■ m de ma AUSTIN DOBSON LIBRARY OF THE University of California. 1S3 Class ZPt^S Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/delibrisproseverOOdobsrich DE LIBRIS PROSE AND VERSE ££%& THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK • BOSTON • CHICAGO ATLANTA • . SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO., Limited LONDON • BOMBAY • CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Lm TORONTO J \1 & ! I By/' i ill] y w-pti U J £ O ^3 o « M £ o DE LIBRIS PROSE & VERSE BY AUSTIN DOBSON Vt Mel Os, sic Cor Melos afficit, & reficit. Deuterotnelia. A mixture of a Song doth ever adde Pleasure. Bacon (adapted). ff ^ OF THE f UNIVERSITY OF &tto gotfc THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1908 411 rights reserved GENERAL Copyright, 1908 By THE MACMIL.LAN COMPANY Set up and electrotyped. Published October, 1908 THE MASON-HENRY PRESS SYRACUSE. N. Y. PROLOGUE LECTOR BENEVOLE!— FOR SO THEY USED TO CALL YOU, YEARS AGO,— I CAN'T PRETEND TO MAKE YOU READ THE PAGES THAT TO THIS SUCCEED ; NOR COULD I— IF I WOULD^-EXCUSE THE WAYWARD PROMPTINGS OF THE MUSE AT WHOSE COMMAND I WROTE THEM DOWN. I HAVE NO HOPE TO "PLEASE THE TOWN." I DID BUT THINK SOME FRIENDLY SOUL (NOT ILL-ADVISED, UPON THE WHOLE!) MIGHT LIKE THEM; AND "TO INTERPOSE A LITTLE EASE," BETWEEN THE PROSE, SLIPPED IN THE SCRAPS OF VERSE, THAT THUS THINGS MIGHT BE LESS MONOTONOUS. THEN, LECTOR, BE BENEVOLUS! 175609 [The Author desires to express his thanks to Lord North- cliff e, Messrs. Macmillan and Co., Messrs. Smith, Elder and Co., Mr. William Heinemann, and Messrs. Virtue and Co., for kind permission to reprint those pieces in this volume concerning (which no specific arrangements E LIBRIS alighted from the jolting, springless, heavy-wheeled old coach as the tired horses toil uphill, to recognise at once that here is an artist en pays de connaissance, who may fairly be trusted, in the best sense, to "illustrate" his subject. Whatever one's predilections for previous presentments, it is impossible to resist Sir Roger (young, slim, and handsome), carving the perverse widow's name upon a tree-trunk; or Sir Roger at bowls, or riding to hounds, or listening — with grave courtesy — to Will Wimble's long-winded and circumstantial account of the taking of the historic jack. Nor is the conception less happy of that amorous fine-gentleman ancestor of the Coverleys who first made love by squeezing the hand; or of that other Knight of the Shire who so narrowly escaped being killed in the Civil Wars because he was sent out of the field upon a private message, the day before Cromwell's "crowning mercy," — the battle of Worcester. But the varied embodiments of these, and of Mrs. Betty Arable ("the great fortune"), of Ephraim the Quaker, and the rest, are not all. The figures are set in their fitting environment; they ride their own horses, hallo to their own dogs, and eat and drink in their own dark-panelled rooms that look out on the pleached alleys of their ancient gardens. They live and move in their own passed-away atmosphere of association; and a faithful effort has moreover been THE 'BALLAD OF BEAU BROCADE 's and #'s; No more mishaps of ante and of post, That most mislead when they should help the most; No more of 'friend' as 'fiend,' and 'warm' as worm ; No more negations where we would affirm; No more of those mysterious freaks of fate That make us bless when we should execrate ; No more of those last blunders that remain Where we no more can set them right again ; 223 224 DE LIBRIS No more apologies for doubtful data ; No more fresh facts that figure as Errata; No more, in short, O Type, of wayward lore From thy most z/«-Pierian fount — NO more !" So spoke Papyrius. Yet his hand meanwhile Went vaguely seeking for the vacant file, Late stored with long array of notes, but now Bare-wired and barren as a leafless bough; — . And even as he spoke, his mind began Again to scheme, to purpose and to plan. There is no end to Labour 'neath the sun ; There is no end of labouring — but One ; And though we "twitch (or not) our Mantle blue," "To-morrow to fresh Woods, and Pastures new." GENERAL INDEX 235 GENERAL INDEX [N.B. — The titles of articles are in capitals Addison, Joseph, 8, 34 Adele et Theodore, 78, 79 Alexandre, Arsene, 103 Allemagne, De I', Mme. de Stael's, 136 Allen, Ralph, 157, 160 Almanacks, Miss Greenaway's, 97, 103 American Notes, Dickens's, 138 Ami des Enfants, Berquin's, 76 A Miltonic Exercise, 191-92 Analysis of Beauty, Hogarth's, 48, 53 Andrew, Sarah, 196 Ak Epistle to an Editor, 19-21 Angellier, M. Auguste, 153, 154 n. Anstey, Christopher, 160, 214 A Pleasant Invective against Printing, 89 Arable, Mrs. Betty, 114 Art of Politicks, Bramston's, 26, 27 Arts, M. Rouquet on the, 45-64 As you like it, Caldecott's edition of, 139 Auction of Pictures, 34, 62-63 Austen, Jane, 85, 118-20 A Welcome from the "Johnson Club," 165-66 Aynard, M. Joseph, 154*1. Ayscough's Index to Shakespeare, 139 Bacon, Francis, 135 Balcony, or Balcony, 37-38 Ballad of Beau Brocade, Thomson's, «3 Bar beau, M. A, 154 Barnaby Rudge, Dickens's, 137 Barry Lyndon, Thackeray's, 1 1 5 n. Bath, A French Critic on, 153-62 Bath, A Picture of, 158-62 Batheaston Vase, The, 157 Beljame, Alexandre, 153, 154 Belle-Isle, Marshal Foucquet de, 47, 48 Belles-lettres in 1750, 60 Bentley, Richard, 30, 37 Bewick, Robert Elliot, 7 Bewick, Thomas, 7, 8, 9 Bewick's Birds and Quadrupeds, 141 Birthday Book, Miss Greenaway's, 97 Blackmore, Sir Richard, 30 Bleak House, Dickens's, 176 Blenheim, Philips's, 13 Blok, Dr. Pieter, 199 Bloomfield, Robert, 135 Bononcini, C. B., 35 Book Illustrators, Two Modern, 93-104, 1 1 1-24 Book of Games, The, Miss Green- away's, 103 Borough, Crabbe's, 135 Boyle, Richard, Earl of Burlington, 28 Bradshaw, John, 32 Bramston, Francis, 26 Bramston, Rev. James, 25, 26, 29 Bramston, Sir John, the Elder, 26 Bramston, Sir John, the Younger, 26 n. Bramston, Sir Moundeford, 26 Bramston's Man of Taste, 25-38 Bridgeman, Charles, 33, 49 Bronte, Charlotte, 177-79 Brougham's Albert Lunel, 138 Brown, Mr. Ernest, his Thomson book-plate, 120 n. Brown, Mrs. John, 181 n. 227 228 DE LIBRIS Brydges, James, Duke of Chandos, I 28 Bulmer, William, 8 Bunbury's, H. W., 161 Burchett, Richard, 102 Burford Papers, Hutton's, 157 "Burlington Gate," Hogarth's, 28 Burlington, Lady, 56 Burlington, Richard Boyle, Earl of, 28 Burney, Dr., 134 Burney, Fanny, 79, 121 Bush, Mr. T. S., 201 Butler, Lady, 102 Byron, Lord," 137 Canterbury Tales, Thomson's, 123 Careless Husband, Cibber's, 32 Carlyle's Cromwell, 138 Carr, Mr. Comyns, 112, 113 Cervantes, Miguel de, 127 Chandos, James Brydges, Duke of, 28 Chaucer, Bonham's, 140 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 123 Cheere, Sir Henry, 34 Childe Harold, Byron's, 137 Child's Friend, Berquin's, 75 "Child's Song," 101 Cibber, Colley, 32, 37 Cibber, Gabriel, 57 Clennell, Luke, 142 Coaching Days and Coaching Ways, Outram Tristram's, 115 Cochin, Charles Nicolas, 46, 49, 64 Columbus, Rogers's, 142 Comic Writers, Lectures on The, Hazlitt's, 15 Compleat Angler, The, 6, 71 Coplas, Manrique's, 13 Coram, Captain Thomas, 10 Coridon's Song, etc., Thomson's, 120, 121 Corinne, Mme. de Stael's, 136 Courier, P. L., 30 Courthope, Mr. W. J., 165 Coverley, Sir Roger de, 113, 114 Cowley, Abraham, 146 Crabbe, George, 135 Cradock, Charlotte, 201 Cranford, 'Mrs. Gaskell'a, 85, 117, 118 Cranford Series, 120, 121 Cranford, Thomson's, 117, 11S, 12: Crooked Sixpence, The, Bramston's, 27 Cross Readikgs — and Caleb White- foord, 211-19 Crowe, Mr. Eyre, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176 n. Crowe, William, 139, 143 Dance of Death, Holbein's, 141 Danton, the caricaturist, 145 Dassier, Anthony, 58 Davy, Sir Humphry, 136 Day in a Child's Life, A, Miss Greenaway's, 97, 99 Day, Thomas, 77, 79 Days with Sir Roger de Coverley, Thomson's, 113 Decameron, Boccaccio's, 141 Delphine, Mme. de Stael's, 136 Derocquigny, M. Jules, 154 n. Dickens, Charles, 132, 133, 137, 138 Diderot, Denis, 57 Digbv Grand, Whyte Melville's, 176 Dispensary, Pope's copy of Garth's, 139 Diversions of Purley, Home Tooke's, 141 "Don Quixote," Horatian Ode on the Tercentenary of, 127- 28 Douady, M. Jules, 154**. Eastlake, Lady, 146 Edgeworth, Maria, 71-86, 123 Edgeworth, Mr., 76, 78, 82 n. Editor, An Epistle to an, 19-21 Eliot, George, 121 Elwin, Rev. Whitwell, 171, i73» 183 English Illustrated Magazine, 112, 114 Enquiry into Polite Learning, Gold- smith's, 31 Ephraim the Quaker, 114 Esmond, Thackeray's, 169-87 Esmond, Thomson's, 121, 123 ttat des Arts, Rouquet's, 45-64 Evelina, Thomson's, 121 Evelyn, John, 156*. Evenings at Home, Dr. Aikin's, 75 Fairie Queene, Spenser's, 140 Farmer's Boy, Bloomfield's, 135 Fexrier, Miss Susan, 8s Fielding, "Beau," 200 Fielding, Fresh Facts about, 19S- 203 Fielding, Henry, 160: his stay at Leyden, 196-200; his marriage, 200-1; his sisters, 202-3 GENERAL INDEX 229 Fielding, Sarah, 196, 201, 203 Fielding, The Misses, 202 Fiennes, Celia, her Diary, 156 Figg, the prize-fighter, 37 "Finding of Moses," Hogarth's, 52 Fitzgerald, Mr. Percy, 132, 133 n. Flaxman, John, 134. Foote, Samuel, 47 Fox, Charles James, 15, 36 Franklin, Benjamin, 215 French Critic on Bath, A, 153 Fresh Facts about Fielding, 195- 203 Friend of Humanity and the Rhymer, The, 67-68 Furniss, Mr. Harry, 113 Gardelle, Theodore, 47 Gardening, Landscape, 33, 49 Gardens of Adonis, 37 Garrick, David, 47, 61, 131 Gaskell, Mrs., 117 Gay, John, 165 "Ginevra" (Italy), 137 Goldsmith, Cunningham's, 14, 15 Goldsmith, Oliver, 31, 35 n., 37, 157, 183, 214 "Good Samaritan," Hogarth's, 53 Gosse, Mr. Edmund, 145 n. Goupy, Joseph, 56 Grammont's Memoirs, 157 Gray, Thomas, 31 Greenaway Child, A Song of the, 107 Greenaway, John, 102 Greenaway, Kate, 93-104, 123 "Hagar and Ishmael," Highmore's, 52 Hall, Fitzedward, 186 Halsewell, Loss of the, 144 Hamlet, Caldecott's edition of, 139 Handel, 56 Hannay, James, 197 Hanway, Jonas, 62 Harrison, Mr. Frederic, 183, 198 Harrison's Tatler, 212 n. Harry and Lucy, Edgeworth's, 79 Hayman, Francis, 52, 54 Hazlitt, W., 15, 138 Hazlitt's Criticisms on Art, 138 Highmore, Joseph, 52, 54 Highways and Byways series, 122 Highways and Byways of London Life, Cook's, 122 History of Life and Death, Bacon's, 7 History Painting, 50-54 Hoadly, Dr. John, 201 Hoare of Bath, William, 140 Hogarth, Mrs., 12 Hogarth's "Man of Taste," 28 Hogarth, William, 11, 28, 34, 35, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 64, 113 Holcroft, Thomas, 79 Homer, Cowper's, 143 Horatian Ode on the Tercen- tenary of "Don Quixote," 127-8 Huchon, M. Rene, 154 n. Hudson, Thomas, 54 Hugo, Victor, 117 Huntingdon, Lady, 157, 160 Hurd, Bishop, 160 Hutton, Dr. Charles, 9 Hypatia, Kingsley's, 176 Hypnerotomichie of Poliphilus, 141 "In an Apple-Tree," 101 Ireland, John, 48 Ireland, Samuel, 12, 13 Ireland, William Henry, 12 Jerrold, Douglas, 1 1 1 "Johnson Club," A Welcome FROM THE, 165-6 Johnson, Samuel, 31, 82, 214 Johnson, Joseph, the publisher, 73- 76 Jones, Inigo, 33 Jordan, Mrs., 161 Jusserand, M. J.-J., 153 Kate Greenaway's Painting Book, 103 Kearsly, George, 216, 217, 218 Keightley, Thomas, 197, 201, 202 Kent, William, 28, 49, 50 Kentucky Cardinal, Allen's, 121 Kickleburys on the Rhine, Thack- eray's, 177 King over the Water, Shield's and Lang's, 183 n. King Pepito, Miss Greenaway's, 103 Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 54 Labelye, Charles, 46, 60 Lalla Rookh, Moore's, 137 La Motte, M., 161 Lampson, F. Locker, 38, 99, 132, 176 Landor, W. S., 13, 169 n. Lang, Mr. Andrew, 113, 183 ft. Langley, Batty, 33 Language of Flowers, Miss Green- away's, 103 Lansdowne, Marquess of, 137 Layard, Mr. G. S., 29, 104 23° DE LIBRIS "Lazy Lawrence," Miss Edge- worth's, 8 1 Leake, James, 160 Le Blanc, Abbe, 55 ft., 57 Lee, Mr., 161 Legouis, M. fimile, 154 Legros, Prof., 102 Lessons for Children, Mrs. Bar- bauld's, 75 Letters to Literary Ladies, Miss Edgeworth's, 80 Lewesdon Hill, Crowe's, 143 Leyden University, Fielding at, 196- 200 Linley, Elizabeth, 157 Liotard, J. S., 46 Little Ann, Miss Greenaway's, 97, 99 "Little Nell," Dickens's, 137 Locker, Frederick, see Lampson Locker, Lampson portraits, 100 Lofft, Capel, 135 London and Wise, Messrs., 50 Longfellow's Ballads, 138 Longfellow's Voices of the Night, 138 Lowell, James Russell, 185, 203 Lusiads, Camoens's, 141 Lyrics of the Heart, A. A. Watts' s, 15 Lyster, Mr. Alfred C, 197 Macaulay's Lays, 138 Maclise, Daniel ("Alfred Croquis"), 143 Maginn, William, 145 Mandeville, Bernard de, 32 Man of Taste, Bramston's, 25-38 Man of Taste, Hogarth's, 28 Manzoni's Promessi Sposi, 143 Marianne, Marivaux's, 142 Marigny, Abel-Francois Poisson, Marquis de, 45, 46, 49, 64 Marigold Garden, Miss Green- away's, 97, 100, 104 Martin, Mr. Samuel, 202 Master Humphrey's Clock, 132, 137 Melmoth, William, 160 Memoirs Relating to the Royal Navy, Pepys', 10 Mensuration, Hutton's, 9 Metamorphoses d' Ovide, Ren- ouard's, 4 Meteyard, Miss Eliza, 111 Miller, Lady, 157 Milton, John, 31, 140, 143 Milton Tercentenary, 1608-1908, 191 Miutonic Exercise, A, 191-2 Missionary, Bowles's, 136-7 Mistakes of the Press, 217, 219 Mitford, Miss, 117 Monamy, Peter, 56 Montagu, Mrs., on Shakespeare, 139 Montaigne, Michel de, 31 n. Moore, Edward, 135 Moore, Thomas, 137 Moral Essay, No. 4, Pope's, 28 Morel, M. Leon, 154 Morris, Mr. Mowbray, 175 n. Moser, Michael, 46, 47, 64 "Moses brought to Pharaoh's Daughter," Hogarth's, 52 Mourning Bride, Congreve's, 25 M. ROUQUET ON THE ARTS, 45-64 Murphy, Arthur, 52 n., 196, 200 "Musing," 103 My Novel, Bulwer's, 176, 177 Nash, Richard, 157 Newspaper, The Eighteenth Cen- tury, 58-60 Nicholas Nickleby, Dickens's, 137 Nivernais, Due de, 50 Nollekens and his Times, Smith's, 218 North Briton, The, 11, 12 Northcliffe, Lord, 134 n. Old Curiosity Shop, Dickens's, 137 Oldfield, Mrs., 32 "Old Poz," 80, 86 "Omnium, Jacob," 30 On Some Books and their Asso- ciations, 3-15 Paine, Edmund (Rogers's servant), 142 Pamela, Richardson's, 142 Panizzi, Sir Antonio, 173 "Papyrius Cursor," 211 Paradise Lost, Milton's, 140 Parent's Assistant, The, 71-86 Passeran, Count, 33 Passionate Printer to his Love, The, 41-42 "Paul before Felix," Hogarth's, 53 Peacock, Mr. Edward, 197 Peg WoMngton, Thomson's, 121 Peinture en Cire, Diderot's, 63 Peinture en Fromage, V Art nouveau de la, Rouquet's, 63 Pennell, Mr. Joseph, 124 Pepys* "Diary," 149-50 Pepys, Samuel, 9, 156 Philips, John, 13 Pied Piper of Hamelin, 97 Pilgrim of Glencoe, Campbell's, 138 GENERAL INDEX 231 Pilgrim's Progress, Bunyan's, 72 Pleasant Invective against Print- ing, A, 89 Pleasures of Memory, Rogers's, 132, 142 Pompadour, Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de, 46 "Pool of Bethesda," Hogarth's, 53 Pope, Alexander, 15, 28, 32, 139 Porteus, Bishop, 160 Portrait in oil, 54-56 Prestongrange, Lord, 14 Prideaux, Col. W. F., 202 Procter, Mrs., 146 Proof, The Last, 223 Pursuits of Literature, Mathias's, 8 Queen of the Pirate Isle, Bret Harte's, 97 Quin, James, 161 Rabbe, M. Felix, 153 Racine, Memoires of, by his son, 143 Railton, Mr. Herbert, 115 Ramsay, Allan, 55 Rauzzini, Venanzio, 161 Reade, Charles, 121 Retaliation, Goldsmith, 216 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 134, 141 Richardson, Samuel, 160, 203 Rimbault, Dr., 10 Ritchie, Lady, 83, 175 Rogers, Samuel, 38 Rogers, Samuel, The Books of, 131-46 Rose and the Ring, The, Thack- eray's, 82 Roubillac, L. F., 57 Rouquet, Jean-Andre, 45-64 Rouquet, M., on the Arts, 45-64 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 143 Ruskin, John, 96, 103 Ruxton, Miss Sophy, 75 Rysbraek, J. M., 57 San ford and Merton, Day's, 79 Scenes of Clerical Life, Thomson's, 121 Scheemakers, Thomas, 57 "Scotchman in Holland, A," 197 Scott, Samuel, 56 Scott, Sir Walter, 84, 137, 175 n. Seymour, James, 56 Sheridan, R. B., 136, 157 Ship News, 217, 219 Shorter, Mr. Clement, 179 n. Shovel, Sir Cloudesly, 34 Siddons, Mrs., 161 Silas Marner, Thomson's, 121 "Simple Susan," Miss Edgeworth's, 74, 85 Sketches by Bos, Dickens's, 133 Smith, J. T„ 218 Smith, Mr. George, 172, 179 Solly, Prof. Edward, 10 Song of the Greenaway Child, A, 107 Southey, Robert, 13 Spielmann, Mr. Marion H., 104 n. Spiritual Quixote, Graves's, 157 Splendid Shilling, Philips's, 13, 27 Stael, Mme. de, 136 Standly, H. P., 11, 12 Stapfer, M. Paul, 153 "Stareleigh, Mr. Justice," 132 St. Bruno, Le Sueur's, 141 Steele, Sir Richard, 183-4, 186 Steevens, George, 47 Stephen, Sir Leslie, 174, 202 Sterne, Laurence, 182 n. Stevenson, R. L., 14 St. James's Palace, No. 22, 132, 134 Story of Rosina, Thomson's, 123 Stothard, Thomas, 93-4, 123, 134 "Suffer Little Children," Wills's, 52 "Sun Door, The," 100 Sure and Certain Method of Attain- ing a Long and Healthy Life, Cornaro's, 7 Sussex, Dallaway and Cartwright's, 27 Swaen, Mr. A. F. H., 198, 199 Swift, Jonathan, 30, 182 n. Sylva Sylvarum, Bacon's, 6 Symmons, Samuel, the Printer, 140 Taine, Hippolyte, 153 Tales from Maria Edgeworth, Thom- son's, 123 Tales of the Hall, Crabbe's, 135 "Tarleton," Miss Edgeworth's, 81 Tar Water, Bishop Berkeley's, 77 Taste, Of False, Pope's, 28 Taste, Of, Pope's, 28 Tatler, Harrison's, 212 n. Talyor, Isaac, 99 Taylor, Jane and Ann, 99 Thackeray's Esmond, 169-87 Thackeray, W. M., 121, 169-87 The Books of Samuel Rogers, 131- 46 "The False Key," Miss Edge- worth's, 81, 83 The Friend of Humanity and the Rhymer, 67-68 232 DE LIBRIS "The Happy Printer," 207-8 The Last Proof, 223-4 "The Mimic," 81, 82, 84 The Parent's Assistant, 71-86 Thomas, Miss Margaret, 203 Thomas, M. W., 154 Thomson, James, 14, 31, 154 Thomson, Mr. Hugh, 1 11-24 Tennyson's Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington, 176 Tennyson's Poems, 138 Texte, Joseph, 154, 156 "Time Smoking a Picture," Ho- garth's, 51 Tindal, Matthew, 32 Tom Jones, Fielding's, 36 Tooke, Home, 140, 141 n. Traill, H. D., 113 Trinity College, Cambridge, 174 Trollope, Anthony, 169 Tutor's Assistant, The, y6 Two Modern Book Illustrators, 93-104, 111-24 Tyers, Jonathan, 61 Under the Window, Miss Green- away's, 103 Use of Riches, On the, Pope's, 28 Vails-Giving, 62 Vanbrugh, Sir John, 33 Vandergucht, Gerard, 29 Vanhaken, Joseph, 55, 56 Vanloo, Jean-Baptiste, 55 Vauxhall in 1750, 61 Vicar of Wakefield, Thomson's, 116 Villette, Charlotte Bronte's, 176, 177 Vortigem and Rowena, W. H. Ire- land's, 13 Walpole, Horace, 49, 50, 57, 214 Watts, Alaric A., 14 Whitbread, Samuel, 136 Whitefield, George, 160 Whitefoord, Caleb, 215-19 Whitefoord, Caleb, and Cross Readings, 211-19 Whitefoord Papers, Hewins's, 216 ». Wilkes, John, 11 Wilkie, David, 215 Wimble, Will, 114 Woodfall, Henry Sampson, 211 Wootton, John, 56 Wordsworth's Poems, 138 Wren, Sir Christopher, 33 Zincke, Christian, 47, 56, 57, 64 OF THE THE END OTHER BOOKS BY AUSTIN DOBSON In the "English Men of Letters" Series Henry Fielding "A new edition of this well-known biographical handbook, the one most often consulted for information about its subject, was issued last year with an added appendix containing particulars which have come to light relating to Fielding's pedigree, his residence at Leyden as student, his marriage to his first wife, his will, his library, his family, etc.' '—'Boston Transcript. 40 cents net. Samuel Richardson "Of all the earlier biographies in the Men of Letters Series there is none more fascinating than that of Fielding. Scholarly, exhaustive, and, like all Mr Dobson's work, extremely entertaining, it has the further merit of illuminating Fielding's character and writings by the sympathetic light of genuine affection. "But enthusiastic admirers of Fielding are not always equally just to his great contemporary and rival, Samuel Richardson. It is therefore a matter of congratulation to find that Mr. Dobson's biography of the older writer falls very little short in unrivalled knowledge of the subject and the fascination of its style." — Bookman. 75 cents net. Fanny Burney "A thoroughly delightful piece of work. It is something more than a literary critique, and something more than a gossipy biography. Taken altogether, the book is a most attractive illustration of how a biography can be written that shall be at once an encyclopedia of facts and a bit of literature as well." — The World To-day, 75 cents net. Published by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Sixty-four and Sixty-six Fifth Avenue NEW YORK EDITED BY AUSTIN DOBSON The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay "At last we have an edition of the Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay, satisfactory alike to the hand and eye, and worthy of this delightfully discursive picture of literary society and of the court of George the Third. . . . Never could they have found so genial an editor as Mr. Austin Dobson, trustworthy, accurate, sympathetic and thoroughly well informed." — The Churchman. "We have merely to open any one of these volumes at haphazard to be greeted with literary personalia and marginalia of the most absorbing interest." — 'Boston Transcript. "It is a reprint of the fullest existing text of the Diary and Letters; it is enriched by nearly two thousand footnotes, and contains a large number of illustrations, including photogravure portraits of many of the best know literary people of Fanny Burney's time, with autographs and views. ... On the mechanical side the edition leaves nothing to be de- sired, while to the editorial side Mr. Austin Dobson has brought thorough knowledge and the sympathetic appreciation which has made him so much at home in writing on the eighteenth century." — The Outlook. In six illustrated volumes, 8vo, the set, $15.00 net. The Diary of John Evelyn "The most complete and best edited edition of one of the most famous memoirs, vitalizing historical personages with human reality." In three volumes, $8.00 net. Jane Austen's Novels "Delightfully illustrated by Hugh Thomson and Charles E. Brock. The reader will of course turn first to Mr. Dobson's introduc- tions, for they contain enough of biography, bibliography and criticism to satisfy the desires of every Jane Austen lover. They are brief and to the point, and they really serve as an introductory threshold over which the reader may expectantly look into the story beyond . ' ' — Boston Transcript* In five i6mo volumes, each 80 cents, leather $1.25 Published by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Sixty-four and Sixty-six Fifth Avenue NEW YORK By E. V. LUCAS A Wanderer in London With sixteen illustrations in color by Mr. Nelson Dawson, and thirty- six reproductions of great pictures. Cloth, 8vo, $1.73 **** h mail > Si. 87. "Mr Lucas describes London in a style that is always entertaining, surprisingly like Andrew Lang's, full of unexpected suggestions and points of view, so that one who knows London well will hereafter look on it with changed eyes, and one who has only a bowing acquaintance will feel that he has suddenly become intimate." — The Nation. "Full of interest and sensitive appreciation of the most fascinating city in the world." — Bulletin, San Francisco. "If you would know London as few of her own inhabitants know her — if you would read one of the best books of the current season, all that is necessary is a copy of A Wanderer in London." — Evening Post, Chicago. A Wanderer in Holland With twenty illustrations in color by Herbert Marshall, besides many reproductions of the masterpieces of Dutch Painters Cloth, 8