COLLEGE, APPLIED SCIENCE AND HONORARY ALUMNI General Alumni Catalogue OF New York University l8 33" ^OS COLLEGE, APPLIED SCIENCE AND HONORARY ALUMNI PUBLISHED BY THE GENERAL ALUMNI SOCIETY New York : : : : : M C M V I Copyright, 1906, by General Alumni Society of New York University COLONIAL PRESS Electrotyped and Printed by C. H. Simands &> Co. Boston, U.S.A. Prefatory Note In addition to the Alumni Associations of the separate schools, there was organized in 1902 the General Alumni Soci- ety of New York University. By provision of its By-Laws (Article L, Section 1), "Any graduate of any department or any matriculate of a class which has graduated and who has left New York University in good standing may, upon payment of a subscription to the Society, become a member. Any one not a graduate or a matriculate, who is or has been a member of the Council or of the teaching force of New York University, or any one holding an honorary degree from New York Uni- versity may become a member of this Society, but may not hold office or vote at any meeting thereof." In partial fulfilment of one of its objects, " the maintenance of a list of the names and addresses of all matriculates of the University," and in commemoration of the Semisesquicenten- nial of the University in 1905, the General Alumni Society has undertaken to publish a General Alumni Catalogue of New York University. It is the plan of the catalogue to provide a complete list of all who have received degrees from the University and of all officers of administration and instruction; to give under the several names condensed biographies ; and to add, in case of the deceased, the date and place of death, and, in case of the living. the present address. The names of the Alumni have been grouped in classes under the various schools of the University. The present volume is to be followed by another containing the names of the Alumni of the Schools at Washington Square (Law, Graduate. Pedagogy. Commerce), together with the vi PREFATORY NOTE Veterinary College; and that by a third volume, under the editorial supervision of Dr. Egbert Le Fevre, secretary of the General Alumni Society, containing the, names of the Alumni of the Medical School. In the preparation of the present volume, material has been gathered by means of circular letters, enclosing blanks for data, sent directly to all Alumni whom it was possible to reach. Such letters have been followed up by cards urging that the requested information be sent, and by a large amount of personal corre- spondence. In addition to this direct source of information, material has been gathered in ways less immediate. The excel- lent Biographical Catalogue, published by the Alumni Associa- tion of the College in 1894, has supplied a large amount of data. The archives of the University, the catalogues of the various College fraternities represented at New York University, the annual, quarterly, and weekly publications of the students, the catalogues of other academical institutions, general and annual, the year-books of religious denominations, the standard encyclo- pedias of biography, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in New York, and many other sources, have been at hand for constant reference. The arrangement of material under each name has taken the following order: Occupation. Degrees received from New York University and other institutions. Parentage and birth. Preparation for New York University. College record and honors. Record since graduation. Honors received and membership in societies. Publications. Marriage and children. Relatives in New York University. Address, if living, or date and place of death if deceased. The editor would welcome additional information under the PREFATORY NOTE vii above heads which has not been included in the present volume, but may be of service to those having in charge a subsequent edition of the catalogue. Thanks are due to many of the Alumni, who have contrib- uted suggestions and information tending to make the work more complete. Mr. James Abbott, of the Class of '83, Treasurer of the General Alumni Society, has served the Society as Publi- cation Committee. His familiarity with the processes which intervene between completed manuscript and a bound volume has greatly facilitated the progress of the Catalogue through the press. It is assumed that errors will appear in spite of the most pains- taking care to avoid them. It is also admitted that most of the omissions in such a compilation can be filled up if sufficient time is allotted to the work. It is believed, however, that the claim of further research for the sake of completeness at length must yield to the claim that less perfect results be given out for general use. Henry M. Brown, '86, Editor. Chronological Table of the University College and the School of Applied Science Meeting to consider the establishment of a University December 16, 1829 Organization of the Council October 18, 1830 Act of Incorporation April 18, 1831 Opening of College work October, 1832 Opening of the School of Engineering and the School of Analytical and Practical Chemistry 1S5G Conferment of the first degree in Applied Science 1862 Founding of the General Endowment, in chief part by Mr. Loring Andrews 1864-1866 Proposal of an uptown site 1890 Purchase of University Heights 1892 Removal of the University College to University Heights 1S94 Gift of the Library Building and of Gould Hall 1895 Expansion of the School of Engineering into the School of Applied Science April, 1899 Founding of Hall of Fame 1900 Abbreviations A. A. — Athletic Association. AC. — accountant. Acad. — Academy. ACT. — actuary. ADV. — advertising business. advoc. — advocate. agt. — agent. agr. — agriculture. adtn. Bar — admitted to the Bar. Am. — America, American. ARCH, —architect. asyl. — asylum. athl. — athletic. attg. — attending. atty. — attorney. AU. — author. AUD. — auditor. b. — born. B. — banker. Bapt. — Baptist. • BR. — broker. bro. — bro. in N. Y. U. BUILD, —builder. C. elk. — clerk. C, C. N. Y. — College of the City of New York. Chapl. — chaplain. CHEM. —chemist. chem. — chemical. ch. — children, chrmn. — chairman. Ch. — church, civ. — civil. CLERG. — clergyman. Co. — company, county. Col. Univ. — Columbia University. Coll. — College. Coll. P. and S. — College of Physicians and Surgeons, commenc. — commencement, commr. — commissioner, coram. — committee. Cong. — Congregational, cop. — co-pastor. const. — constitution, constitutional, constr. — construction. consult. — consulting. COntr. — contractor. CORP. — corporation officer, couns. — counsellor. cons. — cousin in N. Y. U. d. — died. da. — daughter or daughters. del. — delegate Dep. — Deputy. dept. — department. dir. — director, dis. — diseases. disp. — dispensary, dissert. — dissertation, div. — dii ED. —editor. EDUC. — educator. em. — emeritus. empl. — employed. EN< '•. — engineer. eng. — engineer, engineering. Engl. — English. evang. — evangelist. extry. — extraordinary. 1"'. — farmer. fa. — father in N. Y. U. fac. — faculty. fresh. — freshman. genl. — general. GEOL. — geologist. gov. — government. G. S. — grammar school. Kt. — great H. S. — high school. I. C. A. A. A. A. — Inter-Collegiate Associ- ation of Amateur Athletes of America. indep. — independent INS. — insurance, insp. — inspector, inst. — institute. instr. — instructor, internatl. — international. JOURN.— journalist jun. — junior. L. — lawyer. lect. — lecturer. LIBR. — librarian, m. — married. M. — merchant, man. — managing. M. E, — Methodist Episcopal. M. E., Mech. Eng. — mechanical engineer. Med. Assn. — .Medical Association Med. Coll. — Medical College. mem. — member. metnl. — memorial. MF. — manufacturer. mftry. — manufactory, mgr. — manager. miss., missny. —missionary. mod. — moderator. munic. — municipal, nat. — natural, natl. — national. neph. — nephew in N. Y. U. ord. — ordained. p. — pastor, past. — pastoral. pdgy, _ pedagogy. Ev E ; , — Protestant Episcopal. PJ I \K. pharmacist. phi]., philos. —philosophy, philosophical, n." i ~~ .P"" ' ^! philological. I lulomath. — Philomathean Society. I'll VS. —physician. plenip'y — plenipotentiary. pres. — president. ABBREVIATIONS Presb. — Presbyterian. prin. — principal. prof. — professor. propr. — proprietor. P. S. — public school. PUB. — publisher. publ. — publications. R . d. — Reformed Dutch. RE. — real estate business. rec. — recorder. regr. — registrar. rel. — relative in N. Y. U. repr. — representative. ret. — retired. Rev'y — Revolutionary. R. R. — railroad official. s. — son of. salut. — salutatorian. sem. — seminary. sen. — senior. soc. — society. son — son in N. Y. U. soph. — sophomore. Sp. Dip. — Special Diploma. sp., spec. — special. s. s. — stated supply. S. S. — Sunday School. sta. — station. stud. — student. surrog. — surrogate. surv. — survey, surveyor. teach. — teacher. topogr. — topographical. tp. — township. trust. — trustee. T. S. — Theological Seminary. vis. — visiting. unc. — uncle in N. \.U. w. c. — without charge. . The name of the institution by which it has been conferred follows the academic degree. The omission of it indicates that the degree was given by New York Uni- Ve Numerals (1), (2), (3)," (4) after college honors and officers indicate fresh., soph., jun. and senior years respectively. Contents PAGE Prefatory Note v Chronological Table ix Abbreviations xi Alumni of University College 1 Alumni of the School of Applied Science .... 14G Honorary Alumni , 159 Officers and Members of the Council 186 The Women's Advisory Committee 199 Chancellors of the University 200 Faculty of the University College 2<>2 Faculty of the School of Applied Science . . . .211 Indek of Officers and Faculty 215 Index of Alumni ... - 219 Xlii Alumni of the University College l8 33 " i9°5 1833 Joseph Acheson,* (PIIYS.) A. R., 33; A.M., 36; M. D., 45, N. Y. Med. Coll. s. Wm. and Margaret (Graham) Ache- son, b. N. Y. C, Jan. 25, 1812; ent. N. Y. U. when first opened; Pittsburgh T. S.; N. Y. Med. Coll.; studied with Dr. Valentine Mott; lie. Ref. Pres. Ch.; pres. Bkln. Med. Assn.; cons. phys. Bkln. Disp. ; publ.: Treatise on the Eye; m. 38, Euphemia, da. Jn. Culbert; ch. : Euphemia, James Jos., Louise, William, Frederick, Anna, Alexander; bros.: Wm. Andrew, 36; Tn. Crothers, 53. d. Nov. 4, 73, Bkln., N. Y. Edward Winfield Cone,* (L.) A. B., 33; A. M., 36. s. Rev. Dr. Spencer Houghton and Sallie Wallace (Morrell) Cone, b. Baltimore, Md., Mar. 4, 1814; ent. N. Y. U. when first opened: m. Oct. 13, 58, Marv Eliz., da. Jn. L. Weston; ch. : Edwd. Wallace, Harry Houghton, Bessie, Lillian, Julie; bro.: Col. Spencer W., 37 (non-grad.). d. Jan. 23, 71, N. Y. C. Henry Swartout Dodge,* (L.) A. B., 33; A. M., 36. s. Robt. and Eliza P. Dodge, b. Nov. 12, 1815; ent. N. Y. U., 32; lawyer N. Y. C; m. 32, Daisy E. L. Moore; ch.: Katha- rine M., Hy. M.; bro.: Robt., 40. d. Sept. 17, 55. Belleville, N.J. 1834 Robert Ralston Crosby,* (B.) A. B.. 34. s. Wm. Bedlow and Harriet Ashton (Clarkson) Crosby, b. N. Y. C, Dec. 3, 1815; Nat'l Bank of Commerce, N. Y. C, 40 yrs. : treas. of Eastern Dispensary 30 yrs.: elder in South Ch.; m. Apr. 27, 59, Jane Murray, da. Col. Alex. Living- ston; ch. : Robt. Ralston, Livingston, Edwd. Nicoll, Cornelia Livingston (Pell); bros. : Clarkson F., 35, Chanc. Howard Crosby, 44; nefh.: Ernest How- ard Crosby, 76. d. June 25, 92, Rivcrdalc, N. Y. C. Matthew Van Benschoten Fow- ler,* (L.) A. B., 34; A. M., 37. s. Caleb and Katherine (Sebring) Fowler, b. Newburg, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1814; Latin Salut.; ent. Col. Coll.; pres. Commercial Fire Ins. Co., N. Y. C; m. June 28, 37, Eliz. Fowler, da. Wm. Seymour; ch. : Seymour, Willie. d. May 9, 81, N. Y. C. William Robert Gordon,* (CLERG.) A. B., 34; A. M., 37; S. T. D., 54, Col. Univ. s. Robt. and Eliz. (Postley) Gordon, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 19, 1811; ent. N. Y. U., 33; New Prunswick T. S., 34-7; lie. (Refd. Dutch), 37; p. North Hempstead, 38-43; Flushing, L. I., 43-9; Houston St., N. Y. C. 49-58; Schraalenburgh, N. J., till 1880; ret. on account of throat trouble, 1880; Ed. Sower and Mission Monthly, 80-; founder Eucleian Soc; full.: Tracts and Sermons, 48; The Supreme Godhead of Christ, 48; Partic- ular Providence, 55, 56, 68; A Threefold Test of Modern Spiritualism, 56; Christocracy, 67, 78; The Church of God and Her Sacraments, 75; Revealed Truth Impregnable (Yedder Lectures at Rutgers Coll.), 77; m. Jul. 21, 38, Ma- thilda, da. Minne Onderdonk. d. Mar. 30, 97, Manhassct, L. I. Washington Judah,* A. B., 34; A. M., 37. s. Aaron H. Judah. d. N. Y. C. Samuel Kellogg, (CLERG.) A. B., 34. s. Seth Shove and Matilda (Lock- wood) Kellogg, b. Paterson, N. J., Tun. 30, 1808; ent. N. Y. U., 32; Princeton T. S., 34-7; ord., evang., Pby. Long Id., Nov. 20, 38; s. s. Westhampton. N. Y.. 38-41; s. s. Dobb's Ferry. 41, p. 47-52; 9. s. Hempstead. 52-64; retired. 65-96; m., Aug. 2, 38, Mary P.. da. Johnson Henry; ch.: Snm'l Henry. Edward Payson, How- ard Melancthon, Caroline Matilda. d. Jan. 14, 96, near Plainfidd, N. J. NEW YQRK UNIVERSITY [i83S Amos Boardman Lambert,* (CLERG.) A. B., 34; A. M., 52; D. D., 54 s. Jn. and Mary (Boardman) Lambert, b. Wakefield (South Reading), Mass., Jun. 6, 1810; Princeton T. S., 34-5; Union T. S., 36-7; ord., Pby. Troy, Nov. 2, 37; p. Salem, N. Y., 37-65; Hoosick Falls, N. Y., 66-7; s. s. So. Hartford, N. Y., 67- 73; Rupert, Vt., 73-84; occasional supply Salem, N. Y., 84-93; served under Chris- tian Comra., 63; m. (1) Aug. 11, 36, Sarah B., da. Rev. Dr. Gunn, (2) Apr. 2, 67, Helen E., da. David A. Russell; ch. : Sarah Gunn, Tonathan Leavitt, John Alex., Boardman, Thos. Scott, Lewis Boardman, Jane Martin, Amelia Antoi- nette, Helen Boardman. d. Nov. 29, 93, Salem, N. Y. Cornelius Mathews,* (JOURN., AU.) A. B., 34; A.M., 37. s. Abijah Mathews, b. Port Chester, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1817; lawyer, 37-8; first pres. Alumni Assoc, N. Y. U.; founded Yankee Doodle (comic paper), N. Y. C. ; org. Copyright Club, 43; publ: The Motley Book, 38; Behemoth, 39; Poems, 42; A Pen-and-ink Panorama of N. Y. C, 53; The Indian Fairy Book, 56; do. compiled from MS. of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, 69; The Enchanted Mocca- sins, 77. d. Mar. 25, 89, N. Y. C. William McMurray,* (L.) A. B., 34; A. M., 37. s. Rev. Wm. and Esther (Kissam) Mc- Murray, b. Rhinebeck, N. Y., Mar. 9, 1813; adm. Bar, N. Y., 38; mem. As- sembly, N. Y., 41-2-3; apptd. Master in Chancery, 44; state senator, 52-3; police comm. Met. Dist., 63-5; publ.: Address to the Young Men of the State, 40. d. June I, 69, N. Y. C. Ebenezer Wiggins,* (CLERG.) A. B., 34; D. D., 54. s. Jos. Wiggins, b. Ireland, Aug., 1806; ord. Dutch Ref'd Ch.; p. Paterson, N. J., 49-57; p. Manhattan Ref'd Ch., N. Y. C, 57-78. d. Nov., 78, N. Y. C. (9) 1835 Garkson Floyd Crosby,* A. B., 35. s. Wm. Bedlow and Harriet Ashton (Clarkson) Crosby, b. N. Y. C, 1817; ent. Columbia Coll.; mem. Assembly, 45; presidential elector, 48; state sen., 54-5; m. Sept. 5, 38, Angelica, da. Jn. Schuy- ler; ch.: Jn. Schuyler, Harriette Clark- son, Eliza Marice; bros. : Robt. R., 34, Howard, 44; neph.: Ernest H., 76. d. Feb. 22, 58, N. Y. C. Daniel Dodd,* (L.) A. B., 35; A. M., 38. s. Allen and Mary (Osborn) Dodd, b. Orange, N. J., Jan. 15, 1817; ent. in 33, Lat. Salut. ; mem. Eucleian; post-grad. 35-6; adm. Bar, N. J., 39; grad. mem Cliosophic Soc, Prin. Coll.; mem. N.J Hist. Soc; treas., 66, pres., 71, Newark Savings Inst. ; treas. Episc State Conv. and Episc. Fund; m. May 9, 50, Julia B., da. Sam'l M. Hitchcock; ch. : Mar- garet Cronkhite (Mackie), Daniel, Jr., Mary Adams. d. June 24, 95, Newark, N. J. George Gordon, (L.) A. M., 35; A. M., 38. s. Geo. and Maria R. (Stackhouse) Gor- don, b. Savannah, Ga., Jun. 19, 1817; ent. 33; valedict.; studied law with Foot and Davies; Yale Law Sch., 37-8; adm. Bar, 38; m. Apr. 24, 51, Mary A., da. Elisha Peck; ch.: George E. P., Theo- dora, Louise Maud, Reginald. d. June 29, 96, Newburgh, N. Y. William Hall,* (CLERG.) A. B., 35; A.M., 38. s. Wm. and Mary Thomas (Haines) Hall, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 16, 1812; ent., 32; chart, mem. Eucleian; Union T. S., 37- 40; s. s. Onondaga, N. Y., 40-1; teacher; ord. (Cong'l), Jan. 20, 48; p. Ludlow, Mass., 48-9; s. s. Milton, N. Y., 49-51; s. s. Austinburg, O., 56-8; s. s. Oakland, N. Y., 58-9; s. s. Java and Eden, N. Y., 62-5; mem. and libr. N. Y. Hist. Soc; m. Caroline A., da. Calvin Benjamin; ch. : Henry D., Wm. H., Addie C, Julia M.; bro.: Jn. G., 36. d. Nov. 10, 89, N. Y. C. Fenelon Hasbrouck,* (PHYS. and ED.) A. B., 35; M. D., 38, Col. Univ. s. Dr. Stephen and Eliza (Schenck) Has- brouck, b. Shawangunk, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1818; commenc. orat. ; Philomathean; studied med. with fa. and Dr. Rhinelan- der; res. phys. Bell. Hosp. and Blackwell's Id. Hosp., 45-7; mem. Med. Soc's of N. Y. and Westch. Cos.; Ed. Highland Dem- ocrat, Peekskill, 58-61; m. May 20, 41, Matilda, da. Ralph Demarest; ch. : Lizzie, Matilda, Euphemia, Fenelon, Adele, Clar- ence. d. Dec. 15, 61, Peekskill, N. Y. Alfred Holmes,* A. B., 35. s. Andrew and Ann (Irvine) Holmes, b.. Carlisle, Pa., 1814; divinity student. d. Dec. 8, 35, Carlisle, Pa. i8 3 S] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Jedediah Vincent Huntington,* K LERG.) A. B., 35; A.M., 39; M. D., 38, Univ. Penn. s. Bent, and Faith (Trumbull) Hunting- ton, b. N. Y. C, Jan. 20, 1815; ent. Yale Coll.; N. Y. U.; Union T. S., 36-7; studied physics, Phila. ; Med. Dent., Univ. of Penn., 35-8; prof, mental phi!., St. Paul's Coll., Flushing. N. Y.; ord. (Ep.), Feb. 24, 42; s. s. Middlebury, Vt., 42; travel, Europe, 42-8; s. s. N. Y. C, 48; ed. (R. C), Halt., Md., and St. Louis, Mo., 49-56; literary work, N. Y. C, 56- 61; m. Apr. 21, 42, Mary, da. Rev. Joshua Huntington. ; Princ. Univ., 31-3; Auburn T. S., 35-7; ord. (Presb.), 38; p. Dover, N. J., and l'.kln. N. Y„ 38-9; Romeo, Mich., 40-9; Detroit, Mich., 49- 54; Le Roy, N. Y., 55-7; Milford, Pa., 61-6; hon. mem. A. B. C. F. M., 39; princ. Acad., Romeo, Mich.; regent, Mich. Univ.; m. Tun. 21. 37, Mary E. da. Ezek. W. Morse; ch.: Mary Theodosia, Robt. Morse, Sarah Josephine. d. Sept., 66, Milford, Pa. Burtis Cunningham Megie,* (CLERG.) AfB., 35; D. D., 75. s. Dan'l Hull and Eliz. (Woodruff) Mcfcie, b. N. Y. C, Dec. 4, 1813; ent. N. y, I '., 32; commenc. orat.; Union Coll., 31-2; Andover T. S., 35-6; Princeton T. S., 36-7; Union T. S., 37-8; ord. (Presb.), 38: s. New Paltz, N. Y., 38-9; p. Dover, N. J., 39-76; Pleasant Grove, N. L, 76-88; s. Welsh Ch., Dover, N. J., 88-90; clerk Pby. Rockaway 25 yrs. ; clerk Pby. Morris and Orange, 89; Co. Sunt. Pub. Educ, Morris Co., 87-90; mem. N.J. Hist. Soc; chapl. Christian Comm. in Tenn., 63;J>ubl.: parts of Hist, of Morris Co., N. J.; m. Dec. 4, 38, Mary Cass, da. Rev. Wm. Belden; ch. : Susan Caroline, Lucy Belden. Abbey Frances, Wm. Elston, Burtis Cunning- ham, Marv Allen: bros. : Dan. E., 35; Win. II., 39; ».: Burtis C. Ph.D., 91. (/. Tune i.\ 90, Dover, N.J. Daniel Elston Megie,* (CLERG.) A. B., 35. t, I'an'l Hull and Eliz. (Woodruff) Megie, b. N. Y. C, Feb. 8, 1808: Bloom- field Acad., Union T. S., 36-9; ord. (Presbv.t. Nov. 17, 40: p. Succasunna, N. J.. 40-4: Boonton, N. L, 44-72: princ. Bkln. Tub. Schools; m. Apr. 5, 37. Mar- garet Livingston, da. Cant. George Miller; ch.: Hester F... Burtis C., Marie A.. Jane D. Louisa M., Augustus. Daniel Elston, Frances H.; bros.: Burtis C, 35, Wm. H.. 30. d. May 16, 8o, Boonton, N J. John Ballard Morton,* (CLERG.) A. B., 35; A. M., 38. b. N. Y. C, Aug. 3, 1815; Princeton T. S.. 35-8; s. s. Portsmouth, Va., 39; Middletown, O., 40-43; ord. Pby. Miami, Apr. 25, 43; p. Middletown, 43-5; Frank- lin, 46-50; Middletown, 52-65; s. s. Mon- roe and Dick's Creek, 65-6; Springfield, 2d, 67-8; Venice, 70-1; Highland, Kas., 72-5; St. Charles, Mo., 75-82; m. (1) Aug. 12, 45, Margaretta Gano, da. Peter Van Derveer, (2) Sept. 12. 66, Malinda M. Hughes; ch.: Lewis Yan Derveer, Mary Amelia, Eliza Gano, Nora Margaretta. d. Mar. 31, 82, St. Charles, Mo. Alexander Olympus Peloubet,* (CLERG.) A.B., 35: A.M., 38. s. Jos. Alex. and Betsy (Alcott) Peloubet, b. Hudson, N. Y., May 28, 1810; ent. 33; Eucleian prize; Auburn T. S.. 37; Union T. S.. 38; ord. (Cong.), May 15, 39; s. s. Mount Hope, N. Y., 39-40; s. s. (Presb.) Unionville and Westtown, N. Y., 40-5; Lloyd, X. i .. 46-9; p. Circleville, N. Y., 50-8; s. s. Stanhope, 58; p. Cairo, N. Y., 60-5; Mecklenberg, N. Y., 65-71 and 73-91; Five Corners, N. Y., 713: m. Oct. 2, 61, Margaret E., da. Levi King; ch. : Susan Eliza, Alex Howard. d. Mar. 8, 97, Mecklenberg, N. Y. Joseph Addison Saxton,* (CLERG.) A. B.. 35; A. M., 38. s. Chas. and Mary (Bartlett) Saxton, b. Tolland, Ct., Nov. 27, 1810; ent. N. Y. U., 34; Yale T. S., 37-8; Union T. S., 38-9; Andover T. S., 41; ord. (Presb.), Greenport, L. I., Jan. 7, 43; pastor in Mass., Va., N. Y., La., Ct.; p. (Cong.) New Hartford, Ct., 51-3; prin. Collegiate Inst., Norwichtown, Ct., 59; agt. Palest. Expl. Fuad, N. Y., 71; prof, drawing N. Y. U., 71-4; prof. Cooper Union, N. Y., 67-; m. Oct. 7, 56, Anna Augusta, da. Jn. O. Higgins; ch.: Jos. Addison, Fred Augustus. d. Feb. u, 02, N. Y. C. Ransom Taylor,* (EDUC.) A. P.. 35. b. Smithfield, R. I., 1807; Union T. S., 36-8; prof. Deaf and Dumb Inst., N. Y. C, 35-7. d. Feb. 4, 38, Augusta, Ga. Sydenham Thomas Ward,* (CLERG.) A. B.. 35: A. M.. 38. s. Bnos and Susan (Sydenham) Ward, b. Bloomfield. N. L. Oct. 23. 1811; Auburn T. S., 35-7; Union T. S., 37-8; ord. (Presb.), 39; pastor in X. J.. 39-51; Car- bondale, Pa., 51-64: chapl. I*. S. Army, 62-3; m. May 5, 63, Marietta, da. Ezra Pratt; ch.: Marv Sydenham; bro. : Rev. John. 41. d. Feb. 13, 64, Carbondalc, Pa. (15) NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1836 1836 William Andrew Acheson,* (CLERG.) A. B., 36. s. Wm. and Margaret (Graham) Acheson, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 28, 1815; studied theol. privately; Alleghany T. S. ; lie. (Ref'd Presb.), 47; bros. : James Joseph, 33, Jn. Crothers, 53. d. Nov. 26, 50, Evansville, Ind. C. F. Coles,* A. B., 36. s. Thomas Coles. Robert Finley Davison,* A. B., 36; A. M., 39. s. Jn. Roberts and Mary Caldwell (Fin- ley) Davison, b. N. Y. C, Apr. 18, 1818. d. Aug. 28, 40, Newark, N. J. Francis J. Day,* A. B., 36; A.M., 39. from North Carolina. John Edwards Caldwell Dore- mus,* (CLERG.) A. B., 36; A. M., 49; D. D., 60. s. Francis and Eliz. De Hart (Canfield) Doremus, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 15, 1816; studied law with Hugh Maxwell, N. Y., and Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, 111.; ord. (Presb.); p. Bayou Grostete, La.; Baton Rouge, La. ; prof. lang. Oakland, Coll., Miss.; pres. Anama Coll., Tex.; rep- resent. Am. Bible Soc, N. Orleans, La. ; p. Vienna, La.; m. (1) Aug. 13, 39, Kath- arine Louise, da. Augustus L. Ulrich, (2) Mary Allen, (3) Eliz. Wood; ch.: Henrietta Van Reisenkamp, Katharine Louise, Margaret Caldwell, Maud Frances, Mary Augusta, Cornelius, Eliza, William, Eliz. Caldwell. d. Nov. 16, 78, Vienna, La. James Samuel Evans,* (CLERG.) A. B., 36; A.M., 39; D. D., 57. s. Jas. and Anna (Thomas) Evans, b. Bristol, Pa., Sep. 25, 1817; A A*; Union T. S., 36-9; teach. N. Y. C, 39-43; ord, (Presb.), Jun. 12, 44; p. Middletown (L. I.), N. Y., 44-9; Setauket (L. I.), N. Y., 50-68; s. s. Chester, N. J., 70-71; synod miss'y Bkln., N. Y., 71-5; p. New- ark, N. J., 76-80; m. May 13, 40, Eliz., da. Wm. Brown; ch.: Wm. B., Ellen E., Jas. S., Anna C, Amelia Smith, Hy. Woodbndge. d. Oct. 6, 85, Setauket, N. Y. S. W. Field,* A. B., 36. John Asten Gunn,* (EDUC, B.) A. B., 36. s. Rev. Alex. Gunn, b. N. Y. C, 1819; m. (1) Jan. 22, 41, Hannah Ray, da. Rev. Elias W. Crane, (2) Apr. 10, 52, Ann Squier, da. Jacob G. Crane; ch. : Margaretta (d. 77.) d. May 22, 77, N. Y. C. John Goodman Hall,* (CLERG.) A. B., 36; A. M., 39; D. D., 80. s. Wm. and Mary Thomas (Haines) Hall, b. Bkln., N. Y., Oct. 16, 1816; pres. Eucleian; Union T. S., 36-9; ord. (Cong.), Oct. 29, 39; s. s. New Lebanon, N. Y., 39-42; p. S. Egremont, Mass., 42- 50; Cherry Valley, N. Y. (Pres.), 50-7; Fort Plain, N. Y. (R. D.), 57-63; s. s. Ravenna, O. (Cong.), 64-73; publ. : Con- versational Hist, of the Churches of N. Y. C, 38; Lord Bacon's Bible Thoughts, 60; m. (1) Sep. 1, 40, Emily L., da. Reuben Barker, (2) Oct. 25, 47, Mary B., da. Thomas Bond; ch.: Wm. B., Emily R., Thomas B., Margaret H., Mary B., John G., Clara R.; bro.: William, Jr., 35. d. Jan. 30, 00, Cleveland, O. W. Jenney,* A. B. 36; A. M., 42, Brown Univ. Jeremiah Skidmore Lord,* (CLERG.) A. B., 36; A.M., 39; D. D., 59. s. Chas. S. Lord, b. Jamaica (L. I.), N. Y., May 10, 1812; Union T. S., 36-9; ord. (R. D.), Aug. 20, 39; p. Montville, N. J., 39-43; Griggstown, N. J., 43-7; N. Y. C. (Harlem), 48-69. d. Apr. 2, 69, N. Y. C. Moses Brown Maclay,* (L.) A. B., 36; A. M., 40. s. Rev. Dr. Archibald and Mary (Brown) Maclay; b. N. Y. C, Jun. 1, 1820; adm. bar, Albany, N. Y., 42; sur- rog. pract. and real est. titles; mem. Geog. Soc, N. Y. ; m. Jun. 1, 46, Susan Ann, da. Harvey Dayton; ch.: Mary Brown, Jean, Susie Harper, Archibald M.; bro.: Wm. B., 36; neph.: Wm. W., 72. d. Aug. 28, 95, N. Y. C. William Brown Maclay,* (L.) A. B., 36; A. M., 39. s. Rev. Dr. Archibald and Antoinette (Watson) Maclay; b. N. Y. C, Mar. 20, 1812; valedict.; instr. Lat. lang. and lit., N. Y. U, 36; mem. Council, N. Y. U., 38-82; adm. bar, 39; mem. Assembly, N. Y., 40-1-2; U. S. Cong., 43-5, 45-7, 47- 9, 57-9, 59-61; trustee N. Y. and Bkln. Bridge; mem. Geog. Soc, N. Y. ; m. Aug. 22, 38, Antoinette, da. Mark Wal- ton; ch. : Archibald, Mark Walton, An- IS37] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE toinette Walton; bro.: Moses neph.: Wm. VV., 72. d. Feb. 19, 82, N. Y. C. Samuel Milligan Pringle,* (B.) A. B., 36; A. M., 39. s. Thos. Pringle. b. N. Y. C; Engl, salut.; censor of Eucleian ; Bank of New York, N. Y. C, 37-78. d. Oct. 31, 97, N. Y. C. John J. Ring^ A. B., 36. s. L. King; bro.: G. \V. Ring, 36 (non- grad.). d. before 52. W. B. Sherwood,* A. B., 36; 2*. d. about 58. Jackson Smith,* (CLERG.) A. I'... 36; A. II, 39. s. Dan'l and Anne i.Maxon) Smith, b. Middletown, N. J., Mar. 5, 1816; Newton T. S., 36-9. d. Apr. 8, 50, Middletown, N. J. S. Trowbridge Smith,* A. B., 36; A. M., 39. Theodore Edwin Tomlinson,* (L.) A. B., 36. s. David and Cornelia (Adams) Tom- linson, b. Rhinebeck, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1817; £; Yale Law Sch., 35; Western Reserve Coll., Hudson, O. ; Corp. Attv., N. Y., 49; mem. Assembly, N. Y.. 59; m. Abbey Esther, da. Thos. Walden; ch. : David, N. Y. U., 68; Hv. Tallmadge, N. Y. U., 70. spec; Theo. E., N. Y. U., 72; Esther Walden; Jn. Canfield, N. Y. U., 75. d. Aug. 21, 87, N. Y. C. Alfred S. Vail,* (INVENTOR) A. B., 36; A.M.. 48. s. Stephen and Bertha (Young) Vail, b. Morristown, N. J., Sep. 25, 1807; Bloomfield, N. J., Sem. ; pres. Eucleian; engaged in perfecting the electric tele- graph, 37; invented the armature lever and applied the dot and dash system to the alphabet ; ass't supt. telegraph bet. Wash, and Bait., 43; publ.: The Ameri- can Electro-Magnetic Telegraph. Phila., 45; m. (1) Jul. 23, 39, Jane Eliz.. da. Jas. Cummings, (2) Dec. 17, 55, Amanda O., da. Jonathan Enoj ch.: Stephen, Jas. Cummings, Geo. Rochester. d. Ian. 19, $9, Morristown, N.J. Abiathar Rhoades Van Nos- trand,* (L.) A. B., 36; A. M., 39. s. Jacob and Harriet (Rhoades) Van Nostrand, b. N. V. C, 1816; 2d com- menc. honor; lawyer, 36-51; Pat and Pens. Off., Wash., D. C. ; mem. I S. Eng. Corps; m. 51, Julia Henderson; ch.: Hy. Lewis; bro.: Jacob, 38. d. Mar., 65, Mound' City, III. John Finley Vredenburgh,* A. B., 36; A. M., 39. s. Jn. Schureman and Sarah (Caldwell) Vredenburgh, b. Somervillc, N. J., Nov. 12, 1817. d. July 19, 45, Batavia, Java. William Pratt Wainwright,* (PHYS.) A. B., 36; M. D., 41, Coll. Pin s. and Surg., N. Y. C. s. Eli and Marv May (Pratt) Wainwright, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 10, 1818; Coll. Phys. and Surg., 35-8; Berlin, 42-3; ho. surg. N. Y. Hosp.; farming, Rhinebeck: Mai. 29th N. Y. Vol., 61; Col. 76th N. Y. Vol., 62-3; publ.: Transl. of Yon Hardegg's Gen'l Staff, 53; Marching of Troops in Large Bodies, 64; Fighting of Troops, 65; Radical Mechanics of Animal Loco- motion, 80; m. Jan. 10, 54, Cornelia Ridgely, da. Jn. C. Tillotson; ch.: Jn. T., Wm. P., Chas. Howard. d. Oct. 17, 95 , N. Y. C. Albert Ward,* A. B., 36: A. M., 39. s. Caleb Ward. William B. Wedgewood,* (EDUC.) A. B., 36; A. M., 39; LL. D., 59. N. Y. U., 35-36; prof, commercial, mari- time and pari, law and law of pers. prop. N. Y. U. ( 58-64; established Natl. Sch. of Law, Washington, D. C. Marcus W. Weed,* A. B., 36; A. M., 40. s. Harvey Weed. (26) 1837 George Ferdinand Bacon,* A. B.. 37. s. Geo. and Nancv (Skinner) Bacon, b. Albany. N. Y., Feb. 6. 1815; Amherst Coll., 33-6; N. Y. V., 36-7; Eng. salut.; Lane T. S.; private literarv pursuits at Andover T. S. and Watkinson Libr., Hartford; neph.: Wm. P. H., 86. d. June 28, 91, Hartford, Ct. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1837 William Edgar Baker, H A. B., 37. s. Cornelius and Janet ' Ten Eyck (Edgar) Baker, b. Rahway, N. J., Feb. 15, 1819; valedict. d. Aug. 4, 46, Rahway, N. J. J. W. Carrington,* A. B., 37. s. J. W. Carrington, ent. N. Y. U., 32. William Abraham Coursen,* (L.) A. B., 37. s. Abram and Hetty Coursen, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 21, 1819; Coll. of N. J., 35-6; law- yer, N. Y. C. ; Councilman and Mayor, Elizabeth, N. J. ; m. Apr. 14, 52, Jane, da. Rev. Alfred Chester; ch. : Henrietta C, Frances Bell, Alfred Chester, Edith Chetwood, Wm. A., Jane Chester. d. Sept. 16, 95, Morristown, N. J. Horace Fraser, 51 (CLERG.) A. B., 37; A. M., 40. s. Oris and Mercy (Lee) Fraser, b. Steuben, N. Y, Feb. 9, 1808; Auburn T. S., 37-8; ord. (Presb.), 38; p. Branch- port, N. Y., 41-3; Angelica, 43-4; Branch- port; Ovid, 49-51; Lafayette, 53-5; Can- oga, 56-9; m. Oct. 10, 37, Sarah, da. Tennis Dey ; ch.: Susan Ann, Sarah Helen, Spencer Lee, Helen Jane, Frank, Mary; bro.: Oris, 37. d. Mar. 13, 96, Westtown, N.J. Oris Fraser,* (CLERG.) A. B., 37; A.M., 40. s. Oris and Mercy (Lee) Fraser, b. Steuben, N. Y, Feb. 9, 1808; Auburn T. S., 37-8; ord. (Presb.), 38; m. Nov. 25, 40, Jane, da. Dan'l Finn; ch.: Gertrude, Frank, Sarah Jane; bro.: Horace, 37. d. July 5, 77, Florida, N. Y. E. H. Howard,* A. B., 37; A. M., 40. s. Thos. Howard. John Kimberly,* (EDUC.) A. B., 37. s. David and Eliz. (Ferris) Kimberly, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 1818; Univ. of Heidel- berg, 59; teach, in N. C. and Tenn.; prof. chem. Univ. of N. C, 57-66; chem. and agric, 75-6; farming, Buncombe Co., N. C, 76-82; 2 *; m. (1) 40, Caroline A., da. Tristam Capehard, (2) Dec. 8, 58, Bettie M., da. Hon. Thos. Maney; ch.: Eliz. F., Emily, Southall, Rebecca M., Thos. M., John, Mary, David, George M., Fannie M. d. Mar. 6, 82, Asheville, N. C. J. S. Macauley,* A. B., 37; 2$. William Mulford Martin,* (CLERG., EDUC.) A. B., 37; A. M., 40. s. Wm. and Ann (Laree) Martin, b. Rahway, N. J., Jun. 29, 1813; Coll. N. J., 33-6; N. Y. U., 36-7; 2d commenc. honor; Union T. S., 39-41; orgr. and princ. N. Y. Classical and Math. Coll. Sch., Bkln., N. Y., 38-48; reorgr. and princ. Athenian Acad., Rahway, N. J., 48-52; p. Pres. Ch., Woodbridge, N. J., 52-63; Columbia, Cal., 63-4; Virginia City, Nev., 64-7; agt. Home Miss. Socy., 67-8; sec. Bkln. Y. M. C. A., 68-76; prof. Bkln. Lay Coll., 76-8; sec. and supt. City Miss. & Tr. Soc, Bkln., 78-86; agt. Charity Org. Soc, 86-96; m. Jan. 10, 36, Ann Eliz., da. Jas. Parmenter; ch. : Wm. Wis- ner, Anna Maria, Ann Eliz. Parmenter, Sovereign Edgar, Jas. Parmenter, Jos. Hillyer Thayer. d. Sept. 4, 98, San Francisco, Cal. Robert Curtis Mills,* (CLERG.) A. B., 37; D. D., 61, Brown Univ. s. Abraham and Lydia (Slater) Mills, b. N. Y. C, Feb. 6, 1819; Union T. S., 37-40; Newton Theol. Inst., 40; resident lie. Union T. S., 40-1; ord. (Bap.), Mar. 17, 42; p. Colchester, Ct., 41-5; Chicopee Falls, Mass., 45-8; Salem, Mass., 48-76; sec. No. Bap. Educ. Soc, 79-91; pres. Bap. Char. Soc; trustee, Newton T. I.; publ.: Hist, of First 50 yrs. of 1st Bap. Ch., Salem, 55; Hist. (25 yrs.); S. S. Conv., Salem Bap. Assoc, 72; Hist. (50 yrs.) Salem Bap. Assoc, 77; m. Jun. 14, 43, Mary Sisson, da. Richard Tiffany; ch. : Robert, Chas. Richd., Mary Slater. d. Jan. 21, 96, Newton Centre, Mass. James Munroe,* A. B., 37. s. N. Munroe. William H. Paine,* A. B., 37. s. John Paine. d. 82, N. Y. C. George Washington Schuyler,* (PHAR.) A. B., 37. b. Stillwater, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1810; * T; Heb. Poem 37; Union T. S., 37-8; druggist, Ithaca, N. Y., 38-88; del. Natl. Rep. Conv., 60 and 64; treas. N. Y. State, 63-5; supt. Bank Dept., N. Y., 66- 70; Assembly, N. Y., 75; author Savings Bank bill, 75; aud. Canal Dept., N. Y., 76-80; trust. Cornell Univ., 66-88; treas. do., 65-73; mem. Oneida Hist. Soc. and Amer. Hist. Assn.; publ.: Colonial New York: Philip Schuyler and his Family, 2 vols., N. Y., 85. d. Ithaca, N. Y., Feb. 8, 88. i8 3 8] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE John Sheffield,* (CLERG.) A. B., 37; A. M., 40. N. Y. U., 33-7; New Brunswick T. S., 37- 40; lie. min. (Ref. Dutch), 40; p. No. Hempstead, N. Y., 43-6; miss'y in West, 46-7; in Ind., 49. d. j86s, near Stiff cm, N. Y. Alfred Augiistin Watson,* (CLERG.) A. I?., 37: A. M., 40; D. D., 68, Univ. of N. C, and, 84, Univ. of the South. s. Jesse and Hannah Maria (Tallman) Watson, b. N.V.C.. Aug. 21, 1818; A A*; valedict. ; studied law in office of Judge Kent; adm. bar, N. Y., 41; General T. S., P. E. Ch.; ord. deac, 44; priest, 45; bishop, East Carolina, 84; chapl. 2d Regt., N. C. State Troops in C. S. A.; m. (1) Nov. 46, Harriet G. Halsey, I'.kln., N. Y., (2) Nov. 24, 49, Mrs. F. II Borrows, N. Y., (3) Jun. 26, 90, Mary Catherine, da. Fred J. and Colum- bia (Brown) Lord. d. Apr. 21, 05, Wilmington, N. C. (16) 1838 H. H. Conklin,* A. P.., 38. Arthur Qeveland Coxe,* (CLERG.) A. B., 38; A.M., 41; D. D., 68; D. D.. 57, Coll. St. Tames, Md., 68, Trinity, Hartford, 88, Univ. Durham, Em.; LI.. D.. 68, Kenyon Coll., O. s. Rev. Dr. Samuel Hanson and Abiah Hyde (Cleveland) Cox, b. Mendham, N. J., May 10, 1818; valedict.; Master's Orator; A A + ; studied Heb. and German under Prof. Nordheimer, 38-9; Chelsea T. S., N. Y., 40; ord. deac. (P. E.), 41; priest, Sep. 25, 42; St. Ann's Ch., Morris- ania. N. Y. C, 41-2; Hartford, Ct., 42- 54; Baltimore, Md., 54-63; Calvary, N. Y. C, 63-65; consecr. bishop, Jan. 4, 65; bp. coadj., Western N. Y., — Apr. 5, 65; dioc. bp., do., — 96; publ.: Advent, a Mystery, 37: Atwold. 38; Christian Bal- lads, 40; Athanasion, and Other Poems, 42; Hallowe'en, 44; Saul, a Mystery. 45; Sermons. 54; Apology for the English Bible, 54; Impressions of England, 56; The Criterion. 66; Moral Reforms, 69; Apollos, 74; Covenant Prayers, 75; The Penitential. 82; Institutes of Christian Historv. 87; The Paschal, 89; Holv Writ and Modern Thought, 92: edited Clark's Ante-Nicene Library, 8 vols., 85-6; m. Sep. 41, Katherine Cleveland, da. Simeon Hyde; bro.: Samuel H., 39. d. July 20, 06, Clifton Springs, N. Y. Benjamin Moore Goldsmith,* (CLERG.) A. B., 38; A. M., 41 ; D. D., 80, Hamilton Coll s. Lewis and Sarah Goldsmith, b. Matti- tuck, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1817; Union T. S., 39-42; ord. (Presb.), Feb. 25, 45; p. Southport, N. Y., 42-9; Bellona, N. Y\, 49-85; stated clerk, Presby. Geneva, 29 yrs., and of Synod of Geneva, 13 yrs. ; trustee, Elmira Coll. for Women; m. Jun. 20, 50, Mary Augusta, da. Wra. S. M'Crea; ch.: Marv II., Wra. B. d. Aug. 9, 85, Bellona, N. Y. John Greacen, Jr.,* (Ml-.) A. B., 38; A. M., 41. s. In. and lane (Richardson) Greacen, b. N. Y. C, Apr. 2, 1819; commenc. orat.; with Chas. Goodyear in mf. of india rub- ber goods; mem. Union League Club, .V Y. C; m. Oct. 19, 42, Cornelia Brower, da. Jos. Woodward Duryee; ch. : Cornelia Jane, Stanley, Florence, Raphael, Ed- ward In., John llv. d. fan. 21, 86, BloomHcld, N. J. George C. Griswold,* (CLERG) A. B., 38; A. ML, 41. s. Geo. and Maria Matilda (Cumming) Griswold, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 3, 1820; mer- chant with N. L. and G. Griswold; m. May 4, 48, Lydia, da. Sam'l Alley; ch.: John, Mariana, Louise, Frank Gray, George, Edith Green, Lydia; nefh.: G. G. Cray, 50. d. Apr. 25, 84, Dresden. Germany. Henry Hedges Hallidav r * (M.) A. B., 38. commenc. orat.; ^T; merchant in Dan- ville. Pa., 38-9. d. 1839, Danville, Pa. Charles E. Milnor,* (B.) A. B., 38; A. M., 41. s. Rev. Dr. James Milnor; AA; banker, N. Y. C. Stephen Patterson,* (CLERG.) A. B., 38; A. M., 41. Graduated from a theol. sem. ; A A *. Sandford S. Smith,* (L.) A. B., 38: A. M.. 41. s. Archelaus Greene (M. D.) and Mela- nia (Boughton) Smith, b. 1817; bros.: Augustus F., 39; E. Delafield, 46. Jacob Van Nostrand,* (EDUC.) A. B., 38: A. M.. 41. s. lacob and Harriet (Rhoades) Van nd, b. X. V. C Feb. 27, 1814; Lat. salut.; A A ♦; Union T. S.. 39-41; prof. Deaf and Dumb Inst., N. Y. C, 38- 57 and 76; pres. Deaf and Dumb Inst., Austin, Tex.. 57-76; pu'-l. : Lectures on Mental Philosophy; Lectures for the Deaf and Dumb; m. Tul. 15. 47, H. Jane, da. Thos. B. Richards; ch.: Sarah Rich- ards; bro.: Ahiathar R., 36. d. Nov. 29, 79, N. Y. C. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1839 Lorin Very,* (EDUC.) A. B., 38. b. Danville, Vt. ( 1813; Union T. S., 38-9; teacher N. Y. C. Samuel Merrill Woodbridge,* (CLERG.) A. B., 38; A. M., 41; D. D., 50, Union U., and, 57, Rutgers Coll.; LL. D., 83, Rutgers Coll. s. Rev. Sylvester Woodbridge, D. D., and Eliz. (Gould) Woodbridge, b. Greenfield, Mass., Apr. 5, 1819; mem. Eucleian; *BK; p. So. Bkln., N. Y., 41-9; Cox- sackie, N. Y., 49-52; New Brunswick, N. J., 52-6; prof. Rutgers Coll. and New Brunswick T. S., 57-1901; emeritus, 01-; publ.: Sermons of Faith, 75; Analysis of Theol., 72; Manual of Church Hist., 95; Manual of Church Govt., 96; m. 65, Anna W., da. Ch. P. Dayton; ch. : Caro- line, Anna D., Mary E. ; neph.: Free- man, 89. d. June 23, 05, New Brunswick, N.J. (12) 1839 James Hart Allen,* (PHYS.) A. B., 39; A. M., 42; M. D., 44, Coll. Phys. and Surg. s. J. Allen; N. Y. U., 35-9. d. Aug. 8, 58. Henry Newell Beers,* (CLERG.) A. B., 39; A.M., 42. s. Rev. Dan'l and Sophia (Newell) Beers, b. Lexington, N. Y., Jun. 12, 1819; Amherst Coll., 35-8; N. Y. U., 39- 40; clergyman until loss of health; m. (1) 1847, Adeline, da. Asa Bigelow, (2) 53, Martha A., da. Lucius Hart; ch.: Adeline S., Florence M., Lucius H. d. July 12, 87, Bay Shore, L. I. Charles Henry Augustus Bulk- ley,* (CLERG.) A.B., 39; A.M., 42; D.D., 81, Howard Univ. s. Ashbel and Ann Eliza (Fanning) Bulkley, b. Charleston, S. C, Dec. 22, 1818; class poet; pres. Philomath.; S *; Union T. S., 39-42; ord. (Presb. New- ark), Dec. 17, 42; p. New Brunswick, N. J., 42-3; home miss'y, Janesville, Wis., 43-5; p. Mt. Morris, N. Y., 47-50; Ithaca, N. Y., 50-2; Winsted, Conn., 53-8; Paterson, N. J., 59-61; chapl. Sick- les' Brigade, 70th N. Y., 61-3; aide-de- camp and adj. asst. in McClellan's campaign on the Peninsula; p. Owego, N. Y., 65-7; chapl. Y. M. C. A., Bkln., N. Y., 67-8; p. Malone, N. Y., 68-75; prof. Dr. Cullis' Training Coll., Boston, Mass., 75-6; p. Port Henry, N. Y., 76-81; prof. Howard Univ., Washington, D. C, 81-90; publ: Plato's Best Thoughts; D'Aubigne's Martyrs of the Ref'n. d. Feb. 2, 93, Washington, D. C. Richard Harrison Bull,* (EDUC.) A. B., 39; A. M., 42; Ph. D., 82. s. Benj. and Eliza (Wade) Bull, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 28, 1817; Union T. S., 39-41, 42-3; teach. N. Y. C, 43-4; sec. and act. Eagle Fire Ins. Co., 47-8; sec. N. Y. Sav. Bank, 59-67; pres. do., 68-83; prof. civ. eng. N. Y. U., 54-85; prof, emer., 85-92; m. Mar. 2, 47, Mary Ann Schouten; s. : Richd. Hy., 70; Chas. C, 74; J. Edgar, 78. d. Feb. 1, 92, N. Y. C. Elbert H. Champlin,* (PHYS.) A. B., 39; A. M., 42. gen'l pract., Cornwall, N. Y., Y. C. d. Nov. 15, 83, N. Y. C. and N. Samuel Hanson Coxe, Jr.,* (CLERG.) A.B., 39; A.M., 42; A.M., 52, Trinity Coll.; S. T. D., 63, Col. Univ. s. Rev. Sam'l H., D. D., and Abiah Hyde (Cleveland) Cox, b. Mendham, N. J., Nov. 13, 1819; pres. Eucleian: A A *; General T. S., N. Y. C, 40-3; ord (P. E.), 43; p. Auburn, Oxford, Caze novia, Utica, and Kinderhook, N. Y., 43 83; m. Apr. 10, 45, Eliza, da. Hon. Al fred Conkling; ch. : Alfred Conkling Gertrude H.; bro. : Arthur Cleveland, 38 d. Jan. 16, 95, Utica, N. Y. George Defandorf,* (L.) A. B., 39; A. M., 42. d. 80. Edward Hopper,* (CLERG.) A. B., 39; A. M., 42; D. D., 71, Lafayette Coll. b. N. Y. C, Feb. 17, 1816; 2$; Union T. S., 39-42; ord. (Presb.), Oct., 43; p. Greenville, N. Y., 42-51; Sag Harbor, L. I., 52-63; Plainfield, N. J., 64-8; N. Y. C, 69-88. d. Apr. 23, 88, N. Y. C. William Thurston Horn,* (L.) A. B., 39; A. M., 42. s. James Horn; N. Y. U., 35-9. Willard Minor Hoyt,* (CLERG.) A. B., 39. s. Thaddeus and Hannah (Seymour) Hoyt, b. Walton, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1812; Union T. S., 39-42; ord. (Presb.), Feb. 9 43; p. Nineveh, N. Y., 42-66; Chaumont N. Y., 66-8; Middleton, Wis., 68-84; Ve rona, Wis., 74-80; Mt. Horeb, Wis., 77 84; m. (1) Sep. 28, 42, Margaret Ann Bennett, (2) Jan. 11, 49, Mary Ann, da. Jonathan Hitchcock. d. Jan. I, 92, Martinsburgh, N. Y. 1839] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE John Taylor Johnston,* (R. R.) A. B., 39; A. It, 42; LL. D., 89. s. Jn. and Margaret (Taylor) Johnston, b. N. Y. C, Apr. 8. 1820; commcnc. orat.; * T; *BK; Yale Law Sch., 39-41; with Dan'l Lord, 39-42; adm. bar, 43; pres. Elizabeth and Somerville R. R., af- terwards Central R. R. of N. J., 48-76; mem. Council N. Y. U., 46-93; v. p. do., 51-72; pres. do., 72, 86; director Union T. S., 70-93; first pres. Metropolitan Mus. of Art, -89; pres. Alumni Assn. N. Y. U.; pres. St. Andrew's Soc; pres. Bd. of Governors, Women's Hosp. of the State of N. Y. ; mem. Century Club; m. 50, Frances Colles; ch.: Jn. Herbert, Emilv, Frances, Eva, Colles. d. Mar. 24, 93, N. Y. C. Charles Kellogg, 5 (CLERG.) A. B . 39. b. Hudson, N. Y., Mar. 31, 1816; Union T. S., 39-40; Andover T. S., 40-1; ord. (Cong.), Nov. 10, 41; p. Richmond Mich., 41-6; Almont, Mich., 46-56 Judge of Probate, Almont, 57-62 anker, Detroit, 62-8; business, Detroit 68-. d. Mar. 14, 97, Detroit, Mich. Michael Frederick Liebenau,* (CLERG.) A. B., 39; A.M., 42. b. N. Y. C, Mar. 1, 1813; Union T. S., 38-41; ord. (Presb.), Oct. 28, 41; p. High- Inn,!. X. Y.. 41-6; Paterson, N. J., 46-50; Highland, N. Y., 50-67; o. (R. D.) Dash- ville Falls, N. Y., 67-8; Rosendale. N. Y., 68-76; s. Bloomingdale, X. Y., 76-83; p. emer., Rosendale, N. Y., 83-4. d. Jan. 13, 91, Kingston, N. Y. William Handy Ludlow,* (L.) A. B., 39; A. M.. 42. s. Ezra Ludlow; 2 <1>; lawyer, Oakdale, N. Y. ; mem. Assembly (Suffolk Co.), N. Y.; Speaker do., 53. d. Se^t. 25, 90. Oakdale, N. Y. William Hull Megie* (CLERG.) A. B.. 39; A. M., 42. teach.. 40-3; Union T. S.. 43-5; ord. (Presb.), Jan. 25, 50; p. Meadville, Pa., 45-6; p. (Cong.) N. Stamford. Ct.. 46-9; (Presb.) Williamstown, N. Y., 50; Sparta, N. J., 51; W. Milford, X. J., 52-5; Junius. N. Y., 55-66; W. Favette, N. Y., 66-9; Newfoundland. X. T., 69-74; Pater- son, N. J., 75: teach. Jersey City, 76-80; m. Oct. 10, 55, Sarah E.. da. Eze. B. Gaines; ch. : Oscar Fitzalan Gaines, Wm. Hull, Marie Antoinette. Tulii Eliz. ; bros.: Burtis C, 35, Dan'l E.. 35. d. May 31, 80, Brooklyn, N. Y. William Billings Meech,* (L.) A. B., 39. s. A. B. Meech; N. Y. U., 36-9; *T; Lat. salut.; law student, N. Y. C, 39-41; lawyer, 41-59; judge 3d Dist. Court, N. Y. C., 51-9; bro.: H. J. (non-grad.). d. 59, N. Y. C. William Weston Patton,* (CLERG.) A. B., 39; A.M., 42; LL. D., 82; D. D., 62, Indiana Asbury Univ. s. Wm. and Mary (Weston) Patton, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 19, 1821; Union T. S., 39- 42; ord. (Cong.), Jan. 18, 43; p. Boston. Mass., 43-5; Hartford, Ct., 46-57; Chi- cago, 111., 57-67; ed. Advance, 67-72; dist. sec. A.M. A.; lect. Oberlin T. S. and Chicago T. S., 74-7; pres. Howard Univ., Washington, D. C, 77-89; corp. mem. A. B. C. F. M.; Soc. of the Cincin- nati; hon. mem. Soc. Sc. Lit. and Art, London, Eng.; publ.: The Young Man, Hartford, 47; Conscience and Law, N. Y., 50; Slavery and Infidelity, Cincin- nati, 56; Spiritual Victory, Boston, 74; Prayer and Its Remarkable Answers, Chic, 75; m. (1) 43, Sarah Jane, da. Ho- ratio Mott, (2) 51, Mary Boardman, da. Normand Smith; ch.: Wm. Ludlow, Hora- tio Mott, Ch. Mott, Normand Smith, Robt. Weston, Caroline, Horace Bush- nell, Cornelius Howard, Mary Amelia. d. Dec. 3J, 89, Westficld, N. J. John Morrison Reid.* (CLERG.) A. B., 39; A. It, 42; D. D., 58; LL. D., 81, Syracuse U. s. Jn. and Jane (Morrison) Reid, b. N. Y. C, May 30. 1820; Union T. S.. 39- 41; teach. Mechanics Inst. Sch., N. Y. C, 39; ord. (M. E.). -May 15, 46; p. Wolcottsville, Ct., 44-5; New Hartford, Ct., 46; Jamaica, L. I.. 47-9; Birming- ham, Ct., 49-50: Middletown, Ct.. 51-3; N. Y. C, 53-5; Bkln., N. Y., 55-7; Bridge- port and Fairfield, Ct., 57-8; pres. Gene- see Coll. (Syracuse U.), 58-64; ed. West- cm Christian Advocate, 64-8; ed. N. W . Chr. Advoc, 68-72: sec. Miss. Soc. M. E. Ch.. N. Y. C, 72-88; hon. sec. do., 88-96; publ.: Missions and Miss. Soc. of the M. E. Ch., 2 vols., Cincinnati, O. ; Great Religions of the World; Lifeless and Corrupt Forms of Christianity; m. May 3. 48, Caroline S., da. Thos. B. Fanten; ch. : Anna Mary; cous.: C. R. Sanford, 86. d. May 16, 96, N. Y. C. Raymond Hoyt Seely,* (CLERG.) A. B.'. 39; A. M., 42; D. D., 64. s. Rufus and Nancy (Raymond) Seelv, b. Norwalk. Ct., Feb. 19, 1812; Union T. S., 39-42; ord. (Cong.), Tul. 5, 43; p. Bristol. Ct., 43-9; Springfield, Mass.. 49- 58; Amer. Chapel. Paris. Fr., 58-60; Haverhill, Mass., 60-85; publ.: various sermons and papers; m. (11 Oct. 7. 43, Catharine L. (d. 54), da. Timothy Cowles, (2) Nov. 18, 57, Frances B., da. Rich'H W. Stiles; ch.: one son and four daughters. d. Sept- 7, 85, Haverhill, Mass. IO NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1840 George Elias Shipman,* (PHYS.) A. B., 39; A. M., 42; M. D., 43, Coll. Phys. and Surg., 52, Cleveland Homceo. Coll. prof, materia medica, Chicago Hahne- mann Coll., 60-3; supt. Chicago Found- ling Home, 71; ed. Faith's Record, 71; mem. Amer. Inst, of Homceop. ; publ.: Dr. V. Granvogh's Lehrbuch der Homo- opathie, 70; Dr. V. Granvogh's Law of Similarity from Italian; Pamelli on Ty- phoid Fever; m. Apr. 25, 45, Fannie E., da. Rev. Wm. J. Boardman; ch. : Eliza Payson, Julia Gardel, Helen Duncan, Caroline Grata, Frances Collins, William James, Margaret Codman, Geo. Elias, Jr. d. go, Chicago, III. Augustus Fitzalan Smith,* (L.) A. B., 39; A.M., 42. s. Archelaus Greene, M. D., and Melania (Boughton) Smith, b. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1819; exam. Court of Common Pleas; mem. Council, N. Y. U., 71-6; mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc; m. May 22, 44, Lucy Ann, da. Dan'l Elliott; ch.: Flor- ence, Elliott S., Sidney, Howard Augus- tus, Lucy May, Caroline Cornelia, Lenore, Emma Martin; bro. : E. Delafield, 46; bro. -in-law: H. B. Elliott, 40; neph.: Harold M., 74. d. July 6, 76, Fort Washington, N.Y. Benjamin Franklin Stead,* (CLERG.) A. B., 39; A. M., 42; D. D., 65. s. Thos. and Mary (Wilson) Stead, b. Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb. 22, 1815; Union T. S., 39-41; teach. Univ. G. S., and in Bridesburgh, Pa., 39-42; ord. (Presb.), 42; p. Bridesburgh, 42-52; Astoria (L. I.), N. Y., 52-79; m. 42, Sarah Jenks; ch.: Alfred Jenks, Frances Morley, Jn. Albro, Robt. McCheyne, Mary Louisa; s.: Al- fred J., 63. d. Feb. 15, 79, Astoria, N. Y. James N. Tompkins,* (CLERG.) A. B., 39; A.M., 42. s. N. U. Tompkins, b. 1818; N. Y. U., 35- 9; Union T. S., 41. d. N. Y. C. John H. Van Schaick,* A. B., 39. s. Myndert and Eliz. Hone Van Schaick, b. N. Y. C, Feb. 18, 1821; bro.: Henry, 43. d. June 23, 41, New Brighton, S. I. John Abeel Weekes,* (L.) A. B., 39; A.M., 42. b. 1819; mem. law firm De Forest & Weekes; mem. Century Association; Union League Club; Saint Nicholas So- ciety. d. May 23, 01, Oyster Bay, N. Y. Samuel Demarest Westervelt,* (CLERG) A. B., 39; A. M., 42. b. Schraalenberg, N. J., Apr. 21, 1813; studied theol. with Rev. C. T. Demarest; ord. (True R. D. Ch. in U.S.), 39; p. King St., True R. D. Ch., 39-53; York- town, N. Y., Presb. Ch., 53-65; m. (1) Nov. 5, 49, Catharine D., da. Edw. J. Earle, (2) Eliza, da. Albert Doremus; ch. : three sons and two daughters. d. Nov. 15, 65, Hackensack, N. J. Richard [Donald] Grant White,* (ED.) A. B., 39; A.M., 42. s. Richd. Mansfield and Ann Eliza (Tou- cey) White, b. N.Y. C, May 23, 1821; Bristol Coll., Pa., 35-7; N. Y. U., 37-9; 3d math, prize; orat. and gr. marshal at commenc. ; studied med. with A. C. Post, M. D. ; senior walker N.Y. Hosp.; stud- ied law with Geo. Wood; adm. bar, 45; critic N. Y. Courier and Enquirer, 45-54; ed. do., 54-9; a founder of N. Y. World, 60; supt. Revenue Bureau, N. Y., 61-78; v. p. New Shakespeare Soc, Lond., Eng. ; publ. : An Appeal from the Sentence, 45 ; Handbook of Christian Art, 53; Shake- speare's Scholar, 54; The Works of Will- iam Shakespeare (12 vols.), 57-65; Na- tional Hymns, 61 ; Memoirs of William Shakespeare and an Account of the Eng. Drama, 65; New Gospel of Peace, 66; Words and their Uses, 70 (rev., 80); Every-day English, 74; Amer. View of the Copyright Question, 80; Eng. Without and Within, 81; Riverside Edit, of Shake- speare (3 vols.), 83; Fate of Mansfield Humphreys, 84; Studies in Shakespeare, 85; many articles in mag. and encyclop. ; m. Oct. 16, 50, Alexina B., da. Ch. Bru- ton Meade; ch. : Richd. Mansfield, Stan- ford. d. April 8, 85, N. Y. C. {27) 184O Leonard Bachelor,* A. B., 40. Jeronymus A. Davenport,* (CLERG.) A. B., 40; A.M., 43. studied at a theol. sem. ; teach. New Rochelle, 43-4; missny. of R. D. Ch.; with Dr. Bethune's help built church at Thousand Ids., 47-50; missny., Wiscon- sin, 54. Robert Dodge,* (L.) A. B., 40. s. Robt. and Eliza P. (Fowler) Dodge, b. N. Y. C, Dec. 15, 1820; pres. Eucleian; Eng. salut. ; pres. N. Y. U. Alumni Assn.; adm. bar (N.J.), 42; life mem. N.Y. Hist. Soc,; mem. Literary Union, Nuremberg, Bavaria; publ.: Sketches and Reviews, 50; Memorials of Columbus, 51; Ottoman 1840] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE I I Empire and Its Polity, 60; Recollections of England, 79; Pristram Dodge and His Descendants in the U. S., 86; m. May 16, 67, Martha A., da. Ch. Roe; bro.: Henry S., 33. d. June 1, 99, Rockville Centre, N. Y. Henry Bond Elliot, (CLERG.) A. B., 40; A. M., 43; D. D., 79, s. Danl and Abigail (Greele) Elliot, b. Woodstock. N. Y., Jun. 21, 1823; com- menc. orat. ; *T; Col. Coll., 38-9; Union T. S., 40-2; Andover T. S., 42-3; U. T. S., 43; ord. (Presb.), 44; p. Alexandria, N.J., 44; Waterburv, Ct. (Cong.), 45-51; Springfield. Mass., 52-4; Bkln., N. Y., 54-5; Stamford, Ct., 56-8; Columbus, O., 58-60; U. S. com., O., 61-5; Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. 65-6; New Canaan, Ct., 66-9; Litchfield. Ct., 70-4; Stonington, Ct., 74- 9; Middlctown. (>., 80-2: Cincinnati, O., 82-4; Troy, O.. 84-6; N. Y. C, 87-9, 93-5; hon. retired, N. Y. Presby. ; m. (I) Oct. 24, 45, Martha Ann, da. Rev. Thos. H. Skinner. D. D.. (2) May 9. 66, Joanna Van Wyck, da. Obadiah Holmes; ch.: Hy. Augustas, Caroline Skinner, Marv M., Arthur M. ; bro. : Aug. G., 35-6; bros. -in-law.: Thos. H. Skinner, 40; A. F. Smith, 39. 41 IV. 9th St., N. Y.C. Thomas Picton Milner,* (AU. AND ED.) A. B., 40; A.M., 43. s. Jane Milner. William Salter, (CLERG.) A. B., 40; A.M., 43; D. D., 64, Iowa Univ. s. Wm. Frost and Marv (Ewen) Salter, b. Bkln.. N. Y., Nov. 17, 1821; Univ. G. S: N.Y.U., 36-40; S*; Union T. S., 40-2; Andover T. S., 42-3; ord. (Cong.), Nov. 5, 43; home miss.. Maquoketa, Iowa, 43-6; p. Burlington, Iowa. 46-; publ.: Life of Jas. VV. Grimes. 76; Mem. of Jos. W. Pickett, 80: Words of the Lord Jesus. 82; Psalms for Worship and In- struction. 99: Words of Life for 1905, 04; Iowa from its DiaCOT. (1673) to its Org. as a State, 05; 111. Aug. 25, 46, Marv Ann. BK; commenc. orat.; I'nion T. S.. 40-3; ord (Presb. N. Y.), Nov. 12. 43; s. s. New Rochelle, N. V.. 43-4; Madura. India, under A. B. C. F. M., 44-6; Madras. 46-50: studied medicine; founded Arcot mission (R. D. ); Arcot. 50-7, 60-3; in America, 57-60; p. (R. D.) Jersey City, N. J., 64-5; San Francisco (Presb.), 65-71; Central Cong., Brooklyn, 71-83; Chicago, 83-7; indep. miss., Japan, 87-9; w. c. Pasadena, Cal., 89-90; do. Chicago, 90-2; do. Winchester, Mass., 92-5; publ.: books in the Tamil lang. of India; m. Apr. 18, 44, Fannie, da. Jn. Lewis; ch.: John, Harriet W., Fannie Lewis, Catharine Sophia, Henry Martyn, Jr., John Lewis, William. Jos'. Mela'nc- thon, Fanny Haines, Doremus; ncph.: Wm. Henry, 78 (non-grad.) d. June 4, 95, Winchester, Mass. Thomas Harvey Skinner,* (CLERG.) A. B., 40; A. M.. 43: D. D., 67, Princ. Univ.; LL. D., 91, Wash, and Jeff. Coll. s. Rev. Dr. Thos. Harvey and Emily (Montgomery) Skinner, b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 6, 1820; Z ; Union T. S., 40-2; Andover T. S., 42-3; Union T. S.. 43: ord. (Presb.), Dec. 8. 43: p. Pa1 N.J., 43-6; N.Y.C., 46-56: Honesdale, Pa., 56-9; Stapleton , N. Y., 59-68; Ft. Wayne (Fresh.), Ind., 68-71; Cincinnati, O., 71-81; nrof. theol. McConnicl 81-92; fa.: Rev. Thos. II., mem. Council; m. 43, Mary S., da. Benj. Day; ch.: Eliz., Benj. D., Emily M.; bro. -in-law : Henry B. Elliot, 40. d. Jan. 4. 92, Chicago, III. Edward William Stuart,* A. 1!., 40; A. M., 43. s. Wm. P. and Sally (Phillips) Stuart, b. N. Y. C. Nov. 19, 1819; studied law; farming and mfg. ; m. 56, Marv Eliz.. da. Eli Bennett; ch. : Wm. Phillips, Edwd. Crosby, Mary Eversley. d. Dec. 7, 84, Nonaalk, Ct. Giarles Taylor,* (CLERG.) A. B.. 40; A. M., 43; D. D., 69; M. D., 48. Phila. Coll. of Med. s. Dr. Oliver Swaine and Catharine Gould (Parsons) Taylor, b. Boston, Mass., Sep. 15, 1819; valedict. ; pres, Eucleian; ed. Athenaeum; lie. preach. (M. E.). 42; org. first for. miss, of M. E. Ch. South; for. miss, to China, 46-54; teach. Cokcsbury Conf. Sch.. prof. Spartansburg Female Coll.. 2 yrs. ; pres. do. 1 yr. ; gen. sec. Sunday Sch., M. E. Ch. So., 58-62; pres. Kentucky Wesleyan Coll., 62-6; publ.: Harmonv of the Gospels in Shanghai Dialect, Shang- hai, S3; Five Years in China. X. Y., 60; m. Dec. 27. 45. Charlotte lane. da. Rev. In. Gamewell: ch.: Chas. Gamewell, 1 1 v. Parsons. Martha Wilson, In. Oliver, Charlotte Booth. d. Feb. 5. 97. Courtland. Ala. William Austin Thompson.* (CLERG.) A. B.. 40; A. M s. Jacob and Badasseh 1 Stone) Thomp- son, b. Holland. Mass., Mar. 28, 1811; Union T. S., 40-2; Yale T. S., 42-3; ord. 12 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY (Cong.); p. Troy, Iowa, 43-5; Fairfield, Iowa, 45-50; Port Byron, 111., 50-2; m. Sep. 4, 43, Harriet Boynton Sawyers; ch. : Anna Boynton, Mary Frances. d. May 3, 52, Mendoica Slough, III. William Elliott Trask,* (PHYS.) A. B., 40; M. D., elsewhere. * T; commenc. orat.; bro. : Edwd., 40. d. Fort Kent, Me., 89. Nicholas Van Brunt,* A. B., 40. William Van Wyck,* (L.) A. B., 40. s. Jn. B. and Susan (Schenck) Van Wyck, b. Fishkill, N. Y., about 1815; 2 O; studied law, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 40-3; pract. law, 43-7; farmer, Fishkill, N. Y., 47-53; m. 46, Augusta, da. Jn. For- man; neph.: H. B. Holmes, 63. d. Dec, 53, Fishkill, N. Y. Ashbel Green Vermilye,* (CLERG.) A. B., 40; A. M., 43; D. D., 60, Rutgers Coll. s. Rev. Thos. E. Vermilye, D. D., b. Princeton, N. J., 1822; New Brunswick T. S., 40-1; lie. (R. D. classis. of N. Y.), 44; ord. (Presb.) Albany, 45; p. Little Falls, N. Y., 45-50; Newburvport, Mass., 50-63; Utica (R. D.), 63-71; "Schenectady, N. Y., 71-6; chapl. Marine Chapel, Ant- werp, Belgium, 79-83; literary work, En- glewood, N. J., 83-05; director New Bruns- wick T. S. d. July 10, 05, Englewood, N. J. (15) 184I Daniel Tompkins Brown,* (PHYS.) A. B., 41; M. D., 43. s. Benj. and Hannah Lord (Field) Brown, b. Fishkill, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1820; Union Coll., N. Y., 39; N. Y. U. Med. Dept., 41-3; farming; m. (1) Feb. 26, 51, Susan Lucretia, da. Linus Weed, (2) Sep. 18, 78, Susan Phebe, da. Geo. Brown; ch. : Louis Tompkins, Hannah Howell, Linus Weed, Mary Hallock, Ulysses Simpson Grant. William Acheson McLeod Gil- bert,* (PHYS.) A. B., 41; A. M., 51; M. D., 46. s. Jn. and Jean (Cruthers) Culbert, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 4, 1822; postgrad, course and Med. Dept. N. Y. U, 41-6; m. Oct. 12, 52, Henrietta, da. Robt. L. Powell; ch. : Frances Ramsdell. d. Nov. 10, 90, Newburgh, N. Y. Frederick Wm. Geissenhainer,* (L.) A. B., 41; A.M., 43; LL. B., 46, Yale Univ. s. Rev. Fred. W. and Mary (Moore) Geissenhainer, b. Vincent, Pa., Mar. 20, 1825; Yale Law Sch., 44-6; mem. Lino- nia, 44; adm. bar, 46; mgr. Amer. Inst., 50-61; trust. N. Y. Juvenile Asyl. 12 yrs.; mem. Amer. Photo. Soc. ; capt. and chapl. 1st Brig. N. Y. Horse Artillery 7 yrs.; pract. law, 68 William St., N. Y. C; m. June 22, 79, Lucretia, da. Jn. Whitman. d. Mar. 3, 06, Sea Cliff, N. Y. John B. Ireland, (L.) A. B., 40. s. Jn. L. and Mary (Floyd) Ireland, and grands. Wm. Floyd, signer of Declar. of Indep., b. Steuben Co., N. Y., Sep. 6, 1823; prepared at Shepherd Johnson Colleg. Sch., N. Y. C; lawyer; publ.: Wall Street to Cashmere, 61; m. Dec. 22, 63, Adelia Duane, da. Robt. Livingston Pell; ch. : four sons and three da. 31 Nassau, h. 15 E. 47th St., N. Y. C. Eugene Lawrence,* (L.) A. B., 41; A.M., 44; A.M., 91, Princ. Univ. s. Sam'l A. and Catharine (Remsen) Lawrence, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 4, 1823; Eng. salut.; Princ. Univ., 37-40; Harv. Law Sch. ; lawyer in Boston and N. Y. C. ; publ.: Lives of British Historians, 2 vols., N. Y., 55; Historical Studies, 56; Smith's Smaller Hist, of Rome, 69; The Jews and their Persecutors, 75; Colonial Progress, 76; Gov. Nichols, Gov. Cosby, and Premonitions of the Rebel- lion in Memorial History of N. Y., 91-2; articles in Harper's Magazine in defence of free schools; many other articles. d. Aug. 17, 94, N. Y. C. Nathan Leighton,* (CLERG.) A. B., 41. s. Andrew and Mary (Buell) Leighton, b. Lawsville, Pa., Aug. 13, 1813; Au- burn T. S., 42-5; ord. (Presb.); p. Mont- rose, 47; Cuba, 47-9; Champlain, N. Y., 50-4; Wantage, N. J., 54-8; Newfound- land, N. J., 54-64; Jewett, N. Y., 71-7; teach. 3 yrs.; m. 45, Ruth, da. Jn. Gard- ner; ch. : Theo. Frelinghuysen, Mary M., Harriet M. d. Nov., 99, Tunkhannock, Pa. Andrew McCrea,* A. B., 41. John Mason Phillips,* A. B., 41. s. Rev. Dr. Wm. Wirt and Frances (Symington) Phillips, b. N. Y. C, Dec. 5, 1821; bro.: C. H., 45. d. Feb. 2, 86, N. Y. C. I8 4 2] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 13 Edward Post,* A. I'.., 41. ntpkt.: Alfred A.. 57, Geo. A., 58, W. H. B. ( 61; gr. neph.: A. C. P. Opdyke, 90. George Scott,* (F.) A. B. ( 41. s. In. and Sarah (Gibson) Scott, b. North Argyle, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1819; studied medicine; retired to farm, Hemp- stead, L. I., on account of health; m. Mary Ann Kerwin. d. Nov. 17, 98, North Hempstead, L. I., N. Y. Samuel Augustus Seaman,* (CLERG.) A. B., 41; A. M., 44. s. Sam'l and Sarah (Searing) Seaman, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 18, 1818; Lat. salut. and Eng. orat. at commenc. ; pres. Eucle- ian; ord. (M. E.) p. in N. Y. East Conf., 41-85; retired. 85; publ.: An Episode in N. Y. Methodism, Mcth. Rev., 86; An- nals of N. Y. Methodism. 92; m. Jun. 10, 44, Anna Alicia, da. M. Byrne; ch. : Sam'l Edward, Rich'd R., Mary D., Sarah A., Alfred P. W., Emily, Caro- line A. d. Oct. 23, 96, N. Y. C. Jared Sparks,* 1 I ..) A. 1!., 41; A. M., 45. d. 68. George Whitfield Timlow,* (CLERG.) A. B.. 41; A. M., 44; D.D., 79. s. Rev. Wm. and Ruth (Irish) Timlow, b. Amity, N. Y., Jun. 19, 1823; studied theol. with P.p. Doane of N. J.; ord. (Episc.), 45; rect. Middletown, N. Y.; Epiphany, N. Y. C; Massillon, O. ; Salem, X. I.; m. 47, Caroline E., da. Dr. L. Wood; ch.: Ella. d. April 27, 89, Warwick, N. Y. Edward J. Vail, (CLERG.) A. B.. 41; A. M., 44. b. Smithtown, L. I., X. Y., 1811; Union T. S., 41-4; ord. (Presb.), 45; Oriskany, N.Y., 45-6; Bkln., N.Y., 46-7; Jamesville, X. V.. 47-8; Babylon, X. Y., 48-51; Union- town, Cal., 52-4; in business, San Fran- cisco. Cal., 54-7; Crescent City, Cal., 57- 61; San Francisco, 61-76. d. Nov. 22, 76, San Francisco, Cal. John Ward, (CLERG.) A. B., 41. s. Enos and Susan (Sydenham) Ward, b. Bloomfield. X. J.. Apr. 16, 1817; Union T.S., 41-4; ord. (Presb.). 45; p. Stanhope, N. J., 45-8; Clyde 49-55; agt. Amer. Tract Soc. Utica. 55-7; p. Phila.. 58-60; Freedom Plains, X. Y., 63-7; Montgom- ery, X.Y., 73-5; w. c, 75-; m. Mar. 4, 50, Clara Ward, da. Amasa Angell; bro.: Thos. S., 35. d. April 22, 99, Glen ridge, N. J. (15) 1842 Hugh Smith Carpenter,* (CLERG.) A. B., 42; D. D.. 73. s. Rev. Dr. Jn. and Mary M. (Smith) Carpenter, b. Xew Utrecht, X. Y. ( Jun. 5, 24; A*; Lat. salut.; Princeton T. S., 42-5; ord. (Presb.), Oct. 23, 45; p. Canal St. Presb. Ch., 45-53; Portland. Me. (Cong.), 53-7; Westminster Presb., Bkln., 57-70; San Francisco, 72-4; Bedford Ave. Cong., Bkln., 78-90; publ.: Transition, Eere and Beyond, Ultrana, Pleasures of the Soul; m. Jun. 25, 45, Louise Brod- head; ch. : two sons; bro.-in-taw: A. R. Thompson, 42. d. Mar. 22, 99, Bkln., N. Y. George Washington Cassedy,* A. B., 42; A. M., 45. s. Sam'l and Eliza K. (Strachan) Cassedy, b. Jersey City, Jul. 5, 1824; A *; Col. Univ., 38-9; City Ok., Jersey City, 50-65; Regr. and County Clk., 65-70; U. S. Commr. of Sup. Court Comm., 17 vrs. ; m. Jul. 5, 54, Addin C, da. Andrew Heer- mance De Witt; cous. : Andrew E. Suf- fern, 48. d. Sep. 4, 98, Elizabeth, N. J. Frederick Gorham Clark,* (CLERG ) A. B., 42; D. D., 64. s. Rev, Dan'l A. and Eliza (Barker) Clark, b. Waterburv. Ct, Dec. 13, 1819; Union T. S., 42-5; ord. (Presb.), 45; p. Greenwich, Ct., 45-6; Astoria, L. I., 46- 52; X. V. C, 52-67; Greenwich, Ct., 67- 71; Bkln., X.Y., 74-5; Troy, N.Y., 78-86; Bkln., 86; 3*. d. Nov. 18, 86, Brooklyn, N. Y. Revilo Jonathan Cone,* (CLERG.) A. B., 42; A. ML, 44. s. Rev. Jonathan and Abigail Cleveland (Usher) Cone, b. Bristol, Ct, Tun. 17, 1817; 2+; ord. (Fresh.), 47; p. Camillus, X. Y.: Martinsburg, X. Y. : city miss., Washington, D. C. ; miss.. Phillips Mem. Ch., X. Y. C; prin. of Classical and Lit. Inst, of Salem, X. J.. Cambridge. Md., Bedford, X. Y., and ' Montgomery. N.Y.J m. Jul. 10. 49. Harriet, da. Robt." H. Van Meter, M. I).; ch. : Xorris Hunter, Charles, Kirtland. d. Dec. 6, 88, N. Y. C. John Cromwell.* (CLERG) A. P.. 42; A. M.. 45. 1.. N.Y. G, Dec 22, 1820; Union TS., 4J-4; teach. X. Y. C. 44-6; ord. (Presb.), 46; p. Wilmington, O., 46. d. Oct. 5, 46, Wilmington, O. 14 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [184: Robert Ogden Doremus, (CHEM., EDUC.) A. B., 42; A.M., 45; M. D. F 51; LL. D., 74. s. Thos. C. and Sarah P. (Haines) Dore- mus, b. N. Y. C, Jan. 11, 1824; Col. Univ., 38-9; N. Y. U., 39-42; A*; studied in Paris, 47-8; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 48- 51; a founder of N. Y. Med. Coll.; prof. do.; a founder of L. I. Hosp. Med. Coll.; prof. chem. and toxicol. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 61-; prof. chem. and physics, C. C. N. Y., 62-; pres. Bd. of Exam, of Druggists and Presc. Clks., 71-; fellow N. Y. Acad, of Sc; do. N. Y. Geog. Soc, mem. N. Y. Electr. Soc, Union League Club and St. Nicholas Soc; pres. N. Y. Medico-Legal Soc. ; pres. N. Y. Philhar- monic Soc, 3 years; publ. : Duties of Experts and Others in Poison Cases, 80; Tiny Death Dealers, 84; Toxicology; Medical Jurisprudence; Trans, of First Pan-Amer. Med. Cong., 93; m. Estelle E., da. Capt. Hubbard Skidmore; ch.: Chas. Avery, Thos. C, Arthur L., and one daughter. d. Mar. 22, 06, N. Y. C. Halsey Dunning,* (CLERG.) A. B., 42. b. Wantage, N. J., Jul. 3, 1818; S *; Union T.S., 44-7; ord. (Presb.), 47; chapl. Sing Sing, N. Y., 47; p. Richmond, Va., 48-54; Baltimore, Md., 54-69. d. Jan. 11, 69, Baltimore, Md. Albert Gilbert,* (L.) A. B., 42. mem. N, Y. Assembly, 16th Dist., 49-50. Reuben Smith Goodman,* (CLERG.) A. B., 42; A. M., 45. s. Allen and Clarissa (Smith) Goodman b. Bolton, N. Y.,*Apr. 30, 1818; sec. Eu cleian; 2 $; Princeton T. S., 46-8; s. Go wanda, N. Y., 46-8; Clarkson, N. Y., 48 53; Coldwater, Mich., 53-8; La Porte Ind., 58-63; p. Gr. Rapids, Mich., 63-9 Kendallville, Ind., 70-89; ret., 90-4; mem Whig Soc. Princ. Univ.; del. to Chris tian Comm. in Nashville and Chatta nooga, 64; m. May 9, 49, Mary Eliz., da Jn. F. Rodgers; ch. : Sarah Brush, Ad dison Spencer, Julia Ellen, Clara Mi' nera, Myron Smith. d. Aug. 30, 94, Grand Rapids, Mich. George Hendric Houghton,* (CLERG.) A. B., 42; A.M., 45; D. D., Col. Univ. valedict.; ^T; theo. stud., 42-3, and 46-9; prof. Greek, St. Paul's Coll., Col- lege Pt., L. I., 43-6; founder of the Transfiguration, N. Y. C, rect., do., 49-; pres. House of the Holy Comforter; p. Sisterhood of St. Mary and Sisterhood of St. John the Baptist; prof. Hebrew in General T. S., N. Y. C, 50-62. d. Nov. 17, 97, N. Y. C. Nathaniel Hudson, (PHYS.) A. B., 42; A.M., 45; M. D., elsewhere. ^T; commenc. orat. George Henry Moore,* (LIBR.) A. B., 42; A.M., 45; LL. D., 68. s. Jacob Bailey and Mary Adams (Hill) Moore, b. Concord, N. H., Apr. 20, 1823; Dartmouth Coll., 38-9; N. Y. U, 39-42 *T; commenc. orat; assist, libr. N. Y Hist. Soc, 41-9; libr. do., 49-76; supt Lenox Libr., N. Y. C, 72-92; pres Alumni Assn., N.Y.U., 51-7; mem. Coun cil, 71-83; mem. N.Y. Hist. Soc; Mass Hist. Soc ;' Am. Geograph. Soc ; Am. Eth nol. Soc; Am. Antiquarian Soc; Boston ian Soc; New Eng. Hist, and Geneal Soc; publ.: The Treason of Major-Gen Charles Lee; Hist. Notes on the Employ ment of Negroes in the Am. Army of the Rev.; Notes on the Hist, of Slavery in Mass.; Washington as an Angler; Libels on Washington; The Origin and Early Hist, of Columbia Coll.; John Dickinson, Author of the Declaration on Taking Up of Arms in 1775; many notes and memo- randa; m. Oct. 21, 50, Mary Howe, da. of Jn. Givan; ch. : Geo. E., Allison Givan; bro.: Chas. C, 47. d. May 5, 92, N. Y. C. Winthrop Henry Phelps,* (CLERG.) A. B., 42; A. M., 45. b. Albany, N. Y., Mar. 1, 1818; Union T. S., 42-5; ord. (Presb.), 48; s. s. Cong. Ch., Greenfield, N. Y., 45-6; Presb. Ch., Hillsdale, N. Y., 46-9; p. Cong. Ch., Stockbridge, Mass., 49-54; Monterey, Mass., 54-61; s. s. Riverton, Ct., 61-3; chapl. Uj S. A., 63-5; farming in S. Eg- remont, Mass., 66-82; lit. work, N. Y. C, d. Dec. 15, 85, N. Y. Samuel Sanford Potter,* (CLERG.) A. B., 42; A.M., 56. s. Isaac and Abigail (Swain) Potter, b. New Providence, N. J., Sep. 25, 1814; treas. Eucleian; Union T. S., 42-5; ord, (Presb.), 46; chapl. U.S.A., 63-5; p Lawrenceburgh, Ind., 50-6; Glendale Fern Coll., 56-61; hosp. chapl., New Albany Ind., 61-5; gen. agt. and cor. Herald and Presbyter, Cincinnati, O., 70-; publ.: Do You Intend to Become a Christian? The Inevitable Conquest; The Vantage Ground; The Great Question; tracts publ. by Presb. Bd. of Educ d. Jan. 22, 99, Cincinnati, O. William Proctor Richardson,* (L.) A. B., 42. s. Capt. Edwd. and Martha (Smith) Richardson, b. Danvers, Mass., Oct. 9, 1820; Amherst Coll., 38-41; N. Y. U., 41- 2; A*. d. Aug. 25, 90, Bkln., N. K 1843] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 15 Edward Seymour, A. B., 42. Charles Edward Smedes,* (L.) A. B., 42. freshman yr., Union Coll., N. Y. ; a founder of Gamma Chap., ABK; commenc. orat. Care F. Stolte, Naples, Italy. William Henry Spencer,* (CLERG.) A. B., 42. s. Jn. and Eliz. Spencer, b. Madison, Ct., Oct. 13, 1813; Auburn T. S., 3 years; ord. (Presb.); p. First Presb. Ch., Utica, N. Y., 44-50; Milwaukee, Wis., 50-4; sec. Presb. Gen. Assembly's Comm. of PubL, Phila., Pa., 54-6; p. Second Presb. Ch., Rock Island, 111., 56-8; Westminster Presb. Ch., Chicago, 111., 58-61; m. Al- mira, da. Mark Hopkins; ch.: two das, and one son. d. Feb. 16, 61, Chicago, III. Marcus Lorenzo Taft,* (PHYS.) A. B., 42; A. M., 45; M. D., 45. s. Jonathan and Rebecca Ann (Horton) Taft. b. White Plains, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1820; *T; Univ. Med. Coll., 42-5; ho. phys., Bellevue Hosp., 45-6; asst. phys., Quarantine, S. I.. 49-50; m. Oct. 2. 45, Charlotte, da. .In. Knapp; ch. : Mary Frances, Charlotte Rebecca; neph.: Gil- bert C. Halsted, 85. d. Feb. 8, 50, Quarantine, S.I. Alexander Ramsay Thompson ,* (CLERG.) A. B., 42; A. M., 49; D. D., 66. s. Wm. Robt. and Janette (Xexsen) Thompson, b. N. Y. C. Oct. 16. 1822; A*; Princ. T. S., 42-5: mem. Council, N. Y. U. 72-91; prcs. Bd. of Publ.. R. 1). Ch. of Am.; asst. p. Central R. I). Ch., Bkln., X. V.. 45; 8th St. R. I ). Ch.. N. Y. (.. 45-6; p. First Prcs!). Ch.. Morristown, N. T., 46-7; miss., R. D. Ch., Bedford, I.. I.. 47-8; p. Tompkinsville, S. I., 48-51; Stapleton. S. I., 51-9; Bridgeport, Ct., 59- 62; 21st St.. X. V. C. 62-73; chapl. N. E. Hosp.. N. Y. C, 63-5; p. North R. 1). Ch., Bkln., N. Y., 73; chapl. Roosevelt Hosp., N. Y. C. 73; ed. The 1 Field, Sower and Gospel Field, Christian Intelligencer, Hymns of the Church and Hymns of Prayer and Praise; chapl. staff of Gov. Andrews, Mass., 63-5; publ.: Mcml. Serm. of Samuel M. Smith, M. I).. Geo. W. Bethune, D. D., lames B. Hardenburgh, 1>. D., Isaac Ferris, D. P., I.L. I).; Rev. Hcnrv R. Hickerson, Rev. W.B. Merritt; Holly Wreath, A Cluster of Christmas Carols, Hymns, etc.; m. Oct. 26, 46, Mary, da. Jn. Carpenter, M. D.J sons: Alex. R., Jr.." 74; Wm. R., 76; bro. -in-law: II. S. Carpenter, 42. d. Feb. 7, 93, Summit, N.J. Samuel Oakley Vander Poel,* (PHYS.) A.B., 42; A.M., 45; LI.. D., 78; M. 1)., 45. lefferson Med. Coll., Phila., Pa.; M. D., 63, Albany Med. Coll. s. John (M. D.) and Sarah W. (Oakley) Vander Poel, b. Kinderhook, N. V., Feb. 22, 1824; Z*: Albany Med Coll., 43-4; Jefferson Med. Coll., Phila., Pa., 44 5; Univ., Paris, 47-9; phys. in Kinderhook, N. Y., 45-7; Albany, 50-72; prof. gen. pathol., Albany Med. Coll., 66-9; prof, theory and practice of med., 76-81; prcs. Albany Co. Med. Soc., 60; pres. N. Y. Co. Med. Soc, 84, pres. N. Y. State Med. Soc, 70; vis. and cons. phys. to Al- bany City and St. Peter's Hosp., Albany, N. Y., 66-81; to State Emigrant Hosp., 81-6; surg. gen. X. Y. State, 57-8, 61-2; health officer. Port of N. Y., 72-80; prof, of public hygiene, Univ. Med. Coll., 83-6; mem. Council, X. Y. U., 75-86; mgr. of State Lunatic Asyl., Utica, N. Y., 67-82; mem. Med. and Surg. Soc. of N. Y. ; fellow of N. Y. Acad, of Med.; m. Dec. 10, 50, Gertrude, da. Dr. Peter Wendell; ch.: Wendell, Samuel Oakley, Jr., Her- man Wendell, John, Eliz. Wendell, Lewis Morris, Gertrude Wendell; bro. : Aaron J.. 43. d. Mar. 12, 86, Washington, D. C. Alfred Wheeler, (L.) A. B., 46 (nunc pro tunc); A.M., 47; 1 ♦. 511 Cal. St., San Francisco, Cal. 1843 Stephen Beekman Bangs,* (CLERG.) A. B., 43. Wesleyan Univ., 39-42; N. Y. U., 42-3; *T; commenc. orat.; student of theol., 43-4: ord. (M. K.i. 44: p. Westville and Bethanv, X. Y.. 44-5; Milford, Ct., 45-6. d. Mar. 21, 46, Milford, Ct. James Coombs Blake,* (L.) A. B., 43; A. M., 46. b. Farmington, Me.. May 20, 1818; m. Nov. 20, 60. Harriet Davis. d. Jul. 26, SO, Sterling, N.J. William Pratt Breed,* (CLERG.) A. B., 43: D. D., 64. s. Allen and [oanna (Pratt) Rreed, b. Greenbush, N.Y., Ant. 23, 1816; *T; •I'HK: Eng. salut.; Onion T. S., 43-4; Princ. T.S., 44-o; ord. (Presb.). 47; p. Stcuhenville. ().. 47-56; Phila.. Pa., 56- 89; mem. Presb. Hist. Soc; Phila. Acad. 16 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1843 of Nat. Sc; trust. Princ. T. S., 67-70; mod. Synod of Phila., Pa., 65; mod. Synod of Penn., 82; pres. Presb. Bd. of Publ., 75; publ.: several vols, and pamphlets, including Presbyterianism 300 Years Ago, Presbyterians and the Revo- lution, British Reformers, Book of Books, Handbook for Funerals; m. Sep. 14, 47, Rebecca S., da. Jos. Dawson Murray; ch. : Jn. Howard, Wm. Pratt, Rebecca Anna. d. Feb. 14, 89, Phila,, Pa. John Creighton Brown,* (CLERG.) A. B., 43. clergyman at Kensico, N. Y. d. 77- William Allen Butler,* (L.) A. B., 43; A. M., 46; LL. D., 80. s. Benj. F. and Harriet (Allen) Butler, b. Albany, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1825; *T; 4>BK; commenc. orat. ; studied law with fa., Hon. Benj. F., 43-6; adm. N. Y. Bar, 46; lect. on admiralty, N. Y. U., 85-97; mem. of Commission on Cities, 75-6; pres. Bar Assn., N. Y. C, 86-7; pres. Am. Bar Assn., 86; mem. of Council, N. Y. U., 62-98; mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc. and N. Y. Geograph. Soc; publ.: Barnum's Parnassus, 50; The Bible by Itself, 52; Nothing to Wear, 57; Two Millions, 58; Martin Van Buren, 62; Lawyer and Client, 71; Poems, 71; Mrs. Limber's Raffle, 71; Domesticus, 86; The Revision of the Statutes of N. Y. and the Re- visers, 88; Oberammergau, 91; many ar- ticles and addresses; m. Mar. 21, 50, Mary R., da. Chas. H. Marshall; ch.: Chas. M., W. A., Jr., Howard R., Mary M., Chas. H., Harriet A., Geo. P., John C, Margaret C, Arthur W. d. Sep. 9, 02, Yonkers, N. Y. Frederick William Downer,* (M.) A. B., 43. s. Saml., Jr., and Eliza (De Forest) Downer, b." N. Y. C, Jan. 1, 1825; mer- chant; m. Oct. 4, 56, Sarah W., da. Silas Downer; ch. : Fred. Wm., Lisa De Forest, Sophia W., Louis De Forest. d. Nov. 16, 04, N. Y. C. George Washington Du Bois, (CLERG.) A. B., 43; D.D., 78; B. D., T. S., Gambier, O. s. Cornelius and Sarah Piatt (Ogden) Du Bois, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 26, 1822; Princ. T. S., 39-42; A*; T. S., Gambier, 43-6; ord. (P. E.); rect., Cincinnati, O., 46; Warren, O., 48-53; Zanesville, O., 53-7; Chillicothe, O., 57-62; chapl. 11th Ohio Vols., 61-2; rect., St. Paul, Minn., 63-4; Dubuque, la., 65-7; Faribault, Minn., 67-78; Crosswicks and Allen- town, N. J., 78-9; Wilmington, Del., 79- 84; Keene Valley, N.Y., 84-; mem. Whig Soc., Princ. Univ.; Hist. Soc. of St. Paul, Minn.; Hist. Soc. of Del.; rep. of Diocese of Del. in Gen. Conv., 83; m. Aug. 16, 48, Maria Coxe, da. Rt. Rev. Chas. Mcllvaine, D. D., D. C. L. ; ch.: Emily Mcllvaine, Geo. Mcllvaine, Hy. Ogden, Sarah Piatt Ogden, Henrietta Haines, Mary Cornelia, Cornelius. Beedes, N. Y. George Long Duyckinck,* (AU. and ED.) A. B., 43; A.M., 46. s. Evert Duyckinck, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 17, 1823; publ.; Cyclopedia of Am. Lit., Lives of Jeremy Taylor, Bp. Thomas Ken and Bp. Latimer; 2 *. d. Mar. 30, 63, N. Y. C. John Mason Ferris, (CLERG.) A. B., 43; A.M., 46; D. D., 67, Rutgers Coll. s. Rev. Isaac, D. D., and Catharine Ann (Burchan) Ferris, b. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1825; New Brunswick T. S., N. J., 46-9; ord. (R. D.), 49; p. Tarrytown, N. Y., 51-4; Chicago, 111., 54-62; Grand Rapids, Mich., 62-5; prof., Holland Acad., Mich., 64-5; cor. sec. Bd. of For. Miss., R. D. Ch., 65-83; ed. Christian Intelli- gencer, 81-; m. (1) Sep. 10, 50, Mary E., da. Michael Schoonmaker, (2) Apr. 13, 71, Anna M., da. Judge G. L. Mar- tense; ch. : Anna, Susan Ludlow, Geo. Newton, Richard Schoonmaker, Char- lotte Eliz.; bro.: Richard B., 44; half- bros.: Isaac W., 59 (non-grad.); Morris P., 74 (non-grad.); son: Geo. N, 77 (non-grad.); nephs.: I. F. Lockwood, 73; Richard Ferris, 74; Albert W., 78; Tas. D., 79; cons.: I. F. Ludlam, 66; Wm. L. Ludlam, 68; Fred E. Ferris, 93. 676 Flatbush Ave., Bkln., N. Y. Theodore William Field,* (L.) A. B., 43. *T; *BK; Latin salut. with; S. P. Leeds; law stud, in N. Y. C, 43-6; lawyer, 46-70. d. 70, Bkln., N. Y. William Henry Forman,* (L.) A. B., 43. s. Lewis and Caroline (Crygier) For- man, b. N. Y. C, Jan. 16, 1827; A*; adm. bar, N. Y. C, 52; ed. N. Y. Eve- ning Mail, 73-%2; Manhattan Magazine, 83-4; mem. St. Nicholas Soc; publ.: 10th ed. Kent's Commentaries; m. Oct. 12, 59, Louise, da. Louis A. Godey; ch. : Howard. d. Dec. 12, 04, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Amasa Stetson Freeman,* (CLERG.) A. B., 43; A.M., 46; D. D., 78. s. Nathaniel and Charlotte (Kettell) Freeman, b. Boston, Mass., Oct. 6, 1823; Union T. S., 43-6; p. Central Presb. Ch., Haverstraw, N. Y., 46-98; mem. Rock- land Co. Hist. Soc; publ.: Hist, of the 1843] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Town of Haverstraw, N. Y. ; Hist, of Rockland Co., N. Y.; m. Apr. 10, 50, Mary, da. Jn. S. Conger; ch. : Jn. Con- ger, Francis I'arkman, Amasa Stetson, Caroline Kettcll, Charlotte, Mary Bogart, Edwd. Prentiss; son.: John Conger, 72. d. Apr. 27, 98, Haverstraw, N. Y. William Henry Gardiner,* (PHYS.) A. B., 43; M. D., 47. s. Nathaniel and Eliz. (Stcnson) Gar- diner, b. X. V. C, Dec. 28, 1822; A *; N. Y. U., Med. Dept., 44-7; also Med. Sch. in Paris, Prance: pract., Bkln., N. Y.; m. 61, Kebekah Gibson. d. Jan. 7, 79, Bkln., N. Y. Addison Hotchkiss,* A. B., 43; A. M., 46. ed., X. Y. C. and Paris, France; 2*. Samuel James Jones,* C LERG.) A. B„ 43; A. M., 46. Union T. S., 43-6; ord. (Presb.), 52; s. s. Cincinnati. O., 46-52; Oakhill, O., 52-4: Oakhill and Madison, O., 54-6; Bangor, Wis., 57-9; Wesleyville, Pa., 61-2; in transitu, 62-72; teach., Wis. ; farming. Nikimi, Wis., 78-92; hon. re- tired, Milwaukee, Wis. ( Downer Home), 92-3; do. (Prot. Home), Milwaukee, Wis., 93-98. d. May 20, 98, Milwaukee, Wis. Dillon Stevens Landon,* (PHYS.) A. B.. 43; M. IX. 49. s. Seymour and Phoebe (Thompson) Lan- don. b. Hague. X. Y., Jan. 31, 1822; ^T; commenc. orat. ; N. Y. U., Med. Dept., 46-49; prin. P. S. No. 9 in Bkln.; trust. Polv. Inst, over 20 yrs. ; ho. phys., Bcllcvuc IIosp., 49-50; vis. phys., Bkln. City IIosp., 20 yrs.; mem. L.I. Med. Soc. ; m. Dec. 5, 49, Eliz., da. Jos. W. Harper; ch. : Seymour Harper, Mary Aurelia. d. Apr. 20, 73, Bkln.. N. Y. William Pray Lee,* (L.) A. P... 43; A. M., 46. s. Allen C. and lane A. (Prav) Lee, b. X. Y. C, Feb. 25, 1825: A*; studied law with Wm. Curtis Noyes, N. Y. C, num. Cincinnati; St. Nicholas • Soc. ; m. (1) 46, Eliza S. Ferguson, (2) 60, Lucy E., da. Win. Tracy; ch.: Lucy T. d. Mar. .,. 77, N. Y. C. Samuel Penniman Leeds, (CLERG.) A. B., 43; D. D., 70, Dart- month Coll. 1.1I. and Mary Warren (McllerO l eeds, b, Nov. 15. 1824; Col. Coll. G. S.; X V. U.. 39-43; 4/T; *BK; Union T.S., 43-6; res. lie. do., 46-7; postgrad. Yale. 47-8; ord. (Cong.). 51; p. Cuvahoga Falls, O.. 49-55; asst. min. (lsl I Phila., 55-7; evangelist, 57-60; Dartmouth Coll. Cong. Ch., 60-00; p. emer.. 00-; mem. Cong. Creed Comra., 80-3; publ.: The Christian Philos. of Life, 04. m. (1) Oct. 3, 49, Julia, da. R. Lockwood, (2) Jul. 20, 82, Mrs. Emily H. Barnes, da. R. Wells. Hanover, N. H. Edwin R. Ludlow,* A. B., 43; A. ML, 4(.. b. N. Y. C, Nov. 12, 1824; A*. d. Jul. 25, 94, N. Y. C. Edwin R. McGregor,* (CLERG.) A. B., 43; A. M„ 51. b. N. Y. C; Union T. S., 43-6; ord. (Presb.), 48; s. s. Poughkeepsie, NY., 46-8; p. Wappinger's Falls, X. Y., 48-9; ed. and sec. Am. Soc. for Ameliorating the Condition of the Tews, N. Y. C, 49- 54; s. s. (R. I).), N. Y. C. 55; w. c. Steubenville, O., 56; p. New Lisbon, O., 56-7. Benjamin Mason,* (EDUC.) A. B., 43. s. Rev. Thos. and Mary W. (Morgan) Mason, b. Mar. 8, 1824; prin. Median ics Inst., 47-9; vice-prin. Ward Sch. No 20, 49-51; prin. G. S., Astoria, L. I., 51 61; of Yonkers Mil. Inst., 61-81; prof. Eng. lit.. Teachers Inst., Milwaukee, Wis., 81-3; m. Dec. 25, 47, Eliza J., da In. S. Ellison; ch. : Morgan, Carrie M. Elliot, Crawford, Anita. d. Jan. 10, 83, Milwaukee, Wis. David Clark Meeker,* (CLERG.) A. B., 43. s. Jonathan and Martha Meeker, b. Newark, N. J., Feb. 21, 1819; *T; Greek salut.; Union T. 5., 43-6; ord. (Presb.). 47: p. lairton, N. J., 50-5; Darby, Pa.. 55-7; W. Hardiston, N. J., 57-60; W. Xantmeal, Pa., 60-8; Dauphin, Pa., 68-80; retired, 80; m. (1) Jul. 22, 46, Henrietta Seymour (d. 53), (2) Oct. 3, 54, Nancy A., da. Jn. Trenchard; ch.: Lelia; cous.: Saml. S. Potter, 42. d. Feb. IS, 81. Phila.. Pa. Abraham Meserole,* A. i;.. 43. s. Abraham and Maria (Miller) Meser- ole. d. 69, Bkln., N. Y. Samuel Warburton Putnam,* 1 MP.) A. P... 43. s. Saml and Betsey Putnam, b. Ports- mouth. X. H.. Mar. 15, 1823; *T; com- menc. orat.; mf„ Elizabethport. X. J.; 111. Feb. 22. 54, Mary E., da. Edwd. Kellogg. d. Mar. 31, 96, N. Y. C. i8 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1844 Lewis Benedict Reed, (L.) A. B., 43; A.M., 46. s. Lewis B. and Maria (Brower) Reed, b. N.,Y. C, Jul. 1, 1824; Solomon Jen- ners Sch., Henry St., N. Y. C; N. Y. U., 39-43; A*; sec. and v. p. Philomath.; adm. bar, N.. Y., 46; in bus., 53-64; pres. Bkln. Bapt. Social Union, 71; pres. Ham- ilton Lit. Assn. of Bkln.; Hamilton Club of Bkln.; Sons of Revol. ; attended 56 of the 62 annual dinners of class of 43; m. Nov. 1, 49, Louise B., da. Hon. Palmer Townsend; ch. : Palmer Townsend; nephs.: Gerard B. Townsend, 87; Palmer Townsend, 87; Frank L., Townsend, 84. 172 Remsen St., Bkln., N. Y. Alfred Coxe Roe,* (EDUC.) A. B., 43; A. M., 46. s. Peter and Susan Eliz. (Williams) Roe, b. N. Y. C, Apr. 7, 1823; Eng. salut.; phil. orat. ; censor Eucleian; teach., 44- 53; prin. Cornwall Colleg. Inst., 53-63; ord. (Presb.), 63; chapl. 9th Regt. N. Y. State Militia and 104th N. Y. Vols., U. S. A., 63-4; p. Geneva, N. Y., and Clyde, N. Y.; estab. Young Ladies' Sch., Corn- wall, N.Y., 77; prin. Berkeley Ladies' Inst., Bkln., 85; prin. N. Y. Colleg. Inst, for Girls, Harlem, N. Y. ; on capture of 104th N. Y. Vols, at battle of Weldon R. R., was appointed staff officer of 3d Div., 5th Corps, Army of Potomac; r.i. (1) Mar. 23, 47, Caroline Powell, da. Tudge Francis Childs, (2) Oct. 24, 60, Emma, da. Rev. Jas. D. Wickham, D. D.; ch. : Frank Childs, Caroline Powell, Eliz. Merwin, Mary Wickham, Jos. Wickham. d. Sep. 28, 01, Manchester, Vt. Moses Mortimer Vail,* (L.) A. B., 43; A. M. s. Moses and Phebe (Losee) Vail, b. Dutchess Co., N. Y., Sep. 23, 1817; 2 ; solicitor of Court of Chancery, N. Y., 45; atty. Supreme Court, N. Y., 45; atty. of U. S. District Court, So. Dist., N. Y., 64; mem. Supreme Court, U. S., 72; m. Dec. 49, Hester M., da. Edmund K. Bussing. d. 89, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Aaron John Vander Poel,* (L.) A. B., 43; A.M., 46; LL. D., 81. s. Jn. and Sallie Wood (Oakley) Vander Poel, b. Kinderhook, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1825; couns. for Bd. of Health, Police Dept., and sheriff of N.Y.C. ; mem. Council. N. Y. U., 70-87; prof, and pres. fac, N. Y. U. Law Dept., 81-7; m. Aug. 3, 52, Ada- line E., da. Hy. C. Van Schaack; ch. : Mary C., Augustus H., Lydia Beekman, Aaron M., Margaret; bro. : Sam'l O., 42. ; commenc. orat.; lawyer, 47-; adm. Supreme Court of X. Y. and Cal. ; mem. San Francisco Micros. Soc: S. F. Art Assn. ; S. F. Mercantile Library Assn.; publ.: Belknap's Probate Law and Practice, San Francisco, 61; m. (1) Sep. 20, 57, Augusta \V., .la. Andrew T. Yates. (2) Feb. 26, so. Marion Hamilton, da. Hy. Gray; ch. : Edwin S., Florence Gray, Marion B. 405 Montgomery St., San Fran- cisco, Cal. James F. Bowman,* (L.) A. B.. 44. - 'I'; orat. at commenc. d. 82, San Francisco, Cal. William L. Brown, A 1!.. 44. Frederick G. Carnes, A. B., 44; A. It, 47. bro.: Geo. A., 44. George Albert Carnes,* RG.) A. B.. 44; A. M., 47. b. X. 18, 1824; grad. Har- vard Div. Scb., 49; bro. : Frederick G., 44. d. Dec. 7, 94, Alameda, Cal. Timothy Jarvis Carter,* (CLERG.) A. B., 44; A. M.. 47. 2i '!•; commenc. orat.; bro. : Wm. L., 46. d. 51, Cleveland, O. George Houghton Claj (FO A. B.. 44. .-mil Ruth (Houghton) Clapp, b. Milton. Mass., Sep. 9, 1822; merchant, . farmer, 50-7.?; m. & Sutherland, 'la. Cot Nathan Beckwith; ch.: Emma Beckwith, Edwd. Houghton; bro.: Jason F., 45. d. Oct. 11, 77, Phila., Pa. Nathaniel Ripley Cobb [Jr.], A. B., 44. A 4>; banker, N. Y. C. Howard Crosby, (CLERG.) A. B.. 44; A. M., 47; D.D., 59, Harv. Univ.; LL. 1)., 72. Col. Univ. B. Win. B. and Harriet Ashton (Clark- son) Crosby, b. N. Y. I . Peb. 27, 1826; A'l': '1'liK; farming, 44-7; foreign travel, 48-51; lie. by K. D. Sem., New Bruns- wick, N. J., 59; refused appointment as minister to Greece offered by Pres. Lin- coln, 61; p. 1st Presb. Ch., Xew Bruns- wick. X. J., 61-3; prof. Greek. X. Y. I '.. 51-9: prof. Greek, Rutgers Coll., 59-63; p. 4th Ave. Presb. Ch., N. Y. C, 63-91; chancellor, N. Y. U., 70-83; coorganizer of Y. M. C. A., N. Y. C, 52; pres. do., 53-6; mem. Bible Revision Comm., 72-80; mod. Gen. Assembly, Presb. Ch., 73; del. to Evang. Alliance, Edinburgh, 78; pres. Soc. for Prevention of Crime. 77-91; Yale lecturer on preaching, 79-80; publ.: Lands of the Moslem. X. V.. 51; The Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles, with Eng. notes, N. Y., 52: Bible: Xew Test. with notes or scholia, X. Y., 63; A Bible Manual. X. Y.. 69: Jesus, His Life and Works as Narrated by the Four Evang., N. Y., 71; The Healthy Christian, N. Y., 71; Thoughts on the Decalogue, Phila.. 73; Thoughts on the Pentateuch, 73; Pulpit Teachings on Great Subjects, N. Y., 73; Expository Notes '^n the Book of Joshua. X. Y., 75:' The True Humanity of Christ, N. Y., 80; The Bible View of the Jewish Church, X. Y.. 88; sermons, lectures and addresses: m. Mar. 17, 47, Margaret E. Givan: ch. : Edith R., Er- nest H.. Agnes G., Nicholas E., Grace A.; bros.: Robt R., 34, Clarkson F., 35; son: d. Mar. 29. 91, N. Y. C. James Lewis Dayton,* A. B., 44: A. M., 47. 20 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1844 John De La Montagnie, (PHYS.) A. B., 44; A. M., 47; M. D., 47, Yt. Med. Sch. s. Wm. and Jane (Graham) De La Mon- tagnie, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 21, 1822; 2 ; N. Y. U. Med. Dept., 44-6; Vt. Med. Sch., 47; practised med., 47-59; prof, anat., N. Y. Homeo. Med. Coll.; U.S. Consul, Nantes and Boulogne, Fr. ; maj. in Co. of N. Y. S. Engrs. ; brevet col., 63; m. Oct. 4, 76, Francoise Perine, da. Nicolas F. Bacon; ch. : Lita. Boulogne-sur-mcr, France. Henry Erskine Duncan,* (CLERG.) A. B., 44; D. D., 72; Univ. of Pa. s. Ralph E. E. P. and Jane (Bartow) Duncan, b. N. Y. C, Apr. 7, 1824; St. Paul's Coll., College Pt., L. I., 40-3; Gen- eral T. S., N. Y. C, 44-7; ord. (P. E.), 47; invalid, 81-04; m. Sep. 7, 48, Catha- rine A., da. Robt. Bartow; ch.: Anna, Jeanie, Hy. Erskine, Effie, Edith. d. Apr. 5, 04. Willard L. Felt,* A. B., 44. orat. at commenc. ; 2 4>; bro.: Edwin M., 56. d. Feb. 28, 89, Perth Amboy, N. J. Richard Burchan Ferris, (CO.) A. B., 44; A. M., 49. s. Rev. Isaac, D. D., and Catharine Ann (Burchan) Ferris, b. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1827; Anthon's Class. Sem.; N. Y. U., -44; clerk in various bus. houses, 44-9; clerk, asst. cash'r and cash'r, 73-82, and v. p. since 82, Bank of N. Y.; dir. and treas. Georgetown and Western R. R., 87- 9; pres. Attica and Freedom R. R., 91-; dir. N. E. Loan and Trust Co., 89-; sec. and treas. Wheeling Bridge and Ter- minal R. R. Co., 92-3; lieut. Co. F., 23d Regt. (Bkln.) N. G., S. N. Y.; m. (1) Feb. 7, 54, Sarah Ann, da. Rev. Jas. Demarest, M. D.; (2), Aug. 1, 83, Marie Louise, da. Wm. Sammis; ch. : Richd. Al- bert Warren, Jas. Demarest, Isaac, Jn. Mason, Jr.; sons: Richd., 74; Albert W., 78; James D., 79; bro.: J. M., 43; half- bros.: Isaac W., 59 (non-grad.), and Mor- ris P., 74; (non-grad.); nephs.: I. F. Lockwood, 73; Geo. N., 77 (non-grad.); cous. : I. F. Ludlam, 66; W. L. Ludlam, 68; Fred E., 93. Nyack, N. Y. Abraham Oakey Hall,* (L.) A. B., 44; A. M., 47. s. Morgan Tas. and Elsie Lansing (Oakey) Hall, b. Albany, N. Y., Jul. 26, 1826; S ; commenc. orat.; ed. of Eucleian; Harvard Law Sch., 44-5; reporter and journalist in Boston, N. Y., and New Or- leans, 45-9; asst. dist. atty., N. Y. C, 51- 2-3; dist. atty., 65-8; Mayor N. Y. C, 69- 72; mem. Brown, Hall & Vanderpoel, 53-79; man. ed. The World. 79-82; ed. Truth, 83 ; res. cor. N. Y. Herald, Lon- don and Paris, 84-90; dir. Manhattan Club, 68-71; pres. Lotos Club, 70-3; law practice, N. Y. C, 91-8; life mem. N. Y. Press Club; do. Mercantile Libr. Assn.; mem. Council, N. Y. U., 60-73; mem. N.Y. Hist. Soc. ; fellow Royal Lit. Soc. of Lon- don; publ: Sketches of Travels, N. Y., 49; The Webster Murder, 49; Old Whitey's Christmas, N. Y., 51; Congress- man's Christmas Dream, N. Y., 51; Grand Jurors' Guide, 62; Manhattaner in New Orleans, 62; Horace Greeley De- cently Dissected, N. Y., 63; m. Nov. 1, 49, Katharine Louisa, da. Jos. N. Barnes; ch. : Coradela Montagnie, Maria Theresa, Alice D'Assignie, Josephine, Herbert Oakey, Louisa Oakey. d. Oct. 7, 98, N. Y. C. Hampton Harriott, (PHYS.) A. B., 44; A. M., 47; M. D., 48, Coll. of Phys. and Surg, s. Jas. and Maria (Brower) Harriott, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 16, 1825; commenc. orat.; Coll. of P. and S., 44-8; practice of med., 48-67; mem. N.Y. Co. Med. Soc; publ.: Third San. Inspect. Dist. (5th Ward) in Report of Council of Hyg. and Pub. Health, Citizens' Assn., N. Y.; m. May 15, 66, Mary Ann Harrison. d. Apr. 2, 68. Wheelock Nye Harvey,* (CLERG.) A. B., 44. s. Chas. Rufus and Olive (Willard) Harvey, b. Jamestown, N. Y., Apr. 15, 1825; Union T. S., 50; ord. (Cong.), 53; p. Bethel, Ct., 53-8; Milford, 58-62; Wil- ton, 62-7; merchant, N. Y. C, 67-86; m. Aug. 26, 52, Margaret, da. Edwd. Bar- ron; ch. : Lewis Webster, Alice, Chas. Edward, Harriett. d. Jan. 8, 89, Portland, Ct. Samuel R. Hubbard, (PHYS.) A.B., 44; A.M., 49; M.D., else- where. Francis William Iremonger,* (PHYS.) A. B., 44; M. D., 50. s. Francis and Ruth (Wood) Iremonger, b. Newburgh, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1825; N.Y. U, Med. Dept., 44-50. d. Nov. 24, 69, Rossville, N. Y. John Frelinghuysen Judd,* (EDUC.) A. B., 44; A. M., 47. s. Rev. Gideon N. and Catharine (Fre- linghuysen) Judd, b. Bloomfield, N. J., Nov., 1825; 2*; 4>BK; commenc. orat.; teach., 44-9; Union T. S., 49-50; studied law in Rock Island, 111.; established school, Berkshire, N. Y., 47; m. Nov. 19, 51, Pamelia, da. Jn. B. Royce; ch. : Jn. Noble, Amanda, Leonard. d. Feb. 12, 59, Berkshire, N. Y. 1844] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 21 George Washington Kimball,* A. B., 44; A. M., 47. b. Eastport, Me., Mar. 19, 1822; *T; ■I- L; K; commenc orat.; Union T. S., 44-6; U. S. Consul, St. Helena, 48-60. d. Tun. 19, 6o, St. Helena. James Monroe Kimball,* (CLERG.) A. B., 44; A. M., 47. b. Eastport, Me., Mar. 19, 1822; *T; commenc. orat.; Union T. S., 44-7; ord. (Presb.), 48; p. Portsmouth, Va., 47-9. d. Mar. 2, 49, Washington, D. C. Charles Halsey Mitchell,* (L.) A. B., 44; A. M., 48. s. Minott and Eliza (Leeds) Mitchell, b. White Plains, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1824; gold medal for best Greek poem; lawyer in Ohio and N. Y. ; practised in U.S. Su- preme Court; mem. Union League Club, N. Y. C; m. Jul. 21, 59, Isabella R., da. Hon. John Hull; ch. : Marguerite Hull, Annie Minott. d. Jan. 30, 73, White Plains, N. Y. Louis H. Pignolet,* (L.) A. B., 44. b. 1825; lawyer, N. Y. C; ret. about 88; m. 62, Anna A., da. Job Magie; ch.: two. d. Sep. 9, 97, Montreal, Can. John Adair Pleasants,* (L.) A. B., 44. s. Benj. Franklin and Isabella McCalla (Adair) Pleasants, b. Harrodsburg. Ky.. May 17, 1826; commenc. orat.; studied law in Washington, D. C, and N. Y. C, 44-8; lawyer, Akron, O., 48-54; in West Indies, 55-6 : financial clerk of James River ^ and Kanawha Canal Co., 56-60; sec. Ya. Life Ins. Co., Richmond, Ya., 60-5; gen. agt. Manhattan Life Ins. Co. of N. Y., 65-; capt. and maj. of cav., C. S. A. ; m. May 6, 52, Yirginia Cary, da. in. G. Mosby; ch. : Mary Webster. Louisa I., Kate P., Lydia M., Rosalie H.; bro.: Matthew 1*\, 46. d. Dec. 19, 93. Horace L. Edgar Pratt.* (CLERG.) A. B.. 44; A. M., 47. s. Linus and Temperance (SouthwortrO Pratt, b. Middletown. Ct., Aug. 24, 1824; A*; pres. Philomath.; master of Christ Ch. Sch., Tuscaloosa. Ala.. 45-7; ord. deac. (P.E.), 47, and priest, 49; rect., Prattsville, N. Y., 47-9; Perth Ambov, N. ; 4; Sacramento, Cal., 54-7; chap]. Senate of Cal., 55-7: rect., N. Y. C. 57; Castleton, S. I.. 57-76; Jersey City. N. J., 77-8; publ.: sermons preached in Castle- ton, S. I.; misc. poet, and prose contrib. in Knickerbocker Mag., Home Journ.. N.Y. Express. Commtrc. Advr.; Remi- niscences of the Delta Phi, University Mag.. Feb., 92; m. Oct. 27, 47, Kate, da. EdwdL Martin; ch. : Dallas JJache, Edgar Southworth, Jas. Hlackwell, Otis Ham- ilton. Thos. Logan Huger, Horace Southworth, Lawrence Kearney, Herbert '-• 25, 97, N. Y. C. Thompson Rowell,* (CLERG., F.) A. 1!., 44; A. M., 47. s. Dr. Nathl. and Sarah (Hopkins) Row- ell, b. Clarkson, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1812; Princ. T. S.; lie. by 1st Presby., N. V., Apr. 21, 47; teach, and s. s. Henderson- ville, 111., 50-1; p. Minneapolis, Minn., 51-4; farmer, Bloomington, Minn., 54-74; m. Oct. 23, 51. Mary "R., da. Rev. Wm. K. Talbot; ch. : Marie Antoinette, Eliza Juliette, Hy. Hastings, Minnie Loretta, Carrie Louisa, Willie Talbot, Nathl., Geo. Hopkins. d. Mar. 6, 74, Minneapolis, Minn. Austin Ledyard Sands [Jr.],* (PHYS.) A. B., 44; M. D., 48, Coll. P. and S. s. Austin Ledyard and Anne Lucretia (Hodge) Sands, b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 14, 1825; A*; Coll. of Phys. and Surg., 45-8; surg. interne, N.Y. Hosp.; phys. and surg. to West Point Foundry, Cold Spring, N. Y., 52; pract. med., N. Y. C. 52-63; twice vol. surg., 61-63; traveled and resided in Italy, 63-4; pract. med., Newport, R. I., 65-77; m. 53, da. of Parker; bro.: Saml. S., 47. d. Dec. 20, 77, Cairo, Egypt. David Franklin Sayre, (F.) A. B., 44; A. M., 47. s. Baxter and Eliz. (Kitchell) Savre. b. Madison, N. J., Jan. 14. 1822; Rev. Franklin Shcrrils Sch.. Madison, N. J.; N. Y. U., 40-4; *T; Eng. salut.; censor, Eucleian; Law Sch., Morristown, N. J., 44-7; mem. Wis. Legislature. 72-3; leet. at Farmers' Inst., 86-9; supt. of schools. Rock Co., Wis.; publ.: Lectures before the Farmers' Institutes and on Tariff, 86-9; m. Jun. 10, 51. Sarah Eliz.. da. Tames P. Ely; ch.: Agnes Ely, David Franklin, Susan Ely, Jas. Edgar; neph.: Edwin B. Thompson, 51. Fulton, Rock Co., Wis. Thomas Bruce Stirling,* (PHYS.) A. B., 44; A.M., 47: MP. 62, Coll. of P. and S. s. Walter and Jessie (Peebles) Stirling. b. Edinburgh, Scot.. Nov. 21, 1827; II: Latin salut.; sec. Eucleian: Coll. of Phys. and Surg.. 60-2: res. tutor in Univ., 62: practised med. in X. Y C, 77: pi N.Y. Lying-in Asyl.; mem. N.Y. Med Sot: follow. N.Y. Acad, of Med.; mem. N. V. Pathol. Soc; Soc. for Relief of Widows and Orphans of Med. Men; .'• . Walter A., 40. d. Jun. 11, 77, N. Y. C. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1845 Henry Duncan Sutherland,* A. B., 44. s. Isaac and Mary (Green) Sutherland, b. Stamford, N. Y., Sep. 16, 1821; 2*. d. Dec. 7, 44. Charles Marshall Tompkins, (L.) A. B., 44. s. Ira and Betsey (Cornelius) Tompkins, b. Somers, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1822; v. p. Eucleian; lawyer, judge and postmaster of Fond Du Lac, Wis., 50-4; prin. exmr. Pension Off., Washington, D. C; m. (1) Jan. 11, 49, Aurelia, da. Cornelius Davis, (2) Jan. 6, 63, Sallie R., da. Jn. Rich- ardson; ch. : Jessie, Mankin Howe; bro.: Eli C, 42 (non-grad.). 132 C St., N. E., Washington, D. C. John Townsend [Jr.],* (L.) A. B., 44. s. Jn. and Eliz. Piatt (Horton) Town- send, b. Armouk, N. Y., Oct., 1826; A*; mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc; Nat. Acad, of Design; m. Jun. 19, 56, Mary, da. Chas. Addoms. d. Nov. 29, 90, Englewood, N. J. George Uhler,* (CLERG.) A. B., 44. s. Geo. and Sarah Uhler, b. Carlisle, Pa. Aug. 7, 1813; 2 *; Union T. S., 44-7 ord. (Presb.), 47; s. s. Bloomingdale, N Y., 47-8; Centreville, R. I., 48-9; p Cong. Ch., Greenville, R. I., 49-52; s. s Harrisville, R. I., 52-4; p. Curtisville Mass., 55-64, and resided there, 64-9 m. 49, Martha, da. Jonathan Chamber lain; ch. : Alice Rice, Win. Patton, Har ris Hall. d. Mar. 14, 69, Curtisville, Mass. William T. Vanduser,* A. B. 44. commenc. orat. Charles Aycrigg,* (PHAR.) Sp. Dip., 44. s. Girard Chas. and Helen (Striker) Aycrigg, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 25, 1826; drug bus.; m. Sep. 20, 54, Julia Eliz., da. Verden Ellsworth; ch. : Helen E., Benj. Jr., Charles, Susan; cous.: B. B., 44; son: Benj., Jr., 81. d. Jul. 2, 94, Passaic, N. J. William B. Brown, Sp. Dip., 44. David Hudson McCoy,* (C.) Sp. Dip., 44. s. Garrin and Martha (Denham) Mc- Coy, b. Elizabeth, N. J., Aug. 16, 1818; teach., 44-9; chief clerk, N. Y. off., Greenwood Cemetery Co., 51-; m. Oct. 24, 44, Eliz., da. Garret Burgess; ch. : Geo. Burgess, David, Frank, Wm. Downer, Emma Frances, Sarah Laurette, Jennie Maxwell. d. Feb. 7, 04. Erastus W. Smith,* (ENG.) Sp. Dip., 44; Phys. Sc. D., 66. mech. eng. ; designer and constructor of many steamships, railroads, tunnels and bridges. d. Jun. 12, 82, N. Y. C. George Wood, Sp. Dip., 44. (43) 1845 John Baker,* (L.) A. B., 45. Francis N. Bangs,* (L.) A. B., 45. s. Nathan and Mary (Bolton) Bangs, b. N. Y. C, Feb. 23, 1828; Wesleyan Univ., 41-3; N. Y. U., 43-5; *T; commenc. orat.; Yale Law Sch., 45-7; pres. Assn. of Bar of City of N. Y., 82-3; mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc. ; priv. and quartermaster- sergt. 17th Regt. N. Y. State Mil. at Ft. McHenry, Baltimore, 63; m. Mar. 12, 55, Amelia Frances, da. Mordecai Bull; ch. : Francis Sedgwick, Wm. Nathan, Jn. Kendrick; cous.: Stephen B., 43; neph.: John B., 57 (non-grad.). d. Nov. 30, 85, Ocala, Fla. William Edward Bloodgood,* (MF.) Sp. Dip., 44; A. B., 45; M. D., 47, Coll. Phys. and Surg. s. Wm. and Marian (Wilkins) Bloodgood, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 2, 1823; *T; Coll. Phys. and Surg., 44-7; in bus., 47-50; mf., 50-75; justice of peace and supt. of pub. sch. for many yrs. ; m. Oct. 4, 48, Margaret Jamison, da. Alex. Wat- son; ch. : Alice Maud, William, Theo. Hy., Marian Yuille, Margaret Ferme, Edwd. Francis; bro.: John Hy., 46 (non- grad.). d. Oct., 97, N. Y. C. Jason Forbes Clapp,* (M.) A. B., 45. s. Benj. and Ruth (Houghton) Clapp, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 16, 1825; elk., hardware, 45-55; in bus., 55-72; retired, 73; m. Dec. 20, 49, Eliz. M., da. Elijah Hough- ton; ch.: Ella H., Clara E., Arthur, J. Howard; bro.: Geo. H., 44. d. Mar. 19, 86, Yonkers, N. Y. i345l ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 23 Theodore Coleman,* (J . ) A. B., 45; A. .M., 51. s. Ira and Emily (Dunning) Coleman, b. Goshen, N. V., Jan. 30, 1822; prin. Univ. Gram. Sch., 70; farming and breeding horses, 70-93; m. (1) May 9, 55, Susan Maria, da. Jos. W. Ilubbell, (2) Apr. 7, 68, Mrs. Josephine A., widow of Walter S. Coon; ch. : Theo. H., Josephine E., Wm. II., Caroline M., Maria L., Clarence C. d. May g, 93, Sheldrake, N. Y. Edwin Ruthven T. Cook,* (CLERG.) A. B., 45; A. M., 48. Presb. clergyman. d. about 33. Diaries Algernon Downs, (CLERG.) A. B., 45. s. Horatio Nelson and Anna (Burton) Downs, b. S. Norwalk, Conn., May 21, 1823; *T; Eng. salut. ; pres. Eucfeian; Union T. S., 45-8; p. Cong. Ch., Leba- non, X. 11.. 48-72; mem. State Legisla- ture, 63-4; Co. Sch. Commr. ; sec. State Bd. of Educ; State Supt. of Public In- struction, 76-80; p. Hanover Centre, Mass., 80-; fubl.: four annual reports, as State Supt. of Public Instruction. Vc- mont Controversy and other hist, pa- pers, Hist, of Lebanon, N. H.; m. Nov. 21. 48, Helen Katrina, da. Levi Sey- mour; ch.: Chas. Algernon, Anna Ka- trina, Eugene Seymour, Clarence Horatio, Allan l'.urritt. Lebanon, N. H. Cornelius Earle,* (CLERG.) A. B., 45; D. D., 87, Lafay- ette Coll. s. Cornelius and Maria (Lent) Earle, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 11, 1823; *T; philos. orat.; class treas. ; librn. and pres. Philo- math.; Union T. S., 45-8; ord. (Presb.), 48; p. Unionville, Pa.. 48-52; Catasauqua, Pa., 53-; chapl. 4th Retf. N. G. of Pa.; m. (1) Nov. 12, 49, Maria Louisa, da. .In. A. Lent. (J) Apr. 26, 60, Eliz , da. Jn. Fullagar; ch.: Aletta Maria, Edwd. Mortimer; cous. : Chas. M. (non-grad.). d. Feb. 18, 02, Easton, Pa. Charles Fanning-,* (M.) A. B., 45. *T; commenc. orat.; Union T. S., 46-9; res. lie, Yale T. S., 49-50; ord., 50; p. Belvidere, 111., 50-3; merchant, N. Y. C, 53-83. d. Apr. 24, 83, N. Y. C. Benjamin Haines,* V B., 45. s. Richard T. Haines. d. Mar. 13, 86. John Hammond,* (L.) A. B., 45; A. M., 48. Joseph Budd Hart,* A. B„ 45. George Preston Haven,* A. B., 45; A. M., 48. Clinton Hitchcock,* (M.) A*j m. Julia, da. Uriah Rogers Scrib- ner; ch. : Kate, Carrie, Bessie. d. 80. William Runyon Martin,* (L.) A. B., 45; A. M., 48. s. Runyon W. Martin; 2 #: mem. Coun- cil, N. Y. U., 67-87; sec. do., 70-87; commr. and pres. Dept. of Pub. Parks, N Y. C, 75-8; bros.: John L., 47, Howard A., 54. d. Oct. io, 07, Long Branch, N. J. Luther Wesley Peck,* (CLERG.) A. B., 45; A.M., 49; D. D. 78. s. Rev. Geo. and Mary (Mvers) Peck b. Kingston, Pa., hin. 1-4. 1825: We* leyan Univ., 41-2; X. Y. U., 42-5; * T BK; valedict. ; pres. Eucleian; ord (M. E.); p. 48 yrs. in many places; re tired, 91; publ.: contributions to Natl. Mag., 54-5; Mclh. Quart. He-.:, 58-64, etc.; m. Jan. 18, 48, Sarah Maria, da, Ransom H. Gibbons, M. D. ; ch.: Helen Mary Eliz., Garretson, Emma Dallet, Sarah Maria, Jessie Truesdale, Geo, Luther, Frank, Fanny Myers. '/. Mar. 30, 00. Scranton, Pa. Thomas Dunn Pitman,* A. I: . 45; A. M., 48. d. 53. Paul Francis Ravesies,* I I I V B., 4>; A. M.. 4.9. s. Frederic and Adcle (He Serret Rave- Sies, b. Areola. Ala.. Sep. 25, 1& Mary's Coll., Carlisle. Pa.: lawyer and cotton planter in Marengo Co., Ala.; I'. S. Snipping Commr.; capt. cavalrv. C. S. A-J m. Mar. 3. 52, Virginia, da. S. W. Oliver: ch.: Paul II.. Gertrude. d. Nov. 17. So. Mobile, Ala. Howard Scovell,* A P.., 45. 24 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1846 Charles Augustus Van Doren,* A. B., 45; A. M., 48. s. Garrett and Jemima (Dvckrnan) Van Doren, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 4, 1826; A*; 4th hon. at commenc. and prize poem; pres. class and Philomath.; adm. Bar of fr. J. ; Master in Chancery of State; adm. Bar, N. Y., 51; asst. quartermaster, N. Y. C; mem. Gov. Morgan's staff, 61-4; m. Jun. 18, 56, Anna Wood, da. Horace B. Smith; ch.: Chas. Horn, Walter Gar- rett, Mary Wright, Louis O., Eliz. Me- dara, Anna Charlotte. d. Mar. 17, 86, N. Y. C. Charles Francis Winthrop,* (L.) A. B., 45. s. Thos. Chas. and Georgiana (Kane) Winthrop, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 20, 1827; A $; lawyer and traveler; m. Gertrude, da. Lawrence Waterbury. d. Feb. 16, 98, Paris, France. Edgar W. Woods, (CLERG.) A. B., 43, Wash, and Jeff. Coll., Pa.; A. B., 45; Ph.D., 83, Wash, and Jeff. Coll. s. Thos. and Mary (Brison) Woods, b. Wheeling, W. Va., Dec. 12, 1827; Mar- ion Coll., Mo., 39-41; Wash, and Jeff. Coll., Pa., 41-3, and valedict, 43; N. Y. U., 43-5; pres. Eucleian; Princ. T. S., 50-2; ord. (Presb.), 52; p. Wheeling, W. Va., 53-7; Columbus, O., 57-62; Char- lottesville, Va., 66-77; s. s. Bethel, South Plains, Mt. Harmony, State Hill, Va., 77- 86; prin. Pantops Acad., Va., 77-83; publ.: Golden Apples, 75; Sermons to Children, N. Y., 75; m. Sep. 7, 53, Maria C, da. Saml. Baker; ch.: Ann E., Saml. B., Hy. M., Edgar, Jas. B. Charlottesville, Va. Cornelius Howard Phillips,* Sp. Dip., 45. s. Rev. Wm. Wirt and Frances (Syming- ton) Phillips, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 22, 1825; A; m. (1) Anna Warburton, da. King, (2) Sarah Barry, da. Patrick Haves; ch. : Edith, Howard C, Mary, Wm. W.; bro.: J. M., 41. d. Mar. 16, 03, N. Y. C. Henry Denison Townsend,* (L.) Sp. Dip., 45. s. Wm. Buck and Susan Townsend (Bills) Townsend, b. N. Y. C, Dec. 4, 1825; Yale Law Sch.; atty., N. Y. C; on staff of Col. Ayres in battle of Bull Run, afterwards lieut.-col. in N. Y. Vols. d. May 13, 87. (24) 1846 William Aikman, (CLERG.) A. B., 46; D. D., 69. s. Robt. and Sarah (Smith) Aikman. b. N. Y. C, Aug. 12, 1824; Acad, of Prof. Jn. J. Owen, D. D.; N. Y. U., 42-6; * T; *BK; Eng. salut.; sec. Philomath.; Union T. S., 46-9; ord. (Presb.), 49; mod. Synod of Pa., 63; p. 6th Presb. Ch., Newark, N. J., 49-57; Hanover St., Wil- mington, Del., 57-69; Spring St., N. Y. C, 69-72; Detroit, Mich., 72-7; Aurora, N. Y., 77-81; Atlantic City, N. J., 83-; trust. Wells Female Coll., 78-83; mem. Huguenot Soc. of Amer. ; publ.: Moral Power of the Sea, 12mo, 64; Life at Home, 12mo, 70; also a later edit.; Talks on Married Life, 12mo, 83; many pamph- lets and sermons; m. Jul. 25, 49, Anna Matilda, da. David R. Burns; ch.: Will- iam, Jr., Sarah, Harriet Poinier, Horace Poinier, Anna Burns, Edwd. Grant, Jas. Morrow; son: Wm., Jr., 72. Atlantic City, N.J. David A. Baldwin, (PHYS.) A. B., 46; M. D., 49; A. M., 67. 2 *; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 46-9. Engleivood, N. J. Allan D. Blewett, A. B., 46. 2*. Meridian, Miss. Edward Grow Bradbury,* (MF.) A. B., 46; A. M., 49. ^T; commenc. orat. ; merchant and mf., N. Y. C, 46-65. d. 65, N. Y. C. Henry Weeks Brown,* (PHYS.) A. B., 46; A. M., 49; M. D., 50. b. 1827; *T; commenc. orat.; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 46-50; phys. to Northern Disp., 50; prof. Prep. Sch. of Med., N. Y. C, 53-5; mem. N. Y. Acad, of Med. d. Dec. 17, 64, N. Y. C. William Lawson Carter,* (L.) A. B., 46; A. M., 50. A*; bro.: Timothy J., 44. d. 72, Bkln., N. Y. Charles Henry Dolsen, (M.) A. B., 46. ^T; commenc. orat. no Poydras St., Neiv Orleans, La. i8 4 6] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2 5 George Washington Dunmore,* (CLERG.) A. B., 46. b. Rush, Pa., Oct. 5, 1820; Union T. S., 46-8; Bangor T. S., 48-9; ord. (Cong.), 50; miss, in Persia and Turkey, 49-60; chapl. 1st Wis. Cav., U.S.A., 61-2; killed in battle, St. Anguille Creek. d. Aug. 3, 62, St. Anguille Creek, Ark. Edward Ewen, A. B., 46. Horace Finch,* (CLERG.) A. B„ 46. b. Finchville, N.Y.. Mar. 21, 1821; Union T. S., 46-9; ord. (Cong.), 52; s. s. Danby, Vfc, 49-52; East Whitehall, N. Y., 52-6; Spcncertown, N. Y., 56-7; Canton, X. Y., 57-8; p. (R. D.) Greenpoint, N.Y., 57-60; w. c. and agric., E. Whitehall, N. Y., 60- 99. d. Jan. 19, 99, Whitehall, N. Y. Charles Hedges Force,* (CLERG.) A. B., 46. s. Davi.l M. and Emma (Hedges) Force, b. Morristown, N.J., Oct. 22, 1823; math, premium, 45; Greek orat.; Union T. S., 46-9; ord. (Presb.), 49; p. (Cong.) Cen- tral Falls, R. I., 49-50; s. s. (Presb.), Unadilla, N. Y., 51-5; S. Ottawa, 111., 56-7; Farm Ridge, 111., 68; Waltham, 111., 69; ret.. Ottawa. 111., 69-92; m. Sep. 19, 49, Charlotte Eliz., da. Rev. B. G. Noble. d. May i, 92, Ottawa, III. Moses Goodrich, A. B., 46. Charles Townsend Harris,* (PHYS.) A. B., 46; A.M., 49. ■^T; commenc. orat. d. 63, N. Y. C. Richard G. E. Humphreys,* (CLERG.) A. B., 46. b. Dublin, Ire., Aug. 17, 1821; Union T. S., 46-9; ord. (Cong.), 52; s. s. (Presb.) Cairo, N. Y., 51-2; w. c. N. Y. C, 53-69. d. Sep. 26, 69, N. Y. C. Frederick Gebhard LeRoy,* (PHYS.) A. B., 46; A. M., 50; M. D., 50, Coll. Phys. and Surg. s. Herman and Tuliet (Edgar) LeRov, b. Pelham. N. Y., Nov. 12, 1826; Z <1>; Coll. Phvs. and Surg., 48-50; surg., X Y. Hosp., 50-2; Pac. Mail S. S. Co., 52-6: phys., Tarrytown, X. Y., 56-63: m. Caroline, da. Hy. Rutgers Remsen; ch. : Eliz. Rcmsen, Fred. Gebhard. d. Dec. 30, 63, Tarrytown, N. Y. Reuben Post Lowrie,* (CLERG.) A. B., 46; A. M., 52. s. Hon. Walter and Amelia < Macpherson) Lowrie, b. Butler, Pa., Nov. 24, 1827; valedict. ; Princ. T. S., 46-9; tutor, X. Y. U., 49; prin. Acad., Wyoming, Pa., 49- 51; teach., Spencer Acad., Choctaw In- dian Mission, 51-2; ord. (Presb.), 54; miss., Shanghai, China, 54-60; pub!.: the Shorter Catechism, Catechism of Old Test. Hist., a Commentary on St. Matthew in Old Shanghai colloquial dialect; m. Mar. 29, 54, Amelia Palmer, da. Jas. N. Tuttle; rel.: Thos. S. Child*, 47. d. Apr. 26, 60, Shanghai, China. Theodore F. McCurdy,* (L.) A. B. 46; A. M. 49. A*. d. 81. Joseph W. Mcllvaine,* (CLERG.) A. B., 46. George Noyes,* (L.) A. B., 46. b. Apr. 28, 1823; 2*. d. May 10, 30, Detroit, Mich. Austin N. Parkhurst, A. B., 46. b. N. Y. C, 18^ Union T. S., 46-7. Matthew Franklin Pleasants, (L.) A. B., 46. 2; ; bro.: John Adair, 44. 11 E. Franklin St., Richmond, ]'a. Whelpley Philip Melancthon Redfield,* (EDUC.) A. B., 46; A. M., 49. s. David and Sarah (Meherg) Redfield, b. Jan. 12, 1S26; salut. ; asst. prof, math., N. Y. U., 49-53; mem. firm Redfield & Barnard; prof. nat. sc. Normal Coll., N. Y. C. 70-3: m. Jul. 10. 60, Augusta, da. Henry Taylor Kicrstcd; ch. : Mrs. T. K. Benton, Mrs. W. C. Bcnon, Anna. d. Nov. 29, 73, N. Y. C. Solomon S. Rclyea,* (CLERG.) A. B.. 46; A. It, 49. s. Jeremiah and Deborah (La Fevre) Rel- yea. b. Plattekill. N. Y.; Colby Univ.; Colgate I'niv. T. S.; Rapt, min., Harlem, X. Y.; Cazenovia. N. Y. ; teach., Liberty, Miss., 57; in Clinton, La.; supt. of Bapt. Missions, McComb City. Miss.; m. 48. M.iry, da. Elijah Guion; ch. : Mary J., Susan, Spencer Cone. d. Jun. 4, 77, McComb City, Miss. 26 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1847 Samuel Stevens Sands,* (B.) A. B., 46. s. Austin Ledyard and Anne Lucretia (Hodge) Sands, b. N.Y.C., Nov. 18, 1827; A*; banker; mem. N. Y. Stock Exch. ; m. 52, Mary Emily, da. Benj. Aymar; ch.: Benj. Aymar, Ledyard, Samuel Stevens, Eliza Louisa, Mary Emily, Wm. Henry, Anna, Chas. Edwards, Robt. Cornell, Harold C., Katharine Aymar; bro.: Aus- tin L., 44. d. Jul. 24, 92, Hughs onville, N. Y. George Ingraham Seney,* (B.) A. B., 46; A. M., 66, Wesleyan Univ. s. Rev. Robt. Seney, b. Newtown, N. Y., May 12, 1826; Wesleyan Univ., 42-3; banker; pres. Met. Nat. Bank; trust. Wes- leyan Univ.; mgr. Miss. Soc. M. E. Ch.; organized E. Tenn., Va. & Ga. R. R. Co.; mgr. constr. N. Y., Chicago & St. Louis R.Tt.; founder Seney Hosp., Bkln., N.Y.; m. 49, Phoebe A., da. Saml. Mosier; ch.: Robt. L., Jane A., Eliza R., Albert , G., Gertrude, Geo. I., Jr., Frances T., Mary R., Nellie H., Kate. d. Apr. 7, 93, N. Y. C. Franklin Goldthwaite Sherrill,* (CLERG.) A. B., 46. b. Homer, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1826; Union T. S., 46-7, 48-50; ord. (Presb.), 50; s. s. Ceresco and Ripon, Wis., 50-3; s. s. (Cong.) Caledonia and Oak Creek, Wis., 53-8; Fulton, Wis., 58-61; Oak Creek, Wis., 61-4; w. c. Milwaukee, Wis., 64-5; s. s. Richmond, Mass., 65-7; California, Mo., 67-76; White City, Kan., 76-9; Car- bondale, Kan., 79-82; Louisville, Kan., 82-3. d. Jan. 15, 84, Louisville, Kan. Edward Delafield Smith,* (L.) A. B., 46; A. M., 49. A ; class poet; Corp. Counsel of City of N. Y.; U.S. Dist. Attv. for the So. Dist. of N. Y., 61-5; prof., Law Dept., N. Y. U., 71-6; publ. : Reports and Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas for the City and Co. of N. Y., Vol. I., 55; Vol. II., 56; Vol. III., 58; Vol. IV., 59; bro.: Augustus F., 39; son: Harold M., 74. d. Apr. 12, 78, Shrewsbury, N. J. Israel Bryant Smith,* (CLERG.) A. B., 46; A. M., 49. b. Huntington, N. Y., Sep. 12, 1822; Union T. S., 46-9; ord. (Presb.), 51; s. s. E. Hampton, N. Y., 49-50; Fresh Pond, N. Y., 51-6; Mt. Pleasant and Uniondale, Pa., 57-60; Northport, N. Y., 60-72; Greenlawn, N. Y., 72-5. d. Jul. 6, 78, Greenlawn, N. Y. William Henry Talmage,* (L.) A. B., 46. s. Thos. G. and Dorothea (Miller) Tal- mage, b. N. Y. City, Jan. 25, 1S29; A -t>; shipping bus., Cal., 49; coal trade, N. Y. C, 57-; m. Sep. 27, 53, Isabella William- son, da. Jesse Carothers; ch. : Chas. H., Augustus C, Mary W., Jessie C, Belle N., Annie V. P. d. May 16, 73, Bkln., N. Y. William Clarke Ulyat, (ED.) A. B., 46; A. M„ 49. s. Wm. and Eliz. Ann (Clarke) Ulyat, b. Lincolnshire, Eng., Jan. 15, 1823; commenc. orat. ; ed. of Eucleian; Union T. S., 46-9; Univ. Med. Dept., 46-9; Princ. T. S., 50-2; p. Princeton, N. J., 50-3; Norwalk, Ct., 53-5; Hudson, N. Y., 59-61 ; ed. and associate, Princeton Press, for 18 yrs. ; asst. libra., Princ. T. S., for 8 yrs. ; an ed. of Christian Re- view, 56; publ.: Hist. South Bapt. Ch., Nassau St., N. Y. C, in N. Y. Chronicle. 49; Centennial City, N. Y., 76; Life at the Seashore, Princeton, 80; Paul Tu- lane, Wm. Corcoran, Pres. Patton, Cen- tennial of Gen. Assembly, and Log Cabin Celebration in Harper's Weekly, 77-9; correspond, and articles for various pa- pers; m. Dec. 22, 68, Mary Stryken, da. James Ewing Leigh; ch. : Susannah, Bessie Cook, Wm. Leigh. Princeton, N. J. Walter M. Underhill,* (L.) A. B., 46; A. M., 49. A*. d. 75- Jordan Wright Williams,* 46. A. B A*. d. 50, Baltimore, Md. (32) 1847 Matthias Banta,* (L.) A. B., 47. *T; lawyer, N. Y. C. d. Mar. 5, 95, Mamaroneck, N. Y. John Eliot Benton,* (CLERG.) A. B., 47. b. Guilford, Ct., Oct. 25, 1820; 2*; Union T. S., 47-9; Yale T. S., 49-50; s. s. Sullivan St., N. Y. C, 50-2; Shasta, Cal., 52-3; Mission Dolores, San Francisco, Cal., 53-9; Folsom, Cal., 59-66; Dutch Flat, Cal., 67-9; ocs. and ed. Daily Transcript, Oakland, Cal., 69-88; post- master, same, 71-7; mem. Cal. Legisla- ture, 61-2, 65-6. d. Feb. 18, 88, Oakland, Cal. iS 47 ] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 27 William L. Brown,* A. B„ 47. studied law in Boston. Robert Campfield Chandler,* (EDUC.) A. 15., 47; A. M., 50. ♦ T: commenc. orat. ; teach., 45 White Plains, N. Y. d. 53. Hunt's Point, N. Y. C. Thomas Spencer Childs, (CLERG.) A. B. ( 47; A.M., 50; D. D., 62; B. D. s. Joshua and Susan (King) Childs, b. Springfield, Mass., Jan. 19, 1825; *T; valedict. ; math, prizes, 45-6; pres. of Eucleian; Princ. T. S., 47-51; ord. (Presb.), 52; org. and p. First Presb. t 1... Hartford, Ct., 52-66; p. Norwalk, Ct., 66-70; prof. Bibl. and eccles. hist., Hart- ford T. S., 71-9; prof, mental and moral sc., Univ. of Wooster, O., 80-2; p. Wash- ington, D. C, 82-90; Commr. to Presb. Gen. Assembly; in 90 united with Episc Ch. ; assoc. .rect., Trinity Ch., Washing- ton, D. C, 91-; first archdeac. of Wash- ington, 95-9; rect., Chew Chase, Wash- ington, D. C, 99-; first chapl. D. C. Soc. Sons Am. Revol., 92; mem. Comm. to Southern Ute Indians, 88; mem. Am. Hist. Soc; Am. Cieograph. Soc; publ.1 Heritage of Peace, N. Y.,68; Redemption, or Is Expiation a Fiction? 78; Claims of the Ministry (a prize essay), Phila., 85; The Lost Faith, Phila., 88; Difficulties of Scripture Tested by Laws of Evidence; Justification; The Hartford Ordination; Spiritual Life of the Church, 99; Voice of God to the Nation, 01; Christian Unity and Church Unity. 02; Consideration of Certain Indust. and Eccles. Questions, 04; m. (1) Mar. 7, 55, Mary E., da. Haynes Lord Porter, (2) Aug. 24. 64, Jane Law- rence, da. Benj. Perkins; ch. : Mary Lowrie, Fanny Graham. Alice Lee. Helen Porter, Thomas; rel. : R. P. Lowrie, 46. Chevy Chase, Washington, D.C. George F. Davenport,* (L.) A. B., 47; A. M.. 50. lawyer ami journalist; 153d 111. Vols. Inf.: inmate Natl. Soldiers' Home, Mil- waukee. d. Feb. 24, 98, Milzvaukee, W is. Stephen Sydney Goodman,* (CLERG.) A. B., '47. b. N. Y. C, 1822; Union T. S.. 47-50; ord. (Presb.), 51; s. s. lironklvn. NY.. 51-2; Oriskanv, X. Y.. 52-4; p. Mil ford, N. J.. 55-8: s. s. Unadilla, N. Y., 58-66; P. West Milford, N. J., 66-79; s. s. 79- 80. d. Dec. 16, 80, JVest Milford, N. J. John V. Goold, A. B., 47. George W. Gregory,* A. I'.., 47. d. Jersey City, N. L, 81. Robert P. Hamilton,* (M.'i A. P... 47. s. John C. and Maria E. Hamilton, b. N. Y. C, 1827; merchant. d. Spanish Honduras, 90. James Harris, A. II., 47. Francis L. Holbrook,* A. B., 47. s. Lowell and Angelina (Nelson) Hol- brook; A . d. Sep. 22, 04, Flushing, L. I., N. Y. Samuel Lockwood,* (CLERG.) A.R.. 47: A.M.. 50; Ph.D., 69. s. Wm. and Mary (Brockmer) Lock- b. Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, Eng., Jan. 20, 1819; *BK; T. S., EL D. 1 h .. 47-50; ord. (R. D.), 50; p. Court- landt, N. Y.; Gilboa, N.Y.; Keyport, N. J.J lecturer on nat. sciences, Rutgers Coll.; pres. N.J. State Microscop. Soc, 79; pres. Am. Postal Microscop. Club, 82; pres. U.S. Hayfever Assn., 87-91; pres. N.J. Council of Educ, 91-2; supt. public instr., Monmouth Co., N. J., 67-94; hon. mem. Soc. Beige de Microscopie; mem. N. J., Microscop. Soc; hon. mem. N. Y. Microscop. Soc; fellow Am. Assn. for Advanc ; assoc. mem. of OrnitboL Union; allotment commr. for N.J. sol- diers; publ.: The Am. Oyster, Trenton, N. J., 83; Animal Memoirs (2 vols.), N. Y., 88; many monographs in natural sc, 67-92; m. Apr. 6, 47, Eliz., da. Jn. Roda- mer; ch. : Ferris Crosby, Annie, Eliza- beth, Saml. Alex Van Franken, Georgia Brockmer, Enison Diedrich. d. Jan. 9, 94, Freehold. X. J. William Herbert Lockwood,* (CLERG.) A. B.. 47: A. M.. 50. b. V Y. ('.. Sep. 2, 1824; *Tj Union T. S., 47-50; ord. (Presb.). 50; s. s. and p. Countrvville. N. Y.. 51-7: s. s. Lowville, N, Y.. 57-64; Eau Claire, Wis.. 64-88; ret. in 89; m. ; ch. : a son and a daughter. d. Aug. 22, 97, Eau Claire, Wis. John Laurie Martin,* A 1!.. 47. I *; in bus. with Nelson G. Hunt & Co.; bros.: Wm. R., 45; Howard A., 54. d. 49. 28 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1847 Charles Carroll Moore,* A. B., 47. ■*T; commenc. orat. ; asst. postmaster, San Francisco, Cal., 49-53; bro. : Geo. H., 42; son: Chas. C, 86. d. Jul. 3, 02, Savannah, Ga. Edward Peet,* (EDUC.) A. B., 47; A. M., 50. s. Harvey Prindle, LL. D., and Margaret Maria (Lewis) Peet, b. Hartford, Ct, May 28, 1826; Yale Coll., 43-4; N. Y. U., 44-7; 2*; Union T. S. ; prof, in N. Y. Inst, for Instruct, of Deaf and Dumb, 48-62; mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc; publ.: A Method of Teaching Arithmetic to the Deaf; m. Jul. 20, 53, Huldah Eliz., da. Richd. Ensign; ch. : Theodore, Margaret Ensign, Lewis; bro.: Isaac Lewis (non- grad.). d. 62, N. Y. C. Wilson Phraner, (CLERG.) A. B., 47; A.M.; D. D., 76. s. Gasper and Ruth (Carpenter) Phraner, b. Jamaica, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1822; Univ. Gram. Sch. ; N. Y. U., 43-7; S 4>; math, prizes in fresh, and soph. yrs. ; Greek orat. at commenc; Union T. S., 47-50; United Presb. Sem., Edinburgh, Scot.; ord. (Presb.); p. Ossining, N. Y., 51-86; pres. Elmira Coll., 89-90; assoc. p. East Orange, N. J.; m. (1) Aug. 28, 50, Blandina B., da. Stephen Smith, (2) Aug. 20, 89, Sarah M. Van Vleck; ch.: Wilson S., Francis S., Stanley K., Blan- dina B.; neph.: Wm. H., 60. 31 Lenox Ave., E. Orange, N. J. James McClure Piatt,* (CLERG.) A. B., 47; A. M., 50. s. Isaac Watts and Anna (McClure) Piatt, b. Athens, Pa., Dec. 31, 1826; 2 ; Princ. T. S., 50-3; tutor. Edge Hill Sch., Princeton, N. J., 47-8; West Jersey Col- leg. Inst., Mt. Holly, N. J., 48-50; p. Zanesville, O., 53-67; Leetsdale, Pa., 67-9; Bath, N. Y., 69-84; publ: Hist. Ser- mons on First Church, Zanesville, O. ; ed. " Truth in Love," a vol. of sermons by J. D. Smith, D. D. ; m. Mar. 30, 54, Frances E., da. Dr. Hirassa Upson. d. Apr. 14, 84, Bath, N. Y. Wright E. Post, A. B., 47; A. M., 50. 2*. Paris, France. Sanford Washburn Roe, (CLERG.) A. B., 47; D. D., 73; A.M., Union Univ. s. Thos. B. and Ann Eliza (Washburn) Roe, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1826; Peekskill Acad.; N. Y. U., 44-7; Union T. S., 48-51; ord. (Presb.), 52; s. s. N. Bergen, N. J., 51-2; p. Cairo, N. Y., 52- 60; Jamestown, N. Y., 60-6; p. (R. D.) Germantown, N. Y., 66-8; Middleburgh, N. Y., 70-6; Lebanon, N. J., 76-83; s. s. (Presb.) Cairo, N. Y., 83-9; p. (R. D.) Plattekill, N. Y., 92-; m. 50, Mary L., da. C. L. Clarkson; ch: one son. Cairo, N. Y. John Sedgwick,* (L.) A. B., 47. b. N. Y. C, Jun. 22, 1829; *T; #BK; commenc. orat.; law stud., 47-50; asst. dist. atty., N. Y. C, 56-9; law partner- ship with F. N. Bangs, 45; assoc. judge, 71-80, and chief judge Superior Court N. Y. C, 80-; passed into Supreme Court when Superior Court was changed into same in 94; m. Apr. 30 Harriet, da. Rev. H. Hunter; ch. : three. d. Sep. 11, 07, Norfolk, Conn. Melancthon White Starr,* A. B., 47. *"T; commenc. orat.; med. stud., N. Y.C., 47-9; Adams Express Co., San Fran- cisco, Cal.. 49-51 and 52, and in N. Y. G, 51-2. d. Jul, 52, San Francisco, Cal. Sumner R. Stone, (M.) A. B., 47. s. Sumner and Eliz. B. (Week) Stone, b. Newark, N. J., Sep. 8, 1828; Chesholm and Whitstrome's Sch., Bkln., N. Y.; N. Y. U., 44-7; merchant; m. Oct. 12, 59, Mary M., da. Ayeres Hitchcock; ch. : three daughters. 155 W. 58 St., N. Y. C. James Renwick Thompson, (CLERG.) A. B., 47; D. D., 92, Univ. of Omaha. s. Wm. and Jane (Lawther) Thompson b. Newburgh, N. Y., Sep. 22, 1824; New- burgh Acad.; N. Y. U., 44-7; Ref. Presb. T. S., Cinn., O., and Northwood, O. 49-52; teach., Bkln. and Newburgh; p Westminster Ref. Presb. Ch., Newburgh. N,Y., 55-; mod. Ref. Presb. Synod of 77; cor. sec. Newburgh Bible Soc; m. Jun. 1, 58, Mary Frances, da. Jn. Law son; ch. : Annie Lawson, Jennie Lawther Max Francis, Jas. Renwick. Neivburgh, N. Y. James Uglow, Jr.,* (PHYS.) A. B., 47; A. M., 50; M. D., 51, Coll. Phys. and Surg, b. N. Y. C, 1827; Weslevan Univ., 43-4; Coll. P. and S., N. Y. C, 49-51; drug- gist, N. Y. C, 50-3; phys., 54-64; Union T. S., 54-7; surg. of vols, in Civil War. d. Mar. 27, 65, Beaufort, S. C. i8 4 8] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 29 John Gorham Vose, (L.) A. B., 47; A. M, 50. s. Reuben and Sarah l'enno (Hunting) Vose, b. Boston, Mass., Mar. 18, 1830; A4»; lawyer, N. Y. C; m. May 10, 55, Myra Raymond, da. Andrew Haxtun; ch. : Flora L., Raymond II., Myra II., Louise Gorham. d. 74, Atlantic City, N.J. Elijah Catlin Wadhams,* (i;.) A. B., 47; A.M., 50. s. Saml. and Clorinda Starr (Catlin) Wadhams, b. Jul. 17, 1825, Plymouth, Pa.; Dickinson College, Pa.; A*j mer- chant and coal dealer, Plymouth. Pa.; State Senate, Pa., 76; dir. Wyoming Natl. Bk. and pres. 1st Natl. Bk., Wilkes Barre, Pa.; m. Oct. 7, 51, Esther T.. ,1a. Saml. Trench; ch.: Saml. P.. Moses W., Ralph H., Ellen H., Cornelia F., Stella C, Lydia F. d. Jan. 18, 89, Wilkes Barre, Pa. William S. Wetmore,* A. T... 47; A. M.. ~2. b. Feb. 26, 1827; 2*; engaged in busi- ness in China. Abraham Sylvester Gardiner,* Sp. Dip., 47; A. M., 52. s. Jn. D. and Mary (L'Hommedieu) Gardiner, b. Sag Harbor, N. Y., Jul. 19 1824: $&K; 2 +; adm. Supreme Court N. Y., 48; ord. (Presb.), 51; p. Presb. Ch., 51-89; s. s. Roscoe, S. D., 89; ir tr., Rochford, 111., 90; publ.: The Revo lution, Washington and the Constitution many poems and religious articles; m Dec. 18, 50, Caroline Frances, da Roger Williams; ch.: Maria L'Homme dieu, Julia Evangeline, Irving L'Homme dieu. d. Apr. 15, 92, Sag Harbor, N. Y. (30) 1848 William Pratt Barker,* (CLERG.) A. B., 48. b. South Wales. N. Y., Feb. 18, 1822; Union T. S.. 48-51; N. Y. Med. Coll., 51-3; ord. (Presb.), 53; mi.. 70. s. Dr. Thos. E. Bond, b. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 16, 1828; *T; adm. Baltimor judge Criminal Court and U. S. Circuit Court of 4th Judicial Disk, 70-93; m. Miss Penniman; ch. : Nicholas Penni- man, Hugh Lennox. Summerfield Berry; neph.: Lemuel Skidmorc, 61. d. Oct. 24, 93, Baltimore, Md. George Bradish,* (CO.) A. B., 48; A. M.. 51. s. Geo. and Lucretia Olivia (Benjamin) Bradish, b. Magnolia Plantation, Plaque- mine, La.. Mar. 3, 1827; A*; sec. Philo- math.; farmer; pres. Aerated Bread Co.; pres. W. Va. Transport. Co.. 67-95; mem. Sanitary Coram., 64, in \'a. ; priv. U.S.A.; m. Nov. 20, 51, Eliz. S., da. Francis U. Johnston; ch. : Geo. Johnston, Amy. d. 'May 7, 95, N. Y. C. Charles Mortimer Catlin,* A. B., 48; A. M., 51. bro.: N. W. S., 48. d. 71. Nicholas William Stuyvesant Catlin,* A. B., 48. marine ins.; mem. Union and Century Clubs; Am. Geograph. Soc. ; Am. Pine Arts Soc; St. Nicholas Soc; vestry- man, St. Mark's Ch. in the Bowery; bro.: Chas. M., 48. ; Coll. P. and S., N. Y., 49-52; prnct. mod.. Bkln., to 82; vis. phys. to L. I. Coll. Hosp. d. Dec. 12, 82, Bkln.. .V. Y. George Hayward Ehvell,* A B .. 48; A. M., 51. d. in Texas. John E. Howell,* (L.) A. B., 48. 3Q NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Edward Augustus Keene,* A. B., 48. Smith Edward Lane, (L.) A. B., 48; A. M., 51. s. Smith and Susan (Fardon) Lane, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 22, 1829; N. Y. U., 44-8; A4>; adm. N. Y. Bar, 52; commr. of Parks, N. Y. C, 78-83; commr. Williams- burg Bridge, N. Y. C, 98-02; mem. Coun- cil, N. Y. U., 75-89; life mem. of N. Y. Hist. Soc; pres. N. Y. U. Hist. Soc, 03, 04, 05; cor. mem. of "La Academia Nacional de la Historia," Venezuela; life mem. St. Nicholas Soc. of N. Y. C; Century Club; Union Club; Sons of Revol. ; Soc. of Colonial Wars; Knight Command, of Order of " El Busto del Libertador " of Venezuela, 89 (also of- ficer, do., 87), conferred by Pres. of Venezuela by and with the advice and consent of Federal Council for services rendered to that country. P. O. Box 854, N. Y. C. lames Armour Moore La Tou- rette,* (CLERG.) A. B., 48; A.M., 51. b. N. Y. C, Mar. 23, 1825; *T; Princ. T. S., 48-51; ord. (R. D.), 51; p. Hugue- not Ch., Westfield, S. I., N. Y., 51-5; ord. (Episc), 55; priest, 56; rect., St. Paul's Ch., Columbus, O., 55-7; Ch. of the Atonement, Cinn., O., and Trinity Ch., Potsdam, N. Y., 57-65; chapl. U.S.A., Governor's Isl., N. Y. C, 65-7; Ft. Gar- land, Col., 67-70; Ft. Lyon, Cal., 70-77; Ft. Union, N. M., 77-89; retired, 90; m. Jul. 25, 91, Annie Margaret, da. Wm. Annesley. d. Sep. 23, 91, Indianapolis, Ind. John Hall Moss/ A. B., 48. s. Wm. P. and Leah (Demarest) Moss, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 21, 1829; pres. Philo- math.; teach, in 8th and 12th Ward schs., 49-51; mgr. and contractor tunnel work, 51-9, 63-5, 71-3, 82-3, 88-94; mgr. Harlem Gas Light Co., 88; treas. In- gersoll, Sargeant Drill Co.; m. May 5, 53, Charlotte, da. Tohn Rutter; ch.: Thomas Rutter, John Hall, Wm. Polden, Grace Demarest. d. May 28, 02, N. Y. C. Samuel B. Nicoll * (PHYS.) A. B., 48; A. M., 51, M. D., 52, Coll. Phys. and Surg. b. Jun., 1825; A*; Coll. P. and S., 49- 52; adm. bar, 58; supervisor, Shelter Id. Town, 66-80; do., and chairman Bd. of Supervisors, 90-1; bro.: Wm. C, 50. d. Ian. 4, 99, Shelter Id., N. Y. John Edward Parsons, (L.) A. B., 48; A.M., 51; A.M., 51, Yale Univ. s. Edward Lambe and Matilda (Clark) Parsons, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 24, 1829; Berrians Sch., Rye, N. Y.; 2*; Eng. salut.; pres. Philomath.; mem. Council, N. Y. U., 65-98; pres. N. Y. Bar Assn.; pres. Woman's Hosp., S. N. Y. ; pres. Gen. Memorial Hosp. ; pres. City Reform Club; pres. Cooper Union, N. Y. C. ; pres. Bd. of Trustees, Brick Presb. Ch.; m. (1) Nov. 5, 56, Mary D., da. Bowes Reed Mcllvaine, (2) Mar. 12, 01, Flor- ence Van Cortlandt Bishop, da. Benj. N. Field; ch.: Mary, Edith, Helen R., Her- bert, Gertrude, Constance. 52 William St., N. Y. C. Samuel Wallace Phelps/ A. B., 48. s. Saml. Merrick and Eliza (Wallace) Phelps, b. Ridgefield, Ct., Sep. 10, 1820; ♦ T; Latin salut.; math, prize; Union T. S.; miss, and supply at Lee Centre, 111., 52-4; ord. (Cong.), 55; p. Lee Centre, 54-68; agt. Am. Miss. Assn., Chicago, 111., 72-5; m. Aug. 20, 51, Caro- line M., da. Wm. H. Thompson; ch.: Charles, Wallace, Cora, Marian. d. Jan. 1, 05. John Smith Rice,* A. B., 48. d. 82, N. Y. C. John Newton Rogers,* (L.) A. B., 48; A.M., 51; LL. D., 79. 2 <*>; math, prizes, 45-6-7; valedict.; Law Sch., Ballston Spa, N. Y., 52; adm. bar, Mass., 52; do., N. Y., 52; do., Iowa, 57,' Iowa Legislature, 55; city atty., Davenport, Iowa, 73; prof, of const. law, State Univ. of Iowa, 76; judge 7th Judic. Dist. of Iowa, 87; pres. Bd. of Educ, Davenport, Iowa; m. May 12, 57, Mary Norman, da. Rev. Ferdinand H. Van Derveer, D. D. ; ch. : Ferdinand. d. May 22, 87, Davenport, Ioiva. James Sinclair,* (CLERG.) A. B., 48; A. M., 51. b. Lakeville, N. Y., 1823; 2*; Union T. S., 48-51; ord. (Presb.), 51; s. s. and p. Cutchogue, N. Y., 51-61; s. s. Boiling Spring, N. J., 61-2; Croton Falls, N. Y., 62-4; w. c. Harlem, N. Y., 64-5; p. Smith- town, N. Y., 65-82; m. Jun. 18. 51, Em- meline Wickham, da. Elisha Corwin. d. Feb. 6, 83, Smithtown, N. Y. John D, Stewart,* A. B., 48. d. 78, Baltimore, Md. i8 4 9] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Andrew Edward Suffern,* ( I..' A. B., 48; A. M., 51. s. Edward and Jane (Cassedy) SufTern, b. Suffern, N. Y.. Dec. 4, 1827; Ballston Spa Law Sch., 49-SO; dist. atty., Rock- land Co., 53-60; judge of Rockland Co., 60-81; Chief Commiss. of Appeals, Grand Lodge F. A. A. M.. S. X. Y., 76-81; m. Sep. 21, 53, Mary J., da. Stephen; ch. : Charles Carroll, Katharine Ward, Jeanne Cassedy; cous.: Geo. W. Cassedy, 42. d. Mar. 16, 81, Havcrstraw, N. Y. Jeremiah B. Taylor,* (CLERG.) A. B., 48. Nathan Trowbridge,* A. B., 48. d. 66. William Edward Vermilye,* I I II VS.) A. B., 48; A. M., 51; M. D., 52, Coll. Phys. and Surg.; A. B. (hon.) and A. M. (h,.n.). Williams Coll. s. W'm. Montgomery and Hester A. (de Riemer) Yermilye, b. N. Y. C, Jan. 6, 1828; Williams Coll.. 44-7; N. Y. U., 47- 8; 2; Coll. P. and S., 48-52; phys., North Diss., N.Y.C.; exam. phys.. Guard- ian Life Ins. Co.; surg. 37th Regt. N. <;.. S. N. Y.; pract. med., N. Y. C, 56-71; Pittsfield, Mass., 71-84; 1st lieut. 10 yrs. in 7th Regt., N. Y. C. ; m. Jan. 14, 58, Julia E., da. Carey Murdock; ch. : Fred- eric Montgomery; cous. : Ashbel G., 40. d. Feb. 2, 88, Flushing, N. Y. George Spafford Woodhull, (CLERG.) A. B., 48; A.M., 51; D. D., 89. s. Wm. and Phebe (Carl) Woodhull, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 25. 1829; N. Y. U. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 44-8; Z*; Greek salut. ; pres. Eucleian; Union T.S.. 49-50; Prince- ton I . S.. 50-2: ord. (Presb.), 53; p. Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.. 53-61; chapl. 4th Va. Inf., 61-4; s. s. (Cong.) Tinmouth, \"t., 65-8; Cambridge, Wis., 69-71; prin. sch., Flemington, N. L. 71-4; p. (Presb.), Mar- inette. Wis., 75-83; E. Saginaw. Mich., 83-8; MarMte. Mich., and s. s. Flvnn, Mich., 89-92; evang.. E. Saginaw. Mich., 93-J stated clerk, Presb'ies Greenbrier, Lake Superior, and Flint; coramr, to six Gen. Assemblies; mem. Soldiers and Sail- ors Relief Comm., Saginaw; of the Bd. of Educ. do.; agt. State Rd. Corrections and Charities. Mich.: m. Oct. 25, 55, Eliz. D., da. Moses Martin; ch.: Tulia, Rev. Geo. E., Caroline J., Phebe A. ■ .V. Washington Ave.. Saginaw, Mich. Francis Markoe Wright,* (PHYS.) A. IS., 48; A. M., 51; M. D., 11. Phys. and Surg. s. Jas. and Sarah Caldwell ( Markoe) Wright, b. N. Y. C, May 8, 1830; Coll. P. and S., 50-4; asst. phys. to Utica In- sane Asyl., 59-62; surg. U. S. A., 2d N. Y. Mounted Rifles in Civil War; prac- ticed med., Englewood, N. J., 65-74. ; practised law, N. Y. C. d. 82. John Moon Skillman,* (C.) A. B., 49. s. jn. and Catharine (Newberry) Skill- man, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. 29, 1831; Bkln. priv. sch. ; N.Y.U., 45-9; a founder of Z*; vol. U. S. N., 61-5; with Jn. B. Kiu-hing & Co.; bus. in South. d. Jul. 13, 65, Mobile Bay, Ala. John Bradt Yates Sommers,* (L.) A. B., 49; A. M., 52. s. Rev. Chas. G., D. D., and Sarah L. (Skelding) Sommers, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 15, 1829; N. Y. U., 45-9; a founder of Z*; mem. law firm Binlseye, Kirkland & Sommers; teach., Young Ladies' Sem., Mobile, Ala., two yrs. ; Master of Adephic Masonic Lodge; Deputy Grand Master, S. N. Y.; m. Oct. 5, 59, Emma A. Heath; ch. : Fred. Skelding, Hy. Cantine. d. Nov. 23, 63, N. Y. C. Walter A. Stirling,* (CLERG.) A. B., 49; A.M., 54. s. Walter and Jessie (Peebles) Stirling, b. Edinburgh, Scot., Tan. 10, 1828; prize essayist on Greek tragedy; sec. Eucleian; General T. S.. N. Y. C.', 51-4; ord. (P. E.), 54; prin. Gray Sch., New- ark, N. T.. 49-51; rect. St. John's Ch., Copake, N. Y., 55; Patchogue, L. I., 56- 8; Madison St. Ch., N. Y.. 58-72; pres. Bd. of Trust, of St. Thomas' Ch., Bkln.. 72-92; sec. Bd. of Dir., Home Relief Assn.. 79-90; chapl. Metr. Brig., N. Y. C, 62; bro.: Thomas A., 44. Charles Van Buren, A. B., 49; A. M. X *. A. Vanderbilt, A. B., 49. Acmon Pulaski Van Gieson,* (CLERG.) A. B., 49; D. D., 72, Rutgers Coll. s. Ira and Sarah (Thompson) Van Gie- son. b. West Bloomfiekl. X. T.. fan. 13, 1830; *T; Eng. salut.; New Brunswick T. S., 49-52; p. (R. D.) Catskill, N. V., 52-5; Brooklyn, N. Y., 55-9; Claverack, 59-65; Greenpoint, L. I., 65-7; Pough- keepsie, N. Y., 67-. d. Apr. 19, 06, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Theodore Frelinghuysen White, (CLERG.) A. B., 49; D. D., 70, Marys- ville Coll., Tenn. s. Henry and Esther (Brockctt) White, b. X. Y. C, Jul. 11, 1830; Cornelius Inst., N. Y.j N. Y. U., 45-9; philos. orat.; three math, prizes; Union T. S., 49-53; ord. (Presb.), 54; s. s. Greenville, X. if., 54; p. Mendham, N. J., 53-6; Ch. of the Puritans, X. V. C, 60-1; evang., Jersey City, 61-3; p. Delhi, N. Y., 63-5; Ithaca, N. Y., 65-77; evang., Morristown, X. J., 77-83; p. and p. emer. Summit, N. 1., 83-; brig, chapl. G. A. R., 75-7, with rank of capt.; m. Oct. 12, 58, Evelina B., da. Israel B. Losey; ch. : Henry, Theodore F., Jr., Mary Ogden, Saml. L., Wm. Wisner, Chas. Dunning, Benj. U., Israel Albert, Esther Brockett; bro.: Henry, 51. Summit, N. J. Frederick Whitney Williams,* (CLERG.) A. 1'... 49; A. ML 54. b. Kingston, N. T., Jul. 22, 1829; Union T. S., 49-52; ord. (Cong.), 54; p. New Canaan, Ct., 54-61; trav., Europe, 61; s. s. Orient, N. Y., 62; Black Rock, Ct., 63-70; in Europe, 71-5. d. Apr. 3, 75, Rome, Italy. William Brown Winterton, (L.) A. B., 49; A. M., 52. s. Wm. and Mary (Webb) Winterton, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 1, 1823; m. Jun. 8, 69, Helen, da. Samuel Gilpin. 191 IV. 79th St., N. Y. C. (27) 1850 Benjamin Vaughan Abbott.* (L.) A. B., SO; A.M., 53; LL. B., 52, Harvard Law Sch. s. Jacob and Harriet (Vaughan) Abbott, b. Boston, Mass., Jun. 4. 1830; Harvard Law Sch., 51-2: adrn. bar, N. Y.. 52; Publ.: United States and Their Prac- tice. X. V.. 2 vols,, 69-71; Reports. U.S. Circuit and District Courts. 65-71, Chi- cago, 2 vols., 70-1; Digest of the Re- and Statutes of Ind., Chicago. 71; Diet of Terms and Phrases Used in Amer. or Eng. Jurisprudence, Boston, 2 vols., 70; Judge an.l Jury. X. Y., 80; Year Hook of Jurisprudence, Boston, 80; Travelling Law-School and Famous Trials. Boston, 84; Patent Law of All Nations, Washington, 2 vols.. 86; edited Addison on Contracts; Brodurs Am. and Eng. Patent Cases. Vols. 1-3; U. S. Digest, first series; U. S. Digest, new series, vols. 1-9; m. 53, Eliz., da. John 34 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1850 Titcomb; ch. : Arthur Vaughan, Edwin Dane, Alice Dane, Florence Vaughan; bros.: Austin, 51; Lyman, S3; Edward, 60. d. Feb. J, , 90, Bkln., N. Y. Richard S. Amerman, (CLERG.) A. B., 50; A. M. s. Oliver B. and Eliza G. Amerman, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., May 23, 1829; N. Y. U., 47-50; teach.; lawyer; minister; m. Oct. 11, 54, Matilda K., da. Jas. B. Oakley; ch.: Leonard W., Frances Louise, Wm. James, Harriet Whitlock. 152 W. I22d St., N. Y. C. Henry Martyn Baird, (CLERG., EDUC.) A. B., 50; A.M., 54; Ph.D., 67, Princ. Univ.; D. D., 77, Rutgers Coll.; LL. D., 82, Princ. Univ.; L. H. D., Princ. Univ. s. Rev. Robt., D. D., and Fermine Ophe- lia Amaryllis (Du Buisson) Baird, b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 17, 1832; Forest & Wyckoff's Sch.; N. Y. U, 46-50; AT (hon.); $BK; valedict. ; sec. and v. p. Eucleian; Univ. of Athens, 51-2; Union T. S., N. Y., 53-5; Princ. T. S., 55-9; ord. (Presb.), 66; tutor, Princ. Coll., 55-9; prof. Greek lang. and lit., N. Y. U., 59-02; emer. prof, do., 02-; dean, University College, N. Y. U, 92-; cor. sec. of Am. and Foreign Christian Union, 73-84; first v. p. Am. Soc. Ch. Hist.; pres. Yonkers Hist. Soc; mem. Comite (Bd.) of Soc. de l'Hist. du Prot. Fran- cois; mem. Am. Phil. Soc; Am. Hist. Assn.; Am. Soc. Ch. Hist.; cor. mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc; Harvard Hist. Soc; Mass. Hist. Soc; hon. mem. Huguenot Soc. of Am. and of Westchester Hist. Soc. ; hon. fellow Huguenot Soc. of London; publ. Modern Greece, N. Y., 56; Life of the Rev. Robert Baird, D. D., N. Y., 66; Hist, of the Rise of the Huguenots of France, N. Y. (London, 80), 2 vols., 79; The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre, N. Y. and London, 2 vols., 86; The Huguenots and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, N. Y., 2 vols., 95; Theodore Beza; Heroes of the Reformation, N. Y. and Lond., 99; and numerous arch, and hist, mono- graphs, 51-98; m. Aug. 15, 60, Susan E., da. Anson Baldwin; ch.: Armenia Palmer, Fermine Du Buisson (Hawley), Julia Flagg (Chamberlin), Susan Bald- win, Henry Martyn, jr., Margaret (Brown); bros. : Charles W., 48; William C, 63; son: Henry M., Jr., 91; neph.: Robert, 90 (non-grad.). 219 Palisade Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. George Mancius Smedes Blati- velt, (CLERG.) A. B., 50; A.M., 58. s. Wm. Warren and Anna Maria (Hut- ton) Blauvelt, b. Lamington, N. T., Dec. 8, 1832; Morristown Acad. (N.J.); N. Y. U, 46-50; librn. of Philomath.; Princ. T. S., 50-3; ord. (Presb.), 53; p. Ches- ter, N. J., 53-6; Racine, Wis., 56-9; Lyons Farms, N. J., 59-64; p. (R. D.) Tappan, N. Y., 64-82; Easton, Pa., 82-9; Franklin Park, N. J., 90-; m. (1) Sep., 59, Sarah, da. Obadiah Holmes, (2) Sep., 66, Jane E., da. Hy. Hedges; ch. : Frank Holmes, Wm. Hutton, Mary Hedges, Anna Gertrude, Eliz. Hedges. Roselle, N. J. Elias Levi Boing, (CLERG.) A. B., 50. b. N. Y. C, Oct. 31, 1824; 2*; Union T. S., 50-3; ord. (Presb.), 53; miss, to Choctaw Indians, Indian T. ; s. s. (Cong.) Almont, Mich., 55-6; (Presb.) Dur- ham, N. Y., 56-64; p. Angelica, N. Y. 64-8; agt. of New Sch. Comm. on Ch. Erection, 68-9; finan. agt., Maryville Coll., 69-71; p. Federalsburgh, Md., 71-9; Durham, N. Y., 79-85; m. Aug. 30, 53, Anna M. Stiles. d. Oct. 27, 92, Green Village, N. J. Charles Arms Budd,* (PHYS.) A. B., 50; M. D., 52; A. M., 53, Trinity Coll. s. Bern. W. and Caroline Elvira (Reyn- olds) Budd, b. N. Y. C, Jan. 16, 1831; A*; N. Y. U. Med. Dept., 50-2; surg. on packet bet. N. Y. and Liverpool, 52-3; res. phys., Cholera Hosp., N. Y. C, 53-4; adj. prof, obst., N. Y. Med. Coll., 60-4; prof. obst. and of dis. of children, do., 64-5; prof. obst. and dis. of women and children, N. Y. U. Med. Dept., 65- 76; emer. prof, do., 76-7; phys. to Mt. Sinai Hosp., 65-77; Charity (now City) Hosp., 66-77; visiting phys. to Bellevue Hosp., 75-7; cons. phys. to N. Y. S. Woman's Hosp.; mem. N. Y. Acad, of Med.; N. Y. Co. Med. Soc; Jour. Assn.; pres. N. Y. Obst. Soc; m. Nov. 19, 61, Mary Eliza, da. Richd. Pennell, M. D. d. May 17, 77, N. Y. C. William Henrie Carter, (CLERG.) A. B., 50; A.M., 53; Ph.D., 69; LL. D., 65, Univ. of Vincennes, Ind.; D. D., 69, Univ. of Ind. s. Jos. and Sarah (Whaley) Carter, b. Utica, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1829; Isaac F. Bragg's Sch., N. Y. C; N. Y. U, 47-50; Z ty; commenc orat. ; T. S., Alexandria, Va., 50-1; Gen. T. S., N. Y. C, 51-3; ord. (P. E.), 53; rect., Vernon, N. J., 53-9; prin. Orange Co. Inst.; rect., Vin- cennes, Ind., 59-69; sec. Dioc of Ind., 65-9; prof. Latin, Vincennes Univ.; dep. to Gen. Convention, 68; rect., Bloomfield, N. J., 69-72; Passaic, N. J., 72-7; exam- ining chapl., Dioc. of N. J. ; miss., Hali- fax and Indian River. Fla., 77-9; rect., Tallahassee, Fla., 79-; deputy to Gen. Conv., 80-3-6; exam, chapl. of Dioc of Fla.; archdeacon, Middle Fla., 82-5; prof., W. Fla. Sem., 83; mem. Bd. of Missions, Fla., 81 ; chapl. State In- sane Asyl. ; pres. Univ. Libry, Tallahas- see, 81; chapl. Ho. of Rep., Fla., 89; in iS 5 o] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 35 charge of church for colored people, Tallahassee, Fla. ; chrmn.. Court Array, Dioc. of Fla.; chapl. 60th Ind. Vols., 62-3; m. Aug. 16, 53, Harriet Alice, da. Tenas Hyde; ch. : Sarah Alice, Arthur H., Wm. Whaley. Tallahassee, Tla. Robert Frary Gute, 51 (CLERG.) A. B., 50; A. M., 53; D. D., 60, St. Mary's Coll., Miss.; D. D. and L.L. 1)., 69, St. John's Coll., La. s. Jacob Douw and Ann Van Brunt (Mc- Carty) Clute, 1.. X. Y. C. Oct. 23, 1829; N. Y. U.. 48-50; Z*; Alexandria, \'a., T. S., 50-3; teach, about 10 yrs.; prof. mor. and intell. philos., Rosegate's Coll., Oklahoma, Miss.; pres. Coll. of Holy St. John 2 years; life mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc. ; publ.: Annuals and Registers of Sunday Schools of Thomas and Denis Parishes, S. C. ; m. Dec. 22, 56, Diana, da. John Hardin; ch.: Rosalie Wilmot, Robt. Neth- erton, VVm. Green, Maude Livingston, Carlos Goodrich, Lilian, Gertrude Ogden, Geo. Herbert, Florence Augusta, Hattie. d. Nov. 15, 92, Quantico, Aid. T. F. Cornell, Jr.* A. B., 50; A. M., 53. N. Y. U., 48-50. d. Jul. 31, S5. Francis M. Ferris,* (L.) A. B., 50; A.M., 53. A <1'; lawyer. d. N. Y. C. George Griswold Gray,* A. B.. 50; A. M., 55. N. Y. U., 46-50; unc: Geo. Griswold, 38. d. 75- Robert Halstead,* (M.) A. B.. 50; A. M., 54. s. Win. Mills and Sarah (Johnson) Hal- stead, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 23, 1829; A +; salesman in hook and dry goods bus.; mem. X. Y. Hist. Socj priv. in "th Rcgt. N. G., S. N. Y., 56-63. d. June 14, 93, N. Y. C. Isaac Hendricks,* A. B.. 50. s. Henry Hendricks; 2*; bro.: Arthur T., 69. d. Apr. 18, 87, N. Y. C. Isaac Leonard Kip, (PHYS.) A. B.. 50: A. It. 53; M.D., 54. N. Y. V., 47-50: A*; N. Y. U.. Dent., 51 N. Y. C „ Med. \; pract. med., 20 Nassau St., 448 Fifth Ave, N. Y. C. Robert Lowry, (CLERG.) A. B., 50. s. Jn. ami Maud Alicia (Rudd) Lowry, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 20, 1826; Univ. G. S.; N. Y. U., 46-50; *T; pres. Eucleian; General T. S., N. Y. C, 53-6; ord. deac, 53; priest, 54; rect., Greenbush, N. Y., 53-9; St M.irv's Ch., Mott Haven, N. Y., 59-62; chapl., De Camp U. S. Hosp., David's Id., N. Y., 62-6; asst. min., Trinity Ch., San Francisco, Cal., 67-9; rect., Trinity Ch., Elizabeth, N. T., 69-73; min., St. Thomas' Chapel, N. Y. C., 73-89; neph.: Jn. Lowry, Jr., 06. N. 4th Ave, Alt. Vernon, N. Y. Samuel Harvey Peet Meigs,* (EDUC.) A. B., 50; A. M., 53. s. Benj. Clark and Sarah Maria (Peet) Meigs, b. Ceylon, India, Aug. 9, 1828; N. Y. U., 46-50; Z *; pres. Philomath.; teach., N. Y. Gram. Sch. ; v. prin. and prin. of same; corporal N. G., S. N. Y.; m. 56, Margaret Allen, da. Hiram Engle; ch. : Walter, Florence, Jennie, Edith, Hattie. d. Alar. 29, 95, N. Y. C. David Magie Miller,* (CLERG.) A. B., 50; A.M., S3; B. D., 53, Princ. T. S. b. Elizabethtown, N. J., Jun. 12, 1827; Princ. T. S., 50-3; teach., Elizabethtown, N. J., 53; ord. (Presb.), 54; p. Bridge- • hampton, N. Y., 54. d. June 29, 54, Bridgchampton, N. Y. George Scudder Mott,* (CLERG.) A. B., 50; A.M., 53; D. D., 74, Princ. Univ. s. Lawrence S. and Christiana (Vail) Mott, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 28, 1829; Brigg's H. S.. N.Y.Cj N. Y. U., 47-50; 7.*; 4th hon. at commenc. ; pres. Eucleian ; Princ. T. S., 50-3; ord. (Presb.), 53; p. Rahway, N. J., 53-8; Newton, N. J., 59- 69; Flemington. N. J.. 69-95; lit. work, 95-01; dir. Lincoln Univ., 69; pres. Van Rensselaer Inst.. 71-82; v. p. N.J. Hist. Soc; pres. X. J. Sabbatb Union, 93-; pres. Am. Sab. Union; pres. N. T. Char- ities Aid Assn., 89-91; publ.: Prodigal Son, 63; Resurrection, 66; Perfect Law; do., transl. into Portuguese. 6S: Ili-t. Presb. Ch. of Flemington. X. .).. J Century of Hunterdon Co., 78; m. May 17, 54, Isabella, da. Jn. Acken: ch.: Law- rence S., Margaret, Mrs. Isabella Thorn- ton. d. Oct. 16, 01. E. Orange, N. J. William Cortland Nicoll* (BR.) A B . 50. s. S.iml. B. and Sarah (Payne) Nicoll. b. Flashing, X. Y.. Oct. 26, 1830; marine and fire underwriter; gen. ins. broker; 36 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1850 mem. St. Nicholas Soc, N. Y. ; major C. S. A., 61-5; adj. -gen., Pickett's staff; m. Sep. 1, 64, Eliza Clark, da. Alfred Lange; ch. : Sallie; bro.: S. B., 48. d. Aug. 20, 01. Aaron Burr Peffers, (CLERG.) A. B., 50. s. Jas. Bailey and Esther Burr (Jen- nings) Peffers, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 27, 1826; prep., Rev. J. J. Oscar Cornelius Inst.; N. Y. U., 46-50; Union T. S., 50-3; ord. (Cong.), 55; p. New Fairfield, Ct., 55-8; s. s. (Presb.) Carlton Centre, N. Y, 58- 60; p. (Cong.) Epsom, N. H., 60-5; N. Wrentham, Mass., 65-8; Schodack, N. Y., 69-73; Dracut, Mass., 74-5; Bark- hamsted, Ct., 77-80; Hillsboro, N. H., 81-4; Peru, Vt., 84-8; W. Hawley, Mass., 88-92; Douglass, Mass., 92-6; ret., 96; m. (1) Sep. 6, 55, Cornelia, da. Levi Penfield, (2) Nov. 27, 79, Lucy Ann, da. Jn. Proctor; ch.: Jas. Penfield, Mary Annie, Adeline Cornelia, Bertha San- ford, Edward. St one ham. Mass. Nicholas S. Rogers, A. B., 50. N. Y. U., 46-50. Charles Sanford, A. B., 50. N. Y. U., 46-50. James Bryant Smith, A. B., 50; A. M., 53. N. Y. U., 48-50; A*. John Rutger Vanderveer,* (PHYS.) A. B., 50; A.M., 53; M. D., 52. s. Jn. and Gertrude (Van Alst) Vander- veer, b. Newtown, N. Y., Apr. 21, 1829; A 1 *; N. Y. U., Med. Dept., 50-2; at- tending phys., Graham Inst., Bkln., N. Y., 53-4; mem. Am. Med. Assn.; N. Y. State Med. Assn.; const, mem. Kings Co. Med. Assn.; treas. and exam, comm., do.; Am. Acad, of Med.; publ.: contrib. to Jour. Am. Med. Assn., Am. Journ. Obstetrics, etc.; m. May, 53, Harriet J., da. Charles G. Glover; ch.: Geo. Glover, Eliza Gardner, John Chas., Mary Alida; sons: Geo. G., 78 (non-grad.), John C, 83. d. Sept. 28, 98, Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y. Charles Waters, A. B., 50. James Cornelius Watson,* (JOURN.) A. B., 50. s. Chauncey and Anna (Brundige) Wat- son, b. Geneseo, N. Y., Mar. 11, 1827; Temple Hill Acad.; N. Y. U., 46-50; Z *; commenc. orat. ; contrib. N. Y. Evangel- ist, N. Y. Observer, etc. d. Dec. 27, 51, Albany, N. Y. Oliver Wetmore, Jr.,* (L.) A. B., 50; A. M., 53. b. Jul. 12, 1829; A ; lawyer; served in U. S. Army; m. Oct. 25, 53, Eliz. Hat- field. d. 74, Brooklyn, N. Y. William M. Willett, Jr., A. B., 50. John Young, (EDUC.) A. B., 50; A. M., 55. s. Jn. and Jean (Armstrong) Young, b. New Milns, Ayreshire, Scot., Feb. 6, 1827; ^T; math, prize, 47; Latin salut; pres. Eucleian; teach., N. Y. C, 50-3; established the Chilton Hill Sch., Eliza- beth, N. J., 54; supt. of pub. schools of Elizabeth, N. J., many yrs. ; m. 54, Caro- line, da. of Jonathan Miller; ch.: Caro- line Hewittson, Helen Armstrong. 202 W. Jersey St., Elizabeth, N.J. Francis Nicoll Zabriskie,* (CLERG.) A. B., 50; A.M., 53; D. D., 68; B. D., 55, New Brunswick T. S. s. Geo. and Susan Van Campen (Ro- meyn) Zabriskie, b. N. Y. C, Apr. 29, 1832; *T; BK; Eng. salut.; master's orat., 53; ed. Coll. Tablet, 50; math, prize; law stud., N. Y., 50-2; New Brunswick T. S., 52-5; p. (R. D.) Liv- ingston, N. Y., 55-9; Coxsackie, N. Y., 59- 63; Ithaca, N. Y., 63-6; Claverack, N. Y., 66-72; p. (Cong.) Saybrook, Ct., 72-6; Wollaston Hts., Mass., 76-9; ed. Chris- tian Intelligencer, 80-3; journalist, 83-9; publ.: Golden Fruit from Bible Trees, 61; Precious Stones from Bible Moun- tains, 63; Hist, of Ch. of Claverack, N. Y., 63; Hist, of Livingston, R. D. Ch., N. Y. C, 67; Story of a Soul, 72; A Plain Catechism for Young Children, 72; Old Colony Letters. 77-90; Address be- fore N. Y. U. Alumni, 79; Address at Centennial of New Brunswick T. S., 84; Life of Horace Greeley, the Editor, N. Y, 88; and other books _ and contribu- tions; m. Jun. 4, 63, Maria, da. Roswell Reed; ch. : Susan R., Rebecca R., Francis N.; nephs.: Geo. Z. Gray, 58; Albert Z. Gray, 60; Jn. Clinton Gray, 65 (non- grad.); Geo. Z. Hunter, 70; George, 70 (special); Cornelius B., 78; Albert R., 83 (non-grad.). d. May 13, 91, Princeton, N. J. i3 5 i] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 37 John Lloyd Zabriskie,* ( I'll VS. ) A. H., 50; II D., S3, s. John B. and Abby (Lott) Zabriskie, b. Flatbush, L. I., Aug. 26, 1831; N. Y. U., Med. Dept., SO-3; gen. pract., Flatbush, L. I., N. V.; consult, phys., Kings Co. Hosp. and L. I. Coll. Hosp., mem. Coun- cil, L. I. Cull. Hosp.; m. Jim. 6. 61, Eliza Buckley, da. Edwin L. Garvin; ch.: Louise G., John B., Ida G., Edwin G. d. Nov. II, 95, Brooklyn, N. Y. (31) I85I Austin Abbott,* (L.. EDUC.) A. B., 51; LL. D., 86. s. Jacob and Harriet (Yaughan) Abbott, b. Boston, Mass., Dec. 18, 1831; *Tj •I' UK; commenc. orat.; editor Eucleian; adm. bar, N. Y., 52; lect., preparation for trial, N.Y.U. Law Sch., 71-91; prof, equity jurisp., pleading and evi- dence, and dean Law Fac, N. Y. U., 91-6; publ.: (in collab. with Benj. V. Abbott) Abbott's Digest of N. Y. De- cisions and Abbott's Practice Reports, 35 vols.; Digest of Natl. Decisions, 12 vols.; Forms of Pleading, 2 vols.; (indi- vidually) Abbott's Court of Appeals De- cisions, 4 vols.; Abbott's New Cases, 31 vols.; an Annual Digest of N. Y. De- cisions, -96; Trial Evidence, 80; Brief for Trial of Civ. Issues, N. Y., 85; Brief for Trial of Crim. Cases, N. Y., 89; Brief on Modes of Proving the Facts, N. Y., 89; N. Y. Partnership Laws, N. Y., 89; Sel. Cases on Exam, of Witnesses; Select Cases on Pleading; the novels Cone-Cut Corners and Mat- thew Caraby in conj. with bros. Benj. and Lyman, under pseudonym " Ben- auly," a combination of first syllables of their names; m. (1) Nov. 2, 54, Ella L. D., da. Hon. S. K. Gillman, (2) Sep. 29, 7°. Anna Rowe Worth; ch. : Lucy G., Willard; bros. : Benj. Y., 50; Lyman, 53; Edward, 60. d. Apr. 19, 96, N. Y. C. William H. Babcock,* (PIIYS.) A. B., 51; M. D.. 54. b. 33; N. Y. U., Med. Dept., 51-4; asst. surg., U. S. A. d. Gainesville, Tex., Oct. 2, 59. Robert I. Brown, Jr., (RE.) A. B., 51. 20 Nassau St., N. Y. C. Frederick Gordon Burnham, (L.) A. B., 51; A. If., 54. s. Gordon and Marcia (Condict) Burn- ham, b. N. Y. C. Tun. 29, 1831; Morris- town (N. J.) Acad.; X. Y. U., 47-51 ; A *: ores. Philomath.; pres. class; Harvard Law Sch., 53-4; mem. bar of N. Y. and of N. J.; pres. various charitable and civic bodies; m. Apr. 27, 59, Catharine L., da. Francis Hilliard; ch.: Anna Washburn (Mrs. Saml. T. Carter, Jr.). Momstown, N. I. Edward Payson Crane,* (CLERG.) A. B., 51; A.M., 54. s. Danl. and Elsie Ann (Demarest) Crane, b. Jefferson, N. Y., Mar. > *T; Eng. salut. ; pres. Eucleian; Union T. S., 51-3, 54-5; ord. (Presb.), 55; p. Rockland Lake, N. Y., 55-7; s. s. St. Augustine, Fla., 57-9; Palatka, Fla., 59- 61; miss., Fla., 61-5; prof, successively of Latin, log. and rhetoric in West Univ. of Pa., 65-82; invalid, 83; p. California, Pa., 84-5; invalid, 85; U.S. Consul, Stuttgart, Germ., 87-90; do., Hanover, Germ., 93-7; m. Jul. 15, 69, Lydia. da. Capt. Jn. M. Taylor; ch. : Maria Alden, Danl. Edward. d. Mar. 21, 05, Tallahassee, Fla. Elisha Colt Darling,* (C.) A. B., 51. s. Chas. Chauncey and Adeline Eliza (Dana) Darling, b. N. Y. C, Feb. 25, 1833; ^T; commenc. orat.; asst. ed. AT. Y. Express; clerk with D. Appleton & Co., 51-2. d. July 13, 52, N. Y. C. Augustus Elvius King,* (L.) A. B., 51. '4'T; commenc. orat.; law stud., 51-3; adm. bar, N. Y., 53. d. 56, N. Y. C. William Henry Knouse, (CLERG.) A. B., 51. s. Chas. and Abigail (Schaumberg) Knouse, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 15, 1829; *T; sec. Eucleian; in bus., 51-3; Union T. S., 54-8; ord. (Cong.), 59; p. N. Green- wich. Ct., 59-63; Cutchogue, N. Y., 63-70; Deep River, Ct., 70; m. (1) May 30, 59, Adelia F., da. Benj. H. Carpenter, (2) Apr. 14, 75, Mrs. Sara R. \\'ri K ht, da. Ily. Hull; ch.: Jessie Gertrude, Frances Zabriskie, Edith Schaumberg, Fred. Van Reed, Ethelwyn Adelia, Grace Williel- mina, Sara Lynde. Deep River, Ct. Jacob Bailey Moore, A. B.. 51. mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc. ; formerly libr., do.; bros.: Geo. H., 42; Chas. C, 47; ntph.: Chas. C. Jr., 86. 5./ Willard St., Hartford, Ct. Henry Drury Xoyes.* A. B.. 51; A.M.. 54; M. D., 55, Coll. Phys. anil Surg. s. Isaac Reed and Sarah Flint (Drury) 3* NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1851 Noyes, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 24, 1832; * T; valedict. ; sec. class; Coll. P. and S., 52-5; interne, N, Y. Hos., 55-8; lect. and asst. demonstr. anat. and lect. on dis. of the eye, Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 62; asst. surg., 59, and surg., 66, N. Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary; prof, ophthal- mology and otology, Bell. Hosp. Med. Coll., 66-93; of ophthalmology, 93-00; pres. Am. Ophthalm. Soc, 81-6; v. p. N. Y. Acad, of Med., 86-9; pres. Alumni Assn., N. Y. U., 91-2; mem. N. Y. Co. Med. Soc; N. Y. Pathol. Soc, 58-70; N. Y. Acad, of Med.; N.. Y. Ophthalm. Soc; Am. Otol. Soc. ; Am. Assn. for Advanc. of Sc; Heidelberg Ophthalm. Congress; Internat. Med. Congress; publ.: Photog- raphy of the Interior of the Human Eye, Sc. Am., 62; Ophthalmology in the Last Quarter Cent., Trans., N. Y. Med. Soc, 70; Anal, of 1,079 Recorded Cases of Asthenopia, 5th Internat. Ophth. Cong., 74; Treatise on Dis. of the Eye, N. Y., 81; Extraction of Cataract (anal, of 309 cases), N. Y. Med. Rec, 89; A Text- Book on Dis. of the Eye, N. Y., 90; and numerous monographs in ophthal- mology; m. (1) 59, Isabella, da. John Beveridge, (2) 70, Anna Margaret, da. Chas. W. Grant; ch.: Isabella Bever- idge, De Witt Clinton, Anna Margaret. d. Nov. 12, 00, Mt. Washington, Mass. Thomas Patton,* A. B., 51. Augustus Rapelye,* (M.) A. B., 51. s. Jacob and Eliz. (Van Mater) Rapelye, b. Bkln., N. Y., Mar. 30, 1830; Z*; mer- chant; mem. Bd. of Educ, Newtown, N. Y., 18 yrs.; m. Jun. 7, 85, Helen, da. Hy. Schroder; cons.: Wm. H. Van Mater, 51; Aug. Van Mater, 51. d. Feb. 7, 00, Elmhurst, N. Y. John B. Scott, Jr A. B., 51. d. 58. Francis Wyman Smith,* (CLERG.) A. B„ 51. s. Wm. Nelson and Nancy (Cutler) Smith, b. Eden, Vt., May 28, 1829; Z *; phil. orat. ; Univ. of Vt., 47-8; General T. S., N. Y.; ord. (P. E.), 55; asst. min., N. Y. C, 55-60; miss, and rector, Dio- cese of Vt.; m. Sep. 28, 65, Laura M., da. Rev. Chas. M. Fay, D. D. ; ch. : Bertram Chas., Wm. Nelson, Frances Laura, Har- vey Blatchford, Ernest Norman, Made- line. d. June 12, go, Woodstock, Vt. Edwin Belknap Thompson,* (PHYS.) A. B., 51; M. D., 57. s. Martin E. and Mary (Kitchell) Thomp- son, b. N. Y. C, Feb. 4, 1831; N. Y. U., Med. Dept., 53-7; attg. phys., N. W. Disp., 57-9; do., Northern Disp., 59-62; act'g asst. surg. U.S.A., 62-6; pract. med., Orange, N. J., 66-82; Kalamazoo, Mich., 82-8; med. staff, Memorial Hosp., Orange, N. J., 73-82; m. Jan. 19, 64, Helen E., da. Milo Osborne; ch. : Mary Helen, Annie Say re, Susan Louise; unc: David F. Sayre, 44. d. Mar. 24, 88, Kalamazoo, Mich. George Mairs Van Derlip,* (CLERG.) A. B., 51; A.M., 54. s. Saml. and Catharine B. (Mairs) Van Derlip, b. Argyle, N. Y., Jun. 20, 1823 Univ. of Edinburgh, Scot., 49-50; N.Y.U. 50-1; ♦T; prizes for logic and nat. sc. in Univ. of Edinburgh; Rochester T. S. 51-2; Union T. S., N. Y., 55-8; s. s. Bapt Chs. and trade, 58-70; N. Y. sec. Am Baptist Pub. Soc, 70-83; religious jour- nalist and supply, 85-92; foreign corresp. of Boston Watchman; aided in organiza- tion of Y. M. C. A., Boston and N. Y. C; mem. Bd. and chrmn. Exec, and Lecture Comm, N. Y. C. Y. M. C. A., N. Y C, for 10 yrs. d. Aug. 1, 00, Bkln., N. Y. Augustus Van Mater,* (F.) A. B., 51. s. Holmes and Michah (Van Mater) Van Mater, b. Holmdel, N. J., Jun. 28, 1830; Holmdel Acad.; N.Y.U., 47-51; Z *; land agt. and comm. several yrs.; farmer; m. Apr. 18, 54, Mary Eliz. Rapelye; ch.: Charles, Lemma, Augustus; bro.: Wm. H., 51; cous.: Aug. Rapelye, 51. d. July 12, 88, Ben Lomond, Va. William Holmes Van Mater,* (PHYS.) A. B., 51; A.M., 54; M. D., coll. unknown. s. Holmes and Michah (Van Mater) Van Mater, b. Holmdel, N. J., Nov. 5, 1828; Holmdel Acad.; N. Y. U., 47-51; Z ert, b. X. Y. ( ".."Oct. 17." 1826; prize in math.; Union T. S.. 52-5; ord. (Presb.). 55: p. W. Hoboken, N.J., ^o--. m . Aug. I, 55, Harriet I.. Drew: ch. : Annie Lake, James C, Jr.. George D., Marion D. d. Mar. 10. 04, West Hoboken, N. J. 4Q NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1852 John A. Foster,* A. B. ( 52. Col. and brig.-gen. U. S. Army. d. 90, N. Y. C. Isaac Smithson Hartley,* (CLERG.) A. B., 52; D. D., 73, Rutgers Coll. s. Robt. M. and Catharine (Munson) Hartley, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 27, 1830; *T; sec. and pres. Eucleian; Union T. S., 53- 4; Andover T. S., 54-6; p. (Cong.), St. Tohnsbury, Vt., 56-7; res. lie, Union T. S., 57-8; Europe, 58; N. Y. C, 58-62; Europe, 62-3; ord. (R.D.), 64; p. (Union), N. Y. C, 64-70; (Second), Phila., 70-2; (Christ), Utica, N. Y., 72-89; trust. Rut- gers Coll., 74-; pres. Oneida Hist. Soc; pres. Gen. Synod, R. D. Ch. ; pub!. : Prayer: Its Relation to Modern Thought and Criticism, N. Y., 74; Hist, of Ref. Ch. of Utica, N. Y., Utica, 80; Memorial of Robert Milham Hartley, Utica, 81; Old Fort Schuyler in History, Utica, N. Y., 8vo, pp. 30; The Twelve Gates, Poems, Utica, 87; sermons, Utica, 89; monographs in Mag. of Am. Hist.; m. Apr. 26, 66, Isabella Asten, da. Geo. Rob- ert White; ch.: Isaac Smithson, Geo. Der- went; bro. -in-law: F. B. Wightman, 51. d. July 3, 99, Great Barrington, Mass. Henry Thomas Hunter,* (CLERG.) A. B., 52. b. N. Y. C, Dec. 12, 1833; Union T. S., N. Y., 52-4; teach., N. Y. C, 58-60; prin., Stockbridge, Mass., 62-4; do., Bath, Me., 67-8; Union T. S., N. Y., 70-1, 73-4; ord. (Presb.), 76; s. s. Williston, Vt., 74; Hartland, Vt., 75; p. N. Y. C, 76-80; s. s. Broadalbin, N. Y., 82-4: Europe, 84-5; w. c. N. Y. C, 85; McAll Miss., Paris, 86-. d. Apr. u, 03, Vcvay, Switzerland. Arthur Potts, (CLERG.) A. B., 52; A. M., 67; D. D. — s. Rev. Geo. Potts, D. D.; A*; lie, Apr. 20, 65; ord. (Presb.), Apr. 10, 66; p. Morrisania, N. Y., 66-; Antwerp, Bel- gium; evang., Newburgh, N. Y, Newburgh, N. Y. Herman Camp Riggs,* (CLERG.) A. B., 52; A.M., 55; D. D., 83. s. Alfred and Abigail Watson (Tyler) Riggs, b. Groton, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1832; A*; Eng. salut. ; sec. Eucleian; Union T. S., 53-7; ord. (Presb.), 57; teach. Lat., Univ. Gram. Sch., 53-7; s. s. St. Catharine's, Can., 57-9; p. Potsdam, N. Y., 60-7; p. (Cong.) St. Albans, Vt., 67- 71; p. Rutherford, N. J., 71-6; Roches- ter, N. Y., 76-86; Binghamton, N. Y., 87-91 ; mem. Soc. of Egyptol. Research, Rochester, N. Y. ; chapl. N. Y. Regt. in Potsdam; m. Apr. 17, 72, Agnes Eliz., da. Sydney P. Bates, M. D.; ch.: Her- man Clarence; cous. : Geo. P. Denman, 72. d. Aug. 6, 02, Rochester, N. Y. John Henry Sinclair,* (CLERG.) A. B., 52. s. Robt. Templeton and Margaret (John- son) Sinclair, b. Lakeville, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1826; teach.; min., 59; p. (R. D.) Richmond, S. I., N.Y.; m. Frances Amelia, da. Elisha Corwin; ch. : Ida Van Rensselaer, Edith May, Emily Winthrop, John Duncan, Francis MacDonald, Sid- ney Morgan, Edmund Ettinger; bro.: James, 53. d. Oct. 31, 83, New Brighton, N. Y. Gouverneur Mather Smith,* (PHYS.) A. B., 52; A.M., 55; M. D. ( 55, Coll. Phys. and Surg. s. Prof. Jos. Mathew (M. D.) and Hen- rietta M. (Beers) Smith, b. N. Y. C; A*; *BK; Coll. P. and S., N. Y., 52-5; cons, phys., N. Y. and Presb. Hosp. ; phys. to Bellevue Hosp.; cons, phys., St. Nicholas Soc; v. p., orat., trust. N. Y. Acad, of Med.; pres. N. Y. Soc. for Relief of Widows and Orph. of Med. Men; mgr. Sons of Revol., N. Y. S. ; trust, and treas. Soc. of War of 1812; mgr. N. Y. Assn. for Improving Con- dition of the Poor; censor N. Y. Co. Med. Soc; mgr. N. Y. Inst, for the Blind; mem. Am. Med. Assn.; Soc. of the Colonial Wars; Century and Metrop. Clubs; N. Y. Hist. Soc; N. Y. Co. Med. Soc; act. asst. surg. U.S.A., 62-5; publ.: numerous monographs on medical subjects, and humorous verses, espe- cially at Christmas, 88-. d. Dec. 8, 98, N. Y. C. George M. Van Hoesen, (L.) A. B., 52; LL. B., State and Nat. Law Sch., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. b. N. Y. C; N. Y. U., 48-52; Z *; pres. N. Y. U. Alumni Assn. ; newspaper work on Iowa State Democrat and pract. law, la., several years; chrmn. Memorial Com. G. A. R. ; orgr. and capt. Co. E, 13th Iowa Vol. Inf., 61; promoted to maj. after battle of Shiloh, Apr. 17, 62; act. prov. marshal gen. Mil. Divn. of the Miss.; lawyer, Davenport, Iowa, 61-; judge Court of Common Pleas, N. Y. C, 76-90; pres. Holland Soc; drafted first bill in Legislature for incorp. and building Elev. Ry.; chrmn. Tammany Hall Gen. Comm.: mem. Democratic Union, Manhattan, St. Nicholas Lieder- kranz Clubs; mem. Bar Assn. of N. Y. and State Bar Assn. 45 B'way, N. Y. C. Francis Varian White,* (PHYS.) A. B., 52; A. M., 55; M. D., 55. s. Dr. Ambrose L. and Harriet (Taylor) White, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 10, 1832; N. Y. U., 48-52; Z *; N. Y. U., Med. Dept., i853] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 41 52-5 ; ho. surg., Bellevue Hosp., 56-7 attg. phys.. East Disp., 57-8; mem. Am Acad, of Med.; N. V. Co. Med Asm. Pathol. Soc. ; Phys. -Mut. Aid Assn. and Medico-Hist. Soc; m. Jun. 7, 60, Annie Hart; ch. : Dr. F. 11. and two das. d. Oct. 9, 89, N. Y. C. Edward Willett, (ED.) A. B., 52. A*; editor at Cairo, 111. James Bogert Williams, (L.) A. B.. 52. s. (has. and Catharine Eliz. (Bogert) Williams, b. X. V. C, Mar. 5, 1833; N. Y. U. Gram. Sch.; adm. N. Y. Bar, 57; CaL, 63; with N. P. R. R. Co., 79-; asst. to pres. of N. P. R. R. Co., 80-1; 2d v. p. do., 81-8; v. p. do.,^ 88-; warehouseman; m. Oct. 14, 58, Fanny l.avinia, da. Jonathan Miller; ch. : Saidee Eliz., Chas. Frederick. 4S Vestry St., N.Y.C., /;., Stam- ford, Ct. William Cutting Wilson,* (L.) A. B., 52. * T; commenc. orat.; law stud., N. Y C, 52-4. d. 54, N. Y. C. (21) 1853 Lyman Abbott, (CLERG.) A. B., 53; D. D., 76; D. P., 90. Harvard Univ., Yale, 03; LL. D., 00, Western Reserve Univ. s. Jacob and Harriet (Yaughan) Abbott, b. Roxbury, Mass., Dec. 18, 1835: law- yer in firm of Abbott Bros.; p. (Cong.) Terre Haute. Ind.; Plymouth Ch., Brooklyn, N. Y.J ed. Christian Weekly, Christian Union, Harvard L'niv. Treacher , The Outlook: publ.: Commentary on the New Testament, 75 et seq.; The Theology of an Evolutionist. 97; The Evolution of Christianity, 96; Chris- tianity and Social Problems, "7: The Life and Literature of the Ancient He- brews, 00; The Rights of Man, 01; Henry Ward Beecher, 03; The Chris- tian Ministry. 05 ; m. Oct. 14, 57. Abby, da. Hannibal Hamlin; ch.: Lawrence I'.. Harriet, Herbert Yaughan. Ernest Hamlin. Theodore Jacob. Beatrice Yail; bros. : Benj. V., 50;" Austin, 51; Edward, 60. Cormvall-on-Hudson. N. Y. John Crothers Achesnn.* (PHYS.) A. B., S3; A.M.. 56; M. D., 59. Coll. of Phys. and Surg, s. Wm. and Mary (Stuart 1 Acheson. b. N. Y. C, Oct. 17, 1832; Z*; commenc. orat.; pres. Philomath.; Coll. of P. and S., X. V., 56-9; interne, X. Y. Hosp.; on Health Bd. of N. Y.; visiting phys. to Eastern Disp. for 11 yrs. ; mem. X. Y. Co. Med. Assn.; m. Jun. 1, 64, Emily A., da. (.has. Livingston Mead; ch.: Jn. Charles, Harold Stuart; bros. : James J., 33; Win. A., 36. d. Dec. 12, 00, N. Y. C. John W. Bennett,* (L.) A. I!., 53; LL. B., 63. s. Jn. and Sarah Ann (Short) Bennett, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 17, 1833; Washington Colleg. Inst., N. Y. C. ; X.Y.I . Z *; commenc. orat.; Eucleian Soc; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 68; lawyer and iourn.; clerk of court, county judge ami 1 ' S. District Court Commr., N. Dak., 82-92; pres. N. Dak. Press Assn., 89-91; m. May 6, 58, Rebecca Jane Shapter; ch.: Marie Louise, Jn. Alfred, Florence Weir, Jennie Shapter; bro. -in-law: Alfred Shapter, 53. d. Nov. 27, 05, Washington, D. C. Abraham Ogden Butler,* (L.) A. B., 53. s. Chas. Butler, LL. D.; *T; commenc. orat.; law stud., N. Y. C. 53-5; founder of the Butler Eucleian essay prizes. d. June 6, 56, Scarsdale, N. Y. Isaac C. Kierstead,* A. 1:.. 53. Jasper W. McGregor,* (CLERG.) A. 1!.. 53; A. M. b. Leyden, Lewis Co., N. Y., 1832: West- ern T. S. ; p. Mansfield. O. ; Wabash, Ind.; Milford, Mich.; Milan, Mich.: m. Mary B. Hough; ch.: Gracia A., May, Cora. Alfred Shapter,* (MUSIC.) A. P.. 53: A. M., 56. s. Peter and Frances (Yermilve) Shapter. b. N. Y. C. Feb. 2. 1834; X. Y. U., 49-53: composer of sacred music; mus. director Bishop Doane's Burlington, N. J. ; bro. -in-law: J. W. Ben- nett. 53. d. Sept. 30, 56, Bkln., X. V. amin A. Sheldon.* . 53; A. M., 56; Ph. D. Benj (EDUC.) A. 75. s. Rodolphus and Anna (Whitford) Sheldon, b. Ticonderoga, X. Y.. Mar. 7, 1825; teach, math.. ( . C. X. Y.. 52-90; cxamnr. in navigation for Am. Ship- master's Assn.. 60-; m. Oct. 1" Charlotte Augusta, da. Jos. Knapp, M. D.; ch.: Armenia. Josephine, Henry, Imocen. Francis. d. Sept. 10, 96. Bkln., N. Y. 42 ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE [1854 William A. Sterling, (M.) A. B., 53. *T; *BK; valedict.; chant. New London, Wis. lawyer; late mer- Philip Harwood Vernon, (L.) A. B., 53; A. M., 56. s. Edwd. and Anna (Clarke) Vernon, b. Utica, N. Y., Mar. 31, 1834; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 50-3; *T; BK; Latin salut. (delivered Eng. salut. by ex- change); first prize in math.; pres., v. p. and sec. of Eucleian; adm. bar, N. Y. C, 55; mem. Assembly, N. J., 79-80; in 22d Regt. S. N. Y., 61; mem. N. Y. Law Inst.; N. Y. C. Bar Assn.; N. Y. S. Bar Assn.; m. Jun. 26, 67, Sophia Helena, da. Jas. Dutton; ch. : Harwood, Grace. 52 William St., N. Y. C, h., Sum- mit, N.J. Charles Clark Wallace,* (CLERG.) A. B., 53; A.M., 57; D. D 81, Rutgers Female Coll. b. N. Y. C, Jun. 3, 1832; Union T. S. N. Y., 53-56; ord. (Presb.), 56; p. Tre mont, N. Y., 56-60; Perth Amboy, N.J. 60-4; Placerville, Cal., 64-8; Watertown N. Y., 68-70; Mahopac Falls, N. Y., 70 80; Newburyport, Mass., 80-8; invalid Fla., 88-9. d. Dec. 22, 89, Westfield, N. J. Joseph Nimmo, Jr., (CIV. ENG.) Sp. Dip., 53; A.M., 59; LL. D., 94. s. Jos. and Hannah (Dickson) Nimmo, b. Huntington, N. Y., Apr. 11, 1831; Wm. S. Bogart's priv. sch. and No. Salem Acad., N. Y.; N. Y. U., 52-3 (civil en- gineering); Z ^; eng. Lebanon Springs R. R., 53-4; eng., Chic, Iowa & Neb. R., R., 55-7; teach, math., Cooper Union, N. Y. C, 60-2; special agt. Treas. Dept., 65 ;_ chief Div. of Tonnage, 67; super- vising insp. genl. of steam vessels, 72-; chief Div. of Int. Commerce, 75; chief Bur. of Statistics, 78-; publ.: reports and various pamphlets on Commerce and Transp. 1831 F. St., Wash., D. C, h., Hunt- ington, L. I. Andrew C. Patrullo, Sp. Dip., 53. William Remsen Pell,* Sp. Dip., 53. d. May 5, 03, Bkln., N. Y. James C. Sinclair, Sp. Dip., 53. bro. : John H., 51 (non-grad.). Thomas DeWitt Talmage,* (CLERG.) Sp. Dip., 53; A. M., 62; D. D., 84, Univ. Tenn. b. Bound Brook, N. J., Jan. 7, 1832; New Brunswick T. S., 53-6; ord. (R. D.) ( 56; p. Belleville, N. J., 56-9; Syracuse, N. Y., 59-63; Phila. (2d Ch.), 62-9; Presb. Tabernacle, Brooklyn, N.Y., 69-94; Washington, D. C, 94-02; ed. Christian at Work, 7Z-6; Frank Leslie's Sunday Mag.; The Advance, Chicago, 111., 77-8; The Christian Herald, -02; publ.: Crumbs Swept Up, Phila.; Around the Tea-table, Phila., 74; Preaching to the Masses, N. Y., 75; Night Sides of City Life, N. Y., 78; Mask Torn Off, Chicago, 79; Red Dragon, N. Y., 82; Plagues — Alcoholic and Narcotic, N. Y., 82; Great Britain through Am. Spectacles, N. Y., 85; The Marriage Ring, N. Y., 86; From Manger to Throne, Phila., 91; From the Pyramids to the Acropolis, etc. ; sermons published weekly for 30 yrs. ; son: Frank De Witt, 90. d. Apr. 12, 02, Washington, D. C. (16) 1854 James Madison Bell,* A. B., 54; B. D., 57, Andover T. S.; D. D., 99. b. N. Y. C, Feb. 25, 1833; *T; class poet; Andover T. S., 54-7; ord. (Cong.), Jul. 21, 58; p. Ashby, Mass., 58-64; Watertown, Mass., 65-71; No. Hadley, Mass., 73-6; W. Medway, Mass., 76-86; Watertown, 86; Lisbon, N. H.; North Leominster, -01; trust. Watertown Free Libry., 68-9; pres. Bd. of Education, Hadley, 75; del. to Gen. State Assn. and to Natl. Triennial Council (Cong.), 80. d. Jan. 15, 01, No. Leominster, Mass. Gurdon G. Bronson,* A. B., 54. d. 54, Rhincbeck, N. Y. Jesse Brush, (CLERG.) A. B., 54; D. D., 04. s. Jn. Rogers and Eliz. (Carman) Brush, b. Huntington, N. Y.. Tun. 11, 1830; N. Y. U., 52-4; *"T; *BK; valedict.; pres. Eucleian; pres. class; law stud., N. Y. C, 54-5; adm. bar, N. Y. C, 55; lawyer, 55-6; Union T. S., 56-9; ord. (Presb.), 59; p. Susquehanna, 59-61; Westhamp- ton, Mass., 62-3; chapl. 158th Inf., N. Y. Vols., 63-5; p. (Cong.) Vernon, Ct, 65-7; No. Cornwall, Ct., 67-73; Berlin, Ct., 73-6; Stamford, 76-80; ord. (P. E.) deac, 80; rect., Saybrook, Ct., 81-8; Maysville, N. Y., 88-93; Buffalo, N. Y., 93-; chapl. Ch. Home, do., 96-; m. Aug. 3, 59, Ellen, da. Rev. Harvev Newcomb; ch.: Edwd. Hale, Hy. Wells, Geo. Robert. 835 Front Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. i855] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE William H. Colton,* A. B., 54. d. 54, Wilmington, Del. Hanson Cox Gibson, (L.) A. R, 54; A. M. s. Jas. Renwick and Katharine (Van Keuren) Gibson, b. N. Y. C, Sep. -'-', 1835; N. Y. U., 50-4; *T; pres. Philo- math.; sec. Alumni Assn., N. Y. U., for many yrs. ; lawyer, 57-; pres, Harlem Eye, Ear and Throat 'Infirmary; v. p, Harlem Dist. Tel. and Burglar Alarm Co.; counsel, Bank of N. Y., N. B. A., and Nat. City Bank; v. p. of the Saga- ponack Realty Co.; charter mem. Harlem Club; charter mem. Alex. Hamilton Post, G. A. R.; not. pub. for Bank of Man- hattan Co., Bk. of N. Y. and Nat. City Bk., N. Y.; mem. Loyal Legion. Army and Navy Club, Psi Upsilon; 2d lieut. 165th Inf., N. Y. Vols.; provost judge, Savannah, 65; in service at Charleston, S. C, Savannah, Ga., New Orleans, La., Morganzia Bend, Fort Delaware. Md., Winchester and Cedar Creek in 19th Army Corps, 64-5; m. Oct. 10, 72, Mary By da. Wm. A. Wharton; ch.: Grace Wharton, Fred. Seward, Kenneth, .Mor- rison; sons: Fred. Seward, 96; Kenneth Morrison, 08. -7 Waverly Place, N. Y. C. T. Warren Lockwood, (ED.) A. B., 54. editor in San Francisco. San Francisco, Cal. Howard Arunah Martin,* A. B., 54; A. M., 57. A*; bro.: Wm. R., 45. d. Jan. 20, 89, Jersey City, N. J. Freeman Rawdon Myers, (.\i.) a. r... 54. s. Jas. and Mary Skidmore (Wright) Myers, b. N. Y. C. Mar. 2. 1834; Benj. Dwight's Sch., Bkln., N.Y.; Rutger> Coll., 51-3; N. Y. V.. 53-4: A*; Eng. salut.(3d hon.) at commenc. : merchant; m. Tun. 2, 63, Susan B., da. Rev. Edwin Holmes. 69 E. 54th St., N. Y. C. Henry F. Smith,* A. B.. 54. P. Bloomfield, N. J. ; Mt. Holly, N.J. Walter Evertson Smith, (I.) A.B., 54; A.M., 57. Belleville. N. J. William Wilson Stephenson,* (L.) A. B.. 54; A. M.. 58. s. Dr. Mark Stephenson, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 1831; *T; Albany Law Sch., 54-6; law- yer, 56-62; private Co. F, 7th Regt. N. Y.S.N. G., 62; capt. 165th N. Y. Vols. (2d Duryea Zouaves), 62-4; maj., 64-5; brevet lieut. -col., 65; mem. Assembly from 5th Dist. of Kings Co., 77 and 79; sec. Alumni Assn., N. Y. L '.. tor many JTS.; mem. Repub. Gen. Comm. ; 7th Regt. War Vet.: Loyal Legion; U. S. Grant Post, G. A. R.; commdt. of Yet. Assn., 165th Regt.; married; ch.: six. d. Mar. 4, 89, Bkln., N. Y. David Tuthill,* (CLERG.) A. B., 54; A. M., 57. b. Bkln.. N. V.. Oct. 31, 1829; Wesleyan Univ., 50-2; N.Y.U., 52-4; A*; clerk, Custom House, N. Y., 55-9; p. (ICE.), Whitestone, N. Y., 59; miss, to Arizona, 59; p. Los Angeles, Cal., 59-60; prof, nat. sc, Univ. of the Pacific, 60-1; prin. Female Coll. Inst., Santa Clara, Cal., 64- 9; pres. Santa Cruz Car Co., 69-83; pres. Salem, Ore., Car Co., 74-83; mem. City Council, Santa Cruz, Cal., 76-8; m. 61, Carrie Van Wyck Taylor; ch. : Joseph, Thomas. d. Aug. 7, 88, Santa Cruz, Cal. James R. Brevoort, Sp. Dip., 54. David Goodman Croly,* (ED.) Sp. Dip.. 54. s. Patrick and Kliz. Croly, b. Olovakiltev, Ire., Nov. 3, 1829; Z ♦; journalist; re- porter, N. Y. Herald and Evening Post, 55-8; ed. Daily News, Rockford, 111., 59- 60; city ed. and mg. ed. X. Y. World. 60-72; mg. ed. Daily Graphic. 72-8; a founder of the " Round Table;" founder, off. and mem. Lotus Club; publ.i Modern Thinker; Glimpses of the Future: Positiv- ist Catechism: m. 57, Jennie ("Jennie Tunc"), da. Tos. II. Cunningham; ch. : David H., Yida. Alice Carv, Victor, May. d. Apr. 29, 89, N. Y. C. J. G. B. Heath. Sp. Dip., 54; A. M.. 74. 1855 Irving Shepard Campbell,* (L.) \. B., 55. ^T; Webster orat. prize: Eng. saint, at commenc; law stud., 55-7; lawver, N. Y., 57-63. d. 63, Hobokcn, N. J. Samuel Carlile, (CLERG.) A. B.. 55; D.D., 89, Centre Coll.. Danville. Kv. s. Asher Stelle and Maria CYan Xuvsc) Carlile, b. Middletown Pt., N. J., Aug. 7, (15) 44 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1855 1833; A*; *BK; Latin salut.; pres. Eucleian; Union T. S., 56-7 and 59-61; lie, 3d Presby., N. Y., 61; stud, law, 57- 8; adm. bar, N. Y., 59; ord. (Presb.), 66; p. 1st Presb. Ch., Bkln., 66-70; Evans- ville, Ind., 72-5; Valatie, N. Y., 78-32; Paterson, N. J., 83-92; Newton, N. J., 93- 03; w. c. Brooklyn, N. Y., 04. Brooklyn, N. Y. Gouverneur Carr,* (ED.) A. B., 55. b. N. Y. C, 1837; *T; journalist, 55-89; law stud., 55-8; lawyer, N. Y. C, 58-61; 2d lieut., capt., maj., and lieut.-col., 165th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 61-5; brevet col., 65; war corresp. N. Y. Times, 62-5 ; city ed. N. Y. Times, 65-; ed. Evening Post, Evening Mail, Daily Graphic, The Guardsman; law reporter and military writer N. Y. Tribune to 89; m. 71. d. Sept. 23, 89, N. Y. C. Algernon Sidney Doane,* A. B., 55. Henry Graham Finney, (CLERG.) A. B., 55; A.M., 59. s. Robt. and Eleanor (Graham) Finney, b. Milton, Pa., Sep. 10, 1830; pres. and sec. Eucleian; Ref. Presb. T. S., Phila., Pa., 55-7; Princeton T. S., 57-9; ord. (Presb.), 61; p. Gettysburg, Pa., 61-4; Lvcoming, 64-7; Lycoming Centre, 64-75; Linden, 65-75; Chillisquaque and Moores- burg, 75-88; Rocky Spring and St. Thomas, 88-; Chambersburg, Pa.; Will- iamsport. Pa.; m. Sarah Jane, da. Wm. Gardner; ch. ; Bertha, Wm. Gardner, Florence Graham, Eleanor May. Williamsport, Pa. Henry Newton Fisher,* (PHYS.) A. B., 55; M. D., 58. s. Danl. and Ann E. (Van Keuren) Fisher, b. Aug. 2, 1834, N. Y. C; *T: N. Y. U., Med. Dept., 55-8; interne, N. Y Hosp., 58-9; priv. pract. and U. S. Sani tary Comm., 60-2; contract surg., Ecking ton Hosp., Washington, D. C, 62-3; asst surg. U. S. A., 62-3 ; med. off. on San Comm. Transports, 60-2; m. Sep. 10, 61 Catharine C, da. Peter R. Livingston. d. Mar. 16, 63, N. Y. C. Asa Starkweather Lathrop,* Edward Jason Owen, (L.) A. B., 55; LL. B., 59. N. Y. U. Law Sch., 58-9. Elbert Brinckerhofr Monroe ,* A. B., 55; A.M., 80, Yale Univ. b. N. Y. C. Aug. 25, 1836; A*; mem. Council, N. Y. U., 83-94; mem. of Bd. of Indian Commrs. d. Apr. 21, 94, Tarrytown, N. Y. (EDUC.) A. B., 55. s. Rev. Dr. Jn. J. and Eliz. B. (Webb) Owen, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 28, 1835; A *; * B K; valedict. ; treas. and v. p. Eucleian; lawyer, 53-66; teach., 70-89; prin. Sher- man Acad., Moriah, N. Y., 71-87; v. p. N. Y. State Teach. Assn., 84; school commr., Essex Co., N. Y., 87-9; supt. of schools, Ticonderoga, N. Y., 89; m. Aug. 31, 65, Alice, da. Genest M. Roe; ch.: Jn. Jason, Harry Edwd. Port Henry, N. Y. Edward Robinson,* (EDUC.) A. B., 55. s. Edwd. and Theresa Albertine Louise (Van Jacob) Robinson, b. Boston, Mass., Sep. 19, 1836; phil. orat. at commenc. ; pres. class; law stud., 55-7; reporter and writer for N. Y. Times, 54-8; law prac- tice, 57; U. S. Consul, Strasburg, 66-9; do., Hamburg, 69-73; trust., insp., and commr. of schools; 1st lieut. 8th N. Y. Vols.; on staff duty, 62-3; capt. and adj.- gen. of Vols., 63-4; breveted maj.; m. Jun. 21, 73, Emma Marie, da. Wm. Weis- mann; ch.: Edwd. W., Hope E., Herman. d. Feb. 14, 94. Mason Romeyn Strong,* (CLERG.) A. B., 55. s. Rev. Thos. Morris and Eliz. Cooper (Grier) Strong, b. Flatbush, L. I., Dec. 30, 1838; New Brunswick T. S., 55-8; bros.: Robt. G., 55; Selah, 62. d. Jan. 12, 61, Flatbush, L. I. Robert Grier Strong,^ (EDUC.) A. B., 55. s. Rev. Thos. Morris and Eliz. Cooper (Grier) Strong, b. Flatbush, L. I., Mar. 8, 1837; New Brunswick T. S., 55-8; ord. (R. D.), 58; s. s. Flatbush, L. I., 58-60; p. New Baltimore, N. Y., 61-9; Flatbush, L. I., 71-3; prin. private sch., do.. 73-9; prin. Erasmus Hall Acad., do., 79-92; m. 62, Harriet Lydia, da. Jn. Berrea Zabris- kie, M. D.; ch.: Harriet Zabriskie, Sarah Barre, Lydia Lloyd, Thos. Morris, Louise Morgan; bros.: Mason R., 55, Selah W., 62. d. Apr. 22, 92, Flatbush, L. I. John Washington Crane,* (DENT.) Sp. Dip., 55. ■*T; commenc. orat.; stud, and pract. dentistry, N. Y. C, 55-66; Paris, France, 66-; mem. N. Y. State Dental Soc. ; pres. Am. Dental Soc. of Europe; publ.: Re- cueil des Chants Sacres, Lond., Eng. 41 Blvd. des Capucines, Paris, Fr. * (13) i8 5 6] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 45 1856 James Hervey Ackerman,* (L.) A. B., 56; LL. B., 57, Union Univ. Rutgers Coll., 50-5; N. V. L*., 55-6; *T; commenc. orat.; Albany Law Sell., 56-7; lawyer, 57-85; police justice, Plaintield, N. J., 60. d. Sept. 4, 85, P lain field, N. I. Gabriel Chevalier, (Ml'.» A. B., 56: A. M., 59. s. Jn. Danl. and Angelique Anne Marie (D'Aumont) Chevalier, b. N. Y. C. Jan. 14, 1836; off. Philomath.; Z*; mf. car- riages; m. Apr. 6, 58, Eliz. Agnes, da. Edwd. Arrall Lansing; ch.: George, Thomas, Franklin, -May, Lizzie Antoinette. 53 E. 126th St., N. Y. C. Edwin M. Felt, (L.) A. B., 56. s. Win. and Eliz. L. Felt, b. N.Y.C., Oct. 17, 1835; Rands Prep. Sch.; N. Y. U., 52-6; Z^; mem. Union League Club; lieut. Co. G, 7th N. Y. Regt., 61; com- manded co. in W. \'a. ; served at Wash., Federal Hill. Baltimore, Frederick, lid.: m. Jul. 21, 69, Mary 1). Wheelright. 261 Broadway, N. Y. C. Anthony Robinson Macoubrey, (CLERG.) A. B., 56; D. D., 89. s. Robt. and Jane (Macmillan) Macou- brey, b. N. Y. C, Dec. 6. 1835; Mt. Washington Colleg. Inst., N. Y. C; N. Y. U., 52-6; Z *; T. S. Allegheny City, Pa., 56-8; ord. (Presb.), 58; p. Blooming- burgh, N. Y. ; Brewsters, N. Y. ; New Rochelle, N. Y.; White Plains, N. Y. ; p. emer. White Plains Presb. Ch., 02; hon. mem. Westchester Co. Hist. Soc; trust. Hartford T. S. ; Palmer Inst., Larchmont, N. Y. ; Palmer Trust Fund; mem. N. Y. Comm. on Ch. of the W'al- denses; lect., Christian Bible Inst., N.Y.; puhl.; Hist, of S. E. Putnam Co., X. Y. ; The Relation of Presbyterianism to the Revolutionary Sentiment in the Province of N. Y.; Hist, of the White Plains Presb. Ch.; m. (1) Oct. 17, 60, KHz., da. Matthew Kane, (2) Jun. 5, 01, Sarah E. Denton. Brewsters. N. Y. Charles Wilson Opdyke, (CO.) A. B., 56. s. Geo. and Eliz. Hall (Strvker) Opdyke; *T; wen Evan and Thomasina (Garvey) Owen, b. Sep. 9. 1829; Rev. J. Hogg's priv. sch.; N. Y. U., 54-6; teach.; princi- pal: capt. X. Y. Vol. Inf. (li.Jdi in Civil War; computer, Topograph. Bur., N. Y. C. ; unmarried. 2442 Lorillard PL, N. Y. C. John George Ryerson, (PHYS.) A. B., 56; A.M., 59; M. D., 60, Coll. of Phys. and Surg, pract. in Pascaquanack, Passaic, and ii. X. L; gurg. L T . S. A.; pres. N. J. State Med. Soc. Boonton, Morris Co., N. J. William R. Starling,* (EXG.) A.B., 56; A.M., 59; C. E.. 89. s. Lvne and Maria Antoinette (Henslev) Starling, b. Columbus, O., Jan. 25, 1839; A '!>; phil. orat. at commenc; pres. Eu- cleian; farmer, 57-61; mil. service, 61-4; planter, 67-82; civil eng., 82-00; pres. Greenville Bldg. and Loan Assn.; chief eng., Miss. Levee Dist. ; command. Delta Commandery, K. T. ; mem. Am. Soc. C. E., Engineering Assn. of the South; 1st lieut. 3d Ky. Cavalry, 62; capt. and maj. 9th Ky. Inf.. (>2-i; mem. Eng'rs. Club, X T . Y. ; Army and Navy Club, Wash.: publ.: monographs on the Missis, sippi R., its improvement, flood heights, etc., in Trans. Am. Soc. C. K., Vol. XX., et sen,, and in Fht Mfrs. Record: some Notes on the Holland Dikes, Trans. Am. C E., Vol. XXVI. (awarded Norman medal for 92). d. Dec. 10, 00, Greenville, Miss. Tra Williams Steward,* (L.) A. R„ 56. s. Rev. Ira Rogers Steward, b. Groton, Ct, Apr. 2?, 1835; Webster prize for orat. at jun. cxh.; adm. bar. 58; mer- chant, 65; sec. and trcas. Mercantile Ben- efit Assn.. X. Y.; 9th Regt. X Y., 61-5; 1st lieut., do.; mem. Lafavcttc _Post; Loyal Legion; m. (1) Jun. 13, 59, 4 6 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1857 J. Traphagen; (2) Jul. 3, 76, Cecile Whelan. d. Apr. 26, 95, N. Y. C. Charles H. Van Brunt,* (L.) A. B., 56; LL. D., 87. s. Albert N. Van Brunt, b. Fort Hamil- ton, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1835; adm. bar, 58 mem. Council N. Y. U., 82-91; Assoc Judge, Court of Common Pleas, N. Y. 69-84; Justice, 5th Dist. Supreme Court 84-05; presiding Justice, First Dept., 86 05; pres. Windsor Trust Co., N. Y. C. m. Dec. 20, 74, Jennie E. Bull. d. May 26, 05, N. Y. C. William Gibbons Wheelwright,* (L.) A. B., 56. s. Washington and Hannah (Gibbons) Wheelwright, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 20, 1835; N. Y. U., 52-6; Z*; sergt.-maj., 7th Regt. N. G., S. N. Y, 61-5; off. 22d Regt.; served at Federal Hill, Baltimore, and Frederick, Md. ; off. Greenwich Sav- ings Bank. d. Mar. 4, 83, N. Y. C. (12) 1857 Edward Augustus Collier, (CLERG.) A. B., 57; D. D., 84; B. D., 60, Princeton T. S. s. Ezra and Mary Shaw (Atwood) Collier, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 21, 1835; private prep.; N. Y. U., 54-7; * T; *BK; valedict.; math, prize; Princ. T. S., 57-60; ord. (Presb.), 60; s. s. (Cong.) Saugerties, N. Y., 60-1; Amenia (Presb.), N. Y., 61- 4; p. Kinderhook (R. D.), 64-; pres. Genl. Synod (R.D.), 94-5; publ.: sermons, hymns in church hymnals, psalms, and other verses; m. Aug. 1, 61, Isabella G., da. Lewis L. James; ch. : Mary Isabella, Edwd. James, Helen Wells. Kinderhook, N. Y. Alfred Somers Collins, (CLERG.) A. B., 57. b. N. Y. C, Sep. 1, 1838; Union T. S., 57- 60; res. lie, do., 60-1; ord. (Presb.), 61; s. s. Albany, N. Y., 63; Andover, N. J., 64; w. c. Bkln., 65-70. James J. Gillette,* (L.) B. S., 57; A. M., 69, Union Univ. s. Rev. Abram D. and Hannah (Tenkins) Gillette, b. Phila., Pa., Jul. 26, 1838; Z ty; received first B. S. degree conferred by N. Y. U.; Union Coll., 53-7; civ. eng. until 61; mil. service, 61-9; lawyer; sur- rogate and judge of Chancery; U. S. Su- pervisor of Elections; U.S. Commr. ; master in Chancery, So. Dist. of Ala.; private 71st Regt. N. Y. Vols., 61; pris- oner in Libby Prison 5 months; 1st lieut. and adjut. 3d Md. Vols., 62; commissary of subsistence, U. S. Vols., with rank of capt., 62; of maj., 65; lieut. -col. by brevet, 66; capt. U.S.A., 67; maj. by brevet, 68, for gallant conduct at battle of Chancellorsville, Va. d. Nov. 25, 80, N. Y. C. William Greenough, (CLERG.) A. B., 57; D. D., elsewhere, b. Boston, Mass., 33; A*; commenc. orat.; Western T. S., Allegheny, Pa., 57- 60; lie, Pby., Ohio, 60; ord. 61; p. Logansport, Ind., 61-3; Mingo, Pa., 61-5; Piqua, O., 63-9; 4th Ch., Pittsburg, Pa., 71-3; Cohocksink Ch., Phila., Pa., 73-; chapl. 147th Inf., Ohio Vols. 1726 Franklin St., Phila., Pa. Mancius Holmes Hutton, (CLERG.) A. B., 57; D. D., 79, Rutgers Coll. s. Rev. Dr. Mancius S. and Gertrude (Holmes) Hutton, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 13, 1837; R. W. Brown's Sch., N. Y. C; N. Y. U., 53-7; *T; * B K; Webster orat. prize jun. exhib. ; Latin prize; Latin salut. at commenc; v. p. Eucleian; pres. class; Union T. S., 57-9; New Brunswick T. S., 59-60; postgrad. Union T. S., 60-1; p. (R. D.) Mt. Vernon, N. Y., 64-79; New Brunswick, N. J., 79-; pres. Genl. Synod, R. D. Ch., 88-9; pres. Bd. for Miss., 96-; pres. Soc. Prev. Cruelty to Child., Middlesex Co., 87-; mem. New Brunswick Greek Club; mem. N. J. Micro- scope Soc; deputation to visit For. Miss Sta., R. D. Ch. in Arabia, India, China, and Japan, 05; m. Oct. 8, 79, Mary Eleanor, da. Jn. Woodruff Clark; great- unc: Wm. Van Wyck, 40; unc: H. B. Holmes, 63 ; cons. : G. M. S. Blauvelt, 50, New Brunswick, N. J. James Jamieson,* A. B., 57. Wenham Kidder,* (CLERG.) A. B., 57. b. N. Y. C, Aug. 21, 1834; Union T. S., 57-9; ord. (Bapt.), 59; p. Huntington, Pa., 59-60; Warrior's Mark and Spruce Creek, Pa., 60-1; Spring and Greenville, Pa., 61-5; Alliance, O., 65-6; George- town, Pa., 66-7; Newtown, O., 67-8; supt. Children's Home, Cin., O., 68-9; p. Wilmington, O., 69-70; p. Washington Children's Home, O., 70-2. d. Oct. 4, 72, Washington, O. James W. Lingenfelter,* A. B., 57; A. M., 61. A $ ; captain U. S. Army. d. 61. i8 5 8] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 47 John Allen Maxwell,* (CLERG.) A. B., 57; D. D., 84, Lafayette Coll. In. Allen and Ann May (Alston) Maxwell, b. N. Y. C, Dec. 29, 1833; Union I oil., X. Y., 53-4; X. Y. U.. 54-7; *T; Union T. S., 57-60; ord. (Presb.), 60; p. S. Orange, X. I.. 60-71; ttazelton, Pa., 71-4; Bridgeton, X. I., 74-81; Titus- ville. Pa., 81-7; p. (Cong.) Danbury, Ct, 87-90; ed Doth, Bridgeton, X. J., 76-7; mem. A. B. C F. M.; m. (li Nov. 28, 54, Euphemia, da. Robt. Kelly, (2) Jun. 21, 71, Rena L., da. Jn. 1. Brown; ch.: Robt. Allen, Irving, Grace, Mabel, d. Nov. 27, 90, Danbury, Ct. John McGrorty, (CLERG.) A. B., 57; A. M., 64; A. B., 60, Trinity Coll., Dublin; A. B.. 73, Ox- ford; A. M., 79, Trinity; A. M. (hon.), 54. Univ. Ai Trinity Coll., Dublin, 59-61; minister, Ireland and England, 61-; last address, Dunedin, Coleraine, Ireland. Thomas Shepard Mount,* (I..) A. 15., 57. s. llv. Smith and Mary Bates (Ford) Mount, b. X. Y. C, Apr. 12, 1834; prep. by Rev. Dr. Evans, Setauket, X. V ; X Y. U., 53-7; Z*; *BK; Greek prize: pres. Eucleian; salut.; Albany Law Sch.; sch. commr., Western Dist., Suffolk Cu., N. Y.; pres. Bd. of Educ. J. .lug. 21, 00, Stony Brook, L.I. James Andrew Murdock, (ENG.) A. B., 57. *T. Bedford Ave. and Crown St., Bkln., N. Y. Ward Camp Pardee,* (PHYS.) A. B.. 57: A. M„ 60; M. D., 6 '. Horn. Med. Coll., Phila. s. Richd. Gay and Rebecca (Camp) Par- dee, b. Seneca Falls. X. Y.. Apr. 7. 1837; N. Y. P., 53-7: Z*; XVI'. Med. ColL, 57-9; Bom. Med. Coll., Phila., Pa.. 59. 60; mem. X. Y. State and Co. Med. Soc; m. Nov. 7. 60. Mary F... da. Matthew W. Starr, Tr. ; ch. : funnita Starr, Starr Carlton, Harry Frank. Fred Ward. d. Sept. 10. 04. Bkln.. N. Y. James Mill Parker.* (AC.) A. B., 57; A. IC, 78. s. Isaac and Margaret Parker, b. N. Y. C, Feb. 19. 1835; 7.*; expert account- ant; town clerk: ed. Delta Times: justice of peace. 81-95: m. Jun. 30, 64. Eliz. Ramsay Reattie; ch. : In. M., Jas. D., Margaret Agnes. d. July 15, 95, Delta, Pa. Alfred Augustus Post,* (EDU< .) \. B., 57; A. M., 60. s. Dr. Allied Chaa. and Harriet (Beers) Post, b. Bkln.. X. Y.. Feb. 16, 1837; A *; pi in. Xew Albany (Ind.) Female Coll., 57-8; Warrenslmrg ( X. Y. > Acad., 60; Kinderhook (N. V.) Acad.; cashr. Am. Natl. Bank, N. Y., 64-5; Univ. of Berlin, 88-9; .lir. for Mass. X. Am. Volapuk Assn., 90-3; mem. 22d Regt. N. G.. S. X. Y., 61; served at Harper's Ferry, \'a. : adj. 1st. Regt. Merchant'! Brigade, 62; /'k/'/..- Grammar of Volapuk, 91; l' tionary of Volapuk, 91; m. Nov. 18, 67, Emma, da. Thos. X. Dale; ch. : Al- fred (has.; bt . W. II. B„ 61; unc: Edward, 41; cous.: Geo. B., 58; bro.-in- law: W. S. Opdyke, 56. d. Sept. 4, 03. Hermann Dietrich Wrage,* G.) A. B„ 57; A. M. b. in Germany; A"t>; acting prof. Germ, lang. and lit., N. Y. U., 63-4; ord. (Presb.), Jun. 10, 61; p. Bkln., N. Y. ; teach, of piano; son: Herman W., 85 (non-grad.). d. May 2, 82. Flatbush, L. I. (16) 1858 Frederic Henry Adams,* (CLERG.) A. B„ 58. s. Frederic and Lucy Henrietta (Chaten) Adams, b. London, Eng., Jun. 22, 1833; ♦ H K; Eng. salut.; Latin prize; v. p. Eucleian; Union T. S.. 58-61; ord. (Presb.), 65; s. s. Constantia, X. Y., 61-4; Marquette, Mich., 65-7; Saline, Mich., 67-9; Wilson, X. Y.. 7">; p. (Cong.) New Hartford. Ct, 75-88; p. River Pt.. R. I.. 88-99; chrmn. Bd. of Educ, Xew Hartford, Ct., 80-8: m. May 13, 62, Electa J„ da. Walter G. Booth; ch. : Walter Rooth, Grace Oriana, Frederic Jos.. Edith Electa; sons: Walter B., 87; Frederic J., 91 (non-grad.). d. Feb. 6, 09. Providence, R. I. Samuel Thomson Carter, (CLERG.) A. B., 58; D. D., 01. s. Robt and Tane (Thomson) Carter, h. X. Y. C, [uL 22, 1840; I. W. Forrest's Sch.; X. Y. V.. 54-8; Greek prize fresh. and soph. yrs. ; Webster orat. pri pres. Eucleian; commenc. orat; Princ. 1 '. S., 58-61; ord. < Presb.), 62; p. Yon- \. Y ('.. 67-8; Hunt- ington. X. V.. 68-01; bro.: Thomas, 58; I W. Cochran, 62. 33 Jr. 82d St.. X. Y.C. Thomas Carter,* (CLERG.) A. B . 58 s. Robt. and Jane (Thomson) Carter, b. N. Y. C, Feb. 6, 1S39; valedict.; fresh. 4 8 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1858 Lat. prize; pres. Eucleian; Princ. T. S., 58-61; United Presb. Theol. Hall, Edin- burgh, Scot., 61; ord. (Presb.), 63; p. Pluckamin, N. J., 63-72; Boonton, N. J., 72-94; m. (1) Jul. 22, 63, Mary, da. Jas. B. Cochran, (2) Mar. 3, 74, Hettie M., da. Edwd. M. Dodd; ch.: Jas. Coch- ran, Jeanie, Mary Annie, Edith, Edwd. Dodd, Robt. Williams, Thos. Francis; bro.: Saml. T., 58; bro.-in-law: I. W. Cochran, 62. d. Nov. 3, 94, Boonton, N. J. Charles W. Chauncey,* A. B., 58; A*. d. 63, N. Y. C. William Henry Cooke,* (CLERG.) A. B., 58; A.M., 61; A.M.. 63, Princ. Univ. s. Robt. L. and Eliza (Van Deventer) Cooke, b. Bloomfield, N. J., Oct. 31, 1837; Z $; General T. S., N. Y., 60; ord. deac, 63; priest, 64; rect, Trinity Ch., Lan- singburgh, N. Y., 63-4; asst. min., Trin- ity Ch., N. Y. C, 67-89; m. Sep. 1, 64, Eliz., da. Benj. Stephens; ch. : Benj. Stephens, Hannah Maria, Clemence Amelia, Wm. Latimer, Jn. Lloyd Ste- phens. d. Feb. 22, 89, N. Y. C. Samuel Dodd,* (CLERG.) A. B., 58. s. Saml. and Nancy (Duff) Dodd, b. Ireland, Jan. 21, 1832; Princ. T. S., N. J., 58-61; miss, to China, 61-78; p. (Presb.) Bridgehampton, N. Y., 79-82; Stephenson Presb. Ch., 84-; publ: Com- mentary on the Epistle of James in Chinese; Commentary on Hebrews in Chinese; Expos, of the Parable of the Prodigal Son in Chinese; Who Wrote the Book of James? Princ. Rev., 78; occasional contrib. to journals and re- views; m. Apr. 4, 65, Sarah, da. Isaac Green; ch.: Saml., Spencer, Wm. Hy., John, Mary, Edgar, Albert. d. Dec. 7, 94, Garfield, N. T. Lewis L. Fosdick, (L.) B. S., 58. s. Morris and Cath. Jane (Baylis) Fos- dick, b. Springfield, N. Y., Jul. 21, 1837; Union Hall Acad., Jamaica, N. Y. ; A$; philos. orat. ; adm. bar, 60; trust., Ja- maica Village. 70-1 ; sec. Jamaica Sav- ings Bk., 74; Bd. of Educ, 75-84; trust. Union Hall Acad., 88-; m. (1) Aug. 29, 61, Julia Emma, da. Wm. Bennett, (2) Jun. 20, 78, Mary Eloise. da. Oliver A. Terry; ch.: Morris M., Elbert E., Ella Louisa. 358 Fulton St., Jamaica, N. Y. Joseph L. Frame,* (M.) B. S., 58. s. Jos. L. S. and Joanna (Heard) Frame, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 27, 1840; N. Y. U. Gram. Sch. ; A; importer linens, 61-; of Brookfield Linen Co., N. Y. C; rn. Feb., 90, Eleanor E. Penfold of Lon- don. d. Mar. 10, 03, N. Y. C. George Zabriskie Gray,* (CLERG.) A. B., 58; A.M., 61; D. D., 76; B. D., 62, Phila. Div. Sch. s. Jn. A. C. and Susan Maria (Zabris- kie) Gray, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 14, 1838; *T; commenc. orat.; Alexandria (Va.) T. S., 58-61; Phila. Div. Sch., 61-2; rect., St. Thomas* Ch., Vernon, N. Y, 62-3; St. Paul's, Kinderhook, N. Y., 63-5; Trinity, Bergen Pt., N. J., 65-76; dean and prof, systematic divinity, Episc. T. S., Cambridge, Mass., 76-89; mem. Am. Orient. Soc. ; N. E. Hist.-Geneal. Soc. ; Am. Archseol. Soc; publ.: Hist, of the Children's Crusade, Boston, 72; The Scriptural Doctrine of Recognition in the World to Come, N. Y, 75; Husband and Wife, Boston, 85; m. Jun., 62, Kate, da. Geo. Forrest; ch.: Sarah Forrest, Geo. Zabriskie, Arthur Romeyn; bros.: Albert Z., 60; John C, 65; uncs.: Geo. G., 50; F. N. Zabriskie, 50; cous.: Geo. Zabriskie, 70; Geo. Z. Hunter, 70; C. B. Zabriskie, 78; A. R. Zabriskie, 83 (non-grad.). d. Aug. 4, 89, Sharon Springs, N. Y. Lawrence Hayward Mills, (CLERG.) A. B., 58; A.M., 63; D. D., 85; B..D., 61, T. S. of Va. N. Y. U., 54-8; *T; commenc. poem; theol. sem. of Va., 58-61; asst. min., St. Ann's Ch., Bkln., 61-4; rector, do., 64-7; St. John's, Hartford, Ct., 67-70; Florence, Italy, and elsewhere in Euro- pean pulpits, 70-; prof. Zend philology, Oxford Univ., Eng. ; mem. Amer. Orien- tal Soc; Germ. Orient. Soc; publ.: The Gatas of Zoroaster, Oxford, Eng., 83; papers in Am. Journ. of Philol.; neph.: Wm. H. Neilson, 60. 54 Madison Ave., Morristown, N. J. Samuel Bonsall Parish, A. B., 58. b. Paterson, N. J., Jan. 13, 1838; *T; *BK; Wesleyan Univ., 54-6; N. Y. U., 56-8; instr. in Ottawa (111.) Acad.. 58- 60; Barton Acad., Mobile, Ala., 60-1; 1st. serg. Co. K, Second Cavalry, Kan- sas Vols., 62-5; fruit grower and botan- ist. 65-; retired; m. Oct. 3, 83, Mary E. Bonsall. San Bernardino, Cat. George Browne Post, (ARCH.) B. S.. 58. s. Joel B. and Abby M. Post, b. N. Y. C. ; N. Y. U., 54-8; studied arch, with Richd. 1859] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 49 M. Hunt; cx-pres. Am. Inst, of Archi- tects; do. Architectural League; do. Fine Arts Federation; pres. Natl. Arts Club; mem. Am. Soc. C. E. ; Century Assn., etc.; arch, at 33 E. 17th St., N. Y. C; ra. N. Y. C, Oct. 14, 63, Alice Stone; IHIC.: Fdwd., 41; cons.: Alfred A., 57; Wm. H. B., 61. n IV. gist St., N. Y.C. John Lansing Servin,* (L.) A. B., 58. s. Jn. A. ruiil Sara Tinkey (Bogart) Servin, b. Spring Valley, X. Y., Sep. 6, 1835; A*; Albany Law Sch.; lawyer, N. Y.C. 60-4; pub. and ed. Wan, vcrtxser 6 yrs. ; m. Feb. 7, 64, Sallie A., da. Abraham Forsbee; ch. : Abram Forbes, Sara, Jn. Magie, Walter Tinkey. d. Oct. 8, 81, Warwick, N. Y. Richard Lawrence Van Kleek,* (PHYS.) A. B., 58; A.M., 61; M. D., 63. s. Richd. D. and Sarah J. (Malteson) Van Kleek, b. Berne, N. Y.. Mar. 21, 1839; libra., Eucleian; L.I. Coll. Hosp., 60; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 60-2; interne, Kiims Co. Hosp., Flatbush, L. I., 62-3; health officer. Gravesend, X. Y., 80-92; mem. Rings Co. Med. Soc; m. Aug. 3, 64, Nellie S., da. Jas. D. Lawrence; ch. : Ada and Richd. I). d. Dec. 18, 95, Gravesend, L. I. William Knickerbocker Reypen, Van M. D. (PHYS.) A. B., 58; A.M., 63 62. s. Cornelius C. and Christina Cantine < Van Alert I Van Reypen, b. Bergen. N. J., Nov. 14, 1840: Bergen Acad.; N. Y, U, 55-8; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 59-6 asst. surg. 2d N. J. Regt., 61 ; asst. surg, U. S. N., 61 ; passed asst. surg., 65 surg., 68-: med. insp., 87; asst. to Bu- reau of Med. and Surgy., 84-02; fleet surg.. Pacific Squadron, 92-; surg. -gen. U.S. Navy. 97-; pros. Am. NatL Red 04: mem. Holland Soc. of X. Y. : m. Sop. 21, 76, Nellie C, da. Albert P. Wells; ch. : Aletta Louise, Wm. Knicker- bocker. 1021 l$th St.. Washington, D. C. H. Augustus Cranston, Sp. Dip., 58. X. Y. l\, 57-8. 1859 ^"illiam Frank Burroughs.* a. n„ 59. in U. S. A. during Civil War; A *. d. oo. (16) Nathan Perkins Campfield,* (CLERG.) A. B., 59. . B. and Barriette S. (Perkins) Campfield, b. -Newark, X. J., Jun. 4, 1838; *T; commenc. orat.; teach., 59-60; Princ. T. S., 60-3; ord., 65; p. < azenovia, X. Y.. 65-8; m. Oct. 24, 65, Jane L, da. Hy. Ivison. d. Sept. 7, 68, Bellows Falls, Vt. Henry Sinclair Drayton, (PHYSJ A. i:.. 59; A. M.. 66; I.I.. B , 61; M. I)., 77. Eclectic. Med. Coll; M. D., 89, N. Y. Med. Soc. s. Win. R. and Mary Miranda (Shipman) Drayton, b. Jersey City, X. J., Sep. 16, 1839; Dickinson Lyceum, Jersey City; .} ; *BK; commenc. orat.; class sec; Univ. Law Sch., 60-1; Eclectic Med. Coll., 76-7; postgrad, med. sch. courses; lawyer, 61-4; ed., 66; lect. on physiol. of new sys- tem. Am. Phrenol. Inst.; asst., Bellevue Hosp. clinic; lect. in free course, X. Y. Sch. Bd.; fellow N. Y. Acad. Anthropol.; mem. N. Y. Co. Med. Soc; hon. fellow Soc. Science and Letters, London; cor- resp., Victoria Inst.; publ.: Brain and Mind, 78; Human Magnetism, 92; Stud- ies in Mind and Character, 93; In Oude- mon, 01; Notes of an Eastern Tour, 03; m. Sep. 21, 64, Almira E., da. Dr. Hy. Guernsey; ch.: Grace A., Albert I.; son: Albert I., 88. 70 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. John Blake Falkner, (CLERG.) A. B., 59; D. D., 81. s. In. Katterns and Fliz. ( Waddington) Falkner, b. Market Harborough, Leices- tershire, Eng., Sep. 17. 1832; *BK; Webster orat. prize; philos. orat.; Episc T. S., Alexandria, \'a., 59-61; ord. (Episc). 61; rect., Ch. of Holy Trinity, Phila., Pa.. 61-2; Christ Ch.. Belleville, X. I.. 62-3; Christ Ch.. Bridgeport, Ct., 64-70; St. Matthew's Ch., Phila.. Pa., 70-4; Christ Ch., Germantown, Pa.. 74-: examining chapL, Diocese of Pa.. 72; mem. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sc, Phila.. Pa.; /-!(/>/..• Introd. to Books of New Test., Phila., 81; occasional serin natl. and other topics: m. Dec Helen Moore, da. Rev. Dr. C. M. Rutler; ch. : Wm. Howard. Francis B., Roland P.. Tn. B.. Helen M.. Grace K. I72S Arch St.. Phila., Pa. Albert Horatio Gallatin. iniEM.I A. B.. 50; A.M.. 62; M. D.. s. Albert Rolaz and Marv Lucille (Ste- vens) Gallatin, b. X. Y. ('.'. Mar. 7. 1839; V Y I'.. 55-9; Z+; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., L Univ. Law Sch.. 1 vr. : Union T. S . 1 jrr.j Col Univ., Coll. p. and S.: L'Fcole de Medicine, Paris, France, 1 vr : prof. chem.. geol., and mineral., Norwich I'niv., \'t.. 1 vr. : prof, chem., Rutgers Female Coll.. X. Y. C. ; asst. in chem.. prof. anal, chem., and dir. of 5o NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1859 lab., Cooper Union, 9 yrs.; lect. on physics, Rensselaer Poly. Inst., Troy, N. Y., 1 yr. ; dir. Zoological Garden, Central Park, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; asst. surg. 22d Regt., 62, and 12th Regt., 63, N. G., S. N. Y.; prof. anal, chem., N. Y. U., 82- 90; mem. Am. Chem. Soc; N. Y. Acad, of Science; publ.: biographies of Ameri- can chemists, Appleton's Cycl. Am. Biog., 90; contrib. to scientific magazines, 64-; m. 77, Louisa Bedford, da. Maskell Ewing; ch. : Louisa, Albert Eugene, Cor- nelia Lansdale; bro.: Frederick, 61. d. Mar. 25, 02, N. Y. C. Daniel Ayres Goodsell, (CLERG.) A. B., 59; D. D., 00; S. T. D., 81, Wesleyan Univ.; LL. D., 90, Dickinson Coll. s. Buel and Adeline (Ferris) Goodsell, b. Nov. 5, 1840; Clinton Acad., N. Y.; N. Y. U., 55-9; Z *; pastor 28 yrs.; ed. Zion's Herald; sec. N. Y. East Conf. ; sec. Bd. of Educ. M. E. Ch.; bishop, M. E. Ch., 88-; publ.: Nature and Character at Granite Bay, 01; The Things which Remain, 04; m. Jun. 6, 60, Sarah F., da. Wm. Loweree; ch.: three; rel.: Chas. Buel, Geo. H. 16 Harris St., Brookline, Mass. William Graham,* (CLERG.) A. B., 59. s. Jn. and Dorothy (Martin) Graham, b. near Ballybay, Ire., Jul. 7, 1826; Ref. Presb. Sem., Alleghany, Pa., 58-9; ord. (Ref. Presb.), 60; First Ref. Presb. Ch., Boston, Mass., 60-93; m. (1) Mar. 26, 56, Eliz., da. Thos. Bell, (2) Dec. 3, 63, Mary A., da. Robt. Dickson; ch. : Sarah Dorothy, Eliz. Bell, Thomas Bell, John Thos., Mary Eliz., Wm. Hugh, Jn. Dickson, Maria Helen, Augusta, Alford Martin, Anna Gertrude, Florence Imo- gen. d. Mar. 15, 93, Boston, Mass. Isaiah Bardsley Hopwood, (CLERG.) A. B., 59; D. D., 92. s. Geo. and Leah (Bardsley) Hopwood, b. Bradbury, Cheshire, Eng., Nov. 6, 1831; Auburn T. S., 59-60; Union T. S., 60-1; ord. (Presb.), 61; p. Coventry, N. Y., 61-3; s. s. Oxford Furnace, N. T., 63-5; s. s. Parkville (L. I.), N. Y., 66-7; p. Paterson, N. J., 67-74; p. (Calvary) Newark, N. J., 74-; m. (1) May 9, 61, Phebe L., da. Titus Berry, (2) Nov. 3, 87, J. Etta, da. Titus Berry; ch.: Clif- ford Martin, Winifred, Etta; son: Clif- ford M., 89. 79 Murray St., Nczvark, N. J. Myer Samuel Isaacs,* (L.) A. B., 59; A. M., 62; LL. B., 62. s. Rev. Saml. M. and Jane (Simmons) Isaacs, b. N. Y. C, May 8, 1841; *BK; valedict.; class prizes fresh, and soph. yrs.; jun. orat.; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 59; lect., do., 87-92; ed. Jewish Messenger, 57-76; judge, Marine Court, N. Y., 80; com. of council Lawyers' Title Ins. Co.; dir. and v. p. Real Est. Exch., 86-90; dir. Prison Assn. and Soc. for Preven- tion of Crime, 92; pres. Bd. of Dele- gates of Am. Israelites, 76-80; sec, do., 59-76; pres. Hebrew Free Sch. Assn., 81-92; pres. Baron de Hirsch Fund, 90-2; trust., Columbia Bank, 88-92; Am. Sav- ings Bk., 90-2; mem. Archseol. Inst.; Am. Acad, of Sc. ; State Bar and Am. Bar Assns.; m. Feb. 9, 67, Maria, da. Baruch Solomon; ch. : Minnie, Alice, Julian M., Estelle, Lewis M., Saml. M.; bros. : Isaac S., 65; Abram S., 71; sons: Julian M., 93; Lewis M., 97. d. May 24, 04, N. Y. C. Walter Raymond Marsh,* (L.) A. B., 59; A.M., 65; LL. B., 60, Union Univ. s. Jas. and Mary (Fardon) Marsh, b. N. Y. C, Feb. 25, 1838; *T; *BK; commenc. orat.; Albany Law Sch., 59-60; 1st Lieut. 15th Eng. Brig., N. Y. Vols., 61-4; m. Oct. 11, 66, Mary S., da. Robt. Denniston; ch. : Antoinette, Agnes. d. June 24, 72, Cornwall, N. Y. John Rutherford Matthews,* (CLERG.) A. B., 59. s. Saml. and Isabella (Rutherford) Mat- thews, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 29, 1835; A* New Brunswick T. S. ; ord. (Prot. Episc.) 64; rector, St. Peter's Ch., Peekskill, N Y.; St. Paul's Ch., Kinderhook, N. Y. Grace Ch., Greenville, N. Y.; chapl. U. S. N., 69-93; retired, 93; m. Jun. 5, 73 Catharine T. R., da. Pierre Van Cort landt; ch.: Philip Van C, Isabel Ruther ford. d. Dec. 27, 98, Croton-on-Hndson, N.Y. John Whitley Moore,* (M.) A. B., 59; LL. B., 60, Union Univ. ^T; *BK; Latin salut. ; Albany Law Sch., 59-60; merchant, 60-74. d. 74. Uriah Furman Rogers, (L.) A. B., 59; LL. B., 62. Engl, salut.; ^T; *BK; Law Sch., 59- 62; pract. law, 62-9; retired, 69. Annius Paul Scharff,* (ARCH.) A. B., 59; B. S., 60; A. M., 63. s. Adrian and Ida Cath. (Gildermeester) Scharff, b. Amsterdam, Netherlands, Apr. 5, 1839; commenc. orat.: surveyor and arch.; sec. Citizens Ins. Co., Newark, N. J.; m. Feb. 27, 62, Wilhelmina J., da. Danl. Condit; ch.: Paul Adrian, Anna- bel Pauline, Maud Evelyn, Sheldon Wil- helm. d. Mar. 7, 90, Madison, N. J. i860] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Oscar Fisher Shaw, (1.. i A. B., 59; LL. B., 60. B. Wm. and Hannah (Ulsted) Shaw, b. i\\ V. I '., Feb. 3, 1838; pres. Philomath.: N. Y. U. Law Sch., 58-60; m. Apr. 27, 70, Adelaide Frances, da. Jn. Goodwin Murdock; ch.: Oscar Fisher, Ir.; bros.: Jn. C, 60, and Sheldon B., 66. j 35 B'way, N. Y. C. Roswell Delavan Smith, (PHYS.) A. B.. 59; M. U., 80, N. Y. Horn. Med. Coll. s. Saml. D. and Sally Ann (Delavan) Smith, b. Poundridge, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1833; A4>; 4>BK; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; Princ. T. S., 61-3; N. Y. Horn. Med. Coll., 77-80; p. (Cong.) Long Ridge, Ct., 63; No. Stamford, Ct., 63-4; Prcsb. Ch., South East, N. Y., 65-70; miss., Rutherford Park, N. J., 70-1; s. s. Union, N. J., 71-80; teach., 50-5; plus., 80-; phys.-in-charge, Yorkville Disp. several yrs. ; m. Oct. 24, 66, Cath. V, da. Archibald Sears; ch.: Roswell, Mary Annie, Saml. Rutherford, Cath. Darling, Archibald Delavan; bro.: Geo. L., 62. 2672 Marion Ave., N. Y. C. Edward N. Kirk Talcott,* (ENG.) A. 1?., 59. s. Wm. Hubbard and Harriet Newell (Williams) Talcott, b. Cuba, N. Y.. fun. 10, 1840; stud. civ. eng. with Wm. EL Talcott, C. E. ; civ. and mcch. eng.; supt. 111. Mil. Acad.. Morgan Park, 111., 76-89; with 7th Regt. N. G., S. X. Y.. and with 1st Regt. N. G., S. N. Y. as 2d lieut. ; 1st lieut. and capt. of Eng. in Wash., Baltimore, S. C, Fla., Ga., X I and \'a., 61-5; supt. Iron Giff Co., Negannee, Mich., 66-7; Port Oram Iron Co., N. J., 68-70; Morris Co. Machine and Iron Co., Dover, N. J., 71-2; N.J. Iron Co. of \"a., 73-5; pract. civ. eng., 90--'; mem. and dir. Am. Soc. C. E. ; Am. Acad, of Polit. and Social Sc. ; m. (1) Mav 23, 67, Antoinette M.. da. Geo. M. Watkins, (2) Nov. 26, 84, Lillian M., da. Clias. M. Baird; ch.: Wm. Hubbard, Rebecca Williams. Julia. Emily, Ralph Emerson, Ifv. Buxton. d. Mar. _>." 01, Bkln., N.Y. Henry Coit Day,* (L.) Sp. Dip., 59. s. ("has. and Mary (Cochran) Day, b. Macon, Ga., Jun. 14, 1840; Albanv Law Sch., 50-60; a,!m. X. Y. bar. 62; lawyer. 65-7; treas. Macon and Brunswick R. R.j caahr. and paymaster Brunswick and Q R. R.;'agt. for London Lloyds; mem. staff of Gen. Breckenridge during Civil War. in Ordnance Dcpt.. C. S. A. : m. ( 1 ) 70. Jane Taliaferro, widow of Col. Jn. H. Lamar. (2) SO. Lilla B., da. Geo. L. Bryant: ch.: Mary Lou Talia- ferro, Lois Sidney. Hy. Coii. d. Jan. 3, 88, Brunswick. Ga. Theophilus Paulding Saulnier, (B.) Sp. Dip., 59. merchant and banker; with commis- sariat U.S.A., 61-5; with Augn mont & Co., and with Xat. Banks in X. Y. C; cashr. Charter Natl. Bank, Media, Pa.; v. p., do.; m. Mary Pynchon, of Mass. ; ch. : three sons. Media, Pa. Albert Stewart,* Sp. Dip., 59. A ♦; artist. d. May 11, 93, N. Y. C. (20) i860 Edward Abbott, (CLERG.) A. B., 60; D. D., 90. s. Jacob and Harriet (Yaughan) Abbott, b. Farmington, Me., Jul. 15, 1841; Far- mington Acad.; N. Y. U., 56-60; *T; class poet, prophet and marshal; e.l. Eucleian; Andover T. S., 60-2; agt. U. S. San. Comm., Washington, D. C, and with Army of the Potomac, 62-3; ord. (Cong.), 63; founder and first p. Pilgrim Ch., Cam- bridgeport, Mass., 68-9; mem. Sch. Comm., Cambridge, 68-9; assoc. ed. Congregation- alist, Boston, 69-78; chapl. Mass. Senate, 72-3; ed. and joint propr. Literarx World Boston, 77-88; ed., do., 95-03; min., St. James' Episc. Ch., Cambridge, Mass., 78; rector, do., 79-; ord. deacon, 79, presbyter, 80, by Bp. B. H. Paddock of Mass.; has served as mem. Bd. of Yisitors. Wellesley Coll.; trust. Soc. for Relief of Wid. and Orph. of Deceased Clergymen of the P. E. Ch. ; dir. Assoc. Charities, Cambridge; vice-dean and dean Eastern Convoc., Dioc. of Mass.; pres. Cambridge Branch, Indian Rights Assoc; mem. Miss. Council, P. E. Church; sec. Standing Comm. Dioc. of Mass.; deputy to Genl. Conv.. P. E. Ch. ; pres. Indian Industries League; pres. Cambridge City Mission; pres. Church Li- brary Assoc; trust. Mass. Bible Soc; trust. Clergymen's Mutual Insurance League; fuhl..- The Raby's Things 71; A Paragraph History of the U.S., 75; A Paragraph Hist, of the Am. Revolu- tion, 76; Revolutionary Times. 76; Hist, of Cambridge < in Drake's Middlesex Co.), 80; Long Look House. 77; < hit Doors at Long Look, 78; A Trip Eastward, 80; Memoir of Jacob Abbott (Mcml. ed. of the Young Christian), 82; numer. ographs and articles. 65-; m. (1) I 65, Clara E. Davis. (2) Aug. 21, 83, Kath- arine, da. Alfred Kcllv; ch. : Edwd. Ap- thorp. Madeline Vaughan. Eleanor Hal- lowcll: bros.: Benj. V., 50; Austin, 51; Lyman. 53. // Dana St., Cambridge, Mass. George Danielson Baker.* 5- C ,Y ER >£ \ AB -' 60: DD - 74 - Olivet Coll.. Mich. s. Josiah VV. and Abigail (Bates) Baker, 52 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [i860 b. Watertown, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1840; *T class pres. ; pres. Eucleian; Webster jun orat. prize; Princeton T. S., 60-3; chapl 38th Regt., Pa. Vols., 63; ord. (Presb.) 64; p. Watertown, N. Y., 64-7; Oneida N. Y., 67-71; 1st Ch., Detroit, Mich., 71 84; 1st Ch., Phila., Pa., 85-03; pres. Presb. Bd. of Educ; dir. Princeton T. S., 88 03; m. Nov. 30, 64, Gertrude Frelinghuy sen, da. David Magie; bro.: Frederic, 52, d. Dec. 17, 03, Phila., Pa. Albert Castle Bishop, (CLERG.) A. B., 60. s. Jas. W. and Cynthia Matilda (Castle) Bishop, b. Warrensburg, N. Y., Sep. 12, 1840; Z*; 4>BK; Latin salut. ; pres. Eu- cleian; Union T. S., 60-3; ord. (Presb.), 64; p. Warrensburgh, N. Y., 63-5; Sand Lake, N. Y., 65-75; West Troy, N. Y., 75- 9; Unadilla, N. Y., 79-87; Keeseville, N. Y., 87-; m. Jun. 8, 70, Julia, da. Dr. Elia- kim W. Howard. Keeseville, N. Y. Winfield Bloodgood, (ENG.) B. S., 60; dipl. Anal, and Pract. Chem., 62. s. Matthias and Maria (Ackerman) Blood- good, b. N. Y. C, May 13, 1840; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 56-60; A*; rn. Dec. 17, 63, Amanda L., da. Jas. M. Edgar; ch.: Willard M., Lillian, Helen. 391 First St., Bkln., N. Y. Henry Josiah Crane, (CLERG.) A. B., 60. b. Middletown, N. Y., Jun. 27, 1837; prep. Elmira, N.Y.; N. Y. U. 56-60; Z *; Union T. S., 60-3; N. Y. U. Med. Coll.; ord (Presb.), 63; s. s. Wysox, Pa., 63-70; p Hunter, N. Y., 71-5; s. s. Gibson, Pa., 75 8; p. Nicholson, Pa., 79-88; s. s. Mt. Pleas ant and Uniondale, Pa., 89-; m. Jun. 27, 60, Charlotte A. Morgan; ch. : Tululah Eugene, Howard Crosby. Uniondale, Pa. Richard William Ely,* (EDUC.) A. B., 60; LL. B., 63, Col. Univ. s. Rich, and Mary Caroline (Buck) Ely, b. Chester, Ct., Feb. 20, 1836; Col. Law Sch., 63; chem. course in Cooper Inst.; prof. Chem. d. Dec. 18, 72, Chester, Ct. Charles Fitzsimmons,* A. B., 60; A. M., 63. d. 83. Albert Zabriskie Gray,* (CLERG.) A. B., 60; B. D., 64, General T. S., N. Y. C; S. T. D., 87, Col. Univ. , s. Jn. A. C. and Susan Maria (Zabriskie) Gray, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 2, 1840; * T; Eng. salut.; Gen. T. S., 60-4; chapl. 4th Mass. Cav., 64-5; rect, Bloomfield, N. J., 66-8; traveled in Europe, 68-73; Phillipstown, N. Y., 73-82; warden Racine (Wis.) Coll. and rect. St. John's Colleg. Chapel, 82-9; publ.: The Land and the Life, N. Y., 76; Travels in Mexico, 76; The Words of the Cross, 80; Jesus Only, and other sacred songs, 82; m. Jun. 14, 66, Harriet, da. of Covington Guion; bros.: Geo. Z., 58; John C, 65; uncs.: Francis N. Zabriskie, 50; Geo. G., 50; cous.: Geo. Zabriskie, 70; Geo. Z. Hunter, 70; Cornelius B. Zabris- kie, 78; Albert R., 83 (non-grad.). d. Feb. 17, 89, Chicago, III. James Wilson Larimore,* (EDUC.) A. B., 60. b. Steubenville, O., 1834; Princeton T. S., 56-8; ord. (Presb.); s. s. Bladensburg, Md., 61-2; p. Mt. Pleasant, la., 62-3; chapl. U.S.A., 63-5; s. s. Chicago, 111., 65-72; city ed. Chicago Evening Journal, 73; prof. Cook Co. Normal Sch.; prin., do.; founded The Watchman (Y.M.C.A.); prof. nat. sc, No. Div. High Sch., Chi- cago, for 15 yrs. ; western mgr. Jobbins & Van Ruynbeke, Belgian chemists, -94; m. Hattie Stevens. d. May 30, 94, Chicago, III. John McVey, (CLERG.) A. B., 60; D. D., 94. s. Alex, and Christina (Templeton) Mc- Vey, b. Glasgow, Scot., Feb. 22, 1837; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 56-60; Z *; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; sec. class; pres. Eucleian; Union T. S., 60-3; ord. (Presb.), 63; p. New Lebanon, N. Y., 64- 72; Dayton, O., 72-4; Binghamton, N.Y., 75-05; stated clerk, Columbia Presby., 69- 72; Binghamton Presb., 80-1-9; regents' examiner, N. Y., 91-; m. May 19, 68, Mar- garet, da. Jos. Whitehead; ch. : Jos. T. ( Louise Maria; cous.: Jas. D., 67. 20 Doubleday St., Binghamton, N.Y. William Hude Neilson, (CLERG.) A.B., 60; A. M., 63; D. D., 85, Kenyon Coll., O. s. Wm. H. and Caroline Kane (Mills) Neilson, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 24, 1842; N. Y. U., 56-60; Gambier, O., T. S., 60-3; Belle- vue Hosp. Med. Coll., N. Y., 67-70; ord. deacon (P. E.), 63; ord. presbyter, 66; asst. min. Ch. of the Ascension, N. Y. C, 63-4; rect. St. John's Ch., Framingham, Mass., 64-6; St. John's, L. I. City, 67-71; p. Holy Trinity Meml. Chap., Phila., Pa., 71-3; rect. St. Michael's Ch., Trenton, N. T., 73-89; official visitor of Am. Ch. Miss. Soc. in Cuba, 90-1; rect. Trinity Ch., Shepherdstown, W. Va., 91; Plainfield, N. T. ; publ. : Gathered Leaves of Sunday Sch. Song, Sunday Sch. Hymnal, N. Y., 76; m. Oct. 18. 65, Anna Aspinwall, da. Saml. P. Reed, M. D.; ch. : Eliza Reed; bro.: Alfred, 66; unc. : Lawrence H. Mills, 58. Plain-Held, N.J. i86i] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 53 Joseph Lipscomb Norvell,* (BR.) A. B., 60. s. Caleb dishing and Cath. May (Carroll) Norvell, b. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 8, 1840; A ♦: stock broker; Studied law in K.y.; mining in Cal., 69; priv. in 37th Regt. N. G., S. N. Y., at Gettysburg, 64; m. Oct, 12, 64, Sarah, da. of Jn. Gillespie. d. Nov. 5, 70, New Brighton, N. Y. Henry Beach Opdyke, (B.) A. B., 60. s, Geo. and Eliz. Hall (Stryker) Opdyke; *T; 4>BK; banker; bros. : Chas. W. and Wm. S., 56; neph.: Alfred C. P., 90. 20 Nassau St., N. Y. C. William Henry Phraner, (CLERG.) A. B., 60. b. Jamaica, N. Y., Mar. 26. 1841; Mt. Pleasant Acad., Ossining, N. Y.; N. Y. U., 56-60; p. of several Refd. churches. 319 Fulton St., Jamaica, N. Y. Amasa Angell Redfield,* (I. ) A. B., 60; LL. D., 98. s. Luther ami Eliza A. (Angell) Redfield, b. Clydt, N. Y., May 19, 1837; Z*; pres. Eucleian; lect., Testamentary Alienation; N. V. I\ Law Sell., 85-97; mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc; publ.: Handbook of Tax Laws, N. Y. 63; Reports of Surrogates' Courts, N. Y., 5 vols., 64-82; (with T. G. Shear- man) Law of Negligence, 2 vols., 69; 4th ed., do., 90; Law and Practice of Surrogates' Courts, N. Y., 8 vols., 75; m. May 6, 63, Louise, da. of Robt. L. Cooke; ch.: Robt. Latimer, Edith; bros. -in-law: Jn. Ward, 41; Wm. H. Cooke, 58. d. Oct. 17, 02, Farmington, Ct. John Coleman Shaw, (L.) A. B., 60. s. Wm. and Hannah (Eusted) Shaw, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 28, 1842; * B K; pres. Phil- omath.; adm. bar, 65; mem. X. Y. Hist. Soc; m. (1) Jan. 1, 70, Jane Augusta, da. Wm. Van vliet, (2) Dec. 1, 81, Eliz. Anne. da. Tn. J. B. Beach; ch. : Jn. Ers- kine and Frederick Van Yliet; bros.: Oscar F., 59, and Sheldon B., 66. 108 Fulton St., N. Y. C. Jacob Shrady. < L ) A. B., 60; A. M., 64; LL. B., 63, Col. Univ. s. Jn. and Margaret (Beinhauer) Shrady. b. N. Y. C, Mar. 24, 1839; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 56-60: Z *; v. p. Eucleian; class sec; Col. Law Sch.. 63; law firm. J. & W. Shrady; mem. of Med Fnrispmd. Soc; St. Nicholas Soc. N.Y.; Sons of Revol.; Bkln. Art Guild; Central and Harlem Repub. Clubs; publ.: Mental Un- soundness as Affecting Testamentary Capacity. Medico Legal Papers. 1st 69; Analysis of the Evidence in Ste- rn.Tcke-Schreppe Poisoning Case, same vol.; The Civil and Criminal Responsibil- ity of Phys. for Malpractice, Medico Legal Papers, 79; Battle of Ridgefield, Ct., 90; Old Coat; Rambling on the Hudson; m. (1) Nov. 8, 71, Emma M., da. Thompson A. drigg, (2) Sep. 13, 82, Jennie, da. ~Jn. W. Kemptonj ch.: Florence Maud, Mar* jorie Faunce. 90 Nassau St., N. Y. C. Erskine Uhl, A. B., 60. s. Stephen and Hannah (Mulford) Uhl, b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Apr. 12, 1841; Dutchess Co. Acad., Poughkeepsie; X. V. U., 56-60; *BK; Union T. S., 61-3; gen. sec. Y. M. C. A., Poughkeepsie, 72-5; office-see. Internatl. Comm. Y. M. C. A., 75-; publ.: Handbook of Young Men's Christian Assns., N. Y., 88. 3 IV. 29th St., N. Y. C. Rufus King Sp. Dip., 60. s. Rufus Sylvester and Phoebe (Odell) King; *T; sec. and treas. and v. p. N. Y. General and Biog. Soc, 77-80, 86; sec. St. Nicholas Club 83-6; pres. Amac- kassin Club, Yonkers, N. Y. 222 N. B'zvay, Yonkers, N. Y. William Odell,* Sp. Dip., 60. * T; resided in N. Y. C. and Yonkers, N. d. Feb., 69, N. Y. C. (20) 1861 Daniel Drew Chamberlain. (F.) A. B., 61; A.M., 70. Wesleyan Univ. s. Roswell Willcox and Cath. (Drew) Chamberlain, b. N. Y. C. May 20. 1839; *T; of David Prosbeck & Co., brokers; trust. Wesleyan Univ., 65-80; mem. X. V. Hist. Soc; m. Jan. 5, 69, Emma J., da. Wm. Williams; ch. : Claire Drew, Ros- well Willcox. Croton Falls, N. Y. John Jay Crane, (CLERG.) A. B.. 61. s. Davis and Elvasinda (Mauory) Crane. b. Schaghticoke Point, N. Y., Aug. 21. 1841; Univ. Gram. Sch.; X. Y. l\. 57-61; Latin salut.; prizes in Latin and math, fresh, and soph. vrs. ; Union T. S., ord. (Presb.), 67; p. Rose Valley, X. Y.. - inhqpe, X (., 70-90; ■ sant Plains, X. Y.. 91-3:' Hcuvcl- ton, X. Y., 94-; publ.: Hist, of Presb. Ch. 54 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1861 of Stanhope, N. J., 77; The Revised New Test., 81; Monopoly, 81; The Manger of Bethlehem, 90; Hist, of Presb. Ch. of Heuvelton, N. Y., 04; poems and numer- ous sermons and art. in various journ. Heuvelton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Jose Alejandro Ponce De Leon,* B. S., 61; A.M., Mt. St. Mary's Coll. s. Juan Baubiste Ponce and Asunian (Perry) de Leon, b. Maturgas, Cuba, Jul. 18, 1842; Mt. St. Mary's Coll.; real est. broker, 66-9; U. S. N., 62-5; col. in Cuban Revol. Army; killed in battle. d. 69, La Cuaba, Cuba. James Gaunt Derrickson,* A. B., 61. b. N. Y. C, Jun. 6, 1841; Z *; *BK; priv., 61; 2d lieut. Co. D, 66th N. Y. Vols.; capt. ord., Gettysburg, 64; detailed to First Uiv. 2d Army Corps; taken pris. Jun. 22, 64; paroled Apr., 65; then mus- tered out; paper mf., 65-6. d. Oct. 18, 66, Stockport, N. Y. Frederick Gallatin, (L.) A. B., 61; A.M., 64; LL. B., 63, Col. Univ. s. Albert Rolaz and Mary Lucille (Ste- vens) Gallatin, b. N. Y. C, May 17, 1841; N. Y. U., 57-61; Z *; Col. Univ. Law Sch., 61-3; judge advocate and maj. N. Y. State Mil. ; priv. 7th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 62; lieut. 12th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 63; lawyer, 63-; m. 65, Almy Goelet Gerry; ch.: Almy Goelet, Rolaz Horace, Jean Buchanan, Goelet, Albert, Mary; bro.: Albert H., 59. 670 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. John Addison Hedrick, (F.) A. B., 61. s. Jn. Leonard and Eliz. (Sherwood) Hedrick, b. Davidson Co., N. C, Aug. 16, 1837; Catawba Coll., N. C, 54-6; N. Y. U, 59-61; #BK; v. p. Eucleian; David- son Coll., 57-9; collector of customs Beaufort, N. C, 62-9; justice, Inf. Court Rowan Co., N. C, 81-; chrmn. do., 84 chrmn. Bd. of Educ, Rowan Co., 85- justice of peace; farming; m. Aug. 25 75, Maggie May, da. Archibald L. Young ch. : Mary Sherwood, Jn. Young, Wm Archd., Laura McNeely, Eliz. Barker neph.: Chas. J., 74. Salisbury, N. C. Thomas Burnside Morris,* (ENG.) B. S., 61. s. Wm. E. and Mary (Burnside) Morris, b. Wellsboro, Pa., May 13, 1842; Z f; chief eng. of R. R. on L. I., 63; div. chief Panama R. R., 64-5; do. Union Pac. R. R., 67-9; do. No. Pac. R. R., 70-4; pres. Seattle Coal Co. and Renton Coal Co., San Francisco; mining eng., 75-85; m. Oct. 3, 71, Sarah Arndt Sletor; ch.: Mary Burnside, Ray Sletor, Anna Lloyd. d. Nov. 8, 85, Oakland, Cal. William Whiting Newell,* (CLERG.) A. B., 61. s. Rev. Dr. Wm. Whiting and Edna (Shaw) Newell, b. Boston, Mass., Aug. 23, 1839; Hamilton Coll., 57-9; Union T. S., 61-4; ord. (Presb.), 64; s. s. Coopers- "town, N. Y., 64-5; p. Wappinger's Falls, N. Y., 65-8; Monroe, Mich., 69-71; 42d St., N. Y. C, 71-4; Newburyport, Mass., 74-81; evang., McAll Miss., Paris, Fr., 81-93; ord. (P. E.), 93; min., St. Luke's, Paris, Fr., 93-4; m. Sep. 25, 64, Helen, da. Luther R. Peet; ch. : Geo. Kennedy, Wm. Whiting, Oliver Shaw; bro.: Geo. B., 69 (non-grad.). d. Jan. 23, 94, Paris, France. James Chrystie Nightingale,* (CLERG.) A. B., 61; B. D., 65, Princ. T. S. s. Jn. and Ann Jane (Agnew) Nightin- gale, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 22, 1836; Z *: 4>BK; Eng. salut. ; pres. class; pres. Eu cleian; Alleghany, Pa., T. S., 62-4; Princ, T. S., 64-5; ord. evang. (Presb.), 66; s. s. Canal St. Ch., N. Y. C, 65-7; Islip, N Y., 68-9; p. Smithville Flats, N. Y., 69 74; Babylon, N. Y., 74-80; evang., 80-92 mod. Synod of L. I., 79; m. Oct. 28, 69, Julia, da. Jas. St. John; ch. : Howard Crosby, Jas. Clifford, Craig Elder, Carolyn Ethel, Garrard Post; nephs.: James Ab- bott, 83; Renwick W., 98. d. Aug. 17, 95, Newark, N. J. John Francis Phayre, (ED.) A. B., 61. s. Jn. and Cath. McComb (Jollie) Phayre, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 11, 1842; Colleg. Sch. and Univ. G. S., N. Y. C; N. Y. U., 57- 61; Z ^; 4>BK; commercial and lit. bus.; m. Oct. 20, 69, Augusta C, da. Jn. P. H. Tallman; ch.: Mary. 105 W. I2ist St., N. Y. C. William Henry Beers Post,* (PHYS.) A. B., 61; M. D., 65. s. Alfred C. Beers and Harriet (Beers) Post, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 30, 1843; A*; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 61-2, 64-5; attg. phys. to N. W. Disp., N. Y., 66-7; asst. surg. U.S.A., 64; surg. 128th Regt. N. Y. Vols., 64-5; san. insp., Metr. Bd. of Health, 68-9; health insp., N. Y. C, 69-84; priv. 22d Regt. N. G., S. N. Y., 63-4; bro.: Alfred A., 57; bro .-in-law: W. S. Opdyke, 56; unc. : Edwd., 41; cous.: Geo. B., 58; neph.: A. C. P. Opdyke, 90. d. Nov. 4, 86, N. Y. C. Hector M. Robertson, A. B., 61. last address Jersey City. i86 2 ] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 55 Lemuel Skidmore, (L.) A. B., 61; LL. B., 63, Harv. Univ. s. Wm. Burtis and Harriet Anne (Bond) Skidmore, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 25, 1843; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 57-61; Z *; *BK; valedict. ; pres. Eucleian; Harv. Univ. Law Sch., 61-3; Civil Serv. Comm., N. Y. C; mem. N. Y. U. Council, 8208; m. Nov. 24, 88, Mary, da. Wm. J. John- son; eh.: Anna, Lemuel, Jr., Harriet, Jas. B. ; tine: Hugh L. Bond, 48. Summit, N. J. Henry Gay Van Gieson,* (PHYS.) A. B., 61; M. D„ 63, George- town Univ.; 66, Col. Univ. s. Hy. and Jane (Williams) Van Gieson, b. Paterson, N. J., Oct. 18, 1839; X. Y. U., 59-61; Z*; Med. Dept, Bowdoin Coll., 62; service of San. Comm., 62; Med. Dept., Georgetown Univ., Wash., D. C, 63-; Med. Cadet, U.S.A., 63-4; actng. asst. surg. U. S. N., 64-5; Coll. of P. and S., N. Y. C, 66; genl. pract., Pat- erson, N. J., 65-88; city phys., do., 68; pres. Passaic Co. Med. Soc, 80; mem. Omaha Med. Soc. ; G. A. R. ; Loyal Legion; m. Sep. 28, 66, Mary E., da. David Van Emburgh; ch. : Hy. Bees- worth, Adna, Helen, Louise. d. Mar. 7, 05, Omalia, Neb. Theodore L. Mason,* Sp. Dip., 61. d. Feb. 26, 00, Savannah, Ga. Robert Soutter,* (L.) Sp. Dip., 61. served in Con fed. Army during Civil War; lawyer in N. Y. C, 63-73. d. 73- Charles William Woolsey,* (CO.) Sp. Dip., 61. *T; Webster orat. prize, jun. exhib.; pres. Y. M. C. A.; trust, and treas., 120 Bway., N. Y. C. ; 1st lieut. 164th Regt. N. Y. Vols.; aide-de-camp to Gcnls. Williams, Grant, Burnside. Hooker and Meade; chief of Bureau " Daily Memo- randa," Army of the Potomac; actg. asst. adi. gen.; brevet capt., maj. and lieut. - col., 61-5; nominated as minister, resi- dent, Sweden and Norway; spec. agt. of San. Commiss. d. date unknown. (17) 1862 James Lansing Amerman, (CLERG.) A. B., 62; A.M., 65; D. D., 85, Rutgers Coll. s. Chas. Hy. and Elsie Maria (Lansing) Amerman, b. Farmingdale, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1843; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 58-62; New Brunswick T. S., 65-8; teach., Gram. Sch., N. Y. C, 61-4; real est., 64-5; ord. (R. D.), 68; p. Addisville. Pa., 68-71; Jersey City, N. J., 71-6; miss, to Japan, 76; prof. syst. theol., Meiji Gakum, Tokio, 77-89; prof. O. T. is, do., 89-91; dean Theol. Fac, do., 90-1; pres. Bd. of Dir., do.; v. p. Asiatic Soc. of lap.™ X yrs. and pres., 89-91; asst. treas. Bd of For. Miss., R. D. Ch.; publ.: Memorial Sermon of Acton Cyril Price, Jersey City, X. J., 75; Sketch of Japan Mission of Refd. Ch. of Am., 80; Transl. into Japanese Van Osterzee's Bibl. Theol. of N. T., 80; 2d. edit., 88; several vols, of theol. in Japanese, 88-92; m. Oct. 12, 70, Rebecca, da. Geo. Ely; ch.: Eleanor Bebrille, Geo. Ely, Ely, Jas. Donald. Bloomficld, N.J. "William Henry Beadleston,* (MF.) A. B., 62. s. Ebenezer and Mary (Nash) Beadles- ton, b. N. Y. C, Feb. 27, 1840; * T; ♦ BK; jun. orat.; 4th hon. at commenc. ; mem. N. Y. Stock Exch.; dir. and trust, in various corporations; in brewing busi- ness; m. Mar. 31, 70, Susan A., da. Chauncey P. Colwell; ch. : Hy. Colwell, Wm. Langdon, Edith, Randolph, Chaun- cey Perry. d. Oet. 24, 95, N. Y. C. Benjamin Williams Bond, (PUB.) A. B., 62; A. M., 65. i irenzo and Hannah (Williams) Bond, b. Bkln., N. Y., Oct. 21, 1837; Eucleian jun. orat.; v. p- Eucleian; Troy Univ., 58; clerk; publisher and bookseller; m. May 17, 65, Maria A., da. Thos. Watson; ch.: Marie A. 38 Hillside Ave., Montclair, N. J. Cornelius Brett. (CLERG.) A. B., 62; D. D., 89, Ursinus Coll.. Pa. s. Rev. Philip M. and Cornelia (Bogart) Brett, b. N. V. (".. Nov. 25, 1S42; Bkln. Colleg. and Poly. Inst.; N. Y. U, 58-62; 'I'll K; Webster orat. prize: phil. orat. at commenc; sec. and pres. Philomath.: New Brunswick T. S., 62-5; ord. (R. D.), 6S; P. Flatlands, 1.. I.. 65-70: Newark, N. 1.. 70-3; Montgomery, N. Y.. 73-6; Jersey Citv, N. T., 7fi-; mem. I'd. Domestic Miss., R. D. Ch., SI; pres. Hudson ('... Bible Soc, 10; chapl. 4th Regt. X. C... N. T.; pres. Gen. Synod R. D. Ch. : m. Oct. 10, 65. Helen B.. da. Clarkson Runyon; ch.: Maude R., Philip Mflledoler. 797 Bergen Ave., Jersey City, N.J. Israel Williams Cochran * (CLERG.) A. B., 62. * [as. Blair and Kath. (Baylis) Cochran, b. Fosters Meadow. X. Y.. Sep. 11. 1841; jun. orat.; valedict.; Princ. T. S., 62-6, 56 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1862 one yr. being spent in W. I.; Europe, 66-7; ord. (Presb.), 68; p. Mendham, N. J., 70-86; m. Oct. 29, 68, Annie, da. Robt. Carter; ch.: Robt., Saml., Mary, Jas. Blair, Jean Carter, Hy. Jessup, Kath. Baylis, Annie Williams; bro. : Thos., 63; bro.-in-law: Thos. Carter, 58; Saml. T. Carter, 58. d. Feb. 15, 87, N. Y. C. Frederick Hosford,* (CLERG.) A. B., 62. s. Fred. J. and Laura (Fuller) Hosford, b. Bkln., N. Y., Nov. 18, 1841; *T; *BK; jun. orat. ; commenc. orat. ; pres. Eucleian; Princ. T. S., 62-4; lie. by 1st Presby. of N. Y., 64; Union T. S., N. Y., 64-6; traveled in W. I., 64-5. d. Feb. 7, 66, N. Y. C. Antonio Lorenzo Luaces,* (PHYS.) B. S., 62; M. S., 66; M. D., 65. s. Jose Lorenzo and Concepcione (Yravla) Luaces, b. Puerto Principe, Cuba, Jun. 13, 1842; pres. Philomath.; Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 62-5; Med. Sch. of Paris and Madrid, 68; interne, Bellevue Hosp., 65-7; chief med. staff in Cuban War, 69-75, during which he was taken prisoner and shot. d. Apr. 21, 75, Puerto Principe, Cuba. John Jarvis Matthias,* (M.) A. B., 62; A.M., 65; Ph. B., 66, Yale Univ. s. Jn. J. and Mary Camp (Beach) Mat- thias, b. Flushing, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1843; Troy Univ., 58-9; N. Y. U., 59-62; Shef- field Sc. Sch., Yale, 62-5; Silliman prize and treas. of Berzelius at Yale; asst. in chem., Yale, 65-7; shipping bus. in the W. I.; m. May 15, 67, Jennie Keeler, da. Danl. Trowbridge; ch. : Winifred, Mary Elsie. d. July 27, 88, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Solomon Clarke McElroy, (CLERG.) A. B., 62. s. Jas. McElroy, b. St. John, N. B., Oct. 8, 1840; N. Y. U., 62; Princ. T. S., 62-5; ord. (Presb.), 65; s. s. and teach., Shick- shinny, Pa.. 66-7; s. s. Garden City, Minn., 67-8; s. s. Blue Earth City, Minn., 68-9: s. s. Waterford, N. J., 69-70; Washington- ville and Derry. Pa., 70-1; s. s. Shamokin and Elysburg, Pa., 72-4; p. Condersport. Pa., 75-8; s. s. Bowman's Creek, Pa., 79- 84; p. Bethany Centre, N. Y., 85-7; s. s. Denton, 88-9; s. s. Forestport and Alder Creek, 90-2; s. s. West Milton, 93-; evang., Jonesville, N. Y. Jonesville, N. Y. James L. Mitchell, A. B., 62. s. Edwd. and Mary A. (Brainard) Mitch- ell, b. May 17, 41; N. Y. U, 59-2; Z *; *BK; business; m. May 14, 74, Mar- garet L., da. Jn. Rendell; ch. : Harry B., Marguerite; bro. : Jn. H., 67. 102 Produce Exch. Bldg., N. Y. C. Henry Granger Piffard, (PHYS.) A. B., 62; A.M., 65; LL. D., 99; M. D., 64, Col. Univ. s. David and Ann (Haight) Piffard, b. Piffard, N. Y, Sep. 10, 1842; Marl- borough Churchill's Sch., Ossining, N. Y. ; N. Y. U., 58-62; Z *; jun. orat.; Coll. P. and S., N. Y., 62-4; interne, Bellevue and City Hosp., 64-5; surg. with brevet of maj., 71st Regt. N. G., S. N. Y., 67-8; lect. urinary anal., N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 73-; prof, dermatol., do., 75-99; emer. prof., do., 99-; surg. to City Hosp., 71-; cons. surg. to St. Elizabeth's Hosp., 77-; mem. N. Y. Co. Med Soc. ; N. Y. State Med. Soc. ; N. Y. Acad, of Med. ; N. Y. Dermatol. Soc; N.Y. Microscop. Soc; publ.: Elem. Treatise on Dis. of the Skin, 76; Cutaneous Memoranda, 77; Materia Medica and Therapeutics of the Skin, 81; Modern Treatment of Eczema; Practical Treatise on Dis. of the Skin; m. Jun. 17, 68, Helen Hart. da. Win. K. Strong; ch. : Hy., Helen, Chas., Susan. 256 W. 57th St., N. Y. C. James Oakley Pingry, (PHYS.) A. B., 62; A.M., 65; M. D., 68, Col. Univ. s. Tn. Francis and Caroline Gilfert (Oakley) Pingry, b. Fishkill, N. Y., 1843; 4>BK; jun. orat.; commenc orat.; Dart- mouth Med. Coll., 63; Coll. P. and S., 64-8; ho. surg., Bellevue Hosp., 69-70; pract., Elizabeth, N. J., 70; Millbrook, N. Y., 70-; mem. Dutchess Co. Med. Soc; m. Jun. 28, 76, Ida L., da. R. G. Coffin; ch. : Julia Schott, Eliza Sackett, Caroline Oakley, Jn. Francis, Clarence Coffin, Laura Van Wagenen; bros. : John, 68; Frank K., 68. Millbrook, N. Y. Nelson Place, Jr.,* (PHYS.) A. B., 62; A. M., 65; M. D., 64, N. Y. Med. Coll. N.Y. Med. Coll., 62-4; surg. 8th Regt. Infantry, N. G., S. N. Y., 66; m. Mary J. Robinson. d. 81, N. Y. C. Peter Lawrence Schenck, (PHYS.) A. B., 62; A.M., 65; M. D., 65, Col. Univ.; LL. D., 98, Washington Coll. s. Jn. and Cath. Van Dyke (Ryder) Schenck, b. Flatbush, L. L, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1843; Erasmus Hall Acad., Flatbush; N. Y. U., 59-62; Z *; Coll. P. and S., Col. i862] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 57 Univ., 62-5; actg. asst. surg. U.S.A., Wilmington, N. C, 65; asst. phys., Kings Co. Hosp., 65-6; asst. san. insp., Metrop. lid. of Health, and asst. phys., Bkln. Cholera Hosp., 66; asst. med. supt. Kings Co. Hosp., 67-72; med. supt. do., 72-81; consult, surg., do., 81-; vis. phys., Kings Co. Penitentiary, 90-4; also 97-; mem. Kings Co. Med. Soc; Bkln. Pathol. Soc. and Am. Acad. Med. ; pres. Carleton, and mem. Montauk and Crescent Athl. Clubs; publ.: Memoirs of Johannes Schenck; The Zabriskie Homestead; m. Tun. 10, 96, Sarah E., da. Jos. White, M. l). 95 Sixth Ave., Bkln., N. Y. George Lockwood Smith, (CLERG.) A. B„ 62. s. Saml. Dibble and Sallie Ann (Delavan) Smith, b. Pound Ridge, N. Y., Jun. 15, 1837; private prep.; N. Y. U., 58-62; jun. orat.; sec. and pres. Philomath.; Union Coll., 59-60; Princ. T. S., 62-5; ord. (Presb.), 65; p. Rutherford I'k., N. I., 65-71; Ewing. N. J., 71-9; Cedar- ville, N. J., 79-83; York, Pa.. 83-; v. p. York Colleg. Inst., Pa.; m. (1) Nov. 21, 65, Carrie N., da. Emley Olden, (2) Jun. 5, 79, Sarah G., da. Dr. Jn. W. Scudder; ch.: Martha Earl, Geo. Elbert; bro.: Roswell D.. 59. Haddon Hts., N. I. George Hutchinson Smyth, (CLERG.) A.B., 62; A.M., 65; D. D., 89. Geneva Coll.. Pa. s. Hugh and Tean (Barbour) Smyth, b. Killydonelly, Antrim Co.. Ire.. Mar. 20, 1840; Queens Coll., Belfast, Ire.; N. Y. U., 61-2; Alleghany T. S., 62-3; Princ. T. S., 63-4; chapl. U.S.A., detailed to hosp. in Wash., D. C, 62-5; p. (Tresb.) Wash., D. C, 64-9; Wilmington, Del.. 69- 72; chapl. House of Refuge, N. Y. C, 73-81; p. Colleg. R. D. Ch., Harlem, N. Y. C, 81-91; resided, E. Orange. N. J., 91-; mem. Inst, of Christian Philos. ; publ. : Life of Henry B. Plant; m. (1) Feb. 14, 65, Tosepha Franklin, da. Jos. Good- rich, (2) Oct. 6, 75, Letitia. da. Robt. Kennedy; ch. : Hugh Alex., Eliz. Elliot, Josepha Franklin, Geo. Hugh, Letitia Tean. 30 Hawthorne Ave., E. Orange, N.J. Selah Woodhull Strong,* (CLERG.) A. B., 62. s. Rev. Dr. Thos. M. and Eliz. (Grier) Strong, b. Flatbush, L. I., Sep. 2. 1S44; 7. 'I'; New Brunswick T. S., 62-5: lie. (Classis N. Y.). 65: p. Rochester. 0] t, r Co., N. Y., 65-70; W. Troy. N. V.. 70-84: stated clerk of Classis Saratoga and of Synod of Albany; mom. Bd. of For. Bliss.; v. p. Gen'. Synod of R. D. Ch.; primarius to Gen. Assem.. United Presb. Ch.; m. Jan. 17. 66, Eleanor IT. Van Deusen; bros. : Mason R., 55; Robt. G., 55. d. Nov. 6. 84, W. Troy, N. Y. William R. Syme, (L.) A. 1'.., 62; LL. 1!., 64, Col. Univ. s. Rev. David and Mary (Allan) Svrae, b. Richmond Co., N. Y., Sep. 18, 1838; private prep.; N. Y. U, 58-62; Z *; * U K; i'un. orat.; 3d hon. at commenc. ; pres. Lucleian; class pres.; mem. L.I. Hist. Soc.; Z * Club; maj. 13th Regt. N. G., S. N. Y., and served in 62. 76 William St., N. Y. C. Marshall Whiting, M. D. (PHYS.) A. B., 62; A.M., 65; 73, Col. Univ. s. Marshall and Eliza Richardson (Thor- burn) Whiting, b. Jamesville, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1840; N. Y. U., 58-62; Z *; *BK; fresh, and soph, prizes in Latin, Greek and math.; jun. orat.; Latin salut. ; Coll. P. and S., N. Y., 70-3; 1st asst. and vice- prin. in Union Free Sch., Dist. No. 6, Yonkers, N. Y., 62-70; pract. med., As- toria, N. Y., 73-9. d. Apr. 29, 98, Astoria, N. Y. David Wallace Willson, A. B., 62. s. Mordecai, Tr., and Phebe (Alward) Willson, b. Wantage, N. J., Sep. 21, 1839; Rankin's Acad., Sussex. N. J., 54-8; Troy Univ., 58-60; iKE; N. V. O., 61-2; reporter for Standard, Jersey City, 63-4; coal dealer, do., 65-8; mf's. agent, 70-4; man. ed. Newark Register, Newark, N. J., 75-8; asst. ed. Agents' Review, 79- 82; mf's. agent, 85-90; ed. and propr. Elgin Dairy Report, 91-; sec. Natl. Dairy Union, 91-5; dairy expert, Natl. Dept. Agric. ; m. Sep. 26, 66, Marie Eliz., da. Eliezer M. Couse; ch.: Wallace C, Jas. M. Elgin, III. Henry H. Davidson, (PHYS.) Sp. Dip., 62; M. D. Northport, L. I., N. Y. Henry B. Fiske, Sp. Dip., 62. Benjamin Henry Loder, (AC.) Sp. Pi: s. Benj. and V. A. (Church) Loder, b. N. Y. C. Feb. 20. 1841 ; Rev. H. Jones' Sch.. Bridgeport, Ct. ; N. Y. U., 60-2; first grade spec, course diploma: ♦T: bank clerk, 62-4; dry goods. 64-70; publisher, 70-4; auditor's dept., Erie R. R.. 74-84; professional accountant, 84-8, N. Y. C. ; accountant-auditor. Kings Co. Elev. Ry. Co.. S3-00; retired; m. Nov. 16. 64. Vic- toria Antoinette, da. Ceo. Washington Gantz: ch.: Marion. Mabel Church, How- ard Williams. IIer!>crt Williams, Agnes, Arthur Cleveland. 319 Macon St., Bkln., N. Y. 58 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1863 Silas Harvey Mellis,* (CLERG.) Sp. Dip., 62. „ . m b. Bkln., N. Y., May 6, 1834; Union T. S., 62-4; Andover T. S., 64-5; ord. (Cong.), 66; s. s. Empire City, Col., 65-6. d. May ^5, 66, Central City, Col. Gulick Van Aken,* (CLERG.) Sp. Dip., 62. s. Enoch and Eliza (Webster) Van Aken, b N Y. C, Apr. 22, 1840; Philomath.; jun. orat.; Princ. T. S., 62; Union T. S., 63; p. (Presb.) Phila., Pa., 64-7; p. (R. D.) Freehold, N. J., 67-71; p. E. Kingston, N. Y., 71-2; m. Dec. 1, 63, Eliz. Jannette, da. Jas. Kearney. d. Oct. 20, 72, Bkln., N. Y. Edward John Woolsey, Jr.,* (BR.) Sp. Dip., 62. s. Edwd. Jn. and Emily Phillips (Aspin- wall) Woolsey, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 31, 1842; ^T; commenc. orat.; priv. study, 62-4; merchant, 64-8; banker and broker at 15 Broad St., N. Y. C, 68-; m. (1) Oct. 5, 70, Fanny M. Smythe, (2) Mrs. de Rhode; ch.: Edwd. Jn., Geo. Morri- son. d. Nov. 13, 95, Astoria, N. Y. 1863 William Chester Baird. (MF.) A. B., 63. „ , ,. s. Rev. Robt. and Fermine Ophelia Amaryllis (Du Buisson) Baird, b. Ge- neva, Switz., Oct. 11, 1842; Freehold Acad., N. J.; N. Y. U, 60-3; *T; Web- ster jun. orat. prize; Coll. of N. J., 59-60; in mercantile and mfg. bus., 64-; choir master Clinton Ave. Cong. Ch., Bkln., N Y., 72-98; condr. Chester Glee Club, Bkln., N. Y., 84-91; m. Jun. 23, 86, Grace Sumner, da. Wm. A. Williams; ch.: Alfred C. S. ; bros. : Chas. W., 48 (Sp.); Henry M., 50; nephs.: Robt., 90 (non-grad.); Henry M., Jr., 91. 18 E. 183d St., N. Y. C. Charles Randall Barnes, (CLERG.) A. B., 63; A.M., 68; D. D., 90. s. Wm. E. and Lavinia Maria (Townsend) Barnes, b. N. Y. C, Feb. 2, 1836; Ft. Edward Colleg. Inst., N. Y.; Troy Univ., 59-62; N. Y. U., 62-3; Z*; teach., Drew T. S., 69-70; p. M. E. Ch., 65-84; pre- siding elder, do., 84-8; p. do.. 88-; mem. Bd. Mgrs. S. S. Union, M. E. Ch., 84-; Bd. Mgrs. Miss. Soc, 92; pres. N. Y. Preachers' Meeting, 93; field agt. City Evang. Union, J. C, N. J.; publ.: Offi- cial Member of M. E. Ch. ; Handbook of Bible Biography; contributions. McClin- tock and Strong's, and People's Bible Cycl.; m. Jul. 6, 64, Caroline, da. Hiram Darrow; ch.: Lavinia Maria, Mary Grace, Margaretta, Caroline Florence; nephs.: Ralph M. McKenzie, 90; Edwd. T. McKenzie, 96. 1302 Washington St., Hoboken, N.J. James Brown Burnet, (PHYS.) A. B., 63; A. M., 66; M. D., 66. s. Jacob H. and Charlotte Augusta (Coe) Burnet, b. Newark, N. J., Dec. 2, 1842; * T; 4>BK; fresh. Latin prize; jun. orat. ; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 63-6; ho. phys., Belle- vue Hosp., 66-8; vis. phys., St. Barna- bas Hosp., Newark, N. J.; med. examnr. for many Life Ins. Cos. ; mem. N. J. Hist. Soc; N.J. Soc. Sons Am. Rev.; med. cadet, U.S.A. Med. Hosp., 63; m. Oct. 16, 69, Maria Laflin, da. Ulysses B. Brewster; ch. : Maria Theresa, Jas. Brown, Jr. 16 Chestnut St., Newark, N. J. Thomas Cochran, Jr., (L.) A. B., 63; LL. B., 65, Col. Univ. s. Jas. B. and Cath. (Bavlis) Cochran, b. Bkln., N. Y., Jul. 31, 1843; commenc. orat.; pres. Eucleian; Col. Univ. Law Sch., 63-5; lawyer, 65-82; financial agt. and investment banker, 68-; m. Nov. 26, 67, Emelie Belden, da. Alex. R. Walsh; ch.: Alex. Robertson, Thos., Emily, Will- iams, Moncrief Mitchell. Louise; bro.: Israel W., 62; bro.-in-law: Jas. R. Walsh, 63. Endicott Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. John Kay Demarest,* (CLERG.) A. B., 63; D. D., 89, Pa. Coll. s. Jasper and Cath. (Lozier) Demarest, b. River Edge, N. J.. Oct. 10, 1843; jun. orat.; class poet; Princeton T. S.. 63-6; ord. (Presb.), 66; p. Palisades, N. Y., 66- 9; Owensboro, Ky., 69-72; Westminster, N. Y. C, 72-4; Gettysburg, Pa., 75-92; publ.: The Dutch Colony of Conowaga, in The Star and Sentinel of Gettysburg, Pa., 84; m. Dec. 18, 66, Mary Jane, da. Jas. H. McCampbell; ch. : Bertha, Letitia Meriwether, Cornelius Agnew. d. May 1, 92, Hackensack, N. J. Joseph Frederick Dripps, (CLERG.) A. B., 63; D. D., 84, Lafay- ette Coll. . s. Matthew and Amelia (Millar) Dripps, b. Phila., Pa., Mar. 19, 1844; Dwight's Sch., Bkln., N. Y.; N. Y. U., 59-63; Z*; BK; ent. prize; jun. orat.; 4th hon. at commenc; class pres.; pres. Eu- cleian; Princeton T. S., 65-8; ord. (Presb.), 70; p. Germantown, Pa., 70-80; Phila., Pa., 82-6; Savannah. Ga., 89-96; Germantown, Pa.; pres. Presb. Bd. of Educ, 84-9; publ.: Love and Friendship; How to Believe; How to Repent; m. Jan. 27, 75, Emily, da. Robt. D. Dunning; ch.! Robt. Dunning. 221 W. Chiltern Ave., German- town, Pa. i36 3 ] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 59 James Graham, (M.) A. B., 63. s. Jn. and Dorothy (Martin) Graham, b. Balibay, Ire., May 8, 1834; mercantile pursuits, Boston, Mass., 64-8; San Fran- cisco, Cal., 68-72; assayer, San Francisco, Cal., 72-; m. Feb. 1, 64, Mary A. Maurice; ch.: Adelaide Eliz., Emily Eugenia; bro.: Wm„ 59. 416 Montgomery Ave., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Skidmore Hendrickson, (PHYS.) A. B., 63; M. D., 66. s. Geo. W. and Abigail (Chichester) Hen- drickson, b. Hempstead, N. Y., Apr. 11, 1841; Union Hall Acad., Jamaica, N. Y. ; N. Y. U., 59-63; BK; jun. oral.; vale- diet.; soph, class prizes in Latin and math.; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 63-6; acting asst. surg. U. S. A., at Willet's Pt., L. I., and Beaufort, S. C, 64-5; phys. and surg., Jamaica, N. Y., 66-82; do., Bkln., 82-; pres. Queens Co. Med. Soc. ; mem. Kings Co. Med. Soc.; m. May 1, 66, Harriet, da. Remsen Bennett; bro.: Asa C, 66; cons. : Geo. S., 75; William. 1275 Bergen St., Bkln., N. Y. Hamilton Bishop Holmes,* (CLERG.) A. B., 63. s. Obadiah and Jane (Vail Wvck) Holmes, b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1841; v. p. Philomath.; Philomath, jun. orat. ; pres. V. M. C. A.: Union T. S., 63-6; ord. (Presb.), 67; p. Kingston, N. Y., 67-72; sec. U. S. Naval Asyl., Phila., Pa., 73-6; p. Moriches, N. Y.. 77-92; pres. Suffolk Co. S. S. Assn., 84-92; res., Yaphank, N. Y., 92-7; m. Oct. 9, 67, Susan M. \\\. da. Win. S. Smith; uncs.: Wm. Van Wyck, 40; Mancius H. Hutton, 57. d. May 6, 97. Longivood. L. I. Charles Henry Ludlum, (PHYS.) A. B., 63; A.M., 66; M. D., 65. s. Danl. and Judith (Smith) Ludlum. b. Jamaica. N. Y.". Feb. 21, 1843: Union Hall Acad., Jamaica, N. Y. ; N. Y. U., 59-63; + B K; fresh, math, and soph. Greek and math, prizes: jun. orat.; Latin salut.; N. Y. U. Med. Coll.. 63-5: Interne. Belle vue Hosp., 65-7; vistg. phvs., N Disp., N. Y.. 68-74; vistg. plus., O. D, D., of Bellevue Hosp.. 67-74: phys.. N. V. ( . 67-74; Boonton, N. J.. 74-8; Hempstead, N. Y., 78-; m. May 20. 68. Mary Tane. da. Saml. White: ch.: Clinton White, Herbert Agnew, Walter Denton. Marion Carter, Edith Price, Alice Correll ; son : Walter D., 95; cous.: Jas. M. Denton, 70 (Sp.). 145 Main St., Hempstead. N. V. Daniel Strobel Martin, (EDUC.) A.B.. 63: A.M., 66; Ph. D.. 81, Regents. Univ. S X V. s. Prof. Benj. Nicholas and Louisa Caro- line (Strobel) Martin, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 30, 1842; private prep.; N. Y. U., 59-63; 'MiK; fresh. Greek prize; jun. orat.; Engl, salut.; Union T. S., 63-6; Sch. of Mines, Col. Univ., 68; prof. Greek and Lat., Rutgers Fern. Coll., N. Y. C, 67-8; prof. geoL, do., 68-95; do., I'rcsb. Coll. for Women, Columbia, S. C, 98-; examiner for Regents, Univ. S. N. Y., 82-8; lee;., geol., Cooper Union, N. Y. C, 88-92; pres. Trustees' Cuban Home Training Sch., Bkln., N. Y., 00-; publ.: Geol. Map. N.'Y. C. and Environs, 88; many art. and reports on scientific subjects. 756 Qnincy St., Bkln., N. Y. Andrew Jackson Park, (CLERG.) A. B., 63. s. Jn. and Jane (Roben) Park, b. Ryegate, Vt., Jul. 22, 1834; Mclndocs Falls Acad.; N Y. U., 59-63; jun. orat.; v. p. Eucleian; commenc. orat.; Union T. S., 63-6; ord. evang. (Presb.), 66; miss, in North Mex- ico, 66-72; p. Jersey City, 72-8; N. Y. C, 78-82; Weston, Ct., 82-8; Huntington, Ct., 88; p. Leonard Bridge, Ct. ; pres. Classis So. Bergen, N. J., 6 mos. ; also Classis N. Y., 6 mos.; m. Sep. 15. 66, Mary, da. Jn. Barnett; ch. : Andrew Jackson, Mary Isabel, Louisa Jane, Jennie Alice. Leonard Bridge, Ct. (R.F.D.) George Washington Robinson, (PHYS.) A. B., 63; A. M., 66; M. D., 67, Col. Univ. s. John (M. D.) and Samuella Barker (Hassard) Robinson, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 2, 1843; Erasmus Hall Acad.. Flatbush, L. I.; N. Y. U., 60-3; S'fr; commenc. orat.; v. p. Eucleian; Coll. P. and S., N. Y. C, 63-7; phys., 67-87; attend, phvs. and surg.. X. Y. Disp., 68-79; retired; mem. N. Y. Pathol. Soc. ; N. Y. Acad, of Med. ; N. Y. Co. Med. Soc.; m. Jun. 26, 77, Mary J., da. Edwd. Bement; rel.: Richd. W. (non- grad.). Box 894, Los Angeles, Cal. Alfred Jenks Stead, (CLERG.) A. B., 63: A. M., 66. s. Benj. Franklin and Sarah Ann (Jenks) Stead, b. Bridesburg, Pa., Mar. 28, 1843; X. V. U. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 61-3; 'MIK; pres. Philomath.; jun. and com- menc. orat.; Princeton T. S., 63-6: ord. (Presb.). 67; s. Richland Prairie, Minn., 67-71; p. Chippewa Falls, Wis.. 71-4; s. Genesee, 111.. 74-8: Munson. 111.. 78-81; p. Bloomington, Minn.. 81; p. Canton, Minn.: m. Nov. 22. 72. Lillie Rosabel, da. Jas. Edwards; ch. : Albro Beckwith, Fran- cis Morley. Robt. Edwards, Benj. Felix; fa.: Benj. F.. 39. Canton, Minn. John James Stevenson, (F.nUC.) A. B.. 63: A.M.. 66: Ph. P.. 67; LL. P.. 93. Princeton Univ., 02, Wash. and Teff. Coll. s. Rev. Andrew (D. D.) and Ann Mary 6o NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1863 (Willson) Stevenson, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 10, 1841; N. Y. U., 58-63; A*; *BK; soph. Greek prize; commenc. orat. ; pres. Philo- math.; Sch. of Anal, and Pract. Chemis- try, N. Y. U., 64-7; teach., Mexico, N. Y., 64; Astoria, N. Y., 64-7; prof. chem. and nat. hist., W. Va. Univ., 69-71; prof, geol., N. Y. U., 71-82; prof. chem. and phys., do., 82-89; prof. geol. and biol., do., 89- 94; geol., 94-; mining, Nev., 67-8; aid on Ohio Geol. Survey, 71-2, 74; geologist, U. S. Geograph. Surv. W. of 100th Merid- ian, 73-4-8-9; geologist, 2d Geol. Surv. of Pa., 75-6-7-8-81-2; mem. Am. Philos. Soc. ; Geol. Soc. of Am. (pres., 99) ; N. Y. Acad, of Sc. (pres., 96-8); Am. Assn. Adv. Sc. (v. p., 91); Internat. Geol. Congress (v. p. for U.S., 03); foreign correspond. and hon. mem. of Geol. Soc. of Russia, Hungary, Belgium, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Australasia, Vienna; of academies of Padua, Breslau, Halle, Dresden, Palermo, Pisa, Moscow, and many others in Am. and Eur.; publ.: The Upper Coal Meas- ures W. of the Alleghany Mts., Annals Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., 73; The Geol. Relations of the Lignitic Groups, Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, 75; Rpt. on Geol. of a Portion of Colorado, U. S. Geol. Survey W. of 100th Meridian, 76; Rpt. of Prog- ress in Greene and Wash. Dist. of the Bit. Coal Fields of W. Pa., 76; do. in Fayette and Westmoreland Dist., 77; Geol. of Belmont, Guernsey, Harrison, Carroll, Muskingum and Jefferson Co's., Geol. Surv. of Ohio, 78; do. in Fayette and Westmoreland Dist., 78; Rpt. on Geol. Exam, in So. Colorado and No. New Mex., 81; The Geol. of Bedford and Ful- ton Co's., Pa., 82; Notes on Geol. Struc- ture of Tazewell, Russell, Wise, Smyth and Washington Co's., Va., Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, 84; A Geol. Reconnaissance of Bland, Giles, Wythe and parts of Pu- laski and Montgomery Co's., Va., do., 87; The Chemung and Catskill on E. Side of Appalach. Basin (pres. address), Proc. Am. Assn. Adv. Sc, 91; The Origin of Pa. Anthracite, Bull. Geol. Soc. of Am., 93; Some Notes on S. E. Alaska and Its People, Scottish Geog. Mag., 93; Notes on the Geol. of Indian Territory, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sc, 96; The Cerrillos Coal Field, do., 96; Notes on the Geol. of the Bermudas, do., 97; The Debt of the World to Pure Science (pres. address), Annals N. Y. Acad. Sc, 98; Our Society (pres. address), Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 99; Geol. Section at Schoharie, N. Y., Annals N. Y. Acad. Sc, 01; Is This a Degenerate Age? Pop. Sc. Monthly, 02; University Control, do., 02; The College Course, do., 03; The Status of Am. Coll. Professors, do., 04; The Carboniferous of the Appalach. Basin, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 03-4, and 93 other memoirs, besides many papers on subjects not scientific; m. (1) Apr. 13, 65, Mary A., da. Wm. McGowan (d. Mar. 17, 71), (2) Jan. 1, 79, Mary C, da. Nathl. Ewing; ch.: (1) Anna Warner, Andrew Wm., Isa- bella Sommerville, (2) Margaretta Denny, Archibald Ewing; bro.: Saml. A., 70; son: Archibald E., 04; fa.: Andrew, hon. D.D., 65. University Heights, N. Y. C. James Stokes, Jr., (B.) A. B., 63; LL. B., 65. s. Jas. and Caroline (Phelps) Stokes; com- menc. orat.; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 63-5; traveled in Am., Europe, Palestine, and Egypt; banker; dir. of various financial and mfg. corporations; mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc. ; N. Y. Geneal. Soc. ; N. Y. Geograph. Soc; dir. Y. M. C. A; trust. Y. W. C. A.; orgr. and officer Palestine Exploration Soc; m. (1) Nov. 22, 82, Grace, da. Mar- cellus Hartley, (2) Apr. 15, 05, Bkln., N. Y., Florence Brooks Chatfield; ch.: Emma Hartley, Marcellus Hartley; bro. : Thos., 65 (Special). 49 Cedar St., N. Y. C. Arthur Wellesley Ten Broeck, A. B., 63. s. Rensselaer and Mary M. Ten Broeck, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 31, 1841; commercial, musical, and literary pursuits. 205 W. 85th St., N. Y. C. Cornelius Van Riper, (PHYS.) A. B., 63; A. M., 66; M. D., 66, Col. Univ. s. Abram W. and Clarissa (Kip) Van Riper, b. No. Belleville, N. J., Sep. 6, 1840; Seymour Inst., Bloomfield, N. J.; N. Y. U., 59-63; Z *; *BK; jun. and commenc. orat.; Coll. of P. and S., N. Y., 63-6; mem. Van Riper & Co., druggists, Passaic, N. J. ; v. p. People's Bank & Trust Co., Passaic; pres. Passaic Co. Med. Soc; mem. of Bd. of Educ; mem. of Passaic City Council, 3 yrs. ; m. Sep. 19, 66, Adrianna, da. Jn. W. Terhune; ch. : Arthur Ward, Jn. Terhune, Cornelia Zabriskie; bro.: Abram H., 75 (non- grad.); sons: Arthur W., 92; Jn. T., 94. 207 Main Ave., Passaic, N. J. James Robertson Walsh, A. B., 63. s. Alex. Robertson and Emily Maria Brown) Walsh, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 24 1842; private sch., N. Y.; N. Y. U., 59-63; jobbing and dry goods bus., 63-71; real est. and loans, St. Paul, Minn., 71-8: mgr. and treas. St. Paul City R. R., 78 82; of Campbell, Walsh & Jilson, 82-7; mtge. loans, 87-; cashr., St. Paul, Minn.: m. (1) May 22, 71, Marian Walker, da Jas. Moir, (2) Nov. 11, 81, Emily Good win, da. Robt. C. Nichols; bro.-in-law. Thos. Cochran, 63. 313 Manhattan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Henry Truman Williams, (F.) A. B., 63. s. Rev. Dillon and Nancy Chapman (Truman) Williams, b. Feeding Hills, Mass., Apr. 11, 1843; Colchester, Ct., Acad.; N. Y. U., 59-63; ed. Eucleian; jun. orat.; cashr., office of U.S. Collect. iS6 4 ] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 61 of Intern. Rev., I'.kln.. X. V. ; asst. ed. and bus. agt. Independent, N. Y., 66; ed. and publ. of Horticulturist, N. Y., 69-79; of Ladies' Floral Cabinet, 71-9; fruit orchard business; sec. Am. Porno- log. Soc, 7i; m. (1) Aug., 79, Mrs. Maria C. Hughes, (2) Dec, 83, Clara Jeannette Hayner; ch. : Rose Adelaide Grace, Win. Ernest Robt., Susan T., Libby Ann, Benj. Truman; cous. : Prof. Ezra H. Gillett. Ozark, Ark. Lewis D. Mason, (BUYS.) Sp. Dip., 63; M. D., 66, L.I. Coll. Hosp. s. Theo. Lewis and Cath. Van \'liet (Dc Witt) Mason, b. Bkln., N. Y., Jun. 20, 1843; attend, and consult, phys. for Inebriates' Home for Kings Co., 66-86; mem. N. Y. Acad.^ of Med.; Soc. Mental Med., Belgium; Soc, for Study of Ine- briates, London, Eng. ; Am. Soc. for Study of Alcohol and Other Narcotics; N. Y. State and Kings Co. Med. Soc; Publ.: many works on alcohol ami other narcotics; m. Fanny, da. Isaac D. Wither- spoon; bros.: Theo. W., 62 (non-grad.); Edwd. D., 65 (Special). I7i Joralemon St., Bkln., N. Y. (21) Cornelius Ryckman Blauvelt, (CLERG.) A. B., 64; A.M., 71; Ph.D., 91. s. David T. and Adeliza (Williams) Blauvelt, b. N. Y. C, May 6, 1843; X. Y. Pub. Sch.; N. Y. U., 60-4; *T; *BK; jun. orat.; Eng. salut.; pres. of class; pres. Eucleian ; pres. Y. M. C. A. ; Princ. T. S.v 64-6; Union T. S., 66-7; ord. (R. D.), 68; p. East N. Y., L. I., 68-74; Newark, N. J., 74-7; asst. ed. The Chris- tian Intelligencer, 77-80: p. Hyde Park. Dutchess Co., N. Y.. 80-3; cor. sec. of Am. Soc. of Comp. Religion, 90-02: publ.: The Spencerian Theory of the Religion of Israel; Theosophy and Christianity Irreconcilable, Horn. Rev., May. 95: edi- torials, reviews and contributed articles in Christian Intelligencer; m. Apr. 16, 68, A. Aurelia, da. of Geo. E. Sage: ch.: Addie Aurelia. Mary Sage; son-in-law: Louis V. Waldron. M. 1> . ioo S. B'way, Nyack, X. Y. John Oieeseman Chalmers, A. B.. 64. s. Thos. Clark and Margaret (McGowan) Chalmers, b. N. Y. C. Tan. 9, 1843; Win. Forrest Sch. ft Tas. X. McEligott'a Sch.; V. Y.. 60-2; X. Y. U., 62-4; Z * : priv. 22,1 Regt. X. G., S. X. Y.. Civil War; teach.: farmer: justice of peace, Montgomery Co.. X. Y.. 81-90; Pittsfield, Mich.. 07. ; ni. (1) Mar. 28, 67 J. Gilchrist, (2) Feb. 10, 76, Gertrude Clizbe; ch. : Anna, Mary, Alex., Julia Hutzel, Gilchrist, Mar cut, Geo., Virginia. P. O. Box 3164, Ann Arbor, Mich. James Madison Collins,* (( LERG > A. !'•.. 64; A. M., 67. OS. Jefferson and Mary Ann (Burke) Collins, b. Syracuse, X. Y.', Oct 8, 1843; X. V. C 60-4; Genera] if. >.. N. Y.C.; teach., Trinity Parish Sch.; Classical Sch., Tarrytown, X. Y., 68-75; Peru. S. A., 76-8; Coll. of P. and S., X. Y. C, 81-5; .per work, 86-97; m. Jul. 2, 63, Ammaretta II.. da. .In. Van Arsdale; ch. : Ada. Edmund Guilbcrt, d. Mar. 19, 08, Avondalc, N. J. David Conway,* (CLERG.) A. B., 64; A.M., 69. s. David and Xancy (Martin) Conway, b. Caw, Londonderry Co., Ire.; X. Y. (J., 60-4; 4> B K; fresh. Latin prize; pres. Eucleian; Princ. T. S., 64-8; Princ. Univ., 68; lie. (Presby., N. Y.), 67; p. Andover, X. L, 68-71; Asbury, X. L, 71-6; Grove- land, N.Y., 76-7; Snow Hill, Md., 77-83; Williamsburg, Pa., 83-9; Mt. Joy, Pa., 90. d. May o, 90, Mount Joy, Pa. Robert Anthony Davison,* (L.) A. B.. 64; A. M., 81. s. Tredwell and Phebe Davison, b. Rock- ville Center. X. Y.. Oct. 10, 1843; X. Y. U., 60-4; Z+; •!• P. K ; jun. orat.; Lat. salut. ; soph. Lat. prize; pres. Eucleian; Col. Univ. Law Sch.. 64-5; m. Oct. 31, 1870, Emeline, da. Robt. Sealv; ch. : Geo. Willetts. Mabel Kstellc. Alfred Tredwell; ncph.: Robert W. Higbee, 82. d. Nov. 19, 99, Bkln., N. Y. William Whiteman Halloway. (CLERG.) A. B.. 64: D. D.. 91. s. Rev. Wm. W. and Harriet Xewell (Thompson) Halloway. b. Clifton Park, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1843; Univ. Cram. Sch.; X. Y. U., 60-4; *T: BK: Webster jun. orat. prize; Greek prize: New Brunswick T. S., 64-7; ord. (R. D.), 67; p. Belle- ville. N. L. 67-71: Jersey City, XL. 71-6: Firsl Pi nsr, X. J.. 76-; mem. X. I. Ili-t. Soc; vice-moderator Synod of X. J.; m. Jul. 24. 67. Anna J.. da. Win. Sammis; ch.: Lillian, Harriet \\ '.. Xanna. Marie Louise. 79 Prospect St.. Dover, N.J. Alfred Koon Lanpher,* (EDUC) A. B.. 64. ni Moss and Sarah Eliza (Koon") Lanpher. b. Baltimore, Md., Sep. 13, 1842; N. Y.U.. 60-4; Zf; commenc. orat.; pres. of class; as; N. Y. U., Med. Dept., 68-71; coroner, Suffolk Co., N. Y., 85-6. - Amityville, L. L, N. Y. John Jay Rice, (EDUC.) A. B., 64; A.M.; LL. D., 90, Mo. Univ. s. Rev. Dr. Nathan L. and Cath. Pollock (Burch) Rice, b. Paris, Kv., Sep. 22, 1842; N. Y. U., 60-4; Z*;'jun. orat.; Col. Univ. Law Sch., 65; adm. N. Y. Bar, 67; lawyer, 66-9; prof. hist, and lit., Westminster Coll., Fulton, Mo., 69-; ed. Callaway Gazette; m. Dec. 15, 74, Susan Emily, da. Isaac Hockaday; ch.: Eliz. Hockaday, Nathan Lewis, Jn. Jay. Fulton, Mo. Edward Payson Sprague,* (CLERG.) A. B., 64; D. D., 81; Ph.D., 81, Alleghany Coll. s. Rev. Daniel Greene and Caroline (Wood) Sprague, b. Westchester, Ct., Oct. 18, 1843; Newark Acad., Newark, N. J., and Williston Sem., East Hampton, Mass.; N. Y. U., 60-4; Z *; *BK; soph. Greek prize; jun. orat.; valedict. ; An- dover T. S., 64-7; p. Presb. Ch., Salem, N. Y., 68-81; 1st Presb. Ch., Meadville, Pa., 81-7; 2d Ch., Auburn, N. Y., 87-95; Salem, N. Y., 95-; commr., Presb. Gen. Assembly, 74, 85, 92 and 93; pres. Bd. of Commrs., Auburn T. S.; stated elk., Cayuga Presby. ; trust. Washington Acad.; mem. Zeta Psi Club; Meadville Lit. Union; Cayuga Co. Hist. Soc. ; Fed- eral Chap. R. A. M. ; publ. : Biographical Sketch Rev. Daniel G. Sprague; Hist. 1st Presb. Ch. of Salem, N. Y.; articles in religious papers; m. Jun. 10, 68, Sarah Frances Dering; ch.: Vesta Dering, Der- ing Jay; son: Dering J., 05 (Appl. Sc). d. Jan. J, 02. Peter Hoes Van Buren,* (CLERG.) A. B., 64. s. Rev. Jn. M. and Maria Cornelia (Hoes) Van Buren, b. Fultonville, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1846; ent. exam, prize; Eucleian jun. orat.; New Brunswick T. S., 64-7; ord. (R. D.), 67; m. Tun. 6, 67, Ellen Schuy- ler, da. Ira C. Clark; bro.: Howard, 76 (non-grad.). d. July 7, 68. Edgar Stirling Auchincloss,* (MF.) Sp. Dip., 64. s. Jn. and Eliz. (Buck) Auchincloss, b N. Y. C, Sep. 29, 1847; *T; jun. orat (with class of 65); of Auchincloss Bros, spool cotton; director Bank of Manhat tan Co.; Del., Lack., and West. R. R. Morris and Essex R. R.; Mexican Telgph. Co.; N. Y. Deaf and Dumb Inst.; Man- hattan Inst, for Savings; pres. Florida Mfg. Co.; Samaritan Home for the Aged; mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc; 1st lieut. 71st Regt. N. G., S. N. Y.; m. May, 73, L. G., da. Hon. Saml. Sloan. d. Mar. 13, 92, Augusta, Ga. [Joseph] Hamilton Bryan,* (M.) Sp. Dip., 64; LL. B., 66. s. Jos. and Margaret (Pringle) Bryan, b. Bkln., N. Y., Feb. 16, 1846; A*; Philo- math, jun. orat.; pres. of Philomath.; Univ. Law Dept., 64-6; adm. bar, 67; in woolen bus., 68-78. d. Sept. 20, 99, N. Y. C. Charles H. Case, Sp. Dip., 64. Francis M. Kip, (CLERG.) Sp. Dip., 64. A*; New Brunswick T. S., 64-7; ord. (R. D.); p. Linlithgo, N. Y., 67-9; Ful- tonville, N. Y., 69-81; Amesville, N. Y., 82-3; Harlingen, N. J., 84-02. Harlingen, N. J. (15) 1865 Joseph Mott Benedict,* (PHYS.) A. B., 65; M. D., 67. s. Francis Knapp and Emeline (Mott) Benedict, b. Apr. 29, 1844, South Canaan, Ct.; Brinckerhoff Sch., Jamaica, N. Y.; jun. orat.; Eng. salut. ; v. p. Eucleian; Z*; N. Y. U., Med. Dept, 65-7; Valen- tine Mott medal; surg., D. and R. G. Ry. Co.; Utah Central R. R.; chief surg., St. Mary's Hosp., Salt Lake City; mem. Salt Lake Med. Soc; m. Jun. 5, 67, Sarah E., da. Wm. H. Pierson; ch. : Nellie May, Chauncey M., Frances Bertha; bro .-in-law: Israel C. Pierson, 65. d. July 24, 96, Salt Lake City, Utah. Thomas Burnet,* (CLERG.) A. B., 65. s. Jas. and Betsey (McRov) Burnet, b. Thompsonville, Ct., Mar. 23, 1840; N. Y. U., 61-5; AT; jun. orat.; commenc. orat. (5th in rank); pres. Eucleian: appointed master's orat., 68; Princ T. S., 65-8; ord. (Presb.), Feb. 16, 70; p. Orinoco, Minn., 67-80; Du Page, 111., 80-5; m. Sep. 16, 78, Alice K., da. Geo. P. Logan; ch.: Agnes McElroy, Thos. W. d. Aug. 14, 85, Manitou Springs, Col. [86s] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 63 John Folks Cavarly,* (CHEM.) A. B., 65. s. Jn. Philip and Alice (Van Schaick) Cavarly, b. N. Y. C, 45; N. Y. U., 61-5; Z *; fresh. Lat. and math, prizes; soph, math, prize; jun. orat. ; valeclict.; instr. in math, and nat. science, Flushing (L. I.) Inst., 65-7 and 68-70; chem. in chemical works, L. I. City; clerk with Oueen Ins. Co., N. Y. C, 89-90; m. 83, Alary Vin- cent. d. Oct. 22, go, Tremont, N. Y. Alexander Denham,* i.M.) A. B., 65. b. N. Y. C, 45; N. Y. U., 61-5; + T; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; dealer in rare and curious books, 66-. John Clinton Gray, (L.) A. B., 65; A.M., 68; LL. B., 66, I l.nvard. s. In. A. C. and Susan Maria (Zabriskie) Gray, b. N. Y. C, 1843; Univ. Berlin, 60-1; N. Y. U., 61-5; *T; Harvard Univ. Law Sch., 64-6; assoc. judge, Court of Appeals, N. Y., 88-1916; fellow Natl. Acad, of Design; Metr. Mus. of Art and Mus. of Nat. Hist., N. Y. C; mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc. and of N. Y. S. Bar Assn. ; bros. : Geo. Z., 58; Albert Z., 60; uncs. : Geo. G., 50; Francis N. Zabriskie, 50; cous.: Geo. Zabriskie. 70 (Spec); Geo. Z. Hunter, 70; C. B. Zabriskie, 78; Albert R. Zabriskie, 83 (non-grad.). Albany, N. Y. Isaac Samuel Isaacs, (L.) A. B., 65; A. M., 67; LL. B., 67, Col. Univ. s. Rev. Dr. Saml. M. and Tane (Sym- mons) Isaacs, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 1, 45; Forrest and* Quackenbos Prep. Sch ; N. Y. U., 61-5; *BK; fresh, and soph. Greek prizes; jun. orat,; Lat. salut. ; Col. Univ. Law Sch., 65-7; ed. Jewish Vcs- senger, 68-78; hon. sec. United Hebrew Charities, 74-; publ.: Friday Night. 70; Volume of Tales. 70; m. 78, Estelle, da. Baruch L. Solomon; ch. : Isabel E. ; ■ Mver S., 59; Abram S., 71 j ticths.: Julien M.. 03; Lewis M., 97. 1 10 E. 73d St.. N. Y.C. William Forbes Morgan, 1 I.) A. B., 65; LL. B., 78. Col. Univ. jun. orat.; appointed master's orat., 68; *T; Col. Univ. Law Sch.. 75-8; num. Union Club, N. Y. C: retired; bro.: Flu 1. I., 67 (non-grad.). Pan. France. Israel Coriell Pierson, I \« l 1 v B„ 65; V M .. r,8; Ph. D.. 00. s. Wm. Halscy and Eliz. Miller (Coriell) Pierson. b. Westfield. N.T., Aug. 22, 43; prcs. class; pres. Euclci.-in; /. Alumni Assn. ; mem. Council, N. Y. U., 90-07; teach., Adelphi Acad., Bkln., N. Y., 65-6; Life Ins. actuary, 67-; act., Well- ington Life Ins. Co., N. Y. C, 80-; fel- low and sec. (89-) Actuarial S Amer. ; mem. N. Y. Math. Soc. and X. Y. Acad, of Sc. ; fellow Amer. Statist. Assn.; assoc. Inst, of Act., Lond. ; cor. mem. Inst, des Actuaires Francais and Assn. des Actuaires Beiges; sec. Intern. Cong, of Actuaries, Lond., 98; publ.: Mortality Experience, 89; Life Ins. an Applied Science (thesis for Ph. D.), 90; Life Ins. in the U. S. for Jaarboekje Levensverze- kering, Amsterdam. 93; m. Nov. 1, 71, Cath. Hatfield, da. Rev. Edwd. B. Edgar; ch. : Josephine, Mabel Edgar; bro.-in-lauj : Jos. M. Benedict, 65. 141 Broadway, N. Y. C. Reuben H. Steves,* (CLERG.) A. B.. 65; A. M., 68. N. Y. U., 61-5; Philomathean jun. orat.; grad. of a theol. sem. d. 76, New Rochelle, N. Y. [James Keappoch] Hamilton Wilcox,* (ED.) B. S., 65; M.S., 68; LL. B., 67, Col. Univ. s. Albert Oliver and Ann Eliz. (Hamil- ton) Wilcox, b. N. Y.C, Aug. 14, 1842; N. Y. U., 61-5; ed. of Eucleian; Univ. Sch. of Chem.. 63-4; Col. Univ. Law Sch., 65-7; jun. ed. Statcn Island Union. 64-5; chief ed., 65-6; ed. N. Y. Social Science Review. 66-7; edit, staff, Natl. Intelligencer. Washington, D. C, 70, and N. Y. Mercantile Journal; mem. X. Y. Assn. for Advancement of Science; N. Y. Hist. Soc.; Wash. Statist. Soc; X. Y. Economic Soc; N. Y. Sociol. Club; Am. Social Science Assn. and Staten Isl. Assn.; unc. : Wm. Henrv, 43. d. Nov. 23, 98, .V. Y. C. Benjamin Holmes Bayliss,* (L.) Sp. Dip., 65; A. M.. 86. B. Saml. and Sarah (Bishop) Bayliss, b. Rochester. N. Y.. Jul. 22, 1842; Dwight's Prep. Sch., Bkln., N. Y. ; N. Y. U.. 61-5; ^T; Eucleian jun. orat.: pres. Eucleian; pres. class; journalist. 65-70; pres. Bkln. S. S. Union. 77-82; trust, and v. p. Berkeley Inst., Bkln., N. Y., 86-: private Co. G. 13th Regt N. G., S. N.Y., at Suffolk, Va .. 62: m. Oct. 6. 68. Ellen P., da. I.ucien Rirdseve; ch.: Lucien Saml.. Harold Holme-. Ernest Birdseye, Donald, Katharine; son: Harold II.. 98. B K; soph. Greek prize; jun. orat. ; appointed master's orat., 69; Latin salut. ; Yale T. S., 66-7; Union T. S., 67-9; ord. (Cong.), 69; s. s. Plainfield, N. H., 68; p. Bethel, Ct., 69-72; Orange, Mass., 72-5; Darien, Ct., 75-7; Carmel, Ct., 77-81; Broad Brook, Ct., 81-5; E. Longmeadow, Mass., 85-91; p. Granby, Mass., 92-; m. (1) May 24, 71, Frances R., da. Geo. C. Freeman, (2) Apr. 15, 84, Harriette B., da. Jos. D. Stowe; ch. : Jessie M., L. Maggie, Geo. F., Frances F., Kath. S., Wm. R. Granby, Mass. Chalmers Durand Chapman, (CLERG.) A. B., 66; LL. B., 68; B. D., 72, Union T. S. s. Jn. Liddle and Jane Wade (Durand) Chapman, b. Irvington, N. J., Apr. 14, 1845; home prep.; N. Y. U., 62-6; AT; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; pres. Philo- math.; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 66-8; Union T. S., N. Y., 69-72; ord. (Presb.), 73; p. Mt. Olive, N. J., 72-5; in Europe, 76-7; rector, Grace Episc Ch., Greenville, N. J., 77-; missionary; p. Brevard, N. C. ; m. Feb. 19, 89, Frances Eugene, da. Jn. Hassell; ch. : Jessie May. Brevard, N. C. Abram Hedges Dayton,* (BR.) B. S., 66; Ph. B., 66. s. Wm. H. and Emily (Byrne) Dayton, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 4, 1844; N. Y. U., 62-6; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 65-6; salesman for Harris and Dayton, 67; sugar commission bus., 68-78: stock commission and bank- ing bus., 78-84; dealer in stocks and bonds, 84-; mem. Stock Exch. ; m. Sep. 12, 83, Ella Victoria Amidon, da. Wm. Tucker; ch. : Wm. Amidon, Kenneth Pier, one other; rel.: Saml. A. Seaman, 41. d. May 20, 00, N. Y. C. Archibald Westervelt Hall, (L.) A. B., 66. s. Edwd. Devlin and Mary Tane (Wester- velt) Hall, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 6, 1846 prep. Univ. Gr. Sch.; N. Y, U., 62-6 fresh. Lat. prize; jun. orat.; commenc orat.; pres. Philomath.; pres. class (4) Z*; *BK. 843 Clinton Ave., Newark, N. J. Asa Chichester Hendrickson,* (ENG.) B. S., 66; C. E., 66. s. Geo. W. and Abigail (Chichester) Hen- drickson, b. Hempstead, N. Y.. Sep. 16, 1845; N. Y. U., 62-6; Z *; *BK; soph, math, prize; jun. orat.; Eng. salut.; v. p. Philomath. : eng. of Guatemala on Nicaragua Ship R. R. ; asst. eng., Brook- lyn Water Works Dept.: m. Sep. 16, 68. Phebe W., da. Israel Jones; ch. : Paul J., Edna, Ada G.; bro.: Skidmore, 63; cous. : Geo. S., 75. d. June 24, 86, Bkln., N. Y. i866] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 65 Isaac Cornelius Hendrickson, (I..) B. S., 66: C E., 66. s. Isaac and Charity KHz. (Duryea) Hen- drickson, b. Jamaica, X. Y., Oct. 18, 1843; lawyer, 73-; farmer; real est. and ins. agt.; m. Jan. 6, 69, Helen Julia, da. Pedro A. Andrew. KnoxviUe, Tenn. James Murdock Huntting, (CLERG.) A. B., 66. s. Jas. Murdock and Cath. (Ogden) Huntting. b. Westfield, N. J., Aug. 21, 1846; Rev. J. W. Huntting' s Class. Sch., Jamaica, L. I.; N.Y.U., 62-6; jun. and commenc. orat. ; treas. Philomatbean; Princ. T. S., 66-9; ord. (Presb.). 71; p. Melville, L. I., 71-4; Mendham, N. J., 74- 83; Andover, N. J., 83-93; dist. supt. of N.J. Children's Home Soc. ; m. Oct. 5, 70." II. Louisa, da. Elijah Van Syckel; ch.: Wm. Sayres, Cath. Ogden, Agnes Ogden. Hackettstozcn, N. J. Silvanus Gedney Keyser, (CLERG.) A. B., 66; A.M., 86. s. Jn. and Ilarrictte Ward (Dixon) Key- ser. 1>. X. V. C, Oct. 21, 1845; AT; 4>BK; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; ed. of The Item, 66; sec. of Y. M. C. A.; Union T. S., 66-9; priv. tutor in N. Y., 69-72; ord. (M. E.). 72; ti. Rliinebeck. N. Y., 72-3; Modcna, N. Y.. 74-6; Sugar Loaf, N. Y., 77-9; Cornwall, N. Y.. 79-80; Highland, N. Y., 81-2: Plattekill, N. Y., 82-3; Lake Mahopac. N. Y., 83-4: Dobbfl Ferry, N. Y., 84-6; Franklin, N. Y.. 86-8; Delhi, N. Y., 89-92; Hunter, N. Y., 92; Golden's Bridge, N. Y., 95-; Hartsdale, N. Y.; m. Feb. 2, 72, Florence D., da. Ephraim Barringer; ch. : Ralph T., Mabel F., Florence V Hartsdale, N. Y. Maurice Klaber, Oil'.) A. B., 66. s. Simon and Regina (Kuronda) Klaber, b. N. Y. ('.. Aug. 18, 1849; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; ed. of Philomath.; jewel- ler, 66-87; marble insp. and worker, 87-; m. Feb. 20, 80, Dora Frankfeld. 47 IV. 426 St., N. Y. C. Isaac Ferris Ludlam,* A. B.. 66; A. M.. 69. s. Abram Brinkerhoff and Emilie Wat- kins (Farrande) Ludlnm. b. N. Y. C, 1847: N. Y. U.. 62-6; AT; *BK; soph, math, prize; jun. orat.: commenc. orat. (5th in rank); appointed master's orat., 69; cashr. for James G. King & Sons, bankers. N. Y. C, 67-75; mem. St. Nich- olas Soc; loir.: Ch.-inc. Isaac Ferris J bro.: Wm. L., 68; cons. : T. M. Ferris, 43; R. B. Ferris. 44; Isaac W. Ferris, 59 (non-grad.): A. W. Fraser. 70: I. F. Lock-wood, 73: M. P. Ferris. 74 (non- grad.); R. Ferris, 74; Geo. N. Ferris, 77 (non-grad.); A. W. Ferris, 78; J. D. Ferris, 79; Fred. E. Ferris, 93. d. July 22, 75, Jersey City, N. J. Alfred Neilson, 1 BR.) A. B., 66. •. Wm. H. and Caroline Kane (Mills) Neilson; *T; pres. Eucleian; banking and brokerage bus. since 66; bro.: Vv. H., Jr., 60; unc: Lawrence H. Mills, 58. 3 Broad St., N. Y. C. John Ogle, Jr.,* (CLERG.) A. B., 66. s. Jn. and Maria (Carson) Ogle, b. County Down, Ire., Mar. 1, 1840: I'niv. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 62-6; AT; Webster jun. orat. prize; first Butler Eucleian es- say prize, 65; do., 66; pres. Y. M. ( . A.. 65-6; Union T. S., 66-9; chapl. Seaman's Retreat, Staten Id.. N. Y., 69. d. Apr. 17, 69, Staplcton, N. Y. Qiarles Yates Roosevelt,* A. i:., 66; A. M., 69. *T;i U.S. Consul, Copenhagen, Den- mark, 66-7; resided in Paris, France, 67- 83. d. Nov. 83, Paris, Fr. Sheldon B. Shaw, (RE.) A. B., 66. s. Win. and Julia Ann Haworth (Usetedt) Shaw, b. N. Y. C. Feb. 7, 1846; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. l\, 62-6; with Richd. V. Harnett & Co., 73 Liberty St.. X. Y. C. ; m. Oct. 26, 69, Joanna S., da. Lucien Tuffs; ch.: Sheldon B., Jr., Marie, Hor- tense; bros.: Oscar F., 59; Jn. C, 60. 375 Mhtn. Ave., N. Y. C. Henry Spellmeyer, (CLERG.) A. B., 66; A.M.. 69: D. D., 82, Syracuse Univ.; LL. D.. 0?. X. Y. CJ. S. Matthias Hv. and Marv Spellmever, b. Bronxville, X. Y.. Xov. 25. 1847;' X. Y. U., 62-6; AT; jun. orat., 64: commenc. orat.; treas. Y. M. C. A.; Union T. S., 67-9; priv. tutor. 70: ord. (M. E.). Mar. 26. 71: p. Stapleton. X. Y.. 69-71; Bloom- field. X. J.. 72-4; Central Ch.. Newark, N. J.. 75-7: St. Tames, Elizabeth. XT.. 78-80; Trinity, Jersev Citv. X. L. 81-3; Central, Newark, X. f.. 84-6; Calvary, E. Orange, N. J., 87-9; Central, Newark, N. J., 92-7: Roseville. 97-00; Centenary. Newark; trust. Drew Theol. Sem.: mem. Gen Conf., M. E. Ch.. 96-00-04; del.. Ecumenical Conf.. London. 02: elected bishop of M. E. Ch.. 04: m. Nov. 8, 71, Matilda M. W.. da. Rev. Thos. II. Smith; ch. : Luella Gladwyn, Boyd Smith, Rollo ■ liarles. 220 IV. 4th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. 66 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1867 David Tim, (L. and RE.) A. B., 66; A.M., 69; LL. B., 68. N Y. U. Law Sch., 66-8; lawyer at 5 Beekman St., N. Y. C. 31 W. 126th St., N. Y. C. Samuel Denton Williams,* £S?£ft Y.'JS, 23, 1844; N. Y. U., 62-6; Union T. S., N. Y., 66-8. d. Oct. 5, 68, Mineola, N. Y. James Van Siclen Woolley, (ARCH.) A.B., 66; M. D., 68 s. Wm. Hy. and Joanna Wyckoff (Van Siclen) Woolley, b. Jamaica, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1843; N. Y. U., 62-6; Z *; *BK; soph. Lat. prize, 63; jun. orat. (with 65); valedict.; pres. Eucleian; L. I. Coll. Hosp., 65; Univ. Med. Dept., 66-8; civ. eng., L.I.R. R., 66; phys., 68-70; attg. surg., N. E. Disp., N. Y., 70-80; visit, phys., Presb. Hosp., N. Y. C, 74-80; arch and builder, 80-; mem. N. Y. Co. Med Soc ; N. Y. Acad, of Med.; m. Dec. 19, 78. Emma Tosephine, da. Andrew B. Brinker- hoff; ch.: Jas. Stanley, Emma Estelle, Helene, Wm. Hy., Edwin Ruthwell, Chas. Chester. 75 E. 79th St., N. Y. C. Samuel Bowne Duryea,* Sp. Dip., 66. _ . s. Harmanus B. and Eliz. A. (Bowne) Duryea, b. Bkln., N. Y., Mar. 27, 1845; N. Y. U., -66; AT; pres. of class.; ed. of The Item, 66; commenc. orat.; sec. Eu- cleian; Yale Div. Sch., 69; pres. Soc. of Children's Parks and Playgrounds; pres. Franklin Lit. Soc; pres. Tree Planting and Fountain Soc; trust. Children's Aid Soc; director Bkln. Libry.; trust. Froe- bel Acad. ; director Soc. for the Sup- pression of Vice; pres. Kensington Assn.; director Y. M. C. A.; director Bkln. Real Est. Exch.; trust. Bkln. Art Assn.; founder Duryea Essav prize in N. Y. U. ; mem. St. Nicholas Soc; Holland Soc; Hamilton Club; Union League Club; Crescent Athl. Club; Constitution Club; maj. in N. Y. State Militia; m. Sep. 23, 69, Kate, da. Walter P. Flanders. d. lune 7, 92, Bkln., N. Y. John M. Merselis, Sp. Dip., 66. jun. orat. (with 67). (20) 1867 Charles Benjamin Brush* (ENG.) B. S., 67; C. E., 67; M.S., 78; Sc D., 95. s. Tonathan Ethelbert and Cornelia (Tufck) Brush, b. N. Y. C, Feb. 15, 1848; *BK; jun. orat.; Eng. salut.; pres. Eucleian; on Eng. Corps Croton Aque- duct, N. Y. C, 67-9; independent prac- tice, 67-97; adj. prof, civil engring., N. Y. U., 74-88; prof, do., 88-97; prof, emer., do., 97; director Am. Soc. C. E., 88-91; v. p. do., 92; expert on water works at Cincinnati, Cnicago, Memphis, Jamestown, East N. Y., Passaic, Easton, Montclair; exams, for foundations of bridges at 181st St. and 2d and 3d Aves. over the Harlem River, N. Y.; Thames River Bridge, New London; eng. for contractor, construction of Washington Bridge, N. Y. C. ; assoc. eng., N. Y. and N. J. Bridge; eng., Hudson River Tunnel; eng., sewers in N. Hudson Co., N. J., and Irv- ington, N. Y. ; water works of Green- wood Cem., Plainfield, Highland Falls, and those of Tully Pipe Line Co. at Syra- cuse built under his direction; chf. eng., Hackensack Water Co., Hudson and Ber- gen Co's., N. J. ; Portsmouth and Suf- folk, Va. ; Far'Rockaway, N. Y. ; also of N. Hudson Co. Ry. Co. and Hoboken Land and Improvement Co., N. J. ; con- sult, eng. for water companies alliance, O.; Kansas City, Mo.; Kansas City, Kan.; So. Hampton, N. Y.; mem. Am. Soc. M. E.; Am. Water Works Assn.; N. E. Water Works Assn. ; N. Y. Acad, of Sciences; N.J. Sanitary Assn.; publ.: Roads, Trans. Am. Soc. C. E., 78; The Hudson River Tunnel, do., 80; Aeration of Water, do., 86; Discipline in the Pump- ing Station, Trans. Am. Water Works Assn., 86; Aeration and Filtration of Water, Trans. N. E. Water Works Assn., 87; Friction, Waste and Loss of Water in Mains, Trans. Am. Soc. C. E., 88; One Way of Obtaining Brine, do., 90; Deterioration of Water in Reservoirs and Conduits, N.J. State Bd. of Health; Aeration on a Gravity Water Supply, Trans. Am. Works Assn., 91; Vertical Gates on Force Mains, do., 92; m. Nov. 21, 83, Carrie Frances, da. Joshua Cooley; ch. : Anna Cooley, Joshua Cooley, Chas. Benj., Jr.; nephs.: Clinton E., Jr., 99; W. W., 93. d. Jun. 3, 97, N. Y. C. Abram Brougham De Frece * B. S., 67; Ph. B., 67; M. S., 70; Ph. D., 91. s. Benj. and Mary (Velleman) De Frece, b. N. Y. C, May 8, 1850; N. Y. U., 63-7; sec. Eucleian; dissert, at com- menc; mfr. of pearl buttons and whale- bone, 70-6; pres. Natl. Paper Bag Co., 76-86; gen. commr., Edison Gen. Elec Co., 89-90; pres. Am. Healtheries Co., 91; v. p. European and Am. Express Co., 89; v. p. Citizens Mutual Life Ins. Co.; sec. Automaton Piano Co. ; sec. N. Y. Concert Co.; treas. Alumni Assn., N. Y. U. ; pres. St. Mark's Hosp. Assn.; mem.- at-large, Hosp. Sat. and Sun. Assn.; hon. mem. German Hosp. and Central Turn Verein; mem. and diplome of La Societe des Sauveteurs du Dernier Adieu, with decoration of the croix-rosette. 94; mgr. N. Y. Mail and Express, 93-; mem. Music Club of N, Y.; lieut.-col. 22d i86 7 ] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 67 Regt. Veteran Corps; m. May 9, 71, Sophie, da. Isaac Bernstein; ch.: B. Franklin, Marie, Blanche; son: B. Frank- lin, 93. d. Jan. 9, 03, Pclham Manor, N. Y. Alfred Van Cleve Johnson, (CLEKG.) A. B., 67; A.M., 70. s. Prof. Ebenezer Alfred, LL. D., and Marguerite Vox ( Van Cleve) Johnson, b. N.Y.C, Jun. 10, 1847; jun. orat.; val- edict.; second Butler Eucleian essay prize, 66, and first in 67; v. p. of Eu- cleian; Vale T.S.. 68-71; Union IS., 69-70; ord. (Presb.), 73; p. Chatham, N. J., 73-7; Parsippany, N. J., 80: with- out charge, Chatham, N. J. ; Bennington, Vt.; Groton and Lvme. Ct., 81-9; Yon- kers, N. V.. 89-; m. (1) Dec. 8, 80, Laura, da. Jn. Mott. (2) Aug. 19. 85, Ellen Marcia, da. Elihu Doty; ch.: Grace Mott, Frances, Alfred Doty, Van Cleve, Fran- cis. Mousey, N. Y. Samuel Seabury Jones,* (PHYS.) A. B., 67; M. D., 69. s. Elbert Hering and Marjory Fleet (Youngs) Jones, b. Oyster Bay, N. Y., Jun. 1, 1846; Z *; fresh. Latin prize; commenc. orat.; v. p. Eucleian; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 67-9; Univ. of Edinburgh. 69; Berlin, 69-70; Vienna, 70-1; phys., N. Y. C, 72-; vis. phys., Workhouse and Alum- house Hosp.. 82-93; consult, phys. to same: mem. N. Y. Acad, of Med.; N. Y. Co. Med. Soc. ; Pathol. Soc; Manhattan Med. Soc; Lenox Med. Soc; N. Y. U. Alumni Soc; contributor to med. jour- nals; m. Mar. 19. 77, Margaret, da. Hy. Mathews; ch. : Beatrice Cleveland, Na- talie Rathborn. d. Jan. 21, 02, N. Y. C. Peter E. Kipp,* (CLERG.) A. B.. 67. s. Edo and Ann (Sip) Kipp, b. Paterson, N. J., Mar. 28, 1847; N. Y. U, 63-7; soph. Gr. prize; jun. orat.; commenc orat. (4th in rank); pres. Philomath.; New Brunswick T. S., 67-70; ord. (R. D.), 70; p. FishkiU, X. V., 70 77-81: Schenectady. N. Y„ 81-7: pres. Synod o£ Albany, 85-6; publ.: The Di- vine Purpose in Missions, in report of Fifth Gen. Miss. Conf., 85; Is Moses Scientific? N. V., 12mo, pp. 250, 93; many articles in religious journals, etc.; m. Oct. 8, 1870, Josephine, da. Ten Eyck Sutphen; ch. : Irving De Forest, Henry Zabriskie. d. May 9. 00, San Diego, Cal. Edward Hubbard Litchfield, (L.t B. S.. 67. B. Hon. Edwin C. and Grace Hill (Hub- bard) Litchfield, b. Utica. \. V.. Xov. 15, 1845; Z *; commenc. orat.; first soph. Duryea essay prize, 66; librn. Eucleian; adm. bar, N. V.. 70', mem. Council, X. V. U., 91-5; dir. Bkln. Savings Bank, M.l. Coal Co., etcj presidential elector, 93; mem. Bkln., Hamilton, Metropolitan and ether clubs; Bkln. Hist. Soc; commr. State Bd. of Charities; pract. law, 59 Wall St., N. Y. C; m. Feb. 2. 71. Made- line Middagh, da. Jn. M. Sands: ch.: Madeline Sands, Edwd. Hubert, Marion, Bayard Sands. 2 Montague Terrace, Bkln., N. Y. John Howell Mitchell, (M.) A. B., 67. s. Edwd. and Marv A. (Brainard) Mit- chell, b. Bkln., X. V., Oct. 5, 1845; N. Y. U., 63-7; 2 *; jun. '.rat.; commenc. orat.; pres. class (4); treas. Eucleian; m. Mar. 18, 74, Annie M., da. Alex. Macpherson; bro.: Jas. L., 62. d. June 2 1, 98, Montclair, N.J. James Dow McVey,* (L.) A. B., 67; A. M., 70. s. Wm. and Margaret (Dow) McVev, b. Covington. N. V.. Mar. 22. 1843; N. Y. U., 63-7; Z*; *BK; jun. orat.; com- menc. orat.; v. p. Eucleian; surrog. Cat- taraugus Co., 73-9; asst. paymaster's clerk. LT. S. N., Port Royal, 65; m. Jan. 24, 72, Isadora, da. Hy. Van Aernam; cous. : Jn., 60. d. Oct. 9, 79, Franklinsville, N. J. Arthur Spiclmann, (ENG.) B. S., 67; C. E., 67; M.S., 78. s. Chas. and Anna Maria (Grosch) Spiel- mann, b. Hoboken. N. L, Sep. 20, 1847; N. Y. U, 63-7; tBK; jun. orat.; com- menc. orat.; Philomathean orat.; pres. Eu- cleian; mem. eng. firm Spielmann and Brush. Hoboken, N. J. ; adj. prof., civil eng., N. Y. U, 74-83; mem. Am. S. C. E.; X. V. Acad, of Sciences. d. Nov. 28, 83, N. Y. C. Frank Alphonso Wood,* (CLERG.) A. 1 b. Meriden, X. IT.. Feb. 10. 1845; XV. U.. 63-7: 2>T: -M)K: fresh, and one-half soph. math, prizes: jun. orat.; Lat. salut.; pres. class (2); pres. Y. M. C. A. ; pres. Eucleian; Union T. S.. 68-71: ord. (Presb.), 71; miss.. Sidon, Syria, 71; Zahleh. 72-5: in charge of Acad, at Zahlch, 75-8; Ahcih. 78; m. Oct. 2>, 71, Sophie R. Lewis; ch.: Lucv. d. July 20. 78, Abeih, Syria. R. Henry Crawford,* (L.) Sp. Dip., 67. A*; ed. The Item, 66. 68 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1868 Charles Spencer Hall, (MF.) Sp. Dip., 67. in xt „ . s. Chas. F. and Almira (Bird) Hall, b. Skaneateles, N. Y., Dec. 24 1845; Pub. Sch. 15, Bkln., N. Y.; N. Y. U. ,64-7; m. Jun. 7, 74, Amelia J., da. Jn. Brown; ch. : Dana F. 145 Glenwood Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Andrew Mills, (B.) Sp. Dip., 67. s. Andrew and Eliza (Easton) Mills, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 7, 1848; A*; Philomath. jun. orat. ; dissert, at commenc. ; pres. Philomath.; pres. Dry Dock Savings Inst, and of State Trust Co.; capt. in 7th Regt. N. G., S. N. Y.; m. Oct. 16, 72, Gertrude E., da. Edwd. G. Moran; ch.: Andrew, Jr., Herbert Lawrence, Ruth Carter, Ger- trude Edith, Dorothy. 47 W. 84th St., N. Y. C. (13) 1868 William Leslie Ludlam, (B ) A. B., 68. s. Abram Brinkerhoff and Emily Watkins ; planter at Santiago, Cuba. 1869] ALUMNI OF THE UXITERSITY COLLEGE 69 William Wallace Snyder, B. S., 68; LL. B., 69. s. Jn. and Almira (Andrus) Snyder, b. Newark, N. J., Aug. 1, 1847; Newark Acad.; N. Y. U., 66-8; dissert, at com- menc. ; sec. Philomatliean; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 68-9; 1st exam, prize, Law Sch. ; clerk, City of Orange, N. J.; mercantile pursuits and real estate; chief of Bed- ford Sta. Fire Dent.; m. Mar. 5, 98, Sara, da. Alfred Whitenack; ch. : three. Bedford Station, N. Y. (9) 1869 George Bell, (L.) A. B., 69; LL. B., 70. b. N. Y. C, Apr. 29, 1848; Henry St. Gram. Sch.; N. V. U., 65-9; Z *; + B K; Eucleian; Webster prize; class orat. ; jun. ex., 68; N. Y. U. Law Sch.; m. Oct. 4, 77, Edna Shaw Newell; ch.: Freda, Geo. Newell, Edna Margaret, Russell Davenport. 302 B'way, N. Y. C. George White Bond, (MR) B. S., 69; C. E., 69. B. I 'ml. Herrick and Deborah (White) Bond, b. Canterbury, Ct., May 21, 1836; commenc. orat. (4th in rank); mgr. Swift's Iron and Steel Works, 69-74; supt. and treas. Florence Tack Co., 74- 92; m. Oct. 17, 57, Mary E., da. Wm. Gardiner. No. Cambridge, Mass. James D. Donnell, (L.) A. B., 69. orat. at commenc. (2d hon.) Co. Librn., Patcrson, N. J. James Byron Finch, (CLERG.) A. B., 69; A.M.. 72; A. B., 62, Amherst Coll.; D. D. s. Jas. B. and Ursula (Slack) Finch, h. Southampton, Mass., Dec. 29. 1832: Am- herst Coll., 58-9; AKE; Union T. S., 60-3; N. Y.U., 69; ord. (Presb.). 63; p. Cong. Ch.. Orient. L. I., 63-5; Nebraska City. Neb., 6S-7; Hempstead, L. I., 67-75; teaching and agriculture, 75-9: p. Presb. Ch.. AmaganBett, L. I.. 79-: m. Tan. 11. 64. Adelaide V., da. By. II. Terry; ch.: Adelaide Victoria. Helen Eugenia, Jas. Byron, Jr.. Fred Augustine, Bertha Al- mira, Bland Genevieve. Amagansett, N. Y. Arthur Tobias Hendricks,* 1 I'll VS.) Ph. B.. 69; M. D.. 72. B. By. and Harriet (Tobias) Hendricks, b. N. Y. C, Jan. 26, 1851; N. V. U., 66-9; Z*; Univ. Sch. of Pract. and Anal. Chem.; X. V. U. Med. Coll., 69-72; mem. Manhattan, Democratic, Cuttyhunk and Phoenix Clubs; bro.: Isaac, 50. d. Mar. 5, 02, N. Y. C. Matthew Grant Mann, (CLERG.) A. I: s. Chas. G. and Jane Grant McKinsey (Shaw) Mann. li. Wurtemberg, Germany, Feb. 1, 1842; dissertation in German at commenc.; Union T. S., 63-4, 67-8 and 69-71; ord. (Presb.), 73; supply and miss., Eugene City. Oregon, 74-6; supt. of Inst, and Mission, I'uyallup, Indian Reservation, Washington, 76-9; supply and miss., Puyallup, Chehalis, ai qually (Indian) Chs., Sumner, Wash., 80-92; supply Chehalis, Misqually and Mini Bay (Indian) Chs.. 92-3; teach., Christian Sc, Lewiston, Idaho, Christian Sc. Inst.; m. May 1, 89, Mary Foster Ingalls, da. Saml. Foster; ch.: three daughters. Lewiston. Idaho. John Greenleaf Oakley, (CLERG) A. B., 69; A.M.'. 72; A.M., 72, and Ph.D., 81, Syracuse Univ.; D. D., 89, Grant Meml. Univ. s. Solomon Wilmot and Mary Ann (Dutcher) Oaklev, b. Yerbank.' X. V., May 17, 1843; Troy Univ., 61; X. V. U., 69; postgrad, course in Syracuse Univ., 80-1; teach. Latin and Greek, Saugerties Acad., 62-3; ord. (M. E.), 64; sec. X. V. Meth. Preachers' Meeting, 89- 90; pres. Hudson River Ministerial Assn., 91-2; traveler in Europe, 75; in Egypt and Holy Land, 92; M. E. Ch.. Wash. Ave., cor. W. 166th St., X. V. C, 93-; St. Paul's, Tarrvtown, X. V., in 03; mem. N. Y. Quill Club; m. Nov. 22. 64, Susie A., da. Chas. Hoffman; ch. : Edith Eliz., Mary Hester, Chas. Solomon, Susie Teresa, Dusenbury, Ida Augusta Tower. Tarry town, N. Y. John Pickering Otis. (CLERG.) A. B.,%9; LL. P.. 70; A.M.. 72; S. T. B., 74. Poston Univ. s. Isaac Lewis and Sarah Jane (Discho) Otis, b. Middletown. Ct., Jul. 31. N. Y. U. Prep. Sch.: X. V. U . fresh. Lat. and math, prizes and hon. mention in Greek: BOjph. I. at. and math, prizes; sp. jun. Eng. lit. and essay prize; prize for greatest excellence in coll. course; jun. orat.: valedict. ; pros. Philo- math.; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 70; Thed. Dept., Poston Univ., 71-4; p. V 71-4: Richmond. Va.. 74 ) Pt. Comfort. Va., 77-8: Cambridge. Md.. 78-80; Centreville, Md.. 80-2; Odessa, Del.. 82 5; Elkton. Md.. 85-8; Port De- posit. Md., 88-91; Bridgeville. Del.. 91-2; Brandywine M. E. Ch.. Wilmington. Del., 92-; p. M. E. Ch., Rising Sun. Cecil Co., Md. ; yul'l.: contributions to first two 7o NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1870 vols, of Boston Homilies, N. Y., 90-1; m. May 27, 75, S. Augusta, da. Danl. T. Smith; ch. : Isaac L., Susan S., Charlotte D. ; son: Isaac L., 99. Rising Sun, Cecil Co., Md. James H. Rogers, (L.) A. B., 69; LL. B., 70. N. Y. U., 66-9; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; pres. class (4); librn. of Philo- math.; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 69-70; pract. law, Paterson, N. J. Main St., Paterson, N. I. John Wellborn Root,* (ARCH.) B. S., 69; C. E., 69; A. A., Oxford Univ., Eng. s. Sydney and Mary (Clark) Root, b. Lumpkin, Ga., Jan. 10, 1850; N. Y. U., 65-9; AT; jun. orat.; commenc. orat. (5th in rank) ; 1st Butler Eucleian es- say prize, 68; v. p. Eucleian; archt., N. Y. C, 69-72; with Renwick & Snook, Chicago, 111., 72-3; with Carter, Drake & Wight; of firm of Burnham & Root, Chicago, 111., 73-91; designed the Rook- ery, Rialto, Phcenix, Ins. Exch., Art Inst., Rand McNally Bldg., Chicago Hotel, C. T. U. Bldg., Masonic Temple, Chicago Herald Bldg. ; appointed archt. and designer (in part) of World's Fair bldgs. ; mem. Am. Inst, of Archts. ; m. (1) 79, Mary, da. J. M. Walker, (2) Dec. 12, 82, Dora Louise, da. Hy. S. Monroe; ch. : Margaret, Jn. Wellborn, Jr., Mary Louise. d. Jan. 15, 91, Chicago, III. Nelson Buell Sizer, (PHYS.) B. S., 69; M. D., 71. s. Nelson S. and Sarah (Remington) Sizer, b. Avon, Ct., Dec. 10, 1846; AT; commenc. orat.; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 68- 71; Med. Sch. of London and Paris, 71-3; house surg., Roosevelt Hosp., N. Y. C, 71-2; Presb. Hosp., 72-3; phys., outdoor dept., St. John's Hosp., Bkln., N. Y., 73-9; asst. surg., Bkln. Eye and Ear Hosp., 76-83; asst. surg., L.I. Coll. Hosp., 75-81; sr. surg., Bushwick, E. Bkln. Disp., 76-89; surg., Chinese Hosp.; mem. King's Co. Med. Soc. ; fellow N. Y. State Med. Assn.; m. Mar. 24, 75, Georgiana, da. Geo. Mitchell. 336 Greene Ave., Bkln., N. Y. Thomas Martin Trippe, (ENG.) B. S., 69; C. E., 69. s. Jas. and Anna Mary Mason (Mathews) Trippe, b. Bkln., N. Y, Sep. 27, 1848; jun. orat.; commenc. orat. _ (3d hon.); 1st Butler Eucleian essay prize, 69. Silverton, Col. Augustus Holden Drury, (L.) Sp. Dip., 69; LL. B., 70. s. Moses and Eliza M. (Humphrey) Drury, b. N. Y. C, Dec. 12, 1851; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U, 65-9; Z *; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 70; lieut. Natl. Guard, N. J. ; master and examr. in chancery, 71-; clerk, Grand Jury, Passaic Co., N.,J. 102 Hamilton Ave., Paterson, N. J. Robert Walter Haskins, (CLERG., EDUC.) Sp. Dip., 69. s. Wm. Emerson and Frances Maria (Hodges) Haskins, b. Roxbury, Mass., Jul. 12, 1841; N. Y. U. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U, 65-9; AT; Eucleian jun. orat.; dissert, at commenc; pres. Eucleian; Union T. S., 69-71; Andover T. S., 71-2; ord. (Cong.), 72; p. Derry, N. H., 72-9; Baldwinsville, Mass., 79-81; Abington, Mass., 81-; scribe, Norfolk Conf., 82-6; trust. Pinkerton Acad., Derry, N. H., 83-; do., Abington, Mass., Sch. Bd., 91-; v. p. Natl. AT Frat.; supt. Home Sch. for Young Ladies; m. Oct. 28, 73, Maria, da. of Jn. Burt. 97 Salem St., Reading, Mass. George Baldwin Newell, (L.) Sp. Dip., 69; A.M., 81; LL. B., 75, Col. Univ. s. Rev. Dr. Wm. Whiting and Edna (Shaw) Newell, b. N. Y., Apr. 12, 1847; ^T; pres. Eucleian; Union T. S., 69-72; lie, N. Y. Presby., 72; s. s. Atlantic City, N. J., 72; Stamford, Ct., 72-3; Col. Univ., 73-5; lawyer, N. Y. C, 75-; mem. N. Y. C. Bar Assn., 75-; m. Jan. 12, 93, Julia, da. Geo. Pomeroy; bro.: Wm. W., 61. Madison, N.J. (IS) 187O Richard Henry Bull,* A. B., 70. s. Prof. Richd. Harrison and Mary Ann (Schouten) Bull, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 11, 1850; N. Y. U., 66-70; A*; dissert, at commenc; pres. class (3); Loring An- drews prize; Eucleian jun. orat. and Webster prize; fa. : Richard H., 39; bros.: Charles C, 74; J. Edgar, 78. d. Sept., 70. John H. Carll, (MF.) B. S., 70; C. E., 70. s. Alonzo S. and Mary Ann (Buffett) Carll, b. Flushing, N. Y., Mar. 9, 1845; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.: eng., Houston and Texas Central R. R., 70-3; Cincinnati Bridge Co., 73-5; Pittsfield, Mass., 75-6; oil producer, Bradford, Pa., 77-88; Al- leghany and Kinzua R. R., 88-9; Globe Refining Co., Phila., Pa., 90; eng. and supt., Craig Oil Co., Pittsburg, Pa., and Toledo, O., 91-; m. Jun., 81, Mary E., da. Jones Buchanan. Care Craig Oil Co., Toledo, O. i8 7 o] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 71 Alexander Watkins Fraser, (L.) A. B., 70; LL. B.. 71. s. Alex, and Sarah (Watkins) Fraser, b N. Y. C, Feb. 15, 1846; A*; commenc orat.; Col. Univ., 65-6; N. Y. U., -70; N. Y. U. Law Sen., 70-1; m. Sep. 5, 78, Celestina C, da. Dr. Heinrich Malten; ch. : Lucile Malten; cous.: I. F. Ludlam, 66; \V. L. Ludlam, 68. 40 Wall St., N. Y. C. George Washington Hunt, (L.) A. B., 70; LL. B., 71. s. Joshua and Esther Maria (Angevine) Hunt, b. Eastchester, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1849; N. Y. U., 66-70; fresh. Greek and Lat. prizes; jun. orat.; dissert, at commenc.; sec. and pres. Philomathean; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 70-1; pract. law; retired; ra. Apr. 24, 89, Susan A., da. Fred. D. Rich. Box 44, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. George Zabriskie Hunter,* (PHYS.) B. S., 70; M. D., 72. s. Chas. F. and Julia (Zabriskie) Hunter, b. N. Y. C. May 12, 1848; N. Y. U., 66- 70; Z^; dissert, at commenc; N. Y. U. Mod. Coll., 70-2; surg.. Northern Disp. ; Dent, of Public Works and Pacific Mail S. S. Co.; cous. : Geo. Z. Gray, 58; Al- bert Z. Gray, 60; John C. Gray, 65; Geo. Zabriskie, 70 (Sp.); C. B. Zabriskie, 78; Albert R. Zabriskie, 83 (non-grad.); unc: F. N. Zabriskie, 50. d. Feb. 16, os, Glen Ellen, Cal. James Wiggins Long,* A. R.. 70. s. Jacob Alex, and Isabella (McBride) Long, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 4, 1849; N. Y. U., 66-70; A'I>: +BK; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; business. d. Oct. 30, 77, N. Y. C. William Henry Nichols, (CHEM.) B. S.,70; M.S.. 73; LL. D., 04. Lafayette Coll.; D. Sc, 04, Col. Univ. s. Geo. Hy. and Sarah Eliz. (Harris) Nichols, b. Bkln., X. Y.. Tan. 9, 18S2; I'.kln. Poly. Inst.; N. Y. U., 69-70; A#J Philomathean jun. orat.; com- menc. orat.; Cornell Univ., 68-9; chem- ical mfr. and copper refr. ; pres. Nichols Chem. Co.; Oxford Club, Rkln.; trustee Poly. Inst.. Bkln.; Rkln. Inst, of Arts ami Sciences; Rkln. Libry. ; pres. Congl. Church Ext. Soc; trustee Congl. Ch. Bldg. Soc; treas. Am. Chem. Soc; mem. L.I. Hist. Soc; pres. Soc. Chem. Ind., 04-05; pres. Internatl. Chem. Soc; m. Feb. 18. 73. Hannah Wricht, da. Jos. Mi J. Renvoi: ch.: Wm. II.. Tr.. Chas.. Walter. Madeline. Francis Harold. 25 Broad St.. N. Y. C. John Reid/ (< l.l.RG.) A. B., 70; D. D., 88. s. Robt. and Jean (Wallace) Reid, b. rohns, N. B., Nov. 19, 1850; N. Y. U., 66-70; AT; *BK; iun. orat.; com- menc. orat.; treas. Eucfeian; Princ. T. S.. 70-3; ord. (Presb.), 73; p. Lower Valley, N. J., 73-4; Paterson, N. J., 74-6; Hoboken, N. J., 76-9; Yonkers, N. Y., 79-04; moderator, Presby., 76; commr. to Genl. Assembly, 76, 84, and 88; clerk, Genl. Assem., 88; del.. Fourth Presb. Gen. Council, London, 88; mem. West- ern Exec. Comm., do., 88-92; mem. Council of N. Y. U.. 89-97, 00-04; mem. Westchester Hist. Soc; Yonkers Hist. Soc; m. (1) Jul. 23, 73, Lizzie, da. Ebenezer Warner, (2) Dec. 19, 76, Mary, da. Saml. Williams Jamieson; ch.: Robt. Warner, Edith May, John, Mary. d. Dec. 18, 04, Bkln., N. Y. Eugene Stevenson, (L.) A. B.. 70; A. M., 73; LL. B., 70. s. Paul Eugene and Cornelia (Prime) Stevenson, b. Bkln., N. Y., Jun. 28, 1849; N. Y-U., 67-70; BK; soph. Greek and Lat. prizes; jun. orat.; Lat. salut. ; pres. Eucleian; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 68-70; teach., Paterson, N. J., 70-4; lawyer. 74-; prosecutor of pleas, Passaic Co., N. J., 81-6; pres. Bar Assn., N. J., 00; vice-chancellor. Court of Chan., N. J., 01-; pres. General Alumni Soc, X. Y. V., 02-; mem. Council of N. Y. U., 04-08; m. Jun. 11, 84, Helen, da. Rev. Dr. Wm. Hornblower. 107 Wash. St., Paterson, N.J. Samuel Alexander Stevenson,* A. B., 70; A. M., 81. s. Rev. Dr. Andrew and Ann Mary (Willson) Stevenson, b. N. Y. C, Apr. 16, 1850; C. C. N. Y., 64-5; N. Y. U.. 66-70; A*; soph. math, prize; jun. orat.; dissertation at commenc: banker. 72-8; school supplies, St. Louis. Mo.. 78-82; railroad agt., Des Moines Northern and Western Ry Co., Des Moines. Iowa. 82-; farming, 90-; m. Oct. 31. 72. Mar- garet Emma. da. Wm. M. Reach; ch. : Lucile Bell, Mary Reach, Andrew, Mar- garet Emma, Katherine; bro.: Prof. Tohn J., 63. d. Sept. 17, 04, -V. Y. C. John Cornelius Van Deventer,* (CLERG.) A. R.. 70. s. Jn. and Eliza (Davenport) Van Deventer. b. N. Y. C. Nov. 11. 1848; N. Y. U.. 66-70; AT: . Care Munn & Co., 361 B'way, N. Y. C. Thomas Meredith Maxwell, (PHYS.) Sp. Dip., 70; M. D., 75. s. Rev. Jas. L. and Eliz. (Meredith) Maxwell, b. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Feb. 25, 1850; N. Y. U., 67-70; A*; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 72-5; sen. asst. phys. and surg., Presb. Hosp., N. Y. C, 75 (resi- dent) ; res. phys. and surg., Wilkes- Barre, Pa., City Hosp., 76-7; res. phys. and surg., Spring Hill Inst., Litchfield, Ct., 82-5; retired. 125 W. 6ist St., N. Y. C. Lewis Hall Sayre,* (PHYS.) Sp. Dip., 70; M. D., 76. s. Prof. Lewis A. (M.D.) and Eliza Ann (Hall) Sayre. b. N. Y. C, Sep. 12, 1851; N. Y. U., 67-70; A*; pres. class 71 (2); Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 73-6; asst. prof, orthopaedic surgy., Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 77-90; cons, surg., Hackensack, N. J., Hosp., 89-90; sec. Am. Orthopaedic Assn., 87-8; pres. alumni of Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll.; fellow N. Y. Acad, of Med. ; mem. Pathol. Soc. and Co., State and Am. Med. Assns. ; m. Jan. 15, 79, Mary Alice, da. Wm. Pomeroy; ch. : Wm. P., Lewis A., Frances. d. Jan. 2, 90, N. Y. C. Henry Tallmadge Tomlinson,* Sp. Dip., 70. s. Theo. Edwin and Abby Esther (Wal- den) Tomlinson, b. N. Y. C, Jan. 11 1848; Univ. Gr. Sch.; N. Y. U., 67-70 Z*; fa.: Theo. E., 36; bros.: David, 68 Theo. E., 72; John C, 75. d. Dec. 6, 70, N. Y. C. Arthur Baldwin Waring, Sp. Dip., 70. George Zabriskie, (L.) Sp. Dip., 70; LL. B., 73, Col. Univ.; D. C. L., 94, Univ. of the South, s. Geo. Isaac Nicoll and Eliza Moore (Blauvelt) Zabriskie, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 12, 1852; Hasbrouck Inst., Jersey City, N.J.; N. Y. U., 67-70; *T; fresh. Lat. prize; philos. orat.; Col. Law Sch., 71-3; mem. Archaeol. Inst, of Am.; m. Jun. 14, 88, Sarah Forrest, da. Geo. Zabriskie Gray; ch. : five; unc. : Francis N. Zabris- kie, 50; cons.: Geo. Z. Gray, 58; Albert Z. Gray, 60; Jn. C. Gray, 65; Geo. Z. Hunter, 70; bros.: Cornelius B., 78; Albert R., 83 (non-grad.). 49 Wall St., N. Y. C. (19) 1871 Borden Parker Bowne, (EDUC.) A. B., 71; A.M., 76; LL. D., 81, Ohio Wesleyan Univ. s. Jos. and Margaret (Parker) Bowne, b. Leonardville, N. J., Jan. 14, 1847; AT; 4>BK; soph. Lat. and math, prize; hon. mention in Greek; special prize for greatest improvement in first 2 yrs. ; special prize for greatest excellence in entire course; valedict.; teach., N. Y. C, 71-2; p. (M. E.) Whitestone. 72-3; stud., Univ. Halle, 73-4; Univ. of Paris, 74; Univ. Gottingen, 75-6; asst. ed. N. Y. Independent, and asst. prof, languages, N. Y. U., 75-6; prof, of philos., Boston Univ., 76-; dean of Grad. Sch. of Arts and Sc, do.; lect., Sch. of Theologv; pub!.: Philos. of Herbert Spencer, 74; Studies in Theism, 79; Metaphysics, 82, rev. edit., 98; Introduction to Psvcho- logical Theory, 86; Philosophy of "The- ism, 87; rev. edition with the title Theism, 02; Principles of Ethics, 92; Theory of Thought and Knowledge, 97; Christian Revelation, 98; Christian Life, 99; Atonement, 00; The Immanence of God, 05; numerous magazine, news- paper, and review articles; m. Nov. 7, 75, Kate L., da. Jn. Morrison. 12 Somerset St., Boston, Mass. i8 7 i] 'ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 73 Theodore Frelinghuysen Burn- ham, (CLERG.) A. B., 71; A.M., 78. B. Abner and Eliz. Linn (Whitaker) I'.urnham, b. Deckertown, N. J., Aug. 31, 1845; Marsh Acad.; N. Y.U., 67-71 ; A T ; 'I' H K ; soph. hon. mention in Lat. ; jun. orat. ; Eng. salut. ; Butler Eucleian essay, 2d prize, 69 and 71; pres. class (3); pres. Y. M. C. A.; pres. Eucleian; instr., Univ. Gr. Sch., 68; Union T. S., 71-4 ; p. Presb. ch., Freeport, N. Y., 74-8; S. Amenia, N. Y., 78-90; Miller- ton, N. Y., 90-2; Vallejo, Cal., 92-; founder, Wassaic Free Libry. ; life dir. Am. Bible Soc. ; supt. Naval Union, Vallejo; twice elected supt. Floating Work (C. E.); sec. Presb. Hist. Soc, Cal.; mem. Christian Comm. S. and A. War; State Educ. Comm., Cal.; puhl.: Memorial Presb. Ch., Freeport, N. Y., 75; edit., four vols, of The 0< San Francisco, 98-00; m. (1) May 12, 74, Fannie C, da. Jas. Swinton, (2) Aug. 30, 98. Lucia Evelyn, da. C. K. Adams; ch.: Theo., Egbert. I 'allcjo, Cal. Nathaniel Reeves Hart, l L.) B. S., 71. s. Win. Ilalscv and Abigail Denton ( Reeves) Hart, b. West Town, N. Y., May 26, 1850; Union Free Sch., Yon- kers, N. Y.; N. Y. U., 67-71; Z*; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.: soph, prize in math., 70; pres. Eucleian; teach., 71-4; lawyer. 74; Asst. U.S. Dist. Atty., 78- 86; mem. House of Rep., Ct., 8 Sch. Comm., Stamford, Ct., 75-80, 81-7, 91-; chrm., do., 91-: m. Nov. 17, 81, Mary Clarissa, da. \Vm. E. l>i' ch.: Win. Dickinson, Irene, Carol Reeves, Reeves Welch. 443 Atlantic St., Stamford, Ct. diaries Adolph Hcxamcr, (ENG:) B. S., 71; C. E., 71. s. Win. and Marie (Roth") TTexamer, b. Hoboken, N. J., May 22, IS broucks In>t.. Jersey City, N. J.; N . Y. U., 68-71; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; civ. eng. and ins. survevor and expert; asst eng., Penn. R. R. Co., 71-3; Cum- berland Coal and Iron Co.. 74; Pa ker and Kansas City R. R., 73: insp., Phila. Bd. of Underwriters, 90; sec. do.; mem. Henry W. Brown & Co., ins. agts.; asst. eng., P. F. W. & C.R.W.; do., C.C Be I. Co.; with K. Hexamer, ins. eng.: insp. for various Fire Ins. Cos.: mem. Frank- lin Inst.. Phila., Pa.; pres. Nat. Fire I hre Assn. and chrm. Bd Eng., Natl. Bd. OI Underwriter-: many contributions to ins. and ins. eng. tines; m. Mnv 26, 81, Annie C, da. Dr. Geo. G. Kellncr; ch.: Wm. Gottlieb, Marie Regina, Ceo. Chas. 874 IT. 22d St., Phila., Pa. Abram Samuel Isaacs, (CLERG.) A. B., 71; A.M., 74; Ph.D., 78. s. Rev. Dr. Saml. M. and Jane (Sym- mons) Isaacs, b. X. Y. ( .. Aug. 30, 1853; Univ. Gr. Sch. and Clarke's Mt. Wash. Colleg. Inst.; X. Y. U„ 67-71; AT; 4 I 1!K; fresh. Greek and math. prizes; soph. Gr. and math, prizes and hon. mention in Latin; jun. orat.; Lat. salut.; Theol. Sem., ISreslau, Germ., 74-7; Univ. of Breslau, 74-7; ed. Jewish Messenger, 78-92; prof. Hebrew and Bibl. Aramaic, X. Y. l\. 86-94; prof. Germ. lang. and lit., 89-95; prof, do., Grad. Sch., N. Y. U., 95-; ministerial charge, Paterson, N. J., 96-05; mem. Am. Oriental Soc. -Am. Folk-lore Soc; /'•BK; jun. orat. ; Eng. salut. ; sp. prize for Eng. lit. and essays, 71; first Butler Eucleian essay prize, 71 and 72; sec. Eu- cleian; law stud, at Detroit, Mich., 72-5; adm. bar, 74; corp. and real est. prac- tice; fa.: William, 46. 4 Walker Block, Detroit, Mich. William Henry Atwood,* (ENG.) B. S., 72; C. E., 72. s. Jn. Williams and Abby (Doane) At- wood, b. Chatham, Mass., Aug. 28, 1851; N. Y. U., 68-72; AT; *BK; jun. orat.; phil. orat. (4th hon.); civ. eng., N. Y. and Canada Ry., 72-4; res. eng., Troy and Greenfield R. R., 75-6; asst. eng., N. Y. Elev. R. R., 77-80; eng., West Shore R. R., 80-3; So. Pac. R. R., 83-5; div. eng., Fannetsburg Div., Penn. R. R. ; Colo. Midland R. R., 86-7; asst. eng., Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City R. R., 87; div. eng., Cumberland Valley Exten., Louisville and Nashville R. R., 89-90; mem. Am. Soc. C. E. ; m. Nov. 18, 75, Eliz., da. Valentine Havens; ch.: Her- man Valentine, Albert Wm., Edwin Havens, Allen; bros. : Heman D., 73; Jn. A., 78. d. Sept. 4, 90, Chatham, Mass. Frank Aclelbert v. Briesen, (L.) B. S., 72; C. E., 72. b. Germany, Dec. 27, 1853; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; lawyer, 79-; patents and notary. 87 Nassau St., N. Y. C. Marcus Darius Buelk (CLERG.) A. B., 72; A.M., 73; D. D., 89; S. T. B., 75, Boston Univ. s. Enoch Geo. and Maria (Brownson) Buell, b. Wayland, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1851; Rochester, N. Y., Free Acad.; N. Y. U., 68-72; AT; $BK; 2d ent. exam, prize; fresh. Gr. and Lat. prizes and hon. men- tion in math.; soph. Greek and Lat. prizes; jun. orat.; valedict. and first fel- low; librn. Philomathean; Boston Univ. Sch. of Theol., 72-5; p. Glenville. Ct., 75-7; Great Neck, N. Y., 77-80; Bkln., N. Y., 80-1; Hartford, Ct., 82-3; Cam- bridge Univ., England, 84; Berlin Univ., Germ., 85; prof. N. T. Greek and exeg., Boston Univ., 84-; dean Theol. faculty, do., 90-; mem. Harvard Biblical Club; Soc. of Biblical lit. and exegesis; Am. Oriental Soc; m. Dec. 30, 75, Edith V., da. Edwin W. Haughton. 72 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass. Albert Beverly Carlton, (CORP.) A. B., 72; A.M., 75. s. Thos. and Helen (Stevens) Carlton, b. Attica, Mar. 1, 1850; Jn. Young Priv. Sch., Elizabeth, N. J.; N. Y. U, 68-72; Z^V; pres. class (4); pres. Philomathean; dealer in coal; comptroller of Elizabeth, N. J. ; v. p. Public Service Corp. of N. J. ; m. Oct. 31. 78, Annie, da. Hy. Aitken; ch. : Beverly, Albert, Eliz. 301 W. Jersey St., Elizabeth, N. J. John Charles Cozens, (EDUC.) A. B., 72. s. Jn. Hiscock and Marianne (Stenta- ford) Cozens, b. St. Johns, Newfound- land, Apr. 5, 44; Gen. Prot. Acad., St. Johns, Newfoundland; N. Y. U., 68-72; 4>BK; sp. jun. Eng. lit. and essay prize; Webster jun. orat. prize; commenc. orat.; pres. Philomathean; teach. Latin, Greek and bookkeeping; priv. tutor; trust. Am- sterdam Libry. Assn.; mem. Bkln. Hist. Soc; m. Apr. 5, 76, Amy Charlotte, da. Chas. McCallum. Brigus, Conception Bay, N. F. Frank Crowell, B. S., 72; LL. B., 76, Col. Univ. s. Eugene and Eliz. Frances (Richard son) Crowell, b. San Francisco, Cal., Aug, 16, 1853; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U. 69-72; commenc. orat.; Col. Law Sch. 74-6; lawyer; exporter and importer Central Am. trade; v. p. Minneapolis Hu mane Soc; m. Oct. 14, 84, Carrie H., da, Alonzo Blauvelt; ch. : Hugh F. 233 W. 83d St., N. Y. C. George Parsons Denman, (L.) b. s., 72. s. J. S. and Wealthy Maria (Riggs) Den man, b. New Lisbon, N. Y., Mar. 18 1851; Cornell Univ., 69; N. Y. U, 69-72 A*; 2d Butler Eucleian essay prize, 72 pres. Eucleian; marshal at commenc: N. Y. U. Law Sch., 72-4; m. Jul. 3, 77 Helen Maria, da. Zenas R. Trowbridge ch. : Helen, May; cons. : Herman C. Riggs, 52. Hudson, O. George Washington Ferdon,* B. S., 72; C. E., 72. Maybury William Fleming, (ED.) A. B., 72; A. M., 75. s. Wm. Maybury and Emily Sophia (Chippendale) Fleming, b. Boston, Mass., May 13, 1853; AT; *BK; jun. orat.; Latin salut. and 2d fellow; class treas., sec, supervisor, ed. and pres. of Philo- math.; prin. Colleg. Sch., Southport, Ct., 73-5; tutor, N. Y. C, 75-7; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 75-8; ed., book reviewer and dra- matic critic on Mail and Express since I8 7 2] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 75 85-97; contrib. Scribncr's Mo.; Dram. Mirror; Fourth Estate. Care Evening Mail, 203 B' N. Y. C. Charles Michael Goelz,* (ENG. and M.) B. S., 72; C. E., 72. s. In. Nicholas and Eva (Gerkhard) Goelz, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 28, 1850; N. Y. U., 68- 72; jun. orat.; commenc. orat. ; m. Apr. 29, 74, Eva Mury; ch. : Annie, Elise, Nicholas, Josephine. d. Nov. 8, 83, Union Hill, N. J. William Beers Hurd, Jr., (L.) A. B., 72. s. Win. B. and Eliz. (Ambler) Hurd, b. Birmingham, Ct, Feb. 9, 1851; Colgate Univ., 66-8; N. Y. U.. 68-72; Q.KE; *BK; commenc. orat.; pres. Philomath.; adm. bar, 74; m. Apr. 19, 80, Eloise, da. Jn. VV. Yandewater; ch. : Katharine. 185 Montague St.. Bkln., N. Y. George Purdy Kissam,* (PHYS.) B. S., 72; M. D.. 74. s. Danl. T. and Susan Maria (Purdy) Kissam. b. Manhasset, N. Y.. Jan. 18, 1850; N. Y. U., 68-72; Z *; X. Y. I*. Med. Coll., 72-4; m. Sep. 25, 7i. Lizzie, da. Yan Sinderen Yoris; ch.: Geo. Purdy, Danl. Treadwell. d. July 8, 78, Bkln., N. Y. Herbert Augustus Loring,* (CLERG.) A. B., 72. s. Rev. Amasa and Lvdia L. (Parsons) Loring, b. Shapleigh. Me., Sep. 11, 1848; N. Y. U., 68-72: AT; jun. orat.; com- menc. orat.; librn. Eucleian; Bangor (Me.) T.S., 72-5; ord. (Cong.), Jun. 10. 75; act. p. (Cong.) Ch., Foxcroft and Dover, Me., 75-80; Holbrook, Mass., 81-3; p. Oakham, Mass., 83-6; bus. in Chicago and supply needv parishes, 86-; m. (1) 75, Rosetta E. Oakley (d. 84). (2) 87, Sarah E. L. Robinson (d. 88), (3) 91, Rubie A. (Uphold) Gay; ch: three. d. Jan. 6. 04. Chicago. III. George Jewett Rockwell, (EDUC.) A. B., 72; A. M., 75. fresh, hon. mention in Greek and; jun. orat.; commenc. orat. (5th in rank) and 3d fellow; mem. U. S. Expedition to Siberia to observe transit of Venus, 74; prof, ehem., Imper. Univ. of Japan, Tokio, 75-6. John Alexander Rogers,* (PHYS.) P.. S., 72: M. D.. 75, CoL Univ. X. V. {-.. 68-72; Coll. of P. and S., N. Y. C. 72-5. d. crt. 31. Israel Cook Russell,* (EDUC.) B. S., 72; C. E., 72; M. S., 75; LL. D., 96. s. Barnabas and Louisa Sherman (Cook) RusaelL b. Garrattsville, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1852: Hasbrouck Inst., Jersey City, N. J.; X. V. U., 69-72; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; Col. Univ. Sen. of Mines, 72 4; pliotogr. U. S. Exped. to Queenstown, N. Z., to observe transit of Venus, 75-7; asst. in geology, Sell, of Mines, Col. Univ., 78; asst. geol't. with Prof. J. .1. nson, 78-9; asst. geol't. ami geol t U. S. Geol. Surv. ; prof, geol., Univ. of Mich., 91-; explor. in Alaska. 89-91; mem. Am. Horoscopical Soc; Philosoph. Soc, Wash., D. C; Geograph. Soc., Wash., DC; Appalachian Mt. Club, Boston, Mass.; Geol. Soc. of Am.; pres. do., 06; full.: Lakes of N. Am., 95; Glaciers of X. Am., 97; Volcanoes of N. Am., 97; Rivers of N. Am., 98; North America (Appletons' World Series); many con- tributions to scient. and lit. magazines, and reports of the U. S. Geol. Surv.; m. Nov. 27, 86, Julia Augusta, da. Jn. Dwight Olmsted; ch.: Ruth, Helen, Edith, Ralph. d. May J, 06, Ann Arbor, Mich. Theodore Edwin Tomlinson, Jr., (L.) A. B., 72; LL. P.. 74; A. M., 75. s. Theo. Edwin and Abby Esther (Wal- den) Tomlinson, b. Mamaroneck, N. Y., Jul. 20, 1851; Mt. Washington Inst.; r. Y. U., 68-72; Z *; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 73-4; valedict. (in law). 3 Broad St., N. Y. C. John Garret Van Home, (ENG.) B. S., 72: C. F... 72. s. Garret I. and Mary Jane (Britton) Yan Home, b. Jersey City, N. J., Dec. 10, 1853; Hasbrouck Inst., Tersev City, N.T.; N. Y. U., 69-72; AT; *BK; v. p. Philomath.; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; surv. on Yanderbilt Underground Ry., X. Y. C, 72-3: civ. eng. on improvements of X. Y. & Harlem Ry., 73-6; Colchester Br., B. & X. Y. air line, 76-7; Metrop. Elev. Ry. Co., 77-80; N. Y. Steam Heat Co., 80; extension Bradford Br. Erie Ry.; civ. eng. and city surv., 29 B'wav, N.Y. C., Sfi- : me.n. Am. Soc. C. E. : m. Apr. 12. 82, Susan Worthington. da. A. W. Russell: son: Tn. R.. 07 (Appl. Sc). 53 Jr. 69th St.. N. Y.C. Francis J. Barrett, (MUS.) Sp. Dip.. 72. s. Hy. and Eliza Thompson (McEnellv) Barrett, b. Poundridge, X. Y.. Mar. 14, 1851: Mt. Pleasant Mil. Acad., Ossining. N.Y.J X. Y. U„ 6S-72: A<1>: pres. class (2>: organist and composer: m. 76. Louise, da. Dr. W. H. Peer; ch. : Lucilc Peer. 584 Greene Are.. Bkln., N. Y. 76 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1873 John Conger Freeman,* (CLERG.) Sp. Dip., 72. s. Rev. Dr. Amasa S. and Mary (Conger) Freeman; N. Y. U., 68-72; *T; Princ. T. S., 72-2; Union T. S., 73-4; in ill health, 74-5; fa.: Amasa S., 43. d. Jan. 11, 75, Haverstraw, N. Y. (21) 1873 Heman Doane Atwood,* (ENG.) B. S., 73; C. E., 73. s. Jn. Williams and Abby (Doane) At- wood, b. Chatham, Mass., Sep. 29, 1853; N. Y. U., 69-73; *BK; jun. orat.; com- menc. orat.; Mass. Inst, of Tech., 74-5; civ. eng., Brookline, Mass., Water Works; mem. Am. Soc. C. E. ; bros.: Wm. H., 72; Jn. A., 78. d. Jan. 20, 76, Jersey City, N. J. Alonzo Blauvelt, (PHYS.) B. S., 73; M. D., 76, Col. Univ. s. Jacob T. and Jane (Ferdon) Blauvelt, b. N. Y. C, Apr. 29, 1854; Pub. Sch., N. Y. C; N. Y. U., 70-3; Z *; one-half soph. math, prize; jun. orat.; dissert, at commenc. ; pres. class (4); Coll. of P. and S., Col. Univ., 73-6; interne, Cham- bers St. and Luke's Hosp., N. Y. C; Health Dept., N. Y. C. ; mem. N. Y. Co. Med. Soc; m. Oct. 15, 89, Clara, da. Garret J. Westervelt; ch.: Harold. 338 W. I2th St., N. Y. C. John Knox Brigham, A. B., 73. s. Rev. Dr. Jn. C. and Maria Eliz. (Evert son) Brigham, b. Bkln., N. Y., Jan. 29 1854; Passaic Falls Class. Inst.; N. Y. U. 69-73; AT; *BK; jun. orat.; commenc. orat. (4th hon.) and third fellow; sec Eucleian; stud, of architecture, 73-6 draughtsman, 77-80 ; with J. Chadwick, im porter of tiles, 80-5; tile and marble bus. 85-90; insp. of street paving, Dept. o Pub. Works, N. Y. C, 90-; Dept. of Water Supply, Gas and Elec, N. Y. C. 50 Willow St., Bkln., N. Y. Edward Gardner Dudley, (RE.) B. S., 73. s. Jn. O. and Helen M. (Walker) Dudley, b. Buffalo, N. Y., Tun. 14, 1853; Pingry Sch., Elizabeth, N. J.; N. Y. U., 70-3; Z ^; class pres.; iun. orat.; m. 84, Mary C. Gillette; ch.: Pearl, Paul, Mary. Bank of Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. James Wilson Hillman, (CLERG.) A. B., 73. s. Alex. Campbell and Anna Cochrane (McGinness) Hillman, b. West Sauger- ties, N. Y., Mar. 4, 1853; AT; *BK; jun. orat.; Latin salut. and 2d fellow; Union T. S., 73-6; ord. (Presb.), 76; p. Morris Plains, N. J., 76-8; French Grove, 111., 78-9; Mineville, N. Y., 79-82; De Kalb, N. Y., 83-6; Cape Vincent, N. Y., 86-91; Mattituck, N.Y., 91-4; chapl. U. S. A., Ft. Thomas, Ky., 94; Ft. Reno, Okl., 94-8; 10th Inf., U.S.A., Santiago, Cuba, and Plattsburg, N. Y., 98-9; 43d U. S. Vols., P. I., 99-01; 16th U. S. Inf., P. I., 01-; mem. Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sc; bro.: Wm. H., 81. Aparri, Northern Luzon, P. I. William Moore Hoff, Jr., A. B., 73; A. M., 76. s. Wm. Moore and Jane (Augusta) Hoff, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 3, 1854; Solomon M. Poppers' Sch.; N. Y. U., 69-73; AT; •fBK; entrance exam, prize; fresh, and soph. Greek and Lat. prizes, and soph, hon. mention in math. ; sp. prize for the greatest improvement in the first two years; jun. orat.; valedict. and first fel- low; sec. of Philomath.; instr., Univ. Gram. Sch., 72-4; Union T. S., 73-4, and 77; teach., Greek and Lat., Colleg. Sch., N. Y. C, 74-6; do., Princeton Prep. Sch., 77-8; Churchill's Sch., N. Y. C, 78-83; Columbia Gram. Sch., 83-90; asst. weigher and clerk, U. S. Customs Service, N. Y. C, 87-90; in off. of Surv. of the Port, 90-; m. Jul. 2, 83, Anna Louise, da. Thos. Edwards; ch.: Howard Crosby. 1779 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. Charles Albert Julius Lignot, (PHYS.) B. S., 73; M. D., 76. s. Peter Jos. Julius and Cath. (Weber) Lignot, b. Bkln., N. Y., Oct. 3, 1852; jun. orat. ; commenc. orat. ; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 73-6; Faculte de Medecine de Paris, 76-7; K. K. Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Univ. of Vienna, 78; examr. _ for frat. and ins. cos.; trust, and dir. in several bldg. and loan assns. ; appointed by Su- preme Court, N. J., in 91, commr. in sev- eral condemnation cases. 260 Garfield Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Isaac Ferris Lockwood, B. S., 73; C. E., 73. s. Geo. Edwd. and Cath. Burchan (Fer- ris) Lockwood, b. Dubuque, la., Feb. 23, 1855; Farrand's Colleg. Inst., N. Y. C; N. Y. U., 69-73: commenc. orat; civ. eng., 73-6; teach., Lockwood Sch., N. Y. C, 76-; supt. Lenox Libry., N. Y. C, 93-; bus. supt. N. Y. Pub. Libry. ; mem. Cen- tury Club; Grolier Club; Sons of the Revol.; m. Jun. 5, 89, Sarah, da. Wm. H. Wisner; ch. : Priscilla, Eleanor, Will- iam W. ; grand fa. : Chanc. Isaac Ferris; uncs.: J. M. Ferris, 43; R. B. Ferris, 44; half-uncs.: Isaac W. Ferris, 59 (non- grad.); Morris P. Ferris, 74 (non-grad.); cons. : I. F. Ludlam, 66; W. L. Ludlam, 68; R. Ferris, 74; G. N. Ferris, 77 (non- grad.); A. W. Ferris, 78; J. D. Ferris, 79; F. E. Ferris, 93. 550 Park Ave., N. Y. C. .8 74 ] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 77 Robert George Remsen, Jr.,* (MFJ A. B., 73; A.M., 76; M. D., 76, Col. Univ. s. Wm. and Jane (Suydam) Remsen. b. N. Y. C, 1854; N. Y. U.. 69-73; A 4>; jun. orat. ; commenc. orat. ; Coll. of P. and S., N. Y., 75; Vienna Med. Coll., 76; Ste- vens Inst, of Tech., 81; Univ. of Pa. Med. Coll., 82; Col. Univ. Sch. of Mines, 83; patent leather mfr. ; pres. Standard Leather Co., 84. d. Jan. ii, 98, Baysidc, L. I. Clifford Brown Rogers, A. B., 73. s. Rev. Dr. Ebenezer P. Rogers; A ; Webster jun. orat. prize; dissertation at commenc; bro. -in-law : W. L. Ludlam, 68. Colchester, Ct. (10) 1874 James Harris Balston, IMF.) B. S., 74; C. E., 74; LL.B., 76, Col. Univ. s. Jas. Nurse and Abigail (Nason) Bal- ston, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 4, 1856; N. Y. U., 70-4; AT; fresh, math, prize; commenc. orat.; pres. class (4); Col. Law Sch., 75- 6; pres. Balston & Houseal Chair Co., 84-95; sec. and treas. W. P. Miller Co., mfrs. of lubricants, 100 Grcenpoint Ave., Bkln., N. Y. C, 95; capt. H Co., 8th Regt. N. G., S.N. Y.: grand high priest, Grand Chap. R. A. Masons, S. N. Y., 01; illustrious potentate of Kismet Temple A A ()X of .Mvstic Shrine of Bkln., N. Y. C; m. Jun. 4, 80, Florence, da. Andrew J. Provost; ch. : Jessie Richards, Harold Provost, Andrew Provost. 25 Halsey St., Bkln., N. Y. Samuel Leslie Beckley,* A. B., 74. *T; 1st Butler Eucleian essay prize, 73; 2d do., 74; dissertation at commence.; Yale Univ., 70-2. d. Sept. 4, 74, N. Y. C. Martin Joseph Browne, (ENG.) B. S., 74; C. E.. 74. s. Edwd. and Barbara Agnes (Purcell) Browne, b. N. Y. C, May 1. 1855; AT; marshal at commenc. ; dissert at com- menc; Dept. of Pub. Works, N. Y. C; asst. eng., 21 Park Row. N, Y. C. 314 E. 150th St.. N. Y. C. Charles Cornelius Bull, (L.) A. B., 74; LL.B., 76. s. Prof. Richd. Harrison and M.irv (Schouten) Bull. b. X. Y. C. Tun. 7, 1855; Univ. G. S. ; X. Y. U.. 70-4; A *! commenc. orat.; pres. Eucleian; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 74-6: essay prize, do., 76; clerk in office of Weeks a FbrSter (lawyers); sen. partner in firm Bull, Edgar & Ma- thews, 27 William St., N. Y. C. ; mem. Union, Calumet, Delta Phi, and Haltisrol (Golf) Clubs; St. Xicholas Soc; X. Y. 1 . liar Assn.; X. V. Hist. Soc; b for Relief of the Destitute Blind; fa.: Richard H., 39; bros.: Richard H., 70; :r, 78. 34 Ura mercy Pk., N. Y. C. Richard Ferris, B. S., 74; C. K.. 74. s. Richd. Burchan and Sarah Ann (Dem- arest) Ferris, b. Bkln., N. Y., Dec. 5, 1854; AT; * IJ K; phil. orat. (3d bon); civ. eng., Jersey City, 74-6; clerk. Bank of N. Y., 77-80; civ. eng., 80-8; importer of flower seeds and florist, 88-; landscape architect, 88-91; ed. The Blossom. 86-92; grapher, 91-: auth. and pubL Cats- kill Mt. Guide, 97-; m. Jul. 27, 82. Lou- ise, da. David Lehman; ch. : Louis Wy- ant; grand fa.: Chanc Isaac Ferris; fa.: R. B.. 44; unci J. M.. 43; half -Mncs.: Isaac W., 59 (non-grad.); Morris P., 74 (non-grad.); bros.: A. W., 78; J. D., 79; eous. : I. F. Ludlam, 66; Wm. L. Ludlam, 68; I. F. Lockwood, 73; G. N. Ferris, 77 (non-grad.); F. E., 93. 57 Van Beurcn St., Kingston, N. Y. Charles Ripley Gillett, (LII1R.) A. l:.. 74: B. S.. 76; C. E., 76; A. M.. 77; D. D., 98; L. H. D., 99, Beloit. s. Prof. Ezra Hall (D. D.), and Mary lane (Kendall) Gillett. b. X. Y. C, Nov. 29, 1855; private prep.; N. Y. U., 70-4, 74-6; commenc. orat.; civ. eng., 76-7; Union T. S., 77-80-1 ; U. T. S. prize fellow at Univ. of Berlin, Germ., 81-3; Libr. U.T. S., 83-j ord. (Presb.), 86: lit. ed. Magazine of Christian Lit., N. Y., 90-; instr. theol. encyclop.. U. T. S., 93-; sec. of faculty and registrar, U. T. S., 98-; temp, curator dept. of antiquities, Metr. Mus. of Art, 00-; mem. Soc. of Bibl. Lit. and Exegesis; publ.: Gen. Catal. of Union T. S., 3 editions, 86 and 98; Transl. of Hist, of Early Christian Lit., by G. Kruger, 97, and of Monasticism, by Adolf Harnack, 95; Catal. of Egyp- tian Antiquities in the Met. Mus. of Art. X. y, (3 editions); Catal. of Stone Sculp- tures in the Di Cesnola Collection: Met. Mus. of Art, 04; the third vol. of the De- scriptive Atlas of the Cypriote Antiqui- ties in the Di Cesnola Collection in the Met. Mus. of Art, X. Y., 03; contrib. to critical depts. of various period. : .Y,i- .lm. Journal of Theol.: Presb. Re- in. Apr. 26, SI, Kate. da. Win. Wan Kirk; ch.: Carrie R., Ezra K.. Marv M., Robt., William; fa.: Prof. Ezra H.; bro.: William K.. 80; cons.: H. C. Alvord, 76; Tohn W., 83 (non-grad.). Pelham Manor. N. Y. Charles Joseph Hedrick, (LA A. B., 74; LL.B., 84, Georgetown Benj. Sherwood and Marv Ellen (Thompson) Hedrick, b. Chapel Hill, 78 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1875 N. C, Oct. 8, 1855; prep, dept., George- town Univ.; N.Y.U., 71-4; AT; +BK; 2d Butler Eucleian essay prize, 73; 1st do., 74; valedict. and first fellow; clerk and asst. examr., U. S. Pat. Off., 74-8; solicitor of patents, 78-; Georgetown Univ. Law Sch., 82-4; adm. bar, D. C, and Supreme Court, U.S.; unc: J. A., 6 332i N St., N. W., Wash., D. C. Sheridan Manners, (ENG.) B. S., 74; C. E., 74. s. David Stout and Deborah Phillips (Johnes) Manners, b. Jersey City, N. J., Jun. 24, 1853; dissertation at commenc. ; journ., civ. eng., and arch.; mem. eng. corps, Weehawken Tunnel and West Shore R. R. ; bro.: Clarence, 78. 287 Barrow St., Jersey City, N. J. John Jacob Morris, Jr., (M.) A. B., 74. s. Tn. Jacob and Martha (Westerfield) Morris, b. Bkln., N. Y., 1854; N. Y. U. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 70-4; A*; pres. Eucleian; dissertation at commenc; auc- tioneer, N. Y. C; merchant, 374 Bway., N. Y. C. ; m. Jun. 6, 83, Florence S., da. Hy. J. Creighton. 20 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. Harold Morgan Smith, (L.) A. B., 74; A. M., 78; LL. B., 76. s. E. Delafield and Charlotte (Eliphal) Smith, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 15, 1852; N.Y.U 71-4; A; Eng. salut. (4th hon.) and 3d fellow; sec. and pres. Philomath.; N.Y.U. Law Sch., 74-6; clerk in office of Corp. Counsel, N. Y. C, 74-5; adm. bar, 76; fa.: E. Delafield, 46; unc: Augustus F., 39. 45 B'way, N. Y. C. Alexander Ramsay Thomp- son, Jr., (L.) A. B., 74; LL. B., 76. s. Rev. Dr. Alex. Ramsay and Mary (Carpenter) Thompson, b. Staten Id., N. Y., Mar. 29, 1854; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 70-4; A*; dissert, at commenc; N.Y.U. Law Sch., 74-6; Bkln. mgr. Title Guar, and Trust Co., 86-7; Bkln. mgr. Germ.-Am. Real Est. Title Guar. Co., 87-94; law practice, N. Y. C, 94-; m. Jun. 4, 90, Dora, da. Chas. M. Steb- bins"; fa. : Alex. R., 42; bro.: Wm. R., 76; unc: Hugh S. Carpenter, 42. 605 W. II2th St., N. Y. C. Alexander Stuart Duff Thom- son, (L.) A. B., 74; Ph. B., 78, Univ. of Edin- burgh. s. Rev. Dr. Jn. and Georgina (Ross) Thomson, b. N. Y. C, May 1, 1854; AT; 4>BK; Lat. salut. and 2d fellow; law stu- dent, Univ. of Edinburgh, 75-8; mem. of Scotch bar; adm. to faculty of advocates, 83; solicitor in Scotland, 79-; sheriff sub- stitute of Lanarkshire and advocate in Hamilton, Scotland. Oakenshaw, Hamilton, Scotland. (12) 1875 Joseph Smith Auerbach, (L.) A. B., 75; LL.B., 77; A.M., 91. N.Y.U., 71-5; A4>; jun. orat.; commenc. orat. ; pres. Eucleian; rep. N. Y. U. in In tercolleg. Lit. Assn., 74-5; N.Y.U. Law Sch., 75-7; essay prize, 77; of firm Lowry Stone & Auerbach, N. Y. C. ; dir. Albany Trust Co., Audit Co. of N. Y., Knicker bocker Trust Co.; mem. Council, N. Y. U. 91-8. 32 Nassau St., N. Y. C. Talbot Roland Chambers, (PHYS.) B. S., 75; M..D., 78, Col. Univ. s. Rev. Dr. Talbot Wilson and Louise Mercer (Frelinghuysen) Chambers, b. Raritan, N. J., Jun. 27, 1855; N.Y.U., 72-5; Z*; Coll. P. and S., 75-8; interne, N. Y. Hosp., 78-9; provisional interne, Woman's Hosp., 79; surg., Pacific Mail S. S. Co., 79-80; phys., E. Orange, N. J., 89-94; specialist eye, ear, nose and throat, Jersey City, 94-; town phys. and sec. Bd. of Health; mem. Bd. of Educ. ; attg. phys., Orange Meml. Hosp., E. Orange, 10 yrs. ; chief surg. eye, ear, nose and throat, Christ Hosp., Jersey City; cons. surg. eye and ear dept., Orange Meml. Hosp., 4 yrs.; mem. Orange Mt. Med. Soc. ; Am. Med. Assn., N. T., State Med. Soc; Hud- son Co. Med. Soc ; fellow N. Y. Acad. Med.; pres. Newark Practitioners Club, 92; mem. Practitioners', Union League and Palma Clubs, Jersey City; Reform Club, N. Y. ; contributor to med. journals; inventor compressor for cure of glandular swelling, and various surg. instruments; m. May 19, 86, Edith M., da. Horace N. Jennings; ch. : Margaret J., Talbot W., 15 Ex. PL, Jersey City, N. J. Joel Parker Crittenden, (L.) A. B., 75; A.M., 78; Ph. B., 78; LL. B., 80, Univ. of Pa. s. Rev. Saml. Worcester and Margaret (Parker) Crittenden, b. Carmel, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1856; N.Y.U., 71-5; Z*;*BK; phil. orat. (4th hon.); jun. orat.; Univ. of Pa. Law Dept., 80; employed in the Philadelphia Trust Safe Deposit and Ins. Co.; banker; lawyer; editor; mem. Hist Soc of Pa.; publ.: a number of works a; a statistical authority,_ especially upon se curities, and articles in financial journal ism; m. Oct. 25, 87, Eliz. Humphrey, da of Jerome H. Hardcastle, M., D. ; ch. : Jer ome Parker, Eliz. Hardcastle, Saml. Hy. Sarah Minter Margaret, Ella Hardcastle 3638 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. i875l ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 79 William David Edwards, (L.) A. B., 75; A.M., 78; LL. B., 78, Col. Univ. s. Wm. W. and Emma J. (Nation) Ed- wards, b. Bkln., N. Y., Dec. 17, 1855; Hasbrouck Inst., Jersey City, N. J.; N.Y.U., 71-5; Z*; B K; jun. orat.; valedict.; joint first fellow with I. F. Rus- sell; Col. Law Sch., 77-8; city counsel, Bayonne, N. J., 83-7; state senator, N. J., 86-9; corp. coun., Jersey City, N. J., 89- 94; m. Nov. 29, 81, Eliz. A., da. of Hugh Roberts; bro. : Edwd. I.; bro. -in-law: Wm. 11. Roberts, 80. l Ex. PL, Jersey City, X.J. George Skidmore Hendrickson, (BR.) B. S., 75; C. E., 75. B. Peter and Sarah A. Hendrickson, b. Floral Park, N. Y., Jul. 1, 1856; Union Hall Acad., Jamaica, N. Y; N. Y. U., 72-5; Z *; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; clerk. 75-8; mem. N. Y. Stock Exch. and stock broker, 78-; trust. Berkeley Inst., Bkln., 97-; m. Oct. 17, 78, Eliz., da. Mar- shall S. Frost; ch.: Clifford V., Chas. Le Roy; cous. : Skidmore, 63; Asa C, 66. 74 Fzuay, N. Y. C. Arthur Theo. Hoffman,* (L.) A. B., 75; M. D., 81; LL. B., 77, Col. Univ. s. Dr. Jos. and Susan (Whittlesey) Hoff- man, b. Mamaroneck, N. Y., Apr. 21, 1854; N. Y. U., 71-5; jun. orat.; enm- menc. orat.; pres. Philomathean; ed. The Philomathean, 73-4; Col. Law Sch., 75-7; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 79-81. d. Aug., 94. Paul Charles Louis Lellmann, (ENG.) B. S.. 75; C. E., 75. Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 71-5; res. in Far West, 88-; railroad building and irri- gation. Salt Lake City; bro.: Carl H., 84. Boise City, Idaho. John Abraham Lott, [Jr.],* (L.) A. B., 75. s. Abraham and Gertrude (Bergen) Lott, b. Flatbush, L. I.. Jun. 30. 1856; ed. The Phil mathean, 73-4; Col Law Sch.. 76-7; AK E: m. Tun. 20. 83. Laura H., da. Rev, Dr. Theo. W. Welles; ch.: Abraham Llovd and Theo. Welles; fa. : Abraham, 49. d. Feb. 2, 05, Bkln.. N. Y. William Henry Matthews. B. S.. 75; C. E.. 75. s. Hy. and Eliz. (Fowler) Matthews, b. Bkln., N. Y., May 10, 1857; theatrical mgr. Randolph Parmly, (L.) A. I',., 75; A. M., 78. s. Wheelock H. and Kath. (Dunbar) Parmly, b. Burlington, N. J., Apr. 2, 1854; Hasbrouck Inst., Jersey Cit v ; N. Y. U., 71-5; Z*; *BK; class pres.; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; ed. The Philo- math.; Col. Law Sch., 76-7; mem. Law- yers' and Univ. Clubs and N. Y. Bar Assn.; m. Mar. 31, 98, Mary S. Olm- stead. 160 B'way, N. Y. C. Isaac Franklin Russell, (EDUC.) A. B., 75; LL. B., 77: A.M., 78; LL. M., 79, Yale Univ.; D. C. L., 80, Yale Univ.; LL. D., 93, Dickinson s. Rev. Wm. H. and Susan Yorhies (Miller) Russell, b. 1 V.ig. 25, 1857; SouthoM Acad.. Southold. L. I. ; N. Y. U., 71-5; *T; *BK; jun. orat.; Latin salut. ; joint first fellow with W. I). Edwards; Butler Eucleian essay prize; pres. of Eucleian; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 75-7; A<1>; written exam, prize, Law, 77; Yale Univ. Law Sch., 78-80; adm. bar, 78; prof, law and political sc. N. Y. U., 81-; mem. Am. Geogr. Soc; L.I. Hist. Soc; Bkln. Inst.; Am. Acad, of Pol. and Soc. Science; Inst, of Christian Phil.; publ.: Outline Studv of Law. 94; m. Jul. 8, 86, Ruth, da. Walter M. Ferriss; ch. : Wm. Morgan, Franklin Ferriss, Geo. Phelps, Austin Abbott; bros. : Dr. Wm. Henry. Jr., 75; Charles E., 82 (Law). 482 Greene Ave., Bkln., N. Y. William Henry Russell, Jr., (EDUC.) A. B., 75; M. D., 77; A. M.. 78. s. Rev. Wm. H. and Susan Yorhies (Hiller) Russell, b. New Milford. Ct., Nov. 3. 1854; N. Y. U., 71-5; *T; jun. orat.; dissertation at commenc; N. Y. U. Med. Coll.. 75-7; phys., Bkln., N. Y., 77- 89; Grahamville. Fla.. 89-; prin. High Sch., Inverness. Fla.; m. May, 79, Louise C, da. Geo. M. Woodward: ch.: Edith Louise, Grace Woodward; bros.: Isaac F., 75; Chas. E.. 82 (Law). Inverness. Fla. Francis Page Slade. (L.) A. B., 75; LL. B„ 77; A. M., 78. s. Calvin and Mary Emily (Tennison) Slade, b. San Francisco. CaL.'Mar. 14. 1856; Rutgers Coll. Gram. Sch.; Rutgers Coll., n-3; N.Y.U., 73->: Z*j disserta- tion at commenc; ed. The Philomath.; 73-4; pres. class (4); X.Y.I'. Law Sch.. 75-7; m. Apr. 7, 80. Louise F.. da. Mit- chelburne K. Hackett ; ch. : Frank Harry, Marjorie, Louise. 220 B'way. N. Y. C. Richard Wilson Stevenson, Tr., (L.J A. B.. 75: LL. B.. 77: A. M.. 91. s. Richd. W. and Eleanor Lea (Duryee) Stevenson, b. Morristown, N. J., May 13, 8o NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1876 1854; *T; *BK; jun. orat.; Eng. salut. and 3d fellow; ed. Eucleian; rep. of N. Y. U. in Intercolleg. Lit. Assn., 74-5; N. Y. U. Law Sell., 75-7; mem. Huguenot Soc. of Am.; N. Y. Bar Assn.; m. Dec. 2, 85, Martha Cowles, da. Jos. Hutchin- son; ch. : Jos. Hutchinson, Marian, Richd. Duryee; cous.: Eugene, 70. 32 Nassau St., N. Y. C. William Strieby, (EDUC.) A. B., 75; A. M., 79; E. M., 78, Col. Univ. s. Rev. Dr. M. E. and Ellen Frances (Griswold) Strieby, b. Mt. Vernon, Ohio; jun. orat. ; commenc. orat. ; Columbia Sch. of Mines, 75-8; prin. Santa Fe Acad., Santa Fe, N. M., 78-80; prof, metall. and assay., Colorado Coll., 80-; married. Colorado Springs, Col. John Canfield Tomlinson, (L.) A. B., 75; LL. B., 77; A. M., 86. s. Theo. E. and Abby Esther (Walden) Tomlinson, b. N. Y. C, Dec. '28, 1856; Mt. Wash. Colleg. Inst.; N. Y. U., 71-5; Z ty; Philomath, jun. orat. and Webster prize; pres. of Philomath.; rep. of N. Y. U. in Intercolleg. Lit. Assn., 74-5; 1st prize in oratory Intercolleg. Lit. contest, 75; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 76-7; adm. bar, 77; examiner in N. Y. U. Law Sch.; his- torian of Soc. Sons of Rev.; mem. of Comm. of Centennial Celebration, 89; mem. Bar Assn. of N. Y. ; dir. New Am- sterdam Gas Co.; Central Union Gas Co.; Northern Gas Co.; Havana Commercial Co.; Internat. Banking and Trust Co.; m. (1) Nov. 10, 79, C. Fannie, da. Chas. W. Adams, (2) Tul. 20, 88, Dora Mor- rell, da. Danl. J. Grant; ch.: Jn. C, Jr., Esther Walden, Danl. G.; fa.: Theo. E., 36; bros.: David, 68; Hy. T., 70 (Sp.); Theo. E., Jr., 72. 45 W. 57th St., N. Y. C. Alfred Williams Trotter, (ENG.) B. S., 75; C. E., 75. s. Jonathan T. and Esther Melvina (Williams) Trotter, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 10, 1856; commenc. orat.; eng. for Retsof Salt Mining Co., of N. Y. ; Acme Liquid Fuel Co., N. Y; Saratoga Gas and Electr. Light Co. ; Genesee and Wyoming Valley R. R.; v. p. Bank Bldg. Co., N. Y. C; mem. N. Y. Acad, of Sciences; Am. Soc. C. E.; corp. 7th Regt. N. G., S. N. Y.; m. June 24, 05, Brookline, Mass., Ger- trude Evelyn Kilpatrick. 141 B'way, N. Y. C. Richard George Wiener, (PHYS.) A. B., 75; A. M., 78; M. D., 78, Col. Univ. s. Solomon and Theresa (Folkenaw) Wiener, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 13, 1854; pub- lic sch., N. Y. C; N. Y. U., 71-5; * T; Eucleian jun. orat.; Coll. of P. and S., N. Y., 75-8; res. phys., Colored Home and Hosp., 77-8; attending phys., O. D. D., N. Y. Hosp., 79-82; clinical asst, ColL of P. and S., 79-86; attg. surg., City Hosp., 85-91; attg. phys., Harlem Hosp.; mem. Pathol Soc; N. Y. Acad, of Med.; N. Y. Co. Med. Soc. ; Obstet. Soc. ; Neu- rol. Soc; publ.: contrib. to various med. journals; m. Feb. 28, 84, Fanny, da. Saml. Hirsch; ch. : Arthur Solomon, Herb. Jos., Ernest Harold, Frank Regi- nald. 48 E. 65th St., N. Y. C. Henry Seligman, (B.) Sp. Dip., 75. s. Jesse and Henrietta (Hellman) Selig man, b. San Francisco, Cal., Mar. 31 1857; N. Y. U, 73-5; Z *; Charlier Gib son prize; class treas. ; clerk in Anglo Calif. Bank, San Francisco; of firm, J & W. Seligman & Co., N. Y. C. ; mem Lawyers', Lotus, Criterion, Century Country, Hollywood, Deal Golf Clubs: m. Mar. 11, 99, Addie Walter Seligman 30 W. 56 St., N. Y. C. (19) 1876 Henry Clay Alvord, (CLERG.) A. B., 76; A. M., 79; B. D.. 79, Hartford, T. S. s. Hy. and Mary Williams (Gillett) Al vord, b. Bolton, Ct., Apr. 30, 1854; Hart ford H. S.; N. Y. U., 73-6; *T; * B K jun. orat.; Greek salut.; 2d fellow; rep, N. Y. U., Intercoll. Lit. Assn., 75-6; N, Y. U. contest, in Greek, Intercoll. Lit contest, 75; pres. Philomathean; Hartford T. S., 76-9; ord. (Cong.), 79; p. Monta gue, Mass., 79-86; So. Weymouth, Mass. 86-; m. Oct. 6, 80, Alice C, da. Hy. W Bissell; ch. : Hy. Bissell, Ruth Gillett Robt. Williams; cons. : Chas. R. Gillett 74; Wm. K. Gillett, 80. South Weymouth, Mass. Ernest Howard Crosby, (AU.) A. B., 76; A.M., 79; LL. B., 78, Col. Univ. s. Rev. Dr. Howard and Margaret E. (Givan) Crosby, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 4, 1856; Mohegan Lake Sch.; N. Y. U., 72-6; A; *BK; jun. orat.; valedict. and first fellow; rep. N. Y. U. in Intercoll. Lit. Assn., 75-6; N. Y. U. contest, in Greek, with hon. mention, 76; ed. of Philo- mathean, 73-4; pres. Philomath.; Col. Law Sch., 76-8; 3d prize; law pract, N. Y. C, 78-89; mem. Assembly, N. Y., 87, 88, 89; in charge of "High License" legislation, 87-8-9; chrmn. of Cities Comm., 88-9; maj. 1st Brigade N. G., S. N. Y., 7th Regt., 74-82; insp. of rifle practice, 81; by nom. of Pres. Harrison and app. of Khedive, judge of Mixed Tribunal of Alexandria, Egypt, 89-94 decorated with Medjedieh, third class first pres. Social Reform Club, N. Y.. pres. N. Y. Anti-Imperialists League, 99' 1876] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 81 04; chrmn. exec, comra., N. Y. Soc. of Friends of Russian Freedom; dir. Soc. for Italian Immigrants; publ.: Plain Talk in Psalm and Parable; Cant. Jinks, Hero; Swords and Ploughshares; Broad- cast; Tolstoy and His Message; Tolstoy as a Schoolmaster; m. Oct. 12, 81, Fanny Kendall, da. II. Maunsell Schieffclin; ch.: Eleanor and Maunsell; fa.: Howard, 44; uptcs.: Robt. R., 34; Clarkson F., 35. " Grasmere" Rhinebeck, N. Y., off., 19 Liberty St., N. Y. C. Willard Clinton Fisk, (L.) B. S., 76. s. Lyman and Jane M. (Durfec) Fisk, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 26, 1856; Dr. Chapin's Sch.; N. Y.U., 7_'-6; Z*; class pres.; Philomath, jun. orat.; commenc. orat. ; football team; Columbia Law Sch.; priv. sec. Gov. of N. J., 83-6; mem. Riparian Comm., N. J., 90-9; Asst. Corp. Coun., Jersey City, 97-9; sec. Dem. State Com., N. J., 84-96; mem. law firm McDermott & Fisk, Jersey City; mem. Military and Lotus Clubs; Order of Foreign Wars; Sons of Rev.; Military Service Inst, of U.S.; priv. 7th Regt. N. G., S. N. Y., 74; sergt., 79; 2d lieut., 81; 1st lieut., 82; regt. adj., 89; cant. Co. D, 90-; m. Oct. 12, 80, Ida C. Earle; ch. : Clinton Earle, Harrison Otis. 15 Ex. PL, Jersey City, N. J. Charles Ouackenbush Freeman, (ENG.) B. S., 76; C. E.. 76. s. Nathl. Marston and Yestiana (Ouack- enbush) Freeman, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 31, 1855; ^T; marshal at commenc; civ. eng.. Omaha, Neb., 76-85; v. p. Retsof Mining Co., 85-; m. Dec. 6, 87, Evelyn \V., da. Jn. C. Williams; ch.: Vesta, Jn. Chester. Retsof, N. Y. Charles Ripley Gillett, (LIBR.) B. S., 76; C. E., 76. See Coll. 74- George Henry, B. S., 76; M. S., 80. jun. orat.; commenc. orat. Charles Warren Hunt, (ENG.) B. S.. 76; C. E., 76. s. Chas. Haven ami Anna de Pevster (Livingston) Hunt, t>. X. V. C. May 19. 1858; A; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; civ. eng., Dept. of Docks, N. Y. C. ; Bkln. Parks; railroads in Ya. and W. Ya. ; Govt, works in Wis. on Miss, and Del Rivers; elev. roads in X. V. and Bkln.; water works at Xew Rochelle. X. Y. ; sec. Am. Soc. C. E.. 220 W. 57th St., X. Y. C; m. Sep. 8. 83. Mary Osgood, da. Geo. S. Riggs: ch. : Alice Riggs, Chas. Warren, Tr. 171 W. 88th St.. N. Y.C. George Portlock Janes, (ENG.) B. S., 76; C. E., 76. s. Jos. and Sarah Ann (Portlock) Janes, b. Bkln., X. V., Nov. 9, 1850; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; civ. eng. in Western States; asst. eng., Denver and Rio Grande U.K., 80; CM. and St. P., Iowa, 81; No. Pac. R. R., Mont., 82-3: Can. Pac., 84-5; chief d'Alene Uy. and Xav. Co., Idaho, 86-7; locating eng.. Wash, and Idaho Rv., 88; Union Pac. in CaL, 89; eng., Fai'rhaven and Southern R. R. and Xew Westminster Southern Ry., 8"-91; res. eng., St. P., M. and M. Ry., Pac. Ext. at Wellington, Wash., 92-4. Rosellc, N.J. Lyman Sewell Linson, pmal Scler.isis. Joum of Neurol; course of lectures on hisl pharmaceutics, and materia medica. cleliv- cred in X. Y. Horn. Med. Coll.; m. Tun. 1, 87, Edith, da. Avery Wellington; 'ch. : 82 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1877 Harold, Barclay, Virginia, Ethel, Con- stance; fa.: Reuben Curtis, M. D., 46. 476 Main St., Orange, N. J. Stoyell Cady Parsons, (PHYS.) B. S., 76; C. E., 76; M. D., 78; M. S., 79. s. Rev. Levi and Mary (Wadsworth) Parsons, b. Otisco, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1856; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 76-8; surg., N. W. Disp., N. Y. C, 78-84; N. Y. Disp., 79-83; phys., Eastern Disp., N. Y. C, 79-83; N. Y. Lying-in Asylum, 79-83; mem. Ga. Pharm. Assn.; m. Jun. 13, 84, Sarah M. Alden. San Angelo, Texas. Edwin Botts Rice, (CLERG.) A. B., 76; A. M., 79. s. Hy. H. and Matilda I. (Lee) Rice, b. N. Y". C, Aug. 14, 1853; N. Y. C, 72-6 ^T; jun. orat. with hon. mention; com- menc. orat. ; N. Y. U. rep. in Intercoll Lit. Assn., 75-6; pres. Eucleian; first asst. Church of Holy Trinity, N. Y. C, 79-82 rector, Grace Ch., Jamaica, N. Y., 82-92 librn. and sec, dom. and foreign mission ary of the Prot. Episc. Ch. ; mem. Bkln Clerical Club; publ.: Descendents of Jos, Rice; Hist. Sketch of the Rt. Rev. Dr, Boone, first Bp. of Shanghai, China; Hist, Sketch African Mission; do. China Mis sion; do. Japan Mission; m. Jan. 4, 84, Carrie, da. Geo. A. Hicks; ch. : Zelia S. Bessie S. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. James Mills Riker, (F.) B. S., 76; C. E., 76. b. Schralenburg, N.J.; AT; *BK; jun. orat.; intercoll. contest in math., 76; com- menc. orat. (5th in rank); arch, in N. Y. C, 76-82; farmer, Kan., 82-; mar- ried; cous.: C. B. Allen, 78 (Special). Oswego, Kan. David Daniel Smeaton, (ENG.) B. S., 76; C. E., 76. s. Wm. P. and Harriet L. Smeaton, b. Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Sep. 25, 1857; Gram. Sch. 19, N. Y. C; N. Y. U, 72-6; commenc. orat.; dealer in dry goods; pres. the Smeaton & Allen Co., Omaha, Neb., -93; Omaha and Texas Land Co., Houston, Tex., 93-; civ. eng. and real est. broker; m. Feb. 4, 85, Jennie, da. Jas. C. Wilson; ch.: Douglas Wilson. 3d and Harvard Sts., Houston Hts., Tex. William Robert Thompson, (L.) A. B., 76; LL. B., 78, Col. Univ. s. Rev. Dr. Alex. R. and Mary (Carpen- ter) Thompson, b. Stapleton, N. Y., Tan. 12, 1858; A*; *BK; jun. orat.; Engl, salut. and 3d fellow; Butler Eucleran es- say prize; pres. Eucleian; N. Y. U. con- testant in essays in Intercolleg. Lit. Assn., 75, with hon. mention; Columbia Law Sch., 76-8; genl. mgr. German- Am. Real Est. Title Guar. Co.; fa.: Alex. R., 42; bro.: Alex. R., Jr., 74. 239 85th St., Bkln., N. Y. Jacob Van Wagoner, A. B., 76. s. Jn. and Margaret (Demarest) Van Wagoner, b. New Milford, N. J., Mar. 4, 1852; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; censor of Philomath.; music teacher; mem. Natl. Music Teach. Assn. ; m. Jul. 25, 77, Sarah M., da. Jacob Van Buskirk; ch. : Martha; bro. -in-law: Peter E. Van Buskirk, 92; cous.: A. J. Demarest, 77 (non-grad.). New Milford, N.J. (16) 1877 Alfred Brittain, B. S., 77; C. E., 77. Jun. orat.; commenc. orat. William Livingston Clark, (L.) A. B., 77; A. M., 81; LL. B., 79, Col. Univ. s. Hy. and Cath. (Van Winkle) Clark, b. Paterson, N. J., May 11, 1857; Paterson Sem.; N. Y. U., 73-7; *T; Eucleian jun. orat.; v. p. Eucleian; Col. Law Sch., 77-9; adm. bar, N. Y., 79; bar, N. J., 81; law pract. (35 Nassau St.), N. Y. C, 80-; mem. Council, Passaic, 90; mem. 19th Century Club; m. Feb. 25, 85, Mary E., da. Lucius F. Spencer; ch. : Mary Alice. 135 Lafayette Ave., Passaic, N. J. Douglas Conklin, (B.) B. S., 77; C. E., 77; LL. B., 80, Union Univ. s. Jonas P. and Hannah (Douglas) Conk- lin, b. Huntington, N. Y., Jul. 15, 1855; Huntington H. S.; N. Y. U, 73-7; *T; Albany Law Sch., Union Univ., 80; town clerk, Huntington; commr. schools, Suf- folk Co., 81-; cashr. Bank of Huntington, 88-; m. Apr. 15, 81, Bertha, da. Alfred Underhill. Huntington, N. Y. Charles Feitner Cooper, B. S., 77; C. E., 77. jun. orat.; commenc. orat. James Henry Darlington, (CLERG.) A. B., 77; A. M., 80; Ph. D., 84, Princeton Univ. s. Thos. and Hannah Anne (Goodliffe) Darlington, b. Bkln., N. Y., Jun. 9, 1856; N. Y. U, 73-7; *T; Philomathean jun. orat.; Butler Eucleian essay prize, 76; N. Y. U. rep., 76-7, and regent, 77, Inter- coll. Lit. Assn. ; N. Y. U. contestant in psychol. and in essays, do., 78; pres. Eu- i8 77 ] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE S3 cleian; leader and pres. of Glee Club; dis- sertation at commenc. ; Princeton T. S., 77-80; post-grad, philos. course, Princ. Univ., 77-80; p. First Presb. Cb., Bkln., K. P., 80-1; ord. (P. E.), 82; asst. min., Christ Ch., Bkln., 82-3; rector, do., 82-05; archdeacon of No. Bkln., 96-7-8; Bishop ! I larrisburg, 05-; trust. Rutgers Fern. Coll., N. Y. C, 90-1; gr. cmndr., Knights of Temperance, 87; mem. N. J. Hist. Soc. ; X Y. Acad, of Sc. ; chapl. 47th Regt. N. G., S. N. Y.; capt., 91; m. Jul. 26, 88, Ella Louise, da. Jas. Sterling Beams; ch.: Hy. Vane Beams, Gilbert S. B., Eleanor I., Elliot C, Kate Brampton; bro.: Thos., 78 (non-grad.); cons.: Hy. D. Winant, 78 (non-grad.). Harrisburg, Pa. Wilson Mann Durack,* (L.) A. B., 77; A. M., 81. s. Walter and Wina (Lysaght) Durack, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 23, 1856; N. Y. U., 73-7; ♦ BK; N. \.U. contestant in oratory, Intercoll. Lit. Assn., 77; jun. orat.; com- menc. orat.; Col. Law Sch., 77-8; Coll. of St. lohn the Baptist; mem. of law firm Durack & Connelly, 78-82. d. Oct. 24, 82, Bkln., N. Y. Edward Waterman Gardner, (INS.) B. S., 77. s. Wm. Coggeshall and Eliz. Barnard (Crosby) Gardner, b. Nantucket, Mass., Mar. 16, 1857; N. Y. U., 75-7; Z *; mem. Passaic Club; v. p. Acquackanonk Club; wholesale dry goods merchant, 78-87; rep- res. N. W. Mutual and Mutual Life, N.Y., 87-; man. agt. Mutual Life, 89-; mem. Council, Passaic, N. J., 96-; pres. Council do., 98-; m. Jan. 24, 89, Mary Matilda, da. Alfred Ticc. 32 Liberty St., N. Y. C. Paul Richard Gott, (CLERG.) A. B., 77. s. Geo. Louis and Bertha Eliz. (Loose) Gott, b. Berlin. Germ., May 25. 1852; Crover T. S.. Upland, Pa.. 77-80; ord. (Rapt.), 80; p. Cannonsville. N. Y.. 80-7; Lexington, N. Y., 88-91; Shokan, N. Y., 91-; Scipio. N.Y.; Erin. X. Y. : m. Mar. 23, 81, Minnie Augusta, da. Danl. Mai- lette; ch.: Bertha Ella. Erin, Chemung Co., N. Y. Edward Knapp Hayt, (MF.) A. B.. 77; A. M.. 80. s. Ezra A. and Serbella J. (Peck) Hayt, b. N. Y. C. Nov. 27. 1853: N. Y. U., 73-7; *T: IRK: jun. orat.; Latin salut. and 2d fellow; class sec, 73-4; mfr. wooden- ware. 77-90; quarryman and mfr. of varie- gated marble, Patterson, N. Y., 90-; served in 7th Regt. N. G.. S.NY., 75-81; sec. Co. G. ; bro.: Ta*. A.. 72 (non-grad.). Patterson. N. Y. John Thompson Wilson Jen- nings, (AK( 11.) B. S., 77; C. E., 77. s. Geo. Hy. and Eliz. (Wilson) Jennings, b. Bkln., X. V., May 29, 1856; Bkln. II. Scli.: X. Y. U., 73-7; Z *; marshal at commenc; librn. of Philomathean; drafts- man with Thos. Stent, arch., 79-81; trans- itman Sub. Rapid Transit Ry., X. Y. <.; supt., W. E. northern: eng. and arch., N. Y. C; arch., C. M. & St. P. Ry„ Chi- cago, 83-93; genl. pract., Chicago, 93-9; Btipervis. and design, arch., Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis., -05; mem. Bd. Educ, Mad- ison, Wis.; m. Mar. 11, 86, Jcannette McGee, da. Lansing Williams; ch.: Ruth Leland, Jn. Williams. 1920 Arlington PI., Madison, Wis. Francis Andrew Lee,* b. s., 77. s. Jos. and Mary Georgiana (Rae) Lee, b. N. Y. C, Apr. 19, 1858; N. Y. U., 73-7; Z ^; class pres.; jun. orat.; pres. Foot- ball Assn.; fine arts, with Max Jacoby & Co., 77-90; with Radke, Lauckner & Co., 90-; m. Jun. 6, 85, Lina, da. Andrew Jack- son Hicks; cb. : Frank Alan, Rosamond Hicks. Henry Maxwell Livingston,* (CLERG.) B. S., 77; Ph. D., 89. Z ty; jun. orat.: commenc. orat.; Drew T. S., 77-80; p. (M. E.), Mew Haven, Ct.; Linnsbury, Ct.; Bkln., N. Y.; Stratford, Ct. d. Jul. 9, 90, Bkln., N. Y. Hugh Bournonville MacCauley, (CLERG.) A. B.. 77. s. Hugh Beard and Eugenia Abadie (Bournonville) MacCaulev, b. Phila.. Pa., Nov. 16, 1856; *T; "!>BK; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; sec. Philomath.; pres. Eu- cleian; N. Y. U. rep., 76-7, and regent, 77, in Intercolleg. Lit. Assn.; sec. do., 77- 80; Union T. S., 78-81; ord. (Presb.), 81; p. Hackensack, N. J., 81-2; Monticello, N. Y., 82-3; Bound Brook. N. T., 83-9; Newark, N. J.. 89-97; Freehold. X. L. 97-; Trenton, N.J. (4th); m. May 17, 81, Sarah Lavinia, da. Rev. Francis P.. Har- vey: ch.: Harvey, Eugenia, Morris Baker. Trenton, X. J . John Manning McCaudless, (CHEM.) \. r. . 77. den, S. C. Dec. 1857; X. Y. U., 73- 7; *T; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; v. p. Philomathean: law stud.. Atlanta. Ga.. 77- 9; sp. course in anal. chem.. Univ. of Ga.. 83-4; genl. pract. anal. chem.. At- lanta. 85-: city chem., Atlanta, 85-98; state chem.. 98-; publ.: papers on chem. subjects and bulletins of Ga. Dept. of Agri., 98-; unmarried. Atlanta, Ga. 8 4 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1878 Richard Merrick Martin, (L.) A. B. ( 77; A. M., 80; LL. B., 79, Col. Univ. s. Hy. C. and Hannah M. (Rogers) Mar- tin, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 17, 1857; Bkln. Poly.; N. V. U., 73-7; Z *; 4>BK; jun. orat. and Webster prize; Engl, salut. and 3d fellow; pres. Philomath.; 2d prize in Greek, 77, in contest of Intercolleg. Lit. Assn.; Columbia Law Sch., 77-9; lawyer and notary, N. Y. C; m. May 25, 86, Sarah, da. Edwin J. Spink; ch. : Mar- jorie, Richd. Spink. 216 Franklin Ave., Bkln.. N. Y. Walter Herbert Nelson, (M.) B. S., 77; C. K, 77. s. Zachariah O. and Helen M. (Holden) Nelson, b. Rochester, N. Y., Mar. 2, 1858; pub. sch., Bkln., N. Y.; N. Y. U., 73-7; Z^; jun. orat.; philos. orat.; pres. class (4); dealer in coal, 77-; sec. Bkln. Coal Exch., 86; sec. Midwood Club, Flatbush, L. I., 91-; m. Oct. 10, 83, Emma, da. J. Emerson Sweetser; ch. : Herbert, Helen. 1617 Beverley Rd., Bkln., N. Y. Andrew Purdy, (L.) A. B., 77; A. M., 81; LL. B., 79, Col. Univ. A4>; jun. orat.; dissertation at commenc. ; Columbia Law Sch., 77-9; law pract., N. Y. C; bro.: Henry L., 78 (non-grad.). 56 Pine St., N. Y. C. Charles Alex. Rhodes, (PHYS.) B. S., 77; M. S., 82; M. D., 84. s. Chas. Fox and Cornelia Henrietta (Schuneman) Rhodes, b. N. Y. C, Dec. 30, 1855; Bkln. Coll. and Poly. Inst.; N. Y. U, 73-7; A*; class sec. (4); del. Intercoll. Lit. Conv. (4); N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 81-4; vis. phys. Demilt Disp., 89-95; instr. dis. children, postgrad. Med. Sch. and Hosp., 90-9; v. p. med. staff, St. Luke's Home, 95-; genl. pract., N. Y. C; publ. : handbook, " Diseases of Children," 92. 69 E. gzd St., N. Y. C. Robert Humphrey Shaw, B. S., 77. Isaac Meigs Bragg Thompson, (CLERG.) A. B., 77; A. M., 80. s. Robt. P. and Emily Ann (Bragg) Thompson, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 26, 1853; •*T; *BK; jun. orat.; valedict. and 1st fellow; Union T. S.. 77-80; ord. (Bapt.), 81; p. Dundee, N. Y.. 81-3; city missny., N. Y. C, 84-7; p. Milburn, N. J., 84-9; Morristown, N. J., 89-95; Woodbury, N. J., 97-9; Wayne, Pa.. 99-03; occasional and s. s. Merchantville, N. J., Morristown, N. J., etc., 03; m. May 25, 86. Eliz. M., da. Rev. Wheelock H. Parmley, D. D.; ch.: Walter Parmley and Evelyn; bro.- in-law: Randolph Parmley, 75. 65 Western Ave., Morristown, N. J. (20) 1878 John Abiel Atwood, (ENG.) B. S., 78; C. E., 78. s. Jn. Williams and Abbie (Doane) At- wood, b. Chatham, Mass., Feb. 8, 1857; Hasbrouck Inst, Jersey City, N. J.; N. Y. U., 74-8; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; capt. Lacrosse Club, 78; civ. eng., 78-9; N. Y. Elev. Ry., 80-1; Elizabeth City and Nor- folk R. R., 81-4; draughtsman, West Shore R. R., Syracuse, N. Y., 84; draughtsman, prelim, surv. western N. Y., 84-5; asst. eng., Tenth Ave. Cable Ry., N. Y. C, 85- 7; asst. eng., Chautauqua Lake Ry., Jamestown, N. Y., 88; asst. eng., L. S. and M. S. Ry., 89; eng., Pittsburg and Lake Erie Ry., Beaver Falls, Pa., 78-; chief eng., P. & L. E. R. R.; mem. Eng. Soc. of Western Pa.; m. Dec. 30, 80, Jen- nie, da. of Jos. Ivers; ch. : Wm. Bartlett, Julia, Edna Cleveland; bros.: Wm. Hy., 72; Heman D., 73. Beaver, Pa. Jabez Backus, (CLERG.) A. B., 78; B. D., 81, Yale Univ. s. Sylvanus and Mary Glover (Randall) Backus, b. Lebanon, Ct., Jul. 16, 1854; Philomath, jun. orat.; Yale T. S., 78-81; p. (Cong.) Chester, Ct., 81-5; Keene Val- ley, N. Y., 86-7; Elizabethtown, N. Y., 87-9; Westport, Ct, 89-04; Elizabeth- town, N. Y., 04; mem. Westport Hist. Soc; Fairfield Ministerial Assn.; m. Sep. 8, 81. Margaret E., da. Erastus F. Brown. Elizabethtown, N. Y. Henry Randel Baremore, (MF. & M.) B. S., 78; C. E., 78. s. Jas. and Mary Roe (Randel) Baremore, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 5, 1857; AT; mfr. of glue, N. Y. C, 80-6, with Jas Chambers, wholesale boots and shoes, 86-92; mfr. and m., Westport, N. Y., 92-; m. Oct. 15, 84, Regina H., da. Jas. A. Graeff; ch.: Hy. Randel, Regina Graeff, Jn. Wetherill. Germantozvn, Phila., Pa. Charles Gifford Buckley,* (L.) A. B., 78; A. M., 81; LL. B., 80, Col. Univ. s. Benj. and Rhoda (Ward) Buckley, b. Paterson, N. J., Mar. 11., 1857; N. Y. U, 74-8; ^T; 4>BK; jun. orat.; commenc. orat; Col. Law Sch., 78-80; adm. bar, N. Y., 80; mem. firm McCarthy, Laurence & Buckley, N. Y. C, 89-94. d. July 4, 94, Paterson, N. J. i8 7 8] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE S5 James Edgar Bull, (1. i A. B., 78; LL. B., 80. s. Richd. Harrison and Mary (Schouten) Bull, b. X. Y. ( '.. Aug. 28, 1857; N. V. U. Gram. Sch. ; N. Y. if, 74-8: A*; *BK; sec. and libra., Eucleian; N. Y'. U. Law Sch., 78-80; essay prize, do.; patent law pract., N. Y. C, 80-; m. Auk. 1, 85, Sarah Adams, da. Chas. Piatt Williams; ch.: Marion Frances, Priscilla Mullins; fa.: Kichd. H., 39; bro. : R. II., Jr., 70; Chas. C, 74. 34 Gramercy Pk., N. Y. C. Judson Conklin, (CLERG.) A. B., 78. s. Lewis L. and Susan (Van Blarcom) Conklin, b. Paterson, N. J., Apr. 5, 1857; Paterson Sem.; N. Y. U., 74-8; * B K; jun. orat.; philos. orat. ; librn., Eucleian; Yale T. S.. 78-9; Rochester T. S., 79; Union T. S., 81-3; ord. (Bapt.), 83; p. Easton, Ct, 83-5; Trenton, N. J., 85-; m. Dec. 3, 85, Eliz., da. Ebenezer S. Gillette. 39 Model Ave., Trenton, N.J. William Forbes Cooler, (CLERG.) B. S., 78; M. S., 93. s. Dwight Hy. and Agnes Douglas (Forbes) Cooley, b. N. Y. C. Feb. 4, 1857; priv. prep.; X T . Y. U., 75-8; *BK; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; N. Y. U. con- testant in essays, Intercolleg. Lit. Assn., 77; pres. Eucleian; class poet; Union T. S., 80-2-3-4; Oberlin T. S., 83; teach., 79-80; home missny., 82-3; ord. (Cong.), Bkln., N. Y., 84; missny., Utah and Minn.. 84-6; p. 111. and N.T., 86-; p. Stanley Cong. Ch., Chatham, N. J., 93-; p. Littleton, N. H., 98-; sec. Cong. Assn., N. J.; mod. Cong. Assn., N. H.; (mbl.: " Emmanuel," the Story of the Messiah, X. Y., 89; m. Jul. 30, 84, Phcebe Scudder, da. of Jonathan Cory; ch. : Helen Forbes, Dwight; bro. : Henry S., 91. Littleton, N.H. Samuel Lispenard Cooper, (ENG.) B. S., 78; C. E., 78. s. Saml. Hawes and Helen Sophia (Lispenard) Cooper, b. N. Y. C, Tan. 16, 1858; C. C. X. Y.; X. Y. U. 75-8; AT; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; N. Y. U. con- test, in math., Intercoll. Lit. Assn., 79; asst. eng., Croton Aqueduct, N. Y. C, 79- 89; eng. to Finance Dept., N. Y. C, 89; commr. of Public Works, Yonkcrs. 93-; city eng., Yonkcrs; mem. Am. Soc. C. E. ; m. Jan. 6. 85, Eliz. Underbill, da. Rev. Dr. . Jeney City, 78-9; res. eng., To- ledo, Cinn. and St. Louis R. R., 81; asst. eng., office Frank H. Earle, Jersey City, X. J., 81-2; asst. div. eng., West Shore and Buffalo R. K., 82-3; princ. asst. eng., office Frank H. Earle, Jersey City, 83-4; asst. eng. and draughtsman, Bkln. Elev. Ry. Co., 84-6; princ. asst. eng., do., 86-9; mgr. bridge and con- struction dept., Pencoyd (Pa.) Iron Works; designing eng., Boston Elev. Ry. Co., 101 Milk St., Boston; mem. Am. Soc. C. E.; m. Jan. 1, 83, Effie P., da. E. II. Wilkes; ch.: Lillian Anita, Paul Bloomfield. 506 Highland Ave., Maiden, Mass. Michael William Divine, Jr., (L.) B. S., 78; C. E., 78; M.S., 81; LL. B., 80. s. Michael Wm. and Angelina Eliz. (Donne) Divine, b. Bkln., N. Y., Aug. 1. 1857; N. Y. U, 75-8; commenc. orat.; X. Y. U. Law Sch., 79-80; civil eng. and surv., U. S. Govt. Survey; constr. 2d Ave. Elev. R. R., N. Y. C, and Fulton St. Elev. R. R., Bkln., X. Y. ; law. pract., X. Y. C, 79-; m. Apr. 28, 92, Louisa Henrietta, da. Liborio Vega. 56 Pine St., N. Y. C. Albert Warren Ferris, (PHYS.) A. B., 78; A.M., 85; M. D., 82, Col. Univ. s. Richd. B. and Sarah Ann (Demarest) Ferris, b. Bkln., X. Y., Dec. 3, 1856; Hasbrouck Inst., Jersey City, N. J. ; N. Y. U, 74-8; AT; B K; jun. orat. ; commenc. orat.; clerk, Harlem Gas Co. and Consolidated Gas Co., 78-86; mem. Spies iV Long, men's furnishers, 86-; quartermaster-sergt. 7th Regt N. G., S. N. Y.; m. May 12, 87, Mary, da. Benj. Gregory Talbot; ch.: Eliz. 164 B'zcay, N. Y. C. Joseph William Stickler,* (PHYS.) Sp. Dip., 76; B. S., 78; M.S., 81; M. D., 79, Col. Univ. s. Jos. Whipple and Charlotte (Snell) Stickler, b. Hoboken, N. J., Jun. 26, 1SS4; N. Y. U., 74-8; Coll. Phys. and Surg., N. Y., 76-9; ho. phys. and surg., Presb. Hosp., N. Y. ; dist. phys., Lying-in Asylum, N. Y. ; vis. phys. and pathologist, Orange (.V.J.) Menu. Hosp.; lect., oper- ative surgy. and skin dis., Coll. of Com- parative Med., N. J.; pres. Y. M. C. A., Orange, N. J.; mem. N. Y. Acad, of Med.; N. Y. Pathol. Soc; Essex Co. Mod. Soc. ; Orange Mt. Med. Soc; pubL: nu- merous art. in Med. Rec, on scarlatina, foot and mouth dis. and other med. sub- jects, 83-99; The Adirondack's as a Health Resort, 86; Climatol. and Dis. o( Co., X. T. (awarded prize by N. I. State Med. Soc, 87). d. May 18, 99, N. Y. C. Frederick William True, (EDUC.) B. S., 78; M. S., 81; LL. D.. 97. s. Rev. Dr. Chas. Kittredge and Eliz. Bassett (Hyde) True, b. Middletown, Ct., Jul. 8, 1858; Flushing (X. Y.) Acad.; X. Y. u., 74-8; zoologist, spec, student of whales; clerk, U.S. Fish Comm., 78-9; exp. sp. agt. of 10th census, fisheries, 79- 80; custodian, Collection U. S. Fish Comm., Berlin Fisheries Exh., 80; librn., 81-3, curator of mammals, 83-, curator comp. anatomy, executive curator, U. S. Natl. Museum; rep. Smithsonian Inst, and Natl. Mus. at Nashville, Omaha. Buffalo, St. Louis and Portland Exhibitions; cor. mem. Zool. Soc, London; Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila. ; hon. mem. Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Soc. Norwich, Eng.; Societe Scientifique de Chile; mem. Am. Philos. Soc; Washington Acad. Sc. etc.; mem. Sons of Am. Revolution; fellow Am. Assn. Advanc. Sc. ; mem. 1 Biol. Soc. of Washington; Am. - Naturalists; publ.: A Review of the Fam- ily DclphinidsB, 89: The Whalebone Whales of the Western N. Atlantic. 04; numerous zool. papers; see bihliog. in aphical Catalogue. N. Y. U.. 94; m. Feb. 16, 87, Louise E., da. D. Webster Prentiss, M. D.; ch.: Alan Prentiss, Marion. Webster Prentiss. 1320 Yale St.. Washington. D.C. Louis Claude Whiton, (L.) A. B., 78; A.M., 81; LL. B., 86, Col. Univ. s. Augustus Sherrill and Caroline (Ward) Whiton, b. Jersey City, X.J., Dec 29, 1857; Hasbrouck Inst., Jersey City, N. J.; N. Y. U, 74-8; * UK; jun. orat.; valc- dict. and first fellow; class odist; pres. Eucleian; rep. in essay and in Latin, and alt. in math. Intercoll. Lit. Assn.; sec- ond Butler Eucleian essay prize, 78; orgr. and pres. N. Y. U. Lacrosse Club, the first coll. lacrosse club in this coun- try; pres. Athletic Assn.; Col. Law Sch., 78-80; law pract., X. Y. C, 80-; mem. X. V. State liar Assn.; m. Jun. 10, 84, Harriet Louisa, da. Chas. Bell; ch. : An- geline, Augustus Sherrill, Louis Claude; sou: Augustus S., U7 (non-grad.). 252 W. 85th St., N. Y. C. Stephen Minor Yeaman, (L.) B. S., 78; LL. B., 80. s. Geo. H. and Lelia P. (Triplett) Yea- man, b. Owensboro, Ky., Jun. 3, 1858; Bkln. Poly. Inst.; N. Y. U, 75-8; *T; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 77-8; law pract., 49 Wall St., N. Y. C, 78-; m. Jun. 16, 92, Jessye Hargous, da. Dr. David A. Bald- win; bro.: Robt. T., 78 (non-grad.). 144 E. 58th St., N. Y. C. Cornelius Blauvelt Zabriskie, (CO.) A. B., 78. s. Geo. Isaac Nicoll and Eliza Moore (Blauvelt) Zabriskie. b. Jersey City. X. L, lul. 10, 1858: Hasbrouck Inst., Jersey City, N. J.; N. Y. U., 74-8; *T; jun. orat.; ed. Univ. Quart.; clerk, N.Y.C, 78-82; of Zabriskie & Emerson, Tacoma, 82-3; elk., Tacoma Land Co., 83-5; with Geo. C. Eldridge & Co., Chicago, 85-6; chief elk. for Nelson Bennett, contractor, Tacoma, 86-7; Tacoma Land Co., 87-8; of Geiger & Zabriskie, genl. contractors, 88-; sec. Tacoma Theatre Co.; sec. and treas. Fox Island Clays; v. p. Washington Constr. Co.; pres. and treas. Excelsior Pill Coating Co.; pres. and treas. X A. Pill Coating Co.; asst. treas. Whatcone County Ry. & Light Co.; C. P. A.. St of Washington; m. (1) Sep. 15. 85, Rachel, da. Elwood Evans, (2) Jul. 30, 88, Augusta, da. T. C. Sears; ch.: Cornelius II.. Geo.; bros.: Geo.. 70 (Special); Al- bert R., 83 (non-grad.); cous.: Geo. Z. Gray. 58; A. Z. Gray, 60; Jn. C. Gray, 65; G. Z. Hunt Bellingham, Wash. Carleton Bayley Allen, . M I Sp. Dip., 78. s. CoL Harvey A. and Mary J. (Tyson) Allen. b. Ft Hamilton. X. Y.. Oct. 1. 1858; salmon and warehouse industry; ! is. M. Riker, 76. Astoria, Oregon. 88 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1879 Albert Augustus Bunce, Sp. Dip., 78. s. Jn. and Mary (Vanderipe) Bunce, b. Bkln., N. Y., Nov. 17, 1859; bookkeeper for Jn. Bunce, hardware, Bkln., N. Y.; m. Dec, 05. 714 De Kalb Ave., Bkln., N. Y. Franklin Hutchinson, (CLERG.) Sp. Dip., 78. s. Chas. Edwd. and Mary Gertrude (Sadgebury) Hutchinson, b. W. Hoboken, N. J., Aug. 26, 1853; pub. sch., N. Y. C; N. Y. U., 75-8; Union T. S., 78-81; ord. (Bapt.), 82; p. First Baptist Ch., Fra- mingham, Mass., 82-; trust. Framingham Town Library; dir. Mass. Bapt. Missny. Soc. ; publ.: sermon, Bi-Centennial of Framingham, 00; sermon, 75th_ Anni- versary of First Bapt. Ch., Framingham, 01; m. Oct. 25, 82, Margaret G., da. Wm. R. Farmer; ch.: Florence Eliz., Chas. Wm., Helen Simpson, Grace Farmer, Franklin Sadgebury, and two others; bro.: Chas. S., 78 (non-grad.). Framingham, Mass. Salvador Segura, Sp. Dip., 78. (31) 1879 William Fletcher Ackerman,* (PHYS.) A. B., 79; M. D., 82, Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. s. Jas. Demarest and Susan G. (Billings) Ackerman, b. Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1858; N. Y. U., 75-9; Z *; *BK; jun. orat. ; Greek salut. (3d honor); Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 79-82; interne, Bellevue Hosp., 83-5; phys. in Escondido, Cal., 86-8; m. Dec. 27, 87, Martha El- mira, da. Benj. I. S. Buckland. d. Mar. 12, 88, Escondido, Cal. Ira Beard, Jr.,* A. B., 79. s. Ira and Isabella Orr (Shaw) Beard, b. Bkln., N. Y., Oct. 26, 1853; N. Y. U., 76-9; *BK; jun. orat.; philos. orat.; bookseller; m. Sep. 24, 91, Nellie Louise, da. Geo. Hobbs. d. Mar. 27, 00, Germantown, Pa. Ernest Fitzyale Birmingham, (PUB.) A. B„ 79. s. Rev. Danl. M. and Mary Jane (Ken- ney) Birmingham, b. New Haven, Ct., Jun. 11, 1860; private prep.; N. Y. U., 76-9; ^T; 4>BK; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; pres. Eucleian; ed. -in-chief Univ. Quart.; permanent class sec; Col. Law Sch., 81; staff, N.Y. Tribune, 79-80; publisher S. I. Gazette and Sentinel, 80-2; Am. Queen, 83-4; contributor to periodi- cals, 85-8; publisher The Staten Islander 89-; The Fourth Estate, N. Y., 94-; mem. S. I. Cricket Club; N. Y. Press Club; S. I. Press Club; Richmond Co. Country Club; Richmond Co. Hunt Club; m. Apr. 16, 84, Emma Elise, da. M. W. Stone; ch. : Pearl, Beatrice, Eleanor. Park Row Bldg., N. Y. C. Morris Cooper, (L.) B. S., 79; LL. B., 81, Col. Univ. s. Marum and Clara (Klein) Cooper, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 23, 1861; N. Y. U., 75-9 Eucleian jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; ed Univ. Quart.; second Butler Eucleian es say prize, 79; libr., Eucleian; class hist.: Col. Law Sch., 79-81; publ.: Law and Practice of Referees and References under the Code of Civil Procedure and Statutes of the State of N. Y., 88; The N. Y. Code of Civil Procedure, with An- notations and References, N. Y., 91; The Insurance Statutes of the State of New York, N. Y., 93; m. Nov. 4, 90, Valerie Van Biel, da. Max Frankel; ch. : Morris, Jr. 198 B'way, N. Y. C. William Brand Dall, (L.) A. B., 79; LL. B., 82, Col. Univ. s. Austin and Mary A. (Brand) Dall, b. Baltimore, Md., Jun. 13, 1858; Hasbrouck Inst., Jersey City, N. J.; N. Y. U., 75-9; A ; off., Eucleian: jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; ed. Univ. Quart.; Col. Law Sch., 80-2; clerk with Flanagan & Bright, 81-7; lawyer, mgr. and admn. of estates; genl. counsel for The Aldrich Estate; m. Apr. 28, 86, Virginia Say, da. Fred. G. Wol- bert; ch.: Wm. B., Jr. 22 So. Elliot PL, Bkln., N. Y. Charles Gilman Davis * N.Y. (PHYS.) B. S., 79; M. D., Horn. Med. Coll. s. Jn. Parker and Anna Mary (Avery) Davis, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 6, 1857; N. Y. U., 75-9; A; BK; jun. orat.; Eng. salut. (2d honor); class prophet; N.Y. Homeo. Med. Coll., 79-82; surg. in Ophthalmic Hosp., N. Y., 82. d. Sept. 20, 87, Little Britain, N. Y. James Demarest Ferris, (M.) B. S., 79; C. E., 79. s. Richd. B. and Sarah Ann (Demar- est) Ferris, b. Bkln., N. Y., Sep. 15, 1859; Hasbrouck Inst., Jersey City, N. J.; N. Y. U., 75-9; AT; Philomathean jun. orat.; marshal at commenc; clerk with W. H. Power & Co., grain merchants, 79- 81; in Bank of N. Y., 81-7; Central Natl. Bank, Phila., Pa., 87; James Moore, Iron Works. Phila., 88; J. B. Brenniser & Co., cloths, Phila., 90, and Kansas City, Mo., 90-2; mgr., Chicago branch, do., 92-3; with J. C. Baker & Co., drugs, Phila., 93-; m. Oct. 14, 84, Kate, da. Jn. H. Dungan; ch.: Isabel Dungan, i88o] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 8 9 Effie Watson, Richd. Burchan, Sarah Demarest, Kathryn S. ; grandfa.: Chan- cellor Isaac Ferris; fa.: Richd. B., 44; HflC.: .In. M., 43; half-uitCS.: Isaac \\\, 59 (non-grad.); Morris P., 74 (non- grad.); bros.: Richd., 74; Albert W., 78; cons. : Geo. N., 77 (non-grad.); Fred E., 93; I. F. Ludlara, 66; W. L. Ludlam, 68; I. F. Lockwood, 73. 4514 Osage Ave., Phila., Pa. Fernando Herboso [y Esparia], B. S., 79; C. E., 79. *T; civ. eng. in Santiago since 79. Santiago, Chile. John Joseph McLaughlin, (ENG.) B. S., 79; C. E., 79. s. Wm. A. and Anastatia (Ouigley) Mc- Laughlin, b. Jamaica, N. Y., Sep. 16, 1860; civ. eng., Jamaica, N. Y., 79-; m. Nov. 21, 88, Adelaide ML, da. Jn. D. Carroll; ch.: Genevieve M., Jn. Gerard, Carroll Wm. Jamaica, N. Y. John Augustus MacColl, (CLERG.) A. B., 79; A. M., 82. v Alex, and Marv Tane < Xewcomb) Mac- Coll, b. Niagara Falls. X. Y.. Apr. 1, 1856; Mantua Acad., West Phila.; N. Y. I'., 75-9; ^'1'; Webster jun. orat. prize; commenc. orat.; N. Y. U. contest, in orat., Intercoll. Lit. Assn., 79; Union T. S.. 79-82; ord. (Presb.), 82; p. (Cong.) Saylesville. R. I., 82-3: St. Albans, Vt, 83-90; New Bedford, Mass., 90-03; Ware- ham, Mass., 03-; mem. Winthrop Club of Cong. Min.; publ.: Xevertheless-After- ward. Sermon before General Conv. Min. of Vt, 87; Robert Elsmere. A Lecture. 89, St. Albans, Yt. ; many con- trib. to St. Albans Messenger, Xew Bed- ford Standard and other journals; m. Nov. 14, 83, Jeannette, da. Jas. Kyle; ch. : Jeannette Montgomery, Grace Beatrice, Robt Jn. Warcham, Mass. George Yanderberg Rockwell, (PHYS.) 1'.. S.. 7o : M. S.. 82; M. D., 82, Bellevue Hosp. Mel. Coll. B. < '"■". Simpson and Elvira Cornelia (V.mderberg) Rockwell, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 1". 58: A*; pres. Philomath.: Bellevue Hosp. Med. ColL, 7 c >-$2; ambulance surg., Bellevue Hosp.. 80; surg., N. E. Disp., 83; phys.. Eve. Ear and Throat Dept., do., 84; vis. phys., O. D. P., Bushwick and E. Bkln. Disp.. 90-1; m. Tun. 1, 87, Rosa, da. Tos. Claxton: ch. : Elvira. Geo. C. ; bra.: Edwards H., 82. 244 Madison St., Bkln., N. Y. Edgar Lacy Swainc. (ENG.) B. S.. 79; C. F... 7'). < Col Peter T. and Cornelia S. (T.acv) Swaine, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 31, 1857; N. V. U., 76-9; *BK; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; pres. class (3); pres. Lacrosse Club; eng., Santa Fe R.R., 79-81; eng. and U. S. mineral dept. surveyor, New Mexico, 81-5; div. eng., Silver City, Deming and Pa- cific R. R., 85-8; supt. Second St. Cable Ry.. Los Angeles, Cal., 88-9; res. eng., Southern Pacific Co., 90-; asst. supt. Southern Pacific Co.; consult, eng.; mem. Mil. Order of Loyal Legion of the U. S.; m. 83, Florence, da. Wm. A. Parker; ch. : Le Roy Parker. 1010 Elden Ave, Los Angeles, Cal. George Carmer Wetmore, Jr., (Ml - .) A. B., 79. s. Geo. C. and Eliz. Graham (Williams) Wetmore, b. X. Y. ('.. Ian. 17, 1859; Everson's Sch. ; N. Y. U., 75-9; A#j *BK; jun. orat.; valedict. and first fel- low; second Butler Eucleian essay prize, 78, and first in 79; first prize in Greek, 79, and first prize in ment. sc, 80, Inter- coll. Lit. Assn.; jun. regent, do., 77-8; sen. regent, 78-9; pres. class (4); pres. Eu- cleian; ed. Univ. Quart.; Col. Law Sch., 79; with Jessup, Paton & Co., bankers, 80-3; sec. and treas. Am. Construction Co., 83-7; sec. and treas. Fenbrook Carpet Co., 87-; woolen mfr. Mcdford, Mass. Andrew Louis Schoenduv, Sp. Dip., 79. John Marion Ostrander, Sp. Dip., 79. (15) 1880 Charles Sumner Benedict, (PHYS.) A. B., 80; M. D., S3; M. P.. 82, Univ. of Vt s. Jos. and Mary Eliz. (Goldev) Bene- dict, b. X. Y. C. Dec. 9. 18- ten.iry Coll. Inst.. Hackettstown, X. !.: X. Y. U., 76-80; *T: jun. regent, 78-9, sen. regent. 79-80, Intercoll. Lit pres. Eucleian: pres. class (4): ed. -in- chief Univ. Quart.: sec. Alumni Assn.. X. Y. U .. 91-3; X. Y. U. Med. Coll., 80-3; Univ. 01 Vt, Med. Dept, 81-2; interne. St. Vincent'! - ? . to chair of Surgy. in X. Y. Postgrad. Sch. an pres. Westchester Co. Med. Soc, 8": mcr. X. Y. Bible Soc: chief insp.. Health Dept.. M.Y.Cj Sttrg., X . Y. ( '. Ry. C^.: mem. X. Y. Co Med Soc; X. Y. Westchester Co Med Soc; m. Oct. 20. '- 11 •• ih Augusta, da. Anthony D. I.caycraft; ch. : Helen Story. Sumner Leavcraft. Dorothv Holton. 310 W. i02d St., N.Y.C. 9 o NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1880 Leslie Moore Daniel (L.) A. B., 80. s. Edwin M. and Caroline M. (Moore) Daniel, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 18, 1858; *T; pres. class (3); jun. orat. ; law pract., N. Y. C, 83-; m. Aug. 5, 84, Eliz. M., da. J. Lawrence Brewster; ch. : Edwin M., Jr. 68 Broad St., N. Y. C. Samuel Alden Eddy, A. B., 80. s. Hiram and Frances Charlotte (Adam) Eddy, b. Canaan, Ct., Jul. 29, 1860; Has- brouck Inst., Jersey City, N. J.; N. Y. U., 76-80; ^T; Eucleian jun. orat.; ed. Univ. Quart.; pres. Eucleian; pres. Lacrosse Club, 79-80; class prophet; farmer; pres. Canaan Lime Mfg. Co.; asst. clerk, House of Rep., Ct, 87-9; clerk, do., 89-; clerk of Senate, Ct. ; clerk of bills and engross- ing clerk, Ct. Genl. Assembly; sec. Ct. Repub. State Central Comm. ; sec. Town Sch. Comm. ; pres. Canaan Water Co. ; sec. New Eng. Lime Co. ; supervisor U. S. Census, Dist. of Ct., 00; sp. agt. Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N. Y. ; publ. : General In- dex of Private Law and Special Acts of State of Ct. from 89-97; m. Sep. 18, 89, Jennie, da. Geo. S. Tuckerman; ch.: Law- rence L., Allerton L. Canaan, Ct. John Hardy Gilbert,* A. B., 80. s. Wm. Sketchley and Sarah Emily (Banks) Gilbert, b. Jersey City, N. J., Sep. 7, 1857; N. Y. U., 76-80; *T; ed. Univ. Quart.; sec. and v. p. Eucleian; law sten- ographer. d. Apr. 15, 96. William Kendall Gillett, (EDUC.) A. B., 80; A. M., 83. s. Prof. Ezra Hall (D.D.) and M*ary Jane (Kendall) Gillett, b. N. Y. C, May 16, 1860; private prep.; N. Y. U., 76-80; A*; 4> B K; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; sec. Lacrosse Club, 78-9; class hist.; v. p. Phil- omath.; Col. Univ. Law Sch., 80-1; Berlin Univ., 81-3; Univ. of France, 89-90; instr. French and Germ., Lehigh Univ., 85-8; prof., French and Spanish languages, N. Y. U, 90-; mem. Am. Soc. of Church iHist.; bro.: Chas. R., 74; cons.: Henry C. Alvord, 76; Jn. W., 82 (non-grad.). Pelham Manor, N. Y. John Cooley Halstead,* (PHYS.) A. B., 80; M. D., 83. s. David P. and Fannie A. (Cooley) Hal- stead; N. Y. U, 76-80; *T; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 80-3; mem. N. Y. Co. Med. Soc; bro.: Chas. F., 84. d. June 17, 03, N. Y. C. Nathaniel Carpenter Hendrick- son, (L.) A. B., 80; A.M., 83; Ph.D., 88; LL. B., 84, Col. Univ. s. Isaac Cornell and Patience Anne (Car- penter) Hendrickson, b. Jamaica, N. Y., May 8, 1860; Maple Hall Inst., Jamaica, N. Y.; N. Y. U, 76-80; A*; * B K; jun. orat.; Greek salut. ; 2d fellow; ed. Univ. Quart.; sec. Eucleian; N. Y. U. contest, in Greek, Intercoll. Lit. Assn., 80; Col. Univ. Law Sch., 82-4; N. Y. U, postgrad, course, 87-8; teach.; asst. in and prin. N. Y. U. Gram. Sch., 84-; examining titles and loaning on bond and mortgage. 47 Canal St., Jamaica, N. Y. Edward Alvah Mason, (CLERG.) A. B., 80. s. Arnold Gavorrah and Maria (Brown) Mason, b. Jersey City, N. J., Mar. 15, 1859; Jersey City H. S.; N. Y. U, 76-80; ^T; *BK; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; ed. Philomathean; pres. class (4); Newton Theol. Inst., Newton Centre, Mass., 80-3; ord. (Bapt.), 83; p. Farmington, Me., 83- 6; Blue Hill, Me., 86-91; Ellsworth, Me., 91-; Dexter, Me.; p. Union Cong. Ch., S. Bristol, Me., 05-; gen. sec. Me. State Sun- day Sch. Assn.; m. Jan. 22, 86, Annie M., da. Andrew Pinkham; ch. : May Lander, Katharine. So. Bristol, Me. Henry Prentice Morrison, (ENG.) B. S., 80; C. E., 80. s. Hy. and Margaret Anna (Bagley) Mor- rison, b. Troy, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1857; *T; jun. orat. with hon. mention; class orat.; one-half 2d prize in orat., Intercolleg. Lit. Assn. contest of 80; pres. Philomath.; civ. eng. dept. of Public Works, N. Y. C, 80-; lect. roads and pavements, N. Y. U, Appl. Sc, 96-; mem. Am. Soc. C. E. ; m. (1) Jan., 81, Isabella, da. Robt. Andrews, (2) Apr., 89, Belle, da. Chas. Von Eiff; ch. : Edna Belle. B'way, W. New Brighton, S. I., N.Y. Charles Noble,* (L.) A. B., 80; A. M., 83; LL. B., 82. s. Chas. and Frances Louisa (Bush) Noble, b. Bkln., N. Y., Sep. 9, 1859; N. Y. U, 76-80; A4>; *BK; jun. orat.; valedict. and first fellow; Univ. contest, in Latin, Intercolleg. Lit. Assn., 79; ed. Univ. Quart.; class poet; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 80-2, with essay prize, written exam, prize and hon. mention in oral exam. ; publ.: Compendium and Comparative View of the Thirty-eight State Laws of Marriage and Divorce in the U. S. ; the Conflict and the Remedy, N. Y, 82; bro.: Francis L., 86. d. Apr. 15, 84, Bkln., N. Y. iSSi] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 91 George Law Richmond, (CLERG.) A. B. ( 80. s. Archibald Murray and Margaret (Law) Richmond, b. Enfield. Ct, Apr. 3, 1853 Orange Mil. Acad., Orange, N.J.; N. V U., 76-80; *T; Princeton T. S., 80-3; p (Presb.), Little Britain, N. Y., 83-9; p (Cong.), Amesbury, Mass., 90-00; p (Presb.), Boonton, N. J., 01-; m. Jul. 18, 83, Alice Holmes, da. of Jabez Holmes Hazard; ch. : Margaret Law, Lliz. Craw- ford, Arch. Murray, Roland Grant, Alice Hazard. Boonton, N. I. William Henry Roberts,* (CLERG.) A. B., 80; A. It, 85. s. Hugh and Cath. (Morris) Huberts, b. Bkln.. X. V.. Apr. 14, I860; N. Y. U. ( 76 80; ^T: * IS E; jun. orat. ; philos. orat. sec. Eucleian; appointed N. Y. U. contest ant in math., intercolL Lit. Assn., 80 asst. sec, Greenpoint Savings Bank Bkln., N. Y., 81-4; Union T. S., 84-7; ord (Presb.), 87; p. Port Jefferson, N. Y., 87 94; m. Oct. 17, 88, Athenias M.. da Davis S. Giffing; bro. -in-law: Wm. D. Ed wards, 75. d. Aug. 9, 94, JVantagh, L.I. Ezekiel Deyo Van Dyck, (CLERG.) A. B.. 80; A. M., 83. s. David and Rebecca (Deyo) Van Dyck, b. New Paltz, X. Y., Feb. 15, 1858; N. Y. U., 76-80; *BK; Eng. salut. and 3d fellow; Webster jun. orat. prize; 2d Butler Eucleian essay prize, 80; sec. Eu- cleian; Union T. S., 80-3; p. (Presb.) Carlisle, N. Y., 83-90; Johnsonville, N. Y., 90-3: Greenville. X. Y. ''.?-; m. fan. 21, 88. Alida, da. Louis Bevier; ch.: Kath- arine, Helen, David Bevier, and Louise Pettingell. Greenville, Greene Co., N. Y. De Lagnel Eerier, (L.) Sp. Dip., 80: LL. B.. 82, Col. Univ. s. Francis E. and folia Ann (Stanton) Berier, b. Ft. Hamilton. X. Y.. Oct. 5, 1859; Ben; v. p. Eucleian: Col. I'niv. Law Sch., 80-2; adm. bar. X. Y.. 82; of firm McCarthy & Berier. N. Y. C, 90-; adm. bar, U. S. Supreme Court. 92; assoc. mem. Am. Ornithologists' 1'nirm; m. Apr. 13. 87, Isabella Webb, da. Wm. J. Parsons. 35 Nassau St., N. V. C. (14) l88l Herbert Clarendon Alden, (ENG 1 R. S.. 81; C. E., 81. X. V. U.. 77-81; 4*. 1ST Van Burcn Ave, Bkln., N. Y. Benjamin Aycrigg, Jr.,* <1... A. i:., 81; A.M., 83; LL. B., 83, Col. Univ. s. Chas. and Julia Eliz. (Ellsworth) Ay- crigg, b. Passaic, N. J., Mar. 16, 1857; *T; Eucleian jun. orat.; v. p. Eucleian; Columbia Law Sch., 81-3; adm. bar, X. J., 84; trust. Public Schools, Passaic, X. [., 81-6; m. Jun. 23, 87, Abbie, da. of Geo. Brown; ch. : Chas. Benj., Geo. B 1 has., 44 (Special); cous. : Benj. B., 44. John Oscar Ball, (L.) A. B., 81; LL. B., 83, Col. Univ. s. Jas. Harvey and Mary Smith (Farrand) Ball, b. Hanover, X. 1.. Mar. 24, 1859; Prof. J. C. Overhiser's Priv. Sch., Bkln., X. Y.; X. V. U., 77-81; *BK; jun. orat.; philos. orat. and 3d fellow; pres. Philo- math.; Col. Univ. Law Sch., 81-3; genl. civ. law pract., N. Y. C, 83-; m. (1) Nov. 20, 89, Frances L., da. of Edwin H. Bab- cock, (2) Sep. 22, 91. Eliz. B., da. De Witt C. Weeks; ch.: four da.; rcl.: John, 46 (Med.). Rochclle Ph., New Rochcllc, N. Y. Milan Day Barnes, B. S., 81; LL. B., 93. s. Aaron B. and Lavinia (Van Deusen) Barnes, b. Bkln., N. Y., Apr. 1, 1863; P. S. 19, Bkln., X. Y.j jun. orat; philos. orat.; 4>BK; stenog'r and sec, 84-92; with So. Pac. R. R.. 92-; Metrop. Law Sch., 91-3; pract. law, 111 Bway., X m. Aug. 13, 90, Rosanna, da. Francis Keenc; ch.: Clarence S. ; bro.: Amos W., 85. 361 Sterling PI, Bkln., N. Y. Cephas Brainerd, Jr.,* (L.) A. B., 81; A. M., 84. s. Cephas and Eveline (Hutchinson) Brainerd, b. Cromwell. Ct., Dec. 28. 1859; X. Y. V.. 77-81 ; A T; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; ed. Univ. Quart.: pres. Philomath.; class orat.; law stud.. 81-3; adm. bar, 83; law pract., N. Y. C, 83-98; mem. Inter- nal. Comm.. Y. M. C. A., and Bd. Mgrs., St Branch: m. Oct. 4. 87. Harriet Tyler, da. of Wm. P. Arnold; bro.: Ira d.'july 34. oS. N. Y.C. Walter Duncan Buchanan, (CLERG.) A. B.. 81; A. M . ?4; D. D.. 94, Omaha Univ. ' Rev. Dr. Tn. Mairs and Jane McElderry (Douglass) Buchanan. h. Milwaukee, Apr. 13. 1859; mem. Glee Club; Union T.S., 7980. 81-3; ord. (Presb.), 84: p. Seventh Ave. Chapel of Fifth Ave. Ch.. 83-9: Chalmers Presb. Ch.. Seventh Ave . X. Y. C . 89 92; Ch.. X. Y. C. 92-; p . Fourth Ave. Presb. Ch.. N.Y.C.J m. May 16, 82, 92 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1881 Grace, da. Jn. H. Mortimer; ch.: Grace Douglass, Mary Dun; cous.: Geo. D. Young, 87. 54 E. 50th St., N. Y. C. Benjamin Avery Capwell, (M.) A. B. 81; A. M., 84. s. Albert Bentley and Julia Ann (Sook) Capwell, b. Bkln., N. Y., Dec. 17, 1858; ■^ T; 4>BK; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; ed. Univ. Quarterly; pres. Eucleian; with Phelps Pub. Co., Springfield, Mass.; woolen merchant, 345 Broadway, N. Y. C. 153 Warren St., Bkln., N. Y. 'Albert Field Cornelius,* (L.) B. S., 81; C. E., 81; LL. B., 83, Col. Univ. s. Carman and Phebe Jane (Combs) Cornelius, b. East Meadow, N. Y., 1859; N. Y. U., 77-81; A*; commenc. orat.; ed. Univ. Quart.; v. p. Philomath.; Col. Univ. Law Sch., 81-3; asst. dist. atty., Queens Co., N. Y. d. June 15, 94, Hempstead, L. I. William Charles Cudlipp, (L.) A. B., 81. s. Wm. Hy. and Harriet Lavinia (Edison) Cudlipp, b. Jersey City, N. J., Jun. 15, 1860; Jersey City H. S.; N. Y. U, 77-81; A*; pres. Philomath.; first Philomath, essay prize, 81; ed. Univ. Quart.; mar- shal at commenc; Col. Univ. Law Sch.; law pract, Tersey City, 83-; m. Apr. 29, 97, Grace M., da. Nathan W. Chandler; ch.: Chandler, Wm. Allan. 34 Monticello Ave., Jersey City, N.J. Henry Hollister Dawson, (L.) A. B., 81; LL. B., 83, Col. Univ. s. Edwin H. and Julia M. (Hollister) Dawson, b. Newark, N. J., Oct. 31, 1860; Newark H. S.; N. Y. U, 77-81; AT; sen. regent, 80-1, and N. Y. U. alternate in math., 81, Intercoll. Lit. Assn.; pres. Philomath.; ed. Univ. Quart.; Col. Univ. Law Sch., 81-3; adm. bar, 83; law. pract., Newark, 83-; mem. N.J. Hist. Soc; m. May 7, 90, Ida A., da. Jn. Wharton; ch.: one. ion Broad St., Newark, N. J. Samuel Morris Dix, (AC.) B. S., 81; M. S., 88. s. Jn. Dunning and Lorinda Morris (Kingsley) Dix, b. Clifton, N. Y., Jul. 22, 1860; A. G. Methfessel's Priv. Sch., Stapleton, N. Y.; N. Y. U, 77-81; *T; clerk with Henderson Bros., 81-4; Dix & Co., 84-5; Rochester and Pittsburg Coal and Iron Co., 85-7; U. S. Rolling Stock Co., 88; sec. U. S. Car Co.; treas. Illinois Car Equipment Co.; pres. R. M. Cherrie & Co., Inc.; Commr. Educ, N. Y. C, and chrmn. comm. on supplies; sec. and treas. First Presb. Ch., S. I.; sec, capt., treas., and v. p. Clifton Boat Club; sec and treas. Fox Hills Golf Club; mem. Am. Geog. Soc; mem. Natural Sc Assoc, S. I.; bro.: Jos. K., 80 (non-grad.); cons.: Wm. M. Kingsley, 83; Louis L. Tribus, 85; Wm. P. H. Bacon, 86. 32 Townsend Ave., Stapleton, N. Y. George Martin Duncan, (EDUC.) A. B., 81; A.M., 84; LL. D., 01; B. D., 84, Yale Univ. s. Jas. and Jane Martin (Torbet) Dun- can, b. Haledon, N. J., Nov. 26, 1857; Paterson Sem.; N. Y. U, 77-81; *T; <1>BK; jun. orat. with hon. ment. ; 1st Butler Eucleian essay prizes, 80 and 81; jun. regent, 79-80, and N. Y. U. contest. in ment. sc, Intercoll. Lit. Assn., 81; Engl, salut. and 2d fellow; pres. Eu- cleian; Yale Divinity Sch., 81-4; grad.- fellow, Yale Univ., 84-5; Univ. of Jena, Germ., 85; Leipsic Univ., 85-6; Heidel- bergUniv., 86; Berlin Univ., 86-7; Univ. of Paris, Fr., 87-8; instr. philos., Yale Univ., 88-91; asst. prof, philos., do., 91-4; prof. log. and metaphys., Yale Univ., 94-; fellow Am. Assn. for Advanc. Science; mem. Am. Psychol. Assn. and mem. council, do., 03-6; chrmn. of the meeting which organized Am. Phil. Assn. and mem. of its first council; fellow Am. Acad, of Sciences; chrmn. section on Logic at World's Cong, of Arts and Sciences, St. Louis, 04; publ.: The Philos. Works of Leibnitz (transln.), 90; Pres. Porter as a Philosopher, 93; contributions to Psychological Rev., Philosophical Rev., Kant Studien, etc.; m. Aug. 20, 89, Mary A., da. Theo. R. Carter. 299 Edwards St., New Haven, Ct. Edward Lawrence Frost, (L) A. B., 81; LL. B., 83, Col. Univ. s. Marshall S. and Cornelia (Valentine) Frost, b. Glen Cove, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1859; ■^T; sec and pres. Philomath.; Columbia Law Sch., 81-3; pract. law, Floral Park, L. I.; m. Oct. 21, 85, Aletta M., da. Thos. H. Frederick; ch.: Herbert E., Roswell. Floral Pk., L. I., N. Y. Isaac Hamburger, B. S., 81. s. Morris and Anna (Levy) Hamburger, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 15, 1860; AT; *BK; jun. orat.; sc orat. (1st hon. with E. F. Pearse) ; sec. Philomath. ; N. Y. U. con- testant in math., Intercolleg. Lit. Assn., 81; stenographer and asst. sec. Mont. Stock Growers' Assn. and State Bd. of Stock Commrs., Mont., 86-8; stenographer, U. S. Judicial Dist. Court, Mont., 86-9; priv. sec. Hon. T. H. Carter; clerk of Com. on Mines and Mining, U. S. House of Rep., 89-; private sec. Sen. T. C. Power, Mont. ; clerk of U. S. Senate Com. on Civil Service Reform. Butte, Montana. i8Si] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 93 George Hannum Hazen, A. I!., 81; A. M., 84. s. Miner C. and Lemira R. (Judson) Hazen, b. Middletown, Ct, Jan. 17, 1858; *T; Philomath, jun. orat.; ed. Univ. Quarterly ; pres. Philomath.; permanent class sec; with The Century Co. since 81; pres. The Crowell Pub. Co., 06-; m. Jul. 9, 85, Ella, da. Wm. Gardner; ch.: (.'has. Sumner, Win. Gardner, Doro- thy. Anna W. 33 E. 17th St., N. Y. C. William Henry Hillman, (L.) A. P., 81. s. Alex. Campbell and Anna Cochran (Mc- Ginness) Hillman, b. Bkln., N. Y., Apr. 21, 1862; Colleg. Gram. Sch.. Bkln., N. Y.; N.Y.U., 77-81; AT; * B K; jun. orat.; philos. orat.; Custom House atty. with Phelps, Dodge and Co., 81-; organist and choir master 7 yrs., Bkln.; publ.: contributions to church music publica- tions; bro.: Rev. Jas. W., 73. u6 IV. 69th St., N. Y. C. Franklin Sawyer Holmes, (ENG.) A. B., 81. s. Franklin and Martha Checkering (Saw- yer) Holmes; pres. Philomatn.; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; newspaper work, 3 yrs.; salesman, electric goods; mgr. Electric Light Station, St. George. 5. I., N. Y., 88-9; electr. eng. with C. H. Davis, 89-; mem. Am. Soc. Elec. Eng. 10S Fulton St., Bkln., N. Y. Eugene Frederick Pearce, fPHYS.) A. B., 81; M. D., 83, Long Is. Coll. Hosp. s. Fred, and Margaretta E. (Keane) Pearce. b. Bkln., N. Y., Sep. 12, 1858; Adelphi Acad.. Bkln., N.Y.; N. Y. U., 77-81; >J"T; ♦BKj jun. orat.; valedict. (first honor with I. Hamburger) and first fellow; Long Is. Coll. Hosp., 81-3; in- terne, Long Is. Coll. Hosp.. B3-4; genl. pract., Bkln.; m. Feb. 3, 86, Emily S., da. Chas. H. Lyons; ch.: Fred. Kingsley, Edna Serviss, Harrv. 95 Henry St., Bkln., N. Y. Edward Raque, (ENG.) B. S., 81; C. E.. 81. s. (has. Godfrey and Anna Francisco (Taeckel) Raque. b. Icrsev City, N. [., . 1861 : Hoboken Acad.: X. 5f. 0., 77-81; A<1>; draughtsman, C, B. and Q. R. R.. 81; topographer and asst. eng.. So. Pa. R. R.. 82-5; asst cne:.. Harlem River Bridge Const r., 86-9: asst. eng., French Co., X'cnczuelan Railways. 89; res. eng., Harlem River Bri.lge Comm.. 90-1; asst eng., Atlas Iron Constr. Co., 92; struc- tural engineering; m. Feb. 22, 93, Lillie D., da. Geo. W. Nickerson; ch. : Edna Carita. II Waverly St., Jersey City, N.J. Charles Wilkinson Staniford, (ENG.) B. S., 81; C. E., 81. s. Danl. and Caroline Cecilia (Fawcett) Staniford, b. Rockpurt, Mass., Feb. 19, 1861; Deghue's Germ, and French Acad., Bkln.; N. Y. U., 77-81; A*j leveler, con- struction of Coney Is. Elev. R. R., 80; surv. of routes and insp. of constr. of Mutual Union Tel. Co., 81-3; topogr. of surv., S. Pa. R. R., 83-5; res. eng., do., 85-6; surv. extension, Lake Chautauqua R. R., 86; topogr. of surv., Buffalo Extension Lehigh Vallev R. R., 86-7; surv. N. W. and S. Atl. R. R. from Wilmington, N. C, to Bristol, Tenn., 86-7; div. eng., Louisville and Nash. R. R., 87-8; constr. 32 miles of Cumber- land Valley Branch and Terminal, Flor- ence, Ala., 88; asst. surv., Dept. of Docks, N. Y. C; surveyor, 95-05; hydro- graphic eng., Dept. of Docks and Ferries, N. Y. C, 05; chief eng., do., 06; mem. Am. Soc. C. E.; publ.: Brafford's Ridge Tunnel, Trans. Am. S. C. E., 89; Tunnel Construction, Arena Quart., 99; m. Tun. 8, 86, Julia M.. da. Capt. Wm. M. Schrock; ch. : Chas. Wilkinson, Foye Fawcett. 30 Berkeley PL, Bkln., N. Y. Horace Grant Underwood, (CLERG.) A. B., 81; A.M., 84; D. D., 92. s. Tn. and Eliz. ( Mair) L T nderwood, b. London, Eng., Jul. 19, 1859; N. Y. U., 77-81; AT; jun. ex. prize; commenc. orat.; New Brunswick T. S., 82-4; ord. (R. D.), 84; p. Pompton, N. J., 84; missny., Korea, 85-; prof. chem. and nat. philos., Roval Korean Hosp. Med. Coll., 87-90; p. Union Ch., Korea, 88-9; pres. Official Bd. of Translators of Korean Bible; chrmn. Korea (Presb.) Mission, 88-90; cor. sec. Korea Tract. Soc, 89; publ.: Grammar and Diet, of the Korean Language; Korean Hymn-Book; a num- ber of books in Korean: Korean Bible; m. 89, Lillias, da. Jas. Mandeville Hor- ton; ch.: Horace Horton. Seoul, Korea. Horatio Moses Van Sant. (INS.) A. B., 81. 3. Nicholas and Amelia Paulina (Moses) Van Sam, 1>. Haverstraw, X. Y., Nov. 1, 1859: X. V. U.. 77-81; *T; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; pres. class (4): clerk ami ins. agt.; mem. firm Wood & Van Sant: state agt for Travellers Ins. Co., Newark. X". T. : m. Apr. 2A, 84, Fssey A., da. Jos. S. Uorriss; ch.: Robt. Morriss, Cath. Roxanna. 70 Park Pi, Newark, N.J. 94 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1882 1882 John Stover Arndt, (CORP.) A.B., 82; A.M., 85. s. Rev. Ralph Stover and Sarah Walker (King) Arndt, b. Paterson, N. J., Aug. 21, 1860; Dr. Pingry's Sch., Elizabeth, NT* N. Y. U., 78-82; Z ^ ; commenc. orat.';' ed.' Univ. Quart.; pres. Philomath.; reporter, Pittsburg Telegraph, 82-3; sur- veyor, Tex., 83; asst. financial ed. Phila. Inquirer, 83-9; financial ed., 89-; treas. Manufactured Rubber Co., Phila.; dir. in several corporations; m. Dec. 15, 87, Jessie W., da. Jacob W. Stephens. Ardmore, Pa. Henry Francis Bell, (B.) A. B., 82. , „ s. Jas. and Jennie (Waddell) Bell, b. St. Stephens, New Brunswick, Can., Aug. 27, 1861; N. Y. U., 78-82; *T; gas bus., 82; silk mfg., 83; real est., 84; pres. Citizens Trust. Co., Paterson, N. J.; m. Jan. 22, 89, Fannie Livingston, da. Ralph Turner; ch. : Florence Hurd, Jas. Paterson, N. J. James Boyd, (MF.) B. S., 82. s. Tn. and Mary Ellen (Gillis) Boyd. b. N.Y. C, May 11, 1863; Chapin Colleg. Sch.; N. Y. U., 78-82; Z *; marshal at commenc; cor. sec. Philomath.; candle mfr., 408 W 26th St., N. Y. C, 82-; m. Jan. 25, 87, Agnes Jessie, da. Wm. H. Gray; ch. : Kath., Jn., Jessie, Mary; cous.: S. G. Lindeman, 88 (non-grad.). 64 W. 77th St., N. Y. C. Ira Hutchinson Brainerd, (L.) B. S., 82. s. Cephas and Eveline (Hutchinson) Brainerd, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 20, 1862; Mid- dletown, Ct., H. S.; N. Y. U., 78-82; * T; v. p. Philomath.; with Century Co., 82-8; with New Eng. Magazine, 89-90; stud, in Montpelier, Vt., 90; journalist, 90-; law pract, 92 William St., N. Y. C. ; publ.: Vol. 8, Index to Von Hoist's Constitu- tional History of the U. S., 92; m. Oct. 29, 89, Mary Kendrick, da. J. Kendrick Kinney; ch. : Martha Eliz. ; bro.: Cephas, Jr., 81. 30 W. 46th St., N. Y. C. John Bancroft Devins, (ED.) A. B., 82 (nunc pro tunc); A. M., 03; D. D., Center Coll. b. N. Y.; Pingrv Sch.. Elizabeth, N. T.; N. Y. U., Coll., 82; A*; do., Grad. Sch., 01-3; p. Hope Chapel, 88-; Brown St., Tabernacle, N. Y. C. ; mem. Bd., N.Y. Assn. Improving Condition Poor; trust. N. Y. State Hosp. Pulmonary Tuberculo- sis; pres. East Side Federation of Churches and Christian Workers; ed. AT. Y. Observer, 156 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C; publ.: The Church and the Labor Prob- lem; An Observer in the Philippines, pp. 400, N. Y., 05. 130 E. 19th St., N. Y. C. Alden Freeman, B. S., 82; M. S., 87. s. Joel Francis and Frances M. (Abbey) Freeman, b. Cleveland, O., May 25, 1862; Cleveland H. S.; N. Y. U., 78-82; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; ed. -in-chief Univ. Quarterly, 80-1; ^T; *BK; librn. Eu- cleian; clerk in Seaboard Natl. Bk., N. Y., 83-6; salesman, Talbot & Phillips, coal, 86-9; priv. sec. Joel F. Freeman, 89; sec. Citizens' Union, East Orange, N. J., 02-; pres. Civics Club of the Oranges, 05; publ.: A Year in Politics, 06. 101 Munn Ave., E. Orange, N. J. Robert Winfield Higbie, (MF.) A. B., 82; A. M., 87. s. Alex, and Sarah Frances (Davison) Higbie, b. Springfield, Queens Co., N. Y Mar. 5, 1863; E. Vienot's Sch., Jamaica, N. Y.; N. Y. U., 78-82; *T; *BK; jun orat.; valedict. ; pres. Philomathean bank clerk, 82-5; sec. Jamaica Lumber & Coal Co., 85-90; mem. Carpenter & Hig bie; lumber mfr., N. Y. C; v. p. Chau taugua Lit. Soc., Jamaica; v. p. Inter state Commerce Law Convention; m Sep. 11, 88, Anna A., da. Hamilton W Pearsall; ch. : two sons; bro.: Geo. H. unc.: Robt. A. Davison, 64. Jamaica, N. Y. Andrew Bartlett Inglis, (M.) A. B., 82. s. Jas. and Ella M. (Field) Inglis, b. Paterson, N. J., Aug. 24, 1861; A*; jun. orat.; Eng. salut. (4th hon.); 2d Butler Eucleian essay prize, 82; pres. Eucleian; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 82-3; m. Nov. 25, 85, Anna M., da. S. P. Van Winkle; ch.: Bertha, Harold. 370 12th Ave., Paterson, N. J. Charles Harris Jones, (CLERG.) A. B., 82; A.M., 85; B. D., 85, Union T. S. s. Rev. Chas. Jn. and Emma (Wood) Jones, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 17, 1859; Trinity Ch. Sch., 74-8; N. Y. U., 78-82; *T; B Kj jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; pres. Eucleian; Union T. S.. 82-5; ord. (R. D.), 85; p. Christ Ref. Ch., Newark, 85-94; First Ref. Ch., Bayonne, N. J., 94-9; chapl. 2d. N. J. Vol. Inf., May, 98, to Nov., 98; p. Central Presb. Ch., Buffalo, N. Y., 00-02; p. First Presb. Ch.. Oswego, N. Y., 02-; publ.: Eminent Divines of N.Y. State (in prep.); m. Nov. 11, 85, Agnes L., da. M. Hy. Spellmeyer; ch.: Chas. Henry and one other. 182 W. 3d St., Oswego, N. Y. i88 3 ] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 95 Edward Joseph McClellan, (ENG.) B. S., 82. s Ily. and Julia (Sullivan) McClellan, i>. Ilkln., N. Y., Nov. 17, 1862; nub. sch.; N. Y. U., 78-82; jun. orat.; philos. orat.; with Garvin Machine Co., N. Y.C.; nicch. engineering and machinery design- ing; rcl.: Chas. 3. 2489 B'way, N. Y. C. Robert Eugene Mclntyre,* B. S., 82. s. Robt. Mclntyre; AT; jun. orat.; com- menc. orat.; ed. -in-chief Univ. Quart.; v. p. Philomathean; clerk with E. S. Jaffray & Co., 82-4. d. Nov. 16, 84, N. Y. C. Albert Louis Phillips, (L.) B. S., 82; LL. B., 85, Col. Univ. s. lacob L. and Augusta (Bernstein) Phiflips, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 1, 1862; X. V. U., 78-82; Z^; commenc. orat.; Columbia Law Sch., 83-5; adm. bar, N. Y., 84; law pract.. N. Y. C, 84-; mem. N. Y. State Assn.; m. Oct. 28, 90, Isabella, da. Ily. Manheims; ch.: Gertrude, Augusta, Morris. //./ E. 82d St., N. Y. C. Vincent Pisek, (CLERG.) A. B., 82; D. D., 03. s. Anton and Barbara (Musil) Pisek, b. Maleson. Bohemia, Mar. 29, 1859; •irt; BK; jun. orat. (with class of 81); Greek salut.; Union T. S., 80-3; ord. (Presb.), 83; p. Bohemian Presb. Ch., N. Y. C, 83-; trust. Am. Savings Bank, 88-; bro.: Godfrey Roger, 94. 347 E- 74th St., N. Y. C. Edwards Hall Rockwell. (BR.) A. B.. 82; LL. B., 84, Col. Univ. s. Geo. S. and Elvira Cornelia (Yandcn- berg) Rockwell, b. X. Y. ( .. Mar. 12, 1862; Newark H. S. : X. V. l\. 78-82; A ; tBK; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; Col. Univ. Law Sch., 82-4; lawyer; stock broker; coal dealer; mem. Soc 01 Med .lurisprud.; m. Nov. 30. 87. Mir- iam, da. Hy. F. Osborne; ch. : Isabel, Miriam; bro.: Geo. V.. 79. 3 Humboldt St., Newark, N. J. John Francis Williams, A. B., 82. s. Wm. Nathan and Phcebe Ann (Under- bill) Williams, b. West Orange. V I . Nov. 28, 1859; N. Y. U., 78-82; 7. * ; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; v. p. Philomath.; business; m. Dec. 9. 84. Ella, da. Jn. S. Jacobus: ch. : Arthur Francis, Carrie Louise, Wm. Nathan, Marjorie. West Orange, N. J. (15) 1883 James Abbott, A. 1'... 83. s. Robt. and Eliza (Nightingale) Abbott, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 2, 1861; Mt. Wash. Colleg. Inst.; N. Y. U., 79-83; * T; I! K; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; first Butler Eucleian essay prize, 82; v. p. Eucleian; Harvard Univ. Sum- mer Sch., 84; teach, sciences, Riverview Acad., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 84-7; prof, zoology, State Univ., S. Dakota, 87-91; Marine Biol. Lab., Bermuda, summers, 90-; fellow in morphology, Clark Univ.. 91-2; sen. fellow in biol., Univ. of Chi- cago, 92-3; prof, biol., N. Y. U, 94-; m. Jan. 28, 90, Ellen, da. Nathan Sands Gallup; ch.: folia, Lawrence, Eliz., Robt. 40 W. 128th St., N. Y.C. John Giristlieb Gerndt. I m manuel (EDUC), A. B., 83; A. M.. 87. s. Ludwig Herman and Malwine Hen rietta (Jasper) Gerndt. b. Manhcim. Out. Can., Jan. 4, 1861; jun. orat.; commenc orat.; capt lacrosse team; instr.. St Matthew's Acad.. X. Y. C. : instr.. Inst for the Deaf an.l IHimh. X. Y. C. : assl ed. Outing, N.Y.Cj ed Virginia facturcr. Buchanan. Yn.; ed. Standard do.; instr.. Univ. Sch.. Washington, IV C nriv. in>;tr.. Wash.. D. C. Bar Harbor Me.. Newport. R. I.. Aiken. S. C, 99- m. °4. Julia Johnston of \'a. Aiken, S. C. Julius Harris,* B. S., 83. 9 6 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1883 Alfred George Hoe, (BUILD.) B. S., 83; C. E., 83. s. Alfred C. and Mary Frances (Lyon) Hoe, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 17, 1862; Col. Gram. Sch. ; N. Y. U., 79-83; jun. orat.; sc. orat. (5th in rank); with Jas. C. Hoe's Sons, 52 Gansevoort St., N. Y. C.; bro.: Wm. T., 83; cons.: Wm. A., Jr., 88. 327 W. 14th St., N. Y. C. William James Hoe, BUILD.) B. S., 83; C. E., 83. s. Alfred C. and Mary Frances (Lyon) Hoe, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 17, 1862; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 79-83; *BK; jun. orat. ; sc. orat. (4th in rank) ; v. p. Eu- cleian; with Tas. C. Hoe's Sons, 10 Lib- erty PL, N. Y. C; bro.: Alfred G., 83; cous.: William A., Jr., 88. 327 W. 14th St., N. Y. C. William Morgan Kingsley, (BR.) A. B., 83; A. M., 86. b. N. Y. C, Dec. 16, 1863; Mt. Pleasant Mil. Acad.; N. Y. U., 79-83; jun. orat.; Greek salut. (6th in rank) ; second fel- low; pres. Eucleian; ed. Univ. Quart.; capt. lacrosse team, 82-3; ^T; 4>BK; mem. Council, N. Y. U., 99-; treas., do., 05-; with Brown Bros. & Co., 83-91; mem. Kingsley, Mabon & Co., brokers, N. Y. C, 92-; m. Nov. 6, 90; cous.: Jos. K. Dix, 80 (non-grad.); Saml. M. Dix, 81. 619 W. 113th St., N. Y. C. George Simon Krantz, (ADV.) A. B., 83; B. D., 86, Drew T. S. s. Jn. and Eliz. (Ritchie) Krantz, b. Racine, Wis., Apr. 26, 1861; Drew T. S., 83-6; p. (M. E.) Dunellen, N. J., 86-7; newspaper advertising bus., 87-; m. Nov. 19, 90, Hattie R., da. Edwd. J. White; ch. : Raymond Charlouis. 102 W. 14th St., N. Y. C. John Rogers Merrill, (PHYS.) A. B., 83; M. D., 86, Col. Univ. s. Sherbourn R. and Sarah (Fellows) Merrill, b. Paterson, N. J., May 20, 1861; sec. Eucleian; Coll. Phys. and Surg., N. Y. C, 83-4; res. phys., St. Joseph's Hosp., Paterson, N. L, 86-7; attg. phys., O. P. D., Paterson Genl. Hosp., 88; pathologist, Passaic Co. Dist. Med. Soc, 88; mem. Paterson Sc. and Lit. Assn.; m. Sep. 27, 88, Gertrude Jones, da. Richd. Willets Seaman; ch.: Randolph Seaman. 24 Church St., Paterson, N. J. Francisco Maria Morales, Jr., (ENG.) B. S., 83; C. E., 83. s. Francisco and Francisca (Garcia) Mo- rales, b. Havana, Cuba, 1861: prep. N. Y. C; R. P. I., 78-81; Z *; N. Y. U., 81-3; supt, 2d eng. and 1st eng., Havana Gas Works, 84; genl. eng. and sugar planter, 96; chief of central dept. and master mechanics, St. Ry., Mexico City; mem. Hegewisch, Fuss & Co., Mexico City, 98; asst. eng., Dept. of Havana, of- fice of chief eng.; asst. supt. St. Cleaning Dept., Havana, 99-; m. 90, Alice Findlay; ch. : Lucille, Robt. ; cous.: Carlos, 94; Juan F., 94 (non-grad.). Cuba 51, Havana, Cuba. James Morton Paton, (EDUC.) A. B., 83; 84, Harvard Univ.; Ph. D., 94, Bonn Univ. s. Thos. C. Morton and Eliz. Lee (Allen) Paton, b. N. Y. C, May 12, 1863; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 79-83; A*; $BK; jun. orat.; valedict. and first fellow; sec- ond Butler Eucleian essay prize, 82; first, do., 83; sec. Lacrosse Assn.; v. p. Eu- cleian; ed. Univ. Quart.; Harvard Univ., 83-4; Grad. Sch., do., 84-7; Morton prof. Latin and French, Middlebury Coll., Vt., 87-91; stud, at Am. Sch. of Classical Studies at Athens, and Rogers fellow of Harvard Univ., 92-3; instr. Greek, Wes- leyan Univ., Ct., 95-7; assoc. prof, do., 97- 05; student of classical archseol., Europe, 06; publ.: Introductions to " Chiswick edi- tion," Iliad and Odyssey, N. Y., 4 vols., 88; De Cultu Discurorum apud Graecos, Pars I, Bonn, 94; The Myth of Alcestis in Ancient Art in the Alcestis of Euripi- des, ed. by H. W. Hayley, Boston, 99; uncs.: Edgar Allen (non-grad.); M. O. Allen (non-grad.); cous. : Lewis B., 84. Cambridge, Mass. Henry Ward Skerry, (PHYS.) B. S., 83; M. S., 87; M. D., 85, Long Is. Coll. Hosp. s. Amory Thompson and Martha Briggs (Atwood) Skerry, b. Rockford, 111., Jul. 26, 1861; Adelphi Acad., Bkln.; N. Y. U., 79-83; *T; ed. Univ. Quarterly; v. p. Philomath.; Long Is. Coll. Hosp., 83-5; res. phys. in several hospitals; interne, U. S. Marine Hosp.; genl. pract, Bkln.; mem. Kings Co. Pathol. Soc; N. Y. Gyn- ecol. Soc; m. Apr. 30, 89, Rebecca, da. of Hy. M. Morris; ch. : Howie Gerome; bro. : Amory T., Jr., 84. 191 McDonough St., Bkln., N. Y. Joseph Strachan, (ENG.) B. S., 83; C. E., 83; M. S., 86. s. Jas. and Susan Isabella (McCullough) Strachan, b. Newburgh, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1859; N. Y. U., 79-83; Z *; jun. orat.; Eng. salut.; v. p. Eucleian; civ. eng., road and railroad building, hydraulics, etc.; mem. Am. Soc. C. E. ; pres. Bkln. Engi- neers' Club; mem. council, Univ. Club, Bkln.; publ.: papers on engineering sub- jects; m. Oct. 3, 88, Mary E. Fielding; ch. : Mary Louise, Helen G. ; bro. : Robt. C, 83. 352 Putnam Ave., Bkln., N. Y. 1 884] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 97 Robert Charles Strachan, (EXG.) B. S., 83; C. E., 83. s. Tas. and Susan Isabella ( McCullough) Strachan, b. Newburgh, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1862; Mt. Pleasant Mil. Acad., Ossining, N. Y.; N. Y. U., 80-3; Z*; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; pres. Eucleian; ed. Univ. Quart.; eng. in charge of numerous works of railroad, canal, and bridge construc- tion and design; in charge of certain por- tion of design, Blackwcll's Island Bridge, \. Y. Bridge Dept., 05; mem. l'.kln. En- gineers' Club; m. Jun. 27, 88, Helen B., da. A. Y. Joslin; oh.: Jos. J., Isabel, Wal- lace J.; bro.: Jos., 83. 307 Monroe St., Bkln., N. Y. John Qiarles Vanderveer, (PHYS.) B. S., 83; M. D., 85, Long Is. Coll. Hosp. s. Jn. Rutger and Harriet Jane (Glover) Vanderveer, b. Flatbush. L. I., N. Y., Feb. 10, 1861; N. Y. U., 79-83; Z *; L. I. Coll. Hosp.. 83-5; m. Sep. 21, 87, Char- lotte G., da. of Thos. Baird; ch.: Harold Cornelius, Lillie N.: fa.: Jn. Rutger, 50; bro.: Geo. Glover, 79 (non-grad.). Mineola, Nassau Co., X. Y. Walter Frank YVhittemore, (ENGO B. S., 83; C. E., 83; M. S., 86. s. Walter Dier and Philomelia Antoinette (Ogier) Whittemore, b. Camden. Me., Tun. 12, 1858; N. Y. U., 78-81, 82-3; Z*j . C.erm. Llovd S. S. Co.. Hamburg-Am. Packet Co., Netherland-Am. S. S. Co., No. Unison Co. R. R. Co., Ocean S. S. Co., Old Dominion S. S. Co., Tieljen & Lang Dry Docks Co.; city eng., Hoboken, N. J.; mem. Am. Soc. C. E. ; Columbia Club, Hoboken; life mem. Marine Soc, N.Y.C. ; capt. bark in merchant service between U. S., Europe. S. Am., and West Indies; mem. Essex Troop Light Cav. (1st Troop, X. JA. 07; capt. 4th Rcgt. N. G.. X.J.; m. Sep. 2. 85, Alice J., da. Austin Jayne. / Newark St., Hoboken, N. J. (17) 1884 Homer Lewis Bartlett, (ENG.} B. S., 84: C. E.. 84. s. Lewis Leonard and Anna Eliz. (Rur- gles) Bartlett. b. Bkln.. X. Y., Dec 3, 1858; A 4>; jun. orat.; dissert, at com- menc; pres. Euclcian: ed. Univ. Quar- terly; civil eng. and citv surv.. Bkln., X. Y.. 84-; mem. Bkln. Inst. Arts and Sciences; corp. 23d Regt. X. G.. S. X. Y., 84-7; 2d lieut. 47th Regt., 87-9; m. Jan. 27, 92, Clarice Sherman, da. Jn. Aiken Noble; bro.: Frederic L., 89 (non-grad.). 191 Montague St., Bkln., N. Y. John Dayton Blake, (CLERG.) \. B., 84. s. Root and Emily (Dayton) Blake, b. Winneshirk Co., la., Nov. 13, 1861; New- ark, X. J.. II. S.; N. Y. U., 80-4; AT; 'I' UK; jun. orat.; Eng. salut. and third fellow; pres. class (4); pres. Philomath.; ed. -in-chief Univ. Quarterly; pres. Y. M. C.A.; Princeton T. S., 84-7; ord. (Presb.), 87; p. Red Clay Creek Presb. Ch., Marahalrton. Del., 88-; bro.: Robt. W., 87 (non-grad.); cous.: Jas. E., 94. Marshallton, Del. Frederick Melvin Crossett, (ED. and PUB.) B. S., 84; M.S., 87. s. Hy. B. and Sarah S. (Stratton) Cros- sett, b. N.Y.C, Jul. 12, 1863; Dr. Pin- gry's Sch., Elizabeth, X. J.; N. Y. U., 80-4; AT; ed. and bus. mgr., Univ. Quar- terly; pres. Lacrosse Assn., 82-4; mem. baseball, lacrosse, and track teams, and Glee Club; assoc. founder and ed. of The University; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 91-2; bus. mgr. and pub. Intercollcg. Law Journal, 91-3; do., Univ. Law Review. 93-7; do., The College Fraternity, 92-3; do., The 93-4; do.. The Amer- ican Woman's Journal, 93-5; bus. mgr. Delta Upsilon Quarterly, 83-5 5 ed. -in- chief, do., 85-92; mgr. and ed. 7th Rcgt. Gazette, 97-; ed. and pub. X. Y. Athletic Club Journ., 00-; do., Bldg. Trades Em- ployees' Assn. Bulletin, 01-; Nautical Ga- zette; firm Crossett & Bates, Inc.. 1?6 Fifth Ave.. N.Y.C: Corp. Co. F. 7th Regt. N. G., S. N. Y., 00-05; mem. X. Y. U. Athletic Advisory Com., 03-5; m. Tun. 6, 89. Annie Hentsley. da. Hy. E. Kidd: ch.: Marion H., Mildred S. 7 Andrews Ave., Unii: Hts., N. Y. C. Qiarles Fletcher Halstead,* A. P... 84. s. David P. and Fannie A. (Coolev) Hal- stead, b. Harrison, X. Y.. Sep. 21, 1863; NY.U., 80-4; Z*; supervisor. Philo- mathean: dissertation at commenc; ed. Univ. Quarterly; N.Y.U. Law Sch.; bros.: John C, 80; Jacob, 84 (non-grad.). d. Feb. 20, 86, Denver, Col. Carl Henry Lellmann, Jr.,* (L0 A . r... 84; I.T.. R.. 86, Col Univ. 1 IIv. and Amalia (Paulsen) Lell- mann. b. X. Y. C. Tun. 9, 186S; X. Y U., 80-4; AT; -hBK; jun. orat.: Latin salut. and felhnv; pres. of Philomath.; Col. Univ. Law Sch.. 84-6; adm. bar. X. Y.. ic-t. law. X. Y. C, 87-01 : m. Tan. 15. 96. Ellen Matilda, da. Jn. W. Cruger; Paul C I... 75. d. Oct. 5, 01. N. Y. C. 9 8 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1885 Alexander Steele Lyman, (L.) A. B., 84; LL. B., 86, Col. Univ. s. Jos. Bardwell and Eliz. (Baker) Ly- man, b. New Orleans, La., Apr. 8, 1860; Chamberlain Inst., Randolph, N. Y.; N. Y. U., 80-4; ^ T; jun. orat.; valedict. and first fellow; ed. -in-chief Univ. Quarterly; supervisor Philomath.; Col. Law Sch., 84-6; atty. at law, N. Y. C, 86-; m. Sept. 17, 91, Bertha Bidwell, da. E. D. Burton, M. D.; ch. : three; bro.: Jos. B., 25 Broad St., N. Y. C. Lewis Bayles Paton, (EDUC.) A. B., 84; A. M., 95; Ph. D., 97, Univ. of Marburg, s. Robt. Lenox Stuart and Henrietta (Bayles) Paton, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 27, 1864; Keokuk H. S., la.; N. Y. U., 79-84 (4 yrs.); AT; *BK; jun. orat.; philos, orat.; librn. of Eucleian; first Butler Eu cleian essay prize, 84; Princ. T. S., 87-90 Univ. Berlin, 90-2; ord. (Presb.), 90 fellow in Hebrew, Princ. T. S., 90-2; instr Old Test, exegesis and criticism, Hart ford T. S., 92-3; assoc. prof., do., 93-7 Nettleton prof., do., 97-; prof. Old Test exegesis and criticism, Hartford T. S. 05; mem. Soc. Bibl. Lit.; British Soc Bibl. Archseol. ; dir. Am. Sch. Archaeology Jerusalem, 03-4; publ.: Early Hist, of Syria and Palestine, 02; numerous con trib. to Presb. and Refd. Rev., Journ Bibl. Lit., Bibl. World, etc.; m. Dec. 30 96, Suvia, da. Chester D. Davison; ch. Suvia Lanice; cous. : Jas. M., 83. 50 Forest St., Hartford, Ct. Amory Thompson Skerry, Jr. (MF.) B. S., 84; C. E., 84; M.S., 87. s. Amory Thompson and Martha Briggs (Atwood) Skerry, b. Plvmouth, Mass., Nov. 16, 1863; N. Y. U., 80-4; *T; jun. orat. ; dissertation at commenc. ; pres. Eu- cleian; capt. lacrosse team; second Butler Eucleian essay prize, 84; mem. New Eng. Soc. of Bkln. ; Twilight Club, N. Y. ; with A. T. Skerry & Co. ; pres. Hopatcong Worsted Mills; pres. Enterprise Worsted Mills; m. Nov. 16, 87, Mary Emma, da. Chas. P. Gulick; ch. : Amory Standish, Eleanor; bro.: Hy. W., 83. Montclair, N. J. Clarence Thwing, (EDUC.) B. S., 84; M. S., 87; M. D., 87. s. Rev. Dr. Edwd. Payson and Susan Maria (Waite) Thwing, b. Portland, Me., Jun. 29, 1862; Bkln. Poly. Inst.; N. Y. U., 81-4; ^T; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; pres. Y. M. C. A. ; ed. Univ. Quarterly; libr. Eucleian; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 84-7, with 3d honor; phys., 87-97; interne, Bellevue Hosp. and Hosp. for Ruptured and Crippled, N. Y., 87-8; Hosp. for In- sane, Batavia, 111., 88-9; orthopedic clinic, L. I. Hosp., 90; medical missny., Sitka, Alaska, 90-2; do., Fort Wrangel, Alaska, 92-9; sec. Charity Org. Soc, Seattle, Wash., 99-03; teach., 04-; mem. Am. Med. Assn.; N. Y. S. Med. Assn.; N. Y. Med- ico-Legal Soc; Am. Assn. for Advanc Phys. Educ; Alaskan Soc. Nat. Hist, and Ethnol.; cor. mem. N. Y. Acad. Anthro- pol.; publ.: The Northern Light (monthly), Wrangel, Alaska, 93-9; m. Jun. 6, 89, Charlotte Eliz., da. Jas. Guest; ch. : three sons; bro.: Edwd. Waite, 86. 535 13th Ave., N., Seattle, Wash. Frank Le Grand Townsend, (ENG.) B. S., 84; C. E., 84; M. S., 87. s. Wm. Halsey and Frances C. (Bostwick) Townsend, b. Bkln., N. Y., Jun. 21, 1862; *T; with U.S. Electric Lighting Co., 84-91; Westinghouse Electric Mfg. Co., 91-; bros.: Gerard B., 87; Palmer G., 87. 535 Greene Ave., Bkln., N. Y. Thomas Watters, (CLERG.) A. B., 84; D. D., 94, Cedar- ville Coll., O. s. Jn. and Eliz. (Devor) Watters, b. Rauross, Ire., Sep. 13, 1860; AT; *BK; jun. orat.; commenc. orat. (5th in rank); pres. Philomath. ; pres. Y. M. C. A. ; ed. Univ. Quarterly; Union T. S., 85-8; ord. (Ref. Presb.), 89; p. 1st Ref. Presb. Ch., Bkln., N. Y., 89-93; Pittsburg, 92-; mod. Genl. Synod Ref. Presb. Ch. ; chrmn. Bd. of Snpts., Ref. Presb. T. S., Phila.; sec. Bd. of Trustees, Cedarville Coll., O.; m. Oct. 24, 99, Margaret E. Downs. 5129 Liberty Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Henry Beach Windsor, (INS.) B. S., 84. s. Wm. L. and Sarah Vance (Beach) Windsor, b. Cuba, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1863; ^T; sec. and pres. Eucleian; with Lom- bard Investment Co., Wichita, Kan., 85-6; real est. and ins., 86-9; appraiser for Jarvis Conklin Mortgage Trust Co. in Mo., Kan., Ark., Neb., and Colo.; do. for Bunnell & Eno Trust Co., Mont.; gen agt. Fidelity and Casualty Co., Salt Lake Citv, 92-; mem. Univ. Club, Salt Lake City. 232 So. Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. (12) 1885 Amos Warren Barnes, (ENG.) B. S., 85; C. E., 85. s. Aaron Brown and Lorina (Van Deu- sen) Barnes, b. Bkln., N. Y., Mar. 27, 1867; commenc. orat.; civ. eng., office of C. B. Brush; with Kings Co. Elev. Ry., Bkln., N. Y.; Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Ry. Co., Mich.; Union Elev. Ry. Co., Bkln. and Chicago; and South Side Rapid Transit Ry. Co., Chicago; Bridge and Construction Dept., Pencoyd, Pa., Iron Works; bro.: Milan D., 81. 313-315 City Hall, Phila., Pa. '88 5 ] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 99 Arthur Dixon Davis, A. B., 85; A. It. 88; LL. B., 91. s. In. Haight and Sophie Amelia (Sawyer) Davis, b. N. Y. C. Sep. 6, 1863; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 81-5; A*; com- menc. orat.; ed. Univ. Quarterly; class poet; permanent sec. class; N. Y. U. Law Sch.. 86-7 and 90-1; *A<1>; adm. bar, 92; in. Apr. -', 02, Mathilde, da. Edwd. Pfarre; neph.: Lorenzo Eastman Tripler, 98 (non-grad.). 196 Lincoln PL, Bkln., N. Y. Robert Otis Fuller, B. S., 85. N. Y. U., 84-5. Gilbert Coutant Halsted, A. B., 85. s. Gilbert C. and Amanda R. (Taft) Halsted, b. Flushing, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1861; A#; #BK; jun. orat.; Latin salut. (3d hon.); 3d fellow; pres. Glee Club; ed. Univ. Quarterly ; clerk, Montauk Fire Ins. Co., Bkln., 83; teach., 2 yrs. ; cashier and salesman in leather houses, Chicago and Boston, 90-; clerk, 17 Broad St., N. Y. C. ; m. Dec. 3, 90. Annie E., da. Fran- cis W. Knauss; unc. : Marcus L. Taft, 42. 134 W. 1 1 3th St., N. Y.C. Frank Bush Ham, (EXG.) B. S., 85; M. S., 89. s. Benj. Franklin and Zilpha Ann (Bush) Ham, b. Chicago, 111., Jan. 12, 1866; N. Y. U., 81-5; commenc. orat.; clerk, 86-8; p. (M. E.) Newman Grove, Neb., 89-90; O'Neill, Neb.. 90-1; Niobrara, Neb., 91-2; Bloomfield. Neb., 92-3; civ. eng. and surv., Cranford. N. J., 93-; m. Aug. 27, 90, Margaret Aletheia, da. Stephen Sandford Mapes; ch. : Frank Mapes, Stephen Lewis. 214 Prospect St., WcstHeld, N. J. Charles Reisig Hexamer, (PHYS.) B.S., 85; M.S., 90; M. D., 86, Col. Univ. S. Fred. Maier and Bianca (Reisig) Hex- amer, b. N. Y. C. Feb. 4, 1860; *TA; 1st Butler Eucleian essay prize, 85; Coll. Phvs. and Surg., N. Y., 82-6; on staff N. Y. C. Lunatic Asvl.. 86: interne. St. Francis Hosp., N. Y. C, 86-8; on Stam- ford Bd. of Health; surg., U.S. Armv, P.I.j mem. N. Y. Pathol. Soc. ; X. Y. Acad, of Med.: Fairfield Co. Med. Soc; m. (I) Tun. 1. 92. Mamie I., da. Hy. Wilson, (2) Aug. 1, 05, Alice Isabella Despard; cous. : Chas. A., 71. Paniquc, P. I. David Jacobson,* (PIIYS.) B. S.. 85: If. D., 87. Vlolphus Edwd. and Eliza (Levy) Tacobson, b. Bkln.. X. Y.. Oct. 4, 1864; N. Y. U, 81-5; class historian: Long Is. Coll. Hosp., Bkln., 84-5; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 85-7; ambulance and ho. surg., E. Dist. Hosp., Bkln., 87-8; clin. asst. and attg. phys., N. Y. U. Med. Coll. Disp., 89- 92; attg. phys., Northwestern Disp., 91-2; mem. N. V. Co. Med. Soc; m. Oct. 15, 89, Cora, da. Jn. Ells. d. Jan. 7, 03, Bkln., N. Y. Joseph M. Lafon, (INSPECTOR) A. B., 85; Bachelier des Lettres, 79, Montpellier, France; Bachelier des Sciences, 81, Marseilles, France, s. Felix and Marguerite Thirza (Nou- garet) Lafon, b. Montpellier, France, Jan. 13, 1861; Lycc'e Montpellier; N. Y. U., 84-5; m. May 28, 85, Sarah A., da. Jn. Guinn; ch. : Thirza Benedret, Marie An- toinette, Alphonse Joseph. 286 St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. C. Robert Henry Middleditch, (CLERG.) A. B., 85. s. Rev. Robt. Thos. and Margaret (Liv- ingston) Middleditch, b. Red Bank, X. T., Jul. 12, 1861; Phillips Exeter; N. Y. U.. 81-5; A<£; jun. orat.; valedict. and second fellow; pres. class (4); Union T. S., 85-6; Newton T. S., 86-7; Hamilton T. S., 87-8; asst. ed. The Christian Inquirer. X. Y. C. ; p. First Baptist Ch., Camden, N. J., 88-9; lit. work, 89-92; p. Ridlev Park, Pa., 93- 04; treas. L. Middleditch Co.; m. 97, Eliz., da. Francis W. Armstrong; ch. : a son and a da. 38 Ross PL, West field, N.J. George Andrews Minasian, (L.) A.B., 85; A.M., 90; LL. B., 87, Col. Univ. s. Sarkis Mihran and Anna Marv (Pratt) Minasian, b. Nashua. N. H., Oct. 18, 1864; Irving Inst., Tarrytown, N. Y. ; N. Y. U, 81-5; AT; 4>BK; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; pres. Eucleian; ed. Univ. Quar- terly: pres. Y. M. C. A.; v. p. class; I'niv. of Xeuchatel. Switz., 77-9; Col. Univ. Law School, 85-7; adm. bar. X. councilor of Ant. Inst, of Civics; law pract. at 132 Nassau St., N. Y. C. ; m. Jun. 5, 95, Sophie V., da. Dr. Saml. Tal- mage; ch. : Geo. Talmage. 1339 Bedford Are.. Bkln., N. Y. Francis Edward Pratt, (ENG.) A. B., 85. s. Robt. M. and Marv Ann (Wheaton) Pratt, b. N. Y. C. Tun. 25. 1865: Univ. Gram. Sch.: X. Y. U. 81-5; *T; pres. Eucleian; Lehigh Univ., 85-6; marine ins.. 86-7; civ. eng.. 87-9; naval arch., 45 B'way. X. Y. C. X9-: m. May 17, 98, Grace Ewen, da. E. L. Brailey; ch.: one New RocheUe, N. Y. Julius Rosenthal, (CLERG.) A. B.. 85. appointed jun. orat.; commenc. orat. IOO NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1886 William Shannon, (PHYS.) A. B., 85; M. D., 89. s. Jn. and Annie (Laing) Shannon, b. Ballina, Ireland, Dec. 22, 1861; A *; pres. Eucleian; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 85-9; phys. to Bellevue Hosp. Coll. Disp. and Univ. Disp. ; private pract., N. Y. C. ; attg. phys., Dept. of Pediatrics, Cornell Univ. Med. Coll.; m. May 5, 92, Nellie, da. Ewen Maclntyre. 130 W. 8lst St., N. Y. C. Louis Lincoln Tribus, (ENG.) B. S., 85; C. E., 85; M. S., 88. s. Louis and Harriet Jeannette (Kings- ley) Tribus, b. Northampton, Mass., May 26, 1865; Germ.-Am. Inst., Stapleton, S. I.; N. Y. U., 81-5; *T; *BK; jun. orat. ; sc. orat. at commenc. ; pres. Eu- cleian; various positions as asst. eng., 85- 93; instr. civ. engineering, N. Y. U., 87- 90; private consulting pract., 94-; firm Tribus and Mossa, 02-; commr. Pub. Works, Richmond Bor., N. Y. C, 02-; commr. N. Y. Bay Pollution Comm. (N. Y. State), 03-; consult, eng. to many mu- nicipalities and corporations; mem. Am. Soc. C. E.; dir. and v. p. S.I. Chamber of Commerce; mem. New England Water Works Assn.; trust, or mem. various relig., philanth. and social organizations; jnibl.: various art. for professional socie- ties and tech. journals; m. Oct. 3, 99, Letitia Hall, da. Rev. Geo. Mernwether McCampbell; ch. : Lucien Hall; cous. : Jos. K. Dix, 80 (non-grad.); Saml. M, Dix, 81; Wm. M. Kingsley, 83. 48 Townsend Ave., Clifton, S. I. Arthur Smith Tuttle, (ENG.) B. S., 85; C. E., 85. s. Theron and Jennie E. (Beach) Tuttle, b. Burlington, Ct., Mar. 26, 1865; private preparation; N. Y. U., 81-5; A*; *BK; jun. orat.; commenc. orat.; v. p. Eu- cleian; asst. eng., Bkln. Water Works, 84-01; chief eng., irrigation and water power investigation in Hawaii for the Bishop Estate of Honolulu, 01-2; asst. eng., Bd. of Estimate and Apport., 277 B'way, N. Y. C, 02-; asst. or cons. eng. on design or constrn. of new or im- proved water works, in Albany, Jersey C, Newport News, Nevada, Mo., and Day- tona, Fla. ; lect., water supply and sewer- age, N. Y. U., 96-; post-colleg. instr. en- gineering design, N. Y. U.; inventor of water meter and other appliances; cons, prof, water supply, Bkln. Poly. Inst., 05-; mem. Am. Soc. C. E. ; Bkln. Inst. Arts and Sc; publ.: contrib. to tech. societies and eng. journals; m. Jun. 1, 92, Helen Aldridge, da. Benj. P. Smith; ch.: three. 1050 82d St., Bkln., N. Y. Henry John Wright, (JOURN.) B. S., 85. s. Jn. and Mary (Hall) Wright, b. Glas- gow, Scot, Apr. 7, 1866; N. Y. U., 81-5; *T; 4>BK; jun. orat.; Eng. salut. (2d hon.); reporter on staff The Commercial Advertiser, N. Y. C. ; city ed., do.; city ed. The Evening Post, N. Y. C. ; ed. The Globe and Commercial Advertiser, N. Y. C; m. Dec. 17, 91, Claire, da. Emile Le Franc; ch. : one son. 5 and 7 Dey St., N. Y. C. (16) 1886 William Post Hawes Bacon, (MF.) A. B., 86. s. Francis and Anna (Hawes) Bacon, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 14, 1864; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 82-6; *T; *BK; com- menc. orat.; pres. Eucleian; piano mfr., N. Y. C. ; mem. Soc. Sons of Revolution; m. Jan. 17, 01, Caroline H., da. Hy. M. Messenger; unc: Geo. F., 37; cous.: Jos. K. Dix, 80 (non-grad.); Saml. M. Dix, 81. Bronxville, N. Y. Henry Matthias Brown, (CLERG.) B. S., 86; C. E., 86; A. B., 90; A. M., 92. s. Jos. T. and Jane C. (Buckey) Brown, b. Georgetown, D. C, Oct. 26, 1867; pri- vate prep.; N. Y. U., 82-6; (class of 90), 89-90; Grad. Sch., 90-3; A*; *,BK; pres. Eucleian; ed. Univ. Quarterly ; pres. class (4); Eng. salut.; civ. eng., Wash., D. C, 86-8; do., N. Y. C. and New Rochelle, 88- 93; ed. General Alumni Catalogue, 05-6; Union T. S., 90-3; ord. (Cong.), Feb. 22, 94; s. s. Pelhamville, N. Y., 93; p. Christ Cong. Ch., N. Y. C, 94-; mod. Manhattan Assn. Cong. Ministers, 03; m. Nov. 20, 94, Adele F., da. D. E. Bedell, M. D.; ch.: Philip T., Randolph B.; bro.: Jos. T., Jr., 89. 1864 Morris Ave., N. Y. C. Joseph Harker Bryan, (PHYS.) A. B., 86; "m. D., 90, N. Y. Horn. Med. Coll. Hosp. s. Jas. R. (D. D.) and Lydia Louise (Harker) Bryan, b. Newark, N. J., Dec. 15, 1865; Haverstraw Mountain Inst.; N. Y. U., 82-6; AT; *BK; commenc. orat.; v. p. Philomathean; dir. Univ. Glee Club, 84-92; mem. lacrosse team; class day present, orat. ; sec. Metrop. Conserv. of Mus., 86-7; mem. Horn. Med. Soc, Co. of N. Y.; N. Y. Horn. Materia Medica Soc; N. Y. Psedolog. Soc; pres. Mass. Bap. Missny. Soc; m. (l) Oct. 16, 88, Jessie, da. Gustave Bernd, (2) Oct. 25, 05, Irene, da. Edwd. L. Dobbins; ch.: Jos. Harry. 221 Asbury Ave., Asbury Park, N.I. Henry Babcock Carpenter,* (PHYS.) A. B., 86; M. D., 90, Col. Univ. s. Elisha Manning and Helen (Babcock) Carpenter, b. Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1864; N. Y. U., 82-6; *T; treas. Eu- cleian; Coll. Phys. and Surg., 87-90; Univ. 1 886] ALf MX I OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 10. Edinburgh, Scot., 88; interne, Roosevelt Hosp., N. Y. C, 91-2; pract. med., X. V. ; do., Rochester, 95-00; mem. N. Y. Co. Med, soc.; .Monroe Co. Med Genesee Valley Club; Country Club, Rochester; bro.: Herbert L., 90. d. Mar. 3, 00, Rochester, N. Y. Roland Darr Haskell, (ENG.) B. S., 86; C. E., 86. s. Col. Jos. Theo. and Rida B. (Sum- wait) Haskell. 1>. Xenia, <)., Aug. 31, 1866; Univ. Gram. Sch.: N. Y. U., 82-6; A'l 1 ; jun. eng. with Fed, Govt, in local charge of river and harbor work; m. Not. 9, 91, Retta M. Sheridan; ch. : Roland S., Onorinda L. R.; bro.: Clarence S., 86 (AppL so. San Pedro, Cal. Frank Webster Hill, (CLERG.) B. S., 86; C. E., 86; LL. B., 87. s. Linnaeus C. anil Eliz. (Van Horn) Hill, b. Bkln.. N. Y.. Nov. 20. 1865; Bkln. 11. S.J V Y. I'.. 83-6; X. Y. l T . Law Sch., 86-7; Z ^; philos. orat.; pres. Philomath.; ed. Univ. Quarterly; adm. bar, N. Y., 87; do.. Wash., 90; Princ. T. S., 91-3; p. Presb. Ch., Victor, X. Y. ; m. Mar. 6. 95, M. Lillian, da, 1 >. Hy. Way; ch. : rlor- ence, KHz.. Frank, Jr. Victor, N. Y. Adolph Abram Himowich, (PHYS.) B. S„ 86; M. D., 87; M. S., 91. s. Fred, and Rebecca (Finkel) Himo- wich, b. Kieff, Russia, Aug. 8, 1860; X. Y. U. Med. Coll., 83-7; Johns Hopkins Univ., 87-9: m. Dec. 24, 91, Rose I. Igelska, M. D. 130 Henry St., N. Y. C. John Shields Kennedy, (L.) A. B., 86; LL. B., 87; A.M., 88; Ph. r>.. 89. s. Jos. and Margaret (Coe) Kennedy, b. Westmoreland Co., Pa.. Jul. 15. 1860; Markle (Pa.) Acad.; Western Univ. of Fa.. 824; X. Y. U.. 85-6; *T; commenc. orat.; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 85-7; X. Y. l\ Grad. Sch., 86-9; lawyer for Title Guaran- tee and Trust Co., f<7-: Am. atty., 11 B'way, X. Y. C, for British ft Am. 'Mort- gage Co., Lim., of London, Eng. ; m. Aog. 27. 90, Emma Eliz., da. Richd. Les- ter Tones; ch. : Margaret Fay, Marion Tones. 18 Over cliff St.. Yonkers, N. Y. Charles Carroll Moore. Jr.,* (EXG. i A. P... ft s. Chas. Carroll and Maria (Coddington) Moore, b. Walpole, N. H.. Nov. 5. 1863; C. C. N. Y.. 78-82; N. Y. U., 82-6: 7.*; marshal at commenc; asst. eng., Hoosa- tonic R. R.. 91-5: fa.: Chas. C. 47; im«.' Jacob R., 51; Warren M. Osborne, 78; Ceo. H.. 42. d. Max 3. 95, N. Y. C. Henry Ellsworth Murgatroyd, (ENG.) B. S., 86; C. E., 86. B. Win. Jas. and Esther (Middleton) Mur- gatroyd, b. Sep. 19, 1859; sec. Philo- mathean; pros. Y. M. C. A.; civil eng. and surv. with C. B. Brush, 86; Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic R. R., 86-7; Chicago Elev. R. R., 88-9; on New Ro- chelle Dam; North End Land Improve- ment Co.; civ. eng. and city surveyor, N. Y-C.J 89-; m. Jun. 2, 92, Samueletta L., da. Jos. Richards; ch. : Ruth Richards, Ellsworth. 1901 Bathgate Ave., N. Y. C. Francis Lincoln Noble, (L.) A. B., 86; LL. B., 89, Col. Univ. s. Chas. and Frances Louisa (Bush) Noble, b. likln., X. Y.. Mar. 2, 1868; A*; Latin salut.; Col. Univ. Law Sch., 87-9; law pract., N.Y. C. ; m. Jun. 11, 96, Mary Xcwcomb, da. Hiram v. V Braman; bro.: Chas., 80. 2 Wall St., N. Y. C. Charles Lincoln Pashley, 1 L) I!. S., 86; LL. B., 89. S, By. and Caroline (Kemp) Pashley, b. Bkln., N. Y., Sep. 15, 1865; N. Y. U., 82-6; Z*; iB K; 2d Butler Eucleian es- say prize, 85; 1st, do., 86 and 87; com- menc. orat. ; ed. -in-chief Univ. Quarterly ; sec. and treas. Eucleian; class hist.; Univ. Med. Sch., 87-90; N. Y. Postgrad. Med. Sch., 90; Grad. Sem. Union T. S., 87-90; teach., 90; instr. in chem., materia med- ica, therapeutics and dermatology; Syrian Prot. Coll., Beirut, Syria; specialist in dermatol. and syphilol. ; mem. Am. Soc. of Comp. Religion; m. Aug. 15, 95, Anna L., da. E. R. Carter; ch.: Edwin Carter, Frederick Hy.; fa.: Fred. H., 58; bros.: F. J., 91 (non-grad.); M. D., 95. Care Syrian Prot. Coll., Beirut, Syria. Harold Seymour Andrew, (ENG.) B. S., 87; C. E., 87. s. Wm. Hy. and Sarah Margaret (Gibson) Andrews, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 26, 1868; C. C. N. Y., 83-4; N. Y. U., 84-7; A T; asst. to Capt. Thos. L. Casev, Eng. Corps, U. S. A., 87-9; civ. eng., War Dept., 89- 90, 92-00; res. eng. in charge of imp. of Bay Ridge channel, N. Y. harbor, 00-; jun. eng., U. S. A. 48 W, 9th St., N. Y. C. Arthur Herbert Cameron, (L.) B. S., 87; C. E., 87; LL. B., 89. s. Jas. MacLearn and Frances Herney (Dodge) Cameron, b. Watertown, Mass., Jun. 27, 1860; N. Y. U, 84-7; AT; 4> B K; sci. orat. (4th hon.); pres. Philomathean N. Y. U. Law Sch., 88-9; chief tel. oper ator for Assoc. Press, State of N. Y. [ genl. pract. law, N. Y. C. 89-; m. Jun, 13, 94, Nellie, da. Geo. Berry; ch. : two. 680 McDonough St., Bkln., N. Y. William Francis Campbell, (PHYS.) A. B., 87; M. D., 92, L. I. Coll. Hosp. s. Alex, and Cath. Amelia (Bennett) Campbell, b. Bkln., N. Y., Nov. 7, 1865; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U, 83-7; AT; $ B K; valedict. and philos. fellow; ed. Univ. Quarterly; pres. Philomathean; mem. Glee Club; sec. N. Y. Dairy Co., 87- 90; N. Y. U. Sch. of Pdgy., 89-90; Long Is. Coll. Hosp., 90-2; res. surg., Seney Hosp., Bkln.; prof, anatomy, L. I. C. H.; consulting surg., Jamaica Hosp.; surg. to Bushwick and Swedish Hosp.; asst. surg. to Kings Co., St. Johns, and L. I. Coll. Hosp.; pres. Kings Co. Med. Soc; publ.: Syllabus of Dissection, 02; numerous con- trib. to med. journals. 86 Greene Ave., Bkln., N. Y., res. 282 Wash. Ave. Charles Herbert Church, (PHYS.) B. S., 87; M. D., 91, N. Y. Horn. Med. Coll. s. Chas. A. and Harriet Electa (Heady) Church, b. Norwich, N. Y., Sep. 10, 1866; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U, 83-7; AT; commenc. orat.; sec. of Philomathean; sec. Y. M. C. A. ; N. Y. Homeo. Med. Coll., 88-91; Genl. Med. and Surg.; in- terne, Wards Id. Hosp., 91-2; surg., St. Mary's Hosp., Passaic, N. J., 99-; lect, materia medica, to nurses at St. Mary's (2 yrs.); sec. (4 yrs.), v. p. (1 yr.), now chrmn. Bd. of Censors, N. J. State Horn. Med. Soc; cor. mem. N. Y. Co. Horn. Med. Soc; m. Jun. 23, 04, Martha Eu- nice, da. A. W. Pingree. 22 E. Kinney St., Newark, N. J. Henry Wallace Haskell, (PHYS.) A. B., 87; M. D., 91. s. Wm. Dennett and Sarah (Strong) Has- kell, b. Topsham, Me., Jan. 14, 1865; AT; mem. lacrosse team; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 87-9; 90-1; clerk, Windsor Hotel, N. Y. C, 89-90; mem. Kings Co. Med. Soc; cous. : Howard C. Anderson, 88. 962 Bedford Ave., Bkln., N. Y. William Cecil Mach, (EDUC.) B. S., 87. princ pub. sch., Prague, Neb.; hardware bus., Clarkson, Neb.; teach., Clarkson, Neb., 99-; m. da. J. Kasper. Clarkson, Neb. i88-/] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE I0 3 Richard Alexander Mathews,* (PHYS.) A. B., 87; M. D., 91. s. lly. Armstrong and Henrietta (Armi- tage) Mathews, b. N. Y. C, May 23, 1866; N. Y. U., 83-7; Z *; marshal at com- menc.; v. p. Eucleian; ed. Univ. Quar- terly; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 87-91; O. IX staff Bellevue Hosp. ; Evening World staff summer phys., 90-2; surg., Colum- bian S. S. Line, 93; bro.: Hy. A., 88. d. Oct. 14, 93, N. Y. C. Charles Nelson Read,* (ENG.) B. S., 87; C. E., 87. s. Geo. B. and Cath. A. (Donalds) Read, b. Bkln., N. Y., Jun. 18, 1868; N. Y. U., 83-7; ^T; commenc. orat. ; draughtsman with A. B. Tower & Co., Holyoke, Mass.; with Chas. B. Brush, Hoboken, N. J., 91. d. Oct. 13, 9h Bkln., N. Y. Edward Simeon Skillin, (ENG.) B. S., 87; C. E., 87. s. Edwd. and Dallas (Hewlett) Skillin, b. Hempstead, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1866; Shier's Prep. Sch., Orange, N. J. ; N. Y. U., 84-7; commenc. orat.; pres. Eucleian; eng., N..Y. Park Dent., 87-8; Phcenix Construction Co., N. Y., 88-9; with Post & McConl. contra.. 89-; eng. and contr., 143 Liberty St., N. Y. C; m. May 6, 03, Geraldine, da. Geo. H. Fearons; ch. : one; bro.: Augustus H., 92. 252 W. 91st St., N. Y. C. Giarles S. Sutton, (INS.) A. B., 87. s. Jas. and Grace Augusta (Cannon) Sut ton, b. Bkln., N. Y., Jul. 18, 1866; Adel phi Acad.; N. Y. U., 82-7; A 4>; com menc. orat.; class orat.; sec. Eucleian farming and stock breeding; city ed Kansas City Times; ed. K. C. World asst. gen. mgr. at Kan. City for Natl Life Ins. Co. of Vermont; lieut. Co. A 5th Mo. Inf., U. S. V., 98; m. May 5, 90 Amy E., da. Edwd. Willson; ch.: 3 daughters, 2 sons. 4101 Indiana Ave., Kansas City, Gerard Bostwick Townsend, (L.) B. S., 87; LL. B.. 89. Wm. Halsev and Frances Cornelia (Bostwick) Townsend. b. Bkln.. N\ Y , Apr. 13, 1868; Adelphi Acad.. Bkln.: N. Y. V.. 83-7; *T; ZAZ; *BK; Eng. salut.; pres. class (4) J 1 ed. Univ. Quarterly; X. Y. 1'. Law Sch.. 87-9; • £#; law pract.. N. Y. 1 mem. Union League Club. Bkln.: I'.kln. Yacht Club: lieut. U. S. X.. Spanish Am. War; m. Jun. 5. 01. Helen, da. Dr. Owen E Houghton; ch.: one son: bros.i Prank I... 84; Palmer, 87; unc.: Lewis B. Reed, 43. 306 W. 82d St., N. Y. C. Palmer Townsend, (PHYS.) B. S., 87; M. D., 90, Long Is. Coll. II s. Wm. Halsey and Frances Cornelia (Bostwick) Townsend, b. Bkln., N. Y., May 21, 1866; Adclphi Acad., Bkln.; X. Y. U., 83-7; *T; ed. and bus. mgr. Univ. Quarterly; librn. Eucleian; Long Is. Coll. Hosp., 87-90; interne. Long Is. Coll. Hosp., 901; pract. med., Bkln., 90-; mem. Kings Co. Med. Sue. ; m. Oct. 16, 95, Phebe Josephine, da. DanL A. El- dredge: ch.: At wood, Marjorie, Geraldine; bros.: Frank I... 84 ; Gerard B., 87; unc: Lewis B. Reed, 43. 588 Jefferson Ave., Bkln., N. Y. Arthur Tappan Walker, (EDUC.) A. B., 87; A. M., 92. Yander- bilt Univ.; Ph. D., 98, Univ. Chi s. Alex. J. and Frances Antill (Lewis) Walker, b. Jersey City, N. J., Jun. 18, 1867; N. Y. U., 83-7; *T; ed Quarterly; Vanderbilt Univ., Grad. Dept., 90-2; fellow and asst. in Latin, Vander- bilt Univ., 90-2; prof. Latin and Greek, Emory and Henry Coll.. Emory. \ a.. 92-3; fellow in Latin, Univ. Chicago, 93-8; instr. in Lat., Univ. Chicago, 94-7; prof. Latin, Univ. Kansas, 97-; publ.: The Sequence of Tenses: A Study Based on Caesar's Gallic War, 99; m. 99, Eliz. Stone; ch.: two. Lawrence, Kansas. Alfred White Williams, (ENG.) B. S., 87; C. E.. 87. s. Wm. and Jane A. ( Van Sann) Will- iams, b. Hackensack. X. L. Dec. 12, 1865: Slate St., II. S., Hackensack, X. L; N. Y. U., 85-7; Z*; v. p. Athletic Assn.; civ. eng., Hackensack: mem. Oritani Field, Wheelmen, Bogota Boat Clubs; m. Apr. 26, 92, Grace J. Farlin. Hackensack, N. J. Austin Dickinson Wolfe. (LIBRN.) A. B.. 87. s. Rev. Aaron Roharts and Laura Frances (Jackson) Wolfe, b. Montclair. X. L, Jan. 4. 1861: Montclair U.S.: X. Y. U., 84-7; AT; * I! K; philos. orat. (3d hon.); sec. and pres. Philomathean; ed. The Univ.; class poet; Union T. S., 87-90; ord (Presb.), 90; p. State Centei 90-4; p. Seward. Xcb., 95-6; p. Avalon, Mo.. 96-8; p. Mound city. Mo.; pres. Avalon Coll. (preparatory), 96-8; libra- rian. Park College Library. Parkville, Mo.: m. Apr. 29. 90, Cornelia Shepard. da. I'. R. weitzel; ch.: 2 sons, 4 dnugh- ters; bro. : Arthur L., 89. Parkville. Mo. George Douglass Young, (CLERGi A. P. . 87. s. Jas. Hyde and Sophie Aminta (Doug- lass) Young, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 30, 1862; io4 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1888 Princ. Univ., 81-3; N. Y. U., 85-7; *T; $BK; orgr. and capt. first football team, N. Y. U. ; commenc. orat. ; business, N. Y. C, 87-9; Richmond Locomotive and Machine Works, Richmond, Va., 89-94; Princeton T. S., 94-7; ord. (Presb.), 97; p. Oswego, N. Y., 97-; Presby. exam, in philos., 98-; m. Dec. 22, 86, Nettie, da. Philip Bamberg; ch.: Jas. Hyde, Jr.; cous.: W. D. Buchanan, 81. Owego, N. Y. (17) 1888 William Ten Eyck Adams, (CLERG.) A. B., 88. s. Robt. and Sarah Elliot Adams, b. As- toria, N. Y., Jun. 30, 1863; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U, 84-8; New Brunswick T. S., 88-91; N. Y. U. Grad. Sch., 91; p. Edgewood Ref. Ch., Borough Park, Bkln., N. Y. 1358 54th St., Bkln., N. Y. Howard Chauncey Anderson,* (L.) B.S., 88; LL. B., 90. s. Wm. and Esther (Strout) Anderson, b. Bkln., N. Y., Jun. 11, 1868; N. Y. U., 84-8; AT; *P; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 88- 90; law pract., 90-00; m. Feb. 17, 91, Liz- zie, da. Robt. Hazelwood; cous. : H. W. Haskell, 87. d. Aug. 2, 00, Bkln., N. Y. William Ethelbert Belknap, (ENG.) B. S., 88; C. E., 88. s. Etheldred and Lydia Eliz. (Frazee) Belknap, b. Yonkers, N. Y., Jul. 20, 1867: Yonkers H. S. ; N. Y. U, 84-8; *T: $BK; rodman in state survey of Adiron dacks, 88; asst. eng. Maint. of Way Dept. Pa. R. R., Altoona, Pa., 89-; eng., Dept Public Works, Bkln., N. Y. ; asst. eng. Dept. Docks, N. Y. C. ; supt. and eng. Communipaw Coal Co., 17 Battery PL N. Y. C; jun. mem. Am. Soc. C. E. ; m Apr. 22, 97, Helen Brett, da. Chas. Run yon; ch.: one son; bro.: E., Jr., 09. 133 W. nth St., N. Y. C. A'vac Cutujian, (PHYS.) A. B., 88; A. M., 91; M. D., 93, L. I. Coll. Hosp. s. Hagop and Turvant (Appaian) Cutujian, b. Marash, Cilicia, Turkey, Jul. 15, 1863; N. Y. U., 84-8; 4>iBK; commenc. orat.; Union T. S., 89-90; Long Island Coll. Hosp., 90-3; vis. phys. to De Milt Disp.; m. Margaret R. Graham; ch. : Frances C, Thos. Norris. 77 Lexington Ave., N. Y. C. Frederick Lincoln Davis, (CLERG.) A. B., 88; A. M., 93, Harvard Univ. s. Jonas P. and Mary Louisa (Horton) Davis, b. Bkln., N. Y., Oct. 21, 1867; N. Y. U, 84-8; AT; pres. Philomath.; Union T. S., 88-91; Yale T. S., 91-2; post- grad, course, Harvard Univ., 92-3; p. Ward Hill Cong. Ch., Bradford, Mass., 93-7; p. 1st Cong. Ch., New Bedford, 98-; p. Westville Ch., N. Haven, Ct., 03-; m. Jun. 20, 03, Harriet N., da. Jas. Hyatt. 109 Fountain St., New Haven, Ct. Albert Irving Drayton, (L.) B. S., 88. s. Dr. Hy. S. and Almira Eliz. (Guern- sey) Drayton, b. Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 14, 1869; Tersey City H. S. ; N. Y. U, 84- 8; A*; Columbia Univ. Law Sch., 89-90; lawyer, 91-; pres. and genl. mgr. N. J. Title and Abstract Co., Jersey City, 90-1; sec. the Silver Slate Cement and Tile Co., 91-; v. p. and dir. Jersey City Trust Co.; v. g. and dir. Commercial Investment Co. ; sec? arid dir. Kewanee Mfg. Co.; pres. Jersey City Golf Club; m. Oct. 14, 96, Sarah C, da. Hy. Traphagen ; ch. : Wm. Rood, Grace Traphagen; fa.: Hy. S., 59. 44 Gilford Ave., Jersey City, N. J. John Hatfield Frazee, (ENG.) B. S., 88; C. E., 88. s. Lawrence Fisher and Sarah Lee (Stark) Frazee, b. S. Amboy, N. J., Sep. 23, 1867; Jersey City H. S., 85; N. Y. U, 86-8; A ; commenc. orat.; civ. eng. with Prof. C. B. Brush, 88; office eng. maint. way, Pa. R. R., Jersey City, 88-93 ; eng. in charge of constr. Lancaster and Columbia R. R., Pa., and asst. eng., Hartford, Ct., St. Ry., 93; eng. in charge constr. Hart- ford St. Ry., 94-6; Dept. Public Works, N. Y. C, 97-01; res. eng., Mfrs.' Contract- ing Co., in charge reconstr. Dallas Consol- idated St. Ry. System (Tex.), 01-2; asst. eng., branch lines, P. R. R., in charge N. Y. Connecting R. R. work (L. I.) 02- 4; asst. eng., office comptroller, N. Y. C, 04-. 516 W. 183d St., N. Y. C. William Alfred Hoe, Jr.,* (ENG.) B. S., 88; C.E., 88; M.S.. 90. s. Wm. Alfred and Marion (Morrison) Hoe, b. N. Y. C, Dec. 16, 1870; N. Y. U, 84-8; Z*; 4-BK; Sch. Grad., N. Y. U, 88-90; scientific orat. (4th hon.); mem. la- crosse team; eng. corps, Croton Reservoir, Purdy's Sta., N. Y, 90-; the Wm. A. Hoe, Jr., engineering prize was founded by William A. Hoe in memory of his son in 97; cous.: Alfred G., 83; Wm. J., 83. d. Feb. 19, 97, N. Y. C. Paul Eugene Jones, (L.) A. B., 88; LL. B., 90. s. Lysander Mills and Paulina Bath (Hen- drickson) Jones, b. Bkln., N. Y., Jan. 10, 1868; Bkln. Poly. Inst.; N. Y. U. 84-8; *T; *BK; valedict. and fellow; pres. Eucleian; 2d Butler Eucleian essay prizes, 86, 7, 8; tutor, 88-90; N. Y. U. Law Sch., i888] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE I05 88-90; adm. bar, N. Y., 90; pract. law, 215 Montague St., Bkln.; bro.: Philip M., 90 (non-grad.). 352 Jefferson Ave., Bkln., N. Y. Henry Herbert Klamroth, (L.) B. S., 88; LL. B., 90. s. Albert and Josephine Augusta (Weis- mannj Klamroth, b. N. Y. C., Oct. 11, 1869; C. C. N. Y., 83-4; N. Y. U., 84-8; Columbia Univ. Law Sch., 88-9; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 89-90; Z *; sec. and v. p. Philomathean; pres. Germ. Lit. Soc. ; pres. Glee Club; quartermaster Naval Reserve Artillery, State N. Y. ; police judge and recorder, Pasadena, Cal.; justice of peace, Pasadena tp.j chrmn. Juvenile Court Com., Los Angeles Co., Cal.; m. Jun. 29, 98, Ethel, da. E. J. Howell; ch. : three. 373 Euclid Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Henry Armitage Mathews,* (L.)A. B., 88; LL. B., 90. s. Hy. Armstrong and Henrietta (Armi- tape) Mathews b. X. V. C. Jan. 22, 1867; Univ. Gram. Sch., N. Y. U., 84-8; Z*; sec. Philomathean; bus. mgr. Glee Club; capt. lacrosse team; football team; class dav presentation orat.; ed. Univ. Quar- terly; N.Y. U. Law Sch.. 88-90: mem. States Is. Athletic, West Side Repub., Riverside Repub., St. Nicholas Repub., Lincoln, Staten Is. Cricket Clubs; reporter Evening Post; lawyer, 90-05; deputy asst. dist. atty., 97-8; alderman 21st Assembly dist.. N. Y. C, 00-01. d. Oct. 12, 05. N. Y. C. Cyrus Chace Miller, (T..» A. By 88; LL. B., 91, Col. Univ. s. Jacob F. and Laura Augusta (Chace) Miiler. b. Claverack. N. Y., Nov. 2, 1866; C.C.N.Y.; N.Y.U., 84-8; Z*; pres. class (4); capt. lacrosse team; treas. Athletic Assn.; Col. Law Sch., 88-91 (cum laude): treas. Alumni Assn. of Arts and Sc, X.Y.I'.: mem. Council, X. V. t\. 96-04; law pract., 120 B'wav, X. Y. C, 91-; in. Sep. 24, 01. Emma E., da. Jn. Ferdinand Allen; ch. : Dorothy, Gertrude, Jacob F. Univ. Hts., N. Y. C. James Alexander Miller, fCLERG.) A.B., 88; A.M.. 91; Ph.D., 01. s. Tn. and Eliza Tane (Knox) Miller, b. Greenwood, N. Y., Apr. 28, 1864: Canisteo (N.Y.) Acad.; N. Y. U. 84-S; *Tj ,BK; Eng. salut. (2d hon.); censor Eucleian; asst. eng., Dept. of Water Supply, Gas & Elec, N. Y. C.; m. Oct. 4, 93, May Hoog- land, da. Jackson Remsen; ch.: Leonard C. L., Jr. 59 Woolsey St., L. I. City, N. Y. Peter Campbell Spence, (ENG.) B. S., 88; C. E., 88. s. David and Eliz. (O'Neill) Spence, b. Elizabeth, N. J., Mar. 21, 1869; C. C. N. Y.; N. Y. U., 84-8; engineering posi- tions, Dept. Docks, N. Y. C. ; eng., Dept. Buildings, N. Y. C. ; asst. eng., subway, N. Y. C. ; consult, eng. to Jn. J. Radley & Co., contr. and foundrymen; mem. Lawler & Spence and mgr. Holland & Co., contractors. 70 W. 71st St., N. Y. C. Fernando Wood, Jr.,* (ENG.) B. S., 88; C. E., 88. s. Fernando and Delia Carpenter (Col- lard) Wood, b. Yorktown, N. Y., Apr. 16, 1867; N. Y. U., 84-8; *T; asst. eng., Nicaragua Canal Co., 88-9. d. lune 12, 89, Greytown, Nica- ragua. (22) 1889 Jarvis Norris [Tomlinson] At- kinson, (L.) A. B., 89; LL. B., 91. s. the Rev. Jn. and Kath. Landers (Han- Ion) Atkinson, b. Newark, N. J., Aug. 18, 1868; N. Y. U., 85-9; A*; commenc. orat.; pres. Eucleian; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 89-91; teach., Barnard Sch., N. Y. C, 91-2; pract. law, N. Y. C. and Jersey City, 92-; m. Apr. 5, 93, Mary Frances, da. Jas. Cloyd; bro. : Thos. H., 92 (non- grad.); bro.-in-law: Paul Cloyd, 92. 76 Montgomery St., Jersey City, N.J. Theodore Thomas Baylor, (L.) B. S., 89; LL. B., 91. s. Isaiah Lawrence and Sarah Ann (Smith) Baylor, b. New Hampton, N. J., Feb. 24, 1866; N. Y. U., 87-9; *T; pres. Eucleian; clerk with Bavlor & Co., New Hampton, N. J., 89; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 89-91; agt., Hudson River Line, 91-2; genl. pract. law, N. Y. C, 92-. 37 Liberty St., N. Y. C. Charles Frederick William Bil- lich,* B. S., 89. s. Fidel and Wilhelmine (Deseric) Bil- lich, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 1, 1870; N. Y. U., 86-90; Z*; Union T. S., 91-3; teach, and prin., Pub. Sch. Nos. 13 and 26, Bkln., N. Y. d. Apr. 14, 93, Bkln., N. Y. Joseph Thomas Brown, Jr., (L.) A. B., 89; LL. B., 92; A. M., 00. s. Jos. T. and Jane Cath. (Buckey) Brown, b. Georgetown, D. C, Jul. 20, 1869; C. C. N. Y.; N. Y. U., 85-9; Law Sch., 89-92; A $; Eng. salut.; present, orat.; pres. Eucleian; supt. constrctn. Tenallytown and Rockville R. R., Md., 90-1; genl. pract. law, 31 Nassau St., N. Y. C, 92-; Civil Serv. Commr., New Rochelle, N. Y. ; asst. corp. couns., do., 06-; prof, dental jurispr., N. Y. Dentai Sch.; m. Jun. 29, 04, Marie Hull, da. P. H. Thomas; bro. : Hy. M., 86. New Rochelle, N. Y. Jesse Grant Cramer, (EDUC.) A. B., 89; A. M., 92. s. Dr. Michael Jn. and Mary Frances (Grant) Cramer, b. Covington, Ky., Aug. 26, 1869; N. Y. IL, 86-9; Beil; *BK; v. p. class; salutatorian; Boston Univ., 85-6; Columbia Law Sch., 89-91; instr. modern lang., Flushing (L. I.) Inst., 91-2; instr. modern lang., Lehigh Univ., 93-8; m. Aug., 03, Miriam Wickwire, da. A. Wallace Newcombe. 70 Lenox Ave., E. Orange, N. J. Bradish Johnson Carroll, (M.) B. S., 89. s. Alfred Ludlow and Lucy Ann (John- son) Carroll, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 6, 1866; *T; Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., 89-; merchant, 111 B'way, N. Y. C; m. Jan. 29, 95, Marian Bowers. 221 W. 79th St., N. Y. C. Winfield Davison, (ENG.) B..S., 89; C. E., 89. s. Alex, and Mary Amelia (Horton) Davison, b. East Rockaway, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1867; *BK; sci. orat.; with Chas. B. Brush, C. E., 89-93; with Queens Co. Water Co., Far Rockaway, N. Y., 94-00; asst. eng., Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co., N. Y. C, 00-; m. Jun. 27, 88, Alice Powell, da. Wm. H. Jones; ch.: Edith Larn, Marion Cath., Alma M.; cons.: Robt. A., 64. Rockville Centre, N. Y. Bela Darwin Eisler, (L.) A. B., 89; LL. B., 91. s. Morris (M. D.) and Kath. (Scharles) Eisler, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 9, 1870; Univ. ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 107 Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 85-9; Law Sch., 89-91; commenc. orat.; sec. and v. p. Euclcian; v. p. Germ. Lit. Soc. ; genl. pract. law, 207 15\vay. N. Y. C., 91-; publ.: French Judicial System and Pro- cedure, N. Y., 04. Hotel MonHcello, N. Y. C. William Doty Farrington, (L.) A. B., 89. s. Wm. Morton and Emma (Doty) Far- rington, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 7, 1867; N. Y. U., 86-9; Z*; pres. class; class poet; ed. Univ. Quarterly; mem. Press ami In- vincible Clubs, 15kln.; La Union Club, Trujillo, Honduras; capt. Honduras Army, 91-2; on survey of Patuca and Tinto Rivers, Honduras; pract. law, Bkln. ; publ. : Elementos de Geografia de Honduras; The Language of the Mos- quito Shcre; contrib. to magazines; m. Oct. 25, 94, Minnie Ethel Shannon. 44 Court St., Bkln., N. Y. James Jay Finn, (PHYS.) A. B., 89; M. D., 90, Indiana Med. Coll. s. Jas. Madison and Helen Adalia (I law- ley) Finn, b. Greenfield, Pa., Feb. 25, 62; Colgate Univ., 85-7; N. Y. U., 87-9; AT; commenc. orat.; sec. class; X. Y. (J. Mol. Coll., 87-9; In, liana Med. Coll., 89-90; pract. med., Findley Lake, N. Y., 90-. Findley Lake, N. Y. James Livingston Freeborn, 1 INS.) B. S., 89; C. E., 89. s. Wm. and Eliza Crawford (Livingston) Freeborn, b. Tivoli, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1871; N. Y. U., 85-89; A*; commenc. orat.; treas. class; sugar chem. with Virginia Diffusion Sugar Co.. Morrisville, Ya., 89- 90; rep. of N. \V. Harris & Co., bankers, 91-3; with Standard Oil Co., at Bkln. Sta., 93-4: postmaster Tivoli. N. Y., 94-: with Liabilitv Dept Travelers Ins. Co. of Hartford. Ct; me.: By. X. Fisher, 55. 370 No. Front St., Hartford, Ct. Winthrop Gates,* (CLERG.) A. B.. 89: A. M.. 93. b. Hoboken. X. I.. Mar. 29. 1868; N. Y. U., 85-0; ^T; commenc orat.: founders' dav orat.: class hist; Univ. baseball team; Union T. S., 8992; ord. (Presb.), 93; p. Eddington. Pa.. 93-5; reporter, N. Y. C. and Newark, X. L, 95-7. d. Aug. 18, 97, N. Y.C. Clifford Martin Hop wood, (MP.) A. B., 89. B, Rev. Dr. Isaiah Bardslev and Phrebe (Berry) Hopwood, b. Paterson, X. I.. M.iv T. ISr.S: Sch. Colkg. Kef. CI'..; X , 1 . I" . S5-9; marshal at commenc; ores. Athl. Assn. ; mem. Repub. Club, Newark, N. J.; Jun. Order Am. Mcch. ; clerk and jeweller; mfr. fertilizers; butter creameries, N. Y. State; m. Mar. 22, 93, Lizzie Dodd Tucker; ch. : Isaiah Bardsley; fa.: Isaiah B., 59. Coventry, N. Y. J[ohn] Clement Justin, (PHYS.) A. B., 89; M.,D„ 93. s. In. and Cath. Marie (Westerfeld) Justin, b. Union Hill, N. J., Sep. 26, 1868; clerk in Ki|uitable Life Ins. Co.; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 91-3; consult, phys. to St. Mary's Hosp., Hoboken, N. J. ; dir. Weehawken Trust Co.; m. Ottilie Kothe; ch.: three. 784 Bergcnline Ave., W. New York, N.J. Joseph Kaufmann, (I..) I'.. S., 89. s. Yeit and Elenora (Bermann) Kauf- mann, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 7, 1869; C. C. X. Y., 84 5: X. Y. U., 85-9; clerk in law office, 89-91; adm. bar, N. Y., 91; pract. law, 49 Chambers St., N. Y. C, 91-. ISO IV. 114th St., N. Y. C. Carlos Alberto Lares, (ENG.) B. S.. 89; C. E., 89. s, Manuel Cardenas Lares, b. 1870; N. Y. I'.. S6-9; /. *. Mcrida, Venezuela. Thomas Calvin McClelland. (CLERG.) A. B., 89; A.M., 91; Ph.D., 92. s. Wm. and Eliz. (Farrell) McClelland, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 10, 1869; C. C. X. V.. 3 : N. Y. U. Grad. Sch.. 89-92; Z*; <1>BK; class prophet; leader Glee Club; ed. -in-chief Univ. Quarterly; Union T. S.. 89-92: p. Bushwich Refd. Ch.. Bkln.. N. Y.. 92-3; North Refd. Ch.. Bkln., 92-6; United Cong. Ch.. N R. I.. 96-05: Memorial Presb. Ch.. Bkln., 05-; moderator Cong. Conf., R. L: rec. sec. Convr. Home Miss. Soc.; publ.: Verba Crucis, N. Y., 02; Cross Builders, X Y., 03; m. Jul. 12, 02, Mary Louise, da. Wm. Allason. /./.' Lincoln PI, Bkln., N. Y. >h Orr McKelvey. (CLERG.) A. B.. 89. s. Rev. Dr. Alex, and Hannah Maria (Bynun) McKelvey, b. Coxsackie. X. V.. Oct. 1. 1866; Hasbroncli Inst, Tersey \. 1.; X V. V.. 85-9; ■!• B K:' class 1 4): phfl. orat.: Princ. T. S Union T.S., 903: p. (Presb.). Plainfiell, XI. o.t. ; m. Mav 15, 94. Florence Louise, da. Abram M. Kirbv; bro.: Alex. B.. 87 (non-gra B K; Eucleian; v. p. Scientific Soc. ; class treas.; philos. orat. (first hon. with G. L. Anderson) and phil. fellow; Johns Hopkins Univ., 91-2; lawyer, N. Y. C, 95-; prof, international law, N. Y. U. Law Sch., 00-2; m. Mar. 28. 00, Hilde C, da. Louis C. Beck; ch. : Hilde Jeannette; fa. : Wm. S., 56; uncs.: Chas. W., 56; Hv. B., 60; Alfred A. Post, 57; Wm. H. B. Post, 61. Alpine, N. J. Albert David Phillips, (ENG.) B. S., 90; C. E., 91. s. Albert Hy. and Emma Susannah (Lin- son) Phillips, b. Bkln., N. Y., Tun. 17, 1868; Long Island Bus. Coll.; N. Y. U., 86-90; AT; asst. eng. in office Prof. C. B. Brush, Hoboken, N. J., 91-6; draughts- man, N. J. & Pa. Concentrating Wks., Thos. A. Edison, pres.; do., Raritan Cop- per Wks., Perth Amboy, N. J., 6 months; do., N. Y. Continental; do., Jewell Filtra- tion Co., Jersey City, N. J. ; do., Trenton Iron Co., 2 yrs. ; draughtsman, Mt. Ver- non, N. Y • do., with Robins Conveying Belt Co., "Park Row Bldg., N. Y. C; cons.: Lyman S. Linson, 76. 167 So. 2d St., Bkln., N. Y. Adam Reoch, (CLERG.) A. B., 90. s. Geo. Hill and Caroline B. (Macdonald) Reoch, b. Bkln., N. Y., Feb. 2, 1863; priv. prep.; N. Y. U, 84-90; Union T. S., 87-90; N. Y. U. Grad. Sch., 98-9; ord. (Cong.), 91; p. Blue Ridge, Summit, Pa. ; Monterey, Pa. ; Washington, D. C. ; p. Forest Ave. Ch., N. Y. C, 98-; m. Feb. 1, 92, Emma B., da. Felix A. South- ard; ch.: Marguerite B., Alvin M. 937 E. 166th St., N. Y. C. Morse Rowell,* (CLERG.) A. B., 90. s. Rev. Morse and Letitia (Crawford) Rowell, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 2, 1863; Prince- ton Univ., 82-3; N. Y. U, 86-90; Union T. S., 87-90; ord. (Presb.) Apr. 14, 91; ministerial work; instr. in Mil. Sch. two years; p. Cadillac, Mich., 90-3; w. c. Mil- lers PL, 93-6; m. Dec. 24, 88, Belle J., da. Ira J. England; ch.: Ira Morse and Mary Belle. d. Apr. 5, 96, Cadillac, Mich. Charles Sterner Rue,* (L.) b. s., 90. s. David E. and Margaret (Yoder) Rue, b. Hoboken, N. J., Jul. 21, 1871; C. C. N. Y., 85-88 ; N. Y. U, 88-90 ; * B K ; Eng. salut. ; founders' day orat. ; v. p. Eucleian; book publisher, 91; law stud., 91; adm. bar, N. J., 92. d. Dec, 03. Abraham Bernard Samuelson, (ENG.) B. S., 90; C. E., 91. s. Simon and Rose (Kropman) Samuel- son, b. Kowno, Russia, Sep. 28, 1868; C. C. N. Y., 85-8; N. Y. U, 88-90; asst. eng., office Chas. B. Brush, Hoboken, N. J., 92; city surveyor, N. Y. C, 93-; chief eng., Sanitary Survey and Inspn. Co., N. Y. C. 98-01; m. Mar. 2, 94, Rose Stella Coldblatt; ch.: Sydney E., Norman H. 1195 Boston Rd., N. Y. C. Herbert Kimball Saxe, A. B., 90. s. Geo. Godfrey and Huldah Kimball (Merwin) Saxe, b. Bloomfield, N. J., May 29, 1868; Centenary Colleg. Inst., Hack- ettstown, N. J., and Morris Acad., Morris- i8 9 i] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE town. N. J.; N. Y. U., 86-90; * T; * K A; 6 N E; commenc. orat. ; pres. Eucleian; rec. sec. Philomath.; ed. Univ. Quarterly ; treas. Glee Club; pres. premanent class organization; N. Y. Horn. Med. Coll., 91- 92; with Estey & Saxe, N. Y., 92-8; with McGraw Pub. Co., 144 Liberty St., X. V. C, 98-; m. Jun. 1, 98, Evelyn Foster Fisher; ch. : Ralph Godfrey, Eliz. Daven- port 57 Madison Ave., Madison, N. J. Frank De Witt Talmage, (CLERG.) A. B., 90; D. D., elsewhere, s. Rev. T. De Witt and Susan Carter iWhittemore) Talmage, b. Phila., Pa.; Wdliams Coll., 86-8; N. Y. U., 88-90; *T; *KA; 8NE; Eucleian; jun. orat.; class treas.; class day orat.; Union T. S., 90-3; ord., 93; p. (Presb.) Pittsburg, 94-7; Chicago, 97-03; Los Angeles, 04-; m. Nov. 2, 92, Gertrude Barlow; fa.: T. De Witt, 53 (Special). Los Angeles, Cal. Leslie Jay Tompkins, (EDUC, L.) B. S.. 90; LL. B., 92; M. S., 94; LL. M., 97; J. D., 03. s. Moses J. and Kate M. (Travers) Tomp- kins, b. Salem. Minn., Mav 2, 1867; Caze- novia Sem.; N. Y. U., 86-90; * T; *BK; bus. m^r. X. Y. U. Quarterly; pres. perma- nent class organization of 90; sci. orat.; class hist.; Col. Univ. Law Sch., 90-1; X. V. U. Law Sch., 91-2; 1st prize essay in Law Sch.; Iibrn., N. Y. U., 92-01; asst. treas., do., 92-05; registrar, do., 95-; prof. law, 98-; sec. law faculty, 05-; mem. N. Y. State Assembly, 05-6; candidate pres. elector, 15th Cong. Dist., receiving largest vote of any Dem. candidate in N. Y. ; jntbl.: The Law of Promissory Notes, Drafts, etc., 00; A Summary of the Law of Corporations, 04; Condensed Cases on Corporations, 99; Cases on Corporations, Citations, etc., 03; Hist, of N. Y. U. Law Sch., 04; sundry art. in legal periodicals. 64 Washington PI., N. Y.C. Hugo Wintner, (L.) B. S., 90; LL. B.. 92. s. Leopold and Rarbara (Stagle) Wint- ner, b. Jackson. Miss., Jul. 26, 1870; Bkln. Poly. Inst.; X. Y. U., 87-90; jun. orat.; sec. Philomathean; sec. class (4); N. Y. U. Law Sch., 90-2: 2i X: orat. Law Sch. com- menc. ; pract. law. 5 Rcekman St.. X. Y. C. ; first asst. to Surrogate. Kings Co. 66 E. 77th St.. X. Y.C. (28) 189I Lorrin Andrews, (I., in. S.. 91: LL. B.. 93. I Wm. and Adcle Monteomerv (Ascnn- van) Andrews, b. Statcn IsL. X. Y.. lul. 1871: lrr>,-v City EL S.; X. Y.'U. 8701; A*; N, Y. U. Law Sch.. 01-3; of- ficer Invincible Club, Bkln., N. Y.; do. Stuyvesant Hts. Repub. Club, Bkln.; mem. Repub. Kings Co. Comm. ; officer Young Men's Repub. Club, Bkln.; pres. Young Men's Repub. Club, Terr, of Hawaii, 99-; mem. N. Y. Legislature; Atty.-Gen. Ha- waii, 03-; chrmn. Repub. Co. Comm. Isl. of Oahu, 05; unc.: Thos. H. Skinner, 40. Capitol, Honolulu, T. H. Henry Martyn Baird, Jr., (L.) A. B., 91; A. M., 93; LL. B., 94. s. Prof. By. M. (D, D.) and Susan Eliz. (Baldwin) Iiaird, b. Yonkers, X. Y.. Dec. 7, 1871; N. Y. U., 87-91; *T; t.BK; valedict.; classical fellowship; pres. Eu- cleian; historian class; teach., Univ. Gram. Sch., 91-3; X. Y. U. Grad. Sch., 91-3; Law ''2-4; prize scholarship; pract. law, N. Y. C; fa.: Hy. M., 50; uncs.: Chas. W.. 48 (Special); Wm. C, 63; cous.: Robt., 90 (non-grad.). 308 Park Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Erastus Walbridge Bulkley, B. S., 91; Ph. G., 96, N. Y. Coll. of Pharm. s. Reginald Walbridge and Caroline Amelia (Wilkinson) Bulklev, b. Bkln., N. Y., Feb. 6. 1873; Bkln. H.'S.; X. Y. L\, 87-91; *T; * B K ; scientific orat.; Iibrn. Eucleian; clerk, Pa. R. R., Bkln.. X. Y., 91-2; Pullman Palace Car Co.. X. Y., 92-3; asst. to pres. Safety Car Heating and Lighting Co., N. Y., 93-8; asst. mgr. Spen- cer Trask & Co., Albany, N. Y., bankers, 98-04; mgr. sales dept., do., 52 William St., N. Y.C, 04-; mem. firm, do., 06; m. Apr. 10. 01, Sarah Eliz., da. Edmund J. Cleveland; ch. : Reginald W. ; cous.: Edwin M.. 82 (non-grad.). Plainfield, N.J. Watson Gerould Clark, (ENG.) B. S.. 91; C. E., 92. s. Elijah Flagg and Emma Gerould (Ran- nev) Clark.' b. Cresskill. X. 1.. - 1871; LTniv. Prep. Sch.; N. Y. U., 87-91; 9 X E; sec. Philomathean; sec. class; eng.. N. Y. C, 98-9; office Chas. B. Brush; gcnl. pract. eng. and citv surv., 1125 Bway.. X. Y. C. 96-; m. Jun. 18, 02, Mabel Marion, da. Hy. B. Palmer; ch. : Watson G., Jr. Tenafiy, X. J. Henry Scofield Cooley. ■ ll'IC., i;. S., oi; M. S.. 93; Ph. D., 96, Johns Hopkins U. Dwiglll By. and Agnes Douglas (Forbes) Cooley, b. Summit. X. J.. Oct. 2, 1871; Stevens B. S.; X. Y. U., 87-91; Grad. Sch.. 92-3; ^ •!•; * H K; phflos. orat.; grad. stud.. Johns Hopkins Univ. ; instr. In'^t.. Salt Lake Coll.; II. S. Aspen, Col.; II S.. Ogden. Utah; II. S.. Paterson. X J : publ.: Study of Slavery in New . 96; m. Feb. 18. 04, Minnie Elvera, da. Jas. M. Berron; ch.: Sara Roberta; brc: Wm. Forbes. 78. 731 iftli Ave., Paterson, N.J. 112 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1891 Charles Ellison Crawford, (L.) B. S., 91; LL. B., 92; M. S., 95. s. Chas. A. and Frances Jay (Hurd) Craw- ford, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 31, 1868; private prep.; N. Y. U., 87-91; Z *; class pres. ; ed. -in-chief Univ. Quart.; ed. -in-chief 1st No. of Violet; grand marshal; Columbia Law Sch., 90-1; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 91-2; Grad. Sch., 91-3; pract. law, 146 Bway., N. Y. C. ; mem. Sons of Rev.; Soc. of Colonial Wars; m. Jun. 1, 96. So. Nyack, N. Y. Andrew Haswell Green Evans, (L.) B. S., 91; LL.B., 92. s. Isaac and Justine Corbet (Deslandes) Evans, b. N. Y. C, Dec. 20, 1871; Trinity Sch.; N. Y. U., 87-91; Z-*; sec. Athletic Assn.; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 90-2; lawyer and clerk, N. Y. Police Civil Service Bd., 300 Mulberry St., N. Y. C. 418 W. 160th St., N. Y. C. Robert Latou Flemming, (L.) B. S., 91; LL.B., 93. s. fas. and Sarah (Latou) Flemming, b. Jersey City., N. J., Sep. 5, 1868; N. Y. U., 87-91; A4>; commenc. orat. ; v. p. class; class asst. in chem. ; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 91-3; pract. law, Jersey City; cous.: Hy. F. Lewis, 93. 15 Exch. PI, Jersey City, N.J. Claiborne Ferris Gardner, (ENG.) B. S., 91; C. E., 92. s. Jn. Wheeler and Anna Lamb (Ferris) Gardner, b. Bkln., N. Y., Dec. 11, 1871; Bkln. H. S.; N. Y. U., 87-91; Z *; # B K; Eng. salut.; 5th sergt., Co. K., 2d Regt. N.J. Vol. Inf.; 1st Brig., 2d Div., 7th Army Corps, Camp Cuba Libre, Jackson- ville, Fla, 98; asst. eng., Passaic Rolling Mills Co. Montclair, N. J. Arthur Treat Gorton, (EDUC.) B. S., 91. s. Jas. Irving and Jane M. (Sherman) Gorton, b. Ossining, N. Y., Apr. 25, 1870; Ossining H. S. : Mt. Pleasant Mil. Acad. ; N. Y. U., 87-91; Z •*•; commenc. orat.; v. p. class; pres. Glee Club; prin. Noroton, Ct., pub. schools, 91-4; teach., N. Y. C. pub. schools, 94-; m. (1) Oct. 6, 92, Emilie Ryder Jones, (2) Jul. 28, 97, Alice Van Pelt Lynch. 1108 Dawson St., N. Y. C. Marx Edwin Harby, (L.) A. B., 91; LL. B., 93, N. Y. Law Sch. s. J. De La Motte and Lee (Cohen) Harby, b. Galveston, Tex., Mar. 13, 1871; Univ. of Texas. 87-9; N. Y. U., 89-91; AT; $BK; ed. Forum; Eucleianprize de- bater; commenc. orat.; presentation orat.; N. Y. Law Sch., 91-3; assoc. ed. The In- tcrcolleg. Law Journal; pract. law, N.Y.C.; m. Oct. 7, 97, Rose Phillips. 20 Broad St., N. Y. C. Henry Landrine Holt, (EDUC.) B. S., 91; C. E., 92. s. Hy. Thos. and Eliz. Tamar (Landrine) Holt, b. Jersey City, N. J.. Dec. 28, 1870; Boys' H. S., Bkln.; N. Y. U., 87-92; A*; commenc. orat. (5th hon.) ; v. p. Eucleian; leader Glee Club, 91-3; class poet; pres. Y. M. C. A.; eng., under late C. B. Brush; teach, sci., Bordentown Mil. Inst.; m. Apr. 19, 99, Anna Heins, da. Rev. R. B. Stephenson; ch. : one son, one da.; bro : Jn. M., 94. Box 257, Bordentown, N. J. George Alexander MacDonald, (L.) B. S., 91; LL.B., 92. s. Alex. Forbes and Jean (Campbell) MacDonald, b. N. Y. C, May 11, 1869; N. Y. U, 88-9, 90-1; AT; Columbia Law Sch. and Sch. of Pol. Sci., 90-1; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 91-2; Grad. Sch., N. Y. U., 91-2; journ. ; teach.; asst. ed. of Am. .Journal of Ry. Appliances; pract. law, N. Y. C. ; publ. : History of the Univ. of the City of N. Y., Univ. Mag., 91; sci. and tech. articles. 40 Wall St., N. Y. C. Eliot Henry Moore, (CLERG.) A. B., 91; A. M., 93, Princeton Univ. s. John Eliot and Helen (Clapp) Moore, b. Norwell, Mass., Apr. 11, 1865; Bkln. Central Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 87-91; * T; BK; founders' day orat., 91; commenc. orat., 91; class orat.; pres. Eucleian; Princeton T. S., 91-3; postgrad., Princeton Univ., 91-3; p. 1st Presb. Ch., St. Paul, Minn.; moderator Red River and St. Paul Presbyteries; ra. May 16, 94, Edith Sherman, da. Edmund A. Ludlow; ch. : Helen Minerva, Ruth Ludlow, Frank Eliot, Edmund Arthur. 821 Osceola Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Charles Henry Quinlan, (L.) A. B., 91. s. Rev. Jn. Wesley and Mary A. (Willey) Quinlan, b. Aug. 19, 1868; Univ. of Vt., 86-7; N. Y. U, 87-91; *T; 6NE; class orat.; pres. Eucleian; Drew T. S., 91-3; teach., Troy Acad., 01; ord. (Meth. Episc), 93; priv. teach., and in law off. Geo. R. Dounau, 03-5; adTn. bar, 05; pract. law, Troy, N. Y., 05-; m. Dec. 14, 92, Abbie M. (d. 94), da. Rev. J. W. Bennett. 18 State St., Troy, N. Y. Walter Comfort Reddy, (ENG.) B. S., 91. s. Wm. Comfort and Sara Louise (Wil- cox) Reddy, b. Auburn, N. Y., May 25, I8 9 2] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE '3 1870; AT; sec. class; class day prophet; sec. Philomath; civ. eng. with Ganley Coal Land Assn., 91-4; eng. for Nicholas Co., W. \.i., 94-6; office surv. U. S. Cir. Ct., Dist W. Va., 95-00; W. Va. land, title and coal expert. 00-; pub.: \V. Va. Co. .Map,, (ii; Outline of Va. and W. Va. Land System, 96; m. Oct. 25, 95, Cora E. Duffey. P. O. Box 487, Charleston, W. Va. Israel Kohn Rolands, B. S., 91. s. Morris Kohn and Emma (Zubkin) Ro- lands, b. Halta, Russia, Jul. 25, 1866; teach., gram, sch., Woodbine, N. J., 92; m. Sep. 14, 90, Minnie, da. Bengion Cohen; ch. : Edward. in 7th St., N. Y. C. Louis Oscar Rotenbach, (CLERG.) A. B., 91; M. A., 03. s. Christian Lorenz and Rath. (Haible) Rotenbach, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 11, 1863; Chapin Collcg. Sch.; N. Y. U., 87-91; Grad. Sch. 01-; AT; v. p. Philomathean; dir. phys. culture, Chapin Collcg. Sch., 86-7, 89-93; Union T. S., 91-4; asst. librn., Union T. S., 92-4; p. (Presb.), Stony Pt., N. Y., 94-04; moderator Hud- son L'rcsby., 01; sec. of Rockland Co. Bible Soc, 98-00; p. Bethany Presb. tli., I'.kln., 04-; publ: contrib. to Presb. Herald. 97; Report on Colleges and Academies to Hudson Presby. ; m. Jan. 28, 05, Stella Helen, da. J. Short, Jr. 525 Macon St., Bkhi., N. Y. Peter Edwin Van Buskirk,* (ENG.) B. S., 91; C. E., 92. s. Jacob and Ursula (Peack) Van Bus- kirk, b. New Milford, N. J.. Jun. 11, 1868; Hackensack (N.J.), H.S.; N.Y.U., 87-92; A*; pres. class (4); sec. Philo- math.; with Wise & Watson, engs., Ruth- erford, N. J. ; with Chas. R. Bettes, eng., Far Rockaway, N. Y. ; eng. for Ruther- ford, N. J.; m. Sep. 20, 99, Lilian Maude, da. Isaiah Huffman; ch. : Jacob Edwin. d. Apr. 27, 05. Rutherford, N. I. Charles Horton Yanderbilt, (ENG.) B. S.. 91. s. Geo. and Anne F.liza (Horton) Yan- derbilt, b. White Plains. N. Y., M.iv 26, 1868; Alexander Mil. Inst, White Plains. N. Y.; N.Y.U., 87-91; Z *; treas. and sec. class; rodman on sewer constr., 91; gen. asst. with Bvrne & Darling, civ. cngs., White Plains, N. Y., 92-96: com- puter. Topograph. Bureau, Bronx, X. Y. (\. or,.; m . May 30. 98, Nellie Neala, da. Scrcno B. Clark; ch. : Mary Willard. Margaret Dusenberry. 3 X. B*way, White Plains. .V. Y. Robert Raiguel Wedekind, (LO i:. S., 91. s. Chas. Augustus and Eveleen Augusta (Raiguel) Wedekind, b. Lebanon, Pa., Jan. 20, 1869; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 87-91; Z*; pres. class (4); aim. bar, Cal., 93; do., Mont., 95; do., U. S. Dist. and Circuit Courts; retained atty. for the Mont. Ore. Purchasing Co., Butte, Mont.; m. Jun. 6, 01, Esther (d. 03), da. of Win. Prindivill; br.: Geo., 93 (non-grad.). Silver Bow Block, Butte, Mont. (21) 1892 Charles Otto Baese, (L.) B. S., 92; LL. B., 93; A. M., 98, Col. Univ. s. of C. Otto and Eliz. (Lahr) Baese, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 8, 1870; C. C. N. Y., 84-8; N. Y. U., 90-2; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 91-3; Col. Univ., 97-8; pract. law, N. Y. C. 39 Hamilton Tcr., N. Y. C. Alfred Arthur [Leeman] Ben- nett, A. b., 92. s. Tas. and Anna Belle (Leeman) Ben- nett, b. West Hoboken, N. J., Feb. 10, 1873; asst. book-keeper, Bank of Am., 40 Wall St. 2219 Southern Blvd., N. Y. C. Eugene Berry, (L.) B. S.. 92; LL. B., 94. s. Edwd. L. and Eliz. (Yereance) Berry, b. Rutherford, N. L, Dec. 16, 1872; N. Y. U., 88-92; Z*; capt. 'Varsity baseball team; intercoll. athletic team; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 92-4; mem. Union and Ruther- ford Canoe Clubs; dir. and sec. Lynd- hurst Gun and Fishing Club; clerk with A. P. W. Seaman; with Austin Abbott, compiling Abbott's Select Cases on Evi- dence; man. clerk. Tames Harold War- ner; pract. law.. 25S Bway, N. Y. C. 202 Orient Way. Rutherford, N.J. Charles Alfred Bill, (BR.) B. S.. 02. s. Chas. King and Yireinia Amclie (Ben- B 11. b. x. v. C, Bee <'■. 1871; Trin- itv Chapel Sch.: X. Y. 1'.. 88-92; *T; GNE: vBK; second Butler Eucleian prize. 91; Encr. salut. ; present, orat. ; ed. 1'ioh-t; sec. Eucleian; pres. Athl. Assn.; m?r. football team; capt. intercoll. Athl. Team: on V. S. S. Yankee in war with Spain in N. Y. Naval Battalion, 98; broker in collat. loans and bonds. 15 Broad St.. X. Y. C.J publ.: The New York U ni ve rsity, 92. Frank Leslie's Monthly, PP. 309-320; bro.: Howard, 97. 101 W. rSth St., N.Y.C. H4 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1892 Alfred Hodgdon Brown, (CLERG.) A. B., 92; A. M., 94. s. Geo. W. and Mary Eliz. (Stainburn) Brown, b. Bkln., N. Y., Apr. 8, 1871; Trinity Sch., N. Y. C; N. Y. U., 88-92; ■*T; General T. S., N. Y. C, 92-3; master at Newark Acad., 93-4; N. Y. U. Grad. Sch., 93-4; chapl., Episc. Chapel, Mt. Arlington, N. J., Jan. - Sep., 94; ord. deacon (P. E.) May 22, 94; min.-in-charge, North Yakima, Wash., 94-5; ord. priest (P. E.), Dec. 22, 95; acting rector, St. Stephens, Pittsfield, Mass., 95-6; rector, Tivoli, N. Y., 96-7; Providence, R. I., 97-9; Delhi, N. Y., 99-01; head-master St. John's Sch., Santa Barbara, Cal., 01-4; min.-in-charge, Las Esperanzas, Coahuila, Mexico, 05-; m. Jun. 24, 96, Frances Elva, da. Jos. Baxter; ch.: Kath. Louise. 662 Macon St., Bkln., N. Y. Paul Campbell Cloyd, (L.) A. B., 92; LL. B., 93; A. M., 94. s. Jas. C. and Thalia Antoinette (Rickey) Cloyd, b. Bkln, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1872; Wesleyan Union, 89-90; N. Y. U., 90-2; 2 4> and ^ T; sec. class; pres. Eucleian; ed. Univ. Quarterly; mem. Dramatic Assn. ; v. p. Tennis Assn. ; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 91-3; pract. law, N. Y. C; bro.-in- law: J. N. Atkinson, 89. 37 Liberty St., N. Y. C. Foster Aaron Coons, (CLERG.) A. B., 92; B. D., 95, Drew T. S. s. Rev. Aaron and Emma (Sheldon) Coons, b. West Taghkonic, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1870; Lake Mohegan Mil. Acad., 83-4; Ossining Mil. Acad., 85-7; N. Y. U., 88-92; Drew T. S., 92-5; p. in M. E. churches of N. Y. Conference, 95-. Hensonville, N. Y. Theodore Sherwood Hope, (ADV.) B. S., 92. s. Chas. E. and Ida (Dusenberrv) Hope, b. Paterson, N. J., Oct. 9, 1872; Oberlin Coll.; N. Y. IL, 88-92; AT; v. p. class (4); bus. mgr. and ed. Univ. Quarterly ; adver- tising bus., 54 W. 23d St., N. Y. C; m. Jun. 3, 97, Winifred Ayres; ch.: Theo. Sherwood, Winifred Louise. 352 W. 117th St., N. Y. C. Charles Hendre Kelby, (L.) B. S., 92; LL. B., 94. s. Robt. Hendre and Tennie (Corrigan) Kelby, b. N. Y. C, Aug." 7, 1870; N. Y. U., 89-92; Z^; v. p. Athl. Assn.; football team; Univ. Law Sch., 92-4; pract. law, Bkln., N. Y.; mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc. ; m. Oct. 15, 97, Lulu Bumngton Richardson; ch. : Katherine. 923 President St., Bkln., N. Y. William Curtiss Mains, (L.) A. B., 92; A. M., 94; Ph. D., 96, Univ. Halle, Germ.; LL. B., 99, N. Y. Law Sch. s. Rev. Geo. P. and Mary Amelia (Cur- tiss) Mains, b. Mexico, N. Y., Sep. 3, 1871; *T; 4*BK; Butler Eucleian essay prizes, 91-2; commenc. orat. and Ogden Butler classical fellow; class day orat.; v. p. class; ed. Univ. Quarterly; ed.-in- chief Violet; pres. Eucleian; postgrad, study and lit. work, 92; prof. Eng. Lit., Denver Univ., 93; stud, at Univ. Halle, 95-6; N. Y. Law Sch., 97-9; pract. law, N. Y. C, 99-; mem. N. Y. S. Assembly, 00. 154 Overlook St., Mt. Vernon, N.Y. George Cotner Mason, (ENG.) B. S., 92; C. E., 93; M. S., 94. s. Jas. Richmond and Mary Wolverton (Cotner) Mason, b. N. Y. C, May 4, 1871; C. C. N. Y., 86-9; N. Y. U, 89- 92, 3, 4; *T; *BK; ed.-in-chief Univ. Quarterly ; pres. Eucleian; pres. Scientific Soc; v. p. Dramatic Assn.; mgr. Glee Club; asst. prof. civ. eng., N. Y. U, 92-04; contracting (spec, in reinforced concrete) Portland, Ore., 04-; m. Sept. 1, 00, Annie M'liss, da. Henry McCraken, Portland, Ore. 251 St. Clair St., Portland, Ore. Clarence Alanson Palmer, (PHYS.) A. B., 92; M. D., 95, Baltimore Med. Coll. s. Alanson and Mary Louise (Whitney) Alanson, b. Astoria, N. Y., Sep. 19, 1871; A^; treas. class; founders' day poet; bus. mgr. Violet; stud, med., Baltimore, Md., 92-5; med. exam'r. several ins. cos. and frat. org'ns. ; pract. med., Bkln., N. Y.; m. 98, Alice Packard; ch.: Ruth Atherton. 1056 42d St., Bkln., N. Y. Arthur Cecil Perry, Jr., (EDUC.) B. S., 92; M. S., 94; Ph. D., 96. s. Arthur Cecil and Anna Margaret (Owen) Perry, b. Bkln., N. Y., Mar. 3, 1873; Bkln. H. S.; N. Y. U, 88-92; AT; 4>BK; phil. orat.; sec. and statistician of class; N. Y. U. Sch. of Pdgy., 90-2; N. Y. U. Grad. Sch., 92-6; teach., pub. sch., Bkln., 92-; princ. P. S. No. 85, Bkln., N. Y. ; publ. : Smith-Perry Geography of N. Y., 04; m. 97, Rachael A., da. Jn. B. Harned; ch. : Harold, Eugene. 163 Macon St., Bkln., N. Y. William Lloyd Roberts, (CLERG.) B. S., 92; B. D., 96, McCor- mick T. S. s. Richd. Lloyd and Caroline Eliz. (Hope) Roberts, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 1, 1870; AT; sec. Philomath.; Princeton T. S., 92-4; treas. Am. Inst. Christian Sociol., Grin- nell, la., 94-5; stud., McCormick T. S., 95-6; ord. (Presb.), 96; asst. p. 4th Ch., 1893] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE "5 Chicago, 94-6; p. Cream Ridge, N. S., 96-8; misMiy., Adirondack Mts., N. Y., 98-9; p. Ogdensburg, N. Y., 99-; Phila., Pa., 03-; m. Sep. 1, 92, Evelyn L., da. Willard Harvey; cous. : Theo. S. Hope, Phila., Pa. Robert Robinson, (CLERG.) A. B., 92; B. D., 04, Princeton Univ. s. Andrew and Margaret (Watson) Robin- Bon, b. Calderbank, Scotland, Feb. 20, 1867; N. Y. l\. 88-92: ♦BK; valedict. and philos. fellow: Hebrew prize; censor ian; pros. Y. M.C.A.; Princeton T. S., 92-4, 02, 4; ord. (Presb.), Bkln., 94; 1st Ch., La Salle, Col., 94-7; p. elect Lebanon Ch.. San Francisco, Cat., 97-8; p. Wrights and Highland Chs., Wrights, Cal., 98-02; p. elect New Gretna, N. L, 02-5; p. 1st Ch., Oxford, N. J., 05-; m. Jul. 10, 95, Laura Lola, da. R. W. Keene; ch. : Eunice Lola and Robt. Keene; bro.-in- law.: A. J. Keene, 00. Belvidere, R. F. D., N. J. Robert Livingston Rudolph, (CLERG.) A. B., 92; A. M., 96; B. D., 97, Ref. Episc. T. S. s. Richd. and Victoria (Schmadel) Ru- dolph, b. N. Y. C, Dec. 29, 1865; AT; commenc. orat.; pres. class (4); ed. of Violet; ed. Univ. Forum; v. p. Eucleian; founders' day debater; pres. Y. M. C. A. ; Ref. Episc. Sem., Phila., Pa., 92-6; grad. stud., Princeton T. S., 94-5; ord. (Ref. Episc), N. Y. C, 95; assoc. p. (Ref. Episc), N. Y. C. 95-; prof. syst. theol., Bibl. theol., and ethics in Ref. Episc. T. S.. Phila., Pa.; m. Jan. 18, 00, Anna C. Knight. 231 IV. 51st St., N. Y. C. Anthony Ferdinand von Sieg- hardt, (ENG.) B. S., 92; C. E., 93. s. Ferd. Anthony and Emilia (Naeil) von Sieghardt, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 4, 1872; mem. of class day com. 410 E. 85th St., N. Y. C. Augustus Hewlett Skillin, (L.) B. S., 92; LL. B.. 95, N. Y. Law Sch. s. Edwd. and Dallas (Hewlett) Skillin. b. Hempstead, N. Y.. Dec. 22. 1871; * T; 4>BK; sci. orat. (4th hon.); class hist.; ed. Univ. Quarterly; clerk. Blot Life Ins. Co., 92-93; N. Y. Law Sch.. 93-95; pract law, 34 Pine St., N. Y. C, 95-; bro.: Edwd. S.. 87. Orange, N. J. Charles Henry Valentine, (L.) A. B.. 92; LL. B.. or,. s. Chas. Bangs and Ellen Augusta (Heins) Valentine, b. Bkln., N. Y.. Jul. 8, 1870; Wright's Rus. Coll; N. Y. U., 88-92; A*; clerk with L. Sutro & Co., produce b inkers, N. Y., 92-3; clerk in Treasy. Dept., N. Y. Custom Ho., 93-4; N. Y. U. Law Sch.. 94-6; with Lawyers' Title Ins. .V Trust Co., 44 Court St., Bkln. 194 Hewes St., Bkln., N. Y. Clarence Randall Van Buskirk, (ENG.) B. S., 92; C. E., 93. s. Peter V. and Mary F.liz. (Hageman) Van Buskirk, b. Closter, N. J., Jan. 13, 1871; McNairs Acad., Bedminster, N. J.; N. Y. U., 88-92; Z *; sec Eucleian; sec. class; eng. on corp. work, Dept. Pub. Works, Bkln., N. Y. ; genl. civ. eng.; m. Mar. 4, 96, Lilian, da. Jas. van Sicklen; ch. : Bertram Lewis; unc. : James H., 71. 108 Van Sicklen St., Bkln., N. Y. Arthur Ward Van Riper, (PHYS.) A. B., 92. s. Cornelius and Adrianna (Terhune) Van Riper, b. Passaic, N. J., Aug. 19, 1870; Paterson Class. Inst.; N. Y. U., 88- 92; Z'J'; pres. class football and base- ball team; sec. Athl. Assn.; obstetrician and assoc. gynecologist to Passaic Gen. Hosp. ; pres. Passaic City Med. Soc ; pres. Bd. Health, Passaic, 6 yrs. ; mem. Ac- quackanonk Club; m. Apr. 8, 97, Eva Emilie, da. B. F. Popple. 205 Main Ave., Passaic, N. J. Eugene Pierre Weed, (L.) B. S., 92; LL. B., 96, N. Y. Law Sch. s. Edwin Peck and Celine Yictoire (Gelin) Weed, b. Bkln., N. Y., Oct. 26, 1871: Bkln. H. S.; N. Y. U.. 88-92; AT; 0S: Grad. Sch., 94-5: A<1>: asst. eng., Dept. Water Supply, Cas and F.lcc. X. Y. C. Municipal Bldg\, Rkln.: m. Apr. 28, 07, Jean Evelyn, da. T. R. Mitchell; ch.: Jn.;' unc: Chas. B., 67; bro.: C. E., 99. 393 Jefferson Ave.. Bkln.. .V. Y. Cornelius Thurston Chase, (CLERG.) A. B.. 93: A. It, 95. s. Don. Cornelius Thurston and Caroline Frances (Aitken) Chase, b. Albanv. N. Y., Feb. 12, 1871; Boys' H. S., Bkln.; N. n6 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1893 Y. U., 89-93; Grad. Sch., 93-4; *T; *BK; philos. orat. (4th honor); 1st Butler Eucleian essay prize, 93; 2d He- brew prize, 93; T. S. Bailey scholarship and asst. librn., 92-4; class poet; found- ers' day poet; sec. and treas. Y. M. C. A.; pres. Univ. Quarterly Assn.; ed. the Vio- let; p. of churches in Trevor, Wis., and Flatbush, Bkln., N. Y., 99-; m. Jun. 10, 03, Lena Louise, da. Wm. Tyler; ch.: Cornelius Thurston, Jr. 436 E. 18 th St., Bkln., N. Y. Norman Wilson Crosby,* (ENG.) B. S., 93; C. E., 94; M. S., 95. s. Horace and Jane Eliz. (Jarvis) Crosby, b. New Rochelle, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1874; N. Y. U., 89-93; T A; asst. in eng. off. of father, 94-8; mem. Co. K, 71st Regt. N. G., S. N. Y., in Cuba, 98; contracted fatal fever at Santiago de Cuba. d. Sept. 3, 98, New Rochelle, N. Y. Benjamin Franklin De Frece, (L.) A. B., 93; LL. B., 95, N. Y. Law Sch. s. A. B. and Sophia (Bernstein) de Frece, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 24, 1872; N. Y. U. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 89-93; Z*; v. p. Eucleian; v. p. Dramatic Assn.; N. Y. Law Sch., 93-5; pract. law, 22 William St., N. Y. C; fa.: A. B., 67. New Rochelle, N. Y. Frederic James Faulks, (L.) B. S., 93; LL. B., 95, N. Y. Law Sch. s. Isaac and Mary Howell (Drake) Faulks, b. Elizabeth, N. J., Nov. 9, 1872; N. Y. U., 89-93; ^'T; commenc. orat.; pres. Eucle- ian; ed. -in-chief Univ. Quarterly; com- menc. honor, N. Y. Law Sch. ; atty. and couns.-at-law, Newark, N. J. 763 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Frederick Edward Ferris, B. S.. 93. s. Garwood and Mary Ogden Beach (Gamble) Ferris, b. Nanuet, N. Y., Sep. 3, 1871; A 4>; commenc. orat.; pres. Athl. Assn.; v. p. class; cons. : Chancellor Isaac; John M., 43; Richd. B., 44; Isaac W., 59 (non-grad.); Morris P., 74 (non-grad.) ; Richd., 74; Geo. N., 77 (non-grad.); Albert W.. 78; Tas. D., 79; I. F. Lud- lam, 66; W. L. Ludlam, 68; I. F. Lock- wood, 73. 121 City Hall, N. Y. C. Virgil Clyde Gates, (B.) b. s., 93. s. Rev. Martin Luther and Maggie Amelia (Heagv) Gates, b. Arendtsville, Pa., Apr. 15, 1871; Lewis Acad., Wichita, Kan.; N. Y. U., 89-93; Z *; class day orat.; mem. Exec. Com., Athl. Assn.; do., Dra- matic Assn.; South West Kan. Meth. Episc. Coll., Winfield, Kan., 86-8; bank- ing bus., 25 Broad St., N. Y. C; bro.: Moody Bliss, 97; fa.: Rev. Martin L., Ph. D., 95. Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y. Julien Myer Isaacs,* (L.) B. S., 93; M.S., 95; LL. B., 96. s. Myer S. and Maria (Solomon) Isaacs, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 1, 1874; N. Y. U., 89- 93; AT; *BK; Eng. salut. and Inman fellow; v. p. Sci. Soc. ; chem. prize, 93; demonstr. in chem. lab., N. Y. U., 93-4; Grad. Sch., 93-4; Law Sch., 94-6; prize in law; mem. N. Y. Bar Assn.; Am. Hist. Assn.; fa.: Myer S., 59; bro.: Lewis M., 97; uncs.: Isaac S., 65; Abram S.„ 71. d. Mar. 31, 05, N. Y. C. Henry Lewis, (CLERG.) A. B., 93; A.M., 95; Ph.D., 96. s. Thos. Francis Hy. and Ellen (Gostling) Lewis, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 24, 1871; N. Y. U., 89-93; *BK; Latin salut.; pres. Eucleian; ed. Violet; pres. Y. M. C. A. ; class hist, and testator; Union T. S., 93-6; N. Y. U. Grad. Sch., 94-5-6; organist, Calvary Presb. Church, N. Y. C; ord. (Cong.), 96; p. River Edge, N. J., 02-; ed. Am. Mes- senger, 98-; with Am. Tract. Soc, 150 Nassau St., N. Y. C, 98-. River Edge, N.J. Henry Flemming Lewis,* (L.) B. S., 93; LL. B., elsewhere. s. Wm. Hy. and Alice Eliz. (Flemming) Lewis, b. Tersey City, N. J., Apr. 1, 1873; N. Y. U., 89-93; A*; cous.: R. L. Flem- ming, 91. d. Apr. 12, 97, Jersey City, N. J. Carlos Lobo, (ENG) B. S., 93; C. E., 94. s. David Solomon and Clara (Senior) Lobo, b. Curacoa, West Indies, Sep. 18, 1873; Roscio Coll., Caracas; N. Y. U., 89-94; commenc. orat.; asst. eng., Dept. Water Supply, Gas & Elec, Municipal Bldg., Bkln.; m. Jun. 11, 04, Edith, da. J. M. Eder. 441 Third St., Bkln., N. Y. Frank Wickham Mallalieu, (PHYS.) B. S., 93; M. D., 96, Col. Univ. s. Frank Augustus and Sarah Frances (Wickham) Mallalieu, b. N. Y. C, Jan. 11, 1871; Wilbraham Acad.; N. Y. U., 89-93; ^T; hist, and treas. class; sec. Eucleian; phys., 96-. 16 Monticello Ave., Jersey City, N.J. 1 894] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 117 Oiarlcs Warren Millard, (I.. A. B., 93; LL. B., 96, N. Y. Law Sch. s. Chas. Wesley and Harriet Augusta (Prior) Millard; b. Newburgh, N. Y., Apr. 17. 1871; *T; pres. class (4); ed. Univ. Quarterly ; sec. Eucleian; pract. law, 25 Broad St., N. V. C. 894 E. 170th St., N. Y. C. George Palmer Pardington, (EDUC.) A. B., 93; A.M., 95; Ph.D., 98. s. Rayner Stevens (D. D.) and Eliza J. (Corey) Pardington, b. St. Clair, Mich., Feb. 18, 1866; Adelphi Acad., Bkln., N. Y; N..Y. U., 89-93; Grad. Sch., 93-8; commenc. orat.; permanent class sec; tutor N. T. Greek, N. Y. Missny. Train- ing Coll., 91-3; Drew T. S., Madison, N. J., 93-5; p. Blythebourne, L.I. (M. E.), 95-7; theol. prof., Missny. Inst., Nyack, N. Y., 97-; Publ.: The Crooked Made Straight, Buffalo, 86; The Still Small Voice: A Devotional Vol., 03; m. Jun. 30, 97, Anna L., da. Caleb Davies; ch.: Edward. Missionary Inst., Nyack, N. Y. Samuel Dobbins Price, (CLERG.) A. B.. 93; A.M., 96, Princ. Univ.; B. D., 97, do. B. Wm. and Marv Louise (Dobbins) Price, b. Newark, N. J., Jul. 27, 1869; Newark Acad.; N. V.' U., 89-93; A*; RK; pres. Eucleian (4): prc<. V. M. C. A. (3); chrmn. 93 class day com. (4); valedict.; German prize (3): ed. Univ. Quarterly/ (4): Butler phil. fellow. 93; instr.. X. Y. Sch. for the Blind, and psvchol research, 94-8: teach., Trinitv Hall. Washington. Pa., 94; interne, Hudson St. Hosp., 02-3; asst. res. phys.. Bloomingdale Hosp., 04; pract. med.. Buffalo. 04-; med. referee (Buffalo) Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N. Y. Ellmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Elias P. Robinson, B. s., 93. Francis Lorette Strickland, (CLERG.) A. B., 93; S. T. B., 96, Boston Univ.; Ph. D., 05, do. s. Francis L. and Emily S. (Clauney) Strickland, b. Bkln., X. V., Mav Bkln. Poly. Inst.; N. Y. U., 89-93; *T; sec. Eucleian; commenc. orat.; Univ. Theol. Sch., 93-6; fellow at Berlin Univ., Germ., 97-8; v. < M. E.) Flushing, X. Y.; p. i.M. E.) Bayshore, N. Y.; m. Jul. 22, 03, Antoinette L. Brown. Bayshore, N. Y. Percy Butler Wightman, (CLERG.) A. B., 93. s. Fred. B. and Abigail Ann (Hartley) Wightman, b. N. Y. C, Feb. 13, 1871; Univ. Prep. Sch.; N. Y. U., 89-93; ^T; pres. Eucleian; pres. Glee Club; class prophet; Auburn T. S., 93-6; New Col- lege, Edinburgh, 98; asst. p. Westminster Presb. Ch.. Buffalo, N. Y., 96-8; p. Fay- etteville, N. Y., 99-04; p. Univ. Ilts. Presb. Ch., 04-; m. Oct. 9. 00, Edith Lewis, da. Rev. Hy. M. Booth. D. 1)., LL. D.; ch.: Hy. Booth, Cath. Hartley; fa.: Fred. B., 51; bros. : Orrin S., 95; Robert S., 97; unc.: I. S. Hartley, 52. Loring PI, Univ. Hts., N. Y. C. James Ernest Grant Yalden, (EDUC.) b. s., 93. s. Jas. and Emma (Churchyard) Yalden, b. London, Eng., Feb. 6, 1870; Gibbons & Beach 5th Ave. Sch., N. Y. C. : X. Y. U., 89-93; spec, course cert, in engineer- ing; ST; founder and pres. Scientific Soc.; with Pittsburgh Bridge Co., 93-4; supt. Baron de Hirsch Trade Sch.. 222 E. 64th St., N. Y. C, 94-: m. May 30, 95, Margaret Stewart, da. Jas. B. Lyon; bro.: Arthur Yalden, 95 (non-grad.). Leonia, N. J. (20) 1894 Theodore Bame Barringer, Jr.. (PHYS.) B. S.. 94: M. I' s. Theo. Bame and Lucy Velowa (Stock- well) Barrinuer, b. N. Y. G, Feb. 11, 1875; Univ. Gram. Sch.; X. Y. U., 89-94; AT; BK; sci. entr. prize: grand marshal at commenc: philos. orat.; class orat.; ed. and bus. mcr. Violet. 94; mem. 11 team and F.xco. Com.. Athl. Assn.: X. Y. U. Med. Coll.; instructor. Cornell Med. Coll.: pract. med.. N. Y. C; bro.r Benj. S., 98. 34 W. 84th St.. X. V. C. James Eddy Blake, (PHYS.) B. S.. 94: M. D.. 98. Col. Univ..- M. D., 02. Bonn Univ.. Germ. b. Tas. Augustus and Alice Estelle Blake, b. Jersey City Hts., X 1 1873; Bkln. II. S. ; X. Y. U, '90-4 ; AT; n8 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1894 commenc. orat. ; sec. class; Coll. Phys. and Surg., N. Y. C, 96-8; interne, Bkln. Hosp., 98-00; pract. med., Bkln.; cous.: Jn. D., 84; Robt. W., 87 (non-grad.). 352 Jefferson Ave., Bkln., N. Y. Eugene Lansing Blauvelt, (BR.) Ph. B., 94. s. Chas. Lansing and Anna (Insley) Blauvelt, b. Cresskill, N. J., Sep. 18, 1875; rA; master of ceremonies, founders' day; broker with F. B. Vandergrift & Co., 66 Beaver St., N. Y. C; m. May 21, 04, Lucie H., da. Wilbur N. Field; ch.: Eugene. 285 Clarkson St., Flatbush, Bkln., N.Y. Charles Stanley Brenneman, (M.) Ph. B., 94. s. Chas. and Eliz. (Leonhard) Brenne- man, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 7, 1874; C. C. N. Y.; N. Y. U., 92-4; B II; treas. Chess and Checker Club; mem. firm M. J. Cas- sidy & Co., tobacco merchants, 168 Front St., N. Y. C; mem. N.Y. Athl. Club; North Jersey County Club. 25 W. 88th St., N. Y. C. Joseph Marcus Brody, (ENG.) B. S., 94. s. Marcus G. and Maria (Shuvaloff) Broido, b. Kieff, Russia, May 14, 1870; *BK; fresh, scientific entr. prize; scien- tific orat.; treas. of class; librn. En- grng. Soc. ; demonstr., anal, chem., 94-5; civ. eng. ; mem. firm of Brody, Adler & Kock, builders; m. 93, Rose, da. I. M. Wimpie; ch.: Antoinette, Alex. Anton, Philip Morton. 132 Nassau St., N. Y. C. Julius Elias Carlin, (DENTIST) B. S., 94; D. D. S., 01, N. Y. Coll. of Dent. s. Barnard and Esther (Lipetz) Cohen, b. Podol, Russia, Jun. 15, 1867; N. Y. U., 90-4, as Julius Cohen before legal change of name; certif. in civ. eng., 94; grad. with honor, N. Y. Coll of Dent. ; Inter- natl. Seal of Honor, State Bd. of Den- tistry; san. insp., Dept. Health, N. Y. C, 95-; m. Toubie, da. Jos. L. Spivak; ch. : Minnie, Louis, Rosy. 130 Henry St., N. Y. C. Vernon Emerson Carroll, (PUB.) A. B., 94. s. Rev. Vernon Bond and Mary Stickney (Emerson) Carroll, b. Pottersville, Hun- terdon Co., N. J., Sep. 4, 1872; N. Y. U., 90-4; A*; class orat.; leader Glee Club; cor. sec. Eucleian; ed. Violet, 94; dir. J. H. Bragdon & Co., publishers Textile Manufacturers' Journal; m. Jun. 14, 98, Edith Lemira, da. F. B. Pond; ch.: Ver- non E., Jr., Helen W. ; cous.: Prof. Chas. Carroll. 377 Broadway, N. Y. C. Elbert Raymond Fairchild, (ENG.) B. S., 94; C. E., 95. s. Lewis Judson and Eliz. (Sleight) Fairchild, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 3, 1874; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U, 90-4-5; with Metropolitan St. R. R.; private pract., 03-; bro.: Frank B., 90. 121 W. 8lSt St., N. Y. C. Theodore Arthur Gessler, (M.) A. B., 94; A. M., 96; B. D., 97, Univ. Chicago. s. Rev. Dr. Theo. A. K. and Annie (Sherburne) Gessler, b. Elizabeth, N. J., May 23, 1873; * T; N E; class hist, and poet; pres. Eucleian; ed. Univ. Quarterly; Union T. S., 94-6; Univ. of Chicago Grad. Sch., 96-8; fellow Semitic lang. and lit., do., 97-8; in bus. 98-; m. Dec. 14, 98, Clara Louise, da. Thos. P. Sher- burne; bro. : Dudley D., 95 (non-grad.). Care Am. Sheet & Tin Plate Co., 21 State St., N. Y. C. Leon Bernard Ginsburg, (L.) B. S., 94; LL. B., 95. s. Bernhard and Matilda (Liebenthal) Ginsburg, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 24, 1870 C. C. N. Y., 89-92; N. Y. U., 92-4. B0II; ed.-in-chief Univ. Forum; exec comm., Athl. Assn.; mgr. lacrosse, 94 N. Y. cor. Mail and Express, Sun, etc. exec, comm., N. Y. U. Dem. Club N. Y. U. Law Sch., 93-5; adm. bar, 96 practice law at 132 Nassau St., N. Y. C. mem. N. Y. Law Institute; Adelphi Lodge 23 F. & A. M. ; Consistory A. S. R. ; Mecca Temple, A. A. O. N. of Mystic Shrine; m. Apr. 11, 99, Esther, da. Jos. Greenbaum; ch. : two das., one son. 40 Morningside Ave., N. Y. C. John Vosburgh Irwin, (L.) Ph. B., 94; LL. B., 99. s. Wm. and Eliz. (Vosburgh) Irwin, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 17, 1874; N. Y. U., 90-4: N. Y. U. Grad. Sch., 96; N. Y. U. Law 97-9; *T; N E; * B K; v. p. Athl Assn, 92-3; sec. Tennis Assn., 92-4; treas Camera Club; pres. Eucleian, 94; found ers' day orat., 94; commenc. orat., 94 permanent class sec. and treas. of 94 mercantile pursuits, 94-7; ed. Triangle, 97-8; class pres., Law, 99, afternoon div.; v. p. Y. M. C. A., Law Sch., 98-9 mem. Alumni Advsy. Comm., Athletic Assn., 98-9, 00-1-2; 1st v. p. The Stu dents Club (Y. M. C. A.), 99-00; or ganizer N. Y. U. Hist. Soc, 00; sec. do. 00-; mem. Advsy. Comm., 00-01; sec Jun. Law Alumni Assn., 01-2; Law alumni del. to conferences which organized Gen. Alumni Soc. N. Y. U., 01-2; N. Y. U. repres., exec, comm., Coll. Campaign Comm., 03, and of Coll. Men's Polit. Assn., 04-; trustee, 03-, sec, 03-4, and counsel, 05-, Amer. Savings Bank; dir. Western Bk. Note and En- grav. Co., 03; dir. Mail and Exp. Pub. i8 9 4] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 119 Co., 04; mem. Soc. Colonial Wars; Bar Assn., N. Y. C; m. Nov. 21, 05, Cornelia Helen, da. Payson Merrill; bro. : Wm. Fletcher, 03 (non-grad.); step.-unc. : Prof. Kobt. W. Hall; step-grand fa.: Chanc. John Hall, D. D., LL. D. 203 B'way, N. Y. C. Ralph Kirby, (L.) A. B., 94; LL. B., 96. s. Wm. Wallace and Susan Eliza (Kirby) Kirby, b. Roslyn, N. Y., Jun. 8, 1863; Univ. Cram. Sch. ; X. Y. U., 90-4; Z *; •!> H K; Creek salut. ; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 94-6; with Hy. M. Ward, atty., 32 Nassau St., N. Y. C; bro.: Isaac Hy., 95. Roslyn, N. Y. John George Lydecker, (EXG.) B. S., 94; C. E., 95. s. Jn. Jacob and Susan (Leggett) Ly decker, b. N. Y. C, Dec. 15, 1871 A4>; class poet; ed. of Violet, 94 pres. Engineering Soc; Glee Club, 90-3 professional singer, 03-. 236 W. 48th St., N. Y. C. Joseph Bardwell Lyman, (CLERG.) Ph. B., 94; B. D., 00, Yale, s. Jos. Bardwell and Laura Eliz. (Baker) Lyman, b. New Egypt, N. J., Jan. 4, 1870; private prep.; N. Y. U., 90-4; *T; +BK; sec. Euclcian; ed. -in-chief Univ. Quarterly; class poet; Engl, salu- tatorian; Yale Div. Sch.; p. (Cong.), Barton Landing, Vt., 00-6; Pittsfield, N. H., 06-; m. Aug. 6. 03, Harriet Diantha, da. Albert W. Harwood; ch. : Diantha Sibley; bro.: Alex. Steele, 84. Pittsfield, N.H. John Henry MacCracken, (EDUC.) A.B., 94; A.M., 97; Ph.D., 99, Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, s. Chancellor Henry M. and Cath. Al- mira (Hubbard) MacCracken, b. Rochester, Yt., Sep. 30, 1875; Lyons Colleg. Inst.; N. Y. U., 90-4; *T; BK; classical entr. prize; pres. class (4); treas. Euclcian; pres. Y. M. ('. A.; ed. Univ. Quarterly ; Ogden Butler philos. fellow and Bennett prize; valedict.; in-tr. philosophy, N. Y. U., 96-9; asst. prof., do., 99; mem. council, do., 03-; prof. Politics, GracL Sch., do., 03; pre* West- minster Coll., Mo., 99-03; Syndic, N. Y. U., 03-; mem. Presb. Coll. Bd.; Mir. Soc. Prevention of Crime; mem. City Club; bros.: Geo. G., 98; Hy. Noble, 00. University Heights, N. Y. C. Emil Otto Frederick Mahr,* (ENG.) B. S.. 94; C. E., 95. s. Conrad and Marv Anna (Feick) Mahr, b. Newark. N. J., Oct. 11, 1873; Newark H. S.; N. Y. U., ^90-4, 5; B8ri; cor. sec. class; mem. N.J. Naval Re- serve; first class quartermaster on monitor Montauk and on the Badger in war with Spain; awarded medal by X. J. Legislature for participation in do.; died from injuries received in war. d. Jan. 27, 00, Irvington, N. J. Francis Leary Manning, (EXG.) B. S., 94; B. S., 90, St. John's Coll. s. Jn. B. and Mary (Leary) Manning b. Staten Isl., N. Y., Oct. 20, 1872 + TA; St. John's Coll., Fordham, 88-90 ;. Quarterly. 81 Riverside Drive, N. Y. C. John Joseph Moorhead, (PHYS.) B. S., 94; M. D., 97. s. Dr. Jos. and Mary (Moorhead), b. N. Y. C, Jul. 15, 1874; Trinity Chapel Sch., N. Y. C; N. Y. U., 90-4; * T ; 0NE; ed.-in-chief Violet, 94; mgr. baseball team (3); ed. Univ. Quarterly; class statistician; first Butler Eucleian prize; pres. Eucleian X. Y. U. Med. Coll., 94-7; pres. permanent class orgn. for last 8 yrs. ; ho. surg. and interne, Hood Wright Hosp. ; vis. surg. Univ.-Bellevue clinic, 99-01; asst. attg. phys. Roosevelt Hosp. clinic, 99-02; asst. attg. surg., Hood Wright Disp., 99-02; asst. demonstr. operative surgy., X. Y. U. Med. Coll., 00-; asst. vis. surg., Harlem Hosp., 01-. 101 Manhattan Ave., N. Y. C. Carlos Morales y Calvo, (EXG.) B. S., 94; C. E., 95. s. M. A. R. (Marques de la Real Proc- lamacion) and Maria Antonia (Calvo) de Morales, b. Havana, Cuba. Dec. 21, 1870; N. Y. U., 90-4, 5; Z *; N E; v. p. class; mgr. class baseball team; vol. aide, staff Gen. Stone, U. S. A., Porto Rican cam- paign, Spanish War; bro. : Juan F., 94 (non-grad.); cous. : Francisco M., 83. Union Club, Havana, Cuba. Perry Carter Pentz, (M.) A. B.. 94. s. Archibald Maclav and Mary E. (Ed- wards) Pentz. b. M. Y. C, Feb.' : : *T; pres. Quarterly Assn.; presentation orat. ; exec. comm. Intcrcollcg. A. A.; capt. 'Yarsitv track team, 94; gun capt.. 1st clnss, 1st Naval Battalion. X Y. ; seaman U. S. S. Yankee, in Spanish War; m. Nov. 25, 02, Ella Mead, da. Eugene Sanger; great ■ grand fa.: Rev. Archibald Maclav, mcorp. N. Y. U.; great- lines.: (Cosei 1'. 36, and William B.. 36; Angnstns W. Maclav, 63 (non- grad.): Wm. W. Maclav. 72. 7: \Y. 87th St., N. Y.C. 120 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1895 Godfrey Roger Pisek, (PHYS.) B. S., 94; M. D., 97. s. Anton and Barbara (Musil) Pisek, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 20, 1873; Chapin Colleg. Sch.; N. Y. U., 90-4; *T; class hist, and prophet; censor Eucleian N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 94-7; prof. dis. of children, Univ. of Vt. ; adj. prof. dis. of children, N. Y. Post Grad. Med. Coll. ; med. pract. dis. of children, N. Y. C. ; m. 90, Rosalie, da. Dr. M. J. Fred. Paul; ch.: Barbara Frederica; bro. : Vincent, 82. 230 E. 72d St., N. Y. C. George Woodruff Randall, (ENG.) B. S., 94; C. E., 95. s. Stephen Moorehouse and Cath. Jane (Davies) Randall; b. Bkln., N. Y. " 14, 1873; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. 90-4, 5; A*; 9 N E; commenc. sec. Dramatic Assn. ; mem. S. M. dall & Son, 1125 B'way, N. Y. C. eng. and builder; m. Nov. 23, 98, Grace E., da. Peter Burden. 972 Sterling PL, Bkln., N. Y. . Apr. Y. U., orat.; Ran- John Edward Ruston, (L.) B. S., 94; LL. B., 95. s. Chas. and Eliz. Minor (Purdy) Ruston, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 14, 1872; Bkln. H. S.; N. Y. U., 90-4; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 93-5; *T; 0NE; BAB; * A * (Law); class orat. and hist.; sec. Eucleian; sec. Athl. Assn.; ed. Univ. Quarterly; pract. law (genl. corp., trial), 258 B'way, N. Y. C; Invincible Club (Bkln.); New England Soc; B. P. O. Elks; Royal Arcanum; Fellowship of Solidarity; m. Jun. 3, 02, May Frances, da. Frank S. Henderson. 2 Macon St., Bkln., N. Y. Herman Simpson, (JOURN.) A. B., 94. s. Jeruhaim Hirsch and Gutel (Wol- kowsky) Simpson, b. Kalvaria, Russian Poland, Dec. 7, 1870; N. Y. U., 94; Col Sch. Political Sci., 94-7; ed. Abcndblatt 99-01; journalist and teach., 02-4; teach history, C. C. N. Y. ; journalism and liter ary work, 04; statistical ed. New Inter natl. Encycl. 18 W. II2th St., N. Y. C. Francis Elias Spinner, (ENG.) B. S., 94; C. E., 95. s. J. Peter B. and Barbara (Kurfess) Spinner, b. Herkimer, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1874; Herkimer H. S.; N. Y. U., 90-4; C. E., 94-5; A*; Chrmn. Ex. Coram. Eng. Soc. ; eng. N. Y. State Canals, 96-9; asst. eng. to C. W. Leavitt, Jr., 99-05; private pract., 35 Warren St., N. Y. C, 05-. Herkimer, N. Y. Samuel J. Stiebel, (Br.) b. s., 94. s. Isaac and Frances (Deitsch) Stiebel, b. Bkln., N. Y., Oct. 1, 1875; AT; testa- tor on class day; Glee Club; mgr. Dra- matic Assn.; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 94-5; with Jap. Fan Co., 90-00; in India, China, and Jap., 99-00; mem. Cohen, Stiebel & Co., bankers; mem. Stiebei, Hernsheim & Co., brokers, 67 Exchange PL, N. Y. C; mem. N. Y. Stock Exch. ; m. Feb. 22, 04, Natalie, da. Abram Straus; ch. : Nordica. The Dorilton, B'way & 71st St., N. Y. C. John Terhune Van Riper, (L.) A. B., 94; LL. B., 95. s. Dr. Cornelius and Adrianna (Terhune) Van Riper, b. Passaic, N. J., Apr. 20, 1872; MacChesney's Paterson Classical Inst; N. Y. U, 90-4; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 93-5; Z*; 6 N E; v. p. class; pres. Athl. Assn.; m. Jun. 6, 99, Edith Hope, da. Benj. F. Hart; ch. : Jn. Cornelius, Jurian W.; fa.: Cornelius, 63; bro. : A. Ward, 92; unc: Abram H., 75 (non-grad.). 117 Lafayette Ave., Passaic, N. J. Antonie Phineas Voislawsky, (PHYS.) B. S., 94; M. D., 96, Dartmouth Med. Coll. s. Silas Phineas and Antonie (Sharles) Voislawsky, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 5, 1872; N. Y. U., 91-4; 4> T A; N E; class hist.; pres. Press and Repub. Clubs; ed. Violet, 94; Dartmouth Med. Coll., 94-6; interne, St. Luke's Hosp., 96-8; asst. surg., N. Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary, Dept. Nose and Throat, 00-4; asst. surg., Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hosp., Ear Dept., 99-; chief of nose and throat clinic, West Side German Disp. ; assoc. prof, diseases of nose and throat, N. Y. Sch. of Clinical Med.; mem. County Med. Soc; State Med. Soc; alumni St. Luke's Hosp.; East Side Phys. Soc; Eastern Med. Soc; Har- lem Med. Soc. ; fellow N. Y. Acad, of Med.; do., Am. Otolog., Rhinolog. and Laryngolog. Societies; phys. Mutual Aid Assn.; m. Jun. 4, 02, Margaret Rutgers, da. Jas. H. Van R. Schuyler; ch.: Van Rensselaer Schuyler. 128 W. 59th St., N. Y. C. (28) 1895 Thomas Floyd Adriance, (ENG.) B. S., 95; C. E., 96. s. Tho9. Bloodgood and Mary E. (Holmes) Adriance, b. Tersey City, N. T., Dec. 8, 1874; private prep.; N. Y. U., 91-5; A*; Eng. Soc; treas. Athl. Assoc, 94-5; en- gineering work, N. Y. C, 95-8; Nicaragua Canal Surveys; Bd. of Freeholders, Hud- son Co., 00; Guayaquil and Quito Ry., Ecuador, 01-2; in charge Bureau Lamps and Gas, N. Y. C, 02-3; in charge High- way Improvement, Harrisburg, Pa., 03-5; 1 8 95 ] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 121 eng. in charge T. B. Ackerson Constr. Co., 140 Nassau St., N. Y. C, 05; m. Mar. 7, 04, Grace Florence, da. Geo. F. and Jennie G. Underwood; ch.: one daughter. 358 Pacific Ave, Jersey City, N.J. John Parsons Atwater,* (CLERG.) A. B., 95. b. Oct. 7, 1872; N. Y. U., 91-5; Camera Club; Y. M. C. A.; Athletic Assn.; New Brunswick T. S. d. Dec. 20, 97, Bkln., N. Y. Henry Haswell Banks, (L.) A. B., 95; LL. B., 99, N. Y. Law Sch. s. Warren and Mary A. (Smith) Banks, b. Yonkers, N. Y. ; Yonkers H. S. ; N. Y. U., 91-5; *T; hist, class (1) (3) (4); football, baseball, and track teams, 92, 3, 4, 5; German prize, 95; reporter and city editor, 95-01; N. Y. Law Sch., 97-9; adm. bar, 01 ; pract. law, 68 Broad St., N. Y. C. Hoboken, N. J. Julius Alexander Becker, (PHYS.) B. S., 95; M. D.. 98. s. Tos. L. and Theresea (Schaar) Becker, b. N. Y. C, Dec. 24, 1875; N. Y. U. Prep. Sch.; N. Y. U., 91-5; fresh, entr. prize; James Gordon Bennett prize; N. Y. U. lied. Coll.. 95-8; med. grad. prize; Z *; + BK; N Z X; prof, pract. anat., N. Y. U. Med. Coll. 67 W. 92d St., N. Y. C. James Oscar Boyd, (EDUC.) A. B., 95; A.M., 97; B. D., 99, Princ. T. S. s. Oscar E. and Mary E. (French) Boyd, b. Rahwav. N. J., Oct. 17. 1874: Bkln. II. S.j X. Y. U.. 91-5; *T: *BK; fresh, cntr. prize, Hebrew; valedict. ; Grad. Sch.. 96-7; Butler fellow at F.r- langen, Germany, 95-6; Old Test, fellow Princ, 99-00; instr. Old Test., Princ. T. S.. 00; publ.: The Book of Ezra, Presb. and Rcf. Rev., Apr., Jul., and Oct.. 00; m. 01, Bertha Work. da. R. D. McManigal; ch.: Alden Work; cous.: James E. Campbell. 50 University PL, Princeton, N.J. Melville Elliott Cunningham, A. B., 95. Brookliavcn, L. I. Frank Washington Darling, b. s., 95. •I- 1" J; Athl. Assn.; Tennis Assn.; ed., 95, Fikcsvillc. Md. Charles Scott Deming, (CLERG.) A. B., 95; Pd. B., N. Y. S. Norm. Coll.; B. D., Drew T. S. s. Chas. Gaylord and Nellie J. (Hall) Deming, b. Amboy, 111., Nov. 17, 1876; Catskill Free Acad.; N. Y. U., 91-5; *BK; prof, ancient lang., Philander Smith Coll., Little Rock, Ark.; mem. N. Y. Conf.; p. (M. E.) Eminenco; Wash- ington ville; missny. to Korea; bro.: Fred Hall, 95. Kingston, N. Y. Fred Hall Deming, (CLERG.) A. B., 95. s. Chas. Gaylord and Xellie J. (Hall) Deming, b. Amboy, 111.. Feb. 12, 1878; Catskill Free Acad.; N. Y. U., 91-5; Drew T. S., 00; p. (M. K.) X. Y. Conference; m. Jun. 27, 00, Susan L., da. la-. X. Hazen; ch. : Curtis II.; bro.: Chas. Scott Deming, 95. Chatham, Col Co., N. Y. John Arthur Funk, (PHYS.) A. B., 95; M. D., 01, Col. Cniv. s. Benj. Franklin and Cynthia Ellen (Layton) Funk, b. Springfield, O., lun. 17. 1873; Wittenburg Prep. Sch.. Spr'ing- field, O.; N. Y. U., 93-5; Col. Univ., Coll. Phys. and Surg., -01; B II; house surg., Roosevelt Hosp.; med. missnv.. Presb. Bd. For. Miss.; chief of Presb. Hosp., llama- dan, Persia; m. Apr. 11, 05, Sue A., da. Nathan B. Leinbach; rcls. : Walter A. and Chas. E., 02 (non-grad.). Hamadan, Persia. John Junior Graham, (L.) Ph. B., 95: LL. B., 97. *T: ONE: Athl.; Eucleian: Glee Club; N. Y. U. Law Sch.. 95-7; adm. bar. Jun., 97; pract. law at 302 B'way, N. Y. C, 97-; corp. counsel. Sea Cliff, Nassau Co.; asst. dist. atty.. Nassau Co., 99-05; chrmn. Dem. Town Comtn., Oyster Bay, 00-2; Dem. nom. for dist. attv., Nassau Co., 04. Syossct, L. I., N. Y. Arthur Hoag Howland. (CLERG.) A. B., 95: B. D., 02, Drew T. S. s. Rev. Edgar Orvillc and T.emira Jane Howland. h. Mechanicsville. Saratoga Co., X. Y.. 1873; Hackettatown Colleg. Insti- tute: N.Y.U., 91-5: *T; ¥BK; Eu- cleian: class day poet. 95: pres. Y. M. C. : commenc. orat., 95; p. Ridgefield Pk.. X. J.. M. E. Ch., 0?.8: fellow Drew T. S., 02-3: instr. rhetoric and Hebrew, De Pauw Univ.. 03-4; instr. rhetoric and act- ing prin. of Acad.. De Pauw Univ.. 04-5; cous.: Frank Heath. Jr., 96 (non-grad.). Pe Pauze University. Greencastle, Ind. 122 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1895 Isaac Henry Kirby, B. S., 95; C.E., 96. s. Wm. Wallace and Susan Eliza (Kir- by) Kirby, b. Roslyn, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1871; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 91-5; Z-ir; $.B. K; Wm. H. Inman fellowship; demonstr. in anal, chem., N. Y. U., 95-6; bro.: Ralph Kirby, 94. Roslyn, L. I. Leon Lemberg, b. s., 95. last address 296 Broome St., N. Y. C. Walter Denton Ludlum, (PHYS.) A. B., 95; M. D., 98. s. Chas. H. and Mary Jane (White) Lud- lum, b. Boonton, N. J., Apr. 24, 1875; Univ. Prep. Sch.; N. Y. U., 91-5; Z *; chem. prize; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 95-8; m. Jan. 31, 01, A. Irene, da. Wm. M. Daniell; ch.: C. Daniell, Walter D., Jr.; fa.: Chas. H., 63. Ave. C, cor. E. 15th St., Bkln., N.Y. Jacob Louis Newman, (L.) Ph. B., 95; LL. B., 97. s. Meier and Bella (Schwartz) Newman; b. Newark, N. J., 1875; Newark H. S. ; N. Y. U., 91-5; founders' day orat; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 95-7; pract. law, Newark, N. J., 97-. 164 Market St., Newark, N. J. George Washington Osborn, (EDUC.) A. B., 95; A.M., 97. s. Geo. B. and Ellenora (Fosdick) Os- born, b. Greenville, N. J., Aug. 9, 1870; Pingry Sch., Eliz., N. J.; Hamilton Coll., 1 yr.; N. Y. U., 92-5; A A*; *BK; 1st Hebrew prize; N. Y. U. Grad. Sch., 95-7; instr. Semitic lang., N. Y. U., 95-9; asst. prof, do., 99-05; m. 97, Clementine, da. Rev. Dr. A. J. Fawcett. Westfield, N.J. Martin A. Rosanoff, (EDUC.) Ph. B., 95 (nunc pro tunc). s. Abraham and Clara (Bertinsky) Rosen- berg, b. Russia, Dec. 28, 1873; Classical Gym. of Nicolaeff, Russia; N. Y. U, 92-5, as Moses A. Rosenberg (before legal change of name) ; asst. in chemistry to Pres. J. M. Crafts, Mass. Inst. Tech.; office ed. for exact sciences, New In- ternal. Encycl. ; chem. research asst. to Thos. A. Edison; instr. in chem., N. Y. U., 04-; publ.: the articles in genl. and org. chemistry, New Internatl. Encycl., 02-3; m. Feb. 2, 01, Louise, da. Jas. K. Place; ch. : two. University Hgts., N. Y. C. Henry Salant, Ph. B., 95; LL. B., 99. s. Solomon and Tobia Salant; N. Y. U., 93-5; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 98-9; mem. County Comm. and Law Comm., and del. (03) Co. Conv., Citizens' Union; pract. law, 302 B'way, N. Y. C. 36 W. 114th St., N. Y. C. Henry Bergman Singer, (L.) Ph. B., 95; LL. B., 96. s. Saml. and Dorothea (Bergman) Singer b. Carbondale, Pa., Oct. 21, 1873; Car bondale H. S.; N. Y. U, 91-5; AT; 2d Butler Eucleian prize essay, 95 ; ed. Vio let, 95; mgr. 'Varsity football; class hist. N. Y. U. Law Sch., 96; AX; of law firm Stern, Singer & Barr, N. Y. C; m. Jun 29, 04, Frances M., da. Bernhard and Hannah Moses, Scranton, Pa. 299 Broadway, N. Y. C. Orrin Wilmer Snodgrass, A. B., 95. A3>; censor Eucleian; Athletic Assn.; class poet; class testator. 203 Summer Ave., Newark, N. J. Benjamin Horatius Stern, (L.) Ph. B., 95; A.M., 98, Col. Univ.; LL. B., 98, do. s. H. B. and Esther (Foster) Stern, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 18, 1874; priv. prep.; N. Y. U., 91-5; Z *; *BK; 1st Eng. commenc. orat.; pres. class; bus. mgr. The Violet; ed. -in-chief Univ. Quarterly ; grand marshal at commenc. ; Col. Univ. Grad. Sch.; Col. Univ. Law Sch.; pract. law, N. Y. C. 135 Broadzvay, N. Y. C. George Godhart Vogel, (CLERG.) A. B., 95; A. M., 03. s. Geo. M. and Barbara (Heitzler) Vogel, b. West Saugerties, N. Y., Apr. 25, 1866; Lehrich's Sch., Easton, Pa.; N. Y. U., 93-5; grad. marshal; A*; Grad. Sch., 97- 03; p. Emory M. E. Ch., Jersey City; m. Jun. 8, 98, Salome, da. John B. Allee. 66 Brinkerhoff St., Jersey City. Orrin Sage Wightman, (PHYS.) A. B., 95. s. Frederick Butler and Abigail A. (Hart- ley) Wightman, b. N. Y. C, May 6, 1873; Univ. Prep. Sch., N. Y. U, 91-5; *T; pres. class; pres. Eucleian; chrmn. class day com.; leader Glee Club; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 95-8; contrib. to med. mags.; house surg., Gouverneur Hosp., 00-; asst. vis. phys., skin clinic, N. W. Disp. ; pract. med., 00-; fa. : Fred B., 51; bros.: Percv B., 93; Robt. S., 97; neph.: Isaac M. Hartley, 52; cous. : Jas. Stokes, 63. 113 W. 78th St., N. Y. C. 1896] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 121 Lester Edwin Wolfe, (EDUC.) A. B., 95. s. Francis H. and Nancy E. (Foster) Wolfe, b. W. Lafayette, O., Sep. 24, 1870; Univ. of Wooster, O. ; N. Y. U., 94-5; ATfi; prof, hist, W. Lafayette Coll., O.; m. Oct. 20, 96, Mary, da. Joshua Liggett; ch. : two sons. West Lafayette, O. (25) 1896 Louis Becker, (RE.) Ph. B., 96. s. John and Eliz. (Becker) Becker, b. N. V. C, Nov. 8, 1875; C. C. N. Y. ; N. Y. U., 92-6; *T^; G N E; sec. class (4); exec, coram., Athl. Assn.; treas. Wads- worth Realty Co., 2003 Amsterdam Ave., N. Y. C; publ. : History of the Proprie- tory Government of N. J. 506 IV. 157th St., N. Y. C. Martin J. Biehn, Ph. B., 96. *TA; ONE; Athl. Assn. 245 IV. 24th St., N. Y. C. George Nathan Boehm, (L.) Ph. B., 96. s. Nathan and Rebecca (Frank) Boehm, b. N. Y. C, Tul. 9. 1875; C. C. N. Y.; N. Y. U., 92-6; mem. track team, 94; asst. mgr. football team, 95 ; law practice. 116 Nassau St., N. Y. C. Eric Bostroem, (EDUC.) A. B., 96; A.M., 98; Ph.D., 02. s. August Wilhelm and Marie (Kreisch- mann) Bostroem, b. Pernau, Russia, Dec. 2. 1873; Gym.. Pernau, Russia; N. Y. U., 93-6; Grad., 96-00; teach., Pinehurst, N. 408 E. 116th St., N. Y. C. Francis Tread way Clayton, (CLERG.) A. B., 96; A.M., 00; B. D., 00, Union T. S. s. Jas. S. and Frances Augusta (Tread- way) Clayton, b. P.kln.. Tul. 3, 1875; Bkln. H. S.; X. Y. V.. 92-6; Z *; fresh, sci. prize; ed. -in-chief University Item; chrmn. class dav comm. ; Grad., 99-00; Princ. T. S.. 96-7; Union T. S.. 97-00; asst. p. 3d Presb. Ch.. Rochester, N. Y.; p. 1st Cong. Ch., Williamstown, Mass. Williamstown, Mass. John Furlong Creeden, (ENG.) B. S.. 96; C F... 97. B. Timothv I. Creeden; C. C. N. Y.. 90-3; X. V. V.. 03-6; Dept. Public Works, Bor- ough Richmond. X. Y. C. 96-. 455 W- 2Zd St., N. Y. C. Wallace Leonard Durant, Ph. B. f 96. b. Jersey City, Jun. 4, 1878; *T; Eu- cleian; Athletic Assn.; with A. G. Ed- wards & Sons, brokers, 71 Bway., X. Y. C. 603 IV. End Ave., N. Y. C. Edwin Clarence Eckel, (GEOL.) B. S., 96; C. E., 97. s. August and Helena S. M. (Butt) Eckel, b. N. Y. C, March 6, 1875; C. C. X. V.; X. Y. l\. 92-6; A K E; asst. state geol., X. Y.; asst. geol., U.S. Geol. Survey; apptd. head of section Econ. Geol. Non- metalliferous Minerals, U. S. Geol. Surv., 06; assoc. Am. Soc. C. E. ; mem. Soc. Chemical Industry; publ.: Cements, Limes, and Plasters, 05; Cement Materials and Cement Industry of the U. S., 05; eighty or more scientific or tech. papers; m. Jul. 9, 02, Julia Egerton, da. Robt. Dibblee; ch.: Edwd. B. 1925 14th St., Washington, D. C. William Barnes Frith, (CLERG.) A. B., 96. b. N. Y. C, Sep. 14, 1871; Montgomery Bell Acad., Nashville, Tenn., 89-92; Van- derbilt Univ., 92-3; S. W. Univ., Clarks- ville, Tenn.. 93-4; N. Y. U., 94-6; p. Am- well 1st Presb. Ch., Reaville, N.J. Reaville, N. J. Frederick Seward Gibson,* (I..) A. 15.. 96; LL. B.. 98. B. Hanson Cox and Mary A. (Wharton) Gibson, b. N. Y. C, Jun. 16, 1876; M. \V. Lyons Coll. Inst.; Col. Univ.. 92-4; X. Y. U., 94-6; *T; *BK; Eucleian; Y. M. C A.; chrmn. commenc. com.; commenc. orat., 96; 1st Butler Eucleian prize, 96; N. Y. C. Law Soli.. 96-8; lawyer with Messrs. Opdvke. Wilcox & Bristow; fa.: Hanson Cox. 54; unc: Wm. C, 59; bro.: Kenneth M., 08. d. Oct. 8, 00. Morris Hgts., N. Y. C. Simeon Goodelman, (L.) B. S., 96; LL. B.. 99. Pract. law, 61 Park Row, X. Y. C. 113 W. 114th St., N. Y. C. Walter James Greacen, A. B.. 96: A. If., 98. s. Thos. Edmund and Isabelle (Wiccins) Greacen; b, K. V I . N it. 28, 1873 Gram. Sch. : X. Y. U.. 92-6; ed.. 96, Eucleian; bros.: Edmund H., 97; 1 M \\\. 03. 6 //•. gotk St., N.Y.C. Anthony F. Griinenthal. B. S . 96; C. E.. 97; B. S.. 92. C. C X. Y. s. Dr. Philip H. and Matilda (Wolff) Griinenthal, b. N.Y.C, Jan. 15, 1874; I2 4 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1896 C. C. N. Y., 92-; Teachers' Coll., 93; N. Y. U., 93-6; class testator; mem. per- manent class comm.; in charge masonry constr. L. I. R. R., Montauk Pt. Divn., 95; Dept. Pub. Works, Borough Richmond, N. Y. C, 96-; m. Jun. 7, 99. Nellie Ag- nes, da. Wm. H. Caughey; ch.: Carl An- thony, Ruth Agnes; fa.: Philip H., Pd. D., 91. 14 First St., New Brighton, S. I. Frederick J. Handy, Ph. B., 96. Union T. S., 06. 27 Orleans St., Newark, N.J. Perry Bartlette Hough, (PHYS.) B. S., 96; M. D., 99. s. Theron E. and Mary Louise (Perry) Hough, b. Almont, Mich., Feb. 26, 1874-, Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 92-6; N.Y.U. Med. Coll., 96-9; asst. surg., N. Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary; asst. prof, ophthalmology, N. Y. Poly. Hosp. ; instr. operative surg- ery of eye and refraction, N. Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary Postgrad. Sch.; m. May 14, 1903, Margaret Weir, da. Alex. Chris- holm; uric: C. G. Coakley, 87 (Med.). 123 E. 76th St., N. Y. C. Frederick Percy Kafka, (ENG.) B. S., 96; C. E., 97. s. Hugo and Marie (Scherz) Kafka, b. Phila., Pa., May 10, 1875; C. C. N. Y.; A K E; N E; 'Varsity football; N. Y. U., 93-7; structural eng., 34 W. 26th St., N. Y. C. 609 W. 138th St., N. Y. C. Thomas Jones Maccabe, (L.) Ph. B., 96; LL. B., 99; A. M., 01. b. N. Y. C; *BK; pres. Eucleian (4); Eucleian prize (3); James Gordon Bennett prize; 'Varsity baseball (4); pract. law, 100 B'way, N. Y. C. 178 W. 94th St., N. Y. C. Boris Mazur, B. S., 96. Gnstave Morris Meyer, Dr. Sc, (EDUC.) B. S., 96; C. E. 00, Geneva Univ., Switz. s. Nathan and Sophia (Schloss) Meyer, b N.Y. C, Dec. 16, 1875; Chapin Colleg. Sch.; N. Y. U., 92-6; Geneva, Switz. 96-00; asst. to Prof. Loeb, 99-00; asst anal, chem., Col. Univ., 03; tutor physiol chem., Col. Univ., 04; publ. : Action des Metaux sur les Derives lodes Aroma tiques, Geneva, 00; reviews in Bioche misches Ccntralblatt, Leipsic. 59 E. 77th St., N. Y. C. Edward Townsend McKenzie, (PHYS.) A. B., 96; M. D., 01, Col. Univ. s. Wm. Valentine and Lavinia Maria (Barnes) McKenzie, b. Rahway, N. J., Sep. 29, 1873; Hasbrouck Inst., Jersey City, N. J.; N. Y. U., 92-6; asst. phys., Presb. Hosp. Disp. ; surg., asst. and X- rayist, Vanderbilt Clinic; m. Jan. 31, 05, Olga, da. Gustav Gunschel; bro.: Raphael M., 90; unc: C. R. Barnes, 63. 353 W. 58th St., N. Y. C. Charles La Rue Mead, (CLERG.) A. B., 96. s. Jn. and Alice A. (Hough) Mead, b. Vienna, IsT. J., Jul. 20, 1868; Centenary Colleg. Inst., Hackettstown, N.J.; N.Y.U, 92-6; Z ^; pres. class; pres. Athl. Assn.; m. Jun. 10, 96, Eleanor M., da. S. S. Smith; ch. : three daughters. Hoboken, N.J. Gustav Morris Meyer, B. S., 96. stud, chem., Leipsic Univ., 96-02; pract. chem., N. Y. C. 59 E. 77th St., N. Y. C. Eugene Smith Mills, A. B., 96. A3>; Y. M. C. A. ; Eucleian; exec, comm., Athletic Assn.; Tennis Assn.; Latin prize. 1150 Mary St., Elizabeth, N. J. Charles Morris Myers, (CLERG.) A. B., 96; A.M., 98. s. Rev. H. V. S. and Margaret Blanche (Martin) Myers, b. Bkln., N. Y, Aug. 9, 1875; Newburg (N.Y.) Acad.; N.Y.U., 92-6; Z*; Hebrew prize (3); N.Y.U. Grad. Sch., 97-8; New Brunswick T. S., 96-9; ord. (R. D.), 99; teach., Steele Coll., Nagasaki, Japan, 99-04; Presb. Mission Press, Shanghai, China, 04-; uncs: F. R., 54; H. A. Martin, 54; W. R. Martin, 45; R. W. Martin. 91 Chepoo Road, Shanghai, China. Willard Francis Ottarson, (CLERG.) A. B., 96; A.M., 98. s. Warren Francis and Sarah Ann (Ray- mond) Ottarson, b. Lansingburgh, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1867; Hillhouse H. S., New Haven, Ct.; N.Y.U, 92-6; Z *; class orat.; Athletic Assn.; Union T. S., 96-9; p. 56th St. M. E. Ch., N. Y. C, 97-; p. Millbrook and Verbank (M. E. Chs.), N. Y. ; m. Jun. 30, 97, Mary Lucy Mar- shall. Millbrook, N. Y. Arthur Leonard Parsons, (CLERG.) A. B., 96. Eucleian; Glee Club; class sec. (3). Mt. Morris, N. Y. i897] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 125 Bruce Gretton Phillips, (PHYS.) Ph. B., 96; M. D., 1900. s. Jos. and Agnes A. (Lupton) Phillips, 1). Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 9, 1873; Bkln. Prep. Sch.; N. Y. U., 92-6; *T: N.Y.U. Med. Coll., 96-00; del. Republ. Conv. Am. Colleges; del. I. C. A. A. A. A. ; gcnl. pract. med., 222 \V. 59th St., N. Y. C. 45f Macon St., Bkln., N. Y. John Henderson Pritchard, (CLERG.) Ph. B., 96. s. Jn. Wagner and Harriet (Small) Pritchard, b. McKeesport, Pa., Jul. 26, 1873; Boys' H. S., Bkln.; N. Y. U., 92-6; founders' day poet: Kef. Presb. T. S., 96-9; p. Ref. Presb. Ch., White Lake, N. Y.; m. Mar. 27, 1901, Jane M., da. Wm. Du Boia; ch: two. White Lake, N. Y. James Henry Shipley, (EDUC.) B. S., 96; A. M., 98. s. Jos. Twadell and Mary Ann (Des- mond) Shipley, b. Boscobel, Wis., May 30, 1874; Dccorah U.S., la.; N. Y. U., 92-6; -MiK; AT; valedict. ; Grad. Sch., 97-8; Inman Sci. Fellowship; Chem. prize; inst, French, N. Y. U. ; mem. U. S. Com., Univ. Exp., Paris, 00; teach., math., Curtis H. S., New Brighton, S. I.; in. Apr. 23, 1902, Emilic Louise, da. Ily. B. Sturgis. Port Richmond, S.I.,N.Y. Claude Cecil Smith, (EDUC.) B. S., 96. A*; 9NE; Athletic Assn.; Philomath.; 'Varsity football team (3); bus. mgr. 96 Violet; exec. com. Athletic Assn.; teach., Bkln., N. Y., 96-. 200 Joralemon St., Bkln., N. Y. George Francis Swan,* (PHYS.) A. I'... 96: M. B„ 99. *T; ♦BKj 9NE; Eucleian: Chem. Soc; treas. Y. M. C. A ; N.Y.U. Bled Coll., 96-9. d. Nov. 5, 00, N. Y. C. John Prentice Taylor, (CLERG.) A. B., 96;' A. M., 98. s. Elihu Bennet and Lucy Hammond (Lazear) Taylor, b. Warwick. N. Y.. May 20, 1873; Centenary Collcg. Inst., Hack- .1. N. I.j X. Y. V.. 92-6 ; Z *; ♦ BK; Butler fellowship; Latin Sci. orat.; ores, class; Drew T. S. ; m. Jun. 12, 95, Henrietta Augusta Stewart; ch. : Stewart Elihu, Prentice Hammond. Pleasant Valley, N.Y. Julius Emil Walscheid, Ph. B., 96. •1' I' A; ONE; capt. 'Varsity football team (3); pres. Athletic Assn. (2) (3); mem. exec. com. I. C. A. A. A. A. ; dele- gate to Republ. Conv. of Am. Colleges. Union Hill, N. J. Charles Girard Wheeler, (L.) Ph. B., 96; LL. B., 97. s. Chas. E. and Martha (Abrams) Wheeler, b. Bkln., Aug. 5, 1874; Boys' U.S.. Bkln.; N.Y.U., 92-6; *TA; 4>BK; permanent sec, 96; Law, 95-7; pract. law at 56 Pine St., N.Y. C. 586 Jefferson Ave., Bkln. Chester Field Smith Whitney, (PHYS.) A. B., 96; M. D., 99. s. Orville Porter and Dora E. (Odell) Whitnev, b. Bkln., Jul. 14, 1875; Bkln. U.S.. N.Y.U., 92-6; *T; *BK; ed. 96 Violet; pres. permanent class orgn. ; X. Y. U. Med. Coll., 96-9; interne, Bell. Hosp., 00-01; inst, N.Y.U. Med. Coll.; m. Apr. 3, 02, Iowa, da. Washington Benson; ch. : Elinor; bros.: Lawrence W., 96; Elliott W., 00. 244 W. 104th St., N. Y. C. Lawrence Woodward Whitney, A. B., 96. s. Orville Porter and Dora E. (Odell) Whitney; *T; tBK; class poet (2); pres. Eucleian (3); Athletic Assn.: But- ler Eucleian Essay prize; bros: Chester F. S., 96; Elliott W., 00. 255 Halsey St., Bkln., N. Y. (36) 1897 Bertram Palmer Allen, B. s., 97. Certificate for engineering, 97; Chem. Soc. 12 W. 82d St., N. Y. C. Albert Arthur Anderson, (EDUC) Ph. B., 97. h. Vieques, W. L, Sep. 8, 1868; AT; exec, comni. and v. p. Athl. Assn. ; trcas. Y. M.l.A.; ed Umv. Quarterly; ed. Violet. 17 \Y. 43d St., Bayonnc. N.J. Alfred Giapman Benedict, (PHYS.) B. S., 97. • I' & 475 W. I59th St., N. Y. C. 126 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1897 Howard Bill,* b. s., 97. s. Chas. King and Virginia Amilie (Beusel) Bill, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 26, 1878; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 93-7; *T; 4>BK; v. p. Eucleian; asst. ed. 97 Violet; in business, N. Y. C. ; bro. : Chas. A., 92. d. Oct. 1, 99, N. Y. C. William Arnold Bradley, (MF.) b. s., 97. s. Danl. Richards and Rhoda Emily (Ar- nold) Bradley, b. Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1876; C. C. N. Y.; N. Y. U., 94-7; AKE;.9NE; mgr. 'Var. B. B. Team (2) ; mfr. perfumes, 472 W. 43d St., N. Y. C. ; m. Apr. 30, 02, Mary Louisa, da. Walter N. Hart; ch. : two sons. 404 W. 115th St., N. Y. C. George Albert Cain, (CLERG.) A. B., 97. Drew T. S., 97-00; Episc. clerg. George Wyckoff Major Clark, (L.) Ph. B., 97; LL. B., 99; LL. M., 01; B. S., 96, C. C. N. Y. s. Simon J. and Fannie E. (Major) Clark, b. N. Y:C, Apr. 2, 1877; C. C. N. Y.; N. Y. U., 96-7; *TA; hist, class, 97; Philos. Club; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 97-01; spec, work with Engineering News for 3 yrs.; adm. bar, Jun. 30, 99; pract. law, 99-; with Ritch, Woodford, Bovee and Butcher, 18 Wall St., 00-; m. Feb. 28, 05, May Florence, da. Walter L. Clark. 1045 Clay Ave., N. Y. C. Richard Berrian Coons, (CLERG.) Ph. B., 97. *rA; Y. M. C. A.; Eucleian; p. (M.E.), N. Y. Conference. Canaan, Ct. Laurell Wesley Demerit*,* A. B., 97; Ph. D., 00. s. Danl. C. and Eliz. (Moore) Demeritt, b. Bkln., Oct. 25, 1875; Boys' H. S., Bkln.; class orat. ; ed. 97 Violet; Heb. prize; AT; *BR; N. Y. U. Grad. Sch., 98-00; Union T. S., 97-00; ord. (Presb.), Jun. 8, 00; asst. p. 2d Presb. Ch., Albany, N. Y., 00-01. d. Feb. 1, 01. John Turney Fetherston, (ENG.) B. S., 97; C. E., 98. s. Jn. J. and Kathryn (Turney) Fether- ston, b. New Brighton, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1874; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 93-8; A; 'Varsity baseball team; act. supt. and asst. eng. Pub. Works, Richmond Boro., N. Y. C. Richmond Bldg., New Brighton, NY. Edwin Louis Garvin, (L.) A. B., 97; LL. B., 99. s. Oliver Chauncey and Carrie (Selover) Garvin, b. Bkln., N. Y, Oct. 25, 1877; Erasmus Hall Acad., Flatbush, L. I.; N. Y. U., 93-7; * T; Eucleian; treas. Athl. Assn. ; mgr. 'Varsity football (4) ; prize scholarship; Butler Eucleian prize; N.Y.U. Law Sch., 97-9; * A *; 1st faculty prize scholarship, Law Sch., 98; adm. bar, 99; man. elk., Fleming & Fleming, 00; pract. law, N. Y. C; mem. Univ. Club, Bkln. 878 Flatbush Ave., Bkln. Moody Bliss Gates, B. s., 97. s. Rev. Martin Luther and Margaret A (Heagy) Gates, b. Arendtsville, Pa., Oct 15, 1876; priv. prep.; N. Y. U., 93-7; Z * ed. 97 Violet; ed. University Item; pres class (4); pres. Chem. Soc. ; prize scholar ship; fresh, sci. prize; treas., F. M., Lup ton, Pubr. (Inc.), 23 City Hall PI. N. Y. C. ; fa. : Martin Luther, Ph. D., 94 bro. : Virgil Clyde, 93. 390 Park PL, Bkln., N. Y. John Wesley Glenk, (CLERG.) Ph. B., 97; A.M., 99. s. Fred, and Charlotte (Kaufman) Glenk, b. Fort Hunter, N. Y., Jun. 2, 1874; C. C. N. Y.; N. Y. U., 94-7; A T; N. Y. U. Grad. Sch., 97-9; Drew T. S., 97-00; ord. (M. E.), Sep. 16, 00; p. Tacoma, 00-1; prof, hist., Puget Sd. Univ., 01-; p. Do- lomi, Alaska; m. Jul. 11, 01, Phydelia, da. A. H. Treat; ch. : one daughter. Dolomi, Alaska. Aaron William Godfrey, (INS.) A.B., 97. b. N. Y. C, Apr. 26, 1875; Col. Gram. Sch.; Princeton, 92-4; N. Y. U., 96-7; mining, Mexico, 97-8; reporter, Phila. Press, 98-00; tel. ed., lit. and exch. ed., Newark Evening News, 00-02; a projector of The Searchlight, 02-4; genl. agt. N. Y. Life Ins. Co., 04-. 21 Washington Terrace, E. Orange, N.J. Edmund William Greacen, (L.) A. B., 97. s. Thos. E. and Isabelle (Wiggins) Greacen, b. N. Y.. C, Sep. 18, 1876; N. Y. Prep. Sch.; N. Y. U., 93-7; Z *; Athl. Assn.; musical clubs; Y. M. C. A. ; bros.: Walter J., 96; Jos. W., 03. 6 W. 50th St., N. Y. C. William Lewis Hartman, (PHYS.) Ph. B., 97. 744 5th St., N. Y. C. 1 897] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 127 Lewis Montefiore Isaacs, (L.) Ph. B., 97; A. M., 00, Col. Unir.; LL. B., 00, do. s. .Myer S. and Maria (Solomon) Isaacs, b. S.Y.C., Jan. 10, 1877; C. C. N. Y.; N. Y. U., 94-7; AT; aul. I).. Ir. First Natl. Bank. Ossining, N. Y. Willard Jay Tompkins, A. B., 97; A. M., 00. s. Wm. and Sophia Yanderbilt (Elkin) Tompkins, b. Stapleton, S. I., Aug. 17, 1876; S.I. Acad, X. Brighton, S. L; NYC. 93-7; * T; +BK; pres. Eu- cleian; class hist. (4); Hebrew prize; Eng. Soc; Chem. Soc; business at 94 Fulton St., N. Y. C Stapleton, S.I. 128 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1898 Robert Stillman Wightman, A. B., 97. s. Fred. B. and Abigail Ann (Hartley) Wightman; * T; sec. Eucleian; Y. M. C. A.; Athletic Assn.; 'Varsity baseball team; Chem. Soc; sec. Eng. Soc; fa.: Fred. B., 51; unc: J. S. Hartley, 52; bros.: Percy B., 93; Orrin S., 95. 63 E. 131st St., N. Y. C. George Wood, (ENG.) B. S., 97. 150 Union St., Highbridge, N. Y. C. (31) 1898 Renwick Wylie Abbott, (CORP.) A. B., 98. s. Robt. and Eliza (Nightingale) Abbott, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 4, 1876; priv. prep.; N. Y. U., 94-8; *T; N E; Red Dragon; pres. class (4); pres. Eucleian; Eucleian Essay prize; treas. A. A.; mgr. football team; Span.-Am. War, Jul., 98-Apr., 99; newspaper work, N. Y. C, Apr., 99-Jun., 00; asst. to man. ed. New Internatl. Encyc, Jun., 00-Nov., 03; v. p. and gen. mgr. N. A. Mer. Agency Co., 140 Nassau St., N. Y. C, Nov., 03-; sec. Alumni As- soc, of Arts and Sc, Jun., 04-; bro.: Jas., 83; unc: Jas. Nightingale, 61. 150 W. 105th St., N. Y. C. Benjamin Stockwell Barringer, Ph. B., 98. *T; *BK; Eucleian; 'Varsity football team; capt. 'Varsity track team; sec. I. C. A. A. A. A. (4); exec. com. Athl. Assn.; 1st Butler Eucleian essay prize (3); James Gordon Bennett prize. 226 W. I32d St., N. Y. C. Harold Holmes Bayliss, (ENG.) Ph. B., 98. s. Benj. H. and Ellen P. (Birdseye) Bay- liss, b. Bkln., Jun. 16, 1875; Adelphi Acad., Bkln.; Wesleyan Univ., 94-5; N. Y. U., 95-8; *T; 0NE; Y. M. C. A.; sec. Eucleian; civil eng.; m. Sep. 20, 04, Bertha, da. Hy. Parsons; fa. : Benj. H., 65. Katonah, N. Y. John Bradford Briggs, Jr., (PHYS.) B. S., 98; M. D., 02, Johns Hop- kins Univ. s. Jn. Bradford and Adeline Swift (Far- ley) Briggs, b. Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 17, 1879; Boys' H. S., Bkln.; N. Y. U., 95-8; A*; 0NE; 4>BK; Bachelor orat. (4); ed. Item; German prize; chem. prize; del., I. C. A. A. A. A.; Johns Hopkins Med. Coll., -02; act. res. pathologist, Central Ind. State Hosp. for Insane, 00; res. house officer, Johns Hopkins Hosp., 02-3; asst. in Med., Johns Hopkins Univ., 03; asst. in Physiol., Georgetown Univ. Med. Dept. ; asst. in Med., Emergency Hosp. Disp., Wash., D. C; contrib. to current med. lit., 02-; m. Sep. 10, 04, Alice Lewis, da. Eugene G. Peyton. 2007 O St., Wash., D. C. Emil Emerson Camerer, (EDUC.) Ph. B., 98; LL. B., 97; A. M., 01. b. N. Y. C, Sep. 7, 1871; C. C. N. Y. mech. course; N. Y. U. Law Dept., 95-7; N. Y. U. Coll., 97-8; N. Y. U. Grad. Sch., 98-01; Col. Univ. Grad. Sch., 02; asst. civil eng. in N. Y., -94; prin. N. Y. Prep. Sch., 94-; prin. Dwight Sch., N. Y. C; lecturer on philos. and lit. topics. 60 W. 93d St., N. Y. C. Ralph Campbell, (EDUC.) A. B., 98; A. M., 04. s. Jn. O. and E. A. (Brown) Campbell, b. Plainfield, N. J., Mar. 19, 1875; Plain- field H. S.; N. Y. U., 94-8; Z BK; Red Dragon; Eucleian; Chem. Soc; Eng. Soc; fresh, sci. prize; Inman fellow.; instr., Dept. of Physics, N. Y. U. 56 E. 69th St., N. Y. C. John Ruth Evans, (CORP.) Ph. B., 98. s. Jn. J. and Ellen (Davis) Evans, b. Berlin, Md., Aug. 31, 1870; Centenary Colleg. Inst., Hackettstown, N. J.; N. Y. U., 94-8; Z*; G N E; Red Dragon; Y. M. C. A.; Eucleian entrance prize scholar- ship; ed. Item (1) (2) (3); ed. Triangle (4) ; del., I. C. A. A. A. A. ; mgr. base- ball team (2); treas. Chas. H. Elliott Co., Phila. ; m. Oct. 10, 99, Mary, da. Leonidas W. Ailing; ch.: Marian Ruth. 17th St. and Lehigh Ave., Phila., Pa. Benjamin Franklin Foster, (L.) Ph. B., 98. s. Myer and Eva Wyman Foster, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 6, 1877; Sach's Colleg. Inst.; N. Y. U., 94-8; Ben; N E; 'Varsity football team; 'Varsity track team; pres. 1898] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 129 N. Y. U. A. A.; assoc. ed. 98 Violet; Col. Law Sch., 98-00; with Einstein, Townscnd & Guiterman, attys. 32 Nassau St., N. Y. C. James Treat Gorton, (PHYS.) B. S., 98; M. D., 00, Cornell s. Chas. E. and Margaret Malcolm ( McXabb) Gorton, b. Yonkers, X. \ .. I >. 1. 1, 1876; Yonkers U.S.; N. Y. U., 94-8; Z*j Cornell Med. Coll., 98-00; house phys., 4th Med. Div., Loll. IIosp., Jan. 1, 01-Jan. 1, 03; X-rav operator, St. John's 11.." 1 > - ; m. Ian. 14, 04, Clara O., da. Geo. R. Cutting. 181 Park Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Louis Edward Herrmann, Jr., Ph. B., 98. N. Y. U., 95-8; Ben; Eucleian; 'Varsity gym. team; 'Varsity track team; Tennis Club. Charles Greenwood Hill, (L.) A. B., 98. s. Chas. E. and Caroline Greenwood Hill, b. Newark, N. T., Mar. 18, 1876; Xewark H. S.; N. Y. If., 94-8; A*; N E; ed. 98 Violet; mgr. 'Varsity baseball team (4); asst. attv., Trial Depfc, X. Y. C. Ry. Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y. C. ; m. Nov. 26, 01, Maud, da. Richd. Irving. Freeport, L. I. Edwin Huyler, (CLERG.) A. B., s. Peter E. and Leah E. (Bogart) Hinder, b. Demarest, N. J., Apr. 21, 1876: Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. IL, 94-8; *T; sec. ?. M, C A. I prize scholarship; assoc. p. (Presb. ) Wichita, Kas. ; p. Syracuse, N. Y. Hackensack, N. I. Bernard Hetherington Kelley, (EDUC.) B. S., 98. s. Thos. and Rose (Hetherington) Kellev, b. Throgs Neck, Bronx, Aug. 12, 1873; N. Y. U., 93-8; 1st asst. P. S. No. 14, Rronx. Throgs Neck, Bronx, N. Y. C. Diaries Fletcher Lent, Ph. B., 98. s. Isaac H. and Lily A. (McNulty) Lent, b. Tuckahoe, N. Y., Nov. 10. 1877, Cente- nary Colleg. Inst., Ilackcttstown. X. T., 90-4; N. Y. U.. 94-8; Z*: ONE; Red Dragon; Y. M. C. A.; Eucleian: mgr. Musical Clubs (3); clerk in And. Dent of Kansas City So. R. R., 00-4; traveling for Chicago publ. house, 04-. Care of W. R. Siebrecht, North Ave. New Rochcllc, N. Y. George Gere MacCracken, (ENG.) B. S., C. E., 99. s. Chanc. Henry M. and Catherine (Hub- bard; MacCracken, b. Toledo, O., Mar. 8, 1878: Lyons Colleg. Sch., X. V. ('.; X. Y. U., 94-8; *T; Chcm. Soc. ; pres. Eng. Inman fellow, 98-9; Hoe sanitary prize, 99; spec, courses in electricity at Col. L'niv. Sch. of Mines, 98-9; with Man- hattan Ry. Co., 99-02: asst. eng., Inter- boro. Rapid Transit Co., 02-; bros.: Jn. lly.. 94; Hy. Noble, 00. Univ. Hts., N. Y.C. Charles Herbert Nutter, (ENG.) B. S., 98. s. Jn. Herbert and Mary Eliz. (Stone) Xultcr, b. I-'armingham, N. H., Oct. 27. 1874; C. C. N. Y.,; N. Y. U., 95-8; eng. cert., 98; *T; cor. sec. Eng. Soc; asst. eng., Interboro. Rap. Trans. Co., X. Y. I ,; m. Oct. 22, 02, Edith S., da. Jn. Philip Jackson, M. D. 101 IV. 106th St., N. Y. C. John Rice Pratt, (CLERG.) A. B., 98. s. Spencer T. and Anna H. (Brown) Pratt, b. Milford, N. Y., Jul. 21, 1870; Adelphi Acad., Bkln.; N. Y. U., 94-8; AT; *BK; Heb. prize; v. p. Y. M. C. A.: bus. mgr. 98 Violet; assoc. p. Waverly Cong. Ch., Jersey City, N. J.; p. 1st Cong. Ch., Verona, X. J.; m. Jun. 2, 97, Ada, da. Geo. Fish; ch. : Meredith. Verona, N. J. Samuel Beecher Pray, (PIT VS.) A. B., 98. s. Rev. Wm. T. and Adelia M. (Bardin) Pray, b. Centreport, L. I., Nov. IS. Adelphi Acad., Bkln.; N. Y. U., 92-3, 95-8; *T; frat. ed. 98 Violet; house surg., M. E. II. -p. Bkln., X. Y., 02; pract. med., New Rochelle, N. Y. New Rochdlc. N. Y. Frank Mattison Thorburn, Jr., B. S . 98; C. E., 01. s. Frank M. and Frances C. Thorburn; Rkln. Polytech.; ^T; eng. cert., 98; Eng. Soc; with Homer & Fred Bnrtlctt. C. E., Bkln., 98; clerk adjut. genTs of- fice. Albany, X. V.. 9801; chrmn. on constr., Pa. Div. X. V. C. & II. R. R. R., Apr.. 00-Xov., 00: transitman, M. of H., Middle Div. X. V. C ft II. R. R.. Al- bany. X. V.. 02: transitman. C. & P. R. R., at Yellow Creek, 03; chg. constr. Pa. lines W. of Pittsburg. X. W. System, -04; on private work. Alexandria Bay, X. Y.. 04-5: constr. P. R. R.. Newark, X. L, -06. uS McDonough St., Bkln.. N. Y. Frank Westervelt Tooker, BK; Red Dragon; Tri- angle bd. (4); pres. Student Organization (4); James Gordon Bennett prize; supple- mentary prize scholarship; pract. law at 140 Nassau St., N. Y, C. 20 E. 28th St., N. Y. C. Clinton Ethelbert Brush, Jr., (PHYS.) B. S., 99; M. D., 03, Johns Hop- kins. s. Clinton Ethelbert and Eliza Thompson (Whitlock) Brush, b. S. Orange, N. J.; Dearborn-Morgan Sch., Orange, N. J.; N. Y. U., 95-9; A ; N E; Red Dragon; Y. M. C. A. ; classical prize scholarship (1); assoc. ed. 99 Violet; mgr. football team (3); Johns Hopkins Med. Coll., 99- 03; res. med. house officer, Johns Hop- kins Hosp.,_ 03-4; asst. in med., Johns Hopkins Univ., 04-5. 175 Irving Ave., S. Orange, N. J. John Sayrs Burton, Ph. B., 99. • Y. M. C. A. ; Univ. Branch City Vigilance League. Leonia, N. J. Frederic Walton Carpenter, (EDUC.) B. S., 99; A. M., 02, and Ph. D., 04, Harvard Univ. s. Franklin Tompkins and Tane (Willets) Carpenter, b. Millbrook, N. Y., May 12, 1876; Sch. Soc. Econ., N. Y. C; N. Y. U., 95-9; Z*; B K; N E; Red Dragon; Y. M. C. A.; Eucleian; 'Varsity football; ed. Triangle; pres. class (4); instr. zo- ology, Univ. of 111., 04-; lect. in N. Y. U. Summer Sch., 04. The Pennington, 215 E. 15th St., N. Y. C. John Cooperstock, (ENG.) b. s., 99. s. Isaac Jos. and Freda (Kaminsky) Cooperstock, b. Russia, Aug. 15, 1871; N. Y. U, 95-9; insp. artesian wells; struc- tural and mech. draughtsman and de- signer; eng. constr. Interborough Ry., 320 B'way, N. Y. C; m. Jul. 30, 94, Min- nie, da. Elia Goldberg. 778 Wendover Ave., N. Y. C. Chauncey De Voe, (ENG.) B. S., 99. surveyor, N. Y. C. Jessup PI. and N. Y. C. W. 170th St.. Clarkson Alcott Disbrow, (ENG.) B. S., 99; C. E., 03. s. Livingston and Myrtilla P. (Mead) Dis- brow, b. New Rochelle, N. Y., Tul. 12, 1874; Pittsfield, Mass., H. S.; N. Y. U., 95-9; cert, for eng., 99; AT; with N. Y. C. &H. R. R. R., Kingston, N. Y. New Rochelle, N. Y. Frank Erdwurm, (PHYS.) B. S., 99; M. D., 03, Col. Univ. s. Max and Joanna (Palleske) Erdwurm, b. Jersey City. N. J., Aug. 6, 1881; Jersey Cit'v H. S.; N. Y. U, 95-9; Z *; Coll. P. & S., 99-03; pract. med., 04-. 75 W. 85th St., N. Y. C. Edward Theodore Grandlienard, (ENG.) B. S., 99; C. E., 00. s. Henri Louis and Martha (Heischman) Grandlienard, b. Hicksville, L. I., Dec. 26, 1878; Chapin Coll. Sch., N. Y. C. ; N. Y. U., 95-00; eng. cert.; ^T; <*> B K; Inman fellow; bridge insp., asst. supery._bridgjes and buildings, River Di R. R. R., Weehawken, N. J. Hicksville, L. I. Y. C. & H. Nelson Brown Hatch, A. B., 99. s. Geo. C. and Fannie L. (Brown) Hitch, b. Bridgeport, Ct., Feb. 27, 1887; Univ. Sch.. B'port., Ct.; N. Y. U., 95-9; Z *; 0NE; capt. football team; capt. baseball team; track team; del. to I. C. A. A. A. A. (2, 3); pres. N. Y. U. A. A. (J); v. p. do., (4) ; sec. Hatch Cutlery Co. Stratford, Ct. i899] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 131 Rodney Mulford Heggie, . B.. 99; A. M., 00, Col. Univ. I, Win. and -Mary Frances (Mulford) Heggie, b. N. Y. C, Aug. -'8, 1878; Bkln. II. 3 . X. V. U., 95-9; * T; 6 N E ; Red Dragon: IKK; V. M. C. A. ; mgr. track team (3); v. p. A. A. ; assoc. ed. 1 oL Univ., 99-00; ed. staff, Internat. Year Lik. and Internat. Encycl., 00-3; teaching, Santa Barbara, Cal., 03-; m. 01, Florence Eliz., da. Jos. Glen; ch. : Dor- othy Mulford; Rodney Walton. 320 E. Valeris St., Santa Barbara, Cal. John William Hoyt, Jr., (CLERG.) A. B., 99;" B. D., 03. s. Jn. Win. and Hester Amelia (Steen- beck) Hoyt, b. Jersey City, N. J., Jul. 1, 1872; priv. prep.; N. Y. 0., 94-9; Grad. Sch., 99-00; Union T. S., 01; Federation follow, [Jnion T. S.j missny. supt. Particu- lar Synod of N. Y. for Young People's Missny. Work; sec. Southern Westchester S. S. Assn.; ores. Classical League of Westchester; classical agt. Young People's Work; min. with Federation of Churches; minister in charge Faith and Bethany Chapels, N. Y. Ave. Presb. Ch., Wash- ington, D. C, 05-; m. Dec. 11, 02. M. E. I... da. 1). O. Archer; ch.: John Wm. 900 B. St., S.W., Washington, D.C. Adna Wright Leonard, (CLERG.) A. B., 99; B. D., 01, Drew T. S. b. Cincinnati, O., 1875; Pennington Sem., 91-5; *T; sec. Y. M. C. A. ; ' Eu- cleian; exec. comm.. X. Y. U. A. A.; 'Var- sity baseball; Glee Club; p. 1st M. E. Ch., San Juan. P. R.; Am. M. E. Ch., Rome, It.: stud. Am. Archrcol. Sch., Rome; teach. Ital., M. E. Thcol. Sch., Rome; p. Central M. E. Ch., Springfield, O. ; fu'l.: Short I list . Prot. Miss. Work in Porto Rico. 82 W. High St., Springfield, O. Walter Lichtenstein, Ph. B., 99; A. B., 00, and A. M., 01, Harvard Univ. s. Jos. and Rosa (Elkan) Lichtenstein, b. Braunschweig, Germ.. Apr. 13. 1880; Ho- boken Acad.; X.Y.I'.. 95-9; * B K ; Ridder prize. 99: Harvard Univ.. 99-01; office ed. Mediaeval Hist.; New Internatl. Encycl.; charge of Ilohenzollcrn Collec- tion, Harvard Coll. Libry.. Harvard Univ. Harvard Col!. Library. Cambridge. Mass. Thomas Knox McClelland, Jr.. A. B.. 99. s. Thos. Knox and Agnes (Hart) Mc- Clelland, b. Newark. X. T., Aug. 18, 1877; Public U.S.; X. Y. U.. 95-9: Z*; *BK; Euclcian; assoc. ed. Triangle; assoc. ed. 99 Violet; entrance prize scholarship; entr. classic, prize; Eucleian prize; X. V. [J, Grad. Sch., 99-00. 163 Fairmount Ave., Newark, N.J. Philip Mendel, l'li. 1!., 99. Y. M. C A. 1329 North St., Washington, D. C. Fortescue Constable Metcalfe, (L.) A. B.. 99. Mandolin Club; class day orat. ; inter- colleg. debating team; pract. law at 166 Montague St., Bkln., N. Y. 1815 Dorchester Rd., Bkln., N. Y. Vincent Noll,* A. b., 99. d. 02. Isaac Lewis Otis, (EDUC.) A. B., 99. s. Rev. Jn. P. and Sarah Augusta Otis, b. Richmond, Va., Aug. 23, 1876; N. Y. U., 95-9; *B K; v. p. Y. M. C. A.; teach. Baltimore pub. schools, 00-; instr. in Am. lit. and compos, in Bait. Poly. Inst.; m. Jul. 2, 01, Alice Mabel Sterling; ch. : two; fa.: Jn. P., 69. 1937 W. Lexington St., Bait.. Md. Harry Nelson Pfeiffer, (CLERG.) A. B., 99. s. Geo. and Eliz. (Leupold) Pfeiffer, b. Phila., Pa., Jul. 3, 1876; Bkln. H. S. ; N. Y. U., 95-9; Z *; foun. day poet, 99; dir. Mandolin Club 4 yrs.; ord. (Cong.), 01; p. Cong. Ch., Howells, N. Y. ; Oris- kany Falls, N- Y., 03-; m. Sep. 25. 01, Eva Gertrude, da. Martin (Foulk); ch. : Dorothy Howells. 683 Greene Are., Bkln., N. Y. William Franklin Plumlev. (PHYS.) B. S., 99. s. It. Rush and Celia I. (Conover) Plum- ley; b. Wash. City. Dec. 16. 1877 gera Prop. Sch.; Rutgers Coll.; X* (Rut.); X. Y. D . 98-9; mod. ret, Mut. Life Ins. Co., Roche-tor. X. Y. 97 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Walter Buchanan Raymond, (L.) Ph. B.. oo : LL. B.. 00. s. Myron Hanford and Eliz. (Buchanan) Raymond, h. Bkln., X. Y.. Boys' II. S.. Bkln.; X. Y. U.. 95-9; /. 'I : N.Y.TJ. Law Sch., 98-00; pract. law, 10 Wall St.. X. Y. C. 106 Taylor St., Bkln., N. Y. 132 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1900 John Orvis Scudder, A. B., 99. treas. Y. M. C. A. ; Eucleian; class poet; ed.-in-chief 99 Violet. Princess Bay, S. I., N. Y. Nathan A. Seagle, (CLERG.) B. A., 99. s. Philip C. and Mary S. (Drake) Seagle, b. Rutherfordton, N. C, Dec. 24, 1868; Ravenscroft Sch., Asheville, N. C. ; N.Y. U., 96-9; 1st Hebrew prize, 98; asst. min., St. Thomas' Parish (P. E.), N. Y. C, 94- 00; rector, St. Stephen's Parish, N. Y. C, 00-; m. Apr. 15, 95, Emma L., da. Jn. and Emily E. Fraser. 120 W. 69th St., N. Y. C. Stuart Augustus Stephenson, Jr., (ENG.) B. S., 99; C. E., 01. s. Stuart Augustus and Claudine (Well- ing) Stephenson, b. New Rochelle, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1878; Sch. Soc. Econ., N. Y. C.; N. Y. U., 95-9; eng. certific. Z *; Red Dragon; Duryea fellow, 99-00; class sec; U. S. Eng. Corps, Porto Rico, 00-1; Eng. Corps, Pa. R. R. Co., 01-; contrib. to en- gineering journals. 77 Maple Ave., New Rochelle, N.Y. Nathaniel Parker Turner, (ENG.) B. S., 99; C. E. s. Jas and Eudora A. (Knox) Turner, b. Marshall, Tex., Oct. 31, 1875; Ft. Worth (Tex.) Poly. Coll.; AT; Eng. Soc; eng., U. S. Dept. Pub. Roads, Santiago, Cuba, 99-01; supt. of roads, U.S. Eng. Dept., 01-; m. Jun. 4, 02, Helen A. Wilkinson. 102 E. Crockett St., Marshall, Tex. Archibald Stark Van Orden, Jr., (CLERG.) A. B., 99. s. Arch. S. and Lana J. (Clark) Van Orden, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 21, 1874; N.Y. U., 95-9; Y. M. C. A.; mgr. 99 Violet; Union T. S., 01; asst. p. Ch. of Sea and Land until 02; p. (Presb.) Farmingdale, N. J., 02-; m. Apr. 29, 02, Ethel Fogal. Farmingdale, N. J. Samuel I. Wilkinson, b. s., 99. eng. certific; Y. M. C. A.; Eng. Soc; 'Varsity baseball team; class pres. (3); founders' day marshal. Edwin Carlton Woodward, (ENG.) B. S., 99: C. E., 02. s. E. R. and Tulia (Griner) Woodward, b. Port Jervis, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1877; Ft. Worth, Tex., H. S.; N. Y. U., 95-9; eng. certific; AT; Eng. Soc; sec. Athl. Assn.; asst. civ. eng., Tex. and Pac R. R. ; U. S. Geol. Surv. ; at present asst. eng., Recla- mation Service. 921 W. B'way, Ft. Worth, Tex. (29) 190O Marshall Champion Allaben, (EDUC.) a. b., 00. s. Jas. L. and Harriet M. (Newton) Allaben, b. Margaretville, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1876; Newburgh Free Acad.; N. Y. U., 96- 00; GNE; 4> B K; instr. classics, Peeks- kill Mil. Acad, and Trinity Sch., N. Y. C. ; prin. Allegany Co. Acad., Cumber- land, Md. ; dean, Davis and Elkins Coll., 05-6; elect, pres. Davis and Elkins Coll., W. Va., 06; m. Apr. 27, 01, Nancy L., da. Thos. M. Clark; ch. : one; bros.: Jas. L., 03; Augustus N., 05. Elkins, W. Va. Joseph Altman, (L.) Ph. B., 00; LL. B., N. Y. Law Sch., 03. s. Simon and Charlotte Altman, b. New Brunswick, N. J., Apr. 20, 1880; Newark H. S.; N. Y. U., 96-00; hon. ment, Ger- man prize (3); hon. ment.. Tames Gordon Bennett prize (4), N.Y. Law Sch., 01-3; mem. law firm Altman & Altman, Newark, N.J. 800 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Herman Arnold Brecher, (L.) Ph. b., 00. pract. law at 220 B'way, N. Y. C. 213 W. 138th St., N. Y. C. Americo Ulysses Nicholas Cam- era, Ph. b., 00. Cleveland Vernon Childs, (EDUC.) a. b., 00. ^ Tj treas. Y. M. C. A. ; sec. Eucleian; Glee Club; intercolleg. debater. 471 IV. 145th St., N. Y. C. Robert Benjamin Craft, (L.) Ph. B., 00; LL. B., 04, Union Univ. s. Andrew J. and Eliz. (Faulkiner) Craft, b. Roxbury, N. Y., Apr. 12, 1876; Caze- novia Sem.; N. Y. U., 96-00; *T; Y. M. C. A. ; 'Varsity baseball; Glee Club; pres. Eucleian (3); Albany Law Sch., -04; pract. law, Schenectady. 20 Barrett St., Schenectady, N. Y. Bernard Cal onimus Ehrenreich, (CLERG.) Ph. b.. 00. s. Hy. R. and Hannah (Weiss) Ehren- reich, b. Hungary, 1875; C. C. N. Y.; N. Y. U., 97-00; Jewish T. S., N. Y. C. ; rabbi, Cong. Beth Israel, Atlantic City, N. J., 00-1; Adath Jeshurun, Phila., 01-; m. Dec. 17, 02, Irma S., da. Louis Bock; ch. : Louis S. 1012 Franklin St., Phila., Pa. 1900] ALUMNI OP JUL UXirilRSITY COLLEGE *33 Robert Duncan Elder, Jr., 1 1.. 1 Ph. B., 00; LL. B., 01. b. X. Y. C, Ian. 21, 1880. 66 N. 19th St., E. Orange, N. J. Duncan McPherson Genns, (CLERG.) A. B., 00. s. [as. and Rebecca (McPherson) Genns, In., X. i .. Sep. 20, 1875; Penning- ton Son., X. I.; Wesleyan Univ., 96-8; X.V.I'., 98-00; ONE. A I A. BO 11; General T. S., 99-02; rect (P. K. ), Ch. of Ascension, Jersey City, N. J.; m. Tun. 16, 02, Anna Laura, da. Wentworth Cran- brook; ch.: Enid Lauriel. 343 Ogdcn Ave., Jersey City, N.J. William Francis Gutherson, (PHYS.) B. S., 00; M. D„ 04, Col. Univ. s. Wm. Thos. and Frances A. (Priestley) Ciiitherson, b. Paterson, N. J., Feb. 9, 1878; MacChesney Sch., Paterson, N. J. ; N. Y. U., 96-00; AT; pract. med., Pater- son, 04-; m. Tun. 16, 04, Mai M., da. F. E. Milholland. Care of Westchester Co. Alms- house, East View, N.Y. Lewis Clark Haynes, (EDUC.) A. B., 00. s. Lewis I. and Lina C. (Thompson) Haynes: b. Patterson. X*. Y., Tan. 24, . X. Y. C; X. Y. U., 96-00; Z*; ONE; Red Dragon; 'Var- sity baseball; rec. sec. Athl. Assn.; master of Latin, The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa. Patterson, N. Y. Edward Thomas Hendee, (EXG.) B. S., 00; M. S., 01. s. Edward J. and Marv E. (Sadler) Hen- dee, b. daremont, X. II., Feb. 22, 1880; Trinity School, X. V. ( '. ; N. Y. U., 96-00; Z *; OXE; Red Dragon; v. p. AthL Assn. <3»; asst mgr. 'Varsity football (3); m«r. baseball (4): prize scholarship: In- man fellow. 00-01; Grad. Sch. instr. metallurgical chem., X. Y. {'.. 01-3; consult, eng. for Jos. T. Ryerson ft Son, Chicago. TIL. 03-; mem. Sons of Revolu- tion; Univ. Club; Chicago Yacht Club; Chicago Athl. Assn.; Western Soc. of Eng. Care of Jos. T. Ryerson & Son, T8-S2 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, III. Samuel Wilson Hicks, (EDUC.) B. S., on. s. Chas. L. and Marv II. (Wilson) Hicks, b. Roxbury, X. Y.. Apr. 11, 1876; Willis- ton Sem.: X. Y. U.. 96-00; *T: 8 N E; 4>BK; Euclcian; bus. mgr. 1< enpt. track team: head master The Hicks Sch., Santa Barbara. Cal. ; m. Aug. 19, 03. Blanche E., da. Geo. A. Felter; ch.: Chas. AtWOOd. 1733 Garden St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Clarence Albert Holmes, (PHYS.) B. S.. 00; M. D., 04, CoL Univ. B. In. F. and Eliz. (Ionian) II. .lines, b. X. Y. ('., Jul X. Y. < ; N. V. U., 9000; AT; pract. med., X. Y. C, 04-; bro.: Wm. Jordan, 00. 1043 Boston Rd.j N. Y.C. William Jordan Holmes, Ph. B., 00. s. Jn. F. and Eliz. (Jordan) Holmes, b. X. Y. C, Mar. 22, 1878; Sch. Economics, X. Y. (.; X. Y. 1 ', 96-00; AT; pres. class (3); teach. Toms River, N. J., 00-1; Lakewood, X. J., 01-2; sec. Building Trades Employers 1123 B'way, X. Y.C, 02-6; sec. do., 06; fa.: John F. ; bro.: Clarence A., 00; bro.-in-law: John F. O'Ryan. 1043 Boston Rd., N. Y.C. Albert James Keene, A. B., 00. Bkln. II. S. ; gym. team. 629 Leonard St., Bkln., N. Y. Richard Taylor Lynch, (L.) Ph. B., 00; LL. B., 02. s. Jn. and Hannah (Dougherty) Lynch; b. N. Y.C, lul. 24, 1879; Sch. of Soc. Economics, X. Y. C. ; AT; ed. 00 Violet; N.Y. Law Sch., 00-2; pract. law, 99 Nassau St., X. Y. C 5S9 West End Are., N. Y. C. Henry Noble MacCracken, A. B., 00; A. M., 04. s. Chanc. 1 1 v. Mitchell and Catherine (Hubbard) MacCracken; b. Toledo, O., Nov. 19. 1880; Berkeley Sch., X. Y. C. 96; N. Y.U., 96-00; 4 T; BK; ed. Triangle (4); Hebrew prize; mgr. track team (4); Grad. Sch., 03-4; instr. Syrian Prot. Coll., Beirut, Syria, OO-.': Engl lit.. Harvard Univ., 04-6; fitbl.: First War English (for uso in schools in Orient); fa.: Chancell. r MacCracken; bros.: John 1 1 v.. ^4; (!<■ . Gere, 98. University Hgts., N. Y. C. Fred Charles Macdonald, (EDUC.) Ph. B., 00; A. M.. 02. s. Thos. Anthony and lessie (Maclel- lan) Macdonald, b. Durham, X. S.. Apr. :i. X. I.. II. S.: X. Y. I'.. 97-00; Y. M. C, A.: Eudeian; gym. team; ed. 00 Violet: C.r I - !; teach. N.Y. pub. sch.: 1 r/. : Hy. M.. "7 (non- 587 Putnam Ave., Bkln., N. Y. William Jones Marshall, a. B., 00. 134 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [i 901 Stanley Holcomb Molleson, (L.) Ph. B., 00; LL. B., 02. s. Geo. P. and Mary A. (Roberts) Molleson, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 10, 1878; Boys' H. S., Bkln.; N. Y. U., 96-00; AT; BK; prizes: Herman Ridder, German, twice; James Gordon Bennett, entr. exam. ; Sandham orat. ; senior class orat. ; Butler philos. fellowship, 00-1 ; Law, 00-2; #A*; adm. bar (N. Y.), 02; adm. to practice in U.S. Cts., 04; publ.: Notes on Contracts, 01; Summary of Sales of Personal Property, 01; sec. Edgemere Assn.; fa. : Geo. P., 63 (non-gra€.) 42 B-'ivay, N. Y. C. Alfred Berril Nathan, (L.) Ph. B., 00; LL. B., 01. s. Hy. and Theresa (Wolff) Nathan, b. Paterson, N. J., Oct. 17, 1880; Paterson H. S.; N. Y. U., 96-00; ed. 00 Violet; HA*; Law, 99-01; man. elk. Richards & Heald, Fire Ins. lawyers, 141 B'way, N. Y. C. 128 Carroll St., Paterson, N. J. John Reid, Jr., A. B., 00. s. Jn. and Mary (Tamieson) Reid, b. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., Jul. 17, 1879; Halsey Colleg. Sch., N. Y. C.; N. Y. U., 96-00; Z^; Golden Arrow; pres. Eucleian; pres. Y. M. C. A. ; class testator (4); private sec, 54 Wall St., N. Y. C.; fa.: Rev. Dr. John, 70. 863 President St., Bkln., N. Y. Edward Francis Robertson, Ph. b., 00. 122 W. 80th St., N. Y. C. Theodore Leslie Shear, A. B., 00; A.M., 03; Ph.D., 04, Johns Hopkins Univ. s. Theo. R. and Mary Louise (Quacken- bos) Shear, b. New London, N. H., Aug. 11, 1880; Halseys Colleg. Sch., N. Y. C, 90-6; N. Y.U., 96-00; *T; *BK; Eucleian; prizes: class, entr., Latin (2) (4), Hebrew (3); Butler classical fel- lowship, 00-01; Col. Univ., 00; Johns Hopkins Univ., 01-4; Greek fellowship, do., 03; Am. Sch. at Athens, Greece, 04-; bro. : Frederic Duncan, 99. Care of T. R. Shear, 32 B'way, N. Y. C. Leonard Higbie Smith, (PHYS.) Ph. B., 00; M. D., 03. s. Amza and Ella Smith, b. E. Orange, N. J., Apr. 21, 1877; *T; Y. M. C. A.; Eucleian; Glee Club; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 00-3; interne, Bkln. Hosp., Oct. 03-Apr., 05; pract. med., E. Orange, N. J., 05-; mem. Essex Co. Med. Soc. 6 N. Munn Ave., E. Orange, N. J. Howard Metcalfe Taylor, Ph. B., 00. s. Geo. W. and Margaretta (Metcalfe) Taylor; b. Bkln., Dec. 15, 1875; Boys' H. S., Bkln.; N. Y. U., 96-00; Z *; sec. Wingfield & Taylor Co., N. Y. C. 1083 Dean St., Bkln., N. Y. James Brackett Van Vleck, (ENG.) B. S., 00; C. E., 05. s. Fred. B. and Margaret Louise (Cary) Van Vleck, b. Bkln., Dec. 23, 1879; Bkln. H. S.; N. Y. U., 96-00; *T; 4>BK; 0NE; A I A; presentation orat.; capt. 'Varsity baseball team (3) ; pres. Eucleian (3); teach., Smith Acad., St. Louis, 00-3; steel insp., Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co.; transitman and computer, Topogr. Bureau, Queens Boro., N. Y. C. 1405 Pacific St., Bkln., N. Y. Elliott Webster Whitney, A. B., 00. s. Orville P. and Dora E. (Odell) Whitney; b. Bkln., N. Y., Mar. 19, 1878; Boys' H. S., Bkln.; N. Y. U., 96-00; ^T; Golden Arrow; Eucleian; sec. Y. M. C. A.; hist, class (4); div. asst. Real Estate and Tax Dept., D. L. & W. R. R. Co. ; bros: Lawrence W. and Chester F. S., 96. 255 Halsey St., Bkln., N. Y. Nathan Wolfe, Ph. B., 00. German prize. 736 Lexington Ave., N. Y. C. 19OI Hans George Baumgard, B. S., 01. s. Ferdinand and Auguste (Lips) Baum- gard, b. Hoboken, N. J., 1881; Hoboken, N. J., Acad.; N. Y. U., 97-01; stud., Col. Univ. Coll. Phys. and Surg., 01-. 125 Manhattan Ave., N. Y. C. Benjamin Hoyt Belcher, b. s., 01. s. Rev. Frank J. and Sarah (Davis) Belcher, b. Falls Village, Ct., Tun. 25, 1879; Dwight School, N. Y. C; N. Y. U., 96-01; Z -ir; Golden Arrow; capt. gym. team; bros.: Frank J., Jr., 01; Ward C, 04; Geo. B., 07. Upper Montclair, N.J. Frank J. Belcher, Jr., (B.) A. B., 01; LL. B., 01. s. Frank T. and Sarah (Davis) Belcher b. Falls Village, Ct., Apr. 26, 1878 State Norm. Sch., New Paltz, N. Y. i9oi] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 00 N. Y. U.. 96-01; Z *; 9 N E; capt. gym. team; 2d intercolleg. gym. champion, 99; aast caahr. NatL Hk. of Cal., Los An- bros.l Benj. H., 01; Ward (. ., 'i4; Geo. B„ 07. Nat' I Bank of Cal, Los Angeles, Cal. Robert Ernest Bergman, Ph. B., 01. Sandham prize. Bovino, Del. Co., N. Y. Abraham Brill, (I'llVS.) Ph. B., 01; M. D., 03, Col. Univ. s. Philip and Esther (Seitel) Brill, b. Austria, Oct. 12, 1874; Gym. in Austria; C. C. N. Y.; N. Y. U., 9901; Col. Univ. Coll. P. & S.; asst. phys., Manhattan State Hosp. Central I slip, L.I. Arthur Leighton Denchfield, (I'll VS.) B. S., 01; M. U., 05. s. Thos. G. and Sara J. (Cameron) Denchfield, b. Brampton, Ont., Tun. 9, 1880; Bayonne, N. I.. U.S.; X. V. L\, 97-01; AT; Golden Arrow; Si; treas. Y. M. C. A. ; ed. 01 Violet; capt. track mid relav teams (3); pres. A. A.; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 01-5. St. Francis Hospital, 605 E. 55th St., N. Y. C. Aaron Eiseman, (CLERG.) Ph. B., 01; A.M., Col. Univ., 02. s. Bernard and Rebecca (Rosenblatt) Eiseman, b. X. V. C. Mar. 20, 1879; X. V. U., 97-01; Sandham orat. prize; Col. Univ.. 01-2: Jewish T. S.J Rabbi, Beth Israel Bikur Cholin Synagogue, X. Y. C. 1067 Lexington Ave., N. Y. C. Harry Barker Fernakl, A. B., 01. a. las. C. and Nettie (Barker) Fernald, b. ' McConnelsville, <>.. Ian. ". Westerleigh Colleg. Inst.; X. V. C. '>;. ' *; Golden Arrow; Y. M. C A.; Eucleian; assoc. ed. Triangle; cor. Bee, X. V. U. A. A.; intercolleg. debating team; 'Hi K ; Butler Eucleian prize: deputy Bupt schools; dep. provincial treas.: acting provincial trcas. Philippine Islands, at San Fernando, Pampanga, P. 1. 1922 Third St.. X.U\, Washing- ton, D.C. Charles Galway, (EDUC.) A. B., 01. b. N. Y.C.. Nov. 23, 1879; priv. prep.; N.Y.U., 97-01; AT; *BK; class day Founders' day poet; pres. Eucleian; Philos. Club; 2d Eucleian prize; Butler plnl. fellow. 01-2; man. ed. tri- angle; ed. Knickerbocker ; asst. in Engi., 01-2; Grad. Sch., 01-3, 04-5; Col. Univ., 04-; Harvard Univ., 03-4; mem. Am- phadon Club; scholar in Engl., X. V. I'., 04-5; tutor, Engl., C. C. N. Y., 04; con- trib. to rtg Post. Commercial Adv., Tribune, Harvard Advocate, Har- vard Monthly. 77" St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. C. Julius Gottlieb, A. B., 01; A. M., 03; Ph. D., 04. Butler classic, fellow. 93 Second Ave., N. Y. C. Samuel Hopkins Hadley, (ACTOR) Ph. b.. 01. s. Col. Hy. Harrison and Elizabeth Catherine (Anderson) Hadley, b. Bkln., N. Y., Apr. 11, 1878; Pennington Sem.; X. V. U., 97-01; *T; 6 N E: A I A; Eucleian; Y. M. C. A.; Glee Club; class orat. ; bro. : Geo. D., 02. 240 IV. 42d St., N. Y. C. Phil Harold Hembdt, (EDUC.) A. B., 01; A. M., 05. s. Philip and Emma (Baum) Hembdt, b. Jeffersonville, X.N'.. Mar. 27. 1872; Cortland Normal Sch.; X. V. U., 97-01; •M'A; prin. Mt. Kisco M.S.. X. Y.; dir. Dept. Eng., Superior State Norm. Sch., Superior, Wis.; m. Aug. 31, 01, Ruth Alida, da. Cortland Homer Phillips. Superior, Wis. John Craven Hermann, b. s., 01. >1IA; V. M. C. A.; Glee Club; gym. team; ed. 01 Violet; pres. class (3). 63 Orient Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Arthur Edward Hill, (EDUC.) B. S., 01; M. S., 03; Ph. D., 03, Univ. of Freiburg. Germ. s. Chas. Edwd. and Caroline Greenwood (Hill) Hill. b. Newark, N 1880; Newark H. S .; X . V. 1".. 97-01; a •; II.: i! X E: A I A: * B (4): Inman fellow; Grad. Sell.. 01-2; Freiburg, Germany, 02-3: instr.. Newark EL S.. 03-4; recorder of faculties of Coll. and Sch. of App. Sci.. X. V. L'.; instr. in chem., X. V. I'.. 04-; fuhl. : Zur Kennt- nis der Aromatischen Aldehyden und Sulfinsauren, Freiburg, Germany. 03; \ Shorter Course in Qualitative Analysis, 06; m. Aug. 12, 04. (.race D., da. Geo. R. Kent. M. 1).; ch. : Douglas Greenwood; ■ University Hgts.. X. Y. C. 136 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1901 Charles Denny Kimball, (DENT.) A. B., 01; M. D., 02; D. D. S., N. Y. Dental Sch. s. Chas. Otis and Emily Davies (Denny) Kimball, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 17, 1875; Jas. H. Morse School; Amherst, 94-7; N. Y. U., 99-01; A A*; N E; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 98-02? N2N; m. Dec. 23, 02, Jeanne Mae, da. Thos. Laird. no E. 29th St., N. Y. C. Charles Flint Klein, A. B., 01. George Francis Lee, (CLERG.) A. B., 01; A. M., 03. b. Bkln., N. Y., Dec. 19, 1872; Centenary Colleg. Inst., Hackettstown, N. J. ; Wes- leyan Univ., 97-00; N.Y.U., 99-01; grad. sch., 01-3; Union T. S., 00-3; evangelist. 309 Hart St., Bkln., N. Y. Harry Charles Magnus, b. s., 01. b. N. Y. C, Feb. 26, 1881; C. C. N. Y., 95-8; N. Y. U., 98-01; Col. Univ. Grad. Sch., 03; asst. state geol., N. Y. State, 02-3; with F. J. Fleck & Co., contracting painters, N. Y. C. 341 W. 18th St., N. Y. C. Jameson Northrop,* Ph. b., 01. s. Benj. and Eliz. (Kenyon) Northrop, b. Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 18, 1879; Trinity Sch., N. Y. C; N. Y. U., 97-01; *T; Glee Club; v. p. Eucleian; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 01-4. d. Feb. 8, 04, Saranac Lake, N. Y. Hewlett Whitty Oakley, B. S., 01. s. Hy. H. and Emma S. (Whitty) Oak- ley, b. Hoboken, N. J., Feb. 23, 1880; Jersey City H. S.; N. Y. U., 97-01; Z *; Eucleian; Tennis Assn.; entr. prize scholarship. 63 Lexington Ave., N. Y. C. Harry Oppenheimer, A. B., 01. Richmond Jaffray Reese, (L.) Ph. B., 01; LL. B., 02. s. Jacob Reese and Clara (Taffray) Reese b. Yonkers, N. Y., 1877; Yonkers H. S. N. Y. U., 97-01; Y. M. C. A.; Glee Club! 'Varsity football team; 'Varsity track team; 2d all-around athlete; Law Sch., 00-2; AX; pract. law, N. Y. C. 71 Wall St., N. Y. C. Hamilton Charles Rickaby, Ph. b., 01. A A4>; 6 N E; ivy orat. 42 W. 94th St., N. Y. C. Edward Francis Rorke, (ENG.) B. S., 01. s. Jas. and Eleanor (Doherty) Rorke, b. Bkln., N. Y.; Bkln. Polytech., N. Y.; N. Y. U., 98-01; * T; H; A I A; capt. football (4); bus. mgr. Violet, 01; cor. sec. A. A. (3) ; chrmn. prep. sch. day comm. (4) ; sec. class (4) ; permanent v. p. class, 02-; grad. work in chem., 02-3; originator Grad.-Undergrad. Re- unions begun in Feb., 02; in charge of lab., Pratt Works, S. O. Co.; in Grease Dept., do. 112 6th Ave., Bkln., N. Y. Charles Raymond Ross, A. B., 01; A.M., 02; A. B., 00, Mt. Union Coll.; B. D., 01, Drew T. S. s. Rev. Dr. R. S. and Mary C. Ross, b. Salem, O., Oct. 28, 1876; Pa. State Nor- mal Sch., 94; Mt. Union Coll.; N. Y. U., 99-01; N. Y. U. Grad. Sch., 00-2; N. Y. Conference (M. E.) ; m. Nov. 10, 04, Ethel Ruxton Cocks. 88 Arthur St., Yonkers, N. Y. Victor Holies Stockell, (L.) A. B., 01; LL. B., 04. b. Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 14, 1879; J. H. Morse Sch., N. Y. C, 96-7; N. Y. U., 97-01; *TA; H.; N E; * A * (Law); class prophet (4) ; asst. mgr. 'Varsity football team (3) ; treas. student or- ganization; v. p. do. (3); ed. 01 Violet; Mandolin Club; Univ. Law Sch., 02-4; tutor in hist., C. C. N. Y., 02-4; pract. law, 32 B'way, N. Y. C, 04. 27 IV. 94th St., N. Y. C. Charles Andrus Taylor, (ED.) Ph. b., 01. s. O. Van Buren and Amanda Taylor, b. Roxbury, N. Y., Mar. 11, 1879; Williston Sem.; N. Y. U., 97-01; *T; H; A I A; capt. class baseball team (2) ; treas. Eucleian (2) ; 1st v. p. N. Y. U. A. A. (3); capt. 'Var. baseball team (4); instr., Univ. Sch., Bridgeport, Ct. ; ed., New Internat. Encyc. 372 5th Ave., N. Y. C. William John Wallin, (L.) a. b., 01. s. Jn. Cooper and Isabella Wilson (Wat- son) Wallin, b. Yonkers, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1879; Yonkers H. S. ; N. Y. U., 97-01; James Gordon Bennett prize; Gibson prize; ed. on 01 Violet; intercolleg. de- bating team; Law, 00-1; bro.: Geo. Val- entine, 08; cous.: Wm. Scott Smith, 08. 157 Elm St., Yonkers, N. Y. 1902] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 137 Gordon Graham Walton, b. s., 01. 63 Lexington Ave., N. Y. C. David Trout Weidner, (CLERG.) A. B., 01; A. M., 04. >. Benj. Franklin Wcidner, b. Exeter, Berks Co., Pa., Feb. 28, 1876; Penning- ton Sem., 93-6; Wesleyan Univ., 96-8; Ben; N. Y. U., 99-01; 'Varsity football team; Mandolin Club; Tennis Assn.; X. Y. r. Grad. Sch., 03-4; Union T. S., 00-1; General T. S., 01-3; postgrad., do., 03-4; ord. priest (Prot Episc.) ; St. Mark's Ch., Mauch Chunk. Mauch Chunk, Pa. James Stanley Woolley, (PHYS. I i:. >.. "i. s. Jas. Van Siclen and Emma Josephine I Brinckerhoff) Woolley, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 5, 1879; N. Y. pub. schools; N. Y. U., 97-01; Z*; Golden Arrow; 2 2; Eu- cleian; * B K; class treas. (4); pres. Tennis Club (3); Col. Univ. Coll. Phys. & Surg., oi-; fa.; James Van Siclen, 66; bro. : William Henry, 05. 75 E. 70th St., N. Y. C. Mesrob Aram Yeshilian, 1 educo b. s., 01. B, M.irdirus and Elmas (Aznavoorian) Yeshilian, 1>. Paloo, Armenia, 1859; Eu- phrates Coll., Harpoot, Armenia, 72-80; X. Y. U., 99-01; attended short time, Yale and Harvard; instr. in sciences Euphrates Coll., 14 yrs; m. 1884, Anna, da. Medzig; ch.: seven. 1793 Amsterdam Ave., N.Y.C. William Augustus Young, (L.) Ph. B., 01; LL. B., 03, N. Y. Law Sch. b. N.Y.C, Oct. 23, 1879; Curtis Sch., X. Y. C; N. Y. U., 97-01; *T; H; N E; A I A; 9 BE: Eucleian: i>res. class (1); mgr. baseball team (4); commenc. day marshal: prize scholarship; Bee. Inter- colleg. A. A.; St. Louis Law Sch., 01-2; N. Y. Law Sch., 02-3; pract. law, N. Y. C; bro.: Geo. A., 09. 220 Broadway, N. Y. C. Warren Hastings Young, A. B., 01; M. D., 03. (34) 1902 Richard Charles Addy, ■ I . 1 Ph. 1'... 02; 1 I . i:.. 03. 'I' I A; H: sec. Student Organization; exec. comm. of Atlil. Assn.: ed. fraterni- ties, 02 Violet; Philos. Club; X. Y. r. Law Sch.. 01-4 ; pract. law, 44 Court St., Bkln., X. Y. 5S2 Green Ave., Bkln., N. Y. John Trevette Alien, Ph. b., 02. AT; IBK; Y. M. C. A.; sec. Eucleian; v. p. of class; sec. Philos. Club; ed. -in- chief Triangle (4) exec, comm., Athletic Assn.; prize scholarship. Hart Park, IV. N. Brighton, S.I., N.Y. William Peck Banning, (MGR.) Ph. B., 02. s. Archibald T. and Jessie T. (Lock- wood) Banning, b. N. Y. C, May 25, 1880; Mt. Vernon EL S.j N. Y. U., 98-02; Z^l': Butler Eucleian prize; pres. class; assoc. ed. Triangle; do. Knickerbocker; do. 02 Violet; ed. staff New Internat Encyclopedia; adv. mgr. for Dodd, Mead & Co.; dept. mgr., Outlook Co.; agency mgr. Loftis Bros. & Co., 92 State St., Chicago, 111. 238 S. 3d Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Carleton Stymetts Carpenter, (EDUC.) Ph. b., 02. James Gordon Bennett prize; Bd. editors . Stylus; teach. Engl., Irving Sch., N. Y. C. 166 Railroad Ave., White Plains, N.Y. Newton Chapin, (MFO Ph. B., 02. s. Wm. Newton and E. T. (Hull) Chapin, b. Chicago, 111., Apr. 6, 1882; Mt. Ver- non H. §.; N. Y. U., 98-02; Z *; pres. class (4); asst. mgr. baseball team; paper mfr., 214 William St., X. Y. C. 274 -V. Fulton Ave., Mt. Vernon, N.Y. David Anderson Craig, (CLERG.) A. B., 02. s. Saml. H. and Jane (McMaster) Craig, b. Spring Valley, X. J., Sep. 30, 1874; Blair Presbyterial Acad.; N. Y. U., 98- 02; Y. M. C. A.: p. Emmanuel Presb. Ch., Rutherford, X. T. Woodbridge, N.J. Albert Arthur Epstein. B S.. 02. *BK. E. 119th St., X. Y. C. George Daniel Hadley, RG.) A. 1'... "4 (nunc pro tunc); 6.D.. n5, Cambridge Ki>i>c. T. S. s. CoL Hv. Harrison and Eliz. Catherine son) Ha.llev. b. N.Y.C. Xov. 1, Pennington Sem.: N.Y. U., 98-02; BNEj~H: Y. M. C. A.; 1st Hebrew prize (4); Cambridge Episc. T. S., 02-5; v. p. and dir. Xat. Christian Abstainers' 138 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1903 Union; curate, St. John's Episc. Ch., Jer- sey City Hgts., N. J., 05-; bro.: Saml. H., 01. Jersey City Hgts., N. J. Jacob Kohn, Ph. B., 02. v. p. Philos. Club; 1st prize Sandham oration contest; Butler philos. fellow; Fred. Seward Gibson prize. 292 Springfield Ave., Newark, N. J. Henry Stuart Lyon, (EDUC.) A. B., 02. s. Marcus Ward and Lydia Anna (Post) Lyon, b. Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 15, 1878; Newark, N. J., H. S. ; N. Y. U., 98-02; 4>iBK; ent. prize scholarship; teach. Latin and hist., Bethlehem, Pa., H. S. 234 Clifton Ave., Newark, N. J. Julius George Schulz, A. B., 02. Henry Stengel, Jr., Ph. B., 02. *r A; Philos. Club. 92 2d Ave., N. Y. C. Irving Master Vanderhoff, b. s., 02. 9 Roe St., Halcdon, N.J. Edwin Vandewater, (L.) A. B., 02; LL. B., 03. b. Paterson, N. J., Jan. 16. 1880; Jersey City H. S.; N. Y. U., 98-02; Univ. Law Sch., 01-3; pract. law at 68 William St., N. Y. C. 748 Bergen Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Charles Wheeler Walker, B. S., 02. s. Chas. Hy. and Frances Jane (Wheeler) Walker, b. Rye, N. Y.. Sep. 25, 1879; pri- vate prep.; N. Y. U, 98-02; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 02-; *TA; Valentine Mott Gold Medal, 04; prosector of anat., N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 03-4. Rye, N. Y. John Baptist Wirdinger, p. b., 02. s. Geo. and Bertha (Kern) Wirdinger, b. N. Y. C, Tun. 24, 1882; C. C. N. Y.; N. Y. U, 98-02; N. Y. U Sch. of Pdgy., 02-3 : teach, in N. Y. C. pub. evening schools, 2 yrs. ; Long Island News Co., 2 yrs. ; theol. stud., Ref. Episc. T. S., Phila., 505 E. 55th St., N Y. C. Wilbur Stone Wilding, (AGT.) B. S., 02. s. Geo. Cleaton and Mary Jane (Hall) Wilding, b. Parkersburg, W. Va., Apr. 2, 1881; Jersey City, N. J., H. S.; N. Y. U, 98-02; Z*; $BK; A I A; Red Dragon; Inman fellow in chem., 02-3; contract, agent with Mfrs. Automatic Sprinkler Co., 56 Liberty St., N. Y. C. 219 Market St., Paterson, N.J. Frank Edward Woodruff, a. b., 02. s. Edwd. McClure and Caroline Augusta (Hopkins) Woodruff, b. Bkln., N. Y., Aug. 16, 1879; Boys' H. S., Bkln.; N. Y. U, 97-00, 01-2; Y. M. C. A. ; ent. prize scholarship; recorder Eng. Corps., War Dept., U. S. A.; priv. tutor; m. Feb. 27, 99, Natalie, da. Jay Stone; ch.: Jay Stone. 79 New York Ave., Bkln., N. Y. Jacob Wolff, (L.) Ph. B., 02; LL. B., 05, Col. Univ. s. Herman and Bertha (Freund) Wolff, b. Bolyok, Hungary, Dec. 25, 1881; Yon- kers H. S. ; N. Y. U, 98-02; Col. Univ. Law Sch., 02-5. 355 Walnut St., Yonkers, N. Y. (19) 1903 Jesse Johnson Adams, (L.) A. B., 03; LL. B., 05. s. Jn. M. and Grace (Johnson) Adams, b. Coshocton, O., Oct. 30, 1880; N. Y. U, 99-03; Z^; A I A; 9 N E; H; capt. 'Varsity track team (3); pres. Students' Organization (4) ; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 03-5; pract. law, 415 B'way, N. Y. C. 80 Washington Sq., E., N. Y. C. James Luther Allaben, (C.) A. B., 03. s. Jas. Luther and Harriet May (Newton) Allaben, b. Margaretville. N. Y., Nov. 14, 1878; Margaretville H. S.; N. Y. U. 98- 03; pres. Tennis Club; asst. prin. Wer- den's Boys' Boarding Sch., Bay Shore, L. I. ; mgr. Brookside Farm, Chesham, N. H.; with Burnet Co., elect, and rail- way supplies, N. Y. C. ; bros. : Marshall C, 00; Augustus N., 05. 528 W. 143d St., N. Y. C. David Ford Barnett, (L.) A. B., 03; LL. B., 05. Butler Eucleian prize; Butler phil. fellow. 434 Lane St., Topeka, Kan. 1903] ALU MX I OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE '39 Theodore Meigs Bedwin, I EDUC.) B. S., 03. s. Israel and Anna (Meigs) Bedwin, b. Bkln., X. V., Nov. 11, 1881; Trinity Sch., N. V. C; N. x*. I '., 99-03; teach., Trinity 03-4; teach., I'. S., Jo Bkln., X. V.; 'Varsity gym. team; lay reader, Episc Ch. ; lie, Manhattan and L. I.. Epiphany Chapter, Brotherhood St. An- drew. 289 Macon St., Bkln., X. Y. Frederick Edgar Beebe, (ENG.) A. B., 03. s. Walter H. and Louise (Edgar) Beebe; N. Y. U., 99-03; *T; *BK; Fred. Seward Gibson prize; ed. -in-chief Triangle (4); eng. apprentice, Westinghouse FLlect. & Mfg. Co.; rcl.: Dr. Israel C. Pierson, 65. 521 Coal St., Williamsburg, Pa. George Percy A. Bray den, (EDUC.) A. B., 03. 8. In. D. and Emma L. (Frazee) Bray- den, b. St. lohn, N.B., Mar. 11, 1879; Jersey City II. S. ; X. V. VS., 00-3; 'Varsity ••am; intercolleg. champ., club swing- ing (3); class day poet; pres. Philos. Club; prin. Israel Putnam Gram. Sch., Putnam, Ctj head Math. Dept, S. Orange U.S.; won scholarship Graduate Sch., X. V. U., 05; Sch. of Pdgy., N. V. U. 22 Bartholdi Ave., Jersey City. X. J. Louis Ogden Condit, (EDUC.) A. B., 03. B. Melvin S. and Alice C. (Hendershot) Condit, b. Parsippanv. X. T.. Oct. 13, B 1 ■• on 11. S.J X. V. V.. 99-03; *T; <1>BK; asst ed. Violet, 03; capt. 'Varsity baseball team (3): instr. hist., Riverview Mil. Acad., Poughkcepsie, X. V.: bro.: Wm. Arthur, 06. Poughkeepsie, X. Y. Everett Lester Crocker, (PURL.) \. b., 03. s. Tn. Fuller and Louisa (Lawrence) Crocker, b. Ossining, X. Y.. Dec. 6, 1880; Wash. Irving U.S., Tarrytown, X. Y.; X. Y. U.. 99-03; Z *j assoc. ed. Triangle; pres. Eucleian; publishing business. Tarrytown, N. Y. Ellis Fink, (L.) A. B.. 03. s. S. Ellis and Martha M. (Piersonl Fink, b. Mansfield. O., Tan. 29, 1881; Winfield, Kan.. H. S.J X Y. U. 99-03: AT: R K; Ivy orat (41; firm Fink & Fink. Winfield, Kan. Fuller Bldg.. Winfield, Kan. Alexander James Gordin, CEDUC) Ph. B., 03. b. Odessa, Russia, Sen. 11, 1882; Hebrew Tech. Inst., 97: X. Y. U., 99-03; instr., Baron de Hirsch Col. of Agric. Woodbine, N. J. Joseph Wiggins Greacen, A. I!., 03. s. Thos. E. and Isabel (Wiggins) Greacen, b. X. Y. C. Nov. 3, 1881; Berkeley Sch., 95-9; Z *; MS; Red Dragon; mgr. 'Var- sity baseball, 02; bros. : Walter J., 96; Edmund W., 97. 6 w. 50th St., x. v.c. Austin Kenelm Griff en. (Li A. B., 03; LL. B.. 04. 'Varsity crew (3); football team <2) (3): pres. class (3); treas. Student Organiza- tion (3); 1st v. p. Athletic Assn. (3); commenc. marshal; X. Y. U. Lai 03-4; pres. class, 04, Law; pract. law, X. Y. C. Mamaroneck, N. Y. Joseph A. Haniphy, A. B., 03. X. Y. U.. 02-3. Francis Parham Heartsill, (C.) A. B., 03. s. Tn. Rankin and Frances Anderson (Riggs) Heartsill, b. Marshall. Tex., Oct. 3, 1882; Benton, Ark.. U.S.: X. Y. U.. 00-3; S. W. Univ., 99-00; >!• K T; 'Varsity track team; teach, math.. Marshall. Tex., H. S., 03-4; clerk, office of 1st Asst. Post- master Gen., Wash., D. C, 04-. Marshall. Tex. Samuel Adler Herzog, (L.1 A. B.. 03: LL. B.. 04. s. Tos. and Belle (Adler' 1 , Herzog. h. N.Y.C., [un. 26. 1882; X. Y. U.. 99-03; mgr. The Stylus; X. Y. U. Law Sch., 02-4; ♦ BK; 'Varsity track team; pract. law. 198 Bway., N.Y.C 131 W. 97th St.. X. Y.C. Oiarles Jerome Holland, A. B., 03. lit. ed. 03 r islet: hd. ed. Stvlus. 12X0 Bedford Ave., Bkl Myron Burr Keator, A B . 03. H; Philos. Club. Roxbury, N. Y. !40 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY L1903 Elvin Sidney Ketchum, A. B., 03; Pd. M., 03. b. Van Etten, N. Y., May 21, 1872; Starkey Sera.; Union Coll.; Cortland State Norm. Sch.; N. Y. U. Coll., 03; N. Y. U., Sch. of Pdgy., 03; div. mgr., Booklovers' Libr. Corporation, Chicago Div. 240 Michigan Blvd., Chicago, III. Henry Lasker, (L.) A. B., 03; LL. B., 04. s. Louis and Lillian (Aronson) Lasker, b. Russia, Jul. 15, 1878; Springfield, Mass., H. S.; N. Y. U., 99-03; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 02-4; first prize Sandham orat. cont.; sec. and v. p. Philos. Club; adm. bar, Mass., Feb. 20, OS. Court Sq. Thcat. Bldg., Spring- field, Mass. Harry Michael Lefkowitsh, B. S., 03. s. Isaac and Ernestine Lefkowitsh, b. Bkln., N. Y., Aug. 24, 1882; Boys' High Sch., Bkln., 95-9; N. Y. U. scholarship, B. H. S.; N..Y. U., 99-03; *BK; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 02-6; asst. demonstr. anat., Med. Coll., 03-4. 340 Macon St., Bkln., N. Y. Ambrose Lindsay O'Connor, (L.) A. B., 03. s. Edwd. and Anna (Taylor) O'Connor, b. Davenport, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1881; Mt. Hermon Sch.; N. Y. U., 99-03; *BK; 'Varsity baseball team; Albany Law Sch., 04-5; adm. bar, Sep., 05; mem. law firm O'Connor & O'Connor. Hobart, N. Y. William Howell Orr, (EDUC.) A. B., 03. s. Wm. J. and Mary C. (Moore) Orr, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 9, 1881; C. C. N. Y.; N. Y. U., 99-03; Z *; James Gordon Ben- nett prize; ed.-in-chief Violet (3); ed. Triangle; 'Varsity track team; college de- bating team; permanent sec. class; instr. hist., Bkln. Latin Sch.; instr. hist., Sachs Colleg. Inst., N. Y. C; at present mem. class 06, N. Y. U. Law Sch. 568 E. 179th St., N. Y. C. Benjamin B. Payne, (L.) A. B., 03; Ll'b.. 04. b. L. I. City, Jan. 4, 1882; Chappaqua Mt. Inst.; N. Y. U., 99-03; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 02-4; pract. law, 21 Jackson Ave., L. I. City. 12 Lefferts Ave., Richmond Hill, N.Y. Victor Marcus Salvator, (EDUC.) b. s., 03. s. Marcus and Donata Maria (Monfredi) Salvator, b. Italy, Oct. 21, 1878; Mt. Her- mon Sch., Mass.; N. Y. U., 99-03; teach., private sch., Plainfield, N. J.; teach., pub. sch., N. Y. C. 979 N. 7th St., Phila., Pa. Ridgway Foulks Shinn, (CLERG.) A. B., 03; B. D., 03, Drew T. S. s. Jn. I. and Rachel A. (Crammer) Shinn, b. New Egypt, N. J., Tan. 24, 1875; private prep.; N. Y. U., 99-03; pres. Y. M. C. A. (4); asst. p. M. E. Ch., Stamford, Ct. Stamford, Ct. George Albert Simons, (CLERG.) A. B., 03; A. B., 99, German Wallace Coll., Berea, O.; B. D., 05, Drew T. S. s. Rev. Geo. Hy. and Ottilie (Schultz) Simons, b. La Porte, Ind., Mar. 19, 1874; Adelphi Acad., Bkln., 94-5; German Wal- lace Coll.; N. Y. U.; Drew T. S.; East Germ. Conf. (M. E. Ch.), 99; trans. N. Y. East Conf., 03; p. 1st German M. E. Ch., Bkln., 99-02; assoc. p. 61st St. M. E. Ch., N. Y. C, 03-5; p. Bayside, 05-; publ.: memorial edition of Der Lebens Kompass, by Rev. G. H. Simons, 00. Bayside, L. I., N. Y. Edward Middleton Simpson, (L.) Ph. B., 03; LL. B., 04. s. Louis M. and Henrietta (Middleton) Simpson, b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 30, 1880; N. Y. U., 99-03; Z *; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 02-4; pract. law, 31 Nassau St., N. Y. C.J bro.: Robert M., 05. 474 Central Pk., W ., N. Y. C. Oscar Le Roy Warren, A. B., 03. s. Jas. L. and Sarah A. (Evans) Warren, b. White Plains, N. Y., May 5, 1882; White Plains H. S.; N. Y. U., 99-03; law clerk, 03-. i?5 Railroad Ave., White Plains, N.Y. Max Sanford Weil, (MF.) Ph. B., 03. s. Max and Gertrude (Williams) Weil, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 10, 1882; 'Varsity tennis team; N. Y. U., 99-03; mfr. and designer, Weil, Haskell Co., 110 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. 102 W. 80th St., N. Y. C. Sidney Weil, B. S., 03. b. Demopolis. Ala., Dec. 24, 1882; with Weil & Weil. mfrs. and importers, 421 Broome St., N. Y. C. 1867 Monroe Ave., N. Y. C. 1904] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE M Frank Wells Wilcox, (C) A. B., 03. s. Vincent M. and Eliz. 15. (Wells) Wil- cox, b. N. Y. C, Aug. 5, 1882; Chapin Colle$. Sch.; N. Y. U., 99-03; *T: mgr. 'Varsity crew (3); clerk at 346 N. Y. C. 446 Central Ph., IV., N. Y.C. (31) 1904 Charles Robert Adams, (C.) A. B., 04. s. Braman Blanchard and Jennie Amanda (Tinker) Adams, b. Westfield, Mass., Feb. 2i, 1883; Mt. Vernon II. S.; X. Y. I'., 00-4; *T; A I A; Red Dragon; sec. Stud. Orgn. ; -1» B K; with Blair & Co., bankers, 24 Broad St., N. Y. C; rel. : Dr. S. \V., 99 (Med.). i Adams St., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Ward Crawford Belcher, A. B., 04. s. Frank J. (D. D.) and Sarah (Davis) Belcher, b. Poquag, Sep. 16, 1882; De Witt Clinton H. S.; N. Y. U., 00-4: 7.4- A I A; Red Dragon; capt. gym. team (2) (St; mem. exec, comm., Intercolleg. Gym. Assn.; commercial traveller, 262 Water St., Bkln. ; bros.: Frank J., Jr., 01; Benj. II. . 01; Geo. B., 07. Upper Montclair, N. J. Whitefield Walton Brockman, A. B., 04. N.Y.I 1 .. 03-4; rA; m. Sep. 10, 96, Mary Ed- win, da. G. W. Smith, D. D.; ch.: Edwd. 28 Franklin St., Newark, N. J. Jerome Arnold Kohn, A. B., 04. N. Y. U., 00-4; 'Varsity track team. 18 E. 95th St., N. Y. C. Chester Herman Lane, (L.) A. B., 04; LL. B., 05. s. Peter and Emma J. (Rinehart) Lane, b. New Germantown, N. J., Aug. 26, 1880; Delaware Acad.; N. Y. U., 00-4; 4>BK; AX; mgr. 04 Violet; class pres. (4); 'Varsity football team; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 04-5; 'Varsity crew; Eucleian; Philos. Club; N. Y. U. Athl. Assoc, exec. comm. New Germantown, N. J. Walter Clayton Leonard, (EDUC.) A. B., 04. s. Harvey and Sara F. (Faurot) Leonard, b. Bkln., N. Y., Jan. 13, 1883; Bkln. H. S.; N. Y. U., 00-4; AT; Sphinx; 4>BK; ed., Classes, 04 Violet; supple- mentary scholarship; N. Y. U. Sch. of Pdgv., 04; teach., Pub. Sch. 39, N. Y. C. 1428 Webster Ave., N. Y. C. Lansing Yates Lippincott, B. S., 04. s. Wm. H. and Mary Eliz. (Yates) Lip- pincott, b. N. Y. C, Feb. 13, 1883; Morris H. S.; N. Y. U., 00-4; * T; Fred. Seward Gibson prize; A I A; 'Varsity football (2) (3) ; ed. Triangle (4) ; N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 04-. 126 W. 82d St., N. Y. C. Sol Davis Moss, (L.) A. B., 04. s. Hy. and Emma Moss, b. N. Y. C, Feb. 11, 1883; Chapin Colleg. Sch.; N. Y. U., 00-4; $rA; H; 'Varsity track team; present, orat. ; class hist. ; asst. mgr. Triangle; pract. law, 62 William St., N. Y. C. 205 E. 62d St., N. Y. C. Frederick Avra Russell, Jr., Ph. B., 04. s. Fred. Avra and Minnie (Brown) Rus- sell, b. Irvington, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1883; Washington Irving H. S. (Tarrytown, N. Y.) ; N. Y. U., 00-4; AT; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 04-. Broadway, Tarrytown, N. Y. Benjamin Franklin Saxon, (CLERG.) A. B., 04; B. D., 95; Drew T. S. s. Franklin Burns and Mary A. (Porter) Saxon, b. Grahamville, Pa.; Dickinson Sem.; N. Y. U., 00-4; p. (N. Y. East Conf. M. E. Ch.) Bridgeport, Ct.; m. Apr. 23, 96, Mary C, da. Jacob and Cornelia Gartman; ch. : Wilbur G. 1231 Stratford Ave., Bridgeport, Ct. Walter Mandeville Silleck, A. B., 04. s. Walmer Palmer and Mary E. (Mande- ville) Silleck, b. N. Y. C, Apr. 15, 1883; Barnard Sch.; N. Y. U., 00-4; Z *; Col. Univ. Coll. of Phys. & Surg., 04-. 19 W. I22d St., N. Y. C. James George Taylor, A. B., 04. b. N. Y. C, May 19, 1880; De La Salle Inst., 91-6; Notre Dame Univ., 96-01; N. Y. U., 01-4; *rA; 'Varsity baseball team. 531 West End Ave., N. Y. C. Rufus King Trevor, A. B., 04. Newspaper cartoonist, N. Y. C. 1286 Lexington Ave., N. Y. C. John Lester Tuthill, A. B„ 04. N. Y. U., 00-4; Z*; A I A; Red Dragon; 'Varsity baseball team; capt. 'Varsity football team; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 05-. Goshen, N. Y. Alexander Aristides Vazakas, A. B., 04. From Athens, Greece; Union T. S., 03-6. 700 Park Ave., N. Y. C. Cary de Ville Waters, A. B., 04. N. Y. U., 00-4; $TA; 9 N E; Sphinx; H. Ossining, N. Y. (30) i 9 o 5 ] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 143 1905 Augustus Newton Allaben, s. Jas. Luther and Harriet May (Newton) «.'. V., Tan. 14, 1881; Margaretville U.S., 01; N. Y. U., Allaben, b. Margaretville, N. 01-5: Glee Club (2); bros.: Marshall C, 00; jas. L., 03. Margaretville, N. Y. Robert Carlton Baker, b. N. Y. C, Jan. 9, 1884; Dover (N.J.) H. S., 01; N. Y. U., 01-5; AT; * 1; K; 'Varsity crew (1); asst. mgr. football team (3); mem. sen. class day coram. (4) ; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 0S-. Dover, N. J. Herbert Spencer Boyd, (EDUC.) A. B., OS. b. Hoyt's Mills. Katonah, X. Y.. Dec. 4, 1880; Pennington Sem., 98-01; N. Y. U., 01-5; *BK; lit. ed. Violet (05); hist. class (3) ; pres. class (4) ; treas. prep, sch. dav coram., 05; priv. teaching: instr. Engl., Blake Sch., Fifth Ave. & 45th St., X. Y. C. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Harry Mortimer Bremer, B. S.' 05. - Paul and Phebe Ann (Moore) Bremer, b. X. Y. C, Jan. 6, 1885; private prep.; X. Y. U., 01-5; K I; •!• ll K; prize scholar- ship; Chemical Soc; bros.: Lewis Paul, 05; Percy \V., 08. White 'Plains, N. Y. Richard Joshua Brown, B. S., 05. b. Newark II. S.. 01; N.Y.U., 01-5; Chem. Soc; Eucleian; Glee Club; Y. M. 1'. A. t, X. T.. Dec. 29, 1883; Newark ; x. Y. u.. Glee Club; 57 Taylor St., Newark, X.I. Frederick Cohn, rii. r... 05. X. Y. U. Law Sch.. 04-. 243 E. 13th St., X. Y.C. Alexander Fichandler, A. B.. 05. b. Odessa, Russia. Nov. 27, 1879; C.C.N.Y.. 92-6; Col. Univ., summer a, 02; N. Y. U. Grad. Sch.. 05; instr. Engl., Commercial II. S., L'kln., X. Y. 134 E. wist St., N. Y. C. Francis Lewis Gould, B. S., 05. s. Edwd. Sherman and Arabella Duncan (Ludlow) Gould, b. White Plains, X. V.. Jan. 9, 1884; Yonkers U.S.; X. V. I'., 01-5; *T; bro. : J. W. DuBois, 02; rcls.: Morgan Lewis, a founder of N. Y. U.; G. W. DuBois, 43. 59 Hawthorne Ave., Yonkers,N. Y. George Vreeland Halsey, A. B., 05. N.Y.U., 01-5: BT: 'Varsity baseball team (l)-(4); X. V. U. Law Sch., 05-. 5/ Franklin Ave., Ridgewood, N.I. William Baytho Hazlewood, A. B., 05. s. Robt. Hamilton and Margaret (Fritch) Hazlewood, b. St. John, N. B., Nov. 6, 1880; Centenary Collar. Inst., Hacketts- town, X.J.; X. V. L'., Dl-5; 'I'TA; 6 N E; Glee Club; exec, coram, and cor. sec. N. \'. L'. A. A.; elected by X. V. l\ Council to advisory comm., Athl. Assn., 06-8; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 05-. 180 Colyer St., Bkln., N. Y. William George Hille, A. I!., 05. s. Fred. \Vm. and Christina (Frick) Hille, b. Union Hill, X. I., Apr. 10, 1884; Hoboken Acad.; N.'Y. U.. 01-5; •MA; 8NE; sec. class (3) (4); prep, sch. day comm., N. Y. U. Law Sch., 05-. 314 Gardner St., Union Hill. X. I. Charles Rawson Kingsley, Jr. B. s., 05. s. Chas. Rawson and Florence (Morse) Kingsley, b. Utica, N. Y., Jun. 19, 1883; Port Richmond H. S.; N. Y. U., 01-5; Z*; A I A; Glee Club; Eucleian; med. stud.; bro.: Donald M., 07. West Brighton. S.I., N. Y. Leslie Lobingier, A. By 05. s. Hy. Schcll and Annie (Sinclair) Lobingier, b. Chicago, 111.. Jan. Morris U.S., X. V. C. : 0.0, 01-5 *BK; 05 Violti bd. ; sec. Student Orgn. Union T. S., 04-. 1380 Franklin Ave., X. Y. C. Alexander McClinchie, A. P. . 05. X. Y. U. 01-5; Tennis Club (3); 'Yarsity debating team (3) (41. 480 7th St., Bkln., X. Y. i 4 4 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1905 Frederick William Joseph Mar- tin, (EDUC.) E. S., 05. s. Jas. H. and Mary Sophia (David) Martin, b. Lawrence, L. I., Aug. 31, 1883; De Witt Clinton H. S.; C. C. N. Y.; N. Y. U., 04-5; *KT; N. Y. U. Sch. Pdgy., 04-5. 352 W. 56th St., N. Y. C. Sydney Robotham Miller, B. S., 05. s. Fred Halsey and Annie (Robotham) Miller, b. Newark, N. J., Aug. 9, 1883; Barnard Sch.; N. Y. U., 01-5; Z *; A I A; v. p. class (4); ed. -in-chief 05 Violet; gym. team; pres. Eucleian; chrmn. prep. sch. day comrn.; Chem. Soc. ; Y. M. C. A. 1096 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Robert Sanford Miller, A. B., 05. b. Croton Falls, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1881 White Plains, H. S.; N. Y. U., 01-5 Union T. S., 04-; civ. engineering a White Plains, N. Y. 19 Davis Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Harold Edmund Percival Nagle, Ph. B., 05. s. Percival Edmund and Katharine (White) Nagle, b. N. Y. C, Sep. 24, 1883; Morris H. S.; C C. N. Y.; George- town Univ., 01-2; N. Y. U., 02-5; KB*; H; 6 AX; AX (Law); mgr. 'Varsity football team (4) ; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 04-6; rcl.: Dr. John F. (Med Coll.). 3 E. 129th St., N. Y. C. Denis Herbert O'Dowd, A. B., 05. s. Jn. Chas. and Emma Watkms O'Dowd, b. South Wales, Eng., Oct. 14, 1881; Barnard Sch.; N. Y. U., 01-5; Z *; A I A; Red Dragon; mgr. 'Varsity base- ball team (3) ; pres. Stud. Orgn. (4) ; pres. class (3) ; pres. Y. M. C. A. (4) ; Union T. S., 04-5; Gen. T. S., 05-. Tappan, N. Y. Melvin C. Opperman, A. B., 05. William Irelan Reed, (CLERG.) A. B., 05. s. Obadiah and Harriet Adams, b. Pleas- antville, N. J., Mar. 6, 1874; Pennington Sem.; Dickinson Coll., 97-00; N. Y. U., 04-5; Ivy orat. (4); p. (M. E. Ch.), Ban- tam, Ct., 05-. Bantam, Ct. Thomas Thornton Reilley, A. B., 05. s. Chas. H. and Rose E. (Thornton) Reilley, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 20, 1883; Trin- ity Sch., N. Y. C; N. Y. U., 01-5; AT; H; capt. football team (4); 'Varsity baseball and track teams; v. p. N. Y. U. A. A.; Col. Univ. Law Sch., 05-. 147 Lenox Ave., N. Y. C. Frederick William Schaefer, A. B., 05; LL. B., 01. b. N. Y. C, Aug. 28, 1880; N. \ r . U. Law Sch., 99-01; N. Y. U. Coll., 01-5; 3d faculty prize scholarship, Law, 00-; 3d prize, senior yr., Law, 01; Union T, S., 05-; awarded scholarships at Union for jun. and mid yrs. ; adm. bar, 01; pract. law, 01-; in charge Presb. chapels Dundee, Lake and Totowa, N. J., 04. 2394 Seventh Ave., N. Y. C. Charles Voorhees Searing, A. B., 05. s. Wm. and Eliz. B. (Voorhees) Sear- ing, b. Bkln., N. Y., Aug. 1, 1882; Bkln. Boys' H. S.; N. Y. U., 01-5; $BK; Eucleian; Philos. Club. 305 Putnam Ave., Bkln., N. Y. August Steitz, A. B., 05. 611 E. 38th St., Bkln., N. Y. Lawrence Hopkins Stone, A. B., 05. b. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1884; N. Y. U., 01-5; Z*; 'Varsity football; exec, comm., N. Y. U. A. A.; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 04-6; * A *. 254 W. 93d St., N. Y. C. Robert Middleton Simpson, Ph. B., 05. s. Louis M. and Henrietta (Middleton) Simpson, b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 31, 1883; N. Y. U., 01-5; Z*; Sphinx; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 04-6; bro.: Edwin M., 03. 474 Central Park, W., N. Y. C. Dennis Francis Tarpey, A. B., 05; Pd. M., 05; B. S., 92, St. Francis Xavier; A. M., 93, do. 460 16th St., Bkln., N. Y. George Teague, (EDUC.) A. B., 05. s. Jn. and Eleanor (Abbott) Teague, b. Wharton, N. J., Feb. 12, 1878; Wharton P. S.; N. Y. U., 01-5; *BK; bus. mgr. 05 Violet; treas. Eucleian; sec. Y. M. C. A.; U.S. Census Bureau, 05; pub sch. teach. Boonton, N. I. 1905] ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 45 Allen Beckley Ward, A. B., 05. b. X. Y. C, Jul. 30, 1884; Barnard Sch., N. Y. C. 92-01; N. Y. U., 01-5; *TA; G NE; Sphinx; KB; 'Varsity crew (1); mgr. 'Varsity track team (4); exec. comm., X. V. V. A. A. (4)j treas. Stu- dent Orgn. (4); Violet bd. ; Eucleian. 69 IV. 131st St., N. V. C. Lester Paul Warford, A. B., 05. X. i*. U.. 01-5; Eucleian; Y. M. C. A.; Philoa. Club; track team (l)-(4 Club; treas. Student Orgn.; 2d v. p. Ath- letic Assn. (3); Princ. T. S., 05-. 16 Hart St., Bkln., N. Y. Reinald Werrenrath, (MI'S.) A. B., 05. . and Arena (Camp) Werrenrath, b. Bkln.. X. Y.. Aug. 7, 1883; Boys' H. S., Bkln.; N.Y.U.. ul-5; *T; Kb*; direc- tor Glee Club; founders' day orat.; Sand- ham orat. prize (3); musician, 05-. 2293 Luring I'L, University Hts., N. Y. C. William Henry Woolkv, A. B.. 05. s. J. V. S. (M. D.) and Emma J. (Brinck- erhoff) Woollcy, b. X. Y. < .,' Oct 25. 1883; De Witt Clinton II. S.; X. Y. l\. 01-5; Z*; <1>BK; Eucleian; ed.-in-chief Triangle (4); X. Y. U. Law Sch., 05-; bro. : Jas. Stanley, 02. 75 E. 79th St., N. Y. C. (33) Alumni of the School of Applied Science 1862 Francisco Gonzales, C. E., 62. entered N. Y. U. from Mexico. 1866 Asa C. Hendrickson,* C. E. (see Coll., 66). Isaac Cornelius Hendrickson, C. E., 66 (see Coll., 66). 1867 Charles B. Brush,* C. E., 67 (see Coll., 67). Arthur Spielman,* C. E., 67 (see Coll., 67). 1868 (1) (2) Sullivan Haslitt,* C. E., 68. of Haslitt & Van Home, civil engineers, N. Y. C. Frederick W. Watkins, C. E., 68. civil eng. at Carmel, N. Y. 45 Rockledge Ave., White Plains, N.Y. (2) 1869 George Bond, C. E., 69 (see Coll., 69). John W. Root,* C. E., 69 (see Coll., 69). (1) T. Martin Trippe, C. E., 69 (see Coll., 69). 187O John H. Carll, C. E., 70 (see Coll., 70). I87I Charles A. Hexamer, C. E., 71 (see Coll., 71). James Van Buskirk, C. E., 71 (see Coll., 71). Clarence Child,* C. E., 71. Edward Wegmann, (ENG.) C,E., 71. s. Edwd. and Mary Wilhelmina (Sand) Wegmann, b. Rio Janeiro, Brazil, Nov 27, 1850; Bkln. Poly. Inst; N. Y. U. 70-1; civ. eng., N. Y., West Shore ant Chicago Ry., 71; New Haven. Middle town and Willimantic Ry., 72-3; Wyan dotte, Mich., Rolling Mills, 74; in Bkln. 75; Danforth Locomotive Works, Pater son, N. J., 76; constrn. Metr. Elev. Ry. N. Y. C, 77; asst. eng., do., 78-80; res eng. for N. Y., West Shore and Buffalo Ry., 80-4; asst. eng. of constrn., new Cro ton Aqueduct, N. Y., 84; in charge Man hattan Div., do., 85-93; do., Croton River Div., 93-04; expert eng. for the Aqueduct commr., N. Y., 04-; prepared exhibit of water-works, N. Y. C, for Columbian Expos., 93; lect. on water-work constrn., N. Y. U., 92-; mem. Am. Soc. C. E. ; Am. Water-works Assn.; New Eng. Water- works Assn. ; publ. : The Design and Con- str. of Masonry Dams (88); The Water Supply of N. Y., 58-95 (96) ; The Design and Constr. of Dams (99); m. May 6, 01, Charlotte Harriet, da. Dr. C. E. Drum- mond; ch. : Ch. Edward. White Plains, N. Y. (4) 146 1872] ALUMNI OF THE SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIEXCE 47 1872 William H. Atwood,* C. E., 72 (see Coll., 72). Alfred Child, C E., 72. George W. Ferdon,* C. E., 72 (see Coll., 72). Charles M. Goelz,* C. E.. 72 (see Coll., 72). Israel C. Russell,* C. E., 72 (see Coll., 72). William Walter Maclay, (ENG.) A. M., 68; C. E., 72. B. Archibald (M. D.) and folia Ann (Walker) Maclay, b. N. V. C, Mar. 27 1846; U. S. Nav. Acad., 60-3; commis' sioned ensign U. S. X.. 63; master, 65 in both attacks on Ft. Fisher, 64-5; lieut. 66; lieut. -commander, 68; fleet lieut. acting fleet capt. U. S. Asiatic Squadron 68; resigned, 71; app. by Tap. Govt, mem Light-House Bd. for Yeddo Bay, 68, with Commod. Goldsborough, V. S. X., and Capt. Hewitt, Royal Navy; X. Y. U., 72; and mgr. Glens Falls Portland Ce- ment Co.; asst., 1st asst., and consult, eng., Dept. of Docks, X. Y. C. ; mem. Am. Soc. C. E.; Inst, of C. E., Lond., Eng.; Internat. Soc. for Testing Materials; cor. mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc; puhl. : Xotes and Kxper. on Use and Testing of Port- land Cement, 77; Port. Cem. for Eng. Works, 90; Hot Tests for Change of Yolume in Port. Cem., 92; m. Sep. 16, 74. Marian, da. Brownlee Bensel; ch.: Alice B., Walter; una.: Moses B., 36; Wm. B.. 36. P. 0. Box 512, Glens Falls, N. Y. Frank M. Tappen, C. E.. 72. commenc. orat. John G. Van Home, C. E., 72 (see Coll., 72). Frank A. Von Briesen, C. E., 72 (see Coll., 72). 1873 Heman D. Atwood, C. E., 73 (see Coll., 73). (0) Isaac F. Lockwood, C. E., 73 (see Coll., 73). 1874 James H. Balston, C. E., 74 (see Coll., 74). Martin J. Browne, C. E., 74 (sec Coll., 74). Richard Ferris, C. E., 74 (see Coll., 74). Sheridan Manners, C. E., 74 (see Coll., 74). <-> (4) 1875 George S. Hendrickson, C. E., 75 (see Coll., 75). Paul C. L. Lellman, C. E., 75 (see Coll., 75). William H. Matthews, C. E., 75 (see Coll., 75). Frank Russak, (B.) c. E., 75. s. Benj. and Flora (Joel) Russak, b. N. Y. C, Apr. 10. 1858; jun. orat.; com- menc. orat.; sec. Eucleian; Harvard Coll., 76; founder and lion. sec. 1st Bd. of Di- rectors Montefiore Home, X. V. ('. ; mem. firm Russak & Eerzqg, hanker-; mem. Harvard Lotos Club; X. Y. Athletic Club; Civil Service Reform Assn.; m. Sep. 19, 99, Marie Ellene, da. Hon. Allyn M. Barnard; bro.: Jacob, 93. Alfred W. Trotter, C. E., 75 (see Coll., 75). 1876 Eugene Daniel Bagen,* ceduc; C E.. 76. s. Patrick and Marv Ann (Spotton) Bagen, ».. X. V. c. Sep. 13. 1851; C. C. X. V.. 72-3; X. V. V., 73-6; AT; pres. Eucleian; city survevor, 76-80; teach.. X. V. C Gram. Sch. Xo. 4. 8003; Gram. Sch. Xo. 12. 93; asst. supt. pub. schools, X Y. c\. 94-6; mem. N. Y. Schoolmasters' Club. d. Feb. 27, 96, N. Y. C. (S) 148 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1877 Baldwin Gardiner Cooke, (PHYS.) C. E., 76; M. D., 79, Col. Univ. s. Horace and Esther Louisa (McCurdy) Cooke, b. N. Y. C, Dec. 5, 1855; *T; Eucleian jun. orat. and Webster prize; N. Y. U. oratory contest, in Intercolleg. Lit. Assn., 76, with hon. raent. ; Butler Eucleian essay prize; censor and treas. Eucleian; pres. class (4); pres. Athl. Assn. ; marshal at commenc. ; Coll. of P. and S., N. Y., 76-9; chem. asst. ; phys., Sanitary Dept., Bd. of Health, N. Y. C, 83 and 93; mem. N. Y. Co. Med. Soc; Harlem Med. Soc; N. Y. State Militia, 7th Regt., N. Y. C, 75-7; publ.: Tuber- culosis in Children, Phila., Pa., 89; Hys- teria as a Symptom of Insanity, N. Y., 92; m. Oct. 9, 79, Sarah Alice, da. Arthur Trainer; ch. : Esther Gardiner, Olive Gardiner, Evelyn Gardiner, Baldwin Gardiner, Hazel Gardiner. 20 IV. 119th St., N. Y. C. Charles Quackenbush Freeman, C. E., 76 (see Coll., 76). Charles R. Gillett, C. E., 76 (see Coll., 76). Charles W. Hunt, C. E., 76 (see Coll., 76). George P. Janes, C. E., 76 (see Coll., 76). Stoyell C. Parsons, C. E., 76 (see Coll., 76). James M. Riker, C. E., 76 (see Coll., 76). David D. Smeaton, C. E., 76 (see Coll., 76). 1877 Alfred Brittain, C. E., 77 (see Coll., 77). Douglas Conklin, C. E., 77 (see Coll., 77). Charles F. Cooper, C. E., 77 (see Coll., 77). John T. W. Jennings, C. E., 77 (see Coll., 77). (9) Walter H. Nelson, C. E. ( 77 (see Coll., 77). (5) 1878 John A. Atwood, C. E., 78 (see Coll., 78). Henry Randell Baremore, C. E., 78 (see Coll., 78). Samuel L. Cooper, C. E., 78 (see Coll., 78). Robert B. Davis, C. E., 78 (see Coll., 78). Michael W. Divine, C. E., 78 (see Coll., 78). William A. Howell, Jr., C. E., 78 (see Coll., 78). Robert H. T. Marrenner, C. E., 78 (see Coll., 78). Warren M. Osborne, C. E., 78 (see Coll., 78). Theodore K. Satterlee, C. E., 78 (see Coll., 78). Henry Hull Spies, C. E., 78 (see Coll., 78). 1879 James Demarest Ferris, C. E., 79 (see Coll., 79). Fernando Herboso (y Espana), C. E., 79 (see Coll., 79). Miguel Lerdo (de Tejada), c. E., 79. Joaquin Machado (y Plana), c. E., 79. John J. McLaughlin, C. E., 79 (see Coll., 79). 1880] ALUMNI OF THE SCHOOL OF APPLIED SC1EXCE 149 Edgar L. Swaine, C. E., 79 (see Coll., 79). 1880 Henry P. Morrison, C. E., 80 (see Coll., 80). l88l Herbert Clarendon Alden, C. E., 81 (see Coll., 81). Albert Field Cornelius, C. E., 81 (see Coll., 81). Edward Raqu6, C. E., 81 (see Coll., 81). Charles W. Staniford, C. E., 81 (see Coll., 81). 1883 Robert Ewing Anthony, Jr., C. E., 83 (see Coll., 83). Alfred George Hoe, C. E., 83 (see Coll., 83). William James Hoe, C. E., 83 (see Coll., 83). Francisco M. Morales, Jr., C. E., 83 (see Coll., 83). Joseph Strachan, C. E., 83 (see Coll., 83). Robert C. Strachan. C. E., 83 (see Coll., 83). William F. Whittemore, C. E., 83 (see Coll., 83). 1884 Homer Lewis Bartlett, C. E., 84 (see Coll., 84). (0) (I) (4) (7) Amory Thompson Skerry, Jr. C. i;., 84 (see Coll., 84). Frank Le Grand Townsend, C E., 84 (see Coll., 84). (3) 1885 Amos Warren Barnes, C. E., 85 (see Coll., 85). William Thomas Breakell,* (ENG.) C. E., 85; B. S., 80, C. C. N. Y. s. Wm. Hy. Barker and Ella < McAuley) Breakdl, b. X. V. C, Apr. 11, 1861; Columbia Univ. Sch. of Mines, 83-4; N. Y. U., 84-5; civ. eng., 85-90; U.S. insp. of customs, 91; m. May 18, 1893: ch.: Wm. B., Geo. L. d. about 1901. Louis Lincoln Tribus, C. E., 85 (see Coll., 85). Arthur Smith Tuttle, C. E., 85 (see Coll., 85). 1886 Henry Matthias Brown, C. E., 86 (see Coll., 86). Clarence Sumwalt Haskell, C. !•:., 86. s. J. F. and Rida B. (Sumwalt) Haskell, b. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 12, 1863; Univ. Gram. Sch.; N. Y. U., 82-6; A *; cor. sec. Eucleian ; U. S. insp. N. Y. Harbor ; city eng. and deputy city em.- Rochellc, X. Y.; m. Dec. 10, 02, Ger- trude, da. Chas. L. Conklin; bro.r Roland D., 86. 2$ Manhattan Ave.. New Rochellc N.Y. Roland Darr Haskell, C. E., 86 (see Coll., 86). Frank Webster Hill. C. E., 86 (see Coll., 86). Henry Ellsworth Murgatroyd, C. E., 86 (see Coll., 86). i5o NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1S87 Charles Henry Snow, (EDUC.) C. E., 86; Sc. D., 95, Western Univ. of Pa. s. Chas. and Mary A. (Smith) Snow, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 24, 1863; Chapin Colleg. Sch.; N. Y. U., 84-6; A4>; eng. with C. B. Brush, 86-7; on constr. Minn., Marie and Atlantic Ry.; eng. chemist., asst. supt., Ludington Iron Mines, Lake Superior, 87-90; eng.-in-charge Mineral Pt. Zinc Co., 90-1; acting prof. civ. eng. N. Y. U., 91-; surveys, Westchester Co. 91-3; assoc. prof. civ. eng., N. Y. U., 91-4 prof., do., 94-; vice-dean Sch. of Appl, Sci., 94-7; dean, 97-; mem. Am. Inst. M. E., 91-; mem. Am. Soc. C. E., 96- Councillor Am. Inst. M. E. and director, OS; publ.: Pseudomorphs Native Copper after Azurite; Equipment of Camps and Expeditions, Trans. Am. Inst. M. E. ; Marine Wood Borers, Trans. Am. Soc. C. E.; Principal Species of Wood, N. Y., 03; also papers in popular and scientific press; m. May 19, 97, Alice Northrop; ch.: three. University Hts., N. Y. C. Charles Stone Voorhies, (ENG.) C. E., 86. N. Y. U., 82-6; civ. eng. and contractor, 86-; married. Gravesend, N. Y. Henry Seymour Andrew, C. E., 87 (see Coll., 87). Arthur Herbert Cameron, C. E., 87 (see Coll., 87). Charles Nelson Read, C. E., 87 (see Coll., 87). Edward Simeon Skillin, C. E., 87 (see Coll., 87). Alfred White Williams, C. E., 87 (see Coll., 87). 1888 William Ethelbert Belknap, C. E., 88 (see Coll., 88). John Hatfield Frazee, C. E., 88 (see Coll., 88). William Alfred Hoe, Jr., C. E., 88 (see Coll., 88). (5) Henry Lewis Oestreich, Jr., C. E., 88 (see Coll., 88). William Seward, 3d, C. E., 88 (see Coll., 88). Leonard C. L. Smith, C. E., 88 (see Coll., 88). Peter Campbell Spence, C. E., 88 (see Coll., 88). Fernando Wood, Jr., C. E., 88 (see Coll., 88). 1889 Winfield Davison, C. E., 89 (see Coll., 89). James Livingston Freeborn, C. E., 89 (see Coll., 89). Carlos Alberto Lares, C. E., 89 (see Coll., 89). William Starling, C.E., 89 (see Coll., 56). (8) (4) 189O George William Bond, Eng. certif., 90 (see Coll., 90). George Travilla MacNab, Eng. certif., 90 (see Coll., 90). Albert David Phillips, Eng. certif., 90 (see Coll., 90). Abraham Bernard Samuelson, Eng. certif., 90 (see Coll., 90). I89I Watson Gerould Clark, (See Coll., 91.) Claiborne Ferris Gardner, (See Coll., 91.) I8Q2] ALUMNI OF THE SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIEXCE 151 Henry Landrinc Holt, (See' Coll., 91.) Peter Edwin Van Buskirk, (See Coll., 91.) 1892 George Cotner Mason, (See Coll., 92.) Clarence Randall Van Buskirk, (See Coll., 92.) Anthony Ferdinand Von Sieg- hardt, (See Coll., 92.) (3) 1893 William Whitlock Brush, (See Coll., 93.) Norman Wilson Crosby,* (See Coll., 93.) Frederick Edward Ferris, (See Coll., 93.) Carlos Lobo, (See Coll., 93.) (4) 1894 Elbert R. Fairchild, (See Coll., 94.) John G. Lydecker, (See Coll., 94.) Carlos Morales, (See Coll., 94.) George Woodruff Randall, (See Coll.. 94.) Frank Elias Spinner, (See Coll., 94.) 1895 Thomas Floy Adriance, Eng. certif., 95 (see Coll., 95). Frank Washington Darling, Eng. certif., 95 (see Coll., 95). Abram Fischlowitz, (EDUC.) C. E., 95; B. S., 90, C. C. N. Y. 140 IV. I02d St., N. Y. C. Isaac Henry Kirby, Eng. certif., 95 (see Coll., 95). 1896 John Furlong Creeden, Eng. certif., 96 (see Coll., 96). Edwin Garence Eckel, Eng. certif., 96 (see Coll., 96). Anthonv F. Griinenthal, Eng. certif., 96; C. E., 97 (see Coll., 96). Frederick P. Kafka, Eng. certif., 96 (see Coll., 96). Gustave Morris Meyer, Eng. certif., 96 (see Coll., 96). (5) 1897 (5) Bertram Palmer Allen, Eng. certif., 97 (see Coll., 97). John Turney Fetherston. Eng. certif., 97 (see Coll., 97). Walter Elwood Pettigrew, Eng. certif., 97 (see Coll., 97). Winfred Henry Roberts, Eng. certif., 97 (see Coll., 97). Adolph Salmon, Eng. certif. (see Coll., 97). Frederick Skene, Eng. certif., 97 (see Coll.. 97). 152 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY George Wood, Eng. certif., 97 (see Coll., 97). 1898 William Mullan Campbell, Eng. certif., 98 (see Coll., 98). George Gere MacCracken, Eng. certif., 98 (see Coll., 98). Charles Herbert Nutter, Eng. certif., 98 (see Coll., 98). Frank Mattison Thorburn, Jr., Eng. certif., 98 (see Coll., 98). Frank Westervelt Tooker, Eng. certif., 98 (see Coll., 98). William Wallace Wotherspoon, Eng. certif., 98 (see Coll., 98). (6) 1899 John Cooperstock, Eng. certif., 99 (see Coll., 99). Clarkson A. Disbrow, Eng. certif., 99 (see Coll., 99). Edward T. Grandlienard, Eng. certif., 99 (see Coll., 99). Stuart A. Stephenson, Jr., Eng. certif., 99 (see Coll., 99). Nathaniel P. Turner, Eng. certif., 99 (see Coll., 99). Samuel I. Wilkinson, Eng. certif., 99 (see Coll., 99). Edwin C. Woodward, Eng. certif., 99 (see Coll., 99). Siegfried Theodore Barron, b. s., 00. s. Geo. and Johanna Barron, b. Flushing, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1879; Flushing H. S.; N. Y. U., 96-00; pers. rep., Leo Feist, music pubr. and composer. 134 W. 37th St., N. Y. C. Robert Wright Boyd, B. S., 00; C. E., 01; B. S., 99, C. C. N. Y. s. Robt. Wright 'and Mary (Ballantine) Boyd, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 14, 1879; C. C. N. Y.; N. Y. U., 99-00; A K E; Duryea fellow- ship, 00-1; Hoe eng. prize, 01; civ. eng. in off. of W. S. Whittemore, 1 Newark St., Hoboken, N.J. 40 Perry St., N. Y. C. Robert Huse Brown, B. S., 00. b. N. Y. C, Oct. 6, 1878; N. Y. Latin Sch.; N. Y. U., 96-00; A*; mem. 7th Regt., N. G. S. N. Y.; sanitary engr., 874 B'way, N. Y. C. 21 W. 127th St., N. Y. C. Walter Sherman Lyle Clever- don, B. S., 00; c. e., 01. s. Jn. F. and Kate A. (Murphy) Clever- don, b. Bkln., N. Y., 1877; N. Y. U., 96-00; elected by N. Y. U. Council to ad- visory comm., Athl. Assn., 06-9; asst. eng., Associates Land Co. and Woodlawn Cem. ; chief draughtsman, Dept. Water Supply, Boro. Bkln.; bro. ; Frederic R. W., 02; cons.: Herbert S., 09. 551 E. 179th St., N. Y. C. Albert Jefferson Mayell, B. S., 00. s. Hy. and Martha M. (Collins) Mayell, b. N. Y. C, Oct. 31, 1879; C. C. N. Y. ; N. Y. U., 97-00; AT; asst. eng., N. Y. Rap. Trans. R. R. Comm., 231 W. 25th St., N. Y. C. 650 E. 198th St., N. Y. C. (7) 1900 John Seager Adey, b. s., 00. rA; assoc. ed. 00 Violet; Eng. Soc. 445 Lenox Ave., N. Y. C. Albert Allen Northrop, B. S., 00; c. e., 01. s. Rufus P. and Agnes S. (Allen) Northrop, b. Tunkhannock, Pa., Oct. 30, 1877; Wyoming Sem., Kingston, Pa.; N. Y. U., 96-00; *T; ONE; *BK; Red Dragon; capt. baseball team (4); mgr. football team (3); mgr. Triangle (4) ; pres. Student Orgn. (3) ; conducting placer gold mines in Klondyke, Jun., 00- Oct, 01; rodman W. S. R. R., Nov., 01- Jan., 03; eng. in charge bridge constr., White River, ext., St. L. I. M. & S. Ry. Co., Jun. 04-. Westminster, Md. i9oi] ALUMNI OF THE SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE 1 53 Harry Houghton Watson, b. s., 00. s. Jas. and Pauline A. (Houghton) Watson, b. Paterson, N. J., Mar. 30, 1878; Paterson Class, and Scient. Sen.; N. Y. U., 96-00; Z *; mgr. baseball team; asst. sunerv. W. J. & S. K. K. (Div. Pa. R. R.), Woodbury, X. J. 398 Park Ave, Paterson, N.J. Israel Vernon Werbin, B. S., 00; C. E., 03. s. Saml. and Sarah Werbin, b. X. V. C, May 30, 18S1; C. C. X. Y. ; X. Y. U., 97-00; asst. eng., Rap. Trans. R. R. Com., 1927 B'way. X. V. C; m. Jun. 23, 04, Helen, da. L. Gross. 61 W. 117th St., N.Y.C. Frederick Allen Wilkinson, b. s., 00. s. Thos. A. and Anna C. (Stewart) Wil- Irinson, b. Arkansas City, Kan., Apr. 19, 1873; Hope Arkansas Inst.; AT; Glee Club; bus. mgr. 00 Violet; Eng. Soc. ; with U. S. Eng. Corps, Santiago de Cuba, 00-. (10) 1901 Harry J. Blenderman, b. s., 01. s. Jacob and Augusta (Reimers) Blen- derman, b. X. Y.C., Sep. 14. 1879; C. C. X. Y.; X. Y. U, 98-01; *TA; sec. it Orgn.; supt. of gen. constr. for different corporations; civil eng. (sani- tary), Bureau Sewers, X. Y. C. 512 IV. 151st St., N. Y. C. Walter Pirnie Cornell, p.. s., 01. &*; 9XE; H. 142 IV. 126th St., N. Y. C. Joseph Devlin, B. S., 01; C. E., 03. s. Jas. and Mary L. Devlin, b. X. Y. C, May 4, 1878; CC.N.Y.; X. Y. U., 98-01; eng. corps., Metr. St. Ry. Co.; do., W. S. R. K.. Kingston, X. Y. Kingston, N. Y. Robert Walter Gay. (EDUC.) B. S., 01; C. E., 02. s. Walter X. and Emma S. (Moody) Gay, b. Haddam, Ct., Oct. 28, 1880; Bayonne, X. J., H. S.; X. Y. U.. civ. eng., 98-01; asst. eng. under W. C. Poster, X. Y. C. ; transjtman, Central R. R.. X. T. ; do. for Chas. W. Leavitt, Jr., X. Y. C; asst. supervisor, I.. I. R. R.; instr. in civ. eng., Lehigh Univ., 04-. 425 Ave. E, Bayonne, N.J. Caleb Hyatt, B. S., 01; C. E., 02. s. Oliver A. and Sarah C. Hyatt; b. Scarsdale, X. Y., Jan. 21, 188U; *T; ONE; H; 'Varsity track team; Eng. Soc. ; mem. Am. Soc. C. E. ; X. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. eng. corp., 01-3: ai do., 03-4; asst. supt. constr. Penn. R. R. power house, 04-5; asst. eng. to con- tractors Dry Dock No. 4, U. S. Yard; genl. foreman and asst. to supt. Niagara Cost. Co., Niagara Palls, South Ont. Scarsdale, N. Y. Francesco Mauro, B. s., 01; c. e., 01. George A. Vollmar, B. S., 01 ; C. E., 02. s. Alfred and Maria (Knegler) Vollmar. b. Goerlitz, Germany, Apr., 1879; Boys H. S., Bkln.; X. Y. U., 97-01; +BK; Duryea fellowship, 01-2; asst. eng. for East Jersey Water Co., Paterson, X. T., 01; do., Scarsdale estates, Scarsdale, X. Y., 02; in filtration dept., Com. on Additional Water Supply of N. Y. C, 03; jun. asst. eng., Natl. Bd. Fire Under- writers, 135 William St.. N.Y.C; hydraulic eng. 1217 Ave. R, Bkln., N. Y. - 1902 Albert Arthur Agramonte, (EXG.) B. S., 02; C. E., 03; B. S., 00, C. C, X. Y. s. Emilio (y Pina) and Manuela (y Zavas) Agramonte, h. X. Y. C, May 26, 1882; C. C. X. Y.; * K T; X. Y. U. ;' civ. eng., 00-2; Duryea fellow; Hoe san. eng. prize; rodman. X. V.. N. H. & II. R. R. ; leveller, Dept. Sewers, Richmond, X. Y.; res. eng. highway constr., Obras Publicas, Havana, Cuba; asst. eng.. Dept Sewers and Water Supply, Tacen 3, Havana, Cuba. / and 15th Sts.. I'edado, Havana, Cuba. Lewis Garrett Blunt. (ENG.) B. S., 02. a, Wm. W., and Eliz. (Dorsey) Rlunt b. Maryland, Tan. 2, 1880; Trinity Sch. X. Y. I'., mcch. eng., 98-02: 1 •!•;' .1 I A H: cant 'Varsity football <2) (4)' capt. 'Varsity crew (4); metallurgical eng., Westinghouse Foundry Co. Stuart Station. Pa. Walter Le Compte Bover, B. S.. 02. Morris Hts., N. Y. C. 154 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ['9°3 Franklin Dimon Byxbee, B. S., 02. s. Franklin D. and Wilhemminna S. (Schmidt) Byxbee, b. Bkln., N. Y., Jun. 26, 1875; Mt. Hermon Sch. ; N. Y. U., chem. eng., 98-02; rec. sec. Y. M. C. A., stud., Univ. of Chicago, 03-; rcl.: Marvin Briggs, 52. 5718 Kimback Ave., Chicago, III. Frederick Robert Wheeler Clev- erdon, (ENG.) B. S., 02. s. Jn. F. and Kate A. (Murphy) Clever- don, b. Bkln., N. Y., Jul. 6, 1881; priv. prep.; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 98-02; Red Dragon; H; KB*; 'Varsity football; elected by N. Y. U. Council to advisory comm., Athl. Assn., 06-8; supt. con- struction Fort Slocum; eng. employment, N. Y. C; m. Sep., 05; bro.: W. S. L., 00. New Rochelle, N. Y. John Warren Du Bois Gould, (ENG.) B. S., 02; C. E., 05. s. E. Sherman and Arabella (Ludlow) Gould, b. White Plains, N. Y., Jul. 29, 1881; Dwight School, N. Y. C; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 98-02; * T; A I A; Red Dragon; H; KB*; eng. employment, 135 William St., N. Y. C; bro.: Francis Lewis, 05; gt.-unc: Geo. Washington Du Bois, 43. 59 Hawthorne Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Adelbert Reid Nichols, B. S., 02; C. E., 03. b. N. Y. C, 1881; A*; assoc. ed. 02 Violet; KB*; asst. eng., N. Y. Aqueduct Comm. C rot on Falls, N. Y. George Graham Scudder, B. S., 02. N. Y. U., civ. eng., 99-02; Frank Jay Gould scholarship; 'Varsity track team; assoc. ed. 02 Violet. Roxbnry, N. Y. Charles Landsing Thorne, B. S., 02. s. Wm. R. Thorne, b. Peekskill, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1879; Halsey Colleg. Sch., N. Y. C; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 99-02; * T; A I A; Red Dragon; H; KB*; mgr. Violet; mgr. football team, 01-2; pres. Student Organization; bd. ed. Stylus; eng. on Internatl. & Gt. Northern R. R., Texas; do., Southern Pacific of Cali- fornia; supervisor of excavation, Cunette and Bas Obispo Districts, Panama Canal, at Empire, C. Z. ; m. Oct. 7, 05, Ada B., da. Mrs. T. W. Whittemore of Yonkers. 322 Smith St., Peekskill, N. Y. Maurice X. C. Weinberger, B. S., 02. N. Y. U., civ. eng., 99-02; 'Varsity foot- ball team; Duryea prize; assistant en- gineer of bridges, Manila, P. I., 05-. 752 E. 5th St., N. Y. C. (10) 1903 Charles Ihling Allen, (ENG.) B. S., 03. s. Edmund Fairchild and Mary Borden (Walker) Allen, b. Sloatsburg, N. Y.; Dr. MacChesneys Sch., Paterson, N. J. ; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 98-03; *T; 9 N E; H; KB*; eng. dept., Ramapo Iron Works. Sloatsburg, N. Y. Edgar Vorhies Anderson, (ENG.) b. s., 03. s. Cornelius Edgar and Mary Henry (Quin) Anderson, b. N. Y. C, Jan. 13, 1881; Centenary Coll. Inst., Hacketts- town, N. J.; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 99-03; Z^; A I A; Red Dragon; mgr. gym. team (4). 4 Mt. Morris Park, W., N. Y. C. David Van Zandt Bogert, (ENG.) B. S., 02; C. E., 05. s. Sylvester S. and Sarah K. (Van Zandt) Bogert, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 12, 1881; C. C. NY.; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 98- 02; class sec. (4); Eng. Dept., Penn. R. R., N. Y. Connecting R. R. Div., 33 Borden Ave., L. I. City. Pearl River, N. Y. Thomas Byrnes Brogan, B. S., 03. s. Jn. J. and Maria (Fence) Brogan, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 4, 1880; Chapin Colleg. Sch.; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 01-3; AT; civ. eng., Penn., N. J., & N. Y. R. R., 1 Bald- win Ave., Hoboken, N. J. 465 Central Park, W., N. Y. C. Arthur Ross Butler, (CHEM.) B. S., 03. s. Thos. J. and Alice (Ross) Butler, b. Port Richmond, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1881; Westerleigh Coll. Inst.; N. Y. U., chem. eng., 99-03; sec. Chem Soc. ; Inman fellow chem. with R. L. Terbach, 116 Broad St., N. Y. C. 125 Richmond Terrace, Port Rich- mond, N. Y. 1904] ALUMNI OF THE SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE 155 Clarence Searing Flandreaux, (ENG.) b. s., 03. s. Geo. F. and Jennie (Van Winkle) Flandreaux, b. N. V. C, Oct 11, 1881; New Rochelle H. S. ; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 99-03; 'MiK; Ihirvea fellowship; rodman, N. Y.. N. II. & 11. k. R.; asst. city eng., New Rochelle, N. Y. 44 Washington Ave, New Ro- chelle, N. Y. Jerome Solomon Jaeger, B. S., 03. N.Y.U., civ. eng., 99-03; with L. I. EL EL Co. 1933 Modison Ave., N. Y. C. Frederick Van Zandt Lane, (ENG.) B. S., 03. A*; A I A; 9NE; H; 'Varsity foot- ball team; 'Varsity baseball team; crew; insp., Bridge Dept., N. Y. C. 245 S. Second Ave., Mt. Vernon, N.Y. William Henry Lyon, Jr., (ENG.) B. S., 03. s. Win. II. and Fanny H. (Sherwood) Lyon, b. Plainfield, N. J., Apr. 11, 1881; White Plains H. S.; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 99-03; AT; Sphinx; 'Varsity football; bus. mgr. 03 Violet; eng. employment, 03-; asst. eng., Pa., N. J., & N. Y. R. R., 1 Baldwin Ave., Hoboken, N. J. 19 So. B'way, White Plains, N. Y. John Franklin Perrine, (ENG.) B. S., 03; C. E., 04. s. Frank P. and Kathryne (Brett) Per- rine, b. Jersey City, N. J., Jan. 4, 1881; Bryant H. S.; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 99-03; asst. eng., United Eng. & Constr. Co.; asst. supervisor, L. I. R. R. ; transitman, Topogr. Bureau, L. I. City. 206 1st Ave., L. I. City. Ernest Garfield Raynor, B. S., 03. East Moriches, L. I.. N. Y Harvey Rudolph Sayle, B. S., 03. s. Jn. and Jessie A. D. (Wilcox) Sayle, b. N. Y. C, Nov. 30, 1882; Col. Gram. Sch.; N.Y.U., civ. eng., 99-03; A*; H; GNE; Coll. Phvs. and Surg., N. Y. C, 03-. 138 Manhattan Ave.. N. Y. C. Ford Lewis Shotwell, (Eng.) B. S., 03. s. Jas. II. and Florence Giss (Ford) Shotwell, !>. Pittsburgh, Pa., Jun. 25, 1880; I -•!!>.; X. Y. l\, civ. 99-03; +'f; Sphinx; ONE; Eng. Dept, Lackawanna EL R. ; insp., V. house, Church, Kerr Co.; insp., J. 15. & I. M. Cornell Co., 26th St. and 11th Ave., N. Y. C. E. Stroudsburg, Pa. George Sykes, (ENG.) b. s., 03. s. Jas. G. Moul and Annie M. Sykes, b. X. Y. C. Apr. S, 1881; Columbian Univ., Wash., D. C; N. Y. U., mech. eng., 99- 03; A<1>; Feb. to Oct., 01, lcveler. Guaya- quil & Quito Ry.; Jul., 02, to Jul., 03, insp. on Rotary "Sta., 146th St.. X. Y. C. for United Electric Light & Power Co.; constr. eng., N. Y. Edison Co., 55 Duane St., 03-. 116 W. 123d St., N. Y. C. George Mathias Trede, B. S., 03; C. E., 04. s. Geo. C. and Louisa Herrmann, b. N. Y. C, Feb. 10, 1881; Trinity Sch.; N.Y.U., civ. eng., 99-03; AT; inspector. Tenement House Dept., 44 E. 23d St., N. Y. C; m. Oct. 15, 03, Sara A. Ward. 653 W. 187th St., N. Y. C. Charles Francis Twidy, b. s., 03. s. Geo. W. and Fanny A. (Kricek) b. Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Jul. 12. 1881; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 9903; ST; Sphinx; Hj mgr. 'Varsity football; 2d v. p. Athl. Assn.; civ. eng. on Bronx Valley sewer, White Plains, N. Y. 14 So. nth Ave., Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Albert Louis Wilcox, b. s.. 03. s. Albert G. and Tulia (Kuhlewein) Wil- cox, b. Rockdale. "Tex., Jul. 22, 1881; El Paso H. S.; N. Y. U, civ. eng.. 99-03 ; AT; Sphinx; capt. track team (4); 'Varsity baseball; Eucleian; bus. mgr. Triangle (4); Gould scholarship; civ. cnir. with Mexican Central R. R.. 03: locating eng., Mexico Coal & Coke Co.. 04-5; civ. enc California Gas & Electric Corp., 626 Rialto Rldg., San Francisco, Cal., 05-; 700 Upson Ave., El Paso, Texas. (17) 1904 Leopold G. Abreu, B. S., 04. CoL Univ., 02-4. N. Y r . U., mech. eng., 156 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1904 Edward Anderberg, (ENG.) B. S., 04. s. Erland and Mary (Drews) Anderberg, b. Mt. Vernon, N. V., Sep. 23, 1881; Mt. Vernon H.S.; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 99-04; AT; civ. eng. employment, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 28 S. Terrace Ave., Mt. Vernon N.Y. Mois Hirsch Avram, (ENG.) B. S., 04; M. E., 05. s. Hirsch and Rebecca Avram, b. Buzen, Roumania, Sep., 1880: Hasden Gymna- sium (College); N. Y. U., 99-04; consult. eng. on milk machinery, Sheffield Farms; Avram-Leet Eng. Co.; instr. mech. eng., N. Y. U. Sch. Appl. Sc, 05-. 148 E. 83d St., N. Y. C. Edmund Vermilya Bragdon, (ENG.) B. S., 04. s. Louis B. and Mary E. (Vermilya) Brag- don, b. N. Y. C, Mar. 18, 1882; Has- brouck Inst., J. C, N. J.; N. Y. U., mech. eng., 00-4; 4>rA; 'Varsity track team; asst. eng., American Dock & Trust Co.; draughtsman with Babcock & Wilcox Co.; eng. with H. P. Morrison, 13 Park Row, N. Y. C. 87 W. 32d St., Bayonne, N. J. Celso A. Cabellero, b. s., 04. AK; N E; engr. on Panama Canal, Anoon Sta., Canal Zone, Panama, 04-. Adjuntas, Porto Rico. John Stanley Crandell, b. s., 04. Engineer Corps, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. 47 W. 126th St., N. Y. C. Robert Edwin Denike, (ENG.) B. S., 04. s. Chas. Adon and Emma (Parker) Denike, b. Mt. Vernon, N. Y., 1882; White Plains H. S. ; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 00-4; AT; Sphinx; mgr. 'Varsity football team (3); class pres. (3); engineering off., Scarsdale Estates, Scarsdale, N. Y. White Plains, N. Y. Louis St. Clair Eunson, b. s.. 04. b. N. Y. C, May 31, 1883; De Witt Clinton H. S.; N. Y. U., mech. eng., 00-4; ♦ T; enployed with N. Y. Telephone Co. 426 W. 154th St., N. Y. C. Louis Charles Frees, (ENG.) B. S., 04. s. Jn. and Katie (Lanzer) Frees, b. N. Y. C, Jan. 23, 1881; Dwight Sch., N. Y. C; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 00-4; A T; mgr. Stylus. 612 E. 156th St., N. Y. C. Miguel Gieronimo Gutierrez, (ENG.) B. S., 04. 6NE; Glee Club; engr., Panama Canal. 307 Read, Cardenas, Cuba. Frederick Reid Heath, (ENG.) B. S., 04. b. Towanda, Pa., Aug. 2, 1877; Morris H. S., N. Y. C; N. Y. U., mech. eng., 00-4; 4>BK; Duryea fellow; testator (4); asst. eng., Clinton & Russell, architects, 32 Nassau St., N. Y. C. 171 Bay Ridge Ave., Bkln., N. Y. Ernest Walter Leonhardt, (ENG.) B. S., 04. s. Carl L. G. and Anna (Schuepfinger) Leonhardt, b. N. Y. C, Dec. 3, 1882; C. C. N. Y.; N. Y. U., mech. eng.. 00-4; construct, engr., Astoria Light, Heat & Power Co. 54 Clinton PL, Univ. Hts., N. Y. C. Robert George Merz, (ENG.) B. S., 04; M. E., 05. s. Julius C. and Cath. (Ladenberger) Merz, b. Newark, N. J., Nov., 1882; Newark H. S.; N. Y. U., mech. eng., 00-4; 4>BK; Duryea fellow; asst. eng., Am. Process Co., 62 William St., N. Y. C. 57 9th Ave., Newark, N. J. Michael John O'Neil, (ENG.) B. S., 04. N. Y. U., civ. eng., 00-4; eng. on Inter- borough Ry., N. Y. C. Roxbury, N. Y. Edward Stuart Peck, B. S.. 04. s. Edwd. Sprague and Amelia A. (Wal- cott) Peck, b. N. Y. C, Jul. 7, 1882; De Witt Clinton H. S.; N. Y. U., mech. eng., 00-4; ■J'T; capt. gym. team (4); mgr. track team; elected by N. Y. U. Council to advisorv comm., Athl. Assn., 06-7; elk. with T.'P. Morgan, 23 Wall St. 53 W. 50th St., N. Y. C. George Sidney Prochazka, (ENG.) B. S., 04. s. J. O. and Minna (Weiss) von Pro- chazka, b. N. Y. C, Apr. 1, 1883; Mt. Vernon H. S.; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 00-4; *BK; with Jn. R. Ayres, C. E., 99-01; and Nathan F. Barrett, landscape engr., 01-4; eng. dept., Pa. R. R. Lines in Chi- cago, 04-. Hollenden Hotel, Englewood, Chi- cago, III. 1905] ALUMNI OF THE SCHOOL OF APPUED SCIENCE 1 57 Edward James Lyons Raldiris, B. S., 04. s. Frederico and Camilla (Thompson) Raldiris, b. Sep. 20, 1879; N. Y. U., civ eng., 0,i- ,<»,.. S. A., 70. 568 West End Ave., N. Y. C. Paul Wunderlich, (ENG.) B. S., 04. s. Herman and Julie (Dieterlen) Wun- derlich, b. N. Y. C, Jan 21, 1882; C. C. N. Y.; X. Y. U., mech. eng., 01-4; 8 AXj Sphinx; with Rand Drill Co., Tarrytuwn, X. Y.; now at 128 li'way, X. Y. C. " Brookside," Tarrytoian, N. Y. Ross Edward Young, B. S., 04. s. Chas. Edwd. and Mackie (Stover) Young, b. Ennis, Tex., Jul. 18, 1881; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 00-4; A *; nres. Stud. Organization (4); with P. M. Fletcher Co., electr. supplies. 32 and 34 Frankfort St., N. Y. C. (25) 1905 Anders Anderson, b. s., 05. insp. regulating, grading, and paving, Bureau Highways, Bkln., 04-. 330 19th St., Bkln., N. Y. Lewis Paul Bremer, B. S., 05. s. Paul and Phebe Ann (Moore) Bremer, b. X. Y. C, Aug. 4, 1883; private prep.; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 01-05; bro.: Harry M., 05; Percy W., 08. White Plains. N. Y. Arthur Stimson Draper, (TOURN.) B. S., 05. s. J. H. L. and F. A. (Yelzer) Draper, b. Bkln., N. Y.. Sep. 3, 1882; Westerleigh Colleg. Inst.; N. V. U., mech. eng., 01-5; *T; reporter for .Y. V. Tribune. Care of N. Y. Tribune, N. Y. C. Eugene Halpin, Jr., I ENG.) B S., 0?. White Plains II. S : X. Y. U., civ. eng., 01-5; capt 'Varsity baseball team (4). White Plains. A Giarles Rondeau Hardy, (EXG.) P.. S.. 05. B. Witt. Robt and Alforetta Zitella 11) b, Toronto. Aug. in. \h. Vernon II. S.: X Y. U.. mech. cm;.. 01-S; AT: 'M1K; capt. 'Varsity gvm. team (4); Y. M. C. A.; spec, appren- tice. Pa. R. R., Altoona, Pa. 115 S. 1st Ave.. Mt. J 'em on. X. Y. 53 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ['9C5 Charles Raymond Hulsart, (ENG.) b. s., OS. N. Y. U., civ. eng., 01-5; AT; Sphinx; Y. M. C. A.; mem. Eucleian; 'Varsity foot- ball team (2-4); prize scholarship; bro.: Pierre, 06. Dover, N. J. George Peterkin Meade, (CHEM.) B. S., 05. s. Rev. Philip Nelson and Sara (Rannells) Meade, b. Cumberland, Md., Dec. 26, 1883; Yonkers H. S.; N. Y. U., chem. eng., 01-5; * B K; mgr. gym. team; mem. 05 Violet Bd. ; Wm. H. Inman fellowship; asst. chem., Natl. Sugar Refinery, Yon- kers, N. Y. 250 N. B'way, Yonkers, N. Y. Louis Oppenheim, B. S., 05. b. N.Y. C. eng., -05. 141 E. Illth St. C. C. N. Y.; N. Y. U., civ. N. Y. C. Lewis Joseph Polifeme, B. S., 05. N. Y. U., civ. eng. Montclair Hts., N. J. Raphael A. F. Riesgo, B. S., 05. s. Pedro and Anna (Garcia) Riesgo, b. N. Y. C., Oct. 4, 1884; De La Salle Inst.; N. Y. U., mech. eng., 02-5; A T. 290 W. 92d St., N. Y. C. Vincent Roberts, (ENG.) b. s., 05. s. Jas. Francis and Lenora (Hedges) Roberts, b. Bkln., N. Y., Oct. 10, 1882; Flushing H. S.; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 01-5; ^T; present, orat. ; pres. Tennis Assn.; Exec. Comm. Athl. Assn.; eng. corps, Dept. Highways, N. Y. C. ; engr., with Ed- win Outwater, contr., Flatiron Bldg., N. Y. C, 06-. 253 W. 123d St., N. Y. C. Robert Lee Sim, B. S., 05; B. S., 03, C. C. N. Y. s. John Robt. and Mary Adelaide (Duff) Sim, b. N. Y. C, Jan. 10, 1883; New Ro- chelle, N. Y., and N. Y. C. pub. schs., 89- 97; C. C. N. Y., 97-03; Botany medal, 00; AKE; N. Y. U., mech. eng., 03-5; class day marshal; Duryea fellowship, 05; instr. engineering and math., HefHey Sch., Bkln., 05-6. 536 W. 156th St., N. Y. C. Dering Jay Sprague, B. S., 05; A. B., 00, Williams Coll. s. Edward P. and Sarah (Dering) Sprague, b. Salem, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1877; Auburn Acad. H. S. ; Williston Sem. ; Williams Coll., 96-00; N. Y. U., civ. eng., 03-5; Z*. Salem, N. Y. Elmer Conant Wayne, B. S., 05. b. Seneca Falls, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1883 Wynderse Acad., Seneca Falls, N. Y. N. Y. U., mech. eng., 01-5; *T; * B K asst. bus. mgr. Triangle, 02-3; bus. mgr. 03-4; assoc. ed. 05 Violet; chrmn. class day comm., 05; empl. Westinghouse Mach. Co., East Pittsburg, Pa. Seneca Falls, N. Y. (14) Honorary Alumni 1834 James Douglas,* LL. D., 34. Cavers, Scot. William Gaston,* LL. D., 34. North Carolina. Edward Jay,* A. M., 34. Bath, Eng. John Johns,* D. I).. 34. Williamsburgh, Va. 1835 Albert T. Bledsoe,* A. M„ 35. Mississippi. Andrew Erandram,* D. D.. 35. London, Eng. Daniel L. Carroll,* 0. p.. 35. Prince Edward, Ya. Chauncey Colton,* D. D.. 35, Ilolley Springs, Miss. John W. Rand,* A. M.. 35: M. D., elsewhere. Staten Island. X. V. 1836 (4) (5) Alexander Dallas Bache.* LL. D., 36; do., 37, Univ. Penn; do., 51. Harvard Univ. b. Phila., Pa.. Jul. 19, 1806; grad. and asst. prof, engineering U.S. Mil. Acad.; prof. nat. philos. and chem.. Univ. Penn., 28-41; first prcs., Girard Coll.; supt.. I'. S. Coast Surv., 43-67; incorp. Smithsonian Inst., Wash., 40; fiiW. : Observ. at Mag. and Meteorol. Observ., Girard Coll., 3 vols., 40-7. d. Feb. 17, 67, Providence, R. 1. Jonathan Cogswell,* D, 1)., 36. New Brunswick, N. J. John Dyer,* D. D., 36. London, Eng. William Patton,* D. D., 36. !>. Phila., Pa., Aug. 23, 1798; Middlebury Coll., 18; Princeton T. S., 20; ord. (Cong.), 20; p. Cent. Presb. Ch., X. Y. C, 21-34; sec. Am. Ed. Soc, 34-7; p. Spring St. Ch.. X. Y. C, 37-47; p. Hammond St. Cong. Ch., N. Y. C, 48-52; author; editor. d. Sept. 9, 79, New Haven, Ct. John W. Thomson,* A. M., 36. Berlin, O. Octavius Winslow,* A. M., 36. Leamington, Eng. (6) 1837 Cornelius H. Edgar,* A. It, 38. X. V. City. William Wolcott Ellsworth.* LL. D., 38; A. B.. 10, Yale Univ. b. Windsor, Ct.. 1791; adm. bar. Hartford. 13; prof, law, Trinitv Coll.; rep. in Con- 29-34; gov. of Ct., 38-42; justice Supreme Court. Ct.. 47 .62. d. 1868. Alfred Greenleaf,* A M.. 38. Bkln., X. Y. 159 i6o NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1840 John Leckie,* A. M., 38. N. Y. John Leifchild,* D. D., 38. London, Eng. George Potts,* D. D., 38; A. B., 19, Univ. of Penn. b. Phila., Pa., Mar. 15, 1802; Princeton T. S., 19-22; ord. evang. Presby., Phila., Oct. 17, 23; p. Natchez, Miss., 23-36; p. Duane St. Ch., N. Y. C, 36-44; p. Univ. PI. Ch., N. Y. C, 45-64. d. Sept. 15, 64, N. Y. C. James Tallmadge,^ LL. D., 38; A. B., 1798, Brown Univ. b. Stanford tp., N. Y., Jan. 28, 1778; stud, law; sec. Gov. Geo. Clinton; M. C, 1817-9; Const. Conv., 21 and 46; N. Y. Legislature, 24; lieut.-gov., 25; founder Am. Inst., N. Y. C; pres. do., 31-50; one of founders N. Y. U. d. Sept. 2i, 53, N. Y. C. Henry White, D. D., 38; A. B., 24, Union Univ. b. Durham, N. Y., Jun. 19, 1800; Prince- ton T. S., 24-6; agt. Am. Bib. Soc, 26-7; ord. (Presb.), 28; s. s. Newark, N. J.; p. Allen St. Ch., N. Y. C. 29-37; prof, syst. theol., Union T. S., N. Y. C, 36-50. d. Aug. 25, 50, N. Y. C. (8) 184O Josiah H. Applegate,* A. M., 40. G. Thurston Bedell,* A. M., 40; A. B., Bristol Coll.; D. D., 56, Norwich Univ. b. Hudson, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1817; Dr. Muhlenberg's Sch., Flushing, L. I.; Bris- tol Coll., Pa., 36; T. S. of Va.; ord. priest (Prot. Episc), 40; p. Holy Trinity, West- chester, Pa.; rect. Ch. of Ascension, N. Y. C; asst. bishop of O., 73; bishop, do. d. Mar. 11, 92. James A. Buck, A. M., 40; A. B., Bristol Coll. Leonardton, Md. David Hillhouse Buel, A. M., 40; A. B., Bristol Coll. Cumberland, Md. St. Michael Fackles, A. M., 40; A. B., Bristol Coll. Ft. Vancouver, Ore. Thomas F. Fales, A. M., 40; A. B., Bristol Coll. Waltham, Mass. Erasmus Darwin Fisk, A. M., 40. Josiah C. Frink,* A. M., 40; A. B., Bristol Coll. Rutland, Mass. Churchill J. Gibson, A. M., 40; A. B., Bristol Coll. Petersburgh, Va. Samuel R. Jackson, A. M., 40; A. B., Bristol Coll. Upperville, Va. Charles Walker Kinsman, A. M., 40; A. B., Bristol Coll. Phila., Pa. William Thomas Leavell, A. M., 40; A. B., Bristol Coll. Charles City, Va. Robert T. Mason, A.M., 40; A. B., Bristol Coll. Fairford Co., Va. Edward B. McGuire, A. M., 40; A. B., Bristol Coll. Hague, Va. Richard C. McMurtrie, A.M., 40; A. B., Bristol Coll. Phila., Pa. Samuel R. Meade, A. M., 40; A. B., Bristol Coll. Phila., Pa. Robert Nelson, A.M., 40; A. B., Bristol Coll. Shanghai, China. L. G. Noble, A. M., 40: A. B., Bristol Coll. Catskill, N. Y. Montgomery R. Shaw, A.M., 40; A. B„ Bristol Coll. Phila., Pa. i8 4 i] HONORARY ALU MX I :6i T. Alexander Todd, A. .\I., 40; A. B., Bristol Coll. Clarke Co., Va. (20) Note. — Bristol College being suspended, the graduates received their degree of A. M. from N. V. U. 184I E. C. Bridgman, ■ D. D.. 41. American Board missny. in Canton, China, 1829-; publ.: A Chinese Chrestomathy in the Canton Dialect, pp. xxxvi and 693, Macao, 41. d. 61 John Dowdnev, Jr., A. M., 41. James Legge,* D. D., 41; A.M., 35, Aberdeen; A.M., 76, Oxon. b. Huntley, Aberdeenshire, Scot., Dec. 20, 1815; missny. Lond. Missny. Soc, in charge Anglo-Chinese Coll., Malacca, 39- 43; in charge Theol. Sem. of Lond. Missny. Soc. and p. Union Ch., Hongkong, 43-73; prof. Chinese lang. and lit., Ox- ford, Eng., 76-; publ.: Notions of the Chi- nese Concerning God and Spirits, Hong- kong, 52; Confucian Analects, 61; Works ncius, 61; Shu King, 65: Shi King, 71; C'h'un Chin with the Tso Chwan, 72; Life and Teachings of Confucius, 66 and 75; Life and Works of Mencius, 75; Religions of China. Lond., 80, N. Y., 81; in Sacred Books of the East (Max Miil- ler), Shu King, portions of Shi King and Hsiao King. Oxford, 79; Yi King, 82; Li Ki (ceremonials), 86; Travels of the Buddhist Pilgrim, Fa-hsien, in India, 86. d. 97. (3) 1842 William Adams,* D. D.. 4. 1 ; A. B., 27. Yale Univ.; LL. D., 69, Princeton Univ. b. Colchester, Ct.. 1807; Andover T. S., 30; p. Brighton, Mass., 31-4; p. (Presb.) X. Y. (".. 34-73: prut'., -acre.l rhet., and pres. Union T. S., 73-80; trustee Prince- ton Univ., 73-80. d. Aug. 31, 80. Richard W. Dickinson.* D. D., 42: A. B., 23. Yale Univ. b. N. V. C. Nov. 21, 1804: >ni. evang. (Presb.), 28; s.s. Phila.. Pa., Lancaster, 29-33; s.s. I.aight St.. N.Y.C.; s. s. Market St.. R. D. Ch., X. V. (".. 35-6; p. Bowery Presb. Ch., 36-7; s.s. Rutgers St., 38; p. Canal St., 39-44; s.s. vn, 44-5; ed. and author, 45-59: p. Inwood, N. V. C, 59-72. d. Aug. 16, 74, N. Y. C. Lewis H. Hobby,* A. M.. 42. X. V. C. Hugh Mair,* D. D., 42. Canada. John McDonnell,* D. D., 42. Orin \Y. Morris,* A. M., 42. Prof., Knoxville, Term. James Shea,* A. ML, 42. X. Y. C. Roger B. Taney,* LL. D., 42: A. B." 1795, Dickinson Coll. b. Calvert Co., Md., Mar. 17. 1777; Dickinson Coll., 95; studied law, Annapo- lis. M,i. : adm. bar, 79; mem. Legislature, Md.. 1799-1800; mem. State Sen., 16-21; Attv.-Cen. of State. 27-31; Atty.-Gen., U.S., 31-3; Sec. Treas., U.S., 33-; Chief-Just., U. S. Supreme Court, 36-; stood 6th among jurists in election for Hall of Fame, N. Y. U. d. Oct. 12, 64. Washington, D. C. (8) 1843 William Evarts, A. M., 43. Francis Joseph Mataw, A. M., 43. William H. Medhurst.* D. D.. 43. missny., Batavia. East India. William H. Turner. A. M.. 43. Washington, D. C. Alexander Hamilton Vinton.* D. D u 4.!; M. P., 28, Vale Univ.; A. M.. 36, Brown Univ.; D. 1>.. 53. Harvard Univ. b. Providence, R. I.. May 2. 1807: Brown Univ., 3 yrs. ; studied med. at Pomfrct, 162 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1844 Ct.; Yale Univ., 28; pract. med., Pom- fret, 28-31; General T. S., N. Y. C, 35; ord. priest, 36; rect., Grace Ch., Provi- dence, R. I., 36-42; Boston, 42-58; Phila., 58-61; N. Y. C., 61-9; Boston, 69-77; mem. Mass. Bd. of Educ; author of sermons and lectures. d. Apr. 26, 81, Phila., Pa. * (5) 1844 Dr. Aumsat, M. D., 44. Paris, Fr. George Barrell Cheever,* D. D., 44; A. B., 25, Bowdoin Coll. b. Hallowell, Me., Apr. 17, 1807; An- dover T. S., 30; ord. (Cong.), 32; p. (Cong.) Salem, Mass., 33-6; p. Allen St. (Presb.), N. Y. C, 39-44; ed. N. Y. Evangelist, 45; p. Ch. of Puritans (Cong.), N. Y. C, 46-70; author of many works; lecturer, advocate of total ab- stinence and of abolition of slavery. d. Oct. 1, 90, Englewood, N. J. Auguste Davezac, Jr., M. D., 44. New Orleans, La. Jules Guerin, M. D., 44. Paris, Fr. Richard Winter Hamilton, D. D., 44. Leeds, Eng. Dr. Razor,* M. D., 44. Athens, Greece. Homer Loveland Thrall * M. D., 44. b. Rutland, Vt., Oct. 18, 1802; Lexing- ton Med. Coll. of Ky. ; prof. geol. and chem., Kenyon Coll., 38-52; prof, materia medica and gen. pathol., Starling Med. Coll., Columbus, O. d. Jul. 26, 70, Ottumwa, Iowa. (7) 1845 Ezra Bliss, M. D., 45. Iowa. William J. Boone,* D. D., 45; A. B., 29, Coll. of S. C. b. Walterborough, S. C, Jul. 1, 1811; adm. bar, 33; Va. T. S. ; med. course at Coll. of S. C; ord. priest (Prot. Episc), Mar. 3, 37; missny. to China, 37; missny. bishop of China, Oct., 44. d. Shanghai, China, Jul. 17, 64. A. Davezac, M. D., 45. n. y. c. Albert Baldwin Dod,* D. D., 45; A. B., 22; A.M., Princeton Univ.; D. D., 44, Univ. of N. C. b. Mendham, N. J., Mar. 24, 1805; Princeton T. S.; tutor, 27-9; prof., 30- 45, math., Princeton Univ.; ord. evang. (Presb.), 31. d. Nov. 20, 45, Princeton, N. J. Henry Gray, D. D., 45. Scotland. Calvin Howard, M. D., 45. N. Y. C. Alexander McWhorter, M. D., 45. Alabama. Cortland Van Rensselaer,* D. D., 45; A. B., 27, Yale Univ. b. Albany, N. Y., May 26, 1808; Prince- ton T. S., 30-2; missny. to slaves in Va., 33-5; p. Burlington, N. J., 37-40; s. s. Wash., D. C, 41-2; agt. Princeton T. S., 44; sec. Presb. Bd. of Education, 46-60; trustee Princeton Univ., 43-60. d. Jul. 25, 60, Burlington, N. J. C. E. West, M. D., 45. (9) 1846 J. Batchelor, M. D., 46. A. B. Dewitt, M. D., 46. E. Everard, M. D., 46. 1847] HONORARY ALUMNI 163 William Hanna, D. D., 46. J. A. McLeod, M. D., 46. J. A. B. Whitridge, M. D., 46. (6) 1847 Thomas Dillard, M. IX, 47. Virginia. Isaac George Hubbs, A. M.. 47. N. V. C. Alexander A. Hunt, M. 1).. 47. New Jersey. Solomon Sampson Satchwell, A. M., 47. (4) 1848 Hugh Campbell, LL. D., 48. John Jason Owen,* I). D., 48; A. B., 28, Middlebury Coll.; A. U.. 31, do.; LL.D., 50, Ingham Coll.; '.4. Middlebury < olL b. Colebrook, Ct., Aug. 13, 1803; An- dover T. S., 31; sec. Presb. I-Muc. Soc., 31-5; prin. Cornelius Inst., N. V., 35-48; prof. Latin and Greek, and vice-prin., C. C. X. V.. 46-66; v. p., do., 66-9; trust. Middlebury Coll., 63-9; author and trans- lator of Greek. '. Review, 37-40; prof, moral and intell. philos., 38-9; in- tell. philos. and belles-lettres, 39-40; intell. philos., belles-lettres and hist, ; p. (Cong.) Greenfield, Mass.; N. V. I'., 38-52; rector, St. Clement's Ch., X. V. C, 47-50; St. Michaels Ch., Litch- field, Ct., 70-3; publ. : An Epitome of \\\>\. of Philos. (trans, from French), X. V., 41; Dr. Oldham at Greystones, N. Y., 59; Considerations on Some of the Elements and Conditions of Social Wel- fare and Human 1': igress, X. V., 51; About Men and Things. X. V., 73. J. Mar. 9. 84, Newburgh, N. Y. Adam McClelland, D. 1)., 79 (see Hon., 66). William Smith Pelletreau, A. M„ 79. b. Southampton, L. I., N. Y., Jul. 19, 1840; Southampton Acad.; historian; fihl.: Hist, of Putnam Co., N. Y. ; Hist, of Southampton, L. I.; Abstracts of Wills in X. Y. Surrogate's Office (6 vols.); Early N. Y. Hist.; 17 works in all. Southampton, L. L, N. Y. Charles Rice, Ph. D.. 79. x. y. c. John Newton Rogers,* LL. D., 79 (see Coll., 48). George Whitfield Timlow,* D. D., 79 (see Coll., 41). 1880 John Collins Bliss, D. i>., 80. h. Florence, Ala., Mav 20, 1837; p. in Presb. Ch., 62-05; p. em. Xorth Presb. ' Y. C. 423 W. 154th St.. X. Y.C. William Allen Butler,* LL. D., 80 (see Coll., 43). George W. Collord,* D. D., 80. b. Logan Creek. MA. Oct. 24. 1821; prof. Latin and Greek, P.kln. Polv. Inst. d. fun. 15, 00, Sea Cliff, X. Y. Daniel Draper, Ph. D., 80. 1.. X. V. C, Apr. 2, 1841; X. Y. U. Gram. Sch. ; dir. N. Y. Meteor. Observa- 1 entral Park, N. Y. C, 68-; mem. N. Y. lid. of Health; Natl. Geograph. Soc. ; fellow A. A. A. S. ; bros. : John C, 57 (Med.); Henry, 58 (Med.). Hastings-on-H udson, N. Y. John Goodman Hall,* D. D., 80 (see Coll., 36). Charles Colcock Jones, Jr.,* LL. D., 80; A. B., 52, Princeton Univ.; A. M., S5, do.; LL. B., 55, Barvard Univ. b. Savannah, Ga., Oct 28, 1831; S. C. Coll.; Princeton Univ.; Harvard Univ. Law Sch.; adm. bar, 55; mayor, Savannah, 60-1; officer C.S.A.; lawyer. X. \ . C, 65-77; wrote many works on hist. lore of the South. d. Jul. 19, 93. Augusta, Ga. J. Tuttle Smith,* D. D., 80. X. V. C. l88l William H. S. Aubrey, D. D., 81. London, Eng. Horace Bumstead, : Yale (EDUC.) D. D., 81; A. B., 63, Univ.; A. M.. 66, do. b. Boat -ep. 29, 1841; Boston Latin Sch.; maj. 43d Ketrt.. I'. S. Troops. 64-5; p. 2d Cong. Ch., Minne- apolis, Minn., 72-5; prof., Atlanta Univ., 75-88; pres. Atlanta Univ., 88-; Art. .in Bible Wines. Bibl. Sacra, 81; The Freedman's Church at School, An- dover Review, 85. Atlanta, Ga. John Blake Falkner, D. D., 81 (see Coll., 59). Alexis Anastay Julien, (EDL'C.) Ph.D.. 81; A. B., 59, Union Univ.; A. M.. 64, do. b. X. V. C. Feb. 13, 1840; Mt. Washing- ton Collce. Inst.: Union Univ.. 59; cura- tor in geoL, Col Univ., X. Y. C, 97-; publ.: papers on geol. investigations. ;,'•. IJfth St.. X. Y.C. John M. Loretz, Jr., Mas, Dm 81 Bkln., X. V. 176 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1882 Charles Dannelly Shaw, D. D., 81. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 17, 1834; Union T. S., 59-62; ord. (Presb.), 62; p. Paterson, N. J., 62-7; p. Wilmington, Del., 67-72; Springfield, 111., 72-4; Paterson, N. J., 74-. Paterson, N. J. Newman Smyth, D. D., 81, and 95, Yale Univ.; A. B., 63, Bowdoin Coll.; A.M., 66, do. b. Brunswick, Me., Jun. 25, 43; Andover T. S., 67; asst. teach., Naval Acad., New- port, 63; 1st lieut. and quartermaster, 16th Me. Volunteers, 64-5; ord. (Cong.), 68; p. Providence, R, I.; p. Bangor, Me., 70-5; p. Quincy, 111., 76-82; New Haven, Ct., 82-; fellow Yale Univ., 99-; publ.: The Religious Feeling, N. Y., 77; Old Faiths in New Light, 79; The Reality of Faith, 84; Christian Ethics, Internatl. Theol. Library. New Haven, Ct. Aaron J. Vanderpoel, LL. D., 81 (see Coll., 43). Stanford White, A. M., 81. b. N. Y. C, Nov. 9, 1853; studied archi- tecture in office of H. H. Richardson, N. Y. C; studied in Europe, 78-80; firm Mc- Kim, Mead & White; designed Madison Sq. Garden, N. Y. University, Washing- ton Arch, Univ. Va.; fellow Am. Inst. Architects. 160 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. Giles Buckingham Willcox, D. D., 81 ; A. B., 48, Yale Univ. b. N. Y. C, Aug. 7, 1826; Andover T. S., 51; p. (Cong.) in Mass., Ct., and N. J., 53-75; prof. past, theol., Chicago T. S., 79-; emer. Stone prof. Cong, hist., church polity and special studies, do. S12 Wash. Blvd, Chicago, III. (10) 1882 Richard H. Bull,* Ph. D., 82 (see Coll., 39). Henry Draper,* LL. D., 82; M. D., 58. William K. Hall, D. D., 82; A. B., 59, Yale Univ. b. Boston, Mass.. Nov. 4, 1836; Yale T. S.; stud, theol., Berlin; ord. (Cong.), 62; p. Stratford, Ct., 66-73; Newburgh, N. Y. (Presb.), 73-. Newburgh, N. Y. Hugh Taylor Howat, D. D., 82. Liverpool, Eng. George Evertson Moore, A. M., 82; M. D., elsewhere. N. Y. C. William W. Patton,* LL. D., 82 (see Coll., 39). Thomas T. Pratt, A. M., 82; M. D., 61. Paris, Fr. Henry Clay Trumbull,* D. D., 82, and Lafayette Coll., 83; A. M. 66, Yale Univ.; D. D., 83, Lafayette Coll b. Stonington, Ct., Jun. 8, 1830; Willis ton Sem. ; missny. of State S. S. Assn. 58-62; ord. (Cong.), 62; chapl. 10th Ct Regt. in Civil War; New Eng. sec. of S. S. Union; assoc. ed. 5". 5. Times, 75 93; pres. and ed.-in-chief do., 93-03; Ly man Beecher lect., Yale Divinity Sch., 88 publ.: The Knightly Soldier, 65; Kadesh Barnea, 84; Teaching and Teachers, 85 The Blood Covenant, 85; Old Time Stu- dent Volunteers, 02; Shoes and Rations for a Long March, N. Y., 03. d. Dec. 8, 03, Phila., Pa. (8) 1883 Samuel M. Hamilton, D. D., 83. b. Conlig, Down Co., Ire., Apr. 19, 1848; Queen's Univ., Belfast; p. (Presb.) Bel- fast, 70-3; co-p. with Dr. McElroy, Scotch Presb. Ch., N. Y. C, 73-; p. do.; p. Engle- wood, N. J. Plsd. Ave., Englewood, N. T. C. F. A. Klein, A. B., 83. Bergen Point, N. J. Mathew Leland, Ph. D., 83. Bkln., N. Y. Alfred Lebbeus Loomis,* LL. D., 83; M. D., 53, N. Y. Coll. Phys. and Surg. b. Bennington, Vt., 1831; Union Univ., 51; N. Y. Coll. Phys. and Surg.; hosp. work, 53-5; pract. med., N. Y. C. ; lect. physical diagnosis, Coll. Phys. and Sure.. 62; adj. prof, practice of med., N. Y. U., 64-6; prof., 66-96. d. Jan. 23, 95- rS8 4 ] HONORARY ALL' MX I *77 Prince Albert Morrow, A. M., S3; M. D., 74; A. B., Cumberland Coll.. Ky. b. Mt. Vernon. Ky., Dec. 19. 1846; N. V. U. Med. Coll.; studied in Europe; clinical lect. dermatol., N. V. U., 82; clin. prof, genito-urinary dis., 84-98; prof, do., 98-; emer. prof, do., 99-; pres. Am. Der- mat. Assn., 89; mem. N. V. Dermat. Soc. ; Am. Assn. Genito-Urinary S : . Joum. Cut. and Genito-Urtn. /'.■> P*bl.: Matters of Dermat. Interest in the Sandwich Islands. 60 w. 40th St., n. v. c. Smith X. Penfield, Mus. D., 83. James M. Piatt,* D. D., 83 (see Coll., 47). William Wilberforce Rand, D. D., 83; A. B., 37, Bowdoin Coll. b. Gorhara, Me., Dec. 8, 1816; Boston Latin Sch. and Lowell U.S.; Bangor ( Mc> T. S.. 40; ord I R. D.i. 41; in pas- toral work, 41-8; editorial work for Am. Tract Soc. 72-. Am. Tract Soc, N. Y. C. (8) 1884 Edward Augustus Collier, D. D., 84 (see Coll., 57). Josiah Edwards Kittredge, D. D., 84. b. Boston, Mass., Oct. 12. 1836; Vale Univ., "0: teach., Montclair, N. L, 60-1; Union T. S.. 61; Andover T. S.. 62-4; res. lie. do., 64-5; Europe and the East, 66-7; stud., Paris, Fr.. and Heidelberg, Germ., 67-8; ord. (Cong.), 69; p Ct., 69-73; Europe and the East, 73-6; p. Florence. Italy, 74-6; p. (P Genesco. X. V.. 77-. Geneseo, X. Y. Enoch Sandford, D. D.. 84. Raynham, Ma; (3) 1885 Archibald McCullagh. D.D., 85; A.B.. 68. Princeton Univ.; I.I.. D., OS, Washburn Coll., Kas. b. Armagh, Ire.. Tan.. 1S42: p. German- town. Pa.. 71-8: B'kln.. 78-90; p. ■ Worcester, Mass., 90-; publ. .■ Bevond the Stars: The Peerless Prophet. 5 Harrington Ave., Worcester, Moss. Lawrence II. Mills, D. D., 85 (see Coll., 58). James Muir, D. D., 85. b. Paisley, Scot. ; Paisley G. S. ; Glasgow L'niv.; p. Egremont (Presb.) Cb., Chesh- ire, Eng. Penkett Rd., Liscard, Cheshire, Eng. Henry V. S. Myers, D. D., 85. Charles Inslee Pardee,* A. M.. 85; M. D., 60. 1.. Seneca Co., N. Y., Apr. 13. 1838; N. Y. U. Med. Coll. ; genl. pract. med., N. Y. C, 60-6; ophthal. and otol., | surg., N. V. Vols., 62; surg., do., 63; attg. No. Disp., N. V., 66-9; asst. surg., Manhattan Eye and Ear Hosp., 69-; surg. and dir. do., 75-; prof, otology, X. V. U. Med. Coll., 74-97; dean of Med. Fac, 73- 97; publ: a series of papers on diseases of the eye and ear. William Hanna Thomson, LL. I)., 85; A. B.. 50, Wabash Coll.; A.M., 57. do.; M. D., 59, Albany Med. Coll. asst. phys.. Quarantine Hosp., N. Y., 59; l'. S. med. insp., 61-5; phys., Charity Hosp., 68-; do., Bellevue and Roosevelt Hosp.; mem. Am. Assn. of Phys.; Acad. Of Med. 23 E. 47th St., N. Y. C. William Whaley, A. M., 85. (7) 1886 Austin Abbott.* LL. D., 86 (see Coll., 51). Thomas Armitage,* I.!.. D., 86; D. D.. 53, Georgetown Coll. b. Pontefract, Yorkshire, Eng., Aug. 2, 1819; moved to U. S., 38; M. E. nreacher, 44-8; ord. (Bapt), 48; p, X. Y. t" . 48-96; pres. Am. Bible Union, 56-75: pmbL: Preaching, Its Ideal and Inner Life. d. /tin. 20, 96, X. )'. C. Benjamin Holmes Bayliss,* A. M.. 86 (see Coll., 65). William Henry Browne, LL. D., 86. i 7 8 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1887 John Cyncldylan Jones, D. D., 86. Cardiff, Wales. Edgar Victor Moffat, A. M., 86 (see Coll., 76). Adolphus Frederick Schauffler, D. D., 86; A. B., 67, Williams Coll. b. Constantinople, Turkey, Nov. 7, 184S; Union T. S., 68-9; Andover T. S., 69-71; ord. (Cong.), 71; s. s. Brookfield, Mass., 71-2; missny., N. Y. C. Mission and Tract Soc, 72-87; pres. do., 87-; publ. : Ways of Working; The Teacher, the Child and the Book; The Pastor as Leader of S. S. Forces. 515 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. Lawson Tait, M. D., 86. Birmingham, Eng. ; F. R. C. S. Frank Fillmore Vanderveer, A. M., 86. Samuel Henderson Virgin, D. D., 86. p. Pilgrim (Cong.) Ch., N. Y. C, 71-00; emer. p. do., 00-; p. Plymouth Ch., Worcester, Mass., 00-2; ret., N. Y. C, 02-. 251 Lenox Ave, N. Y. C. Charles Butler,* LL. D., 87. b. Kinderhook, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1802 Greenville Acad.; studied law with Martin Van Buren; prominent in politi cal campaigns; a founder of N. Y. U and of Union T. S. ; mem. Council N. Y. U., 36-97; pres. do., 49-51; 86-97 d. Dec. 3, 97, N. Y. C. Samuel A. Hoyt, D. D., 87. N. Y. C. Merritt Hulburd, D. D., 87. N. Y. C. Thomas Alex. Nelson, D. D., 87. b. Montreal, Can., Mar. 18, 1843; Asbury Univ., Greencastle, Ind., 66-7; Union T. S., 74-7; ord. (Presb.), 77; p. Meml. Presb. Ch., Bkln., N. Y., 77-; 2d. (Presb.) Ch., Bkln. 77 Eighth Ave., Bkln., N. Y. Edward P. Sprague,* D. D., 87 (see Coll., 64). Charles H. Van Brunt, LL. D., 87 (see Coll., 56). Charles Van Norden, D. D., 87; LL. D., 92, Hamilton Coll. b. N. Y. C, Oct. 10, 1843; Hamilton Coll., 63; Union T. S., 63-6; ord. (Cong.), 66; p. New Orleans, La., 66-7; p. Beverly, Mass., 68-73; p. St. Albans, Vt, 73-83; p. Springfield, Mass., 83-6; s. s. Chicopee Centre, Mass., 87; pres. Elmira Coll., N. Y., 90-3; w. c. Auburn, Cal., 93-6; do., Sacramento, Cal., 97. Sacramento, Cal. (7) 1888 William Wallace Atterbury, D. D., 88; A. B., 43, Yale Univ. b. Newark, N. J., Aug. 4, 1823; Yale T. S., 47; ord., 48; estab. Presb. Ch. at Lansing, Mich., 48; p. do., 48-54; Madi- son, Ind., 54-66; in Europe and the East; sec. N. Y. Sabbath Com., 69; mem. U. S. branch Evang. Alliance; sec. do., 75 ; bro. : Francis, 44. 31 Bible House, N. Y. C. David Gregg, D. D., 88. p. Lafayette Ave. Pres. Ch., Bkln., N. Y., -05; pres. Western T. S. (Presb.), 05-. Allegheny, Pa. W. T. Gibson,* LL. D., 88; D. D., Hobart Coll. b. New Orleans, La., Sep. 8, 1822; ed. Gospel Messenger, 61-72; ed. Church Eclectic, 72-95. d. Nov. 23, 96. Ebenezer A. Johnson,* L. H. D., 88 (see Hon., 67). John Reid,* D. D., 88 (see Coll., 70). 1889 John Bigelow, LL. D., 89; and 86, Racine Coll. b. Ulster Co., N. Y., Nov. 25, 1817; Union Univ., 1835; adm. bar, N. Y., 39; joint ed. and propr. with Wm. Cullen Bryant of AT. Y. Evening Post; U. S. Consul, Paris, 61-4; U. S. Minister to 1890] HONORARY ALUM XI 179 France, 64-7; sec. X. Y. State, 67-8; ap- I". mtcd commr. of State canals b Tilden, 75; pres. Tilden Trust; publ.: Life of Saml. J. Tilden; Life of Frank- lin; ed. Complete Works of Franklin. 21 Gromercy l'k., X. Y. C. Marcus D. Buell, D. D., 89 (see Coll., 72). Andrew Burrows, 1). I)., 89. Boston, Mass. James C. Egbert,* D. D., 89 (see Coll., 52). Benjamin C. Henry,* D. D., 89. Canton, China. John Taylor Johnston,* LL. D., 89 (see Coll., 39). George S. Woodhull, D. D., 89 (see Coll., 48). (7) 189O Edward Abbott, D. D., 90 (see Coll., 60). Charles R. Barnes, D. D., 90 (see Coll., 63). Charles Cuthbert Hall, D. D., 90, 97, Harvard, 01, Yale; LL. D., 05, Union Univ. b. N. V. C. Sep. 3, 1852: Williams Coll., 72; Union T. S.. 72-4: Presb. Coll., Lon- don, Eng., 74-5; ord. (Presb.), 75; p. Newburg, N.Y., 75-7; p. Bkln.. X. V.. 77-97; pres. and Brown prof, homiletics. Union T. S., 97-; publ.: Qualifications for Ministerial Power (Carew Lectures. Hartford T. S.), 94; Docs God Send Trouble?; Into His Marvellous Light; Christian Belief Interpreted by Christian Experience (Barrows Lectures in India); Universal Elements of the Christian Religion. 700 Park Ave, X. Y. C. Henry S. Jacobs, D. D., 90. B'nai Jeshurun, N. Y. C. John Macnaughton, D. D., 90. p. (Presb.) Morristown, N. J. ; Madison, Anthony R. Macoubrey, D. D., 90 (see Coll., 56). William T. Sabine, D. D., 90. b. N. Y., 1838; Columbia Univ., 59; Gen. T. S., 62; ord. (Prot rect., Phila., 63-6; rect., N. V. C, 66- 74; 1st kef. Epiac. of X. V., 74-; elected bishop of Synod of N. Y. and Phila., 02. 960 Madison Ave u X. Y. C. Samuel T. Spear,* LL. D., 90; D. D., elsewhere, b. Ballston Spa. X. V., Mar. 4, 1812; Coll. Phys. i: Surg., X. V. C. ; studied theol. with Rev. Dr. Beman, Troy, X. V.; ord. (Presb.), 35; p. Lansing- burg, 35-43; p. So. Presb. Ch., Bkln., 43-70; assoc. ed. Independent; publ.: Family Power. (8) 189I Henry Watkins Ballantine, D. D., 91; A. B., 56, Ind. Univ. b. Prince Edward Co., \'a., 1838; Union T. S., 60; missny., A. H. C. F. M., India, 62-5; p., Bloomfield, X. J., and Balti- more, Mil. Nyack, N. Y. Arthur Brooks,* D. D.. 91. b. Boston, Mass., Jul. 11, 1845; Harvard Univ., 67; ord. deac, Boston, 70; rector, Williamsport, Pa.; do., St. James Ch., Chicago, 72-5; Ch. of Incarnation, N. Y. C, 75-95. d. Jul. 10, 95, N. Y. C. William Whiteman Hallowav, D. D., 91 (see Coll., 64). 1892 Isaiah B. Hopwood, D. D., 92 (see Coll., 59). William Rogers Richards, D. D., 92; A. B., 75, Yale Univ.; D. D., 03, do. b. Boston, Mass., Dec. 20, 1853; p. Plainfield, N. J. ; Brick Church, X. V. C. 14 E. 37 th St., X. Y. C. Philip Schaff,* D. D., 92, and 54, Berlin, 87. S drews, Scot.; LL. D., 74, Amherst Coll. b. Coire. Switz., Jan. 1, 1819; Tubingen, Halle, and Berlin; lect., Univ. of Berlin, i8o NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1893 42-4; ord., Germ., 44; prof. T. S. of R. D. Ch., Mercersburg, Pa., 44-63; tried and acquitted for heresy, \ork, Pa., 45; sec. N. Y. Sabbath Coram., 64-9; lect, Andover and Hartford T. S., and Union T. S., 69-70; prof. Union T. S., 70-93; pres. Am. Bible Revision Co mm. ; publ.: History of the Christian Church; Creeds of Christendom; A Companion to the Greek N. T. ; The Old- est Church Manual (Didache) ; The Person of Christ; and numerous other works and translations. d. Oct. 30, 93, N. Y. C. William Taylor, D. D., 92. Windermere, England. Horace Grant Underwood, D. D., 92 (see Coll., 81). (5) 1893 Thomas Davidson Christie, D. D., 93; A. B., 71, Beloit Coll.; A. M., 74, do.; LL. D., 04, Univ. of Aberdeen, Scot. b. Sion Mills, Co. Tyrone, Ire., Jan. 21, 1843; in 1st Minn. Battery Light Artil- lery, Army of Tenn., 1st Sergt. of Bat- tery, 61-5; teach., Wis. State Univ., 71-2; do., Beloit Coll. Acad., 72-4; grad- uated, Andover T. S., 77; prof. ch. hist. in Marash T. 5., 77-92; pres. St. Paul's Inst., Tarsus, Turkey, 92-. Tarsus, Turkey. Samuel Macauley Jackson, D. D., 93; LL. D., 92, Washington & Lee Univ. b. N. Y. C, Jun. 19, 1851; C. C. N. Y., 70; Princ. T. S., 70-1; Union T. S., 73; abroad, 73-5; p. (Presb.) Norwood, N. J., 76-80; editorial work, 80-95; prof, church hist., N. Y. U., 96-; v. p. N. Y. Charity Orgn. Soc, 04-; pres. bd. trust. Christian College, Canton, China, 05-; mem. Soc. Bibl. Lit. and Exegesis; mem. Huguenot Soc. America; hon. fellow Huguenot Soc, London; ed.-in- chief new edit. Schaff-Herzog Encycl. (10 vols, in prep.); publ.: Huldreich Zwingli, N. Y., 01, 03; Selections from Zwingli, 01. 692 W. End Ave., N. Y. C. Lewis Lampman, D. D., 93. b. Coxsackie, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1843; Yale Univ., 66; Union T. S., 66-8, 69-70; ord. (Presb), 70; p. Jamaica, N. Y., 70- 88; p. Newark. N. J., 88. Newark, N. J. (3) 1894 Frank Fields Ellinwood, LL.D., 94 (see Hon., 65). Henry Theodore McEwen, D. D., 94; Ph.D., 93; A. B., 78, West- ern Reserve Univ. b. Mercer, Pa., Oct. 14, 1851; Green- ville Sch. (Pa.); Union T. S., 78-81; ord. (Presb.), N. Y., 81; p. N. Y. C, 81-98; p. Amsterdam, N. Y., 98-. Amsterdam, N. Y. Charles Henry McClellan, D. D., 94; A. B., 65, Princeton Univ. b. Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 27, 1843; Princeton T. S„ 65-8; ord. (Presb.), 68; p. Lakewood, 89-. Lakewood, N. J. John McVey, D. D., 94 (see Coll., 60). Joseph Nimmo, Jr., LL. D., 94; A. M., 59 (see Coll., 53, Sp. dip.). Thomas Rees, D. D., 94. Merthyr Tydvil, Wales. 1895 Clarence Degrand Ashley, LL. M., 95; J. D., 03; A. B., 73, Yale; LL. B., 80, Col. Univ.; LL. D., 98, Miami Univ. sec. Metropolis Law Sch., N. Y., 91-5; non-resident lect., law, Bryn Mawr Coll., 99; prof, law, N. Y. U. Law Sch., 95-; vice-dean do., 95; acting dean do., Jan. to Oct., 96; dean do., Oct., 96-; pract. law, 15 William St., N. Y. C. N. Y. Univ., Wash. Sq., N. Y. C. Charles B. Brush,* Sc. D., 95 (see Coll., 67). Charles Brookes Chapin, D. D., 95; A. B., 76, Princeton Univ. b. N. Y. C. May 20, 1855; Union T. S., 77-80; p. Norwood. N. J., 81-2; Freeport, L. I., 83-7; s. s. (R. D.), Bkln., 87-9; p. Schenectady, N. Y., 90-2; p. (R. D., Ham- ilton Grange), N. Y. C, 93-. S42 St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. C. James Henry Darlington, D. D., 95 (see Coll., 77). i8 9 6] HONORARY ALUM XI 181 Frank Alex. Erwin, LL. -M., 95; LL. B., 91; J. D., 04; A. B., 82. Williams Coll.; A.M., 85. b. West Point, N. Y. ( Jan. 9, 1860; Siglar's Inst., Newburgh, N. V. ; prof, law, X. V. U., 93-; pract. law, County Court 11 ou e, N. Y. C; fubl.: Cases on Sales, 98; Sum- mary of 'lorts, 99; Cases on Torts, 00. Hotel St. George, Bkln., N. Y. Chris. Gustavus Tiedeman,* LL. I'.. 95; A. B. and A. M., 76, Coll. Charleston; LL. B.. 79, Col. Univ. b. Charleston. S. C, Jul. 16, 1857; prof. law, Univ. Mo., 81-91; prof, law of real prop, and of negot. paper, N. Y. U. Law Sen., 91-7; lit. work, 97-01; dean Buffalo Law Sen., 01-3; pubL: Real Property, 83; Police Powers, 86; Commercial Paper, 89; Unwritten Const, of U. S., 90; bales of Personal Prop., 91; Municipal Corpora- tions, 93; Cases of R. P., 98; State and Fed. Control of Persons and Prop., 00. d. Aug., 03, Buffalo, N. Y. Willis Fletcher Johnson, L. H. M., 95; A. M. and L. H. D., Dickin- r,.'".\. Y. C, Oct. 7, 1857; Pennington Sem.; N. Y. U., class 79; *T; author of The Violet, college song; prin. P. S., N. J.; ed. staff, N. Y. Tribune, 80-; mem. Council, N. Y. U., 98-07; f-nbl.: (biog. ed.) 2 vols, on N. Y. U. in Universities and Their Sons, Boston, 03; (ed.) Men of Mark in N. Y., Wash., 05; A Century of Expansion, N. Y., 03. 394 Fourth St., Bkln. Oswald Ottendorfer,* LL. D., 95. b. Zwittau, Austria, Feb. 14, 1826; Univ. Vienna, 46; engaged in movement to free Schleswig-Holstein; came to N. Y., 50; office N.Y. Staats-Zcitunt;, 51; ed. mgr. do., 58-; regent Univ. State N. Y. ; donor, 97-, Ottendorfer Germanic Library, N. Y. U. (so named after his death), contain- ing 9,000 vols.; the N. Y. U. Ottendorfer Heal. Fellowship was established by his friends. d. Dec. 15, oo, N. Y. C. Charles H. Parkhurst, LL. D., 95; A. B., 66, Amherst Coll.; A.M., 69, do.; D. D., 80, do.; LL. D., 96, do. b. Framinehnm, Mass.. Apr. 17, 1842; Amherst Coll., 66; clerk in dry goods house, 58-60; prin. Amherst H. S., 67; prof. Greek and Latin, Williston Sem. Bonn ; 1st Cong. Ch., Lenox, Mass., 74; .eip- . Ma -1 ; studied theol. at Halle, Leipsic, and p. Madison Sq., N. Y. C, 80 for Prevention of Crime, 91-; caused de- feat of Tammany Hall, 94; prominent in all work of reform. 133 E. 35th St., N. Y. C. (8) 1896 Frank Otis Ballard, D. 1)., 96; B. S., 73, Ohio Univ., 74, Univ. of Wooster. b, Athens. O., Mar. 22, 1852; Ohio Univ.; • r Univ.; p. Memorial Presb. Ch., Indianapolis, Ind., 93-. 2517 College Ave., Indianapolis, hid. Thomas Hunter, LL. !>.. 96; M. A., 64, Col. Univ.: Ph. D., 77, Williams Coll. pres. and prof, intell. philos., N. Y. C. Normal Coll., 70-. 2079 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. Francis Henry Marling,* D. D., 96. b. Dec. 18, 1825; p. 14th St. Presb. Ch., N. Y. C. d. Feb. 3, 01, N. Y. C. James M. Philputt, D. D., 96. N. Y. City. Israel C. Russell, LL. D., 96 (see Coll., 72). 1897 Theodore Augustus Leggett, D. D., 97; A. B., 65, Princeton Univ. b. Crawford, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1845; Prince- ton T. S., 65-8; p. Cape May, N. J., 68- 70; 1st Ch., Harlem, 70-1; Chester, 71- 81; p. Calvary Presb. Ch., West New Brighton. IV. N. Brighton, S. I., N. Y. George Washington Smith. D. D., 97; B. D., 73 L Drew T. S. b. Port Colden. N. J., Sep. 1, 1845; Pen- nington Sem., 65-7; Drew T. S. ; p. (11 E.), 73-96; presiding elder, Elizabeth Dist., Newark Conf., 96-02; p. 1st M. E. Ch., Passaic, N. J.. 02-. 292 Gregory Ave., Passaic, N.J. Frederick William True, LL. D., 97 (see Coll., 78). (3) 1898 James Barr Ames. fEDUC.) LL. D.. 98; A. B., 68, Harvard Univ.; LL B., b. Boston, Mass., Jun. 22, 1846; Boston (5) 182 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1899 Latin Sch.; Harvard Univ.; prof, and dean Harvard Univ. Law Sch.; fellow Am. Acad. Cambridge, Mass. Charles Ripley Gillett, D. D., 98 (see Coll., 74). William. M. Grosvenor, D. D., 98; A. B., 85, Williams Coll. Berkeley Divinity Sch., 88; rect., Ch. of the Incarnation, N. Y. C. 209 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. Thaddeus Davis Kenneson, LL. M., 98; J. D., 03; A. B., 80, Harvard Univ.; LL. B. and A. M., 83, do. prof, law, Metropolis Law Sch., N. Y. C, 92-5; prof, law, N. Y. U., 95-; law firm, Kenneson, Emley & Rubino, 15 William St., N. Y. C. N. Y. U., Wash. Sq., N. Y. C. George Alfred Miller, LL. M., 98; J. D., 03; LL. B., Col. Univ., 73. prof, law, Metropolis Law Sch., N. Y. C, 91-5; prof, law, N. Y.,U., 95-; pract. law, 54 Wall St., N. Y. C. N. Y. U., Wash, Sq., N. Y. C. George Shipman Payson, D. D., 98; A. B., 66, Yale Univ. b. Harpersfield, N. Y., Sep. 11, 1845; Union T. S., 68-71; ord. (Presb.), 74; p. Mt. Washington Presb. Ch., N. Y. C, 74-. 10 Seaman Ave., N. Y. C. Amasa A. Redfield, LL. D., 98. lect. testamentary alienation, N. Y. U. Law Sch., 85-7; law firm, Redfield, Red- field & Lydon, 56 Pine St., N. Y. City. h., Farmington, Ct. Samuel B. Stevenson, D. D., 98. Belfast, Ireland. (S) 1899 James Madison Bell,* D. D., 99 (see Coll., 54). John Edward Bushnell, D. D., 99; A. B., 80, Yale Univ.; B. D., 83, do. p. (Presb.), Rye; N. Y. City; Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. Nathaniel Walling Clark, D. D., 99. pres. M. E. T. S., at Rome, Italy. William Rufus Day, LL. D., 99; A. B., 70, Univ. Mich, b. Ravenna, O., Apr. 17, 1849; Law Dept., Univ. Mich.; adm. bar, 72; pract. law, Canton, O. ; judge Court Common Pleas, 86-90; apptd. judge U. S. Dist. Court, Northern Dist., Ohio, 89, resigned before taking office because of failing health; apptd. Asst. Sec. State, Mar., 97; sec, Apr. 26, 98-Sep., 98; chrmn. U. S. Peace Com- m'rs, Paris, at close of war with Spain; judge U. S. Circuit Court, 6th Circuit, 99- 03; assoc. justice U.S. Supreme Court, Feb., 03-. The Arlington, Washington, D. C. William Orme Lamson, D. D., 99 (see Coll., 49). Henry G. Piffard, LL. D., 99 (see Coll., 62). 1900 Daniel Ayres Goodsell, D. D., 00 (see Coll., 59). Arthur C. Rounds, LL. M., 00; A. B., 87, Amherst Coll.; LL. B. and A. M., 90, Harvard Univ. b. Cleveland, O., Dec. 28, 1862; instr. New York practice, Harvard Univ. Law Sch., 98-01; prof. Metropolis Law Sch., 92-5; prof. N. Y. U. Law Sch., 95-02; pract. law, N. Y. C. 96 B'way & 6 Wall St., N. Y. C. Frank H. Sommer, LL. M., 00; LL. B., 93; J. D., 03. Metropolis Law Sch.; instr., do., 93-5; prof, of law, N. Y. U., 95-; pract. law, 164 Market St., Newark. 256 Sixth Ave., Newark, N. J. Philip Reese Uhler, (EDUC.) LL. D., 00. b. Baltimore, Md., Jun. 3, 1835; Latin Sch., Dublin, Ire.; Baltimore Coll.; librn. and entomologist to Prof. Louis Agassiz Harvard Univ. ; Museum of Comp. Zo ology, 64-7; pres. of Md. Acad, of Sci. provost of Peabody Inst., 90-; assoc. in nat. sci., Johns Hopkins Univ., 76-; fel- low Am. Assn. Advanc. Sci. ; mem. of Soc. of Arts, London, Eng. Peabody Inst., Baltimore, Md. r 9 oi] HONORARY ALUMNI I8 3 Wilbur Fiske Wood, i). i)., 00. I Presb. Ch., Stapleton, Staten Id. Staple ton, S. I., N. Y. (5) 1901 Samuel T. Carter, D. D., 01 (see Coll., 58). Henry Evertson Cobb, D. D„ 01; A. 15., 84, Rutgers Coll. b. Hopewell. Dutchess Co., N. Y., Mar. 25, IN'..'; Flushing (N. Y.) Inst.; N. Y. •U., 80-2: Rutgers Coll., 82-4; min.. Col- legiatc Ch., N. VT. C, 93-. 320 West End Ave, N. Y.C. George Martin Duncan, 1.1.. 1)., 01 (see Coll., 81). George E. Post, LL. D., 01; M.D., 60; A. B., 54, C. C. N. Y.; A. M.. do. b. N. Y. C, Dec, 1838; Union T. S., 61; Univ. Med. Coll., 60: pres. Med. Fac., Syrian Prot. Coll.. Beirut, Syria; vis. surg., St. John's Hosp., Beirut; fubl.: Flora of Syria, Palestine, and Sinai; (in Arabic) several text-books of nat. and med. sci. and Concordance to the Bible. Beirut, Syria. Charles Stewart Smith, LL. d., 01. b. Exeter, N. H., Mar. 2, 1832: at age of 21 became partner in S. B. Chittenden & Co.; later sen. partner Smith, Hogg & Gardner, -87; pres. Chamber of Com- merce, 7 yrs. ; trust. Metropol. Mus. Art; mem. numerous clubs; mem. Council, N. Y. U., 02-8. 25 W. 47th St.. N. Y.C. John Dunlap Stokes. 1). D., 01; A. 1'... 64. Washington Coll.. Pa. b. Marion, O., Sep. 17. 1839; Princeton T. S., 64-7; ord., Pby., Long Island, May 21, 67; p. 1st Ch., Easthampton, L. I., N. Y.. 67-. Easthampton. L. I., N. Y. (6) 1902 Howard Sweetser Bliss, D. D., 02, and 02. Amherst; A. B., 82, Amherst Coll. b. Mt. Lebanon, Dec. 6, 1860; Amherst H.S.J teach., Washburn Coll.. 82-4: Union T. S., 87; fellow, do., Mansfield Coll., Oxford, Univ. Gottingen, ord. (Cong.), 90; asst. p. (Plymouth;, Bkln., 90-4; p. Upper Montclair, N. I.. 94-; trustee Amherst Coll., 00-2; pres. of Syrian Prot. Coll., Beirut, Syria. Beirut, Syria. Emily Ogden Butler, I. .11. M., 02. mem. Women's Advisory Com., N. Y. I'., 9007; pres., 90-3. 78 Park Ave, N. Y. C. Anna Palmer Draper, I.. II. M., 02. mem. Women's Advisory Com., N. Y. U.; pres. do., 93-01. 271 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. John Gerardus Fagg, D. D., 02. n Colleg. Kef. Ch., 50 Seventh Ave., N. 4 Rutherford PL, N.Y.C. Helen Miller Gould, L. H. M., 02. mem. Women's Advisory Com., N. Y. U., -09; pres. do., 01-3. 579 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. Giarles Waldo Haskins,* I.. II. M., 02; C. P. A. b. Bkln., N. Y.. 1852; Bkln. Poly. Inst.; acct. dept., Fred, butterfield & Co., N. Y. C; traveled in Europe; studied schools in Paris, 2 yrs.; acct. to North River Con- struction Co.; auditor of disbursements to West Shore R. R.; dean N.Y.C. Sch. Com. Accts. and Fin., and prof, of audit- ing and history of accountancy, 00-3. d. Jan. 8, 03. Horace Manley Lane, LL. D.. 02; M. D., 78. Mo, Med. Coll. b. Readfield, Me.. Jul. 29. 1837; P. S.. Lawrence, Mass. ; prin. Normal Sch.: pre*. Mackenzie (oil.. S. Paulo. Brazil. S. A. : puhl.: monographs on Beriberi, Yellow Fever, etc. Caixa 14. S. Paulo. Brazil. S. A. Martha Buell Milan, L H. M . 02. tres. Women's Legal Educ. Soc. N. Y. *.; mem. Women's Advisory Com., N. Y. V.. 93-09; treas. do., 01-5. ' 18 IV. 5/Sth St.. N. Y.C. Junius Benjamin Remensnyder, LL. D., 02; A. B., 61, Pa. Coll.; D. D., E I, Newberry Coll. b. Staunton, W. \ a.. Feb. 24. 1843; Theol. 1 84 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY [1903 Sem., Gettysburg, Pa., 60; Civil War, 131st Pa. Vols., 62-3; ord., 65; p. Phila., 65-74; Savannah, Ga., 74-80; N. Y., 80-; St. James' Luth. Ch., N. Y. C; pres. Luth. Synod of N. Y. and N. J.; publ.: Heavenward, 74; Doom Eternal, 80; Lutheran Literature: Its Distinctive Traits; Work and Personality of Luther; Six Days of Creation, 86; Lutheran Man- ual, 92; The Atonement and Modern Thought, 05; etc. 900 Madison Ave.j N. Y. C. Catharine Bacon Smith, L. h. m., 02. mem. Women's Advisory Com., N. Y. U., 90-06; sec. do., 90-06. 39 W. 68th St., N. Y. C. William A. Wheelock,* LL. D., 02 (see Coll., 43). (11) 1903 Lyman Judson Gage, LL. D., 03. b. De Ruyter, N. Y., Jun. 28, 1836; Rome (N. Y.) Acad.; bookkeeper in Merchant's Loan and Trust Co. of Chicago, 58-; cashier do., 68-; cashier 1st Natl. Bank of Chicago; v. p. and gen. mgr. do., 82-; pres. do., 91-; Sec. U. S. Treasury, 97-02; pres. U. S. Trust Co., 02-. 14 E. 60th St., N. Y. C. Charles Alexander Gardiner, LL. D., 03; A. M., Hamilton Coll.; Ph. D., Syracuse Univ. b. Canada, Sep. 2, 1855; Hamilton Coll., 80; AA4>; *BR; Col. Univ. Law Sch., 84; adm. bar, 85; atty. for Elev. Ry. Co. of N. Y. C. ; counsel and dir., various other rys. and financial corporations; mem. Council, N. Y. U., 99-03; trust. Hamilton Coll., 00; regent Univ. S. N. Y., 03 ; mem. N. Y. C. Bar Assn. ; State Bar Assn. 581 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. Franklin Evans Hoskins, D. D., 03; A. B., 83, Princ. Univ.; A. M., 86, do. b. Rockdale, Pa., Sep. 25. 1858; Short- lidge's Media Acad.; Union T. S., 88; assoc. mem. Victoria Inst., London; mis- sny. Presb. Bd. of For. Miss., Beirut, Syria; ed. American Press; publ.: (jointly with Prof. Wm. Libbey) The Jordan Valley and Petra, 2 vols., N. Y., 05. Beirut, Syria. Vincent Pisek, D. D., 03 (see Coll., 82). John Rutherford Wright, D. D., 03; A. B., 76 Lebanon Valley Coll.; A. M., 93, do.; B. D., 77, Drew T. S. b. Prospectville, Pa., Oct. 13, 1847; Leb- anon Valley; Drew T. S., 77; regular pastoral work, 77-98; presiding elder, M. E. Ch., 6 yrs.; p. Westfield (N.J.) M. E. Ch., 05-. Westfield, N. J. (5) 1904 Willard Bartlett, LL. D., 04, and 94, Hamilton Coll. b. Uxbridge, Mass., Oct. 14, 1846; Col. Univ., 69; Col. Univ. Law Sch.; pract. law with Hon. Elihu Root, 69-93; justice of Supreme Court, 2d Judicial Dist., 94- 11; mem. Century Assn., Univ., Bkln., and Hamilton Clubs. i West 54th St., N. Y. C. Ida M. Bodman, L. H. M., 04. mem. Women's Advisory Cora., N. Y. U., 91-; pres. do., 04-8. 835 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. Jesse Brush, D. D., 04 (see Coll., 54). Morris W. Leibert, b. Bethlehem, Pa., Aug. 22, 1855; Mora- vian Coll., Bethlehem, Pa., 70-3; do., T. S., 73-5; Union T. S., 76-7; p. Moravian Ch., Bethlehem, 85-02; p. 1st Moravian Ch., N. Y. C, 02-; mem. Provincial Elders' Conf., Moravian Ch., 93-; pres. decennial Genl. Synod, Herrnhut, Saxony, 99. 61 E. 86th St., N. Y. C. Frank Wilson Lindsley, L. H. M., 04. State Normal Coll.; Col. Univ.; teach., Hasbrouck Inst., 9 yrs.; instr. physics and chem., Columbia G. S., N. Y. C. 249 W. 55th St., N. Y. C. Harry Peirce Nichols, D. D., 04. b. Salem, Mass., Sep. 3, 1850; Salem H. S.; Harvard Univ., 71; Andover T. S., 75; Phila. Divinity Sch., 76; rector, Holy Trin- ity Ch., N. Y. C. 18 W. I22d St., N. Y. C. Elihu Root, LL. D., 04; LL. B., 67; LL. D., 00, Ham- ilton Coll.; 00, Yale Univ. b. Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y., Feb. 15, 1845; Hamilton Coll.; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 1905] HONORARY ALUMNI 185 67; former pres. N. Y. U. Law Alumni Assn.; U.S. Dist. Atty.; Sec. of War; Sec. of State. Washington, D. C. Margaret Olivia Slocum Sage, 1.. II. M., 04. mcra. Women's Advisory Com., N. Y. U., 96-09. 632 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. Wilson Davidson Sexton, D. D., 04; A. B. ( Adelbert Coll., W. R. Univ., 77. Union T. S., 81; p. (Cong.) Old Saybrook, Ct., 81-4; p. (Presb.) Salem, O., 84-7; Hillsdale, Mich., 87-91; Detroit. Mich., 91-01; North Presb. Ch., N. Y. C, 01-. 770 St. Nicholas Ave., N. Y. C. Fritz Zinsser,* LL. D., 04 (in absentia); Ph.D., M. D., Wiirzburg. pursued investigations in sanitary sc, and in Yolkslied; collected for Oswald Otten- dorfer the Germanic Library of N. Y. U. d. 04, Cologne. (10) 1905 James Stuart Dickson, D. D., 05; A. B., 80, Univ. Pa. b. Honesdale, Wayne Co., Pa., Jul. 19, 1859; Univ. Pa.; BK; Princ. T. S., 83; Presb. clergyman ; p. Woodland Presb. Ch., Phila.; sec. College Board Presb. Ch., 156 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. 212 So. 41st St., Phila., Pa. Ernest Hall, LL. D., 05; LL. B., 66. b. London, Eng., Oct, 24, 1844; P. S., N. Y. C; N. Y. U. Law Sch., 65-6; priv. 71st Kegt., 63; executive clerk, U. S. S. Mohican, U. S. N., 64-5; mem. lid. Trus- tees, Morrisania, 69-72; Corp. couns., Morriaania, N. Y. 72-3; mem. law firm Hall, Brown 6c WestCOtt, 77-82; justice (marine) City Court, 82-8; do. Supr. Court by appointment, 02; referee in bankruptcy, 98-UJ; gcnl. law pract., 64 William St., X. V. C; mem. Bar Assn.; Lawyers' Club; Lafayette Post, G. A. EL; N. Y. Athl. Club; * A*; St. John's Guild; Charity Org. Soc. ; Lebanon B08D.; Repub. Club; v. n. North Side Bd. Trade; mem. Fordham Club, etc. 1087 Boston Rd., N. Y. C. Joseph Hardcastle, L. II. M., 05; C. P. A., N. Y. State Univ. b. England; educ. England; asst. prin. P. S. No. 38, N. Y. C; pub. acct., 1193 B'way, N. Y. C, 65; prof, principles and pract. accounts, N. Y. U. Sch. Com. Accts. and Fin., 01-; contributor to periodicals and author text-books. 92 Monroe St., Bkln., N. Y. Hugh B. MacCauley, D. D., 05 (see Coll., 77). Henry Spellmeyer, LL. D., 05 (see Coll., 66). Leighton Williams, D. D., 05; A. B., 76. Col. Univ.; LL. B., 78, do.; A. M., 79, do. ord. p. Amity Bapt. Ch., 87; org. Amity T. Sch.; dean do.; founder and cor. sec. Brotherhood of the Kingdom for the Study of the Social Application of Chris- tianity; pres. and founder of Christian Workingmen's Inst.; sec. State Confer- ence of Keli ence ot Kengion. 312 W. 54th St., N. Y. C. Officers and Members of the Council Presidents Albert Gallatin,* mem. Council, 30-1; pres., 31. b. Geneva, Switz., Jan. 29, 1761; Univ of Geneva, 79; came to Am., 80; instr. Harvard, 82-3; mem. Pa. State Legisla ture, 90-2; mem. Congress, 95-; Sec. U. S Treasury, 01-13; U. S. Min. to France, 16 23; pres. Natl. Bank of N.Y., 31-9. d. 49. Morgan Lewis,* mem. Council, 30-4; pres., 31-4. b. N. Y. C, 1754; Princeton Univ., 73; served in Revolution with rank of col.; Assemblyman, 83; Atty.-Gen. of N. Y., 91; judge of Supreme Court, 92; chief just., 93; Gov. of N. Y., 04-7; a founder of N. Y. U. d. Apr. 7, 44- James Tallmadge,^ mem. Council, 30-46; pres., 34-46 (see Hon., 38). Gardiner Spring,* mem. Council, 43-73; pres. (pro tern.), 46-9. D. D., 19, Hamilton Coll.; LL. D., 53, Lafayette; b. Newburyport, Mass., Feb. 24, 1785; Yale Univ., 05; Andover T. S., 09-10; p. (Presb.) Brick Ch., N. Y. C, 10- 73; mod. Presb. Genl. Assembly, 43. d. Aug. 18, 73, N. Y. C. Charles Butler,* mem. Council 36-98; pres., 49-51, 86-97 (see Hon., 87). John Cleve Green,* mem. Council, 42-74; pres., 51-74. b. near Lawrenceville, N. J., Apr. 4, 1800; engaged in foreign shipping bus.; benefactor of N. Y. U. d. Apr. 29, 75, N. Y. C. John Taylor Johnston,* mem. Council, 46-93; pres., 74-86 (see Coll., 39). William Allen Butler,* mem. Council, 62-98; pres., 97-8 (see Coll., 43). William A. Wheelock,* mem. Council, 71-05; ores., 98-05 (see Coll., 43). Vice-Presidents Morgan Lewis,* v. p. Council, 31 (see Pres.). James Tallmadge,* v. p. Council, 31-4 (see Pres.). James Milnor,* mem. Council, 30-8, 42-4; v. p., 34-8. D. D., 19, Univ. of Pa.; b. Phila., Pa., Tun. 20, 1773; Phila. Acad, and Univ. of Pa.; rect., St. George's Ch., N. Y. C, 16- 44; founder of N. Y. U. d. Apr. 8, 44, N. Y. C. John Johnston,* mem. Council, 35-45; v. p., 39-43. John Taylor Johnston,* v. p. Council, 51-74 (see Coll., 39). Charles Butler,* v. p. Council, 82-6 (see Pres.). Howard Crosby,* v. p. Council, 86-91 (see Coll., 44). William Allen Butler,* v. p. Council, 91-8 (see Coll., 43). George Alexander, mem. Council, 87-; v. p., 98-. A. B., 66, Union Univ.; D. D., 84, do.; b. West Charlton, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1843; Charlton Acad.; Princ. T. S., 70; p. (Presb.) Schenectady, N. Y., 70-83; prof. 186 OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL 187 logic and rhetoric, Union Univ., 77-83; p. Univ. PI. Presb. Ch., N. Y. C, 84-; dir. Princ T. S.; trust. Sao Paulo Coll., Brazil; do. Union Univ., Schenectady. 47 Univ. PL, N. Y. C. Secretaries John Delafield,* mem. Council, 30-4; sec, 31-2. b. N. Y. C, Jan. 22, 1786; Col. Univ., 02; pres. Phanix Bank, N. Y. C, 20-38; pres. N. Y. Banking Co., 38; agriculturist. d. Oct. 22, 53. Archibald Maclay,* mem. Council, 30-8; sec, 32-8. b. Killearn, Scot., 1776; Univ. of Edin- burgh; N.Y.C., 05-; p. Bapt. Ch., N. Y. C, 30 yrs. ; gen. agt. Am. and Foreign Bible Soc. d. May 2, 60 , N. Y. C. William B. Maclay,* mem. Council, 38-56; sec, 38-56 (see Coll., 36). Henry Van Schaick, mem. Council, 56-72, 98-; sec, 56-65 (see Coll., 43). Howard Crosby,* sec Council, 65-70 (see Coll., 44). William R. Martin,* sec Council, 70-87 (see Coll., 45). William S. Opdykc. sec Council, 87-93 (see Coll., 56). John Reid,* sec Council, 93-5 (see Coll., 70). Israel C. Pierson, sec Council, 95- (see Coll., 65). Treasurers Samuel Ward, Jr.,* mem. Council, 30-4; treas., 31-2. b. R.I May 21. 1786: mem. of firm Prime, Ward & King, bankers, N. Y. C. ; founder and pres. Bank of Commerce. d. 39- Frederick A. Tracy.* mem. Council, 31-73; treas., 32-4. Waldron B. Post,* mem. Council, 33-64; treas., 34-6. Obadiah Holmes,* mem. Council, 34-41; treas., 36-9. Paul Spofford,* mem. Council, 39-69; treas., 39-54. William M. Yermilye,* mem. Council. . 54-71. son: Wm. E., 48, (nil. William A. Wheelock,* mem. Council, 71-05; treas., 71-3, 81-91; pres., 98-05 (see Coll., 43). Morris Ketchum Jesup, mem. Council, 65-6, 70-81; treas., 73-81. b. VVestport, Ct., Jan. 21. 1830; merchant and banker, N. V.C. ; prominent in phil- anthropic, charitable, and educ. work. 197 Madison Ave, N. Y. C. William Frederick Havemeyer, mem. Council, 90-06; treas., 91-04. b. N. Y. C, Mar. 31, 1850; engaged in sugar refining bus. until 89; v. p. Nat. Bank of Xo. Am., Queens Co. Bank, and Ft Worth and Rio Grande Ry. ; mem. Uptown Comm., X. V. L'., 91-4; founder Havemeyer Laboratory, N. Y. U. 10 E. 57th St., N.Y. C. William M. Kingslcy, mem. Council, 99-; treas., 05- (see Coll., 83). Members Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright.* 1830-1. D. D., 23, Union Univ.; D. C. L., Oxford Univ., Eng. ; b. Liverpool, Eng., Feb. 24, 1792; Sandwich Acad., Mass.; Harvard L'niv., 12; proctor and tutor at Harvard; rect., Grace Ch.. X. Y. C. 21-34: Trinity Ch., Boston, 34-8; Trinity. X. Y. C, 38- 52; provisional bishop, I' E l':>>cese of X. V.. 5_M; .1 founder of X. V. L\ d. Sett. 21. 54, Jacob Brodhead,* Albert Gallatin.* 1830-1 (see Pres.). 188 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Samuel Rosseter Betts,* 1830-5. LL. D., 30, Williams Coll.; b. Richmond, Mass., Jun. 8, 1786; Williams Coll., 06; lawyer, Sullivan Co., N. Y.; judge advo- cate, War of 1812; M. C, 15; dist. atty, for Orange Co., N. Y.; judge U. S. Dist. Court, 23-67. d. Nov. 3, 68, New Haven, Ct. Myndert Van Schaick,* 1830-65. b. Albany, N. Y., Sep. 2, 1782; bus. in N. Y. C. ; a founder and benefactor, N. Y. U.; pres. Croton Water Dept., N. Y. C. d. Dec. i, 65. Martin E. Thompson,* 1830-4. Benjamin L. Swan,* 1830-1. Edward Delafield,* 1830-8. b. N. Y. C, May 17, 1794; Yale Univ., 12; Coll. Phys. and Surg., N. Y. C, 16; prof, obstetrics, Coll. Phys. & Surg., 35-8; pres. do., 58-75; pres. Roosevelt Hosp. Bd. of Gov. d. Feb. 13, 75, N. Y. C. James M. Mathews,* 1830-1, 33-47 (see Chanc). James Milnor,* 1830-8, 42-4 (see Vice-Pres.). Archibald Maclay,* 1830-8 (see Sec). George Griswold, 3d,* 1830-51. b. Giant's Neck, Lyme, Ct., 1777; formed firm of Nath. L. & Geo. Griswold, mer- chants in foreign trade; benefactor, N. Y. U. d. Sept. 5, 59, New Brighton, S. L, N. Y. John Haggerty,* 1830-3. Valentine Mott* 1830-6. M. D., 06, Col. Univ.; LL. D„ 51, Re- gents, N. Y. State; b. Glencove, L. I., Aug. 20, 1785; prof. surg.. Col., 10-26; founded Rutgers Med. Coll.; prof, do., 26-30; prof., Col., 30-5; prof. surg. and relative anat., N. Y. U., 41-65; prof, emer., 52-; pres. Med. Fac, 41-50; a founder, N. Y. U. d. Apr. 26, 65, N. Y. C. William W. Woolsey,* 1830-8. Charles Starr,* 1830-7. John Delafield,* 1830-4 (see Sec). Spencer Houghton Cone,* 1830-8. D. D., 32, Princ Univ.; b. Princeton, N. J., Apr. 30, 1785; Princeton Univ., 97-9; actor, 05-12; in War of 1812; publr. The Baltimore Whig; chapl. U. S. House of Reps., 15-; p. (Presb.) Alexandria, Va., 16-23; Oliver St. (Bapt.), N. Y. C, 23-41; 1st (Bapt.), N. Y. C, 41-55; pres. Am. and Foreign Bible Soc, 37-50. d. Aug. 28, 55. Cyrus Mason,* 1830-6 (see Faculty). Morgan Lewis,* 1830-4 (see Pres.). Henry J. Wyckoff,* 1830-2. Stephen Whitney,* 1830-9. John S. Crary,* 1830-7. William Cooper,* 1830-3. Oliver M. Lownds,* 1830-2. Samuel Hanson Cox,* 1830-5, 37-8. D. D.; LL. D.; b. Rahway, N. J., Aug. 25, 1793; p. Mendham, N. J., 17-20; Spring St. Ch., N. Y. C, 20; lect., N. Y. U, 31-2; prof., Auburn T. S., 34-7; dir. Union T. S., 37-73; p. 1st Ch., Bkln., 37-54. d. 80, Bronxdale, N. Y. James Tallmadge,* 1830-46 (see Pres.). OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL 189 James Lenox,* 1830-4. A. B., 18, Col. Univ.; A. M.. 21, do., and Princ. Univ.; LL. D., 67, Princ, and 75, Col. Univ.; b. N. Y. C, Aug. 19, 1800; founder of Lenox Libry., N. Y. C, 70. 8, Williams Coll.; A. M., 65, do.; D. D., 72. do.; b. I'hila.. Pa.. Tun. 23, 1839; Alexandria (Ya.) T. >.. 61; rect., Ch. of Mediator, N. Y. C. 63-4; chapl. 12th X. Y.. I". S. V., (.4; Parish of Holy Trinity. 73; Paris dir.-gen. Mut Reserve Fund Life Assn.; ires. Am. Chamber of Commerce in Paris; trust. Williams Coll.. 72-84. d. Nov. 17, 98, Paris. France. John Taylor Johnston,* 1846-93 (see Yice-Pres., Coll., 39). Luther Bradish,* 1S-16-51. A. T... 04. Williams Coll.; LL. D., 55, do.; Speaker X. Y. Assembly : Lit ut.- X. Y.: pre-. X. Y. Hist Soc.; pres. Am. Bible Soc. d. 68. Spencer H. Cone,* 1846-51 (see 30-8). George Peck, 1847-55. D. D. ElishaD. Hurlbut,* 1847-8. James Suydam,* 1848-72. benefactor, N. Y. U. Anson G. Phelps,* 1848-54. mem. Phelps, Dodge & Co., N. Y. C. Moses Hicks Grinnell,* 1851. b. Xew Bedford, Mass., Mar. 3, 1803; collector port of X. Y., 69-70; pres. X. Y. Chamber of Commerce, 43-53; pres. Union Club, 67-73. d. Nov. 24, 77, N. Y. C. John Dowling/ 1851-3. D. D., 46, Pavensey, Sussex, Transylvania Eng., p. (Bapt.) Catskill, X. Y., 32-4; New- Univ.; b. May 12, 1807; 34-6; X. Y. C, 36- Phila., port, R. I Pa., 52-6. d. Jul. 4. 78. Middletown, N. Y. % Leonard William Kip,* 1851-62. A. 1'... 15, Col. Univ.; A. M., 20, do., and 27, Rutgers Coll.; b. 1796. d. 63. George Griswold, 4th, 1851-2, 56-72. Valentine G. Hall, 1851-2. James Boorman,* 1851-2. b. Co. of Kent. Eng., 1783; 1st pres. Hudson River R. R.; a founder of Bank of Commerce. d. Jan. 24, 66. Isaac Ferris, 1852-73 (see 37). Orsamus Bushnell, 192 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY John Harper,* 1852-3. b. Newtown, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1797; joined his bro. James in printing bus., 17; Harper & Bros., 33. d. Apr. 22, 75, N. Y. C. Mancius Smedes Hutton,* 1852-79. A. B., 23, Col. Univ.; D. D., 41, do.; b. Troy, N. Y., Jun. 9, 1803; Princeton T. S., 23-6; co-p., 37-42, and p., 42-76, Washington Sq. Ch., N. Y. C. ; son: M. H., 57. d. Apr. 11, 80, N. Y. C. George Washington Bethune,* 1853-62. A. B., 23, Dickinson Coll.; D. D., 38 Univ. Pa.: b. N. Y. C, Mar. 18, 1805 Princeton T. S., 23-5; ord. (Presb.) 25; p. R. D. Ch., Rhinebeck, N. Y. Utica, N. Y.; Phila., Pa.; Bkln., N. Y, N. Y. C. d. Apr. 27, 62, Florence, Italy. William Aspinwall, 1854-5. Francis Hall, 1854-66. Alex. Warfield Bradford,* 1854-9. A. B., 32, Union Univ.; A.M., do.; LL. D., 52, do., and 61, Col. Univ.; b. 1815; corp. atty., N. Y. C, 43; surrog., N. Y. C, 48-58; trust. Col. Coll., 55- 67. d. 67. Theodore McNamee, 1854-6. William M. Vermilye,* 1854-78 (see Treas.). Anson G. Phelps,* 1854-8 (see 48-54). Robert Lenox Kennedy,* 1855-76. A. B., 40, Col. Univ.; A.M., do.; b. 1823; banker, N. Y. C. d. 87. Henry Van Schaick, 1856-72 (see Sec). George Griswold, 4th, 1856-72 (see 51-2). Thomas C. Chardavoyne, 1856-75. John J. Cisco, 1857-67. Adam Norrie, 1858-74. William Earl Dodge,* 1859-76. b. Hartford, Ct., Sep. 4, 1805; pres. N. Y. Chamber of Commerce, 3 times; M. C, 8th Dist., N. Y. C, 66-7; mem. of Indian Comm. under Grant; bene- factor, N. Y. U. d. Feb. g, 83, N. Y. C. A. Oakey Hall,* 1859-67, 67-73 (see Coll., 44). Jonathan Sturges, 1862-70. William Allen Butler,* 1862-98 (see Vice-Pres.). Howard Crosby,* 1864-91 (see Sec). James M. Brown, 1865-8. Ebenezer Platte Rogers,* 1865-81. A. B., 37, Yale Univ.; A.M., 44, do., and 45, Amherst; D. D., 53, Oglethorpe; b. N. Y\ C, Dec 18. 1817; Princ T. S., 37-8; p. So. Ref. Dutch Ch., N. Y. C, 62-81. d. Oct. 22, 81, Montclair, N.J. John E. Parsons, 1865-98 (see Coll., 48). James K. Campbell, 1865-73. Morris K. Jesup, 1865-6, 70-81 (see Treas.). Loring Andrews,* 1866-75. b. Windham, N. Y, Tan. 31. 1799; leather merchant, N. Y. C, 29-; dir. Mechanics Bank; founder and first pres. Shoe and Leather Bank; founder of Loring Andrews Endowment Fund, N. Y. U. d. Jan. 22, 75, N. Y. C. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL 93 William H. Xeilson, 1867-74. William R. Martin,* 1867-87 (see Sec, Coll., 45). Robert H. McCurdy, 1867-71. A. Oakey Hall,* 1867-73 (see 59-67). John W. C. Leveridge,* 1869-97. A.B., 35, Col. Univ.; A.M., 39, do.; b. 1820; mgr. Am. Sunday Sch. Union; mgr. N. Y. Sund. Sch. Assn. d. 96. Thomas C. Doremus, 1869-73. fa.: R. Ogden, 42. John B. Hall, 1870. Aaron J. Yander Poel,* 1870-87 (see Coll., 43). Morris K. Jesup, 1870-81 (see 65-6). William A. Wheelock,* 1871-05 (see Treas. and Pres.). Augustus F. Smith,* 1871-6 (see Coll., 39). George H. Moore,* 1871-83 (see Coll., 42). Samuel J. Tilden.* 1872-86 (see Hon., 67). Daniel B. St. John Roosa, 1872-8. (PHYS.) A.M.. 68, Yale Univ.: T.U D., 81. Univ. of Vt. : h. Bethel, X. 5 4. 1838; Vale Univ.: X. V. U. Mel. Coll., 60; house >ure:.. X. V. Hosp., 60 Civil War; prof. ophthal.. X. V. U.. 63-82. Alexander R. Thompson,* 1872-91 (see Coll., 42). Frederick Divoux Lente,* 1873-84. A. i:., 45, Univ. N. Carolina; M. D., 49; X. V. U. Med. Coll., 46-9; pres. Alumni . do., 70; mgr. Hudson River State . 72; v. p. X. V. Xeurol. Soc. d. Sep. 19, 83, Cold Spring, N. Y. Abram Stevens Hewitt,* 1874-82. A. l:., 42, Col. Univ.; LL. D., 87, do.; b. Hayeretraw, X. V.. Jul. 31, 1822; iron mfr. with Peter Cooper; sec. and dir. Cooper Union; U. S. Commissioner to Pans Rap., 67; Repr. in Congress, 75-9, 81-6; Mayor X. V. C, S7-V; giver X. V. U. Turkish Libry. ; pres. Am. Inst, of Mining Eng., 76. d. Jan. 18 , us, X. V. C. Samuel M. Hamilton, 1S74-91. D. L)., Presbyterian clergyman. Edwin D. Morgan. 1875. pres. Candelaria Mining Co.; 1st v. p. Rio Grande, Sierra Madre & Pac. R. R. John Hall,* 1875-98 (see Chanc). S. O. Vander Poel,* 1875-86 (see Coll., 42). D. Willis James, 1875-81. b. Apr., 1832; firm of Phelps, Dodge & Co.; pres. Ansonia Land and Water Power Co.; v. p. Northern Securities Co. and U.S. Trust Co.; mem. MetropoL Museum of Art; Museum of Xat. Hist.; Xatl. Acad, of Design. William Butler Duncan, 1875-6. dir. Mobile and Ohio R. R. Co. Smith E. Lane, 1875-89 (see Coll., 48). Benjamin B. Aycrigg,* 1875-89 (see Coll., 44). Elie Charlicr. 1875-81 (see Eon . " James H. Anderson, 1876-81. M. 1>.. 60: pres. Alumni Assn. Med. Coll. X. Y. CJ.j 77-9: surg.. Home for Indigent Blind, N. Y., 70-. 194 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Charles Force Deems,* 1876-93. I.L. D., Univ. of N. C; D. D., Ran- dolph Macon Coll. ; b. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 4, 1820; Dickinson Coll., 39; prof, logic and rhetoric, Univ. of N. C, 42-7; prof. nat. sci., Randolph Macon Coll., Pa., 47-8; p. Newbern, N. C, 48- 50; pres. Greensboro, N. C, Female Coll., 50-4; removed to N. Y. C, 65; establ. Ch. of Strangers, N. Y. C. ; p. do., -93; pres. Rutgers Female Coll., N. Y. C. ; establ. Deems Loan Fund, N. Y. U., 88; Charles Force Deems Mem'l. Loan Fund, N. Y. U., 05, was gift of trustees of C. F. Deems Educa- tional Fund. d. Nov. 18, 93, N. Y. C. Edward Abiel Washburn,* 1876-9. A. B., 38, Harvard; A. M., 54, Trinity Coll.; D. D., 61, do.; lect. Eng. lit., Trinity Coll.; prof. eccl. polity, Berke- ley T. S. (Ct.); rector, Calvary (P. E.) Ch., N. Y. C; mem. Am. Philos. Soc. d. 8 J. Augustus Schelly 1881-3. b. Rhinebeck, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1812; Union Univ., 30; Litchfield Law Sch.; Collector Port of N. Y., 57-61. d. 84. William Loring Andrews, 1881-06. A.M. (Hon.), 93, Yale Univ.; b. N. Y. C, Sep. 9, 1837; leather mer- chant, N. Y. C; retired, 77-; hon. librn. Met. Mus. of Art, 86-; historian and author. William M. Taylor,* 1882-95. D. D., 72, Yale and Amherst; b. Kil- marnock, Scot., Oct. 23, 1829; Univ. of Glasgow, 49; Theol. Hall of United Presb. Ch., Edinburgh, 52; p. in Scot- d and Eng. until 72 ; Broadway Tabernacle (Cong.) Ch., N.'Y. C, 72-95; a founder of Univ. Hts. d. Feb. 8, 95, N. Y. C. Peter Carter,* 1882-90. b. Earlston, Berwickshire, Scot., Jul. 19, 1825; N. Y. C. pub. sch.; of firm Robt. Carter & Bros., publishers, N. Y. C, 48-; author. Lemuel Skidmore, 1882- (see Coll., 61). Jenkins Van Schaick, 1883-93. C. H. Van Brunt,* 1883-90 (see Coll., 56). Roderick Terry, 1883-98. A. B., 70, Yale; D. D., 82, Princeton; b. Bkln., N. Y., Apr. 1, 1849; Yale T. S., 70-2; U. T. S., 72-5; p. Peekskill, 75-9; w. c. N. Y. C, 79-81; s. s. and p. (R. D.) N. Y. C, 81-. William S. Opdyke, 1883- (see Coll., 56). Elbert B. Monroe,* 1883-94 (see Coll., 55). William Mills Halsted,* 1883-90. A. B., 46, Williams; trust. Blooming- dale Asyl. for Blind. d. 95- Samuel Sloan, 1884-. b. Lisburn, Ire., Dec. 25, 1817; super- visor King's Co., 50-1; State Sen., 58-9; pres. Hudson River R. R., 55-62; pres. D. L. & W. R. R., 67-90; chrmn. Bd. Mgrs., do. 22 William St., N. Y. C. David Banks, 1884-. b. N. Y. C, Dec. 25, 1827; Shay's Gram. Sch., 42; entered bus. with his fa. in law-book publishing, N. Y. C. ; has made many gifts to N. Y. U. ; chrmn. Athletic Assn. 35 E. 72d St., N. Y. C. Robert Schell, 1884-01. Noah Davis,* 1885-90. b. Haverhill, N. H., Sep. 10, 1818; jus- tice N. Y. Supreme Court, 57-68; pre- siding just., 75-86. d. 02, N. Y. C. George Alexander, 1887- (see Vice-Pres.). OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL !95 George Munro, 1887-96. b. Co. of Pictou, Nova Scotia, Nov. 12, 1825; Pictou Acad., N. S.; taught sch., 47-50; rect., Free Ch. Acad., and instr. math., Halifax Coll., 50-6; removed to N. Y. C, 56; publr. of Seaside Libry., N.Y. Fireside Companion, etc.; gave large endowments to Dalhousie Coll., N. S.; chairman of Committee on Up-town Movement, 1890; a founder of Univ. Hts. and benefactor. d. Apr. 23, 96, Pine Hill, N. Y. William L. Skidmore,* 1887-96. merchant, residing at 800 Madison Ave, X. V. C; benefactor of N. Y. U. d. 97, N. Y. C. Francis Asbury Palmer,* 1889-92. b. Bedford, N. Y., Nov. 26 1812; pres. Broadway Savings Inst.; left many gifts to charities. d. Nov. 2, 02, N. Y. C. John Reid,* 1889-95 (see Sec. and Coll., 70). Frederic Baker, 1890-9 (see Coll., 52). Israel C. Pierson, 1890- (see Sec. and Coll., 65). Henry M. Sanders, 1890-2. I >. I ». ; p. Madison Ave. Baptist Ch., N. Y. C. William F. Havemeyer, 1890-06 (see Treas.). John Hamilton Inman, 1890-1. b. Jefferson Co., Tenn., Oct. 23, 1844; removed to N. Y. C, 65; founded firm of Inman, Swann &■ Co.. cotton dealers, 70; a founder of Univ. Hts. d. Nov. 6, 96. Henry M. MacCracken, 1891- (see Chancellors). Edward H. Litchfield, 1891-5 (see Coll., 67). Joseph S. Auerbach, 1891-8 (see Coll., 75). Alfred L. Loomis, 1892-5. M. I)., 53, Col. Univ.; b. Bennington, Vt., 1831; Union Univ., 51; lect. physical diag., Coll. Phys. and Surg., 62; adj. prof, practice of med., N. Y. U., 64-6; prof., do., 66-95. d. Jan. 23, 95. Charles T. Barney, 1892-9. banker; pres. Knickerbocker Trust Co.; a founder of University Heights Charles Ranlett Flint, 1892-02. merchant in South American trade. John P. Munn, 1892-. A. B., 70, Univ. of Rochester; M. D., 76; b. Rochester, N. Y., 1806; Univ. of Rochester; Univ. Med. College; phys., N. Y. C. ; consult, surg., Randall's Id. Hosp. ; curator, St. Luke's Hosp., 79-92; pres. U. S. Life Ins. Co. of N. V. ; mem. JKE; Am. Assn. for Adv. of Sci. ; N. Y. Acad, of Med. 18 W. 58th St., N. Y. C. Augustus D. Juilliard, 1893-8. A. D. Juilliard & Co., dry goods, N. Y. C. ; chrmn. comm. on Washington Square Bldg., N. Y. U., 94; a founder of Uni- versity Heights. C. R. Otis, 1893-4. manufacturer of elevators; giver of col- lege bell. John Claflin, b. Bkln., N. Y., Jul. 24. 1850; C. C. N. Y., 69; dry goods merchant, N. Y. C. Oliver H. Payne, 1894-7. director Standard Oil Co., N. Y. C. Marcellus Hartley,* 1895-01. bro.: Isaac S., Coll., 52. d. 01, N. Y. C. Charles E. Miller, 1896-01. committeeman on Medical College; attor- ney. 196 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Henry F. Dimock, committeeman on Medical College; pre8. Steamboat Co. Tames McCreery,* 1896-03. merchant, N. Y. C. d. Feb. 26, 03, Aiken, S. C. Cyrus C. Miller, 1896-04 (see Coll., 88). W. Wheeler Smith, 1897-01. architect. Ferdinand Schureman Schenck, 1897-9. A.M., 68, Princ. Univ.; D. D., 91, Rut- gers Coll.; b. Ulster Co., N. Y., Aug. 6, 1845; p. (R. D.) Univ. Hts., N. Y., 97-9; prof, pract. theol., New Brunswick T. S., 99-; mem. Univ. Senate. John J. Tucker/ 1898-01. builder of the Library and of the Hall of Fame, University Heights. d. Feb., 02, N. Y. C. Frank J. Gould, 1898-04. b. N. Y., Dec. 4, 1878; was special stud. in N. Y. U. in class of 99; 1st v. p. Mo. Pacific; do. St. Louis, Iron Mt. & South- ern; do. Texas & Pacific; do. Internatl. R. R. Willis Fletcher Johnson, 1898- (see Hon., 95). Thomas E. Greacen, 1898-. merchant; sons: W. J., 96; E. W., 97. 200 B'way, N. Y. C. David H. McAlpin,* 1898-01. b. Pleasant Valley, N. Y., 1816; manu- facturer; a founder of Univ. Heights. d. 01. Henry Van Schaick, 1898- (see Coll., 43). William M. Kingsley, 1899- (see Treas. and Coll., 83). Charles A. Gardiner, 1899-05. A.M., Hamilton Coll.; Ph.D., Syracuse Univ.; LL. D., N. Y. U; b. Canada, Sep. 2, 1855; Hamilton Coll., 80; atty. for El. Ry. Co. of N. Y. C. ; regent, Univ. State of N. Y., 03. James Graham Cannon, 1900-. chairman Com. on School of Commerce, N. Y. U. Council; v. p. 4th Natl. Bank; treas. Chamber of Commerce, N. Y. C. 72 E. 54th St., N. Y. C. John Reid,* 1900-4 (see 89-97 and Coll., 70). Andrew Haswell Green,* 1900-3. b. Green Hill, Worcester, Mass., Oct. 6, 1820; pres. and exec, officer. Central Park Bd., 57-70; comptroller, N. Y. C, 71-6; originated plan for creation of Greater N. Y. d. Nov., 03, N. Y. C. Maltbie D. Babcock * 1900-1. pastor of Brick Presb. Church, N. Y. C. d. 01. Charles Stewart Smith, 1902- (see Hon., 01). George F. Vietor, 1902-. member executive committee, N. Y. U. merchant and banker. 66 Leonard St., N. Y. C. John Ross Stevenson, 1902-. „ , D. D., 97, Wash, and Jefferson Coll.; b. Ligonier, Pa., Mar. 1, 1866; Wash, and Jefferson Coll., 86; McCormick T. S., Chicago, 111., 89; Univ. of Berlin, 89-90; p. (Presb.) Sedalia, Mo., 90-4; prof, church hist., McCormick T. S., 94-02; p. 5th Ave. Presb. Ch., N. Y. C, 02-. 30 W. 58th St., N. Y. C. William R. Richards, 1902- (see Hon., 92). Clarence H. Kelsey, 1903-. president of Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 146 B'way, N. Y. C. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE COUXCIL 97 William H. Porter, 1903-. president of Chemical Natl. Bank, N. V. C. 270 B'way, N. Y. C. John H. MacCracken, 1903- (see Coll., 94). Frederick William Devoe, 1903-. b. X. Y. C., Jan. 26, 1828; giver of An- drew H. Green Laboratory, N. Y. U. ; manufacturer; pres. F. W. Devoe & C. T. Kaynolds Co., paint and varnish mfrs. ; ex-pres. Bd. of Educ, X. Y. C. ; corn- ier of the Greater N. Y. C. 101 Fulton St., X. V. C. William H. Nichols, 1904- (see Coll., 70). Eugene Stevenson, 1904- (see Coll., 70). James W. Lane, 1904-. pres. West Bovlston Mfg. Co., etc. no Worth St., N.Y.C. D. Hunter McAlpin,[Jr.], 1904-5. M. D., 88; A. B., 85, Princeton; A.M.. 88, do.; b. N.Y.C, 1862; prof, gross pathology, N. Y. U. Med. Coll., 97-02. Frank A. Vanderlip, 1905-. b. Aurora. 111., Nov. 17, 1864; Univ. of 111. and Univ. of Chicago; financial ed. Chicago Tribune; asst. sec. U. S. Treas- ury; v. p. Natl. City Bank, N. Y. ; author of treatises on commercial and municipal subjects. Scarborough, N. Y.; 49 E. 50th St., X. Y.C. Members Ex-Officio In an act incorporating the University of the City of Nov. York, passed April 18, 1831) Section II. provides that the g o ver n - ment and estate of the University shall be conducted and managed by a Council com- posed of thirty-two shareholders, and the Mayor and four members of the Common Council of the City of Xcw York for the time being. The provision that the ind tour members of the Common Council shall be members of the Council of the Uni- versity was repealed Jan. 12, 1883. Mayors of the City of New York Walter Bowne, 1830-3. Gideon Lee, 1833-4. Cornelius W. Lawrence, 1834-7. Aaron Clark, 1837-9. Isaac L. Varian, 1839-41. Robert L. Morris, 1841-4. James Harper, 1S44-5. William F. Havemeyer, 1845-6 (see Treas.). A. H. Mickle, 1846-7. William V. Brady, 1847-8. William F. Havemeyer, 1848-9. Caleb S. Woodhull. 1849-51. Ambrose C. King?land, 1851-3. Jacob A. Westervelt, 1853-5. Fernando Wood, 1855-8. Daniel Tiemann, 1858-60. Fernando Wood, 1860-62. George Opdyke, C. Godfrey Gunther, 1864-6. 198 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY John Thompson Hoffman, 1866-9. A. Oakey Hall, 1869-73 (see Coll., 44). William F. Havemeyer, 1873-4 (see Treas.). William H. Wickham, 1875-7. Smith Ely, Jr., 1877-9. Edward Cooper, 1879-81. William Russell Grace, Members Elected from the Common Council of the City of New York 1830. 1830. 1830. 1830. 1831. 1831. 1831. 1831. 1832. 1832. 1832. 1833. 1833. 1833. 1833. 1834. 1834. 1834. 1834. 1835. 1835. 1835. 1835. 1836. 1836. 1836. 1836. 1836. 1837. 1837. 1837. 1837. William Seaman. William W. Mott. Benjamin M. Brown. Thomas Jeremiah. Gideon Lee. William Mandeville. Hubert Van Wagenen. James R. Whiting. John I. Labagh. William Van Wyck. Thompson Price. John Yates Cebra. James Munroe. William Van Wyck. John I. Labagh. John I. Labagh. Robert C. Cornell. John Bolton. Horace Holden. Isaac L. Varian. Aaron Clark. Morgan L Smith. James R. Whiting. George W. Bruen. Aaron Clark. Edward Curtis. John V. Greenfield. Henry Erben. John V. Greenfield. George W. Bruen. Murray Hoffman. Caleb S. Woodhull. 1838. Egbert Benson. 1838. Thomas Lawrence. 1838. Thomas Jeremiah. 1838. Caleb S. Woodhull. 1839. Frederick R. Lee. 1839. Egbert Benson. 1839. Ellis Potter. 1839. Thomas G. Talmage. 1841. Egbert Benson. 1841. Frederick R. Lee. 1841. William D. Waterman. 1841. Erastus C. Benedict. 1842. Henry E. Davies. 1842. Frederick R. Lee. 1842. William V. Brady. 1842. William D. Waterman. 1843. James D. Oliver. 1844. Richard L Schieffelin. 1844. William C. Seaman. 1844. Thomas Spofford. 1844. John J. V. Westervelt. 1845. William V. Brady. 1845. James D. Oliver. 1845. Archibald Maclay, Jr. 1845. William C. Seaman. 1847. James D. Oliver. 1847. Linus W. Stevens. 1847. Niel Gray. 1847. Amos F. Hatfield. 1850. Morgan Morgans. 1850. Robert T. Haws. 1850. James H. Cook. 1850. Oscar W. Sturtevant. 1853. Sylvester L. H. Ward. 1853. Asahel A. Denman. 1853. Isaac O. Barker. 1853. Jonathan Trotter. 1854. Nathan C. Ely. 1854. William Chauncey. 1854. Edwin J. Brown. 1854. William M. Vermilye. 1855. Otis D. Swan. 1855. John W. Scott. 1855. Daniel D. Lord. 1856. Nathan C. Ely. 1856. William Tucker. 1856. Otis D. Swan. 1856. Charles E. Appleby. 1857. William Tucker. 1857. Orison Blunt. 1857. John H. Brady. 1857. Franklin J. Ottarson. 1858. William Tucker. 1858. James Davis. 1858. Seymour A. Bruce. 1858. James M. Cross. 1859. John H. Brady. 1859. James Owens. THE WOMEN'S AD11SURY COMMITTEE 199 1859. Charles G. Cornell. 1859. Abraham Lent. 1860. James Owens. 1860. Robert L. Darragh. 1860. Pierre C. Kane. 1860. Charles C. Pinckney. 1862. George A. Jeremiah. 1862. Charles H. Hall. 1862. Charles C. Pinckney. 1862. Abraham Lent. 1863. George A. Jeremiah. 1863. Charles H. Hall. 1863. Morgan Jones. 1863. Frederic Repper. 1864. George A. Jeremiah. 1864. John T. Henry. 1864. William S. Opdyke, '56. 1864. David R. Jaques, LL. D., '78. 1865. George A. Jeremiah. 1865. John D. Ottiwell. 1S65. Abraham Lent. 1865. 1866. 1866. 1867. 1867. 1867. 1867. 1869. 1869. 1869. 1869. 1870. 1870. 1870. 1870. D. Hotaliox. Joseph B. Varnum. Charles E. Lucor. Isaac Robinson. Alexander H. Keech. Joseph B. Varnum. Don Alonzo Cushman. John Stacom. Stephen Roberts. Don Alonzo Cushman. John Hardy. Charles C. Pinckney. David S. Jackson. Thomas Coman. Emanuel B. Hart. Erastus P. Littlefield. James Parker. Note. — There is no record of members of the Common Council having qualified as members of the Council of N. Y. U. after 1870. The Women's Advisory Committee 1890- Miss Emily O. Butler. L. H. M., 02; 1st Pres. 1890-03 Mrs. Caroline Stevens Alex- ander. 1890-5 Mrs. W. W. Hoppin. 1890-6 Mrs. Benjamin S. Church. 1890-00 Mrs. Win. F. Cochran. 1S90-00 Mrs. Henry Draper. L. II. M.. 02; 2d Pres. 1890-7 Mrs. Mary J. Field. 1890-3 Miss Frances Johnston. 1890-7 Mrs. Alfred L. Loomis. 1st Treas. 1890- Mrs. Eugene Smith. L. H. M., 02; Sec. 1890-8 Mrs. Benjamin Williamson. 1S91-03 Mrs. C. A. Herter. 2d Treas. 1891- Mrs. Edward C. Bodman. L. H. VL. 04: 4th Pres. 1891-00 Miss Annie B. Jennings. 1891- Mrs. Richard M. Hoe. 1891-01 Mrs. Frederick W. Downer 1893-9 Miss Stimson. 1893- Mi^-2: prof. civ. eng., Yale Univ., 50-83; mem. Nat. Acad, of Sci. d. S3. John Proudfit,* 33-4, prof. Greek Lang.; 34-8, prof. Latin Lang, and Lit. D. D. Charles Dexter Cleveland,* 33-5, prof. Latin Lang, and Lit. (See Hon., 66.) Lewis C. Beck,* 34-8, prof. Chan, and Botany. M.D.J b. Schenectady, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1798; Union Univ., 17; prof, bot., Rens- selaer Poly. Inst., 24-9; prof. bot. and chem., N't. Acad, of Med., 26-32; prof, chem. and nat. hist., Rutgers, 30-7; prof, of chem. and pharm., Albany Med. Coll., 41-53; mineral, to N. Y. Geol. Surv., 37; author sci. writings. d. Apr. 20, 53, Albany, N. Y. Charles Rubadan,* 34-8, assoc. prof. Span. Lang, and Lit. Leonardo D. Gale,* 35-8, prof. Geol. and Mineralogy. M.D.J publ.: Elements of Natural Phi- losophy, 37. Cyrus Mason,* 36-7, prof. Evidences of Revealed Re- ligion; 37-9, prof. Evidences of A. Religion and Belles-lettres; 39-43, prof. Evidences of Revealed Religion; 43-50, prof. do. and Pol. Econ. D. D.; mem. Council, N. Y. U., 30-6. Courtland Van Rennselaer,* 37-8. prof. Sacred Lit. (See Hon., 45.) Ebenezer A. Johnson,* 38-91, prof. Latin Lang, and Lit. (See Hon., 67.) Benjamin F. Joslin, 38-9, prof. Math, and Nat. Philos.; 39-44, prof. Nat. Philos., Math., and Astron. John William Draper, ;'. Chem. and Natural Hist. M. I'.. 36, Univ. of Pa.: LL. D., 60, Princeton Univ.; h. St. Helens, Eng., May 5, 1811; studied chem. at Univ. of Lon- don. 29; Univ. of Pa. Med. Coll., 36; prof. chem. and physics. Hampden Sydney Coll., 36-8; reed. Rumford pold medal, 75; made first daguerreotype of human face, lerreotype of moon, one inchdiam.; lax spectrum. 42: photographed the diffraction spectrum, 43: invented chlor- hyd. and ferric-oxalatc photometer; spec- trum anal, of flame, 47; made microscopic 204 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY photographs, 53; phosphorograph of solar spectrum, 80; mem. Natl. Acad, of Sc. ; Am. Phil. Soc, Am. Acad, of Arts and Sc, Accademia dei Lincei (Rome), Physi- cal Soc. of London, and many others; sons: Jn. C, 53 (non-grad.) , Henry, 55 (non-grad.), Daniel (Hon.), 80. d. Jan. 4, 82, Hastings-on-Hudson. Tayler Lewis,* 38-50, prof. Greek and Latin. LL. D., 44, Union Univ.; b. Northumber- land, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1802; Union Univ., 20; practised law; taught in Ogdensburg and Waterford, N. Y., 33-8; prof. Greek and lect. Bibl. and Orient, lit., Union Univ., 50-77; publ.: Plato contra Atheos, N. Y., 44; Six Days of Creation, Schenec- tady, 55; Divine Human in Scriptures, N. Y., 60; contrib. to Lange's Commen- tarv. d. 1877. Caleb Sprague Henry,* 38-9, prof. Moral and Intell. Philos.: 39- 40, Intell. Philos. and Belles-lettres; 40-52, Intell. Philos.. Belles-lettres. (See Hon., 79.) Charles Brooks,* 38-44, prof. Nat. Hist. b. Medford, Mass,. Oct. 30, 1795; Harvard Univ., 16; p. (Cong.), Hingham, Mass., 21-38. d. Jul. 7, 72. Isaac Nordheimer,* 39-40, prof. Orient. Lang, and act'g prof. Hebrew; 39-42, prof. Germ, and Orient. Lang. Instr. sacred lit., Union T. S., 38-42; Ph. D. ; publ. : A Grammatical Anal, of Selections from the Hebrew Scriptures, 38; The Philosophy of Ecclesiastes, 38; Hebrew Grammar, 41. F. A. Giraud,* 39-44, act'g prof. French Lang, and Lit.; 44-56, prof. do. M. Garbayo,* 40-2, prof. Span. Lang, and Lit. Felix Foresti,* 42-56. prof. Italian Lang, and Lit. LL. D. ; b. Conselice, near Ferrara, Italy, 1793; Univ. of Bologna; studied law and practised in Ferrara, Italy; imprisoned for his polit. views and later exiled to U. S. ; prof. Ital., Col. Univ., 39-56; U. S. Consul to Genoa till 58; publ.: Ollendorff Italian Method, N. Y., 46; Crestomazia Italiana, N. Y., 46. d. Sept. 14, 58, Genoa, Italy. Julio Soler,* 42-8, prof. Spanish Lang, and Lit. Elias Loomis,* 44-8, 49-60, prof. Math., Nat. Phil., and Astron. (See Hon., 54.) Thomas Seir Cummings,* 46-67, prof. Arts of Design (see Fac. Appl. Sci.). b. Bath, Eng., Aug. 26, 1804; a founder of Natl. Acad, of Design, 26; treas. do., 40 yrs. ; v. p. do., 49; brig. -gen. in N. Y. State Mil., 38. d. Sept. 24, 94, Hackensack, N. J. George J. Adler,* 46-54, prof. Germ. Lang, and Lit. (See Coll., 44.) Francisco J. Vingut,* 48-57, prof. Span. Lang, and Lit. Charles Davies,* 48-9, prof. Math, and Nat. Philos. A. M. (hon.), 24. Princeton Univ., 25, Williams Coll.; LL. D., 40, Geneva Coll., 41, Union Univ.; b. Washington, Ct., Jan. 22, 1798; West Point Mil. Acad., 15; asst. prof, math., West Point. 16-23; prof. do., 23-37; prof, math., Trinity Coll., Hartford, Ct., 39-41; paymaster U.S. Army, and treas. West Point Mil. Acad., 41-6; prof, higher math., Col. Univ., 57- 65; prof, emer., 65-76. d. Sept. 17, 76, Fish kill Landing, N. Y. Philip Melancthon Whelpley Redfield,* 49-53. asst. Math, and Nat. Philos. (See Coll., 46.) George C. Anthon,* 50-1, prof. Greek Lang, and Lit. A. B., 39, Col. Univ.; A. M., do.; b. 1825. d. 77- Reuben P. Lowrie,* 51-2, instr. Greek and Latin Lang, and Lit. (See Coll., 46.) Benjamin Nicholas Martin,* 53-83, prof. Intell. Philos., Hist., and Belles-lettres. A. B., 37, Yale Univ.; A.M., 40, do.; S. T. D., Col. Univ.; L. H. D., 69, Univ. S. N. Y.; b. Mt. Holly. N. L, Oct. 20, 1816; Yale Univ., 34-7; New Haven T. S., FACULTY OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 205 37-40; p. (Cong.) Hadley, Mass., 42-7; 4th Presb., Albany, N. Y. p 501; mem. N. V. Acad, of Sci. d. Dec. 26, 83, N. Y. C. Richard Harrison Bull,* 53-84, prof. Civ. Eng. and asst. in Math.; 84-92, cmcr. prof. Civ. Eng. (See Coll., 39, and Fac. App. Sci.) Theophile Marie D'Oremieulx,* 56-63, prof. French Lang, and Lit. b. Paris, Prance, May 11, 1815; appt. from N. V., 2d lieut 1st Infantry, U. S. A., Jul. aptain, Oct. 31, 56; asst. prof. French, West Point 1, 40; 1st lieut., Oct. 31, 46; captain. Acad., 40-56; resigned, Dec. 8, 56; ores. Bailey Microscopical Soc. ; aided work of U. S. Sanitary Comm. Fair, 64; con- ducted series of French readings for bene- fit of victims of German-French War, 70. d. 81, Southampton, L.I., N. Y. Vincenzo Botta,* 58-90, prof. Italian Lang, and Lit.; 90-4, cmcr. prof. do. Ph. D., Univ. of Turin; b. Cavallermag- giore, Piedmont, Italy, 1818; prof, philos., Lyceum of Cuneo, 45-8. d. Oct., 94- Paul C. Sincling, 58-61, prof. Scandinavian Lang, and Lit. pull.: History of Scandinavia from the Early Times of the Norsemen and Vikings to the Present Day. John Christopher Draper,* 58-60, prof. Xat. Science; 58-71, prof. Anal, and Pract. Chem. M. I).. 57; LL. D., 73, Trinity Coll; b. Mccklenberg Co., Ya., Mar. 31, 1835; N. Y. U., 50-2; prof, chem., Cooper Union, N. Y., 59; prof, physiol. and nat. hist., C. C. X. Y.. 63-85: prof, chem., X. Y. U. Med. Coll., 65-85: surg. to 12th Regt. N. C. S. X. Y.. in Civil War, 64; publ.: Text-book on Anat., Phys., and Hyg., 66; Practical Lab. Course in Med. Chem., 82; Text-book of Med. Physics, 85 (see Fac. Appl. Sci.). d. Dec. 20, 85, N. Y. C. Henry Martyn Baird, . prof. Greek Lang, and Lit.: 02-, cmcr. prof, do.; 92-, dean Univ. Coll. (See Coll., 50.) George Washington Coakl prof. Math.. Nat. Philos. and Astron.; 84-93, Math, and A A. B„ 36, Rutgers ColL; LL. D., 56, do.; b. St. Bartholomew, W. L, Feb. 22, 1814; Rutgers Coll., 33-6; Union T. S.; prof, math, and astron., St. James Coll., Ha- gerstown, Md., 45-60; mem. Bkln. As- tron. Soc. (see Fac. Appl. Sci.). d. Aug. 2, 93, Bkln., A'. Y. Henry Draper, 62-70, prof. Anal. Chem.; 70-82, Anal. Chem. and Physiol.; 82, Chem. and Phys- iol. M. D., 58; LL. D., 82, and 82, Univ. of Wis.; b. Mecklenburg Co., Ya.. Mar. 7, 1837; X. Y. I'.. 52-4; asst. in chem. and physiol.; received gold medal awarded by Congress in 74 for services as rapt. of the Commission of Transit of Venus; made 50-inch photo of moon, 63; made telescope mirror 28 inches diam., 71; photographed diffraction spectrum. 72. .. May 2i, 1863; Harvard Univ., 79-83; *BK; Univ. of Berlin, 83-7; Univ. of Heidelberg, 87-8; Laboratorium der Physi- kalischen GeseHschaft, Frankfort-on-Main, Mar. to Jun., 88; Univ. of Leipsic, Jun. to Sep., 88; asst '■■ I »r. Wolci ■ Oct., 88, to Jun., 89; docent, Clark Univ., Aug., 89-Jun., 91; mem. Germ, and Am. Chem. Socs.; author of works on chem. (see Fac Appl. Sci.). 27s Madison Ave., Vernon, X. Y. John Dyneley Prince, 92-02, prof. Semitic Lang, and Comp. Philol. A. i:.. 88, Col. Univ.; Ph.D., 92, Johns Hopkins Univ.; b. N.Y.C, Apr. 17, 1868; Col. Univ., 84-8; A ; fel- low in Sem. lang., Johns Hopkins Univ.; mem. Am. Orient Soc. ; Am. Geograph. Soc. ; Soc. for Cultivation of Bibl. Learn- ing. Ernest Gottlieb Sihler, 92-, prof, of Latin Lang, and Lit. A. I'.., 69, Concordia Coll.; A.M. and Ph.D., 78, Johns Hopkins Univ.; b. Ft Wayne, Ind., Jan. 2, 1853; Concordia Coll., Wis., 69; Lutheran Divinit St. Louis, Mo., 69-72; Berlin and Leipsic Univs., 72-5; fellow in Greek, 76-8, and fellow in Greek hist., 78-9, Johns Hopkins Univ.; classical instr., 79-91; prof, clas- sics, Concordia Coll., Milwaukee, Wis., 91-2; mem. Am. Philolog. Assn., 76-; Greek Club, 79-97; interested friends of X. Y . U. to secure Hubner's classical col- lection from Berlin, 02; publ.: numerous classical works; major part of Hist, of N. Y. U. Mt. I 'crnon, N. Y. Charles Flint McClumpha, 92-4, acting asst. prof. English. A. I'... 85. and A. M., 88, Princeton Univ.; Ph. D., 88. Leipsic; b. Amsterdam, X. V., Jul. 2. IS-,.?; Princeton l/niv.. Mo; took 1st Baird prize for rhet. and orat. ; Univ. of Leipsic, 85-8; prof. Bryn Mawr, 88-91; mem. Modern Lang. Assn. of Am.; the Am. Dialect Soc. Charles Henry Snow, 93-4, prof. Hist, and Biol. IL, 86, and Fac. Appl. Sci.) Addison Ballard, 93-04, acting prof. Logic. A. 1'.. 42. Williams Coll.; D. D., 67, do.; b. Framingham. Mass., Oct. 18, 1822; Williams Coll.. 38-42; AT; #BK; prin. Hopkins Acad, Hadley, Mass.. 42-3; tutor. Williams Coll., 43-4; teach., Grand Rapids, 208 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Mich., 4S-6; missny., Grand River Val- ley, 46-7; prof. Latin and math., Ohio Univ., 47-54; prof, rhet., Williams Coll., 54-5; prof, astron., math., and nat. philos., Marietta Coll., 55-7; p. Cong. Ch., Will- iamstown, Mass., 57-65; Detroit, Mich., 66-72; prof. Christian Greek and Latin, Lafayette Coll., 72-9; moral philos. and rhet., do., 79-94; pubh: Arrows, or Teach- ing a Fine Art; various discourses (see Fac. Appl. Sci.). PittsMd, Mass. Charles Lawrence Bristol, 94-, prof. Biol. (See Coll., 83, and Fac. Appl. Sci.) Pomeroy Ladue, 94-8, acting prof. Math.; 98-05, prof, do.; 94, sec. Faculty Grad. Sch.; 98-05, sec. Faculty Sch. Appl. Sci. B. S. 90, Univ. of Mich.; b. Detroit, Mich!, Oct. 23, 1868; connected with U. S. Weather Bureau, Detroit, 92-3; instr. math., Univ. of Mich., 93-4 (see Fac. Appl. Sci.). Marshall Stewart Brown, 94-9, acting prof. Hist, and Pol. Sci.; 99-, prof, do.; 95-02, registrar, Faculty Coll. and Sch. Appl. Sci.; 96-, chrmn. Com. on Scholarship; 99-00, sec. N. Y. U. Summer Courses. Ph. B., 92, Brown Univ.; A. M., 93, do.; b. Keene, N. H., Nov. 6, 1870; Z *; *BK; instr. in English, Brown Univ., 92-3; instr. hist., Univ. of Mich., 93-4; Heidelberg Univ., 95-6; sec. N. Y. Chapter *BK; mem. Am. Hist. Assn.; v. p. Hist. Teachers' Assn. of Middle States and Md. ; mem. Gen. Com. of Am. Hist. Assn. ; publ. : Hist, of Z* Frat. ; many hist, papers and reviews (see Fac. Appl. Sci.). 219 Palisade Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Charles B. Bliss, 94-5, asst. prof. Experimental Psychology; 95-8, prof. do. A. B., 90, Yale Univ.; Ph.D., 93, do.; B. D., 03, Hartford T. S. Joseph M. Brody, 94-5, demonstr. in Anal. Chem. (See Coll., 94.) Lawrence A. McLouth, 95-, prof. Germ. Lang, and Lit. A. B., 87, Univ. of Mich.; b. Ontonagon, Mich., Jan. 19, 63; Mich. State Norm. Sch.; Univ. of Mich., 87; prin. Danville (111.) H. S., 87-91; studied in Germany, 91-3; instr., Univ. of Mich., 93-5 (see Fac. Appl. Sci.). Univ. Hts., N. Y. C. Frank H. Cann, 95-, dir. Physical Training and Athletics. b. Danvers, Mass., Nov. 14, 1863 (see Fac. Appl. Sci.). Univ. Hts., N. Y. C. Samuel Weir, 95-01, prof. Hist, of Educ. and Ethics. A. B., 89, Northwestern Univ.; B. D., 87, Garrett Bibl. Inst.; Ph.D., 91, 111. Wes- leyan Univ.; Ph.D., 95, Univ. Jena; b. London, Ont., Apr. 15, 1860; Provincial Norm. Sch., Toronto; prin. Pub. Sch., Tingal, Ont.; 1st asst., Central Sch., Port Hope, Ont.; p. Bay City, Mich., 82-4; Northwestern Univ., 111., 89; Garrett Bibl. Inst., 111., 89; prof. Greek and Latin, Southwest. Kan. Coll., 89-90; p. (M. E. Ch.) Wichita, Kan., 90; Cheyenne, Wy., 91; instr. math., Northwestern Univ., 92. Samuel Macauley Jackson, 95-, prof. Church Hist. (See Hon., 93, and Fac. Appl. Sci.) Frank Moore Colby, 95-02, prof. Economics; 96-02, assoc. prof. Pol. Sci. b. Wash., D. C, Feb. 10, 1865; Columbian Univ., Wash., D. C; in bus.. 82-5; taught sch. in Ind. and Staten Isl., 85-8; Col. Univ. Sch. of Pol. Sci., 88; in study and tutoring, 88-90; actg. prof, hist., Amherst, 90-1; lect. in hist., Col. Univ., and instr. hist, and polit. econ., Barnard Coll., 91-5 (see Fac. Appl. Sci.). George Washington Osborn, 95-9, instr. Semitic Lang.; 99-05, asst. prof. do. (See Coll., 95.) Edward H. Warren, 95-6, instr. Sociology. (See Fac. Appl. Sci.) Arthur B. Frizell, 95-6, instr. Mathematics. (See Fac. Appl. Sci.) Warren H. Everett, 95-7, instr. Biol. (See Fac. Appl. Sci.) Frank W. Pine, 95-8, instr. English. (See Fac. Appl. Sci.) Isaac Henry Kirby, 95-6, demonstr. in Anal. Chem. (See Coll., 95.) FACULTY OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 209 James Henry Shipley, 95-00, asst. French. (Sec Coll., 96.) Thomas William Edmondson, 96-03, asst. prof. Physics; 03-5, assoc. prof. Physics; 05-, prof. Math.; chrmn. of Wash. Sq. Coll. Div.; sec. of Faculty of Arts and Pure Sc; asst. bursar. I'll. I).. 96, Clark Univ.; A. B.. 88, Lon- don Univ., and 91, Cambridge; b. Skipton- in-Craven. Yorkshire, Eng., 1869; grail, m physics, chem., and botany. Cam- bridge Univ., 91-3; came to U. S., 93; fellow in physics, Clark Univ., Worcester, Mas., 94-6 (see Fac. Appl. Sci.). Decatur Ave., N. Y.C. Collins Pechin Bliss, 96-8, lab. instr. Steam and Hydraulics; 98-00, assoc. prof. Mcch. Eng.; 00-, prof, do. Ph.D., 91, Col. Univ.; b. Carlisle, Pa., 1866; Pingry Sch.. Elizabeth, N. J. ; Princ. Univ., 88; Col. Sch. of Mines, 91; con- nected with Globe Iron Works, Cleveland, O. (see Fac. Appl. Sci.). Univ. Hts., N. Y. C. John Henry MacCracken, 96-9, instr. Philos.; 99, asst. prof. do. (See Coll., 94; Fac. Appl. Sci.) Isaak Woodbridge Riley, 97-8, instr. in English. A. B., 92, Yale Univ.; B. D., 96, do.; b. N. Y. C, May 20, 69; Union T. S., 93-5; Yale T. S., 95-6; Yale Univ., 96-7; asst. p. Westminster Presb., Buffalo, N. Y., 98-; Fredericton, N. B. Walter E. Pettigrew, 97-8, demonstr. in Anal. Chcm. (See Coll., 97.) Archibald Lewis Bouton, 98-00, instr. Engl.; 00-6. asst. prof, do.; 06-, prof. Rhetoric; 02-4, recorder of Faculty. A. B.,96, Amherst Coll.; A.M., 00, Col. Univ.; b. Cortland, N. Y., Sep. 1, 1872; grad. stud., Col. Univ.; Greek master, Rutgers Prep. Sch.. New Brunswick, N. J., 96-8; pubt.: Edition of the Lincoln and Douglas Debates, 05 (see Fac. Appl. Unto. Hts., N. Y. C. Ferdinand S. Schenck, 98-00. led. on Engl. Bible. prof, pract. theol., New Brunswick T. S.. 99-. Charles Gray Shaw, 99-, asst. prof, of Philos. B. L., 94, Cornell Univ.; B. D., 97, Drew T. S -; Ph. 1)., 97; b. Elizabeth, N. J., 1871; studied at Jena and Berlin, 97-9; pii<BK; consulting eng., chief eng., and treas. Essex-Union Water & Light Co. and Lakewood Water, Light & Power Co., N. L; mem. Am. Soc. C. E. ; publ.: The Conservation of Streams; Inland Sewage Disposal. John J. Stevenson, 93-4, sp. lect. (See Colft, 63, and Fac. Coll.) Downing Vaux, 93-5, 96-, lect. Landscape Gardening. Col. Univ. Sch. Mines; studied in office of father, Calvert, 2 years; plans for parks at Poughkeepsie, Kingston, N. Y. ; Nutley, N. J.; St. John, Canada; lect. on landscape gardening, Troy Poly. Inst.; landscape architect, N. Y. C. 68 Bible House, N. Y. C. Walter McCulloch, 94-8, lect. Tunnels and Tunnelling. Mem. Am. Soc. C. E. Arthur S. Tuttle, 94-5, lect. Sewers; 98, post-colleg. instr. Engineering Design. (See Coll., 85.) Collins P. Bliss, 96-8, laboratory instr. Steam and Hy- draulics; 98-00, assoc. prof. Mech. Eng.; 00-, prof. do. (See Fac. Coll.) Henry P. Morrison, 96-, lect. Roads and Pavements. (See Coll., 80.) George E. Waring, Jr. * 97-8, sp. lect. Street Cleaning. Col.; engr. ; sanitarian; commissioner of street cleaning, N. Y. C. d. 98. Walter Aimes, 97-8. sp. lect. East River Gas Tunnel. resident eng., East River Gas Co.'s Tun- nel. Gifford Pinchot, 97-8, sp. lect. Forestry. b. Simsbury, Ct., Aug. 11, 1865; A. B., 89, Yale; consult, forester, 92-8; forester, U. S. Dept. Agric, 98-. Alvah Horton Sabin, 98-, lect. Paints and Varnishes. B. S., 76, Bowdoin Coll.; M. S., 79, do.; b. Norfolk, N. Y., Apr. 9, 1851; Bowdoin Coll.; prof, chemistry and physics, Ripon, 76-80; prof, chemistry, Univ. Vermont, 80-6; State chemist, Vt., 82-6; chemist, FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE 213 Edward Smith & Co., X. V., 88-03; in- vented process by which all sugar of milk is produced; mem. Chem. Soc. ; Soc. Chem. Indust. ; Soc. Testing Materials; London Soc. Arts; mfr. and chem., 45 . N. Y. C; publ.: The Industrial and Artistic Technology of Paint and Var- nish, 04. 432 San ford Ave., Flushing, L. I., N.Y. B. E. Fernow, 98-9, sp. Icct. Forestry. b. Inowraclaw, Prussia, Jan. 7, 1851; Forest Acad., Miinden, 70-3; Konigsberg, 74; LL. D., 96, Univ. Wis.; chief Dim. Forestry, U.S. Dept. Agric, 86-98; dir. N. Y. State Coll. Forestry, 98-03. Daniel W. Hering, 85-, prof. Physics and Appl. (See Fac. Coll.) Francis H. Stoddard, (See Fac. Coll Robert W. Hall, 88-90, acting asst. prof. Chemistry; 90-1, asst. prof. Anal. Chem.; 91-04, prof. Anal. Chem. (See Fac. Coll.) William K. Gillett, 88-, prof. French and Spanish Lang, and Lit. (See Coll., 80; Fac. Coll.) Morris Loeb, 91-, prof, of Chem. (See Fac. Coll.) Pomeroy Ladue, 94-8, acting prof. Math.; 98-05, prof, do.; 94, sec. Faculty Grad. Sch.; 98-05, sec. Fac. Sch. Appl. Sci. (See Fac. Coll.) Marshall S. Brown, 94-9, acting prof, of History and Pol. Sci.; 99-, prof, do.; 95-02, registrar Fac. Coll. and Appl. Sci. (See Fac. Coll.) Charles L. Bristol, 94-. prof. Biol. (See Coll., 83; Fac. Coll.) Lawrence A. McLouth, Q ?-. prof. German Lang, and Lit. (See Fac. Coll.) Frank M. Colby, 95-02, prof. Economics; 9602, assoc. prof. Pol. Sci. (See Fac. Coll.) Frank H. Cann, 95-, dir. Physical Training and Athletics. (See Fac. Coll.) Thomas W. Edmondson, 96-03, asst. prof. Physics; 03-5, assoc. prof. Physics; 05, prof. Math. (See Fac. Coll.) Archibald L. Bouton, 98-00, instr. Engl.; 00-6, asst. prof, do.; 06-, prof. Rhetoric; 02-4, recorder Faculty. (See Fac. Coll.) Charles Gray Shaw, 99-, asst. prof. Philosophy. (See Fac. Coll.) John S. Murdock, 00-2. instr. Mcch. and Civ. Eng. Ph. B.J late 1st lieut., U. S. A. Carl C. Thomas, 01-3, prof. Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture. M. E., 95, Cornell Univ.; draughtsman with Globe Iron Works, engineers and shipbuilders, 95-6; asst. eng., 96-7; chief eng., 97-8; drauphtsman, 98, and chief draughtsman, 99-01, Maryland Steel Co., Marine Dent.; consulting ens-, X. Y. C, 02-3; with Moran Bros., shipbuilders, 02; instr. marine engineering, Univ. Cali- fornia, 03-4; asst. prof, marine engineer- ing, Cornell Univ., 04-. Joseph F. Johnson, 01-, prof. Pol. Econ. (See Fac. Coll. and Sch. of Commerce.) Henry Faulls. 01-. tuft, of Shops. Univ. Hts.. N. Y.C. W. W. Burden. 02-3. instr. Mtchan. and Civil Eng. B. S. ; C E. Charles E. Houghton, 03-. assce. prof. Meeh. Eng. A. B., 93. I.cland Stanford Univ.; M. M. E., 94, Cornell Univ.; Ann Arbor (Mich.) H. S.: Leland Stanford Univ., 93; instr. in Mech. Lab.. Cornell, 94-8; prof. mech. eng., Univ. of Arkansas, 93- 03. Univ. Hts., N. Y. C. 214 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Frederick H. Wilkens, 03-, asst. prof, of German. (See Fac. Coll.) Carl C. Lorentzen, 03-5, instr. Mech. and Civ. Eng.; 05-, as- soc. prof. Mech. Eng. (See Fac. Coll.) William M. Campbell, 03-5, demonstr. Physics; 05-, instr. Physics. (See Coll., 98, and Fac. Coll.) Wilbur S. Wilding, 03-5, asst. in Chemistry. (See Appl. Sci., 02; Fac. Coll.) Henry R. Mussey, 04-5, instr. Economics. (See Fac. Coll. and Sch. of Commerce.) Alexander Haring, 04-5, led. Bridge and Railway Eng.; 05-, assoc. prof. do. C. E., 95, Rensselaer Poly. Inst.; b. Troy, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1871; mem. Am. Soc. Civil Engineers. 2305 Loving PL, Univ. Hts., N. Y. C. Norman A. Dubois, 04-5, instr. Chem.; 05-, asst. prof. do. (See Fac. Coll.) Martin A. 04-5, instr. prof. Chem (See Coll., 95; Fac Rosanoff, Theoret. Chem.; 05-, Coll.) Charles E. Morrison, 04-5, assoc. prof, of Civil Eng. A. M., Col. Univ.; C. E., do.; b. N. Y. C, 1877; Col. Univ. fellow in civ. eng.; asst. eng. Erie Canal Improvement, 97-8; asst. eng., N. Y. C. Surv. office, 98-01 ; eng. constr. and asst. eng. mines for Amalga- mated Copper Co., Butte, Mont., 01-4; consulting eng. for Ruby Water Co., Wis- dom, Mont. Archibald E. Stevenson, 04-5, instr. Mineralogy. (See Appl. Sci., 04.) John P. Simmons, 04-5, asst. in Chem. (See Appl. Sci., 04.) Arthur E. Hill, 04-5, instr. Chem.; 05, asst. prof. do. (See Coll., 01; Fac. Coll.) J. C. Hubbard, 05-, asst. prof. Physics. (See Fac. Coll.) Univ. Hts., N. Y. C. Arthur H. Nason, 05-, instr. in English. (See Fac. Coll.) Mois H. Avram, 05-, asst. in Mech. Eng. (See Appl. Sci., 04.) Louis Siff, 05-6, asst. in Math. b. Russia, 1873 ; B. S., 97, Cornell Univ. ; postgrad, stud., Johns Hopkins Univ., 97-8; do., Clark Univ., 98-9; asst. in math., Univ. Nebraska, 99-00; instr. math., Univ. Maine, 00-2; instr. math, and phys- ics, Peekskill Mil. Acad., 02-3. Julius Becker, 05-, led. First Aid to Injured. M. D. ; prof, pract. anat., N. Y. U. Med. Coll. Paul Wagner, 05-6, asst. in Physical Training. (See Fac. Coll.) Belle Corwin, 95-, asst. librn. in charge General Li- brary. M. D., 91, Eclectic Med. Coll.; course in library economy, N. Y. State Li- brary School, 95. Index of Officers of Administra- tion and Instruction Adler, George J 204 Aimes, Walter 212 Alexander, George 186, 194 Allen, Moses.... 189 Anderson, James H 193 Andrews, Loring 192 Andrews, William L 194 Anthon, George C 204 Appleby. Charles E 198 Aspinwall, William 192 Auerbach, Joseph S 195 Avram, Moia II 214 Aycrigg, Benjamin B 193 Babcock. Maltbie D 196 Bnird. Henry M 205 Baker, Cornelius 189 Baker, Frederic 195 Ballard, Addison 207 Banks, David 194 Barclay, Anthony 190 Barker, Isaac 198 Barney, Charles T 195 Bartelmez, George W 210 Bassett, Carroll P 212 Beck, Lewis C 203 Becker, Tulius A 214 Beleke, Caspar J 205 Benedict, Erastus C 198 Benson, Egbert 198 Bethune, George W 192 Berts, Samuel R 188 irles B 208 I llins P 209, 212 Blunt, Orison 198 Boiler, Alfred P 212 Bolton. John 198 Boorman, Tames 191 Borrowe. William 190 Botassi, D. X 206 Botta, Yincenzo 205 Bouton, Archibald L 209, 213 Bowne, Borden P 206 Boum-, Walter 189, 197 Bradford, A, W 192 Bradish. Luther 191 Brady. Mm H 198 Brady. William V 197. 198 Bristol. Charles L 208. 213 Brodhead, Tacob 187 Joseph M 208 Charles 204 Brown, Benjamin M 198 Brown, Edwin J 1°S Brown, lames 191 Brown, tames M 192 Brown. 'Marshall S 208, 213 Bruce, Sevmour A 198 Bruen, George W 198 Brush. Charles B 211 Bull. Richard II 205, 211 Burden, W. W 213 Bush, George 203 Bushnell, Orsamus 191 Butler, Charles 186, 190 Butler, William A 186, 192 Camera, A. U. N 210 Campbell, Jame9 192 Campbell. William M 210, 214 Cann, Frank H 208, 213 Cannon, James G 196 Carpenter, Frederic W 209 Carroll, Charles 206 Carter, Peter 194 Cebra, John Y 198 Chardavovne. Thomas C 192 Charlier, Elie 193 Chauncey, William 198 Chester, William W 189 Cisco, Tohn J 192 Claflin, Tohn 195 (lark. Aaron 197,198 Cleveland. Charles D Coakley, George W 205 Colby, Frank fid 208,213 Collingwood, Francis 212 Coman, Thomas 199 Comstock, Eleutherus D 189 Cone, Spencer H 188, 191 Cook, James H 198 Cooper, Edward 198 Cooper. William Cornell. Charles G 199 Cornell. Robert C 198 Cox, Samuel H 188, 190 Crary, John S 188 Crosby, Howard 186, 187, 192. 2^0 Crosby, William B 189 Cross, .lame* M 198 Cummings, Thomas S 204, 211 Curtis, Edward Cushman. Don A Cutler, Benjamin C 190 Da Pontc, Lorenzo L 203 Darragh, Robert L 199 Davies, Charles 204 Davies. Henry E 198 Davis, Tames 198 Davis. Noah 1 'avis. Thomas E 1 Oil Deems. Charles F 104 De Ghent, Charles E 206 Delafield. Edward 188 Delafield, Tohn 187,188 De Mora. Angel H 205 De N'cvarcs. Mitruel C Dcnman. Asahel A l^R Dcvoe, Frederick W 197 "5 2l6 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY De Witt, Thomas 190 Dimock, Henry F 196 Dissosway, Gabriel P 189 Dodge, William E 192 Donaldson, Robert 189 D'Oremieulx, Theophile 205 Doremus, Theodore C 193 Douglass, David B 202 Dowling, Tohn 191 Draper, Henry 205, 211 Draper, John C 205, 211 Draper, John W 203, 211 Dubois, Cornelius 190 Dubois, Norman A 210, 214 Duncan, William B 193 Dwight, Morris W 190 Edmondson, Thomas W 209, 213 Ely, Nathan C 198 Ely, Jr., Smith 198 Erben, Henry 198 Ernenputsch, William 203 Everett, Warren H 208 Fairchild, Tohn F 212 Faulls, Harry 213 Fernow, B. E 213 Ferris, Isaac 190,191,200 Flint, Charles R 195 Foresti, Felix 204 Fox, Joseph G 211 Frelinghuysen, Theodore 191, 200 Frizell, Arthur B 208 Fteley, Alphonse 212 Gale, Leonardo D 203 Gallatin, Albert 186, 187 Gallatin, Albert H 206, 211 Gallaudet, Thomas H 202 Galwey, Charles 209 Garbayo, M 204 Gardiner, Charles A 196 Gillett, Ezra H 206 Gillett, William K 207, 213 Giraud, F. A 204 Gould, Frank J 196 Grace, William R 198 Graham, Tohn L 189 Gray, Niel 198 Greacen, Thomas E. 196 Green, Andrew H 196 Green, John C 186, 191 Greenfield, John V 198 Grinnell, Moses H 191 Griswold, George 188 Griswold, Tr., George 191, 192 Gunther, C. Godfrey 197 Hackley, Charles W 203 Haggerty, John '188 Haines, Richard T 190 Hall, A. Oakev 192, 193, 198 Hall, Charles H 199 Hall, Francis 192 Hall, John 193, 200 Hall, Tohn B 193 Hall, T. Prescott 189 Hall, Robert W 207, 213 Hall, Valentine G 191 Halsted, William M 194 Hamilton, S. M 193 Hardy, John 199 Haring, Alexander 214 Harper, James 197 Harper, John 192 Hart, Emanuel B 199 Hartley, Marcellus 195 Hatfield, Amos F 198 Havemeyer, William F 197, 198 Havemeyer, William F 187,195 Haws, Robert T 198 Hendee, Edward T 209 Hering, Daniel W 206, 213 Henry, Caleb Sprague 204 Henry, John T 199 Hewitt, Abram S 193 Hill, Arthur E 210, 214 Hoffman, John T 198 Hoffman, Murray 198 Holden, Horace 198 Holmes, Obadiah 187,189 Hone, Isaac S 189 Hotaliox, D 199 Houghton, Charles E 213 Houghton, William A 206 HowTand, Samuel S 190 Hubbard, J. C 210, 214 Hurlbut, Elisha D 191 Hutton, Mancius S 192 Inman, John H 195 Isaacs, Abraham S 206 Tackson, David S 199 Tackson, Samuel M 208 James, D. Willis 193 Jaques, David R 199 leremiah, George A 199 Teremiah, Thomas 198 Jesup, Morris K 187, 192, 193 Johnson, Ebenezer A 203 Tohnson, Toseph F 209, 213 Tohnson, Willis F 196 Tohnston, Tohn 186, 189 Johnston, John T 186, 191 Jones, Morgan 199 Toslin, Benjamin F 203 juilliard, A. D 195 Kane, Pierre C 199 Kavanagh, Frederick E 209 Keech, Alexander H 199 Kelly, Robert 189,190 Kelsev, Clarence H 196 Kemble, William 189 Kennedy. Robert L 192 Kent, William 191 Kingsland, Ambrose C 197 Kingsley, William M 187, 196 Kip, Leonard W 191 Kirby, Isaac H 208 Knapp, Shepherd 190 Labagh, John 1 198 Ladue, Pomerov 208, 213 Lane, James W 197 Lane, Smith E 193 Lawrence, Cornelius W 197 Lawrence, Thomas 198 Leavitt, David 190 Lee, Frederick R 198 Lee, Gideon 197, 198 Le Grand, E. A 205 Lent, Abraham 199 Lente, Frederick D 193 Lenox, James 189 Leveridge, J. W. C 193 Lewis, Morgan 186, 188 Lewis, Tayler 204 Litchfield, Edward H 195 INDEX OF OFFICERS 217 Littlefiel.l, Erastus P 199 I Morris 207, 213 Loomis, Alfred L 195 Loomis, Elias Lorentzen, Carl C 210,214 Lord, Daniel D 198 1 leaser 1*9 Lownds, Oliver M 188 I.. .uric, Reuben P Lueor, Charles E 199 Maclav, Archibald 187, 188 Maclay, lr., Archibald 198 Maclav. William I! 187, 190 MacCracken, Henrv M 195, 200 MacCracken, [ban II 197,209 Mandeville, William 198 Mantilla, Luis I' 206 Martin, Benjamin X 204 Martin, William R 187, 193 Mason, Cyrus 188, 203 Mason, George C 212 Mathews, Tames M 188, 189, 200 McAlpin, David II 196 McAlpin [Tr.l, D. Hunter 197 McClumpha, Charles F 207 McCreery, lames 196 icb, Walter 212 Robert H 193 Mcllvaine, Charles P 202 NKI. nth, Lawrence A 208, 213 Mc.Murray, William 189,190 McNamee, Theodore 192 Messenger, Hiram John 206 Meyrowitz, Alexander 206 Mickle, A. II 197 Miller, Cyrus C 196 Miller, Charles E 195 Milnor, Tames 186,188,191 Mitchell, Thomas W 210 Monroe. Elbert B 194 Moore. George H 193 Morgan, Edwin I) 193 Morgans, Morgan 198 Morris, Charles D 206 Morris. Robert L 197 Morrison, Charles E 214 Mcrrison, Henry P 212 Morse, Samuel F. B 202 Mott, Henrv P 206 Mi tt. William W 198 Mott, Valentine 188 Mulligan, Tohn 202 Munn, John P 195 Munro, George 195 Munroe, fames 198 Murdock, John S 213 Murray, Daniel A 207 Mussey, Henry R 210, 214 Nason. Arthur II 210, 214 Neilson, William II 193 Nevius, Peter 1 110 Nichols, William II 197 Xordheimer, Isaac 204 N'orrie, Adam 192 Norton, William A 203 William C 190 Oekcr. Paul 206 Oliver, Tames D log Op.lvke. George 107 Ondvke. William S 187, 194. 109 Osborn, George W Otis, C. R 105 Ottarsnn, Franklin J 198 Ottiweli John D 199 Owens, James 198, 199 Palmer, Courtland 190 Palmer, Francis A 195 Parker, James 199 I'arrncnticr, Charles L 203 Parsons, John E 192 Patton, Robert B 203 Payne, Oliver II 195 Peek, George 191 Perit, Pelatiah 190 Peters, Absalom 189 Pettigrew, Walter E 209 Phelps, Anson G 191, 192 Phillips, William W Pierson, Israel C 187, 195 Pinckney, Charles C 199 Pinchot, Clifford 212 Pine, Frank W 208 Pope, Jesse E 209 Porter, William H 197 Post, Waldron B 187 189 Potter, Ellis 198 Potts, George 191 Price, Thompson 198 Prince, John D 207 Proudfit, John 203 Raven, Herman H 206 Redfield, Philip M. W 204 Regestein, W. T , M0 Reid, John 187, 195, 196 Repper, Frederic 199 Rhodes, Charles B 190 Richards, T. Addison 205 Richards, William R 196 Riley, Isaak W 209 Roberts, Stephen 199 Robinson, Edward 202 Robinson, Isaac 199 Rogers, E. P 192 Roosa, D. B. St. John 193 Rosanoff, Martin A 210, 214 Rubadan, Charles ' 203 Russell, Isaac F 206 Ruthven, James 190 Sabin, Alvah II 212 Sanders, Henry M , 195 Saxton, Joseph A 211 Schell, Augustus 194 Schell, Robert 104 Schenck, Ferdinand S 196, 209 Schieffelin, Richard L ' 198 Schreibner. Martin 205 Scott, John \Y ]98 Seaman, William 198 Seaman, William C 198 Vtrc! F 212 Shaw, Charles G 200, 21 3 Shaw, Edward R ' 207 Shipley. James H 209 Siff, Louis M4 Sihler. Ernest G 207 Sinding, Paul D 205 Skidmore, Lemuel 104 Skidmorc. William L 195 Skinner, Thomas H 190 Sloan, Samuel 104 Smith. Augustus F ]Q.l Smith. Charles S 1 Q6 Smith, W. Wheeler 196 Smith. Morgan L 198 218 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Snow, Charles H 207, 212 Soler, Julio 204 Speranza, C. L 207 Spielmann, Arthur B 211 Spofford, Paul 187, 190 Spofford, Thomas 198 Spring, Gardiner 186, 191 Stacom, John 199 Starr, Charles 188 Stevens, Linus W 198 Stevenson, A. Ewing 214 Stevenson, Eugene 197 Stevenson, John J 206, 212 Stevenson, John R 196 Stoddard, Francis H 207, 213 Stokes, Thomas 189 Sturges, Jonathan 192 Sturtevan't, Oscar W 198 Suffern, Thomas 190 Suydam, James 191 Swan, Benjamin L 188 Swan, Otis D 198 Tallmadge, James 186, 188 Talmage, Tiiomas G 198 Tappan, Henry P 202 Taylor, William M 194 Terry, Roderick 194 Thomas, Carl C 213 Thompson, Alexander R 193 Thompson, Martin E 188 Tiemann, Daniel 197 Tilden, Samuel J 193 Torrey, John 202 Tracy, Frederick A 187, 189 Tribus, Louis 211 Trotter, Alfred W 212 Trotter, Jonathan 198 Troup, Charles G 189 Tucker, Fanning C 189 Tucker, Tohn T 196 Tucker, Thomas W 190 Tucker, William 198 Tuttle, Arthur S 212 Tyng, Stephen H 191 Van Antwerp, William 191 Van Brunt, C. H 194 Vanderlip, Frank A 197 VanderPoel, S. 193 Vander Poel, Aaron J 193 Van Rensselaer, Courtland 203 Van Rensselaer, Philip S 190 Van Rensselaer, Stephen 189 Van Schaick, Henry 187, 192, 196 Van Schaick, Jenkins 194 Van Schaick, Myndert 188 Van Wagenen, Hubert 198 Van Wyck, William 198 Varian, Isaac L 197, 198 Varnum, Joseph B 199 Vaux, Downing 212 Vermilye, William M 187, 192, 198 Vethake, Henry 202 Vietor, George F 196 Vingut, Francisco J 204 Wagner, Paul 210, 214 Wainwright, Jonathan M 187 Ward, Jr., Samuel 187, 189 Ward, Sylvester L. H 198 Waring, George E., Jr 212 Warren, Edward H 208 Washburn, E. A 194 Waterman, William D 198 Waters, William E 209 Wegmann, Edward 212 Weir, Samuel 208 Welter, Frank 206 Westervelt, Tacob A 197 Westervelt, John J. V 198 Wetmore, William S 191 Wheelock, William A 186, 187, 193 Whiting, James R 198 Whitney, Stephen 188 Whittemore. Walter F 211 Wickham, William H 198 Wilding, Wilbur S 210, 214 Wilkens, Frederick H 210, 214 Wolf, Alphonse 205 Wood, Fernando 197 Woodbridge, Samuel M 206, 211 Woodhull, Caleb S 197, 198 Woolley, Britain L 189 Woolsey, William W 188 Wrage, Hermann D 205 Wyckoff, Henry J 188 Yereance, William B 211 Women's Advisory Committee. Index of Alumni c. refers to the University College. 1 ALLIBONE s., to the School of Applied Science. S. Austin, h. 1861. h., to the Honorary Alumni. ALTMAN Joseph, c. 1900. ABBOTT Austin, c. 1851, h. 1886. ALVORD Benjamin Y., c. 1850. Henry C, c. 1876. Edward, c. 1860, h. 1890. Tames, c. 1883. Lyman, c. 1853, h. 1877. AMERMAN Tames L., c. 1862. Richard S., c. 1850. Renwick W., c. 1898. ACHESON AMES John C, c. 1853. Joseph, c. 1833. James B., h. 1898. William A., c. 1836. ANDERBERG Edward, s. 1904. ACKERMAN James H., <:. 1856. ANDERSON William F., c. 1879. Albert A., c. 1897. Anders, s. 1905. ADAM Edgar V., j. 1903. John R., h. 1864. Gilbert L., c. 1890. Howard C, r. 1888. ADAMS John J., h. 1876. Charles R., c. 1904. Frederick H., c. 1858. ANDREW Tesse J., c. 1903. Harold S., c. 1887, j. 1887. Walter B., c. 1887. William, h. 1842. ANDREWS William T., c. 1888. Lorrin, c. 1891. ADDY ANTITON Richard C, c. 1902. Charles E., h. 1866. ADLER ANTHONY George J., c. 1844, /i. 1868. Robert E., Jr., c. 1883 . s. 1883 ADRIANCE ANTT.IFF Thomas F., . 1875. 224 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY CHASE C. Thurston, c. 1893. CHAUNCEY Charles W., c. 1858. Peter S., h. 1858. CHEEVER George B. ( h. 1844. CHEVALIER Gabriel, c. 1856. CHILD Alfred, s. 1872. Clarence, .s. 1871. CHILDS Cleveland V., c. 1900. Thomas S., c. 1847, h. 1862. CHRISTIE John J., c. 1849. Thomas D., h. 1893. CHURCH Charles H., c. 1887. Charles W., c. 1852. CLAPP George H., c. 1844. Jason F., c. 1845. CLARK Frederick G., c. 1842, h. 1864. George W. M., c. 1897. Henry J., c. 1848. Nathaniel W., h. 1899. Rufus W., /t. 1862. Thomas E., c. 1849. Watson G., c. 1891, j. 1891. William L., c. 1877. CLARKE George W., h. 1870. Ralph D., c. 1904. CLARKSON Augustus V., c. 1848. CLAYTON Francis T., c. 1896. CLERKE Thomas W., h. 1859. CLEVELAND Charles D., h. 1866. CLEVERDON Frederick R. W., i. 1902. Walter S. L., .5. 1900. CLOYD Paul C, c. 1892. CLUTE Robert F., c. 1850. COBB Henry E., h. 1901. Nathaniel R., Jr., c. 1844. COCHRAN Israel W., c. 1862. Thomas, c. 1904. Thomas, Jr., c. 1863. COGSWELL Jonathan, A. 1836. COHEN Julius, c. 1894. COHN Frederick, c. 1905. COLEMAN Theodore, c. 1845. COLES C. F., c. 1836. COLLIER Edward A., c. 1857, ft. 1884. COLLINS Alfred S., c. 1857. Edward K., c. 1852. James M., c. 1864. COLLORD George W., h. 1880. COLTON Chauncey, h. 1835. William H., c. 1854. CONDIT Louis O., c. 1903. CONE Edward W., c. 1833. Revilo J., c. 1842. CONKLIN Douglas, c. W77, s. 1877. Judson, c. 1878. H. H., c. 1838. CONKLING Nathaniel W., h. 1872. CONNELLY Henry M. V., c. 1904. CONWAY David, c. 1864. COOK Edwin R. T., c. 1845. George H., h. 1875. COOKE Baldwin G., j. 1876. Samuel, h. 1857. William H., c. 1858. COOLEY Henry S., c. 1891. William F., c. 1878. COONS Foster A., c. 1892. Richard B., c. 1897. COOPER Charles F., c. 1877, 5. 1877. Morris, c. 1879. Samuel L., c. 1878, 5. 1878. William H., c. 1849. COOPERSTOCK John, c. 1899, 5. 1899. CORNELIUS Albert !•"., c. 1881, s. 1881. CORNELL T. 1-., Jr., c. 1850. CORNING James L., c. 1849. COSSIT James S., h. 18S6. COURSEN William A., c. 1837. COXE Arthur C, c. 1838. Samuel H., Jr., c. 1839. COZENS John C, c. 1872. CRAFT Robert B., c. 1900. CRAIG David A., c. 1902. CRAMER Jesse G., c. 1889. CRANDELL John S., s. 1904. CRANE Edward P., c. 1851. Henry J., c. 1860. John J., c. 1861. John W., Jr., c. 18SS. CRANSTON H. Augustus, c. 1858. CRAWFORD Charles E., c. 1891. David, h. 1863. R. Henry, c. 1867. CREEDEN John P., c. 1896, j. 1896. CRITTENDEN Joel P., c. 1875. CROCKER Everett L. C, c. 1903. CROLY David G., c. 1854. CROMWELL John, c. 1842. CROSBY Clarkson F., c. 1835. Ernest H., c. 1876. Howard, r. 1844. Norman W., c. 1893, s. 1893. Robert R., c. 1834. CROSSETT Frederick M., c. 1884. CROWELL Frank, c. 1872. INDEX OF ALUMNI CUDLIPP William C. 225 CULBERTSON Matthew S., h. 1862. CUNNINGHAM Melville E., c. 1895. CUTUJIAN A vac, c. 1888. DAENKER Albert, h. 1873. DALL William B., c. 1879. DANIEL Leslie M., c. 1880. DARLING Elisha C, c. 1851. Frank W., c. 1895, s. 1895. William, /(. 1861. DARLINGTON James H., c. 1877, h. 1895. DAVENPORT George F., c. 1847. Jeronymus A., c. 1840. DAYEZAC A., h, 1845. Auguste, Jr., h. 1844. DAVIDSON Henry H., c. 1862. DAVIES Henry E., /;. I860. James, h. 1873. DAVIS Arthur D., c. 1885. Charles G., c. 1879. Frederick L., c. 1888. Robert B., c. 1878, j. 1878. DAVISON Robert A., c. 1864. Robert F., c. 1836. Winfield, c. 1889, j. 1889. DAWSON Henry H., c. 1881. DAY Francis J., c. 1836. Henry C, c. 1859. DAYTON Abram H., c. 1866. James L., c. 1844. DE RARDELEBEN John F., h. 1852. DEF W'DORF George, c. 1839. DE FRECE Ahram B., c. 1867. Benjamin F., c. 1893. 226 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY DE LA MONTAGNIE John, c. 1844. DE LEON Jose A. P., c. 1861. DEMAREST John K., c. 1863. DEMERITT Laurell W., c. 1897. DEMING Charles S., c. 1895. Fred H., c. 1895. DENHAM Alexander, c. 1865. DENMAN George P., c. 1872. Richard N., c. 1852. DENCHFIELD Arthur L., c. 1901. DENIKE Robert E., s. 1904. DENTON James M., c. 1870. DERRICKSON James G., c. 1861. DEVINS John B., c. 1882. DEVLIN Joseph, c. 1901. DE VOE Chauncey, c. 1899. DEWITT A. B., h. 1846. DICK James, h. 1866. DICKINSON Richard W., h. 1842. DICKSON Tames S., h. 1905. Samuel H., /*. 1853. DILLARD Thomas, h. 1847. DISBROW Clarkson A., c. 1899, s. 1899. George A., c. 1890. DIVINE Michael W., Jr., c. 1878, s. 1878. DIX Samuel M., c. 1881. DOANE Algernon S., c. 1855. DOD Albert B., h. 1845. DODD Daniel, c. 1835. J. W., c. 1849. Samuel, c. 1858. DODGE Daniel A., c. 1848. Henry S., c. 1833. Robert, c. 1840. DOLSEN Charles H., c. 1846. DONNELL James D., c. 1869. DOREMUS John E. C, c. 1836, A. 1860. Robert O., c. 1842, /». 1874. DORFMAN Waldemar, c. 1904. DOUGLAS James, h. 1834. DORMAN Jeremiah C, h. 1850. DOWDNEY John, Jr., h. 1841. DOWNER Frederick W., 1843. DOWNS Charles A., c. 1845. DUNMORE George W., c. 1846. DRAPER Anna P., h. 1902. Arthur S., s. 1905. Daniel, h. 1880. Henry, h. 1882. DRAYTON Albert I., c. 1888. Henry S., c. 1859. DRIPPS Joseph F., c. 1863. DRURY Augustus H., c. 1869. DU BOIS George W., c. 1843, A. 1877. DUDLEY Edward G., c. 1873. DUFF Alexander, h. 1854. DUFFIE Cornelius R., h. 1865. DUGAN James A., c. 1904. DUMONT Robert S., c. 1852. DUNCAN George M., c. 1881, ft. 1901. Henry E., c. 1844. INDEX OF ALUMNI 227 DUNNING Halsey, c. 1842. DURACK Wilson M., c. 1877. DURANT Wallace L., c. 1896. DURYEA Samuel B., c. 1866. DUTTON Kufus. c. 1849. DUYCKIXCK George L., c. 1843. DWIGHT Benjamin W., ft. 1862. DYER John, A. 1836. EARLE Cornelius, c. 1845. ECKEL Edwin C, c. 1896, 5. 1896. EDDY Samuel A., c. 1880. William W., ft. 1875. EDGAR Cornelius H., h. 1838. John, /.. 1860. EDWARDS William D., c. 1875. EELS James, h. 1861. EGBERT James C, c. 1852, A. 1889. EHRENREICH Bernard C, c. 1900. EISEMAX Aaron, <:. 1901. EISLER Bela D., c. 1889. ELDER Robert D., c. 1900. ELLINWOOD Frank F., /». 1865, h. 1894. ELLIOT Henry B.. c. 1840, h. 1879. ELLSWORTH William W., h. 1838. ELWELL George H., c. 1848. ELY Richard W., c. 1860. EMERY Charles E., ft. 1879. EXTLER George R., /:. 1870. EPSTEIN Albert A., c. 1902. ERDWURM Frank, c. 1899. ERWIN Frank A., ft. 1895. ESTE Rafaelle A., c. 1890. EUNSON Louis S., s. 1904. EVANS Andrew H. G., c. 1891. James S., c. 1836, h. 1857. John R., c. 1898. EYARTS William, h. 1843. EYERARD E., ft. 1846. EWEX Edward, c. 1846. FABREGON Casimir, ft. 1859. FACKLES St. Michael, /.. 1840. FAGG John G., /.. 1902. FAIRCHILD Elbert R., c. 1894, s. 1895. Frank B., c. 1890. FALES Thomas F., ft. 1840. FALKXER John B., c. 1859, ft. 1881. FAXXIXG Charles, . 1898. GRUXEXTIIAL Anthony F., c. 1896, J. 1897. GUERIX Jules, h. 1844. GULRERT William A. M. GUNN John A., c. 1836. GFTI1ERSOX William F., c. 1900. HADLEY Georpe D., c. l^nr. Samuel H., c. 1901. 1841. 230 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY HAINES Benjamin, c. 1845. HALL Abraham O., c. 1844. Archibald W., c. 1866. Charles S., c. 1867. Ernest, h. 1905. John G., c. 1836, h. 1880. William, Jr., c. 1835. William K., h. 1882. HALLIDAY Henry H., c. 1838. HALLOWAY William W., Jr., c. 1864, h. HALSTEAD Charles F., c. 1884. John C, c. 1880. Robert, c. 1850. Gilbert C, c. 1885. HALSEY George V., c. 1905. HAM Frank B., c. 1885. HAMAGUCHI Rokusoukei, c. 1904. HAMBURGER Isaac, c. 1881. HAMILTON Alexander, /;. 1872. Henry R., h. 1850. Richard W., h. 1844. Robert P., c. 1847. Samuel M., h. 1883. HAMLIN Cyrus, h. 1870. HAMMOND John, c. 1845. HANAFORD Francis W., c. 1870. HANDY Frederick J., c. 1896. HANIPHY Joseph A., c. 1903. HANNA William, A. 1846. HARBY Marx E., c. 1891. HARDCASTLE Joseph, h. 1905. HARDY Charles R., j. 1905. HARRIOTT Hampton, c. 1844. HARRIS Charles T., c. 1846. James, c. 1847. Julius, c. 1883. Joseph B., c. 1845. Nathaniel R., c. 1871. HARTLEY Isaac S., c. 1852. HARTMAN William L., c. 1897. HARVEY Obed, h. 1858. Wheelock N., c. 1844. HASBROUCK Fenelon, c. 1835. Washington, h. 1869. HASKELL Clarence S., s. 1886. Henry W., c. 1887. Roland D., c. 1886, s. 1886. HASKINS Charles W., h. 1902. Robert W., c. 1869. HASLITT Sullivan, 5. 1868. HASTINGS Thomas, h. 1858. Thomas S., h. 1865. HATCH Nelson B., c. 1899. HAVEN George P., c. 1845. HAYNES Lewis C, c. 1900. HAYT Edward K., c. 1877. HAZELWOOD William B., c. 1905. HAZEN George H., c. 1881. HEARTSILL Francis P., c. 1903. HEATH Frederick R., j. 1904. J. G. B., c. 1854. HEDRICK Charles J., c. 1874. John A., c. 1861. HEGGIE Rodney M., c. 1899. HEMBDT Phil H., c. 1901. HENDEE Edward T., c. 1900. HENDRICKS Arthur T., c. 1869. Isaac, c. 1850. INDEX OF ALUMNI 231 HENDRICKSON Asa C, c. 1866. George S., c. 1875. Isaac C, c. 1866. Nathaniel C, c. 1880. Skidmore, c. 1863. HENRY Benjamin C, It. 1889. Caleb S. ( h. 1879. George, c. 1876. Robert W., /:. 1861. HENSHAW Marshall, h. 1863. HERBOSO (Y Espana) F., c. 1879, s. 1879. HERMANN John C, c. 1901. Louis E., c. 1898. HERZOG Samuel A., c. 1903. HEXAMER Charles A., c. 1871, s. 1871. Charles R., c. 1885. HICKS Samuel W., c. 1900. HIGBIE Robert W., c. 1882. HILL Arthur E., c. 1901. Charles G., c. 1898. Frank W., c. 1886, s. 1886. HILLE William G., c. 1905. HILLMAN Tames W.. c. 1873. William H., c. 1881. HIMOWICH Adolph A., r H c - 1836 - W'llinm W., s. 1872, A. 1868. ICACLURE William, h. 1854. ^^^c^•AB George T., c. 1890, 5. 1890. MACXAUGHTON John, h. 1890. -MA( OUBREY Anthony R., c . 1856, h. 1890. MAGNUS Harry C., c. 1901. MAI IK Emil O. F., c. 1894. MAIN John H. T., h. 1858. MAINS William C, c. 1892. MAIR Hugh, /,. 1842. MALLALIEU Frank W., c. 1893. MANN Matthew G., c. 1869. MAXXERS Clarence, c. 1878. Sheridan, c. 1874, s. 1874. MANNING Francis L., c. 1894. John H., h. 1864. MARLING Francis H., /.. 1896. MARREXXER Robert H. T., c. 1878, s. 1878. MARSH Walter R., c . 1859. MARSHALL William, A,. 1865. William J., c. 1900. MART IX Daniel S., c. 1863 Frederick W. J.. c . 1905. Howard A., ,-. 1,954. John L., c. 1847. Richard M., r. 1877. W. A. P.. /,. 1870. William M., c. 1837. William R., c. 1845. MASON Benjamin, c. 1843. Edward A., r. 1880. Edward D., c. 1865. George C, r. 18Q_>, j. 1892. Lewis D., ., c. 1862. John, c. 1868. PISEK Godfrey R., c. 1894. Vincent, c. 1882, h. 1903. PITMAN Thomas D., c. 1845. PLACE Nelson, Jr., c. 1862. PLATT James M., c. 1847, /i. 1883. PLEASANTS fobn A., c. 1844. Matthew F., c. 1846. PLUM LEY William F., c. 1899. PORTER Noah, h. 1858. POST Alfred A., c. 1857. Alfred C, *, 1872. Edward, c. 1841. George B., c. 1858. George E., h. 1901. William II. B.. C. 1861. Wright E., c. 1847. POTTER Samuel S., e. 1842. POTTS Arthur, c. George, h. 1852. 1838. POVEY Richard S. c. 1897. PRATT Francis F.. Horace L. John K.. e Thomas T c. 1885. E.. r. 1844. 1898. , h. 1882. PRAY Samuel B. c. 1898. PRESTON Edward F , c. 1864. PRICE Samuel D , c. 1893. 240 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRIME Abraham J., h. 1859. PR INGLE Samuel M., c. 1836. PRITCHARD John H., c. 1896. PROBERT Sydney W., c. 1888. PROCHAZKA George S., s. 1904. PURDY Andrew, c. 1877. PUTNAM Samuel W., c. 1843. QUACKENBUSH J. McLaren, h. 1863. QUINLAN Charles H., c. 1891. RALDIRIS Edward J. L., 5. 1904. RAND John W., h. 1835. William W., h. 1883. RANDALL