■s^' a: AS ^ ^ = 7 ^ 8 H 8 H 9 ^ 2 ^ 5 ^ CtlOi unlv !' UJS^IYERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. DEPARTMKNT OF PEDAGOGY. CATALOOUB i|^ ;^ Books in the Pedagouical Section fc>^t>' UISriVERSITY LIBRARY IRE VIS ED EDITION. ] 11 E 11 K E L E Y : PUBMSUBI) BY THE HKGKNTS OF THB UKIVBRfllTY. 1S95. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦,♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. DEPARTMENT OF PEDAGOGY. CATALOGUE Books in the Pedagoi^ical Section LTNIVERSITY LIBRARY. {REVISED EDIT/OX.^ 15 E K K 10 L !•: Y : PDBLISHEl) UY TUE REUENTS OF TUK UNIVERSITY. 1895. Printed at the State Printing Office, Sacramento. A. J. Johnston, Superintendent. -i,"T \f- ©213 PREFACE. The first edition of this catalogue having been exhausted within a year of its publication, advantage has been taken of the issuance of a new edition to make some important additions to the "copy." These additions consist, in the main, of the following: (i) Over two hundred new titles, of books placed in the Library since the former list was prepared; and (2) Notices of the more important papers included in some of the principal 5 State reports. A few, unimportant errors discovered in the • first edition have been corrected. ^ The preparation of this revised catalogue is mainly the work ^ of Miss Annie W. Brewer, student assistant in Pedagogy for 5 the latter half of the year 1894-95. Like the first edition, this <=) contains the titles of those books only that are to be found in the pedagogical section of the Librar\- — alcoves LL and AHL Many works having a more or less direct bearing upon peda- gogical problems are to he found in other divisions of the Library. E. E. B. Berkeley, August 16, 1895. 29259H CLASSIFICATION. PAGE. 305. Education, Philosophj^, Theories, Collected Works. 5 305<3:. Bibliography 11 305<5. Dictionaries.. 11 305^. Periodicals 12 305^. History of Education 15 305^. Teaching, Methods — 20 305/. Discipline, Government 26 305^. Primary, Elementary 27 305/^, Kindergarten — — — 28 3052. Secondary, Grammar, High, and Normal Schools.. 29 305/^. Higher, Colleges, Universities — 30 305^. Manual and Industrial Education 33 305/. Educational Psychology, Child Study 36 305^. Moral Education, Minor Morals 39 305^. Religious, Sectarian 41 305^". State Relations to Education 41 305M. Self-Culture, Home Study, Universitj^ Extension 42 305W. Education of Women 43 305JJ/. School Architecture, Hygiene 43 3055'. Biographies of Educators 44 306. School Systems, Reports 46 306^. School Law 51 307. Individual Institutions 53 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE PEDAGOGICAL SHCTIOX OF INlMiRSriT LIP.RAKY 305. EDUCATION, PHILOSOPHY, THEORIES, COLLECTED WORKS. Ackermann, E. Padagogische Fragen nach den Grundsatzen der Herbartischeii Schule. Dresden, 1891. Arnold, T. Miscellaneous works collected and republished. London, T. Fellowes, 1S5S. Bain, Alexander. Education as a science. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1890. Basedow, J. Ausgewahlte Schriften. Langensalza, 1880. Bates, Samuel P. Lectures on mental and moral culture. New York, A. S. Barnes & Burr, i860. Beecher, Catherine E. Duty of American women to their country. New York, Harper .S:: Bros., 1845. Bell, Andrew. The Madras school, or elements of tuition. London, 1808. Beneke, F. E. Erziehungs- und Unterrichtslehre, Berlin, 1S76. Brougham, Henry {Lord). See individual institutions, Edinburgh University. College inaugural addresses, i vol. Contents: E. D. MacMaster. Miami University, 1845. T. D. Woolsey. Yale, 1846. J. M. McLean. N. Y. Board of Education, 1S64. J. H. Fairchild. Oberlin, 1866. C. \V. Eliot. Harvard, 1869. J. McCosh. Princeton, 1S6S. N. Porter. Yale, 187 1. D. C. Gihnan. I'liiversitv of California, 1S72. A. D. White. Cornell, 1868. J. B. Angell. Michigan. E. N. Potter. Union College, 1872. W. Crow and W. G. Eliot. Washington Univer- sity. St. Louis, 1872. 6 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Combe, George. Education: its principles and practice. London, Macmillan & Co., 1879. Comenius, John Amos. Grosse Unterrichtslehre. Langen- salza, 1 89 1. Diesterweg, F.A.W. Ausgewahlte Schriften. 2 vols. Frank- furt am Main, 1890. Wegweiser zur Bildung flir deutsche Lehrer. Frank- furt am Main, 1890. Dittes, Pnedrich. Grundriss der Erziehungs- und Unterrichts- lehre. Leipzig undWien, 1877. Edgeworth, Maria and R. L. Practical education. 2 vols. London, J. Johnson, 1798. The same, i vol. New York, Harper & Bros., 1855. Foster, John. Essay on the evils of popular ignorance. Boston, S. T. Armstrong, 182 1. Fouillee, Alf. Education from a national standpoint. Trans- lated by W. J. Greenstreet. New York, D. Apple- ton & Co., 1892. Francke, A. H. Padagogische Schriften. Langensalza, 1876. Froebel, Friedrich. Education of man. Translated by W. N. Hailman. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Genlis, Madame de. x\dele et Theodore, ou lettres sur I'educa- tion. 3 vols. Maradan, 1802. Goring, Hugo. Die neue deutsche Schule. Leipzig, 1890. Guyau, Marie Jean. Education and heredity : a study in soci- ology. Translated by W. J. Greenstreet. London, Walter Scott, 1891. Hale, E. E., and others. How I was educated. Papers from The Forum. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1889. Authors: E. E. Hale. T. W. Higginson. F. A. P. Barnard. John H. Vincent. William T. Harris. S. C. Bartlett. J. R. Kendrick. Timothy Dwight. E. G. Robinson. James B. Angell. Andrew D. White. Hamilton, R. Winter. The institutions of popular education. London, Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1845. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. 7 Henderson, J. C. Thomas Jefferson's views on public educa- tion. New York and London, G. P. Putnam, 1S90. Herbart, Johanu Friedrich. The science oteducation. Trans- lated by Henry M. and Emmie Felkin. London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1892. Hopkins, Louisa Parsons. The spirit of the new education. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1892. Kay, David. Education and educators. London, Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1883. Kett, Henry. Elements of general knowledge. 2 vols. Bos- ton, J. A. Cummins; Philadelphia, F. Nichols; 1805. Klemm, L. R. European schools. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1891. Laas, Ernst. Die Padagogik des Johannes Sturm. Berlin, 1872. Laurie, S. S. The training of teachers. London, Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1882. Occasional addresses on educational subjects. Cam- bridge, University Press, 1888. Lavisse, Ernest, l^tudes et etudiants. Paris, Armand, Colin et cie, 1890. Lectures on education. London, John W. Parker & Son, 1854. Lindsiey, Philip. FMucatioual discourses. Philadelphia. J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1859. Locke, John. Some thoughts concerning education. Cam- bridge, University Press, 1892. MacVicar, Malcolm. Principles of education. Boston and London, Ginn & Co., 1892. Mann, Horace. Life and works. 5 vols. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1891. Lectures on education. Boston, Lemuel N. Ide, 1850. Lectures on various subjects. New York. Fowler & Wells, 1859. 8 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Mansfield, Edward D. American education: its principles and elements. New York, A. S. Barnes, 185 1. Martineau, Harriet. Household education. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 1876. May hew, Ira. Popular education. New York, Harper & Bros., 1850. Milton, John. Tractate on education. Cambridge, University Press, 1890. Morgan, T. J. Educational mosaics. Boston, Silver, Rogers, & Co., 1887. Necker de Saussure, Madame, ^'education progressive. 2 vols. Paris, 1864. Niemeyer, August Hermann. Grundsatze der Erziehung und des Unterrichts fiir Eltern, Hauslehrer, und Schul- manner. 3 vols. Halle, 1834. Northrop, Birdsey Grant. Education abroad, and other papers. New York and Chicago, A. S. Barnes & Co., 1873. O'Donnell, F. H. Mixed education in Ireland. London, lyOngmans, Green & Co., 1870. Ogden, J. The science of education, or the philosophy of human culture. American Book Company, 1879. Painter, F. V. N. Luther on education; containing a transla- tion of his two most important educational treatises. Philadelphia, Lutheran Publication Society, 1889. Palmer, Francis B. The science of education. American Book Company, 1887. Pamphlets on education. [17 bound volumes. For alpha- betical table of contents, see page 62 of this cata- logue'.] Payne, Joseph. Lectures on the science and art of education. New York and Chicago, E. L. Kellogg, 1890. Payne, W. H. Contributions to the science of education. American Book Company, 1886. Pestalozzi, J. H. Leonard and Gertrude. Translated by Eva Channing. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1891. (3 copies. ) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBUAUY. 9 Pestalozzi, J. H. Sammtliche Werke. 8 vols. Berlin. Potter, Alonzo, and Emerson, G. B. School and the school- master. Boston, William B. Fowle and N. Capen, 1843. The same. New York. Harper & Bros., 1842. Preyer, W. Naturforschung und vSchule. Stuttgart, 1887. Rein, \V. Padagogische Studien; Herbarts Regierung, Unter- richt, und Zucht. Wien und Leipzig, 1881. Richter, Jean Paul. Levana oder Erziehlehre. 3 vols. Stutt- gart und Tubingen, 18 14. Levana; or the doctrine of education. London; Geo. Bell &Sons, 189 1. The same. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1863. Riecke, G. A. Erziehungslehre. Stuttgart, 1874. Rollin, C. Traite des etudes. 3 vols. Paris, 1877. Method of teaching and studying the belles-lettres. Vols. I and 4. London, 1770. Rosenkranz, Joh. K. F. Philosophy of education. Trans- lated by Anna C. Brackett. New York, D. Apple- ton & Co., 1890. Rosmini Serbati, Antonio. The ruling principle of method applied to education. Translated by Mrs. William Grey. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1889. Rousseau, Jean Jacques. ]&mile; ou, de I'Mucation, avec des notes, eclairisseraents historiques, etc. Paris, 1838. F^mile. Translated by Eleanor Worthington. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1891. fimile. Translated by Wilham H. Payne. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1893. Royce, Samuel. Deterioration and elevation of man through race education. 2 vols. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1880. Schoolmaster in Literature, The. Selections from Aschara, Moliere. Fuller, and others. American Book Com- pany, 1892. 10 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Simon, Jules. L'ecole. Paris, Hachette et cie, 1886. Spalding, J. L. Education and the higher Hfe. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co., 1891. Spencer, Herbert. Education: intellectual, moral, and phys- ical. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1861, 1865, and 1 88 1. (4 copies.) Stow, D. The training sj'stem of education. London, Long- man, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1859. Striimpell, Dr. Die Padagogik der Philosophen Kant, Fichte, Herbart. Braunschweig, 1843. Thirteen, Members of the. Thirteen essa3's on education. London, Percival & Co., 1891. Todd, John. The student's manual. Northhampton, J. H. Butler, 1835. Ufer, Chr. Vorschule der Padagogik Herbarts. Dresden, 1893. Uhlig, G. Die Einheitsschule mit lateinlosem Unterbau. Heidelberg, 1892. Venable, W. H. Let him first be a man. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1893. Wagner, Ernst. Vollstandige Darstellung der Lehre Her- barts. Langensalza, 1888. Willmann, O. Didaktik als Bildungslehre. 2 vols. Braun- schweig, 1882. Wolf, Fr. A. Uber Erziehung, Schule, Universitat. Leipzig, i335- Youmans, E. L. Culture demanded by modern life. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1867. The same, 1891. Ziller, Tuiskon. Grundlegung zur Lehre vom erziehenden Unterricht. Leipzig, 1884. Zincke, F. B. School of the future. Lond., 1852. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. 11 305a. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bureau of Education. Catalogue of educational literature. Analytical index to Barnard's American Journal of Education. Washington, 1892. Hall, G. Stanley, and Mansfield, J. M. Bibliography of edu- cational literature. Boston, U. C. Heath &: Co., 1886. MacAlister, James. Catalogue of the pedagogical library, and the books of reference in the office of the superintendent of public schools of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Burk & McFetridge, 1887. Supplement to the same. 1890. Mus^e P^dagogique, Catalogue. 2 vols, and supplement. Nederlandsch onderwijzers genaatschap. Catalogus van de paedagogische bibliotheek. Amsterdam, 1891. 305b. DICTIONARIES. Buisson, F. Dictionnaire de pedagogic. 4 vols. Paris, Hach- ette et cie, 1882. Fletcher, Alfred Ewen (Editor). Sonnenschein's cyclopaedia of education. London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1892. Kiddle, IL, and Schem, Alex. J. The cyclopcedia of educa- tion. New York, E. Steiger & Co.. 1883. Lindner, G. A. Encyklopadisches Handbuch der Erziehungs- kunde. Wien und Leipzig, 1884. Sander, Ferdinand. Lexikon der Padagogik. Leipzig, 18S4. Schmid, K. A. Padagogische Eucyklopadie. 4 vols. Gotha. 1859. Stoy, K. V. Encyclopadie, Methodologie und Literatur der Padagogik. Leipzig, 1878. 12 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN 305c. PERIODICALS. Academy (Syracuse). Vol. i, nos. 4, 5, 8, 10; vols. 2-6; vol. 7, nos. 1-5. American association for the advancement of education. Proceedings of the National Convention, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852. Philadelphia. American institute of instruction. Lectures. 37 vols. Bos- ton, 1830-1, 1834, 1836-9, 1845, 1847, 1851, 1858- 71, 1875, 1877-82, 1884-9. Annals, Charles Northend. New Britain, Conn., 1884, American journal of education. Ed. by Henry Barnard. Vols. 1-17, 20, 23-24, 26-28, 30. Hartford, 1856-68. American quarterly register. Vols, i-ii, 1829-39. Boston. California state teachers' institute. Proceedings. Sacra- mento, 1863. California teacher. Vols. 1-8, 10-12. San Francisco, 1863-76. New series. Vols. 4-6. San Francisco, 1885-6. Canada educational monthly. Vols. 12-16. Toronto, 1890-4. Chicago schoolmaster. Vol. 5. Chicago, 1872. College courant. Yale. 1873-4. College magazines: Contents: The Mills Quarterly. 1873-5. The Vassar Miscellany. 1873. The Owl. 1871-3. The Virginia University Magazine. 1873. The Cadet. Common school assistant. Vols. 1-3. Albany and New York, 1836-8. Deutschen Einheitsschulverein, Schriften des. Hannover, 1887-8. Deutscher Universitats-Almanach, 1859, von Prof. Scheidler. Leipzig, 1859. UNIVERSITY OF CALIKOKMA LIBRARY. 13 Deutscher Universitats-Kalendar fiir das Sommer-Semester, 1884. Berlin, 1884. Education. Vols. 1-13. 1880-93. Educational review. \'ols. 1-8. 1891-4. Educational times. Vols. 42-45. 1889-92, Educational weekly. Vols. i-ii. Chicago, 1877-81. Family's defender magazine and educational review. Oak- land, California, 188 1-4. France. Ministere de Tinstruction. Recueil des textes decom- positions. Paris, 1888. Le musee pedagogique, son origine, son organization, son objet. Paris, 1884. Illinois schoolmaster. Vols. 8-9. Normal, 1875-6. Illinois teacher. Vols. 14-17. Peoria, 1868-71. Iowa .school journal. \'ol. 13. Des Moines. 1871-2. Jahrbuch des Vereins fiir wissenschaftliche Padagogik. \'ols. 7-25. Langensalza, 1875-93. Journal of education. Vols. 9-28, 31-32, 35. 36. Boston. 1879-92. Kindergarten magazine. Vols. 5-6. Chicago, 1892-4. Maine journal of education. \'ols. 5. 7. Portland, 1871. 1873. Massachusetts teacher. \'ol. 26. Boston, 1873. Minerva. Jahrbuch der Universitaten der Welt. Strassburg, 1891, 1893. National educational a.ssociation. Journal of Proceedings, 1 871, 1873-7, 1879-93. Salem, Mass. Proceedings of international congress of education, 1893. New York, 1S94. National normal. \'ol. 4. Cinciiuiati, 1S72. National teacher. \'ol. 5. Columbus, 1875. 14 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN New England journal of education. Vols. 5-28. Boston, 1877-88. New York school journal. Vols. 14-18. New York, 1879-81. New York teacher and American educational monthly. Vols. 5 and 6. 1868-9. Ohio educational monthly and national teacher. Vols, i and 2. Salem, 1876-7. Pacific educational journal. Vols. i-ii. San Francisco and Sacramento, 1887-94. Pacific school journal. Vol.6. San Francisco, 1882. Pedagogical seminary. Vols. 1-2. Worcester, 189 1-2. Pennsylvania school journal. Vols. 20, 22-24. Lancaster, 1871-5. Quarterly journal of education. Vols, i-io, 1831-5. Revue Pedagogique. Vols. 1-2 1. Paris, 1882-92. Rheinische Blatter fur Erziehung und Unterricht. Vols. 1-67. Schwelm, Essen, Koln, Frankfurt am Main, 1827-93. Rhode Island schoolmaster. Vols. 17, 19-20. Providence, 1871-4. School and college. Vol. i. Boston, 1892. School journal. Vols. 23-26, 31-34, 42-43- New York and Chicago, 1882-91. School review. Vol. i. Hamilton, N. Y., 1893. Society for the promotion of collegiate and theological edu- cation at the West. Permanent documents. Vols. 1-3. New York, 1844-60. Annual reports. Vols. 17 and 20. New York, 1860-3. United States. Bureau of education. Annual reports of Commissioner of Education, 1867-8, 1870-91. [See Educational pamphlets, vol. 2.] Bureau of education. Report on District of Columbia, 1868-70. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOUNIA I.IBHAHY. 15 United States. Circulars of information for the years 1873-91. 14 vols. [Sec Kducational pamphlets, vols. 2 and 3.] Subject-index to the same. Miscellaneous publications, 1874-S5. i vol. Official circulars. Constitutional provision regarding education in each State. [St'c Educational pamphlets, vol. 2.] Catalogue of American Library Association, 1893. Western college society. Permanent documents. 3 vols. New York, 1844-59. Western literary institute. Transactions. \'ols. 4-10. Cin- cinnati, 1834-40. Year-book of education for 1879. New York, 1879. 305d. HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Adams, Francis. The free .school systems of the United States. London, Chapman & Hall, 1870. History of the elenientary school contest in Kngland. London, Chapman tS: Hall, 1882. Bache, A. D. Report on education in Europe to the trustees of the Girard college for orphans. Lydia R. Bailey. Philadelphia, 1839. Barnard, Henry. National education; systems, institutions, and statistics of public instruction in different countries. 2 vols. New York, E. Steiger, 1S72. Vol. I. German states. Vol. 11. Continental countries other than Germany. National education in ICurope; organization, adminis- tration, instruction, and statistics of public schools of different grades in the principal states. Hartford, Frederick P. Perkins, 1854. 16 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Bartley, G. C. T. The schools for the people. [Containing the history, development, and present working of each description of English school for the industrial and poorer classes.] London, Bell & Daldj^, 1871. Bennett, C. \V. History of the philosophy of pedagogics. Syracuse, C. W. Bardeen, 1893. Binde, Otto. Ein Blick in das romische Schulwesen. Biot, Edouard. Histoire de I'instruction pubHque en Chine. Paris, Benjamin Duprat, 1845. Boese, Thomas. Public education in New York City. New York, Harper & Bros., 1869. Boone, Richard G. Education in the United States. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1890. Bourne, W. O. History of public school society of the city of New York. New York, William Wood & Co., 1870. Browning, Oscar. An introduction to the history of educa- tional theories. Eondon, Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1882. Same. New York, Harper & Bros., 1888. (Did Robertson, Edmond. A short history' of educa- tion. Syracuse, C. W. Bardeen, 1881. Capes, W. W. University life in ancient Athens. London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1877. Cauer, Paul. Unsere Erziehung durch Griechen und Romer. Berlin, 1890. Compayre, Gabriel. History of pedagogy. Translated by W. H. Payne. London, Swati Sonnenschein, Lowrey, & Co., 1888. The same. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1891. Cournot, M. Institutions d' instruction publique en France. Paris, L. Hachette et cie, 1864. Cousin, Victor. Rapport sur I'etat de I'instruction dans quel- ques pays, et particulierement en Prusse. Paris, F. G. Levrault, 1833. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IJBKAKY. 17 Cousin, \'ictor. Report on the state of public instruction in Prussia. Translated by Sarah Austin. London, Effingham Wilson, 1834. Education in Holland. Translated by Leonard Hor- ner. London, John Murray, 1838. Davidson, Thomas. The education of the Greek people and its influence on civilization. New York, U. Apple- ton & Co., 1894. Dittes, Friedrich. Geschichte der Erziehung und des Unter- richts. Leipzig, 1890. Fitch, J. G. Notes on American schools and training colleges. London and New York, Macmillan & Co., 1890. Gill, J. Systems of education. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1887. Grasberger, Lorenz. Erziehung und Unterricht im klassischen Alterthum. 2 vols. Wiirzburg, 1864. Hailman, W. N. Twelve lectures on the history- of pedagogy. Cincinnati and New York, Wilson, Hinkle & Co., 1874. Haneberg, Daniel. Abhandlung iiber das Schul- und Lehr- wesen der Muhamedaner im Mittelalter. Miinchen, 1850. Hazlitt, W. C. Schools, school-books, and school-masters. London, J. W. Jarvis & Son, 18S8. Hippeau, C. Instruction publique en Italic. Paris, Didier et cie, 1875. Hodgins, J. G. Documentary history of education in Upper Canada, 1 790-1836. 2 vols. Toronto. Warwick Bros. & Rutter, 1894. Hoyt, J. W. Report on education at Paris Exposition, 1867. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1870. Japan. Department of education. Modern education in Japan. Tokyo, 1893. Johnson, Clifton. The country school in New England. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1893. 2— c 18 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Lauer, M. Entwickelung imd Gestaltung des belgischen Volksschulwesens seit 1842. Berlin, 1885. Laurie, S. S. Report on education in the parochial schools of the counties of Aberdeen, Banff, and Moray. Edin- burgh, Thos. Constable, 1865. Laveleye, £^mile de. L'instruction du peuple. Paris, Hachette et cie, 1872. Lebon, Leon. Histoire de I'enseignement populaire. Paris, C. Reinwald, 1868. Letters from Hofwyl. By a parent in the educational insti- tutions of Dr. Fell-^nberg. London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1842. Mahaffy, J. P. Old Greek education. London, Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 188 1. Marcus, Samuel. Die Padagogik des israelitischen Volkes. Wien, 1877. Martin, George H. The evolution of the Massachusetts pub- lic school system; a historical sketch. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1894. Mascher, H. A. Deutsches Schulwesen nach seiner histor- ischen Entwickelung und den Forderungen der Gegenwart. Wien und Leipzig, 1877. Neigebaur, J. F. Das Volks-Schulwesen in den preussischen Staaten. Berlin, 1834. Ohio Teachers' Association. History of education in the state of Ohio. Columbus, Ohio, The Gazette Printing House, 1876. Otzuki, Sinji, and others. Outline history of Japanese educa- tion. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1876. Packard, F. A. The daily public school in the United States. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1866. Painter, F. V. N. A history of education. New York, D, Appleton & Co., 1892. Paroz, Jules. Histoire universelle de la pedagogic. Paris, Ch. Delagrave, 1883. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIRRARY. 19 Paulsen, Friedrich. Geschichte des gelehrteu Unterrichts. Leipzig, 1885. Pearson, C. H. Report on the state of education in \'icloria, and means of improving it. Melbourne, 1S78. Quick, Robert H. Kssays on educational reformers. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1S92. Raumer, Karl von. Geschichte der Padagogik vom Wieder- aufbllihen klassischer Studien bis auf unsere Zeit. 2 vols. Giitersloh, 1877, Rhode Island. History of public education in. 1636-1876. Providence, 1876. Rice, J. IM. The public school system of the United States. New York, The Century Co., 1893. Schmidt, Karl. Geschichte der Padagogik. 4 vols. Cothen, 1890. Schneider, K., and Bremen, K. von. Das Volksschulwesen im preussichen Staate. 3 vols. Berlin, 1S86. Schwarz, Fr. PI. C. Geschichte der Erziehung. 2 vols, Leipzig, 1829. Sharpless, I. English education in the elementary and primary schools. New York, D. Appleton &: Co., 1892. Shuttleworth, Sir James K. Public education in England, from 1846 to 1852. London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1S53. Four periods of public education, as reviewed in 1832, 1839, 1846, 1862. London, Longman, Green, Long- man & Roberts, 1862. Specht, F. A. Geschichte des Unterrichtswesens in Dcutsch- land von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Mitte des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart, 1S85. (2 copies.) Stadelmann, F. P>ziehung und Unterricht bei den Griechen und Romern. Triest, 1S91. • Strack, K. Geschichte des deutschen Volksschulwesens. Giitersloh, 1872. 20 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Swett, John. History of the public school system of Cali- fornia. San Francisco, A. I^. Bancroft, 1876. (2 copies.) Victoria, Australia. See C. H. Pearson. Weicker, Gustav. Das Schulwesen der Jesuiten. Halle, 1863. Wickersham, James P. History of education in Pennsyl- vania. I^ancaster, Pa., Inquirer Publishing Co., 1886. Wiese, L. German letters on English education. Translated by Leonhard Schmitz. London, William Collins, Sons, & Co., 1877. Williams, S. G. History of modern education. Syracuse, C. \V. Bardeen, 1892. 305e. TEACHING, METHODS. Abbott, Jacob. The teacher; or moral influences employed in the instruction and government of the young. Boston, Wilham Pierce, 1834. Allen, Jerome. Temperament in education. New York and Chicago, E. L. Kellogg & Co., 1890. Barth, Ernst, tjber den Umgang. Langensalza, 1882. Bennett, Jasper. Pedagogical ideals; as portrayed by leading living educators. Chicago, A. Flanagan, 1888. Beyer, Otto Wilhelm. Die Naturwissenschaften in der Krzie- hungsschule. Leipzig, 1885. Blakiston, J. R. The teacher; hints on school management. London and New York, Macmillan & Co., 1888. Bright, Orville T. Graded instruction in English for the u.se of teachers. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1882. Brooks, Edward. Normal methods of teaching. Philadelphia, Normal Publishing Co., 1889. Syllabus of a course in pedagogy. Philadelphia, Burk & McFetridge, 1892. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOKNIA LIBRARY. 21 Buisson, F. Devoirs d'^coliers Americains. Paris, Hachette et cie, 1 88 1, Calderwood, Henry. On teaching: its ends and means. London, Macmillan & Co., 1885. Calkins, N. A. Manual of object teaching. New York, Har- per & Bros., 1 88 2. (2 copies.) Colbeck, C. On the teaching of modern languages in theor>' and practice. Cambridge, England, University Press, 1887. Collins, John Churton. The study of English literature. London and New York, Macmillan & Co., 1891. Compayre, Gabriel. Lectures on pedagogy. Translated by W. H. Payne. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1891. Crocker, Lucretia, Methods of teaching geography. Boston, Boston School Supply Co., 1884. De Garmo, Charles. Essentials of method. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1891. De Graff, Edmond V. The .school-room guide to methods of teaching and school management. Syracuse, C. W. Bardeen, 1890. Eve, H. W., and others. Three lectures on subjects connected with the practice of education. Cambridge^ ICn- gland, University Press, 1883. Farnham, G. L. The sentence method of teaching reading, writing, and spelling. Syracuse, C. \\". Bardeen, 1887. Fitch, Joshua G. The art of questioning. New York, Phillips & Hunt. Lectures on teaching delivered in the I'niversity of Cambridge. Cambridge, England, University Press, 1881. Frye, Alex. I{. Child and nature ; geography teaching and sand modeling. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1892. Geikie, Sir Archibald. The teaching of geography. London and New York, Macmillan & Co., 1892. 22 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Greenwood, J. M. Principles of education practically applied. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1888. Gregory, J. M. The seven laws of teaching. Boston, Con- gregational Sunday-school and Publishing Society, 1886. Grube, A. W. Leitfaden flir das Rechnen in der Elementar- schule. Berlin, 1881. Hall, G. Stanley. Methods of teaching history. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1889. Hamilton, James. The Hamiltonian system. London, W. Aylott & Co. Hart, J. S. In the school-room. Philadelphia, Eldredge & Bro., 1868. Hewett, Edwin C. Pedagogy for young teachers. American Book Company, 1884. Hill, Thos. The true order of studies. New York, G. P. Put- nam's Sons, 1889. Hinsdale, B. A. How to study and teach history. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1894. Holbrook, Alfred. School management. New York, A. S. Barnes, 1872. Hoose, James H. On the province of methods of teaching. Syracuse, C. W. Bardeen, 1886. Hopkins, Louisa P. Practical pedagogy. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1891. Howland, Geo. Practical hints for the teachers of public schools. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Hughes, James L. Mistakes in teaching. Syracuse, C. W. Bardeen, 1891. How to secure and retain attention. Syracuse, C. W. Bardeen, 1884. Hutton, Chas. E. Topics for class study applied to history of the United States. Santa Rosa, California, C. A. Wright & Co., 1 89 1. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. 23 Jackman, Wilbur S. Nature study for the common schools. New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1892. Number work in nature study. Chicago, La Monte- O'Donnell Co., 1893. Johonnot, James. Principles and practice of teaching. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1891. Kant, Immanuel. tJber Padagogik. Langensalza, 1883. King, C. F. Methods and aids in geography. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1889. Klemm, L. R. Chips from a teacher's* work-shop. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1887. Lattman, Dr. J. Die Verirrungen des deutschen und latein- ischen Elementarunterrichts. Gottingen, 1892. Laurie, S. S. Lectures on language and linguistic method in the schools. Edinburgh, James Thin, 1893. McMurry, Chas. A. General method. Bloomington, 111., 1892. The same. 1893. Special method for history and literature. Blooming- ton, 111., Public School Publishing Company, 1893. Manton, W. P. Primary methods in zoology teaching. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1888. Manuals for teachers. 5 vols. Philadelphia, Eldredge & Bro., 1879. Contetits: i. Cultivation of the senses. 2. Cultivation of the memory. 3. Use of words. 4. Discipline. 5. Class teaching. Marcel, C. Language as a means of mental culture. 2 vols. London, Chapman & Hall, 1853. Morgan, Thos. J. Studies in pedagogy. Boston, Silver, Burdett & Co., 1S92. Muller, Johannes. Die Auswahl des Lesebuchstoffes. Plauen, 1878. 24 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Nohl, Clemens. Padagogik flir hohere Lehranstalten. Berlin, 1886. Ogden, J. Art of teaching. American Book Company, 1879. Orcutt, Hiram. School-keeping. Boston, New England Pub- lishing Company, 1885. Page, David P. Theory and practice of teaching. New York, A. S. Barnes, 1858. Same, with sketch of author by W. H. Payne. Amer- ican Book Company, 1885. Parker, F. W. How to study geography. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Notes of talks on teaching. New York, E. L,. Kel- logg & Co., 1 891. Talks on pedagogics ; an outline of the theory of con- centration. New York and Chicago, E. L,. Kellogg & Co., 1894. Patridge, Lelia E. The Quincy methods illustrated. New York, E. L. Kellogg & Co., 1891. Peabody, Elizabeth P. Record of Mr. Alcott's school. Bos- ton, Roberts Bros., 1874. Prince, John T. Courses and methods. 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Boston and Chicago, New England Publishing Company, 1S91. Speer, W. W. F'orm lessons to prepare for and to accompany the study of number. Chicago, Donohue & Henne- berry, 1888. Siissmann, G. Sechsklassige Biirgerschule. Hanuover, 1872. Swett, John. Methods of teaching. New York, Harper & Bros., 1880. Tate, T. The philosophy of education. Syracuse, C. \V. Bardeen, 1885. Taylor, J. Orville. The district school. New York, Haq^er & Bros., 1S34. Thring, E. Theory and practice of teaching. Cambridge, PvUgland, University Press, 1S91. Trumbull, H. Clay. Teaching and teachers, or the vSunday- school teacher's teaching work. Philadelphia. John D. Wattles, 1S88. Weilinger, A. Das Piidagogische Seminar in Jena. Jena, 1878. White, Emerson E. Elements of pedagogy. American Book Company, 1886. , Class book of geography. Cincinnati, Sargent. Wil- son & Hinkle, 1863. Wickersham, James Pyle. Methods of instruction. Phila- delphia, J. B. Lippiucott. 1865. School economy. Philadelphia. J. B. Lippincott, 1864. Wiget, Theodor. Die formalen Stufen des Uuterrichts. Chur. 1892. 26 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Willmann, Otto. Padagogische Vortrage liber die Hebung der geistigen Thatigkeit durch den Unterricht. Leipzig, 1886. Youmans, Eliza A, The first book of botany. London, Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1888. Ziegler, Theobald. Die Fragen der Schulreform. Stuttgart, 1891. Ziller, Tuiskon. Allgemeine Padagogik. Leipzig, 1892. 305f. DISCIPLINE, GOVERNMENT. Abbott, Jacob. Gentle measures in the management and train- ing of the young. New York, Harper & Bros., 1871. Baldwin, J. The art of school management. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Farrar, F. W., and Poole, R. B. General aims; form manage- ment. Cambridge, University Press, 1883. Fearon, D. R. School inspection. London and New York, Macmillan & Co., 1887. Kennedy, John. School and the family. New York, Harper & Bros., 1878. Landon, Joseph. School management. Boston, Willard Small, 1884. Payne, Wm. H. School supervision. American Book Co., 1875. Pickard, J. L. School supervision. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Raub, A. N. School management. Philadelphia, Raub & Co., 1891. Walsemann, A. Das Interesse. Sein Wesen und seine Bedeutung fiir den Unterricht. Hannover, 1884. White, Emerson E- School management. American Book Co., 1894. Wines, E. C. How shall I govern my school ? Philadelphia, J. Whetham, 1839. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIRRARV. 1, 305g. PRIMARY, ELEMENTARY. Bert, Paul. Rapport sur I'instrucliuu primairc. Paris, 1880. British and Foreign School vSociety. Manual of the system of primary instruction in its model schools. London. Longman & Co., 1837. Buisson, F. Rapport sur I'instruction primaire a Texposition de Philadelphia en 1876. Paris, 1878. Comenius, John Amos. Orbis Pictus. Syracuse, C. \V. Bar- deen, 1887. Die Mutterschule. Halle, 1874. Currie, James. Principles and practice of early and infant school education. New York and Chicago, K. L. Kellogg, 1 89 1. De Graff, Edmond Y., and Smith, Margaret K. Development lessons for teachers on space, form, place, plants, and insects. New York, H. Lovell, 1886. Greard, M. L'enseignement primaire a Paris en 1875. Great Britain. House of Commons, ^'erbatim report of the debate in parliament about the elementary educa- tion bill. London, 1870. Hailman, W. N. Primary methods. New York and Chicago, A. S. Barnes & Co., 1887. Hopkins, Louisa P. Observation lessons in the primary schools. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1889. Jacobi, Mary Putnam. Physiological notes on primary educa- tion. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1889. Johnson, Anna. Education by doing. New York, E. L. Kellogg, 1 89 1. Lancaster, Joseph. Improvements in education as it respects the industrious classes. London, Joseph Lancaster, 1806. Laurie, S. S. Primary instruction in relation to education. Edinburgh, James Thin, 1890. 28 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Malleson, Mrs. Frank. Notes on early training of children. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1892. Sheldon, E. A. A manual of elementary instruction. New York, Charles Scribner, 1862. Speer, W. W. Form lessons to prejmre for and to accompany the study of number. Chicago, Donohue & Henne- berry, 1888. Welch, A. S. Object lessons prepared for teachers. New York, A. S. Barnes & Co., 1890. Wilderspin, Samuel. Early discipline illustrated. London, Wesley & Davis, 1832. 305h. KINDERGARTEN. Blow, Susan E. Symbohc education. New York, D. Apple- ton & Co., 1894. Froebel, Friedrich. Mother play and nursery songs. Trans- lated from German. Boston, Eee & Shepard, 1893. Froebel Society, L,ondon. Essays on the kindergarten. Eon- don, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1887. Hailman, W. N. Kindergarten culture in the family and kindergarten. Cincinnati and New York, Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co., 1873. Heinemann, Arnold H. Froebel letters. Boston, Eee & Shepard, 1893. Kraus-Boelte, Maria, and Kraus, John. The kindergarten guide. New York, E. Steiger & Co.; and Eondon, A. N. Meyers & Co., 1887. Kriege, Matilda H. The child; its nature and relations. New York, E. Steiger & Co., 1872. Lange, W. Die Padagogik des Kindergartens. Gedanken Friedrich Froebels iiber das Spiel und die Spiel- gegenstande des Kindes. Berlin, 1874. Marenholtz-Buelow, Bertha. Hand-work and head-work. Eondon, Swan Sonnenschein & Co. The child and child nature. Syracuse, C. W. Bardeen, i88q. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. 29 Marenholtz-Buelow, Bertha. The new education by work; according to Froebel's method. Translated by Mrs. H. Mann and L. Xoa. Camden. 1876. Morgenthaler, J. Der Schulgarten. Zurich. 1888. Payne, Joseph. A visit to German schools; notes on a profes- sional tour of inspection. London. Henrv S. Kinj^ & Co., 1876. Peabody, Elizabeth P. Education in the home, the kinder- garten, and the primary school. London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1S87. Lectures to kindergartners. Boston. I). C. Heath ct Co., 1888. Pollock, Mrs. Louise. National kindergarten manual. Bos- ton, DeWolfe, Fiske & Co., 1SS9. Richter, Karl. Kindergarten und Volksschule. Leipzig, 1876. Shirreff, Kmily. The kindergarten. Syracuse, C. \V. Bardeen. 1889. Wiebe, E, The paradise of childhood. Springfield, Mass., Milton Bradley & Co., 1869. (2 copies.) Wiggin, Kate Douglas. Children's rights. Boston and New York, Houghton. Mifllin & Co.. 1893. Wiltse, Sara E. The place of the story in early education, and other essays. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1892. Stories for kindergartens and primary schools. Bos- ton, Ginn & Co., 1S92. See also Educational pamphlets, vol. 14. 3051. SECONDARY, GRAMMAR, HIGH, AND NORMAL SCHOOLS. Acland, Arthur H. D., cxiui Smith, II. Llewellyn. Studies in secondary education. New York, Macmillan ^S: Co., 1892. Bramwell, Amy Blanche, and Hughes, H. Millicent. The training of teachers in the Luitcd States. London. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1894. 30 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Breal, Michel. Excursions pedagogique. Paris, Hachette et cie, 1882. Demogeot, J. C, et Montucci, H. De renseignement second- aire en Angleterre et en Ecosse. Paris, 1868. Lehrplane luid Lehraufgaben fiir die hoheren Schulen. Berlin, 1893. Massman, H. F. Die Hohe Schule. Ein Traum. Berlin, 1858. Page, Mary H. Graded schools in the United States of America. London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1894. Prussia. Ministerium der geistlichen, Unterrichts- uud Medizi- nal-Angelegenheiten. Verhandlungen liber Fragen des hoheren Unterrichts. Berlin, 1890. Simon, Jules. La Reform de Tenseignement secondaire. Paris, Hachette et cie, 1874. Staunton, Howard. The great schools of England. London, 1869. Wiese, Dr. L. Das hohere Schulwesen in Preussen. 3 vols. Berlin, 1864. 305k. HIGHER, COLLEGES, UNIVERSITIES. Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. A college fetich; an address before the Harvard chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, 1883. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1884. Ancient and modern languages as branches of general educa- tion. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1856. Arnold, Matthew. Higher schools and universities in Ger- many. London, Macmillan & Co., 1874. (2 copies.) Barnard, Henry. Superior instruction; an account of univer- sities and other institutions in different countries. Hartford, American Journal of Education, 1873. Baumgart, Max. Grundsatze und Bedingungen zur Erlangung der Doctor wiirde bei alien Facultaten der Univer- sitaten des deutschen Reichs. Berlin, i^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOUMA LIBRAUY. 31 British universities. Notes given to Welsh university dis- cussion. Manchester, J. E. Cornish, 1892. Conrad, Dr. J. German universities for the last fifty years. Translated by J. Hutchinson. Glasgow, David Boyce & Co., 1S85. Dolch, Oscar. Geschichte des deutschen Studententhuras von der Griindung der deutschen Universitaten bis zu den deutschen Freiheitskriegen. Leipzig, 1858. Farrar, Rev. F. W. Essays on a liberal education. London, Macmillan & Co., 1867. Gantillon, P. J. F. Classical examination papers. London, Rivingtons, 1886. Hall, B. H. A collection of college words and customs. Cam- bridge, John Bartlett, 1851. Hamerton, Philip G. Higher education and a common lan- guage. New York, A. S. Barnes & Co., 1S79. Harvard Graduate Club. Graduate courses, 1894-5. Boston, Alfred Mudge & Son, 1894. Hofmann, A. W. Question of a division of the philosophical faculty. An address on assuming rectorship at University of Berlin. Boston, Ginn & Heath, 1883. Howitt, William. Student life of Germany. Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, 1842. Hoyt, J. W. Address on university progress. New York. D. Appleton & Co., 1870. (2 copies.) Huber, V. A. The English universities. 3 vols. London, William Pickering, 1843. Jourdain, Charles. Le budget de I'instruction publique. Paris, Hachette et cie, 1857. Kaufmann, Georg. Die Geschichte der deutschen Univer- sitaten. Stuttgart, 1 888. Krumme, W. Das hohere Schulwesen im Auslande wahreud der letzten zwanzig Jahre. Braunschweig, 1890. Laurie, S. S. Rise and early constitution of universities: a survey of medicCv-al education. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1891. 32 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Lexis, W. Die deutschen Universitaten. 2 vols. Berlin, 1893. Meiners, C. Geschichte der Entstehuiig und Entwickelung der hohen Schiilen misers Erdtheils. 4 vols. Got- tingen, 1802. Melon, Paul. 1,'enseignement superieur et I'enseignement technique en France. Paris, 1893. Mills, Rev. Caleb. New departures in collegiate control and culture. New York and Chicago, A. S. Barnes & Co., 1880, Newman, Cardinal J. H. Idea of a university defined and illustrated. London, Pickering & Co., 1881. Nightingale, A. F. Hand-book of requirements for admission to the colleges of the United States. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1879. Paulsen, Friedrich. The German universities. Translated by Edw. D. Perry. New York, Macmillan & Co., 1895. Poole, \Vm. Frederick. The university library and the uni- versity curriculum. Chicago, Fleming H. Revell Co., 1894. Porter, Noah. The American colleges and the American pub- lic. New York, Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1878. Richardson, C. F., and Clark, H. A. The college book. Boston, Houghton, Osgood & Co., 1878. Roberts, \V. Rhys. British universities. Manchester, J. E. Cornish, 1892. Schiller, Herman. Padagogische Seminarien fiir das hohere Eehramt. Leipzig, 1890. Sybel, Heinrich von. Die deutschen Universitaten: ihre Leistungen und Bediirfnisse. Bonn, 1874. Taylor, S. H. Classical study: its value illustrated from writ- ings of eminent scholars. Andover, 1870. Ten Brook, Andrew. American state universities: their origin and progress. Cincinnati, Robert Clarke & Co., 1875. Tholuck, A. Vorgeschichte des Rationalismus. Halle, 1853-4. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. 33 Thwing, Chas. F. Within college walls. New York, Baker & Taylor, 1893. Verplanck, G. C. Influence and use of liberal studies. New York, J. & J. Harper, 1833. Wayland, Francis. Thoughts on the present collegiate sys- tem in the United States. Boston, Gould, Kendall, & Lincoln, 1842. Whewell, Rei'. William. On the ]irinciples of university edu- cation. London, John \\\ Parker, 1837. Liberal education in general; with particular reference to the leading studies of the University of Cambridge. London, John W. Parker, 1850. Wordsworth, Christopher. Social life at the English univer- sities in the eighteenth century. Cambridge, Deigh- ton & Bell 1874. Scholae academicse; or university studies in the eight- eenth centur\'. Cambridge, University Press, 1877. Zarncke, Friedrich. Die deutschen Universitaten im Mittel- alter. Leipzig, 1857. 305n. MANUAL AND INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. Blake, J. \'. Manual training in education. Chicago, Chas. Kerr & Co., 1886. Chadwick, F. E., lieutciiatit-coviviander^ U. S. A^. Report on the training systems for the navy and mercantile marine of England, and on the naval training system of France. 1879. Government Printing Office, 1S80. Clarke, I. E. Art and industr)-. Education in the industrial and fine arts in the United States. Bureau of Edu- cation. 2 vols. 1885-92. Conference on manual training. Boston. Papers. New England Conference of PMucational Workers, 1891. Eckhardt, J. Die Arbeit als Erziehungsmittel. Wien, 1S75. Ham, C. H. Manual training the solution of social and indus- trial problems. New York, Haq:)er & Bros., 1886. 3— c 34 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Hapgood, Olive C. School needle-work. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1893. Hoffman, B. B. The sloyd system of wood-working. Ameri- can Book Co., 1892. Institution of Civil Engineers. Engineering education in the British Dominions. London, 1891. Johnson, Catherine F. Art and practice of needle-work. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1893. Koristka, C. Hoherer polytechnische Unterricht in Deutsch- land, Schweiz, Frankreich, Belgien, und England. Gotha, 1863. Langl, Joseph. Modern art education. Translated by S. R. Koehler. Boston, 1875. Love, Samuel G. Industrial education. New York, E. L. Kellogg & Co., 1889. MacArthur, Arthvir. Education in its relation to manual industry. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Meath, The Earl of. Prosperity or pauperism; physical, industrial, and technical training. London, Long- mans, Green & Co., 1888. Nelson, William. Woodwork course for boys. London, George Philip & Son, 1893. Pamphlets on agricultural and technical education. Contents: Agriculture and industrial education. E. W. Hilgard. 1872. Agricultural education, recent information about. D. C. Oilman. Agricultural education. F. C. Abbott. 1875. Boston. Report of board of education. 1872. Connecticut. Grants for scientific education. 1867. Europe. Report on agricultural schools. Grange, State. Regents of University of California reply to. 1874. Maryland. Address to agricultural and mechanical associa- tion. Allen G. Thurman. 1874. National schools of science. D. C. Gilman. 1867. Report. D. C. Gilman. 1871. Ohio. Agricultural and mechanical college. Edward Orton. 1875. Pennsylvania, University of. Department of arts and sciences. 1872. Scientific education in its relations to industry. C. S. Lyman. 1867. Virginia. Agricultural and mechanical college. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. 35 Pamphlets on industrial education. 2 vols. AKricultural colleges. G. C. Swallow. 1876. Vol i Agricultural colleges. Report on. Hon. Tames Monroe 1875. Vol. I. Bavaria. Agricultural education in. R. B. Warder Vol i Berlin Faclischule fiir Mechaniker an der Handwerkerl schule. Program. 1886. Vol. i. California. Mr. Gesford's bill to establish industrial train- ing schools. 1887. Vol. I. Chicago. Manual training school catalogue. 1887-S Vol i Christianity and popular education. Wasliington Gladden' 1 886. Vol. I. e> • Cincinnati technical schools. An addre.ss. 188S. Vol 2 Cleveland. Manual training school circular. 1S86 Vol i Cooper Union. Annual report. 1873. Vol. i. Education, aspects of. Oscar Browning. 1S88. Vol. 2. Geneva. Kcoles d'horlogerie: programme, rapports et reglement. 1878. (3 pamphlets). Vol. i Hand, plea for training of. D. C. Gilman. 1888. Vol 2 Hand-craft and rede-craft. D. C. Gilman. 1886. Vol. i. Hand-training and sense-training. Jos. Le Conte 1888 Vol. 2. Industrial exhibition, catalogue of children's. 1886 Voli Industrial and technological training. Sarah Sands Pad- dock. 1884. Vol. I. Industrial education. S. S. Laws. 1884. Vol. 2. Industrial and physical training of criminals. H D Wev 1888. Vol. 2. ■ J- Manual training and new education. Courtland Palmer 1885. Vol. I. Manual training, psychologv of. W.T.Harris. 1889. Vol 2 Manual training, intellectual value of. C. M. Woodward* 1889. Vol. 2. Manual training and public schools. H. H. Belfield 1888 Vol. 2. Manual training in elementary schools for boys. A Sluvs 1889. (2 pamphlets.) Vol. 2. ■ J • Michigan. Education at agricultural college. O Clute Vol. 2. New York industrial education association. Statement and reports. 1885 and 1S86. Vol. i. New York school of industrial art for women Vol i New York trade schools. Circular. 1885. Vol i Polj'technic school, the modern. Charies O. Thompson 1883. Vol. I. Slojd in the ser\'ice of the school. Otto Salomon 1888 \ ol. 2. Technical training. Thomas M. Drown. 188^. Vol i Technical apparatus, catalogue of. James Rigg iS84-<: Vol. I. Oto t o- Technical education and industrial drawing. Walter Smith 1S79. Vol. I. Technical education appliances. James Rigg i88q Vol. 2. ^' Trade schools, need of. R. T. Auchmuty. 1S86. Vol i Trade tuition at home and abroad. A. S. Hallidie iS-6 Vol. 2. • / • Paulsen, Friedricb. Das Reali,^ymnasiuni und die humanit- ische Bildung. Berlin, 1880. 36 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Pennsylvania Legislature. Commission on industrial edu- cation. Harrisburg, State Printer, 1889. Royal Commissioners of Great Britain. Report on technical instruction. 5 vols. London, Eyre and Spottis- woode, 1884. Seidel, R. Industrial education a pedagogic and social neces- sity. Translated by Margaret Smith. Boston, D.'C. Heath & Co., 1887. Soley, J. R. Report on foreign systems of naval education. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1880. Twining, Thomas. Technical training. London, Macmillan &Co., 1874. Science for the people. London, C. Goodman, 1870. (2 copies.) Whitaker, Channing. Wood-working tools; how to use them. Boston, Ginn & Heath, 1881. Winship, A. E. The shop. Boston, D. Lothrop & Co., 1889. Woodward, C. M. Manual training school. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1887. Wyatt, Chas. Henr3^ Manual of continuation schools, and technical instruction. Manchester, England, John Heywood, 1892. 305p. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, CHILD STUDY. Baldwin, Joseph. Elementary psycholog^^ and education. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Psychology applied to the art of teaching. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Compayre, Gabriel. L'lfevolution, intellectuelle et morale, de I'enfant. Paris, 1893. Psychology applied to education. Translated by W. H. Payne. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1893. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. 37 Dupanloup, Felix, Bishop of Orleans. The child. Translated by Kate Anderson. Boston, Thos. B. Noonan, 1875. Egger, M. E. Observations et reflexions sur le developperaent de I'intelligence et du langage chez les enfants. Paris, 1879. Evans, W. L. Memory training. New York, A. S. Banies & Co., 1889. Granville, J. Mortimer. Youth; its care and culture. New York, M. L. Holbrook & Co., 1892. The secret of a good memory. Boston, D. Lothrop & Co. Harrison, Elizabeth. A study of child nature from the kinder- garten standpoint. Chicago, Chicago Kindergarten College, 1895. Hartmann, Dr. Berthold. Die Analyse des kindlichen Gedan- kenkreises. Annaberg, 1890. Hecker, John. The scientific basis of education. New York, the Author, 1867. Holbrook, M. L. How to strengthen the memory. New York, M. L. Holbrook & Co., 1886. Hope, Ascott R. A book about boys. Edinburgh, \Vm. P. Nimmo, 1869. Kay, D. Memory; what it is, and how to improve it. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1889. Klaiber, Julius. Das Marchen und die kindliche Phantasie. Stuttgart, 1866. Lange, Dr. Karl. Uber Apperzeption. Plauen, 1891. Apperception. Translated by members of the Her- bart Club. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1894. Laurie, S. S. Institutes of education, comprising an intro- duction to rational psychology'. Edinburgh, James Thin, 1S92. Markel, Gustav. Die Einbildungskraft. Dobeln, 1892. ^92598 38 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Marwedel, Emma. Conscious motherhood. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1889. Mosso, A. Die Ermiidmig. I^eipzig, 1892. Ostermann, W. Die hauptsachlichsten Irrtiimer der Herbart- schen Psychologie. Oldenburg und L,eipzig, 1894. Perez, Bernard. First three years of childhood. Edited and translated by Alice M. Christie. London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1889. Pfisterer, Gustav F. Padagogische Psychologie. Giitersloh, 1889. Floss, H. Das Kind in Brauch und Sitte der Volker, Anthro- pologische Studien. Berlin, 1882. Preyer, W. The mind of the child. Translated by H. W. Brown. 2 vols. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1889. Vol. I. The senses and the will. Vol. II. The development of the intellect. Die Seele des Kindes. Leipzig, 1890. Mental development in the child. Translated by H. W. Brown. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1894. Radestock, P. Habit and its importance in education. Trans- lated by F. A. Caspari. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1889. Rooper, F. G. Apperception. An essay on " a pot of green feathers." Syracuse, C. W. Bardeen, 1891. Siegert, Gustav. Problematische Kindesnaturen. Krenz- nach und Leipzig, 1889. Spurzheim, G. View of the elementary principles of educa- tion. Boston, Marsh, Capen, and Lyon, 1833. Sully, James. Teachers' handbook of psychology. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Tracy, Frederick. The psychology of childhood. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1893. Ufer, Christian. Geistesstorungen in der Schule. Wiesbaden, 1891. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. 39 Warner, Francis. Lectures on growth and means of training the mental faculty. Cambridge, University Press; and New York, Macmillan & Co., 1890. Watts, Isaac. The improvement of the mind. Boston, Jas. Loring, 1821. Wiese, L. Die Bildung des Willens. Berlin, 189 1. 305q. MORAL EDUCATION, MINOR MORALS. Adler, Felix. The moral instruction of children. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1893. Antrobus, J. Parental wisdom; or the philosophy and social bearing of education. London, Saunders & Otley, 1849. Bahnsen, JuHus. Beitrage zur Characterologie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung padagogischer Fragen. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1867. Beyspiele des Guten. 2 vols. Stuttgart, 182 1. Blackwell, Dr. Eliz. Counsel to parents on the moral educa- tion of their children. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1 883 . Bowring, Sir John. Minor morals for young people. 3 vols. London, Whittaker & Co., 1834. Comegys, Benjamin B. A primer of ethics. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1 89 1. Day, Charles William. Hints on etiquette. Auburn, Alden, Beardsley & Co., 1852. De Motte, John B. The .secret of character building. Chicago, S. C. Griggs & Co., 1S93. Everett, C. C. I^thics for young people. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1S92. Ewald, J. L. Beispiele des Guten. 3 vols. Stuttgart, 182 1. Gauley, Jas. Selections from standard authors for the benefit of the prison inmates. Sacramento, State Printing Office, 1888. 40 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Oilman, N. P., and Jackson, E. P. Conduct as a fine art. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1892. Good Behavior. Phelps's elementary reader. Brattleboro, 1881. Gow, A. M. The primer of politeness. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1883. Haines, T. L., and Waggy, L. W. The royal path of life. Chicago, A. P. T. Elder & Co., 1882. Holland, J. G. Lessons on life. New York, Chas. Scribner, 1861. Kent, C. H. A manual for young men. Davenport, Author, 1880. Knigge, Adolph F. tJber den Umgang mit Menschen. Han- nover, 1878. Legouve, Ernst. Les peres et les enfants au 19' siecle. Paris, J. Hetzel. Magie, Rev. David. The spring-time of Hfe. New York, American Tract Society, 1855. Mathews, William. Getting on in the world. Chicago, S. C. Griggs & Co., 1876. Nott, Eliphalet. Counsels to young men on the formation of character. New York, Harper & Bros., 1856. Peck, George. Formation of a manly character. New York, Carlton & Phillips, 1854. Present to youths and young men. 2 vols. Birmingham, England, i8gi. Propriac, Ch. de. Plutarque Moraliste. 2 vols. Paris, 1825. Seelye, Julius H. Duty; a book for schools. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1892. Sigourney, Lydia H. Letters to young ladies. New Y^ork, Harper & Bros., 1837. Smiles, Samuel. Character. London, John Murray, 1876. Self-Help. London, John Murray, 1876. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. 41 305r. RELIGIOUS, SECTARIAN. Bible ill public schools. New York, J. W. Scbermerhorn & Co., 1870. Bible ill public schools. Arguments in a case tried before the Superior Court of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Robert Clarke & Co., 1870. Bushnell, Horace. Views of christian nurture. Hartford, Edwin Hunt, 1847. Cheever, Rev. G. B. Right of the bible in our public schools. New York, Robert Carter & Bros., 1854. Clark, Rufus W. The question of the hour: the bible and the school fund. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1870. Curry, Daniel. Christian education. Five lectures delivered before the Ohio Wesleyan University. New York, Hunt & Eaton, 1889. Dorchester, Daniel. Romanism versus the public school sys- tem. New York, Phillips & Hunt, 1888. Dwight, Benjamin W. The higher christian education. New York, A. S. Barnes & Burr, 1859. Home, the school, and the church. Philadelphia, Wm. S. Martien, 1850. Montgomery, Z. Poison fountain, or anti-parental education. San Francisco, 1878. Olin, Stephen. Works of. 2 vols. New York, Harper & Bros., 1854. Porter, Noah. The educational systems of the Puritans and Jesuits compared. New York, M. \V. Dodd, 1851. 305s. STATE RELATIONS TO EDUCATION. Arnold, ISIatthew. The popular education of France, with notices of that of Holland and Switzerland. Lon- don, Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1861. (2 copies.) 42 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Arnold, Matthew. A French Eton; or middle class education and the state. London, Macmillan & Co., 1864. Bautain {VAbbe), L. E. L'education pubhque en France au 19" siecle. Paris, 1876. Committee of Council on Education. The school in its rela- tion to the state, the church, and the congregation. London, John Murray, 1847. Craik, Henry. The state in its relation to education. Eon- don, Macmillan & Co., 1884. Oilman, D. C. What schools ought the state to keep? {In Connecticut Board of Education Report, 1868.) Morley, John. The struggle for national education. London, Chapman & Hall, 1873. Rigg, James H. National education in its social conditions and aspects, and public elementar}' education, English and foreign. London, Strahan & Co., 1873. 305U. SELF-CULTURE, HOME STUDY, UNI- VERSITY EXTENSION. Aiken, J., and Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. Evenings at home. London, H. G. Bohn, 1850. Blackie, J. S. On self-culture: intellectual, physical, and moral. New York, Scribner, Armstrong & Co., 1874. Clarke, J. F. Self-culture: physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual. Boston, J. R. Osgood & Co., 1880. (2 copies. ) Craik, G. L- Pursuit of knowledge under difl&culties. 2 vols. New York, Harper & Bros., 1847. Eggleston, George Carey. How to educate yourself, with or without masters. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1872. James, George Francis. Handbook of university extension. Philadelphia, 1893. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. 43 Mackinder, H. J., and Sadler, M. E. University extension, has it a future? London, Henry Frowde, 1890. Roberts, R. U. Eighteen years of university extension. Cambridge, University Press, 1891. 305W. EDUCATION OF WOMEN. Beecher, Catherine E. Educational reminiscences and sug- gestions. New York, J. B. Ford & Co., 1874. Brackett, Anna C. Woman and the higher education. Essays by Mrs. Bellamy and others. New York, Harper & Bros., 1893. Burstail, Sara A. The education of girls in the United States. London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1894. Clarke, Edward H. Sex in education. Boston and New York. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1889. F^nelon, F. The education of girls. Translated by Kate Lupton. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1S91. Lange, Helene. Higher education of women in Europe. Translated by L. R. Klenim. New York, D. Apple- ton & Co., 1890. More, Hannah. Strictures on the modern systems of female education. 2 vols. London, T. Cadell. Jr., and W. Davies, 1799. Rousselot, Paul. Histoire de leducation des femmes en France. 2 vols. Paris, Didier et cie, 1883. 305y. SCHOOL ARCHITECTURE, HYGIENE. Baginsky, Adolf. Handbuch der Schulhygiene. Stuttgart. 1883. Barnard, Henry. School architecture. New York, A. S. Barnes & Co., 1848. Farquharson, Robt. School hygiene and diseases incidental to school Hfe. London, Smith, lilder & Co., 1885. 44 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Hertel, Dr. Over-pressure in high schools in Denmark. Trans- lated by C. Godfrey Sorenson. I^ondon, Macmillan & Co., 1885. Hittenkofer, — . Der Schulhausbaur in Bezug auf konstruk- tive Gestaltung und praktische Gesundheitspflege. Leipzig, 1887. Johonnot, James. School-houses. New York, J. W. Scher- merhorn & Co., 1871. Morrison, Gilbert B. The ventilation and warming of school buildings. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1892. Newsholme, Arthur. School hygiene. Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1889. 305Z. BIOGRAPHIES OF EDUCATORS. Bowen, H. Courthope. Froebel and education through self- activity. New York, Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1893. Carlisle, James H. Memoirs of Roger Ascham and Thomas Arnold. Syracuse, C. W. Bardeen, 1890. Compayre, Gabriel. Abelard and the origin and early history of universities. New York, Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1893. Davidson, T. Aristotle and ancient educational ideals. New York, Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1892. De Garmo, Charles. Herbart and the Herbartians. New York, Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1895. De Guimps, Roger. Pestalozzi; his life and work. Translated by J. Russell. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1890. Dunton, Larkin. A memorial of the life and services of John D. Philbrick. Boston, New England Publishing Company, 1887. Froebel, Friedrich. Autobiography. Translated by Emily Michaelis and H. Keatley Moore. Syracuse, C. W. Bardeen, 1889. Hanschmann, A. B. Friedrich Froebel: Die Entwickelung seiner Erziehungsidee. Eisenach, 1874. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. 45 Hughes, Rev. Thomas. Lo^'ola and the educational system of the Jesuits. New York, Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1892. Johnson, Sam'l, and Stanley, Arthur Penryn. Memoirs of Roger Aschani and Thos. Arnold. New York, Chautauqua Press, 1890. Krause, H. Wolfgang Ratichius, oder Ratke im Lichte seiner und der Zeitgenossen Briefe. Leipzig, 1872. Kriisi, H. Pestalozzi; his Hfe, work, and influence. New York, Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co., 1875. Laurie, S. S. John Amos Comenius; his Hfe and educational works. Cambridge, England, University Press, 1887. Leitch, James. Practical educationists and their systems of teaching. Glasgow, James Maclehose, 1876. Lyon, Mary. Power of christian benevolence illustrated in the 'life of. 1858. Mann, Horace. Life and works. See 305. Marenholtz-Buelow, Bertha. Reminiscences of Froebel. Translated by Mrs. H. Mann. Boston, Lee & Shep- ard, 1892. Miller, Hugh. My schools and schoolmasters. Boston, Gould & Lincoln, i860. The same. Edinburgh, Win. P. Nimmo, 1869. Monroe, Will S. The educational labors of Henry Barnard. Syracuse, C. W. Bardeen, 1893. Norton, Henry Brace. Memorials of. By California State Normal School, San Jose, 18S6. Olin, Stephen. Life and letters of. New York, Harper & Bros., 1854. Pelton, J. C. Poems and prose, with sketch of author. San P^ancisco, The Bancroft Company, 1S93. Stanley, Arthur Penryn. The life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold. New York, Scribner, Armstrong & Co., 1877. West, Andrew F. Alcuin and the rise of the christian schools. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1892. 46 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN 306. SCHOOL SYSTEMS, REPORTS. jyote.— Besides the following, there are numerous pamphlets and reports which have not as yet been placed in the pedagogical alcove. Arizona. Annual reports, 1875-6. Arkansas. State superintendent of public instruction. Annual reports, 1876-8. State superintendent of public instruction. Biennial reports, 1871-2, 1879-80, 1881-2, 1889-90. [Report of State Teachers' Association in reports for 1879- 80. 1881-2.J Act to maintain free common schools. Approved, 1875. Proceedings of board of education. January, 1874. Boston. Annual report of school committee, 1868 and 1872. Semi-annual report of superintendent, 1878-9. 3 vols. California. Proceedings of the State Teachers' Institute, 1863. [See also Educational pamphlets, vols, i and 3.] State superintendent's annual reports, 1863-92. \_See also Educational pamphlets, vols, i and 2.] Biennial reports, 1864-5 to 1893-4. 15 vols. [The following papers are contained in these reports: Historical sketch of the public school system of California. Report, 1864-5. „ . . Science as a part of technical instruction. Thomas Twining. 1874-5- Primary education. Thomas Twining. 1874-5. Drawing in the public schools of the City of Boston. Wal- ter Smith. 1S74-5. Art education. C. O. Thompson. 1874-5. School lessons in household economy. Mrs. Wm. Shaen. 1874-5. Industrial training for girls in Germany. J. Fred Myers. The objects of the kindergarten. 1874-5. The kindergarten. S. E. Blow. 1874-5. Kindergarten toys, and how to use them. Heinrich Hofl- mann. 1874-5. The nervous system as affected by school life. D. F. Lin- coln. 1S74-5. The science, art, and profession of teaching. John Swett. 1878-9. Education by work. A. W. Oliver. 1878-9. Child culture. Ezra S. Carr. 1878-9. Report of State Teachers' Association. 1890.] UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIRRARY. 47 Chicago. Annual report of the Ijoard of education, 1876-7. Cincinnati. Annual reports of the common schools, 1878-9. Colorado. Biennial report of superintendent of public instruc- tion, 1879-80. Connecticut. Annual report of state board of education, 1S53, 1866-83. [Hi.storical sketch of school legislation in Connecticut. Report, 1S72. History of public education in Connecticut. 1S76. ] Delaware. Annual report of superintendent of free schools, 1880. Fort Wayne. Annual report of board of education, 1872-3. France. Ministere de I'instruction. Statis. de I'enseignement. Georgia. Report of state school commissioner, 1879-80. Grass Valley. Rules of the board of education, 1884. Great Britain. Council of Education, Department of Science and Art. Calendar, history, and regulations. 1894. Report. 1893. Director}-. 1894. Examination papers. 1894. Idaho. Report of superintendent of public instruction, 1879-80. Illinois. Biennial report of superintendent of public instruc- tion, 1871-80. [Report of State Teachers' Association. Reports, 1876-8. Competitive and comparative public school examinations. S. H. White. Report, 1879-S0.] Indiana. Biennial report of the superintendent of public instruction, 1869-70. Iowa. Biennial report of superintendent of public instruction, 1869-70, 1880-1. Kansas. Annual reports of the superintendent of public instruction, 1874-6. Biennial reports of same, 1877-8, 1879-80. 48 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Kansas City. Annual report of public schools, 1886-7. Kentucky. Annual report of superintendent of public instruc- tion, 1878-9. London. Reports of British and foreign school society, 1825. Extracts from reports of inspectors of schools, 1852. Los Angeles. Annual report of board of education, 1883-4, 1889-90. Manual of board of education, 1886. Maine. Annual report of superintendent of public instruction, 1880. Maryland. Annual report of state board of education, 1875-6, 1878-80. Massachusetts. Annual reports of the state board of edu- cation, 1850-93. Abstract of school returns, 1837-42. 5 vols. [The following papers are contained in these reports: Industrial drawing. C. O. Thompson. Report, 1870. Libraries of Massachusetts. H. K. Scudder. 1875-6. High schools of Massachusetts. Abner J. Phipps. 1875-6. Colleges, historical societies, and institutions for the pro- motion of the arts and sciences. Oliver Warner. 1875-6. Normal schools. Albert G. Boyden. 1875-6. Academies. Geo. A. Walton. 1875-6. Handicraft in school. C. O. Thompson. 1878-9. Industrial education at Gloucester. L. H. Marvel. 1879-80. The manual element in education. John D. Runkle. I 880- I. Handwork instruction in Sweden. J. M. Ordway. 1881-2. Lessons in color in primary schools. Lucretia Crocker. 1881-2. Some European industrial art schools. C. M. Carter. 1881-2. Evening schools. Albert P. Marble. 1882-3. The New York trade schools. Richard Auchmuty. 1882-3. Plan for industrial drawing. C. M. Carter. 1882-3. Normal art school. G. H. Bartlett. 1882-3. Public libraries and schools. Samuel S. Green. 1883-4. School architecture. D. F. Lincoln. 1883-4. School supervision. Albert P. Marble. 1884-5. Free text-books and supplies. Wm. Cornell, 1884-5. German schools. Larkin Dunton. 1884-5. Free text-books. Thomas Emerson. 1886-7. Interest of the state in the advancement of art. Albert H. Munsell. 1891-2. School hygiene. D. F. Lincoln. 1892-3.] UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. 49 Mayhew, Ira. See Michigan. Michigan. School reports by Mayhew, 1855-7. Annual reports of .state superintendent of public in- struction, 1862, 1865, 1873-81. [Reports of State Teachers' Association. Reports, 1873-81. A plea for education as a public duty. George V. N. Lothrop. 187S. The higher education. James B. Angell. 1879. Historical sketches of education in Michigan. 1880.] Public instruction and .school law. F. W. Shearman, 1852. Report of Ira Mayhew on school funds and laws, 1858. Mississippi. Biennial report of state superintendent of pub- lic instruction, 1 880-1. Missouri, Biennial report of the superintendent of public schools, 1872, 1874, 1876-80. Nebraska. Annual report of superintendent of public instruc- tion, 1873, 1878, and 1880. Nevada. Biennial report of superintendent of public instruc- tion, 1875-84. New Hampshire. Annual report of superintendent of public instruction, 1 880-1. [Report of State Teachers.' As.sociation, Report, 1880-1.] New Jersey. Annual report of superintendent of public in- struction, 1872, 1875, 1876, 1878-S1. New York. Annual report of the state superintendent of public instruction, 1845, 1849, 1873, 1876-81, 1889. [Reports of State Teachers' Association, State Council of School Superintendents, Associated Academic Principals, and State Association of School Commissioners and Super- intendents. Report, 18S9.J New York City. Manual of the board of education. 1864. Reports of the board of education, 1855, 1857, 1858. Supplies for grammar and primary schools, 1S70. North Carolina. Annual report of the superintendent of public instruction, 1869, 1879, and 1880. 4— s 50 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Oakland, Cal. Rules and regulations of the board of educa- tion, 1880. Annual report of superintendent of public schools, 1873, 1875, 1881, and 1883. Ohio. Annual report of the commissioner of public schools, 1879-82. Pennsylvania. Annual report of superintendent of public instruction, 1877-82. Philadelphia. Annual report of the controller of public schools, 1855. Catalogue of Central High School, 1838-go. Semi-centennial celebration of Central High School, 1888. Rhode Island. Annual report of board of education, 1878-9, 1881-93. Sacramento, Cal. Rules and regulations for public schools, 1872. St. Louis. Reports of public schools, 1869-79. \_See also Educational pamphlets, vol. 4.] San Francisco. Annual report of superintendent of public schools, 1860-2. \^See Educational pamphlets, vol. I.] 1868-9, 1870-1, 1868-76, 1874-80, 1882-3, 1885, 1891-4. Rules and regulations, 187 1-4. Semi-annual examination of teachers, September, 1886. Course of study of public schools, 1892. \See 305^.] San Jose, Cal. Annual report of superintendent of schools. Santa Rosa, Cal. Annual report of principal of schools, 1893-4. South Carolina. Annual report of the superintendent of education, 1881. Stockton, Cal. Report of superintendent of schools, 1884, 1893. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOKMA LIBRARY. 51 Texas. Biennial report of the department of education, 1883-6. United States Bureau of Education. [See Periodicals, 305<:.] Vermont. Report of the state superintendent of education, 1880-4. 3 vols. Virginia. Annual report of the superintendent of public instruction, 1 880-1. Washington, D. C. Report of board of trustees of public schools in District of Columbia, 1875-7, 1879-89. Report of board of trustees of public schools in City of Washington. West Virginia. Biennial report of the superintendent of free schools, 1879-80. Wisconsin. Report of common schools, 1858. Annual report of superintendent of public instruction, 1864-77, 1879, and 1880. [Reports of State Teachers' Association. Reports, 1864-S0.] 306z. SCHOOL LAW. Anderson, James Wright. School manual for use of ofl5cers and teachers in California public schools. Sacra- mento, 1893. (4 copies.) Arizona. The school laws of 1SS7. [See Educational pam- phlets, vol. 15.] Burke, Finle}-. A treatise on law of pubHc schools. A. S. Barnes & Co., New York, 1880. California. State school law, 1866. [5^^ Educational pam- phlets, vol. 2.] State school law, 1876, 1883, 1893. Amendments, 1891. Delaware. Digest of school law, i88r. Georgia. Public school laws, 1882. 52 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Greard, M. Legislation de Tinstruction primaire en France. 3 vols. Paris, Charles de Morgues, 1874. Idaho. School law, 1887. [See Educational pamphlets, vol. I5-] Iowa. School law and decisions, 1880. Kansas. School law, 1881. Kelly. Power of school officers as determined by courts of different states. Harper & Bros., New York, 1885, Laws of colleges and schools. [Pamphlets.] Pennsylvania schools. 1843. College of California. Harvard College. 1871. Yale College. 1868 and 1873. Hamilton College. 1867. University of Pennsylvania, Departments of Science and Arts. 1872. Columbia College. 1871. Maryland. School law, 1877. Michigan. School laws of Michigan. Tappan, 1889. Nevada. School law, 1885. New Hampshire. School law, 1881. New Jersey. School law, 1881. New York. Manual of school laws of New York, 1888. Statutes relating to common schools, 1847. Common school system. S. S. Randall, 185 1. Ohio. School law, 1883. Pennsylvania. School laws and decisions, 1882. Rhode Island. School manual, 1882. Tappan, Harvey. School law and a history and description of the educational system of Michigan. Port Huron, Mich., 1889. Taylor, Irwin. Public schools; a law treatise. Chicago, Irwin Taylor, 1893. Vermont. School laws, 1880. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. 53 307. INDIVIDUAL INSTITUTIONS. Agricultural colleges. Catalogues and reports, 1872-5. i vol. Amherst College. Inauguration of M. K. Gates as president. 1 89 1 . Aberdeen University. Calendar, 1894-5. Arkansas Industrial University. Reports, 1874-6. Little Rock, Arkansas. Auckland University College. Calendar, 1892-4. Berlin Universitat. Dissertations. 1 1 vols. Bonn Universitat. Dissertations. 26 vols. Boston University. Year-book by university council. Vols. 1-17. Boston, 1874-90. Bowdoin College. History of, by Nebemiah Cleaveland. Bos- ton, J. R. Osgood & Co., 1882. Breslau Universitat. Dissertations. 6 vols. Zobtenfeier der Breslauer Studenten am 8-9 Juli, 1842. Leipzig, 1842. Bridgewater Normal Scbool. History and alumni record to July, 1876. 1876. . Brief description. i8go. Brooklyn Institute. Year-book, 1889-90, Brougham, Lord. See Edinburgh University. Cambridge (England). Memorials of. Edited by J. LeKeux and C. H. Cooper. 3 vols. Cambridge, Macmillan & Co., 1880-1. History of. Bv J. B. Mullinger. New York, Anson, Randolph &'Co. Cambridge (England), University of. Students' guide to University of Cambridge. Parts 1-9. 18S0-2. Canterbury College. Calendar, 1890. 54 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN College catalogues. Miscellaneous. 6 vols. 1853-75. Columbia College. Catalogue of governors, trustees, officers, and alumni, 1754-1870. Catalogue of officers and students, 1870-6. Hand-book of information. Inaugural addresses, 1858-9. TJie Miner. Published by the third year class of the school of mines. 1887. Proceedings at the installation of Seth Low as presi- dent. 1890. Report of trustees, 1858. Historical sketch of Columbia College. By N. F. Moore. 1846. Copenhagen University. Retshistorie, 1479-1879. Henning Matzen. Copenhagen, 1879. Cornell Universit}'. Registers and circulars, 1868-74. ■ Proceedings at the laying of the corner-stone, and a report of the Sage proposal. University Press, 1873. Cornellian. 1890. Proceedings and addresses at the inauguration of J. G. Schurman as president. 1892. Twenty-fifth anniversary. 1892. Dorpat Universitat. Dissertations. 24 vols. Dublin University. History of. W. B. S. Taylor. 1845. Records of the tercentenary festival. Tercentenary. Pamphlets. Edinburgh University. Calendar, 1887-95. Supplement to calendar. May to October, 1894. Graduates of. 1859-88. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. 55 Edinburgh University. Installation address of Lord Brougham as chancellor of the University of Edinburgh. May, i860. Erlangen Universitat. Dissertations. 12 vols. Geneva Universite. Dissertations. 14 vols. Giessen Universitat. Dissertations. 6 vols. Girard College and its founder. H. W. Arey. Philadelphia. 1861. Glasgow University. Calendar, 1874-5, 1887-95. 9 vols. Gottingen Universitat. Dis.sertations. 31 vols. Halle Universitat. Dissertations. 32 vols. Hartford Theological Seminar^^ Memorial of the semi-cente- nar>' celebration of founding. Hartford, 1884. Record, 189 1-3. 3 vols. Harvard University. Annual reports, 1868-9, 1870-1, 1872-3, 1875-80, 1880-8. 3 vols. Catalogue, 1871-95. 14 vols. Triennial catalogue, 1S72-5. Extracts from a will making bequests to Harvard College, in behalf of Robert Troup Paine. Record of the commemoration of the 250th anni- versary of founding of Harvard College. Museum of comparative zoology\ Annual reports, 1861-74. Souvenir album, 1887. Harvard register, an illustrated monthlv. Vol. 3. 1881. Examination papers, 1877. Histor}' of Harvard University, from 1636 to the American Revolution, by Benjamin Peirce. Cam- bridge, Brown, Shattuck & Co., 1833. 56 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN Harvard University. Biographical sketches of graduates, from 1642-89, by J. Sibley. 3 vols. Cambridge, Chas. Wm. Sever, 1873-85. Haverford College. Studies, 1-12. 2 vols. Heidelberg University. Dissertations, 17 vols. Jubilaum, 1886. Festzug. Illinois Industrial University. Report, 1870-5. Report, 1873-84. 6 vols. Illinois University. Report, 1886-92. 4 vols. Indiana University. History from 18 20- 1890. Theophilus A. Wylie. Indianapolis, William P. Burford, 1890. Iowa and Massachusetts Agricultural Colleges. Report, 1872-5. Iowa State Agricultural College. Biennial reports, 1870-3, 1874-5, 1876-7. Japan Imperial University. College of Science Journal, 1-4. 1887-91. Jena Universitat. Dissertations. 26 vols. Johns Hopkins University. Annual reports, 1876-86. i vol. Circulars, 1879-88. Vols. 1-7. Inaugural addresses, 1876. Miscellaneous publications, 1876-90. i vol. Register, 1876-87. Kansas, University of. Annual catalogue of ofl&cers and students, 1889-90. Quarter-centennial history, 1 866-9 1 • Kansas University quarterly, 1892-3. Vol. i. Konigsberg Universitat. Dissertations. 9 vols. Leiden Universiteit. Dissertations. 2 vols. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOKMA LIBRARY. 57 London, Universit}' of. Calendar, 1849. Examination for degree of bachelor of arts, 1842-7. Louvain Universite Catholique. Annuaire, 1883-90. 4 vols. Lyon Universite. Theses. 4 vols. McGill University (Montreal). Calendar and examination papers, 1S68-9. Marburg Universitat. Dissertations. 22 vols. Maryland Agricultural College. Biennial report of board of trustees, 1S88-91. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Abstract of the proceedings of the Society of Arts, 1879-89. [See also Yale University.] Proceedings of the Society of Arts, 1889-91. Quarterly. Vol. 3. Melbourne University. Calendar, 1878-95. 8 vols. Examination papers, 1882. Miami University. Catalogue of alumni and former students, 1809-92. Michigan, University of. History of. 1885. Semi-centennial celebration of organization, 1887. Biennial report, 188 1-2. Minnesota, Nebraska, and Wisconsin state universities. Catalogues, 187 1-4. i vol. Minnesota University. Report, 1882. Missouri, University of. Public lectures delivered by mem- bers of the faculty, 1878-9. Reports, 1870-8. 4 vols. Mount Holyoke Seminary. [Sec Mary Lyon, 305:7.] New Hampshire College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Report of board of trustees, 1 890. 58 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN New York, University of State of. Annual report of regents, 1875, 1879, 1881, 1884-93. 17 vols. Historical and statistical record. F. B. Hough. Albany, 1885. Manual, 1882. New York, University of City of. Catalogue and announce- ments, 1887-8. Manual of board of trustees, 1873. Registers, 187 1-5. Annual reports, 1869-72. Exami- nation papers, 1873. Historical cabinet, 1874. i vol. New Zealand University. Calendar, 1892-3. North and South Carolina, Universities of. Addresses. I vol. Ontario School of Agriculture and Experimental Farm. An- nual report, 1879. Owens College (Manchester). Calendar, 1879-80. Description of chemical laboratories. 1878. Essays and addresses by professors. 1874. Oxford University. Calendar, 1851 and 1893. Parecbolae sive excerpta e corpore statutorum Univer- sitatis Oxoniensis. 1721. Report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the property and income of the universities of Ox- ford and Cambridge. 3 vols. London, 1874. History of; its colleges, halls, and public buildings. 1824. R. Ackermann. Munimenta Academica; or documents illustrative of academical life and studies at Oxford. 1868. History of University of Oxford. G. C. Broderick. Alumni Oxonienses. 17 15-1886. Students' hand-book to the university. 1881. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIRRAKV. 59 Oxford University. Costumes of the members. Packer Collegiate Institute. Catalogue, 1893. Paris, University of. Histoire de I'universite. By Charles Richomme. Paris, 1890. Pennsylvania State College. Reports, 1874, 1886-7, 1889-90, 1892-3. Report of committee of general assembly. Pennsylvania University. Biographical catalogue of matricu- lates, 1 749-1 893. Publications. Life and writings of George Gascoigne. Felix E. Schelling, 1893. Poetic and verse criticism of the reij' v. 14 Pioneer society v. 14 Jackson street association v. 14 Catalogue of toys v. 14 Golden Gate association v. 14 and public school v. 17 Lancasterian system, manual of. 1827 v. 11 Land grant colleges, state aid to. Justin S. Morrill. 1S88- v. 10 Language, international communication by. P. G. Ham- erton. 1879 ". v. 9 Modern, in education. G. F. Comfort v. 16 Modern. [_See Higher.] Latin, study of. [See Greek.] School. [See Boston.] Learning, seats of ._ v. 4 Liberal education of nineteenth century. \Vm. P. Atkinson. 1S73 v. 4 Librar}' in public schools v. 5 Function of, in education. \Vm. T. Harris v. 13 Loudon, educational system. [See England.] Apologie der Universitiit. v. 11 City of. Literary and Scientific Association. 1826 __ V. II Marking system. H. T. Peck v. 17 Massachusetts Teacher, the. March, 1873 v. 5 Mathematical teaching. T. H. Safford v. 17 Medicine. [See College.] Memor>% how to train. R. H. Quick v. 16 Military departments in colleges. Joseph Moore. 1S73. v. 5 Missouri, educated labor in. S. Waterhouse. 1872.. v. 8 Moral and religious education of the working classes. Lord Ashley. 1843. v. 4 Morality in schools. W.T.Harris. 1889 v. 13 Mount Pleasant Classical Institution, catalogue of. 1828 V. II National education, system of, for United States. Chas. Brooks. 1864 V. 4 National Educational Association. W.T.Harris. 1891. v. 13 National League. [See American.] 68 BOOKS ON EDUCATION IN National Record of Education no. i, v. i; 1866 v. 2 National Teachers' Monthly. February, 1875 v. 5 Naval. [See Engineer.] Nebraska, University of, commencement address, by C. F. Manderson. 1874 v. 5 Negro, education of. Hon. Gustavus J. Orr. 1880 v. 8 [See Colored and Slater Fund.] Nevada. Superintendent's report. 1887-8 v. 15 New York. Teacher and Educational Monthly. July, 1868 V. 2 Extension of public schools. 1828 v. 11 New York University. [See Heidelberg.] New Zealand, public education in. Sir Robert Stout. 1886 V. 10 Normal schools, introduction of, in America. Charles Brooks. 1864. .- V. 4 North Carolina. Address by Augustus Van Wjxk. 1886. v. 9 Oakland. By-laws of school board. 1 868 v. 3 Object teaching. J. H. Gladstone v. 16 Oral training. J. W. Dickinson v. 16 Order, how to keep. J.E.Hughes v. 16 Oregon. Superintendent's report. 1889 v. 15 Organization vs. originality. Henry Sabin. 1890 v. 13 Pacific Coast Educational Journal. July, 1874 v. 5 Pauperism, relation of education to. Dexter A. Hawkins. 1882 - V. 8 Pedagogical chairs in colleges. B. A Hinsdale. 1889.. v. 13 Pedagogical library. Will S. Monroe. 1892 v. 13 Pedagogue. The principal and professor. E. A. Tanner, v. 17 Pedagogy. Catalogue of books. [See Catalogue.] Pension of teachers. Mrs. Mary Prag. 1892 v. 13 Pestalozzi. A. M. Kellogg v. 16 Phi Beta Kappa Society. Address at Harvard. i886_.-V. 9 Philadelphia. Public education. 1827 .-. v. 11 Philosophical faculty, division of. A. W. Hofmann v. 17 Physical basis of education. M. I. Swift v. 13 Ph3'sical training. D. A. Sargent. 1883 v. 10 Physiology, teaching of. H. P. Bowditch v. 16 Pianoforte, letters to young player. London. 1829 v. 11 Powers of officers and teachers. A. P. Marble v. 16 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIRRARY. 69 Preussiche Gegetze. Die Beaiifsichtigung des Unter- richtswesens, und Erziehungswesens. 1872.- v. 6 Priests, university education for. J. h. Spalding. 1884. v. 10 Primary instruction. [See France; Switzerland.] Professional training. Emor>' Washburn. 1 86 1 v. 4 Prussia, secondary instruction in v. 3 [See Elementarschulen.] Pupils, early withdrawal of, from schools. \V. T. Harris. 1872 V. 8 Reading, how to teach. G.S.Hall v. 17 Recitation. C. A. McMurry. v. 16 Round Hill, Northampton. School for boys. 1826 v. 11 St. Louis. Report of superintendent v. 4 San Francisco. Superintendent's eleventh annual report, v. i Superintendent's sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth annual reports v. 3 Deputy superintendent's report. 1886-7 v. 8 Origin of public schools v. 5 [See Cosmopolitan.] Sanitary conditions of school-houses. D. F. Lincoln v. 13 Scholar, manliness in. R. S. Storrs. 1883 v. 10 School, President Eliot on public. B.A.Hinsdale. 1885. v. 13 [See Library.] School-book. [See Book.] School-system, conspiracy against. Rev. R. Harcourt. 1889 - . V. 12 Science, democratic tendencies of. Denison Olmstead . . v. 5 in public schools. Geo. Davidson. 1882 v. 13 teaching. \V. N. Rice v. 17 Secondary. [See Prussia; France.] Secondar)' education, relation of, to university. Andrew F. West. 1885 -- V. 13 Slater fund, proceedings of trustees of. for education of freedmen. 1883... v. 8 Sonntagsscliulvereine, Jahresfeier, hamburgischer. 1833 and 1834 -- V. II South, education in. A. D. Mayo "^'- i? Sphinx riddles of education. W.T.Harris. 1877 v. 8 State and the university. James B. Angell. 1886 v. 10 State aid to colleges. [See Land.] State. [See Educated.] 70 BOOKS ox EDUCATION IN Statistics, Study of, in colleges. Carroll D. Wright. 1887. v. 13 Switzerland (canton de Vaud), I'instruction primaire. Andre Gindroz. 1834 v. 7 Teacher, as he should be. C. W. Bardeen. 189 1 v. 12 Teaching, methods of. James G. Kennedy. 1888 v. 8 graphic methods in. Chas. Barnard. 1889 v. 12 Text-books. [See Books.] Township, taxpayer and the. C. W. Bardeen. 1891 v. 12 Tiibinger Studirenden, die Sitten und das Betragen wahrend des i6ten Jahrhunderts. Robert von Mohl. 1871 V. 9 Tulare, Cal. Address at dedication of school-house. Hamilton Wallace. 1885 --- v. 13 Turnen, die deutsche Volkserziehung. 1 843 - - - - v. 6 Unconscious tuition. Frederick D. Huntington v. 5, 16 United States. [See National.] Universal education. Ray Palmer. 1879 ..- v. 9 Universitaten. [See Diesterweg.] University, an American. J. W. Hoyt. 1869 v. 4 the American. Chas. Sprague Smith. 1887... v. 9 a national. Wm. A. Mowr)', 1889 v. 13 and state. [See State.] and high schools. [See High.] relation of secondary education to. [See Secondary.] in Italy. [See Catholic ; Italy ; Priests.] and philology. [See Classical.] evolution of. George E. Howard. 1889 v. 13 and school extension. W.T.Harris. 1890 v. 13 extension. Sydney T. Skidmore. 1890 v. 13 Helen Dawes Brown. 1889 --- v. 15 Universities, English — - - v. 4 state ; their difficulties, advantages, and needs. James B. Angell. 1889 v.. 12 benefits to society. D. C. Gilman. 1885 v. 13 state. Samuel J. Kirkwood. 1888. v. 13 Upper schools. James McCosh. 1 879 v. 9 Vermont, instruction and discipline in university of. 1831 v. 11 Virginia, historic elements of education in. John Bell Henneman. 1891 --- v. 13 Was it reality or dream ? Gustavus Schulte. 1872 v. 5 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY. 71 Washington and higher education. [See Higher.] Washington territory. Report of superintendent. 1887. v. 15 Western literary and scientific institution. 1826 v. 11 Wisconsin journal of education. January, 1874.. v. 5 Women, admission of, to universities. W. Le Conte Stevens. 1883 v. 10 Domestic science and college. Mrs. Ellen H. Richards. 1890 . . v. 15 higher education of. Report from President of Columbia College. 1881-2 v. 10 opening of colleges to. F. A. P. Barnard. 1882. v. 10 reports upon higher education of, in New York. 1882 V. 10 Social need and college. Vida D. Scudder. 1890 V. 15 Statistics of health, collected by Association of Collegiate Alumnae v. 10 Woodstock Academy, the history of. Clarence Winthrop Bowen. 1873 .. v. 10 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Page, i Abbott, F. C 34 ' Abbott, Jacob 20, 26 Ackermann, E 5 Ackermann, R 58 Acland, Arthur H. D 29 j Adams, Chas. Fr., Jr 30 ' Adams, C. K 66 Adams, Francis 15 Adler, Felix 39 Aiken, J 42 Allen, C. H 59 Allen, Jerome 20 Anderson, James Wright 51 Anderson, Kate 37 Angell, James B 5, 6, 49, 69, 70 Antrobus, J 39 Arey, H. W 55 Arnold, Matthew 30, 41, 42 Arnold, Thomas 5 Ashley, Lord 67 Atherton, G. W 65 Atkinson, Wm. P 67 Auchmuty, R. T 35. 48 Austin, Sarah 17 Avery, Mary L 65 B Bache, A. D 15 Backus, Helen Hiscock .... 62, 64 Baginsky, Adolf 43 Bahnsen, Julius 39 Bain, Alexander 5 Baldwin, Joseph 26, 36 Barbanld, Mrs. A. L 42 Bardeen, C. W 63, 66, 70 Barnard, Charles 70 Barnard, F. A. P 6, 64, 71 Barnard, Henry. . . 11, 12, 15, 30, 43 Barth, Ernst 20 Bartlett, G. H 48 Bartlett, S. C 6 Page. Hartley, G. C. T 16 Basedow, J 5 Bates, Samuel P 5 Baumgart, Max 30 Bautain, L'Abb^ L. E 42 Beecher, Catherine E 5, 43 Belfield, H. H 35 Bell, Andrew 5 Bell, John 62 Bellamy, Mrs 43 Beneke, F. E 5 Bennett, C. W 16 Bennett, Jasper 20 Bert, Paul 27 Beyer, O. W 20 Binde, Otto 16 Biot, Edouard 16 Blackie, J. S 42 Blackwell, Alice Stone 63 Blackwell, Dr. Elizabeth 39 Blair, Henry W 65 Blake, J. V 33 Blakiston.J. R 20 Blow, Susan E 28, 46 Boese, Thomas 16 Boone, Richard G 16 Bourne, W. O. 16 Bowditch, H. P 68 Bowen, Clarence Winthrop 71 Bowen, H. Courthope 44 Bowring, Sir John 39 Boyden, Albert G 48 Brackett, Anna C 9. 43 Bramwell, Amy Blanche 29 Br^al, Michel 3° Bremen, E. von 19 Bright, Orville T 20 Broderick, G. C 58 Brooks, Chas 67, 68 Brooks, Edward 20 Brougham, Lord 5 74 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Page. Brown, Helen Dawes 70 Brown, H. W 38 Brown, J. R 66 Browning, Oscar 16, 35 Buisson, F 11, 21, 27 Burke, Finley I5 Burstall, Sara A 43 Bushnell, Horace 41 Calderwood, Henry 21 Calkins, N. A 21 Campbell, F. M 63 Capes, W. W 16 Carlisle, Jas. H 44 Carnot, H 65 Carr, E- S 46, 63 Carter, CM 48 Caspari, F. A 38 Cauer, Paul 16 Chadwick, F. E 33 Channing, Eva 8 Cheever, Rev. G. B 41 Christie, Alice M 38 Clark, H.A 32 Clark, Rufus W 41 Clarke, Edward H 43 Clarke, I. E 33 Clarke, J. F 42 Cleaveland, Nehemiah 53 Clute, 35 Colbeck, C 21 Collins, John Churton 21 Combe, George 6 Comegys, Benjamin B 39 Comenius, John Amos 6, 27 Comfort, G. F 67 Compayr^, Gabriel ... 16, 21, 36, 44 Conrad, Dr. J 31 Cooper, C. H 53 Cornell, Wm 48 Cournot, M 16 Cousin, Victor 16, 17 Craik, G. I, 42 Craik, Henry 42 Crocker, Lucretia 21, 48 Crow, W. 5 Currie, James 27 Page. Curry, Daniel 41 Curtis, Geo. Wm 64 D Davidson, George 69 Davidson, T 17, 44 Davis, A. M 63 Day, Charles William. 39 De Garmo, Charles 21, 44 De Graflf, Edniond "V 21, 27 De Guimps, Roger 44 Demogeot, J. C 30 De Motte, John 39 Dickinson, J. W 68 Diesterweg, F. A, W 6, 64, 65 Dille, E. R 63 Dittes, Friedrich 6, 17 Dolch, Oscar 31 Dorchester, Daniel 41 Drone, Eaton S 66 Drown, Thomas M .35 Dunton, Larkin 44. 48 Dupanloup, F^lix 37 Dwight, Benjamin W 41 Dwight, Timothy 6 E Eaton, John 66 Eckhardt, J 33 Edgeworth, Maria 6 Edgeworth, R. D 6 Egger, M. E 37 Eggleston, Geo. Carey 42 Eliot, Charles W 5, 66 Eliot, W. G 5 Emerson, George B 9 Emerson, Thomas 48 Evans, W. L 37 Eve, H. W 21 Everett, C. C 39 Ewald, J. h. 39 Fairchild, James H 5. 64 Farnham, G. L 21 Farquharson, Robert 43 Farrar, Rev. F. W 26, 31 Fearon, D. R 26 INDEX TO AUTHORS. 75 Page. Felkin, Henry M. and Emmie . 7 F^nelon, F 43 Fitch, Joshua G 17. 21 Fletcher, Alfred Ewen n Folwell, William 66 Foster, John 6 Fouill^e, Alf. 6 Francke, A. H 6 F'rench, Clara 65 Froebel, Friedrich 6, 28, 44 Frye, Alexander E 21 G Gantillon, P. J. F 31 Gauley, James 39 Geikie, Sir Archibald 21 Genlis, Madame de 6 Gildersleeve, Professor 66 Gill, J 17 Gilman, D. C. . . .5, 34, 35, 42, 66, 70 Gilman, N. P 40 Gindroz, Andr^ 70 Gladden, Washington 35 Gladstone, J. H 68 Gleeson, Rev. W 63 Goodyear, S. H 63 Goring, Hugo 6 Govv, A. M 40 Granville, J. Mortimer 37 Grasberger, Lorenz 17 Gr^ard, M 27, 52 Green. Samuel S 48 Greenstreet, W. J 6 Greenwood, J. M 22 Gregory, J. M 22 Grey, Mrs. William 9 Grube, A. W 22 Guyau, Marie Jean. ... 6 H Hailman, W. N 6, 17, 27, 28 Haines, T. L. 40 Hale, E. E 6 Hall, B. H 31 Hall, G. Stanley 11, 22, 69 Hallidie, A. S 35 Ham, C. H 33 Hamerton, P. G 66 67 Hamilton, James 22 Page. Hamilton, Philip G 31 Hamilton, R. Winter 6 Haneberg, Daniel 17 Hanschmann, A. B 44 Hapgood, Olive C 34 Harcourt, Rev. R 69 Harris, Wm. T 6, 35, 64, 65, 67, 69, 70 Harrison, Elizabeth 37 Hart, J. S 22 Hartmann, Dr. Berthold 37 Haskell, T. N 64 Hazlitt, W. C 17 Hawkins, Dexter A 63, 68 Hecker, John 37 Heinemann, Arnold H 28 Henderson, J. C 7 Henneman, John Bell 70 Herbart, J. F 7 Hertel, Dr 44 Hewett, Edwin C 22 Higginson, T. W 6 Hilgard, E. W 34 Hill, D. J 64 Hill, Thomas 22 Hinds, J. D 62 Hinsdale, B. A 22, 64, 68, 69 Hippeau, C 17 Hittenkofer, — 44 Hodgins, J. George 17, 63 Hoffman, B. B 34 Hoffman, H , 65 Hoffmann, Heinrich 46 Hofmann, A. W 31, 68 Holbrook, Alfred 22 Holbrook, M. L 37 Holland, J. G 40 Hoose, James H 22 Hope, Ascott R 37 Hopkins, Louisa P 7, 22, 27 Horner, Leonard 17 Hough, F. B 58 Howard, George E 70 Howitt, William 31 Rowland, George 22 Hoyt, J. W 17, 31, 70 Huber, V. A 31 Hughes, H. Millicent 29 76 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Page. Hughes, James L 22, 68 Hughes, Rev. Thomas 45 Hulbert, C. B 64 Huntington, Frederick D 70 Hutton, Charles E 22 Ingersoll, Charles J 64 Jackman, Wilbur S 23 Jackson, E. P 4° Jacobi, Mary Putnam 27 James, George Francis 42 Johnson, Anna 27 Johnson, Catherine F 34 Johnson, Clifton 17 Johnson, Samuel 45 Johonnot, James 23, 44 Jourdain, Charles 31 Joynes, Edward S 66 K Kant, Immanuel 23 Kaufmann, Georg 31 Kay, D 7. 37 Keane, J. J 63 Kellogg, A. M 68 Kelly, — 52 Kendrick, J. R 6 Kennedy, James G 70 Kennedy, John 26 Kent, C. H 40 Kett, Henry 7 Kiddle, H 11 King, C. F 23 Kirkwood, Samuel J 70 Klaiber, Julius 37 Klemm, L. R 7. 23, 43 Knigge, Adolph F 40 Koehler, S. R 34 Koristka, C 34 Kraus, John 28 Kraus-Boelte, Maria 28 Krause, H 45 Kriege, Matilda 28 Krumme, W 3^ Kriisi, H 45 Laas, Ernst 7 Lancaster, Joseph 27 Landon, Joseph 26 Lange, Dr. Karl 37 Lange, Helene 43 Lange, W 28 Langl, Joseph 34 Lattmann, J 23 Lauer, M 18 Laurie, S. S..7, 18, 23, 27, 31, 37, 45 Laveleye, Emile de 18 Lavisse, Ernest 7 Laws, S. S 35 Lebon, L^on ... 18 Le Conte, Joseph 35 Legouve, Ernst 4C^ Leitch, James . . 45 Le Keux, J 53 Leo, Heinrich 64 Le Row, C. B 64 Lexis, W 32 Lincoln, D. F 46, 48, 69 Lindner, G. A . . n Lindsley, Philip 7 Locke, John 7 Lothrop, Geo. V. N 49 Love, Samuel G 34 Lupton, Kate 43 Lyman, C. S 34 Lyon, Mary 45 M MacAlister, James n MacArthur, Arthur 34 McCosh, James 5. 7° McGlynn, Edward M 63 MacKinder, H.J 43 McLean, James M 5 MacMaster, E. D 5 McMurry, Charles A 23, 69 MacVicar, Malcolm 7 Magie, David 4° Mahaffy, J. P 18 Malleson, Mrs. Frank 28 Manderson, Charles F 68 Mann, Horace 7, 45 Mann, Mrs. H 29, 45 Mansfield, Edward D 8 INDEX TO AUTHORS. 77 Page. Mansfield, J. M ii Manton, W. P 23 Marble, A. P 48, 68 Marcel, C 23 Marcus, Samuel iB Marenholtz-Buelow, Bertha 28, 29, 45 Markel, Gustav 37 Martin, Geo. H 18 Martineau, Harriet 8 Marvel, L. H 48 Marwedel, Emma 38, 63, 66 Mascher, H. A 18 Massmann, H. F 30 Mathews, William 40 Matzen, Henning 54 ', Maxwell, W. H 65 ' Mayhew, Ira 8, 49 ^ Mayo, A. D 64, 69 Mead, E. D 63 Meatji, Earl of 34 Meiklejohn, Professor 64 Meiners, C 32 Melon, Paul 32 Metcalf, Thomas 64 Meyer, Jiirgen Bona 64 Michaelis, Emily 44 Miller, Hugh 45 Mills, Rev. Caleb 32 Milton, John 8 Mohl, Robert von 70 Monroe, Hon. James 35. 66 Monroe, Will S 45. 68 Montgomery, Zach 41 Montucci, H 30 Moore, H. Keatley 44 Moore, Joseph 67 Moore, N. F 54 Mo'-e, Hannah 43 Morgan, Thomas J 8, 23 Morgenthaler, J 29 Morley, John 42 Morren, M. Edouard 65 Morrill, Justin S 67 Morrison, Gilbert B 44 Mosso, A 38 Mowry, William A 70 MuUer, Johannes 23 MuUinger, J. B 53 Munsell, Albert H 48 Myers, J. Fred 46 N Necker de Saussure, Mme S Neigebaur, J. F 18 Nelson, William 34 Newman, Cardinal J. H 32 Nevvsholme, Arthur 44 Niemeyer, August Hermann ... 8 Nightingale, A. F 32 Noa, L 29 Nohl, Clemens 24 Northend, Charles 12 Northrop, Birdsey Grant 8 Norton, Henry Brace 45 Nott, Eliphalet 40 O O'Donnell, F. H 8 Ogden, J 8, 24 Olin, Stephen 41, 45 Oliver, A. W 46 Olmstead, Denison 69 Orcutt, Hiram 24 Ordway, J. M 48 Orr, Gustavus J 68 Orton, Edward 34 Ostermann, W 38 Otzuki, Sinji 18 P Packard, F. A 18 Paddock, Sarah Sands 35 Page, David P 24 Page, Mary H 30 Painter, F. V. N 8, 18 Palmer, Courtland 35 Palmer, Francis B 8 Palmer, George H 65, 66 Palmer, Ray 70 Palmer, Thomas W 64 Parker, F. W . 24 Paroz, Jules iS Patridge, Lelia E 24 Paulsen, Friedrich 19. 32. 35 Payne, Joseph S, 29 78 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Page. Payne, W. H. .8, 9, 16, 21, 24, 26, 36 Peabody, Elizabeth P 24, 29 Pearson, C. H ^9 Peck, George 4° Peck, H. T 67 Peirce, Benjamin 55 Pelton, J. C 45 Perez, Bernard 38 Perry, Edward D 32 Pestalozzi, J. H 8, 9 Pfisterer, Gustav F 3^ Phipps, Abner J 4^ Pickard, J. L 26 Pickel, — 24 Ploss, H 38 Pollock, Mrs. Louise 29 Poole, R. B 26 Poole, William Frederick 32 Porter, Noah 5. 32, 4i Potter, Alonzo 9 Potter, E. N 5 Prag, Mrs. Mary 68 Preyer, W 9. 3^ Prince, J. T 24 Propriac, Ch. de 40 Q Quick, R. H 19, 67 R Radestock, P 38 Radulovich, Petar 24 Randall, S. S 52 Raub, A.N 26 Raumer, Karl von 19 Rein, W 9. 24 Rice, J. M 19 Rice, W. N 69 Richards, Mrs. Ellen H 71 Richardson, C. F 32 Richomme, Charles 59 Richter, Albert 24 Richter, Jean Paul 9 Richter, Karl 29 Riecke, G. A 9, 65 Rigg, James H 35. 42 Roberts, R. D 43 Roberts, W. Rhys 32 Robertson, Edmond 16 Page. Robinson, E. G 6 Rollin, — 9 Rooper, F. G 38 Rosenkranz, Joh. K. F 9 Rosmini Serbati, A 9 Rousselot, Paul 43 Rousseau, J.J 9 Royce, Samuel 9 Runkle, John D 48 Russell, J 44 Russell, Wm. C 63, 64 S Sabin, Henry 68 Sadler, M. E 43 Safford, T. H 67 Sallwiirk, Dr. E. von 24 Salmon, Lucy M 65 Saloman, Otto 35 Sander, Ferdinand il Sargent, D. A 68 Scheidler, Professor .* . . 13 Scheller, — 24 Schelling, Felix E 59 Schem, Alex. J n Schiller, Herman 32 Schmid, K. A 11 Schmidt, Karl 19 Schneider, K 19 Schricker, A 60 Schulte, Gustavus 70 Schwarz, Fr. H. C 19 Scudder, H. E 48 Scudder, Vida D 71 Seeley, Levi 25 Seelye, Julius H 40 Seidel, R 36 Shaen, Mrs, Wm 46 Sharpless, 1 19 Shearman, F. W 49 Sheldon, E. A 28 ShirreflF, Emily 29 Shuttle-worth, Sir J. K 19 Sibley, J 56 Siegert, Gustav 38 Sigourney, Lydia H 40 Simmons, J. E 66 Simon, Jules 10, 30 Skidmore, Sydney T 70 INDEX TO AUTHORS. 7^ Page. ] Sluys, A 35 Smiles, Samuel 40 Smith, Clias. S 70 Smith, H. Llewellyn 29 Smith, Margaret K 27, 36 1 Smith, Walter 35i 46 | Soldan, F. L 25 1 Soley, J. R 36 ' Sorenson, C. Godfrey 44 Spalding, J. L 10, 66, 69 Spear, Mary A 25 Specht, F. A 19 Speer, W. W 25, 28 Spencer, Herbert 10 Sprague, Homer B 62, 63 Spurzheim, G 38 Stadelmann, F 19 Stanley, Arthur Penrj-n 45 Staunton, Howard 30 Steiner, Lewis H 64 Stevens, W. LeConte 71 Storrs, R. S 69 Stout, A. B 63 Stout, Sir Robert 68 Stow, D ID Stoy, K. V II Strack, K 19 Striimpell, Dr 10 Stuart, George 66 Sully, James 38 Siissmann, G 25 Swallow, G. C 35 Swett, John 20, 25, 46 Swift, Morrison I 68 Sybel, Heinrich von 32 T Tanner, E. A 68 Tappan, Harvey 52 Tate, T 25 Taylor, Irwin 52 Taylor, J. Orville . . 25 Taylor, S. H 32 Taylor, W. B. S 54 Ten Brook, Andrew 32 Thiers, M 65 Tholuck, A 32 Thompson, Chas. 35, 46, 48 Thring, E 25 Page. Thurman, Allen G 34 Thwing, Chas. F 33 Todd. John 10 Tracy, Frederick 38 Trumbull, H. Clay 25 Twining, Thomas 36, 46 U Ufer, Christian 10, 38 Uhlig, G 10 V Van Liew, C. C. and I. J 24 Van Wyck, Augustus 68 Venable, W. H 10 Verplanck, G. C 33 Vincent, John H 6 W ^^'aggy, L. W 40 Wagner, Ernst 10 Wallace, Hamilton 70 Walsemann, A 26 Walton, Geo. A 48 Warder, R. B 35 Warner, Francis 39 Warner, Oliver 48 Washburn, Emory 63, 69 Waterhouse, S 67 Watts, Isaac 39 Wayland, Francis 33 Weicker, Gustav 20 Weilinger, A 25 Welch, A. S 28 Wendte, Cha,^. W 63 West, Andrew F 45, 65, 69 Wey, H. D 35 Whewell, Rev. Wm 33 Whitaker, Channing . 36 White, Andrew D 5, 6 White, Emerson E 25, 26 White, S. H 47 White, William 64 Wickersham, James Pyle ... 20, 25 Wiebe, E 29 Wiese, L 20, 30, 39 Wiget, Theodor 25 Wiggin, Kate Douglas 29, 66 Wilderspin, Samuel 28 Williams, Samuel G 20 80 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Page. Willmann, O lo, 26 Wilson, R. E 66 Wiltse, Sarah E 29 Wines, E. C 26 Winship, A. E 36 Wolf, Fr. A 10 Woodward, CM 35, 36 Woolsey, T. D 5 Woolworth, James M 66 Wordsworth, Christopher 33 Worthington, Eleanor 9 Wright, Carroll D 70 Wright, John H 64 Page. Wyatt, Chas. Henry 36 Wylie, Theophilus A 56 Y Youmans, Eliza A 26 Youmans, E. L 10 Z Zarncke, Friedrich 33 Ziegler, Theobald 26 Ziller, Tuiskon 10, 26 Zincke, F. B 10 i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below ^0 t947 RECEIVED Form L-9 201)1-1, '41(1152) UmrtBBSTY OF CAUFO: AT LOS ANGELES Catal o^ue_ofJbooks^ "Tn the pedagoglca. section of the^ University library • j^kd2L. V ^ Y ^■^''' /^ UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY P iiinnintnirninrirriri AA 000 788 925 Z 5819 C12c K'«!3 ' '*-«^ , ''fLUiilnk.