L7' *'• ^ •i';v';v,is\ ,7. (V.. 305.) Lego fabrice noue campane ecclesie predicte vj.s". viij^^. William Medehurst thelder, 1502. (VI., (51.) To the reparacion of the brigge of myn own cosle vjs. vi\\il. Barnard Creke, 1513. (VII., 2.) To by a aulter cloth for the hight aulter iijs. nijd. John Wodgate, 1523. (VII., 27G.) To the reparacion of the body of the chapell of Edulwestbridge vjs. viijcll of ihe Koodes. Kauffe Tappvng, Sergeant of the Kings most lionorable Vestray, 1548, (P.C.V., 24, Coode.) WEST KENT. 33 HADLOW. Ad faciendam unam fenestram in ecclesia de Hadlo ex parte boriali videlicet per altare B. Marie Virginis xxs. Thomas Walter, 1448. (T., 70.) Ad faciendum unnm nouum superpelicium in ecclesia de Hadlo xijr/. Margaret Fromond, 14S2. (V., 18.) Lego ad construccionem unius fenestre veteris iuxta sedem Alicie uxoris mee ex boriali parte dicte ecclesie x\s. si gardiani aut parochiani dicte parochie volunt facere infra tres annos. John Policy, 1488. (P.C.C, 12, Milles.) To the amendyng of a wyudowe in the north syde of the saide church xiij,[.. Lego ad eooperturam oapelle in villa de Shynglduelle xiij.v. iiij. Thomas Bedell of Brumlegh, 1492. (VI., 151.) To the makyng of the nn stepill xiijs. Vujd. AV'" Feyrewvn, 1494. (V., 235.) ^ Towards the reparacions and jnaking of tlie steple of the paryshe 48 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. church of Lewisham wher I now am parishen v marcs sterling to prav for mv soule. Evchard Walker, citizen & grocer of London, 1494. (P.C.C, 22, Vox.) I •R'ill my executors glaze the grete new wyndnwe in the belfraye with the picture of the Passion of our Lord. Eobert Cheseman, 1498. (P.C.C, 20, Home.) To the makevng of the vice of the steple in the saide churche of Leuysham xxvjs! viij^. William Batt, 1512. (VI., 320.) The Bells. Towarde the bving of a bell iij7/. vj.s. viij^Z. John Fraunces, 1517. (VII., 112.") To the saide churcli towarde the bying of a bell xs. Stephen Leuendale, 1520. (VII., 187.) Towards a bell for the same church xh/. Eichard Edwards, whelwrigth, 1527. (VIII., 129.) To the belles xs. Thomas Grvme, husbondeman, 1529. (VIII., 224.) To the belles of Leuysham \js. viijrf. Thomas Gryme, hus- bondeman, 1529. (VIII., 226.) To the bell iij.§. iiijf/. Uenvs Batt alias Gryme, late the wyff of Thomas Batt alias Gryme, 1529. (VIIL, 226.) To the reparacion of the bells \js. viijd. Cuthbert Streyte, 1556. (XII. (i.), 59.) Churchyard Cross. To the nwe crosse in the churche yarde of Leuesham xxd. Adam Momforth, 1523. (VII., 268.) Organ. An obligacion in the which the w'in namyd Alen Johnson standeth bounde vnto me. The residue of my obligacion unbe- queathed the Church of Leuesham shall haue hit towarde a payre of organys yf they bey anye or els to some other thynges as schall please the churche wardens and the saide parrische. Also I will the obligacion schalbe kepte in a cheste in the churche to the entent that the payments maye be sett vpou the bakside of the obligacion as it hath been a fore. Stephen Colman, 152L (VIIL, 243.) Ornaments. Vnum portiforium advalorem xij marc : et remanebit in choro dicte ecclesie coram vicario imperpetuum. W'" Sprigg, 1471. (II L, 109.) To the church a towghel price vjs. viijrf. John Goldyug, smythe, 1478. (VI., 7.) WEST KENT. 49 If the i-liurchwardens or any other well dispo.sid persones wilbey a nue cope or vestyment to honor God wHn the said church there to T ^'cvo xxr7. Thomas Batt, loOfj. (VT., 100.) To the makeyng of a pixe in the naidc churcho a rynge of gold. I gif to the said church a sirpless and a sachell to putt it in. Sir John Asehley, curate, 1513. (VI., 367.) I gif lo a antiphonar vf it maye be spared iij.v. iiijf?. Thomas Reede, yoman, ir,l4. (VII., 27.) To bey a baner clotli price xiijs. \u'](I. for the beste cross. Katerine Lcuendale, dated 1511. Pfoved'l517. (VTT., 108.) To bye a banei- w' all xiijs. iu](I. John ]''raunccs, 1517. (VII., 112.) Towarde the bying of a grayll yf one be bought or elles to other necesparios to v*" diureli of Leuesliam vujd. Thomas Baker of South Jirokley in Leuesham, 1521. (VII., 2;n.) To y'^ reparacon of y'' beste cross or elles a herse clotli in Leuysham Church xiijs. m\d. W" Berpikle, 1527. (VIII., 118.) Special Requests for Bueial. A stone to be layde vppon my husbonds grave and myn xx^ Christian Sprig, 1473. (IV., 80.) " To be bereyd w'in the body of the church of Leuysham. Richard Howchenson, 1500. (V., 374.) To be buried in the parish church of Our Lady of Lewsham before the middell of the Trinitie awter and ther a playn stone to be layd upon my body. Roger Fitz, 1504. (P.C.C., 7, Holgrave.) To be berried before our ladie in the chaunsell of Lewisham Churclie. Sir John Asehley, curate, 1513. (VI., 367.) To be buried before the roode in the parrische church of Leuesham. Stephen Leu(>ndale, 1520. (VII., 187.) To be buried in the churcheyarde of Leuesham betuen the belfree and the U tree there. Richard Edwards, whelwrigth, 1527. (Vlir., 129.) To be buried in the churchyard vnder tlie Ewe tree. John Stake, 1542. (IX., 401.) Repair of Roads, etc. To the makyng of the nu waye betwene Syppenham and Leuesham Church. William Feyrcwyn, 1494. (V., 235.) I gif to the causey at: Catforde vj.?. vUjd. Thomas Grymo, husbondeman, 1529. (VI II., 226.) To the causey xh/. Denys Batt alias (aryme, late the wyfE of Thomas Batt alias Gryme, 1529. (VIII., 226.) Towards y« makyug of a causey be twen Catford and Catford brige vjs. vujd. Robert Rogers, dated 1530. Proved 1533. (IX., 71.) To the cause at Catford Bridge viii Hunt of Cobham, 1527. (VIII. ,12G.) The Parish Chukch. Lego ad pingendum fontis ibidem in ecclesia \s. Ad pingendum Sancti Xjioferi ij^/. John Bakar, senior, 1474. (IV., 141.) Ad reparacionem vnius calicis x]s. John Clarke, 1481. Proved 1500. (V., 378.) To be bereyd in the churche of Mallyng aforeseyde in the aley right before the northdore ayen the holv water stop. Hugh Mathew, 1487. (V., 89.) To the making of a uewe sealing ouer the Eode lofte in the said church xl. vjs. viijd., but I will the said money be not paide vnto the time that the said newe scaling be in hand to bo made and so to be concluded and tinesshcd. I will that myn executours ordeigne a good honest stone of marble with Imagery of laten made thereapon of my self, my wife, and my iij children, to be laide vpon my graue after my discease, and in euery corner of the said stone I wold haue grauen in laten a paire of taylours sheris, and I will that myn executours ordeigne ij tapers to stond vppon my grave by the space of a hole yere next after my discease either taper of v^*^ waxe, and that they brenne euery halidaye during the time that dyuyne E 2 52 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. seruice be a doing in the said chiirche, and that the said two tapers be renewed as often as it shalbe iiedefuU. Also xxs. to the church- wardens of the church of AVest Mailing towards the byinii; of a sewte of vestments, that is to say a vestment, two tunycles, and a cope. To the Wardens of the brotherhede of Our Lady in West Mailing towards the sustentation of the brotlierhod v marcs so that they cause my name to be enscribed in thaire bederolle oon the awter there. John Browne, yoman, 1488. (P.C.C., 31, Milles.) Lands to be sold and the residue to bye a cope to the seyde church of Westmallvng v marks. To the shyngyllyng- of the seyde church xiijs. iiij^/. William Derby, 1492. (V., 191.) To be buried in the churchyerde betAvene the sepultur of my ij wyves att the north syde of the i)orche. To the reparaciou of the Aveye be twvx the hermytage and the crosse att the townes ende iijs. iiij^. Johii Boore, 149G. ' (V., 288 ) To be buried in the churchyerde in the aley betwyx the church gate and the church dore. To the reparacion of the stepill vjs. ynjd. Kichard Woodlande, 1501. (V., 392.) To be buried in the quyere of our lady of Mallyng. M'" William Lawson, " in decres bachillar," vicar. Proved 13 July 1517. (VIL, 90.) Sir Thomas Sothby or some other prest to syng for my sowl yjU. xiijs. iiij Hache, 1.508. (VI., 205.) A pair of schetis to make aulter clothes. To the making of the bell a seme of whete. To the hanging of y^ bell iiij buschells whete. John Goodewyn, 1513. (VI., 374.) To be buryed w'in the chauncel of the churche of o'' lady at Nettylstede dyrectly befor the holy sacrament of the altere. I gyve to the sayde chui-che my coope and westement of whytt damaske being now w4n the same churche. I gyue & bequeth to be bestovvyd for my sowle the day of my buryall to prestys, clerks, and too poorepeople '\\]li. v]s. Yuyl. To be don for me at my monthes day in lyke manor \]li. vj.f. y'n'yl. To the reparacon of the churche of Nyttylstede xxs. I wyll to be bestowyd in a stone to be leyde overe me w* my name vpon hyt costys of the charge deducyd sXs. Symone Godffrythe, parson, 1522. (VII., 270.) To be buried in the churchyard of o'' blyssed lady at Netylstede before the chui-che dore. Kobert Oswester aZ's Morys, 1524. (VII., 364.) NOETHFLEET. Sepel : in cancello ecclesie de Northfleet. Peter de Lacy, rector, 1375. (Lambeth, 88, Sudbury.) [There is a tine brass to him in the chancel.] Sepel : in cancello de Northfleet coram stallo rectoris ejusdem. Lego ad perpetuam rei memoriam ad vsum divini servicii celebraiidi vnam cistam ferro ligatam, j par vestimentorum nouorum de rubeo panno auri cum toto apparatu, j turribulum argenti cum naui de eadem secta cum swagis deauratis. Item, lego eidem ecclesie vnum calicem nouum argenteum et bene deauratum principalem. Item, lego vnum pannum sericum bonum ad tegendum corpus dicti AVillelmi et manebit penes ecclesiam. Item, lego dicte ecclesie dua supcrpellicia. Item, lego ac ecclesie vnum missale principale. AVilliam Lye, rector, 1391. (P.C.C, 3, Rous.) [There is a brass to him in the chancel.] To the parish church of Northflete iij staync clothes for iij autres, on autur of o' Lady and the secund the Rode autur and the iij'^'^ autur of Seynt Andrew. Thomas Coll of Grauishende, 1499. (V.. 316.) To the reparacon of the roffe vjs. viij(/. Thomas Boydon thelder, 1508. Proved 1510. (P.C.C, 29, Bennett.) To be buried in the churche of Northflete. Thomas Brampton, 1511. (P.C.C, 2, Fetiplace.) 56 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. To be buried in the parisshe of Northflete next the grave of Thomas Brampton, my late husband. Item, I geve xij platters of pewter, the whiche be now delyuerid to the church ewardens of the same church to the vse of the same chirche, to thentent that they may be occupied at poore maydens mariags and poor womens churching w*in the said parisshe, and if any other person shall occupie the same xij platters then I will they pave to the churche- wardens of the same church jd. for the occupacou and wast of them. Joan Hunt, formerly Brampton, 1531. (P.C.C., 13, Thower.) To the making of the great Bell of the said church of North- flete xh. John Bramston, 1532. (P.C.C., 24, Thower.) To be buried in churchyard of Saint Botulphes of Northflete. To viij men that shall rynge at my buriall i]s. vnjd. Edward Horden, 1538. (P.C.C, 21, Dyngeley.) NUESTED. Lego reparacioni fenestra in cancello ibidem xxd. Ad repara- cionem ecclesie iij^. iiijJ. Thomas Rugge, 1471. (IV., 151.) To be buried in the quyre of the parrische church of Nurstede, where I am patroue. William Martyn, gent., second son of John Marten of GJ-raveney, gent., 1525. Proved 1526. (VIII., 66.) To reparacion of the Belles iij*'. iiij<7. John Leyston, yeoman, of Nvstedd, dated 1 Oct. 1558. Proved 25 Sept. 1559. (XII. (ii.), 374.) OFFHAM. 1 bequeth iiijt?. to the makyug of the comen well in the comen playn of Offham. Jone Parker, 1481. (V., 59.) Ad reparacionem superpeliciorum in eadem ecclesia iij«. niyl. W"' Palmer, 1500. (V., 368.) Lego ecclesie ibidem vnum coopertorium coloris yelowe. Johanna Spiwngatt, widow, 1500. (V., 370.) Towards the mending of the comyn well of Offiiam standing besides the churche, a quarter of whete. Hichard Clarke, 1535. (IX., 207.) OEPINGTON. Corpus meum ad sepeliendum in porticu ecclesie predicte per me de nouo constructo et volo quod bulla indulgoncie meo corpori alligatur. Ad sustentacionem toi-licorum in elevalicmc corporis Christi in ecclesia de Orpyngton xl.s\ Lego ecclesie de Orpyngton vnam album et amictam de Angelis hrondalis de auro. Nicholas, rector, dated 1 Aug. 1370. Proved Oct. 1371. (Lambeth, 119», Whittlcsayc.) WEST KENT. St Lego ccdesie parochial! dc Orpyngtou in Kane, ut parochiani ejusdcni ])aroc'hie ])ro anima niea et animabus omnium fidelium defunctoruni spoL-ialitei' exoreiit vestainentuin nicum de viridis baudekyn. Henry Burton, clerk. 14Gt. (P.C.C, 11, (lodyn.) Item, y wille that William Whythed the yenger shall fynde a taper at Orpyngton brennyng by fore the sepulker at ?]ster of njli. wex duryng liys Iviic. William Whythed of Chellesfelde, 14G8-9. (ITT., 18.) ' ^ . T will that the church of Orpynton haue a chalys price of xh. Kobert Mablot of Chellefield, U97. (VI., 7.) To be bnryede in the chauncell of the parishe churche of Orpyngton yf it fortune me to decease at Orpyngton. Item, I bequeth to the workes of the body of the parisshe church of Orpyngton xxli. therew^ to bye a vestement coope and other orna- ments to serue in the same church. Thomas Wilkynson, clerk, 1511. (P.C.C., 25, Fetiplace.) [There is a fine brass to him in the chancel.] To be bured w'in the parishe church of Orpington next to the place where my doughter Iveth. Edmunde Knyghte, gent., 1544. (P.C.C, 6, Pynnyng.) OTFOKD. To be buried in the qwcn-e of Otteford. T will that at such tyme as the crosse of y"^ stepull of Otteford be made newe myn executours gyf y''to X6-. Thomas Cooke, 1464. (P.C.C, 7, Godyn.) My executours shalbye as moch lyiinen cloth as shall cost xx.'>\ to make w* auter clothes in the chirch of Otteford. T will myn executours shall deliuer vnto the chirchwardens of the chirch of Otteford xls. to the reparacion and coueryng of the steple of the chirch of Otteford, so that my body may be buried in the same chirch, and to inakyug of foule wayes bitwixt the Parke gate of Otteford and the spvttell xxs. William lioger, dated 1475. l^roved 1476. (P.C.C, 'J;i,Wattys.) To the churche of Atford in Kent a vestyment of crymsyu veluet. Tsabelle Cheynn, 1513. (P.C.C, 1, Holder.) EAST PECKTTAM. Sepel : in ecclesia Sancti Michaelis sine in cancella beate Marie de East Pekham. Lego ad deseruiendum in cancella beate Marie ecclesie de East Pekham predicte j missale j vestimentum et vnuin calicera. John Mew, 1420. (Lambeth, 34 L", Chichele T.; Sepel : in cancello. Item, predicte ecclesie j calicem deauratum. Richard Eccleslcy, rector, 1426. (P.C.C, 6, T^uifenam.) To be buried in the body of the churche of Saint Mighell 68 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. tharchangell in Est Peckham. To the reparacon of Saint Blasys window in the said church xls. To the construction of ij windows in the said church stej)ilJ, that is to say, the est window and the north window xs. I bequeth to the making of the south window in the said church xls. Myu executor shall bey a chalis of the price of xls. in the honor of Grods divine seruice in the said church ther to be don. I bequeth to y^ making of a shaft and a crucifix being at Stone crosse xjs. viijc?. John Cayser, 1491. (P.C.C., 45, MiUes.) xls. for a vestment to be bowtli to the vse of the church of Eastpeckam. John Brokar, 1499. (V., 357.) To the churche porche of Pekham vij marcs. Eauff Broker, 1507. (P.C.C, 30, Adeane.) To be buried in the parish church. To the said church a suet of vestments of crvmson velvett. Tiiomas Eoydon, Esq., dated 10 Aug. 1557. ProVed 9 March 1559-60. (P.C.C, 19, Mellershe.) WEST PECKHAM. Sepel : in ecclesia parochiali de West Peccham. Geoffrey Colpeper, dated 13S9. Proved 5 June 1390. (Lambeth, 235'', Courteney.) Sepel : in ecclesia parochiali de West Pecham iuxta sepulturam patris mei ibidem. John Colpepir, miles, 1413. (Lambeth, 265*^, Chiehele I.) To the parish church of Westpeckham a cowe to fynde a yers- mynde w'^ placebo and dirige and masse of requiem and to pray for me and for Mawde mv wyfe in bede roll. John AVilliam, 1501. (V., 413.) To be buried in the churchyard in y^ alley before the church porche. Thomas Stile, 1532. (IX., 29.) To be buried in the chauncell. Hugh Eurneby, late vicar of West Peckham, 1557. (XII. (i.), 91.) PEMBUEY. To y*" cliurche of Saynt Petyr of Pei)inbury a cope of Damaske. Denis Kyppyng. widow, 1513. (VI., 300.) To the cliurche of Pcpingbery a redhewede cowe, to be putt to lerme for the profitt of the saide cliurche. Alice Lorkyn, wedow of Thomas r>orkvn, late of Hawtwill in the parish of Pepingberv, 1529. (VIII., 222.) To be buried in the bight chaunsell of Pepiubury. To the vicar for my burial! there vjs. viijr/. William Lorkyn, dated 1533. Proved 1534. (IX., 116.) To be buried in the (|uyer before Sent Peter. Four marks to by a vestment. Syr Kobert Joysy, vicar [he was a Yorkshireman of Gisborow], 1533. (IX., 35.) WEST KENT. 5^ To be buried in the churchyard betwixt the chaunsell and the chauntrey. To tlie buyin<,f of a jjair of sensors for Penbury church ij.s-. viijr// Item for a crismatorie ij*-. John Policy tlielder, wever, 1535. (IX., 216.) PEN8HURST. Mon corps destre enseruelez a lesglise parochiale de Penshurst ou en lesglise del abbeye nostre dame de graces iust le tour de Londres. Item, ie voil que lanoiiweson de lesglise de Esselyug en le countrc de Kent soit chaungc sy home puist en astun manier a mon treshone seigiior larceuesqz de Cantebury euesqz lanouwesou de lesglise de Penshurst et suit la dite esglisc de Penshurst en la dite esglise de Esselyug empropriez pur faire vn college duu chaunterie et vn mestre prestre et sisze prestes ce sont septz prestes perpetuel a touz iours a lesglise parochiale de Penshurst. Sir Nicholas Loueyne, K^ 1375. (Lambeth, 80, Sudbury.) Se])eliend : in cancella ecclesie parochialis de Penshurst. Philip Seyntclere, K\ 140S. (Lambeth, 254^ Arundell 1.) I bequeth vnto the parissh chirch werk of Penshurst in the countie of Kent, wherin I was cristeued xxs. Kichard Ei'ecok of London, 1468. (P.C.C, 24, Stokton.) To the Ere chapell of Penseherst a masse bookc and ij chese- bcllys, wherof the oone is of cloth of Eawdeky and the other of white sarsenett ; also a chesebill of white damaske. John Alphey of Chedingstone, 1488. (P.C.C, 18, Milles.) Sepel : in ecclesia de Penshurst iuxta uxores meas. Lego ad emendacionem vnum lapidem ad iuiponendum super corpus meum et corpora uxorum mearum et super eundem lapidem scriptum meum et uxores meas et omnes filios ct iilias meas. Walter D.irknold, dated 1505. Proved 1508. (P.C.C, 36, Adeane.) [There is a brass to him. He mentions in his will his tenements called Gylderegge in Chedynston and Salmannys in Penshurst and Chedynston he bought of John Howe and Kichard Colyn, which he leaves to his son Kobert and Joan his wife.] To be buried in the place which I haue prepared in Pensherst chirch if it chaunce me to leave my liffe there, if in London then in the Cathedral church of Paules ner M'' Doctor Cokks. Kent of 30.v. 1 bought of lands of W'" Moyse of Penshurst, called Swaylandes. 20s. to fynde a sexten in the Parish of Penshurst, or such other use for the most profit and benefit of the parish. Olyuer Godfraye, clerk, parson of Penshurst, 1550. (P.C.C., 20, Coode.) PLUMSTEAD. To the church of Plomsted a shipp cheste bounde with Iron. John Mason, citizen and grocer of Loudon, dated 1498. Proved 1502. (P.C.C, 26, Home, and 16, Blamyr.) 60 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. To be buried in the cburch porch e afore the holy water stock, and I will haue oon stone layde vpon me the price xiijs. iiij^. with a certyn remembraunce in writing vpon it iti laten testifying who lyeth there, praying for my soule and all Xpen Soules a paternoster and an ave, and this shalbe doon w4n xvj dales after my moneth day be doon. John .Smart, 1525-6. (P.C.C., 4, Porch.) To be buryed in the parishe cherche of Sainte Nycholas in Plumpsted at my pewe dore. John Pinchester, 1540. (P.C.C., 33, Alenger.) RIDLEY. There are no details in the few wills of parishiouei's which have been preserved. EOCHESTER, THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH. Corpus meum ad sepeliendum in ecclesia Cathedrali Roffensi, vbi executores mei ordinent cum consensu prioris. Lego successori meo immediato vnum vestimentum uouum de sudico jjuluerizato cum scalopis cum toto apparatu vidz: casula, stola, phanon, capa, alba, tunica, dalmatica, frontella et coopertura. John de Scapeya, Bishop of Rochester, 1860. (Lambeth, 169'', Islep.) Sepel : in ecclesia Cathedrali Roffensi. Thomas Trillek, Bishop of Rochester, 1372-3. (Lambeth, 126^ Whittleseye.) Sepel : in caj)ella sancte Marie virginis in ecclesia nostra Cathe- drali Roffensi iam de nouo constructa iuxta tuuiulum quondam domiui Thome Trillek Rotlensis Episcopi nostri predecessoris immediati. Lego ecclesie Cathedrali Roffensi Librum sermonum meorum. Thomas de Brynton, Bishop of Rochester, 13S9. (Lam- beth, 231", Courteney.) iSepel : in prioratu Rocestre a tergo maioris Altaris. ISir William Arundell, knight, 1400. (Lambeth, ^72^ Aruudell I.) kSepel : in ecclesia mea Cathedrali Roffensi. Lego capelle Episcopi Roftensis qui pro tempore fuerit vnum missale. John Bottlesham, Bishop of Rochester, 1404. (Lambeth, 206**, Arun- dell I.) Sepel : iu ecclesia beati Andree de Rouclicstre viz in capeila beate Marie eiusdem ecclesie iuxta lapidem vbi Johannes JSchepeye nunc prior eiusdem ecclesie se disposuit iacerc. ISir William Ry kel, knight, dated apud Eslyngham, 1407. (Lambeth, 243", Arundell 1.) 8epel : iu capclla beate Marie situata in ecclesia Kott'cusi iu parte austr.ili dictc capelle. Lego |)ueris meis de capeila xx*-. Richard i'ouug, Bishop of Rochester, 1418. (Lambeth, 323", Chichcle 1.) Scpel : iu ecclesia Catliedrali Koffeusi tiancti Audree in capeila beate Marie in eadem ecclesia vbi corpus predicti VVillelmi uuper WEST KENT. 61 mariti moi rcqnicscit. T?osn, Uite wife of "William Thkhill, kni<;ht, UU). ( Lambeth, :5'a'', rhichole I.) Sepcl : in ccclesia nostra Roffensi in naui ecclesia inter duas columpnas proxiiiias ad finoin capclle bcate Marie Vir<;iiiis in naui ecclesie. Ad reparae-iKiiein tei-ti nauis eeclexie uustre Koft'eiisis xx/i. John Langdon, Bitshop of Rochester, 1437. (Lambeth, 462'', Chichele 1.) JSepel : in ecclesia C'athedrali Roffenwi iuxla electionem et di.s- posicionem executorum meorum. Lego ad sumnium altare eiusdem ecclesie vnum par peluium argenti optimum meiim et centum solidos ad melius deauraudum easdem ])elues remansuras ad vsum obsc(juii diuini circa ])rediclum altare im])erj)et uiiiii. Lego pre- dicte ecclesie vnum integrum apparatum vestimenti de velueto viridi et nigro continente viiam casulam duas tunicas duas capas cum amictabus, stolis et aliis suis pertineiitibus pro exequiis meis exeq\ieiidis in eisdem. AVilliam Welles, Bishop of Rochester, 1444. (Lambeth, 122", Stafford.) To be buried in the Cathedral Church of Rochester afore the ymage of Seynt Vrsule. To the sexten of the seyde church of Seynt Andrew for my sepultur vj.s. \uyl. To the Knyll of O'' Lady bell vj.s-. viij^. To iiij men to Ryng the same bell viijrf. To the bell ryugers to be distribute amonge them in the worship of the xij appostels xijd. To the autir of Seynt James in the seyde Cathedral Church a cloth of diaper. To the autir of Seynt Vrsule in the seyde church a playn Tuell markyd w* blake silke. To the autir of Jesu and of Seynt Yrsuly in the seyde Cathedral Church, to make to eyther of them an autir cloth, a fyne shete. Richard Qwyk. 1501. (V., 411.) To be buried in the Cathedral Church of Rochester whear my stone .... To the Prior and covent of Rochester my greatc g . . . . maser, so y' they cause my knell to be ronge and syng derige and mass for my soule. My son John Bore to have my messuage at Bullyhill w' my lande at Borstall, giving to the Pryor and Covent of Rochester x marks to bye lede for the reparacion of ther Dorter, so that they fynd suerte that a brother of theirs syng too yers at Seynt Ursula alter for my soule and Maryon and Elyzabcth my wyffes and John Kynsare. Marten Bere of Bullyhill in the parisshe of Seynt Nycolas of Rochester, gent., 1513. Proved 7 Feb. 1513. (VIL, 1.) To be buried in the Cathedral Church be fore namyd. To y*^ almesse house in Rochester my secunde fetherbed, a bolster, on old couerlet, a payre of oldc blankytts. My best ])ortuos to be nayled in y*" body of y*^ churchc where y*' olde boke ys. To y*" chapel! at y*^ brige in Rochester a boke namyed Dyues and Pauper in English. A boke namyd Vita Cristi in Ynglesshe and a nother boke named Ortus Vocabulorum thereto remayn, andy" plesure of the iij brethern y' shall be there and after to cum. To reparacon of Chapell of Sent Kateryn, 20''. Syr Roger Jakes, chantry chaplain in Cath : Church of Rochester, 1533. (IX., 97.) To be buried in the Abbey of Rochester besydes my Mother, 62 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Twelve tapers at my burial to be borne by twelve pore men, and to stande in tbe cliurcli abowte my berse in the deuyn seruice time. William AVarner the yonger, maior of the city of Kochester, 1535. (IX., 185.) To be buried in the Cathedral church of Seynt Andrewe in the middle passe. William Warner, alderman, now maver, 1540. (IX., 345.) To be buried in Cath : church and a stone over her and her mother. Elizabeth Miller, widow, 1541. (IX., 351.) To be bui'ied in the Cathedral by my husband. Agnes Catter, widow oE Thomas C, 1543. (X., 42.) EOCHESTEE, ST. NICHOLAS. Sepel : in cimiterio Sancti Nicholai Eoffensis iuxta tumulum Alicie quondam uxoris mee. Gylbert Gyldewyn, 1369. (Lambeth, 113^ Whittleseye.) Ten marcs of money to be paid of the yn called the Hart whan it is sold, to by with a crosse of siluer to the worship of God and of Our Lady. My Inne called the Hert ouer the Hoope in the cite of Eochester. Harry Hunt, vnholder (S' Nicholas' parish), 1471. (lY., 14.) To be buried in the cheff aley in the Church of Seynt Nicolas afore the crosse. To the makyng of the Eode lofte accordyng to the patron of Eichard Sutton ther xxs. I wull myn executor by a ston of marbxill to lye vpon my graue. Eobert Crofte, 1502. (YL, 53.) To be buried in the churchyard by the Cross there. Thomas Monde, sherraan, 1512. (YL, 325.) To be buried in y'^ grene church yarde where A lis my wief lieth. To S' Nicholas Church a kow, and to put my name and my wife Alice into the bedroll and to praye for my father John Hall and Joone his wif. I bequeth for a stone to be bougth and layde ouer my grave after the forme of Sonemans tombe there in tlie sayde churche yai*de xiijs. iiij(/. John Hall, burgess of the Citie of Kochester, 1521. (YIL, 249.) To be buried in the chapell of our lady in Saynt Nicholas churche, and there I will be layde a stone ouer me, y"^ price xiij.*. Wijd. I gif to the chaunging of the organcs of Seynt iVicholas vlt. To the church of S' N. v sorpless of viijr/. a 11. To Saynt Clements Church ij surples and a rochet of viip/. a 11. To S' Margarets Church ij sorples and on rochet of viijcl. the ell. To the reparacon of Saynt Nicholas Steple xvs. To eueri monke in the abbey being a preste vjr/. To eueri novess iiij^/. to have XXX*' massez w' solcmpne dirige. To haue a knell \v' the grele bell and w' other belles at dirige and mass xxs. To Saynt Williams Chapell vjs. \ujd. To Saynt Katerens Chapell vjs. vujd. To Saint Barlhnlninews vj.s-. viijr/. To the reparacon of Saynt Thomas Chapell vj.v. viijr/. To White Diche vjs. viij(/. J will my assignea WEST KENT. 68 make a longe bouse at the Almess house w^ a particion as itt was before, and in eueri particion ij beddes w' the apparell therfor as it was before. My Tononieiit in H.stfi;ate tStrete b('yn<^ at Siiynt Austens well sumtyme Barcars. To .Sayiit Nicholas Churchea hole sute of vestments of rede veluett. Thomas Shemvng, draper, 1523 (YII., 291.) To the church of S' Nicholas a antvphcncr calde a cowcher. John Shemyng, 1523. (VII., 292.) To be buryed in the cherch yarde of Sent Nicholas wher as a stone ys preparyd for my tombe. William Brown, 1525. (VIII. , To be buryed in the cliurch of Saynt Nicolas in the A ley of the rigth syde before the Image of Saynt Barbara. Elizabett my wiff shall lay a stone oner my buryall or grave there of iij fote of lenthe and too fote of bredc, the price thereof vj.v. viijr/. A cope to the church price vjli. xiijs. iii_p/. John Forest, 1526. (VIII., 42.) To be buried in the Aley beside my sete w*in Saynt Nicholas churche. Johan Pownde, wido, 1526. (VIII., 63.) To the reparacon of our lady chapell w'in Saynt Nicholas church xh7. To reparacon of the rode lofte in Saynt Nicholas churche xlr/. Alice Warner, 1527. (VIII., 146.) To be buried in the cliaunsell of the parish church of Seynt Nicholas. At the daye of my berying bee gyffen to prestes, clarks and children that syng in the quere and to poor 2)eople. A prest to synge for my soulle in the church of S^ N. for x yeres, and to have yerly vij/z., and to be bownde to sai placebo and dirige with ix lessons, laudez, and commendacions euery Monday, Weddynsday and I'^riday in the yere, except paschall tyme, there to say iij lessons w* laudez and commendacions, and the saide prest shalbe bo^Mide to saye De profundis clamaui, etc., for my sowle whan he goeth to y^ lavatori as oift as he saith masse. To the almes husse w'in Eochester to by beddyng to ly poor people in vj.v. viijV/. Too Mastres Meller my legentt of Seyntz in Englishe. To my Lorde Buschope on crusado off gokie. Sir Thomas Hobsone Clarke, 1528. (VIII., 171.) I'o be buried in the church of Sent Nycholas before the blyssyd Trynite. Eobert Graye, dated 1526. Proved 1581. (IX., 6.) To be buried in S' Nicholas church. To M'' Vicar of Saynt Nicolas my best surplesse. To Mystris Warner my lute w' the case. Itni, to Mystris Smythe my clarycords. Itm, to Cristofer the clarke my g'mie w' the great home. To Thomas Tyler xijd. to Ryng my knyell with one bell ouelie. I will y^ he shall gyue vnto iiii of mv felowes for singing o'' I'ath'' in Englesshe in the Eemembrance of o*" Saluacon at the fyrst entering into the churche and also at the pyt when my body shalbe buryed xijil. a pece and Gods blessing. Peter Bolde, syngyngman of the Collige of Eochester, dated 4 June 1545. Proved 25 Oct. 1545. (X., 131.) To the reparacon of Saynt Austens well vj.s. vuyf. To four tayllours to here me to the church [St. Nicholas] and to thone my bowe, to thother my dagger, another my best byll, thothcr a payre 64 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. of sheres, and eueri one of them to cast lotts for them as yt chaun- sethe. Eychard Chapman, 1549. (XI., 93.) To be buried in S* Nicholas church, as nighe to thend of my wiffes piie where she sitteth as conuenientlv may be. John Pendilton, 1558 [3 & 4, P. & M.]. (XII. (i.), 104.) EOCHESTEE, ST. CLEMENT. To y'' Stepill wurks of Saynt Clements in Rouchester xxs. John Chervmaii of Southgate in the parish of S' Margarets beside Eochester, 1475. (IV., 210.) To the payemeut of the belles of the saide church xxd. To the lazar house caled White Deche xyJ. Thos. Poor, 1493. (Y., 220.) To Seynt Clements hie autir a sylkyn pelow v/^ a playn autir cloth. John Eobys, 1505. (VI., 176.) To the byldyng of Saynt Clements chyrche vj.s-. viijrf., to be deleuyd by the hondys of W"" Goldestrete. To the Chapterhouse of the Abby of Eochester to be prayed for xxs. John Eygbye of Strode, 1517. (VII., 108.) To Saynt Clements churche a mass boke and a noble to parge the walles w* owte there is nede. Sir Henry Tynney, chaplain of Eochester Bridge, 1526. (VIII., 61.) EOCHESTEE BPIDGE. To the reparacion of the grete brigge at Eowchestre iijli. vjs. y'njd. John Crowch, 1492. (P.C.C., 15, Dogett.) To be buried in the chapel of the breg. Sir John Eosebury, chaplain of Eochester Bridge, 1514. (VII., 15.) EOCHESTEE, ST. KATHEEINE'S HOSPITAL. I bequeth to haue a hole bedd unto the almes howse of Seynt Kateryn vj.s-. vu'yl. for poor peple. John Godwyn of Seynt Kateryns w'^oute Eastgate in the parish of Seynt Nicolas in Eochester, 1490. (V., 184.) [See also under St. Nicholas, above.] EOCHESTEE, ST. MAEGAEET'S. Sununo altari S"^^ Margarete iuxta civitatem EofPensem xxd. Lego ad facturam vnius noui campanilis ibidem Cs. si hoc volunt faceri ot si nolunt facerc nichil habcbunt. Eoger Newbolt of Woiaiiani, dated 1457. Proved 1158. (P.C.C, 13. Stokton.) Sepcl : in ecclesia coram yniagiuem crucifixi in naui ecclesie. Lego picture ymaginem crucifixi ibidem et ymaginis S*^'' Marie et S^' Johamiis Kvangoliste xx.s. Ad sustontaciononi vnius i-arv] arsuri ante yiuagincrn crucifixi. Lego xx.s-. pro lapide marnioreo ad coopcr- turuni tumuluni meuni scripto cum anno domini et die mensis AVEST KENT. 65 obitus mei. [There is an interesting half-length brass to him.] Thomas Codde, vicar, 1405. (H., 328.) To the church of Sent Margarets ij cushvns of tapstre worke. Julyan Hyckes. mayde, 1498. (V., 211.) To the amendi)ig of the caucy betuen the abbey gate and south gate a longe by the wall xi(/. Joone Ottewell, \vido, 1518. (VIL, 157.) To be buried in the churchyard a genste the stone cross. John Brooke, 1519. (VIL, 168.) To the payntvng and gyldvng of the Rode lofte vj.s. xujd. Richard Chamber'of IJorslall, 1524. (VIT., 322.) To the reparation of the church all the money due to me for certoii things and reparacons doon to the said churche as by a bill tlieruf made doth a])|)ear, e.Kcept and reserued vj.s-. viij^A, parcell of the said bill, the which the ])arishioners shall allow me for the bequeste of my husband, William Absolon. Marion Absolon, widow, 1534. (IX., 130.) To the church a boke callid an antefener, ij boks calede pre- syoners. Lorans Smyth, 1535. (IX., 208.) To be buried in the church of Saynt Margretts nexte Rochester, before o'' Ladys aulter there. To be spente at my buryall to prests to say masse for my sowle, if the Kings Law will suffer and here yt. Sir Robert Pilton, prest, 29 Nov. 1548. (XL, 225.) RUXLET.* Ad reparacionem ecclesie de Rokeslegh xs. Stephen Halle of North Cray, 1471. (III., 122.) Residue to John my son, he to kepe a taper of a pounde & d' before the Rode of Rokisleye. Robert Swetsire of Chesilhurste, 1513. (VI., 359.) To be buried in the bodie of the parish church of Ruxley behynde my brother. William Marchall, yoman, 1540. (IX., 291.) RYARSH. Lego ad reparacionem et emendacionem fonticuli in ecclesia predicta iij.s-. myl. William Ravnolde, 1173. (IV., UG.) To the'Rodelofte xijr/. Tlumias Doon, 1500. (V., 373.) Ad emendum vnuui croscloth viijs. Ad renovandum vnum canape in eadem ecclesia xs.d. Ad emendum vnum missale ad vsum dicte ecclesie xiij.v. iiip/. Ad emendum vnum processionale ad vsum dicte ecclesie xiijs. iiijf/. Robert Raynold, 1501. (VI., 35.) To reparation of Reyersh church vj.f. viijt/. John Harry of Westmallyng, 1501. (VI., 49.) To be buried in the chaunsell of Reyersche before Saynt Marten. To the church of R. in the handes of the w-ardens a cowe, the farme. * This church is now used as a barn. 66 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. and the profitts to be bestowid iu this wise : \'njd. of hit by yere to fynde a lampe afore the sacrament in the ehaunsell of E. foreuer, and injd. of it to set me and niv boye Walter in the bedroll for euer, and the residue of it to the f utheraunce of the churche to mayntene the stokk. Sir Henry Watkyn, vicar, dated 12 March 1514. Proved 4 April 1514. (VII^, 9.) I bequeith to helpe to the bying of a inve bell xxvj.s. viijrf. John Carpenter, 1515. (VII., 38.) To the chauiigyiig of the grete bell there vjs. viiji^. John Wal- singham aHas Purley, 1517. (VII., 98.) To the yevall kepte in the parish clnirch of Eeyersh two bushells and half of Avhete. John Dawson of West Mailing, 1518. (VII., 149.) SEAL. The Tower. I bequeth to the bildeyng of the steple in Seale churche xl.s. if the parisshe be disposid that it schalbe nowe made. Thomas Holwey, 1510. (VI.. 283.) I bequeth to the f undacon and makyng of the steple of Sele xl.s. Alice Olyuer, widow, 1520. (VII., 214.) To the bvldvng of y^ stepull of Sale xx^. John Idley thelder, 1524. (VII. , 3350 I bequeth to the church of Seale my fyve folde takelyng to hang there in the Steple to thuse of the churche except yf James my son go to carpenters occupacon than I will he haue itt to suche tyme as lie shall have neade of hit, and then to bring it a geyn to the steple ass ofte as he doth fecche it sauyng it harmeless. Also I will that Eichard Peke of Shehorn thelder schall have it in like manor duryng his lyif. Also I bequeith a ende of a Eoope to the saide churche to serue to the saide takelyng. Thomas Holoway, 1529. (VIII., 211.) The Bells. To the byyng of a boll to the parish of Sele iij.s. iiijr/. John Snosmere, 148G. (V., 142.) The Eoodloet. To the makyng of the rode lofte x'\jd. John Dane, 1492. (V., 188.) Lego ad le Eodelofte vjs. viiyl. George att Wode, 1192. (V., 194.) To the rode lofte there iij.s. mjd. Tho« Crud, 1502. (VI., 42.) Varia. Sir John, chaplain of the church of Seal, 14G3. (II., 2G3.) Tenement callid >•= Taberd. Eobert Sankyn, 1475. (lY., 230.) To inendyng of the liye waye be thyii my [)lace and absolon THE TOWER OF SEAL CHURCH. r.iiill l)ct\vci'n 1:^10 iiiid |.")24. (See page fif!.) WEST KENT. 67 crossc iii.v. in'yl. My maucioii callycl Shots. Kichard Pclsatte, 1486. (V., 73.) For a cope vjli. xiij.s-. u\y/. John Tcbold theMer, 1501. (P.C.C., 5, Bhimyr.) T l)(M]U('th to the Ijyeing of ij candilstikks of Latyn to stande afor the liii^'li awter ii/the chauncvll xxvj.9. vuyf. William Olyver of (Sodden in 8elle, 1510. (P.C.C., 17, Holder.) To oure lady chaunsell there xiijs. uijd. Jolin Idley thelder, 1524. (VII., 335.) To be buried in the churchyard of Saint Peter and PauUe of Seale be twyx the gatte and the portche. Kich'' Cristofer, 1531. (VIII., 287".) To be buried in y'^ church of Scale next my husbond. Mary on Olyuer, widow, 1532. (IX., 85.) To the amending of the glasse windowes of the church of Seale iijs. injd. Dated 29 Nov. 1559. Proved 22 April 15G(). (XII. (ii.), 391.) SEVENOAKS. Sepeliend : in ccclesia parochiali S''' Nicholai de Sevenoke coram ymagine sive altare in caucella existeute ex parte australi. John Beele, dated 1471. Proved 1473. (P.C.C, 8, Wattys.) To the pouer people of the Almes house of Sevenoke a quarter malt. William Eoger of Otteforde, 1475. (P.C.C, 23, Wattys.) Toward a vestemeut for the church of Sevenok xls. to pray for my fadirs sowie which lyethe buried in the Sowthe chappell in the same church. To my sou Thomas Isele my lytyll masse boke couered with blewe, and the porteus and the superaltare, and on of the gylt chaleses and aulterclothis. John Isele of Sundridge, 1494. (P.C.C, 21, Vox.) To be buried in the church of Sevenoke. To a coope for the same x\s. To a crosse of siluer xs. Toward a newe censer of siluer X.S. Clemens Broke, widowc, 1510. (P.C.C, 38, Bennett.) I give xx.s. to the churchwardens towarde the hying of a siluer crosse. Eeparaeion of a cawsey bitwene the Sheluyng stole and the church gate of Sevenoake. Thomas Holwey, 1512. (P.C.C, 9, Feti place.) To be buried in the chirche of Seynt Nicholas in Senocke. To the hying of a crosse for the same chirch xls. To the mending of the boks xhs. To mayntenyng of Jesus masse as long as it is mayn- teuied euery yere \js. viiyL Eichard Pctte, 1513. (P.C.C, 30, Fetiplace.) To be buried in the churchyard beside Maister Thomas Baschurch. Sir Robert Clemens, 1537. (P.C.C, 13, Dyngeley.) SHIPBOENE. Ad emendacionem vie inter cherch gate de Sheborn et Sheborne playne vj.v. \'u\(l. Eichard Bucke, 1484. (V., G5.) F 2 68 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Ad reparacionem cuiusdam campane ibidem de nouo emende vjs. \n]d. Thomas Hayte, 1487. (V., 103.) Lego fabrice ejusdem fenestre inter lee sowth dore et lee staple diete ecclesie. John Colyn, 1496. (Y., 268.) To the bying of a cross for the saide ehurche vjs. y'ujd. James Watts, 1519. (VII., 171.) I bequeth to the bell xijd. Item to a cope too schillvngs iiijd. Petyr Roger, 1527. (VIII., 141.) Itmlbequeith so muche money for the mendyngof the ehurche there as they stond to ryng y*" bells as shall sufficiently mend it. Itm for a new crosse iijs. iiij^^. Thomas Blacher, dated 1517. Proved 1531. (VIII., 290.) SHOEEHAM. Sepeliend : in ecclesia parochial! de Shorham in comitatu Kancie. John ypeham, 1420. (Lambeth, 343^, Chichele I.) To the werks of the Erigge of IShorham in Kent liijs. iiij\/. To the church werks of Shorham vjs. viij*/. Kateryn Mason of London, widow, 1485. (P.C.C., 16, Logge.) To the parish church of Shoreham in Kent toward the bying of an antyphoner that the seruyce of God may be the better mayn- teyned. Maryone Pawley, wydowe, 1515. (P. CO., 9, Holder.) SHORNE. Corpus meum ad sepeliendnm infra ecclesiam. Lego ad crestam faciendam supra summum altare. Eichard Smyth, son of John Smyth of Shorne, 1452. (Lambeth, 273% Kemp") Corpus meum sepel : in australi parte cancelle. Lego legendam auream ad vsum proprium successorum meorum sic quod remaneat in ecclesia mea. Lego Domino Will" Sauuder librum qui vocatur Pupilla occuli. W" Peper, vicar, 1470. (IV., 50.) Lego fabrice unius archie in dicta ecclesia. Tho^ Catter, 1496. (V., 300.) To be bereyd in the church of Shorn be fore the hie crosse. Richard Page, 1502. (VI., 58.) To be buried before the Crucyfyxe in the ])arish ehurche of Saint Peture of Shorne nor vnto the graue of my Eathcr. A prieste to singe a trental) of Saint Gregorie for myn sowlc and all crysten. John Jorden, dated 1512. Proved 1524. (VIL, 345.) To be buryed in the cliauusell of Shorn church. Sir Robert Whittyngliam, clarke, vicar, 1528. (VJIl., 185.) South Ch.vncel. To the reparacon of a gutre of the saido ehurche botweene the high chawnsell and our lady chapell on the sowtli side of y*^ saide ehurche x\s. William Page, 1493. (V., 225.) WEST KENT. 69 To the ro])aracon of" the wall and pfutter bo twcne the hight aultei- and I he suwtli vie xl.v. Thomas Pai^e, Ui)5. (V., 272.) To the reparacion of the south chaunsell in Shorn church xls. John Herenden, 1527. (VITI., 100.) To be buried in tlie parish church of Shorne ne.xte to tlie buriall of my husbounde liichard Page. To reparacion of the south chansell xxa-. Agnes Herenden, widow, 1527. (VIII., 120.) To our hady chapel 1 of Shorn church of the south side xls. Sir Robert Whittyngham, clarke, vicar. 1528. (VIIT, 185) To be buried in Rundall chancell in Shorne church. Garuace Frank, 1537. (IX., 254.) South Side or Aisle. Sepel : in australi parte ecclesie de Shorne. Lego altari crucifixi parte australi ecclesie pro panno lined xxil. Richard Hawke, 1473. (IV., 91.) To be buried in the churchyard of Shorne nexte to y'= south dore. RichJ Creslate, 1521. (VII., 22G.) NoKTH Side or Aisle. To be buried in y"^ church at y*^ north dore of Shorn. Thomas Bedill, 1473. (IV., 107.) To be buried in the ehurche iu the north ile be for saynte John Awter. Alexander Euerley, 1493. (V., 230.) Rood Loft. To the raakyng of the hye rode loft xiijs. niyl. Agnes Oxenden, widow, 1485. (V., 60.) To the edyfying of the Rode lofte iiijr/. William Chambur, 1487. (V., 99.) To the payntyng of the nu rodeloft xls. John Page, 1491. (V., 166.) To the payntyng of the Rode lowth [loft]. Alexander Euerley, 1493. (V., 230.) Bells. To the church of Shorn for a nu bell xli. John Page, 1491. (V., 166.) To the bying of a grcate bell xls. Thomas Page, 1495. (V., 272.) Lego ad empcionem magne campane in dicta ecclesia de Shorne vjs. yn]d. Thomas Catter, 1496. (V., 300.) To the bying of the grete bell vjs. viij Quoyf, 1494. (V., 261.) kSepelieud : in cimiterio ecclesie ibidem coram hostio australi. John Coppeyng, 1508. (V., 218.) To the bildeing of the cross before y*^ parsons gate of Speld- hurst. tStephyu Clavyer, 1515. (VII., 54.) To be buried in the chancell of Spelhurst church and a tomb to be made where my body lieth. John Waller, dated 1514. Proved 1517. (P.C.C, 31, Holder.) A cloth of greue and red w' a doble frenge to hange bifore the hight aulter price vj.s'. viijd. Thomas Stace, 1536. (IX., 230.) ROODLOFT. Lego operibus lee rode loft xs. John Crudd, senior, 1518. (VII., 151.) To the rode lofte xxd. Also to the Roode, Mary and John, x\jd. Also to the Xpofer xijrf. John Copping, 1522. (VII., 244.) To y^ Rode lofte xs. Edward Litle, 1522. (VII., 255.) I bequeith to the making of the window a fore the Rode fote x\jd. William Crocher, 1525. (VII., 377.) Pro deauratione ymaginum coram crucifixo ecclesie de Spel- hurst, vjs. viijd. John Erie, 1527. (VIII., 111.) Bells. To the bell xxd. John Copping, 1522. (VII., 244.) To the bell x\d. Edward Litle, 1522. (VII., 255.) V Alii A. To a manucll xviijd. Edward Litle, 1522. (VII., 255.) To the beyiug of a chales for the churchc of tSpelhurste xxd. W" Crocher, 1525. (VII., 377.) STOKE. I will vj acres of land lying ouer the parisshe of Hoo be sold & the money ther of comyng to helpe to y*^ ])ayment of xxli. to be ])ayd for a vestemcnt, a chalys, and a co|)e, to bo boglit to the vse and be houe of the seyd church of Stoke for euermore. Adam Sander, 1483. (V., 19.) THE UNFINISHED TOWER OF STOKE CHURCH. IJuill hctuocii l-iTll and l.')!!. (See pages 7;{ and 74.) WEST KENt. 73 Ad sustentationem clausure ciiniterii ecclesie xld. John Stott, 148S. (V., 05.) To be boi'eycl in the ehurcliyerd of Stoke nexte tlie porclie. 1 bequeth a (juarter of whete and a quarter of malt to make w' an Ale, and so to make a stoke for the sayde church. Item, I bequeth for a stokke to the i^evdc church ij keyne and xx.s\ of money. Kateryn Tutor, 111)1. (V., 17G.) To the reparacion of Stoke church vjs. viijd. John Harry of Westmallyn-r, loOl. (VI., 40.) To be bereid in the hie chawncell there. Sir liicliard Walsch, vicar, 1505. (VI., 175.) To be buried in the bodie of the church of Saynt Petyr and Paule of Stoke. To the chauntery aulter of Stoke all tha])parcl that belongyth to the chapell of Malmayns, excepte the liani^yngH in the said chapell. To the church of Stoke a hason and a ewer of pewter for the fonte. I will my executor schal bey a stone and leye it ouer me and my wif w*^ the pictor of a man and a woman and the pictor of a litle man childe holdyng hur by the beades. Thomas Iden, dated 1511. Proved April 1512. (VI., 312.) ij kyen to the church of Stoke to kepe a dirige iiij tymes in the yere in y*^ ymbre weks. John Cunnyng, 1517. (VII., 00.) To the mayntening of the brotherhod and to the ligth or other wise callid a yeueale in the parrisch of Stoke on cople of oxon and xl srhepe. Petyr Pasche of Hoo, 1513. (VII., 130.) To be buried in the churchyard of Saynt Petur in Stoke at the crosse. William Bekerdike, 1524. (VII., 370.) To be buried in the chauncell as ye enter in. Syr Richard Hill, vicar, 1540. Proved 31 IMarche 1541. (IX., 330.) To mending of the north dore of Stoke church vjs. \ujd. John Wilkyn, 1545. Proved 1546. (X., 176.) To be buried in the churchyard on the East side next unto the palme tree there. Andrewe Costen of Oysterland borew in the parish of Stoke, 1558. (XII. (ii.), 305.) The Tower. Sepeliend : in ])orticu ecclesie ex parte boriali. Ad sustenta- cionem capelle beate Marie de Stoke xiij.s. iiij^/. Ad sustentarionem et reparacionem cainpanilis ecclesie de Stoke xxs. Kichard Tuder, 1470. Proved 1480. (P.C.C, 38, Wattys.) Lego fabricando campanilis ibidem vnam vaccani. John Peche, 1506. (VI., 230.) To the reparacion of the Stepull of Stoke xiijs. iiij space of vij fote of the lenght of the church. .Ichn liokclond", I 1-73. (JV., 233.) Sepeliend : in eimiterio ecclesie parochialis de Stone ex opposite hostium a(|niloiie. .lohn Baker, 1199. (V., 301.) To be buried in y'- church of Stone in Saynt Blase chapell. Syr John Wylshire, Knygthe, my nevow. To the church of Stone WEST KENT. 75 xxvj,s\ viijf/., lialf to be apiiloiod to y'^ honor of our ladic in the chiuim-el, tlie other half a how le the repanu-ion of tluwStephi and the chircli as nede is. lieynold Chayney, 1508. (A'l., 215.) To y*^ makeyng of tlic tabei'nacle of Sayute Margaret viijr/. Thomas Langeley, 15US. (VI., 210.) To the church of Stone to by a vestyment xls. To the reparation of the belles xld. I bequeith towarde the glasyng of the church vj.«. viij(/. Itm towarde a crisniatorv xijr/. To bye a mass boke for ouer lady aulter iiijs. To iiij incji to bei-e me to church, eche of them injd. Itm, to eueri of the ryngars ijd. Kobert Foster, 1522. (A^L, 258.) To the parishe church of Stone a chesible and a tonycle w*^ the albes, amyces, stoles, and other their apparel for a prest and bis deacon to singe or say masse in of the value of tenne pounds, in the which chesible and tonycle I will that niyn armes shalbe brow- dered. for a remcuibraunce after the best maner. Sir John Wilshire, Knt. Proved 16 Eeb. 1526-7. (P.C.C, 16, Porch.) [For bequest for building his chapel see iS.P.E.S. Trans., vol. iii., p. 291.] To be buryed in the chaunsell before our lady in the saide church of Stone. To reparacon of the chaunsell and for brekyng of the grounde at my burinll xxs. To reparacon of tlie church xxs. Sir Hugh Wilkynson, parrisch preste of Stone, 1528. (Vlll., 218.) J will on barell of here to be disposid a monge poor people at my buriall. Margaret Page, wido, 1529. (VIII., 228.) STEOOD. Sepeliend : in ecclesia ante pulpitum. Lego uno putco acjuatico vocato Seynt Nicholas Welle. Lego ad imam cruceiu ligneain de novo exigendam in trivio in Strode viz juxta crucein lapideam que nunc stat juxta ostium novi operis ibidem vj//. xiij.s-. iiij*/. 'J'liomas Glover alias Tanner, 1444. (I., 29.) Lego pro factura le Palmcros in cimiterio ecclesie predicte viijJ. Felice Sawnder, 1482. (V., 12.) To be buried m churchyard of S' Nicholas a yenste the sowthe dore of tlie quere. .John Jiusselle, mercer, 1496-7. (P.C.C"., 16, Home.) I will y*^ Nicholas my son have mv jj saffron gardens aforesaide liing at Bombates. Tho^ Lombley, i4i)8. (V., 841.) To be bereyd in the churchyard of Seynt Nicolas of Strode at the AVest dore besyde Robert l"'isher my fyrst husbande. Tene- ments called the Svvaiie and the X[)ofer. Denvs Mmlhoipp, wvf vnto Xpofer Morthorpp, 1499 (V., 376.) A complet sute of vtstments to the church of Strode; that John Williams made for the diacon and subdiacon. Adam London of He of Greane, 1507. (P.C.C, 24, Adeane) Lego vnum linthiamium ad faciendum partem viiius superpelicii in ecclesia de Strode. Johanna (iolde, widow, 1508. (VI., 208.) ^6 TESTAMENT A CANTIANA. To be buried before the churche porche in Strode. John Clarke, fisscher, 1516. (YII., 66.) To the high aulter my best kercher to make a corporax. To our ladys alter a kercher to make a corporax. jMy beste Kibend to make a gyrdell to the best A^estment that he that weryth hyiu may j)ray for me. To oure lady in Stroode Chirch my beste beds of geyt of vij setts. Johanna Hunter, 1517. (VII,, 84.) To y*^ forsayd church xiij.s-. iiiy?. to by three alltare clothys to hange before ye iij pryncypall allters of y*^ sayd church. I will have V prests att my burying, v att my moneth mvude, and v att my yerstyde. John Munde, 1524. (VII., 339.) I will there be bongth a goode surples the price of viij^. to be made redy and gift'en in the churche of Strode at my monyth mynd. To the churche of Strode my best bason and my executors to by a ewar and gvf it to the church of Strode at mv monyth mynd. Agnes Blowfeid, wido, 1525. (VIII., 23.) I gift" to the bying of a trebill bell vjs. viijc?. To shingle the churche xh. John Polley, 1526. (VIII., 72.) XX shepe and a cople of oxou for an obet on the morowe after the obet of Kobert Cok whiche schalbe the Thursday after Saynt Luke. The money to be bestowid thus : Eurste to the reparacion of the church ij.s. On goode friday to poor people in brede ijs. Item to the curate and eueri church warden to see this doon \jd. Itm to V prests and iij clarks iijs. vyl. Itm for offryng at the masses V(/. Itm for the trynite ligtli and settyng of the herse vjd. Thomas Danyell, 1527. (VIII., 126.) To be buried in the churchyard agayust the ewe tree. Margret Page, wedowe, 1545. (X., 131.) To the high altar of Strode a diaper cloythe and a playne towell for to be a howslyng towell there. Alice Bett, wedowe, 1555. (XII. (i.). 8.) Our Lady's Chapell. Lumini beate Marie in cancella que vocata Cancella beate Marie nyl. Thomas Hencote, 1473. (IV., 103.) To the byldyng of o'' lady chapell in the same church xls. To bye a vestment and a cope to the vse of the same church xli. John William, 1501. (VL, 33.) Chapel of the Holy Trinity. To the Trinite chapell bylding xijaJ. Nicholas Nooen, 1517. (VII., 100.) To the byldyng of the Trinite chansel xls. John Kygbye, 1517. (VII., 108.) To the buvhling of the Trinite chaunsell yj-i. Yu\d. John Wales, bocher, 15ls; (VII., 124.) To the buylding of y'= Trinite chapell vj.s-. viijr/. To the glasing of the church wyndos thci"e node is M. Walter Noone, 151S. (VU., 135.) "WEST KENT. 77 The Neav WonK TIosi'iiAr,. To our Uulv ill Newark my best kcrsslio iunl to the liey aultar in Newarke my second curchar. The master of y*^ Newarke and Kaff Smarttwatt to sel my howse to bye suche ornaments to y' chapell in y'= Newarke as y*^ master and hys brethern shall thynke most e necessary. Katerynj,' Munde, 1.524. (YII., ;U9.) To M' John AVilbor master olf Xuworke in Stroide to bye matteras, schets, and coverletts for his almes house for poor people xls. iSir Thomas Hobsone, clarke, of ."S' Nicholas, Rochester, 1528. SUNDRIDGE. Corpus meuui ad sepeliendum in ecclesiaparochiali de Sundressh. John Isly, 1375. (Lambeth, 78, Sudbury.) If I die in London to be buried in church of Blake Freers, if in Kent in the parish cliurch of Sondryche. A matresse, a bolster, etc., to the Almeshouse of Sonderiche. Dame Agnes Paston, widow, late wife of S>- John Paston, 1510. (P.C.C, 29, Bennett.) To the church of Sondrysh my portatyf organes. Thomas Issley, Esq., 1518-19. (P.C.C., IG, Ayloffe.) SUTTON- AT-HONE. To be buried in the church of Saint John Baptist at Sutton at home in the mydill of the high quere there if I dye in Kent, yf in London at the Crossed Freres by my daughter. William Stafford, Esquier, 1514. Proved 1522. (P.C.C, 13, Ayloffe.) To the gyldyng of the best crosse in Sutton chyrche viijs. Simon Tumber, 1519. (VIL, 160.) 1 will ther be baken the quantitie of ij busshells of wheate and iij buschells of malte to be bruyd at the saide mynde to refresh such people as cum to the church e to thentent to praye for the welth of my soull and all Xten. Simon Protest, 1519. (VIL, 184.) To be buried in the body of my parish church of Sutton at Hone. John Pulter, 1530. (VIII., 288.) To be buried in the chauncell. Eichard Bee, vicar, 1558. (XIl. (ii.), 276.) To the Ester Feast of Sutton vj.s'. viijd. Edmunde Fiuche, yoman, 1559. Proved 1560. (XII. (ii.), 430.) SAVANSCOMBE. Scpeliend : in cancella ccclesie predicte. Richard Shelley, rector, 1413. (Lambeth, 170'', Arundell LI.) To be buried in the church of Sayuts Petyr and Poull in Swans- comp at the south dore. Gye Clement, 1510. (VI., 365.) To the rode lofte a spruse chest. To oner lady aulter a shete of iiij els to make too aulter clothes and a bason of Peuter to serue in the saide churche. Robert Lyucoll, 1517. (VIL, 104.) 78 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. To the high aulter viijcl. To the reparation of the same high aulter on of my beste shets. Thomas Dunton, 1518. (VII., 129.) To the bying of a nue chaless xxd. John Grove, 1-522. (VII., 248.) To be buried in tlie pai'ish church porche of Swanscom. Eliza- beth Grove, 1523. (VII., 308.) A cowe to y^ bodie of the same churehe. John Eicherdson, 1524. (VII., 349.) To the payntyng of the clothe of the roode lofte if the parvsshe paynte it vij^. Eichard Grofe, 1537. Proved 1539. (IX., 278.) [Amongst the Inquisitiones ad quod damnum for 17 Edward III. (1344) is one concerning the grant of land by John Lucas of Swans- combe to a chaplain to build a chapel in honor of the Blessed Virgin (file cclxv, No. 15). (P.E.O. Indexes.)] TESTON. To the reparation of the ste])ill of Teston churehe vf thej^ goo f urth w-t all \js. viij^/. Thomas Coveney, 1521. (P.C.C., 13, Mayu- waryng.) Lego emptioni vnius erucis xxs. Margaret Lynstede, A\ddow, 1521. (VII., 218.) To Teston churehe towardis a new bell or other reparaciones necessarve vjs. viijd. Symone Godffrythe, parson of Nettlestead, 1522. (VIl!, 270.) To the bying of a new crosse to the saide churehe xiijs. injd. V marks, halfe to the chyrche of Teston and the other to the reparacion of Teston Brvgge to pray for mv sowll and all cristyu sowllts. Thomas Sponer, 1526. (VIIL., Si.) Leyo facture cuiusdam cooperturi pro fonte vjs. viijr/. Thomas Magnysden, 1525. Proved 1526. (VIIL, 64.) TEOTTERSCLIEF. Ad ecclesiam ubi corpus meum fuerit sepeliendum vnum caliccm argenteum et deauratum et duos cruetes argenteos. William (."roftcn, 1483. (V., 2.) Note. — He was buried at Trotterscliff where is a brass. He Avas B.C.L. of Gray's Inn. To the nu cros.se in the seyde cluirch xiijs. iiij(/. To a sensor in the same church iij*. iiijf/. I bequeth a baner cloth w*^ a Image of 8eynt (Jeorge callyd a stremer vj.v. vujJ. and snfficient hempc for iij belropes to the vse of the seyde cliurche. Edmund Pi-ynte, 1501. (V.,412.) Lego ecclesie de Trottsclyff duo linthiamea pro altari et lego reparacioni campaiialis il)id('m vnnm hulhdi. Alice Deysey, widow, of Addiugton, 1509. (VI., 250.) T bequeth to the hangevng of the sanctus bell in Trottisclif \\yl. Andrew Godrjen of Addynglon, 1512. (VI., 319.) To tlie churehe a tou(dl to vse of y*^^ hcyght auter and a basyng a,nd a caiidellslekc. Johan Osbarnc, wedow, 1524. (VII., 338.) WEST KENT. 79 TIJDLEY. To be buried in tlio t-lmivh of Tu to be Ijouthc to the v.se of the sayde church and of (ilod's diuyiie seruice there xs. Jolm Wiseman, 1102. (V., 202.) To tlie makvna; of a lu'll xl.s-. Thomasi AVysoinan, ynmaii, 1500. (P.C.C, 22, Hennett.) Lego fabrice ecclesie de Tiidley vjs. viij<^/. Thomas Myller, 1515. (VII., 41.) To bo buried w'in tlie cliaunsell of Tiideley beside tlie sepulture of Kobart Bowregge, late my husbond. Johane Bowrege, 1527. (VI IL, 112.) Half residue to vse of a bell for Tudley churcli. Thomas Sandyll, 1530. (VIIL, 240.) To be buryed in suche convenient place as myne executor shall thiiil grauc of my father. My executor within liuulle yere after my deathe to ley a. WEST KENT. 81 s\o\w vppoii my grave wryllcii upon i(, Douiiiio niiserere. Jolin Potter, dated 1522. Proved 7 Dec. I5:i(). [On lii.s desire for a special service at Westminster see S.P.£.S. Transactions, vol. iv., p. 320.] To be buried in the ehurcliyard. My wit" to kepe all such lights as I haue kept, and yet doth that is to sey oou taper afore the Triiiite and mi other afore .Saint Clement. John Potter, baker, dated lo.'i.S. l^roved 15M.-,. (P.C.C, 28, llogcn.) To ri'paracion of the body of the church of Westerham xiij.s-. WVyl. Sir Kobert Peele, viVar, 1580. f P.C.C., 84., Dyngeley.) To be buried in the church of AVeslerham besides my husbande Jolin Stacy there. Johan Arcluir, wedowe, loou. (XI., 342.) WEST WICKHAM. A'olo (juod executores mei pictari faciant vnam ymaginem de Sancto .lohanne et eciani quod fieri faciant aliam ymaginem de Sancto fStephano stantem in ecclesia de AN^est Wykham. Geoffry Newenton, 1400. (Lambeth, 170^ Ammdell I.) To the nedefull reparacons of a glas wyndow in the same church iijs. iiij, 1466. Proved 1467. (P.C.C, 20, Godyii.) One vestment with alle that longith thereto vnto the chirch of AV..1\\ ich tlio best. John H:iynes, rector. 1495. (P.C.C, 26, Vox.) To be bereyd in the chui'ch ycrde ther on the eastsyde of the palme crosse. "William Wolton, '1499. (V., 360.) 1 bequeth to y« church of AVolwych .xxiij.s-., the which the [):irisrhe ow' me and to ine was du att my last accnnipt wen 1 was warden, Thomas Eglc, waterman, 1491. '(VI., 150.) WEST KENT. 83 To be buried in the cburcbyarrl of WolwiLlie by tlie Palme Cross. Margaret Egle, widow, lol-"). (\'I 1., 'il.) To be buried in tlie churchyard as nere the cross as maye be possibh'. Nicholas Mvvdo, 1515. (VTT., 12.) To be buryed within the new chapel! that i hitcly caused to be made in the parisslie cluirch of Wolwvch as nyghe the place where the bodie of Anne my wife, wlios soule Ihu pardon, lieth buryed as coniu'iiit'ully niav be. Niehohis Boveton, l^scjuier, dated 2(5 Feb. 1517. (P.C.C., 15," Ayh)ffe.) To be buried in the parish churche of A\''olwiche in the lie or chauucell there. Edward Eoughton, kniglit, dated 1549. Pi'oved 1550. (P.C.C, 18, Coode.) To be buried in the churchyard of Our Lady of Wolwiclie in thest side of the porche there, .loliii Shai'|)i', iiiaryner, 1552. (XL, 1S9.) To be buried in ihc piirish t-liiin li of Wulhvich in the Tombe and chappell willi my graimdefather Nycholas Bowghton, Esciuire, deceasecl, which mv said grandfalher bilded. Nycholas Boughton, Esquire, 1559. (B.C.C.,' 11, Mellershe.) WEOTLIAM. Lego pro vno pixide pro Corpore Christi ad pendendum in eadem ecclesia de Wrotham yj.s\ viijri'. Lego ad faciendum tria superpelicia pueris administrantibus in predicta ecclesia. Legavit pro empcione campanarum iiij marcas. Kalph Melcheborn, vicar, 1404. (Lam- beth, 207'\ Arundell I.) Lego ad vsum ecclesie parochiali de Wroteham in com. Kane, vnum vestimentum sacerdotale precii centum solidoruin. Hichard Pull of London, 1111. (P.C.C, 21, Marche.) Lego ad c()m])eran(lum vnum frontellum pro summo altari ecclesie parochialis de Wrotham vj.s-. y\\\d. William AVatton of Addington, U68. (P.C.C, 18, Godyii.) Sepeliend : infra cancellam ecclesie mee introitu chori ad cujus summum altare memoriak' do et lego vnum paxbrede de argento liijs. iiijr/. Thomas Maddeis, clerk, 1500. (P.C.C, 10, Moone.) Sepeliend: in cimilerio de Wroteham. Summo altari de Wrote- ham xijr/. Lego iuminibus ymaginuni beate INIarie Pietatis, Saneti .Johamiis Baptiste, et Saneti Jacobi vnum cei'eum cere. Johan White, widow, of Strode, 150S. (VI., 215.) A taper to be sett afore Sent George in Wrotham church the price iujd. William Wolleryge of Troslyff, 1532. (IX., 30.) To be burietl in the ])arish church of Wroteham as nygh vnto the buriells there where as mv frends lyen buried. James Pekham, Esq., 1532-3. (P.C.C, 23, Thower.) To be buried in the churche of Saint George of AVroteham biside the grave of mv viicle AVilliam Pekham, squier. Eeynolde Pekham, squycr, 1521-5. (P.C.C, 31, Bodfelde.) Q 2 84 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. TALCING. Ad reparacionem sustentacionem et reuouacionem vnius cam- pane xxd. Ad empcionem vnius par precularum [i.e., a pair of beads] ad pendendam in ecclesia predicta ad orandum pro animabus omnium fidelium defunctorum. Stepben atte Nasbe, 1474. (IV., 164.) Ad reparacionem pontis de Ealdyng. Tbomas Brodyngbury, 1474. (IV., 174.) Ad repar. pontis de Twyford iijs. iiijc?. Eepar. pontis de Bald- ing iijs. iiij^. Ad construccionem operis ecclesie de Ealding vjs. wiijil. ' Job'n Curcb, 147"). (IV., 215.) To the pavvng of tbe church of Ealdyng xxd. Eaynolde Brown- yngbery, 1487. (V., 82.) Eesidue to reparacon of the brygge of Ealdyng, the second parte to the brygge of Twyford, the "iij"' parte to the mcndyng of fowell weyes be twyue my place and Ealding church. Eobert Parfett, circa 1488. (V., 114.) Lego facture none fabricis navis ecclesie predicte xiijs. u\yJ. John Lurchen, 1493. (V., 201.) Lego fabrice none trabis x\s. Ad picturam ymagine beate Marie Pietatis xls. Ad pauimentum tegularum in Insula boriali xx-s. William Pvx, 1493. (P.C.C, 29, Dogett.) Lego fabrice none trabis xxvjs. viijc^. Lego fabrice stannorum et sedilium ecclesie de Ealding vjs. v'ujd. John Jop, 1493. (P.C.C, 18, Vox.) In default of heirs my feoff ers shall sell all my toles that be- longith to my craft and the money therof cumyng I will y' yt schalbe bestoAvyed a bowte Twyforde brigg and to the reparacion of the church of Ealdyng. John Harrenden, 1509. (VI., 249.) To be buried in the medell pase bifore the high cros within the church of Taldinge. AV™ Astyu, 1522. (P.C.C, 25, Maynwaryng.) Sepeliend : in cimiterio ApostoUirum Petri et Pauli de Ealdyng in ambulatorio in boriali parte cimiterii illius. John Arkynbold, senior, 1524. (VII., 363.) To be buried in the churchyard of Yakling before the belfraye dore. iij//. vj.s. \u](/. toward a seynser of seiner to serue the sayd church of Yaldyng so that the paris.shons ther will bye a senser of syluer to the value of ten marks wHn one yere next. iij//'. vj.s. vuyl. to be bestowyd in stone werke in the fotewaye and horscwey ledyng betwene Bealdenobrecrosse and Suchefeldecrosse in Vahling. Kobert Elfegh, 1526. (VII I., 50, and 28, Porch, P.C.C) V masses at my burying that is to say of the Name of Jhu', of tlic Holy gost. of the Trinite, of Corpus Xti, and of the .Vssumpcon of o' blessyd Lady, and eiiery prest to haue y\cL Thomas Haymon. 1526. (VIIL, 53.) To by a streiner for Kalding Church xx-.*. .\ pix to be used onnly to' lay in my savyor and redemer .Ihu Cliristi when at sucli tyme the curat of Ealding goeth a visitacon to sike people. William Farman, 1535. (IX., 179.) ( 85 ) GENERAL INDEX. WEST KKNT. An asterisk (*) sijrnifies that the miinv. ui;cui> more than onue on the pat^e indicated. Abell. Richard. 24; William, .xiii, 24*. A liorne. John, '^'^. Abraham. Clement. .5. Absolon, Klianor, 18 ; Joan, 18; John, xviii, 17, 18* ; Marion, (!o ; William. 18, t;rK Adams, Godlyve, 80. Addinfjton. viii, ix, xi. 1, 78, 83. Adeane cr A Dene, John, 22 ; Tho- mas. !). 82. Affolds. John, 28. A Furde. .John, 74. A Gokeman, William, 30. Aisle, making of, 7, 70. Alabaster Table of St. Thomas, 44. Alb, 20, 23, 27, 56, (ii). Alcok. Edward, 25. Aldressh, Elianor, 22. Ale and Ales, bequests for. xvii. 15, 27, .50. 53. 54, 73. 77. Alfrey, Walter, 82. Aling'ton, Sir Giles, 23. Allen or Alan. Katharine, xxiii ; Rich- ard. 10 ; Thomas, xxiii ; Walter, 45 ; William, 2(j. All Saints or All Hallows, 25. Almayn, John. 47. Almshouses, xxii, 20, 67, 77*. Alphey or Elfegh, John, 12, 59 ; Ro- bert, 84. Altar t;ioth, 22, 27, 28, 31, 38, 57, 64. 67, 71, 72*. 76, 77 ; Griicn and red. with fringe. 72. Altar, covering- over, x, 5, 8, 33, i>6 ; frontel, 83; Jesus, 61, Amice, 23 ; with Angels, 5(), Andrew, John, 74 ; Walter, 71 ; \\il- liam. 40. Antiphoner, 6. 7, 22, 28. 29, 44, 49, 63, 65, 6i^. 71. 80. Apowell. Hugh, 22. Apple Trees, xxiii. Appulton, Roger, 20. Aqueduct, 13, Arch, making of, 68. Archar, Joan, 81. Arkynbold. John, 84. Arms, embroidered on vestments, xiii, 12, 19, 32, 75 ; on monuments, 1, 13, 25, 45 ; on plate, xxiii. A Rowe. John, 3. Arundel. Sir William, 60. Ash next Dartford, vii, xi, 2. Ashdown, William, 46. Ashley (Aschlegth, Aschley, Asheley, etc.), John. 49*; Richard. 11. 29, 36, 53 ; Walter. 26. Ashurst, vii, x, xxii, 2. Assumption, Feast of the, gift of shoes on, 53. Aston, Marion. 3. A Stone. Thomas, 9. Astyn, Nicholas. 25, 42; William, 84. At Hill, Thomas, 5. At the Sole, John, xiv, 34, Atte Xash, Stephen, 84. At Wode. George. 66 ; Margaret, 2. Auditor, Andrew, 2u, Austen, Roger. 29*. Aj-erst, Thomas, 52. Aylard, John, 12. Aylesford. x. xii, xv. xviii, xxi. 2 : Newhithe in. 3 : I'riory, x. 3: Prior of, 4. B bachelors' Light. II. IJacon, Robert, 81. Baker, John. 51, 74 ; Joone. 53 ; Tho- mas, 49. Baldcrton, Agnes, 71, Ball, John, 45. Ballard, Thomas, 10. Haltrop, Agnes, xi, 32, Bamme, Anne, 27 ; Richard, 27, Banner, 30, 45 ; cloth for cross, etc., 49, 71 ; of Our Lady and St. Ed- ward, 28 : of St. George, 78. Banstead, 17. 86 TESTAMEKTA CANTIANA. Barker ov Barcar. Marion. H ; — . 62. Barley. William, io. Barininirling. ix. xii. xiv, xv, xvii, xxiv. 5, 53. Bishop or Buschop, John, 33 ; Tho- mas, 70*. Blacher. Thomas. 68. Bloundell. Martin, 53. Blowfield, Agnes. 76. Bobbe alias Toty. John. xii. 41. Bochier, Richard. 7. Bodie, John. 35. Bokelond. John. xii. 1>!, 37, 74. Bolde, Peter, xiv. 63. Bolte. Alice. 2, 2\ ; John, 21. Bonaventure, Richard, 10, 11. Bonfires, xviii, 23, Books, for services, xiii, xiv, 20 ; amending of. 24, 67 ; Crucifixion of Jesu, 42 ; Dives and Pauper, 61 ; Golden Legend, 26, 68 ; Legend of Saints in English. 63 : Ortus Voca- bulorum, 61: Pupilla Oculi, 68; Sermons, 60 : Story of Our Lady, 22 ; Vita Christi, 61. Boonde, Thomas, 19, Boore. John, 52. Borne, William, 41. Boroughsolder. 22. 70. Borowgh. William, 80, Borstal near Rochester, 65, Borther, Helias, 37, Boswyn, Thomas, 10. Bote. John. 73. Bothe, Randolf, 7 ; William, 8, Bottlesham, John, Bishop of Roches- ter, 60, Boughton or Boveton, Anne, 83 ; Sir Edward, 83 ; Nicholas, 83*. Bourbage, Richard, 45, Bow. 63, Bowen. William, 23, Bowls of latten, 11, 19, 22. Bowregge, Joan, 79 ; Robert, 79, Boydon, Thomas, 55, Bradforth, John, 13, Braibrokc. Alice, xxiii. II. II : John, xxiii. 14 ; Thomas, xxiii. 1 I. Brampton. Joan. 5(; : Thomas, 55, 56 ; William, 44. Bramston, .John, 56. Brass pot, 51. Brasses, bequests for, xi, 1, 6, 23, 26. 28, 38, 39, 51, 59, 60, 73, 74. Brasted. 6. Brasyer, Margaret, 26 : Steven, 26. Brattle, James, (i ; John. 6 ; Richard, 6. Brawdrib, Richard, 27. Braye. Alice, 1 1 . Bread, xviii. 3, 10, 40, 50, 52, 53, 76, 77 : wastell, 40, Breatayn, Thomas, 16. Brencliloy. x. xi, xiv, xv. xxiii, 6. Brewhousc implements. 31. Bricks, xii, 5, 16, 71. GENERAL INDEX. 87 Hrif1;,^os, mending of, 9, 16, 19, 22, 25, <;-^, 7S, 81. Bridges or Breggys, Thomas, -1. lirightewood. John, iJU. Brodbeiit, William, 54, ; William, xii, 5. Cliff e, vii, xix. 12. Clock (dial), xx, s, 12, H). Cloisters at Aylesford, x. Cloth, black, with whit* cross, 11 ; board, 28 ; coloured. 55 ; lectern, 81 ; lined, li'J : linen. ;!o ; with in- scription, 19 ; for roodloft, 44, 78 ; for sepulchre. 44 ; on wire by clerk's books, 80. Coal on St. Thomas's Day, 32. Cobham, vii*. ix. xv. 4. 13, 51. Ralph de, 76 : William. Thomas, xii, 3 ; Geoffrey, Cobham. Lady Eleanor, 13 ; Thomas de. 13. Cock or Cokke, Robert. 10 ; Dr., o'J. ' Codde. Nicholas. 29* : 65. Colcloff, Kaff. 33. Colepeper. PJdward, xii, 58 ; John. 3, 58 ; Margaret, xii, 3. Colfe, -Abraham, xx. Coll, Thomas, 28, 55. Colman. Stephen, 48. Colt, William, 40. Colyn. Alice, 2 : John. (j>< : Richard. 2, 59. Combe, Richard, 47. Communion, book, 9 ; cup, 13, and ■see Chalice ; table, xxii, J 8 ; cloth for, xxii, 26 ; x/v nlxo .Utar. Cooke, Thomas, 57 ; William, 20. Cooling, xxiii, 14, 41. Coorteman, Thomas. 37. Copes, gifts of. 9. 10, 12. 14, 19*, 25. 27, 28. 33, 34. 38. 39, 41, 42, 44, 45! 49, 50. 52*, 55, 57. 58. 60, 61 , 63. 67*. 68,71, 72*, 74. 76, 81. .S2. Copping or Copi)eyng, John, 72*. Corporas, 2U. 23. 29, 76. 80. Cosington, Thomas. 3 ; William, 2. Costen, .Vndrew. 73. Coton, John, 5. Cotyer, Thomas, 36. Counterpoint with verdors, 30. Courthope, John, 44. Covenev, Thomas, 25, 78 ; William, 25. Coverlets, gifts of, 33, 38. 39, 54, 56, 80. Cowcher (book on desk), xiv, 63. Cowden, ix, 14. Cows, gifts of. 14, 50, 58, (;2, 65, 74, 78 ; farm of, a. M. Cox. William, 22. Cray, Foots, xix, 15. Cray, North, viii, xii, 15, 65. Cray, St. Mary's, 14. Cray, St. PauTs. xvii, xix. 15. Crayford, vi, xi, 16. Creke, Barnard, 22. Creslate, Uichard, 69*. Crippe iir Crippes, Thomas, 36. 38. Crismatory. 59, 75. Crocher, VVilliam, 72*. Croft, Robert, 62. Crofton, William, 78. Crokker, John, 47. Cross, 67, 70, 78 ; best, 49, 70, 77 ; banner for, 49 ; Chapel in, 10 ; churchyard, xix, 2. 12, 20, 27, 30, 48, 62, 65, 73. 82 ; cloth, 17. .50, 65 ; copper and gilt, 36 ; on g'raves. xii, 5 ; on herse, 27 ; Mary and John, 28 ; palm, xix, 1. 5, 24, 30, 71, 75, 82, 83 ; procession, 69 ; silver, 33, 62, 67 ; staff, 33 ; on steeple, vi, 20, 57; wayside, 9, 15, 31, 58, 67, 71, 75. 84 ; at parson's gate, 72. Crosthew. Godly ff, 81. Crowch, John, 64. Crowland, William, 43, 81. Crucifix, gift of, 80. Crudd or Crud, Alice, 72 ; John. 72 ; Thomas, 66. Cruet (phiolus), 14, 23, 78, 80. C'rusado of gold, 63. Cudham, vii, x, 16. Cumfets at obit, 32. Cunnyng, John, 73. Cup. gilt, bequest of, xxiii. Cup at weddings, xiv. 5, 1 1. 30. Curch, John, 84. Curie, Henry. 20. Curson, David, 8. Cushion of tapestry. 65. Cuxton, XV. xviii. xxii. 17. D 1 )ags. — , 3S. iJalam, Thomas, 31. Dalmatic. 60. Daltou, Joan. 26 ; John. xi. Daly. Nicholas, 21. Dampord. John. 20. Dane, John, (H>. Danyell, Thotnas, 27. 76. Darbyshire. lialph, 3EX. 89 Davin{,'ton, 12. Davyo, ftichard, 3. Dawf-on, Jolin, *j(i. Deane or Dene, John, 81 ; Ilofrer. J 7. Dedyke, John, KO. De la Dene (Meophani), John, 'I'S. Denton, xxi, 21, 2'.t. :A. Denyes, Nicholas. 7!>. De Preone, William, 82. De profit nd'iK rlatiiovi, fi3. Deptford. vi. xv, xviii, 21. Derby, William. 52. Derlintrton, William. :!1. Devell, John, JO. Deysey, Alice, 1, 78. Dickson or Dyckson, William, 150. Dilapidations, bequest tor. xix. Ditton. xix, 22. Dixon, .sec Dickson. Dobsou, Richard, 20. Dodde, John, 71). Dogett, Joan, 15. Donett, Alice. 2.o ; John, xi, 25. Doom or Judgment, painting of, xi. 39. Doon, Thomas. (55. Downer, John, xx, 23 ; Richard, G. Draper, John, 25 ; Thomas. 24. Driukiuj;-, lequest for a, 18, 31. Drover, John, 50. Dryland, James, 12. Duckworth or Dokeworth, Laurence, 30. Dunstaple, William. IS. Dunton. Thomas. 78. E Eastdown, Thomas, 50. Easter, Feast, 77 ; Sepulchre, xii, 41. Ecclesley. Richard, 57. Edemede. Ralph, 42. Edenbridge, xv, 14, 22. Edmonde, John, 31. Edward, Richard. (>. 48 ; Robert. 5 ; Thomas, 47. Edwards, Andrewe, 7 ; Richard, 4'.». Egle. Margaret, 83 ; Thomas, 82. Ellis or Elys. Richard. 27 ; Thomas. 70. Eltham. xv. xviii, xx*. 22. Elyot. Robert. 1. Ember weeks, 73. Erasmus. I'araphrase of. '.•. Erith. viii, xiii, xxi, xxii. xxiii. Di. 24. Eric, John, 72. Erliche, Thomas. 7. Esselyng, Kent, 59. Essex, 4(). Evangelists, signs of, l(j. Evcrley. Alexander, ('>[>" Everton, Beds, 17. Eynesford, xi. 25, 20. I-' Faby, Thomas, 15. Fair, at Gravesend. '2'J. Fane. George, xxii. 7'J ; Henry, 33 ; John. 7'.». Farleigh, East, 25, 42. Farleigh, West, vi, xx, 25. Farman, William, 84. Farnborough, vii, xi, xxii, 26. Farningham. xii, 26. Farrant, Fiianor, 17. Fawkhan. 2'!. Fayreford, Richard, 2. Ferreby, Andrew, 15. Fever, William. 53. Feyrewyu, William, 47, 41). Field or Felde. Alice. 50. Fill. John, 35. Finche. Edmund, 77. Fine, common, 2.3, 5(>, 70. Fishenden or F3shenden, Thomas, 6. Fisher or Kyssher, Robert, 75 ; Tho- mas. 33. Fit/., Roger, 4(), 49. Flatchere, Edmund, 50. Flower, Alice, 28. Font, 35, 51, 65, 73 ; cover for. x, 78. Foots Cray, xix, 15. Footways, repair of. 42. Forest, John, (53, 82. Forge. Richard. 37. Forge parish, 17. Forman, Clement, xxiii. Foster, Robert, 75. Francis or Fiaunces. John, 38, 48, 49. Frank, (iarvace, •>;(. Frecok. Richard, 59. Freml3'u, Thomas, 43. Friday. Thomas, 38. Frindsbury. x, 27, 69. Frithe. Ro^er. 15. Fromond, Margaret, 33. Frontel to altar. 4, 83. Fuller. William. 38. Furneux, Joan, 46. Fynes, John, 9. Gaell. William, 38. Galon, Richard, xi. 2. Garrett, Robert. 3(5. Gavell. William, 8n. Gens, John, 71. 90 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. German, Nicholas, 13. Germen, Alice, 13. Gibson, John. 30. Gifford or Gytford, James, 9. Gilham. John. 3. Gillingham. 4, 27. Gillmyn. William, 18. Girdles. 7. Girth. John, 2(). Gisborow, Yorks, .")8. Glass and glazin"'. vi, ti. 48, G7. 7.5. 7(), 81, 82. Glover, Thomas, 75. Godden, Andrew. 78 ; Thomas, 1. Godding, .John, 36. Godestre. Roger, 26, 44. Godflfrj'the. Simon, o.5, 78. Godl'ray m- Godfrey. Oliver, xx. oil ; William. 27. 71. ' Godier, Thomas. 2. Godwyn (Godewyn or Goodewyn), Joan. 7 ; John, 7, 27, .55, 64. Gokeman, William a, 36. Golde. Joan, 75. Goldehall. Alice. 39. Goldehauke, John, 28. Goldestrete, William, 64. Goldinge. John, 48 ; Sergeant, 32. Gohiisbye, Margery, 54. Goldsmith, Thomas, xi, 16, 42. Goodborough, Martin, 16. Good Friday, gift of shoes on. 53. Gosse, James. 33. Gossipp, John, 47. Gough. William. 30. Grail (book), 12, 38, 41, 49. Grain, Isle of, 28, 73, 75 ; wall at, xxi. 28. Graveney, 56. Gravesend. vii, x. xi, 28, 29, 30, 54, 55 ; St. Mary's Church, 28 ; burnt, 28; St. George's Church, 29; Fair, 29. Graye. Robert, 63. Greenwich, xi, xv, xvii*, xviii, 29, 30, 45, 46 : Hood Chapel. 32. Grene, Edward. 27 ; John. 14 ; Ralph, 30. Grigge, William. 21. 31. Grove "/• Grofe. Elizabeth. 78 ; John, 78; Richard. 7S. Gryme, Uenys. 48, 49 : Thomas. 48, 49. Gutter, mending of. ^')i<. 69. 71. Gwyn. .loiin. 17. (Jye, John. 3S. Gyldewyn. Alice, 62 : Gilbert, 62. H llache, William, 55. Uaddon. iJamc Katharine, 14. Hadlow, ix, x, 33. Hakst alias Hawes, Robert, 20. Haler, Thomas, 6. Hall or Halle, Alice, 62 ; John, 38, 62 ; Stephen. 15. 65. Hailing, 34. Halpeny, John, 8. Hancock. John. 42. Hanson, Joan, 21 ; Richard, 21*. Harlow, William, 2. Harman, Henry, 16. Harrenden, John, 84. Harries. John, 13. Harry, John, 65, 73 ; Peter, 45. Harrys. Margery, 17. Hartley, viii, 36. Hasilwood, John, 81 ; Raynold, 17. Haster, John, 21. Hawke. John, 69 ; Richard, 69 ; Wil- liam. 13. Hawte, Richard, 3. Hayes, Kent, xv. 36 ; Middlesex, 36. Haymon. Thomas, 84. Haynes, John, 22, 82. Hayte, Thomas, iS^. Hayward or Heywarde, Robert, 17. Head silver, 22. Heede. William, 42. Helton, Heollys, 3. Hencote, Thomas, 7(). Henley, Richard. 10 ; Thomas, 10. Herd. Alice, 29, 30. Herenden, Agnes, 69, 70 ; John, 6!). Hermitage at West Mailing, 52. Herrings, bequests of. xxi, 35. 40, 42. Herse-cloth, 13. 49. Ilerthorpe, Robert, 24. Hethe, Thomas, 82. Hever, 3(). Heydon, Dame Anne. 81. Hichenson. John, 4. High Halstow. ix, xiv. xviii, xxi*, x.Kii. 27, 28. 34. I ligham. x, xvii, 36, 38 ; Abbey of, 37. Highways, repair of, xxi. 14; ■'^ee lloads. Hill. Richard. 73. Hilles.St.Margaret [now in ruinsj. 37. Hobard or Hubbert. Thomas, 8, 16. Ilobsone, Thomas. 63. 77. Hodgeson. George. 31. Hodgkin in- Hcirgekyn. John. 41. 45. lIoggt'soH, Chi'istopher. 71. llogriggc, .lohn. 53. ilulljorough in Snodland, xvii. Holmes. Joone, 22. Holt, Jane, 13 : Robert, 13 ; Thomas, 13. Holway or Holoway, Thomas, 6(i*, 67. Holy bread, xx. 25. Holy Trinity, The, 39, 49, 63, 76, 82. GENERAL INDEX. 91 Holy water, clerk, 82 ; sprinkler, 21 ; stonp. 27. 2s. :n, .")i, (;u. Jloinuii. Harry, S. Hoo, All Hallows, viii. xi, xvii, 37, 73, 71 ; St. Mary's, xi, xx, 38, 74 ; St. VVerhuryh, ix. xi, xvii, xx, 3!(, 43, 53, 72, 73. Hoore, John. 36. llordi'ii. Edward, oi>. Honilee, .lolin, ID. Horsfal, Richard, xix, 11 Horsnionden. xii, xvi, xxi, xxiii, 41. Horton Kirby, vii, 37, 42. Honghton, Ralph, 33. Hou.slinp cloth. 7, 41. 70. Hudson. Sir Hugh, xix, 22. Hull, Dame Elizabeth, .")1. Humphrey, xi/c Vmfrey. Hunt, Harry, (!2 ; ,Joan. xxi. 5(; ; Wil- liam. 4, 13, .")1. Hunter. Joan, 76. Hunton, ix*. 42. Hutchinson (Hochynson or Howclien- son), John, ID ; Richard, 46*, 4!). Huxley, Thomas, 23. Hyckes. Julyan, 05. Iden, Thomas, xii, 73. Idley, John, 0(i, 07. Ifield ('/• Shinglewell. 43. Ifield or Yfelde, Robert, 37, 71. Ightham, viii. ix, 43. Images, in West Kent Churches, v; burial before, 38 ; gilding of, 44, 80 ; painting of, 34, 30. 04, 84. Isley or Isele, John, 07. 77 ; Thomas, 77. J Jacobe, Stephen, xvii, 3!i. Jakes, Roger, 01. Jancok. Joanna, 4. Janyn, William, 10. Jennings (Jenyngs or Jenyns), Eliza- beth, 17 ; John, 32. Jesop, John, 72. Jetour, Thomas, 10. " Jewell " (ornament), 24. Johnson, Alen, 48; Cecily, 20; Ed- ward, 16; John, 47; Joone, 49; Richard, 4 ; Thomas, 80 ; William. 19. Jones, William, 19. Jop, John, 84. Jordayne, William, 20. Jorden, John. OS. Joye, Alice, 40 ; Margaret, 39. Joysy, Robert, 58. K Kebill. Elizabeth, 35. Keme. .lulm. .")5. Kemp, .loan. 34. Kemsing. viii, 43. Kene. William. S2. Kenham, \\ illiaui. 20. Kerchief. 2o. 53, 70, 77. Keston. x, xiv. 43. King. The. title of, 4. King I'Mward VI., 32. King or Kynge, Thomas, 53. Kingsdown, 43, 44. Kingston or Kyngston, Alice. 47 ; John, 47. Knight ()/• Knygthe, Edmund, 57 ; Dame Joan, 51 ; John, 19. Knockholt (Okolte or Scots Okolt), 10. 41. Knotty nge, John, 18. Kyngissej'. Thomas, 19. Kynsare, John, 61. Kypping, Denis, 6, 58. Kyrfote. Perse, 30. Kyrwyche. Peter, 4. Kyte, Stephen, 7. Lacy, Peter de, 55. Ladd, William! 19. Lamberhurst, viii. xvi, 44. Lamkyn, John, 47. Lamp before Sacrament, 66. Land, gift of, to Church. 10, 23, 38. Langdon. John, Bishop of Itochester. 01. Langeley. Thomas, 75. Larke, John, 41. Larkelield, Lathe of, 70. Latten, candlesticks, 07. 79 ; for brass. 51, 00 ; bowls of, 11, 22. Launce. James, 2 ; John. 71. Lawson, William, 52. Layncelett, John, 4. Lead, 13 ; for roof, 42. Leche, Beatrice, 28 ; Roger, xviii, 23. Lectern, 23. 81. Lee, vii. viii, 45. Leeds or Ledys. William. 82. Legend (book), 11, 10, 34, 40. Leigh, vii, 45. Leman (Lemen or Lemans), Henry. 35 ; Margaret, 7, 44. Lepers' hospital, IS, 04. Lesness Abbey (Erith), 24. Letham, Ralph, xviii, 23. Levendale ";• Lendall, Katharine, 49; Stephen, 12 ; William, 12, 46, 48, 49. !92 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Lewar, Thomas, 41. Lewisham. vi. ix, x*. xiv, xvi. xix, XX. xxi. 4(3, 47, 48. 49. Ijewknor, Roger, 46. Leybourne, viii, 50, ol, 52. Leyche, John, 28. Leystede, Marg-aret, 4. Leystoii, John, 5(). Leystowe (buria] place). 1)7. Lights. Bachilors' or Our Lady's, 41 ; before Images, etc., v, (i. 34. 37. 38. 3y, ')i. 81 ; before the Sacrament, 23 ; about herse at funeral, (i2. Litle, sec Lytle. Littleg'rome, Andrew, 7. Lockyer or Lokyer, John, 3. Lombley, Thomas, 75. London, Adam, 28, 73, 75 ; John, 71. London, 14, 43, 44, 48, .53. (58, 83; Abbey of Graces, •">'.) ; Bhickfriars. 77 ; Bread Street, liJ ; Bridge Street, 3(j : Charterhouse, 12 ; Crossed Friars, 77 ; Gray's Inn, 78 ; Lon- don Bridg-e, 74 ; St. Helen's, Bis- hopsgate, 15 ; St. Magnus, 29 ; St. Olave's, 43 ; St. Paul's, 59. Longeman. Isabel. 38 ; Richard, xiv, 14, 28, 34*. Longfield, 50. Lord's Prayer in English at burial, 63. Lorkyn, Alice, 58 ; Henry, 27 ; John. 10 ; Thomas, 10, 58 ; William, 58. Love, John, 34, 35 ; Joone. 35 : Mai'- gery, 35 ; Thomas. 35. Lovell. William, 44. Loveyne. Sir Nicholas, 59. Lownde. William, 20. Lucas. John, 78. Luddesdon or Luddisdon, John, 30 ; Robert. 35. Ludderfdown, vii, xx, 50. Luffwich, .John, vi, U). Luude. Ivlmund, 21. Lurchen, .lohn, 84. Luton in Chatham, 10. Lye, William. 55. Lyncoll. Kobort. 77. Lynstedc. Margaret, 78. Jjyntoii, Thomas de, 12. Lytle or Litle. I^dwanl. 72: Harry. 28. M MabloL, Robert. 1 1, 2(), 57, Madtleis. Tliomas, 83. .Magiiysdi;!!, Thomas. 78. Makyns, Richard, 38. Mailing, East, 50, 53. Mailing, West, xi, 51, 65, 66, 73; Abbey and Abbess of, 37, 51. Malton, Dan John, 54. Malton Abbey, 54. Manning, John, 15 ; Thomas, 15. JIanual (book), 72. Maplescombe, 52. Maplesden, John, 26. ^larden, John, 3. Mardoll, Robert, 3. Marriages, cup for, xiv, 5. 11, 30; poor maidens', xxi, 56, 74. Marshall or Marchall, John, 26 ; Wil- liam, 65. Martyn 'V Marten, John, 19*, 42, 56 ; Richard, 18, 19; Thomas, 9; Wil- liam, 56. Masers (bowls), xiv. 5, 11, 29, 79. Mason, John, 50, 59 ; Katherine. 68. Mass book, a-«^ Missal. Mass, Jesus, 40, 41, 67; Our Lady, 13 ; Votive masses, 2. 22, 35. 52, 84. Mass penny, 39. Matersey Abbey. 54. Mathew. Hugh. 51. Mauusell, Robert, 37, 42. Mawde, John, xi, 6. Mayhew, John. 46. Maynard. Alexander, 1(!. Medehurst, John. 43, 44 : William. 22. Melch(^borii, Ralph, 83. Mellar, William. 7. Meller, Mistress, 63. Menge, John, xxiii ; William, 42. Meopham. 53 ; Chapel of La Dene in, 53. Meopham or Mepeham, Edmund de, 53. John, 6 ; Simon de, 53. ."Slerden, Robert, 25. Mereworth. 53. Merymau. Alice, 5. Metcalf. Nicholas, Archdeacon of Ro- chester, 72. Mew. .lohn. 57. Michell >'r Mycliell. John. 34. 82 ; Ro- bert. 31 ; Thi)mas. 82. MiddcKon or Myddelton, Margaret. 50. Mikylhaif, liiclia.rd. xi, 2S ; Stephen, 29. .Mildred or Myldrede. Richard, 21. .Miller or Myller, Elizabeth. ()2 : Tho- mas, 79 ; .vcr f/lxo Meller. MiUys or Mylys. John. 11 : Thomas. 51 : Walter, xxiv ; William, 51, Milton by Graveseud. xxi*, 21, 29,53. .Minot ('/• Mynot, iMartyn, 2. Missals (mass book), 7, 17, 36, 50, 57, 59, 60, 64, 67, 75, Moger, Henry, 8. GENEl^AL INDEX. 9i] Mogier, Afrnes, 12. Momfortli. Adam. IS. MniHif. .idhn. 10 : Thomas. ii2 ; Wil- liam, xxi. !>. .Moiiiuneiits, beiiuests fur. xi. !i. Morthorpp. (hribttopher. 7." : Denvs. 75. Moryti. liohert. '>'>. Mott. John, ix. xx. 11. 4:5. 71. Moyes (Moy.^e *'/■ Moysse). .Mice. :{•"> ; Laurence. :^-") : l;ichar(l,t> : William. Jlnnd V>;' Munde. .lohn. 7(1; Katlie- rinc. 7 7. Miuij^himi,.iohn,xxiii; William, xxiii. Musical instruments, xiv. <>;!. N Nave, reparation of, II. Naylor. fhif^h. S. Nettlestead. x. xii. xvi. .").". 7>^. Nevyll. Kdward. 28. Newholt. Rojjer. (II. Newenton. Cieoifry. 81. Newerke. Henry. :^«> : William. :!0. Newman, .lohn. 47 : Walter. 17. Nevvsam, Thomas. .")4. Nicholas. I'arson of Orpington. 14, 44, 56. Noon iir Nooen. Nicholas. 7(i ; Walter, 7(;. Northfleet. xxi, 53, 55. Norton, Margai'et, 51 ; Sir Hubert. 51. Norwich, 24. Norwode. Thomas. 17. Nursted. viii, xvi. 51;. Obit^, bequests for, xviii. 13, 17*, 18. 23, 24, 27. :!1. 32. 34. 35, 40. 45. 50. 53,71, 7t;. Offhani. xxi. 5(!. Okeherst. John. IS. Okley. .lohn. 28. Okyngham in Berks, 30. Oldcastle, Henry, 23. Olyver. Alice, til! ; Maryon. G7 : Wil- liam. ()7. Ordinale (book), 17, Organs, xiv, (>. 7, 41, 4S. 54, (>2, 77, f>0. Ornaments, xiii. Orpington, ix. 44. 5(;. Osbarne. Joan, 78. Osvvester, Robert. 55. Otford, vii. 57, (>7. Ottewell, Joon, 65, Owtred nr Owterede, Robert, 16; Thomas. 46. Oxenden. Airnos. 6!>. r Page, Edmund, 54 : John. 69* ; Mar- garet 75, 76 : Richard, 35. 68, 69 ; ihomas, xix. 69*. 70 : William. 68. I'alm. cross, xix. 1, 5, 24, 30, 71. 75. S2. 83 : trees, xx, 35, 73, Palmer tn- Palmar, Agnes, 35 ; Giles, xi. 39. 4 1. 74 : .Tolni. 35; Thomas. 4 : William. 50. Parfctt. llobert. Si. Parging walls. 61. Parish Clerk, 20; house for, xix, 23, 38. Parish Fine, bequest to relieve, xx. Parker, At>nes. 20 ; Joan. 56 ; Peter, 69 : William, 20. Parterich. Thomas, 29. Pasche. Peter. 40, 73. Passey, Agnes, 22 : John. 23. Pasties, xviii, 35. Paston. Dame .Agnes. 77 : Sir John. 77. Pattenden. James. 44 : William. 4 4. Pavement. 6, 10. 27, 35. II. 74, H4*. Paving tiles, 84. Paving street, 52. Pawley, Marion, 68. Pax, 11, 23, 43, 45. Paxbread, 1, 12 ; of silver. 83. Payntor, Alexander, xxi. 41. Peake or Peke, Lawrence. 6 ; Rich- ard, CiCt. Pecche, Lady, 26. Peche, John. 73 ; Stephen. 35. Peckham, James, 83 ; Reynold, 83 ; William. S3. Peckham. East. ix. 57 ; West, 58. Peel, liobert, 22. 81. Peion, William, 50. Pellycan, William, 51. I'elsatte. Richard. 67. Pembury, viii, 46, 58. Pendleton. John. 64. Peushurst. xx, 59. Penyale. John, 9. Peper, William, 68. Peron, Walter. 27. Pors. William. 5. Peryott. Harr}'. 37. Peterner, Thomas, 24. Pett or Pette, John. 50 : Richard. 67. Pew, pue, etc., 20, 23, 27, 6n. 64 ; .s-w ol.to Seat, Pewter, basins, 2o. 73. 77 : platters, xxi. 5(). rhanell. 23. Plianon, (io. 94 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Philipp. William. 5. Philpott. John, 8, 82 ; William, 82. Pies at month's mind, 14. Pigott. Joan. 82. Pilcher or Pylcher. Henry. 82. Pillow for altar, (U, 81. Pilorj' at Woldham, 82. Piltou. Robert, (J5. Pimpe ('.'• Pympe, Alice, 37, 51 ; John, xii. n') ; Margaret. 87 ; Thomas, 37. Pinchester. John. (iO. Pinnacles repaired (Tunbridge), SO. Pirry, Hubert, x. 4. Pix, 4, 4!), 70, 83 ; for visitation of sick. 84. Placebo and dirige. ."in, r)S. (;3, etc. Plate, bequests of. xxiii. Plumstead. .")!>. Pokle, William, !l. Pole or Poole, John, 70 ; Thomas, 37 ; William, 4, 54. PoUey. Alice, 33 ; John. 33, 5!», 7(; ; Thomas. 2.">. Poor. Thomas, ()4. Poor men's box or chest, 8, 21, 3(), 4(i. Porches, ix, 42, 5(), 70. Portus or Portiforium. 22, 23. 45. 48, 51,61,67,82. Pothede, Lawrence, 52. Potkyn. John. 82. Potter, John, 81* ; Richard, 80. Pownde, Joan, 63. Pratt, Edward, 41 ; John, 39*. Printed book. 36. Processional (" presyoners "), 7, 36, 65*. Processions, xvii, 18,23,3] ; cross, 69. Proclaiming sale of land in Church, 34. Proctor, John, 80. Profest, Simon, 77. Prophete, John. 36. 43. Prynte. Edmund, 78, Psalter, H, 82 ; of Our Lady. 8. Pull, Richard, 83, Pulter, Edward, 17; .John, 77, Purification, of Our Lady. 4(i ; of women, coverlet for, ;i'.i, 10. Purle}', John, 6(i, Pykeryng, Dame Alice, 51. Pynipc. xrr Pimpe. Pyx, William, 84. Pyx, srr Pix. Q Queen Jane f Seymour), xi, Qnoyf, William, 72. Quydynton. Thomas. 8(1. <,>uyntyn. William, 7. (,)wyk, Richard, 61. 32. R Ram, William. 35, Ranchawe, Giles, 3, 4. Randes, Philip, xxiii. 10. Randycke, Roger, 13. Raynolde, Robert, 65 ; William, 65. Rectory house, xix, 12. 14, 21. Redesdale. William, 2. 3. Reed or Rede. Edward, 24; Xicliolas, 83; Robert. 12; Sir Robert, 11, 12, 28 : Thomas, 46, 41) ; William, 4. Reger, .John. 19. Requiem, mass of, 35, etc. Reson. Robert, 50. Reve, John, 25. Revet, Thomas. 19. Ricbye. Joan. 17 : John. 18. Richarde. William. 44. Richardson. John, 78: William(Canon), 54. Ridley, 53, 60, Ringers, at funeral, 15. 54, 56, 61, 62, 63, 75 ; at obit, 71, Roads, bequests to, xxi, 14, 19, 20, 21, 41, 49, 52, .53, 57, 67, 79, 84*. Robert, Agnes, 6, Robinson, William, 22. Robys, John, 64. Rochester. 27, 82*. „ Abbey of. 62 ; dorter, 61. ., Almshouses, xxii, (!1. (!3*, 64. „ Bridge. 64 ; Chapel. 64. Bullyhill, 61. „ Cathedral Church, ix, xiv, 60, 6 1,62; Chapter-house, 64 ; Chapel of Bishop of, 60 ; Boys of Chapel of Bishop,()0; Lady Chapel, ()0, ()] ; singing men of the College, 63, „ Eastgate Street, 63, 6L ,, Inn called the Hart, 62. „ St. Austen's Well, 63*. ,, St. Bartholomew's. 62. „ St. Clement's Church, vii, viii, xvi, xxiii, 61. ,, St. Katherine's Chapel and Hospital, 61, (;2, (14, „ St, Margaret's Church, vi, xi, xii, 18, 35, 64. „ St. Nicholas's Church, vii, X, xiv*, 62. ,. St. Thomas's Chapel, ()2. „ St. William's Chapel, 62. White Ditch, 62. 64. Rochet, 62, Rogation tide, xvii, 31. Roger, Peter, 68 ; William, 57, 67. Rogers, Robert, 19, GENERAL INDEX. o: Rolfe or Rolff, Henry, 7-1 ; Joonc. H Stephen, II ; 'llioiniis, '.U. II ; Wil liani. liT. Itomney or Ilumney, IClizabeth, 85 Homy. 17. Rood, altar, ");") ; beam, 1 7 ; gilding of. 42 ; Doom painted over. :>!) cloth to han;jf over, so ; Mary and John, 72. Roodlofts, erected, x. 2, (!, 8, 17, 27 33, 37, 46, .5.5, (J2, (53, CO, (Ji), 72, 79 80 ; paintinjj' and ^ildiny', (io ; stairs to, 8 ; window hy. 72. Tloofin;^-, mending of, !•. 17. ;!<;, 4(1, .55 (11. 74. 82. liotheley, Uo^-er. lH : Williain. I'.t. Rounie. John, 7'.». Uowe, John, 59. Roydon. Thomas. 58. Rujri;e. Thomas, 5(J. l\nssell, John. 75. Ruxley, 05. Kyarsh, xvi, xvii. (i5. Rygbye, John, ()4, H>. Rykel, Rose, (J I ; Sir William, (in. Ryppon. Robert, 45. Kyssheton, Nicholas de, 12. S St. Alphagfe. 30. St. Andrew. 55. (U), (11. St. Barbara. 29, ()3. St. Blaise, ix, 2, 58, 74. St. Botolph, 5(). St. Christopher (Xpofer, etc.), 39, 51, 72. St. Clement. 31, 81. St. Denys, 32. St. Denys's Daj-, xviii. St. Edith, 43. St. Edmund. 19. 52. St. Edmund's Hill, 40. St. George. 83. St. Giles, 2(1. St, G regory. 7 1 . St. James, ix. 5. 10. l(i. 2S. 31. 3(1, CI. 83. St. John. 69, 81. St. .lohn Baptist. 19, 24. 34. 77. 83. St. .Iiilm P>aptist's l>ay. xviii. 23. St. Katharine, 1(!, 17, 25. 44, 50, 80. St. Lawrence, 1 7. St. Luke. 7(5. St. Marp;aret, 34. 41. 75. St. Martin, (55. St. Mary (Our Lady), viii. ix. (!. 7. 8. 9. 10. 19. 20. 24. 25. 27. 33. 36, 39. 44 ! 4(). 4<). .",5. 57, G5. (17. (IS. 74. 75. 7(i. 78,79,82,83, St. Mary Magdalen, 13, 50. St. Michael, 17, 57, 81. St. Nicholas, (3, 23, 67, 71, 75, 80. ,Sf. I'd urn ErelciiiuliKjical Societt/s Frocci'dlngs, v. St. Peter, 58. St. Peter and St. Paul. 16. 53, 67, 73. 77, 79. 84. St. Stephen. 81. St. Thomas's Day, xviii, 23. St. Thomas of Canterbury, 44, St. Ursula. 61. Saffrf)n (iardens, 75. Salmon, Geor^^e, 45. Sampson. Dorotliy. 41 : Elizabeth. 41 ; John. II : Williani. 21. Sandy 11. Thomas. 79. Sankyn. Robert, W>. Sarum, 12. Satchel for surplice, 49. Satin of I'.ruges. 38. Saunder (Sawnder nr Sander), Adam, 72 ; Felice, 75 ; Richard, xx, 38 ; William. (58. Sayer, Edward. 14. Scapeia. de. John. 15ishop of Roches- ter. (iO ; John, Prior of Rochester, 60. Scotncy in Lamberhurst, 45. Scott or Skott, J. R., 55 ; William. 47, 52. " Scott of Scott's Hall " cited. 55. Seal. vi. xi. xvi, 6, 66. Seats. X, 5, 7, 19. 20, 23, 26. 27, 29. 33, 43, 44, 63, 80, 84. Sedcoppe. .John, 15 ; William, 54. Sepulchre. Easter, xii, 41. 44, 51, 57, 80. Sermon, bequest for, 15, 4(). Services. Matins, Mass, and Evensong, 54. Sevenoaks, 67. Sexton, XX, 59. * Seyntclere. Philip. 59. Sharpo. .lohn. 83 ; liicl-iard. 8. Shears, pair of. engraved on tomb. 5! ; tiiftof. 64. Sheby or Seby, Thomasine, xv, 30. Sheep, gifts of, 27, 38. 41 ct pasxim. Sheets, gift of. 55. 75, 78. Shelley. Pichard. 77. Sheniyng. .lohn, 63 ; Thomas. 63. Sheraton, Steven, xi, 38, 74. Shingling roof, etc., vii, 22. 42. 52. 74. 76. Shipborne. ix. xvi. (!(>. ()7. Shoes, becjuests for. xxi. 35. 53. Shooter's Hill, xviii. Sliorehain. 68. Shorne. viii, xi, xvi. xix. xx, 68. Shorte, John, 74. 9() TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Shote, Robert, 7. Shott. Alls. 7. Hrt : Henry. 52 : John. 7, 12. 8hre\vsburj-, Lady, xiii. 24. Siligrove, Roger. HS. Skerne. Edward. -I."). Skorlocke. Harry. 7. Skylman, Henry. 2/?. Slegrg-e, Stephen. 82. Smardon. Alison. 47. Smart, John, fio. Smith or Smyth, .John. 2'.t. ti.S ; Law- rence, fi") ; Richard. 7. (!S ; Sibill. Smythes, Elizabeth. 17. Snayth. William, 1. .Suodlaml, viii, ix, xii, xvii, 70. Snosmere, John, 0, (!6. Somer, Geffrey, :!'> : John, :>3. Sondes, Richard. .". Sprig. Cnristian. 47, 49 : William. 47. 48. Spr^'ngatt, Joan, .">(». Stace (If Stacy. John. 80,81 ; Thomas. 72. ' ' Stafford. William. 77. Stake. John. 49. Stalworth, Thomas, 70. Stanforde. John, 22. Steel. William, 11. • Steeple, -see Tower. Stephen. Thomas. 74. Steven. Thomas, xiv, 43. Stevens, Margaret, 3ii : William. I!i). Stidolf or Stydulfe, Henry. 79; Nicholas, 79. Still or Styll. Alice. 14 ; Thomas. 58. Stoke, vi. ix, xii, xvii, 72. 73, 74. Stokton. John, xii, 81 ; Thomas, 20. Stole (vestment). 23, (iO, 61. Stone, William, 36. Stone, memorial, vii. ix. xii. xiii, 18. 19, ;!7, 51. 62, 63, 64. 70. 72, 73. 74, 81 ; engraved with name, 35, 40. Stopfelde, Jolm. 33. Stott, .lohii, 73. Stratford, James, 46. 4.5, 49, 55, for boys. Streamer, 84. Streton or Streetend. John. 38. Streyte, Cuthbert, 48. Strood. ix, xvi, xix, 27, 64, 75, 83 ; New Work Hospital (Novi operis) in. 75. 77. Sndbrow. Thomas, 32. Siilham. John. 21. Sun-dials, xx. Sundridge, xiv. 67, 77. Super-altar. 67. Surplice, 7. 15, 16. 19. 33*, 56. ()2. 63. 71. 75. 76. 82 :' 83. Sutton. Richard, 62, 82. Sutton at Home, 25, 77. Swan, William. 71*. Svvanscombe. 77. Swetesvre. Robert. 6." 16. Swynam, John, 27. Swynesto. Joan, 14. Sw^'sle, Richard, xxii. Sybyle, William, 25. Sydenham in Levvisham, 49. Symmes, Symond, 32. T William, xii. 72. 62; at Tabernacles. (!. 7, 8. 31, 42. 75. 79. Table-cloth, gift of, 14. 22. 30, 8ti. Tackling (ropes), bequest of. 66. Talbot. Hichard. (>. Tanner, John, 80 : Thomas, 75. Tapers, 16, 65 ; at funeral, 26, on grave, 51, 54 : on herse, 54 ; obit. 71. Tapestry. 20. Tapping. Ralph, 32. Tarboke. Thomas. 15. Taylor, Alice, xxiii : Hugh, 4 ; John, xxiii. 16, 24; Margaret, 52; Tho- mas. 21. 53. Taylors" shears on gravestone. 51. Tebbe. Richard. 33 : William, 9. Tebold or Thebolde, Joiiu, 9. 67. Teccher, Margaret, 31. Templeman, Simon, 45. Teston, vii, x. xvi, 78. Theosonoforum (.' roodloft), 37. Thomas. .Vgncs, 44. Thorpe. William. 69. Thurible. 55. Tithe due, 37. Tod, (Christopher, 19. Tombs, bequests for, xi, xii, 4, 45. Tong. Di^nyse, 15. Tonnok, Richard, 13. Torches, 11,27,36,54,56. GENERAL INDEX. Totenham, John, 1!». Totty aliax Bobbe, John. xii. 41. Towells, bequests of. 2S. 'M). -18, (H. 7(), 78, 80. Towers, buildin"-. list of. vi, vii ; be- quests to, 11. i:i, U;. l'.», 21. 25, 30, 42. 4.-.*, 47, 50. 52, 5.S. 57, 62, t)4*, (!<;, 72, 75, 78*, 82 ; mendiii},'- ring- ing place, Cyi<. Towne. William, 0. Troiital of St. Grogorj'. ()8. 'I'resse. Walter. 41. Trilkk. Thomas. Bishop of Kochester. Trottersclif, xvi. 78. Tudley, xvi. xxii. !i, 7!t. Tudor or Tutor. Katharine. 7:! : Rich- ard. 7:>. Tumlicr. Simon. 77. Tunbridge, viii, xi, xvi. 1 1. 7'.i. Tunbrj'gg. Thomas, 25. Tunicles, 52. (JO, (!1, 75. Turner. William, 14. Tuttesham. Richard, 25. Twyford Iiridge. 84. Tylghman, William, 71. Tynney, Henry. 04. TJ Umfrey or Umfray, John, 3;{ ; Wil- liam, 71. Urban, John. 71. Ussher or Usher, Joan, 53 ; Thomas, 70. Veddy, Joan, 27. Venetre, Alice, 80. Vestments, gifts of, xiii. 1 ct prixxim ; black, 3. 25, 28. SO ; Ijlue, 23 ; blue satin, 2!l ; crimson velvet. 57, 58 : green baudkin. 57 ; green and black velvet, f Jesus. At All Saints, Canterbury, the Light of the Nativity of Our Lord, whicli is said to liave heen recently introduced (1487). In the destroyed Parish Church of St. Peter in Dover was a Lig-ht of the Passion of Our Lord at the pillar beside the font. At Ashford was the Light of the Figure of Jesus. Our Lady. Every Church had at least one Image of Our Lady, and often several. At Chislet, which is so dedicated, there were seven different Lights. In many parishes the different hamlets maintained their special Light to Our Lady or some other Saint, which was known by the name of that part of the parish. The Image of Our Lady generally stood on the north side of the high altar, and the Patron Saint probably on the south side. Altars, Images, or Lights are mentioned under the following different forms in the Churches : — (1) Tlic Nativity oF Our Lady (8 September) — Chi slot. St. Lawrence in Thauet. Wye. (2) Our Lady of Grace — Lenham. Newington next Sittingbourne. Stone in Oxuey. (8) Conception of Our Lady (8 December) — At Chislct was a Light. (4) Purification of Our Lady (2 February) — Folkestone. [This one instance corresponds with one at "West Mailing.] (5) Our Lady of Pity. At Charing it is explained as being " the Light of the Pity and Compassion, which has the Blessed Virgin at her Son's Passion and Burial." This Image or represeutation was found in G2 Churches in East Kent, as compared with the 27 Churches in the Western Pivisiou of the county. ^ b 2 vui TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. (6) Our Lady and Joseph — Chislet. Faversham. This is probably the same as : (7) Our Lady in Jeson (or Childbirth) Chislet. Cranbrook. Faversham. Lenham. Lydd. (8) Salutation of Our Lady (2 July) Hackington. Minster in Sheppey (altar). Sandwich, St. Mary's (altar). "VVestwell. (9) Our Lady of Bethlehem— Faversham. (10) Assumption of Our Lady (15 August) Canterbury, St. Mary North- Lenham. gate. Mardeu. Charing. IMilton (next Sittingbourne). Chilham. St. Lawrence in Thanet. Chislet. St. Nicholas at Wade (altar). Folkestone. Sandwich — St. Mary. Faversham. St. Peter. Hinxhill. (11) Coronation of Our Lady — Otterden. (12) Our Lady of Walsingham — Newington (next Sittingbourne). (13) Our Lady of Nesse — See under Pilgrimages, page xviii. St. Thomas of Canterbury. This Saint is mentioned as being- represented in 41 Churches, and in 19 f)thor (^hurches mention is made of " St. Tliomas," probably indicating' the Archbishop to whom INTKODTJCTION. IX Hospitals were dedicated at Caiiter])ury and Sandwich, and a Chapel in the garden of the Priory of St. Gregory at Canterbury. In the following- Churches there was a Chapel or altar in honour of St. Thomas of Canterbury : — Adishaiii. Abh. Craubrook. Faversliaiii. Lower Halstow. Ickham. Newchurch. Image — Blean. Dover, «t. Mary. Goodiieston (next Faversham). Light — Ashford. Boughtoi) Alii|)li. Boughtou uuder Blean. Boughtou Malherbo. Challock. Chislet. Harrietsham. Hedcorn. Uothfield (Brotherhood). Leysdown (10). Maidstone. Ospriugc. Samlliurst. Sandwich, St. Mary (10). Sandwich, St. Clement. Sandwich, St. Peter. St. Nicholas at Wade. Tenham (14). Ruckinge. Sutton Valence. Witter^jham (6). Milton (next Sittingbourue). Minster in Thanet. Oare. New Romney, St. Lawrence. St. John's in Thanet. St. Lawrence in Thanet. Throwley. Ulcome. Waltham. Whitstable (21). In the following- Churches it is " St. Thomas " : — Burmarsh. Charing (Image). Chartham. Deal. Dover, St. James (altar). Harbledown, St. Nicholas (Chapel). Lower Halstow^ (altar). Heme. Hernehill. Hollingbourne (10). Ivychurch. East Langdon. Leeds. Lyminge. Reculver. Rolvenden (altar). Staple. AVingham. Worth (10). i TEST AMENTA CANTIANA. lu the Church of Buckland, near Dover, was a " Chapel of St. Thomas/' but this is probably the " Blessed Thomas de Halys," a monk of the Priory of St. Martin, slain by the French in 1295, when they attacked and ravag-ed Dover (see page 104^). In West Kent, St. Thomas of Canterbury is found at Crayford, Dartford, East Farleigh, Greenwich, Lamber- hurst, Otford, St. Nicholas, Rochester, and Wouldham. Various Saints. Amono-st the various Saints mentioned in the Parish Churches are : — St. Adrian (4 March), at Ashford and Boughton Mal- herbe. Also the Light of All Souls at Broomfield, Great Hardres, and Monks Horton. In West Kent, at Chatham. St. Appoline (28 July), at Cranbrook, Frittenden, Smar- den, and Wye. There was an Image of this Saint in the south choir aisle of the Cathedral at Canterbury. St. Akmigell. — He was born in Britain about the year 482, but went to Britany, where he lived as a hermit and worked great miracles. In the Church of St. Andrew in Canterbury there was a Light in his honour. In West Kent, an Image at Brencliley and Yalding. In tlie Sarum Missal is a Mass in his honour. St. Augustine (presumably the Apostle of the English) is found at Brookland, St. Andrew's Canterbury, East Lang- don, North bourne, Snave, and Stonor. St. Blaise (3 February). — He was the patron Saint of the woolcombers, and is found in the Churches of Bonenden, Broomiield, Cranbrook, Hawkhurst, Leeds, Mardon, Otham, Pluckley, Sevingtou, and Wychling. In West Kent, only at East Peckham and Crayford. St. Cikiac (8 August), at Brabourne (possibly this was the original dedication of the Chunh) and Preston next Wingham. INTHUDUCTION. xi St. Clare (12 Auyust), at Ashford, Hytlie (where there was a Chapel), and Stone in Oxney. In West Kent, at Deptford. St. Cosmus and St. Damian (27 Sej^tember). — They were two brothers and Arabs by birth, wlio laboured and were martyred in Cilicia. Having studied medicine, they relieved the suffering" poor, from whom they would take no payment. Martyred under Diocletian in the fourth century. At Bick- nor was an altar, and the Churches of Blean and Challock are dedicated to them. St. Crispin and St. Crispian (25 October). — The Battle of Ag'incourt, being- foug-ht on 25 October 1415, caused these Saints to become popular in this country ; they were the patrons of shoemakers. In Faversham Church was an altar, and at Tenterden an Imag-e ; whilst in West Kent their Imag-es were in St. Nicholas, Kochestor, and West Mailing. They are represented in the Dutch Glass (No. 157) in the IJeaney Institute at Canterbury. St. Dorothy (0 February) occurs only at Leeds. St. Dunstan. — Four Churches are dedicated to him — one in Canterbury and those of Cranbrook, Frinstead, and Snar- gate. In Littlebourne Church was a representation of St. Dunstan in one of the windows (see page 197). St. Edmund. — Probably this is Edmund .Rich, the Arch- bishop of Canterbury (1234 — 40), who is commemorated on 16 November. At Faversham, Hy the, Lenham, and St. Nicho- las in New Romney. But if St. Edmund the King and Martyr the day is 20 November, and to whom one of the destroyed Ciiurches of Canterbury was dedicated; also Kingsdown. St. Eanswithe (12 September). — At Breiisett and Folke- stone. For an account of this Saint and the finding of her Reliquary in the Parish Church of Folkestone see AvcJkpo- logia Cantiana, Vol. XVI., p. o22. St. Eustace (2 November) occurs at Noiiiugton. St. Gonella, in Roy ton Chapel in the parish of Lenham. St. Helen. — There was an Image in St. Alphege at Canterbury. St. Hiliary (13 January), in the destroyed Church of St. John the Baptist at Dover. xii TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. St. John of Bridlington (10 October 1379), who was canonized by Pope Boniface IX. (1389 — 1404), had an altar in two seaport towns, in the destroyed Church of St. Nicho- las, Dover, and in the Church of St. Peter at Sandwich. St. Loye (1 December), the patron of blacksmiths and guardian of horses, is found at Aldington, Ashford, Bridge, St. George's, Canterbury, Deal, St. Mary's, Dover (where there was a Chapel), Faversham, Frittenden, Goudhurst, Milton, Ospringe, Eolvenden, St. Martin in New Eomuey, and Staplehurst. In West Kent, at Bromley, Chalk, Dart- ford, Gillingham, Milton near Gravesend, and Sutton at Hone. St. Mildred (20 February).— To this Kentish Saint three Churches are dedicated — one in Canterbury, Preston next Wingham, and Tenterden, whilst at Minster in Thanet was a Light. St. Oswald (5 August). — The dedication of Paddlesworth Church near Lyminge to this northern Saint is through St. Ethelburga, daughter of King Ethelbert, the foundress of Lyminge, where she retired after the death of her hus- band ^dwine, slain at the Battle of Heathfield near Don- caster 12 October 633. St. Osyth (or Sythe), one of the three daughters of Frithewald, a sub-king of Surrey, her mother being Wil- burh, the daughter of Penda, King of Mercia. St. Osyth at Chiche (now known as St. Osyth in Essex) founded a religious community. Her Image was in the south choir aisle of Canterbury Cathedral, which may, perhaps, account for her being found in so nrany Churches in Kent — Ash- ford, Bapchild, Boughton Malherbe, Boughton Monchelsey, St. Dunstan in Canterbury, Charing, Chart near Sutton, Linton, Great Mongeham, Eodmersham, St. Mavj and St. Clement in Sandwich, Stone in Oxney, and Tunstall. In West Kent, at Dartford, Eltham, Hadlow, St. Clement in Rochester, and Strood. St.Rauegund (13 August). — Besides the Abbey near Dover, there was a Light to this Saint in Teynham Church, whilst Postling Church is dedicated to St. Mary and St. Eadegund. St. Roke (16 August), at Holy Cross in Canterbury, iNTltODUCTlON. xm Cranbrook, the destroyed Church oH St. Peter in Dover, Guston, and Wye. In West Kent, only at Wt)ldhau). St. Rumwold (3 November). — The Church of Bonington is dedicated to this Saint. St. Sebastian (20 Januiiry). — He wiis the patron of archers and pin-makers, and occurs at Boughton Mallierbe, Charing, and Wye. In West Kent, at Bromley and All Hallows, Hoo. St. Thomas the Apostle (21 December) is found at Eythorne, Faversham, Harty (the Church being dedicated to him), St. Nicholas at Wade in Thanet, and Staplehurst. . With reference to the Blessed Thomas of Dover, see page 104. St. Troneon (7 February) is thought to be the same as St. Eonan, a Scotch Saint, Bishop of Kilmaronnock in Dum- barton. He IS found at Bridge, St. Andrew's in Canterbury (whcie there Avas a Brotherhood), St. Mary Bredin in Can- terbury, the destroyed Church of St. Peter at Dover, Favers- ham, and St. Clement, Sandwich. St. Ursula (21 October) occurs in two of the Canterbury Churches — St. Andrew and Holy Cross, and in two of the Parish Churches of Sandwich — St. Mary and St. Peter. In Rochester Cathedral was an altar in the north transept. St. Vincent, at Littlebourne, to whom the Church is dedicated, was a Spanish Deacon, who suffered martyrdom during the Diocletian persecution. On the north wall of the nave of Littlebourne Church is part of a wall-painting of St. Vincent. St. Welcome is found at Harrietsham. Local Saints. In the porch of Hinxhill Church was the tomb of Wil- liam of Sheriffeld, Wm. Bray in 1510 giving 12d. to the mending of this tomb.'^t * Mr. L. L. Duncan visited llinxliill in Au^'ust, l!»Ofi, n\v\ writes : " That the old porch on the south side of the (.'hureh has been pulled down and the doorway blocked up, a late porch ol' brick having been built I'urlher westward, and a new diwirway broken through the wall." t This might have been a representation of the Shrine of St. William of Perth in llochester Cathedral, who came from llarriotiield, a village iu (Jlen Almond, ami was murdered at Rochester in 1201. (See Nutex and Queries, 10 S., vi., p. 374.) XIV TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. At Newiugton next Sitting-bourne there was in tlie Church a Chapel of St. Robert, and Wm. at Wood of Up- church in 1504 mentions this " St. Robert of Newenton parish " as a place of pilgrimage. St. Sonday. This is said to be St. Dominic, the founder of the Friars- Preachers or Dominicans, for John Topyn in his will, dated 1493 (P.C.C, 4, Vox), mentions " The Image of St. Dominic called St. Sonday." Some have thought it refers to Our Lord or Sunday, and William Patten, who in 1548 published Tlie Expedition into Scotland in 1547, speaking of various Saints, says, " and sweet St. Sunday comes once a week." {Tndor Tracts, 1532—88, edited by A. F. Pollard, p. 98.) This Saint is found at Ashford, Bapchild, Bobbing, Boughton Malherbe, Great Chart, Hawkhurst, Kenardington, Leeds, Lenhani, Lynstead, Ospringe, and Throwle}' . In West Kent, at Brenchley, Chalk, All Hallows, Hoo, and Strood. King Henry VI. Buried at Windsor and popularly proclaimed a Saint, attempts were made to canonize this King, whose tomb was visited, offerings made, and even miracles attributed to him. Images of Henry VI. were set up in many Churches and votive tapers burnt before the same. At Caversham in Berks was the dagger, venerated as a relic, with which the King is said to have been killed in the Tower, " Pilgrim Signs " i-epreseiit the King crowned, with a ball surmounted by a cross in the left hand and a sceptre in the right liand. (See Proceedings of the Societij of Antiquaries , Second Series, vol. xii., p. 227, and the Jlhutrated Arclueoloijist, vol. i., p. 245.) He was venerated in the Churches of Boughton Mon- chelsey, Burmarsh, and Smarden. In West Kent, at Lewis- ham. INTRODUCTION. iv John Schobne. At Favershani in 1515 John Sonte <^ave 20'/. to the Lic^'ht burning- before Master John Shorn in the Parish Church of Faversham. Although spoken of as a Saint or the Blessed John Schorne, there is no record of his canonization. His spring or well is still in existence near the village of North Marstou in Bucks, in which Church he was buried before the high altar in 1814. (See The Reliquary and Tllustrated Archceo- Jogist, vol. vii., pp. 37 — 44.) Anchorite at Faversham. Many of the parishioners of this town gave a bequest to the Ancras or Ancresse, who had a servant to attend her. But in 1541 '' Sir Thos. Crakynthorpe " was anker or anchorite. Hermit of Puxton. At Puxton' in the parish of Stodmarsh was a Hermit, for Robt. Sni3-the of Wickhambreux in 1516 gave " To the Armet of Puxton, 12d.'' Hermit of Sandwich. Adjoining the Chapel of St. James in the j)arisli of St. Mary, Sandwich, was an Hermitage. In lo-So a bequest of 6«. 8(^. was made to the Ancras being at Our Lady Church, and in 1538 "To Sir John the Heremit, 6s. Sd." John Steward, the last Hermit, became Vicar of St. Mary. Hermit of Whitstable. In 1514 " The Hermit of St. Anne's " is mentioned, and in 151!) " Robert Wodroff, heremyte." Hermit of Lydd L 3s. Chapel at the Hermitage In 1521 was given 3s. 4d. towards the building of the new svl TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. The Hoklight. Hoktide may possibly mean High Day, and seems to refer to Easter. It was a popular festival kept on the second Monday or Tuesday after Easter Sunday, when money was collected for parish purposes by humorous methods. {Historical English Dictionary.) The name occurs in a Deed, 1257, of the payment of money on Hokeday. It is very doubtful if, as some say, it commemorates the day of St. Brice (13 November 1002), or the extinction of the Danish rule by the death of Hardicanute, 8 June 1041. At River was the Light of St. Mary called Hokdaylight. Seasalter : The Light of Our Lady called Hokday. Staple : The Light called Hoclight. Sturrey : The Hokelight. St. Lawrence in Thanet : The Hokketide taper of East Clevesend. Stour mouth : The Hoklight. Tilmanstone : The Light called Hokeday Light. Whitfield : The Hokelight. Whitstable : Hogdaylight. In Wickhambreux parish was a Hoke or Hooke Chapel, a separate building from the Parish Church, and perhaps the present post-office. The Hogenelmoney at Biddenden and the Hognel Light at Hawkhurst may possibly refer to Hoktide. In West Kent, at Brenchley in loll Kobert Dan gave I2d. for a torch at Hoktime, and at Southlleet was the Light of All Saints of Hoke (1449). The Palm Cross. The churchyard cross, which was usually on the south side of the Church, marked the second station in the Palm Smiday procession, after the blessing of tlie palms in the Church, is called the " Palm Cross " at Ashford, Boughton Blean, Boxley, Eboney, Favershain, Hastingleigli, St. John's in Thanet, Lenham, Lynstead, Preston next Faversham, Reculver, St. Peter in Sandwich, and Wittersham. INTRODUCTION. xvii For full particulars of the Palm Sunday procession, see Rock's Church of Our Fathers, vol. iv., pp. 227 — 32, and Processionale ad usum Sarum (Leeds, 1882), pp. 43—54. Pilgrimages. Bequests were made for persons to go on pilgrimage on behalf of the testator, and in some instances the person is named who is to undertake the pilgrimage. The places mentioned are : — 1. Our Lady of Walsingham in Norfolk. John Clarke of Frittenden in 1481 willed, That one have 6s. 8d. to visit the Image of Blessed Mar}- of Walsingham. John Clement of Graveney in 1501 also gave Qs. 8d. to a pilgrim going to Blessed Mary of Walsingham. 2. The Blood of Hayles. Simond Gaunt of the parish of St. Margaret at Cliffe in 1514 made request. That Richard Brown go to the Holy Blood of Hayles, and he to have a marc for his labour and my best gown, or else 6s. 8d. with the marc. [See a note under St. Margaret at Cliffe, page 271.] 3. The Rood of Grace at Boxley. 4. The Hood of Rest. There was a "Rood of Rest" in the Church of West Mailing and also in the Church of Schorne. 5. St. Robert of Netoington {next Sittingbourne) . Wm. at Wood of Upchurcli in 1504 mentions in his will. That Wm. at Wood and Thomas Rider hath promised to go Pilgrimage for me to Our Lady of Walsingham, to the Rood of Reste, to the Rood of Grace of Boxley, and to St. Robert of Newenton parish, and they shall have for their labours 10s. and four bushels of wheat. 6. The Rood of Hastings. This may possibly have bopn the R(»(h1 in tli<' Pi-iory Church of the Holy Ti'inity at Hastings in Sussex. xv^W TESTAMENT A CANTIANA. Wm. Couper of Stone in Oxney in 1517 in his will directs, That mj ex'ors cause Pilgrimage to be done, undone by my life, that is, to St. Stelikis [query as to this name], the Cross of the Rood [? Blood] of Halles^, Our Lady of Nesse, and the Rood of Hastyng. 7. Our Lady of Nesse. Juliana Greenhill (late of Snave) of St. Margaret's, Can- terbury, where she was buried, in 1501 gave. To the Light of Our Lady of Nesshe, 6(1 . John Giblot of Folkestone in 1518 gave, For an offering to Our Lady of Nesse, 4d. He also gave the same to Our Lady of Pulton, and Our Lady of Walsingham. Thos. Stubbs of Borden in 1530 gave to Our Lady of Nesse, 20d. In Mailing Abbey Church (Assumption of Our Lady) a part of the building was so called. Elisabeth Pellycan in 1487 desired to be buried by her husband in the Nesse of the Monastery of Our Blessed Lady of Westmalling. \\'m. Catelyn in 1499 desired to be buried in the body of the (.'hurch of the Monastery of Mailing called the Nesse, that is to say, at the south end of the altar before the Image of Our Lady of Pity. {Parish Churches of West Kent, p. 279.) Various. At Mersham the " Light called croked beam " is men- tioned in three wills: John Fagg, 1488; Thos. Byng, 1484; and Wm. Carpentar, 1502. The " Light of the Browm Rood " is mentioned at Otter- den, and the " Light of Almighty God called the Brownerood " at Sitting-bourne, where it was in the Chapel of St. John the Baptist. At Elham was the " Heyre Light " and the " Light called Trillion my Harp," also " Trill on mine Harp," and "Trylon- iiiyliarp." (See Arrha'oJogin (Jautiava, Vol. X., p. Go.) At Elham and Staple was " The Egg Light," which may possibly have been maintained by gifts of eggs. INTRODUCTION. xix Tho " Alms Lijjhf " is nientifvned in Ijoth tlie Parish Churches of St. Clement and St. Peter in Sandwich. At Whitstable was the " Lio-ht Mustlar " and the " Mus- kyll tape]-." In the Cenhiri/ IHctionary " Muskylle " is o-iven as an obsolete form of mussel. Did the mussel gatherers support a special Li<:;lit in their Parish Church? Smarden had the Lig-ht of Sir (also called Saint) Thomas Wohope, Whoope, or Woyhope, who it seems was a former rector of the parish, for John Saunder of Smarden in 1510 gave 4(1. to " The Li<^-ht of Sir Thomas Wohoj)e, sometime parson of the same Church." A Doni. Thomas Woghope was Treasurer of Canterbury when on 22 May 1332 he was commissioned with otliers, by Abp. Simon Mepham, to examine candidates for Ordina- tion. ("Christ Church Eeo-ister L," fol. 20, per Rev. T. S. Frampton, F.S.A.) This Thomas Wog'hope was probably the founder of the Light (perliaps in honour of St. Thomas of Canterbury), which was, however, known by his name, in the same way that the Hosintal of St. Thomas of Canterbur}^ in Sandwich was spoken of as the Hospital of St. Thomas Ellis, who was the founder. At Biddenden in 1505 Richard Andrew^ gave to the Hogenelmoney, 4(/. ; whilst at Hawkhurst is the bequest of Wm, Hanion in 1506 to the Light called Hognellight during seven years after my death, every year 1 2d. At Eboney, Robert Golding in 1513 gave to the " Light of Ovenani called Hogwell Light, SJ." Ovenana is given as meaning an enclosure in the Record Interpreter. Lenham Church appears to have possessed a clock, for John at Water in 1500 gave 12f7. to tho reparation of the clokke at Lenham. The Bachelors' Light. In St. Mildred's, Canterbury, was The Cross Light called the Bachelors, also spoken of as the Cross Light of Bachelors. At Faversham, Henry Hatche in 1533 desired to be buried before the Bachelors' Light. XX TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. At Reculver was the Light which is called the Bachelors' Light in the Church. In West Kent there was a similar Light in the Church of All Hallows, Hoo. Youngmen's Light. Li Biddenden Church w^as the Light called Youngmen's Light or Light of St. Mary called Youngmen's Light. There was a similar Light at Frittenden, Reculver, and Eolvenden. In Whitstable Church was the Light of Our Lady that the men doth keep. Maidens' Light. In Biddenden Church was the Young Wemyn's Light, and at Frittenden the Light of the Maidens. Image or Figure in a Window. At East Langdon in 1534 there is the bequest of Wm. Forstall of 20s. to the maintenance of the Light of Our Lady standing in the glass window (page 184). Littlebourne : Thos. Durrant of Elbright {V Elbridge) in 1529 desired to be buried in the churchyard even against the Trinity window. Two tapers each of Ih lbs. were to be kept in the Trinity window in the Church at the cost of his son Robert. Wm. Rigdon in 1518 desired to be buried in the Church of Littlebourne before the window of St. Dunstan, and gave to the making of the same window and for a Mass- book, 40s. His son Thos. Rigdon in 1525 gave 6s. 8d. to the makino- of the window that his father willed to be made (pages 197, 198). Lyminge : Simon Hempsted in 1511 gave a taper of 4(7. to biii-ii before the Image of St. Christoi^her in the glass window (page 203). The Jesus Mass, Tlic Jesus Mass was sung every Fi'iday, being a weekly devotion to Our Lord, that became more frequent during INTRODUCTION. xxi the I5tli century, after the adoption of the Feast of the Holy Name (7 Aug-ust) in the year 1457.* There is mention of tliis Jesus Mass at Ashlord, Bethers- den, Biddenden, Boug-hton Monchelsey, four of the C;in- terbury Cliurches— Holy Cross, St. Marg-aret, St. Mary Northgate, and St. Mildred — Cranbrook, St. Mary's, Dover, Eastrey, Elhani, Faversham, Folkestone, Heme, Leeds, Lenham, Lydd, Maidstone, Newington, Noning-ton, Reculver, Rolvinden, St. Mary, Sandwich, Staplehui-st, Tenterden, Whitstable, Winghani . Brotherhoods. These were connected with the Lights of a Parish Church, and often existed for the purpose of maintaining- and looking after them. Where no name is given the bequest was "to each Light of which I am a brother " or " to every Brother- hood Light." App]edore (not named). Bredgar (not iinincMl). Brensett— St. Anne. St. Katherino. Brook la 11(1 — Our Lady. St. James. St. Stephen. Canterbury — St. Barbara. (St. Andrew's), St. Troneoii. (St. George), St. George. (Holy C^'oss), Ma8.s of Jesus. Holy Cross. (St. Margaret's), Our Lady. (St. Mary Bredman), Name of Jesus. (St. Mary, Northgate), Jesus. (St. Paul's), The Sacrament. Black Friars Church, St. Nicholas (which was the guild of the parish clerks). Friars Augustine, St. Erasmus. * See " The Jesus Mass and Aiitliem," by E. G. Cuthbert Y. Atchley, in the Transactions of the St. J^'iul's Ecclesiological Society, vol. v., p. 163. Q xxii TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Hospital of St. Thomas, Corpus Cliristi. Priory o£ St Gregory, St. Thomas the Martyr. Charing — Holy Cross. Chislet — St. James. Cranbrook — The Rood. Dymchurch — Corpus Christi. Eboney — St. Katheriue. Ewell — Our Lady. Holy Cross. St. James. St. Peter. Faversham — Our Lady and St. Anue. St. Anne. St. James. St. Thomas of Canterbury. The Morrow Mass. Folkestone — Corpus Christi. Goudhurst-St. Peter. High Halden — Our Lady. Heme (not named). Hope— St. Stephen. Hothfield— St. Thomas. IVychurch — Our Lady. St. Michael. Kenardington — St. Stephen. St. Katherine. Lympne — St. Nicholas. Lydd — Our Lady. The Trinity. Holy Cross. All Saints. St. Christopher. St. GTeorge. St. James. St. John the Baptist. St. Katheriue. Lyminge — Our Lady. St. Christopher. St. John. St. John the Baptist. St. Lawrence, INTRODUCTION. Maidstone — Jesus. Corpus Christi. Mersham — Our Lady. Milton next Sittingbourne— St. James. Minster in Slieppey— St. Peter. Ne wch urcli — u r Lady. Newington next Sittingbourne — Jesus. Corpus Christi. Nonmgton — J esus. Northbourne (not named). Petham— St. Margaret. Rodmei'sham — St. Peter. Romney, New— (St. Lawrence), Our Lady. St. Anne. Holy Trinity. Holy Cross. St. Katherine. (St. Martin), Our Lady. (St. Nicholas), Our Lady. St. Clement. St. Edmund. St. George. St. John Baptist. St. Katherine. St. Stephen. Jiomney, Old — Our Lady. St. Katherine. St. Margaret. St. Mary in the Marsh — Our Lady. St. Katherine. Saltwood — Our Lady. Corpus Christi. St. Peter de Castro. Sandhurst — St. John. Sandwich— (St. Clement), Corpus Christi. St. Peter. Holy Trinity. (St. Peter), Our Lady. Corpus Christi. St. John of Bridlington. St. John the Baptist. St. Peter. Holy Trinity. xxni xxiv TEST AMENTA CANTIANA. Sellindge — Bremin gliani . Shadoxlnirst — St. Katherine. Sittingbourue — Our Lady. St. Anne. Snave — Our Lady. Stockbury — Holy Cross. Stoue in Oxuey — St. James. St. John's in Thanet— Holy Trinity. Holy Cross. St. Anne. St. George. St. James. St. Margaret. St. Lawrence in Thanet (not named). St. Peter's in Thanet— St. Margaret. Stourmouth — Holy Cross. St. John the Baptist. Tenterden — Our Lady. Jesus. Thauington — Our Lady. Ulcombe— Corpus Christi. Warden — St. James. Warehorne — Holy Trinity. Our Lady. St. Katherine. Westwell — Corpus Christi. St. Mary Magdalene. Whitstable — St. Anne. AVillesborough — Our Lady. Wittersham — Our Lady. St. Katherine. Woodchurch — Our Lady. St. Nicholas. Wortli (not named). iitstamcuta Cuntiaiui EAST KENT.* ACEISE. Dedication ; St. Martin. — Buried in the churchyard o£ St. Martin of Acrise: Wm. Kolfe, 1498 (A. 7, 1); Jas."Ma\vger, ]513 (A. 12, 7) ; John Simond, 1463 (A. 1, G). To painting the Image of iSt. Martin in Acrise church, Gs. 8f/. : Juliaue Cowper of Elhain, 1469 (A. 1, 21). Lights, etc. : The Rood. — Work of the Holy Cross there, 2d. : John Simonds, 1463 (A. 1, 6). Light of Holy Cross, a sheep : Wm. Kolfe, 1498 (A. 7, 1), and Wm. Yeyron, 1500 (A. 7, 9). Our Lad//. — To the Lighi of the Blessed Virgin Mary, one ewe : John Simond, 1463 (A. 1, G). St. Nicholas. — To the Light of St. Nicholas, one sheep : Wm. Rolfe, 1498 (A. 7, 1). faster Sepulchre. — A cow of the value of Ss., to keep a taper to burn every year about the Sepulchre, the time of Easter : James Mawger, 1513 (A. 12, 7). ADISHAM.t Dedication : Holy Lnnocents. — Buried in the churcli-yard of the Holy Innocents of Adisham : John Ketintone, 1397 (Con. 1, fol. 4). Buried in the Church of the Holy Innocents of Adisham : Nicholas Ladde, 1508 (Con. 9, fol. 44). Lights, etc. : Our Lady. — To the work of the Chancel of St. Mary, one bushel of barley. Four sheep to maintain two tapers, one before the Image of St. Mary, and another before the High Cross in the Church: John Ketintone, 1397 (Con. 1, fol. 4). To the Light of Blessed ]\lary, two bushels of barley : Sampson Knot, 1486 (Con. 3, fol. 84). * The references (A. 7, 1, etc.) are to the Registers of the Archdeaconry Court, and (Con. 6, fol. 32, etc.) to those of the Consistory Court of Canterbury, both at the Probate Oflice, Canterbury; and (P.C.C, 4, Moone, etc.) to the Prerofi:ative Court at Somerset House. t See Archceoloyia Cantiana, Vol. XIV., pp. 157—168. 2 TEST AMENTA CANTIANA. Our Lady of Fit)/.— Jjis^ht of St. Mary of Pity, 4d. : Wm. Metford, 1501 (Con. 6, fol. 32). St. Nicholas.— To the Light of St. Nicholas the Bishop, a bushel of barley: Isabell Yeriar, widow, 1491 (Con. 3, fol. 307). Sf. Peter.— To Light of St. Peter, -id. : Dionisia Greenhill, 1491 (Con. 3, fol. 278). To Light of St. Peter, one bushel of barlev : Sampson Knot, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 84). St. Thomas [of Canteybnry, see Archceoloc/ia Gantiana, Vol. XIV., p. 162].— To be buried in the Church in the Chapel of St. Thomas: Hamon Silke, 1525 (Con. 14, fol. 117). The Rood. — A taper before the High Cross in the Church : John Ketintone, 1397 (Con. 1, fol. 4). To the making of the new l-Joodloft in the church, 20s. : Eobert Austen, 1528 (Con. 15, fol. 47). ALDINGTON. Dedication : Sf. Martin. — Buried in the church-yard of St. Martin : AVm. Wigge, 1486 (Con. 3, fol. 112). Buried in the Church of St. Martin : Thos. Godfrey, 1490 (Con. 3, fol. 271). The Hood. — Buried in the Church before the Cross : Thos. Godfrey, 1490 (Con. 3, fol 271). Light of Holv Cross, 6s. Hd. : Eichard Edger, 1461 (Con. 2, fol. 18). Our Lady.— luight of Blessed Mary, 5s. : Thos. Godfrey, 1490 (Con. 3, fol. 271). To maintenance of one lamp in the Chaucel of Blessed Mary, two cows ; to burn there from the Passion unto the Feast of Easter yearly ; and all the night [tota nocte] of the Feasts of the Assumption of B. INIary, All Saints, and Christmas: Alice Crips, 1498 (Con. 4, fol. 213). Buried in the Chancel of Our Lady, by the south window in that chancel. To the building and finishing of the Steeple, 40s. To tlie making of a window at the south side, 10s.: James J^^lechinden, 1558 (Con. 27, fol. 1). St. Anthoin/.—Ught of St. Anthony, 4d. : Eichard Wevyll, 1538 (Con. 17, fol. 1). St. Erasmus. — A Light to burn before St. Erasmus yearly for ten years after my death, Qd. a year: Thomas Godfrey, 1490 (Con. 3, fol. 271). ,S'/. Katherine.—Uy^ht of St. Katlicrine, 20(/. : Tlios. Crosbv, 1460 (Con. 11, fol. 41). Light of St. Katherine, 4^/., and one pair of beads of jet and calsidonis: Henry Dawson, chaplain, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 4). St. y.oye.— Liglil of St. Loye, 4S^^. John the Baptist. — Light of St. Jolni the Baptist, a sheep : Thos. Strongemau, 1501 (A. 8, 8). St. Leonard. — Keparation of St. Leonard in the Chancel, 4St. Anihoni/. — Jiight of St. Antlionv, -\d. : Kobert Waterman, 1512 (A. 12,' 4). Si. Clement.— U^^U of St. Clement, 4d. -. Robt Wdterman, 1512 (A. 12, 4) ; Richard White. 1519 (A. 13, 7). Sf. J"^fwf.s-.— Liglit of St. James, 12^. : Stephen Cloke, 1493 (A. 5, IS). St. John. — Light of St. John, 4(1. : Christopher Gildarde, clerk, 1519 (.\. 13, 5), and Richard White, 1519 (A. 13, 7). St. John the Baptist. — Light of St. John the Baptibt, a lb. of \va.\ : Wui. Widirdene, 1471 (A. 1, 18). Light of St. John the Baptist, ^d. : Ric'^ Fright, 1478 (A. 3, 8). Light of St. John 1h(> Baptist, 12r/. : Stephen Cloke, 1493 (A. 5; 18). St. Katherine. — Light of St. Katherine, 2d. : Wm. Saunder, 1474 (A. 2, 10). Light of St. Katherine, 8^. : Ric'i Fright, 1478 (A. 3, 8). Light of St. Katherine, a lb. of wax : Christopher Abraham, 1500 (A. 7, 8). St. Margaret. — Light of St. Margaret, 2d. : Wm. Sannder, 1474 (A. 2, 10). Light of St. Margaret, 12^. : Stephen Cloke, 1493 (A. 5, 18). St. Nicholas.— Jjight of St. Nicholas, 12(/. : Stephen Cloke, 1493 (A. 5, 18). Varia. — To the new candlesticks, 20^?. : Wm. Glover, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. (54). To the Church £10 to buy a suite for priest, deacon, and subdeacon, according to the best cope there : Sir John Millett, vicar, 1532 (A. 19, 8). BECKENHAM. Dedication : St. George. — See " Parish Churches of West Kent " in the Transactions of the St. PauVs Ecclesioloqical Society, vol. iii., p. 255. REKESBOURNE. Dedication : St. Peter. — Buried in the Church or Chancel of St. Peter of Bekesborne, otherwise Levingsborne : Stephen Ravnold, vicar, 1507 (A. 9, 8). Buried in the Church of St. Peter, before the Rood : Sir John Texton, clerk, 1532 (A. 19, 11). Buried in the Chancel of St. Peter of Bekesbourne : Sir Thos. Collv, vicar, 1534 (A. 20, 3). The Eo'od.—Ught of Holy Cross, 4d. : Wm. Pery, 14(57 (A. 1. 22). Light of the High'Cross, 4^/. : AVm. ]\Ioryce, 1486 (.-\. 5, 5). Light of the Cross, 3 lbs. of wax: Stephen Raynold, vicar, 1507 (A. 9, 8), 16 TESTAMENTS CANTIANA. Our Lady.—U^U of St. Mary, Qd. : Wm. Pery, 1467 (A. 1, 22). Liglit of Our Lady, 3 lbs. of wax : Stephen Eaynold, vicar, 1507 (A. 9, 8). St. mcholas.—Ught of St. Nicholas, 4J. : Wm. Moryce, 1486 (A. 5, 5). Light of St. Nicholas, 3 lbs. of wax : Stephen Eaynold, vicar, 1507 (A. 9, 8). >S'^. Fefer. — AVife Agues during her life provide three tapers each of 1 lb., to stand in the Church of Bekesbourne, two before St. Peter, and one before the Rood, and after her death my heirs for evermore : John Peiris, 1516 (A. 12, 19). Varia. — To the Church for buying a vestmenl", £3 : Sir John Texton, clerk, 1532 (A. 19, 11). BENENDEN. Dedication : St. G^eorye.— Buried in the Church of St. Greorge of Benenden, on the north side of the church, before the altar of the Holy Trinity. Two tapers of 2 lbs. to burn before Images of the Holy Trinity and St. Mary. Two curtains, price 2s., for each side of the altar of the Holy Trinity: Alice Beninden, 1477 (A. 3, 4). Buried in the south-porch of the Church. A stone to He upon my grave, with a scripture [s/c] written and graven in brass for the day of my death ; and for painting new of the porch and of St. Christopher, £2 13s. M. : John Sharp, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 137). Buried in the south-porch : John Sharp, 1503 (Con. 7, fol. 65). Buried in Our Lady Chapel before Our Lady of Pity : Thos. More, 1519 (A. 14, 1). Buried in the Church, before the door of Our Lady Chancel : John Ramesden, 1521 (A. 14, 7). HoJi/ Trinity.— X taper of a lb. of wax to burn in the Church lief ore the Uoly Trinity, as long as it will endure : Joan Grlover, 1502 (A. 8, 10). Light l)efore the Image of Holy Trinity, ^d. : William Watte, 1521 (A. 14, 7). A taper of wax before the Trinity: Margery Lucas, 1525 (A 17, 3). The liood.—U\i}\i before the lligii Cross, 4^/. : John Kippmg, 1477 (A. 3,4). Liglit of Holy Cross, 2d. : Roger W^aytc, 1494 (A. 6, 2). Our Lddy. K taper of 1 lb. of wax to burn before linage of Our Lady: Joan (i lover, 1502 (.A. 8, 10); Richard Lede, 1507 (A. 10, 6) ; John Ramsden, 1521 (A. 14, 7). r.iglit of Our Lady, \d . ■ I'Mwunl (Joldiiig, 151() (A. 12, 19). A taper of wax to'burii before the linage of Our Lady in the south chancel: Henry Jekys, 1512 (A. 12, 5). EAST KENT. 17 St. Anthony. — A taper of 1 lb. oi' wax to burn before Image of St. Anthony : Kic** Lede, 1507 (A. 10, 6), and John Earaesden 1521 (A. 11, 7). St. jy/a.sY'.— Light of St. Blase, 2d. -. Roger Wayte, 1191 (A. G, 2). Light before the Image of St. Blase, (id. : A\^alter AVatte, 1521 (A. 14, 7). St. Christoplier.~Lv^\A of St. Christopher, \2d. : Roger Wayte, 14-94 (A. G, 2), and John Sharp, 1503 (Con. 7, fol. G5). A taper to burn before St. Christopher: Margery Lucas, 1525 (A. 17, 3). St. Erasmus. — Light of St. Erasmus, 2d. : Roger Wayte, 14t)4 (A. G, 2). Light before the Image of St. Erasmus, Gd. : Wm. Watte, 1521 (A. 14, 7). St. Xatlierine. — Light before St. Katherine, 4:d. : Wm. Watte, 1521 (A. 14,7). St. 3IichaeI.—L\ght of St. Michael, 2d.: Roger Wayte, 1494 (A. G, 2). St. Nicholas. — Light before the Image of St. Nicholas, Gd. : Wm. Watte, 1521 (A. 14, 7). St. Stephe7i. — A priest to celebrate at the Altar of St. Stephen for one year in the church : John Sharp, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 137). Varia. — Making of Our Lady Chapel in the Church of Beninden, ten marcs : Wm. Watson, vicar, 1474 (A. 2, 12). To the new work of the Chancel of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Church 20d. : John Kipping, 1477 (A. 3, 4). Ex'ors to make eight tapers of the value of 6 lbs. of wax, to burn at my burying, month's mind, and year's mind ; then they shall be set : One before the Rood, (2) before Our Lady that stands next by the Rood, (3) before Our Lady in the Chancel, (4) before Our Lady of Pity, (5) before St. Michael, (G) before the Trinity, (7) before St. Erasmus, (8) before St. Christopher, as long as they will etidure : Margery Lucas, 1525 (A. 17, 3). BETTESH ANGER. Dedication : St. Mary. — By tradition, but no evidence from wills. BEXLEY. Dedication: Our Lady. — See ArchcEologia Ca7if tana, Yo\. XXIII., p. 137. BICKNOR. Dedication : St James. — Buried in the parish church of St. James the Apostle of Beknore before the Altar of St. Cosmus and c 18 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. St. Dainieu. To the Light of St. James, patron of the Church, 20^. To a taper of wax before St. Cosmus and St. Damien, 3s. 4td., during the time of divine service. Keparation of the Church and especially windows, 6s. Hd. : Eichard Brenchesle, ]515 (A. 12, 13). BIDBOEOUGH. Dedication: St. Lawrence. — See "Parish Churches of West Kent" in the Transactions of the St. PaiiVs EcclesioJoyical Society, ''\o\. iii., p. 256. BIDDENDEN. Dedication : All Saints. — All the wills give the dedication as AH Saints. Holy Trinity.— lj\g\\t of the Most Holv Trinity, 4^/. : Eic'' Beckin- den, 1475 (A. 2, 17). The Light before the Trinity, 12^/. : Thos. Eiohards, 1512 (A. 12, 9). The Rood.— To the Light called Eodlyth, 12d. : John Essex, 1481 (Con. 2, fol. 520). The Light of Holy Cross, 4J. : Thos. Weeder, 1504 (A. 9, 1). To the Lamp before the Eoodloft, 6t/. : John Padiam, 1505 (A. 9, 5). Our Ladi/. — Light of Blessed Mary, 4J. : Eobert Bealde, 1465 (A. i;7). Light of Our Lady, a lb. of wax : John Egolinden, 1512 (A. 11, 7), and Eic^i Igulden, 1518 (A. 13, 11). Light before Our Lady, lOd. : Thos. Eichards, 1512 (A. 12,9). Our Lady, called Youngmens Light. — Light of St. Mary, called Youngmen's Light, ijd. : Jas. Eicard, 1463 (A. 1, 6). The light called Youngmen's Light, 4;d. : James Ketellisden, 1493 (Con. 3, fol. 342) ; Eic'' Andrew, 1505 (A. 9, 5). Our Lady in the Chancel. — 2 lbs. of wax to burn before Image of the Blessed Mary in the Chancel of B. Mary in same church : Eobert Bealde, 1465 (A. 1, 7). Our Lady of Pity. — A taper of ^d. to burn before the Image of Our Lady of Pity : Thos. Sorell, L318 (A. 13, 8). Light of Our Lady of Pity, a lb. of wax : Eichard Igulden, 1518 (A. 13, 11). All Saints. — Light of All Saints, a lb. of wax : John Egolinden, 1512 (A. 11, 7), and Eic'» Igulden, 1518 (A. 13, 11). Light before All Hallows, 3s. 4f/. : Stephen Ediuden, 1518 (A. 14, 3). St. Christopher. — Light of St. Christopher, 4c?. : Eic"^ Biekiudeu, 1475 (A. 2, 17), and Thos. Wcedcr, 1504 (A. 9, 1). EAST KENT. 19 Light of St. Christopher, 5s. : Wm. Anower, 1513 (A. 11, 8). St. Erasmus. — Image of St. Erasmus, a taper of wax : John Padiam, 1505 (A. 9, 5). A taper of M. to burn before Image of St. Erasmus : Thos. Sorell, 151S (A. 13, 8). St. George. — Light of St. George, l)alf a lb. of wax : John Egolinden, 1512 (A. 11, 7), and Kicliard Igulden, 1518 (A. 13, 11). A taper of 4j;h Crost^, Gs. 8r/. : John Colkyn, 14;U5 (Con. 1, fol. 1-i). Light of Holy Cross, 8.s. -IJ. : Joan Spieer, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 126). Light of 'the High Cross, \2d. : John Beste, 1508 (Con. 9, fol. 97). Our Lfulij. — To ])aintiMg the Image of St. Mary, on the north side, 4(/. : \Vm. Iryiiden, 1480 (Con. 2, fol. 408). Light of Our Lady on the north side of the Church, 4^d. : Edward Laurance, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 72). Si. Katherine and St. Margaret. — Light before the Altar of the Holy Virgins Katherinef and Margaret, Us. '6d. : John Colkyn, 1405 (Con. 1, fol. 14). Light of St. Katherine, 8^. : AVm. Colkyn of Faversham, 1490 (Con. 3, fol. 245). Light of St. Katherine, 4(/. : Elinore Howes, 1511 (Con. 10, fol. 125). St. John the Baptist. — A priest to sing at the Altar of St. John the Baptist: John Bestc, 1508 (Con. 9, fol. 97), who also gives to the Light of St. John the Baptist, 12d. To Light of St. John the Baptist, 6s. 8rf. : John Colkyn, 1405 (Con. 1, fol. 14). St. Anthony. — Light of St. Anthony, 4(7. : Elinore Howse, 1511 (Con. 10, fol. 125). .S"^. Vhrhtopher.—\:\^\\ of St. Christopher, 12(7. : John Beste. 1508 (Con. 9, fol. 97), and John Kennett, 1509 (Con. 9, fol. 172). St. James. — Light of the Blessed Mary in the Chapel of St. James,J 6s. M. : John Colkyn, 1405 (Con." 1, fol. 14). Light of St. James, a bushel of barley : Joan Spieer, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 126). Light of St. James, Or/. : John Middleton, 1507 (Con. 9, fol. 19), and John Beste, 1508 (Con. 9, fol. 97). St. Margaret. — Light of St. Margaret, \d. : Vim. Shropsole. 1460 (Con. 2, fol. 20) ; John Belke, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 79) ; Elinore Howes, 1511 (Con. 10, fol. 125) ; and others. St. Mcholas.—Uirht of St. Nicholas, I2d. : John Middleton. 1507 (Con. 9, fol. 19). St. Feter.— Light of St. Peter, 6s. Sd. : John Colkyn, 1405 (Con. 1, fol. 14). Light of St. Peter, 4d. : Wm. Shropsole, 1460 (Con. 2, fol. 20), and John Belke, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 79). Wm. Colkyn gave 3s. 4J. in 1490 (Con. 3, fol. 245). St. Stephen.— Ught of St. Stephen, 4^7. : John Kenett, 1509 (Con. 9, fol. 172). St. Thotna.^.— Light of St. Thomas, 4d. : John Kenett, 1509 (Con. 9, fol. 172). F«Wa.— Buried in the church-yard beside the Palm Cross. "To the new^ hording [sic'] and making anew of the backside of the Kood- loft, 20s." Towards glass windows & tyliug, 10s. Mending the * That is the south Chapel. See Archreologia Cantiana, Vol. XXI., p. 329. t See ArchcBolopia Cantiana, Vol. XXI., p. 329. X That is the north Chapel. See Archaologia Cantiana, Vol. XXI., p. 329. ^8 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. highway between Boughton Church and Poplar Lane, 10s. : Reginald Smythe, 1559 (Con. 27, fol. 198). Trinify Chapel in Bougliton Street. — To the Trinity Light in the Chapel in Boctou Street, M. : Wm. Colkyn of Faversham, 1490 (Con. 3, fol. 215). To the best behof [sic'] of the Trinity Chapel in Boughton Street, Qd. : John Kenett, 1509 (Con. 9, fol. 172). Light of the Trinity in the Chapel there, 4i(l. : Elinore Howes, 1511 (Con. 10, fol. 125). This Chapel was at the foot of tlie steej) hill at the west (or Faversham) end of the village. BOUGHTON MALHEEBE. Dedication: St. Nicholas. — Buried in the high Chancel of St. Nicholas : Elisabeth AVotton, widow, 1195 (Con. 1, fol. 27). The Bood.— Light of Holy Cross, 'id.: John Taylor, 1475 (A. 2, 15). To the Lamp before the High Cross, 4^d. : Wni. Badnor, 1484 (Con. 3, fol. 12). To the Rood, a taper of 1 lb. of wax : Philip Edinden, 1535 (A. 20, 4). Our Ladi/.— Light of St. Mary, 4f/. : Peter Turnore, 1471 (A. 1, 18) ; John Taylor, 1475 (A. 2, 15) ; Ralph Clerk, 1522 (A. 15, 2). To the painting of Our Ladv, 20^. : Elisabeth Edinden, 1506 (A. 10, 2). Our Lady in the Nave. — Light of St. Mary ni the Nave, 4J. : Ralph Clerke, 1522 (A. 15, 2). To the Light of Our Lady that standeth without the Chancel door, 4<7. : Philip Edinden, 1535 (A. 20, 4). Our Lady in the south Chancel. — To Our Lady in the south Chancel, a taper of lib. of wax, for 20 years: Philip Edinden, 1535 (A. 20,4). All Saints.—Light of All Saints, U. : Wm. Cooke, 1504 (A. 9, 3). St. Anthony. — To the buying an Image of St. Anthony, I2d. : Wm. Borne, 1502 (A. 8, 9). Lii^ht of St. Anthonv, 6d.: Ralph Clerke, 1522 (A. 15, 2), and Philip Edinden, 1535 (A. 20, 4). St. Christopher.— Light of St. Christopher, 2d. : John Taylor, 1475 (A. 2, 15). Light of St. Christopher, 4d. : Wm. Cooke, 1504 (A. 9, 3), and Philip Edinden, 1535 (A. 20, 4). iS^^. Erasmus. — Light of St. Erasmus, 4d.: Philip Edinden, 1535 (A. 20,4). St. Rather ine.—Lig\\i of St. Katherine, 2c?.: John Taylor, 1475 (A. 2, 15), and Thos. Clerke, 1490 (A. 5, 12). To Light of St. Kaihcrine, Sr/. : John Cibbo, 1501 (A. 8, 7). St. Margaret .—Ught of St. Margaret, 2rf. : Thos. Clerke, 1490 (A. 5, 12). St. Michael.— Light of St. Michael. 8r/. : John Gibbe, 1501 (A. 8, 7). St. Nicholas.— Light of St. Nicholas, Vld. : Peter Turnore, 1471 (A. 1, 18). EAST KENT. 29 To St. Nicholas, a taper of 1 lb. of wax, for 20 years : Philip Edindeii, 15:^5 (A. 20, -1). Hull/ .bV^'foM/-.— Light of St. Sulvator, 2J. : Kalph Clerke, 1522 (A. 15, 2). ^S"^. Sebiisf/ini, Sf. Sifhe, ami St. Sonday. — To each Light, 2d. : Philip Ediiided, 1535 (A. 20, 4). St. Thomas ofCdntcrhuri/. — Light of St. Thomas, 4f/. : Peter Turnore, 1-471 (A. I, 18) ; AVin. Cooke, 1504 (A. 9, 8). Light of St. Thomas the Martyr, 4«?. : Philip Edindeu, 1535 (A. 20, 4). BOUGHTON MONCHELSEY. Dedication : St. Peter. — Buried in the Church of St. Peter the Apostle of Bocton Moiicheiisey, before the Image of St. Stephen: Stephen Norton, 1500 (A. 80, 1). Buried in the churchyard between two new crosses of stone, set and being at the west side of the Church. Also 10s. to buy a box of ivory, for to bear in the Pix to keep the Blessed Sacrament: Wm. Grove, vicar, 1525 (iV. IG, 12). Buried in the Ch. of St. Peter the Advyncle [_dc] of Boughton Monchesey : Henry Merriman, 1520 (A. 17, 2). Other wills : Buried in churchyard of St. Peter. Our Lady. — Light of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 6c?. : John Lovenoth, 1476 (A. 3, 3), and Thos. Orgare, 1478 (Con. 2, fol. 386) ; and John Levenoth in 1497, gave a taper of wax (A. 7, 5). The Hood. — Light before the High Cross, 12d. : John Haselot, 1467 (A. 1,4); Thomas Orgare, 1478 (Con. 2, fol. 386). To the "Rood Loft. 12*/. : Alice Chalkecmft, 1510 (Con. 11, fol. 36). St. Anthoni/. — A taper of 1 lb. of wax to burn before the Image of St. Anthony: Robert Copping, 1499 (A. 6, 5). Light of St. Anthony, a lb. of wax: Guv Goldsmith, 1480 (A. 3, 17), and Robert Copping, 1520 (A. 14,' 10). St. Christopher. — Light of St. Christopher, 12(/. : Stephen Merimau, 1480 (Con. 2, fol. 492) ; and a taper of 1 lb. of wax, bv Robert Copping, 1520 (A. 14, 10). St. Krasmiis.- — A taper of 1 lb. of wax to burn before the Image of St. Erasmus: Robert Copping, 1499 (A. 6, 5). To the Image of St. Erasmus, a taper of ^Ib. of wax : Robert Copping, 1520 (A. 14, 10). St. Georfje. — Maintenance of the Lights before St. Anthony and St. George, two ewe lambs : Henry Hunt, 1531 (A. 19, 3). St. James. — A taper of 1 lb. of wax to burn before the Image of St. James : Robert Copping, 1499 (A. 6, 5). Light of St. James, I2d.: Alice Chalkecroft, 15iO (Con. 11, fol. 36), and Guy Goldsmith, 1480 (A. 3, 17). St. John. — Light of St. John, 4S'^. Margaret.— lAg\\t of St. Margaret, 12f7. : Guy Goldsmith, 1480 (A. 3, 17), and Alice Chalkecroft, 1510 (Con. 11, fol. 36). John Levenothe in 1497, a taper of ^Ib. (A. 7, 5). St. Marij Mac/dalene. — Light of St. Mary Magdalene, a taper of \ lb. weight : John Levenothe, 1497 (A. 7, 5). St. Michael. — To the Image of St. Michael the Archangel, I2d. : John Reder, 1494 (Con. 3, fol. 360). A taper of 1 lb. of wax : Robert Copping, 1520 (A. 14, 10). St. Sithe (or Osythe). — A taper of 1 lb. of wax, to burn before the Image of St. Sithe: Robert Copping, 1499 (A. 6, 5). Light of St. Osithe, a lb. of wax : Guy Goldsmith, 1480 (A. 3, 17) \ and Robert Copping in 1420, a taper of \ lb. of wax (A. 14, 10). St. Pa?*/.— Light of St. Paul, Qd. : John Lovenoth, 1476 (A. 3, 3) ; Guy Goldsmith gave 2d. in 1480 (A. 3, 17), and Henry Hunt 4(/. in 1531 (A. 19, 3). St. Peter.— lAg\it of St. Peter, 12(/. : John Haselot, 1467 (A. 1, 4) ; John Lovenoth, 20d. in 1476 (A. 3, 3); and 20^7. by Guy Goldsmith, 1480 (A. 3, 17) ; and Robert Copping, 1520 (A. 14, 10). ;S^^. Stephen. — A taper of 1 lb. of wax to burn before the Image of St. Stephen : Robert Copping, 1499 (A. 6, 5). Buried in the Church before the Image of St. Stephen : Stephen Norton, 1500 (A. 8, 1). To tlie painting of St. Stephen and St. James, 4^7. : John Goldsmith, 1518 (A. 13, 6). Other parishioners give to the Light of St. Stephen. Holy 7Vmz7y.— Light of the Trinitv, 20*/. : Robert Copping, 1499 (A. 6, 5) ; Robert Copping, 12^7.' in 1520 (A. 14, 10), and Bar- thohnnew Young, 4^7. in 1532 (A. 19, 8). Kinr/ Hfinry. — Light before good King Herrey, 4^/. : Heiny Hunt, i531 (A. 19, 3). Jems Mass. — To the Jesus Mass, 12(7. : Bartholomew Young, 1532 (A. 19, 8). Yaria. — Two tapers of two lbs. of wax to burn before the high altar in honor of All Saints. To the buying a little bell, calUnl a Sanctus Bell, 20*.: Robert Copping, 1499 (A. 6, 5), and Robert Copping, 1520 (A. 14, 10). EAST KENT. 31 BOXLEY. Deilication : All Saints. The Rood. — Liglit before llie Tiiia;;e of tlio Cniciliv, 8*/.: Adam Parson of lioxlev, 1471 (A. 1, iS). Light of Holy Cross, 4*/. : 'J"hos. Palmer. 1474 (A. 2, 10) ; liobert Ga.vtton, 1484 (Con. 3, fol. 7); Nicholas Vyolte, 1514 (A. 12, 11). Light of the Image of the Passion of Our Lord, 1 lb. of wax : Thos. Boor, 1500 (A. 7, 9). Five Wounds. — Light of the Eive Wounds, M. : Nicholas Vyolte, 1514 (A. 12, 11). He also gives 4^/. to the Cross Light. Our Lady in the Chancel. — Light of St. Mary within the Chancel, 4^d. : Nicholas Vyolte, 1514 (A. 12, 11). Light before the linage oF the Blessed Virgin Mary, Br/. : Adam Parson, 1471 (A. 1, 18). Chapel of St. Man/. — Reparation of the Chapel of St. Mary, 20d.: Thos. Palmer, 1473 (A. 2, 10). Light of St. Mary in the Chapel there, 4(/. : Robert Gaytton, 1484 (Con. 3, fol. 7), Nicholas Vyolte, 1514 (A. 12, 11), and John Brice, 1524 (A. 16, 3). To the covering over the Altar of St. Mary, 20d. : Thomas Strete, 1498 (A. 7, 4). My body to be buried in the Chapel of the B. V. Mary in the Church of Boxley, and to the reparation of the said Chapel, Gs. 8d. : Thos. Burbage, 1490 (Con. 3, fol. 254). Buried in the Chapel of St. Mary, and to the reparation of the Chapel, 13s. id. : John Munden, vicar, 1490 (A. 5, 8). St. Anthony. — Light of St. Anthony, 4rf. : Nicholas Vyolte, 1514 (A. 12, 11). St. Christopher.— Jjight of St. Christopher, 4id. : Thos. Strete, 1498 (A. 7, 4) ; Nicholas Vyolte, 1514. St. Erasmns. — Light of St. Erasmus, 4^/. : Nicholas Vvolte, 1514 (A. 12, 11). St. George. — Liglit of St. George, 4id. : Nicholas Vyolte, 1514 (A. 12, 11). St. Gregory.— Ught of St. Gregory, 2d. : Wm. Selryd, 1481 (A. 3, St. James. — To the covering upon the Altar of Sr. James, 20d. : Thos. Strete, 1498 (A. 7,^4). Light of St. James, 4^/. : Wm. Hale, 14G7 (A. 1. 4), Thos. Palmer, 1473 (A. 2, 10), and Thos. Strete, 1498. Light of St. James, i lb. of wax : John Germin, 147G (A. 3,1). St. John the Baptist. — Light before the Image of St. John the Baptist, 4f?. : Adam Parson, 1471 (A. 1, 18)"^ St. Laicrence. — Light of St. Lawrence, Gd. : Joan Busshe, widow, 1500 (Con. 5, fol. 59). St. 3/ar(/aret. —LiQht of St. Margaret, id. : Wm. Hale, 14G7 (A. 1,4). St. Ilary Magdalene. — Light of St. Mary 3Iagdalene, one taper : Thos. Boor, 1500 (A. 7, 9). 32 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. BOXLET ABBEY. Dedication : St. Mary. — To the High altar of the Monastery of St. Mary of Boxley, I2d. : Thos. Strete, 1498 (A. 7, 4). Buried in the porch of the Church of the Monastery of the B. V. Mary of Boxle. To the chaplain curate of St. Andrew the A])ostle outside the door of the aforesaid Monastery, Qs. Sd. : John Persoue, 1490 (Con. 3, fol. 264). Buried in the Church of the Monastery of Blessed Mary of Boxley : Edward Baynbrygge, 1500 (P.C.C, 4, Moone). To the building of St. Aunys Chapel at the Eode of Grace, 40d. : John Sweham of Maidstone, 1504 (P.C.C, 31, Blamyr). BEABOUENE. Dedication : St. Mary. — Most of the parishioners desire to be buried in the churchyard of St. Mary of Brabourne. But Wm. Elveve in 1469 desired to be buried in the church- yard of St. Ciriac of Brabourne (A. 2, 1), and Wm. Moone, ]495, to be buried in the porch of the Church of St. Ciriac of Brabourne (A. 6, 3). The Hood. — Light of the High Cross, a bushel of barley : Sampson Beante, 1461 (A. 1, 6), John at Melle, 1490 (A. 5, 12) ; and Stephen Wyborne, 1509 (A. 11, 6), gave 12^. Our Lady. — To making of the Berne afore Our Lady, 20d. : Stephen Wyborne, 1509 (A. 11, 6). >S'^. Ciriac. — Light of St. Ciriac, a bushel of barley : Sampson Beante, 1461 (A. 1, 6). John Pantrey, 1475 (A. 2, 16), and Thos. AfEorde, 1500 (A. 8, 3), gave 4^. John atte Melle, 1490 (A. 5, 12), and Stephen Wyborne, 1509 (A. 11, 6), gave I2d. Wm. Moone, 1495 (A. 6, 3), gave a ram. St. John the Baptist.— To the Light of St. John the Baptist, 4:d. : John Pantrey, 1475 (A. 2, 16), and Thos. Afforde, 1500 (A. 8, 3). John at Melle, 1490 (A. 5, 12), gave 12d. St. John. — Light of St. John, a bushel of barley : Sampson Beante, 1461 (A. 1, 6). AVm. Moone gave a ram, 1495 (A. 6, 3). Varia. — To the making of the Eoodloft, 20s., if it shall be done within six years after my death, but if not done, the money to the paving of the belfry : Wm. Moone, 1495 (A. 6, 3). The wardens of the Church to receive yearly all the profits from a piece of land called JN'orthenley, and with the same provide five tapers of wax, every one of one lb., to burn yearly in all solemn feasts, by the space of 24 years next following, at the Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lady [25 March] to be renewed once a year. One taper in the worship of the Blessed Sacrament, Our Lady of Pity, St. Ciriac in the high choir, St. John the Baptist, and the fifth to burn upon tlic Eoodlot't in the Worship of the Sacrament. Tiie overplus to the church of Brabourne. At the end of 24 years the laud to Agnes my wife : Arnold Barowe, 1512 (A. 12, 1). EAST KENT. 83 To the making a new Ilerse iu the Church, 6s. Sd. : Stephen Wyborne, 1509 (A. 11, 6). To inakiiit^ a tabernacle, in the whicli Our Lady of Pity and St. Siriac sliall stand, £4^. To gilding the roodloft, IOa-. To the Church £1 to buy a Vestment for the double feasts : John Ramsey, vicar, 1512 (Con. 1, fol. 27). BRASTED. Dedication : St. Martin. — See Archceologia Cantiana, Vol. XXIII., p. 137. BREDGAR. Dedication : St. John the Baptist. — Buried in the high Chancel before St. John the Ba[)ti.st; a stone to be laid over my grave: John Laundy, vicar, 1508 (A. 9, 9). Buried in the churchyard of St. John the Baptist of Bredgar : Wm. Greenhill, U(jl (A. 1, 3) ; John Mone, vicar, 1474 (A. 2, 13) ; Richard at Wode, 1516 (A. 12, 18) ; and others. Holy Trinity. — A taper of 1 lb. of wax before the Trinity : John iVIone, vicar, 1474 (A. 2, 13). Light of the Holy Trinity, Gd. : Elias Coole, 1510 (A. 11, 10). The Rood. — A taper of 1 lb. of wax before the Crucifix: John Mone, vicar, 1474 (A. 2, 13). Light of the Cross, three ewes : Robert Henekir, 1504 (A. 9, 7). Our Lady. — To the Image of St. Mary, a taper of 1 lb. of wax : John Mone, vicar, 1471 (A. 2, 13). A lamp, with all necessary for the same, to burn before the Image of St. Mary within the Church for ever: Alice Snoth, 1490 (A. 5, 12). Light of Our Ladv, a taper of 1 lb. of wax : Robert Olmede, 1498 (A. 7, 2). * St. Anthony.— U^^hi of St. Anthony, 12./. : Elias Coole, 1510 (A. 11, 10), and Richard at Woode, 1510 (A. 12, 18). St. Christopher. — A taper of 1 lb. of wax before St. Christopher: John Mone, vicar, 1474 (A. 2, 13). Light of St. Christopher, a bushel of corn : James Kayme, 1481 (A. 3, 21). St. James. — Light of St. James, a bushel of barley : James Kayme, 1481 (A. 3, 21). Robert Oldmede gave a taper of 1 lb. of wax in 1498 (A. 7, 2). St. John the Baptist. — A taper of 1 lb. before the Image of St. John the Baptist, for the space of sixteen years : Wm. Premer, 1467 (A. 1, 9). Light of St. John the Baptist, a tovnett [i.e., half a bushel] of wheat and a bushel of barley : Robert Olmede, 1498 (A. 7, 2). 34 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Light of St. John, four bushels of barley at next Feast of St. Michael: Eobert Henekir, 1504 (A. 9. 7). St. Kafherine.— To the Imaaje of St. Katherine, a taper of 1 lb. of wax : John Mone, vicar, 1474 (A. 2, 18). To the Light of St. Katherine, a bushel of barley : James Kayme, 1481 (A. 3, 21). ,SY. Margaret. — To the Image of St. Margaret, a taper of 1 lb. of wax- John Mone, vicar, 1474 (A. 2, 13). Light of St. Margaret, a bushel of barley : James Kayme, 14S1 (A. 3, 21), and Elias Coole, 1510 (A. ll', 10). BEEDHUKST. Dedication: St P of the St. PohVh Ecclesiological Society, vol. iii., p. 256. BEENSET. Dedication : St. Eanswithe. — Buried in the Churcli of St. Enswithe of lireiiset : John Adam, 1490 (Con. 3, fol. 274). Buried in the Chancel of St. Enswith before the Holy Sacra- ment of the altar : Thos. Dekyn, vicar, 1536 (A. 20, 10). EAST KENT. 85 The Bood.—UgU of Ilirrh Cross, 20r/. : Wm. Dod, 14(32 (A. 1. 11). Light of the Rood, 12^/.: Agnes Marleborough, 1511 (A. 11, 7). Robert Whittisphaukc in 1513 also gave 20d. and a cow to the maintenance of the Lamp before the Rood (A. 12, 7). Oiir Lady.—Ught of the Brotherhood of St. Mary, 20d.: Wm. Dod, 11G2 (A. 1, 11), and Steven E.lerike, Ili)9 (A. 7, 5). St. Anne. — liuried in the Churcli before St. Anne : Wm. Lewis, 1519 (A. 13, 5). To St. Anne's Brotherhood, 6s. 8r/. : Agnes Marleborough, 1511 (A. 11, 7). To St. Anne's Altar, 8r/. : George Maytham, 1533 (Con. 10, fol. 17). Light of St. Anno. 12^/.: Alan Eps, 1471 (A. 1, 17), and Steven Ederike, U99 (A. 7, 5). ^S"^. Anthony.— Ug\\t of St. Anthony, 4r?.: Wm. Dod, 1462 (A. 1, 1 1). Alan Eps gave 12^/. in 1471 (A. 1, 17). St. Cliri.<d. -. John Mason, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 117), Honrv West, 1477 (.\. (>, 7), and Agnes, widow of Hie'' Caring of Leeds, 1507 (A. 1», S). All Souls. — Light of All Sawlen, 4d. : Agnes, widow of Hie'' Caring of Leeds, 1507 (A. 9, 8). Sf. Blaise.— Ucrht of St. Blase, 2d. : Henry AVest, 1497 (A. G, 7), and Agnes Caring, widow, 1507 (A. 9, 8). Sf. John.— Ught of St. John, (id.: Wm. Munde, 1470 (A. 1, 12), and 2d. by Agnes Caring, widow, of Leeds, 1507 (A. 9, 8). St. Kathei'i/ie.—L\<^ht of St. Katlierine, (Sd. : Wm. Munde, 1470 (A. 1, 12) ; also 4d. by John Mason, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 117) ; John Mason, 1506 (A. 10, 3). St. Margaret. — Light of St. Margaret, a lb. of wax : Wm. Boyman, 1480 (A. 3, 20). Light of St. Margaret, 4J. : John Mason, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 117) ; John Mason, 150G (A. 10, 3). To the reparation of St. Margaret's Well, VId. : Agues, widow of Hie'' Caring of Leeds, 1507 (A. 9, 8). Varia. — To the Chureh of Bromefield, a vestment, price 46s. 8c?., and a Cross of eop|)er and gilt with a staff thereto, price 33s. 4V/;//.s'/.— Light of St. John the Baptist. 4*/. : Robert Causton, 1473 (Con. 2, fol. 249) ; and ^largareta Chirche gave 6r/. in 1486 (Con. 3, fol. 99). St. Mary Magdalene. — Buried in parish Church of St. Alpbage in Canterbury, before the Image of St. Mary Magdalene : Wm. Edwards of Whitstaple, 1522 (Con. 13, fol. 97). 44 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. The Sacrament. — To the Lamp Light in the "Worship of the Sacra- ment, for oil to be bought against the Peast of Corpus Christi, 20s., and so to be kept bv the space of seven years : Wm. Prowde, 1497 (Con. 4, fol. 121). Easier Sepulchre. — Light of the Sepulchre in the Church, a taper of 5 lbs. of wax, so that it remain for five years next after my death: Margareta Chirche, 1486 (Con. 3, fol. 99). Varia. — To the high altar, a green vestment : Thos. de la Port, 1401 (Con. 1, fol. 12). To the use of the Church, two books, whereof one contains the Gradale and Antiphonar, and the other Legenda temporalia. Also to the building of a column in the Church, as much money as necessary to build the same:* Thos. Prowde, 1468 (Con. 2, fol. 187). To the high altar, hangings of cloth with tokening and signs of Christ's Passion : Eobert Proveste, rector, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 126). To the reparation of the ornaments of the Church, 40s. : John Costen, 1527 (Con. 15, fol. 112). To St. Alphage Church, £3 towards making a new pair of organs to be set at the north side of the Quyre before the Image of St. Elphey [_sic']. Unto the clerk to be provided to play upon the same orgayns [s?c] at high feasts, 40s. : Richard Burchard, tailor, 1534 (Con. 15, fol. 240). CANTERBURY, ST. ANDREW. Buried in the choir of St. Andrew's beside the parson's seat: Didier Bargier, rector, 1504 (A. 9, 6). Buried in the Church before the Rood-loft : Edward Boluey, 1528 (Con. 15, fol. 90). The i2oo(/.— Light of Holy Cross, IQd.: Agnes Whitlocke, 1491 (A. 5, 15). Light of the Cross, 20d. : John Fishe, grocer, 1515 (A. 12, 14) ; and John Tilly, baker, gave 2s. in 1520 (A. 14, 9). Imaqe of Jesus. — To the Image of Jesus at the Trinity Altar, a taper of half a lb. of wax : Edward Bolney, 1528 (Con.' 15, fol. 90). Our Lady. — Light of St. Mary, a taper of 1 lb. of wax to burn before the Image : John Brokebankc, 1500 (A. 7, 9). Light of Our Lady, 12(/. : John Kislie, 1515 (A. 12, 14). St. Andrew. — Ijight of St. Andrew our ])atron, 12^/. : John Tilly, baker, 1520 (A. 14, 9) ; Edward Bolney, 1528 (Con. 15, fol. 90). St. A7ithoni/.— Light of St. Anthony, 12(/. : John Fishe, 1515 (A. 12, 14), John Tilly, 1520 (A. 14, 9), and Edward Bolney, 1528 (Con. 15, fol. 90). * On the second piUar from the west end in the nave of the Church is a brass tablet with tlie words " Gaiule Prude Tlioina por (|Uoin (it ist;i colum iia," and the arms: ".Vzure, three otters iu pale or, each holding in its mouth a lish argent." EAST KENT. 45 St. Army (fill . — Light of St. Arinygill, a taper of lialf a Ih. of wax : Edward Jiolney, 1528 (Con. 15, fol. 90). Si. Chrixfopher. — LiS'^.iI//c/m^/.— Light of St. Michael, (W.: Michael Hevve, 1471 (A. 1,18). Light of St. Michael the Archangel, 26". 4(/. : Thos. Eams^ay, 1495 (Con. 4, fol. 45). Sf. Nicholas.— To St. Nicholas. 2.s-. : Thos. Eamsay, 1495 (Con. 4, fol. 45). St. Rake. — Towards the renewing of St. Eokke, I2Sf^. G^eo;7e.— Light of St. George, 8f/. : John Bocher, 1479 (A. 3, 13). St. Jb;»«. — Light of St. John, 2d. -. Wm. Blami)tar, 1471 (A. 1, 18), and Thos. Moyse, 1473 (A. 2, 9). John (Tcrman gave iSd. in 1498 (A. 7, 3). ;S'^. John the Baptist.— Ijv^ht of St. John the Baptist, 20S'^ Sithe.—Uo:}\l of St. Sythe, 4,/.: Eob' German, 1468 (A. 1, 12). To the making an Image of St. Sithe, 20^/. : Joan, widow of Adam Beginden, 1469 (A. 1, 22). FaWrt.— Buried in tlie cluirchyard at the laiule door, on the right side near the haughthorne : Eob"^ German, 1468 (A. 1, 12). Buried in the west part of the churchyard, and my body have a tomb with marble slab over it : John Bocher, 1479 (A. 3, 13). CANTERBURY, ST. GEOBGE. Buried in the Church of St. George in the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, before the altar there : Richard Pargate, 1457 (A. 1, 1.) Buried in the Church before the Cross, near the grave of John Loy, sometime my husband : Isabelle Smyth, widow, 1475 (A. 2, 17). 50 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Buried in the Church near the grave of my husband Nicholas Aleyn : Joan Aleyn, widow, 1478 (Con. 2, fol. 402). Buried in the Chancel of St. G-eorge : John Gidney, 1479 (A. 3, 11). Buried in the Chancel beside the bodv of John Gedney [sic'], late my husband: Constance Sheffield, 1499 (A. 7, 9). Buried in the Church against the Image of St. Erasmus : Ann. wife of John Stonbrige, 1489 (A. 5, 8). Buried in the Chancel of Our Lady, next unto the grave of my father and mother: Edward Pargate, 149G (A. 6, 10). Buried in the Church before the Image of St. Nicholas : John Rand, 1498 (A. 7, 10). Buried in the Nave of the Church: James White, 1513 (A. 12, 7). TJie Triiiifi/.— Light of Holv Trinity, 40f7. : Ric'^ Pargate, 1457 (A. 1, 1). Light of Holy Trinity, 12^. : Isabelle Smyth, widow, 1475 (A. 2, 17) ; Tlios. Clenciie, 1500 (A. 8, 2) ; John Ridar, 1500 (A. 8, 4). The Hood.— Light of Holy Cross, I2d. : AYm. Bonington, 1464 (Con. 2, fol. 137). Lights of the Crucifix in the Church, 20r/. : John Gidney, 1479 (A. 3, 11). Light of Holy Cross in the high roodloft, 8^. : Wm. Aylard, 1497 (A. 0, 10). Light of Holy Cross, 16r/., and four tapers of wax weighing 8 lbs. for mortuary tapers : Edward Pargate, 1490 (A. G, 10). Light of the Cross a lb. of wax : Joan Ridar, widow, 1522 (A. 11, 12). Our Lady. — To the Beme Light of Holy Cross in the Chapel of Our Lady in the Church of St. George, 3c/. : Wm. Aylard, smith, 1497 (A. 6, 10). Buried in the Chapel of St. Mary: Wm. Tenham, 1501 (Con. 0, fol. II). Buried in the Chancel of Our Lady at the head of Edward Pargate, gent. Ex'ors find a Light of five tapers before the Image of Our Lady in the Chancel, to the value of Qs. 8d. : Margerie Baylie, 1522 (A. 15, 5). Light of St. Mary, 20d. -. Isabelle Smyth, 1475 (A. 2, 17). St. Christopher. — Light of St. Christopher, Gd. : William Bonington, 14G4 (Con. 2, fol. 137). Light of St. Christopher, 12d. : Isabelle Smvth, widows 1475 (A. 2, 17) ; Joan Aleyu, widow, 1478 (Con. 2, iFol. 402). To the new painting of St. Chrislophci' within the Church, Gs. Sd. : Wm. Hempstede, 1499 (A. 8, 5). ,SV. />c/.s'H??^s-.— Light of St. Erasmus, 12^/. : Edward Pargate, 149G (A. 6, 10). Light of St. Erasmus, 8d. : Thos. Clenche, 1500 (A. 8, 2) ; Margerie Baylie, widow, 1522 (A. 15, 5). EAST KENT. 51 Sf. Georr/e.—-lj']frht of St. George, 20d. : "VVm. Eoniiiglon, 1404 (Coil." L>, fol. 187) ; Isabcllo Smyth, widow, 1175 (A. 2, 17). Light of St. George, a lb. of wax: Juaii Jiitlar, widow, l."522 (A. 14, 12). Li^lit of tlie JJrotlierliood (if St. George, 2^. : Edward Pai'- gate 111)0 (A. 0, 10). St. James. — Light of St. James, a lb. of wa.x : Joan Ridar, widow, 1522 (A. 14, 12). Sf. ,7o/m.— Light of St. John, 8^/. : Margerie Baylie, 1522 (A. 15, 5). Sf. John the Ihrpfist. — Light of St. John the Baptist, 4SV. Anthony. — Towai'ds the gilding of St. Anthony, 8s. : John Russhelyn, 1501 (A. 8, 7). Light of St. Anthony, 6d. : Wm. Hughet, 1503 (A. 8, 12) ; Ric'' Polle, 1505 (A. 9, 2). St. Christopher. — A taper of 2 lbs. of wax to biirn before the Image of St. Christopher, at all divine service there sung, for ten years ; and also to the maintaining of that taper, 20s. : John Russhelyn, 1501 (A. 8, 7). Light of St. Christopher, I2d. : Thos. Seulton, 1501 (A. 8, 4). St. John.— Light of St. John, 6d. : Wm. Hughet, 1503 (A. 8, 12). >S'^. John the -Baptist. — Towards the support of a taper of wax to burn before the Image of St. John the Baptist, 20. UI. : Agnes Sheldwich of St. Mary Magdalene parish, 1517 (A. 14, 12). Reparation of the Church door of St. Michael, 3^. 4rf. : Thos. Sparowe, 15 IG (A. 12, 19). Reparation of the Church of St. Michael, 10s. : John Under- downe, 1497 (A. G, 9). When the parishioners shall build new seats in the quire of the Church of St. Michael, 'S^. id. To Master .John Bedew, Dean of the Almonry, 20d. : John llopton, chaplain, 1490 (Con. 3, fol. . .). Note. — This destroyed Parish Church was in Jiurgate Street on the north side near to the Gate (which was thus sometimes called St. Michael's Gate), and within the wall of the city. The cottages 5 to 8 on the north side of Burgate Street pro- bably occupy the site of this Parish Church of St. Michael, whilst the opening between numbers 4 and 5 marks the south end of the ancient Queningate Lane, which the monks obtained in 14S3. The Church of St. Michael belonged to the Monaster}- of Christ Church, and there was probably no churchyard for burials, as the parishioners in their wills desire to be buried in the cemetery of the Monastery of St. Augustine. The north side of Burgate Street would seem to have been in this parish, which is first mentioned in an undated deed, of about the year 1250, in which Felicia, the daughter of AVilliam Gcch, gave to Henry de Bedistun all her messuage with appurtenances in the parish of St. Michael, situated between the gate of the Monas- tery of Christ Church in Burgate on the one side, and the house of Reginald Sutons of Borgate (sic) on the other side. The 66 TEST AMENTA CANTIANA. witnesses are Thomas Chiclie, Hamo Doge, John Dodekre (who was a witness in a Queningate Deed, dated 1248, and was sevei'al times one of the Bailiffs of Canterbury), Gregory Palmer, William de Lose, Henry Stabular, E-obilard the Cellarer, Dioni- sius (or Denis) of the Church (de Ecclesie), Michael of the Eefectory, E-aljjh Dudyn, David de Burgate, and lioger the cleric. There is no date, but a seal of green wax — " Felice daughter of William." CANTERBUEY, ST. MILDRED. "Buried in the Chancel of St. John the Baptist in the Church of St. Mildred, before the Image of St. John the Baptist : Roger Rydle, 1472 (A. 2, 3). Buried in the choir of St. John, at the head of my father and mother. A priest to celebrate at the Altar of St. John, for my soul, parents, etc. : Thos. AVood, 1498 (A. 7, 3). Buried in the body of the Church before the quyer door, or else in the churchyard: Wm. Ingram, 1503 (Con. 7, fol. 73). The i?oorf.— Light of "HoIv Cross, Qd : Wm. Groos, or More, 1466 (A. 1, 20). Light of High Cross, 3s. 4*/. : James Aylonde, 1486 (A. 4, 3). Light of the Cross in the Roodloft, V2d. : A¥m. Ingram, 1503 (Con. 7, fol. 73). Our i«%.— Light of St. Mary, 20d. : Roger Rydle, 1472 (A. 2, 3) ; James Aylonde, 1486 (A. 4, 3). Light of St. Mary, 6s. Sd. : Thos. Wood, 1498 (A. 7, 3). Light of St. Mary, 12^.: Wm. Ingram, 1503 (Con. 7, fol. 73). Our Lady in ilie Nave. — Light of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the nave of the Church, 12(/. : AVm. Stephen, rector, 1477 (A. 3, 8). *S^^. Ann. — Light of St. Ann, ^d. : James Ganton, 1515 (A. 12, 16). St. Barbara. — To the Brotherhood of St. Barbara, 3s. 4>d. : James Ganton, 1515 (A. 12, 16). St. Chrufopher.— Light of St. Christopher, 12^/. : Thos. Morley, 1473 (A. 2, 7), and Wm. Ingram, 1503 (Con. 7, fol. 73). Light of St. Christopher, 20(/. : Roger Rydley, 1472 (A. 2, 3). Light of St. Christopher, Gs. Sd. : 'Thos. Wood, 1498 (A. 7, 3). St. John. — Light of St. John, 6s. 8d. A priest to celebrate at the Altar of St. John : Thos. Wood, 1498 (A. 7, 3). Light of St. John,4r/. : Richard Harte, smith, 1507 (A. 9, S) ; Isabella Payable, widow, 1516 (A. 12, 18) ; Simon Millis, 1521 (A. 15, 6). .S7. John the /^//)//.s7.— Light of St. John the Baptist, 12^/. : Thos. Morley, 1173 (A. 2, 7) ; Wm. Stephen, rector, 1477 (A. 3, 8) ; Wm. Ingram, 1503 (Con. 7, fol. 73). EAST KENT. 01 Light of St. John the Baptist, Qs. 8d. : Kogcr Eydle, 1472 (A. 2, 3). >-. : Alice Higeleyn, 1490 (A. 5, 8). Towards making the new Eoodioft in the Cl)urch, my silver goblet: Constance Martyn, 1514 (A. 12, 11). PnroKT OF St. G-regory. Buried in the Church of St. Gregory the Po])e in Canterbury near where my wife is buried, and gave to the Prior and Canons 5 marcs : John Garwynton of the parish of St. Andrew, 1464 (A. 1, 3). Buried in the Belfrey of St. Gregory's beside the grave of my husband : Alice Consaunt (widow of Thos. Consaunt the elder) of the Hospital of St. John without the walls of Canter, bury, 1495 (Con. 4, fol. 78). 64 TESTAMENT A CANTIANA. Buried iu the Church of St. Gregory next to Sybell my wife. To the Convent of St. Gregory for my burial there, a chalice of silver and gilt: Kob' Taillor'of St. Mary's, Northgate, 1524 (A. 16, 3). Buried in the Church of St. Gregory next unto my pre- decessor Sir Edward Gyldford : Thos. Wellys, Prior of the House of St. Gregory, Bishop of Sidon, 152G (Con. 14, fol. 156). Our Lady. — A tajjer of 5 lbs. of pure wax to burn before tbe Image of Blessed Mary in the Chapel of the same Blessed Mary in the I Church of St. Gregory for one year : James Mody of St. Mary, Northgate, 1472 (A. 2, 5). Buried in the nether yard of Our Lady Chapel in the Church of St. Gregory: John Darell of St. Mary, Northgate, 1496 (A. 6, 6).. St. Martin.^^WYieiS. in the Church of St. Gregory of Canons Eegular before the window [fenestra] of St. Martin on the north side of the Church : Geoffrev Holman of St. Mary, North- gate, 1479 (Con. 2, fol. 414). St. Thomas of Canterhury. — To the Chapel of the Brotherhood of St. Thomas the Martyr standing in the garden [iu orto] of St. Gregory's, lijd. : Wm. Harry of St. Martin's, 1462 (Con. 2, fol. 73). Priort op the Holt Sepulchre. Our Lady.—Ught of St. Mary, 12d. : Henry Chalker, 1482, who desired to be buried in the churchyard of the parish [sicl Church of Holy Sepulchre (A. 3, 26). Also Henry Scryvaner, 1482 (A. 3, 23). Our Lady of Pity. — Buried in the Monastery [s/c] of Holy Sepulchre, where it shall please the Lady Prioress of that place. To the work of the Monastery, 4Us. My four messuages with appur- tenances, in the parish of St. George in the Ward of Eedyngate, remain to the Monastery of Holy Sepulchre for ten years, to pray for my soul and for my burial there ; further to provide a lamp to burn for ever before the Image of Blessed Mary of Pity in the Nave of the same Monastery Church : John Hale, senior, of St. George's, 1518 (A. 13, 4). St. Giles.— Ught of St. Giles, 4d. : Henry Chalker, 1482 (A. 3, 26). The Sepulchre. — Buried in the Church of Holy Sepnlchre, ibat is to say, within the part before the Sepulchre. To the Prioress for my grave, 6s. ^d. ; also a lymbek* to make a qualyte with a great brass pot thereto: Joan Ridar, widow, of St. George's, 1522 (A. 14, 12). Augustine Friars. Buried in the Nave of the Church of tlie Augustine Friars: John Brempe, of St. Andrew's parish, 1462 (A. 1, 6). * " Lymbek " is the Old English for nn iilcmbeck. — Mollett's Dictionary of Art and Archceoloyy. EAST KENT. 05 Buried in the Church of the Friars Augustine, in the place where I and Cristina late my wife arranged to be buried : Wm. Bonington of St. George's, 1 1(54 (Con. 2, fol. 137). J^iiried in the Nave of the Church of the Eriars Eremites of the Order of St. Augustine, near the grave of Christian llainer my friend: Win. Catbevy, carver, of St. George's, 1479 (A. ;3, h\). Buried in the Church of the Friars Augustine, and gave them o marcs for the repair of their Church : Simon Elegard, clerk, of St. Paul's parish, 14S4 (Con. 2, fol. 57G). Buried in the Ciiurch of the House of the Eriars Augustine : Thos. Linsey, corvesir, of St. Andrew's parish, 1484 (A. 4, 1). Buried in the Church of tlie House of the Friars Augustine, and gave to the reparation of the same House, 20.s'. : Eic'^ Dyne of St. Gregory's [? George] parish, 1484 (A. 4, 2). Buried in the House [in domo] of the Friars Augustine, near the grave of my father and mother: Wm. Eauiit of St. Mary Bredin parish, 148o (Con. 3, fol. 70). Buried in the Church of the Friars Augustine : Wm. Colsou of St. George's parish, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 79). Buried in the Church of the Eriars Augustine on the south- side of the Church ; and to the Priory for my burial, 0*-. 8^/. : Wm. Aylard, smith, of St. George's parish, 1497 (A. 6, 10). Buried in the forcchurch of the Eriars Augustine : John Courtemaii of St. Mary Bredman, 1501 (A. 8, 8). Buried in the l-'riai-s Augustine, next unto the burial of my husband: Joan Courtemnn. Avidow, of St. Mary Bredman, 1511 (A. 12,1). Buried in the churchyard of the Eriars Austen, next the Chapel of the parson of St. Andrew : Nicholas Barry of St. George's, 1513 (A. 12, 6). Buried in the body of the Church of the Friars Austen ; and gave to them for his" burial, 10s. : Wm. Corall of St. George's, 1532 (A. 19, 12). Buried at tlie Eriars Austen within the said city : Wm. Geyre of St. Mary Magdalene, 1539 (A. 21, 8). Buried at the Eriars Augustine in the City of Canterburv. To the Prior of the same, 6s. Sd. ; and to tlie Convent, 20.s-., to pray for my soul etc. : Lucas Gibbes bv will dated 8 Oct. 1539. Proved 12 April 1543 (A. 22, 6). Otir Lad//. — Buried in the Church of the Austen Finara by the Image of Our Lady there, as Margaret my wife lieth : Eic"* Stephinson of St. Mary Bredman, 1510 (A. 11, 10). Our Lad;/ of Pity. — Buried in the body of the Church of the House of the Eriars Augustine, before the Image of Our Lady of Pity there. A taper of 1 lb. of wax to burn before the Image of Our Lady of Pity in the Church of the same Eriars at time of mass and compline there to be said and sung: Isabel Walker, widow, of St. Andrew, 1516 (A. 12, 18). Buried in the body of the Church of the Friars Austen, 66 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. before the Image of Our Lady of Pity there : "Wm. Corthoppe of St. Margaret's, 1530 (A. 18, 11). St. Didier. — "To the Altar of St. Didier in the Priars Augustine, my little brevet mass-book covered with red leather": Didier Bargier, rector of St. Andrew, 1504 (A. 9, G). St. Erasmtos. — To the Brotherhood of St. Erasmus in the Friars Augustine, two half lb. tapers of wax : AVm. Eiernour of St. Margaret's, 1524 (A. 16, 1). St. Katlierine. — Buried in the Church of the Augustine Friars of Canterbury before the Image of St. Katherine, between my twa) wives. To the repair of the Church, 20 marcs [£13 6s. 8f/.] : "Wm. Haute, senior, of Bishopsbourne, 1402 (Con. 2, fol. 80). Altar of Seal a Cell. — That Joan my wife shall keep in the Church of the Austen Friars in Canterbury at the Altar of Scalaceli, five Masses .... two of the Holy Ghost, and two of the Five "Wounds, and one of Bequiem, for my soul, father, mother, etc.: Eic'^ Sandisbiiry of Sittingbourne, 1521 (A. 15, 4). "Ex'ors cause to be said for the health of my soul, three Masses at the Altar or Altars of scala celi within the Augustines of Canterbury : Margerie, widow of John Baylie of St. George's, 1522 (A. 15,4). The Augustine Friars at Canterbury to say a trental of Masses for my soul, and have 5s. ; also a priest say five Masses at the Scala Celi Altar and have 20d. : Sir Nicliolas Hewys of Monkton in Thanet [where buried], 1530 (Con. 15, fol. 143). Varia. — To the Augustine Friars, for a new gate to be made, 40s. : Eic«* Pargate of St. George's, 1457 (A. 1, 1). BLACK FRIABS. Buried in the Church of the Friars Preachers of Canterbury, and gave to them 20s. : Joan, dau. of Henry Knowght of Thaniiigton, 1450 (A. 1, 2). Buried in the Church of the Friars Preachers : Agnes Baker of St. Alphege, 1465 (Con. 2, fol. 153). Buried in the Church of the Friars Preachers, to wliicli lie gaveGs 8d. -. Thos. Baker of St. Alphege, 1473 (Con. 2, fol. 255). Buried in the Church of the J^'riars Pi-eachers : Boger Breggeland, clerk, 1479 (Con. 2, fol. 453). Buried in the Cloister of the House of the Friars Preacliers, near the grave of my son : Thos. Pony of St. Alphege, 1481 (Con. 2, fol. 515). Buried in the Church of the Friars Preachers : John Nasshe of St. Alphege, 1486 (Con. 3, fol. 94). Buried in the Church of the I'riars Preachers: Nicholas Boys of St. INlary Bredman, 1 187 (A. 4, 6). Our Lady. — " Buried in the Church of the Friars Preachers before the Jinnge of Our T^ad^^ at the north side of the same Chuivh." To the same place for my grave to be made, 8 marcs [.i'5 ^ts. 8(/.]. To the Prior of tjie same for a mortuary, 13s, 4c/. Friar John EAST KENT. 67 Rows to sinp; at Our Lady AHar for one year nftor my flocease for my soul, and liavc £1: .loliu Walker of St. Andrew, 1.313 (^^•1-7). Sf. James. — Buried in the Cliurch of the Friars Preachers, midway between the Iniaires of St. James and St. Nicliohis in the Church. To the House of Friars for my burying, Gs. 8r/., and to the reparation of the place \_sic] of the Friars, Gs. 8J. : Thos. Grold- smithe of St. Mary Bredman, 1498 (A. 7, '.\). St. JV/cholan.— To tho Hnillicrliood of St. Nicholas, G*-. 8(/. : Wm. Brown of St. Mary Magdalene, 1478 (A. 3, 9). " To the Brotherhood of St. Nicholas kej)t by the parish- clerks of Canterbury, in the House of the Friars Preachers, (is. 8f/." : liichard Cram of St. Paul's, 1490 (Con. 3, fol. 27G). "To the Broder Hedeof St. Nicholas in the Friars Preachers of Canterburv, S.s-., on condition they help to bring my body to the Church": James Burmond of St. Margaret's [where buried in the nave], 1491 (A. 5, 15). To the St. Nicholas Broiherhood holden in the Church of the Friars Preachers, 10.s. : John Kusshelyn of St. Mary Mag- dalene, 1501 (A. 8, 7). To the Brotherhood of St. Nicholas holden in the Black Friars, the parish clerks to bear me to Church, and that I be set in their bederoll, lOi'. : John Whitlok of St. Alpliege's, 1503 (Con. 7, fol. 71). Varia. — To the Friars Preachers for the reparation of their Church, and to pray for my soul, £2 13s. A'd. : John Halden of Fordwich, 1493 (A. 5, 17). To the reparation of the House of the Friars Preachers, lOs., and there be given by my ex'ors among the Prior and Convent of the sanie anotht r lOx. equally beiween them : Joan Hougham, widow, of St. Martin's, 1504 (Con. 8, fol. 38). NoTK.— The Guild of Parish clerks was founded in 1233, under the title of the Fraternity of St. Nicholas, which con- tinued known as such until IGll, when it was re-incorporated or more fully chartered. — Notes and Queries (10th Series, ii.), 1904. GllEY FEIAES. Buried in llie nave of the Church of the Friars Minor before the High Cross : Margareta Cherche of St. Alphege, 1486 (Con. 3, fol. 99). Buried in the middle of the Nave of the Church of the Friars Minor: Hamo Bele of All Saints, 1493 (A. 5, IG). Our Lady. — To be buried before Our Lady's Altar in the Observant Friars : Alexander Elyothe, priest of Sf. Mildred, 1524. (A. IG, 3). St. Clement. — Buried within the Church of the Friars Minor, on the north side, near the Altar of St. Clement : John Ford of St. George's, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. IGO). F 2 68 TESTAIVIENTA CANTIANA. EASTBEIDGE HOSPITAL. Dedication : Sf. Thomas of Canterbury. Our Lady. — To the high altar of St. Mary of Eastbridge for a new frontal, and one linen cloth for the altar, 10.s\ : Henry Newell, chaplain of the Hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr in tlie Citv of Canterbury, 147G (Con. 2. fol. ::I25). Corpus Chrisfi. — To the Brotherhood of Corpus Christi INIass holden in the Spital of St. Thomas in Canterbury, called East- bridge, Ss. 4id. : Sir Henry liamsay of the parish of St. George, 1500 (A. 8, 5). HOSPITAL OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. Buried in the Church of St. John the Baptist, within the Hospital of the same St. John the Baptist, without the North- gate of Canterbury. To the Hospital of St. Jolm my Mass Book in print, my vestment, chalice, mannual, and a fine sheet for altar cloths. To the mending of the Steeple of the same Hospital, 40s., and to a new Bell there. £4, the which £4 I willed to the painting of St. James at St. Jacobs [Hospital] if I had died there, which before my death I did revoke : Sir Wm. Garnare, priest, 1511 (Con. 10, fol. 116). Buried in the Church of the Hospital of St. John the Baptist. She gave to the Hospital all my lauds in the parish of Heme : Joan Horder, widow^, Sister of the Hospital, 1512 (Con. 10, fol. 144). Buried in the Church of St. John the Baptist before the Chaucel door : Wm. Lydeser, Brother of the Hospital, 1539 (Con. 17, fol. 33). Our Lady. — My ex'ors to make "as large a window at Our Lady Altar of the foresaid Hospital, as now is at the high altar of the same Hospital, to be glazed with such images or pictures as I shall shew unto my ex'ors, and that to be done within two years after my decease": John Hooper, gentleman, dwelling and inhabiting within the Hospital of St. John without the Walls of Canter- bury, 1527 (Con. 15, fol. 8). Light of Our Lady, 4d. : AVm. Lydeser, Brother of the Hospital, 1539 (Con. 17, fol. 33). ^S7. Barbara and St. James. — To the Lights of St. Barbara and St. James, in the Church of the Hospital, two wax tapers of Id.: Wm. Reede, Brother of the Hospital, 1511 (Con. 10, fol. 139). Sf. John. — The Cross. The Lamp. To each of these Lights, 4:d.: Wm. Lydeser, Brother of the Hospital, 1539 (Con. 17, fol. 33). Varia. — To the high altar according to the custom of tl)e House, four tapers, also certain bread to the Hall : Gregory Piers, Brotiicr of the Hospital, 1512 (Con. 18, fol. 41). EAST KENT. GO To the Altar of St. John's House, two altar cloths, \vo. of wa.\ ; Kic'' Bachelor, 1502 (Con. 7, fol. 46). :EAST KENT. 73 >Sl. JIar(/are/.—lj\<^hi of St. Margaret, 'id.: .Iulm Jirent, 1505 (Con. 8, fol. n-ij. SL Man/ MiK/daJeiir.—lA^^hi of St. Mary Magdalene, 3kl.: John Brent, 1505 (Con. 8, fol. 94). St. Peter and St. Paul. — Light of the Apostles Peter and Panl, in whose honour the Church is dedicated, 12^/. : Koger Beteson, 1460 (Con. 2, fol. 4). Light of St. Peter and St. Paul, 2d. : Thos. Pannshurst, 1473 (Con. 2, fol. 240), anSV. J^oAh.— Light of St. John, Id. : John Bacon, 1495 (A. 7, 8). 8t. Xatheritie.— Light of St. Katherine, id. : John Usbarne, 1467 (A. 1, 4), and John Weldysh, 1473 (A. 2, 6). Light of St. Katherine, (id. : Wm. Moneure, rector, 1474 (A. 2, 12). Light of St. Katherine, 2d. : Eob^ Bishoppe, 1501 (A. 8, 4). St. Mnrgaret. — Light of St. Margaret, Gc/. : A\^m. Moneure, rector, 1474 (A. 2, 12). St. Stephen.— L\ght of St. Stephen, 2d. : Eob* Bishoppe, 1501 (A. 8, 4). Yaria. — To the high altar a set of vestments of white damask, and a cope of green colour: Tlios. Smith, 1431 (Con. 1, fol. 20). Keparation of the Bell tower, 10*-. : Wm. Moneure, rector, 1474 (A. 2, 12). CHAET (near Suttox Yallakce). Dedication : St. Michael .—BwrieA in the churchyard of St. Rlichael the Archangel of Chart: Wm. Lambe, 1470 (A. 1, 10), and John Donmowe, 1473 (A. 2, 8). Buried in the churchyard of St. Michael of Chart near Sutton Yallence : John Lested, 1474 (A. 2, 13). The Rood.— Light of Holv Cross, 2a-. : John at Parke, 1462 (Con. 2, fol. 71). Light of the High Cross, A^d.: John Lested. 1474 (A. 2, 13), John Donmowe, 1473 (A. 2, 8), and John Knobbe, 1500 (A. 7, 9). To the Kood Light, Gs. Sd. : James Bray, 1506 (A. 10. 5). Our Xr/f^?/.^ Light of St. Mary, a lb. of wax : Alice, widcw^ of Michael Merden, 1461 (A. 1, 11). Light of Blessed Mary, Gd. : John at Parke, 1462 (Con. 2, fol. 71). Light of Blessed Mary, a taper of 1 lb. to burn for one year : Eob* Mascall, 1464 (A. 1, 5). To the painting of the Image called Great Mary, Gs. 8d.: James Bray, 150() (A. 10, 5). St. Christopher. — Light of St. Christopher, 4(/. : John at Parke, 1462 (Con. 2, fol. 71) ; Bob' Mascall, 1462 (A. 1, 5) ; John Lested, 1474 (A. 2, 13) ; John Donmowe, 1473 (A. 2, 8). Light of St. Christopher, 2d. : John Knobbe, 1500 (A. 7, 9). 78 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. St. Jb/i??.— Light of St. John, 4d. : John Lested, 1474 (A. 2, 13). St. John the £aj)tist. — Light of St. John the Baptist, 4d. : John at Parke, 1462 (Con.' 2, foL 71), and Wm. Lambe, 1470 (A. 1, 16). St. Katherine. — Light of St. Katherine, Gd. : John at Parke, 1462 (Con. 2, foL 71). Light of St. Katherine, half a lb. of wax : Eob' Maseall, 1464 (A. 1, 5). Light of St. Katherine, M. : Thomas Bukherst, 1503 (A. 8, 12). St. Margaret.— JAg\\t of St. Margaret, 6^. : John at Parke, 1462 (Con. 2, fol. 71). Light of St. Margaret, h lb. of wax : Eob* Maseall, 1464 (A. 1, 5). Light of St. Margaret, 2d. : John Potter, 1514 (A. 12, 11). ;SV. Mary Magdalene. — Light of St. Mary Magdalene, a lb. of wax : Alice Merden, widow, 1461 (A. 1, 11). Light of St. Mary Magdalene, ^d. : John at Parke, 1462 (Con. 2, fol. 71). Light of St. Mary Magdalene, a taper of 1 lb. : Stephen Evete, 1477 (A. 3, 7). St. Michael. — Light of St. Michael the Archangel, a lb. of wax : Alice, widow of Michael Merden, 1461 (A. 1, 11). Light of St. Michael of Chart, a taper of 1 lb. : Stephen Evete, 1477 (A. 3, 7). Light of St. JNJichael the Archangel, Gd. : John at Parke, 1462 (Con. 2, fol. 71), and John Knobbe, 1500 (A, 7, 9). St. Nicholas.— Jjight of St. Nicholas, 4^. : John at Parke, 1462 (Con. 2, fol. 71) ; Rob* Maseall, 1464 (A. 1, 5) ; John Lested, 1474 (A. 2, 13) ; John Lnnbery, 1499 (A. 7, 5). St. Osi/th. — Two yards of linen cloth to hang before St. Margaret and St. Sithe: Margaret Lambe, 1516 (A. 13, 1). St. Stephen. — To the Image of St. Stephen, 12c/. : John Bray, 1506 (A. 10, 5). Varia. — To buy a basin to hang before the High Cross, Ss. 4d. : Steidien Evete, 1477 (A. 3, 7). Twelve yards of new linen cloth to make three altar cloths, or (Ose albs. To the painting of Ihe Trinity over the soiiili dooy in the jiorch of tlie Clmrcli, 2()r/. : Margiii'et Ivanibc, 151(5 (A. 13, L). CHAKTHAM. Dedication : Our Lady. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Mary of Chartham, near the grave of mv husband : Edith, relict of .John Pontowc, 1171. (A. 2, 13). The Hood. — To the Liglit of Holy Cross in llie Koddlol't, a nicasui-e of barley : Kobert Awbrey, 1476 (A. 2, 19). To th(; Cross Light in the high Roodloft, Gd. : Denysc Obery, 1500 (A. 7, 8). EAST KENT. 79 To the strekintj; ot" tlie Treiidlc lian^iii^ before the liood, a st'aiii (if hai'Icy: .loliii Austen, ]o84 (C(tii. 1C>. fol. 80). Our l.ddi/. — l.if^lit of J^li'ssetl Marv, two (|iiaii(i s (jf liai-lcv : Win. Jirinklionie, 1-171 (Con. 2, fol. 20()). Liglit of Our Lady in llic choir, 12r/., and to maintain the same Liyht, a cow evermore : Jolin J'yrs, 111)0 (A. 5, 14). To everv Beam Light of Our Lady in tlie C'liancel, 1^/. : W'm. Warkope, 1497 (A. 6, 8). Light of Our Lady in the high choir, iiJ. : Denyse Obery, 1500 (A. 7, 8). Light of Our Lady in the Chancel, 2 lbs. of wax : John Farbrace, 1533 (A. 19, 14). Onr Lady in the Nave. — To the Light of Our Lady in the body of the same Church, iSd. : John Helar, 1518 (A. 13, 10) [sec under St. Giles]. Our Lady of Pity. — To the Jiight of Our Lady of Pity m the choir,' 4rf.: Denyse Obery, 15U0 (A. 7, 8). To either of Our Lady's Lights in the Chancel, %d. : John Helar, 1518 (A. 13, 10). Light of Our Lady of Pity, 2 lbs. of wax : John Farbrace, 1533 (A. 19, 14). St. Anthony. — Light of St. Anthony, Qd. : Simon Fagge, 1533 (Con. 10, fol. 64). ;SV. Christopher.- — Light of St. Christopher, (jd. : John Pyrs, 1490 (A. 5, 14); Wm. Bolle, 1510 (A. 11, 4); Simon Fagge, 1533 (Con. 16, fol. 64). Light of St. Christopher, M. : Denyse Obery, 1500 (A. 7, 8). St. Clement. — Light of St. Clement, kl. : Denyse Obery, 1500 (A. 7, 8) ; Simon Fagge, 1533 (Con. 16, fol. 64). St. Oeorye. — Light of St. Greorge, 6c?. : Simon Fagge, 1533 (Con. 16, fol. 64). St. Giles. — A taper of 1 lb. of wax to Our Lady in St. Griles' Chapel. To St. Giles, a taper of 1 lb. of wax : Simon Fagge, 1533 (Con. 16, fob 64). St. John.— Ught of St. John, (nl. : Wm. Bolle, 1510 (A. 11, 4). *S7. John the Baptist. — Light of St. John the Baptist, 2d. : Chris- lopher Gibbs, 1500 (A. 7, 5). SI. Kiillicrine. — Liglit of St. Kalhcrine, (W/. : Simon l''agge, 1533 (Con. 16, fol. 64). St. M.ar(iaret.—\:\^\t of St. Margaret, \d. -. Wm. Warkope, 1497 (A. 6, 8). Light of St. Margaret, (Jd.: Wm. Bolle, 1510 (A. 11, 4), and Simon Fagge, 1533 (Con. 16, fol. 64). 5^^. Nicholas. — Light of St. Nicholas, two quarters of barley : Wm. Brinkborne, 1471 (Con. 2, fol. 206). Light of St. Nicholas, 6d. : Simon Fagge, 1533 (Con. 16, fol. 64). St. Peter. — Ui!,ht of St. Peter, (yd. : AVm. Bolle, 1510 (A. 11, 4). To the Liglit of St. Peter ot" Chartluun, 2*/. : John llorseley of Harbaldowue, 1531 (A. 19, 4). 80 TEST AMENTA CANTIANA. St. Thomas. — Light of St. Thomas, two quarters of barley: "Wm. Brinkborne, 1471 (Con. 2, fol. 206). Varia. — To the bell tower of Chartham, 6s. 8(7. : Edith, relict of John Pontowe, 1474 (A. 2, 13). Eeparatioii of the steeple, 6s. 8^. : John Pyrs, 1490 (A. 5, 14). Towards renewing of a Bell in the Steeple of the Church, my great brass pot : Denyse Obery, 1500 (A. 7, 8). To the making of a door on the south side of tb.e Church, whensoever they do make it, 5s. To the tyling of the Church, 10s. : John Farbrace, 1533 (A. 19, 14). CHEEITON.* Dedication: St. Ifartin. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Martin of Chyriton : Isabelle Norvs, widow, 1463 (A. 1, 8). The Trinifi/.—U^ht of Holy Trinity, 12(/. : Eobert Oswoid, 1484 (A. 3, 29). Light of the Trinity, a bushel of barley : Peter Alkeham, 1511 (A. 12, 4). Light of the Trinity, 8(/. : Thos. Jacobbe, 1518 (A. 13, 7). Light of the Trinity, four bushels of barley: Wm. Chapman, 1533 (Con. 16, fol. 77). The Hood. — Light of Holy Cross, a bushel of barley : Isabelle Norys, widow, 1463 (A. 1, 8). Light of the Cross, a bushel of barlev : Peter Alkeham, 1511 (A. 12,4). Light of the High Cross, 40^7. : Thos. Wortnell, 1517 (A. 13, 2). Our Lady. — Light of St. Mary, a bushel of barley : Isabelle Norys, widow, 1463 (A. 1, 8). Light of St. Mary, 4^7. : Wm. Hobday, 1469 (A. 1, 12). Light of St. Mary, 12d. : Robert Oswoid, 1484 (A. 3, 29). Buried in the Church of St. Martin of Cheringtune, before the Image of the Glorious Virgin Mary, and a priest to celebrate at the Altar of same Blessed Virgin Mary, for my soul, parents, etc., for eight years, and have ten marcs : John Shapman, 1490 (A. 5, 8). A Taper of 2 lbs. of wax before Our Lady in the Chui'ch for ever, to be found out of mv Manor of Enbroke : Peter Alkeham, 1511 (A. 12, 4). St. Kalherine. — Light of St. Katherine, a bushel of barley: Isabelle Norys, widow, 1463 (A. 1, 8), and Peter Alkeham, 151 f (A. 12, 4). Light of St. Katherine, 4r7. : Wm. Hobday, 1409 (A. 1, 12). Light of St Katherine, 1 2d. : Pobcrt Oswoid, 1484 (A. 3, 29). Buried in the Chancel of St. Katherine, and to tlie Light of St. Katherine, half a quarter of bai'ley : I'hos Jacobbe, 1518 (A. 13, 7). * See Archoeologia Cantiana, Vol. XVIIL, pp. 353 — 68. EAST KENT. Rl T3uned in the Church of 8t. Martin of Chcriton, in St. Kathe- rine's Chancel under the stole [sicl that I am wont for to sit whoi T am in the Church : Wm. Chapman, 1583 (Con. 16, fol. 77). St. JMariin. — Tjight of St. Martin, four bushels of barley : Wm. TTobdav, U(59 (A. I, 12), and Wm. Chapman, 1533 (Con. 16, fol. 77). Li^dit of St. Martin, \2d. -. Robert Oswold, 1484 (A. 3, 29). Light of St. Martin, iOJ. : Thos. Wortnill, 1517 (A- 13, 2). To the buyinc; a tabernacle for St. Martin, 20s. : Thos. Jacobbe, 1518 (A. 13, 7). Varia. — To the making of the new beam in Our Lady's Chancel, 40(1. To the mending of the way from St. Enswith Chap(d and Colerspond, 26.s-. 8*/. :' Thos. Wortnill, 1517 (A. 13, 2). CHILHAM. Jjedication : Onr Laihj. — To be buried in the churchyard of the Parish Church of the Assumption of St. jNIary of Chilham : Simon Finys, 1473 (A. 2, 8). Buried in the churchyard of Blessed Mary of Chilham : Wm. Mexstede, 1499 (A. 7, 7). The Hood. — Light of Holy Cross, two bushels of barley : Simon Finys, 1473 (A. 2, 8). ' Light of Holy Cross in the nave, four bushels of barley : John Stamford, 1482 (A. 3, 25). Light of Holy Cross, 8SV//??/s.— Buried in the churchyard of All Saints of Chillinden: llobert Carpenter, 1470 (A. 1,13), \Mm. Fikins, 1472 (A. 2, 6), and John a Veigh, 1497 (A. 6, 8). Buried in the ])nrch of the Church of All Saints of Chillen- deii : .John llanie, 1 173 (A. 2, 9). Buried in the Church of All Hallows of Chillendeu. To every Light in the Church or Chancel, one bushel of wheat and one bushel of barley : Wm. Pemberton, rector, 1504 (A. 12, 14). The Hood. —h\g\\i of liolv Cross, four bushels of barley: Rob'^ Carpenter, 1470 (A. 1, 13). Light of Holy Cross, 4^. : Wm. Eikins, 1472 (A. 2, 6). Light of Holy Cross, 20d. : John Hame, 1473 (A. 2, 9). Light of Holy Cross, a bushel of barley : John a Veigh, 1497 (A. 6, 8). Our Lady. — Light of Blessed Mary, two bushels of barley : Rob*^ Carpenter, 1470 (A. 1, 13). Light of St. Mary. id. : Wm. Fikins, 1472 (A. 2, 6), and John Hame, 1473 (A. 2, 9). Light of St. Marv, a bushel of barley : John a Veigh, 1497 (A. 6,8). To the painting of Our Lady in the high Chancel, 26.9. 8d. : Wm. Avewe, 1521 (A. 14, 8). Light of Our Lady in the choir, a bushel of barley : Wm. Avewe. 1529 (A. 18, 9). All Saints. — To a lamp burning before All Hallows, a seam of malt: Wm. Avewe, 1521 (A. 14, 8). Light of All Hallows, id. : William Avewe. 1529 (A. 18, 9). *S'^ JVicIiolas. —Jj\ght of St. Nicholas, a bushel of barley : Wm. Avewe, 1529 (A. 18, 9). Varia. — To the Church, a written portas [sic], one mass book, a manuell & processional printed. Three cloths of diaper for tlie altar: Wm. Pemberton, rector, 1514 (A. 12, 14). CHISLET. Dedication: Our La di/.— Buried in the church-yard of Our Lady of Chislet : Thos. Baker, curate, 1513 (A. 12, 15). Buried in the church-porch of Chislett : John Crowcher, 1498 (A. 7, 7). Buried in the porch before the north door : John Kidwelly, vicar, 1503 (Con. 7, fol. 71). &3 84 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. The Hood. — To the Light before the High Crucifix, a bushel of barley: Thos. Litilwood, 1464 (A. 1, 8). Transfigitration of Jesus. — To the painting or gilding the Image of the Transfiguration of Jesus near the south corner of the high altar of the Church, £3 6s. Sd. : John Kidwelly, vicar, 1503 (Con. 7, fol. 71). Om- Lady. — Liniit of Our Lady in the Chancel, a bushel of barlev : Thos. Knight, 1500 (A. 7, 7). Light of St. Mary, Qd. : Wm. Nottingham, 1504 (A. 9, 6). Our Lady in the Chapel. — To the reparation of the Light burning in the window of the Chapel j"in fenestra capella] on the north side of the Church before the Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary for ever, a bushel of barley : Thos. Litihvode, 1464 (A. 1, 8). Conception of Our Lady. — A bevet of bees to maintain the Light of the Conception of Our Lady : Thos. Barker, curate, 1513 (A. 12, 15). Our Lady in Jesoin {or childbirth). — Light of Blessed Mary in childbirth, {5d. : Joan Frye, wido\v, 1489 (A. 5, 20). Light of Our Lady in Jesoin, a sheep or \2d. : Thos. Steven- day, 1502 (A. 8, 3). Nativity of Our Lady. — Light of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 6(/. : Joan Erye, widow, 1489 (A. 5, 20). Light of the Nativity of St. Mary, a bushel of corn and barley: Eobert Werthinden, 1509 (A. 11, 1). Assumption of Our Ladi/. — Light of the Assumption, a bushel of barley : Eic'' Underdowne, 1468 (A. 1, 22). Light of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sd. : Joan Frye, widow, 1489 (A. 5, 20). Separation of Our Lady's Assumption in the Church of Chislett, (js. 8d. : Alice, widow of Thos. Consaunt, senior, of St. John's Hospital, Canterbury, 1495 (Con. 4, fol. 78). To Our Lady Light the Assumption, 20^?. : John Crowcher, 1498 (A. 7, 7). Our Lady and Joseph. — To the sustentation of the Lights of St. Mary and Joseph in the Church of Chislet, three bushels of barley. A taper before the Images of St. Mary and Joseph to burn for one whole year : Christopher Notte of Monkton, 1505 (Con. 8, fol. 34). Buried in the Chancel of Our Lady and Joseph in the Church of Chistelett, from the pillar head unto the foot of the step where 1 used to sit commonly, and a tomb to be made at my cost with a picture of my body upon it : Wm. Consant, 1527 (A. 17, 11). »SY. Anthony. — Light of St. Anthony, Qd.: Joan Erye, widow, 1489 (A. 5, 20). St. Christopher. — Light of St. Christopher, a bushel of barley : Kic'' Underdowne, 1468 (A. 1, 22). Light of St. Christopher, 4rf. : Joan Erye, widow, 1489 (A. 5, 20). fiAST KENT. 86 To fSt. Christopher's stock, a sheep or 12^/.: Thos. Steven- day, 1502 (A. S, 3;. Light of St. Christopher, Ga\vjiday, loOS (A. 9, 10). To the Ijight of St. Mary Magdalene in the Chancel of the Nonrie of Davyngton, three ewes: John a Chirche of Oare, 1510 (Con. 10, fol. 80). DEAL. Dedication : St. Leonard. — Buried in the Chancel of St. Leonard's, Deal. To the making of an altar there, 12d. -. John Header, 1450 (Con. 1, fol. 1). Buried in the middle of the choir of the Parish Church of St. Leonard of Deal : Dom. Robert Batresby, curate of Deal. 1502 (Con. 7, fol. 38). Buried in the churchyard of St. Leonard of Deal : Wm. Somer, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 2G6) ; Robert Menesse, 1489 (Con. 3, fol. 222) ; Thos. Hamon, 1503 (Con. 7, fol. 7G) ; \¥m. Kiriell, 1510 (Con. 10, fol. GO) ; Michael Cowpar, smith, 1531 (Con. 15, fol. 152) ; Robert Swayne, 1535 (Con. 15, fol. 261). The Triniti/. — Light of Holy Trinitv, one bushel of barley: Wm. Somer,'l474 (Con. 2, foL 2GG) ; Robert Menesse, 1489 '(Con. 3, fol. 222) ; Thos. Hamon, 1503 (Con. 7, fol. 76) ; Robert Swavne, 1535 (Con. 15, fol. 261). To the maintenance of the Brotherhood of the Holy Trinity, an acre of land : John Guy, 1501 (Con. 7, fol. 35). The Jiood.—lAgU of Holy Cross, 12d. : Thos. Momesse, 1416 (Con. 1, fol. 32). Buried iji the Church before the Rood : John Orly [or Hall], 1516 (Con. 12, fol. 18). Jiuried in the Church of St. Leonard beside the Pont befor the Rood. To the Church for my leystowe [i.e., grave], 6s. 8^/. : Deonyse Briar, 1528 ((^n. 15, fol. 102). Our Lady. — liiglit of Blessed Mary, one bushel of barley : John Sower, 1475 (Con. 2, fol. 303) ; Robert Swayne, 1535 (Con. 15, fol. 261). Light of St. Mary within the choir, three bushels of barley : Alicia, relict of John Boodar, 1500 (Con. 6, fol. 5). Our Lady outside the Chancel. — liight of St. Mary outside the Chancel, two bushels of barley : Thos. Hamon, 1503 (Con. 7, fpl. 76). 94 TESTA MENTA CANTIAKA. aS^^. Christopher. — Light of St. Christopher, a bushel of barley : Michael Cowpar, smith, 1531 (Con. 15, foj. 152). St. Jawes. — Light of St. James, two bushels of barley : Henry Beveriche of Walmer, 1498 (A. 7, 2). Light of St. James, half a quarter of barley : Michael Coupar, smith, 1531 (Con. 15, fol. 152). Light of St. James, one bushel of barley : Eob' Swayne, 1535 (Con. 15, fol. 261). St. John. — Light of St. Johu, a bushel of malt : AVm. Haines, 1512 (Con. 11, fol. 50). Light of St. John, half a quarter of barley : Michael Coupar, smith, 1531 (Con. 15, fol. 152). Light of St. John, a bushel of barlev : Eobert Swayne, 1535 (Con. 15, fol. 261). St. John the Baptist. — Light of St. John the Baptist, one bushel of barlev : Wm. Somer, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 266) ; Simon Kyryell, 14S6'(Con. 3, fol. S3) ; Eobert Menesse, 1489 (Con. 3, fol. 222) ; Wm. Kyril], 1510 (Con. 10, fol. 66). St. Xatheri7ie. — L\ght of St. Katherine, a bushel of malt: Wm. Haines, 1812 (Con. 11, fol. 50). St. Leonard. — Light of St. Leonard, one bushel of barley: Wm. Somer, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 266) ; Simon Kyryell, 1486 (Con. 3, fol. 83) ; Eob^ Swayne, 1535 (Con. 15, fol. 261). Buried in the Chancel before the Image of St. Leonard : Benet Doddyn, clerk and rector, 1530 (Con. 15, fol. 107) ; Leonard Baker, 1542 (Con. 18, fol. 50). St. Loy. — Buried in the Church before St. Lowis Altar. To every Light in the Church a bushel of barley : Thos. Holman, 1535 (Con. 15, fol. 253). Buried in the Church beside my husband : Elisabeth Holman, widow, 1541 (Con. 18, fol. 39). St. Margaret. — Light of St. Margaret, a bushel of barley : Wm. Kyrill, 1510 (Con. 10, fol. 66) ; Wm. Haines, 1512 (Con. 11, fol. 50); Michael Coupar, smith, 1531 (Con. 15, fol. 152); Eobert Swayne, 1535 (Con. 15, fol. 261). Light of St. Margaret, 4(/. : Plesaunce Omer [or Palmer], 1528 (Con. 15, fol. 48). St. Pf'/^r.— Light of St. Peter, a bushel of barley : Win. Kyrill, 1510 (Con. 10, fol. 66) ; Michael Coupar, smith, 1531 (Coii. 15, fol. 152) ; Eobert Swayne, 1535 (Con. 15, fol. 261). Light of St. Peter, 4(/. : Plesaunce Omer or Palmer, 1528 (Con. 15, fol. 48). St. Thomas. — Light of St. Thomas, a bushel of barley : Wm. Haines, (Con. 11, fol. 50) ; Eob* Swayne, 1535 (Con. 15, fol. 261). Light of St. Thomas, 4S^^. Nicholas, St. Clement, St. Maryaret.—To the Lights of St. Nicholas, St. Clement, and St. Margaret, to each, 2d. : Margery Monk, widow, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 27). DODDINGTON. Dedication : St. John the Baptist. — Buried in llie cliurchvard of St. .lohn the Baptist of Dodingtou : Thos, llelmeston, 1 1G5 (A. 1, 15). m TESTAMENT A CANTIANA. Buried in the churchyard of St. John of Dodington : Thos. Howchon, 1465 (A. 1, 15). Buried in the churchyard of the Church of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist' of Doddington : Eic^ Fylkes, li73 (A. 2, 9). The Hood. — Light of Holv Cross, two bushels of barley : Eic"^ Fylkes, 1473 (A. 2, 9), and Thos. Howchon, 1465 (A. l', 5). Light of Holv Cross, a taper of wax : Joan, relict of Bobert Okynfold, 1499 (A. 7, 5). To the High Cross, one ewe : Andrew Uungate, 1507 (A. 10, 6). Oiir Lady. — Light of Blessed Mary, two bushels of barley : Thos. Howchon, 1465 (A. 1, 15), and Eich'> Fylkes, 1473 (A. 2, 9). To painting the Tabernacle of Our Ladv, 6j?. 8^^. : Isoth, widow of Eic'i Borne, 1515 (A. 12, 14). St. John. — Light of St. John, a bushel of corn : Thos. Holmeston, 1465 (A. 1, 15). Light of St. John, two bushels of barley: Thos. Howchon, 1465 (A. 1, 15). St. John the Baptist. — Light of St. John the Baptist, 4^. : Andrew Dungate, 1507 (A. 10, 6). St. Katherine. — Light of St. Katherine, 4id. : Andrew Dungate, 1507 (A. 10, 6). The Herse. — To the Lights about the Herse, two bushels of barley: Thos. Howchon, 1465 (A. 1. 15). To the Herse Light, one bushel of barley: Eic'^ Fylkes, 1473 (A. 2,9). Alms Light.— To an Ahnes Light* in the Church, 4(/. : Wm. May- hew, 1478 (A. 3, 8). Varia. — To the raparation of the Bell-tower, 3s. 4(7. : Andrew^ Dungate, 1507 (A. 10, 6). DOVEE, ST. JAMES. Dedication : St. James. — Buried in the churchyard of St. James, Dover: John Bewvsfleld, 1482 (Con. 2, fol. 542), Thos. at Woode, 1499 (Con.' 5, fol. 44), and EiC^ Carlowe, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 151). Buried in the Church next to my mother's grave. To the three Lights in St. James' Church — the two Eood Lights and Our Ladv's Light, 4(/. each: Eob' Stilman, 1543 (Con. 19, fol. 30). The 72oof/.— Light of Holy Cross, 4d. : Joan Bewysfield, 1482 (Con. 2, fol. 546) ; John Cros, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 67). Light of the Cross, 6^/. : Thos. Martin, 1495 (Con. 4, fol. 49). Light of Holy Cross, 2d. -. Thos. at Woode, 1499 (Con. 5, fol. 44). * There was also on^ in St. Clement, Sandwich, EAST KENT. 97 l^uriod in the Cljurch before the l^oodloft : Hie*' Creke, 1545 (Con. 20, fol. 15). The Cross in the ('hancd. — linricd in the Cliancol before tbe Crosj< : Jas. JuMtyn, 1505 (Con. 8, fol. 101). Sfc above, Kob' Slilman. Oxir Lady. — Light of Blessed Mary, Ad. : Joan Bewysfield, 1482 (Con. 2, fol. 54(5) ; John Cros, 1485 (Con. 8, fol. (57). Lijrht of Ble.sscd ^Mary, 2.s-. : John Claringbold, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 70). Light of Our Lady, Qd. : Thos. Martin, 1 195 (Con. 4, fol. 49). Buried in Our Lady's Chancel in the Church of St. James: John Clarke, l5i;-{ (Con. 11, fol. 71). St. Anthony. — Light of St. Anthony, 1 lb. of wax for one year: Kic*' Carlowe, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 151). Light of St. Anthony, 2d.: Thos. at Woode, 1499 (Con. 5, fol. 44). St. Christopher. — Light of St. Christopher, 4id. : Joan Bewysfield, 14S2 (Con. 2, fol. 546), and John Cros, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 07). Light of St. Christopher, 12(/. : Wm. Foche, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 47). Light of St. Christopher, 6^.: Thos. Martin, 1495 (Con. 4, fol. 49). Light of St. Christopher, 2d. : Thos. at Woode, 1499 (Con. 5, fol. 44). St. Erasmus. — Light of St. Erasmus, 8^/. •■ Wm. Foche, 1485 (Con. 8, fol. 74). Light of St. Erasmus, (Sd. : Thos. Martin, 1495 (Con. 4, fol. 49). Light of St. Erasmus, 2d. : Thos. at A\^oode, 1499 (Con. 5, fol. 44) St. James. — Light of St. James, 4^. : Joan Bewysfield, 1482 (Con. 2, fol. 540). Liglit of St. James, 3s. 4(/. : Cecilia Fee or Rawlyn, 1482 (Con. 2, fol. 551). Light of St. James, 8^^. : John Cros, 14S5 (Con. 3. fol. 07). Liiiht of St. James, 12rine, Ot/. : Thos. Martin, 1495 (Con. 4, fol. 49). n. 98 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. St. Nicholas. — Buried in the Church of St. James', Dover, before the Altar of St. Nicholas : Cecilia Eee or Eawlvn, 1482 (Con. 2, fol. 551). Light of St. Nicholas, 8d.: AVm. Eoche, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 74). Light of St. Nicholas, 6d.: Thos. Martin, 1495 (Con. 4, fol. 49). Sf. JVlnian.—Ught of St. Ninian, 2d.: Thos. at Woode, 1499 (Con. 5, fol. 44). St. Thomas. — Buried in the Church before the Altar of St. Tholnas : Thos. Martin, 1495 (Con. 4, fol. 49). Varia. — To the Church of St. James, two coverlets to be laid at everv principal feast in the Church before the high altar : Thos. Martin, 1495 (Con. 4, fol. 49). DOVEB, ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST.* Dedication : Sf. John the Baptist. — Buried in the churchyard of St. John the Baptist in Dover near uiy wife : John Eoskyn, 1439 (Con. 1, fol. 35). Buried in the churchyard : Wm. Jolv, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 206) ; Henry at Wood, 1504 (Con. 7, foL 86). Buried in the Church: John Bingham, 1514 (Con. 11, fol. 92). The Food.—Ught of Holy Cross, 2d. : Wm. Joly, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 206). Light of Holy Cross, 8d. : Henrv at Wod, 1504 (Con. 7, fol. 86). Our Ladi/.— Light of Blessed Mary, 2d. : Wm. Joly, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 206). Light of Blessed Marv, 8d. : Henry at Wod, 1504 (Con. 7, fol. 86). St. Christopher.— Light of St. Christopher, 2d. : Wm. Jolv, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 206).' Light of St. Christopher, 8d. : Henry at Wod, 1504 (Con. 7, fol. 86). St. George.— Light of St. George, 2d. : Wm. Joly, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 206). Light of St. George, 8^. : Henry at Wod, 1504 (Con. 7, fol. 86). (SV. Hilary. — Light of St. Hillary before Our l^ady Undercroft, six tapers each of throe quarters of a lb. of wax : John Bingham, 1514 (Con. 11, fol. 92). St. John.- Light of St. John, 4d. : Wm. Joly, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 206). 'J'o the Lights of St. John, the Cross, Our Lady, St. George, and St. Christopher, 2s. yearly to the maintenance of the same for five years : John Bingham, 1514 (Con. 11, fol. 93). * See Archceologia Cantiana, Vol. XX., pp. 295 — 304. EAST KENT. 00 St. John the Baptist. — Liglit of St. Joliii tlio Baptist, Hd. : Ucnry at A\^.(l, \-A)\ (Con. 7, fol. SG). The Scpidchre. — To the Lij^lit of the Sepulclire, three tapers each of G lbs. of wax : John Hin^^ham, 1514 (Con. 11, fol. 02). DOVER, ST. MARY. Buried in the Churc-li of Blessed Mary of Dover: John AVebbe, 1435 (Con. 1, fol. 20). Buried in the churehvard of St. Mary in Dover : Joan Sherman, 1170 (Con. 2, fol. 454), and AVni. Jacob, 1481 (Con. 2, fol. 538). Buried in the cross aley [s/c] near Andrew my son in the Church: Kic'i Plesynton, 1402 (Con. 3, fol. 317). Buried in the Church of St. Mary, " in a Chancel where the Aldermen do sit": Edmond Modye, bailiff, 1552 (Con. 25, fol. 1). The Trinity. — A priest to celebrate in the Church of St. Mary of Dover, in the Chapel of the Holv Trinity : . . . Caldam of River [where buried], 14S5 (Con. 8, fol. 30). Buried in the Church of Our Lady before the Trinity. To the Trinity Altar and St. Katherine's Altar, to each 8t?. : Thos Flemini?, 154G (Con. 20, fol. 30). The Rood.—Ug\\t of Holv Cross, 2d. : Wm. Jacob, 1481 (Con. 2 fol. 533). Light of Holy Cross, 2s. : Henry Havward, 1485 (Con. 3 fol. SO). Light of Holy Cross, 4rf. : Thos. Oerves, 1488 (Con. 3 fol. 214). See under *SY. James. Our Ladi/. —Liirht of Blessed Mary, 2d. : Wm. Jacob (Con. 2 fol. 533). Light of St. Mary, id. -. Wni. Fuller, 1482 (Con. 2, fol. 546) and Thos. Gerves, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 214). Light of Blessed Mary, 2s. : Henrv Hayward, 1485 (Con. 3 fol. SO). St. Anne.— Light of St. Anne, 4i. : Wm. Fuller, 1482 (Con. 2 fol. 54G). St. Ant hon I/. —L\i:!,ht of St. Anthony, 4^/. : Wm. Fuller, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 214). St. Christopher.— Ught of St. Christopher, 4f/. : AVm. Fuller, 1482 (Con. 2, fol. 54G). Light of St. Christopher, 3s. 4t/. : Jolm Hoggeson, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 80). St. Erasmus. — Buried in the Church before the Image of St. Erasmus. To every Light in the Church, 8c^. : John Claringbold, 1513 (Con. 11, fol. 70). St. James. — Light of St. James, 20c?. : John AVebbe, 1435 (Con. 1, fol. 20). Light of St. James, 2d. -. AVm. Jacob, 1481 (Con. 2, fol. 533), u 2 100 TESTAMEXTA CANTIANA. Wm. Fuller, 1482 (Con. 2, £ol. 546), Thos. Capvn, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 193), and Thos. Gerves, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 214). Mv tenement in the Fish-market remain for ever to the Light of St. James in the Church, and the Wardens of the same Light, for the time being, pay yearly for ever to the support of the Light of Holv Cross in the Church, (is. 8il. : Eic'' Plesvnton, 1492 (Con. 3, fol. 317). St. John— Light of St. John, 2d. : Thos. Gerves, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 214). St. John the Baptist.— Light of St. John the 13aptist, 2J. : "Wm. Jncob, 14S1 (Con. 2, fol. 533). St. Katharine. — Light of St. Katherine, Id. : Wm. Jacob, 1481 (Con. 2, fol. 533). Light of St. Katherine, 4^/. : Thos. G-erves, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 214). Buried in the Church of Blessed Mary in Dover, in tlie Chapel of St. Katherine. To each Light in the Church, (id. : Thos. Tok, 1484 (Con. 2, fol. 614). Buried in the Chancel of St. Katherine in the Church of Blessed Marv in Dover. To the Light of St. Katherine, 12d. : Henry Hay ward, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 8U). Buried in the Chapel of St. Katherine in the Church of Our Lady in Dover. To the Church for my burial five marcs. A stone over my grave, " graven upon the same myself and my two wives, at either hand of me one of them ": Gefferay Elham, 1496 (Con. 4, foL 110). Buried in the Church in St. Katherine' s Chapel : John Simon, 1518 (Con. 12, fol. 125). St. Loij. — Buried in the Church in St. Loy's Chapel before the Image of !St. Thomas of Canterbury. Towards making the cover over the Font, 3s. 4rf. : Thos. Lybeas, 1528 (Con. 15, fol. 23) . St. MicJiael. — Light of St. Michael the Archangel, 2d. : Wm. Jacob, 1481 (Con. 2, fol. 533). Light of St. Michael, 2d. : Wm. Fuller, 1482 (Con. 2, fol. 546), Thos. Capyn, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 193), and Thos. Gerves, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 214). Buried in St. Michael's Chapel in the Church of Our Lady of Dover. To the Light of St. Michael, '[2d. : John Temjilomar, 1513 (Con. 11, fol. 69). St. Nicholas.— lAght of St. Nicholas, 2d. : Thos. Capyn, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 193). Buried in the Church in tlie Chapel of St. jS'icholas : Edward Milward, 1547 (Con. 21, fol. 68). St. mnian. — Ught of St. Ninian, 2d. : Wm. Fuller, 1482 (Con. 2, fol. 546) ; Tho.s. Gerves, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 214). St. Thomas of Qinterhury. — See under St. Loy. The Torches.— To the Liglit of the Torches, 20d. : John Webbe, 1435 (Con. 1, fol. 29). Light called the Torch Light, 6.v. >>d. : Wm. Fuller, 1482 (Con. 2, fol. 546). EAST KENT. 101 Light of the Torch, 'IJ. : Thos. Capyn, 148S (Con. :i, fo]. 193). Jesus Mass. — To the Maintenance of the Jesus Mjiss, 2d. -. John Otwoy, 1498 (Con. 4, fol. 190). To the Jesus Mass, 12(1. for a year : John Tcmplomar, lol3 (Con. 11, fol. 09). Chapel of Holy Cross in the Churchyard. — Light of Holy Cross in the Chapel there, -id. : Thos. Gerves, 148.S (Con. 3, fol. 214). "To the Cross Chapel in Our J^adv churchyard towards the building of it, Ss. 4^. ": Thos. Sawyer^ 1521 (Con. 13, fol. 50). To the glazing of the window before the altar in the Chapel of Our Lady's churchyard, Os. Hd. : Thos. Lybeas, 1528 (Con. 15, fol. 23). ''Buried in the Cross Chapel in the churchyard": liobart Dyar, 1527 (Con. 15, fol. 158). DOVER, ST. NICHOLAS.* Dedication : St. Nicholas. — Buried in the Chancel of the Parish Church of St. Nicholas in Dover: Thos. Hexstall, 1486 (Con. 3, fol. 99). Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas : llob^ Smethiott, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 150), and John Chalkehill, 1483 (Con. 3, fol. 151). liuried in the Church uf St. Nicholas in Dover. To every Light, 46?. : Kob' Colwell, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 214). The Trinity. — My heirs to maintain and sup])ort two tapers, each of 3 lbs. weight of wax, to burn before the Image of the Holy Trinity before the high altar during mass on festival days : Thos. Hexstall, 14SG (Con. 3, fol. 99). The Hood.— To the Light of Holy Cross, 12^/. : Kob' Smethiott, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 150), Rob' RandalfE, 1489 (Con. 3, fol. 223), and Thos. a Barrowe, 1520 (Con. 13, fol. 20). Light of Holy Cross, 3.s. id. : Thos. Petytt, 1502 (Con. 7, fol. 29 j. Our Lady. — Buried in the Chapel of Our Lady in the Church of St. Nicholas before the Image of Our Lady there : John Elyse, 1518 (Con. 12, fol. 173). To the support of the Lights of Blessed Mary, St. Nicholas, and Holy Cross in the Church, 5s. : Thos. Hexstall, 1486 (Con. 3, fol. 99). Light of Blessed Mary, I2d. : Rub' Randaltt", 1489 (Con. 3, fol. 223) ; Thos. a Bariowe, 1520 (Con. 13, fol. 20). Light of Our Lady, 6s. Hd. : Thos. Petytt, 1520 (Con. 7, fol. 29). St. Clement. —Light of St. Clement, 12S'^. George. — My bay horse to be sold, and the money buy an Image of St. G-eorge to set in the Church : Wui. Eede, 1472 (A. 2, 6). The Sacrament. — Three eAves to find a taper in the high Chancel of the Parish Church before the Sacrament, to burn as it hath been used heretofore: Wm. Abell, 1534 (Con. K!. fol. 73). Var/'a. — Twt) j^riests to sing in the Church of Eastchurch for a year, to say for me St. G-regory's trental. and keep every Sunday and Holyday, £10. To all the altars in the Church double repair, that is altar cloths and towels that belong thereto : Ric'' Rede, 1472 (A. 2, 6). Ex'ors to buy five Vestments com pleat of green satin of Brugges at 20s. each, with a remembrance on the back of every vestment of the giver : one to the Parish Church of Eastchurch with an Image of All Hallows on the back. Other Churches, Queenborough, Minster, Tieysdovvn, and Warden : John Bel- linger of Eavershain [in which Church he Avas buried], 1529 (A. 18, 9). EASTLING. Dedication : St. Mary. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Mary of Eslvng : Rob' Lull, 1475 (A. 2, 16) ; Ric'i Clouch, 1497 (A. 6, 7). The ii'oof/.— Light of the Holy Cross, 4^/. : lioh^ Lull, 1475 (A. 2, 16). To the making of the Roodloft of Holy Cross of Eselyng, 6s. Hd. : Isabelle Cherche of Ottcrden, 1497 (A. 6, 7). Our Lady. — I owe to the Light of a Lamp before Our Lady in her Chancel, 10s. : Ric'' Clouch, 1497 (A. 6, 7). St. James.— Light of St. James, 2d. -. liob' Lull, 1475 (A. 2, 16). St. I^atherine. — Light of St. Katharine, 4ight iiavc a cow or (!>s. Sr/., and every other Ivight have 12^/.: .lohn Cherch, 1475 (A. 2, 16). The Torche>i.—'\\) i\\ii Lighl of tlio Torches, 4^/. : Eob' !;iill, 1475 (A. 2, 16). EAST KENT. 107 EASTKY. Dedlcdtion : Our Jjidy. — Buried in the cliurcliyanl of Kastrc, (in the west side of the Clia])el within the i^tinie cliurcliyard : Walter Eeyrefax, 14;-{9 (Con. I, fol. Is). Buried in tlie Cliurch of Bles.sed Mary of Eastrev : AVm. Sutton, 1401 (Con. 2, fol. li;i). J3uried in tiie Chancel of the Church : Wm. Craller, pencion- arius of the Parisli Church of Estre, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 184). Buried in the Church by my father. Towards makin*^ the Koodloft, £0 V'U. 4f/. Reparation of the Church, ij'-i «3.s. '^d. : John Owre, 1532 (Con. 15, fol. 182). Our Lady. — To the loer [s/c] Light of Our Lady, half a seame of barley : Wm. Paramore, 1529 (Con. 15, fol. I'd). Chapel of Our Lady. — Buried in the church-yard before the west door of Our Lady Chapel, and to the Light of Our Lady Chapel one ewe : John Pysng of Selveston, 149JJ (Con. 5, fol. (j). Buried in the churchyard before the door of Our Lady Chapel : lioger Erewer, 1505 (Con. 8, fol. 15). Buried before the Chapel-door in the churchyard. Towards buying a new canopy cloth for the Parish Church, 13*. 4f/. : John Frynd, 1530 (Con. 15, fol. 346). St. John. — To the Light of St. .John a lb. of wax yearly, during the life of Alice my w'lfe : John Broker, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 180). St. Jolin the Baptist. — Buried in the body of the Cliurch before the Altar of St. John the Baptist. To the reparation of the Church, £3 Us. 8,/.: Peter Larly, 1497 (Con. 4, fol. 143). Light of St, John the Baptist, half a seam of barley : Win. Paramore, 1529 (Con. 15, fol. 79). *S^^. Margaret. — Light of St. Margaret, one bushel of barlev : Wm. Paramore, 1529 (Con. 15, fol. 79). Jesus Mass. — To the maintenance of the Jesus Mass in the Church, two kine, and to the xVltar where the Mass of Jesus is celebrated, a vestment, price £5. John Owi-e, 1532 (Con. 15. fol. 182). Varia. — My tenement at Selveston, bought of Henry Baxe the elder, to my ex'or Roger Erynne, for the churchwardens for the re- paration of the Church for evermore : Thos. Elware. 1499 (Con. 5, fol. . .). EASTWELL. Dedication : Our Ladij. — Buried in the choir of the L hurch of Blessed Mary of Eastwell, near the grave of my husband. To every Liyht, 3s. 4r/. : Margareta, relict of Walter Moyle, 1493 (Con. 3, fol. 349). Buried in the Church of Our Lady of Eastwell : Simon Jordan, 1508 (.\. 9, 9). Buried in the Cluiivh of Eastwell : Sir Wm. Edwardson, 1518 (A. 13, 12). The Rood. — Buried in the Church of Blessed Mary of Eastwell, before the High Cross : Wm. Eobertsou, rector, 146(5 (A. 1,4). 108 TESTAMENTA cantiana. Light of Holy Cross, 6^/. : Wm. Fowggle, 148J^ (Con. 3, fol. 10). Light of the Cross, I2d. : Simon Jordan, 1508 (A. 9, 9). Light of the Cross, 6s. Sd. : Sir Wm. Edwardson, 1518 (A. 13, 12). Our Lfidi/.— Light of Blessed Mary, 12d. : John Bigge, 11G3 (A. 1, 0). Light of Blessed Mary in the choir, (id. : Wm. Fowggle, 1481 (Con. 3, fol. 10). Light of Our Lady, 20d. : Sir Wm. Edwardson, 1518 (A. 13, 12). St. Ann.— Light of St. Anne, 3r/. : Simon Jordan, 1508 (A. 9, 9). St. Christopher. — Light of St. Christopher, Sd.: Simon Joi'dan, 1508 (A. 9, 9). Light of St. Christopher. 4lisalK;t h Kayner, 1526 (Con. 14, fol. 172). St. 31icJinel.—L\SY. John the Baptist.— Ught of St. John the Baptist, 4d. : John Goldfinch, 1471 (A. 1, 18) ; Jiiliana Cowper, widow, 1469 (A. 1, 21) ; Margaret Smersole, widow, 1513 (A. 12, 7). Light of St. John the Baptist, a buslu'l of barley : John Bredey, 1473 (A. 2, 9) ; Thos. Taylor, 147 !• (A. 2, 13). St. John the Erangelist. — Light of St. John the Evangelist, 4c7. : Jdlm fioldfincli, 1471 (A. 1, 18) ; Juliana Cowper, widow, 1469 (A. 1,21). liiglit of St. John the Kvangclist, a bushel of barley : John Jiredey, 1473 (A. 2, 9) ; Thos. Taylor, 1474 (A. 2, 13). St. Katherine. — My ex'ors shall make and repair well and sufficiently all the south aisle of the (^hurch of Elham, extending from the Altar of St. Katherine there, unto the west window next above EAST KENT. 113 the fout, the timber all new, and the lieliiifr* with lead, and all otlu'i- Iliiiij^H ncces.sarv, with mine own jtjoods : Selvistre, widow of Juhn (;!ogo;t", 1513 (A. 12, 5). St. Michael— \:nj}\t of St. Mieliael, 3^/.: Thos. (Jendor, UGO (A. 1, 4). St. Nicholas.— l.U^U of St. Nicliolas, 2iJ.: John (Joldfiiich, 1171 (A. 1, 18) ; ThoB. Salleyn, 1 l!)l (A. 5, 10). Light of St. JS'icliolas, half a bushel of barley : Thos. Taylor, 1474 (A. 2, 13). Light of St. Nicholas, 4;ulv in Joasiiin.'. id.: Margaret Smythe, 149() (A. 0, 0); SiiiKHi Warnccourl, 11-9G (A. G, G) ; John Bringburue, 1515 (A. 12, 7). Assicmplion of Our Lmhj. — Light of the Assumption oF Our Lady, 4rf. : John Bringburue, 1515 (A. 12, 17). Light of the Assumption of Our lilessed La'Iy in the choir, 46?.: Elyne Eastoii, widow, 1.521 (A. 14, II). Our Ladji of Bethlehem — Light of Our Lady of Bedlam, 4(/. : Elisabetii Overtou, widow, 1523 (A. 15, 11)."^ Our Lady and Joseph. — -To the Image of Our Lady of [s/c] Joseph in the Church, 3s. id.., to be spent on and about the same Image, at the discretion of my ex'ors : John Hardy, 1508 (A. 9, 11). Our Lady and Si. Anne. — I'o the box of the Brotherhood priest of Our Lady and St. Anne, towards the maintenance of the same Brotherhood, lOs. : Jolin Brode, 1512 (A. 12, 9). To the Brotlierliood bo.v of Our Ladv and St. Anne, iid. : Henry Bele, 1515 (A. 12, 14). To the Brotherhood of Our J^ady and St. Anne. (is. Hd. : John Love, 1518 (A. 13, 4). All Saints.— Light of All Saints, 8 (A. 17, 2). To the Altar of St. Erasmus, Hd. : John Cony, 1526 (A. 17, 4) ; RoV Thornvvall, 1528 (A. 18. li). To the Altar of St. Erasmus, 20(1. to the maintenance of the priest: Agnes Andrew, 152G (A. 17, 4). To the Altar of St. Erasmus, a taper of 1 lb. of wax : Joan Cheeseman, 1529 (A. 18, 8). To the Altar of St. Erasmus to maintain the jiriest, 4:d. a quarter for one year: John Thompson, 1528 (A. 18, 0). To maintain the Light set above St. Erasmus altar called St. Erasmus Light, lOs. : John Barnard, 1534 (A. 20, 1). Light of St. Erasmus, M. : Wm. Dobbis, 150(5 (A. 10, 3) ; John Bringburne, 1515 (A. 12, 17) ; Elyne Easton, widow, 1521 (A. 14, 11) ; Elisabeth Overton, widow, 1523 (A. 15, 11). Towards maintaining the Light before St. Erasmus, 4S'^ Zoy. — Light of St. Lov, k/. : Kob^ Baker. 15(»:i (A. S, 13). >SA i«/iT.— Lif^'ht of St. laike, 4(/. : Margaret Sinythe, 149G (A. G, G) ; Elisabeth Overton, 1523 (A. 15, 11). St. Mnry dLu/flalene.— l A'^hi of St. INlarv :\ragdalene, 4^/. : John Meltan, 1488 (A. 5, 1). Liu/.—L\ght of St. Anthony, -U.: Win. Kenett, lolO (A. 11, 9). St. Botolph. — Bnriecl in the Chapel of St. Botolph : Thos. Curtyce, shipmai), 1529 (A. IS. 4). St. Christopher. — ]?uried in the Church against the Image of St. Cliristopher. To the reparation of the Church and for ray burial, 20.s'. To the Light of St. Christopher, ^d. : Joan Cheveler, 1465 (A. 1, 7). Light of St. Christoplier, -id. : Thos. Newsole, 1466 (A. 1, 10) ; John Cole, 1473 (A. 2, 8) ; Thos. Kenett, 1477 (A. 3, 5) ; • Bartholomew Kenett, 1518 (A. 14, 5): Thos. Grubbe, 1528 (A. 17, 15); John Tong, 1533 (Con. 16, fol. 1). Corpi/.^ Chriiiti. — Light of Corpus Christi, 3s. 4:d. : xlrthur Waryn, 1458 (A. 1, 1). Light of Cor2)ns Christi, one fleA^as : Joan Bikinden, 1465 (A. 1,7). Light of Corpus Christi, 12f/. : Joan Cheveler, 1465 (A. 1, 7'> ; John Cole, 1473 (A. 2, 8) ; Bartholomew Kenett, 1518 (A. 14, 5) ; John Davey of Hope, 1528 (A. 18, 6). Brotherhood of Corpus Christi, 4c?. : Stephen Groldfinch, 1473 (A. 2, 8). Light of Corpus Christi, a bushel of barley: Matthew atte Wode, 1484 (Con. 3, fol. 1). Light of Corpus Christi, Qd. : Thos. Fettling, 1466 (A. 1, 9). St. Eanswith. — Light of St. Eanswythe, Qd. : Arthur Waryn, 1458 (A. 1, 1). Light of St. Eanswyth, 4,d. : Alice Jacob, 1462 (A. 1, 7) ; Thos.Goldwort, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 55). Light of St. Enswith, 12(/. : Bartholomew Kenett, 1518 (A. 14, 5) ; John Davy of Hope, 1528 (A. IS, 6). A taper of 4J. to the Shrine of St. Enswithe : Thos. Grubbe, 1528 (A. 17, 5). St. Erasmu.'i. — Light of St. Erasmus, M. : John Tong, 1533 (Con. 16, fol. 1). St. George. — Light of St. George, 4c/. : Thos. Newsole, 1466 (A. r, 16); John Cole, 1473 (A. 2, 8); Thos. Kenett, 1477 (A. 3, 5) ; Thos. Goldwort, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 55) ; Thos. Grubbe, 1528 (A. 17, 15) ; John Tong, 1533 (Con. 16, fol. 1) ; Charles Shote, 1534 (A. 20, 1). Lightof St. George, 1 2d. : Bartholomew Kenett, 1 518 (A. 14, 5). Buried in the Church of Our Lady and St. Enswithe, next the Chapel of St. George, before the Pulpett [sec] : Thos. Ketham, 1526 (A. 17, 1). St. Ji/w^es.— Light of St. James, 4(7. : Thos. Fettling, 1466 (A. I, 9) ; Wm. Gebon of Hawkinge, 1503 (A. 8, 12) ; John Giblot, 1513 (A. 12, 4) ; Bartholomew Kenett, 1518 (A. 14, 5). k2 132 TEST AMENTA CANTIANA. To the Light of St. James and St. Christopher, my best cooking pot : Alice Short, 1499 (A. 7, 5). St. John.—L\ght of St. John, 4d. : John Giblot, 1513 (A. 12, 4) ; Bartholomew Kenett, 1518 (A. 14, 5) ; Charles Shote, 1534 (A. 20, 1). Light of St. John, 12d.: John Davey of Hope, 1528 (A. 18, 6). Bnried in the Church in St. John's yle [sic'} ; and to the Light of St. John, 4d. : Thos. G-rubbe, 152S (A. 17, 15). To the maintenance of the Light of St. John for ever, two kine: John Holbein, 1534 (A. 20, 1). Si. John the Baptist. — Bnried in the Church of St. Mary and St. Eanswithe in the Chancel of St. John the Baptist : I'hos. Craase, 1473 (A. 2, 9). Light of St. John the Baptist, 2d.: Thos. Colkyn, 1477 (A. 3, 5). Light of St. John the Baptist, Gd. : John Baker, 1503 (A. 8, 12). Buried in the Church before the Altar of St. Jolui the Baptist ; and to the reparation of the Altar of St. John ihe Baptist, 20(/. : John Tong, 1533 (Con. 16, fol. 1). St. Michael. — Light of St. Michael, 12d. : Agnes Hamon, 1473 (A. 2, 9) ; Thos. Bovinden of Sutton Vallance, 1477 (A. 3, 5) ; Thos. Hamon, 1480 (A. 3, 17). Light of St. Katherine, I2d. : Ric'' Berwke, 1470 (A. 1, 13). St. Lawrence.— \Agh.t of St. Lawrence, 2d. : Stephen Hamon, 1480 (A. 3, 16) ; AVm. Halfnoth, 1480 (A. 3, 20) ; Joan a Barough, 1500 (A. 8, 1) ; Kiel Lethe, 1509 (A. 11, 9). St. ioye.— Light of St. Loye, Qd. : Geo. a Forde, 1519 (A. 14, 1). St. Margaret.— JAght of St. Margaret, 2d. : John Webbe, 1495 (A. 6, 4). Light of St. Margaret, 4 Lethe, 1509 (A. 11, 9). Light of the Youngmen. — To the Light of the Youngmen, 16t/. : Geo. a Forde, 1519 (A. 14, 1). Light of the Maidens.— To the Light of the Maidens, ijd. : Geo. ■ a Forde, 1519 (A. 14, 1). The Her se.— Light oi the Herse, 12(/. : RicS'^. Pe/er.— Light of St!' Peter, I2d. : Thos. Progenhale, 1448 (Con. 1, fol. 44). Light of St. Peter, 4:d. : John Purner, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 288) ; Geoffrey Cok, 1497 (Con. 4, fol. 140). Light of St. Peter, 3 bushels of barley : John Belling, 1461 (Con. 2, fol. 26). Light of St. Peter, one bushel of barley : Ric'' Laurence, 1478 (Con. 2, fol. 397). Varia. — To the reparation of the bell tower of the Church, 20s. : Thos. Progenhale, 1448 (Con. 1, fol. 44). Towards the gilding of the Roodloft, 6s. 'Sd., and to the making of the arch in Our Lady's Chancel, 6s. 8rf. : Robert Baseley, 1514 (Con. 11, fol. 101). A cloth to hang before the high altar: Guy Coke, 1534 (Con. 15, fol. 255). GOODNESTON NEXT PAVERSHAM. Dedication : St. Bartholomew. — Buried in the churchyard of St. iUrtholomew of Goodwinston : Rob' Colwell, 1505 (A. 9, 5); Joan Talding, 1529 (A. 18, 9). Buried in the churchyard of Gudewynston : Ric"^ Bull, senior, 1469 (A. 2, 1). Buried in the Church porch of Godwynston. To the Church, 6s. Hd. To maintain a liamp in the same porch before an Image of Our Lady ou Sundays, 6s. 8r/. : Wm. Benett, parson of Good- wynston, 1491 (Con. 3^ fol. 2S9). The Bood.—lA^\\t of the High Cross, Qd. : Ric'' Bull, senior, 1469 (A. 2, 1) ; Ric'i Yalding, 1514 (A. 12, 15). Light of the Cross, 12St. Kalherine. — Light of St. Katherine, 4c/. : Eob' Colwell, 1505 (A. 9, 5) ; Eic'' Y^alding, 1514 (A. 12, 115). St. Margaret.— Jjight of St. Margaret, 2d. : Jeffrey Wyborne, 1527 (A. 17, 13). St. Thomas of Canterhuri/. — A taper of 1 lb. of wax to St. Thomas of Canterbury: Joan'l^alding, 1529 (A. IS, 9). Varia. — To the reparation of the Church, 20(/., and of the steeple of the Church, 20r/. : Thos. Corbell, 1474 (A. 2, 13). GOODNESTOJS NEXT WINGHAM. Dedication: Exaltation of II oh/ Cross (by tradition). — Buried in the Church beside the grave of my wife : John Godeiieston, gent., 1512 (Con. 11, fol. 33). Light of Holy Cro.«s of Eolling, (5^/. Lighl of Holy Cross of L'ffiugton, iSd. : John llame of Cliillenden, 1473 (.A. 2, 9). St. Marf/aret. — Buried in the Church before the Altar of St. Mar- garet. To the Church, two kine, one for the Church and the other for a perpetual Obit to be done for me in the Church : Thos. Boys, 1508 (Con. 10, fol. 01). GOUDHUEST. Dedication: Our Lady. — Buried in the churchyard of Blessed Mary of Goutherst : Ste|)hen Eoper, 1470 (A. 1, 12); Eob* Courthope, 1470 (A. 1, 12) ; Eich'' Horden, 1500 (A. 8, 8) ; John Lome, senior, 1510 (A. 13, 1). 140 TESTAMENT A CANTIANA. Buried in the Church of Blessed Mary of Gowderst near the grave of mv mother in the middle of the Church : Stephen Eoberd, 1502 (A. 8, 9). Buried in the Chvirch beside my father : Alexander Sabbe, 1522 (Con. 13, fol. 147). Buried in the Church in the middle pace against the end of my seat there. To the Church for my burial, Gs. Sd. ; and to the reparation of the Church, 6s. 8d. : Vim. Bramingbery, 1530 (A. 19, 2). Buried in the Church of Goodherst beside my wife : Thos. Horsmenden, senior, 1535 (Con. 15, fol. 308). The Hood.— To the Light of the Berne afore the High Cross, I2d. : Wm. Bramingbery, 1530 (A. 19, 2). Our Lady. — Light of St. Marv, a lb. of wax : Stephen Eojier, 1470 (A. 1, 12). Image of St. ]Mary, a taper of 3^. : Margaret Pep)sam, 1482 (A. 3, 23). Light of Blessed Mary, 20d. -. John Hulke, 1484 (Con. 3, fol. 19). Eive tapers each of 1 lb. of wax to burn before the Image of St. Mary in the high choir: Thos. Crouchman, 1504 (A. 9, 7). Light before Our Lady, 2s. : Alex. Sabbe, 1522 (Con. 13, fol. 147). Light afore Our Blessed Lady in the Chancel, 8d. : Wm. Bramingbery, 1530 (A. 19, 2). *S'^. Anfhoni/, etc. — -In wax to burn before four Images in the Church, i.e., before the Images of St. Anthony, St. Herasmus [_sic], St. Clement, and St. Katherine : Kic'i Atkin, 1498 (A. 7, 6). >SY. Christopher. — Light of St. Christopher, 20d. : Stephen Eoper, 1470 (A. 1, 12). Light of the Blessed Christopher, 4rf. : Kic'' Horden, 1500 (A. 8, 8). St. Clement (see under St. Anthony). — Light of St. Clement, \2d.: Alex. Sabbe, 1522 (Con. 13, fol. 147). St. Erasmus. — See under St. Anthony. St. George.— lA^hi of St. George, 20^/. : Stephen Iloper, 1470 (A. 1, 12). St. John the Baptist. — To the Image of St. John the Baptist, a taper of 3f/. : Margareta Pepsam, 1482 (A. 3, 23). Light of St. John the Baptist, I2d. : John Hulke, 1484 (Con. 3, fol. 19). Light of St. John the Baptist, Id. a year for seven years after my dcalh : John Lome, senior, 151() (A. 13, I). St. Katharine (see under St. Anthoni/). — Buried in the churcliyard under the window of the Chapel of St. Katherine, in the Cliurch of Our Lady. To the ])aviiig of tlic north ile \_sic'] of tlie Church of Goodherst, 20.s-. : .lohii Hadde, 149(; (Cou. 4, fol. 20). St. Zoy.— Light of St. Loy, \2d. : Alex. Sabbe, 1522 (Con. 13, fol. 147). St. Margaret. — Light of St. Margaret, one taper, to burn for one year on Sundays during high mn.ss: liolici-t Robart, 1491 (A. 5, 10). EAST KENT. 141 St. Nieliolos. — To tlie Image of St. Nicholas, a taper of 3r/. : Mar- gareta Pepsam, 1482 (A. 3, 23). St. Fefer.— To tlio Broilierhood of St. Peter of Comborne,* 10.s-. : Kic'' Horden, loUO (A. 8, 8). The Ho'se.—liight of the Herse, 10S'^. John. — Light of St. John, a cow: Matthew Marten, 1508 (A. 10, 6).^ Light of St. John, 4fZ. : Roger Brent, 1529 (A. 18, 10) ; John Horseley, 1531 (A. 19, 4).^ St. Mary Maqchilene. — Light of St. Marv Magdalene, 2d. : Roger Brent, 1529 (A. 18, 10). St. Ji/c7««^/.— Light of St. Michael, 20(^. : Matthew Marten, 1508 (A. 10, 6). Light of St. Michael, 4<7. : Roger Brent, 1529 (A. 18, 10) ; John Horseley, 1531 (A. 19, 4). HARBLEDOWN, HOSPITAL OF ST. NICHOLAS. Dedication : St. Nicholas. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. To the parish-chaplain, 4:d. ; to Nicholas Glover, brother of the Hospital, and gate-keeper of the same Hospital, one tabarde : Ric'i Gilmin, brother of the Hospital, 1480 (Con. 2, fol. 465). Buried in the churchyard of the Hospitnl : Alice Nasshe, widow and sister of the Hospital, 1486 (Con. 3, fol. 94). Buried in the Chancel: Thos. Porter, priest, of St. Nicholas, Harbaldowne, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 52). The 7?oo(/.— Light of Holy Cross, 20d. : Alice Nasshe, widow, 1486 (Con. 3, fol. 94). Buried in the Church of the Hospital at the door of the choir, before the Image of the Holy Cross. To the fabric of the Church. Gs. 8d. ; and my best Portifor to the Church of St. Nicholas: Ric'' Smethe, chaplain of the Hospital, 1486 (Con. 3, fol. 99). Light of the High Cross, id. : Thos. Underwood, brother of the Hospital, 1507 (Con. 9, f(d. 152). Our Ladij. — Light of St, Mary. Ad. : Michael a Downe of St. Nicholas Hospital, 1501 (Con. 7, fol. 5). Tiight of Onr Lady, 4^/. A taper of 5 lbs. of wax to burn in the Chancel before Our Lady, every Holy day at Matins, Mass, and B\'cnsong, and all other working days, when the priest sayeth Mass, till the taper be all burned up : Tlios. Underwood, brother of the Hospital, 1507 (Con. 9, fol. 152). St. Christopher.— Light of St. Christopher, id. : Thos. Porter, priest, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 52) ; John Kent, brother of the Hospital, 1529 (Con. 15, fol. 74). St. iieorqe. — Light of St. George, Ad. : Thos. Porter, [)ricst, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 52). aS^^. Knthcrine. — Light of St. Katherine, 8S?. Christopher and St. Georf/e. — To the i)aiiitiiicr of St. Christopher aiul St. George, 2(W. : Johu Erokett, lolG (A. 12, li)j. St. John.—U^rU of St. John, 2d. : Thos. Gotesle, 1469 (A. L 13) ; John Stede, senior, 1513 (A. 12, 7) ; Agnes Wildbore, widow, 1515 (A. 12, 4). Light of St. John, Vul. -. .luliii Stokelotte, 1407 (A. 1, 20). St. John the Baptist. — Light of St. John tlie Baptist, 2^)d.: John Stede. senior, 14()3 (A. 1. (5). Light of St. John tlie Baptist, iSd.: John Taylour, senior, 1478 (Con. 2, fol. 400). Light of St. John the Baptist, -id. : Henry Gregory, 1479 (A. 3, 13). Light of St. John the Baptist, a taper worth 12d. : John Stoklett, 1502 (A. 8, 10). St. Kafherine.—ljv^ht of St. Katherine, 2d. : Roger Stede, 1463 (Con. 2, fol. 82). Light of St. Katherine, I2d. : John Stede, senior, 1463 (A. 1, 6). Light of St. Katherine, 4>. 4^/. : Hoger Pipar, 1559 (P.C.C, 3, Chayney). The Trinity. — To the Light afore the Trinity, 3^/.: John Overey, 1519 (A. 13, 10). To the making a Picture of the Trinity of the length of four foot, if the ])arishioners will make the same within three years after my death, 13*-. 4(/. ; if not uuide tlien the 13s. 4pHed bv Mr. L. L. Duncan, F.S.A. 15i TESTAMENT A CANTIANA. husband, another for me, and the third for my son John Mounbray : Margaret Heansyll, 1473 (P.C.C, 8, Wattys). Light of the Crucifix, 4d.': Thos. Pode, 1480 (A. 3, 17). Burietl in the middle ])ace before the Higli Cross there Avithin tlie Parish Church. To the Parish Churches of Hawke- herst, Crauebroke, Goodherst, and Stableherst, a torch of 30 lbs : John Eoberd, 1499 (P.C.C, 38, Iloi'nc). To the Eoode Light, 4^/. : Thos. Congeherst, 1505 (P.C.C, 31, Holgrave). [iiglit of the Cross on the Beam in the Chancel, a bushel of barley or 4r/. : Roger Sutton, 1529 (A. 18, 10). Holi/ Saviour. — To the Image of the Holy Saviour being made, V2d. : Juliana, relict of Simon Browne, 1488 (A. 5, 4). Our Z«r/y. — Light of St. Mary, 12(7. : Agnes Walet, 1473 (A. 2, 7) ; Thos. a Forde, 1518 (Con. 12, fol. 116). A taper to Our Lady, 2d. : Wm. Wevynden, 1504 (A. 9, 3). Light before the Image of Our Lady, 8d. : Henry Pistinden, 1513 (A. 12. 7). To the Image of Our Lady in the Cbancel, 3f/. : John Overey, 1519 (A. 18, 10). Light of Our Lady, a bushel of barley or 4^/. : Roger Sutton, 1529 (A. 18, 10). Our Lady of Pity. — To maintain a taper to burn before Our Lady of Pity in the Church as long as the taper will endure, 20f/. : Steven Sisely, 1509 (A. 9, 11). Chapel of Our Lady.— To the Light of Blessed Mary standing before the Image of St. INlary in the South Chancel of the Church, called Image Light, I2d. : Thos. Hichcok, 1472 (A. 2, 4). A Lamp to burn u\ the Cb.apel of St. Mary within the Church of llawkhurst for twenty years after my death : Thos. Mercer, 1492 (A. 5, 11). Buried before the iVltar of St. Mary in the Church : Wm. Herege, 1504 (A. 9, 1). Light before Our Lady in the South Chancel, 4^/. : Elisabeth AVhatman, 1511 (A. 12, 3j. Light before the Image of Our Lady in her Chancel : Wm. Overey, 1519 (A. 14, 2).' Buried in the Chapel of Our Lady in the south side of the Church. To the Image of Our Lady, a taper of 1 lb. of wax for two years : Rob* Criowe, 1521 (A. 14, 7). Light of St. Mary in tlu; soulli Chancel, ^d. : Rob' Frenche, 1520 ("a. 15, o). Buried in the Chancel of Our Lady: Thos. Scott, 1533 (Con. 15, fol. 21(;). ,St. All fhon I/. — Lh^hi of St. Anthony, 2r/. : Agnes Springett, widow, 1501 (.\. 9, 1). St. 7i/rtwe.— Light of St. Bhise, -id.: Henry Fistinden, 1513 (A. 12,7). Light of St. IMa^^c, G(/. : Rob' Frenche, 1520 (A. 15, 3). EAST KENT. 155 St. Christopher.— Ught of St. Christopher, M : Thos. Pode, 1480 (A. 3, 17). Light before tlic Imajj;c of St. Chnstoplier, 2(1. : Ehsalieth AVhatmau, 1511 (A. 12, S) ■ John Overcy, 1519 (A. 13, 10). Light of St. Christopher, 4(/. a year for ten years : Kob* Criowe, 1521 (A. 14, 7). [Also see under ,S7. Ost/fh.] St. Erasmus. — To the support of the Light before St. l^^rasmus, 20*/. : Margaret lleaiisyll, 14.7;} (irC.("., 8, Wattysj. Light of St. Erasmus, a taper price 2d. : Elisabeth Kobiu, 1515 (A. 12, 14). St. George. — Light afore St. George, 2d. : Jolui Uverey, 151!) (A. 13, 10). Liglit before the Image of St. George, 2d. -. VVm. Overay, 1519 (A. 14, 2). St. James.— Taght of St. .lames, 12*/. : Agnes Walet, 1473 (A. 2, 7) ; Thos. a Forde, 1518 (Con. 12, fol. 110). Light of St. James, ijd. : Wm. AVevynden, 1504 (A. 9, 3). Light afore St. James, 2J. : John Overey, 1519 (A. 13, 10). St. John the Baptist.— JAght of St. John the Baptist, a taper price 2d. : Elisabeth Eobin, 1515 (A. 12, 14). St. Kafheriue. — L'v^ht before St. Katlierine, l&d. : Margaret Heansyll, 1473 (P.C.C, 8, Watty s). Light of St. Katherine, 2d. : Juliana, relict of Simon Browne, 1488 (A. 5, 4) ; Agues Springett, widow, 1504 (A. 9,1). A taper before the Image of St. Katherine, 20rf. : Steven Sisely, 1509 (A. 9, 11). St. Lawrence. — Light of St. Lawrence, 2*/. : Agnes Springett, widow, 1504 (A. 9, 1). Light of St. Lawrence, I2d. : Wm. Hamon, 1506 (A. 10, 3) ; Tlios. a Forde, 1518 (Cou. 12, fol. 110). Light afore the Image of St. Lawrence, 3. lOj. Light of St. .Jolm tlie Baptist, 2d.: Thonuisine AV'right, luOl (A. 8, 4); Margareta Turnour, 1513 (A. 12, 7). St. Kat]ierinr. — L\<:}\{ of St. Katherine, 20<7. : Thos. Fuller, 1470 (A. 3, 4). Light of St. Katherine, 4-d. : Ric"! Ediiiden, 1477 (A. 3, 7) ; Margaret (lateman, 1402 (A. 5, 16) ; Roger Baker, 1499 (A. 7, 7). Light of St. Katherine, 2d. : Thoniasine Wright, 1501 (A. 8, 4) ; Godleva Whitsphauke, 1500 (A. 8, 5) ; Margareta Turnour, 1513 (A. 12, 7). St. Margaret. — Light of St. Margaret, 4^^. : Margaret Gateman, 1402" (A. 5, 10). Light of St. Margaret, 2d. : Margareta Turnour, 1513 (A. 12, 7). St. Nicholas. — Light before the Image of St. Nicholas, Gd. : Thos. Baker, 1472 (A. 2, 3) ; Bic'^ Edindeu, 1477 (A. 3, 7). Light of St Nicholas, 4^/. : Roger Baker, 1499 (A. 7, 7). St. P^/«/.— Light of St. Paul, 2d. : Stejjhen Boycott, 1499 (A. 7, 0). St. Peter. — A taper of 1 lb. of wax to burn before the Image of St. Peter: .Ldm Borden, 1409 (A. 2, 1). Light of St. Peter, 4d. : Ric<* Parys, 1537 (A. 32, 1). St. John the Baptist. — Light of St. John the Baptist, a lb. of wax : John Watts, 1509 (A. 9, 11). St Katherine.— Light of St. Katherine, 4(/. : Wni. Danyell, 1463 (A. 1, 3). Light of St. Katherino, \2d. : John Uenys, 1472 (A. 2, 3). Light of St. Katherine, 8(/. : Thos. at Hall, 1479 (A. 3, 11). Light of St. Katherine, 20(/. : Sampson at Melle, 1473 (A. 2, 9). St. Marrjaret. — Light of St. Margaret, Ad. : Wni. Danvell. 1463 (A. i, 3) ; Thos. at Melle, 1488 (A. 5, 7) ; Margeria "at Melle, 1490 (A. 5, 12). To painting tlie Image of St. ^largaret, iSs. Sd. : Henry Bragge, 1464 (A. 1, 5). Light of St. Margaret, 12d. : John Chapman, 1488 (A. 4, 7) ; John Denys, 1472 (A. 2, 3). St. Bichola.s.—Ught of St. Nicholas, 4d. : Ric'^ Parvs, 1537 (A. 32, 1). St. Thomas.— To the Brotherhood of St. Thomas, Id. : Vim. Mighill, 1502 (A. 8, 8). Torch Li(jht.~To the Torch Light, I2d. : Wm. Danyell, 1463 (A. 1,"3). 112 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. The Herse. — Light called the Herse, 6f/. : John Denys, 1472 (A. 2, 3). To the Lights about the Herse, 8J. : Thos. at Hall, 1479 (A. 3, 11). To the Herse Light, Vld. : John Chapmai], 1488 (A. 4, 7). Light called the Herse Light, 4SV. John. — Light of St. John the less [minoris], i)d. : Ric'' l^owegan, 1 |.S.> (Cou. 3, fol. 69;. EAST KENT. 175 Sf. John the JBapiist. — To the Brotherhood of St. John the Eaptist, 2s. : Alane Honywood, 1401 (Con. 1. fol. 12). LiS'^. Leonard. — Lisht of St. Leonard, 2 lbs. of wax: Wui. Cliterowe, 1452 (Con. l,^fol. 70). Light of St. Leoiuird, 20r/. ; and to the painting of the Cross and Tabernacle of St. Leonard, five marcs : John Hony^vood, 1470 (Cou. 2, fol. 202). Buried in the high Chancel before St. Leonard : Thos. Walton, 1509 (Con. 9, fol. 135). St. Peter.— U^r\xt of St. Peter, I2d. : Eic^ Eowegan, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 69) ; \Vm. Brown, 1505 (Con. 8, fol. 99). Light of St. Peter, 4rf. : John Gryme, 1534 (Con. 15, fol. 224). Voria. — To the painting of the High Cross and the Eoodloft, 6s. 8SV. John. — To the Light of St. John, 4 bushels of malt : John Dele, 1462 (Con. 2, fol. 58). To the maintenance of the Light of St. John, Vld. : Wm. Stokys, 1503 (Con. 7, fol. 77). [See under Our Lady. ^ St. John the Baptist. — Light of St. John the Baptist, 5s. : John Gason, 1542 (Con. 18, fol. 40). St. Margaret.— lj\^^\\t of St. Margaret, 4(7. : John Dele, 1462 (Con. 2, fol. 58). St. Nicholas.— 'Fov painting the Image of St. Nicholas, 3s. 4:d. : Jiic^ Townley, 1525 (Con. 14, fol. 130). St. Thomas. — To the Chapel* of St. Thomas in the same parish [sic] a bushel of barley : Eic'' Grant, 1514 (Con. 11, fol. 118). To St. Thomas Give Ale in the parish of Ickham, a seam of malt and 20d. in bread : Wm. Watts of St. Clement's in Sand- wich, 1580 (A. 19, 1). Varia. — To the reparation of the Church, 20t/., and to the repara- tion of the Bannercloths, 3s. 4c?. : Wm. (son of Walter) Stokys, 1503 (Con. 7, fol. 77). Wife Alice have my house and garden for lier life, and at her death remain for ever to the Parish Cliurch of Ickham, " to the intent that the ringing to Curfew may be for ever continued, and he that ringeth to have his reward of the yearly profit coming of that house, and so to ease the parishioners of tliat cost that is wont to be gathered to that intent among Ihem": Eic' Townley, 1525 (Con. 14, fol. 130). A cloth for the C^ross in jirocessions on high days, 20s. To the reparation of the bells, 13.s'. 4(/. : John Leeds, 1585 (Con. 15, fol. 305). To the Church a chalice of silver and gilt, a cor[)oras, a superaltar, altar-cloths, cruets, a mass book, and all other things as I ordained to my use in my chapel, and a surplice : John Franklyn, rector, 1535 (Con. 15, fol. 319). Query, does this refer to Well Chapel ? EAST KENT. 177 WELL CHAPEL. I'lie ruins of tliis Cliapol (originally part of Littleboiirne l)ai'isli) may be seen to the east of liow lett'.s, and are now part of Ickliam parish. 'J'o the liigh altar of Well, 20d. ; to the fabric of the same Churcli, 5s. ; and to the Lights of the same, 20d. : Thos. Bayle of Nt. (ieorge's in Canterbury, 1474 (A. 2, 11). Tliomasine Hope of the parish of Well desind to be buried in the churchyard there, and gave to making a window in the same Church, 12^/.: 1 497 (A. 7, 1). Cecyle Dane of the parish of St. Paul's in Canterbury (and widow of Wm. a Dane, mason, of that parish) died in 15U4 and was buried in the porch of Littleborne next to the grave of her husband. She gave to the higli altar of Well. 12^/. (A. 9, 7). .lohu Jlam of the |)arish of AVell died in 1518 (being buried ill the churchyard of Patriksboui'ne), gave to the high altar at AVell four ewes, and to the Church of Well six ewes (Con. 12, fol. 73). To the reparation of the Church of Well, Os. 8c?. : John Franklyn, rector of Ickliam, 1585 (Con. 15, fol. 319). [See under Ickham, St. Thomas.'] IGHTHAM. See Archceohgia Cantiann, Vol. XXII I., p. 143. IVYCHUECH. Dedication : Sf. Georqe. — Buried in the Church of St. George of Ivechurch : Kobert Stonestreet, 1449 (Con. 1, fol. 64). Buried in the churchvard of St. George of Ivechurch : Stephen Porter, 1459 (Con. 2, fol. 1); John Bobyn, 1462 (Con. 2, fol. 66) ; Simon Dods, 1472 (Con. 2, fol. 232) ; Alice, relict of John Wowghlyn, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 118). The Rood. — To the Wardens of the Lamp burning before the High Cross, 20^. : John Houghton, 1442 (Con. 1, fol. 57). Light of Holy Cross, 20d. : Stephen Porter, 1459 (Con. 2, fol. 1). Light of the High Cross, 12d. : Thos. Wodeman, 1464 (Con. 2, fol. 136) ; Wm. Byrcheley, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 206) ; John Eoger, 1513 (Con. 11, fol. 75). Light of the Eood, a lb. of wax : Julian Donet, 1538 (Con. 17, fol. 18). Our Lady. — To the Warc^ens of the Lamp burning before the Image of Blessed Marv, 20d. : John Houghton, 1442 (Con. 1, fol. 57). Light of St. :\Iary, 3.s-. M.: Eobert Stonestreet, 1449 (Con. 1, fol. 64). 178 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. To the Brotherhood of Blessed Mary, 4J. : John Eobyn, 1462 (Con. 2, fol. 66) ; Wm. Byrcheley, 1488 (Con.Sjol. 206). To the Altar of the Blessed Virgin Marv, 4t/. : John Hough- lin, 1472 (Con. 2, fol. 234) ; Alice, relict of John AVowghlyn, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 118). Light of Our Ladv, 12(7. : John Eoger, 1513 (Con. 11, fol. 75) ; Thos. Pounds, 1531 (Con. 15, fol. 117). Sf. C/irisfopJirr.— Light of St. Christopher, 12Sainf.s, >Sf. C/iris/opher, Sf. John, St. James, St. Katherine, St. Nicholas. — All mentioned in the will of Joan Barker, 1171 (A. 1, 17). St. John the Baptist. — LiSV. ]!iichoh(s. — Light of St. Nicliolas, 4d. : Margeria Harpur. 1482 (A. 3, 26). St. Sonday. — Buried before St. Sonday in the high Chancel of Kenarton. To the Light of St. Soiidav, 12^/. : Sir Tlios. Lake- laud, rector, 1523 (A. 15, 9). St. Stephen. — Tiight of the Brotherhood of St. Stephen, 8f/. : Walter Bekelond, 1464 (A. 1, 8); Thos. Benet, 1471 (A. I, 16j. Light of St. Stephen, 12(7. : Thos. Ealdvche, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 37). Buried in the Church before the door of the Chaucel of St. Stepheu : Thos. AVatsou, 1495 (A. 6. 1). Light of St. Steven, 6ti : Ric'' Cheesemau, 1514 (A. 12, 15). Tlie Torches.— W^t of the Torches, 8rf. : Thos. Watson, 1495 (A. 6, 1). The Uerse.—\AS!h.t of the Herse, I2(/. : Thos. Ealdyche, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 37) ; Sir Thos. Lakeland, rector, 1523 (A. 15, 9). Light of the Herse, 8 J. : Thos. Watson, 1495 (A. 6, 1). Varia. — To the Parish Church of Kenarton, my processional book : Eoger Jeken, clerk, of Lydd, 1463 (Con. 2, fol. 84). To the reparation of the Chancel, 18s. : John Hert, rector, 1474 (A. 2, 13). Reparation of the nave, 6.s\ Si. : Thos. Watson, 1495 (A. 6, 1). KENNINGTON. Dedication : Our Lady. — Buried in the churchyard of Blessed Mary (if Kennington: Jas. Need, 1473 (A. 2, 8); John at Welle, bocher, 1502 (A. 8, 11). Buried in the Church : John Reynolds, 1488 (A. 4, 7). Buried in the choir of the Church. To each Light in the Church, 12(/. : Wm. Elys, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 57). Buried in the west-porch of the Church. To the making of the porch, 20s. : Stephen Eordrell, 1510 (A. 12, 4). 13uri('d in the middle pace of tlie Church next fo the grave of old Jonken May; and for breaking the grouiul, (h. 8d. : John at Mell, 1527 (A. 17, 12). The Uood.—Ught of Holy Cross, 20d.: Jas. Need, 1473 (A. 2, 8). Jjight of Holy Cross, 3 bushels of barley : Stephen Raynold, 1473 (A. 2, 9). Light of the Cross, 4^/. : John Hert, 1503 (A. S, 12) ; James at Welle, bocher, 1502 (A. 8, 11); Stephen Eonhvll, 1510 (A. 12, 4) ; Michael Raynohl, 1518 (A. 13, 8). Light of the Cross, 2s. : John Scott, vicar, 1525 (A. 16, 4). Our Ladi/.—UgU of Blessed Mary, 20d. -. Jas. Need, 1473 (A. 2, 8) ; John' JUsy nobis, 1488 (A. 4, 7). East kent. isi Light of Blessed Marv, 2 bushels of corn : Stephen Raynokl, 1473(A. 2, 9). Light of St. Marv, 4>d. : John Hert, 1503 (A. S, 12) ; John at Welle, lo02 (A. 8,' 11). Buried in the high Chancel at the foot of the Image of Our Lady, ne.vt to iIk; high altar. To the Light of Our Lady, 2.s-. : John Scott, vii-ar, 152.") (A. 10, 4j. To the Light of Our Lady founded by the young men, -id. : Isabel] Mellys, widow, 1533 (Con. 16, fol. 75). St. C/ir/sfophrr. —JAghi of St. Chi'istopher, 4:d. : Isabell Mellys, widow, 1533 (Con. IG, fol. 75). St. John. — To the reparation of St. John's Chancel, 20d. : Michael Haynold, 1518 (A. 13, 8). tSf. Katherine. — Light of St. Katherine, \2d.: Jas. Need, 1473 (A. 2, S) ; Joh]i Scott, vicar, 1525 (A. IG, 4). Light of St. Katherine, 1 bushel of corn : Stephen Raynold, 1473 (A. 2, 9). Light of St. Katherine, 3s. 4S'^. Anthony, St. Christopher, St. Erasmus, St. Katherine. — To each, 2d. : Godleff Hoi'pe, 150i (A. 9, 3). St. Lawrence. — Light of St. Lawrence, 20d. : Peter Barnard, 1462 (A. 1, 6). Light of St. Lawrence, M. : Stephen Hacche, 1473 (A. 2, 8). Light of St. Lawrence, 6d. : Win. Eaiikyn, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 217). Light of St. Lawrence, 2d. : Godleff Horpe, 1504 (A. 9, 3). Bnried in the Church before the Altar of St. Lawrence : Edw. Barnfelde, 1502 (P.C.C, 6, Blamyr). St. Peter and St. Paul— To the Light of St. Peter and St. Paul, 2d.: GodlefE Horpe, 1504 (A. 9, 3). Varia. — To the shingling of the Church, \2d. A table cloth meled with blue to lay upon the high altar there : Godleif Horpe, 1504 (A. 9, 3). LEEDS. Dedication : St. Nicholas. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas of Ledis : AVm. Corkewell, 1479 (A. 3, 4). Buried in the Parish Church of St. Nicholas of Leeds : Wm. Mason, 1518 (A. 13, 12). The Pood.—Ught of Holy Cross, 6d. : Wm. Eeyiiold, 1464 (A. 1, 3); Wm. Hale, 1465 (A. 1, 7) ; John Acaring, 1502 (A. 8, 8). Light of Holy Cross, 8^. : Stephen Sydegore, 1466 (A. 1, 10). Light of the Rood, 4(7.: John Cheeseman, 1500 (A. 7,8); Agnes, widow of Kic'i Caring, 1507 ( A . 9, 8) ; Thus. Caringe, 1507 (A. 9, 8). Our Lady — Light of Our Lady, 4rf. : Wm. Reynold, 1464 (A. 1,3); Agnes, widow of Ric'' Caring, 1507 (A. 9, 8) ; Thos. Caringe, 1507 (A. 9, 8). Light of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 2(/. : Wm. Hale, 1465 (A. 1,7). Chapel of Our Lady. — -To the Light in the Chapel of Blessed Marv, (5d. : John Forde, 1466 (A. 1, 9). Light of St. Mary in the Chapel, 2d. : John Cheeseman, 1500 (A. 7, 8). Light of Our Lady in Our Lady Chapel, iSd. : John Acaring, 1502 (A. 8, 8). Oin- Ladij of Pitii. — Light of Blessed Mary of Pity, 4(7. : John Eorde, 1466 (A. 1, 9); John Acaring, 1502 (A.' 8, 8); Wm. Mason, 1518 (A. L3, 12). Light of Our Lady of Pity, a lb. of wax : Juliana Gowdherst, 1501 (A. 8, 2). ,A taper to burn Itefore Our \jM\y of I'itv: Thos. Caringe, 1507 (A. 9, 8). St. Anne. — Liglit of St. Anne, 2(1. : John Cheeseman, 1500 (A. 7, 8) ; Juliana Gowdhcrst, 1501 (A. 8, 2) ; Thos. Caringe, 1507 (A. 9, 8). Light of St. Anne, id. : .Agnes, widow oF Richard Caring, 1507 (A. 9, N). EAST KENT. 187 St. Anfhn}n/.-~\A'^hi: of St. Antliony, 2,i.: ^Vm. Masou, 1518 (A. i:i,'V2). Sf. Blaise.— Lv^ht of St. Blase, 4(1. : Alen Dawdeiner, 1478 (A. 3, 10). Li-^'lii of St. Blase, ],l. : .lohii Cheeseniaii, 1500 (A. 7, S). J;i;,'ht of St. Blase, 2^/. : Win. Mason, 15 IS (A. 13, 12). Si. Ckri.sfoj)Iicr.—lAght of St. Christopher, 2d. : Wm. Hale, 14G5 (A. 1,7); Stephen Svdegore, 14G0(A. 1, 10); Win. Corkewell, 1479 (A. 3, 4) ; Win" Mason, 151S (.\. 13, 12). Light of St. Christopher, 4^/. : .lohn Korde, 14()() (A. 1, 9) ; Agnes Caring, 1507 (A. 9, 8) ; Thos. Caringe, 1507 (A. 9, 8). Light of St. Christoj)hcr, Id. : Jolm Cheeseman, 1500 (A. 7, 8) ; Juliana Goudherst, 1501 (A. 8, 2). Light of St. Christopher, Gd. : John Aearing, 1502 (A. 8,8). Sf: Do ro/ hi/. —Light of St. Dorothe, 2d.: Wm. Mason, 1518 (A. 13, 12). St. James. — Jiight of St. James, 4(/.: Isabella, widow of John Halvs"ll.7l (Con. 2, fol. 210). Lii,'ht of Holy Cross, s^/. : Sim..ii I'hiyc. 1473 (A. 2, 0). Light before th(! High Cross, 2d.: Jiob' Stonhouse. 1475 (A. 2,"l8j ; .John West, 1 1.84 (Con. 3. fol. 12). Buried before the Hood on the north sidi- of the Church: Laurence Greenstreet, priest, of liurley, who also gave to the Chapel of lUirley an altar cloth, 1520 (A. 18, 4). Light of the l^ood, hi. : Thos. Partriche, 1543 (A. 23, 2). EAST KENT. 180 Our Lady. — Tyight of Blessed Mary near the high altar, 4r/. : Emma Grant, 1464 (A. 1, 7). Light of St. Mary, 2(1.: .Tolui Kevman, 1473 fA. 2, . .) ; liob' At W^ater, 1499'(A. 7, 8). Light of Our Lady in the Cliancel, \2(1.: Edward ]Mills, 1496 (A. 6, 6) . * Litrht of CurTiadv in tlie Cliancel, 1^/.: John Tiicnrd, 1;");36 (A. 20, 7). Our Lady of PiVy- T.ight of Blessed Mary of Pity, 20d. -. Eic"! Hogge, 1461 (A. 1,5). Light of Blessed Mnry of Pity, ^d.: John Downe, 1470 (A. 1,12). Light of Blessed Mary of Pity, 12c?. : Isabella, widow of John ILilys, 1171 (Con. 2, fol. 210). Light of Our Lady of I'ity, Ad. : Simon Playe, 1473 (A. 2, 9) ; John Gybbe of Boughton Malherbe, 1501. (A. 8, 7); Thos. Sible, 1535 (A. 20, 5). Light of Blessed Mary of Pity, 2d. : Kobert Stonhouse, 1475 (A. 2, 18) ; Eobert at Water, 1499 (A. 7, 8). Our Lady in Gesyn. — Light of Blessed Mary in Gesyn, Sd. : Simon Playo, 1473 (A. 2, 9); John Gybbe of Boughton Malherbe, 1501 (A. 8, 7). Light of Blessed Marv in Gesyn, 2d. : Rob^ Stonhouse, 1475 (A. 2, 18). Light of Our Lady in Jesen, 'id. : Thos. Sible, 1535 (A. 20, 5). Our Lady of Grace. — Light of Our Lady of Grace, 4S'^ Nickolas.-Light of St. Nicholas, id. : Emma Grant, 1464 (A. 1, 7) ; Simon Pbiye, 1473 (A. 2, 9) ; Wm. Sybely, 1479 (A. 3, 12) ; Eobert at Water, 1499 (A. 7, 8) ; John at Water, 1501 (A. 8, 5) ; Thos. Partriche, 1543 (A. 23, 2). Light of St. Nicholas, 2d. : John West, 1484 (Con. 3, fob 12). Light of St. Nicholas, Gd. -. Edward Mills, 1496 (A. 6, 6). ,SV. Sondai/. — liAght of St. Sondav, Id.: .lobn at Water. 1501 (A. 8, 5) ; John Hicard, 1536 (A. 20, 7). ,7g.s.„s._Liglit of Jesus, 2d. : John Frend, 1520 (A. 14, 9). Vnria. — Those 40s. that John Hunt owes to me, to Ihe work of the Church of Lenliam : Isabcllii, widow of John llalys, 1471 (Con. 2, fob 210). To the Palmcross now making in the churchyard, 20. I'iirish Church of Leysdon, witli an Image of St. Clement on the back of the vestment: .lolin I'cllinger of Faversham, 1529 (A. 18, 9). EAST KENT. 198 To the painting of the Roodloft, lO*-. Towards the changing of the Bell, ds. Hd. Towards buying of shingles, 4s. : Tho- masine Greave, 1532 (A. 19, 11). LINSTEAD. Dedication : St. Peter and St. Panl. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Peter and St. Paul of Lyustede : Klona Bix, 1473 (A. 2, 7) ; Tiios. Medman, 1474 (A. 2, 9) ; Martin 13ix, 1475 (A. 2, 19) ; Eenet, widow of Wm. Adene, 1501 (A. 8, 2) ; Win. Cottyng, 1531 (Con. Ki, fol. 57). Buried in the Church of Lyndested : AVm. Vynch, 1481 (A. 3, 21). Buried in the high choir : Wm. Tofft, vicar, 1509 (A. 11, 4). The Rood. — Liglit of Holy Cross, 6^. To the sustentation of one Lauip hanging before the High Cross of the same Church, 6s. 8 J. : Elena Bix, 1473 (A. 2, 7). Light of Holy Cross, M. : Martin Bix, 1475 (A. 2, 19) ; John Weston, 1482 (Con. 2, fol. 554) ; Joan, relict of Wm. Stebbill, 1497 (A. 6, 7) ; Wm. Adene, 1501 (A. 8, 2). Also see under The Trinity and St. Erasmus. The Trinity. — Four nobles [i.e.., 20.v. Hd.'] to buy three candlesticks, one of five branches to hang afore the Kood, and the other two of four branches, one candlestick afore the Trinity and other afore St. Antony. A cow to the Church to provide three wax tapers, to burn every Festival day and holy day upon each of the candlesticks : AV^m. Cottyng, 1534 (Con. IGJ fol. 57). Our Lady.—lj\g\\t of Blessed Mary, (jd. : Elena Bix, 1473 (A. 2, 7) ; RicS'^. Katherine. — See under St. Erasmus. St. Nicholas.— Light of St. Nicholas, 4d.: Joan Stebbill, 1497 (A. 0, 7); Wm. Adene, 1501 (A. 8, 2). Also see under >S'^. John. St. Feter.^Ught of St. Peter, 12d. : Martin Bix, 1475 (A. 2, 19) ; John Tilly, 1505 (A. 10, 3). Light of St. Peter, 4(7. : John a Dene, 1501 (A. 8, 3). Light of St. Peter, Id. -. Stephen Bocher, 1513 (A. 12, 8). [See under St. Sonda//.] St. Peter and St. Prm/.— Light of St. Peter and St. Paul G^^. : John Weston, 1482 (Con. 2, fol. 554). To the work and to the making of St. Peter and St. Paul near the high altar, 40*. : John Tilly, 150G (A. 10, 3). St. Sonday. — To make an Image of St. Sonday, to be in the Parish Church of Lynsted ; and 30. Knight, 1480 (A. 3, 16). Light of the Blessed Vii-gin Mary, 20^/. : Wm. Knight, 1480 (A. 3, 17). To the Beam of St. Mary, 20d. : Thos. Knechboll, senior, 1481 (A. 3, 22). * See ArchcBologia Cantiana, Vol. XVIII., p. 436. 206 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. St. John the Baptist. — Buried in the Parish Church of St. Stephen of Lymne, before St. John the Baptist there: Wm. Knight, 14S0 (A. 3, 17). St. Michael. — To the Eoodlight over St. Michael's Altar there, and to the maintenance of the same Light, five kine : Thos. Kneech- bull, 1514 (A. 12, 13). St. Nicholas.— Ug\\\ of St. Nicholas, 12(/. : Eic'i Knight, 1480 (A. 3, 16). Light of St. Nicholas, 4r/. : A\^m. Forde, 149 L (A. 5, 14). To the Brotherhood of St. Nicholas, 4^. : Wm. Cole, 1513 (A. 12, 7). St. Stephen.— U2\\t of St. Stephen, 20r/. : Nicholas Eagge, 1476 (A. 3, 1) ; Eic' Knight, 1480 (A. 3, 16) ; Thos. Knechboll, 1481 (A. 3, 22). Light of St. Stephen, 4^/. : Wm. Cole, 1513 (A. 12, 7). The Parishioners. — To the Light of the Parishioners, 8rf. : Nicholas Fagge, 1476 (A. 3, 1). The Easter Sepulchre. — liiglit of the Sepulchre, 8(/. : John Harryson, 1479 (A. 3, 12). The Torches. — To the Light of the Torches, 12(7. : John Harryson, 1479 (A. 3, 12). Varia. — To buying a new book called a Legend, 26s. 8<7. : Wm. Knight, 1480 (A. 3, 17). To the repair of the Church, 36s. 8^/. : John Eagge, 1501 (Con. 7, fol. 25). Eeparation of the Tower of Lympne [s?c], £3 6s. ^d. ; and to the reparation of the bad road between the Cross of Lympne and Belavowe, 20s. : John Knachbull, 1504 (Con. 8, fol. 10). To the building of the clerk's house there, 10s. : Sir John Newton, priest of the Parish Church, 1547 (Con. 21, fol. . .). Court at Street. Chapel of Our Lady. — To the reparation of the Chapel of St. Maiy of Street, 3s. ^d. : John Knachbull of Lympne, 1504 (Con. 8, fol. 10). To Our Lady's Chapel of Court of Street, a yard, a quarter, and halt' a nayle of cloth of gold, for to make a Vestment, and for the making of the same, 20s. : Isabell Poyninge ot" Smeeth, 1528 (Con. 15, fol. 51). To Our Ladv of Cortopstreet, 4rf. : Thos. Stubbis (or Eobinson) of Borden, 1530 (A. 19, 1). MAIDSTONE.* Dedication : All Saints. — Buried in the churchyard of the parish of All Saints of Maydeston : yMice Brown, widow, 11mS5 (Con. 2, fol. 620). Buried in tlie chui-chyard of All Hallows of Maideston : John Sweham, 1504 (l.\C.C., 31, Blamyr). * See History of All Saints, Maidstone, by Iho late llev. J. Cave Browne. EAST KENT. 207 Buried in the Choir or Chancel of the Collegiate Church of All 8aiiits. To the reparation of tlie same, lOs. : Joliu Cauiber- ton, Master of the College of All ^■aints, 1506 (P.C.C, 6, Adeane). T/ie Bood. — lAirhi: of Holy Cross, 4^. : LawrcMico Piers, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 170). Light of the High Cross, a lb. of wax: Kic'' Arnett, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 5:3). The Trinifi/.—To the Light of the Holy Trinitv, a lb. of wax : Eic" Arnett, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 53). Liglitof the Trinity, hi- John Sweham, 1504 (P.C.C, 31, Blamyr). Our Lady. — Light of 8t. Mary, 4rf. : Lawrence Piers, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 170). Light of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a taper of 1 lb. wax : Wm. Maister of Lodyuton, 1493 (Con. 3, fol. 358). Light of St. Mary, a lb. of wax: liic"' Arnett, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 53). To the gilding of Our Lady in the Chancel, 20d. -. Rob* Woldeham, 1501 (P.C.C, 3, Blamyr). Onr Lady of Pity. — Light of the Blessed Virgin of Pity in the Chancel, 1 lb. of wax : Bic'' Arnett, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 53). Our Lady, near Altar of Corpus Christi. — Light of the Blessed Virgin Mary standing near the Altar of Corpus Christi in the Church, a lb. of wax. To the making of a Tabernacle for the Image of Blessed Virgin Marv near Altar of Corpus Cliristi, 12s. : Eic'i Arnett, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 53). Our Lady, near the Holy Water Stoup. — To the Light of Blessed Virgin Mary standing near the holy water stoup, a lb. of wax : Kic" Arnett, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 53). Our Lady, near St. Erasmus. — Light of the Blessed Virgin Mary standing near the Image of St. Erasmus, a lb. of wax : Eic"^ Arnett, 1491 (Con. 4, fol. 53). Chapel of Our Lady. — Buried in the Chapel of Blessed Mary in the north part of the Collegiate Church of All Saints, Maideston : Win. Hallo, 1500 (P.C.C, 2, Blamvr). Light of Our Lady Isle,* U. : John Sweham, 1501 (P.C.C, 31, Blamyr) . Buried in Our Lady Isle in the Church of All Hallows beside my mother, Alice Baker: Thos. Baker, 1551 (Con. 24, fol. 1). All Saints. — To the gilding of the Saint of All Hallows, 3s. 4f/. : EoV AVoldeham, 1501 (P.C.C, 3, Blamyr). To the gilding of Alhalowes, 6s. Sd. : John Sweham, 1504 (P.C.C, 31, Blamyr). St. Christopher. — Light of St. Christopher, Gd. : AVm. Maister of Lodynton, 1493 (Con. 3, fol. 358). Light of St. Christopher, a lb. of wax : Eic'^ Arnett, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 53). * The north aisle of the Nave. 208 TESTA^IENTA CANTIANA. Light of St. Christopher, 4<7. : John Sweham, 1504 (P.CC, 31, Blamyr). St. Clement.— Light o£ St. Clement, alb. of wax: 'Rk'^ Arnett, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 53). Corpus Chn'sfi.— To the Altar of Corpus Christi, one napkin and towel of diaper. To the Brethren of the Brotherhood of Corpus Christi, a garden in Maidstone at Barrend : Alice Browne, widow, 1485 (Con. 2, fol. 620). To the Brotherhood of Corpus Christi, 6^. Sd. : Bob' Goore, 1491 (Con. 3, fol. 298). To the Brotherhood of Corpus Christi,* 12^. : Wm. Padiam, 1513 (A. 12, 14). Sf. Erasmus. — Light of St. Erasmus, a lb. of wax : Eic*! Arnett, 1494 (Cod. 4, fol. 53). St. George.— Light of St. George, a lb. of wax: Eic'^ Arnett, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 53). Light of St. George, 4^. : John Sweham, 1504 (P.CC, 31, Blamyr). St. Katherine.—'Light of St. Katherine, a lb. of wax: Eic'^ Arnett, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 53). *S'/. Lawrence. — Light of St. Lawrence, 4c?. : Lawrence Piers, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 170). Light of St. Lawrence, a lb. of wax : Eic^^ Arnett, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 53). St. Margaret. — Light of St. Margaret, a lb. of wax : Eic'' Arnett, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 53). St. Mary Magdalene. — Light of St. Mary Magdalene, a lb. of wax : Eic'' Arnett, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 53). St. Nicholas.— Light of St. Nicholas the Bishop, a lb. of wax : Eic'i Arnett, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 53). St. Thomas of Canterburg.— Light of St. Thomas the Martyr, a lb. of wax : Eic" Arnett, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 53). Light of St. Thomas, 'id. : John Sweham, 1504 (P.CC, 31, Blamyr). St. Pe^^>-.— Light of St. Peter, a lb. of wax : Eic'' Arnett, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 53). Jesus.— To the Light of the Brotherhood of Jesus, 12(/. : Laurence Piers, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 170). Light of the Brotherhood of Jesus, a taper of 1 lb. of wax : Wm. Maisterof Lodyiiton, 1493 (Con. 3, fol. 358). Vario. — To the reparation of the House of poor men of le Bregge in Maidstone, 2().v. : liic'' Dine of Canterbury, 1484 (A. 4, 2). To the Church a piece of linen to make alb.s : Alice Brown, widow, 1485 (Con. 2, fol. 020;. * The Hall of this Guild is in Earl Street (now occupied as a cooperage by Messrs. Frcnilin), and was used as a Grauininr School until a (iew jears ago. The moiuhors of this IJrolherhood used the north choir aisle, having at it.s east end the Altar of Corpus Christi, as a Chapel for their religious services. EAST KENT. 209 To the CoUc^^c of Maidstone, 20r/., on this condition : That the Master and lirethren suffer my body to be buried in the churclivard of Lynton : ]\ie'' Master of Lodynton, 1484 (Con. ;], fol. S). To the work and reparation of the Collegiate Church of Maidstone, likl. : Wm. Maister of Lodynton, 1493 (Con. 3, lol. 358). To the reparation of the Steeple, 26'. : AVni. I'adiam, 1513 (A. 12, 14). MAIDSTONE. Dedication : Sf. Faiili. — T3uri(d in the churchyard of the Chapel of St. Faith of Maydeston : Eob' Goore, 1491 (Con. 3, fol. 298). Buried in the churchyard of St. Faith, beside my brother. To the reparation of the Church of St. Faith, 3s. 4.d. : Eob' AVoldeham, 15(H (P.C.C, 3, Blamyr). Buried in the cluu'chvard of St. Fevthes in Maidston, by Thos. Gore : Thos. Man, 1513 (A. 12, 14). Our Ladif. — To Our Lady Light in the body of the Church, 35. 4rf. : Eobt 'Woldeham, 1501 (P.C.C, 3, Blamyr). Vnria. — To the reparation of the Chapel of St. Faith, 13s. Ad. : Alice Browne, widow, 1485 (Con. 2, fol. 620). MAEDEN. Dedication : Sf. Michael. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Michael of Marden : Joan Joope, 1473 (A. 2, 8) ; Eob* Mayhewe, 1474 (A. 2, 10) ; Eobt Tylden, 1477 (A. 3, 7) ; A\^m. Johnson, 1499 (A. 6, 4). The Hood.— Light of the High Cross, 4d.: Bob* Tylden, 1477 (A. 3 7). Light of Holy Cross, 8d. -. Eic'' Terrv, 1498 (A. 7, G). Light of Holv Cross, 20^/. : Wm. Fant, 1499 (A. 7, 4). Light of Holy Cross, (is. 8d. : Thos. Bocher, 1503 (A. 8, 12). Chapel of Our Lady. — Light of St. Mary in the Chapel there, Gs. Hd. : Thos. Bocher, 1503 (A. 8, 12). Light of St. Mary iu the Chai^el, 4d. : John Mayhew, 1505 (A. 9, 2). In honour of St. Mary in the Clia])el, 20d., for one taper to burn before the Image of St. Mary in time of divine service yearly : Stephen Tilden, 1513 (A. 12," 6). Our Lady of P^Vy.— Light of St. Mary of Pity, 2d. : Eob' ISIay- hewe, 1474 (A. 2, 10) ; Wm. Fant, 1499 (A. 7, 4). AssiimiJtion of Our Ladi/. — Light of the Assumption of Blessed Mary, Ad. : Stephen a Mille, 1474 (A. 2, 15). St. Blaise. — Light of St. l^ase, Ad. : Agnes Silverlok, widow, 1473 (.A. 2, 8). Light of St. Blase, 2d. : Thos. Afforde, 1499 (A. 7, 8). 210 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. St. Christopher. — Liglit of St. Christopher, 1^. : Eob' Mayhewe, 1474 (A. 2, 10). Li^ht of St. Christopher, 2d. : Wni. Faiit, 1499 (A. 7, 4). Light of St. Christopher, 12^/. : AVni. Swyiiarton, 1478 (Con. 2, fol. 381). >S'^. James. — Light of St. James the Apostle, 12f/. : A¥m. Swynarton, 1478 (Con. 2, fol. 881). St. JbA«.— Light of St. John, id. : Agnes Silverlok, widow, 1473 (A. 2, 8). ' *S^/. JoJai the Baptist. — Buried in the Chapel of St. John the Baptist in the Church of Harden : Joan Selby, 1492 (Con. 3, fol. 319). St. Katherine. — Light of St. Katherine, 4rf. : Agnes Silverlok, widow, 1473 (A." 2, 8) ; Eic'^ Terry, 1498 (A. 7, 6) ; Eic^' Terry, 1499 (A. 7, 4). St. Margaret. — Light of St. Margaret, 4(/. : Agnes Sih^erlok, widows 1473 (A. 2, 8). St. Mary Magdalene. — Light of St. Mary Magdalene, 4rf. : Agnes Silverlok,' widow, 1473 (A. 2, 8). St. Michael. — Light of St. Michael, 4f/. : Agnes Silverlok, widow, 1473 (A. 2, 8); Joan Joope, 1473 (A. 2, 8); Eob^ Tylden, 1477 (A. 3, 7) ; John Knott, 1498 (A. 7, 6). Light of St. Michael, M. -. Eic'^ Terrv, 1498 (A. 7, 6). Light of St. Michael, 20d. : Wm. Swynarton, 1478 (Con. 2, fol. 381). Light of St. Michael, 3s. id. : Thos. Bocher, 1503 (A. 8, 12). The Herse. — Light of the Herse, Vld. : Agnes Silverlok, widow, 1473 (A. 2, 8). Light of the Herse, id.: Joan Joope, 1473 (A. 2, 8); Stephen a Mille, 1474 (A. 2, 15) ; Eob^ Tylden, 1477 (A. 3, 7). Light of the Herse, 2d. : Eob* Mayhewe, 1474 (A. 2, 10). Varia. — A new thurible to be bought for the Church, 40s. : Thos. Bocher, 1503 (A. 8, 12). To the nave of the Church, 6s. 8^/. : Peter Kent, chaplain, 1505(A. 9, 2). To the High beam before the Great Cross as many boUys of laton as may be bought for Gs. 8^/., to serve afore the cross : Stephen Tilden, 1513 (A. 12, G). MAEGATE.* Dedication: St. John the Baptist. — Buried in the Church of St. John in Thauet : John Saunder of Cherchedowne, 1414 (Con. 1, fol. 31) ; Thomas Halo, 1501 (A. 8, 7). Buried in the Church porch, and to the reparation ol" the porch, 13s. id. : Julian Lucas, 1521 (A. 14, 8). I5uric(l in the Churcli in the middle pace : Thos. Sayer, 1532 (A, 19,9;. The Trinity. — To the Brotherhood Light of Holy Trinity, a bushel * See Archeeoloffia Cantiana, Vol. XXV., pp. 64 — 74. EAST KENT. 211 of bivrlcv: John Smytli, 1172 (A. 2, 3) ; Wm. Cornwavlis, 1473 (A. 2, 7); Wm. Lyderer, 1175 (A. 2, 16); Margaret Lederer, widow, 1478 (A. 3, 9). The Foo(I.~To tho Image of tlic Cnicifix, 20a-. : John Saunder, 1414 (Con. 1, fol. 31). To the Brotherhood Light of Holy Cross, a bushel of barley : \Vm. Cornwavlis, 1473 (A. 2, 7). Light of Holy Cross, two bushels of barley : John Caller, 1479 (A. 3, ll)rJames Jordan, 1480 (A. 3, 19) ; Geo. Davy, 1480 (A. 3, 22). To the snpjiort of tho Lights before the High Cross there called the Trendell Light, 3s. 4» Shrympinden, 1498 (A. 7,5). Chapel of Our Lady. — Buried in tlie churchyard of St. John the Baptist of Mersham, before the door of the Chapel of Blessed Mary : John Turnor, 1474 (A. 2, 10). To the Chapel of St. Mary, (id. -. Walter Plege, 1471 (A. 1, 17). Light of St. Mary in the Chapel there, 8i. : John Maning, 1475 (A. 2, 17). Light of Blessed Mary in the Chapel, 20 J. : Roger Miller, 1477 (A. 3, 7). To the Chapel of St. Mary, two cows : Wm. Carpinter, 1480 (A. 3, 16). Light of St. Mary now in the Chapel, Hd. : John Jenkin, 1481 (A. 3,20). Light of Blessed Mary in the Chapel within the Church of Mersham, 20c?. and a cow: Patrick (Hlle of St. Martins at Romney, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 56). Buried in the Chapel of St. Mary within the churchyard [sic] of the Parish Church of St. John the Baptist, before the Image of St. Katherine in the same Chapel ; and to the repara- tion of the Chapel of St. Mary, 206-. : Wm. Colier, senior, 1489 (A. 5, 5). 214 TEST AMENTA CANTIANA. Light of Blessed Mary iu a Chapel there, Is. : Wni. Miles, 1499 (A. 7, 5). To the reparatiou of the Chapel of St. Mary the Virgin standing within the churchyard there, Ss. 4J. : John Coward, 1502 (A. 8, 9). Buried in the churchyard before the door of the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To the Light within the said Chapel, 4d. : Wm. Carpentar, 1502 (A. 8, 11). St. Clement.— Ught of St. Clement, Sd.: John Jenkin, 1481 (A. 3, 20). St. John the Baptist. — Light of St. John the Baptist, 3s. 4^?. : John Turnor, 1474 (A. 2, 10). Light of St. John the Baptist, 4-.— Light of St. Peter, two ewes : AVm. Dem, 1498 (A. 7, 4). Brotherhood of St. Peter of Ossendeu, two sheep : John Sole, 1521 (A. 14, G). St. Sexhurga. — Light of St. Sexburga in the choir of the Parish Church, 2 lbs. of wax : Agnes Hethe, 1496 (A. G, 4). Light of St. Sexboi'ough, 1 lb. of wax : John Sole, 1521 (A. 14,6). A taper to burn befoi'e the Image of Saxborough in the Parish Church, 3s. 4 Church, 26s. 8f/. : John Hutte, vicar, 1475 (A. 2, 19). To the fabric of the Church so that my soul shall he kept in memory for ever among the benefactors of the Church, 3s. 4(7. : Edmund Acombe, 1479 (Con. 2, tol. 403). To buying a Proccssionale for the Church, 6s. Hd. : Wni. at Wey, 1480 (A. 3, 17). EAST KENT. 223 To buying a Processioiuilc Book for tlio Clnucli, (i*. Hd. ; and foi* a vestment, five marcs: John C'heeseman, 1 JSO (A. 3, 18). To the making of the broken bell * in the Church of Minster, if it be made within two years after my death. 4().s-. ; if not, the 40s. remain lo the Koodltift of St. Lawrence: .John Kiujtte, l.")12 (A. 12, 3). To the Church my best gowne which my husband liatli given me leave to be sold, that it may be towards a chalice. To the Church a kercher to make a corporas of : Alice Bocking, 1534! (Con. 16, fob 72). To the maintenance of the cross Ilde, 40.s'. To the Church three rings of silver and a cramp ring towards a clialice, and to every Light saving the Low Cross Light, a bushel of barley: Henry Bocking, 1535 (A. 20, 8). MOLASH. Dedication : Sf. Peler and St. Paul. — Buried in tlie churchyard of the Apostles Peter and Paul of Molasshe : Ric'^ Pomerall, parish priest, 1473 (A. 2, 9) ; Thos. Will, 1501 (A. 8, G) ; Kic^ Wells, 1519 (A. 13,5). Buried in the churchyard of St. Peter the Apostle of Molasshe: Ric"^ Will, 149(5 (A. G, G). The Hood.— h\^\\i of the High Cross, 4ight of St. John, 4^/.: V\^m. Stephins, 1515 (A. 12, IG). >S'/. John the Bffpfisf.-—lA^]\t of St. John the Baptist, 2d. : John Lokyar, 14G!) (A. 1, 18). St. Man/ 3Iai/dalene.— Light of St. Mary Magdalene, 4d. : Wm. Stephins, 1515 (A. 12, IG). St. Nicholas. — Light of St. Nicholas, a bushel of barley : Henry Marscale, UGo (A. 1, 7) ; John Chilton, 1471 (A. 2, 10) ; Wm. Epslan, 1500 (A. 7, 8). Light of St. Nicholas, -Ul: John Hamond, 1500 (A. 8, 2) ; Wm. Stephins, 1515 (A. 12, IG). NEWINGTON NEXT SITTINOBOUKNE. Dedication : Oar Lady. — Buried in the churchyai'd of St. Mary of Newenton : Henry Longe, 1474 (A. 2, 9) ; Margaret Brayne, 1475 (A. 2, 18); John Sawyar, 1500 (A. 8, 1); Isabella Clifford, 1505 (A. 9, 2). Buried in the Chancel of the Church : Thos. Jeakyn, vicar of Newenton next Middleton, 1410 (Con. 1, fol. 18). Buried in the Tower of tlie Church of Blessed Mary of Newenton : John Harry, senior, 147 1 (Con. 2, fol. 280). Buried in the north aisle of the Church beside the seat where 1 am accustomed to sit : Wm. Flawne [or Essex], 1589 (A. 21, 6). The Trinity. — Light of Ilolv Trinity, 12(/. : Thos. Harry, senior, 14G3 (A. 1, 11). Light of Holy Trinity, 3 bushels of barlev : Kob' Beresforth, 1472 (Con. 2, fol. 229). Light of Holy Trinity, id. : Henry Longe, 1474 (A. 2, 9) ; Thos. Cardar, 1499 (A. 7, 4). Light of the Trinity, one bushel of barley : John Wynslowe, 1499 (A. 7, 8). Light of Holy Trinity, 3s. 4t/. : Sampson Sayer, 1500 (P.C.C., 15, Moone). The Rood. — Light of Holy Cross, 2s. : Thos. Jeakyn, vicar, 1410 (Con. 1, fol. 18). 232 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Light of the High Cross, 3s. 4J. : Thos. Harry, senior, 1463 (A. 1, 11). Light of the Cross, 3 bushels of barley : Rob' Beresforth, 1472 (Cou. 2, fol. 229). Light of the Kood, 3 quarters of barley : Wm. Muude, 1489 (A. 5, 6). Light of Holy Cross, 4J. : Thos. Cardar, 1499 (A. 7, 4). HoJt/ Cross before the Door. — To the Light of Holy Cross before the door of the Church, 4Qd. : Thos. Jeakyu, vicar, 1410 (Cou. 1, fol. 18). Our i«f/_y.— Liglit of St. Mary in the Chancel, 40^. : Thos. Jeakyu, vicar, 1410. Light of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the high chancel, 12r/. : Thos. Harry, senior, 1463 (A. 1, 11). Light of St. Marv, 1 lb. of wax : Thos. Wiuslow, 1470 (A. 1,12). Light of Blessed Mary in the high chaucel, 3 bushels of barley : Kob' Beresforth, 1472 (Con. 2, fol. 229). Light of Our Blessed Lady within the high chancel, a quarter of barley : John AVynslowe, 1499 (A. 7, 8). Light of the Blessed Virgin Mary iu the high choir, 2 bushels of barley : Stephen Deny, 1500 (A. 8, 6). Our Lady of Pit i/. — Light of Blessed Mary of Pity in the Church of Neweuton', Vld. ■ John Bale of Upchurch, 1500 (A. 7, 9). Light of Our Lady of Pity, I2d. : Ric'' Lydsing, 1500 (A. 7, 10). To making the Tabernacle of Our Lady ot Pity, 4:d. : Balfe Huggin, 1513 (A. 12, 6). Towards making a Tabernacle for the Image of Our Lady of Pity, 6s. Sd.: Wm. Godfrey, 1514 (A. 12, 11). To the making of the Tabernacle of Our Lady of Pitv, 20s. : Isabel Liggis, 1516 (A. 12, 17). Our Lad 1/ of Grace. — ^To the Light of Our Lady of Grace, half a •(uarter of malt: Joan Millar, 1519 (A. 14, I). Our Ladi/ of WahinS'/. Kafherine. — Light of St. Katherine, a bushel of barley : Wm. Kaynold of Feuculsham, 1470 (A. 1, 16) ; John Peers of Ashley, 1489 (A. 5, 5). Light of St. Katherine, Ad. : Marione Poshe, 1484 (A. 4, 1) ; AVm. Cutting of Sholdon, 1488 (A. 5, 1) ; Wm. Gillott, clerk, 1522 (A. 15, 7). Light of St. Katherine, two ewes : Alice Courttoppe, 1510 (A. 11, 8). St. Mcholfis.—Ught of St. Nicholas, Ad. : Wm. Gillott, clerk, 1522 (A 15 7). St. P<^^er.— Light of St. Peter, Id. -. Wm. Gillott, clerk, 1522 (A. 15, 7). St. Thomas. — Light of St. 'iliomas, one ewe: Alice Courttoppe, 1510 (A. 11, 8). Easter Sepulchre. — Buried in the Church of St. Augustine of Nor- borne, in the Chancel where the Sepulchre of the fiOrd on Enster day is situated, or before the Image of Blessed Mai*y in the same Church. To the Church for my burial, 6s. 8^/. : John Grigge of Fyngelesham, 1484 (Con. 3, fol. 6). Varia. — For the Vestments of the Church, £8 : Shephen I>evill, 1477 (A. 3,4). OARE. Dedication : St. Peter. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Peter the Apostle of Ore: Thos. Church. 1472 (A. 2, 3) ; Stephen Colyn, 1472 (A. 2. 4) ; ,lohii Robert, 1483 (A. 3, 26). Buried in the churchyard of St. Peter in Ore : Simon Church, 1505 (A. 9, 4) ; John a'Chirche, 1510 (Con. 10. fol. 80). 238 TEST AMENTA CANTIANA. Buried in the Chancel of Oor : Wni. Crippon, 1495 (A. 6, 4). The i?oot/.— Light of the Cross, {jd. : Thos. Church, 1472 (A. 2, 3). Light of the Cross, 8^. : John Robert, 1483 (A. 3, 26). Buried in the Church before the High Cross : Win. Norden, 1488 (Con. 3. fol. 240). To the Light of the Eood, a cow, price 8s.. tliat tlie wardens of the Churcli shall have the cow and the profit coming to the use and maintenance of the said Light: John a Cliii'che, 1510 (Con. 10, fol. 80). [See under Comen Liqlit?^ Our Zff(/y.— Light of St. Mary, Or/. : '1 ho8. Church, 1472 (A. 2, 3). Light of Our Lady in the Chancel, two kine, that the yearly profit from the same shall be kept for the use of the same Light: Simon Church, 1505 (A. 9, 4). [See under St. Katherine.'] St. Christoplier. — A w ax taper of 2 lbs. for evermore before the Picture of St. Christopher in the Church, which Light and taper shall burn every principal day, Sunday, Holydays, and the day of St. Anne, St. IMargaret, St. Katherine, and St. Clement : Simon Church, 1505 (A. 9, 4). St. Katlierine. — To the Lights of Our Lady and St. Katherine, three kine, each price 8s., that the wardens or their assigns shall have them to maintain two tapers of wax before the same yearly, to burn every Sunday and Holyday, and the day of St. Margaret, the Visitation of Our Lady, St. Anne, St. Clement, and St. Paul, at matins, mass, and evensong: John a Cliirche, 1510 (Con. 10, fol. 80). St. P^fer.— Light of St. Peter, I2d. : John Eobert, 1483 (A. 3, 26). Light of St. Peter in the Chancel, three ewes to provide a taper of 1 lb. of wax burning before the Image of St. Peter : John a Cliirche, 1510 (Con. 10, fol. 80). I'or a taper of half a lb. of wax before St. Peter, two ewes : Simon Churcli, 1505 (A. 9, 4). St. Thomo.^ of Canterbury. —To the Light of St. Thomas of Canterbury in the Church, two kine: Simon Churcli, 1505 (A. 9, 4). Comen Light. — To the Light called Com'ynlight, one ewe : Thos. Church, 1472 (A. 2, 3). To the Cornell Light of the High Eooil, two kine for the sustentatioii and augmentation of the same Light : Simon Church, 1505 (A. 9, i). Torch Liffht. — To the reparation of the Light called Torchlight, 4./. : Ste[dieu Ccdyn, 1 172 (A. 2, 4). To the buying of four new Torches, 24s., that they liurn every principal day at the saying of High Mass, as htng as they will'last: Simon Church, 1505 (A. 9, 4). Varia. — To the making of one loft before the Cross, 20.s-. : Thos. Church, 1472 (A. 2,3). To the new loft making before the Cross, lO.v. : Stei)lieu Colyn, 1472 (A. 2,4). EAST KENT. 230 To tlio construction of a Eoodloft in fho Clnirch, 20s. : Wni. N(.r(k-n, I l-SS (Con. 3, Fol. 21(»). Foi' making a glass window in the Chancel of Ore on the south side, 53.V. 4,1.: .lohn a Chivehe, 1510 fCn. 10. foi. HO). To the re]iaration of the great eandleslick het'ore the Image of Holy Cross, Us. ^U. : Wm. Crippon, 149', (A. G, 4). To the making, painting, and gilding of the High Kood, and of Mary and John in the Chnrtdi, 2(».s'. Hd.: Simon Chundi, 150.') (A. 9. 4). OFFHAM. Dedication : Sf. Michael. — See " Parish Churches of AV-^est Kent " in the Transactions of the St. PauVs EccIesiolo(/ical Society, vol iii., p. 281. ORGARSWICK. Dedication. — No evidence from wills. ORLESTONE. Dedication : Oitr Lady. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Mary of Orlaston : Stephen Bunting, 14S0 (A. 8, 7).^ Buried in the churchyard of Our Lady of Orlestou, at the south door, by mv first husband : Joan Sherman, widow, 1522 (A. 15,6). Buried in the middle of the (dioir : John Wetherlok, rector, 1535 (A. 20,9). The Rood. — Light of High Cross, Qd. : Stephen Bunting, 1480 (A. 3, 17); Joan Sherman, widow, 1522 (A. 15, (5). Light of Holy Cross, 8(/. : Roger Claych, L501 (A. !), I). Light of the High Cross, I2d. -. Agnes TTolnherst, 1504 Light befo]'e the Crucifix, 3.v. 4^/. : John Wetherlok, 1535 (A. 20, 9). Our Ladi/.— Light of the Blessed Virgin Marv, (id. -. Stephen Pjunting. 1480 (A. 3, 17) : Joan Sherman, 1522 (A. 15, 6). Light of St. Marv, Hd. : Roger Claych, 1504 (A. 9, 1). Light of St. Mary, 12(/. : Agnes Holnherst, 1504 (A. 9, 3). To Our Ladv in the high cjuer in the Church, 3.s'. kl. : John AVetherlok, rector, L535 (A. 20, 9). St. Stephen. — Light of St. Stephen, (id. : Joan Sherman, 1522 (A. 15, 6). Varia. — To the Chnrcli a hnig towel to housell the people at Easter day : Joan Norris, widow, 1532 (.V. 19, Llj. 240 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. OEPINGTON. Dedieatio7i : All Saiiifs. — See Archcsologia Cantinno, Vol. XXIII., p. 145. OSPEINGE. Dedication : St. Peter ami St. Paul. — Buried in the churchyard of the Apostles Peter and Paul of Osprenge : Eob* Drayton of Whiteheld, 1466 (A. 1, 10); Thos. King, 1470 (A. "l, 20); Kiel Parker, 1470 (A. 1, 14) ; Thos. Thunovale, 1484 (Con. 3, fol. 3) ; John Longbridge, 1505 (A. 10, 2). Buried in the Chancel of St. Peter and St. Paul of Ospringe : Thos. Goodrich, clerk, 1522 (A. 15, 1). The iPoof/.— Light of Holv Cross, 4^/. : Eic'' Parker, 1470 (A. 1, 14) ; Eob' Mellvs, 1475 (A. 2, 18) ; John Longbregge, 1505 (A. 10, 2) ; Eic'' Petl'ey, 1504 (Con. 8, fol. 32) ■, Simone Tritton. 1507 (A. 10, 6).' Buried in the Church before the Crucifix : Alice Herry, 1496 (A. 7, 1) ; Wm. Chese, 1529 (A. 18, 7). A taper of 3 lbs. of wax before the Image of Our Lord : Eic" Hornestleffe, 1502 (A. 8, 11). Light of the Eood, 12r/. : Agues Barbour, widow, 1510 (A. 11, 8). To the High Eood Light, 20 ewes to maintain the same for evermore : Lawrence Alice, 1510 (A. 11, 10). To maintain the Cross Light, a cow : John Owlett, 1512 (A. 12,4). 0«r iff f/y.— Light of the Blessed \ irgin Mary in the Chancel, a bushel of barley : Thos. Kinge, 1475 (A. 2, 16). Light of St. Marv in the Chancel, a cow : Thos. Wood, 1494 (A. 6, 1). Light of Our Lailv, 4r/. : John Longbregge, 1505 (A. 10, 2). Light of Our Lady, 8Sy. Thomas of Canterhury. — Light of St. Thomas, a bushel of barley : Thos. Kinge, 1475 (A. 2, 16), Light of St. Thomas the Martyr, a cow : Thos. Wood. 1494 (A. 6, 1). Buried in the Pari^ih Church of Ospringe, in the Chapel of St. Thomas afore Our Ladv there : John Bingley, 1500 (Con. 6, fol. 6). To making a parclose with plain boards and other stuff before St. Thomas' altar in the Church, £5. To the Light of St. Thomas, Vld. -. Wm. Rod wen, 1507 (A. 10, 5). 242 TESTAMENT A CANTIANA. I^asier Sepulchre. — A taper of 4 lbs. of wax before the Septilcbre : Lawrence Alice, 1510 (A. 11, 10). Yario. — To the new gLnziiic; of a window in the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 20(/. : Thos. at Hale, U84 (A. 4, 1). Towards making of new stolys [s/c] in the qwyre, 12iJ. To the reparation of the Church, 20.*. : John Colbroke, 1503 (A. 8, 13). Towards the reparation of the Eoodloft, 12r/. If there be bought a new Bell called a tenor for the Church, 1 bequeath thereto 3.?. Ad. : John Eichardson, 1514 (A. 12, 11). To the reparation of the Eoodloft, 3.s. Ad. : Wm. Carter, 1580 (A. 19, 1). OSPEINGE, DOMUS D¥A. Dedication : Our Lady. — Buried in the Church of St. Mary the Virgin of the Mesyndew of Osj)rynge. To the Brethren of the Mesvndew for mv burial, Os. 8f/. : Alex. Eoger, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 291). To the Hospital of Osprenge, Ad. -. Thos. King, 1470 (A. 1, 12). Buried in the Chapel of Blessed Mary of the Donuis Dei of St. Mary of Ospringe before the Altar in the said Chapel if I die there. To the work and reparation of the said Cha])el and Image of St. Mary over the altar of the Chapel, 5 marcs : Wm. Watson, vicar of Beninden and Throwley, 1474 (A. 2, 12). OSTENHANGEE. See AVestenhanger. OTFOED. Sec Archa-oJor/iti Confiana, A'ol. XX ill., p. 1 15. OTHAM. JJediraHon : SI. Nicholas. — Buried in the cliurcliyard ol' St. JNiclio- hiH i.r Otthaiii: Henrv Kerne, IICI (Con. 2, fol. 51); Win. Crumpe, 14G7 (A, I, 4); John Pryke, 1473 (A. 2, 9); .lohn (iib.son, 1 ISO (A. 3, 10). Bni'icd ill ihe Chancel. 'I'o ihe ])aris)i, Gs. St/,, one surplice, and Matins book: Thos, Danyell, rector, 152G (A. 17, 2). EAST KENT. 243 The Iioo(l—\A^^\\\ of llic Hiu]i Cross, G.y. 9,il: Henry Kerne, UOI (Coil. L>, fol. r,i). Light, before the Higli Cros^, 4^/.: W^m. Crumpe, senior, 1467 (A. 1, 4). Light of tlie High Cross, 8(/. : John Fryko, 1478 (A. 2, 0). Lisht of the High Cross, 12Sy. Margaret. — To painting the Image of St. Margaret, 20d. : Patrick Macou-\vay, chaplain of Stalsfeld, 1493 (A. o, 16). The Torches.^A cow to maintain the Torches in the Chnrch at the time of mass: Thos. Seyntleger, 1405 (Con. 1, fol. 16). The Sacrament. — A cow price S*\, or else 8s. for the cow at the discretion of my ex'ors, to find a Lamp burning before the Sacrament of the high altar of Otterden : John Ancher, senior, 1502 (A. 8, 11). Varia. — That 2000 shingles be made and laid out upon the repara- tion of the Church, where most need is, at my cost and charge* John Aucher, senior, 1502 (A. 8, 11). To the tribvll bell there, lid.: Pic'^ Brokman, 1514 (A. 12, To buying a cloth to coyer the Twelve Apostles of the Kood- loft, 4^. : "Roger Stephen, 1524 (A. 16, 3). OXNEY (iheae DoyEE). Dedication : St. Nicholas (by tradition). — Sir AVm. de Auberyille who in 1 192 founded Langdon Abbey, granted to the same tlie Churches of Langdon, Lyddeu, Oxney, and Walmer. PADDLES\YORTH. Dedication : St. OsivaJd. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Oswald of Padelsworth: Pob' Pegge, 1484 (Con. 2, fol. 602). Buried in tlie Church of St. Oswald of Padelsworth : Stephen Barnysdale, 1520 (Con. 13, fol. 46). St. Ostcald. — To making a new Image of St. Oswald in the same Churcli, 5s. : John Barnesdale, 1526 (Con. 14, fol. 146). To the buying and gilding of an Image of St. Oswald, to be set up ill Paddilesworlh Church, lOs. : AVni. Brokman of Newing- ton next Hylhe, 1526 (A. 17, 1). Varia. — To the repair of the High Cross, 3s. 4d. : Pob*^ Eegge, 1484 (Con. 2, fol. 602). To the buying of a Processional for the Churcli, 20^/. : Ste|)hen Barnysdale, 1520 (Con. 13, fol. 46). A trental be celebrated for me in the Chapel of St. Oswald at Paddlcsworlh: Wm. Kete of Lyminge, 1500 (A. 7, S). Note. — See Archcrolor/ia Canfiana, Vol. Xlll. is AST KENT. 24^ PATKIXBOUKNE.* Dedicallon : Our Ludij (by ti-:i(li(iou). — Buried in the Chancel; iind to the reparation of tlie Chnrcli, lOs. : John Gi-eiie. elerk, 1541 (A.L>2. 2). The Rood. — Towards maintaining the stock of tlie Cross Light in the Roodeloft, four bushels of barley: Philip Grene, I-jO.S (A. 8, 13). Our Lady. — To the Light of Our Lady towards the beginning of a stock, two bushels of barley: Philip Grene, 1503 (A. 8, 13). St. John. — Buried in the Chapel of St. John in the Parish Church of Patrikesborne : John Isaak, Esquire, 1501 (P.C.C, 13, Blamyr). The Sacra m, niainlaining the Peme Light before the Sacrament every year for twenty years next after my death, ^d. -. Philip Grene, 1503 (A. 8, 13). Varin. — To the churchwardens of Patrickesborne, Bregge, and Bekesborne, two altar-cloths of white, my name and arms to be stayned uj^on everv of them, all to the value of 13.s. -id. : John Isaak, Esquire, 1501 (P.C.C, Blamyr). EAST PECKHAM. Dedication : St. Michael. WEST PECKHAM. Dedication .- St. Duustan.—See " Parish Churches of West Kent " in the Transactions of the St. Faults Ecclesiological Society, vol. iii.] PETHAM. Dedication : All Saints. — Buried in the churchyard of All Saints of Petham : John Browning, 14G4 (A. 1, 0) ; Sampson (\>lman, 1471 (A. 1, 10) ; Sampson Coppe, 1474 (A. 2, 13). Buried in the Church of All Hallows of Petham ; and for breaking the ground for my burial, two oxsters \_sic'] : Wm. Baseley, 1490 (A. 5, S). Buried in the Chancel of .Vll Hallows of Petham: Edw. Wilson, vicar, 1511 (Con. 10, fol. 145). The i?oo(/.— Light of Holy Cross, a bushel of barley : John Browning, 1404 (A. 1, 6). Light of Holy Cross, a quarter of barley : Clement Crophall, 1473 (A. 2,8). To the Rode Light, a bushel of barley : Thos. Austin, 1484 (Con. 3, fol. 3). * See Archmoluyia Cantiana, Vol XIV., pp. 169 — 84. 246 TESTAMENTA CANTIAKA. Light of the Cross, 8d. : Sampson Coppe, 1474 (A. 2, 13) ; Thos. Parett, 1535 (A. 20, 7). Light of the Cross, half a seam of barley : Edw. Wilson, vicar, 1511 (Con. 10, fol. 145). Light of the Cross, a bushel of malt : John Thompson, 153S (A. 21, 7). Our Lady. — Light of Blessed Mary, a bushel of barley : John Browning, 14G4 (A. 1, 6) ; Thos. Austin, 14S4 (Con. 3, fol. 3). Light of St. Mary, 4 bushels of barley : Sampson Colmau, 1471 (A. 1, 10) ; Clement Crophall, 1473 (A. 2, 8). Light of St. Mary, 8J. : Sampson Coppe, 1474 (A. 2, 13) ; Thos. Parett, 1535 (A. 20, 7). Light of Our Lady, half a seam of barley : Edw. AVilson, vicar, 1511 (Con. 10, fol. 145). All Souls. — 1 owe to Alsowlen Light, 6s. bd. : Wm. Stuphill, 148S (Con. 3, fol. 205). Light of All Souls, Sd. : Nicholas Petite, 1517 (A. 12, 19) ; Thos. Parett, 1535 (A. 20, 7). >S'^. George. — Light of St. George, two bushels of barlev : Edw. Wilson, vicar, 1511 (Con. 10, fol. 145). St. J^//«e6-.— Light of St. James, 8(7. : Thos. Parett, 1535 (A. 20, 7). St. John. — Light of St. John, a bushel of malt : John Thompson, 1538 (A. 21, 7). St. Katherine. — Light of St. Katherine, 4 bushels of barley and one ewe : Sampson Colmau, 1471 (A. 1, 10). Light of St. Katlierine, a quarter of malt, and to the main- tenance of the Light, 6 ewes: Wm. Baselev, 1490 (A. 5, 8). Lightof St. Katherine, 4J. : Nicholas Petite, 1517 (A. 12, 19). Light of St. Katherine, 8J. : Thos. Parett, 1535 (A. 20, 7). St. Margaret. — Light of St. Margaret, a busliel of barley : John BrovVning, 1404 (A. I, G). Light of St. Margaret, 4 bushels of barles : Clement Crop- hall, 1473 (A. 2, 8). Light of St. Margaret, 8(/. : Sampson Coppe, 1474 (A. 2, 13); Thos. Parett, 1535 (A. 20, 7). To the Brotherhood and Greveale of St. Margaret, half a bushel of wheat and a bushel of malt : Thos. Austin, 1484 (Con. 3, fol. 3). St. Sicholas. - Light of St. Nicholas, 2 bushels of barley: Edward Wilson, vicar, 1511 (Con. 10, fol. 145). Vuria. — To the ameiidiiig of the Bells, and to the Steeple, 20. lUlJ — 111. iEAST KENT. 24'^ Light of 8l. Kutlierine, -!■'(!. Lii^^hl oF St. Lawrence, U. : Nicholas Badiior, 1521. (.\. 1(5, ;J). Varia. — To the repair of a glas.s window before ihe high altar in the Chancel of Pevington, rh. hi. : Win. Xynne df l'>4ertoii, UGS (Con. 2, fol. . .). PLUCKLEY. Dedication : St. Nichohts. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicho- las of Plukle: John Best, 14(50 (A. 1, 10) ; Philip .Mell, 1471 (A. 2, 1); Roger Brownsmith, 147:i (A. 2, 6); Eic'' Pakenian, 147(5 (A. :3, ij ; Thos. Mnn.l, 1 il)S (A. 7. (5). Buried in the .south porch of the Church of Plukle beside my father: Cristyn Dreyland, 1482 (A. 3, 20). Buried in the ehnrchvard of Blessed Mary and St. Nicholas of Plukley: John Hamond, 1.502 (A. S, 8). Buried in the Church in the south side next the window that Wm. Giles made there: Stephen (Tiles, 1517 (A. 13, 13). The Rood. — liight before the Cross, 0\^. 140 — 52. 252 TESTAMENTA CAXTIANA. Our Lady. — Light of St. Maiy, 12d. : John Staniforte or Cooke, 1481 (A. 3, 22). Varia. — To the work of the Tower of Queeuborough, 6s. %d. : Johu Stamforte or Cooke, 1481 (A. 3, 22). My ex'ors to buy a Vestmeut compleat of green satin of Brugges at 20s., with an Image of the Trinity on the back, and a remembrance of the giver, for the Chapel of Queenborough : John Belhnger of Eaversham, 1529 (A. 18, 9). BAINHAM.* Dedication : St. Margaret. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Margaret of Eaynham : John Mardale, 1472 (Con. 2, fol. 277) ; Alicia Pette, 1474 (A. 2, 12); Philip Grofeherst, 1479 (A. 3. 12) ; Wm. Butt, 1501 (A. S, 3). Buried in the Church of Raynham : Thos. Eeine, 1471 (A. 1. 14). Buried \\\ the Church of St. Margaret of Reynham : Johu Eechingwode, 1473 (Con. 2, fol. 210). The Trinity.— h\^\it of the Trinity, i2d. : Thos. Reme, 1471 (A. 1, 14). Light of the Holy Triuity, 4rf. : Alicia Pette, 1474 (A. 2, 12) ; Wm. Butt, 1501 (A. 8, 3). Light of the Holv Triuity, a bushel of barley : Johu Adam, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 284). Buried in the Church before the Trinity there. " My ex'ors do new gild the Image of the Trinity and the Resurrection on the same Altar, with the Tabernacle over the same Altar, and like tlie wtu'k that Wm. Godfrey's altar is of, and in the parish of Gillingham. ' f A pi-iest to sing for me at the Trinity Altar in the Cluirch for a L[uai'ter of a year, during twenty years: Thos. Elmeston, 1533 (A. 19, 12). Our Lady. — Light of Our Ladv, 4i. : Alicia Pette, 1474 (A. 2, 12). Our Jjadif under the Rood. — Light of Our Lady under [sic] the Roodbeam, 12f/. : Thos. Reme, L471 (A. 1, 14). St. Christopher.— Light of St. Christopher, 12^/. : Tlios. Reme 1471 (A. 1, 14). Light of St. Christopher, 2d. : Alicia Pette, 1474 (A. 2, 12). Liglit of St. Christopher, 4(/. : John Adam, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 284). ,S7. John.— Light of St. John. 12r/. : Tlios. Reme, 1471 (A. 1, 14). St. John the Baptist. — Buried in tlu- Chancel of St. John the Baptist in the Church of Ravnhain : Silvester att Heth, 1477 (Con. 2, fol. 352). * See Archaoloqia Cantiana, Vol. XVII., pp. 49 — 65. t See " rurish'rimrches of West Kent" in vol. iii, p. 268, of the Trans- actions of the St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society. EAST KENT. 253 Sf. Kaflierinr. — "Buried in ilie riiurcli of 8i. INrarpjarot of Ecnham, in llie aisle near the C'liapel of St. Kalliei'inc. 'J'o oacli Li(:,lit ill tl.c Cliurcli, Gtl. : Eic' Hoifjekin, 1474 (A. 2, 14). Lit^lit of St. K'atlieriiie, 12r/. : Tlios. Kerne, 1471 (A. 1, 14). St. M(irr/aref.—L\fyht of St. Margaret, 4iil.: John Merdale, 1472 (Con! 2, fol. 277) ; Alicia Petto, 1474 (A. 2, 12) ; AVm. Butt, 1501 (A. 8, 3). Light of St. Margaret. 20(1. : Thos. Cornell, 1479 (A. 3, 18). To the painting of Blessed Margaret, 3.s. 4d. : Philip Grofelierst, 1479 (A. 3, 12). .SV. Man/ 3raq(hiIrne.—lAi:,\\t of St. Mary Magdalene, 12r/. : Thos. Ecme, llYl (A. 1, 14). St. mchoJas.— Light of St. Nicholas, 12d. : Thos. Eeme, 1471 (A. 1, 14). Light of St. Nicholas, a bushel of barley : John Adam, 1474 (Con.'2, fol. 284). St. Peter. — Light of St. Peter, a bushel of barley : Alicia Pette, 1474 (A. 2. 12). Eastrr Sepulchre. — To the maintenance of one taper before the Sepulchre, one acre of land for ever: Thos. Cornell, 1479 (A. 3, 13). [See under The Triniti/.'] Varia.— To the new organs, 20d. : Alicia Pette, 1474 (A. 2, 12). KECULYEE. Dedication : Our Lady. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Marv of Keculver: Joan, wife of Wni. Alevn, 14G9''(Con. 2, fol. 193)'; Nicholas Paramore, 1401 (Con. 3, fol. 279); Thos. Butt, 1500 (Con. 5, fol. 66) ; John llawlott, 1505 (Con. 8, fol. 48). Buried in the Church of Blessed Mary of Kecolver. Two tapers of wax of 3 lbs. to burn to the honor of God, Blessed Mary, and All Saints in the Church at the time of mv burial: John Eechefeld, 1462 (Con. 2, fol. 76). Buried in the Chancel of the Church of Blessed Mary : Win. Eichfeld, 1491 (Con. 3, fol. 306). Buried beside the Palm Cross in the chLirchyard : Alex. Cobbe, 1541 (Con. 17, fol. 99). The Rood. — To the Light of Holy Cross, one ewe : Thos. Yong, 1484 (Con. 2, fol. 577) ; Thos. Cermin, 1526 (Con. 14, fol. 175) ; John Hawelett, 1527 (Con. 14, fol. 229). Light of the Cross, 4SY. Nicholas.'] Easter Sepulchre. — A taper of one and a half lbs. of wax to burn at the Sepulchre of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Church during Easter for two years: Nicholas a Berne, 1478 (A. 3, 0). Yoiingmen''s Liqht. — To the Light called Yongemen's Light, 12^/. : Pernel or Petronella Hikkis, 1473 (A. 2, 7). The Sacrament . — To the Light before the Sacrament, a taper price M. : John Nootting, 1517 (A. 12, 19). Jesus Mass. — A taper of wax to be kept at my cost, to burn Sundays and Holydays at the time of divine service, and also the Friday at the Jesus Mass, for seven years after my death, before the Image of Jesus standing in the High Chancel. A candlestick of laton for the same taper to stand upon before the Image of Jesus. The diadem which I ordered for the same Image of Jesus be gilt, and set upon the same Image : John Hubbard, 1517 (A. 13, 2). Varia.- — To the new window at the head of the High Chancel, 13s. 4(/. : Eobt Hombard, 1472 (Con. 2, fol. 231). To one new great Cross to be bought and stood in the place called the Eoodloft, Qs. Sd. Por two silver bells to be boujrht and hang upon the Banner of the Assumption of the Blessed Mary in the Church, 6s. 8d. For a new set of Vestments to be bought and placed in the Church, 40s. : John Duke, 1473 (A. 2, 8). ^ My ex'ors to i)rovide one pair of organs to the honor of Almighty Grod, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all the Saints in the Church and choir of Kolvenden. To a new window in the High Chancel, 20s. : Matthew Tyrnin, clerk, 1474 (A. 2, 15). A pall or front of white to hang before the High Altar in the Church, 10s. j and the Assiunptioii of Our liady to be pictured in the middle of the cloth : John Hubbard, 1517 (A. 13, 2). Towards buying a pair of organs for the Church, if they be bought and set up in the Church within one vear of my death, 40s. : Bob' Wise, vicar, 1532 (A. 19, 9). To the glazing of a window beside the Eoodloft in the Church, 16s. To the new Organs, 2()S. 8(/. Also £6 to the making at his proper cost an honest Sepulchre for the Jilessed Body of Our JiOrd to be laid in at Easter in the Church; and to the buying of one holy cloth there to hang on the Sepulchre at the hol3^tiino of Easter, and to do service in the Church there jit otlu^r time.s : .lohn Asten, 1533 (Con. 16, fol. . .). EAST KENT. 201 NEW ROM NET.* Chuech of St. John the Baptist. Buried in the ehnrcliyanl of St. John tlie liaptist in lloinene, and to the reparation of the Churcli, (id. : John Cray, liG5 (Con. 2, fol. lol). Buried in tlic Church of St. John the Baptist, and to the same Church for my burial, (js. Hd. : John Hikks, 1471 (Con. 2, fol. 125). Buried in the churchyard of St. John the Baptint: John Kytebi-other, lis.j (Con. 3, foL 70). Buried in the churchyard of St. John the Baptist: Thos. Otewey, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 09). Chubch of St. Laweence. Buried in the Church of St. Lawrence of Komeney : '\Vm. Pyers, barber, 1431 (Con. 1, fol. 22). Buried in the Church near my mother : Thos. Cowper, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 127). The Trinity. — To the Brotherhood of Holy Trinity, 3a'. 4 J., and to each Brotherhood in the same Church, 20£/. : Wm. Pyers, barber, 1431 (Con. ], fol. 22). Light of the Brotherhood of Holy Trinity, 4t?. : John Cray, 1405 (Con. 2, fol. 151). Light of Holy Trinity, J. : John Hikks, 1471 (Con. 2, fol. 125). Buried in the Chapel of the Holy Trinity in the Church of St. Lawrence of Romene : John Afforde or Hith, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 110). The Rood.— To the Brotherhood of Holy Cross, 3s. 4rf. : Wm. Pyers, barber, 1431 (Con. 1, fol. 22). Buried in the Church of St. Lawrence before the High Cross; and to tlie Brotherhood of Holy Cross, 2s. ; and to each Light of the Chiirch, 12r/. : Thos. AVermyston, 1447 (Con. 1, fol. 37). Light of High Cross, 12(/.: John Hikks, 1471(Con. 2, fol. 125). Our Ladi/.- -hight of the Brotherhood of Our Lady, (jd. : John Cray,'l4e5 (Con. 2, fol. 151). "Light of Blessed Marv, 12 mouth of the River Limeue, and pari of the land on wliicli is situated the Church [oratoriumj of St. Martin (Birch's Anfflo-Saxon Charters, vol. i., p. 232). Jiouiid the oratory or small Church of St. Martin ;,a-c\v up the town ot llomney. ^A8T KEi^T. 203 Liglit of St. Kathcriue, Hd. : Gcoft'rey Sliurpe, 1474 (Con. 2, foJ. 287). Light of St. Katheriue, Ss. 4J. : Stephen Baker, 1485 (Con. -i, fol. 74). Sf. Loi/e.—Usht of St. Loye, Ud. : Sir Thos. Penyston, 1518 (Con. 12, fol. m). Sf. Michael.— Buv'wd m the Cliurch of St. Martin before the Altar of St. Michael : Stephen Baker, 1485 (Con. 8, fol. 74). St. Feter. — Buried in the Chancel of St. Peter within the Chnrch of St. Martin : Patrick Gille, 1485 (Con. :i, fol. 50). Light of St. Peter, 4:d. : John Punderst, 1402 (Con. 2, fol. 75). Light of St. Peter, Sd.-. Geoffrey Sharpe, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 287). For a Candle which shall burn before the Lnage o£ St. Peter, 12d. : Stephen Baker, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 74). Light of St. Peter, 12d. : Sir Thos. Peuyston, 1518 (Con. 12, fol. 05). Church of St. Nicholas. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas near the grave of my father and mother: Jas. Lowys, coppersmith, 1454 (Con. 1, fol. 07). Buried in the Church of St. Nicholas of Romene : Eob' Senus, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 272). Buried in the nave of the Parish Church of St. Nicholas: John Eobyn, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 00). Buried in the Church of St. Nicholas in the hi«;h choir ou the right side : Robert Taylor, vicar, 1509 (Con. 9, fol. 117). Buried in the Chancel of the Church of New Romny on the north side where I sit. 'J\) the Church, the 20s. which 1 have lent to the Town : John Parcker, jurat, 1558 (Con. 27, fol. 152). The Rood.— Light of Holy Cross, 20d. : Rob^ Seras, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 272) ; John Swan, 1501 (Con. 0. fol. 12). Our Lndy. — Light of St. Marv, 4i : John Newman, 1404 (Con. 2, fol. 81) ; John Robvn, 1485 (Con. 3. fol. 09). Light of St. Mary, 20^^. : EoV Seras, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 272). Chapel of Our Ludij.— Buried in the Chapel of Blessed Mary within the Cluircli of St. Nicholas of Romney ; and to the Brotherhood of St. Marv, 20rf. : John a Mede, 1454 (Con. 1, fol. 71). Buried in the Chancel of Blessed Mary within the Church of St. Nicholas : Wm. Gregory, senior, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 142) ; John Swan, 1501 (Con. 0, fol. 12). Buried in the Chancel of Our Lady next unto my uncle Wm. Gregory: Thos. Gregory, 1507 (Con. 9, fol. 153). St. Clement. — Light of St. Clement, 4^/. : John Newman, 1404 (Con. 2, fol. 81) ; John Swan. 1501 (Con. 0, fol. 12). Light of St. Clement, Ot/. : Rob' Seras, 1474 (Cou. 2, fol. 272). 264 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. To the Brotlierliood of St. Clement, M. -. John Eobyn, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 69). St. Edmund. — To the Brotherhood of St. Edmund, 6d. : Jas. Lowys, 1451 (Con. 1, fol. 67). St. Erasmus. — Buried in the Church before the Picture of St. Eras- mus ; and to the Light of St. Erasmus, 16c?. : Thos. Glover, 1520 (Con. 13, fol. 25). St. George. — To the Brotherhood of St. George, 40rf. : Wm. Love, 1432 (Con. 1, fol. 24). To the Brotherhood of St. George, 12d. : Jas. Lowys, 1454 (Con. 1, fol. 67). To the Brotherhood of St. George, 8d. : John a Mede, 1454 (Con. 1, fol. 71). Light of St. George, 8^.: Koh* Seras, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 272) ; John Swan, 1501 (Con. 6, fol. 12). St. John. — To the Brotherhood of St. John, 12^. : Jas. Lowys, 1454 (Con. 1, fol. 67). Light of St. John, 6d. : Eob* Seras, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 272) ; John Swan, 1501 (Con. 6, fol. 12). St. John the Baptist. — To the Brotherhood of St. John the Baptist, 12f/. : John a Mede, 1454 (Con. 1, fol. 71). St. Katherine. — To the Brotherhood of St. Katherine, 6f/. : Jas. Lowys, 1454 (Con. 1, fol. 67). Light of St. Katherine, M. : John Newman, 1463 (Con. 2, fol. 81). Light of St. Katherine, {id. : Eob' Seras, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 272). Light of St. Katherine, 2s. Gd. : Thos. Glover, 1520 (Con. 13, fol. 25). St. Nicholas. — Light of St. Nicholas, 12d. : John Swan, 1501 (Con. 6, fol. 12). Chapel of St. Stephen. — Buried in St. Stephen's Chancel at the south side of the same Churcli. To the reparation of the Church, 10s. : Ric'i Stuppeney, 1540 (Con. 17, fol. 68). Buried in the Chancel of St. Stephen nigh my father, and to be kenered close by the pavement of the Church: Lawrence Stuppeny, 1558 (Con. 27, fol. 2). To the brotherhood of St. Stephen, Sd. : John a Mede, 1454 (Con. 1, fol. 71). Light of St. Stephen, Hd. : Rob' Seras, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 272) ; John Swan, 1501 (Con. 6, fol. 12). Light of St. Stephen, 2s. Gd. : Thos. Glover, 1520 (Con. 13, fol. 25). OLD liO]\[NEY. Dedication : St. Clement. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Clement on the right side of the north door. To each Brotherhood in the Church, id.: John Sobrand, 14!)7 (Con. 4, fol. 173). EasIp Kent. 2G5 Buried in the poivli of St. Clciiicut of Old Komney; and to the reparation of the Cliun-h porch, '.is. 4nl.: John Wattman, 1500 (A. 8. 5). linried in the Cliancel of St. Clement of Old liouuiey : Eic'' Huntly, 1522 (A. 15, 1). I3uried in the Church of 8t. Clement in the middle pace, and to the Church for brcakiuL; the s^rouiid. (J.s-. 'Sd. : Win. (iilberd, 1523 (.A. 15, 8). Buried in the Church of St. Clement in the middle pace before the Hood, and to the reparation of the Church, and for the o;round breaking of my grave, 20*-. To every lirotherhood Light of the same Church, 12d. : Edw. Bordell, 1504 (A. 9, 1); Thos. Whatman, 1521 (A. 14, 11). Light of the Kood, I2d. : Henry Richards, 1515 (A. 12, 13). Light of the Rood, 2*-. : Wm. Gilberd, 1528 (A. 15, 8). Light of the Rood, Os. Sj. : Jas. Hoggelin, 1527 (A. 17, 11). ^ To the Light of the Rood, 3s. ^d. : John Epse, 1527 (Con. 14, fol. 187). To maintaining the Beam Lights, 5s. : Wm. Marshe, 1541 (A. 22, 2). Our Lady. — To the Bnjtherhood of Blessed Mary tlie Virgin, 4c?. : Thos.'att Nooke, 1407 (A. 7, 3). Light of Our Lady, 4t/. : John Wattman, 1500 (A. 8, 5) ; Thos. Whatman, 152r(A. 14, 11). Light of Our Ladv. 8rf. : Hen. Richards. 1515 (A. 12, 13) ; Ric'' Huntley, 1522 (.A. 15, 1) ; Wm. (Jillierd, 1523 (A. 15, 8). Chapel of Our Lady. — Buried in the Church in the Chancel of Our Lady: John Whatman, sejiior, 1527 (A. 17, 7). Buried in the Cha[)el of Our Lady in the Church of Old Romney, under the pillar next the tjueyre there. There be laid u[)on me a stone of six foot in length, and two ami half foot broad, with free stone two foot above ground, tomb wise : Wm. Marshe, 1541 (A. 22, 2). St. Christopher. — Light of St. Christopher in Old Romnev, 4c?. : Rob' Wittisphauke of Brensett, 1513 (A. 12, 7). Light of St. Christopher, 1263 (A. 1, 6) ; Thos. at Nooke, 1497 (A. 7, 3). Light of 8t. Katherine, Sd. : Hen. Eichards, 1515 (A. 12, 13); Jas. Hoggelin, 1527 (A. 17, 11). Light of St. Katheriue, id. : John Wattinan, 1500 (A. 8, 5); Thos. Whatman, 1521 (A. 14, 11); Wm. Gilberd, 1523 (A.15, S). iSt. Margaret. — To the Brotherhood of St. Margaret, id. : Tlios. at ISWke, 1497 (A. 7, 3). Light of St. Margaret, id. : Eic^^ Hamon, 1475 (A. 2, 18) ; John Wattman, 1500 (A. 8, 5) ; Thos. Whatman, 1521 (A. 14, 11). Light of St. Margaret, 8^/. : Hen. Eichard^ 1515 (A. 12, 13); AVm. Gilberd, 1523 (A. 15, 8). Light of St. Margaret, 12(/. : Jas. Hoggelin, 1527 (A. 17, 11). ^ Varia. — To the seeling [s/c] of the Eoodloft, Gs. Sd. Towards making the 12 Apostles in the Eoodloft, 13s. id. Two bells of silver to hang in the best cross of Eomney Church : Jas. Hoggelin, 1527 (A. 17, 11). To the reparatiou of the Church, 20s. To the ceiling of the Eoodloft, 13s. id. Towards buying a new Cross for the Church, 13s. id. To buying a new silver Pyx, £6 13s. id. : John Epse, 1527 (Con. 14, fol. 187). To the Church one chalice of silver, and two tunekylls [sic'\ of blew velvet for Deacon and Subdeacon : Wm, Marshe, 1541 (A. 22, 2). Eeparation of the Church, 6s. 8d. To tlie buying of one Aiitiphonar, 6s. Sd. To buying of altar-cloths, 6s. Sd. : John W hateman, 1541 (A. 22, 2). EUCKINGE. Dedication : St. Mar// Magdalene. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Mary Magdaleuo of Eokynge : John Colyu, 14(j5 (A. 1, 7) ; Wm. Weldayshhe, 1463 (A. 'l, 19); John Knoldane, 1477 (A. 3, 4) ; Joliii Symond, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 57) ; Stephen White, 1501 (A. 8, 5). The Trinity.— U<^\\i of Holy Trinity, id.: John Colyn, 14G5 (A. 1, 7) ; Stcplien White, 1501 (A. 8, 5) ; John Trend ley, 1507 (A. 10, 6) ; Eob' Folctt, 1513 (A. 12, 8). Light of Holv Trinity, 12^/. : Wm. Weldayshhe, 14(33 (A. 1, 19); Wm. Colyn, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 50) ; Agues White, 1514 (A. 12, 14). The Rood. — L\)i}\i of the High Cross, id.: John Colyn, 1405 (A. 1, 7) ; Stephen White, 1501 (A. 8, 5). To the Light before the Cross, 6d.: Alan Gayler, 1474 (.A. 2, 10) ; Thos. Netbersole, 1502 (A. 8, 14) ; Alice Goodard of Bilsington, 1504 (A. 8, 14). East kent. 267 Light of IFolv Cross, 12^/. : John Kiioldane, 1477 (A. 3, 4) ; Alan Symon, 147i (A. 2, 8) ; Win. Colyn, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 50) ; Agnes White, 1514 (A. 12, 14). Light of the Cross, Hd.: Wni. Weldayshlie, 1403 (A. I, VJ) ; John Trendley, 1507 (A. 10, 6) ; Kob^ Folett, 1513 (A. 12, 8). Our Lailij. — Light of the lilessed Virgin Mary, 3 lbs. of wax : Wm. Weldayshlie, 1403 (A. 1, IJ)). Light of Blessed Mary, ijd. : John Knoldane, 1477 (A. 3, 4) ; KoV Folett, 1513 (A. 12, 8). Light of St. Mary, Vld. : Wm. Colyn, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 50); Agnes White, 1514 (A. 12, 14). Chapel of Our Lady. — Buried in the Lady Chancel on the north side of the Church ; and to Our Lady upon the north side of the Church, 4(/. : John Trendley, 1507 (A. 10, 0). Our Lady on south side. — To the Light of Blessed Mary of the south part of tlie Church, M. : John Knoldane, 1477 (A. 3, 4). Our Lady beside the Trinltij. — Light of Our Lady beside the Trinity, U.: John Trendley, 1507 (A. 10, 6). 8t. Mary Magdalene. — Light of 8t. Mary Magdalene, Sd. : Alan Gayler, 1474 (A. 2, 10) ; Wm. Colyn, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 50). Light of St. Mary Magdalene, 12^/. : Alice Goodard of Bil- sington, 1504 (A. 8, 14) ; Agnes White, 1514 (A. 12, 14). Light of St. Marv Magdalene, 4c?. : John Trendley, 1507 (A. 10, 0) ; Rob' Folett, 1513 (A. 12, 8). St. Michael. — Light of St. Michael the Archangel, 4(/. : John Colyn, 1405 (A. 1, 7). St. Thomas of Canterbury. — Buried in the Cliurch of Kockinge, in the south aisle, before the Image of St. Thomas of Canter- bury. To the Church for my burial, hs.: Rob' Folett, 1513 (A. 12,8). The Calvary. — To the Light of the Calafierv, A^d. : John Colyn, 1405 (A. 1, 7) ; John Knoldane, 1477 (A. 3, 4). The Torches.— U^^\i of the Torches, S(/. : Wm. Colyn, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 50). The Rerse.—U»yi of \\\^^ ITerse, 12(/. : Agnes White, 1514 (A. 12, 14). Varia.— To the reparation of the bell-tow ei', \'2d. : Thos. Nethorsole, 1502 (A. 8, 14). To the making a- wijidow at the south side of the Church, or any other reparation upon the same Churcii, 3s. 4(/. : Agnes White, 1514 (A. 12, 14). RYARSH. Dedication : St. Martin. — See " Parish Churches of AVest Kent " in the Transactions of the St. PaaVs Eeclesioloyical Society, vol. iii., p. 280. 268 TESTAME.YTA CANTIA.NA. ST. LAWEENCE IN THANET.* Dedication : St. Laiorence. — Buried iu tlie churchyard of St. Law- rence : Laurence Gibbe, 14G3 (A. 1, 6) ; Cecilia Stragmau, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 34). The Rood.— To the sustentation of the Light of Holy Cross in the Church, one bushel of grain : Thos. Terry, 1500 (A. 7, 10). Our Lady Chapel. — To the Altar of Blessed Mary in the Church, ^d. : EiCi Bawlyn, 1474 (A. 2, 13). Buried in the Church of St. Lawrence in a Chapel called Our Lady Chapel. To the Roodloft, 53s. 4^. My tomb to be closed with a stone of marble with images thereupon graven of laton, of me and of my husband and the number of my children, price £6 13s. 4^/. : Juliane, wife of Thos. St. Nicholas, 1499 (A. 7-, . .). Our Lady. — To the Light of Blessed Mary, a bushel of barley : Ric'' Curling, 1463 (A. 1, 6); John Jordan, 1465 (A. 1, 7); Thos. Fro.st, 1479 (A. 3, 11). Nativity of Our Lady. — Light of the Nativity of the Blessed Mary, M. : Stephen Grant, 1474 (A. 2, 13). Light of the Nativity of Blessed Mary, a bushel of barley : John Walden, 1477 (A. 3, 6); Henry at Booke, 1479 (A. 3, 13). Assumption of Our iret/y.— Light of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, M. : Wm. Tavlour, 1473 (A. 2, 8); Collett Thechar, 1502 (A. 8, 11). Light of the Assumption of Blessed Mary, a bushel of corn : Wm. Jenkin, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 39) ; John Parnell, 1501 (A. 8, 7). St. Anthony. — Buried in the Church near the Chapel of St. An- thony, and to each Light of which 1 am a brother, M. : Henry Pawlvn, 1501 (A. 8, 7). Light of St. Anthony, a lb. of wax : Thos. Copyn, 1474 (A. 2,^13). Light of St. Anthony, 4r/. : John Pi-oste, 1481 (A. 3, 29). Light of St. Anthony, a busliel of corn : Wm. Jcnkyn, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 39) ; John Pawlyn, 1518 (A. 13, 7). St. Georr/e. — Light of St. George the Martyr, one bushel of grain : Thos! lerrv, 1500 (A. 7, 10). Light of St. George, 2d. : Wm. Wellys, 1504 (A. 9,^7). St. e/rtwie.?. — Buried in the Churcli of St. Lawrence in the Chapel of St. James, ami to (he Church 13.s'. -Id. fen- my burial. To each Li"ht of which 1 am a brother, a bushel of barley : liic'' Sauuder, 1467 (A. 1, 9). Buried in the Chancel of St. James, and for that intent 6.«. Hd. to the work of the Church. To each Light of which I * See Archceolofjia Cantiana, Vol. XII., pp. 309— 7'i : Vol. XX[V.,p. 253' ; and The Ilisfoni and AiiliquUicx of Ihc Chnrrh and ParM of St. Lawrence in T/ianel, by Dr. Charles Cotton (18ii5;. EAST KENT. 2G9 am a brotlier, a biisliel of lai'ley or 4(/.: .lolui lliachor, 1485 (A. 4, 3). Buried in tlie Chancel of St. James in the Cliureh of K^t. Laurenee, and to tliat intent I bequeath to the Church work, 6s. 8^/. : Collett Tlicchar, 1502 (A. S, 11). Buried in the Churcli in .St. James' Chancel : Jolm Pawlvn, junior, 1518 (A. I'A, 7). To the Liglit of St. .lames, a busliel of barley: Lawrence Gibbe, 14G8 (A. 1, 0); Kic-^ Curling, 1163 (A. 1, 6); John AValden, 1477 (A. 3, 6); Thos. Eroste, 1479 (A. 3, 11). Light of St. James the Apostle, 4c?. : Stej^hen Graunt, 1474 (A. 2, 13). Light of St. James, Hd.: John Saunder of "Westcleve, 1502 (A. 8,8). St. John the Baptist. — Light of St. John the Baptist, a bushel of barley: Kic<' Curling, 1463 (A. 1, 6). St. Katherine. — Light of St. Katherine, one bushel of barley : Henry at 13ooke, 1479 (A. 3, 13). Light of St. Katlierine, 4f/. : John Froste, 1484 (A. 3, 29) ; Cecilia Stragman, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 34). St. Lawrence. — Light of St. Lawrence, a bushel of barley : Kic*^ Pawlyn, 1474 (A. 2, 13). Light of St. Lawreuce, 4 J'- 175. EAST KENT. 271 Sf. Margaret. — Ei^ht of f^t. Miirgarot. CmI. : Simnnd Gaunt, 1514 (Con. 11, fol. 01). The Sacrament. — To the Liglit of the Sacramt'iil, due ewe: Kob' Upton, 1.543 (Con. 21, fol. 0). The Torches.— To the Light of the Torches, 12^/. : John Feryer, 14S0 (Con. 2, fol. 472). Varia. — To the giirnisliing of tlie Kodelofte, 3^. 4^/. To the repa- ration of the See [sic'] gate, 3s. 4(/. To every Light in the Churcli, a bushel of barley: Thos. AVevnston, 1503 (Con. 7, fol. 51). That liichard Brown go to the Holy Blood of Hayles,* and he to have a marc for his hibour, or my best gown, or else 6s. Hd. with the marc [13s. 4f/.] : Simond Gaunt, 1514 (Con. 11, fol. 61). "My Convent 8eale which I have of the late Priory of Dover to my wife for the term of her life, and after her decease that Wm. Masson my god-son shall have it": Wni. Masson,t 1540 (Con. 18, fol. 11). ST. MARY IN THE MAESH. Dedication : Our Lady. — Buried in the high Chancel : Gerardine Snarre, rector of St. Mary Church in the Marsh, 1467 (Con. 2, fol. 179). Buried in the Church : John Fermour, 1490 (Con. 3, fol. 250). Buried in the churchyard of the Cliurcb of St. Mary : Petronilla, widow of Hen. Castelyn, 1499 (A. 7, 4). Buried in the Chancel of St. Mary in the Marsh : Wm. Eolff, 1524 (A. 16, 12). The Trinity. — To tbe liight burning before the Image of Holy Trinity, a cow : John Fermour, 1490 (Con. 3, fol. 250). The Hood. — Light of the Crucifix, 3s. 4:d. : Godemannus Thurbarn, 1461 (A. 1, 11) ; Nicholas Baker, 1512 (A. 12, 4). Light of the Eood, a sheep and a lamb: Jolm Best, 1523 (A. 15, 10). Light of the Eo(h1, 12d. -. Wm. Eolff, 1524 (A. 16, 12). Our Lady. — Light of Blessed Mary, 3o lbs. of wax : Gerardine Snarre, rector, 1467 (Con. 2, f()l."l79). * Hayles Abbey in Gloucestershire, dedicated to Our Lady, was founded in 1246 by Richard, Earl of Cornwall (brotlier of Henry IIL). In 1207, Edmund, the son of the founder, firesented " the Blood of Christ," which vva.s a relic that made the Abbey famous and visited by ])ili;rims from all parts of the country. The Shrine which contained the Holy Blood stood in an apse with five Chapels, behind the hit^h altar of the Abbey Church. t The Rev. T. S. Frampton h;is kindly sent the foiUiwini,'- from an old Gtride to Dover : " The oriiriniil matrix of the Dover Priory Seal formed part of the collection of coins and seals of the late Mr. Tiiomas.and was sold in London at the rooms of Messrs. Sotherby and Wilkinson in 1844." 272 TESTAMEl^TA CxiNTIANA. Light of Our Lady, 8^/. : Petronilla, AvidoAv of Hen. Castelyn, 1499 (A. 7, 4) ; AVm. Eolff, 1524 (A. 16, 12) ; John Parker, 1527 (A. 17, 11). To the Light and Brotlierhood of St. Mary, Ss. 4J. : Nicholas Baker, 1512 (A. 12,4). To the Light and Brotherhood of Our Lady, one ewe : Thos. Morell, 1513 (A. 12, 8). Altar of Our Laily. — Buried in tlie Cliurch of St. Mary in the Marsh, before the Altar of St. Mary on the north side of the Church. To the Light of St. Mary, ds. 4id. ; and to the Brother- hood of St. Mary in the Church, one sheep : Godemanuus ■ Thurbarn, 1461 (A. 1, 11). To the Altar of Blessed Mary, a towel of diaper : Petronilla, widoAv of Hen. Castelyn, 1499 (A. 7, 4). St. Georc/e.—LU^ht of St. George, 8d. : Wm. KolfE, 1524 (A. 16, 12). >S'^ Katherine. — Light of St. Katherine, 3| lbs. of wax : Grerardine Snarre, rector, 1467 (Con. 2, fol. 179). To the Light of the Brotherhood of St. Katherine at St. Mai'ychurch, 12^7. : Hen. Godard of Newchurch, 1479 (Con. 2, fol. 417). To the Brotherhood of St. Katherine, one ewe : Thos. Morell, 1513 (A. 12, 8). Light of St. Katherine, 8fA : Petronilla Castelyn, widow, 1499 (A. 7, 4) ; Wm. Eolff, 1524 (A. 16, 12) ; John Parker, 1527 (A. 17, 11). Light of St. Katherine, 3s. 4t?. : Nicholas Baker, 1512 (A. 12,4). Light of St. Katherine, a sheep and a lamb : John Best, 1523 (A. 15, 10). St. Mary Magdalene. — Light of St. Mary Magdalene, 12^^. : Nicholas Baker, 1512 (A. 12,4). Light of St. Marv Magdalene, a lamb or I2d. : Thos. Morell, 1513 (A. 15, 10). Light of St. Mary INLigdalcne, 8(7. : John Parker, 1527 (A. 17, 11). Varia.— To the Church of St. Mary, 6s. Sf7. to buy a ])urse and pix for the Sacrament when the priest goeth on Visitation : John Best, 1523 (A. 15, 10). ST. NICHOLAS AT WADE.* JJedica/ion : St. Nicholas. — Buried in the Church of St. Nicholas at Wade in the Isle of Thanet ; and to the Vicar of St. Nicholas, 20d. : Thos. Hampton, junior, formerly of Jiipplc, 1448 (Con. 1, fol. 43). Buried in tlie Church of St. Nicholas: Kob^ Marchall, 1483 (Con, 2, fol. 552). * Seo Archceoloyia Cantiana, Vol. XIL, p. 400. "EAST KEXT. 278 The Triiu'fy.— lAghi of llic Triiiiiy, a laiiil) : Mattluw Hole, loliO (A. 13,"fol. 57). To the niaiiiteiiance of the Light of the Trinity, a cow : John Evorardo, 1;"H2 (Con. 15, fol. 165). T/ie Ji'ooi/.— ]Uiriv(l in the ("lautli before the ITigh Cross, near the font: Stephen Caller, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 121). To the Inia-c of the Crucifix.fu/. : A lice Pocol<,i;397 (Con. 1 , fol. 2). l-ight of Holv Cros.s, 8 bushels of barley : Tho.s. Dormowre, 1473 (Con. 2, fol. 240). Li'icho]as at "VVade, before the Image of St. Thomas there. To making a window in the east side of the said Chapel, 6 marcs : John Andrews, H81 (Con. 2, fol. 506). To the Altar of St. Tliomas, 2d. : Petronilla Walker, 1397 (Con. 1, fol. 8). Light of St. Thomas, 4 bushels of barley: Thos. Dormowre, 1473 (Con. 2, fol. 246). Light of St. Thomas, 2 bushels of barley : Margery Tris- tram, 1494 (Con. 4, fol. 15). Light of St. Thomas, a lamb : Matthew Koke, 1520 (Con. 13, fob 57). St. Thomas the Apostle. — Light of St. Thomas the Apostle, Cyd. -. John Potyn, 1491 (Con. 3, fol. 284). Varia. — To the making of a vestry there, 3(/. : Alice Pocok, 1397 (Con. 1, fol. 2). "There shall be paid unto the Koodloft making, when it is in hand a making, then they shall have 2(Ks-." : Thos. Dormowre, 1478 (Con. 2, fol. 246). Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas beside the palm [i.e., yew] tree, next to the grave of my father. To the buying of a new book called an Antvphonar to the Church, 20s. To the buying a basin to set in the Pascall at Easter time in the Church, 2().s-. To buy a stained cloth for a frontal to the Altar of the Assumption of Our Ladv in the Churcli, 8s. A>d. : Kob' Langley, 1517 (Con. 12, fol. 41)^ Towards buying the Bolles [sic] for the candlestyks for the Cross Light. 40.S-. To buy an .Aniiphonar. £(> 18.s-. id. To buy a Cope according to the best Vestment, £10. To the Church, five marks, that the parishioners buy as much land as shall discharge the yearly 18.s\ 4d. paid to tlie Church of Heculver : John J'^verarde, 1532 (Con. 15, fol. 165). To buy a frontlett for the linage of Our Lady and a bonett [sic"] for her Son, both of velvet with an owche* of * An ouch or iioHcho was an ornainciit of the brooch kind, a jewel, (Molloll's Dictionary of Art and Arcli(eulogy.) EAST KENT. 2 twtlvf |)eiiec", VAs. Ul To the altar of Our J-ady. an altar-clolli of two el]8 and a (luartor at 7(1. tlie ell : Andrew Cowpcr, 15:^2 (Cou. 15, fol. 178). ST. PETER'S IX TIIANET. Ihiiied in the choir of the Church under the steps of the high altar: Rob^ Lasynby, ] IDl (Con. .'}, fol. 3(58). Thf Ji'orY/.— Liglit of the lligh Cross, a bushel of barley: Tho?. Jakmyn, 1475 (A. 2, 16) ; Thos. Colmar, 1 179 (A. 8, 18). Lii^ht of Holy Cross, 8s. Ad. : Nicholas Underdowne, 1482 (A. 3,28). Our Laih/.~Lifrht of the Blessed Mary, a bushel of barley: Thos. C(dmpr, 1474 (A. 2, 15). Light of St. Mary. 2d.: Thos. Spraklin"-. 14S2 (A. 8, 2()). Our Ladii of P//y.— Light of the Blessed Mary of Pity, a bushel of barley: Thos. Cohner, 1474 (A. 2, 15). Our Lady of Broadsfair.—lio the Light of Blessed Mary of Brodestyr, Ad. : Ric<' A Igode, 1479 (A. 8, 18). St. C'/i risfopher. —Light of St. Christoplier, a bushel of corn : Thos. Jalvmyn, 1J75 (A. 2, 16) ; Thos. Peirs, 1501 (A. 8, 4). Corpus C/ir is//. —To the sustentation of the Light of Corpus Christi, eight bushels of corn : Thos. Beade, 1500 (A. 8, 2). Sf. Katherine. — Light of St. Katherine, a bushel of barley: Stephen Marsh, 1474 (A. 2, 15). St. Margaret. — Light of St. Margaret, a bushel of barley : Thos. Colmer, 1474 (A. 2, 15) ; Thos. .lakmyn, 1475 (A. 2, 16). To the Brotherhood of the Isle [sic] of St. Margaret, that is holden in the Chui'ch of St. Peter in Thanet, one bushel of barley : Thos. Sprakling of St. Peter's (who desired to be buried in the churchyard of St. Margaret of Cley* near the Sea), 1482 (A. 8, 26)." *S'^. Nicholas. — Buried in the Church before the Image of St. Nicholas, and to the work of the Church, 13s. Aid. : Nicholas Underdowne, 1482 (A. 8, 23). Buried in the Church of St. Peter before the Image of St. Nicholas : Nicholas Underdowne, 1484 (Con. 8, fol. 17). Light of St. Nicholas, 2d. : Thos. Sprakling, 1482 (A. 3, 26). St. Fanl. — Light of St. Paul, a bushel of corn : Thos. Jakmvn, 1475 (A. 2, 16). Varia. — That my feoffees shall enfeoffe the Wardens of the Church iu one tenement with :(pi)urtenances in the Parish at Churchill, lately purchased of John Sackett, to hold to them and their heirs or assigns for ever, for the maintaining and u])holding of the Church : Robert Lasynby, vicar, 1494 (Con. 3, fol. 363). Note. — Most of the parishioners leave a bequest to each Light of which they are a brother, without naming the Saint. * Q'his place is four and a half miles north-west of Holt in Norfolk, and may perhaps be the original home of the Sprakling family. T 2 276 TESTAMENTA CANTTANA. SALTWOOD* Dedicaiion : Sf. Peter and Sf. Paul. — Buried in the churcliyard of St. Peter of Saltwood: Eob' a Stone, 149B (Con. 3,fol. 862) ; Isabell Grider, 1520 (Con. 14, fol. 160). Buried in the churchyard of St. Peter and St. Paul of Salt- wood : Wni. Clement, 1496 (Con. 4, fol. 107). Buried in the cliurcherth \_sic^] of St. Peter at Saltwood : EiC" Stone, 1504 (P.C.C, 3, Holgrave). Our Lady. — Light of Blessed Mary, ijd.: John Martin, 1484 (Con. 2, iol. 607) ; Wm. Clement, 1496 (Con. 4, fol. 107). Light of Our Lady, a bushel of barley : Bob* a Stone, 1493 (Con. 3, fol. 362) ; Bic^ Stone, 1504 (P.C.C, 3, Holgrave) ; Wm. Fetyll, 1505 (Con. 8, fol. 65). Light of Our Lady, a quarter of barley : Thos. Marche, 1506 (Con. 9, fob 132). Corpus Christi. — Light of Corpus Christi, a bushel of barley : Bob' a Stone, 1493 (Con. 3, fol. 362) ; Bic" Stone, 1504 (P.C.C. 3, Holgrave) ; AVm. Fetyll, 1505 (Con. 8, fol. 65). Light of the Brotherhood of Corpus Chrit^ti, 6J. : Wm. Clement, 1496 (Con. 4, fol. 107). St. Nicholas. — Buried in the Church of Saltwood before St. Nicho- las : Sir Wm. Marshe, vicar of West Hythe, 1507 (Con. 9, fol. 6). St. Peter and St. Paul. — Light of the Apostles Peter and Paul, 6f?. : John Martin, 1484 (Con. 2, fol. 607). St. Peter. — Light of St. Peter called Yol/?Jy.— Light of St. Mary, 4f/. : Rob' Rolfe. 1469 (A. 1, 13); Semanus Childmell, 1477 (A. 3, 7) ; Simon Ball, 1513 (A. 12,7); Elwys Bull, 1528 (A. 18, 1). Light of Our Ladv, 3s. 4(/. : .loan, wife of Wm. Kenet, 1477 (A. 3, 6) ; Wm. Kenelt, 14S2 (A. 3, 27). Chiipcl of (Jar Lady. — " Buried in Our Ijady Chancel beside the b')dy of Thos. Home, formerly my husband": Joan, wife of Wm. Kenet, 1477 (A. 3, 6). Burieil in the Chape.l of St. Mary before (he Image of St. Mary, within the Church of St. Clemeiil : Wm. Kenett, 1182 (A. 3, 27). iinrieil in the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and to tiie re|)aralion of the Church, 2<>.v. : (Jracc. wiijuw of .lohn King, 1481 (Con. 3. fnl. 1). EAST KENT. 279 To Our Lady Chancel in the Church of .S|. Clement, to the seling [sic] of the said Cluipel, 5 marcs : Wm. Halingbery, 1497 (A. 6, 7). St. Anthony. — Buried in the Church Let ore the Image of bt. Anthony: .John Sego,, 1.j17 (A. 12, 19). Light of St. Anthony, 4ti. : John Bayley, 1488 (A. 5, 1); Nicholas Lokyer, smith, 1500 (A. 8, 1). Light of Si. Anthony, Vld. : John Goldston, 1510 (A. 11, 8). St. Barbara. — Light of St. Barbara, 8rf. : Nicholas Lokyer, smith, 1500 (A. 8, 1). St. Clement.— U^\\t of St. Clement, -^d. : Eob' Kolfe, 14G9 (A. 1, 13) ; John Dcverich, 1476 (A. 3. 4j ; Nicholas Lokyer, smith, 1500 (A. 8,1). Light of St. Clement, a bushel of mall : II(;n. Grrandame, 15 IG (A. 12, 18). St. Christopher. — See under St. Jawes. Corpus Christ i. — Light of Corpus Christi, \2d. : Joan, wife of Wm. Kenot, 1477 (A. 3, G) ; Wm. Keiuitt, 1482 (A. 3, 27). To the Light of the Brotherhood of Corpus Christi, 4c?. : Semanus Childmell, 1477 (A. 3, 7). St. Erasmus. — To the Light of St. Erasmus, 2«. : Thos. Toller, senior, 1491 (A. 5, 14). St. Georqe. — Buried in the Chancel of St. George in the Church of St. Clement -. Geoffrey Crispe, 1480 (A. 3, 19). Buried in th(! CI)apol of St. George next to Elyu my wife. To every Light in the Church, 46?. : AVm. Halingbery, 1497 (x\.(5,7). To the support of the Mass of St. George in the Church, a marsh u)ider the wall of the town in the same parish : Grace, widow of John King, 1484 (Con. 3, fol. 1). To the Altar of St. George, one altar-cloth to lie upon the same altar, price 3s. 4o (A. (5, I). Buried in Our Lady Cliapel in the Church of Our La/ly. For a vestmeut to be nuide for the altar of the Cliapel, 4 marcs : Sir Wm. Taylor, chantry priest of Our Lady in Sandwich, iry.i'.i (A. 20, 2). Chantry of St. Mary called Condys (Jlutntry. — Eighteeii acres (in Wingham in a croft called St. John's croft) to the maintenance of the Chantry of St. Mary called Conndy's Chantry for ever, that I may be by the chantry priest there prayed for : John Billcs, 1511 (A. 12, I). Sir John Deyos, priest of the Chantry of Jolin Cuudic in the parish of Our Lady in the town of Sandwich, died in 1540, and desired !'> be buried in the churchyard of Our Lady (A. 21, 11). St. ChrisfopJier.—Ught of St. Christopher, Hd. : Ric'' Herndill. 1493 (A. 5. 18). Light of St. Christopher, 4(/. : John Pytard, 1537 (A. 21, 3). Corpus Ohrlnfi. — Light of Corpus Christi, 6<^. : John Smith, 1470 (A. 1, 14). Light of Corpus Christi, 4 Kls-. id.: Benet AVebbye, 150S (Con. 9, ■fol. 187). Buried in the Chancel of Jesus within the Church of Our liady in the grave of my first huslmnd Wm. Salmon : Katherine Webbe, widow, 1520 (A. 14, S). The house where I live next unto Thos. Wolff in the parish of St. Mary to Joan my wife for her life, then to be sold by the Wardens of Jesus and the money to the maintaining of the honorable and high name of Jesus Mass within the Parish Church : Stephen Stonard, 1580 (A. 19, 1). My best diaper cloth to the Altar of Jesus in the same Church: Juliane Giles, widows 1586 (A. 21, 1). Buried in Our Lady Church in Jesus Chapel on the left side of the altar. Forty yards of cotton to hang from the Church door round about the Chapel where my bodv lieth : Sir Edward Ringley, Kt., 1543 (Con. 19, fol. 7). * 286 TESTA ME^^TA CANTTANA. Buried on the north side in Jesus Chapel: Dame Jaue, widow of Sir Edw. Einglev, Kt., 1551 (A. 29, 7). The Anchorite. — To the Ancras being at Our Lady Church in Sandwich, to pray for my soul, etc.. O's. %d. : "VN'm. Baldock, baker, of 8t. Peter's parish, 1535 (A. 20, 4). Varia. — To the reparation of the Eoodloft, Gs. 8d. ; and to each Light of wliich I am a brother. 2(7. : Eic'^ Belton, 1466 (A. 1, 10). To the high altar for titlies, as much linen as shall be suflBcient to make one corporas, and one towel of diaper. To the Church, one towel of diaper to cover part of the Koodloft ; and to the work of the Church, five marcs : Wm. Brewster, 1470 (A. 8, 1). My chief tenement in which I live to be sold and with the money provide a vestment for a priest to celebrate in within the Church to the value of five marcs : John Quykman, 1479 (A. 3, 13). To the gilding of the work behind the Bood and painting, £3 6*. Sd. : Wm. Garrard, butcher, 1497 (A. 6, 8). To the Chiircli, a vestmeiit, two tunicles, and three copes of black damaske: Agnes Worttle, 1498 (A. 7, 1). To the finishing of the reparation of the churchyard walls at St. Mary which I have begun, as much money as shall finish it, by the discretion of mv ex'ors : Benet Webbye, 1508 (Con. 9, fol. 137). Four new torches to the Church to burn at my burial, month's mind, and year's mind, and then to be given to the ( hurch to burn at the levation [sic] time and at all other times .'•bout the Sacrament. To the buying of a new Canopy cloth to be borne over the Sacrament, 10s. : Alex''" Hubbard, 1523 (A. 16,2). Towards a banner cloth for the best Cross of St. Mary Church, 30s., out of my movable goods or else from the sale of mv house : Juliane Giles, widow, 1536 (A. 21, 1). " To Sir John tlie Heremyte, Gs. 8d. : Thos. Alcok, 1538 (A. 21, 3). [See under St. James' Chapel, pp. 291-2.] CnuRcn OK St. Pi.tku. Buried in the hiuh choii' of St. Peler, near my mother: Thos. Cok, draper. 1472 (A. 2, 4). Buried in the Churcli of St. Peter; and to each Light in the Church, 2d. : Wm. Jointc, 1475 (A. 2, 17). Buried in the churchyard before the Stone Cross, and to ea<'h flight in the Church and Chancel, 2d. To the reparation of the Church, 3s. Ul. : Henry Hart, 14S1 (A. 3, 22). Buried in the choir: Laurence Ciindy, 1485 (A. 4, 3). Buried at the south door nigh the holy water stoppe of the Church of St. Peter: John Broke, tallough chaundeler, 1489 (A. 5,5). EAST KENT. 287 Buried in the churchyard of St. Peter before the procest'ion door of the Churcli, and to tlic reparation of the same Church door, 3s. 4d.: .lolm Pytu k, drai)er, inol (A. S, 4). Buried in the C'luircli behind tlie font, in the grave of mv brother Bichard Croke : Wni. Croke, 1508 (A. 9, 10). Buried in the churchyard, in the north Hide of the Church between two crosses of stone, where one Eminotte Crispe my awntc was late buried. To the Chantry of St. Peter tliat the cliantrv-priewt shall pray for my soul and all Christian souls, H,f. : Bic" Cri.spe, 15;^', (A. 20, 0). "Buried in the churchyard of St. I'eter between two little stone crosses beside the Palm Cros.'^." To the reparation of the Cliurch, 20^/. : Bob' Broke, 1530 (A. 20, 10). T/u^ Tr in ih/.— Buried in the Cliuich before the Altar of the Holy Trinity, or in the Chancel of St. Mary of Newchurch : Thos. Gilbert, 1513 (Con. 11, fol. 7J)). Buried in the Church befoi-e the Altar of the Holy Trinitv : Thos. Snothe, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 4S). A priest to celebrate at the Altar of Holy Trinity in the Church for my soul and parents : John Graunt, 149G (Con. 4, fol. 87). Light of Holy Trinity, 4d. : Laurence Cuudy, 1485 (A. 4, 3); Thos. Colman, 1495 (A. 6, 2) ; Wm. Butter, 1499 (A. 7, 7); John Broke, 1522 (A. 15, 2). Light of the Trinity, 12d. -. Bic'' Drury, 1496 (A. G, G) ; Margaret Snothe, widow, 1528 (A. 18, 2). To the Light of the Trinity, lOs. A priest to sing at the Trinity Altar for the souls of my father, mother, husband, my soul, etc., for one year, and bavc £6 l>3s. ^id. : Joan AVorme, widow, 1532 (A. 19, 9). Five score ewes as a stock to the Trinity Altar in the Church of St. Peter, that the Wardens of the Church have 8.s'. yearly to maintain the Trinitv Light there: Elisabeth Engeham, 153G (A. 21, 1). 7 hr i?oo//.— Buried in the Church of St. Peter before the Image of the Cross, near my wife : Siinon Buddox, 1459 (Con. 2, fol. 118). Buried in the Church before the High Cross: John Graunt, ] lOG (Con. 4, fol. S7). Jiuried in the Church at the feet of my husband John Graunt, befoi-ethe High Cross : Margaret Graunt, 1499 (A. 7,7). Light of the High Cross, id. : John Lacy. 1 l(i9 (A. 1, 13) ; Laurence Cundy, 1485 (A. 4, 3) ; Wni. Tanner, 1193 (A. 5, 19): Thos. Coltnan, ■ 1495 (A. G, 2) ; AVm. Butter, 1499 (A. 7,7) ; Elisabeth Gifford, 1507 (A. 10, G); John Broke, 1522 (A. 15, 2). I/ight of the Cross, a quarter of barley : Bic'' liroke, 1497 (A.G, 9). To the Image of the Crucifix, 12^. : Cristina, relict of John Lynman, 1504 (x-V. 9, G). 0//)' ^L(idi/.~To the Brotherhood of St. Mary, 4r/. : John Catour, 1485 '(Con. 3, fol. 39). 288 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Light of the Blessed Virgiu Mary, 8^. : John Tetman, 1484 (A. 3, 28) ; John Broke, 1505 (A. 9, 5) ; Thos. Snothe, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 48). Light of St. Mary, 12rotlicr]i()0(I of Corpus Chriati, 4-d. . John Catour, 1485 (Con. 8, fol. 39). (S^^. Erasmus. — Buried in the Church before the Altar of St. Eras- mus. To the Light of St. Erasmus, 12^/. A priest to celebrate for my soul, parents, and benefactors, etc., at the Altar of St. Erasmus for half a year, and have £;j Gs. Hd. -. John Coly, 1497 (A. 6, 8). Ijiiried in the Church of St. Peter within (lie Chapel of St. Erasmus; and to cvei-y chief Light in the Church, -id. A trental at the Altar of St. Erasmus : Wm. P>ayly, 1514 (A. 12, 12). Wife Elisabeih [)r()vide a taper price (u/. before the Image of Si. Erasmus: .John Eiigeham, 1524 (A. 16, 14). Light of St. Erasmus, Hd. : Thos. Snothe, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 4S). To the Light of St. Krasmus, 2 lbs. of wax : Harry Bateman, 1.526 (A. 17, 13). To the Altar of St. Erasmus, a table-cloth of diaper : Joan, widow of John Brayne, 1532 (A. 19, 9). To the Brotiierhood of St. Erasmus in the Church of St. Peter, 3s. M. ■ Francis Iden, 1534 (A. 20, 1). St. G eov(/e.—^\ivw(\ in the Church before the Image of St. George. To the Light of St. Oeorge, 12^. : Ric"^ Drury, 1496 (A. 6, 6). St. James. — To the Light of St. James, 1 lb. of wax : Wm. Mount- ford, 1479 (A. 3, 12). Light of St. James, 4ight of St. John tlie Baptist, 4d. : John Broke, 1505 (A. 9, 5). Light of St. Katherine, 6c?. : John Engeham, 1524 (A. 16, 14). *S'^. Loye. — To St. Loy's Light, 2 lbs. of wax : Harry Bateman, 1526 (A. 17, 13). St. Marffaret.— Light of St. Margaret, Sd. : John Broke, 1505 (A. 9, 5). Light of St. Margaret, 4d. A priest to sing for a year at the Altar of St. Margaret in the Church : Elisabeth Gifford, 1507 (A. 10, 6). Light of St. Margaret, 6d. : John Engeham. 1524 (A. 16, 14). St. Michael. — Buried in the Church of St. Peter before the Image of St. Michael: John Kenet, 1471 (A. 1, 14); Ealph Taylor, carpenter, 1475 (A. 2, 18). Buried under the Image of St. Michael : John Broke, 1505 (A. 9, 5). Light of St. Michael, Sd. : John Broke, 1505 (A. 9, 5) ; Thos. Snothe, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 48). Light of St. Michael, 2d. : John Broke, 1522 (A. 15, 2). St. NicJiolds.—IAErht of St. Nicholas, Hd. : John Broke, 1505 (A. 9, 5). ;Sf^ Peter.— Light of St. Peter, 4rf. : Wm. Jointe, 1475 (A. 2, 17) ; Wm. Eutter, 1499 (A. 7, 7) ; John Broke, 1522 (A. 15, 2). Light of St. Peter, Sd. -. John Tetman, 1484 (A. 3, 28) ; John liroke, 1505 (A. 9, 5) ; Thos. Snothe, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 48). Buried in the High Chancel before the Imago of St. Peter, ])atron of the Church: John lOngcliam, 1526 [A. 17, 1). St. Thomas. — To the .Altar of St. Thomas, a towel of diaper : Agnes Hilton, 1529 (A. 18, 10). St. Ursiilo. — A taper of (\d. before the Image of St. Ursula: John Engeham, 1524 (A. 16, 14). The EiiHter Sepulchre. — Light of the Eesurrection, 2d. : Eic'^ l:}roke, 1522 (\. 15, 2). EAST KEXT. 291 Buried in the Cliurcli licfove tlic KcsuiTcc-linn : .lulm Kok- kyn. 1536 (A. 21, 3) . Alms Lit/hf. — Tothe Light called Almes Light, id. : \Vn\. Harrison, 14S9 (A. 5, 12). Vtiria. — To the regeiiig [sic] of Our Lady Chancel the lead that is shot for the same, and the other lead to bo .siiot to the said regeying : John Coke, 1191 (A. 5, 14). After iny death for 20 years there be done for me every year on new year's eve or before, 13s. 4rf. in billcttn, whereof to the 1'^iars, 250 ; to St. Thomas' IToiise to be brent, 100 ; to the IMiillery, 50 ; and the remainder to ])oor people of the town ; and t).s-. ^d. for Dirige and ]M;ihs in the Chuivh of St. Peter the Monday after the Twelfth Day; and 35. 'id. to them that have the ovei'siglit of it. To provide the same, £23 6.9. ^d. : Margaret Qrannt, 14-99 (A. 7, 7). Towards buying a Cross of silver for the Parish Church of St. I'eter, 2().s-. : John Billes of parish of St. Mary, 1511 (A. 12, 2). " I give and bequeath that against the time of Ester that the people taketh and receiveth their howsell, my best roUar [sic] to hold before thorn, and so to continue to the Church still for that intent. A coverlet to the same Church of St. Peter, to the intent that at whensoever any Saint or Saints day cometh th.it the Wardens thereof do tie up coverletts about the Light or Lights, that then 1 will that the said sometime my coverlet be tied so about the Light or Ivights, if tliat it be required by the said Wardens ": Margaret Snothe, widow, 1528 (A. 18, 2). To the buying a new Antiphonar in the Church of St. Peter, 13s. 4c?. : Wm. Baldock. baker, 1535 (A. 20, 4). T/ie Gharnel House* — Buried in the churchyard beside the Charnel House, nigh the grave of my son Thomas : Alex*'"' Alday, gent., 1532 (A. 19, 9). Buried in the churchyard at the south side of the Charnel House, where my children lieth : Joan Worme, widow, 1532 (A. 19, 9). Chapel of St. Jamks. This Chapel wa.s a sliort distance south-west of the Church of St. Mary, and had a hui-ial ground, afterwards used as a cemetery for the parish of St. Mary. At the south-west corner was an Hermitage, and the last Hermit, John Steward, became Vicar of St. Mary. (Hasted, vol. iv., p. 280.) * The llev. A. M. Chicheslcr, Vicar of St. Mary and St. Clement, who has most kindly replied to my niuuerous inquiries about the Churches, etc., in Smdwicli, says : " Tlie Charnel House at the ('hiirch of St. Peter is probably the crypt at the east of the eas'- end of the ruined .south aisle, and occupies a similar position to the Hone IIou.se at St. Clonient'.s, both havint,' a door of commnnicatiijn with the Church. At St. Peter's Church ihere is another door into the churchyard." u 2 292 TESTA^IENTA CAKTIANA. Buried in tbe churchyard of St. James, within the parif^h of Blessed Mary in the Yille of Sandwich : Thos. Whitinge, 1466 (A. 1, 4). Buried in the Chapel of St. James in the town of Sandwich ; and to tlie reparation of the same Chapel for mv burial, 5.v. : John Smith, 1470 (A. 1, 14). Buried in the churchyard of St. James ; and to the repara- tion of the same Chapel, 20d. : Henry Daniel!, butcher, 1474 (A. 2, 13). Buried in the churchyard of St. James in parish of St. Mary, near the grave of my wife. To the reparation of the Chapel, 8d. : John Benchekin, 1476 (A. 2, 19). Buried iii the churchyard of St. James, within the parish of St. Mary : John Powker, 1477 (A. 3, 5). Buried in the churchyard of St. James : John Hamon, weaver, 1478 (A. 3, 9). Buried in the churchyard of St. James, where my father and mother lieth. A stone of marble to be laid over me with a con- venient scripture. To the reparation of the Church [slc'\ of ^t. James, 20d. : Wm. Garrard, butcher, 1497 (A. 6, 8). Buried in the churchyard of St. James in the parish of Our Ladv in the town of Sandwich, beside mj^ father : Eic*" Gason of the parish of St. Peter, 1514 (A. 12, 10). Buried in the churchyard of St. James : Stephen Stonard, 1530 (A. 19, 1). St. James. — To the Light of St. James in the Cha|'el of St. James, 4^. : Rob' Trych, 1468 (A. 1, 22) ; John Hamon, 1478 (A 3, 9). St. Katharine. — To the Light of St. Katherine in tlie Chapel of St. James, 4^/. : Rob* Trych, 1468 (A. 1, 22) ; John Hamon, 1478 (A. 3,9). St. Martin. — 'J'o the Light of St. Martin in the Chapel of St. James, 4rf. : Bob* Trych, 1468 (A. 1. 22) ; John Hamon, 1478 (A. 8, 9). To tlie Brotherhood of St. Martin in the Chapel of St. James, 12d.: Bic" Joseph, 1484 (A. 3, 27). Varia. — To the reparation of the Chapel of St. Jame.><, 2.9. : Agnes, relict of Simon Loycester, 1474 (A. 2, 13). To the reparation of the Cliapcl of St. James, 3s. 4.d. : John Coly, 1475 (A.2, 18). My white vestment of l^^istian to the Chapel of St. James : Thos. ^'orman, chaplain of St. Mary's, 1483 (A. 3, 27). The Hermit. — One garden near the garden of the Hermitage of the Chapel of St. James to my wife Christine for her lite, then to be sold and the money in mass iind works of charity : John White, 1481 (A. 4, 1)." Dom. John Steward, hereinite, was one of the ox'ors of the will of Sir Wm. Tavlor, chantrv-priest of Our Lady in the parish of St. Marv, 1533 (A. 20, 2). To Sir John the Heremit, 6s. 8J. : Thos. Alcok, 1538 (A. 21,3). EAST KENT. 293 Cabmelite Fkiaky. Dedication : Our Lach/ of Mount Carmel. — Henry Cowfield is said to have founded in 1272 a Priory of the Wliite Friars called Carmelites in the Parish of St. Peter in Sandwich. Many of the parishioners of the town gave them a small money bequest, or desired to be buried in the Cliurcli. The Hood. — To be buried at the White Friars in Sandwich, before the Crucifix within the Church of the Friars, to which ])]ace .53a-. 4id. for the reparation of the Church, 'i o every F'riar, \2d. One of the Friars of that House sing at the Altar before the same Crucifix for two years : Joan FVevell, Avidow, of St. Peter's parish, 1520 (A. 17, 0). Our Lord.—l'o be buried in the high choir of the F'riars of the said town, afore the Image of Our Lord, in the north side of the choir: Henry i^unys of St. Peter's parish, 1177 (A. 3, 1). St. Aline. —Envied in the Church of the White Friars before the Image of St. Anne. The Friars to sing for my soui a trental of Masses, and have (is. 8d. ; also for my buiying, (is. Sd. : Ric'' Swiiiderby or Sters oF St Peter's parish, 1510 (A. 11, 9). Mv great kettle be given to St. Anne in the Friars. The Master Prior, Sir John Kete, shall slug two years for my soul, one year in Fastrey Church and one year in the White Friars in Sandwich, and have 20 marcs : Jane Aschowe of St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital, 1521 (Con. 14, fol. 119). To be buried in the place of Our Lady's Friars before St. Anne ; and the Friars to have for breaking the ground, S*. 4^/.: Agnes Hilton of the parish of St. Peter, 1529 (A. 18, 10). St. Harbara. — Buried in the Church of the White Friars, within the town of Sandwich, before Our Lady in St. Barbary's Chapel. On the day of my burial in the Friars, half a trental, that is, 15 Masses. And to the same place of Friars, half a garnish of pewter vessels. To four Friars who bear me to Church, 4^. each : Alice Simpson, widow, of the parish of St. Peter, 1526 (A. 17, 4). .SV. Cosmus and St. Da mian.— To the Light of St. Cosmus ami St. Damiau in the Church of the Carmelite Friars, 4 lbs. of wax: Wm. Harrison of St. Peter's, 14S9 (A. 5, 12). To the Light of St. Cosmus and St. Damiau in the Church of the Carmelite Friars, a lb. (»f wax. To the Friars. 20d. to celebrate For my soul : Wra. Tanner of the parish of St. Peter, 1493 (A. 5, 19). St. Crispin and St. Cr/.y;uV/»ws.— Light of St. Crispin and St. Cris- pianus in the Church of the Friars Carmelite, G lbs. of wax : Wm. Mountt'ord, cordiner, of St. IVter's parish, 1479 (A. 3, 12). St. Mnian. — Buried in the Church of the Carmelite Friars, Sand- wich, before the Altar of St. Ninian. To the Church for my burial, 6.s-. Hd. ; and to each Friar who is a priest, 6d. ; and to 294 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. each other Friar, 4;d. To the Friars for the use of le fermarye [i.e., infirmary] in the same House for ever, two pairs of blankets, sheets, and coverlets, etc. To Friar Richard Alkham, a scapular of wusted [sic'] ; Friar John Bradgate, my best robe ; Friar Thos. Baker, my second robe ; Friar Wm. Sexten, a russet tunic ; Friar Peter, my white cap ; Friar Wm. Coly, 12J. ; Friar Wm. Ash, reader [lector], 3«. 4r/. : John Drye, rector of Hame, 14SG (A. 4, 4). )Sf. Trunion. — For the soul of Constance to be prayed for by two priests at St. Thronion's Altar in the Friars, 'Sd. Also to the J-'riars, 20^/. for the soul ot Alice Caxton : Rob* Saunder of St. Clement's, 1499 (A. 7, 7). Hospital of St. Anthony. This Hospital for Lepers was on the north side of the road leading to Each End, and is in the parish of AVudensburgh. The site called "the Mauldry," now consisting of t vo roods of land, is part of the property of the Corporation of Sandwich. In the wills of the ])arishioners of Sandwich who make a bequest to this Hospital it is called the Maldery upon Echewall, H()S[)ital of the Maklrye, the Maldry House,* etc. It is called the Hospital of St. Anthony outside the Walls, by Margaret, widow of Wm. Giles (1475) ; The Hospital of St. Anthon}' outside the walls of the said town, by .John Max- bregge (1476) ; and Hospital or House of St. Anthony upon the Eche wall, by Alice Pyttard (1493). Kic'' Beltou in 14G0 gave 12d. to the Leprous men now in the House of Lepers. Thos. Jaiiin iu 1472 gave six ewes to the Lepers at Eche. Kic"* W^alshee, butcher, in 1475 gave 3&'. 4^?. to the Lazars at Eche, near Sandwich. Thos. Muiidye in 1485 gave 3». 4f/. to the Lazaire of Eche. Thos. Bailev in 1496 gave V2d. to the Laser House upon Eche Wall. Other parishioners made a bequest of a small sum of money. Hosi'iTAJ> ov St. Bartholomew. Buried in the Church of St. Bartholomew outside the walls oF the town of Sandwich; aud to the Church for my burial, (JA-. Hd. : Wm. (iiiiloit, 1 170 (Cou. 2, lol. ;{27). Buried iu the Chapol oi St. HuTthoiouiew, near Saudwich : Wm. .Jacob, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 44). * Maldry is (Lo Old Froiich niaUnN'ric, lilenilly m«;uiiii^f f iiliniiary, but siieciiiiizeiJ in tiu' .^ensc of Loper H')S|iitiil. EAST KENT. 295 Buried in the Church of the Hospital next where my husliand is buried. To the repjiration of the Cliiirch, 'Mis. 4rf. ; and to the Carmelite Kriurs. 2().s-. and my grealent brass pot: Alice Jacob, widow and sister of the Hospital, 11!)G (Con. 4, fol. 110). Buried in the Church beside the west door; and to the Church for my burial, Gs. Sd. : Ric'' Elliott, 1581. (Con. 15, fol. 2:^7). Buried in the Church of the Hospital of St. Bartholomew, witliout th(^ liberties of the town: Thos. Davy of St. Peter's parish, 1538 (A. 21, 5). The Trinity. — Buried iu the Church of St. Bartholomew before the Trinity : Jo.m Ferase, sister of the Hospital, 1500 (Con. 11, fol. 20). To the Trinity Light iu the Church, 12^/. : Hob* Marten, 1523 (A. IG, 1). A taper of 1 lb. of wax to burn before the Tinnity : Wm. Payturn, 1532 (Con. 15, fol. 185). Buried in the Church of St. Bartholomew before the Altar of the Trinity : .lolin Snode, tailor, one of the Brothers, 1537 (A. 21, 1). ■ Buried in the Chancel of the Church of the Hospital before the Image of the Trinity there. For my laystone in the Church, ()«. 8r/. : John I5ax, 1539 (A. 22, 1). The Rood. — Buried in the Church' before the Crvicifix : Eob' Not, a Brother, 1514 (Cou. 11, fol. 100). A lb. of wax to two tapers, one before the Kood, the other before Our Lady: John Austen, 153(J (Con. 15, fol. 346). Our Lady. — A taper of i lb. of wax before the Image of Our Lady: Wm. Payturn. 1532 (Con. 15, fol. 185). [See The Rood.] St. Bartholomew. — To the gilding of St. Bartholomew, 6s. 8*;?. : Kob' Marten, 1523 (A. 16, 1). To the gilding of St. Bartholomew, 20d. : Katherine, widow of Rob' Best, 1523 (A. 16, 2). .A lb. of wax to make a taper to burn iu the Church before the Image of St. pjarlholomew : AV^m. Bayturn, 1532 (Con. 15, fol. 185). .SV. Joh)} the Baptist. — Buried within the Church of the Hospital before the Image of St. John the Baptist : Thos. .\levn, a Brother, 1518 (Con. 12, fol. 131). A taper of A lb. of wax before the Itiuige of St. .lohn the Baptist: Wm. Payturn, 1532 (Con. 15, fol. 185). Varia. — To the Hospital of St. Bartholomew, (J.v. 8r/. ; and to each Brother and Sister in the same, 4c/. : John Coly of St. Mary's, 1475 (A. 2, 18). That Agnes my wife after my death m:ike that new stone Cross at the House of St. Bartholomew, near the town of Sand- wich : John Konet of St. Peter s, 1171 (A. 1, 14). 296 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. To the reparation of the road from the Hospital to the gate which is called Newgate [on the road to Eastry and Dover], 100 cart-ioads of stone : Wm. Giblott, 147G (Con. 2, fol. 327). Repair of the road from Newgate as far as the Hospital, 40s. : John Colyar, one of the Brothers, 1494 (A. 6, 2). Reparation of the footway between the Cross at the Blak Lane's end and the Newgate, 26s. Hd. : Thox. Snow, 1501 (Con. 6, fol. 16). To the high altar of St. Bartholomew beside Sandwich, two altar-cloths stayned, one with the Crucifix, Mary, and John, the other cloth stayned with the linages of St. John the Baptist, St. Bartholomew, and St. Peter : Wm. Kendall of St. Mary's in Northgate, Canterbury, 1506 (A. 10, 3). To the payling of the churchyard of St. Bartholomew when they go about it, 20^/. : Robert Not, 1514 (Con. 11, fol. 100). To the reparation of the Rood-loft, 6s. Sd. : John Snode, tailor, 1537 (A 21, 1). Hospital of St. John the Baptist. To the reparation of the House of St. John the Baptist, 3s. 4rf. : Agnes, relict of Simon Leycester of St. Mary's, 1474 (A. 2, 13). Johu Mekyn, brother of the Hospital of St. John the Baptist in the Ville of Sandwich, desired to be buried in the cliurchvard of St. Nicholas at Wade in the Isle of Thanet (in which parish he had jn-operty), 1486 (Con. 3, fol. 89). To St. John's House for the reparation of their bedding, 3.V. 4r?. : Helyne, wife of Thos. Digge of St. Mary's, 1497 (A. 6, 9). Ex'ors buy 140 ells of white linen cloth, price 6St. John and tlic Hospital of the iVlaldrey : John ilarre of St. Mary's, 1498 (A. 7, 2). To the Hospital of St. John the Baptist, six pairs of linen sheets and two pairs of blankets. That the Master, brothers, and sisters of the Hospital called JJomus Dei at St. John the Bajitist in Sandwich have one of my tenements with a[)purten- ajices in a certain sti-eet called High Street in the ])arish of St. Clement, formerly the tenement of Henry Byham, from which used to go and be allowed a rent of 2s., paid from ancient limes to the Hospital: Nicholas Burton, merchant, of St. Clemenrs, 1493 (Con. 3, fol. 3(58). Sir Jdhn Wilknis, .Master of the Hospital called the Mezon- deu of Sandwich, who died in 1516, desired to be buried in the Chancel of the Mcy.endcui (P.C.C., 2(;, Hdl.h'r). To St. Joim's House foi- the i-eparation of the l)edding, 3s. id. : Joan Worme, widow, of St. Peter's, 1532 (A. 19, 2). IE AST KENT. 297 To the JBrotherH and >Sister.s of the ilohjjituJ of 8t. John's in Sandwich, for to lodge poor jx^ople that )■e^;o^t to the same, six pair of ^lieets. To the reparation of the same Hospital, Os. Hd. : Wm. Auger, baker, of St. Peter's, 15:35 (A. 20, 10). To the jjoor House of St. John, Gs. Hd. -. Thos. Aleok of St. Mary's, I5;i8 (A. 21, 3). Hospital or St. Thomas of Canteuburv. Thomas Ellis, a wealthy draper of Sandwich, in l;392 founded this Hospital and with his wife Margaret was buried in the north aiwle of the Church of St. Peter. To the Hospital of St. Thomas, Hs. id. : Joiiu Coly of St. Mary's, 1475 (A. 2, 18). To the Hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr, 12(/. : Henry Hert of St. Peter's, 14S1 (A. 8, 22). 'J'o each Brother and Sister of the Hospital of St. Thomas in Sandwich, 4:d. : John Catour of St. Peter's, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 39). "To Agnes Bolton, daughter of Wm. Watts, 53.s'. 4(/., to the intent that she may therewith be made one of the Sisters of the Hospital of St. Thomas in the towji aforesaid, and that It be not bestowed to none other use": Nicholas (Jrpathe of St. Clement's, 1534 (A. 20, I). John Harryson, one of the Brothers of th(! Hospital of Thomas Elys [.sv'c], died in 1539, desiring to be buried m such place as it shall please Almighty God to provide and ordain for me (A. 21, 9). John Newman, brother of the Hospital, died in 1541 and desired to be buried in the churchyard of St. Peler beside my wife. To the reparation of the same Church, the (js. Hd. which Thos. Ealeston doth owe me. To the reparation of the Hospital, the 40.5. which is in the hands of John Barks, farmer, of l)ene Court, 'i'o the Brothers and Sisters of the Hospital io malvC merry withal, my quarterege that is behind unpaid and the (5.s". which Wm. Crispe of Sandwicli oweth me and my half load of wood. To the same Hospital, 3,v, 4(/. for my wife's benefit. Ex'ors distribute on the day of my forth fare, thirtieth day, and anniversary, among poor people in the Church of St. Peter in Sandwich ; and also for a breakfast every of the said days in the Hospital for good people to pray for me, my wife, and all Christian souls, £5 (A. 23, 2). Thos. Menewes, whilst he lived of the Hospital of St. Thomas in the town of Sandwich, died intestate. Commission to ad- minister his goods granted 27 March 1558 to Katherine, relict of the same. [Consistori/ Adininisfrations, vol. iii., 1557-8.) 298 TESTAMENT^ A CANTIAiCA. SARBE. Dedication : St. Giles (by tradition). — Church is destroyed. ^EAL. Dedicatioti : St. Peter and St. Faul. — See Transactions of St. PauVs Ecclesioloqical Society, vol. iii.. p. 287, " Parish Churches of West Kent." SEASALTER. Dedication: St. Alpfuu/e. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Alphage of Seiisalter: .loaii Elmere, 1^61 (A. 1, 11); Kic'' Eolle, L47o (A. 2, 17) ; vSiraon Swauton, 1507 (A. 10, 6) ; and others. The Rood. — Buried in the Church before the Roodloft. To the Cross Liofhf, 12c/. Ex'ors place a stone 6 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. wide to lie on me in the Church : Rob* Gillmyu, 1498 (A. 7, 2). Light of the Cross, 4(/. : John Bolle, 1472 (A. 2, 6) ; Wm. Bolle," 1481 (.A. 3, 23); Thos. Abcll, l.-)(»8 (A. 8, 12); Ric'' Swanton, 1524 (A. 16, 9). Light of the High Cross. M. : Rk^ Boll. 1480 (A. 3, 16) ; Adam Stacie, 1483 (A. 3. 27); John Gilnott. 1491 (A. 5, 13). Light of Holy Cross, ijd. : Thos. Thorninge, 1497 (A. 6. 10); Edmund Billok. 1507 (A. 10, 5); John LitiHwood, 1525 (A. 16. 12). Light of the Rood, 12*/. : John Marchaunt, 1527 (A. 17, 7). Cross of JJoqJand or Doglane. — To the Reparation of the Cross of Dogland, 20^/. : Joan Elmere, 1461 (A. 1, 11). Light of Holy Cross of Dog Lane, 4^/. : Ric«^ Bolle, 1475 (A. 2, 17). Light of Holy Cross of Dogland, one sheep : Ric"^ Boll, 1480 (A. 3, 16). Light of the Cross of Doglavii. Vld. : Thos. Thorninge, 1497 (A. 6, 10). To the making up of Dogland Cross, 20, 4^/. : John Stace. [Sec under I aria. ^ St. Alphege. \iuv\i'(\. in the Choir of the Church before the Image of St. Alphege, Archbishop and .Martyr: Dom. John Bark- sour, vicar, 1528 (A. 18, 1). Light of St. Alphege, 12^/. : Wm. Smelt, U72 (A. 1, 6). Light of St. Alphege, 4c/.: Kic'' Bolle, 1475 (A. 2, 17). St. Christopher. — Light of St. Christopher, 2d. : J as. Marchant, 1481 (A. 3, 22). Light of St. Christopher, inl. : John Litilluood. 1525 (A. 16. 12). St. George. — To the painting of St. George, 4rf. : Thos. Bruce, 1492 (A. 5, 16). Light of St. G-eorge, Qd.: John Litillwood, 1525 (A. 16, 12). St. Margaret. — Light of St. Margaret, 6(/. : John Litdlwood, 1525 (A. 16, 12). A taper of i lb. of pui'e wax before St. Margaret ; John Spicer, 1530 (A. 19, 1). mo TE8TAMENTA CAJ^TIAKA. St I'eter.— Light of the Chapel of St. Peter, id. : Johu BoUe, 1472 (A. 2, 6). Light of 8t. Peter, 4d -. Ric'^ BoUe, 1475 (A. 2, 17). To the Chapel of St. Peter, 4^/.: Thos. Bruce, 1492 (A. 5, 10).,, " To the repair aud amending of the high way from St. Peter's Chapel unto a bane called Cushemede iu the parish. 20(7." : Kob' Gillman, 1498 (A. 7. 2). To the reparation of the Chapel of St. Peter,* which I was warden of, 5s. : Ric'' Porte, 1517 (A. 12, 10). [See under Varia.'\ Torchlight.— To the Light called the Torchelight. 4(7. : Wm. Smelt, 1472 (A. 1,6). Vario. — After the death of my wife Margaret the land called Beau acre of about 24 acres of land to be sold, aud with the money provide a chaplain to celebrate for my soul in the Church of Seasalter ; and 20s. to the repair of the Church ; 3*. 4J. to repair a certain Cross called Doglaue Cross ; 3.s'. 4rf. to repair the Chapel of St. xAlphege in the Church of Seasalter; and 3s. 4rf'. to repair the Chapel of St. Peter in the same Church. Four acres called Martinesdown remain to the Wardens of the Church of Seasalter for ever, so that the rent of the four acres yearly for evei- provide a torch of pure wax, worth 3s. 4c?., in the Church ; and pay yearly to the high altar, \Qd. Also the Wardens yearl}" provide one taper ot" pure wax of 5 lbs. for the Sepulchre ol" the Church forever; but after my death my wife Margaret during her life shall give one taper of 5 lbs. yearly for the Sepulchre for ever : Wm. Smelt, 1472 (A. 1, (i). To the reparation of the Koodlof t, 8(7. : J ohn Stace, 1478 (A. 3, 7). A yearly Obit in the Church of the sum of 6s. 8r7. a year for 12 years until the sum of £4 be fully bestowed. To the Church. 20s. ; and two laton candlesticks, ])rice 4s. ; and to the buying a new cross-cloth, 4.?. : John Gilnot, 1519 (A. 13, 5). To the gilding of tlie Hl(\«:sed Rood, and to ihe gilding and buying of two images of Marv and John to the said Rood, 20s. : John Litillwood, 1525 (A. 16,' 12). To the making and gilding of (he Rood, 20s. : Elizeus Mar- chant, 1524 (A. 16, 4). To making a new Rood loft in the Church, 53s. 4<7. To making of a Cross at Borstal and to the gihling of the Crucifix of the same Cross, 10s: John Marchaunt, 1527 (A. 17, 7). * Altli()ii;rli Will. Sinoll in 1472 rofor.s to tlic Cli.ipcl of St. I'otor in the Clmroli, it i;! just possible tiic Ciiaiioi \v;is a (li.slincl buiidiiiL,' near the sliore. In 1684, when an enquiry wa.s iield as to the Charity ]>an(l.s oi' the parisli, tiicre was "one piece of liiml called S(. I'etor's (ii-id, <'iiiitainiii^' lliree acres." (Itritish Muxeum, .)i87, I'ol. 2(1.) EAST KENT. f?01 SELLINDGE. Vedication : Our Ladi^. — Buried in tlio ('huroli oh' Scllingc near Monks Horton : KiC' Knight, 11-35 (Con. 2, fol. 1>0). l^uried in tlie cliurchyard of Blessed Miiry ol Sellynge, and to the four Lights in tlie Church, 2h. -. Win. at Melle, 1485 (Con. 8, fol. 88). The Trinity.— Itx^^ht oi Holy Trinity, Sf/. : Arnold at Melle, 1470 (A. 1, 18). Liirht (.f St. Marv, 4,d. : John Hrokman, 14S1 (A. 8, 28) ; John atto Mille, 15(ll'(A. 8, G) ; .John Barnes, 1500 (A. S, 8). Light of Holy Trinity, 6s. ^d.: Wm. Knight, 1498 (A. 7, (5). The /I'ooJ.— Light of Holv Cross, ().9. : llic'* Knight, 1455 (Con. 2, fol. «){)). Light of Holy Cross, 6s. 8^. : VVm. Knight, 1408 (A. 7, 6). Light of Holv Cro.ss, ^id. -. John Brockman, 1481 (A. 8, 23); John at Melle, 1501 (A. 8, 6); John Barnes, 1500 (A. 8, 8). To be buried in the Church before the Kood : Tiic<^ Tylle, 1485 (Con. 8, fol. . .). Our Zff^y.— Light of Blessed Marv, Gs. M. : \{'w^ Knight, 1455 (Con. 2, fol. 96). Light of Blessed Marv, M.: Arnold atte Mille, 1470 (A. 1, 18). Light of Blessed Marv in the Chancel, \2d.: John Baruys, 1470 (A. 1, 14). Painting of Blessed Mary in the Chancel, 2Gs. 8^/. : Wm. at iSIelle, 1485 (Con. 8, fol. 88). Our Lady in the Nave. — Light of iSt. Mary under the High Cross, Qd.: John at Hecche, 14G4 (A. I, 5). Light of St. Mary in the bodv of the Church, 8c/. : Arnold atMille, 1470 (A. I,'l8). Light of St. JNIai-y in the Nave of the Church, 4^/. : John Brokman, 1481 (A. 8, 28). Chapel of Our Lady. — Jiight of St. Mary in the Chapel, 8(/. : John Brokman, 1481 (A. 3, 28). Buried in the Chapel of Our Tiiidy in the Parish Church of Selling next Monks Horton : John Hart, 1526 (A. 17, 4). Bt. l^lramms. — Buried in the Chancel of St. Erasmus in the Church of Sellinge. A gravestone to be bought with super- scription of my name thereon, to be laid on mv grave : Thos. (iate, 1522 (A.'l5. 7). Brotherhood of Bremyiuiham . — To the Brotherhood of Bremyngham, 20.S- : Bic'' Knight, '1455 (Con. 2, fol. 96). Varia. — To making a new Image of Our Lady, GGs. 8(/. To buying a book called an Antiphonar or some other jewel for the use of the Church, £6 13s. ^d. ■ KiC Tylle, 1485 (Coii. 8). 302 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. SELLING (near Faveesham). Dedication : Our Ladij. — Buried in the churchvard of St. Mary of Selling: Hen. Aleyn, 1467 (A. 1, 9). Buried in the Ilii;h Chancel of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Selling between the reading desk and the door of the choir-r Nicholas Bocliard, vicar, 1475 (A. 2, Ifi). Buried in the cliurchyard of the Nativity of Our Imdy of Selling. To the reparation of the Church, 6s. 8rf. : Thos. Knight, 1490 (A. 5. S). The Trini/i/.— Light of Holy Trinity, 4(1. : Stephen Easton, 1465 (A. 1, 15) ; Hen. Southhouse, 1475 (A. 2, 18). Light of Holv Trinity, a bushel of barley : Wm. Gylys, 1472 (A. 2, 5). The Hood. — Light of Holy Cross, id. : Stephen Easton, 1465 (A. 1, 15) ; Rob^ Southhouse, 1475 (Con. 2, fol. 319) ; Henry South- house, 1475 (A. 2, 18) ; Isabell Southonse, 1521 (A. 15, 2). Light of Holv Cro.'^s, a bushel of barle}'^ : Wm. G-ylys, 1472 (A. 2, 5). Light of the High Cross, 12d. : Thos. Knight, 1490 (A. 5, 8). Our Lady. — Light of Blessed Mary, 4c?. : Stephen Kaston, 1465 (A. i, 15); Robf Southhouse, 1475 (Con. 2, fol. 319) ; Hen. Southhouse, 1475 (A. 2, 18) ; Isabell Southonse, 1521 (A. 15, 2). Light of Our Ladv in the Chancel, 12^/. : Thos. Knight, 1490 (A. 5, 8). Light of Our Ladv, Hd. : Thos. Southhous^c, 1518 (A. 13. 4). St. James.— lAght of St. James, V2d. : Thos. Knight, 1490 (A. 5, 8). St. John.—Ught of St. John, 12^. : Thos. Knight. 1490 (A. 5, 8). Light of St. John, Ad. : isabell Southonse, 1521 (A. 15, 2). *S^^. John the Baptist. — To the Light of St. John the Baptist, a bushel of barley: Hen. Aleyn, 1467 (A. 1, 9); "Wm. Gylys, 1472 (A. 2, 5). ■ Light of St. John the Baptist, Ad. : Henry Southouse, 1475 (A. 2, 18). St. Marqaret. — Light of St. Margaret, 4r/. : Stephen Easton, 1465 (A. i, 15); Isabel Southonse, 1521 (A. 15, 2). Light of St. Margaret, a buwhel ol' barley : Wm. Ciylys, 1472 (A. 2,5). Lif^ht of St. Margaret, 12^/. : Thos. Knight, 1490 (A. 5. 8). I,ight of St. i\largaret, 8ldcn before the Tmnge of St. Nicholas : Sir Rici Wright, curate, 1537 (A. 17, 11). Varia. — ^To the reparation and making of the pavement of the Parish Chuicli of Sholden from the Chancel unto the belfrv, 13s. 4^. : Thos. Barton of St. Mary at Northgate. Canterbury, 1477 (Con. 2, fol. 355). SI BEETS WOLD. Dedication : St. Andrew. — Buried in the churchyard of Sybersys- weld : John Pyers, 1474 (A. 2, 10). Buried in the churchyard of St. Andrew of Sybberdiswold ; and to the Lights, 4 bushels of barley: Hen. P^ers, 1484 (A. 4,1). Buried in the churchyard of St. Andi-ew of Shipdiswold : Hen. Wright, 1501 (A. 8, 1). Buried in the church-yard of St. Andrew of Shepswold : John Galpin, 1506 (A. 10, 2). TJie Trinity. — Buried in the Church of St. Andrew of Shepertess- w^old before the Trinity. To the trendill before the Trinity, and the Bederoll to pray for my soul, a j^oung cow. To the Light before the Trinity, M. : Simon Piers, 1522 (A. 15, 8). Light of Holy Trinity, two bushels of barley : Wni. Lynde, 1476 (A. 2, 19) ; Eic'^ Meryweather, 1487 (A. 4, 6) ; John Galpin, 1506 (A. 10, 2) ; Wm. Philpot, 1513 (A. 12, 10). The Rood. — Liglit of Holy Cross, 4 bushels of barley : Hen. Wright, 1501 (A. 8, 1). Eeparation of the Image of the Cross, 36'. 4fore the Image of St. Andrew in the Church, continually burning when divine service shall be celebrated. Two sheep to the nminlen- ance of eight tapers before the Image of aforesaid St. ^Andrew : Eic'' Meryweather, 1487 {\. 4, 6). To the sustentation of the Light of the Lamp to Ixirn Ijcfore the Imfige of St. Andrew, two sheep : John (Tialj)in, 1506 (A. 10, 2). Light of St. Andrew, two ewes : Simon Piers, 1522 (A. 15, 8). EAST K?:XT. 307 *S'/. John- Liirht of .St. ,)(.lm, 'id. : .Simon Piers, lo22 (A. 10, «;. >St. John the Baptist .— \Air}\\ of »St. Jolin the Baptisl, 2 bushels of barley : Wm. Lviule, 1I7G (A. 2, 19) ; Kic'' Mery weather, M87 (A. 1, Gj ; John'Galpin, loOG (A. 10, 2). Light of St. Jolin the Baptist, 4 bushels of barley : Hen. AVright, 150 1 (A. 8, 1). -S7. Peter. — Light of St. Peter, one bushel of barley: \Km. Philpot, 1513 (A. 12, 10). John Jenki/n.— To the Light called John Jenkyn. 2 bushels of barley :' Hie'' Mcryweathcr, 1487 (A. 4, 6). /Ulster Sepulchre. — One cow to tlie maintenance of a taper of the Holy Sepulchre in the C'hui'cli for two years. Hen. Pyers, 1484 (A. 4,1). To the support of S tapers burning before the Sepulchre at Easter, until the last Mass on Easter day, two sheep: Hie'' Mery weather, 1487 (A. 4, 6). Vorin. — For the glazing of one window in the Church, 4 marcs: John Galpin, 1506 (A. 10, 2). For the pavying of 'the Church, 66*. d>d. : Wm. Philpot, 1513 (A. 12, 10). SITTINGBOUKNE.* Dedication : St. Michael. — Buried in the Church of Sydyngborne : Thos. Baskervyle, 1457 (A. 1, 1) ; Edw. Kotherford, 1506 (P.C.C, 42, Holgrave). liuried in the Church under the stone where my husband John Bowden lieth : Cocile Messenger, 1528 (A. 18, 3). Buried in the Church in the middle pace: Sir Thos. Adth, 1525 (A. 17, 3). I'he Hood. — Buried in the Cliurch of St. Michael tiie Archangel before tlie Great Cross : Thos. Tanner, 1473 (A. 2, 9). Buried in the Church before the High Kood beside my father Thos. Thomas. To the High beam light, 12^. : Edw^ Thomas, 1519 (Con. 12, fol. 142). Light of the High Cross, 12^: Thos. Baskervyle, 1457 (A. 1,1). Light of Holy Cross, 20d. : Thos. May hew, 1469 (A. 2, 1). Light of the Cross, 3 lbs. of wax: Agues Garard, 1502 (Con. 7, fol. m). ' To the Kood Loft. 3s. 4rf: Randolf Harrison, 1502 (A. 8, 12). To the High Kood, 1 lb. of wax : John Cock, 1523 (A. 15, 10). Pefe Cross. — To the Light afore the Pete Cross, 12(/. : "Wm. Springett, 1478 (A. 3, 10). Ji'ood of Fortune. — To the Rood of Fortune, 1 lb. of wax : John Cock, 1523 (A. 15, 10). * See Archceologia Cantiana, Vol. XXIII., p. 150. x2 308 TEST AMENTA CANTIANA. Our Ladi/.— Light of Blessed Mary, 6d. : John Coting, 1459 (A. 1, 11) ; Margaret Wvbarn. ■nidow, 1489 (A. o, 3). Light of Our Lady, 3.9. 4^. : Wm. Springett, 1478 (A. 3, 10). A lb. of wax to burn before the Image of Blessed Marv there: John Shavelok, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 116). Light of Our Lady, 3 lbs. of wax : Agnes Garard, 1502 (Con. 7, fol. 66). Our Lady of Fitij. — That Agnes my wife provide a taper of 1 lb. of wax to bnrn in the Chnrch of St. jNlichael before the Blessed Mary of Pity, for one year : John Byxe, 1481 (A. 3, 21). To the Altar of Our Lady of Pitv, 6*7. : John Lathbury, 1513 (A. 12, 6). Light of Our Lady of Pity, 1 lb. of wax, John Cock, 1523 (A. 15, 10). Chapel of Our Lady. — Buried in the churchyard, opposite the Chapel of St. Mary de Boterasse : Bob* Wybarn, 1471 (A. 2, Buried in the Chancel of St. Mary near the grave of Lau- rance Gerard : Stephen Wade, 1469 (A. 1, 21). Buried in Our Lady Chancel between my father and grand- father. To eyery Light, two or three tapers of a lb. of wax : Laurence Garrard, 1502 (Con. 7, fol. 32). Light of Our Lady in the south Chancel, 1 lb. of wax : John Cock, 1523 (A. 15, 10). All Saints. — To the Light of All Hallows, 1 lb. of wax : John Cock, 1523 (A. 15, 10). ^S'^. Anne. — Light of St. Anne, \2d. : Randolf Harrison, 1502 (A. 8, 12). Buried in the Church before the Blessed Bood, between the Altar of St. Anne and the Altar of Our Lady. To the Altar of St. Anne, 6^. : John Lathbury, 1513 (A. 12, 6). To the Brotherhood of Our Lady and St. Anne in the parish of Sittingbourne, 8 bushels of wheat : John Eobinson of Murs- ton, 1518 (A. 1, 13,2). Light of St. Anne, 1 lb. of wax : John Cock, 1523 (A. 15, 10). A sheet to the Altar of St. Anno for an altar cloth : Cecile Messenger, 1528 (A. 18, 3). St. Anthoiiif. — A lb. of wax to burn before the Image of St. An- thony :' John Shavelok, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 110). St. Christojj/ier.-To the Light of St. Christopher. 12^.: Wm. Springett, 1478 (A. 3, 10). A lb. of wax to burn before the Image of St. Christopher : John Shavelok, 1487 (Con. 3, fol. 116). St. Clement.- L\U Siii.illhitlic was burnt. (" Rooords uf Tciitcnien," fjuoted in Ai-c/iao/ot/ia (' the making of a new Tabernacle For the Blessed Virgin Mary there. Ga-. 8^/. : John Benett, 11S5 (Con. 3, fol. 31). Light of Our Lady, 4^/.: Hen. Lamson, 1194 (A. G, 1) ; Wm. Lanibisin, 1500 (A. 8, o) ; Wm. I'olkyn, 1510 (Con. 10, fol. 43). EAST KENT. 315 Light of Our liiuiy in llu; Chiii'cli ot" Snargate, (i.v St/.: .\gnes Marleboroiigh of Breiisett, 1/511 (A. 11. 7). Light of Our Lady. 12^/. : Wrn. ilevwarcl, loL'i (A. 12. ]:i) ■ .lohn (Oilfield, I51S (A. 1:3, 4;. SL Anf/ioni/.—lA07 (A. 9, 8) ; Thos. Usbanie, 1534 (A. 20, 3). Light of St. Christopher, 3.*. 4rf. : Elisa Somerej, 1404 a. 1,19). Light of St. Christopher, 12f/. : Sir Ric'' Lokking, 1527 (A. 17, 4). St. CleTiienf.—U^ht of St. Clement. 2d.: Tho8. Halfnoth, 1507 (A. 9, 8). St. JEi'asmus. — lAght of St. Erasums, 2d. : John Sharp, 1462 (A. 1, 6) ; Godleva Crvstemas, 1476 (A. 1, 14) ; Osbert Osbarn, 1474 (A. 2, 10). Light of St. Erasmns, 3.s-. id. -. Elisa Somerey. 1464 (A. 1, 19). St. George.— Ught of St. George, 2d.: Thos. Halfnoth, 1507 (A. 9; 8). St. James. — Light of St. James, 2d. : Grodleva Crystemas, 1471 (A. 1, 14); Osbert Osbarn, 1474 (A. 2, 10) ; Thos. Halfnoth, 1507 (A. 9, 8). Light of St. Janiess, M. : John Roberd, 1497 (A. 6, 10). St. John the Baptist. — -Light of St. John the Baptist, 4 of St. TliomaH tlic Apoisllc, r).v. : Tlio.s. rsl.itnic, in:-}! (A. 20. ;{). Jesuit A/far. — To the Light of Je8U8 Alliu-. 12^/. To .lesii.s Allar, my little mass hook: Sir Kic'' Lokking, parish priest, 1527 (A. 17, 14). Variu. — To a new Eoodloft in the Church, 20.v. : John Roberd, 1497 (A. 6, 10). STELLING. Dedication : Our Lady (by tradition). — Buried in the churchyard of Stelling: AVm. C'hircheman, 1499 (A. S, 2); Fldmunde Underdowne, l.'32(j (A. 17, H). The Trinity. — To the Light of the Trinity, 4ight of St. Christopher, 4^. : Edmunde Uuder- downe, 1526 (A. 17, 8). St. John the Baptist. — Light of St. John the Baptist, 4f?. : John Kobergh, 1484 (A. 4, 1) ; Wm. Chircheman, 1499 (A. 8, 2). Light of St. John the Baptist, 8c?. : Edmund tlnderdowne, 152(5 (A. 17, 8). St. Katherine. — Light of St. Katherine, 4rf. : AV^m. Chircheman, 1499 (A. 8, 2). St. Latorence. — To the maintenance of a Taper before the Image of St. Lawrence, one "bassam": Wm. Dowle, 1479 (A. 3, 16). St. Nicholas. — Light of St. Nicholas, 4rf. : Edmunde Underdowne, 1526 (A. 17, 8). STOCKBURY. Dedication : St. Mary Magdalene. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Mary Magdalene of Stockburv : Reginal at Pette, 1456 (A. 1, 1); Edw. Adam, 1466 (A."l, 10); Wm. Plotte, 1473 (A. 2, 8) ; Thos. Bromfield, 1490 (Con. 3, fol. 243). Buried in the high Chancel of the Parish Church of Stock- bury, betw^een my brother and my wife. A stone to be laid over mv brother's grave, to the value of 40a\ : Wm. Pettitt, 1523 (A. 15,' 10). T 322 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. The i?oo(/.— Light of the Image of the Crucifix, a quarter of barley: Joan Petyt, 1461 (Con. 2, fol. GO). Light of the High Cross, 4J. : Edw. Adam, UGO (A. 10) ; Wm. Plotte, 1473 (A. 2, 8) ; Thos. Bromfeld, 1490 (Con. 3, fol. 243). To the Brotherhood of Holv Cross, 4r/. : Wui. Plotte, 147:5 (A. 2, S). Light of the High Cross, 12, 12); Klisia, relict of John Caesho, 14'9o (A. (5, 3). Ihii ied in tlie Cliurch of Our Lady of JStodniershe afore the font : Hurry Charles, 111)? (A. 6, G). The i?ooS'^. Anthony. — Towards maintaiDing the Lights before the Images of Our Lady, St. Peter, a^id St. Anthony in the Parish Church of Stone, id. each : Stephen Upton of Faversham, l"):^") (A. 20, 7). ^S'^. Peter.— lj\e\\t of St. Peter the Apostle, 20^/. : Eoiy Lanend, 1474 (A. 2,^13). Light of St. Peter, 2d. ■ Eic'i Kevell, 1-307 (A. 9, 9). To the Light of St. Peter, a cow, that the yearly profit main- tain for ever four tapers of wax before the Holy Sacrament and Image of St. Peter: Ric'' Sethe, 1522 (Con. 13, fol. 129). Varia. — To the reparation and making of the Steeple of the Church of Stone, 406-. Reparation of the Kodeloft there, 40^. " To the glazino; of the north window of Stone Church, Qs. Sd.. in the which glass window I will have in picture a Crucifix, with Mary and John, and the Assumption of Our Lady, with two Images kneeliuo; in remembrance of me and mv son. rehersing our names": Rob*^ Lanend, 1474 (A. 2, 13). To the reparation of Stone Church, 20.s. Amending the highway between Stone Churcli and Faversham, 40s. : Jas. Bokland of Faversham, 1491 (A. 5, 10). STONE IN OXNET. Dedication : Our Lady. — Buried in the church-yard of Blessed Mary of Stone: Joan Alevn, 14GI (Con. 2, fol. 39) ; Rob' at Helfe, 1464 (A. 1, 4) ; John Rolft', 1479 (A. 3, 12) ; Stephen Dyne, 1510 (A. 11, 10) ; John Stace, 1529 (A. 18, 3). Buried within the west door of the Parish Church of Stone in Oxene : Wm. Bertyn, 1407 (Con. 1, fol. 16). Buried in the Church of Otir Lady of Stoon in Oxuey : Christopher Oodfrev, 1511 (A. 11, 7). The i?oo^.— Light of the High Beam, 8^. : Stephen Dyne, 1510 (A. 11, 10) ; Chri.stopher Godfrey, 1511 (A. 11, 7) ; Margaret, widow of Michael Martson, 1521 (A. 15, 1). Light of the Rood, 4f/. : John Thomson, clerk, 1518 (A. 13, 13) ; John Stace, 1529 (A. 18, 3). Light of the Rood, 20d. : Jas. Cheeseman, 1527 (A. 17, 13). Our Lady. — Light of Blessed Mary, 2a'. : Joan Aleyn, 1461 (Con. 2, fol. 39). For one crown for Blessed Mary of Stone, 6s. 8J. : Joan Aleyn, 1461 (Con. 2, fol. 39). To the Lnage of Blessed Mary of Stone, 2s. : Thos. G-yott, 1461 (Con. 2, fol. 50). Light of St. Mary, Sr/. : John Strigill, 1481 (A. 3, 21); John Prall, 1475 (A. 2, 17) ; Christopher Godfrev, 1511 (A. 11,7). For new gilding the Image of Sf. Mary within the high Chancel, 10». : Stephen Dyne, 1510 (A. II, 10). EAST KENT. 825 Our l.ady of Pity. — Light of Our Lady of Pity, A^d. : ^Largarete, widow of -Michael Martsou, 1521 (A. 15, I) ; John Stace, 1529 (A. 18,3). Light of Our Lady of Pity, 2d. -. Elisabeth Leydeu, 1525 (A. 17, 1); Kic" Alyn, 1527 (A. 17, 12). [Also see under St. Nicholas.] Our Lady of Grace. — Light of Our Lady of Grace, 4rf, : Ric^ Alyu, 1527 (A. 17, 12). St. Anthony. — Light of 8t. Anthony, 4c/.: Margarete Martson, widow, 1521 (A. 15, 1) ; John Stace, 1529 (A. 18, 3). Light of St. Anthony, 'fid. : Jas. Cheeseinan, 1527 (A. 17, 13). Light of St. Anthony, 2c/. : Elisabeth Leydeu, 1525 (A. 17, 1) ; liic" Alyn, 1527 (A. 17, 12). St. Barbara. — Light of St. Barbara, 4c/. : JNlargarete Martson, widow, 1521 (A. 15, 1). To the Light of St. Barbara, a taper of 4 lb. of wax : Jas. Cheeseinan, 1527 (A. 17, 13). St. Clement. — Light of St. Clement, 4c/. : John iStace, 1529 (A. 18, 3). Light of St. Clement, a taper of 1 lb. to stand before him, and 80 to burn at all times of the service of God, as long as he [^sic] will last: Jas. Cheeseman, 1527 (A. 17, 13). St. Clere. — Light of St. Clere, 4c/. : John Stace, 1529 (A. 18, 3). To the painting and gilding of the Image of St. Clere, 12c/. : Hie'" Alyn, 1527 (A. 17, 12). St. Urasnnts. — Light of St. Erasmus, 4c/. : Margarete Martson, widow, 1521 (A. 15, 1). To St. Erasmus, a trindle [i.e., a coil] of 1 lb. of wax : Jas. Cheeseman, 1527 (A. 17, 13). St. James. — Light of St. James, 12c/. : Stephen Dyne, 1510 (A. 11, 10). Light of St. James, 4c/. : Margarete Martson, widow, 1521 (A. 15, 1) ; John Stace, 1529 (A. 18, 3). Light of St. James, 2d.: Wm. Couper, 1517 (A. 12, 18); Elisabeth Leydeu, 1525 (A. 17, 1). Light of St. James, Gc/. ; and to the Brotherhood and Geveale of St. James, Sd. : Jas. Cheeseman, 1527 (A. 17, 13). St. John. — Light of St. John, Hd. : Christopher Godfrey, 1511 (A. 11, 7) ; Ja«. Cheeseman, 1527 (A. 17, 13). Light of St. John, 2c/.: Wm. Couper, 1517 (A. 12, 18); Elisabeth Leydeu, 1525 (A. 17, 1). Light of St. John, 4c/. : Margarete Martson, widow, 1521 (A. 15, 1) ; John Stace, 1529 (A. 18, 3). .S7. John the Baptist. — Light of St. John the Baptist, 4c/. : Stephen Dyne, 1510 (A. 11, 10). Light of St. John the Baptist, 2d. : Kic'' Alyn, 1527 (A. 17, 12). •S"^. Katherine. — Light of St. Katheriue, 12d. : Clemens Gyot, 1483 (A. 3, 26). St. Michael. — To the new gilding of the Image of St. Michael, 10s. : Stephen Dyne, 1510 (A. 11, 10). Buried' in the high Chancel before St. Michael: Sir Hie'' Trykett, vicar, 1523 (A. 16, 1). Light of St. Michael, 2d.: RicJ Alvn, 1527 (A. 17, 12). St. Nicholas. — Buried in the Chancel of St. Nicholas in the Parish Church of Blessed Mary of Stone: Thos. Alen, 1493 (Con. 3, fol. 356). Buried in the midst of the Chapel of St. Nicholas imd Our Lady of Pity, within the Church of Stone in Oxney : Jas. Cheeseman, 1527 (A. 17, 13). Liglit of St. Nicholas, M. : John Rolft", 1479 (A. 3, 12) ; John Stace, 1529 (A. 18, 3). Light of St. Nicholas, 2d. : Stephen Dyne, 1510 (A. 11, 10) ; Ric'i Alyn, 1527 (A. 17, 12). St. Osyth.—L\ght of St. Sithe, 2d. : Ric;is()n lo the font: Sir Hie'' TVykctl, 1523 (A. 16, 1). * EAST KENT. 327 To biiy a black Vestment for the L'hiirc]), 20i-. 'I'o the paintiiij^ ami staining of the lent cloth, and of the white cloth which hangeth before the Rood in Lent, 3s. 4(/. : Jas. Cheese- man, 1527 (A. 17, 13). STONAR. Dedication : Si. Augasline (by tradition). — Church destroyed. No mention in wills. STOURMOUTH. Dedication : All Saints. — Buried in the churchyard of All Saints of Stourmouth: Thos. at Well, 1471 (A. I, 18). Buried in the Choir of the Church : Thos. Marys, rector, 1473 (A. 2, 7). Buried in the Church, in the middle part next beneath my father's grave: Hen. Mette, 15 U (A. 23, 2). The Hood. — To the Brotherhood of Holy Cross, a bushel of barley: Nicholas Benetleld, 1448 (A. 1, 1). Light of Holy Cross, Vld. : Elisabeth Coombe of Minster in Thanet, widow, 1407 (A. I, 9). St. Andrew. — ro the Image of St. Andrew, I lb. of wax : Wm. Perys, chaplain, 1503 (Con. 7, fol. 81). Our Lddi/. — Painting the beam before the Altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Church. 3s. 4td. : John Walmvston, 1479 (A. 3, 12). ■ St. John. — Light of St. John, 12(7. : Elisabeth Coombe, widow, of Minster, 1467 (A. 1, 9). .S7. John the Baptist. — To the Brotherhood of St. John the Baptist, a bushel of barley : Nicholas Beueiield, 1448 (A. 1, 1). .SV. Katherine. — Light of St. Katherine, \2d. : Elisabeth Coombe, widow, of Minster, 14G7 (A. 1, 9). The Roke Liijht.—To the Hoke Light, Vld. : Elisabeth Coombe of Minster, 1467 (A. 1, 9). Varia. — To the Church, for a new Bell to be bought, 40s. ; and for a Chalice, 40s. : Thos. .Marys, rector, 1473 (A. 2, 7). For the window being made on the north side of the Churcli, 6s. ^d. ; and one botoras [sfc] being made at the tower, 6s. Srf. : John Grove, 1495 (A. 6, I). To Stourmouth Church, a banner cloth of 3s. 4c?. : Wm. Kentou of Preston, 1536 (A. 20, 10). STOWTING. Dedication : Our Ladi). — Buried in the cliurchyard of St. Mary of Stowting: John Bray, 1479 (A. 3, 10) ; VVui. Inkepett, 1481 (A. 3, 23). 328 TEST AMENTA CANTIANA. The iEooight of Holy Cross, 12r/. : John Barling, 1461 (A. 1, 10) ; Rob' Pcnde, 1*65 (A. 1, 10) ; Stephen Usmer, 1498 (A. 7, 7). ^AST KlENT. 331 Light before tlie lligli Cross, 'lOd. : Joan Glover, 1476 (Con. 2, fol. 32:}) ; Thos. alte Well, 11.72 (A. 2, 5). Light of the High Cross, 40(7. : Edmund Master, 1484 (Con. 8, fol. 15). Our Zrt ; Stephen Cristemas, 1473 (A. 2, 9). EAST KENT. 333 St. Katherine.—LU^ht of Hi. Katherine, 8^/. : Win. Roger, 1458 (A. 1, 11) ; John Cristeniasse. MG2 (A. 1, 15) ; Wni. (laic, 1474 (A. 2, 14). Lionett of Smallhith, 1517 (A. 12, 19), and others. The Hood. — Light before the Cross on the north side of the Church, 20d. : Wm. Cob, 1449 (A. 1, 1). Light of the Great Cross, (is. Sd. : Thos. Jan, 1470 (A. 1, 12). Light oftlie Rood, 4(/. : Kic'^ Lucas, 1508 (A. 11, 2). A taper of 4 lbs. of wax to burn before the High Cross as long as he [sic] will endure : John Wayte of Smallhith, 1528 (A. 17, 2). Our irn/y.— Light of St. Mary, 20^/. : Wm. Cob, 1449 (A. 1, 1). Light of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 6s. 8d. -. Thos. Jan, 1470 (A. 1, 12). Light of Our iilessed Lady, I2d. : VVilmvn Caddow, 1518 (A. 13, 4). To the reparation of the ornaments pertaining to the Altars of Our Lady and St. Katherine, Hid. -. Hob' SwofFa, 1518 (A. 13. 10). Our Lady of Pity. — To the buying a candlestick to serve before Our Blessed Lady of Pity, 5s.: Thomasine Adam, widow, 1519 (A. 14, 1). 336 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. St. CJirisfopher.^Ught of St. Christopher, 20(7. : Wm. Cob, 1449 (A. 1,1). St. Crispin and St. Crispianus. — To the buying of two Images of Crispin and Crispianus, for to stand in the Church of Teuterdeu, Qs. Sd. : Thos. Hicks, 1523 (A. 15, 9). Sf. George. — Towards making a new Image of St. George, 20d. : Stephen Couper, 1514 (A. 12, S). St. John the Baptist. — A taper of ^ lb. of wax to burn before the Image of St. John the Baptist : Ric"^ Lucas, 150S (A. 11, 2). St. Katherine. — Light of St. Katherine, os. 4r/. : Rob' Bregges, 1484 (A. 4,1). Light of St. Katherine, 2d.: Ric'' Lucas, 1508 (A. 11, 12). See under Ovr Lady. St. Mark. — To the "iidiuK of the Image of St. Mark, if so be that or? c? ' there be none new Image of St. Mark there made, 20d. -. Stephen Couper, 1514 (A. 12, 8). St. Michael— Ughi of St. Michael, 20d. : Wm. Cob, 1449 (A. 1, 1). >S'^. Mildred.— Ughi of St. Mildred, 3s. M. : Wm. Cob, 1449 (A. 1, 1). Light of St. Mildred, 10^. : Anne Stonehouse, widow, 1513 (A. 12, 7). St. Nicholas. —Ughi of St. Nicholas, Gs. 8d. : Thos. Jan, 1470 (A. 1, 12). The Torches.— Ught of the Torches, 6s. 8d.: Wm. Cob, 1449 (A. 1, 1). Light of the Torches, 20d. : John Strekynbold, 1505 (P.C.C, 39, Holgrave). Jesus Mass. — To the Box ordained to diverse gatherers in the parish, for the Mass of Jesus there to be continued, 4:d. : Ann Stonehouse, widow, 1513 (A. 12, 7). To the finding of the Brotherhood Priest celebi'ating diviue service and the Mass of Jesus in the Parish Church, every quarter of a year for two years, 10^7. : John Donett of Small- hithe, 1517 (A. 12, 19). To the maintaining of the Mass of Jesus to be celebrated in the same Church, Hd. -. Wihnyn Caddow , widow, 15 IS (A. 18, 4). " To the exhibition and Huding ot" the Brotherhood Priest celebrating the Mass of Jesus every Friday in the said Parish Church of Tenterden, everv quarter dui'ing a whole year, 3«?," : Thomasino Adam, 1519 (A." 14, 1). To the maintaining of the Mass of Jesus to be continued and celebrated within the said Church of 'J'enterdeii, 3.v. 4(/., that is to say, every quartei- 4r/ , until th(^ full payment thereof: Katherine Poule, 1520 (A. 15, Ji). Varia. — To building the new Tower of Tenterden, (J.s-. 8^. : Ric'' Berne of Canterbury, 1461 (Con. 2, fol. 41). To the rcparaliijii of the spring [fons] called the (-'huiu-li- ucll of Tciitcnh'ii, O.v. 8r/. : John S|)crt., 1500 (A. 8, 2). To the repair of the. books of the Churcii, iSs. Hd. To the reparation of the nave, Clv. S(/. To the Light of the Torches, 20d. : Johu Strekynbold, 1505 (P.C.C, :^9, Holgrave). "EAST KENT. 337 To the buying of a c-lotli of velvet to hang before the high altar there, l(5s. Hd.: John Flecher, 1510 (Con. 11. iol. 14). To tlie buying a new pair of organs, 3s. 4d. -. Stephen Couper, 1514 (A. 12, 8).' My e.x'ors to make at my cost and charge within a year of my death, one convenient p'clause or seelyng behind tlie lli^li Kood or Crucifi.K in tlie Church, betwixt the arclies dividing the body of the said Church and the liigh Ciiancel. Also they to make and substantially set up and furnish one convenient window, monyolyd [sic'] and glasyd [sicl with all other necessaries thereto, u2>on and in the roof over the south side of the Church, next to the rood aud crucifix. Also such altar-cloths aud curtains as I of late did put to paynting to one Payuter of Hedcron, which T will to the use of the Church, and to be hanged there about and upon the altar, where the Mass of Jesus is used to be celebrated. To buying a pair of laten candlesticks to stand upon the said altar, (5s. Sd.: Wni. Couper, 1518 (Con. 12, fol. 174). To the reparation of the highway between the Church and the Water Mill, 10.s. Eeparation of the Cross standing next my house called Westcross, 3s, 4St. Erasmus. — Light of St. Erasmus, a taper of \ lb. of wax : .lohn Totnam, 1524 (A. 16, 3). St. George. — To the Church iov the dav of St. George, a cow : John Isham, 1501 (A. 8, 2). St. Gregory. — Light of St. Gregory, 6(/. : AVm. Gerrond, 1498 (A. 6, 10). >S'/. John. — Jjight of St. John, one cow : Bob' Hayward, 1509 (Coil. 10, fol. 12). St. John the Baptist. — Light of St. John the Baptist, M. : Wm. Gerrond, 1498 (A. 6, 10). St. Kotherine. — Light of St. Katherine, 4itonstrect. — To the Lij^dit of Lewdistoustreet, 2(1. -. Nicholas Deny, 1475 (A. 1, 16). Varia. — Ex'ors buy a braunchc of laten, value of 5.s'., that the same shall stand for evermore before the High Kood : Margaret C'atlocke, 1509 (A. 11, 9). To the making and hanging up of the Bells, 40*. To buying a new cross of silver and gilt, 40s. : Kob' Hayward, 1509 (Con. 10, fol. 12). TliANINGTOK Dedication : St. Nicholas. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas of Thanington : Thos. Byng, 14G4 (A. 1, G) ; John Elston, 1497 (A. 0, 10) ; Thos. Miller, 1521 (A. 14, 7). Buried in the Church near my husband. To the work of the nave of the Churcli and for my burial, 13s. 4(/. : Katherine, relict of Peter Chambir, 1483 (A. 3, 27). Buried in the Church of Thanington : Edmund Fuller of Milton near Canterbury, 1514 (A. 12, 14). The liood.—U^ht of Holy Cross, 20d. -. Thos. Byng, 14G4 (A. 1,6). Light of the High Cross, 4d. : John Neale of Harbledowne, 1506 (A. 10,3). Our Lady. —Light of Blessed Mary, 4rf. : Thos. Byng, 1464 (A. 1, 6). Light of Our Lady, a seme of malt : John Elston, 1497 (A. 6, 10). Light of St. Mary, 12^/. : Thos. Shipman, 1505 (A. 10, 1). To the Brotherhood of Our Lady in the Parish Church, 20d. : John Marten, 1532 (A. 19, 8). St. Anfhon}/.— Light of St. Anthony, 4rf. : Thos. Bing, 1532 (A. 19, 9). >SY. John. — Light of St. John, 3s. 4:d. To the painting of St. John, 3s. 4(/. : Thos. Miller, 1521 (A. 14, 7). St. John the Baptist. —Light of St. John the Baptist, Vld. : Thos. Shipman, 1505 (A. 10, 1). St. Katherine.— Light of St. Katherine, 4rf. : Thos. Bing, 1532 (A. 19, 9). St. Margaret.— Light of St. Margaret, 4rf. : Thos. Bing, 1532 (A. 19,9). St. Nicholas. — Light of St. Nicholas, a seme of malt : John Elston, 1497 (A. 6, 10). Light of St. Nicholas, 8(/. : Thos. Shipman, 1505 (A. 10, 1). Light of St. Nicholas, 12rf. : Thos. Bing, 1532 (A. 19, 9). z 2 340 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. " To my patroB St. Nicliolas, towards the making and buying of a new Image of St. Nicholas of alyblaster [sic], of five feet long, to he set in the Cliuroh, os.": John Marten, 1582 (Ari9,8). THOKNHAM* Dedication : Our Lady. — Buried in tlie clmrehyavd of St. Mary of Thornham : Ahce Muskin, 1467 (^. 1, 4) ;"'Thos. Knight, 1509 (A. 11, 5). Buried in the churchyard of the Parish Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin jMary of Thorueham. To each Light in the Church, 4f?. : Kob' Charnenden, 1499 (A. 7, 4y. The i?oo^/.— Light of Holy Cross, 12(7. : AVui. at Woods of Bearsted, 1471 (A. 1, 14). Light of the High Cross, half a lb. of wax: Thos. Edwards, 1504 (Con. 8, fol. 5)'. Light of the High Beam, ^d. : Thos. Knight, 1509 (A. 11,5); Wm. Sharinden, 1532 (A. 19, 9). Our ir/^/y.— Light of St. Mary, 12^/. : Wm. at Woode of Bearsted, 1471 (A. 1, 14). Light of St. Mary, a candle of half a lb. of wax : Thos. Edwards, 1504 (Con. 8, fol. 5). Light of Our Lady, Ad. : Thos. Knight, 1509 (A. 11, 5) ; Wm. Sharinden, 1532 (A. 19, 9). St. Christopher. — Light of St. Christopher, a candle of h lb. of Avax : Thos. Edwards, 1504 (Con. 8, fol. 5). *S'^. James. — Light of St. Jaines, a candle of \ lb. wax : Thos. Edwards, 1504 (Con. 8, fol. 5). Lisht of St. James, 4r/. : Thos. Knight, 1509 (A. 11, 5); AVm. Sharinden, 1532 (A. 19, 9). St. J^r)A».— Light of St. John, \2d. -. Wm. at Woode of Bearsted, 1471 (A. i, 14). Light of St. John, Ad. : Thos. Knight, 1509 (A. 11, 5) ; Wm. Sharinden, 1532 (A. 19, 9). -S*^. John the Baptist.— Jjight of St. John the Baptist, 12rf. : Alianora Arner, 1502 (A. 8, 10). Light of St. John the Baptist, a candle of h lb. of wax : Thos. Edwards, 1504 (Con. 8, fol. 5). St. Katherine. — Light of St. Katlierine, a candle of lialf a lb. of wax : Thos. Edwards, 1504 (Con. 8, fol. 5). Light of St. Katharine, 4c?. : Juliana Schernden, 1511 (A. 12, 1) ; Wm. Sharinden, 1532 (A. 19, 9). St. Mar r/aret.— Light of St. Margaret, Ad. : Thos. Knight, 1509 (A. 11,5). Easter Sepulchre. — Light of the Sepulchre, I2d. : Juliana Schern- den, 1511 (A. 12, 1). * Seo Archaoloifia Cantiana, Vol. XVIII., p. 243. EAST KENT. 341 Varia. — Two tapers of 5 lbs. to Inini before tlie his^h altar upon two candlesticks there : Thos. Edwards, loUi (Con. 8, fol. 5). To the Parish Church to buy Lights, -l*/. : Julian Schernden, 1511 (A. 12, 1). To the inakin2: f>^ ^li'? frames of the Bells in the Church of Thorneham, 20,/. : John Scott of Bearsted, 1.320 (A. 18, 4). A torch price 5a'. to the Church. To the buying of a Cope, ;3a-. \d. : Wm. Sliarinden, 1532 (A. 19, 9). THROWLEY. Dedication : Si. Michael. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Michael of Throwle (or Thruelegh) : Joan, widow of John Amye of Levelaiid, 14G5 (A. 1. 3) ; .Agnes atte Dane, 14(50 (A. 1, 10) ; Christina Rigdcu, 1472 (A. 2, 8) ; Thos. Amys. 1500 (A. 7, 8). Buried in the North Chapel of the Church of Thrulegh : Win. Sondds, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 275). Buried iu the North Chapel of the Church ; and to the reparation of the Chapel where my body is buried, 40s. : Ric'* Leukjior, 1470 (A. 3, 14). Buried in the Church before the pulpette : Rob* a Dane, 1511 (A. 11, 8). The Trinity. — Light of the Holy Trinity, 4<^. : Agnes atte Dane, 1466 (.A. I. 10); John Robergh, 1484 (A. 4, 1); John Bar- tholomew, 1501 (A. 8, 7). Light of Holy Trinity, 40 Leuknor, 1479 (A. 3, 14). Our Lady of Pity. — Light of Our Ladv of Pity, one ewe: John Thurstone, 1534 (A. 20, 4). St. Antliony. — To the Image of St. Anthony, 4 J.: Laurence Upton, 1501 (A. 8, 6). 8t. Christoplter. — Light of St. Christopher, Id. : Christina Higden, 1472 (A. 2, 8) ; John Bartholomew, 1501 (A. 8, 7). Light of St. Christopher, 40d. : Wm. Sondds, 1474 (Con. 2. fol. 275). Light of St. Christopher, one ewe : John Thurstone. 1534 (A. 20,4). St. Georye.— Light of St. George, 40f/. : Wm. Sondds, 1474 (Con. 2. fol. 275). Light of St. George, 2c?. : John Bartholomew, 1501 (A. 8, 7). Light of St. George, -id. : Kob' a Dane, 1511 (A. ] I, 8). St. Katherine. — Light of St. Katherine, 2d. : Agnes atte Dane, 1406 (A. 1, 10); Christina Kigden, 1472 (A. 2, 8); John Childmell, 1479 (A. 3, 10) ; John Bartholomew, 1501 (A. 8, 7). Light of St. Katherine, 40r/. : Wm. Sondds, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 275). St. Margaret. — Light of St. Margaret, 2d. : Christina Eigden, 1472 (A. 2, 8) ; John Snoth, 1475 (A. 2, 16) ; John Childmell, 1479 (A. 3, 10) ; Eic'' Bigg, 1479 (A. 3, 14) ; John Bartholomew, 1500 (A. 8, 7). Light of St. Margaret, 5s. : Wm. Sondds, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 275). St. Mary Maydalene. — Light of St. Mary Magdalene, 5.v. : Wm. Sondds, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 275). St. Michael. — Light of St. Michael. Ad.: Agnes atte Dane. 1466 (A. 1, 10) ; Christina Eigden, 1172 (A. 2, 8) ; John Cluldmell, 1479 (A. 3, 10) ; John Bartholomew, 1501 (A. 8, 7). Light of St. Michael, Sd. -. Eob' a Dane, 1511 (A. 11, 8). St. Nicholas.- — To the Light before St. Nicholas, 20t/. : W m. Sondils, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 275). St. Sond-ay.- Light of St. Sonday, one ewe : John Thurstone, 1534 (A. 20,4). St. Stephen.— Light before St. Stephen, 5s. ; Wm. Sondds, 1474 (Con. 2, fol. 275). St. Thomas of Canterbury . — Light of St. Thomas, 40r/. : Wm. Sondds, 1474 (Cn. 2, fol. 275). Light of St. Thomas the Martyr, 2d.: Joliii Snoth, 1475 (A. 2, 16); John Childniell. 1179 (A. 3. lOj ; Eie'' liigg, 1479 (A. 3, 14;. EAST KENT. 343 Varia. — To the plastering of the Hi>d. Reparation (»f tlie Bells, Gs. Hd. : Agnes atte Dane, 146G (A. I, lO). To help make a ehalicc in the Clunvh of Tlinilegli, Gs. Hd. : Lawrence Upton, 1501 (A. 8, 6). To the Church of Tlirughlegh, a little altar candlestick of hiton, and a taper ot" wax thereu|)on of a lb. ; and 20.9. to be maintained l>y the Chnrchwardens Ihere, and brent [sic'\ before St. Michael there every principal feast and holy-days for ever- more : Joan Bromfeld of Faversham, widow, 1505 (P.C.C, 28, Hoi grave). TILMANSTONE. Dedication : St. Andrew. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Andrew of Tvhnanston, near the porch of the Church : Ric'' Hervy, 1-472 Buried in the churchyard of St. Andrew of Tilmaston : John Hervy of Barfeild. 147i) (A. 3, 13) ; Matthew Selby, 1492 (A. 5, 9). The BooiL — Buried in the Church of St. Andrew, before the Image of the Crucifi.K. To the Light of Holy Cross, a quarter of bar- ley : Michael Cooke, 1513 (A. 12, 10). Our Ladi/. — Light of St. Mary, a cow and six sheep : Michael Cooke, 1513 (A. 12. 10). St. Andreic. — Buried in the Chancel before St. Andrew : Ralph Roger, vicar, 1524 (A. IG, 4). St. Nicholas. — Light of St- Nicholas, a cow and six sheep: Michael Cooke, 1513 (A. 12, 10). Easter Taper. — To the maintenance of the Easter Taper and its renewing, six ewes or one cow : Matthew Selby, 1492 (A. 5, 9). The Torches. — Light of tlie Torches, one quarter of barley: John Hervy of Barfeld, 1479 (A. 3, 13). Hokeday Light. — To the Light called Hokeday Light, a quarter of barley: John Hervy, 1479 (A. 3, 13). To the Hocday Light in the Church, two bushels of barley : Thos. Oibbis, 1507 (A. 10, 5). Varia. — To the Church for covering " le Church rove," 40s. To the Church, a new chalice: Ric'^ Hervy, 1472 (A. 2, 4). TONG. Dedication: St. Gile.'i. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Giles of Tonge: Wm. Crux, 14GS (A. 1, 22); John Burgevs, 1473 Buried in the Chancel, at'ore the desk in the choir : Ric'' Coly, vicar, 1523 (A. 15, 10). The Rood. — Light of Holy Cross, five sheep: Walter Cryps, 1474 (A. 2, 10). ' Mi TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Light of Holy Cross, three ewes: Win. Crux, 1468 (A. 1, 22) ; John AVellis, 1481 (A. 3, 22). Light of Holy Cross, 4d. : John Burgeys, 1473 (A. 2, 3). To finding a Lamp before the Kood, six ewes: AV'^alter Cryspe, 1537 (A. 21, 5). Our Lady. — Light of the Blessed Virgin Mary, four sheep : Walter Cryps, 1474 (A. 2, 10). Light of St. Mary, one mare : Wm. Crux, 14GS (A. 1, 22). Light of St. Mary, 4 J. : John Burgeys, 1473 (A. 2, 3). Light of St. Mary, two ewes to maintain a taper: Jas. Abram, 1527 (A. 17, 12). Buried in the Church, before Our Lady, beside my father and mother. To the Light of Our Lady, 12^?. : Walter Cryspe, 1537 (A. 21, 5). St. Anne. — A sheet to the Altar of St. Anne for an altar-cloth : Cecile Messenger of Sittingbourne, 1528 (A. 18, 3). 8t. Erasmus. — Light of St. Erasmus, two ewes: AVni. Crux, 1468 (A. 1, 22) ; Jas. Abram, 1527 (A. 17, 12). St. Giles. — Light of St. Giles, 4 sheep : Walter Cryps, 1474 (A. 2, 10). Light of St. Giles, 4r/. : John Burgeys, 1473 (A. 2, 3). Light of St. Giles, one ewe: John AVellis, 1481 (A. 3, 22). St. James. — Light of St. James, two ewes to maintain a taper: Jas. Abram, 1527 (A. 17, 12). *S7. John the Baptist. — Light of St. John the Baptist, two sheep: Walter Cryps, 1474 (A. 2, 10). St. John the Evangelist. — Light of St. John the Evangelist, U-o sheep: Walter Cryps, 1474 (A. 2, 10). St. Katherine. — Light of St. Katherine, two sheep : Walter Cryps, 1474 (A. 2, 10). Easter Taper. — To the Paschal taper, one ewe : John Wellis, 1481 (A. 3, 22). Varia. — My great Mass Book to Tong Church : Sir Thos. Adth of Sittingbourne, 1525 (A. 17, 3). To Tong Church, my best towel of dia])er as a howscling towel: Cecile jMei?senger of Sittingbourne, 1528 (.A. 18, 3). TEOIT ESC LIFE. Dedication: St. Peter and St. Pmtl. — See "Parish Churches of West Kent "in the Transactions of the St. PauVs Ecclesiological Society, vol. iii, p. 203. TUDLEY. Dedication: All JJalloics. — Sec " I'ari.sh Churclics of West Kent," 1). 2!)3. EA8T KENT. 84o TUNBIIIDGE. Dedication : St. Peter and St. Paul. — JSce " l*arish Churches of West Kent," p. 294. TUNSTALL. Dedication : St. John the Baptist. — Buried in the clnirfhyiinl (jf St. John the Baptist of Tunstall : Thos. Hare, 1474 (A. 2, 14). Buried in the Church of St. John the Baptist of Tun stall near Joan my wife: John Sharp, 1 181 (A. ;i, 21). Buried in the Church, u[)on the right hand side before the aitar: James Crowmer, 1542 (A. 24, 5). Our Lady. — Light of St. Marv, a taper of S lbs. : .l(diii Sluirp, 1481 St. Margaret. — Buried in the Church of Tunstall, before St. Mar- garet's altar ; and for that intent 1 give to the Churcli iSs. sd. -. John Button, rector of Murston, l.")4G (A. 24, 3). 8f. Osyth. — A Light to burn before St. Sithe in the Church for two years, 16(7.: Rob' Hennakcr, ir,;U (A. 19, 7). Easter Sepulchre. — Buried before the high altar where the Sepulchre staudeth. For the making of a new frame for the Sepulchre, and a stone to lie upon it, £G 13s. 4c/. ; and as many Estriche birties as shall make it : AVm. Cromer, Kt., 154G (A. 24, 5). ULCOMBE. Dedication : All Saints. — Buried in the cliurch yard of All Saints of Ulcombe: Peter Cuttcler, 1471 (Con. 2. fol. 217) ; Thos. Tur- uour, 1473 (A. 2, 9j ; Henry Tumor, 1500 (A. 8, 1). Buried in the Parish Church of Ulcombe : Thos. Hovlndeu, 148G(A.4, 4). Buried in the higli Cliaucel of All Hallows of Ulcombe: TllO^^. Iloviudeu, rectoi-, 1500 (A. 10, 3). The Rood.— \j\(r\it of High Cross, 8ight of Corpus Christi, 4) ; AN^m. at Wood, 1504 (A. 9, 3). fyight of the Trinity, a taper of I lb. as long as my sou John liveth: John Burbegge, 1505 (A. 9, 2). Buried in the Kode Chancel in the Church of Upchurch, before the Image of the Trinity : John Burbage, 1588 (A. 21, 12). Buried in the Irinity Chapel oiv the north side of the altar, before my stool : John Norton. 1546 (A. 24, G). The Rood. — Tiight of the Great Cr()ss, one ewe : Kob' Borewasshe, 14G4 (A. 1, 5) ; \Vm. Burgh, 1404 (A. 1,5). Light of the High Cross, a bushel of barley : John Hogge, 1478 (A. 2,7). Light of Holv Cross, lis. 4J. : Hen. Wood, 1497 (Con. 4, fol. 126). Our Ladi/.— Light of St. Mary, 20//.: Peter Daniell. 1479 (A. 3, Light of Blessed Marv, a bushel of grain : John Dale, 1500 (A. 7,9). Light of Our Lady, 3s. 4c?. : Thos. Sharpe, 1518 (A. 13, 6). St. Anthony. — A taper of lo lbs. to burn before St. Anthony: Stephen Thomson, carpenter, 1518 (A. 13, 10). St. Christopher. — Light of St. Christopher, one ewe : Kob' Bore- wassl)e, 1464 (A. 1, 5) ; Hen. Wood, 1497 (Con. 4, fol. 126). Light of St. Chrif^topher, (id.: Peler Daniell. 1479 (A. 3, 11). St. Georcje. — Light of St. George, two sheep : Hen. \\ (muI, 1497 (Con". 4, fol. 126) ; Wm. at Wood, 1-504 (A. !), 3). St. James. — To the reparation of the Chapel of St. James, 36-. ^d. : Thos. Shar|)e, 1518 (A. 13, 6). St. John. — Light of St. John, one ewe : Wm. Burgh, 1464 (A. 1, 5). Light of St. John, 8 ewes: Hen. Wood, 1497 (Con. 4, fol. 126). Light of St. John, two aheep : Wm. at Wood, 1504 (A. 9, 3). St. John the Baptist. — Light of St. John the Baptist, one ewe : Rob* Borewasshe, 1464 (A. 1, 5); John Freud, 1471 (A. 1, 17). 348 TEST AMENTA CANTIANA. Light of St. Johu the Baptist, a bushel of grain : John Dale, loOO (A. 7, 9). >S'/. Kafherine.—VAght of St. Katherine, two ewes: Hen. AVood, 1497 (Con. 4, fol. 126). Sf. Mary Magdalene . — Light of St. Mary ]Magdalene, two ewes: lien. Wood, 1497 (Con. 4, fol. 120). &t. Marqarei.—\J\^^t of St. Margaret, a bushel of barlev : Jolin Hogge, 1473 (A. 2, 7). Light of St. JMargaret, two ewes : Hen. Wood, 1497 (Cou. 4, fol. 126). *SV. Peter. — Light of St. Peter, one ewe : Rob* Borewasshe, 1464 (A. 1, 5); Wm. Burgh, 1464 (A. 1, 5); John Freud, 1471 (A. 1, 17) ; Wm. at Wood, 1504 (A. 9, 8). Light of St. Peter, a bushel of barley : John Hogge, 1478 (A. 2, 7) ; .lohn Dale, 1500 (A. 7, 9). at. Sperabil (Spiridiou).* — Light of St. SperabiJ, '6d. : Peter Dauiell, 1479 (A. 3, 11). Light of St. Sperabil, two ewes : Hen. Wood, 1497 (Con. 4, fol. 126). Light of St. Sperabil, one ewe : John Dale, 1500 (A. 7, 9). Varia. — To the Bede roll of Uppchurch, an acre of land of the five acres that lieth at the east end of Uynden, to be prayed for, and all my friends, and specially the souls of Wm. Thomlyne and his daughter Eden, the motlier of John Burbege the elder: John Burbegge, 1505 (A. 9, 2). That Wm. at Wood and Thomas Rider hath promised to go Pilgrimage for me — to Our Lady of Walsingham, to the Rood of iieste, to the Rood of Grrace of Boxley, and to St. Robert of Xcwenton parish, and thev shall have for their labours 10«. and l\)ur bushels of wheal : Wm. at Wood, 1504 (A. 9, 3). To the buying of a clialice, 20*-.: Thos. Sharpe, 1518 (\. 13, (>). Half my great tiuib(;r logs to the roodlofl in the Church; and that they make a window on the south side of the Church : Stephen Thomson, carpenter, 1518 (A. 13, 10). WALDKRSHARK. Dcdicaliuii : All. Sn/'nts (by tradition). — Buried in the Parish Church of Waldershare. To the poor at my burial, £4. That my c.v'or (i'hos. Hamon my uncle) arrange for the ''reeriug a convenient Toome of stt)ue in the Sheere Church [? Canterbuiy Caihedrall of the said County as a monument of mine, 100 marcs": John Monynge of Swanton in Lvdden, 1569 (Con. 31, fol. 195). Buried in the Chancel of the Church of Waldershere, as nigh to the grave of my husband E^lward Monings as may be. * Sec Arch(Bologia Canliana, Vol. XXV., jip. 88 — Ui>. EAST KENT. 349 'I'll tlie finishing of my grave, with the rt sidue of finishing my husband's, £5 : Parnell Monings of Liddon, 1550 (A. HO, G). The Triiiifj/.— l^urii-d in the Cliurch belovc the Trinity : Sir .lohn Hartley, vicar, 1512G (A. 17, 1). WALMEK. Dedication : Our Ladi/. — Buried in the porch of the Ciuuvh of Blessed Mary of AValmere : Wni. Brode, senior, 1474 (A. 2, 14). Buried in the Church of Waliuer : Hen. Beveriche, 1498 (A. 7, 2). Buried in the churchyard of Blessed Mary of Wallmer : John Gilis, 1501 (A. 8, G). The 7^v«//?/.— Light of Holy Trinity, 4d.: John Lotte, 1473 (A. 2, 7J ; John Schepey, 1495 (A. G, 4). Light of the Trinity, a wether; and to the Trinity Altar to be prayed for, a wether: Edne Oyn (A. IG, 1). The JRood'—LiQht of Holv Cross, -id'.: John Lotte, 1473 (A. 2, 7) ; John Schepey, 1495 (A. 6, 4). To the Crucifix within the Church of Walmer, 4 bushels of barley and 4 bushels of corn : John Gil is, 1501 (A. 8, G). Light of the Cross, a wether : Edne Oyn, 1523 (A. IG, 1). Our Lady. — Buried in the Chancel before the Image of the Blessed Virgin ]\Liry there : Agnes Bevericlie, 1503 (A. 9, 1). Light of St. Mary, 4d. : John Lotte, 1473 (A. 2, 7) ; John Schepey, 1495 (A. G, 4). Light of Our Lady, one ewe : Edne Oyn, 1523 (A. IG, 1). 8t. John.— Light of St. John, a bushel of barlev : Edne Oyn, 1523 (A. 16, 1). St. John the Baptist. — Light of St. John the Baptist, Ad. : John Lotte, 1473 (A. 2, 7) ; John Schepey, 1495 (A. G, 4). St. Nicholas. — Light of St. jS'icliolas, a bushel of barley: Edne Oyn, 1523 (A. 16, 1). WALTIIAM. Dedication : St. Bartholomew. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Bar- tholomew of AVultham : Alice White, 1499 (A. 8, 2). The i?oo)• St. Erasmns. — Light of Si. Erasmus, 4r/. : -loan Gilbert, widow, 1477 (A. 3, 6). St. James.— \j\g}\t of St. James, four bushels of barley: Thos. Gilbert, 14(52 (A. 1, 11). A II). of" wa.x to burn before the Cross over tlu> Aliar of St. James: Joan (Jilbert, widow, 1 177 (A. 3, 6). liight of St. James, Vnl.-. Eic" Elsmer, 1530 (A. 19, 1). [See under Our Lady.] EAST KI'XT. 853 St. Kdtherine. — Li<;lit ol" St. Katlicrine, !(/. : Joiiii (iillKMt, widow, 1477 (A. 3, G). Varia. — To the reparation of the Church, five marcs. To one new chalice to be bought, four marcs: Thos. Gilbert. 14G2 (A. I, Reparation of the Tower, G(36'. 'Scl. : Jus. Iferfciing, 147G (A. 3, 3). Eeparation of the Steeple, 'Unl : Kic'' Ebmer, 1530 (A. 19, 1). WEST CLIFF. Dedication : St. P<°/^;'.— Buried in the churcliyard of St. Peter of Westclyve, near my wife: John Steward, l.')21 (A. 15, 4). T/ie Hood. —Buried in the Churcli of St. Peter of Westclyve before the Image of Holy Cross, between the font and door of the choir. Light of Holv Cross, one ewe: Jdhn Bere, 1521 (A. 15, 4). Light of Holy Cross, a cow in the iiands of Rob* Wideott : John Steward, 1521 (A. 15, 4). Light ot" ilolv^ Cross, one ewe : .lolin Upton, 1530 (A. 19, 2) ; Eic" Wideott, 1527 (A. 17, 7). Our Lady. — Light of Blessed Mary, one ewe : John Bere, 1521 (A. 15, 4) ; John Upt.-ii, 1530 (A. 19, 2). To the keeping and maintuiuing the Light of Our Lady, one ewe: Kiel Wideott, 1527 (A. 17, 7). >SV. John the Baptist. — Buried in the Church of Westcliff, before the [niHge of St. John the Baptist; and for my burial, to the Church, a cow. To the maintaining and keeping ot" one taper to burn before St. John the Baptist in the Cluirch forever, four ewes: liic" Wideott, 1527 (A. 17, 7). Maintaining a taper before the Image of St. John the Bap- tist, three ewes : John Upton, 1530 (A. 19, 2). St. Mavr/nret. — Buried in the Parish Church of St. Peter of West- clvve, before the Image of St. Margaret: JMaricius Callan, chaplain, 1467 (A. 1, 9). St. Peter. — To the Light of St. Peter, a cow now in the hands of John Upton : John Steward, 1521 (A. 15, 4). Light of St. Peter, patron ot" the Church, one ewe: John Bere, 1521 (A. 15, 4); John Upton, 1530 (A. 19, 2); Ric-^ Wideott, 1527 (A. 17, 7). Buried in the Chapel of St. Peter in the Church of Westclif : Sir John Bailey, curate, 1531 [?] (A. 19, 10). St. Roke. — Maintaining a taper before the Image of St. Roke, three ewes: J«dm Upton, 1530 (A. 19,2). Ranter Sepulchre. — To the Holy Sepulchre, one ewe and lamb : John Bere, 1521 (A. 15,4). Frtjvf?.— Reparation of the Church, half a quarter of barley: Ric'^ Wideott, 1527 (A. 17, 7). X. A. B54 TESTA MENTA CAKTIANA. From the revenue of my laud in AVesteiiff, liiilf ii (quarter of wheat shall be baked in bread, and a t|uarter of barley malt brewed in ale, for a yearly gevale to be kept at the teueiueut in Westclive at the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist for ever: John Upton, 1530 (A. 19, 2). AVESTEX HANGER. Dedication : Our Lady. — Buried in the church-yard of St. Mary of Ostrynghanger : A\^m. Smyth, 1468 (A. 1, 20). Buried in the Church of Westhanger. Four Masses at Scala Celi for my soul : Eic^» Till, 1519 (A. 16, 15). Buried in the churchyard of the Parish Church of Ostrvng- hanger: Wm. AVaire, 1524 (A. 16, 14). Buried in the Parish Church of Our Lady of Ostrynghanger : Thos. Thwayte, 1523 (Con. 13, fol. 186). Buried in the churchyard of the Parish Church of Ostring- hanger: Stephen Mownt, 1528 (A. 18, 3); John Alen, 1529 (A. 21, 12) ; Thos. Smyth, 1542 (A. 24, 1). The Rood. — Buried iu the Church of Our Lady of AVestynghanger, under the High Cross in the mid. of the pace there : Andrew Hawarden, 1511 (Con. 11, fol. 67). Light of the High Cross, Qd. : A\^m. Smyth, 1468 (A. 1, 20). Our Ladif. — A taper to burn before Our Lady there, 20s. yearly. For stayning of cloths for Our Lady's altar in the Church, 16s. 8(/. : Andrew Hawarden, 15U (Con. 11, fol. 67). Light of Our Lady, 4t/. : AVm. Warre, 1524 (A. 16, 14). Light of Our Lady, -Id. : Stephen Mownt, 1528 (A. 18, 3). St. Ant}wnij.— \Ag\it of St. Anthony, 2d.: Stephen Mownt, 1528 (A. 18,3). St. CJiristopher.—Ught of St. Christopher, 4^. : ^¥m. Smyth, 1468 (A. 1,20). Light of St. Christopher, 2d. -. Stephen Mownt, 1528 (A. 18,3). St. Georye.— Light of St. George, 2d. : Stephen Mownt, 1528 (A. 18,3). St. Jo/m.— ]>ight of St. John, 2d. : Stephen Mownt, 1528 (A. 18,3). The Sacrament. — To the foundation of a Jjamj) perpetual to burn before the Sacrament there, 20;?.: Andrew Hawarden, 1511 (Con. 11, fol. 67). Varia.— My round chippechest to the Churcli, to be occupied by the goods of the Church so long as it will last : Andrew Hawarden, 1511 (Con. 11, fol. 67). To tlic reparation of the Chancel of Ostrynghanger, i3.s-. i-d. : Thos. March(! o! Saltwood, 1506 (Con. 9, fui. 132). EAST KENT. 35,'; AVESTHYTHE. Dedication : Oi/r Lady. — Buried in the ehiirclivftvd of St. Mary oF Weslliilli: Win. ("rispin, 1475 (A. 2, 17); Hie'' Colt, 1517 (A. 18,2). J^uricd ill the ("lioir of Blessed Mary of Westhith : Rob' JJensleve, viear, 1501 (Con. C, fol. 22). Buried in ihe CImreh of Westliith: Win. Elfrjir, 1521 (A. 14,7). J^uried in tlie Cliurch before the lii^li allar : John Dove, viear, 1531 (A. 19,4). The Rood. — Light of the Beam, 12(/. ivighl of Holy Cross, os. : Eob' Benslye, viear, 1501 (Con. G, fol. 22). Light of tlie Rood, 12r/. : Hie'' Ccdt, 1517 (A. 13, 2). Our Lady.—Ught of Blessed Marv, G(^ : Wni. Crispin, 1475 (A. 2, 17). ■ Light of Our Lady, 4^/. : Ric'i Colt, 1517 (A. 13, 2). Vari.(i.—1o the work of the Chureh of Westhvlli, 3s. 4r/. : John Knaehbull of Lvmne, 1503 (Con. 8, f(d. 10). " To the Chureh of Westhythe, 6s. M. : Wui. Cole of Lvmne, 1513 (A. 12, 7). * To buy paintei elothes for the higli altar, lO.s-., if there be a vicar indcwed, if not the lO.s-. shall help to the highway next to Howears barn. l^>el'ore my month's mind in the Church be sung for my soul — Fiv(! Masses of the Name of Jesus, Five Masses of Out- Lady, I^'ive Masses of the Five Wounds, and Five Masses of Reciuiem : John Dove, vicar, 1531 (A. 19, 4). WEST WICKHAM. Dedication : St. John the Baptist. — See " Parish Churches of West Kent " in the Transactions of the St. PauPs Ecclesiological Society, vol. iii., p. 295. WESTER HAM. Dedication :. Our Lady. — See " Parish Churches of West Kent," p. 294. WEST WELL. Dedication : Our Lady. ~ Buried in th(^ ehurehyard of Blessed Mary of Westwell': Hob' Quersted, 1401 (Con. 2, fol. 40) ; Wm. Edynden, 1 48G (Con. 3, fol. 110); Rob' Briche, 1496 (Con. 4, fol. 106). The Trinity.— 'Yo the Trinity Light in the body of the Church, 6(/. : Hie" Barwell, 1484 (Con. 2, fol. 604). Light of the Trinity, 4(/. : John at Leyah, 1489 (Con. 3, fol. 230). A A 2 356 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. The 7?oo^.— Light of Holy Cross, 4(/. : Eic^' Gotle, 1457 (Con. 2. fol. 105) ; Win. Edyuden, 1486 (Con. 8. fol. 110) ; Eob' Breche. 1496 (Con. 4, fol. 106) ; Alice Iden, 1505 (Con. S, fol. 11). Our Lady. — Buried in the Church in my Chancel, before the Imajge of the Blessed Mary of the said Church : John Mvk\ Iton, vicur, 1483 (Con. 2, fol. 591). Light of Our Lady in the Choir : Wui. Edyndeu, 1480 (Cou. 3, fol. 110) ; Kob' Breche, 1496 (Con. 4, fol. 106). Buried in the High Chancel before the Picture of Our Lady : Sir Kic" Nele, vicar, 1537 (Con. 15, fol. 380). Salufation of Our Ladi/. — Light of the yalutation of Blessed Marv, 4:d. : Bob' Breche, 1496 (Con. 4, fol. 106). St. Christopher. — Buried in the Church of Our Lady the Virgin of Westwell, before the Lnage of St. Christopher: John Iden, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 184). Light of St. Christopher, 2d. : John at Leyah, 1489 (Con. 3, fol. 230). Corpus CTr/s//. — Light of Corpus Christi, 4^^. : Eic'' Gotle, 1457 (Con. 2, fol. 105) ; Eob' Quersted. 1461 (Con. 2, fol. 40) ; Eic' Barwell, 1484 (Con. 2, fol. 604). Light of Corpus Christi, 12^. : John Iden, 1488 (Con. 3, fol. 184). To the Light of the Brotherhood of Corpus Christi, 4fl?. : Wm. Edynden, 1486 (Con. 3, fol. 110). St. Giles.— Uo\ii of St. Giles, M. : Eic*! Gotle, 1457 (Con. 2, fol. 105). >8'^. Katherine. — A taper of wax, price 6(/., to burn before the Image of St. Katherine in the Church : Thos. Iden, 1499 (Con. 5, fol. 10). Light of St. Katherine, M. • Alice Iden, 1505 (Con. 8, fol. 11). St. Mnry Maydalene. — To the Light of Blessed Mary Magdalene, 4r/. To another Light there of Mary Magdalene, 4(/. : Eic'' Gotle, 1457 (Con. 2, fol. 105). Light of St. Mary Magdalene in a window there, Id. Light of the Blcs.^^ed Mary Magdalene at the door of the Chancel, 2(/. : Eob* Quersted, 1461 (Con. 2, fol. 40). To the painting of Blessed Mary Magdalene at Westwell, 6.S-. 8(/. : John llacche of Charing, 1468 (Con. 2, fol. 185). To the Light of the Brotherhood of Mary Magdalene, ^d. To the Liglit before the Image of Mary Magdalene c.illed the Seven tapers, \d. ■ Hie'' Barwell, 1484 (Con. 2, fol. 604). Light before the Image of Blessed Mary Magdaleiu' upon the lirawnehe, ^d. : John at Leyah, 1489 (Con. 3, fol. 230). Liglit of the Brotherhood of Mary Magdalene, 12^^/. : John Iden, 1488 (Con. 3, lol. 1S4). Light of the Brotherhood of Mary Magdalene, '\d. : AVni. Edyn.Jen, 1486 (Con. 3, fol. 110) ; Kob' Breche, 1496 (Con. 4, fol. 106). EAST KENT. 357 The Torchrs.— To the Torchen there : Uic'' Gotle, 1457 (Con. 2, fol. 105). To the Torches of the Church, 20d. : Wm. Fowler, 1461 (Con. 2, fol. 58). The Trendle. — To the Light ciilled Trendelight, 2(/. : Alice Jdcn, 1505 (Con. S, fol. 11). WHITFIELD. Dedication: St. Feter. — Burled in the Church of St. Peter of Brauslicld : John Holt, 1474 (A. 2, 14). Buried in the churchyard of St. Peter of Beauxfeld, on the east side of the door of the Church : Ric'' Beausefield, 1482 (A. 8, 28). Buried m the Chancel of the Church of St. Peter of Beus- feld. To the Church to buv a chasuble, 206-. : Wm. Clarkson, vicar, 1514 (A. 12, 17). Th(' Rood. — Light of Holy Cross, a bushel of barley: l^ic'' Beause- lield, 14S2 (A. 8, 28) '; John Home, 1518 (A. 12, 5). Our Ladt/.— Light of St. Mary, 4r/. : John Holt, 1474 (A. 2, 14). Light of St. Mary, a bushel of bai'ley : John Home, 1513 (A. 12, 5). St. Margaret. — Light of St. Margaret, a bushel of barley : Kic'^ Beausefield, 1482 (A. 3, 28) ; John Home, 1518 (A. 12, 5). Hoke Light. — To the Hoke Light, a bushel of barley : John Home, 1518(A. 12, 5). WHITSTABLE. Dedication : All Saints. — Buried in the Church of All Saints, Whitstaple. To the Church for my burial, 10s. : Ric'' Aleyn, 1473 (A. 2, 9). Buried in the Church of All Saints, Whitstaple. My ex'ors provide a marble slab with suitable inscription : Wm. Whithale, 1474 (A. 2, 10 j. Buried in the Church of All Saints, Whitstaple, in a Cha()el of the same, before the altar. To the I'eparation of the Church, 20a-.: .Vlice Stephyn, 1494 (A. G, 1). Buried within the Church of Whitstaple: Simon Hokking. 1514 (.A. 12, 12). Buried in the Church of All Saints. Whitstaple: John Breade, 1528 (A. IG, 1). The Rood. — Buried in the Church before the Crucifix. To each Light in the Church, ^d. : John Carewe, 1478 (A. 2, 9). Buried in the Church afore the Hoodloft. Towards the l)ainting of the Images of the Crucifix, ^lary, and John, with a chain belonging unto the same, in (lu; Roodloft, 10 marcs : Ric'' Elmer, 1488 (A. 4, 7). S58 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. To the sustentation of the Light of Holy Cross, 12(1. : John Edwards, 1463 (A. 1, 6). Light of the High Cross, 20^/. : Wni. Stephvn, 1459 (A. 1, 2) ; Alice Stephvn, 1494 (A. 6, 1) ; John Stevyn, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 23). Light of Holy Cross, Sd.: John Parker, 14(54 (A. 1, 3); AVm. Whithale, 1475 (A. 2, 16) ; John Breade, 1523 (A. 16, 1) ; Andrew Moys, 1528 (A. 18, 6). Our Lady. — To each Light of the Blessed A^irgin Mary in the Church, 4c?. : Wm. Movs, 1489 (A. 5, 2) ; Jas. Coxin, 1492 (A. 5, 19). Light of Blessed Mary, 40i. : John Stevyn, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 23). Light of Our Ladv, 4S7 (A. 4, 6). Reparation of the south ]>oi'ch of the Chui-ch, Us. 8^/. : Kic"' Coting, 1492 (A. 5, 10). That my ex'ors cause to be made Irmii my silver chest one chalice for use in the Church of Whitstaple, to the honor of God. That after my death my feoffees make estate to tAvelve persons of the j)arish of Whitstaple, in a piece of laud called Wilkin Watts, to the intent that they shall suffer the church- wardens of the Parish Church of Whitstaple that now be, and their successors for evermore, yearly to take the profits and revenues thereof, and therewith to keep in the Church for ever- more my yearly mind, spending yearly in Mass and alms deeds at the said mind \0s. ; and the Wardens to have yearly for to see truly this performed, 2s. ; and the residue of the yearly profits to go to the behoof of the Churcli. And when it so happenetb the said twelve persons to die to the number of two, then 1 will that they two shall of the land make anew and sufficient to other twelve persons in fee to the same intent.f Also to the Masters and Brethi-en of the College of Plasshie in Essex a piece of land called the Sprotte c)f five acres, to this intent, that the Master and his successors shall yearly for ever- more keep a special Obit in their College upon the time that T shall decease, as they do tor a Master's mind, and to pray specially for the souls of me, my husband, my father and mother, and all Christian souls: Alice Stephyn, widow, I IJ)!- (A. G, 1). 'I\j the work most needful to be done within the Church, ()A-. H(l. Towards the paling of the churchyard, lis. Id. : Katheriuc Piers, 1494 (A. 6, 1). To Whitstajde Chui-cli to buy a cloth, iHn. id. : John Saiu- well, loot) (A. 10, :3). * The Manor and A). Light of Blessed Mary, \d. ■ John Bargrave, 1501 (A. 8, 1). * This was a sepanito buiidini^ to tlie parish Church, and possibly the village post-office occupies the site. 36G TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. To the Brotherhood of Our Lady, 10^7. : Eob* Frevill, 1507 (A. 10, 5). Our Lady of Longbregge. — Light of Our Lady of Longbregge, 4S'^. John. — To tlie gilding of the Image and Tabernacle of St. John in the High Chancel. 13s. 4^/. : John Smvth, 1510 (Con. 10, fol. 20). Light of St. John, Od. : Thos. Pett, 1505 (P.C.C, 24, Hol- grave). Light of St. John, 9,d. : Sir Wm. Gaynesborough, 1525 (Con. 14, fol. 110). St. Katherine. — To the Hrotherhood of St. Katherine, Qd. : John Eloner, 1401 (Con. 2, fol. 40). Light of St. Katl'.erine, Vld.: Hen. Mayne, 1403 (Con. 2, fol. 124) ; Thos. Clerk. 1510 (Con. 10, fol. 39). Light of St. Katherine, 8^/. : Thos. Pett, 1505 (P.C.C, 24, Holgrave) ; Ric'' Polyn, 1520 (Con. 13, fol. 39). St. Michael.— U^rht of St. Michael, 0^. -. Thos. Clerk, 1510 (Con. 10, fol. 39). St. Sfephcn. — -Painting the new Image of St. Stephen, 20d. : John Smyth, 1510 (Con. 10, fol. 20). 370 TESTAMEKTA CANTIANA. Light of St. Stephen, 12^.: Eic'^ Lucas, 1525 (Con. 14, fol. 74). St. Thomas of Canterbury. — Buried in the choir under the step before the Image of St. Thomas the Martvr : Thos. Clerk, 1510 (Con. 10, fol, 39). Tlie Herse. — Light of the Herse : Alice Odvarne, widow, 1530 (Con. 15, fof. 140). Varia. — To the mending of the south aisle, 40a-., to be laid in shingles. To the best Cross, Os. 9>d. to buy two bells of silver to the said Cross : John Potvu, 1527 (Con.' 14, fol. 91). To the gilding of the Koodloft, 13s. 4r?. iNIy black hafEer [sic] to the reparation of the Church. My largest sheet to the Church for a surplice, and two new towels over tbe heads of ilary and John. My best kercher to make a corporos [•v/c] for the high altar: Joan Poten, widow, 1527 (Con. 14, fol. 91). To the reparation of the Church where most need, kjs. 8d. : Alice Odyarne. widow, 1530 (Con. 15, fol. 140). To the new Steeple, fis. Htf. To making a new window of glass of tlie same Steeple, Ss. 4(/. : John Ashington. 1501 (Con. G, fol. . . ). WOODCHUECH.* Dedication : AU Saints. — Buried in the churchyard of All Saints, Wodechurch: Thos. Frenchevs, 1413 (Con.' 1, fol. 30) : Peter Colyn, 1466 (Con. 2, fol. 164)'; John Bodinden, 1529 (Con. 15, fol.'OU). Buried in the high Chancel of All Hallows of Wodechurch, before the Holy Sacrament of the Altar. A stone to be laid over my bod^^ with a scripture of my name and day and year of death : John Eeason, 1530 (Con. 15, fol. 155). The Rood.— LUrht of the Cross, 3s. 4d.: Thos. Frencheys, 1413 (Con. 1, fol. 30). Light of the High Cross, 12^. : Peter Colyn, 1466 (Con. 2, fol. 164). Our iff ^y.— Light of St. Mary, 20^.: Thos. Frencheys, 1413 (Con.'l, f(.l. 30) ; Margaret Brown, 1479 (Con. 2, fol. 425). Light of Blessed Mary, I2d. : Alan Engeham, 1458 (Con. 2, fol. 115); Peter Colyn, 1466 (Con. 2, fol. 164); Wm. Kenet, 1470 (Con. 2, fol. 198) ; Agnes at Hale, widow, 1475 (Con. 2, fol. 301). Mght of Our Lady, Qs. Sd. : John Engeham of St. Peter's in Sandwich, 1524 (A. 16, 4). Chapel of Our Ladt/. — Bnried in the Chancel of Blessed Mary in the Church of All Saints of Wociechurche : Alan Engeham, 145S (Con. 2, fol. 115); Margaret, wife of John Brown, 1479 (Con. 2, fol. 425). ♦ See Arvhosolo^ia Cantiana, Vol. XIV., \). 344, EAST KENT. 371 To the mal\in<^ a new wiiulow in tlic Clianccl of the Blessed Yirjjfin Mary in tlie Chnrch, (J.v. Sd.: Dionisia Norland, 1 10() (Con. 3, fol. 270). aS^^. Christopher. — Lif^ht of St. Christopher, 2d.: Aj^nes at Hale, widow, 147o (Con. 2, fol. 304) ; Margaret Brown, 1479 (Con. 2, fol. 425); John Bodinden, 152!) (Con. 1.3, fol. 00). St. George. — Light of St. George, 12rt'. : Margaret Brown, 1479 (Con. 2, fol. 425). St. Kathcrinc. — Light of St. Katherine, V2d. : \Vm. Kenet, 1470 (Con. 2, fol. 198) ; Margaret Brown. 1479 (Con. 2, fol. 425). Light of St. Katherine, 2d. : Agnes at Hale, widow, 1475 (Con. 2. fol. 304) ; .lol.-j Bodinden. 1529 (Con. 15, fol. 60). St. Leonard. — Light of St. Leonard, 12(/. : Margaret Brown, 1479 (Con. 2, fol. 425). St. Marqaret. — Light of St. ^rargaret. ^2d.■. Margaret Brown, 1479' (Con. 2, fol. 425). St. NichoUis.—'LxghX of St. Nicholas, 8^/. : Peter Colyn, 1400 (Con. 2, fol. 164). Light of St. Nicdiolas, 12./.: Win. Kenet. 1470 (Con. 2, fol. 198) ; Margaret Jirown, 1479 (Con. 2, fol. 425). Light of St. Nicholas, Gr/. : .\o\m Bodinden, 1529 (Con. 15, fol. GO). To the Brotherhoods of the Blessed Mary and St. Nicholas in the Church of VV^oodchurch, 4f/. : John Spert of Tenterdeii, 1500 (A. 8, 2). St. Stephen. — Light of St. Stephen : Agnes at Hale, 1475 (Con. 2, fol. 304) ; Margaret Browne, 1479 (Con. 2, fol. 425). The ^^rse.— Light of the Herse, 6^;. : Peter Colyn, 1466 (Con. 2, fol. 164); Maranret Browne, 1479 (Con. 2, fol. 425); John Bodinden, 1529 (Con. 15, fol. 60). Light of the Herse, 20f/. : \Vm. Kenet, 1470 (Con. 2. fol. 198). Varia. — To the reparation of the Steeple and Bells: John Kngeham of St. Peter's in Sandwich, 1521 (A. 1(>, 4). To the parishioners and wardens of Woodchurch, £5 to bny a chalice: John Beason, curate, 1530 (Con. 15, fol. 155). WOODCHURCH (ix Thanet). This Church was al) mt a mile south-east of Birchingttni. In 1377 the Vicar of Monkton had to provide a Chaplain in tin- Chapel of Wode, to celebrate Mas.s on Sundays, AVednesdays, and Fridays. (Hasteds History of Kent.) The stones from this old Cliurch may he seen in the farm hnildings that are on the other side of the road, opposite the site of \V^)od( hurch. The font is at Que.\. (See Archoeologia Con- tiana, Vol. XXV., p. 13.) Dedication : St. Nicholas.— Buried in the churchvard of St. Nicho- las at Wood: Thos. Holwarding, 1497 (Con. '4, fol. 127). B B 2 372 TESTAMENTA CANTTANA. Buried in the Chureli of St. ]S'icholas at Wode. To the Church of Wode, Gs. 8d. : Johu Dicar of St. John's in Thanet, 1526 (A. 17, 7). Buried in the churchyard of the Cliurch of Wcod St. Nichn- las: Niehokis Pahner, 1527 (Con. U, fol. 193). Buried in the churchyard of Wood: Michael Burforth, 1585 (Con. 15, fol. 303); John Helling, 1535 (Con. 15, fol. 303); Thos. Barges, 1535 (Con. 15, fol. 327). To the reparation of tlie Church of AVood, 5s. yearly out of my lands in the parish of AVood for evermore : Thos. Barges, 1535 (Con. 15, fol. 327). Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas at Wood. Kepara- tion of the Church, 5s. : Nicholas Coleman, 1544 (A. 24, 2). The Hood. — To the reparation of the Cross of St. Nicholas of Wodde, 2s. : John Pettit of Birchington, 1523 (Con. 13, fol. 204). Our Ladi^. — To the Light of Blessed Mary in the Church of AVoode, 40(/.: Cecilia Parkere of Birchington 1429 (Con. 1, fol. 19). Light of St. Mary of AVode, two bushels of barley : Thos. Smyth Philpott of St! John's in Thanet, 1472 (A. 2, 3). Light of St. Mary, a bushel of barley : JS^icholas Palmer, 1527 (Con. 14, fol. 193). St. James. — Buried in the Church of St. Nicholas a AVood, before the altar of St. James: John Stretyn, 1536 (Con. 15, fol. 342). The Torches. — To the Light of the Torches of AVoode, 406?.: Cecilia Parkere of Birchington, 1429 (Con. 1, fol. 19). Varia. — To the work of the Church of AVode, 10s. : John Parker of Birchington, 1412 (Con. 1, fol. 29). To the Church of Wodechurch, 3s. 4flf. : Kic'' Queke of Birchington, 1459 (Con. 2, fol. 113). To the Parish Church of AVodechurch within the same Isle, 6s. 'Sd. : Juliane, wife of Thos. St. Nicholas of St. Lawrence, 1499 (A. 7, . .). AVOODNESBOROUGH. Dedication : Our Lady. — Buried in the chui'chyard of St. Mary of Wodeiiesbcrgh : .I'ohn Pendo, 1465 (A. 1, 7) ; Thos. Watte, 1474 (A. 2, 13) ; Elene Oyens, 1476 (A. 3, 4). Buried in the Chancel of the Church of AV^ynsburgh. To the Church, 20s. to buy a cope : Dom Nicholas Bermecham, vicar, 1496 (Con. 4, fol. "104). The Hood. — Light of Holy Cross, a bushel of ])ar]oy ; John Pende, 1465 (A. 1, 7) ; Thos.' Watte, 1474 (A. 2, 13). Light of Holy Cross, 4cd. : Thos. Corney, 1477 (A. 3, 6). St. James. — Light of St. James, a busliel of barley : John Pende, 1465 (A. 1, 7). Light of St. James, 20^/. : Elene Oyens, 1 176 (A. 3, 4). Light of St. .lames, 8SY. Giles. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Giles o£ Worinvshill : Thos. Pepvr, 14G0 (Cow. 2. fol. 14) ; Jas. Pratt, 1463 (A. 1, 6) ; Tiios. Wade, 147S (A. 3, 8) ; John Peper, 151(5 (A. 12, 8). Buried in the Chancel of Wormessill : Bob' Froddesham, 1472 (A. 2, 5). T/ie Triniti/.—Ught of Holy Trinity, 4f/. : Thos. Wade, 1478 (A. 3, 8) ; Wm. Thatcher, 1499 (A. 7, 8). To the gilding of an Image of the Trinity to stand in the Beam of the Boodloft, 8s.: John Peper, 1516 (A. 12, IS). The Bood.—Uirht of the High Cross, 20d : Thos. Pepyr, 1460 (Con. 2, fol. 14) ; Thos. Wade, 1478 (A. 3, 8). Light of Holy Cross, 4d. -. Jas. Pratt, 1463 (A. 1. 6) ; Thos. Frances, 1474 (A. 2, 10). Light of the Cross, 8^/. : Harry Pratt, 1505 (A. 9, 4). Our Lady. — Light of Blessed Mary, 3s. '^d. : Thos. Pepyr, 1460 (Con. 2, fol. 14). Light of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 4J. : Jas. Pratt, 1463 (A. 1, 6) ; Thos. Frances, 1474 (A. 2, 10) ; Thos. Wade, 1478 (A. 3, 8). Light of Our Lady, M. : Harry Pratt, 1505 (A. 9, 4). To the mending of the face of the Image of Our Lady standing in the north ile, 4f?. To Our Lady Altar in the same Church, a sheet: Isabell Peper, 1519 (A. 13, 5). 8t. Christopher. — Light of St. Christopher, 2d. : Jas. Pratt, 1463 (A. 1, 6). at. r/i7es.— Light of St. Giles, 12^/. : Thos. Pepyr, 1460 (Con. 2, fol. 14). Light of St. Giles, U. : Wm. Thatcher, 1499 (A. 7, S). Light of St. Giles, 8^/. : Harry Pratt, 1505 (A. 9, 4). St. James. — Light of St. James, 4J. : Thos. Pepyr, 1460 (Con. 2, fol. 14) ; Thos. Wade, 1478 (A. 3, 8) ; Wm. Thatcher, 1499 (A. 7, 8). St. ,/o///i.— Light of St. John, 4(/aret.- To the Chureh of Wymelyngweld for the reparation of the nave of the Church, iO*-. : John Nethersole, 1505 (F.C.C, 25, Holgrave). " To the maintenance of a taper to burn before the Sepulchre for ever in St. Margaret's Church of Wymyngewold, a cow. And I will that one vvilhin the parish shall ever have to farm and the profit of the cow, so that he maintain the foresaid taper to burn before the foresaid Sepulchre during the Easter Holy- days. .And cause a Mass to be said by the Curate for my soul and all Christian souls the next day after St. Margaret." If the Wardens of the Church of Wymyngeweld will not see and cause this to be done, then the churchwai'ilcns of Kingeston shall have the cow and do for me in like manner. To the finding of the aforesaid Taper, 3s.. and the stock of the same ^aper be i lbs. of wax at the least yearly, to the honor of the Holy Resurrection of Our Lord. To every Light of the Church of VVymyngeweld, (id , and to the reparation of the same Church, 6a'. Hd.: Richard Nethersole of Kingston, 1528 (A. IS, 2). WORTH. Dedication : St. Peter. — Buried in the churchyard of St. Peter of Worth : John Wodecok, 1482 (Con. 2, fol. 53S). Buried in the churchvard of St. Peter of Orth [sic] beside the body of my father : \Vm. Lake, 14-97 (Con. 4, fol. 122). Buried iu the Chui-ch of Worth iu the middle pace : Henry Adams, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 31). Buried in the Church of St. Peter of Worde before the Chancel door: Edw. Browne, 155S (Con. 27, lol. 3()). The iJoor/. — Buried in the Cliurch of St. Peter of Worth before the High Cross. To each Brotherhood in the Church, 4^^. : John Barton of St. Bartholomew's Hospital in Sandwich, 1489 (Con. 3, fol. 220). To the maintenance of a Lamp burning before the High Cross, a cow: Stepheu Malyn, 1495 (Con. 4, fol. 75). 376 TEST AMENTA CANTIANA. Light of Holy Cross, a bushel of barley : Wm. Lake, 1497 (Con. 4, fol. 122) ; Hen. Adams, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 31). Buried in the Church before the Great Cross : Cristina, relict of Eob« AVebb, 1502 (Con. 7, foi: 45). Our Lady. — Buried in the Church before the Altar of St. Mary : Thos. Septvans, 1473 (Con. 2, fol. 225); Wm. AVebb, 1501 (Con. 6, fol. 36). Buried in the Chapel of Our Lady in the Church of Worth. To each of the six Lights in the Church, a bushel of barley : Thos, Rigden, 1533 (A. 19, 16). All Samts. — Light of All Saints, Vld. : Cristina, relict of Rob' AVebb, 1502 (Con. 7, fol. 45). Light of All Hallows, a bushel of barley : Hen. Adams, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 31) ; Margaret Morell, widow, 1528 (Con. 15, fol. 50). Corpus Christi. — Light of Corpus Christi, 12^. : Cristina, relict of Rob* AVebb, 1502 (Con. 7, fol. 45). Light of Coi^pus Christi, a bushel of barley : Henry Adams, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 31) ; Margaret Morell, 1528 (Con. 15, fol. 50). St. John the Baptist. — Buried in the Parish Church of AVorth before the Image of St. John the Baptist. To each Light in the Church, Qd. : Stephen Malyn, 1495 (Con. 4, fol. 75). St. Katherine. — Buried in the Church before the Image of St. Katherine. To each Light of which I am a brother, two bushels of b;irley : Wm. Drurv, 1485 (Con. 3, fol. 30). Light of St. Katherine, Qd. : John Brown, 1479 (( on. 2, fol. 461) . Light of St. Katherine, a bushel of barley : Henry Adams, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 31) ; Margaret Morell, widow, 1528 (Con. 15, fol. 50). St. Feter.—Uirht of St. Peter, 12r/. : Cristina AVebb, widow, 1502 (Con. 7, fol. 45). Light of St. Peter, a bushel of bailev : Henry Adams, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 31) ; Margaret Morell, 1528 (Con.*15, fol. 50). St. Thomas. — Light of St. Thomas, a bushel of bai'ley : Henry Adams, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 31). The Basin. — To the Light of the Basin, u bushel of barley : Henry Adams, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 81). Varia. — To the buying of a Grayle Book noted, 3s. 4t?. : Henry Adams, 1524 (Con. 14, fol. 31). To the Wardens of the Parish Church of AVorth, half an acre of land at Halkelynge in the parish of AVorth, for the support and iDainlaining of th(; tower of the same Church: Ric" Drury of St. Peter in Sandwich, 1496 (A. 6, 6). AVYCHLING. Dedication: St. Mart/aret. — Buried in the chui'chyard of St. Mar- garet of Wychiling: Thos. I'nrkcr. I Kid (,\. 1, 10): AViri. AVrede, 1471 (A. 2, 1). EAST KENT. 377 Buried in llic eliurcliyanl hoiurc the Porch, in llie procession way there: Wni. at l<'ret]>e, loOG (A. 10, 2). The Rood. — Liglit of Uolv Cross, one owe: VVni. Wrede, 1471 (A. 2, I). Light of the Rood, 4ighi of Si. Mary of Pity, i lb. of wax: John Beverly, 150.") (A. J), 2). Light of Our Lady of Pity, Ad.: John Bevle, 1518 (A. 13. 7). Our Lady in tin; Wall. — Light of Our Lady in the Wall, 4(/. : Alice Jaiicok, 14;)S) (A. 7, 7). Light of Our Lady in the Wall, Vld. : Joan Foule, widow, 1500 (Con. 5, fol. 78). 8t. Mary Ma(/dalene. — Light of St. Mary Magdalene, a bushel of barley: Jas. Kyinan, 1 !!)<) (A. 7, 3). St. Anne and St. Jai/ie.^. — Light of St. Anne and St. James, 64 (A. 1, 5). Jjight of St. Anne and St. James, 6^/. : John Kent, 1477 (A. 3, 4) ; Joan Foule, widow, 1500 (Con. 5, fol. 78). Light of St. Anne and St. James, a bushel of barley : Michael BunteHour, 1473 (A. 2, 8) ; John Bonde, 1470 (A. 3, 1). St. Anthony. — Light of St. Anthony, 4(/. : John Bevle, 1518 (A. 13, 7).^ >SV. Appolin. — J'hree tapers of half a lb. for one whole year to buru every Sunday during the High Mass, before the Images of St. Sebastian, St. Erasmus, and St. Appolin: Joliii Bevle, 1518 (A. 13, 7). St. Clement.— U^yht of St. Clement, ijd. : John Hose, 1505 (B.C.C., 29, Holgrave). Light of St. Clement, 4iglit of the parish torches ajid Bachelor's torches, 12(/. : John Ko.sc, 1505 (I'.C.C, 29, Ilolgrave). Varia.- To the reparation of the Tower of Wye, 40.s'. : Thos. Wyllok, 1471 (A. 2, 14). To the rej)aration of the Tower, live marcs. To each priest of the College of Wye, 20(/., and to each cleric, i2d., and to EAST KENT. 381 each chorister, 4(/. To the Church, one set of Vestmenta and one Aiiti|)]i()iiar, £10, to he paid within three years after mv death: Wni. JSelvs, 11-77 (A. 3, 4). To the College of Wye, one chest of silver worth 2Us. : Nicholas Garland, chaplain, 140S) (Con. 5, fol. 5). To the reparation of the Ik'lls, S.s. 4d. : Andrew Hawker, 1498 (A. 7, 3j. To buying a new cross of silver and gilt for the Cliun-li, 3.S-. 4^/. : AVm. Payn, 1498 (A. 7, 3). To the mal. St. George's, Canterbury, paving the aisle in 1457. Pluckley, new building the south part of Church commonly called Our Lady aisle 1476. Cliallock, building the south side of Church 1500. High Halden, a new aisle 1500. Wye, paving the south aisle in 1505, and repair of the roof of the south aisle in 1518. I wade, new south aisle 1504, APPENDIX. 385 Elliain, soulli aisle repaired I0I8. Wittersham, soutli aisle repaired l-i'ZT. Heme, casting the lead ou tlie north side l-'liJ. Arches. Linstead Church, one new arch 1481. Wormshill, repair of the arch 111 tlie north aisle 1-505. Porches. Deal, new porch 14-84. Whitstable, for repair of the south porch 1492. Eodmersham, porch paved 1505. Bapchild, for making the porch 1523, Doors. Applcdore, a new door of stone in the steeple, 1511. Chartham, a door on the south side 1533. Windoivs. Stockbury, a new window 145G. Birchington, in 1458 a window in the Chancel of St. Mary. Biddenden, new windows in the south side of the Church 1463. Pevington, a Chancel window repaired 1468. Kolvenden, a new Chancel window 1472. •« Sandwich, repair of windo\vs in St. Mary's 1474 and 1479. Great Chart, a new window 1477. Swingfield, new window on south side of the Chancel 1478. St. Nicholas at Wade, new east window in the Chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr, 1481. Hythe, a window in the Chapel of St. Mary 1481. Hothfield, east window repaired 1490. Woodchurch, new window in the Chancel of Our Lady 1490. Stourmouth, new window on the north side of the Church 1495. Godmersham, new window in w^est side of the steeple [no date, but about 1500]. AN^ittersham, new window in the tower 1501. Willesborough, a window near the roodloft 1506. Ickham, window on the south side 1510. Care, south Chancel window 1510. Appledore, new window 1511. Litllebourne, bequests for a new window 1518 and 1525. Tenterden, a window in the south side of the roof over the rood, 1518. c c 386 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Upchureh, wiudow on the south side 1518. Newington next Sittingbourne, repair of the west window 1519. Swaylecliffe, repair of the west window 152G. Monks Horton, a new window 1534. Cranbrook, new clerestory window 1526. Seats, etc. Bishopsbourne, new stalls and other reparations 1462. Elmsted, new seats 1475. Canterbury, St. Michael, new seats in the choir 1490. Palm (or Churcliyard) Cross. Hastingleigh, 1528. Lyminge, 1508. Lymne, for building the clerk's hoiise 1547. Aldington. — To making a new beam in the Chancel of Blessed Mary and other Church work £20, 1490. To building a new steeple 20s., 1528. To the wardens of the steeple of Aldington for the building of the same, 1522. A new window in the north side of the Church, if the parishioners will make a window. Building and finishing of the steeple, if the parishioners are willing to take in hand the finishing of it, 20s., 1547. Appledore. — A new window. A new door of stone in the steeple at the coming in of the Church, 1511. To the reparation of the steeple and south side of the Church, 1509. Bapchild. — To the making of the Church porch, 1523. Benenden. — To the making of Our Lady Chapel in the Church ten marcs, 1474. New work of the Chancel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1477. BtitciiiNGTON. — A window with the glass belonging to il in the Chancel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1459. JiiDDFNDEN. — A ncw wiudow on the south side of tlie Cliurch of Bydynden, 1403. BisHOPSiJOURNE. — One piece of that stone on wliich the Archangel Gabriel descended when he saluted the Blessed Virgin Mary to the Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Church of Bourne. Towards the works of the Church of Bourne, of the stalls and other reparations, four marcs : Wm. Haute, 1462, APPENDIX. 387 CANTKRHunr, Sr. (xKOiniK. — Pavint^ the islo in tlic Cliiircli, H')?. CANTKKiuruv, 8t. MAKfjAHET. — LemliiiLC tlic aisle caiicd St. John's aisle in the Church of St. MarganM, 1 i72. Canterbury, St. Mabv Bredi.v. — A new window iu the Church, 149G. Canterbury, St. Mary Magdalene. — Making of the steeple, and to the Iniilding of the Church, 1501. To the restoration of the Tower, 1501 and 1503. Canterbury', St. IMiciiael. — New seats in the quire of the Church of St. Michael, 1 11)0. Challock. — Leading of the Clmivli on ihe south .side, 1500. Charing. — To the work of the new lower, £20, if it be begun within seven years after my death : John de Kacche, 14G8. To the new steeple there £ 10, 1470. To the making of the steeple ten marcs, as the work thereof ariseth, 1483. To the work of the .steeple 406"., 1491 ; 1505. Making the west door, 1537. Charlton (Dover) .^One of my best timbers to the repai'ation of the steeple there, and three clothys of lead to be shotten and laid at my cost upon the Church : \Vm. Grerman, 1518. Great Chart. — A new window in the Church, 1477. Chartham. — A door on the south side of the Church, 1533. CoLDRED. — To the reparation of the stee[)le of Colred, 1509. To the reparation of the steeple, 1517. Cranbrook. — New building of the new Chapel of Blessed Mary, to be new made in the Church, 1473 ; also 1477 and 1479. For the gable at the west end of the Church, 1500 and 1501. Towards the making of the middle lie of the Church one- half of all the tind)er.s that shall be for the making of the roof of the said work : Walter Koberts, 1522 (P.C.C, 22, Mayn- warynge). The new making of the middle aisle of the Church, 1524. Making a glass wnidow in the clerestory, if the widows of the pai'ish take upon them to make a whole window, 1526. Deal. — For the making and new building of a vestibulam in the churchyard of Dale, 1484. The reparation of the steeple of Deal, 1508. Eastry. — The reparation of the Church, 1499. Eastwell. — My feoffs shall make an estate in t^vo acres, 1480. To buying a great bell, 1500. c c 2 388 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Eboxet. — Towards building the Churcli of Ebeiiie £20, if that Church should be built again, 1569. Egebtox. — New steeple, 1468. The glazing of the new window in the steeple and the pavement of the same, 1476. Elham. — Eepairs to south aisle of the Church, extending from the Altar of St. Katherine there unto the west window next above the font, the timber all new and the heling (or roofing) with lead, 1513. Elmsted. — New seats called the pews in the Church of Elmsted, from the place where St. Christopher is painted to the corner of the stone wall on the north side of the Church, 1475. GoDMERsiiAM. — To making a new window in the west part of the st€eple, .... HjlStingleigh. — " For making of a stone cross called a Palm Cross with a picture of the Passion of Christ of copper and gilt, to be set upon the head of the burial of my husband and children there " : Alice Eordred, widow, 1528. Herne. — Towards the shoting (i.e., casting) of the leads at the north side of the Church, £3, to be paid when the plummers {sic) begin the work : Thos. Goffe, 1542. High Halden. — New aisle in the Church to be new built, 1500. HoTHFTELD. — Eejmratiou of the east window above the high altar, 1490. Hytiie. — Eepair of one great window in the Chapel of St. Mary of the Chajjel of St. Leonard, 1481. Making of a window in the Chapel of St. Mary beyond the altar there within the Chapel of St. Leonard of Hythe, 14S2. Making one window in the Chapel of St. Leonard of Hithe and towards the High Cross on the south side of the Eoodloft, 1490. IwADE. — To make anew the south aisle of the Church, 1504. East Langdon. — A steeple within the Parish Church, and a new bell, that is the third bell, within one year after the steeple is built, 1534. LiNSTEAD. — One arch now building in the Church, 1481. Littlehoukne. — To the Church to pave between the door of the Chancel and the west door, 1419. Wm. Kigdon in 1518 desired to be buried in tlie Church before the window of St. Dunstan. His son Thos. Rigdon in 1525 left Qs. M. to the making of the window that my father willed to be made. APPENDIX. 389 LiDD. — The building of the new Chapel at the Hermitage, 1521. Lymingk. — To the building of the tower £20, if the parishioners will go on with the work within two years after my death, if not then the £20 to the other work of the Church. To the building of a place within the churchyard £4, where it shall seem best to the parishioners, in which after an anni- versary and other times they may hold their drinkings: Thos. DufFyn, vicar, 1508. To the making of the steeple £5, to be paid as the work goes forward: Henry IJrokeman, 1527. Ltmpne. — Building of the clerk's house there, 1547. Monks Horton. — Making a window in the Church of Horton, in like wise and manner as the windoAv is on the north side there, 1534. Newington next Sittingbourne. — To mending the west window at the south side of the steeple 13s. 4(1., 1519. To be spent on the lead of the Church, 40s., 1539. Oaue. — Making a glass window in the Chancel on the south side, 1510. Osprinqe. — The new glazing of a window in the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1484. Pevington. — Eepair of a glass window before the high altar in the Chancel of Pevington, 1468. Pluckley. — The new building of the south part of the Church, which commonly is called Our Lady aisle, 1476. To the eching or further building of Our Lady Chapel in the Church of Plukle, 1482. ItoDMERSHAM. — Wm. Foxtou iu 1505 gave as much money as will pave the porch. EoLVENDEN. — To the new window at the head of the High Chancel, 1472. To a new window in the High Chancel, 1474. dazing of a window beside the Koodloft in the Church, 16s. To the new Organs, 26s. Sd. Also £6 to the making at my proper cost an honest Sepulchre for the Blessed Body of Our Lord to be laid in at Easter in the Church, and to the buying of one holy cloth there to hang on the Sepulchre at the holy time of Easter, and to do service in the Church there at other times : John Asten, 1533. RucKiNGK. — Making of a window on the south side of the Church, or any other reparation upon the same Church, 1514. 390 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. St. Nicholas at Wade.— Making a window in the east side of the Chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr, 1481. St. Peter's ix Thaxet. — That my feoffees shall enfeoffe the AVardens of the Church in one tenement with appurtenances in the parish at Churchill, lately purchased of John Sackett, to hold to them and their heirs or assigns for ever, for the main- taining and upholding of the Church: Rob'^ Lasynhy, vicar. 1J.94. Sandwich, St. ^Iaky.— Reparation of the glass in one window in the east part of the Chapel of St. John the Baptist, 1474. Reparation of the chief window at the Altar of St. John the Baptist, 1479. Stoxe >'Ear Faversham. — The reparation and making of the steeple of the Church of Stone, 1474. STOCBKrRY. — Towards a new beam in the Church, ISs. -id. To a new Bell called Trebyll, (is. 8f/. To the new Isle, 4 marcs. To a new Avindow, 4 marcs : Reginald at Pette, 1456. SrouRMOUTH.^-For the window being made on the north side of the Church, 6s. 8J., and to a boteras being made at the Tower, 6s. 8d. (At the present day there is no tower, though evident signs there has been one.) Sutton Valence. — To the edifying of the new steeple at Sutton, 1528. SwALECLiFFE. — Repair of the west window of the Church, 1526. (The whole of this Church was rebuilt in 1875.) Swingfield. — A new window in the Chancel on the south side, 1478. To the work of the tower, 1488. Tenterden. — To building the new tower of Tenterden, 6s. Sd., 1461. My ex'ors to make and substantially set up and furnish a window monyeleyd and glazed upon and in the roof over the south side of the Church next to the Rood and Crucifix: Wm. Couper, 1518. Upchurch. — Half my great timber logs to the Roodloft in the Church ; and that they make a window on the south side of the Cliurch : Stephen Thomson, carpenter, 1518. Waheuorne. — To the new making of the floor in the bell-tower, if the parishioners will it to be done, O.v. sd. Likewise if they wish, to a new entrance, 6.v. 8(/. To new steps to the Roodloft, :U. 4. 21)5 •'■VI. Wil- Aas, James. o2, o.i ; Marjjraret. ");>. Abbot, Thomas. 25(). Abell, Thomas. 298 ; William. Hh;. 220. Abere, Arnold, 24. Abraham. Christopher. 14. 1.5 ; Robert, 278. Abram. .James, 344. Acaring, John, 18H. 187. Acombe. Kdraund, 221, 222. Acrise. 1. Adam or Adams, Edward, .■i21. 322 ; Henry. 37."), 37() ; John. 34, 252, 253 ; Richard. 77 : Thomasine, 335, 336: William, 81. Adamson. Thomas. 10. 11. Ademond. John. 74, 75. Adene. Beuet. 193. 194 ; William, 193, 194. Adisham, ix, 1. Adowne. John. 15(). 151. Adth. Thomas, 307, 31 n. 341. Afforde, John. 2()1 ; Thomas, 32, 209. Aisle, repair or paving of, 51. 53. 90, 95, 128, 140. lOG. 179, 248. 322. 370. 381,384,385. Alan, Robert. 214. Albe. buying of. 179, 227. Alby. John. 330. 331. Alohorn. John. 201. Alcok. Thomas. 28(i. 292. 297. Alday. Alexander, 291. Aldiffe. Hamo, 1()3. Aldington, xii. 2. 3>i(!. Aleef. John. 1()8. Alen, Humphrey. llCi: John. ?5 1 : 359, Richard, 123; Thomas, 32ti, 362. Aleyn or Alyn, Hamo, 37 ; Henry, 302; Joan, 50, 51, 253. 324, 325, 326: John. 318: Nicholas. 50; Richard, 133, 131. 325. 326. 357. 319, 327, 344, . 168, 225, 246, ohn. 334, 335 ; 358, 360 ; Thomas, Ham, 35. 36, 162. 25.>, Algode, Richard, 275. Alice, Lawrence, 240, 241. 242. Alkeham, Peter, 80. Alkham, '.'>. Allington. 3. All Saints. 2, 18. 21. 26. 28. 34, 38. 41. 62, 83. 105. 106. 118', 121, 141, 168, 169. 179, 198, 200, 201. 206, 207. 227, 228. 232. 235, 240, 245, 253, 308, 317, 319, 327. 328, 345, 3.57. 359. 367, 370, 376. All Saints. Churches dedicated to. v. IS, 21, 22. 26, 31. 34. 40. 41. 83, lOS^ 141, 168, 169. 179, 198, 200. 206. 227, 240. 245. 317. 345, 348, 357. 371. All Souls, X, 39, 14 7. 328. Allen ('/• AUeyn, William, 334, 335. Alms House, 129. .\lms Light, xix. 96. 2S1, 291. Altar of Sella Cell, M. Altar cloths, 14. 48. 63. 68. i)9. 90. 98. 106. 126. 163, 176. 227, 234. 24.5, 248, 266, 274. 275. 278. 279. 284, 296, 326. 328. 337. 362. 368. Alwey, John. 201, 202. A lye. John. 199. 200. Amuer, Thomas. 249. 250. Amye. Bartholomew. 191 : Joan, 311; John. 191. 311. Amys. Thomas, 191, 341. Anchoress (»r Anchorite. 128. 129 ; .vre (//■fo Hermit. Andrew (Andrewe or Andrews), Ag- nes. 123. 125: Kdmand,120 : Giles, 87, 88, 90, 91 : John, 20, 183. 274. 379,380 ; Richard. 18. 19. 70 ; Tho- mas, 20. .Anncell, John. l:«. 134. Annys. llichard. 249. .\uower. Wm.. 19. 394 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Antiphoner or Antiphonal. 9. 44. 48. G2. 128. lo7, 163. 10'4, IIK!. 2U2. 212. 2:!4. 24'). 2.J5, 2(30. 274, 291. 301. 310, 314, 333, 341), 350, 3t>7, 381. Apostles, Lij«-ht of. 234 ; of the Rood- loft. 244, 2m. Appledore. 4. 386. Apulderfield. Mildred. 40, 19:5: Wil- liam, 40. 19:i. Arch, repair or building' of. 138. 19o, 37.5, 385. Archer, John. 283, 284 ; Walter, 220. Areige, Kichard, 5. Armiiiard or Armynard. Agnes. 262 ; William. 41. 229. 230. ' Arner, Alianora. 34(i. Arnett, Richard. 207. 208. Ascara, Gregorj', 16(i, 167. Aschowe. Jane, 293. Ash. ix, 5. Ashelwortb. Richard. 42. Ashford, vii, ix, x, xi, xii, xiv, xvi, xxi, 6. Ashington, John, 370. Assheton. John, 284. Asten or Astyn. John. 260 : Nicholas. 277. Astiebury, Thos.. 120, 122. Astokke, Matilda, 157. Astone. John. 141. Athill, Raynold. 304. 305. Atkin, Richard, 140. Atkinson, John. 278. Auberville, Sir William, 244. Aucher, John. 244. Auger, Elinora. 219 ; William, 297. Austen or .\ustin. John, 79, 295 ; Joseph. 26 ; Richard. 366, 367 : Robert, 2 ; Thomas, 245, 246. Avewe. William. 83. Awbrey. Robert, 78. Awdley, John, 183. Aycliff. Thomas, 73. Ayherst, Robert, 332, 333. Aylarcl, William, 50, 65. Aylexyn. Thomas. 200. 201. 202. AylifF. Thomas. 216, 217. Aylondc, James, 60, (il. Aysherst, Thomas. 1 82. B I'acon, John, 77 ; Richard, 7, 8. Bachelor, Richard, 71, 72, 73. Bachelor's Light, xix, 61, 127, 255. I'.adlesmcre. 9. IJadrior. Nicholas. 247 ; William, 28. liailey, lohn. 353 ; Thomas. 288. 294. Baker. Agnes. 43. 66 ; Alice, 207 ; Elise, 120. 121. 123, 125, 126; John, 132. 220, 222 ; Julian, 360; Leonard. 94. 95 ; Margery. 124 ; Nicholas, 271, 272 : Robert. 81, 82, 122, 124, 125, 126; Roger, 1.58, 159: Stephen, 262, 263, 329, 330; Thomas, 66, 95. 158. 159. 178, 207, 315 ; William, 160, 161. Bakke, John, 56, 57. Balden, Robert, 164. Baldock. Nicholas. 74 : William, 286, 291. Baldwin, Cicely, 196; John, 213; Thomas, 196. Balgey. Henry, 5. Ball, Elwys, 278, 280, 281 ; Simon. 278, 281, Balsar (Balsere or Balsyre), Elias, 358, 359; John, 47, 167; Macu- lyne, 360 : Robert. 362 ; William. 360. Banborowe, Thomas. 61. 62. Bangor. John. 122. 124, 125, 126. Banners or Rannercloths. 176. 205. 219, 251, 28(), 327. Bapchild, xii. xiv, 10. 38(;. Barbar (Barbor or Barbour). Agnes, 240, 241 ; A vice, 127 ; John, 123. Barete, Stephen. 63. Barfreston. 11. Barges, Thomas, 372. Bargier. Didier, 44. ()6. Bargrave, John. 365, 3()6. Barham, 12. Barker. Joan, 179; John, 179; Tho- mas, 83, 84, 85. Barksour. John, 299. Barling. John, 330. 331, Barming. East. 12. Barmysdale. John, 111. 112. Barnard. John. 123 ; Peter. 185, 186. Barnes or Barnys. Elinora. 156 ; John, 301 ; Robert, 156 ; Thomas, 175. Barnesdale or Barnj'sdale, John, 244 ; Stephen, 244. Barnfelde. Edward. 185, 186. Barogh or I'.arough. Joan. 135, 136 ; John. 26. Barow (Barowe, etc.), Agnes. 32 : Arnold, 32; Thomas A., 101. 102; William. 120. 123. 124, 200, 201. Barry or Barrey. Nicholas. 65, 378. Bartelott, Thomas. 227. Bartholomew. John. 341. .34 2. Bartlett. Thomas. 111. Barton, John, 375 .- Thomas, 306. Barwell, Richard, 355. 35(!. Basele or Baseley. Richard, 63 ; Ro- bert, 137. 138 ; Thomas, 212 ; Wil- liam, 245. 246. Basin. 78, 188. 219, 274 ; Light of, 113,376. GENERAL INDEX. S95 Baskervyle, Thomas, 307. Bassiiij^borne. Thomas. '2')('>. Bate, Andrew, 20U, 202 ; Henry. 200, 201, 202 ; John, 162, 277, 329, 330 ; Roger, 141. I'.ateman. Henry, 278, 2.Slt, 290 : .John, 2rj7, 2.J.S. Batresbury. Robert. 93. Bax, .John, 295. Bayle (Haylie. Bayley. etc.). John,(;i). 133. 134. 278, 279 : .Miles. (59 ; Tho- mas, 179 : William, 289. Haynbrygtie, Edward. 32. Beads, 251, 280; of amber, 57; of jet, 2. Healde, Robert, IS; Thomas, 137, 138. Beane, John, 243. FSeante, Sampson. 32. Bearsted, 13. Beathersden, xxi, 14. Beansfield, liichard, 357. Beckenham. 15. Beckinden. llichard. 18. Bederoll, 144. Bedford, John, 379. Bedill or Hedyll, Henry. 145; Rich- ard, 122 ; William, 151. Bedmanton, Thomas, 120. Bedylyston. Agnes, 19. Beginden, Adam, 48 ; Joan, 49. Beke, Nicholas. 184 ; Thomas, 256, Bekelond, Walter, 179, 180. Bekesbourne, 15. Bekinden, John, 74. Bele, Alice, 4 1 , 42 ; Hamo, 07 ; Henry, 121. Belke. John, 27. Belling. John. 137. 138. Bellinger, John, 100. 119, 127, 128, 192, 218, 220, 252. 350. Bells, buying or repair of, 24, 68. 69 71,73, SO, 85. 92, 108, 113. 114. 117 145, 148, 170, 181, 185, 193, 194 195, 204, 212, 217. 223, 227. 230 234, 244, 240. 260, 260, 322. 326 327, 339, 343. 370, 371, 381 : Sane tus Bell. 30, 190; Bell frames 143. 195, 341 ; Bell-tower, repair or building of, 45. 77, 80. 9(;, 118. 138, 219, 235. 267, 326. 352. Belton, Richard. 285, 286, 294. Benchekin, John, 292. Benefield, Nicholas, 327. Bencnden, x, 16. 380. Benet (Benett or Bennett). John. 35, 30, 314. 315 ; Richard, 181 : Tho- mas, 179, 180. 218; William, 117, 118, 138. Beninden, Alice, 10. Benslye, Robert, 355. Bore, Henry, 113; John, 85, 353. Beresforth. Robert, 231, 232, 233, 234. Berham, Eli.sabeth, 329 ; John, 329. Bermcchan, Nicholas, 372. Iteniard. .loan. 4 3 ; .see uIm Barnard. Berne, Nicholas, 01.02, 3:;i;. Bernys, llichard, 1 260 ; Richard, 349 ; Henry, 94, 121, 313, 314. erry (>;• Bery. Cristiana. 172; Joan, 378, 380 ; Thomas, 7, 9, 378, 380. Bertin or Bertyn. Siinon. 3, 13 ; Wil- liam. 324. 320. Berton, Thomas, 305. Berty, Robert, 13. Berwke, Richard, 135, 130. Best or Beste. John, 27. 197. 198, 247, 248, 271. 272: Robert, 295; Thomas. 1('5. Beteson, Roger, 72, 73. Betteshanger, 1 7. Beveriche. Agnes, 349. Beverley or Beverly, .lohii. 119. 128, 378. 379. 380. Bevle, John, 37S, ;i79. 380, 381. Bewysfield. Joan, 96, 97 ; John, 143, 144 ; sec also Beausfield. Bexley. 17. Bicknor. xi, 17. Bidborough, 18. Biddenden, xvi, xix, xx, xxi, 18, 13(i. Bigg or Bigge, Helyne, 284 ; .John, 108, 377, 378. 379; Richard, 341. 342 ; Thomas, 282, 284. 285. Biggenden. .lames. 55. Bikinden. Joan. 130. 131 : Robert, 130. Billes. John, 282. 283, 291. Billesdon. liobert, 128. Billing. John. 137. Billingle. William, 59. Billok, Edmund, 289, 299, Bilsington. 20. Bilsington Priory, vii. 20. Bing ()/• Byng. Thomas, 213, 214. 339. Bingham, John, 98, 99, 249. Bingley, John. 241. Birchet, Robert, 55. Birchington, 21, 380. Bircholt. 22. Birchwode, Robert, 12. Bird, Thomas. 184. Birkhed, John, 156. Birli ng, 22, Bishoppe, Eden, 01, 02 ; Joan, 87, 89 ; John, 247. 248; Robert. 70, 77; William. (i2. Bishopsbourne. 23. 386. Bix or Byxe. Elena. 193, 194 ; John. 257, 258. 308, 309 ; Martin, 193. 194. 396 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Blachinden, William, 158 ; xcc filw Blechinden. Blackbourne, Thomas. 108. F.lackmanstone, 2r>. Blade Doors, 141. Blake. John, 47. lilakeljourne. John. 1. Blakisland, William, o2;». 330. Blamptar. William. 49. niankets. 294. 29. Bodinden. John, 370. 371. Bokland or Bokelond. James, 323, 324 ; Joan, 351 ; Kichard, 91 ; Robert, 150, 151. Boll (Bolle or Bull), Henry, 288 : Joan. 4; John. 4. 298, 299. 300, 359; Richard. 138, 139, 298, 299. 300 : Stephen. 7. 9 : Thomas, 299 ; William. 79. 298. Bolney. Edward. 44, 45. Bolno. John. 48. Bond. John, 378, 379,380. Boneman, William, 3fi4. Boni>eour. John. 8.">. Boninj::ton. xiii. 25 : William. 50. 51. (J5. Boodar. Alicia. 95 ; John. 93, 95. Booke, Henry,' 2()S, 269, 270. I Books for the Church, 9, 159, KM. , 195. 198. 20C), 212, 33(;, 381". Boor, Thomas. 31. Borant. Thoma-^. 235. Bordc-cloth. 187. 188. I'.ordell. Kdward, 2(i5. Borden, 25 ; Chapel of S| , lames, 25 ; Joan. 158; .lohii. 15>!. 159; Tho- masine. 15S. Borchunt, John. 1 1. Morewasshe. Robert, 347, 31 i. Borne or Bourne. Isoth, 96 ; Richard, 96. 110, 111 : William, 28. Botk-r /'/• Mntler. .lohn. 285 : Walter, 40. Bouj,'liti)ii Aluph, ix, 26. |{oui.^liL(iii lilean, ix, xvi, 25 ; Chapel of the Trinity, 2S. Houghton Malherbe. ix, x, xii, xiii. xiv. 28. Edmund, 158; 321. 327. Boughton Monchelsea. xii, xiv, xxi, 29. Bounde or Bownd, Alexander, 318 ; Edward, 119, 126 ; John, 373. Boutflower, John. 196. Bovinden, Thomas, 135, 136, 332, 333. Bowden, John. 307. Bowls, 45, 210,' 333 ; of pewter, 20. Bownden, Richard, i:>6. Bowrman. John, 212. Box of ivory, 29. Boxley, xvi, 31 ; Abbey, 32 ; Rood of Grace at, 25. Boycott, Dionese, 158 Stephen, 158. 159. Boykin, John. 160. Boyman. William, 39. Boys, Nicholas, 55, 66 ; Thomas, 139. Brabourne. x, 32. Bragge or Bregge. Henry, 171 ; John, 36. Bfaknoke, Alexander, 24. Bramingbery. William. 140, 141. Branche of Laten, 24, 339 : Light of. 303. Brass-pot. 188. Brasted, 33. Bratte. Agnes. 233. Bray. James. 77 ; John. 78 328 : William. 166. 167. Brayles. William, 151. 152. Brayne, Joan. 289, 330 ; John 330: Margaret, 231, 234. Breade or Bredey. John. 357, 358, 359, 362. Breche. Robert, 355, 356 1(;8, 169. lireckenam. Joan, 227, 228. Bredford, Jobn, 360. Bredgar, 33. Bredhurst. 34. I'reding. John, 111. Bredley. Tliomas. 1(;5. Breggeham. Thomas. 188. Breggelaiid. lioger. (U'>. liregges. Robert. 336. Brenimingham, William, 45. Brempc. John, (ii. Brenchar. Joan, 4.3. Brenchesle, Richard. 18. Brenchley. x. xiv. xvi, 31. Brensett, xi. 31. Brent or Brentt, .Amy, 71. 72, 73; John. 71. 72. 73; Roger, 41. 42, 145, 146 : William. 71, 72, 73. P.reten. Richard, 1 1 7. lirethiam. Thomas. II. Brett «;• itretts, Gilbert, 92; Thomas. 24S. I'reviary for tiie Cliurch, 2S). Hiewar, Robert, 85 ; William, 36. 289, 111, William. 110 GENERAL INDEX. 397 Brewster. William. 285. 286. Briar. Deon^se. 'X^. Brice. John. :{1. Bricks, John, 118. Bridg-e, xii. xiii, 8.'). Brijjandino. pair of, 2S;-i. Bri^ondeu. Uobert. :>l(i. I'.rinuburiio. John. 121, 122. 12.!. 121. 125, 12»). Brinkborne, William. 7'.'. 80. Brode or Broode, Elisabeth. IIHI, 200 ; John. 121. 12i». 191). 200 ; Bichard. m, 18.5 ; William, 349. I'rodeman. Simon. 114. 11"). Brog-hard. John. 19.-). 19(;. Broke, Alice, 142; Ann, 248, 244; Humphrey, 8 ; John. 189, 1(18, 28(;, 287, 288, 2,S9, 290, 318, 819; Law- rence. 9 ; Nichohii*. (51. 02 ; Regi- nald of. 277 : liichard. 287. 289. 290 ; Robert. 287. 290 ; Thomai=, 8(i, 87, 88. 89, 91, 3(i4. Brokebanke, John, 44, 4."i. Broker, John. '>2. .J8. 107. Brokett. John. 149. Brokman or Brokeman. Henry. 20.") ; John. 801 : Richard. 248. 244 ; Wil- liam, 204, 244. Brome. W illiam, 280. Bromle, William, 312. Bromley, xii, xiii, 86. Brook or Brooke. 87 ; .Mice, 111. 112, l.")8 ; .see also Broke. Brookland, x, 87. Broomfield or liromefield, x. 88 ; Joan, 10,191.348; John, 21, 29; Thomas. 821,322. Bropson, Richard, 113. Brotherhoods, xxi — xxiv, 3."), 37, 38, 4."), 47, 48, (;0. (12. m. «7, «8i 71, 85. 109. 117. 118, 128, 141. H)8, KiG, 170; 172, 178, 200, 201. 208. 204, 206, 208,210,211,212.216, 219,234. 237, 246. 261, 264. 265. 266. 268. 272. 275. 276. 278, 279. 288, 2S9. 30L 308. 815. 325, 327. 386. 889, 846^ 350. 351, 856. 862, 366, 369, 371. 875. Brown or Browne. Agatha. 122. 128. 124, 125. 126 ; Alice. 206, 208, 209; Edward, 875 ; John, 257. 2S3, 2!^5, 370, 37() ; Jordan, 2SI ; Juliana. 154^ 155. 156 ; Margaret. 370, 371 ; Robert, 40, 1!>9 ; Roger, 221, 222; Simon. 154. 155, 156 ; Thomiis, 196, 221, 222 ; William, 67. 174. 175. BrowninuT, John. 245. 246 : Richard, 148; William, 203. 2o4. 205. Browiismith. Roger. 247, 24S. Bruce. Thomas. 299. 300. Bryan, John, 57, 133. Buckland (Dover), x, 39, Buckland (Faversham). 40. Buckler. John. 202. Building Notes, etc.. 8S4— 91. Bukherst. Biiiph, 135 ; Thomas, 78. I'uknam, Edward. 75, 76. I'.ulfinch. .John. 1 15. Bulling, John. 5:;. 54. BunteHour. Michael. 877. 87S. 379, 880. Bunting. John, 215, 289. Burbage, Thomas. 31. I'.urbegge, John, 847, 348. Burcliard. Richard. 44, 225. I'.urdnill, William, 303. Bursres or Burgeys. Anne, 142 ; John. 7,'388. 8-13, 344 ; Thomas, 142. Burgh. William. 847. I'.urghard. John, 195, 196. Burley. Richard, 311, 812. Burley. Chapel of, 188. Burmarsh. ix, xiv, 40. Burmond. James, 52, 58. 67. Burton, Christopher, 169; Nicholas. 280. 2S1, 296. Burwashe. Ralph. 811. 812. Busshe, Joan. 31 :' John. 334, 367. Butt, Thomas, 2.53. 251, 255; Wil- liam. 252, 253. Button, John, 345. Buttress, repair of, 191, 327. Bykar or Bvkkar. Thomas. 228. 249. 250. Bvle. Margery. 269. 270 ; Richard, '250. Bynde. William. 273. 274. Bynder. John, 120, 128. Byne, Robert, 52, 58. Byrcheley. William, 177. 178. Bysmer, Alexander, 160; Joan, 163; Thomas. 162, 168. C Caddow, Wilmyn, 335, 386. Calafierv. Light of. 267. Caldam.' — , 99, 257. Callan. Maricius, 358. Caller, John, 211. 212 ; Stephen. 273. Caly, .John. 301. Camberton. John. 207. Camera, High. 76. Candlesticks, 10. 18, 14. 15, 24. 39. 48. 63. 90, 127. 185, 193. 194. 196. 200. 289, 260, 818, 335, 837, 348, 852. Canopy, 6. 58. 61. 113. 164, 169. 212. 217, 227, 284. 286, 309, 311, 360, 362; over wives. 113. Canterbury, 41—69, 387. All Saints, vii. 41. St. Alphege, xi, 42. 398 TEST AMENTA CANTIANA. Canterbury — continued. St. Andrew, x. xiii, 44. St. Dunstau. xii. 48. 4 'J. Si. George, xii, 41), 50, 51, :{87. Holy Cross, xii, xiii, xxi. 4tj. St. Lawrence, 51. St. Marg-aret, xxi. 52, 58, 387. St. Martin. 58. 54. ^^t. Mary Bredin. xiii, 54, 55, 387. St. Mary Bredman, 55. St. Mary de Castro, 5ti. St. Mary JIagdalene. 57, 58. 59. 387. St. Mary, Northg-ate. viii. xxi, 56. St. Mary of Queningate, 57. St. Michael, 59, 6U, 387. St. Mildred, xii, xix, xxi. <>(». (Jl. St. Paul, 61, 62. St. Peter, 63. Priory of St. Gregory, 63, 64. Holy Sepulchre Nunnery, 64. Friars. Augustine. 64. i'y^> ; Black. 41, 66, 67 ; Grey. 67. Eastbridge Hospital. 68. St. John's Hospital, 68. Canterbury Cathedral, x. xii. Capel Le Feme. 69. Capyn. Thomas, 100, 101. Cardar or Carder, Thomas. 231. 232. 233; William, 130. Cardon, William, 218. Care we, John, 357. Caring or Caringe. Agnes. 39, 186, 187; Hichard, 3!t, 186, 187; Tho- mas, 186, 187. Carkeregge, Thomas, 87, 90 ; sec also Karkeregge. Carlowe. Richard, 96, 97. Carpentar (Carpenter or Carpinter). John. 39 ; Robert, 20. 21, 83 ; Wil- liam, 20, 183, 184, 213, 214. Carpet, 163. Carre, Moryce, 319, 320. Carter or Cartar, Richard. 91. 92; Roger. 13. 92; Thomas, 91 ;' Wil- liam. 92, 114. 242. Cartwright. William. 288. Cassho, Elisia, 323 ; John, 323. Castelyn, Henry, 271, 272 ; Petro- nilla, 271, 272. Catbery. William, 65. Catelot or Catelott, John, 13, 14 ; Lawrence, 75. Catlocke, Margaret, 339. (■aton, John, 163. Catour, John, 287, 289, 297. Cauch. Richard, 17(!. (Jauntoii. Simon. 322. Ciiustoii, Robert. 43. Cawdrcu »r cauldron, 188. Oaxton, Alice, 294 ; John, 42, 43, Censer, 11, 26. Chadborne. William, 235. Chalice. 6, 11, 37, 47, 48. 54. 64, (3^, 73, 117. 126, 128, 145, 152. 156. 170, 176, 212, 223, 228, 266, 282, 305, 311, 327, 343, 348, 353, 360, 361, 371. Chalk, xii, xiv, Chalkecroft. Alice. 29, 30. Chalkehill. John. 100, 101. Chalker, Henry. 64, 349, 350. Challock, ix, xi, 69, 71, 887. Chamber or Chambir, John, 40, 41 ; Katherine, 339 ; Peter, 339. Chambleyn, John, 62. Champneys or Chainpneis. Geoffrey, 120, 122 ; John, 123. Chapel at Bovighton Blean (The Trinity), 28 ; Borden (St. James), 25; lUuiey. 188: Court at Street, 206; Dover (Holy Cross), 101; Faversham, 127. 128 ; Lokyndenne. 198 ; Milkhouse (Holy Trinity), 91 ; Overland, 6 : Reding Street, 109 ; Bichborough, 6 ; Rodehill, 313, 317 ; Royton, 191 ; Salmeston, 212 ; St. Lawrence in Thanet (The Trinity and Holy Cross), 270 ; Sandwich (St. James), 291 ; Well, 177, 198; Wickhambreux (Hoke and Fuxton), 365 ; Whitstable (St. Anne), 362. Chapman. John, 91, 92. 171, 172; William, 80, 81, 109, 319. Charing, vii, viii, ix. xii, xiii, 71, 72, 73, 74, 387. Charles, Harry, 323 ; John, 150, 151, Charlton (Dover), 74, 387. Charnel House, 291. Charnenden, Robert, 340. Chart, Great, xiv, 74, 75, 76, 387 ; Little, 76. 77 ; Sutton, xii, 77, 78. Chartham, ix, 78, 79, 80, 387. (-'hasuble, buying of, 357. Chatham, x. Cheeseman, James, 824, 325, 326, 327 ; Joan. 123 ; John, 36, 186, 187, 220, 223; Richard, 179, 180: Stephen, 201. Chariton, 80, 81. Chese, Wm.. 240, 241, Chessehill, Hospital of, 25. Chest, 126, 354; of iron, 128; of silver, 381. Chestfield, Stephen, 162. Chetinden, Alexander, 90: Richard, 88, 89, 90 ; Robert, 88 ; William, 87. Cheveler, Joan, 130, 131. Chevening, William, 183, GENERAL INDEX. 399 179, 217. 104. 142. 14:?; Wil- f'heyne ar Cheyney, Hiimfry. 211 : KulKTt. 214, 2ir) : Thomas, .-.2. Childiiieli (ir Childemill, John. ;{41, :{42 : Semanus. 271i. 2S0 ; Thomas, 12!i. 32S. Ohilham. viii, 81, 82, SH. Cliillemlen, SS ; Thomas, 8. Chilton. John. 2H(). 2:U ; William, fi;?. Chircheman. William. 321. Chislet. vii, viii. ix. 8S, SI, 85. Chowne, John, 122. Church (Cherohe. Chirche. etc.), Isa- belle. 10(). 244 : John, im, 10(5, 1(;4. I'Ji), 22<), 237, 238, 23!) ; Margareta, 43, 44, 67 ; Simon, 237, 238, 239 ; Thomas. 1(11, lii3. 1(11. 237, 238 ; William. 152. Church House, 2.51. Churchwell, :')3(). Churchyard wall. etc.. repair of. 113. 117. 152, 214, 251, 28(5. 29f;. 361. Chyche. Joan. 217 ; Italjih. Cladishe, John. 351. Clampard. Thomas. 277. Claringbold, John, 1)7. H'.t, Clarkson, William. 357. Claych. Roger, 239. Clement. John, IK!, liam, 27(). Clenche, Thomas, 50. Clere, John, 63. Clerk (Clarke ar Clerke), Alexander, 200. 202 ; Joan. 46, 47, 48 ; John, i)7, 122, 134. 135, 136, 230; Law- rence, 40, 41 ; Ralph. 28, 29 ; Richard, 13 ; Thomas, 278, 280, 370, 371 ; William, 202. Clerk's-house, building of, 206. Clcve, Peter, 218. 219 : Thomas, 218, 219. Cleybroke, William, 132. Clifford, Alexander, 24 231. Cliterowe or Clyderow. William, 174, 175. Clock at Tjenham, 191. Cloke, Stephen. 14, 15. Clock, Christopher, 58. Cloth of Baudkyn, 164 : for the cross, 128, 236. 289. 31 meled with blue, 277 ; velvet, 337 ; upon the wall, 24 : Sepulchre, 260. Clouch. Richnrd. loC. Clubbe. William, 248. Cobb (Cob, Cobbe. or (Jobbes). Alex- ander. 25:i : James, 164 ; John. 160, 161. 162, 229, 288; Richard. Isabella. Roger. 5 1) ; over brides, 176 ; diaper, 83, 333 ; gold, 132 ; 18() ; tapestry, veil cloth. 85 ; for Easter 254, 255 : Robert, 162 : i William, 335. 336. Cocher. Robert. 257. Cok (Cock or Cokke). Gooffrev. 137. 138 ; Guv, 137. 138: John, 173, 289, 291, 307, 308. 309 ; Richard, 52, 53 ; Thomas. 286 : William, 31:!, 314. Cokoyde. Itichard, 200, 201. Colbache. llenrv. 71. Colbroke, John! 240, 242. Colde. Thomas, 47. Coldred. 85. 86, 387. Cold well, John. 305. Cole. John. i:W, 131. 132; Thomas, 333 ; William. 205, 206. 355. Coleman. Nich(das, 372. Colier (Colyar or Colyer). Bennet. 88, 91 ; Henry, 10, 11 : John. 296; William, 213. Colkyn. John, 26, 27, 118; Thomas. KW, i:52 : William. 26, 27,28. CoUard. Stephen, 250. Collectary, 6. College of Plessey (Essex). 361 ; Wingham. 366, 367 ; Wye, 378, 380, :^81. Colley or Colly, John. 3 ; Richard, 334 ; Thomas, 15. Colman, Alice, 10, 51 ; John, 41, 42, 56, 57 ; Nicholas, 372 ; Sampson, 245, 246: Thomas. 148, 285, 287, 288. Colmar or Colmer, Thomas, 275. Colsole, Stephen, 91. Colson, William, 65. Colt, Richard, 355. Coltherst. Peter. 37. Column, building of, 44. Colwell, Robert. 101. 138, 139. Colwode, Thomas, 40 ; William, 144. Coly, John, 282, 289, 292. 295, 297 ; Richard, 343. Colyn. Henry. 334. 359 ; Hugh, 4, 5 ; John. 266, 267. 319 ; Peter, 370, 371 ; Stephen, 237, 238 ; Walter, 14 ; William. 243. 266, 267. Colyns, Elisabeth. 318. 319 : John, 63. Combwell I'riory, 141. Comen Light. 238. Congeherst. John. 15C) : Thomas, 153. 154. Consant or Consaunt, Alice. 63, 84 ; Thomas, 84 : William. 84. Cony, John. 12:1 127: Thomas. 188, 190. 345, 346. Conyer. Joan. 345. 346. Cooke. Alice. 173 ; John, 24. 251, 252 ; Michael. :543 ; Richard. 45 : Thomas, 123. 129; William, 28, 29, 400 TESTAMEJsTA CANTIANA. 5."). 77. SH. !».■). 148. '274.L'><1.2S(i. S41. o. 24t). or Copyn, etc.), HC.O : Tho- 4(; Coole, Elias, 83, 34. Coombe or Combe. Elisabeth, 220, 221. 222. :?27 : John. 220. 221.222: Wil- liam. i<;s, it;n. Cope, buying of, 30. 179. lltS, 220,225. 346, 373. Coper, John, 212. Goppe, Sampson, 24 Coppin (Coppini? .lame;?. 185; John. IHJ, 117, Richard. 269 ; Robert, 29, 30 ; mas, 268. Corall. William, 65. Corbell, Thomas, 138, 139. (Jorkew ell, William, 1S6. 1S7. Corneforde. John, 69. Cornell. Thomas, 253. Cornewaile. Alice. 46. 48 ; John. 47,48, Cornwaylis. William, 211. Corporace. 22. 151. 176, 223. 234. 251. 286, 309, 370. Corporace Case, 22. 151. Corpus Christi, Light of. 22. 43, 62. 68. 102. 105, 122. 131. 174. 207, 208, 232. 237, 256, 276. 279, 283, 288, 346, 350, 356, 376. Corthop, Light of, 314. Cortopstreet, Our Ladj' of, 25. Cost, John. 152. Costhen, John, 43, 44. Cosyn, John, 9 ; Thomas, 133, 134. Cotinden, Sepheory, 145. Coting or Cottyng, John, 179, 262, 308: Richard, 361; Robert, 215, 217, 334 : Thomas. 10 ; William, lil3. Counsell, Richard, 195. Coupar or Couper, .Stephen, 336, 337 ; Thomas, 323 ; William, 4. 325, 326, 337, Couragh, Neomas, 157. Court at Street Chapel. 206. Courte, Andrew. 114. 1 15. 1 16 ; John. 150, 151. CourteiHan, Joan, 65 ; John, 55, 65. C-'ourthopc (Courttoppe or t'orthoppe, etc.), Alexander, S8, 89, 90 ; Alice, 236. 2:!7 ; i;ich;ir(l, 117. US ; Ro- bert. I3!t ; W illiam, W. Coverlets. 98, 104, 163. 167, 291, 294, 367; of tapestry, 59; fortlie Ilerse,92. Coward, .lohn. 213. 214. Cowchcman, William. 91, C(.wfield. TIenry. 293. Cowlyn, Henry, 120. 122, 123. Cowmnii'r. James, 1S8. Cowper or Cowpar, Andrew. 273, 275 ; John. 23, 24; Juliana, 1, 111, 112 ; Michael, 93, 94 ; Simon, 212 ; Tho- mas, 90, 261, 262. Coxin, James. 358, Craase, Thomas. 132. Craken thorp, William, 123, Craller, William, 107, Cram. Richard, 62, 67, Cranbrook. viii, ix. x, xi. xiii, xxi, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90. 91. 154, 387 ; Milk- house Chapel, 91, Crane. John, 153, 150, Cray, John, 201. Cray ford. x. Creke, Richard. 98. ('rest, a new, 156, Criell, Bartraham, 249 ; sccaho Kyriell. Criowe, Robert, 154, 155, 15(!, Crippou. William, 238, 239, Crismatory, 222. 281. Ciispe or Cryspe. Emmotte, 287 ; Geoffrey, 279 : Richard, 287 ; Wal- ter, 344 ; William, 13. Crispin, William, 355. Cristemas (Crystemasf'/'Cristemasse), Godleva, 319. 320 ; John, 332, 338 ; S*:epheu. 332. Cristofvr. Edmund. 179. Croke, Richard, 287 ; William, 287. Croking, John, 20. Crompe or Crumpe. David, 273 ; Joan, 273 ; William. 242, 243. Crooked Beam, xviii, 213, Crophall. Clement, 245, 246. Cros, John, 97. Crosby or Crosbe, James, 305 ; Tho- mas. 2. Cross. Holv, 13, 62, 97, 180, 137, 139, 143, 152, 167. 168, 169, 205, 214, 221, 232. 24(;, 270, 322, 341 : Churches dedicated to. vi. 13. 46. 139, 167. 214. 270; Chapel of, 101, 270; Lesser Cross, 4, 62; Cross-cloth. 48, 114; Cross of Doglane or Dogland, 289, 300; of Rodehill, 313; new Cross to the Church. 20, 22, 36. 38, 39, 53, 54, 55. 58. 95. 145. 169, 1 70. 172, 212, 215, 255. 256. 200, 200, 291, 339, 362, 381 ; Mass of the Cross, 364. Crossbeam, repair of, 152, Crouch, Thomas. 70. Crouchman or Croucheman, Richard. 320 ; Thomas. 140. Crowcher, John, 83. 84. Crowdc, Julian, 150, 151. Crowmer or Cromer, James, 345 ; William. 345. Crown of Our Lady, etc.. 55. Cruets, (;. I(t3. 150. 170, 234, 362. Crundale, 91, 92, Crux, Thomas, 150; William, 343 344, Crypes (Crips, Cryps), Alice, 2 ; John, 198. 199; Walter, 843, 344. GENERAL INDEX. lul Culling, Edward, 117; William, 12, ao, 117. Cundies or Condy's Chantry, 283. Cundy, Lawrence, 2St), 2.s7, 2S8, 2S'J. Curfew, bequei>t for, 17ti. Curlinjr, llichard, 2(;.s, 20;>. Curtains, !(!, lUl, 227, 325, 337. Curteis (_Curtis o' Curtj'ce), John, 12(1, 12() ; Simon, 1S3 ; Thomas. 131. Cushions, 128. Cuttfler, Peter, 315, 31(). Cutting-, William, 230, 237. D Dadd. William. 318. Dade, William, 318. Dalljv. Thomas, 14. Dixie or Daly. John, 231, 317. 318; William, 1.52, 153. Damforte, William. 202. Dane, Agnes atte. 31 1 , 312. 313 ; Cecjde, (52, 177, 196; James, 101; .lohn, 70, 102; Robert, 341, 342; Thomas. 20 ; William, 02, 177, 190. Danifll (Dauyll or Danyell. etc.), Henry, 282, 292 ; John, 313 ; Peter, 317, 318; Eoiier. 350; Thomas, 212 ; William, 17(i, 171. Darell, John, 01. Darly, Peter, 107. Dartford. vi, x, xii. Daves. Thomas, 330. Davey or Davy. Edraund, 75, 76 ; George. 211,^212; John, 130, 131, 132; Martin, 211; Richard, 310; Robert, 130; Thomas, 211, 295; William, 75. Davington, 92 ; Priory. 93. Davyson. Denise, 197. 19S ; William, 197, 198. Dawdemer, Alice, 187, 188. Dawson, Henry, 2. Deal, ix. xii. 93. !»1. 95, 387. Dedication unknown, vi. 111. 224, 251. Dekyii. Tliomas. 31. Delam. Joan. 105; .John. 105. Delatowre. William. 279. Dele or Deale. John, 175, 176, 367. Delfes, Alice, 40. 47 ; John, 17. Dene (Denne or Deen). .lohn. 194 ; Uobert. 2(>4 ; Thomas, 87, 88, 89, 183 ; William, 7, 8, 9. 218, 219. Denton, 95. Deny, Nicholas. 339 ; Stephen. 232. Denys, Joan, 198; John, 171, 172, 198. Deptf ord, xi. Dering or Deryng, James, 203, 204 ; John, 217. Detling, 95. Deve, Robert. 120. Deyos, John. 283. Dicar, John, 372. Diggs (Digge or Diggis), Helync, 290 ; Isabella, 232. 233, 234 ; John, 12 ; Thomas, 290. Dine or Dyne. Richard, 65, 208 ; Stephen. 324, 325, 326. Dobbis. William. 123, 124. 125, 120. Dod (Dodd -'/■ Dods), John. 38 ; lUch- ard, 38 ; Simon, 177, 178 ; William, 35. Doddington, 95, 90. Doddyn. Benet. 94. 95. Dogland or Doglane Cross, 298, 360. Dolphyn, Nicholas, 127. Donet or Donett. John. 335, 330 ; Julian, 177, 178 ; William, 310. Donmowe. John, 77. Donse or Douse, Thomas. 6, 7. 8, 9. Door, making or repair of, 5. 59, 73, 74, 80, 385 ; Laude door, 49 ; Pro- cession door, 53. Dorant or Doraunte. Thomas. 133, 190. Dormowrc, Thomas, 273, 274. Dove, 355. Dover, ISt. James, ix, 96, 97, 98. „ St. John Baptist, xi, 98. ., St. Mary, ix, xii, xxi. 99, 100, 101. „. St. Nicholas, xii, 101, 102. ,. St. Peter, vii, xiii, 102. 103. „ Domus Dei, 103, 101. ,, Priory, 39, 104, 105 ; Seal of, 271. Dowle or Dowele. Joan, 75. 76 ; John, lOO. 2:15, 247, 248 ; Oliver. 311, 312 ; William. 321. Downe, Agnes, 174 ; Henr}' atte. 71 ; James. 305 ; John, 121, 150, 151, 189, 190, 377 ; Michael a, 146, 147 ; Roberge, 150, 151, 377. Downvile. Ralph, 111 ; Richard, 23, 21. Drapncr, John, SO, 90. Drayton. Robert, 240. Drey. Thomas, 133. 131. Dreyland. Cristyn, 217, 218. Drury or Drowry, John. 213 ; Richard, 287, 2S8, 289, 370 ; William, 376. Drve. John. 294. Drynker. Robert, 277. Duflfyn. Thomas, 203, 204. 205. Duke, John. 2.59, 260 ; Robert, 259. Duubery, John, 78. Dungate. Andrew, 96 : Margareta, 377, D J) 402 TESTA MENTA CANTIANA. Durrant, Thomas, 197, 198. Dyar. Robert, 101, 104. Dymchurch. 105. E Ealdyche, Thomas, 179. 180. Eastchurch, 10.'), lOfi. Easter Sepulchre, 1. 9, 24. 2o. 'Mi, 41, 44, 61, 64, 70, 99. 106, 127, l'3.), 144, 159, 166. 182, 198,200,204,206,212, 234, 237, 242. 2.o3, 2r>.5.2.")8. 260. 269. - 290. 300. 307. 318. 330, 333. 335, 340. 345, 346, 353! 360, 362, 373. 374. 375. Easter Taper. 25. 143, 256, 274, 343, 344. Eastlinji:, 106. Easton,Elyne, 121. 123, 124 ; Stephen, 302, 304. 305. Eastry. xxi. 103, 387. Eastwell, 107, 108, 387. Ebben. Garrade, 87, 88. Eboney. xi, xvi, 5, 108, 109, 387. Ede, John, 115, 116. Ederike, Steven, 35. Edg'er, Richard, 2. Ediall. Henry. 367. Edinden or Edynden, Elisabeth, 29 : Philip. 28, 29; Richard, 111, 158. 159; Stephen, 18, 19; William, 355. Edmer or Edmere, John, 235 ; Wil- liam, 234. 235. Edolffe, Thomas, 315. Edward or Edwards, Edward, 331, 332; John. 358; Lawrence, 125; Richard, 37, 38 ; Thomas. 63, 322. 340, 341 ; William, 43. 362. Edwardson, William. 107, 108. Egerton. 110, 111. 387. V.Sg Lig-ht, xviii, 113, 319. Kgirle. Hugh, 133. Egolinden, .John. 18, 19. Eight Tapors. Light of, 115. Elford. William, 35, 36. Elgar, William, 355. Elham, xviii, xxi. Ill, 112, 113. 387; Gefiferay, 100. Elliot or Elyothe, Alexander. 67 ; Richard, 295. Ellis (Elys or Klyse), John, 20. 21. 55, 101; Margaret, 297 ; Kichard, 365 ; • Robert, 92 ; Thomas, 297 ; Walter, 192, 218; William, 180, 181. Elmer or Elmere, Joan. 298 ; John, 3,249; Richard, 299,357; Thomas, 358, 362 ; Walter, 359, 360, Elmherst. Thomas, 110. Klmley, 114. Elmstead, 114, 387. Elmstone, vi, 114. 115, 116 ; Thomas. 252. Eloner, John, 368, 369. Elsmer. Richard. 352. 353. Elston.'john. 339. Eltham. xii. Elven, John, 313, 314. Elveve or Elveeve. Herbert. 31)!. 31 1 : Richard, 22 : William, 32. Elvye, Joan, 25. Elware, Thomas, 107. Ely, Humphrey, 6. Engeham. Alan, 37u ; Elisabeth. 287 : John, 288. 289, 290, 370, 37 L ' Eps or Epse. Alan, 35 ; .John, 265. 266. Epshm, William, 230. 231. Essex, Christopher, 303; John, 18. 19: Simon. 26: Thomas. 69. 70; William, 26. Eston. Michel, 191. Everard or Everharde. Alice. 273; John. 168, 273, 274. Everinden, Thomas. 87; William. 88,90. Evete. .Stephen, 78. Evyas, Thomas! 224. Ewell or Temple Evvell, 116, 117; Alexander, 253 ; Elisabeth, 254 ; John, 254, 316 ; Nicholas, 163, 254 : Richard, 160. Exbridge, John. 122. Eylwarde, Thomas, 253, 254. Eymer, John, 133. 134. Eynon, John, 37. Eythorne, xiii, 117, 118. Eyton, John, 69. Faderlay. Thomas. 7, 8, 9. Fagg or Fagge, Alexander, 25 : .John, 205, 206, 213, 313, 314; Nicholas, 206 ; Simon. 79. Falo, Robert, 121, 126. 128. Fant or Faunt. William, 54, 55. 65, 209, 210, 257, 258. Fanting or Fantyng, John, 54, .'JS ; Margaret, 167. 1(!8 ; Simon, 167. Farbrace, Jolin. 79. 80. Farobroke. Sara, 164, 165. Farleigh, East, x. Farrier, Stephen, 235. Faversham, viii, x, xi, xii, xiii. xv, xvi, xix, xxi. 10, 119 — 129 ; Abbey, 129. Faw^kenhurst ^'r llcrst. 129. Fayrcbarne. William, 49. Fee or Rawlyn, Cecilia, 97, 98. Fchcnry. Joliu, 288. Felowe, William, 120, GENERAL INDEX. 403 Fenell, William, 2SS. Ferine, Stephen. 129. Fenton, .luhn, I'.U. Ferase, Joan, '2'.)'). Feraiour. .John, 271. Ferrur, .lohn, 24. Feryer, John. 270. 271. Fetell <')■ Fetyll. Jolm, 2o;3, 204 ; Nicholas, ;•."> ; William, 27(i. Feyre, William. 11)2. Feyrefax, Walter. 107. Feyrware, Kichard, 21, 22G. Fiernour, William. G(j. Fikin.s, William, 83. Filbert. John, 3.")8. 3.")9. ;?(iO. Filks. John. 1S2. Filmer, John. 2H>. Finch (If Finche. Joan. 'M)3 ; John, l'.t:5. Finjs, Simon. 81, 82. Fishe. John, 44. 4."). Fisher. Reginald. liOl ; William, 220. l''i.stinden. Henry, l.")4. Fitsell, Nicholas, 1)0. Five W'oUnds, Light of, ;51 ; Mass of, 6G. 217, 2;}l7, 24-.), 27(;. 852, S.w. Flavvnce. William. 231.' 2)54. Flecher, John, 310, 337. Flegard, Simon, (!."). Fleming. Thomas. Di). Flete, Robert. :,:> ; William, 211. Flowre, Walter. 102. lO.'i, 104. Foche. William, !)7, 98. Fode, Thomas, 221. Fogge, Jolin. 8. Fokys, Stephen, o4 ; Thomas, .")4. Folett, Robert, 2()<;, 2(57. Folkestone, vii, viii. xi, xxi. 130, 131, 132, 13.1. Font, cover of, 73, 133, 337, 381 burial before or near, 4.5, i>G, 1 18 \rA), lOO, !(;.->, 173.220. 278,287.353 378. F'ord (»• Forde. George, 135, 136 John, ()7, 18(), 187; Thomas, 154 155 ; William. 205, 2()(;. Fordred »r Fordrede. Alice, 152, 153 John. 1 14, 1 15, 152 : Richard, 152. i-'ordrell. Stephen. 1(17. 180. Fordwich. 133, 134. Forfiod. Elene, 57. Forstall, Thomas, 328, 329 ; William, 184. 185. Foster, John, 89, 250 ; Stephen, 10, 11: Thomas, 52; William, 21G, 217. Fonle or Fowle, Edw^ard, 74, 7G ; Joan, 378, 379, 380 : John. 158 ; Katherine. 33G, 337 ; William, 75. Fowggle, Thomas, 7, 8, 9 ; William, 108, Fowler, Robert, 70 ; William, 357. Fox. Jnstina, 1()2 ; Nicholas, 102 ; William, 23, 22G. Foxston or Foxton, Joan. 23, 258 ; William, 258, 259. Frail, Stephen, 185. Frances. Lawrence, 313, 314; Tho- mas, 134, 374. Franklyn, John, 175, 176, 177. Franskyd. Agnes, 279. French (Frenshe or Frencheys), Ag- nes, 317; John, 359; Robert, 130, 154, 156 ; Thomas. 370. Frend. John, 190. 34 7. Frengham. William, 259. Fi-enningham, Vincent, 160, 161. Frevill or Frevell. Joan, 293 ; Robert, 3(;(; ; Stephen. 224, 236, 237. Frewer, Roger, 107. Friars. Augustine. G4. 65, 66 ; Black, 6G, 67 ; Carmelite. 293, 294 ; Grey, 67. Fright, James, 7 ; John, 74, 75 ; Richard, 15. Frinstead, xi, 134, 135. Frithe, Joan, 56. Frittenden, x. xii, xx. 135, 136. Froddesham. Robert. 374. 375. Frogenhale, Joan. 40 ; Thomas, 136, 137, 138. Frognal, Thomas, 40. Frontal, a new, 68, 169, 274, 367 ; of lawn, 167. Frost or Froste. John, 268, 269 : Tho- mas. 268, 269! Frowell, Harry, 103, 104. Frj'e, Joan. 84, 85. Fryke, John, 242. 243. Frvnd. John. 107. Fuller, Edmund. 339; John, 3, 214; Nicholas. 269; Thomas. 11. 158, 159 ; William. 99. 100. Furiier or Furnour, John. 12, 137, 138; William, 52. Fylkes. Richard, 96. Fyll, John. 34. Fyneux. Alice. 40 ; Richard, 95. 102, 103. Fynke, Richard, 150, 151. G Gable, new, 91. Galaway, John, 229. 230. Gale. William, 332, 333. Galpin, John. 306, 307. Gamys or trinkets. 35. Gant, John. 256 ; Thomas. Ganton. James, 60, 61. Garard (^Gared or Garrard), Agnes, P D 3 0.-i7 404 TESTAMEKTA CAIS'TIAJS'A. 307, 308, 309 ; Joan, 74 ; Walter, 56, 57 ; William, 150. 151, 282. 284, 286, 292. Gardener or Gardiner, John, 270 ; Peter. 330. Garland, Xicholas. 378, 381. Garmestou, Ruger. 309. Garnare, William, G8. Garnish of pewter vessels, 293. Garwynton, John, (53. Gason, John, 17G ; Richard, 288, 292. Gate, a new, 66. 94. Gate. Christina, 304 ; John, 85, 86 ; Robert, 85, 86 ; Thomas, 201 ; Wil- liam, 46, 47. Gateman, Margaret, 158, 159. Gaunt or Gawent, John, 256, 257 ; iSimond, 270. 271. Gay. Christopher. 115. Gayler, Alan. 266. 267. Gaynesborough, William, 368, 369. Gaytton. Robert, 31. Geffrey ('/• Geffry, John, 71. 72 ; Wil- liam. 137. Gemott. John, 13. Gennire, Robert. 365. 366. Gentyll, Alice. 334, 359, 360. German, Hamo, 377. 378. 379, 380 ; James. 362 : John. 49 ; Robert. 49 ; William. 79. Germin, Henry, 255 ; Joan, 255 ; John, 31 ; Thomas, 253, 254, 255 ; William. 254, 255. Gerrond, William, 338. Gerves, Joan, 179 ; Thomas. 99, 100. 101, 179. Geyre, William, 65. Gibbon (Gebon or Gebone), Margaret. 123, 127, 128. 129; Thomas, 247, 248 ; William, 130, 131, 157. Gibbs (Gibbe, Gibbes, or Gibbis), Christopher, 79 ; Joan, 227, 228 ; John, 28, 69. 188, 189, 190; Law- rence, 268, 269 ; Lucas, ()5 ; Peter, 328 ; Thomas, 227, 228, 343. Giblot or Giblott, Joan, 175 ; John, 130, 131, 132, 249 ; William, 294, 296. Gibson, John, 242, 243; Thomas, 71, 72, 73. Gidney, John. 50. Gifford. Elisabeth, 287, 288, 290 ; Ro- bert, 288. Gilbart (Gilbert or Gilberd), Adam, 38 ; Joan, 352, 353 ; Thomas, 287, 329, 352, 353; William, 200, 201, 265, 266. Gildarde, Christopher, 14, 15. Gildwin or Gildewin, John, 329; William, 34. Giles (Gilis, Gylis. or Gylys), Alice, 304, 305 ; Henry, 304, 305 ; John, 349 ; Juliane. 284, 285, 286 ; Mar- garet, 294 ; fc^imon. 283, 285 ; Ste- phen. 247. 248 : Thomas, 54, 55. 126 ; William. 247. 294. 302. 303. Gille. Patrick. 213. 214. 262. 263. Gilltield. John. 314. 315. Gillingham. xii. Gillmau. llobert. 298, 299. 300. Gillott, William, 236, 237. Gilmin. Itichard, 146. Gilnott. John. 298. 299. 300 ; Thomas, 119. Ginder or Gendor. John. 111. 112, 113; Thomas. 112. 113. Giveale. 178. 246, 325. 350. 354. 369. Glasier, John, 311. 312. Glover. Joan, 16. 330 : Nicholas, 14() ; Thomas. 264. 311. 312 : William. 15. Godard or Goodard, Alice, 20, 266, 267 ; Harry. 229, 230. 272 ; Simon. 118. Goddene, John, 226. Godeneston, John. 139. Godfray or Godfrev, Augustine. 118. 119; Christopher. 324, 325. 326: Thomas. 2. 4. 171. 172; William. 200. 234. Godmersham. 136, 137, 138, 387. Godyn, John, 215," 216 ; Kichard, 316. Goff or Goffe. Alexander. 163 : John. 160. 161. 162: Thomas. 160, 161. 164. Gogge, Alice, 12; John, 113; Sil- vistre, 113. Goldehill. John. 166. 167. Goldfinch, John. 112, 113; Stephen, 131 ; Thomas, 373. Golding or Goldinge. Edward. 16 ; Henry. 108. 109 : John, 74, 76 ; Margaret, 108. 109; Robert, 108, 109. Goldsmith or Goldsmithe, Guy, 29, 30; John. 30; Thomas. 67; Wil- liam. .337, 33S. 339. Goldston, John. 279, 280. Gold well, John, 75. Goldwort, Thomas. 130, 131. Goodegrome, William, 322. Goodfellow, Hehvise, 26. Goodhevv, Richard, HJl. 165. Goodman, Ingram. 3 ; Richard, 3. Goodneston next Faversham, ix, 138, 139. Goodneston next Wingham, 139. (ioodwin. Edward. 20 ; John, 121, 124. 127. Goore, Robert, 208, 209. Goost, Roger, 105. Go.sborne or Goseborne, Andrew, 4 ; Robert, 43, GENERAL INDEX. 405 Goscelin, Marione, lo3. loG, 157. Gotle ((Jotelej', Gotley. nr Gotesle), John. 7, 1) ; Richard, 3.")(;, 857 ; Thomas, 148. 149; William, 52, 5:1 Goudhurst nr Gowdherst, xii, 139, 140. 141. I.-.4; Juliana. l.^^O. 187,188. Gouldinir. Ileniy. 5. Gradual «;• Grayle. I», 44, l.'^C, 1()8. 1()1», L'.")."), 87(i. Grandame, Henry, 278, 279, 280. Granjrer or Graungrer. John. 54. 55 ; William, 70. 78, 257. Grant (Graunt. Graunte. c^'Grawnt). Agnes, 95; Emma. 188, 189, 190; George. 198; Isabella. 211, 212: John, 287; Richard. 17() ; Robert, 85 : Simon. 211,212 ; Stephen, 268, 2(!9. Graveney. 141. 142, 148. Greave. Thomasine. 192. 198. Greenhill. Dionisia. 2 ; Juliane. 52. 815 : William, 88. Greenstreet or Grenestrete. Agnes, 810 ; Lawrence. 188, 189, 190. Greenwich, x. Grege. Thomas, 805. Gregory. Agnes, 1()9, 170; Henry, 148. 149; Thomas. 268. Grene. John, 147. 1()8. 169. 245, 373 ; Philip. 245 : Stephen. 192 : Tho- mas, 192, 218. Grey. William, 179. 851, 852. Grider, Isabell. 27(). Grigge, John, 2;)(i. 287. Groos or More, William, 60, (il. Grove, John. 827 : William. 29. Groveherst or Grofeherst. Philip. 252. 258: Thomas. 215. 217.' Grubbe. Robert. 277 ; Thomas, 180. 131, 182. Grunston, Thomas, 282. Gryme. John. 178, 175. Gunsalus. Agnes, 279. Gunystall, Giles, 125. Gurney f'/' Gorney. John, 118 ; Tho- mas, 872, 378. Guston, xiii, 148, 144 : Henry. 85, 86, 202. Gutter, repair of, 5. Guy, John. 98. Gyldford, Kdward. (U. Gyott, Clemens, 826 ; Thomas, 324. H Hacchc or Hecche, John, 71, 72, 73, :;()1. 85(; ; Stephen. 185, 186. Ilackington, viii. 144, 145. Hacomblcn, Thomas, 230. Hadde, John, 140. 332, 333 ; William, 134. Haddysley, Thomas, 158. Hadlow. xii. Haines, William, 94, 95. Halden, Florence, 71. 72 ; John, 67, 184 ; xi'L' also High Halden. Hale (IJalis or Halys), Agnes, 370, 871 : Isabella. ISS, 189. 190; John, 64. 188. 189. 190. 385 ; Margery. 86; Robert, 81, 82; Thomas, 104, 210. 211, 242 ; William, 31, 52, 53, 186. 187. Halfnoth. Thomas. 319, 320 ; William, 185, 186. Haliday. Margery. 860. Halinden, Thomas, 135, 136. Halingbery. William, 279. Hall or Halle. Andrew. 171 ; James, 278 ; Simon. 278 ; Thomas, 171, 172 ; William, 207. Halstow, Lower, ix. 145. Ham or Hame, 145 ; John, 83, 139, 177, 285. Hambrook or Harabroke. John, 373 ; Sisceley, 250. 251. Hamcoke, William, 88. Hamok. John. 90 ; Lora, 90. Hamon, Agnes, 185, 186 ; Clement, 45 ; John, 285. 292 ; Lawrence, 302 ; Richard, 266 ; Stephen, 185, 186 ; Thomas. 98, 185, 136 ; William, 155, 156. 811, 812. Hamond. John, 147, 231, 247; Tho- mas. 115, 117, 118 ; William, 3, 226, 227. Hampton. Cristina, 168 : James, 162 ; John, 122, 125, 127, 160, 161 : Tho- mas, 272, 273. Hancok. William, 812. Harbledown, 145, 146 : St. Nicholas Hospital, ix, 146, 147. Harchrege, John, 87, 88, 89, 90. Hardeman, Dionisus. 143 ; Elisabeth, 143. Hardes or Hardres, Great, x, 42, 147, 148: Lower, 06, 148 : Margery, 147, 148. Hardford. Nicholyn, 81, 82. Hardy. John, 120, 121, 128. Hare, Thomas, 815. Hareward. Thomas, 12(5. Harindcn. John. 89, 90, 91 ; Thomas, 819. Harlakinden, Stephen, 165, 166. Harman. John, 7, 8. Harnden. Richard. 165, 166. Harnehill. William. 46, 48. Harjiur Margeria. 179, 180. Harrietsham. ix, xiii, 148. 149. Harrison (Harison or Harryson), 406 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. George. 311 : John. 206. 297 ; Ran- dolf. 307, .308 : Roeer. 11!), 122, 123. 124, 12",, 128 : William, 291, 293. Harry (Harre ";• Kerry). Alice. 240 ; John. 231. 233. 234. 282. 285, 290 ; Peter. .3.58, 3.59.' 3(50 : Roger, 81,82 ; Thomas, 231, 232 ; William, 54, 64. Harsefeld. Elisabeth. 373 : Thomas. 373. Hart (Harte, Hert. or Herts). Henry, 286, 287 ; John, 180. 3(il. 378. 379 ; Richard, 60, 61 : Thomas, 200 ; William, .51, 215, 216,217. Hartilope. John. 280 : Katherine, 280. Hartley. John. 349. Hartlip, 150, 151. Hartwell, Richard, 7, 8. Harty, xiii. 151. 152. Haselot. John, 29, 30. Hassard, Michael, 330. Hastingieigh. xvi. 152, 153. 388. Hatche. Henry. 126. 127, 128, 152. Haute, William. 23, 66. 350. Hawai'den, Andrew. 354. Hawe, John. 110, 111. Haweiott or Hawlott, John. 253, 254. 255 : Nicholas. 254. 255 ; Thomas. 254. Hawker. Andrew. 378. 381 ; Stephen, 70. 71, 108 ; William, 70.' Hawkhurst. x, xiv, xvi, xix, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157. Hawkinge, 157. Hawkins, William. 46. Hayles Abbey, xvii. 271. Haynes. John, 21. Hayward or Hevward, Henry. 99. 100 ; Joan, 52, .53 ; Robert, 221,' 222. 338. 339 : William. 151, 152. 314. 315. Headcorn, ix, 157, 158, 159. Heansyll. John. 153: Margaret, 154, 155. Jlelar, .John. 79 : Lawrence. 161. Helling, John, 372. Helmeston, Thomas, 95. 96. Hempsted or Hempstede, Simon, 203. 201 : William, 50. Ilendly, John, 87. Henekir or Heunaker. Robert, 33. 3J. .345. Hennian, Henry. 174. Henry VI. or King Herry, Light of. xiv, 25, 30, 41, 312. Henxsell, Thomas. 312. Herdo, John, 337, 338. Herege, William. 154. Hermit at Lydd, xv, 202; Milton (near Sittingbourne). 215, 216. 217 : I'uxton. XV. 365 ; Sandwich, xv, 2S(;, 291, 292 ; WhitKta])Ic, xv, 362. Herndhill. Richard, 282. 283. Heme, ix. xxi, 160, 161, 162, 163 164. 388. Hernhill, ix. 164, 165. Herse. The. or Herselight. 5, 26, 33, 63, 76. 82'. 90. 111. 115, 136, 141, 149, 156, 164,166. 172, 180, 181, 194. 196, 198. 204. 210. 230. 248. 267. 277. 314, 316! 333! 346. 351. 364. 366, 367, 370, 37 L Hersing. James. 352. 353 : John, 196, 198. Herst or Fawkenhurst. 129. Hervy, John, 343 ; Richard, 237, 313. Herwood, John, 304. Heth or Hethe. Agnes, 219 ; Silvester, 252. Hever, John, 89, 91. Hewe or Hewys. Michael, 47. 48 ; Nicholas. 66. 227: William. 216, 217. Hexstall. Thomas. 101. Heyre Light. 113. Hichcok, Thomas. 153, 154. 156. Hicks (Hikks. Hikkis, or Hykkes). John, 88, 90, 161. 162, 254, 261; Pernel. 259, 260 ; Thomas, 336. Higeleyn, Alice, 63. Higham. Stephen. 87. 89. High Halden, I6.5'. 166. 388. Hill (Hills or Helle). Robert, 324 ; Roger, 221, 222 ; Thomas, 137, 150 ; William, 47. Hilton, Agnes. 290. 293. Hinxhill, viii. xiii. I(i6. 167. Hoath, 167. 168. Hobday, William. 80. Hobnett, Raynold, 119. Hochear, John. 32."). Hocking (Hochin, Hokinge, or Hok- king). John, 360 : Richard, 360 ; Simon, 357. 359. 360 ; Thomas. 303,. 304 : William, 359. Hogan, Robert, 135. Hogdaylight, 360 ; see also Hok light. Hogenelmoney. xvi, xix, 191. Hogge. John. 347, 348 ; Richard. 189. ' 1 90. ' Iloggelin, James, 265, 26(). Hoggeson. John, 99. Hoggis, Simon, 144. Hogin (Hogon. Hogyn, Howgyn. or Hugirin). Elvn, 24 : John. 215 ; Ralf'c. 232. 2:i^ ; Thomas. 24 : Wil- liam. 173. 174, 175, 215. liogncll Light, xvi. xix, 109. 156. Hogwell Light. 109. Hoigi^kiii. Ilicliard. 253. IlokeChaiiel. Wickhanibreux.xvi. 365. Hokliglit. xvn. 27(l. 319. 327, 330, 343, 357. 360. GENERAL INDEX. 407 Holbein. John, 1:52, i:j:i. Holdwoy. John, MS. Hl!t. Hollin^bonrne. ix. 108, 16!». Holinan. Elisabeth. '.)i ; Geoffrey, 57, 01 : Thoraa.^. !t4. Holme, Adam. 1 in. Holnher.st. Annes, 280. Holt or Hulte. John, 3.")7 ; Richard. Hit. Holwarding', Thomas. HT I . Holy Water Stoup. burial near, 0, 11!*. 250. 2S0. ;?0I. Hombard, llobert, 259, 200. Honte. John. 373. Hony (>?■ Honey, John, 303, 332, 333. Honywood, Alan. 173, 175 ; John. 173, 174. 175; Thomas. 174. Hoo. All Hallows, xiii. xiv. xx. Hoode, John, 122 ; Richard, 107. lOS. Hook. William. 350. Hope, 109, 170; John, 01, 02; Tho- raasine, 177. Hopper or Iloppar. George, 87, 89. 90 ; John. 277 : William, 190. 197. 198. Hopton. .John. 59. Horden, Itichard. 139. 1 Ki. 141. 1 1 order, Joan. 08. Home, Dunstan. 135. 130 ; John, 357 ; Roger. 230 : Thomas, 189, 190. Hornestleffe or Hornestlyve, Richard. 240, 241 ; Thomas, 240, 241. Horopoldar, .John. 223, 224. Horpe, Godleff. ISO. Horsmenden, Thomas. 140, 141. Horsmonden. 170. Horton Kirby. 170. Hoskyn. William. 40. Hospitals. Canterbury. 68; Chesse- hill. 25; Harbledown. 146: Hvthe, 276 ; Sandwich. 294. 295. 290. 297. Hothfield. ix. 170, 171. 172, 388. Hoton, John. 329. 330. Hougham. 172 ; .Toan. 54. 67 : John, 54 ; Solomon, 250, 251. Houghlin, John, 178. Houghton, John. 177. 178. Hounilisworth, Thomas, 4. Hovindon or llovynden. Edmund. 01, 02; Marion, 340; Thomas, 345, 340. Howarden. Richard, 41. llowchon, Thomas. 96. Howes, Elinorc. 27, 28. llowghlott. Christyn, 270. Howghlyn. Alice, 1 78 ; xee aho Hough- lin. Ilowham. liobert, 145. Howlet. Xicholas. 130; William, 243. Ilowlvn. William. 3. Itows'ling Cloth, 13, 239, 291, 344. llowting. John, 234, 235 ; William, 168, 169. Hubbard, Alexander. 284, 286 ; John, 260. Hucham, Elisabeth, 52, 53. Hucking, 173. Hudson, William, 25. Hughet, William, 58. Huglen. Walter. 35. Hulke, John, 140. Hunt or Hunte. Henry, 29, 30 ; John, 303 ; Robert, 1()7. Huntly, Richard. 205. Hunton, 173. Hurton, Thomas. 145. Hutte, John, 220, 222. Hylde, Clement, 273. Hymnal Noted. 190. Hythe, xi, 173, 174, 175, 388. Ickham. ix, 175. 176. Iden. Alice. 356, 357 ; Elisabeth, 278. 280 : Francis. 289 ; John. 278, 280, 350, 378, 380 ; Thomas, 350. Idinden, Joan, 57. Igelinden (Igolynden or Igulden). Agnes, 19 ; John, 135, 136 ; Rich- ard, 18, 19 ; .see aUo Egolinden. Ightham, 177. Igo. Alice, 0. Images. Burial before, 4, 7, 10, 12, 14, 21, 29, 30. 33. .35, 40, 4.3, 47. 50, 51, 52, 53. 56. 58, 59. 00, 63. 65. 06, 67, 75. 76. 80. 87.90. 92. 94, 97, 99, 100. 101. 114. 115. 119, 120. 121. 124, 125, 120, 131, 138, 147, 151. 157, 107. 172. 174, 175,176. 178,201,206.213.215. 222, 227, 228, 230, 236, 247. 250. 252, 257. 258.264, 267. 273. 274. 275. 276, 278, 279. 280, 282. 288. 289. 290, 293, 295, 299; .300, 323! 329. 334^ 335, 353. 350, 359, 363, 305, 370, 370 ; to be made or bought, 8, 19, 28. 38, 43, 47. 49, 87.89,95, 112, 118,153, 179,202. 228, 244. 300, 301, 336, 340, 373; Gilding of, 4, 58, 73, 84. 195, 207, 244. 252, 277. 295. 300. 321. 324. 325. 320, 336, 365, 309. 374 ; Painting of, I. 19, 22, 24, 27. 28. 56, 57,58, 72, 77, 92. 110. Ill, 1.34. 149, 171. 174. 170, 183. 184, 228. 232,244, 250. 251. 2.53. 254. 202. 299. .303, 314. 333. 335. 3.39. 340. 356! 357, 362, 369 ; Repair of. 3, 8.9. 54, 50. 84. 121. 183. 256, 373, 374! Ingram, William. 00. 01. Inkepett, William. 327, 328. Innocents. Hoi v. Church dedicated to, Ipringbcry. A\ illiam, 1/3. Isaak, John, 245. 408 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Isham. John. 338. Isode. John, 333. Ive. John. 73, 2(56. Ivychurch. ix. 177. Iwade, 179, 388. 178. Jacob or Jacobbe. Alice. 131. 295; Robert. 277 ; Thomas, 80, 81.' Jakmyn. Thomas, 27o. Jalander. John. S7. James. John, 334. 33.t. Jan, Thomas. 335, 330. Jancok. Alice. 379. 380 : Margeria. 112. 113 ; William. 379. Janin. Thomas. 282. 285. 294. Jeffe. Richard, 280. ' Jeken or Jeakj-n, Roger. 180, 200. 201 ; Thomas. 231, 232. Jekkett. Robert. 87, 89. Jekys. Henry, 16. Jenkin. John. 213. 214 : Light called. 307. • • Jesop, Alexander. 10, 11. 258. Jesus' Altar. 14, 19, 90, 126. 163. 321 ; Figure of. vii, 7, 44. 153. 225 ; Light of, vii, 63, 147, 163. 190, 208. 217, 225, 2.55; Xame of, vii, 21; Jesus Mass, xx, 19. 30, 48, 53, 55. 57, 58, 61, 90, 101. 107. 113, 126. 163^ 202. 234, 235. 260, 285, 336, 355, 360, 367 ; Transfiguration of, 84. Johnson, Gerard. 55. 217 ; John. 289 ; Paul, 21, 22; Stephen. 22; William. 209. Jointe, William. 286, 290. Jolif, John. 88, 89. Joly, William, 98. Jon. Thomas, 148, 149. Joope. Joan, 209, 210. Jordan or Jurden, James, 212 ; John, 145, 212, 268, 269 ; Simon, 107, 108. Joseph. Alicia. 133. 134 ; Richard, 94. 282. 292 ; Thomas. 133, 134. Jure, Richard. 23, 24, 165. Justice or Justys, James, 97 ; Wil- liam. 117, 118. K Kantis, Simon. 21. Karkeregge, Stephen, 87, 89. Kayme. James. 33, 34. Kele. Thomas, 3i7, 318, 3J9. Kembre. liichard. 364. Keme. Henry. 242, 243. Kemp or Kempe, Richard. 87. 90, 91 ; Robert, 1 1, 37, 38 ; William, 5(5. Kemysley, Isabella, 34. Kenardington, xiv, 179, 180. Kendall or Kendale, John. lU, 11; William, 56, 57, 296. Kenett or Kenet. Bartholomew. 130, 131. 132 ; Henry, 7, 8. 9 ; Joan, 278. 279. 281 : John. 27, 28, 290. 295 ; Thomas. 130, 131. 132; William, 109, 13(». 131,132, 278,279.281.371. Keneworth. Hamo, 223, 224 ; Vin- cent, 134, 135. Kennington. 180. 181. Kent, John. 146. 147. 377, 379. 380 ; Peter, 210. Kenton. Henry. 56 ; Robert, 198 ; William. 114. 250, 251. 327. 367. Kentworth, John, 223, 224. Kercher or Kerchiefs. 173. 221, 251, 370. Kete, William, 203, 204. 244. Ketenton or Ketiutone, John, 1. 2; William, 39. 40. Ketham. Thomas. 131, 132. Kettellisden. James. 18. Kevell. Richard. 323, 324. Kidwelley. John. 83, 84. King or Kinge, Grace. 278. 279, 280 ; John, 91. 278. 279. 280 : Thomas, 240, 241, 242. 311, 368. Kingsdown, 182, 256. Kingsnorth, 182. Kingsnoth, Edward. 247, 248. Kingston, 183. Kipping. John, 16, 17. Knachbull (KnechboU or Kneech- bull), John, 205, 206, 355 ; Thomas, 205, 206. Kneepe, John. 160, 161. Knight, Lawrence. 221. 222, 227: Margaret. 93 : Richard. 205. 206. 301 ; Thomas, 25. 84, 85. 124. 129. 302. 303, 340 ; William. 47. 203. 205, 206. .301. Knobbe. John, 77. 78. Knok. John. 110, 111. Knoldane, -John, 266. 267. Kiiolle, Thomas, 4, 5. Knoller, Thomas, 270. Knolton. 183, 184. Knot (Knott or Knotte), Alice. 119 ; John. 210. 221. 223 ; Sampson, 2. Knowosley. David, 92. Knowght. Henry, 6(i ; Joan, 6. Lanend, liobert, 323. 324. Langdon. Kast, ix, x. xx, 184, 185, 244. 388. West. 185. 244. Abbey, 185. Langley. 185, 186 ; Robert, 274. Lasynby, Robert, 275. Lathbury, 308. 309. Laude door, 49. Laundy ov Lawndav. John. 33 ; Peter, 93. I;aurance or Lawrence. Edward, 27 ; Richard. 137. 138,224. Lawles, Richard. 108. 1(I9. Laws, William, 333. Leading' of the Church, 53. 71. 74. 83, 1(;4, 200, 234, 291. Leche, Simon, 201 ; Thomas, 37, 38. Lecton, William. 46. Lederer ov Lyderer. Margaret. 211 ; William, 211, 212. Ledistonstreet, Light of, 339. Ledmede. Richard. 119,128; Thomas, 119, 120, 125, 126. 128. Leeds, ix, x, xi. xiv, xxi. 186, 187. Leeds Priory, 188. Leeds or Ledys, Geoffrey, 175 ; John, 176. Legend, for a, 255, 333, Leigh (Lee or Leghc), 188 ; John. 37, 38, 334 ; Lawrence, 38 : Nicholas. 217, 218, 219; Philip, 185. Lellisden, Edward. 277. Lellyden, William, 55. Lcnarde, Thomas, 303. 364. Lcnham, vii, viii, xi, xiv. xvi. xix, xxi, ISK. 189, 190, 191. ' Leper Hospitals, 294, 314. Lested, John, 77, 78. Lethe. Richard, 135, 136. Letman, James, 216. Leveland, 191. Levenothe, John, 30. Lewis, William. 35 ; hcc hIho Lowes. Lewisham, xiv. Lewknor or Leuknor. Eaynold. 120, 122, 125, 127, 129; Richard, 341, 342. Leyah or Licyah, John, 355, 356 ; Thomas, 174. Ley bourne. 188. Leycester, Agnes. 281. 2K2, 292. 296 ; Simon, 281, 282, 292, 296. Leyden, Elisabeth. 325. Leygh, Lodewic, 303 ; avc aho Leigh. Leysdown. ix. 192. Lightfote, Joan. 165. Linch (Lynch or Leynch), Austen. 7, 8 ; Simonde. 88, 89, 90. 91 ; Vin- cent. 165. 166. Linen-cloth. 68. 78. linen for albs, 108. Linsey or Lynsey, Henry. 199. 200 ; Thomas. 65. Linstead, xiv, xvi, 193. 194, 195. 388. Linton, xii, 195. 196. Litill ('/■Lytell. Itichard. 120, 121. 123. 126. Litilwood (Litelwood or Litillwood). John, 298. 299, 300 ; Salmon. 359 ; Thomas. 84. Littlebourne. xi, xiii, xx, 196, 197, 198, 388. Local Saints, xiii. Logy, John, 24. Loke. Light of the, 254. Lokking, Richard. 319. 320, 321. Lokyar or Lokyer. John, 230. 231 ; Nicholas, 279. Lokyndenne Chapel. Littlebourne, 198. Lome, John, 139. 140. Long or Longe. Henrv, 231 : John, 12, 199; Kichnrd, ^124 : Robert, 104 ; Simon, 183 ; Stephen, 12, Longbridge or Longebregge, John. 240; William. 1>2. Loose, 198, 199. Lostington. Henry, 313. Loth. Thomas. 322. Lotte, John. 349. Love, Giles, 103 : John. 121 : William. 264. Lovecok. John. 20O. 201. 251. Lovell. John, 168, 169. 410 TESTAMENT A CANTIANA. Lovenoth, John, 21). Lowes or Lowys, James. 26B, 264 : Thomas. KID. 170. Loy. John. 47. Lucas or Locas. John. lO.i : Julian. 210. 211. 212; Margery, 15. 17: Eichard, :-]8o, 33'!, 369, 370 ; Tho- mas. 1 7;>. Luddeuham, U)'.». 200. Lukke, John. 144. Lull. Arnold. 70; Joan. 120. 128. 129; Richard. 128, 129: Robert; 106. Luns or Lunys. Henry. 293 ; William, 334. Lustenton. Thomas. l.")7. Lybeas. Thomas. 100. 101. Lydd. viii. xv. 200. 201. 202. 389. Lydden. 2112. 244. Lydeser, William, 68. Lydolfe. Thomas. 139. Lydsiug. Richard. 232. 234. Lyming-e. ix, xx, 203. 204, 205, 389. Lympne. 205. 206. 389. Lynman. Cristina. 287. 288. 289 ; John. 287. 288, 289. M Maconway. Patrick. 243. 244. Madok, John, 346. Mag, l.JIJ, I'JU, •2V2. 211). 287, H8f,. Palm Tree. 184. 1!»G, 274. Palmer, Alice. 102, lUH ; Giles. H80 ; James. 2."»(i ; .John. 22.") ; Nicholas. 372 ; Richard, lO.i : Thomas, 'M ; William, 172. Pamplett, Alice. 2:>?>, 2.">4. i.")."j ; Ro- bert, 2.").5. Paniishur.-;t. Thoma^^, 71, 73. Pantrey. John, 32. Paramore, Nicholas, 253 ; Thomas, 2.")(), 2r)4. 2.").") ; Vincent, UlU, 102, 164 ; William, 107. Parett, Thomas. 240. Par<>ate, Edward. 51 ; Richard, 49, 50, 51, f,tj. Parish Light. 115. Parishioners, Lijrht of, 198, 20fi. I'arkc, John, 77, 78, 258. Parker (Parkere or Parcker). Cecilia, 372 ; John. 21. 2<;3, 272, 35S. 3(;(). 372 ; Philip. 345. 34(! : llichard, 240, 241: Robert, 102, 103, 377; Thomas. 37(). 377. Parnell, John, 268, 269. Parson or Person. Adam. 31 : .John. 10. 32. Partriche. Thomas. 188. 1S9, 190. Parys, John. 284 ; Richard. 171, 172. Pashley, William, 151. 152. Passion of Our Lord, Light of, 103. Passor, Robert, 4, 5. Paten, new, 47, 156. Path or way, 167. 215, 377. Patrixbourne, 245. Paving of the Church. 163. 198, 215, 227. 228. 258. 259. 307. Pawdeherst. John. 1 09. Pawlyn, Henry. 268 ; John, 26S, 269 ; Richard, 2()8. 2(i9 ; .irr olso Polyn. Pax or Paxbread. 6, 35. 128. 163. 181. 222. Paye, Harry. 119. Payn, William, 381. Paynter. Walter, 280. Payturn. William, 295. Peckham. East, x, 245 ; West. 245. Pedecok, Thomas, 48. Peers (Pers, Peyrs, Piers, Peirs, Pj'ers, etc.). Gregory, 68 : Henry. 306, 307 ;' John. 16, 79. 80. 237, 3ii6, 360, 3()2. 36S ; Katherine, 359. 360, 361 ; Lawrance, 207, 208 : Simon, 306, 307 : Stephen. 10 ; Thomas, 275 ; William. 261. Pelham, .lohn. 111, 112. 113. Pell. Laurauce. 19. Pelland, Thomas. 310. Pemberton, William, 83, 235. I'embyll, William, 8, 9. Pende. .lohn. 372, 373 ; Robert, 71, 330, 331. Pender. Henry. 36S. Pentecote. the Light, 255. Renter, Agnes, 63. Peny, Thomas, i'li). Penj'ale. Margaret, 351. Penyll. Thomas, 71, 72. 73. Penyston, Thomas, 262, 263. Pepsam, Margaret, 140, 141. Pepys, Simon, 74. Perchilde. Clement, 120. 127, 129. Percivall, John, Itil. 164. Peris or Perys, John. 130; Stephen, 182 ; William. 20. 327. Perkin. William, 12!». Perne, Thomas, 124. 127. Pery or Perye, Isabelle. 4 ; William, 15. 16. Peryman, John. 142. Peryn, Richard. 257. 258 ; William, 258, 259. Pesmyth, John. 13. Pete Cross. Li<;ht of, 307. Peter, John. 89. Petham. 245. 246. Petinden. Peter, 25. Petitt (Petite. Petett, Petytt, or Petitt), Harry, 257 ; Joan. 322 ; John. 21, 22. 2.56, 372: Nicholas. 246; Thomas, 100, 101. 103; Wil- liam. 321. 322. Petley. Richard, 240. 241. Rett or Pette, Alicia. 2.52. 2.53; James, 166; Reginald. 321. 322; Thomas, 369. Pettling. Thomas, 131, 157. Pevington. 246, 247. 389. Pews, 163. Philip (Philipp. Phelip. or Phellipe). John, 351. 352 : Margery. 162, 163 : RoVjert. 141 ; William. 161, 162. Philpott or Philpot. John, 256 ; Tho- mas. 372 ; William. 46, 47. 116, 306, 307. Pikerell, William, 42. Pilcher, Stephen. 86. Pilgrimages, xvii, 271. 326, 348. Pillar, to build a, 44. Pipar (Piper. Pepar. Peper. Pepyr. Pvpar. etc.). Isabell, 374 : John. 161. 374 ; Robert. 117. US : Roger, 153; Thomas. 117. 118. 374; Wil- liam. 117. 118. 172. Pittog. Henry. 377, 379. Pix. making or buying of. 37. 115. 128, 163, 234. 266.\'72. Playe. Simon, 1S8, 189, 190. Playing-place. field for, 195, Plege, Walter, 213. 414 TEST AMENTA CANTIANA. Plessey (Essex), College at. Sfil. Plesynton, Richard, W. 100. Plott or Plotte. Bartholomew. \')0, l.H : William, 321. 322. Pluckley. x, 247. 248. 389. Pocok. Alice. 273. 274. I'ode. Thomas, 154. 1. >.■"). 1 •">(!. Pokhill, Joan. 13. Polhill. Thomas. 110. Poliarde. William, 200, 201. Polle, Richard, 58. Polyn or Poleyn. Joan, fi, 7, 8, 9 ; pilchard, 3<5S, 3(i'.) ; xeo also Pawlyn. Pomerall. llichard, 223. Ponsby, John, 175. Pontovve, Edith, 78. 80 ; John, 78, SO. Pope, Isabell, 75, 70 ; William, 3. Porch, burial in. «, 32. 71, 74, 83. 87, 119. 138, 158, 180, 184. 188. 196, l!t9, 210, 213.218,221,247,205,282,349, 363; buildins" or repair of, 11. 94, 180. 184, 210, 218, 305, 361, 385; paving, 259. Porrage, Stephen, 214, 258. Port or Porte, John, 298 ; Richard, 300 ; Thomas, 42, 44. Porter, Stephen. 177; Thomas, 14ti, 147. Porteus or Portiforium. 6. 83, 92, 116. 141, 146, 151, 156, 202. 288, 373. Portland, William. 202. Poshe, Marione, 236, 237 ; i\; Rose, 21S. ' Redemption of Churcli Plate, 281. Redhedc or Redehode. .lohn, 'MV.\ ; William, \W^. 304. Rediut;- Street Chapel. 1 U'.t. Regewaj'e. Thomas. l(ju. Rci/ge or Re<^e, Richard. 4 ; Robert, 244 ; nee also Areige. Ueignold. Robert, 278, 2SU. Reme, Thomas, 252, 253. Rape, Edward, 367. Reredos, 17(). Resurrection, The, 219. 339, 375. Keyman, John. 189. Ricard. Giles. (59 ; James. 18 : .John, 23, 189, VM. Richard, .loan. 290 ; John, 49 ; Ito- bert, 1(j6, 290 ; Thomas. 37. Richards, Henry, 2^. 270,271, 273, 277. 278, 282. 287, 293. 295. 298, 301, 303. 304, 306,307, 311, 313. 314, 315. 316, 317, 319, 321,322.323. 324, 327! 328. 329. 330, 332. 333, 334. 338, 339, 340. 341, 343, 345,348,349,351, 353. 354, 355, 3.56, 357, 363, 365, 367, 37o; 372. 373, 374, 37.5, 377. Rood Altar, 333. Rood Chapel. 278. 347. Rood, Low, 221. 226. 319. Rood of Fortune. 307. Rood of Hastings, xvii. Rood of Pity, 81, 137. Rood of Rest. xvii. Roodli^ht of Sandown. 278. Roodlolts. New, 6. 19, 24, 32, 36. 48. 63, 136, 141. 148, 159. 164. 172, 182, 214, 238. 274, 322. 323, 343. 346, 348, 380 ; repair of. etc., 19. 24. 27, 33. 70, 73. 117, 118, 128, 192, 228, 2.59. 270, 286,296, 300,324, 348,352, 377. 416 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Roofinnf of Church, etc., 11. 20, 27, 152, 309, 3i3. 381. Eook or Rooke, Henry. 316 ; William. 213 : sre alio Roke. Roos, Richard, iO ; Robert. 303. Roper (Ropar or Rooper). Edmund, 48. 41); Geoffrey. 122; Joan. 40; John. 40. (58 ; ^Stephen. 13ii. 140. 141 : Thomas. 'S6i] ; William. 13. 22'J. 230. Rose. John. 378, 37!), 3SU, 381 ; Wil- liam, 4(j, 47. Rotherford. Edward, 307. Roweg'an, Richard, 174, 175. Rowhede. Thomas,' 106, 192, 350. Koyton Chapel, xi. 191. Ruckinge, ix, 266, 267, 389. Ruddox. Simon, 287. Rugley, Thomas, 183. Kusshelyn, John, 58, 59, 67. Rutter, William, 287, 288. Kyarsh, 267. Rydle. Roger. 60. 61. Rye, John, 92. Ryman, James, 378, 379, 380. Sabbe, Alexander, 140. Sabyn. Thomas, 26. Sacrament. Light of. 42. 44. 48. 62, 82, 90, 106. 115. 144. 162. 178. 244. 245, 260,271,328,354. Saffrey. Thomas, 250, 251. St. Adrian, x, 7. St. Agnes, 121. 169. 288. St. Alphege, 42, 43, 298, 299 ; Chur- ches dedicated to. v. 42. 298. St. Andrew, 39, 44, 158, 172, 306, 327, 343. 363 ; Churches dedicated to, v, 39, 44, 306. 343, 363. St. Anne. 7. 20, 21. 26, 35, 43, 46. 49. 52. 60. 70, 72, 82, 88, 99. 102, 104. 108, 121. 131. 14t;, 158, 169, 186. 211. 221,232,254. 259. 261. 277. 293. 308. 312,316,331,332,344. St. Anne and St. James. 142. 379. St. Anthony. 2. 3, 4. 7, 12, 14. 17. 27, 28. 29. 30, 33. 3.5. 41. 42, 44. .52, 57, 58, 72. 79. 84, 88, 97. 99, 121. 131, 140, 152, 154. 166, 167. 169. 171. 174, 182, 186. 187, 193, 19.5. 224. 229. 258. 262, 268, 273. 277, 279, 288. 2!>4. 3o4. 305, 3U8, 312,313, 315. 320. 324. 325, 328, 332, 338, 339, 342, 317, 354, 359, 369, 379 ; Church dedicated to, 3 ; Hospital, 294. St. Api»olyn or Appoline, x. 88, 135, 312,379. St. Arniygill, x, 45. at, Augu.stine, x, 37, 38, 184, 236. 315, 327 ; Churches dedicated to, v, 37, 184, 236. 315. 327. St. Barbara, 4. 7, 60. 68. 104, 121. 279, 293. 311, 32.5. St. Bartholomew, 24, 138. 139, 349, 350 ; Churches and Hospitals dedi- cated to. V, 24, 138. 276. 278, 294, 349. St. Blaise, x. 17. 39, 88, 135. 154. 187, 209. 243. 247. 303. 377. St. Botolph, 131. St. Christopher, 4. 7. 10, 12. 14. 16, 17, 18, 20. 22. 24. 2(;. 27. 28, 29, 31. 33, 35, 38, 41, 42. 43, 45, 46, 49, 50, 52, 54, 55. 56, 57, 58. 60, ()2. 70, 72, 75, 77. 79, 84, 88, 92, 94, 97, 98. 99, 102, 108. 110. 118, 122, 131.133,134,135, 139. 140. 146, 149. 155. 158. 161. 165, 166,169. 171. 172,' 173. 174, 178,' 179. 181. 182. 183, 186. 187. 189, 193. 195^ 197. 1 99. 201. 203. 207, 210, 222, 225^ 226, 228. 232, 236. 238, 247, 2.52. 258, 265, 279. 283. 288, 299, 304, 308, 313, 31.5, 316. 318. 320, 321. 329. 331, 332. 334, 336, 340, 342. 346, 347, 354, 356, 359, 363, 369, 371, 374. 377, 379. St. Ciriac, x. 32. 250. St. Clement.' 8. 14, 47, 49, 67, 75, 79, 88,95, 101. 122. 140, 161, 183, 184. 192,208,214, 263. 264.273. 277, 279, 280, 312. 320, 325. 359, 379 ; Chur- ches dedicated to. v, 183. 192. 264. 277. St. Clere, xi, 8, 325. St. Cosmus and St. Damian, xi, 18, 23, 69, 70. 293 ; Churches dedicated to, vi, 23, 69. St. Crispin and St. Crispian. xi, 122. 293, 336. St. Crystyn. 87. St. Didier, 66. St. Dominic, see St. Sonday. St. Dorothy, xi, 187. St. Dunstan, xi. 49, 86, 88. 134. 135. 197. 245. 314. 315 ; Churches dedi- cated to! V, 49. 86, 134, 245, 314. St. Eanswithe or Enswithe, xi. 34, 35, 130, 131 ; Churches dedicated to, v, 34. St. Edmund, xi. 126, 174, 189, 264. St. Erasmus. 2, 4. 8. 15. 19. 28. 29. 31. 36. 42, 43. 45, 50. 52. 55. 66, 72, 75^ 88. 97. 99, 108, 123, 131. 135, Uo! 144, 155, 166. 169, 1 71, 186, 189, 193^ 194. 197,207. 208. 243, 259. 262,264, 273, 279, 289. 301, 308. 313,315,320, 325. 329. 338, 314. 359^ ,369. 379. St. Ethelburga or Edburgli, etc., 203, 204 ; Well, 204. St. Eustace, xi. 235. St. Faith, Church dedicated to, 209, GENERAL INDEX. 417 St. George. -J, 8, Kt. i:.. U;. 10, 22, 24, 29, 31. 8S 48. 45, 47. 4;i, ni. ',2, .">, 70, 72. 7!». 8!», 98, KXi. 112. 123. I HI, i:«, 140, i4."). 14(i, 14l>, ino. lo2, 15r>. ir.S. KUi, 171. 177, 190, 11)7, 201. 20S, 211.217, 222^ 2:53. 237. 24(>, V47. 2r,l», r^Cl. 2t)S, 272.273. 27!l. 2S3. 2S1). L'll'.l. 320. 331. 33(;. 33S. ;i42. 347, 3.-^4, 3.".;». 371 : Churches dedicated to, vi. l."(. K;, 4'.». 14.-.. 177. St. Gile«, (i4. 70. 7ii, s;». 123, 183, 298, 343, 344, 3.".t;. 374 : (Jhurches dedi- cated to, vi. 183, 298, 3o.">, 343, 374. St. Goiiella. xi. St. Gru-rory. S. 31. 03. 123. 2nl. 211, 222. 237, 338 ; I'riory. 03, (;4. St. Gregory and St. Martin, vi. 377. St. Helen, xi. 43. St. Miliary, xi, 9S. St. James. 3, 8. 13. l.--. 17. 18, 27,29, 31. 33. 38. 43. 4."). .-)1. .■)3. 07, 08. 72. 7."), 8.">. 89. 94, 90. 97. 99, loO. 109. 110. 114.11;-). 110. 123. 131. 13.-). 137. 142. 150. 155. Kil. 109. 174. 179. 187, 190. 194, 197.201, 203. 210. 211, 210. 217.222.224! 241, 243.240, 21S. 254. 259, 205. 208. 273,' 280. 283, 289. 292. 302. 304, 309. 317. 318. 320. 325. 328, 329, 340, 344, 340, 347. 350. 359, 303, 309, 372. 374. 379 ; Churches dedi- cated to, vi. 17. 90, 114, 291, 317, 350 ; Chapel at Borden. 25. St. John. 4. 8, 10, 12. 13, 15. 24. 20. 29, 32, 39, 43. 45, 47. 49. 51. 53. 58, 00. 63, 08, 72, 75, 77,' 78. 79, 80, 90, 97. 98, 100, 104, 107, 112. 115. 118. 124. 132, 133. 135, 137, 142. 14(1. 148. 149, 151. 153. 159,101,109. 174. 170. 178. 179.181, 184. 187. 19o. 191, 194. 197, 199, 201, 203. 210.212. 210. 218. 222, 224. 227. 231. 233. 237, 241. 245, 240, 250. 252. 254.257. 259. 201. 270, 277. 313, 340. 309. 280,289,302. 304. 307. 3ii9. 312. 3 1 7, 325. 327. 33 1 . 33S. :{:{9, 3 10. 347,349, 350.354. 300. ;!(;3. 307. 374, 379. St. John on the Beam. 1 i 5. St. John before the Cro^s, 89. St. .lohn's in Thanet. xrr Margate. St. John the liaptist, 3. 9. 10. 12, 13, 15, 19. 20. 24. 20. 27. 30. 31. 32, 33, 34, 38, 42! 43, 45. 47. 49. 51. .53, 58, 00, 03. 08. 72, 75. 78^ 79. 82. 89, 92, 94, 95, m. 97. 98, 99. 100. 103. 104, 107. 110. 112.115. no. 124. 132, 134, 130, 13S, l:;9. 141. 112. 143. 144, 145. 147,148. 149. 151. 152. i.-)5, 159. 101. 105, 109. 171.172. 175. 170. I7!». 187, 190, 192. 194. 197, 199. 201, 203. 200, 2 10, 2 1 3. 214.210.217,21 9. 223, 225, 228,231,233,237,241, 248, 252, 254, 201 . 2i; 1 , 209. 270. 2S0, 283, 289, 295. 290. 302. 307.309. 310, 312, 311. 317. 318, 320.321, 325. 327. 331, 333. 331, 338, 339, 340.344. 3i5, 340. 347, 349, 350, 353,300. 303, 308, 374, 370. 380 ; Churches dedicated to, vi, 12, 33. 95. 98. 14M. 210. 213. 217. 201. 310. 333. 315, 352, 355. 30H ; Hospitals, (JS. 290. St. .lohn of Bridlington, xii. 102. 289. St. John the Evangelist, 19, 42.02, 09, 97, 1 12. 124. 142. 17.5. 17(i, 225, 228. 233, 344. 380 ; Church dedicated to, 175. St. Katherine. 2. 3, 4. 8, 10. 1 1. 13. 15. 17. 19. 2o. 21. 23, 27. 28. 30, 34, 35, 3S. :?;). 41. 42, 45. 47. 49, 51. 53, 50, 57. 58. 01. 02. 00, 70, 72. 70, 77. 78, 79. 80. 85. 8<;. 89. 94. 95. 90, 97. 100. 100,108. 109.112. 110. 117. 124, 134, 139. 141. 142. 143, 145. 140. 149,151, 153,155.159.101. 105, 171, 172, 175, 178, 179. 181. 182. 180. 187. 188. 190, 191, 192. 194. 199, 201. 208, 210. 212, 213.210.219, 223. 224. 227. 229,233. 235^ 237.238,241. 240. 247. 248, 249, 250. 251, 253, 254, 250. 258. 201, 202. 204! 200, 209,272, 274. 277, 284,290, 292. 304. 305,312,314, 315. 310. 318. 320^ 321. 323. 325. 327. 329, 331, 332, 335, 330. 338. 339, 340, 342, 344, 340, 348,351. 350, 300.304. 300, 307. 309. 371, 373. 374, 370. 377, 380 ; Chur- ches dedicated to. vi. 182. 249. St. Lawrence. 10. 11, 18. 19,30,31,51, 53, 70, 92. 136, 138, 149. 153, 155, 157, 109,172. 180, 190, 191, 204. 208, 212. 218, 233. 243,24 7. 2(;i. 202,268, 209. 270, 284, 321, 323. 331. 304 ; Churches dedicated to, vi. 10, 18, 51, 92. 130. 153, 172. 191, 212. 243, 261, 268. St. Lawrence in Thanet. vii. viii. ix, xvi. 2(!8, 2(ilt. 270. St. Leonard, 9, 10, 93, 94. 125. 129, 172. 175. 21S. 364, 371 : Churches dedicated to. vi. 9, 93, 129. 173. St. Loye. xii. 2, 8, 36. 51, 94, 100, 125, 136. 140. 216. 241, 259. 263, 290, 320. St. Luke, 63, 125. St. Margaret, 4. 8. 9, 12. 15. 19,22.27, 28, 30. 31, 34, 38, 39. 41, 45, 47, 50, .52, 53. 50, 73, 76, 77. 78, 79, 82, 85, 89, 94. 95, 103, 107, 111, 125, 136, 139, 140, 142, 145, 155, 157, 159. 165, 108.170,171. 173, 170, 183. 184. 190, 192. 197. 199,202. 208. 210, 212,214, 222.223,235.241. 244. 24(i, 251. 252, 253, 200! 2<)9, 270. 271 . 274, 280, 284, 290, 299, 302, 305, 310, 318, 320. 332. 334, 335, 339, 340, 342, 345, 348, 353, E E 418 TEST AMENTA CANTIANA. 357. 864, 871, 372, 374, 376, 377, 380 ; Churches dedicated to, \i. 12, 14. 22. 88. .■i2, .14.5. 170, 173. 2.52, 270, 87.5. 376 : Well at Broomtield. 39. St. Marjj-aret at Cliffe. 270. 271. St. Miirk, 836. St. Jlaitin. 1. 8, 88, 47, 58, 51. 64, 80. 81, 148, 144, 160. 162, 224, 22(;. 2(;2. 267, 284, 292, 878 : Churches dedi- cated to. vi, 1, 2. 88, 58, 80, 95, 104. 148, 160, 224, 226, 262, 267, 373. St. Martin and St. Gregoiy, vi. 87 7. St. Mary, vii. 1, 2, 8. 4, 5. 6. 9, 10, 18. 14. 16. 17, 18. 20, 21. 22, 28. 24, 26. 27. 28, 29, 81, 82, 88, 84. 85, 86, 87. 39, 40. 41, 43, 44, 46. 48, .50, 52, 54. 55, 56, 57, .58, 59. 60, 61, 62, 63, 64. 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72. 74, 75. 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 88, 84. 86. 87. 91, 92, 93. 95, 96, 98, 99, 101, 102, 105.106.107. lOS. 109, 110.111,112. 114. 116, 117, 118. 119, 127, 180, 13K 183, 134, 185, 137, 138, 189. 140, 142. 148, 144, 145, 146. 147, 148, 150, 152, 155,158, 160, 165, 166, 167, 168, 170, 171. 172, 178, 174. 176, 177, 179, 180. 18L 182. 188. 184. 185, 186. 188, 189, 191, 192. 198, 194, 195. 197. 199, 201. 202, 208, 205, 206. 207. 209^ 211,218, 214,215.216.217, 218, 220, 221,223, 225,226,228.229. 281, 282, 288, 285. 286,238,289.240. 241, 242, 248, 244,' 245,246, 247, 2-iS. 2-19, 250. 252, 258J 256, 257, 258, 259. 261. 262, 263, 265. 267, 268. 270. 271. 272.' 278, 276, 278^ 281,282,287, 29.5.' 298. 299. 801, 302, 808. 804. 805, 80(;. 808, 311, 313, 314. 8 1 5, 816.817,818.819. 82 1 . 822. 823. 824, 827, 828. 829. 880. 88 1! 8:^2, 838. 884.885,887.88s. 889. 840. 841, 342, 848,844,845, 846, 847,849J 850. 851. 853, 354, 355. 356. 357, 858. 368, 365. 866,367,368.869. 870, 872, 873. 374. 376, 377, 378: Cliiirches dedicated to. vi. 6, 17. 20, 22, 82, 87,54, 55, 56, 57, 69, 74, 76, 78, Ml. 83. 91, 99. 106, 107. 108, 110. 111. 119, 138,185, 189. 148, 152, 165. 166. 170, 173, 179. 180, 184, 185. 188, 199, 202, 220. 228,229, 231,235,239,212, 245, 246, 218, 249! 253.256, 259, 271. 281.800,802! 308, 818, 316, 821. 328, 324^ 827, 882, 887, 840, 846, 849, 854, 3.55, 865, 866, 872 ; Assumption of, viii, xviii, 2, 6, 57, 72, 81, 82, 84, 121, 180, 167, 189,209. 216, 260, 268. 273. 274, 282, 288, 310 ; Conception of. vii, S4 ; Coronation of, viii. 35, 218; Nativity of. vii, 84, 199, 268, 879; rurification of, vii, 180; Salutation of. viii. Ill, 220, 282, 356. St. Mary of Bethlehem, viii, 121. St. Mary of Cortopstreet. 25. St. Mary of Grace, vii. 189. 232. 825. St. Mary of Mount Carmel, 293. St. Marj' of Xesse. xviii. 25. St. Mary of Pity, vii, 2, 4, 7, 18. 11. 16, 18. 18. 4(i. 68. 64, 65. 72. 75. 79. 88, 106. 110, 115, 120, 180, 155. 158. 160. ](;i. 166. 168. 171, 176, 189, 207. 209^211. 216. 218.221, 232'. 236.241. 247^2.50! 256, 258. 259, 277, 282. 288, 808. 811.' 813, 819. 325. 382, 885, 388. 342, 358, 862, 3()9, 877, 379. St. Jlary of Walsiugham. viii, xvii. 186, 148. 282. 288. St. .Alary in Jeson (Gesyn or Child- birth), viii. 84, 88, 120. 121. IS!). 201, 879. St. Mary and .loseph, viii. S4. 121. St. Mary called Beam Li^ht. 299. 8l<;, 859, 868 ; at the Belfrey door. 250 ; of candlestick, 299 ; near the door, 321 ; near the font, 48, 19.'! ; called Hokday. 257, 299 ; called Luggaris. 811; behind the High altar, 181 ; outside the Chancel, !»8 ; at the noi'th door, 88, 288 ; on the north side of the Church, 112. 850 ; on the south part of the Church, 267 : in the Nave, 28, 60, 79. 86, 92, 120, 150, 282. 304 ; in the I'ew, 158; in the Pillar, 247; iu the Porch, 882 ; in the Roodloft. 882, 359 ; under the Rood, 252 ; near the Holy Water Stoup, 207 ; near the Tower, 26 ; in the Wall. 379 ; called Youngmeii"s Light, 18. St. Mary and St. Anne, 121. St. Mary and St. Eanswythe, vi, 180. St. Mary and St. Ethelburga, vi, 208. St. Mary and St. Nicholas, 188. St. Mary and St. Sexburga, vi, 217. St. Mary and St. Thomas of Canter- bury. 185. St. .Mary, St. John the Bai)tist. and St. Pancras, 225. St. Mary in the Marsh, 271, 272. St. Mary Magdalene, 5, 26. 30. 81, 84, 48, 49, 51, 58. 69. 70, 73, 78. 82. 98, 95, 103, 125, 141, 147. 155, 192, 202. 208. 210. 219, 22(;. 227, 231. 258, 266, 267. 272. 2S1, 302, 817. 821, 822! 881, 888. 842, 816. 848, 850, 356, 877 ; Churches dedicated to, vi, 57, 98, 95, 226, 266, 821. St. Matthew, Church dedicated to, vi, 851, St. Michael, 8, 8. 17. 28, 30. 42, 47, 59. 78, 77, 78, 82. 8!), 100, 108, 111, 118, 125, 1 15. 146, 150. 151. 157, 164. 165, 178. 181, 182, 187, 190, 199. 202, 206, GENERAL INDEX. 419 210. 229. 235, 239, 245, 263, 267, 209. 290. 311,312, 31<;. 320, 323, 32(1, 33(;, 341, 342, 3(i9, 374 ; Churches dedi- cated to, vi. 59, 77. 145, 150, 157, 1«4, 182. 209, 239, 245.307, 311, 341, 3()(). St. Mildred, xii, (JO. Ol. 2JI. 222, 2:,0, 251, 335, 33(i ; Churches dedicated to, vi, CO, 250, 335. St. Moiij»-ar. 305. «t. Nicholas. 1, 2. 5, S, II. 12, 13, 15, 1(J. 17, 20, 22, 23, 27. 28, 34, 35, 3<>, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43. 45. 47, 49. 51. 53. 07, 73, 7fi, 78. 79, 82. 83. 85, 89, 95. 98, 100. 102, 103, 10*5. 111. 113, 115, 125. 1.30, 132. 13«. 141.144. 14C,, 147, 149. 151, 155, 159. 1(52, 1(55. 1(59, 171. 173. 17C., 179, 180. 181, 186, 187, 190, 192, 194. 195, 196. 197. 198, 20(1. 208, 215. 222. 225, L'29, 230, 231, 233. 237, 242. 244.24(1. 247, 248. 251. 253. 254. 25(i, 257. 258. 2.59. 2(i4, 272. 274. 276. 277. 290, 303, 30.5, 30!t. 314. 318^ 320, 321,322,323,326, 328, 330, 333, 335, 336. 338. 339. 342. 343, 346. 349. 360. 364, 366, 371. 373. 374. 377, 380; Churches dedicated to. vi, 5, 11. 28. 40. 101. 146. 186. 195, 230. 242. 244. 247,256. 257. 263, 272. 277. 303, 305. 328,339,371. Ht. Nicholas. John. 5. (5 ; Juliane. 268, 372; Thomas. 220. 221. 222. 268. 372. St. Nicholas at Wade. viii. ix, xiii, 272, 273, 274. 275, 390. St. Ninian, 45, 98. 100. 293. St. Oswald, (.'hurch dedicated to. vi, xii. 244. St. Osvthe or Sythe. xii, 8. 11. 29. 30, 49, 73, 78. 1,55. 156. 173, 224, 2.58. 280. 284, 326, 345. St. Pancras, vi. 85, 86. St. Paul, 30. 61, 159, 332; Church dedicated to. vi, 61. St. Peter. 2. 3. 15. 16, 26. 27. 29. 30. 34. 35. 3(5. ()3. 74. 79. 82. 94. 102^ 103,105.109.113. 114. 116, 117, 125. 132, 138, 141. 147, 155. 159. 162, 175. 194. 198, 202,208, 215. 216.21!). 222. 224. 225.226.230. 235. 237. 238. 241. 253. 254. 257. 258, 263, 276, 280, 286, 290, 300, 304,307. 309. 31S. 323. 324, 331, 333, 335,348. 353, 357. 367, 375, 37(!, 380 ; Churches dedicated to, 15, 29. 34. 35. 63. 74, 102. 230, 237, 286. 323. 353. 357. 375 ; De Castro. 276 : called Yoklett. 27(5. St. Peter a-id St. I'aul, 4. 20. 25. 26, 36. 71, 73.74. 105. 116. 117. 125. 147. 157, 159, 186, 188. 193. 194. 223. 224, 225,229, 230. 234, 235. 240. 241, 257, 276, 303, 305, 3.30, 332, 334, 335, 337, 380; Churches dedicated to, vi. 4, 20. 25, 26, 36, 71. 74, 105. 116, 117, 147, 157, 188, 193, 223,225,229.234, 240, 257, 276. 29.S, 303, 330, 334,337, 344.345, 381. St. I'eter's in Thanet. 275. 390. St. Kadeyund. xii. 249, 338; Abbey, xii, 249. St. liasmund, 149. St. Robert, xiv, xvii, 233. St. Koke, xii, 47, 89, 103, 144, 353. St. Ruman, 116. St. Kumwold. xiii, 25 ; Church dedi- cated to, vi, 25. St. Sebastian, xiii, 73. 89, 380. St. Sexburji-a. 219 ; Shrine of, 220. St. Sonday, xiv, 9, 11, 24, 29, 76, 1.56, 180, 1S7. 190, 194. 241, 342. St. Sperabil. 348. .St. Stelikis. xviii. St. Stephen, vi. 5, s, 17. 27, 29, 30, 38, 73, 77, 78, 79, 92, 103, 109. 132, 136, 144, 153, 156. 159, 16.5, L66, 170, 180, 181, 204, 205, 206, 214, 234, 239.259, 264, 269, 281, 302, 342, 3(59, 371; Churches dedicated to, vi. 144, 205. St. Thomas, ix. 19. 27, 39, 41, 73, 80, 94, 108, 109, 118, 136, 145, 147, 149, 157. 1(>2, 1(55, 169, 171, 17(;, 1 78, 184, 187^ 204, 222, 230, 235, 237, 254, 2(iO, 290, 318, 367, 373, 376, 380, St. Thomas the Apostle, vi, xiii, 118, 126, 151, 153,274,321 ; Church dedi- cated to, vi, xiii, 151. St. Thomas of Canterbury, vi, viii, ix, X, 2. 5, 9, 24, 26, 29. 64, 68, 70, 85, 90, 100, 118, 119, 12(!, 139, 149, 1.59, 185, 192, 208, 212, 216, 229, 239, 241, 262, 267, 269, 274, 277, 280, 284, 297, 333, 338, .342, 346, 3.50, 360, 370; Church dedicated to, vi, 118 ; Hos- pital, 6''^. .St. Thomas of Dancastre, 262. St. Thomas de Halys, x, 39. 104. St. Troneon or Tronyon, xiii, 36. 45, 55, 103. 126, 281, 294. St. Trosymone, 103. St. Ursula, xiii. 45, 47, 284, 290. St. Vincent, xiii, 196, 198 ; Church dedica*^ed to. vi. xiii, 19(). St. Welcome, xiii, 149. St. William of Sherrifeld, xiii, 167. Salett, one, 283. Salleyn, Thomas. Ill, 112. 113. Salmeston Chapel, 212. Salmon, John, 120,358,359; Richard, l(i2. Salovvc, A^rnes. 123. Salt, a silver, 3(J7. 420 TESTAMENTA CANTlANA. Saltwood, 276 ; Hospital of St. Bar- tholomew, 27(). Saninell, John, 142, HB. Sampson, John, Ittl ; William, 253, 254, 255. Samuel, Richard. 141. 142. Sam well, John, 3(;i : Margaret, 360, 362. Sandhurst, 277. Sandisbury, Richard, 66. Sandwich, 277 — 2'.i7 ; Church of St. Clement, ix, xii, xiii, xix, 277, 278, 27'J, 280, 281 ; St. Mary, viii, xii, xiii, xxi, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 390 ; St. Peter, viii, ix, xi, xiii, xvi, xix, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291 ; St. James, 291, 292 : Hermit of,xv, 292; Carmelite Friars, 293, 294; Hospital of St. Anthony uv the Maldrey, 294 ; St. Bartholomew, 3, 294, '295, 296 ; St. John the Baptist! 296, 297 ; St. Thomas of Canter- bury, 297. Sare, Edmund, 164, 165. Sarre, 298. Saunder (Sander, Snndyr, or Saun- ders), James, 112. 113 ; John, (>, 7. 172,210, 211, 212,269,311,312,367; Richard, 268; Robert, 281, 294; Stephen, 222 ; William, 14, 15. Savajje, John, 35. 36. Saviour, Holy, 7, 24, 29, 119, 129, 154, 160, 220, 293. Sawkeu, William, 55. Sawyer or Sawyar, John, 231, 234 ; Richard. 162; Thomas, 101. Sayer, Alice. 232, 233, 234 ; Bennet, 119; Henry, 120, 128; John. 127; Sampson, 231, 233, 234 ; Thomas, 119, 210, 211, 212. Saynt (Sayntte, Seynt, ov Sonte), John, 127, 129, 3.59; Thomas, 254, 255, 333, 334. Scala Cell, altar of, 66, ;)54. Scappes, Robert. 22H. Scater^oode, Robert, 82. Schepey, John, 349. Schernden, Juliana, 34(), 311. Schorne, xvii ; Master John, xv, 127. Scott iiv Skotte, Elisabeth, I6(i, 1()7 ; John, ISO, ISl. 311 ; Thomas, 154, 157, 258; William, 363. Scryvaner, Henry, 61. Seal, 298. Seasalter. xvi. 298, 299, 300. Seats, making of, 110, 116. 257, 386 : of th(r women, 2Hl. Sebrand, .luhn, 264. Sedenor, William, 12, \)h. See, John atte, 162 ; Katlieiiiii', 161 ; William, 160, 161, 162, 164. Seed or Seede, Thomas, 249, 250, 330. Sefford, Margaret, 4, 5. Sego, John, 279. Seker, ^Villiam, 109. Selby, Beatrice, 317; Joan. 210; Matthew, 343 ; Richard, 317; Wil- liam, 317. Selhnere, Richard, 193, 194, 195. Sellindge, 301. Selling.' 302, 303. Selryd, William, 31. Selsey, Nicholas, 20. Selys, William, 377, 3K1. Sendbery, Robert, 15S, 159. Septvans, John, 5 ; Thomas. 376. Seras, Robert, 263, 264. Sethe, Richard, 323, 324. Seulton, Thomas, 58, 59. Sevenoaks, 303. Sevington, x, 303. Sextayn, Marione, 259. Seyntleger. Thomas, 243, 244. Shadoxhurst, 303, 304. Shapman, John, 80. Sharinden, William, 340, 341 ; see alno Schernden. Sharp or Sharpe, Christopher, 82, 83 ; Geoffrey, 262, 263; John, 16, 17, 223 224, 311, 312, 313, 319, 320, 345 ; Richard, 319, 320; Thomas, 347, 348 ; William, 75, 76. Shavelok, John, 308, 3(>9. Sheets for altar-cloths, 14. 280, 374; pair of. 296, 297. Sheffe, Thomas, 90. Sheffield, Constance, 50. Sheldvvich, 304, 305 : Agnes, 57, 58, 59. Shemell, William. 316. Shepewash, Richard, 299. Shepyn, Walter, 226. Sherland, William, 235. Sherman, Joan, 239. Sheterenden, Walter, 74. Shingling of the Church, 11, 143, 186. 193, 214, 370. Ship for incense, 309. Shipbourne, 305. Shipnian or Shypman, Cristina, 162 ; James, 16(i, Kll, 1(;2, 163 ; Thomas, 339. Shire or Sheore Church, 348. Shoreham, 3(i5. Short or Shorte, Alice, 132, 133 ; Tho- mas, 12(1, 125 ; William, 369. Shote, Charles, 130. 131, 132, Sliotcwodc. liichard, 317. Shoulden. 3i)."., 306. Shrine of St. Thomas at Canterbury, 156. Shropsolc. \\ iliiaiii, 27. g:enekal index. 421 Shrympiiuk-ii. Kiuliiud, 21.'>. Sibertswokl, Sud. ;i(i7. Siblt" or Syl)ely, Thoiiias. IMl. I'J.i ; Williuui/lSK. IIMI. Sigor, .John, L'l.s. 35U ; Thomas. 2 lit, Silke (Selk or Sylke), Hauion, 2 ; John, 2;j.">, ;J77, isytj. Siller or Sellar. John. 108, lOii. Silverlok, A-rnes, 2(»'.t. 210. Siuion (.Semon. Sinieun. or Simond), John, 1, 334, 335; Margaret, 280; Roger, 229, 230 ; William, 253. Simpson, Alice, 293. Sisely, Steven, 154, 155. Sittiugbourue, xviii. 307, 308, 309, 310. Skorme, William, 277. Smale, John. 52. Smallhythe, 310, 311. Smarden, x, xiv, xix, 311, 312, 313. Smeeth. 313, 31 -4. Smelt, John, 358, 359, 3(12 ; William, 299, 300. Smersall m- Smersole, 3Iargaret, 111, 112 ; Robert, 162, 1(53, 164 ; William, 112, 113. Smethe, I'hilip, 37 ; Richard, 146. Smethiott or Smytheot, John, 70 : Robert, 101, 102. Smith (Smyth or Smythe), Christo- pher, 303 ; Isabelle, 49, 50, 51 ; James, 7(i, 225 ; John, 25, 211, 212, 224, 282, 292, 313, 368, 369 ; Kathe- rlne, 127; Margaret, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124. 125, 126; Matthew, 138; Reginald, 2S; Robert. 52, 3(;4, 365; Thomas, 76, 77, 211,212; Wil- liam, 224, 354. Snargate, xi, 314, 315. Snarre, Gerardine, 271, 272. Snave, x, 315, 316. Snode or Snoode, John, 295, 296 ; Richard, 35, 36. Snoth or Snothe, Alice, 33 ; John, 341, 342 ; Margaret, 2S7, 291 ; Tho- mas, 12, 287, 288, 289, 290, Snow, Thomas, 296. Sole,Denise, 120, 121, 122, 125; John, 218, 219; Thomas, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 277. Solly (Soley or Solye), Beatrice, 335 ; Richard, 368 : Robert, 368. Somer, William, 93, 94. Someroy, Elisa, 320. Sompner, William, 113. Sondes or Sondds, Robert. 341 : Wil- liam, 341, 342. Sone or Soone. Richard, 277 : Thomas, 108, 109. Sorell, Thomas, 18, 19. Sontheiey, John, H I, 1 15, Southtleet, xvi. Southland or Si)wdland, Alice, 133, 134; Thomas. 119. 120. 122. 121, 133, 131 ; William, 122, 126. Southouse "/■ Sowthouse, Henry, 302 ; Isabell, 302, 303 : Robert, 236, 302 ; Thomas, 302, 303. Sower, John. 93. Sowsley, William, 3So. Sowthtietc, .loan. 53. Sparowe, Thomas, 59. Specheley. Thomas, 368. Speldhurst, 316. Spencei". John, 219. Spert. John, 336, 371. Spice or Spyce. Geoffrey. 24 7, 248 ; John, 24.S ; Thomas. 1 1(». 111. Spicer, Joan, 27; John. 298, 299: William, 298, 299. Spirit. Light of Holy, 2(i5. Spore. John, 249, 250. Sprakling. I'homas. 275. Springet or Springett. Agnes, 154, 155 : William, 19, 307, 308, 309. Sprot (Sprott or Sprotte), John. 91, 92, 235 ; Thomas. 216, 365. Stace or Stacie. Ad:im, 298, 299 ; God- leve, 19 ; John, 299, 3no, 324, 325 ; Roger, (»2. Stalls for the Church, 23, 59. Stallsfield, 316. Stamford or Stamforte, John, 81, 82, 218, 251. 2.52. Stanford. 317. Stannai'd. Thomas, 250, 251. Stanstead, 317. Staple, ix, xvi, xviii, 317, 318, 319. Staplehurst, xii, xiii, xxi, 154, 319, 320, 321. Stathe, Henry, 187, Staunton, Henry, 117. Stebbill, Joan, 193, 1 liam, 193. Stede, John, 148, 149; Steeple, building or repair of, 2,5, 14, 26. 58, ^^S, 73, 74, 80, 85, 86. 95, 96. 113,118,138, 139, 152, 191, 198,205. 209. 305, 324, 333, 370, 371, 384. S telling, 321. Stephen (Stephyn, Stephin, or Ste- vyn), .\lice. 357, 3.58, 3.59, 361, 362 ; John, ^\'^K 164. 165, 358. 359. 360, 361 : Roger. 244 : William, f.ii. i;]. 231, 358, 35'.>. Stephinsou. Margaret. 65 : Richard, 65. Stepinden, Stephen, 311, 312. Stevenday. Thom.as, 84, 85. Steward, John. 291. 292, 353; Tho- mas, 10. 11. 9i. 195 ; Wil- Roger, 148, 149. 422 TESTAMENT A CANTIANA. Stilman, Robert, 96, 97. Stockbuiy, 321, 822, 390. Stodmarsh, 823. Stoke or Stokys, John. 11 ; Walter. 175. 17«>; William, 17.5. 176. Stoklett or Stokelotte. John. 148. 149. Stonar, x, 327. Stonard, Alexander. 114. 3()7 : Hugh. 2.51 ; John. 114 ; Stephen, 5, tJ, 92. Stonbridye, John, "iO. Stone (near Faversham). 323. 324, 890. Stone, Alice, 102, 103 : Richard, 276, 277 ; Robert, 276 ; William, 1()6. Stone, memorial. 5. 7. 26, 40, 63. 71. 84. 106. 142. 156. lex', 175, 184, 20o! 219, 228, 288, 26,5. 268, 284. 301, 828, 857. Stone on which Gabriel descended, 23. Stone in Oxney, vii. xi. xii. 324. 325. 326. Stonehouse cr Stonhouse, .4nne. 336 ; Robert. 188, 189. Stonestreet. Robert, 177, 178. Stoup. Holy water, 6, 250, 28(J. Stourmouth. xvi, 327. 390. Stowtinyr. 327. 82>'. Stragman, Cecilia, 268. 269. Strangbowe. John. 25 ; Thomas, 25. Straynesham. John, 119, 122. Strekynbold, John, 336. Strete. Alice, 233; Thomas. 31, 32, 288. Strogill i>r Strigill. Edward. 851 ; John. 324. 326. Stronge, Thomas. 199. 200 Strongeman or Straiigeman. Thomas. 9 : William. 9. St'ood, xii, xiv. Stubhs or Stubbis, Juhn. 23ii; Tlio- nias, 25, 206. Stud, Vincent. 163. Stuphill. William, 24(1. Stuppeney or Stuppeny, Lawrence, 264 : Richard, 261. Sturrey. Eli.sabeth. 10, 11 : William, 25. Slurry, xvi, 328, 329. 38(i. Style (Stile, Steyle, or Styll). John, 24, 48, 867 ; Robert, 192 ;" Sampson, 215, 216 : Thomas, 832, 388. Sund ridge, 330. Supei"-.\ltar, 151, 176. Surplice. 115, 151, 156, 159. 17i;, 202, 212, 227, 234, 242. 870. Sutton (near Dover). 330. Sutton, Kast, 830, 831, 882. Sutton at Hone, xii. Sutton Valence, ix. 382, 338, 390. Sutton, Robert, 337, 838 ; Roger, 154, 155 ; William, i07. Swalecliffe, 333, 334, 390. Swan or Swanne. Edmond. 54 : Joan, 54 ; John. 45. 72, 78, 182, 263, 264. Svvansfield. Simon, 37, 57. Swanton, Itichard, 298 ; Simon, 298 ; Stephen, 859, 362. Swayne. Isabella. 333 : John, 4(> ; Robert. 93. 94. Sweham. John. 32, 206, 207. 208. Swerder. Henry, ()3. Swind^rbv ('/• Sters, Richard, 298. Swingfield, 884, 885, 890. S wolf a. Robert, 885. Swyft (Swift or Swyfte), Henry, 8, 9 ; John. 25 : Robert, 7, 8 : Stephen, 57. Swynarton, William. 210. Swvnford, Richard. 3()3, 364. Sy brand, Robert, 118, 119, 815. Sydegore. Stephen. 18(), 187. Sym or Symme. William, 1 12, 197. Symon or Symond. Alan. 267 : John, 266. 278. 280 ; Robert, 199, 200 ; ,, 837, 39i». TepinJen. Richard. 165. Terry. Richard, 209. 21 0: Thomas. 268, 2(;9. 270. Teston. 387. I'etman. John. 288. 290. Toxton. .Idhn. 15. 16. Teynham. ix. xii, 337. 388. 339. Thacher ( I'hcchar or Thatcher'), Col- lett. 269 ; John. 269; William. 52. 58. 374. Thanington, 339. 340. Thomas. Kdward. 307. 308 ; Willi.im. 22S. Tlioniasson, Ivlwani. 126. Thompline, Alice, 363, 364, 365. GENEKAL INDEX. 423 Thoiiii).s(jii /'/• Thoiiisuii. Diilyar, "'1 ; John. ir.i. \-2-2. \-2-A. 127, 24(1, ;^24 ; Hichard. l'ol' : Kohcrt. 21.".: Sti-- plu-n. :M7. :us, Thunihain. iMo. :M I. Thoriiiiijrt'. 'riiuinas. 2'.is. ■J'horntou, William. i2.s. Thoniwall, UolaTt. 12:?. Thorpe. William, \'>\. Thruwlcy, ix. xiv. :U I , :M2. :ii:i. Tlmiiovale, Thomas. 2lii. Tlmrl)aiii. (iodemaniuis. 271. 272: Kichanj, 20. Thurible, 210. Thurston or Thurstone. Joan, 70 ; John. 70, :U2 ; Itobert. 70 ; Willi:tm, 70. Thwayle, Thomas. '^'>L Tilden or Tylden. Rultert. 20!). 210: Stephen. 2o;i. 210. Till (Tilly. Tilley. Tylle. or Tely). John. 44.45. I'M, 1114 : Martha. VA ; Ifiehard. HOi. :i")4. 'rilmanstoue. xvi, '.W.^. Tott't. William. 1!)S. i:)4. 1 '.);->. Toke or Tok. Thoma.s, KK). 1(.2. lo:^. 104. Tolkyn. William, .'{14. :51.-.. Toller, Thomas. 27!t. 2X1. Toly or Tooly, Henry. 229. 2:{0. Tonge ('/• Tonge, H4H, 844 ; Cecilia, :V.U : John. IHO. 1:51, 1H2. IHH; Richard. 1!»4 : Wilham, ^^M. 3:r.. 'J'orches. The. Km, I(i2. loC. lus. 1 IC, 147. 1(17, 171. 1S((. 1 SI. 1 lis. 200, 204, 20(i. 214. 2;io. 2:i.s. 24 4. 2.".7. 2(17. 271. soo. ;io2. .-io:;, ;}I4. .sir..:{2:5. -.i-ic/.m;, ;S4H. Sol, H.-.7. 8()(i. 872. Tost. Robert. 'MUl Totnam. John, '^^AS. Towel. 187, ISS, 870; of diaper. 14. KKi, 127, 272. 280, 2S.-). 2.S(;, 802. 844. Tower, new, 78. 204, 88(! : burial in. (}8, 74, 281 ; repair of. 45, r>9. 2()(>. 206, 2.-)2, 280, 880, 885. 858. 880, 884 ; xfT olxo Steeple. Townley. Richard, 17(;. Trappes, .Vmlrew, 8(;8. 8(15. Tredaut. John. 7, !i. Trendt'hnrst. Thomas. 70. 71. Trendham. Thomas. 51. Trend le. The. K". 12. UK 7".!. I'.i2. 211. 857. 8i;4. 878. Trend ley. .lohn. 2(>(i. 2(i7. Trental of St. Greycirv. 55. KX;. Tresorer, John, 4(>. 47. Tressonour. .John. 1!»7 : Thoma^. !!•<;, 198. Trill on my harp, etc.. li;5. Trinity, The, vi, 8, o, 9, 18, 14, 1(5, 18, 22, 80, 88, 8(1, 87, 50, 52. 5(1, 58. 70, 71, 74, 70, 80, 8(i, 91,98,99, 101, iO.5, 111. 119. 18(1. 148. 1.50. 158. ICO. )(;5. Km. 178. 198. 1 97. 2(Mi. 207, 21(». 215. 221. 224. 28(1. 281. 251.252,258,259. 2(11, 2(;(i. 2(;9. 27(1.271,278.277,278, 287, 295, 801. 804, 80(;. 811,814,821, 828, 8H8. 84 I. 847, 849. 851. 855, 874. 878 ; Churches and Chapfls dedi- cated to, vi, 91, 215. 251, 270 ; Col- le^'c of, at l'les.sey (Kssex), 8(11, 8(12. Triplowe, John, 215, 2KJ. Tristram, Margery, 278, 274. Tritton. ^-imon. 240, 241. 'ii\)cher. Hamon, 115 ; Margaret. 115. 'irottescliff. 844. Trussell. John, WIW. Trych, Uobert, 282, 292. Trykett, Itichard, 82(i. Tryuden. William, 27. Tudley. 844. Tunbridfre, 845. Tunstall. xii, 845. Turjiis, John, 1 15. Tumour (Turnowr, 1 urnore. or Tur- ner), Alexander. 845, 84G : Henry, 845. 840 ; John, 118, 119, 120, 128, 218, 214, 818, 814 ; Margareta, 15,^, 159: Peter. 28, 29: Kiciiaid. 288. 888; Robert, 122; Thomas. 845. 84(; ; William, 200, 201, 202. Twesnott, Dcnyce, 59. Twysden. lioger, 74. Tyling of roofs. 27, 8(». 4'ylthe. Stephen, 195, 1 90. Tyrwin. .Matthew, 224, 200. Tytinden, William, 105, Kjfi. U Ulcombe, ix, 845, 840. Underdowne, Kdmunde, .821 ; Hugh, 147; John, 59; Nicholas, 275; Richard, 84. 85. Underwood, Thomas. 14<). 147. Upchurch. 847, 848, 89(1. Upton, John, 25(), 858, 854 ; Law- rence, 841, 842; Robert, 270, 271 ; Stephen, 128, 824 ; William. 250. Usbarne vr Usborne, John, 70, 77 : Thomas, 819. 820. 821 ; William, 111, 1 12 ; me alxo Osborne. Usmer, Stephen, 830, 881, 882. Vage, John. 58. 54. Valaco, Edmund, 119. 424 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Varia, ;">, !), 10, 11, K!, 15, !('•, 17, Hi, 20, 28, 24, 25, 2(i, 27, 80, 82, 84, 85, 3rt, 87, 88, 89, 41, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, 51, 58, 54, 55, 58, 59, (52, ()8, (!C., <;7, t;8, 09, 70, 78, 74, 7(3, 77, 78, 80, 81. 88, 85, 8(;, 90, 94, i-'fi, 98, 105. IOC, 107, 108. 111. 118, 111. 115. 117,118,, 128, 188, 186, 188, 189. 141. 148, 145, 148^ 151, 152, 158, 15(1. 159, 1(58, l(i5, l(i(j, 107, 1(19, 170. 172, 175, 17(;. 179, 18U, 181, 182. 188, 185, 18(i, 187, 190, 191, 192, 194, 19(i, 20(), 208, 209, 210, 21 K 214. 21 5, 217, 219. 222, 224, 225. 220. 228, 280. 284, 235. 287, 288. 28!l. 241. 244. 245. 24fi, 247, 248. 251. 252,, 25(!. 2.58, 2G0, 2fi(;. 267, 269. 270. 271. 272. 274, 276, 281, 284, 291. 292. 2!»5. 800. 801, 805. 806, 807, 809. 818. 814.817,819, 821, 822, 828, 824, 826.827,828, 880, 883. 834, 885, 886, 839. 841, 848, 844, 816. 848. 850, 852, 858,854, 855,860. 864. 366; 867, 370, 871.872.878,875, 876, 877, 880. Vaughan, Thomas. 257. Veifjh. John a, 88. Veriar. Isabel!. 2. Verry, Harry, 112. 118. Vestments, buying of, 15, 16, 88, 89 42. 44, 58, 62, 68, 77, 106, HI, 126 184. 151. 156, 168, 164, 179, 192, 198 20(;, 220, 225, 227. 287, 25! , 252, 2.59 260, 288. 28(5, 292', 809. 327, 328, 852 381 : nee also Albe, Chasuble, etc. Vestry, building or repair of, 9, 61 116, 214. Veyron, William, 1. Videan, Stephen, 223. Vincent, Robert, 103. Virle, Richard, 52, 53. Voste, William, 185. Vynch. William, 193, 195 Finch. Vyolte, Nicholas, 81. W W'ado, .John, 16S. 16'.); Robert. I(i8; •Stephen. 808 : Thomas, 871, Wadell tir Wodeli, John, 208, 204 ; Richard, 12. Walden. John. 2()8, 2(59. Waldershare, 848, 849. \Valet, Agnes, 154, 155. WalUer, Isabel, 65; John, 67, 195, 202 ; I'etronillii. 278, 274 ; iiichard^ 259. Waller, Nicholas. 161. 162. Walmer. 244, 349. Walmyston, John, 327, see (H-si ll-SO Walsh (If Walsshe, Richard. 164, 165, 284. 294. Walter. Alice, 122. 12.'^, 124, 128; George. 222: Margreta, 21, 22; William, 832. 838. Waltham. ix. 849,350. Walton. Thomas. 175. Wanden, Richard, 110, 111. AVarde, John, 202 ; Thomas. 184, 884. W'arden, 850, 851. Ware or Warre. Thomas, 37, 251 ; William. 854. Warehorne. 851, 852. 390. Waren or Warin. Men, 26: Arthur, 180, 181 : William, 102, 108. Warencourt. Nicholas, 119. Warkope. William, 79. Warniington. John, 249. W'arnecourt. .Simon, 120, 121. 122. 124. 126, 128. Warner. Isabella, 368. 369. Wash of Oysters, 217. AVastell. William. 116, 117. Water, John, 190, 191 ; Robert, 189, 191: Stephen. 135, 136; William. 221. 280. Watering-bury, 852. Waterman. Margaret. 87. 90 ; Robert, 14. 15. Watson, Thomas. 179, 180, 288 : Wil- liam, 17. 242. Wattman, John, 265, 266. Watts or Watte. Christian. 364 ; John, 7. 45, 171 : Simon, 200, 201, 202; Thomas, 2.50. 865, 366. 372, 873 ; Walter, 17: William. 16, 17. 176. 281. Waylond, William. 157. Wayte. John. 31 1. 885 ; Roger, 16. 17 : William. 26. Webb (Webbe or Webbye), Benet, 282. 285. 2S(i ; Cristina, 876 ; John! 99, loo, 185, 186 ; Katherine, 282, 288 : Robert. 376. Weeder, Thomas, 1 8. Wekys. Richard. 57. 58. Weldish (Weldysh, Weldyssh, or Wel- dayshhe), Agnes, 164, 1(!5; John, 77'; Richard, 182 : William, 266, 267, Well (Welle, Wells, Wellis, Welles, or Wellys), John, 180, 181, 344; Katherine. 61 ; Richard, 223, 250 ; Thomas, 64, 305, 30(), 327, 882, 333 ; William, 120, 121, 122, 160, 161, 162, 268. 26:», 365. 866. Well Chapel, 177, 198. Wendborne. George, (il, ()2. Wenett, Thomas, 22. Wermyston, Thomas. 261. W^erthinden, Robert, 84, 85, GENERAL INDEX. 425 U)llll. 22. lii:.. .•{:.7. 121. 1S8. atte. AVeruk. William. lO."). West. Henry, HS. •};» : IS'.l, li»o. Westbere. :!r)2. :5r>;5, HtKi. Westcliff, 35S. Westenbanserr •^•"'■J- Westgate. Hamo de. 21 West Hvthe. IS."),"). Westoij'john. lit:5, i;i4. Westwell. viii. i^">.">, '.^'li'i. W'etherlok. John, 2:V.i. ■Wethinbroke, Thomas. 1")'.). Wevyll, liichard. 2, ;5. Wevj'nden, William. 154. I.");"). Wey. Joan, 220. 221 : Williain 220. 22 I. 222. Wey man. liichard, :W.K Weynston. Thomas. 27U, 271. Whatman, Elisabeth, 154, 155 ; John, 2(i5, 2(!i) ; Thomas, 178, 2G5, 2(;(i. White. Agnes, 2(;(;. 2(57 ; Alan, 315, HIO; Alice, 'MU, 350, 351; Ann, 114: James, 50, 303, 304; Joan, 315, 31(5 ; John, 282. 2i)2 : Richard. 14 : Robert, 81, 82. 83, 315; Ste- phen. 2()(;. 2(57 ; Thomas, 87. 90, 25t;. 315. 31(1 ; William. <>, 41, 42. AVhitfield. xvi. 357. Whithale. William, 357, 358, 359, 3()0, Whitinge, Thomas, 282, 283, 284, 292. Whitlock. Agnes, 44 : John, 42, (17. Whitsphauke or W^hittisphauke, God- leva. 158. 159; Robt,, 35, 2(i5, 314, 315. Whitstable. ix. xv. xvi, xix, xx, xxi, 357, 358. 359. 3()0. 3(;i, 3(52, 3(53, 391. Whitton (>?• Witton. Richard, 4. Wliope. Thomas. 58. Wickhambreux. xvi, 391. Widcott. Richard. 353 Widirdene. William, 14, 15. Wigg (ir Wigge, Henry. 230 ; 2. 3. Wigmore. William, 12. Wildbore. Agnes. 148, 149. Wilkins, John. 2!h;. Wilkinson. John. (!1. Willes (.Willis "r Will). Agnes, 1G7 ; John, 5 7 : Uicliard, 223 ; Stejihen. 328. 329 : Thomas, 223. 224, ;)51. Wille>borough, 3(35, 36(5, 391. Williams. John, 320. AVilmington, 3(5(1. Wilmott, Thomas. 8. 9. Wilow. William. 122, 123, 126. Wilshire. John. 127. Wilson, Kdward. 245, 21(; ; John, 92. Henry, 304 ; 3(53, 304, 3(55, Robert, 353. \\'illiam. Wilverden, Isabella, 1(>(). Winchester, Nicholas, 197, 198. Window, making or rejjair of, 2. 5. G, 18, 1!). 22. 2(5. 27. 41, 5.5. (58. 73. 7(i, 90. 91, 111, 133. 134, 141, KSi. 172, 174. 175, 177. 181.197, 198,220.225, 234, 239. 247. 2(50, 2(57,274,283,307, 310, 322, 324, 327, 335, 337, 348.3(5(1, 3(i8, 370. 371, 385 ; Figure or Image in, XX. 1.S4, 35(1. Wingham, ix, xxi, 3(;(;, 3(17. 3(58, 391. Winter. Elisabeth, 227 : John, 24, 227, 228. Wise, Robert. 3(50. Withgoft'e, William, 145. Withiott, Robert, 121. 124. 12(5; sea (il.sii Wideott. Wittershaiu, i.x.xvi, 3G8, 3(;9, 370, 391. Wode or Wod, Henry at, 98, 99 ; John. 173, 199, 200 ; Matthew atte, 130. 131, 132; Reginald at, 379; Richard. 3.;. 122, 32;> ; William, 95 ; .sec ti/xo A\'ood. Wotlehill or Wodhill, Agnes, 204 ; James, 204 ; William, 203, 2U4. Wodeman, Thomas. 177, 178. Wodward, Edward, 7. Woghojie or Wohope, Thomas, Light of. xix. 312. Woldeham, Robert, 207, 209. Woldham. x, xiii. Wolett, Stephen, 11(5; Thomas. IIG, 117. AVolff or Wulff. John. 31G : Richard, 122. Woltoii. Stephen, 75, 7G. Women, Light of the, 147, 359. Wood or W'oode, Alice, 5G ; Henry, 347. 34S : John. 11 ; Julian, 174 ; Richard. 1G8. 1G9, 174; Robert, 323. 3(53. 3G4 ; Thomas. GO, 61, 9(5, 97. 98, 240. 241. 337, 340. 3G3. 364 ; William. 13. 340, 347, 348 ; .sec also Wode. Woodchurch. 37o. 371. 391. Woodchurch in '1 hanet, 371. 372. Woodcnsborotigh, 372. 373. Woodkoke ('/• Wodecok, John, 20, 375. Woodland. John. 224. Woodrich. Thomas, 240, 241. Wootton, 37.3. Wcrden. Adam. 257. Worme. Joan, 287. 291. 29G. Wormshill. 374, 375, 391. Worteley^u- Worttle, Agnes. 281. 286 ; Robert. 282. 285. Worth, ix. 375, 376. Wortnell. Thomas. 80. 81. Wotton. Elisabeth, 28. Wowghlyn. .\lice, 177, 178; John, 177, 178. 426 TESTAMENTA CANTIANA. Wrede, William, 376. 377. Wrek, John, 22.S. Wright, Henry. 11. 306, 307; Law- rence, 232. 233, 234 : Nicholas, 378 ; Richard, 306 : Thomasine. 158. 159. AVybarn (Wybarne, Wyborn, or Wy- borne). Jeffrey, 138, 13!> ; John, 81, 82, 1d9, 170 : Margaret, 308, 309 ; Robert. 308 ; .Stephen, 32, 33. Wychling, x. Wye. vii. x. xiii. 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 391. Wylks, Richard. ICO, IBl, 163. Wyllok. Thomas. 378, 379, 380. Wymark, John, 318. Wymlingswold, 375. Wynday (Windaye or Wynde), John, 214. 215 : Peter, 170 ; Robert. 170. Wynne. Thomas, 22. Wynslowe. John, 231, 232, 233 ; Tho- mas, 232. 233, 234. Wynston. Richard, 119. 122, 128. Yalding, x, 381 ; Joan, 138, 139. Yaldishe. John, 35. Young (Yong or Yonge), B.irtholo- mew, 29. 30 ; John, 164 : Thomas, 223, 224, 253, 254, 255 ; William, 1 (Jl. Young Men's Light, xx. 18. 136, 181, 255, 260, 380. Young Women's Light, xx, 19. 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