B1BL10GR,APHY' OF -THE EDUCATION - AND ^ CARE OF' CRIPPLED'CHILDREN - - Douglas C.McMurtrie BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE EDUCATION AND CARE OF CRIPPLED CHILDREN BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE EDUCATION AND CARE OF CRIPPLED CHILDREN A MANUAL AND GUIDE TO THE LITERATURE RELATING TO CRIPPLES TOGETHER WITH AN ANALYTICAL INDEX BY DOUGLAS C. McMURTRIE FIRST EDITION NEW YORK Douglas C. McMurtrie 1913 Copyright, 1913, by Douglas C. McMurtrie First Edition, October, 1913 CONTENTS Preface ..... Introduction . . . . Part I. Entries by Authors Part II. Anonymous Entries Part III. Analytical Index Memoranda .... PAGE . VII . XI I • 54 . 87 . 100 PREFACE pERHAPS the best introduction to the present vol- ■*■ ume would be a description of the circumstances which led the writer to undertake its compilation. Sev- eral years ago I was asked to write a short article on the general features of care for crippled children. In formu- lating an outline for this article I planned to describe the main systems of care, make a statement regarding the extent and distribution of the present provision for crippled children, and sketch as a background the his- torical development of such work. Having had some slight experience before in looking up subjects of sociological interest, I anticipated no difficulty in locating ample material on the education and care of crippled children. Following the usual procedure and, going to the public library in my own city, I consulted the index under the word "crippled." But one item was listed under this heading, and that was an inconsequential periodical article in German. Other cognate headings such as "deformed" or "physically defective" failed to reveal so much as a fragment of literature on the subject. Being thus balked I went to the chief reference libra- rian and told him of my difficulty. He was inclined at first to discount my statement, feeling sure I was mis- taken, but when he verified it for himself he was indeed surprised. It then occured to him that the material might be indexed among the medical literature, but a search of the index volumes of the Surgeon-General's Library failed to shed much more light on the question. viii Bibliography of the Education So while there were In the library literally hundreds of books on the care of the blind, the deaf and dumb, and the mentally defective, the cripple was practically entirely neglected. Before giving up my search, how- ever, I consulted nearly every important library in the East and in each one found a similar situation. In a general way I knew that there were some institu- tions abroad for the care of crippled children but was not aware of their locations or names. The only way in which I finally succeeded in reaching any institution outside of New York City was by a systematic search through hundreds of the public documents of foreign countries and the various states of this country. This tedious process eventually located for me about a dozen institutions in various parts of the world and with these I immediately instituted personal correspondence. Having thus established some basis to work from, additional information came more easily. During the past three years I have corresponded with practically everyone throughout the world engaged in work for crippled children. It is to the universally hearty coop- peration of these persons that I am indebted for much material in the present volume. During the course of the work I have become impressed with the great scarcity of any comprehensive books or articles on the education and care of crippled children. Each person and institution seems to have worked out their own salvation without having the benefit of the mistakes made and successes achieved by others. There has been less interchange of experience than in any other field of social work with which I have come into contact. It is reasonable to expect that anyone else starting on the same mission as myself would experience the same difficulties. To obviate the necessity of these for others is one object of the present volume. Another aim is to and Care of Crippled Children ix bring to those engaged In work for crippled children a definite statement of the available material bearing upon questions which may perplex them. The third purpose is to clear the ground, as it were, for further and more extensive scientific consideration of the principles affect- ing the education and care of crippled children. Most hearty acknowledgment is made of my indebted- ness to those writers on work for crippled children who have attempted anything like a general treatment of the subject. First among these must be named three German pioneers, Dr. Leonhard Rosenfeld of Nuremberg, Dr. Konrad Blesalski of Berlin, and D. Theodor Schafer of Altona. Along national lines I would mention the published work of Dr. Robert W. Lovett of Boston, M. Paul Pastur of Charleroi, Belgium, Dr. P. Panum of Copenhagen, Denmark, and Mmes. Nanna and Agnes Fleischer of Christiania, Norway. In the actual prosecution of the work I am under gratefully acknowledged obligation to Miss Catharine A. Bliss and Mrs. Henry B. Barnes, two true friends of the crippled children of New York City. I am also indebted to Dr. Hastings H. Hart and Miss Edith Reeves of the Russell Sage Foundation, and to Miss Dorothy Jacoby, besides many others too numerous to mention here, but to whom my gratitude is none the less sincere. For much patient and courteous assistance in con- nection with the indexing and verification of references I am under obligation to the members of the staff of the library of the New York Academy of Medicine. In compiling the present volume I have personally gone through most of the literature listed. This study and my personal correspondence with various institu- tions and persons have brought to me a large amount of material on the various phases of work for crippled children. It is my hope at some future date to prepare Bibliography of the Education this material in another volume on "The Crippled and Deformed" and make it available to the workers in the field. This bibliography consists for the most part of a card catalogue which I had developed for use in my work. There is made no claim that it is absolutely complete, but if one waited to bring a bibliography to such a point before publication it would never be issued. It has seemed best, therefore, to bring out this first edition at once and to invite memoranda of additions and cor- rections from those interested in the subject. The present plan is to bring out a second edition, revised, within several months. With few exceptions there are included only such entries as had been indexed up to August, 1912. Seldom have I encountered a subject of such impor- tance which has been treated in so meagre a manner in sociological and medical literature. If this volume helps to make available what has been written and stimulates further attention to the questions concerning the cripple, it will have served its purpose. Douglas C. McMurtrie. New York City, 298 Metropolitan Tower. and Care of Crippled Children xi INTRODUCTION npHE bibliographical entries in the present volume are -*• in two parts. The first part includes all the signed articles, which are placed in alphabetical order of author's names. The second embraces unsigned articles, news notes, editorials, and various other items. These titles have been arranged alphabetically. In some instances where the title does not convey an adequate idea of the contents of the article or where several subjects are treated, an explanatory notation in smaller type has been made. Many of the titles in the second part consist of but a single word, and in such cases the sense has been filled out by an addition enclosed in parentheses. The titles of periodicals and transactions are set in italics and are given as fully as possible in order to facili- tate easy location. Volume numbers are indicated by roman numerals and the page numbers by arable figures. Thus VII, 9-14 will be read volume seven, pages nine to fourteen. No effort has been made at classification in the main body of the bibliography, as most of the articles are not susceptible to such rigid arrangement. In using the bibliography, however, attention should first be directed to the analytical index in the latter part of the book. This index gives the numbers of all references bearing upon any particular phase of the education and care of cripples, and all the material on any special point can thus be located. General articles or those covering a variety of subjects will thus be indexed under a number xii Bibliography of the Education of heads. The person actively engaged in work for the deformed will probably find it profitable to read through, at least once, all the entries, but for particular reference the analytical index should prove useful. There will be found included among the entries some which may seem inconsequential, but it must be re- membered that the literature regarding provision for cripples is yet in its infancy, there being up to the present time no comprehensive books on the subject covered by this bibliography. To properly study any feature, every available source must be consulted and for this reason many small but pertinent items have been listed. Though the bibliography refers specifically to work for crippled children, all material which has been encountered on the training and employment of adult cripples has been included. It should also be mentioned that all articles primarily of a medical or orthopedic character, have been excluded. These are satisfactorily indexed and abstracted elsewhere. At the close of the volume are some blank sheets for memoranda regarding omissions, which it is hoped will be recorded by those who have occasion to utilize this compilation. and Care of Crippled Children PART I. ENTRIES BY AUTHORS I. VON Aberle, Rudolph, ijber Kriippelfiirsorge in Oesterreich-Ungarn. Zeitschrijt fiir orthopddische Chi- rurgie. XXII, 375-388. 2. Abrahams. Om Grsensen for Velg0renhed paa Van- f0resagens Omraade. Nyt Tidsskrift jor Abnorm- vcesenet i Norden, 1899, p. 109. 3. Abler, Eleanor H., and Marshall, Serena G. Self- support for the handicapped. Survey, XXIV, 180-185. 4- Agahd, Konrad. Welche Beziehungen bestehen zwi- schen der gewerblichen und landwirtschaftlichen Kinderarbeit einerseits, und der Kriippelfiirsorge ander- erseits? Zeitschrijt fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 286-297. 5. Agahd, Konrad. Worauf beschrankt sich die soge- nannte individuelle Behandlung gebrechlicher Kinder im Massenunterricht? Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 91-96. 6. Allison, Nathaniel. The relation of the crippled child to the community from an orthopedic standpoint. Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis, 1913. IX, 226-227. Bibliography of the Education 7- Almy, Frederic. Relief, a primer. New York, Rus- sell Sage Foundation, 1910. Disability: Handicaps, p. 19. 8. Alsberg, Ad. Kriippelfiirsorge im Regierungsbezirke Cassel. ZeitschriftfUr Kriippelfursorge, I, 252-253. 9- Altschul, Theodor. Die "Deutsche Landeskommis- sion fiir Kinderschutz und Jugendfiirsorge in Bohmen" und die Kriippelfiirsorge. Zeitschrijt Jtir Krilppeljilr- sorge, III, 12-21. 10. Arends. Die Kriippelpflegeanstalt Annastift und das Kriippellehrlingsheim Wilhelm-Auguste-Viktoria-Stift in Hannover. Zeitschrijt fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 59-70. II. VON Amyntor, Gerhard. Die wahrhaft Elenden. Oberlinblatt, XXH, 10. Reprinted under title, Die Kriippelanstalt des Oberlinhauses. Monatsschrift fiir Inner e Mission, 1892, XH, 107. 12. Andrae, Hedwig. Unter Kriippelkindern, Briefe einer Johanniterin an ihre Schwester. Schleswig-Holstein- ischer Sonntagsbote, 1902, XH, No. 22fT. 13- Bade, Peter, ijber Zusammenwirken von Arzt und Schule im Kriippelheim. Archiv jiir Orthopddie, Mecha- notherapie und Unfallchirurgie, 1907, VI, 4(')ff. Bade, Peter. Arztliche Erfolgsstatistik in den deutschen Kriippelheimen. Zeitschriftjiir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 1 1 1- 120. and Care of Crippled Children 15. ' Bade, Peter. Der orthopadische Operationstisch im hannoverschen Kriippelheim Annastift. Zeitschift ftir orthopadische Chirurgie, XXII, 233, 16. Bade, Peter. IJber Kriippelfiirsorge mit besonderer Beriickslchtigung der Provinz Hannover, Concordia, 1908, II, 6-13. Badin, p. V. See Redard, P. 17. Bartels. Kriippelfiirsorge und Armenverbande. Zeit- schrift ftir Polizei- und Verwaltungsheamte, Berlin, 1909, XVII, 2i4ff. 18. Belin. Ueber Kriippelnot und Kriippelfiirsorge. Strassb. Med. Ztg. 1910, VII, 257-267. 19. Beyer, Th. Die Aufgaben der Kriippelfiirsorge und deren gegenwartige Erfiillung in Deutschland. Monats- schriftftir Innere Mission, 1906, XXVI, I32ff. 20. BiESALSKi, Konrad. Die Grundziige moderner Kriip- pelfiirsorge. Berlin, klinische Wochenschrijt, 1908, XLV 1535-1538. 21. BiESALSKi, Konrad. Chirurgie und Kriippelfiirsorge. Entgegnung auf die Bemerkungen von Geh. Rat Prof. Fr. Konig in Nr. 31 dieser Wochenschrif t. Berlin, klinische Wochenschrijt, 1909, Nr. 34, p. 1592. Reviewed by Rosenfeld, Zeitschrijt fiir orthopadische Chirurgie, XXIV, 254- 22. BiESALSKi, Konrad. Der praktische Wert der Kriip- pelzahlarten. Zeitschrijt fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 96-114. Bibliography of the Education 22>. BiESALSKi, KoNRAD. Die deutschen Kriippelheime. Zeitschrijt jilr Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 123-135. 24. BiESALSKi, KoNRAD. Die neuerliche Entwicklung der Kriippelfiirsorge. Zeitschrift filr das Armenwesen, 1908, IX, 97. 25- BiESALSKi, KoNRAD. Kriippelfursorge. Schulhygien- isches Taschenbuch, Hamburg and Leipzig, 1907. 26. BiESALSKi, KoNRAD. Kriippelfiirsorge. Taschenbuch fiir Krankenpflege, p. 384. Weimar, 1907. 27. BiESALSKi, KoNRAD. Kriippelschulen. Zeitschrijt jiir Schulgesundheitspflege, XXIV, 411, 191 1. Advocating day schools for cripples. 28. BiESALSKi, KoNRAD. Praktische Ergebnisse der Kriip- pelstatistik. Zeitschrijt filr orthopddische Chirurgie, XIX, 62-66. ..29- BiESALSKi, KoNRAD. Uber die geplante Statistik jugendlicher Kriippel in Deutschland. Jugendjiirsorge, Berlin, VII, No. 3. 30. BiESALSKi, KoNRAD. Uber Kriippelfiirsorge. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrijt, XXXIII, 307-309. 31. BiESALSKi, KoNRAD. Umfang und Art des jugendlichen Kriippeltums und der Kriippelfiirsorge in Deutschland, Hamburg and Leipzig, 1909. Reviewed by Rosenfeld in Zeitschrijt jiir orthopddische Chirurgie, XXIV, 250; and Care of Crippled Children by Konig in Berliner klinische Wochenschrijt, 1909, LXVI, 1437; by Schlee in Zeitschriftjur Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 157-166. Contents: I, Entstehungsgeschichte und Vorbereitung der Statistik; II, Die Zahlkarte; III, Ausfiihrung der Zahlung; IV, Technik der Bearbeitung; V, Tabellenwerk; VI, Erlauterung der Tabellen; VII, Praktische Folgerungen aus der Statistik; VIII, DiedeutschenKriippelheime; IX,Grundsatzemoderner Kriippelfiirsorge; X, Bibliographie der Kriippelfiirsorge. 32. BiESALSKi, KoNRAD. Was ist ein Kriippel? Zeitschrift ftir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 11-18. 33. BiESALSKi, KoNRAD. Wesen und Verbreitung des Kriippeltums in Deutschland. Zeitschrift fUr ortho- pddische Chirurgie, XXII, 323-343. 34- BiESALSKi, KoNRAD. Zur Organisation der Kriippel- fiirsorge. Zeitschrift fiir orthopddische Chirurgie, XXI, 95-116. 35- Blencke, a. ijber die Zweckmassigkeit sogenannter Sonderturnkurse bei Haltungsanomalien der Volks- schulkinder. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, 1908, I, 245-257- 36. Bodine, William L. The child on the crutch. Ladies' Home Journal, 1909, XXVI, September, p. 56. 37- BOhnert. Die soziale Fiirsorge fiir die Gebrechlichen. Berlin, 1878. 38. BoODSTEiN, O. Die Erziehungsarbeit der Schule an Schwachbegabten. Berlin, 1908. Chapter on the crippled and the lame. Bibliography of the Education 39. BoRCH, Leuning. Hvad b0r Formaalet vaere for Arbejdsstuernes Virksomhed? Transactions, 5th Scandi- navian Congress on Abnormality, Stockholm, 1903. 40. ^ BoRCHARDT, L. Ccrebrale Kinderlahmung und Intel- ligenz. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 39-50. 41- BouRiLLON. L' Assistance aux estropi6s et aux mutil^s en Danemark, Su^de et Norwege. Rapport present^ au Ministere de I'lnterieur, 1903. Melun, Imprimerie administrative. 42. BowDiTCH, A. M. The employment of cripples. Sun- day Magazine, 1893, XXII, 686-687. 43- Brace, C. Loring. Day schools for crippled children. Charities Review, April 1900, X, 79-83. 44. Bradby, M. K. The apprenticeship of crippled chil- dren. Charity Organisation Review, XVI, N. S., 85-92. 45. Brandt, M. G. W. Mathilde Escher. (Biography.) Sonntagsblatt fur Innere Mission, 1890, IV, No. iiff. 46. Braun. Ein Kriippelheim. Das Land, 1900, IX, 85- 86. 47. Buck, Mertice McCrea. Work for the deformed. Craftsman, May 1907, XII, 193-204. 48. Buttner, D. Joh. S. Die Pflege der Siechen und Kriippel. Gotha, 1890. and Care of Crippled Children 49- DU Camp, Maxime. La Charlte privee k Paris. Paris, 1885. 50. Campagnole, Edouard. L'assistance obligatoire aux vieillards, aux infirmes, et aux incurables; commentaire de la loi du 14 juillet, 1905; avec une preface de M. Bienvenu-Martin. 2nd edition, Paris, 1908. 51- Carmine, Pietro. Benevicenza moderna. Nuova Antologia, Rome, May i, 1908. Carstens, C. C. See Janeway, T. C. 52. Chauffard. L'Hopital de Berck-sur-Mer. Correspon- dant, N. S., XLVII, p. 169. 53- Claxton Lileon. Crippled children in the New York City public schools. Kindergarten Magazine, May, 1907, XIX, 588-591- 54. CoDiviLLA, A. Kriippelfiirsorge in Italien. Zeitschrift ftir Kriippeljiirsorge, I, 204-209; 257-277. 55- CoTTiNG, Francis J. Address before the medical com- mittee of the industrial school for crippled and deformed children (Boston) Dec. 30, 1908. Abstract. American Journal oj Orthopedic Surgery, VI, 734-737. 56. CouRTAULT, A. Des Ateliers de convalescence pour les Blesses du Travail. La Medecine des Accidents du Travail, III, No. 10, October, 1905. 57- Cramer. C. Kriippel und Kriippelheime. Archiv ftir Orthopddie, Mechanotherapie und Unfallchirurgie, 1903, Bibliography oj the Education I, 381. Also in Zentralblatt fiir allgemeine Gesundheits- pflege, 1903, XXII, 130-137- 58. CuRTius. Versuch einer Kriippelfiirsorge im Kreise Ziegenriick. Zeitschrijtfiir Kriippelfursorge, II, 206-213. 59- CzARNOMSKA, IZABELLA (Tcharnomskaia, I). Bericht iiber das lo-jahrige Bestehen der " Werkstatt fiir Kriippel an der orthopadischen Abteilung der Maximilian-Heilan- stalt" in St. Petersburg. Zeitschrijt fiir orthopddische Chirurgie, XXII, 401-432. 60. ^apHOMCKaji, H, H. OnepKi, ji^'hsnejihROCTH. „MacTepcKOH ]i,Jiii oSynenm KajiiKi. penecjiaM^ npn opTone^H^ecKOMi) OT;i,ijieHiH MaKCHMHJiiaHOBCKOH jieye6HHri,i)i" 3a 12 jiiT-L. [CzARNOMSKA, I. I. The workshop for the industrial education of cripples at the Maximilian Hospital at St. Petersburg — Twelve years of activity.] XnpyprHTiecKiH apxHEt, [Archives of Surgery] St. Petersburg, 191 o, XXVI, 1025- 1033- 61. Dalhoff, N. Pastor Hans Knudsen. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 14-27. 62. Dalhoff, N. Praesten Hans Knudsen og de Vanf^re. Copenhagen, n.d., Diakonissestiftelsen Depot. 63. Dalton. Die Asyle von John Bost in Laforce. In Dal ton, Ferienreise eines evangelischen Predigers, Bremen and Leipzig, 1886. 64. Delitsch. Die heute nach Geltung ringenden padago- gischen Prinzipien in ihrer Bedeutung fiir die Kriip- and Care of Crippled Children pelanstalten. Sammelreferat iiber die padagogische Literatur. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 21-23; 209-213; 237-240. 65- Delitsch, Johannes. Hilfsschulwesen und Anstalts- erziehung in ihren Beziehungen zur Kriippelfiirsorge. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 127-133. 66. Denzer, Hans. Werkunterricht, Arbeitserziehung und Handfertigkeitsunterricht. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiir- sorge, IV, 50-55- 67.^ Denzer, Hans. Werkunterricht, Arbeitserziehung und Handfertigkeitsunterricht. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiir- sorge, II, 279-286. 68. Denzer, Hans. Wesen und Entwicklung des Werkun- terrichts. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 94-1 11. 69. Deutschlander, C. Der Stand der Kriippelfiirsorge in H amburg. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge , 1 , 42-43 . 70. Deutschlander, C. Die Fiirsorge fiir jugendliche Kriip- pel. Soziale Medizin und Hygiene, I, 496-505. 71- Deutschlander, C. Die Kriippelfiirsorge in Deutsch- land, Aerztl. Verein in Hamburg. 12, Juni, 1906. Miinchener medizinsche Wochenschrift, 1906, No. 25. Re- viewed in Zeitschrift fiir orthopddische Chirurgie, XVI, 441. Deutschlander, Carl. Zur Geschichte des Ham- burger Kriippelfiirsorgevereins. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippel- fiirsorge, IV, 165-181. 10 Bibliography of the Education 73. Dietrich. Kriippelfiirsorge und Staat. Zeitschrift filr Krtippelfilrsorge, I, 79-87; 174-190. 74- DiPPOLD, Th. Ein von der Schule geheilter Fall von Krampflahmung. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 216- 219. 75. DoRMAGEN. Koln. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 43. On the projected erection of a cripples' home in Cologne. 76. Dreyfus, Jenny M. Crippled Children's Driving Fund, its work and scope. New York, [1906]. 77- Eckstein, G. Beitrag zur Losung der Kriippelfrage in Deutschbohmen. Pragische medizinische Wochenschrift, 1909, XXXIV, 675-678. 78 ^ Edson, Andrew W. Education in the public schools of the deaf, the cripples, and the mental defectives. Charities, XIX, 1 357-1 359. 79. Ehrhard, Jakob. Errinnerungen Ungllicklicher. Zeii' schriftfilr Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 302-308. 80. Elmslie, Reginald C. The care of invalid and crippled children in school. London, 1909. 81. Elmslie, Reginald C. The classes of physically de- fective children for whom instruction in special schools is necessary. Transactions, Second International Con- gress on School Hygiene, London, 1907, II, 762-767. and Care of Crippled Children il 82. Erhard, Jakob. Die Kgl. Zentralanstalt fiir Erziehung und Bildung kriippelhafter Kinder in Munchen. Mu- nich, 1906. 83- Erhard, Jakob. Ueber Erziehung in Kriippelanstalten. Zeitschriftfiir Krilppelfiirsorge, II, 131-141. 84- Ernst. Jugendliches Siechtum und Minderw^ertigkeit als Folge von Geschlechtskrankheiten. Zeitschrift fiir Krilppelfiirsorge, IV, 23-38. 85. EwALD, Paul. Pastor D. Theodor Schafer und das Kriippelheim "Alten Eichen." Zeitschrift fiir Krilppel- fiirsorge, IV, 259-265. 86. Felsing, Otto. Ein ohne Arme geborener Kiinstler vor 300 Jahren (Schweicker) . Daheim, 1901, 490; 814. 87. Fish, John E. The physically deficient child. Pro- ceedings, Eighth Annual Conference on the Education of Backward, Truant, Delinquent, and Dependent Children. Boston, 191 1, pp. 90-93. 88. FiSKE, James Porter. The care of crippled children of the poor by the State of New York. New York Medical Journal, 1909, LXXIX, 282-283. 89. Fleischer, Agnes and Fleischer, Nanna. Vanfore- skolen i Kristiania. Copenhagen, n.d. 90. Fleischer, Agnes. Oversigt over vanf0resagens his- toric og vanf0reomsorgen paa dens nuvserende stadium. Christiania, n.d. 12 Bibliography of the Education 91. Fliedner, K. p. Zur Kriippelpflege (Studien und Skizzen aus der Innern Mission und ihren Grenzge- bieten). Riga, 1906. Vol. Ill, I39ff. 92. Franke, Karl P. Hans Knudsen, der Begriinder der Kriippelfiirsorge. No. 45 of the brochure series ^^Fiir Feste und Freunde der Innern Mission.'' Berlin; [1900] Buchhandlung des Ostdeutschen Junglingsbundes. 93. FuCHS, Arno. Begriff, Umfang und Ausbreitung des Hilfsschulwesens in Deutschland. Zeitschrijt fur Kriip- pelfiirsorge, II, 213-222. 9-!- Garnier, a. Deux Asiles maritimes. Monde Moderne, April, 1 90 1. 95- Gaugele. Aerztlicher Jahresbericht aus dem Zwickauer Kruppelheim vom Jahre 1907. Zeitschrift filr Kriippel- fiirsorge, I, 136-138. 96. Gaugele, K. Aus dem Kruppelheim Zwickau-Marien- thal: Ueber ambulante Krijppelbehandlung. Zeitschrift filr Kriippelfiirsorge, IV,275-278. 97- Gaugele. Zwickau-Marienthal. Zeitschrift fiir Kriip- pelfiirsorge, I, 317-321. 98. Gausseron, B.-H. Berck-Plage, La Ville-Hopital. Revue Universelle, Larousse, 1902. 99. Gauvain, H. J. Conservative treatment of tuberculous cripples. British Medical Journal, London, 1910, II, 1 1 24-1 126. and Care of Crippled Children 13 100. Gillette, Arthur J. Care of cripples. Editorial in American Journal of Orthopedic Surgery, May, 1909, VI, 723-726. lOI. Gillette, Arthur J. State care of indigent crippled and deformed children. Proceedings, National Conference of Charities and Correction, 1904, 285-294. 102. Gillette, Arthur J. State care of indigent crippled and deformed children. St. Paul Medical Journal, 1900, February. 103. Gleiss. Pastor Knudsen und der Verein fiir Verkriip- pelte in Kopenhagen. Monatsschrift filr innere Mission, 1886, VI, 465. 104. GocHT, Hermann. Die Entwicklung der orthopadischen Chirurgie in den letzten 20 Jahren. Zugleich ein Nachruf auf Albert Hoffa. Zeitschrift fUr Kriippelfiirsorge, 1908, I, 3-10. 105. Goldsmith, Evelyn. A plea for crippled children. Kindergarten Magazine, May, 1907, XIX, 591-593. 106. Goldsmith, Evelyn. Crippled children. In Mun- roe's Cyclopaedia of Education, New York, 191 1, Vol. 2, p. 230-234. 107. Goldsmith, Evelyn. Place of the crippled children in the public school system. Hygiene and Physical Edu- cation, May 1909, 252-254. 14 Bibliography of the Education io8. Goldsmith, Evelyn. Schools for crippled children in New York City. Transactions, Second International Congress of School Hygiene, London, 1907, II, 767-771. 109. GoTTSTEiN, J. F. Fiirsorge fiir Kriippelkinder. Prague, 1909. Reviewed in Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 309- no. GoTTSTEiN, J. F. Deutschlands Kriippelfiirsorge und ihr vorbildlicher Wert. Pragische medizinische Wochen- schrift 1908, XXXIII, 661-663. III. GoTTSTEiN, J. F. Dringliche Fragen der heimischen Kriippelfiirsorge. Zeitschrift fiir Kinderschutz und Jugendfiirsorge, 191 1, III, 19; 51. 112. GoTTSTEiN, J. F. Kriippelfiirsorge. Correspondenz- Blatt der vereinigten deutschen Aerzte in Reichenberg, 1908, XXI, No. ix, 1-7. 113. Grineizen, B. F. (Artificial limbs of "veneering" and the supply of the maimed with orthopedic apparatus.) Voyenno-med. /., St. Petersburg, 1910, CCXXIX, med.- spec. pt. 221-219, I pi. 114. Gruss. Das orthopadische Turnen in der Schule. Zeitschrift fiir Schulgesundheitspfiege, Hamburg, 1911, XXIV, 118. 115- GuNTHER, L. Die Kriippelpflege. Evangelisches Ge- meindeblatt far die Dekanatsbezirke Number g und Fiirth, 1902, Nos. 21 and 22. and Care of Crippled Children 15 116. GuTTSTADT, A. Die Fiirsorge fiir Kriippel in ihrer sozialen Bedeutung. Zeitschrift fiir Soziale Medizin, 1906, I, 125-129. 117- Haglund, Patrik. Eine schwedische Kriippelstatistik. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, 1, 121-123. 118. Haglund, Patrik. Om vanforevard, Stockholm, 1906 Reviewed in Zeitschrift fiir orthopddische Chirurgie, XVIII, 242. A socio-medical study affecting cripples. 119. Hansen, P. C. Das Recht des Kriippels auf gesetzliche Fiirsorge. Monatsschrift fiir innere Mission, 1907, XXVII, 241. 120. Hansen, P. C. Die Erweiterung des Handarbeitsun- terrichts fiir nicht vollsinnige und verkriippelte Personen. Leipzig, 1902. 121. Hansen, P. C. Die Erweiterung des Handarbeits- unterrichts fiir schwachsinnige, taubstumme, und ver- kriippelte Kinder. Zentralstelle fiir Arbeiterwohl- fahrtseinrichtungen, Korrespondenz fiir Geistliche, Nos. 8 and 9, p. 56ff. [1901]. 122. Hansen, P. C. Die Landesversicherungsanstalten und die Krijppelheime in Deutschland. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 30-32. 123. Hansen. Ein Anfang ist gemacht. Jahrbuch der Kriip- pelfiirsorge, IX, 57-58. 1 6 Bibliography of the Education Haskins, J. A. State education for crippled children. Lend A Hand, 1896, XVI, 313. 125. d'Haussonville, O. L'Enfance a Paris. Revue de Deux Mondes, 47th Year. Part XX, 1877, p. 59-62. 126. Haward, Warrington. Invalid Children's Aid Associa- tion (London). The Child, 1910, I, 195-196. 127. Haward, Warrington. The aims and method of the Invalid Children's Aid Association. Charity Organiza- tion Review, XV, N.S. 298-306. 128. Heine, O. Der Kriippel in der Schule. Bielefeld, 1905. 129. Heine, O. Katholische Kriippelfiirsorge. Charitas, 10. Jahrgang, 1905, No. 7, p. 155. 130. Henderson, Charles R. Introduction to the study of the dependent classes, Boston, 1901. The "care of crippled and deformed children" is treated on pages 116 and 126. 131. HiBBS, Russell A. Education of crippled children. Charities, 1905, XIII, 429-431. 132. Hodge, Edward B. Jr. The Widener Memorial In- dustrial School for Crippled Children. Proceedings National Conference of Charities and Correction, 1908, PP- 389-391. 133. HoFFA, A. Ueber das Kruppelelend und die Kriippel- fiirsorge. Bericht iiber die 6. Generalversammlung and Care of Crippled Children 17 des Deutschen Zentralvereins fiir Jugendfiirsorge. Ber- lin, 1906. Also in Die Woche, March 3, 1906, No. 9, p. 365ff. 134- HoFFA, A. and Blencke, A. Die orthopadische Litera- tur bis zum Jahre 1905. Zugleich Anhang zu Hoffa, Lehrbuch der orthopadischen Chirurgie. Stuttgart, 1905. 135- HOPPE. Alkoholmlssbrauch und Kriippeltum. Zeit- schrift fiir Krilppelfilrsorge, II, 258-273. 136. HoppE. Das Kinderkriippelhaus in Nowawes und seine Einweihung am 2. Juli, 1894. 20 p. Nowawes, Ober- linhaus, 1894. 137. HopPE. Die ersten 25 Jahre der Diakonissenanstalt Oberlinhaus zu Nowawes. Nowawes, 1899. Contains a short review of the literature concerning cripples. 138. HopPE. Die Fiirsorge fiir die Kriippel. Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiet der Inner en Mission. 1903. No. 74, p. I004ff. 139- HopPE. Die Fursorge fiir die Verkriippelten. Oherlin- blatt, 1888, XIX, 41. 140. HoppE. Die Pflege der Verkriippelten. Oberlinblatt, 1887, XVIII, I. 141. HoppE. Ein Besuch der Kriippelpflege in Kopenhagen. Oberlinblatt, XXI, i. Bibliography of the Education 142. HuNziNGER, Ulbrich and Petri. Drei Reden zur Kriippelfiirsorge. Monatsschrift Jiir Innere Mission, 1905, XXV, 259ff. 143. Irwin, Clara. What the infirm, crippled and blind can do. International Hospital Record, June 15, 1909, pp. 9-10. 144. Jacobs, W. FiirsorgefurKriippel. Concordia, Zeitschrift der Zentralstellefilr A rbeiterwohlfahrtseinrichtungen, 1 902 , No. 6. 145. Jacobs, Wilhelm. Fiirsorge fiir Unfallkriippel. Con- cordia, 1902, No. 6. 146. Janeway, T. C. and Carstens, C. C. Special employ- ment bureau for the handicapped. Charities, 1906, XV, 582-585. 147- Jeanbrau, E. L'Ecole d'apprentissage pour estropi6s et accidentes de Charleroi. Med. d. accid. de travail, 191 1, IX, 41-49. Also in Montpel. Mid. XXXI, 529-538. 148. JoACHiMSTHAL. Die Fiirsorge der Stadt Paris fiir Kinder mit Knochen- und Gelenk-tuberkulose. Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, 191 1 , XLVIII, 342. Abstract in Zeitschrift fiir Kinderheilkunde, 191 1, I, 74. 149. Johnson, Stewart. The Hospital for sick children, Great Ormond Street, London. The Child, 191 1, I, 813-819. Contains history of children's hospitals. and Care of Crippled Children 19 150. Johnston, William Allen. Little cripples of a great city. Circle Magazine, May, 1908, 265-66. 151. KAgi. Zur Kriippelpflege. Basel, 1903. 152. Karig. Kriippelfiirsorge. In Die Reformation, edited by I. Bunke, 1902, p. 5i9ff. 153. Katz. Lord Mayor Treloar Cripples' Home and Col- lege, Alton. Zeitschrift ftir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 317-319. 154- KiMMiNS, Mrs. C. W. Crafts for cripples. The Child, 1910, I, 277-283. 155- KiMMiNS, Mrs. C. W. The Cripple Colony at Chailey in connection with the Guild of Brave Poor Things. Transactions, Second International Congress of School Hygiene, London, 1907, II, 753-757- 156. KiRMSSE, M. Die Entwicklung des europaischen Kriip- pel-Fiirsorgewesens. Eos, 1907, No. i. 157. KiRMSSE, M. Der Kriippel in der Belletristik. Zeit- schrift fUr Kriippelfiirsorge, II. 144, 155. 158. KiRMSSE, M. Zur Geschichte der friihesten Kriippel- fiirsorge. Zeitschrift filr Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 3-18. 159. KiRSCH. Gesichtspunkte fiir die Organisation einer Kriippel-Prophylaxe. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, X, 108-111. 20 Bibliography of the Education 1 60. Klein. Zur katholischen Kriippelfiirsorge. Charitas, 1905, X, 216. 161. Knottnerus, a. M. Die Kruppelpflege in Holland. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 87-91. 162. Knottnerus, A. M. Verzorging van gebrekkige en mis- maakte Kinderen Johannastichting te Arnhem. Tijd- schrift voor Kinderverzorging, Haarlem, Holland, 1905. 163. KoEFOED. Der Verein und das Heim fiir Verkriippelte und Verstiimm.elte in Kopenhagen. Concordia, 1902, Vni, 270. Also in Zentralstelle fiir Arbeiterwohlfahrts- einrichtigimg, Korrespondenz fiir Geistliche, Nos. 8-9. Also in Monatsschrift fiir Innere Mission, 1902, XXH. 164. Krabbe, J. Was muss in Mecklenburg fiir die Kriip- pelpflege geschehen? Schwerin, 1899. 165. Krukenberg, H. tjber Anstaltsfiirsorge fiir Kriippel. Langensalza, 1903. 166. Krukenberg, Hermann. tJber Kruppelanstalten. Ar- chivftir Orthopddie, Mechanotherapie und Unfallchirurgie, 1903. I, 381. 167. Kruse, Friedrich. Lade die Kriippel ein. Gutersloh, 1893. 168. Lange, Christen. Om Vanf0resagen i Danmark. Nyt Tidsskrift for AbnormvcBsenet i Norden, 1901, p. 285. and Care of Crippled Children 21 169. Lange, Fr. and Trumpp, H. Entstehung und Ver- hiitung korperlicher Missgestalt. Bibliothek der Gesund- heitspflege. Vol. XIV, Stuttgart, 1905. 170. Lange, Fr. Kriippelelend und Kriippelfiirsorge. Um- schau, 1907. p. 453-455- 171. Lange, Fr. Kriippelschule und Kriippelklinik. Zeit- schrijt fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 200-207. 172. Lange, Fr. Offentliche Kriippelfiirsorge und ortho- padische Praxis. Bayrisches Aerztliches Korrespondenz- blatt, 1907, Jahrgang X, Nos. 9 and 11. 173. Lange, Fr. Personliche Erfahrungen in der Kriippel- fiirsorge. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir orthopddische Chirurgie, 7. Kongress. Stuttgart, 1908. p. 47. 174. Lange, Fr. Was kann der praktische Arzt zur Lin- derung des Kriippelelends tun? Munchener medizinische Wochenschrift, 1907, LIV, 654; 731. 175. Lange, Fr. Ziele und Wege der arztlichen Kriippelfiir- sorge. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 282-290. 176. LeBreton, p. The need of special schools for crippled children. New York State Journal of Medicine, 1910, X, 188. 177- Leonhard. Das orthopadische Turnen und die Schule. Zeitschrift fiir Schulgesundheitspflege, 1910, XXIII, 713; 807. 22 Bibliography of the Education 178. Le Roy, S. H. Care of convalescent crippled children. Charities, 1901, VII, 569-570. 179. Letchworth, William P. Homes for homeless chil- dren, n. p. 1903. Hospitals for the care of sick or crippled children: Child's Hospital, Albany, pp. 43-44; New York Society for the Relief of the Ruptured and Crippled, Report of Commis- sioner Roosevelt, pp. 308-313; St. Mary's Free Hospital, pp. 361-365." 180. Levy, Sigfred. Danish Society for the care of the crippled and deformed, 1 872-1 890. Copenhagen, 1891. 181. Lewandowski, Alfred. Neuigkeiten aus der schularzt- lichen Literatur. Zeitschrijtfilr Krilppeljiirsorge, II, 222- 237- 182. Lewandowski, A. Schularztliches. ZeitschriftjUr Krilp- peljiirsorge, IV, 61-64. 183. LlESE, W. Zur Kriippelfiirsorge. Soziale Kultur, 1908. 184. LiNDHEiM, Alfred von. Saluti juventatis. Der Zu- sammenhang korperlicher und geistiger Entwicklung in den ersten zwanzig Lebensjahren des Menschen. Eine sozial-statistische Untersuchung. Leipzig and Vienna, 1908, 564 pp. 185. Little, E. Muirhead, and Mary. A Hospital school for cripples. Remarks by Dr. Boulenger, Brussels. Transactions, Second International Congress on School Hygiene, London, 1907, II, 757-762. Little, Mary. See Little, E. Muirhead. and Care of Crippled Children 23 186. LoRENZ, A. Curing crippled children. Independent, New York, 1902, LIV, 3063-3064. 187. Love, J. De Torganization des h6pitaux mari times. Paris, 1880. 188. LowENSTEiN, E. Die Tuberkulosebekampfung im Kin- desalter. Zeitschrift filr Kinderschutz und Jugendfiir- sorge, 1911, III, 25; 55. 189. LovETT, Robert W. and William J. Merrill. Fiir- sorge fiir Kriippelkinder in den Vereinigten Staaten. Zeitschrift fiir Krilppelfilrsorge IV, 129-155. 190. LovETT, Robert W. Kruppelfiirsorge in den Vereinig- ten Staaten von Amerika. Zeitschrift fiir Orthopddische Chirurgie, XXII, 389-400. 191. LuPPE, Sell. Behandlung erwerbsbeschrankter und erwerbsunfahiger Wanderarmen. Schriften des deutschen Vereins filr Armenpfiege und Wohltdtigkeit, No. 85. Leipzig, 1908. 192. LuTZE. Das Anna-Luisenstift zu Blankenburg. Jahr- buch der Kriippelftirsorge, VII, 56-57. 193. McMurtrie, Douglas Crawford. An example of non-residential care for crippled children. New York City, 1 910. An account of the work of the Association for the Aid of Crippled Children. Transportation, nursing, education. 24 Bibliography of the Education 194. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. Caring for the crippled child. Child-Welfare Magazine, Philadelphia, 191 2, VI, 192. 195. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. Crippled children in the English public schools. New York Medical Journal, New York, 1913. XCVII, 188-190. 196. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. Dorothy's Idea: illustrated. New York City, 1910. The story of how a crippled girl secured an education through the non-residential system of care and was fitted to earn her own living. 197. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. Educating the crippled child. Education, Boston, 191 2, XXXII, 636-648. Pedagogy of the cripple — Mentality — Curriculum — Resi- dential and Non-residential systems. 198. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. Education of cripples in the American public schools. The School Child, London, December, 1910, pp. 13-14. Account of the classes in the public schools of New York and Chicago. 199. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. Home nursing for crippled children. Trained Nurse and Hospital Review, New York, November, 191 1, XLVII, 280-282. The possibilities of visiting nursing for crippled children — methods employed. 200. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. Homes for cripples. Even- ing Sun, New York, July 13, 191 1. and Care of Crippled Children 25 201. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. How the city cares for its crippled children. City Life and Municipal Facts, New York, October 12, 191 1. An illustrated article regarding the special classes for cripples in the New York City public schools. 202. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. Industrial training for crip- ples in Russia. Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis, 1912. IX, 181-183. 203. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. Jimmy's fight for independ- ence. New York City, 1910. Reprinted in Advocate and Family Guardian, May 15, 1912, LXXX, 146-149. Story of a crippled boy raised from absolute dependence' and given an education — work of the non-residential system — moral and social principles involved. 204. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. Meeting the needs of the cripple in the community; a short review of the vari- ous methods available. The situation in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Medical Journal, Athens, Pa., 1912, XV, 444-445. 205. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. Proposition to train cripples for the watchmaking and jewelry trades. Jeweler's Circular, New York, November 30, 191 2. 206. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. Providing for the crippled child. Lancet- Clinic, Cincinnati, 191 1, CVI, 607-608. 207. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. Schools for cripples. Even- ing Sun, New York, August 24, 1910, p. 4. 26 Bibliography oj the Education 208. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. Social and moral considera- tions related to the medical and surgical care of crippled children. New York Medical Journal, New York, 191 1, xciv, 1330-1332. The necessity for a normal and healthy attitude toward crippled children — The danger of patronizing them — Self- respect a paramount essential. 209. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. Some considerations affect- ing the primary education of crippled children, together with a survey of the historical development and present status of care for cripples. New York City, 19 10. History of care for cripples — The attitude of the community — Survey of present conditions — The respective advantages of the residential and the non-residential systems. 210. McMuRTRiE Douglas C. L'education des estropi^s aux Etats-Unis. Revue Philanthropique, Paris, 1913, XXXII, 552-559. 211. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The care of crippled chil- dren: Discussion. Proceedings, Eighth Annual Confer- ence on the Education of Backward, Truant, Delinquent, and Dependent Children. Boston, 191 1, pp. 97-99. 212. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The care of crippled chil- dren. Survey, New York, 191 1, XXVII, 1208-1211. Illustrated article describing the various systems of care. Treats particularly of work in the vicinity of New York City. 213. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The advantages of, and the need for state care of crippled children. Ohio State Medical Journal, Columbus, 191 2, VIII, 207-209. and Care of Crippled Children 27 214. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The care of crippled chil- dren in America. The Child, London, 1912, II, 378-385. A review of the work done in the United States under both residential and non-residential systems — Geographical dis- tribution of institutions. 215. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The care of crippled chil- dren in the United States. American Journal of Ortho- pedic Surgery, Philadelphia, 1912. IX, 527-556. 216. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The care of crippled children in the United States. A study of the distribution of institutions and work; an analysis of systems of care; and a consideration of the principles involved. Together with a bibliography of material relating to cripples in America. New York, 191 2. A survey of American work with description of the individual institutions. This book is a revised and enlarged form of the preceding entry. 217. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The care of the crippled and rachitic in Italy. Medical Record, New York, 191 1. LXXX, 12 1 8-1 222. A full review of work in Italy. 218. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The Copenhagen institu- tion for cripples: its history, work and results. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Boston, 191 1, CLXV, 794-798. Account of the foundation, growth and present activity of this institution — Primary education and industrial training. 219. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The duty of the community 28 Bibliography of the Education to the crippled child. New Jersey Review of Charities and Correction, October, 191 1, IX, No. 10, pp. 10-13. Considers the provision for crippled children throughout the state of New Jersey. 220. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The education of cripples in the United States. School Hygiene, London, February, 1912, III, 17-23. A full statement of American work. 221. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The marine hospital at Berck-sur-Mer, principally for crippled children. The largest institution of its type in the world. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Boston, 191 3. CLXVIII, 14-16. Treating particularly of the outdoor porches in connection with interior wards for tubercular cripples. Illustrated. 222. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The need of care for crip- pled children. Western Canada Medical Journal, Win- nipeg, 191 1, V, 489-492. 223. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The need of state care for crippled children, and the advantages of the system. Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association, St. Louis, 1913, IX, 369-371- 224. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The needs of the crippled child. Crippled Children's Herald, Buffalo, September- October, Vol. I, No. II, pp. 5-7. 225. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The non-residential system and Care of Crippled Children 29 of care for crippled children. Archives of Pediatrics, New York, 191 2, XXIX, 422-430. Illustrated article dealing with the work and system of day schools for cripples. 226. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The permanent betterment of the crippled child; an essay on the operation of the non-residential system of education and care, the social principles involved, and the restoration of crippled chil- dren to places as useful members of the community. An account of the work of the Association for the Aid of Crippled Children. New York, 191 1. 227. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The physically handi- capped and the public service corporations. Evening Sun, New York, July 9, 1912. Suggestion for the employment of adult cripples. 228. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The physically handicapped in the printing trade. The Inland Printer, Chicago, 19 12, XLVIII, 553. 229. McMuRTRiE, Douglas C. The possibilities of the crippled child. Van Leuven Browne Magazine, Detroit, Mich. December, 191 1. 230. Mahoney, Stephen. State care and treatment of crippled children. Proceedings, Twelfth Minnesota State Conference of Charities and Correction, Minneapolis, No- vember 10-12, 1913, pp. 80-82, Discussion pp. 83-87. 231. Mannhardt, Helene. Die Ausstellung von Arbeits- erzeugnissen in Kriippelheimen, welche mit der fiinften Konferenz der deutschen Kriippelheime in Hannover verbunden war. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfilrsorge, X, 43-47. 30 Bibliography of the Education 232 Mannhardt, Helene. Die Handarbeit im Kriippel- heim. Monatsschrijt filr Innere Mission, 1907, XXVII, p. i8off. 233. Marcus. Die Kriippelfiirsorge in der Schule. Zeit- schrift filr drztliche Fortbildung, 1909, p. 18. Reviewed in Zeitschrift filr orthopddische Chirurgie, XXIV, 550. ^ 234. Marcus. Ueber den weiteren Ausbau der Kriippelfiir- sorge in Posen. Archivfilr Orthopddie, Mechanotherapie, und Unfallchirurgie, 1910, VIII, 357-364. 235- Marcus. Ueber Kriippelfursorge bei Schulkindern. Archivfilr Orthopddie, Mechanotherapie und Unfallchirur- gie, 191 1, IX, 199-217. 236. Marcus. Posen. (Care of cripples in that city.) Zeit- schrift filr Kriippelfiirsorge , II, 175-176. 237- Marcus. Zur Organisation der Kriippelfiirsorge. Archiv filr Orthopddie, Mechanotherapie, und Unfallchirurgie, 1910, VIII, 369-381. 238. Mark, Clarence H. Special employment bureaus for the handicapped. Charities, 1907, XVII, 816-820. 239. Martin, Henri. Notices sur L'Hospice orthopedique de la Suisse Romande, Lausanne, n. d. 240. Meister. Kriippelpflege. Der Pfarrhote, 1900, No. 4. 241. Menti and Pantaleoni. Scuola asilo pei bambini rachitici annesso all' istituto Rizzoli. Bologna, 1901. afid Care of Crippled Children 31 Merkel, Sigmund. See Rosenfeld, Leonhard. Merrill, William, J. See Lovett, Robert W. 242. Mesureur, a. Les nouveaux pavilions de Berck, 1910. (Reprint from La Presse Medicale.) 243- MuENSTERBERG, E. Bibliographic fiir das Armenwesen, mit2 Nachtragen. V, Fiirsorge furKriippel, 1900, 1902, 1906. 244. MuENSTERBERG, E. Das Interessc der Armenpflege an einer geordneten Kriippelfiirsorge. Zeitschrift fiir Kriip- pelfiirsorge, I, 21-23. 245. MuLLER. Zahlung der Verkriippelten im Grossherzog- tum Mecklenburg -Schwerin im Jahre 1898. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 55-57. 246. MusKAT. Das Kopenhagener Kriippelheim. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 308-311. Also in Deutsche medi- zinische Wochenschrift, 1908, No. 10. Reviewed in Zeit- schrift fiir orthopddische Chirurgie, XXI, 347. 247. Mylius, Otfried. Bei verkriippelten Kiinstlern. Leip- zig, 1866. 248. Natvig, Reinhardt. Arbeitsschulen fur Verkruppelte. Zeitschrift fiir orthopddische Chirurgie, III, 325-336. Work in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. 249. Natvig, Reinhardt. Christiania. (Fifth and sixth an- nual reports of Sophies Minde.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriip- pelfiirsorge, I, 326-328. 32 Bibliography of the Education 250. Natvig, Reinhardt. Christiania. (Seventh report of the Association for the Support of Needy Cripples, 1905- 1908.) Zeitschrijt Jilr Kruppelfilrsorge, II, 254. 251. Orr, H. W. Reason for the state aid of the crippled and deformed; some of the problems involved. Ameri- can Journal of Orthopedic Surgery, Philadelphia, 191 1, IX, 218-223. 252. Orr, H. W. Duty of the state in the care of crippled and deformed children. Detroit Medical Journal, 1905- 6, V, 195-198. 253- Pabst, a. Die Knabenhandarbeit in der heutigen Er- ziehung. 140. Bandchen der Sammlung "Aus Natur und Geistesvvelt" Verlag von B. G. Teubner, Leipzig- Berlin. Mit erschopfenden Literaturangaben liber Werk- unterricht und Arbeitserziehung. Pantaleoni. See Menti. 254. Panum, p. B0r udlserte Vanf0re understottes og da hvorledes? Nyt Tidsskrift for AbnormvcBsenet i Norden, 1904, No. 3. 255. Panum. P. Bemaerkninger om Vanf0reopdragelsen og dens Resultater. Nyt Tidsskrift for Abnormvcesenet i Norden, 1904, No. 2. 256. Panum. P. Hjaelpelose Kr0blinge. Nyt Tidsskrift for Abnormvcesenet i Norden, 1904, No. 5. 257. Panum, P. Hvor er Grsensen for den grad af Vanf0rhed and Care of Crippled Children 33 eller Lamlsestelse, som berettiger til Hjaelp af de Foren- inger der virke i denne Sag? Nyt Tidsskrift for Abnorm- vcesenet i Norden, 1899, P- i74- 258. Panum, p. Hvor og hvorledes bor Selskaber, der antage sig Vanf0re og Lemlaestede, drage Graensen for den Hjaelp, de kan yde? Transactions, Fifth Scandina- vian Congress on Abnormality, Stockholm, 1903, p. 269. 259- Panum, P. Kliniksporgsmaalet belyst ved nogle Tal. Nyt Tidsskrift for Abnormvcesenet i Norden, 1906, No. 5. 260. Panum, P. L'assistance aux infirmes estropies et mu- tiles en Danemark. In Assistance et Prevoyance Sociale en Danemark, Publiee par la Commission preparatoire du Congres International d'Assistance Publique et Priv6e k Copenhague, 9-13 aoUt, 1910. Copenhagen 1910. 261. Panum, P. Legems0velsers Betydning for Vanf^re- Oplaeringen. Nyt Tidsskrift for Abnormvcesenet i Norden, 1905, No. 7. 262. Panum, P. Lidt om Vanf0re-Behandling. Nyt Tids- skrift for Abnormvcesenet i Norden, 1899, P- 64. 263. Panum, P. Lidt om Vanf0re-Sanatoriets Betydning. Nyt Tidsskrift for Abnormvcesenet i Norden, 1904, No. 6. 264. Panum, P. Maal og Midler i Vanf0rebevaegelsen. Nyt Tidsskrift for Abnormvcesenet i Norden, 1905, No. 10.. 265. Panum, P. Om Klinikens Betydning i Vanf0rebevaegel- sen. Nyt Tidsskrift for Abnormvcesenet i Norden, 1903, p. 288. 34 Bibliography of the Education 266. Panum, p. Om Kliniker for Vanf0re. In Beretning om AbnormskoIem0det i K0benhavn, p. 419. 267. Petersen, Johanne. Er Arbejdsstuer for udlaerte Ele- ver knyttede til Anstalterne? og da i hvilket Omfang? Hvorledes skaffes Afsaetning for de forfaerdigede Arbej- der? In Beretning om Abnormskolem0det i K0ben- havn, p. 447. 268. Petersen, Johanne. Er det heldigt at benytte udlserte vanf0re Elever som Laerere ved Skolen og b0r man for deres Ansaettelse give dem Anledning til en videre Uddannelse? Transactions, Fifth Scandinavian Con- gress on Abnormality, Stockholm, 1903, p. 297. 269. Petersen, Johanne. Hvilke Elever b0r optages i Sko- len for Vanf0re og hvor h0jt kan man saette Maalet for deres Uddannelse? Nyt Tidsskrift for Abnormvczsenet i Norden, 1900, p. 235. 270. Petersen, Johanne. Om Skolen for Vanf0re i Dan- mark. In Beretning om Abnormskolem0det i K0ben- havn, p. 435. 271. PiNi, Gaetano. Gli istituti e le scuole pei rachitic! in Italia. Milan, 1884. 272. Platt, W. B. Crippled and deformed children. Pro- ceedings, National Conference of Charities and Correction, 1898, pp. 402-403. 273. Prager, Hermann. Leipzig. (Plans for and opening of the Leipziger Heim fiir gebrechliche Kinder.) Zeit- schrift fiir Kriippelfilrsorge, I, 39-40; II, 247-248. and Care of Crippled Children 35 274. QuiETMEYER, K. H. Kruppelpflcge in Hannover. Zeit- schrift filr Schulgesundheitspflege, 1898, pp. 372-373. 275- Ramsay, Ebba de. Guided step by step. London. [1899.] 276. Redard, p. and Badin, P. V. Kriippel- und Siechenan- stalten in Frankreich. Zeitschrijt ftir Krilppelfilrsorge, II, 127-131. 277. Reeves, Edith. Minnesota State Hospital for Crippled Children. American Baby, July 191 1, pp. 37-39. 278. Reich, P. Der Kriippel und die Arbeit. Palmbldtter, Jahrgang 1902, p. 6ff. 279. Reich, P. Die neue westdeutsche Heilpflege- und Werk- statte zu Kreuznach. Kreuznach, 1903. 280. Reichardt, E. Die operative Behandlung jugendlicher Kriippel. Jahrbuch fiir Kinder heilkunde, Berlin, LXIII. 281. Reichardt, E. Personliche Erfahrungen. Zeitschrijt fiir KriippelJUrsorge, II, 29-42. 282. Reichardt. E. Ueber Kriippel fiirsorge. Magdebur- gische Zeitung. Magdeburg, 1908, Nos. 12-13. Also in MUnchener medizinische Wochenschrift, 1908, No. 26. Reviewed in Zeitschrijt fiir orthopddische Chirurgie, XXI, 590. 36 Bibliography of the Education 283. Reiche, a. Eingangspforten der Tuberkulose. Zeit- schrift filr Krilppeljilrsorge, II, 273-279. 284. Rhine, R. Die Kriippelfiirsorge. Fliegende Blatter aus dem Rauhen Hause, LV Jahrgang, p. 364ff, Ham- burg, 1898. 285. RiDLON, John. A general consideration of the needs of crippled children, their treatment and the results to be expected. Illinois Medical Journal, Springfield, 1909, XVI, 409-416. 286. R. [Riecke]. Der Kriippel und sein Freund. Blatter fiir das Armenwesen. Stuttgart, 1868, p. 61. 287. Riemarsch, Otto. "Sophies Minde," Christiania, Nor- way. Berliner Localanzeiger , April 17, 1908. 288. Rollier. La cure d'attitude et la cure solaire de la tuberculose chirurgical. Neuch^tel, 1908. 289. Rollier. Traitement des tuberculoses chirurgicales k I'attitude. Revue medicale de la Suisse romande, 1907, XXVII, No. 9. 290. RosENFELD, Leonhard. Arbeitsschulen fur Verkrup- pelte, Zeitschrift fiir Schulgesundheitspfiege, 1898, XI, 4-18. Reviewed in Zeitschrift fiir orthopddische Chir- urgie, VI, 183. 291. RosENFELD, Leonhard. Die bayerische Kriippelzahl- ung vom 10. Januar 1907. Zeitschrift des koniglich- and Care of Crippled Children 2>7 bayerischen statistischen Landesamtes , XLI, 146-157, Re- viewed in Milnchener medizinische Wochenschrift, 1909, No. 24; Zeitschrift Jiir Kriippeljilrsorge, II, 155-157. 292. RosENFELD, Leonhard. Die Kostenfrage in der Kriip- pelfiirsorge im Gesichtspunkte des OfTentlichen Armen- wesens. Zeitschrift fur Krilppelfiirsorge, IV, 232-251. 293- Rosenfeld, Leonhard. Fiirsorge fiir Kriippel, ein neues Arbeitsgebiet der Volksgesundheitspflege. Deutsche Vier- teljahrschrift fiir offentUche Gesundheitspflege, XXXIX, 538-549- 294. Rosenfeld, Leonhard. Kriippelfiirsorge und Kriip- pelheime in Deutschland. Zeitschrift fiir orthopddische Chirurgie, VI, 533-555- 295- Rosenfeld, Leonhard. Kriippelfiirsorge und Kriip- pelanstalten nach ihrem heutigen Stande. Archiv fiir Orthopadie, Mechanotherapie und Unfallchirurgie, 1907, V, pp. 182-240. 296. Rosenfeld, Leonhard. Prophylaxie der Verkruppel- ung. Zeitschrift fiir orthopddische Chirurgie, 1907, XX, 455- 297. Rosenfeld, Leonhard. Rationelle Hilfe in der Kriip- pelfiirsorge. Zeitschrift fiir orthopddische Chirurgie, 1908, XXII, 344-370. 298. Rosenfeld, Leonhard. Sonderkrankenanstalten und Fiirsorge fiir Kriippel. Handbuch der Krankenversorg- ung und Krankenpflege. Berlin, 1899, I, 683. 299. Rosenfeld, Leonhard. Ueber Kruppelfursorge. Ver- *^^Oi^S©/\/^ 38 Bibliography of the Education handlungen der Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und Arzte. 78. Versammlung, 1906. Vol. II, Part II, p. 121. Verlag von F. C. W. Vogel, Leipzig. Abstracted in Jahrhuch der Krilppelfiirsorge, VII, 55-56. 300. RosENFELD, Leonhard. Ueber Kruppelschulen. Also discussion. Transactions, First International Congress in School Hygiene, Nuremburg, 1904, IV, 129-163. Re- viewed in Zeitschrift fiir orthopddische Chirurgie, XIII, 791. 301. Rosenfeld, Leonhard and Sigmund Merkel. Die Hygiene der Kriippelanstalt. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippel- fiirsorge, II, 182-200. 302. RoTT, Georg. Ludwigsburg. (Work of the A. H. Wer- ner sche Kinderheilanstalt in 1 906-1 907.) Zeitschrift fUr Kriippelfursorge, I, 222. 303- RoTT, Georg. Rostock. (Work of the Elisabethheim in 1907.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 222-223. 304. RouBiNOViTCH, Jacques. Categories medicales des en- fants infirmes et incurables et les bases scientifiques d'une enquete concernant I'assistance actuelle de ces enfants en France. Revue Philanthropique, XXVI, 281- 292. 305. RouBiNOViTCH, Jacques. L'assistance educative aux enfants infirmes de la motilite en Baviere. Revue Philanthropique, XXVI, 520-528. 306. ROUBINOVITCH, Jacques. L' Assistance educative aux enfants infirmes de la motilite en Autriche-Hongrie. Revue Philanthropique, XXVI, 438-442. and Care of Crippled Children 39 307- V. Saldern, Thusnelda. Diakonissenleben. Berlin, 1905. 308. V. Saldern, Thusnelda. Erinnerungen aus alter und aus neuer Zeit. Berlin, 1905. References to the care of cripples, pp. 54fif„ 113 flf. 309. V. Saldern, Thusnelda. Drei Bausteine. Wolfenbiit- tel, 1892. 310. Sasse. Jugendfiirsorge und soziale Hilfe. Zeitschrift fUr Krilppelfiirsorge, III, 1 08- 119. 311- ScHAFER, D. Theodor. Bitte an alle, denen das Wohl der Kriippelkinder am Herzen liegt. Monatsschrijt fUr Inner e Mission, 1907, XXVII, p. 69!?. Also in Jahr- buch der Kruppelfiirsorge, VII, 29-39. 312. SchAfer, D. Theodor. Das Kriippelheim "Alten- Eichen" zu Stellingen. Kalender des Sonntagsboten, Volksbuch fiir Schleswig-Holstein, 1905, Neumiinster, 1905, P- 65ff. 313- SchAfer, D. Theodor. Das Kruppelheim in Munchen. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 3-6. 314- SchAfer, D. Theodor. Das religiose Moment im Kruppelheim. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 18-21. 315- SchAfer, D. Theodor. Das vollstandige Kruppelheim. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IX, 5-18. 40 Bibliography of the Education 316. SchAfer, D. Theodor. Das vorbildliche System Wiirt- tembergs. Staatssubventionen fiir Kriippelhelme und andere Anstalten fiir Gebrechliche. Jahrbuch der Krilp- pelfiirsorge, IX, 62-64. 317- ScHAFER, D. Theodor. Diakonissin Lydia Frohlich. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IX, 59-60. 318. Schafer, D. Theodor. Der gegenwartige Stand der Verkriippelten-Fiirsorge. Monatsschrift fiir Innere Mis- sion, 1888, VIII, 225-236: 329-341 ; 379-393- 319- Schafer, D. Theodor. Der Hagenbeck sche Tierpark und das Kriippelheim Alten-Eichen zu Stellingen. Jahr- buch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VII, 40-44. 320. Schafer, D. Theodor. Der Kriippel als Lehrer. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, X, 106-107. 321. Schafer, D. Theodor. Die deutschen Anstalten fiir Verkriippelte. Illustrierte Welt, 1902, No. 27. 322. Schafer, D. Theodor. Die Handarbeit im Kriippel- heim. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, V, 39-73. 323- Schafer, D. Theodor. Die Kriippelfiirsorge in Hol- land. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IX, 68-71. 324. Schafer, D. Theodor. Die Kriippelfiirsorge in Paris. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VII, 5-23. 325- SchAfer, D. Theodor. Die Kriippelfiirsorge in Wiirt- and Care of Crippled Children 41 temberg. Die Ludwigsberger Anstalten ; Paulinen Hilfe, Stuttgart; Gustav Werner-Stlftung, Reutlingen. Jahr- buch der Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 3-16. 326. SchAfer, D. Theodor. Die Werkstatten in der Ko- penhagener Kriippelanstalt. Illustrated. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 29-31. 327- ScHAFER, D. Theodor. Ein nachahmenswerter Be- schluss. — Der Name unserer Anstalten. — Ein schoner Brief. — Wie kommt man zu einer Statistik der Kriippel? — Der landschaftlicheCharakter unserer Anstalten. Jahr- buch der Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 53-59. 328. ScHAFER, D. Theodor. Die dritte Konferenz der deutschen Anstalten fiir Kriippelfiirsorge. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VI, 59-74. 329. SchAfer, D. Theodor. Die vierte Konferenz der deut- schen Anstalten fiir Kriippelpflege zu Nowawes bei Pots- dam am Donnerstag und Freitag den 23. und 24. Mai 1907. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VIII, 11-27. 330. SchAfer, D. Theodor. Fiinfzigjahriges Jubilaum des katholischen Kriippelheims in Paris. Jahrbuch der Kriip- pelfiirsorge, IX, 64-66. 331- SchAfer, D. Theodor. Fiirsorge fiir die Verkriippelten. Leitfaden der Inner en Mission, 1893, p. 156. 332. SchAfer, D. Theodor. Eine Studienreise nach Dane- mark, Schweden und Norwegen. Jahrbuch der Kriippel- fiirsorge, V, 5-39. 42 Bibliography of the Education 333- SchAfer, D. Theodor. Kriippelfiirsorge. Jahrbuch der KrUppeljiirsorge, I, 3-13. 334- ScHAFER, D. Theodor. Kriippelfiirsorge. Monatsschrift fur Inner e Mission, 1909, XXIX, 4 iff. 335- ScHAFER, D. Theodor. Kurze Artikel iiber die Krijp- pelsache zur Verwendung in der Presse. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, X, 63-67. 336. ScHAFER, D. Theodor. Optimistische und niichterne Betrachtung der Erfolge im Kriippelheim. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, X, 5-7. 337- ScHAFER, D. Theodor. Pariser Reisebrief. Zeitschrift fur Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 34-37. 338. ScHAFER, D. Theodor. Pastor Theodor Hoppe. Jahr- buch der Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 6-1 1. 339- ScHAFER, D. Theodor. Statistik der Kriippelfiirsorge im Deutschen Reich im Januar 1907. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VIII, 28-59. 340- SchAfer, D. Theodor. Statistik der Kruppelfiirsorge im Deutschen Reich im November 1908. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IX, 34-49. 341. SchAfer, D. Theodor. Superintendent Gustav Adolf Pfeiffer und die Kriippelfiirsorge zu Cracau bei Mag- deburg. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 3-13. and Care of Crippled Children 43 342. SchAfer, D. Theodor. Uebersicht iiber den gegen- wartigen Bestand der Kriippelfiirsorge in Deutschland und In der deutschredenden Schweiz. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 36-52. 343- ScHAFER, D. Theodor. Uebersicht iiber den gegenwarti- gen Bestand in den nordischen Landern. (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland.) Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiir- sorge, III, 21-28; IV, 33. 344- ScHAFER, D. Theodor. Welch ein Elend! Korrespon- denzblatt der Diakonissenanstalt in Altona, V, No. 20. — Hilfe fiir das Elend der Verkriippelten. Same, VI, Nos. I and 2. — Das Kriippelheim in Altona. Same, VI, No. 3. 345- SchAfer, D. Theodor. Wie man den Verkriippelten in Deutschland hilft. Daheim, 1902, No. 21. 346. SchAfer, D. Theodor. Wieviel Kriippeln kann man helfen? Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VIII, 84. 347. SchAfer, D. Theodor. Wo stehen wir? Ansprache zur Eroffnung der 4. Konferenz der deutschen Anstalten fiir Kriippelpflege zu Nowawes 23. Mai 1907, Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VIII, 5-1 1. 348. SchAfer, D. Theodor. Zur Kriippelfiirsorge in Eng- land. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, X, 47-62. 349- Schanz, a. Die Kostenfrage in der Kriippelfiirsorge. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 290-295. 44 Bibliography of the Education 350. ScHANZ, A. Die Kriippel-Lotterie der Konigin-Witwe Carola von Sachsen. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelftirsorge, I, 32-33. 351- ScHANZ, A. Kriippelfursorge und soziale Gesetzgebung. Zeitschrift filr KrilppelfUrsorge, I, 1 14-12 1. A\so m Die Woche, May i, 1909. 352. ScHANZ, A. Ueber Kriippelfiirsorge-Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Hellkunde zu Dresden. In Milnchener medizinische Wochenschrift, 1908, No. 27. Reviewed in Zeitschrift filr orthopddische Chirurgie, XXI, 589. 353. ScHANZ, A. Ueber Kriippelnot und Kriippelhilfe, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Verhaltnisse ini Konig- reich Sachsen, Dresden, 1908. Reviewed in Zeitschrift filr orthopddische Chirurgie, XXI, 340, and Zeitschrift filr KrilppelfUrsorge , I, 78. 354. ScHEFFEN. Unter den Kriippelkindern zu Bischofs- werder. Fiirs deutsche Haus, Volkskalender fiir die Provinz Westpreussen, Danzig, 1904, p. 11 iff. 355- ScHLAEGER. Entwicklung der Kriippelfiirsorge im Her- zogtum Oldenburg bis zur Einfiihrung einer gesetzlichen Grundlage. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfursorge, IV, 18-23. 356. ScHLEE. Das Braunschweiger Kriippelheim. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 37-39. 357- ScHLiCHTHORST. Eignen sich die deutschen Nordsee- inseln fiir die Behandlung von Fallen chirurgischer and Care of Crippled Children 45 Tuberkulose im Kindesalter? Zeitschrift fiir Krilppel- filrsorge, I, 295-298. 358. ScHMEDDiNG. Die orthopadische Heilanstalt Hiiffer- stiftung zu Miinster i. W. Charitas, 1904, 9. Jahrgang, No. 4, p. 70. 359- Schmidt, P. Kriippelfiirsorge. Sozial-Korrespondenz, December 1901, No. loi. Also in Volkswohl, 1902. No. 3- 360. ScHNEiCKERT, H. Das Verbrechen der Abtreibung und die Reform des Strafrechts. Arch. f. Krim-Anthrop. u. Kriminalist. (Leipzig) 1905, XVIII, 105-140. 361. ScHULTHESS,WiLHELM. Die Kruppelfiirsorge. Jahrhuch der schweizerischen Gesellschaft fiir Schulgesundheitspfiege, IX. Reviewed in Zeitschrift fUr Kruppelfiirsorge, II, 82- 83- 362. ScHULTHESS, WiLHELM. Ueber den Stand der Kriippel- fiirsorge in der Schweiz. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 45-46. 363- ScHWERDTMANN. Ausprache zum Beginn der fiinften Konferenz der deutschen Anstalten fiir Kriippelpflege. Jahrbuch der Kruppelfiirsorge, X, 8-10. 364. Seiffert. Beuthen. (On the activity of the Georg- stift in 1909.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 174- 175. 365. Shaffer, Newton M. On the care of crippled and deformed children. New York Medical Journal, 1898, LXVIII, 37-40. 46 Bibliography of the Education 366. Shaffer, Newton M. On the care and treatment of the dependent and neglected, crippled and deformed children. New York Medical Journal, 1909, LXXXIX, 264-265. 367. Shaffer, Newton M. The care of crippled and de- formed children. Proceedings, National Conference of Charities and Correction, 1898, pp. 394-401. 368. Shaffer, Newton M. The care and treatment of the dependent and neglected, crippled and deformed chil- dren. Proceedings, Conference on the Care of Dependent Children, 1909, pp. 80-82. 369. Shaffer, Newton M. What New York State is doing for its crippled and deformed children at the West Hav- erstraw State Hospital. New York State Journal of Medicine, 1908, VIII, 126-129. 370. Siebenhaar. Kriippelfiirsorge. Beiblatt zum Sonntags- boten fiir Sachsen, Monatsbeilage zum " Nachbar,'' 1902, p. i6iff. 371. SiEVERS, Richard. Der Verein zur Unterstiitzung der Kriippel in Finnland. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VIII, 60-67. 372. SiEVERS, Richard. Foreningen for lyttas bistand. Helsingfors, 1906, 23 pp. 373- Smith, Lionel C. The Swinton school for cripples. Westminster Review, 1908, CLXX, 223-227. and Care of Crippled Children 47 374- Smith, Nora A. Guilds of play and of brave poor things. Outlook, 1908, XC, 78-82. 375- SoMMER. Die gemeinsame Arbeit von Arzten und Geist- lichen auf dem Gebiete der Kriippelfiirsorge. Verhand- lungen der deutschen Gesellschaft Jilr orthopddische Chirur- gie. 7. Kongress, 1908, p. 51. 376. SoMMER. Die neuen Anstalten der Josefs-Gesellschaft. Zeitschrijt fUr Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 40-41. 377. SoMMER. Om de stakkels Kr0blenge og deres Pleje. P. Joh. Claussen, Evangeliskluthersk Almanak for Nord- sleswig, 1904, p. 73ff. 378. SoMMER. Von den armen Kriippeln und ihrer Pflege. Schleswig-Holsteiner Sonntagshote, XIII, No. i, October 5» 1902. 379. Steffen. Unter den Kriippelklndern zu Bischofswerder. Filrs deutche Haus, Volkskalender fiir die Provinz West- preussen, Danzig, 1904, p. 11 iff. 380. Stern, W. G. The care and treatment of crippled and deformed children. Cleveland Medical Journal, 1903, II, 564-570. 381. Stock, Theodor. Eroffnung des schlesischen Kriippel- heims zu Rothenburg. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 42-43. 48 Bibliography of the Education 382. Stowe, Lyman Beecher. Finding work for the handi- capped; a real effect to put hope into hopeless lives. Circle, March, 1909, p. 143-145. 383- Strecker, p. Ansprache iiber die Kriippelpflege im Vereinshause zu Hannover. Hannoversches Sonntags- blatt, 1895. 384. Sutherland, Duchess of. The work of the potteries cripples' guild. Charity Organisation Review, XVI, N. S., 81-85. 385. Tancred, Miss. Fine needlework association for in- valid women and girls. Charity Organisation Review, XVI, N. S., 93-96. 386._ Taylor, Henry Ling. Physical training in schools for cripples. Post-Graduate, New York, 1910, XXIV, 801- 806. 387. Taylor, R. T. The care and treatment of crippled children. Virginia Medical Semi-Monthly, Richmond, Va., 1910-1911, XV, 513-517. 388. Telford, E. D. The problem of the crippled child. Manchester, England. 389- Telford, E. D. The residential school for crippled children. The Child, London, 191 1, II, 121-126. 390. Thomas, C. J. Sorting and grouping of children for ed- ucational purposes. Transactions, Royal Sanitary Insti- tute, 1909, XXIX, 767-777. and Care oj Crippled Childreyi 49 391- Thorne, Van Buren. Cripples made straight by mar- velous surgery. (Work of Dr. E. G. Abbott at the Chil- dren's Hospital, Portland, Maine.) New York Times, December 3rd, 191 1, Magazine section, pp. 3, 5. 392. ToMPKiNSON, R. C. Jehovah jireh. The mine explored, a plea for the cripples' Home and Female Refuge, Northumberland House, London, 1863. 393- Treloar, Sir William Purdie and H. J. Gauvain. The treatment of cripples at Alton. The Child, Novem- ber, 1910, pp. 178-187. Trumpp, H. See Lange, Fr. 394- Truper, J. Padagogik und Medizin. W. Rein, En- cyklopadisches Handbuch der Padagogik. 2. Aufiage. 395- Ulbrich, Fr. Schlesisches Kriippelelend. Rheinisch- Westfalische Schulzeitung. 26. Jahrgang, No. 14. 2i6f. Also in Fliedner, Armen- und Krankenjreund aus Kai- serswerth, 1902, p. ii7ff. 396. Ulbrich, Martin, Casar Ducornet, ein Maler ohne Arme. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfilrsorge, IV, 48-49. 397- Ulbrich, Martin. Das Kaiser-Wilhelm-Auguste-Vik- toriahaus zu Cracau-Magdeburg. Jahrhuch der Kriip- pelfilrsorge, VHI, 68-69. 398. Ulbrich, Martin. Der Anteil der inneren Mission an der Kriippelfilrsorge. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfilrsorge, I, 277-282. 50 Bibliography of the Education Ulbrich, Martin. Die innere Mission und die Kriippel- fiirsorge. Die Innere Mission im evangelischen Deutsch- land, Jahrg. 1909, p. 303. 400, Ulbrich, Martin. Fiirsorge fiir Kriippel, Blinde und Taubstumme. (Hennig, Taten Jesu in unseren Tagen.) Hamburg, 1905, p. i62ff. 401. Ulbrich, Martin. Hans Knudsen. Palmzweige, No. 427, Berlin, [1902]. 402. Ulbrich, Martin. Kriippelelend und Kriippel fiirsorge in Schlesien. Schlesisches Kirchenblatt, 1902. 403- Ulbrich, Martin. Statistik der verkriippelten Kinder in der Provinz Sachsen. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfursorge, V, 74-75. 404. Ulbrich, Martin. Thomas Schweicker, der Kriippel von Schwabisch-Hall. Eisleben, 1909. 405- Ulbrich, Martin. Ueber Kruppelpflege, Haus und Herd, Beilage des Breslauer General- Anzeigers, 1902, No. 26. 406. Veesenmayer. Gebrechliche. Schmidt: Encyklopadie des gesamten Erziehungs- und Unterrichtswesens. H, 778ff. 407. VuLPius, OsKAR. Ueber Wesen und Wert der Kruppel- fiirsorge. Heidelberg, 1909. Reviewed in Blatter J. d. gesamten Sozial-Wissenschaften, Heidelberg, December, 1909. and Care of Crippled Children 51 408. VuLPius, OsKAR. Kriippelfiirsorge. Z. Kinderpfiege, March, 1908, pp. 121-124. 409. VuLPius, OsKAR. Das Kriippelheim, Heidelberg, 1902. 410. Wagner, P. tjber Kriippelnot und Kriippelhilfe mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Verhaltnisse im Konig- reich Sachsen. Bausteine, 1908, XL. p. I45ff. 411. Wagner. Und alle Glieder. Eine Betrachtung zum Katechismus. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 11-16. 412. Wagner, P. Wie es mit der Kriippelfiirsorge vorwarts gegangen ist. Bausteine, Dresden, 1902, p. i6iff. 413- Wagner, P. Zweite Konferenz der deutschen Anstalten fiir Kriippelpflege. Bausteine, 1903, XXXV, No. 7. 414. Wahl, K. Die Grenzen der offentlichen Kriippelfiir- sorge. Verkandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fiir or- thopddische Chirurgie, 7. Kongress, 1908, p. 55. 415- Wahl, K. Offentliche Kriippelfiirsorge und orthopa- dische Praxis. Bayrisches Arztliches Korrespondenzblatt, 1907, Jahrg. X, Nos. 6, 10, 12. 416. Wallace, Charlton. Education of the crippled child. Archives of Pediatrics, XXVII, 345-352. 417. Walter, K. A. Yrkesutbildning af vanf0re et materielt intresse for stat och kommun. Nyt Tidsskrift for Ab- normvcesenet i Nor den, I, 26-28. 52 Bibliography of the Education 418. Weigl, Franz. Kurs fiir Heilpadagogik und Schulhy- giene. Donau worth, Ludwig Auer. 1908. Vortrag von Oberarzt Dr. Hohmann, ''Was sollen Lehrer und Schul- inspektoren von der Kruppelfiirsorge wissen?" 419. WiLHELMi, Heinrich. Karl Ferdinand Berthold, der lahme Maler. Jahrbuch der Krilppelfilrsorge, IV, 13-21. 420. WiLHELMi, Heinrich. Thomas Schweicker, der Wun- dermann von Schwabisch-Hall. Jahrbuch der Kruppel- fiirsorge, III, 16-20. 421. WiLHELMi, Heinrich. Was mag eines Kriippels Leben wert sein? Jahrbuch der Krilppelfilrsorge, \\, 17-28. 422. WiLHELMi, H. Wer hilft den Kriippeln? ' Jahrbuch der Kruppelfiirsorge, IX, 19-26. 423. WiLLARD, DE FoREST. Children's orthopedic ward. Transactions, American Orthopedic Association, 1898, XI, 456-461. 424. WiLLARD, DE FoREST. Surgical and mechanical relief of so-called hopeless paralytic cripples. Transactions, Medical Society of Pennsylvania, 1896, XXVII, 361-366. 425- WiLLARD, DE FoREST. Widener Memorial Industrial Training School for Crippled Children, American Medi- cine, Philadelphia, 1903, V, 148. 426. Windsor, A. E. National Industrial Home for Crippled Boys. Our Hospitals and Charities, February, 19 10. and Care of Crippled Children 53 427.^ WiTTEK, Arnold. Bandagisten-Kurpfuscherei und Kriippelfiirsorge. Zeitschrift fiir Krtippelfiirsorge, II, 25-29. 428. WiTTEK, Arnold. Bandagisten-Kurpfuscherei und Kriippelfiirsorge. Zeitschrift fur orthopddische Chirurgie, XXII, 371-374. 429. WiTTEK, Arnold. Stand der Kriippelfiirsorge in Steier- mark. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 147-149. 430. Zabel, E. Mecklenburgs Kriippelfiirsorge in der Lan- deskriippelanstalt Elisabethheim zu Rostock. Rostock, 1903. 431. Zimmer, Hans. Die volkspadagogische Bedeutung und Aufgabe der Kriippelerzlehung. Wissenschaftliche Beilage der Leipziger Zeitung, April, 14, 1903, No. 43. 432. Zollinger, F. Ueber Kruppelschulen und Kruppel- pflege. Schreigensche Zeitschrift fiir Gemeinnutzigkeit, 1908, Jarhg. XLIV, No. i, p. 3. 54 Bibliography of the Education PART II. ANONYMOUS ENTRIES 433- Aachen. (Progress of the Vinzenzkriippelheim.) Zeit- schrijt jilr Krilppelfilrsorge, I, 324. 434- Adam Siepen. (Biographical sketch of an armless painter.) Jahrhuch der Kruppelfiirsorge, V, 78. 435; Admission of cripples to Cripples' Home and College (Alton). British Medical Journal, 1909, I, p. 966. 436. Admission of cripples to Sir William Treloar's Institu- tion. Lancet, London, 1909, I, 1149. 437- Albert Hoffa. (Biographical). Jahrbuch der Krilp- pelfilrsorge, X, 77. 438. Alten-Eichen. (Report for 1909.) Zeitschrift filr Krilp- pelfilrsorge, IV, 78. 439- Amalgamation of societies for the relief of cripples. (Merger of two societies in Birmingham, England.) Lancet, London, 1909, I, 1078. 440- Angerburg. (Work in behalf of crippled children in that city.) Zeitschrift filr Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 219-220. and Care of Crippled Children 55 Angerburg. (On the activity in behalf of cripples in that city in 1909.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfursorge, II, 317. An institution for the crippled. (Plans for Sir William Treloar's institution.) Journal of the American Medical Association, Chicago, 1906, XLVII, 2022. 443- Anna-Louisen-Stif t in Blankenburg. Jahrbuch der Krilp- pelfilrsorge, III, 39. 444. Ansbach. (Government grant to the Zentralanstalt fiir kriippelhafte Kinder in Munich.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfursorge, II, 243-244. 445- Aufnahms-Bedingungen der Miinchener Anstalt. Jahr- buch der Kriippelfursorge, III, 45-46. 446. Aufruf zur Griindung einer schweizerischen Anstalt fiir kriippelhafte Kinder. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfursorge, I, 228-229. 447- Baden. (First general session of the Badener Fiirsor- geverein fiir bildungsfahige Kriippel.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfursorge, IV, 72-73. 448 Baden. (On efforts for the establishment of cripples' homes.) Zeitschrift fUr Kriippelfursorge, I, 325. 449. Baden. (On the completion of the organization of an Association for the Care of Cripples.) Zeitschrift fUr KrUppelfUrsorge, II, 87-88. 56 Bibliography of the Education 450 Baden. (On the proposed establishment of a crippled Children's Home in Heidelberg.) Zeitschrijt ftir Krilp- pelfursorge, I, 223-224. Badischer Landtag, zweite Kammer. (Transactions of the session of May 25, 1908, regarding care of the crippled.) Zeitschrijt ftir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 236-237. 452. Barcelona. (On a popular celebration of the establish- ment of a national institute for the care of the crippled.) Zeitschrijt filr Kriippeljiir serge, H, 320. 453. Bauten der Kriippelpflegeanstalt Annastift E. V. und des Lehrlingsheims Wilhelm-Auguste-Viktoriastift von Hannover. Jahrbuch der Kriippeljilrsorge, IX, 71-75. Description and floor plans. 454- Bayerische Genossenschaf t des Johanniter-Ordens. (Sur- vey of their activity on behalf of cripples from October 1903 to April 3, 1908.) Zeitschrijt J Hr Kriippeljilrsorge, 1.47- 455- Bayrische Kammer der Abgeordneten. (Transactions of the session of June 22, 1908, regarding care of the crippled.) Zeitschrijt Jilr Kriippeljilrsorge, I, 234-236. 456. Bayrische Kammer der Reichsrate. (Transactions of the session of August 8, 1908, regarding care of the crippled.) Zeitschrijt Jilr Kriippeljilrsorge, I, 231-233. 457. Begrtindung eines Kriippelfiirsorge-Vereins in Niirnberg. Jahrbuch der Kriippeljilrsorge, X, 103-104. and Care of Crippled Children 57 458- Behordliche Unterstiitzungen von Kriippeln In der Pro- vinz Sachsen. Jahrbuch der Kriippeljursorge, VI, 81-82. 459- Belfast Cripples' Home (Report of bazaar). Lancet, London, 1905, I, 195. 460. Belgien. (On the establishment of a school for cripples at Hennegau, Belgium.) Zeitschrift filr Kriippeljur- sorge, I, 326. 461. Berlin. (On the activity of the Berlin-Brandenburg- ische Kriippel- Heil- und Erziehungsanstalt.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfursorge, I, 139-146. 462. Berlin. (On the opening of a cripples' home of the Paul- Gerhardt Stift.) Zeitschrift fiir Krilppelfilrsorge, I, 323. 463- Berlin. (Third report of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Kriippel- Heil- ,und Erziehungsanstalt.) Zeitschrift filr Kriippelfursorge, IV, 209-210. 464. Beuthen. (Georgstift in that city.) Zeitschrift fiir Krilppelfilrsorge, I, 145-146. 465- Bielefeld. (The establishment of an association for crip- ples in that city.) Zeitschrift filr Kriippelfursorge, III, 149. 466. Birmingham and District Crippled Children's Union. Lancet, London, 1906, I, 1858. 467. Blinden-Druck durch Kriippel. Jahrbuch der Kriippel- fursorge, IX, 56-57. 58 Bibliography of the Education 468. Braunschweig. (Change of site of the cripples' home in that city.) Zeitschrijt jur Krilppeljilrsorge, III, 68. 469. Brearley League trade and manual training classes for crippled children, New York, 191 1, 7 p. 470. Breslau. (On the opening of a cripples' home in that city.) Zeitschrijt Jilr Kriippeljilrsorge, I, 324-325. 471. Care of convalescent crippled children. Charities, New York, 1901, V. 7, p. 569-570, December 21. 472. Care of cripples. (Note on the Congress for orthopedic surgery, Berlin.) Lancet, London, 1909, I, 1425. 473- Care of crippled children in Germany. British Medical Journal, London, 1909, I, 1092. 474- Care of cripples. (Note on work for statistics and economics of the care of cripples in Germany.) Journal of the American Medical Association, Chicago, 1908, LI, 1024. 475- Cassel. (On the organization of a committee for the care of the cripples in Cassel.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippel- fiirsorge, II, 88-89. 476. Causes of crippling. Report of the sub-committee on the physically defective of the Birmingham (England) Education Committee. Lancet, London, 191 1, II, 1435. and Care of Crippled Children 59 477- Charles Felu. (A painter without arms.) Jahrbuch der Kruppelfiirsorge, VI, 76. 478. Christmas for the London cripples. (Treloar.) The Hospital, London, 191 1, LI, 169. 479- Christmas hampers and clothing for little cripples. (Treloar.) Lancet, London, 1910, II, 1257. 480. Christmas hampers for crippled children. (Treloar.) Lancet, London, 1908, II, 131 5. 481. Clerkenwell. (On the activity in behalf of cripples in that city.) Zeitschrift fiir Kruppelfzirsorge, II, 319-320. 482. Cracau. (Annual of the Pfeiffer Foundations for 1909.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 74-75. 483. Craftsmanship for crippled children. Craftsman, New York, 1906, IX, 663-674. 484. Conference on the care of dependent children. Proceed- ings. Held at Washington, D. C, January 25, 26, 1909. Washington D. C. Government Printing office, 1909, 231 pp. Address of President Roosevelt. Reference to the "crippled child" page 36. 485- Convalescent hospital for crippled children. (Birming- ham-Woodlands.) Lancet, London, 1908, II, December 5, 1911, p. 1711. 6o Bibliography of the Education 486. Crippled and deformed children of New York. Our Hospitals and Charities, London, May 15, 1908, p. 17. 487 Crippled children. The Child, London, 1910, I, 475-476. 488. Crippled children. (Quackery in treatment: Treloar Institution.) British Medical Journal, London, 1908, I, 165. 489. Crippled children's Christmas hampers. (Treloar.) Lancet, London, 1904, 11, 1230; 1906, II, 966, 889. 490. Crippled children's Help Society. (Manchester, Eng- land: Annual motor car outing.) British Medical Jour- nal, London, 1907, II, no. Crippled children's Help Societ3^ (Manchester, Eng- land.) British Medical Journal, London, 1910, I, 1198. 492 Crippled children In Minnesota. Charities Review, New York, 1900, X, 106-107. 493. Crippled children of Liverpool: medical and surgical relief. (Work of the Invalid Children's Aid Association, Liver- pool.) Lancet, London, 1910, I, 466-467. 494. Crippled Children's League. Lancet, London, 1905, II, 1582. 495. Crippled Children's Union and the Adult Cripples' Guild. (Birmingham.) Lancet, London, 1906, I, 1139- 1140. and Care of Crippled Children 6i 496. Crippled Children's Union (Birmingham). Lancet, Lon- don, 1907, I, 1675. 497. Crippled Children's Union (Birmingham). Lancet, Lon- don, 1908, I, 1657. 498. Crippled girls. Editorial. The Woman Voter. New York, 1912. p. 19. Comment on article by Douglas C. McMurtrie in The Survey. See entry No. 212. 499. Cripples' Home and College at Alton. (Note on equip- ment, industrial training, etc.) Journal of the American Medical Association, Chicago, 1909, LI 1 1, 1832. 500. Cripples' Home and College, Alton, (Description.) Lancet, London, 1909, H, 1235. 501. Cripples' Home for Girls (London). Charity Record, London, October 7, 1909. 502. Cripples' Institute, Belfast. British Medical Journal. 1909, I, 872. 503. Crutches to help crippled children. (Appeal of Lord Mayor Treloar.) Lancet, London, 1907, I, 1657. 504. Danzig. (On the annual session of the Westpreussi- scher Kriippelfursorgeverein for 1909.) Zeitschrift fiir KrUppelfilrsorge, II, 316-317. 62 Bibliography of the Education 505. Danzig. (Roman Catholic activity in behalf of cripples in the Prussian provinces.) Zeitschrift fiir Krilppel- fiirsorge, III, 69. 506. Danzig. (Session of the Westpreussischer Kriippelfiir- sorgeverein.) Zeitschrift far Kruppelfilrsorge, II, 253- 254- Darmstadt. (Organization of an Association for the Care of Cripples in the Grand Duchy of Hesse.) Zeit- schrift fiir Krilppelfiirsorge, IV, 73. Darmstadt. (Organization of the Hessischer Fiirsor- geverein fiir Kriippel.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 213-214. 509-^ Das Kriippelheim zu Alten-Eichen bei Stellingen, Zeit- schrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 46-47. 510. Das Los der Kriippel. Blatter fiir das Armenwesen, 1885. 511. Deutschbohmen. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 92. On the final organization of the Kaiser-Franz-Josef-I-Jubi- laumsfiirsorgeheim fiir korperlich geschadigte Kinder at Schwaden, and on the projected establishment of a cripples' home at Reichenberg. 512. Deutsche Vereinigung fiir Kriippelfiirsorge. Jahrbuch der Kruppelfilrsorge, X, 107-108. 513. Die gegenwartige Lage der Escherstiftung in Ziirich. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VI 11, 71-76. and Care of Crippled Children 63 Die Kriippelfiirsorge im preussischen Landtag. (Trans- actions of the session of April 17, 1907.) Jahrbuch der KriippelJUrsorge, VIII, 82-83. 515. Die Zahlung der Kriippelkinder des deutschen Reiches am 10. Oktober 1906. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VIII, 76-80. 516. Difificulties in dealing with certain cases of invalid children. Charity Organization Review, London, N. S., XV, 125-135. 517- Dresden. (Activity of the Association for the Care of Cripples in that city.) Zeitschrijt fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 68-69. 518. Dresden. (Formation of a national committee for the care of the crippled.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 150-151. 519- Dresden. Griindung des Vereins Kriippelhilfe. Zeit- schrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 245-247. 520. Dresden. (On the projected activity of the Verein Kriippelhilfe in Dresden in connection with the cripples' home in Trachtenberg.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 312-313. 521. Dresden. (Seventh report of the Konigin Carola- Stiftung.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 73-74. 522. Eastpark Home for Cripples (Glasgow). Lancet, Lon- don, 1907, II, 1 198. 64 Bibliography of the Education 523- Education of crippled and mentally defective children. (Report to the Manchester Education Committee.) Lancet, London, 1906, I, 980 (Editorial). 524- Eingabe der Konferenz an alle deutschen Staatsregier- ungen. (Advocacy of the introduction of legally oblig- atory care of cripples in the German Empire.) Jahrbuch der Krtippelfiirsorge, VIII, 85-86. 525. Ein katholisches Kriippelheim zu Namslau in Schlesien. Jahrbuch der Krilppeljilrsorge, VIII, 80-82. 526. Ein neues Kriippelheim in Berlin. Jahrbuch der Kr tip- pelf iirsorge, VIII, 80. 527. Ein Werberuf. (On the advisability of placing cripples in special institutions instead of entrusting them to pri- vate care.) Zeitschrift filr Kriippelfilrsorge, II, 141-144. 528. Elise Averdieck in der Verkriippeltenpflege. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IX, 81-83. 529- English schools for crippled children. Charities, New York, 1902, IX, 230-234. 530. Erfurt. (An address of Dr. Krautwig, of Cologne, on the need of Roman Catholic care for crippled children.) Zeitschrift fur Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 248-249. 531. Erste Kammer des sachsischen Landtages. (Transac- tions of the session of May 5, 1908, regarding care of the crippled.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 72-73. and Care of Crippled Children 65 532. Fulda. (Establishment of a cripples' home in that city.) Zeiischrift fur Kruppelfiirsorge, III, 73. 533- Fulda. (On the erection of a new cripples' home in that city.) Zeitschrift fur Kruppelfiirsorge, IV, 306. 534- Fiinfte Konferenz der deutschen Anstalten fiir Kriippel- pflege (June 2-3, 1909). Zeitschrift fiir Kruppelfiir- sorge, II, 74-76. 535- Fiir die Provinz Posen. (On the foundation of a Prot- estant association for the building of a cripples' home at Weissenhohe, to be opened in 1909.) Zeitschrift fiir Kruppelfiirsorge, I, 44. 536. Fiirsorge fiir katholische Kriippel in Westfalen. Jahr- buch der Kruppelfiirsorge, VI, 83-84. 537- Fiirsorge fiir Kriippel und Unfallverletzte. Zeitschrift fiir das Armenwesen, 1901, No. 12. 538. Fiirsorge fiir Kriippel und Unfallverletzte in Frankreich. Blatter fur das Armenwesen, 1902, p. I5ff. 539. Fiirsorge fiir Unfallverletzte und Kriippel in Frankreich. Blatter fiir das Armenwesen, 1902, p. i5fT. 540. Gegenwartige Stand der Kriippelfiirsorge in Deutschland. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 32. 541- Geh. Medizinalrat Professor Dr. Hoffa. (Biographical.) Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 36-37. 66 Bibliography of the Education 542- Guildhall conference on invalid children. Account of the proceedings. Charity Organization Review, London, N. S., XVI, 61-66. 543- Gott zu Ehren, den Menschen zu Lieb. (Pfeiffer'sche Stiftungen in Cracau.) [Cracau, 1900.] 544-^ . Gresgen bei Zell i. W. (Activity of the Kinderheim Luisenhof.) Zeitschrijt fiir KrUppelfilrsorge, III, 151. 545. Halle. (Activity in behalf of crippled children in that city.) Zeitschrijt fiir Kruppelftirsorge, III . 154. 546. Halle. (On the establishment of the Kriippel-Heil- und Bildungsverein for the District of Merseburg.) Zeit- schrift fiir Kr iippelfiirsorge , II, 251-252. 547- Halle. (On- the projected plan of a cripples' home in connection with the private hospital of Dr. Gocht in Halle.) Zeitschrift fiir Kr iippelfiirsorge, I, 44. 548. Handicapped — by one of them. Atlantic Monthly, Bos- ton, 191 1, 320-329. 549- Hannover. (Activity of the Annastift.) Zeitschrift fiir Kr iippelfiirsorge, III, 156. 550. Hannover. (Activity of the Annastift in 1909.) Zeit- schrift fiir Kr iippelfiirsorge, II, 1 71-172. 551- Hannover. (Proposed plans for the care of crippled children in the Province of Hanover.) Zeitschrift fiir KrUppelfilrsorge, II, 244-245. and Care of Crippled Children 67 552. Hannover. (Work of the Annastift.) Zeitschrift fiir KrUppeljUrsorge, I, 221. 553-^ Heidelberg. (Projected erection of a cripples' home in that city.) Zeitschrift fUr KrUppelfilrsorge, I, 44. 554- Heritage Craft Schools for Crippled Boys and Girls; exhibition and sale of work. British Medical Journal, London, 1911, I, 1215. 555. Home for crippled children. (Established by the Crip- pled Children's Help Society [Manchester and Salford] in Cross-lane, Rose-hill, Marple.) Lancet, London, 1904, n, 1108. 556. Home for destitute crippled children of Chicago. Ju- venile Court Record, Chicago, October 1901, p. 13-14. ^557. _ ■ J Hospital and school for crippled children opened. (News note on dedication of James Lawrence Kernan Hospital and Industrial School for Crippled Children at Radnor Park, Md.) Journal of the American Medical Associa- tion, Chicago, 191 1, LVI, 1823. 558. H6pital de Berck-sur-Mer. Magasin Pittoresque, 37th Year, 1882, IV, 294. 559. Indianapolis. (On the opening of Miss Dudley's school for crippled children.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 254. The compiler has been unable to locate any such school. McM. 560. Internationale Ausstellung fiir Kriippelfiirsorge 191 1. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 82-87. 68 Bibliography of the Education 561. ^ International exposition of cripple aid. (Note on the section for cripples at the International Hygiene Exposi- tion at Dresden.) Journal of the American Medical Association, Chicago, 191 1, LVI, 284. 562. Jahresbericht des Kriippelheims "Alten-Eichen" zu Stellingen bei Altona. Jahrbuch der Krilppelfilrsorge, V, 85-93. 563. ^ Jahresbericht des Kriippelheims " Alten-Eichen " zu Stellingen bei Altona. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VIII, 88-93. 564. Jewelry trade class for cripples. Survey, New York, 1911, p. 318-319- 565. Johannes Falks Ansicht von der Kriippelpflege. Jahr- buch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 47. 566. John Bost und die Anstalten von Laforce. Monats- schrift fiir Inner e Mission. 1884, IV, 41. 567 Josias von Rantzau. (Biographical.) Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IX, 66. 568. Kaiserin Elisabeth-Asyl fiir verkriippelte Kinder in Maria-Lanzendorf bei Wien. Jahrbuch der Kriippel- fiirsorge, III, 33-36. 569-^ Kassel. (Session of a committee for the care of the crippled in the district of Kassel.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriip- pelfiirsorge, III, 150. and Care of Crippled Children 69 570. Katholisches Kruppelhelm ... in Beuthen. Zeit- schriftfilr Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 44-45- 571- Kiel. (On the extension of state aid to the care of crippled children.) Zeitschrift fiir Kruppelfiirsorge, III, 149. 572. Kinderkruppelhaus in Nowawes und seine Einweihung am 2. JuH, 1894. Nowawes, 1894. 573- Koln. (Proposed cripples' home in Cologne.) Zeit- schrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 75-77- 574- Koln. (Projected foundation of a cripples' home for the Rhine Provinces.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiir- sorge, II, 250. 575. Konigsberg. (Establishment of the Verein "Kruppel- Heil- und Lehranstalt fiir Ostpreussen zu Konigsberg.") Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 213. 576. Kruppel-Abteilung in der Erziehungs- und Pflege-Anstalt fiir Schwachsinnige zu Treysa (Hessen-Nassau). Jahr- buch der Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 37-38. 577- Kruppelfuhre. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VI, 79-81- Making cripples move from town to town. 578. ■ Kriippelfursorge im badischen Landtag. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, X, 105-106. 579- Kruppelfursorge im bayrischen Landtag. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VII, 57-^4- 6 70 Bibliography of the Education 580. Kriippelfiirsorge im bayrischen Landtag. Jahrbuch der KrUppelfilrsorge, X, 70-76. 581. Kriippelfiirsorge im bayrischen Reichsrat. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, X, 68-69. 582. Kriippelfiirsorge im Braunschweigischen Landtag. Jahr- buch der Kriippelfiirsorge, X, 98-103. 583- Kriippelfiirsorge in Hessen-Nassau. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 249. Kriippelfiirsorge im Konigreich Sachsen. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 52-61. 585. Kriippelfiirsorge in der ersten Kammer des sachsischen Landtags. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IX, 80-81. 586. Kriippelfiirsorge in der Schweiz. Jahrbuch der Kriippel- fiirsorge, IX, 53-55- 587. Kriippelheim im Grossherzogtum Baden. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 31. 588. Kriippelheim in Hannover und dessen Einweihung am 7. November, 1897. Hannover, 1898. 589. Kriippelheim in Ludwigsburg. Jahrbuch der Kriippel- fiirsorge, VI, 'j6-'j'j. Illustration of tailor shop. 590. Kriippelheim in Paris. Monatsschrift fiir Inner e Mis- sion , 1907, XXVII, I36fif. and Care of Crippled Children 71 591- Kriippelheim in Zwickau. Jahrbuch der Kruppelfilr- sorge, VI, 78. 592- Kriippelheim Marienstift in Arnstadt. Jahrbuch der Kriippeljursorge, VI, 82. 593. Kriippelheim zu Nowawes. Daheim, 1905, No. 30. p. iiff. 594. Kriippelheim zu Volmarstein (Westfalen) . Jahrbuch der Krilppelfilrsorge, VI, 78. 595- Kriippelkinderzahlung im Herzogtum Braunschweig. Jahrbuch der Krilppelftirsorge, VI, 70-71. 596. Kriippelpflege in Hannover. Schluter'sche Buchdrucke- rei. Hannover [1899]. 597- Kriippelpflege im Konigreich Sachsen. Jahrbuch der Krilppelfilrsorge, X, 84-97. Report of legislative committee. 598. Kriippelpflege und Geschaft. Jahrbuch der Krilppel- filrsorge, III, 40-45. 599- Kruppel und die Arbeit. Palmbldtter, monatliche Mit- teilung iiber Frauendienst und Aufgabe im Reich Gottes, 1902, p. 6ff. 600 Kyrle Workshop. Charity Organization Review, London, N. S. XVI, 152-160. 601. Landes-Kriippelanstalt Elisabeth-Heim in Rostock. Jahrbuch der Krilppelfilrsorge, X, 78-84. 72 Bibliography of the Education 602. Leipziger Helm fiir gebrechliche Kinder. Zeitschrift fiir KrUppelfUrsorge, II, 88. 603. Liegnitz. (Organization of a Fiirsorgeverein fiir bild- ungsfahige Kriippel.) Zeitschrift fiir KrUppelfUrsorge, IV, 215. 604. Little cripples at Munich. Dublin University Magazine, 1872, LXXX, 322-328. Work of the Zentralanstalt fiir Erziehung und Bildung kriippelhafter Kinder. 605. Liverpool County Hospital for chronic diseases of chil- dren (Heswall). Lancet, London, 1907, I, 1675. 606. Liibeck. (On the foundation of a Protestant society for the care of crippled children in that city.) Zeitschrift fiir KrUppelfUrsorge, I, 45. 607. Liibeck. (Report of the Verein fiir Fiirsorge fiir jugendliche Kriippel in Liibeck.) Zeitschrift fiir KrUp- pelfUrsorge, IV, 210. 608. Magdeburg. (Autumn session of the Kriippelfiirsor- geverein in der Provinz Sachsen.) Zeitschrift fUr KrUp- pelfUrsorge, IV, 73-74- 609. Magdeburg. (Development of the Pfeififer Founda- tions in that city.) Zeitschrift fiir KrUppelfUrsorge, 138-139. 610. Magdeburg. (First annual report of the Kriippel- and Care of Crippled Childreri 73 Fiirsorge-Verein der Provinz Sachsen for 19 10.) Zeit- schrift fiir Kriippeljiirsorge, IV, 302-303. 611. Magdeburg. (On the organization of the Kriippel- fiirsorgeverein fiir die Provinz Sachsen.) Zeitschrijt fiir Kriippeljiirsorge, II, 313. 612. Manchester cripples. Lancet, London, 1904, I, 1755. Cripples Aid Federation, 104 King Street, Manchester. Amalgamation of work for cripples in Manchester. 613. Manufacture of cripples. (Quoted from British Medical Journal.) Medical Record, New York, 1898, LIV, 899. 614. Maria- Victoria-Kriippelheim in Oranienburg bei Berlin. Zeitschrijt fiir Kriippeljiirsorge, I, 45. 615. Marienstift in Arnstadt. Jahrbuch der Kriippeljiir- sorge, VII, 52-55- 616. Marklissa. (New home of the Kriippelheim Bethesda.) Zeitschrijt Jilr Kriippeljiirsorge, III, 154. 617. Merkblatt iiber Rachitis ist erschienen. Jahrbuch der Kriippeljiirsorge, X, 108-109. 618. Miinchen. (New buildings for the care of cripples and activity in their behalf.) Zeitschrijt Jilr Kriippeljiir- sorge, IV, 216. 619. Namslau, Schlesien. (On the proposed erection of a Roman Catholic cripples' home in that city.) Zeit- schrijt JUr Kriippeljiirsorge, I, 44. 74 Bibliography of the Education 620. National Conference of Charities and Correction. Pro- ceedings. Crippled Children. 1901, pp. 28, 33, 59, 63, 83. 1905, pp. 65, 66. 1907, p. 26. 621. Needs of school for deformed children. (Note on needs of Boston Industrial School for Crippled and Deformed Children.) Boston Medical and Surgical Jl., 191 1, CLXV, 849. 622. Neue westdeutsche Heil- und Heimstatte fiir Ver- kriippelte, Bethesda in Kreuznach. Palmbldtter, Organ des Diakonissenhauses in Kreuznach. May 8, 1900. Other notices, same, June 5; July 4. 623. New building for cripples. (Donation of new building to the Destitute Home for Crippled Children, Chicago.) Medical Record, New York, 1904, LXVI, 222. 624. New East Side school for cripples. (Filing of plans for East Side Free School for Crippled Children, New York.) Medical Record, New York, LXX, 421-422. 625. New York Hospital for the care of crippled and defective children. (Abstract of work during 1903.) Medical Record, New York, 1904, LXV, 383. and Careoj^Crippl^^ 11 626. New York State Library, Bulletins of Legislation. Albany, N. Y. Crippled Children. 1897, no. 9, P- 2660 1900, " I3»" "37 1901, " 15," 4067,4068,4074 1903, " 21," 2316 1903, " 22," 2,14 1904, " 24," 2174 1905, " 28," 2174 1906, " 32," 2174 1907, " 36," 2174 627. Nieder-Ramstadt. (Establishment of a cripples' home in that city.) Zeitschrift fiir Krtippelfursorge, III, 80. 628. Noch einmal die Kruppelfursorge im preussischen Land- tag. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IX, 79-80. 629. Norderney. (Debates regarding the advisability of erecdng a cripples' home in that city.) Ze^tschr^ft fur Kruppelfursorge, III, 70- 630. Norderney. (The establishment of the Heilstatte Nor- derney.) Zeitschrift fur Kriippelfursorge, II, 172-173. Nowawes. (Activity of the' Oberlinhaus.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfursorge, III, I54-I55- 632- Nurnberg. (Activity in behalf of crippled children m Nuremberg.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfursorge, 111, 152 153- Nurnberg. (Activity in behalf of cripples in Nuremberg.) Zeitschrift fur Kriippelfursorge, IV, 215. 76 Bibliography of the Education 634- Niirnberg. (First regular meeting of the local Verein fiir Kriippelfiirsorge in Nuremberg.) Zeitschrijt fiir Kruppelfiirsorge, III, 72-73. 635. Nurnberg. (On the organization of an Association for the Care of Cripples in that city.) Zeitschrijt fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 85-86. 636. Oberpfarrer Marten Ulbrich. (Biographical.) Jahr- buch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 51. 637- On the care and treatment by the State of crippled and deformed children. Editorial. New York Medical Journal, OX?, January 30, 1904. 638. Pflege der Verkriippelten, insbesondere der verkriippelten Kinder. Oberlinbldtter , 1887. 639. Philadelphia home for crippled children. Charities Re- view, New York, 1900, IX, 482. 640. Placing the handicapped. Charities, New York, 1906. 00, 470-471. 641. Plauen. (Session of the Verein zur Fiirsorge fiir bil- dungsfahige Kriippel zu Zwickau.) Zeitschriftfiir Kriip- pelfiirsorge, III, 79-80, 642. Pleschen. (Activity of the cripples' home in that city.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 214. and Care of Crippled Children 77 643. Pommersche Provinziallandtag und die Kriippelfiirsorge. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VI, 75. Enactment founding Wilhelm-Auguste-Viktoria-Stiftung. 644. Posen. (Activity of the Johanniter-Ordengenossen- schaft in Posen for 1909-19 10.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriip- pelfiirsorge, IV, 2 1 1-2 12. 645. ^ ^ ^ Posen. (Establishment of an institution for cripples in that city.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 210. 646. Preussisches Abgeordnetenhaus. (Transactions of the session of April 29, 1909, regarding care of the crippled.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 70-74. 647. Preussisches Haus der Abgeordneten. (Transactions of February 22, and February 24, 1908, regarding care of the crippled. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 68-72. 648. Preussisches Haus der Abgeordneten. (Transactions of the session of April 29, 1910, regarding care of the crippled.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 54-56. 649. Prinzessin Eugenia, ein Lebensbild aus der christlichen Liebestatigkeit Schwedens. Monatsschrift fiir Inner e Mission, 1905, XXV, 8 iff. On the history of the Eugenia Cripple Home in Stockholm. 650. Prof. Dr. George Joachimsthal. (Biographical.) Jahr- buch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IX, 75-79. Also in Vossische Zeitung, Berlin, July 9, 1908. 78 Bibliography of the Education 651. Public clinic for cripples and what it revealed in an Ohio town. Charities. New York, 1903, X, 158-159. 652. Readers' Guide to periodical literature, see heading, "Cripples." 653. Rostock. (Annual report of the Elisabethheim.) Zeit- schrift J ilr Kr tippelfiirsorge , III, 7 6-7 7 . 654- Rostock. (On the 8th annual report of the Elisabeth- heim.) Zeitschrift jiir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 313-314. 655- Rothenburg, O.-L. (Annual meeting of the Verein Schlesisches Kriippelheim.) Zeitschrift jiir Kriippel- fiirsorge, IV, 74-75- 656. Rothenburg. (Ninth annual report of the Schlesisches Kriippe'heim in that city.) Zeitschrijt Jiir Kriippelfiir- sorge, I, 322. 657- Rothenburg, O. L. (On the session of the Silesian Cripples Home Association of May, 1910.) Zeitschrift far Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 249-250. 658. Royal Orthopedic Hospital (Birmingham). Lancet, Lon- don, 1906, I, 1 140. 659. Sachsen. (Activity in behalf of cripples in Saxony.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 212-213. 660. Sachsen. (Seventh annual report of the Verein zur Fiirsorge fur bildungsfahige Kriippel aus den Regierungs- bezirken Zwickau, Chemnitz und Leipzig.) Zeitschrift filr Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 210-21 1. and Care of Crippled Children 79 661. Sachsischer Landtag, erste Kammer. (Transactions of the session of January 12, 1909, regarding care of the crippled.) Zeitschrijt jiir Kruppelfiirsorge, I, 31 1-3 14. 662. Samariter-Stiftung in Stuttgart. Jahrhuch der Kruppel- fiirsorge, III, 39; IV, 43-45- 663. Samfundet, som antager sig Vanf0re og Lemlsestede. 21 Oktober, 1872 — 21 Oktober, 1897. Copenhagen 1897. Jubilee Publication. 664. School for crippled children (Manchester, Swinton House). Lancet, London, 1906, I, 122-123. 665. Schools for crippled children. (Note on experiment in the education of cripples, Vienna). Journal of the Ameri- can Medical Association, Chicago, 191 1, LVI, 1493. 666. Schweizerische Heil- und Erziehungsanstalt fiir gebrech- liche und kriippelhafte Kinder. Mitteilungen der schwei- zerischen Kommission fiir Liebestdtigkeit, von Pf. F. Studer in Bern. 1908, IX, 97ff. 667. Self-supporting cripples. (Note on the work of the institution at Charleroi, Belgium.) Journal of the American Medical Association, Chicago, 191 1, LVI, 1268-1269. Also Presse Medicate, February 18, 191 1. 668. Settlement home for crippled children. Outlook. New York, 1 901. LXVII, 233. 8o Bibliography of the Education 669. Siebenter Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir ortho- padische Chirurgie. Zeitschrift fiir KrUppelftirsorge, I, 47-67. 670. Special schools for crippled children. Charities, October 5, 1901, p. 272-273. 671. Staatliche oder private Kriippelfiirsorge? Eine Umfrage. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 42-59. 672. Stadtverordnetenversammlung zu Koln vom 12. Mai, 1910. Vorentwurf betreffend den Bau eines Kriippel- heims. Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 57-59. 673. State care of indigent crippled children. Abstract of paper by Dr. Arthur J. Gillette before the American Orthopedic Association, June 2, 1899. Medical Record, New York, 1899, LVI, 495. 674. Statistik der Kriippel in der evangelischen Bevolkerung des Konigsreichs Bayern r. d. Rheins. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VI, 72-73. 675. Statistik der Verkriippelten in der Provinz Westfalen. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VI, 68-69. 676. Statistik der Verkriippelten in der Rheinprovinz, 1902. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 34-41. 677. Statistik der verkriippelten Kinder in der Provinz Schle- sien im Jahre 1901-1902. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 46-49. and Care of Crippled Children 8i 678. Stellingen. (Activity of the Kruppelheim Alten-Eichen 1111909.) Zeitschriftftir Kriippelfiirsorge, U, 174. 679. Symposium: What shall we do with our cripples? Re- port of meeting of the section on orthopedic surgery of the New York Academy of Medicine. Discussion by DeForest Willard, W. Frank Persons, Charles H. Jaeger, P. T. Sherman, Virgil P. Gibney, Theodore C. Janeway, Miss Mary Perry, Dr. Augustus Thorndike, Charlton Wallace. Journal of American Medical Association, Chicago, 1909, LI I, 11 34-1 136. 680. The cripple and the maimed. (Note on address by Dr. R. Galeazzi on conditions in Italy.) Lancet, London, 1908, I, 1662-1663. 681. The crippled child. Editorial New York Medical Journal, i9ii,XCIV, 1339- Note on article in same issue by Douglas C. McMurtrie. 682. Trades— Special preparation for the teaching of trades. Charity Organization Review, London, N. S., XVI, 160- 163. 683. Verein Leopoldineum. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VI, 75. 684. Verein zur Hilfe und Unterstiitzung der Kruppel in Gothenburg. Gothenburg, 1897, Wald. Zachrissons Boktrykkeri. 685. Verkruppelte Bauernmadl. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiir- sorge, VII, 48-50. 82 Bibliography of the Education 686. Verordnung der sachsischen Regierung an die Kreis- und Amtshauptmannschaft. (Urging the support of the crippled in Saxony.) Zeitschrijt fiir Kriippelfilr- sorge, IV, 202-204. 687. Volmarstein. (Activity of the institutions for crippled children In that city.) Zeitschrijt fiir Kriippelfilrsorge, IV, 208-209. 688. Volmarstein I. W. (Fifth annual report of the cripples* home in that city.) Zeitschrift fiir Krilppelfiirsorge, II, 87. 689. Volmarstein. (On the annual report of the Johanna- Helenen-Heim for 1909.) Zeitschrift fiir KrUppelfiir- sorge, II, 314-315. 690. Von einem geschickten Hamburger Kropel, 1430. Jahr- buch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 50-51. 691. Waldenburg In Schlesien. (On the activity of the school for cripples in that city.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiir- sorge, II, 176. 692. Was alles aus verkriippelten Kindern werden kann. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 29-30. 693- Was konnen die Kolonien fiir Kriippel und Saufer tun? Arbeiter-Kolonie, Jahrgang V, 188, p. 71-74. 694. Was unsre Kriippel von der naturalistischen Weltan- schauung und ihrem "Fortschritt" zu erwarten haben. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IX, 66-68. and Care of Crippled Children 83 695- Weibliche Diakonie unci Kriippelfiirsorge. Der Armen u. Krankenfreund, Jahrg. 1909, p. 264. 696. Westdeutsche Heil-, Bildungs- und Werkstatte fiir Ver- kriippelte in Kreuznach. Kreuznach, 1903, Fr. Wohl- lebens Buchdruckerei. 697. What shall we do with our cripples? Medical Record, New York, 1901, LXXV, 780-782. 698. Wien, (Work of the Verein fiir Kriippelkinderfiirsorge in Vienna, 1910.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 211. 699. Wiesbaden. (On an address of Dr. Guradze, advocating the erection of a cripples' home in that city.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 43-44. 700. Wiesbaden. (On the projected erection of a cripples' home in that city.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 315-316. 701. Wiesbaden. (On the proposed establishment of a Verein fiir Kriippelfiirsorge.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 325- 702. Wiesbaden. (Opposition to a cripples' home in that city.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 214-215. 703- Wiesbaden-Frankfurt a. M. (On projected aid for cripples in the Province of Hesse-Nassau, and first meet- ing of the Verein fiir Kriippelfiirsorge.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, II, 90-93. 84 Bibliography of the Education 704. Westpreussen. (Annual session of the Westpreussischer Kriippelfiirsorgeverein.) Zeitschriftfiir KrUppelfiirsorge, I, 224. 705. Wolfshagen. (Activity of the home for cripples in that city.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelftirsorge, IV, 71. 706. Wolfshagen, (Progress on the cripples' home in that city.) Zeitschrift far Kriippelftirsorge, II, 84. 707. Wo liegt die Schuld? Blatter fiir das Armenwesen, 1902, p. 46. An article on the life of a cripple and the blame for the situa- tion. 708. Work among the cripples. (Mention of work in Man- chester by the Ancoats University Settlement.) Lancet, London, 1904, II, 1251. 709. Work of the Liverpool country hospital in the curative and educational treatment of crippled children. Lancet, London, 1907, II, 397. 710. Wormditt. (On the projected extension of the work of the Heilstatte St. Andreasberg to include cripples.) Zeitschrift fiir Kr iippelfiirsorge, II, 312. 711. Wort zu den Schulverhaltnissen der Verkriippelten in Alten-Eichen zu Stellingen, n. p., n. d. 712. Wiirzburg. (On the establishment of an association for the care of the crippled in Lower Franconia and Aschaf- fenburg.) Zeitschrift fiir Kr iippelfiirsorge, IV, 78. and Care of Crippled Children 85 713- Wiirzburg. (On the extension of state support to the care of crippled children.) Zeitschrijt fiir Kruppelfilr- sorge, III, 149. 714- Zahlkarte fiir das einzelne Kriippelkind. Zeitschrijt fiir Kriippelfiirsorge, III, 46-48. 715. Zell im Wiesental. (Work of the Luisenhof.) Zeit- schriftfilr Kriippelfiirsorge, I, 221-222. 716. Zurich. (On the final organization of a Swiss Associa- tion for the Care of Cripples.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippel- fiirsorge, II, 176. 717. Zurich. (Report of the activity of the Schweizerischer Verein fur kriippelhafte Kinder.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriip- pelfiirsorge, IV, 212. 718. Zur Kriippelfiirsorge in Italien. Jahrhuch der Kriippel- fiirsorge, VII, 51-52. 719. Zur Kriippelfiirsorge in der Schweiz. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, VII, 50. 720. Zur Statistik der Pfeiffer'schen Stiftungen in Cracau- Magdeburg. Jahrbuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, X, 97. 721. Zur Werkstatt-, Arbeits- und Tagesordnung in Nowawes. Jahrhuch der Kriippelfiirsorge, IV, 52. 86 Bibliography of the Education Zweite Kammer des sachsischen Landtages. (Trans- actions of the session of Feb. 4, 1909, regarding care of the crippled.) Zeitschrift filr Kriippelfilrsorge, II, 306- 308. 723. Zwei letzten Bauten in Nowawes. (Handwerkhaus und Kirche.) Jahrbuch der Krilppeljiirsorge, VI, 79. 724- Zwickau. (Annual session of the Verein fiir bildungs- fahige Kriippel for 1909.) Zeitschrift fiir Kriippelfilr- sorge, II, 84-85. and Care of Crippled Children 87 PART III ANALYTICAL INDEX T^HE section which follows contains references to -'■ the material already listed. The entries are indexed by subjects, geographically, and by proper names, either of authors or of persons mentioned in the titles or annotations. All the references are in a single list arranged in alphabetical order. By this means can be located all the literature bearing specifically on certain phases of our subject. Thus, for instance, under the heading "industrial training" will be found the various articles dealing with this feature of work. There will, however, be some mention of industrial training in almost every general article dealing with the care of crippled children. It is impos- sible, of course, to index all such mentions, but references will be found to the essential and significant material. In most instances articles are indexed under several subject headings. Special descriptions of local work are indexed geo- graphically, there being no references in this index to individual institutions. To locate the literature on the work of a certain institution, it will be necessary to look under its geographical classification. This may be in greater or less detail. Thus if there were a home for cripples in Trenton, N. J., reference to its work would be sought, first under Trenton, second under New Jersey, and third under United States. As a matter of fact some of the best descriptions of local institutions are to be found in general articles covering a wider field of state or national work. Bibliography of the Education For the foreign countries, descriptions of local work are indexed twice; once under the local heading, city or province; and second under the country. Thus a note on the work at Paris is indexed first under Paris and second under France. In the countries of Germany and England the refer- ences have been further subdivided according to whether the article was national or local in scope. Thus articles dealing with conditions throughout Germany are indexed under Germany; while articles referring to local work come under the sub-heading, Germany, local. Geographical classifications are indicated by italic type, thus: Chicago. The proper names either of authors of or persons mentioned in the titles or notes are set in capitals and small capitals, thus: Hoffa, A. It is hardly necessary to point out that no index will prove adequate for those entering upon extensive study of any special phases of work. Nothing but a complete search of the literature will reveal all the material on individual points of research. Altschul, T., 9. America, 189, 190, 198, 210, 214, 215, 216, 220. Aachen, 433 Aberle, R. v., I. Abrahams, 2. Adler, E. H., 3. Adult cripples, 146, 227, 238, 495- employment, 3. Agahd, K., 4, 5. Alcoholism, and deformity, 135- Allison, N., 6. Almy, p., 7. Alsberg, a., 8. Alton, 153, 393, 435, 436, 442, 488, 499. 500. individual institutions, 215, 216. Amyntor, G. v., II. Andrae, H., 12. Anger burg, 440, 441. Appeal, 311, 392. Appliances, orthopedic, 427, 428. Apprenticeship, 44. Arends, 10. Arnhem, 162. Arnstadt, 592, 615: and Care of Crippled Children 89 Artist, armless, 434. crippled, 247, 419. SCHWEICKER, 86. without arms, 396, 477. Angerburg, 440, 441. Austria-Hungary, i, 306, 568, 665, 683, 698. AVERDIECK, E., 528. Bade, P., 13, 14, 15, 16. Badin, p. v., 276, 447, 448, 449. 450, 451, 578, 587- Baltimore, 557. Barcelona, 452. Barnes, Mrs. H. B., ix. B ARTELS, 17. Bavaria, 305, 454, 455, 456, 579- statistics, 674. Belfast, 459, 502. Belgium, 147, 460, 667. Belin, 18, Belles lettres, cripples in, 157. Berck-Plage, 98. Berck-sur-Mer, 52, 221, 242, 558. Berlin, 461, 462, 463, 526, 614. Berthgld, K. F., 419. Beuthen, 364, 464, 570. Beyer, T., 19. Bibliographical style, xi. Bibliography, 31, 137, 243, 652. America, 215, 216. Denmark, 218. orthopedic, 134. pedagogy, 64. BiESALSKi, K., ix, 20,21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34- Bielefeld, 465. Birmingham, (Eng.), 439, 466, 485,495,496,497,658. Bischofswerder, 354, 374. Blankenburg, 192, 443. Blencke, a., 35, 134. Bliss, C. A., ix. BODINE, W. L., 36. Bohemia, 9, 77, 511. Bohnert, 37. BosT, J., 63, 566. Bologna, 241, BoRCH, L., 39. BORCHARDT, L., 40. Boston, 621. BOULENGER, 185. BOURILLON, 41. BowDiTCH, A. M,, 42. boodstein, o., 38. Brace, C. L., 43. Bradby, M. K., 44. Brandt, M. G. W., 45. Braun, 46. Braunschweig, 468, 582. statistics, 595. Breslau, 470. Buck, M. McC, 47. Buttner, D. J. S., 48. Du Camp, M., 49, Campagnole, E., 50. Capacity of the crippled, 143. Care, general, 11, 130, 138, 139, 140, 142, 144, 151, 90 Bibliography of the Education Care, general, 152, 183, 184, 194, 207, 211, 212, 213, 240, 254, 256, 257, 258, 259, 264, 272, 282, 284, 299, 331, 333. 334. 359. 361, 365. 366, 367. 368, 369. 370, 377. 380, 387. 388, 400, 405, 408, 472, 487, 488, 537. 598, 638. methods, 345, 346, 407, 516, 679, 593. 697- results,255,336,4i 7,421, 692. Carmine, P., 51. Carstens, C. C, 146. Ca55e/, 8,475,569. Catechism, 411. Catholic care, 129, 160, 505, 530. Causes of crippling, 476. Chailey, 155, 554. Charier oi, 147, 667. Chauffard, 52. Chicago, 36, 198, 556, 623. Child labor, 4. Christiana, 287. Christmas hampers, 478, 479, 480, 489. Classification, of children, 390. Claxton, L., 53. Clerkenwell, 481. Climes for cripples, 266. CoDiviLLA, A., 54. Cologne, 75, 573. 574. 672. Conference of German insti- tutions, 328, 329, 347, 363. 413. 534. Conference on invalid chil- dren, 542. Congress of orthopedic sur- gery, 472, 669. Convalescent care, 178, 471. Cooperation, German Verei- nigung fiir Kriippelfiir- sorge, 512. Copenhage?i, 103, 141, 163, 180, 218, 236, 246, 260, 663. Corrective gymnastics, 114, 177. Costs of care, 292, 349. COTTING, F. J., 45. COURTAULT, A., 56. Cracau, 397, 482, 543, 720. Craftsmanship, 383. Cramer, C, 57. Criminology, 360, 406. Cripple, definition, 32. Crutches, appeal for, 503. CuRTius, 58, czarnomska, i., 59, 60. Dalhoff, N., 61, 62, D ALTON, 63. Danzig, 504, 505, 506. Darmstadt, 507, 508. Day schools, 43, 53, 78, 80, 81, 105, 106, 107, 108, 193. 195. 196, 198. 200. Definition, cripple, 32. Delitsch, J., 64, 65. Denmark, 2, 41, 103, 141, 163, 168, 180, 218, 246, 260, 270, 332, 663. and Care of Crippled Children 91 Denzer, H., 66, 67, 68. Dependent children, confer- ence, 484. Deutschlander, C, 69, 70, 71,72. Dietrich, 73. DipPOLD, T., 74. Dormagen, 75. 'Dorothy's idea,' 196. Dresden, 352, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521. Dreyfus, J. M., 76. Driving fund, 76. DucoRNET, C, 396. Eckstein, G., 77. Edson, a. W., 78. Education, 27, 93, 128, 131, 197, 198, 209, 233, 235, 268, 269, 416, 431. America, 220. in homes, 83. methods, 5, 13, 64, 65. Educational cards, 714. Ehrhard, J., 79. Elmslie, R. C, 80, 81. Employment, 3, 42, 143, 146, 227, 228, 238, 278, 382, 598, 599. 640. England, 195, 348. England, local, 153, 155, 373, 374, 384, 385, 388, 393, 426, 435, 436, 439, 442, 466, 478, 479, 480, 481, 488, 489, 490, 491, 493, 495, 496. 497, 499, 5oo, 501, 523, 529, 554, 555, England, local, 600, 605, 612, 658, 664, 708, 709. public schools, 195. Erhard, J., 82, 83. Ernst, 84. Escher, M., 45. Eugenia, Princess, 649. Europe, care, 156. EwALD, P., 85. Exhibit of industrial work, 231. Falk, J., 565. Felsing, O., 86. Felu, C, 477. Finland, 371, 372. Fish, J. E., 87. Fiske, J. P., 88. Fleischer, A., ix, 89, 90. Fleischer, N., ix, 89. Fliedner, K. p., 91. France, 49, 50, 52, 63, 94, 125, 158, 221, 242, 276, 304, 324, 330, 337, 538, 539, 558, 566, 590. Franke, K. p., 92. Frohlich, I., 317. FucHS, A., 93. Fulda, 532, 533. Garnier, a., 94. Gaugele, K., 95, 96, 97. Gausseron, B.-H., 98. Gauvain, H. J., 399, 93. Germany, 19, 23, 31, 33, 71, 110,294,321,342. Q2 Bibliography of the Education Germany, local, 8,9,10,15,16, Germany, local, 69, 72, 77, 82, 95, 96, 97, 711, 712, 713, 715, 720, 136, 137, 192, 234, 236, 721, 722, 723, 724. 245, 273, 274, 279, 302, medical statistics, 14. 303. 305. 312, 313. 316, state care, 524. 318, 319, 325, 341, 352, statistic?, 29, 31, 339, 340, 353. 354. 355. 358, 364, 474, 515, 595, 674, 675. 376, 379. 381, 383, 395. GiBNEY, V. P., 679. 397, 402, 403, 410, 429, Gillette, A. J., 100, loi, 102. 430. 433. 438, 440, 441. Glasgow, ^22. 443, 444, 445, 447, 448, Gleiss, 103. 449, 451, 453, 454. 455, GocHT, H., 104. 456, 457, 458, 461, 462, Goldsmith, E. M., 105, 106, 463, 464, 465, 468, 470, 107, 108. 473. 475. 482, 504. 505. Gothenburg, 684. 506, 507. 508, 509. 511, GottsTEiN, J. F., 109, no 517. 518. 519. 520, 521, 111,112. 525. 526, 532, 533. 535. Gresgen, 544. 536, 540, 543. 544. 545. Grineizen, B. F., 113. 546, 547. 549. 550, 551. Gruss, 114. 552, 553. 562, 563, 569, GuNTHER, L., 115. 570, 571. 572, 573. 574. GuTTSTADT,A.,ii6. 575. 576, 578, 579. 582, 583. 584. 585. 587. 588, Haglund, p., 117, 118. 589. 591. 592, 593. 594, Halle, 545, 546, 547. 596, 597. 601, 602, 603, Hamburg, 69, 72. 604, 606, 607, 608, 609, Handicapped, the, 548. 610, 611, 614, 615, 616, Hanover, 10, 15, 16, 274, 383, 618, 619, 622, 627, 629, 453, 549, 550, 551, 552, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 588, 596. 635, 641, 642, 643, 644, Hansen, P. C., 119, 120, 121, 645, 646, 647, 648, 653, 122, 123. 654. 655, 656, 657, 659, Hart, H. H., ix. 660, 661, 662, 672, 678, Haskins, J. A., 124. 686, 687, 688, 689, 691, d'Haussonville, O., 125. 696, 699, 700, 701, 702, Haward, W., 126, 127. 703, 704, 705, 706, 710, Heidelberg, 553. and Care of Crippled Children 93 Heine, O., 128, 129. Helsingfors, 372. Henderson, C. R., 130. Hennegau, 460. Hesse- Nassau, 583. HiBBS, R. A., 131. History, 90, 158, 209, 295, 690. Denmark, 218. Hamburg, 72, Hodge, E. B., Jr., 132. HoFFA, A., 133, 134, 437, 541. Holland, 161, 162, 323. Homes, 200, 315. HOPPE, T., 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 338. Hungary, i, 306. HUNZINGER, 142. Hygiene of institutions, 301. Indianapolis, 559. Industrial schools, 290. Scandinavia, 248. Industrial training, 3, 38, 39, 44. 47. 56, 59, 60, 66, 67, 68, 120, 121, 147, 154, 205, 232, 236, 253, 267, 278, 322, 384, 467, 469, 483. 554. 565, 599. 682. for girls, 498. Scandinavia, 248, Inner Mission, 91, 398, 399. International exposition, 560, 561. Ireland, 459, 502. Irwin, C, 143. Italy, 51, 54, 217, 241, 271, 680, 718. Itinerancy, 577. Jacobs, W., 144, 145. Jacoby, D., ix. Jaeger, C. H., 679. Janeway, T. C, 146, 679. Jeanbrau, E., 147. Jewelry work, 469, 564, 'Jimmy's fight for indepen- dence,' 203. JOACHIMSTHAL, G., I48, 650, Johanniterin, letter of, 12. Johnson, S., 149. Johnston, W. A., 150. Kagi, 151. Karig, 152. Kassel, see Cassel. Katz, 153. Kiel, 571. KiMMiNs, C. VV., 154, 155. Kirmsse, M., 156, 157, 158. KiRSCH, 159. Klein, 160. Knottnerus, A. M., 161, 162. Knudsen, H., 61, 62, 92, 103, 104. Koefoed, 163. KCNIG, p., 21, 31. Konigberg, 575. Krabbe, J., 164. Kreuznach, 279, 622, 696. Krukenberg, H., 165, 166. Kruse, F., 167. Kyrle, 600. 94 Bibliography of the Education Laforce, 566. Lange, C, 168. Lange, F., 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175. LeBreton, p., 176. Legislation, 451, 455, 456, 5i4» 53i» 578, 579, 582, 585, 643, 646, 647, 648, 661, 682, 722. Legislative index, 626. Leipzig, 273, 602. Leonhard, 177. LeRoy, S. H., 178. Letchworth, W. p., 179. Levy, S., 180. Lewandowski, a., 181, 182, Liegnitz, 603. LiESE, W., 183. Lindheim, a. v., 184. Literature, cripples in, 187. on work of school physi- cians, 181. Little, E. M., 185. Little, M., 185. Liverpool, 493, 605, 709. London, 126, 127, 478, 479, 480, 489, 501. LORENZ, A., 186. Lottery, 350. Love, J., 187. LovETT, R. W., ix, 189, 190. Lowenstein, E., 188. Lilheck, 606, 607. Ludwigsburg, 302, 589. LuppE., S., 191. LUTZE, 192. McMuRTRiE, D. C, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 498, 681. Magdeburg, 341, 608, 609, 610, 611. Mahoney, S., 230. Manchester, 373, 388, 490, 491, 523, 555, 612, 664, 708. Mannhardt, H., 231, 232. Manufacture of cripples, 613. Marcus, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237- Mark, C. H., 238. Marklissa, 616. Marshall, S. G.,3. Martin, H., 239. Mecklenburg, 164. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, statis- tics, 245. Meister, 240. Mentality, 40. Menti, 241, Merrill, W. J., 189. Mesureur, a., 242. Minnesota, 277, 492. Muensterberg, E., 244. MULLER, 245. Munich, 82, 313, 444, 445, 604, 618. Miinster, i. W., 358. and Care of Crippled Children 95 MUSKAT, 246. Mylius, O., 247. Namslau, 525, 619. National conference of chari- ties and correction, 620. Natvig, R., 248, 249, 250. Needlework, 385, 498. Need of care, 222, 223, 224, 285. New Jersey, 219. New York City, 53, 76, 88, 108, 179, 193, 196, 198, 201, 203, 212, 226, 369, 469, 486, 624, 625. Nieder-Ramstadt, 627. Non-residential system, 43, 53, 78, 80, 81, 193, 196, 197, 198, 201, 203, 225, 266. Norderney, 629, 630. North Sea Islands, for tuber- cular cripples. Norway, 41, 249, 250, 287, 332. Nowawes, 136, 137, 572, 593, 631, 721, 723. Nuremberg, 457, 632, 633, 634, 635- Nursing, 193, 196, 199, 203. Oldenburg, 355. Operating table, 15. Organization, of care, 237, 244. of work, 34. Organized charity, 17. Orr, H. W., 251, 252. Orthopedics, 6, 280, 288, 289, 424. gymnastics, 114, 177. relations with care, 174, 175, 208. relations with education, 13, 171, 394. relations with religion, 375. relations with social care, 21. and state care, 415. Orthopedic science, develop- ment, 104, Pabst, a., 253. Pantaleoni, 241. Panum, p., ix, 254, 255, 256 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266. Paris, 49, 125, 158, 324, 330, 337. 590. Pastur, p., ix. Pedagogy, 197, 431, 694. Pennsylvania, 204. Permanent betterment, 226. Perry, M., 679. Personal experiences, 173, 281 . Persons, W. F., 679. Petersen, J., 267, 268, 269, 270. Petri, 142. Pfeiffer, G. a., 341. Philadelphia, 132, 423, 425, 639- Philanthropy, 17, 286, 344, 378, 422, 510. 96 Bibliography of the Education Physically deficient child, 87. Physical training, 35, 114, 386. PiNi, G., 271. Platt, W. B., 272. xy Play and games, 35. Plea for crippled children, 105. Pleschen, 642, Pomerania, 643. Portland, Me., 391. Pottery work, 384. Posen, 234, 236, 384, 535, 644, 645- Possibilities of crippled chil- dren, 229. Prager, H., 273, Principles of care, 133, 170, 208, 212, 297. work, 20, 24, 31, 70. Printing, for the blind, 467. Progress, in care, 412. Prophylaxis, 159, 169, 188, 296. Prussia, 628, 646, 647, 648. Publicity, 335. Public clinic for cripples, 651. schools, 418. support, 73, loi, 102, 119, 124, 172, 414, 415, 524. Redard, p., 276. Reeves, E., ix, 277. Reich, P., 278, 279. Reichardt, E., 280, 281, 282. Reiche, a., 283. Rein6, R., 284. Relief, 7. Religion and care, 314. Residential system, iii, 165, 166, 263, 298, 389, 409, 527, 668. Reutlingen, 235. Rhine District, statistics, 676. RiDLON, J., 285. Riecke, R., 286. Riemarsch, O., 287. Rollier, 288, 289. Roosevelt, T., 484. Rosenfeld, ix, 31, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301. Rostock, 303, 430, 601, 653, 654- Rothenburg, 381, 655, 656. RoTT, G., 302, 303. ROUBINOVITCH, J., 304, 305, 306. Rural conditions, 685. Russia, 59, 60. Quietmeyer, K. H., 274. Rachitics, care of, Italy, 217. Rachitis, 617. Radnor Park, Md., 557. Ramsay, E. de, 275. Rantzau, J. v., 567. V. Saldern, T., 307, 308, 309- Sasse, 310. Saxony, 353, 410, 458, 584, 585. 597. 659, 660, 661, 686, 722. statistics, 403. and Care of Crippled Children 97 Scandinavia, see Denmark, Norway and Sweden. ScHAFER, D. T., ix, 85, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323. 324, 325, 326, 327. 328, 329. 330. 331. 332, 333. 334, 335, 336, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348. ScHANZ, A., 349, 350, 351, 352, 353- SCHEFFEN, 354. SCHLAEGER, 355. SCHLEE, 31, 356. SCHLICHTHORST, 357. SCHMEDDING, 358. Schmidt, P., 359. SCHNEICKERT, H., 360. Schools, 27, 207, 300, 432, 670. Denmark, 270. School physicians, 181, 182. Scotland, 522. SCHULTHESS, W., 362. SCHWEICKER, T., 86, 420. SCHWERDTMANN, 363. Seaside institutions, 52, 94, 98, 187, 221, 242. Seiffert, 364. Shaffer, N. M., 365, 366, 367, 368, 369. Sherman, P. T., 679. SlEBENHAAR, 370. Siepen, a., 434. SlEVERS, R., 371, 372. Silesia, 395, 402, 525. statistics, 677. Smith, L. C, 373. Smith, N. A., 374. Sociology, 6, 37, 116,351,707. SoMMER, 375, 376, 377. Spain, 452. Special schools, need for, 176. St. Paid, 492. St. Petersburg, 59, 60. State care, loi, 102, 124, 172, 204, 219, 223, 230, 251, 252, 277, 293, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369. 524, 571, 637, 671, 673. Statistics, 31. Bavaria, 291, 674. Braunschweig, 595 Germany, 29, 31, 339, 340, 474,515- of institutions, 295. Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 245. medical, in German insti- tutions, 14. Rhine District, 676. Saxony, 403. Silesia, 677. Sweden, 117. value of, 22, 28. Westphalia, 675. Status of work, 318. Steffen, 379. Steiermark, 429. Stellingen, 312, 319, 438, 509,562,563,678,711. Stern, W. G., 380. Stock, T., 381. 98 Bibliography of the Education Stockholm, 649. Stowe, L. B., 382, Strecker, p., 383. Stuttgart, 235, 662. Sweden, 41, 332, 649, 684. statistics, 117. Switzerland, 239, 342, 362, 446, 5i3» 586, 666, 716, 717, 719. Sutherland, Duchess of, 384. Tailor shop, illustration, 589. Tancred, 385. Taylor, H. L., 386. Taylor, R. T., 387. TCHARNOMSKAIA, I., 59, 6o. Teacher, the cripple as, 320. Telford, E. D., 389. Thomas, C. J., 390. Thorndike, a., 679. Thorne, Van Buren, 391. ToMPKiNSON, R. C, 392. Trade training, see industrial training. Transportation, 193, 196, 203. Treloar, Sir W. P., 153, 393- Treysa, 576. Trumpp, H., 169. Truper, J., 394. Tubercular cases, 356. Tubercular cripples, care in Paris, 158. treatment, 99. Tuberculosis, 283, 288, 289, 356. Ulbrich, Fr,, 395. Ulbrich, M., 142, 396, 397, 398, 399> 400, 401, 402 403, 404, 405, 636. United States, see America. Veesenmayer, 406. Vienna, 568, 665, 698. Visiting nursing, 193, 196, 199, 203. Volmarstein, 594, 687, 688, 689. VuLPius, O., 407, 408, 409. Wagner, P., 410, 411, 412, 413. Wahl, K., 414, 415. Waldenburg, 691. Wallace, C, 416, 679. Walter, K. A., 417. Weigl, F., 418. Westphalia, 536. statistics, 675. West Prussia, 704. Wiesbaden, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703. Wilhelmi, H., 419, 420, 421, 422. Willard, de F., 423, 424, 425, 679. Windsor, A. E., 426. Wittek, a., 427, 428, 429. Wolfshagen, 705, 706. Women, care by, 695. Workmen's compensation, 50, 56, 147- World, care throughout, 295. and Care of Crippled Children 99 Wormditt, 710. Zobel, E., 430. Wiirttemhurg, 316, 325. Zollinger, F., 432. Wurzburg, 712, 713. Zurich, 513, 713, 717. Zwickau, 591, 641, 724. Zell, i. W., 715. Zwickau- Marienihal, 95, 96, ZiMMER, H., 431. 97. MEMORANDA THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below 5 194S r,i7Vf B '^^^^ ^■^ ' DEC? 1950' DEC B 1959 «W^,N LOAN 0£=K DEC U 196|l Form 1,-9 lOm-3, '30(7752) P.M. tmifERSITT OF CALIFOB AT i ^7^4 lvi r'.]vinr•^■>•^'=>- M22b Bibliography, .£^ Z 5704 M22b 3 1158 00906 S UC SOUTHFRN REGIONAL LIBRARY FAC AA 000 971 734 t MM MJ ■M. Iff M II a m M m $s * vK W- ■■^' J*" S* <»9 J>f, .1' J--- i', 'r \ ,»*. 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