 1881. 8v0y original paper wrappers^ uncut. The First Edition of the scarcest of Kipling's books. Only four other copies are known, this being the only one with the full number of pages (seven) of advertisements. The contents were gathered from periodicals without the author's permiflsion, and the publication was suppressed before it was issued for sale. KIPLING ( Rudyard) .—Echoes. By Two Writ- ers. Lahore [1884]. 12m0y original wrappers^ uncut. The First Edition of this exceedingly rare little book. It was written by Kipling and his sister Beatrice, and contains for the most part imitations of the modern English poets. KIPLING (Rudyard).— Quartette. The Christ- mas Annual of the * ' Civil and Military Gazette. ' ' By Four Anglo-Indian Writers. Lahore, 1885. 6v0f original front wrapper, uncut. The First Edition, containing the advertisements. The four writers were Rudyard Kipling, his father, mother, and sister, Beatrice. KIPLING (Rudyard). — Departmental Ditties and Other Verses. Lahore, 1886. Narrow 8vo, each leaf printed on one side only, original wrappers, with flap, uncut. The First Edition, containing twenty-six poems. It was printed from the type as set for the newspaper columns, which vary in length. One of the scarcest of the Kipling books, and very rarely found with the outside flap. This flap contains a circular en- graved in imitation of a seal, which was not reproduced on the cover of the reprint recently issued. 195 CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY OP KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Week's News. From the beginning, January 7th, 1888, to Sep- tember 15th of that year (lacking February 11th, May 5th, June 2d and July 21st). Allahabad, 1888. Folio, thirty-three numbers, half cloth, uncut. Some of Kipling's best-known stories of India life made their first appearance in the above numbers. Among others, "Wee Willie Winkie,'' "The Big Drunk Draf,'' "His Brother's Keeper," "The Solid Muldoon," etc., etc. A few of these stories appear not to have been reprinted. Each issue contains a tale by Kipling and original contributions by Bret Harte, John Strange Winter, W. Clarke Eussell, and others. KIPLING (Rudyard).— In Black and White. Published by A. H. Wheeler & Co., Allahabad, [1888]. 6vo, original pictorial wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, with the leaf of Dedication. No. 3 of the "Indian Railway Library." Lacks the advertisements, and the printed line: "Reprinted in chief from the 'Week's News'," on back of title. KIPLING (Eudyard).— In Black and White. Published by Messrs. A. H. Wheeler & Co., Allahabad, [1889]. 8vo, original pictorial wrappers, uncut. The Second Edition. Inscribed copy, having the author's signature on the title-page. KIPLING (Rudyard).— Under the Deodars. Allahabad, [1888]. 8vo, original pictorial wrappers, uncut. The First Edition. The early issue, before the front cover •was retouched. No. 4 of A. H. Wheeler's "Indian Railway Library. ' ' 196 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Phantom 'Rick- shaw and Other Tales. Allahabad, [1888]. 8vo, original pictorial wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, with four leaves of advertisement (lacking the one in front), and ''Reprinted in chief from the 'Week's News' " on reverse of title. On the cover, this copy lacks the apostrophe before the "Rickshaw," and the periods after "A" and "H," in A. H. Wheeler. The last page bears the imprint. No. 5 of the "Indian Railway Library." KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Phantom 'Rick- shaw and Other Eerie Tales. Published by Messrs. A. H. Wheeler & Co., Allahabad, 1889. 8vo, original pictorial wrappers, uncut. The Second Edition. Inscribed copy, having the author's signature on the title-page. With the preface and no advertise- ments. A yellow slip is inserted between the first page (7) and the opposite blank leaf, reading "A Good Investment, etc." KIPLING (Rudyard).— Soldiers Three. A Collection of Stories Setting forth certain Pas- sages in the Lives and Adventures of Privates Terence Mulvaney, Stanley Ortheris and John Learoyd. Done into Type and Edited by Rud- yard Kipling. Allahabad, 1888. Svo, original pictorial wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, containing three leaves of advertisements in the back. No. 1 of A. H. Wheeler 's * * Indian Railway Library. * ' KIPLING (Rudyard).— Plain Tales from the Hills. By Rudyard Kipling, Author of ** Depart- mental Ditties and Other Verses." Calcutta : Thacker, Spink and Co. ; London : W. Thacker and Co., 1888. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Issue of the First Edition, lacking advertisements. 197 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF KIPLING (Rudyard).— Wee Willie Winkie and Other Child Stories. Allahabad, [1888]. 8vo, original pictorial wrappers, uncut. The First Edition and the earliest issue, containing the adver- tisements and the imprint on front cover: "Mufid i am Press Lahore. '* No. 6 of A. H. Wheeler's "Indian Railway Library." KIPLING (Rudyard).— Wee Willie Winkie and Other Child Stories. Another copy, only the first two letters in the word **Mufid" are lacking on the front cover. KIPLING (Rudyard).— ** Turnovers'' from the ** Civil and Military Gazette." Lahore, 1888-90. 8vo, Volumes /, and V to XI, inclusive, seven volumes, original paper wrappers, uncut, Kipling wrote for the first nine numbers of this publication, and some of his contributions have not been reprinted in any of his later collections. The above numbers contain twenty-seven separate articles, most of which have not been reprinted. KIPLING (Rudyard). — ^Letters of Marque. A. H. Wheeler & Co., Allahabad, 1891. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. The First Published Edition, containing opinions of the press and advertisements. KIPLING (Rudyard). — ^Letters of Marque. London, 1891. Vol, 1, 8vo, original pictorial wrappers, uncut. The First English Edition, possibly unique. The edition was suppressed before the books had left the printer. They were destroyed, with the exception of a very few which were kept for the publisher 's use. 198 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER KIPLING (RuDYARD).—The City of Dreadful Night, and Other Places. Depicted by Rudyard Kipling. Allahabad, 1891. 8vo, original pictorial wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, with the seven leaves of advertisements at front and back. No. 14 of A. H. Wheeler's ** Indian Railway Library. ' ' KIPLING (Rudyard) and STEVENSON (Robert Louis). — ^American Notes. By Rudyard Kipling, and The Bottle Imp. By Robert Louis Stevenson. New York, [1891]. 16mo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Issue of the First Edition, with the publisher's ad- dress on the title-page reading * ' 86 Nassau Street ' ' and with the advertisement of Colgate on the back cover. Only those with the address and advertisement are genuine. Shortly after printing the first issue Ivers moved to 379 Pearl Street, and this address appears on the title-page of most covers. Some copies have the correct address on title, but the later cover. These were unsold copies returned by newsdealers and the new covers replaced those that were torn or soiled. KIPLING (Rudyard). — Many Inventions. London: Macmillan and Co., 1893. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition, and an inscribed copy, having the author ^8 signature on the title-page, "Rudyard Kipling." KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Jungle Book. With Illustrations by J. L. Kipling, W. H. Drake, and P. Frenzeny. London, 1894. 12mo, original cloth, gilt. The First Edition. 199 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Second Jungle Book. With Illustrations by J. Lockwood Kip- ling. London, 1895. 12m0y original cloth, gilt. The First Edition. KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Seven Seas. London, 1896. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition. Vignette on title. KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Seven Seas. London, 1896. 12mo, half vellum, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition^ and one of thirty copies on Japanese vellum. Vignette on title. KIPLING (Rudyard).— White Horses. London: Printed for Private Circulation, [1897]. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition. KIPLING (Rudyard). — Departmental Ditties and Other Verses. London: W. Thacker & Co., 2 Creed Lane, E. C, .... 1898. 8vo, red silk, uncut, > Large paper copy, Edition-de-Luxe, consisting of only one thousand and fifty copies. On the title-page Kipling has written: ** Rudyard Kipling. Note: This Volume is no part of the Macmillan Edition de Luxe of my works which it has been made & bound to imitate. R. K.'* 200 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER KIPLING (Rudyard).— The School Budget. Horsmonden, Kent, 1898. Numbers 13 and 14. 16mOy original wrappers, uncut. In response to a "cheeky" letter from the editors, Kipling wrote a very amusing epistle of advice, which has since become familiar to most admirers of the author. No. 13 contains the text of this letter, with comments on the contributor. No. 14 boasts of the original appearance of Max Beerbohm's well-known caricature of Kipling. With the above copy are the originals of these contributions. There is the A. L. S. from Kipling in reply, and the letters from the editors, B. Medhurst and G. Chin- nery. The original pen-and-ink sketch by Beerbohm, and the A. L. S. from Beerbohm accompanying the drawing. KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Destroyers. By Rudyard Kipling. N. p., 1898. 8vo, folded sheet. The First Edition. One of four copies printed for copyright purposes. KIPLING (Rudyard).— Stalky & Co. London; Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1899. 12m0j original cloth, uncut, with protective wrapper. The First Edition. KIPLING (Rudyard).— From Sea to Sea. Let- ters of Travel. New York, 1899. 12mo, two volumes, loose sheets with cloth covers. In preparing this set, a minute word for word comparison was made with the original letters as they appeared in the "Pioneer Mail." All the missing passages are supplied in typewritten manuscript on inserted sheets, and the indications for their posi- tion in the text and minor changes of a word here and there have been neatly made in red ink by L. S. Livingston. The omitted matter increases the whole by about one-third. 201 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBAKY OF KIPLING (Rudyakd).— From Sea to Sea. Let- ters of Travel. New York, 1899. 8vo, two volumes, cloth, uncut. The First American Edition. KIPLING (Rudyaed). — Cruisers. A Poem by Rudyard Kipling. [New York] : Doubleday and McClure Co., 1899. 16mo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition and one of but twelve copies printed for copyright purposes. KIPLING (Rudyard).— The White Man's Burden. London: Printed for Private Circulation, 1899. 12mo, paper, uncut. The First Edition, only a few printed for private circulation. KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Beginning of the Armadillos. London, 1900. 12mo, original paper covers, uncut. The First Edition, and one of only twenty-two copies. (In "Just So Stories '0. KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Sing Song of Old Man Kangaroo. London, 1900. 12mo, original paper wrappers, uncut. The First Edition. One of twenty-five copies printed for copy- right. (In "Just So Stories' 0. 202 CHARLES TEMPLETON CBOCKEB KIPLING (Rudyabd).— The Elephant's Child. London, 1900. lJ2mo, original paper covers, uncut. The First Edition, one of twenty-five copies printed for copy- right. (In "Just So Stories"). KIPLING (Rudyabd).— Kim. London, 1901. 12mo, original cloth. The First Edition. KIPLING (Rudyabd).— The Sin of Witchcraft. London, 1901. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Reprinted from The Times, of March 30th, 1900, for the Im- perial South African Association. KIPLING (Rudyabd).— The Science of Rebel- lion. A Tract for The Times. Specially written for the Imperial South African Association. London, n. d. [1901]. 6vo, original paper covers, uncut. The First Edition. KIPLING (Rudyabd).— The Reformer. [New York] : Doubleday, Page and Co., 1901. ISrno, origitial ivrappers, uncut. The First Edition, one of twelve copies printed to secure copy- right. KIPLING (Rudyabd). —The Islanders. A Poem by Rudyard Kipling. [New York] : Doubleday, Page and Co., 1902. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, one of fifty copiees, printed for copyright purposes. 203 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF KIPLING (Kudyard).— Just So Stories. For Little Children. With illustrations by the author. London, 1902, Macmillan and Co. 4to, original pictorial cloth, stitched. The First Edition. KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Five Nations. Methuen and Co., 36 Essex Street, W. C, London, 1903. 12mOy original cloth, gilt top, uncut. The First Issue of First Edition. Vignette on title. Page 56, line 9, has misprint of "David" for **Saul," corrected in the second. The advertisements are dated July, 1903. KIPLING (Rudyard).— Traffics and Discov- eries. London, 1904. 12mo, original cloth. The First Edition. KIPLING (Rudyard). — The Muse among the Motors. By Rudyard Kipling. New York : Doubleday, Page and Co., 1904. 16mo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, and only a few copies printed to secure the copyright. KIPLING (Rudyard).— A Patrol Song. By Rudyard Kipling. New York : Doubleday, Page and Co., 1909. 8vo, paper, four leaves. The First Edition. Only a few printed for copyright purposes. 204 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER KIPLING (Rudyard).— The City of Brass. By Rudyard Kipling. New York : Doubleday, Page and Co., 1909. 8vo, paper, four pages. The First Edition, printed to secure copyright. KIPLING (Rudyard).— Cuckoo Song. New York : Doubleday, Page and Co., 1909. 8vo, paper, two pages. The First Edition. Only a few printed to secure copyright in the United States. KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Horse Marines. By Rudyard Kipling. New York, 1910. 12mo, original paper covers, uncut. The First Edition. Only a few printed to secure copyright. KIPLING (Rudyard).— Three Poems. New York, 1911. 12m>o, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, only a few printed to secure copyright. KIPLING (Rudyard).— Three Poems. Another copy. KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Spies^ March. Doubleday, Page and Co., New York, 1911. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, only a few printed to secure copyright in the United States. KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Spies' March. Another copy. 205 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAEY OF KIPLING (Rudyabd).— Ulster. Copyright, 1912, by Rudyard Kipling. Single parchment sheet of six eight-line stanzas. The First Edition. Only a few printed to secure copyright. KIPLING (Rudyard).— Ulster. Ely (England), 1914. 16mOy origimal paper wrappers, uncut. One of twenty-five copies printed privately with the author's permission. KIPLING (Rudyard).— An Unrecorded Trial. New York, 1913. 8vo, original paper wrappers, uncut. The First Edition. KIPLING (Rudyard).— France. New York, 1913. 8vo, original paper wrappers, uncut. The First Edition. One of twelve copies printed to secure the copyright. KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Outlaws. Copy- right, 1914, by Rudyard Kipling. Single parchment sheet with seven four-line stanzas. The First Edition. Only a few printed to secure copyright. KIPLING (Rudyard).— The New Army (Infan- try) : I, The Men at Work; II, The Quality of the Machine; III, Guns and Supply; IV, Canadians in 206 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Camp; V, Indian Troops; VI, A Territorial Bat- talion and a Conclusion. New York, 1914. 8vo, six parts y paper, uncut. The First Edition, published to secure copyright in the United States. KIPLING (Rudyard). — London Geographical Journal for April, 1914. Contains the first print- ing of ^^Sorne Aspects of Travel.'* London, 1914. 8v0f original paper wrappers, uncut. The First Edition. KIPLING (Rudyard). — Some Aspects of Travel. A Lecture before the Royal Geograph- ical Society. New York, 1914. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Separate Edition. One of a few copies printed to secure copyright. KIPLING (Rudyard). — Some Aspects of Travel. New York, 1914. 12mo, paper wrappers as first issued, uncut. The First Edition. KIPLING (Rudyard). — Some Aspects of Travel. Another copy. 207 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF KIPLING (Rudyard).— Lord Roberts. Copy- right, 1914, by Rudyard Kipling. Single parchment sheet, seven stanzas of four lines each. The First Edition. Only a few printed to secure copyright. KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Covenant. Copy- right, 1914, by Rudyard Kipling. Single parchment sheet with fourteen lines. The First Edition. Only a few printed to secure copyright. KIPLING (Rudyard).— France at War. Macmillan and Co., St. Martin's Street, Lon- don, 1915. 8v0y original paper wrappers, uncut. The First Edition. KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Fringes of the Fleet: The Auxiliary Fleet (2) ; Submarines (2) ; Patrols (2). New York, 1915. 8vo, six parts, original pamper wrappers, uncut. The First Edition. Only a few printed to secure copyright. KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Neutral. New York, 1916. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, only a few printed to secure the copyright. 208 CHARLES TfiMPLEfON CBbCKfitt KIPLING (Rudyard).— Tales of the Trade: Some Work in the Baltic; Business in the Sea of Marmora; Ravages and Repairs. Doubleday, Page and Co., New York, 1916. 8vo, three parts, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition. Only a few printed to secure copyright. "The British Admiralty places at the disposal of the Press of America, the following article, which has been written from con- fidential reports in its possession." KIPLING (Rudyard). — Destroyers at Jutland. Doubleday, Page and Co., New York, 1916. 6vo, four parts, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition. Only a few printed to secure copyright. KIPLING (Rudyard).— *^The Holy War." New York, 1917. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, only a few printed for copyright purposes. KIPLING (Rudyard). — Mesopotamia. New York, 1917. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, only a few printed to secure the copyright. KIPLING (Rudyard).— A Nativity. Doubleday, Page and Company, Garden City, New York, 1917. Svo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition. Only a few printed to secure copyright. 209 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OE KIPLING (Eudyard).— Helen's Tower. Clandeboye : Privately printed, n. d. 4to, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, and contains the poem by Kipling entitled *'The Song of the Women. *' Contains also stanzas by Helen Sheridan, Countess Giflford, Lord Houghton, Robert Browning, and Lord Tennyson. (See Tennyson for other copy.) KIPLING (Rudyard). — Original Manuscript of '*The King's Ankus.'' Seventeen pages (folio), typewritten, but with alterations amd interpola- tions on every page in Kipling's autograph and one page, 4to, entirely in his handwriting, signed twice. The original manuscript of one of the tales in ''The Jungle Book" as sent to St. Nicholas Magazine, in which it was pub- lished. At the beginning is the following characteristic note in Kip- ling's handwriting: "These Jungle tales are told the same way that Baloo left the Bee-rocks — any end first: and you must take them as they come, just as the Frog took the White Ants after the rains.'' KIPLING (Rudyard). — Autograph Manuscript of the ** Legend of Cedar Swamp." Signed, **J. R. Kipling." N. p., n. d. Forty -four lines on two sheets of paper fastened together in the shape of a narrow folio. An unpublished poem written by Kipling while at school in England. KIPLING (Rudyard). — Manuscript of Andrew Lang's article on Kipling. See Andrew Lang. 210 CHASLES TfiMPLETON CROCKfiR KIPLING (Rudyard).— A Song of the English. Illustrated by Heath Robinson. See Robinson Illustrations. KIPLING (Rudyard).— The Works of Rud- yard Kipling. London: Macmillan & Company, 1913-1915. 8v0y twenty-three volumes, half canvas, uncut. The Bombay Edition, which consisted of only one thousand and fifty copies, was printed on handmade paper from Florence Press type designed by Herbert P. Home. This edition was corrected throughout and signed by the Author. KIPLING (Rudyard). — Writings in Prose and Verse of Rudyard Kipling. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1899-1917. 8v0y twenty-seven volumes, original silk covers, gilt top, uncut. The Outward Bound Edition, of which only two hundred and four sets were printed on Japan paper. Frontispiece portrait and illustrations by J. Lockwood Kipling. LACROIX (Paul).— XVIIIe Siecle Institu- tions, Usages et Costumes. France, 1700-1789. Paris: Firmin Didot, 1875. 4to, original cloth, morocco back, gilt. With twenty-one beautifully printed plates in gold and colours, and three hundred and fifty other illustrations engraved on wood from contemporary paintings, drawings, etc. LACROIX (Paul).— Collected Set: Manners, Customs and Dress during the Middle Ages, and during the Renaissance Period. — Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages, and at the 211 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Period of the Renaissance. — The Arts in the Mid- dle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance. Science and Literature in the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance. — The Eighteenth Century : Its Institutions, Customs and Costumes. France: 1700-9. London, 1876, 1878, and n. d. 8vOy together, five volumes, half crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Profusely illustrated by ehromolithographic prints by Keller- hoven and hundreds of wood-engravings after Watteau, Boucher, Eisen, Gravelot, Moreau, etc. LACROIX (Paul) and SERE (Ferdinand).— Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance, Histoire et Description des Mceurs et Usages, du Commerce et de rindustrie des Sciences, des Arts, des Lit- teratures et des Beaux- Arts en Europe. Dessins facsimile par M. A. Rivaud. Paris, 1848-1851. 4to, five volumes, full crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf, The First Edition. The engravings reproduce specimens of medieval art from all parts of Europe. Many of the plates are executed in gold, silver and colours. LA FONTAINE (Jean de).— Contes et Nou- velles en Vers, par M. de la Fontaine. Amsterdam (Paris), 1762. 8vo, two volumes, full lemon crushed levant morocco, sides and hack covered with mosaics of bine and gold exquisitely tooled, doublures of pea- cock blue levant morocco, wide rose-coloured bor- 212 y CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER ders with design of roses tooled in gold, and flowered silk fly-leaves, gilt, by Joly Fits. Contains portraits of La Fontaine, engraved by Ficquet after Eigaud, of Eisen by Ficquet after Vispre, and of Choffard by himself; and eighty fine plates by Aliamet, Baquoy, Choffard, Delafosse, Flipart, Lemire, Leveau, de Longueil and Ouvrier, after Eisen. The famous edition called "Des Fermiers Generaux," one of the most beautiful illustrated books of the eighteenth century. With brilliant impressions of the plates, and having the two, *'Cas de Conscience" and "Diable de Papefigui^re" in the uncovered state. This book is pronounced Eisen 's and Choffard 's masterpiece. The vignettes and tail-pieces are all by Choffard. The intro- duction was written by Diderot, LA FONTAINE (Jean de).— Contes et Nou- velles en Vers. A. Berraud, ed. Paris, MDCCCLXXIV. 8vo, two volumes, full red crushed levant mo- rocco, inside dentelles, gilt. No. 112 de 500 examplaires en 8vo e6u verge. With plates and tail-pieces. LAMB (Charles).— Elia. / Essays Which Have Appeared Under That Signature / in the / London Magagine. / London : / Printed for Taylor and Hessey, / Fleet Street. / 1823.— The Last Essays / of / Elia. Being / A Sequel to Essays Published Under / that Name. / London :/ Edward Moxon, Dover Street. 1833. 12mo, two volumes, full dark red crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled hack ankl sides, inside dentelle borders, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. The First Issues of both volumes, and absolutely uncut. The first volume lacks the additional imprint "and 13, Waterloo Place,'* which appeared in the second issue. The second volume has the half-title, the first being published without one. 213 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF LAMB (Charles). — Prince Dorus. London, 1889. 16mo, blue boards, white vellum back, uncut. Fac-simile reprint of the excessively rare first edition, with nine illustrations (hand coloured). The type and illustrations of Prince Dorus follow exactly the original edition of 1811. Only five hundred proof copies have been printed and each is numbered and signed. LANG (Andrew). — Aucassin and Nicolette. Done into English by Andrew Lang. London, 1887. Etched title by P. J. Hood. 16mo, full blue crushed levant morocco, the bach and sides beautifully tooled in flower design, silk doublures and fly-leaves, gilt edges gauffered, by Cobden-Sanderson, with his mark, *' 18 C-8 89/^ Only five hundred copies were printed on Japan paper. On the fly-leaf is written '*T. J. Cobden-Sanderson, Madison, 31 Oct., 1907. '» LANG (Andrew). — Original Manuscript of his article entitled ^^Eudyard Kipling.'' N. p., n. d. Folio, ten pages. One of the first critiques issued praising Kipling's work. LIE (Jonas). — Weird Tales from Northern Seas. Translated from the Danish by R. Nisbet Bain. With twelve illustrations by Laurence Housman. London, 1893. 8vo, cloth, uncut. The First Edition, with autograph manuscript (in Danish), by the author, on the fly-leaf, signed and dated. 214 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER LICHTENSTEIN (Marie, Princess).— Hol- land House. London, 1874. 8vo, two volumes, full blue crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt, by Bedford. The Second Edition, with numerous illustrations. In addi- tion to the thirteen steel plates and facsimiles, and eighty-eight woodcuts one hundred and ten portraits and views have been inserted, forty being proofs on India paper. LINCOLN (Abraham).— The President, the People and the War. A Thanksgiving Discourse hy Horatio Stebbins. San Francisco, 1864. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Major Lambert was unable to secure this excessively rare Lin- coln oration in thirty years of collecting. Not in Fish or any bibliography. LINCOLN (Abraham). See Ford's Theatre Play-Bills. See Henry Clay, The Life and Speeches of Henry Clay. LISLE (Charles M., Le Conte de). — Les Erinnyees, Tragedie antique. Illustree des com- positions et gravures a Peau-forte de Frangois Kupka. Paris : Librairie de la Collection de Dix, 1908. 8vo, full crushed levant morocco, gilt on the rough, with original covers bound in. One of fifty copies printed on Japan paper, with the plates in three states. 215 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBKABY OF LONGFELLOW (Henry Wadsworth).— The Song of Hiawatha. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, MDCCCLV. 12nio, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition, with the advertisements dated Novem- ber, 1855. LONGUS. — Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et de Chloe. (Traduites du grec par Amyot). [Paris], 1745. 4to, full old morocco, gilt. Frontispiece by Coypel and twenty-nine plates by Philippe d 'Orleans, including the plate, "Les petits pieds'' by Caylus, are engraved by Audran, and four tail-pieces by Cochin. LOUYS" (Pierre). — Aphrodite: Moeurs An- tiques. Illustrations de A. Calhet. Paris, 1900. Narrow 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, silk sides, gilt top, uncut. One of seventy-three copies printed on Japan paper. LOUYS (Pierre). — La Femme et le Pantin. [Paris], H. Piazza et Cie., 1903. 8vo, full red morocco, gilt top, uncut, with orig- inal parchment pictorial covers hound in. Art Edition, illustrated in colours by Boig. LOWELL (James Eussell). — Three Ikiemorial Poems. Boston, 1877. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. 216 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER LOWELL (James Russell). — Autograph Letter Signed. 12mo, one page, "Elmwood, 29th Octr, 1870. Messrs. Fields, Osgood & Co, Gentlemen, Mr. Gurney had already consulted me in regard to the proposed change in the editorship of the North American Review, & I entirely agreed with him as to the expediency, though I regretted its necessity. If the present arrangement be agreeable to you, it is entirely so to me, though I wish it understood that I am entirely willing to make way at any time for any substitute with whom you may think best to replace me. Very truly yours J. R. Lowell.'' LOWELL (James Russell). — Autograph Letter Signed. 12mo, one page, "2, Radnor Place, Hyde Park. 28th May, 1888. Dear Mrs. Chadwick, On Thursday at 8 with great pleasure. With love to the Commander. Affectionately yours J. R. Lowell.*' LOWNDES (William Thomas).— The Bibliog- rapher's Manual of English Literature. Revised by Henry G. Bohn. In Four Volumes. London: George Bell & Sons, [1857.] 12mo, four volumes, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. [MACKENZIE (Colin).]— Tavern Anecdotes, and Reminiscences of the Origin of Signs, Clubs, Coffee-Houses, Streets, City Companies, Wards, etc. Intended as a Lounge-Book for Londoners 217 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF and their Country Cousins. By One of the Old School. London : Printed for William Cole, 10, Newgate Street, [1825]. 12mOj half morocco. The First Edition. MALTE-BRUN (Victor Adolphe).— Le Mex- ique Illustree, Histoire et Geographie. Illustra- tions par Gustave Dore. Recit des evenements militaires qui s'y sont passes jusqu'a ce jour com- prenant en outre PHistoire et la Geographie illustrees des ^Itats-Unis. Paris, 1862. 4tOy paper covers, uncut. With five large maps in colours, by H. A. Dufour. The twelve half -page illustrations in the text by Dore are in his best style. A work on Mexico and the United States written for the in- formation of the French immediately following the Battle of the Fifth of May at Puebla. MARGUERITE DE NAVARRE.— Contes et Nouvelles de Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Navarre. Amsterdam, 1698. 8vo, two volumes, full blue morocco, by Lortic, MAXIMILIAN (Empeeob).— Recollections of My Life by Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico. London, 1868. 6vo, three volumes. 218 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER MEREDITH (George).— Poems. [Motto.] London : John W. Parker and Son, West Strand, [1851]. 16mOy original cloth, uncut. The First Edition, with half-title, dedication leaf, and slip of Errata, often missing. MEREDITH (George).— The Shaving of Shag- pat, an Arabian Entertainment. London : Chapman & Hall, 193, Piccadilly, 1856. 12m0y original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. MEREDITH (George).— The Ordeal of Richard Feveril. A History of Father and Son. In three volumes. London: Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly, 1859. 12mo, three volumes, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. MEREDITH (George).— Diana of the Cross- ways. A Novel. Considerably enlarged from * * The Fortnightly Review. ' ' In three volumes. London : Chapman and Hall, Limited, 1885. 12mo, three volumes, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. MEREDITH (George). —The Works of George Meredith. [London] : Archibald Constable & Co., 2 White- hall Gardens, 1896. 8vo, thirty-six volumes, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Limited Autograph Edition. 219 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAKY OF MERLE (W. H.). See Cruikshank Illustrations. MESSAGES AND PAPERS OF THE PRES- IDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. — Au- thorized by the Second Session of the Fifty- second Congress. Published by the Bureau of National Literature, 1912. 8vo, eleven volumes, full black morocco with Presidential shield in gold stamped on cover, gilt, A compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Prepared under the direction of the Joint Committee in Printing of the House of Eepresentatives and Senate. Pursuant to an Act of the Fifty-second Congress of the United States. (With Addi- tions and Encyclopedic Index by Private Enterprise.) MILLER (CmciNNATus Heine). ''Joaquin Miller. ' ' — Songs of the Sierras. Boston, 1871. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition, with poem in the Author's handwriting in- serted : *'Miss Rose R. M. **May all thy life be love, Love, And all thy love one Song — For life is none too long. Love — Ah, love is none too long.'* There is also a brief postscript. MILLER (CiNciNNATus Heine). * 'Joaquin Miller.'*— '49: Forty-^Nine: An Idyl Drama of the Sierras, in Four Acts. San Francisco, 1882. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut, and unopened. The Second Edition. Presentation copy from the Author, with 220 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER inscription on front cover in his autograph: "Yours always, J. Miller — not yet published." MILTON (John, and Others).— Jus ta / Ed- ovardo King / naufrago, / ab / Amicis moeren- tibus, / amoris & /xvewis ^^p^*' Sirecte calculum ponas, ubique naufragium eft. / Pet. Arb. Cantabrigian: Apud Thomam Buck, & Rogerum Daniel, celeberrimae AcademiaB typographos. 1638. 4to, full olive green crushed levcmt morocco, elaborately tooled au pointille, gilt. Collation: A-D, in fours; E, six leaves; F-12, in fours. As originally printed, E comprised only four leaves, but it being discovered that an additional set of Latin verses had been omitted, they were printed on an extra sheet of two leaves (the first marked E4), which was inserted between E3 and the original E4. The First Edition. The occasion of this collection of verses was the drowning of Edward King during his passage from Chester in 1637, when the ship was lost in the Irish Sea and sev- eral of the passengers perished. The verses were written in love and remembrance by his sorrowing friends. The last piece in the book entitled * * Lyeidas ' ' and signed with the initials * * J. M., ' ' is by John Milton, and this is its first appearance in print. MILTON (John).— Poems / of / Mr. John Milton, / Both / English and Latin, / Composed at feveral times. / Printed by his true Copies. / The Songs were fet in Mufick by / Mr. Henry Lawes Gentleman of / the Kings Chappel, and one / of His Maiesties / Private Mufick./ Baccare frontem / Cingite, ne vati noceat mala lingua future, / Virgil, Eclog. 7. / Printed and publifh'd according to / Order. London, / Printed by Ruth Raworth for Humphrey Mofeley, / and are to be fold at the 221 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAEY OE figne of the Princes / Arms in S. Pauls Church- yard, 1645. 8vo, contemporary sheep, uncut. Collation: A, four leaves; A-H4, in eights; A-F4, in eights. The first collected edition of Milton's poems, bearing his name in full for the first time. The frontispiece portrait by Marshall is the first published of Milton, setat. 21, with a Greek inscription, intended by the poet as a satire on Marshall for representing him as older. Translated, it reads: "Will anyone say that this portrait was the work of an in- genious hand ; my very friends, looking at mine own natural coun- tenance, know not whom it represents, but laugh at the awkward imitation of the idiotic artist." There are two varieties of title-page, with imprimatur con- taining "S. Pauls" or "Pauls." There is nothing to show priority, except that **S. Pauls" is rarer. The two parts of the volume have separate pagination, with a separate title in Latin for the second part. This volume contains all the poems written by Milton up to the date of its publication. Excepting * ' Lycidas, " " Comus, ' ' and the epitaph on Shakespeare, all the pieces were here printed for the first time. This copy contains the bookplate of Edwd. Carleton Arundel. On the fly-leaf is written "Edwd. Carleton 1738." MILTON (John). — eikonokaasths / In Anfwer / To a Book Intitl'd / eikan basiaikh./ The / Portrature of his Sacred Majesty / in Solitudes and sufferings. / The Author I. M. / Prov. 28: 15, 16, 17. / 15. As a roaring Lyon, and a ranging Beare, fo is a wicked Ru/ler over the poor people/ 16. The Prince that wanteth underftanding, is alio a great op/ preffor; but he that hateth covetoufneffe fhall prolong his dayes. / 17. A man that doth violence to the blood of any perfon, fhall fly / to the pit, let no man ftay him. / Saluft. Conjurat. Catilin. / Regium imperium, quod initio, confervandsB liber- 222 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER talis, atque augendai rei/pub. causa fuerat, in fuperbiam, dominationemque fe convertit. / Eegibus boni, quam mali, fufpectiores funt; femperque his aliena virtus for/midolofa eft. / Quidlibet impune facere, hoc fcilicet regium eft. / Publifhed by Authority. / London, Printed by Matthew Simmons, next dore to the gilded / Lyon in Alderfgate ftreet. 1649. 4to, full vellum gilt, edges entirely uncut. Collation: One leaf without signature; B-Z and Aa-Ii, in fours; Kk, two leaves. Title, as above, printed in black and red, one leaf (verso blank). *'The Preface,*' Bl-Cl. The work, C2-Kk2. The First Edition. This work, as the title indicates, was written in answer to the book entitled EIKii'N BASIAIKH', believed at the time to have been written by Charles I, though John Gauden was probably its author. After the Restoration it was ordered by the House of Commons, on June 16, 1660, to be burned by the common hangman, together with the "Defensio Pro Populo Angli- cano,'* by the same author. MILTON (John).— Paradife Loft. / A Poem / Written in / Ten Books / By John Milton. / Licenfed and Entred according / to Order. / London / Printed, and are to be fold by Peter Parker / under Creed Church neer Aldgate ; And by / Robert Boulter at the Turks Head in Bifhopf- gate-ftreet; / And Matthias Walker, under St. Dunftons Church / in Fleet-ftreet, 1667. 12mo, full dark green morocco. Collation: Two leaves without signatures; A-Z and A-Vv2, in fours. The First Issue of the First Edition. There were eight distinct issues of the first edition. This is the first with the first title, 223 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OP according to Masson, and is a particularly large copy, measuring seven and two-sixteenths by five and two-sixteenths inches. To insure a copy being of the first issue, the following points are necessary: The title is the only preliminary leaf; and as regards the text, the penultimate line of Book III is * * Throws his steep flight with many an aerie wheele. " In the later issues, **with'* was altered to "in. " In the first four issues of the title-page, though printed in two separate years, the first, second, third and fifth lines were printed from the same type, each con- taining the slight nick in the top of the long '*s" in * * Paradife, ' ' and the cut in the lower part of the ''B*' in "Books.*' On the fly-leaf is written "John Dillon 1864" and on the verso of this leaf, "Joyce Sawyer Jan; ye 3rd 1732." MILTON (John).— Paradise Eegain'd. / A Poem. / In IV Books. / To which is added / Samson Agonistes. / The Author / John Milton. / London, / Printed by J. M. for John Starkey at the / Mitre in Fleet ftreet, near Temple-Bar. / MDCLXXI. 6vo, full morocco, edges entirely uncut, by Riviere. Collation: A, two leaves; B-0, in eights; P, four leaves. The First Edition. The first two leaves (License and Title) and the last leaf (Errata) have been most skilfully enlarged. Otherwise the copy is in an uncut state throughout. MILTON (John).— Poems, &c. / Upon / Sev- eral Oceafions. / By / Mr. John Milton: / Both English and Latin, &c. / Compofed at feveral times. / With a fmall Tractate of / Education / To Mr. Hartlib. London, / Printed for Tho. Dring at the Blew Anchor / next Mitre Court over againft Fetter / Lane in Fleet-ftreet. 1673. 6vo, full dark red crushed levant morocco, 224 CHARLES TfiMPLETON CRdCKER richly tooled sides and back, inside dentelles, by Roger de Coverly, Collation: A, four leaves; A-S, in eights. The Second Edition. In addition to all that were published in the first edition of 1645, this contains a number of poems printed here for the first time. The tract "Of Education. To Mr. Hartlib'* was first published as a separate piece in 1644. The book also occurs with the following variation in the im- print : ' * London, Printed for Tho. Dring at the White Lion next Chancery Lane End, in Fleet-ftreet. 1673. »' MISSAL [Printed].— Missale Juxta Ritum Eo- clesie Romane. Paris, 1555. Thick small 8vo, maroon velvet, with silver outer binding, the back figure and scroll work, the sides perforated in a tracery of leaf and scroll work, with heads of cherubs in relief at the corners and center. Printed in red and black with notations, and with the printer's device engraved on the title-page, and many woodcuts in the text. One of the Missals used during the sixteenth century in France, and prized for the beauty of their printing and illustrations. MOLIERE (Jean Baptiste Poquelin). — CEuvres Completes de Moliere. Collationees sur les textes originaux et commentees par M. Louis Moland. Deuxieme Edition. Soigneusement re- vue et considerablement augmentee. Une compo- sition de Staal, gravee sur acier, aecompagne chaque piece. Paris, MDCCCLXXXV. 8vo, twelve volumes, half calf, gilt top, uncut, 225 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF MOLIERE (Jean BaptistbI Poquelin). — CEuvres Completes de Moliere. Edition Var- iorum. Bibliotlieque-Charpentier. Paris, n. d. 12mOy three volumes, three-quarters morocco, gilt top, uncut. MOORE (George). — Evelyn Innes. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1898. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition. MOORE (George). — Memoirs of my Dead Life. William Heinemann, London, 1906. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition. MORE (Sir Thomas).— Utopia. See Kelmscott Press. MORIN (Louis). — Carnavals Parisiens. Paris : Montgredin et Cie., n. d. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. Beautifully illustrated, with the plates in two states, coloured and black and white: Bals des Quatres- Arts ; Vache Enragee; Bals du Currier; Boeuf Gras; Corteges des ifitudiants; Corteges du Moulin Rouge. 226 chahles tejm1»leton Crocker MORRIS (William).— The Defence of Guene- vere, and Other Poems. London, 1858. 12mOy original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. One of the author's earliest works, dedi- cated to Dante Gabriel Bossetti. MORRIS (William). See Kelmscott Press. MUMFORD (John Kimberly).— Oriental Rugs. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1905. 8v0y cloth, gilt top, uncut. Illustrated with many coloured plates. MURET (Theodore).— L'Histoire par le The- atre, 1789-1851. Paris, 1865. 12mo, three volumes, three-quarters morocco, gilt top, uncut, with the original covers hound in. Illustrated with numerous plates relating to the text, and with an A. L. S. of Bonaparte (Vol. I, page 190), " Mortef ontaine, le 17 fructidor an II," addressed to '* Citizen Ministre." Also other autographs by famous Frenchmen. MUSSET (Louis Charles Alfred de). — La Confession d'un Enfant du Siecle. Compositions de P. Jazet, Gravees a 1 'Eau-Forte par E. Abot. Paris, Ancienne Maison Quantin, Libraries- Imprimeries Reunies, May & Motteroz, Directures 7, rue Saint Benoit, MDCCCXCL 12mo, full green crushed levant morocco, 227 Ca1^alo6u® Of Tm: library o^ stamped in gold with red medallions, hy Philippe, with original pictorial covers hound in, Cette Edition a 4te tiree k Six Cent Vingt Examplaires Verge de Hollande. / MUSSET (Louis Charles Alfred de) et STAHL (P. J.).-~Voyage ou II Vous Plaira, etc. Vignettes par Tony Johannot. Paris, 1843. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, MUSSET (Louis Charles Alfred de). — La Nuit Venitienne, etc. See Brunellesehi Illustrations. MYTHOLOGY OF ALL RACES.— Louis Her- bert Gray, Editor, George Foot Moore, D.D., Con- sulting Editor. Boston, 1917. 8vo, fourteen volumes, huohram. The following is the list of authors, with their subjects: Classical, William Sherwood Fox, Princeton University. Teutonic, Axel Olrik, University of Copenhagen. Celtic, Canon John A. MacCulloch. Slavic, Jan Machal, University of Prague. Finno-Ugric, Siberian, Uno Holmberg, University of Helsing- fors. Semitic, E. Campbell Thompson, F.S.A. Indian, A. Berriedale Keith, Edinburgh University. Iranian, Albert J. Carnoy, University of Louvain. Armenian, Mardiros Ananikian, B.D. African, George Foucart. Chinese, U. Hattori, University of Tokio. Japanese, Masaharu Anesake, University of Tokio. Oceanic, Roland Burrage Dixon, Harvard University. North American, Hartley Burr Alexander, University of Nebraska. 228 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER American (Latin), Hartley Burr Alexander, University of Nebraska. Egypt, W. Max MuUer, University of Pennsylvania. Far East, Sir James George Scott. Index, Louis Herbert Gray, Ph.D. NAPOLEON. FORSYTH (William F.).-~Hi8. tory of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena, From the Letters & Journals of the late Lieut.- Gen. Sir Hudson Lowe; and Official Documents not before made Public. In Three Volumes. With Portrait and Map. London : John Murray, 1853. 8vo, three volumes, half morocco, marbled edges. NORDENSKIOLD (A. E.).— Facsimile Atlas to the Early History of Cartography, with Re- productions of the Most Important Maps Printed in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries; with English Text Rendered from the Swedish by Elelof and Clements R. Markham. Vol. I. Stockholm, 1889. Folio, half morocco. This work contains fifty-one large maps and eighty-four of a smaller size, reproducing the rarest and most important maps printed in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. A scientific work of great value on the subject of cartography. Jomard and Santarem produced a somewhat imperfect volume of an ' * Illustrated History of Cartography, ' ' treating irregularly upon the manuscript sources; Nordenskiold 's Atlas might be called the the complete second volume dealing with the entire printed or engraved material. It is indispensable as furnishing by far the best material for studying the growth of geographical science, and the gradual increase of our knowledge of the surface of the globe. 229 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF NUREMBERG CHRONICLE. [SCHEDEL (Hartmann.)] — Registriira / huiiis Ope- / ris Libri Cro-/nicarum / cu figuris et ymagi- / bus ab inico riiudi. Nuremberg: Anthonius Koberger, 1493. Folio, full dark brown crushed levant morocco, gilt, by Stikeman, Collation: twenty unnumbered leaves, leaves I to CCLXVI (1-266), six unnumbered leaves (the sixth blank), leaves CCLXVII to CCC (267-300). The First Edition. With upwards of two thousand woodcuts by Wohlgemuth and Pleydenwurff, including numerous large views of many celebrated genealogical trees, maps, etc. Printed in Gothic type. Among the woodcuts are remarkable the portrait of Pope Joan, which is often mutilated, but perfect in this copy; a Dance of Death, a Map of the World, and a large Map of Europe. Michael Wolgemuth, one of the designers of the woodcuts, was the master of Albrecht Diirer. On the verso of 1-290 is a brief account of the Portuguese voyage of discovery along the coast of Africa in 1483 (1484), under the direction of Diego Lam and Martin Beham of Nuremberg, which has been used as a basis for the unwarranted theory that the expedition reached America. This is a fine large copy, measuring seventeen and six-eighths by eleven and seven-eighths inches, and having the six leaves "de Sarmatia," and the four blank leaves; of these one is the last of the unfoliated supplement of **de Sarmatia,'' and other three are foliated, CCLVIIII, CCLX, CCLXI, and were left blank, so that posterity, down to the end of the sixth age of the world, might be able to add notes and remarks. The Colophon is on the verso of the last leaf. OIHENART (Arnauld).— Proverbes Basques Recueillis Par Arnauld Oihenart. Suivis des Poesies Basques du Meme Auteur. Seconde ;fidi- tion. Revue, Corrigee, Augmentee d'une traduc- tion frangaise des poesies et d'un appendioe, et precedee d'une introduction bibliographique. 230 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Bordeaux: Imprimerie de Prosper Faye. MDCCCXLVII. 12m0y half morocco, sprinkled edges, OVID. — Metamorphoses. Studio, Jacopus Pon- tanus. Antwerp, 1657. 16mo, mottled calf, gilt, doubtless hi/ an Ameri- can binder, Thomas Jefferson's copy, with his private mark on page one hundred and ninety-three, and a part of the slip, containing direc- tions for the binder, still inserted (not in Jefferson's hand, how- ever). There are various passages marked with an "X" through- out. OVID. — P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoses. Antuerpiae ex Officina Plantiniana apud vidua, & lonnem Moretum. Kal. Ian. Anno M. D. XCI. 4to, old calf, red edges. Engraved title-page, frontispiece portrait and seventy-eight plates and tailpieces by Peter van der Borcht. The text opposite the plates is ruled in colours. PELHAM (Camden). See Hablot K. Browne. **PHIZ." See Hablot K. Browne. POE (Edgar Allan). — The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. New York, 1838. 12mo, original cloth with label, uncut. The First Edition, with the sixteen pages of advertisements, 231 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBKARY OF POE (Edgar Allan).— The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Edited by C. F. Richardson. G. P. Putnam's Sons: New York and London. The Knickerbocker Press, [1902]. 8vo, ten volumes, three-quarters morocco, gilt top, uncut. POE (Edgar Allan). — Autograph Letter Signed. **New York — May 21. My Dear Mr. Willis, Seeing that you, now and then, published Original Papers in the 'New Mirror,' I have ventured to send you a Tale and an Essay for consideration. If you could afford me anything for them, or for either of them, I would feel highly honored by their appearance in your paper. I have long been exceedingly anxious to make the acquaintance of the author of 'Melanie, ' and, more especially, of a little poem entitled 'Unseen Spirits,' and would have called upon you per- sonally, but that I am ill in health and wretchedly depressed in spirits. By and bye I will try and find you at the office of the 'Mirror.' Will you please reply, at your leisure, through the P. Office? Should you not be able to accept the articles, I would be obliged if you would retain them until I see you. Yours with the highest respect, Edgar A. Poe. N. P. Willis Esqre." Ad- dressed on the back of the sheet in Poe's writing: "N. P. Willis Esqre. Office of the 'New-Mirror' New- York." PEESCOTT (William Hickling) .— The Works of William H. Prescott. [Philadelphia] : J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1914. 8vo, twenty-two volumes, full green morocco, gilt tops, uncut. The Aztec Edition, limited to two hundred and fifty copies. PRIOR (Matthew) and MONTAGU (Charles, first Earl of Halifax).— The / Hind / And The / Panther / Transvers'd / To the Story of / The 232 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Country-Mouf e and the City-Mouf e. / Much Malice mingled with a little Wit. Hind. Pan. / Nee vult Panthera domari. Quae Genus. / London: /Printed for W. Davis, MDGLXXXVII. 4to, full straight grain morocco, gilt, by The Club Bindery, The First Edition, and a fine large copy with nearly all leaves uncut. Prior's first publication, written while a student at Cambridge. This work is a satire directed against Dryden's **The Hind and the Panther," and it occasioned him great annoyance. Although Montagu's name is always associated with Prior's in the author- ship, it is probable that he wrote the Preface only. PSALTER OR PSALMS OF DAVID (The).— After the Translation of the Great Bible, Pointed as it should be Sung in Churches, with the Addi- tion of Morning and Evening Prayer. London: Printed for the Societie of Stationers, 1635. — THE HOLY BIBLE. Containing the Old Testa- ment and the New. London, 1638.— THE NEW TESTAMENT OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. London, 1638. 12mo, bound together in a beautiful specimen of English embroidered binding of the early part of the seventeenth century, QUEEN'S CHRISTMAS CAROL.— An An- thology of Poems, Stories, Essays, Drawings, and Music by British Authors, Artists and Composers. Published by the Daily Mail, 1905, on Behalf of the Queen's Fund for the Unemployed. Small 4to, 233 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF RABELAIS (FRANgois).— CEuvres de Maitre FranQois Rabelais, avec des Remarques Histor- iques et Critiques de M. Le Duchat. Nouvelle edition, Omee de Figures de B. Picart, &c. Aug- mentee de Quantite de Nouvelles Remarques de M. le Duchat, de celles de P£/dition Angloise des CEuvres de Rabelais, de ses Lettres, & de Plus- ieurs Pieces Curieuses & Interessantes. Amsterdam: Jean-Frederic Bernard, 1741. 4t0y three volumes j full calf, special tooling, gilt, by Derome, The best edition, with brilliant impressions of the plates by Tanj6, Folkema, and fine vignettes by Picart. Frontispieces of Volumes I and III engraved by Picart, and in Vol. II designed and engraved by Folkema. Portrait engraved by Tanje, and three views, a map, an engraving of a bottle, and twelve plates by Ber- naerts, Folkema, and Tanj6 after Du Bourg. RABELAIS (FRANgois). — CEuvres de Frangois Rabelais. Edition Conforme aux Derniers Textes Revis par PAuteur. Notice et un Glossaire par Pierre Jannet. Illustrations de A. Robida. Paris, n. d. 4to, two volumes, half dark maroon morocco, inlaid tooling. Only one hundred copies printed on papier de Chine. RACKHAM ILLUSTRATIONS. — IRVING (Washington). Rip Van Winkle. With Draw- ings by Arthur Rackham, A.R.W.S. London, 1905. 4to, original cloth, uncut. Large Paper copy. 234 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER RACKHAM ILLUSTRATIONS.— FOUQUE (De la Motte). Undine, Adapted from the Grerman by W. L. Courtney and illustrated by Arthur Rackham. London, 1909. 4tOj full red crushed levant morocco, gilt, hy Zaehnsdorf. RACKHAM ILLUSTRATIONS. — SWIFT (Jonathan). Gulliver's Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. London, 1909. 4to, white cloth, ribbon ties, uncut. Large Paper edition, with the plate ' ' The Yahoos ' ' at page two hundred and fifty-six in this edition only, of which seven hundred and fifty copies were printed. RACKHAM ILLUSTRATIONS.— WAGNER (Richard). Siegfried & The Twilight of the Gods. With illustrations by Arthur Rackham. Translated by Margaret Armour. London, 1911. 4to, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Wood, RACKHAM ILLUSTRATIONS.— ^SOP 'B FABLES. A New Translation by V. S. Vernon and an Introduction by G. K. Chesterton, and Illustrations by Arthur Rackham. London, 1912. 4to, white cloth, uncut. This edition was limited to fourteen hundred and fifty numbered and signed copies. 235 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF EACKHAM ILLUSTRATIONS.— MALORY (Sir Thomas). The Romance of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table. Abridged from Malory's Morte d 'Arthur by Alfred W. Pollard. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. London, 1917. 4t0y full parchment, gilt top, uncut. Large Paper, only five hundred printed, and signed by the artist. REYNARD THE FOX.— Reynard the Fox. A Poem in Twelve Cantos. Translated from the German by E. W. Hollaway. With Thirty-seven Engravings on Steel, after Designs by H. Leute- mann. Published by the Proprietors for A. H. Payne. Dresden and Leipzig. W. French. London, 67, Paternoster Row. Small folio, full niger morocco, symbolic tool- ing in gold and inlaid leather, by Kelly and Sons. RILEY (James Whitcomb).— The Old Swim- min'-Hole. Indianapolis, [1895]. 12mo, red silk, gilt top, uncut. Illustrated. Only one hundred copies of this Autograph Edition were printed each signed by the Author. RIVIERE (P. Louis).— Poh-Deng. Scenes de la Vie Siamoise. Piazza, Paris, n. d. 8vo, pictorial paper covers. L 'Edition d 'Art. Illustrated in colours by H. De la Nezi^re. 236 CHAKLES TEMPLETON CROCKER ROBERTS (W.).— Rare Books and Their Prices, with Chapters on Pictures, Pottery, Porce- lain and Postage Stamps. New York, 1896. 12mo, ROBINSON ILLUSTRATIONS. — KIPLING (Rudyard). a Song of the English. By Rudyard Kipling. Illustrated by W. Heath Robinson. Hodder & Stoughton, London, n. d. 4to, full morocco, gilt top, uncut. The Autograph Edition de Luxe, limited to fifty copies, and signed by Rudyard Kipling. ROMAN EMPRESSES or, The History of the Lives and Secret Intrigues of the Wives of the Twelve Caesars. [By Jacques Roergas de Serviez.] With Historical and Critical Notes. London, 1899, The Walpole Press. 6vo, two volumes, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Printed for Subscribers only. ROSTAND (Edmond).— Chanticler. Piece en Quatre Actes, en Vers. Paris, 1910. 6vo, morocco, stamped. One of one thousand copies printed on imperial Japanese paper, with leather cover in relief by Rene Lalique, and facsimile of a coloured drawing by Edmond Rostand. ROWLANDSON ILLUSTRATIONS.— [GROSE (Francis).] ** Geoffrey Gambado." An Academy 237 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF for Grown Horsemen; Containing the Completest Instructions for Walking, Trotting, Cantering, Galloping, Stumbling, and Tumbling. Also The Annals of Horsemanship: Containing Accounts of Accidental Experiments and Experimental Ac- cidents, both Successful and Unsuccessful; Com- municated by Various Correspondents to the Author, Geoffrey Gambado, Esq., Riding Master, Master of the Horse, and Grand Equerry to the Doge of Venice. Embellished with twenty-nine spirited plates, all in colour, by Thomas Rowland- son, after designs by H. Bunbury. London, 1809. 6v0f full calf, gilt. The First Issue of this Edition, and a fine tall copy, with the two leaves containing the notice by the editor, one to each part. The plates for this edition were all re-engraved, in 1808, and are so dated, although the work was not published until 1809. RUSKIN (John).— The Stones of Venice. Vol- ume the First. The Foundations. By John Ruskin. [Two Lines.] With Illustrations Drawn by the Author. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 65 Cornhill. 1851- [1853]. 6vo, three volumes, half morocco, marbled edges. The First Edition and Lewis Carroirs copy with his name writ- ten on the title-page of each volume. The plates and cuts, made by various processes, mezzotinting, lithography, line engraving, and woodcutting, mark most clearly the advance in bookmaking which had taken place within the half century. In later editions the plates were re-engraved. CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER RUSKIN (John). Works. Edited by E. T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn. London, 1903-1912. 8vo, thirty-nine volumes, cloth, uncut. With fifteen hundred illustrations. Complete Authorized Library Edition, containing many articles which have never before been published. This edition will prob- ably never be superseded as the standard edition. The illustra- tions include one hundred drawings by Ruskin never before published. SAINT-PEL AIE ( M. De. ) .—The Literary History of the Troubadours. Containing their Lives, Extracts from their Works, and many Par- ticulars relative to the Customs, Morals, and History of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Collected and Abridged from the French of M. De Saint-Pelaie, by the Author of the Life of Petrarch. London, Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand, MDCCLXXIX. 8vo, three-quarters blue morocco. SAPPHO.— The Poems of Sappho. An Inter- pretive Rendition into English By John Myers O'Hara. Portland, 1910. 16mo. Of this edition only five hundred copies were printed on hand- made paper from type, afterwards distributed. SCOTT (Sir Walter).— Autograph Letter Signed. Castle Street, n. d. Signed ^^W. Scott." 8vo, three pages. About some building he wished altered and a lodge built; evi- dently written to an architect. 239 CATALOGUE OP THE LIBKARY OF SERVIEZ (Jacques Eoergas de). See Roman Empresses. SHAKESPEARE (William). — Poems: / Written / by / Wil. Shake-speare. / Gent. / Printed at London by Tho. Cotes, and are / to be sold by lohn Benson, dwelling in / St. Dunstans Church-yard, 1640. 16mo, original sheep, with contemporary calf hack, gilt. The First Edition, and a very tall copy, measuring five and a half by three and five-eighths inches. Only five other perfect copies have been sold at auction in the last twenty-five years. Contains on the fifth leaf of the volume a second title-page, identical with the first except for the omission of the date. This is frequently missing. It is preceded by two prefatory poems by John Warren and Leonard Digges, the latter being a most valuable contribution to our knowledge concerning Shakespeare and his plays, showing that his dramas always brought crowded houses while Ben Jonson's ''Volpone" — the most popular of all dramatic works by others than Shakespeare — sometimes scarcely defrayed the ' ' sea-coale fire and doore-keepers. ' ' The last eleven leaves are occupied by '*An Addition of some excellent Poems, to Those Precedent, of renowned Shakespeare, by other Gentlemen." These are by Ben Jonson, Francis Beaumont, John Milton, Robert Herrick, and others. The only collected edition of Shakespeare 's poems that was pub- lished during the seventeenth century. SHAKESPEARE (William).— Poems of Wil- liam Shakespeare. See Kelmscott Press. SHAKESPEARE (William). —The Complete Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. London : William Pickering, 1826. 12mo, full crushed levant morocco, inlaid and 240 CHAHLES TEMPLEfON CROCKER tooled in gold, watered silk douhlures and flies, by Riviere, The famous Pickering edition of Shakespeare's Works, pro- fusely illustrated with miniature steel plates beautifully engraved. A fine specimen of the binder's and printer's art, bound after a Charles the Second period binding. SHAKESPEARE (William).— The Works of: The Cambridge Text from the latest edition of William Aldis Wright; with Introduction, Notes and Glossaries to each Play by Israel Gollancz. The Complete Notes with Variorum Readings and General Glossary of Alexander Dyce; a General Introduction and Life of the Poet, by W. J. Rolfe, and a History of the Drama, and General Crit- icism by Henry N. Hudson and Others. [Boston] : Dana Estes & Co., 1901. 8vo, twenty-four volumes, three-quarters crim- son crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. The New Century Edition de Luxe. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe).— Queen Mab; / A / Philosophical Poem: / With Notes. / By Percy Bysshe Shelley. / London: / Printed by P. B. Shelley, / 23, Chapel Street, Grosvenor Square, / 1813. 8vo, full morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. The First Edition, and extremely rare with the title-page, dedi- cation **To Harriet *****,'» and Shelley's imprint at the end, all of which are usually lacking. The book was privately printed and never intended for anything but private circulation. After his separation from Harriet West- brook, Shelley tore out the dedication, title and imprint, in the copies that remained undistributed. The notes also excited per- secution of the author. Very few copies are found intact. 241 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). ' See Doves Press and Kelmscott Press. SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley).— The Ri- vals. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre- Royal in Covent-Garden. London: Printed for John Wilkie, No. 71 St. PauPs Church-yard, 1775. 8vo, marbled calf. The First Edition and a tall copy. Contains the rare half-title, the Prologue and the Epilogue, also the leaf of ''Errata" on verso of which is the "Dramatis Personse, " including Quick, Lewes, Mrs. Bulkley, and others. Sometimes the Prologue is bound at the end, the catchword calling for it. In this case it is bound in its proper place, after the text. SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley) .—The Rivals. Another copy, and perfect, though smaller. Full morocco, by Riviere. SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley). — ^Verses to the Memory of Garrick. Spoken as a Monody at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, By R. B. Sher- idan. London, 1779. 4t0y original boards, uncut. The First Edition, containing the half-title. The frontispiece is engraved by Albanesi after Loutherbourg. SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley).— The Critic: or, A Tragedy Rehearsed. A Dramatic Piece in 242 CHAELfiS /fEMPLETdir CROCKER Three Acts, as it is Performed at the Theatre Royal, in Drury Lane. London : Printed for T. Becket, 1781. 8v0y sewn. The First Edition and a Presentation Copy, with "From the Author" on verso of title. Vignette on title. This is the generally accepted First Edition, although there ia a copy in the British Museum dated 1780. A portion of the first edition consisted of ninety-eight pages (like the above copy). Both are exactly the same up to page eighty. It is not known whether Sheridan contracted the play by two pages, or extended it by two, although the former has generally been considered the first edition. SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley).— A Trip to Scarborough. A Comedy. As Performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. Altered from Vanbrugh's Relapse; or, Virtue in Danger. London, MDCCLXXXL 8v0j full moroccOy gilt top, uncut. The First Edition, with the half-title and the Prologue, written by David Garrick. SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley).— The School for Scandal. A Comedy; As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. Dublin: Printed in the Year, 1782. 8vOy full red crushed levant morocco, gold pan- elled sides, inside borders, uncut, by Birdsall, The First Edition, very rare in an uncut condition, and pub- lished anonymously. This copy lacks the leaf of Errata on verso of the last leaf, but contains the Epilogue, and the London cast. There is a record of the sale of a copy dated "1781.'* The British Museum copy has a final blank leaf. Bound in at the end is a page numbered 339-340, entitled '^The American Negociator," having the value of sterling reduced to Irish money, and vice versa. 243 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OP SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley).— The Du- enna. A Comic Opera. In three Acts. As Per- formed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, with Universal Applause. London, 1794. 8vo, full green morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. The First Authorized Edition, although the first printed was issued in 1785. SHERIDAN ( Richard Brinsley) . — Pizarro. A Tragedy. In five Acts; as Performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane: taken from the German Drama of Kotzebue; and adapted to the English Stage by Richard Brinsley Sheridan. London, 1799. 8vo, full crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere, The First Edition, containing the page of advertisement regard- ing Kotzebue's ** Spaniards in Peru," the leaf of dedication and the Prologue. SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley). — Autograph Letter Signed. From the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Re- garding the tardy payment for the rental of the building. Signed **R. B. Sheridan." Narrow folio, one page. SIDDONS (Sarah).— The Life of Mrs. Sid- dons. By Thomas Campbell. London: Effingham Wilson .... 1834. 8vo, two volumes, full citron crushed levant mo- 244 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER rocco, hack and sides elaborately tooled in the manner of Derome, gilt on the rough, by David, Extra-illustrated by the insertion of one hundred and eighty- six portraits, etc., including forty-one portraits of Mrs. Siddons, a brilliant mezzotint of E. Kean, coloured portrait of Kynaston, and a water-colour drawing of Glasgow Cathedral. A large num- ber of the plates are in proof state. The collection of portraits of Mrs. Siddons is very extensive, and many are of great rarity. SIDDONS (Sarah).— The Life of Mrs. Sid- dons. By Thomas Campbell. London: Effingham, Wilson .... 1834. 8v0f two volumes, extended to four, full red mo- rocco, gilt, William Upcott's copy, containing in addition to the portrait of Mrs. Siddons, by Lupton after Sir Thomas Lawrence, two hun- dred and fourteen portraits, of which sixty are of Mrs. Siddons, including the oval by Ogborn after Harding, in two states, red (proof) and black, and the "Grecian Daughter," by Trotter after Lawrence. Autographs and letters of Mrs. Bracegirdle, Henry and Cecilia Siddons, E. Carll, Thomas Davies, the Duchess of Devonshire, and many others have been inserted. Also several Bills of the Play, 1766, etc., a **pass" to the gallery, written by Sarah Siddons, a water-colour drawing of the actress' home at West- bourne and a sepia drawing of her tomb at Paddington Church, together with a number of contemporary newspaper announce- ments, etc. SIDNEY (Sir Philip).— The Comtesse / of Pembrokes / Arcadia. / Written by Sir / Philippe / Sidnei. / London, / Printed for William Ponfonbie. / Anno Domini, 1590. Sm^ll 4to, full crushed levant morocco, gilt on the rough, special tooling, by Riviere, Collation : A-Vz, in eights. The First Edition, and one of the rarest books in the English language, not over six perfect copies being known. This copy has 245 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF the title, dedication, and two leaves in facsimile, and contains the rare blank leaf before the title, usually missing. There is a slight difference in the imprint of the title-page in some copies, most of them reading ** Printed by John Windet for William Ponsonbie. ' ' Only two or three copies are known with the imprint omitting Windet 's name, as in this case. When Queen Elizabeth visited Sidney with her displeasure in 1580, he withdrew to his sister's, the Countess of Pembroke. There he wrote the ''Arcadia," said to have been suggested by the "Arcadia" of Sanzarro, a Neapolitan poet. The influence of this romance on contemporary literature was remarkable. Among Sidney's imitators were Shakespeare, Spenser, Beaumont and Fletcher. This copy contains many signatures and scribblings in contem- porary handwriting. SILVER BUTTONS.— Impressions from a Set of Silver Buttons, Eelative to the Sports of the Field. Drawn by A. Cooper, KA. Engraved by Mr. J. Scott. London, MDCCCXXI. 12mo, original boards, with large engraved paper label on front cover. On inside of front cover is pasted a newspaper article relative to this book. SIMPSON ( James H.).— Journal of a Military Reconnaissance, from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to the Navajo Country, made under command of Brevet Lieut.-Col. John M. Washington, Chief of the Ninth Military Department, and Governor of New Mexico, in 1849. Philadelphia, 1852. 8vo, cloth. This book contains many finely coloured plates and lithographic views, portraits of Indians, etc. This is one of the most accurate and complete of all narra- tives of exploration of the Country of the Zuni and the Pueblo 246 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Indians. The examinations and journals were made by a most intelligent and scrupulous explorer, as is evidenced by the numerous carefully drawn pictures of the different phases of aboriginal life and history. SMOLLETT (Tobias).— The Works of Tobias Smollett. New York, George D. Sproul, 1902. 8vo, twelve volumes, cloth, with paper labels. Limited Edition of one thousand copies. SPECTATOR (The). See Addison (Joseph). SPENSER (Edmund).— Colin Clovts / Come Home Againe. / By Ed. Spencer. / London / Printed for William Ponsonbie. / 1595. Small 4tOy full dark green morocco, gilt, by Bed- ford. Collation: A-K, in fours. The First Edition, a perfect copy from the Locker-Lampson Library. Of special interest, as it contains a note in Locker- Lampson 's handwriting on the fly-leaf. This note refers to Spenser's reference to Shakespeare, under the name of *' Action,*' in signature C2 : * * Aetion refers to Shakespeare, no other heroic poet had a name of heroic sound. Jonson, Fuller, and Bancroft have similar allusions to his name. '* There is another note oppo- site signature B2. The Dedication, "From my houfe of Kilcolman, the 27 of De- cember, 1591," is to Sir Walter Ealeigh, "the Ocean Shepherd" of the poem. A volume of interest, containing the first edition of Spenser's lament on the Death of Sir Philip Sidney, his beauti- ful * * Astrophel. ' ' Among the names of the characters in the poem are Mary, Countess of Pembroke, Countess of Huntington, Lady Price, Sir Philip Sidney, etc. 247 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF SPENSER (Edmund).— The Faerie / Queene. / Disposed into twelve books, / Fafhioning XII. Moral vertues. / [Woodcut design.] / London, / Printed for William Ponfonbie, / 1590 The Second / Part of the / Faerie Queene. / Con- taining / The Fourth, Fifth, and / Sixth Bookes. / By Ed. Spenfer. / [Woodcut design.] / Imprinted at London for William / Ponfonby, 1596. Small 4tOy two volumes, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt, hy Riviere. The First Issue of the First Part, which is very rare, with the blank space for the Welsh words on page 332, and all the extra sonnets at the end, following page 606. Of the second part only one issue was made. The leaves are clean and the margins in both volumes are unusually wide. The Charles Lilburn, Beverly Chew and Henry E. Huntington copies. STEELE (Eichard).— The Tatler. By Isaac Bickerstaff. Complete Set of the two hundred and seventy-one original numbers. Tuesday, April 12th, 1709, to Thursday, January 2d, 1710. London, 1709-1710. Folio, full morocco. Of the two hundred and seventy-one numbers, one hundred and eighty-eight were written by Steele, forty-two by Addison and thirty-six by both Addison and Steele. Numbers 8, 41, and 167, contain references to Shakespeare. STERLING (George). --Thirty-five Sonnets by George Sterling. Published by The Book Club of California, [1917]. [Colophon] : Three hundred copies of this book 248 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER have been printed for The Book Club of California by Taylor and Taylor, San Francisco. The dec- orations are by Frederick W. Goudy, New York. June MDCCCCXVII. 8v0y hoards, gilt top, uncut. STERNE (Laurence).— The Works of Lau- rence Sterne. Luke Hanford & Sons, 1808. 8v0y old calf, STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— The Pentland Rising. A Page of History 1866. ^A cloud of wit- nesses ly here, Who for Christ's interest did appear.' Inscription on Battle-field at Bullion Green, Edinburgh: Andrew Elliot, 17 Princes Street, 1866. 12mo, original wrappers, with the above title on the front cover. The First Edition. This is Stevenson's first publication, writ- ten when he was barely sixteen, and the outcome of his interest in the stories of the Covenanters, that he had learned in childhood from his nurse, Alison Cunningham. Only a small number were printed privately, most of which were bought up by his father. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. VIII, 1872-1873 : On the Thermal Influence of Forests. By Robert Louis Stevenson, Esq. Communi- cated by Thomas Stevenson, Esq. Edinburgh, 1873. 8vo, half crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, hy Zaehnsdorf, The First Edition. 249 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— On the Ther- mal Influence of Forests. By Robert Louis Stevenson, Esq. Edinburgh: Printed by Neill and Company, MDCCCLXXIIL 8v0y original pale blue wrappers, uncut. The First Separate Impression, a later one appearing with the words "From the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. VIII, 1872-73." on the title, and having dark blue wrappers. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— T/ie Cornhill Magazine, April, 1878, containing ''Aes Triplex" by Robert Louis Stevenson. [London, 1878.] 8vo, original wrappers. This article was later reprinted in '*Virginibus Puerisque." STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— T/ie Cornhill Magazine for July, 1878, containing ''The English Admirals,'' by Robert Louis Stevenson. [London, 1878.] 8vo, original covers. This article was reprinted in "Virginibus Puerisque." STEVENSON (Robert horns).— The Cornhill Magazine, March, 1878, containing ''Crabbed Age and Youth,'* by Robert Louis Stevenson. [London, 1878.] Svo, original wrappers. This article was reprinted in "Virginibus Puerisque.'* STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— T/ie Port- folio, 1878. An Artistic Periodical, The num- 250 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER bers from June to December inclusive, containing *^ Picturesque Notes of Edinburgh.'* Folio, half morocco, uncut, STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— An Inland Voyage. By Robert Louis Stevenson. *Thus sang they in tlie English boat. ' Marvell. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1, Paternoster Square. 1878. 12mo, original pictorial cloth, uncut. The First Edition, with frontispiece by Walter Crane. This cop7 contains the Williamson bookplate. STEVENSON ( Robert Louis) .—Edinburgh : Picturesque Notes By Robert Louis Stevenson, Author of 'An Inland Voyage.' With Etchings by A. Brunet-Debaines From Drawings by S. Bough, R.S.A., and W. E. Lockhart, R.S.A. And Vignettes by Hector Chalmers and R. Kent Thomas. Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 54 Fleet Street, London, MDCCCLXXIX. Folio, original cloth, gilt. This work was originally isued in The Portfolio, and although postdated 1879, was published in book form in December, 1878. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1 Paternoster Square, 1879. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. 251 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF STEVENSON (Robert Lovis).— The Cornhill Magazine for March, 1880, containing **Yoshida Torajiro'' by Eobert Louis Stevenson. [London, 1880.] 8vo, original wrappers. This article was later reprinted in ** Familiar Studies of Men and Books.*' STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— To F. J. S. Davos, April 3, 1881. A leaflet, consisting of one octavo page, on which is printed a poem of four stanzas of four lines each, signed R. L. S. The First Edition. These stanzas were addressed to the mother of Mr. F. A. Sit well, who died at Davos in 1881. They were re- printed under the title of **In Memoriam, F. A. S.'' in Under- woods, 1887, p. 59. STEVENSON (Robert Louis) .— Virginibus Puerisque and Other Papers. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1, Paternoster Square, 1881. 12m0j original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Familiar Studies of Men and Books. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London: Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1882. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. 252 CHARLES TEMPLETON' CROCKER STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— To M. I. Stev- enson. Feb. 11, 1882. From R. L. Stevenson and S. L. Osbourne. Printers: S. L. Osbourne & Co. Davos-Platz. 1882. 24mo, blue paper folded in two. One of the rare Davos-Platz productions. On the second page is a woodcut of a woman holding a daisy: "The Marguerite. Lawks I What a beautiful flower I ! T. S. ' ' STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Moral Em- blems. A Second Collection of Cuts and Verses. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Author of Latter- Day Arabian Nights. Travels with a Donkey. Not I, etc. Printers: S. L. Osbourne & Company. Davos- Platz. [1882.] 24mo, twelve pages, sewn. The First Edition. There are also five crude woodcuts, printed separately, and occupying the verso of the pages, and the verses on the recto. One of the rarest of all Stevenson items, as but a few were printed for the author's own amusement. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— The Story of a Lie. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London: Hayley & Jackson, Little Queen St., W. C, 1882. 12mo, original sheets, sewn, uncut. The First Edition in book form, known as the copyright issue. The ''Story of a Lie" was prepared for issue in 1882, but in conse- quence of a dispute, which arose with the proposed publishers upon the question of copyright, the project was abandoned. The work was never "made up," and the few copies that have survived are merely such sets of the sheets as chanced to have been preserved by the publishers and printers. 253 CATALOGUE OF THE LlBEABY OF STEVENSON (Eobert Louis).— New Arabian Nights by Robert Louis Stevenson. In Two Vol- umes. Vol. L [Vol. IL] London, Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1882. 12mo, two volumes, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Ijom^),— Longman's Magazine, April and May, 1883, containing *^The Treasure of Franchard.'' [London, 1883.] 8vo, original wrappers. The First Publication, afterwards reprinted in ''The Merry Men.'' STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Treasure Island. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Cassell & Company, Limited: London, Paris & New York. 1883. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— The Silver- ado Squatters. Sketches from a Californian Mountain. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London: Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, W. 1883 12mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition, with frontispiece by Joseph D. Strong (the husband of Mrs. Stevenson's daughter, Isobel). 254 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— PaW Mall Christinas 'Extra,' for 1884, containing ''The Body Snatcher" by Eobert Louis Stevenson. [London, 1884.] 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, containing ad- vertisements. The First Edition, later printed separately. STEVENSON (Robert Louis) and HENLEY (William Ernest). — Admiral Guinea. A Melo- drama in Four Acts. By William Ernest Henley and Robert Louis Stevenson. Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh. For Private Circulation Only, 1884. 12mo, full straight grain morocco, gilt. The First Edition, privately printed for the authors. STEVENSON (Robert Louis) and HENLEY (William Ernest). — Beau Austin: A Play in Four Acts. By William Ernest Henley and Robert Louis Stevenson. Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh, For Private Circulation Only, 1884. 12mo, full straight grain morocco, gilt. The First Edition, privately printed. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— T/ie Contem- porary Review for April, 1885, containing an essay "On Style in Literature: Its Technical Ele- ments'' by Robert Louis Stevenson. [London, 1885.] 8vo^ original wrappers. The First Publication, afterwards reprinted in the volume en- titled *' Miscellanies " in the Edinburgh Edition. 255 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— More New Arabian Nights. The Dynamiter. By Robert Louis Stevenson and Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1885. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— A Child's Garden of Verses. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1885. 16mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Prince Otto. A Romance, By Robert Louis Stevenson. London : Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1885. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition, although originally published in Longman's Magazine April-October, 1885. STEVENSON (Robert Louis) and HENLEY (William Ernest). — Macaire, A Melodramatic Farce in Three Acts. By William Ernest Henley and Robert Louis Stevenson. Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh, For Private Circulation Only, 1885. 12mo, full straight grain morocco, gilt. The First Edition, only a very small number being privately printed. 256 CHARLES TEMPLETOl^ CROCKER STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1886. 8v0j original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, with the date 1885, altered in ink to 1886. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Another copy. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Mo vi^ Amphion Lapides Canendo. The New Amphion Being the Book of the Edinburgh University Union Fancy Fair, etc., etc. Edinburgh, Imprinted at the University Press by T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty the Queen. 1886. 24mOy original ornamental gilt parchment, with orange-red edges, and silk ties. The First Edition of **Some College Memories'' with sixteen inserted illustrations. Later reprinted as a separate pamphlet, and then included in ^'Memories and Portraits." STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Some College Memories By Robert Louis Stevenson. [Vignette title of Professor Kelland.] Edinburgh: Printed for Members of the Uni- versity Union Committee, 1886. 8vo, original wrappers, title reproduced on front cover, uncut. The First Separate Edition, as it originally appeared in "The New Amphion." 257 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF STEVENSON (Robert Loms),— Unwinds An- nual, 1886. The Broken Shaft Tales in Mid-Ocean, Edited by Henry Norman. * Whimsies of wantons and stories of dread, To make the stout-hearted look under the bed. ' Landor. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 26 Paternoster Square, 1886. 4to, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition of * * Markheim, ' ' by Robert Louis Stevenson, occupies pages 27-40, with an illustration by Harold Copping. STEVENSON (Robert Louis) .—Kidnapped Being Memoirs of the Adventures of David Bal- four in the Year 1751 Written by Himself, and now set forth By Robert Louis Stevenson. Cassell & Company, Limited: MDCCCLXXXVI. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition, with the folding map for frontispiece. STEVENSON (Robert Louis) .—Papers Liter- ary, Scientific, &c. By the late Fleeming Jenkin, F.R.S., LL.D., Professor of Engineering in the University of Edinburgh. Edited by Sidney Colvin, M.A., and J. A. Ewing, F.R.S. With a Memoir by Robert Louis Stevenson. In Two Vol- umes. Vol.L (IL). London, New York, 1887. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition of the Memoir, printed separately, the same year. STEVENSON (Robert Louis) .—Speculum Uni- versitatis. Alma Mater's Mirror. Edited by 258 CHARLES TfiMPLEtON OrOCKER Thomas Spencer Baynes and Lewis Campbell, Professors in the University. Saint Andrews, 1887. 13mo, ornamental gilt vellum, orange edges, and silk ties, in a leather case. This contains Stevenson's **The House Beautiful," reprinted in "Underwoods." STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Voluntaries for an East London Hospital. By The Earl of Lytton, Bishop of Bedford . . . R. L. Stevenson . . . London; David Scott, 370, Oxford Street, W., 1887. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. This volume contains Stevenson's "Ad Matrem," later re- printed in "Underwoods." STEVENSON (Robert Lovis). —Scrihner's Magazine, December, 1887, containing ^^Ticon- deroga'* by Robert Louis Stevenson. With Illus- trations by William Hole and Will H. Low. New York, 1887. 6vo, original wrappers. The First Appearance. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Thomas Stev- enson, Civil Engineer, by Robert Louis Stevenson. 1887. Printed for Private Distribution. 12mo, original paper wrappers, lettered ''Thomas Stevenson/' [1818-1887] enclosed in a heavy ruled frame. The First Edition. Reprinted in The Contemporary Review, for June, 1887. 259 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OP STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Memories and Portraits. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London : Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1887. 16mo, original clothe gilt top, uncut. The First Edition, presented by Stevenson ^s mother, with the following inscription, **A. Cunningham from my dear boy's Mother. ' ' Alison Cunningham was Stevenson 's nurse, * * Cummy, ' ' to whom he dedicated **A Child's Garden of Verses.*' STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Memories and Portraits. London: Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1887. 4to, cloth, uncut. Large Paper, only fifty copies printed on handmade paper. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London: Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1887. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition, (with the advertisements dated, 1886). STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Underwoods. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London : Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly, 1887. 16mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Underwoods. By Robert Louis Stevenson. 260 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER London : Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly, 1887. 12m0j original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. With the following poem on fly-leaf written entirely in Stevenson's handwriting: * * She is a woman : one in whom The spring-time of her childish years Hath never lost its fresh perfume, Though knowing well that life hath room For many blights and many tears/' Lowell. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Underwoods. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London: Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly, 1887. 4to, buckram, uncut. Large Paper, only fifty copies printed on handmade paper. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Familiar Studies of Men and Books. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London: Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1888. 4to, original cloth, uncut. Large Paper Edition, of which only one hundred copies were printed on handmade paper. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— The Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses. By Robert Louis Stevenson, Author of ** Treasure Island,'' ** Kidnapped,'' &c. Cassell & Company, Limited: London, Paris, New York & Melbourne. 1888. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. 261 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF STEVENSON (Robert Louis) and HENLEY (William Ernest). — Deacon Brodie, or The Double Life. A Melodrama. In Five Acts and Eight Tableaux. By William Ernest Henley and Robert Louis Stevenson. Edinburgh University Press: T. and A. Con- stable, Printers to Her Majesty, MDCCC- LXXXVIII. 13mo, full straight grain morocco, gilt. The Second Privately Printed Edition, Revised. The First Edition was printed in 1880, and was divided into four acts and ten scenes. STEVENSON(RoBERT Louis) and OSBOURNE (Lloyd). — The Wrong Box by Robert Louis Stev- enson, Author of **Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,'' &c., and Lloyd Osboume. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1889. 12mo, original cloth, uticut. The First Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— The Master of Ballantrae, A Winter's Tale. By Robert Louis Stevenson, Author of ** Kidnapped," ** Treasure Island," &c., &e., i&c. Cassell & Company, Limited: London, Paris; New York & Melbourne, 1889. 8vOj original cloth, uncut. The First Published Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— With Mr. R. L. Stevenson's Compliments. Father Damien: 262 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER An Open Letter to the Reverend Dr. Hyde of Honolulu from Robert Louis Stevenson. Sydney, 1890. 8vOy issued without covers, wire-stitched, with trimmed edges. The First Privately Printed Edition. This copy was presented to Father Russell by Stevenson's lawyer, Charles Baxter. It was sent to Mr. Baxter by Stevenson, with instructions to defend him in case of an action for libel. The following inscription is written on the fly-leaf: "Offered to Father Russell by C. Baxter, 28 April, 1890." Stevenson said, only a month or so before his death, that he regretted having written this pamphlet more than anything else he had ever published. This copy was purchased at an English Belgian Belief sale. STEVENSON (Robert Louis) .—Father Damien. An Open Letter to the Reverend Doctor Hyde of Honolulu from Robert Louis Stevenson. London: Chatto and Windus, 214 Piccadilly, 1890. 8vo, original paper wrappers, uncut. The First Published Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Ballads By Robert Louis Stevenson. London: Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1890. 8vo, original huchram, uncut. The First Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Ballads By Robert Louis Stevenson. London: Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1890. 4to, buckram, uncut. Large Paper Edition printed on handmade paper. Only one hundred copies were printed. This copy contains the Williamson bookplate. 263 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— An Object of Pity; or, The Man Haggard. A Romance. By Many Competent Hands. Imprinted at Amsterdam. [1892.] 12mo, original * vegetable parchment' wrappers, gilt. The First Edition, printed at Sydney. There are six names at the end of the Dedication. Opposite each (barring that of O Tusitala) is written in Stevenson's hand: M.E.J., Capt. Leigh, Mrs. R. L. S., Mrs. Strong and S. Balfour. Mr. Gosse calls this the most unattainable of all B. L. S. 's pro- ductions. It was privately printed, in a small edition of possibly only thirty-five copies. STEVENSON (Robert Louis) and HENLEY (William Ernest) .—Three Plays. By W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson. Deacon Brodie — Beau Austin — Admiral Guinea. London ; Published by David Nutt in the Strand, 1892. 12mo, full leather. The First Collected Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis) .—Across the Plains with other Memories and Essays. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London; Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1892. 8vo, original buckram, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— A Footnote to History. Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa. By 264 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Robert Louis Stevenson. Arma Nondum inex- piatis uncta cruoribus, Periculosae plenum opus cUeae, Tractas et incedis per ignes Suppositos cineri doloso, Cassell & Company, Limited: London, Paris, & Melbourne. 1892. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis) and OSBOURNE (Lloyd). — The Wrecker. By Robert Louis Stev- enson and Lloyd Osboume. Illustrated by William Hole and W. L. Metcalf . Cassell & Company, Limited: London, Paris & Melbourne, 1892. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition, though originally published serially in 8crihner*8 Magazine, August, 1891, to July, 1892. STEVENSON (Robert Ijovi^) .—Atalanta for December, 1892, and January to September, 1893, containing ** David Balfour. Memoirs of his Ad- ventures at Home and Abroad." [London, 1892-93.] 8vo, origimal wrappers. The First Appearance, later republished as * * Catriona. * ' STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Catriona, A Sequel to ** Kidnapped, " Being Memoirs of the Further Adventures of David Balfour at Home 265 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF and Abroad, etc., etc. Written by Himself and now set forth by Robert Louis Stevenson. Cassell and Company, Limited : London, Paris & Melbourne, 1893. i^mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Island Nights' Entertainments consisting of The Beach of Falesa —The Bottle Imp— The Isle of Voices. By Robert Louis Stevenson, with illustrations by Gordon Browne and W. Hatherell. Cassell & Company, Limited: London, Paris & Melbourne, 1893. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Island Nights' Entertainments. Another copy. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— War in Samoa. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London : Reprinted from The Pall Mall Gazette, September, 1893. 8vo, original wrappers, with title reproduced on the front cover, uncut. The First Published Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— The Suicide Club and The Rajah's Diamond. By Robert Louis CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Stevenson. A New Edition with eight illustra- tions by W. J. Hennesy. London: Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1894. 8v0y original cloth ^ uncut. The First Separate Edition, originally published in "The New Arabian Nights." STEVENSON (Robert Louis) and OSBOURNE (Lloyd).— The Ebb-Tide. A Trio and Quartette. By Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. * * There is a tide in the affairs of men. ' ' London: William Heinemann, MDCCCXCIV. 12mo, original imitation sUk, uncut. The First English Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis) and HENLEY (William Ernest). — Macaire, A Melodramatic Farce. By Robert Louis Stevenson and William Ernest Henley. Chicago: Stone and Kimball, MDCCCXCV. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. The First American Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— The Amateur Emigrant from the Clyde to Sandy-Hook. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Chicago: Stone and Kimball, MDCCCXCV. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. The First American and Separate Edition. 267 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Vailima Let- ters. Being Correspondence addressed by Robert Louis Stevenson to Sidney Colvin. November, 1890— October, 1894. London: Methuen and Co., 36 Essex Street, 1895. 8vOy original cloth, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Fables by Robert Louis Stevenson. New York: Charles Scribner^s Sons, MDCCC- XCVL 16mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Separate Edition. The *' Fables" first appeared in Longman's Magazine in 1895, and were later published with '*The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'' in 1896. STEVENSON (Robert Lovis) ,— Cosmo polls for January, February, March and April, 1896, containing **Weir of Hermiston." 8vo, original wrappers. The First Appearance. STEVENSON (Robert Louis) and HENLEY (William Ernest).— The Plays of W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson. Deacon Brodie, Beau Austin, Admiral Guinea, Robert Macaire. London: William Heinemann, 1896. 12m0y original cloth, paper label, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition, limited to two hundred and fifty copies. CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Weir of Her- miston. An Unfinished Romance by Robert Louis Stevenson. London : Cliatto and Windus, Piccadilly, 1896. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. The First Published Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Songs of Travel and Other Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson. London: Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1896. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— T/ie Studio, Special Winter Number, 1896-1897, containing **A Mountain Town in France.'' 8vo, original wrappers. First appearance in this magazine. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— A Mountain Town in France. A Fragment by Robert Louis Stevenson. With Five Illustrations by the Author. John Lane: The Bodley Head, New York and London, 1896. 12mo, original paper wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, of which but three hundred and fifty copies were printed for distribution in the United States only. This article originally appeared in TJie Studio, Special Winter Number, 1896-97. 269 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— The London Times, a Clipping, dated April 27, 1897, contain- ing Stevenson's *'Our Lady of the Snows.'' This poem originally appeared in the New York Independent of March 3, 1887. STEVENSON (Robert Louis). —A Lowden Sabbath Morn. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Illustrated by A. S. Boyd. London; Chatto & Windus, 1898. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. The First Separate Edition, originally printed in ** Under- woods. ' ' STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Three Short Poems by Robert Louis Stevenson. London : Printed for Private Distribution Only, 1898. 12mo, original Japanese vellum hoards, printed on Whatman handmade paper, uncut. The First Edition. This little pamphlet consists of but twenty- six pages, with facsimile of part of the Manuscript. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— St. Ives, Being the Adventures of a French Prisoner in England. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London: William Heinemann, 1898. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition, although originally published in The Tall Mall Magazine, November, 1896, to November, 1897. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson to His Family and 270 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER Friends selected and edited with Notes and Intro- ductions by Sidney Colvin. Vol. I. (IL). London: Methuen and Co., 36 Essex Street, 1899. 8v0y two volumes, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition, with two portraits and a facsimile of a letter. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— The Morality of the Profession of Letters. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Gouveneur, New York, Brothers of the Book. MDCCCXCIX. 32mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Separate Edition, consisting of only two hundred and ninety-nine copies privately printed on American handmade paper. This essay originally appeared in The Fortnightly Review, New Series, April, 1881. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— A Stevenson Medley [Vignette]. [London] : Chatto and Windus, 1899. 6vo, morocco back, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition. At the end are facsimiles of manuscript, with woodcuts printed from the original blocks. Only three hun- dred copies were printed. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— In the South Seas. Being an Account of Experiences and Observations in the Marquesas, Paumotus and Gilbert Islands in the Course of two Cruises, on 271 CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY OP the Yacht *^Casco'' (1888) and the Schooner *' Equator '' (1889). By Robert Louis Stevenson. London : Chatto and Windus, 1900. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. The First English Edition. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson. By Graham Balfour. In Two Volumes. Vol. I (Vol. II). London : Methuen and Co., 36 Essex Street, 1901. 8vo, two volumes, original cloth, gilt top, uncut, with yellow glazed paper labels. The First Edition. This "Life" contains several writings of Stevenson published for the first time, and two frontispiece por- traits and a map. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Some Letters By Robert Louis Stevenson. With an Introduc- tion by Horace Townsend. New York: Ingalls Kimball, MCMII. 12mo, original hoards, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition, with frontispiece portrait and facsimile of one letter. STEVENSON (Robert^ Louis).— Additional Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson. [London, 1901.] 8vo, pp. 8, paper, unbound and unstitched. These "Additional Letters,*' to Austin Dobson, Rudyard Kip- ling and George Meredith, were given to those purchasers of the first three editions of the ' ' Letters ' ' and were incorporated in the fourth edition. 272 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER STEVENSON (Robert Louis) : the Dramatist. A Lecture delivered by Arthur W. Pinero to the Members of the Philosophical Institution of Edin- burgh at the Music Hall in Edinburgh on Tuesday, 24th February, 1903. London: Printed at the Chiswiek Press. 1903. Small 4tOy original wmppers, printed on hand- made Dutch paper, uncut. The First Edition, and a presentation copy with the Author's autograph on the cover. STEVENSON (Robert Louis) .—Stevensoniana. Edited by J. A. Hammerton. London, 1910. 8vo, This volume contains many illustrations and portraits. STEVENSON (Robert Louis) .—Poems. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Underwoods, Ballads, Songs of Travel, A Child's Garden of Verses. London : Published by Chatto & Windus in asso- ciation with Longmans, Green & Co. MCMXIIL 12mOy original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. STEVENSON ( Robert Louis) .—Scribner 's Mugazine, December, 1914, containing * * The Waif Woman. A Cue — From a Saga.'' By Robert Louis Stevenson. 8vo, original wrappers. The First Appearance of this story, reprinted in book form in 1916 by Chatto and Windus. 273 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAEY OF STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— A Bibliog- raphy of the Works of Robert Louis Stevenson by Colonel W. F. Prideaux, C.S.L A New and Revised Edition. Edited and Supplemented by Mrs. Luther S. Livingston. London: Frank Hollings, 7 Great Turnstile, Holborn, MCMXVIL 8vo, cloth, gilt top, wncut. The latest and most authoritative bibliography, illustrated with portrait and facsimiles. STEVENSON (Robert Louis) .—Original Manu script Preface of ** Memories and Portraits," with three autograph letters concerning the arrange- ment, correction and publication of the work. Maid to 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, by Sangorski and Sutcliffe, The volume consists of : Two pages of introduction, handprinted in red and black; The ** Preface" in Stevenson ^s handwriting, of one page, signed ' * R. L. S. ' ' ; a typewritten copy of the latter, one page. Two-page manuscript letter to Messrs. Chatto and Windus, from Skerryvore, Bournemouth, August 2d, (1887), concerning an enclosure for volume two of the ''Familiar Essays," with a type- written copy. Another two-page letter from Bournemouth, (Au- gust 15, 1887), signed in full. Typewritten copy also. One-page letter to the publishers from ** Newport, R. I., but address c/o Scribner's Sons, 743 Broadway, New York," and signed in full. STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Original Auto- graph Manuscript Signed of **Our Lady of the Snows." 4to, three pages, full green morocco, gilt. This poem first appeared in The Independent of March 3, 1887, and was later reprinted in * ' Underwoods, ' ' xxiii. 274 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER STEVENSON (Robert Louis).— Autograph Letter Signed. To Philip Gilbert Hamerton. La Solitude, Hyeres-les Palmiers, Var, n. d. 8vo, eight pages, "My dear Hamerton, I have been in a crazy state as I should long ago have answered your kind letter. I have not been able to read at all, or to but write a little, for ever so long; my eyes having played me a trick. In short I am one of the handsomest wrecks upon the shore of literature. However, we keep the galley- fire alight and beat to quarters daily, as though she still ploughed the main full charged with England 's thunder. If you come south, do give us a visit. We cannot take you into the house for reasons best known to the architect. But we should be so pleased to see you and Mrs. Hamerton, or yourself alone, and we could talk to you, and give you some dinner, and find a room for you within hail. This is to be thought of: and if not now, then after, to be put ruthlessly in act. I think it not unlikely that I may fall on you this year; but all hangs upon my health, whose squirrel-like evolutions supplies me with unfailing entertainment. How little are we grateful to the gods! The invalid-bore, that well-known person with the symptoms, is a most beautiful instance of the kindly compensations of our destiny. I somewhat envy you your writing; I shall never be in a boat again, nor yet in a theatre, I fear; a short walk, a long talk — these are what is left me, and very good things, too, at least the talk. For a short walk, with definite limits, is against the very genius of walking. The amuse- ment is either to ramble or to travel. New views, another hill-top, just down yon dingle — ^ha! but another wood, I must go so far! That is the spirit of the walker; and how can he attain to this in the square half-mile around his house, much of it visible perhaps from his windows. Well, we have adjusting eyes and an adjust- able mind. We change the sliding scale of fancy; and in my mile- long walks, I have at times got into so rich a vein of self- deception, that I had visited empires and continents when I re- turned. Life is the art of self-deception — is that new or old? I am a great self -deceiver ; and a more valuable quality, I know not. Pray remember me kindly to yours, my dear Hamerton, Yours very sincerely, Robert Louis Stevenson." SUCKLING (Sir John).— Fragmenta Aurea. / A Collection of all / The Incomparable Peeces, / Written / by Sir John Svckling. / And publifhed by a / Friend to perpetuate / his memory. / Printed by his owne Copies. / London, / Printed 275 CATALOGUE Ot THE LIBRARY OP for Humphrey Mofeley, and are to be / fold at his fhop, at the Signe of the Prin- / ces Armes in St. Pauls Churchyard. / MDCXLVI. 16mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt, by Riviere, The First Edition, and a fine copy. Opposite the title-page is a portrait of Suckling engraved by William Marshall, with the verses beginning ''Suckling whose numbers could invite Alike to wonder and delight" underneath. This work was published posthumously and contains, "Poems,'* ** Letters to Divers Eminent Personages"; "Aglaura. Presented at the Private House in Black Fryers"; *'Aglaura. Eepresented at the Court"; ''The Goblins"; " Brennoralt " ; "An Account of Eeligion by Eeason." All these parts have separate titles, dated 1646. SUETONIUS (C. Suetonius Tranquillus) .— The Lives of the Twelve Caesars. The First Emperors of Rome. Written by C. Suetonius Tranquillus and now done into English by several Hands. With the Life of the Author, and Notes upon those Passages which relate to the Roman Customs. London: Printed by Tho. Hodgkih MDCXCVIII. l^mo, old calf, SUETONIUS (C. Suetonius Tranquillus).— The Lives of the Twelve Caesars. Translated by Alexander Thomson, M.D. Augmented with the Biographies of Contemporary Statesmen, Orators, Poets and other Associates. Illustrated with twenty-four Steel Engravings, and fifty illustra- 276 CHARLES TEMPLEION CROCKER tions on wood. Edited by J. Eugene Reed, A.M. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. [Vol. 11.]. Philadelphia : Gebbie & Co., Publishers, 1889. 8vo, two volumes, cloth, uncut. SUNDON (Viscountess). — Memoirs of Vis- countess Sundon, Mistress of the Robes to Queen Charlotte, Consort of George II, including Letters from the most celebrated Persons of her Time. London, 1847. 12mo, two volumes, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. Two portraits. SWIFT (Jonathan).—!. Travels / into Several / Remote Nations / of the / World. / In Four Parts. / By Lemuel Gulliver, / Firft a Surgeon, and then a Cap / tain of feveral Ships. / Vol. I. / London : / Printed for Benj. Motte, at the / Mid- dle Temple-Gate in Fleet-ftreet. / MDCCXXVI. II. Travels / into Several / Remote Nations / of the / World. / By Captain Lemuel Gulliver. / Vol. II. / Part IIL / A Voyage to Laputa, Balni- barbi, / Glubbdubdribb, Luggnagg and / Japan. / Part IV, / A Voyage to the Houyhnhnms. / London : / Printed for Benjamin Motte, at the / Middle-Temple-Gate. MDCCXXVI. 8vo, two volumes, full brown morocco, gilt. The First Edition, with the separate pagination for each part, and both title-pages dated 1726. Contains the misprint, Vol. I, 277 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF page 35, Part I, of "subsidues" for "subsidies," and Vol. II, page 165, Part IV, of the headline *'ehe" for "the." The portrait is not in the earliest state, as the inscription should be under, instead of around the oval, only two copies of which are known. The inscription is in Latin instead of in English. This copy has the eight preliminary leaves, Al-8 instead of six. SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles).— Poems and Ballads. London: Edward Moxon & Co., 1866. 12m0y full olive crushed levant morocco, with gold inluy, by Cohden Sanderson of the Doves Bindery, The First Edition, suppressed by the publishers on account of the storm of abuse levelled at it on its appearance. Only a few copies found their way into circulation. It contains the two verses in small type on page 222, and has the proper "Moxon" title-page, also the misprint on page 314, of * * face ' ' for * * pace, ' ' and the eight pages of advertisements. SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles).— A Song of Italy. London : John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly, 1867. 12mo, full green crushed levant morocco, sides elaborately tooled in red and gold, by Riviere, The First Edition, with the half-title and eight pages of adver- tisements in back numbered, and eight unnumbered. SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles) .—Dolores. London : Hotten, 1867. 12mo, twenty-three pages, in original sheets, uncut. The First Edition, printed for private circulation only, and in an exceedingly small number. It has no cover and has not been stitched. 278 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles).— The Devirs Due. A Letter to the Editor of **The Examiner." By Thomas Maitland, 1875. For Private Circulation. [London, 1875.] 8v0y eleven pages, in sheets as issued. This pamphlet was rigidly suppressed in consequence of the unexpected result of the action for libel brought by Mr. Robert Buchanan against Mr. P. A. Taylor, M.P., the Proprietor of * * The Examiner," where it likewise appeared. SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles) .—Mary Stuart. A Tragedy. London, 1881. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles) .—The Question, MDCCCLXXXVII. A Poem. London: Charles Ottley & Co., 1887. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, of Which only twenty-five copies are said to have been printed. **This poem was dropped by its author, and is not included in any of Mr. Swinburne's collected volumes; and, considering the controversial nature of the subject treated, it is in the highest degree improbable that it will ever be revived. It contains some bitter verses addressed to Mr. Gladstone.'* (Wise). SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles).— A Word for the Navy. A Poem. London : Charles Ottley, Landon & Co., 1887. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, only twenty-five copies being printed, and which has become exceedingly rare. This is the issue of March, 1887. It was re-issued by the same publishers in August of that year, and again by Redway. 279 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEARY OF SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles) .—Atalanta in Calydon. See Kelmscott Press. SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles).— Auto- graph Manuscript of **A Lamentation," unsigned. Inlaid to small folio size, five sheets of blue paper, together with the printed version, a specially printed title-page in red and black on Japa/ti paper, and a portrait, the whole bound in full crushed levant morocco, by Stikeman. The poem was printed in "Poems and Ballads," 1866, and the manuscript consists of one hundred and twenty-six lines, with numerous corrections and many variations from the printed version. "Who hath known the ways of time Or trodden behind his feet There is no such man among men For chance overcomes him, or time Changes; for all things sweet In time wax bitter again." The line "The hand is feeble, etc.," is unpublished. SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles) .—Auto- graph Manuscript of **The Bride's Tragedy.'' Folio, four pages of manuscript with the First Published Edition of the poem, inlaid to size and bound in full morocco. The manuscript consists of twenty stanzas, with many correc- tions. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Poems, By Two Brothers. **Haec nos novimus esse nihil" — Martial. 280 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER London: Printed for W. Simpkin and R. Marshall .... and J. and J. Jackson, Louth, 1827. 12mo, original boards, with paper label, uncut. The First Edition. The extremely rare first appearance in book form of Lord Tennyson's poems. An immaculate copy. All three brothers, Alfred, Charles and Frederick, contributed to it, but, it is said, bound themselves never to reveal who wrote this or that piece. After Lord Tennyson 's death, his son Hallam, with Frederick, one of the brothers, endeavored to determine the respective authorships, and decided that, of the one hundred and three poems, forty-two were by Alfred, forty-eight by Charles, three by Frederick, and the remainder doubtful. The brothers were only schoolboys at the time the book was published, and ob- tained twenty pounds for the copyright, which, however, was only on the condition that it be taken out in books. None of the poems were ever reprinted by Lord Tennyson. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Timbuctoo : Pro- lusiones Academicae, etc. A Poem, which obtained the Chancellor's Medal at the Cambridge Com- mencement, 1829. By A. Tennyson, of Trinity College. 8vo, full red morocco. The First Edition. The correct reading of line nine, page twelve, is only found in this edition. Arthur Hallam was one of the unsuccessful competitors for the prize won by Tennyson. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Poems, Chiefly Lyrical. London: Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchange, Comhill, 1830. 12mo, full brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. The First Edition of Tennyson 's first book with his name on the title-page. With the leaf of Errata. Page ninety-nine is mis- numbered nineteen. The word "earcenet", page seventy-one, is correctly printed. Thomas J. Wise's bibliography mentions only four copies with these errors. 281 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Poems. By Alfred Tennyson. London : Edward Moxon, 64, New Bond Street. MDCCCXXXIIL 12m0f original hoards, paper labels uncut. The First Edition. A perfect copy containing the page of ad- vertisement. This edition consisted of four hundred and fifty copies. The famous "0 Darling Room" volume. This poem with sev- eral others never appeared in any later edition, while others were very considerably altered. It was fallen upon by the critics merci- lessly, and the author's excisions and alterations showed that he had good sense in addition to poetical ability, when the next col- lected edition appeared. This, being Tennyson's second volume of verse, contains for the first time among its thirty poems, ' * The Lady of Shalott, ' * ''The Miller's Daughter," ''The Palace of Art," "The May Queen, " " The Lotus Eaters, ' ' and a ' ' Dream of Fair Women ' ' ; also the retort to Christopher North on his criticism of Tennyson 's first volume, a retort which Tennyson afterwards refers to as a "silly squib," and the sonnet on Buonaparte. This is the volume of which Arthur Hallam wrote while it was in the publisher's hands: "Moxon is in ecstasies with the May Queen ; he says the volume must make a great sensation. ' * TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Poems. By Alfred Tennyson. London : Edward Moxon, 64, New Bond Street, MDCCCXXXIIL (With) TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— The Lover's Tale. By Alfred Tennyson. London : Edward Moxon, 64, New Bond Street, MDCCCXXXIIL 12mo, two volumes in one, full green morocco, gilt. The First Edition of "Poems." The First Trial Edition of ' ' The Lover 's Tale, ' ' of which only 282 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER six copies were printed, and only two others are known, one owned by Mr. T. J. Wise of London, and the other by Mr. J. A. Spoor of Chicago. This copy is far superior in condition to Mr. Spoor 'a and equal to Mr. Wise's in size. "The Lover's Tale" of 1833 is the earliest in order of date of the series of Tennyson's trial books. Probably with the sole ex- ception of Shelley's "Necessity of Atheism" and "Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire," it is the most interesting and val- uable first edition in English nineteenth century literature. Written in 1828, in the autumn of 1832, the first two parts were set up in type, accompanied by the thirty other pieces which eventually formed the "Poems" of 1833. Before the sheets were printed, Tennyson concluded that * * The Lover 's Tale ' ' was in need of more thorough revision. He then withdrew it from the thirty sets of minor verses, and reserved it for publication at some future date. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord) .—Poems. By Alfred Tennyson. London : Edward Moxon, 64, New Bond Street. MDCCCXXXIIL 12mo, full calf, uncut. The First Edition, with many manuscript corrections in the handwriting of the author. "The Palace of Art" contains most of the autograph changes. The eight lines of stanzas LII and LIII are almost entirely re- written, six new lines being substituted. The revised readings are followed in later editions. This volume formerly belonged to William Haslam, an early and close friends of Keats, and his auto- graph "W. Haslam" appears on the back of the page of con- tents. TENNYSON(Alfred, Lord).— Morte D' Arthur; Dora; and Other Idyls. By Alfred Tennyson. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street. MD- CCCXLIL 12mo, original leaves, without wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, and the second of the series of Tennysonian "Trial Books." 283 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Poems. By Alfred Tennyson. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. [Vol. II.] London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street, MD- CCCXLIL 16mo, two volumes, original boards, uncut, paper labels. The First Edition, which consisted of eight hundred copies. The second volume, with one exception, consists of the poems previously unpublished. The remaining poems, reprinted from the edition of 1833, were much altered, and seven new pieces were added to the first volume. Vol. I contains, at pages 77-86, the whole of the proof sheets of "The Lady of Shalott.'^ The numbering of the pages of the proofs, as well as the setting of the text and the composition of the poem, show great differences from the published text. The proofs show a number of corrections of a slight nature, by Sped- ding probably, but on page 76 of the proof (86 of published volume), Tennyson has added a whole line in his handwriting, and one word in another, and also cancelled a line. There are also four proof pages of ** Mariana in the South,*' showing variations and three slight alterations in Tennyson 's hand- writing, also the proof of the short poem ''Circumstance." These proofs came from James Spedding, the friend of Tenny- son and also the reader of his poems. For a long time Tennyson rarely published anything without first having submitted it to Spedding. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Poems. By Alfred Tennyson. In Two Volumes. Vol. I (II.)- London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street. MD- cccxlil 16mo, two volumes, full red morocco, by Wood, The First Edition. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord). —The Princess: A Medley. London : Edward Moxon, 1847. 284 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER 12mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. Frederick Locker-Lampson 's copy with the Rowfant book-plate. The intercalated songs which did not appear until the third edition are here supplied in the handwriting of Locker-Lampson, except two which are proof sheets of a later edition, with corrections in Tennyson's handwriting. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— The Princess; A Medley. By Alfred Tennyson. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street, MD- CCCXLVIL 12mo, full green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Zuehnsdorf, The First Edition, of which only two thousand copies were printed. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord). — In Memoriam. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street, 1850. 16mo, full blue morocco, gilt, with original covers bound in, by Riviere. The First Edition. This is the first issue with the printer's errors, pages two, * ' the sullen tree ' ' afterwards changed to ' * thee, sullen tree," and page one hundred and ninety-eight, ** baseness" afterwards corrected to ' * bareness. ' ' The writing of "In Memoriam ' ' had been begun as far back as 1833, immediately after the death of young Arthur Henry Hallam, to whom this poem is a tribute. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— In Memoriam. Tenth Edition. London : Edward Moxon, Dover Street. 1861. 16mo. Lewis Carroll's copy which he used in preparing his Index con- taining many pencil marks throughout. The Index is the First Edition, London, 1862. 285 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OF TENNYSON (Alfeed, Loed).— Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington. By Alfred Tennyson, Poet Laureate. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street, 1852. 8vOy full morocco, gilt top, uncut, with the original wrappers bound in. The First Edition. TENNYSON (Alfeed, Loed).— Maud, and Other Poems. By Alfred Tennyson, D.C.L. Poet Lau- reate. London : Edward Moxon, Dover Street. 1855. 16mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition, with the eight pages of advertisements, dated August, 1855. Ten thousand copies were printed of this edition. Tennyson's own copy, with his name on the title-page. It has been found, after exhaustive research and examination of a re- markable private collection of Tennysoniana (all of which are autographed), that books owned by Tennyson all have his autograph on the title-page, and are written with the word * Tennyson ' only, and all books that were presented by him have the signed presentation inscription in full on either the half-title or the fly-leaf. TENNYSON (Alfeed, Loed).— Maud, and Other Poems. By Alfred Tennyson, D.C.L., Poet Laureate. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street, 1855. 16mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, un- cut, by Riviere, The First Edition, and Tennyson's own copy, which he used in making revisions for a third edition. It contains numerous manu- script corrections and alterations, including many additional lines and stanzas, all in Tennyson's handwriting. From the Harry B. Smith library. 286 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Maud, and Other Poems. By Alfred Tennyson, D.C.L., Poet Laureate. London: Edward Moxon, Dover Street, 1855. 16mo, full green morocco, gilt, hy Be Sauty, The First Edition. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Idylls of the King. By Alfred Tennyson, D.C.L., Poet Lau- reate. Flos Regum Arthiirus. Joseph of Exeter. London: Edward Moxon & Co., Dover Street, 1859. 16mo, full blue morocco, gilt top, umcut, hy Be Sauty, The First Edition, with the imprint on reverse of title. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— The Sailor Boy. By Alfred Tennyson, D.C.L. Poet Laureate. London : Emily Faithfull & Co., Victoria Press, 1861. 12mo, eight pages, original wrappers, uncut. The First Issue of the First Edition, which consisted of only twenty-five copies, for the Author's use. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Helen's Tower. Stanzas by Lady Gifford, Clandeboye, and Ten Lines on Last Leaf, by Lord Tennyson. Clandeboye: Privately printed [1861], 4to, original glazed wrappers, edges gilt. The Tower which Tennyson's poem commemorates was erected by Lord Dufiferin in memory of his mother. In a letter to Tenny- son, September 24, 1861, he says in part: ''Now there is only 287 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEARY OF one thing wanting to make it a perfect little gem of architecture and decoration, and that is a 'voice.' It is now ten years since it was built, and all that time it has stood silent. Yet, if he chose, there is one person in the world able to endow it with this priceless gift, and by sending me some short distich for it, to crown it forever with a glory it cannot otherwise obtain, and render it a memorial of the personal friendship which its builder felt for the great poet of our age." The book itself was printed in 1850 or 1851. As originally made up it seems to have consisted of four leaves, the last blank with an engraved title, printed separately on heavy paper, the whole enclosed in a glazed paper cover, with blank fly-leaf at back and front. The first leaf has printed on the recto in red and black, an inscription signed by "Catherine Hamilton," followed by the names of thirteen witnesses. Page 2 is blank. Pages 3 to 5 are filled by verses written by Lord Dufferin's mother and given to him when he came of age. Pages 6, 7 and 8 were blank. On receipt of Tennyson's verses, a new leaf seems to have been printed, with an inscription relative to the completion of the tower. Tennyson's verses are on verso of this leaf. The blank leaf at the end was cut out, and this new leaf mounted on the stub. In 1870 Dufferin had another leaf printed, containing a poem by Robert Browning. Tennyson's poem was first reprinted by him in ''Tiresias" in 1885. The present copy does not contain Browning's sonnet. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Ode for the Opening of the International Exhibition. By Alfred Tennyson, P.L., D.C.L. London: Edward Moxon & Co., Dover Street, 1862. 16mo, full green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. The First Issue of the First Edition. One thousand copies were printed for sale at the Exhibition building. This has become one of the scarcest of Tennyson 's pamphlets, as most of them were either lost or destroyed. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— A Welcome. By Alfred Tennyson, D.C.L., Poet Laureate. London: Edward Moxon & Co., Dover Street, 1863. 288 CHARLES TEM1>LET0N CROCKER 16mo, full red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere, The First Issue of the First Edition, of which only forty copies wore printed. These lines were addressed to the Princess Alex- andra of Denmark, on her arrival in England for her marriage to the Prince of Wales. The poem was reprinted, with alterations and additions, in "Enoch Arden." TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— A Welcome. By Alfred, Lord Tennyson, D.C.L., Poet Laureate. London: Edward Moxon & Co., Dover Street, 1863. 16mo, single folded sheet. The First Edition. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Idylls of the Heart. By Alfred Tennyson, P.L., D.C.L. London: Edward Moxon & Co., Dover Street. 1864. IGnfio, full red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere, The First Edition, and very scarce, as at the very last moment the title was changed to ** Enoch Arden, etc." Copies with this title-page occur very infrequently, and are probably those pre- sented to friends and reviewers. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Enoch Arden, etc. By Alfred Tennyson, D.C.L., Poet Laureate. London: Edward Moxon & Co., Dover Street, 1864. 16mo, original cloth, uncut, unth advertisements. First Edition and a Presentation with the Author's autograph inscription, **From A. Tennyson." TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Enoch Arden, etc. 4 Full green morocco, gilt, by McClure, 1909, Another copy. CATALOOUE OF THE LIBRABY OP TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Lucretius. By Alfred Tennyson, Poet Laureate. Cambridge, Mass. Printed for Private Circulation, 1868. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition, privately printed for his own use by J. T. F.(ield8). This poem was published simultaneously in the United States and England in Every Saturday of Boston and Macmillan 's Magazine of London. This copy contains a passage (enclosed in parenthesis on page twenty) which appears in the American maga- zine, but which was cancelled in the English periodical, after the advance sheets for the former had left the poet's hands. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— The Last Tour- nament. By Alfred Lord Tennyson, D.C.L., Poet Laureate. Strahan & Co., 56, Ludgate Hill, London, 1871. 16mo, stitched mid without wrappers. Author's Private Edition, of which only twenty copies were printed. Later reprinted in **Gareth and Lynette," 1872. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— England and America in 1782. By Alfred Tennyson, D.C.L., Poet Laureate. Strahan & Co., 56, Ludgate Hill, London, 1872. 16mo, stitched, without wrappers. The First Edition. The poem was printed in the New YorTc Ledger, January 6th, 1872, and was reprinted in London solely for copyright purposes. In this pamphlet there is a prose note, which has never been reprinted. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Gareth and Lynette, etc. By Alfred Tennyson, D.C.L., Poet Laureate. Strahan and Co., 56, Ludgate Hill, London, 1872. 16mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. 290 CHARLES TEMPLEtON CR6CKER TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Harold, A Drama. By Alfred Tennyson. Henry S. King & Co., London, 1877. 16mOy original cloth, uncut. The First Edition. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— The Falcon. London : Printed for the Author, 1879. 13mo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, reprinted later, also privately, in "The Cup and the Falcon," and published in 1684 in a volume of the same name. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Becket, A Tragedy. London, 1879. 12mo, full red morocco, by Riviere, * * Trial Edition, ' ' of which only four copies are known, and one of the four rarest of the privately printed plays. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Child- Songs. By Alfred Tennyson. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co., 1 Paternoster Square, 1880. 16 mo, stitched, without wrappers. The First Edition, printed for copyright purposes only, and now become very scarce. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— The Cup. London : Printed for the Author, 1881. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition. This poem did not appear in general circu- lation until 1884, when it was reprinted in ''The Cup and the Falcon. ' ' This is probably a stage edition, as the play was written for Ellen Terry and Henry Irving, who appeared in it one hundred and twenty-eight times. 291 CATALOGUE OP THSi LIBRAHY OF TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— The Promise of May. London : Printed for the Author, 1882. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. The First ''Trial" Edition, and one of the rarest privately printed pamphlets. The play was produced at the Globe Theatre in 1882, and although it had a run of several weeks, it was prac- tically and deservedly damned by the "pit" on the first night. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Sung by Mr. Santley. Hands All Round, A National Song, by Alfred Tennyson. (Poet Laureate.) The Music Arranged and Edited by C. Villiers Stanford. Price 2s. net. London : Boosey and Co., 295, Regent Street, W. [1882.] Folio, stitched, without wrappers. As issued, the poem originally appearing in The Examiner, for February 7th, 1852. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— The Passing of Arthur. London: Macmillan & Co., 1884. 16mo, original wrappers, with red lettering, A reprint of the poem first published in "The Holy Grail," in 1870. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Tiresias and Other Poems. By Alfred, Lord Tennyson, D.C.L., P.L. London: Macmillan and Co., 1885, 16mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition, with dedication to Robert Browning. CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— To H.R.H. Prin- cess Beatrice. [London, 1885.] 4to, single sheet folded in two, untrimmed edges. The Second Edition of only fifty copies. This is printed on cream-coloured wove paper, without water-mark, and the edges are without gilding. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Locksley Hall Sixty Years After, Etc. By Alfred Lord Tenny- son, P.L., D.C.L. London: Macmillan and Co., and New York, 1886. 16mo, original cloth, uncut. The First Edition, containing the dedication to the poet's wife. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Ode on the Opening of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition. By Lord Tennyson, Poet Laureate. Tuesday, 4th May, 1886. London: William Clowes and Sons, Limited. Official Printers and Publishers to the Royal Commission. 4to, folded sheet, handsomely printed. The First Edition. Only a few copies were printed for official purposes, for use of the Court at the opening ceremony of the Ex- hibition, and is now extremely rare. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Carmen Ssecu- lare. An Ode in Honour of the Jubilee of Queen Victoria. By Alfred, Lord Tennyson. London: Macmillan and Co., and New York, [1887]. 8vo, stitched with white silk, without wrappers, gilt. The First Privately Printed Edition, antedating the appearance 293 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF of the poem either in Macmillan's Magazine for April, 1887, or the author's private edition. Only fifty copies were printed. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord) .—Carmen Saecu- lare. Another copy. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— The Throstle. By Alfred, Lord Tennyson. London : Macmillan and Co., 1889. 16mOy single sheet folded in two. The First Edition, as issued, but in a limited number, as only intended for copyright purposes. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— The Death of the Duke of Clarence and Avondale. [London, 1892.] Single quarter-sheet folded in two, printed on heavy paper, forming four octavo pages. The First Edition, printed only for private distribution. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— The Silent Voices. By Alfred Lord Tennyson. London : Macmillan and Co., and New York, 1892. 12mo, four pages. The First Edition, issued to secure copyright. This was published the day preceding Tennyson's funeral, October 12th, 1892. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— The Death of uEnone, Akbar's Dream, and Other Poems. By Alfred Lord Tennyson, Poet Laureate. London : Macmillan and Co., and New York, 1892. 4tOy original cloth, uncut. Large Paper Edition, of only five hundred copies with five steel portraits of the Author. 294 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— The Ante- chamber. By Alfred Lord Tennyson. London : Printed for Private Circulation, 1906. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. The First Edition, printed from the manuscript, written in 1834. "The Antechamber" is the original form of "The Gardener's Daughter; or The Pictures." TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— A Bibliography of the Writings of Alfred, Lord Tennyson. [By Thomas J. Wise.] London : Printed for Private Circulation, 1908. 8v0y two volumes, original cloth, uncut. Only one hundred copies of this bibliography were printed, with many facsimiles and two portraits. TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Original Agree- ment between Lord Tennyson and Henry S. King and Company, concerning the publication of *^ Queen Mary" and ** Harold." Signed in two places. May 7th, 1877. 4to, full morocco, TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Autograph Let- ter Signed. To Archibald Peel. [N. p.], Monday. Addressed on back in Tennyson's writing, also. Regarding PeePs failure to keep an appointment. 12mo, one page, TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Fragment of Manuscript of '*The Lover's Tale." The selec- 295 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OP tion is from Part IV, page 498, of the First Edi- tion, 1833. 8vo, blue paper. On the back is written "A fragment of the Golden Supper in A. Tennyson's autograph. F. Locker. 1883." **And over all her babe and her the jewels Of many generations of his house Sparkled and flash 'd, for he had decked them out As for a solemn sacrifice of love — So she came in: — I am long in telling it — I never yet beheld a thing so strange, Sad, sweet and strange together — floated in — While all the guests in mute amazement rose — And slowly pacing to the middle hall, Before the board, there paused and stood." TENNYSON (Alfred, Lord).— Autograph Manuscript of a Portion of **A Lover's Tale.'' One page, 8vo, This portion differs from the published version, and came from the Locker-Lampson collection, and the Harry B. Smith library. TENNYSON (Charles).— S^onnets and Fugi- tive Pieces. Trinity College, Cambridge, 1830. 16mo, full dark blue morocco, gold tooled, gilt top, uncut, by P. Ruban. The First Edition. THACKERAY (William Makepeace).— Vanity Fair. A Novel Without a Hero. By William Makepeace Thackeray. With Illustrations on Steel and Wood by the Author. London: Bradbury and Evans, 11, Bouverie Street, 1847-48. 8vo, twenty parts in nineteen, original paper wrappers, with advertisements, uncut. 296 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER The First Issue of the First Edition, and one of the finest copies in America, equalled by possibly only three others, which are in private collections in New York. (1) The yellow wrappers are complete. (2) The advertisements and "Slips" that were so frequently destroyed or omitted as the work grew in popularity, are each in their proper "Number." (3) The interesting first issue "points"; the "Steyne" wood- cut, and others, are here without exception. (4) The original tissues are practically all between the plates. Livingston's bibliography of "Vanity Fair" (Boston Tran- cript Collation) was in error in certain instances. It states the inside front wrapper of Nos. I to XIII, should read "Contents of No. I," etc. In the first five wrappers of the present copy, there is simply the word "Contents." This is quite correct, the num- bers being added subsequently, evidently for the sake of uni- formity. The Boston Transcript Collation requires the absence of the square bracket in front of the price on wrapper XVI. This occurs only on undated numbers. This copy is undated and unbracketted. This Collation also states that the first line inside of the back wrapper of Part X should have the words * ' Novels ' ' and * ' Tales ' ' in capitals, differing from Part IX, where these words were evi- dently in even type with the remainder of the line. This copy agrees in this respect, though some copies are known having the inside of the back wrappers of these parts identical. The Brayton Ives copy had advertisements in Part IV, four pages, — a repetition of the advertisements in Part II. In this copy, the advertisements are different. Agreeing with the Boston Transcript Collation, the advertise- ments at the end of Part XVI are on tinted paper.* Following is a complete and detailed collation of this copy: — TITLE-PAGE. VANITY FAIR. I A Novel without a Hero. I BY | WILLIAM MAKEPEACE THACKEKAY. I WITH ILLUSTRATIONS ON STEEL AND WOOD BY THE AUTHOR. | LONDON: BRADBURY AND EVANS, 11 BOUVEBIE STREET. 1848. I PART I. FRONT WRAPPER, PAGE I. No. I.] JANUARY. [Price Is. I (Woodcut design) I VANITY FAIR: I PEN AND PENCIL SKETCHES OF ENGLISH SOCIETY. I (line). BY W. M. THACKERAY, | Author of "The Irish Sketch Book:" "Journey from Cornhill to Grand 297 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Cairo : * ' of * * Jeames 's Diary ' ' I and the * * Snob Papers ' ' in "Punch: ^' &c. &c. I LONDON: j PUBLISHED AT THE PUNCH OFFICE, 85, FLEET STREET. | J. MENZIES, EDINBURGH; J. M'LEOD, GLASGOW; J. M'GLASHAN, DUBLIN. I 1847. | [Bradbury & Evans, Printers, White- friars.] I INSIDE FRONT WRAPPER. CONTENTS. I (and at the bottom) Advertisements | RE- FORM YOUR TAILOR'S BILLS. I DOUDNEY & SON, 49, LOMBARD STREET. | ESTABLISHED 1784. INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. | Christmas Festivities. | (etc.). OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I TO THE TEA-DRINKERS THROUGHOUT THE KINGDOM. | (etc.). FRONT ADVERTISEMENTS. No. I.— January, 1847. | VANITY FAIR ADVERTISER, j SMITH, ELDER & CO.'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. | (Reverse) 2 I ADVERTISEMENTS | BY MR. MICHAEL ANGELO I TITMARSH. I Page 3, ADVERTISEMENTS. | COUGHS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL ASTHMATIC AND PUL- MONARY I (etc., complete advertisements 4 numbered pages. 1-4.). BACK ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW WORK I BY MICHAEL ANGELO TITMARSH. | (Woodcut) ( On the first of January, to be continued in Monthly Parts, price Is. each, with I numerous Illustrations on Steel and Wood, | VANITY FAIR: | (etc.). (Page 3.) BECHSTEIN'S CAGE BIRDS. | (etc.). (Page 5.) WORKS BY MR. DICKENS. | (etc.). (Page 7.) Published Weekly, price 3d., or Stamped 4d. | (etc., eight numbered 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, page 3 unnumbered.) CHAMBERS ' EDINBURGH JOURNAL, | (etc., 2 pages, first unnumbered, but with * at lower right, second numbered 2.) (Asterisk lacking). WORKS I PUBLISHED BY WM. S. ORR AND CO., | (etc., 6 pages, numbered 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, page 3 unnumbered.) ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates, with the original tissue. Text, pages (1) to 32. PART II. FRONT WRAPPER, PAGE I. No. II.] FEBRUARY. [Price Is. | (the remainder of the wrapper similar to Part I, with the date 1847). 298 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. CONTENTS. I (and at the bottom) Advertisements. I RE- FORM YOUR TAILOR'S BILLS. I (two more lines, and beneath) THE GENTLEMAN'S REAL HEAD OF HAIR, OR INVISIBLE I (etc.). INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER ADVERTISEMENTS. | Rowland's Unique Preparations. | (etc.). OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I TO THE TEA-DRINKERS THROUGHOUT THE KINGDOM. | (etc.). FRONT ADVERTISEMENTS. No. II.— February, 1847. | VANITY FAIR ADVERTISER. I BY MR. MICHAEL ANGELO TITMARSH. | (etc.). (Page 3.) ADVERTISEMENTS. | PRICE EIGHTPENCE- HALFPENNY. | (etc., complete advertisements, 4 pp. first un- numbered, others numbered, 2, 3, 4.). ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates, with the original tissue. Text, pages (33) to 64. PART III. FRONT WRAPPER. PAGE I. No. III.] MARCH. [Price Is. | (the remainder of the wrapper like Part I, with the date, 1847.) INSIDE OF FRONT WRAPPER. CONTENTS. I Advertisements. I REFORM YOUR TAILORS' BILLS. I (etc.). THE GENTLEMAN'S REAL HEAD OP HAIR, OR INVISIBLE (etc.) | REMARKABLE CASE OF RESTORATION. | ROWLAND 'S MACASSAR OIL. ( (the contents covering 1-3 of the page). INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I THE GENTLEMAN'S REAL HEAD OF HAIR; | (etc.). OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. | NUMBER ONE, SAINT PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. | FRONT ADVERTISEMENTS. Cheap Edition of the Works of | Mr. Charles Dickens. | (4 pages, the first unnumbered, 2 and 3, and the 4th page num- bered) I (page) 20 I THE PICKWICK PAPERS. CHAP. XIIL ILLUSTRATIONS. 2 Plates, WITH the original tissue, text, pages (65) to 96. 299 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF PAET IV. FRONT WRAPPER. PAGE I. No. IV.] APRIL. [Price Is. | (Wrapper like Part I, with the date 1847.) INSIDE OF FRONT WRAPPER. CONTENTS. I —Advertisements. | REFORM YOUR TAIL- OR'S BILLS. I —TO THE LADIES. | —Bad coughs & COLDS CURED BY HOLLOW A Y 'S OINTMENT | STOOPING OF THE SHOULDERS & CONTRACTION OF THE CHEST | (etc.). INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. [ THE GENTLEMAN 'S REAL HEAD OF HAIR; | (etc.). OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. [ NUMBER ONE, SAINT PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. | ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates, WITH the original tissue. Text, pages (97) to 128. PART V. FRONT WRAPPER. PAGE I. No. v.] MAY. [Price Is. | (remainder of the wrapper like Part I. with the date 1847). INSIDE OF FRONT WRAPPER. CONTENTS. I —REFORM YOUR TAILOR'S BILLS. I —TO THE LADIES. I —THE GENTLEMAN'S REAL HEAD OP HAIR, OR INVISIBLE | —STOOPING OF THE SHOUL- DERS & CONTRACTION OF THE CHEST. | (etc., contents taking up about ^ of the page). INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I THE GENTLEMAN'S REAL HEAD OF HAIR; | (etc.) OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. J NUMBER ONE. SAINT PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. | (etc.) FRONT ADVERTISEMENTS. WORKS BY Dr. LINDLEY. | (etc.) (Page 3.) On the Ist of May, with Illustrations on Steel and Wood, Part V., price Is. | VANITY FAIR: | (etc., 4 unnum- bered pages). ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates, with the original tissues. Text, pages (129) to 160. 300 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKEB PART VI. FRONT WRAPPER. PAGE I. No. VI.] JUNE. [Price Is. I (The remainder of the wrap- per like Part I, with the date 1847.) INSIDE OF FRONT COVER. CONTENTS OF NO. VI. I —REFORM YOUR TAILORS' BILLS. J —PERSONAL GRACES. I —THE GENTLEMAN'S REAL HEAD OF HAIR, OR INVISIBLE I —STOOPING OF THE SHOULDERS & CONTRACTION OF THE CHEST. I (etc.) INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I THE GENTLEMAN'S REAL HEAD OF HAIR; | (etc.) OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. | THOS. HARRIS & SON'S | (etc.) BACK ADVERTISEMENTS. DAKIN & COMy. I TEA MERCHANTS, | (2 unnumbered pages printed in blue). ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates, WITH the original tissue. Text, pages (161) to 192. PART VIL FRONT WRAPPER. PAGE I. No. VII.] JULY. [Price Is. I (the remainder of the wrap- per like Part I, with the date, 1847). INSIDE OF FRONT WRAPPER. CONTENTS OF No. VII. | —Oru the 6th of July will he pub- lished, price 8s. 6d., handsomely hound in cloth, I — MR. JAMES'S NEW HISTORICAL ROMANCE. I —REFORM YOUR TAILORS' BILLS. I —STOOPING OF THE SHOUL- DERS & CONTRACTION OF THE CHEST | (etc.) (The lines of Contents occupy about M: of the page.) INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. | THOS. HARRIS & SON'S | (etc.) OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. | NUMBER ONE, ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. | (etc.) ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates, with original tissue. Text, pages (193) to 224. 301 CATALOGUE OF THE LlBRAKY OF PART VIII. FRONT WRAPPER. PAGE I. No. VIII.] AUGUST. [Price Is. I (remainder of the wrapper like Part I, with the date 1847). INSIDE OF FRONT WRAPPER. CONTENTS OF No. VIII. I —THE COMIC HISTORY OF ENGLAND. I —DOUGLAS JERROLD'S SHILLING MAGA- ZINE. I —PUNCH, VOLUME THE TWELFTH: | (Above each of the last two mentioned books, there is a line of announcement in small type, the first in Roman, the second italics. The Contents occupy about % of the page.) INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. | To invigoeate the constitxjtion AND OBTAIN HEALTH | (etC.) OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. | NUMBER ONE, ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. | (etc.) ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates, WITHOUT the oeiginal tissues. Text, pages (225) to 256. PART IX. FRONT WRAPPER. PAGE I. No. IX.] SEPTEMBER. [Price Is. | (the remainder of the wrapper like Part I with the date 1847). INSIDE OF FRONT WRAPPER. CONTENTS OF No. IX. I —THE COMIC HISTORY OF ENGLAND. I —DOUGLAS JERROLD'S SHILLING MAGA- ZINE. I —LADIES TRAVELLING. | (etc.) [Above The Shilling Magazine advertisement, there is a brief line of an- nouncement in small type. The lines of Contents occupy nearly % of the page.] INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I Cheap Edition of the NOVELS and TALES of I (etc.) OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I NUMBER ONE, ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. | (etc.) ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates, with the original tissues. Text, pages (257) to 288. 302 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER PART X. FRONT WRAPPER. PAGE I. No. X.] OCTOBER. [Price Is. ( (The remainder of the wrapper like Part I, with the date 1847.) INSIDE OF FRONT WRAPPER. CONTENTS OF No. X. | —On the First of November, I —PUNCH 'S POCKET BOOK, ( —LEIGH HUNT 'S CHRIST- MAS BOOK. I — .lANE EYRE. AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I —IMPORTANT CAUTION. | (etc.) INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I Cheap Edition of the NOVELS and TALES of I (etc.) OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I NUMBER ONE, ST PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. | (etc.) FRONT ADVERTISEMENTS. Cheap Edition of the Novels and Tales of | (Four pages, page 1 unnumbered, pages 2 and 3 and 4 numbered.) (Page 4 headed) rienzi the last of the tribunes. | ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates, WITH the original tissue. Text, pages (289) to 320. PART XL FRONT WRAPPER. PAGE I. No. XL] NOVEMBER. [Price Is. | (The remainder of the wrapper like Part I, with the date 1847.) INSIDE OF FRONT WRAPPER. CONTENTS OF No. XL | — Summerly 's art manufactures in metals, pottery, | —FIVE SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS I etc. Waterproof Irish Poplin,— the DOUDNEYS (etc.). | INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS | NEW BOOKS BY POPULAR AUTHORS. I KEATING 'S COUGH LOZENGES. I BEAUTI- FUL TEETH. I THE GENTLEMAN'S REAL HEAD OF HAIR, OR INVISIBLE | PERUKE. | OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I NUMBER ONE, ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. I DAKIN AND COMPY. TEA MER- CHANTS. I (etc.) ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates, with the original tissue. Text, pages (321) to 352. 303 CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRAKY OF PART XII. FRONT WRAPPER. PAGE I. No. XII.] DECEMBER. [Peice Is. | (Remainder of wrap- per like Part I, with the date 1847.) INSIDE OF FRONT WRAPPER. CONTENTS OF No. XII. I —MR. M. A. TITMARSH'S NEW CHRISTMAS BOOK. | ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. | OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I NUMBER ONE, ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. | DAKIN AND COMPY., TEA MER- CHANTS. I INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I LEIGH HUNT'S CHRISTMAS BOOK. I SICK HEADACHES, BILE AND INDIGESTION, CURED BY I HOLLOW AY'S PILLS. | Coughs, Hoarseness, AND ALL Asthmatic and Pulmonary Complaints ( effect- ually CURED BY I KEATING 'S COUGH LOZENGES. J THE GENTLEMAN'S REAL HEAD OF HAIR, OR INVISIBLE 1 PERUKE. I (etc.) FRONT ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW MONTHLY PERIODICAL,— Messrs. Bradbury & Evans beg to I announce that a NEW MONTHLY PERIODI- CAL, I (etc.) J NEW STORY BY DOUGLAS JERROLD. | PUNCH'S ALMANACK for 1848, | This day is published, price Is. No. XV III. of | THE COMIC HISTORY OF ENG- LAND. I Just pubushed, price Sixpence j ( (etc. Reverse blank). ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates, (without the original tissues). Text pages (353) to 384. PART XIII. FRONT WRAPPER. PAGE I. No. XIII.] (Copies are known without this bracket.) JAN- UARY. [Price Is. | (Remainder of wrapper like Part 1, with the date 1848.) INSIDE OF FRONT WRAPPER. CONTENTS OF No. XIII. I Shortly will he published, price 2s. 6d. THE BOOK OF SNOBS. | LEIGH HUNT'S CHRISTMAS BOOK. | — The most immediate remedy for COUGHS AND COLDS | — (The lines of Contents occupy about % of the page.) INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. | ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. | (etc.) OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I (Coat of Arms) | EXTRACT FROM "THE PATENT JOURNAL'' OF THE 11th OF | —PRE- LIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. | 304 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER FRONT ADVERTISEMENTS. 11, Bouverie Street, 1848. I WORKS BY MR. DICKENS. I (etc.) (Page 3) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. | etc. (Page 5) Punch Office, 85, Fleet Street, | Wonder Of The SeasonI!! | (etc.) (Page 7) Punch Office, 85, Fleet Street. \ WORKS BY GIL- BERT A. a BECKETT. I (etc., forming 8 unnumbered pages.) SUp ''PUNCH'S ALMANACK." | From the great approba- tion which has been expressed of . . \ Punch Office, 85, Fleet Street. | (Verso blank.) ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates (with original tissues). Text, pages (385) to 416. PART XIV. FRONT WRAPPER. No. XIV. FEBRUARY. [Price Is. I (Remainder of the wrapper like Part I, with the date 1848.) INSIDE OF FRONT WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I Now leady price 10s., 8vo, boards, 1 THE STUART PAPERS, | —THE BOOK OF SNOBS. J —Completion of the Comic History Of England. I —DOUGLAS JERROLD'S SHILLING MAGAZINE. | PUNCH'S AL- MANACK, FOR 1848, I Preparing for Publication, THE GALLANTEE SHOW. | INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. | OPEN daily, from ten till pour | The bowyer gallery, (etc.) | OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I (Coat of Arms) | EXTRACT FROM ''THE PATENT JOURNAL" OF THE 11th OF | (etc.) ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates (without the original tissues). Text pages (417) to 448. Slip, after the plates, Early in March, with Illustrations, I The Life and Adventures Of Oliver Goldsmith. | etc. Verso blank. PART XV. FRONT WRAPPER. PAGE I. No. XV. (Copies are known with a bracket here.) [Price Is. I (Remainder of the wrapper like Part I, with the date 1848.) INSIDE OF FRONT WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. | NEW WORK, BY THE AUTHOR OF I "HARRY LORREQUER," etc. | —Mrs. Mary Parkes's Last Grand Club Subscription, | (etc.) 305 CATALOGUE OS* 'fHfi LlBKAltY OP INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. | (Coat of Anns) | PARASOLS. | (etc.) OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. | (Coat of Arms) | EXTRACT FROM "THE PATENT JOURNAL '' OF THE 11th OF | (etc. first word on last line is "delicacy*'), FRONT ADVERTISEMENTS. No. XV. —March 1848. I VANITY FAIR ADVERTISER. | WORKS BY MR. THACKERAY. | (etc.) (Page 3.) ADVERTISEMENTS | Early in March, with Illus- trations, I The Life and Adventures of Oliver Goldsmith, j (etc., complete, 4 pages, first page unnumbered, others, 2, 3, 4.) BACK ADVERTISEMENTS. Dr. RADCLIFFE'S ALLEVIATORS, | (2 unnumbered pages.) ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates (with the original tissues). Text, pages (449) to 480. PART XVI. FRONT WRAPPER. PAGE I. No. XVI.] APRIL. Price Is. | (Remainder of the wrapper like Part I, without date 1848.) INSIDE OF FRONT WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. | FIVE SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS | (Between two coats of Arms) | (etc.) INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. | (Coats of Arms.) | PARASOLS. | (etc.) OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I (Coat of Arms) I EXTRACT FROM ''THE PATENT JOURNAL'' OF THE 11th OF | (etc. Last line reads "this berry.") FRONT ADVERTISEMENTS. No. XVI. —April, 1848. I VANITY FAIR ADVERTISER. I NEW BOOKS BY POPULAR AUTHORS. I (etc.) (Page 3) ADVERTISEMENTS, j NEW WORK | By the Author of "Harry Lorrequer," | etc., complete advertisement 4 pages, first unnumbered, and the others, 2, 3, 4). BACK ADVERTISEMENTS. New Life of Goldsmith, j On Saturday, the 15th of April wiU be published, in one large Volume 8vo, \ (Page 3) Completion of Dombey and Son. I (etc.) (Pago 5) DOUGLAS JERROLD'S | MAGAZINE, | (etc.) (Page 7) PUNCH; | (etc., complete 8 pages, unnumbered, on green paper). ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates (with the original tissues). Text, pages (481) to 512. 306 CitARLES TEMPLETON crocker PART XVII. FRONT WRAPPER. PAGE I. No. XVII. MAY. Price Is. | (Remainder of the wrapper like Part I, with the date 1848.) INSIDE OF FRONT WRAPPER. FIVE SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS. I (large Coat of Arms.) 1 (etc.) INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. (Coat of Arms) | PARASOLS. | (etc.) OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS I (Coat of Arms) | EXTRACT FROM "THE PATENT JOURNAL" etc. | (Last two lines an "N.B. Full Particulars," etc.) FRONT ADVERTISEMENTS. No. XVII,— May, 1848. | VANITY FAIR ADVERTISER. | (etc.) (Page. 3.) ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LADIES. | (etc., com- plete in 4 pages, first and fourth, unnumbered, then, 2, 3.) ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates (without tissues). Text, pages (513) to 544. PART XVIII. FRONT WRAPPER. PAGE I. No. XVIII. JUNE. Price Is. | (Remainder of the wrapper like part I, without date 1848.) INSIDE OF FRONT WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. | HALF-MOURNING DRESSES. ( —COFFEE AS IN FRANCE | DIETETIC COCOA | INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I Coughs and Influenza. | KEATING 'S COUGH LOZENGES | OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I (Coat of Arms) I EXTRACT FROM ''THE PATENT JOURNAL" OF THE 11th OP | (etc. Last paragraph an *'N.B." consisting of 4 lines, commencing "An unforseen cause of delay." Etc.) FRONT ADVERTISEMENTS. No. XVIII. June— 1848. VANITY FAIR ADVERTISER. I NEW BOOKS I (etc.) (Page 3.) ADVERTISEMENTS | ROWLANDS' TOILET ARTICLES, I (complete in 4 pages, first unnumbered, others 2, 3, 4.) BACK ADVERTISEMENTS. WATERLOW & SONS, | WHOLESALE AND EXPORT 307 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OE STATIONERS, | (consisting of 8 pages, Pages 1 and 2, un- numbered; the others 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.) I PROSPECTUS I OP I A NEW WEEKLY JOURNAL, \ **THE STANDARD OF FREEDOM, »' | (complete in 4 pages, the first unnumbered, and the others, 2, 3, 4.) ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 2 Plates (with original tissues). Text pages (545) to 576. PARTS XIX & XX. FRONT WRAPPER. PAGE I. Nos. XIX. & XX. JULY. Price 2s. | (Remainder of the wrapper like Part I, with the date 1848.) INSIDE OF FRONT WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS | HALF-MOURNING DRESSES. | NICOLL'S PALETOT, NEWLY REGISTERED. | INSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. | (Coat of Arms) | ALPACA UM- BRELLAS. I (etc.) OUTSIDE OF BACK WRAPPER. ADVERTISEMENTS. I (Coat of Arms) I EXTRACT FROM ''THE PATENT JOURNAL'' OF THE 11th OF J (etc. The last paragraph an **N.B. An unforseen cause oi delay prevented the full particulars of," consisting of 4 lines.) FRONT ADVERTISEMENTS. Nos. XIX & XX.— JULY, 1848. I VANITY FAIR ADVER- TISER. I COMPLETION OF VANITY FAIR. I (Page 3) ADVERTISEMENTS. I CHAPMAN AND HALL'S NEW PUBLICATION. I etc. (Page 5) ADVERTISEMENTS. I FOURTEENTH VOLUME OF PUNCH! I (Page 7) ADVERTISEMENTS. I ROYAL PAPIER MACHE AND JAPAN WORKS | JENNENS & BETTRIDGE | (etc., complete in 8 pages, the first unnumbered. Then, numbered from 2 to 8.) ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC. 3 Plates and the Engraved Title. Text, pages (577) to 624. Slip, after the plates, "New Work By The Author of ''Vanity Fair." | dated, No. 11, Bouverie Street, | June 30, 1848. | 16 preliminary pages, as follows: blank page. — Preparing for Publication, with illustrations by the Author. | The | GREAT HOGGARTY DIAMOND. | (etc.) Title page as above. | (Verso) (Imprint:) London: | Bradbury and Evans, Printers, Whitefriars. I — Dedication page "To B. W. PROCTOR," etc. (Verso blank.) | BEFORE THE CUR- TAIN, pages (vii) viii and ix, (page x, blank) : CONTENTS, (xi), xii, xiii, and xiv; List of Plates, (xv) and xvi. 308 CHABLBS TEMPLETON CROCKER THACKERAY (William Makepeace).— Origi- nal Water-Colour Drawing for ** Vanity Fair": **Mr. Joseph Entangled." 12m0y mounted and framed. This sketch dififers materially from the published plate, having in addition a waste-paper basket, and other changes. THACKERAY (William Makepeace).— Auto- graph Letter Signed. Brompton, Dec. 18, 1854. Concerns the addition of some pages to a manu- script. 12mo, two pages. THACKERAY (William Makepeace).— Origi- nal Manuscript of **The Ballad of Bouillabaisse." 4to, two pages double columns, eleven stanzas. This manuscript differs from the published poem in no less than twenty-three different places. Changes in words appear in each of the stanzas. Four lines in stanzas V and VI are transposed, and stanza IV has been re-written in part, containing in addition to the printed version, four unpublished lines. THIERS (Louis Adolphe).— History of the French Revolution. Translated, with Notes and Illustrations from the Most Authentic Sources, by Frederick Shoberl. With forty-one portraits and illustrations. London, 1838. 8vo, five volumes extended to ten, full red crushed levaht morocco, emblematic tooling, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. A beautifully extra-illustrated copy, having inserted six hun- dred additional portraits and views. 309 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THOMSON ILLUSTRATIONS.— BARBIE (Sir James Matthew). Quality Street. A Comedy in Four Acts by J. M. Barrie. Illus- trated in colour and line by Hugh Thomson. Hodder and Stoughton: London, 1913. Folio, full parchment, gilt top, uncut, ribhon ties. Only one thousand copies printed and signed by the Artist. TOLSTOI (Lyof N.).— The Novels and Other Works of Lyof N. Tolstoi. [New York] : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1899. 8vo, twenty-two volumes, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, TOUSSAINT (Franz). —Le Jardin des Caresses. Traduit de PArabe. Illustrations de Leon Carre. L 'Edition d'Art. [Paris] : H. Piazza, 1914. 8vo, stitched, with wrappers. Only one hundred copies printed on imperial Japan paper, con- taining an extra set of plates in black and white. TRIALS OF FAMOUS CRIMINALS.— Select Trials for Murder, Robbery, Rapes, Sodomy, Coin- ing, Forgery, Pyracy, and other Offenses and Misdemeanours at the Session-House in the Old- Bailey, to which are added Genuine Accounts of the Lives, Exploits, Behaviours, Confessions, and Dying-Speeches of the Convicts from 1741-1764. London, 1764. 12mo, four volumes, contemporary calf (re- backed), A scarce collection, containing information regarding famous trials, with the evidence for and against. 310 CHAELES TEMPLETON CROCKER TROLLOPE (Anthony).— Autograph Letter Signed. To Charles Dickens. Roma, 29 March, 1881. Regarding his sending some work for publication. 12mo, three pages, TURGENIEFF (Ivan).— The Novels and Stories of Ivan Turgenieff. Translated from the Russian by Isabel F. Hapgood. With Intro- duction by Henry James. London, 1905. 8vo, sixteen volumes, three-quarters blue mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut. Illustrated. UFIZZI GALLERY.— DISEGNI DELLA R. GALLERIA DEGLI UFIZZI IN FIRENZE. Leo. S. Olschi, Florence, 1912. Portfolio, loose sheets. Only 300 copies printed. La Premiere Serie de quatre portefeuilles contenant une cent planches comprend des dessins des maitrea suivants: Pontormo, Tiziano, Tintoretto, Paolo Uccelo, Antonio et Pietro Pollaiuolo, Andrea del Verrocchio, Sandro Botticelli, M. Brill, A. Eisheimer, P. Brill, C. Lorrain, H. Swanevelt, N. Berchem, G. Susterman, J. Callot, C. Poelemburg, G. Both, G. Vanvitelli. La Seconde Serie de quatre portefeuilles contenant une cent planches avee des dessins de: Cigoli, Furini, Empoli, Allori, Fra Bartolomeo, de Correggio, Parmigianino, et d'autres maitres de I'Emilie et de Jacques Callot. La TroisiSme Serie. UNIVERSAL ANTHOLOGY (The).— A Col- lection of the Best Literature, Ancient, Medieval and Modern, with Biographical and Explanatory 311 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Notes, Edited by Richard Garnett, Leon Vallee, Alois Brandl. London, New York, Paris and Berlin, 1899. 8vo, thirty-three volumes, three-quarters mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut. Gamett Memorial Edition. VERVILLE (Beroalde de). — Le Moyen de Parvenir. Paris, 1870. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, VOLTAIRE (Franqois Marie Arouet).— CEdipe, Tragedie. Paris, 1719. 8vo, full red morocco, with arms of de Cau- martin in gold on front and hack covers. The First Edition. VORS (F.).— Bibelots and Curios. A Manual for the Collector, with a Glossary of Technical Terms, (Pottery, Porcelain, Enamels, Metal Work, Arms, Clocks, Watches, Fans, etc.). New York, 1879. 16mo, cloth. WASHINGTON (George).— Autograph Letter Signed, to Mrs. Ralph Izard. Mount Vernon, 20th July, 1798. 4to, four pages. A most interesting and long letter in which Washington touches on the need of Congress establishing a Military Academy. 312 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER ** Madam, By the last Post I had the honor to receive your favour of the 25th ult. from Charleston, and pray you to be per- suaded that no one could hear of the improvinjar state of Mr. Izard 's health, and prospect of his recovery, with more pleasure because few, if any of his acquaintances, regretted the loss of the first more than I did. On the prospect of the latter I sincerely con- gratulate you, as I do on the safe return of your son; who, if circumstances had permitted, I should have seen with pleasure at this place, on his way to Carolina. "If I rightly understand the grd. of Mr. Izard's complaint, I persuade myself that both you and he, upon a reconsideration of the case, and the consequences of a contrary principle in the decisions of the Executive thereon, will readily perceive that no injustice has been done him. "Usage, and the Policy of States in the establishment of new Corps, are independent of & unconnected with the old. Officers and privates come in together; — ^the former as a means to obtain the latter, and rarely is otherwise; except to reward meritorious officers, distinguished for signal services, who cannot be advanced in their own corps out of the usual ro(u)tine of promotion; — but this, when done, is considered as a favour, not claimed as a right; and sometimes proves the reverse, by throwing them out of Ser- vice altogether, — New corps being the first for disbandment. — "But there is another, and more interesting point, in which to view this subject; and proves beyond contradiction, the impos- sibility of Mr. Izards claim. "In Military, more so perhaps than in other matters, Princi- ples must be established & adhered to, or discontents wd. be end- less, and disorder great. What is right in one case must be right in every case, similarly circumstanced. Upon the principle then that Mr. Izard complains — ^viz — that it was injurious to make Captains of those who had never served, in the new Corps, while there were officers of inferior grades in the old, let me ask what would be the operation of it in the Army about to be raised ; for it applys as forceably to the Infantry, as to the Artillery! "At present, we have four Regiments of Infantry in existence, twelve are voted to be immediately raised, and if circumstances should require the Provisional Army, nearly double that number will be wanted in addition. — ^Would it not be a matter of surprise then, and absolutely defeat the measures of Government, if no new Officers were to be appointed in this Army until those of the four Regiments were first provided for? — Certain I am. Madam, that your good sense would be the first to cry yes. The case of Mr. Izard is exactly similar, although the evil would not be in existence. — "My wishes that Congress would establish a Military Academy, and Corps of Engineers have often been communicated to that Body, and it is to be regretted that the want of many useful Institutions are not seen until they are felt. 313 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF '*Mr8. Washington & Miss Custis are thankful for your kind remembrance of them and unite with me in every good wish for Mr. Izard, yourself and family — and with the highest regard I have the honor to be Madam Your Most Obedt G. Washington/' **Mrs. Izard." WASHINGTON (George).— Autograph Letter Signed, to Tobias Lear. Mount Vernon, June 29th, 1788. Folio, one page, A most interesting letter from Washington to his private secre- tary, Tobias Lear. The letter refers to the ratification of the Constitution by the Virginia Legislature in 1788. The Conven- tion met on June 2d, 1788, and the Constitution was finally ratified on June 25th. This delay made Virginia the tenth of the **ten affirmatives'' as New Hampshire had already ratified on June 21st, by a vote of 57 to 46. In the second paragraph, **Col. Henley, express from New York on his way to Eichmond," un- doubtedly refers to the special express arranged by Hamilton and Madison between Concord and Richmond, via Poughkeepsie, so that whichever state decided first the news might be used to in- fluence the other. In paragraph three, * * some recommendatory or declatory rights, etc." These were, as a matter of fact, offered the next day by Henry and others. The letter follows: "Dear Sir; Your letter of the 2d instant came duly to hand, and obliged me by its communications. — "On Friday last, (by the Stage), advice of the decision of the long and warmly (with temper) contested question -in the Conven- tion of this State, was received — 89 ayes — 79 noes, without pre- vious amendments; — and in the course of that night. Col. Henley, express from New York on his way to Richmond, arrived in Alex- andria with the news of the ratification by the State of New Hampshire — This flood of good news almost at the same moment, gave abundant cause for rejoicing in a place, the Inhabitants of which are all federal. — The Cannon roared, and the Town was illuminated. Yesterday, as magnificent a dinner as Mr. Wise could provide (to which this family were invited and went), was dis- played before the principal male Inhabitants of the Town; whose Ears were saluted at every quaff with the Melody of federal Guns. And on Monday, the business it seems is to recommense and finish, with fiddling & dancing, for the amusement & benefit of the Ladies. * * The final question was taken on the 25th. ; and some Recom- mendatory, or declatory rights, it was supposed (by my eorre- 314 CHARLES TEMPLETON CROCKER spondents in Richmond), would follow the Ratification of the Constitution the next, or following day. — As these two adoptions make ten affirmatives without a negative, and little or no ques- tion is made of North Carolina's treading in the steps of Virginia, it is hardly to be conceived that New York will reject it. — Rhode Island hitherto, has so far baffled all calculation, that he must be a hardy man, indeed, who will undertake to declare what will he the choice of the majority of that State, lest he should be suspected of having participated of their phrensy. **The Accys. from Richmond are, that the Minority will acquiesce with good grace — Mr. Henry it seems having declared that, though he cannot be reconciled to the Government in its present form, and will give it every constitutional opposition in his power; yet, that he will submit to it peaceably; as every good citizen he thinks ought; and by precept and example will en- deavor, within the sphere of his action, to inculcate the like prin- ciples in to others. — **You have the best wishes of every one in this family but of none in a higher degree than those of. Your affect, friend and Obedient Servt. . . . G. Washington. *'Pray offer my Compliments, to Mr. Langdon. "Mr. Tobias Lear.'' WEBSTER (Wentworth).— Basque Legends: Collected, Chiefly in the Labourd, by the Rev. Wentworth Webster. With an Essay on the Basque Language, by Julien Vinson. London, 1877. 8vOy origm