627 FT 8? BANCROFT LIBRARY < THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA JUDY 34, 1547. RENDERED BY ON FIONAS MY, IN THE UffiGE T4BESNACLE, SALT LAKE CITY, COMMEMORATING THE ENTRANCE OF THE PIONEERS INTO THE GREAT SALT LAKE VALLEY, JULY Deseret News Co., Printers. P7 THE) PIONEERS. fHE entrance of the Pioneers into Great Salt Lake Valley, on the 24th of July, 1847, was an event of great significance, and will be forever memorable in our history. We fled to this western region to escape the violence of mobs, and find a haven of rest, where we might worship God, unmolested, according to the dic- tates of conscience. The opening up of a vast tract of country was not only a matter of great importance to the people who accomplished it, but was necessarily benefi- cent in its effects upon the nation, whose wealth and magnificence were thus increased. To-day we commemorate the occasion under dis- tressing auspices. The cause which drove the Pioneers to seek a refuge in the then undeveloped west, are revived in great intensity of bitterness. The community are plunged in sorrow because their liberties are ruth- lessly assailed by those by whom they should be pro- tected and sustained. In consequence of cruel and un- warranted attacks upon our rights, our leaders are in enforced exile, notwithstanding their loyalty to the principles upon which the government of this nation was founded, and their life labors in the cause of suffer- ing humanity. Numbers of our brethren languish in prison, families have been temporarily broken up, and sorrow rests upon fie souls of the people. Hence the emblems of mourning by which the eyes of this great throng are greeted. For these reasons what would other. 3 BANCROFT LIBRARY wise be a day of unalloyed rejoicing is tinged with the spirit of sadness. Yet we cannot consistently pass the anniversary of so grand an occasion without a public recognition of the goodness of God in leading the Pioneers of this region to a resting place in these beautiful valleys. And while engaged in these exercises, we can but look up to Him with full expectation and faith that, in His own due time, He will work out a new and signal deliverance for His people. THE FOLLOWING MOTTOES EXPLAIN THE ABSENCE OF THE PRESIDING AUTHORITIES AND THE DRAPING OF THE STANDS: UNDER THE EVERLASTING COVENANT, GOD MUS. ^ND WILL BE GLORIFIED. The First Presidency: IN EXILE FOR CONSCIENCE SAKE. Of the Twelve Apostles and Counselors: THOSE NOT HERE ARE IN JEOPARDY, IN PRISON AND IN FOREIGN LANDS, BECAUSE THEY PREFER TO OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MAN. The Presidency of the Stake: HAVING TASTED THE VENGEANCE OF THEIR ENEMIES, AND FELT THEIR CRUEL DISREGARD OF LAW, THEIR LABORS AND VISITS ARE LIKE THE ANGELS', SEEN ONLY BY THOSE WHO HAVE FAITH. Of the Presiding Bishopric: THOSE WHO ARE ABSENT CHOOSE TO BE WANDERERS IN THEIR OWN LAND IN PREFERENCE TO BEING VICTIMS TO THOSE WHO HAVE SELECTED THEM FOR RUIN. jTjlJTJTJTJTJlJlJTrUT^n^^ Music by Martial Band while Congregation are Assembling. 1. SONG, Marching Homeward, Sunday School Children. We're marching on to glory, We're working for our crown ; We'll make our armor brighter, And never lay it down. CHORUS: We're marching.marching homeward To that bright land afar; We work for life eternal, It is our guiding star. 2. Then, day by day we're marching, To heaven we are bound ; Each good act brings us nearer That home where we'll be crowned. Then, with ransom'd children That throng the starry throne, We'll praise our Lord and S *vior, His pow'r and mercy own. OPENING PRAYER, M.llen Attwood, one of the Pioneers. 3. Soy -, By the Children. Beautiful Zion, Beautiful Zion, built above, Beautiful city that I love ; Beautiful gates of pearly white. Beautiful temple God is Jight. He who was slam on Calvary, Opens those pearly gates to me. Zion, Zion, lovely Zion, Beautiful Zion, Zion, city of owr God. Beautiful heaven, where all is light; Beautiful angeis, clothed in white ; Beautiful strains that never tire ; Beautiful harps thro' all the choir. There shall I join the chorus sweet, Worshiping at the Savior's feet. Zion, Zion, lovely Zien, Beautiful Zion, city of our God. Beautiful crowns on every brow, Beautiful palms the conq'rors show ; Beautiful robes the ransom'd wear, Beautiful all who enter there : Thither I press with eager feet- There shall my rest be long and sweet Zion, Zion, lovely Zion, Beautiful Zion, city of our God. 4. Music, . . . Passing Under the Rod, Sunday School Union Band. 5. PIONEER ADDRESS, 0. F. Whitney. 6. PART SONG, . . . Might ivith the Right, Tabernacle Choir. 7. ORGAN SOLO, . . Commemoration March, J. J. Daynes. 8. DUET, Mrs. Julia Silverwood and Miss A. Vincent. 9. READING, .... Past and Present, R. R. Irvine. "WHEN THE WICKED RULE, THE PEOPLE MOURN." Verily, verily, is the truth of this saying verified in these moun- tain vales. How strikingly appropriate to our present condition, the emblems of sorrow and mourning, in the celebration of this auspicious day the opening day when this American Desert, which had slept for many ages and generations, was awakened from its deadly slumber to be robed in all the beauty and loveliness of cultivated nature, pro- duced by the hand of arduous toil, of a people peeled and driven. But God was with us, and His blessing gave efficacy to the labor of our hands. The country which banished us is the land of my birth, and the time has been when I was proud to call it my own. Then it was a beacon of light to nations afar an asylum for the homeless and the oppressed of all peoples. Then its statesmen were men with souls not greedy for gain, but devoted to the interests of humanity, and holding national honor dearer than life. Then its courts its seats of justice and Congress halls were receptacles of trust, honor, and confi- dence. Civil and religious liberty were guaranteed to all, and bequeathed to coming generations by the sacred and glorious Consti- tution inspired by the Almighty. Such was my country, and then my heart swelled with pride that I was an American citizen. But now, alas! I am forced to exclaim, "How are Ihe mighty fallen!" Where are the Washingtons, the Adamses, and the Jetfersons of the other day? Beneath our shelter- ing flag, Joseph Smith, my beloved husband, the choice of my heart, and the crown of my life a Prophet of the living God, and by Him appointed to open the last dispensation an innocent man, guilty of no crime, was cruelly assassinated in Carthage, Illinois, while under the plighted protection of the governor of that State. And now his blood and that of his brother Hyrum, who was murdered at the same time, cries for vengeance from the ground. The mantle of protection was thrown around the assassins, the foul perpetrators of that horrid deed, and not one move has been made to bring them to justice, and that crime now rests on our national escutcheon. But God did not look with indifference on that atrocious deed, and He does not forget its perpetrators as far as known, not one of them has died a natural death. The horrid wail has been wafted on the BANCROFT 6 breeze of maggots holding carnivals in their flesh, until, although in horrible fear of what awaited them beyond, they earnestly prayed for death. God, the avenger of unrecompensed guilt, will surely mete out justice in His own time. Justice will claim its own. In these once peaceful, happy vales, where from every saintly dwelling the songs of praise and thanksgiving ascended on the morn- ing and evening breeze, when the right to worship God according to the dictates of conscience was unrestrained, when domestic peace and happiness were unmolested, this ever memorable day was crowned with gaiety, innocent mirth, rejoicing and thanksgiving. Fathers and mothers, parents and children were happy in each others' society. Now, where are the fathers? Some of them, to evade the merciless hand of persecution, are voluntary exiles in foreign countries. Many of them are wasting their time and energies in the dreary confines of loathsome prisons in our own land a land of boasted freedom and equal rights. * Our leaders, whose genial presence was wont to cheer us, and whose wise counsels, emanations from God, were as the Polar Star, are no longer in our midst wives and children are left without their natural protectors; and all this for conscience' sake. The blessings of home, "sweet home," the foundation of all national greatness, and the grand incentive to all that is desirable, elevating, and ennobling in human life, are now being wrested from us by unscrupulous govern- ment officials. The very people who opened up a path in ~the desert who, by unparalleled toil and privation, have, through the blessing of God, made this, the once dreary and desolate region, to blossom as the rose, until it has excited the envy and greed of the spoilers of our peace and prosperity, are now being robbed of those constitutional rights and liberties guaranteed to American citizens by our fore- fathers. In my lone widowhood I have had one dear brother one of my father's family, with whom I have often taken sweet counsel. Where is he now ? Incarcerated in prison like a felon confined within grat- ing bars, and clad in a felon's suit. What has he done ? He has held sacred and inviolate all constitutional laws of our country, and the unconstitutional one he has fully obeyed. Then why in prison ? Per- secution has driven him there. The highest judicial court in these so-called United States the court of last resort, to which he appealed, acknowledged its imbecility it is powerless in meting out justice to Latter-day Saints, and my brother has no alternative. Under the circumstances which now surround us, the sable drapery the insignia of mourning becomes the occasion. E. K. SNOW SMITH. 10. SONG, By the Children. Beautiful Day, The day -dawn is breaking, The world is awaking, The clouds of night's darkness are fleeing away. The world-wide commotion From ocean to ocean Now heralds the time of the beauti- ful day. gJ^Jl^lJL^LrLJ^J^anrlnnJ^^ CHORUS : Beautiful day of peace and rest , Bright be thy dawn from east to west; Hail to thine earliest welcome ray, Beautiful, bright millennial day. In many a temple The Saints will assemble, And labor as saviors of dear ones away; Then happy reunion, And sweetest communion We'll have with our friends in the beautiful day. Still let us be doing, Our lessons reviewing, Which God has revealed for our walk in His way, And then, wond'rous story, The Lord in His glory Will come in His power in the beau- tiful day. Then pure and supernal, Our friendship eternal , With Jesus we'll Irve and His coun- sels obey; Until ev'ry nation Will join in salvation, And worship the Lord of the beauti- ful day. 11. ARTICLES OF FAITH. 1. We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. 2. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression. 8. We believe that, through the atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. 4. We believe that these ordinances are : First, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance ; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins ; fourth, Laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost. 5. We believe that a man must be called of God, by "prophecy, and by the laying on of hands," by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. 6. We believe in the same organization that existed in the primitive church, viz: apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, etc. 7. We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, etc. 8. We believe the Bible to be the word of God , as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. 9. We believe all that God has revealed, all that he does now reveal, and we believe that he will yet reveal maty great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. 10. We believe m the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the ten tribes. That Zion will be built upon this continent. That Christ will reign, personally upon the earth, and that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisic glory. 11. We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own consciences, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may. 12. We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers and magistrates, in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law. 13. We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul, "We believe all things, we hope all things;" we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. JOSEPH SMITH. 12. ADDRESS, Difference between Liberty and Bondage, B. H. Roberts. EhjTJUTJTJTJTJTrUTJ UTJTJ^^ rnjTJTJ\rmrmnjTJTJTJLru^^ j 8 13. PRAYER, To be repeated in unison by 21 boys and 21 girls. 14. PART SONG, . . . Now Pray We, Deserei Tabernacle Choir. 15. SENTIMENT, Jno. C. Cutler. 16. Music, . . . Nearer my God to Thee Sunday School Union .Band. 17. SONG AND CHORUS, . . . Hope of Israel By the Children. Hope of Israel, Zion's army, Children of the promised day, See, the chieftain signals onward, And the battle's in array! CHORUS. Hope of Israel, rise in might, With the sword of truth arid right; Sound the war-cry "Watch and Vanquish every foe to-day, [pray" See the foe in countless numbers, Marshalled in the ranks of sin ; Hope of Israel, on to battle, Now the vict'ry we must win ! Strike for Zion, down with error, Flash the sword above the foe ; Every stroke disarms a foeman, Ev'ry step we conquering go. Soon the battle will be over, Ev'ry foe of truth be down : Onward, onward youth of Zion, Thy reward, the victor's crown. 18. Music, 19. BENEDICTION. Beesley's Band. Dead March in Saul, Geo. Goddard, Thos. E. Taylor, Jas. Dwyer, C. F. Wilcox, Jno. C. Cutler, R. S. Home, J. W. Summerhays, W. C. Morris, Thos. F. Howells. lXLTLrLTUTTLrU UTTIJlJTJrUTJTJ UTJlTUTTinJU UTJTJTJIJTJinJIJTJTJTn rUTJlATLLnj