*^ LIBRARY OF THE University of California. e.PTOF -740 X^^' 44-^ ft^/-/ Class -f^ RITCHIE'S FIRST STEPS IN LATIN WORKS BY F. RITCHIE, M.A. FABULiE FACILES. A First Latin Reader. Edited by J. C. Kirtland, Jr. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. IMITATIVE EXERCISES IN EASY LATIN PROSE. 12mo. FIRST STEPS IN LATIN. Edited by F. C. Staples, A.B. Crown 8vo. SECOND STEPS IN LATIN. Crown 8vo. EXERCISES IN LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION. Crown 8vo. EASY CONTINUOUS LATIN PROSE. Crown 8vo. New York : Longmans, Green, & Co. RITCHIE'S FIRST STEPS IN LATIN EDITED BY FREDERICK C. STAPLES, A. B. INSTRUCTOR IN LATIN THE FAY SCHOOL, SOUTHBOROUGH, MASS. LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 91 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK LONDON, BOMBAY, AND CALCUTTA 1909 GIFT Copyright^ 1909, By Longmans, Green, and Co. THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. PREFACE f/i/^^;^ The present edition of Mr. Ritchie's "First Steps in Latin " has for its objects first, the marking of all long vowels; second, the rearrangement of the cases in declension, following the order adopted in nearly all American text-books and grammars ; and third, the sub- stitution of ^-consonant for/. In cases where pupils have been found prone to give a long-vowel sound to a short vowel, the short mark has been written ; but for the most part short vowels are unmarked. Some slight changes have been made in the wording of rules and explanations, and in the Appendix the Sumjhary of Rules has been rewritten to conform with these chajiges. No alteration has been made in the general plan of the book. The subject of pronunciation, however, is of so much importance that it has been incorporated at some length in the text. Such excellent results have attended the use of the book in its earlier editions that even these slight changes have been made with some hesitation ; but many requests have been made for an edition revised along the lines indi- cated above, and these must serve as my pretext. It is hoped that, thus revised, the Series, which com- prises " First Steps in Latin " and its sequel, '' Second Steps in Latin," will meet with a wide acceptance in this country, for, supplemented by Mr. Kirtland's edition of Mr. Ritchie's "Fabulae Faciles," they make a thorough and amply sufficient preparation for the reading of Caesar, or other second-year work. F. C. S. 219150 CONTENTS Paob Preliminary DefinitioDS I The Sentence ..#.... 2 Latin Nouns 4 Adjectives . 5 Latin Verbs 5 English Verbs o 8 Pronunciation 10 First Conjugation : A- Verbs. Active Voice 16 Nouns First Declension 24 Second Conjugation: E- Verbs. Active Voice 2G Nouns Second Declension 30 Third Conjugation : Consonant Verbs. Active Voice 34 Adjectives 38 Fourth Conjugation : I- Verbs. Active Voice 42 Table of the Four Conjugations. Active Voice 46 Nouns Third Declension 48 The Verb Sum 54 First Conjugation : A-Verbs. Passive Voice 56 Adjectives of Third Declension 62 Second Conjugation : E- Verbs. Passive Voice 66 Nouns Fourth Declension 70 Third Conjugation : Consonant Verbs. Passive Voice 72 Nouns Fifth Declension 76 Fourth Conjugation : LVerbs. Passive Voice 78 Table of the Four Conjugations. Passive Voice 82 Comparison of Adjectives 84 Appendix Nouns First Declension 91 Nouns Second Declension o 91 Nouns Third Declension 92 Nouns Fourth Declension 93 viii CONTENTS Appendix Continued Page Nouns Fifth Declension 93 Adjectives of First and Second Declensions 93 Adjectives of Third Declension 94 Numerals 94 The Verb Su?n, ' I am ' 95 Verbs Active : Present Stem Tenses 96 Verbs Active : Perfect Stem Tenses 97 Verbs Passive : Present Stem Tenses 98 Verbs Passive : Supine Stem Tenses - 99 Summary of Rules 1^1 Vocabulary Latin-English ^^^ English-Latin ^^^ FIRST STEPS IN LATIN DEFINITIONS A Noun is the Name of a Person or Thing; as, ' James/ * dog/ * book/ ' London/ An Adjective is a word which describes a Person or Thing ; as, little dog, red book, many books. A Verb is a word which tells what a Person or Thing does or has done to it ; as, ' sleep/ ' strike/ ' to be struck.' (i.) Verbs are Intransitive when the action does not pass beyond the doer ; as, I sleep, the boy rims, snakes creep. (ii.) Verbs are Transitive when the action passes on to another Person or Thing. The word denoting this Person or Thing is called the Object; as, 'I strike the table.' Here 'table' is the Object to the Verb ' strike.' (iii.) Verbs are Copulative when they join together two words, one of which names a thing and the other describes it; as, *the water is deep.' Here 'is' joins 'water' and 'deep/ and is a Copulative Verb. The word that describes is called the Complement; thus, 'deep' describes 'water/ and is the Complement. THE SENTENCE THE SENTENCE Every Sentence has two parts, namely 1. The Subject, i. e, the word denoting the Person or Thing about which something is said. 2. The Predicatey i. e. the word or words denoting that which is said about it. Examples Subject Predicate (i.) Birds (ii.) We (iii.) The man fly. eat bread, is old. [The Subject of a Sentence may be found by asking the question Who ? or What ? with the Verb ; thus, 'Birds fly.' Who or what fly ? Ans, 'Birds.' The- Predicate may be found by asking the question. What about the Subject? thus, 'The man is old.' What about the man ? Ans, He is old 'is old ' is the Predicate.] The Subject is always a Noun, or some word or words used as Nouns. The Predicate is always a Verb, or at least contains a Verb ; but as Verbs are of three kinds the Predicate has three forms. (See examples given above.) (i.) When the Verb is Intransitive, the Subject and Verb together make complete sense, and the Predicate need contain nothino^ but the Verb. THE SENTENCE 8 (ii.) When the Verb is Transitive, an Object is required to complete the Sentence, and the Verb and Object together make up the Predi- cate. (iii.) When the Verb is Copulative, a Complement is required to complete the Sentence, and the Verb and Complement together make up the Predicate. ANALYSIS OF SIMPLE SENTENCE The following method of Analysis will be found useful The Subject is marked S. The Predicate is marked either or (i.) V. I., i. e. Verb Intransitive ; (ii.) V. T. and 0., i. e. Verb Transitive and Object ; (iii.) V. C. and C, i.e. Verb Copulative and Comple- ment. The examples given above will be analyzed thus - Subject Predicate S. V. T. (i.) Birds fly s. V. T. 0. (ii.) We eat bread. s. V. c. c. (iii.) The man is old. LATIN NOUNS LATIN NOUNS Inflection. The form of a Latin Noun is altered by Inflection, that is, by changing the ending of the word ; thus, mensa, a table ; mensae, of a table. Case. In this way six different forms of the same Noun are obtained ; these are called the six Cases of the Noun. The names of the Cases are 1. The Nominative ; the Subject of the sentence is in the Nominative. 2. The Genitive ; answers the question ' whose ? ' 3. The Dative; answers the question 'to or for whom? ' 'to or for what ?' Case of Indirect Object. 4. The Accusative ; the Object of a Transitive Verb is in the Accusative. 5. The Vocative; used in addressing Persons or Things ; as, ' queen/ 6. The Ablative; answers the question 'by, with, or from what ? ' Number. Latin Nouns have Two Numbers, Singular and Plural, and each Number has a distinct set of Six Cases. G-ender. There are Three Genders : Masculine, Femi- nine, and Neuter. Declension. A Noun is said to be ' declined ' when its various Cases are shown in order. There are Five Declensions of Latin Nouns, that is, there are Five different sets of Inflections. The Declensions may be adjectivp:s 5 distinguished by the ending of the Genitive Case Singular^ Declension 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Ending of Genitive ae i is us ei or 6i ADJECTIVES Adjectives are declined like Nouns as regards Number and Case ; but besides this their terminations sometimes indicate the Gender of the Noun to which the Adjective belongs. Thus some Adjectives have in each Case a separate form for each of the three Genders ; others have in some Cases one form for Masculine and Feminine and another for Neuter, and in some Cases only one form for all three Genders. LATIN VEEBS2 Voice. Verbs have Two Voices, namely 1. The Active Voice, when the person or thing denoted by the Subject does something; as, amo, I love. 1 The termination of the Genitive Singular is given as the distinguishing mark of the Declensions, this being the method adopted in dictionaries. The terms Stem and Character are purposeh' avoided. It is practically useless (and to beginners very confusing) to be told that domino is the Stem of dominus. The plan of cutting off -rum or -um from the Genitive Plural in order to find the Character and so determine the Declension, presupposes that the pupil is already able to decline the Noun. 2 On pages 8 and 9 the English Verb To teach is conjugated in Latin form, i. e. the names of the Tenses are those used in conjugating a Latin Verb. It is advisable that for practice other Verbs, and especially the Verbs love, advise, rule, hear, should be conjugated in the same way. The Strong Verb teach is given here in preference to the Verb love, because it has been found that con- fusion arises from the similarity in sound of the various parts of the latter ; e.g. loved and love. 6 LATIN VERBS 2. The Passive Voice, when the person or thing denoted by the Subject has something done to it ; as, amor, / am loved, [iV. B, Only Transitive Verbs have a complete Passive Voice.] Tense. Each Voice has Six Tenses Present, Imperfect, and Future Simple, Perfect and Aorist, Pluperfect, and Future Perfect. [There is only one Form in Latin for both Perfect and Aorist Tenses, but in English they are distinct. See pages 8 and 9.] Number. Each Tense has Two Numbers, namely Singular and Plural. < Person. Each Number has Three Persons, namely First, Second, and Third. The Tense, Number, and Person of Latin Verbs are indicated by various Endings, which are added to the Stems.^ In order to form the Tenses of a Latin Verb it is necessary to know three Stems 1. The Present Stem From this are formed the Present, Imperfect, and Future Simple, both Active and Passive. 1 Distinction of Mood is intentionally omitted here, as beyond the scope of the book. LATIN VERBS 7 2. The Perfect Stem From this are formed the Perfect and Aorist, Pluperfect, and Future Perfect Active. 3. The Supine Stem From this are formed the Perfect and Aorist, Pluperfect, and Future Perfect Passive. Latin Verbs are divided into four classes, called Conju- gations, according to the last letter of the Present Stem. The First Conjugation has its Present Stem ending in A, The Second Conjugation has its Present Stem ending in^. The Third Conjugation has its Present Stem ending in a Consonant or U. The Fourth Conjugation has its Present Stem ending in /. For some time, these Stems are given in the lessons. Later they must be obtained from the * Principal Parts,' given in the general vocabulary, where they are indicated thus: esent Stem Perfect Stem Supine Stem vide-o vid-i visum (2) see above mitt-o mis-i miss-um (3) '* " move-o mdv-i mot-um (2) *' " Since all the forms of a Latin verb are ' made ' on these stems, and these are always found in the Principal Parts, it is necessary to commit the latter to memory most thoroughly. ENGLISH VERBS ACTIVE VOICE PKESENT TENSE PEKFECT TENSE Sing. 1. I teach. 2. Thou 1 teachest. 3. He, she, or it teaches. Plur. 1. We teach. 2. Ye or you teach. 3. They teach. or, Sing. 1. I am teaching. 2. Thou art teaching. 3. He, she, or it is teaching. Plur. 1. We are teaching. 2. Ye or you are teaching. 3. They are teaching. or, Sing. 1. I do teach. 2. Thou dost teach. 3. He, she, or it does teach. Plur. 1. We do teach. 2. Ye or you do teach. 3. They do teach. Sing. 1. I have taught. 2. Thou hast taught. 3. He, she, or it has taught. Plur. 1. We have taught. 2. Ye or you have taught. 3. They have taught. AORI^T TENSE Sing. 1. I taught. 2. Thou taughtest. 3. He, she, or it taught. Plur. 1. We taught. 2. Ye or you taught. 3. They taught. or, Sing. 1. I did teach. 2. Thou didst teach. 3. He, she,-xDr it did teach. Plur. 1. We did teach. 2. Ye or you did teach. 3. They did teach. IMPEKFECT TENSE PLUPERFECT TENSE Sing. 1 . I was teaching. 2. Thou wast teaching. 3. He, she, or it was teaching. Plur. 1. We were teaching. 2. Ye or you were teaching. 3. They were teaching. Sing. 1. I had taught. 2. Thou hadst taught. 3. He, she, or it had taught. Plur. 1. We had taught. 2. Ye or you had taught. 3. They had taught. PUTUBE SIMPLE TENSE FUTURE PERFECT TENSE Sing. 1. I shall or will teach. 2. Thou wilt teach. 3. He, she, or it will teach. Plur. 1. We shall or will teach. 2. Ye or you will teach. 3. They will teach. Sing. 1. I shall have taught. 2. Thou wilt have taught. 3. He will have taught. Plur. 1. We shall have taught. 2. Ye or you will have taught. 3. They will have taught. 1 See observation p. 18. ENGLISH VERBS PASSIVE VOICE # PRESENT TENSE PERFECT TENSE Sing. 1. I am being taught. 2. Thou art being taught. 3. He, she, or it is being taught. Plur. 1. We are being taught. 2. Ye or you are being taught. 3. They are being taught. or, Sing. 1. I am taught. 2. Thou art taught. 3. He, she, or it is taught. Plur. 1. We are taught. 2. Ye or you are taught. 3. They are taught. Sing. 1. I have been taught. 2. Thou hast been taught. 3. He, she, or it has been taught. Plur. 1. We have been taught. 2. Ye or you have been taught. 3. They have beeb taught. AORIST TENSE Sing. 1. I was taught. 2. Thou wast taught. 3. He, she, or it was taught. Plur. 1 . We were taught. 2. Ye or you were taught. 3. They were taught. IMPERFECT TENSE PLUPERFECT TENSE Sing. 1. I was being taught. 2. Thou wast being taught. 3. He, she, or it was being taught. Plur. 1. We were being taught. 2. Ye or you were being tauglit. 3. They were being taught. Sing. 1. I had been taught. 2. Thou hadst been taught. 3. He, she, or it had been taught. Plur. 1. We had been taught. 2. Ye or you had been taught. 3. They had been taught. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE Sing. 1. I shall have been taught. 2. Thou wilt have been taught. 3, He, she, or it will have been taught. Plur. 1 . We shall have been taught. 2. Ye or you will have been taught. 3. They will have been taught. Sing. 1. I shall be taught. 2. Thou wilt be taught. 3. He, she, or it will be taught. Plur. I. We shall be taught. 2. Ye or you will be taught. 3. They will be taught. 10 PRONUNCIATION PRONUNCIATION i Correct pronunciation of Latin, or indeed of any lan- guage, requires that each letter or combination of letters shall receive its proper sound; that each word shall be correctly divided into syllables; that each word shall have its accent correctly placed. Therefore we need to understand the matter of A Sound B Syllables C Accent A. SOUND The Letters of the Alphabet. The Latin Alphabet was much like our own ; but / and w were lacking, and h, y, and z were not common. / served as both Vowel and Consonant. Like our own the alphabet was made up of (1) Vowels and (2) Consonants. 1. Vowels These were a, e, i, o, u, (y). Each of these had two sounds a long sound and a short sound, which means that sometimes each was sounded a long time in pronouncing, or was sounded for a shorter time. In most text-books for beginners, the vowels are marked with a small straight line (~) just above the letter to show that it is to be held somewhat in pronouncing, and 1 The correct pronunciation of Latin is a matter requirinj;^ careful attention on the part of both teacher and pupil ; and though the latter will gain much from imitation, he should have as early as possible in his work the principles that govern proper pronunciation at his command. With that end in view, the following summary is added to the present edition, all former editions having left the matter entirely to the teacher. PRONUNCIATION 11 with a little curved line (") just over the letter (or with no mark whatever) to show that the vowel is to be sounded but a short time, a means long-sounded a\ a or a means short-sounded a, or simply long a and short a. In this book a vowel with no mark is to be regarded as short. The Vowel Sounds a like a in father a like first a in aha e like e in fete e like e in met i like i in police I like i in din 6 like in tone ' 6 like o in ^o^ u like u in rWe u like u in ^^^^ Diphthongs ae oe au eu ui If you will pronounce (using its Latin sound) each of the two vowels in any one of the above groups in quick succes- sion, you will see that they make practically one sound. Now that is what a diphthong is two vowels pronounced as one sound. Pronounce ae like ai in aisle au like oit in house oe like oi in spoil eu like eiu in feiv ui like oo-ee spoken quickly 2. Consonants The Latin consonants were sounded almost as in English. The following points of difference should be carefully noted. Pronounce C (always hard) like h never as in cent, g (always hard) like g in gate never as in gem, i-consonant like y in yet. 12 PRONUNCIATION qu like kw. s like s in since never like s in ease. (Avoid the z sound of s in final es.) t always like t in time never with the sh sound of t in -tion English words. V like English w. In doubled consonants such as II, mm, nn, rr, tt, there should be a sound for each of the two. The few varia^ipns that remain may be pointed out by the teacher as they occur. B. SYLIiABLES Latin words were not divided into syllables in just the same way that we divide English words. For in Latin a word has as many syllables as it has separate vowels and diphthongs ; so that the word ndtio = nation, which we would pronounce with two syllables, is in Latin a three-syllable word ; thus, nd-ti-o. It will be of help to know the meaning of the following names, which are applied to words according to the number of syllables they contain A word of one syllable is called a Monosyllable, A word of two syllables is called a Dissyllable. A word of three syllables is called a Trisyllable. We also speak of words as monosyllabic, dissyllabic, and trisyllabic according as they have respectively one, two, or three syllables. Polysyllable and polysyllabic are sometimes applied to words of three or more syllables. Words having the same number of syllables are said to be parisyllabic. Words not having the same number of syllables are said to be imparisyllabic.^ 1 Try to find where all these names originated. PRONUNCIATION 13 The following rules will guide you in dividing words into syllables 1. A single consonant between two vowels, or between a vowel and a diphthong, is put with the second ; thus, amicus = a-m%-cus, aqua = a-qua,^ 2. If there are two or more consonants between two vowels or diphthongs, use as many of the consonants with the second as can be pronounced with it; t\\.Vi^y jpugnat = jpug-nat ; carmen ^= car-men ; templum = tem-plum, 3. Doubled consonants are separated; thus, vellum = vel-lum. Length of Syllables Syllables are long or short according as they require a longer or shorter time in pronouncing, the difference being much the same as in the case of the vowels. A syllable containing a long vowel, or a diphthong, or a short vowel followed by two consonants or by x or z, is long. Most other syllables are short. C. ACCENT If you will pronounce carefully, and rather slowly, any English word of more than one syllable, you will notice that some one of its syllables is dwelt on, and so made more prominent than any other ; e. g., English, meaning, pronounce, study, behavior. This prominence, or stress of the voice, is called Accent. English words may have the accent on any syllable. There is hardly any rule governing the position of the 1 </ is always followed by u, and the two make practically one consonant sound, su, gUy hu, and cu may be so combined. 14 PRONUNCIATION stress or accent. We consult the dictionary and that directs us ; thus we are told to say in-ter-est-ing, in-t^r- nal-ly, fun-da-m^n-tal, mis-un-der-stand. Here are four words, each having four syllables, and in no two is the stress put on the same syllable. In accenting Latin words, we may say that only the last three syllables of a word are to be considered ; and of these, one (the very last) is never accented. For conven- ience, these three syllables are named as follows The Ultima} or last syllable. The Penult, or that before the Ultima. The Antepenult, or that before the Penult. Rules of Accent I. Words of Two Syllables In words of two syllables accent the Penult. i II. Words of More than Two Syllables If the Penult is a long syllable, accent the Penult. If the Penult is a short syllable, accent the Antepenult. CAUTIONS 1. Never accent the last syllable of a Latin word. Pupils often do this to emphasise the differing case and personal endings. 2. Do not mistake the hyphens used in the paradigms and exercises for syllable-division marks. 3. Do not mistake long marks (") for marks of accent. Accent marks are not used in this book. 1 Try to find where all these names originated. PRONUNCIATION 15 4. Eemember that mucli of the Latin you are to read later will have no marks of any kind ; that those used in this book are for your guidance in acquiring a correct pronunciation. EXERCISES Examples to illustrate these principles, and exercises for drill, should be *given by the teacher to such extent as he feels the class requires. I. Separate into syllables and pronounce the following vincetur regione capere idem vincitis vocabimur reges mater magistrum huic quae manere causa utilis patientis doces amicus pater more equus coepisti sumus iubeo aedificaverunt II. To be read in class Brevi tempore ad flumen Tiberim venit. Tum tamen nulla erat urbs in eo loco, Eoma enim nondum coiidita erat. Hercules itinere fessus constituit ibi paucos dies morari, ut se ex laboribus recrearet. Hand procul a valle ubi boves pascebantur spelunca erat, in qua Cacus, horribile mon strum, tum habitabat. Hic speciem terri- bilem praebebat, non modo quod ingenti magnitudine corporis erat, sed quod ignem ex ore exsplrabat. Cacus au^em de adventu Herculis famam acceperat; noctu igitur venit, et dum Hercules dormit, quattuor pulcher- rimorum boum abripuit. Hos caudis in speluncam traxit, ne Hercules e vestigiis cognoscere posset quo in loco Celati essent. (From '' Fabulae Faciles.") 16 A-VERBS FIRST CONJUGATION: A-VERBS Verbs whose Present Stem ends in a belong to the First Conjugation. Example Ama-re, to love. Pres. Stem Ama-. ACTIVE VOICE Present Tense The Present Tense is formed by adding Personal End- ings to the Present Stem, ama-. Formation Example English Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Present Stem + o * '^ + s " + 1 " " + mus " + tis " + nt am-6 ama-s ama-t ama-mus ama-tis ama-nt I love. Obs. 1. Thou loves t. He loves. We love. You love. They love. * [In the First Person Singular, by adding o to ama- we get ama-o, but this is contracted to am-o ; hence the a at the end of the Stem is not seen. A vowel which results from contraction is long.] Ohs. 1. Note shortening of final vowel of Present Stem, and where. Obs. 2. Remember that the Present Tense has three forms in English Am5 = / lovey Amas = Thou lovest, Amat = He loves. I am loving. Thou art loving, He is loving, I do love, Thou dost love, He does love, etc. 06s. 3. No separate Latin word is required for *I/ 'thou/ 'he/ etc.; thus, amat, he loves. Here ' he/ which is the Subject of the sentence, is said to be contained in the Verb, and 'amat' is a complete sentence in one word. A-VERBS 17 VOCABULAKY ^-Verbs conjugated like amo Canto, I sing, Present Stem, canta-. Pugno, IJight, " pugna-. Salto, I dance, salta-. Voc5, / call^ *' voca-. Non = not. EXERCISE I 1. Canta-t. 11. Non salt-o. 2. Pugna-s. 12. Non voca-s. 3. Salta-mus. 13. Canta-s. 4. Voca-nt. 14. Pugna-tis. 5. Canta-tis. 15. Non voca-t. 6. Pugna-t. 16. Canta-mus. 7. Salta-tis. 17. Non pugna-nt. 8. Voca-mus. 18. Non voc-o. 9. Canta-nt. 19. Non voca-tis. .0. Pugna-mus. 20. Salta-nt. 1. They sing. 11. He does not dance. 2. We fight. 12. I am calling. 3. You dance. 13. You are not singing. 4. He calls. 14. They fight. 5. Thou singest. 15. Thou dost call. 6. I do not fight. 16. He is fighting. 7. He is dancing. 17. Thou dance St. 8. They are calhng. 18. We do not call. 9. We do not sin| ^. 19. They dance. 0. You are fighting. 20. He does not fight. 18 A-VERBS FIRST CONJUGATION : A-VERBS continued Ama-re, to love. Pres. Stem Ama-. ACTIVE VOICE Imperfect and Future Simple Tenses Both these Tenses are formed, like the Present, by adding Personal Endings to the Present Stem, ama-. IMPERFECT Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Present Stem -}- bam " + bas " + bat " + bamus ' + batis " + bant ama-bam ama-bas ama-bat ama-bamus ama-batis ama-bant / was loving. Thou wast loving. He was loving. We were loving. You were loving. They were loving. FUTURE SIMPLE Sing. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Present Stem + bo * " + bis " + bit '* + bimus " + bitis " -f bunt ama-bo * ama-bis ama-bit ama-bimus ama-bitis ama-bunt / shall {or will) love. Thou wilt love. He will love. We shall {or will) love. You will love. They will love. * What two vowels are contracted to form the o ? 06s. In addressing one person * you ' is now more commonly used than * thou/ therefore both the Second Person Singular and the Second Person Plural may be translated 'you'; thus, amas, you love, and amatis, you love, but ' amas ' is addressed to one person, * amatis * to more than one. A-VERBS 19 VOCABULARY Laudu, I praise. Present Stem, lauda-. Rogo, / ash. " roga-. EXERCISE II 1. Salta-bat. 11. Salta-bam. 2. Voca-mus. 12. Voca-bamus. 3. Pugna-bit. 13. Roga-bitis. " 4. Eoga-bis. 14. Salta-t. 5. Lauda-s. 15. Voca-s. 6. Canta-bitis. 16. Lauda-nt. 7. Yoca-bant. 17. Lauda-bat. 8. Pugna-bunt. 18. Pugna-bant. 9. Voca-bas. 19. Canta-nt. 0. Pugna-tis. 20. Voca-bis. 1. We shall fight. 11. They were asking. 2. He was calling. 12. You (sing.) will praise. 3. They will praise. 13. He was not calling. 4. Thou dost fight. 14 He is praising. 5. I shall ask. 15. You (sing.) were fightin: 6. They were dancing. 16. We do not dance. 7. We are calling. 17. You (pi.) were calling. 8. He calls. 18. We were praising. 9. They will call. 19. You (pi.) will sing. 0. He does not fight. 20. He is dancing. 20 A-VERBS FIRST CONJUGATION: A-Y EBBS continued Ama-re, to love ACTIVE VOICE The Perfect and Aorist Tense This Tense is formed by adding the Personal Endings ^ to the Perfect Stem, amav-. The Perfect Stem of any regular Verb of the First Conjugation is found by adding v to the Present Stem ; thus Present Stem, ama-, " pugna-, " lauda-, Perfect Stem, amav-, " piignav-. " laudav-. Formation Example English Sing. 1. Pf.Stem + i amav-i Perfect Aorist I have loved. / loved.^ 2. + isti amav-isti Thou hast loved. Thou lovedst. 3. '* +it amav-it He has loved. He loved. Plur. 1. " + imus amav-imus We have loved. We loved. 2. " +i9tis amav-istis You have loved. You loved. 3. '' + erunt . or -{-ere amav-erunt or amav-ere They have loved. They loved. Remember there is only one form in Latin for both Perfect and Aorist ; thus, 'amavi' means both / have loved and / loved or did love. 1 These Pers. Ends, are peculiar to this Tense, i. e. are not used elsewhere. 2 Or, / did love, etc. A-YERBS 21 EXERCISE III 1. Rogav-it. 2. Salta-bat. 3. Pugnav-imus. 4. Non roga-nt. 5. Voca-bit. ^ 6. Salta-t. 7. Laudav-erunt. 8. Yocav-isti. 9. Pugna-bimus. 10. Laudav-it. 11. Yoca-bat. 12. Salta-bit. 13. Non lauda-mus. 14. Saltav-istis. 15. Cantav-erunt. 16. Non laudav-i. 17. Yoca-t. 18. Yocav-it. 19. Non salta-t. 20. Cantav-isti. 21. Roga-batis. 22. Laudav-imus. 23. Salta-bitis. 24. Pugnav-istis. J. We have praised. 2. They danced. 3. He did not fight. 4. You (sing.) were calling. 5. He sings. 6. He will dance. 7. They have asked. 8. We did not praise. 9. You will ask. 10. They fought. 11. They did not dance. 12. We were calling. 13. They do not praise. 14. Thou hast not called. 15. We are dancing. 16. I was calling. 17. They are dancing. 18. We will ask. 19. He has praised. 20. You have asked. 21. You will call. 22. We have fought. 23. You are calling. 24. I did not praise. 22 A-VERBS FIRST CONJUGATION: A-YEUBS continued ACTIVE VOICE The Pluperfect and the Future Perfect Tenses Both these Tenses are formed, like the Perfect and Aorist, by adding Personal Endings to the Perfect Stem, amav-. PLUPEKFECT Formation Example English Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Pf. Stem + eram + eras + erat + eranius + eratis + erant amav-eram amav-eras amav erat amav-eramus amav-eratis amav-erant / had loved. Thou hadst loved. He had loved. We had loved. Yon had loved. They had loved. FUTUKE PERFECT Siug 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Pf. Stem + ero + eris + erit + erimus + eritis + erint amav-ero amav-eris amav-erit amav-erimus amav-eritis amav-erint I shall have loved. Thou ivilt have loved. He will have loved. We shall have loved. You will have loved. They will have loved. In the sentence amat = he loves, the Subject is contained in the Verb, but the Subject may also be a separate word ; thus, Puella amat, the girl loves. Obs. The Verb must aj^ree in Person with its Subject; thus, puella, the Subject, is of the Third Person, therefore the Verb amat is also of the Third Person. See Rule p. 24. A-VERBS 23 VOCABULARY Volo, I fly, Vulnero, / woundy Present Stem, vola-. " vulnera-. Hasta, a spear. Puella, a girl. Regina, a queen. EXERCISE IV 1. Vocav-erat. 2. Pugnav-erit. 3. Hasta vola-bat. 4. Pugna-bit. 5. Vocav-erimus. 6. Yulnera-mus. 7. Rogav-eris. 8. Saltav-eras. 9. Puella lauda-t. 10. Vocav-erunt. 11. Non salta-bimus. 12. Rogav-eratis. 13. Puella saltav-erat. 14. Vulnerav-erunt. 15. Yulnera-bunt. 16. Laudav-erit. 17. Yulnera-tis. 18. Cantav-erant. 19. Yocav-erint. 20. Pugnav-erunt. 1. They had called. 2. He will have asked. 3. We have fought. 4. Ye were dancing. 5. The girl will praise. 6. We sang. 7. They will have sung. 8. You (pi.) did not praise. 9. The spear flies. 10. We had wounded. 11. They did not fight. 12. You (sing.) had praised. 13. The queen will ask. 14. We shall have fought. 15. He had sung. 16. The spear will wound. 17. They do not fight. 18. We were calling. 19. The girl had danced. 20. Thou wilt have fought. 24 NOUNS NOUNS FIRST DECLENSION Nouns whose Genitive Singular ends in ae belong to the First Declension. The Nominative ends in a. The Cases are formed as follows SiNOULAR Plural Nom. Mens-a a table (/.) Mens-ae tables. Gen. Mens-ae of a table. Mens-arum of tables. Dat. Mens-ae to or for a table. Me US-is to or for tables. Ace. Mens- am a table. Mens-as tables. Voc. Mens-a table. Mens-ae tables. Ahl. Mens-a by J with, or from a table. Mens-is by, with, or from tables. Most Nouns of the Eirst Declension are of the Feminine Gender. Rule The Subject of the Sentence is in the Nominative Case. Observe that if the Subject is Singular, the Verb must be Singular " *' " " * Plural, " '' " " Plural. Thus, in the sentence The girls love, the Subject, girls, is Plural, there- fore the Verb must also be Plural, and the Latin will be ' Puellae amant.' Thus we derive (see bottom p. 22) : KuLE The Verb agrees with its Subject in Number and Person. Kemember that every sentence having a noun for its subject will have its verb in the 3d Person, NOUNS 25 VOCABULARY Decline Epistola, -ae, f ., a letter. Sagitta, -ae, f., an arrow. EXERCISE V Point out the Subject and Predicate in each Sentence. 1. Hastae vulnera-nt. 11. 2. Eegina lauda-bat. 12. 3. Non pugnav-eramus. 13. 4. Puellae salta-bunt. 14. 5. Vocav-erunt. 15. 6. Kegina cantav-erit. 16. 7. Puellae voca-bant. 17. 8. Non ama-tis. 18. 9. Keginae laudav-erant. 19. 10. Sagittae vulnerav-erunt. 20. Epistola lauda-bit. Cantav-eramus. Laudav-istis. Non pugna-batis. Keginae salta-nt. Puella vocav-erit. Puellae vocav-erant. Hastae vulnera-bunt. Non saltav-isti. Vocav-erint. 1. The girls do not call. 2. The queen will fight. 3. The spears wounded. 4. You did not dance. 5. I had not fought. 6. The queens praised. 7. The girls were dancing. 8. The spears will fly. 9. We had sung. 10. Thou didst fight. 11. The arrows were flying. 12. The queen had praised. 13. We shall have sung. 14. Ye were asking. 15. The queen does not dance. 16. They had fought. 1 7. We do not praise. 18. The girl has not sung. 19. They have asked. 20. We are not praising. 26 E- VERBS SECOND CONJUOATION: E- VERBS Verbs whose Present Stem ends in e belong to the Second Conjugation. Example Mone-ke, to advise. Present Stem, mone-, Perfect Stem, monii-. ACTIVE VOICE Tenses formed from the Present Stem Mone- [The Personal Endings are the same as in the First Conjugation.] PRESENT Formation Example English Sing. 1. 2 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Pres. Stem + o " +s " +t " " + mus " + tis " +nt mone-6, p. 1 6, 06s. 1. mone-s mone-t mone-mus mone-tis mone-nt I advise, p. 16, 06s. 1. Thou advisest. He advises. We advise. You advise. The}! advise. IMPEBFECT Sing. I. 2. 3. Plur.l. 2. 3, Pres. Stem + bam " +bas " +bat " ** +bamus " 4- batis '* +bant mone-bam mone-bas mone-bat mone-bamus mone-batis mone-bant I was advising. Thou wast advising. He was advising. We were advising. You were advising. They were advising. FUTURE SIMPLE Sing.l. 2. 3. Plur.l. 2. 3. Pres. Stem + bo '' +bis " +bit " + bimus " + bitis " + bunt mone-bo mone-bis mone-bit mone-bimus mone-bitis mone-bunt I shall (or will) \ Thou wilt He will We shall (or will) You will They will ' Rule The Object of a Transitive Verb is in the Accusa- tive Case. See page 3. Thus Subject Transitive Verb Object The queen loves the girl, Reglna (Nom.) amat puellam (A ecus.) E-VERBS VOCABULARY 27 Verbs of Second Conjugation like moneo Doce-o, / teach, Tene-6, / hold, Time-6, 1 fear, Present Stem, doce-. " tene-. " time-. EXERCISE VI Point out the Subject and 1. Doce-mus puellam.^ 2. Tene-bant hastas. 3. Tene-t hastam. 4. Time-bunt reginam. 5. Puellae non time-nt. 6. Regina saltav-erat. 7. Tene-bam epistolam. 8. Hastae vulnera-nt. 9. Non time-bo hastas. 10. Doce-tis puellas. 1. We fear the queen. 2. Ye teach the girls. 3. The girl will fear. 4. They hold a spear. 5. Ye were not teaching. 6. Thou dost fear. 7. We had not danced. 8. He praised the letter. 9. I will teach the girl. 10. He is not fighting. Object (where there is one). 11. Non pugnav-isti. 12. Yoca-t reginam. 13. Hasta volav-erit. 14. Lauda-mus puellam. 15. Tene-batis hastas. 16. Non doce-bitis. 17. Tene-t epistolam. 18. Time-bat hastam. 19. Keginae time-nt. 20. Non pugnav-eramus. 11. They were holding letters. 12. You will fear the spear. 13. Thou didst not call. 14. Spears had wounded. 15. They will teach girls. 16. The girls were fearing. 17. You will not have fought. 18. Thou teachest the queen. 19. They fear the spears. 20. He called the girl. 1 The correct Latin order is not alluded to till a later exercise; it can, of course, be insisted on from the first in the English-Latin exercise. Until the correct order is used in the Exercises, require the pupil to rearrange each eentence that contains an object. 28 E-VERBS SECOND CONJUGATION: :E-YEB,BS continued MoNE-RE, to advise Present Stem, mone-, Perfect Stem, monu-. ACTIVE VOICE Tenses formed from the Perfect Stem Monu- The Perfect Stem of any regular Verb of the Second Conjugation is found by changing the last letter of the Present Stem from e into u. Thus Present Stem, mone-, Perfect Stem, monu-. ** " doce-, " * docu-. [The Personal Endings are the same as in the First Conjugation.] PERFECT AND AORIST Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Pf. Stem-f i " + isti " -fit " +iinus " -f istis " + erunt or + ere monu-i monu-isti monu-it monu-imus monu-istis monu-erunt or monu-ere Perfect / have Thou hast He has We have You have They have. Aorist / advised. Thou advisedst He advised. We advised'. You advised. They advised. PLUPERFECT Sing. 1 2 3 Plur. 1 2. 3 Pf . Stem -h eram *' -j- eras " -f erat " +eramus *' + eratis " -h erant monu-eram monu-eras monu-erat monu-eramus monu-eratis monu-erant / had advised. Thou hadst advised. He had advised. We had advised. You had advised. They had advised. FUTURE PERFECT Sing. 1 2 3 Plur. 1 2 3 Pf. Stem + ero " + eris " f erit " + erimus " -f eritis " + erint monu-ero monu-eris monu-erit monu-erimus nionu-eritis monu-erint / shall have advised. Thou wilt have advised. He will have advised. We shall have advised. You will have advised. They will have advised. E-VERBS 29 VOCABULARY Aqua, -ae, f., water. Ira, -ae, f., anger. EXERCISE VII Point out the Subject and Object. 1. Tenu-i hastam. 2. Docu-eras puellas. 3. Eeglna timu-erit. 4. Tenu-imus sagittas. 5. Timu-eratis aquam. 6. Lauda-bitis epistolas. 7. Puellae saltav-erunt. 8. Eegina time-t hastam. 9. Laudav-erant puellam. 10. Puellae timu-erunt. 11. Non time-o iram. 12. Docu-isti puellam. 13. Regina monu-erit. 14. Sagittae vola-bunt. 15. Tene-tis sagittas. 16. Non monu-istis. 17. Timu-erant hastas. 18. Docu-eris reginam. 19. Puellae canta-bant. 20. Timu-erint reginam. 1. We held spears. 2. You do not fear anger. 3. The girl had not taught. 4. Thou didst teach the girl. 5. We praised the letter. 6. I did not fear the arrow. 7. We do not praise the girl. 8. We shall not fight. 9. He was teaching the girl. 10. They had held the arrows. 11. The queen will have ad- vised. 12. You are not praising. 13. They fear the water. 14. The girls had not fought. 15. I did not praise the girl. 16. The queen has not feared. 17. The arrow has wounded. 18. The spears did not wound. 19. Thou hadst taught the queen. 20. Thou art holdino^ a letter. 30 NOUNS NOUNS SECOND DECLENSION Nouns whose Genitive Singular ends in ^ belong to the Second Declension. The Nominative ends in Us or er, if the Noun is Mas- culine or Feminine. Feminine nouns in this Declension are rather few. The Nominative ends in um, if the Noun is Neuter. Masculine SlNGULAB Plubal^ Nom. D6min-U8 a lord (ni.). Domin-i lords. Gen. Domin-i of a lord. Dominorum of lords. Dai. Domin-o to or for a lord. Domin-is to or for lords. Ace, Domin-um a lord. Domin-os lords. Voc. Domin-e lord. Domin-i lords. Ahl. I>omin-6 by, with, or from a lord.^ Domin-is by, withy or from ' lords.T^ Nom. Magister a master (m.). Magistr-i masters. Gen. Magistr-i of a master. Magistrorum of masters. Dat. Magistr-6 to or for a master. Magistr-is to or for masters. Ace. M agist r-um a master. Magistr-6s masters. Voc. Magister master. Magistr-i masters. Abl. Magistr-o by, with, or from a master.'^ Magistr-is by, with, or from masters.^ The Case-endiugs of domimis and magister are exactly alike except in the Nominative and Vocative Singular. Observe that in declining magister the e is dropped in all Cases except Nominative and Vocative Singular. 1 A Preposition is required to give this meaning to the Ablative of dominua and magister, or of any word which is the name of a person. NOUNS 31 VOCABULARY Like Dominus. Like Magister. Serv-us, -i, m., a slave. Amic-us, -i, m., a friend. Liber, libri, m., a hook. EXERCISE VIII Point out the Subject and Object. 1. Magister lauda-t s^rvum. 11. Servitime-nt dominum. 2. Puellae tene-bant libros. 12. Regina lauda-t librum. 3. Regina amav-it amicum. 13. Hastavulnera-bitservum. 4. Nontimu-erunt dominum. 14. Puella timu-it aquam. 5. Amici voca-bunt servos. 15. Non tene-bimus hastas. 6. Servi non pugnav-erant. 7. Eegina tenu-erit hastam. 8. Lauda-bamus amicos. 9. Hastae vulnerav-erunt. 10. Docu-erimus puellas. 1. The slaves feared the queen. 2. The friend will hold spears. 3. The girl fears the slaves. 4. I did not praise the girl. 5. The master had taught. 6. We will praise the book. 7. You (sing.) do not fear water. 8. I had called a slave. 9. The girls love the queen. 10. They will not have fought. 1 6. Magister doce-t puellas. 17. Ama-batis magistros. 18. Servi tene-bunt sagittas. 19. Yulnerav-isti reginam. 20. Non laudav-istis libros. 11. The spear wounded the girl. 12. You were holding the book. 13. The girls have not sung. 14. Thou hast called the slaves. 15. The queen loves the friends. 16. We fear the master. 17. You had held the spear. 18. We did not call the girl. 19. We were teaching the slaves. 20. They praised the letters. 32 NOUNS SECOND DECLENSION con^me(/ Masculine A few words ending in er do not drop the e in declen- sion, as magister does. Singular Plural Norn. Puer a hoy (m). Puer-1 boys. Gen. Puer-T of a boy. Puerorum of boys. Dat. Puer-6 to or for a hoy. Puer-is to or for boys. Ace. Puer-um a hoi/. Pueros boys. Voc. Puer boy. Pueri boys. Ahl. Puer-6 by, with, or from a boy.^ Puer-is by, with, or from boys. 1 Neuter The Nominative Singular of Neuter Nouns of the Second Declension ends in um. Singular Plural Nam. Bell-um war {n.). Bell-a wars. Gen. Bell-i of war. Bell-6rum of wars. Dat. Bell-6 to or for war. Bell-is to or for wars. Ace. Bell-um war. Bell-a wars. Voc. Bell-um war. Bell-a wars. Abl. Bell-6 by, with, or from war. Bell-is by, withf or from wars. Tn all the Declensions the Nominative, Vocative, and Accusative of Neuter Nouns are alike, and the Nominative, Vocative, and Accusative Plural end in a. 1 A Preposition is required. See p. 30. NOUNS 33 VOCABULARY D5n-um, -i, n., a gift. Terre-o, I frighten. Tel-um, -i, n., a dart. Present Stem, terre-. EXERCISE IX [N. B. In Latin the Object is generally placed before its Verb.] 1. Tela non terre-nt. 11. 2. Puer dona lauda-t. 12. 3. Voca-bas pueros. 13. 4. Tene-bimus tela. 14. 5. Puella librum tenu-it. 15. 6. Laudav-istis araicos. 16. 7. Hasta servum vulnera-t. 17. 8. Eegina non saltav-erit. 18. 9. Puellae aquam time-nt. 19. 10. Servi puerum ama-bant. 20. Pueri tela tene-bunt. Hastas non timu-imus. Keginae vocav-erant. Amav-imus reginam. Puer servos voca-bat. Magister pueros docu-it. Sagittae vulnera-bunt. Dominus servum lauda-t. Tenu-eratis epistolas. Puellae saltav-erunt. 1. The boys loved books. 11. 2. We did not fear war. 12. 3. The queen was calling. 13. 4. Ye have taught boys. 14. 5. 1 will praise the gifts. 15. 6. The slaves feared water. 16. 7. Boys will hold arrows. 17. 8. Thedartswoundtheboys. 18. 9. The girls are not dancing. 19. 10. We do not fear boys. 20. You (s.) will have sung. The girl held letters. Masters will teach boys. Slaves fear darts. We had called the girl. They praised the gifts. The queen will not fight. You (pi.) were not singing. They frightened the girl. The slaves had fought. U CONSONANT VERBS THIRD CONJUGATION: CONSONANT VERBS Verbs whose Present Stem ends in a Consonant ^ belong to the Third Conjugation. Example Reg-ere, to rule Present Stem, r6g-, Perfect Stem, rex- ACTIVE VOICE Tenses formed from the Present Stem MeG- PKESENT Formation Example English Sing.l. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Present Stem + o " +is '* " +it " +imus " + itis " funt reg-o reg-is reg-it reg-imus reg-itis reg-unt / rule. Thou rulest. He rules. We rule. You rule. They rule. IMPERFECT Sing.l. 2. 3. Plur.l. 2. 3. Present Stem + ebam " + ebas " +ebat " " + ebamus " + ebatis " " + ebant reg-ebam reg-ebas reg-ebat reg-ebamus reg-ebatis reg-ebant I was ruling. Thou wast ruling. He was ruling. We were ruling. You were ruling. They were ruling. FUTURE SIMPLE Sing.l. 2. 3. Plur.l. 2. 3. Present Stem + am - +es " +et " " + emus " +etis " -fent reg-am reg-es reg-et reg-emus reg-etis reg-ent I shall [or will) ^ Thou wilt He will Weshall(orwill) You will They will J i- The Engl.-Lat. sentences of the following Exercises may be analyzed according to the method described on page 3. When the Subject is con- tained in the Verb, S. should be placed over the termination, thus V. I. s. s. V. I. Salta-mus = We dance. ^ Or in u. CONSONANT VERBS 35 Duc-o, / lead, Mitt-o, / send, Scrib-o, / writCf VOCABULARY Verbs of Third Conjugation Present Steniy duc- " mitt- " scrib- Perfect Stem^ dux-. " mis-. " scrips- EXEHCISE X S. V. T. O. 1. Puer scrib-ebat librum. 2. Mitt-ent servos. 3. Puer aquam time-t. 4. Puerum non mitt-unt. 5. Libros scrib-ebat. 6. Epistolam scrlb-etis. 7. Docu-erunt pueros. 8. Puer dona mitt-et. 9. Puella librum scrib-it. 10. Non mitt-itis servum. 11. Duc-ebat puellas. 12. Servus puerum duc-et. 13. Amici dona mitt-unt. 14. Laudav-eramus libros. 15. Duc-ebatis puellas. 16. Vulnerav-isti magistrum 17. Reginas docu-eramus. 18. Timu-erunt sagittas. 19. Servi tela mitt-ent. 20. Pueri servos voca-nt. Analyse the following Sentences - 1. We will send a slave. 2. The queen writes books. 3. You (s.) were leading a boy. 4. Friends will send gifts. 5. We write letters. 6. The boys were writing. 7. The girls loved books. 8. We had taught boys. 9. You (pi.) send arrows. 10. They had called a slave. 11. The girls will dance. 12. The queen held a spear. 13. They will send letters. 14. We are leading boys. 15. We will write books. 16. The master taught girls. 17. We will praise the queen. 18. You (pi.) had held letters. 19. The girl will send gifts. 20. Friends write letters. Se CONSONANT VERBS THIRD CONJUGATION: CONSONANT YEUBS continued Reg-ere, to rule Present Stem, rSg-, Perfect Stem, rex-. ACTIVE VOICE Tenses formed from the Perfect Stem Bex- The Perf. Stem of Verbs of the Third Conjugation can- not be found from the Pres. Stem; it must be looked up. [The Personal Endings are the same as in the First and Second Conjugations.] PERFECT AND AORIST Formation Examplb English Sing. 1. Pf. Stem + i rex-1 Perfect Aorist / have ^ I ruled. 2. " " +isti rex-isti Thou hast Thou didst rule. 3. " " 4 it rex-it He has 2 He rided. Plur.l. " " + imus rex-imus We have We ruled. 2. '' " + istis rex-istis You have You ruled. 3. " " + erunt rex-erunt They have) They ruled. or + ere or rex-ere| PLUPERFECT Sing. 1. Perf. Stem + eram rex-eram I had ruled. 2. " " + eras rex-eras Thou hadst ruled. 3. " + erat rex-erat He had ruled. Plur. 1. " ** + eramus rex-eramus We had ruled. 2. " " + eratis rex-eratis You had ruled. 3. " " + erant rex-erant They had ruled. FUTURE PERFECT Sing. 1. Perf. Stem + ero rex-ero I shall have rtded. 2. " + eris rex-eris Thou wilt have ruled. 3. " + erit rex-erit He will have ruled. Plur. 1. " *' + erimus rex-erimus We shall have ruled. 2. " + eritis rex-eritis You will have ruled. 3. " + erint rex-erint They will have ruled. Obs. When the Subject consists of two or more Nouns joined by * and,* the Verb must be Plural ; thus, Puer et puella canta-nt, the boy and the girl sing. When the Object consists of two or more Nouns joined by * and,' both must be in the Accus. ; thus, Amo puerum et puellam, / love the boy and the girl. CONSONANT VERBS 37 VOCABUIiABY Fili-us, -1, m., a son. lulia, -ae, f., Julia, Nunti-us, 1, m., a messenger. Et, and. EXERCISE XI S. O. V. T. 1. Regina nuntios non mis-erat. 2. Pueri epistolas scrips-erunt. 3. Servus puerum et puellam dux-erit. 4. Puer et puella donum mis-erant. 5. Libros et epistolas scrips-eramus. 6. Magister filium et puellam docu-it. 7. Eegina et lulia dona mitt-ent. 8. Hastam et sagittas tene-bamus. 9. Puer et servus aquam time-nt. 10. Tela et sagittam timu-istis. 11. Servos et nuntios vocav-eratis. 12. Regina et lulia epistolas scrib-ent. 1. The boys and the girls wrote letters. 2. We had sent a slave and a messenger. 3. The queen will have sent arrows and spears. 4. The slaves had led the boy and the girl. 5. We have written letters and books. 6. You will send slaves and messengers. 7. The girl and the boy were calling the queen. 8. The spears wounded the queen and the slave. 9. You had sent books and gifts. iOr Julia and the girls will have sung. 11. The boys are holding darts and arrows. 12. We fear the master and the queen. ADJECTIVES ADJECTIVES Adjectives are words which qualify Nouns, and as Nouns are of various Genders, Adjectives are declined in different forms according to the Gender. Adjectives of Three Terminations are those which have one form for the Masculine Gender, another for the Femi- nine, and a third for the Neuter. Thus The Masculine is declined like a Masculine Noun of the Second Declension. The Feminine is declined like a Feminine Noun of the First Declension. The Neuter is declined like a Neuter Noun of the Second Declension. Bu^\]S=good Singular Plural Masc. Fern. Neut. Masc. Fem. Neut. Nom. Bon-US bon-S bon-um Bon-i bon-ae bon-S Gen. Bon-i bon-ae bon-i Bon-6rum bon-arum bon-6rum Dat. Bon-6 bon-ae bon-6 Bon-is bon-is bon-is Ace. Bon-um bon-am bon-um Bon-OS bon-as bon-S Voc. Bon-e bon-S bon-um Bon-i bon-ae bon-S: Abl. Bon-6 bon-a bon-6 Bon-is bon-is bon-is Bonus is declined in the Masculine like dominus, in the Feminine like mensa^ and in the Neuter like belium. Rule An Adjective agrees with its Noun in Gender, Number, and Case; thus, Regina bona, a good queen. Re<jina is Feminine Nominative Singular, therefore bona must also be Feminine Nominative Singular to agree with reyina. ADJECTIVES 39 VOCABULARY Magn-us, -a, -um, great. Me-us, -a, -um, my, mine. LoDg-us, -a, -uiil^ long. Tu-us, -a, -um, your {thy, thine). Parv-us, -a, -um, small, little. Mult-us, -a, -um, much, many. EXERCISE XII [N. B. lu Latin the Adjective generally stands after the Noun which it qualifies. In translating from Latin, place the Adjective before the Noun, and be careful to use good English always.] 1. Servi mei scrib-ent. 7. Libros longos scrib-is. 2. Hasta longa terre-bat. 8. Puellam parvam time-t. 3. Kegina bona lauda-t. 9. Librum parvum tene-tis. 4. Filius parvus mis-erat. 10. Dona magna mitt-es. 5. Hastas longas time-o. 11. Sagittas tuas time-mus. 6. Pueros meos laudav-it. 12. Servum tuum vocav-isti. 13. Filius tuus servum meum doce-bat. 14. Eegina magna libros tuos laudav-it. 15. Nuntius epistolas meas tenu-it. 16. Dona multa et epistolas longas mis-imus. 17. Amici tui f ilium meum docu-erant. 18. Libros magnos et epistolas longas scrips-isti. 1. Your son has written a long letter. 2. My slaves had led the little girls. 3. We shall have sent great books. 4. You were holding arrows and long spears. 5. The queen praised my gifts and your letters. 6. The little girls do not fear the water. 7. We have sent many slaves and messengers. 8. The good queen will praise the little boys. 9. The long spear has not wounded my slave. 10. Your books will teach the boys and girls. 11. The master was teaching many boys. 12. We have written a great book and many letters. 40 ADJECTIVES ADJECTIVES continued Besides Adjectives in -us, -a, -um, there are others of Three Terminations in -er, -a, -um, NJfGER = hlacJc SiNGULAB Plural Masc. Fern. Neut. Masc. Fern. Neut. Nom. Niger nigr-a nigr-um Nigr-1 nigr-ae nigr-a Gen. Nigr-i nigr-ae nigr-i Nigr-orum nigr-arum nigr-orum Dot. Nigr-6 nigr-ae Digr-o Nigr-is nigr-is nigr-is Ace. Nigrum nigr-am nigr-um Nigr-6s nigr-as nigr-a Voc. Niger nigr-a nigr-um Nigr-i nigr-ae nigr-a Abl. Nigr-6 nigr-a mgr-o Nigr-is mgr-is nigr-is TENEK = i^e7lC^er SlKGULAB Plural Masc. Fein. Neut. Masc. Fern. Neut. Nom, Tener tener-a tener-um Tener-1 tener-ae tener-a Gen. Tener-i tener-ae tener-i Tener-6rum tener-arum tener-6rum Dat. Tener-6 tener-ae tener-6 Tener-is tener-is tener-is Ace. Tener-um tener-am tener-um Tener-6s tener-as tener-a Voc. Tener tener-a tener-um Tener-i tener-ae tener-a Abl. Tener-6 tener-a tener-6 Teuer-is tener-is tener-is Niger is declined in the Masculine like magister, and drops the e. Tener " *' puer, and keeps the e. Both are declined in the Feminine like mensa, and in the Neuter like bellum. N. B. Tuus = your, when speaking to one person. Vester = your, " more than one person. Always use ' tuus ' for your^ unless it is clear that more than one person is being addressed. ADJECTIVES 41 VOCABULARY Like Niger. Like Tener. Pulcher, -chra, -cbrum, beautiful. Miser, -a, -um, wretched. Vester, -tra, -trum, your. Noster, -tra, -trum, our. EXERCISE XIII s. o. V. T. 1. Pueri parvi servos nigros time-bant. 2. Servi nostri hastas multas tenu-erunt. 3. Kegina nostra pueros bonos lauda-bit. 4. Puellae pulchrae amicum vestrum dux-eriint. 5. Pueros parvos et puellas teneras non time-mus. 6. Eiliufa meum et servos vestros docu-i. 7. Tela niulta et hastas longas mis-isti. 8. Puella pulchra servum miserum duc-ebat. 9. Filii nostri dona tua lauda-bunt. 10. Amici vestri epistolas multas mitt-ent. 11. Magna dona et libros mnltos mis-eratis. 12. Pueri parvi epistolas parvas scrib-unt. 1. Our sons were calling your slaves. 2. The black slaves feared the long spears. 3. We praised the beautiful girl and the little boy. 4. You (sing.) will teach your son and our slaves. 5. The good queen had sent many messengers. 6. Our friends write many books and long letters. 7. We shall have called our slaves. 8. Our spears wounded the wretched queen. 9. You (pi.) will have praised our friends. 10. The little boys will praise the beautiful gifts. 11. You (sing.) had sent your son and my friend. 12. The tender boys and the slaves did not fight. 42 I-VERBS FOURTH CONJUGATION: I-VERBS Verbs whose Present Stem ends in ^ belong to the Fourth Conjugation. Example Audi-re, to hear Present Stem, audi-, Perfect Stem, audiv-. ACTIVE VOICE Tenses formed from the Present Stem audi- PBESENT Sinj^. 1 Plur Formation Pres. Stem + o " + s + t -f mus -ftis -hunt audi-6 p,16,06s.l audi-s audi-t audi-mus audi-tis audi-unt English / hear. Thoit hearest. He hears. We hear. You hear. They hear. IMPERFECT Sing. 1 2 3 riur. 1 2 3 Pres. Stem + ebam " " -f ebas " + ebat " " -f ebamus " ** + ebatis '* " -f ebant audi-ebam audi-ebas audi-ebat audi-ebanius audi-ebatis audi-ebant I ivas hearing. Thou wast hearing. He was hearing. We were hearing. You were hearing. Theij were hearing. FUTURE SIMPLE Sing. 1. Pres. Ste 2. (( i( 3. U It Plur. 1. it tt 2. {( 3. -hes -f et -hemus -1-etis -fent audi-am audi-es audi-et audi-emus audi-etis audi-ent I shall {or will) Thou wilt He will We shall {or will) You will They will Observe that in the Imperfect and Future the Personal Endings are the same as those of the Third Conjugation, but in the Present they are slightly different. I-VERBS 43 VOCABULARY Verbs of the Fourth Conjugation like audio Erudi-d, I instruct. Funi-o, I punish. Impedi-o, / hinder. Mur-us, -i, m., a wall. EXERCISE XIV 8. o. V. T. 1. Amicus bonus f ilium meum erudi-t. 2. Muri magni nuntios nostros impedi-ebant. 3. Magister noster pueros non puni-et. 4. Servos nostros et f ilium tuum erudi-mus. 5. Regina pulchra servum miserum non puni-t. 6. Murus magnus et aqua nuntium impedi-ent. .., 7. Tela multa et hastam longam tenuristis. 8. Amici nostri libros multos scrips-erunt. ' 9. Puella pulchra magna dona laudav-erit. 10. Magister bonus filios tuos puni-ebat. 11. Sagittas et hastas longas timu-imus. ^ 12. Puellas teneras et pueros parvos erudi-tis. 1. The long spears were hindering the little boys. 2. Good masters will instruct our sons. 3. The great queen does not punish the slaves. 4 You do not instruct the boys and girls. 5. The great wall hinders our messengers. 6. Many arrows had wounded the wretched queen. 7. Our friends will praise our letters. 8. The tender girls did not fear the darts. 9. Our letters will instruct the little girl. 10. We shall have sent books and many gifts. 11. The beautiful girls were holding the books. 12. I shall punish my son and your slaves. 44 I-VERBS FOURTH CONJUGATION: I-YETIBS ^ continued AuDi-RE, to hear Present Stem^ audi-, Perfect Stem, audiv-. ACTIVE VOICE Tenses formed from the Perfect Stem audTV- The Perfect Stem of a regular Verb of the Fourth Conjugation may be found by adding v to the Present Stem; thus Present Stem, audi-, Perfect Stem, audiv-. [The Personal Endings are the same in all Conjugations.] PERFECT AND AORIST Formation Example English Sing. I. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Pf.Stem + i " -fisti " +it " -f imus " -histis " -f erunt or -h ere audiv-1 audiv-isti audiv-it audiv-imus audiv-istis audiv-erunt or audiv-ere Perfect Aorist / have \ Thou hast He has We have You have They have. .r 2. / heard. Thou didst hear. He heard. We heard. You heard. They heard. PLUPERFECT Sing.l. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Pf. Stem -f eram " -f eras " -f erat " + eramus " -f eratis -f erant audiv-eram audiv-eras audiv-erat audiv-eramus audiv-eratis audiv-erant I had heard. Thou hadst heard. He had heard. We had heard. You had heard. They had heard. FUTURE PERFECT Sing.l. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Pf . Stem + ero + eris + erit " -f erimus *' + eritis -f erint audiv-ero audiv-eris audiv-erit audiv-erimus audiv-eritis audiv-erint I shall have heard. Thou wilt have heard. He will have heard. We shall have heard. You will have heard. They will have heard. KuLB The Genitive Case is used to denote Possession. It shows to whom a thing belongs; thus, Pueri liber, the boy's book, or, the book of the boy. I-VEEBS 45 VOCABTJIiARY Claud-o, / shut (3), Present Stem, claud- Perfect Stem, claus- Frang-o, / break (3), " frang- " freg-. Port-a, -ae, f., a gate. Oppid-um, -i, n., a town. I / EXERCISE XV 1. Eeglnae filius pugna-t. 6. Oppidi portam claud-es. 2. Servi amicus time-t. 7. Pueri hastas freg-i. 3. Pueri librum tene-s. 8. Eeginarum iram time-o. 4. Puellae dona laud-o. 9. Magistri f Ilium due-it - 5. Servorum tela vola-nt. 10. Magistri pueros doce-nt. 11. Kegina nostra servos vestros puniv-erit. 12. Magistri boni pueros multos erudiv-erant^ 13. Sagittae multae et hastae impediv-erunt. 14. Amicus tuus dona multa mitt-et. 15. Servus niger oppidi portas claus-erit. 16. Eeginae filios et servos erudiv-isti. 17. Hastas longas et sagittas freg-eramus. 18. Muri magni nuntium tuum impediv-erant. 1. We will shut the great gate of the town. 2. The sons of the queen had broken many arrows. 3. The wall of the town will have hindered our mes- senger. 4. You have praised the gifts of the girls. 5. Our friends were writing a great book. 6. The black slave was leading the little girl. 7. You have not shut the gate of the town. 8. The slaves held many arrows and spears. 9. We will instruct the little son of the slave. 10. The queen's friends had sent the messengers. 11. We do not fear the slaves' arrows. 12. You have broken the gates and the great wall. 46 THE FOUR CONJUGATIONS TABLE OF THE FOUR CONJUGATIONS ACTIVE VOICE 1 Amo^ Moiie-o Reg-o Audi-o ama-s mone-s Teg-is audi-s ama-t2 ama-mus ama-tis mone-t mone-mus mone-tis reg-it reg-imus reg-/tis audi-t audi-mus audi-tis ama-nt. mone-nt. reg-wnt. audi-unt. 1 1 Ama- Mone- Reg- Audi- ! 1 bam ebam bas bat bamus batis ebas ebat ebamus ebatis bant, ebant. t Ama- Mone- Reg- Audi- 1 b5 am bis bit biraus bitis es et emus etis bunt, ent. Amav- Monu- Rex- Audiv- 1 1 i isti it imus istis erunt or ere li Amav- Monii- Rex- Audiv- - eram eras erat eram us eratis erant. 1 Amav- Monu- Rex- Audiv- 1 ero eris erit erimus eritis erint English Present. / love, am loving, do love, etc. Imperfect. 1 was loving, etc. Future Simple. / shall or will love, etc. Perfect. I have loved, etc. Aorist. / loved or did love, etc. Pluperfect. / had loved. Future Perfect. I shall or will have4oved. 1 The First Person Singular Present is amo for amao. 2 See p. 16, Obs. 1. THE FOUR CONJUGATIONS 47 BECAPITULATOKY Active Voice, Four Conjugations 1. Erudiv-erant. 2. Pugna-s. 3. Scrips-erint. 4. Doce-s. 5. Mls-erunt. 6. Viilnera-t. 7. Eoga-bo. 8. Impedi-es. 9. Tenu-erat. 10. Vola-bant. 11. Timu-imus. 12. Salta-bis. 13. Dux-erimus. 14. Claus-eris. 15. Yocav-eras. 16. Mitt-unt. 17. Terre-tis. 18. Freg-istl. 19. Docu-eritis. 20. Vulnera-tis. 21. Frang-itis. 22. Erudi-emus. 23. Vocav-istis 24. Canta-banius. 25. Tene-nt. 26. Claud-ebatis. 27. Scrib-etis. 28. Mis-imus. 29. Lauda-bit. 30. Tenu-erain. 31. Terre-mus. 32. Scrib-am. 33. Claus-it. 34. Terru-ero. 35. Erudi-tis. 36. Puni-ent. 1. Thou callest. 2. We shall hold. 3. You were leading. 4. They will have sent. 5. I had feared. 6. Ye are teaching. 7. They punish. 8. We do not ask. 9. I will shut. 10. Thou didst send. 11. Ye had led. 12. Thou wilt have held. 13. We are writing. 14. Ye hinder. 15. We have broken. 16. Thou fearest. 17. Ye did not fear. 18. We taught. 19.' I shall send. 20. Thou dost punish. 21. He wounds. 22. Ye were praising. 23. Thou wilt hinder. 24. Thou dost lead. 48 NOUNS NOUNS THIRD DECLENSION Nouns whose Genitive Singular ends in ^s belong to the Third Declension. The Nominative ending is various, and Nouns of all three Genders belong to the Third Declension. The Third Declension has two divisions 1. Nouns which increase; that is, which have more syllables in the Genitive Singular than in the Nominative Singular.^ 2. Nouns which do not increase; that is, which have the same number of syllables in the Genitive Singular as in the Nominative Singular/^ I. INCREASING NOUNS Masculine and Feminine Singular Plural Norn. Gen. Dat. Ace. Voc. Abl. liidex I u die-is liidic-i liidic-em liidex liidic-e a judge (m.) of a judge, to or for a judge, a judge. judge, by, with, or from a judge. ^ liidic-es liidic-um liidic-ibus liidic-es liidic-es liidic-ibus judges, of judges, to or for judges, judges. judges, by, with, or from judges.^ Norn. Gen. Dat. Ace. Voc. Abl. Virgo Virgin-is Virgin-i Virgin-em Virgo Virgin-e a virgin (/.) of a virgin, to or for a virgin, a virgin. virgin, by, with, or from a virgin.^ Virgin-es Virgin-um Virgin-ibus Virgin-es Virgin-es Virgin-ibus virgins, of virgins, to or for virgins, virgins. virgins, by, with, or from virgins.^ Observe that the Nominative and Vocative Singular is index, but that air the other cases are formed by adding certain endings to the stem iudic-; this stem is found by taking away -is from the Genitive Singular. 1 These are called Imparisyllabic. 2 These are called Parisyllabic. 8 Require a Preposition for this meaning. NOUNS 49 VOCABULAIIY Words of the Third Declension Decline Rex, regis, m., a king. Miles, milit-is, m., a soldier. Vox, voc-is, f., a voice. Leo, leou-is, m., a lion, EXERCISE XVI 1. ludic-es scrib-ebanj}. 7. Vox reg-is terre-t. 2. Mllit-em timu-imus. 8. Puer leon-em time-t. 3. Eeg-es pugnav-erunt. 9. Milit-es pugnav-erant. 4. Keg-is voc-em audi-o. 10. Eeg-um filios doce-s. 5. Leon-es time-bis. 11. Virgin-em lauda-bas. 6. Eeg-em vocav-isti. 12. ludic-es puni-ent. 13. Milit-es voc-em reg-is non audiv-erunt. 14. Pueri parvi leon-em vulnerav-erant. 15. Milit-um hastas longas freg-imus. 16. Eeg-is amici nuntios multos mis-erant. 17. Puella tenera leon-is voc-em time-bat. 18. Vox tua pueros parvos terru-it. 1. The soldiers will fight. 6. The judges punish. 2. The kings had praised. 7. I praised the virgin. 3. We heard a voice. 8. I call the king's slaves. 4. You feared the lions. 9. The judge's son sings. 5. Thou lovest the king. 10. You taught kings. 11. The sons of the king had written many letters. 12. The judges punished the slaves and the soldiers. 13. The boys' spears had wounded the lion. 14. Your voice will frighten the little girls. 15. The soldiers did not fear the spears of the slaves. 16. We do not hear the voice of the virgins. 17. The king and the queen will praise the soldiers. 50 NOUNS THIRD DECLENSION -confrnwecf I. INCREASING NOUNS Np]UTER Eemember that all Neuter Nouns have Nominative, Vocative, and Accusative alike, and that in the Plural the Nominative, Vocative, and Accusative end in d. Singular Plural Nom. N5men a name {n.). Nomin-a names. Gen. N6min-is of a name. Nomin-um of names. Out. Nomin-i to or for a name. Nomin-ibus to or for names. Ace. Nomen a name. N6min-a names. Voc. No men name. N6min-a names. Abl. Nomin-e b'/, with, or from a name. Nomin-ibus by, with, or from names. Nom. Opus work (n.) Oper-a works. Gen. Op6r-is of work. Oper-um of works. Dat. Oper-i to or for work. Oper-ibus to or for works. Ace. Opus work. Oper-a works. Voc. Opus work. Oper-a works. Abl. Oper-e by, with, or from work. Oper-ibus by, with, or from works. Obs. In making an Adjective like bonus or niger agree with a Noun of the Third Declension, remember that the Adjective is declined like tlie Second or First Declension while the Noun is of the Third Declension, therefore the endings of the Adjective will not always be the same as those of the Noun ; thus, Reges boni, good kings. Decline together Rex mdgnus vox tua onus parvum. Obs. Rules for gender and certain other features of Third Declension Nouns are deferred for later study. NOUNS 61 VOCABULARY Neuter words of the Third Declension Decline Carmen, carmin-is, n., a song. Onus, on6r-is, n., a burden. Flumen, flumin-is, a river. EXERCISE XVII S. o. V. T. 1. Puellae pulchrae carmin-a multa canta-bant. 2. Flumen magnum milit-es nostros terre-bit. 3. Eeg-is servi onus magnum timu-erunt. 4. ludic-es boni milit-em miserum puni-ent. 5. Milit-es nostri portas magnas claus-erunt. 6. Eeg-em magnum et reginam ama-bimus. 7. riumina magna nuntios meos impediv-erant. 8. Virgin-es pulchrae carmen longum canta-nt. 9. ludic-is boni voc-em audi-emus. 10. Milit-um multorum hastas freg-eratis. 11. Virgo tenera onus magnum tene-bat. 12.' Servi nostri onera magna porta-bant. 1. The great kings punished the wretched slaves. 2. We heard the voices of many soldiers. 3. Your voice will frighten the son of the queen. 4. The king and the queen praised the good judge. 5. You heard the songs of the beautiful girls. 6. Many soldiers were holding arrows and spears. 7. The great river will hinder our slaves. 8. We had led the little son of the great king. 9. The son of the good judge writes many books. 10. The slaves had shut the great gates of our town. 11. The good king praised the song of the girls. 12. The little boys feared the voice of the great lion. 52 NOUNS THIRD DECLENSION cowa'nwe^f II. NOT-INCREASING NOUNS Nouns that do not increase (see p. 48) form their Genitive Plural in -ium instead of -um} In all the other Cases the endings are the same as those of Increasing Nouns. Feminine SlNQULAB Plueal i Nom. Ov-is a sheep (/.). Ov-es sheep. Gen. Ov-is of a sheep. Ov-ium of sheep. Dat. Ov-i to 07^ for a sheep. Ov-ibus to or for sheep. Ace. Ov-em a sheep. Ov-es sheep. Voc. Ov-is sheep. Ov-es sheep. Ahl. Ov-e hi/, with, or from a sheep. Ov-ibus by, with, or from sheep. In many parisyllabic Masculine and Feminine Nouns the Accusative Case Plural has also the ending -Is. Compare this with the Genitive Singular ending -is. Neuter Singular Plural Nom. Mar-e the sea (n.). Mar-ia seas. Gen. Mar-is of the sea. Mar-i am of seas. Dat. Mar-T to or for the sea. Mar-ibus to or for seas. Ace. Mar-e the sea. Mar-ia seas. Voc. Mar-e sea. Mar-ia seas. Ahl. Mar-i 2 hi/, with, or from the sea. Mar-ibus by, with, or seas. from Decline together Avis parva, mare mdynum. 1 The rule is here given absolutely, to avoid confusion. Wherever in the following exercises exceptional Nouns have been used, the Genitive Plural has been avoided. 2 All Neuter Nouns of the Third Declension with Nominative Case ending in e, al, ar, have I (not e) in Ablative. NOUNS 53 VOCABULARY Words of the Third Declension, Genitive Plural -ium Av-is, -is, f., a bird. Host-is, -is, m., an enemy}- Nav-is, -is, f., a ship, Vinc-o, / conquer (3), Present Stem, vine-. Perfect Stein, vie-. EXERCISE XVIII S. O. V. T. 1. Kegis milites hastes multos vic-erunt. 2. Keglna nostra navem magnam mitt-et. 3. Oves tenerae leonem magnum time-bant. 4. Hostium sagittae regem vestrum vulnera-nt. 5. Avis parva vocem tuam timu-erat. 6. Avium par varum carmina audiv-imus. 7. Naves niagnas et milites multos due-is. 8. Kegis fllius hostium tela non timu-it. 9. Mare magnum puellas multas terre-t. 10. Militum tela muros nostros non frang-ent. 11. Epistolas longas et libros multos scrips-i. 12. Keginae filius aves teneras voca-bat. 1. The queen's ships will frighten our enemies. 2. The girls heard the voice of the little birds. 3. We do not fear the great ship of our enemies. 4. The darts of the soldiers wounded many slaves. 5. Our enemies will not conquer the king's soldiers. 6. The little boy was holding a beautiful bird. 7. Your arrows have wounded the tender sheep. 8. We praise the voices of the beautiful virgins. 9. You had broken the spears of many soldiers. 10. The ships of the enemy frightened our slaves. 11. You have not shut the great gates of your town. 12. The sons of the judges do not fear the great sea, 1 Hostis may, of course, be Feminine. 54 THE VERB '^SUM" THE VERB "SUM" Present Stem, 6s-, Perfect Stem, fu-. The Verb sum belongs to none of the Four Conjuga- tions, and is irregular in Present Stem Tenses. [Be especially careful of Pronunciation.] Present Perfect and Aorist Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. sum, / am. es. Thou art. est, He is. sumus. We are. estis. You are. sunt, They are. fu-i I have been. I was. fu-isti. Thou hast been. Thou wast. fu-it, He has been. He was. fu-imus, We have been. We were. fu-istis, You have been. You were. fu-erunt, They have been. They were, or fu-ere Imperfect Pluperfect Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. eram, / ivas. eras. Thou wast. erat, He was. eramus, We were. eratis, You were. erant. They were. fu-eram, / had been. f u-er5s, Thou hadst been. fu-erat, He had been. fu-eramus, We had been, fu-eratis. You had been. fu-erant, They had been. Future Future Perfect Sing, 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. ero, / shall be. eris, Thou wilt be. erit He will be. erimus, We shall be. eritis. You will be. erunt, They will be. fu-ero, / shall have been. fu-eris. Thou wilt have been. fu-erit, He will have been. fu-erimus, We shall have been. fu-eritis. You will have been. fu-erint, Tliey will have been. The Verb sum is a Copulative Verb, that is, it joins the Subject to another word which may be a Noun or an Adjective, and is called the Complement. A Noun Complement is often called a Predicate Nominative. An Adjective Complement is often called a Predicate Adjective. See pages 1 and 3. Rule The Complement agrees with the Subject. s. v.c. c. Regina est bona = the queen is good. Here bona is a Predicate Adjective, and is Nominative Case Singular and Feminine Gender, to agree with rer/lna. [In the Analysis V. C. = Verb Copulative, C. = Complement.] THE VERB ''SUM' 55 VOCABULARY Dur-us, -a -um, hard, Timid-US, -a, -um, timid. DeDS-us, -a, -um, thick. Alt-US, -a, -um, high, deep. Aeger, -gra, -grum, sick. EXERCISE XIX s. v.c. c. 1. Puella est pulchra. 2. Aves erant pulchrae. 3. Servus erit nuntius. 4. Rex fu-it timidus. 5. Telum fu-erat durum. 6. Avis fu-erit parva. 7. Reges sunt magni. 8. Muri erunt alti. 9. Oves fu-erunt parvae. 19. Filius servi tui est nuntius noster. 20. Milites reginae nostrae sunt multi. 21. Portae oppidi vestri erant magnae. s. v.c. c. 10. Filius erat bonus. 11. Portae fu-erint densae. 12. Hostes fu-erant multi. 13. Amici sunius. 14. Milites estis. 15. Miseri eritis. 16. Aegri fu-istis. 17. Servus eris. 18. Regina fu-eras. 1. The king was sick. 2. The boys were small. 3. The ships are great. 4. The gifts will be many. 5. Your son is a slave. 6. We had been friends. 7. You will have been sick. 8. We are not soldiers. 9. The ships were black. 10. You have been a king. 11. The letter will be long. 12. We are the king's sons. 13. The friends of the queen are the enemies of the king. 14. The gates of the great town will be high. 15. The spears of our soldiers were hard. 16. The sons of the good judges have been soldiers. 17. The enemies of your king were many. 18. The son of your friend had been our slave 56 A-VERBS FIRST CONJUGATION: A-VBRBS Ama-re, to love Pres. Stem, ama-, Per/. Stem, amav-, Suj). Stem, amat-. PASSIVE VOICE Tenses formed from Present Stem Ama- PRESENT Formation Example English Sing 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Pres. Stem + or " -hris " +tur " " +mur " " + mini " " +ntur am-or i ama-ris ama-tur ama-mur ama-mini ama-ntur I am loved. Thou art loved. He is loved. We are loved. You are loved. They are loved. IMPERFECT Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Pres. Stem -h bar " +baris " +batur " +bamur " " +bamini '* " +bantur ama-bar ama-baris ama-batur ama-bamur ama-bamini ama-bantur I was being loved. Thou wast being loved. He was being loved. We were being loved. You were being loved. They were being loved. FUTURE SIMPLE Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Pres. Stem + bor " " +bgris " +bitur " " 4-bimur " +bimini " *' H-buntur ama-bor ama-bgris ama-bitur ama-bimur ama-bimini ama-buntur I shall be loved. Thou wilt be loved. He will be loved. We shall be loved. You will be loved. They will be loved. '^ [Each of the above Tenses has another form for the Second Person Singular, viz. Pres. amd-re, Iraperf. amd-bdre, Fut. amd-b^re.] ^^ B. Only Transitive Verbs have a complete Passive Voice, but wEen turned into the Passive Voice they become Intransitive, and cannot therefore have an Object. 1 Am-or is for ama-or, just as the Active am~d is for ama-o. A-VERBS 57 VOCABULARY Porto, I carry (1). Culp5, I blame (1). Monstro, / show, point out (1). Turr-is, -is, f., a tower. EXERCISE XX 1. Lauda-bitur. 7. Vulnera-bamim. 2. Culpa-bamur. 8. Aqua porta-bitur. 3. Onus porta-tur. 9. Non culpa-mur. 4. Puerl culpa-ntuE. 10. Vulnera-bimini. 5. Non voca-beris. 11. Rex monstra-batufi 6. Monstra-bimtur. 12. Voca-baQs. 13. Filii tui!e| amicus noster lauda-buntur. 14. Turres altae oppidi nostri monstra-ntur. 15. Milites multi hastas et sagittas freg-erant. 16. Naves regis nostri hostem timidum terre-bunt. 17. ludic-is filius et servus mens culpa-bantur. 18. Puellae timidae leonem magnum timu-erunt. [Remember that The Active Voice is used wlien the person denoted by the Subject does something ; The Passive Voice is used when the person denoted by the Subject has something done to it. Thus, The hoy calls (Active) ; the boy is called (Passive).] 1. We are blamed. 7. The voice is praised. 2. You were being praised. 8. The boy is calling. 3. They will be carried. 9. The girls are called. 4. Thou art not fearing. 10. You will be blamed. 5. We were singing. 11. Thou art singing. 6. He was being blamed. 12. We were being called. 13. The great burdens of our slaves were being carried. 14. The voice of the beautiful virgin will be praised. 15. The timid soldiers of the king are not praised. 16. The gates and the towers of the town will be shown. 17. You are blaming the friends of the good judges. 18. The letters and books of your friend will be shown. 58 A-VERBS FIRST CONJUGATION : A-VERBS continued Ama-re, to love Pres. Stem, ama-, Per/. Stem, amav-, Sup. Stem, amat-. PASSIVE VOICE Tenses formed from Supine Stem Amat- These Tenses are made up of the Participle amdt-us and Tenses of sum. The Supine Stem of a regular Verb of thj First Conju- gation is found by adding t to the Present Stem. PERFECT AND AORIST FOEMATION Example English Sing. 1. Sup. St. + US sum amat-us sum Perfect Aorist 7 have been / was ^ 2. *' + us es amat-us es Thou hast been Thou wast 3. " + us est amat-us est He has been o He was Plur. 1. " + i sumus am at-i sumus We have been a- We were r ^ .^ 2. " +iestis amat-i estis You have been You were 3. " +isunt amat-i sunt They have been^ They were^ The Participle used in forming the Tenses of the Supine System has three Terminations for the three Genders, like an Adjective ending in -MS, -a, -um, and it must, like an Adjective, agree in Gender and Number with the Subject of the Verb ; thus j Masculine, Puer amat-us est = the boy was loved. Sing. J Feminine, Virg5 amat-a est = the virgin was loved. \^Neuter, Nomen amat-um est = the name was loved. I Masculine, Pueri amat-i sunt = the boys were loved. Plur. J Feminine, Virgines amat-ae sunt = the virgins were loved. ^Neuter, Nomina amat-S, sunt = the names were loved. A-VERBS 59 VOCABULARY Lex, leg-is, f., a law. Lapis, lapid-is, m., a stone, EXERCISE XXI V. p. s. s. V. p. 1. Laudat-1 estis. 6. Virgo vocat-a est. 2. Naves monstrat-ae sunt. 7. Milites sunt timidi. 3. Onus portat-um est. 8. Vulnerat-us sum. 4. Eeges culpat-i sigit. 9. Oppidum est magnum. 5. Yulnerat-i siimus. 10. Kegis filii estis. 11. Leges bonae regum nostrorum laudat-ae sunt. 12. Portae altae oppidi magni monstrat-ae sunt. 13. Eeginae filius parvus vulnerat-us est. 14. Opus puellarum pulchrarum laudat-um est. 15. Flumina multa hostem nostrum impedi-ent. 16. Milites multos et naves magnas mis-isti. 17. Carmina virginis pulchrae laudat-a sunt. 18. Milites multi et rex magnus vulnerat-i sunt. [N. B. 'I was loved ' is the Aorist Passive. * I was being loved ' is the Imperfect Passive. * I was loving ' is the Imperfect Active.] 1. You were called. 6. We were being called. 2. We were blamed. 7. Boys were fighting. 3. The work was praised. 8. Kings were wounded. 4. The girl has been called. 9. The voice was praised. 5. The girls were beautiful. 10. Spears were carried. 11. The song of the beautiful virgins was praised 12. The great ships of our kings were shown. 13. The soldiers of the good queen have been wounded. 14. The messengers of the judges will be blamed. 15. The great stones of the walls were being shown. 16. We do not fear the ships and soldiers of the enemy. 17. You have written many letters and many books. 18. The gifts of the little boys were praised. 60 A-VERBS FIRST CONJUGATION: A-YEUBS continued Ama-ke, to looe Pies. Stem, ama-, Perf. Stem, amav-, Sup. Stem, amat-. PASSIVE VOICE Tenses formed from the Supine Stem Amat- PLUPERFECT Formation Example English Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Sup. St.-f us eram " +US eras " -f- us erat ** + i eramus " 4- i eratis ** -fi erant amat-us eram amat-us eras amat-us erat amat-i eramus amat-i eratis amat-i erant / had been loved. Thou hadst been loved. He had been loved. We had been loved. You had been loved. They had been loved. j:, FUTURE P^IRFECT Sing.l. 2. 3. riur.l. 2. 3. Sup. St. + us ero " + us eris " -f us erit " + i erimus " + i eritis " -f i erunt amat-us ero amat-us eris amat-us erit amat-i erimus amat-i eritis amat-i erunt I shall have been loved. Thou wilt have been loved. He will have been loved. We shall have been loved. You will have been loved. They will have been loved. Ablatives of Instrument and of Agent. The Thing with which an act is done is called the Instrument or Means, and is put in the Ablative Case ; tims, in Vulneratus est sagittis = he was wounded with (or by) arrows, sagittis is Ablative of Instru- ment or Means. The Person by whom an act is done is called the Agent, and when the verb is Passive, the Agent is put in the Ablative Case with the Preposi- tion a or ab; thus, in Vulneratus est a milite = ^e was ivounded by a soldier, nnlite is Ablative of Agent. Rule Instrument or Means is expressed by the Ablative without a Preposition. Rule Personal Agent with a Passive Verb is expressed by the Ablative with the Preposition * a ' or * ab.' Thus, ' By ' or * with ' a Thing := Ablative only. ' By ' a Person or Animal Ablative with ' a ' or ' ab.* A-VERBS 61 VOCABULARY Oppugno, I attack (1). Aedifico, I build (1). EXERCISE XXII [N.B. d and ab both mean *by/ but a is used before consonants, ab before vowels and h.] 1. Virgines pulch^ae a rege magno laudat-ae sunt. 2. Milites multi sagittis vestris vulnerat-i eraiit. 3. Onera inulta a servis miserls portat-a eruiit. 4. Flumen altura a militibus moiistrat-um erat. 5. Hastis et sagittis hostium vulnerat-i eramus. 6. Ab araicTs reginae bonae culpat-us eris. 7. Milites portas lapide magno freg-erunt. 8. Leonem magnum sagittis multis vulnera-bamus. 9. Eegina nostra a militibus ainat-a erat. 10. Avis tenera a puero lapide vulnerat-a est. 11. Carmina multa a puellis pulchris canta-ntur. 12. Virgines timidae aquam fluminis timu-erunt. 1. The good boys will be praised by the masters. 2. The king has been wounded by the arrows of the slaves. 3. Your books had been praised by the judges' friends. 4 The tender girl had been wounded by a great stone. 5. Many rivers will have been pointed out by the boys. 6. We have been blamed by the king and by the queen. 7. You will have been called by our friends. 8. We will break the gates of the town with our spears. 9. You have frightened the timid girls with your voice. 10. Many towns were attacked by the soldiers. 11. We were building a high wall with great stones. 12. The judges have written great books and many letters. 62 ADJECTIVES ADJECTIVES OP THIRD DECLENSION Besides the Adjectives in -us, -a, um, I ^^.^^ ^^j^^^ -er, -a, -um, J the First and Second Declensions, there are others which follow the Third Declension of Nouns. The Adjectives declined below have one form for the Masculine and Feminine Gender and another for the Neuter in Nominative, Vocative, and Accusative ; in the other Cases they have the same form for all Genders. Melior = letter SiNGULAB Plural Masc. Fern. Neut. Masc. Fern. Neut. Norn. Melior melius Melior-es melior-a Gen. Melior-is melior-is Melior-um melior-um Dat. Melior-i melior-i Melior-ibus melior-ibus Ace. Melior-em melius Melior-es melior-a Voc. Melior melius Melior-es melior-a AbL Melior-e o?- T melior-e or i Melior-ibus melior-ibus Observe that the Ablative Singular ends in I or e. Tristis = sad Singular Plural Mas. Fem. Neut. Masc. Fem. Neut. Norn. Trist-is trist-e Trist-es trist-ia Gen. Trist-is trist-is Trist-ium trist-ium Dat. Trist-i trist-i Trist-ibus trist-ibus Ace. Trist-em trist-e Trist-es trist-ia Voc. Trist-i^ ; trist-e Trist-es trist-ia Ahl. Trist-i trist-i Trist-ibus trist-ibus Observe that the Ablative Singular ends in I, not e. Decline together Donum melius hasta gravis servus fortis onus [leve ftiius melior telum grave. " ' ADJECTIVES 63 VOCABULARY Decline like trlstis Fortis, brave. Gravis, heavy. Brevis, short. Dulcis, sweet. EXERCISE XXIII 1. Eex est fortis. 6. Vox fuit dulcis. 2. Onus erat grave. 7. Carminum dulcium. 3. Carmina sunt dulcia. 8. Sagittis brevibus. 4. Hasta erit brevis. 9. A forti milite. 5. Pueri erant fortes. 10. Opus erat melius. 11. Kegis filii carmen dulce canta-bant. 12. Onera gravia a servis miseris portat-a sunt. 13. Eegina nostra a militibus fortibus amat-a erat. 14. Epistolae puerorum parvorum sunt breves. 15. Militum fortium hastas graves time-mus. 16. Avium parvarum vocem dulcem laudav-isti. 17. Amici nostri dona meliora mitt-ent. 18. ludicis filius sagitta brevi vulnerat-us est. 1. The song was short. 6. By brave boys. 2. The girls are brave. 7. Of a sweet song. 3. The books were heavy. 8. Short letters. 4. Of brave soldiers. 9. A better gift. 5. By a short spear. 10. Of better spears. 11. The sweet voices of the girls will lead our friends. 12. V^e were wounded by the heavy spears of the soldiers. 13. The heavy books were carried by the little boys. 14. The short song had been praised by the king. 15. The arrows of the brave soldiers are short. 16. The heavy stones will hinder the king's messengers. 17. Better ships will be built by the brave queen. 18. The wretched slaves will fear the heavy burdens. 64 ADJECTIVES ADJECTIVES OF THIRD DECLENSION con^nue^f The Adjectives declined below have in the Accusative Singular, and Nominative, Vocative, and Accusative Plural, one form for Masculine and Feminine and another for the Xeuter, but in all the other Cases they have the same form for all three Genders. Felix happy SiNGULAB Plural Masc. Fern. Neut. Masc. Fern. Neut. Nom. Felix felix Felic-es felic-ia Gen. Felic-is felic-is Felic-ium felic-ium Dat. Felic-i felic-i Felic-ibus felic-ibus Ace. Felic-em felix Felic-es felic-ia Voc. Felix felix Felic-es felic-ia Abl. L . Felic-i or -e felic-i or -e Felic-ibus felic-ibus In GENS = vast SiNGULAE Plural Masc. Fern. Neut. Masc. Fein. Neut. Nom. Ingens ingeiis Ingent-es ingent-ia Gen. Ingent-is iiigent-is Ingent-ium ingent-ium Dat. Ingent-i ingent-i lugent-ibus ingent-ibus Ace. Ingent-em iugens Ingent-es ingent-ia Voc. Ingens ingens Ingent-es ingent-ia Abl. Ingent-i or e ingent-T or e Ingent-ibus ingent-ibus Decline together Puella felix mare imjens magister sapiens telum velox servus auddx donum ingens. Ohs. A noun is sometimes qualified by another Noun which agrees with it in Case, and is said to be in Apposition. Romulus rex piignavit = Romulus the king has fought. Timemus Komulum regem = we fear Romulus the king. Filius Romuli regis = the son of Romulus the king. Rule An Appositive agrees in Case "with the Noun which it modifies. ADJECTIVES 65 VOCABULARY Decline Like FeJlx. Like Ingens. Vel5x, veloc-is, swift. Sapiens, sapient-is, wise. Audax, audac-is, hold. Cai-us, -i, Caesar, -is, Lentul-us, -T (names of men). EXERCISE XXIV 1. Eeges sapientes bella longa non ama-nt. 2. Lentulus, amicus noster, puerum audacem puni-et. 3. Nuntii veloces libros, dona tua, porta-bant. 4. Servi sapientes a Caio magistro laudat-i sunt. 5. Libros et epistolas, Caesaris opera, lauda-mus. 6. Naves multae a regina sapiente aedifica-tae sunt. 7. Caius, index bonus, sagitta brevi vulnerat-us est. 8. Opera servorum audacium a rege culpat-a sunt. 9. Magistri sapientes pueros multos erudiv-erunt. 10. Hastas veloces et lapides graves time-mus. 11. Caius et Caesar, amici nostri, sagittis vulnerat-i eranto 12. Lentulus, regis filius, libros multos scrips-it. 1. The bold slaves broke the heavy gates of the town. 2. Caius, your friend, has been praised by the judge. 3. Vast walls were being built by slaves of the queen. 4. The books of Caius, the judge, were praised by the king. 5. We feared the swift arrows and the heavy spears. 6. The voices of the wise judges were being heard. 7. Lentulus and Caesar, our friends, had been called. 8. The towns had been attacked by the bold slaves. 9. Caius, our slave, has been wounded by a heavy stone. 10. A sweet song was sung by Julia, a happy girl. 11. The bold lion had terrified the tender sheep. 12. The son of the wise master had led the brave soldiers. 66 E-VERBS SECOND CONJUGATION: B- VERBS MONE-RE, to advise Pres. Stem, mone-, Per/. Stem, monti-, Sup. Stem, monit-. PASSIVE VOICE Tenses formed from Present .Stem Mone- [The Personal Endings are the same as those of the First Conjugation.] PRESENT FOKMATION Example English Sing. I. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Pres. St. + or " +ris " +tur " +inur " +mini " +ntur mone-or mone-ris mone-tur mone-mur mone-mini mone-ntur I am (being) advised. Thou art advised. He is advised. We are advised. You are advised. They are advised. IMPERFECT Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Pres. St. + bar '' +baris " +batur " +bamur " +bamini " +bantur mone-bar mone-baris mone-batur mone-bamur mone-bamini mone-bantur I was being advised. Thou wast being advised. He was being advised. We were being advised. You were being advised. They were being advised. FUTURE SIMPLE Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Pres. St.+bor *' +bgris " +bitur " +biinur " +bimini " +buntur mone-bor mone-bSris mone-bitur mone-bimur mone-bimini mone-buntur I shall be advised. Thou wilt be advised. He will be advised. We shall be advised. You will be advised. They will be advised. [Each of the above Tenses has another form for the Second Person Singular, viz. Pres. mom-re^ Imperf. mone-bdre, \it. mone-b^re.] E-VEKBS 67 VOCABULARY Sor-or, -oris, f., a sister. Rom-a, -ae, f., Rome, Urbs, urb-is, f., a city. Gall-us, -i, a Gaul. Verb-um, -i, n., a word. EXERCISE XXV 1. lulia, soror mea, a servo nigro terre-bitur. 2. Leones magnrab ovibus teneris time-ntur. 3. Eoma urbs magna ab hostibus oppugnat-a erat. 4. Pueri multi a Caio aiiiico tuo doce-iitur. 5. ludicis boni verba sapientia aiidiv-imus. 6. Milites fortes hostium sagittis non terre-buntur. 7. Eomulus, rex sapiens, portas urbis claus-erit. 8. Aves timidae puerorum vocibus terre-bantur. 9. Carmen dulce a lulia, sorore tua, cantat-um est. 10. Hostes audaces portas urbis nostrae freg-erant. 11. Epistolae Lentuli, amici nostri, laudat-ae sunt. 12. Onera gravia a servis miseris time-bantur. 1. Caius, the son of our friend, will lead the soldiers. 2. The boys were being taught by Lentulus, a wise master. 3. We do not fear Caius, the son of a wise king. 4. Ye were wounded by the heavy spears of the soldiers. 5. Julia, the sister of Caius, your friend, is beautiful. 6. The little birds are frightened by our voices. 7. The bold enemy (pi.) will not attack the great city. 8. Your letters will have been praised by the wise queen. 9. You were being taught by Caius, the son of our friend. 10. The anger of the judges will be feared by your slaves. 11. The gates of the city were pointed out by the enemy. 12. The short spears of the enemy (pi.) wounded many soldiers. 68 E-VERBS SECOND CONJUGATION: E-VE^UBS continued MoNE-RE, to advise Pres. Stem, mone-, Per/. Stem, monii-, Sup. Stem, monit-. PASSIVE VOICE Tenses formed from the Supine Stem Monit-^ PERFECT AND AORIST Formation Example English Sing.l. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Sup. St.-f us sum " -fuses " -f us est " -f i sumus " -f i estis " +isunt monit-us sum monit-us es monit-us est monit-i sumus monit-i estis mouit-i sunt Perfect Aorist / have been \ Thou hast been He has been We have been You have been They have been . / was \ Thou ivast He was We were You were They were. PLUPERFECT Sing.l. 2. 3. Plur. I. 2. 3. Sup. St. -f us eram " + us eras " + us erat " + i eramus " -fi eratis " -h i erant monit-us eram monit-us eras monit-us erat monit-i eramus monit-i eratis monit-i erant I had been advised. Thou hadst been advised. He had been advised. We had been advised. You had been advised. They had been advised. FUTURE PERFECT Sing.l. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Sup. St. + us ero " -f us eris " -f us erit " -f i erimus " +i eritis " -f i erunt monit-us ero monit-us eris monit-us erit monit-i erimus monit-i eritis monit-i erunt I shall have been advised. Thou wilt have been advised. He will have been advised. We shall have been advised. You will have been advised. They will have been advised. Obs. When an Adjective qualifies two or more Nouns of different Genders the Adjective agrees v^^ith the Masculine rather than with tlie Feminine : Puer et puella sunt pulchri=:<Ae boy and the girl are beautiful. The same applies to the Participle used in the Supine Stem Tenses of the Passive Voice. Puer et puella laudati sunt = Me boy and the girl were praised. 1 Supine Stems of Verbs of Second Conjugation are rarely regular, and should be looked up. E-VERBS 69 VOCABULARY Doce-o, I teach (2), Perfect Stem, docti-, Supine Stem, doct-. Vide-o, /see (2), " vid-, " vis-. Move-o, / moL'e (2), " mov-, *' mot-. Omnis (Adjective like tristis)^ all. EXERCISE XXVI 1. Rex et regina ab omnibus militibus vis-i sunt. 2. Filius tuus eb soror mea a magistro bono doct-i erunt. 3. riumina magna et muri alti regem impedi-ent. 4 Murus et porta oppidi nostri sunt alti. 5. Romam urbem nostram et Romulum regem ama-mus. 6. Verba sapientia iudicum bonorum non audiv-istl. 7. Aves multae puerorum sagittis vulnerat-ae sunt. 8. Onus magnum a servis timidis non mot-um erit. 9. Roma, urbs nostra, a Romulo rege aedificat-a est. 10. Virgines pulchrae carmina dulcia canta-bant. 11. Caius, amicus tuus, et lulia, soror mea, aegri fu-erunt. 12. Libri tui ab omnibus amicis nostris laudat-i erant. 1. The wall and the gate were built by Caius, your friend. 2. The boy and the girl had been taught by the son of the judge. [friend. 3. We have seen Julia, your sister, and Lentulus, our 4. Books and letters were praised by the wise king. 5. Heavy stones had been moved by the great river. 6. We shall have been seen by the Gauls, our enemies. 7. You were frightened by the voices of the messengers. 8. The bold slaves had broken the gates of the city. 9. Rome, our city, will be attacked by all the soldiers. 10. The girls' sweet song will be praised by the queen. 11. We shall be. wounded by the heavy spears of the enemy (pi.)- 12. We were fearing the deep river and the vast sea. 70 NOUNS FOURTH DECLENSION Nouns whose Genitive Singular ends in -us belong to the Fourth Declension. The Nominative ends in -us if the Noun is Masculine (or Feminine). The Nominative ends in -u if the Noun is Neuter. Masculine Singular Plural Nojn. Grad-iis a step (m.). Grad-us steps. Gen. Grad-us of a step. Grad-ayim of steps. Dat. Grad-ui to or for a step. Grad-ibus to or for steps. Ace. Grad-um a step. Grad-us steps. Voc. Grad-us step. Grad-us steps. A hi. Grad^ by, with, or from a step. Grad-ibus bij, with, or from steps. Neuter Singular Plural Nom. Gen-u a knee (n.). Gen-ua knees. Gen. Gen-US of a knee. Gen-uum of knees. Dat. Gen-u to or for a knee. Gen-ibus to or for knees. Ace. Gen-u a knee. Gen-ua knees. Voc. Gen-u knee. Gen-ua knees Abl. Gen-u hij, with, or from a knee. Gen-ibus by, with, or from knees. [The Dat. Sing, has also the ending u for Masculine and Feminine Nouns. The ending of the Dat. and Abl. Plur. is sometimes written -ubus.^ Carefully distinguish the Fourth from tlie Second Declension A Noun with Nominative in -ws and Genitive in -l is of the Second. A Noun witli Nominative in -us and Genitive in -m is.of the Fourth. Obs. When an Adjective describes * man/ ' woman,' or 'thing,' the Noun is o'ften omitted in Latin, and the Adjectiv-e shows by its Gender whether * man/ ' woman/ or ' thing ' is meant. Thus Singular Plural Masculine, Bonus = a good man. Boni = good men. Feminine, Bon^= a good woman. Bonae = good women. Neuter, Bonum = a good thing. Bona = good things. An Adjective so employed is said to be used Substantively. NOUNS 71 VOCABULARY Decline Like Gradus. Arc-US, -us, m., a how. Imperat-or, -oris, m., a general. Exercit-us, -us, m., an army. Rot-a, -ae, f., a wheel. Curr-us, -us, m., a chariot. Man-us, -us, f., a hand. EXERCISE XXVII 1. Milites nostri arctis magnos manibus tene-bant. 2. Manus tenera sororis tuae vulnerat-a erat. 3. Curriis hostium ab omnibus militibus vis-i erunt. 4. Omnes boni Romulum regem nostrum ama-bunt. 5. Fllius amici tui a multis culpat-us erat. 6. Exercitus Gallorum hostium nostrorum vid-imus. 7. Fortium opera et sapientium verba lauda-tis. 8. Multi sagittas et arcus magnos portav-erunt. 9. Caesar imperator exercitus nostri hostem non time-t. 10. Puerorum audacium sagittas manu mea freg-eram. 11. Magnum exercitum et multos currus mis-istis. 12. Fortes et sapientes ab omnibus lauda-buntur. 1. The vast armies of the Gauls were seen by our (men). 2. All your works have been praised by the wise (men). 3. The friends of Caius the wise judge wrote many (things). 4. We will shut the gates of the city with our (own) hands. 5. You did not see the bows and arrows of the enemy (pL). 6. Many will blame Caesar, the general of your army. 7. The brave fear not the armies and the chariots of kings. 8. Rome, the city of brave men, will be attacked by Gauls. 9. The heavy burden was moved by the hand of a girl. 10. The king and the queen were loved by all good men. 11. The great stones will break the wheels of the chariots. 12. The rivers hindered the armies of the brave Gauls. 72 CONSONANT VERBS THIRD CONJUGATION: CONSONANT VERBS Example Reg-ere, to rule Pres. Stem, rSg-, Sup. Stem, rect-. Per/. Stem, rex-, PASSIVE VOICE Tenses formed from the Pres. Stem Eeg- PRESENT Formation Example English Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Pres. St. + or '' " +itur " ' +imur " " +iinini " " +untur reg-or reg-6ris ^ reg-itur reg-imur reg-imini reg-untur / am [being) ruled. Thoii art ruled. He is ruled. We are ruled. You are ruled. They are 7'uled. IMPERFECT Sing. I. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Pres St. + bar *' " +ebaris " +ebatur " " H-ebamur ' " +ebamini " " +ebantur reg-ebar reg-ebaris 2 reg-ebatur reg-ebamur reg-ebamini reg-ebantur I was being ruled. Thou wast being ruled. He was being ruled. We were being ruled. You were being ruled. They were being ruled. FUTURE SIMPLE Sing. I. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Pres. St. + ar " " -heris " '^ 4-etur *' " +emur " " -femini *' -f entur reg-ar reg-eris ^ reg-etur reg-emur reg-emini reg-entur I shall be ruled. Thou wilt be ruled. He will be ruled. We shall be ruled. You will be ruled. They will be ruled. ^ or reg-Sre. or reg-ebare. or reg-ere. 06s. * With/ when it means ' together with ' or * in company with/ is translated by * cum ' followed by the Ablative ; as in the following : Mitt5 servum cum puero = / send a slave with the boy. Rule Accompaniment is expressed by the Ablative "with the preposition * cum.' Carefully distinguish this from the Ablative of Instrument, which shows with what or by what an action is done. See page 60. Puer vulneratus est sagittis = the boy was wounded with arrows. CONSONANT VERBS 73 VOCABULARY Occid-6, I hill (3), Perfect Stem, occid-, Supine Stem, occis-. Ger-6, / carry on (3), " gess-, " gest-. Fluct-us, -us, m., a wave. Vent-US, -1, rn., wind. N.B. reg-^ris (short e) is Second Person Singular Present; regeris (long e) is Second Person Singular Future. EXERCISE XXVIII 1. A Gallis vinc-emur. 5. Cum multis mitt-emur. 2. Cum nuntio mitt-eris. 6. Bella ger-ebantur. 3. Non duc-ebamini. 7. A Caesare duc-ebamur. 4. Tells occid-eris. 8. Omnes vinc-entur. 9. Multa sapientia a Lentulo amico tuo scrib-untur. 10. Imperatorem cum omnibus amicis occid-emus. 11. Naves multae fluctibus et vento frang-untur. 12. Mtirum ingentem lapidibus magnis aedifica-bamus. 13. Filii nostri cum nun tils velocibus mitt-entur. 14. Multi fortes a Gallis hostibus nostris occid-ebantur. 15. Yirginis pulchrae carmina dulcia audiv-imus. 16. Libri magni a Caio, itidice sapiente, scrib-untur. 1. Vast armies were being led by the brave general. 2. You will be slain by the heavy spear of the Gaul. 3. Many gifts will be sent by Julia your sister. 4. We will send a swift messenger with your slave. 5. Our king with (his) son will be slain by the enemy. 6. The gate of the city is being broken with a vast stone. 7. The Gauls with a vast army will attack our city. 8. Brave (men) are not frightened by waves and wind. 9. The wheels of our chariots will be broken by the stones. 10. We shall be led by Caesar, a brave general. 11. Your work has been praised by all good men. 12. The wise praise the good laws of Komulus our king. 74 CONSONANT \rp:RBS THIRD CONJUGATION: CONSONANT YEHBS continued Example Reg-ere, to rule Pres. Stem, r6g-, P^ff- Stem, rex-, Sup. Stem, rect-. PASSIVE VOICE Tenses formed from the Supine Stem Rect- PERFECT AND AORIST Formation Example English Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Sup. Stem -f us sum " -fuses " -f us est " " +i sumus " -f i estis " " +i sunt rect-us sum rect-us es rect-us est rect-i sumus rect-i estis rect-i sunt Perfect Aorist / have been Thou hast been He has been We have been You have been They have been) / was Thou wast He was We were You were They were. 1 PLUPERFECT Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Sup. Stem + us eram " 4- us eras " +US erat ** +i eramus " -l-i eratis " +i erant rect-us eram rect-us eras rect-us erat rect-i eramus rect-i eratis rect-i erant I had been ruled. Thou hadst been ruled. He had been ruled. We had been ruled. You had been ruled. They had been ruled. FUTURE PERFECT Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Sup. Stem + US ero " " -f us eris " " -fus erit '' " 4-i erimus " +i eritis " -f i erunt rect-us ero rect-us eris rect-us erit rect-i erimus rect-i eritis rect-i erunt I shall have been ruled. Thou wilt have been ruled. He will have been ruled. We shall have been nded. You will have been ruled. They will have been ruled. * To ' AS Indirect Object *To* (or 'for') is the sign of the Dative Case. With such verbs as do = / give, narro = / tell, mon-stro = / show, etc., the Dative indicates * to whom ' (or * to what ') something is given, told, shown, etc. So used, it is called the Dative of Indirect Object. (See Ex. XXIX, 9.) Rule The Indirect Object is put in the Dative Case. CONSONANT VERBS 75 * To ' Meaning ' Motion Towards ' When, however, motion towards a person, place, or thing is implied, * to ' is translated by the Preposition ' ad' or * in ^ with the Accusative Case. Thus Ad urbem missus est = he was sent to the city. In urbem missus est = Ae was sent into the city. Rule Motion towards a Person, Place, or Thing is ex- pressed by the Accusative with the Preposition ' ad ' or ' in/ (With town names and a few other words the Preposition is omitted.) EXERCISE XXIX [In this and the following Exercises words introduced for the first time are given only in the Vocabulary at the end.] 1. Eex Gallorum cum exercitii ad urbem contend-it. 2. Multae naves fiuctibus et vento fract-ae erant. 3. Nuntii veloces ad exercitum nostrum miss-i sunt. 4. Urbis portae a servis timidis claus-ae erunt. 5. Hastae et sagittae fuerunt utiles militibus. 6. Libros Lentuli, amici tui, regi monstrav-imus. 7. Eex et regina omnibus bonis carl fu-erunt. 8. Carmina avium parvarum sunt dulcia omnibus. 9. Urbis turres et portas imperatori monstra-bimus. 10. Cum multis Gallis in urbem vestram duct-i sumus. 11. Liber tuus Lentulo iudicis filio utilis erit. V 1. The name of our general is dear to all the soldiers. 2. All the slaves have been sent to the great city. 3. The wall of the temple was broken by the waves. 4. Our armies had been conquered by the Gauls, our enemies. 5. The words of the judges will be declared to the king. 6. The messengers had been sent to the city of the queen. 7. We were marching with a great army to the river. 8. Many brave men were slain by the darts of the enemy. 9. The ships of the enemy were useful to our queen. 10. The chariot's wheels had been broken by the stones. 11. The letters and books were shown to all the boys. 76 NOUNS FIFTH DECLENSION Nouns whose Genitive Singular ends in -el are of tlie Fifth Declension. The Nominative Singular ends in -es, and the Gender is Feminine (except dies, usually Masc). SmOULAB Plueal No7n. Di-es a day (m., f.). Di-es days. Gen. Di-ei of a day. Di-erum of days. Dat. Di-ei to or for a day. Di-ebus to or for days. Ace. Diem a day. Di-es days. Voc. Di-es day. Di-es days. Abl. Di-e by, with, or from a day. Di-ebus by, with, or from days. Obs. The ending of the Genitive and Dative Singular is 6i not ei when a consonant precedes it. Thus, spes, sp6i = hope. Case-Endings of the Five Declensions 1 2 3 4 5 Fern. Masc. Fern. Neut. Masc. Fern Neut. Masc. Fern . Neut. Fern. Nom. -a -us -er -um various various -lis -u -es Gen. -ae -T -1 -is -is -us -lis -ei Dat. -ae -o -o -i -i -ui -u -u -ei Ace. -am -um -um -em = A^ow. -um -ii -em Foe. -a -e -er -um = Nom. = Nom. -lis -ii -es Abl. -a , -6 -o -e (i) -e(i) -ii -ii -e Nom. -ae -1 -a -es -a -lis -ua -es Gen. -arum -orum -drum j -um I -ium 1 -um I -ium -uum -uum -^;rum Dat. -is -is -is -ibus -ibus -ibus -ibus -bus Ace. -4s -OS -a -es -a -lis -ua '-es Voe. -ae -1 -a -es -a -iis -ua -es Abl. -is -is -is -ibus -ibus -ibus -ibus -ebus ' In ' AND * Into ' The Latin word in has two meanings In with Accus. means * into ' or * to/ and shows motion towards a place (see, however, p. 75). In with the Ablative means *in,* and shows position in a place. Thus, In urbem = into the city ; in urbe = in the city. Rule Place * -where ' or ' in -which * is expressed by the Ablative Case "with the Preposition 'in.* (Town names and a few other words require a different Case to express 'place where ' and * place in which.') NOUNS 77 EXERCISE XXX 1. Caesar cum magno exercitu in Italiam contend-ebat. 2. Eex et regina in urbe nostra occisi erant. 3. Currus nostros et naves amico tuo monstra-bamus. 4. lulia soror tua ab omnibus bonis laudat-a erit. 5. Captivl miseri ab imperatore in urbem duct-i sunt. 6. Cum Lentulo, iudicis filio, in Italiam mitt-eris. 7. Milites multi sagittis et hastis vulnerat-i erant. 8. Italia, patria nostra, omnibus fortibus cara est. 9. Servus niger in curru cum imperatore sede-bat. 10. Nuntios multos ad iudicem bonum mis-istis. 11. Milites fortes a Gallis hostibus nostris non vinc-entur. 12. Dulcia sunt omnibus sapientibus puellarum carmina. 1. We have not seen Lentulus, the friend of your son. 2. We will march with Caesar, our general, into Italy. 3. All things will be declared to the judge by the slaves. 4. Many were slain in the town by the arrows of the Gauls. 5. Julia, your sister, is dear to all (her) friends. 6. The slaves were carrying a heavy burden into the town. 7. The armies of our enemies will march into Italy. 8. We were showing our books to Lentulus, your son. 9. Caesar, our general, has carried on many great wars. 10. The queen will sit with the king in a beautiful chariot. 11. The words of the general were declared to all the soldiers. 12. The timid sheep are frightened by the voices of the boys. 78 I-VERBS FOURTH CONJUGATION: I-VERBS Audi-re, to hear Pres. Steniy audi-, Per/. Stem, audiv-, Sup. Stenif audit-. PASSIVE VOICE Tenses formed from the Present Stem Audi- PRESENT Sing. 1 Plur. Formation Pres. Stem + or *' + ris + tur " f mur " + mini " + untur EXAMPLB audi-or audl-ris audi-tur audi-mur audi-mini audi-untur English I am {being) heard. Thou art heard. He is heard. We are heard. You are heard. They are heard. IMPERFECT Slug. 1 2 3, Plur. 1 2 3, Pres. Stem + ebar " 4- ebaris " + ebatur " + ebamur " + ebamini " + ebantur audi-ebar audi-ebaris audi-ebatur audi-ebamur audi-ebamini audi-ebantur I was being Thou wast being I He was being We were being You were being They were being ^ FUTURE SIMPLE Sing. 1 2 3. Plur. 1 2 3, Pres. Stem + ar " + eris " + etur " + emur " + emini " + entur audi-ar audi-eris audi-etur audi-emur audi-emini audi-entur / shall be heard. Thou wilt be heard. He will be heard. We shall be heard. You will be heard. They will be heard. [The Second Person Singular of each of the above Tenses has a second form, viz. Pres. aud-ire, Imperf. audi-ebdre, Put. audi-ere.] Rule Time 'when' is expressed by the Ablative. Rule Time 'how long' is expressed by the Accusative. Primo anno occisus est = he was killed in the first year (when). Multys annos manebit = he will remain many years (how long). I-VERBS 79 EXERCISE XXXI The Latin word e or ex means 'from' or 'out of,' and takes an Ablative; as Ex Italia = out of Italy. 1. Proximo anno omnes urbes a militibus muni-ebantur. 2. A Lentulo, itidrce sapiente, puni-eris. 3. Naves nostrae fluctibus et vento impedi-untur. 4. Captivi dies niultos in oppido mane-bunt. 5. Primo die nuntios ex urbe mis-imus. 6. Verba tua regi et reginae nuntia-buntur. 7. Pueri ignavi a magistro nostro puni-untur. 8. Galli cum exercitu magno ad urbem contend-ent. 9. Libros multos et epistolas manu mea scrips-i. 10. Hastae et sagittae militi forti utiles erunt. 11. Gallorum imperator anno secundo occis-us erat. 12. Carmen puellarum ab omnibus laudat-um erit. 1. We were being instructed by Lentulus, a wise master. 2. You will be hindered by the river and by the walls. 3. The city is being fortified by Caesar, the general. 4. The next day the slaves were sent out of the town. 5. Many captives were being led into Italy by our (men). 6. The son of the general was wounded with a short spear. 7. We have been sent with the swift messenger to the king. 8. The words of the wise are praised by all good (men). . 9. We do not fear the armies of the Gauls, our enemies. 10. The voice of the general will be heard by all the soldiers. 11. The gate of the city will be guarded by a brave man. 12. The citizens remained many hours in the temple of Diana. 80 I-VERBS FOURTH CONJUGATION: I-VEUBS continued Exam/ple Audi-re, to hear Pres. Stem, audi-, Per/. Stem, audiv-, Sup. Stem, audit-. PASSIVE VOICE Tenses formed from the Supine Stem Audit- The Supine Stem of a Eegular Verb of the Fourth Con- jugation is found by adding t to the Present Stem. PERFECT AND AORIST Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. Formation Sup, St. 4- us sum " " +US es " " +US est *' " +i sumus " " + i estis " " +i sunt audit-US sum audit-US es audit-US est audit-i sumus audit-i estis audit-i sunt English Perfect I have been -s Thou hast been He has been 5s~ We have been > 5 You have been They have been J Aorist / was Thou wast He was We were You wtre They were PLUPERFECT Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Sup. St. + US eram " ' " -f US eras " " + us erat " " + i eramus " " + i eratis " " + i erant audit-US eram audit-US eras audit-US erat audit-i eramus audit-i eratis audit-i erant I had been heard. Thou hadst been heard. He had been heard. We had been heard. You had been heard. They had been heard. FUTURE PERFECT Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. Sup. St. -}- us ero *' " +US eris *' " 4- us erit '* " -f-i erimus " " +i eritis " '' 4-i erunt audit-US ero audit-US eris audit-US erit audit-i erimus audit-i eritis audit-i erunt / shall have been heard. Thou wilt have been heard. He will have been heard. We shall have been heard. You will have been heard. They will have been heard. A Sentence containing an Active Transitive Verb with an Object can be turned into a Sentence containing a Passive Verb with an Ablative of Agent (or Instrument), or vice versa. See page 83. I-VERBS 81 EXERCISE XXXII 1. Proximo die omnes naves nostrae fiuctibus fract-ae sunt. 2. Onus magnum et grave multas horas porta-bamus. 3. Urbis portae ab imperatore prima hora claud-entur. 4. ludicum filii cum nostris Mils erudlt-i sunt. 5. Multos dies in Italia cum amicls mans-imus. 6. Secunda hora nuntium velocem ex urbe mitt-emus. 7. Proximo anno magnum exercitum in Italiam dux-i. 8. Voces puellarum in vestris templis audit-ae erunt. 9. Multos dies in nave cum militibus mane-bis. 10. Anno secundo Galll omnes a nostris victi sunt. 11. Cara est civibus omnibus Italia patria nostra. 12. Exercitus nostri ab imperatore forti duc-ebantur. 1. On the next day a voice was heard in the temples. 2. For many days the captives remained in the city. 3. All the cities of Italy had been fortified by our men. 4. The messenger was sent out of the city at the first hour. 5. The next year many brave (men) were slain by the enemies. 6. The great rivers will hinder the armies of the Gauls. 7. On the second day the town will be attacked by the king. 8. The messengers had declared your words to the judge. 9. You were seen by Caius our slave and by many citizens. 10. We feared the darts of the enemy and the waves of the sea. 11. For many hours we sat with the captives in the temple. 12. At the first hour the ships were seen by our messengers. F 82 THE FOUR CONJUGATIONS TABLE OF THE FOUR CONJUGATIONS PASSIVE VOICE. For Table of Active Voice, see p. 46. 1. Am-or 1 Mone-or Reg-or Audi-or Singular 2. 3. ama-ris ama-tur moue-ris mone-tur reg-eris reg-itur audi-ris audi-tur Plueal 1. 2. 3. ama-mur ama-mini ama-ntur mone-mur mone-mini mone-ntur reg-imur audi-mur reg-imini audi-mini reg-wntur audi-untur Ama- Mone Reg- Aud .-I baris batur ebar ebaris ebatur bamur bamini bantur ebamur ebamiui ebantur Ama- Mone Reg- Audi [bor ?ar beris bitur bimur bimini buntur emur emini entur P4 Amat- Monit- I us Rect- 1 sum Audit- US es US est sumus estis Amat- Monit- i^us us us Rect- ( erara eras erat Audit- eramus eratis sunt erant Amat- Monit- I us Rect- j ero Audit- US eris erit enmus eritis 1 erunt English Present / am being loved, or am loved, etc. Imperfect I was being loved, etc. Future Simple / shall or will be loved, etc, i Perfect / have been loved, etc. I Aorist / was loved, etc. Pluperfect / had been loved, etc. Future Perfect / shall or will have been loved, etc. 1 The First Person Singular Present is amor for amaor. THE FOUR CONJUGATIONS 83 RECAPITULATORY Active and 1. Vide-bar. 2. Culpa-beris. 3. Duc-eris. 4. Puni-untur. 5. Vinc-etur. 6. Terre-tur. 7. Move-mur. 8. Monstra-ntur. 9. Yinc-ar. Passive Voices, Tour 10. Vocat-a erit. 11. Sede-bas. 12. Muni-emus. 13. Custodi-tis. 14. Yoca-bimur. 15. Doct-i erant. 16. Terre-ris. 17. Aedifica-tis. 18. Miss-a est. Conjugations 19. Puni-entur. 20. Mane-bunt. 21. Duc-iminl. 22. Doce-tis. 23. Y.inc-ebaris. 24. Monstrav-isti. 25. Yocat-us es. 26. Puni-eminl. 27. Move-ris. 1. We are conquering. 2. Ye were seen. 3. She has been taught. 4. We are being led. 5. Thou wilt write. 6. We shall be sent. 7. They were punished 8. I was being called. 9. Thou wilt be blamed. 10. We are instructed. 11. He is being praised. 12. They are building. 13. They did not fear. 14. Thou art not seen. 15. She had been sent. 16. I shall have written. Formula for Inversion of Sentences The Subject of the Active Sentence becomes the Ablative of Agent (or Instrument) in the Passive Sentence. The Object of the Active Sentence becomes the Subject of the Passive Sentence. S. V. T. O. Magister laudat puerum. s. V. p. AB. A. Puer laudatur a magistro. It will be found useful to practise this inversion by turning sentences from Active to Passive and from Passive to Active in any Exercise from No. VIII. 84 ADJECTIVES COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES Adjectives have three degrees of Comparison, viz. . Positive Comparative Dur-us, hard, dur-ior, harder. Superlative ,_ . . ( hardest. dur-issimus, < , , ' { very hard. Rule for forming Degrees of Comparison" The Comparative is formed from the Genitive Singular of the Positive by taking away the Genitive ending -l or -is, and adding -ior in its place ; Thus, durus, Genitive dar-%, Comparative dur-ior. The Superlative is formed by taking away the Genitive Ending and adding -issimus in its place ; Thus, durus, Genitive dur-l. Superlative dur-^ss^mus. Declension of Comparative and Superlative Degrees All Comparatives are declined like melior, melius, p. 62. All Superlatives " " " bonus, bona, bonum. Positive Car-US, dear, Long-US, long, Trist-is, sad, Dulc-is, sweet, Felix, happy, Ingens, vast. EXAMPLES Comparative car-ior, -ius, long-ior, -ius, trist-ior, -ius, dulc-ior, -ius, felic-ior, -ius, ingent-ior, -ius, Superlative car-issimus, -a, -um. long-issimus, -a, -um. trist-issimus, -a, -um. dulc-issimus, -a, -um. felic-issimus, -a, -um. ingent-issimus, -a, -um. Rule Two Nouns joined by *quam' (than) must be in the same Case ; thus, Servus est felicior quam rex = the slave is happier than the king. Here both slave and kiiig are in the Nominative. Obs. In making a Comparison between two nouns, *quam ' (than) may be omitted ; but the second of the two nouns must then be put in the Ablative Case. Thus, Servus est felicior rege = The slave is happier than the king. ADJECTIVES 85 EXERCISE XXXIII 1. Amicus mens est omnium iudicum sapientissimus. 2. Sagittae nostrae breviores sunt quam hasta tua. 3. Proximo die nuntium velocissimum ex urbe mis-i. 4 Carmina dulcissima puellarum non audiv-istis. 5. Servi miserl onus gravissimum portav-erant. 6. Fortissimi militum nostrorum a Gallis occis-i erant. 7. Lentull iudicis sapientissimi verba lauda-bamus. 8. Templum Dianae altius est quam murus noster. 9. Multos annos in urbe iucundissima mans-imus. 10. Nostri libri utiliores sunt quam vestri (libri). 11. Caium occidisti, omnium civium fortissimum. 12. Audaciorem imperatorem Caesare non vidi. 1. A sweeter song. 7. By a very bold man. 2. The heaviest burden. 8. By a heavier stone. 3. Very brave (men). 9. With dearest friends. 4. More beautiful girls. 10. Sweeter songs. 5. Of a shorter letter. 11. A wiser word. 6. Of longer spears. 12. Of heavier darts. 13. The spears of the Gauls are longer than ours {i^e. our spears). 14. We will send Caius the boldest of all the citizens. 15. The songs of little birds are sweeter than your voice. 16. I hear the voice of Lentulus, a very brave soldier. 17. To a wise man books are more useful than spears. 18. We have not seen a more beautiful land than Italy. 86 ADJECTIVES COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES Adjectives ending in -er Adjectives in -er (like niger and tener) form their Com- parative according to the rule already given (p. 84), but their Superlative is formed by adding -rimus to the Mas- culine Nominative Singular. Niger, black, Tener, tender, Pulcher, beautiful, Com-parative nigr-ior, -ius, tener-ior, -ius, pulchr-ior, -ius, Superlative niger-rimus, -a, -um. tener-rimus, -a, -um. pulcher-rimus, -a, -um. Six Adjectives form Superlative in -lImus Positive Facil-is, easy, Difficil-is, difficult, Simil-is, like, Dissimil-is, unlike, Gracil-is, slender, Humil-is, low, Comparative facil-ior, -ius, difficil-ior, -ius, simil-ior, -ius, dissimil-ior, -ius, gracil-ior, -ius, humil-ior, -ius. Superlative facil-limus, -a, -um. difficil-limus, -a, -um. simil-limus, -a, -um. dissimil-limus, -a, -um. gracil-limus, -a, -um. humil-limus, -a, -um. Positive Bonus, good. Mains, bad, Magnus, great, Parvus, small, { much, ) ' ] many, ] Multus, Irregular Comparative meli-or, -us, pei-or, -us, mai-or, -us, min-or, -us, plus (neut.), 1 Superlative optimus, -a, -um. pessimus, -a, -um. maximus, -a, -um. minimus, -a, -um. plurimus, -a, -um. 1 The Declension oiplus is irregular. ADJECTIVES 87 EXERCISE XXXIV 1. Patres nostri urbem pulcherrimam aedificav-erunt. 2. Optimum donum a Lentulo amico meo miss-um est. 3. Virgines pulcherrimae carmen melius canta-bant. 4. Koma, urbs maxima, a Gallis oppugnat-a erit. 5. Naves minores fluctibus et vento frang-entur. 6. Caium, civem pessimum, ex Italia mis-eramus. 7. Verba iudicis optimi ab omnibus lauda-buntur. 8. Imperatoris filius est omnium puerorum minimus. 9. Verba amici tui peiora fu-erunt quam facta. 10. Servi miserrimi opus difficillimum time-bant. 11. Maxima opera militibus nostris sunt facillima. 12. PlurimI captivi ab hostibus nostris occid-ebantur. 1. We have seen Eome, the largest city of Italy. 2. Very many brave (men) were slain by the Gauls. 3. We will show the best books to Julia, your sister. 4. Caesar, with a very large army, is marching into Italy. 5. The boldest soldiers feared the chariots of the enemy. 6. You have never seen a larger river than the Ehine. 7. The books were written by Caius, a very bad judge. 8. A very great forest will hinder Caesar's army. 9. The best citizens are praised by Romulus, the king. 10. The deeds of many (men) are better than (their) words. 11. We will remain many days in a very beautiful city. 12. The worst citizens will be punished by the judges. 88 EXERCISES In this and in the following exercise the vowel-markings have been omitted purposely. The pupil may be required to supply them. EXERCISE XXXV 1. Dona multa a lulia sorore tua mitt-en tur. 2. Rex noster cum filio suo ab hostibus occis-us est. 3. Urbis portae lapide ingenti frang-ebantur. 4. Nuntii veloces in urbem reginae miss-i erant. 5. Hostium naves imperatori nostro utiles erunt. 6. A Caio, magistro sapientissimo, non culpa-beris. 7. Lentulo, amico tuo, libros nostros monstra-bimus. 8. Imperatoris verba militibus omnibus nuntia-ntur. 9. Non vid-imus puellam pulchriorem quam luliam. 10. Proximo anno multi a Gallis occis-i sunt. 11. Multos dies in Italia cum Lentulo mans-imus. 12. Exercitus nostri silvis maximis impedit-i sunt. 1. Our walls are higher than the temple of Diana.^ 2. On the next day many very brave (men) were slain. 3. The words of the wise are praised by all good (men). 4. The gates of the city were shut at the second hour. 5. The Gauls, our enemies, were marching into Italy. 6. We will announce your words to Caesar, the general. 7. All these books were written by a very wise (man). 8. We will march with your soldiers into Italy. 9. The boys and the girls will have been praised by all. 10. The king and the queen are dear to all the citizens. 11. Many ships will be sent by the brave general. 12. You have heard the very sweet song of the girls. 1 Two ways. EXERCISES 89 EXERCISE XXXVI 1. Eoma, urbs pulcherrima, a Gallis oppugnat-a erat. 2. Dulcis est vox tua : dulcius est avium carmen. 3. Hostium naves maiores erant quam nostrae (naves). 4. Optimi milites ab imperatore forti lauda-bantur. 5. Cains amicus tuns plurimos libros scrips-it. 6. Lentnli filius omnium iudicum est sapientissimus. 7. Servos et cives pessimos ex urbe mis-eramus. 8. Hastas et sagittas plurimas manibus freg-imus. 9. Urbes omnes ab imperatoribus nostris muni-untur. 10. Servi miseri onus gravissimum porta-bant. 11. Cives omnes iudicis sapientis verba lauda-nt. 12. Currus et naves hostium non time-bimus. 1. The wall is high: the temple of Diana is higher. 2. We will send a swifter messenger than your slave. 3. The armies of the Gauls are larger than our (armies).^ 4. The name of the queen is dear to many brave (men); 5. Your words are wise : your books will be very useful. 6. She was wounded with a heavy spear by the slave. 7. We will not march with your general into Italy. 8. On the next day we sent a swift messenger to the city. 9. Many captives are being led by Caesar into the town, 10. A slave was sitting in the generaFs chariot. 11. The judge's sons were blamed by all wise men. 12. The captives will remain many years in the town, 1 Two ways. APPENDIX NOUNS FIRST DECLENSION. Gen. Sing. -ae Singular Nom. Mens-a, a table (/.). Gen. Mens-ae, of a table. Dat. Mens-ae, to or for a table. Ace. Mens-am, a table. ' Voc. Mens-a, table. Abl, Mens-a, by, with, or from a tab Plural Mens-ae, tables. Mens-arum, of tables. Mens-is, to or for tables. Mens-as, tables. Mens-ae, O tables. Mens-is, by, with, or from tables. SECOND DECLENSION. Gen. Sing, -l a. Masculine Singular Plural Nam. Domin-us, a lord (m.). Nom. Domin-i, lords. Gen. Domin-i Gen. Domin-orum Dat. Domin-6 Dat. Domin-is Ace. Domin-um Ace. Domin-os Voc. Domin-e Voc. Domin-i Abl. Domin-o Abl. Domin-is Nom. Magister, a master (m.). Nom. Magistr-i, masters. Gen. Magistr-i Gen. Magistr-orum Dat. Magistr-o Dat. Magistr-is Ace. Magistr-um Ace. Magistr-os Voc. Magister Voc. Magistr-i Abl. Magistr-6 Abl. Magistr-is Nom. Puer, aboy (m.). Nom. Puer-i, boys. Gen. Puer-i Gen. Puer-orum Dat. Puer-o Dat. Puer-is Ace. Puer-um Ace. Pner-os Voc. Puer Voe. Puer-i Abl. Puer-o Abl. Puer-is b. Neuter Singular Nom. Bell-um, war (n.). Gen. Bell-i Dat. Bell-6 Aec. Bell-um Voc. Bell-um Abl. BeU-o Plural Nom. Bell-a, wars. Gen. Bell-orum Dat. Bell-is Ace. Bell-a Voc. Bell-a Abl. BeU-is 92 THIRD DECLENSION THIRD DECLENSION. Gen. Sing, -is INCREASING NOUNS. Gen. Plur. -urn a. Masculine and Feminine ludex (m.) = judge Virgo (/.) = virgin Singular Plural Singular Plural Nom Judex ludic-es Nom. Virgd Virgin-es Gen. ludic-is ludic-um Gen. Virgin-is Virgin-um Dat. ludic-i ludic-ibus Dat. Virgin-i Virgiu-ibus Ace. ludic-em ludic-es Ace. Virgin-em Virgin-es Voc. ludex ludic-es Voc. Virgo Virgin-es Abl. ludic-e ludic-ibus Abl. Virgin -e Virgin-ibus b. Neuter Nomen (n.) = = Name Opus (n.) = = work Singular Plural Singular Plural Nom. Nomen Nomin-a Nom. Opus Oper-a Gen. N6min-is Nomin-um Gen. Oper-is Oper-um Dat. N6min-i Nomin-ibus Dat. Oper-i Oper-i bus Ace. Nomen Nomin-a Ace. Opus Oper-a Voc. Nomen Nomin-a Voc. Opus Oper-a Abl. Nomin-e N5min-ibus Abl. Oper-e Oper-i bus NOT-INCREASING NOUNS. Gen. Plur. -ium a. Masculine and Feminine h. Neuter Ovis (/.) = = sheep Mare (.] = sea Singular Plural Singular Plural Nom. Ov-is Ov-es Nom. Mar-e Mar-ia Gen. Ov-is Ov-ium Gen. Mar-is Mar-ium Dat. Ov-i Ov-ibus Dat. Mar-i Mar-ibus Ace. Ov-em Ov-es Ace. Mar-e Mar-ia Voc. Ov-is Ov-es Voc. Mar-e Mar-ia AbL Ov-e Ov-ibus AbL Mar-i Mar-ibus ADJECTIVES 93 FOURTH DECLENSION. Gen. Sing, -uj a. Masculine and h. Neuter Feminine (few) Gradus (m. ) = step Genu (n.) = knee Singular Plural Singular Plural Nom. Grad-us Grad-us Nom. Gen-u Gen-ua Gen. Grad-us Grad-uum Gen. Gen-US Gen-uum Dat. Grad-ui (u) Grad-ibus Dat. Gen-u Gen-ibus (ubus) Ace. Grad-um Grad-us Ace. Gen-u Gen-ua Voc. Grad-us Qrad-us Voc. Gen-u Gen-ua Abl. Grad-u Grad-ibus Abl. Gen-u Gen-ibus (ubus) FIFTH DECLENSION. Gen. Sing, -ei Mostly Feminine Dies {m.,f.) = dai/ Singular Plural Nom. Di-es Di-es Gen. Di-ei Di-erum Dat. Di-ei Di-ebus Ace. Di-era Di-es Voe. Di-es Di-es Abl. Di-e Di-ebus Res {/.) = thing, matter SiJ 7GULAR Plural Nom Res Res Gen. Rei Rerum Dat. Rei Rebus Aec. Rem Res Voc. Res Res Abl. Re Rebus ADJECTIVES OP FIRST AND SECOND DECLENSIONS Masc. Nom. Bon-US Gen. Bon-i Bon-o Bon-um Bon-e Bon-o Dat. Ace. Voc. Abl. Singular Fern, bon-a bon-ae bon-ae bon-am bon-a bon-a Neut. bon-um bon-i bon-6 bon-um bon-um bon-6 Nom. Niger Gen. Nigr-i Dat. Nigr-o Ace. Nigr-um Voc. Niger Abl. Nigr-o nigr-a nigr-um nigr-ae nigr-i nigr-ae nigr-6 nigr-am nigr-um nigr-a nigr-um nigr-a nigr-6 Nom. Tener tener-a tener-um Gen. Tener-i tener-ae tener-i Dat. Tener-6 tener-ae tener-6 Ace. Tener-um tener-am tener-um Voc. Tener tener-a tener-um Abl. Tener-6 tener-a tener-6 Masc. Bon-i Bon-6rum Bon-is Bon-6s Bon-i Bon-is Plural Fern, bon-ae bon-arum bon-is bon-as bon-ae bon-is Neut. bon-a bon-6rum bon-is bon-a bon-a bonis Nigr-i nigr-ae nigr-a Nigr-6rum nigr-arum nigr-6rum Nigr-is nigr-is nigr-is Nigr-6s nigr-as nigr-a Nigr-i nigr-ae nigr-a Nigr-is nigr-is nigr-is Tener-i tener-ae tener-a Tener-6rum tener-arum tener-6rum Tener-is tener-is tener-is Tener-6s tener-as tener-a Tener-i tener-ae tener-a Tener-is tener-is tener-is 94 NUMERALS ADJECTIVES OP THIRD DECLENSION Singular Singular Masc. Fern. Neut. Masc. Fern. Neut. Nom . Melior Melius, better Nom Trist-is Trist-e, sad Gen. Melior-is Melior-is Gen. Trist-is Trist-is Dat. Melior-i Melior-i Dat. Trist-i Trist-i Ace. Melior-em Melius Ace. Trist-em Trist-e Voc. Melior Melius Voc. Trist-is Trist-e Abl. MeliOr-e or -i Melior-e or -i Abl. Trist-i TrisM Plural Plurai Masc. Fern. Neut. Masc. Fern. Neut. Nom Melior-es Melior-a Nojn Trist-es Trist-ia Gen, Melior-um Melior-um Gen. Trist-ium Trist-ium Dat. Melior-i bus Melior-ibus Dat. Trist-i bus Trist-ibus Ace. Melior-es Melior-a Ace. Trist-es Trist-ia Voc. Melior-es Melior-a Voc. Trist-es Trist-ia Abl Melior-ibus Melior-ibus Abl. Trist-i bus Trist-ibus Singular Singular Masc. Fern. Neut. Masc. Fern. Neut. Nom Felix Felix, happy Nojn Ingeus, Ingens, huge Gen. Felic-is Felic-is Gen. Ingeiit-is Ingent-is Dat. Felic-i Felic-i Dat. Ingent-i Ingent-i Ace. Felic-em Felix Ace. Ingeut-em Ingens Voc. Felix Felix Voc. Ingeus Ingens Abl. Felic-i or -e Felic-i or -e Abl. Ingent-i or -e Ingent-i or -e Plural Plural Masc. Fern. Neut. Masc. Fern. Neut. Nom Felic-es Felic-ia Nom . Ingent-es Ingent-ia Gen. Felic-ium Felic-ium Gen. Ingent-ium Ingent-ium Dat. Felic-ibus Felic-ibus Dat. Ingent-ibus Ingent-ibus Ace. Felic-es Felic-ia Ace. Ingeut-es Ingent-ia Voc. Felic-es Felic-ia Voc. Ingent-es Ingent-ia Abl. Felic-ibus Felic-ibus Abl. Ingent-ibus Ingent-ibus NUMERALS (up to 20) I. unus. II. duo. III. tres. IV. quattuor. V. quinque. VI. sex. 7. VII. septem. 8. VIII. octO. 9. IX. novem. 10. X. decern. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11. XI. undecim. 12. XII. duodecim. 13. XIII. tredecim. 14. XIV. quattuordecim 15. XV. quindecim. 16. XVI. sedecim. 17. XVII. septendecim. 18. XVIII. duodeviginti. 19. XIX. undeviginti. 20. XX. viginti. VERBS 95 THE VERB SUM. 'I Am' Present Stem ES- Present Imperfect Future Simple I am. I was. I shall be. Sing. 1. Sum eram ero 2. es eras eris 3. es-t erat erit Plur. 1. sumus eramus erimus 2. es-tis eratis eritis 3. sunt erant erunt Perfect Stem Fu- Perfect and Aorist Pluperfect Future Perfect I have been. I was. / had been. / shall have been. Sing. 1. Fu-i fu-eram fu-ero 2. fu-isti fu-eras fu-eris 3. fu-it fu-erat fu-erit Plur. 1. fu-imus fu-erarnus fu-erimus 2. fu-istis fu-eratis fu-eritis 3. f u-erunt oi^ -ere fu-erant f u-erint 96 VERBS ACTIVE Present Stem Tenses Present Imperfect Future Simple / /oi-e, am loving, .2 do hue. / was loving. I shall love. ?n Sing. 1. A mo ama-bani ama-bo be 2. ama-s ama-bas ama-bis o 3. ama-t ama-bat ama-bit O Plur. 1. ama-mus ama-bamus ama-bimus -^ J 2. ama-tis ania-batis ama-bitis PJM 3. ama-nt ama-bant ama-bunt a / advise, am adcis- o ing, do advise. / was advising. / shall advise. SiDg. 1. Mone-6 mone-bam mone-bo '? 2. mone-s mone-bas inone-bis 6 3. mone-t mone-bat mone-bit P o Plur. 1. mone-mus mone-bamus mone-bimus 2. mone-tis mone-batis mone-bitis .0) 3. mone-nt mone-bant moue-bunt / rule, am ruling, d .2 do rule. / was ruling. / shall rule 1 Sing. 1. J{Qg-o reg-ebam reg-am ^fl 2. reg-is reg-ebas reg-es 3. reg-it reg-ebat reg-et Plur. 1. regi-mus reg-ebamus reg-emus .52 2. reg-itis reg-ebatis reg-etis H 3. reg-unt reg-ebant reg-ent a I hear, am hear- .2 ing, do hear. / was hearing. / shall hear. 1 Sing. 1. Audi-o audi-ebam audi-am s 2. audi-s audi-ebas audi-es* 6 3. audi-t audi-ebat audi-et r^ Plur. 1. audi-mus audi-ebamus audi-emus 2. audi-tis audi-ebatis audi-etis pS 3. audi-unt audi-ebant audi-ent VERBS VOICE Perfect Stem Tenses 97 Pkbtbct and Ao^t Plupkbtbct Future Pxrfkgt / have loved. I loved. / had loved. / shall have loved. Sing. 1. amav-i amav-eram amav-ero 2. amav-isti ' amav-eras amav^ris 3. amav-it ^mav-erat amav-erit Plur. 1. amav-imus amav-e ramus amav-erimus 2. amav-istis amav-eratis amav-eritis 3. amav-erunt or -ere amav-eraut amav-erint / have advised. I advised. / had advised. / shall have advised. Sing. 1. monu-i monu-eram monu-ero 2. monu-isti monu-eras monu-eris 3. monu-it monu-erat monu-firit Plur. 1. monu-imus monu-eramus monu-erimus 2. monu-istis monu-eratis monu-eritis 3. monu-erunt or -ere monu-erant monu-erint I have ruled. I ruled. / had ruled. 1 shall have ruled. Sing. 1. rex-i rex-eram rex-er5 2. rex-isti rex-eras rex-eris 3. rex-it rex-erat rex-erit Plur. 1. rex-imus rex-eramus rex-erimus 2. rex-istis rex-eratis rex-eritis 3. rex-erunt or -ere rex-erant rex-erint / have heard. I heard. I had heard. / shall have heard. Sing. 1. 2. 3. Plur. 1. 2. 3. audiv-i audiv-isti audiv-it audiv-imus audiv-istis audiv-erunt or -ere audiv-eram audiv-eras audiv-erat audiv-eramus audiv-eratis audiv-erant audiv-ero audiv-eris audiv-erit audiv-erimus audiv-eritis audiv-erint 98 VERBS PASSIVE] Present Stem Tenses Present Imperpbct Future Simple a o / am being loved. / was being loved. 1 shall be loved. 'i Sing. 1. Amo-r ama-bar ama-bor be 2 ama-ris or -re ama-baris or -bare aina-beris or -bere G 3. ama-tur ama-batur ama-bitur 6 Plur. 1. ama-niur ama-bamur ama-bimur t 2. ama-mini ama-bamini ama-bimini s 3. ania-ntur ama-bantur ama-buntur I am being advised. / was being advised. / shall be advised. ) Sing. 1 Mone-or mone-bar mone-bor p 'a* 2. mone-ris or -re inone-baris or -bare mone-beris or -bere 8 3. mone-tur inoiie-batur mone-bitur x; Plur. 1. mone-mur inone-bamur mone-bimur 3 2 mone-mini mone-bamini mone-bimiui eg 3. mone-ntur mone-bantiir mone-buntur I am being ruled. / was being ruled. / shall be ruled. 1) Sing. 1. Reg-or reg-ebar reg-ar P 2. reg-eris or -ere reg-ebaris or- ebare reg-eris or -ere 3. reg-itur reg-ebatur reg-etur .1 Plur. 1. reg-imur reg-ebamur reg-emur 2. reg-imjni reg-ebamiui reg-emini ? 3. reg-untur reg-ebantur reg-entur d o '5 I am being heard. / was being heard. / shall be heard. 1 Sing. 1. Audi-or audi-ebar audi-ar a 2. audi-ris or -re audi-ebaris or -ebare audi-eris or -ere o 3 audi-tur audi-ebatur audi-etur ^ Plur. 1. audi-mur audi-ebamur audi-emur 2. audi-mini audi-ebamini audi-einini ^ 3. audi-untur audi-ebantur audi-entur VERBS VOICE Supine Stem Tenses 99 Perfect and Aoeist Pluperfect Future Perfect / have been, I was, iored. / had been loved. / shall have been loved. Siug. 1. amat-U3 sum amat-us eram amat-us ero 2. amat-us es amat-us eras amat-us eris 3. a mat-US est amat-us erat amat-us erit Plur. 1. aniat-i sumus amat-i eramus an)at-i erimus 2. amat-i estis amat-i erat is amat-i eritis 3. amat-i sunt amat-i erant amat-i erunt / have been, I was, advised. / had been advised. / shall have been advised. Sing. 1. mon it-US sum monit-us eram monit-us ero 2. monit-us es monit-us eras monit-us eris 3. mon it-US est monit-us erat monit-us erit Plur. 1. monit-i sumus monit-i eramus monit-i erimus 2. monit-i estis monit-i eratis monit-i eritis 3. monit-i sunt monit-i erant monit-i erunt / have been, J was, ruled. / had been ruled. / shall have been ruled. Siug. 1. rect-us sum rect-us eram rect-us ero 2. rect-us es rect-us eras rect-us eris 3. rect-us est rect-us erat rect-us erit Plur. 1. rect-i sumus rect-i eramus rect-i erimus 2. rect-i estis rect-i eratis rect-i eritis 3. rect-i sunt rect-i erant rect-I erunt / have been, I was, heard. I had been heard. / shall have been heard. Sing. 1. audit-US sum audit-us eram audit-us ero 2. audit-US es audit-US eras audit-US eris 3. audit-US est audit-US erat audit-us erit Plur. 1. audit-i sumus audit-i eramus audit-i erimus 2. audit-i estis audit-i eratis audit-i eritis 3. audit-i sunt audit-i erant audit-i erunt SUMMARY OF RULES 1. The Subject of the Sentence is in the Nominative Case (p. 24). 2. The Verb agrees with its Subject in Person and Number (p. 24). Obs. that when the Subject consists of two or more Nouns joined by and,' the Verb must be Plural (p. 36). 3. The Object of a Transitive Verb is in the Accus- ative Case (p. 26). Obs. that all the members of a compound object are in the Accus- ative Case. 4. An Adjective agrees with its Noun in Gender, Number, and Case (p. 38). Obs. 1. That it is not always true that the Adjective and Noun have the same endings (p. 50). Obs. 2. That when an Adjective modifies two or more Nouns of different Genders the Adjective agrees with the Masculine rather than with the Feminine (p. 68). Obs. 3. The Substantive use of Adjectives (p. 70). 5. The Genitive Case is used to denote Possession (p. 44). 6. The Complement with a Copulative Verb agrees with the Subject (p. 54). 7. Instrument or Means is expressed by the Ablative Case without a Preposition (p. 60). ... -^....^ f ^^ Of THE UNIVERSITY or 102 SUMMARY OF RULES 8. Personal Agent with a Passive Verb is expressed by the Ablative Case with the Preposition ' a* or ' ab ' (p. 60). Obs. 1. That 'ab' is used before Vowels or Consonants, but *a' only before Vowels and h (p. 61). Obs. 2. That * by a Thing' is Ablative of Means and ' b}^ a Person ' is Ablative of Agent when the Verb is Passive. 9. An Appositive agrees in Case with the Noun which it modifies (p. 64). Obs. Sometimes called a Noun in Apposition. 10. Accompaniment is expressed by the Ablative Case with the Preposition ' cum ' (p. 72). 11. The Indirect Object of a Verb is put in the Dative Case (p. 74). Obs. This use of the Dative is common with Verbs meaning to give, to tell, and to show. 12. Motion towards a Person, Place, or Thing is ex- pressed by the Accusative Case with the Preposition * ad ' or 4n ' (p. 74). (With town-names and a few other words the Preposition is omitted.) 13. Place 'where' or 'in which' is expressed by the Ablative Case with the Preposition ' in ' (p. 76). (Town-names and a few other words require a different Case.) 14. Time 'when' is expressed by the Ablative Case (p. 78). 15. Time 'how long' is expressed by the Accusative Case (p. 78). (Sometimes called Duration of Time.) 16. Two Nouns joined by 'quam' (than) must be in the same Case (p. 84). Obs.-^ln making a Comparison between two Nouns 'quam ' (than) may- be omitted ; but the second of the two Nouns must then be put in the Ablative Case. VOCABULARY Nouns. The Nomhiative Singular, the Genitive Singular, and the Gender are given. The Declension is known from the ending of the Genitive. Declensions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Genitives -ae i -I -us -Ii Adjectives. Adjectives like bonus, niger, or tener have the three termi- nations of Nominative Singular given. Most other Adjectives are referred to their types. Verbs. The First Person Singular of the Present and the Con- jugation of all Verbs are given. The Perfect and Supine are also given when they are not regular, and the Present Stem of the First Conjugation is given (in parentheses). The Stem is marked off from the termination by a hyphen, thus : Present Perfect Supine Mitt-o, mis-i, miss-um LATIN-ENGLISH aedifico (aedijicd-), (1), to build. ae-ger, -gra, -grum, sick. alt-US, -a, -Mm, high, deep. amic-uSy -i, m. a friend. ann-us, -i, m. a year. aqu-a, -ae, f . water. arc-uSj -us, m. a bow. au-ddx, -ddcis, bold [Vikei felix) . av-is, -is, f. a bird. br^v-is, -e, short. Caes-ar, -dris, m. Caesar (a name). Cai-us, -I, m. Cains (a name). canto (cantd-), fl), to sing. raptiv-us, -i, m. a captive. carmen, carmln-is, n. a song. cdr-Hs, -a,-um,, dear. civ-is, -is, m. a citizen. claud-o, claus-if c/aus-nm, (3), to shut. contend-o, contend-l, (3), to march. culpo {culpa-), (1), to blame. curr-us, -Us, m. a chariot. custodi-o, (4), to guard. Didn-a, -ae, f. Diana (a goddess). ddce-o, ddcu-i, ddct-um, (2), to teach. don-um, -i, n. a gift. duc-o, dux-i, duct-um, (3), to lead. dur-us, -a, -um, hard. dulc-is, -e, sweet. Spist6l-a, -ae, f. a letter. erudi-o, erudi -i, erudit-um, (4), to instruct. ^t, and. exercit'us, -Us, m. an army. 104 VOCABL LARY LATIN-ENGLISH fact-um, -I, n. a deed. /i/f-ns, -t, m. a son. Jiuinen,jfluinin-is, n. a river. furUus, -us, m. a wave. fort-is, brave (like tristis). f ranged, freg-l, frdct-um, (3), to break. Gall-US, -I. m. a Gaul. g^r-d,gess-t, gest-um, (3), to carry on. grac-is, heavy (like tristis). hast-a, -ae, f. a spear. host-is, -is, m. an enemy. hoj'-a, -ae, f. an hour. igndv-us, -a, -um, idle. tmp^di-o, (4), to hinder. impird-tor, -toris, m. a general. ira, -ae, f . anger. Itali-a, -ae, f. Italy. iucund-us^ -a, -um, pleasant. Ixdia, -ae, f. Julia. lapis, lapid-is, m. a stone. laudo {laudd-), (1), to praise. Lentul-us, -i, Lentulus (a name). led, leon-is, m. a lion, lex, leg-is, f. a law. liber, libr-i, m. a book. long-US, -a, -um, long. mdgn-us, -a, -um, great. viane-o, mdns-i, mdns-um, (2), to remain. man-US, -us, f. a hand. mSli-or, -oris, better (compar. bonus), mens-a, -ae, f. a table. me-us, -a, -um, my, mine. miles, mllit-is, m. a soldier. mis-er, -^ra, -Srum, wretched. miit-o, mis-i, mias-um, (3), to send. monstro (monstrd-), (1), to show. mdve-o, mov-l, mot-um, (2), to move. mult-usy -a, -um, much, many. muni-o, (4), to fortify. mur-us, -I, m. a wall. ndv-is, -is, f. a ship. nos-ter, -tra^ -trum, our, ours. nunquam, never (adv.). nuntio [nuntid-), (1), to announce, declare. nunti-us -i, m. a messenger. occid-o, occid-i, occis-fim , (3), to kill, slay. dnus, onSt^is, n. a burden. omn-is, all (like trisfs). 0}ipid-um, -I. n. a touii. oppugno (opjmt/nd-), (Ij, to attack, assault. djms, opr-is, n. a work parv-us, -a, -um, small, little. pater, patr-is, m. father. patri-a, -(le, f. country, fatherland. port-a, -ae, f . a gate. porto (porld-) (1), to carry. prim-us, -a, -um, first. proxim-us, -a, -um, next. pnell-a, -ae, f. a girl. pUgno {pugnd-), ( 1), to fight. pnl-cher, -chra, -chriun, beautiful. pdui-o, (4), to punish. regin-a, -ae, f. a queen. rex, reg-is, m a king. rdgo [rogd), (1), to ask. Rom-a, -ae; f Kome. rot-a, -ae, f. a wheel. sdgitt-a, -ae, i. an arrow. sdlto (saltd-), (1), to dance. sapi-ens, -entis (like ingens), wise. scrib-d,scrlps-i, script-um, (3), to write. sd'cund-us, -a, -um, second. s^de-o, sed-i, sess-um, (2), to sit. serv-us, -I, m, a slave. silv-a, -ae, f. a wood, forest. sdr-or, -oris, f. a sister. tel-um, -I, n. a dart, Aveapon. templ-um, -I, n. a temple. tSne-o, (2), to hold. terre-o, (2), to frighten. time-o, (2), to fear. timid-US, -a, -um, timid. trist-is, sad, sorrowful. turr-is, -is, f. a tower. tu-us, -a, -um, thy, thine, your, yours. urbs, urb-is, f. a city. Hfil-is, useful (like tristis). relax, veloc-is, swift {like /elix), vent-US, -i, m. wind. verb-um, -i, u. a word. VOCABULARY LATIN- ENGLISH 105 vtde-d, vid-i, vls-um, (2), to see. innc-o, vic-i, vtcUum, (3), to coDquer. vdco [vocd-)^ (1), to call. vdlo {void-), (1), to fly. vox, I'dc-ls, f. a voice. vuln^ro (vulnerd-), (1), to wound. ENGLISH-LATIN all, omn-is (like tristls). and, et. anger, ir-a, -ae, f. announce (to), nuntio (nuntid-), (1). army, exercit-uSy -ms, m. arrow, sagitt-a, -ae, f. ask (to), rdyd {rogd-)^ (1). attack (to), oppugno (oppugnd-), (1). beautiful, pul-cher, -chra, -chrum. better, mlior, melioris. bird, du-is, -is, f. blame (to), culpo [culpd-], (I). bold, auddx, auddc-is (like felix). book, liber, libr-i. bow, arc-US, -us. brave, yoj'^is (like trlstis). break (to), frang-o, freg-i, frdct-um, (3). build (to), aedlfico {aedijicd-), (I). burden, dnus, oni^r-is, n. Caesar, Caesar, Caesar-is, m. Caius, Cai-us, -I, m. call (to), vScd {vocd-), (1). captive, captw-us, -i, m. carry (to), porta (porta-), (1). carry on (to), g^r-o, gess-i, gest-um, (3). chariot, curr-us, -ds, m. citizen, civ-is, -is, m. city, urbs, urb-is, f. conquer (to), vinc-o, vic-i, vlct-um, (3). country, patri-a, -ae, f. dance (to), salto (saltd-), (1). dart, tel-um, -l, n. dear, cdr-us, -a, -um. declare (to), nuntid {nuntid-), (1). deed, /acf -Mm, -i, n. deep, alt-us, -a -um. Diana, Didn-a, -ae, f. enemy, host-is, -is, m. father, pater, patr-is, m. fear (to), tlme-o, (2). fight {to), pugno {pugnd-), (1). first, prim-us, -a, -um. fly (to), vdlo {void-), (I), forest, silv-n, -ae, f. fortify (to), muni-o, (4). friend, amic-us, -i, m. frighten (to), terre-o, (2). gate, port-a, -ae, f . Gaul (a), Gall-US, -I, m. general, imperdtor, imperdtdr-is, m. gift, don-um, -i, n. girl, puell-a, -ae, f . great, mdgn-us, -a, -um. guard, custodi-o, (4). hand, man-us, -us, f. hard, dur-us, -a,-um. heavy, grav-is (like tristis). high, alt-US, -a, -um. hinder (to), impSdi-o, (4). hold (to), /^/je-o, (2). hour, hdr-a,-ae, f. idle, igndu-us, -a, -um. instruct (to), erudi-o, (4). Italy", Ttdli-a, -ae, f. Julia, luli-a, -ae. kill (to), occid-o, occid-l, occis-um, (3). king, rear, reg-is, m. law, /er, /eig'-?**, f. lead (to), duc-o, dux-l, duct-um, (3). Lentulus, Lentul-us, -l, m. letter, ^pistdl-a, -ae, f. lion, /fo, leon-is, m, little, parv-us, -a, -um. long, long-US, -a, -um. many, mult-us, -a, -um. march (to), contend-o, contend-i, (3). messenger, ndnti-us, -i, m. move (to), mOve-o, mov-i, mot-am, (2). my, mine, me-us, -a, -um. 106 VOCABULARY ENGLISH -LATIN never, nunquam (also numquam). next, proxim-us, -a, -um, our, noster, nostra ^ nostrum. pleasant, iucund-usy -a, -urn. praise (to), laudo {landd-), (1). punish {to), puni-o, (4). queen, regin-a, -ae, f. remain (to), m&ne-o, nidns-i,mdns-um, Rhine, Bhenus, -i, m. [ (2). riyer, Jiu7nen,Jiumin-is, n. Rome, Rom-a, -ae, f. sad, tnstis. sea, mar-By -is, n. second, s^cund-us, -a, -um. see (to), vide-o, vid-i, vis-um, (2). send (to), mitt-o, mis-i, ?niss-um, (3). ship, ndr-is, -is, f. short, br^vis (like trlstis). show (to), monstro {mdnstrd-)^ (1). shut (to), claud-o, claus-l^ claus-um, .(3). sick, aeger, aegi'a, aegrum. sing (to), canto (cantd-), (1). sister, sdror, sordr-is,'i. sit (to), s^de-o, sed-i, sess-um, (2). slave, serv-us, -i, m. slay (to), occid-o, occid-i, occis-um, (3). small, parv-us, -a, -uw. soldier, miles, miltt-is, m. son,Jlli-us, 1-, m. song, carmen, carmin-is, n. sorrowful, tristis. spear, hast-a, -ae, f. stone, lapis, lapid-is, m. sweet, dulc-is (like tristis). swift, ve/ox, veloc-is {Vikejelix). table, mens-a, -ae, f. teach (to) ddce-o, ddcu-i, ddct-um, (2). temple, templ-um, -i, n. tender, tener, -a, -um. thy, thine, tu-us, -a, -um. timid, tlinXd-us, -a, -um. tower, turr-is, -is, i. town, oppid-um, -i, n. useful, ulll-is (like tristis), voice, vox, voc-is, f. wall, mur-us, -i, m. water, dqu-a, -ae, f. yf2i\Q,Jiuct-us, -us, m. wheel, rdt-a, -ae, f. wind, vent-US, -i, m. wise, sapiens, sapient-is (like ingens). wood (a), silv-a, -ae, f. word, verb-um, -i, n. work, dpus, opSr-is, n. wound (to), vuhi^ro {vulnerd-), (1). wretched, miser, misera, mtserum. write (to), scrib-o, sciips-i, sciipt-um, (3). year, ann-us, -t, m. your, tti-us, -a, -um (speaking to one person) ; vester, vestra, vestrum (speaking to more than one). 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