o I m Z o m H X F .3 C53 r BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA H^N ;0i- Plaint Tucson, Arizona The Citizen Printing and Publishing Company 1902 C6'5 Copies of Complaint With Exhibits. Answer Without Exhibits. Cross - Complaint With Exhibit. Answer to Cross-Complaint. Minutes of Nogales Mining Company. Abstract of Argument for Temporary Receiver. i\!\\ Complaint With Exhibit In the District Court, First Judicial District, Territory of Arizona, County of Santa Cruz. H. K. Chenoweth and W. F. Chenowetli, Plaintiffs, vs. Nogales Mining Company, a Corporation, R. A. McPher- son, Ray Ferguson, R. E. Doan, C. O. Richards and Jesse R. Grant, Defendants. The above named plaintiffs by permission of the court obtained to amend their complaint instanter, do now file this their amended complaint and in their own be- half and in behalf of all the other stockholders of the Nogales Mining Company, defendant, in a similar situa- tion, complaining of me above named defendants, allege: 1. That the Nogales Mining Company, defendant, is a corporation, and that it was duly organized under the laws of the Territory of Arizona and has its princippJ place of business at Nogales, Santa Cruz County, in said Territory; that defendant R. A. McPherson is a Director and the President of said corporation and that 2 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. defendant Ray Ferguson is a Director and Secretary and Treasurer of said corporation, and that defendant C. O. Richards is a Director and Manager of said corporation, and that the defendants R. E. Doan and Jesse R. Grant are Directors of said corporation, as plaintiffs are informed and believe. 2. That in uie year 1899 plaintiffs and defendant R A. McPherson were sole owners of the Zaragosa mine, situated in Curcupe, District of Magdalena, Mexico; that defendant R. A. McPherson was owner of one-fourth interest in said mining claim, ana plaintiffs were owners of three-fourths interest in said mining claim; that plaintiffs and said aefendant McPherson, being desirous to develop said mining claim and render it a productivf^ mine for their profit, organized and incorporated the Nogales Mining Company, defendant corporation; that thereafter plaintiffs and defendant McPherson con- veyed to said corporation said Zaragosa mining claim; that plaintiffs thereafter expended large sums or money and performed much labor in the development of said mining claim; that prior to the organization of said com- pany plaintiffs agreed with the defendant Jesse R. Grant that they would give him a one-fourth interest in said mine or in the corporation organized for the purpose of working said mine if he would assist either in the sale of said mine or in the promotion of a company organized to work said mine, and said defendant Jesse R. Grant contributed a small sum, the exact amount being now un- known, in bearing the expenses precedent to the sale of said mining claim to the Nogales Mining Company; that subsequent to the sale of said mine to said mining com- pany, through the exertions of plaintiffs, the stock of said corporation was sold in small amounts as herein- vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 3 after shown, and large sums of money were borrowed through the exertions of plaintiffs on the credit of saia corporation and on the plaintiffs' private credit, towi". some $70,000; that at the first meeting of the Nogaies Mining Company the plaintiff H. K. Chenoweth was chosen President of said company, and was President continuously until auring the month of April, 1901, as hereinafter shown, and that plaintiff W. F. Chenoweth was one of tue Directors of said company auring tlie same period; that from the time of tne organization of said company untxi during the month of April, 1901, plaintiffs were for all purposes the active agents and representatives of said corporation and were recognized as, and were, the members of said corporation, having the largest interest and the greatest investment in said corporation; that from time to time at the will of said plaintiffs shares oi stock in said corporation were issued to different persons to secure their services in assistance of the promotion of said corporation; that in the montn of April, 1901, ixxe total amount of stock in said corpora- tion that had been issued, as plaintiffs believe to be shown by tlie books of said company, was 19,509 shares of the par value of $10.00 each, out of the total .xu- thorized capital of 50,000 shares, of tne par vaiue of $10.00 each, the remaining shares being at that time in the treasury of said corporation as treasury stock; that of the shares issued up to April, 1901, plaintiffs jointly were, and still are, owners of 7600 shares; that in July, 1900, plaintiff W. F. Chenoweth was dected Manager of said company and was empowered and instructed to com- duct the uevelopment of the mining claim belonging to said company, to erect the necessary buildings, mill, machinery, and pumping plant, and other improvements •4 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. thereon; that the plaintiff W. F. Chenowetn continued as such Manager, devoting nis entire time and attention to the development and improvement ot said mining claim, until in April, 1901, and that during most of that time plaintiff H. K. Chenoweth devotcv^ his entire time to de- veloping the interests of said company and' obtaining loans and selling stock, to obtain capital for the work of said company, and that during the period of time un- der plaintiff's management there was expended on said mining claim in its development, and in the erection of a mill, pumping plan., machinery, and other improvements, in the neighborhood of $80,000.00, the exact amount of which plaintiff cannot now show, as will be hereinafter explained; that in April, 1901, and just prior thereto, per- sonal differences of opinion as to the method of manag- ing the Nogales Mining Company, arose between the plaintiffs and other stockholders of said corporation, and that the stockholders who differed from plaintiffs in the management of saia corporation represented their differences through the defendant Jesse R. Grant; that on the 12th day of April, 1901, plaintiffs and defendant Jesse R. Grant, and one J. A. v^ooper, a stockholder in said corporation, entered into a certain agreement in the City of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, executed be- fore a Mexican Notary Public, a translation of which agreement is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A;" that contemporaneously with said agreement plaintiffs and defendant Jesse R. Grant entered into an agreement ex- pressly made part of the before mentioned agreement and depending in its fulfillment upon the fulfillment of the before mentioned agreement, a copy of which last mentioned agreement is attached hereto marked "Exhibit B;" that relying upon the prom- VS NOGALES MINING COMPANY' ET AL. 5 ises made by the said Cooper and the said de- fendant Grant in said agreements plaintiffs resigned trom their offices in the Nogales Mining Company and surrendered the voting power of their stock, subject only to the reservations in said agreements set forth, to said defendant Grant, relying and believing in good faith that defendant Grant would fultill his promises to plaintiifs and would settle ail the obligations of said company and would pay for plaintiffs' interests as stipulated in the said agreements; that plaintiffs have fulfilled every part of their agreement; that following upon the execution of said contracts, at the succeeding annual meeting, the stockholders present elected a new Board of Directors, electing as Directors the defendants (expect the corpora- uonj in this cause; tuat piaintiffs are now informed and believe that defendant Grant had no intention of per- forming his agreement m the contracts entered into but that, conspiring with other defendants, he purposed to exclude plaintiffs from all profits and advantages of this corporation and by deceiving them and thus getting them off the Board of Directors, to gain, with others of said defendants, personal control of said corporation, to wreck said corporation, and to become himself, with others of said defendants, sole owners of the property of said company; that at the time of the election of de- fendants (except the corporation) as Directors of the fendant corporation, defendant Doan was, and is owner of 2340 shares of the stock of said corporation; that defendant McPherson, as plaintiffs are informed and be lieve, was owner of one share of the stock of said cor- poration; that defendant Ricnards, as plaintiffs are in- formed and uelieve, was owner of one share of the stock of said corporation; that defendant Ferguson was the 6 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. owner of one share of the stock of said corporation; and that defendan. Grant was owner of 1408 shares of the stock of said corporation. 3. Plaintiffs further show that at the time of the exe- cution of the contracts hereinbefore mentioned, piaintiff W, F. Chenoweth as Manager of said corporation rend- ered an accounting in which there was shown to be due to him a balance for moneys expended in behalf of de- fendant corporation in the sum of $3,833.35; that his ac- counts were audited by said corporation and appuovet , and that thereupon he turned over to the representative of said corporation all the books, vouchers, accounts and papers belonging to said corporation or pertaining in any wise lo said W. F. Chenoweth's accounts as Managar of said corporation, keeping no copies thereof, ana tha^ for this reason plaintiffs are not able to state in exact figures certain sums of money heretofore mentioned, and hereafter to be mentioned. 4. Plaintiffs furc..er snow that at the time saia con tracts were executed defendant corporation was in- debted to one Henrietta Stewart of Washington, D. C, in the sum of $63,500.00, and to one C. Ramirez of Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, in the sum of $5,000.00, and to plaintiff W. F. Cnenoweth in the sum of $3,833.35, and to other persons in various small sums aggregating about $7,000.00, making the total indebtedness of said corpora- tion at that time, so far as is known to plalntilfs, ap- proximately $7y,o33.3o; tha/t on the mining claim belong- ing to said company there haa been erected a 20-stamp mill with equipment, and a pumping plant wiih equipment, at a contract pnce of $35,000.00; that other improvements in the way of buildings and mining im- plements to the value of many thousand dollars, the ex- VS NOGALES MINIKG COMPAlS^y ET AL. 7 aci amount of which plaintiff cannot state, were on said mining claim belonging to said company; tnat the Articles of Incorporation of said company permit a maximum indebtedness of $80,000.00; that said mining •claim if properly developed and worked is of ample value to pay all indebtedness of sa.a corporation; that the defendant Directors of said corporation have fraudtilently c-onspired to freeze out plaintiffs from all the benefits of said corporation; that thvey used the eoniract here- inbefore described as the means of obtaining control of said corporation and its property in oad faith and to accomplish the destruction of said corporation during the time that plaintiffs were out of control, and cause the sale, as plaintiffs are inform*.- ana believe, to tuem- selves, or to a corporation organized by themselves, of all the property of said defendant corporation, and lo this end th'^'y procured the creditor Henrietta Stewart to. institute an attachment suit in the courts of Mexico and levy an attachment upon the property of said cor- por^,tion, disregarding their duties as Directors and officers of said corporation, and failing to in any wise defend said suit; tuat further lo carry out their purpose they mortgaged all the property of said corporation to defendant C. O. Richards for an alleged loan of $15,- 000.00 and are permitting said Richards to foreclose the company of all title to cne company's properiy py pro- ceedings in Mexico without defending the same; that there is no provision in the Articles of Incorporation whereby plaintiffs can secure a meeting of the stock- holders of said corporation and the election of a new Board of Directors; that by the failure of the defendant Grant to perform his part of the contracts heretofore mentioned plaintiffs are now in full right stockholders 8 PAPERS IN THE CASE OP CHENOWETH ET AL. and owners of their shares of stock in said corporation as heretofore shown; tnat the defendant Directors are now arranging, as plaintiffs are imormed and believe, to transfer by deed all the property of said corporation to a new corporation organized by defendant Directors, their purpose being, as plaintiffs are informed and be- lieve, to use tne proceedings against said corporation by said Henrietta Stewart and said C. 0. Richards, as a cloak to cover tne transactions whereby they may gain sole control of the mining claim belonging to said cor- poration, and of its property and improvements, and thus render plaintiffs' interest .n said corporation of no value, and cause them to lose all they have invested in said corporation; that the alleged loan of $15,000.00 from said C. O. Richards is in addition to the oblir^ations heretofore name.- by plaintiffs, and if a genuine indebted- ness, renders the total indebtedness of said defendant corporation far in excess of the maximum allowed by its Articles of Incorporation; that if defendants are allowed to carry out the plans upon which they havp embarked, the creditors of said corporation will be defrauded of their dues, the stockholders of said corporation who are not parties to this conspiracy will lose all their invest- ment, and said corporation will be wrecked; that plaintiffs believe that in the application herein to be made they represent the majority of stockholders of &aid defendant corporation; that if a meeting of the stock- holders could legally be held and a new Board of Direct- ors legally be elected, a Board of Directors who v/ould honestly and for the best interests of the company con- duct its affairs, would be elected; that the final failure of the contracts hereinbefore mentioned could not be known, as is evident from the contracts themselves, un- vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 9 til the 12th day of this current month; that the stock- holders other than defendants and plaintiffs live so re- mote from Santa Cruz County that plaintiffs cannot without such loss of time as would still farther en- danger the rights and interests of themselves and other stockholders in like situation, procure them to join with plaintiffs in this complaint, and therefore bring this suit in their own behalf and in behalf «if ail the other stockholders of the defendant corporation except the defendants. •5. That plaintiffs have no adequate remedy at law; tnat the damage threatened by defendants, and already done by defendants, is irreparable; that under their management the property of the company is being wasted and made away with; that these defendants and none of them can respond in damages to plaintiffs for their conspiracy and fraud, 6. Plaintiffs further show that as plaintiffs are in- formed and believe the said defendants refuse to recog- nize plaintiffs as stockholders in said defendant corpo- ration, asserting as plaintiffs are informed and believe that by virtue of the contract filed herewith and mark- ed "exhibit B," the said plaintiffs have lost all right, title and interest in and to their shares of stock in said defendant corporation; that defendants have transferred on the books of the defendant corporation 2800 shares of the stock formerly issued to the said plaintiffs to the said defendant C. O. ^^ichards under an assignment, as plaintiffs are informed and oelieve, from the defendant Jesse R. Grant, said assigment and transfer being al- leged to be made by virtue of the said contract. 7. Plaintiffs further show that tnere should be deliv- ered to said plaintiffs 3800 shares of stock in said cor- 10 PAPERS IX THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. poration as provided by the resolutions of tne stock- holders of the said defenaant corporation made on Jan- uary 12th, A. D, 1901, and shown on the minutes of said meeting, which said stock aefendants have refused to issue to said plaintiffs, and continu'i so to refuse. Wherefore plaintiffs pray: 1st. For judgment requiring the defendants to cancel the shares of stock in said defendant corporation issued to the said C. O. Richards and belonging to plaintiffs, and to re-issue the said stocK to plaintiffs. 2nd. For judgment requiring defendants to issue to plaintiffs 3800 shares of stock in said defendant corpora- tion as provided in the meeting of cae stockholders of January 12th, xv. D. 1901. 3rd. For judgment requiring defendants to recognize plaintiffs as stockholders in said defendant corporation, and to give them full rights as such stockholders. 4th. For a writ of injunction enjoining the aefend- ant C. O. Richards from proceeding in any court or by means of any sale to foreclose any mortgage given to him by the defendant corporation and from transferring to any person or persons his rights under said mortgage and from directly or indirectly procuring or permitting any other person or persons to foreclose said mortgage, or procuring or permitting the sale of the property or any part thereof of the defendant corporation, mort- gager, for the payment or part payment of the debt for which said mortgage is security. 5th. For judgment declaring the alleged indebtedness to the said C. O. Richards secured by the said mortgage to be null and void. • r vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 11 6th. For a writ of injunction prohibiting the defend- ants or any one of them from adding in any respect or in any manner to the indebtedness of the said defendant corporation. 7th. For the appointment of a receiver to tal^e charge and to keep the mining claim, mill, pumping plant, buildings, tools, machinery, moneys, credits, trea- sury stock, and all other property of any nature whai- soever of said corporation, and to preserve the same, pending final judgment in this cause, and pending fur- ther order of this court, and to defend suits brought against said corporation, and to bring suits in behalf of said corporation, in any court, or for any purpose necessary for the protection of the property or interests of said corporation and its shareholders. 8th. For judgment ordering the dissolution and wind- ing up of the defendant corporation, and for the appoint- ment of a receiver to wind up the affairs of the defendant corporation, to sell its property under the orcers of this court and to apply the proceeds thereof to the indebted- ness of the said corporation under the orders of this court, and to conclude all the business of the said cor- poration and distribute such surplus assets as there may be among the shareholders of the said corporation und'jr the orders of this court. 9th. For such further or other or different order in the premises as to the court may seem good. H. K. Chenoweth and \v. F. Chenoweth, By Frederick S. Nave, their Attorney. 32 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. Territory of Arizona, [ County of Santa Cruz. \^^' W. F. Chenoweth, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is one of the complainants in the above en- titled cause; that he iias read the foregoing complaint, and knows the contents thereof, and the same is true of his own knowledge, except the matters therein stated on information ana belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. W. F. Chenoweth. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of .January, A. D. 1902. Frederick S. Nave, Notary Public. (Seal) ^_ "EXHIBIT A." In the city of Hermosillo, capital of the State ol Sonora, Republic of Mexico, on the twelfth day of the month of April, one thousand nine hundred and one, before me. Attorney J. Guillermo Dominguez, Notary Public, in my ofiBcial capacity, and before the witnesses Messrs. Eduardo Weidner and Ambrosio I. Lellevier, of lawful age, residents of this vicinity and having the legal qualifications to testify, appeared for the one part Dr. William F. Chenoweth, in his own behalf and also as a representative of his brother, H. K. Cheno- weth, as is shown by a power of attorney as will here- after appear, and for the other part Messrs. Jesse K. Grant, in his own behalf, and James A. Cooper, in his own behalf and also as a representative of the Cerro Prieto Mining Company, Anonymous Society, as is shown vs. NOG ALES MINING COMPANY ET AL IS iDy the document which will hereafter be spoken of, all x3ontracting parties being of lawful age and residents of Nogales, Arizona, United States of America, and temporarily residents of this city for the purpose of contracting and obligating, and whom 1 certify to know personally, and declared that they have executed th<> contract for the purchase and sale which is set iorrh in the following articles. First Dr. William F. Chenowetli declares that his brother, H. K. Chenoweth, is the owner in property and control of twenty-five free shares, numbered from one to twenty-five inclusive, of the capital «tock of the Cerro Prieto Mining Company, Anonymous Society, and the declarant is the owner also in property and control of twenty-five shares not free, numbered from 76 to 100 inclusive, of the same company of . Cerro Prieto, the said fifty shares belonging lo the first series; that Mr. H. K. Chenoweth acquired his shares by transferring to the business of the Cerro Prieto the mines "Elisa" and "Grant" as social capital, and the declarant Dr. William F. Chenoweth acquired his shares by adding to the same company two thousand nine hun- dred dollars Mexican silver as his proportional part cf the social fund, all of which appears in the organic writing of sai^ company, executed on the twelfth day oi March, one thousand nine hundred, before the un- dersigned Notary, and duly attested in the 3ook of Registry of Shares of said company, which documents I the undersigned Notary certify to have before me. Second. The said Dr. William F. Chenoweth de- clares that the twenty-five shares of his brother, H. K. Ciienoweth, by virtue of the representation with which U PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. he is accredited and me twenty-five shares which be- lung to the declarant in his own right, he sells, codt^s, and conveys to Mr, Jesse K. Grant, for the oum of thirty thousand dollars gold monry of the United States of America, which amount the said Jesse R. Grant is to deliver to the declarant, Dr. Chenoweth, inside ol six months, counted from the date ol the present writing, in this city of Hermosillo. Third. The first evidence of the present writing, duly registered, and the fifty shares before mentioned, shall be deposited, in a closed and sealed package, m the Bank of Sonora, with a simple copy of the same writing for the information of said bank, stipulating that the Bank of Sonora alone Snall deliver the fifty shares referred to, together with the evidence of ihis writing, to Mr. Jesse R. Grant, when he, inside of the six months fixed, shall present to it a receipt from Dr. William F. Chenoweth Dy which he acknowledges that he has received from Mr. Grant the thirty thousand dol- lars gold, the price of tuis sale. Fourth. If at the conclusion of the six months before mentioned Mr. Grant has not delivered to Mr. Cheno- weth the sax^ thirty thousand aollars gold, then Mt. Chenoweth shall recover from the Bank of Sonora the package containing the fifty shares and the evidence of this writing, holding as rescinded this plan of con- tract without the necessity of a judicial decision, and Mr. Grant shall lose ^y the way of forfeit that which up to this time he has given to Mr. Chenoweth. Fifth. Mr. Jesse R. Grant moreover obligates himself to pay all the bills which the business of the Nogales Mining Company, Anonymous Society, has in Arizona and Sonora, which bills have been reviewed by ihe said vs. N0GALE8 MINING COMPANY ET AL. 15 Mr. Grant, and also to pay those which have not Teen reviewed but are legal and were contracted Jnring the months of April and March of the present year. Sixth. Mr. James A. Cooper, in his capacity of Vice-President of the Cerro Prieto Mining Company, Anonymous Society, as expressly authorized by ♦^he General Assembly of Stockholders, as app-^ars by the documents which will hereafter be spoken of, declares that in tlie name of the Cerro Prieto Mining Company, Anonymous Society, he obligates the said company that it will not moitf age, hypothecate nor transfer, in any manner, neither in whole nor in part, the business, until the thirty thousand dollars in gold of which this writing treats, shall be paid to Mr. William P. Cheno- weth. Seventh. The said Mr. Cooper declares that the Messrs. Dr. William F. Chenoweth and H. K. Cbeno- wetn shall be held free of all liability under the posi- tions which they hold in the management of the Cerro Prieto Mining Company, Anonymous Society, and the Nogales Mining Company, Anonymous Society, tho two companies renouncing all their claims and actions which they might have against the said Messrs. Cheno- weth. Eighth. The said Mr. Cooper declared that the busi- ness of the Cerro Prieto Mining Company, Anonymous Society, exempts the Messrs. Chenoweth from the obliga- tion which they have been unuer by the agreement to sell to the company the mines WixiCh they had denounced, permitting them from now on and .for all time to make said mines their own, as their own property acquired with a legal title. 16 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENO\TETH ET AL. Ninth. The said Mr. Cooper, in the name cf the Cerro Prieto Mining Company, Anonymous Society, sells, cedes and transfers to ^iie Messrs. Chenoweth three fourth part remaining, making the transfer as an addi- the company, as is shown by the writing of the twelfth of April, one thousand nine hundred, executed by L. B. Harris and M. R. Harris, his wife, in Oakland, State of California, in favor of the Company of Cerro }*ritto, which document I the unuersigned Notary certify to have before me, the said Mr. Cooper reserving the fourth parts of the mine callea "San Diego," property of tion to the price of sale of the shares of the Messrs. Chenoweth. Tenth. The direction of the Cerro Prieto Mining Company, Anonymous Society, when the present instru- ment shall be signed, shall remain in the control of C. O. Richards, Dr. Chenoweth in consequence provision- ally yielding control for the term of six months which has been fixed in the present writing; but if the .^aid writing is rescinded because oi the failure to fulfill the contract, then Dr. Wiiiiam F. Chenoweth shall continue to exercise the control as Director General of the com- pany until the end of his legal term. Eleventh. The said Mr. Cooper, and likewise Mr. Jesse R. Grant, declares that the failure to fulfill any stipulation of the present writing shall be sufficient cause for rescinding the present contract, holding it as terminated without the necessity of a judicial decision. In the same manner and unaer the same conditions, Mr. H. K. Chenoweth ceases to exercise his office of Trea- surer and Commissary of the company for the same term of six months, Mr. R. A. McPherson being appoint- ed .n his place. If at the end of the six months the pres- vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 17 ent writing is fulfilled in all its stipulations then the; Messrs. Cnenoweth shall finally cease to exercise their control. Twelfth. Dr. William F. Chenoweth is personally ac- credited in that which concerns his brother, H. K. Chenoweth, by a general rower of Attorney executeu before the undersigned Notary the sixteenth day of February, one thousand nine nundred; and Mr. James A. Cooper is duly authorized by the Book of Acts of the Cerro Prieto Mining Company, Anonymous Society, in which book I the undersigned Notary certify to have seen an Act marked number six corresponding to the extraordinary session of the General Assembly of Stockholders, -in which \ct is shown the authorization and approval of that which this contract contains, he being shown in said Act to be duly commissioned to execute the same in these articles which it has au- thorized. Thus they executed this, and it being read to 'them by the interpreter, Mr. Carlos H. Milles, they ratified it in all its parts, and signed it with the witnesses and the interpreter in my presence. 1 certify that the con- tracting parties declarea that Mr. Jesse R. Grant is to •assume the payment of all bills of tne Nogales Mining Company, Anonymous Society, with which it is chargea in Arizona and Sonora; also the accounts of March and April of which the fifth article of thiS writing speaKs. And the said Jesse R. Grant is subrogated to the rights of the creditors against the Nogales Mining Company, Anonymous Society, but the amounts which tnose bills represent he only advances in tne character of a loan to pay said debts, having for that a right by which said 18 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. Company of Nogales shall repay uim that which he pays in its behalf. Mr. Chenoweih declares on his part that the business of the Cerro Prieto Mining Company, Anonymous Society, is not mortgaged nor hypothecated nor trans- ferred to any person, but is entirely free of aL debt and ail obligation; and the said Mr. Chenoweth obligates himself to put Mr. Grant in absolute possession of the property. Mr. Chenoweth also declares that up to this date, as is shown in the Book of Register ot the com- pany, only one hundred shares oi the first series have been issued. Signea: Jesse R. Grant. W. F. Chenoweth. Carlos R. Milles, Interpreter. Jas. A. Cooper. Eduarc.0 Vveidner, Witness. A. I. Lellevier, Witness. J. Guillermo Dominguez, Notary Public. Simpxe copy. "EXHIBIT B." Nogaies, Ariz., April 12, 1901. Memorandum of an agreement entered into this 12th day of April, 1901, by ana between W. F. Chenoweth and H. K. Chenoweth, parties of the first part, and Jesse R. Grant, party of the second part. Witnesseth: That in consideration of five thousand dollars United States current money, to be paid to the party of the first part by party of the second part, the said party of the first part agrees to sell, transfer vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 39 and assign to cue party of the second part, all their right, title and interest in all the stock owneG hy tnem in the Nogales Mining Company, a corporation, formed under the laws of the Territory of Arizona, and having its principal office in Nogales, Arizona, reserving only such stock as represents 700 shares out of the 50,000, which interest we iiave previous to this agreement con- tracted to deliver to other parties. Further it is agreed that this contract shall not con- flict with, but shall become a part of a certain contract and agreement entered into on the 11th day of April, 1901, in the city of Hermosillo, for the transfer of 50 shares of stock in the Cerro Prieto Mining Company, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Sonora, Republic of Mexico, wnereby the full amount the parties of the first part shall receive is thirty-five thousand ($35,000.00) dollars United States gold coin, and this document is a receipt for five thousand ($5,000) dollars. The other thirty thousand ($30,000.00) dollars shall be paid within six months rrom the date of sign- ing: of the contract with the Cerro Prieto Mining Com- pany before mentioned, viz: the 11th day of April, 1901, making this contract or agreement void after October 11th, 1901. Further it is agreed that the party of the second part accepts this contract, relieving the parties of the first part from all responsibility and turther agrees to carry out all legal contracts and pay all legal bills. Further the party of the iirst part agrees to see that a certain option given to one R. A. McPherson, by one of the parties of the first part on or about February 25th, 1901, and which said first party considers void, but in order to avoid he expense of defending any suit said 20 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. McPherson might ins.,igate, said second party agrees to have said option duly cancelled and does hereby relieve said first party from all reliability. Further the parties of the first part hereby direct the Secretary of the Nogales Mining Company to enter the contents of this contract on the books of the com- pany, and we authorize said Secretary to accord to said second party the full voting power of the stock owned by the said first parties during the term of this con- tract, and upon the fulfillment of the same to cancel said stock as represented in this contract and reissue the same to the saia second party. Further, the said first parties do hereoy authorize the Secretary of the Nogales Mining Company to enter on the books of the company the resignations as Directors and officers of said company the names of W. F. Oheno- weth, H. K. Chenoweth and Eliza E. de Chenoweth, said resignations to date from Aprii 9th, 1901. Jesse R. Grant, vv. F. Chenoweth. H. K. Chenoweth. * Eliza E. de Chenoweth. Witness: . ,j Jas. A. Cooper. vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. Answer Without Exhibits In the District Court of the First Judicial District of the Territory of Arizona, in and for the County of Santa €ruz. H. K. Chenoweth and W. F. Ghenoweth, Plaintiffs, Nogales Mining Company, a Corporation, R. A. McPher- son, Ray Ferguson, R. i^. ojoan, C. O. Richards and Jesse R. Grant, Defenaants, Now come defendants, Nogales Mining Company, a cor- poration, Ray Ferguson and C. O. Richards, and answer- ing in the above entitled action, allege as follows: Answering paragraph one of plaintiffs' complaint, ad- mit the truth thereofs Answering paragraph two of said complaint, defenl- ants are informed and believe and therefore allege, that one Maldonado and others, the names of whom these de- fendants are at present unaoie to ascertain, were tne owners of the "Zaragoza" mine or mining claim, situated in Curcupe, District of Magdalena, Sonora, Mexico. That 22 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. plaintiffs did not own said mining claim, as alleged in- said complaint, but that cxie truth of the matter is, that R. A. McPherson obtained an optional contract for the- purchase of the said claim, and that he, the said McPher- son, entered into an agreement with these plaintiffs and Jesse R. Grant, agreeing that if they, the said plaintiffs and said Jesse R. Grant would assist him in carrying out his contract with the said Mal- donado for the purchase of the said mining claim, that he would give to each of them a one-fourth interest in said mining claim. That it is true that thereafter the Nogales Mining Company was incorporated and that said mine was con- veyed to said corporation; but that it 5s not true that plaintiffs thereafter expended large sums of money and performed much labor in the development of said min-^ ing claim. The truth of the mafter is that plaintiffs never did expend at that time or at any other time, any sum of money whatever or perform any labor in the develop- ment of said mining claim, for tne -act is that there never has, at any time, been any work done or labor performed in the development of tue said Zaragoza mining claim. That about the time said Nogales Mining Company was organized, Jesse R. Grant ar- ranged with Charles B. Richards for forty tnou sand dollars to be used in the development of said mining claim; that of this amount, about ten thousand dollars was actually furnished to said com- pany, and development was done on what is now the Nogales mining claim to the extent of about three thousand dollars. That defenaants do not know, and therefore can not say at .ae present time, what was done with the remainder of tne said ten taousand dollars; that vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 23 at the time the said development was done on the saia Nogales mining ciaim, as aforesaid, defencants believe from information, and therefore allege the fact to be, that the plaintiffs and Grant and McPherson honestly believed that the Nogales mining claim was a part of the said Zaragoza mining claim; that thereafter plaintiffs objected to the arrangement which had been made by Jesse R. Grant with Charles B. Richards, as aforesaid, for the furnishing of the said forty thousand dollars, and that the plaintiffs, solely upon the credit of the corpora- tion, and not at all upon their personal credit as alleged, borrowed the sum of fifty thousand dollars from Mrs» Henrietta Stuart, through her agent R. E. Doan, above named defendant; that the said defendants, Jesse R. Grant and R. A. McPherson agreed to this last loan, with the understanding that the said ten thousand dollars advanced by Charles B. Richards, be repaid to him, and that thereafter the said Jesse H. Grant, in order to re- lease himself from the contract entered into *'ith tlit; said Charles B. Richards, transferred to the said Charles B. Richards one-fourth of his, said Grant's, stock in the Nogales Mining Company, and did refund and repay to the said Charles B. Richards the said ten thousand dollars by him, the said Richaras, rurnisaei as above stated; that out of the said fifty thousand dollars borrowed from the said Mrs. Stuart by the Nogales Mining Company, the said Grant was rurnlshea, on March 4th, 1900, the said money so repaid to the said Charles B, Richards; that the said money sso furnished appears to be the first money or the san'i fifty thousand dollars borrowed from the said Mrs. Stuart, as shown on page seventeen of the minute book of the said Nogales Mining Company. Further, it ap- 24 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. pears from the account of W. F. Chenoweta, rendfreu October 4th, 1900, that there was twelve thousand five hundred aoilars in money raised by the sale of stock. Defendants deny that during the month of April, 1901^ or ai any time prior thereto, plaintiffs had the largest- interest or" greatest investment in said corporation, and allege that the greatest interest that the plaintiffs ever owned in saia corporation was one-half of iUe stock, that being at about the time the company was organised; that defendants are informed and believe and therefore allege that -c is noi true that from time ta time at lue will of said plaintiffs, shares of stock of said corporation were issued to different persons tc secure their service in assistance of the promotion of the said corporation. Defendants deny that in ihe month of April, 1901, the total amount of stock in said corporation that had been issued as shown by the books of thr company was nineteen thousand five hundred and nine shares, and allege that, as shown by said books, the amount of stock so issued was only eleven thousand eight hundred and forty shares, as iS snown by the following certificates in said stock book, towit: Certifi- cate No. 1, ten shares; No. 2, ten shares. No. 3, ten shares; No. 4, ten shares; No. 5, thirteen hundred and ninety shares; No. 6, thirteen hundred and ninety shares; No. 7, thirteen hundred and ninety shares; No 8, thirteen hundred and ninety shares; No. 9, cancelled; No. 10, eight hundred; No. 11, cancelled; No. 12, fifty shares; No. 13, fifty shares; No. 14, fifty shares; No. 15, fifty shares; No. 16, forty shares; No. 17, two hundred and forty shares; No. 18, three hundred and twenty shares; No. 19, eleven hundred shares; No. -20, ten hundred and fifty shares; No. 21, four hundred shares; No. 22, four hun- vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 25 dred shares; No. 23, one hundred and twenty-five shares; No. 24, one hundred and twenty-five shares; No. 25, one hundred shares; Nos. 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, not issued; No. 31, thirteen hundred and forty shares; Nos. 32, :.5, 34, 35 and 36, not issued; Nos. 37, 38, 39 and 40, certi- ficates taken from the hook ana no notation or record on stub, being a total of eleven thousand eight hundred and forty shares as above stated. It is not true that of the shares issued up to April, 1901, plaintiffs jointly were and still are the owners of 7,600 shares, but the truth of the matter is that there was issued to plaintiffs prior to April j-cii, 1901, three thousand eight hundred and fifty shares. On April 12th, 1901, plaintiffs sold to Jesse R. Grant, for the consideration of five thousand dollars, all of their stock except seven hundred shares out of an alleged issue of fifty thousand shares (which were never issued except in part), which interest they had previous- ly disposed of. (Reference is hereby made to "Exhibit B" in plaintiffs' complaint). It is not true that in July, 1900, plaintiff W. F. Chenoweth was elected manager of said company and was empowered and instructed to conduct the development of the claim belonging to the said company to erect the necessary buildings, mill, ma- chinery and pumping plant and other improvements thereon, but the truth of the matter is, that on March 9th, 1900, W. P. Chenoweth entered into a contract with the corporation, for a consideration of thirty-five thou- sand dollars, to construct a twenty-stamp mill, full and complete on the grouna, and in running order and first-class in every particular, including a pumping-plant and pipe line from Santo Domingo river sufficient to sup- ply ample water for said mill and mine. (A memor- 26 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. andum for the contract more lully appears on page fifteen in the minute booK of tne Nogales Mining Com- pany.) It is not true tnat W. F. Chenov/eth devoted his entire time and attention to the aevelopment of the said mining claim untix April, 1901, for the truth of tbe matter is that there never was, nor is there now, any development work on the said Zaragoza mining claim owned by the said corporation claim; it is not true that plaintiff, H. K. Chenoweth, devoted any of his time whatsoever in securing money, and it is not true that said H. K. Chenoweth or anyone else expended any money whatever on sai^ mining claim in its develop- ment, or in the erection of a mill, pumping plant or machinery, for the reason, and the truth of the matte? is, that W. F. Chenoweth nad prior to that time, entered into a contract with the Nogales Mining Company, ai5 above stated, to erect a mill, pumping plant and ma- chinery. It is not true tnat in the neighborhood of eighty thousand doilars was spent for the erection of a mill, pumping plant, machinery and other improve- ments, for the truth of the matter is that the erection of the mill and pumping plant was let by contract to W. F. Chenoweth as above s.atea, for thirty five thousand dol- lars, and that all .he other improvements would not exceed in value or cost of construction, five hundred dollars. It is true there arose between the plaintiff and other stockholders of said corporation a very serious disagreement as to the management of said corjyora- ation, as will be more fully set out hereafter, but it is not true that Grant in any way represented any stock- holders whatever except himself. I'he iruth of the mat- ter is that on March 2S.^, 1901, a majority of the stock- holders, through the Secretary of the said corporation, vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 27 called a meeting of the stockholders for the purpose of electing new Directors of the said corporation, and the following directors were elected on April 10th, 1901, to- wit: James A. Cooper, H. K. Chenoweth, R. A. Mc- X ..erson, Ray Ferguson, ^..anes O. Richards; and the following officers were elected at the meeting of the Directors held the same day, towit: James A. Cooper, President; H. K. Chenoweth, Vice-President, Ray Fergu- son, Secretary ana Treasurer anu Charles O. Richards, Manager. It is true that on April 12th, 1901, plaintiffs and defendants, ^ esse R. Grant ana James A. Cooper, did enter into the said contact set out in plaintiffs "Ex- hibit A." It is also true that defendant Grant did enter into the contract in plaintiffs' complaint marked "Ex- hibit B;" but it is not true that relying upon the prom- ises made by Cooper and Grant in the said agreement plaintiffs resigned ^.rom their offices, for the truth oi the matter is that at the time said contract marked "Ex- hibit B" was executed, H. K. Chenoweth was the only one of these plaintiffs wno was a director in said cor- poration, and that at che time si^.a contract marked "Ex- hibit B" was executed, selling all the stock that the said plaintiffs owned in the said Nogales Mining Company, then, at that time, said H. x^. Chenoweth, being no longer a stockholder in said corporation, did resign. It is not true, as plaintiffs allege, that relying and be- lieving in good faith tnat defendant Grant would fulfill his promise to plaintiffs and woula settle all the o.^.xga- tions of the said company, and would pay for plaintiffs' interest as stipulated in said agreement, "that plain- tiffs have fulfilled every part ot their agre€ment," for the truth of the matter is, as is shown in "Exhibit B^* in plaintiffs' complaint that the said Grant did pay five 28 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. thousand dollars in cash for piaintifcs' stock; it is not a fact that plaintiirs have fulfilled every part of their agreement set out in "Exhibit A" in plaintiffs' complaint; the >.ruth of the ma..er is, that notwithstand- ing the fact cxiat plaintiffs' contract and guarantee in "Exhibit A," referred to, that the business of the Cerro Prieto Mining Company is not mortgaged nor hypoth- ecated nor transferred to any person but is entirely free from all debts ana ail obligations. The fact is ihat long prior to lue 12th ^ay of October, 1901, that C. Ramirez had instituted suit in the courts of Mexico and had attached all the property of .ae Cerro Prieto iVxining Company, ana that Mrs. rlenrietta Stuart had also enter- ed suit in the Mexican courts an^ also had attached all the property of the v^erro Prieio Mining Company, anl that the Nogales Mining Company had brougat suic in the Mexican courts lor the consolidation of all the prop- erty of the Cerro Prieto Mining v^ompany witn t-at oj^ the Nogales Mining Company, as will more fully appear by defendants' "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Defendants allege that defendant urant ii- now ready and has ai, all times heretofore oeen ready and willing to pay to t.-e said plaintiffs the said thirty thousand dollars mentioned in 'Exhibit A" in plain- tifis complaint, and will pay to said plaintiffs the said thirty thousand dollars, as soon as plaintiffs can fully comply with said contract. It is true that at the annual meeting of stockholders the above named deiendants in this cause were elected Directors; but it is not true that the defendant Grant had no intension of performing his agreement in the contracts entered into and had conspired with other defendants to exclude plaintiffs from all the profits and advantages of this corporation, V3 NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL '2& :and that he deceived them and got them off the Board of Directors to gain, with other aeiendants, personal con- trol of said corporation to wreck the corporation and to become himself, with other of said defendants, sole owners of tne property of said corporations, for the truth is that defendant vjrant entered into said contract referred to with a bona fide intention of pertorming his agreement, and taat he is now ready to pay the said thirty thousand dollars to the said plaintiffs as soon as they comply with their part of said contract and that he, said Grant, has paid out auout twelve thousand dol- lars of debts of said corporation, that being all of the debts of the said corporation that the company has ever acknowledgea. And in every particular, the said defend' ant. Grant, has complied with said contract, and is now willing, ready and waiting to comply fully with his part. It is not true that defendant. Grant, with others of said defendants tried in any way to deceive plaintiffs and get them off the Board of Directors or to wreck said corpora tion and to become himself, with others of said defena ants, sole owners of said corporations. It is not true that at the time of tne election of the defendants as Directors of said corporation, defendant R. E. Doan was owner of 2340 shares of issued stock and McPiier- son one share of issued stock, and that Grant was owner of 1408 shares of issued stock, for the truth is that Doan hela 1120 shares, MePherson held ten shares and Grant held 5246 shares, and that there was rep- resented at said meeting, by proxy and in person, 10,- 690 shares out of a totai of 11,490 issued. Answering j^aragraph three of plaintiffs' complaint, defendants deny absolutely all of said paragraph in toto, and state the truth to be that W. F. Chenoweth has noi. 30 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. made an accounting to the company as Manager of said corporation since January 1st, 1901, although he has been requested in writing by the Treasurer of said corpora- tion, and verbally, by the manager of said corporation, to render such an accounting. Defendants allege that on January 12th, 1901, W. F. Chenoweth, Manager of said corporation, did file a statement of his account, purport- ing to be his account from October 4th, 1900, to January 1st, 1901, that said statement was left in his, said Chenor weth's hands, he being at that time the custodian of the books and papers of che said corporation, lie being the acting Secretary of said corporation in the ab- sence of the Secretary, and that thereafter and during the month of March, 1901, the Secretary of the said cor- poration, Jesse R. Grant, demanded of the said W. V. Chenoweth all the books and papers of the said cor- poration; and that the said Chenoweth did deliver to the said Grant the minute book, the stock uook and a few of the papers, but that the said Chenoweth failed to turn over to the Secretary many of the most important papers of the said corporation, among them being this alleged account rendered on January 12th, 1901. The only two accounts of the said Chenoweth that were ever de- livered to the Secretary, or that have since been re- ceived from said Chenoweth by the said Secretary, (copies of which said accounts are hereto attached and marked "B" and •C" ana made a part of this answer) are indefinite, unintelligible and totally insuflacient, and do not show where or for what purpose the company's money was spent. It is not true that said corporation is in- debted to plaintiff W. F. Chenoweth, in the sum of $3,- 833.35, or in any other sum wnatever; but the truth of vs. NOQALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 31 the matter is that we are informed ana oeileve that the •said plaintiff, \v. F. Chenowem, is indeMea to the cor- poration in a large sum, the exaei amount of wnich, de- lendants can not at tnis time, state, but that the de- fendant, the Nogales Mining Company, has instituted a suit in the District Court of the First Judicial District of the Territory of Arizona, at Nogales, in Santa Cruz coun- ty, praying an accounting of the said W. F. Chenoweth (a copy of which said complaint is marked "Exhibit D," attached hereto and made a part hereof); and that these defendants stancl ready and willing to pay the said plaintiff any and all monies due him at any time the said plaintiff renders a lair and clear account, together with vouchers covering all the expeditures of money placed in his hands as an officer of said corporation, if such account shows said corporation is indebted lo said plaintiff. Answering paragraph four of said complaint, defemi- ants admit that Henrietta Stuart holds notes of said cor- poration aggregating sixty-three thousand five hundred dollars, and mat C. Ramirez holds a note purporting to be of the Nogales Mining Company for five thousand dollars; defendant denies that the said corporation owes W. F. Chenoweth any sum whatever. Defendants admit that the said corporation was indebted in small amounts contracted under the management of plaintiff, W. r . Chenoweth, for labor, supplies and borrowed money, ag- gregating some twelve thousand dollars; which said in- debtedness has been fuily paid off and satisfied. Defend- ants admit that there has been partly erected and part- ly equipped a twenty-stamp mill and pumping plant un- der a contract of thirty-five thousand dollars, herein- before referred to; but that all other improvements, in 32 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. » the way of buildings, and mining implemenLS owned oy the said corporation did not exceed in value one tnou- sand dollars at the ame said plaintiff relinquished th3 management of said corporation. Defendants deny ...at if said Zaragoza mining claim is properly developed it is of ample value to pay all indebtedness of said cor- poration, and state the truth to be that the said Zaragoza mining claim is absolutely valueless as a mining ciaim, as will De more fully set out hereafter. Defendants deny that the directors of said corporation have rrauaulently conspired to freeze out plaintiffs from all the benefits of the said corporation, and that the defendants used the contract described herein to obtain control of sa^- cor- poration and ils property in bad faicn; but the truth of the matter is that the present management was m con- trol of the corporation before the execution of the said contract; an^ the said contract was executed with a bona fide anu honest intention as above stateG. T3e- fendants deny that they intenaed or now intend the destruction Oi. the said corporation or to cause the sale to themselves or to a corporation organized by them selves of any of the property of said corporation, and deny that they procured Henrietta Stuart to institute an attachment suit in the courts of Mexico and levy an at- tachment upon the property of the said corporation, and state the truth to be mat tne defendants have done and are doing everything in their power to pay off all l\>3 debts of the said corporation and to protect all the stock- holders of said corporation, and that the defendant, No- gales Mining Company, is vigorously defending the at- tachment suit ot Henrietta Stuart in the Mexican courts. Defendants deny that they mortgaged all the property to defendant, CO. Richards, for the purpose of having vs. NOG ALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 33 the same foreclosed, but the purposes of the same will be more fully explained hereafter. Defendants allege that the by laws of the Nogales Mining company, adopt- ed at the last annual meeting, do provide for special meetings of the stockholders Oj. the said corporation and for the election of Boards of Directors. Defendants deny that they are arranging to transfer by deed or otherwise any of the properties of said corporation to a new corporacion or to anyone else whomsoever; but that the defendants are doing, as above stated, every- thing in their power to pay the debts and to protect the stockholders of said corporation. Defendants deny that the plaintiffs represent, in their application herein made, a majority of the stockholders of the said corporation, or any of the stockholders whomsoever; and allege that under the by laws of the said corporation a meet- ing of the stockholders could legally be held upon fif- teen days' notice and a new Board of Directors legally elected, and that the said directors and defendants stanu ready and willing at any time to call a meeting of the stockholders of said corporation for the election of a new Board of Directors whenever application is made to Lhem by a stockholder or stockholders owning one- fourth of .-e stock of said corporation. In answer to paragraph five of said complaint, defen- dants deny the same in toto. The defendants allege the truth concerning the No- gales Mining Company, that actions of the plaintiffs while they were directors and managers of the said cor- poration and since, and the actions of the present Board of Directors since they have had charge, to be as fol- lows: That pnor to the organization of the Nogales Mining 34 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. Company, during the month or July, 1899, Jesse R. Grant being then one of the owners of the Zaragoza mine, or having an interest in the bond or optional contract held by McPherson, for himself and on behalf of the two plaintiffs in this case ana R. A. McPherson, entered into a contract with Charles B. Richards, the exact terms of which said contract these defendants do not know, further than that the said contract was for the purpose of raising money to develop the Zaragoza mine and to build a mill. The said Charles B. Richards was to fur- nish the then co-partnership forty thousand dollars and was to have a controlling interest in a, corporation thereafter to be formed for the purpose of owning and working the Zaragoza mine; and relying upon the said contract, he sent his expert, C. O. Richards, to Mexico, to examine the property of the said plaintiffs and J. R. Grant ana R. A. McPherson, and the said C. O. Richards was shown the Zaragoza and what is now the Nogales, the Grant and the Cerro Prieto mining claims, as being the property owned by the said plaintiffs and Grant and McPherson. That on the favorable report made by C. O. Richards, sums of money were advanced by the said Charles B. Richards to the amount of about ten thou sand dollars. That on August 3rd, 1899, the Nogales Mining Oompany was organiz^v- by Jesse R. Grant, H. K. Chenoweth and A. Hampton in Nogales, Arizona. The said corporation acquired tne ownership of the Zaragoza mine by deed from McPherson. That these plaintiffs, for some reason unknown to these defendants, did not desire to carry out their contract made with Charles B. Richards, and entered into negotiations with Mrs. Hen- rietta Stuart of Washington, D. C, for the loan of mon- ey; and that during the month or January, 1900, Dr. C. V?. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 35 "Whitehead, United States chemist and assayer, examined the property of the Nogales Mining Compapy and was shown the Zaragoza, Nogales, Grant and Cerro Prieto claims, aind it was represented to him by the corporation or by directors or agents, that tihese claims were owned by the Nogales Mining Company. That upon his exam- ination, Mrs. Henrietta Stuart, through her agent, R. E. Doan, agreed to loan the corporation the sum of fif- ty thousand dollars; but the said fifty thousand dollars was not paid over until Major James A. Cooper, who wap sent by Mrs. Stuart to examine the property of thb Nogales Mining Company. That when Major Cooper went to examine the property he was shown by tlhe plaintiffs in this action, the Zaragoza, the Nogales, the Grant and the Cerro Prieto mines, and it was represent- ed to him that the Nogales Mining Company was owner of all the above mentioned claims and upon his favor- able report the money was aid over to the Nogales Mining Company. On the 12th day of January, 1900, W. F. Chenoweth, H. K. Chenoweth, Jesse R. Grant ana R. A. McPherson organized a corporation called the Cerro Prieto Mining Company, under the laws of Mexico, in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. Thereafter, on or about Marcb 12th, 1900, Jesse R. Grant transferred to the Cerro Prieto Mining Com- pany the Nogales and Cerro - rieto mines, in considera- tion of twenty-five shares of stock, said stock bein^' one-fourth or the capital stock ot the said Cerro Prieto Mining Company, and H. K. Chenoweth aeeded to said Mexican corporation the Grant and Elisa claims, and received in consideration therefor, twenty-flve shares of stock of the said Mexican corporation. ^. F. Cheno- weth ana R. x^. Mcir'herson each received twenty-five 36 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. shares of the stock of said corporation, for which they are supposed lo ^-ave paid twenty-five hundred Mexican dollars, each. 1 ixese defendaints are informed and believe and there fore allege the fact to be, -that the plaintiffs m tins ac- tion did honestly believe that the ground that was shown Mr. Richards and Mr. Whitehead actually belong- ed to the Nogales Mining Company. That all the devel- opment work done up to January 1st, 1900, was done on ground whicn is now the Nogales claim and outside the boundaries of t.-e /jaragoza claim. That during the month of January, 1900, a re-survey of the Nogales Mining Company's property was made, and it was as- certained by that re-survey that the Zaragoza mining claim did not cover the ledge and that there was practi- cally no available ore on the Zaragoza claim. That there- after, on January, ,2nv., 1900, Jesse R. Grant denounced the Nogales claim, and on January 11th, 1900, the Cerro Prieto claim. That on January 19th, 1900, H. K. Uxieno- weth aenounced the "Elisa" claim, and on January 20th, 1900, the "Grant" claim, all of which said above mention- ed Claims have since been conveyed to tihe Cerro Prieto Mining Company. These defendants are informed and believe and therefore allege the fact to be that the cost of txie denouncement of the "Nogales", the "Graot", the "Cerro Prieto" and the "Elisa" mining claims, that the cost or the survey of the said mining claims, ti^at the money expended in procuring the patents for these said mining claims, that the money expended for the or- ganization of the Cerro Prieto Mining Company and that all of the development work done on these mining claims was paid for by the Nogales Mining Company while these said plaintiffs were managers and directors vs. NOG ALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 37 tliereof. That the mill and pumping plant were erected by these plaintiffs while they were directors and had control of the Nogales Mining Company, and with the Nogales Mining company's money, for the express pur- pose of working the ores of the Cerro Prieto Mining Company, and these defenuants are informea and T3e- lieve, and therefore allege the fact to be that the object of these plaintifte in bringing this suit and asking for a receiver, is tor the sole purpose of having the proper- ty of the Nogales Mining Company sold at public sale at a sacrifice, and boughi in by the Cerro Prieto Mining Company. That the note alleged to have been given by the Nogales Mining Company to C. Ramirez was for the purchase of an alleged mining claim called the "Ocampo", which said aueged mining claim was deedeij to W. F. Chenoweth, personally, and does not cover any part of the Zaragoza claim, but as shown upon the map marked "Exhibit E" and attached hereto, covers the No- gales, the "Grant ana part o^ the "Cerro Prieto" claims. , These defendants are informed and believe, and therefore allege the fact to be that a cash payment wia& made to C. Ramirez by these plaintiffs out of the Noga- les Mining Company's money, the amount of which these defendants are unable to state, but believe it cO be either $500.00 or $1000.0w. These defendants are informed and believe and therefore allege the fact to be that dur ing the time that the plaintiffs in this case were mana- gers and directors of the Nogales Mining Company, and during the time they run the mill heretofore referred to, they went in debt at the rate of two thousand dollars per month. That jUst prior to January 12th, 1901, and while the said Nogales Mining company was still being man I 38 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL, aged by the plaintiffs in this action, the said company became unable to pay its running expenses, ' and very much embarrassed financially; and for the purpose of raising funds to meet the current indebtedness and to continue the work of the Nogal«s Mining Company a meeting of all the stockholders was held in Nogales, Arizona, on January lz.th, 1901, at which said meeting all the stockholders of the Cerro Prieto Company were present, together with those of the Nogales Mining Com- pany. At this meeting a contract was entered into between the Nogales Mining Company and all the stock- holders of tJhe Cerro Prieto Mining Company, the effect of which said agreement was, that in consideration of twenty-one thousand shares of the stock of the Nogales Mining oompany, tne siock holders of the Oerro Prieto Mining Company agreed and obligated themselves to deed to me Nogales Mining Company ail the property of the v^erro Prieto Mining Company. That upon the faith of thiS contraci the Nogales Mining Company pro- cured another loan of $8,500.00 from Mrs. Henrietta Stuart. That at this said meeting the plaintiff, W. F. Chenoweth represented and stated to -the stockhold,.rs of the Nogales Mining Company that tlie mill or the said Nogales Mining Company was running, and t'jat there were large bodies of ore on the Cerro Prieto Min- ing Company's property, and that with the $8,500.00 to pay off the pressing bills of the Nogvi.Ies Mining Com- pany, that the said Nogales Mining Company would not need any further loan and wou.d be self-sustaining and become a paying proposition. That notwithstanuint; this statement, on April 12, 1901, aft^r these plalntifts had been in full charge of all the property of the Noga- les Mining Company for three months, and after having vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 39 Tun the mill for that time, and after ha; ing receivea the said loan of $8,500.00, said No^ales Mining Company was in a worse condition than on January 12th, 190L That the contract above referred to, executed by the stockholders of the Cerro Prieto Mining Company was never turned over to the N^gales Mining Company by the plaintiff, W. F. Cheno^eth, who was manager ana acting Secretary of said Nogales Mining Company, un- til April 12, 19D1, ana that these defendants are informed and believe, and allege the fact to be that the said con- tract is now in the hands of the plaintiffs, W. P. Cheno- weth. Defendants are reliably informed and believed and therefore state the fact to be, that Jesse R. Grant and R. A. McPherson, two of me stockholders, and who own one-half of the stock of the Cerro Prieto Mining Compa- ny, are willing and ready to fulfill their agreement re- ferred to ; that is to say, to transfer to the Nogales Min- ing Company au their interest and stock in the Cerro Prieto ivxining Company, and that it is within the power of the plaintiffs in this action, who own the other half of the stock of the said Cerro Prieto Mining Company to fulfill their part of the above said contract by deeding their interest in the sa-a company, and to transfer their stock in said company to the iNOgales Mining Company, but for some reason, unknown to these defendants, they refuse so to" do, although the said Nogales Mining Com- pany are ready and wining to tully carry out its part of said contract That on April 12th, 1901. C. O. Richards took posses- sion of the property of the Nogales Mining Company as Manager, and made a report a short time thereafter to the stockholders of the said company showing the condition of the company's property, a verified copy of 40 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. which said report is attached hereto, marked "Exhib't F" and made a part hereof; that as shown by said re- port, it was absolutely necessary to borrow money to put the mill and mine in working condition; that a. mortgage was executed by the Nogales Mining Company to C, O. Richards, and the said C. O. Richards loaned to the company the sum of $15,000,00. That a short time thereafter C. Ramirez entered suit in the Mexican courts on the note above referred to aua attached the property of the Nogales and the Cerro Prieto Mining Companies; that immediately following this attachment, Mrs. Henrietta Stuart brought suit in the Mexican courts and attached all the property of the Nogales and Cerro ir'rieto Mining Companies; that both of the above said attachment suits are being defended by the Nogales Mining Company, in order to protect the Nogales Mining Company and in order to keep the mill running and to enable the Nogales Mining Company to pay off its debts; and in order to block said attacn ment suits and for no other purpose whatever, C. O. Richards brought suit in the Mexican couris to rore close his said mortgage on the property of the Nogalea Mining Company; that said foreclosure suit is not being prosecuted at the present time but is being permitted t-^ drag for the sole purpose of holding off the attaching creditors, and to keep the mill running as above stated, and to enable the Nogales Mining Company to pay off the above said creditors. That on the 5th day of October, 1901, the Nogales Min- ing Company brought suit in the Mexican courts for specific performance of the contract above referrcMi to, executed by the stockholders oi ine Cerro Prieto Mining Company on January 12th, 1901, a copy of the com- vs. NOG ALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 41 plaint of which said suit is marked "Exhibit A," at- tached hereto and made a part hereof. That this said suit is being vigorously defended by the plaintiffs in this case. Tbat the present condition of the Nogaies Mining Company is not such as is represented by the plaintiffs in this action, but in truth and in fact is as follows: \.\\l' Zaragoza mining claim has no available ore upon it so far as known; the mill, pumping plant and tools belong- ing to the said Nogaies Mining Company, if sold, would not bring to exceed $10,000, nor would they be worth to exceed $10,000 to anyone except the Cerro Prieto Mining Company. The mill and pumping plant of the Nogaies Mining Company has been lately over- hauled and rebuilt at an expense of ten thou- sand dollars, and is now in good condition and running on the ores extracted from the Cerro Prieto Mining Company's mines; and if the con- solidation suit above referrea to can be successfully car- ried through by the Nogaies Mining Company, or if these two plaintiffs will deed their interest or transfer their stock in the Cerro Prieto Mining Company to th« Nogaies Mining Company as they agreed to do in their contract above referred to, executed on January 12th, 1^01, the property of the Nogaies Mining Compaiiy would then be very valuable and ample to pay all its debts, and all of the debts of the Nogaies Mining Com- pany could then be arranged for and the company would make at least three thousand dollars per month, clear of all expenses. The only debts of any consequence ow^ ing by the said Nogaies Mining Company are those of Mrs. Henrietta Stuart and C. O. Richards, and these de- fendants are informed and believed and therefore state 42 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. the fact to be that the only reason Mrs. Henrietta Stuait brought her attachment suit above referred to, is on ac- count of these two plaintiffs in this case failing and re- fusing to fulfill the obligations of their contract of Jan uary 12th, 1901, above referred to. Wherefore, These defendants pray that the bill of plaintiffs be aismissed; that these defendants be per- mitted to continue in control of the Nogales Mining Company; that the plaintiffs in this case be ordered by this court to transfer and deliver all of their stock in the Cerro Prieto Mining Company to the Nogales Min ing Company, and for general and special relief, these defendants will ever pray. DUFFY & RICHARDSON, Attorneys for Defendants. C. O. Richards being first duly sworn deposes and says, that he is one of the defendants in the above entitl3d cause; that he has read the foregoing complaint and knows the contents thereof, and that tlie same Is trut: of his own knowledge, except the matters therein stated on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. C. O. RICHARDS. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of October, A. D., 1901. (Seal) F. J. DUFFY, Notary Public. Territory of Arizona, } County of Santa Cruz. )"^^' Ray Ferguson being ...^ly sworn deposes and says: that he is one of the defendants in the above entitled cause; that he nas read the foregoing complaint, and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 43 of his own knowledge, except the matters therein stated on information and bc.^e., and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. RAY FERGUSON. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of October, A. D., loux. (Seal) F. J. DUFFY, Notary Public. In the District Court of the First Judicial District of the Territory of Arizona, in and for the County of Santa Cruz. 44 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. Cross-Complaint With Exhibit H. K. Chenoweth and W. F. Chenoweth, plaintiffs, vs. Nogales Mining Company, a coporation, R. A. McPher- son, R. E. ^oan, C. O. Ricliards, and Jesse R. Grant, defendants. No. 120. Now come tlie defendants in said cause, and reiterat- ing and reaffirming all of the matters alleged and set forth in the answer heretofore filed by these defendants, and allege as a cross-complaint herein in addition to the allegations aforesaid in said answer and supplementing the same, that the said plaintiffs after they had convey- ed or caused to be conveyed to the Nogales Mining Com- pany the mine known and described as the "Zaragoza" mine, they caused the boundaries of the same to be changed and altered. That when the same was located and monumented, it was so located and monumented that the ledge and lode bearing valuable minerals ran along the center of the claim. That the same was lo- ■ cated as a parallelogram, and the said lode bearing valu- able mineral ran along about half way between the two longest sides of the parallelogram for a distance of vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 45 about 500 meters, and the said defendant company was:- Organized for the purpose of the development of the said mineral bearing lode or ledge and operating same as a mine, and as set forth in said answer more fully, to all of the said parties, the agents of the said Mrs. Stuart and the said defendant Richards, and his attorney and experts, the said plaintiff exhibited and ^owed that the ground owned by said oefendant company was ground that included the said mineral bearing lode or ledge for ihe said distance of 500 meters, and all of said defen- dants-parties who invested in the stock of the said de- fendant company, and who loaned money to the said de- fendant company, were made by the said plaintiff to be- lieve, and they did believe by reason of tlie fact that the said plaintiff showed the boundaries upon the ground of the said claim to be such as to include the said 500 meters of the said mineral bearing lode or ledge, and that all of the transactions of the said parties were based upon the understanding that the said claim in- cluded the said ledge for the said 500 meters Dased upon the statements and shown upon the ground of the boundaries thereof by the plaintiff. And defendants did not know of the existence of any contending or con- testing claim against said 500 meters of the said min- eral bearing ledge, and defendants allege that as a mat- ter of fact there was no contending claim or asserted claim to any part of the said 500 meters of the said ledge, so within the boundaries of the said Zaragoza claim. Defendants allege that afterwards with intent and for the purpose of defrauding the said defendant company, and the said Mrs. Stuart, and the other investors in the stock of the said company, and to deprive the said de- fendant company of the ownership of the said 500 meters 46 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL, Of the said mineral bearing ledge, claimed and pretended that the said Zaragoza claim swung so that it bore to an angle accross the said mineral bearing ledge ana left only 500 meters of the said mineral bearing ledge crossing the corner of the said Zaragoza claim diagonally, as more fully will appear by the map attached to this an- swer herein filed by defendants. And afterwards for tho purpose of defrauding the said defendant company, the> made denouncement under the laws of Mexico, or what they called the Nogales claim, across which the saia. Nogales claim the said mineral bearing ledge has its strike, and the Grant claim to be denounced as afore- said, and the Cerro Prieto claim to be denounced as aforesaid, along the middle line on which the said min- eral bearing lode has its strike. And they also caused to be denounced Elisa claims as aforesaid, across which the said mineral bearing vein has its strike as well. The ef- fect of which denouncements was if valid to destroy the value of the Zaragoza Mining Claim, ana to deprive said defendant company of all of its valuable mineral bearing ground. Having made this denouncement as set forth to de- fraud said defendant company, they organized a corpora- tion under the laws of Mexico as set out in said answer, all of the stock of which was owned by the plaintiffs and Jesse R. Grant and R. A. McPherson, as alleged in said answer, whereby and by means whereof the said plain- tiffs intended to defraud and deprive said defendant company of its valuable mining ground, and to secure same for themselves, by virtue of said denouncement, iii the said Mexican company organized as aforesaid. That when said alleged fraud was discovered by the parties hereto, a contract was entered into of the uate of the vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 47 12th of January, 1901, which is set forth in the answer hereto, hy means of whicTi it was agreed by all of the stockholders of the said Mexican company that they would right the wrong and prevent the execution of the fraud as against defendants nerein, by causing to be con- veyed to this defendant company the said denounced mining claims as aforesaid. They allege that the said contract has not been executed, although they allege that the said Jesse R. Grant and the said R. A. Mc- Pherson as aforesaid, are ready and willing to assign and transfer to said defendant company one-half of tlie stock of the said Mexican company as provided for in said contract, but they allege that the said plaintiffs, who are the owners of half of the stock have failed and refused and ^ still fail and refuse to transfer to the said defendant company the same or any part thereof. And defendants allege that it is now and has been ever since the execution of said contract in their power to do so. And defendants allege that it is their duty as aforesaid under the said contract co do so and although conscience and equity compel them to do so without regard to the contract in order to prevent the execution of the fraud attempted to be committed oy them as hereinbefore set forth and as set forth in the answer aforesaid. That in view of the foregoing facts the parties to the said transaction, and all of the stockholders of the said defendant company ana all of the creditors of the said defendant company, except these plaintiffs, on or about the 10th day of December, 1901, and sTnce the filing of the answer above set forth, entered into an agreement, a copy of which is made a part hereof and marked Ex- hibit "A" to this cross-complaint. By the contract all of the interests were sought to be protected and pro- 48 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL, vided for as it was believed an^ is believed by all of them that the said lode of mineral-bearing ground, which was the subject of this controversy, and for the operation of which the said defendant company was formed, has good value and sufficient to pay off all the debts of the said company and make a large profit for its owners, and to that enu tney have agreed as set forth in said ex- hibit. That it is their wish that the receiver herein be removed in order that the parties may execute and carry out said contract, and in order that the said- parties to said exhibit may secure ownership of said mineral-bear- ing ground, as against said Mexican company and tiiese plantiffs,by securing ownership of all the stock of the said Mexican company. They have also contractea that the debts of said C. O. Richards and said Mrs. Stuart shall be provided for and their payment postponed ai the option of said company for two years, within which time the said company will be able to liquidate and pay off said in- debteflness in full. Thai said contract represents all ot the stock of th« said defendant company, and said stock has been placed in the possession of I. McManus, named in said contract, for the purpose of securing a full com- pliance with all the conditions thereof, and to said con- tract the said Richards ana the said Mrs. Stuart have consented. They deny that the. said defendant company was indebted to said Dr. W. F. Chenoweth, plaintiff, in any way, and they allege and assert that upon a full account of all transactions of said Chenoweth as set forth in his complaint, and in the answer aforesaid, and as set forth in the complaint and answer in Case No. 114, will demonstrate that ine said W. F. Chenoweth is a lai%e debtor, to-wit, of not less than $20,000, but of vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 49 just what amount these defendants do nQt know, on ac- count of monies which were placed in his hands as Manager of said defendant company. That while Man- ager of said defendant company he contracted with said defendant company to erect a quartz mill and water plant for the contract price of $35,000, and that he was paid in full the said $35,000, and in addition thereto there was some $42,000 placed in his hands by said defendant company, and he states that while Man- ager of the company, the directors of the company were his friends, who gave personally very little attention to said business, so that he was practically dealing with the company's money and contracting with the company and whatever accounts he rendered as Manager or as contractor, were renderea to himself as above, and aud- ited by himself, and these defendants say that the only accounts i.e ever rendered to the defendant company are the two exhibits set forth in the answer heretofore filed herein, and defendants allege that said exhibits are no accounting at all, as tney do not show how the money was expended, to whom or what lor the same was paid out. But it does not show that the funds of the said defendant company were used in acquiring the denouncement of L„e mining claim known as the Grant above named, and therefore shows that the said funds were used in acquiring title thereto and in organization of the said Mexican company, and the conveying title aforesaid to said Mexican conjpany was all done with the tunds of the deiendant company,^ and as all of the stock o- the Mexican company is owned by plaintiffs and said Grant and said McPherson, the law makes the said defendant company the owner in equity 50 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. as a resulting trust or all stock in the said Mexican coiEpany. Defendants further allege that one C. Ramirez made a denouncement of a mining claim called the Ocampo as clelijieated in the map attached to defendants' answer '■•erein, and in order to secure whatever title might have been accrued to said grouna by virtue of said location, the same was purchased by said Dr. W. F. Chenoweth and the sum of $500 or $1,000 was paid in cash and as a part of the purchase price out of the funds of the said defendant company, and in addition thereto the prom- issory noie of the said defendant company was given for $5,000 to Ramirez, in consideration therefor. And the said Dr. W. F. Chenoweth caused the said deed to tne said Ocampo mining claim from said Ramirez in con- sideration of said purchase price to be made not -o said de- fendant company but to himself personally, and the said Rpmirez has since that time discovered that the note of the said defendant company given to him as aforesaid i& without authority of said company, and he has since declared in a solemn pleading before a court of competent jiirisdiction in Mexico, and under oath, that the said de- fendant company does not owe him a dollar in considera tlou of the purchase price of the said mining claim, and defendant is informed and therefore states the fact to be that he has abandoned the same. Defendants allege that they are informed and believe and so state the fact to be, that the said plaintiffs are nc longer stockholders of the said defendant company but that they are claiming an interest in the ground form- erly sold as aforesaid to the defendant company under and by virtue of stock they hold in the said Mexican company. vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 51 Defendants therefore pray, that the said plaintiffs be required to answer ciiis cross complaint under oath and specifically. And that the court discharge the said re- ceiver, and vacate order appointing him at their request and return sa'id property to its owners and tlie stock- holders of the said company, and that the said plain- tiffs be required by a decree of this court to peform their contract and to rignt the wrong they attempted to com- mit by assigning a transfer to said defendant company one-half of the stock owned and held by them in the said Mexican company, and that the Court also decree the amount of indebtedness of the said Dr. W. F. Cheno- weth to said defendant company and render judgment therefor, and for such other and further relief as is agreeable to law and equity. D. O. Richardson and Barnes & Martin. Territory of Arizona, ) County of Santa Cruz, ) C. O. Richards and Ray Ferguson being duly sworn, on oath states, that he has read the foregoing cross-com- plaint and he has also read the answer filed herein and above referred to, and he scates that the same is true in fact except as to those matters stated upon informa- tion and belief and as to those matters he believes it to be true. Subscribed and sworn to beiore me this day of January, A. D., Iy02. S. F. NOON, Clerk District Court. "A" We, the undersigned creaitors and stockholders of the Nogales Mining Company, for and in consideration of the 52 PVPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. premises, and reiying upon the faithful fulfillment oi the following contract, agree as follows, to- wit: First, to petition Judge George R.- Davis to remove receiver ot the said company, and to' this end. Individual- ly and collectively to use our uest efforts. Second, to prosecute with all haste and vigor suit for consolidation of the Cerro Prieto Company of Sonora, Mexico, with the Nogales company, and the transfer of all the property of the former to the latter. Third, to prosecute accounting suits against aV debtors of the said Nogales Mining company. Fourch, debts of C. O. Richards against the Nogales Mining Company to be secured for twenty thousand dol- lars, balance of said debt to be iioating indebtedness of said company, all to bear interest at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum from ^.aie of execution, interest payable semi-annually. • Fifth, debts of Mrs. H. Stewart to be secured by second mortgage to bear interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from ihe date of execution, interest payable semi- annualy. Sixth, the first mortgage of C. O. Richards and the second mortgage of Mrs .H. Stewart shall be on all the property of the company and shall be paid before the period of two years, but it is understood that should said company choose to pay said debt sooner, the said credit- ors, and each of them, shall be forced to receive their money, and release said mortgage. Seventh, the stockholders agree that the interests owned and represented by them are as follolws: C. O. Richards 50 per cent R. E. Doan 11.6 per cent vs. NOG ALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 53 J. A. Cooper, R. A. McPherson and Ray Ferguson, total of 15.6 per cent A. D. Shrewsbury 12.9 per cent Ray & Patterson, total 10 per cent all of which said stocK the parties to this agreement do hereby transfer to I. McManus, as trustee, except one share of stock each. The said trustee shall have power by these presents to force each party to this contract to comply strictly with the terms hereof, and do hereby iuthorize him to hold the stock of each party to this contract until they have so complied as above stated. Eighth, R, A. McPherson ana Jesse R. Grant do hereby agree to use their best efforts to force said con- solidation above referred to, and stand ready to trans- fer their stocK anu all interests owned by them to the No^ales company as soon as tne Court will force The owners of the other half interest in said company to do likewise. Ninth, in case of any litigation whatsoever, between C. O. Richards and any person whatsoever as to his 50 per cent of said Nogales Mining Company stock, said C. O. Richards to bear aii such expense necessitated by siuct litigation personally, Albert D. Shrewsbury. Chas. D. Richards. Jesse R, Grant, By Chas. O. Richards, Attorney in fact. James A. Cooper. R. E. Doan. S. A. Briggs, By J. May Morrison, their Attorney in Fact Ray Ferguson. R. A. McPherson, by Ray Ferguson, Attorney in Fact 54 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. We the undersigned creditors of the iNogales Mining Company have read ^ the loregoing contract, and hereby agree to and acquiesce in the same, and to accept the conditions therein contained as applying to our claims. Chas. O. Richards. Henrietta Stuart, by Eb. Williams, her attorney. vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 65 Answer to Cross - Complaint In the District Court of the First Judicial District, Territory of Arizona, County of Santa Cruz. H. K. Chenoweth and W. F. Chenoweth, Plaintiffs, vs. Nogales Mining Company, a Corporation, R. A. Mc- Pherson, Ray Ferguson, R. E. Doan, C. O. Richards and Jesse R. Grant, Defendants. MOTIONS AND DEMURRER. I. Plaintiffs show that defendants' cross-complaint con- tains irrelevant and redundant matter, to-wit, that part of the same beginning with line four on page four there- of to the end thereof, together with "exhibit A" at- tached thereto; that the part thereof from lino four on page four thereof to line one of page five thereof is ir- relevant and redundant matter in that it sets forth a contract that bears no relation to plain tiffs and cannot affect plaintiffs' rights or obligations, and that "exhibit A" is irrelevant and redundant matter for the same rea- son; that the part thereof from line one on page five to line twenty on page six is irrelevant and redundant matter as being not pertinent to the cross-complaint, but should be incorporated in the answer to plaintiffs' com- 56 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL, plaint, as answer to the allegations therein: Wherefore plaintiffs move that defendants be required to strike the san?e from the said cross-complaint. II. Plaintiffs show that defendants' cross -pomplaiut is not definite and certain in this, that it cannot he ascertained therefrom whether it be a bill for specific performance of a contract or an action for misappropriation of funds of defendant company or a bill for an accounting or a bill of discovery. Wherefore plaintiffs move that defendants be required to make the same definite and certain. III. Plaintiffs demur to said cross-complaint on the ground that it appears upon the face thereof that the Court has no jurisdiction of the subject of the action IV. Plaintiffs demur to said cross-complaint on the ground that if the same be a bill for specific performance of contract it appears upon the face thereof that there is a defect of parties defendant to said cross-complaint, in that the Cerro Prieto Mining Company is a necessary party thereto. V. Plaintiffs demur to said cross-complaint on the ground that several causes of action are Improperly united, towit, a bill for the specific performance of a contract, an action for the misappropriation of funds of defendant company, a bill of a discovery, and a bill for an accounting. vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 57 VI. Plaintiffs demur tO said cross-complaint on the ground that the same does not state facts suflBcient to consti- tute a cause of action. ANSWER. VII. The foregoing motions and demurrers having been overruled, plaintiffs now come and for answer to the cross-complaint filed in the above-entitled action re- spectfully show to this (Jourt: That it is not true that the said plaintiffs after they had conveyed or caused .o be conveyed to the Nogales Mining Company the mine known and described as the Zaragoza mine caused the boundaries of the same to be altered and changed, but that the truth is that the boundaries of the said mine haa been established be- fore these plaintiffs acquired any interest in the said claim; that the title paper of the same had been issued by the Mexican government; that under the Mexican laws, before the issuance of the title paper to a mining claim, the claim must be surveyed by the government surveyor ana the boundaries thereof established by him and a plat made of the same, a copy of which plat in the case of the Zaragoza mine is of record in the proper government oflSlce in the City of Mexico, a copy like- wise in the city pf Magdalena, Sonora, capital of the district in which tae said claim is situated, and a copy whereo. is likewise attacned to the title paper as issued by the Mexican government for thQ said claim. Plain- tilts prior to tne time in which they purchased their interest in the saiv Zaragoza minmg claim had never '58 • ' |»Ai>EIig IK THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. been on said claim and had never seen said claim, but bougnt their interest in the same solely on the recom- mendation of the defenaant R. A. McPherson. Plaintiffs assert that if wnen the said mine was located and monumented, it was so located and monumented that the ledge or lode bearing valuable minerals ran along the center of the claim, plaintiffs qo not know the fact, but assert upon information and beuef that the claim as it now stands is as it was locateu and monumented at the time ihe title papers were issued to the owner from whom plaintiffs acquired their interest as bef or estate d, and that no change therein has ever at any fime been made. i^Mrther plaintiffs deny that to all of the said parties or to any of them, the agents of the said Mrs. Stuart, or to the defendant Richards, or to his at- torney or experts or to any of them, they exhibited and showed that the ground owned oy the defendant com- pany was ground tha^ included tne said mineral bearing lode or ledge for a distance of five hundred meters, and that all of the said parties-defendants or any of them who invested in the stock of the said defendant com- pany and who loaned money to the said defendant com- pany were made by the said plaintiffs to believe or did believe by reason of the fact that the said plaintiffs showed the bounuaries upon the ground of the sai( claim to be such as to include the saia five hundred meters of the said mineral bearing lode or ledge, but «how the fact to be that the said plaintiffs never show- ed the boundaries upon the ground of the said claim to any person at any time whatsoever, nor did plaintiffs themselvejs until long after the investment in the stock of the saia defendant company by the said defendants and the loaning of -money. by the, said creditors know VS!i^6CALfig MINING COMPANY ET AL. 59 W^ere the true boundaries oi the said claim werci Plain-, tiffs lurther deny that all of the transactions of the said parties wer6 base:, upon the understanding that ._e said claim incluaed said ledge, for saia five hundred meters or were based upon statements concerning the said ground and the boundaries thereof by, the said plaintiffs, but allege the truth thereof to be that the plaintiffs themselves believed: at the time. ojC th«> transaction referred tO in the said cross-complaint that the said claim did include said .edge for said five hun- dred meters and the said plaintiffs expressed said belief, but that said plaintiffs did not show to any one upon the ground the bounuaries of tne saia claim, apu e-.d not know at the time mentioned in said cross-complaint Where the said bounaaries were^ but as before statedi relieu upon the representations made to them by the saiu R. A. Mca herson and upon those representation;, based their belief anu paid money for th^ transfer of the said mining claim. Plain. .xfs allege that throughout all bf the transactions connected with the matters alleged in the said cross-complaint as well as all others both prior to and subsequent to and contemporaneous with or in any wise relating to the property m question all representa- tions that plaintiffs have made have been made upon honest belief in the truth of those representations .-y the plaintiffs and that they nave acted in absolute faith. Plain txfts further show that tney did not afterwards with intent to and for the purpose of defrauding said defendant company and ..le said Mrs. Stuart and other investors in the stock of the ^aid conipany, and to de- prive v-^e said company of the ownership of the said five hundred meters of .he said mineral bearing ledge or lode claim, pretend that the said Zaragoza claim ^wung 60 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. SO mat it bore to an ang^e across the said mineral 'Gear- ing lode or ledge and left only a part of the said min- eral bearing lode or ledge crossing the corner of the said Zaragoza mining claim diagonally, but show the truth of the matter to be that in January or February, A. D. 1900, they were informed by the defendant Jesse R. Grant, who was then Manager of the said defendant company and personally preseht at the said mine and in charge of the working thereof, that the said claim as shown by the title papers, so bore at an angle across the said mineral bearing lode or ledge, as in this said cross- complaint set forth, which was the first knowledge or intimation or suggestion of the fact that the plaintiffs had received. Plaintiffs furtner show that the defen- dant Grant at the time he conveyed this information to plaintiffs likewise informed plaintiffs that he had de- nounced under the Mexican laws a claim which he call- ed the Nogales claim, which would remedy the de- fective course of the said Zaragoza claim, which said Nogales claim said defendant Grant informed plain- tiffs he would transfer to the Nogales Mining Com- pany as soon as the title of the said claim should be re- ceived by him, provided that the company found it im- possible under the Mexican laws by a resurvey so to locate the said Zaragoza mining claim as to cause it to cover the desired grouna. Plaintiffs deny that they de- nounced the said Nogales claim but show that as be- fore stated it was aenounced by the said T)laintiff Grant. Plaintiffs further aeny that they denounced the said Cerro Prieto claim but allege that the said defendant Grant denounced the said Cerro Prieto mining claim. Plaintiffs admit that plaintiff H. K. Chenoweth de- nounced the Grant 'claim and the Elisa claim but allege vs. NOG ALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 61 tlie truth as to those claims to be that neither of them i& within ground trial by any location whatsoever of the saiQ Zaragoza claim on the saiQ ledge or lode as alleged in the said cross-complaint, cou.i be covered by the said Zaragoza claim. Plaintiffs further show that the said Cerro Prieto mining claim covers ground which could not by any means conflict with ground that by any man- ner of survey could be included Wicxiiri the said Zara- goza claim, and that the Nogales claim aforesaid is the only one of the said claims that covers ground that could be covered by tne said Zaragoza claim if the course of the said Zaragoza claim could be changed by a new survey. Plaintiffs deny that the effect of the afore- said denouncement was if valid to destroy the value of tlie said Zaragoza mining claim or to deprive said defend- ant company of all of its valuable mineral bearing ground, but show the truth to be that there appears to be or said Zaragoza mining claim a mineral bearing lode or ledge of considerable vdlue running tlie entire length of said claim aside from the ledge referred to in the said cross-complaint which crosses the said claim diagonally. Plaintiffs admit that at some time subsequent to the aforesaid denouncement they, in conjunction with de- feiidants Grant and McPherson, orgatiized a corporation under the laws of Mexico called the Cerro Prieto Mining COmppny, the Stock of which was owned by plaintiffs and by the said defendants Grant and McPherson, but deny that by meahs thereof the said plaintiffs intended to defraud and deiirlve the said defendant company of it^ valuable mining ground and to secure the same for themselves by virtue of the said denouncement and the saiQ Mexican cotnpahy organized as aforesaid; but allege the trutli to be that the said Jesse it. Grant as- 62 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL, serted hie willingness that the title, of the Nogales. claim when it should he obtained, provided as aforesaid that the location of tue saiu Zaragoza claim could not be amended so as to cover the ground -desired, should be conveyed to the said defendant company, but re- fused to convey the said Cerro Prieto claim to the said defendant company and 'proposed to plaintiffs, that they should unite with him and the said McPherson to or- ganize a corporation to own the beforementioned. Cerra Prieto, Grant and Elisa Claims, and it was with that in- tention that the Said corporation was organized. The titles of the aforesaid claims denounced by the said Grant and by the said piaintiff H. K. Chenoweth . were issued a few weeks prior to the 12th day of January, A. D. 1901. Long prior to the issuance of the said titles one Jas. A, Cooper had bought from the de-. dendant R. A. McPherson all of his interest in tne said Cerro PrietQ Mining Company, the said McPherson re- serving, as plaintiffs are informed and believe, a lien or stop upon all of the interest so sold to the said Cooper, under the laws of Mexico, until , such time as the said Cooper should pay in full the purchase price therefor. In the organization of, the saia Cerro, Prieto Mining Company the terms Of the creative act of the said cor^ poration provided that the said corporation should own all of the mining claims m the > district of Magdalena, iii which the hereinbefore mentioned mines and mining claims are situated, which should be or were owned, 4er nounced or acquired in any way whatsoever by the hereinbefore mentioned incorporators, by, which, terms the said corporation became entitled to the. titles of th3 mining claims denounced by the said defendant Grant, including the said Nogales mining claim, and by the vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 63 said plaintiff H. K. Chenoweth. Immediately upon the issuance of the titles of the said mining claims to the said corporation the pla,intiff W, F. Chenoweth, as an officer of the said corporation, had a proper conveyance prepared by the attorney of the sdid company, to con- vey the said Nogal«s claim to the said defendant com- pany, whereupon the defendant McPherson interposed an objection to the making of such transfer until such timo as payment should be made by the aforesaid Jas. A. Cooper for the said McPherson's interest in the said cor- poration, and thus prevented tor the time being the pro- posed conveyance. Shortly after this action by the said de- fendant kcPherson there was held in Nogales, Arizona, on the 12th day of January, A. D. 1901, a meeting at which all of th6 stockho^aers of the said Nogales Mining Company were present or represented by proxy, said meeting being the same meeting named ^n the said cross- complaint. At this meeting there were present the plain- tiff W. F. Chenoweth, the aforesaid James A. Cooper, and the defendant v^rant, members of the said Cerro Prieto Mining Company. At that meeting it was agreed unanimously that it was desirable for all parties if certain conditions couid be met, that the said four claims, property of the Cerro Prieto Mining Company, should be conveyed to the saia Nogales Min- ing Company, and it was then agreed by the stockhold- ers of the Nogales Mining Company and by the said W. ^. Chenoweth and the said Grant and Cooper on the part of the Cerro Prieto Mining Company that the Cerru Prieto Mining Company would convey to the Nogales Mining Company the beforementioned four claims, providM: ' ' « . . , ' IsL That the amount of the capital stock of the said 64 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL, Nogales Mining Company should be increased to fifty thousand shares of the par value of ten dollars each. 2nd. That there should be issued to the said Cerra Prieto Mining Company twenty-one thousand shares of fiaia stock, 3rd. That seven thousand five hundred shares of the said stock should be sold at not less than par and the proceeds of such sale should be used as assets of the Nogales Mining Company. 4th. That the Nogales Mining Company should with- in ten days pay off certain pressing local obligations and should furnish sufficient money to pay the expenses of the transfer of the said property from the said Cerro Prieto Mining Company to the said Nogales Mining Com- pany, the amount named to be lurnished wifEin ten days being nine thousand dollars, and should immediately thereafter from the sale of the said stock pay all of the obligations of the said company, and certain of the stock- holders of the Nogales Mining (company then present gave assurance that within a short time they could place said amount of stock at par, whereby all of the obliga. tions of the said company could be paid. Immediately following this aforesaid meeting, said plaintiff W. F. Chenoweth and the said Jas A. Cooper went to Hermosillo, Sonora, and arranged with the Iskwyex of th? said Cerro Pi^ieto Mining Company to pre- pare the necessary conveyances to convey the aforesaid property fropi the said Cerro Prieto Mining Company to the said Nogales Mining Company. Plaintiffs further show that at the rnei^tixi^ ot the Stockholders of the Nogales Mining Company aforesaid, the defendant R. E. Doan offered on behalf of the said Mrs. Stuart to give to the said Nogales Mining Company vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 65 Eix thousand dollars If the said Nogales Mining Com- pany would execute to her its promissory note for eight thousand five hundreu dollars, to be dated January 12th, A. D. 1901, payable in six months after date with inter- est at the rate of twelve per cent per annum from date, and would give to him, the said R. B. Doan, five hundred shares of the stock of the said company. Said six thous- and dollars was accepted ana was all applied in part payment of the immediate pressing local debts of the company. No money was ever furnished or offered to the plain- tiffs or to anyone representing the Cerro Prieto Mining Company to pay for tne perfecting of the conveyance of the beforementioned property to the said Nogales Mining Company, and no stock of the said Nogales Mining Com- pany was sold, and for that reason the said conveyance was not made, though these plaintiffs were ready and willing at all times up to the said 12th day of April, A. D. 1901, at which time was entered into the contract set forth in plaintiffs' complaint as "exhibit A" and *B," to co-operate with the other stocKuolders of the said Cerro Prieto Mining Company to cause the completed trans- fer of the said property to the Nogales Mining Com- pany, whenever the said Nogales Mining Company should furnish money to pay the expenses thereof, and so far as these plaintiffs are concerned they have been ready and willing at any time and are ready and willing to co-operate with the other stockholders of the said Cerro Prieto Mining Company to transfer the said prop- erty to the said Nogales Mining Company upon the ful- fillment of all of the terms of the agroi^uioiLt ot January 12th, A. D. 1901, that is to say, upon the payment by the 66 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AI. said Nogales Mining Company of all of its obligations, and of the expenses of the said transfer. Plaintiffs allege upon information and belief that the defendant Jesse R. Grant is no longer a fttockholdor ot the Cerro Prieto Mining Company, but show the fact to be that all of his interest in the said Cerro Prieto Min- ing Company has been sold and transferred to one J. Guillermo Dominguez. Plaintiffs further show that as to the alleged contract of the 10th day of December, A. D. 1901, set forth in the said cross-complaint and in the "exhibit A" at:ached thereto, plaintiffs know nothing and can answer nothing. Plaintiffs further deny that the plaintiff W. 1^. Cheno- weth is a large debtor to the said Nogales Minin.^- Com- pany, or a debtor to it in any sum whatsoever, b-it assert the fact to be that on the contrary the said Nogale? Min- ing Company is in debt to the plaintiff W. F. Chenoweth in the sum of approximately four thousand dollars. Plaintiffs admit that in the accounts submitted to tlic defendant company are items of expenditures made for the plaintiffs' own interest and in paying for the survey of the said Grant mining claim, and state the fact to be as to those items that they were accepted by the said com- pany as offsets to obligations owed by the said company to the said plaintiffs. Plain u.^3 state that they do not know what specific items are covered by sucn accounts and therefore can neither admit nor deny that the accounts referred to in the said cross-complaint show that the funds oi the defendant company were used in acquiring title to the said Grant mining claim and m organizing the said Cerro Prieto Mining Company and the convey- ing title to the said Cerro Prieto Mining Company, but allege the fact to be chat any and all items of such na- vs. NOG ALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 67 ture were assumed by the said Nogales Mining Company solely as payment of the amount of such items to the said plaintiffs on bi..s due to the said plaintiffs from the defendant company, and that such accounts were passed upon and approved by the proper officers of the said company. Plaintiffs deny that the plaintiff W. F. Chenoweth caused a deed to be made for the said Ocampo mining claim to him from one C. Ramirez. Plaintiffs show the truth of the matter to be that the cash that is alleged to have been paid to the said C. Ramirez, was paid, alid the note that is alleged to have been given to him, was given, by the said defendant company to the said C. Ramirez at a time when the defendant Grant was Manager of the said company and not under the manage- ment of the plaintiff W. F. Chenoweth. Wherefore, plaintiffs pray that the defendants take nothing by this cross-complaint, and for their costs, and for such judgment or order as to the Court may seem good. H. K. Chenoweth and W. F. Chenoweth. -y Frederick S. Nave, their attorney. Territory op Arizona, ) County of 8anta Cruz. ) ' W. F. Chenoweth being duly sworn on oath states that he has read the foregoing answer and states that the same is true in substance and in fact except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of January, A. U. 1902. (Seal) FREDERICR S. NAVE, Notary Public. PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHEKOWETH ET AL, Minutes of the Nogales Mining Company NOGALES, ARIZ., Oct. 17, 1899. Office of Dr. Chenoweth: Meeting of the Nogales Mining Company, there being present Jesse R. Grant, Alfred Hampton and H. K. Chen- oweth. Meeting called to order at 9 a. m., Jesse R. Grant, pre- siding. On motion, H. K. Chenoweth was chosen president, and Jesse R. Grant, secretary. Stock of the company was then placed on the market, resulting in the sale of certificate No. 1, to Jesse R. Grant, representing 10 shares, for $100.00; certificate No 2, representing 10 shares, for $100.00, to H. K. Cheno- weth, certificate No. 3, representing 10 shares, to R. A. McPherson, for $100.00, certificate No. 4, representing 10 shares, to W. F. Chenoweth, for $100.00. Alfred Hamp- ton not desiring to purchase any stock, sent in his res- ignation as a director and member of the company, which resignation was duly accepted. Jesse R. Gram H. K. Chenoweth, W. F. Chenoweth and R. A. McPher- son were duly elected directors Oxlhe company. The secretary, J. R. Grant, and the president, H. K. vs. NOQALES MINING- COMPANY ET AL. 69 Chenowetli, who had been duly elected to these offices, were on motion appointed a committe to pureuase the Zaragoza mine, located in th« District of Magdalena. Sonora, Mexico. The Board of Directors decided to meet at Doctor Chenoweth's office tomorrow at 4 p. m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourn- ed. JESSE R. GRANT, Secretary, (Seal of the Nogales Mining Co.) NOGALES, ARIZ., Oct 18, 1899, Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Nogales Min- ing Company held at Doctor Chenoweth's office this 18th day of October, 1899, at 4 p. m. Meeting called fo order by H. K. Chenoweth, presid- ing. Present: J. R. Grant, R. ik, McPherson and W. P. Chenoweth. J. R. Grant and H, K. Chenoweth report having pur- chased the Zaragoza mine. On motion, the Secretary was ordered to have all cor- poration papers properly recorded in Magdalena, Mexico. On motion, it was ordered that R. A. McPherson be made our authorized agent to act in the Republic of Mexico. Doctor Chenoweth's office was selected as our legal of- fice until lurther ordered. There being no further business, the meeting adjourn- ed to meet again at ihe call of the Secretary. JESSE R. GRANT, Secretary. (Seal of the Nogales Mining Co.) NOGALES, ARIZ., Jan, 12, 1900. Meeting of the Board or Directors oi the Nogales Min- 70 PAP;EKS IN" THE CASE OF CHENQWETH ET AL, ing Company held at Doctor Chenoweth's office this 12ih day of January, 1900, at 11 a, m. H. K. Chenoweth, president of the company, presid ing. On call of roll, H. K. Chenoweth, president, J. R, Grant, Secretary, W. F. Chenoweth and R. A. McPher- son, present, ..^ey being all the stockholders as well as all of the directors. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Oft motion it was decided to amend Article (6) Six of th'? articles of incorporation of the company, so as to read: "The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which this corporation is at any time to subject itself Is Eighty Thousand Dollars" instead of the highest amount oi indebtedness being limited to $20,000.00. So or- dered, and the secretary of the company instructed to see that said amended article be so changed, and legally attended to, and to call anoiner meeting of the Board as soon as so completed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourn- ed to meet at the call of tne secretary. JESSE R. GRANT. Secretary. (Seal of the Nogales Mining Co.) NOGALES. ARIZ., Jan. 22, 1900. Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Nogales Min- ing Company held this 22nd day of January, 1900, at Doctor Chenoweth's office, H. K. Chenoweth, presiding. On call of roll a majority of the stock represented, and a majority of the directors present, being H. K. Chenoweth, W. F. Chenoweth and Jesse R. Grant. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The secretary, J. R. Grant, reports having complied with the instructions of the Board of last meting, order- vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY" ET AL. 71 Jng him to proceed to legalize the amendment of the fcy-laws, stating that they have been duly recorded and ordered printed according to law. On motion it was duly ordered that tlie secretary, J. R. Grant, and the president, be and are hereoy appoint •ed a committee to procure the necessary amount of money to erect mills and reduction works, etc., and to work th^ mine, and that they be and are hereby empow- ered to mortgage the company's property to secure said loan, and they are instructed to secure the best possible terms, etc There bein^ no further business, the meeting adjourn* «d to meet again at the call of the secretary, JESSE R. GRANT, Secretary, (Seal of the Nogales Mining Co.) NOGALES, ARIZ., March 9, 1900. Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Nogales Min- ing Company held in Doctor Chenoweth's office this 9th day of March, 1900, at 10 a. m. On call of roll a majority of the stock and directors being present in the persons of W. F. Chenoweth, J. R. Grant and H. K, Chenoweth. Minutes of previous meet- ing read and approved. The president, H. K. Cnenoweth, and J. R. Grant, sec- retary, report having made the following contract, which is unanimously ratified, to-wit: "By virtue of the powers invested In us as president and secretary of the Nogales Mining Company, and by virtue of the authority given us at a meeting of the Board of Directors of said company January 22, 1900, we hereby assign over to Henrietta Stuart, all of the title, papers and stock of said company, together with the ma- ri PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. chinery and improvements that are now, or that may be erected thereon, to be held in escrow by the said Henriet- ta Stuart, to secure a loan of fifty thousand dollarr,, made by ner to said company, for the purchase of i .e nec- essary machinery and erecting the same, and for mills ' and reduction works, etc., for the working of said mines. This loan for the purposes aforesaid is to draw ten per cent interest from this date, and to be paid January 1, 1901, with its accumulated interest, with a commission on the money so. loaned as to make the loan when paid as aforesaid $55,000.00. Upon full payment of said amount all the title, papers and documents so held in escrow, are to be returned to said company. Signed this 9th day of March, 1900, duly signed by the president and secreta- ry. They then proceeded to issue stock to the following persons: J. R. Grant, (1390) one thousano three hundred and ninety shares; to order of H. K. Chenoweth two certificates of 800 shares each ; one other . certificate to H. K. Chenoweth, for one thousand three hundred and ninety shares; to R. A. McPherson, one thousand three hundred and ninety shares; to W. F. Chenoweth, one thousand three hundred and ninety shares; to R. E, Doan and J. A. Cooper, certificate No. 9 for eight hun- dred shares. On motion it was ordered that J. A. Cooper be made treasurer of the company. Mr, Cooper is a resident of Washington, D. C, but being present reports receiving into his hands for the company's credit thirty-nine thousand (|39,000.00) dollars. H. K. Chenoweth, President. J. R. Grant, Secretary. J. A. Cooper, Treasurer. W. F. Chenoweth, Director. vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 73 (Seal of the Nogales Mining Co.) I concur: R. A. McPherson, March 10th, 1900. NOGALES. ARIZ., March 9, 1901. Meeting of the Nogales Mining Company's directors and stockholders held .n i^octor Chenoweth's office this 9th day of March, 1900, at 5 p. m. On call of roll there were present a majority of the directors and stockholders in the persons hereinafter mentioned, namely: u. A. Cooper, J. A. Grant, H. K. Chenoweth, presiaing, and W. F. Chenoweth. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Now comes W. F. Chenoweth who submits a bid to furnish the Nogales Miniig Ooirpany with a 20- stamp mill full and complete on the ground and in running order and first-class in every particular for the sum of thirty-five thousand ($35,000.00) dollars. This includes a pumping plant and pipe line from the Santo Domingo River to mine, sufficient to supply amply water for said mill and mine, and all appliaricos and fixtures for run- ning a first-class 20-stamp mill, to be completed within a reasonable time. The said above contract was duly accepted, and the treasurer was instructed to hold the stock of said W. F. Chenoweth as security for the faithful carrying out of said contract, and warrant for that amount was or- dered drawn on the Treasurer in his favor. H. K. Chenoweth, President. J. R. Grant, Secretary. J. A. Cooper, Treasurer. (Seal of the Nogales Mining Co.) I concur: R. A. McPherson, March 10, 1900. 74 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL NOGALES, ARIZ., July 2, 1900. At residence of H. K. Chenoweth: Regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Nogales Mining Company held in the company's office (which is at present the residence of H. K. Chenoweth) this first Monday in July, 1900, at 3 p. m. Meeting call- ed to order and adjourned by the President H. K. Chen- oweth, until Monday, July 9, 1900. ELISA E. de CHENOWETH, Secretary pro. tern. NOGAL.i:uS, ARIZ., July 9, 1900. Adjourned regular meeting of the Nogales Mining Company held in the company's office. Called to order by the President, H. K. Chenoweth, at 9 a. m. and ad- journed by request of J. R. Grant, to Saturday, July 14, 1900, at 10 a. m. "* W. F. CHENOWETH, Secretary pro. tem. NOGALES, ARIZ., July 14, 1900. At company's office -i^e regular meeting having been adjourned twice to this date, was called to order at 10 a. m. On roll call it was found .hat a majority of the stock represented. Minutes of previous meeting read and ap- proved. Election of officers for ensuing year declared in or- der. The following were duly elected officers for the en- suing term, and immediately held a joint m'eeting with the stockholders: H. K. Chenoweth, presideLt; Jesse R. Grant, secretary; W. P. Chenoweth, manager; Elisa E. de Chenoweth, treasurer. (Said treasurer to com- mence her official position as soon as the Board of Di- rectors secure a report of the present treasurer and ap- vs. NOG ALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 75 prove her bonds and J. A. Cooper, direcLov, to serve until next regular meeting of the stockholders. The following bill for $7841.15 was presented by W. F. Chenoweth, acting manager, was duly allowed and ordered placed on the minutes " and a warrant for the amount ordered drawn on J, A. Cooper, treasurer, for the amount. Jesse R. Grant and H. K. Chenoweth, President and Secretary, were duly authorized to procure the necessary funds for the successful completion of the mill and plant now under erection, and are authorized to mortgage the company's property in such manner as may seem ad- visable to them, they using their best efforts in behalf of the company. Increase stocK if necessary. Nogales Mining Company, To W. F. Chenoweth, Acting Manager, Dr. To money advanced as per following account to June 1st, 1900 $7841.15 March 4, 1900. Paid to J. R. Grant for money he advanced the company 13000.00 Maj-ch 9, 1900. Paid W. F. Chenoweth on con- tract for erecting plant 35000.00 June 1, 1900. Paid W. F. Chenoweth money ad- vanced per bill manager account as per book account 1691.15 $49691.15 March 1, 1900. Received from J. A. Cooper, trea- surer $ 5000.00 March 10, 1900. Received from J. A. Cooper, treasurer 15000.00 76 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. April 1, 1900. Received from J. A. Cooper, treasurer 21450.00 April 30, 1900. Received from H. K. Chenoweth 400.00 June 1, 1900. Balance due 7841,lo $ 49691.15 H. K. Chenoweth, PresiJeni;. J. R. Grant, Secretary. W. F. Chenoweth, Manager. (Seal of the Nogales Mining Company.) I am fully in accord with the above and concur in the increase of the capital stock to $105,000.00. A. D. Sherwsbury. In favor of increasing me capital stock to $105,000.00. . Jas. tA. Cooper. NOGALES, ARIZ., June 15, 1900. H. K. Chenoweth, Nogales, Arizona. Dear Sir: This will authorize you to vote my stock by proxy at any stockholders' meeting of which I may be absent, or vote my proxy as Director. W. F. Chenoweth. (1 10c I. R. Stamp.) SAN FRANCISCO, June 15, 1900. To H. K. Chenoweth, Nogales, Arizona. This will authorize you to act by proxy for me at the coming regular stockholders' meeting, and to vote my stock at said regular meeting as you would your own. Very truly, JESSE R. GRANT. (1 10c. I. R. Stamp.) vs. NOGAT.es mining company ET A1-. 77 NOGALES, ARIZ., June 15tli, 1800. Elisa E, de Chenowetli, Nogales, Arizona, Dear Madam: This will be your aufhority for acting :for me, by proxy, at any stockholders' meeting at which I may be absent Very respectfully, H. K. CHENOWETH. (1 10c. L R. stamp.) NOGALES, ARIZ., Sept. 5. 1900. Mr. W, F. Chenoweth, Manager Nogales Mining Ca, Nogales,Arizona. Dear Sir: This will authorize you to vote our stock as you would your own, and to act in our stead at any direc- tors meeting, during our absence from Nogales. H- K. CHENOWETH, ELISA E. de CHENOWETH. ( 1 10c I. R. stamp.) W. F. Chenoweth, Esq., Nogales, Arizona. Dear Sir: This authorizes you to act, by proxy, at first special meeting that may be held by the stock* holders of the Nogales Mining Company, for me, and to vote said proxy on routine ousiness only, namely: Reading and approving of previous meetings, and ad- journing said special meeting. Very respectfully, JESSE R GRANT. <1 10c. I. R. stamp.) 1'tS- PATITRS'IN THE CASE OF CETENOWETH ET AT .- NOGALES, A^txZ., August 25, 1900; To the Board of Directors of tne Nogales Mining Com- pany, Nogales, Arizona. Gentlemen: At their laist regular meeting of the stockholders of our company, J. xi. Grant an^ myself were authorized and instructed to procure sufficient money to put our plant aBfd haine ©n a paying basis by the means we thought more convenient and advantageous at the earl- iest possible moment. Said Grant Deing otherwise much occupied, he delegated me to attend to the matter. I had in the meantime sent my brother to Washington on this sa,me mission (money raising), but he returned unsuccessful and have since exerted myself endeavoring to raise the money without resorting to an increase of the capital stock, there being no other plan left, having tried to borrow the amount on second mortgage, on loans on my own stock and interest in other mines, etc. Hence I suggest an increase in the capital stock to avoid further delay and perhaps an attachment on the property for monies due. I suggest it be by you increased to $10,500 shares and the 2600 increase be sold to stock- holders for one half par value. A. D. Shrewsburry for himself, and in representation of S. L. Patterson, D. J. Kyan and R. E. Doan, whom I was depending on to raise the necessary funds, recom- mends this pian, and will take liOO shares, and I will take the balance, I would urge the importance of haste in this matter. Relying on your seeing the necessity of adopting this plan and knowing you will not treat me unfairly, I have this day hypothecated 1100 shares of my own stock for $5500.00, pledging you to issue to him that number vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AI.. 79 H3f shares of the new issue, and immediately placed the money at the disposal oi the company, and within one hour thereaiter it was paid to Hoy & Titcomb, releas- ing machinery they held, for that amount, in Magdale- -na, Mexico, which was delaying the erection of the mill. I liave done the best I could posibly do, and Tiope you will adopt my plan. Very truly yours, H. K CHENOWETH. I concur: A, D, Shrewsburry-. KOGALES, ARIZ., August 25, 1900. Meeting of tlie Board of Directors of the Nogales Mining Company called for . e purpose of raising funds t<^ pay off some pressing bills, at the residence of H. K. Chenoweth at 1 p. m. H. K. Chenoweth, presiding. A majority of c.ie direc- tors being present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. W. F, Chenoweth was duly elected acting secretary^ to carry out any instructions of the meeting and to act in the absence of the regulariy eiecv^^ secretary. H. K. Cnenowecu presents attacxxed report, and on mo- tion it was duly accepted, ordered placed on file, and the suggestions therein contained carried out, and that the capital stock be increased 2500 shares, making in all 10,500, ana that the same be legally carried out by H. K. and vvT. F. Chenoweth, and as soon as properly recorded, that they issue to A, D, Shrewsburry and H. K. Chenoweth, the former 1100 shares, and the lat- ter the oalance, 1400 shares, as soon as they exhibit the treasury receipt for $5500,00 and $7000.00 respectively. 80 PAPJEKS IK THE CASE OP CHENOWETH ET AL, The contractor and manager, W. F. Chenoweth, re- ports that the plant will probably be in operation in Sa* days from date. There being no further business the meeting adjourned to the call of the president, W. F, CHENOWETH, Acting Secretary oy order of Board. I concur: Jas, A, Cooper, A. D, Shrewsburry. NOGALES, ARIZ., October 25, 1900, Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Npgales Min- ing Company held c-^s 25th .ay of October, 1900, at 5 p.m. On can of roll a majority of tne uirectors were present. J. A, Cooper, presiding. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Bill of W, F, Chenoweth for ^i>66.Z2 presented and al- lowed, and ordered spread on the minutes, and warrant for the amount ordered drawn on the treasurer in his favor. There being no further business, the meeting ad- journed. W. F. CHENOWETH, Secretary pro. tern, by order of the Board. NOGALES, ARIZ., Oct. 25, 1900. $836.32 U. S. Cy. Nogales Mining Company, To W. F. Chenoweth, Dr. As per following account: Balance aue June 1, 1900 $ 784L15 Paid on mining account as per book vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 81 • account and vouchers presented for March 1 to October 1st 8027.47 $15868.62 U. S. Current money $ 836.32 Sale of stock to A. D. Shrewsburry 5500.0\; Paid by warrant June 1st, money account 1692.15 Sale of stock to D. J. Ryan 625.00 Sale of stock to Sam. L. Patterson 625.00 Sale of stock to R. E. Doan 500.0u Sale of stock to H. K. Chenoweth 5250.00 Draft on James A. Cooper 841.15 $15868.62 We owe at this date bills to: M. Latz & Bro., for August and September. Roy & Titcomb, about $1000.00. A. Ullman, one-half of his salary for September. , J. Burns, salary for August and September. J. Leonard, part of his salary for September. F. Mendez, for wood. For survey on Grant mine. G. Heinecke, for September bill. Ed. Noon, for September bill. H. E. Stevens, salary for July, August and Septembej. J. J. Chatham, salary for September. W. F. CHENOWETH, Manager. We have audited and found it correct: Jas. A. Coop- er, A. D. Shrewsburry. NOGALES, ARIZ., Jan. 12. 1901. Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Nogales Min- ing Company held in the Montezuma Hotel at 8 p. m. 82 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL Minirtes of previous meeting read and approved. , On call of roll a majority of the directors were present. Major James A. Cooper, presiding. Resignation of Jas. A. Cooper, received, accepted ana R. E. Doan nominated and duly elected in his stead. There being no. further business the meeting closed. JESSE R. CjxiANT, Seretary. NOGALES, ARIZ., Jan. 12, 1901. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Nogales Min- ing Company held at Nogales, Arizona, on this l-ih day of January, A. D. 1901; present all of the stockhold- ers of the shares of stock of said company. On motion, duly seconded and put, it was resolved by a unanimous vote of said stockholders as follows, viz: Resolved, that Article 5th of the Articles of Incorpora- tion of this company, be amended to read as follows, to-wit: "Article Fifth: The amount of the capital stock oi this company shall be Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000.00) dollars, divided into fifty thousand shares, of the par value of Ten ($10.0v;j dollars each, to be paid for at time of issuing the certificate for the same." It was in like manner resolved that the president and secretary be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue of said stock so increased by sajd amendment of Article B if th. First, to the C^rro Prieto Mining Company of the Republic of Mexico, twenty-one thousand (21,000) shares. Second, to the present stockholders of the stock of the iNOgales Mining Company, in proportion to their present respective holdings, ten thousand five hundred (10,500) shares. vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 83 And that the remaining eight thousand (8000) shares of said stock remaining in the treasury, to be sold at not less than par and that the proceeds of such sale to be used as assets of - --o company. It was in like manner resolved that of the said 8000 shares of treasury stock held as assets, five hundred shares be issued by the president and secretary to R. E. Doan, in payment of professional services rendered to this company. It was in like manner resolved that the general mana- ger and secretary, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue and deliver to Henrietta Stuart, of Washington, D. C, payable to her or her order, the prom- issory note of this company for the sum of eight thous- and five hundred ($8,500.00) dollars, to be dated Jan. 12, 1901, payable six months after date with 12 per cent interest from date. The report of the Board of Directors made, read, approved and ordered filed. Bill of W. F. Chenoweth presented and approved as audited, $2,823.77, and ordered filed. Report of James A. Cooper presented, read and ap- proved, au -ited and ordered fileu, showing there to be due to him the sum of $196.17. JESSE R. GRANT. A. D. SHREWSBURRY. DANIEL J. KxAN. SAMU£.i^ L. PAl TERSON. JAMES A. COOPER. R. E. DOAN. W. F. CHENOWETH. 84 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. ELISA E. de CHENOWETH, by W. F. Chenoweth, proxy. H. K. CHENOWETH, by W. F. Chenoweth, proxy. You are hereby notified that the condition of affairs of the Nogales Mining Company, of which you are a stockholder, are such as to render a special meeting of its stockholders necessary, and that such meeting will be held at the office of said company in the town of No- gales, Arizona Territory, the place designated in the articles of incorporation for the transaction of Its bu- siness; on the 6th day of April, A. D. 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., the subject of which meeting is the election of a new Board of Directors and the transacting of other such business as the affairs of the company may require. I hereby certify that, the president and vice-president of the company being absent from the territory, I give this notice as secretary at the request of the stockhold- ers owning a majority of - -e stock of said company. JESSE R. GRANT. In response to the above notice, a meeting of the No- gales Mining Company was held at the office of the company, and owing to the fact that a majority of the stock of the company was not represented, the meeting was adjourned to meet at 10 o clock a. m. of April 10, 1901. JESSE R. GRANT, Secretary. The adjourned meeting of the stockholders of the No- gales Mining Company was held at the oflEice of the com- TS. NOGALES MINING COSfPAKY ET Al.. 85 pany in Nogales, Arizona, this 10th day of April, 1901, at 10 o' clock a, m. Meeting called to order by the secretary, Jesse R. KJrant It was agreed that as the ofrice of the company has not ^iDeen used for some time, and most of tne furniture mov- ^ed away, the office of .he company should he moved to Dr. i^'erguson's office, where the meeting was held. There were present at the meeting: Jesse R. Grant, owning 1398 snares, James A, Cooper, owning 1630 shares. James A. Cooper, by proxy of R. E. Doan, 120 shares. R. A- McPherson, owning 10 shares. Ray i^erguson, owning 1 shara Ohas, -. -..icnards, owning 1 share. Total 4160 shares. The attorney for W, F. Chenoweth presented a certi- ficate for 10 sliares standing tn the name of W. F. Chen- oweth, but as he had no proxy from the owner, he was not permitted to vote, but remained through the meeting. As 4160 shares is more than a majority of the legally issued stock of the company, the meeting was called to order by Jesse R. Grant. On motion duly seconded, Ray Ferguson was elected president of the meeting, and Chas. O. Richards, secre- tary. Mr. Grant stated that the object of the meeting was to elect a Board of Directors to take the place of those ■elected at the annual meeting held July, 2, 1900. as the board elected at the annual meeting were not managing the business of the company in a proper manner, Mr. Grant placed in nomination James A. Cooper, H. K. Chenoweth, R. A. McPherson, Ray Ferguson and ^ PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CSENOWETS ET AL. Chas. O. Richards, to act as directors until the next an^ nual meeting. Ray Ferguson seconded the nominations. No other nominations were made. All stock present, namely, 4160 shares, was voted for those above named, and they were creclared elected. On motion of Mr. Qrant, the Board of Directors were instructed td appoint a new manager to take charge of the mine and milL A committee consisting of Ray Ferguson and C. O. Richards was appointed to draft by-iaws and investi- gate all the affairs of the company, and make their re- port at the annual meeting of the company. G. O. RICHARDS, Secretary. NOGALES, ARIZ,, April 10, 1901. At a meeting of the Board of iJirectors of the Nogales' Mining Company held in the office of the company in Nogales, Santa Cruz County, .-rizona, on the 10th day of April, 1901, «it 10:45 a. m,, the following business was transacted. By consent of the members present Ray Ferguson tvas made temporary chairman and Chas, O. Richards, temporary secretary, for the purpose of organizing. On call of roll the members found to be present were; Jas. A. Cooper, R. A. McPherson, C. O, Richards and Ray Ferguson. On motion of C. O, Richaras, seconded by R, A. Mc- Pherson, Mr. Jas. A. Cooper was elected president of the board. The members voting aye being: R. A.McPherson, C. O. Richards, Ray Ferguson and James A. Cooper. On motion of C. O. Richards, seconded by R. A. Mc- Pherson, Mr. H. K. Chenowech was elected vice-presi- vs. NOG ALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 87 dent. The members voting aye being: R.. A. McPherson, 'C. O. Richards, Jas. A. Cooper and Ray Ferguson. On motion of o. O. Ricliarus, seconded by Jas. A. Coop- ■er, Ray Ferguson was elected secretary and treasurer. The members voting aye being: R. A. McPherson, C. O. Richards, James A. Cooper and Ray Ferguson. The board being now organized and the officers installed, business was transacted as follows: In response to instructions received from a majority 'o'' the stockholders of the Nogales Mining Company in meeting assembled on April 10th, 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., a copy of the proceedings being on file in said office, action was taken towards the election of a manager of the company. On motion of R. A. McPherson, seconded by Ray Fer- guson, Mr. C. O. Richards was elected manager for the Nogales Mining Company for Mexico and the United States. The members voting aye being: Jas. A. Cooper, R. A. McPherson and Ray Ferguson. On motion of R. A, McPherson, seconded by Ray Fer- guson, the manager was and is authorized anl empow- ered to take such action as he may aeem necessary to gain possession of all property of the company in a legal iind business like manner, and that he is further author- ized to take whatever action he deems best in opei^ating the mines, mill, pumping plant and other property of the company. The members voting aye being: Jas. A. Coop- er, R. A. McPherson and Ray i^erguson. On motion of C. O, Richards, the secretary was author- ized to purchase a book for recording the minutes of meetings of the board. There being no further business, the meeting was ad- journed at the call of the president RAY FERGUSON, Secretary. 8S PAPERS lx\ THE CASE OP CHENOWETH ET AL. NOGALES, ARIZ., April 15, 1901. Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Nogales Min- ing Company held at the office of the company on ^prir 15th, 1901. Present: Jesse R. Grant, C, O. Richards, James A.. Cooper, Ray Ferguson. Minutes of previous meeting^ read and approved. Resignation of H. K. Chenoweth as a member of the Board of Directors and as vice-president of the board, read and accepted. Motion of C. 0. Richards, seconded by Ray Ferguson, Jesse R. Grant was elected member of the Board of Di- rectors to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of H. K, Chenoweth, C. O. Richards, manager, reports the mine and mill in the possession of the company an- this board, and states- tliat the ^iiU ]ias been shut down for repairs, and that it will probably be ninety days before it can be put in goo4 working order. He states tnat the development of the mine is being pushed ahead, working tunnel being driven inward, connections between tunnel No. 1 and No. 2, and between No. 2 and No. 3, being made to facilitate uandling of ore. Mr. Richards was instructed to employ an attorney to assist him in legal questions at a salary of $100.00 Mexican silver per month. Statement of aebts owing by the company was receiv- ed from Dr. Chenoweth and ordered filed. On motion of Mr. Grant, seconded by Ray Ferguson, Mr. C. O. Richards was empowered to investigate all of the accounts of labor and supplies furnished as per state- ment of W. F. Chenoweth, and to act as seems best in his judgment in the settlement of the same, and for the vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 89 company to refund all moneys used by said Richards in settlement of claims. On motion of Mr. 'J. R. Grant, seconded by Mr. Rich- ards, it was resolved to retain Mr. Pedro Trellas as book-keeper at the mine on a salary of $120.00 gold per month, for the present. On motion of J. A. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Grant, it was resolved to empower Mr. C. O. Richards to ar- range for $5000.00 to be expended for supplies in work of developing the mine, repairing mill and pump, the same amount to be repaid with interest from the lirst funds received by the company. Ayes: Cooper, Grant and Ferguson. Mr. Riciiards' salary was then fixed at $300.00 per month, until such time as the mill is producing, when he will expect an increase. On motion of C. O. Richards, seconded by J. R. Grant, the secretary was instructed cO call upon W. F. Cheno- weth, as manager, and Elisa E. de Ohenoweth,as treas- urer, and upon J. A. Cooper, as former treasurer, for a report of all monies, checks, drafts, bullion, etc., pass- ing through their hands, together with voucher for same. Ayes: Grant, Cooper, Richards, Ferguson. Mr. Kichards suggested that ail the stockholaers be in- formed of condition of mine, mill, etc., anc says that at the annual meeting or sooner he will give a detailed report of all property of tne company, and furnish full statement as to condition, etc. J. A. Cooper aumorized the secretary to transfer 25 shares of stock standing in his name to S. vv^. Briggs. and 2 shares to Aaron TownsSend, both of Washington, D. C. On motion of Mr. Grant, seconded by Mr. Richards, 90 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHEXOWETPI ET AL, R. A. Mcrherson was elected vice-president to succeed H. K. Chenoweth, resigned. Contract of J. R. Grant attached. KAY FE±tGUSON, Secretary. NG^ALES, ARIZ., ^vprll 12, 1901. Memorandum of an agreement entered into this 12th day of April, 1901, by and between W. F. Chenoweth and H. K. Chenoweth, parties of the first part, and Jesse R. Grant, party of the seco. part. Witnesseth: That in consideration of five thousand dollars U. S. current money, to be paid to the party of the first part by the party of the second part, the said party of the first part agrees to sell, transfer and assign to the said party of the second part all their right, title and interest in all of the stock owned by them in the Nogales Mining Company, a corporation formed under the laws of the territory of Arizona, and having its prin- cipal ofllce in Nogales, Arizona, reserving only such stock as represents 700 snares out of the 50,000, which interest we have previous to this agreement contracted to deliver to other parties. Further, it is agreed that this contract shall not con- flict with, but shall oecome a part of a certain contract and agreement entered into on the 11th day of April, 1901, in the City of Hermosillo, for the transfer of 50 shares of stock in the Cerro Prieto Co., a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Sonora, Republic of Hex ico, whereby the full amount the parties of the first part shall receive is Thirty-five Thousand ($35,000.00) dol- vs. NOG ALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 91 lars U. S. gold coin, and this document is a receipt for Five Thousand ($5000.00) dollars. The other Thirty Thousand ($30,000.00) dollars shall oe paid within six months from the date of signing the contract with the Cerro Prieto Mining Co. before mentioned, viz: the 11th day of April, 1901, making this contract or agreement void after October 11th, 1901. Further, it is agreed that the party of the second part accepts this contract, relieving the parties of the first part from all responsibility and further agrees to carry out all legal contracts and pay all legal bills. Further the party Oi the first part agrees to see that a certain op- tion given to one R. A. McPherson, by one of the par- ties of the first part on or about Feb. 25th, 1901, and which said first party considers void, but in order to avoid the expense of defending any suit said McPherson might instigate, said second party agrees to have said option duly cancelled and does hereby relieve said first party from all reliability. Further, the parties of the first part hereby direct the secretary of the Nogales Mining Company to enter the contents of this contract on the books of the company ind we authorize said secretary to accord to said second party, the full voting power of tae stock owned by the said first parties during the term of this contract, and upon the fulfillment of the same, to cancel said stock as represented in this contract and reissue the same to the said second party. Further, the said first parties do hereoy authorize the secretary of the Nogaies Mining Company to enter on the books of the company the resignations as directors and officers of said company the names of W. F. Cheno- 92 PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL, wetn, H. K. Chenoweth and Elisa E. de Cnenoweth, said resignations to date from April 9th, 1901. JESSE R. v^RANT. W. F. CHENOWETH. H. K. CHENOWETH. ELISA E. de CHENOWETH. Witness: Jas. A. Cooper. TERRITORY OF ARIZONA, COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ '' I, , a notary public, in and for tlie County of Santa Cruz, Territory of Ari- zona, duly commissioned and sworn, do hereby certify that the foregoing document consisting of pages, on the margin of which I have written my name. is a full, true and correct copy of the minutes of the Nogales Mining Company, as contained in the minute books of said company, exhibited to me by the secretary of said company, from the date of the organization of said company to this 22nd day or June, A. D. 1901, and that the foregoing was by me carefully compared with the original entries on said minute books. Given under my hand and seal of office, at my office in Nogales in said county, this day of A. D. 1901. Notary Public. My commission expires vs. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET AL. 93 Abstract of Argument for Temporary Receiver. Brief summary of argument of Rochester Ford and Frederick S. Nave for the appointment and retention of a receiver to conserve property of the Nogaies Mining Company, pending final judgment. The obligations of the company appear from the pleadings to be in excess of eighty thousand dollars, the maximum indebtedness as limitea by the articles of in- corporation of the company. The plaintiffs are person- ally interested in preserving to its highest the security for the obligations of me company, oecause their stock m the company is pledged as security for the payment of the loan ot $50,000 made -y Mrs. Stuart, ana the plain- tiff H. K. Chenoweth is an endorser of the company's note to Mrs. Stuart in that amount. Further, it is alleg- ed in the pleadings that the company is indebted to plaintiff W. F. Chenoweth approximately in the amount of $4000. It appears to be conceded in the pleadings of both parties that the property of the company is of such character that upon forced sale, but little can oe realized from it, a valuation of but $10,000 being placed upon it in the pleadings. Therefore it is conspicuously clear that ^ PAPERS IN THE CASE OF CHENOWETH ET AL. :is matters stand at present the company is insolvent. It is an establisned rule o. law that, with limitations,, the directors of an insolvent corporation must handle- its property sLs trustees for the benefit of its creditors. Thomp. Corp. 4132 et seq. Limitations have been placed upon the oroad uoccrine as formerly held, but the fidu- ciary relation cleariy arises on the conceded facts of this case. The defendant C. O. Richards is a director and manager of the company, it is admitted by him under oath that a moTcgage was given to him, encumbering the property of the company, to secure a loan to the company as alleged in the sum of $15,000, The result of this mortgage was to place him in a position of pre- ference as against all other creditoTs, which, at the best, and under the most lenient holdings of courts seems a doubtful act, and probably, with no other aoubt- fiil matters to weaken .s posit-on, an act which credit- ors can successfully oppose. But the making of thi^ mortgage was confessedly followed within a very short time^-Within a tew weei..., -^ will be seen by a compu- tation based on the several facts alleged— by a proceed- ing to foreclose it, xhe result of foreclosure sale woula manifestly be uiat the proceeds would not even pay out» the $15,000 alleged to ^e secured by the mortgage, and would leave otner creditors, whose credits aggregate, apparently, over $70,000, withouc remedy, or possibility of recovery of their money except that Mrs. Stuart would have recourse upon the plaintilf H. K. Chenoweth. Should the mineral resources of . -e property afterwards be found of value, the purchaser under the foreclosure sale could become wealthy, while the persons whose money made possible the aevelopment of the property, erected the mill, pumping plant, etc., lose their entire TS. NOGALES MINING COMPANY ET Al.. 95 Investment. Defendants show a further wilful disre- gard of the r.ghts of the plaintiffs by refusing to recog- nize them as stockholders, or to extend them their rights as such stockhOx- ers. Whether tlie acts of Richards are supported by a majority or minority of the stockholder ifi immaterial. A majority of . -e stockholders have no right to unite in ihe destruction of the property of the cojporation, and sale under foreclosure would amount to that. The rignts of lae minority will be protected by courts of equity, as also the rights of creditors, and ppending fina. adjudication of the question of the vali- dity of tne mortgage to Richards, of the validity of the obligation it purports to represent, and of the rights ■of plaintiffs as stockholders and creditors, the court cannot refuse to take the company's property unaer its protection and protect it from the acts of the board of directors. Consol. Tank Line vs. Kas. City Varnish Co. 43 Fed. 204; State vs. Dist. Court, 39 Pac. 316; Cameron vs. Groveland Imp. Co. 54 Pac. 1128; State vs. Dist. Court 56 Pac. 219. xne alleged agreement to defer all action on the mortgage for two years cannot alter the obligation of the court to keep custody of the property, pending final judgment The record discloses numerous agreements, the observing of which, or failure to observe which seems to be the fundamental cause of all the difficulties between the parties. The Court should tem- porarily enjoin the foreclosure of Richards' mortgage, pending final judgment; ana should hold in its own im- partial control tne property of the company. Keep- ing any of the parties from affecting the rights of any of the others or from endangering the safety of all the creditors, until such time as tne rights of all shall be finally ascertained by the Court, and each one placed in possession of his rigats.