^ ^■^^:''' .. jP^-n --- - ^ jm. 128. Board of ^1 ^Estimate and Apportionment^ CITY OF NE'W YORK D s n III 5 2 9 ^E AL LIBH* III 2 1 1 ^ 5 ^^ if"i-nfV>iiperation of said rail- road shall be obtained by the Company within three (3) months from the signing of this contract by the Mayor, and a copy of such consents shall be tiled with the Board within such time, or in the event that such consents cannot l)e obtained within such time, the Company shall, within said three (J) months or within one (1 ) month thereafter, make application to the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court for the appointment of Commissioners in the manner provided by the Railroad Law to determine if said railroad ought to be constructed; otherwise this grant shall cease and determine. Second — The said right to construct, maintain and operate said railroad shall be held and enjoyed by the Company from the date upon which this contract is signed by the Mayor, until January I, 1929. with the privilege of renewal of said contract for the further period of ten (10) years, upon a fair revaluation of such right and privilege. If the Company shall determine to exercise its privilege of renewal it shall make application to the Board, or any authority which shall be authorized by law to act for the City in place of the Board. Such application shall be made at any time not earlier than two (2) years and not later than one (1) year before the expiration of the orig- inal term of this contract. The determination of the revaluation shall be sufficient if agreed to in writing by the Company and the Board, but in no case shall the annual rate of compensation to the City be fixed at a less amount than the sum required to be paid during the last year prior to the termination of the original term of this con- tract. If the Company and the Board shall not reacli such agreement on or before the day one (1) year before the expiration of the original term of this contract, then the annual rate of compensation for such succeeding ten ( 10) years shall be rcasqii- able. and either the City (by the Board) or the Company shall be bound upon request of the other to enter into a written agreement with each other fixing the rate of such compensation at such amount as shall be reasonable, but in no case shall the annual rate so fixed be less than the sum required to be paid for the last year prior to the termination of the original term of this contract, and if the parties shall not forthwith agree upon wliat is reasonable, then the parties shall enter into a written agreement fixing such annual rate and at such amount as shall be determined by three disinterested freeholders selected in the following manner : One disinterested freeholder shall be chosen by the Board ; one disinterested freeholder shall lie chosen by tlie Company; these two shall choose a tliird disintere--tc(l freeholder, and the three so chosen shall act as appraisers and shall make the revalua- tion aforesaid. Such appraisers shall be chosen at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this original contract, and their report shall be filed with the Board within three (3) months after they are chosen. They shall act as appraisers and not as arbitrators. They may base their judgment upon their own experience and upon such information as they may obtain by inquiries and investigations, without the presence of either party. They shall have the right to examine any of the books of the Company and its officers under oalli. The valuations so ascertained, tixed and determined shjill be conclusive upon both parties, but no annual sum shall, in any event be less than the sum required to be paid for the last year of the original term of this contract. If in any case the annual rate shall not be fixed prior to the ter- mination of the original term of this contract, then the Company shall pay the an- nual rate thcrctofnre prevailini; until the new rate shnll be determined, and shall then make up to the City the amount of any excess of the annual rate then determined over the previous annual rate. The compensation and expenses of th'- yi'd appraisers shall be borne jointly by the City and the Company each paying one-half thereof. Third — Upon the termination of this original contract, or if the sarne be renewed, then at the termination of the said renewal term, or upon the termination of the rights hereby granted for any cause or upon the dissolution of the Company before termination, the tracks and equipments of the Company constructed pursuant to this contract within the streets and avenues shall become the property of the City without cost, and the same may be used or disposed of by the City for any purpose whatsoever, or the same may be leased to any company or individual. Fourth— The Company shall pay to the City for the privilege hereby granted the following sums of money: (a) The sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) in cash within thirty (30) days after the date on which this contract is sig^ned by the Mayor and before any- thing is done in exercise of the privilege hereby granted. (b) During the first term expiring January 1, 1924, an annual sum of two thou- sand five hundred dollars ($2,500). 13 During the remainder term of five (5) years an annual sum of ten thousand dol- lars ($10,(X)0). The annual charges shall commence from January 1, 1914. All annual charges as above shall be paid into the treasury of the City on No- vember 1 of each year and shall be for the amount due to September 30 next pre- ceding. Provided that the first annual payment shall be only for that proportion of the first annual charge as the time between the date upon which this contract is signed by the Mayor and September 30 following shall bear to the whole of one year. Any and all payments to be made by the terms of this contract to the City by the Company, shall not be considered in any manner in the nature of a tax. but such payments shall be made in addition to any and all ta.xes of whatsoever kind or de- scription, now or hereafter required to be paid by any ordinance of the City, or reso- lution of the Board, or any law of the State of New York. Fifth — The annual charges or payments shall continue throughout the whole term of this contract (whether original or renewal), notwithstanding any clause in any statute or in the charter of any other railway or railroad company providing for payment for railway or railroad rights or franchises at a different rate, and no assignment, lease or sublease of the rights or privileges hereby granted (whether original or renewal), or of any part thereof, or of any of the routes mentioned herein, or of any part thereof shall be valid or effectual for any purpose unless the said assignment, lease or sublease shall contain a covenant on the part of the assignee or lessee that the same is subject to all the conditions of this contract; and that the assignee or lessee assumes and will be bound by all of said conditions, and especially said conditions as to payments, anything in any statute or in the charter of such as- signee or lessee to the contrary notwithstanding, and that the said assignee or lessee waives any more favorable conditions created by such statute or its charter, and that it will not claim by reason thereof or otherwise exemption from liability to perform each and all of the conditions of this contract. Sixth — Nothing in this contract shall be deemed to affect in any way the right of the City to grant to any person or corporation a franchise or right to use the streets hereinbefore mentioned, or any part of them, for railroad purposes, and the Com- pany shall not at any time oppose, but shall consent to the construction and operation of a railroad by any such other corporation or individual which may receive a franchise therefor from the City: provided, however, that nothing in this clause con- tained shall estop the Company from appearing before the Board and being heard on any application for rights in said streets. Seventh — If the right of way on private property upon which the Company pro- poses to operate or any location of track herein authorized (all as shown on the map hereto attached) shall be crossed, intersected or joined by the ris;ht of wav or tracks of another railroad corporation, then the Company shall unite with such corporation in forming the necessary connections between the railroads of the Company and such corporation, and shall grant the requisite facilities therefor, whether the tracks on tlie right of way of such corporation are at the same or a different grade from the tracks of the Company at the point of such crossing or intersection. In case the Company and such corporation cannot agree upon the amount of com- ])ensation to be paid therefor, such compensation shall be fixed in the manner pro- vided in Section 22 of the Railroad Law. When such railroads shall be so connected, the Company shall receive from such other corporation, and forward to their destination, all goods, merchandise and other property intended for points on its railroad, and receive and forward to the railroad of such other corporation all goods, merchandise and other property shipped by way of the Company's railroad and intended for points thereon, with the same despatch and at a rate of freight not exceeding the local tariff rate charged for similar goods, merchandise and other property received at or forwarded from the same points for individuals and other corporations. The intent and purpose of the foregoing is to provide for the use of the Company's railroad by any other railroad which may be constructed in the vicinity, so that such other railroad may be afforded an outlet and rail connection with a trunk line railroad or a water connection with the Dutch Kills Creek by means of the railroad of the Company. Eighth — The rights and privileges hereby granted shall not be assigned, either in whole or in part, or leased or sublet in any manner, nor shall the title thereto, or right, interest or property therein, pass to or vest in any other person or corporation whatsoever, either by the act of the Company, or by operation of law, whether under 14 the provisions of the statutes relating to the consolidation or merger of corporations or otherwise, without the consent of the City." acting hy the Board, evidenced by an instrument under seal, anvthini; herein contained to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding, and the granting, giving or waiving of any one or more of such cosents shall not render unnecessary any suhscqucnt consent or consents. Ninth — Should it he deemed advisable by the Board at any time during the term of this contract to require the extension of the tracks of the Company to reach property owned by any individual or corporation making application to the Board for such ex- tension and the Board shall so order, then the Company shall, immediately after reach- ing an agreement with such applicants with respect to the terms upon which such ex- tension shall be constructed, or in lieu thereof a determination of the arbitrators, as herein provided, apply fur and accept a franchise upon terms and conditions similar lo those contained herein to extend its tracks beyond the tracks now planned by the Company, as indicated by the layout of track shown upon the map attached hereto, to the property of such applicant, and upon receiving such a franchise the Company shall, upon terms to be agreed upon between the petitioner and the Company, so extend its tracks and deliver and receive freight for shipment to all persons desiring such service along the line of such extension or extensions; such service to be performed at the rates charged for similar service upon the railroad herein authorized, or as may be fixed by the Board. In case the Company and the applicants for such extension cannot agree upon the terms upon which such extension shall he constructed, including the division, if any. of the cost of the extension and of the maintenance thereof, then such terms shall be determined and fixed by tliree arbitrators selected, in the following manner. One fit and impartial person shall be chosen by the Company; one fit and impartial i)ers(in shall be chosen by the applicant or applicants for each extension and the two so chosen shall choose a third fit and impar- tial person. The decision under oath of any two of such persons who shall be so selected shall be final and conclusive. If either the Company or such applicant fails to appoint an arbitrator, as herein provided, or should the first two arbitrators fail to agree on the selection of a third arbitrator within thirty days after the first two arbitrators .shall lie chosen, or if no two arbitrators so selected shall agree upon the terms upon which such extension shall be constructed and maintained within sixty (60) days after the arbitrators shall be so selected, then such terms may be fixed by a Commissioner appointed by the Supreme Court on the appHcation of either party. Tenth — The Company shall commence construction of any portion of the railroad herein authorized which shall be necessary to transport freight to or from property proposed to be so served, as indicated by the layout of the railroad shown upon a map attached hereto, within thirty (30) days from the date upon which application for service shall be made by the owner or occupier of sucli property, provided that the consents of the property owners, as herein required have been obtained, or. in lieu thereof, an order of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court made pursuant to Section 174 of the Railroad Law Cfnifirming the determination of the commissioners appointed thereunder that such railroad ought to be constructea, has been issued. If the consents of property owners have not been obtained, nor the order of the Appellate Division issued, at the time when application for the use of such railroad is made by such owner or occupier of such property, then, the Company shall commence the construction of that portion of the railroad for which application has been so made within thirty (30) days after the obtaining of such consents or the issuance of such order. The Company shall complete such portion of said railroad and place the same in operation within sixty (60) days after such application has been made by such owner or occupier of said property, or if neither the consents of the property owners or said order of the .Appellate Division of the Supreme Court has been obtained at the time such application is made, then within sixty (CO) days from the date of filing such consents or the date of such order. If the company sliall fail to complete the construction of the railroad and put the same in operation as herein required, all rights hereunder shall cease and determine, and all sums paid, or which may be deposited with the Comptroller of the City, as hereinafter provided, shall thereupon be for- feited to the City. Provided, h.^wever. that the period for commencement and the period for completion and placing the railroad in operation may be extended by the Board ; and provided, further, that when the commencement or completion of said construction shall be prevented by legal proceedings in any court or by works of public improvement, or from other causes not witliin control of the Company, the , time for the commencement or completion of such construction, may be ej^endeU "C- for the period of such prevention, but no delay shall be allowed for unless the court 13 proceedings shall be diligently prosecuted by the Company; and provided further that in no case shall such delay be deemed to begin until the Company shall have given written notice to the Board of any such court proceedings or other occasion of delay, and deliver to the Board copies of any injunction or other orders, and the papers upon which the same shall have been granted, and unless upon the request of the Board the Company shall, in writing, consent that the Board either in its own name as a party, or in the name of the City as a party, may intervene in any such proceedings. Eleventh — If the grade of the tracks or any portion thereof herein authorized be at any time during the existence of this contract changed to a position either above or below the surface of the streets or avenues, then the Company shall pay to the City any sum or sums which the City may be required by law to pay towards the change of grade of such tracks. Twelfth — Said railroad shall be constructed, maintained and operated subject to the supervision and control of all the authorities of the City who have jurisdiction in such matters, as provided by the Charter of the City. No construction upon said railroad shall be commenced until written permits have been obtained from the proper City officials. In any permits so issued such officials may also impose such conditions, as a condition of the granting of the same, as are necessary for the purpose of protecting any structures in the streets and avenues, over which such officials have jurisdiction and the Company shall comply with such conditions. The electrical equipment to be installed by the Company for the operation of the railroad within the limits of the City, whether the same be upon streets or avenues or upon private property, shall be constructed and maintained under the supervision and control of the Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. Thirteenth — The work of construction of the tracks hereby authorized shall be done in such manner as shall not substantially interfere with the ordinary use of any street or avenue as a public highway. Fourteenth — During the period prior to January 1, 1916, cars may be operated upon said tracks by steam locomotives which shall be housed or boxed so as to con- form with the type commonly known as the "dummy engine." On or before January 1. 1916, the Company shall discontinue the use of said dummy steam locomotives and operate said tracks by electric power or any other motive power which may be approved by the Board and consented to by the abutting property owners in accord- ance with the provisions of law and by the Public Service Commission for the First District of the State of New York. It is understood, however, that no overhead wires except trolley wires shall be permitted for the operation of said tracks by the electric power. Fifteenth — Neither pedestrians nor vehicles shall be prevented from crossing the tracks hereby authorized by the occupation of such tracks by cars or trains operated thereon, for a greater period than five (5j consecutive minutes at any time, and the aggregate of such periods shall not exceed ten (10) minutes in any hour between 7 o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m. Sixteenth — Should the Company be allowed to operate at the same grade as the streets and avenues, the Company shall station flagmen at such points as shall be necessary to e-xclude pedestrians and vehicles from the tracks at all times when cars or trains shall be operated thereon. Should it seem necessary in the opinion of the Board at any time during the term of this contract that gates be erected, maintained and operated across any of the streets or avenues for the purpose of excluding pedestrians and vehicles from the tracks hereby authorized, then the Company shall erect, maintain and operate such gates as may be designated upon thirty (30) days' notice by the Board to the Company. Seventeenth — .-^s long as the said tracks or any portion thereof shall remain in the streets and avenues during the term of this contract the Company shall, at its own expense, set the curbs and pave the entire roadway and sidewalk and keep the same in permanent repair upon that portion of Nott Avenue between the south- easterly side of Meadow Street and the westerly side of School Street, that portion of Anable Avenue between the easterly side of Orton Street and the westerly side of School Street and those portions of Davis Street, Pearson Street, Creek Street, Orton Street, Manly Street, Mount Street and Anable Avenue, except Anable Avenue between Orton Street and School Street, between the tracks and the rails of the tracks hereby authorized in said streets and avenues and for a distance of two (2) feet beyond such rails on either side thereof; all of the work to be done under the supervision of the local authorities in such manner and at such time as they may prescribe. In case of the neglect of the Company to make pavement or repairs after the expiration of twenty (20) days' notice to do so from the President of the 16 Borough of Queens, said Prcsidcnl may make ihc same at the expense of the Com- pany, and the City shall have the rigin to change the material or character of the pavement of any street or avenue, and in that event the Company shall lie bound to replace such pavement in the manner directed by the proper City official, at its own expense, and the provisions as to repairs herein contained shall apply to such renewed or altered pavement. Eighteenth — Should the Company be allowed to operate at the same grade as the streets and avenues, it shall at all times keep that portion of Nott avenue between the southeasterly side of Meadow Street and the westerly side of School Street, that portion of Anable Avenue between the easterly side of Orton Street and the westerly side of School Street and those portions of Davis Street, Pearson Street. Creek Street, (Jrton Street, Manly Street, Mount Street and .\nable .Xvenue (except Anable Avenue between Orton Street and School Street), l)etwecn its tracks, the rails of its tracks and for a distance of two (2) feet beyond the rails, on cither side thereof, free and clear from ice and snow ; provided, however, that the Company shall, at the option of the President of the Borough of Queens enter into an agreement for each winter season, or part thereof, to clean an equivalent amount of street surface from house line to house line. Nineteenth — Should the grades or lines of the streets and avenues in which the railroad is hereby authorized be changed at any time after the railroad has been con- structed and during the term of this contract, the Company shall, at its own expense, change its tracks and appurtenances to conform with such new grades and lines, and during the construction of any public improvement upon said streets or avenues the Company shall take care of and protect the tracks and appurtenances at its own expense, all to be done subject to the direction of the City official having jurisdiction over the construction of such change. Twentietli — It is agreed that the right hereby granted tooperate a railroad shall not be in preference or in hindrance to public work of the City, and should the said railroad in any way interfere with the construction of public works in the streets and avenues, whether the same is done by the City directly or by a contractor for the City, the Company shall, at its own expense, protect or move the tracks and appur- tenances in the manner directed by the City officials having jurisdiction over such public work. Twenty-first— Any alteration to the sewerage or drainage systems, or to any other subsurface or to any surface structures in the streets, required on account of the construction or operation of tlie railroad, shall be made at the sole cost of the Com- pany, and in such manner as the proper City officials may prescribe. Twenty-second — Said railroad shall be constructed and operated in the latest approved manner of railroad construction and operation, and it is hereby agreed that the Board may require the Company to improve or add to the railroad equipment, including rolling stock and railroad appurtenances, from time to time, as such additions and improvements are necessary, in the opinion of the Board. Upon failure on the part of the Company to comply with the direction of the Board within a reasonable lime, the rights hereby granted shall cease and determine. Twenty-third— Tlie rates for carrying property upon the tracks hereby authorized shall in all cases be reasonable in amount, subject to the control of the Board, and may be fixed by the Board after notice to the Company, and a hearing had thereon, and when so fixed such rates shall be binding upon the Company, and no rates in excess of those fixed shall be charged for such service. Twenty-fourth — The Company shall submit to the Board a report not later than November 1 of each year for the year ending September 30 next preceding and at any otlier time upon request of the I'.oard. which shall give the result of the operations of the railroad during the year and such other information in regard to the business of the Companv as may be required by the Board. Twenty-fifth — The Company shall at all times keep accurate books of account of the gross receipts from all sources within the limits of the City, and shall, on or before November 1 of each year, make a verified report to the Comptroller of the Ctiy of the business done by the Company, for the year ending September 30 next pre- ceding, in such form as he may prescribe. Such report shall contain a statement of such gross receipts, the total length of track in operation within the limits of the City and the length of track construction and operated under this contract and such other information as the Comptroller may require. The Comptroller shall have access to all books of the Company for the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of its report, and mav examine its officers under oath. Twenty-sixth— In case of any violation or breach or failure to comply with any of the provisions herein contained, or with any orders of the Board acting under the 17 powers herein reserved, the franchise or consent herein granted, may be forfeited by a suit brought by the Corporation Counsel, on notice of ten (10) days to the Com- pany, or at the option of the Board by resolution of said Board, which said resolution may contain a provision to the effect that the railroad constructed and in use by virtue of this contract shall thereupon become the property of the City without pro- ceedings at law or in equity. Provided, however, that such action by the Board shall not be taken until the Board shall give notice to the Company to appear before it on a certain day not less than ten (10) days after the date of such notice, to show cause why such resolution declaring the contract forfeited should not be adopted. In case the Company fails to appear, action may be taken by the Board forthwith. Twenty-seventh — If the Company shall fail to give efficient public service at the rates herein provided, or fail to maintain its structures and equipment as herein pro- vided in good condition throughout the whole term of this contract, the Board may give notice to the Company specifying any default on the part of the Company, and requir- ing the Company to remedy the same within a reasonable time; and upon failure of the Company to remedy such default within a reasonable time, the Company shall, for each day thereafter during which the default or defect remains, pay to the City the sum of two hundred and lifty dollars ($250) as fixed or liquidated damages, or the Board, in case such structures or equipment which may affect the surface of the streets shall not be put in good condition within a reasonable time after notice by the Board as aforesaid shall have the right to make all needed repairs at the expense of the Company, in which case the Company shall pay to the City the amount of the cost of such repairs, with legal interest thereon, all of which sums may be deducted from the fund hereinafter provided for. Twenty-eighth — The Company shall assume all liability to persons or property by reason of the construction or operation of the railroad authorized by this contract, and it is a condition of this contract that the City shall assume no liability what- soever to either persons or property on account of the same, and the Company hereby agrees to repay to the City any damage which the City shall be compelled to pay by reason of any acts or defaults of the Company. Twenty-ninth — This grant is upon the express condition that the Company, within thirty (30) days after the signing of this contract by the Mayor, and before anything is done in exercise of the rights conferred hereby, shall deposit with the Comptroller of the City the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), either in money or securities, to be approved by him, which fund shall be security for the performance by the Com- pany of all of the terms and conditions of this contract and compliance with all orders of the Board acting under the powers herein reserved, especially those which relate to the payment of the annual charges for the privilege hereby granted, the rendering of efficient public service at reasonable rates, the repairs of the street pavement, the removal of snow and ice, the quality of construction of the railroad, and the main- tenance of the property in good condition throughout the whole term of this con- tract; and in case of default in the performance by the Company of such terms and conditions, or compliance with such orders or either or any of them, the City shall have the right to cause the work to he done and the materials to be furnished for the performance thereof after due notice, and shall collect the reasonable cost thereof from the said fund without legal proceedings; or after default in the payment of the annual charges, shall collect the same, with interest, from the said fund after ten (10) days' notice to the Company; or in case of failure to observe the said terms and conditions of this contract and orders of the Board acting hereunder relating to the obstruction of traffic and the maintenance of gates and flagmen, the Company shall pay a penalty of fifty dollars per day for each day of violation, all of which sums may be deducted from said fund. The procedure for the imposition and collection of the penalties in this contract shall be as follows : The Board, on complaint made, shall give notice to the Company, directing its President, or other officer, to appear before the Board on a certain day not less than ten (10) days after the date of such notice, to show cause why the Company should not be penalized in accordance with the foregoing provisions. If the Com- pany fails to make an appearance, or, after a hearing appears in the judgment of the Board to be in fault, said Board shall forthwith impose the prescribed penalty, or where the amount of the penalty is not prescribed herein, such amount as appears to the Board to be just, and without legal procedure direct the Comptroller to withdraw the amount of such penalty from the security fund deposited with him. In case of any drafts made upon the security fund the Company shall, upon ten (10) days' notice pay to the City a sum sufficient to restore said security fund to the original amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), and in default thereof this contract shall 18 be cancelled and annulled at the option of the Board, acting in behalf of the City. No action or proceeding or right under the provisions of this contract shall afifcct any other legal rights, remedies or causes of action belonging to the City. Thirtieth — The grant of this privilege is subject to whatever right, title or interest the owners of abutting property or others may have in and to the streets and avenues in which the Company is hereby authorized to operate. Thirty-lirst — The Company hereby agrees that it will not institute any proceed- ings to acquire by condemnation any land, property, appurtenances or rights pursuant to any law, unless and until permitted to do so by resolution of the Board, otherwise this grant shall cease and determine. Thirty-second — The words "notice" or "direction," wherever used in this contract, .shall be deemed to mean a written notice or direction. Every such notice or direc- tion to be served upon the Company shall be delivered at such office in the City as shall have been designated by the Company, or if no such office shall have been des- ignated, or if such designation shall have for any reason become inoperative, shall be mailed in the City, postage prepaid, addressed to the Company at the City. Delivery or mailing of such notice or direction as and when above provided shall be equivalent to direct personal notice or direction, and shall be deemed to have been given at the time of delivery or mailing. Thirty-third— If at any time the powers of the Board or any other of the authori- ties herein mentioned or intended to be mentioned, shall be transferred by law to any other board, authority, offcer or officers, then and in such ca.se such other board, au- thority, officer or officers, shall have all the powers, rights and duties herein reserved to or prescribed for the Board or other authorities, officer or officers. Sec, 3. Nothing in this contract shall be construed as in any way limiting the present or future jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission under the Laws of the State of New York. Sec. 4. The Company promises, covenants and agrees on its part and behalf to conform to and abide by and perform all tiie terms, conditions and requirements in this contract fixed and contained. In- witness whereof, the party of the first part, by its Mayor, thereunto duly authorized by the Board of Estimate and .Apportionment of said City, has caused the corporate name of said City to be hereunto signed and the corporate seal of said City to he hereunto affixed ; and the parly of the second part, by its officers, thereunto duly authorized, has caused its corporate name to be hereunto signed and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day and year first above written. THE CITY or NEW YORK. ( Corporate Seal.") By Mayor. Attest : City Clerk. DEGNON TERMIN.AL R.MLROAD CORPORATION. ( Seal.) By President. Attest : Secretary. (Here add acknowledgments.) J Dec^non Terminal Rm 'RACK S il is hereby certified thai ihis i rect represent a1 ion of the propo p\ ^ >^ ip o /^ D A "T" tracks of this CorporatiU/ ^ U \^^J\}r^r^r\ \ Date J.-. Dccembit n the +erritory bound- nttrs Point Avenue, on the north by December lo, i9i3, 8.1913 3 1? o J 1 SHOWI NG It IS herebij certified that this map is a cor- rect reprasatital ion of the proposed railroad tracks of ihia Corporation, Dec^non Terminal Rmlroko Corporation. ^i^^^X^i^^C^^^^SV^', President D«cc»iDir a, 1913 C^ DEQNON TERM MAP PROPOSED TRACKS or NAL RAILROAD CORPORATION Rad J.* of Cur^fe' .. 2lO ["■•" Tracks «o py Vft.te property sKo •vn in black " p.t;t oned ^oY- ■■ red. To be locot«d in First Ward, Borough of Queens, in the +errirory bound- ad on the east by School Street, on the sooth by Hunters ^o\y\*( Avenue, on the west and north-west bu Meadow Street and. on the north btj Thomson Avenue. To accompany petitLon tferi^ied. Dece»nber lo. i9ii, ta the Board of £.3tinnote and A|>po»tionmant, ^ c D 000 529 211 5