SUBJECT HEADINGS JWENILE CATALOGS MARGARET MANN SUBJECT HEADINGS FOR USE IN DICTIONARY CATALOGS 0/ JUVENILE BOOKS Margaret Mann AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION PUBLISHING BOARD CHICAGO 1916 Copyright, 1916 BY American Library Association Publishing Board t^°^ CONTENTS Page Preface V The catalog of juvenile books 1 General — Some suggestions for handling subjects: The use of simple terms, The use of definite and specific terms, The grouping of material by form and special use, The minute analysis of books — Cooperation in work. SUBJECTS Stories 8 Traditional stories: Myths, Legends, Sagas, Fairy tales, Fables — Stories with subject value. Poetry. Holidays .- 15 Collections — Poems by one author — Poems on a defi- nite subject — Readers and speakers — Holidays — Ballads — Folk songs — Songs — Nursery rhymes. Amusements 16 Occupations for children — Scientific recreations — Sports — Athletics — Physical education — Games — Plays — Drama. Science. Useful arts 18 General — Natural history — Botany and Zoology — Plants and Animals — Flowers — Nature — Industries — Manufactures — Handicraft — Manual training — Carpentry. Biography. History. Geography 20 Collective biography — Individual biography — Heroes and heroism — History — North America — United States — The West — Frontier life — Northwest Territory — Wars — Battles — Explorers — Voyages — Travel — Manners and customs — Geography. LIST OF HEADINGS Introduction 27 Form divisions — Subdivision under place — Place ver- sus subject entry — References — Personal names — Page references. Headings 30 iii 3286:^'^ PREFACE THIS list of subject headings has been compiled primarily for use in cataloging juvenile books. It is offered as a less ex- haustive and less expensive guide than that so admirably pre- pared for the A. L. A. by Miss Briggs. The subjects and references are those used in the dictionary catalog of juvenile books in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, but the style and form have been made consistent vv^ith the A. L. A. list, thus allowing additions to be taken from that volume w^ithout loss of uniformity. While there has been no attempt made to supply an exhaustive Hst of subjects for use in any other than the juvenile catalog, it is hoped that the headings here included may be found helpfuffor cataloging most school libraries and that they w^ill furnish many suggestions in the selection of minute headings for the small pub- lic library, vv^here it is often found necessary to do extensive analy- tical work. A first attempt has been made to formulate some principles which shall assist in the choice of subject headings. This is pos- sible when considering subjects for a catalog of juvenile books, because a sma-ll collection is being handled, which is limited to one class of readers. I wish to make acknowledgment to Miss Elva S. Smith, who has developed this list of headings and who has given me valuable assistance in my attempt to correlate the work of the cataloger and the children's librarian. Her knowledge of children's literature and the results of her experience in cataloging juvenile books have been generously shared with me. December, 1915. Maro-aret Mann. ^THE CATALOG OF JUVENILE BOOKS IN MAKING a catalog of juvenile books it is necessary to put into it a combination of the technique of cataloging and a knowl- edge of literature as it is written for children. The books have been written in a special style to make them interesting and instructive to young people; they are made up of chapters which interest and hold by their brevity and simplicity; there is often no attempt made to give a continuous narrative, and subjects are never treated in an exhaustive way as they are in the books for older readers. The classics are retold, and mythology and folklore are not presented as subjects of religion and customs, but rather as stories which are used to introduce the child to litera- ture. It is. not the subject matter which differs, but rather the way it is treated, both as to content and style, which brings a dif- ferent phase of work into the making of a catalog for children. Stories must be studied both for their literary and their sub- ject value so that the catalog may show what the child is unable to- find for himself because of his limited knowledge. We must bear in mind the fact that children have no background of experience, that they are unfamiliar with even the terms and expressions com- monly known and used by adult readers and that they are unable to classify material for themselves. Their catalog must therefore be much more an instrument of instruction than is the catalog for adult readers, by showing them howsubjects are related. It must index chapters in their books which they have no way of finding, and lead them to stories which will tell them about Napoleon, Roland, Iceland, Indians and any other subjects which are not brought out by the classification of books on the shelves. We must study their needs as well as their books so that the catalog will come v>^ithin the range of their understanding and answer their demands. Our problem is therefore to make a catalog which shall be so simple that we can explain it to children and have them under- stand it ; so full that it will answer not only the demands of chil- dren, but those of teachers and assistants as well, and so uniform with other library guides that the child can pass from the use of one to the other without confusion. Those who select the books in a library do so with some defi- nite aim in mind — that of supplying a definite want or of pro- 1 vidiiig ior'a'p'rof)abft need. The cataloger must work with a sim- ilar purpose in mind — that of makinfj the catalog show that this need has been supplied. Otherwise she is not properly cooperating with those who are making the selection. If Gatty's "Parables from nature" is used for the purpose of giving the children good material on ethical topics and the cataloger does not emphasize these, the full value of this book has not been disclosed, because the catalog fails to express the essential purpose for which the book was selected. If the responsibility of arranging correctly the juvenile liter- ature and making it available rests with the cataloger, she should have a knowledge of the special use made of the various forms of literature b}^ those who work with children. She must know the various forms of stories and what emphasis is given them, she must know their value as supplementary reading and must know how to group them properly so that they may be used as stepping- stones to literature. Legends and myths must be defined, and fairy tales, sagas and fables must be grouped under their correct headings. The reader must not be confused by having material listed under subjects on which the book has no direct bearing. In some of the outdoor books, for example, we find Boy scouts intro- duced to lure the boys to read special titles, and one is tempted to enter these books under the heading Boy scouts, but as a matter of fact the}^ are on camping, cycling, etc., and although they may be of interest to the Boy scouts, they do not contribute to their movement in any way or tell an3^thing about their organization. This heading should be reserved for the book about the Society, official handbooks, etc. Nearly all the books on outdoor sports are of interest to the Scouts and an interesting reading list could be compiled for their use, but the subject of a book and its purpose are often very different. In order to have the catalog supplement the school work, the cataloger must become familiar with the school curriculum. This she may do by making a study of the school program or by learning of the school needs through the children's librarian. The needs which come through this channel should be anticipated and met even before the actual demand must be answered, as there is lit- tle time to collect material after a whole class of children descend upon the assistant for some minute subject. 1/ SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR HANDLING SUBJECTS In considering the best ways of making the catalog answer the demands put upon it, the following points are suggested as 2 requiring the attention of every cataloger who must handle books for young people: (1) the use of simple terms; (2) the use of defi- nite and specific terms: (3) the grouping of material by form and special use, as Myths, Plays, Dramatic readers, etc.; (4) the mi- nute analysis of books. ^ (1) Use of simple terms. Having decided upon the subject of a book the next step is to choose the term which shall best express this subject. Simplicity should be the watchword in all catalogs of a public library, therefore it should not be found very difficult to make the adult and juvenile catalogs uniform in this respect. The style and content of books for children naturally lead one to select a simple word; for example, a book on candy making for children does not discuss the other forms of confec- tionery, so one is not tempted to use that heading merely because it is used in the adult catalog, but the book is put under the head- ing Candy without further consideration. A book on flowers which does not discuss the classification of plants does not war- rant the heading Botany, so one is not led to adopt the scientific term. Textile fabrics in the adult catalog should be replaced by Cloth in the juvenile catalog, because the first term is not the com- mon one. Care should be exercised in our endeavor to simplify that we do not make the mistake of "talking down" to the children. It is not necessary, for example, to use Bunnies for a book on rabbits, or Bugs for a book on insects. Standards should not be sacrificed for simplicity. Many headings cannot be simplified; for example, a book for children on Mines and mining must be given the same heading as that used in the adult catalog for a book on the same subject, because there is no simpler expression. Taxidermy may be a dif- ficult term for a child, but here again w^e have no other word which expresses the same thing; Stufi^ed animals. Mounted animals, etc., are terms a child might use, but they are phrases which should not be introduced into a catalog. The child old enough to make use of this heading should learn the correct term. ^(2) Definite and specific terms. Definite subjects should not be covered up by larger and more inclusive subjects; while this is a repetition of an old rule, it deserves special emphasis when making a catalog of juvenile books. A book on Parties should be entered under Parties and not included under the heading Amuse- ments or Entertainments. The child cannot classify material nor does he want all kinds of amusements when he is looking for Parties. "American boys' handybook" and other books of like character require an inclusive headin^-, but the inclusive heading should be reserved only for this kind of material and not used to cover any one branch or sul)division of a subject. There are a few subjects which include divisions so small thai it is quite improbable that they will be discussed separately. For example, S]nces would best be used as a heading for books treat- ii^of the various spices, as one would seldom or never have ma- te^ril on cinnamon, cloves, etc., alone. References may be made if necessary from the various spices treated in the books entered luider the general heading. ^ (3) Group headings. Any group headings which can be assigned by the cataloger as the volumes pass through her hands are warranted because again the children have not the knowledge to classify the material for themselves, and the teachers and as- sistants cannot stop at a busy time to collect books which are needed by a number of children at one time. These group head- ings are those which bring together the collections of a special form of literature, such as Poetry, Plays, Legends, etc. Many headings which appear as subjects in the adult catalog become form or group headings when used in the catalog for children. While the adult reader studies Mythology and Folklore, the child reads Myths and Fairy tales. It is true that some of the group headings in a measure dupli- cate the arrangement of the books on the shelves, but are the books always on the shelves? A teacher or an assistant who is preparing a special reading list or getting together material for a special class of children does not want only the material which is on the shelves today; she must have access to the entire resources of her collection and there is no way of getting this except through the catalog. The shelf list may answer in some cases, but this record does not list all of the material; for example, when a book con- sists of a series of chapters devoted to miscellaneous topics, the class number can only call attention to the broad subject and can give no indication of the topics covered by the various chapters. Aside from those headings which group books to show their literary form, we may have those which collect books for a definite purpose. Such group headings as Civic readers, Dramatic readers, etc., often assist the teacher and may be introduced for her use. She comes to the children's room, not to study the history of education or school management, but rather to collect illustrative material which can be given or read to children and which she de- 4 sires to use in order to emphasize some point in an educational scheme. The catalog can show the educational value of the ma- terial in the collection by bringing together the readers and primers which have. been written for a definite purpose, thus giving the teacher and the assistants a cjuick reference to material needed for supplementary reading. These group headings should be chosen with great care and should be adopted only in response to a defi- nite demand. Close touch with the teachers and assistants is nec- essary when introducing such entries. Specific events are better entered under the names by which they are commonly known than as subdivisions of a larger sub- ject. The mature mind looks upon history, for example, as a con- tinuous series of connected events, but the child does not look upon these events as belonging to the whole scheme of history; he knows them rather as distinct incidents and independent of those events which come before and those which follow. The Civil war is not read and studied as a connecting link in the history of the United States, but as one definite event. The cataloger would best de- viate from the generally accepted plan here of entering under United States — History — Civil war, and use the heading which will most often occur to the child, v/hich is Civil war. This is better than to present him with the whole scheme of United States his- tory and let him grope about in an effort to find the one period he is seeking. ^ (4) Analysis of books. "The analysis of books of composite authorship or treating of a variety of topics is a problem demand- ing the continual exercise of discretion. Whether to make 'ana- lytical' or to let the main entry stand for the work without further note must be determined by each librarian with the needs of his own constituency in view. A special library may need to make analytical entries that amount to indexing the chapters of a book." Bishop. "Modern library cataloging." The. children's room may be considered a special library in the sense that it is made up of books written in a special style and for a special class of readers. A juvenile collection is usually made up of comparatively few titles and it is therefore necessary to make the most of these few by anah^zing each one. As has already been pointed out, these books are of a composite nature, they treat of many minute subjects all of which may have some bearing on a larger subject, but which, because of their elementary treatment stand out as well defined units. Such books cannot be covered by one or two general headings; each chapter must be analyzed if S the varied information is to be made available, and the catalog nnist become in a measure an index to juvenile material. If broad headings only were used, the child would be deprived of access to much of the material he wanted, because he would not know the name of the large division. Few boys, for example, would know that an account of the Spinning top could be found in a work classed under Mechanics, and Lang's "Red book of heroes" will not give its full return unless we call attention to the persons included, under their own names. The library assistant, even though she makes a most careful study of the books in her collection, cannot always recall im- mediately the needed chapter. She cannot know just which geo- graphical reader will give her information about the Eskimo, or what nature book has a chapter on Fireflies, and subjects are often wanted not to supply the needs of one reader, but rather to meet the demands of a whole class. These requests come from a class of readers who must have personal help, the assistant must preserve order while giving information and for this reason, if for no other, there should be as many short cuts as possible to which she may turn for help. The extent to which this analysis should be carried is a ques- tion which each library must decide. There is certainly danger in carrying it to an extreme, and it is always unwise to duplicate work already done; for example, one would not be warranted in repeating the information given in Granger's "Index to poetry," or in again listing the Fairy tales indexed by the Boston Public Library. The first cost of doing extensive analytical work seems large, but when we consider that it is done but once and that this informa- tion is put into a permanent record where it may be consulted with- out further effort, the question of expense becomes somewhat min- imized. The most economical way to do analytical cataloging is to make one card and duplicate it as many times as is nejpessary to furnish a card for each heading needed. It is certainly too expensive to analyze a collection of any great size in any other way and some simple devices for duplication are usually avail- able to even the small library. The least expensive method is probably the use of the hectograph ; by this process cards are writ- ten with hectograph ink and multiplied on the gelatin pad. Those libraries using the multigraph or other means of printing would of course be able to do the work with little expense.* *See chapter on "Copying" in Bishop. "Modern library cataloging," p. 105-108. 6 The following illustrations will serve to show how the ana- lytical entries may be indicated on the unit card: Mines and mining. See p. 139-155 of Price, Overton Westfeldt. j 351.711 P94 The land we live in; the bo^'s' book of conservation, with a fore- word by Giflford Pinchot. 1911. Small. About the use and the waste of America's forests, lands, waters and minerals, telling what conservation is and why it is necessary. Many beautiful illustrations from photographs. Nightingale, Florence Lang, Mrs Leonora Blanche. j920 L23 Red book of heroes; ed. by Andrew Lang. 1909. Longmans. Contents: The lady-in-chief [Florence Nightingale], — Prisoners and captives [John Howard] . — Hannibal. — The apostle of the lepers [Father Damienl. — The constant prince [Ferdinand of Portugal]. — The marquis of Montrose. — A child's hero [Henry Havelock]. — Conscience or king? [Sir Thomas More]. — The little abbess [Angelique Arnauld]. — Gordon. — The crime of Theodosius. — Palissy the potter. COOPERATION IN WORK Cooperation between the Catalog department and all other departments of the library is essential if the catalog is to reflect the combined knowledge of the staff and meet the needs of all who use it. Catalogers are sometimes too much disposed to dwell upon technique and to show too little willingness to understand and use the information possessed by their co-workers. One should never be so enveloped in detail and system as to be unable to take a broad view of her held, nor should technique be allowed to thwart us in the making of a plastic and growing catalog. Much time and at- tention may well be given to the subject side of the work, for it is this side of the catalog which best represents the resources of the collection we are cataloging, and it is to this subject side that the inquirer most often turns. Authors, titles, editors and translators must all be represented, but these entries answer the question al- ready in the mind of the reader when he enters the library. The subjects lead him into unknown fields and disclose new avenues of interest. No cataloger should be so addicted to routine and rule that she cannot listen to and accept recommendations for the improve- ment and usefulness of the catalog. She should not refuse to add subjects and references required by some unusual demand; on the other hand, the department making these requests should not dictate just what form these subjects and references should take. Let each do her part and the part in which she has specialized. Children's librarians are not always qualified to be good cata- log'ers, nor are catalogers always able to take the place of children's librarians, but by a free exchange of ideas and an under- standing of the needs of each branch of the work the desired results may be obtained. "Rapidity and ease of consultation will be secured only by most careful planning. There are certain decisions which must be made by every librarian beginning or revising a catalog of sub- jects. Once taken, these decisions must be adhered to, while a change once decided on must be carried out root and branch. . . Careful planning, then, is half the battle. It matters little, from one point of view, what the decision is. The important thing is to have a conscious policy and stick to it." Bishop. "Modern library cataloging." SUBJECTS The need has been felt for some standard on which to base the selection of subjects so that every librarian may have some definite formula on which future work may be based. In an attempt to define terms, show the scope of various head- ings and emphasize their use in library practice, I have chosen only those subjects which may have several meanings and those which recjuire some explanation in order to show definitely just what kind of material they are intended to include. Only a very small proportion of the headings in the appended List are defined or even mentioned, but the principles of selection brought out by the discussion of certain groups or classes may be applied to other subjects of the same type. Reference must be made constantly to decisions once adopted in order to insure uniformity in results. A heading should not be chosen because it is in the List, but because it is the term decided upon as the best one to include certain types of books. Unless there is a thorough understanding of the terms we cannot feel sure that like books will fall together or that individual books will be properly listed. STORIES The stor}^ is taken first because so large a proportion of the books for children are written in story form, either originally or as adaptations. These are considered in tw^o main groups: (1) the traditional stories and (2) those having subject value. TRADITIONAL STORIES "Traditional stories may be roughly classified as Myths, Legends (including- Hero-tales and Sagas) and Marchen or Folk- tales, with which last may be reckoned the minor varieties of Beast-tales, Drolls, Cumulative tales and Apologues." Burne. "Handbook of folklore." The following choice of headings has been made for grouping the traditional stories : Myths, Legends, Sagas, Fairy tales, Fables. Myths. "Myths . . . are stories of anonymous origin, prevalent among primitive peoples, and by them accepted as true, concerning supernatural beings and events, or natural beings and events influenced by supernatural agencies. . . . They are born in the infancy of a people. They owe their features not to any one historic individual, but to the imaginative efforts of genera- tions of story tellers." Gayley. "Classic myths." "In early ages man recognized forces external to himself which largely determined the conditions of his life. These forces of nature, such as light and darkness, fire, and summer and winter, he personified and made the subject of stories. In the same way he theorized about the origin and control of the universe, attrib- uting the governing power to one God or many gods, and invent- ing stories about the relation of these divinities to each .other and to man." Newark Public Library. "Course of study for normal school pupils on literature for children." The general heading Myths is used for collections of pure myths which are not confined to any special country or people, such as Shahan's "Myths and legends" and Clarke's "Child's guide to mythology." If the stories are those which treat of the divinities once worshipped by the Greeks, the Romans or the Norse people, or the stories which have grown out of these, they may be distinguished from the general class of Myths by adding the subdivisions G^'eek and Roman or Norse to the heading Myths. Baldwin's "Story of the golden age," Hawthorne's "Tan- glewood tales" and like books would then take the heading: Myths — Greek and Roman. As many books include both Greek and Roman myths it is best to use the combination heading Greek and Roman and place here both the books which treat the two together and those taking up either alone. Mythological events, as the Trojan war, should be entered under the specific heading, not included under Myths. Brooks' 9 "Story of the Iliad" and Clarke's "Story of Troy" may both be entered under Trojan war, and many chapters in the books found under Myths may be brought out under more definite headings. "A myth is a purely imaginative explanation of phenomena; a legend rests on facts, but the facts are distorted." Toy. "Intro- duction to the history of religions." Legends. "Legends are narratives told, not to explain any- thing, but simply as an account of things which are believed to have happened, such as a deluge, a migration, a conquest, the build- ing of a bridge, or of a city. The}- are often told about events or persons, who are in fact historical though the legend itself may be inaccurate or even baseless, and may be told of other persons or places in countries far away." Burne. "Folklore handbook." "Legends are mixtures of popular tales and literary inven- tion cast in narrative form and told as records of facts. ' They usually deal with some character of heroic type, such as The Cid, and Siegfried; some storied locality, as the legend of the Sleepy Hollow; or some event or period in the mist-shrouded early his- tr}^ of nations, as in William Tell, and Horatius at the bridge." Newark Public Library. "Course of study for normal school pupils on literature for children." Legends is a group heading and is used for collections of legends, even though these collections do include those tales which belong to the King Arthur and the Charlemagne cycles. While the stories of these two cycles more correctly belong to the romance group, it does not seem best to use both the heading Legends, and Romances. Legends is the term more familiar to children and is a broader heading which can be made to include both character and place legends; it has therefore been adopted to cover both the Legendary stories and Romances. "A romance may be described as a tale written at any period between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries, which deals with the age of chivalr5^" vSpence. "Dictionary of medieval romance." Stories which tell of the exploits of a single hero should be entered under the name of that hero, as King Arthur, Char- lemagne, The Cid, etc. Those centering around a historical personage like Char- lemagne should be distinguished from the pure history of the real character. Stories of the Charlemagne cycle having for their sub- ject matter the adventures and pseudo-history of Charlemagne and his twelve peers should be differentiated from the accounts of Charlemagne as ruler. The biographical material should be entered directly under his name, while Charlemagne romances 10 may be used for the legendary accounts of the hero. Church, in his "Stories of Charlemagne and the twelve peers of France," gives us the legendary Charlemagne, while Hodges in ''Saints and heroes to the end of the middle ages," gives an account of the Em- peror Charlemagne. The books entered under the group heading Legends may be analyzed, in which case the single legends are brought out under name; usually the name is taken from the name of the hero, as Havelock the Dane, Roland, Wayland the Smith, etc. Whenever a legend is entered under its name, that name must be added to the Legends "see also" card. If the books are not analyzed, references may be made from the name of single legends to the group heading Legends. In this case the contents should be added to the cards to show just what stories are included in the various collections. These references can only be made after one is sure that the legend from which ref- erence is made is in some one of the books entered under Legends. The references would read as follows: Havelock the Dane see Legends; Roland see Legends, etc. In The Cid we find a national hero of both history and romance, and this epic may be indicated as a good example of how a historical figure may become semi-mythical. Fact and myth are so blended that, as the story is told for children, it seems quite impossible to separate the material and so we place it all under the name of the hero. Since we are able to gather from The Cid something of real history, it is suggested that we call attention to the historical value of the story by making a reference to it from Spanish history. "Legends which relate the exploits of a traditional hero, taking his existence for granted and not introducing him to account for the existence of something else, may be distinguished as Hero-tales; and when a series of legends follows in detail the lives and adventures of characters who are probably historical, it forms a Saga." Burne. "Handbook of folklore." Sagas. The term Saga is limited to collections of the Scan- dinavian hero-tales, such as Anderson's "Viking tales of the North." It may be used to include all Saga material ; or the cycles centering around one hero may be entered under the name of the hero, as Frithjof, and Grettir the Strong. Fairy tales. Fairy tales has been chosen to include the folk tales and also the tales telling of fairies and other supernatural beings, which have no folklore setting or background. The Lang 11 fairy books belong to the first class and the (jeorge MacDonald books to the second. "It is now impossible to limit this term to those stories that deal with the activities of an order of invented preter-human be- ings called fairies; or even to those that contain preternatural or stipernatural elements. With the old fairy-tales in this narrow sense, have been incorporated folk-tales dealing with matter which involves only natural and human material, beast-tales and bits of comic adventure, for example. It is possible to treat them, however, in one category, because of the fact that in all those that are worth using for the children in class, whether there be fairies involved or not, the imaginative process is of the same kind, the vision of the world, its activities and its possibilities, is on the same level of imaginative combination and artistic interpretation; and this is the level of the children for whom we are choosing." MacClintock. "Literature in the elementary school." Folklore is not included as a main heading, because (1) it is a term less well known to children and (2) if used, it would not be possible to group all the fairy tales under the one heading. Those who wish to show the distinction between the fairy tales which are real folklore and other fairy stories, may do so by add- ing this word as a part of the heading under Fairy tales, thus: Fairy tales {Folklore) and reserving the heading Fairy tales alone for those stories which have no folklore background. In addition to the story use, these folk tales may be found of value to teachers in school work if entered under the country to which they belong. They contribute to the knowledge of the people and furnish another means for studying the different phases of the people of a given locality. In addition to the Fairy tale heading the countr}'- is used with the subdivision Folklore. Inasmtich as the material is not used for the study of comparative folklore, the cotintry heading is chosen rather than the stibject. This brings together all the material relating to a country includ- ing the folklore, which may often be useful as supplementary ma- terial. Jacobs' "Celtic fairy tales," and Steel's "Tales of the Punjab" are types of books which may be treated from the coun- try side as well as from the story side, by entering under Ireland — Folklore^, and India — Folklore. The American folklore tales are entered under Indians of America — Folklore^ for in this case to use Folklore under the name of the country does not convey the correct meaning. North America — Folklore or United States — Folklore, would not limit 12 the folklore to the Indian, and here again it is more useful to keep all the material about the North American Indians together. The heading- is used to include Myths, Legends and Folk tales. Pratt's "Legends of the red children" and Zitkala-Sa's '^Old Indian legends" would be entered under this heading and need not be repeated under the heading Legends. The "Finding list of fairy tales and folk stories" issued by the Boston Public Library and the "Index to fairy tales," by Miss Mary Huse Eastman, published by the Boston Book Company, 1915, will be valuable aids supplementing the catalog under this subject. Fairies need not be used as a heading, but a reference should be made from it to Fairy tales. Fables. "It seems to be, in its genuine state, a narrative in which beings irrational, are, for the purpose of moral instruction, feigned to act and speak w4th human interests and passions." Dr. Johnson. "Fables — all those oriental and classic ones that are called Aesop's, as well as man)'- of La Fontaine's — are, from the literary point of view the best of the animal stories." MacClintock. "Literature in the elementary school." While this form of story is usually devoted to animals, these books must not be considered as having any aim in teaching the facts as to the structure and habits of the creatures as life-forms. They interpret human life through them or by them by means of human terms. Reference can well be made to the heading Fables from Animals — Stories^ Legends, Literature and Fairy tales. STORIES WITH SUBJECT VALUE .A subject should be divided in the catalog into as many groups as is necessary to show the form of the material listed under it. Take for example the subject Flowers ; we list first the books which give accurate facts about flowers, next we list the poetry of flowers and after that come the stories. It is essential to distinguish the books which are classed as fiction from those which are scientific, and the subdivision Stories is used to bring out this distinction. Some of the subject material is so skillfully woven into story form that one is often puzzled to know whether the book should be classed as fact or as fiction. When a work will stand the test of accuracy and the facts are so set apart from the story as to make them easily accessible, it may be treated as non-fiction. Such a book is Kellogg's "Insect 13 stories." Here the author has combined science and the story- teller's art, but while he has called into play a certain amount of invention, this does not distort the facts he endeavors to develop through his story. The reader's credulity is not overtaxed in the writer's attempt to interest. Stories which class as tiction and have a definite aim or are grouped around a definite person, event or thing, or are told for the purpose of imparting facts of science or industry, should be entered in the catalog under the subjects to which they either directly contribute or on which they may have a bearing. The object of bringing works of fiction out under subject headings is to group them under subjects about which children like to read, to make them more readily accessible for use as supplementary reading, and to supply material which shall arouse interest in the subjects upon v\^hich they have a direct bearing. The demand for supplementary reading along all lines of school work can be met in no better or more satisfactory way than through the analysis of these stories. The ''journey method" in geography, and the ''topic method" in science as used in the class room, create a need for material which is often available only in story form. Probably no better or more entertaining description of Switzerland can be found for children than that given in the story of "Heidi," and the teacher who wishes to arouse interest in forestry will find Rolt-Wheeler's "The boy with the U. S. foresters" of value as giving a popular and inter- esting account of the subject, in story form. The child whose attention is called to Bassett's "Story of wool" will find interest- ing facts about the wool industry. Children may become interested in history by reading Howard Pyle's "Otto of the silver hand" when a less entertaining book on the middle ages w^ould make no appeal. The same is true of biography. Andrews' "Perfect tribute" is one of the best accounts of Lincoln a child can read. It gives an insight into the character of the man which a child could never get from a biography. The stories which tell of the customs of a people should be entered under the place. "The Japanese twins," by Perkins, gives an interesting account of a certain phase of life in Japan which would be lost to those seeking information on Japan if the book were not entered under Japan — Stories. Stories emphasizing ethical themes are useful if grouped un- der these ethical headings and thus made available for teachers and parents who wish to teach ethics through stories. These headings must be carefully chosen and assigned only to those stories which 14 are dignified and free from sentimentality. F. J. (ioiild's two l)()oks called "Children's Plutarch" may be entered under the head- ing Ethical stories as well as under Biography, and Greece, Ancient. The heading Ethical stories is used for collections only; the stories devoted to a single ethical topic should be entered under that topic, as Industry, Kindness, Cheerfulness, etc. The adjec- tive form of entry has been chosen for some types of stories, as Ethical stories. School stories, Sea stories, etc. In these cases the subject is better expressed by a phrase. A valuable subject index to juvenile stories has been com- piled by Grace E. Salisbury and Marie E. Beckwith and has title: "Index to short stories; an aid to the teacher of children." This v^^as published by Row, Peterson & Co., Chicago in 1907 and will be found very helpful in getting together material on a specitic subject. It is especially full in its ethical headings. POETRY-HOLIDAYS Poetry. This general heading should be used for books or chapters about poetry only. Few children's books contain infor- mation of this kind so the heading will seldom find a place in the juvenile catalog. Poetry — Collections, This heading is used for compilations or collection of poems by different authors. No distinction is made as to language. The analytical entry of poems contained in the books which fall under this general heading rests with the individual library, but very often a title or subject entry for the poems continually in demand is justifiable. Granger's "Index to poetry" is a useful key to the poems contained in many of these collections. Poems by one author. A single poem, or a collection of poems by one author, need not be given a group entry in the catalog. Author and title entry for these will probably answer all reasonable demands. If it seems desirable to have a reference to a complete file of such books, reference may be made to the shelf list, where they are grouped together. Poetry on a definite subject. Poetry is used as a form sub- division under subject for poems which are grouped according to subject, as Flowers — Poetry^ Birds — Poetry^ Christmas — Poetry^ etc. These groups are often to be found in collections of poetry or in books which collect the various forms of literature devoted to one subject, as do some of the books "on Christmas. This form subdivision should not be used to any extent for individual poems, IS for such minute analytical work, while useful, can hardly be -said' to come within the scope of a catalog. Readers and speakers. A heading used for books made up of collections of poetry and prose. The term Readers as used here does not include Primers. These are entered under Primers, but series of more advanced school readers may be listed under this heading-, especially those adapted to grades above the third. Col- lections of recitations for special days are entered under the name of the day, as Thanksgiving day, New Year's day, etc. Holidays. This heading is used as a group heading for the books covering many holidays and for customs observed in dif- ferent countries when celebrating holidays and feast days. Exer- cises devoted to birthday celebrations, etc., are entered under the name of the day v/hen it is a national holiday, as Washington's birthday, Lincoln's birthday: but other material is entered under the person, with subdivision Birthday exercises^ as Longfellow, Henry Wads worth — Birthday exercises. Christmas. There is so much demand for literature on this subject that it has been given several subdivisions. Other subdi- visions may be added when desirable. Ballads. A ballad is a traditional and popular narrative poem, usually of unknown origin. Enter ballads of all peoples under this heading, making no language distinction. Reference may be made from English ballads, Irish ballads, etc., if it seems necessary. Groups of ballads are often contained in the books cataloged under Poetry — Collections^ and these may be analyzed and brought under the specific heading if desired. Scudder's "Children's book" is one which may be so analyzed. Folk songs. When Ballads are accompanied by music the heading Folk songs should be used, but do not include here the poems or songs when not accompanied by music. This heading is included because of the frequent requests from kindergarten and playground workers for these special songs. Songs. To be used for all collections of songs with music, except Folk songs. Songs without music should be considered as poems. Nursery rhymes. Used to include the Mother Goose melodies and other nursery rhymes and jingles, as Christina Rossetti's "Sing-song." AMUSEMENTS Amusements. A very broad heading used to include those general books which contain games, sports, occupations, recrea- 16 tions and other pastimes under one cover. It is often difficult to choose between this heading and Occupations for children, and it may be necessary to duplicate the entry under both headings in some cases. Few if any analytical entries will appear under Amuse- ments; it should be kept as an inclusive heading only, but ref- erences must be freely made from it to all the specific headings which are related. These references should include all subjects ■which amuse or entertain, such as Plays, Camping, Moving pic- tures, etc. Books of amusement are of two kinds, those written to in- struct through play and those having no instructional purpose. The instructional value of the former group may be emphasized by bringing them out under either of the two headings: Occupa- tions for children or Scientific recreations. These are not head- ings which children will use, but are introduced to group material for assistants, teachers and parents. Occupations for children. Under this heading are grouped the miscellaneous handbooks for boys and girls. These usually take up various pastimes, some handwork and games and sports. The "American boys' handybook" and Bowker's "Busy hands" fall into this class. Scientific recreations. This heading is reserved for those books which introduce scientific experiments and give some knowledge of chemistry, physics and the other natural sciences. They ar? usually too unmethodical in arrangement to be given a scientific heading, but contain facts enough to give them value from a popular sci- entific standpoint. Hopkins' "Experimental science" takes this heading. The chapters devoted to a definite occupation, as Paper work, Beadwork, etc., should be entered under these specific headings. As books of this nature often include various kinds of handwork they may be referred to from several broad headings ; for example, refer to Beadwork from Sewing, Handicraft and Occupations for children. Sports. Used to include all outdoor games and recreations grouped in one book, as Camp's "Book of college sports." Athletics. Confined to the track and team games, as Lee's "Track athletics in detail." Physical education. To cover books on exercise which em- phasize the physical development of the body and so usually have a teaching; purpose, as Blaikie's "How to get strong." Games. Used for indoor games grouped in one book or for books including both indoor and outdoor games. Individual games 17 are entered under the sei)arate headings as, 13ominoes, Checkers, Golf, Baseball, Football, etc. Plays. A group heading used to cover single plays, collec- tions of plays and amateur theatricals. Dramatic readers may be included here if one wishes to eliminate that term as a main head- ing. Drama. Included only to cover the books or chapters about the drama. It is used as a subject and not a form heading and will be needed but seldom. SCIENCE Most of the headings given to the scientific books for children are so definite that their selection offers few problems. It is only when several sul)jects are combined in one book that it is diffi- cult to select a broad heading which will cover the whole. Science in its broad sense is used to include the books which cover both the natural and applied sciences. They are usually very miscellaneous in character, and include such titles as Buck- lev's ''Fairy land of science" and Flooker's "Child's book of na- ture." Natural history. Natural history is limited to books which include both animals and plants, as Gibson's ''Blossom hosts" and "Eye spy." Botany, Zoology. The broad science headings such as Bot- any and Zoology will need to be used but rarely and only for those books which discuss the classification of plants or animals. They are technical rather than popular. Mathews' "Field book of Amer- ican wild fiowers" takes the heading Botany, and Zoology is given to Wood's "Our living world." Plants, Animals. These headings are used for the less sci- entific books. They are descriptive rather than technical and in- clude such titles as Dana's "Plants and their children" and Wright's "Stories of birds and beasts." Flowers. Used for the books consisting of chapters on defi- nite flowers, as Morley's "Flowers and their friends." Names of flowers are used as subject headings when analyzing these books or for books which treat of one variety, as Roses. Nature. Nature is an indefinite term and therefore should seldom be used as a main subject heading. The word does not express a stibject, but is rather a term used to suggest ideals of outdoor life. It is the term linked with Poetry to cover the col- lections of poems on Birds, Flowers, Trees, etc., as does Lovejoy's "Poetry of the seasons." It may be used with the subdivision 18 Stories as a supplementary heading for such a book as Cooke's "Nature myths." USEFUL ARTS The books in this group which sometimes present difficulties are those which are made up of miscellaneous chapters and so re- quire group headings. Archibald Williams' books come under this class and other "How to" books as well as the "Stories of in- dustry" as told by Chase and Clow. Three subject headings have been chosen for the sake of grouping books of this character: In- dustries, [Manufactures and Handicraft. Industries. Used for the books devoted to the mechanical and economic aspects of the great industries. The study is usually made by tracing certain types, as cotton, lumber, sugar, coal, etc., from the production of the raw material through the various changes needed to make the product useful to man. A book of this type is Keller and Bishop's "Commercial and industrial geog- raphy." Manufactures. Includes those books which tell how definite articles are made in a commercial sense. Williams' "How it is made" takes this heading. Handicraft. Used for those books which describe in detail for the amateur the construction of simple machines, manufac- tured articles, toys, etc., as does Waite's "Boys workshop." It is made to include arts and craft work and all other handwork con- cerned with the application of art to industry. The heading may sometimes duplicate the heading Occupations for children, but it is usually used for books somewhat more advanced than those included under that heading. Manual training. "In spite of many objections, the term 'manual training' has come to be generally applied to all forms of constructive handwork when used as an agent in general educa- tion." Monroe. "Cyclopedia of education." Used only for the books which have this educational purpose. Carpentry. Used for the books on woodworking which are not included under the heading Manual training or Woodcarving. Foster's "Carpentry and woodwork" takes this heading. These scientific headings follow the same ruling as to the use of specific terms as that applied to other subjects. If a bridge has a special name, enter under that name, as Brooklyn bridge, and do not include the material under Bridges. Subjects may sometimes be collected through references. Fuel is an example of this. The books and chapters on coal, gas, peat, 19 petroleum and wood all touch upon these products as fuel, and yet no one of them covers the subject sufficiently to warrant a heading. In the adult catalog the reader interested in fuel would know of the relation of these subjects, but the children are not versed enough in science to make the deduction. BIOGRAPHY-HISTORY-GEOGRAPHY Biography. A broad group heading used for those collections which are too general to be limited to any one class or subject, as Harper's "Leaders of men" and Steedman's "When they were chil- dren." When lives of persons belonging to any special class or occupation are collected in one book, the subject heading should be expressive of that class or occupation; for example, a collec- tion of sketches of literary men and women takes the heading Authors, and if a collection is made up of lives of Explorers, In- ventors, or Presidents, these specific headings are adopted. Such headings as Kings and rulers. Queens, Soldiers, etc., should be freely used for collective biographical material. Individual biography. IMuch good material about individuals is buried in the collective biographies and in works of history and description, and for this reason it is wise to be generous in making analytical entries for persons of any importance. McMurry's "Pioneers of the Mississippi valley," the Morris series of "Histor- ical tales," Parkman's "Prose passages," all contain valuable bio- graphical material although the books are classed as History. When the same personal name is used for both a subject and an author entry in the dictionary catalog, the form of this name must of course be the same for both entries. Books by Louisa May Al- cott and books about her should be entered uxider the same full- ness of name. Heroes and heroism. This heading includes three subjects in one: (1) it is used for collections of hero-tales which are also en- tered under Legends, as Canton's "Child's book of warriors"; (2) for those biographical sketches of real people in which the author tells his story to emphasize the heroic quality of the character, as Baldwin's "American book of golden deeds"; and (3) it is made to cover the ethical collections which emphasize deeds of heroism and valor, as Ewing's "Jackanapes." History and biography. Detailed biographical facts make lit- tle appeal to children, nor does history as told in textbooks arouse much interest, so the author in order to make his history interest- ing often resorts to the method of having his historical setting 20 center in a hero of the time. It is often difficult to determine the classification of books of this character, but if there is doubt it is usually safer to consider them as Biography. The two books by Marshall, on Cromwell and Napoleon, seem to be on the border line between history and biog-raphy, but they are so limited to the actions and achievements of those two leaders that they are classed as Biography. These biographies of historical figures should be connected with the history by references, as England — History. See also Cromwell, Wellington, etc. HISTORY Those histories which give a consecutive and connected nar- rative, as do Marshall's "Island story" and Guerber's "Story of the English" are entered under the place with subdivision History^ as England — History. In other history material for children the writer approaches his subject through biographical characters and by narrating great events which interest through their dramatic setting. Because of this method of treatment the same plan of entry is recommended as is followed in other subjects, namely to enter directly under the specific heading rather than use the specific heading as a sub- division under the broad class, as American revolution, not United States — History — Revolution. This gives the alphabetical rather than the chronological arrangement, and while it will in some libraries be a divergence from the arrangement followed in the adult catalog for the same material, I believe the practical use to the child will justify the change. North America. Most of the books which take this heading are entered under the subdivision Discovery and settlement. As the period divisions are not sharply drawn in children's books it will be difficult in some cases to limit the entry to this one head- ing. Often the heading Colonial period. United States, will have to be used also. IMany books which are entered under United States — History should be analyzed to bring out the period of dis- covery. United States. Used for general histories. Do not enter here the books on Discovery of America ; these go under North America. References must be made to each specific event or period of United States history which is entered under its definite name, as Louis- iana purchase. Declaration of independence, Spanish-American war, etc. The West. Covers the history and description of that part of -21 the United States west of the Mississippi river, if not limited to some state or region of less extent, as the Rocky mountains, in which case the more specihc heading is used. References are made from this heading to Frontier life and Ranch life. Frontier life is used to bring together the biographies and his- tories which show this phase of life, as Barstow's "The westward movement," and Cirinnell's "Beyond the old frontier." The head- ing is not limited to any special region. Northwest Territory, United States is used as a history head- ing and not as a geographical heading. Do not enter here the books descriptive of the region between the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and the Great Lakes. It applies only to the Old Northwest Ter- ritory. Baldwin's "Conquest of the Old Northwest" takes this heading. Wars are entered under the name of the war and not as a subdivision of the country where fought, as Mexican war. War of 1812, Crimean war, etc. Reference is always made from the his- torv heading to the war and the reverse reference should be made unless the history books are fully analyzed. Battles. This heading is used to include accounts of battles fought on land and sea or land battles alone. Naval battles are entered under Naval battles. Single battles are entered under the name of the battle, as Marathon, Battle of; Gettysburg, Battle of, etc. Reference is made from Wars to individual battles and also from Battles to names of battles. Explorers. A heading used to include exploration not limited to one country and also the biographical material, or collections of lives of explorers. Verne's "Famous travels and travelers" takes this heading, as does Jenks' "Boy's book of explorations." When the exploration is limited to one country, it is entered under that country, as Africa — Exploration. Explorations made by in- dividuals are entered under the individual, as Stanley, Hudson, etc. As a subdivision under United States it includes explorations made into the western part of the country and should not be confused with the subject of early discovery. McMurry's "Pioneers of the Rocky mountains and the West" takes the heading, United States — Exploration . Voyages is used for sea voyages not limited to a definite re- gion, as Dana's "Two years before the mast." Voyages to a defi- nite region are entered under that region, as Arctic regions. Travel is used for those land and sea journeys covering many countries, which are not undertaken for purposes of explora- tion. If limited to any one country the entry is under country 22 with subhead Description and travel^ as Mexico — Description mtd travel for Plummer's "Roy and Ray in Mexico." Manners and customs is used as a main heading and also as a subdivision under place. It covers those books which describe the life and habits of the people of a definite locality and are writ- ten to acquaint children with people who live in far away coun- tries. Many geography readers take this heading. Andrews' ''Seven little sisters" takes the general heading Manners and cus- toms, and Headland's "The Chinese boy and girl" takes the head- ing China — Manners and custoyns. Description and travel '\s used under place when the book gives an account of a place, while Man- ners and customs is used when the people are described. GEOGRAPHY Geography. Used as a main heading and as a subdivision under place if desired. As a main heading it is used to cover books descriptive of the natural features of the earth, clime, products, races of men, and often these include industries and commerce. These books are usually textbooks, such as Tarr and McMurry's Geographies. The books limited to the industries, commerce, manufactures, etc., of the people without discussion of the physical features of the land are entered under Industries. This heading is more closely defined in the chapter on Science. Geography is used as a subdivision under place only when it is desirable to bring all the material of one place together, such as all the books or chapters bearing on one's own State, as Penn- sylvania — Geography^ or Wisconsin — Geography . Physical geography. Used for such books as Kingsley's **Madame How and Lady Why" as well as the more definite text- books, as Davis' "Elementary physical geography." It is limited to the physical features of the earth, as earthquakes, volcanoes, coral reefs, glaciers, rivers, etc. Geography — Readers. Used as a group heading for the books which are valuable for purposes of supplementary reading, but which are rather too popular and miscellaneous to be entered under Geography, as Carpenter's "How the world is housed." 23 List of Subject Headings INTRODUCTION This List includes all the subject entries which have been actually used in making a full analytical dictionary catalog of a collection of children's books belonging to one of the larger pub- lic libraries. No headings have been eliminated — geographical names, personal names, names of birds, flowers, trees, animals, machines, cities, days, etc., have all been included. The number of such names is only limited by the scope of the collection cata- 'loged. Because the headings given are limited to one collection, it necessarily follows that many new subjects will have to be added when cataloging any other library. This List is merely a work- ing basis to be used as a foundation for making lists which shall meet individual needs. New headings must be added as needed and these must be correlated with the ones already included; ref- erences must increase with the development of subjects, and defini- tions must be formulated to insure uniformity of treatment. The United States Department of Agriculture, for example, has just issued a very good pamphlet on Bird houses which will be added to the collections in many children's rooms, and when this is cat- aloged the heading Bird houses must be added to this List because it is a subject not yet represented. Form divisions. PoeUy (Page 15) and Sto7'tes (Page 13) may be used as subdivisions under any subject in this List when it is desirable to emphasize these forms, as Indians of America — Stories, Birds — Poetry, Middle ages — Stories, Russia — Stories^ Civil war, United States — Stories. Subdivision under place. The following subdivisions may be used under any place name : Description and travel (Page 20) Exploration (Page 22) Folklore (Page 12) Geography (Page 23) History (Page 21) Manners and customs (Page 23) These subdivisions have only been given in the List when it was necessary to indicate the references to and from the subject, as England — Description and travel. The fact that they are not given is no indication that their use is not recommended. 27 Place versus subject entry. When it is necessary to choose between place and subject, preference is given to subject. The books to be cataloged seldom emphasize the local side of a sub- ject and the children are more often led to the direct subject than to the country of which that subject may be used as a subdivision. For those who wish to make the juvenile catalog consistent with the adult catalog, or who desire to group subjects under the United States as main entry, a list of such subdivisions has been added at the end of the List. If this is used the duplicate entries in the main part of the List must be deleted, and references made from the subdivisions to the United States headings, as Industries see also United States — Industries. References. References have been very generally suggested, but should be used at the discretion of the cataloger. Where so many specific and minute terms are used it is essential to keep the chain of references quite complete. They arc needed not only to correlate subjects, but also to suggest specific headings which might not occur to the cataloger. In the juvenile catalog it is necessary to consider the indi- vidual books entered under the subjects to which and from which we refer. We must be sure that the heading to which reference is made contains new material and not analytical entries for the identical book which is already entered under the heading referred from. A book on Sports would be entered under this heading and each chapter would be entered under its special subject, as Football. If we refer from Sports to Football we may not be getting any more material than we had under Sports. References have been freely made from small to larger sub- jects. This is contrary to the general rule, but in a catalog of this kind it will be found necessary. For example, the catalog may show but one entry under Pilgrim fathers, but more material is to be found in the books entered under Colonial period. Unless every bit of material is analyzed these references should be made. General references have been added in many cases after the "See also" references merely to save space. ]\Iany catalogers will find it more useful to mention definite terms than to use the phrase with only one example. It is more definite to refer from a history heading to all the wars by name than to say "See also names of wars." Personal names. Proper names have been included so they may be easily accessible to the cataloger. The same names are certain to appear in the juvenile catalogs of the various libraries and often it is difiicult to identify them or discover the correct 28 form of entry. The full form is given in every case where it has been possible to obtain it, but the short form recommended for use in a catalog for children has been indicated by inclosing the part not to be used in brackets, as Garfield, James A[bram]. The form recommended is that commonly used in the schools; for ex- ample, James Russell Lowell is left full because the children learn of Lowell by his full name. They do not know Mrs Priscilla (Mul- lins) Alden, but do know Priscilla Alden. Names not well known, or which there was no definite reason for abbreviating, have been left in full, to be shortened at the discretion of the cataloger. Only one name is used for classical names unless more are needed for identification or to distinguish from another of the same name. The phrase which connects kings and queens with their coun- try has been retained, but the rest of the name is considered un- necessary. Noblemen and other titled persons are shortened to the title only, as Marlborough, duke of. References are given from the form of the name not used to the one adopted, and these are traced in the same way as subjects. Abbreviations, (s) after a subject heading indicates that the reference from that subject is a "see" reference. Subjects not so marked are "see also" references. The abbreviation e. g. has been used to introduce examples in order to make this List uniform with the A. L. A. "List of subject headings," but in a catalog for children it would be better to introduce such examples by as. Page references. The page numbers after some of the head- ings refer to the discussion of those headings in this text. 29 SUBJECT HEADINGS FOR JUVENILE BOOKS A Becket, St. Thomas sec Thomas a Beck- et, St. Abolition of slavery sec Slavery Aboukir bay, Battle of, 1798 Abyssinia Acadia Accidents Sec also Life-saving; Shipwrecks Acorns 5rt' also Oak trees Acrobats Sec also Circus Actors and acting See also Drama ; Miracle plays ; Moving pictures ; Operettas ; Pageants ; Panto- mime ; Plays ; Puppet shows ; Tableaux Adams, Mrs Abigail (Smith) Adams, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Samuel Addison, Joseph / Addresses sec Orations Adobe Adventure Sec also Explorers; Frontier life; Hunt- ing; Pirates; Sea stories; Shipwrecks; Sports; Travel; Voyages; (The) \\'est .Xneas Aerial navigation sec Airships; Balloons; Aeroplanes Aeroplanes See also Airships ; Balloons £sop i^tna. Mount, see Etna, Mount Afghanistan Africa • Description and travel See also Bushmen: Congo river; Nile river; Sahara desert; also names of countries, e.g. Egypt. Refer from Nile, Battle of the, 1798 (s) Refer from Emergencies (s) ; First aid in illness and injury; Injuries (s); Life-sav- ing; Nurses and nursing Refer from Biography ; Drama ; Plays ; Theater (s) Refer from Escapes (s) ; Heroes heroism; Stories (s); Voyages and Refer from Aerial navigation (s); Air- ships; Biplanes (s); Flying; Flying ma- chines (s); Mechanics; Sports; Transpor- tation Refer from Esop (s) 30 Africa — Continued Exploration See also names of African explorers, e.g. Livingstone, David; Stanley, Sir Henry Morton Africa, South See also Cape Colony ; Kafirs History See also Boer war, 1899-1902 Agamemnon, king of Mycetice See also Trojan war Agassiz, Louis Agesilaus II, king of Sparta Agincourt, Battle of, 1415 Agis IV, king of Sparta Agricola Agriculture see Farming Aguinaldo, Emilio Ainos Air See also Barometer; Liquid air Air, Liquid see Liquid air Airships Sec also Aeroplanes ; Balloons Alabama and Kearsarge (ships) Alamo, Siege of the, 1836 Alaric, ki)ig of the I'isigoths Alaska Albemarle (ship) Alchemy see Chemistry Alcibiades Alcott, Louisa May Alden, [Mrs] Priscilla [(Mullins)] Aldrich, Thomas Bailey Alembert, Jean le Rond d' Alexander the Great, king of Maccdoii Alexandria Alfred the Great, king of England Algeria Alhambra Alighieri, Dante see Dante Alighieri All fools' day see April fools' day Allen, Ethan Alligators Sec also Crocodiles ; Reptiles Almanacs Sec also Calendars Alphabet Sec also Lettering; Primers; Writing Alps mountains Aluminum See also Metals Alvarado, Pedro de Amateur theatricals see Plays Refer from Discoveries (in geography) (s) ; Exploration (s) ; Explorers Refer from Boers ; England — Colonies ; Kafirs; South Africa (s) Refer from Greece, Ancient Refer from England — History ; France — History Refer from Japan Refer from Atmosphere (s) ; Gases; Phys- ics ; Weather Refer from Aerial navigation (s) ; Aero- planes; Balloons; Dirigible balloons (s); Flying; Flying machines (s); Gases; Me- chanics; Zeppelins (s) Refer from Kearsarge (ship) (s) Refer from Goths Refer from Arctic regions ; Eskimos Refer from Warships Refer from Women — Biography Refer from D'Alembert, Jean le Rond (s) Refer from Macedonia Refer from England — History; Kings and rulers Refer from Moors Refer from Moors ; Spain — Description and travel Refer from Crocodiles; Ocean life; Rep- tiles Refer from Astronomy; Calendars Refer from Language ; \\'riting Refer from Mountains; Switzerland — De- scription and travel 31 Amazon river Amazon valley Amber Ambition America see Central America ; North Ameri- ca ; South America ; United States American colonial history see Colonial period, United States American flag see Flags American history see United States — History American Indians see Indians of America American literature See also Authors ; Books and reading ; Drama ; English literature ; Humor ; Let- ters — ^^Collections ; Orations ; Poetry ; Poets ; Readers and speakers American poetry see Poetry American revolution See also Boston massacre, 1770; Boston tea party, 1773; Declaration of inde- pendence; Stamp act, 1765; United States — History; also names of battles, e. g. Lexington, Battle of, 1775 Amsterdam Amusements (Page 16) See also Camping; Charades; Circus; Dances; Dolls; Electric toys; Fairs; Fenc- ing ; JFireworks ; Fishing; Games; Handi- craft; Hunting; Kites; Magic; Magic lan- terns ; Moving pictures ; Occupations for children; Pageants; Pantomime; Paper work ; Parties ; Picnics ; Plays ; Puppet shows; Riddles; Riding; Scientific recre- ations; Skating; Soap bubbles; Sports; Tableaux ; Toys ; Tricks and puzzles ; Ven- triloquism Anatomy see Physiology Ancient history see History, Ancient Andersen, Hans Christian Andersonville prison Andes mountcuns Andre, Maj. John Andrea del Sarto Andree, Salomon Augusta Andrew, John Albion Andrews, Jane Androclus Angelico, Fra [Giovanni] Angelique de Saint-Jean see Arnauld, An- gelique Angelo, Michael sec Michael Angelo Angels Anglo-Saxons See also England — History Animal houses see Animals — Houses Animal kingdom see Animals; Ocean life; Zoology Animal lore see Animals — Stories ; Fables Animal stories see Animals — Stories Refer from South America — Description and travel Refer from Character; Ethical stories; Success Refer from Authors ; English literature ; Literature; Literature — American (s) Refer from Boston massacre, 1770; Boston tea party, 1773; Bunker Hill, Battle of. 1775; Declaration of independence; Lexington, Battle of, 1775 ; Revolutionary war. United States (s) Stamp act, 1765; United States — History; United States — History — Revolu- tion (s) Refer from Entertainments (s) ; Games; Manners and customs ; Occupations for chil- dren ; Parties; Play (s) ; Recreations (s) ; Sports; Toys Refer from Prisons Refer from South America — Description and travel Refer from Sarto, Andrea del (s) Refer from Fra Angelico (s) Refer from England — History: Saxons (s) 32 Animals (Page 18> Sec also Birds ; Fish ; Fossils ; Hiberna- tion; Hunting; Insects; Kindness to ani- mals; Menageries; Natural history; Ocean life; Reptiles; Taxidermy; Worms; Zoology; also names of animals, e.g. Bears, Horses Care See also Animals — Houses; Animals — Training; Kindness to animals Extinct See also Fossils ; Mammoths Houses See also Animals — Care ; Aquariums ; Menageries Poetry Stories See also Fables ; also names of animals, subhead Stories, e. g. Birds — Stories, Dogs — Stories Training See also Circus Animals, Kindness to .Jc'i' Kindness to animals Annapolis, United States Naval Academy see United States Naval Academy, Annapolis Anne, queen of England Anne Boleyn, queen of England Anniversaries see Holidays ; also names of special days, e. g. Thanksgiving day Ant see Ants Ant lions Antarctic regions See also Arctic regions ; Explorers Antelopes Anthony, Susan B[rownell] Anthropology see Man Antinous Antiquities see Archaeology Antiquity of man sec Man — Prehistoric Antislavery see Slavery Antony, Mark Ants Antwerp Apes See also Baboons; Monkeys Appalachian mountains Apple trees Apples April fools' day Aquariums Aqueducts "^ Arabia Arabian nights' entertainments Aratus Arbitration See also Peace Arblay, Mme Frances (Burney) d' sec Burney, Fanny Arbor day Sec also Forestry; Nature; Trees Refer from Animal kingdom (s); Beasts (s); Domestic animals (s); Farm animals (s); Natural history; Nature; Wild ani- mals (s); Zoology Refer from Animals — Houses; Kindness to animals ; Pets Refer from Extinct animals (s); Fossils; Mammoths Refer from Animal houses (s) ; Animals — Care ; Houses Refer from Poetry — ^Collections Refer from Animal lore (s) ; Animal stories (s) ; Legends Refer from Animals — ^Care Refer from Women — Biography Refer from Arctic regions ; Discoveries ( in geography) (s) ; Geography; Polar re- gions (s); South pole (s) ; Voyages Refer from Ant (s) Refer from Baboons; Chimpanzees (s); Gorillas (s); Monkeys; Orang-outangs (s) Refer from Fruit Refer from All fools' day (s); Holidays Refer from Animals — Houses; Fish; Nat- ural history; Ocean life Refer from Engineering; Water supply Refer from Bedouins Refer from Law; Peace Refer from Days (s); Forestry; Holi- days; Nature; Trees ZZ Arbutus Arc, Joan of sec Joan of Arc Archaeology Sec also Arms and armor; Catacombs; Cave dwellers; Civilization; ClifT dwell- ers; Indians of America; Lake dwellers; Man — Prehistoric; Mound builders; Obe- lisks; Pyramids; Sphinx; Stone age; Temples; Tombs Archery Archimedes Architecture Sec also Bridges; Carpentry; Heating; Houses; Masonry; Metal work Arctic regions Sec also Alaska; Antarctic regions; Eskimos; Explorers; Greenland; Ice- bergs; also names of Arctic explorers, e.g. Nansen. Fridtjof Argentine Republic Argonauts Refer from Trailing arbutus (s) Refer from Antiquities (s); History; Man — Prehistoric; Manners and customs; Ruins (s); Stone age Refer from Arrows (s); Athletics; Bow and arrow (s); Games; Sports Refer fron Art; Building (sj; Engin- eering; Houses Refer from Antarctic regions; Discov- eries (in geography) (s); Eskimos; Geog- raphjr; Ice; Icebergs; North pole (s); Northeast passage (s); Northwest pas- sage (s); Polar regions (s); Voyages Refer from Golden fleece (s) ; Heroes and heroism; Jason (s) ; Myths Aristides Aristotle Arithmetic Arizona Arkwright, Sir Richard Armada, 1588 see Spanish armada, 1588 Armenia Armies sec Army life; Battles; Flags; Naval battles; Naval life; Signals; Sol- diers; Torpedoes; also names of coun- tries, subhead Army, e.g. France — Army, United States — Army Armor plate Sec also Warships Armored vessels sec Warships Armour, Philip D[anforth] Arms and armor See also Guns; Heraldry; Swords; Weapons Army, United States sec United States — Armj' Army life See also Naval life; Soldiers Arnauld, Angelique Arnold, Benedict Arnold, Thomas Arrows see Archery Art See also Architecture; Artists; China painting; Clay modeling; Coins; Collect- ors and collecting; Costume; Design; Drawing; Embroidery; Etching; Furni- ture: Handicraft; House decoration; Ironwork; Jew^elrj^; Lace; Leather work; Metal work; Museums; Music; Painting; Paper work; Photography; Pictures; Pottery; Pyrography; Sculpture; Sew- Rcfer from Shipbuilding; Steel; War- ships- Refer from Archaeology; Costume; Guns; Heraldry; Swords; Weapons Refer from Armies (s); Military life (s); Soldiers; United States — Army Refer from Angelique de Saint-Jean (s) Refer from Arts, Fine (s); Design; Fine arts (s); Painting; Sculpture 34 Art — Continued ing; Stencil work; Tapestry; Wood- Education Art galleries Artaxerxes I, kiug of Persia Artaxerxes II, king of Persia Artesian wells Arthur, King (Page 10) Sec also Holy grail Arthur, Chester A [Ian] Artificial flowers see Paper work; Wax flowers Artillery sec Guns Artists See also Musicians; Painters; Sculp- tors; also names of artists, e.g. Michael Angelo Arts, Fine see Art Arts, Useful see Handicraft; Industries; Manufactures Arts and crafts see Handicraft Aryans Ash trees Asia Description and travel See also Himalaya mountains; also names of countries Aspiration sec Ideals Assisi, Francis of, St. sisi, St. Assyria Asters Aster, John Jacob Astronomy See also Almanacs; Calendars; Comets; Gravitation; Meteors Seasons; Sky; Stars; Sun; Telescope; Tides Athens Sec also Greece, Ancient; Parthenon India sec Francis of As- Aurora Earth; Moon; borealis; Eclipses; Planets; Athletics (Page 17) See also Archery; Baseball; Basket- ball; Fencing; Football; Olympic games; Physical education; Rowing; Running; Skating; Sports; Swimming; Walking Atlantic cable Atmosphere sec Air; Weather Attila, ki)ig of the Huns Aucassin and Nicolette Auctions Audubon, John James Augustine, St. [abp. of Canterbury] Augustus, [Caius Octavius,] emperor of Rome Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus, emperor of Rome see Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome Refer from Picture galleries (s) Refer from Water supply Refer from Round Table (s); Chivalry; Holy grail; King Arthur (s); Knights of the Round Table (s); Lancelot of the Lake; Legends; Merlin; Romances (s) Refer from Art; Biography; Painters; Painting; Pictures; Sculptors Refer from Levant Refer from Flowers Refer from Comets; Eclipses; Gravita- tion; Meteors; Moon; Planets; Science; Sky; Solar system (s); Stars; Sun; Tides Refer from Greece, Ancient; Parthenon Refer from Collepe athletics (s) ; Exer- cise (s); Games; Gymnasiums; Olympic games; Physical education; Play (s); Running; Sports; Track athletics (s) Refer from Cables; Submarine cables (s) ; Telegraph Refer from Nicolette (s) Refer from Business; Commerce Refer from Scientists Refer from Aurelius Augustinus (s) ; St. Augustine (s) Refer from Octavius Caesar (s) 35 Aurelius Augustinns sec Augustine, St. abp. of Cantcrhurj- Aurora borealis Australasia Australia Exploration Austria-Hungary Description and travel Sec also names of cities, e.g. Buda- pest, \'ienna Authors Sec also American literature; Books and reading; linglish literature; Journal- ism; Literature; Poets; also names of authors, e. g. Dickens, Charles Automobiles Autumn Sec also Seasons Azores Aztecs Sec also Mexico; Montezuma II, em- peror of Mexico Baboons See also Apes; Monkeys- Babylon Bach, Johann Sebastian Bacon, Francis Bacon, Roger Bacon's rebellion, 1676 Sec also Colonial period. United States Bacteria see Germs Badgers B.tda sec Bede, Tlic Venerable Bahama islands Bainbridge, William Baker, Sir Samuel White Bakers and bakeries See also Bread; Cooking Baking see Bakers and bakeries; Cooking Balaklava see Light Brigade. Charge of the Balboa, [Vasco Nunez de] Baldwin III, king of Jerusalem Balearic isles Balkan states Sec also Bosnia; Bulgaria; Monte- negro; Servia Ball see Baseball; Basket-ball; Football Ballads (Page 16) Sec also Folk songs; Poetry; Songs Balloons See also Airships; Kites Baltimore, [Cecilius Calvert,] baron Bamboo Bancroft, George Banian trees Bank of England Banks, Sir Joseph Refer from Astronomy; Light; Northern lights (s); Sky Refer from England — Colonies Refer from Exploration (s); Explorers Refer from Hungary (s) Refer from American literature; Biog- raphy; Books and reading; English lit- erature; Literature; Poets; Writers (s); Writing Refer from Manufactures; Mechanics; Motor carriages (s); Sports; Transporta- tion Refer from Fall (s); Seasons Refer from Indians of America Refer from Apes; Alonkeys Refer from Colonial period, L^nited States Refer from West Indies Refer from Baking (s) ; Bread; Food Refer from Spain — Description and travel Refer from English literature; Folk songs; Folklore (s); Legends; Literature; Poetry — Collections; Songs Refer from Aerial navigation (s) ; Aero- planes; Airships; Flying; Gases; Sports Refer from Calvert, Cecilius, baron Balti- more (s) Refer from Furniture; Wood Refer from Banks and banking 36 Banks and banking Sec also Bank of England; Money Banners sec Flags Bannockburn, Battle of, 1314 Barbados Barbarossa. Frederick sec Frederick I (Barbarossa), eniperor of the Holy Ro- man Empire Barnacles Barney, Joshua Barometer Barry, John, commodore Barton, Clara Baseball Basket-ball Baskets See also Raffia work Basques Bastille Baths and bathing Sec also Diving; Swimming Bats Batteries sec Electricity Battle-ships sec Warships Battles (Page 22) Sec also Naval battles: also names of battles, e. g. Marathon, Battle of, 490 B. C. Bayard, chevalier de Bazaars See also Fairs; Markets Beaconsfield, [Benjamin Disraeli,] carl of Beadwork See also Indians of America — Indus- " tries Beans Bears Beasts sec Animals Beavers Becket, St. Thomas a see Thomas a Becket, St. Bede Bedford, [John Plantagenet,] duke of Bedouins Sec also Arabia Beecher, Henrj- Ward Bees Beet sugar See also Sugar Beethoven, Ludwig van Beetles Sec also Insects Behavior see Conduct; Manners Belgium Bell, Alexander Graham Bell, Currer. pseud, see Bronte, Charlotte, afterward Mrs Nicholls, (pseud. Currer Bell) Refer from Business; Commerce; Fin- ance (s); Money; Wealth Refer from Ocean life Refer from Air; Physics; Storms; Ther- mometer; Weather Refer from Athletics; Ball (s); Games; Sports Refer from Athletics; Ball (s) ; Games; Sports Refer from Handicraft; Raffia work; Weaving Refer from France — History Refer from Prisons Refer from Cleanliness (s); Hygiene; Swimming Refer from Armies (s); Fighting (s) History; Naval battles; Soldiers; War Refer from Fairs; Markets Refer froiu Disraeli, Benjamin, earl of Beaconsfield (s) Refer from Fancywork (s); Handicraft; Jewelry; Needlework (s); Sewing Refer from Animals Refer from Bye da (s) Refer from John of Lancaster (s) Refer from Farming Refer from Sugar Refer from Insects 37 Benares Benbow, John Bennett, James Gordon Benton, Thomas Hart Beowulf Berbers Berlin Berlioz, Hector Bermuda islands Bernardin de Saint Pierre, Jacques Henri sec Saint Pierre, Jacques Henri Bernar- din de Berries sec Fruit; also names of special berries, e.g. Cranberries Bessemer, Sir Henry Bible Bible stories See also David; Jesus Christ; Jews; Moses Bickerstaff, Isaac, Esq. pseud, see Steele, Sir Richard Bicycles and bicycling Sec also Motor cycles Biddle, Nicholas Big game sec Hunting Big trees Biography (Page 20) Sec also Actors and acting; Artists; Authors; Doctors; Explorers; Girls; Heroes and heroism; Indians of Amer- ica — Biography; Inventors; Kings and rulers; Ministers; Musicians; Painters; Pilgrim fathers; Poets; Presidents; Queens; Sailors; " Saints; Scientists; Sculptors; Soldiers: Statesmen; Teach- ers; Women — Biography Biplanes see Aeroplanes Birch trees Bird day Birds Sec also Bird da}-; Eggs; Falconry; Flying; Nests; Taxidermy; also names of birds, e.g. Robins, Sparrows Migration Songs Stories Birds' eggs see Eggs Birds' nests sec Nests Birds of paradise Birthdays see Holidays; Lincoln's birth- day; Washington's birthday; also names of people, subhead Birthday exercises, e.g. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth — Birthday exercises Bismarck, Prince von Bison sec BuflFaloes Black, Joseph Black Douglas see Douglas, Sir James Black Forest Black Hawk, Indian cJiicf (The) Black Prince sec Edward, the Black Prince Refer from Folklore (s) ; Legends Refer from Germany • — • Description and travel Refer from Steel Refer from Holy Bible (s) ; Jesus Christ; New testament (s); Old testament (s) Refer from Religion; Stories (,s) Refer from Cycling (s) ; Sports Refer from Trees Refer from History; Lives (s); United States — Biography (s) ; Women — Biog- raphy Refer from Trees Refer from Birds; Days (s); Holidajs Refer from Animals; Flying; Nature; Xests; Ornithology (s) ; Zoology Refer from Migration of birds (s) Refer from Animals — Stories (Page 16) Refer from Germany — Description and travel 38 Blackbirds Blackboard drawing Blacksmithing Blackstone, William Blaine, James G[illespie] Blake, Admiral Robert Blarney stone Blue grotto Blue jays Boadicea Boarding- school stories sec School stories Boars Boasting Boat racing sec Rowing Boats and boating Sec also Canoes and canoeing; House boats; Ice boats; Life-saving; Motor boats; Rowing; Ships; Steamboats; Sub- marine boats; Torpedo boats; Yachts and yachting Bobolinks Body, Human see Hygiene; Physiology Boer war, 1899-1902 Boers See also Africa, South; Boer war, 1899- 1902. • Boleyn, Anne sec Anne Boleyn, queen of England Bolivar, Simon Bolivia Bombay Bon Homme Richard and Serapis (ships) Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon see Napoleon III, emperor of the French Bonaparte, Napoleon see Napoleon I, em- peror of the French Bondone. Giotto Angiolotto see Giotto, Angiolotto Bondone Bonheur, Rosa Boniface, St. Bookbinding Sec also Leather work Books and reading Sec also Authors; erature; Printing Bookbinding; Lit- Boone, Daniel Booth, Mrs Ballington Booth, Mrs Catherine (Mumford) Boots see Shoes Border life see Frontier life Borneo Bosnia Sec also Balkan states Boston Boston massacre, 1770 See also American revolution Boston tea party, 1773 Sec also American revolution Refer from Chalk modeling (s); Drawing Refer from Forging (s); Horseshoeing (s); Industries; Ironwork; Trades (s) Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Canoes and canoeing; House boats; Ice boats; Rowing; Sailing (s); Shipbuilding; Ships; Sports; Yachts and yachting Refer from Africa, South — History; Boers; South African war, 1899-1902 (s) Refer from India — Description and travel Refer from Serapis (ship) (s) Refer from St. Boniface (s) Refer from Books and reading; Handi- craft; Industries Refer /rom American literature; Authors; Education; English literature; Literature; Readers and speakers; Reading (s); Writ- Refer from Dyaks; East Indies Refer from Balkan states Refer from United States — Description and travel. Refer from American revolution; Colo- nial period, United States Refer from American revolution; Colo- nial period. United States 39 Botany (Page 18) Sec also Buds; Bulbs; Cells; Flowers; Fossils; Fruit; Gardens and gardening; Herbariums; Leaves; Natural history; Nature; Parasites; Plants; Seeds; Trees; Weeds Bouillon, Godfrey de see Godfrey de Bouil- lon Bow and arrow see Archery Bowie, James Boy scouts Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth Boys Sec also Boy scouts; Children; Educa- tion Brahe, Tycho Brant, Joseph Brass Sec also Bronze Brassey, Annie, lady Bravery see Courage; Heroes and heroism Brazil Bread Sec also Bakers and bakeries; Cook- ing; Flour Bremer, Fredrika Brian Boru, king of Ireland Bricks See also Masonry Bridges See also Brooklyn bridge Bright, John Brindley, James British America sec Canada British Columbia British Guiana see Guiana British museum Brittany Bronte, Charlotte, [afterward Mrs Nicholls, (pseud. Currer Bell)] Bronze Sec also Brass Brooklyn bridge Brooks, Phillips, bp. Brown, John, of Ossazvafouiie Browning, Mrs Elizabeth (Barrett) Bruce, James Bruce, Robert, king of Scotland see Robert Bruce, king of Scotland Bruges Brunhild Brussels Brutus, Marcus [Junius] Bryant, William Cullen Birthday exercises Buccaneers sec Pirates Buchanan, James Buckland, Francis Trevelyan Budapest Refer from Buds; Flowers; Leaves; Nat- ural history; Nature; Plants; Roots; Sci- ence; Seeds Refer from Boys; Chibs; Scouts and scouting (s); Sports Refer from Children Refer from Tycho P.ralic (s) Refer from Bronze; Copper; Metal work; Metals; Zinc Refer from South America — Description and travel Refer from Bakers and bakeries; Flour; Food Refer from Manufactures; Masonry Refer front Architecture; Engineering; Masonry; Suspension bridges (s) Refer from London; Museums Refer from France — Description and travel Refer from Bell, Currer, pseud, (s) Refer from Brass; Copper; Metal work Refer from Bridges; Suspension bridges (s) Refer from Austria-Hungary — Descrip- tion and travel 4C Buddha and Buddhism Buds Sec also Botany; Flowers Buenos Ayres Buffalo Bill sec Cody, William Frederick Buffalo Jones sec Jones. Charles Jesse Buffaloes Building see Architecture; Carpentry; En- gineering; Houses; Log cabins; Masonry Bulbs Sec also Flowers; Plants Bulgaria .S"(V also Balkan states Bull, Ole Bullfights Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton, baron Lytton sec Lytton, Ed- ward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lyt- ton, baron Bunker Hill, Battle of, 1775 See also American revolution Bunyan, John Buoys Burdett-Coutts, [Angela Georgina.J bar- 0)1 CSS Burke, Edmund Burma Burnett, Mrs Frances (Hodgson) Burney, Fanny Burns, Robert Burnside, Gcii Ambrose Everett Burnt wood work sec Pyrography Burr, Aaron Burr, Theodosia Burritt, Elihu Burros see Donkeys Burroughs, John Burton, Sir Richard Francis Bushmen Business See also Auctions; Banks and banking; Commerce; Commercial travelers; In- dustries; Mail service; Manufactures; Markets; Money; Occupations, Choice of; Shorthand; Success; Typewriting; Wealth Butler, [Elizabeth Southerden (Thomp- son),] lady Butter Butterflies _Scc also Caterpillars; Moths Butterworth, Hezekiah Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell Byron, [George Gordon Noel,] lord Cabeca de Vaca, Alvarez Nunez sec Nuiiez Cabega de Vaca, Alvarez Cabinet work see Carpentry; Furnitur'^ Cabins see Log cabins Refer front Religion Refer from Botany; Flowers; Leaves; Plants Refer from Bison (s) Refer from Botanj'; Plants Refer froin Balkan states Refer from Fighting (s); Sports Refer from Harbors; Life-saving; Sig- nals Refer from Coutts, Angela Georgina Bur- dett- (s) Refer from Arblay, Mme Frances (Bur- ney) d' (s); D'Arblay, Mme Frances (Bur- ney) (s) Refer from Poets Refer from Africa — Description and trav- el; Hottentots Refer from Commerce; Industries; Mon- ey; Occupations, Choice of; Stores (s); Success; Trade (s); Trades (s); Wealth Refer frout Cows; Dairy (s); Farming; Milk Refer from Caterpillars; Chrysalis (s); Cocoons (s); Insects; Moths 41 Cable, George Washington Cables Sec also Atlantic cable Cabot, John Cabot, Sebastian Cabrillo, Juan Rodriguez Cactus Caedmon Caesar, Julius Cairo Calais, Siege of, 1347 Calcutta Calendars Sec also Almanacs Calhoun, John Caldwell Calico printing California Caligula, emperor of Rome Calvert, Cecilius, baron Baltimore see Bal- timore, Cecilius Calvert, baron Cambyses III, king of Persia Camels Cameras sec Photography- Cameron, Verney Lovett Camillus Campanile of Giotto Camperdown, Adam Duncan, viscount Duncan of see Duncan, Admiral Adam Duncan, viscount Camping Sec also Outdoor life; Tents Canada Description and travel See also names of cities, e.g. Quebec Canals See also Erie canal; Panama canal; Suez canal Canaries Canary islands Candles Candy Canning, George Cannon sec Guns Cano, Alonso Canoes and canoeing Sec also Boats and boating Canova, Antonio Cantatas Sec also Operettas; Plays Canterbury, England Canton, China Canute, king of England, Denmark and Nor- way Cape Breton island Cape Colony Capri, Island of Cardboard construction see Paper work Carnegie, Andrew Refer from Rope; Submarine caliles (s); Telegraph Refer from Rome, Ancient Refer from Egypt — Description and travel Refer from Almanacs; Astronomy Refer from Cloth; Cotton; Dyeing; Print- Refer from (The) West Refer from Giotto's campanile (s) Refer from Amusements; Country life; Outdoor life; Sports; Tents Refer from British America (s); Eng- land — Colonies Refer from Commerce; Engineering; Transportation; Water supply Refer from Lighting; Manufactures Refer from Confectionery (s); Cooking; Sugar Refer from Boats and boating; Rowing; Sports; Yachts and yachting Refer from Music; Operettas; Plays Refer from Knut the Great (s) Refer from Africa, South Refer from Italy — Description and travel 42 Carnegie Hero Fund Commission Carnivals sec Mardi Gras Caroline islands Carols sec Christmas — Songs; Songs Carpentry (Page 19) Sec (dso Houses; Lathes; Log cabins; Manual training; Tools; Wood carving Carpets See also Rugs Carrier pigeons sec Pigeons Carson, Kit sec Carson, Christopher Carson, Christopher Cartier, Jacques Carving see Sculpture; Wood carving Cary, Alice Cary, Phoebe Castles. Sec also Warwick castle; Windsor cas- tle Castro, Ines de Catacombs Catbirds Caterpillars See also Butterflies; Moths Catharine of Siena, St. Catharine I, empress of Russia Catharine II, empress of Russia Catharine de' Medici, queen of France Catharine of Aragon, queen of England Cathedrals See also Notre Dame, Paris; St. Paul's Cathedral, London; St. Peter's, Rome Cato, [Marcus Porcius,] the elder Cato, [Marcus Porcius,] the younger Cats Cattle See also Cows Caucasian race Cavalier, Jean Cave dwellers Cavendish, Henry Caves See also Catacombs; Cave dwellers; Mammoth cave Caxton, William Cedar trees Celebes island Cellini, Benvenuto Cells Central America See also Costa Rica; Guatemala; Hon- duras; Nicaragua Cereals see Grain Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Ceylon Refer from Hero Fund (s) ; Heroes and heroism Refer from Architecture; Building (s) ; Cabinet work (s); Industries; Manual training; Tools; Trades (s); Turning (s); Woodwork (s) Refer from Cloth; House decoration; Manufactures; Rugs; Weaving Refer from Carson, Kit (s) Refer from Middle ages Refer from Inez de Castro (s) Refer from Archaeology; Caves; Rome (city); Tombs Refer front Butterflies; Chrysalis (s); Cocoons (s); Insects; Moths; Worms Refer from St. Catharine of Siena Refer from Pets Refer from Cows; Dairy (s); Farming; Oxen (s) Refer from Archaeology; Caves; Man- Prehistoric Refer from Physical geography Refer from Botany Refer from America (s) 43 Chairs Sec also Furniture Chaldea Chalk Chalk modeling sec Blackboard drawing Chalmers, James Chalmers, Thomas Chambers, William Chameleons Chamois Champlain, Samuel de Champlain, Lake Channel islands Chantrey, Sir Francis Character See also Ambition; Boasting; Cheerful- ness; Conceit; Conduct; Contentment; Courage; Ethical stories; Faith; Grati- tude; Greediness; Helpfulness; Heroes and heroism; Honesty; Hope; Ideals; Idleness; Industry; Justice; Kindness; Obedience; Orderliness; Patience; Per- severance; Pride; Promptness; Self- control; Selfishness; Service; Temper- ance; Thoroughness; Thoughtfulness; Truthfulness; Unselfishness; Usefulness. Charades Sec also Plays; . Riddles; Tableaux; Tricks and puzzles Charcoal Charge of the Light Brigade sec Light Bri- gade, Charge of the Charlemagne, emperor of the West (Page 10) Charlemagne romances (Page 10) Charles I, king of England Charles II, king of England Charles V, emperor of Germany Charles XII, king of Sweden Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pre- tender see Stuart, Charles Edward, the Young Pretender Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy Charter oak Chatham, William Pitt, earl of see Pitt, William, earl of Chatham, 1708-78 Chaucer, Geoffrey Checkers Cheerfulness Cheese Chemistry Sec also Gases; Physics; Scientific rec- reations Chestnut trees Chestnuts Chicago Chickadees Chickens See also Poultry Childe Horn see King Horn Refer from Furniture Refer fron Geology Refer from Tamatc (s) Refer from Conduct; Ethics (s) ; Ethical stories; Success Refer from Amusements; Drama; Plays; Riddles; Tableaux; Tricks and puzzles Refer from Chivalry; Legends; Ro- mances (s) Refer from Colonial period, United States Refer from Games Refer from Character; Ethical stories; Gladness (s) Refer from Cows; Dairy (s); Farmmg; Milk Refer from Alchemy (s) ; Gas; Gases; Physics; Science Refer from Nuts and nutting Refer from Cities Refer from Hens (s); Poultry 44 Children Sec also Boys; Education; Girls; Oc- cupations for cliildren; also names of countries, subhead Manners and cus- toms, e.g. Japan — Manners and customs Children's crusade, 1212 Sec also Crusades Children's parties see Parties Childs, George William Chile Chimneys Chimpanzees sec Apes China Description and travel See also Korea; Manchuria; Tibet; also names of cities, e.g. Peking History Manners and customs China, Wall of see Wall of China China painting Chinaware sec Pottery Chinese literature Chipmunks Chivalry Sec also Arthur, King; Charlemagne romances; Crusades; Feudal system; Heraldry; Heroes and heroism; Knights; Middle ages Chocolate Choice of occupations see Occupations, Choice of Chopin, Frederic Frangois Christ sec Jesus Christ Christian names see Names Christina, queen of Swedeti Christmas (Page 16) Customs Dialogues ' Gifts Plays Poetry Songs Stories Christopher, St. Christ's hospital, London Chrysalis see Butterflies; Caterpillars; Moths Churchill, John, duke of Marlborough see Marlborough, John Churchill, duke of Cicadas (commonly called locusts) Cicero (The) Cid (Page 11) Cimon Cincinnatus Cinnamon sec Spices Circus Cities See also Hanseatic league; Markets; Street cleaning; Street railroads; also names of cities, e.g. Chicago Refer from Boys; Education; Girls Refer from Crusades Refer from South .\tncrica — Description and travel Refer from Heating Refer from Tartars Refer from Customs (s) Refer froDt Art; Painting; Pottery Refer from Literature — Chinese (s) Refer from Crusades; Feudal system; Heraldry; Knighthood (s); Middle ages Refer from Cocoa (s) Refer from Days (s); Holidays; Jesus Christ Refer from Drama; Plays Refer from Poetry — Collections Refer from Carols (s); Songs Refer from St. Christopher (s) Refer from Schools Refer from Grasshoppers; Locusts Refer from Folklore (s); Legends; Spain — History Refer from Acrobats; Amusements; Ani- mals — Training; Menageries 45 Citizenship Sec also Civic readers; Government; Patriotism; United States — Government Civic readers Civil engineering sec Engineering; Survej'- Civil government sec Government; United States — Government Civil war, United States Sec also United States — History; also names of battles, e.g. Gettysburg, Battle of, 1863 Stories Civilization Sec also History; Inventions; Man; Manners and customs Claflin, Horace Brigham Clark, Alvan Clark, Gen. George Rogers Classical literature sec Greek literature — Collections; Latin literature — Collec- tions Classical mythology sec Myths — Greek and Roman Claude Lorrain Clay, Henry Clay modeling Cleanliness .T;'t' Baths and bathing; Hy- giene Clemens, Samuel Langhorne sec Twain, Mark, pseud. Cleomenes III, king of Sparta Cleopatra, queen of Egypt Cleveland, Grover Cliff dwellers Clififord, George, earl of Cumberland sec Cumberland, George Clifford, earl of Climate Sec also Physical geography; Rain; Seasons; Weather Climbing Clinton, De Witt Clive, Robert, baron Clocks and watches Cloth See also Calico printing; Carpets; Clothing; Cotton; Dyeing; Linen; Rugs; Silk; Spinning; Tapestry; Weaving; Wool Clothing Sec also Cloth; Costume; Dressmak- ing; Furs; Gloves; Hats; Lace; Shoes Clotilda, St. queen of the Franks Clouds See also Sky; Weather Cloves sec Spices Clovis I, king of th.e Franks Refer from Government; Law; Patriot- ism; Voting Refer from Citizenship; Government; Hy- giene, Public; Law; Patriotism; Reader.^ and speakers; United States — Government Refer from Gettysburg, Battle of, 1863; Slavery; United States — History; United States — History — Civil war (s); War Refer from War — Stories (s) Refer from Archaeology; Feudal system; History; Man Refer from Gelee, Claude (s); Gellee, Claude (s); Lorrain, Claude (s) Refer from Statesmen Refer from Art; Handicraft; Modeling (s) ; Pottery; Sculpture Refer from Archaeology; Indians of America; Man — Prehistoric; Pueblo In- dians (s) Refer from Physical geograpliy; Tem- perature (s); Weather Refer from Manufactures; Watches (s) Refer from Clothing; Cotton; Cotton cloth (s) ; Cotton mills (s); Linen; Manu- factures; Spinning; Textile fabrics (s); Weaving; Wool Refer from Cloth; Costume; Dress (s) ; Dressmaking; Hygiene; Manufactures Refer from St. Clotilda (s) Refer from Physical geography; Sky; Weather 46 Clubs Sec also Boj- scouts; Girls' clul)s Coaclies and coaching sec Stage-coaches Coal Sec also Geology; Mines and mining Coal oil see Petroleum Coal-tar colors sec Dyeing Coats of arms sec Heraldry Cochineal Cochrane, Thomas, earl of Dundonald sec Dundonald, Thomas Cochrane, earl of Cockatoos sec Parrots Cockroaches Cocoa sec Chocolate Cocoanuts Cocoons sec Butterflies; Caterpillars; Moths; Silkworms Cody, William Frederick Coffee Coins Sec also Mints; Money Cole, Thomas Coleridge, Hartley Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Coliseum sec Colosseum Collectors and collecting Sec also Coins; Stamps College athletics sec Athletics; Physical education; Sports College songs Collesre stories see School stories Colleges Sec also names of colleges, e. g. Har- vard University CoUingv/ood, Cuthbert, lord Cologne, Germany Colombia Colonial period. United States See also Bacon's rebellion, 1676; Bos- ton massacre, 1770; Boston tea part)-, 1773; Charter oak; French and Indian war, 1755-6vi: King George's war, 1744- 48; Kino- William's war, 1689-97; North America — Discovery and settlement; Pil- grim fathers; Queen Anne's war, 1702- 13; Stamp act, 1765; Thanksgiving day; also names of the American colonies, e. g. Pennsylvania Colonna, Vittoria Color Colorado Colorado river Colored people sec Negroes; Slavery Colosseum Colossus of Rhodes Columba, St. Columbus, Christopher Comets See also Astronomy Commerce .S"(r also Auctions: Banks and banking; Business; Canals; Fairs; Hanseatic Refer from Fuel (s) ; Geology; Heating; Minerals; Mines and mining Refer froui Nuts and nutting Refer from Buffalo Bill (s) Refer from Art; Collectors and collect- ing; Gold; Money; Silver Refer from Art Refer from Music; Songs Refer from Education; Schools Refer from American colonial history (s) ; Bacon's rebellion, 1676; French and Indian war, 1755-63; Frontier life; King George's war; 1744-48; King William's war, 1689-97; Pilgrim fathers; Queen Anne's war, 1702- 13; Stamp act, 1765; United States, Colonial period (s); United States — History; United States — History — Colonial period (s); United States — Manners and customs Refer from Pescara, marchesa di (s) Refer from Dyeing; Painting Refer from (The) West Refer from Grand canon of the Colorado (s): (The) West Refer from Coliseum (s) ; Rome (city) Refer from St. Columba (s) Refer from Explorers Refer from Astronomy Refer from Business; Commercial geog- raphy (s); Exports (s); Imports (s) ; In- 47 Commerce — Continued league; Harbors; Manufactures; Mar- kets; Money; Railroads; Smuggling; Success; Transportation Commercial geography sec Commerce; Geography; Industries Commercial travelers Companions sec Friendship Compass Composers sec Musicians Conceit ^ Concrete Condors Conduct Sec also Manners Character; Ethical stories; Confectionery see Candy Confucius Congo river Congress, United States see United States — -Government Conjuring see Magic; Tricks and puzzles; Witchcraft Conservation See also Forestry Constantine the Great, emperor of Rome Constantinople Constitution (ship) Constitution of the United States Sec also United States — Government Text Consular service Contentment Conundrums see Riddles Cook, Caff. James Cook islands Cooking Sec also Candy; Food; Housekeeping Coons sec Raccoons Cooper, Sir Astley Paston Cooper, James Fenimore Birthday exercises Cooper, Peter Copenhagen Copernicus Copper See also Brass; Bronze; Metals Copper work Coral Corday, Charlotte Corea see Korea Coriolanus Cork Cormorants dustries; Manufactures; Money; Trade (s); Transportation Refer from Business; Drummers (s) Refer from Magnetism; Mariner's com- pass (s) Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Masonry Refer from Behavior (s); Character; Ethical stories; Ethics (s); Manners; Suc- cess Refer from Africa — Description and trav- el; Rivers Refer from Forestry; Resources (s) Refer from Warships Refer from Government; United States — Constitution (s); United States — Govern- ment Refer from United States — Consular service (s) Refer from Character; Ethical stories; Gladness (s) Refer from Hervey islands (s) Refer from Bakers and bakeries; Bak- ing (s); Bread; Food; Housekeeping; Meat; Vegetables Refer from Denmark — Description and travel Refer from Handicraft; Metal work Refer from Ocean life 48 Com Sec also Grain Cornaro, Caterina. queen of Cyprus Cornell, Ezra Coronado, [Francisco Vasquez de] Coronations Corot, Jean Baptiste Caniille Correggio, Antonio Allegri da Corsica Cortes, Hernando Corunna, Battle of, 1809 Costa Rica Coster, Laurens Janszoon Costume See also Arms and armor; Clothing?; Dressmaking; Fans; Gloves; Hats; Jew- elry; Plays; Shoes Cotton See also Calico printing; Cloth; Dye- ing; Weaving Cotton cloth sec Cloth Cotton gin See also Whitney, Eli Cotton mills sec Cloth Cougars sec Panthers Country life See also Camping; Farming; Gardens and gardening; Hunting; Nature; Out- door life; Sports Courage See also Heroes and heroism Courtesy see Manners Coutts, Angela Georgina Burdett- see Bur- dett-Coutts, Angela Georgina, baroness Cowboys see Ranch life Cows See also Butter; Cattle; Cheese; Milk Coyotes Crabs Craddock, Charles Egbert, {pseud.) [of Mary Noailles Murfree)] Cranberries Cranes (birds) Crassus, [Marcus Licinius] Crawfish Crecy, Battle of, 1346 Crests see Heraldry Crete Crickets Crimean war See also Light Brigade, Charge of the Stories Crocheting Sec also Knitting; Lace Crockett, David Crocodiles See also Alligators Refer from Farming; Grain; Indian corn (s); Maize (s) Refer from Vasquez de Coronado, Fran- cisco (s) Refer from Festivals (s) ; Pageants Refer from Italy — Description and travel Refer from Central America Refer from Koster, Laurens Janszoon (s) Refer from Art; Clothing; Dress (s); Dressmaking; Fancy dress (s); Fans; Gloves; Manners and customs; Millinery Refer from Cloth Refer from Farm life f s) ; Farming; Out- door life Refer from Bravery (s) ; Character; Eth- ical stories; Heroes and heroism; Valor (s) Refer from Cattle; Dairy (s); Farming; Milk Refer from Ocean life Refer from Murfree, Mary Noailles (s) Refer from Berries (s); Fruit Refer from Europe — History; France — - History; Russo-Turkish war (s) Refer from War — Stories (s) Refer from Fancy work (s) ; Knitting; Lace; Needlework (s); Sewing Refer from Alligators; Ocean life; Rep- tiles 49 Croesus, king of Lydia Cromwell, Oliver Cromwell, Thomas, earl of Essex see Essex, Thomas Cromwell, earl of Crook, Gen. George Croquet Crowns Crows Crusades Sec also Children's crusade, 1212; Chiv- alry; Middle ages; also lives of Peter the Hermit; Richard I, king of England; Louis IX, king of France Crustacea Crystal palace, London Crystals Sec also Minerals Cuba See also Spanish-American war, 1898 Cuban war see Spanish-American war, 1898. Cuckoos Cumberland, [George Clifford,] earl of Currants Curtis, George William Custer, Gen. George Armstrong Customs see Manners and customs; also names of countries, subhead Manners and customs, e. g. China — Manners and customs Cuthbert, St. Cutlery See also Hardware; Knives; Swords Cuttlefish Cuvier, [Georges Leopold Chretien Fred- eric Dagobert,] baron Cycling sec Bicycles and bicycling Cyclones see Storms Cyclopedias sec Encyclopedias Cyprus Cyrus the Great, king of Persia Dairv see Butter; Cattle; Cheese; Cows; Mi'lk Daisies Dale, Richard D'Alembert, Jean le Rond sec Alembert, Jean le Rond d' Damien [de Veuster], Father [Joseph] Dampier, William Dams Sec also Water supply Dances Dandelions Dante [Alighieri] D'Arblay, Mme Frances (Burney) see Bur- ney, Fanny D'Arc, Jeanne see Joan of Arc Dark ages see Middle ages Refer from Games Refer from Children's crusade, 1212; Chivalry; Europe — History; History; Mid- dle ages Refer from London Refer from Minerals Refer from Islands; Spanish-American war, 1898; West Indies Refer from Clifford, George, earl of Cum- berland (s) Refer from St. Cuthbert (s) Refer from Hardware; Knives; Manufac- tures; Steel Refer from Devilfish (s); Ocean life; Oc- topus (s); Squids (s) Refer from Father Damien (s); Molokai island Refer front Dikes; Engineering; Mason- ry; Rivers; Water supply Refer from Amusements; Folk dances (s); Games; Parties Refer from Alighieri, Dante (s) 50 Darling, Grace [Horsley] Darwin, Ciiarles David Davy, 5(> Humphry Days sec April fools' day; Arbor day; Bird day; Christmas; Easter; Flag day; Hal- lowe'en; Holidays; Independence day; Lincoln's birthday; May day; Memorial day; New Year's day; St. Patrick's day; Thanksgiving day; Twelfth night; Val- entine's day; Washington's birthday; also names of people, subhead Birthday exercises, e. g. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth Dead sea Death valley Debating 5"t'(' also Orations Decatur, Stephen Decius Mus, Publius Declamations sec Orations; Readers and speakers Declaration of independence See also American revolution; Inde- pendence day Text Decoration day sec Memorial day Deer See also Reindeer Defoe, Daniel Delacroix, Eugene Delaroche, Paul DeLong, George Washington Demetrius I, kitig of Macedonia Demosthenes Denmark Description and travel Sec also names of cities, e. g. Copen- hagen Dentistry Depew, Chauncey [Mitchell] Description and travel see Explorers; Travel; Voyages; also names of coun- tries, subhead Description and travel, e. g. United States — Description and travel Deserts See also Mirage; Sahara desert Design See also Art: Drawing; Lettering De Soto, Hernando see Soto. Hernando de Determination Devereux. Robert see Essex, Robert Devereux, earl of Devilfish sec Cuttlefish Dew Dewey, Admiral George Dialogues Sec also Plays; Readers and speakers Diamonds Sec also Jewelry; Precious stones Diaz, Porfirio Dickens, Charles Refer from Bible stories Refer from Palestine Refer from Elocution (s) ; Orations; Readers and speakers Refer from Philadelphia(ship) Refer from American revolution; Inde- pendence day; United States — History Refer from Elk (s) Refer from Scandinavia (s) Refer from Medicine Refer from Physical geography Refer from Art; Drawing; Painting Refer from Water Refer from Drama; Dramatic readers; Plays; Readers and speakers Refer from Gems (s); Jewelr}^ Precious stones Refer from Authors; English literature 51 Dictionaries Dido, qiii'iii of Carthage Dikes Sec also Dams Diogenes Dion Dirigible balloons sec Airships Disaster see Earthquakes; Fires; Ship- wrecks Discoveries (in geography) sec Antarctic regions; Arctic regions; Explorers; Voj'ages; also name of countries, sub- head Exploration, e. g. Africa — Explora- tion Discoveries (in science) See also Inventions; Science; also names of various inventions, e. g. Tele- graph; Telephone Discovery of America see North America — Discovery and settlement Dishonesty see Honesty Dismal swamp, Great Disobedience sec Obedience Disraeli, Benjamin, earl of Beaconsfield sec Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, earl of Diving Dix, Dorothea Lynde Doctors Dogs Stories Dolls Domestic animals see Animals; Kindness to animals Dominoes Donatello, [Donate di Betto Bardi, called] Donkeys Douglas, Sir James Douglas, Margaret, countess of Lennox Douglass, Frederick Doves see Pigeons Dragon flies Drake, Sir Francis Drake, Joseph Rodman Drama (Page 18) Sec also Actors and acting; Charades: Christmas— Plays; Dialogues; Dramatic readers; Miracle plays; Moving pictures; Pageants; Pantomime; Plays; Puppet shows; Tableaux Dramatic readers (Page 18) Sec also Dialogues; Plays Drawing See also Blackboard drawing; Design; Mechanical drawing Drawn work Dresden Dress ^s-fr Clothing; Costume; Dressmaking Dressmaking Sec also Clothing; Costume; Sewing Pruids Refer from Encyclopedias Refer front Dykes (s) ; Engineering Refer from Baths and bathing; Sports; Swimming Refer from Biography; Medicine; Physi- cians (s) ; Scientists; Surgeons (s) Refer from Pets; Zoology Refer from Animals — Stories Refer from Amusements; Toys Refer from Games Refer from Burros (s) Refer from Black Douglas (s) Refer from Actors and acting; American literature; English literature; Literature; Plays; Theater (s) Refer from Drama; Literature; Plays; Readers and speakers Refer from Art; Design; Manual train- ing; Painting; Pictures Refer from Fancy work (s); Needlework (s) ; Sewing Refer from Clothing; Costume; Dress (s); Industries; Needlework (s); Sewing Refer from Religion 52 Drummers sec Commercial travelers Dryden, John Dublin Duckbills Ducks Sec alsn Poultry Duels and dueling Sec also Fencing; Duerer, Albrecht sec Diirer, Albrecht Duncan, Admiral [Adam Duncan, vis- count] Dundonald, [Thomas Cochrane,] carl of Du Plessis, Armand Jean, cardinal de Richelieu sec Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, cardinal de Diirer, Albrecht Dutch Guiana sec Guiana Dwarfs Dyaks Sec also Borneo Dyeing Sec also Calico printing; Color; Indigo Dykes see Dikes Dynamite Sec also Explosives Dynamos Sec also Electric motors Eads, James Buchanan Eagles Earth See also Earthquakes; Geography; Geology; Ocean; Physical geography; Volcanoes Earthquakes Sec also Geology; Physical geography East Indies See also Borneo; Java; Malay penin- sula; Sumatra Easter Easter island Eclipses Sec also Astronomy; Moon; Sun Ecuador Edgeworth, Richard Lovell Edinburgh Edison, Thomas A[lva] Education See also Books and reading; Children: Colleges; Manual training; Physical education; Schools; Teachers; Teaching Edward, the Confessor, Saxon king of Eng- land Edward I, king of England Edward III, king of England Edward IV, king of England Edward VI, king of England Refer from Ireland — Description and travel Refer from Poultry Refer from Fencing; Manners and cus- toms Refer front Camperdown, Adam Duncan, viscount Duncan of (s) Refer from Cochrane, Thomas, earl of Dundonald (s) Refer from Duerer, Albrecht (s) Refer from Man; Pigmies (s); Pyg- mies (s) Refer from Cloth; Coal-tar colors (s); Cotton; Industries; Wool Refer from Explosives Refer from Electric engineering; Elec- tric motors; Electricity Refer from Astronomy; Geography; Geology; Nature: Physical geography; Planets; World (s) Refer from Disasters (s); Earth; Geol- ogy; Physical geography; Volcanoes Refer from Days (s); Holidays; Jesus Christ Refer from Astronomj'; Moon; Sun Refer from Scotland — Description and travel Refer from Electricity; Inventors Refer from Boys; Children; Girls; Schools; Teachers; Teaching 53 Edward, tlir I^lack Prince Edwards, Amelia Blandford Eels Eggleston, Edward Eggs Egypt Description and travel Sec also Nile river; Obelisks; Pyfa- niids; Sphinx; also names of cities, e.g. Cairo Eiffel tower Eldon, [John Scott,] carl of Electric batteries see Electricity Electric bells Electric engineering Sec also Dynamos; Electric lighting; Electric motors; Electric power trans- mission; Electric railroads; Electricity; Telautograph; Telegraph; Telephone; Wireless telegraphy Electric furnaces Electric launches se( Electric lighting Motor boats Electric motors Sec also Dynamos; transmission Electric power Electric power transmission Electric railroads Sec also Street railroads Electric toys Electricity Sec also Dynamos; Edison, Thomas Alva; Induction coils; Magnetism; Physics; Telegraph: Telephone; Wire- less telegraphy; X rays; also headings beginning with Electric Elephants Sec also Mammoths Eliot, George, pseud. Eliot, John, apostle of the Indians Eliot, Sir John Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Elizabeth, queen of England Elk see Deer Elm trees Elocution sec Debating; Orations; Readers and speakers Embroidery See also Sewing Emergencies see Accidents; First aid in illness and injury Emerson, Ralph Waldo Birthday exercises Emmet, Robert Encyclopedias See also Dictionaries Refer from (The) Black I'rince (s) Refer from Fish Refer from Birds; Birds' eggs (s); Fond; Poultry Refer from Africa — Description and travel Refer from Scott, John, earl of Eldon (s) Refer from Engineering; Industries Refer from Heat; Heating Refer from Electric engineering; Light- ing Refer from Dynamos; Electric engineer- ing; Engines; Machinery; Mechanics; Mo- tors (s) Refer from Electric engineering; Elec- tric motors Refer from Electric engineering; Rail- roads; Street railroads; Transportation Refer from Amusements; Mechanical toys (s); Mechanics; Toys Refer from Batteries (s); Electric bat- teries (s); Electric engineering; Galva- nism (s) ; Magnetism; Physics; Science; X rays Refer from Mammoths Refer from St. Elizabeth of Hungary (s) Refer from Art; Fancy work (s); Handi- craft; Needlework (s); Sewing Refer from Cyclopedias (s) 54 Engineering See also Aqueducts; Architecture; Bridges; Canals; Dams; Dikes; Electric engineering-; Engines; Harbors; Machin- ery; Masonry; Mechanical drawing; Me- chanics; Mines and mining; Railroads; Rivers; Roads; Steam engines; Survey- ing; Tunnels; Water supply Engines See also Electric Motors; Fire engines; Gas engines; Locomotives; Pumps; So- lar engines; Steam engines; Turbines England Colonies See also Africa, South; Australia; Canada; India ■ Description and travel Sec also Hampton court; also names of cities, e. g. London, Stratford-on- Avon Refer from Building (s); Civil engineer- ing (s); Industries; Mechanics; Railroads; Roads; Surveying; Tunnels Refer from Engineering; Machinery Refer from Great Britain (s) History See also Anglo-Saxons; Magna charta; Gunpowder plot; Spanish ar- mada, 1588; also names of rulers, e. g. Alfred the Great, king of England, and names of wars and battles, e. g. Agin- court, Battle of, 1415 — — Navy Parliament English literature See also American literature; Authors; Ballads; Books and reading: Drama; Fairy tales; Humor; Letters — Collec- tions; Orations; Poetry; Poets; Readers and speakers; also names of authors, e. g. Dickens, Charles Entertainments see Amusements Enthusiasm Epaminondas Ericsson, John Erie canal Erie, Lake, Battle of, 1813 Erskine, Thomas, lord Escapes see Adventure Escorial Eskimos Sec also Alaska; Arctic regions; Green- land; Labrador Esop see /Esop Essex, [Robert Devereux,] earl of Essex, [Thomas Cromwell,] earl of Etching Etheredge, Anna Ethical stories (Page 15) See also Ambition; Boasting; Charac- ter; Cheerfulness; Conceit; Conduct; Contentment; Courage; Faith; Grati- tude; Greedincis; Helpfulness; Heroes and heroism; Honesty; Hope; Ideals; Idleness; Industry; Justice; Kindness; Refer from Anglo-Saxons; History; Nor- man conquest (s); Spanish armada, 1588 Refer from Parliament — England (s) Refer from American literature; Authors; Literature; Literature — English (s) Refer from Canals Refer from Lake Erie, Battle of (s); Naval battles; War of 1812 Refer from Spain — Description and travel Refer from Alaska; Arctic regions; In- dians of America Refer from Devereux, Robert (s) Refer from Cromwell, Thomas, earl of Essex (s) Refer from Art; Pictures. Refer from Character; Conduct; Moral stories (s); Stories (s) 55 Ethical stories — Continued ' Obedience; Orderliness; Patience; Per- severance; Pride; I'romptness; Self- control; Selfishness; Service; Temper- ance; Thoroughness; Thoughtfulness; Truthfulness; Unselfishness; Usefulness Ethics sec Character; Conduct Etiquette sec Manners Etna, Mount Eugenie, empress of the French Eumenes Europe Biography Description and travel Sec also names of European countries, subhead Description ancl travel, e. g. France — Description and travel History Sec also Middle ages; Thirty years' war, 1618-48; Crimean war; Crusades; Reformation Manners and customs Sec also names of European coun- tries, subhead Manners and customs, e. g. France — Manners and customs Evans, Robley Dunglison Evaporation Everglades Evergreens sec Fir trees; Pine trees; Trees Evolution See also Man — Prehistoric Ewing, Mrs Juliana Horatia (Gatty) Exercise see Athletics; Physical education; Running; Walking Exhibitions see Fairs; Museums Experiments sec Scientific recreations; Magic Exploration ,yfc Africa — Exploration; Aus- tralia — Exploration; Explorers; North America — Discovery and settlement Explorers (Page 22) See also Africa — Exploration; Austra- lia- — Exploration; Geography; Lewis and Clark expedition; Travel; United States — Exploration; Voyages; also names of explorers, e. g. Columbus, Christopher Explosives Sec also Dynamite; Torpedoes Exports see Commerce Extinct animals see Animals — Extinct Eyck, Hubert van Eye Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, [Quintus] Fables (Page 13) See also Fairy tales Fabricius Luscinus, [Cains] Fairies see Fairy tales Fairs See also Bazaars; Nijni Novgorod Refer from ^tna. Mount (s) ; Moun- tains; Volcanoes Refer from Feudal system Refer from Biography Refer from Thirty' years' war, 1618-48 Refer from Physics; Vapor (s) Refer from Geology; Man; Man — Prehis- toric; Science; Zoology 56 Refer from Adventure; Antarctic regions; Arctic regions; Biography; Description and travel (s); Discoveries (in geogra- phy) (s); Exploration (s); Geography; Heroes and heroism; Scientists; Travel; Voyages Refer from Dynamite; Manufactures; Mines and mining Refer from Van Eyck, Hubert (s) Refer from Animal lore (s); Animals — Stories; Fairy tales; Legends; Literature; Stories (s) Refer from Amusements; Bazaars; Com- merce; Exhibitions (s); Festivals (s); Mar- kets; Pageants Fairy tales (Page 11) Sec also Fables; Legends; Myths Faith Falconry Fall sec Autumn Fancy dress sec Costume Fancy work sec Beadwork; Crocheting; Drawn work; Embroidery; Knitting; Lace; Sewing Faneuil, Peter Fans See also Costume Faraday, Michael Farm animals see Animals Farm life sec Country life Farming See also Bees; Butter; Cattle; Cheese; Corn; Country life; Cows; Flax; Fruit; Gardens and gardening; Grain; Horses; Milk; Pigs; Plants; Poultry; Ranch life; Rice; Seeds; Sheep; Soils; Sugar; Tobacco; Vegetables; ^Vheat Faroe islands Farragut, Admiral [David Glasgow] Father Damien see Damien de Veuster, Father Joseph Feejee islands see Fiji islands Fencing See also Duels and dueling Ferdinand V, king of Castile and Amgon Ferdinand of Portugal Ferguson, James Ferns Festivals see Coronations; Fairs; Holi- days; Mardi Gras; Pageants; also the names of special days, e. g. Thanks- giving day Feudal system See also Chivalry; Civilization; Eu- rope; History; Middle ages Field, Cyrus West Field, Eugene Field, Marshall Field of the Cloth of Gold Fighting see Battles; Bullfights; Naval battles; War Fiji islands Fillmore, Millard Finance see Banks and banking; Money Find see Finn Fine arts see Art Finland Finn Fionn Maccumhail see Finn Fir trees Fire Sec also Fire service; Fires; Heat; Heating Fire engines Refer from English literature; Fables; Fairies (s); Legends; Literature; Myths; Stories (s) Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Birds; Hawking (s) ; Hunt- ing; Sports Refer from Costume Refer from Agriculture (s); Country life; Gardens and gardening; Industries; Soils Refer from Amusements; Athletics; Duels and dueling; Sports; Swords Refer from Plants Refer from Chivalry; Government; Knighthood (s); Middle ages; Vassals (s) Refer from Feejee islands (s) Refer from Find (s); Fionn Maccumhail (s) 57 Refer from Evergreens (s) Refer from Heat Refer from Engines; Fires Fire service Sec also Fires Firearms see Guns Fireflies Fires Sec also Fire engines; Fire service Fireworks First aid in illness and injury See also Accidents Fish See also Aquariums; Fishing; Ocean life; also names of fishes, e. g. Eels Fishing Sec also Whales and whaling Fiske, John Flag day Flags Flamingoes Flamininus, [Titus Quintus] Flax See also Linen Flaxman, John Fleets see Ships; Warships Flies Flodden, Battle of, 1513 Florence Florida Flour Sec also Bread; Grain; Wheat Flowers (Page 18) See also Botany; Buds; Gardens and gardening; Leaves; Plants; Roots; Wax flowers; also names of flowers, e. g. As- ters, Gentians Arrangement Language of Poetry Stories Flowers (artificial) sec Paper work; Wax flowers Fluids see Liquids Fly sec Flies Flying See also Airships; Aeroplanes; Bal- loons; Birds; Kites Flying Dutchman Flying machines sec Airships; Aeroplanes Folk dances sec Dances Folk songs (Page 16) See also Ballads: Songs Folklore sec Ballads; Beowulf; (The) Cid: Gawain, Sir; Guy of Warwick; Havelok the Dane; Holy grail; Kalevala; King Horn; Lancelot of the lake; Legends; Manners and customs; Merlin; Negroes — Stories; Nursery rhymes; Proverbs; Refer from Fire; Fires; Heroes and heroism; Life-saving Refer from Disasters (s); Fire; Fire service Refer from Amusements Refer from Emergencies (s); Injuries (s) Refer from Animals; Ocean life; United States — Fisheries bureau (s); Zoology Refer from Amusements; Fish; Hunting; Industries; Outdoor life; Sports; United States — Fisheries bureau (s) Refer from Days (s); Holidays Refer from American flag (s); Armies (s) ; Banners (s) ; Heraldry; Patriotism; Signals Refer from Farming; Linen Refer from Fly (s) ; Insects Refer from (The) South Refer from Bread; Manufactures; Wheat Refer from Botany; Buds; Bulbs; Gar- dens and gardening; Leaves; Nature; Plants; Wild flowers (s) Refer from House decoration Refer from Stories (s) Refer from Birds Refer from Ballads; Legends; National songs (s); Songs (Page 12) 58 Folklore — Continued Robin Hood; Roland; Tell, William; Wandering Jew; Wayland the Smith For folklore of special country sec name of country, subhead Folklore, e. g. Japan — Folklore Food Sec also Bakers and bakeries; Cook- ing; Markets; Vegetables; also names of foods, e. g. Bread, Eggs, Oysters Football Forestry Sec also Arbor day; Conservation; Lumbering; Trees; Wood Forging sec Blacksmithing Formosa island Forrest, Gen. Nathan Bedford Fossils Sec also Animals — Extinct; Geology; Mammoths v Fouque, baron de la Motte- see La Motte- Fouque, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, baron de Fourth of July sec Independence day Foxes Foxfire Fra Angelico sec Angelico, Fra Giovanni Franc e — Army Description and travel See also -History Sec also Basques; man war, war, Gauls Brittany; Paris Agincourt, Battle of, 1415; Crimean war; Franco-Ger- 1870-71; French and Indian 1755-63; French revolution; Huguenots; Joan of Arc; Pen- insular war, 1807-14; St. Bartholo- mew's day, Mcdsacre of; Seven years' war, 1756-63; Spanish succession, War of, 1701-14: Waterloo, Battle of, 1815 Manners and customs Navy Francis of Assisi, St. Francisco Xavier, St. Franco-German war, 1870-71 See also France — History Frankfort Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Sir John Frederick the Great, Icing of Prussia Frederick I (Barbarossa), emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Frederick II, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Frederick II, king of Prussia sec Fred- erick the Great, king of Prussia Freeman, Mrs. Mary Eleanor (Wilkins) see Wilkins, Mary Eleanor Refer from Cooking; Housekeeping; Hygiene Refer from Athletics; Ball (s); Games; Sports Refer from Arbor day; Conservation; Lumbering; Timber (s); Trees; United States — Forest service (s) Refer from Animals — Extinct; Botany; Geology; Mammoths; Natural history; Zoology Refer from Furs Refer from Phosphorescence Refer from Armies (s) Refer from Franco-German war, 1870-71; French revolution; Gauls Refer from Europe — Manners and cus- toms Refer from Navies (s) Refer from Assisi, Francis of, St. (s) ; St. Francis of Assisi (s) Refer from St. Xavier (s); Xavier, St. Francis (s) Refer from France — History; Germany — History; War Refer from Frederick II, king of Prus- sia (s) Refer from Barbarossa, Frederick (s) 59 Fremont, Gen. John Charles French Academy French and Indian war, 1755-63 Sec also Colonial period, United States; Louisburgh; Pontiac, chief of the Otta- was; Seven years' war, 1756-03 French books Note: Used for books in the l-rench lan- guage. French Guiana sec Guiana French revolution See also France — History; Napoleon I, emperor of the French Fretwork Sec also Wood carving; Ironwork Fridthjof sec Frithjof Friendly islands Friends, Society of see Quakers Friendship Frithjof (Page 11) Frobel, Friedrich see Froebel, Friedrich Frobisher, Sir Martin Froebel, Friedrich Frogs Froissart, Jean Frontier life (Page 22) Sec also Colonial period. United States; Ranch life; (The) West Frost Sec also Ice; Snow; Winter Fruit Sec also names of fruits, e. g. Apples, Cranberries Fry, Mrs. Elizabeth (Gurney) Fuel see Coal; Gas; Peat; Petroleum; Wood Fuller, Margaret, [afterward tnarchesa d'Ossoli] Fulton, Robert Fungi Sec also Galls (Botany); Mushrooms Furniture See also Bamboo; Chairs Furs See also Hudson Bay company; Trap- ping; also names of fur-bearing animals, e. g. Seals (animals). Foxes Gainsborough, Thomas Galba, emperor of Rome Galileo Gallatin, Albert Galls (botany) Galvanism see Electricity Gama, \'asco da Gambetta, [Leon I^Iichel] Games (Page 17) See also Amusements; Archery; Ath- letics; Baseball; Basket-ball; Checkers; Refer from Colonial period, United States; France — History; Indians of America; Pennsylvania; United States — Historj- — French and Indian war (s) Refer from France — History; Napoleon I, emperor of the French Refer from House decoration; Ironwork; Wood carving Refer from Companions (s) Refer from Fridthjof (s) ; Sagas Refer from Frobel, Friedrich (s) Refer from Adventure; Border life (s) ; Indians of America; Pioneer life (s); Pioneers (s) ; Ranch life; (The) West Refer from Geology; Water Refer from Berries (s); Botany; Farm- ing; Gardens and gardening; Plants; Trees Refer from Steamboats Refer from Mold (s) ; Mould (s) ; Mush- rooms; Plants Refer from Art; Cabinet work (s); Chairs: House decoration; Housekeeping; Manufactures; Wood carving Refer from Clothing; Trapping Refer from Fungi; Plants Refer from Vasco da Gama (s) Refer from Amusements; Occupations for children; Olympic games; Physical educa- 60 Games — Continued Croquet; Dances; Dominoes; Football; Golf; Hockey; Kindergarten — Games and songs; Marbles (game); Occupa- tions for children; Olympic games; Physical education; Sports; Tennis; Toys; War games Gardens and gardening See also Farming; Flowers; Fruit; Plants; School gardens; Seeds; Vegeta- bles; Weeds Garfield, James A[bram] Garibaldi, [Gen. Giuseppe] Garrison, William Lloyd Gas See also Chemistry; Gac engines; Gases; Natural gas; petroleum Gas engines Gases Sec also Air; Airships; Balloons; Chem- istry; Gas; Liquid air; Natural gas; Nitrogen Gassendi, Pierre Gauls Sec also France — History; Rome, An- cient Gawain, Sir Geese See also Poultry Gelee, Claude see Claude Lorrain Gellee, Claude sec Claude Lorrain Gems sec Diamonds; Jewelry; Pearls; Precious stones Geneva, Switzerland Genghis Khan sec Jenghis Khan Genoa Gentians Geography (Page 23) Sec also Antarctic regions; Arctic re- gions; Earth; Explorers; Industries; Islands; Physical geography; Travel; Tropics; Voj'ages; also names of places, subhead Geography, e. g. Pennsylvania — Geography Physical see Physical geography Readers (Page 23) Geology See also Chalk; Coal; Earth; Earth- quakes; Evolution; Fossils; Frost; Gey- sers; Glaciers; Granite; Graphite; Man — Prehistoric; Marble; Metals; Miner- als; Mines and mining; Mountains; Nat- ural gas; Peat; Petroleum; Physical geography; Rocks: Salt; Soils; Springs; Stone; Volcanoes George, St. George III, king of England tion; Play (s); Plays; Recreations (s); Sports; Toys Refer from Botany; Country life; Farm- ing; Flowers; Plants; School gardens; Soils; \egetables Refer from Fuel (s); Gases; Heating; Lighting; Natural gas; Petroleum Refer from Engines; Gas Refer from Chemistry; Gas; Physics Refer from France — History; Rome, An- cient Refer from Folklore (s) ; Legends Refer from Goose (s); Poultry Refer from Switzerland — Description and travel Refer from Flowers; Plants Refer from Earth; Explorers; Commer- cial geography (s); Physical geography; Science; Voyages • Refer from Readers and speakers Refer from Coal; Earth; Earthquakes; Fossils; Man — Prehistoric; Minerals; Mines and mining; Mountains; Natural history; Physical geography; Rocks; Sci- ence; Stone; Volcanoes Refer from St. George (s) 61 Georgia Geraniums German books Note: Used for books in the German lan- guage. Germany Description and travel Sec also Black Forest; Hafz moun- tains; also names of cities, e. g. Berlin ^Folklore See also Siegfried History Sec also Franco-German war, 1870- 71; Goths; Hanseatic league; Refor- mation; Spanish succession, War of, 1701-14; Thirty years' war, 1618-48 Germs Gettysburg, Battle of, 1863 Sec also Civil war, United States Gettysburg address Geysers Sec also Springs Ghost stories Giant's causeway Gibbon, Edward Gibraltar Gibson, William Hamilton Gilbert, Sir Humphrey Ginger sec Spices Giotto, [Angiolotto Bondone] Giotto's campanile see Campanile of Giotto Giraffes Girard, Stephen Girls Sec also Children; Education; Girls' clubs; , Queens; Women — Biography Girls' clubs Glaciers Sec also Ice; Icebergs; Physical geog- raphy Gladness see Cheerfulness; Contentment Glasgow Glass Gloves See also Costume Gluck, Christoph Willibald von Goats Godfrey de Bouillon' Goethe, Johann Woll-^ang von Gold See also Coins; Jewelry; Mines and mining; Money Golden fleece see Argonauts Goldenrod Goldfinches Goldsmith, Oliver Golf Goodyear, Charles Goose see Geese Gordon, Gen. Charles George Refer from (The) South Refer from Goths; Thirty years' war, 1618-48 Refer from Bacteria (s); Hygiene; Mi- crobes (s) Refer from Civil war, United States Refer from Lincoln, Abraham Refer from Geology; Physical geogra- phy; Springs; Water Refer from Stories (s) Refer from Ireland — Description and travel Refer from Spain — Description and travel Refer from Bondone, Giotto Angiolotto (s) Refer from Biography; Children; Women — Biography Refer from Clubs; Girls Refer from Geology; Ice; Icebergs; Phys- ical geography Refer from Manufactures Refer from Clothing; Costume Refer from Bouillon, Godfrey de (s) Refer from Gothe, Johann Wolfgang von (s) Refer from Metals; Mines and mining Refer from Games; Sports 62 Gorillas sec Apes Gothe, Johann Wolfgang von scc Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Goths Sec also Alaric, king of the Visigoths; Germany — History; Theodoric the Great, king of the Ostrogoths Gould, Jay Government Sec also Citizenship; Civic readers; Con- stitution of the United States; Feudal system; Law; Money; Patriotism; Slav- ery; Statesmen; Taxation; Voting; also names of countries, subhead Govern- ment, e.g. United States — Government Government service Sec also United States — Government (The) Gracchi Graham, James, marquis of Montrose see Montrose, James Graham, marquis of Grail sec Holy grail Grain Sec also Corn; Rice; Wheat Grand canon of the Colorado sec Colorado river Granite Sec also Rocks; Stone Grant, Gen. Ulysses S[impson] Graphophone sec Phonograph Graphite Grasses Grasshoppers Sec also Cicadas (commonly called lo- custs); Locusts Gratitude Gravitation Sec also Astronomy; Physics Great Britain sec England Great charter sec Magna charta Great Lakes Great wall of China sec Wall of China Greece, Ancient See also Athens; Macedonia; Olympic games; Retreat of the ten thousand; also names of battles and persons, e. g. Mar- athon, Battle of 490 B. C. and Pericles, Lysander, Agamemnon Greece, Modern Greediness Greek literature — Collections Greek mythology sec Myths — Greek and Roman Greeley, Horace Greely, Adolphus Washington Greene, Gen. Nathaniel Greenland Grenville, Sir Richard Grettir the Strong (Page 11) Grey, Lady Jane Grey, Lady Katharine Grimm, Jakob Ludwig Grimm, Wilhelm Karl Refer from Germany — History Refer front Citizenship; Civil government (s); History; Law; Politics (s) Refer from Cereals (s); Corn; Farming; Flour; Wheat Refer from Geology; Minerals; Quarries (s); Rocks; Stone Refer from Geology Refer from Locusts Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Astronomy; Physics Refer front Lakes Refer from Athens; Marathon, Battle of, 490 B. C; Trojan war Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Classical literature (s); Lit- erature — Greek (s) Refer from Arctic regions: Eskimos Refer from Sagas 63 Grotius, Hugo Ground hogs sec Woodchucks Guatemala Gudrun Guess, George, Indian name Sequoyah Guiana Guide Reni Guise, [Henrj' I, de Lorraine,] duke of Gulf of Mexico Gulf stream Gulls Gunpowder plot Guns See also Arms and armor; Weapons Gustavus I, [or Gustavus Vasa,] king of Szi'cdcn Gustavus II, [Adolphus,] king of Sweden Gutenberg, Johannes Gutta-percha sec Rubber Guy of Lusignan, king of Jerusalem Guy of Warwick Gymnasiums See also Athletics; Physical education Gymnastics see Physical education Gyroscope Haendel, Georg Friedrich sec Handel, Georg Friedrich (The) Hague Haiti see Hayti Hale, Edward Everett Hale, Nathan Hall of fame. New York Halleck, Fritz-Greene Hallowe'en Hamilton, Alexander Hammocks Hampden, John Hampton court Hancock, Mrs Dorothy (Quincj-) Hancock, Gen. Winfield Scott Handel, Georg Friedrich Handicraft (Page 19) See also Baskets; Beadwork; Book- binding; Clay modeling; Copper work; Embroider}'; Ironwork; Jewelrj'; Lace; Leather work; Manual training; Metal work; Occupations for children; Paper work; Pyrograph}^; Raffia work; Rugs; Sewing; Stencil work; Tools; Toys; Weaving; Wood carving Handwriting see Writing Hannibal Hanseatic league Harbors See also Buoys; Pilots and piloting Refer from Central America Refer from Legends Refer from Sequoyah (s) Refer from British Guiana (s); Dutch Guiana (s); French Guiana (s) Refer from Reni, Guido (s) Refer from Lorraine, Henry I de, duke of Guise (s) Refer from Ocean Refer from England — History Refer from Arms and armor; Artillery (s) ; Cannon (s); Firearms (s); Hunting; Ordnance (s); Shooting (s); Shotguns (.s); Weapons Refer from Lusignan, Guy of (s) Refer from Folklore (s) ; Legends Refer from Physics Refer from Netherlands — Description and travel Refer from Patriotism Refer from Days (s) ; Holidays Refer from England — Description and travel Refer from Haendel, Georg Friedrich (s) Refer from Amusements; Art; Arts, Use- ful (s); Arts and crafts (s); Industries; Mechanics; Metal work; Occupations for children; Pyrography; Useful arts (s); Wood carving Refer from Cities; Commerce; many — History; Middle ages Ger- Refer from Commerce; Ports (s); Transportation Engineering; 64 Hardware Sec also Cutlery; Knives; Locks; Metal work Hares sec Rabbits Harold II, king of Enyland Harold III, suniamcd Hardrada, Icing of Norzi'ay Harold Hardrada sec Harold 111, surnanicd Hardrada, king of Norway Haroun-al-Raschid, caliph of Bagdad Harris, Joel Chandler Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, Gen. William Henry Harte, Bret Harvard University Harz mountains Hasting, Sca>idinaz-ia)i viking Hastings, John, earl of Pembroke sec Pem- broke, John Hastings, earl of Hastings, Battle of, 1066 Hats Sec also Millinery Hatto II Havana Havelock, Sir Henry Havelok the Dane Haw^aiian islands Hawking see Falconry Hawks Hawthorne, Nathaniel Birthday exercises Haydn, Franz Joseph Hayes, Rutherford B[irchard] Hayti Health sec Hygiene Heat See also Electric furnaces; Fire; Heat- ing; Physics; Solar engines; Sun; Ther- mometer Heating See also Chimneys; Coal; Electric fur- naces; Gas; Heat; Peat; I'etroleum; Steam; Stoves; Wood Hebrews see Jews Hebrides Hedgehogs Hedin, Sven Heidelberg Heine, Heinrich Helena, St. Heligoland Helpfulness Hennepin, Louis Henry IV, king of England Henry V, king of England Henry VI, ki}ig of England Henry VII, king of England Henry VIII, king of England Henry IV, king of France and Xavarrc Henry I, king of Germany Refer from Cutlery Refer from Harold Hardrada (s) Refer from Remus, Uncle, pseud, (s); Uncle Remus, pseud, (s) Refer from Colleges Refer from Germany^Description and travel Refer from Norman conquest (s) Refer from Clothing; Costume; Manu- factures; Millinery Refer from Folklore (s); Legends Refer from Sandwich islands (s) Refer from Haiti (s) ; West Indies Refer from Fire; Heating; Physics Refer from Architecture; Fire; Heat; Steam; Stoves Refer from, St. Helena (s) ; Saints Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Henry of Navarre (s) 65 Henry of Navarre sec Henry IV, king of France and Navarre Henry, Patrick Hens see Chickens; Poultry Hepaticas , Heraldry Sec also Arms and armor; Chivalry; Flags; Knights Herbariums Hercules Hero Fund see Carnegie Hero Fund Com- mission Heroes and heroism (Page 20) Sec also x\dventure; Argonauts; Car- negie Hero Fund Commission; Courage; Explorers; Fire service; Life-saving; Myths; Trojan war; also names of he- roes, e. g. Perseus, Peter of Haarlem, etc.; also heroic deeds, e. g. Light Bri- gade, Charge of the Herons Herschel, Sir William Flervey islands sec Cook islands Hiawatha Hibernation Hides and skins sec Leather Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Himalaya mountains Hindu literature Hioh, f lid tan chief Hippopotamus History (Page 21) See also Archaeology; Battles; Biog- raphy; Civilization; Crusades; Govern- ment; Kings and rulers; Middle ages; Naval battles; Queens; Reformation; Slavery; also names of countries, sub- head History, e. g. England — History, and names of wars, e. g. Civil war. United States History, Ancient Hittites Hobson, Richmond Pearson Hockey Sec also Sports Hofer, Andreas Hogarth, William Holbein, Hans, the younger Holidays (Page 16) Sec also April fool's day; Arbor day; Bird day; Christmas; Easter; Flag day; Hallowe'en; Independence day; Lin- coln's birthday; May day; Memorial day; New Year's day; St. Patrick's day; Thanksgiving day; Twelfth night; Val- entine's day; Washington's birthday; also names of people, subhead Birthday exercises, e. g. Longfellow. Henry Wadsworth — Birthday exercises Holland, Josiah Gill^ert Holland see Netherlands Holmes, Oliver Wendell Birthday exercises Refer from Arms and armor; Chivalry; Coats of arms (s); Crests (s) Refer from Botany; Plants Refer from Alyths Refer from Biography; Bravery (s); Character; Chivalry; Courage; Ethical stories; Valor (s) Refer from Indians of America Refer from Animals; Zoology Refer from Asia — Description and travel Refer from Literature — Hindu (s) Refer from Civilization; Feudal system: Man Refer from Ancient history (s) Refer from Games; Skating; Sports; Winter sports (s) Refer from Anniversaries (s); Birthdays (s) ; Days (s); Festivals (s); Manners and customs (s) Refer front Titcomb, Timothy, pseud. 66 Holstein, Anna Louise Germaine (Necker), baronne de Stael sec Stael, Madame de Holy Bible sec Bible Holy grail See also Arthur, King; Lohengrin; Parsifal Holy Land sec Palestine Home decoration sec House decoration Homer Honduras Honesty Honolulu Hooker, Got. Joseph Hoosac tunnel Hope Horace Horatius Codes Horizontal bar Horn, King sec King Horn Hornets Horse-chestnut trees Horsemanship sec Riding Horses Horseshoeing sec Blacksmithing Hortense, queen of Holland Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue Hottentots See also Bushmen House boats See also Boats and boating House decoration Sec also Carpets; Flowers — Arrange- ment; Fretwork: Furniture; Pictures; Rugs; Tapestry Housekeeping See also Cooking; Food; Furniture; House decoration; Markets Houses Sec also Animals — Houses; Architec- ture; House boats; Log cabins; Tree houses Houston, Gen. Samuel Howard. Henry, earl of Surrey see Surrey, Henry Howard, earl of Howard, John Howard, Thomas, duke of Norfolk see Norfolk, Thomas Howard, duke of Howe, Elias Howe, Mrs Julia (Ward) Howe, Richard, earl Howe, Samuel Gridley Howells, William Dean Hudson, Henry Hudson Bay company Huguenots See also St. Bartholomew's day, Mas- sacre of Hull, Isaac Humboldt, Alexander von Hume, David Refer from Arthur. King; Folklore (s); Grail (s); Legends Refer from Central America Refer from Character; Dishonesty (s); Ethical stories Refer from Tunnels Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from .Sports Refer from Animals; Farming (s); Riding- Ponies Refer from Boats and boating; Houses; Outdoor life Refer from Art; Furniture; Home dec- oration (s); Housekeeping; Rugs Refer from Cooking; Industries Refer from Architecture; Building (s); Carpentry Refer from Sewing machines Refer from Furs Refer from France — History; St. tholomew's day, Massacre of Bar- 67 Humming-birds Humor Sec also Nursery rhymes; Readers and speakers Humphreys, Samuel Hungary sec Austria-Hungary Hunt, Mrs Helen sec Jackson, Mrs. Helen Hunt Hunter, John Hunter, William Hunting Sec also Falconry; Fishing; Guns; Sports; Tracking; Trapping- Hurricanes sec Storms Huxley, Thomas Henry Hyacinths Hydraulic engineering sec Water power Hyenas Hygiene Sec also Baths and bathing; Clothing; Food; Germs; Nurses and nursing; Phy- sical education; Physiology; Sleep; Tem- perance Hygiene, Public See also Civic readers; Street cleaning; Water supply Hymns See also' Music; Poetry- — Collections; Songs Hypatia Ice Sec also Arctic regions; Glaciers; Ice boats; Icebergs; Skating; Water Ice boats See also Boats and boating Icebergs Sec also Arctic regions; Glaciers; Phy- sical geography Iceland Ideals Idleness Imports sec Commerce Inauguration of the presidents of the U. S. see Presidents Incas see Peru Inchcape rock Independence day See also Declaration of independence India Description and travel Sec also names of cities, e.g. Bom- bay Manners and customs India-rubber sec Rubber Indian corn sec Corn Refer from American literature; English literature; Jokes (s) ; Nonsense rhymes (s); Wit and humor (s) Refer from Adventure; Amusements; Animals; Big game (s); Country life; Outdoor life; Riding; Shooting (s); Sports; Trapping Refer from Body, Human (s) ; Cleanli- ness (s) ; Health (s) ; Nurses and nursing; Physical education; Physiology Refer from Public health (s) Refer from Alusic; Poetry — Collections; Religion; Singing (s) ; Songs Refer from Frosts; Glaciers; Physical geography; Water Refer from Boats and boating; Ice; Sail- ing (s); Ships; Sports; Winter sports (s) ; Yachts and yachting Refer from Arctic regions; Glaciers; Ice; Ocean; Physical geography Refer from Scandinavia (s) Refer from Aspiration (s); Character; Ethical stories Refer from Character; Ethical stories; Indolence (s) ; Laziness (s) Refer from Days (s) ; Declaration of in- dependence; Fourth of July (s); Holidays; United States — Manners and customs Refer from Asia — Description and travel; England — Colonies Refer /ro;» Manners and customs 68 Indians of America Sec also Aztecs; Cliff dwellers; Eski- mos; French and Indian war, 1755-63; Frontier life; Hiawatha; Mound build- ers; Wampum; (The) West; also names of Indians, e.g. Pocahontas, Pontiac, chief of the Ottawas Biography Folklore (Page 12) Industries Indigo Indo-China Indolence sec Idleness Induction coils Industries (Page 19) See also Blacksmithing; Bookbinding; Business; Carpentry; Commerce; Dress- making; Dyeing; Electric engineering; Engineering; Farming; Fishing; Handi- craft; Housekeeping; Inventions; Lum- bering; Machinery; Manufactures; Ma- sonry; Mechanics; Millinery; Mines and mining; Occupations, Choice of; Pot- tery; Printing; Shipbuilding; Tanning; Tools; Weaving Industry Inez de Castro see Castro, liiez de Ingelow, Jean Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique Injuries see Accidents; First aid in illness and injury Inquisition Insects See also Beetles; Caterpillars; Moths; Parasites; also names of insects, e.g. Butterflies, Flies Intemperance see Temperance Inventions See also Industries; Inventors Inventors See also Inventions; also names of in- ventors, e.g. Edison, Thomas Alva Ionian islands Ireland Description and travel See also Giant's causeway; also names of cities, e.g. Dublin Iron See also Ironwork; Metals; Mines and mining; Steel Iron Mask see Man with the Iron Mask Ironclads see Warships Ironwork - See also Blacksmithing; Fretwork; Metal work Iroquois Indians sec Indians of America Irving, Washington Birthday exercises Islands See also Physical geography; also names of islands, e.g. Cuba Isle of Man Isle of Wight Refer from American Indians (s); Ar- chaeolog}'; Iroquois Indians (s); North American Indians (s); Pueblo Indians (s); United States— History; (The) West Refer from Biography Refer from Legends; Myths Refer from Beadwork Refer from Dyeing Refer from Electricity Refer from Arts, Useful (s) ; Business; Commercial geography (s) ; Geography; Inventions; Lumbering; Manufactures; Pottery; Resources (s); Tanning; Trades (s) ; United States — Industries (s); Useful arts (s) Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Middle ages; Spain — History Refer from Animals; Beetles; Zoology Refer from Civilization; Discoveries (in science); Industries; Inventors; Machin- ery; Science; Telegraph Refer from Biography; Inventions; Sci- entists Refer from Manufactures; Mines and mining; Steel Refer from Art; Fretwork; Handicraft; Iron; Metal work Refer from Geography; Physical geog- raphy 69 Isolde sec Tristan and Isolde Isthmian canal sec Panama canal Italian books N^otc-' Used for books in the Italian language Italy Description and travel Sec also Capri, Island of; Corsica; Sardinia; Sicily; Vesuvius, Mount; also names of cities, e.g. Venice Ivory Ixtlilxochitl, king of Tczciico Jackson, Andrew Jackson, Mrs Helen Hunt Jackson, Stonewall sec Jackson, Gen. Thomas Jonathan (called Stonewall) Jackson, Gen. Thomas Jonathan {called Stonewall) Jacquard, Joseph Marie Jacqueline of Bavaria, [conntcss of Hol- land] Jamaica James I, king of England James II, king of England James I, king of Scotland James V, king of Scotland James VI, king of Scotland see James I, king of England Japan Sec also Ainos Folklore — — Manners and customs Japanese folklore see Japan — Folklore Jason sec Argonauts Java Jay, John Jeanne d'Arc see Joan of Arc i Jefferson, Thomas ' Jeffrey, Francis, lord Jellyfish Jenghis Khan Jenner, Edward Jervis, John, earl St. Vincent sec St. Vin- cent, John Jervis, earl Jesus Christ See also Bible; Christmas; Easter Jewelry Sec also Beadwork; Diamonds; Pearls; Precious stones Jews Sec also Talmud Joan of Arc John, king of England John of Lancaster see Bedford, John Plan- tagenet, duke of Johnson, Andrew Johnson, Samuel Johnston, Gen, Joseph Eggleston Refer from War of 1812 Refer from Hunt, Mrs Helen (s) Refer from Jackson, Stonewall (s) Refer from West Indies Refer from James VI, king of Scotland (s) Refer from Japanese folklore (s) Refer from Children Refer from East Indies Refer from Ocean life Refer from Genghis Khan (s) Refer from Christ (s) ; Bible stories; Re- ligion Refer from Art; Costume; Diamonds; Gems (s); Gold; Handicraft; Metal work; Precious stones Refer from Bible stories; Hebrews (s); Man Refer from Arc, Joan of (s); D'Arc. Jeanne (s); France — History; Jeanne d'Arc (s); Maid of Orleans (s); Patriot- ism 70 Jokes sec Humor Joliet, Louis Jones, Charles Jesse Jones, John Paul Jones, Sir William Joseph, Indian chief Josephine, empress of the French Josephus, [Flavius] Journalism See also Newspapers Juan Fernandez island Juana [de Navarra], queen of Spain Justice Justinian I, the Great Kaffirs see Kafirs Kafirs See also Africa, South Kaler, James Otis see Otis, James, pseud. Kalevala Kane, Elisha Kent Kangaroos Kansas Karnak, Temple of Katydids Kauffmann, Angelica Kearney, Stephen Watts Kearsarge (ship) see Alabama and Kear- sarge (ships) Keats, John Ken, Thomas Kenton, Simon Kepler, Johann Keys see Locks Kidd, Capt. William Kilauea Kindergarten — Games and songs Kindness Kindness to animals See also Animals — Care Kinetoscope see Moving pictures King Arthur see Arthur, King King George's war, 1744-48 See also Colonial period, United States King Horn King William's war, 1689-97 See also Colonial period, United States (The) King-maker sec Warwick, Richard Neville, earl of Kingfishers Kings and rulers See also Presidents; Queens; also names of special rulers, e.g. Alfred the Great, king of England Kingsley, Charles Kipling, Rudyard Kirchoff, Gustav Robert Kites Knighthood see Chivalry; Feudal system; Knights Knights Refer from Buffalo Jones (s) Refer from Naval battles Refer from Authors; Literature; News- papers Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Africa, South; Kaffirs (s) Refer from Folklore (s) Refer from Volcanoes Refer from Games; Play (s) Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Animals — Care; Animals, Kindness to (s); Domestic animals (s); Refer from Colonial period. United States Refer from Childe Horn (s); Folklore (s); Horn, King (s); Legends Refer from Colonial period. United States Refer from Biography; History; Rulers (s) Refer from Amusements; Balloons; Fly- ing; Sports; Toys Refer from Chivalry; Heraldry; Knight- hood (s) 71 Knights of the Round Table see Arthur, King; Lancelot of the Lake Knitting Sec also Crocheting; Lace; Spool knit- ting Knives Sec also Cutlery- Knots Knox, Mrs Lucy ( Flucker) Knut the Great sec Canute, kiug of England, Denmark and A^orzuay Korea Kosciuszko, fTadeusz] Koster, Laurens Janszoon see Coster, Lau- rens Janszoon Kremlin Ku-Klux Klan Laboulaye, fidouard Labrador Lace See also Crocheting; Knitting Lafayette, marquis dc La Fontaine, Jean de Lake dwellers Sec also Man — Prehistoric Lake Erie, Battle of see Erie, Lake, Battle of, 1813 Lakes See also Great Lakes; Lake dwellers; Physical geography; also names of lakes, e.g. \'ictoria. Lake Lamb, Charles Lambs La Motte-Fouque, [Friedrich Heinrich Karl,] baron de Lancelot of the Lake Sec also Arthur, King Landseer, Sir Edwin Langland, William Language Sec also Alphabet; Primers; Words Laocoon Lapland Larks La Salle, Robert Cavelier Lathes Latimer, Hugh Latin literature — Collections Launcelot of the Lake see Lancelot of the Lake Launches see Motors boats Lava see Volcanoes Law Sec also Arbitration; Citizenship; Civic readers; Government; Lawyers; United States — Government Lawn tennis see Tennis Refer from Crocheting; Fancy work (s); Lace; Needlework (s); Sewing Refer from Cutlery; Hardware; Weapons Refer from Rope Refer from China — Description and trav- el; Corea (s) Refer from (The) South Refer from Eskimos Refer from Art; Clothing; Crocheting; Fancy work (s) ; Handicraft; Knining: Needlework (s); Sewing Refer from Archaeology; Lakes; Mc Prehistoric Refer from Physical geography; Water supply Refer from Fouque, baron de la Motte — (s); Motte-Fouque, baron de la (s) Refer from Folklore (s); Knights of the Round Table (s); Launcelot of the Lake (s); Legends Refer from Carpentry; Machinery; Tools; Turning (s); Woodwork (s) Refer from Classical literature (s); Lit- erature — Roman (s); Roman literature (s) Refer from Government 72 Lawrence, James Lawrence, Sir Thomas Lawton, Gen. Henry Ware Lawyers Laziness sec Idleness Lead Sec also Metals Lear, Edward Leather See also Leather work; Shoes; Tan- ning Leather work Leaves Sec also Botany; Buds; Flowers; Trees Le Brun, Madame Lee, Gen. Henry Lee, Gen. Robert E[dward] Lee, William Leeches Legends (Page 10) See also Animals — Stories; Arthur, King; Ballads; Beowulf; Charlemagne romances; (The) Cid; Fables; Fairy tales; Folk songs; Gawain, Sir; Gudrun; Guy of Warwick; Havelok the Dane; Holy grail; Indians of America — Folk- lore; King Horn; Lancelot of the Lake; Merlin; Myths; Robin Hood; Roland; Sagas; Saints; Siegfried; Tell, William; Wandering Jew; Wayland the Smith Leicester, Simon de Montfort, earl of see Montfort, Simon de, earl of Leicester Leighton, Sir Frederick Leisler, Jacob Leo X, pope Leon, Ponce de sec Ponce de Leon, Juan Leonardo da Vinci Leonidas, king of Sparta Leopards Leper island sec Molokai island Lettering Letters — Collections ' Levant .SVr also x\sia; Palestine; Turkey Lewis, Ida Lewis and Clark expedition See also (The) West Lexington, Battle of, 1775 See also American revolution Libby prison Liberty, Statue of Lichens See also Mosses Life-saving See also Accidents; Buoys; Fire serv- ice; Lighthouses; Lightships; Ship- wrecks Lifeboats see Life-saving Refer from Law Refer from Mines and mining Refer from Hides and skins (s); Manu- factures; Tanning Refer from Art; Bookbinding; Handi- craft; Leather Refer from Botany; Flowers; Plants; Trees Refer from Fairy tales; Folklore (s); Literature; Myths; Romances (s); Stories (s) Refer from Vinci, Leonardo da (s) Refer from Alphabet; Design; Mechan- ical drawing; Writing Refer from American literature; English literature; Literature Refer from Explorers; Louisiana pur- chase; United States — Exploration; (The) West Refer from American revolution Refer from Prisons Refer from Sculpture; Statues (s) Refer from Mosses Refer from Accidents; Boats and boat- ing; Heroes and heroism; Lifeboats (s); Shipwrecks 7Z Light •Va' also Aurora bi)realis; Lighting; riiosphorcsccncc; Pliotoj;;raphy ; Phys- ics; Sun; X rays Light Brigade, Charge of the Lighthouses Lighting Sec also Candles; Electric lighting; Gas; Lighthouses; Natural gas; Petro- leum Lightships Lincoln, Abraham Sec also Gettysburg address Lincoln, Gcii. Benjamin Lincoln, Thomas Lincoln's birthday (Page 16) Lind, Jenny Linen Sec also Cloth; Flax Linnaeus, Carl von Lions Liquid air Liquids Sec also Liquid air Liszt, Franz Literature Sec also Authors; Ballads; Books and reading; Drama; Dramatic readers; Fa- bles; Fairy tales; Humor; Journaliim; Legends; Letters— Collections; Ora- tions; Poetry; Proverbs; Quotations; Readers and speakers; Sagas Literature, American sec American litera- ture Literature, Chinese sec Chinese literature Literature, English see English literature Literature, Greek see Greek literature — Collections Literature, Hindu see Hindu literature Literature, Roman see Latin literature — Collections Livermore, Mrs Mary [Ashton (Rice)] Lives sec Biography Livingstone, David Lizards Llamas Llanos Lobsters Locks Locomotives Sec also Railroads; Steam engines Locusts See also Cicadas (commonly called lo- custs); Grasshoppers Lofoden islands Log cabins Logging see Lumbering Lohengrin Refer from I'liysics Refer from Balaklava (s); Ciiarge of the Light Brigade (s); Crimean war; Heroes and heroism Refer from Life-saving; Lighting; Signals Rffer from Light Refer from Life-saving; Ships; Signals Refer from Birthdays (s) ; Days (s) ; Holidays Refer from Singers. (s) Refer from Cloth; Flax Refer from Air; Air, Liquid (s); Gases; Liquids Refer from Fluids (s) Refer from Authors; Books and reading; Poetry Refer from Africa — Exploration Refer from Reptiles Refer from Ocean life Refer from Hardware; Keys (s) ; Manu- factures Refer from Engines; Machinery; Rail- roads; Steam engines Refer from Grasshoppers Refer from Building (s); Cabins (s) Carpentry; Houses Refer from Holy grail 74 London Sec also British Museum; Crystal pal- ace, London; St. Paul's cathedral, Lon- don; Tower of London; Westminster abbey Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth ^Birthday exercises Looms sec Weaving Loons Lorelei Lorrain, Claude sec Claude Lorrain Lorraine, Henry I de, duke of Guise sec Guise, Henry I, de Lorraine, duke of Lotus Louis, St. sec Louis IX, king of France Louis VII, king of France Louis IX, king of France Louis XI, king of France Louis XIV, king of France Louis XVII, titular king of France Louis Napoleon, sec Napoleon ITT, em- peror of the French Louisa, queen of Prussia Louisburg Louisiana purchase Sec also Lewis and Clark expedition; Mississippi valley; United States — His- tory Lowell, Charles Russell Lowell, James Russell Birthday exercises Lucas, Eliza Lucullus Lumbering See also Forestry; Industries; Saw- mills; Trees; Wood Lusignan, Guy of sec king of Jerusalem Luther, Martin Lycurgus Lyell, Sir Charles Lynxes Lyon, Mary Lysander Lytton, [Edward George Bulwer-Lytton,] baron Guy of Lusignan, Earle Lytton Refer front England — Description and travel Refer from Birthdays (s); Holidays (s) Refer from Louis, St. (s) ; Crusades 63 Refer from French and Indian war, 1755- Refcr from United States — History Refer from Forestry; Industries; Log- ging (s); Sawmills; Timber (s); Trees; Wood Refer from Wildcats (s) Refer from Greece, Ancient Refer from Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton, baron Lytton (s) Macaroni Macaulay, [Thomas Babington,] lord Macbeth McClellan, Gen. George Brinton McCormick, Cyrus Hall MacDonald, Flora McDonough, Thomas Macedonia See also Alexander the Great, king of Macedon; Greece, Ancient; Philip IT, king of Macedon Machinery See also Electric motors; Engines; In- ventions; Lathes; Locomotives; Manu- factures; Mechanical drawing; Mechan- ics; Mines and mining; Pumps; Saw- Refer from War of 1812 Refer front Greece, Ancient Refer from Engineering; Industries; Man- ual training; Manufactures; Mechanics; Pumps; Tools 75 Machinery — Continued mills: Sewing machines; Steam engines* Tools; Water wheels; Windmills Mackay, Alexander Murdoch McKinley, William Mackintosh, Sir James Madagascar Madeira islands Madison, Mrs Dorothy (Payne) Madison, James Madrid Maecenas Magdalene of France, queen of Scotland Magellan, Ferdinand Magic See also Tricks and puzzles; Witch- craft Magic lanterns Sec also Moving pictures Magna charta Magnetism Sec also Compass; Electricity; Physics Magpies Mahogany trees Mahomet sec Mohammed and Moham- medanism Maid of Orleans see Joan of Arc Mail service See also Stamps Maimonides, Moses Maintenon, Madame de Maize see Corn Malay peninsula Malays Malta Mammoth cave Mammoths Sec also Animals — Extinct; Elephants; Fossils Man See also Civilization; Dwarfs; Evolu- tion; History; Manners and customs; Physiology; also names of races, e.g. Jews Prehistoric See also Archaeology; Cave dwellers; Clitf dwellers; Evolution; Geology; Lake dwellers; Stone age Man with the Iron Mask Manatees Manchuria Mandeville, 5"/V John Manila Mann, Horace Manners Sec also Conduct; Manners and cus- toms Refer from Amusements; Conjuring (s); Experiments (s); Sleight of hand (s); Tricks and puzzles Refer from Amusements; Photography; Stereopticons (s) Refer from England — History; Great charter (s) Refer from Electricity; Physics Refer from Business; Post-office (s) ; Transportation; United States — Govern- ment Refer from East Indies Refer from Caves Refer /ro»j Animals — Extinct; Elephants; Fossils Refer from Anthropology (s); Civiliza- tion; Natural history; Physiology Refer from Archaeology; Antiquity of man (s); Evolution; Geology; Lake dwel- lers; Prehistoric man (s) ; Primitive man (s); Stone age Refer from Iron Mask (s) Refer from China — Description and trav- el; Tartars 76 Refer from Behavior (s) ; Conduct; Cour- tesy (s); Etiquette (s); Pxjliteness (s) Manners and customs (Page 23) Sec also Amusements; Archaeology; Costume; Duels and dueling; Holidays; also names of countries, subhead Man- ners and customs, e.g. India — Manners and customs Mansfield, [William Murray,] earl of Mantegna, Andrea Manual training (Page 19) Sec also Carpentry; Drawing; Machin- ery; Wood carving Manufactures (Page 19) Sec also Automobiles; Bricks; Candles; Carpets; Clocks and watches; Cloth; Clothing; Commerce; Cutlery; Ex- plosives; Flour; Furniture; Glass; Hats; Industries; Iron; Leather; Locks; Ma- chinery; Matches; Nails and screws; Needles and pins; Paper; Pens; Per- fumery; Pottery; Rubber; Shoes; Soap; Steel; Tin Maple sugar Maple trees Marathon, Battle of, 490 B. C. See also Greece, Ancient Marble Marbles (game) Marcellus, [Marcus Claudius] Marco Polo sec Polo, Marco Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome Mardi Gras Margaret, St. sec Margaret, queen of Scot- land Margaret, queen of Scotland Margaret of Anjou, queen of England Margaret of Austria, regent of the Nether- "iands Margaret Tudor, queen of Scotland Maria Theresa, empress of Austria Marie Antoinette, queen of France Mariner's compass see Compass Marion, Gen. Francis Marius, [Caius] Markets See also Bazaars; Fairs Marlborough, [John Churchill,] duke of Marquesas islands Marquette, Jacques Marshall, John Martial Martineau, Harriet Mary I, queen of England Mary, queen of Scots Mary of Lorraine, queen of Scotland Mason, Sir Josiah Masonry See also Bricks; Bridges; Concrete; Dams; Stone Refer from Civilization; Customs (s); Folklore (s); Man; Manners Refer from Murray, William, earl of Mansfield (s) Refer from Carpentry; Education; Handi- craft; Woodwork (s) Refer from Arts, Useful (s); Business; Commerce; Industries; Machinery; Useful arts (s) Refer from Sugar Refer from Trees Refer from Battles; Greece, Ancient Refer from Geology; Minerals; Quarries (s) ; Stone Refer from Games Refer from Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus, emperor of Rome (s) Refer from Carnivals (s) ; Festivals (s) Refer from Margaret, St. (s); .St. Mar- garet (s) Refer from Bazaars; Business; Cities; Commerce; Food; Housekeeping; Vege- tables Refer from Churchill, John, duke of Marl- borough (s) Refer from Queens Refer from Architecture; Bricks; Build- ing (s) ; Engineering; Industries; Stone 77 Massachusetts Massacre of St. Bartholomew sec St. Bar- tholomew's day, Massacre of Mastersingers of Nuremberg sec (The) Aleistersinger Matches Mather, Cotton Matilda of Flanders, queen of England Matilda of Scotland, queen of England Aland, queen of England sec Matilda of Scotland, queen of England Maximilian, emperor of Mexico Maximilian I, duke of Bavaria Maxims see Proverbs Maxwell, William, earl of Nithsdale sec Nithsdale, William Maxwell, earl of May day Mayflower (ship) see Pilgrim fathers; Plymouth Mazarin, [Jules,] cardinal Mazeppa, Ivan [Stepanovitch] Meade, Gen. George Gordon Meat Sec also Cooking Mechanical drawing Sec also Lettering- Mechanical toys, sec Electric toys; Toys Mechanics Sec also Aeroplanes; Airships; Auto- mobiles; Electric motors; Electric toys; Engineering; Handicraft; Machinerj^; Motor boats; Alotor cycles; Physics; Steam engines Medicine See also Dentistry; Doctors; Nurses and nursing; Physiology Mediterranean sea Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest (The) Meistersinger Memorial day Menageries Sec also Circus Mendelssohn, Moses Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix Mercury Merlin Sec also Arthur, King Merrimac (ship) Metacom see Philip, King, Indian )unne Mefaeont Metal work See also Brass; Bronze; Copper work; Handicraft; Ironwork; Jewelry Metals See also Minerals; Mines and mining; also names of metals and alloys, e.g. Brass, Gold, Mercury Refer from New England; Pilgrim fa- thers Refer fror.i Manufactures Refer from Maud, queen of England (s) Refer from Days (s); Holidays Meteorology see Weather Refer from Drawing; Engineering; Ma- chinery Refer from Engineering; Industries; Ma- chinery; Physics Refer from Nurses and nursing; Physi- ology Refer from Mastersingers of Nuremberg Refer from Days (s) ; Decoration day (s); Holidays Refer from Animals; Animals — Houses; Natural history; Zoology Refer from Metals; Mines and mining; Quicksilver (s) Refer from Folklore (s) ; Legends Refer from Naval battles; United States — Xavy Refer from Architecture; Art; Handi- craft; Hardware; Ironwork Refer from Aluminum: Copper: Geol- ogy; Iron; Lead; Minerals; Mines and niining: Ores (s); Silver; Smelting (s); Tin; Zinc 78 Meteors Sec also Astronomy Mexican war, 1846-48 Mexico Mexico (city) Meyerbeer, (iiacomo Mice Michael Angelo I^Iicrobes sec Germs Micronesia Microscope Middle ages 6\v also Castles; Chivalry; Crusades; Feudal sytem; Hanseatic league; Inqui- sition; Reformation Migration of birds sec Birds — Migration Miles, Gcii. Nelson A[ppleton] Military life sec Army life Milk Sec also Butter; Cheese; Cows Milkweed Millais Sir John Everett Miller, Hugh Millet, Jean Frangois Millinery See also Costume; Hats Milner, Isaac Miltiades Milton, John Minerals Sec al_so Crystals; Geology; Granite; Marble; Metals; Mines and mining; Pre- cious stones; Rocks; also names of min- erals, e.g. Coal; Salt Mines and Mining Sec also Coal; Explosives; Geology; Gold; Iron; Lead; Mercury; Metals; Minerals; Salt; Silver Mines and mining Ministers See also Preaching Minks Mints Miracle plays Sec also Oberammergau Mirage Missionary work Mississippi river Mississippi valley Missouri Mistletoe Mitchell, Af aria Mocking birds Modeling sec Clay modeling; Sculpture Mohammed and Mohammedanism Mold see Fungi Moles Refer from Astronomy; Shooting stars (s)i Stars Refer from United States — History; United States — History — Mexican war (s) Refer from Aztecs Refer from Artists; Angelo, Michael (s); Sculptors Refer from Chivalry; Crusades; Dark ages (s); Europe — History; Feudal sys- tem; History Refer from Cows; Dairy (s); Farming Refer from Hats; Industries Refer from Crystals; Geology; Metals; Mines and mining; Natural history; Ores (s); Rocks; Science Refer from Coal; Engineering; Geology; Gold; Industries; Iron; Machinery; Met- als; Minerals; Ores (s); Silver; Tunnels Refer from Biography; Preachers (s); Preaching Refer from Coins; Money; United States — Mints (s) Refer from Actors and acting; Drama; Plays; Religion; Theater (s) Refer from Deserts Refer from Religion Refer from Rivers Refer from Louisiana purchase; LTnited States — Exploration Refer from Mahomet (s); Moors; Relig- ion 79 Mollnsks sec Ocean life; Oysters; Shells Molokai island Sec also Damien de Veustcr, Father Joseph Moltke, Count von Monaco Money Sec also Banks and banking; Business; Coins; Commerce; Mints; Wampum; Wealth Monitor (ship) Monkeys Sec also Apes; Baboons Monmouth's rebellion, 1685 Monroe, James Montefiore, Sir Moses Montenegro See also Balkan states Montezuma II, emperor of Mexico Montfort, Simon de, \earl of Leicester] Montreal Montrose, [James Graham,] marquis of Monuments see Obelisks; Pyramids Moody, Dwight L[yman] Moon See also Astronomy; Eclipses; Tides Moore, Sir John Moore, Thomas Moors See also Algeria; Alhambra; Moham- med and Mohammedanism; Morocco Moose Moral stories sec Ethical stories Morales, Luis de More, Sir Thomas Morgan, Gen. Daniel Morgan, Edwin Dennison Morley, Sir Robert Mormons Morning-glories Morocco Morris, Gouverneur Morris, Robert Morse, Samuel Finley [Breese] Morton, Levi P [arsons] Moscow Moselle river Moses Mosquitoes Mosses See also Lichens Mother Goose melodies sec Nursery rhymes Moths See also Butterflies; Caterpillars; Silk- worms Motion pictures sec Moving pictures Motley, John Lothrop Motor boats Refer from Lei)er island (s) Refer from Banks and banking; Business; Coins; Commerce; Finance (s); Gold; Government; Paper money (s); Silver; Wealth Refer from Apes; Baboons Refer from Balkan states Refer from Aztecs Refer from Leicester, Simon de Mont- fort, earl of (s); Simon de Montfort (s) Refer from Graham, James, marquis of Montrose (s) Refer from Astronomy; Eclipses; Plan- ets; Tides Refer from Spain — History Refer from Moors Refer from Telegraph Refer fromRussia. — Description and travel Refer from Bible stories Refer from Lichens Refer from Butterflies; Caterpillars: Chrysalis (s); Cocoons (s); Insects Refer from Boats and boating; Electric launches (s); Launches (s); Mechanics; Power boats (s) 80 Motor carriasi:es sec Automobiles Motor cycles Motors see Electric motors Mott, Mrs Lucretia Motte-Fouque, baron de la sec La Motte- Fouque Friedrich Heinrich Karl, baron de Mottoes sec Proverbs; Quotations A'lould sec Fungi Moulton, Mrs Louise (Chandler) Mound builders Mount Vernon Mountains See also Geology; Physical geography; Volcanoes; also names of mountains, e.g. Alps mountains; Etna, Mount; Rocky mountains Moving pictures Mozambique Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mucins, Caius see Scaevola, C. Mucius Mud Turtles see Turtles Mummies Munich Murfree, Mary Noailles see Craddock, Charles Egbert, pseud Murillo, Bartolome Esteban Murray, William, earl of Mansfield see Mansfield William Murray, earl of Museums See also British museum Mushrooms See also Fungi Music See also Cantatas; College songs; Hymns; Musical instruments; Musicians; Operettas; Songs Musical instruments See also Piano Musicians See also names of musicians, e.g. Wag- ner, Richard Muskrats Mythology see Myths Myths (Page 9) See also Argonauts; Fairy tales: Indi- ans of America — Folklore; Legends; Sa- gas; also names of mythological heroes, e.g. Hercules, Theseus — — Greek and Roman Norse Nails and screws Names Nansen, Fridtjof Refer from Bicycles and bicycling; Me- chanics; Sports Refer front Archaeology; Indians of America; Tombs Refer from United States — Description and travel; Washington, George Refer from Geology; Physical geography Refer from Actors and acting; Amuse- ments; Drama; Kinetoscope (s); Magic lanterns; Motion pictures (s); Photogra- phy; Pictures; Pictures, Moving (s) ; Plays; Theater (s) Refer from Art; Exhibitions (s) Refer from Fungi; Toadstools (s) Refer from Art; Hymns; Singing (s); Sound Refer from Music; Piano Refer from Artists; Biography; Com- posers (s); Music; Singers (s) Refer from Fairy tales; Folklore (s); Heroes and heroism; Legends; Mythology (s); Religion; Stories (s) Refer from Classical mythology (s); Greek mythology (s); Roman mythology (s) Refer from Norse mythology (s); Norse- men; Northern mythology (s) Refer from Manufactures; Screws (s) ; Tools Refer front Christian names (s); Words Refer from Arctic regions 81 Naples Napoleon I, emperor of the French See also Waterloo, Battle of, 1815 Napoleon III, • emperor of the French Nasmyth, James Nasturtiums Natal National songs sec Folk songs; Songs Natural bridge, Arizona Natural bridge, Virginia Natural gas See also Gas Natural history (Page 18) See also Animals; Aquariums; Botany; Fossils; Geology; Man; Menageries; Minerals; Nature; Ocean; Outdoor life; Plants; Physical geography; Science Taxidermy; Trees; Zoology Nature (Page 18) See also Animals; Arbor day; Birds; Botany; Earth; Flowers; Natural his- torj'; Outdoor life; Plants; Science; Sea- sons; Trees; Zoology Poetry Nautilus Naval battles (Page 22) See also Battles; Spanish armada, 1588; Pirates; Submarine boats; Torpedo boats; United States — Navy; Warships; also names of naval battles, commanders and ships, e.g. Erie, Lake. Battle of, 1813; Jones. John Paul; Merrimac (ship) Naval life See also Naval battles; Pirates; Sea stories; Ships; United States Naval AcademJ^ Annapolis; United States — Navy; Voj^ages Naval War College, Newport, R. I. Navies see Naval battles; Naval life; Ship- building; Spanish armada, 1588; Sub- marine boats; Torpedo boats; Warships; also names of countries, subhead Navy, e.g. France — Navy, United States — Navy Necker, Jacques Needles and pins Needlework see Beadwork; Crocheting; Drawn work; Dressmaking; Embroid- er}'; Knitting; Lace; Sewing; Tapestry Negroes See also Slavery -Stories Nelson, Admiral Horatio Nero, emperor of Rome Nests Sec also Birds Netherlands Description and travel See also names of cities, e. g. (The~) Hague Refer from Bonaparte, French revolution Refer from Bonaparte, (s); Louis Napoleon (s) Napoleon (s) ; Louis Napoleon Refer from Gas; Gases; Geology; Light- ing; Petroleum Refer from Animals; Botany; Nature; Outdoor life; Plants; Science; Zoology Refer from Arbor day; Botany; Country life; Natural history; Outdoor life; Phy- sical geography; Science; Zoology Refer from Poetrj' — Collections Refer from Armies (s) ; Battles; Fighting (s); History; Naval life; Navies (s); Sea fights (s); United States — Navy; War; Warships Refer from Armies (s) ; Army life; Navies (s) ; Sailors; Sea stories; Ships; Soldiers; United States — Navy Refer from United States, Naval War College, Newport, R. I. (s) Refer from Manufactures; Pins (s) Refer from Colored people (s); Man; Slavery; (The) South Refer from Folklore (s) Refer from Birds; Birds' nests (s); Zo- ology Refer from Holland (s) 82 Neville, Richard, earl of Warwick sec War- wick, Richard Neville, earl of New Amsterdam sec New York (city) New Caledonia island New England Sec also Pilgrim fathers; also names of the New England states, e. g. Massachu- setts New Guinea New Hebrides islands New Jersey New Mexico New Netherlands sec New York (state) New Orleans New testament see Bible New Year's day (Page 16) New York (state) New York (city) New Zealand Newfoundland Newspapers Sec also Journalism Newton, Sir Isaac Niagara falls Nicaragua Nicholas, child crusader Nicias Nicolette sec Aucassin and Nicolette Nightingale, Florence Nightingales Nijni Novgorod Nile, Battle of the, 1798 sec Aboukir bay. Battle of, 1798 Nile river Nithsdale, [William Maxwell,] earl of Nitrogen Njals saga Nonsense rhymes sec Humor; Nursery rhymes Nordenskiold, [Adolf Erik,] baron Norfolk, [Thomas Howard,] duke of Norfolk island Norman conquest see England — History; Hastings, Battle of, 1066 Normandy Norse mythology see Myths — Norse Norsemen See aiso Myths — Norse; Sagas North America fPage 21) Discovery and settlement North American Indians sec Indians of America North pole sec Arctic regions Northeast passage see Arctic regions Northern lights see Aurora borealis Northern mythology sec Myths — Norse Northmen sec Norsemen Refer from United States — History Refer from Days (s) ; Holidays Refer from New Netherlands (s) Refer from New Amsterdam (s) Refer front Journalism Refer from United States — Description and travel Refer from Central America Refer from Nurses and nursing Refer from Fairs Refer from Africa — Description and travel; Egypt — Description and travel Refer from Maxwell, William, earl of Nithsdale (s) Refer from Gases Refer from Sagas Refer from Howard, Thomas, duke of Norfolk (s); Surrey, Thomas Howard, earl of (s) Refer from Northmen (s) ; Vikings (s) Refer from America (s) Refer from Colonial period. United States; Discovery of America (s); Explor- ation (s); United States — Exploration; I'nited States — History — Discovery (s) 83 Northwest passage sec Arctic regions Northwest Territory, United States ( Page Norway Notre Dame, Paris Nova Zembla Nubia Numa Pompilius, k'i)ig of Rome Nunez Cabega de Vaca, Alvarez Nuremberg Nursery rhymes (Page 16) See also Poetry — Collections Nurses and nursing Sec also Accidents; Hygiene; Medi- cine; Nightingale, Florence; Red-cross Nutmeg see Spices Nuts and nutting Sec also Chestnuts; Cocoanuts; Pea- nuts Oak trees Obedience Obelisks Oberjimmergau Observation Occupations, Choice of Sec also lousiness Occupations for children (Page 17) See also Amusements; Games; Handi- craft Ocean See also Gulf stream; Icebergs; Phys- ical geography; Sailors; Sea stories; Ships; Shipwrecks; Tides; Voyages; Waves Ocean life See also Alligators; Aquariums; Bar- nacles; Coral; Crabs; Crocodiles; Cut- tlefish; Fish; Jellyfish; Lobsters; Oj's- ters; Sea anemones; Sea urchins; Seals (animals); Seashore; Sponges; Starfish; Walrus; Whales and whaling Oceanica O'Connell, Daniel Octavius Caesar see Augustus, Caius Octa- vius, emperor of Rome Octopus see Cuttlefish Odysseus see Ulysses Oglethorpe, Gen. James Edward Ohio Ohio valley Oil painting sec Painting Oils See also Petroleum Olaf I [(Tryggvason),] king of Norway Olaf II, king of Norway Old testament sec Bible Refer from United States — Exploration; United States — History; (The) West Refer from Scandinavia (s) Refer from Cathedrals Refer from Cabega de Vaca, Alvarez Nuiiez (s); Vaca, Alvarez Nunez Cabeca de (s) Refer from Folklore (s); Humor; Mother Goose melodies (s) ; Nonsense rhymes (s); Poetry — Collections; Rhymes (s) Refer from Hygiene; Medicine; Trained nurses (s) Refer from Trees Refer from Acorns Refer from Character; Disobedience (s) ; Ethical stories Refer from Archaeology; Egypt — De- scription and travel; Monuments (s) Refer from Miracle plays; Passion play (s) Refer from Business; Choice of occupa- tions (s); Industries; Professions, Choice of (s); Success; Trades (s) Refer from Amusements; Children; Games; Handicraft; Recreations (s) Refer from Earth; Natural history; Phys- ical geography; Sea (s); Seashore; Tides Refer from Animal kingdom (s); Ani- mals; Fish; Mollusks (s); Seashore; Sea- weeds (s); Zoology 84 Olives Olympic games Sec also Athletics; education; Sports Operas, Stories from Games; I'liysical Operettas See also Cantatas; Plays Opium Opossums Orang-outangs see Apes Orations See also Debating; Readers and speak- ers. Orderliness Ordnance see Guns Oregon (ship) Ores see Metals; Minerals; Mines and mining. Orinoco river Orioles Orkney islands Ornithology see Birds Osceola, chief of the Seini)w!es Ostriches Otho, emperor of Rome Otis, James, {pseud, [of James Otis Ka- ler]) Otters Outdoor life ■ See also Camping; Countrj' life; Fish- ing; House boats; Hunting; Natural his- torj^; Nature; Picnics; Sports; Walking. Owls Oxen see Cattle Oxford University Oysters Pacific ocean Paganini, Nicolo Page, Thomas Nelson Pageants See also Coronations; Fairs; Plays Paint Painters See also Artists; also names of paint- ers, e. g. Raphael; West, Benjamin Painting See also Art; Artists; China painting; Color; Design; Drawing; Painters; Per- spective; Pictures Paintings see Pictures Palestine See also Dead sea Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palissy, Bernard Palm trees Panama Panama canal Panthers Refer from Athletics; Games; Greece, Ancient; Sports Refer from Wagner, Richard — Stories from his operas (sj Refer from Actors and acting; Cantatas; Music; Plays; Theater (.s) Refer from Addresses (s) ; American literature; Debating; Declamations (s); Elocution (s); English literature; Litera- ture; Readers and speakers; Speeches (s). Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Kaler, James Otis Refer from Camping; Country life; Na- tural history; Nature; Sports Refer from Food; Mollusks (s); Ocean life Refer from Actors and acting; Amuse- ments; Drama; Festivals (s); Pantomime; Plays; Tableaux Refer from Artists; Biography; Painting Refer from Art; Oil painting (s) ; Pic- tures; Water color painting (s) Refer from Holy Land (s); Levant Refer from Canals; Isthmian Canal (s) Refer from Cougars (s); Pumas (s) 85 Pantomime Sec also I'ageants; Plays; Puppet shows; Shadow pictures; Tableaux Paper Paper money sec Money Paper work Paraguay Parasites Paris Park, Mungo Parkman, Francis Parliament — England sec England — Parlia- ment Parr, Samuel Parrots Parsifal Parthenon See also Athens Parties Sec also Amusements; Dances; Picnics Partridges and quails Parzival see Parsifal Pascal, Blaise Passion play see Oberammergau Patagonia Patience Patrick, St. Patriotic songs sec Songs Patriotism Sec also Citizenship; Civic readers; Flags; also names of patriots, e. g. Hale, Nathan; Joan of Arc; Robert Bruce, king of Scotland Pattison, Dorothy Wyndlow Paula, St. Paulus, yEmilius Pawnee Indians Payn, James Peabody, George Peace See also Arbitration Peanuts Pearls Sec also Precious stones Peary, Robert Edwin Peat Peccaries Peking Pelicans Pelopidas Pembroke, [John Hastings,] carl of Pencils Penguins Peninsular war, 1807-14 Penn, William /\ejcr from Actors and acting; Amuse- ments; Drama; Plays; Puppet shows; Shadow pictures; Tableaux Refer from Manufactures; Printing; Writing Refer from Art; Artificial flowers (s) ; Cardboard construction (s) ; Flowers (arti- ficial) (s) Refer from Botany; Insects Refer from France — Description and travel Refer from Cockatoos (s) Refer from Parzival (s); Holy grail Refer from Athens Refer from Amusements; Children's par- ties (s) Refer from Quails (s) Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from St. Patrick (s) Refer from Citizenship; Government Refer from Sister Dora (s) Refer from St. Paula (s); Saints Refer from Arbitration; War Refer from Nuts and nutting Refer from Gems (s) ; Jewelry; Precious stones Refer from Fuel (s); Geology; Heating; Physical geography Refer fro)>i China — Description and travel Refer from Hastings, John, earl of Pem- broke (s) Refer from France — History Refer from Pennsylvania 86 Pennsylvania Sec also French and Indian war, 1755- 63; Penn, William; Philadelphia; Pitts- burgh; Quakers Geography Government Pens I'epper sec Spices Perfumery Pericles Perrault, Charles Perry, Matthew Calbraith, commodore Perry, Oliver Hazard, coinniodorc Perseus Perseverance Persia Perspective Peru Pescara, iiiarclicsa di sec Colonna, Vittoria Peter the Great, ccar of Russia Peter of Haarlem Peter the Hermit Petrograd sec St. Petersburg Petroleum See also Gas; Natural gas Petroleum Pets see Animals — Care; also names of animals, e.g. Cats; Dogs Pheasants Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart see Ward, Mrs Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps) Phidias Philadelphia Philadelphia (ship) See also Decatur, Stephen Philip, King, Indian name Metacom Philip II, king of Maccdon Philip II, king of Spain Philippine islands Phillips, Wendell Philopoemen Phips, Sir William Phocion Phoenicia Phonograph Phosphorescence Sec also Foxfire Photography Sec also Magic lanterns; Moving pic- tures; Pictures Physical education (Page 17) See also Athletics; Games; Hygiene; Sports Physical geography (Page 23) See also Caves; Climate; Clouds; Des- erts; Earth; Earthquakes; Geography; Geology; Geysers; Glaciers; Ice; Ice- bergs; Islands; Lakes; Mountains; Na- ture; Ocean; Peat; Prairies; Rain; Riv- ers; Seashore; Springs; Storms; Tides; Tropics; Volcanoes; Water; Waves: Weather; Winds. Refer from Colonial period, United Stales Refer from Geography Refer from Manufactures; Writing Refer from Manufactures Refer from Greece, Ancient Refer from War of 1812 Refer from Heroes and heroism Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Painting Refer from Incas (s) Refer from Heroes and heroism Refer from Crusades Refer from Coal oil (s); Fuel (s); Gas; Geology; Heating; Lighting; Oils Refer from Pennsylvania Refer from Metacom (s) Refer from Macedonia Refer from Spanish-American war, 189& Refer /rom Graphophone (s); .Sound; Talking machines (s) Refer from Light Refer from Art; Cameras (s) ; Light; Pictures; Printing Refer from Athletics; College athletics; (s); Education; Exercise (s); Games; Gyiiinasiums; Gymnastics (s); Hygiene; Olympic games; Physiology; Recreations (s); Sports Refer from Climate; Earth; Earth- quakes; Geography; Geography, Physical (s); Geology; Glaciers; Icebergs; Islands; Lakes; Mountains; Natural history; Ocean; Physics; Rivers; Science; Tides; Volcanoes; Water 87 Physicians see Doctors Physics Sec also Air; Barometer; Chemistry; Electricity; Evaporation; Gases; Gravi- tation; Gyroscope; Heat; Light; Mag- netism; Mechanics; Physical geography; Radium; Scientific recreations; Soap bubbles; Sound: Steam; Thermometer; Water; Waves; Weather Physiology Sec also Hygiene; Man; Medicine; Physical education; Sleep Piano See also Musical instruments Picnics Picture-books Picture frames Picture galleries sec Art galleries Pictures Sec also Artists; Drawing; Etching; Moving pictures; Painting; Photography Pictures. Moving sec Moving pictures Pierce, Franklin Pigeons Pigmies see Dwarfs Pigs Pike, Zebulon Montgomery Pike's peak Pilgrim fathers See also Colonial period, United States; Massachusetts; Plymouth; Standish, Miles; Thanksgiving day Pilots and piloting Pine trees Pineapples Pins sec Needles and pins Pinzon, Vicente Yanez ' Pioneer life see Frontier life Pioneers see Frontier life Pirates Pisistratus Pitcaim island Pitcher, Molly Pitt, William, earl of Chatham, 1708-78 Pitt, William, 1759-1806 Pittsburgh Pizarro, Francisco Planets Sec also Astronomy; Earth; Moon; Stars Plants (Page 18) See also Botany; Buds; Bulbs; Flow^- ers; Fruit; Fungi; Galls (botany); Gar- dens and gardening; Herbariums; Leaves; Natural history; Roots; Seeds; Trees; Weeds; also names of plants, e.g. Ferns, Gentians Refer from Chemistry; Electricity; Gravitation; Heat; Light; Magnetism; Mechanics; Science; Sound Refer from Anatomy (s); Body, Human (s); Hygiene; Man; Medicine Refer from Musical instruments Refer from Amusements; Outdoor life; Parties Refer from Art; House decoration; Paint- ing; Paintings (s); Photography Refer from Carrier pigeons (s) ; Doves (s); Poultry Refer from Farming; Swine (s) Refer from Rocky mountains Refer from Biography; Colonial period, United States; Mayflower (ship) (s); New England; Plymouth; Puritans (s) Refer from Harbors Refer from Evergreens (s) Refer from Adventure; Buccaneers (s); Naval battles; Naval life; Sea stories; Voyages Refer from Chatham, William Pitt, earl of (s) Refer from Pennsylvania Refer from Astronomy; Solar system (s); Stars Refer from Botany; Bulbs; Farming; Flowers; Gardens and gardening; Na- tural history; Nature; Roots; Seeds Play see Amusements; Athletics; Games; Kindergarten — Games and songs; Sports 88 Plays (Page 18) -Va' also Actors and acting; Cantatas; Charades; Christmas — Plays; Dialogues; Drama; Dramatic readers; (.iamcs; Miracle plays; Moving pictures; Uperei- tas; Pageants; Pantomime; Puppet shows; Shadow pictures; Tableaux Pliny, the elder Pliny, the younger Plymouth See also Pilgrim fatliers; Standish, Miles Pocahontas Poe, Edgar Allan Poetry (Page 15) Sec also Literature; Poets Collections (Page 15) Sec also Ballads; Hymns; Nursery rhymes; Quotations; Readers and speakers; Songs; also various subjects, subhead Poetry, e. g. Animals — Poetry, Christmas — Poetry, Nature — Poetry; Flowers — Poetry Poets Sec also Authors; Poetrj'; also names of poets, e. g. Burns, Robert Poitiers, Battle of, 1356 Poland Polar regions see Antarctic regions; Arctic regions Politeness see Manners Politics sec Government Polk, James Knox Pollen Polo, Marco Pompeii Pompey the Great Ponies see Horses Ponce de Leon [Juan] Pontiac, chief of the Ottawas Pope, Alexander Poplar trees Popocatepetl Poppies Porcelain sec Pottery Porcupines Port Arthur, Siege of, 1904 Porter, Capt. David Porter, Admiral David Dixon Porto Rico Ports sec Harbors Portugal Post-office see Mail service Postage stamps sec Stamps Potatoes See also Vegetables Potter, Paul Pottery See also China painting; Clay model- ing; Industries Refer from Actors and acting; Amateur theatricals (s); Amusements; Cantatas; Charades; Costume; Dialogues; Drama; Dramatic readers; Operettas; Pageants; Pantomime; Private theatricals (s); Pup- pet shows; Tableaux; Theater (s); The- atricals, Amateur (s) Refer from Mayflower (ship) (s); I'il- ?rim fathers Refer from Indians of America Refer from American literature; Ameri- can poetry (s); Ballads; English litera- ture; Literature; Poets; Rhymes (s) Refer from Hymns; Nursery rhymes; Readers and speakers Refer from American literature: Authors; Biography; English literature; I'oetry Refer from Marco Polo (s) Refer from Leon, Ponce de (s) Refer from French and Indian war, 1755- 63; Indians of America Refer from Volcanoes Refer from Puerto Rico (s) ; West Indie; Refer from Vegetables Refer from Art; Chinaware (s); Indus- tries; Manufactures; Porcelain (s) 89 Poultry Sec also Chickens; Ducks; Eggs; Geese; Pigeons; Turkeys Power boats sec Motor boats Powhatan, Indian chief Prairie dogs Prairies Praxitefes Preachers sec Ministers; Preaching Preaching Sec also Ministers Preble, Edward, coiiDiiodore Precious stones See also Diamonds; Jewelry; Pearls Prehistoric man see Man — Prehistoric Prescott, William H[ickling] Presidents Prester John Pribilof islands Pride Primers (Page 16) Set also Readers and speakers Primitive man sec Man — Prehistoric Primroses Prince Edward Island Princes in the Tower Printing See also Calico printing; Paper; Pho- tography Printing Prisons See also Andersonville prison; Bas- tille; Libby prison Private theatricals see Plays Professions, Choice of see Occupations, Choice of Prometheus Promptness Proverbs See also Quotations Public health see Hygiene, Public Public schools see Schools Pueblo Indians see Clifif dwellers; Indians of America Puerto Rico see Porto Rico Pulcheria, Byzantine empress Pullman, George Mortimer Pumas sec Panthers Pumpkins Pumps Sec also Machinery; Water supply Punch and Judy shows see Puppet shows Punctup.lity sec Promptness Refer from Chickens; Ducks; Farming; Geese; Hens; Turkeys Refer from Physical geography; (The) West Refer from Ministers; Preachers (s) ; Re- liijion Refer from Diamonds; Gems (s); Jca elry; Minerals; Pearls; Stone Refer from Biography; Inauguration of the presidents of the U. S. (s); Kings and rulers; United States — Biography (s); United States — Government; United States — Presidents (s) Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Alphabet; Language; Read- ers and speakers Refer from Books and reading; Indus- tries; Type (s) Refer from Character; Ethical stories; Punctuality (s) Refer from Folklore (s); Literature; Maxims (s); Mottoes (s); Quotations Refer from Engines; Machinery; Water supply 90 Punic wars St'c also Rome, Ancient Puppet shows Sec also Pantomime; Plays Purcell, Henry I'uritans sec Pilgrim fatliers Pussy willows Putnam, Gcii. Israel Puzzles see Riddles; Tricks and puzzles Pygmies sec Dwarfs Pyramids Pyrography Sec also Handicraft Pyrrhus, king of Ef'irus Quails sec Partridges and quails Quakers Sec also Pennsylvania Quarries see Granite; Marble; Rocks Quebec Quebec, Siege of, 1759 Queen Anne's War, 1702-13 Sec also Colonial period, United States Queens Sec also names of queens, e. g. Mary, queen of Scots Quicksilver sec Mercurj^ Quotations See also Proverbs Rabbits Raccoons Radium Sec also X rays Raffia work Sec also Baskets Railroads Sec also Electric railroads; Engineer- ing; Locomotives; Steam engines; Street railroads; Transportation; Tun- nels Stories Railways sec Railroads Rain See also Storms; Weather Rainbow Raisins Raleigh, Sir Walter Rameses II, the Great Ranch life See also Frontier life; (The) West Randolph, John Raphael Rats Ravens Refer from Rome, Ancient Refer from Actors and acting; Amuse- ments; Drama; Pantomime; Plays; Punch and Judy shows (s) Refer from Archaeology; Egypt — De- scription and travel; Monuments (s); Tombs Refer from Art; Burnt wood work (s); Handicraft; Woodwork (s) Refer from Friends, Society of (s) ; Penn- sj'Ivania Refer from Canada — Description and travel Refer from Colonial period, United States Refer from Biography; Girls; History; Kings and rulers; Women — Biography Refer from Literature; Mottoes (s); Po- etry — Collections; Proverbs Refer from Hares (s) Refer from Coons (s) Refer from X raj^s; Physics Refer from Baskets; Handicraft; Weav- Refer from Commerce; Engineering; Lo- comotives; Railways (s); Roads; Trans- portation Refer from Train stories (s) Refer from Climate; Physical geography; Storms; Water; Weather Refer from Cowbo}'s(s); Farming; Fron- tier life; (The) West Refer from Painters 91 Readers and speakers (Page 16) Sec also Books and reading; Civic readers; Debating; Dialogues; Dramatic readers; Geography — Readers; Orations; Poetry — Collections; I'rimcrs Refer from American literature; Decla- mations (s); Dialogues; Elocution (s) ; English literature; Humor; Literature; Orations; Poetry — Collections; Primers;- Recitations (s) ; Speakers (s); Speeches (s) Reading sec Books and reading Recamier, Mine [Jeanne Frangoise Ade- laide (Bernard)] Recitations sec Readers and speakers Recreations. jiTt' Amusements; Games; Oc- cupations for children; Physical educa- tion; Sports Red-cross Red Jacket, Indian name Sagoyewatha Reformation Sec also Thirty years' war, 1618-48 Regulus Reid, Samuel Chester Reindeer Religion Sec also Bible stories; Buddha and Buddhism; Druids; Hymns; Jesus Christ; Miracle plays; Missionary work; Mo- hammed and Mohammedanism; Myths; Preaching; Saints Rembrandt [van Ryn] Remus, Uncle, pseud sec Harris, Joel Chan- dler Reni, Guido see Guido Reni Reptiles See also Alligators; Crocodiles; Liz- ards; Snakes Resources see Conservation; Industries Retreat of the ten thousand Revere, Paul Revolutionary Vv^ar, United States see American revolution Reynolds, Sir Joshua Rhine river Rhinoceros Rhodes Rhymes see Nursery rhymes; Poetry Ribera, Jusepe, called Spagnoletto Rice Richard I, king of England Richard II, king of England Richard III, ki)ig of England Richard the Fearless, duke o^ Nor)nandy Richard the Lion-hearted sec Richard I, king of England Richards, Mrs Laura E[lizabeth (Howe)] Richelieu, [Armand Jean du Plessis], cardinal [de] Richter, Jean Paul Riddles See also Charades; Tricks and puzzles Refer from Nurses and nursing Refer from Sagoyewatha (s) Refer from Europe — History; Germany -History; History; Middle ages Refer from Deer; Zoology Refer from Alligators; Animals; Snakes; Zoology Refer from Greece, Ancient Refer from Spagnoletto, Jose Ribera. called (s) Refer from Farming; Grain Refer from Richard the Lion-hearted (s); Crusades Refer from Du Plessis, Armand Jean, cardinal de Richelieu (s) Refer from Amusements; Charades; Con- undrum.s (s); Puzzles (s); Tricks and puzzles 92 Riding Sec also Horses; Hunting; Stage- coaclies Ricnzi, Cola di Rittenhouse, David Rivers Sec also Dams; Physical geography; Water power; Water supply; also names of rivers, e. g., Congo river, Mississippi river Roach, John Roads Sec also Engineering; Railroads; Street cleaning; Street railroads Robert Bruce, king of Scotland Roberts, Alarshall Owen Robertson, James Robin Hood Robins Rockhill, William Woodville Rocks Sec also Geology; Granite; Minerals; Slate; Stone Rocky mountains Sec also Pike's peak; (The) West Rodney, [George Brydges Rodney,] baron Roentgen rays sec X rays Roland Roland, Mine [Marie Jeanne (Philipon)] Rollo, duke of Normandy Roman history see Rome, Ancient Roman literature see Latin literature — ^Col- lections Roman mythology see Myths — Greek and Roman Romances sec Arthur, King; Charlemagne I romances; Legends ' Romania sec Roumania Rome, Ancient Sec also Gauls; Punic wars; also names of persons, e. g., Cassar, Julius; Romulus, king of Rome Rome (city) Sec also Catacombs; Colosseum; St. Peter's, Rome; Vatican Romney, George Romulus, king of Rome Roosevelt, Theodore Roostam see Rustem Roots Sec also Botany; Plants Rope See also Cables; Knots Rosas, Juan Manuel de Rosecrans, Gen. William Starke Roses Rosetta stone Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio Rotterdam Roumania Round Table sec Arthur, King Rowing See also Boats and boating; Canoes and canoeing; Sports Refer from Anniscnients; Horsemanship (s) ; Sports Refer from Engineering; Physical geog- raphy; Transportation; Water; Water supply Refer from Engineering; Transportation Refer from Bruce, Robert, king of Scot- land (s) ; Patriotism Refer from Folklore (s); Legends Refer froin Birds Refer from Geology; Granite; Minerals; Quarries (s); Stone Refer from Mountains; (The) West Refer from Folklore (s) ; Legends (Page 10) Refer from Gauls; Punic wars Refer from Rome, Ancient Refer from Flowers; Plants Refer from Romania (s) Refer from Athletics; Boat racing Boats and boating; Sports (s); 93 Rubber Rubens, Peter Paul Rugs See also Carpets; House decoration; Weaving Ruins sec Archaeology Rulers see Kings and rulers Rumford, [Benjamin Thompson,] count Running See also Athletics; Walking Rupert, Prince Russell, William Clark Russia Army Description and travel See also Siberia; also names of cities, e. g. Moscow Russo-Turkish war see Crimean war Rustem Ruyter, Michel Adriaanszoon de Sagas (Page 11) See also Frithjof; Grettir the Strong; Njals Saga Sagoyewatha see Red Jacket, Indian name Sagoyewatha Sahara desert Sailing See Boats and boating; Ice boats; Ships; Yachts and yachting Sailors See also Naval life; Sea stories; Ships St. Augustine see Augustine, St. abp. of Canterbury St. Augustine, Fla. St. Bartholomew's day. Massacre of See also Huguenots St. Bernard pass St. Boniface see Boniface, St. St. Catharine of Siena see Catharine of Siena, St. St. Christopher sec Christopher, St. St. Clair, Gen. Arthur St. Clotilda see Clotilda, St. queen of the Franks St. Columba see Columba, St. St. Cuthbert see Cuthbert, St. St. Elizabeth of Hungary see Elizabeth of Hungary, St. St. Francis of Assisi sec Francis of Assisi, St. St. George sec George, St. St. Helena. sec Helena, St. St. Helena island St. Lawrence river St. Margaret see Margaret, queen of Scot- land St. Parick see Patrick, St. St. Patrick's day St. Paula see Paula, St. Refer from Gutta-percha (s); India-rub- ber (s); Manufactures Refer from Carpets; Cloth; Handicraft; House decoration; Weaving Refer from Thompson, Sir Benjamin (s) Refer from Athletics; exercise (s) ; Sports Refer from Sohrab and Rustem (s) Roostam (s) Refer from Folklore (s); Legends; Liter- ature; Myths; Norsemen; Stories (s) Refer from Africa — Description and travel; Deserts Refer from Biography; Ocean; Sea stories; Seamen (s); Ships; Voyages Refer front France — History; Huguenots; Massacre of St. Bartholomew (s) Refer from Switzerland — Description and travel Refer fr?m Days (s) ; Holidays 94 St. Paul's cathedral, London St. Peter's, Rome St. Petersburg Saint Pierre, [Jacques Henri] Bcrnanlin dc St. Sophia mosque St. Theresa sec Theresa, St. St. Thomas a Becket sec Thomas a Becket, St. St. Valentine's day sec Valentine's day St. Vincent [John Jervis,] carl St. Vincent de Paul see \'incent de Paul, St. St. Xavier see Francisco Xavier, St. Saints Sec also names of saints, e. g. Helena, St.; Paula, St. Saladin, sultan of Egypt and Syria Salt, Sir Titus Salt Salvador Samoan islands Sandalwood Sandwich islands see Hawaiian islands Saragossa, Siege of, 1808 Sardinia Sarto, Andrea del sec Andrea del Sarto Savonarola, Girolamo Sawmills Sec also Lumbering- Saxons sec Anglo-Saxons Scaevola, [C. Mucins] Scandinavia sec Denmark; Iceland; Nor- way; Sweden Scarlet tanagers Schiller, Johann[Christoph Friedrich von] School gardens Sec also Gardens and gardening School stories Schools Sec also Christ's hospital, London; Col- leges; Education Schubert, Franz Peter Schumann, Robert Schwatka, Frederick Schweinfurth, Georg August Science (Page 18j Sec also Astronomy; Botany; Chem- istry; Electricity; Evolution; Geography; Geology; Inventions; Minerals; Natural history; Nature; Physical geography; Physics; Scientific recreations; Scien- tists; Zoology Scientific recreations (Page 17) Scientists Sec also Doctors; Explorers; Invent- ors; also names of scientists, e. g. Audubon, John James Scipio, [Publius Cornelius] Refer from Cathedrals; London Refer from Cathedrals; Rome (city) Refer from Petrograd (s) Refer from Bernardin de Saint Pierre, Jacques Henri (s) Refer from Jervis, John, earl St. Vin- cent (s) Refer from Biography; Legends; Relig- ion Refer from Geology; Minerals; Mines ind mining Refer from Italj' — Description and travel Refer from Lumbering; Machinery; Trees Refer from Mucins, Caius (s) Refer from Gardens and gardening Refer from Boarding school stories (s); College stories (s) ; Stories (s) Refer from Education; Public schools (s); Teachers Refer from Discoveries (in science): Natural history; Nature Refer from Amusements; Chemistr\- Experiments (s); Physics; Science Refer from Biographj'; Science 95 Scotland Description and travel Sec also names of cities, e.g. Edin- burgh Scott, John, earl of Eldon see Eldon, John Scott, earl of Scott, Sir Walter Scott, Gen. Winfield Scouts and scouting sec Boy scouts Screws sec Nails and screws Sculptors Sec also Artists; also names of sculp- tors, e. g. Michael Angelo Sculpture Sec also Art; Clay modeling; Liberty, Statue of; Sculptors; Wood carving Sea sec Ocean Sea anemones Sea fights sec Naval battles Sea lions sec Seals (animals) Sea stories Sec also Naval life; Pirates; Sailors; Shipwrecks Sea urchins Seals (animals) Seamen see Sailors Seashore Sec also Ocean; Ocean life Seasons Sec also Autumn; Weather; Winter Spring; Summer; Seattle, last great chief of IJ'asIiiiigton Seaweeds see Ocean life Seeds See also Botany; Plants Distribution Self-control Selfishness Semiramis, queen of Assyria Seneca, Lucius Annaeus Sequoyah see Guess, George, Indian name Sequoyah Serapis (ship) sec Bon Homme Richard and Serapis (ships) Serpents sec Snakes Sertorius Servia See also Balkan states Service Seven sleepers of Ephesus Seven wonders of the world Seven years' war, 1756-63 Sevier, John Seville Seward, William H[enry] Sewing See also Beadwork; Crocheting; Drawn work; Dressmaking; Embroidery; Knit- ting; Lace; Tapestry Refer from Artists; Biography; Sculp- ture Refer from Art; Carving; (s); Modeling (s); Statues (s) Refer from Ocean life Refer from Adventure; Naval life; Ocean; Sailors; Stories (s) Refer from Ocean life Refer from Furs; Ocean life; Sea lions (s) Refer from Ocean life; Physical geogra- phy Refer from Astronomy; Autumn; Cli- mate; Nature; Spring; Summer; Weather; Winter Refer from Botany; Farming: Gardens and gardening; Plants Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Balkan states Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Wonders of the world (s) Refer from France — History; French and Indian war, 1755-63 Refer from Art; Dressmaking; Embroid- ery; Fancy work (s) ; Handicraft; Needle- work (s) 96 Sewing machines Sec also Howe, Elias Shadow pictures Sec also Pantomime Shadows Shakespeare, William Shamrock Sharks Shaw, Robert Gould • Sheep See also Wool Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shells Sheridan, Gen. Philip Henry Sheridan's ride Sherman, Gcti. William Tecumseh Sherman's march Shetland islands Shipbuilding See also Armor plate: Boats and boat- ing; Yachts and yachting Refer from Machinery Refer from Pantomime; Plays Refer from Farming; W^ool Refer from Mollusks (s) Refer from Soldiers Refer from Industries; Navies(s); Steam- boats Ships Sec also Boats and boating; Ice boats; Lightships; Naval life; Sailors; Steam- boats; Sumbarine boats; Torpedo boats; W^arships; Yachts and yachting Shipwrecks See also Life-saving Shoes Shooting sec Guns; Hunting; Sports Shooting stars see Meteors Shore, John, baron Teignmouth sec Teign- mouth, John Shore, baron Shorthand Shotguns sec Guns Shovel, Sir Cloudesley Shrimps Siam Siberia Sicilian vespers Sicily Siddons, Mrs Sarah (Kemble) Sidney, Algernon Sidney, Sir Philip Siegfried Signals Sec also Buoys; Flags; Lighthouses; Lightships; Telegraph; Wireless teleg- raphy Silk Sec also Silkworms Silkw^orms Silver Sec also Coins; Metals; Mines and min- ing; Money Simon de Montfort sec Montfort, Simon de, earl of Leicester Refer from Boats and boating; Fleets (s) ; Naval life; Ocean; Sailing (.s); Sail- ors; Transportation Refer from Accidents; Adventure; Dis- asters (s); Life-saving; Ocean; Sea stories; Wrecks (s) Refer from Boots (s); Clothing; Cos- tume; Leather; Manufactures Refer from Business; Stenography (s); Writing Refer from Russia — Description and travel Refer from Italy — Description and travel Refer from Folklore (s) ; Germany — Folk- lore; Legends Refer from Armies (s) Refer from Cloth Refer from Cocoons (s): Moths; Silk; Worms; Refer from Mines and mining 97 Singapore Singers see Musicians, also names of Sing- ers, e.g. Lind, Jenny Singing sec Hymns; Music; Songs Sister Dora see Pattison, Dorothy Wynd- low Sitting Bull, great medicine chief of the Sioux Skating See also Hockey Skees see Snowshoes Skilfulness Skis sec Snowshoes Skunks Sky See also Astronomy; Aurora Borealis; Clouds; Stars; Weather Slate Slavery I See also Civil war, United States; Ne- groes; (The) South Sleds Sleep Sleight of hand see Magic Smelting see Metals Smith, Adam Smith, [Francis] Hopkinson Smith, Capt. John Smoking see Tobacco Smuggling Snails Snakes Sec also Reptiles Snow Snowshoes Soap Soap bubbles Society islands Socrates Sohrab and Rustem see Rustem Soils See also Farming; Gardens and gar- dening Solar engines Solar system see Astronomy; Planets; Sun Soldiers See also Army life; Battles; Naval life; United States — Army; West Point Mili- tary Academy; also names of soldiers, e. g. Sheridan, Gen. Philip Henry Solomon islands Solon Somers, Richard Somerset, Lady Isabel Songs (Page 16) See also Ballads; Christmas — Songs; College songs; Folk songs; Hymns Refer from Amusements; Athletics; Ice; Sports; Winter sports (s) Refer from Astronomy; Clouds Refer from Rocks; Stone Refer from Abolition of slavery (s) ; Antislavery (s) ; Colored people (s); Gov- ernment; History; Negroes; (The) South; Underground railroad (s) Refer from Hygiene; Physiology Refer from Commerce Refer from Reptiles; Serpents (s); Zo- ology Refer from Frost; Storms; Water; Weather Refer from Skees (s); Skis (s); Sports; Winter sports (s) Refer from Manufactures Refer from Amusements; Physics Refer from Farming; Geology Refer from Engines; Heat; Sun Refer from Armies (s); Army life; Bi- ography Refer from Ballads; Carols (s); Folk songs; Hjmms; Music; National songs Cs) ; Patriotic songs (s); Poetry — Collec- tions; Singing (s); War songs (s) 98 Soto, Hernando de Soudan sec Sudan Sound See also Music; Phonograph; Physics; Telephone (The) South Sec also Ku-Klux Klan; Negroes; Slavery; also names of Southern states, e. g. Florida, Georgia South Africa sec Africa, South South African war, 1899-1902 see Boer war, 1899-1902 South America Description and travel See also Amazon river; Andes moun- tains; also names of countries, e. g. .Brazil, Chile South pole see Antarctic regions Southey, Robert Spagnoletto, Jose Ribera, called see Ribera, Jusepe, called Spagnoletto Spain Description and travel Sec also Alhambra; Balearic isles; Escorial; Gibraltar; also names of cities, e. g. Toledo History See also (The) Cid; Inquisition; Moors; Spanish-American war, 1898; Spanish armada, 1588 Spanish-American war, 1898 Sec also Cuba; Philippine islands Spanish armada, 1588 Sec also England — History; Spain- History Spanish succession, War of, 1701-14 Sparrows Speakers see Readers and speakers Speeches see Orations; Readers and speak- ers Speke, John Hanning Spenser, Edmund Sphinx Spices Spiders Spinning Sec also Cloth Spinoza, Benedictus de Spitzbergen Sponges Spool knitting Sports (Page 17) See also Aeroplanes; Amusements; Archery; Athletics; Automobiles; Bal- loons; Baseball; Basket-ball; Bicycles and bicycling; Boats and boating; Boy Refer from De Soto, Hernando (s) Refer from I'hysics Refer from Slavery Refer from America (s) Refer from Travel Refer from Spanish armada, 1588 Refer from Cuba; Cuban war (s); Spain — History; United States — History; United States — History — 'Spanish-American war (s) Refer from Armada, 1588 (s); England — History; Naval battles; Navies (s); Spain — History Refer from France — History; Germany — History; War of the Spanish succession (s) Refer from Birds Refer from Archaeology; Egypt — De- scription and travel Refer from Cinnamon (s); Cloves (s) ; Ginger (s) ; Nutmeg (s) ; Pepper (s) Refer from Cloth Refer from Ocean life Refer from Knitting Refer from Adventure; Amusements; Athletics; College athletics (s); Country life; Games; Hunting; Olympic games; Outdoor life; Physical education; Play (s); 99 Sports — Continued scouts; Bullfights; Camping; Canoes and canoeing; Diving; Falconry; Fenc- ing; Fishing; Football; Games; Golf; Hockey; Horizontal bar; Hunting; Ice boats; Kites; Motor cycles; Olympic games; Outdoor life; Physical education; Riding; Rowing; Running; Skating; Snowshoes; Swimming; Tennis; Tobog- gans; Tracking; Walking; Yachts and Yachting Spring Sec also Seasons Springs Sec also Geysers Spurgeon, Charles Haddon Squids, sec Cuttlefish Squirrels Stael, Mine de [Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine (Necker), baronne de] Stage-coaches Stamp act, 1765 See also American revolution; Colonial period, United States Stamps Standish, Miles Stanford, Leland Stanley, Sir Henry M[orton] Stanton, Mrs Elizabeth (Cady) Starfish Stark, Gen. John Stars See also Astronomy; Meteors; Planets. Statesmen Sec also names of statesmen, e. g. Clay, Henry Statues see Liberty, Statue of; Sculpture Steam Sec also Heating Steam engines Sec also Locomotives; Watt, James Steamboats Sec also Fulton, Robert: Shipbuilding; Warships; Yachts and yachting Stedman, Edmund Clarence Steel Sec also Armor plate; Bessemer, Sir Henry; Cutlery; Iron; Swords; Tools Steele, Sir Richard Stencil work Stenography see Shorthand Stephen of Cloyes Stephens, Alexander Hamilton Stephenson, George Stephenson, Robert Stereopticons see Magic lanterns Stevenson, Robert Louis Recreations (s); Rowing; Shooting (s) ; Winter sports (s) Refer from Seasons Refer from Geology; Geysers; Physical geography; Water; Water supply Refer from Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine (Necker), baronne de Stael (s) Refer from Coaches and coaching (s) ; Riding; Transportation Refer from American revolution; Colonial period. United States Refer from Collectors and collecting; Mail service; Postage stamps (s) Refer from Pilgrim fathers; Plymouth Refer from Africa — Exploration Refer from Ocean life Refer from Astronomy; Planets; Sky Refer from Biography; Government Refer from Heating; Physics; Vapor (s); Water Refer from Engineering; Engines; Loco- motives; Machinery; Mechanics; Railroads Refer from Boats and boating; Ships; Transportation Refer from Iron; Manufactures Refer from BickerstafT, Isaac, Esq.. pseud, (s) Refer from Art; Handicraft 100 Stewart, Alexander Turncy Stewart, Admiral Charles Stilts Stockholm Refer from Sweden — Descripiiun and travel Stockton, Frank Richard Stoddard, Richard Henry Stone, Lncy Stone Sec also Geology; Granite; Marble; Refer jrom Geidoj^y; Granite; Masonry; Masonry; Precious stones; Rocks; Slate Rocks. Stone age Sec also Archaeology; Man— I'rehis- Refer from Archaeology; Man— Prehis- toric toric Stores see Business Stories see Adventure; Bible stories; Eth- ical stories; Fables; Fairy tales; Ghost stories; Legends; Myths; Sagas; School stories; Sea stories; also various sub- jects, places and events, subhead Stories, e. g., Flowers — Stories; England — Stories; Hastings, Battle of — Stories Storks Storms Sec also Barometer; Rain; Snow; Weather; Winds Stoves See also Heating Stowe, Mrs Harriet (Beecher) Strafford, [Thomas Went worth], earl of Strasburg Stratford-on-Avon Strawberries Street cleaning Street railroads Sec also Electric railroads Stuart, Lady Arabella Stuart, Charles Edward, the Young Pretender Stuart, Gen. James Ewell Brown Stuart, Mrs Ruth (McEnery) Stuffing of animals and birds see Taxi- dermy Stuyvesant, Peter Submarine boats See also Torpedo boats Submarine cables see Atlantic cable; Cables Success Sec also Ambition; Business; Charac- ter; Conduct; Occupations, Choice of Sudan Suez canal SufTren Saint Tropez, Pierre Andre de (Page 8) Refer from Cyclones (s); Hurricanes (s); Physical geography; Rain; Thunderstorms (s); Tornadoes (s); Weather; Winds Refer from Heating Refer from Wentworth, Thomas, earl of Strafiford (s) Refer from England — Description and travel Refer from Cities; Hygiene, Public; Roads Refer from Cities; Electric railroads; Railroads; Roads; Transportation Refer from Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender (s); Young Pretender (s) Refer from Boats and boating; Naval battles; Navies (s) ; Ships; Torpedo boats; Warships Refer from Business; Commerce; Wealth Refer from Soudan (s) Refer from Canals 101 Sugar Sec also Beet sugar; Candy; Maple sugar Sulla, [Lucius Cornelius] Sumach Sumatra Summer See also Seasons Sumner, Charles Sun See also Astronomy; Eclipses; Solar engines Simdials Sunflowers Surgeons see Doctors Surrey, [Henry Howard,] earl of Surrey, Thomas Howard, earl of see Nor- folk, Thomas Howard, duke of Surveying See also Engineering- Suspension bridges see Bridges; Brooklyn bridge Swallows Swans Sweden Description and travel See also names of cities, e. g., Stock- holm Sweyn, king of Denmark Swift, Jonathan, [dean} Swimming Sec also Baths and bathing; Diving Swine see Pigs Switzerland Description and travel See also Alps mountains; St. Ber- nard pass; also names of cities, e.g. Geneva Swords See also Arms and armor; Fencing Sylla see Sulla, Lucius Cornelius Syria Tableaux See also Charades; Pageants; Panto- mime; Plays Rc-fc from' Bee't sugar; Farming Refer from Sylla (s) Refer from East Indies Refer from Seasons Refer from Astronomy; Eclipses; Heat; Light; Solar system (s) Refer from Howard, Henry, earl of Sur- rey (s) Refer from Civil engineering (s) ; Engi- neering Refer from Scandinavia (s) Refer from Athletics; Baths and bathing. Sports Refer from Arms and armor; Cutlery; Steel; Weapons Refer from Actors and acting; Amuse- ments; Charades; Drama; Pantomime; Plays Taft, William Howard Tahiti Tahoe, Lake Taj Mahal Talking machines see Phonograph Talmud Tamate see Chalmers, James Tamerlane Tancred Tangier Tannhauser Tanning See also Industries; Leather 102 Refer from Tombs Refer from Jews Refer from Industries; Leather Tapestry Tartars Sec also China — History; Manchuria Tasmania Taxation Taxidermy Taylor, Bayard Birthday exercises Taylor, Zachary Tea Teachers Sec also Education; Schools; Teach- ing Teaching See also Education; Teachers Tecumseh, Indian chief Teignmouth, [John Shore] baron Telautograph Telegraph See also Atlantic cable; Cables; In- ventions; Morse, Samuel Finley Breese; Telautograph; Wireless telegraphy Telephone Telescope Tell, William Temperance Temperature sec Climate; Weather Temples Tennessee Tennis Tennyson, Alfred, lord Tents See also Camping Teresa, St. see Theresa, St. Texas Textile fabrics sec Cloth Thackeray, W^illiam Makepeace Thanksgiving day (Page 16) Thaxter, Mrs Celia [(Laighton)] Theater sec Actors and acting; Drama: Miracle plays; Moving pictures; Oper- ettas; Plays Theatricals, Amateur see Plays Themistocles Theodoric the Great, king of the Osfrocjoths Theodosius the Great, emperor of Rome Theresa, St. Thermometer Sec also Barometer Refer from Art; Cloth; House decora- tion; Needlework (s); Sewing Refer from Government; United States — Government Refer from Animals; Birds; Natural his- tory; Stuffing of animals and birds (s); Zoology Refer from Biographj-; Teachinc- Education; Refer from Education; Teachers Refer from Shore, John, baron Teign- mouth (s") Refer from Electric engineering; Tele- graph Refer from Discoveries (in science); Electric engineering; Electricity; Signals Refer from Discoveries (in science); Electric engineering; Electricity; Sound Refer from Astronomy Refer from Folklore (s); Legends Refer from Character; Ethical stories; Hygiene; Intemperance (s) Refer from Archaeology Refer from United States — History Refer from Games; Lawn tennis (s) ; Sports Refer from Camping Refer from Anniversaries (s); Colonial period, United States; Days (s); Festivals (s); Holidays; Pilgrim fathers; United States — Manners and customs Refer from Goths Refer from Teresa, St. (s) ; St. Theresa (s) Refer from Heat; Physics; Weather 103 Thermopylae, Battle of, 480 B. C. Theseus Thibet sec Tibet Thirty years' war, 1618-48 Sec also Europe — History; Germany — History Thomas a Becket, St. Thomas, Gen. George Henry Thompson, Sir Benjamin see Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, count Thomson, Joseph Thoreau, Henry David Birthday exercises Thoroughness Thorvaldsen, Albert Bertel Thoughtfulness Thrushes Thunderstorms see Storms Tiberius, emperor of Rome Tibet Tidal waves Tides See also Astronomy; Aloon; Ocean; Physical geography Tierra del Fuego Tiffany, Charles Lewis Tigers Timber see Forestry; Lumbering; Trees; Wood. Timbuctoo Timoleon Tin See also Metals Titcomb, Timothy, pseud, see Holland, Josiah Gilbert Titian Titicaca, Lake Titus, emperor of Rome Toads Toadstools see Mushrooms Tobacco Toboggans Toledo, Spain Tolstoi, [Lyof Nikolaievitch,] count Tombs See also Catacombs; Mound builders: Pyramids; Taj Mahal Tonti, Henri de Tools See also Carpentry; Lathes; Machin- ery; Nails and screws Tops Tornadoes sec Storms Torpedo boats See also Submarine boats; Warships Torpedoes Tours, Battle of, 732 Tourville, [Anne Hilarion de Cotentin,] cointe de Refer from Myths Refer from Europe — History; Germany — History; Reformation Refer from A Becket, St. Thomas (s) ; Becket, St. Thomas a (s); St. Thomas a Becket (s) Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from China — Description and trav- el; Thibet (s) Refer from Astronomy; Moon; Ocean; Physical geography Refer from Alanufactures Refer from Farming; Smoking (s) Refer from Sports; Winter sports (s) Refer from Spain — Description and travel Refer from Archaeology Refer from Carpentry; Handicraft; In- dustries; Machinery; Steel Refer from Toys Refer from Boats and boating; Naval battles; Navies (s); Ships; Submarine boats; Warships Refer from Armies (s) ; Explosives 104 Toussaint L'Ouverture, Frangois Domin- ique Tower of London Toys See also Amusements; Dolls; Electric toys; Games; Kites; Tops Track athletics see Athletics Tracking Trade sec Business; Commerce Trades see Business; Occupations, Choice of; Industries; also names of industries, e. g. Blacksmithitig, Carpentry Trafalgar, Battle of, 1805 Trailing sec Tracking Trailing arbutus sec Arbutus Train stories see Railroads — Stories Trained nurses see Nurses and nursing Trajan, emperor of Rome Transportation Sec also Aeroplanes; Automobiles; Canals; Commerce; Electric railroads; Harbors; Mail service; Railroads; Rivers; Roads; Ships; Stage-coaches; Steamboats; Street railroads Trapping Sec also Furs; Hunting Travel (Page 22) See also Explorers; Voyages; also names of countries, subhead Description and travel, e. g. Spain — Description and travel Travel. Means of see Transportation Tree houses Trees See also Arbor day; Big trees; Botany; Forestry; Fruit; Leaves; Lumbering; Nuts and nutting; Sawmills; Wood; also names of trees, e.g. Birch trees, Maple trees Trenck, [Friedrich,] haron von der Trenton, Battle of, 1776 Tricks and puzzles Sec also Charades; Magic; Riddles Trinidad Tripoli Tristan and Isolde Trojan war (Page 9) See also Greece, Ancient; Troy; Ulys- ses Tromp, Martin Harpertzoon Tropics Trowbridge, John Townsend Troy See also Trojan war Truth Truthfulness Truxtun, Thomas Tulips Tunis Tunnels See also Engineering; Hoosac tunnel: Refer from London Refer from Amusements; Ganu's; Handi- craft; Mechanical toys (s) Refer from Hunting; Sports; Trailing (s) Refer from Commerce; Railroads; Travel, Means of (sj Refer from Furs; Hunting Refer from Adventure; Description and travel (s); Explorers; Geography; Voy- ages Refer from Houses Refer from Arbor day; Botany; Ever- greens (s) ; Forestry; Leaves; Lumbering; Natural history; Nature; Plants; Timber (s); Wood Refer /rom Amusements; Charades; Con- juring (s); Magic; Puzzles (s); Rid- dles Refer from West Indies Refer from Isolde (s) Refer from Agamemnon, king of My- cenae; Heroes and heroism; Troy; Ulysses Refer from Geography; Physical raphy jeog- Refer from Trojan war Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer fro}ii Engineering; Railroads 105 Tunnels — Continued Mines and mining Turbines Sec also Water wheels Turkey ■ Description and travel Turkeys Sec also Poultry Turner, Joseph Mallord William Turning .SVC Carpentry; Lathes Turpentine Turtles Twain, Mark, (pseud, [of Samuel Lang- horne Clemens]) Twelfth night Tycho Brahe sec Brahe, Tycho Tyler, John Tyler, Wat Tyndall, John Type see Printing Typewriter see Typewriting Typewriting Tyrol Uganda Ulysses See also Trojan war Uncle Remus, pseud, see Harris, Joel Chandler Underground railroad see Slavery United States (Page 21) Note : Libraries desiring to keep all ma- terial together under United States, should follow headings given on p. 113. Army Sec also Army life; United States — Nav}'; West Point Military Academy Biography see Biography; Presidents; also names of individuals. Colonial period see Colonial period, United States Constitution see Constitution of the United States Consular service see Consular service Description and travel See also Mount Vernon; Niagara falls; Yellowstone national park; Yosemite valley; also names of states, cities and regions, e.g. Tennessee, Boston, (The) West • Exploration (Page 22) See also Lewis and Clark expedition; Mississippi valley; North America — Discovery and settlement; Northwest Territory; also names of explorers, e.g. Fremont, Gen. John Charles Fisheries bureau sec Fish; Fishing Forest service see Forestry Government See also Civic readers; Constitution of the United States: Mail service; Presi- dents; Taxation; Voting Refer from Engines Refer from Levant Refer front Poultry Refer from Mud turtles (s) Refer fro>n Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (s) Refer from Days (s); Holidays Refer from Business; Typewriter (s); Writing Refer front Odysseus (s); Trojan war Refer from America (s) Refer front Armies (s); Army, United States (s); Soldiers Refer from Description and travel (s) United States — Travel (s) Refer from Explorers; United States — History Refer from Citizenship; Civil government (s); Congress, United States (s) ; Consti- tution of the United States; Government; Government service; Law; United States — Politics (s) 106 United States — Continued History Sec also American revolution ; C'vil war, United States; Colonial period, United States; Declaration of independ- ence; Indians of America; Louisiana purchase; Mexican war, 1846-48; New England; Northwest Territory, United States; Spanish-American war, 1898; United States — Exploration; War of 1812; also names of states, e.g. Tennessee Civil war see Civil war, United States -Colonial period, -Discovery Colonial period see United States see North America — Discovery and settlement French and Indian war see French and Indian war, 1755-63 Mexican w^ar see Mexican war, 1846-48 Revolution see American revolu- tion Spanish-American war see Span- ish-American war, 1898 War of 1812 sec War of 1812 Industries sec Industries Manners and customs Sec also Colonial period. United States; Manners and customs; Inde- pendence day; Memorial day; Thanks- giving day Military Academy sec West Point Mil- itary Academy Mint sec Mints -Navy Sec alsa Naval battles; Naval life; also names of vessels, e.g. Merrimac (ship) Politics sec United States — Govern- ment — ■ — Presidents see Presidents Travel sec United States — Description and travel United States Naval Academy, Annapolis United States, Naval War College, New- port, R. I. see Naval War College, New- port, R. I. Unselfishness Uruguay Useful arts see Handicraft; Industries; Manufactures Usefulness Vaca. Alvarez Nunez Cabe^a de see Nunez Cabeqa de Vaca, Alvarez Valentine's day Valerius, Publius Valor sec Courage: Heroes and heroism Van Buren, Martin Vandals Vanderbilt, Cornelius, called Commodore Van Dyck, Anton Vane, .V(> Harry Van Eyck, Hubert see Eyck, Hubert vai Refer from American history (s); Amer- ican revolution; Indians of America Refer from Naval battles; Naval life; Navies (s) ; United States — Army Refer from Annapolis, United States Naval Academy (s); Naval life Refer from Character; Ethical stories (Page 19) Refer from Character; Ethical stories Refer from Days (s); Holidays; St. \'al- entine's da)' (s) 107 Van Rensselaer, Stephen Vapor sec J'Lvaporation; Steam Vasco da Gama sec Gama, Vasco da Vasquez de Coronado, Francisco see Cor- onado, Francisco Vasqucz de Vassals see Feudal system Vatican Vegetables See also Cooking; Gardens and garden- ing; Markets; Potatoes Velasquez, [Diego Rodriguez de Silva y] Venezuela Venice Ventriloquism Venus of Mile Vercheres, Mary Madeleine de Vermont Vernet, Horace Verrazzano, Giovanni da Vespasian, emperor of Rome Vespucci, Amerigo Vesuvius, Mount Victoria, queen of lingland Victoria cross Victoria falls Victoria, Lake Vienna Vikings see Norsemen Vincent de Paul, St. ,^ Vinci, Leonardo da sec LeonaVdo da Vinci Virgil Virginia, Roman maiden Virginia (state) Volcanoes Sec also Earthquakes; Etna, Mount: Geology; Kilauea; Physical geography; Popocatepetl; Vesuvius, Mount Voltaire. [Frangois Marie Arouet de] Voting See also Citizenship Voyages (Page 22) See also Adventure; /\ntarctic regions; Arctic regions; Explorers; Geography; Pirates; Sailors; Travel; Whales and whaling Vultures Wagner, Richard Stories from his operas see Operas, Stories from Waldenses Wales Walking Wall of China Wallace, Sir William Wallenstein Walnut trees Walrus Walton, Izaak Wampum Refer from Rome (cit)-) Refer from Farming; Food; Gardens and rardening; I'otatoes Refer from Italy — Description and travel Refer from Amusements Refer from Italy — Description and travel; Volcanoes Refer from Lakes Refer from Austria-Hungary — Descrip- tion and travel Refer from St. Vincent de Paul (s) Refer from Earth; Geology; Lava (sj: Mountains; Physical geography- Refer from Government; United States — - Government Refer from Adventure; Description and travel (s); Discoveries (in geography) (s); Explorers; Geography; Naval life; Ocean; Travel Refer from Musicians Refer from Athletics; Exercise (s) ; Out- door life; Running; Sports Refer from China, Wall of (s); Great wall of China (s) Refer from Ocean life Refer from Indians of America; Monej'- 108 Wandering Jew War (Page 22) Sec also Battles; Naval battles; Peace; also names of wars, e.g. Civil war, United States; Franco-Ciernian war, 1870-71 Stories sec names of special wars. e.g. Civil war, United States — Stories, Crimean war — Stories War games War of 1812 Sec also Erie, Lake, Battle of, 1813; also names of naval and military com- manders, e.g. Perry, Oliver Hazard, com- modore; McDonough, Thomas; Jackson, Andrew War of the Spanish succession sec Spanish succession, War of, 1701-14 War songs sec Songs Warbeck, Perkin Ward, Mrs Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps) Warner, Charles Dudley Warships Sec also Armor plate; Naval battles; Submarine boats; Torpedo boats; also names of individual ships, e.g. Albemarle (ship), Constitution (ship) Warwick, [Richard Neville], earl of Warwick castle Washington, Booker T[aliaferro] Washington, George Sec also Mount Vernon Washington, Mrs Mary [(Ball)] Washington, D. C. Washington's birthday (Page 16) Wasp (ship) Wasps Watches see Clocks and watches Water Sec also Dew; Frost; Geysers; Ice; Physical geograph}'; Rain; Rivers; Snow; Springs; Steam Water color painting see Painting Water lilies Water power Water supply See also Aqueducts; Artesian wells; Canals; Dams; Lakes; Pumps; Rivers; Springs; Water Water wheels Water works see Water supply Waterloo, Battle of, 1815 Watt, James Waves Wax flowers Wayland the Smith Wayne, Gen. Anthony Refer from Folklore (s); Legends Refer from Fighting (s) Refer from Games Refer from United States — History; United States— History— War of 1812 (s) Refer from Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart (s) Refer from Armor plate; Armored ves- sels (s) ; Battle-ships (s); Fleets (s); Iron- clads (s); Naval battles; Navies (s) ; Ships; Steamboats; Torpedo boats Refer from Neville. Richard, earl of War- wick (s); (The) King-maker (s) Refer from Castles Refer from Birthdays (s); Days (s) ; Holidays Refer from Ice; Physical geography; Physics; Water supply Refer from Hydraulic engineering (s); Rivers Refer from Dams; Engineering; Hy- giene. Public; Pumps; Rivers; Water works (s) Refer from Machinery; Turbines; Wheels (s) ■ Refer from France — History; Napoleon 1, emperor of the French Refer from Steam engines Refer from Ocean; Physical geography; Physics Refer from Artificial flowers (s); Flow- ers; Flowers (artificial) (s) Refer from Folklore (s) ; Legends 109 Wealth Sec also Banks and banking; Business; Money; Success Weapons Sec also Arms and armor; Guns; Knives; Swords Weasels Weather See also Air; Barometer; Climate; Clouds; Rain; Seasons; Snow; Storms: Thermometer; Winds Weaving Sec also Baskets; Carpets; Cloth; Raf- fia work; Rugs Weber, Carl Maria von Webster, Daniel Weeds Wellesley, Arthur, duke of Wellington sec Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, duke of Wellington, [Arthur Wellesley], duhe of Wentworth. Thomas, earl of Strafford sec Strafford, Thomas Wentworth earl of Wesley, John Wesley, Mrs Susanna (^Annesley) West, Benjamin (The) West (Page 21) See also Colorado river; Frontier life; Indians of America; Lewis and Clark expedition; Northwest Territory, United States; Prairies; Ranch life; Rocky mountains; Yellowstone national park; Yosemite valley; also names of western states, e.g. California, Colorado West Indies See also Bahama islands; Cuba; Hayti; Jamaica; Porto Rico; Trinidad West Point Military Academy Westminster abbey Wetzel, Lewis Whales and whaling Wheat See also Flour; Grain Wheeler, Gen. Joseph Wheels sec Water wheels Whippoorwills White mountains Whitman, Marcus Whitney, Eli Whittier, John Greenleaf Birthday exercises Wickliffe. John sec Wycliffe, John Wiclif, John sec Wycliffe, John Wilberforce, William Wild animals sec Animals Wild flowers see Flowers Wildcats see Lynxes Wilkie, Sir David Refer front Business; Money Refer from Arms and armor; Guns Refer from Atmosphere (s); Climate; Clouds; Meteorology (s); Physical geog- raphy; Physics; Rain; Seasons; Sky; Storms; Temperature (s); Winds Refer from Cloth; Cotton; Handicraft; Industries; Looms (s); Rugs Refer from Botany; Gardens and garden- ig; Plants Refer from Wellesley, Arthur, duke of Wellington (s) Refer from Painters Refer from Adventure; Frontier life; In- dians of America; Lewis and Clark expe- dition; Ranch life; Rocky mountains; United .States — Description and travel Refer from .Soldiers; United States — Arm}'; United States — Military Academy (s) Refer from London Refer from Fishing; Ocean life; Voyages Refer from Farming; Flour; Grain Refer froyii Cotton gin 110 Wilkins, Mary E [leaner, afterzvard Mrs Freeman] Willard, Frances E[lizabeth] William I, the Conqueror, king of England William I, German emperor and king of Prussia William of Orange, called the Silent William the Silent see William of Orange, called the Silent Williams, Roger Willis, Nathaniel Parker Willow trees Wilson, Richard Windmills ^A/inds See also Storms; Weather Windsor castle Wine Winkelried Arnold von Winter Sec also Seasons Winter sports see Hockey; Ice boats; Skating; Snowshoes; Sports; Toboggans Winthrop John Wireless telegraphy Wisconsin Wister, Sarah Wit and humor sec Humor Witchcraft Wolf sec Wolves Wolsey, [Thomas,] cardinal Wolves Women — Biography Sec also Biographj'; Girls; Queens: also names of famous women, e.g. Al- cott. Louisa May; Anne, queen of Eng- land Wonders of the world sec Seven wonders of the world Wood, Sir Andrew Wood Sec also Bamboo; Lumbering; Trees Wood carving Sec also Fretwork; "Furniture; Handi- craft Woodchucks Woodpeckers Woodwork see Carpentry; Lathes; Manual training; Pyrography Wool Sec also Cloth; Dyeing; Sheep Words Sec also Names Wordsworth, William World see Earth Worms Sec also Caterpillars; Silkworms Worms, Germany Wrecks see Shipwrecks Wren, Sir Christopher «•; Wrens Refer from Freeman, Mrs Mary Eleanor (Wilkins) (s) Refer from William the Silent (s) Refer from Machinery Refer from Physical geography; Storms; Weather Refer from Castles Refer from Frost; .Seasons Refer from Electric engineering; Elec- tricity; Signals; Telegrapli Refer from Conjuring (s); Alagic Refer from Wolf (s) Refer from Biography; Girls Refer from Forestry; Fuel (s); Heating; Lumbering; Timber (s); Trees Refer from Art; Carpentry; Carving (s); Handicraft; Fretwork; Manual training; Sculpture Refer from Ground hogs (s) Refer from Cloth; Sheep Refer from Language Refer from Animals; Zoology in 4 Writers sec Authors Writing Sec also Alpluiljct; Authors; Books and reading; Lettering; I'apcr; Tens; Shorthand; Typewriting Wu Hou, cnif>ress of China Wycliffe, John X rays Sec also Electricity; Radium Xavier, St. Francis sec Francisco Xavier, St. Xenophon Xerxes the Great, kiiuj of I'crsia Yachts and yachting Sec also Boats and hoating; Canoes and canoeing; Ice boats Yellowstone national park Yosemite valley Young Pretender sec Stuart, Charles Ed- ward, llie Voting Pretender Yucatan Zane, Elizabeth Zanzibar Zenobia, queen of Palmyra Zeppelins sec Airships Zinc Sec also Brass; Metals Zoology (Page 18) Sec also Animals; Birds; Evolution; Fish; Fossils; Hibernation; Insects; Menageries; Natural history; Nature; Nests; Ocean life; Reptiles; Snakes; Taxidermy; Worms; also names of ani- mals, e.g. Dogs, Reindeer Zulus Refer from Alphabet; Handwriting (s) Refer from Wiclif, John (sj; W'ickliffc, John (s) Refer from Electricity; Light; Radium; Roentgen rays (sj Refer from Boats and boating; Sailing (s); Shipbuilding; Ships; Sports; Steam- boats Refer from United States — Description and travel; (The) West Refer from United States — Description and travel; (The) West Refer from Animal kingdom (s); Aii imals; Natural history; Nature; Science 112 UNITED STATES (See pages 21 and 28} The following list is appended for tlie use of libraries desiring to keep all ma- terial together under the United States. United States Army Biography Colonial period see United States — Historj^ — Colonial period Commerce Constitution Consular service Description and travel Exploration Finance Government History Discover}- see North America — Disco\er_\- and settlement Colonial period French and Indian war Revolution War of 1812 -War with Mexico -Civil war -War with Spain — Indians see Indians of America — Industries — Manners and customs — Military Academy see West Point Military Academy — Mint — Navy — Politics see United States — Govern- ment — Presidents — Travel see United States — Description and travel 113 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 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