H4/^4 UC-NRLF i *B sa at? A GOOD BUSINESS GOVERNMENT CHARTER FOR 1913 HICKORY 1913 WILL MEAN MANY HAPPY NEW YEARS FOR THE CITY THAT "DOES THINGS" Clay Printing Co. INDEX TO SUBJECTS NAME AND RIGHTS Boundry and Ward Divisions ..--..-.3 ELECTIONS AND ELECTIVE OFFICERS Number of elective oflRcers. Date of election - - - - - - 4 Primary election and iiow conducted - - - - - - 4toll RECALL OF ELECTIVE OFFICERS 25 per cent required to ask for recall - - - - - - -11 Officers sought to be removed may be a candidate - - " - - 12 Officers must serve 3 months before subject to recall - . - - 13 Only one special election allowed in six months ----- 13 THE CITY COUNCIL A Mayor and four Aldermen. No two Aldermen shall reside in same ward. Each mem- ber shall receive $1.00 per meeting:, but not more than $60 each for any one year. Shall meet on Tuesday of each and every week - - - - 13 A record of every meetinj? shall be kept, and any citizen may have access to the minutes 14 Any three citizens may present a motion at any regular meeting, and Council must act on motion inside of 15 days - - - - - - - -14 To declare forfeited franchises where conditions upon which they have been granted have been broken ------- .-ig Regulating City Attorney's salary ------- 17 THE MAYOR Duties of ----------- 18 THE CITY MANAGER Shall give bond. Term of office at pleasure of City Council - - - 18 Powers and duties. Subject to control of City Council - - - - 19 FRANCHISES Must be advertised ------.._ 20 Must be free and open competition ------- 2I Awarded to those offering highest percentage of gross annual receipts - 21 Maximum length of time, 35 years -----.. 22 City reserves right to regulate rates -------23 Franchise cannot be leased or assigned without consent of City - - 24 City shall have right to examine books of public service corporations - - 24 STREETS AND STREET DEPARTMENT Regulating the laying out of new streets ---.-_ 26 Street improvement district and how secured ----- 26-7 City shall pay one-third the cost of grading, curbing and pavin^y and one-half the cost of grading, curbing, paving and permanently improving sidewalks - 27 Street improvement district may be secured through 10-year bond issue - 26 to 33 In condemnation of land for street purpose, owner selects one viewer, Council selects one, and these two select a third - - - . _ - 33 POLICE POWERS AND POUCE DEPARTMENT Powers defined - - - - - - - - - 34 to 38 Chief of Police shall be responsible for discipline and efficiency of police force - 38 City Manager may suspend any officer until grounds of such suspension can be inquired into by City Council ------__ 33 Chief of Police and other officers shall receive a regular salary, and no other compensation ------_-. 39 HEALTH AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT Powers and duties - - - - - - - - -39 to 42 City Physician's powers and duties - - - - - - 42 to 43 FIRES AND FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief of Fire Department and his duties - - - - - 43 to 44 WATER WORKS AND SEWERAGE DEPARTMENT City Manager shall be executive head - - - - - - -44 Sinking fund shall be created to pay water bonds upon maturity - - 45 City Physician shall inspect water-shed ---«.. 4 270127 FINANCE AND TAXATION No contract shall be made until sufficient appropriation has been made therefor 46 All contracts $200 or over must be advertised and let through competitive bidding 46 City Manager shall be purchasing agent _-.-._ 47 Budget of estimate