UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES HISTORICAL SKETCHES PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS MANCHESTER. INTENDED TO ILLUSTRATE THE PROGRESS OF PUBLIC OPINION FROM 1792 TO 1832. BY ARCHIBALD PRENTICE. SECOND EDITION. LONDON: CHARLES aiLPIN, BISHOPSGATE STREET WITHOUT. ^ANCHESTER: J. T. PARKES, MARKET STREET. MDCCCLI. PRINTED BV J. T. PABK.ES, 21, CROSS-STRKET, MANCHESTER. X tc. ELIZABETH, AGNES, AND BEATKICE PRENTICE. OF CASTLE PABK, LANAKK, GBEAT GBAND-DAUGHTEBS OF ABCHIBALD PBENTICE AND ALEXANDEB OP THE BELIGIOUS LIBEBTT OF THEIB COUNTRY ; GEAND NIECES OF JAMES THOMSON, THE AUTHOB OF "THE SEASONS," " THE CASTLE OF INDOLENCE," " BBITANNIA," " LIBEBTY," &C. ; CM 8ISTEBS OF DAVID PBENTICE, FOUNDEB IN 1811, AND, UNTIL HIS O) DEATH IN 1837, EDITOB OF THE "GLASGOW CHRONICLE ;" THIS VOLUME IS BESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, g CD BY THEIB AFFECTIONATE COUSIN, THE AUTHOE. " Ours the triumph be To circle social earth with fair exchange, And bind the nations in a chain of gold." THOMSON. CONTENTS. CHAPTEE I. Party Spirit in Manchester in 1792 ; Church and King Clubs ; Constitutional Society ; Loyalty of the Publicans ; Printing Office attacked ; Thomas Walker's Trial ; Desertions from Reform ; the War Spirit ; Persecution of Reformers Page 1 CHAPTER H. The War Fever ; Famine and Tumult ; the Short Peace ; War Fever again ; Manchester Volunteers ; Colonel Hanson's Trial in 1808; Joseph Nadin; Prosecutions Page 22 CHAPTER m. Dissenting Ministers Bill ; Orders in Council; General Distress; Luddism in 1811 ; High Price of Food Page 37 CHAPTER IV. Manchester Exchange Riot in 1812 ; Fatal Conflict at Middle- ton ; the Spy System ; Sidmouth's " Wholesome" Severities ; Cost of the War; the Time of Reckoning Page 48 CHAPTER V. Manchester in the First Tear of Peace ; Enactment of the Corn- Law ; Faint Opposition in Manchester ; Fallacy about Wages ; the Principal Reformers in 1815 ; Thirty-Eight Weavers Apprehended their Trial and Acquittal Page 66 CHAPTER VI. The Second Tear of Peace ; Agricultural Riots, and more Severities ; William Cobbett ; Samuel Bamford and the Radicals ; the Blanket Meeting; the Ardwick Plot; Waddington the Spy; Cowardice of Ministers Page 83 VI CONTENTS CHAPTER VII. The Spies Effectually at Work; Oliver the Spy; Derbyshire Insurrections; Cowdroy's Newspaper; Social Persecution ; Proposal to Emigrate; Hopes of Better Times; Power-Looms; Malthusian Doctrines Page 103 CHAPTER VIII. Memorable Petition of the "Twenty-Seven" (1817); Elijah Dixon's and other Petitions; Debate on Mr. George Philip's Motion; Sidmouth's Hopes Page 122 CHAPTER IX. Mr. John Edward Taylor's Trial for Libel his Defence and Acquittal Page 132 CHAPTER X. The Radical Agitation in 1819 ; Hunt's Visit ; Hunt at the Theatre ; Good Old English Drink ; the Drillings on White Moss ; the Magistrates Alarmed ; Declaration of the Alarmists Page 146 CHAPTER XI. Meeting on 16th August 1819 ; its Violent Dispersion ; Protest against the Dispersion ; the Killed and Wounded ; Relief of the Sufferers Page 159 CHAPTER XII. Subscriptions for the Sufferers; the Duke of Hamilton; the Oldham Inquest ; the Six Acts ; Hunt's Committal ; Trial at York Judge-made Law and the Sentences Page 172 CHAPTER Xm. Re-action ; Sir F. Burdett's Letter, and his Trial ; Trial of Harrison and others ; the Press ; Establishment of the Guardian in 1821, its Prospectus, and its Caution ; Market-street Commissioners, Page 193 CHAPTER XTV. A Period of Calm; Malthusian Doctrines; Drunkenness; Lan- cashire Banking ; Proposed Issue of Paper Money ; Trial of Mr, Waller for Preaching Page 211 CONTENTS. Vll. CHAPTER XV. A Short Period of Plenty and Cheapness in 1822 j Meeting on the Poor- Laws ; the Bridge-street Gang ; Trial of Kidgeway ; John Dicas r. J. E. Taylor ; Koyal lustitution Page 231 CHAPTER XVI. The Author's Purchase of Cowdroy's Gazette in 1824; "What might be done; the Mechanics' Institution Established; Wild Speculations ; Meeting on the Corn-Law ; the Catholic Association ; Manchester Protestants ; Jonathan Hodgins ; Establishment of the Cornier (1825) ; the Pitt Club Page 245 CHAPTER XVH. A Period of Great Distress; Bank Failures ; Meeting on the Corn-Law ; Destruction of Power-Looms ; Meeting hi St. George's Fields, and Critical Position of the Author; Factory Burnt, Page 265 CHAPTER XVIII. Symptoms of Onward Morement ; Meeting on the State of the Country (1826) ; Mr. Mark Philips's first Public Appearance ; Partial Admission of Foreign Corn ; Formation of a Footpath Preservation Society ; the Flixton Footpath Case Page 281 CHAPTER TTT. Canning's Corn -Law ; Manchester Chamber of Commerce on the Corn-Law ; Tory Bitterness ; Penryn Seats, and Manchester petitioning for them ; Debate on Penryn Page 296 CHAPTER XX. Local Agitation in 1828; the Gas Question; Riot in the Town Hall ; Application for a new Police Bill, and the Opposition to it ; Contest in Committee ; Defeat of the Promoters ; Final Settle- ment Page 311 CHAPTER XXI. The Author in Difficulties ; His Failure ; Establishment of the Manchester Timet ; the Editor's Pledge ; O'Connell and the Forty- Shilling Freeholds Page 328 Vlll CON'l CHAPTER XXII. The Dark Hour before the Dawn ; a whole Year's Misery (1829) ; False Hopes held out ; Disturbances; Cause of the Dii-t chUin of the Corn-Laws ; Meeting on the Corn-Laws ; Mr. O. Jones and the Footpaths Society ; Mr. J. E. Taylor's old Friends, Page 343 CHAPTER XXIII. Symptoms of the Dawn ; second French Revolution, 1830 ; Wellington's Resignation ; Manchester Political Union ; Mivt in had, for an unusual length of time, probably from tin-M- own supineness, enjoyed release from persecution, con- ceived .that the old spirit was dead or asleep, and that the time was favourable for a renewal of their application to parliament for the repeal of those acts. A torrent of insult and abuse was poured out upon the petitioners. " Their sentiments," said Robert Hall, writing at the period, " have been misrepresented, their loyalty suspected, and their most illustrious characters held up to derision and contempt. The effusions of a distempered loyalty art- mingled with execrations on that unfortunate sect, as if attachment to the King were to be measured by the hatred of dissenters." The clergy, however, were alarmed, or pretended to be alarmed; and, on a sudden, the fears of those who cried out "The Church is in danger," became as wild and absurd as ever they were in the days of Sachevercll and his party. At last they became sufficiently convinced of their power to coerce opinion in Manchester, as to call ting of those particularly attached to their own THE CHt'BCH IX D.VVGEB. 3 political doctrines, under the title of Members of the Established Church, in order " to consider of and consult about the impropriety of the application to parliament of the Protestant Dissenters to obtain a repeal of those salutary laws, the Corporation and Test Acts, the great bulwarks and barriers, for a century and upwards, of our glorious constitution in Church and State." The meeting held in pursuance of this advertisement, was called a "public meeting" of the members of the Established Church. The room was nearly filled by the adherents of the high church party before any others were admitted. To increase the solemnity, the clergy attended in their gowns and cassocks. Some opposition was made to the manner in which the meeting had been called, and the stratagem by which the room had been previously filled ; and it was particularly objected, that, according to the rule which the town had adopted in the year 1788, the boroughreeve and constables had no right to call any meeting of the inhabitants, except a general one. But the clamour of the high church party was violent beyond description. They had come to act, not to argue. Reso- lutions, prepared beforehand, were put into the hands of the boroughreeve (not a properly elected officer, but the*! nominee of the Lord of the Manor), while he was in the midst of his speech, and explaining why he called the town together ; and these resolutions, seconded even before they were read, were as hastily passed in the noise and confusion which prevailed. Among the resolutions thus passed was the following: "That the religion of the' state be the religion of the magistrate, without which no society can be wisely confident of the integrity and good faith of the persons appointed to places of trust and power." The debate in the House of Commons on the Test and Corporation Acts, which gave rise to this outcry, had taken place on the 8th of May, 1789. Mr. Fox expressed 4 TEST AND CORPORATION ACTS. the wise axiom " that no human government had jurisdic- tion over opinions as such, and more particularly religion^ opinions," and the house so far agreed with him a^ to reject the motion for the repeal of those acts by a majority of only twenty, one hundred and twenty-two voti it, and one hundred and two voting in its favour. The cry, however, of "the Church in danger" was, as it has been ever since, most powerfully influential, for on the next motion, made in March, 1790, "the majority for re- jection was one hundred and eighty-nine instead of twenty. Mr. Burke did his best on this occasion to frighten the house and the country. He dwelt on the destruction of the French church as a circumstance peculiarly shameful and scandalous, said that the dissenters were inducing the mob to view the wealth of the church as a better object than the bribes of election candidates, and he read a letter written by Mr. Fletcher, a dissenter, from a meeting of dissenting ministers held at Bolton, Lancashire, stating that the meeting avowed such violent principles that he would not stay, but came away with other moderate men. It described that one member, on being asked whether they meant to seek for anything more than the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts, answered, in the language of our Saviour : " We know these things which ye arc not able to bear;" and on another member's asking "(live us a little light on what you intend," they informed him that they " did not care the nip of a straw for the ; of the Test and Corporation Acts, but that they designed to try for the abolition of the tithes and liturgy !" The house, horror struck at the declaration of these atrocious designs, decided by a majority of 294 against 10.5 that the church was too much in danger to allow of any conci to the conscientious scruples of dissenters. In those day- loyalty was as prevalent as attachment to the by-law- established chureh. Mr. Walter, the editor of the 7 was tried and convicted for libel in saying that the Dukes CIIUBCH AND KIN'O CLUB. 5 of York, Gloucester, and Cumberland were insincere in their professions of joy for the King's recover}', and ere his sentence had expired, he was brought from Newgate and sentenced to pay a fine of 100 for a libel on the Prince of Wales, and the like sum for one on the Duke of>* Clarence. The pulpit was arrayed against the press \ and the pulpit had the best of it. It was ten thousand^*" against ten. The formation of " a Church and King Club" in Man- X Chester followed the defeat of the dissenters. The members wore uniforms, with the representation of the Old Church engraved on their buttons, and their standing toast, while they could stand, in their clubs and convivial meetings, was " Church and King, and down with the Rump." The men who had no old-church buttons on their coats, and who would not swallow deep potations to the downfall of the rump, driven from the society of their ultra loyal and professedly religious townsmen, resolved to form an asso- ciation of their own, and hence the origin, suggested by Thos. "Walker, of the " Manchester Constitutional Society," of which George Lloyd, Thomas Walker, James Darbishire, Thomas Cooper (a barrister), George Philips (the late Sir George), and Thomas Kershaw, were members. Some twenty years afterwards I used to hear the latter recount the perils of those days, and express his joy that, however little progress liberal opinions might have made, it was impossible then to get up a church and king mob. A party without a press to represent its opinions could do nothing. The two newspapers in the town, "Wheeler's Chronicle and Hurrop's Mercury , began to refuse communications on the side of liberty. One of them, the Mercury, had been always violently devoted to the high church party, and the other was easily induced to adopt the same course. Some members of the new society proposed to Mr. Mathew Faulkner, one of its members, to commence a newspaper, under the name of the Manchester Herald, which was G THE COSSIITUTIOSAI 80CIETT. established in March, 1792, and continued spiritedly to advocate liberal principles till judge-made law and mob- lawlcssneM put it down in March, 1793. In May, 1792, the Constitutional Society issued a deela- ration of its objects, one of which was that " the members of the House of Commons should owe their seats to the good opinion and free suffrage of the people at large, and not to the prostituted votes of venal and corrupted boroughs." The society, in- this manifesto, declared that, instead of endeavouring to excite sedition, it was solicitous, "by a timely and well-directed reform of abuses, to remove all pretences for it." Within a week after the publication of this very moderate document, government issued a procla- mation against any wicked and seditious writings, printed, published, and industriously dispersed," and earnestly ex- horted all loyal subjects to guard against such attempts to disorder the peace of society; and strictly charged and commanded all magistrates to make diligent inquiry to discover the authors and printers of such "wicked and seditious writings," and to carry the haws rigorously into execution against them. The dominant party resolved to have a meeting on tlu- King's birthday, 4th June, 1792, to address hi> M in approval of the proclamation. A few days before the time fixed for holding the meeting, the Constitutional Society issued an address, signed by Thomas Walker, president, and Samuel Jackson, secretary, earnestly exhort- ing the members of their own and similar reform associ- ations in the town and neighbourhood to abstain from attending the meeting, which, however upright tlie motives of the persons who called it, would have a direct ten*l< ncy at that crisis to endanger the harmony and tranquillity of the town and neighbourhood. "This precaution was but too neccMary," says Mr. Walker, " for in the evening of Monday, the 4th, a considerable number of people assembled in St. Ann's-square to sec some illumim; LOYALTY OF THE PUBLICANS. 7 exhibited by two of his Majesty's tradesmen, when the crowd became very Vumultuous, and assaulted several peace- able spectators ; they proceeded to tear up several of the Crowing there, one of which was carried with great triumph to the dissenters' chapel, near the square, and the gates attempted to be forced open, with violent cries of 'Church and King!' 'Down with the Rump down with it ! ' &cc. Another tree was carried in the same riotous manner, and with the same exultation, to the Unitarian chapel, in Mosley-street ; fortunately, however, the doors withstood the attacks made upon them, the people were persuaded gradually to disperse, and about one o'clock in the morning the streets became quiet without any further damage.'' A beginning had been made, not a very formidable one, certainly, but still it was a beginning, which would show that if meddling persons like Mr. Walker would talk of reform, and would ask for the removal of religious disabilities, there was a mob ready to break their heads for any attempt to persuade people that it was possible to amend the existing laws. There are numbers of persons now alive who recollect seeing in Manchester taverns boards stuck up with the inscription " xo JACOUIXS ADMITTED HEBE." So late as 1825 there was one of them in a public-house in Bridge- >tivct, as fine as gilding and decoration could make it, but it was removed then in deference to the change of opinion and to prevent its being burnt. The putting up of these art irlcs-of- peace boards was part of a plan to prevent the *iou of reform principles in bar parlours. Soon after the proclamation of 1792, and to prevent a meeting an- nounced to be held to raise a subscription for the suH'erers by war in France, a tax-gatherer, accompanied by M MS employed by the clergy, went round the town to all the innkeepers and publicans, advising them, if they had any regard to the renewal of their licenses, to suffer no societies similar to the Constitutional to be held in their 8 , \LTY OF THE PUBLIC A houses. The publicans gave a ready response in tins call. " They thought their licenses," says Mr. Walker, " of more value than our custom." They, besides, valued the custom of the jovial chtirch-and-king men more than that of men who met to talk rather than to drink. The paper, said to be prepared for their subscription by one of the Fellows of the Collegiate Church, is too good to be allowed to perish : "Manchester, September 13, 1792. "We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, being licensed inn- keepers and ale-housekeepers, within the towns of MANCHESTER and SALFORD, justly alarmed at the treasonable and seditious conduct of a veil-known set of daring MISCREANTS, who hare called a public meeting to be held on Tuesday next, at the Suits Head Inn, in Manchester, for the avowed purpose of assist hi;/ the 1 SAVAGES, as well as with a SINCERE DESIRE of introducing similar calamities to the inliabitants of this HAPPY and PROSPEROUS TRY, as those that now exist in France, take this very necessary opportunity of publishing to the towns of MANCHESTER and SALFORD in particular, and to the whole kingdom of GREAT BRITAIN in tri-m-ml. our detestation of such wicked and abominatle I'll " And we do hereby solemnly declare, that we will not suffer any meeting to be held in our houses of any CLUB or societies, however specious or plausible their titles may be, that have a tnuK-m^ to put in force what those INTERNALS so ardently and devoutly wish for, namely, the DESTRUCTION OF THIS COUNTRY ; and we will be ready on all occasions to co-operate with our fellow-townsmen in bringing to justice all those who shall offend in any instance against OUB MCCU-ADJIIttED AND HOST KXCKLLBNT CONSTITUTION." This was signed by 186 innkeepers and ale-house- keepers, afraid of losing their licenses, and anxious to secure the custom of the party which was at one< tin- most bigoted and the most thirsty. The public-house was now a most effective auxiliary to the church the publican to the parson, ami they formed a holy alliance- against the mischievous press. There was now hope that a more efficient mob might be organized than that which only tore up a few trees in St. Ann's-square ; there was FEINTING OFFICE ATTACKED. 9 the example of the four days' riots in Birmingham, and the destruction of Dr. Priestley's house and half-a-dozen others ; and there was a strong disposition to read a similar " wholesome lesson " to the disloyal of Manchester. A proclamation was issued by government on the 1st of December, obviously to excite and prepare the people for war against France ; and meetings were held, one in Salford on the 7th, and one in Manchester on the llth of that month, at which it was earnestly striven to exasperate the public mind. Thomas Cooper, the barrister, had issued an admirable address on the evils of war, but it produced no effect on the roused passions of the multitude. A rumour went out that there would be a riot that evening. It was known that there would be one. Persons went from the meeting to the public-houses, which became crowded, and thence parties proceeded and paraded the streets with music before them, raising cries against Jacobins and presbyterians meaning by the latter term dissenters and carrying boards, on which the word " Church and King" were painted in large letters. if by a preconcerted scheme, the various parading parties united in the Market-place, opposite the publication office of Faulkner and Birch, the printers of the Manchester Herald, and, amidst loud cries of " Church and King," they attacked the house and shop with stones and brick- bats, till the windows were destroyed and beaten in at the front of the house. Where were the friends of " social order " during this destruction of property ? They were there encouraging the drunken mob. Some respectable persons urged upon those whose duty it was to protect life and property to do their duty, but remonstrance was unavailable. Unite, the deputy-constable, on being applied to, said " They are loyal subjects ; let them alone ; let them frighten them a bit ; it is good to frighten these people." This worthy then went to the mob, and clapping on the back some of the most active in the work of B 3 10 " GOOD TO I destruction, said "Good lads; good lad*;" a. <:ne l>eadlcs attempting to do their duty, " Come away, d u the house, dou't conic near it." A gentleman remarked, in the hearing of the Rev. Mr. (irifiith. who was standing looking on " What scandalous work this is!" "Not at all. Sir," replied the reverend geotle- man ; " and if I was called upon, I woidd not act against them." One of the special constables was heard to siv in another part of the town " I'll give a guinea for one of the Jacobins, houses you will pull down." The work was going bravely on, parson and publican doing their Mr. Allen Jackson went to the house of Mr. Nathaniel Milne, clerk to the magistrates (father to the present Mr. Oswald Milne), and urged Mr. Bentley, a magistrate, to preserve the peace'; but he was told that it was " a scandalous, shameful, abominable bn call out a magistrate on such a trifling piece of business as breaking windows." Mr. Jackson then found out the senior constable, and some of the constable's company hearing the application, threatened to kick him out of doors. So the printers and their friends were left to defend the premises. " It was good to frighten such people." From seven o'clock till eleven, four several attacks were made on Mr. Walker's house. "It was good to frighten" such a man ; he was to be frightened in another way soon. The Attorney-General was to take the place of a drunken mob. Mr. Walker had gathered some friends with lire- arms to di fend himself; this was to be the foundation of a charge that he had obtained arms to wage war against the King ! To this riot and the conduct of the authoriti attention of the House of Commons was called by Mr. Fox, when Mr. Windham, soon afterwards Minister at War, excused the magistrates and their friends, the mob, by saying "The indignation excited against Mr. Walker was more fairly imputablc to his political opinions than to his being a dissenter. It was natural, and even justifiable^ PROSECUTIONS CONTEMPLATED. 11 for men to feel indignation against those who promulgated doctrines, threatening all that was valuable and dear in society ; and if there were not means of redress by law, even violence would be justifiable." To be a dissenter and a reformer was bad enough ; to be a friend of peace was worse. According to Mr. Windham, a man's house might justifiably be pulled down about his ears, if he were opposed to the now contemplated war. The law, said Mr. Wind- ham, was open to Mr. Walker, if he felt aggrieved at the attempt to destroy his house. The law courts were indeed open to the Attorney- General, and it was resolved that if law could not reach the offence, judge- made law should. It would be hard if parson and publican, magistrate and deputy constable, could not concoct something which would prevent his denunciation of war. It would be hard if juries could not be found in England such as those which in Scotland found Muir and Palmer, Skirving and Margarot, guilty. It would be hard if judges could not be found in^ England as loyal as those who presided at the Scotch trials, one of whom declared that " no man had a right to speak of the constitution unless he possessed lauded property ;" another, that " since the abolition of torture there was no adequate punishment for sedition ; and another, that "the nation was in a fever of disloyalty, and required blood/ letting." When a learned prelate on the bench of bishopa ed that " the people had nothing to do with the laws but to obey them," it might well be expected that a judge could be found to make the same assertion to a packed or subservient jury. Nearly twelve months were required to collect or to make evidence against Mr. Walker; to collect, if any could be had to make, according to the custom of the period; and during the greater part of the time he was in almost daily expectations of being arrested, not merely for sedition but for high treason, A drunken scoundrel, named Dunn, had been found willing to swear to anything; 12 MB. WJLLKEK SELECTED. Imt there was a difficulty in finding a second witness equally disposed to give evidence "according to order." A man of the name of Pearsall was brought from Kidder- min>ter to Manchester, and carried before the Rev. Mr. Griffith, a magistrate, son of the Rev. Dr. Griffith, also a magistrate, both of them zealous friends of "social order." and both very desirous to obtain evidence on which Mr. Walker might be convicted. We have bis statement in the " Appendix to Air. Walker's Trial," and here is the substance of it : He was asked by the reverend magistrate if he had not seen arms in Walker's house, and if he had MTU men exercised there ; but as he could not say that he had. he was sent to the New Bailey prison, where he was kept from the end of June till the 9th of August, and visited there by Dunn and a mutual friend called Callaghan, who instigated him to depose to having seen arms and exorcised men at Mr. Walker's, assuring him that if he would swear so, he should have a pension as long as he lived; but Pearsall refused to listen to their proposals. They assailed him again, bringing with them pipes and tobacco, and plenty of liqnor ; and then Mr. Justice Griffith came amongst them in their prison carouse. The reverend magistrate shook hands very familiarly with Dunn, clapped him on the back, and called him an honest fellow ; ordered some more drink, and drank with them ; and then finding that Pearsall could not " recollect*' anything in aid of Dunn's promised testimony, committed him for trial on the charge of having, in Dunn's presence, damned the King ! rybody knew that Mr. Walker and some of his frit nds were to be brought to trial, but the warrant did not come, and he learned that its service was delayed in order that his arrest might take place under circumstances the most painful to him. He sent his brother to the Rev. Justice Griffith, who told him that he had certainly signed a warrant against Mr. Walker for high treason, but he would not serve it until he got another witness, and WALKER'S TIUAT. 13 claimed some credit for having prevented Unite, the then deputy-constable, arresting Mr. Walker at the funeral of his friend Mr. Jackson's wife ! Application was also made to the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, the Home Secretary, to know when the warrant was to be executed ; to which the reply was, that there were heavy charges afainst Mr. Walker, and that there would be no official delay in bring- ing them to trial. To the extent of high treason, notwithstanding the open threats of the municipal and church authorities, they did not venture to proceed. At the spring assizes at Lancaster, on the 2nd April, 1794, Thomas Walker, William PauC Samuel Jackson, James Cheetham, Oliver Pearsall, Benjamin Booth, and Joseph Collier, were tried on an indictment for a conspiracy to overthrow the constitution and government, and to aid and assist the French (being the king's enemies) irTV'use they should invade this kingdom. Law, afterwards Lord Kllenborough, as Attorney- General for the County Palatine, conducted the prosecution ; Thomas Erskine, afterwards Lord Chancellor Erskine, the defence. The principal witness, well bribed and well drilled for the occasion, was the man named Dunn, who swore that he had seen men learning military discipline in Mr. Walker's warehouse, shouldering muskets with fixed bayonets in a room, the roof of which was not seven feet high ; that he had heard Mr. Walker say, " We shall destroy the constitution by and by ;" that he had seen all the prisoners there ; that he had heard Paine's work read aloud ; that he had heard Mr. Paul damn the king and all kings; that he had heard Mr. Walker damn the king and all kings ; that he had heard Collier damn the French king, and wish all kings were served as he was ; and other u>timony to a like effect. The fellow's evidence was proved to be false, and it was also proved that he had confessed, on his knees before Mr. Walker, that tho charges he had brought against him were false, and that 14 PERJURY OF THE WITNESS. In- had boon bribed to make them. Mr. Law threw up the case. "You have acted very properly, Mr. Law." >aid Mr. Justice Heath. The jury immediately gave their verdict " Not guilty," and the prosecutions against the other defendants were all withdrawn. Mr. Vaughan, one of the counsel for the defence, applied that Dunn might be committed. " "We will undertake to prosecute him for l>' I'jiiry" said Mr. Erskine. Mr. Walker's rej)ly to a Mib- sequent remark of the Judge is too manly and memorable to be omitted : Mr. Justice Heath. Let Dunn be committed ; and I hope, Mr. Walker, that this will be an admonition to you to keep better company in future. Mr. Walker. I have been in no bad company, my Lord, except that of the wretch who stands behind me ; nor is there a word or an action of my life, in which the public are at all interested, that I wish amended or undone, or that, under similar circumstances, I would not repeat. Mr. Justice Heath. You have been honourably acquitted, >ir, and the witness against you is committed for perjury. On the 29th of October, 1794, six months after the acquittal of Mr. Walker and his friends, the Judges, under a special commission, sat at the Old Bailey, London, to 'try twelve persons who had been committed under a charge of high treason. Mr. Hardy's trial came on first, and the Attorney -General, Sir John Scott (afterwards the Marl of Eldon), stated the case, in a nine hours' speech, and endeavoured to prove the charges by the evidence of two iinent spies, Taylor and Gosling. Erskine, who had >o ably and spiritedly defended Thomas Walker, and ( iibbs, afterwards notorious as Sir Viccary Gibbs, were employed for the defence. After a trial of seven days Hardy was pronounced "Not guilty." Eleven days elapsed en John Home Tooke was put on his trial. He had summoned Titt, the pilot who was afterwards to " weather the storm," EFFECT OF THE PROSECUTIONS. 1 3 to show that the doctrines and practices of the reformers in 1794 were precisely those which himself had advocated in 1780. The minister attempted to evade a confe.>sion of his former principles and doings on the plea of forget- fulness ; but Sheridan, also summoned as a witness, having manfully avowed and justified his own share in the pro- ceedings of that period, Pitt felt himself compelled to correct his evidence, and admit that he was present at the meetings of delegates from several counties, convened for the attainment of parliamentary reform. The jury, amidst loud acclamations, pronounced a verdict of Not guilty." John Thelwall was next put upon his trial and acquitted. The government, thus foiled in its attempt to establish cumulative and constructive treason, by evidence obtained under an odious and detestable system of espionage, abandoned the remaining prosecutions. Thomas Moore, in his " Life of Sheridan," says : " The severity of the sentences upon Muir and Palmer, and the daring confidence with which charges of high treason were exhibited against persons who were, at the worst, but indiscreet reformers, excited the apprehensions of even the sensitive friends of freedom. It is, indeed, difficult to say how far the excited temper of the government, seconded by the ever-ready subservience of the state lawyers and bishops, might have proceeded at this moment, had not the acquittal of Tooke and his associates, and the triumph it diffused throughout the country, given a lesson to power such as England is alone capable of giving, and which will long be remembered, to the honour of that givat political safeguard that life-preserver in stormy ti: the trial by jury." There can be no doubt, however, that prosecutions did create much terror. To run the risk of a trial for high treason, or for seditious conspiracy, on suborned evidence, was, to most persons, no trifling mat tor, r\v:i when- there was full confidence in the firmness and clear-headedness of juries. There were lew persons who 1C DESERTIONS FROM BEFOBBC. could undergo such an ordeal with the cool indifference and the gaiety of John Home Tooke. There were deser- tions from the cause of peace and reform everywhere, and not a few in Manchester. The protest against war was almost confined to a few members of parliament, who availed themselves of their privilege of speech to say what others dared not utter. Many reformers became whigs, and many whigs became nothing. The atrocities of the French revolution had furnished the excuse for desertion of their principles. An able French writer says : " From the time of the ministry of Lord North, societies were formed in order to petition for modifications of the repre- sentative system ; and the great mob of London, in revealing a hidden danger, had made the aristocracy draw closer its ranks. Then came the French revolution, which com- pletely banded together men who had to dread every change that might precipitate them from the top to the bottom of the social state. At the report of the sanguinary victories of Jacobinism, all parties were thrown into con- sternation, and the violence of the threats then dii against authority was such, that all the recollections, attachments and hatreds which had previously divided the higher classes were hushed. In the House of Peers, the majority of the great families the Portlands, the FitxwiUiams, the Spencers, and the Loughboroughs deserted the cause of the people. In the House of Com- mons, \Vindham, Burke, Anstruther, Gilbert FJliott, and a number of other eminent persons, left the benches of the opposition. In vain did their old friends pursue them with sarcasms, and apply to them the most cutting and con- temptuous epithets ; the blow was struck, the whig party was rent asunder, and if it did not lose all influence in public affairs, it was indebted for this to the splendour of the talents of Fox, and the prudent sagacity of Lord Lansdowne." Plausible excuse was not wanting for desertion of prin- THE WAB. SPIRIT. 17 ciplc, and especially little wanting in Manchester, always distinguished for its attachment to the cause of "legitimacy." The hundred hours' massacre had taken place. One thou- sand and eighty-nine prisoners had been brought from their prison cells in Paris, and piked or sabred in the open streets. The Princess Lamballe had suffered : " She shivers back at the sight of bloody sabres, but there is no return ; that fair head is cleft with the axe, the neck is severed ; that fair body is cut in fragments, with indignities and obscene horrors which human nature would fain find incredible." " That a shriek of inarticulate horror," continues Thomas Carlyle, " rose over this thing, not only from French aristocrats and moderates, but from all Europe, and has prolonged itself to the present day, was most natural." Another shriek of horror arose when Louis XVI. was executed, not by the infuriate mob, but by deliberate judicial sentence ; and another wlieu Marie Antoinette was led to the scaffold ; and all England's chivalry was roused to revenge the wrong to royalty and beauty. George the Third is recorded to have said, " If a stop be not put to French principles, there will not be a king left in Europe in a few years ;" and the nation joined in his fear of such a calamity. There was scarcely need for Attorney-General prosecutions, espionage, or suspension of the habeas corpus act. The war spirit was kindled, and it flamed up as fiercely as king, or aristocracy, or church could desire. Tho war was decidedly popular ; if it had not been declared, the people would have used compulsion to have it declared. The nation had prospered ; it had recovered from the effects of the American war ; it had grown fat, and it kicked. In February, 179G, Mr. Pitt drew a most glaring picture of national prosperity, proposed the repeal of some of the most burthensome imposts, and said there never was a period when, from the situation of Europe, we might more reasonably anticipate a durable peace than at that moment. In less than a year a war was declared which 18 AVAR COMMENCED. la>ted twenty-three years, during all which period the blood of Europe was poured out like water, and treasure \v;i as if it were dust ; England's share in the cost of murder amounting to twelve hundred millions sterling. The ;_- result was that France regained a banished Bourbon to ensure her permanent peace, and England received a new corn-law to enable her to pay the interest of the enormous debt she had incurred in the contest! There was not even the apology for this wanton waste of life and treasure that .y aggression had been committed by the French people .1 against this nation. It was a war undertaken solely to put down opinions. On J;nn;ary -JMh. 17.'.".. the kini:, in his message to parliament, informed them that he had deter- mined to augment his forces, " for supporting his allies. and for opposing views of aggrandizement and ambition, on the part of France, at all times dangerous to the interests of Europe, but particularly so when connected with the propagation of principles subversive of the peace and order of society ;" and yet the war was popular soon after and ^long after its commencement, especially in Manchester. The Thomas Walkers, the Thomas Coopers, and the Thomas Kershaws no longer needed to be held down by the hard hand of the law ; they were held down by the harder hand of their fellow-townsmen; insulted, grievously wron. without either remedy or the power of retaliation. The -tatc of society here was favourable to this tyranny of opinion. Much of the social intercourse between the in- I, habitants took place in public-houses ; the bur-parlour was the resort of. -ill the tradesmen of an evening. One of these places of meeting for conversation wag described by Dr. Aiken as the resort of some of the most respectable inha- bitants of the town, who met every afternoon to enjoy their pipes and their glasses ; and we are told that John Shaw, the landlord, was a great favourite with the ladies, who often drank his health, because he most relentlessly shut up hii bouse at a certain early hour every night, and thus PERSECUTION OF REFORMERS. 10 husbands and fathers soberly home to their wives and families ; whereas, in the other taverns they were permitted to sit late and drink deeply. exalted idea of the refinement of the period. John Shaw's bar-parlour soon became a Church and King club-room, and from every other such place of resort, ' Jacobins" and " Dissenters" were excluded. We have seen that there were one hundred and eighty-six places of public concourse, into any one of which had a reformer or a friend of peace intruded himself, he would have been regarded as belonging to " a well-known set of daring miscreants," whom grossly to insult or assault would only be a proof of loyalty, religion, and mauhood. There were then no neutral news-rooms, no Royal or Mechanics' Institutions, no Lyceums, no Athenaeums. Even in the assemblies for music and dancing the "Jacobin" and his wife and daughters were liable to insult and vulgar abuse. .The reformers were excluded from all .society but tluit iround their "own firesides, and even there they had care- fully to guard against the introduction of the insidious spy ; uul in business transactions, none who could help it would leal with them. Throughout Lancashire the same coarse manners and intolerant spirit prevailed, though in different degrees. At Liverpool, comparatively refined Liverpool, about a dozen gentlemen, amongst whom were William Roscoe, Dr. Currie, and the Rev. William Shepherd, had been in the habit of meeting once a fortnight for literary discussion. " Even this peaceful and unoffending company," says Roscoe's biographer, " was not exempt from the violence of party feeling. Upon the appearance of Mr. Pitt's pro- clamation against seditious meetings, and the consequent odium in which all who professed liberal principles were involved, the Literary Society found their meetings viewed with such jealousy and suspicion that it was thought proper, for the time, to discontinue them, nor were they afterwards resumed." Mr. Roscoe, writing to Lord Lansdowue on 20 CAUTION' OF DISSENTERS. the subject, says : " Under the present system every man is called to be a spy upon his brother." The biogra- pher of Lorenzo di Medici, and of Leo the Tenth, the biographer of Robert Burns, the biographer of Poggio Bracciolini could not meet in comparatively liberal Liver- pool, to enjoy a few hours of literary discussion before l supper; and yet several highly respectable merchants, to I escape from the insults and persecutions they had to endure I in Manchester, sought relief by removal to Liverpool. Thomas Walker deeply lamented the many defections from the cause of reform. He was a man of strong mental courage himself, and entertained a firm conviction that by boldness, perseverance, and union amongst reformers, the progress of liberal principles would have been onward until they became triumphant. At the conclusion of his " Inquiry," he says he is convinced, " That the dissenters of this kingdom have been at the commencement of almost every subject of liberal discussion of late years. But, however consistently and disinterestedly many of them have acted, they have, as a body, constantly fallen short of their own principles ; they have excited opposition, which they have never completely supported ; and through fear, or some other motive, they have been so strongly the advocates of an overstrained moderation, that they have rather been the enemies than the friends of those who have ventured the most and effected the most for the rights of the people. That almost all the attacks upon individuals, which the enemies of liberty have directly or indirectly ventured upon, and which have kept in the back-ground so many men of good intentions, but whom an exces of caution, or a timid kind of prudence, has prevented from acting, has been owing to the want of steadiness and concert amongst the friends of liberty them- - Ives. The timid desert the bold, till the bold become cautious of supporting each other with their presence, and unable to do 50 with their property. That neither tho TIMIDITY OF 11EFOKMERS. 21 Birmingham riots, nor the Manchester riots, nor the Not- tingham riots, nor the prosecutions, public or private, which have taken place, would have happened, had not the timidity and want of union amongst the friends of freedom emboldened their enemies. Temper and moderation are truly valuable ; but the professionally temperate and moderate men have been the first deserters from, and have uniformly done infinite mischief to, the rights of the people. That men who mean to do good, must not look for their reward, or the effect of their exertions, during the existing generation. Such an effect they may, indeed, live to see, but it cannot be counted upon. Those who are not capable of acting upon this haxard, are not the men upon whom the public- can fully depend ; or who can pursue a great plan of public utility with satisfaction to themselves." Mr. Walker's observations on the timidity of reformers and dissenters are not much less applicable in this year, 1850, than they were in 1 794, and may have yet to discover that the boldest policy is often the most prudent policy. It is quite possible that his son, as a magistrate, may yet have to sign war- rants of distress for non-payment of a church-rate in Manchester. A peaceable submission on the part of the dissenters, for seventeen years after Mr. Walker's comments upon their timidity, was rewarded by a kick from Lord Sidmouth, which taught them that, to retain even the share of liberty they possessed, they must energetically demand thoee which were denied to them. CHAPTER II, THK WAR AND TT8 EFFECTS. MB. WHEELER, in his "History of Manchester," has recorded proofs of the " patriotism," as he, no douht, re- garded it, of Manchester at the commencement of thr war with France ; the insanity as many acknowledged it to be who lived to experience the results of the contest into which the nation so engerly entered. He commences his ption of the various stages of that war fever with the admission : " This year (1793) was one of disquietude from commercial distress. The number of bankruptcies was nearly trebled, and popular discontent ran so high that it was necessary for light troops to parade the streets with torches throughout the night. It was said that during this and one or two succeeding years, not less than twenty thousand persons had gone from the town to join the army. but the number was, no doubt, exaggerated." Proof of discontent there was, and proof of poverty, but greater proof of the prevalence of a pestilent war spirit. The men who enlisted might ty; partly out of employment from the depression of trade; but at the same time they wen- persuaded that the country required their sen-ices, and that to "fight the French" was the highest patriotism. The ardour to serve in the cause of the constitution and the country, says Mr. Wheeler, was very great. It is mentioned, for example, in March, 1749, that " Lc Gendrc- Starkie, Esq., has given 105 towards raising the bounty given to recruits, five guineas a man, and others are following the example." "Harvey Aston, Esq., one of the intimates of the Prince, is engaged in recruiting in this country ; he and nine others have undertaken to raise each one hundred men." " Thomas Leigh, Esq., of Lyme, THE WAB FEVEB. 23 proposed to raise six troops of Cavalry, and did so in fourteen days." In April, 1794, "the regiment of Inde- pendent Manchester Volunteers was incorporated in the 53rd, or the Duke of York's Brigade, as soon as it arrived at Chatham." " His Majesty has been pleased to grant the title of 'Royal' to the regiment now raising, with an 4 official promise ' that the ' Royal Manchester Volunteers,' if reduced, shall come to Manchester to be disbanded." On the 10th of May, a feu-de-joie was fired in St. Ann's- square, on account of advantages gained by the combined armies : six hundred and thirty stand of arms were sent from the Tower for the Manchester Volunteers. The success of Lord Howe, off Ushant, was announced at the Kersal Moor races, and assembled thousands received the intelligence with loud cheers : in the evening it was com- municated to the audience at the Theatre by Mr. Ward, in the character of the Busy Body, and the audience shouted with exultation. In August, 500 were given by Lord Stamford for additional bounties to landsmen and seamen entering the navy ; and on the 21st of the same month the Royal Manchester Volunteers were inspected by Major- Gencral Musgrave. Colours were presented to the regiment in St. Ann's-square, after which it marched to Liverpool to embark for Ireland: it subsequently became the 104th regiment. In October a subscription was obtained for raising a Fencible Corps for the County of Lancaster. The Loyal Association in Manchester and Salford formed them- selves into a corps for the home defence. "The war. however, was not universally popular : in 1 795 a petition was sent from the town praying for peace." There was dissatisfaction, but it scarcely found an audible utterance. Mr. Wheeler interrupts his narrative of the progress of the military fever, or rather continues it, unconscious of the conclusions to be drawn, by saying : " In November in that year, the National Committee appointed to inquire into the high price of corn, announced that the importation 2 I FAMINE AXD TUMULT. of foreign grain was desirable, and that to encourage it a liberal bounty should be offered, They also stated, that though the harvest generally was abundant, then- \\a a deficiency of the wheat crop, and therefore the mixture of other grain with it was desirable. Handsome premiums were given to fanners bringing the largest quantity of provisions to the market. In addition to the sufferings from want, an epidemic fever was raging, and it was pro- posed, therefore, to erect fever wards. In February, 1 796, the boroughreeve, clergy, and others, publicly pledged themselves, in a series of resolutions, to reduce their use of wheat flour at least one-third. Commercial distn-^ pressed so heavily upon the people, that though they were relieved as far as possible by subscriptions and other means, their privations drove them to occasional acts of violence, which required corresponding precautions by the authorities On the 31st of July an order was issued that all public - houses be closed by seven in the evening, and all private persons appearing in the streets after nine o'clock were com- pelled to give an account of themselves. On the 2'Jth, several gentlemen being employed in examining the weights in the potato market, a disagreement arose between the spectators and the market dealers. A tumult ensued ; the people began to break windows, and the light troops were called in. The soldiers, after riding quietly but ineffectually amongst the people, were ordered to gallop through the midst of them, and they were thus dispersed. They assembled again in the morning at New Cross and in Newton-lane. Several loads of meal were seized and thrown away. On the arrival of the military and the magistrates the rioters returned home without doing any further mischief. On the 18th of November an address was presented from the delegates of all the Loyal Asso- ciations in Manchester and Salford, congratulating the King on his escape from the blow of a ruffian who had attempted his life on his way from the House of 1 A NEW TEACHEB. 25 At this time, by general agreement, pies and puddings ceased to appear on the family table, in order to lessen the consumption of flour. Such soldiers as could be spared from duty were commanded to assist the farmers in thrashing out corn.'' Glory and want went hand in hand; splendid reviews and meal mobs were contemporaneous ; and loyalty continued to characteri/e one class of the community, while poverty was crushing another. At the close of the year, continues Mr. Wheeler, resuming hi^ account of the war fever, a most respectable meeting was held, " to take measures for preserving liberty and property from republicans and levellers." Patrols were formed in the town shortly afterwards. Early in 1 797 the first regiment of Royal Lancashire Volunteers received the thanks of his Majesty, conveyed through Lord Cornwallis, for their patriotic services in Ireland. In March, it is stated, the first and second battalions of the Manchester and Salford Volunteer Infantry were drawn out for the first time. This, therefore, must have been an additional new corps. In April the Lancashire and Cheshire Volunteers, the former commanded by the Earl of Wilton, offered to serve in any part of Europe. Shortly afterwards 25,953 13s. were raised in the towns of Manchester and Salford and the neighbourhood, for the support of government. But again is the narration of military preparation inter- rupted to say that " in November there was a disposition to riot, owing to the high prices of corn and flour. Subscriptions to purchase articles of food, and retail them to the poor at a low rate, were liberally made." These interruptions in the history of local patriotism show that, besides the pulpit and the press, a new and more truthful teacher had come into the field WANT. Amidst the splendour of reviews and the presentations of colours, the cry for " bread'' was raised, and put down by the strong hand, again to be raised when the laurels of war were won and found to be worthless. In October, 1795, the King, on going to open parliament, c 26 i \MINI:. was surrounded by an immense crowd of persons of all ranks, crying out "Bread! Peace! No Pitt !" The new teacher was at work. In November, 1796, the French prohibited the import of English manufactures, tin- com- mencement of a war of tariffs ; but the new teacher had not yet made his way to the mercantile classes, for in December the loyalty loan of eighteen millions was subscribed in fifteen hours. In January, 1797, riots took place. sioned by the enrollment of the supplementary militia. Tlic new teacher had been amongst the multitude, showing the value of military glory. In a month afterwards the Bank of Kngland suspended cash payments, when the country was within twenty-four hours of barter. The bank was commanded not to pay when it had nothing to pay with ; and bankruptcy was called restriction ! There is a blank in Mr. Wheeler's history from 1TU7 { 1803. There were no striking incidents to relate ; but the new instructor was busy amongst the ma>ses. Old inhabi- tants, of the industrial classes, shudder at the recollection of the sufferings endured in 1800 and 1801, when \\heat. which before the war was at 6s. a bushel, had risen to 16s. 8d., and this without any other advance of wages than such as could be attributed to the competition for labour occasioned by the introduction of new manufactures, the result of new mechanical invention, while the wages of agricultural labour actually declined ; and the poor which at the commencement of the war amounted to J.in7,7iH. had i-i.-en to an average of 5,300,000. Mr. Hopkins, in his " Great Britain during Forty Years," says : ' l!v the aristocracy, the clergy, the magistracy, and even the press, the war had been declared just and necessary, and the shouts at the stock exchange had been echoed by ipitalists in very part of the country. Poorhouses and jails admonished them that something was rotten in the state of Denmark short-sighted selfishness triumphed, and the most industrious and highly productive people on SHORT PEACE. 27 the face of the earth were doomed to bring into existence, in abundance all that is necessary, for the support and solace of man, only to have it abstracted by those around them." Popular discontent continued to increase, and even those who had urged on the war began to think that the glory did not compensate for the commercial depression, the scarcity, and the heavy pressure of a war taxation. Peace had become desirable, and, to permit its attainment, Pitt retired from office ; and in October, 1802, the war terminated for a time having cost 284,000,000 beyond what would have been required, had the country remained at peace, and occasioned the loss of half a million of human lives ! The peace negotiated at Amiens was of short duration. France complained that England retained Malta and other war-acquired possessions, in contravention of the treaty ; England complained that the conquest of France would disturb the " balance of power" in Europe. There was still a strong war party in England. The deadly contest was recommenced, and, notwithstanding all the sufferings experienced by the English people, Buonaparte made it popular by his threats of invasion. The national comba- tiveuess was roused ; and, in spite of all previous teachings, this country rushed into the contest with an animosity which nothing seemingly could satisfy but the utter extinc- tion of its " natural enemy." In this renewed madness Manchester largely participated. Mr. Wheeler, resuming the history of its " patriotism," tells us that on the termi- nation of the peace, meetings were immediately called, arrangements for military bodies made, and subscriptions entered into with zeal and liberality. A general meeting of the lieutenancy of the county (Lord Derby in the choir) was held in Wigan, in obedience to the King's command, to assist in carrying into effect the "law to enable his Majoty more effectually to provide for the defence and security of the town during the present war." Schedules were sent to the various officers in the towns throughout c 2 WAULIKE PREPABITIOXS. the country, desiring them to make, without delay, returns of the inhabitants, cattle, and stock within their jurisdu - tion ; the clergy and gentlemen were requested to give their assistance in furnishing the returns, and the county was divided into eight parts, each portion being superintended by a lieutenant. Manchester constituted the sixth division, and was placed under the charge of John Leaf, Esq. A meeting was immediately convened to consider the best means of assisting in the defence of the country, and it was agreed to accept the offers of James and John Leigh Philips, , to re-establish the voluntary corps, and also to supix>rt the proposal of Joseph Hanson Esq., for the for- mation of a volunteer rifle corps, to furnish their own accoutrements, serve without pay, and march to any part of Great Britain. A subscription was raised to defray the various expenses, and the sacrifice of " lives and fortune" became the daily offering. On the 27th of July, 1803, we are told, a meeting of the lieutenancy was held to receive the returns. The assembly expressed satisfaction at the number in Lancashire who were willing to aid the cause; at the same time they lamented that so large a proportion should have offered themselves as guides and pioneers, but more particularly as conductors and drivers of cattle a number infinitely larger than could be required for those purposes. No doubt they thought that the place of safety was with the cattle. In the mean time, by command of his Majesty, Lord Hobart forwarded to the Earl of Derby particular instructions for raising, training, and clothing the various military eorps to be formed in the county. On the ICth of August Lord Hobart signified that his Majesty had accepted the offered of the regiment* commanded by coloncK Ackers and Philips, intimating at the same time that the title of il" could no longer be permitted them, and that allowances of twenty shillings per man for clothing, and one shilling per diem for twenty days' drill, would be issued WOMEN AIDING. 29 to the commandants, to be by them applied as they deemed most beneficial. In little more than a week after the royal communication was received, the regiments numbered two thousand men. Those who were debarred from appearing in the field freely opened their purses, and the sum of 22,000 was raised in a very short period in Manchester alone. " The subscriptions in the neighbouring towns reflected equal credit on their respective inhabitants." Amongst the foremost contributors were : Sir Robert Peel, 100; the Hon. Mr. Percival, 100; R. Peel, jun., 100; Sir O. Mosley, bart., 200 ; Earl of Stamford and Warring- ton, 525 ; &c., &c. But the bodies of military already mentioned were not sufficient to satisfy the ardour of the inhabitants, and within a very short time his majesty was pleased to accept the services of the Light Horse Volunteers, commanded by Shakspeare Philips, Esq.; the corps of infantry commanded by Colonel Silvester ; the St. George's corps, by John Cross, Esq.; and the Fourth Class Volunteers, by G. Philips, Esq.; the Hulme Volunteers, by Major Pooley ; the Pendleton, by Captain Ablett ; the Trafford, by Lieutenant Colonel Cooke ; &c., &c. The Masons of the town formed a body, under the title of the " Loyal Masonic Volunteers." Those who, from legal exemption or other causes, did not enrol themselves in the military corps, registered their names as special constables for the defence of the town and its vicinity. Pugnacity called itself patriotism, and took its full swing, persecuting the lovers of peace as if the love of peace were a crime. In the madness of the men the women joined. " Nor must it be presumed," says Mr. Wheeler, " that the daughters of our land the witches of Lancashire took no interest in the preparations carrying on around them. Designed by nature to labour in a more retired, yet not less useful and important sphere, our fair countrywomen employed themselves in adding to the comforts, and thereby to the efficiency, of the soldiery. They entered into a very liberal c 3 30 DKt N K 1 N .NESS. sub-cription to supply the troops with flannel clothing, the making of which was not entrusted to the hands of hii< Frequently, too, the soldiers were regaled at the man-ion* of the oflieer-, the hu>tes being ever foremost in dealing out good English cheer to the men, thus adding to the enthusiasm of the brave by the condescension of the fair. Others presented standards and cockades of their own handiwork to the troops. On the other hand, i'.i-; proclaimed to supplicate the Divine blessing on the country, and were strictly observed throughout the land." Hundreds of mothers, hundreds of wives, lived to deplore ;vcouragcmcnt they had given to this military fever : not for loss on the battle field, but for the slower, though not less fatal, process of dissipation. Habits of intempe- rance were acquired which became unconquerable. The beastliest drunkenness, the rudest manners, the c<>: > .vearings, the profanest oaths, were regarded as nothing more than evidence of the most loyal attachment to the crown, and the most profound veneration for the church : and mothers and wives, in watching the wretched death- of men ruined in fortune, health, and character, had long to deplore, almost in tears of blood, the incitement they had given to fierce and ungovernable passions, under a mistaken notion that they were encouraging patriotism and public virtue. The working classes wen the first to experience the consequences of that general folly in which they 1; . participated. They could not enjoy the luxury of war conjoined with comfort in their cottages. They had attempted to pull down the houses of peace-loving men, and their own abodes were the first to be visited by calamity. Heavy taxation fell with peculiar severity upon them : and in the general advance of prices, the consequence of a depreciated currency a cheap rag currency their wages found inadequate to their support. Their only instruc- tion had been, to be loyal and submissive; their n MEETING OF WEAVERS. 31 for loyalty and submission was unbearable distress. They knew nothing of the circumstances which regulate wages. They believed that their employers could, if they would, increase the reward of their toil, and they asked the legis- lature to enforce justice to the " toiling multitudes." In the spring of 1808 they held many meetings to promote a bill for fixing a minimum rate of wages, and when they found that the masters opposed any such measure, their discontent was largely increased. A meeting of weavers was held in St. George's Fields, Manchester, on the 2 ith of May, and resumed on the following day with such accession of numbers as alarmed the magistrates, who, in their terror, an offence, gave additional popularity to Cobbett's writings, and nowhere were they read with more avidity than in Manchester. Loyalty also, as manifested in attach- ment to the royal family, was severely .shaken by the exposure of the sale of commissions in the army, and even offices in the church, by Mrs. Clarke, the mistress of the Duke of York. The exposure of an impudent robbery of the public by the commissioners for the sale of Dutch ships one of them, the Rev. Mr. Bowles, a voluminous writer in defence of religion and morality destroyed all confidence in the administration of the finances of the country ; and the conviction of Lord Castlereagh of barter- ing offices, and buying scats in parliament, a practice which lii' defended as " notorious as the sun at noon-day," strongly directed men's attention to the necessity of parliamentary reform. Mr. Drakard, the printer of the Stamford Ncirs, had commented, with honest indignation, on what he called " the most heart-rending of all exhibitions on this side hell an English military flogging," for which he was tried at Lincoln, found guilty, and sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment, to a fine of 200, and to give security to be of good behaviour during three years after liberation. Leigh Hunt and John Hunt, proprietors of the Examiner, a paper, the circulation of which was almost entirely con- to the educated classes, were proceeded against by criminal information, for having copied into their journal the article for the publication of which Mr. Drakard had been convicted and so cruelly sentenced ; but they had the advantage of a London jury, and were acquitted, although Lord Kllenborough spoke of the peculiar danger, at such a time of doing anything to alienate the attachment of the army, and pointed out the circumstances of an inflammatory U ndeui -v in the publication, which he had no hesitation in pronouncing a libel. His lordship had to encounter, sub- 36 HAMILTON WEAVERS. scqucntly a deeper mortification in the acquittal of William Hone; and subsequently, also, the Hunts experienced the "glorious uncertainty" in their conviction for a libel on the Prince Regent, followed by a sentence which was obviously intended to include what was considered due to both offences. In the early part of 1811, great numbers of \\ having been thrown out of employment in the west of Scotland, a subscription was opened at Hamilton for the relief of the destitute of that place. They, however, refused to receive it as alms, but said they would be happy to earn it by their labour; and the subscribers agreed to expend the money in making a footpath by the side of the public road leading from Hamilton to Both well Brig, over the ground that had been occupied by the covenanters before their bloody dispersion by the royal army under the command of the Duke of Monmouth. In about the first newspaper paragraph I ever wrote (it was in the Glasgow Chronicle, conducted by my cousin, David Prentice), I made some comments on this noble resolve. which bcini; seen by Dr. Mathew IJaillie, brought from him a subscription of 20. Riding over the road some time after with a young friend of mine, on our way to my father's farm, the weavers, in whose soft hands the spade and mattock were less easily urged than the shuttle, gladly relaxed from their work, and amused themselves with saluting us with coarse jeers as we rode along. My young friend spoke indignantly of this insolence. I said " I am glad that the poor half-starved fellows have a joke left, even if it l>e indulged in at our expense." I have thought of this incident occasionally when my reward for endea- vours to serve the working classes has been the Lancashire groan the most dissonant of all modes of expressing disapprobation. CHAPTER III. DISSENTERS - ORDERS IX COUXCIL. Tin working classes had been alienated from the govern- ment not less by their sufferings than by indifference to their complaints, and the harsh treatment of those who befriended them in their adversity. The dissenters were still loyal ; the merchants and manufacturers, though with less vehement /eal, still supported the administration. They wriv to be alienated in their turn. The self-complacent, sflt'-sufficient Lord Sidmouth, in his /eal for the interests of the church, contrived to render the government which he supported unpopular with a great portion of the community, who ini^ht still have continued submissively to bear their political disabilities, had not a new insult been offered to them. His lordship, preparatory to bringing in his famous Dissenters' Bill, moved in the House of Lords, on the 2nd of June, 1810, for returns of licenses to preach issued in the various dioceses of England since the year 1780, and he was thus enabled to make the following transcript of the different ways in which the words " minister,'' " teacher," and " pn-arher of the "Gospel" were spelt by them : I 'rt-aclier of (lie Gopel. Preacher of the Gospor. Preacher of the Gosple. Preacher of teacher the Gospell Pnvhcr of tin' (iospel. Bappi>t. Preclii-r of the Gospell. Preeacher of the Gospol. Preacher of the Gospell. Teacher of the Gospell of Jesus Preach of the Gospell. Christ. r of the Gosple. A diseenting tearhrr. Precher of Gospoll. Dr-i-ntim,' toucher. Prashr of the Goseppl. Decanting teacher. Miniester of Gospell. II.T of the Gospel." These eighteen instances of ignorance of orthography were proof positive that the licensed preachers were not " res- 2 c 421035 38 SIDMOUTH'S BILL. To this proof was added the testimony of Dr. Barrington, the- Bishop of Durham, that the sectaries " assembled in barns, in rooms of private houses, or in other buildings of the most improper kind.'' Sidmouth consulted Dr. Coke, " the head of the Methodists," and " completely satisfied him." " His apprehensions," says his lordship, in a letter to his brother, " are converted into zealous approbation." He consulted Dr. Adam Clarke, and satisfied him ; he consulted Mr. Belsham. the celebrated Unitarian writer, and satisfied him. Thus fortified, he brought in his bill on the 9th of May, 1811. But Dr. Coke and Dr. Clarke had talked with others after they had been " satisfied," and found that they had made a mistake. Sidmouth's biographer says of a letter from Dr. Clarke : " It seems, from the learned doctor's account, that it was not the ministers, but the lay members of tin- Methodist connexion, who first sounded the alarm, and, by calling a general com mil lee, prevented the beneficial objects of the bill from being properly explained or understood." Ah, mischievous laymen ! The Methodists took the lead in the movement at: the Sidmouth bill. The Rev. Richard Watson, then of the New. and the Rev. Jabcz Bunting, of the Old Conn had been preaching at Stockport one Sunday, and met, for the first time, on their way to Manchester in the evening. when the bill became the principal subject of convcr- They both acknowledged," says Mr. Watson's biographer, " that if this bill were to pass into a law, it would be ruinous to the Methodists, and that it would be very injurious in its operation generally." At Mr. Jabex Bunting's n Mr. Watson immediately wrote a letter, which appeared in Kfchanyc HI >-nImpnnicd by a correspondent tiinent and manner. At my inn I soon learned how the riot had occurred, and how the tables had been turned upon tho-e who had formerly instigated Church-and-King mobs into destructive action. THE ORDEES IN COUNCIL. 41 In the previous chapters we have seen that the stern . had been amongst the working ( . during the achievement of great national " glory." While they, who had been themselves the willing instruments in the hands of the ruling party at the commencement of the war, were suffering under the hands of the new teacher, it is not to be supposed that the commercial classes of Manchester, who had been keen instigators of the insane policy pursued by government, escaped the consequences of their own folly. When weavers were starving, mer- chants and manufacturers could not be prosperous. The war at the point of the bayonet was accompanied by the war of prohibitions. Napoleon had brought the continent under his yoke ; but, to complete this, the commerce of England must be destroyed. His great object was to unite the continent in a league against all commercial intercourse with his great rival. Elated with having laid Prussia prostrate at his feet, the first use made of his victory was to issue his Berlin decree, dated the 20th of November, 1806, which declared the British islands in a state of blockade, all prisoners, wheresoever found, prisoners of war, and all British goods lawful prize ; interdicted all -pondence with our dominions ; prohibited all com- merce in our produce ; and excluded from the ports of France, and of countries under her control, every vessel, of whatsoever nation, that had touched at a British port. The wise course for England to pursue would have been to leave France and the neutral states, especially the United States of America, to fight it out among themselves. But the remedy was sought in retaliation. The whigs, who t hen hi office, set the example of folly to their tory -sors. On the 7th of January they issued the first of those orders in council which, more efficiently than Napoleon's decrees, conduced to the destruction of Kngli>h commerce. It declared that the Berlin decree authorized England to blockade all the French dominions, to forbid 2 c 3 MR. BROli.H any neutral power from entering our ports which h:ul touched at any port of France or her dependenoiet, and justified us in capturing all her produce ; but that \\< unwilling to inflict such injuries on neutral nation-* ! Tin- order then declared, as a partial retaliation, that no should trade from one enemy's port to another, or t'roin one port to another of a French ally's coast shut against English vessels; so that, says Lord Brougham in com- menting upon the order, the only chance our gom! of being spread over the continent was by getting them smuggled into some port less watched by France than the aid then their being conveyed from thence in all directions. The only chance we had of sending our goods anywhere, was getting them in somewhere, and then having them freely distributed everywhere. "No!" said the ministers of 1807, " let them be stopped where the} air- landed, and let no American think of carrying then; where." The tory ministers came into office in 1 80S, adopted the whig order, and issued others still more stringent. The merchants and manufacturers of London, Hull, Manchester, and Liverpool petitioned parliament ;. the destructive policy of the orders, craved to be heard by their counsel, and tendered evidence of the injuries sustained by them from the operation of tho.-e orders. Mr. Broii-ham was their counsel, and was heard at the bar of both houses, where he likewise adduced the <. vidcnec during several weeks, in support of the petitions. The ministry. IIOWCMT. triumphed over all the attempts then made to defeat the system; and it was not until i'oui after, in 1H12, that, the general distress having g< : -ing, there was any chance of obtaining a more favourable hearing. In March, 1812, the subject was again lit forward by Mr. Brougham. His motion \v;i- then negatived; but, soon after Easter, he presented petitions from the same parties who had formerly been his clients : and on the motion of Lord Stanley, on the 28th of April, THE INQUIRY. the house agreed, without a division, to hear evidence iu support of the petitions. The case was conducted every night for seven weeks by Mr. Brougham and Mr. Baring. The inquiry on the side of the petitioners was wholly con- ducted by these two members, and each night presented new objections and new defeats to the orders in council, and new advantages to the opposition, by incidental dc- batings on petitions presented by discussions arising on evidence tendered by other matters broached occasionally in connection with the main subject. The government, at first, conceiving that there was a clamour raised out of doors against their policy, and hoping that this would of itself subside, endeavoured to gain time and put off the evidence. But Brougham and Baring kept steadily to their purpose, and insisted on calling in their witnesses at the earliest possible hour. They at length prevailed so far as to have it understood that the hearing should proceed daily at half-past four o'clock, and continue, at the least, till ten, by which means they generally kept it on foot till a much later hour, all but those who took a peculiar interest in the subject having earlier left the house. Tin- evidence brought before the house was of the most appalling description. " "We have examined," said Mr. Brougham, " above a hunched witnesses, from more than thirty of the great manufacturing and mercantile districts, nit n were chosen almost at random, from thousands whom we could have brought before you with less trouble than it required to make the selection ; the difficulty was to keep back evidence, not to find it ; for our desire to state inpercd by a natural anxiety to encroach as little as possible on the time of the house, and to expedite by all means the conclusion of an inquiry, upon tin- result of which so many interests hung in anxious suspense. In all this mass of evidence there was not a single witness who denied or doubted I beg your pardon : thru \va- ,, m . one solitary and remarkable exception, and none 44 THE DISTRESS. other, even among those called in support of the system, who even hesitated in admitting the dreadful amount of the present distresses. Take, for example, one of our great staples the hardware, and look to Warwickshire, where it used to flourish. Birmingham and its neighbour- hood a district of thirteen miles round that centre was formerly but one village ; I might say one continned work- shop, peopled with about four hundred thousand of the most industrious and skilful of mankind. In what state do you now find that once busy hive of men ? Silent, still, and desolate during half the week ; during the rest of it, miserably toiling at reduced wages, for a pittance scarcely sufficient to maintain animal life in the lowest state of comfort, and at all times swarming with unhappy persons, willing, anxious to work for their lives, but unable to find employment. He must have a stout heart within him who can view such a scene and not shudder. But even this is not all ; matters are getting worse and worse ; the manu- facturers are waiting for your decision ; and if that be against them they will instantly yield to their late, and turn adrift the people whom they still, though inadequately, support with employment." Yorkshire was in the same state, the manufacture of woollens being almost suspended. At Sheffield, the work- men in the cutlery trade, unable to obtain any longer their usual market, from the master dealers and merchants or brokers refusing to purchase any more, were compelled to pawn their articles at a very low valuation, for money, and even for food and clothes ; so that this extraordinary state of things arose, the pawnbrokers went into the London market with the goods, and there met the regular dealers, whom they were able greatly to undersell, in such wise as to supply in a considerable degree the London and other markets, to the extreme augmentation of the distresses already so severely pressing upon this branch of trade. In Lancashire the distress was, if possible, still mor COTTON TRADE. 45 . "I would draw your attention,*' said Mr. Brougham, to the cotton districts, merely to present one incidental circumstance which chanced to transpire respecting the -ses of the poor in those parts. The food which now sustains them is of the lowest kind, and of that there is not nearly a sufficient supply ; bread, or even potatoes, are now out of the question ; the luxuries of animal food, or even milk, they have long ceased to think of. Their looks, as well as their apparel, proclaim the sad change in their situation. One witness tells you it is only necessary to look at their haggard faces, to be satisfied what they are suffering; another says that persons who have recently returned, after an absence of some months from those parts, declared themselves shocked, and unable to recognise the people whom they had left. A gentleman largely concerned in the cotton trade, to whose respectability ample testimony was borne by an honourable baronet (Sir Hubert Peel) I cannot regularly name him but in a question relating to the cotton trade it is natural to think of the house of Peel that gentleman, whose property in part consists of cottages and little pieces of ground let out to work -people, told us that lately he went to look after ;it>, and when he entered those dwellings, and found them so miserably altered, so stript of their wonted furni- ture and other little comforts, and when he saw their inhabitants sitting down to a scanty dinner of oatmeal and water, their only meal in the four and twenty hours, he could not stand the sight, and came away unable to ask his rent. Tho-r feelings, so honourable to him, so painful to us uho partook of them, were not confined to that respect- able witne>>. We had other sights to endure in that long and dismal inquiry. Masters came forward to tell us how unhappy it made them to have no more work to give- their poor men, because all their money, and in some cases their credit too, was already gone in trying to support them Some had involved themselves in embarrassments for such 46 DEATH OK I'l KI ! \ \| . pious purposes. One, again, would describe his mi> turning oil' people whom he and his father had employed for many years. Another would say how he dreaded the coming round of Saturday, when lie had to pay his hands their reduced wages, incapable of supporting them; how he kept out of their way on that day, and made his foreman pay them. While a third would say that lie was afraid to > ( -e his people, because he had no longer the means of giving them work, and he knew that they would flock round him and implore to be employed at the lowest wages, for something wholly insufficient to feed them." The inquiry was interrupted by a lamentable event the assassination of Mr. Percival in the lobby of the House of Commons. The victim of a madman's revenge fell into the arms of Mr. Francis Phillips, of Manehcster, a gentleman of whom we shall hear something hereafter as a bitter enemy of reform, and the apologist of the magistracy and of the yeomanry, when a legally convened and peaceably assembled meeting was dispersed by the sword. The intel- ligence of Mr. Percival' s death reached me at Newca^tle- under-Lyne. A man came running down the street, leaping into the air, waving his hat round his head, and shouting with frantic joy, " Percival is shot, hurrah ! Percival is shot, hurrah !" The Potteries were in a deplorable state, and oppression, which makes even wise men mad, had roused the savage nature of the half-starved. While, in the rem wed inquiry into the operations of the ord council, evidence daily accumulated of the prevalence of deep distress throughout the country, alike affect ing the manufacturer and the operative, the papers teemed with accounts of the destruction of machinery, and, at times, even of life. The ministry at length yielded. On the !<>th of June, when Mr. Brougham bad made his motion to . the orders, Lord Castlercagh announced that the crown had 'IviM-d to rescind them. The deep distress, of which strong proof had been given HIGH PEICE OF FOOD. tin- House of Commons, was not occasioned by the orders in council alone. By the profuse issues of the bank, no longer checked by the convertibility of its notes, the against machinery. On Monday a riotous assembly took plaee at Middle-ton. "The weaving factory of Mr. Burton and Sons," saysCowdroy, " had been previously threatened, in consequence of their mode of weaving being done by FATAL CONFLICT. 53 the operation of steam. That afternoon a large body, not less than 2000, commenced an attack, on the discharge of a pistol, which appeared to have been the signal ; vollies of stones were thrown, and the windows smashed to atoms ; the internal part of the building being guarded, a musket was discharged in the hope of intimidating and dispersing the assailants ; but it was found ineffectual, the throwing of stones continuing, and at the expiration of about fifteen minutes, firing of ball commenced from the factor}-, and in a very short time the effects were too shockingly seen in the death of three, and, it is said, about ten wounded. Here this horrid conflict terminated for that night, which was spent in dreadful preparation. The morning brought with it fearful apprehension, which apprehension was too fatally realised : the insurgents again assembled, many of them armed with guns, scythes tied to the ends of poles, ice.; the factory was protected by soldiers, so' strongly as to be impregnable to their assault : they then flew to the house of Mr. Emanuel Burton, where they wreaked their vengeance by setting it on fire, the whole, with its valuable furniture, being soon in one state of conflagration. A party of soldiers, horse and foot, from Manchester, arriving, pursued those misguided people, some of whom made a feeble stand ; but here again death was the consequence, five of them being shot, and many of them severely wounded. Two were found in the fields on the following morning, where they had languished and expired from the mortal effects of their wounds." It is but just to state that the men whose names have been mentioned, as approving of the policy which had reduced the country to so wretched a state, were foremost in promoting a subscription to relieve the existing distress. Their judgment was too narrow, and their views too con- tracted, to enable them to trace the general wretchedness to its cause, but their benevolence directed them to the relief of that part of it which fell under their own eyes. 54 I UK WEST HOUGHTOX FACTO 1 They would do nothing to mend the road they would even persecute all who said the road wanted mending : but they would confer their nid and sympathy upon those who had hroken down upon the rough and rutty highway. On Friday, the 24th of April, a large body of weavers and meehanies began to assemble about mid-day, with the avowed intention of destroying the power-looms, top with the whole of the premises, at West Houghton fi Immediate information was given to the authorit Bolton, and the Scots Greys were instantly despatched from thence to the scene of riot, a distance of about five miles. On their arrival all was quiet, and no symptoms of disorder whatever appeared ; the presence of the military was therefore deemed unnecessary, and the whole force, consequently, returned to Bolton. Scarcely had they reached their quarters ere a messenger arrived with the alarming intelligence that the whole factory was in ilunu-s. Again the military rode at full speed to West Houghton ; and on their arrival were surprised to find that the premises were entirely destroyed, while not an individual could be seen to whom attached any suspicion of having acted a part in this truly dreadful outrage. During the evening. however, a partial assemblage of the most active of the rioters took place in the village, and again alarmed the inhabitants by levying contributions in meat, drink, or money, on some of the more respectable amon^ them. Their audacity appeared to rise with the success which attended their lawless demands, and was beginning to develnpc itself in a more alarming manner, when, at this critical juncture, the arrival of the military put nearly the whole of the mob to flight. A few, however, of the more desperate kept their ground, upon which the ri nid quiet was restored. The whole of the succeeding night was spent in collecting information of the nan those who had rendered themselves conspicuous by their activity on the occasion, and in securing their pi i THE SPY SYSTEM. 55 in consequence of which, twenty-four of them were, early next morning, conducted under military escort to the town of Hoi ton. There was reason to believe that some of the local magis- luul employed spies, who urged on their victims to violence. Mr. John Edward Taylor, in his reply to a pamphlet published in 1819 by Mr. Francis Phillips, ' I have no reason to believe that the atrocity of the Middleton riots can be palliated by any attempt to prove that the tricks and machinations of hired spies had any share in producing them. They originated in severe distress, exasperated by a short-sighted prejudice -t the introduction of newly-invented machinery, which the populace fancied was calculated to aggravate the sufferings they were then enduring. The attack of the mob upon the factory, and their destruction of the house of one of its owners, were crimes of the greatest enormity : much, therefore, as the consequences were to be deplored, no doubts were entertained of the legality of the conduct pursued. However humanity might grieve at the death of those who were shot by the military, justice was satisfied. But at West lloughton, where a steam-loom factory was i fire and burnt down, the case was widely different. This outrage was debated (as appeared by evidence brought forward on the trials of the rioters) at a meeting which took place on Dean Moor, near Bolton, the 9th of April, 1812, sixteen days before the scheme was put in practice. At this meeting (which was very speedily reduced to nume- rical insignificance by the desertion of a considerable pro- portion of those who had at first attended it) there were it, during the greater part of its duration, and up to the time of it- close, not more than about forty persons, of whom no less than ten or eleven were SPIES, reputed to .iployed by Colonel Fletcher. On this OCCUMOII these spies \\rir (triifil, and disguised with Unckcned faces. And when some persons wished to retire from the meeting, on 56 HIE SPY SYSTEM. finding the wit-kid purpose on which it was bint, they were prevented from doing so by a rear guard, formed chiefly of the armed spies, and marched by force toward> \\Yst Houghton, where a considerable detachment of military were in ambuscade, awaiting their approaeh. Upon this occasion the spies were provided with ic/tifr caps, to put on when they should come in contact with the military, in order that, being recognised, they might not be hurt. But all the exertions of the spies were insutlieient to enable them to carry their plan into effect, The unfor- tunate victims of their diabolical machinations could nut, at that* time, be induced to act; one by one they slunk away from the meeting, till the spies were left alone ; so that when* a detachment of the local militia, which was sent from Bolton, at midnight, to pick up stragglers, had succeeded in apprehending a considerable number of sup- posed Luddites, they were, upon examination, every man of them, proved to belong to the corps of black-faeed spies. and consequently dismissed. The occurrence of circum- stances like these, sixteen days before the burning of the factory took place, renders it not a matter of presumption, but of absolute certainty, that that alarming outrage might have been prevented, if to prevent it had been the inclina- tion of either the spies or their employers. I am not aware that the truth of the preceding statements, which I have abridged from " Dr. Taylor's Letter," and which have now been before the public seven years, has ever In all questioned. But, however that may be, I know that proof of them can be given upon oath, to such an extent as must be absolutely decisive of their veracity. At the special commission held at Lancaster, for the trial of tin- rioters of that period, eight persons were capitally con- victed. At Chester, though fifteen were condemned to death, two only were ultimately executed. But the con- duct pursued at Lancaster formed a striking contrast with this dignified lenity. There every person convicted, man, "WHOLESOME" SEVERITIES. 57 , and child, were consigned to the hands of the execu- tioner. One of these victims teas a boy so young and childish, that he called on his mother for help at the time of his execu- tion, thinking she had the power to save him." Lord Sidmouth, the new home secretary, gave his hearty approval to this " wholesome" severity. " Wherever the law was clear," says his reverend biographer, " he employed ill-- law to vindicate^ its own majesty: in other instances, where this was impracticable, he hesitated not to apply to the legislature for the necessary powers to put down evils against which the existing laws provided no adequate remedy." In other words, he availed himself of the laws so far as they suited his coercive purposes, and if they did not, he applied for new laws to meet the occasion. In Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire destructive riots had taken place, and on the 23rd July he had applied for and obtained a bill for " the preservation of the public peace in the disturbed districts, and to give additional powers to the justices for the purpose." He corresponded with local magistrates, urging them to proceed vigorously, and promising his support if their zeal should be blamed. He wrote to the lord lieutenant of Yorkshire of the urgent expediency of bringing the prisoners in York Castle for riot immediately to trial, that their conviction and punish- ment, might strike terror into the hearts of the disaffected. A special commission for their trial was opened at York, on the 2nd of January, 1813, and a sufficient number of convictions was obtained to vindicate the supremacy of the law : and," says his biographer, " it now became the duty of the government to inflict that extensive retribu- tion which the heniousness of the offences, the necessity for a striking example, and the mistaken lenity manifested at a previous assize, had rendered indispensable; and from this duty, painful as it was, Lord Sidmouth did not shrink. The three murderers of Mr. llorsfall) expiated their erime k, on the 9th of January; and on the 16th of the D 3 58 LORD SIDMOl 1 U. same month, fourteen unhappy Luddites, whose cnso considered the most atrocious and unpardonable^ were al>o led to execution halt' at eleven o'clock in the i'orenoon. and the remaining seven after au interval of two hours." Lord Sidmouth was h'ujhly satisfied with the conduct of all the authorities whose services were required on the on. "These severe, but necessary exam; tinues Dr. Fcllcw, " produced a moi salutary result in the discontented districts," and he rejoices that the Annual Itcffister has said, that " lew years had passed in which more intenml tranquillity had been enjoyed by the people of these islands than the year 1813 ;" forgetting, however, to state, from the same volume, that " the bounteous har- vest which crowned the hopes of the year, had produced the desirable effect of reducing the prices of the most necessary articles of human subsistence to half, or two- thirds of that which they bore during all its early months." and that the low price of food, and the repeal of the Orders in Council, had been accompanied by increased employ- ment and a rise in the price of labour, circums- quite as likely to produce tranquilli/.ing effects as the :i-ive retribution" which had been so earnestly re- commended by Lords Sidmouth, Ellenborough. Kldon. and Castlcreagh. The placid secretary called his severity benevolence. lie harshly punished some, that many might be saved from crime. His mistake was in classing murder, luddisin, and radicalism, in the same category, and punish- ing them all alike. Stocking-frame breaking, like corn-law- making, was a crime no doubt, but to hang men for it was carrying "retribution" too far, even in the then state of opinion in England. His biographer tells us, that i M-qucntly to repeat, with approbation, tin- substance of some observations which the Kmperor of Russia made to him. "In England," said his m; where every man enjoys so much freedom <>i' action, the execution of the laws must necessarily be severe, in CHURCH EXTENSION'. 59 [ucnce of the difficulty of imposing adequate re- straints ou the early transgression of them. As you cannot, therefore, interpose obstacles to the commission of crime, the only remaining check is to punish it severely when committed. In Russia we can interfere to prevent the commission." The home secretary having, by the help of a good harvest, put down, for a time, the discontent in Lanca- shire, had leisure to think of benefiting the district in some other way. The reverend Cecil Daniel Wray, then one of the chaplains, now one of the fellows or canons of the Collegiate Church, had pointed out to him the " disproportion between the population of Manchester and Salford, and the means of accommodation in those towns at places of worship under the established church." In his lordship's reply, dated 20th of November, 1814, he says : " The circumstance struck me forcibly when the returns I had moved for were laid before the House of Lords, in 1811; and I urged it, together with many other instances of such a disproportion, as a ground for the interposition of parliament, to correct an evil so favour- able to the growth of schism, and, indeed, so injurious to the interests and influence of religion ;" and he promises Mr. Wray, that he will call the attention of parliament to the subject, which he did in 1818, successfully, as the erection of St. Matthew's, in Camp Field, St. Andrews, in Ancoats, St. George's, in Hulme, and St. Philips, in Salford, prove. In alter times, when further extension of minis- trations by the rich established church was asked for in Manchoter, this same Mr. C. D. Wray, and his fellow canons, resisted any appropriation, for such purpose, of any portion of the funds accruing to the parish church, amounting to some ten thousand pounds a year, and en- hy the ministers of that single edifice, who, at the same time, in justification of non-residence, denied that they had the cure of souls. 60 - I HI \v \n CLOSED. While submission was enforced and church promised at home, events \vcrc occurring abroad, giving promise to the tenninatiou of a war which ought in een commenced, and which brought more n- in its train than any ever waged. Victories were now hailed, not with savage exultation at the destruction of human life, but with the hope that every succeeding triumph would bring the nation nearer to the enjoyment, once more, of the blessings of peace. In September, 1812, the French army was deprived of its winter quarters by the destruction of Moscow by fire. On the 19th of October it commenced its disastrous retreat ; on the oth of December, Napoleon himself left it to its fate ; and the campaign was ended in which half a million of lives were sacrificed. In June and July, 1813, the French sustained signal defeats in Spain, and were compelled to retreat beyond the Pyn nm-cs. In October the newly-formed army of Napoleon was defeated at Lcipsic. On November 2nd he reached Mentx, with 70,000 men, the remains of 300,000 which he had a few months before led to the Elbe and the Oder. On the 31st of March, 1814, the allies entered Paris; and on the llth of April, the emperor, dethroned, embarked at Frejus for Elba. On the 24th of December peace was concluded between Great Britain and the United States. Once more we were at peace ; merchants and manufacturers rejoiced in the expectation of a revival of trade ; and the starving rejoiced in the expectation of cheapness and plenty. The Congress of Vienna had permanently "settled" the affairs of Europe, Castlercagh representing England. Napoleon was in his ocean prison, guarded by the French and British fleets; and half a century's prosperity was in pro Alas, for the vanity of human expectations ! On February 17th, 1H1/J, Mr. Frederick Robinson brought forward his resolutions on the corn trade, to prohibit the importation of wheat when the price was under 80s. a quarter. Tumults took place in the metropolis, which COST OF THE WAU. 01 lasted more than a week, and were only quelled by military force. There were no accounts of battles abroad to divert the people from attention to their own affairs ; and affairs looked gloomy enough for a ministry which attempted to lay a heavy tax upon the people's food the moment when the country expected that abundance would follow the re- establishinent of peace. Oh for a war to enable the riders to put the chain on and snap the lock ! Opportunely as opportunely as if it been carefully schemed Napoleon escaped from Elba, eluded the vigilance of British and French fleets and cruisers, and landed in France on March 1st, only one fortnight after the proposal of Mr. Robinson's resolutions. There was something now to look to abroad. Between the time of Napoleon's landing and the battle of Waterloo, which again "settled" the affairs of Europe, the Corn Bill was passed, not, however, without bloodshed passed while what was called the People's House was sur- rounded by bristling bayonets passed to inflict a third of a century's privation on a people exhausted by a twenty-two years' war, and loaded with an enormous debt incurred in the work of destroying human life. Leaving out of view the loss of more than a million and a half of lives, the derangement of trade, the bankruptcy and ruin of merchants and manufacturers, and the misery which had been endured by the industrial classes during three- lour ths of the war period, let us look at the money cost of this contest. The following exhibits the sums raised by loans and taxes from the commencement of the war to the peace of Amiens : Ttin. By Taxes. By Loans. IT'.i:! 17,170,400 4,500,000 IT'.U 17,308,811 11,000,000 17'.ir> 17,858,454 18,000,000 17% 18,737,760 25,500,000 17: '7 ... 20,654,650 32,500,000 Carried forward ... 91,730,075 91,600,000 COST OF THK WAR. Years. Brought forward ... 91,730,075 1798 30,202,!)15 17,000,000 1799 35,229,968 18,500,000 . 1800 33,81)6,464 20,500,000 1801 35,415,096 28,000,000 1802 ... 37,210,213 25,000,000 ;:5,714,731 1,500,000 The following exhibits the sums raised by taxes and 1 from the re-commcuceinent of the war to its termination : 1 '.y Taxes. . 37,679,063 15,202,931 1804 45,359,4-42 20,104,221 iso.-, 49,659,281 U7,'.t:i' 1806 63,304,254 1807 .. 58,390,225 23,8* 1808 61,538,207 - 1809 63,405,294 L 1810 66,681,366 22,428,788 -1811 ... 64,763,870 .. 27,4] 1812 r,:,u;n,s5i ; 1813 66,925,835 : 1814 69,68-1,192 ; 1815 70,403,4-12 46,089,603 C77H.SMJI. 388,868,930 The total expenditure for the 23 years was 1 ,023,0-13,387. Deducting from this amount an average annual peace expenditure of 20,000,000, the cost of the war was l,ir,;j,913,387 ! Let it be borne in mind that Mane! which urged on. with an almost savage earne.-tncss, that 1 on x- protracted and disastrous conflict, was the s-. Miff'crcr by its continuance ! Peace, gentle peace and joyous plenty, after lon^r war and long privation ! The weary, over-burthcncd nation was at length to be at rest. But with peace came the corn law. to intercept the free gifts of God to his suffering creatures. \ ere told we must wait until the consequences of TRANSITION ^Tvil. 63 "revulsion" had ceased ere we could enjoy comfort and abundance ; we were told that we must endure the results of a "transition" from war to peace ere we could have prosperity. The fell disease was removed, but we were to take the first steps to health in pain and penury. Were the innocent to be punished with the guilty ? Alas ! ALL WERE (. r u.i v. The sin had been a NATIONAL SIN. The nation had raised its voice and had loudly called for Avar, demanded war, punished all who were averse to war ; and national sin was followed by national punishment ; and the instruments of punishment were those rulers who had, nothing loath, been hounded on to war. We had reaped our reward in GLORY ; we had earned everlasting FAME in hundreds oi battle-fields ; were we to have all that and national pros- perity besides ? The war had been undertaken to put down opinion con- sidered to be dangerous to the existence of venerable institutions. When peace was restored, opinion averse to established abuses again began to manifest itself. "The national joyousness of war," says a historian of the period, " may exceed that of peace, but its joys are more fallacious, if not criminal. It is a period of exertion, of high excitement, in which a consciousness of internal maladies is forgotten in the death-struggle for foreign mastery. Moreover, it is a season of spending, wa.ste, and reckless prodigality. It is a delirious state intoxicated by victories, if successful bursting into rage or sinking into despondency, if defeated. Peace, on the contrary, is less obnoxious to extremes. It is a time of quiet, of reckoning up, saving, and forethought. The smallest evils that exist are felt ; all that are impending I'.agincd and manifold. War affords a ready excuse for every disorder, every public privation, every remedial postponement ; but peace is the ordeal of rulers. Public burdens are nicely weighed, and the pretext for their continuance scrutinized. Not only is the physical condition of the people considered, but their laws, religion, political TRANSITION STA , rights, and even morals, become the common topic > t>l investigation. There is leisure for everything, as well as di-icngagcd talent, energy, and enterprise. The troubles and entanglements of peace are mostly the bitter fruits ol \var : but the glories of war con only be won by dissipating the blessings peace has accumulated. The time of reckoning up, economy, and forethought had come. Passing by the short and fleeting period of a fair reward for labour which the manufacturing population amongst them the numerous body of Lancashire \ve;r enjoyed, when the disasters experienced by the French armies opened the continental markets to our merchants, and when the plentiful harvest of 1813 had made food abundant and cheap, we come to the period of .- suffering which the self-styled political economists of the ruling party characterised as "a revulsion occasioned by the change from war to peace. The industrial made no calculation of this painful period of transition : they had thought that when the evil ceased the good \\ould come ; they had thought that with peace there would be plenty ; and they had anticipated that they should no 1 be called from their workshops to raise their voice against misgovcniment and oppression. "But," said Mr. John Edward Taylor, writing while his sympathies we; worm with the suffering multitude, " the giving of a fictitious vjJue to the price of corn, to enable the landed interest to pay the impositions to which it was Mihjeeted. was a measure which had produced a deep and lasting irritation in the minds of the labouring c\a>- The disappointment of their hopes led to deij discontent, entertained for some time in sullen silence, but which, before twelve months had elapsed from the enactment of the com bill, found articulate, and, to guilty rulers, terrific utterance. Previous to that time, however, a small portion of the working classes, seeing the folly of fixing a maximum price for potatoes and a minimum rate for wages, and CABTWKIGHT A>'D COBBETT. 65 reading attentively the writings of Major Cartwright and William Cobbett, had come to the conclusion that there was no hope for better government unless the people were better represented in the House of- Commons. Had their employers done all they could do to prevent the distress and the consequent discontent.? CHAPTER v. MANCHESTER IN THE FIEST YEAR OP PEAi MY residence in Manchester was the result not of accident, but of deliberate choice, while yet in a position where choice is not often allowed. I had been only two years in a warehouse in Glasgow, when, near the close of tli< 1811, my master (a brother of James Grahame, the author of " The Sabbath," and uncle of James Grahame, author of a " History of the United States,") resolved that I should become the traveller in England to receive orders for the muslins he manufactured. My journey extended from Carlisle, through the western counties to Plymouth, and then, through the southern and midland count Newcastle-upon-Tyne. After three years of sucli employ- ment, another traveller was employed in my stead, and my time was devoted to the wholesale houses of London and Manchester. In Manchester I found that I met in the street, in one day, more country drapers than I could, with the utmost industry, meet in their own shops in two, and it struck me that if we kept our manufactured stock in Manchester, we could considerably increase our business, and at a great saving in travelling expenses. One evening in September, 1815, while sitting witli my master at his house, I mentioned the concourse of drap Manchester, and expressed my conviction that, if there to be a continuance of peace, that town would be- come so much the market for all kinds of goods, in cotton, woollens, linen, and silk, as to attract every res- ide country draper in England several times in the year. The subject was long and earnestly discussed between us. At length he asked, " Is this a sudden conviction, or have you thought long about it ?" I told him that . PROBABLE PROGBES8 OF MANCHESTER. 67 recent visit to Manchester had confirmed the opinion I had formed soon after I had been there the first time. I spoke of the coal-fields of Lancashire, and the industry, the enterprise, and the hard-headed shrewdness of its inhabitants. He said, " We have coal, and industry, and shrewdness, and intelligence here." " Yes," I replied, " you have, but you have not centrality ; you are in a corner ; you have nothing but Glasgow and Paisley here ; Manchester has about a dozen of Paisleys Wigan, Preston, Blackburn, Bolton, Bury, Rochdale, Ashton, Stockport, and numerous fast-growing villages, all increasing in im- portance, and likely, some time or other, if fair play is given to their industry, to form one enormous community." " But they have the corn-law to retard their prosperity. " " So have you." After a long pause, he asked, " When can you go to take a warehouse ?" " I would go to-night if there was a coach,'' I replied, " but I can go by to- morrow's mail." I did go next day, made a bargain for the warehouse No. 1, Peel-street, and in three weeks I opened it with the whole stock transferred from the Glasgow warehouse, with all the responsibility on my young shoulders of, in those days, a large business. It may be supposed I had not much leisure for politics ; but I made a point of pushing on work in the early part o* the day, so that I had the evenings to myself; and I began to look around me to ascertain what was the state of the v in which I was placed, and the opinions which prevailed amongst my fellow-townsmen. My forefathers, for three generations, had taken the field in defence of the religious freedom of their country, and I had a strong hereditary dislike to church intolerance and exaction ; my father had narrowly escaped the prose- cution directed against the Scotch patriots in 179-1, and I saw, with indignation, the arbitrary stretches of power continued to be exercised by the government ; and I had seen the rottenness of both the English and the Scotch 68 WAGES AND PRICES. boroughs, and yearned for parliamentary reform. But the event which had excited my deepest detestation was the passing of the corn bill. I regarded it, in the first place, as an impious attempt to intercept, for the profit of a few, the gifts which God had bestowed for the benefit of all ; in the second place, as an impolitic and im- poverishing interference with the liberty of exchanging the surplus produce of our own country for the surplus produce of other lands ; and, in the third place, as a gross injustice to the working classes, the great mass of the nation, tending at once to -lower their wages and raise the price of food. Such were the opinions I expressed in the spring of that year 1815, to my excellent friend, John Childs, of Bungay, when, at an early hour of the morning, we were returning through the Strand, after listening to a long protracted debate in the House of Commons during the progress of the corn bill, his memo- rable reply being, " If we live, we shall see more misery produced by this bill than ever followed human legisla- tion." We have both lived to see the predicted misery. It is something to have lived to be instrumental, even in the slightest degree, in removing the impoverishing infliction. It is something to have been of those who, after an eight years' arduous struggle, destroyed the iniquitous monopoly. It is something for myself to reflect that from 1815, when it was passed, until 1846, when it was prospectively repealed, I never ceased to expose its injustice and mischievous effects. I did not find many persons of my own class in Manchester, whose opinions on free trade in corn were in accordance with my own. The working men, indeed, were right on the question, as they continued to be throughout after struggles ; but they were powerless, and could not meet to deliberate without danger to their personal 'liberty. The manufacturers had opposed the corn bill, because they believed that rising the price of food would raise the wages of labour, and thus OPPOSITION TO COllST LAWS. 69 prevent their competition with the manufacturers of other countries. I found that the opposition to the bill had been very faint. A quiet meeting had been held, pursuant to the following requisition : Manchester, Feb. 23, 1815. To the Boroughreeve and Constables of Manchester and Salford. We beg you would be pleased to appoint an early public meeting of the inhabitants of the towns of Manchester and Salford, to take into consideration the measures now pending in the House of Commons, relative to the price of corn, and the propriety of petitioning parliament against the same passing into a law- Robert Peel, Thomas PeeL Phillips and Lee, William Sandford, John Burton, George Fraser, James Gordon, Thomas Hardman, Walker and Bower r James Hibbert, John Bradshaw, Peter Ewart, John Potter, John and Thomas Cooke, Jer. Fielding, Otho Huhne, Wm. Grant and Brothers, William Tate, Hargreaves and Dugdale, Edward Turner, Thos. Andrew and Sons, William Boyd, Andrew Tomlin, Parker and Co. James Heald, John Whitehead, Oakden and Taylor, Watkins and Harbottlc, J. R. Lamb, Chadwick, Clogg, and Co., J. Brooke, Thomas Hollins, James NichoUs, Worthington, Parker, and Co. t Jos. Blair, Ben. Sandford, John Gray, Brooks and Oughton, Jos. Litt, &c. &c. In compliance with the above requisition, we appoint a public meeting of the inhabitants of Manchester and Salford, to be held on Monday evening, the 27th instant, in the Dining Room of the Exchange Buildings, at eleven o'clock precisely. H. H. BIRLEY, Boroughreeve, THOMAS WILLIAMS, ") n . , , > of Manchester. JOSEPH GBEEN, j Constables, j R. HINDLEY, Boroughreeve, RD. BINDLOSS, } constables, of Salford - JOHN SHEBBATT, j .! 70 OPPOSITION ON BETTEE GKOUNDS. This Mr. Hugh Hornby Birley, Boroughreeve, who con- vened an anti-corn-law meeting, presided over it, and signed its resolutions, subsequently attained the bad pre- eminence of commanding a troop of local yeomanry, which rode furiously, and with newly-sharpened sabres in hand, into the middle of a legally-called and peaceably-assembled meeting to petition for the repeal of the corn-law, striking indiscriminately unarmed men and defenceless women and children.- Why, at an interval of little more than four years, did the petitioners of the one period hew down the petitioners of the other ? The Birleys and the Greens, the Bradshaws and the Hardmans, of 1815, believed that the enactment of the corn-law would raise wages ; and the working men of 1819 asked for its repeal because it had reduced wages. The meeting passed the following resolutions : " 1st. That the great importance of trade and manufacture in this country has been fully evinced during the period of the late war, by enabling us to call forth resources impracticable in any state that was merely agricultural. "2nd. That a large exportation of our manufactures is absolutely necessary to their support, and their sale in foreign markets can be insured only by their superiority and cheapness. "3d. That the great extension of manufactures in France, Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands, where they possess decisive advantages from the low price of labour, is sever, i in this country, and is truly alarming. "1th. That the proposed restrictions on the importation of corn must materially raise its price, and consequently that of every other species of provisions; and aa a great proportion of labour in the manufacture is and mutt be manual, it will be utterly impossible to carry on competition with the Continent for any length of time, if the projected measure be adopted. " 5th. That whilst the landed interest was enriched by the war, the class of manufacturers sustained, in a vriety of ways, its heaviest pressure. "6th. Thai no policy can be more short-sighted or unjust, than that which would redress the temporary grievances of a part of the community, by permanently sacrificing the best interests of the whole." AGRICULTUBE AND TRADE. 71 It will be seen that the stress of these resolutions is upon cheapness of labour as necessary to successful com- petition with other countries. The newspapers of the time contain no reports of speeches no comments on speeches. The notice in Cotcdroy's Gazette was confined to the following meagre paragraph : "On Monday last, pursuant to a requisition from some of the most respectable mercantile characters of this town, a public meeting was held at the Exchange Rooms, to take into consideration the propriety of petitioning against the new corn laws, in their process of passing both houses of parliament. Several appropriate and spirited resolutions met with unanimous assent, and we hope that the sentiments thus openly declared from so important a trading town as Manchester, will testify its sense of the impending bill ; which, while it may gratify the wishes of interested landholders, must, by its tendency to advance the price of labour, give to the commercial rivalship of other countries a decided pre-eminence." It appears, however, that there were some who joined in the requisition and attended the meeting who were not satisfied with the resolution laying such stress on the danger of raising the price of labour. I find in Cowdroy an advertisement and it is a curious sign of the times that they should be inserted only as an advertisement, certain " Plain Observations on the Corn Laws," in the form of resolutions, no doubt intended very likely by John Shuttleworth, then a rising young man, but not of such standing as to insist very pertinaciously on the un- modified adoption of his views to be proposed at the meeting, but withdrawn for the sake of committing the old ruling party to an opposition to the proposed act of commercial restriction. From these obviously intended resolutions I select the following : 'It i- f. ilk-tit and notorious that the rent of land has been generally doubled, and in many instances quadrupled, and that ever since the advance both on its value and its product was the result of circumstances, so, or equally, ought both to fall (as is the case in various manufactures) when such circumstances cease to operate. "That the high price of subsistence exceeding what the lower 7_' REFORMERS OF THE TIME. orders have generally been able to pay out of their earnings, has greatly contribxitcd to the excessive poor rates. " That it is a delusion to hold out to the lower classes, that wages IT tin- price of labour will, or can, rise in the same extent with the proposed rise in the price of food. " That a great number of persons thrown out of work in all trades, will inevitably reduce the rate of wages. " That the laborious orders of this empire believing it the effect of a necessary war, have long sumbitted with exemplary patience to the increased price of provisions, and they must feel with proportionate disappointment, if such now be artificially continued. " That agriculture has especially its own protecting duties ; that the duties on foreign wines, spirits, and colonial sugars, although generally viewed as a source of revenue, are not less effectually pro- tecting duties in favour of the growth of British barley and hops. That these alone outweigh at once all the protecting duties in favour of manufactures. " That corn-laws can be only effectual when accompanied by legis- lative restriction extended to rent ; and as this cannot, perhaps, be practically enforced, the free importation of foreign corn can alone keep down prices. " That if the threat of laying down more land in grass should be realized, it is not more than seems to be required by the liigh price of butcher's meat, butter and cheese, as well as bread. " That the property tax is now about to be repealed, and the cost of the produce of land diminished accordingly. " That the only equitable increase of rent must be drawn from the increase of the quantity of produce, and not from the increase of the price of it. " That an artificial increase of rent by parliamentary protections is a depreciation of all other property to the benefit of the*landowner. " That with respect to the labouring classes, it has been above shown that it is a deception to suppose their wages will, or can rise in tlie same proportion with the proposed rise in the price of food an expectation disproved by the experience of the late times of high prices, when their increase of wages, however, in some places great, did not avert their increased difficulties. "That it is absolutely necessary immediate petitions should be presented to both houses of parliament, and the J'rince Seyent, to prevent the extension of the import price of corn being altered from 63s. to 80s. per quarter." REFORMERS OF THE TIME. 73 I suppose that, to the open and strong expression of my opinion in preference of the intended resolutions to those which had been passed at the meeting, I was in- debted for a call from Mr. Edward Baxter and Mr. John Edward Taylor, afterwards of the Manchester Guardian. Baxter was a man of much energy, whose prosperity in business had not abated his earnestness for reform, and Taylor had a youthful ardour for liberty which promised fair to continue under any circumstances. Through them I became acquainted with a little circle of men, faithful, amongst the faithless, to liberal principles, who subsequently threw the shield of their protection over the intended victims of a government oppression, which was, if possible, more vindictive than that of 1794. There were few re- maining of those who had been reformers at the com- mencement of the French revolution. Thomas Walker was dead, and Thomas Cooper had emigrated to America. Ottiwell Wood (father of the present chairman of the board of inland revenue) had removed to Liverpool out of the river into the cold shower and Mr. George Philips (after- wards Sir George, Baronet), frightened at the atrocities of the revolution, had retreated into the ranks of the whigs. Robert Philips remained staunch and true to his early prin- ciples ; his son Mark, afterwards M.P. for Manchester, was then but a lad. Mr. Samuel Greg also remained true to irly principles; his son, Robert Hyde, afterwards M. P. for Manchester, had not yet taken part in public business. And there were Samuel Jackson, who lived in a house, then in the country, in Princess-street, Hulme ; and Thomas Preston, who lived in a retired villa on the Ashton-road, now a public-house, both venerable and in- telligent men; and Thomas Kershaw, William Ila/litt's friend, whose talk was of paintings, and Stringer, of Knutsford, and Church-and-King mobs. Of the new men, the carriers-down of reform principles to another genera- tion, were J. Edward Taylor, whom I Imve already named ; 7 1 REFORMERS OF THE TIME. Joseph Brothcrton, who, then in his country cottage in Oldfield-lane, gave quiet expression to the principles of free trade and peace, which he afterwards boldly assorted in the House of Commons ; William Harvey, Brotherton's worthy brother-in-law; Richard Potter, afterwards M.P. for Wigan, benevolent and earnest, then beginning to take a part in public business ; Thomas Potter, afterwards Sir Thomas, and first mayor of Manchester, benevolent, strong of pin-pose, and energetic, always willing to aid the cause of reform, but taking little or no part in public questions : John Shuttleworth, afterwards alderman, eloquent, intel- lectual, and bold ; and Fenton Robinson Atkinson, an able lawyer and a thorough hater of oppression, whose legal knowledge and earnest love of liberty were soon to be effectively used on behalf of the illegally oppn Mr. John Benjamin Smith, now member for the Stirling district of boroughs, making no public appearances, was preparing himself for future labours. Mr. Absalom Watkin, giving himself more to literature than to politics, was. nevertheless, on the way to useful action. Amongst the shopkeepers of reform principles were Mr. John Dracup, .Mr. P. T. Candelet, and others, who had tin- confidence of the working classes, using their influence beneficially. A few more there were, free traders and reformers ; but the band, at least among the class of persons -who wore broad cloth and white neckcloths, was small " a small but determined band," as Richard Potter, referring to the period, used to say, when, in less trying days, the old pioneers in the cause of reform were mentioned with honour. The small band, however, furnished rather a remarkable quota to the legislature, to the press, and to the municipal government of the future borough. Dr. William C. Taylor, in his " Life and Times of Sir Robert Peel," noticing the first baronet's opposition to tin corn law. says: "It is only justice to observe, that the resistance offered to the imposition of these laws by FALLACY ABOUT WAGES. 75 the first Sir Robert Peel, was based upon more legitimate grounds than the demand for their repeal when first raised by the modern manufacturers of Manchester, They took the untenable and unpopular ground that it was necessary to have cheap bread in order to reduce the English rate of wages to the continental level ; and so long as they persisted in this blunder, the cause of free trade made but little progress. On the other hand, Sir Robert Peel, with characteristic good sense, had pointed out that these laws were injurious, not to class interests, but to imperial interests. * * * It is absurd to say that Manchester was either the birth-place or the cradle of free trade ; it can only claim the merit of reviving the demand for the repeal of an impolitic law, which had been allowed to slumber during a period of great political excitement and some commercial prosperity ; and when the revival of the , drew a considerable share of public attention to our transactions, and obtained for the leaders some notoriety. Several meetings of d> from the surrounding districts were held at our chapel, on which EARLY BA.PICALS. 89 occasions the leading reformers of Lancashire were generally seen together. These were John Knight, of Manchester, cotton manu- fiu-turor; William Ogden, of Manchester, letter-press printer a ft i- 1- wards immortalised by Canning, as the 'revered and ruptured Ogden ;' William Benbow, of Manchester, shoemaker ; Bradbury, of Manchester, stonecutter ; diaries Walker, of Ashton, weaver ; Joseph Watson, of Mossley, clogger 5 Joseph Ramsden, of Mossley, woollen-weaver ; WilUam Nicholson, of Lees, letter-press printer ; John Ilaigh, of Oldham, silk-weaver ; Joseph Taylor, of Oldham, liatter ; John Kay, of Eoyton, student in surgery ; Robert Pilkin- ton, of Bury, cotton-weaver ; Amos Ogden, of Middleton, silk- weaver; Caleb Johnston, of Middleton, cotton- weaver ; and Samuel Bamford, of Middleton, silk-weaver. Soon afterwads we were joined by John Johnston, of Mum-luster, tailor; and Joseph Mitchell, of Liverpool, draper. Such were the conditions of all whom I recollect as standing prominently forward in those times, through evil and through good report, in our district of the country." In December, 1816, a meeting of delegates was held in the chapel, at which it was resolved to send out mis- sionaries to other towns and villages. William Fitton, of Royton, a very honest and very intelligent man, and Ben- bow, and Pilkington went to the manufacturing towns in the West Riding of Yorkshire, and were very successful in wakening the demand for reform. On the 4th November a great mei-ting was hold in St. Peter's Field, Manchester, .John Knight in the chair, "to take into consideration the distressed state of the country;" and similar meetings wriv held in the neighbouring towns. On the 1st January. 1817, a meeting of drlr^aU-s from twenty-one petitioning bodies was held in the Middleton chapel, when resolutions were passed declarator)' of the right of every male to vote who paid taxes ; that males of eighteen should be eligible to vote ; that parliunu-nt.s should be elected annually ; that no placeman or pensioner should sit in parliament ; that every twenty thousand inhabitants should send a member to the House of Commons ; and that talent and virtue were the only qualifications necessary. " Such," says Ilainl'onl. " were the moderate views and wishes of the reformers in 90 FBESH AL.VUM. those days, as compared with the present. The ballot was not insisted upon as a matter of reform. Concentrating our whole energy for the obtaimnent of annual parliaments and universal suffrage, we neither interfered with the House of Lords nor the bench of bishops, nor the working of factories, nor the corn laws, nor the payment of members, tithes nor church rates, nor a score of other matters which in these days have been pressed forward with the eii'ect of distracting the attention and weakening the exertions of reformers any one or all of which matters would be more likely to succeed with a house of commons on the suffrage we claimed than with one returned as at present." Mr. Bamford ought to have added, that although the radicals did not petition for a repeal of the corn law, the passing of that act was constantly urged as the strongest proof of the necessity of parliamentary reform, and that at every public meeting flags were displayed, bearing the inscription of " No corn law." The enemies of reform were alarmed at the movement of the radicals. On the 13th of January, at the instigation of Lord Sidmouth, who recommended such demonstrations to be made everywhere, a meeting of the tory party was held in Manchester, to consider the " necessity of adopting additional measures for the maintenance of the public peace.*' An association to further that object was formed, and a declaration adopted which received the signatures of upwards of two thousand of the principal residents. In this embodiment of their views and feelings, they stated that " the numerous meetings held, both publicly and ly the organised system of committees, dcl< and missionaries the contributions levied, particularly for disseminating pamphlets calculated to mislead and irritate the public mind the indecorous and highly unconstitutional reflections upon the exalted personage now exercising the royal authority the marked disparagement of the most charitable relief in the seasons of unavoidable SIDMOUTH'S REMEDIES. 91 pressure the language of intimidation, not merely hinted, but plainly expressed -the appointment of popular assem- blies in various parts of the kingdom on the same day, after the meeting of parliament, and the previous assembling of deputies in London ; all these circumstances afford strong manifestation of meditated disorder and tumult, and bear no analogy whatever to the fair and legitimate exercise of that constitutional liberty which is emphatically the birth- right and security of Englishmen." Meetings for the same purpose were held at Bury, Bolton, Rochdale, Oldham, Stockport, Ashton, Saddleworth, Sandbach, Congletou, and Liverpool. On the 25th of February an attempt was made, by holding a meeting at Preston, to check the progress of " disloyalty" in Lancashire, but the "loyalists" were out- voted and defeated in their objects. Other means had to be tried. An assault on the Prince Regent, upon his return from opening the session of parliament in January, came oppor- tunely to aid the operations of the terrorists. Soon after a \ Mitchell and Benbow, subsequent to the meet- ing of deputies of the Crown and Anchor, on February 7th, it is but fair to state, that Mitchell says that the plan was agreed upon at Major Cartwright's long before that PALLIATION OF THE FOLLY. time, in the presence of Mr. Cobbett. who fully approved of it, and of Mr. Peter "NValker, who did not dissent. It is not of much consequence accurately to know who whore the originators of the folly. It brought much misery upon many misled men, and no little discredit on the cause of parliamentary reform thus attempted to be promoted. The blanket meeting and the blanket march were, of all possible devices, the least likely to convince the middle and the aristocratic classes that the multitudes were fitted for the enjoyment of the electoral franchise ; and yet there were circumstances which, though not amounting to a justification of those movements, offer, when duly considered, some palliation of the folly. There were many brought to the very brink of starvation and hunger seldom reasons ; there were many of those who thought that the open ex- hibition of their miser}- would excite sympathy and bring relief; and there were many who thought that the show of strength, without being illegally put forth, would ensure respect to their claim for fair representation, In smaller numbers were those who thought that it would be patriotic to achieve, even by force, if force were to be used against themselves, the rights which were denied them ; and there were some who, being employed by government and the local magistracy to discover sedition and betray the seditious, made work for themselves by instigating the disaffected into such open action as would make them amenable to the laws. Baraford tells of having been waited upon by a young man, a stranger, and invited to take part in making a " Moscow of Manchester ;" and how, in the belief that he was only misguided, the fellow was permitted to go away in cal'rty after the atrocious proposal had been made ! There had been unnecessary severity in dispersing and pursuing the people who had met and, blanket-enveloped. marched. Middle-class men, then themselves becoming reformers, severely blamed the harsh dispersion and the rough pursuit. There needed to be some justification for A NEW PLOT. 95 the past harshness, and some reason for the continuance of coercion. On the 28th of March the magistrates and people of Manchester, in constant correspondence with Sidmouth, notified " that information had reached them, on which they could place the fullest reliance of a most daring and traitorous conspiracy, the object of which was nothing less than open insurrection and rebellion." They added, that " deputies, calling themselves delegates, not only from the principal towns in this district, but others from a consi- derable distance, are known to be engaged in it. The town of Manchester is one of the first pointed out for attack, and the moment fixed upon for the diabolical enterprise is the night of Sunday next, the 13th instant." The awful plot is more circumstantially described in the report of the secret committee of the House of Lords : " It was on the night of the 30th of March, that a general insurrection was intended to commence at Manchester. The magistrates were to be seized, the prisoners were to be liberated, the soldiers were either to be surprised in their barracks, or a certain number of factories were to be set on fire, for the purpose of drawing the soldiers out of their barracks, of which a party, stationed near them for that purpose, were to take -sion, with a view of seizing the magazine. The signal for the commencement of these proceedings was to be the firing of a rocket, or rockets ; and hopes were held out that 2,000 or 3,000 men would be sufficient to accom- plish the first object, and that the insurgents would be 50,000 strong in the morning." " The official promulgation of these statesmen," says Mr. Wheeler, " combined with the scenes which were enacting through the country, excited much apprehension. The provisions of the Watch and Ward Act were put in force in Manchester ; special constables in large numbers were enrolled, troops poured in from all quarters, and, in conformity with the recommendation of the grand jury of the sessions, three troops of yeomanry, each containing fifty 96 THE PLOT NOTHING. men, were formed. It was believed that a conspiracy had been organised for a simultaneous rising throughout Lanca- shire, Derbyshire, Staffordshire, Yorkshire, and Warwick- shire ; and no body can doubt that there prevailed amongst the people much dissatisfaction, arising in great part, probably, from commercial distress, as well as from political discontent." I had to take my part in these watchings and wardings, and I recollect that one night after I had headed a company, amongst whom was Mr. John Edward Taylor, who lived next door to me in Islington-street, Salford, I wrote in the minute book at the station-house that I had found all quiet during our domiciliary visits, and my belief that the lieges would remain quiet if they were let alone. We shall hear of the yeomanry corps, at that time formed, hereafter, when they achieved an unenviable fame. What became of the great plot so circumstantially described, and giving rise to such precautions for the preservation of the king's peace ? On the evening of the 27th of March, 1817, about a do/en :;s were taken into custody at Ardwick and other parts of the town, and sent, not to the New Bailey prison for committal to take their open trial at Lancaster, but to London, to undergo secret examinations at the home secre- office. After the first burst of astonishment and alarm, which this intelligence caused, had subsided, people began to inquire a little into the probability of their being well founded, particularly as the 30th of March hud passed without the slightest discernable symptom of popular effer- vescence. In order, probably, to arrest the current of public incredulity, the Rev. W. II. Hay, stipendiary chairman of the bench of magistrates, in his charge to the grand jury at the Sulford sessions, as reported in Wheeler's f'/ii-niiicle of the 26th of April, stated, that when the trials of the parties accused came on, " purposes of the blackest enormity must be disclosed to the public," and that those " who professed to doubt their existence, would be finally WADDIXGTOX THE SPY. 97 constrained to admit the existence of the whole of them." But, notwithstanding this positive official assurance, all the persons arrested on the imputation of these atrocious designs discharged^ not only icitlwut trial, but without any in- dictment being ever preferred against them ! Two SPIES had been taken into custody along with the men who were apprehended as implicated in the plot, but they were immediately discharged. One of them had assumed the name of Wan-en, but his real name was Waddington, and his place of residence Bolton. The other was a man named Lomax, a barber at Bank Top, Man- chester. It was denied in parliament that the latter was a spy : but he was closely connected with Waddington, whose title to the epithet was never disputed, and his instant release showed what his occupation had been. It was further admitted that he had written to Lord Sidmouth on the 1 7th of March, offering to become a spy. Michael Hall, another spy,, who assumed the name of Dewhurst, was in the house at Ardwick when the alleged conspirators were arrested, but it was arranged that he should, escape. After Waddington' 8 exposure in the House of Commons, he was passing through a street in Bolton, when a young man, a schoolmaster, exclaimed, " Oh, thou blackface!" a term there in use, since the riot at West Houghton, to designate a spy. Waddington coolly lowered his gun, fired, and sent a ball through the thigh of his unfortunate accuser ! He was committed to prison for this offence, but Colonel Fletcher, or Major Watkin, immediately ordered him to be discharged on bail, although the offence charged WHS unbailable ; and in the meantime it was managed that the poor schoolmaster should be indicted at the Salford sessions for a riot, Wad- dington being the principal witness against him. He was convicted, and on his subsequently obtaining liberty he was unable to prosecute his own charge against Waddington, who went unpunished ! I have reason to know that a gentleman then in office at Bolton, much disgusted at this F 98 JOSEPH NADIN. perversion of justice, was induced to inquire on what foundation his tory opinions had been laid, and that the result was his conversion to reform principles. Nor was this an infrequent result of similar observation and inquiry. Amongst the persons taken into custody, under the sus- pension of the habeas corpus act, in connection with this pretended plot, was the weaver poet, Samuel Bamford, who was apprehended and handcuffed at Middleton, by Nadin, the deputy-constable of Manchester, and six or eight police officers, all of whom were well armed with staves, pistols, and blunderbusses. Nadin is thus described by^Bamford : " He was, I should suppose, about six feet one inch in height, with an uncommon breadth and solidity of frame. He was also as well as he was strongly built, upright in gait and active in motion. His head was full sized, his complexion sallow, his hair dark and slightly grey ; his features were broad and non-intellectual, his language coarse and illiterate, and his manner rude and overbearing to equals or inferiors." The radical poet, who seems, after all, to have had no dislike to this rough deputy, gives a specimen of his conversation on their way to the Xew Bailey prison in Manchester : "Passing Street Bridge and Royley, we entered the village of Royton, the streets of which were deserted and the doors shut . We soon returned to Royley, and the constables made a dash into a house in search of a man named Meller, but he was not there. A crowd was collected near the carriage, and as I was expecting to more on, the door was suddenly opened, and a long, thin barrel of a human body was thrust into the coach, head first, a couple of stilt- like legs being doubled up after it. ' Lock 'em together,' said Mr. Nadin, and it was no sooner said than done. This person had met some of the runners in a back court or alley, and threatened to beat in their brains with a walling hammer which he had in his hand. " George Howarth, for that was the name of my new companion, was a decent, labouring, married man, of Royton, and was about six feet four inches in height. He said he thought it a very hard case ; ' lit- rwlno' tt-11 wot he'd dun amiss.' Mr. Nadin said he'd know ' wot he'd dun amiss' before he was much older. SAMUEL BA.MFOHD. 99 " ' Why, bless your life, Mesthur Nadin,' said George, ' yo're a graidley felley for out 'at I kno' to th' contrary, an' I never sed nowt ogen yo' i' my lyve.' " ' Aye, an' I'll make thee into a graidley felley too afore I ha' dun wi' the. Theaw'rt a moderate length to begin wi', but theaw'U be lunger afore theaw comes back to Heighten : ween ha' the hang'd,' said our keeper. " ' Xay, Mesthur Nadin,' said George, ' dunno' say so : they axt wot I had i' mi' hont, an' I shode 'em ; it wur nobbut a bit ov a wallin' honuner 'at I'd bin a borroin'.' " ' Aye,' said Mr. Nadin, ' an' theaw sed theaw'd knock their brains eawt wi' it. But ween larn thee, an" aw yo' jacobins, heaw yo' threatun to kM th' king's officers : theaw'U be hang'd as sure as theaw sits theer.' George seemed thoughtful upon this. He looked at the shackles, and at me ; and soon after we drew up at the Spread* Eagle public-house, in Manchester-street, Oldham." On Sunday, the 30th of March, Bamford, along with Dr. Hcalcy, Joseph Sellers, Nathan Hulton, John Roberts, Edward Ridings, and Edward O'Connor were sent off to London, heavily ironed by the legs. Nadin wished to add body and neck collars, and armlets with chains, but the king's messengers objected to their use. The prisoners were accompanied by the two messengers, and Joseph Mills and James Platt, Manchester police officers. On Tuesday they were conveyed to the secretary of state's office, at Whitehall, where they were received by Sir Nathaniel Conant, the police magistrate, Sir Samuel Shepherd, the attorney general, Lord Sidmouth, and Lord Castlereagh the secret tribunal, which, under the suspension of the habeas corpus act, superseded judge and jury. On the 29th of April, Bamford appeared for the fifth time at the home office, and was discharged, giving his personal bond in the sum of one hundred pounds, to be levied on his goods and chattels, if within twelve months he did not appear in his majesty's court of justice at Westminster. The other prisoners were sent to various places of confinement, but were all ultimately dismissed untried, although many of them were charged with being deeply implicated in the F 2 100 THE PRESS. terrific Ardwick plot. Poor Bamford, huffed and cuffed and ironed at Manchester, was greatly mollified by the official civility of Lord Sidmouth, and records his wannest gratitude" to Mr. Williams, the messenger, to whv days, probably on the 5th of April. In the meanwhile I think it necessary for me to make known that I have fully empowered a gentleman of respectability and integrity to settle all my affairs in England. I owe my countrymen most sincere regard, which I shall - entertain toward them in a higher degree than towar other people upon earth. I carry nothing from my country but my wife and my children, and surely they arc my own, at any rate. I shall always love Kngland better than any other country. I will never become a subject or citizen of any other state ; but I and mine >t born under a government having the absolute power to imprison us at its pleasure ; and, if we can avoid it, we will neither live nor die under such an order of things. If I have not taken leave of numerous friends in London and in the eountry, it was be> should have been made unhappy by their importunities and i pressions of their sorrow. I make an enormous sacrifice of property and of feeling; but, when my heart feels the tugs of friendship, and of all the interesting o'.jeets in Hampshire, it is reconciled to the loss by the thought, that I can enjoy them only during the pleasure of a secretary of state. When this order of tilings shall cease to then shall I again see England. "WILLIAM C01515KTT." If there was little of heroism in this retreat, nothing could be more cowardly than the proceedings of the ministry. With all its irresponsible power, the constitu- tional safeguard of personal liberty being suspended, it did not dare to touch the hair of the head of any man bevond 102 COWABDICE OF MIXISTEKS. the station of an operative cotton spinner, a weaver, or a common day labourer. These were tha classes amongst whom the spies were sent ; from these classes were taken the men who were sent to dungeons, to be afterwards discharged without trial. The administration of 1794 boldly proceeded against Thomas Walker, who had been boroughreeve, and held high mercantile station. The administration in the spring of 1817 was bold enough to apprehend a few dozens of poor, friendless, and nameless men, but it had not the courage to bring them to trial. Overt acts were wanting, and it set to work to make them. If men would not rise in open rebellion to give ministers an opportunity of exercising " wholesome severities" on a great scale, miscreants, assuming the name and expressing the feelings of reformers, were to be sent amongst them, to irritate their discontents, and to assure them that if they would only rise, with arms in their hands, there were tens of thousands ready to join them, and to strike a decisive blow for their liberties ! CHAPTER VII. THE SPIES EFFECTUALLY AT WOBK. MIMSTEBS finding that they could not bring into open court the parties charged with being concerned in the awful plot which was to have made a " Moscow" of Manchester on the 30th of March, 1817 ; seeing that their prosecution of Thomas Jonathan Wooler, for a libel upon themselves, was abortive ; and knowing that on the trial, for a riot in London, in December of the previous year, of Watson, Thistlewood, Preston, and Hooper, which was fixed for June 9th, they had not a particle of evidence to support the charge of high treason beyond what could be supplied by Call's, an infamous spy in their own employment, became exceedingly anxious to obtain a further suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act. On Friday, the 13th of June, Lord Sidmouth brought before the House of Lords his bill for that purpose. On the previous day the report of the secret committee had been read to the house, and although two months had elapsed from the time at which the Ardwick plot was to have exploded, and no evidence had been found against the parties implicated, the particulars of that alleged revolutionary scheme were stated as fully and as particularly as if every allegation could be positively and irrefragubly proved. The report stated also that in some part of the proceedings there were " traces of an intention to issue proclamations, absolving the king's subjects from their allegiance, and denouncing death against their opponents." With a strange candour it was added, " The committee, however, allow that they have not found any evidence of the preparation of these proclamations." On averments such as this the legislature was asked further to suspend 101 HA13EAS CORPUS ACT SUSPENDED. the law for ensuring the liberties of the subject. The bill was ivad a second time on Monday, 16th, and ou Thursday. 19th, it was read a third time and passed. No time was lost in carrying it to the lower house. On the following day the report of the secret committee of the commons was read, and, like that of the lords, the main stre \\as laid upon the Ardwiek plot, ministers then well knowing, if they did not well know from the first, that there was not a particle of evidence that it ever existed. On Monday, the 23rd, Lord Castlereagh proposed the first reading of the bill. Strong representations had gone from men of respectable station in Manchester against belief in statements which had been framed by persons known to 1-cen employed by government, and known also to have urged the discontented to some overt treasonable or seditious act. In allusion to these representations, and to the charge that a miscreant named Oliver, a government spy, had. in many places in Lancashire, been endeavouring isoiiablc practices, Castlereagh said that Mr. Oliver had not gone on his government mission till the 1 7th of April ; that two dangerous plots had been concocted that time : and that " it was not an improper thing .d him down to sec tvliat was going on" Money, he said, was constitutionally placed at the disposal of govern- ment for such purposes, and it was not right that its agents should be maligned. Mr. Ponsonby, a member of the secret committee, said : " He opposed the bill, as not called the danger, which might be remedied by other m 1 Ic had asked Oliver, in the committee, various rs. He moreover admitted that he knew of no society in London who were acting with them in the country. Vet Oliver went into the country as the London del' - such, and told the people that Ixmdou was ready OLIVER'S EMPLOYMENT DEFENDED. 103 to rise on the first movement, though it would not begin first. Such information must have had the effect of stimu- luting the wretched manufacturers to acts of rebellion, in the hope that a change would relieve them from their distresses. As no person of rank or influence was engaged in these movements, it was quite unnecessary to suspend the liberties of the whole nation on account of the dis- turbances in a few districts. Such measures would never restore tranquillity." A member rejoicing in the name of Lee Keck saw no cure but in the suspension of the law ; for so long as the free agency of the leaders was allowed, nothing would put them down ; such agents as Oliver, a man " of good moral character," were absolutely necessary. Mr. Abercrombie, afterwards Speaker, could not understand the morality which gained confidence on purpose to betray, and incited to action on purpose to destroy. It is lamentable to find the name of Wilberforce supporting Castlereagh on this occasion. He supported the measure because he did not believe that Lord Sidmouth would abuse the powers bestowed upon him under the suspension of a constitutional law. He would yield reluctantly for the sake of the poor, and on account of the turbulence and irreligion of the times ! Lord Althorp retorted upon Wilberforce, that to give such confidence to ministers was the sure way to destroy the best safeguards of the constitution. Romilly also protested against Mr. Wilberforce's course. He said : " It was now for the first time avowed that spies were in the regular pay of ministers, and were apart of the cruel system of administration. Was not this enough to excite general discontent and disgust ? Government carefully avoided bringing persons to trial. Did not this prove they were afraid of investigation? These measures of repression, as they were called, had manifestly increased the mischief. Day after day, encroach- ments were making on liberty, on the plea that power would be placed in gentle hands. He would entrust such F 3 106 BROUGHAM'S PROTEST. power in no hands, least of all in those of nicn who had refused to give the names of those whom they had impri- soned. Was his honourable friend (Mr. Wilberforce) in the house when a petition was presented from an individual who had been seven years in confinement under a former suspension ? There were many such cases. An opinion pretty generally prevailed that ministers resorted to these measures of alarm for the purpose of getting rid of questions of economy and maintaining themselves in place." Brougham, still in his early might, ridiculed with much effect the resurrectionary plot. He said : " As to the dis- contents, were there no laws to check them? However mild, pure, and inoffensive the disposition of the noble secretary, it should be recollected that he was the recorded dupe of the informer Oliver. Who was to give security that the secretary might not be made the tool of a band of informers, whom he had collected round his office, and who were daily filling his ears with tales of terror, of sedition, and rebellion ? Much had been said of the employment of spies, and of their respectability and morality ! Was it nothing that Oliver had fraudulently used the names of others to win a confidence for the purpose of abusing it, and that for hire ? Was it nothing that he was a cheat, in fact, and a murderer in contemplation ? Wag it nothing that he would have been responsible for every drop of blood shed on that scaffold to which he would have led his blind and miserable victims ? The other side of the house seemed to have strange notions of morality ! Could a more black- ened villain be found than one who went about to ensnare that he might betray, and to corrupt that he might destroy :" Mr. Canning, whose better days had not come, lent him- self to the encroachment on the liberty of the subject. The house, he said, should recollect that the mob of Paris had pillaged the palaces of kings ; he would defend the noble lord who had been so harshly attacked ; of all men the noble lord was the fittest to be entrusted with Mich ?l SPIES AT WOKK. 107 power. Lord Folkstone, the present Earl Radnor, who in both houses has always been a thoroughly independent member, said : " He could not refrain from smiling at the honourable gentleman's defence of the noble secretary, remembering, as he well did, the unsparing ridicule with which he had himself assailed the same distinguished personage. (Hear, hear.) Who but recollected the poor doctor a creature, the diagnosis of whose characteristic infirmity had so often amused the right hon. gentleman ! " The symptoms, a dulness that sits in the head, And dislike to all changes of place." Whether in prose or in poetry, the great object of his derision, and that, too, for want of talent. Now, he was the fittest person in the land to be entrusted with power, though he was, of all men, the most easily 4o be duped and misled." All was unavailing. Two hundred and seventy-six voted for the bill ; only one hundred and eleven against it. On the following day the second reading was carried by eighty votes against thirty. On Friday the 27th, the bill was read a third time and passed. Ministers had the power, until the 1st of March, to imprison anybody whom they suspected or professed to suspect. Oliver was again let loose on the country. Castles had been irretrievably damaged by his unsupported, and, as the jury believed, false evidence against Watson, who, after a seven days' trial had been acquitted. But Mr. Oliver was a man of "good moral character," according to Mr. Lee Keck, and so he was let loose upon the country to betray and destroy. Bamford, in his " Life of a Radical," says, that soon after his return from imprisonment, without trial, in London, he found that a secret " influence" had been at work, exciting to and carrying on private meetings and suspicious intrigues, and that a well-dressed and apparently well-off stranger had been the chief mover. One day an old man, whom Bamford recognised as an old co-delegate, named Bacon, 108 DERBYSHIRE INSURRECTION. from Derby, called upon him, accompanied by " a deoent- looking young man, much like a town's weaver.'' The old man told of a great meeting to be held in Yorkshire, which would give a finishing stroke to the borough-mongers, lit seems to have been communicative on further designs, for Bamford says lie advised his informant not to attempt to overthrow, by force, a national order of things. Bacon said he was too old a politician to be counselled by one so young as Bamford ; and so the old man " drank his beer rather hastily, and took himself off with his company.'' " Reader," says Bamford, " this pertinacious old man was, in a few days after, arraigned for high treason at Derby, and pleading guilty was, with fourteen others, transported for life ; whilst the young man, who was one of the Turners, was hung and beheaded, with the equally unfortunate Brandreth and Ludlam." * * * " That stranger that betrayer reader, was OLIVER THE SPY." Oliver excited an insurrection in Derbyshire ; he could do nothing in Lancashire. There was " a small band " of men in Manchester, not named, not even remotely alluded to, in Bamford's history some of them, however, named \n me in a previous chapter a band receiving, in 1817, acces- sions of persons led to think about the question of reform from the tyrannical proceedings of government, who had traeed the workings of espionage, and denounced the betrayers. Wt for I had the honour of belonging to the body had never been approached by the spies. They did in >t dare. Their instructions were to go among the nameless and the friendless. But they had ineffectually attempted to tamper with men who held a middle station between us and the working classes. Our warnings the warnings of men whose protection of the oppressed inspired confi- had spread widely : and the native shrewdness of our Sunday-school-instructed population did not rest. Kven hot-headed, unreasoning fools, who were disposed to have recourse to physical force, were distrusted as the tools COWDKOY'S NEWSPAPEB. 109 of government. We had raised the cry, " beware of spies," and it saved Lancashire from the follies committed in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, in 1817, and also from participation in the spy-instigated rising in Scotland three years afterwards. We had begun, besides, to write in Cowdroy's paper, previously containing, like the other local papers, little that was not gleaned from the London journals. Cowdroy, a stout-hearted honest man, was glad of the assistance we rendered him, and bravely encountered the* risk of giving utterance to opinions most unpalateable to the powers that then were. We somewhat restrained the expression of our thoughts in order that he might not be prosecuted by the government ; for though we could have borne him harmless, so far as expenses were concerned, we could not guarantee him against imprisonment. I some- times said to him " Are you not afraid, Cowdroy, of being indicted for seditious libels ?" " Not I," was the usual reply : " write away." The following passages from an article in his paper, of November 1st, 1817, on the termina- tion of the special commission at Derby, will show that Manchester was beginning to enjoy the advantages of a free press : " It was necessary to prove that the arm of the law is strong enoxigh promptly to arrest and properly to punish the actors in such daring outrages, some of whom seem to have felt no hesitation in adding to their other enormous guilt the deeper crime of cold-blooded and unprovoked murder. Yet it is perhaps of material consequence to the public to endeavour to ascertain the nature, by investigating the origin, of the transactions to which we have referred ; for, consi- dering the proceedings of the 9th of June as a ' levying war against the king' they assume an aspect which " seems impossible to regard as otherwise than supremely ludicrous. What are the facts as to tin- eimmieneriiit nt of the affair, as far as they appear upon the evidence? Why, that the plot was laid in an obscure public-house one Sunday forenoon, in an assembly fluctuating between the numbers of lialf a dozen and twenty individuals, in the presence of t wo special constables, who, after cautioning the assembled traitors to 'mind what 110 SOME TKT7THS TOLD. they were saying,' and informing them of the high authority with wliich they were themselves invested, were actually deterred, evi>n subsequent to the breaking up of the meeting, from giving any information to the neighbouring magistrates, by the terrible and appalling threat of being ' put up the chimney' III " There are a number of assertions sworn to have been made by Brandrcth and other leaders hi these tumults which it seems impos- sible rationally to account for, even upon their own views and feeing!, in any other manner than by supposing that they \u-iv thenir-ehe- Deceived by some prior agent, in order that they might be more effectually instrumental in the deception of others, \Ve allude to the information which this general-in-chief communicated to his army, that ' all England, Scotland, and Ireland would rise that day ;' to the assertion of Barnes, that ' the keys of the Tower of London were given up to the Hampden Club ;' to the statement of Wcightman, that 'Nottingham had been taken by storm;' and again of Brundivth, that ' a great cloud was coming from the north,' which it woidd be impossible to resist. These very expressions are so exactly like those of Mr. Oliver, that, coupling them with the notorious fact of this respectable agent of government having been in the neighbourhood of Derby about the tune the insurrection took place, it is impossible not to conclude that he had a great share in producing it. Indeed this fact was distinctly asserted both by Mr. Cross and Mr. Demnan, and we do not find that it was controverted by any of the crown lawyers. Government having learnt wisdom by the fate of CM-IU>, very prudently kept Mr. Oliver out of sight, and it was probably impossible for the agents of the prisoners to find him. Besides, he would of course have declined answering any questions which might tend to eliminate himself, and no proof of his guilt could le-, but every day brought us report of wrong and outran done to our humble fellow countrymen 1 outrage which we felt we could not -fully re- We thought, in our own cheerful homes, of the poor men in prison for alleged political ofl'cnccs the main offence being that they, like ourselves, were of opinion 114 PROPOSAL TO EMIGRATE. that our representative system was susceptible of amend- ment. The whole aspect of society was unfavourable. The rich seemed banded together to deny the possession of political rights ; and the poor seemed to be banding themselves together in an implacable hatred to their employers, who were regarded as their cruel oppressors. Out of this bitter antagonism there seemed to be no other result than some great and destructive convulsion. Many were my aspirations " O for a lodge in some vast wilderness, Some boundless contiguity of shade, Where rumours of oppression and deceit Can near reach us more !" Some of the younger amongst us, like Southey and Coleridge at an earlier period, formed the design of creating a society of our own, in one of the western free states of the American union. It was proposed that ten or twelve, possessing moderate capital, should obtain a tract of land in Ohio, lying along some stream running into a navigable river ; that none should possess individually more than a section of six hundred and forty acres, in order that we might not be too widely spred for mutual co-operation and friendly association ; that the same quantity of land for each should be bought as a joint-stock company, to be dis- posed of in smaller portions, with the consent of the com- munity, to millers, blacksmiths, joiners, and persons of like useful occupations who might be disposed to join us ; and that we should give our aid and assistance to enable intel- ligent and industrious farm-servants to emigrate to our colony. It was a pleasant dream, this imagination of a -ome fifty or sixty miles in length by four in breadth gradually filling up with intelligent, men, enjoying the rude plenty ofc the new world with the civilazation of the old! ( hirM Ives Bitting under our own vines and our own fig-trees. planted with our own hands, surveying our golden \\hr;:' waving on land turned up by our own hard labour or HOPES OF BETTEK TIMES. 115 directing care, and offering an asylum, amongst us and around us to the oppressed of our native land ! I went over the very ground in 1848, and on the banks of the beautiful Little Miami River, described to John Brooks, my fellow-traveller, our feelings and the reasons why our intentions were not carried out. There was the pain of tearing ourselves from the land of our fathers ; and there were the hope, and something like the faith, that truthful principles might yet prevail ; and there were the whisper- ings of conscience that something was required to be done at home before it was abandoned that the seed should be sown before we had a right to expect the harvest. The design was not formally relinquished. It was cherished as that which might be carried into execution were there no indications of amendment in the mother country. The events of 1819 showed that there was some fructification of the seed that had been sown, and revived the hopes of the previously almost despairing. A coercive repression of the public utterance of opinion often tends to facilitate its quiet private adoption and progress. Reform principles made considerable advances during the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act. Bamford confesses that the noisiest of the radical orators were silenced ; and as the loudest were usually the most foolish, the reproach of their folly was, for the time, removed from the cause which they so injudiciously advocated ; and soberly-thinking working men began to long for the time when they could join in a rational movement for the attain- ment of some share in the enactment of the laws which they were bound to obey. In the forced silence of the mere trading demagogues many of them men who would rather harangue from the platform than ply the shuttle the middle classes could calmly think of their own exclusion from political rights, and on the results of defective repre- sentation, as shown in the wretched legislation and tyran- nical proceedings of a " borough-niongering " government. "116 si looz i r \t !i i "When that tyranny was with still less regard to law and to constitutional right, when a legalh and peacefully-held meeting was exposed to the - body of yeomanry, eager to obey the impulses of their own i tempers and their hatred of all reform, and when magistrates who directed the sanguinary at tar 1. the thanks of royalty, it was sei n in the wide and deep expressions of indignation, that the prineiples of rational reform had made great progress during the time- IK tween the blanket meeting of March, 1817, and the grc;. Peter's Field meeting of August, 1819. Amongst the quiet but effective labourers for the pro- duction of thought had been the Sunday-school te;i Karne>t to impart religious and moral instruction, they had (wakening powers of thought amongst the rising i tic n which might have lain dormant and otherwise directed, have become mischievous and destruc- tive. There, in their upper rooms, Sunday after Sunday, rifieing the ease and comfort of their own days of rot. did they, in the discharge of an imperative religious duty, toil on untircdly, in the full faith that the bread thus cast ii]>on the waters would be seen after many If there is to be any hero-worship, let it be paid to those patient, unregarded, unrewarded, unknown, much workers in the over-crowded, .-tilling garret, or the dark under-ground school-room. With the single undeviating purpose of promoting the eternal well' pupils, they were preparing them for the fit discharge of their social and political duties. They were creating i m-t ..M ; amongst the hitherto unthinking ma>- amongst those tcacl. n to earn, by their well-directed indti-try and the excellence of thei: her position in society, and the opportunities c.f higher usefulness in civic authority, and even in tl:< senate : ! in the lowest classes was introduced a ; 'i, if not extinguished by state interference, or by EXPORTATION* OF VAHN->. 117 spiritual wickedness in high j)laccs, promises to leaven the whole mass. To this voluntary labour, unpaid labour, M -directed but despised labour quiet, unostentatious, alinn-t unseen is mainly owing our exemption from san- guinary revolution ; and to the continuance of such labour must still be mainly owing what we have yet to gain in the recognition and practical operation of the great principles of internal government, and external friendly intercourse with the family of man. In the comparative lull of political agitation, a warm -ion took place in the Manchester papers about the exportation of cotton yarn. " An old manufacturer," who I believe, Mr. Ratcliffc, of Stockport, in long and frequent letters, earnestly warned the Manchester public of the distress that would accrue from allowing foreigners to pxtrchase our twist. lie took it for granted that what was not exported would be woven up at home, and hence it was easy to calculate how many additional weavers might thus be employed. Tens of thousands of looms might be set to work, with all their adjuncts of winders and warpers, by :; single stroke of the legislative pen. How oppressive and tyrannical it was to cut off the source of all this profitable employment! And then there were other men writing in the papers against permitting foreigners to settle in Man- i , and, by buying goods direct from the manufacturers, taking the bread out of the mouths of our own native merchants. It was asserted that there were some foreigners who wore- so impudent'as to buy, not finished goods that would not have been so very bad but fustians in tin- am! having them cut, dyed, and dressed themselves. Nay, there were some of our merchants who >\ ere bold enough to assert, that unless an end was put to this invasion of native privilege, we might have foreigners actually becoming manufacturers here ! Poor Ratcliffc was assailed unmerci- fully by a set of young writers in Con- ,!,-,,, who quoted Adam Smith against him. I made rough work with the 118 POWER-LOOMS. book authorities. I quoted not only Adam Smith and losiah Child, but all the other political economists, Knglish and French, whose works I had cither read or read of. and triumphantly asked whether their fantastic theories were to l>e set against the practical knowledge of Mr. Ratclittb. the " old manufacturer" of Stockport ? lie was impervious both to argument and ridicule. He honestly believed that s right ; but finding that the public would not believe with him, he bethought him that if we could weave by steam, we should beat the foreign weavers, and work up all our yarn at home. The great difficulty was how to dress warps so as to admit of continuous working in the loom, and that difficulty he set himself to overcome. He succeeded, and met the usual reward of ingenious inventors ; he intro- duced a new mode of production, and it produced nothing to himself. lie was a public benefactor, and was laughed at as a visionary schemer. During that lull of political agitation we had also much talk about the theory that population increases in a greater ratio than the increase of the means of subsistence, and many, out-Malthusing Malthus, began to speculate about the evil of supporting paupers who, Nature's table being already full, ought rather to be allowed to die off! Some of our whigs who had " ratted " from their reform principles, on the pretence that they had been shocked by the atrocities of the French revolution, were the foremost and cagerest in the promulgation of these opinions ; and there were indica- tions of a movement, even in the face of the corn-law and enormous taxation, for the total abolition of legal relief to the poor. The Scotch could do without poor-laws, or with poor-laws allowed to go into disuctude, and why might not we ? Dr. Chalmers caught at this cry, and in an article in the Edinburgh Jievietv, on the "Causes and Cure of Pauperism," advanced the doctrine, that a legal provision for the poor increased the poverty it professed to relieve. I had previously seen the necessity, not of abolishing the MALTHUSIAN DOCTRINES. 119 Scotch poor-laws, but of rigidly enforcing them upon a landed proprietary which, drawing large rents, contributed nothing to the relief of poverty. Having seen in Lanark- shire an old man of eighty toiling his way, up to his knees iu snow, to my brother's house, I asked him why he did not stay at home and be relieved by his parish. He said, "Ah, sir ! they gie me a shilling a week, and that disna keep me, and I canna help coming out to beg." I found, on inquiry, that by the compulsion of seen distress acting on benevo- lence, my brother paid more in relieving wandering beggars beggars sent out because they might be starved to death at home than I paid in poor-rates on my warehouse in Manchester, which happened to be of just the same rent as he paid for his farm. In my " Letters from Scotland," written in the summer of 1816, and purporting to be from* the pen of "An English Commercial Traveller," I had indignantly denounced the heartless system ; and when I found that the doctrines of Dr. Chalmers, its apologist and abettor, were eagerly adopted by certain classes in Man- cluster, I employed Cowdroy's press in printing a pamphlet in reply to his article in the Edinburgh Review, relentlessly exposing its fallacies. for which I was heartily abused, in \v (specially, where good old women and good young ladies said that nobody but an atheist could oppose any opinions held by Dr. Chalmers. My pamphlet was only a stone thrown into the strong stream, but the ripple it caused en by others able to throw stronger impediments into the current. In this year, 1817, the history of which we arc now passing, there occurred an astounding instance of the in- dilFerence of the inhabitants of Manchester to an important public right. There had long been a wooden bridge, free to all foot passengers, connecting Manchester with Salford, of very great convenience to crowds of working people, who had to pass to their meals or their work several times a day, from the one township to the other. A number 120 BLACKFRIARS' BRIDGE. of gentlemen met and resolved, that instead of the old wooden bridge there should be a handsome stone one thrown over the Irwcll ; and very great was the laudation poured out upon them for their public spirit. A joint- stock company was formed, and an act of parliament was obtained, giving powers to take down the old biidge ; but instead of a clause retaining the long-established public right, there was one empowering the collection of the toll of a halfpenny from every foot passenger ! It is said that, in after years, when the clause was pointed out to Lord Shaftesbury, he remarked that if his attention had been directed to it at the time, he would have struck it out, even although no one had appeared to protest against it. Charity leads to the supposition that when the gentlemen, so much lauded for their improving spirit, had erected a handsome bridge, with commodious approaches, they thought they had established a right to exact the half- penny ; but very few regretted that the speculation was profitless. The bridge and its approaches, within sonic t\vo hundred yards of the Exchange, had remained a desert for thirty years. The full tide of human existence which flowed down Market-street had, for all that time, been suddenly arrested there. The speculators had lost every farthing of money they advanced. Even those who lent money on mortgage, unable to obtain anything like the usual rate of interest, were glad at last to accept a composition, raised by subscription, that the ancient right might be restored. In 1818 the bridge was thrown open to the public. Of old MS there were numbers who, in passing once more free over the inky stream, said, cxultin^ly. " Well, those who took our right away onc-and-thirty years ago, have not made much of it anyhow." We shall hear, hereafter. of provision being made against similar encroachments on public rights, of Vegetable Wright and his Flixton footpath case, and of sundry inroads resisted by the society for the preservation of ancient footways on the secluded privacy ANCIENT FOOTWAYS. 121 sought to be acquired by the exclusion of the unwashed multitudes from, pleasant field roads, their own unalienable property. Are these trifles beneath the notice of the historian ? The vindication of a right in small things keeps alive the spirit of resistance to greater unjust encroach- ments ; and the man who preserves a footway where the humble mechanic can take his wife and children through fresh and verdant fields is as much a benefactor as he who gives to the public a park or an arboretum. The assertion of ancient rights of footways in Manchester led to the establishment of additional sources of enjoyment to the industrial classes. A generous subscription of 30,000, a few years ago, put three parks, of thirty acres each, into the possession of the public ; and to these places of recreation, as well laid out as the grounds near a noble- man's mansion, the humblest of our population have free access, injuriously touching nothing and destroying nothing, but proving that the poor will be conservative, even of beauty, when confidingly trusted. CHAPTER Till. INDEMNITY TO MINISTERS. Regent, in his speech on the meeting of parliament. 27th January, 1818, having assured the two houses that the confidence he had invariably felt in the stability of our national prosperity had not been disappointed, said " The improvement which has taken place in almost even- branch of our domestic industry, and the present state of public credit, afford abundant proof that the difficulties under which the country was labouring were chiefly to be ascribed to temporary causes." He went on to say : " So important a change could not fail to withdraw from the disaffected the principal means by which they had availed themselves for the purpose of fomenting a spirit of discon- tent, which unhappily lead to insurrection and trc. and his royal highness entertains the most confident i tation, that the state of peace and tranquillity to which the cmuitry is now restored, will be manifested against all attempt to disturb it, by the persevering vigilance of the magistracy, and by the loyalty and good use of the ]>eoplc." The Earl of Liveq>ool in the lords, and ( rcagh in the commons, in reply to questions from Holland and Lord Althorp, announced the intention of ministers to bring in a bill for the repeal of the ri\ ileges which Englishmen derive from the bravery and wisdom of their ancestors, and which afford their best safeguards against the encroachments of arbitrary power and the abuses of intolerant party spirit ; that, although firmly convinced, at the period when those measures were proposed by his majesty's ministers to the considera- tion of the house, that the circumstances of the tunes did not require, and that constitutional vigilance could not acquiesce in the suspension of the act of Habeas Corpus, and the other encroachments adopted by the house, the petitioners thought it most proper to defer the expression of their sentiments upon tlu's important subject to a ] when the heat of political feeling being somewhat allayed, they might be enabled to examine with maturer deliberation, with more scrut inis- iiig caution, and with more rigid impartiality, the trutli of the infor- mation upon which, judging from the reports of its secret committees, tin- house must be presumed to have acted ; that the ]>et it loners could not avoid feeling that the character, not only of the towns in which they reside, but of the very populous district that surrounds them, ami perhaps even of the county of Lancaster at large, was involved in the charges of disaffection, disloyalty, arid treason, which \ lavishly heaped on the most numerous and the most industrious class of its population; that the petitioners take leave to assert to tin- house, not only that the conduct of the labouring part of their fellow - townsmen at that period did not exhibit the slightest tend. insubordination or \iolenee, but that they sustained an unparalleled extremity of di-tn'ss with fortitude the most exemplary and heroic : that without -tutiiitr thcmclve.- to concur in the propriety, or to defend the prudence of all (lie political conduct <>f the working classes in their neighbourhood, the petitioners have no hesitation in a- the hou-e, a- the result of their careful and assiduous inquiri- 1*2 1 PETITION OF THE T\VEX1"\ the proceedings of that part of the population have been completely and most grossly unrepresented ; that as fur as regards tin- meeting of the 10th of March, familiarly known by the designation of the "blanket meeting," nothing could exceed the (|i; , onlir with which the populace proceeded to it, and demeaned tin ; throughout its continuance; that it had been publicly aim several il:i\s, and not the slightest intimation of its imputed illegality was given ; tliat no attempt was made to disperse it by means of the civil power, but that, without warning, and, a* the petitioners \crily l>clic\e, without e\en reading the riot act, doubtful a- it K whether, under sucli circumstances, that statute could legally lie enforced, the dragoons, acting under the orders of the magistrates, da.-hcd impc- tuously amongst the multitude, and compelled it to seek safety in flight, although magistrates at that period did n ' '! c dis- .cretionary power over public meetings with which the house has since invested them; and between two and three hundred persons, who wen- proceeding on the road to London with petitions, weir, in the course of the before-mentioned day, apprehended and lodged, under circumstances of great hardship, in a prison which contained, before their arrival, nearly three times the number of prisoners it was originally calculated to receive ; and that eight of the persoi iirre-ted, who refused to give bail for their future appearance, were committed to Lancaster I'a-tle, and after being detained in gaol amongst prisoners of the most profligate and abandoned description for nearly six months, were at length discharged without trial ; that on Saturday, the 2l)th of Marcb, public appn-1 M most ily and painfully excited, by the appearance of an ad. incut issued by the magistracy and police <(' Manchester, bearing .d ite the preceding day, and in which they stated, that 'infor on which they could place the fidlc-t reliance, had readied them, of a most daring and traitorous conspiracy, the object of whi.-h was nothing le-s than open rebellion and insurrection;' that 'the town ^bt-ster was one of the lir>t ]iointed out lor attack, and the ,1 fixed UJMIII for the diabolical enterprise was the ni^ht of the :vnh "f Mnn-h ;' that as the jH-titioners eould not think it possible that the mn^ist rates or police would wantonly or thought li---l. trifle with public alarm, by making no horrible a charge on dub' insufficient grounds, they eontideiitly < \]K-cted to S-' -in'h dari desperate offenders as those implicated in this 'diabolical enti must necessarily be so supposed to be, brought to early trial and condign puni.-hiiicnt, particularly as on the li^nl of April, when the examination of the supposed delinquent- mu.-t, as the petition. PETITION' Or THE TAVEXTY-SEVEN. 1 '2') reive, have brought the evidence against Ihoin under his HIM. cognizance, the Rev "NV. R. Hay, stipendiary chairman of the Salford quarter sessions, did, in his address to the grand jury, allude to jcc-t in the following terms: 'As judicial inquiries would In- instigated against the offending parties, it would not be just to enter much upon the subject ; but he might be permitted to say, should such inquiries take place, purposes of the blackest enormity must be disclosed to the public, and that those who professed to doubt their existence, would finally be constrained to admit the existence of the whole of them ;' that the suspension of the act of habeas corpus being, as appears by the term of the bill itself, appli- cable only to persons ' suspected of entertaining designs hostile to his majesty's government,' the petitioners conceive that it never was intended by the house to supersede the necessity of public judicial inquiries into charges of treason, distinct and specified in their character, and of unparalleled atrocity in their complexion ; tlmt the petitioners are therefore persuaded that the house will learn with astonishment, that all the persons arrested as participators in this alleged conspiracy have been discharged without trial; and they would further represent to the house, that if the slightest suspicion of the guilt of the parties still remains, it is most dangerous to the welfare and tranquillity of the country at large, to restore to liberty, and consequently to the capability of doing mischief, men who ha\e connected themselves with a design of such dreadful wickedness! whilst, on the other hand, if there is no foundation for the diabolical conspiracy imputed to them, every principle of justice and humanity imperiously demand that they should be publicly and legally delivered from the charges to which they liave been so foully and talseK sul>- jeeted ; that the attention of the petitioners having been arou>ed !>\ the charge of these alleged conspirators without trial, some (if them itered upon an extensive and rigid investigation of the grounds upon which traitorous and rebellious proceedings were imputed to the parties taken into custody, and the result of (lie imestigation is a most positive and irrefragable conviction that no such conspiracy existed, that no violent de-igns were in contemplation, and that no measure dangerous to public tranquillity was ever proposed or dis- cussed at any of the meetings which took place, except b\ hired spies and informers ; that whil.-t the petitioners are com inced that no ell'ort wa* left untried h\ these wicked and detestable eiiiisr-aries, to ensnare and delude the labouring classes into nets of riot and insubordination, t'n-\ cannot but think it will be satisfactory to the house to reflect tlmt the illegal schemes and exhortations of these miscreants, though 126 PETITION OF THE TWEXT1 addressed to men suffering the most distressing privations, ha\ o eminently and uniformly unsuccessful ; that the conviction of the petitioners, as to the activity of the spies, in endeavouring to engage persons known to the petitioners for parliamentary reform, in their own villainous machinations, docs not rest on general and nidi'l'maMo impressions; but the petitioners believe that their habitual vi their endeavours to seduce individuals to the commission of specific crimes, which would deservedly subject them to capital punishments, their oiEciousness in appointing meetings in different parts of the country, their activity in procuring a large attendance at such nurt- iugs, their assumed names, their apprehension and immediate di>- charge, and their connection with the magistracy or police, can be clearly and indisputably demonstrated ; the petitioners would further -tat i- to the house, that, during the early part of the In-' nocturnal domiciliary visits by subordinate agents of the police, without the exhibition of warrant or authority for such proceedings, during which the greatest abuse and inhumanity was displayed, \\rrc of disgracefully frequent occurrence ; the petitioners, therefore, con- ceiving that the house could neither foresee nor intend to sanction such proceedings as they, have enumerated, and that the empl of spies in the manner and to the extent to wliieh it has prevailed in the neighbourhood of the petitioners is pregnant with the most tlangerous consequences to his majesty's peaceable and well-disposed *, and anxious also to vindicate to the country at large the loyalty and good character of that extensive and populous district, do humbly, but most earnestly intreat that the house will be pleased to institute a strict inquiry into the truth of the matters stated in this petition, and also into the general proceedings, not only of the labour- ing classes, but of the magistracy and police of ilanelu -.-ter and its neighbourhood, during the early part of the past year; and the |>ctiti<>iicrs do hereby pledge themselves to use the utmost diligence and alacrity in furnishing the house with such evidence as tin fident 1 v believe will most fully and completely establish t he conclusions they t hem-elves have formed on the subject." Mr. George Philips, on presenting this petition, en at considerable length upon the events of 1817, of which a -ketch lias aln-ady been given, and concluded by stating his intention, at some early day, to refer it to a committee. In the meantime the names of the twenty-seven persons who had signed the j>etition, and had offered to incur the expense OTHER PETITIONS. 127 and trouble of obtaining evidence to lay before the House of Commons, were procured by parties opposed to any inquiry, and printed on a broad sheet, which was pasted up in count- ing houses, as a pretty plain intimation that the men who were daring enough to assert that government had any hand in exciting the discontented to overt acts of sedition, could not expect to have any commercial transactions with the loyal friends of social order. A number of other petitions were sent by individuals who had suffered under the suspension of the law. Old John Knight represented that, on the night of the 30th of March, 1817, he had been apprehended in bed by Nadin, hand- cuifed, and conveyed to the New Bailey prison, and kept there till the 6th of April, and then sent, heavily ironed, to London, and committed to Tothill-fields prison on suspicion of high treason ; that on the 10th of April he was removed to Reading jail, where he remained till the 9th of Jiily, whence he was taken to Salisbury jail, where he was put into a small, gloomy, stinking felons' cell, and surrounded by noisy, brutal prisoners of that description ; that he was then removed to Worcester jail, where he was confined to the end of the year, and then, being told he would bo dis- charged, he proceeded to London, where he had to wait till the 31st of January, when the attorney general moved the discharge of all the recognizances of the state prisoners . and that he then returned home " impaired in health by long and close imprisonment, and his family and pecuniary affairs incalculably injured." Joseph Mitchell, in like manner, complained of an incarceration for 240 days, on a charge of high treason, never attempted to be substantiated. William Ogden stated that he, an old man of 74, had bcrn apprehended by Nadin on the 9th of March, 1817, and si nt off to Horsemonger-lane prison, where the ponderous irons with which he was loaded " broke his belly," and dangerous hernia ensued ; and he prayed the house not to pass an act of indemnity which should prevent his seeking n di < 128 ELIJAH DIXOK'S PETITION. his imprisonment and the cruelty which he had experienced. William Benbow, of Manchester, stated that he had been apprehended in Dublin on the 16th of May, and sent to the house of correction in Coldbath-fields, where he was confined eight months and then discharged, without trial, two hundred miles from his home, without the means of conveying himself thither. Amongst the petitioners was Elijah Dixon, now a prosperous manufacturer of Iwif'er matches, who was suspected of dealing in matter- more inflammatory. His statement set forth, " that the petitioner was, on the 12th of March, 1817, whilst following his lawful occupation, apprehended by a warrant issued by Lord Sidmouth, and carried to London in double irons, and was, on the 1 5th of the same month, committed to Tothill- fields bridewell by the same noble lord, on suspicion of high treason, and there detained till the 13th of November, although the same noble lord must, or might, have known . that he was perfectly innocent of the crime imputed to him ; the petitioner, therefore, prays that the house will please tn consider the justice of making the said noble lord responsible for the loss of time of the petitioner, and for the injuries which his family has suffered in consequence of his long, unjust, and unredressed imprisonment; he also prays that they will be pleased to adopt such a reform in the election of members to serve in the house, as shall give each man a feeling sense that he is represented, and enable him once more proudly to boast of our glorious constitution in king, lords, and commons." Samuel Bamford, whose apprehension by Nadin has already been described, was also amongst the number of the petitioners. His prayer was, " that the house will no longer countenance a system of terror, of blood, and of oppression, by granting to his majesty's ministers a bill, indemnifying them from the consequences of outrages by them committed against the constitution of this realm." Mr. G. Philips, on the 5th of March, made his motion DEBATE O>" MR. PHILIPS's MOTION. 129 for an inquiry into the conduct of spies and informers with respect to treasonable and seditious practices, and in the course of his speech said, " he would not assert that ministers had made the plot, but he would say that they had made the most of it ; and no instruments could be found so convenient for their purposes as spies and informers, by whose means the dread of violence and treason was kept alive, and the attention both of parliament and the public was effectually diverted from those questions of political economy and retrenchment which had been so peculiarly harassing to the government." Mr. F. Robinson (Cobbett's * Prosperity Robinson") said he believed, on his hononr and conscience, that the petitions were false, and he begged the house, on behalf of a calumniated government, a calum- niated magistracy, and in the sacred names of truth and justice, to reject the motion. Mr. Blackburne, the member for Lancashire, said that the twenty-seven names which were said to be signed to the petition were not the names of most respectable people, as had been stated, but, on the contrary, were those of some of the lower classes of society. Besides, what they stated could not be true, because he had received a letter signed by three magistrates, denying the truth of their allegations. After a pretty long debate the house divided. There were against the motion 162, for it ")'.). being a majority of 93 against inquiry. A previous motion to a similar effect, moved by Lord Folkstone, now Earl Radnor, had met a similar fate, there being against it 167, for it 58, majority against inquiry 109. The bill of indemnity was read a first time on the 9th of March, the number voting against all redress for violations of the law by ministers, magistrates, and constables being 190, while the votes against the bill were only 64. Amongst the speakers was Sir Samuel Romilly, who begged the house to consider well the precedent it was about to establish, -tin time of profound peace," he said, "on any appearance of !' short duration, furnishing another proof that a nation cannot continue prosperous when food is dear. "Wages. as usual when the price of bread is high, were low. The operative cotton spinners forbidden to speak of politics, as treason against the government, struck against their masters for an advance of wages. The contest grew more bitter the longer it lasted ; and in an attack on Mr. Gray's mill, supposed to be for the purpose of destroying or damaging the machinery, some shots were fired by the SIDMOTTTH'S HOPES. 131 soldiers or police officers placed within, by which some were wounded and one man killed. The coroner's jury brought in a verdict of justifiable homicide. Sidmouth, who had convinced his conscience that severity was mercy, rejoiced in the verdict, and in the committal to prison of some radicals, who had not profited by the lessons read to them during the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act. Writing to Lord Ellenborough, to cheer him after his defeat by William Hone, he says : " The combination at Manchester is now nearly dissolved. The verdict of the jury in the case of the person killed in the attack on Gray's mill, the arrest of Johnson, Baguley, and Drummond, who are lodged in Chester gaol, the failure of pecuniary supplies, and the admirable arrangements of Sir John Byng, in conjunction with the civil authorities, have effected this fortunate change." His complacent lordsnip had soon to find that a forced tranquillity was a transient one. He had not the good harvest of 1813 to aid his endeavours; and wheat at 80s., intended to be the minimum price by the framers of the 1815 corn law, revived the radical agitation which he believed he had put down by his wholesome, peace-giving, content-creating severities. CHAPTER IX. ME. JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR'S TRIAL. THE trial of Mr. John Edward Taylor for libel was occa- sioned by that bitter party spirit which sought erery seemingly safe opportunity of throwing contumely upon reformers. He was one of the " twenty-seven" who signed the petition to the House of Commons, which gave so much offence to the powers that then were in Manchester, and there was a strong suspicion that he was its author. If he could not be indicted for sedition and treason, he might be reached in some other way ; if he could not be disgraced, he might, at least, be lowered in public estimation by exclusion from local office. On the first of July, 1818, a meeting of the commissioners of police for Salford was held, for the purpose of appointing assc and a list of the names of persons intended to be proposed, amongst which was that of Mr. Taylor, was lying on the table. When the list was read, Mr. John Greenwood said, " I think I heard some gentleman object to Mr. Taylor." Not finding any one respond to the invited objection, he again said, " Some gentleman has objected to Mr. Taylor.'' No one had objected. Mr. Gill a>kekc-d. " What's this about?" I was at the time making me remark to a gentleman from Kington, who was in the counting-room, and did not answer the question, as Mr. G. continued reading. When he had done he re- peated the question. I said, " I presume the cards Mr. Taylor has sent sufficiently explain his meaning.'' lie said. "I don't want to be troubled with notes from Mr. Taylor: 1 know nothing at all about the business." I said, " Mr. Taylor wishes you to explain on what grounds you asserted that he was the author of the hand- bill." He replied, "I did not assert any such thing; I only said that he was n -ported to be the author.'' " And 131 MR. JOIIX EIIWARD TAYLOR'S TRIAL. you made that a ground for his exclusion from a public office. Am I to tell Mr. Taylor that you did not that he was the author?" He said, "You may tell Mr. Taylor what you like ; I don't want to have anything to say to him. Let him mind his business, and I will mind mine.'' I said, "Mr. Taylor will not allow his character to be spoken of in the way it is reported you spoke of it." " Does Mr. Taylor mean to say that he was not the author of the handbill?" "Mr. Taylor will not answer that question until you have explained your reasons for con- sidering him the author." " I am not a political man," he replied ; " I don't meddle with politics, and it woidd be better for Mr. Taylor that he did not ; but if people will go about to disturb the peace and create disaffection. I deem it my duty to take notice of them." " If. sir : Do you mean to say that Mr. Taylor has ever attempted to disturb the peace and create disaffection ?" I will not be pumped," he replied. " Your name is Prentice, is it :" " It is." "Well, then, Mr. Prentice, it would be better for you and Mr. Taylor to mind your business, and let politics alone." I said, "Mr. Greenwood, that is our consideration. Mr. Taylor must take care that his cha- racter is let alone, and he wants from you a direct an>\\ er to his notes." " I don't want anything to do with -Mr. Taylor or his notes." " Is that your answer, sir?" I asked, .lie replied, " You may say what you like." " Very \\ell, sir. Good morning." And so I left him, with a pretty strong conviction that he was not exactly the person that would run rashly into a duel, even with a man who had never in his life fired off a pistol. Taylor was, naturally, much irritated, and, smarting at the repetition of vulgar insult, he sent the following note to his traducer : "Sir, Your not having given mv friend, Mr. Prentice, any expla- nation aa to the subject referred to in my former note, com]' to consider you a. the fabricator of the report in question. MB. JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR'S TRIAL. 135 " I therefore now tell you, that as you have had the baseness to traduce my character, without having the manliness to justify your own conduct, as you have made assertions respecting me equally false as they are malicious, and met the attempts of my friend to procure from you a candid avowal or disavowal of your conduct, by new insinuations still more unjustifiable than the former, you have proved yourself a liar, a slanderer, and a scoundrel. " I shall not fail to make my opinion of you at least as public as are your calumnies against me ; and I shall take the earliest oppor- tunity that presents itself of telling you to your face what I think of you. I am, &c., "JOHN EDWABD TAYLOR. " Toll-lane Buildings, Thursday afternoon, July 16th, 1818." Mr. Greenwood having, four or five days after receiving this note, repeated to Mr. Brotherton that he had good authority for charging Mr. Taylor with having written the placard, that gentleman published a letter in Cowdroy's (lazrtte, referring to the correspondence, and stating that a copy of it should lie at the printer's for public inspection. The grand jury, at the Salford quarter sessions, on the 27th of October, found an indictment against John Edward Taylor, late of Salford, chapman, for that he, being a person of an evil and malignant disposition, and intending and drvi.-ing, as much as in him lay, to injure and vilify the good name, fame, credit, and reputation of John Greenwood, with force and arms, of great hatred, malice, and ill will towards the said John Greenwood, wickedly, maliciously, and unlawfully did write, and cause and procure to be written, certain false, scandalous, and defamatory words, &c. Knowing, as Mr. Taylor did, the nature of the court of quarter sessions of Salford, his solicitor, Mr. Atkinson, applied for and obtained a writ of certiofari to remove the indictment into the Court of King's Bench. The trial took place at the Lancaster spring assizes, on the 29th of March. 1819. Mr. Taylor, who had resolved to undertake his deli-nee in person, was accompanied by Mr. Edward Baxter, 136 MK. JOHX l.mVAKI) \\ I. Hit's TRIAL. Mr. Joseph Brotherton, Mr. F. R. Atkinson, Mr. Jolm Shuttleworth, Mr. llickards, my friend Mr. Jolm Childs, of Biingay, and myself, that he might see friendly faces round him while he was in a position of some danu< r. NMIH-U. afterwards Lord Abiuger, who was employed for the prose - cution, made a very short speeeh, assuming the utmost noHcktUance, as if the jury could not for a single moment doubt the propriety of finding a verdict of guilty where the libel was so flagrant. " It would be a mere w; time,'' he said, " to enter into a detail of circumstances which cannot be the subject of your consideration, or influence you in the verdict you are to pronounce;" the defendant would have an opportunity in the Court of King's Bench, when called up for judgment, to urge any extenu- atory circumstances; all that the jury had to do was to inquire whether he had written the letter, and if its contents were libellous. And then he dropped down his portly person into his seat with an air that plainly said, " Ti; an end on't. You have no choice but to say ' guilty. ' The only evidence oifered was the proof of publication. Mr. Taylor took a legal objection, citing a case from the law reports. The old cast-iron-faced judge listened impatiently. " Have you done now r" he asked, in his gruffest voice. -I//-. Taylor. Yes, my lord. Baton Wood. Then there's nothing in it ! Never was poor defendant cut so short before. " Have you done now r" " Yes, iny lord.'' " Then there's nothing in it." It was i;s pretty a .sequence of three senteii' ever was uttered ; and for months afterwards we re( ollee.ted it without loud laughter. The defendant : from the judge tolhc jury, and told them that they were the sole judges of the law as well as of the fact. He said : " I protest, gentlemen, against truth being visited with t lie p, of falsehood. I protest against the doctrine of the i-nurt*, that the truth of a libel constitutes an aggravation of the charge ; and ]>r< ME. JOHN EDWAHD TAYLOR'S TRIAL. 137 as I am on this occasion to justify every word I have written, and to prove every accusation I have made, I would give no man the power of undermining the basis of my defence, by a tame, spiritless acquiescence in those odious dicta of servile lawyers, which reason, and justice, and truth equally deprecate and disclaim. "What, indeed, can be more monstrous than the position, that the utterance of truth ia an offence rightly punishable by the criminal law ? What can be more inconsistent, than that you, who would shrink from the baseness of personal intercourse with a liar, should yet be called upon to render amenable to fine, or imprisonment, or both, him who has conscien- tiously confined himself to truth ?" He proceeded to impress upon the jury that there was no proof of the falsehood and malice charged against him in the indictment. lie told them that they must be satisfied, by evidence, that he was the false, wicked, and malicious person described, before they could find him guilty ; he said that he was the person defamed, and not Mr. Greenwood ; he detailed the whole of the circumstances as I have related them ; he offered to produce witnesses to prove the truth of all that he had asserted ; and he concluded his speech by saying : " Gentlemen, upon the broad principle both of the truth of my statements as respects Greenwood, and of the intolerable provocation I have received, I feel myself entitled to your verdict. I have not, for I could not, address you in eloquent or oratorical declamation, but I have told you ' a plain, unvarnished tale ;' I have set before you the facts as they really occurred, with those observations upon them which the circumstances of the case seemed to me to require. An apprehension of consequences, personal to myself, should never induce me to supplicate for your verdict ; but let me again remind you, that you, and you alone, are the judges of the law as well as of the facts ; and let me entreat, that with the full view of all the facts before you, you will upon this occasion prove yourselves defenders and guardians of the truth. Place yourselves in my situation remember the pro- vocation I have received consider what would have been your own conduct, and tlu-u, following the great principle of Christian morality, ' to do to me at ye would, that, tit similar circumstance*, I should do unto you T " Mr. Scarlett was noted for his quick perception of a jury's 138 MB. JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR'S TEI , feelings. He had no doubt seen that at least one of the jurors, the foreman, Mr. J. Rylands, of Warrington, had listened with deep attention to Mr. Taylor's indignant protest against truth being punished with the penalties of falsehood, and to his confident assurance that, if the court would allow him, he would, then and there, prove that hr was the person who had been defamed and vilified. He no doubt saw that there was one determined man who would impress upon his fellow-jurors the injustice of finding guilty on charges not only not proven, but in the face of an offer to prove the whole of the injustice and provocation offered to the defendant. It was not safe to let the case go thus to the jury. There might not be witnesses present to prove the truth of Mr. Taylor's narrative ; if there were, they might break down in some points of their evidence : at all events, the examination of witnesses would give him the opportunity of a REPLY, of having the last word, of trying his certainly strong powers in influencing a jury, and thus to remove the impression which Mr. Taylor's speech had made. He hastily resolved to give the defen- dant "rope enough." Mr. Taylor. I offer my witnesses to the court, if your lordship thinks proper to hear them. Mr. Scarlett. I shall not object to your proving what you have stated to the jury ; for I hold it extremely wrong, Mr. Taylor, that you should state anything you are not prepared to prove. Mr. Taylor. If his lordship consents, I shall examine my witnesses. Mr. Scarltt. My lord, I shall make no objections to the witnesses on the part of the defendant being examined. I will give him rope enough. Mr. Tin/lor. Very well. Call Joseph Brotherton. Mr. Brotherton was called, and in his placid way stated what Mr. Greenwood had said of Mr. Taylor. His quietly- irive-n evidence seeming to tell on the jury, Cross. ME. JOHN EDWARD TAYLOB's TEIAL. 139 employed for the prosecution, seeing the mistake com- mitted by Scarlett, objected to the line of examination; but the latter was reminded of his promise to give "rope enough." In cross-examination Scarlett asked : "Well, now, is the office of assessor one of any emolument?" Answer: "No." "Or of honour?" Ansicer : "No; but a person woidd think himself degraded in being considered unworthy to fill it." Scarlett : " You know that is not evidence, Mr. Brotherton, but you think it may have some influence with the jury." Mr. C. Rickards was then called, who stated that, in consequence of what had been said at the meeting of police commissioners, Mr. Taylor's name was left out of the list of assessors. I was the next witness, and detailed the con- versation that had taken place between Greenwood and myself. This closed the defendant's case. Scarlett then rose, determined to punish the man who had compelled him to an imprudent concession. Taylor had made the apology for undertaking his own defence that he had determined on a course which he could not expect any gentleman at the bar to take. This Mr. Scarlett represented to be a gross libel on the bar as composed of a set of senile, spiritless, base, and grovelling wretches who had not the courage to do their duty. He went carefully through the whole defence, to show that Mr. Taylor had been unnecessarily and unreasonably exacting. In refer- ence to the language used in the last note he said he " had seldom found that the pursuit of reform mended a man's manners ;" he said that Mr. Taylor was a man who was in the habit of making speeches ; " I have no doubt he has made more speeches in the county of Lancaster than I have done ;" and accused me of stiffness and hauteur in making a dry and abrupt demand for Mr. Greenwood's authority. He concluded a most bitter and a most unfair attack on the defendant by saying : " He has culled from every author 140 MR. JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR'S TRIAL. he has read, all the fine and all the bitter things they have said, and applied them to the prosecutor ; and the whole course of his defence has been the most virulent attack upon his character and should the defendant be convicted by your verdict, of which I can entertain no doubt, he has rendered himself a just subject for condign punishment. That the defendant wrote the letter is admitted that it is grossly libellous is equally clear and that it is false you must now be entirely convinced. If this should be your conviction you must necessarily pronounce the defendant guilty. But if you should doubt either that he published the letter, or its libellous nature, or if you should be of opinion that he has proved Mr. Greenwood to be a liar, a scoundrel, or a slanderer, then, in God's name acquit him." The learned, cast-iron-faced judge then charged the jury. He confessed he might have been wrong in admit- ting evidence of truth, but as the counsel had consented he had not opposed ; the words were libellous beyond all doubt, and "in an indictment for libel the party could not, in law, be allowed to plead in his justification the truth of what he had alleged;" if such were not the law every individual might have his foibles, his follies, or even his crimes, published in every newspaper in the kingdom for the purpose of bringing him into disgrace ; there could be no doubt as to the libel, and no doubt as to the nntliciot/s intent ; if the defendant was found guilty ho would have an opportunity to urge, in another place, a mitigation of punishment. Mr. Taylor. My lord, I request that the letters and papers which have been given in evidence may he handed to the jury. llnrnn il'ood (angrily). No I won't ; I shall allow of no Mich tiling. A tew hurried words passed in the jury-box. It was that there was not to be an agreement in court. The foreman, honest, firm, conscientious John Rylamls, took ME. JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR S TRIAL. 141 at c-oat from the front of the bar where he had hung it, and threw it over his arm with an energy and determi- nation of air which led Mr. Chi Ids to remark to Taylor : "That man will acquit you." In a letter to me Childs s;iy< : I have often desired since to see again that sedate, earnest, strong, thoughtful-looking man, but after the vents of that day I have never had the opportunity, yet I have never forgotten him." The jury retired. Mr. Taylor, his sister, and his friends sat in court listen- ing to the next case, turning their heads at every distant sound to see if the jury were coming back, but the day wore heavily on without any sign, and at length the court broke up. Several of us afterwards went to the foot of the stair, which led to the room where the jury were confined. There sat at the door, a man who was charged to keep it sacred from the approach of any persons whatever. He said hi- had heard loud words for several hours, at intervals, but for a long while past they had been very quiet. We returned to our inn, under the conviction that the longer the jury remained out, the better the case stood, and from time to time kept returning to watch, and to learn if any sound had been heard from the mysterious room, but no the men might be dead, for aught we could learn or hear. Thus we paced the streets of Lancaster, hour after hour. It was a wild, howling night, with continued blasts and hail storms. Sometimes we stood and watched the window of the tower which contained the jury, and contemplated their condition on such a wintry day and night as that had confined and kept so many hours without food, or drink, or tobacco, " or coal, or candle-light." Thus at intervals of half an hour, an hour, and so on, more or less, we sauntered backwards and forwards, hearing the Lan- caster clocks strike hour after hour. A few of our number determined to go, yet once a^aiii. to have a lew words with the keeper of the door, with whom by this time, from their 1-lL' MB. JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR'S TRIAL. numerous visits to him, they seemed to have become familiar acquaintance. They went this time, rather with a view to bid the man good night, or have a few more last words, than with any expectation that there would be any move or stir before morning, when, suddenly, while they wen- talking with the door-keeper, there was a most unearthly yell: "Open the door!" then a confuted bustle, then their familiar with whom they had been speak- ing, became authoritative. " O, get away gentlemen, the jury are agreed," said he ; and sure enough it was the jury " agreed." By the dim light which was reflected upon them when the door opened, and as they descended from their dark chamber, they formed the oddest spectacle, and made the queerest picture imaginable. It was obvious that all the arts they could devise to keep themselves warm had been tried ; two had handkerchiefs tied on their head-, and all made a most piteous appearance. The bailiff who had charge of them now arranged them two abreast, and inarched them off towards the judges' lodging, whither at the close of the court, it had been decided they should proceed to deliver their verdict, whenever they came to an agreement. The judges were then lodged at a considerable distance from the courts, and our friends and Taylor kept close to the jury, who were escorted, through the up and down, narrow, dark streets of Lancaster, with one poor lantern before them. The days of gas there were not yet. Two of the jury elderly men conversed together as they staggered along. One was overheard saying : This is a dreadful business, sir, I shall never ^et over it; lam quite perished." "I hope." said he. next him, " they won't keep us long at the judges' house, and then we must get back as quick as we can, and get some hot brandy, sir." Our friends reached the door, and there was a little jostling, but instantly came an officer from the inside, who begged that all might be conducted as quietly as possible, and requested the jury to follow him. Taylor MU. JOHN EDWARD TAYLOE*S TRIAL. 143 and his friends stuck to the jury, went up one flight of broad stairs, then another, where there was a stand still, on a large open landing, the size of the vestibxde below. IIc'iv the door was gently opened, and into a moderate sized bed-room, up two stairs, went the jury, attended by their companions, who represented the public and shire, where, with undrawn curtains, bolt upright, in his night cap and bod clothing, sat Baron Wood. Think of the spectacle ! " Silence, gentlemen," said the officer. " Gentlemen of the jury, answer to your names." They answered. " Gentlemen of the jury, are you agreed in your verdict r" We arc." said the foreman, firmly, in a tone which indicated that he had achieved a victory. " I low say you gentlemen, is John Edward Taylor guilty or not guilty ?" In the dimness of the light of that room for there was but a small chamber lamp and the oddness of the scene ;g before the eyes, it would be difficult for any person to convey to another the sensation of that moment which intervened between the question and answer. " It re- minded me on the instant," said one of our friends, " of that period of deepest anxiety which all must personally feel at some time or other ' that drop of time' which is sufficient to embrace in it ' a life of pain, an age of crime.' " But when John Rylands, of Warrington, pronounced with a triumphant emphasis, " lie is not guilty," there arotened to very impatiently. " Well, gentle- men." said the sturdy foreman, after long dision. it' you will insist upon that verdict, I will go to sleep and consider about it in the morning ; there is my bed." tin-owing his coat into one corner of the room, and then lyiiii; down upon it. His example was followed by others, apparently as stern in maintaining their own purpose. Hut some did not take it so comfortably ; they had, for years past, been accustomed to their pipes and as many Classes of strong ale by the inn fireside as they liked, and to be thus unexpectedly deprived of those enjoyments, and to find themselves supperless in an empty room without fire or candle or bed to lie upon, was beyond endurance. One of them was really ill, and bemoaned the hardships of his case iu piteous accents : " Are you going to keep me here all night when I am so ill?" "Here are you," said the foreman, " whining about the hardship of being shut up for one night, and yet you would put it in the power of the court to confine a man eighteen months for having spoken the truth." The appeal was successful. There were now two for a verdict of "not guilty." The others remaining obstinate, John Rylands stretched himself in his corner and lay in sober thoughtfulness, munching his crust quietly to conceal his possession of it from those with whom lie \v:is locked up, until each of them, one after another, yielded to their cravings for personal comfort as of much greater importance than the vindication of their loyalty, and then they emerged from their total darkness into dim light. Some of the gentlemen who accompanied Taylor had l^one home at the close of the day. Taylor, Atkinson, and Child* agreed to remain till after the opening of the court in the morning, for the purpose of showing the acquitted to the judge and the bar. He had not been long in the court when " L'nrtjir Sr/tr/i-tf," as Cobbctt used to call him, took ME. JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR* 8 TRIAL. the opportunity to pass by him and to say, " You had a friend ou the jury yesterday, Mr. Taylor ;" to which Taylor replied, readily and well, " No, Mr. Scarlett, the jury felt . , >u treated me unfairly." In his conduct on that trial Scarlett showed more of the heartless man than of the reformer which he pretended to be at that time, more of the baseness which became fully developed in his character when, after the passing of the reform bill, and fourteen years had passed, he introduced into Norwich a flood of iniquity and corruption which proved him to belong to the das* who, iu all ages, have regarded the end to be accom- plished as justifying the means, however base the means required for its accomplishment may be. Taylor, Atkinson, and Childs, left Lancaster at about twelve o'clock, and on their way to Manchester Mr. Childs said to Taylor, " It is now plain you have the elements of public work in you; why don't you set up a newspaper ?' and thereupon gave him what of practical detail he could relative to such a speculation. The ability displayed by Mr. Taylor on his trial, the boldness with which he denounced the fictions of law in cases of libel, and, more than all, his success when pitted against the most successful barrister on the circuit, seem to have determined him to leave mercantile pursuits, for which he had not many qualifications. He spoke of eating his terms at one of the inns of court ; but at the age of twenty- seven, without previous legal study, he felt that he had been rather too late to adopt a profession which would require five years of probation. In two years more his reform friends established him in the Manchester Guardian, and he drew, from a concurrence of most fortunate cir- cumstances, one of the most splendid pri/es, regarded in a pecuniary point of view, ever drawn in the lottery of news- paper >pe< ulation gaining by boldness while the enthusiasm of youth remained, and retaining by cautiousness when more mature years taught prudence and circumspection. CHAPTER X, HENRY HUNT. THE RADICAL AGITATION IN 1819. WHEN the hand of coercion was removed, it was likely that the spirit of discontent should find public expression. The distress throughout 1817 and 1818 had been very great, and it became more intense in this vicinity when j preparations began to be. made for the resumption of cash payments by the bank. The scarcity and dearness of money greatly lessened the value of all manufactured products, and the working classes, as usual, were the first to feel the effects of the deep commercial depression. They were taught to look upon misgovernment as the cause of their misery, and they attributed that misgovernment to the grossly defective state of the representation. They saw Manchester, Salford, Bolton, Blackburn, Rochdale, Bury, Ashton-under-Lyne, Oldham, and Stockport without mem- bers, whilst Old Sarum a mound of earth without inhabi- tants and a host of villages, decayed and rotten, each sent two. It was not to be wondered at that they complained, not to be wondered at that they crowded round those who appealed to their sympathies, gave articulate utterance to their complaints, and offered to aid them in obtaining redress of their grievances. A fresh campaign was vigorously commenced with the commencement of the year 1819. Henry Hunt had come forward as a champion of the people's rights, and he was well fitted to appeal with effect to the excited passions of the multitude. His portrait is thus drawn by Samuel Bamford, on the occasion of the radical laureate's first visit to London, in an earlier stage of the agitation : " He was gentlemanly in his manner and attire ; six feet and better MEETING IN MANCHESTER. 147 in height, and extremely well formed. He was dressed in a blue lapelled coat, light waistcoat and kerseys, and topped boots ; his leg and foot were about the firmest and neatest I ever saw. He wore his own hair ; it was in moderate quantity, and a little grey. His features were regular, and there was a kind of youthful blandness about them which, in amicable discussion, gave his face a most agreeable expression. His lips were delicately thin, and receding; but there was a dumb utterance about them which, in all the portraits I have seen of him, was never truly copied. His eyes were blue, or light grey not very clear, nor quick, but rather heavy, except as I afterwards had opportunities for observing when he was excited in speak- ing, at which times they seemed to distend and protrude ; and if he worked himself furious, as he sometimes would, they became blood-streaked, and almost started from their sockets." On the 25th of January Hunt made a public entry into Manchester from Stockport, accompanied by the indomitable John Knight ; Ogden, characterized by Canning as the " revered and ruptured ;" Mark Wardle, the printer of the Manchester Observer, a paper which was established as the organ of radicalism ; and a number of others. The procession boasted of many gay flags, a kind of display which Hunt exceedingly liked. The meeting was very numerous and very peaceable, and there was applause enough to satisfy even Hunt ; but his appetite grew with what it fed upon, and he must needs appear at the theatre, to have his shuiv of the plaudits usually dealt out there. He went on the following Friday night, accompanied by a number of friends, some of whom, earnest reformers, went reluctantly, thinking that men who were working for national regeneration should not waste their time in idle amusements. He was received with "great applause" by a portion of the audience, and that excited the ire of another portion. " God save the " was called for, to show him the loyalty of Manch ir 2 148 HIM AT THE THEATRE. and, on the pretence that he did not show the usual marks of rrspcct for the national anthem, he was rudely assailed by some military officers and some hot-headed residents, and at length forcibly expelled from the house. Smarting under this infliction, which was more disgraceful to his assailants than to himself, he sent for Bamford, and told him that he meant to go to the theatre another night, and that his attendance and that of ten or a dozen " stout fellows," in the pit and at the Fountain-street entrance, would be acceptable. A party of ten was accordingly formed and inarched into Manchester. " It consisted of myself," says Bamford, " and nine picked men of my ac- quaintance from Middleton. Our business was to attend the play, to protect Mr. Hunt, if requisite, and to retaliate with punishment any insult that might be offered to him or any of his friends." They were all armed with sticks ; "some earned blackthorn, some hazel, and others a pi in had taken a fancy to that portable and effective cudgel, the green English holly." Here was Hunt going to court insult, and poor, simple Bamford and his nine picked men, and Irishmen with shillelahs under their long coats, to protect or retaliate ! The street was filled, but the door was not opened, and the crowd began to be impatient. At length a messenger arrived from Mr. Ward, the manager. to announce that there would be no play. Bamford de- manded to see Ward, and was admitted. An old acquaint- ance advanced to meet him : " ' Bamford ! wot the d art thou doing here? ' ' Hnllo, friend Nadin ; is that you ?' was my reply. It was Mr. Nadin, the deputy constable, who spoke. ' Me ? aye, it's me ; but wot the d 1 dus tlicaw want i'th' tcawn at this time o'th' neet ?' I'm come to th' play, th' same as yo' ar*, I suppose. But I want ni-aw to see Mr. Ward, tlf manager.' Several persons spoke, and I think they said lie was in conversation with (lie hmd constable. ' \Y<>1 nnin want to see a play for ?' said Mr. Nadin.' 'Oh! I'm nil her curious to see one; I understand it's to be a good un to-mrt.' 'I kno' thec of owd' I've seen thce afore at Middleton.' Tlicaw may HUNT'S FOLLY. 149 go worn ; theaw'll sec no play here." ' I'll see one iv there is ony to be seen, or I'll ston at yon dur till twelve o'clock : that yo' may depend on, Jozy.' ' Who ar" yon gang 'at theaw has wi' the' ?' he said. ' Oh ! they 're a set o' lads fro' different heawses obewat ; they'n tell yo' if yo'n ax' 'm.' ' Well, they'd better pack off, an' thee wi' 'em, for by , if there's any damage done, I'll look afther yo'. Theaw may tell 'em, they'n ha' no play to-neet.' ' Then nobody will,' said I, as I went out, and shut the door after me. I had scarcely got to my former station, when a coach drove into the street, and on its being ascertained that it contained Hunt, Thomas Chapman, and other friends, a loud huzza burst from the dense multitude, mingled with a few hisses ; but the minority were quickly fill-need. Hunt then mounted the box, and addressing the people, stated that the manager had written to him, saying there would not be any performance that night, and requesting (I think) that he would come up and try to get the people to disperse, and go home. lit 1 next entered on some general topics, and with singular bad taste, to say the least of it (for his impetuosity over-ran his judgment), he said, ' the authorities only wanted a pretext to let the bloody butchers of Waterloo loose upon the people ;' and concluded by advising them to retire to their homes peaceably. We then gave three cheers ; the carriage disappeared, and the street was soon deserted. Our party went to the Robin Hood, where we were joined by a score or two others, and we set to, and caroused until midnight, and then returned home." Hunt's folly in going to court insult was more than matched by the impudence and insolence of some of the trctable" inhabitants. A party of coarse ruffians, in the garb of gentlemen, forced themselves into his private room in the Spread Eagle, and signalized their bravery by ottering battle to a few friends who had met to spend a quiet evening with him. " They were a set of lucky dogs," says Bamford. " Had they been taken by us in the fact, there would have been a sore and pitiable account of them in the morning." They were not, however, taken in the fact. Bamford and his picked men were off to the Robin Hood, where they were joined by a score or two of others, and these world -regenerators "set to and caroused till midnight, and then returned home/' There was a levity 150 REFORMERS CAROUSING. and flippancy about all this that gives us, as we look back upon it now, little proof that the actors had any deep ling of the responsibility they were incurring as the advocates of great national rights ; but they also furnish an argument that these men, thus idly occupying themselves, re very far from being dangerous revolutionists. At the spring assizes, at Chester, Baguley and some others were tried, found guilty, and sentenced to two \< imprisonment, for seditious harangues at Stockport. The evidence against some of them was strong enough, if the witnesses were to be believed ; but if anything was deficient in proof as to the harangues of each individual prisoner, the law of conspiracy, as defined by judges, supplied any short-coming. They had "breathed together/' and there- fore each was made responsible for all that had been uttered. There was another "conspiracy" at a subsequent meeting in Stockport, in which Sir C. Wolseley, an honest, but not a very wise man ; Fitton, both honest and shrewd : indomitable old John Knight, the " revered and ruptured Ogden, and Harrison, took part. Sir Charles and Harrison were afterwards tried for sedition, found guilty of having breathed together, and imprisoned. On the 21st of June, 1819, another meeting was held on St. Peter's Field, Manchester, and resolutions were passed p( appointing district delegates for a general national union to ^ reform the government. Meetings took place about the same time at Oldham, Bolton, Roy ton, Bury, Hcywood, Stockport, Ashton-undcr-Lyne, Failsworth, Gee Cross, Lees, Middleton, Rochdale, Todmorden, Barnsley. Holm- firth. Leeds, and other towns, all unrepresented in par- liament : and. says Mr. Wheeler. " with a view to embar- rass the government, a pledge was generally entered into by the people attending the several places of rendezvous to abstain from the use of any exciscable article not absolutely necessary to support existence." Hunt, to supply the place of coffee, recommended his own ro:i GOOD OLD ENGLISH DRINK. 151 corn, which was found to be a very unpalatable substitute ; and sloe leaves did not produce so pleasant a beverage as tea. The main stress was kid on abstinence from spirits and ale ; and the good old loyalists were shocked at the iniquity of soberness from such a motive. A placard, signed, " Bob Short," was stuck on all the walls, and dis- tributed from house to house, denouncing all as enemies to the working people who would persuade them to renounce the use of the good old English drinks, and urging the readers to return to their good old drunken habits, to prove their attachment to king, and church, and constitution, endangered by this conspiracy to promote sobriety. The expense of this precious production, amounting to some eighty pounds, was defrayed from the church-rates ! The item for " printing" was objected to at the parish table, on the ground that the particulars were not given, but it was passed notwithstanding. An application to the Court of King's Bench was made, and a mandamus was issued that the particulars should be laid before the parish, in vestry assembled, on which the churchwardens, ashamed, not of issuing, but in being found out in issuing, persuasives to drunkenness, withdrew the item entirely from their accounts, which were then passed. This attempt to pay out of church- rates, for an earnest inculcation of the duty of drunkenness, created a desire to inquire more strictly into the church- warden's expenditure ; and it was found, at a subsequent vestry meeting, that three bottles of wine, per man, besides brandy, had been consumed at their annual dinner, and I remarked, on the use of brandy in addition to this intole- rable quantity of sack, that probably the three church- wardens had remained, after their company had left them, to sing : " Here are we met three merry boys, Three merry boys I trow are we." Meeting one of the churchwardens, a few days afterwards he asked "How did you know that we sang ' bn-w'd a peck o* malt !' " l-'il' PRIM ! It was desirable," says Mr. Wheeler, "to stop these combined movements of the di>ati'eeted." The combined movements were, frequently public meeting-, " training," and abstinenee from intoxicating liquors; as for abstinence from coffee, all Hunt's popularity could not make- a decoc- tion from bis roasted corn go down. For an account of the reasons for training I must borrow again from Bamford : "These drillings were also to our sedentary weavers and spinners periods of healthful exerci-e and enjoyment. Our drill master generally old soldiers of the line, of the militia, or local milii i ments ; they put the lads through their facings in quick time, nnd soon learned them to march with a steadiness and regularity which woidd not have disgraced a regiment on parade. When dusk e:ime, and we could no longer see to work, we JUIUJKH! from our looms, and rushed to the sweet cool air of the fields, or the waste lands, or the pnvn lane sides. We mustered, we fell into rank, we faced, marched, halted, faced about, counter-marched, halted again, dressed, and wheeled, in quick succession, and without confusion ; or, in t! of a fine Sunday morn, we would saunter through the mists, fragrant with the night odour of flowers, and of new hay, and ascending the Tandle Hills, salute the broad sun aa he climbed from the high moon of Saddleworth. There were not any arms no use for any no pretence for any; nor would they have h.-en permitted. f the elderly men, the old soldiers, or those who came to watch, might bring a walking staff', or a young fellow might pull a stake from a hedge, in going to drill or in returning home ; but, assuredly, we had nothing like arms about us. Then- were no armed meetings there were no midnight meetings. Why should we seek to conceal what we had no hesitation in performing in broad day ? There was not anything of the sort. No arming no concealing nn Such as I have described were all our drillings, about which so much WM afterwards said. We obtained by them all we sought, or thought of an expert ness and order whilst moving in bodies; and tin no hyperbole in the statement which a magistrate afterwards made on oath, that 'the party with the blue and green banners came upon the field in beautiful order '.' adding, I think, that 'not until then did I become alarmed !' " These trainings, harmless as Bamford believed them to be, e\ it alarm, and scouts were sent out t what extent they were carried, and who were engaged in LAW LOGIC. 153 them, in order that if any of those persons afterwards took part in any public meeting, a connection might be proved to exist between the public demonstration and the partially concealed training. This chain, of connection was esta- blished very cleverly. An amateur spy, of the name of Murray, went, with three others, and witnessed the drilling on White Moss. The radicals took an effectual mode of fixing the circumstances in his memory. They gave him and his companions a sound drubbing. At the trial of Hunt and others at York, the drilling was proved, the drubbing was proved, and it was also proved that a part of the procession, headed by Hunt when he entered Man- chester, on the 16th of August, stopped and hooted opposite Murray's shop. Ergo, in law logic, the White Moss drillers formed a part of St. Peter's Field meeting ; and, ergo, that last meeting was an illegal meeting because the first was ! Were there no gentlemen acquainted with the real condition and opinions of the working classes in the neighbourhood upon the list of magistrates, to discourage the employment of spies, and to repress the violence contemplated under the pretence of alarm : Dr. W. Cooke Taylor, in his "Life and Times of Sir Robert Peel," : "In 1819, Manchester was not incorporated; in the eye of the law it was a village, and, as such, subject in the jurisdiction of the county magistrates. A rule had v been established by the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan- I caster, that no manufacturer should receive the commission \y of the peace ; consequently, the magistrates were cither landowners or clergymen. The Lancashire squires viewed the manufacturing population with a jealousy which may have been unreasonable, but certainly was not unnatural ; they -a\v p ; --ons suddenly becoming their rivals in wealth and influence by a course of industry and economy, which hereditary prejudices led them to despise- : and they feared that these new men would displace the ancient f'aini! The clergy were identified in feeling with the landlords, H 3 t- 154 GOVERNMENT PROCLAMATION by habit, education, and social intercourse ; for a yen. large proportion of the manufacturers belonged to dissent- in^ sects. With such feelings they allowed the meeting of the 16th of August to assemble, hoping, by a coup d' <'/ut. to strike terror into the reformers of Manchester, and, perhaps, disposed to show their contempt for spinners and weavers by arresting the leader in the midst of the bly. The government was alarmed at the frequency of the reform meetings, at the vast numbers who thus congre- gated, and at the language uttered. On July 1st, Lord Sidmouth issued circular letters to the lords lieutenant of the disturbed counties, recommending prompt and effectual means for the preservation of the public tranquillity, and that the yeomanry should hold themselves in readiness. On the following day a meeting was held at Newhall-hill, Birmingham, where Sir Charles Wolseley was nominated " legislatorial attorney and representative" for that town. On the 30th of the month a proclamation was issued by the Prince Regent against military training, seditious meetings and writings, and the election of legislatorial nttomies. The local authorities supplied the government with the assertions of the existence of a dangerous spirit, and earnestly besought the means of putting it down. On the 1st of July, J. Sylvester, It. Wright, W. Marriott, ('. W. Kthclston, and J. Norris, magistrates, wrote to Lord Sidmouth from the Manchester New Bailey Court House, Bating that, urged on by the harangues of a few desperate ."rues, they anticipated " a general rising :' that as the law stood, they had no power to prevent these mcetinyn ; nnd thnt they were " unarmed." The magistrates assembled nt the Knutsford quarter sessions, four of them clergymen. passed resolutions declaratory of evil designs on the part of the i>< <>ple, and recommending all friends of king and con- stitution to "rally round the standard of legal authority. and by the manifestation of their principle-. de>tr<>y the THE MEETINGS NOT ILLEGAL. 1-55 baneful effects of blasphemy and seditious doctrines, re- claim the deluded, give confidence to the loyal, and maintain inviolate our rights, our liberties, and our laws." A meet- ing at the Manchester police office, held July 16th, of the " Committee to Strengthen the Civil power," John Brad- shaw, Esq., in the chair, petitioned government to supply them with arms and accoutrements for one thousand men. On the 20th of July, the grand jury, addressing the Manchester magistrates, recommended the immediate establishment of ARMED ASSOCIATIONS for the purpose of strengthening and supporting the civil power. This docu- ment was signed by Thomas Peel, John Touchet, John Hardman, James Hay, Arthur Clegg, W. Hutchinson, William Tetlow, J. H. Heron, William Lomas, Christr. Parker, T. Worthington, Thomas Helsby, Thos. Entwistle, J. S. Barton, John Tetlow, William Hatton, William Hill, Robert Hay. The great object was that, as there was no law to pre- vent peaceably held meetings, the meetings should be con- nected with some illegal act elsewhere. On the 5th of August, Mr. Norris, the Manchester stipendiary magistrate, writes Lord Sidmouth, stating that a meeting convened for the 9th would not be held. This, he says, would be a great disappointment to the neighbouring towns, which had provided a number of flags and caps of liberty for the occasion. He adds : " The drilling parties increase very extensively, and unless some mode be devised of putting this system down, it promised to become a most formidable engine of rebellion" In the doubt whether the open meetings could be connected with the (hillings, it was thought very desirable that there should be some declarations of alarm for personal safety if those nicetini;* were held, and, accordingly, we have, on the 7th of August, the informations of S. N., S. E., D. X., and D. R. all of Bury the full names are not snvcn before Ralph, 156 DECLARATIONS OF ALARM. Fletcher, of Bolton, a magistrate, formerly notorious for the employment of spies. The informants say : " We all upon our oath say, that in various parts of the neighbour- hood of Bury aforesaid, there are nightly assemblies of great numbers of men, who meet together to learn and practise military training, which these informants verily believe to be intended to qualify them for hostile purposes against the government of the country, and against the peace of our Iprd the king, his crown and dignity, and to the disturbance of them, these informants, who hereby assert their fears for their personal safety ; and therefore they, these informants, pray that these men so training in large bodies, to the terror of his majesty's subjects, may be apprehended and committed to find sureties to keep the peace." Further informations, to the same effect, are sworn on the 9th of August, before Ralph Fletcher and James Watkins, whose names will be recollected in connection with the West Houghton affair, in 1812. Kalph Fletcher writes, on the 10th of August, to Lord Sidmouth, repre- senting that the public meetings are so demoralizing and so terrifying to his majesty's loyal subjects, that, " uiidi-r whatever pretext they may be called," they ought to be suppressed. On the 12th of August Mr. Norris, whose legal knowledge was about co-extensive with the weakness of his judgment, again writes Lord Sidmouth, and says, in reference to the drillings : " They affect to say that it is for the purpose of appearing at Manchester in better order, &c., on Monday next ; but military discipline was not requisite tor this piu-posc, and a more alarming object is so palpable that it i> impossible not to feel a moral conviction that insurrection and rebellion is their ulterior object." At the same time the Cheshire magistrates, assembled at Knutsf ord, send a memorial to Lord Sidmouth, asserting that thousands- of young persons in schools were taught principles of a mo-t dangerous tendency, and praying that such schools should be suppressed, and that " if the existing laics arc not ALARMISTS. 157 sufficient for that purpose, others should be framed for their 'fit in." The names of the persons thus memorializing were : Earl of Stamford, Kd\\ in Corbett, John Ford, Thomas Parker, Trafford Trafford, Sir J. T. Stanley, Davies Davenport, John Clegg, Edward Stracey, T. W. Tatton, Peter Brooke, W. Egerton, Egerton Leigh, E. V. Townsend, R. \Vilbraham, John Brown, clerk. J. T. Law, clerk, J. H. Mallory, clerk. On the 13th of August, before the Rev. W. R. Hay, " Jonathan Andrew, of Manchester, maketh oath and saith that, on Thursday evening, the 12th inst., betwixt the hours of eight and nine o'clock, he saw exercising on the tit-ir road to Rochdale from twenty to twenty-five men, armed with staves, from four to five feet long, and appa- rently from three to three and a half inches round, similar to a brush-stail, but chiefly of green wood. He heard the Avord of command given (by a person separated from the rest), 'March,' 'Halt,' &c." Poor Jonathan ! Drilling in the open public road with mop-stails of green wood must have had a formidable appearance indeed. "Why did he not swear that he also was alarmed ? With all these depositions as to drilling, and oaths of people that they were afraid for their personal safety, the magistrates were not sure that they had yet made all right. At midnight of the 15th of August they were yet in uncertainty as to their power of preventing the meeting to be held next day. Mr. Norris, in a letter to Lord Sidmouth, dated eleven o'clock, p.m., says that although the magistrates, as then advised, did nut then think of preventing the meeting, they were alarmed, and were in a state of painful uncertainty. Can it be that while thus writing to Lord Sidmouth, officially, there was \ a private resolution, perhaps directed by him, to allow the mertin<; to assemble and to disperse it with the swords of the yeomanry, notoriously known to have been shaq>encd for the occasion ? On the very evening on which Mr. 158 DOUBTS AS TO Till, i V \\ . Norris wrote, Hunt had offered to surrender himself volun- tarily. Did the magistrates, as Dr. Taylor supposes, ratlin seek the opportunity of striking terror into the multitude assembled by arresting their leader, no matter at what of bloodshed, before their eyes ? If, at eleven o'clock on the night of the 15th the magistrates did not think of preventing the meeting did not think that the meeting could, legally, be pre- vented the inhabitants could not but suppose that it would pass off peaceably, as other previous meetings had passed off; and, ongoing to sleep, probably not one in a hundred of them had the slightest apprehension that they would encounter any danger in attending it themselves and taking their wives and children with them. There [ more fear throughout Manchester, on the night of the 1 ">tli 1 August, that the next morning would be rainy, than that 1 the peace would be broken by either the people or the \ magistracy. CHAPTER XL TUB SIXTEENTH OF AUGUST, 1819. THE morning of the 16th of August came, and soon after nine o'clock the people began to assemble. From the windows of Mr. Baxter's house in Mosley-street, I saw the main body proceeding towards St. Peter's Field, and never saw u gayer spectacle. There were haggard-looking men certainly, but the majority were young persons, in their best Sunday's suits, and the light coloured dresses of the cheerful tidy-looking women relieved the effect of the dark fustians worn by the men. The "marching order," of which so much was said afterwards, was what we often see now in the processions of Sunday-school children and temperance societies. To our eyes the numerous flags seemed to have been brought to add to the picturesque effect of the pageant. Slowly and orderly the multitudes took their places round the hustings, which stood on a spot now included under the roof of the Free Trade Hall, near comer. Our company laughed at the fears of the magistrates, and the remark was, that if the men intended mischief they would not have brought their wi\ their sisters, or their children with them. I passed round the outskirts of the meeting, and mingled with the groups that stood chatting there. I occasionally asked the women \ if they were not afraid to be there, and the usual laughing 1 reply was " What have we to be afraid of?" I saw Hunt/ arrive, and heard the shouts of the sixty thousand persons by whom he was enthusiastically welcomed, as the carriage in which he stood made its way through the dense crowd to the hustings. I proceeded to my dwelling-house in Salfbrd, intending to return in about an hour or so to 1 160 STRENGTH OF THE MILITARY. witness in what manner so large a meeting would separate. I hud not been at home more than a quarter of an hour when a wailing sound was heard from the main street, and, rushing out, I saw people running in the direction of Pendleton, their faces pale as death, and some with blood trickling down their cheeks. __ It was with difficulty I could get any one to stop and tell me what had happened. The unarmed multitude, men, women, and children, had been attaeked with murderous results by the military. The magistrates had resolved, at the last moment, that Hunt, and the friends who accompanied him to the hustings. should be apprehended in the face of the meeting. It wus a great assemblage, and, no doubt, they thought the capture of the ringleaders in the presence of sixty thousand persons would produce a salutary effect. There was abundance of force at hand to render resistance hopeless. The number of special constables had been greatly increased, two hundred additional having been sworn in for the occasion: a portion were stationed round the hustings, and another formed a line of communication thence to the house in which the magistrates were assembled, a distance of about a hundred yards. Near to the field, ready the moment their sen ices were required, were six troops of the loth Hussars, a troop of horse artillery, with two guns, the greater part of tin- Gist regiment of infantry, some companies of the 88th regiment, the Cheshire yeomanry, of between three and four hundred men, and the Manchester yeomanry, of about forty. the latter hot-headed young men, who had volunteered into that service from their intense hatred of radicalism. With such a force at command, the warrant might have been executed without the slightest tumult. Had Nadin, the deputy con-table, a man of more bluster than courage, been afraid to proceed along the line of constables, a few men from the regular army might have formed an additional line for his protection. No such intention was indicated ; Hunt had addressed the dense multitude, now hushed into THE ATTACK. 161 deep silence, intently listening to the opening of his speech, when, suddenly, at a quick trot, past the corner of a wall which bounded Brown's cottage, appeared the Manchester yeomanry, and drew up in front of the house in which the magistrates were met. The crowd received them, as Bamford says, with a shout of good will as the aggressors said, with a shout of defiance, when, as suddenly as they had appeared at the outskirts of the meeting, they drew their swords, waved them round their heads, and dashed into the crowd ! Nadin had said he was afraid to serve the warrant, and this was the way it was to be served. As the yeomanry neared the hustings the inert resistance of those who could not move out of the way increased, and the troops were separated, each man striving to open out his own way, some with pale faces and firmly-closed ejrgg, striking with their sabres as if they were insane. At this time two squadrons of the hussars came upon the field. Sir W. JolUffe, who, was a lieutenant in the regiment, says : " It was then, for the first time, that I saw the Manchester yeomanry ; they were scattered singly or in small groups, over the greater part of the field, literally hemmed up, and wedged into the mob, so that they were powerless either to make an impression or to escape; in fact they were in the power of those whom they were rlrm'ym-d to overawe ; and it required only a glance to dis- cover their helpless position, and the necessity of our being brought to their rescue." The attack was then ordered. The hussars, in their turn, and with resistless force, dashed into the crowd. " People, yeomen and constables" say- Sir \V. Jolliffe, " in their confused attempts to escape, ran one over the other, so that, by the time we had arrived at the end of the field, the fugitives were literally piled up to a cou>iderable elevation above the level of the field." The ivspued yeomanry were not satisfied with a charge which had produced this frightful effect. Bamford says : "On the breaking of the crowd, the yeomanry \\luvK-d ; and 162 THE DISPERSION. dashing wherever there was an opening, they followed, pressing and wounding. Many females appeared as the crowd opened ; and striplings and mere youths were also found. Their cries were piteous and heart-rending ; and would, one might have supposed, have disarmed any human resentment ; but their appeals were vain. Women, white-vested maids, and tender youths, were indiscriminately sabred or trampled on; and we have reason for believing, that few were the instances in which that forbearance was vouchsafed which they so earnestly implored. In ten minutes from the commencement of the havoc, the field was an open and almost deserted space. The sun looked down through a sultry and motionless ah*; tin- curtains and blinds of the windows, within view, were all closed. A gentleman or two might occasionally be seen looking out from some houses of recent erection, near the door of which a group of persons (special constables) were collected, and apparently in conversation ; others were assisting the wounded, or carrying off the dead. The hustings remained, with a few broken and hewed flag-staves erect, and a torn or gashed banner or two drooping, whilst over the whole field were strewed caps, bonnets, hats, shawls, and shoes, and other j^jrts of male and female dress, trampled, torn, and bloody. The yeomanry had dismounted ; some were easing their horses' girths, others adjust- ing then- accoutrements, and some were wiping their sabres. :- mounds of human beings still remained where they had fallen, crushed down and smothered ; some of these were still groaning ; others, M it h staring eyes, were gasping for breath ; and others would never breat 1 it- more. All were silent save those low sounds, and the occasional snort big and pawing of steeds. Persons might sometimes be noticed peeping from attics, and over the tall ridgings of houses, but they quickly withdrew, as if fearful of being observed, or unable to sustain the full gaze of a scene so hideous and abhorrent." Hunt and his companions on the hustings had 1 ( n taken into custody during the enactment of this frightful tragedy. Sir W. JollifFe says: "The hussars generally drove the people forwards with the flats of their swords ; but sometimes, as is almost invariably the case when men are placed in such situations, the edge was used both by the hussars and, as I have heard, by the yeomen, but of this latter part, I was not cognizant ; and believing though I do that nine out of ten of the sabre wounds were c THE LONDON PRESS. 163 by the hussars, I must still consider that it redounds to the humane forbearance of the men of the 15th that more wounds were not received, when the vast numbers are taken into consideration with whom they were brought into hostile collision." Collision is not exactly the term to describe an action where the striking was all on one side. Every blow was an unnecessary one, for no resist- ance was ever attempted. Subsequent inquiry proved that the yeomanry had a larger share in the infliction of sabre wounds than Sir W. Jolliffe attributes to them, and to them alone the dishonour attaches of having wounded several peaceable persons on the adjacent streets after the dispersion of the meeting. It was known that some of the reporters who were on the hustings, amongst them Mr. Tyas, of the London Times, when the sanguinary attack was made upon the assembled > multitude, had been taken into custody, and it was feared 1 that no relation of the events would reach London, except \ what might be sent by directions of the magistracy, and \ coloured to justify their conduct. Mr. John Edward Taylor \ undertook to write to one London paper that evening, and I to another. Our narratives appeared in print on the following day, and bearing greater internal evidence of truth, they received credence in preference to the accounts sent to government and the government press, and raised a strong feeling of indignation, which was deepened in intensity, and spread to all parts of the kingdom, when the reporter of the Times, rescued from durance, corroborated all our statements, and added details of still deeper atrocity than those which we had described. The Manchester magistrates, alarmed at the tone of pxiblic opinion in London, had a meeting, hastily convened, on Thursday, the 19th, at the police-office, adjourned thence to the Star Inn, where it might be safe from the possibility of intrusion on the part of any police commis- sioner, who might hold the opinion that a peaceable 1'>1 DECLARATION ANp PROTEST. assembly ought not to have been dispersed by the- sword. Resolutions, as if adopted at a public meeting, wen- pa-M'd and published, thanking the magistrates and the soldiers. I have mentioned that, from the time of the "blanket meeting,'' reform principles had been making gradual pro- gress amongst the middle classes, disgusted by the arbitrary and the tyrannical, though cowardly, proceedings of the Sidiuouth administration. The dispersion of a legally- convened meeting aroused a general indignation, which proved that the old doctrine of non-resistance to arbitrary power was on the wane ; and the smuggled passing of thanks, so dishonestly sent forth, occasioned an expn of public feeling and opinion, such as had never been manifested in Manchester before. The following DECLA- RATION and PROTEST against the Star-Inn resolutions was immediately issued : " We, the undersigned, without individually approving of the manner in which the meeting held at St. Peter's, on Monday, the 16th of August, was constituted, hereby declare, that we an- fully satisfied, by personal observation or undoubted information, that it was perfectly peaceable ; that no seditious or intemperate harangues were made there ; that the Riot Act, if read at all, waa rend ,ricate ; and in order that its privacy might be more completely ensured, was adjourned to the Star Inn. It is a matter of notoriety that no expression of dissent from the main object of t In- meeting was there permitted. "We, therefore, deny that it liad any claim to the title of a ' MMMTOIM and highly respectable meeting of the inhabitants of Man- chester and Salford, and their neighbourhood ; and we heivl>> imite those who have presumed so to style it, to join with us in gn in- t<> the inhabitants at large of Manchester and Salford, and their i. -\u\\- huurhood, a public opportunity of expressing their real opinions upon the subject." NAMES OJ PKOTESTOKS. 1G5 In the course of two or three days this protest received four thousand eight hundred signatures, including those of a considerable portion of persons who, in ordinary parlance, would be spoken of as belonging to the " respectable classes." It may gratify sons and grandsons to see some of the names attached to this declaration, at a time when there was some danger incurred by the expression of any opinion adverse to the powers that were : T. B. W. Sanderson, Thomas Steven, Henry Moore, Kihvard Baxter, John Smedley, Francis Jackson, John Rtv J. S. Ormerod, George Horrocks, \Villi:uu Wright, Richard Woodward, William Joliua, William Tuer, Peter Tuer, John Shuttleworth, Hez. Wright, W. Norris Buckley, .1 1 >] m Barlow, John Ashton, Jesse Gallemore, William Shawcross, John Braddock, William Cantrell, John Hayes, John Atkinson, William Sutcliffe, James Kershaw, .1. I-:. Taylor, J. B. Thompson, Jolin Fletcher, John Kcnworthy, F. R. Atkinson, Arcliibald Prentice, Benjamin Beddome, Peter Coe, George Johnston, William Gadsby, Henry Grimshaw, John Mangnall, Stephen Bates, Samuel Hobsou, Jolin Ifobson, Samuel Winks, John Robinson, Richard Potter, Heiir\ Pope, John Brooks, i Weight, Joseph Manson, John RadcliftV, William Hancy, Thomas Johnston, John Johnston, Jonathan Lees, John IlarriMtn, Joseph Gallemore, - Anderson, R. W. B. Sanderson, Bcn.j. Holbrooke, Isaac Lees, John Swindells, Thomas Wilkins, Junes Occleston, Samuel I.ivesey, Jain.'- I!:,' John Richardson, William Wood, JohnMitchcll.M.D., Samuel Bates, Robert Askew, Joseph Anthony, Joseph Ha \vkes, Thomas Jones, William Ryley, William Barlow, Edmund Lord, Jeremiah Turner, Samuel Pullein, Jolin Grundy, Thomas Reed, John Gallemore, Thos. Tipping, jun., Jeremiah Buckley, Daniel Lonsdale, Thomas Hopkins, Joseph Wood, George Woollam, Richard Wilson, Thomas Kei>ha\\, Alexander Haliday, Robert Wright. Joseph Wouduard. Charles 1'ollitt, John Dcuhurst, John Johnson, John Black- 166 1THLIC William Barrett, Joseph Barnitt, Kdnmnd Wilson, William Clarke, Edward Foulkes, J. R. Taylor, John Foster, Francis Wood, William Swindells, Thomas Oakden, William 11 Thomas Grimd\, Williniii Spencer, J. G. Rob) J. S. Grafton. By way of counteracting the effect of this energetic protest, on the 27th of August Lord Sidmouth communi- cated to the Manchester magistrates, and to Major Tratfonl. and the military serving under him, the thanks of the Prince Regent, " for their prompt, decisive, and efficient measures for the preservation of the public peace " on the 16th instant. This haste to thank the delinquents greatly added to the exacerbation of the public mind. On Septem- ber 2nd a large meeting was held at Westminster, at which Sir Francis Burdett presided, and a remonstrance to tin- Regent was adopted, calling on him to order the prosecution of the Manchester magistrates by the law officers of the crown. Meetings were also held in the city of London, at (Jlaxgow, York, Bristol, Liverpool, Norwich. Nottingham. and other large towns, to address the Regent on the same subject. Some petitioned for inquiry; others pas strong censure on the Manchester authorities and tin- ministers who had advised the royal letter of thanks. It was as the breaking up of a great frost. The middle < had appeared as if they were bound up in the icy chains of indifference to the demands of their humble fellow-country- men for their fair share of representation ; but the sudden outburst showed that whatever opinions they might hold, as to how far the elective franchise might -afrlv IK- \t< nded. they were not disposed quietly to witnc-> death inflict men whose only crime had been, that they a-ked for uni- ! suffrage, vote by ballot, annual parliaments, and the 1 of the corn law. Meanwhile hundreds of persons wounded upon thai 16th of August were enduring dreadful sufferings. Th< y disabled from work; not daring to apply for ] THE KILLED AND WOUNDED. 167 relief ; not even daring to ask for surgical aid, lest, in the arbitrary spirit of the time, their acknowledgment that they had received their wounds on St. Peter's Field might send them to prison perhaps to the scaffold. A subscrip- tion was entered into for their relief; a careful and rigid inquiry was made for many successive weeks, the committee meeting in my warehouse, then in Church-street ; and thi^s we arrived at an approximation to the extent of death and calamity inflicted. The published statement of the committee, at the conclusion of that long and careful inves- tion, records the deaths that had occurred : John Ashton, Cowhill, Oldham ; sabred. John Ashworth, of the Bull's Head, Manchester ; sabred and trampled on. Thomas Buckley, Baretrees, Chadderton ; sabred and stabbed. William Dawson, Saddleworth ; sabred, crushed, and killed on I Kit. Fildea, Kennedy-street, Manchester, an infant ; rode over by the cavalry. John Lees, Oldham ; sabred. A coroner's inquest held on the body, adjourned without a verdict. Arthur O'Ni-ill, Pigeon-street, Manchester; inwardly crushed. Martha Partington, Eccles ; thrown into a cellar and killed on the spot. Joseph Whitworth, Hyde : shot. - C'rumjiluii, Barton ; trampled on by the cavalry. Mary Hoys, Oxford-street, Manchester; rode over by the cavalry. The names of the woxmded, their ages, their places of i ice, the manner in which they received their hurts, and the amount of pecuniary relief which they received, are also given in the published report of the committee. Their number was FOUK HUNDRED AND TWENTY, and the deputation from London state, that at the time they made their report, there were still ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY CASES to be considered by the local committee-, which con- tinued it* meeting till these cases were investigated and relief administer* <1. The deputation, Messrs. Rayner and 168 su! - ur 1 1! i \\-uc\in n. Hall, report to the central committee that out of four hundred of the sufferers whom they visited and relieved, one hundred and thirteen were females, "being the mothers, wives, sisters, and children of many of the persons who attended that memorable meeting: that out of those lour hundred and twenty persons materially injured, one hun- (1 nd mid forty received severe sabre cufs, and fourteen of these were inflicted on females; and that a prat number of the sufferers had declared, "that if their respect i\e pwish officers had then been acquainted with the injuries they had sustained by attending the Manchester meeting, they would have been deprived of aid when their sufferings more particularly demanded it." The deputation further remark, that " they could not observe but with sur- prise the very general fear and dislike that the sulf'erers manifested against applying for medical relief to the Man- chester Infirmary, not from any apprehension that their wounds and injuries would have been neglected or unskil- fully treated, but they themselves would have been huffed and insulted on account of their political principles." A> to the condition of the sufferers, the deputation report : "As the visits of your deputation were made unexpectedly, and frequently at those hours when these poor people wen- preparing or partaking of their hard and scanty meals, they had therefore ample opportunities of observing that their sole subsistence was potatoes, with a small quant salt, measured out in inadequate quantities to each indivi- dual of the family. Here and there was to be seen a little fiat or dripping mixed up with the potatoes ; but in no instance among the weavers did your deputation see a morsel of animal food; and they ascertained, that in most families where- there were children, the taste of meat was unknown from one year to another." ven persons killed ; six hundred wounded ; thousand carrying to their homes the recollections of that fatal day ; poverty and misery in every cottage ; deep M) EXERCISE OF KEVE 169 distress, attributable, not unjustly, to heavy taxation and a law prohibiting the importation of food. Was there 1 no wild revenge for the injuries inflicted no vengeance on the instruments of an iron-handed government no retaliation with the dagger for the cruel and wanton assault by the sword? There was not. The population of Lancashire had faith in the just administration of the law. Its working men, rough in manner and rude in speech, but shrewd, intelligent, and possessing much of the generous qualities of the Anglo -Saxon race, would not stoop to cowardly assassination. They had faith in their principles and greater belief in moral than physical force. On the day after the fatal sixteenth of August, the consciences of the guilty conjured up armies of deeply-enraged men, marching on Manchester, and devoting it to destruction. Thirty thousand pikemen were said to be actually on their road from Oldham alone ! In that paralysis of terror, anything might have been done. But the men of Lancashire would not seek reform through the horrors of a sanguinary revo- lution. The belief was strong amongst them that bloodshed had never added much to the amount of liberty ; they had no faith that freedom could be snatched as a brand from the flames of civil war. There was no armed attack ; no private exercise of wild revenge. Reverend AV. R. Hay, who was rewarded with a living of 2,400 a year for his services in "putting down" the Reformers ; Reverend W. C. Ethelston, whose reading of the Riot Act nobody heard ; stipendiary magistrate James Norris, who sought from government a power beyond the existing law ; Hugh Hornby Uirley, who led the attack upon a defenceless multitude ; Joseph Nadin, who harshly apprehended those who were to be harshly punished under judge-made law : all these have gone to their graves, without an assault, without an insult. The subscription was for a double purpose to relieve the sufferings of those who, being wounded or bruised, had I 170 BJBCIPTENTS OF ASSISTANCE. been deprived of the means of obtaining bread and to protect and defend the persons who had been am At the date of the report, 1 3th of February, 1820, the Minis distributed to the sufferers amounted to 1,206 13s. 8d. ; there had been expended 1,077 6s. 9d. in law eh and there was a balance on hand of 768 Is. 9d. towards the expenses to be incurred at the approaching n- and the relief of the persons, whose cases had not yet been fully investigated. The amount of the subscription proved that a deep sympathy for the oppressed and injured re- formers prevailed amongst the middle classes, an inference which Mr. Bamford has omitted to draw, though he has made grateful notice of acts of individual kindness to him- self. It was a healthful sign of the times, which should not be passed over in silence ; for sympathy with reformers gave the promise of co-operation in the work of reform ; and from this period may be dated a marked and favourable change in the current of public opinion. Amongst the recipients of pecuniary aid were the persons who were imprisoned along with Mr. Hunt, who each had ten pounds. They were : Mr. Joseph Johnson, brushmaker, of No. 17, Shudehill, Manchester, the host of Hunt ; indomitable old John Knight ; Mr. Moorhouse, a coach proprietor, of Stockport ; Mr. Saxton, the printer of the Manchester Observer ; Samuel Bamford, of Middle- ton, the poet of radicalism ; Healey, of Lees, near Oldhaui. commonly called Doctor Healey ; Jones, Swift, and Wilde ; and Mrs. Gaunt and Mrs. Ilargreavcs. Five persons against whom bills had been found for having been on the field on the 16th of August, and who ha. amongst them 47. The following arc a few extracts from the report, as a specimen of the various cases in which relief was given : Margaret Booth, dreadfully crus! THE BROKEN SPECTACLES. 171 the crowd, disabled nine weeks, still (February, 1820) unwell, 3. James Beswick, severe sabre cut on his elbow, and trampled on by the crowd, disabled seven weeks : he had held up his arm to save his head, 2. William Butterworth, of Stake Hill, near Middleton, a desperate cut on the right arm, just below the shoulder, still disabled, 4 5s. Peter Blair, of Eccles, weaver, a severe sabre cut on his right shoulder, knocked down and bruised, 2. Thomas Billington, of Chapel-street, Ardwick, severe sabre cut on the top of the head, which went to the skull, and both anus bruised ; be was repeatedly chased round the yard of the Friends' meeting-house, and received this cut on going out of the gate, 1 12s. Thomas Blin- stone, aged 74 years, Back Turner-street, both arms broken, and much bruised in the body (disabled for life), assisted to remove to his parish, 2. I need not multiply instances, but I may add that amongst the other wounded were a man aged 61, four 60, two 64, one 67, one 65, two men 50, a man 70, a woman 55, one 63, three men 63, a man 76, one G9, a woman 64, one 67, one 74, a man 75, a man 66, one 61, a woman 71, a man 62 (disabled for life), a woman 70, one 66, one 79, a man 74, one 75, a woman 64, and so on. Poor old Thomas Blinstone was looking on at the outside of the crowd when the yeomanry, turning round the wall, rode over him. I recollect him standing in my counting-house, with his two arms splintered up, and tell- ing his case to the relief committee. At the conclusion he said, " and what is wur than aw, mestcrs. they'll broken my spectacles, and aw've ne'er yet been able to get a pair that suits me." I 2 CHAPTER XII. SUBSCRIPTIONS AND SUBSEQUENT TRIALS. Av\f;sT the subscribers to the fund for the relief of tin- indigent sufferers on the 16th of August, 1819, was the Duke of Hamilton, lord lieutenant of the county of Lanark. A snow storm in January, 1820, which, fora time, levelled all distinctions of rank, brought the premier peer of Scotland and myself together at Berwick-on-Tweed. A few days before, one of the London ministerial newspapers had pub- lished a most abusive attack upon him, in which it was asserted that the money, instead of being distributed to mitigate the sufferings of those who had been wounded on that occasion, was given to excite further disaffection to the government. The duke was glad to hear, on the authority of one of the Manchester committee, a native of Lanark- shin 1 , whose family was known by him, that substantial relief had been given where it was much needed, and lu- listened with deep attention to my narrative of the events of that fatal day. He said that, after the forcible dispersion of the meeting, he had been much afraid that the irritation occasioned would give rise to some tumult in his own county, and that he had written to Lord Sidmouth, representing the danger of adding to the existing irritation, calling his attention to the extreme distress that was endured in his i>;hbourhood a distress that was more likely to increase than diminish and suggesting that, in any measure to repress tumult, great care should be taken to discriminate between those who were urged by misery and those who - intended to excite to mischief. On his saying that the \ concession of some reform would be more likely to trnn- Vjuillize the country than coercion, I ventured to ask how THE DUKE OF HAMILTOX. 173 far he would extend the suffrage. He said he would give a vote- to all who paid direct taxes. I acknowledged that this would be a very important movement in advance, but that it was liable to the objection that a great part of the revenue of the country was raised by indirect taxation. "Would you," I asked, "tax the necessaries of life the poor man's bread for instance and allow him no vote ?" " Sir," he said, " that is not legitimate taxation it is extortion, which ought not for a moment to be permitted." We'll, my lord," I replied, there certainly woidd be less discontent in the country, if all who are excluded from the right of voting were exempted from the payment of taxes." The duke expressed a desire to know how the whigs were estimated amongst the active-minded men of the manufac- turing districts. I said that there had been a great dispo- sition to rely upon them as the friends of progression, but that their reluctance to come out in favour of a bold amend- ment of the representative system, had greatly diminished the confidence of the people in their professions of regard for popular rights, and that the degree of confidence which remained would diminish till none was left, unless some forward movement was made. The duke said that the whigs wrre disposed to move onwards, but that they wished to cany the GreuvilU-s with them. " You had better leave them behind you than wait for their advance," I said ; " they are nothing as a party ; they hold you back when you should advance, and thus deprive you of the public confidence. Throw them overboard at once ; come forward with a proposal for the destruction of the small rotten boroughs, for the transference of seats to the large and important boroughs, for shortening the duration of par- liaments. and for extending the suffrage so as to include the intelligence of the country, for any honest measure which shall give the promise of more in due time, and I am confident that the whole community will be with you, as one man, and with a demonstration of power that will 171 OLDHAM IXQUEST. compel both tones and Grcnvillitcs to yield all that is demanded." It was not until eleven after this con- versation that the whigs did make the move ; they were. as I had predicted, nobly and generously supported by the country ; and through that support they achieved ;i victory which promised other victories, if they would use the means. It would si-em now as if there still remained a (m-nville party to hold them back. The finality of the reform bill was declared; and from 1832 to 1850, every attempt to improve its provisions has been resisted as strenuously as the borough-mongers resisted the destruction of their strongholds ; and we have only last year been relieved from that tax on bread which the Duke of Hamilton declared, twenty-nine years before, to be an extortion which ought not for a moment to be permitted. One object of the public subscription was to obtain a on as to the legal character of the proceedings on the 16th of August. A man named John Lees had died in consequence of sabre cuts and other injuries received that day, and an inquest on his body was opened at Oldham on the '2'>t\\ of September. Much delay occurred in the commencement of this inquiry by the absence of the coroner, Mr. Ferrand, from his duty, and the refusal of others to act in his stead ; and it was afterwards prolonged to an < unexampled, partly by the number of witn s - brought forward, and partly by the frequent adjournments, ulti- mately from Oldham to Manchester, which the coroner inti qHWcd. It was the aim of the solicitor, Mr. Harmer, afterwards alderman of the city of London, who conducted the examination on the part of the next of kin of the deceased, to prove the peaceful character of the meeting, and the unwarrantable nature of the military attack the ot i ;e made to show that previous acts of violence on the part of the multitude, and the reading of t act. had justified the attack, and exonerated from legal criminality those connected with it. Ferrand, the OLDIIAM INQUEST. 1 7-J coroner, not having scon the body of the deceased, Mr. Harmcr, cm the 2nd of October, suggested the necessity of his complying with the law in that respect, and inquired if he had seen the body, to which Ferrand replied, " I shall give no answer," and, refusing to give any further infor- a on the subject, proceeded afterwards to examine evidence for two entire days, and then, on the middle of tin- night of Tuesday, the Gth of October, he caused the body to be taken up, without giving any notice to the jury or the relations of the deceased. After the coroner had seen the body, it was again in- terred, and he continued the irregular investigation until the 13th of October, when, without any reason assigned, he adjourned the inquest to the 1st of December ! It would require very great charity to believe that this adjournment ot made in order that government might in the mean time decide how the matter should be disposed of. The Court of King's Bench was applied to for the purpose of compelling him, by mandamus, to resume and close the inquiry. The coroner showed cause against the mandamus, and the court declined interfering, on the ground that he had committed an irregularity, by which the proceedings might be considered as invalid. The coroner, by omitting to observe the law, had placed himself above the law ! If the irregularity had been designed, it could not better have served the purposes of the government. 'Mr. Hanner, in an affidavit intended to form the ground of the other proceedings, which, however, were not taken, says ; " That on the said 1st day of December he attended at the Star Inn (Manchester), the place appointed by the said Mr. ud for the jury to meet in and resume their inquiry, but the said Mr. Fcrrand did not attend ; and this deponent saith that his deputy, Mr. Hattye, who was there in his stead, dismissed the jury, by telling them that the inquest was at an end, and their services were no longer required ; and this deponent further saith, that when the said Mr. 176 BIDMOUTH'S CIBCUUUJ. Fcrrand ndjourncd the inquest, as before mentioned, there nil witnesses in attendance to give evi respecting the cause of the death of the said John but the coroner refused altogether to take the examination of the said witnesses." It had been the boast of Englishmen that tin- sudden and violent death of the most obscure- and \\ivtchcd individual could not be passed over without the strictest investigation of all the circumstances attending such death. In those days it was the privilege of tin obscure and wretched coroner to render the law inoperative. Amongst the meetings held to protest against the pro- ceedings of the magistracy on the IGth of August, \\. of the freeholders of the county of York, on a rccnii to the high sheriff, signed by the Duke of Norfolk, by Karl Fit/william, lord lieutenant of the "West Hiding, and many other noblemen and gentlemen. " It is worthy of remark," says the *lnnual JRcyistcr, "that the reformers left the whole business of the day to be conducted by the noble- men and gentlemen who had come forward to summon the meeting," a proof that the so-much-abuscd radicals of the time were quite willing to be silent when they saw j of station advocating the cause of justice. In consequence of the part which he had taken in this public meeting, Earl Fitzwilliam immediately received from the Prince Regent his dismissal from the office of lord lieutenant, a proceeding which greatly increased the unpopularity of the prince's ministers. Amidst the indignation which pre- vailed. oaandenUe amusement was created by the issue of the following remarkable circular : " Whitcliall, November G, 1819. " My Lord, Having been informed that there are Inying about ..Mit the kingdom, especially in tin- maritime part of it, a great number of cnntion, which arc private property, a consiilcraMc part of which *-rrr formerly used in merchants' ship*, I beg leave to call your lordship's attention to this subject ; and to request t). will direct the magistrates under your lordship's charge, to make the oeoewan uii|uihc8 within their respective districts, and if any gun OPENING OF PARLIAMENT. 177 of this description should be found therein, that tlu-y will cause iiiinu i the power of entering houses by night or by day, for the purpose of seizing arms believed to be collected for unlawful purposes. These bills were .ill carried by large majorities. The entering houses by night, and the severity of the restrictions on the press were briefly objected to ; but there appeared a general concurrence in the necessity of strong measures. It was desirable to put down the demand for reform, and a boroughmonger's parliament was not slow in giving its aid to a tyrannical administration. The Acts did not effect the intended purpose. They had the effect of repressing the wilder and more violent of the radical orators ; but in so doing, they allowed the principles of reform to be more quietly and more calmly considered by men who would otherwise have been frightened by the fierce front of an intolerant radicalism. In the meantime, many men remained in prison, charged with the crime of having been present at the meeting of the 16th of August. Their cases will be before us by and bye. It may \\< stated, that no time was lost in endeavouring to or prejudice in the minds of the public against those who wen doomed to be victims of an arbitrary government, for in a few \\tek- 1'i.inci- Philips issued a pamphlet, which he was pleased to entitle, "An Exposure of the Calumnies circulated by the Enemies of Social Order, against the Magistrate Vt.'omanry Cavalry of Manchester and Salford." To counteract this slanderous production, an able work wa> written and compiled by the late Mr. John Edward Taylor, entitled "Notes and Observations, Critical and Explana- v MI NATION OF HUNT. 179 tor)-, on the Papers relative to the Internal State of the Country, &c. ; to which is appended a Reply to Mr. F. Philips's Exposure, &tc." Effingham Wilson, London, 1820. Numerous other tracts appeared on the subject ; but this by Mr. Taylor will always be not only an important local record, but valuable as containing a detail of the lawless tyranny which at that time prevailed amongst officials of all ranks and degrees, from Lord Sidmouth down to the deputy constable Nadin. We now come to the trials. To the occurrences of 1819, the people of Lancashire owe the system of giving regular and full reports in their local newspapers of all important public meetings and law proceedings. Previously, subjects of great consequence were dismissed in a single paragraph. A town's meeting in Manchester would be noticed much as follows : " A large meeting was held in the Bull's Head, on Thursday last, for the resolutions of which see advertisement in our front page." The agitation kept up by the radicals, and the wanton stretch of power exercised by the Manchester magistracy, had excited so much attention that the con- ductors of the London press thought it worth their while to send able reporters to the scene of action, and the eagerness with which their descriptions and reports were read, induced the proprietors of the Manchester papers to take a little more trouble to satisfy public curiosity. From that period the Manchester papers may be referred to for a record of public events, coloured according to the politics of each, but yet furnishing materials from which he who takes the pains to ascertain the truth may furnish some- thing like a faithful history. The London Times of the period set the example to the rest of the press, in the I'ulnc ss and faithfulness of its reports; and in the paper of the 30th of August, it gives a very copious account of the proceedings on the examination and committal of Henry Hunt and his colleagues, for their appearance on the hust- ings on the memorable meeting of the 16th of August. 180 CHARGE OF HIGH TREASON A i:\Nho\ED. As it had been known that on- the 27th of that month the determination of the government regarding the charges against the prisoners would be declared, a great crowd had collected in front of the New Bailey prison, and when the doers were opened the court-house was instantly filled. The only magistrates present were Mr. X orris (chairman), Mr. W. Hulton, Mr. Ralph Wright, Mr. William Marriott, Mr. T. W. Marriott, and the Rev. W. ('. Kthelston. The names of the prisoners were called over. and answered in the following order : Henry Hunt, Joseph Johnson, John Thacker Saxton, John Knight, James Moor- hou-e, Samuel Bamford, Joseph Ilealey, (Jeorge Swift. Thomas Jones, Robert Wilde, and Elizabeth Gaunt. Elizabeth (Jaunt answered to her name but feebly, being unable to speak out from a tendency to faint, in con- soquence of being cut and trampled upon in the field, and having been twelve days imprisoned. The chairman then addressed the prisoners : " When you were last called up into this court, you were remanded on a charge of hiyli treason. On remanding you, you were informed that the whole of the evidence had been sent up to London, to be laid before the law-officers of the crown, and in the mean- time you we- re to be detained. It was not until this morn- ing that a communication was made from goMTnment. stating that the law-officers of the crown had, for the present, abandoned the higher charge. This communication was not made to me ; but there is a gentleman present. Mr. Boaehkr, who has come with orders to proceed upon a less charge. The charge of hiyh treason is not yet abam; but government proceeds against you for a minor ofi The first witness called proved the purchase of two - of the Manchester Observer, one of them eontaininir tin- announeement of the meeting for the 9th of August. Who urged you to purchase the papers ?" asked Hunt. The court woidd not allow the question to be ans\\ Hunt again asked " You purchased the second paper on COMMITTAL. 181 1th of August?" The court would not allow the witness to answer. Matthew Cowper, the next witness, was designated simply " of Manchester." Hunt asked for his address. The court would not allow the question to be answered. Mr. Hunt, " Of what profession are you :" Witness : "I am an accountant." Hunt : '" Is that your own profession r" Chairman : " Don't answer that ques- tion." Cowper swore to having seen certain flags and colours, one of them with a bloody dagger; the court would not allow Hunt to cross-examine him. Richard Owen, a pawnbroker, was then examined, and swore to MI alarm, and his belief that the town was alarmed. Hunt asked him when it had occurred to him to note down what he had deposed to : The witness refused to answer the question, and the court decided that he was not bound to answer. Other witnesses deposed to having seen the male prisoners on the hustings. The evidence against Elizabeth Gaunt being only that she had been seen on the carriage with Hunt, the solicitor for the crown said he would not press for her prosecution, and she was discharged. Mr. Hunt then addressed the court, denying that any ^edition was intended, and arguing that there was no evidence against them to justify a committal for trial. The magistrates left the court for some time, and on their return the chairman said: "Henry Hunt, and you all : we sent for Mr. Bouchier, in order that we might again can fully peruse the depositions. It is a most painful duty to me to commit you for a conspiracy. We can, however, fay our hands on our hearts and sat/, we have done our duty. As to the charge of conspiracy, though you might not have acted all together previous to the meeting, yet in the eye of the law, all those who commit .ate acts, tending to one illegal object, are guilty of that crime. Coupling the two meetings together, taking into consideration the manner in which the last was 182 COMMITTAL. assembled, with such insignia and in such a manner, with the black flag., the bloody dagger, with ' Eijtuil >/ tion or death,' you came in a threatening manner you come under the banners of death, thereby showing you meant to overturn the government. There could be no free discussion where that flag was unfurled. The charge now is, that of having conspired to alter the law by force and threats. It is an illegal matter, and sufficiently made out, and calls upon us imperatively to commit you for a trial by a proper jury. It is now our painful duty to com- mit you to Lancaster Castle. On account of the serioi. of the charge, we shall require you, Henry Hunt and Joseph Johnson, to give bail, yourselves in 1000, and two sureties in 500 each, and all the others, themselves in 500, and two sureties in 250 each. Johnson and Moorhouse procured bail, and were liberated. The other prisoners were sent off in hot haste to Lancaster Castle. " From the bar," says Bamford, " I was conducted to the yard of my former cell, where I was joined by of the other prisoners, and we were asking what we should have for dinner, when an order suddenly came that we were to prepare to set off for Lancaster Castle. Our meal was soon dispatched, and we quickly bundled up our lew things. We were then taken to the turnkey's lodge, and each hand changed, after which we were placed on a four- horse coach, in the inside of which were Mr. Hunt, Mr. Knight, Saxton, and Nadin. The outside party consisted of myself, Swift, Wilde, Healey, and Jones, with a number of constables armed with pistols. We were also escorted by a strong detachment of hussars, and thus, amid the huzzas of an immense multitude, we drove off/' On the following night, Hunt and Knight procured bail, and left the others in the Castle. Bamford, in his " Life of a Radical," describes how they spent their time there, and how he was employed from the period of his own release till the trial at York. TRIAL AT YORK. 183 The trial, which lasted ten days, was commenced at York, having been moved by certiorari from Lancaster, on the 16th of March, 1820, before Mr. Justice Bailey and a special jury. The counsel for the prosecution were Mr. Scarlett, Mr. Sergeant Hullock, Mr. Sergeant Cross, and Mr. Littledale, the leading men on the circuit. Mr. Holt defended Saxton, and Mr. Barrow was retained for Moorhouse and Jones. The other defendants pleaded their own cause. Mr. Charles Pearson, the late member of par- liament for Lambeth, was attorney for the defence. One of the first points attempted to be proved was the connection of the St. Peter's Field meeting with the dril- lings on White Moss. It was conceived that if the legal meeting could be connected with the illegal, it would prove that both were illegal ! Samuel Morton deposed that he followed the procession which accompanied Hunt and Johnson through "NVithy Grove ; he was on the opposite side of the street when they passed the house of Murray, a gingerbread baker, of Hanging Ditch, the man who had been beaten at White Moss ; they hissed as they passed ; the mob shouted out that they wanted some White Moss humbugs ; the town was very tumultuous, and he was much afraid. A witness named Chadwick swore to the training on the Moss, and that the people in the procession ! a- they passed Murray's house. Murray himself swore that he had been beaten at White Moss, and that the people following Hunt hissed as they passed his house. Shawcross, a clerk in the police-office, deposed that he was beaten at White Moss. A man, named I ley wood, swore that on the 1 Gth he saw men, in marching order, coming in the direct ion from White Moss towards Manchester. On siit-li evidence was it attempted to be shown that there was a connection between the drillings on White Moss and the peaceful and legally convened meeting on Saint Peter's Field! Further to give that meeting the character of illegality, HULTON'S EVI HIM i witnesses were called to swear that the\ . iraid ! Ko'_ r er Entwistle, an attorney, swore that the meeting must have consisted of 100,000 men : that they were nearly all of the lower order; and that the meeting was certainly calculated to excite terror and alarm. Mr. I'. Philips also swore that he was much alarmed, and that he had heard many taunting expressions used on the field to every man who wore a good coat. Mr. Hunt attempted to get from this witness some acknowledgment that the yeomanry had attacked the people, but was stopped by the judge. The Rev. Dr. Smith, of the Grammar School. swore that he was much alarmed, and that he had shut his windows and locked his doors. Matthew C'owper also swore to his alarm. In cross-examination this witness acknowledged that he had left his situation in consequence of having taken money from his master's till. 1 Mills, a "runner" of Nadin's body, swore that the meeting was calculated to excite alarm. Jonathan Andrews, of Harpurhey, deposed as to his own alarm. Mr. Thomas llardman and Mr. Joseph Green also spoke to their own fears and apprehensions. Mr. Hulton, of Hulton, amongst other evidence, swore that he had seen from the u-indow irJn IT he stood n number of men, close to the hustings, ////// their arms locked toyether. He said, in cross-examination : "I could perceive the persons locked together, because they formed a complete cordon, and were bare-headed. I believe solemnly that these people near the busting- locked arm-in-arm. I saw them linked, I believe, by tin- arms. They were close together as they could be, and distinguished from the rest of the crowd. Though the distance was so great from the hustings as to pi my distinguishing an individual elevated on the hustings, still I, and others, could see the persons beneath locked together. I swear this from my own knowledge, and not from what I was told." Mr. Hunt. Can you, sir, standing in that el. HULTON'S OATH. 185 situation, and looking round on the comparatively small number of persons now present, see "whether their arms are locked ? When this staggering question was put, which, for the moment, astounded the witness, some clapping took place, both in the body of the court and in the gallery. A person named James Kellenbeck was pointed out and brought before the judge as the man who commenced the clapping. This was proved by two or three witnesses. Mr. Justice Bailey said he would give him time till Monday to make an affidavit in excuse. The prisoner said he was ready to s\veur that he did not clap, but moved his hands merely to prevent himself from falling. The judge begged of him, in the name of God, not to make such an affidavit, for he saw him distinctly clapping. After a severe reprimand, he was committed till Monday, that he might have time to reflect upon his conduct, and draw up any excuse he might have to offer. Mr. Hunt. You will now look round the benches, where that crowd is elevated, one above another, and say whether you can see what they are doing with their arms ? Witness. Must I answer that, my lord? ^[^. Justice Bailey. You may declare whether the opportunity you had of viewing the meeting on the IGth of August was better than that which you have of seeing tin people now present. intiirxti. I had a much better opportunity of seeing the persons at the meeting than I have of observing those in the court ! ! (This witness must have been ten times; farther from the hustings than he was from the persons in court.) Hunt. Could you see the arms of the persons then? irifiicx*. I could see them wedged, and, I believe, linked together. Mr. Hunt. Could you see any part of their arms ? Witness. I could distinctly see the outside men linked. 186 EXCULPATOBY EVIDENCE. Mr. Hunt. Then, from the appearance of the others. you believe the rest were linked ? Witness. I have no doubt of it. The witnesses for the defence were generally of a more respectable class than those who were called for the prose- cution. The following are extracts from their evidence, all proving the peaceable character of the meeting : Mr. John Smith, one of the editors of the Liverpool Mercury : " In no case whatever did I sec any attempt to resist nor any encouragement to resistance given by Mr. Hunt, or any other person, either by word, look, or gesture. I saw no sticks lifted up against the military. I into the crowd, I turned away. I saw no stones or brick-bats thrown, nor any sticks held up against them. I had heard nothing from Mr. Hunt of the 188 XO VIOLENCE OFFERED. words 'be firm,' but the words ' give three cheers ;' these words were repeated, as were the words ' be firm.' " Mr. William Nicholson, of Lees : " I saw no difference in the appearance of Manchester on that day, save in one instance, I saw a public-house with the windows shut ; a female servant said they had received orders from the magistrates not to sell any beer on that day. I saw a procession pass ; I took notice of their sticks ; I think about one to four had sticks ; they were for the most part switch sticks." Mr. Th el wall, a builder : " Nothing that I heard or saw on the 16th of August induced me to believe that my property was in the slightest danger. I was in the northern corner of the field, at the angle opposite to Buxton's house. I saw no attempt to oppose the military. I heard no groanings, hootings, or Kissing at them. I saw neither stones, sticks, nor brick-bats thrown at them, or thrown up in the air as they passed. I saw no sticks held up at them." Mr. Robert Grundy, who had been one of the special constables that day, deposed : " I saw no insult or violence otfered to any person whatever. I was surrounded by a thick multitude. The persons around me were aware that we were special constables. Some of the constables showed their staves. I perceived no insult offered to them." Mr. John Molineaux, lamp manufacturer : " I met my daughter on the ground. She expressed a wish to go, and went \vith IKT uncle. My daughter is sixteen years of age. I remained on the field till the meeting was dispersed. My daughter remained with me and my brother-in-law. I saw the military arrive. No opposition was made to the military that I saw. There was no groaning, or hooting, or hissing at them. I perceived nothing done to intimidate them. I saw no stones, or sticks, or brick-bats thrown at them, or thrown up in the air." Mr. James Scholefield : " The different divisions had bands, which played the air generally called Rule Britannia,' and the national anthem of ' God save the King.' When the latter was played, the people, JUDGE-MADE LAW. 189 for the most part, took off their hats. I felt no alarm, nor did I hear any person express alarm at the meeting. I saw the military arrive. As the cavalry advanced, the people held up their hats as a sort of guard against the cuttings of the swords. There were no brick-bats, stones, or sticks hurled against them." The bloody dagger was accounted for by the 48th witness for the defence, William Burns, who swore that he had something to do in making the Bury flag: he made a piece of tin in the form of o.feur de Us, and was to paint it yellow, but not having much time on his hands, he painted it red. It came to him on the Saturday evening late, and not liking to paint it on Sunday, and having no yellow paint by him at the moment, he used red. This was the only reason. Mr. T. B. W. Sanderson spoke to the peaceablenees of the meeting. He was a merchant in the firm of Sanderson and Co., at Manchester. He was there on the 16th of August, and saw the meeting assemble. He transacted his ordinary business during the whole of the day. He saw nobody that day in apparent alarm, in conse- quence of that meeting, until its dispersion by the military. The Rev. Mr. Hindmarsh, of the New Jerusalem chapel, Salford, also deposed to the peaceableness of the meeting : " I remained upon the field until the cavalry arrived. I saw nothing before their arrival which excited any fears for the safety of person or property, or the safety of the town ; I had not the least idea of any such thing. I saw nothing which, in my judgment, could excite the fears of any rational, temperate, sober-minded person." It had been proved by the strongest evidence, not even attempted to be rebutted, that the meeting of the 16th of August had been perfectly peaceable. It is worth our while to know clearly how that perfectly-peaceable meeting acquired the character of illegality which justified the cutting down, and trampling upon, unarmed men and defenceless women and children, and exposed those who attended to a long and rigorous imprisonment. The 190 MB. JUSTICE BAILEY. attempt was made, eagerly and vindictively, 't to efcot, sad at the very time he led the people to suppose be WM aiding the prisoner, according to the fitrciral notion of being his counsel, be WM studiously entangling him in the me*he* of special pleading, BO as to secure his victim upon the altar prepared by Sidney and CMtlereagh. For services thai rendered, this pious judge, and editor of an edition of the Book of Common Prayer, with notes, which teaches humility and mercy, waa created a Baronet on retiring from Uie Bench. THE VEKDICT. 191 whether such banners and such an assemblage were calcu- lated to excite terror, and if the jury thought so they should give their verdict accordingly. The jury, after an absence of five hours, returned to the court and delivered their verdict : " M oorhouse, Jones, Wilde, Swift, and Saxton, XOT GUILTY. Henry Hunt, Joseph Johnson, John Knight, Joseph Healey, and Samuel Bamford, GUILTY of assembling with unlawful banners an unlawful assembly, for the purpose of moving and inciting the liege subjects of our Sovereign Lord the King into contempt and hatred of the government and constitution of the realm, as by law established, and attending the same." The whole of the high treason, for which, io- the first instance, these men were to be tried the whole of the seditious conspiracy for which they actually were tried, thus dwindled down into a conviction for having attended a meeting which was only at that moment found to be an illegal one ; for, let it be borne in mind that Mr. Norris, the magistrate acting in the name of the magistracy of the district, writing to Lord Sidinouth at eleven o'clock on the night previous to the meeting, declared his conviction that, as the law stood, he believed nothing could be done, on the ground of its illegality, to prevent the meeting being held. If the chairman of the Manchester magistracy, con- stantly corresponding with Lord Sidmouth, and with all the information that could be obtained from the crown ; -, declared his conviction, on Sunday night, at eleven o'clock, that he could not regard the meeting to be held on Monday morning as otherwise than one legally convened and legally held when he regretted that such was the state of the law that the magistrates felt they could not prevent that meeting being held surely it might have been expected, in the sentence pronounced on the prisoners, that their strong belief of the proceedings being in perfect accordance with the law, would be taken into consideration, and the mildest possible punishment inflicted. But Hunt 192 THE SENTENCE. was sentenced to be imprisoned for tico yearn a/ months, and Johnson, Ilealey, and Bamford to one t/rar'n imprisonment ; and so rigorously was the sentence carried out, that Johnson was not permitted to go, in custody of an officer, to see his wife on her death-bed ! Thr tlm-c prisoners in Lincoln jail, elevated by the severity of their sentence to the rank of martyrs, seem to have had no solace from their compulsory association. Bamford takrs some pains to show what a fool Healey was ; and he com- plains that when Mrs. Bamford came to the prison, Mr. Johnson asked her to partake of breakfast with himself and his wife before he told her where her husband was ! Of the selfishness of Hunt, confined in Hchcster jail, Bamford complains also in the bitterest terms, and loses no oppor- tunity of ridiculing his vanity, egotism, and torn-foolery." Of John Knight he writes in equally disparaging terms. Some friends at Nottingham had written to Bamford, that if a pound note would be of use to him they would send it. He says, " I thanked them and declined it, stating at the same time that it would be acceptable to John Knight, at Lancaster Castle, and it was sent to him. But, as I have found, old John would have seen me boiling the stones of the castle wall for dinner sooner than he would have done me, or any one else, a like turn." This sadly lowers tin- poetry of the martyrdom. CHAPTER XIII. THE RE-ACTION. HITHERTO the proceedings of the Sidmouth and Castle- reagh government had been only against the undistinguished amongst the multitude, or the leaders of the mob against men whose punishment might be supposed not likely to excite the sympathy of more influential classes. Encouraged by thi-ir succc ss by the great majorities they commanded in both houses and in the belief that " well-timed vigour'' would suppress, at once and for ever, every demand for an amended system of representation, and impelled by the necessity of going on in the course commenced, they soared at higher game. Sir Francis Burdett was not then at the height of his fame. Cobbett had denounced him as insin- ;ind he had lost some portion of his former great and almhop.' ' Do you call that nothing ?' replied tlw minting tyrant, ami liortly after abdicated the govcrni ,ic* could not inflict the torture on his soldiers could not tear the living flesh from their bones with the cat-o'-nine tail* could not flay them nlive. lie this as it may, our duty is to meet ; and England expects every man to do his duty. I r< -' i.tli men, most truly and faithfully, your most obedient sen-ant, "FKASCIS BCKDETT." HIS PROSECUTION*. 195 This letter, issued at a time when the public mind was strongly excited, producing a great sensation throughout the country, ministers were forced from their cowardly policy of attacking only the poor and friendless. They felt themselves compelled to proceed against the higher delin- quent. An information was filed against Sir Francis by the Attorney-General. Ministers did not dare, however, to have the trial in London, where the alleged libel was published. Government had found, on former occasions, that London juries were not always to be relied upon. The letter had been put into a post-office in Leicestershire, and it was determined that the case should come before a Leicestershire jury, less likely to contain radical elements than a London one. The trial took place at the Leicester assizes on the 23rd of March. Mr. Denman, counsel for Sir Francis, contended that there was no proof whatever of the publication of the letter in the county of Leicester, but the Judge (Best) over-ruled the objection. This overbear- ing best of judges was afterwards made a lord, and dis- tinguished himself in support of the Orange clubs and other equally creditable affairs. Sir Francis addressed the jury with great spirit and eloquence, justified every word he had written, and denounced the conduct of the magistracy as strongly in his speech as he had in his letter. The Leices- tershire jury justified the belief of ministers in their sub- serviency. After a consultation of only two minutes, their foreman stepped into his place and called out, " Guilty of libel." Mr. Denman remarked that the verdict did not find the publication in Leicestershire. Mr. Sergeant Vaughan contended that it did. Mr. Justice Best then asked the foreman, " Do you find the libel published in Lei< shire ?'' To which that worthy promptly replied, " Guilty of libel in Leicestershire /" The case was argued at great length in the Court of King's Bench, where the verdict had been impeached, but the result was that Sir Francis K 2 I'."' OTHER PROS1.< I i was sentenced to a fine of 2,000, and to three months' imprisonment ( 'lye upon this followed the trial of John Kniirht. George Dewhur-t. Nathan Broadhnrst, John Anderson, Vv'illiam Fletcher, John Bury, John Austin, and James AVade, at Lancaster assizes, 1st of April. The indictment contained twenty-one counts, the substance of which was that they had conspired to go, and caused others to go, armed to a meeting at Burnley, for the purpose of hindering and obstructing the magistrates and peace-officers in the ex- ecution of their duty. The main evidence against them was that Colonel Hargrcaves. in making a dash at the procession as it went through Burnley, had carried off a staff which djijiKiri'il to have been prepared for a pike handle :" and a man (suspected of being a spy) had sworn that he hud -ome men (also suspected of being spies) with pistols in their possession. The judge, Mr. Justice Bailey, charged that if any person or persons went armed to a meeting, determined if attacked to resist, the meeting wa.- illegal. All the prisoners were convicted with the exception of Wade and Austin, as to whom the prosecution had liei-n withdrawn. Under this construction of the law any meeting might be made illegal. It would need the employment of only two or three spies, who might show each other the pi*tol> they carried. At the Chc>hire a i/.cs, April 10th. Sir Charles "Wolselev. Bart., and Joseph Harrison, a schoolmaster and preacher. \vi re tried for uttering seditious words at a meeting held at Stockport, on the 12th of July. The "open and ad\i-ed ing" was not sworn to by any short-hand writer, but on the recollection of persons who had been sent by the magistrate*. Amongst the witnesses was Mr. John Winler- bottom, solicitor, who, a few years ago, underwent the M. ntencc of the court for a more serious offence than the utterance of what the courts at that time ruled to be seditious words. The evidence was from the memory of the JOSEPH HARRISON TRIED. 197 witness. Mr. Pearson tried the extent of Mr. 'Winterbot- I memory, by reading a part of Harrison's speech as reported, and asking him to give the court the substance of what was read, but the witness confessed his inability to do so. On such testimony as this it was shown that the ministers of the crown had been abused, that it had been declared that the House of Commons did not represent the people, and that Sidmouth and Castlereagh had employed spies, and therefore ought to be detested. On similar testimony it was shown that some men had sticks, and that a constable, one of " Nadin's runners," had been knocked down on pretence that he was a spy. Of course the de- fendants were found guilty. Joseph Harrison was again indicted, at Chester, on April 18th, for having, in a sermon, preached at Stockport, on Sunday, the loth of August, unlawfully, seditiously, and with intent, &cc., uttered the following words : " That the government had starved the people, and it was right that the people should starve the government." " That the commons' house was the house of assembly of the people, where their rights should be protected ; but that, when the people asked for their rights, they threatened to make war upon them." " Can laws proceeding from such a source be called the laws of the land? or is it fit that they should be ol)f\i il : " The principal witness was not a short-hand writer, but a Mr. Thomas Cowper, an accountant, who had made himself somewhat notorious by his evidence on Hunt's trial at York. Even he had not taken notes at the time, but had written them at the Bulkeley Arms, for the use of the Manchester magistrates. It turned out that the starving of the government meant only that people should ab>tain from beer, spirits, and other exciseable commodities. He was found guilty, lie was then put on his trial again, upon another indictment, and one witness, who was very drunk, and was several times reproved by the court, certainly sworr to very seditious words. The jury, believing the drunken 198 HARBISON'S DEFENCE. witness, found the defendant guilty. For the first offence he was sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment, and lor the second, to commence after the first period had tonni- natcd, another imprisonment of twelve months ! Previous to this trial the illustrious Jeremy Bentham hud published a pamphlet, in which he argued that unless rvcry thing charged in an indictment was proved, the jury should bring in their verdict " not guilty." Harrison was charged with a false libel on the government and the House of Commons, in calling them tyrannical. The jury were sworn to give a true verdict, according to the evidence ; there was no evidence that the libel was a false libel ; and, therefore, he might have claimed an acquittal. But Harrison made a monotonous and tiresome speech of four hours' length, wearying out the patience of the jury, when he should have been convincing their judgment ; and probably their verdict was given more on a consideration of what he said, there and then, for which he was not on trial, than on the evidence that the drunken witness had given. We shall come to cases hereafter in which juries rejected the dirtu of courts, that charges of falsehood and malice were mere words of course, and needed no proof. The period of the radical agitation was the grand reign of judge-made law. The tory ministers, rejoicing in the convictions they had obtained in the courts of law, did not lose the opportunity of congratulating the country on the suppression of sedition, and of assuring it that there was no nation in the world which enjoyed so much liberty and happiness. The follow- ing passages from the king's speech, at the opening of parliament, on the 27th of April, 1820, reminds me strongly of what a whig administration said of the prevention of a great rebellion on the 10th of April, 1848 : 11 My Lords and Gentlemen, "Deeply M I regret that the machinations and designs of th> disaffected should hare led, in some parts of the country, to acts of open riolcnoe and insurrection, I cannot but express my satisfaction THE KING'S SPEECH. 199 at the promptitude with which those attempts have been suppressed by the vigilance and activity of the magistrates, and by the zealous co-operation of all those of my subjects whose exertions have been put forth to support the authority of the laws. " The wisdom and firmness manifested by the late parliament, and the due execution of the laws, have greatly contributed to restore confidence throughout the kingdom, and to discountenance those principles of sedition and irreligion which had been disseminated with such malignant perseverance, and poisoned the minds of the ignorant and unwary. " I rely upon the continued support of parliament in my determi- nation to maintain, by all the means entrusted to my hands, the public safety and tranquillity. " Deploring, as we all must, the distress which still unhappily prevails among many of the labouring classes of the community, and anxiously looking forward to its removal or mitigation, it is, in the mean time, our common duty effectually to protect the loyal, peace- able, and the industrious against those practices of turbulence and intimidation by which the period of relief can only be deferred, and by which the pressure of the distress has been incalculably aggravated. " I trust that an awakened sense of the danger which they have incurred, and of the arts which have been employed to seduce them, will bring back by far the greater part of those who have been unhap- pily led astray, and will revive in them that tpirit of loyalty, that due submission to the laws, and that attachment to the constitution, which ntbtists unabated in the hearts of the great body of the people, and which, under the blessing of Divine Providence, hate secured to the British nation the enjoyment of a larger share of practical freedom, as well as of prosperity and happiness, than have fallen to the lot of any nation in the world." If this had been indicted as the composition of any of the persons previously convicted, any Yorkshire, Leicester, or Cheshire jury would have found the writer guilty of blas- phemy, and of intending to bring the government into contempt and ridicule. We are now arrived at a period when the forced silence of the radicals gave men in the middle classes an interval of calm, in which they could quietly consider the defects of our representative system, undisturbed by the agitation L'OO A VKUIOD OF THOUGHT. which had raged around them. There can he no doubt that the harsh sentences which had been pronounced in 1820 had struck terror into the hearts of the noisy dema- gogues, who, out of their very cowardice, had thundered out their recommendation by physical force. In their holes and corners they thought of Hunt, immured in Ilche-ster, and of Bamford, Johnson, and Healcy, in Lincoln jail, none of them even accused of recommending an appeal to arms ; and they wisely resolved to keep out of the way of danger. Yet radicalism was not extinguished, not even damaged, by the compulsory calm. Instead of great meet- ings, where noisy braggarts usurped the place due to the intelligent and thoughtful men who represented the better part of the industrial classes, there were the little congre- gations of the workshop and at the fireside, at which the principles of representation were calmly discussed, and comparatively sound opinions formed, as to what ought to be the real objects of a government. Amongst the middle classes, also, the condition of the country became the subject of deep consideration, and many were convinced that tranquillity could not be expected in a country where nine-tenths of the community possessed not even a slndow of representation. Besides, the blind old loyalty, which had made men respect authority even when they did not fully approve of its exercise on some occasions, was greatly >haken. Pitt, whose tyranny had an air of som< in it that inspired awe, was dead ; and his successors, in their mingled timidity and cruelty, inspired contempt and hatred, rather than respect and i'ear. George the Third, whose regard to the decencies of domestic life had kept alive, in spite of his waste of human life and of tn some of that attachment to royalty in the abstract, which had been a characteristic of the people during his long iH-cujmtion of the throne, now slept witli his forefather.-*. and a son reigned in his stead, whose undisguised extrava- gance, voluptuousness, and profligacy, gave rise to almost EMPLOYMENT OF SPIES. 201 universal disgust. Men began to think what loyalty meant when royalty no longer commanded their respect. The employment of spies on the part of government had done as much to produce a change of opinion as the harsh exercise of authority. There might have been some credit reflected on the government by their prevention of the projected mad march of the blanketeers on London, by their putting down the insurrection in Derbyshire, and by their suppression of the rising in Scotland, which resulted in the capture of the rebels at Bonnymuir; but it was known that Oliver, a paid government agent, had coun- selled the blanket meeting and the Derbyshire outbreak, and in Lancashire it was well known that representations of the country being ripe for revolt, which occasioned the rising in Scotland, were the work of spies ; that although it was to have been simultaneous, not one, even of the most foolish and rash Lancashire men gave credence for a moment to the government agent ; and an incendiary placard, posted in Manchester on the 2nd of April, calling on the people to effect a revolution by force was laughed to scorn. Even the wicked conspiracy of Thistlewood and his confederates to assassinate the king's ministers at a cabinet dinner, had no effect in exciting sympathy in favour of the latter, for there was the strongest evidence to prove that Edwards, a government spy, was the originator of the scheme, and that he had provided the arms with which the murders were to have been effected. The personal character of the king, the combination of cowardice and oppression in the conduct of his ministers, and especially the baseness of entrapping men into crimes which led them to the prison and the scaffold, had shaken the long established faith of the people in the constituted authorities. It seemed impossible that they could sink themselves further in public estimation impossible that they could find a lower depth. But the profligacy, the cowardice, and the tyranny, were again to be mani; K 3 202 THE PRESS. the object a defenceless woman the instruments, again, suborned and perjured spies ! Manchester partook in the general feeling that the Queen was quite as much sinned against as sinning, and the proceedings against her did much to lessen amongst us that blind reverence to royalty which had long characterised the town and neighbourhood. The events described, and the course to which public opinion seemed to be verging, induced reformers to think of some better means than they had previously possessed for the expression of their opinions. There had been many indications during the year 1820 of an increasing desire, among the middle classes, for general and local reforms ; and the conviction widened, that they might be more easily effected by calm but spirited discussion than by violent denunciations proceeding from great assemblages. The want of an efficient press began to be felt. I had often represented to the gentlemen with whom I associ- ated the service that might be rendered to the cause of reform, by making Cotcdroys Gazette a more efficient organ of our principles ; and in conversations with my relative, David Prentice, of the Glasgotc Chronicle, and with one or two proprietors of the Scotsman, I became convinced that not only would great public good be effected by the establishment of an able journal, but that it would be remunerative as a business speculation. Others con- versed on the matter with Mr. Edward Baincs, of Leeds, and Mr. Egerton Smith, of Liverpool, whose opinions were found to coincide with those I had endeavoured to impress upon the minds of my friends. The sum of twelve hundred pounds was subscribed by, I believe, twelve individuals, and Mr. John Edward Taylor was requested to take tin- undertaking upon himself, he, at that time, being the only person of our number whose time was not fully occupied by the management of extensive mercantile or manufac- turing concerns, and having given, by his spirited defence when put on his trial for libel, by his appearances on the MR. J. E. TA.YLOB. 203 platform, and by his writings, evidence of the possession of abilities which were likely to render him highly useful as a public journalist and an oral advocate of liberal prin- ciples. My scheme had been to raise a paper upon the foundation laid by Cowdroy, and to continue him as the printer and publisher. A negociation was entered into between Mr. Taylor 'and Mr. Cowdroy, but it failed, and the former resolved to establish a new paper, if the sub- scribers to the fund would share with him in the risk. It was agreed that the money should be lent on the condition that it should be repaid if the paper succeeded, so that its repayment could be made from profits, but that it should not be regarded as a debt if it were lost in making the experiment. There was generosity in this arrangement, the whole risk being encountered by the subscribers, except as regarded Mr. Taylor's personal sen-ices. And yet it was not more than fair that, the public benefit being the object, the possible loss should not be borne by a single individual. The paper might probably be so far in advance of public opinion as to be denied public support. The probability was, from Mr. Taylor's avowed radicalism, and his classification of Church of Englandism as a marketable commodity, that he would encounter bitter opposition from a very influen- tial portion of the community. Under such circumstances, a mere ordinary loan, to be withdrawn at will, might have exposed the paper to extinguishment before the experiment, necessarily one requiring years for completion, could be fairly made. It was necessary for the success of a bold movement that it should be made freely that the person making it should not have the fear of his own niin lx?fore his eyes, in his attempt to lead public opinion which lagged far behind. It was a wise and just arrange- ment to ensure a fearless course in the attack of geiu-ral and local misgovernment the possibility of being behind public opinion, or of a too cautious waiting for its advance. 204 PB08PECTUS OF THE GUAKDIAN was never once thought of. There might occur occasion* when a little gentle counsel to observe caution might be thought necessary it never was supposed possible that the youthful and ardent reformer would need the spur. There was a road to fortune and to great public utility opened and there was no risk but that of loss of time to the in- dividual a young man, not then in any business for which he was peculiarly fitted. The prospectus of the newspaper was drawn up with great caution. Some of the more ardent reformers thought that it should have defined more explicitly the kind of reforms that were to be advocated ; but it was argued, on the other side, that as the personal friends of the editor all knew that he went the full length of the radicalism avowed by Sir Francis Burdett, it was better not to make a broad declaration of political opinions which would give offence amongst the classes having advertisements to be.-tow. but to wait for the opportunities which would be sure to arise of vindicating the />////)>//* of ra! KK Ct AKDIAN. "Printed and published by J. Garnett, No. 28A, Market Manchester, where orders, advert i-. in.-nt-, ami rmmiiiiiiii'uti.uis will be thankfully received after the 30th of April ; mid in the mean- time, by Mr. Sowler, bookseller, St. Ann's Square, Messrs. K<>! mi- son and Ellis, St. Ann's Place, and Mr. John Ford, Market-street. "nomonm " It may be safely asserted, that no former period, in the hiMorv of our country, has been marked by the agitation of questions of a more iin]x>rtjiiit character tlmn those which are now cliiiiniiiL' tin- attention of the public. To any one who regards, for a moment, the TIIK PROSPECTUS. 205 conflicting view* and wishes of the commercial and agricultural HO consideration which may arise out of the existing laws for the regulation of our currency, the present and the anticipated pressure of the national debt*and of taxation, this statement will be sufficiently apparent. " But there are other subjects, of greater and more permanent im- portance, which the circumstances of the times are forcing upon public attention. The effect of the great diffusion of education within the last quarter of a century, is attested by the greatly increased interest which political subjects excite, and the immense extension of the circle within wliich they are discussed. It is of the utmost im- portance that this increased interest should be turned to beneficial account ; that it should be made effective in promoting all those ameliorations in our laws and political institutions, of which experi- ence has proved tin- necessity, and in fixing upon a broader and more impregnable basis the fabric of our liberties. "Though the concerns which relate to the internal prosperity of this count ry must always be of paramount consequence to its inhabi- tants, foreign politics will now be a subject of anxious observation ; for there perhaps never was a period at wlu'ch the affairs of other nations could awaken, in the minds of Englishmen, so deep an i as at the present moment. The friends of freedom, every- where, must watch, with intense anxiety, the progress of those efforts which several continental states, as well as others in the new world, are now making to free themselves from the incumbering pressure of antiquated and despotic governments, and to establish, in lieu thereof, institution!- eoiif..riiial>le u> the increased intelligence of the age, and calculated fur the promotion of public happiness and the security of popular rights. Proportionate to the interest with wliich these mag- nificent experiment! are regarded, will be the wish that nothing may impede the success, or detract from the purity of their course ; that no internal commotions, or external attacks, excited or dictated by the unprincipled hostility of foreign and arbitrary governments, may defer the consolidation of such political establishments as are suited to the condition of the people, as the national will requires, and the national wants demand. " The ions which have just been stated seem to render the influence of the public press, the spirited discussion of political questions, and the accurate detail of facts, particularly important at this juncture ; and we believe it will be generally admitted, that no existing local newspaper has possessed a degree of public considera- tion correspondent with the wealth and intelligence of this town and 206 I HI. PROSPEf the surrounding district, and their high rank in the scale of national importance. The present, thervfore, seems a favourable opportunity for establishing a newspaper which, by supi>orting a coi: character for sincere and undeviating attachment to rational liberty, may promote that union and concentration amongst the friends of freedom in this neighbourhood which is in itself so desirable, and l lie want of which has been hitherto so sensibly felt. " In conformity with these views, arrangements arc now making for the speedy publication of a paper under the title above given. It will zealously enforce the principles of civil and religious liberty, in the most comprehensive sense of those terms ; it will warmly advocate the cause of reform ; it will endeavour to assist in the diffusion of just principles of political economy; and support without reference to the party from which they emanate, whatever measures may, according to the matured and unbiassed judgment of its conductors, tend to promote the moral advantages or the political welfare of the community. "The foreign intelligence of the week will be regularly and succinctly detailed, whilst particular ntteiition will be paid to parlia- mentary debates. The most prominent sjieeches on each side of every important question will be given as fully aa possible, and the remainder will be condensed with as much attention to the preser- vation of the spirit of the debate as the limits of a weekly paper will permit. " The commercial connexions and the knowledge of the conductors of the (riianlirtn will, they apprehend, give them the means of occasionally stating, with accuracy and ell'eet, the condition of trade and its prospects, particularly as far aa regards that import ant branch the cotton manufacture. They hope thus, in some mcasnn-, to -supply thui information on this subject, the deficiency of which is often so obviously apparent, both amongst public men and those connected with the preas. "Whilst they will exercise the right of spirited and vigorous animadverxion upon public questions, and boldly expose public delinquencies, they will sedulously avoid all tendency to private >*_ and endeavour to prevent the best prerogatives and most important duties of the press from degenerating into calumny and .V ,- " With a view to make their journal as generally interesting as possible, occasional notices of new books, and other subject literary and scientific character, will be introduced by the conductors of the Quardia* into its columns, which they will always feel ;i ITS VAGUENESS. 207 gratification in opening to the spirited and liberal communications of correspondent;*. " Manchester is the centre of a most populous district, throughout which the Guardian will circulate ; and particular attention will be paid to all subjects of local interest. Authentic articles of intelligence coming under this head, will, at all times, be thankfully received. Details of interesting proceedings, whether of a commercial or political nature, in our courts of law, will from time to time be given ; whilst every exertion will be made to present to its readers full and accurate reports of important public meetings, both in this and the neighbouring towns. " The Manchester Guardian will commence its course with a very considerable circulation. It has secured an extensive and valuable patronage throughout the surrounding districts, amongst the classes to whom, more especially, advertisements are generally addressed ; and whilst its conductors respectfully solicit the support of advertisers both in this and the neighbouring towns, they confidently assure them that it will offer a most eligible medium for giving extensive publicity to their notices." It will be seen that there is no promise of opinions upon the representative system that might not safely range between the annual parliaments, universal suffrage, and vote by ballot, of Major Cartwright, or the transfer of the East lletford seats to Manchester, the great instalment asked for by the editor's whig friend, Mr. G. \V. Wood. There was ample verge and room enough for advocating the greatest or the smallest measure of reform, without incurring the charge of making any departure from the promises of the prospectus. \Vlu-ii the paper appeared, it was seen to be a very great improvement upon the then existing journals. With the Leeds Mercury and the Liverpool Mercury, the Glasgow Chronicle and the Scotsman before him, Mr. Taylor had good models to follow. He was the first newspaper pro- prietor in Manchester who was capable of acting as editor, and he had engaged as reporter Mr. Jeremiah Garnett, a young man who had been an assistant in Mr. Wheeler's printing office, and was occasionally employed in reporting. 208 FAVOURABLE CIINT M STANCES. Regular " leaders," nnd substantively good, if not very lull. local reports appeared weekly, and there was a business- like look about the new paper which none of the others possessed. Never had a new journal better chances of success. The tory journalists looked with contempt upon their bold competitor, and, prognosticating his speedy extinction, made no attempt to improve upon their old jog- trot method of filling up their columns. " Leaders,'' with them, were a foolish innovation, and reports an unnecessary expense. Their way was the old way, and would continue to be the best way. New papers had been tried before and had not succeeded ; the new-fangled thing would not last ; there was no use in making any effort in competition with it ; it would go down of itself. A capital thing for the circulation of the Guardian was this contempt. And then. as to advertisements ; Mr. "Wheeler, who had the main share, would receive none after one o'clock on the l-'riday : he had what was then a large impression (about 3,000) of his paper to print, and he had to go to press at three o'clock ; to bring advertisements at one o'clock on the day before publication was a thoughtless thing that needed reproof. The (t'nanHuH folks received those satisfactory accessions as late on Friday night as anybody choose to bring them received them with thanks ; it was rather incon- venient to receive them at a later hour, but the inconvenience would be incurred rather than disappoint the respectable parties who wished their announcements to appear next morning. All this was working into the hands of the innovator; he could not have contrived Ix-ttcr had he had the contrivance to himself. And yet the paper made slow, very slow progress. Mr. Cowdroy's circulation was little trenched upon, for the people had respect for his principles, and did not like to leave an old public servant, and it was the custom to send advertisements to Wheeler, and few had the courage to break through the custom. This slow pro- gress was discouraging; would there be any harm in MARKET-STREET COMMISSIONERS. 209 endeavouring to conciliate, without any sacrifice of prin- ciple-, a portion of the public who had something to \v : A hort time before the establishment of the Guardian, it had been resolved to apply to parliament for an act to widen Market-street, then a narrow lane ; at one place only wide enough barely to allow one cart to pass another, with a foot pavement on each side only eighteen inches wide. The following gentlemen had been appointed on the 4th of April, 1821, to act as commissioners under the bill: Robert Andrew, Benjamin Heywood, John Railtou, Jonathan Andrew, Thomas Harbottle, James Ramsbottom, Edward Baiter, David Holt, Charles Rider, John liradshaw, Thomas Ilardman, William Roylance, James Brierley, James Hibbert, John Ratcliffe, John Bennett, John Harding, Thomas Sharp, James Bury, Thomas C. Hewes, J. B. Saunderson, Richard Clegg, John Kirkiuan, John Shuttleworth, John (.'hippcndau, James Kennedy, Richard Smitli, James Clarkson, John Kenworthy, J. E. Taylor, T. II. Cardwell, Samuel Kniglit, IM.-r Taylor, Robert Duck, John Lomas, Jas. Touchett, jun., Jonathan J >.. Edward Loyd, Joseph Todd, Thomas Darwell, John Moore, William Tate, Joseph Flint off, Francis Marris, G. W. Wood, Jfiviniah Fieliliii!.', F. M. Mallalieu, Thomas Wilkins, George Fraser, Robert Millington, John Walker, Tliiinms Fleming, James M'Connel, Ricliaril Warron. George Grundy, Honry Newbery, Thos. Worthington, William Garnet t, Hie-hard Pottor, W. W. Wai. John Greaves, Thomas Peel, Gilbert Winter, K 11. ' Shakespeare Phillips, Thomas Watklus, George Hole, Thomas Pot tor, James Wood, Thonia* llovle, Thomas Parker, 1'eter Watson. 'I'll is was a formidable body of commissioners to < into effect a single purpose ; but 200,000 had to be ex- pendi-d. and all parties were comprised in something like a fair proportion at the time. One fourth were whigs and _>1U A WAJLXIM,. reformers, one fourth had taken little part in politics, and one half were tories. Mr. Taylor, on coming from their meetings, used to say that some of them, whom he had not met across a table before, had expressed their surprise to find him a reasonable gentleman, and not a rough radical bear ; and I used to say to him, " Beware, Taylor, lest, in your desire to conciliate their good opinion, you permit them to rub the rough points off your radicalism ;" and he would laugh and say there was no danger. This caution was not unnecessary; but, like many others, it failed in producing the effect intended. " Beware of innovation ; if you begin, you do not know where you will end," is the usual cry of the enemies of reform. Why should not one reform lead to another ? This improvement of Market-street Market-lane, as it had been called led to other improvements. A good street required good approaches, and they were made. A broad showed advantageously in comparison with narrow ones, and the latter were widened. A handsome street was con- trasted with a mean one, and the taste for beauty followed the provision for convenience. There is no "finality" in such matters ; why should there be in political clearings and constructions? A combination of the useful and the beautiful is sought in our streets and public buildings, and yet we are called to admire the narrow, the dark, the crooked, the mean and the unsavoury in our national institutions. CHAPTER XIV. A PERIOD OF CALM. A HISTORY of the progress of political opinion, in any locality, would be defective without some notice, not merely of the establishment, but of the progress and workings of the newspaper press. Although, in the first instance, a newspaper may be established in consequence of the demand for the expression of particular opinions, and may be con- tinued mainly to reflect the political feeling of a portion of the community, it begins to act upon the public mind, and, in its turn, assumes to dictate or insinuate the views of its conductors, and from being an organ becomes an instructor for evil or for good, as the case may be. There is a reciprocal action. The public, or a portion of the public, acts upon and influences the newspaper ; the newspaper acts upon and influences the public, or that portion of the public whose general opinions it represents. The desire to promote certain opinions leads to the establishment of a paper. It depends upon the principles or the temperament nt its conductor whether he will, still adhering to the implied bond between his readers and himself, urge them onwards, or counsel circumspection and caution, whether he will, in the same army, be in front with the bold and the impe- tuous, or in the rear with the timid and the prudent. In either case he will, to a certain extent, be influential. In either case he is still with his party ; if at their head, he has the ardent: if in the rear, he lias the cautious with him. As the organ of either division, he has the influence of his position, and he may use it to accelerate or retard its movement, without being liable to the charge of being a traitor to the general body, 212 MALTIIUSIAN DOCTRIKES. The ultimate politics of the Manchrsti'i- (iminlinn influenced greatly by the temperament of its conductor. The ardour of youth overcame his r/.s im-r(i f c, and, for a time, he was an ardent leader; hut, as years grew upon him, the disposition grew to eschew rash front-fight in-;. He had, besides, imbibed the leading principles of Malthus and one docs not often see a Malthusian a very ardent reformer: regarding the multitude as intruders upon na- ture's feast, after the places at the table have been all taken, he can scarcely forgive the impertinence, and seldom gives his warm sympathies to the intruders. Mr. Taylor appeared as a journalist at the same time that Mr. Scarlett (Cobbctt's Lawyer Scarlett") appeared as a poor-law re- former. Like Mr. Scarlett, he wished to fix a maximum on the amount of poor's rate to be paid, no matter how much the amount of poverty to be relieved might increase; and, like him, he wished all persons who should be impro- vident enough to marry after that date to be excluded from all future relief. A meeting was called, to be held in the board-room of the Salford workhouse, on 2-lth May, 1821, to take Scarlett's bill into consideration; and as he had deelared that he would go and give it his support, I declared. in return, that, although I had never previou>ly taken part in any public meeting, I should go and oppose him. Nobody supported the principles of the bill but Mr. Taylcr. He said he was rather disposed to approve of the principle of fixing a maximum on a liberal scale to the amount of rates, and that the clause which prohibited relief to persons who should marry after the passing of the act, unless in case of sickness, infirmity, or old age, had his I ii/iprtibntiun. With respect to the removal of the poor belonging to other parishes, be was in favour of a change in the mode of giving relief, rather than an entire abrogation of the law of settlement. Mr. Taylor went on to a point on which he and I were quite in agreement. He said that, great as was the evil arising from the poor SCARLETT'S BILL. 213 there was another burthen, of scarcely inferior importance, t< which Mr. Scarlett had not thought proper to apply any limitation ; he meant the county-rates. The increase of rates had been in a much greater proportion than that of the poor-rates ; and, in all probability, a great part of that increase might be accounted for from the absence of a proper control over the expenditure. The treasurer was merely required by law to publish an account once a year, in one newspaper ; and this mode of publication was as completely nugatory, with respect to the county at large, as a notice to the inhabitants of Manchester when affixed on the church door. He certainly was not prepared to join in a petition against Mr. Scarlett's bill, but if such a petition . oted by the meeting, he should move a clause praying for greater publicity and an efficient control with regard to the expenditure of the county-rates. Although one or two in the meeting spoke in favour of the principles on which the existing poor-laws were founded, I felt that it was necessary that the meeting should be further informed before it came to a decision, and said that as a clause was inserted in the bill for the express purpose of permitting an increase in the amount of county-rates, a petition regarding the bill ought to contain some reference to that part of it. In the year 1750 the amount was only -40,000, which had increased in 1815 to 1,000. Thus it had advanced to fifty times its former amount ; whilst the sum expended on the poor, the in< of which furnished the argument for the supporters of the bill, had only increased mitrfnlil, an increase which was ly equivalent to the increase of population, of tares, and the price of the necessaries of life occasioned by a depreciated currency. The bill seemed to IH> intended entirely to alx>lish the poor-laws, which were right in principle. The clause for restraining marriage was par- ticularly objectionable, because it' relief was not afford' (1 by the pari.-h those who were refused relief would become 214 SCABLETT'S FALLACIES. vagrants. The preamble of the bill was false, insomuch as it recognised the assumption that provision for the poor increased the number of paupers, which was contradicted by the fact that in 1750 the amount of rates did e\ and indeed was rather less than their amount in 1688. If the law itself had had the least tendency to increase the number of the poor, that tendency would have shown itself as soon as a legal provision was made for their support ; but as no increase had taken place, up to 1750, the period from which Mr. Scarlett's statements commenced, it was a legitimate conclusion that in periods of prosperity the poor- rates woidd not increase, and that the recent augmentation was fairly to be attributed to taxation, the evils of tear, and the fluctuations of commerce. To attempt to fix a maximum was highly presumptuous. Could a maximum be fix> d to the amount of taxation, or a limit to human misery and wretchedness ? It was unjust to deprive the labourer of that legislative provision to which he was entitled, whilst he was exposed to the operation of laws injurious to his interests to the corn -law, for instance, tchidi, it mixed the prirr of the poor man's bread, lessnird the ilmuintl for the produce of his labour. With regard to the impro- vident habits said to be fostered by an unlimited provision. it might be replied that the wretchedly poor were the most improvident ; that in Ireland, where there were no poor- laics, early marriages were more frequent than tiny / Enijlnnil ; and that industrious habits were more likely to be preserved when the distressed labourer was relieved at the parish table, and he would return more cheerfully to his work when he obtained it there than alter having been comjwlled to go farther and beg for charity. The resolutions pn -trongly condemnatory of the hill as cruel and unjust ; similar resolutions were passed in Manchester, and a general feeling against it being mani- fested throughout the country the bill was defeated. It may be supposed that there could not be a long continuance THE COKOXATIOX. 215 of agreement of opinion between myself and one who would destroyed the future legal provision for the poor, whil>t the corn-law remained unrcpealed, whilst emigration was prohibited, whilst a turn-out for wages was punished as a breach of the law, whilst for the mass of the people there was not even the shadow of representation, and whilst the taxation required to defray the expenses of a long war was crushing the people to the earth. " Are you going to give a report of this meeting r" I asked. " No," was the reply ; " I think it has not been of so much importance." I said, " Then, if you think it is of no importance to you, you will surely have no objection to king Cowdroy to report it?" The report appeared in the Guardian, but on the following week appeared a lalxnired defence of the clauses which the meeting had condemned, purporting to be in reply, not to me, but to William Cobbett. The kind of loyalty, which transferred the reverence which should be paid to the kingly office to the individual who occupied the throne, had been greatly lessened by the ution of the queen by George the Fourth; but coronations had always been occasions for display, and disliked as the prince regent had been, the inhabitants of Manchester were not disposed to innovate upon the ancient custom. A splendid procession was got up, which was simultaneously in passage along Piccadilly, Bank Top, Downing-street, Ard wick Green, Higher Ardwick, Chan- cery-lane, Ancoats Bridge, Great Ancoats-street, and Swan- . a length of two miles and a half. But the pageant was not what it had been in the olden time. There was much more of a staid and sober loyalty than had been seen before. At several places in the line of progress, parti- cularly in Salfonl, Bank Top, and in Great Ancoats, the Manchester Yeomanry, who had been thanked by the prince regent for their share in dispersing, at the point of the sword, a legally convened and peaceably held meeting, 216 DRfVKI.NM were assailed with groans and hissings ; and there was not, on the whole route, any manifestation of enthusiasm. In many of the trades also there was a strong disinclination to join in the festivities of the day, from an idea that to in the celebration of a ceremony from which the (mi-en \eluded, would seem to imply an approbation on their part of the cruel proceedings against her. The people enjoyed the spectacle and the holiday, but, so i'ar as the proeession was concerned, there was an absence of all tho-e exhibitions of exuberant loyalty which used to be manifested on public occasions during the reign of the di < -em-ics-observing George III. There needed something more than the parade of a procession, to excite a livelier demonstration. Loyal feeling required a stimulant to rouse it from its languor and it was supplied by some who remembered the glorious and uproarious doings of more ch.uvh-and-king times. The Guardian thus describes the s which were exhibited in the evening : " Here we should have been glad to close our account <>f tin ]<>- feeding* of tin- day, hut we have a further duty to discharge unplcaxant and, perhaps, invidious. About Ine o'clock commenced the diMribution of meat and beer to the populace. The stations for this were the Xew Market, Shudchill ; the Shamble*, at Bank Top; those at the top of Bridgc-stm-t -, in (':iin]> Field Market ; the George and Dniiion, Ardwick; tin- Clarendon public-hmi-e, Clmrlton K<> : in Huhiie, in Strains-way*, in Motram's Field, and in Oldfield Road. At many, we fear we may say most of these places, scene - e\hil>ited which e\en the jM-ncil of a Hogarth would fail to pourtray. At tht New Market, Shudchill, the meat and loaves were thrown out high from the doors and windows of the wan-hou-. u-y had been stored; the populace scrambling for them n> they could. It resembled the throwing of goods out of the windows of a warehouse on fire rather than anything else we can compare it to. There was shameful waste and general confusion. At an early hour the stage erected for the applicants to stand upon gave way, and one person was killed, and several dangerously wounded l>y tlie \'.-.\\. When the liquor was distributing, we saw whole pitchers thrown indiscriminately among the crowd men holding up their hats to receive drink ; people RECOMMENDATION OF DRUNKENNESS. 217 quarrelling and fighting for the possession of a jug ; the strong taking liquor from the weak; boys and girls, men and women, in a condi- tion of beastly drunkenness, staggering before the depository of ale, or King prostrate on the ground, under every variety of circumstance, and in every degree of exposure, swearing, groaning, vomiting, but calling for more liquor when they could not stand, or even sit, to drink it. Every kind of excess, indeed, which the most fertile imagination can conceive, or the most graphic pen describe, was there ~ed in nauseous and loathsome extravagance. Never did we see, and we hope to God never again shall we see, human nature so degraded. The scenes of which we have now attempted a faint description, were exhibited, though, perhaps, to scarcely the same extent, at Camp Field, in Salford, and at the Shambles in Bridge- ami we trust the experience of this day will have given to the committee who managed the proceedings a lesson which they will never forget. As to the distribution of meat and liquor, there are two or three lives lost, and fourteen patients in the infirmary, several of them dangerously injured, from the events of the day. It must be understood, however, that we consider the bulk of our labouring population not implicated in these disgraceful scenes. The wretched actors in them were that rabble, without conduct or fixed principles, whii-h is always to be found amongst the population of an immense town. We do not so much wonder at these brutal excesses, as lament that men of education, of character, and of talent, should have furnished the temptation to them." These beastly excesses excited so much disgust as greatly to forward the cause of temperance. Henry Hunt, in his dt > in> to cripple an oppressive and tyrannical government, had prepared the way by inculcating an abstinence from the use of exciseable commodities, and a number of radicals had become water-drinkers. The authorities of Manchester, alarmed at the progress of such abstinence, had issued, at tin- public expense, innumerable printed papers, recom- mending the free use of the " old English beverage," good limwii ale, and had denounced all who advocated the aban- donment of that " cheering and strengthening" drink as enemies to the corporeal constitution of Englishmen. Hunt's advice to abstain was greatly strengthened by the shameless advice from the " constituted authorities" to drink. Work- 218 I.\N ing men, in their self-respect, began to say that they would not make beasts of themselves to please borough rn \ constable, or parson. There needed but a disgraceful exhi- bition, like that which has been described, to suggest tlu> propriety of some association amongst working men to dis- continue practices which degraded them. From this time. irrespective of political motives, commenced little- social meetings, at which the jug of water on the table supplied the place of beer and gin ; and these little parties were the precursors of that general temperance movement which has so greatly improved the aspect of society amongst the humbler classes, who arc now about as outwardly decorous as the gentlemen were when I first visited Manchester, in 1811, when it was no unusual thing to see three or four respectable" manufacturers staggering down Market, - street-lane, in the broad daylight of a summer afternoon, trolling out their drunken catches. The political economy of Manchester was better than its politics. It had long enjoyed a singular immunity from the distress occasioned by the failure of banks. In 181 '.i. a committee of the House of Lords had reported that, from the year 1790 to 1818, no fewer than 273 commissioners of bankruptcy had been issued against country bankers, gene- rally issuing their own notes. More than half of these failures had taken place in five years of general commercial -* in 1793, 1810, 1814, 1815, and 1816. In 1H14 v banks had failed, in 1815 twenty-six, in 1816 thirty- l-'rom these failures and their very disastrous conse- quences Lancashire was almost entirely free, whilst York- shire had suffered largely. In Lancashire there were only from three to six banks which issued local notes, whilst in Yorkshire there were sixty-seven. In Yorkshire the issue of local notes had given the bankers great temptation to discount largely and imprudently, and that county was deluged with their notes, greatly to the encouragement of rash speculation. In periods of adversity the sudden dimi- LANCASHIRE U\NK 219 nution of discounts produced great and wide-spread distress, aggravated by the failure of banks, against which there hud lx?en a " run." From these mischievous alternations Lancashire was almost free. It had to encounter periods of great commercial depression, but they had not been aggravated by excessive issues and sudden contractions of a local currency. Its exemption from these sudden changes might be traced to an event which had occurred long previous to the time of which we are writing the failure of Livesey and Co., of Manchester, a failure, probably, more disastrous and overwhelming than Lancashire had ever before encountered, or, considering the relative amount of commercial and manufacturing transactions, has ever sutiered since. The experience derived from that event had created a universal dislike to local notes, and the general opinion had operated upon the bankers of the district, and repressed the issue of those " rags" which Cobbett so often declaimed against. The Bank Restriction Act of 1798 had permitted an extraordinary issue of Bank of England notes, which had consequently become greatly depreciated in value, With tlu- restoration of peace was to have come the restoration of a cash currency. Mr. Wade, in his British History, says that this was effected before the passing of Mr. Peel's bill in 1819, but the great depression of prices, deeply lelt in Manchester during the latter half of that year, and the first half of 1820 a depression by which the comparatively small business in which I was a partner suffered to the amount of 3,000 showed that the previous preparation tor the resumption of cash payments had only half done its work. Mr. Peel's bill had fixed May, 1823, as the period of n->uni|>tion, but the bank, by an accumulation of gold, was enabled to anticipate the fixed time, and recommended specie payments in May, 1821. Mr. Hopkins, in his Great Britain during the last Forty Yean, says, "It was considered that the peace rendered it necessary that preparations should. L 2 2 -J" PAYMENT IX GOLD. be made for the returning, at no distant period, to the old metallic standard of value, and for repealing the Bank Restriction Act. This not only induced the Bank of England to begin to reduce the quantity of their notes in circulation, and to increase their stock* of gold, but it also compelled country bankers to limit their issues, as they also would be more liable to be called upon to pay in gold. Such consi- derations, no doubt, induced a more cautious issue of notes ; and the quantity of currency was kept down nearly to what it would have been if the exports had been suffered to draw gold from the commercial world to furnish a metallic cur- rency for Great Britain." Mr. Hopkins, like Mr. "Wade, attributes alterations of the value of the currency, after May, 1821, to other causes than Peel's Bill ; but the dimi- nution of bank issues went on till 1822, greatly to the depression of prices. The total amounts of Bank of England and country bank notes in circulation were : In 1818 47,109,838 In 1819 43,024,485 In 1820 36,320,551 In 1821 28,863,601 In 1822 26,393,690 A gradual diminution of the paper currency to the amount of nearly 11,000,000 in five years, and a conse- quent fall in the prices of commodities, occasioned the cry, like that which still continues to arise from Birmingham, for more paper. The country was suffering the consequence of its former intoxication, and, in its exhaustion, wanted a ition of the stimulating dram. There were symptoms of preparation in Manchester for the issue of small local notes. But Livesey's failure, and the failure of country banks in 1814, 1815, and 1816, were not forgotten, and the first business establishments in the town and neighbour- hood were determined to nip the contemplated innovation jn the bud. A requisition was made to the boroughreeves MEETING OX BANKS. 221 and constables of Manchester and Salford, to call a public meeting on 23rd August, 1821, " to consider of the measures necessary for securing a satisfactory currency for these towns and neighbourhood, in consequence of the cessation of the issues of small notes by the Bank of England." The following are some of the signatures : 1 1 ibbert, Wanklyn, & Bradshaw, Thomaa Houldsworth, John Greenwood, W. Birch, Robert Duck, F. Phillips and Sons, Thomas Peel and Brothers, H. J. and R. Barton, Philips, Wood, and Co. John Allen and Co. Leighs and Darwell, George Neden, James and John Holford, Dickson, Watson, and Co. Broadhurst, Harris, and Co. Edward Baxter and Co. James Cooke, Benjamin Sandford, Ewart and Co. C. F. Brandt and Co. T. Kirkham and Sons, \\ . Hardman and Sons, Otho Hulme and Sons, Jackson, Bushforth, and Scott, John and William Heygate, Eili-nborough, Chittondcn, & Co. Amongst the requisitionists were persons of every shade of pulitirul opinion, tones, whigs, radicals, and Gobbet tiu-s. At the public meeting, Mr. George William Wood, after- wards member, for a short time, for Lancashire, and subvqunitly for Kcndal, partner in the great house of Philips and Co., took the lead. The following may be taken as a summary of his arguments : 1st. Local notes were not a legal tender ; no person was Thomaa Pot tor, T. J. and J. Ashton, James Beardoe, James Burt, Buchan and Shaw, T. and. M. Harbottle, Hole and Potter, James and William Barrett, Thomas Hilton, Thomas Wilkinson, Stephen Sheldon, Holywell Twist Company, Robert and William Garnett, John Shuttleworth, Markland Brothers, W. Grant and Brothers, Thomas and Richard Potter, Fit-ltU-ii Brothers, John Edward Taylor, Benjamin Binyon, Blackwall and Sons, James Kennedy, Gardner and Harter, Harvey, Tysoe, and Co. ME. WOOD'S AB(. obliged to receive them in payment of a debt : jind an angry creditor, or a vindictive landlord, might incarcerate a debtor, although payment was offered in the only circu- lating medium in the neighbourhood. 2nd. A great variety of local notes might be put in circulation, issued by firms of different degrees of stability, whilst amongst the labouring classes, amongst whom such notes would chiefly circulate, they would not be able to discern the good from the bad, and would be compelled to take all indiscriminately. 3rd. Local notes were not adapted for distant payments. The notes which were issued at York would not pass at Newcastle, and the currency of Newcastle would be of no use at Edinburgh ; and thus the traveller would be com- pelled, at every remove, to exchange the notes in his possession for those of the district which he was about to enter. 4th. A serious evil would be the risk of loss on local notes. In periods of great commercial distress and alarm, it frequently happened that the stability of a bank began to be suspected a run ensued, and it fell : and it not unfi -t -qnently occurred that the banks of the district became involved in one common ruin. 5th. A serious objection to the issue of local notes was the facility which they afforded to improvident trading. An advance of his own notes cost the banker nothing, and the speculator procured them with a facility which tempted him to trade far beyond his capital, to the great detriment of firms whose business was conducted on the solid basis of property and capital. Mr. Sothern, an agent on the Bridge water Trust, then under the management of Mr. Bradshaw, who, from the great extent of his power and the manner in which he exercised it was commonly called Duke Bradshaw, informed the meeting that if the public were to sanction the con- tinuance of issues of local notes, Mr. Bradshaw, who paid A DECLARATION AGAIXST LOCAL NOTES. 223 300,000 a year in wages, would issue his own notes, and in all probability would soon have a million in circulation. Mr. Thomas Sharp, afterwards of the firm of Sharp, Roberts, and Co., contended stoutly that all inconvenience from the issue of local notes would be obviated by requir- ing them to bo payable in London, and stated that he had the authority of Messrs. Jones and Co., and Messrs. Hey- wood and Co., who were willing to make their notes thu payable ; but the meeting, unwilling to allow any modifica- tion of a system which had a tendency to create a false appearance of prosperity at one time and an undue depression at another, refused to listen to the proposal. Mr. John Edward Taylor said that no one could doubt the perfect security of all dealings with the highly respectable banks named ; but others might arise who could not be so safely trusted ; the meeting had already heard that one gentleman, whose paper would probably be accepted as readily as those of our own bankers, intended to issue an enormous amount of notes for wages ; and if they might credit the expressed determination of other houses, the town would soon be deluged with local paper, and exposed to the danger of great loss. Mr. Sharp had proposed an amendment, but it was negatived, and the original resolu- tions were passed by a great majority. They contained a series of arguments similar to those noticed as forming a summary of Mr. G. "\V. Wood's speech ; but the practical result was the issuing for signature of the following decla- ration : "Manchester, August 23, 1821. " We, the undersigned, being deeply impressed with the incon- venience and danger to be apprehended from the circulation of local notes in this great commercial town, do hereby declare it to be our intention not to receive any such notes in payment after the 31st instant, except in cases of trireme necetnty ; in all which cases we pledge ourselves not to circulate such notes." The declaration was very numerously signed, and so well observed, that, in the great panic at the close of 1826, -'-' I IXTOLEKA.XCK AGAIN. which brought so many country banks to the trrmmd. Manchester was comparatively unscathed. The advert ised declaration, with the names attached, filled the six columns of the first page of the Manchester Guardian, a very pretty addition to the advertisements of the new paper, wliich had only twenty-seven others, filling four columns, about its usual number and measure. The defeat of Sidmouth's bill, ten years previous to this period, had not extinguished the spirit of intolerance. The reader of the present day will peruse, with curious int the proceedings adopted against a respectable gentleman for the crime of preaching the gospel in the open air, and will be reminded of the persecution which was encountered some half century before, by John Wesley and his col- leagues, when they presumed to think that God might be worshipped, and his revelations made known, under the canopy of the heavens, as well as in temples made by the hands of men. At the Salford sessions, July the 23rd, 1821, Mr. Samuel Waller, a respectable cotton spinner, of Ashton- under - Lyne, a lay preacher amongst the primitive methodists, was indicted for having, in the king's highway, in that town, unlawfully and injudiciously caused and procured ;i great number of persons to assemble together, obstructing the said highway, to the great damage and common nuisance of the liege subjects of our lord the king ; and with making n noise, riot, tumult, and disturbance ; and with making such riot by shouting and singing, and wholly choking up and obstructing the street and highway. Mr. Starkie, who was employed for the prosecution, forgetting the sermon on the mount, began his address to the jury by declaring that if any one would produce him a text from scripture to support the practice of open- air preaching, he would consent to an acquittal ! lie hoped that the verdict of the jury would be such as to convince the defendant that neither he nor any other person, not MB. WALLEK'S TRIAL. 225 even a minister of the church of England, if it were allow- able to conceive that a clergyman should ever so far forget his duty, had a right to obstruct the highway, ranting and roaring, to the common nuisance of his majesty's subjects, on pretence that he was doing his duty. He did not mean to deny the defendant's right to preach ; he had a right to preach, in proper places, and there let him rant and roar as he pleased. Mr. Starkie then told the jury that a bear had once been removed because his growling disturbed the neighbours ; and he concluded his address by saying, that if the defendant, like the bear, was determined to rant and roar, he must do it in proper places. There was not any proof of obstruction. The deputy con- stable said the people were singing merry tunes. Another man said they sung like ballad singers down the street. A\ lu'ii a hearse was approaching, making some noise, Mr. Waller preached a little louder, and witness "thowt it rather hawkward." A horse or carriage might, he thought, go through. Mr. Courtney made an eloquent defence, denying any obstruction and any nuisance, and asking the jury, as Christians, to give their verdict in favour of one who had only done what had been done by the Saviour. The Reverend W. R. Hay, the chairman of the quarter sessions, who had commanded the military attack on a peaceable and defenceless multitude on the 16th of August, 1819, and had been rewarded by being presented to the rich living of Rochdale, told the jury they had only to ask themselves whether the assembling of 200 or 300 persons in public day, in the public streets, was or was not a nuisance. Christianity, he said, had nothing to do with the question. The jury having found that Mr. Waller had obstructed the street, the reverend chairman inquired whether, after the verdict had been given, as he took it for granted that the prosecution was not instituted with a view to a vin- L 3 MR. WALLER'S SEXTEXCE. dictive punishment, any compromise could take place, by the defendant entering into sureties not ayain tu offend in like manner? Mr. Waller was not disposed to promise that he should not again preach in the open air, and declined to apply for any mitigation of sentence. The Reverend Mr. Hay then addressing the defendant, told him that the sentence about to be pronounced was not intended to be vindictive, but to show him that individual opinion was not to be set up against the law. He was then sentenced to three months' imprisonment, and to give security, himself in 50, and two sureties in 25 each, to keep the peace and be of good behaviour for two years from the period of his liberation ! On Tuesday, October 19th, Mr. Waller, having endured his three months' imprisonment, appeared before Mr. Norris. the stipendiary magistrate, to enter into recognizances to keep the peace, the sureties being Mr. John Potter and Mr. Thomas Harbottle. When the recognizance was read, Mr. Waller tagged the indulgence of the court for a moment. He understood that the effect of the recogni- zance into which he had just entered, was nothing more than to bind him to keep the peace, which he might con- scientiously say he had never broken. Mr. Norris. That is a question into which I cannot enter. You are now bound to keep the peace, and you must keep it. Mr. Waller. I merely meant to say, that as I cannot conscientiously refrain from preaching the gospel Mr. Norris. You must keep the peace, or your recog- nizance, and those of the gentlemen who are bound with you. will lie forfeited. Mr. W tiller. It is my intention and wish to keep the peace ; but I beg to know whether my preaching the gospel, not in the street, will be considered as a breach of the peace? Mr. Norris. / shall not answer any questions put to me JUSTICES I.VW. on the subject. You appear to have a correct view of the nature of the recognizance into which you have entered, and I can give you no information on the subject. Mr. Norris then directed Mr. Waller to be taken down to prison, but his solicitor, Mr. George Hadfield, said that he had already been imprisoned three months. The jailer said that months u-cre ahcays taken, at the sessions, to IHKIH calendar months, and the justice taking the jailor's interpre- tation of the law, Mr. Waller was taken to prison for six days more. It is a maxim of law, that " there is no wrong without a remedy ;" but this, like many others, is only to be met with in books. In proof of this it may be stated, that an application was made on behalf of Mr. Waller to the Court of King's Bench, for a mandamus, commanding the clerk of the peace to enter on the record the sentence as pronounced, which was for " three months," whereas it appeared it was entered three calendar months, which increased the punishment. However, the court said it had no authority to order the court of quarter sessions to draw up their record in a particular form and manner, and there- fore it refused to interfere. So that if the clerk of these justices had inserted twelve instead of three months, Mr. Waller, it would seem had no remedy. Such was the tem- per of the times and the determination of what are called courts of justice. Mr. Waller was of a sect, some of whose members might write the word " precher," instead i)t' " preacher," and to persons guilty of such atrocity, the liberty taken by the apostles of Christ was not to be per- mitted in a country where Christianity is " part and parcel of the law of the land." Before we take leave of the period of Hunt- radicalism, it may satisfy a not impertinent curiosity to look at the comparative progress of the old organ of the reformer^ Cuirdroy's Manchetter Gazette, and the new paper which had assumed to itself the task of directing public opinion, tlu Manchester Guardian. The following gives a list of SLOW P HOG HESS OF THE GU A KIM AN. the advertisements in each, commencing from the first number of the Guardian : May 5 OCAEDIAN. 47 OAZRTTE. 84 Aug. 4 .. OCAKMAV. -27 . OAZETTK. 22 1" 42 . 33 11 - 19 . 22 19 ... 34 ... 23 18 .. 29 . 23 26 ... 80 ... 27 25 ... 44 . 31 27 30 Sept. 1 .. 29 . 27 . 9 39 ... 32 8 .. 29 . M 16 29 35 , 15 .. 2'J . 28 , 23 39 31 22 ... 29 . 26 30 87 . .. 88 - 29 .. 28 . 31 July 7 .. 43 ... .... 39 Oct. 6 .. 31 . 32 14 84 27 , 13 .. 41 . 28 21 35 . ... 21 20 .. 35 . 34 . l's ... 27 .., ... 28 .. 27 .. ... 36. . 28 Weekly average: Guardian, 331 ; Gazette, 28J. This was but a discouraging commencement of the new journal. To have beaten by only five advertisements a week a paper printed on old and battered type, and unable to defray the expense of an editorial and reporting staff, showed, on the one hand, that there was a reluctance to desert an old and faithful servant of the public, under what- ever disadvantage he continued his labours ; but, on the other hand, the fact that the two liberal papers could not muster more than sixty-two advertisements between them, while the tory papers had three times the number, argued that the advocacy of wide reforms did not find much favour with the " advertising public." Here was seen the wisdom of the arrangement that Mr. Taylor should not be called upon to repay, except from realised profits, the 1,200 raised to establish the Gunrtlitm ; for perseverance, at his own risk, in the seemingly hopeless task of establishing a new paper, under such circumstances, would have been an nee of public spirit which the projectors could not have had a right to expect of any one. It may easily be imagined, however, that many misgivings must have DEATHS IN A TEW YEAHS. 229 assailed the conductor, and that many times he must have deeply pondered how, of course without any sacrifice of principle, he could escape the odium which still attached itself, in the estimation of the influential, to an unmitigated expression of that sort of radicalism which had been "vul- garised " by its association with the names of Hunt and his more humble, hard-handed, and not very smooth-tongued colleagues. In the preceding part of this chapter a list is given of fifty names of individuals and firms which were subscribed to a requisition for calling a meeting in opposition to local . and it will be perused with a melancholy interest, >eeing how many of the persons have died since, and how many of the firms have been broken up by death or com- mercial misfortunes. I had the curiosity, two years ago, to ascertain how many of the members of the Literary and Philosophical Society survive after a period of twenty- seven years. In the list of members, in the society's memoirs, made out in March, 1848, the following are the only persons who were elected previous to the end of 1821 : Samuel Kay, November 1, 1799. John Kennedy, April 29, 1803. James Ainsworth, January 25, 1805. IVt.-r Clare, F.R.A.S., April 27, 1810. Laurence Buchan, November 2, 1810. Gilbert Winter, November 2, 1810. R. \ . John Oooch Robberds, April 26, 1811. Robert Stuart, January 21, 1814. Sir Benjamin Heywood, Bart, F.R.S., January 27, 1815. George Murray, January 27, 1815. John Moore, F.L.S., January 27, 1815. Robert Thorpe, November 3, 1815. John Davies, M.W.S., November 1, 1816. Robert Hyde Greg, F.G.S., January 24, 1817. Joseph Cheeseborough Dyer, April 24, 1818. Alexander Kay, October 30, 1818. Richard Flint, October 30, 1818. Archibald Prentice, January 22, 1819. 230 LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCH Eaton Hodgkinson, F.R.S., M.R.I.A., F.G.S., &c., Jan. J 1 . 1 Mi' >. Rv. John James Taylor, B.A., January 26, 1821. John Blackwall, January 26, 1821. Thomas Turner, F.R.C.S., April 19, 1821. Joseph Jordan, October 19, 1821. Richard Parr Bamber, October 19, 1821. There were one hundred and sixty-nine members of the society in March, 1848, of whom one hundred and forty-five had been elected since 1821. Thus does one race disappear and another take its place. The attention of the society was directed more to physical than to moral or political science, and hence it escaped the risk which other associations, taking a wider and bolder range of subjects, encountered in 1794 and 1817. Its existence, from 1781, throughout a period peculiarly unfavourable for intellectual pursuits, had, no doubt, a beneficial influence on a portion of Manchester society, humanizing and refining, while, out of its circle, there was so much of mind-degrading intolerance. It may easily be imagined how much such men as Robert Ilvdr Greg, Joseph C. Dyer, and Alexander Kay would enjoy its sccances, when political bigotry grievously embittered other associations. In this point of view the memory of the Henrys, the Percivals, and the Daltons, will be regarded with veneration, even without reference to their service in the advancement of science. CHAPTER XV. A 9HOKT PERIOD OF PLENTY. HISTORY is generally a record of crime and suffering. The sword and the spear furnish more stirring descriptions than the ploughshare and the priming-hook. The doings of a Bonaparte filled the post horns of all Europe ; the writings of a Bentham are read by only a veiy few philosophical philanthropists. The man who storms and fires a city is immortalised by the historian's pen ; he who enables a nation to earn its food by honest labour dies unnoticed, and to posterity, unknown. How briefly are periods of peace passed over in our oldest and most authentic record ! After the deliverance of Israel from a foreign yoke, effected under the direction of Deborah, the prophetess, we read : " And the land had rest forty years." We read that Tolak judged Israel twenty and three years," and that Jair "judged Isnu-l twenty and two years." We hear no more of them ; they judged rightly ; the people were at rest ; no i y of misdoings was needed. The history of eighty- tivf years of tranquillity, of peace, and, as we may presume, of plenty, is told in three lines. Would that the history of mankind were capable of such brief but precious record ! In our little narrow history-ground of Manchester we find, now and then, some such refreshing resting-places, some such green dew -bespangled fields in the thirsty waste. In thirty years of war and scarcity, hunger and nakedness, to three- fourths of the community, are three or four years of peace and plenty, nothing to the afflicted millions ? In BO long a period of constantly deepening gloom, was a brie gleam of general sunshine nothing ? History was silent, but the people were fed. And they thought also, those 232 LANDOWNERS COMPLAINING. briefly well-fed multitudes calmly, but not les deeply. and their inquiry was : " Why should it not always be thus:" Mr. Wheeler, in his history of Manchester, makes a great leap from Hunt's trial at York, in 1820, to the bank failures at the end of 1825, and the loom-breakings and factory-burnings of 1826. There lay a happy period some time between. One could then draw the curtains, and wheel round the sofa nearer to the cheerful fire, and the more enjoy the social meal, from the conviction that there was comfort also in the cottage, and no waitings in the street. It was worth something, on the Saturday ni^ht, to see the working man's wife need her husband's help to carry home the heavy basket, filled with bread and beef, and flour and suet. But then came the reflection that the corn-law was unrcpealed, and that a single bad harvest might mar all this comfort. Much outcry came from the landowners at the cheapness of provisions. The Saturday's basket of the operative \\as well filled, but the landlord's rents were not well paid. What cared the latter about the well-filled baskets, when their coffers wanted the supply which hitherto had been wrung out from the people by war prices? The loyalists of 1793 were not more horror-struck at the murder of Maria Antoinette than the soil-owners of 1822 were at the fall of wheat to forty shillings a quarter. They had ex- pected that their law of 1815 would keep up the price to eighty shillings ; and a profuse issue of paper money, accom- panying scanty harvests, had kept up prices. In 1816, 1817, and 1818, deficient harvests occurred that of the former being calculated as below the average to a greater extent than in any year since the period at the close of the us century, and prices rose in consequence, so as to exceed the rate at which foreign corn might be admitted, and 2,600,000 quarters of wheat were imported in 1817 and 1818. The harvest of 1820 was supposed to be one- fourth beyond the average ; that of 1 82 1 was large, but of AGBICULTUKAI, DISTRESS. 233 >r quality; and that of 1822 was again beyond the jv, and was unusually early. In the week ending the 2 Ith of December, 1822, the average prices were wheat, 38s. 8d. ; barley, 29s. 4d. ; oats, 18. 9d. ; rye, 23s. 6d. ; beans, 28s. lOd. ; peas, 28s. 4d. ; being 41s. 4d., 10s. 8d., 8s. 3d., 29s. 6d., 24s. 2d., 23s. 8d., lower than the scale which had been fixed upon, ostensibly for the protection of tlu- farmer, but really for the protection of the landowner. The farmers did indeed now suffer, for during peace, and with a currency much enhanced in value, they were called upon to pay the rents which they had paid when they had war prices and a greatly depreciated currency. Many were the proposals made to relieve this " agricultural distress," and parliament resolved to alleviate the pressure upon the "distressed landowners," and that 1,000,000 should be advanced to them, in exchequer bills, when the average price of wheat was under sixty shillings. Great efforts were made to make the country believe that the agricul- tural labourers were in a most wretched condition in con-cquence of the low prices of corn; but it began then to bo understood that the wages of farm labour never roso in proportion to the rise in the price of farm produce, and that, although they had fallen in 1822, the recipients were more than compensated by the low price of food. Mr. Scarlett, Cobbett's Lawyer Scarlett, availed himself of the cry of agricultural distress to introduce a bill so to / the poor-laws as to prevent removals. He calculated on the support of the landowners, who, after having been >ed of the burden of supporting a portion of their poor, who had migrated to the manufacturing districts, might be supposed very willing to have a guarantee against their return to their native parishes. In justice to the landlords gem-rally, and to the tories of Manchester, it should bo mentioned that they withheld their sanction from this scheme. It was manifestly unjust that the landlords, after taxing the manufacturing districts by the monopoly in the 234 THE POOR LAWS. supply of corn, should lay another tax upon them to relieve the poor who were born on their estates, and had lieen driven out, by insufficient wages, to seek employment in the manufacturing towns. When, twenty-four years after, the corn-laws were prospectively repealed, it was no more than just that labourers should find relief where they had Driven labour. Lawyer Scarlett had, besides, gone beyond the principle of his last-session Malthusian bill. lie now made the effort to empower magistrates to commit (<> prison any person applying for relief, against whom any former "misconduct" could be proved. I had l-en forced by conviction, in spite of a very strong disin- clination to take part in public meetings, to attend, in the previous year, one held in Salford, and to give my opposition to his then bill ; and I felt it was my duty to attend one held in the collegiate church, in Manchester, on the 23rd of May, 1822, that I might protest against powers being granted to magistrates which might be u-i d greatly to the oppression of the poor. I found that the opposition at this meeting was confined to the proposal that there should be no future removals. I told the meeting that a question of a legal provision for the poor had now become better understood than it had been lately; that ,it was acknowledged, generally, that poor laws were absolutely necessary in the existing state of the country ; that Mr. Scarlett, however, notwithstanding his signal defeat last session, had introduced into his new bill a clause tending directly to overturn a law which, more than any other, had kept alive the moral and phy-ieal energies of the people. I then alluded to the clause empowering magistrates to imprison all such persons apply- ing for relief as they (the justices) might deem to have been idle, extravagant, or to have misconducted themselves, and asked who could tell what was idleness or extravagance? Some persons thought the people were idle if they did not work more than twelve hours a day, and some that they PABISH MEETING. 235 were extravagant if they ate any animal food. Was it right that persons so thinking should have the power to send a man to prison for what they might choose to call idleness or extravagance ? But the bill also went to empower magistrates to commit for previous misconduct. Could any lawyer present say what misconduct meant? " It' it were left to the discretion of a magistrate to decide," I said, " he might commit any man to prison. He might commit him to jail because, like me, he was a reformer, or a dissenter, or because he had attended a public meeting." My resolution was not opposed, but it underwent much verbal criticism : it was, however, ultimately passed unani- iuou>ly in the following terms, amended by Mr. J. Garnett : " That the power intended to be vested injustices of the peace to commit to the House of Correction individuals applying for relief on account of alleged idleness, extrava- gance, or misconduct, is not only vague and undefined, in its terms, but also at variance with the spirit of the English laws." Looking back, at this distance of time, upon the proceedings of that meeting, and knowing that an expres- sion of public opinion from loyal Manchester was not unin- Huential in the legislature, I may be permitted to express my satisfaction that I did something to keep that opinion right on a question so deeply affecting the interests and liberties of the poorer classes ; for many of my friends amongst the whigs, and some amongst the reformers, at that time, were more smitten with the Malthusian doc- trines than my opponents, the tories ; and it required some courage in me, not accustomed to take part in public meet- ings, to stand forward and defend the old beneficent law of Klixatath, in opposition to the new lights of economical science. From this time I began to be strongly importuned to do something towards revivifying Cowdroy's Gazette ; but I still retained faith in the politics of the Guardian, although I differed with it in political economy. Ireland, the mass of its people considered, received little benefit bv the abundance of corn food. Irishmen did not 236 DISTRESS IN IRELAND. eat wheaten bread, although they ruix-d wheat. Their hurley was consumed in the manufacture of whiskey, and even their oats were exported. Their only food was pota- toes, and when they had no potatoes they had nothing. Owing to the heavy rains of the previous year, the potato crop of the south of Ireland had almost entirely failed, and the price of this staple food of the population was quad- rupled. Before the end of April, 1822, the province of Mun>ter was in a state of actual starvation. The people crowded into the towns in the vain hope of finding employ- ment and food, and their sufferings were aggravated by the wide-spread typhus fever. General sympathy was excited in England, and a committee was fonncd in London, and corresponding committees in various parts of the kingdom, to originate subscriptions for the relief of Irish suit Manchester was not behind other places in the benevolent effort. A public meeting was held on May 16th, and a large committee was appointed to solicit subscriptions. The following were some of the larger contributions; Jones Lovd 4 Co ft a 8. 10 . ?0 1, o Heywood, Brothers, 4 Co. Birley and Hornby ii H 10 10 T. Black wall and Co 20 >u o 8. Greg and Co II 10 Gardner and Hartcr "1 (I W. Grant and Brothers . . . II 10 Thomas Trueman ?/n 8. and T. Knight n T and J Binyou ?o J. Hardman 20 H H Birler 15 (1 Pain try, Royle, & Co. ... n Bunten and Co. . 15 Thomas Johnson n T Houldsworth, M P 25 o Warden and four Fellows J. and R. Barton BQ H 10 T. J. and J. Asliton Jackson Rush worth, 4 Co. n 15 M'Connel and Kennedy... ii 10 S. and T. Ashton H W. Douglas and Co E. Hobson Hope n H 10 10 J. and T. Ramsbottom ... Robert Philips 21 W Tho. 4 Richard Potter . . . Thomas Worthing! on ... J ami-* Brierley n n 10 10 T. and M. Pickford 4 Co. J. and W. Touchi-t W. Rieby 20 21 ?o T. and B. Parker "1 R. Slack SO Bradshaw.Wanklm, 4 Co. n T. and J. Todd ., 20 THE BRIDGE-8TKEET OAXG. 237 These are smaller sums than such houses now contribute in cases of emergency ; but very active exertions were made to obtain subscriptions from all ranks of the community, and the amount raised in Manchester exceeded 4500. Let me again say of the men who were the opponents of reform, that their practical benevolence was strongly manifested on this pressing occasion. The "Bridge-street Gang" were at this time in active operation. In April, 1821, they preferred bills, at the Middlesex sessions, against Wardell, editor of the States- man, Thelwal, editor of the Champion, Dolby, publisher of the Political Dictionary, and Mary Ann Carlile, for seditious libels. They had assumed the name of the Constitutional Association, and the functions of the law officers of the crown, and were supported by the contributions of the excessively loyal throughout the kingdom, including many in Manchester. In the autumn of 1821, a poor man, named Ridgeway, a bookseller in this town, was convicted of selling a libellous publication to a man named Mellor, a spy, or "informer," employed by the "gang," and their sole witness. The evidence of this fellow having been shaken by the testimony of Ridgeway and some of his neighbours, and a motion having been made for a new trial, the " gang " considered it necessary to strengthen his testimony, and a few counter affidavits having been procured, the question became one of conflicting evidence. The King's Bench decided against Ridgcway's application. Murray, the attor- ney of the " gang," determined to put Ridgeway effectually down, attended at the Lancaster spring assizes, 1822, and uted an indictment of perjury against him, which, upon the evidence of Mellor and others, was found. Poor was then in prison, his wife and four children were dependent upon charity lor their subsistence, and he IKK! not a >liilling to defend himself. But he found friends amongst the reformers of Manchester Richard Potter's " small but firm band." His case was investigated, evidence 238 KIDOEWAY'S CASE. was examined, and it was found that then- were about a score of witnesses, of unimpeachable character, ready to \ to the truth of his statement. These witiu r- wen- sent to Lancaster on Saturday, the 24th of August, and were in waiting there until the following Wednesday, whA the case was called and put off", on an affidavit from Mr. Murray, the "gang's" solicitor, that a material witness could not be able to attend until next day. Next day came, the witness was present, and the trial was about to begin, when the clerk of the crown informed his lord- ship that there was a certiorari to remove the case into the King's Bench ! Mr. Baron Wood. Then of course I cannot proceed with it. Mr. Sergeant Hullock. That ia the object ', my lord ; we are not quite ready. Mr. Brougham. Your lordship will see the hardship of this pro- ceeding is, that the poor defendant will be compelled to bring his twenty witnesses again, at an expense which he cannot afford. Mr. Baron Wood. I cannot help that, Mr. Brougham ; I have no power. It may be a defect in the law. Mr. Brougham. Yes, my lord, and there arc always persons (look- ing at Mr. Murray) ready to avail themselves of d< l<< t> in tin- law, for the purpose of oppressing an individual. Then, my lord, there i> another hardship on the poor defendant. He i- now in confinement in this jail for a misdemeanour, and I suppose there will be an attempt to keep him in prison after the expiration of his term of imprison- ment, until the next assizes. If your lordship could make an order that he should be admitted to bail at Manchester, where he ult. Few found fault with the exposure, but there was no doubt that a libel had been published. Xo names were mentioned ; no name of a town ; no name even of a county was L Would Dicas prove that the libel applied to him by proving that he was the only Manchester attorney who had been two years imprisoned for fraud ? He did so. On the trial at Shrewsbury, a former clerk of Dicas proved that I >ieas had been convicted of conspiracy, in issuing a fraudulent commission of bankruptcy against a person of the name of Bulwer; he knew it because he was in court when tin- case was tried. This was evidence that the allusion was to Dicas, and it followed that the application of the term wretch" was to Mr. Dicas's partner. To prove special damages, a clerk in the bank was examined, who said that ATTEMPT TO MURDER. 241 about 1,900 in one-pound notes had been in circulation, and that, in consequence of what had been said in the Guard inn, notes were sent in to the bank for payment to the amount of 1,000 in six weeks, and that no sooner hey iv-issued than they were sent in again. This was indeed a dreadful run a run which, in six weeks, brought back the large amount of 1,000. The damages were laid at 5,000 ; the verdict of the jury was for 10. Probably, had not the partner, who had not run away, and had not been imprisoned, been called a wretch, the verdict would have been for a farthing. The costs, amounting to several hundred pounds, fell on the Guardian; but the greater part of the money was repaid by a subscription, and the paper had the advantage, from that time, of being it -red as the guardian of the commercial interests of the town and neighbourhood a reputation much more valuable, in a pecuniary point of view, than the fame of being the advocate of popular rights. Very considerable interest was excited by another trial this year by an attempt to murder an extensive manufac- turer at Preston. On the morning of Sunday, July 27th, as Mr. Horrocks was returning from church, and was opening the gate of his partner, Mr. Miller, a man named Kyding came behind and gave him a blow with a heavy kitchen cleaver, which cut through the hat and inflicted a frightful wound on the head. Mr. Horrocks turned round in time to avert a second blow aimed at the head, and to re it and successive blows on the arm, which received re cuts. Mr. Horrocks' cries of murder brought assistance, and the man was taken into custody, without making any effort to escape. There had been a period of tranquillity, and comparative prosperity to the working classes. This attempt at assassination in broad daylight, especially \\hen it became known, from the prisoner's own declaration, that he had been the writer of an anonymous letter, threatening Mr. Horrocks with death, unless he 242 KYDING'S INSANITY. raised the wages of his spinners, gave great alarm, for it was believed to be the result of a conspiracy among>t the operatives to effect their objects by the murder of masters who resisted their demands. Such an atrocity gave the more alarm, occurring at a time when the working classes were enjoying more than usual comforts. Then- were many circumstances, however, which had soured the tem- per of the operatives, and rendered them hostile to their employers. Their efforts to obtain reform in parliament had exposed them to the yeoman's sword and the constable's staff. Many had their wages paid in " truck," instead of the current coin of the realm. The combination laws ren- dered them liable to imprisonment if they jointly attempted, no matter how peaceable the means, to raise wages, or to resist reduction of wages. There was a law, also, to prevent their emigration to other countries, where there was a better demand for their labour; and there was a law to impose heavy duties on food imported for their consumption. Their masters generally were opposed to reform, and firm sup- porters of the combination laws. Many of them profited largely by the truck system ; most were opposed to emigra- tion, in the fear that they would lose their best hands : and few amongst them had the courage or inclination to protest against the impoverishing bread tax. It was not surprising that they were regarded as the enemies of the working classes not surprising that an occasional unavoidable re- duction of wages should be attributed to their grasping cupidity. Kyding, a young man of twenty-two years of age, had been afflicted with a disease in the brain, which made him exceedingly desponding at times, and at other brief times almost delirious, but did not seem otherv atf'rrt his intellect. Hearing continually of the oppression exercised by the masters, this lad determined to avenge the wrongs of his class. He considered Horrocks and Miller to be the principal movers in a reduction of wages. It occurred to him, one night in bed, that it was his duty to PERVERTED HEROISM. . 243 shoot them. He awoke several times in the night, and the same idea always presented itself. It became his day- dream, and he became unfit for his work, and was always discharged afterwards from every situation he obtained. FATE seemed to be impelling him onwards. It was neces- sary, he thought, that the nation should know what oppres- sors the masters at Preston were. The conviction, under the combination laws, of some operative spinners in that town, gave a further stimulus to action. He would not kill his mind seems to have ultimately revolted against that but he would inflict grievous wounds, that he himself might be tried for life, and that by his trial and death he might rouse the country to a redress of the wrongs under which he and his class were suffering ! The jury returned a verdict of not guilty, on the ground of insanity, and the victim of strangely perverted heroism was lost sight of in the recesses of a prison, in which he was to be shut up during his majesty's pleasure. In the brief periods of comparative commercial prosperity, amidst the innumerable wild schemes of speculation which start up, there has been usually, in Manchester, the origi- nation of some publicly useful institution, which stands as a mark that all was not madness at the period. On the 1st of October, 1823, a meeting was held at the Exchange, Dr. Davt-nport Hulme in the chair, to consider the propriety of establishing an institution for the promotion of literature, science, and the fine arts. The principal speaker was Mr. George William Wood, but the following gentlemen took a part in the proceedings by moving and seconding the twenty-two resolutions : 1. George William Wood Robert Hindley. 2. Thomas Hardman Robert Christ ir. 3. Thomas Ains worth Jonathan Dawson. 4. David Holt J. A. Ransome. 6. William Qarnctt Thomas Sharp. 6. G. W. Wood G. T. Bury. 7. R. H. Greg Joseph Birley. M 2 2 \ t BOTAL INSTITUTION. 8. William Townend David Holt. 9. Samuel Kay Charles Brandt. 10. Thomas Hoyle Samuel Kay. 11. Charles Brandt Beresford Turner. 12. Robert Philips S. Barton. 13. Henry Hardie, M.D. Dr. Lyon. 14. James Beardoe George Hole. 15. J. A. Ransome John Macfarlane. 16. E. J. Loyd Joseph Birley. 17. Thomas Ainsworth E J. Loyd. 18. Thomas Sharp David Holt. 19. James n. Heron S. Barton. 20. O. W. Wood Thomas Ainsworth. 21. David Holt Thomas Ainsworth. 22. Charles Oreenway Thomas Sharp. The subscriptions amounted, before the end of the year, to upwards of 14,000, and being continued into the pros- perous year 1824, the Royal Institution was founded, which, though not so extensively useful as it might have been, and may still be, under more energetic and more popular government, is highly creditable to the period when it was established. CHAPTER XVI, PURCHASE OF " COWDROY'S GAZETTE." IN a preceding chapter some account was given of the establishment of the Guardian. In describing the de- velopment of public opinion in this metropolis of the northern provinces, it seemed necessary to notice the origin of a journal which became the organ of whiggism, from its resurrection, after the horrors of the French Revolution had been forgotten, until its decadence, when the people began to believe that they had about as much interest in the quarrels between the whig and tory factions as in those between the rival houses of Montagu and Capulet. There was a great leap to be taken to bring toryism up to a rational radicalism. Whiggery was a con- venient middle stepping-stone, broad enough for men to stand upon, and sneer at the tardy fools behind, and the too-fast fools before. The Guardian, after a two years' experience of the difficulty of progression, took up its position half-way, rather disposed to wait for the coming up of those who were in the rear, than to march forward and join those who were in advance. Throughout the whole of its third year it would have been difficult for any one reading its columns to discover the hand of a reformer. And yet it would have been difficult to point out any departure from the promises set forth in its prospectus, so vaguely had they been expressed. Had any one said : " Here are no reform principles," the reply would \\-.\\v been : " Look here here are two lines expressing a doubt that the House of Commons fully represents the people. You say there is no fruit in the orchard. Look here. Don't you sec a pear at the top of that branch, behind 246 MRS. COWDBOY. those leaves?" The paper had not abandoned its prin- ciples it had only ceased to give them earnest expression. Considerable dissatisfaction was expressed by some of the gentlemen who had been most instrumental in establish- ing the journal, expecting that it would be a bold and uncompromising exponent of political truth and progress ; and I was often advised to purchase Cou-droy's Gazette, and offered .-issuance if I found that it required more capital than I could command. The circumstances of the times, as well as my own desire to contribute something to the formation of a right public opinion, induced me to think favourably of the proposition. On the foundation of a healthy state of trade, a superstructure of false confidence had been raised. The spirit of rash speculation prevailed, and I plainly perceived that a panic would follow. I fore- saw that the house, from the sale of whose goods I derived two-thirds of my income, would not be able to stand, should there come, as I was certain there would come, a sudden depression of trade, with failures, great reduction of prices, and an extraordinary limitation of discounts. If it was imprudent to enter into a new business, it was impru- dent to wait in one upon which a fearful crash was sure to come. I made the purchase of copyright and materials ; paid 800 down, and engaged to pay Mrs. Cowdroy 100 a year for eight years ; laid out 300 more on a new press and a new fount of type ; and thus I commenced a new career, full of health and hope. Mrs. Cowdroy had derived a living from the paper, though a scanty one. The whole wages of compositors and pressmen amounted to only pounds a week. I should have to increase the expenditure ; but an increase of the circulation, which was 1 ,000 a week, to 1 .500, and of the advertisements in the same proportion, would, I expected, meet the extra outlay. I had full faith that the principles I held would, ulti- mately, be those held by the great majority of the people inhabiting Manchester and its populous neighbourhood. WHAT MIGHT BE DONE. 247 There needed to be, in my firm belief, only earnest and frequent appeals to common sense, common humanity, and common justice, to effect great and beneficial changes. I could not suppose that masters would long ask for liberty to combine, while workmen were liable to imprisonment for a peaceful agreement among themselves, as to what wages tlu'v would accept ; that a mercantile and manufacturing community would long quietly submit to a law which limited their trade, and laid a grievous tax upon the people's food; that there would be a continual insult to Dissenters, by their exclusion from corporate offices ; that Roman Catholics would be long bitterly insulted and deeply wronged, by being excluded from all share in the repre- sentation of the country ; that the inhabitants of Manchester would long submit to the dictation of a petty officer of the Lord of the Manor ; that Manchester and Salford, with 200,000 inhabitants, would long remain unrepresented, while one hundred boroughs, whose united population amounted only to that number, continued to send two hundred members to parliament; or that, in demanding freedom ourselves, we could deny it to the hundreds of thousands who were enduring the galling yoke of slavery in our colonies. I had full faith that these changes might be effected, and some belief that I might aid in effecting them. Goethe has said : " Our wishes are presentiments of the capabilities which lie within us, are harbingers of that we shall be able to perform. Whatever we are able and would like to do presents itself to our imagination, as without us and in the future ; we feel a longing after that which wi* already possess in secret. Thus a passionate anticipating grasp changes the truly possible info a dreamed reality." In commencing my career as a journalist, I K N i \\ that the principles I advocated would ultimately be triumphant KNEW it as certainly as if the chart of futurity lay open before me. It might not be in my time as a journalist not in my time as a man but " come it would 248 SOMETHING DOXE. for all that ;" and that conviction sustained me throughout all subsequent difficulties difficulties which would have driven many a man mad. I felt that the exigence of a thoroughly independent paper for only a few years would a di //Kind for its continuance ; I might fail I might die the principles, once fairly enunciated, could neither fail nor die. Much that I anticipated has been done ; I had some share, however humble, in the doing ; and the jiaper, renovated in June, 1824, and carried on for a quarter of a century, as the Manchester Gazrtd; the Manchester Times and Gazette, and the Manchester I'.j-a miner and Tunes, is now not only at the head of the Mam-luster press, but at the head of the provincial press of the United Kingdom. I knew that the exponent and organ of progression would reach this rank ; I always said it would said so when I was Laughed at for the saying. The time r It is not for man to fix a time ; he must work to accelerate the pei iod must have faith that " the braw time is coming." All my rejoicing at things done was not reserved till they were done. I knew that they would be done, and rejoiced while they were adoing. Much is yet to do much there will always be to do, for the cultivated field will go back to barrenness if it be left alone ; but as the work is wanted men will be found to do it. Rough pioneers have gone before and cleared away many of the most formidable obstructions. Cultivation must follow the clearing of the forest and jungle. About the beginning of 1824, three gentlemen. Mr. William Fuirlxiirn, Mr. Thomas Hopkins, and Mr. Riehard Roberts, conversing on the proposal to establish an institu- tion (now the Royal Institution) for the promotion of literature and the fine arts, thought it would be well that another should be established to teach the application of science to mechanical and manufacturing art, for the benefit of young men who needed practical instruction and had not the means to obtain it, unless offered to them at a MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. 249 cheap rate. They each agreed to contribute ten pounds, and to endeavour to induce others to follow their example. A public meeting was held on the 17th of April, at the Bridgewater Arms, in High-street, Benjamin Heywood, Esq., in the chair, in which it was resolved that an institu- tion, to be called the Manchester Mechanics' Institution, should be formed, the leading objects of which should be the delivery of lectures on the various sciences and their application to the arts, and the establishment of a suitable library for reference and circulation. Mr. Heywood sub- scribed twenty guineas, and the following gentlemen ten guineas each : Joseph Birley, Phillips and Lee, T. and M. Marsland, John M'Farlane, G. W. Wood, Henry Gore, John Pooley, Thomas Appleby, B. A. Heywood, James Occleston, C. Greenway, Joseph Frith, Lawrence Buchan, Robert Seddon, Thomas Hopkins, Charles KIT, Grant and Brothers, Robert Philips, Thomas Hoyle, Dr. Henry, J. C. Dyer, John Kennedy, John Royle, H. Houldsworth, W. Jenkitison, Richard Roberts, W. Marsden, \V. Williams, J. L. Bradbury, Jonathan Cocker, 8. R. Brooks, Robert Christie, Saml. Greg and Co., James Lillic, Thomas Sharp, P. Novell!, T. Houldsworth, M.P. James M'Connel, Thomas Bury, W. Oi^'liton, \\.Fairbairn, S.M.Moore, James Murray, Peter Taylor, Joseph Brotherton. Such was the commencement of an institution which, after being subject to many vicissitudes, has become one of the most popular and most useful of its class, combining the diffusion of very valuable and solid information with the promotion of rational and refining recreation, at the chiMpi'st ]><>--ible rate. The establishment of the Mechanics' Institution, sub- scriptions to the amount of 26,000 towards erecting the Royal Institution, and of 5,000 towards the enlargement of the Infirmary, together with a generous contribution M 3 250 SPECULATION. for the relief of sufferers by great inundations in (Icrmany, were some of the results of the prosperous year 1824. Manchester had not yet participated much in the rash spirit of speculation which was exhibited in London. It had mainly manifested itself here in the purchase of the raw material in the staple article of manufacture : but the speculations in cotton were kept considerably in check by a series of able articles in the (inanUnn, written by a gentleman of great experience in that trade, who exposed the various devices made use of to raise prices. At the close of the year, however, some symptoms were exhibited here of the tendency to enter Tipon great joint-stock specu- lations. The first impulse to the share mania in London seems to have been given by the intention of ministers to the independence of the South American States having transpired. The avidity for shares in the mines may be shown by comparing the prices in five of the principal companies at two periods, only a month apart : Dec. 10, 1824. Jan. 11, 1825. B. . Anglo-Mexican 33 prcm 158 Brazilian 10 dis 66 Columbia 19 prcm 82 Real <1.-1 Mmito 560 1,350 I niU-d Mexican 35 1,550 It was computed that in the end of 1824, and the 1 < ning of 182"), 276 companies had been projected, with a proposed capital of 174,000,000! Of th< re for canals and docks, 48 for railroads, 42 for gas, 34 for metal mines, 20 for insurances, 23 for banking, 12 for navigation and packets. A man, in haste to become rich, had no more to do than put down his name for share-. ] ay a few pounds for his scrip, sell at a high premium, and repeat the process. As John Knox said, when he saw the splendour of Queen Mary's court at Holyrood, "Ah, ladies, it is a brave world this if it would but last." "We shall THE COBX LAW. 251 hear by and by of the bubble bursting ; and, all the teach- ings of experience being thrown away, of fresh bubbles being blown, to burst in their turn. At the opening of the parliamentary session, February 2nd, 1 826, the contentment and the thriving condition of all classes of the people was the most remarkable topic in the royal speech. There were some symptoms, however, that the prosperity was not to be of very long duration. In the general confidence money was so easily obtained, that speculation was carried to a considerable height, and fears began to be entertained by those who had been accus- tomed to mark the causes of commercial fluctuation, that a considerable depression would follow. The abundant har- vest of 1822 had, for some time, counteracted the mis- chievous operation of the corn law, but advancing prices convinced all who had given any thought to the subject, that there was great danger to be apprehended whenever the crops should yield less than a good average. In 1 825 a movement was made in Manchester, not for the repeal, but for the revision of the law. In its increased vigour it had existed tea years, and consequently had become "venerable." It had been an "innovation" ten years be- fore; it had now become an "establishment;" to abolish it woulil have been a " revolution." The movement had no energy in it carried no hearty sympathies with it. Mr. William Garnett, afterwards an unsuccessful candidate for the representation of Salford, was the principal speaker. It was a sensible speech enough for a merchant, on a mere question of exchanges. There was no allusion to the semi- starvation of millions when a scanty harvest came ; agri- culture would flourish when trade flourished ; prohibitory duties provoked retaliatory duties on the part of other nations ; America might become a formidable manufac- turing rival : therefore it was desirable that the law should be revised. It was a sensible speech enough, but without life or soul dry as a remainder biscuit after a long voyage. 252 AN OLD FALLACY. One resolution, moved by Mr. John Edward Taylor, seconded by Mr. Frederick Lilly, a corn merchant, was as follow > : " That permanently lu'gh prices of corn would be evidently and generally injurious : they would either greatly depreciate the condi- tion of our manufacturing population, or, by raising the wages of labour, materially increase the facilities for successful rivaLshi]> with our producti\c industry abroad; and the declining condition of our trade, which would then eusue, would eventually entail on the agri- culturists, in common with every other class of the community, the greatest suffering." There was here a repetition of the fallacy on which the elder Sir Robert Peel and the other manufacturers of Manchester, had opposed the bill of 1815 a fallacy which, being thus sanctioned by Manchester, was repeated by the landlord class throughout all the subsequent struggle for free trade; and their constant taunt to the manufac- turing class was, that they were afraid of high prices of food, only because they were afraid that they would pay a higher rate of wages. The meeting was, ho\\ memorable, inasmuch as it was the first held by merchants and manufacturers, after the working classes had been driven out of the field of agitation for free trade and free representation. It was a small movement in the right direction, and our gratitude to the movers is not to be withheld, because they clung to one or two old fallacies. The fault \\as with the mercantile and manufacturing public generally, who believed that tbe then prosperity was to be lasting. The Catholic Association, under the energetic leadership of Daniel <>( ',,iiiu 11. had made itself formidable to the ministry, and it had become obvious that, ere long, there would l>e a majority of the members of the House of Commons in favour of the removal of Catholic disabilities. i<>n encountered a bigoted and intolerant oppo- sition ; the cry of " No popery!" resounded throughout the land, and many men believed that the days of the O'CONTTELL ON PAID PRIESTS. 253 bloody Mary would be revived if a few Romanists ob- tained admission into the legislature. Be it noted, however, that there were not a few reformers, and not a few sincere friends of religious liberty, who had some diffi- culty in giving in their adhesion to the cause, seeing the terms on which some of the leading Catholics were willing to purchase eligibility to seats in either house of parliament. These leaders were willing to buy their own enfranchisement by the sacrifice of the electoral rights of the forty-shilling freeholders in Ireland ; and, to give ;m insurance that they would be peaceable subjects, they were ready to submit to the degradation of having their priests made paid pensioners of the state. In a letter to the Catholic Association, read at one of its meetings, in Ma rcli the last which was held, in consequence of an act for its dissolution), Mr. O'Connell said : " Although a provision for our clergy is spoken of, it certainly has not been spoken of in any shape which could excite the least alarm in tin- mind of the most scrupulous Catholic ; and, as to the principle of that measure, is there any one who imagines that the Catholic people of Ireland can be finally admitted into the condition of sub- jects, so as to constitute a portion of the universal British nation, without our clergy hacig a natural and just claim on the ttate for a provision? If there be, / am not of their opinion. I own I think that our clergy ought to receive a support from that state which we, the Catholics, contribute to maintain with our moneys and our blood ; and as to the details of that provision, arc they not safe in the hands of our exivlli'iit prelates, subject also as they must be to the inspec- tion of all the people, Protestant and Catholic of the empire, before they can be finally adopted or made into a law ?" Mr. O'Connell afterwards changed his opinions with regard to the endowment of the Catholic priests. Before his death he declared his strong opposition to the endow- ment of any religious sect ; and he denounced every proposal to endow the priests of his own faith, as an attempt to make them the miserable slaves of the state. But he would have permitted them to accept the insidious 2 ') I FORTY-SHILLING FREEHOLDERS. bribe in 1825. Then it was "safe in the h;u. excellent prelates." While, therefore, we notice, with indignation, the intolerance and bigotry which would have excluded men from seats in parliament on account of their conscientious religious opinions, let it be recollected that there were not a few undoubted friends of religious liberty, who were not willing that emancipation should be had, accompanied by an agrccd-to condition which was as much at variance with principle as was the ex- clusion of the Catholics from the legislature. The payment of the Catholic priests was to have been one "wing" of the Catholic Kmancipation Bill the disfianchisement of the forty-shilling freeholders was to have been another. Mr. O'Conncll, in the letter which we have already quoted, said, in reference to this proposed wholr.-ale disfranchiscment : " Let me ask, will not the stimulus to make freeholders exist after emancipation as powerfully as at present ? It certainly will ; and, if it do exist, is it robbing the poor to make a law which shall compel any landlord who wishes to make 400. freeholders to make t lease for one life, at a rent which makes the qualification nominal, and puts the freeholder completely in the power of the landlord ? Would it IH robbing the poor if the landlords, instead of giving a 4Os. free-hold, gave a freehold of 10 annual value? I recollect that the landlords will, after the measure, want 10 free- holders as they now want 40s. freeholders. They may, perhapt, not make to many of the. one. a* of (he other ; but every 10 freeholder would be a comfortable person. Who will say that the 40s. free- holders are so ?" After reading this sophisticated defence of a sweeping nicasurc of unjust disfranchiscment, the association passed a unanimous vote, declaring, in the strongest terms its " uiuliininished and undivided confidence in Mr. O'Conncll." Arc we to be surprised then that there were many staunch reformers who hesitated in giving in their adhesion to a cause, the success of which was to be gained by such abandonment of all the principles of reform ? MANCHESTEB PKOTESTAXTS. 255 I do not absolve from the charge of bigotry and intole- rance a party of men in Manchester who bitterly opposed themselves to Catholic Emancipation. They had no objec- tions to endowment if they had all the endowment to their own church ; they had no objection to sweeping disfran- chisemcnt they would gladly have added the English furty->hilling freeholds to the Irish, and swept them away all together. Neither reformers nor friends of religious liberty, they were actuated only by a deep hatred and a frantic fear of the " papists." An honest hatred and a real fear no doubt a kind of protestantism run mad, and therefore about as much to be pitied as condemned. The same class of persons, thirty years earlier, would have pulled down Presbyterian chapels, and thought they did God service. In March, Sir Francis Burdett's resolutions for the relief of the Irish Catholics were carried in the House of Commons by a majority of 247 to 234. The ultra Protestants of Manchester came to the rescue of the " constitution," and at a meeting convened by private circular, and held privately on the 22nd of April, they passed strong resolutions against any further concessions to the papists. The petitions founded on these resolutions were sent on the Saturday and Sunday to the ministers of tho Methodist, Independent, and Baptist denominations, with notes requesting that they would allow the sheets to be sent to their chapels for the purpose of receiving the signatures of their congregations, The Independent and Baptist ministers, without concert, declined to allow the petitions to be received in their chapels. The Unitarian ministers were not asked for their co-operation. On the 25th of April, the Duke of York, who was a bishop as well as a general, strengthened by the movement in Man- ehe>ter and other towns, made his famous declaration, immediately printed in gold, and sent to all parts of the kingdom. "Twenty years," he said, "had elapsed since the subject was first launched; its agitation had been 256 MEETING IN MANCHESTER. the source of the illness which had clouded the last ten years of his father's life ; and, to the last moment of his existence, he would adhere to his principles, so help him GOD !'' The friends of civil and religious liberty, not frightened at the declaration, on oath, of the pious prince and bishop, resolved that a public meeting should be held to counteract any effect that might have been produced by the resolutions passed in private, but paraded as if they had emanated from the inhabitants of Manchester. The meeting, con- vened by the boroughreeve, was held on the 5th of May, in the Manor Court Room, which was excessively crowded on the occasion. Mr. John Douglas moved the first resolu- tion, which was seconded by Mr. George W. Wood, who, in the course of his speech, animadverted very strongly on the proceedings of the hole-and-corner meeting which had previously been held. This called up Mr. Benjamin Braid- ley, afterwards boroughreeve, and a candidate for the repre- sentation of Manchester, who, certainly with great boldness, !<ut I hope the time will come, and before long, when even the prejudices of Mr. Peel will disappear, and when Catholics and Protestants shall take each other by the hand, and bury their discords and animosities in oblivion. (Loud cheers.) Mr. Peel, in his last speech, drew an argument from what has been recently going on in France. It seems they hare passed some sort of a severe law in that country, about what they call sacrilege; and Mr. Peel maintained that on that account we ought not to emancipate the Catholics. But if the French are illiberal, I do not see why wo should become tyrants. (Cheers.) There are in this country a many Cat holies, and a great many Pro- testants. .Let us all consult each other's interests, and cult i\ :r other's good wilL (Cheers.) Let us live together as one people; and let foreign nations, if they will, pursue tyranny, till ty ninny pursues them." (Loud cheers.) The original resolutions were carried by n great majority, although two or three speakers, with nuich fury of utter- once and much frantic gesticulation, attempted to runvinre the meeting that the liberties of the people would be de- stroyed if any Catholic was allowed to take a seat in either house of parliament. The time for emancipation had not come. Ou the 17th of May the Catholic llelief Bill was OPINIONS ON EMANCIPATION. 259 rejected in the Lords by a majority of 178 against 130. The bill for disfranchising the forty-shilling freeholders was withdrawn. At the time when the meeting in favour of catholic emancipation was held in the Manor Court Room, it ap- peared to me that there was such an equality in the numbers in Manchester of those who were favourable and those who were opposed, that nothing short of actual enumeration could have decided which was in the majority. There were many, however, who, so far as any public manifestation went, might be supposed to be neuter, but who, if canvassed, would have given their suffrage in favour of the abolition of all those exclusive statutes which were in force against those who did not profess the state religion. There were many who deplored the errors and the superstitions of the Church of Rome, who were, at the same time, convinced that those errors were only the more pertinaciously adhered to because that church had been proscribed and persecuted. They had seen that penal and exclusive statutes had only wedded the people of Ireland to their ancient faith. They had seen Catholicism strengthened by the very means used for its suppression ; and they now wished to sec its professors emancipated from their disabilities, in order that the irritation, which always is the result of oppression, might cease, and that, in tho succeeding calm, reason and truth might exert their legitimate influence. That such irritation paralysed all protestant effort, however kindly intended, there was abundant proof. The Rev. and Hon. Baptist Noel, at a meeting held in Leeds, in April, 1825, declared that, in his efforts to establish in Ireland auxiliaries to the Hibernian Society, he had found the refusal of civil privileges to the catholics one of the greatest obstructions to the success of the society. It irritated them against the protestants, and made them suspect everything from that quarter, insomuch that one intelligent individual in that country said, " You 260 MB. NOEL AMD MB. OXLAD. might as well hope to do good by sending tax-gatherers as by sending preachers, so long as this system continues." Mr. Baines, of the Leeds Mercury, who had all along man- fully fought the battle for emancipation, in reference to Air. Noel's remarks, said : " Mr. Noel gave no opinion about catholic emancipation ; he especially declared that he should pronounce no opinion on the subject ; but these facts he could not conceal they stared liim in the face wherever ho went ; and he feels bound to declare to the society in England what he felt to be the greatest practical impediment to his benevolent exertions. Mr. Noel is a most unexceptionable witness ; for the treatment he received in Ireland would tend to impress him, not in favour of the catholics, but against them, if his superior intellect had not penetrated to the causes of things, and found that it was the English system, and not the Irish character, that was to blame." AVith such evidence of the results of exclusion from civil rights, I saw a growing disposition in favour of a change of measures, and this disposition, I was convinced, had neutralised many whose dislike to popery might otherwise have made them the determined opposers of every proposal to release Catholicism from the bonds which were imposed upon it by the fears or the hatred of a less enlightened and less tolerant age. Mr. Oxlad, a baptist minister, made an eloquent speech, at Chester, in which he expressed the sentiments of many who were beginning to think that a blind opposition to the claims of catholics was not the best way to promote the interests of protestantism. He said : " Aspiring demagogues, enlisted on the side of popery, can only succeed when- the people have their minds irritated into asperities by political injuries. Where they have the means of education, admit them to equal rights allow them no pretence for complaining as citizens, and your turbulent demagogues lose tlieir influence find no material)* to work upon, and they are deprived of the only vantage ground on which they can ever stand. The political discontents of the catholics are the only reasons for alarm, for which emancipation it the only cure, and for which our opponents can advise ho sub.-i it ut < EPISCOPALIANS AND FBESBYTEEIANB. 261 but the augmentation of the discontents. Oppress them, and you make them your enemies, and awaken, if you do not justify, their rage. You have been exhorted this morning not to suffer the claws of the lion to grow which your ancestors pared the propriety of which metaphor I shall not question, and only add, that it would be well to remember, the lion, when starved and ill-treated, becomes rampant and outrageous. Whilst, however, I differ from many in estimating the danger of popery, I do not stand up to defend or ex- cuse the system. I speak as a protestant, and a protestant dissenter ; and without intending any disrespect to the respectable catholic clergymen present, I freely declare my abhorrence of popery ; I long for its overthrow ; and would not support the cause of emancipation if I thought it would in any degree delay this consummation of my wishes." There were still many persons who really feared the re- vival of the fires in Smithfield, if the laws against Catholics were made less stringent. It was worth while to show these timid people that protestantism could persecute in its turn. In an article in the Gazette, I enumerated some of the horrible atrocities perpetrated in Scotland, in the time between the battle of Both well Brig, in 1679, and the revolution of 1688, and said: " Be it recollected that these atrocities were not committed by the papists. Protestant blood was shed by Protestants. The deadly persecution was not directed by the Church of Rome against those she considered heretics, but by the Protestant Episcopal Church of England against the Protestant Presbyterian Church of Scotland. Does any one fear that a conventicle will now be attacked, sword in hand, because the preacher has chosen to be ordained by his co-pres- byters rather than accept of episcopal ordination ? The doctrines and government of both c-1 lurches remain the same ; but there is a change in the spirit wit It which the doctrines are held and the government ndnmii>t< ivte to make hay while the sun shone. It was obvious ich a state of things could not continue. In Man- i and iN immediate vicinity, the issue of small rags had been steadily discountenanced, and. in consequence, the paper transactions repre-entcd, in a great degree, actual Rales ; and there was in circulation a greater proportion of Hank of notes, and of gold and silver, when com- pared with the paper issued by provincial bank-, than there was in any other part of the kingdom. Hut the country could not generally suffer without involving Manchester in the calamity. The country bankers, by the end of November, 1825, began to make heavy demands on the discounting houses in London. One house, which to have about thirty applications on a Monday, had, on Monday, November 28th, no fewer than three hundred. BANK FAILUKES. 207 The failure of Sir William Klford's bank, at Plymouth, added to the alarm in the London money market, and a run on the Plymouth banks forced the bankers into London to obtain, at any cost, the means to meet the sudden demand. The failure of the great bank of Wentworth and Co., Wakeficld, added to the general alarm in the metropolis, and occasioned quite a panic in the manufacturing districts in Yorkshire. In Manchester the circulation of provincial notes was instantaneously stopped. Every one hastened to pay away what he had, but no one would receive them ; and every note (except those which were payable there, and which were promptly exchanged for gold, till long past the usual banking hours) became, for the time, nothing more than waste paper. In the corn market business was ; entirely suspended ; cheese, which had been weighed out by the ton for the country shopkeepers, was put back again when it was found that the buyers had nothing to pay with but country paper; and the shopkeepers, in many instances, chose rather to give credit to persons who were almo>t strangers to them, than to take payment in a medium which had ceased to be current. The general alarm was greatly increased when, on Satur- day evening. December 10th, it was announced that the London banking house of Sir Peter Pole, Mart., Thornton and Company, had determined not to open their doors on the Monday, and that Dobson and Co., of Iluddcrstield, had stopped payment. The run on the banks in Wakefield, lluddcrsfield, and Halifax was terrific, but timely supplies and declarations of confidence from the leading manufac- turer-- Mi-taincd them in the emergency. Froin Oldham to Dobcross the road was a scene of complete hurry and bustle, tradesmen and manufacturers being - e.i hastening on their way to exchange the paper of the Saddlewortli banks for gold. On the Wednesday bills were di>tributed, to which were attached the signatures of upwards of two hundred individuals or firms, stating that " the undersigned, feeling K 2 268 THE RUN FOB GOLD. satisfied as to the responsibility of the two respectable banking houses of Buckley, Roberts, and Co., and I Iarrop, Brown, and Co., of Saddleworth, and foreseeing the ruinous consequences to trade which must be produced by suddenly withdrawing from circulation the provincial promissory notes, do hereby express our determination to take their notes, as usual, to any amount." This publication restored confidence in the stability of the Saddleworth banks. although from Manchester there was a continued demand upon them for gold in exchange for their paper, influenced by some resentment that after former efforts to get rid of their notes there should still be so many of them in circu- lation. In my paper of December 31st I find the following list of the failures of country banks : Axhbttrlon. Brown and Co. Will pay every demand in January. Alton. Levy and Co. Banbury. Gillett and Co. Stopped in consequence of the failure of Gibbons and Co., Birmingham. Bedford, Rawling* and Co. Birmingham. Gibbons, Smith, and Bood. Boston. Ingelow and Co. Bristol. Brown, Cavanagh, and Co. Bath. Cavanagh, Brown, and Co., and Smitli, Moyer, and Co. Bradford, Wakefield, and York. Wentworth, Chaloner, and Co. Brighton. Lashmal and Muggcridgc, and Gregory, TampLin, and Greary. Cheltenham and Gloucester. Turners and Morris. TetrkftltMiy and Ecetham. Hart land and Son. Cherttey. Lacostc and Co. Since resumed. Cambridge. Hillock and Co. Chelmiford. Craket, Russell, and Co. Datfntry. Watkins and Co. In consequence of the suspension of Sykcc and Co. Dorchester. R. Pattison and Co. In consequence of the suspen- sion of Williams and Co. Dorking. Piper and Co. Devonport. Shields and Johns. Darlington. Skinner and Co. Since resumed. Deal. May and Co. LIST OF FAILURES. 269 Dia. Fincham and Son. Falmovth. Carne, Lake, and Carnes. Oracesend. Brancliley and Co. Hereford. Garret t and Son. Hinckley. Jervis and Co., and Sansoms and Co., who both drew on Sir P. Pole and Co. Hudderxfitld. John Dobson and Son. Kettertng. Gotch and Son, and Keen and Co. Kingston (Surrey}. Shrubsole and Co. Lnoes Wood, Hall, and Co. Leicester. Clarke and Phillips. All demands seem likely to be paid in full. Maidstonf. Edmeads, Etkins, and Tyrell, who drew on Sir P. Pole and Co. Monmouth. Sneed and Co. Notes still current. Melksham. Mowle, Son, and Co. Will soon resume. ifalfon. Crichet, Russell, and Co. Nanticich. Broughton and Garnett. Newcastle-under-Lyne. Sparrow and Co. Norwich (and various branches}. T. II. and W. Day. Northampton. Smith, Osborne, and Co. Peterborough. Simpson, White, and Co. Plymouth. SirW. Elford and Co. Poole and Wimborne. Dean, Clapcott, and Co. Rotnford. Joyuer and Co., who drew on Esdaile and Co.; and Joyner and Co., who drew on Gill and Co. Ripon and Knaresbro'. Charnock and Thnckray. Saffron Walden. Searle, Son, and Co., and Searle and Co. Southampton. Killon and Pritchard. Have fixed an early day for payment of notes. St. Neofs. Rbc, Gorham, and Co. Sheernfss. E. Bishop. tHoi-H-fiin. Huti-hinson and Place. Siraiuea. Gibbons, Eaton, and Co. and Haines. Teirkexbury. Ha: t land and Co. Weymouth. Ilenning, Bower, and Co. .'///,//. Morton and Co. Winchester. Deanc and Co. Since resumed. Windsor. Ramsbottom and Leigh. lyimbone. Dean and Co. Wlsbeach. Hill and Son. Wkitehacen. Johnson, Adams, and Co. 270 THI. Wo UK IN(i CLASSES. The failure it BO many country banks caused nn almost unparalleled number of bankruptcies amongst country drapers, and these failures bore very liravily on tlu- whole- sale houses' in Manchester, London, and Bristol, who were also, generally holding large stocks, greatly sufferers by the sudden fall of the prices of goods. For a time the home trade was completely paralyzed, and the manufactures which should have gone to the home supply were thrown upon the foreign market, working out a further reduction of prices. Under these circumstances manufacturers to produce, and tens of thousands of the working d were at once thrown out of employment, who bore their distress with most exemplary patience. For a year and a half I had applied myself as a journalist to explain the circumstances which regulated the wages of labour, and had succeeded in convincing such of them as were able to buy my paper, at a time when government exacted a duty of threepence farthing on every newspaper sheet, that a reduction of prices was occasioned, far less by the grasping cupidity of masters, than by a mistaken or a selfish 1 tion, under which masters and men suffered alike severely. This conviction did much to prevent that bittern. feeling which had been the occasion of many long-enduring contests between employers and employed. A number of persons so instructed, seeing that the corn laws, in their double operation of limiting the demand for labour, and consequently its reward, and raising the price of food, were deeply injurious to the manufacturing interests ,,{' the country, resolved to hold a meeting to petition for their repeal, and it was held in the Manor Court Room, on the 21th of .January, !_'<;, and was attended by from 1,/iOO to 2,000 persons, principally of the working classes; but amongst them were a considerable number of the more wealthy inhabitants of the town, attracted less, perhaps, hy the importance of the subject to be discuss, d, than by a desire to be auditors of an eloquence which few supposed MEETING OX THE CORN-LAW. 271 to be possessed by the working people, till I had given reports of some of their meetings, which, previously, the Manchester newspapers had passed over without notice. A working man was called to the chair, and requested attention to every speaker, whether his sentiments were or were not in accordance with those of the meeting generally. Another working man, named Foster, who had taken an active part in promoting Hobhousc's bill for shortening, with the consent of the principal master cotton spinners, the hours of labour in factories, -proposed the first resolution. He said, that the landed interest, in order to shift the burthen of taxation from their own shoulders, had thrown it upon the shoulders of the manu- facturers, and that they, in their turn, had to give less in wages, and thus the load came ultimately to be borne by the working classes. He congratulated the meeting that they could now meet to give expression to their grievances, and that they did not now assemble to attack the butchers' and bakers' shops, but to petition against the continuance of laws which were injurious to all classes of the com- munity except the landlord class. Jonathan Hodgins, who had distinguished himself by his speech on Catholic eman- cipation, in seconding the resolution, said that the time had been when masters and men contended with each other, but now they might cordially unite to give a decisive blow to the system which impoverished them both, a system which, more than all the tyranny that employers had ever excreted, tended to oppress the people. It is rather curious that when a dinner, some twenty years after thi> period, was given by the English merchants of St. Petersburg to .Mr. Cobden, this same Ilodgins should rise up and argue in favour of the continuance of the corn-law ! He had been engaged as the manager of a cotton mill in Russia. and the humble salary at which he Mas iir>t employed had been gradually raised till he was in possession of an income of 600 a year. The meeting of the merchants and maim- 272 AN II -SLAVERY MOV1..M factun-rs of Manchester had been to obtain a revision of the corn-laws ; tin- meeting of the working classes was to pray for their total repeal. "While the working men were thus proving their capacity to exercise political rights, the boroughrecve and constables manifested a spirit which was worthy of the palmiest days of the ehurch-and-king clubs. A requisition was presented to them on the first of February to call a public meeting to consider the propriety of petitioning parliament on the subject of negro slavery in our colonies, and in support of his majesty's government ill their declared intention to ameliorate the condition of the slave population. It was signed by 153 individuals of the highest respectability, and the subject proposed to be discussed was one which, how- ever viewed as to its humanity and policy, could not by any possibility have given rise to that warmth of contention which occasionally to-ik place when political parties came into collision. The it quisitionists asked no more than that their li 'How-townsmen should be called together to consider the propriety of petitioning the legislature to give effect to its own resolutions. That a refusal would be given to such a requisition, no one could have anticipated ; for even sup- posing the gentlemen who filled the offices of boroughrceve and constables to be so unfortunate in their opinions as conscientiously to believe that nothing should be done to ameliorate the condition of slaves, no one could have imagined that they would have stood in the way of the support which their townsmen, by a public expn -MOU of their sentiments, were disposed to give to his majestv's iiment. So little was it anticipated that these gen- tlemen would put their veto to such a requisition, that when the question was asked what should be done if they were unwilling to call a meeting, such a result was consi- dered too improbable to make any ulterior measure a matter of dicu--ion They did. however, refuse. The borough- aides of Manchester did actually refuse to SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE POOR. '- ' ' convene a meeting, at which it was proposed to strengthen the hands of his majesty's ministers, by a public expr> of the approval which their humane interposition in behalf of the injured negro race had obtained from all ranks and every p-irty. " After much consideration/' said they, " we have felt it our duty to decline calling the public meeting proposed in the highly respectable requisition presented to us this day !" In Bristol, or in Liverpool, while the inha- bitants were fully engaged in the guilty traffic of buying and selling their fellow-men, and when self-interest warped the judgment and (leadened the sense of justice, and humanity slept, and the cry of God's creatures was unheard except in heaven in such times a refusal to call a meeting might not have been thought wonderful, though even there the 1 on the part of municipal officers might have been con>idered an ungracious prejudgment of the question which it was propped to discuss. The boroughreeve was Mr. William Lomas ; the constables were Messrs. Charles Cross and J. 15. Wanklyn. Their refusal did not, however, pre- vent the meeting being held, and from that time to the total abolition of slavery Manchester took a prominent part in the humane movement. The manufacturers of Manchester and its vicinity, in the belief that the prosperity of 1824 and 182.5 would continue, had been producing largely, and had considerable stocks on at the termination of the latter year. The sudden and extraordinary dcpro.-ion of trade made it unprofitable to produce more until prices had found their level ; and although a humane consideration of the distress of the working elates ltd many to strive to keep on a portion of their hands, a very great number of them were thrown out of employment. For the relief of these, subscriptions \\ < n I in most of the manufacturing towns, and in Man- i the amount subscribed, by the end of April, 1826, Ud 8,000, which was expended in a weekly distri- bution of provisions. The unemployed had borne their N 3 274 DESTRUCTION OF POWER-LOOMS. privations with a most exemplary patience : but the unin- structed multitude began to think that the cxten-ive u-e of machinery wa* a main cause of their distress ; and as the hand-loom \\ ( a\< r-. were more out of employment than any other class of operatives, they attributed their wretchedness to the introduction of steam-looms. This was a rl workers who, even when in employment, could not afford to read a seven-penny newspaper, which might have been threepence-halfpenny but for the government tax. There was a heavy penalty on the acquisition of knowledge, and they remained ignorant ; and an ignorant is seldom a j able people. At Accrington, on the evening of Tuesday, April the 18th, a mob of probably two thousand persons assembled round the steam-loom factory of MCSM>. Sykes, and proceeded to break the windows. The manager, who went out to address the misguided multitude-, was assaulted and treated very roughly, and, fears being entertained that still greater violence would be resorted to, the military were sent for. On the following evening, when the market coach from Manchester arrived at Blackburn, it wa- availed by a crowd of people, who showered stones upon it, and some of the manufacturers, who were in and upon it, received MM re In 11 ( >n the evening of the day on which disturbances were commenced at Acerington, Mr. "Whitmore brought on his motion in the House of Commons for a committee to impure into the operation of the corn-laws. It was strenuously oppi M-d l>y Mr. Iluskisson. lie had promised, in the pre\iou> M >,;< ii, that the question should be brought 1 the house, but the circumstances of the country, he said, now ditlinnt; the subject required a more serious '.(ration than could now be given to it; anxious as he was for free trade, it would be highly impolitic and injurious to repeal the corn-laws; it would tend to aggra- vate rather than lessen the evil! This was uttered at the very moment when starving weavers were attacking power- MB. WHITMORE'S MOTION. 275 loom factories uttered at the very time when there was abundance of wheat to be had on the continent at half the price to which the corn-laws had raised it in England. The house supported the minister of trade. There were only 81 votes in favour of Mr. Whitmore's motion, and 251 against it. I remarked on these coincidences : " While we would strongly mark our condemnation of every act of violem-e, whatever may be the actuating causes, and whatever excuse extreme wretchedness may give, we feel it our duty to say that if the legislature do not immediately adopt measures for the alleviation of the distresses of the people, it will incur all the guilt of permitting thousands to die of actual starvation. By a reference to a table of prices of grain at different foreign ports, which will be found in the first page, it will be seen that the monopoly enjoyed by the owners of the soil in this country has raised the price of corn to nearly double what it might be were the trade open. Will any man, not wilfully blind to the truth, dare to assert, that while the people are starving, things ought to remain in this state ? We had hopes that the liberal spirit which has been recently shown by the administration would be communicated to that house which ought to represent the people, and that this odious and oppressive monopoly would be destroyed ; but the result of Tuesday night's debate on the corn-laws has driven us back to our old conviction, that, constituted as the house now is, the intere-t s of the individuals who compose it will always be regarded in preference to those of the community." The.- disturbances at Accrington and Blackburn were only preliminary to others of more serious consequences. On Monday, April 24th, a great number of persons assembled on some high ground at Henfield, between Blackburn and Burnley, from whence they proceeded in a body to Accring- ton, where their arrival had been fearfully expected. They immediately surrounded the mill of Messrs. Sykes and Co., and a part of the body entered the mill and began to demo- lish the power-looms, sixty in number, which, in the short space of a quarter of an hour, they broke completely to pieces. . where twenty looms in the factory (if Mr. "\Yalm-l.y \\ i . and Co., where they deliberately yed the looms. A troop of thirty soldiers was drawn out, but could not act, as there was no magistrate present to direct it. The factory of Mr. Oughton, at (Jrimshaw Park, was next attacked, and twenty-four looms 1>. The soldieis arrived nearly as soon as the rioters, and \\< re- assailed with stones. In firing in return there was one man killed and two dangerously wounded. The rioters then retired to Blackburn for the night. On Tuesday an attack was make on Turner's mill, at Ilclm.-hoic : but, a small body of the Queen's Bays making its appeal. ince, the rioters lied, leaving, however, An of their number in the mill, who were taken into custody wink engaged iu the work of demolition. They were (on- to Haalingden ; but there the fury of the multitude was so great, that it was thought prudent to set them at liberty. On Wednesday morning, several hundred persons col- lect, -d at Kawtenstall, and commenced the work of d< tion by demolishing one hundred looms, in the factory of Messrs. Whitchead. The mob, then, with a great I sion of numbers, proceeded to Mr. Kaye's mill, at Long- holm, when-, in a few minutes, they destroyed about twenty ! . The is - upon the factory of K< and Sons, at Kdcnficld. where one hundred looms were instantly broken to pieces. The rioters then pro< towards Chaddei ton. and were met on the road by a small party of soldiers, accompanied by Mr. William Grant, one of the county magistrates a man of great benevolence, and much beloved and respected by the country people DISTURBANCES EXTENDED. 277 who addrc r ,l them on the folly and wickedness of their conduct, and urged them to return to their own homes. His advice was disregarded, and the Riot Act was read. Tins had the effect to disperse them for* a time ; but they -t-mhled. and proceeded to Aikin and Lord's factory. being kept in check by the military, they could do no mischief, and they moved in the direction of Ilamsbottom, followed by the soldiers. The field being clear, a number of persons who were left behind forced themselves into the y and destroyed the whole of the looms. The soldiers were recalled, and on their return were assailed by the mob, who showered stones upon them, by which several were severely hurt. They were then ordered to fire, and the consequciH es were that three men were killed on the spot, and a man and woman were wounded, both of whom died in a few hours afterwards. The mob now divided into two bodies, one of which went off in the direction of Bacup, the other in the direction of Bury. The latter attacked the factory of I lamer and Son, at Summerseat, and in the course of ten minutes broke thirty-eight looms. They then went to Mr. Whitehead's factory, at Woodhill, close to Bury, where they broke thirty-eight looms. The body which had taken the road to Bacup, destroyed six woollen looms at s. Ormrod and Son's, of Holt Mill, and also a few at s' and Ilardham's, Bacup. About five o'clock they broke open the door of Mr. Munn's factory, and a person \\lio was present noticed that they were exactly thirty-five minutes in breaking the looms, 51 in number. This terminated the riotous proceedings of that day. While thc-e disturbances were taking place in the neigh- bourhood, very little apprchcn-ion existed that they would Manchester. Some alarm, however. \\a^ excited on Thursday, by a body of men marching through the principal stniN in proi-e^ion, an( l by an announcement, that in the evening a meeting of those who were unem- ployed woidd take place in St. George's Fields. At six 278 MEETING IN ST. GEORGE'S FIELDS. in tin- evening the proposed Hireling took place. It was adilroM <1 liy was at first listened to with some impatience ; and even when he had gained a favourable hearing from the majority. there was a manifestation of feeling amongst a part of the people which was rather alarming. At this time I arrived at the outside of the a < mblage, accompanied by two young friends. In pressing forward to hear what was passing, the crowd fell away on each side, opening an avenue for our advance. As I was known to many working men, I thought I might have an opportunity of advising them of the consequences of the lawless pro- CRITICAL POSITION OF THE AUTHOB. 279 cecdingg of the strangers who had come to excite them to action ; but I was somewhat alarmed when I saw that the opening made for our advance was instantly closed behind us, and that we were completely hemmed in. "When we got into the middle of the circle, Hodgins, thus reinforced, continued his address, ami urged the meeting to petition a^ain>t the corn laws, the repeal of which might give them some relief, and to refrain from violence, which would only recoil upon themselves. I then got on a high pile of bricks and, what with the insecurity of my footing, the coldness of the day, and the apprehension that I was making a rather hazardous experiment, I did not feel that I was stand- ing very firmly on my legs. Some threatening cries were uttered, but were met by shouts of " Hear him." I told them that I had attended a meeting in the police-office that very morning, at which the individuals present had sub- scribed 1 ,000 as thp commencement of a new subscription for the relief of the distress, although they had all been contributors to the 8,000 fund, which had already been expended; that the king had sent 1,000 to the Man- chester, the same sura to the Blackburn, and the same sum to the Maoch^field funds ; that there was every dis- position amongst the merchants, manufacturers, and shop- keepers, notwithstanding the very heavy losses they had 1 v incurred, and the large amount of poor-rates they had to pay, to do their utmost to relieve the distressed ; and that there was ready for distribution next day nearly 20,000 Ibs. of bacon, and more than 100,000 Ibs. of meal. The announcement of this liberality was favourably received, and I went on to say that I had, for the last ten years, been an attentive observer of the conduct of the working men in Manchester ; that I had never, during that period, seen any attempt of theirs to destroy private property, and I begged and prayed, as they respected the reputation they had acquired for exemplary patience, that they would con- tinue to manifest the same disposition; that they would 280 FACTORY BUUXT. not listen to the strangers who had come there to urge them to nets of violence and destruction, but would all follow me out of the field, and peaceably depart to their own homes. I then left the place, and was followed by probably :>.000 out of the 5,000 or 6,000 who had congre- gated. The rest remuined on the liehl, mostly mere lads, mixed with the strangers who had come down the valley of the Invell, marking their progress by destruction. I instantly gave notice at the policL'-oflice of the nature of the meeting, and urged the magistrates who were there assembled, in mercy to the lads who were likely to 1 into violence, to send a! troop of horse into the neighbour- hood, being assured that the very sound of their hoofs would disperse their crowds. One of the magistrates said it was rather inconsistent that I, who had found so much fault with the employment of soldiers on the 16th of August, 1819, should now recommend that they should be called out. I replied that there was no inconsistency in it: on the 10th of August, troops were dii 'inst a legally convened and peaceably assembled meeting; here was a meeting, the avowed object of which was to d< property, and might be dispersed by the mere show of power without bloodshed. The military were not in readi- ness till ten o,' clock, and by that time Beaver's factory, in ;. -street, had been set fire to in half-a-de, and burnt down nearly to the ground. On the following day. the magistrates ordered the Queen's Bays to paiade the streets, and this had the effect of repressing tli turbanees, which were confined to the plunder of some bread shops. CHAPTER XYIII. SYMPTOMS OF MOVEMENT. ON Monday, May 1st (1826), Mr. Secretary Canning an- nounced that ministers intended to apply to parliament to a them the discretionary power to allow the foreign corn then in bond to come into consumption, and to admit the importation of wheat, limiting the quantity to 500,000 quarters, at a duty of twelve shillings, asserting the emergency as a reason for a temporary deviation from the principle of protection. No discussion on the corn-law was permitted, both Mr. Canning and Mr. Huskisson declaring that then "was not the time." There was not a single argument used in favour of a temporay suspension of the corn-laws that would not have been applicable to their total repeal. The admission of so much wheat which otherwise would have rotted in the bonding warehouses, together with very liberal subscriptions in London and in all the large towns, and the prospect of a great amount of employment being ^iven in constructing the Liverpool and Main '. Railway, did much to allay the existing discontent, and to piv-crve the peace. An admirable address to the unem- ployed, written from Rouen in France, by Mr. Edward Baines, jun., of Leeds, and widely circulated amongst those classes which were unable to purchase the heavily taxed ne\v>paper, had also a con>idcrable effect in showing that the extension of machinery had not been the cause of distress. A general flection took place during a period of almost unexampled suffering. The general body of the people took no interest in the choice of members, who, in the then state of the representation, were only the nominees of tho 283 STATE OF THE REIMS \ T.VTIOW. landed aristocracy, or of the owners of rotten boroughs. While the farce of election was going on all around us. I employed myself in examining the actual state- of 1 -tern, and culled out some proofs of the falsehood of denominating the members of the lie Commons representatives of the people. At the previous census, the population of the unrepresented parish of Man- chester amounted to 187,031. Being de.-irous to ascertain how many represented boroughs would give a population equal to that of this large unrepresented parish, I set about adding up the numbers in each, and found that the popula- tion of one hundred boroughs, each sending two members, amounted to only 185,197. The following is the list : Aruncli-1 2511 Ashburton 3403 Aldborough 1212 Aldborough 735 Amcrsham i^'.li' Appleby 1341 BarU.-iy 993 Bishop's Castle 1880 Bli-t.-hintfly 1187 Bothnia 3278 Boroughbridgo 860 Bossinev and Tintagcl ... 877 Bracklcy 1851 Bramben 98 Buckingham 3465 Bedwin l;i_'s Beer Ferris 21'Jl Corfe Castle 1405 Callington !:!_'! Cutlu Rising 313 Chippcnham 3506 Clith-rH- 3213 Cockrnnouth 37i)0 Chrirklmic ] Pij Dorchester 2743 DoronUm .. 3114 Droitwich ............ 2176 Dunwich ............ 200 Evcsham ............ 3-187 Eye ............... 1882 I'Vmiy Stratford ...... :.iM Galton ............ 135 Grimsby ............ :ior,i Grimstead ............ 3153 Guilford ............ 3161 !l:ili-mcre ......... 887 Hedon ............ 902 II. '1-ton ............ 2671 llr\K-sbury ......... l:!'J'. lli_'lia;n Ferrers ...... 877 lliiulon ............ 830 Iloniton ........ , ... 3296 Huntiiigdou ......... 2806 Ihtlu- ............ -isl Il.-li.'-tor ............ 844 Launocston ......... 2183 Liakeard ............ Loe, East ............ 770 Loe,We*t ......... 539 Lost wit heal ......... :i:<:j LudgersUall ......... 477 LIST OF SMALL BOROUGHS. 283 Lyme Regis 22G9 LN minion 316-1 MaMun 3198 Malmesbuury 1976 Malborough 1338 Midhurat 1335 Milborue Port 14-10 Newport 977 Oakhampton 2023 Oxford 1119 irH 1152 Penryn 21)33 Plympton 762 ibury 881 Retford 2465 Ru-lnnoii:! 3516 Romuey 962 Rye 3599 Rycgato 2961 Saltash 1548 Sandwich 2912 Sarum, Old Seaford 1047 Shalu-sbury .. 2903 Shorcham 10-17 Stcyning "liil St. Germains 2404 St. Ives :?.",26 St. Mawes 1618 St. Michael's 201 Stoekbridge 715 Thetford 2922 Thirsk 3502 Tiverton 1500 Totness 1035 Tregony 2712 Truro 2712 Wallingford 2093 Wan-ham 1931 Wendover 1602 Wonlock 2200 Weobly 739 Whitehurch 1434 Wilton 2058 Winchelaca 819 Woodstock 1455 Wootten Basset 1701 Yarmouth, Isle of Wight ... 564 Each of these miserable villages sending two members of parliament, while Manchester, with a population greater than that of the whole put together, did not send one, and while IJolton, Bury, Rochdale, Oldham, Ashton, and Stock- port did not send one, was it wonderful that there should be deep discontent? Was it not more wonderful that there should be any tranquillity any submission ? The publi- cation of this list, over and over again, in every possible shape, and year after year, did some good. Was there a single instance of disregard of public opinion, out came the list to show that the people were not represented. Was there a single instance of class legislation, out oame the list to show that nothing better was to be expected. Men committed it to memory, and taught from it as from a text. There was nothing new in it ; anybody could have complied 284 MEETING ON THE STATE OF THE COUNTRY. it; anybody could have contrasted Old Sarum with Man- chester. But the fact that one hundred boroughs sent two hundred members, the whole of those places not containing so many inhabitants as the single unrepresented parish of Manchester, sunk into men's minds, and prepared them for the subsequent contest. An article from my paper of the 15th of July, printed in small typo, on the " Causes and Cure of the Present Distress," was sold in thousands, and carried instruction to tens of thousands, who seldom had a chance of seeing a sevenpenny newspaper. In August it was determined to hold a meeting, at which public opinion might be expressed upon the state of the country. A short time previously the boroughrccve and constables had refused to call a meeting to take the ques- tion of slavery into consideration; and it was resolved that application should not be made in this instance to those petty officers of the lord of the manor. The requisition to call a public meeting was, therefore, addressed to the churchwardens, who, being elected by the ratepayers, might be supposed willing to allow their constituents to be heard. Those gentlemen refused. This conduct, on the part of these two sets of public officers, did much to create the desire for the incorporation of the borough, vhich was afterwards effected. The meeting, however, was called, mi the requisition of the following gentlemen : John Pot tor, Matthew Hedlcy, R. H. Ilargrcavos, Joseph Lcese, Ktluard Baxter, Thomas Burgess, John Shuttleworth, James Simpson, John M' C'lu re, J. 8. Jones, Samuel Winks, Robert 11. Greg, William Croft, Richard Potter, James Q. Frost, James BUT ley, William H.UM\, 1.'. Unison, John KoU'rts, K. W. Culverwell, J. P. Culvcrwcll, Samuel Pope, J. Wood, O. Culvenvell. Archibald Prentice, Samuel Pullein, It will be seen by those who recollect the names of gentlemen then known as usually taking a part in public business, that they were few on the above list of the MK. MARK PHILIPS. 285 persons who were usually designated as " constitutional whi'4-i." They held aloof, and represented the movement as being likely to endanger the public peace. The meet- ing wa< lu-ld on the 19th, in the Manor Court Room, which was crowded to excess Mr. Edward Baxter in the chair. The first resolution, declaratory of the general distress, was proposed by Mr. Richard Potter, who drew a picture of the wretchedness of the working people, which was listened to with expressions of the deepest sympathy. The motion was seconded by Mr. David Holt. The second resolution, declaratory of the mischievous operations of the corn laws, was proposed by Mr. John Shuttlcworth, who ably combatted the argument of the agriculturists, that they were entitled to protection because they had to bear the "peculiar burthens" on land; Tie disclaimed all protection to home manufactures as more mischievous than beneficial ; he demanded a recurrence to sound principles in the trade in corn as essential to the preservation of our commerce ; and strongly urged the necessity and the duty of a strong protect gainst laws wljjeh were ruinous to ourselves, and likely to shake with foreign states those relations of peace and friendship which shed blessings on all ; and for the continuance of which a free trade in corn would be an additional, probably the most powerful, security. The seconder of the resolution was Mr. Mark Philips, afterwards member for the borough, who, it was understood, appeared at the meeting much against the wishes of some of his whig friends, but who saw, in the stern necessities of the times, a strong reason for entering his earnest protest against the impoverishing corn laws. At the conclusion of his short but energetic speech, which, from a young man making his first appearance, the son of an old and firm friend of reform, was received with great applau-e. he modestly apologised for addressing the meeting, but said that at a time when tens of thousands were suffering the iK ( ji >t distress, it was an imperative duty to stand forward 286 PRESSURE OE TAXATION. and declare the wretchedness which had 1> by bad legislation. The third resolution, declaratory of Lve pre-^ ure of taxation, was proposal l>y myself. ! .1 if there was anything in the circumstances of the country that would justify an expenditure fourteen times greater than it was in the reign of George the First ? Coining to a later period, a period subsequent to that war against our colonies, in which we expended a sum the mere interest on which was larger than the revenue of the new and prosperous republic that had achieved i(> independence; even with the interest on the debt, the expenditure in 1 T'.i'J was not more than one-fourth of its amount in 182G, after eleven years of peace. It appeared that the machinery of the state was the only machinery that had not rt < simplification and improvement, and that while art and science had combined to lower the cost of everything the cost of government had daily become greater and greater. Mr. Croft, in seconding the motion, ::. id that ministers, in reducing the duties on silk while tli the repeal of the corn-laws, had 'acted with great incon- sistency and great injustice. The other resolutions wen proposed or >t conded by Messrs. William Harvey, Thomas Burgess. Henjamin Holbrooke, Fielding, and 1'ullein. The (iniiftfitin newspaper had done what it could to prevent this meeting being held. Its proprietor had refused to sign the requisition, on the ground, as he afterwards alleged, that some proposal would emanate from it for breaking faith with the public creditor ! After it had taken place, for weeks together, he continued to contend that the amount of taxation, per head of the population, as stated by me. was less than it had been in 1811, leaving entirely out of view the great increase- in tin- value of money, occasioned by the resumption of cash payments. lie had, in the previous year, purchased the copyright of Ilanop's /;////.%// I'filunfccr, incorporated that paper with the Guardian, and had thus added a thousand tory i < PARTIAL ADMISSION OF CORX. 287 to his former subscription list. He was thus enabled to announce that his circulation was double that of ny other Mam-Ill <(! paper, and this occasioned a great influx of Advertisements, and made him entirely "independent" of the whig-radieals who had furnished him with the means ihlishing his newspaper. This " independence" he now manifested in declining the request of Mr. Baxter, a gentleman who had been most active in getting up the iption to establish the Guardian, to allow the peti- tion to the king to lie at his office for signature. The example of Manchester, however, was followed by many of the large towns, and ministers, yielding to the outcry against the corn-laws, exercised the discretionary powers vested in them by parliament, by admitting certain kinds* of grain and pulse to be taken for consumption at a small duty. The distress, however, continued, in great intensity, and parliament showing no disposition to adopt any perma- nent measures of relief, men's minds were strongly directed to the constitution of the house which professed to repre- sent the people. In an article on the state of the country, in my paper of the 2nd of December, I said : " We suspect tliat the time is not fur distant when tlic people of this country will be convinced by piiinful experience, that a jealous watchfulness of the measures of government, and a linn determination to oppose, bj every constitutional means, the existence of gross iu the machinery of the state, and the creation of oppressive and inipovcri.-hing laws, are as necessary, in order to preserve the i.ition, and, indeed, its very cxi.-tenee, as a com- mercial country, as industry and caution arc to the success of indi- vidu.iK. IIuw often have we heard the senseless cry of 'mind your own business, and let polities alone," whenever a clear-headed man endeavoured to rouse the public to a sense of their danger. How- ever, the time is not far distant, when every one will find that politics MUST be studied, and when the legislature MCST be told, in firm, and manly, and most decided terms, that a OKEAT BKFOHM is absolutely necessary in order to rescue the country from a ruin which is not the le-s certain because its approaches are slow and giadual. This time is coming. People begin to learn in the dear school of experience that a law which prevents our obtaining the necessaries of 288 NECESSITY OF HEFOKM. life from other nations, and nt the same time deprives thorn of the power of purchasing our manufactures, i.- 1 really adverse to our com- mercial prosperity. Hence the universal opinion, in this part of the country, that an alteration of the CORN-LAWS is necessary for the Yery existence of our trade, and the consequent loud cull for their repeal or modification. These calls will be followed by others, still more loud and importunate, for a GKEAI ION OP TAXATION, for it must become daily more obvious, that the only argument for the permission of the corn monopoly is, that the owners of the soil need high prices, to enable them to pay high taxes; and, as those calls will not bo listened to, or if bean 1 , will be, by such miserable sophistry as Mr. Canning, with so little regard to his reputation, had recourse to the other evening, in order to ehow that the erection of splendid palaces was, in reality, a means of lessening the sufferings of the people ; as such culls will be answered by such insults to common sense, the people will in time acknowledge that it would have been well had they earlier inquired into the state of the representation ; and, being at length convinced that it was an essential part of their 'business' to take care that the public purse shall be entrusted to honest guardian.*, tin \ \\ill then demand a THOBOCOH REFORM of the representative system. 'To this complexion we must come at last ;' and it U a moral cowardice in those who are convinced of the necessity of parliamentary reform, to avoid the mention of the great cause of the evils again-t which they remonstrate. At a meeting of the members of the Chamber of Commerce, it was resolved to petition against the CORN-LAWS ; but no notice was taken of the doubly oppressive load of taxation. At the meeting of the ratepayers, in August last a met-iiu;; which, whatever the editor of the Guardian, and a few timid, sclf-Mtlod whips might think of it, was one of the most important that rvcr was held in Manchester, and one whose resolutions excited more attention thoroughout the nation than any which preceded them, at that great meeting it was resolved to petition for a repeal of the corn-laws, and a great reduction of taxation, but no notice was taken of the Mate of that house which sanctioned the imposition of the grievous public burthens under which we groan, and, for the interests of its own m- pasted the law which i* so rapidly destroying our trade and manu- factures. Another meeting is talked of, and we trust that in remon- strating against the continuance of oppressive burthens, the system under which they have been imposed will not escape the animad- Tersion of our public-spirited town-men, and tint their petitions will be for A TOTAL REPEAL OF T!: \W8, A GREAT BKDTTCT1ON OF TAXATION, AND PARLIAMENTARY REFORM." WALKS BOUND MANCHESTER. 289 year-; were still to elapse before any portion of par- liamentary reform was obtained ; twenty-three years before foreign corn was to be admitted free of duty. If men were to foresee all the difficulties to be overcome in effecting public good, little would be attempted. In after times, when ' asked how soon the abolition of the corn laws would be effected, ray reply usually was : " No man can speak with certainty as to the time : one thing we are sure of it will never come unless we ask for it. It is our business and our duty to forward the time as much as we can." In the year 1 826, in which the deep distress of the poor and the timely benevolence of the wealthier classes were alike memorable, a society was established, having for its object the preservation of a right of considerable importance to the former. The volumes of smoke which, in spite of legislation to the contrary, continually issue from factory chimneys and form a complete cloud over Manchester, certainly make it less desirable as a place of residence than it is as a place of business ; and the enjoyment of the inhabitants would be greatly increased, could they breathe a purer atmosphere, and have a brighter and more frequent sight of the sun. Hut, to counterbalance the disadvantage, they have the privilege of walking unrestrainedly through the fine fields of the vicinity ; and thousands and tens of thousands, whose avocations render fiv-h air and exercise an absolute necessity of life, avail themselves of the right of footway through the meadows, and corn-fields, and parks in the immediate neighbourhood. There arc so many pleasant footpaths, that a pedestrian might walk completely round the town in a circle, which would seldom exerfd a radius of two miles from the Exchange , and in which he would scarcely ever have occasion to encounter the noise, bustle, and dust of a public cart road or paved -tivet. Tin 1 beautifully undulating country between the valley of the Irk and Clu ctham Hill ; the fine valley of the Irwell, with its verdant meadows ; the slope from Pemlleton to the plain. -"") FLIXTON FOOTPATH CASE. which, commencing between the extremities of Ilulnie and Chorltou-upon-Medlock, extends south and wi>t o\rr the greater part of Cheshire; all this scenery, which in any country would be admired, but which has a hundred addi- tional charms to him who is condemned, day after day, month aft- T month, and year after year, to toil in the dirt and smoke of a great town all this delightful scenery lies open to the pedestrian ; and while he strays along through the open field, or wooded park, or the narrow and retired lane, and breathes the pure air of heaven, he feels that all these fields, and parks, and lanes, are as open to him, and to those who hang on his arm, or play by his side, as if they were his own, to have and to hold, as long as trees grow or water runs. But there arc " tyrants of the field" men who imagine that that which runs through theirs must needs be theirs ; and they must he withstood. About some twenty years before the period of which we write, a Mr. Ralph Wright, of Flixton, a parish a few miles south-west of Mancl possessed an estate partly purchased and partly inherited, which had the usual complement of hedges, along which ran certain footways, and by which they were concealed from his house. Being desirous of giving to his property, which did not consist of more than fifteen or sixteen acres of land, a more park-like appearance, he levelled the hedges and fences ; and finding that this brought the footways more in sight of his mansion, he began to use means to prevent the vulgar part of his neighbours coming between the wind and his nobility. One way, which went rij^ht across his little park, he shut up altogether, without the formality of any magistrate's order. Another, which formed part of a church road for several farm-houses, he diverted to a distance considerably farther from his house. To these encroachments his neighbours, unwilling to be thought quarrelsome, peaceably submitted ; but another effort met witli determined resistance : this was to divert the roads FOOTPATHS SOCIETY. 291 to beyond the boundary of his own grounds, so that his pro- perty mij;ht not be traversed at all. He was a magistrate, and he obtained orders signed by two brother magistrates ; but, without waiting for the confirmation of the order^ at next quarter sessions, he stopped up the entrance to his grounds, ploughed up the old footway, and sowed the land with oats. Mr. Samuel Wood, a farmer in the parish, like the spirited old shoemaker of Bushy Park memory, was unwilling to leave the world worse than he found it, and, assisted by his neighbours, broke down three several times the obstructions that had been put up, and restored the original road to the public by treading down the The magistrate proceeded hesitatingly. In 1821 he ob- tained another order : this was appealed against ; but when the applicants were ready with their witness > it was abandoned. Another order immediately followed, but it was quashed on a point of form. A third order was more successful, being confirmed at the spring quarter sessions. All this was attended with expenses which were too heavy to be borne by a few persons of the class of country farmers. Thomas and Richard Potter had aided ; but it was desirable that some association should be formed for the purpose of preventing this and similar encroachments, and removing from individuals the persecution to which they might be exposed in resisting the encroaching spirit of powerful country gentlemen. A meeting was accordingly held in the Town Hall, November the 15th, 1826, at which was formed a Society for the Preservation of Ancient Footpaths, and the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to carry its objects into effect : Joseph Armstrong, Edward Baxter, Robert Hyde Greg, Thomas Hoy wood, Thomas Hilton, John Kenworthy, Edward J. Lloyd, Robert Millington, Richard Potter, Archibald Prentice, John Edward Taylor, Robert Tebbutt. J. B. Wanklyn, George Wm. Wood, A pleasant association this of tones, whigs, and radicals, o 2 292 FLIXTON CONTEST RENEWED. and one which, in tin- successful results of its rcsi-t;mce in many attempted cases of encroachment, spread amongst the country gentlemen a wholesome terror of traii^re-Miiy; against the right of the poor to enjoy their own. without any one to make them afraid. The Flixton people, having now the sanction and coun- tenance of men holding at least as good a station in society as Ralph Wright, Esq., resolved to make another effort for the recovery of their right of road. They sued out. a certiorari and removed the case into the Court of Kind's Heneh, and after many motions and counter-motions, tin- order of the sages of the quarter sessions for confirming the order to stop up the footways coveted by their brotherhood of the bench, was quashed ; and on Monday, the 1 4th of June, 1827, several respectable inhabitants of Flixton, ac- companied by some of the Manchester society, who were desirous of witnessing the renewal of a privilege of whi< h the public had been for two years deprived, went in pro- cession to open the roads, and the application of a saw them ingress to Mr. Wright's "park." The groin : covered with a very fine crop of grass, nearly ready to be cut ; and the path, consequently, was not very obvious, but here and there it was indicated by the growth being shorter, and it was easily traced. The party having < : the park, cut down the fences on the other side, and having thus asserted their and the public right, retired peaceably. I happened to arrive a minute or two after the proc< had crossed the park, but, though I missed the satisfaction of seeing the unlawful impediments cut down, I experienced a higher pleasure in observing the fresh marks of th- the little two-feet \\ide opening, and the newly-made track through the tall grass, than such sights mi^ht be thought capable of giving. They spoke the triumph of an ancient law over the grasping and monopolising spirit of modern When I reached the middle of the lar^e field which. by the destruction of two or three hedges, had been raised FOOTWAY AT BROMSGROVE. 293 into the dignity of a " park," I could not help being struck with thi' had ta-te. to speak of it in the gentlest terms, which sought a solitary greatness by the exclusion of every mark of rustic neighbourhood. These contests cost the appellants nearly 600, and, as they must have been equally expensive to Mr. Kalph Wi -iglit, it might have been supposed that he would desist from any further attempt at encroachment. But the magis- trate was bent upon his purpose, and on the 14th September four orders were signed by Robert Fielden and James Uriel-ley. Esqrs., for stopping up these paths. The perse- futed inhabitants of Flixton entered another appeal. It wa> tried at the quarter session, on Monday, October 29th, lasting nearly all day, and ending in the final discomfiture of Mr. Wright, but at a cost of 750 to the spirited vindi- cators of a public privilege. I may have occasion again to mention other contests for right of road. In the meantime I may refer to one where the opposition to encroachment arose directly from the result of the Flixton case. About a mile from Bromsgrove resided a Dr. Collett, near whose house a footpath crossed between two parallel roads. About the year 1814, he, without any magistrate's order, diverted this cross pathway to a greater distance from his house, and formed a paddock on the site of the old pathway. Dr. Collett, having thus driven the public to some distance from him, now wished to drive them out of sight altogether. Mr. Wright wanted to have his " lawn " to himself, free from public gaze ; and Dr. Collett wanted to have his "lawn" in exclusive sight as well as exclusive occupation. He found two clerical magnate- ready to forward his wishes the Right Hon. and Uev. Walter Hutchinson, Lord Aston, and the Rev. William Yernon, who, on the 6th of Juno, 1827, signed an order to shut up the road as "useless and unnecessary. " An appeal was made to the Worcestershire midsummer sessions, but the magistrates confirmed the order of their 294 ANOTHER FOOTWAY RESCUED. clercial brethren. Mr. Kllins, one of the appellants, was not disposed t<> allow a public right to be l>-t. lie had heard of the Flixton ease, which inueh resembled his own ; he visited Manche-ter : consulted Mr. lliehard Potter: had Mr. Charles Wood, solicitor to the Footpaths' Proteetion Society, back with him to Worcestershire ; and on the l!<>th of May. 1S28, a motion in the Court of King's Bench, for qua-hing the order, came on to be heard. The order was quashed, on the ground that the reverend magistrates who signed it did not state, as the act required, that it having u "view" {bund to be useless, it should be stopped, but "as it appeared" to them. The fact was, that they eould not have viewed the road. The road ordered to be stopped was not the diverted but the old road, and to view it they mu-t have broken through a garden wall, and cut through a plantation which had existed for fourteen years. At the opening of the road, on the 26th of May, a portion of the wall was raxed to the ground, part of a greenhouse was destroyed, several of the trees in the plantation we iv cut down to the ground, and, as at Flixton, a procession was formed of public-spirited individuals, who exercised the rescued right, and rejoiced in the triumph of the law over the iira-ping designs of another "little tyrant of the field." In the beginning of 1827, Mr. Thomas Burgess, one of the members of the " Footpaths' Protection Society," called my attention to another attempted encroachment, and I find the following notice of it in my Gazette of the 17th of Febiu.n Y : " F.very inhabitant of Manchester must have observed, with some degree of pride, the wide and noble approach to the town from the Liverpool and great north road, and they will learn, with feelings of indignation, that the -pace between the houses and what is strictly the public road, from the Crescent to Pendletou Pole, has been, or is to be, leased by the chancellor of the duchy to an individual who will have it in hi- power to erect cottages in front of the elegant mansions which have been built in the faith DUCHY I. VXDS AT PEXDLETON. 2'.l'< that his nnj.'xtv, the Duke of Lancaster, would never per- mit that noble approach to be encroached upon. When so much hi- IK ru expended in the purchase of old buildings to widen one short street in Manchester, we cannot mention, with any tolerable degree of patience, this permission to cover with buildings one of the finest outlets from this great town. We really think the officers of the duchy could not have devised any means more likely to make the ehancellor unpopular ; and it is astonishing to us, that any inhabitant of the' township could be tempted, by any pros- pect of profit, to make a bargain which he must have known would be a most odious one in the eyes of his fellow townsmen. A meeting has been held at Pendleton, at which Mr. Burgess brought forward a draft to the chan- cellor on the subject, and at which Mr. G. Jones acknow- ledged, or rather avowed, that the lease conferring on him such odious powers was already granted. We trust, how- ever, that the chancellor has it still in his power to arrest measures which, we are confident, our gracious sovereign, the Duke of Lancaster, would be sorry to permit against the wi>hes of the inhabitants of this, the second town in hi> kingdom." In addition to the Pendleton memorial, one was sent from the police commissioners of Salford, and the result was, that Lord Besley, the chancellor of the duchy, rel'u-fd to complete an arrangement into which he had been led by false representations of the nature of the property. CHAPTER XIX. CANKINO'8 COBlf LA.W. Tin nccc.ity for a temporary suspension of the prohibitory corn law of 1815 had led to the belief that a ministry, of which Mr. Canning and Mr. Huskisson," both profiled free traders, were members, would frame a less restrictive measure, and the fears of the landlord class were greatly excited. Before the opening of the parliamentary session in 1827, petitions from the agricultural districts were manufactured with untiring assiduity, and eagerly signed by frightened fanners, who had been persuaded that, in- stead of any relaxation of the monopoly, a positive exclusion of all foreign corn was scarcely protection enough. The outcry was so loud as to make the opponents of the corn law believe that some really important reform was coming. They could not suppose that all this hubbub was for nothing, and the manufacturing districts, seeking, be.- ides, a breathing time after the harrassments of 1826, remained perfectly quie.secnt. Here and there, indeed, the public voice against the corn monopoly found feel le utterance; here and there were a few radicals who thought and >aid that a bitter enemy to fair and free representation could not be the honest friend of free trade ; but our manufac- turers remained in the quiet and undisturbed reliance that mini>tiT- would follow the course which humanity and policy dictated. The measure, so much dreaded li\ tin- landowners, and anticipated by the manufacturers with so much reliance on ministerial honesty and wi-dom, was framed on the assumption that when wheat was at 60s. a quarter, the home grower should receive a protection to the amount of 20s. The professed free traders, Canning and EFFECT OF CAXXIXO's PROPOSAL. 2 l j7 Iluskisson, proceeding on this assumption, fixed 60s. as their p 'rot, increasing their duty as prices diminished; so that when wheat was at 50s. the duty should be 40s., but diminishing it as prices advanced, so that at 70s. wheat should come in free. With what reason the corn growers might congratulate themselves on their clamorous activity, and the corn consumers might bitterly lament their supine- ness, under an ill-founded reliance that ministers would do that which they did not think it worth their while to ask thriii to do, with what reason the one class might exult and the other might mourn, may be judged by the fact that, immediately on the publication of Mr. Canning's long- promised and anxiously-looked-for resolutions, wheat expe- rienced an advance of os. a quarter. The bitterness of my own feelings, on seeing the result of a blind reliance on ministerial honesty, found vent in the following remarks : " On the back of proposals for such an alteration of the laws aa would give relief to the corn consumer, we have the records of every market in the kingdom announcing an advance of prices, and becom- ing so many libels upon the proposers of this scheme, and proclaiming to a half-bankrupt and half-starved people, that their reliance on ministerial firmness was miserably misplaced. What a commentary on Mr. Canning's vaunted no-drought and no-deluge scheme do the reports of the corn markets furnish. ' A greater degree of liveliness,* say the market historians, ' was experienced to-day, in consequence of the prices at which grain may be imported being fixed higher than was expected. Wheat rose five shillings a quarter, and a further improvement may be expected.' Well, indeed, might they anticipate an improvement, when they knew that, according to the new corn law scheme, wheat could not be imported without the payment of a duty of thirty-four shillings a quarter a duty which would make the English consumer pay a shilling for every sixpence-worth of foreign llour. " Wliil.- we are compelled to say that ministers have miserably disappointed the hopes which were founded on their own declarations, we must add that the people in the manufacturing districts are not without blame. They knew not only that they were without repre- sentatives in parliament, but thai it wa* constituted almost entirely of those who had an interest in preserving the corn monopoly un- o 3 298 OPINION NOT ENOUGH EXPRESSED. broken. They knew that ministers had no influence to oppose to that of the land-owners but what was derived from public opinion. \ ( t, knowing this, knowing that an almost overwhelming force was to be contended with, they i>eriiiitted week after week, and month after month to slip away, without giving ministers the aid of their unequivocally declared opinions, and thus left them no alternative but to jield to the stronger power, or relinquish their places. Thin stipincncss is the more to be regretted, when we consider that it was not the result of indifl'erenee as to the decision of the moment mi* question whether food was to be dear or cheap. There was but one opinion prevailing, and that was, that our very existence as a manu- facturing and commercial nation depended upon our being placed on something like an equality with other nations with regard to the necessaries of life. This was the opinion, but unfortunately it did not receive the public expression which it ought to have rcr and though men's hearts burned within them when they thought the people wore starving while there was abundance of food upon the earth, a full publie utterance was not given to their opinions and feelings. " In endeavouring to account for this indifference as to the public expression of what every man felt, we are led to think that it might be occasioned by too great a reliance on the public journals. The tory press, whatever it might say concerning the corn laws, has always discountenanced public meetings; and, unfortunately, tory ism in the press has no better opponent than it has in parliament. Your v hig editor is like your whig member, a creature of mere shifts and expe- dients ; and while he can suggest some palliative, will not recommend an effectual remedy, and will even then throw obstacles in its way. That we do not unfairly characterise the public press will be con- fessed, when it is recollected that the most unequivocal expression of public opinion which was ever made in Manchester was effected by this paper, not merely unaided, but opposed by all its contemporaries. "When a Humlcr has been committed, no time ought to be lost in rectifying it. The landed interest has been permitted to get before the manufacturing interest in their representations in parliament ; but the resolutions so favourable to them, and so obnoxious to us, are not yet become a part of the laws ; and a strong expression of the opinion which prevail* in the manufacturing districts might even yet be effectual in procuring the modifications which justice and policy demand." The strong expression of opinion thus earnestly called for was not made. The bill was passed in the Commons by THE DUKE'S CORN BILL. 299 a large majority ; but in the Lords the Duke of Wellington, after a clever manoeuvre, by which he entrapped the simple Mr. liuskisson to a seeming approval of his movement, succeeded in carrying an amendment which went, in effect, to the destruction of the measure as one of compar.itive relief from the acts of 1815 and 1822, which had been almost entirely prohibitory. Ministers could not, with any show of decency, press their measure any further, and it was accordingly withdrawn, to be followed by one on the following year, framed in accordance with the Duke's opinions as to the amount of protection. Probably the adroit diplomacy by which poor Huskisson was made to appear as giving his sanction to an amendment which destroyed his and Canning's bill, may have suggested to Wellington that he, the F. M., was not destitute of the kind of knowledge which fits a man for the office of prime minister, when a peculiar kind of left-handed wisdom is more required than statesmanship. While lords and commons, whigs and tories, seemed to think or to act upon the opinion, whether they believed it to be true or false, that to prevent the price of corn from tailing too low was a very proper object of legislation, it was edifying to read their replies to the starving workmen who prayed that something should be done to prevent wages from falling too low. The Bolton weavers petitioned that a power should be given to boards of trade, consisting of the most extensive manufacturers in each district, to regulate the prices of weaving ; but, in reply to this applica- tion, they were told that it would be very improper in the legislature to interfere in contracts between the workman and his employer. It was quite necessary and proper, said our law-makers, to regulate the price of corn, but to at- tempt to regulate the price of labour would be at variance with every principle of sound political economy. There was no disinclination to teach sound principles when practice upon such principles took nothing out of their pockets. 300 CANNING'S POSITION. Mr. Canning's elevation, in tin- summer of 1827, to the >n of prime minister. gave satisfaction to neither of the extreme parties in Manchester. The tories liated him for his approaches towards liberalism ; the radicals dis- trusted him because he was still an obstructive. The friends of " protcstant ascendancy " regarded him with :i bitter scowl because he purposed to remove the disabilities \mder which the catholics suffered ; the friends of religious liberty gave him no credit for sincerity, for he was still opposed to the repeal of the test and corporation acts. The favourers of continental absoluteism looked with alarm to act* tending to withdraw England from the influence of the "holy alliance;" but reformers were told, and with a fiercely defiant air, that, though he would not succumb to dcspotical dictation abroad, he would strenuously support the unmitigated rule of the aristocracy and the borough- mongers at home. The landowners raised a furious outcry against his modified support of free-trade doctrin considerable part of the manufacturers, and almost all their workmen, looked on his corn bill as a proof that he was a determined supporter of the corn growers' monopoly. And yet this was a great era a pivot period on which the pro- .\e and the stand-still policy stood vibrating, lew knowing in what direction the turn might be made. The middle class reformers, with whom I acted, were hopeful that some successful innovation might be made on traditional usages of government, and I believe that I expressed their opinions when I said our hope arose from the belief that a government constituted like that of Mr. Canning would be infill. !!( il by public opinion, when that was unequivocally and lx)lilly expressed, and that any movement it might make in advance would encourage the people to lioldcr uds; and that thus the reciprocal action of government u|x>n the jx-i.ple. and of the people upon the goverment. would lead to the recognition of principles from which almost all classes of men in parliament had hitherto recoiled. MANCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 301 When the snores* of the Duke of Wellington's amend- ment in the Lords threatened to be fatal to the proposed "amendment" of the corn law, and to throw the country back upon it in its unmitigated rigour, the Manchester Chamber of Commerce made a languid movement ; that chamber, then behind public opinion, and continuing behind it until December, 1838, when it aroused itself, after a long met on the 27th of June. Mr. Hugh Hornby IJirley in the chair. Mr. George William Wood, seconded by Mr. Shakspeare Phillips, moved, " That the chamber was of opinion that though the bill proposed a scale of protecting duties higher than sound policy suggested, and the welfare of the general interests of the country required, it \\as, nevertheless, founded upon just and salutary principles, and would tend to mitigate the evils of the exiting corn laws." I could not recognise, as a just and salutary principle, the imposition of a forty-shilling tax on the importation of wheat when its price was fifty, and I moved an amendment that the words should be "more just and salutary than the existing law." There were 15 votes f>r my amendment, and 16 against it. Had I imagined that opinion was so nearly balanced I should have taken more pains than I did, but I committed the mistake of believing that the chamber was too conservative to allow a free-trade to carry any resolution. When the petition, founded on the resolutions, was road, I moved again that the qualifying comparison should be used, and was sup- ported by Mr. Robert Garnett, who had previously voted :it:ain-t me. I now thought that there would be a majority of one in my favour, but Mr. John Edward Taylor, of the (I'linrtliiiH, who had voted tor me. turned round and voted against me, on the ground that the resolution and the r of the petition ought to agree. The closeness of the-e divisions betokened a change in the opinions of that timid association, although many years elapsed before Cobden, 13right, Smith, Ashworth, Ikixley, and others of 302 PUBLIC MEETING. progressive movement principles, took the place of men who would put forth all their energy to have a quarter of an hour's earlier delivery of letters, but who would not put out their little finger to lighten the heavy burthens impo-ed by selfish legislation. A public meeting was held in the Town Hall, on the 5th of July, at which Mr. G. W. Wood made a good speech against the existing law, but confessed he would hav. almost satisfied had Mr. Canning's bill been passed. Mr. John Shuttleworth did not so much approve of that mea- sure as to be much mortified by its defeat. " The late," he said, " which has attended the project, such as it is, shows, more decidedly than the loss of a stronger and better measure would, the necessity there is for increasing the influence and power of those who, with good intention have used it. by every demonstration of popular support.'' Mr. J. C. Dyer wished to see the population of his country, not as half-starved paupers, but as well-clothed, well-fed, and contented artizans ; and if they were permitted freely to import cheap food, he was confident that this would be their state, and that their prosperity would go on increasing and bid defiance to the competition of the world. .Mr. Richard Potter made an effective speech on the occasion, and, in allusion to a phrase used in the House of Lord*, lie said, " Lord Grey, and I regret, and you must all regret that such language should have been used by such a man, has hinted that a repetition of language calculated to bring the * order' to which he belongs into contempt or disrepute, might subject the parties to banishment, but such a threat will be treated by the country with the contempt which it deserves. If, however, his lordship and the 'order,' by which he says he will stand or fall, should proceed to ex- tremities, I trust, nay, I am sure, there will be men found in the country, yes, in this room, ready to stand up for the rights of the people." Mr. Robert Hyde Greg ably exposed the fallacies by which the members of the landed aristocracy TORY BITTERNESS. 303 attempted to defend their monopoly, and said that the lords, whenever the question of the corn laws came before them, 1 Maidenly deprived of common sense, common policy, common honesty, common decorum, and common humanity. Mr. (ireg concluded by quoting the lines written by Lord Byron, so often afterwards used during the anti-corn-law agitation, and so much to the annoyance of the landed interest : M And will they not repay the treasures lent ? No! Down with everything and up with rent! Their good, ill, health, wealth, joy, and discontent, Aim, being, and religion, rent, rent, rent! !" The resolutions passed at this public meeting did not, like those of the Chamber of Commerce, recognise, as just and salutary, the principle of Mr. Canning's bill, but they did not denounce, but rather approved, the principle of a moderate fixed duty, and I believe the free-traders of that day would have considered the imposition of an eight- shilling fixed duty as a fair compromise between the agri- cultural and the commercial interests. But Mr. Canning, bitterly as he was denounced as an enemy to the protection of agriculture, had neither the wish nor the power to effect to great a change, and was now rapidly approaching the time when he was to find refuge in the grave from the I of an aristocracy whose fears he had alarmed and who^r hatred he had incurred, without gaining any confi- dence and sympathy from the multitude, whose miseries he had mocked and whose claims for justice he had insult- ingly derided. Amusing instances if bitter rancour can ever amuse of intolerant feeling occurred at all the Pitt dinners of this pivot" period. At one of their celebrations, held at "\Yarrington, the chairman, the Rev. Peter Leigh, said that Mr. Canning was one of the greatest political swindlers of the day, and one who would take ndvice from every dirty radical, insane theorist, and mongrel whig ; that he was a 804 THK rKNKY.V SEATS. political Judas, who would prove the greatest curse that ever had afflicted any country : that it' ever there * name in England that deserved public execration, it was that of George Canning ; and that lie hoped the kini; would spurn from his councils that despicable truckler that political profligate and that Pitt's principles might again rule the British cabinet. The reverend orator concluded by calling upon his clerical friends present " not to cut the faggots on which they themselves and their church stood a tolerable chance of being devilled." All this abuse was lavished because Canning was in favour of Catholic Emancipation. His determined support of the Test and Corporation Act, and his intolerance towards e same champions had repealed the Test and Corporation Act, and in less than another had granted Catholic Emancipation. In this transitive period we were, for a brief time, allowed to entertain the hope that our great unrepresented town woidd have the privilege of sending two members to parliament. One of the rotten boroughs had permitted its rottenness to be somewhat too openly exhibited, and so much virtuous indignation was expressed that it might have been -upposcd, by the uninitiated, that coiruption was only the exception and not the rule. Fortunately our expectations wen- disappointed fortunately, bccai, ministers had possc-M <1 even the left-handed wisdom o cunning, they would have granted the Penyrn >cats t Manchester one year, and Esist Ketford scats to Birming- ham in another, and thus have spread over fifty* the demolition effected at once by the 1832 bill, and have gained for themselves the credit of being progressive re- formers, slow but sure, occupying the just medium between PUBLIC MKETIXG. 305 the obstructives and the destructives, between finality and radicalism. In April, 1827, Penryn having been discovered to be not immaculate, Lord John Russell gave notice, that if it were disfranchised he would move that its seats should be transferred to Manchester, and Lord Stanley sent a communication to that effect to the boroughreeve and constables, our then head municipal authorities. This created considerable excitement, the tories and whigs agreeing in opinion that the commerce of Manchester would derive advantage from direct representation, and more decided reformers being eager that there should be some beginning, some starting point, to an amendment of that strange representative system which gave no member to Manchester and two to the little village of Newton, and two to some mounds of earth at Old Sarum. The reformers, seeing that the tories and whigs were disposed to move for this instalment of reform, resolved to let those two parties have the lead in managing the matter, and held back their own signatures to the requisition to call a public meeting till the signatures of more cautious politicians were secured. I subjoin some of the names which appeared in the re- quisition names which probably never afterwards were brought into such friendly contiguity of fellowship : Jcli ii Barton, George Win. Wood, Shalcspeare Phillips, K. \V. Hart.m, Robert Ganu-tt, John Touchet, 11. 11 Biri William Garnet t, E. J. Lloyd, Thomas Ashton, Jeremiah Fielding, Samuel Bnrton, Edmund Wright, Thomas Ho\ If, Edward Tootal, John Kennedy, T. Harbottle, H. Bannerman, James Hurt, R. II. Greg, R. Chrifti,., B. H. Hey wood, Daniel Grant, John Runcorn, Henry >"ewby, Charles Cross, Isaac Hatch, Benjamin Heywood, F. A. Phillips, li.-MJ.-miin 15raiilley, G. R. Chapp-ll, James Wood, Robert Stewart, ! mvr, \\ fullt.nd.-r, Richard Potter, li-r Kay, James Beardoe, William Harvey, Tlioinsn Potter, William Havnes, -I K. Taylor, Thomas Kntwistle, Archibald Prentice, Edward Council 306 PUBLIC MEETING. Tin- meeting, called by George Ncclcn, borougbxeeve, and Michael llai buttle and David Bannerman, constables, was lirld in tin- unplastcred large room of the Town Hall. The first resolution was proposed by Mr. H. II. Uirlcy, the commander, in 1819, of the yeomanry corps which had cut down the people peaceably assembled to petition for reform. He said he wished to see the manufacturing interests better uted. Mr. G. W. Wood, seconding the motion, took nearly the same ground, and his complaint was not so much of the narrowness of the suffrage as of the exclu- sion of the manufacturing towns. Out of 658 members in the House of Commons, he said, there were only nine connected with the manufacturing interest. Mr. "William Garnett, in moving the second resolution, spoke only of the importance of the cotton trade, and then argued the -ity of its being represented. Mr. R. II. Greg, and Mr. Richard Potter, both spoke very briefly, the under- standing being that reformers should let the work be done by others not previously known as desiring progression. The resolutions were all passed unanimously, but a division arose upon the nomination of a committee, from which the - of persons supposed to be tainted with radicalism had been excluded : " Mr. Thomtu lloyle proposed that the following gentlemen be appointed a committee to carry the resolutions into effect, viz., the boroughreeve and constables and churchwardens of 5I:mr Messrs. II. II. Birley, O. W. Wood, Shakspearv Philip, John Barton, William Garnett, John Kennedy, Thomas KiitwNtlc, R. H. Greg, Benjamin lleywood, G. Winter, John Kirkman, Henry New- bery, Tlumms Heywood, John Runcorn, Isaac Faulkner, .li.lm C'liip- pendall, William Cririe, and Thomas Worthington. Mr. Prentico begged leave to say a few worth* before the resolution was put. He had been extremely glad to observe tin- unanimity which hail hitherto prevailed in the meeting, and it had given him great satisfaction to see the requisition signed by persons who, as Mr. Wood had remarked, were of every grade of political opinion. But he had no hesitation in saying, that the committee which had been proposed did not fairly represent the roquisitionists. (Hear, hear, hear.) In order, there- A COMMITTEE APPOINTED. 307 fore, that the committee, like the requisitionists, should comprise persons of all political opinions, he proposed that the names of Mr. T. llurbottl.-, Mr. Kdward Baiter, Mr. John Edward Taylor, Mr. John Shuttleworth, Mr. Richard Potter, and Mr. F. R. Atkinson, be added to the list which had been proposed by Mr. Hoyle. (The announcement of these names was received with loud applause.) ' orge Hatljleld seconded the amendment. He said he was desirous that the committee should be composed of individuals of every opinion in politics, as it was desirable that all parties should be unanimous ; and lie thought that unanimity would be best secured bv the cordial co-operation of persons who represented the various opinions of the inhabitants. Mr. Candelet proposed that .Mr. Prentice's name should be added to the list. The amended list, with this addition, was carried by a majority of ten to one." The prayer of the petition was, " that whenever circum- stances render it practicable, your honourable house, in conjunction with the other branches of the legislature, will be pleased to extend representation to the town of Man- chester, and such other townships of the parish as form, in fact, part of the town. Your petitioners, however, anxious that in their case and by their successors, the elective privi- lege should be purely, independently, and constitutionally exercised, do further pray, that if it shall please your honourable house to accede to this urgent request, such .tions may be prescribed with respect to the mode of elect i Hi. as shall effectually, and at all times prevent the tumult, delay, and expense by which elections for populous - are too often attended." It will be seen that the petition bore no reference to the qualification of voters. It was thought desirable to do no ihan to convince the legislature that Manchester was willing to accept representation, lor even willingness to that extent \viis denied by a member of parliament who rejoiced in the name of Mr. Lee Keck, A number of the gentlemen appointed on the committee were supposed to be favourable to the formation of a constituency of all who paid 20 a year and upwards, and there were not wanting plausible 308 QUAI.I IK \iioN (i i VOTES reasons, in the then state of representation, in favour of that qualification. In Glasgow, the fourth part of a member was elected by a corporation consisting of thirty coucillors, themselves self-elected. Compared with that mockery, a constituency of 4,000 occupiers to the amount of 28 and upwards, would seem to offer some guarantee for an independent and judicious choice. East lletford was found to be not less corrupt than Penryn ; and Mary-le- bonc, Glasgow, Birmingham, and Leeds came into compe- tition for the seats. Glasgow seemed disposed to compro- mise for a member by offering to confine the voting to freeholders within the city There seemed an excellent opportunity of selling seats to the large towns on the principle of the Dutch auction. But fortunately the spirit of obstruction to all reform was rampant, and the penny was clutchingly withheld to the loss of the pound. On the 23rd of April, iu the following year, a meeting was held to pass the constables' accounts, in which appeared the sum of 69 as pnid to a deputation from the Manchester committee to confer with Lord John Russell on the transfer of scats. On the motion that the accounts do \> moved, seconded by Mr. Candelet, that the accounts do pass, with the exception of 69, on the ground that the deputation had assumed a power which had not been delegated to them when they bargained for an exclusive suffrage. I said that when Mr. Harbottle had proposed that a deputation should be sent to London, it \\.-is on the ground that an immediate representation should be made of the great importance of this town, and of the necessity of its inten -t- 1>< -ini; represented in parliament : that this had not been done, but at a period long subsequent to that meeting, the committee had sent its deputation, not for the al object, but in order to traffic fora bill which denied to an inhabitant a vote unless he was assessed on a rent of 20 a year, equal to an actual rent of 25 or 30 a year. Could any one, I asked, who was present at that m DEBATE ON PKXRYX SEATS. 309 ever have supposed that he was sanctioning that which would exclude so large a portion of the inhabitants, pos- a large amount of the intelligence and respectability of the town ? Mr. Jeremiah Garnet attempted to get rid of the amendment, by saying that Mr. Prentice himself had been favourable to a 20 qualification, to which my reply was, that whatever my opinion might have been, it did not justify a bargain with parliament for the exclusion of so large a portion of my fellow-townsmen. The amend- ment was carried. The bill for the disfranchisement of Penryn was ultimately lost in the House of Lords on June 23rd, 1828. The pro- ceedings were thus briefly reported in my newspaper of the time : " The Em-l of Carnarvon moved the second reading of the Penryn Di"fr.iiichi-ement Hill. His lordship proceeded to comment on the evidt-mv at considerable- length, and concluded by stating that, in his opinion, it did not warrant him in moving that the franchise of the borough should be absolutely annihilated, by its transference to some other place, but it was sufficiently decided to make it imperative on their lordships to adopt some course to prevent the recurrence of the briln-ry sh->wn to have existed for so many years. The Lord Chan- cellor (LyndhurstJ said, after attending daily to the evidence, and after a subsequent pcru-ul of it, lie wa> satisfied that the further progress of the measure ought to be resisted. From the e\idcncc it appeared that there were 420 voters, ami lie defied the noble lord to show that bribery had been brought home to more than fourteen ; n three of the-* 1 instances depended upon admissions, and not nctnalK UI-.M t.-timony under the .sanction of an oath. Zorrf De Ihtnstantille remarked that it li-ul been said, that as he possessed li nihle projicrty in the neighbourhood of 1'enryn, it would give him a decided power in influencing t he elect ion-i, ,-hould t hi* bill p8S. But lie was convinced that the independence of the freeholders there, lly of the substantial yeoman, was such that if all the men of rank were to unite their influence in favour of one candidate, and a jMijmlar candidate were to start, he would heat their united it ttiU. In his opinion no case had been made out, either in law or equity, to ju*tif\ the present bill. The l-'.ni-l <>f I'.li'on nud he had never seen a case so utterly destitute of foundation. Lord 310 I'l Al.I.'i FRUSTRATl 1>. Daere said he was no friend of these wild doctrines of reform iliat would establish universal suffrage, or even liouseh* every case, for he iliil not think (lint unv one unit-inn jn-iiu-ijilc of voting could ever be adopted ; but as the ohjeet of this liill transfer the franchise to the commercial from I lie hii'lr-l int< should certainly oppose it. The Marqvis of Salisbury ctllnl tin- attention of their lordships to the words of the preamble of the lull. They ran in this form : ' Whereas, on account of the great vt-.-ilth and population of Manchester, it is expedient that it should burgesses to parliament.' >'o\v, in that s-intrlo sentence were m all the wililot iln-triiie.s of reform. If then- were no other grounds for opposition, he should oppose this bill on that ground alone. As no other noble lord had objected to the bill on that ground, he had determined to enter his protest against such doctrines being smuggled into a bill to ruin the constitution. Tho Earl of Carnarvon ob- served, that, as he saw the general opinion of the house was against i, he would not press it to a division, but would uiihdmu it." And thus the effort for gradual reform AMIS frustrated, and fortunately, for the " gradual " progress would have been much the same us standing still. There \vi ic many members of both houses who thought with Ixml Salisbury, though they did not speak out so plainly, that to regard wealth and population as a claim to representation, was one of the wildest doctrines of reform, and that its practical recognition would lead to the utter ruin of the constitution. CHAPTER XX. MUNICIPAL AGITATIONS. CONSIDERABLE dissatisfaction had for several years been manifested by a portion of the inhabitants of Manchester with the management of its municipal affairs. There was no elective authority in the town. The boroughreeve, who, by ancient custom rather than of right, exercised the func- tions of a mayor, and the constables, who were at the head of tlu- day police, were elected at the lord of the manor's court leet, by a jury nominated by the lord of the manor's steward. The police commissioners, whose duties were to superintend the night-watch, and the paving, sewering, and lighting of the town, consisted of such persons as being assessed upon a 30 rental, chose to come forward and take the oath of office. The inhabitants had no control over the first class of officers, and they had long shown them- - as anxious to apprehend radicals and put down reform principles as to detect thieves and prevent theft and robbery. The police commissioners, abetted by the court leet officers, were, in like manner, apt to forget municipal duties in political ; and there was a suspicion that, pro- vided their servants and the tradesmen they employed were sufficiently loyal, there would not be a very sharp inspection of their accounts. Amongst the complainants were Mr. Chapman, a fruiterer ; Mr. Nicholas Whitworth and Mr. William Whitw.irth, corn dealers; Mr. P. T. Canddtt, a draper ; Mr. John Dracup, a draper, and several other com- missioners who, even at the risk of personal violence, kept rooting after abuses, and succeeded in bringing to lijjht some things which certainly looked very like jobs ; for instance, it was discovered that each horse kept by the 312 PRICE OF GAB. commissioners, in addition to a fair allowance of corn, con- sumed bran to the amount of forty shillings 1 worth a week. Additional sources of dissatisfaction an^e when ga> ! a necessary to the shopkeepers. The commissioner^ had, very wisely, f-tahli-hcd gas works, instead of leaving the supply to any joint stock company. They borrowed money to erect the works and put down the mains, repaid it out of profits derived, and borrowed more when the works 1 extension; and thus they obtained a larp' amount of elear income, to be expended in public improvements, without the assessment of the inhabitants to the amount of a single farthing. But, in the early stages of the manufac- ture, there was reason for complaint that improvements, as well as the lighting of the town, to which the whole community ought to have contributed, were effected out of the pockets of the gas consumers. At the time the con- sumption of gas was confined almost to the shopkeepers and publicans. It was not used in warehouses, ollir dwelling-houses, or small factories, and the large spinning establishment* made their own. Probably, not one-fourth of the ratepayers were gas consumers. The Mnall trailer. whose shop, situated in some dark narrow street, required much artificial light, complained that the enormous ware- houses of the Bridgewater Trust, and the great factories of the Birleys, the M'Connells, the Hurrays, and the Iloulds- worths, paid nothing towards the supply of the town's lamps with gas, while the whole of that cost wa* <1( t out of the profits derived from excessively high prices. A .-tniir'jjle was made by those who believed themselves to be unduly taxed, to have a reduction of the burthen. Those who escaped from this fair share of contribution, and thought that the gas consumers paid only a reasonable price for their li^ht, opposed them*. IM - ti< K . 1\ to any reduction of the charge, which at that time, was fourteen shilling thousand cubic fret. The question bocame one almost of politics, and it was discussed with even more than political POLICE COMMISSIONERS. 313 rancour. The taxed shopkeeper was the radical, and the untaxed warehouseman was the conservative. The re- former-;. iK'aten on every division, began to ask accessions to their nuinbers, and as everybody who wa~ i upon a rental of ;JO a year was eligible, it was not difficult to ide many to go and take the qualifying oath, and gain the opportunity of putting a cheek to " oppression." The same facility was presented to the other side, and great numbers qualified to protect the town's funds from " spolia- tion." Thus the meetings of commissioners were constantly becoming more numerous and more stormy, till it was not an uncommon thing to see eight hundred commissioners present at a meeting, and to witness proceedings as Hi tie deliberative and decorous as we sometimes see in the front of the hustings on the nomination day at a contested election. At a meeting held on the 30th of January, 182*. at which about 900 commissioners were present, it was intended, by the advocates for a reduction in the price of gas, to submit a motion that it should be reduced, so as to leave a clear profit of 4,000 per annum, to be applied either to the reduction of the rates or the improvement of the town ; but it was soon seen that there was little disposition on the oppo>it ( - side to come to any amicable arrangement. It was moved that the borough reeve, Mr. Charles Cross, should take the chair; but Mr. \V. Whitworth objected, on the ground that Mr. Cross had not acted impartially at the previous meeting, and moved that Mr. Candelet should take, the chair. It then became a question whether the election should be by ballot or by show of hands, and Mr. O-wald Milne put that question to the meeting, and declared that the majority was in favour of the ballot; on which Mr. Hugh Hornby Hirley demanded a scrutiny, which was effected with difficulty, great delay, and much uncertainty, and then the vote- were declared to be for the ballot. -118; against it, 463. The que>tion then became whither Mr. 314 A STORMY MEETING. Cross or Mr. Candclct should be chairman, :m. Milne, who declared tliat the majority was in favour of Mr. Cross. Mr. W. \Yhitworth, following tin- example of Mr. llirley, then proposed a scru- tiny, and that it should be taken from the police In ink- was convinced that of the names given in la>t there were many of persons who were not commissioners, as well persons who were not in the room at all. Preliminary to the scrutiny, tickets were handed round to obtain the nai all the persons in the room, that they might be compared with the list of commissioners. The tickets havii handed in, scon after half- past one o'clock, Mr. Milne got on flic table, and said he would announce the result of the scrutiny. M Nay, not the scrutiny," said Mr. John (Jyte ; ".there has In en no scrutiny yet ; and the meeting under- stands Jhat the scrutiny is to be made by comparing the names handed in with the names on the book." Mr. Milne paid no attention to this, and said, ' The result of the voting is that there are 520 for the boroughreeve, and 386 against him, and I declare that he is elected chairman. Mr. Cross, take the chair." Mr. Whitworth and all of his Mip] within hearing protested against this, and said that the scrutiny should be taken in the way that had been B upon, and as the meeting had been given to understand it should be taken ; but, as I was informed by several gentle- men who witnessed the transaction (for I was at the table In-low the hustings), Mr. Milne, instead of paying any attention to their protest, or to his own previous agreement, hurriedly held out his hand to Mr. Cross, who was at some distance, in order to pull him towards the table. o\er the heads of the commissioners who stood on the hustings. He was resisted in this attempt by their standing closely together, and Mr. Whitwoith railed out, "Don't let him into the chair until a fair scrutiny is made ; keep him out." On this there was an outcry, " Put him in " " Keep him out ; " and a general rush to the hustings from both si. THE BOKOUGUREEVE'S FALL. 315 the room took place. As the commissioners either could not or would not make way, Mr. Cross, who wa* Mauling upon a chair near the wall, put one foot on the shoulder of a gentleman In-fore him, and seemed disposed in this way to reach the table ; but the gentleman shifted a little to one ml Mr. C'ro-s, being unable to reach the table with his foot, slipped down. A cry immediately rose that he had been thrown down on purpose, and the confusion was increased, one party crying out that he was obstructed by and another that he had no right to be in the chair. Mr. Whit worth, who had been on the table in front of the hustinu r -. then got over the railing, about the time when the boroughrecvc had recovered his footing, and called out, IK- has no right to be in the chair ; keep him out." Mr. Milne then stood forward, and called out loudly and repeat- edly lor constables, and said that if any one would get a warrant, he would swear that Mr.. Whitworth had com- mitted an a--ault, and had urged on his party to acts of violence. The noise now was appalling, and the pressure towards the hustings, to see what was going on, was so great, that imminent danger from the collision of the parties was to be apprehended. At this period of the proceedings, fearing, from Mr. Milne's reiterated vociferations, that the boroughrceve's personal safety was endangered, I jumped over the railing into th'e hustings, and going up to the boroughreeve, said. " Mr. Cross, I have on all oeca>ions opposed your lx-ing chairman of thtae meetings, but I cannot sanction violence, and the man who assault* you assaults me." lint a few seconds' observation showed me that Mr. Cross was in no danger, for he was sitting calmly on the talile, and on this address he smiled and said, "Oh, I am neither afraid nor hurt." Indeed all around the table was quiet, but several combats were going on at the extre- mities of the busting, arising, as far as I could judge, from disputes as to who began the disturbance. On the left of the table a young man, a clerk, as I was told, in the p 2 316 SKUIOt'S ACCIDENT. constables' office, who had been desired to take a Mr. Wilde into custody, was laying about him 1'urioxisly and indis- criminately with a constable's staff, and, in the efforts to moderate his /eal. >rvrral contests ar< <.-. in one of which Mr. Xorris, of Marsden-squarc, was in some danger of being treated roughly. On the other side of the table a zealot of the conservative school tore off from the upper part of the hustings a piece of wood, five or six feet long, and three or four inches thick, and brandishing it aloft, swore that he would settle his opponents ; but some consi- derate friend forcibly dispossessed him of his formidable weapon. In front of the hustings Mr. Richard Smith was engaged in a contest with a commissioner who had called him a liar ; but some one having said, " Why, Mr. Smith, that is the usual language here," he quitted hold of his antagonist's collar, and, with great good humour, let the matter drop. A \tiy perion* accident, however, befel one commissioner, Mr. 1 Ivans, of Ancoats-street, who, though standing at several yards' distance from the boroughn eve, and taking no part in the disturbance, was accused of being opposed to him, and, without any ceremony, was hurled from the hustings with such violence that he was driven foremost against a sharp angle of one of the fluted columns, aud received a wound which, at first -i^ht. seemed to be mortal, but which was more frightful in appearance than dangerous. This riot gave great satisfaction to the opponents of local reform, and it was soon seen what use they intended to make of it. The tory Courier said : " If the affairs of the town are to be conducted, as heretofore, by the whole body of police commissioners, the qualification ought to be from 30 to 50;" adding, "we arc glad to find that a statement of all the circumstances of the outrages at the Town Hall have In-en forwarded to the secretary of state." The whig Guardian took the same course, saying : " Wr fear the occurrences which have taken place at several of MB. WHITWORTH PROSECUTED. 317 the late meetings, render the conclusion irresistible, that n new constitution of the body of the police commissioners has become absolutely necessary." The tory Chronicle stated that there were then 1,800 commissioners, and said: It is now become obvious to every respectable resident in Manchester, that some change must be sought for in the mode of conducting its public business." This change had been long desired by those who did not find it work so pleasantly as when a few conservative gentlemen had the business all in their own hands. In the meantime it was thought advisable to take legal proceedings against Mr. Whit worth, who was brought before the magistrates, charged with riot and assault, and after a long examination lie wa required to enter into his own recognizance in 200, and to find two sureties in 100 each to answer the charge at the sessions. Mr. George Hargreaves Winder, th, the opposers of the bill agreed they would not rebut the evidence as to its necessity, as it was quite as desirable to repress the irregularities of the " high " party as those of the " law." On this intimation being made by Mr. Blackburn, our counsel, the cxaminat Mr. Oswald Milne, the law clerk to the commissioners. Tin ! tijihtin^ against his employers, which had been ^<>inj; on while the deputation wen- consulting, ceased, and the promoters of the bill proceeded in their support of the none of which \\cre opposed till the arrival at the one which fixed the qualification of vo: assessed rent of -J"i. This was objected to, and an amend- ment proposed, that the qualification should be 10, the discussion Of which was deferred till next day,aud the CONTEST IX COMMITTEE. 321 committee adjourned, having first expressed a wish that as the remaining clauses were matter of principle rather than of evidence, the two deputations should meet, and come to some agreement about them. To this the deputation op- to the bill offered no objection, although, from the il of their opponents to bring the points of the quali- fication to reference before, on the ground that they had no authority to come to such an agreement, they saw no probability of the boroughreevc, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Green, and the rest of the promoters coming to any reasonable terms, particularly after having, as they supposed, obtained a victory in proving the preamble of the bill. However, the deputation opposing the bill sent to their opponents within two or three hours after the sitting of the com- mittee, copies of all the clauses they intended to propose, and begged to know when Mr. Cross and his friends could them. Instead, however, of consenting to any con- ference, Mr. Cross addressed a letter to Mr. Baxter, couched in a somewhat insolent tone, rejecting at once the clauses submitted to their consideration, and expressing their opinion that such clauses could never have been submitted with any desire to come to an agreement. On Tuesday the committee again met and proceeded to the examination of Mr. John Thorpe, comptroller of ac- counts to the police commissioners, who stated that 3,800 M were assessed at 25 and upwards, and about 4,000 more at from 10 to 25. The latter, he said, consisted of small shopkeepers, such as hucksters and green-grocers, clerks, warehousemen, and mechanics. This evidence was oft, red to the committee to prove the assertion of Mr. Adam, one of the counsel for the bill, that, even at the high qualification of voters proposed by its promoters, there would be a numerous body of voters, and that the persons who would be excluded were of these classes which have rm.u'j;li to do in their own affairs, without any further in- terfering in police matters than to pay their rat k Mr. P 3 322 MR. THORPE'S APV Thorpe Mated. :iKo, that tho persons who now ;itt> police meetings were not of so respectable a class as those who formerly used to attend. In hi- , :inination, J_> o-cupiers, who wore then police com- missioners, would not even have a vote in the elections under the new bill, being assessed at less than L'-'o. and some at K -> than 13, and that even more than that num- ber of owners, and persons who did not directly pay rates, then commissioners, would have no vote. This part of Mr. Thorpe's cross-examination not only proved the great ex- tent of the disfranchisement that would take .place, but it saved the opposers of the bill the trouble of proving that the assessments were very much lower than the real rental. Mr. l&lackburn then proceeded to examine Mr. Thorpe from certain tables, which had been made up in compliance with a motion made by Mr. W. "Whitworth, at the meeting on the 16th of April. By these it was shown, that of the accounts' committee, consisting of six persons, four, by the new bill, would be disqualified as voters, and five would become ;ble as commissioners; that out of ten of the scaven- ging committee, six would be disqualified as voters, and nine would be ineligible as commissioners, and so on through all the committees.- It was next shown, by a cross-examina- tion upon these tables, that by far the best attendance on these subsidiary committees was by individuals who, under the new act, would not only be ineligible as commissioners, but who would not even have a vote in the choice of the new managers of public affairs. It was also shown that the worst attendance was on the part of persons highly assessed ; for instance, in the lamp committee, two out of the three who were highest assessed, never attended at all, while on the fire-engine committee, consisting of p. at high assessments, two never attended at all, four only once, three only twice, two only thrice, and so on. Mr. John Wood, member for Preston, son of Mr. Ottiwcll Wood, formerly of Manchester, further elicited from Mr. MANAGEMENT UNDER THE OLD ACT. 323 Thorpe, that the management of municipal affairs was certainly 'bettef than it had been ten years previously, when it was notorious that, under the management of a very few commissioners, of " high respectability," so much as 50 a year, for each horse kept, was charged for bran. n. Now, Mr. Thorpe, you are obviously well acquainted with tiie business of the police. Do you think it possible that such scandalous job could take place now ? MR. THORPK. I do not think it could. MB. WOOD. Are not all contracts made now on the best possible terms? MB. THORPE. I believe they are. il it. \V. >OD. Are not the committees well attended ? MB. THORPE. They are. MB. WOOD. Yet a great proportion of those who attend are Mened at a low rate ? MR. THORPE. They are. MB. WOOD. Do you think the business, generally, of the com- - could be better done than it is now ? MR. THORPE. I do not think it could. The parties for and against the bill were ordered to withdraw, and on their re-admission they were told that the committee, after considering what ought to be the qualification of voters and commissioners, had agreed to recommend that it should be on an assessment to the police rate on 20. The counsel for the promotion of the bill objected to any decision as to the qualification of com- missioners before any evidence was heard on that point ; but they were reminded that this was not a decision, 'but a recommendation. The deputation opposed to the bill promptly resolved to agree to the qualifications recom- mended by the committee, and an immediate communica- tion to that i- fleet was made to the boroughrccve. Our deputation, with the lordly letter of Mr. Cross in their hamls. stating that he and the other members of his depu- tation at once rejected the clauses submitted to them, thought that after that independent course of action they OBSTINACY OF THE PROMOTERS. could not again e\ade compliance by pleading that tiny had no authority ve-tcd in them. About nine o'clock. \er, a letter was received from Mr. Cross, sayintr that the deputation Mr. Cross, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Green, and Mr. ( '. Smith,) had written to their "constituents," and that without instructions from them they wen- wholly unauthori/.fd to agree to the qualifications recommended by the committee! This was their third refusal to come to any agreement with the opposers of the bill. On Wednesday morning. Mr, Adams proposed an adjourn- ment till Monday, by which time, he said, the borough- reeves' s deputation would have received instructions from their constituents in Manchester. This was opposed by Mr. Blackburn, who protested against keeping the opposers of the bill in town at a heavy expense, merely because the promoters of the bill could not do anything without in- structions. Lord Stanley said that the deputation sccmrd to have much more limited powers than he supposed they had. and more limited than other deputations had, lor gentlemen wi-re usually sent not to demand that one course should be followed, and no other, but to do what was best under all the circumstances. Mr. Adam- replied. that the gentlemen felt it necessary to send for instructions, . -e, if the measures recommended by the committee were adopted, their friends in Manchester might deem it to abandon their bill altogether. Mr. Stanley said then- was no occasion to wait for a reply from Manchester, for if the gentlemen there did not like the bill, they might abandon it in a future stage as well as now. Mr. Adams then objected to any decision being come to as to the qualification of commissioners, as that part of the bill had not been di-cu-scd. The last-mentioned member said, that the adoption of f'JO voters bore a reference to the qualifi- . of comn , i tor the committee considered that if the one was raised, the other should be reduced. It would, he said, be lowering themselves indeed, if they DEFEAT OF THE PROMOTERS. 325 instead of exercising their own discretion, to wait till certain persons in Manchester made up their minds. Sir James Graham said it would be. quite derogatory to the dignity of the committee to suspend their proceedings merely be- a deputation was sent which had no discretionary powers. Mr. John Wood said it was strange that the deputation should refuse to accede to the proposal, for, in their own statement, circulated amongst the members, they id they would cheerfully submit to any modifications the committee might think advisable. Mr. Joseph Hulme took the same course, and at length the committee resolved that the prayer of the promoters of the bill, that they should adjourn till Monday, should not be granted. Mr. Blackburn then spoke very shortly, but pithily, and the members wen- left to themselves to decide. When the parties were admitted into the room, it was found they had fixed on 20 assessment as the qualification of voters. 1 Then came the commissioners' qualification clause. After some discussion, the parties were again turned out the opposers in full expectation of things being right, yet under the fear that it was possible that a muster might be made to raise it the promoters obviously in great alarm. At length the door was opened, when Lord Stanley deliberately read over the clan-e, and instead of thirty-five, read twentv. On Thursday the committee, proceeding to other clauses of the bill, made short work of a very complicated - of election devised by Mr. G. W. Wood, and apportioned the iiuin!). T i.f oommiauonen to each ward according to a scale, suggested by Mr. Urotherton, drawn up with a uce to lx>th the number of the population and the amount to which property was assessed. Mr. Sergeant, solicitor. \\a the only one present of the original promoters of tin- bill, and offered no opposition to any of the amended clauses, all of which were agreed to except one, particularly insisted upon by Mr. Candelet, Mr. I lamp-on, and myself, which wa afterwards thrown out, to fix the pridfe of gas at 326 1.1I.L ALTEBKD IX THE a rate which would leave a clear profit of ten per cent, per annum on the estimated value of the works. On Saturday the original promoters of the bill, who had, up to that time, shown no disposition to come to amicable terms, or to any terms, communicated to our deputation that they would allow the bill to pass without opposition, if the qualification of commissioners were raised to a 30 assessment, and the number of commissioners for each district were in propor- tion to the amount which such district contributed to the rates. To accede to this very modest proposal would have been to abandon half of what had already been gained, alter a most vexatious and exceedingly expensive contest, and the original opposers, now the supporters, of the bill i;ave a prompt refusal to the proposal. The care of the bill, during its progress through the Hou^c of Lords, was entrusted to Mr. Baxter, Mr. Brother- ton, Mr. K. Potter, Mr. J. Shuttlcworth, and Mr. David Holt, the Belief being that a strong effort would be made* there to restore the high qualification ; and that such was the intention was soon proved by Lord Skclmersdale giving notice that he would move its restoration. But, after all the parade, and effort, and expenditure, and boust, and swagger, the promoters of the original bill came, cap in hand and with bated breath, to propose that if the qualifi- cation of commissioners were raised to 28, they would consent that the qualification of voters should be reduced to 16. To this the now promoters of the bill j:a\e their consent, and it was passed. My comment at the time, in my newspaper, was : " We must not look on the bill as the best which could be framed, but as the best which could be passed ; and although it is very far from being one deserving unqualified approbation, and though it may he doubtful how it will work, there can be no difference of opinion amongst the independent and thinking part of our community, that we are likely to have much more useful commissifpcrs at a qualification of 28 than at one of 35, COST OF THE BILL. 327 and that the control exercised over those commissioners will be much more effective when their election is in the hands of persons assessed at 16 than if it had been in the hands of persons assessed at 25." In this contest the sum of 2,400 was expended by the original promoters of the bill, and 1,200 by those who contended for its amend- ment. The former had no legal sanction for their expen- diture, but, having a majority under the new constitution, they voted repayment to themselves, accompanying the vote, however, with one that the opposers also should be repaid. The latter refused to receive the money, and insisted that both parties should bear the expenses out of their own pockets ; but the original promoters held fast by what they had received, and when all hope of ther refund- ing the amount was lost, the original opposers who had afterwards become promoters, consented to accept of the sum voted and set apart for their use. CHAPTER XXI. THE AUTHOB IN DIFFICULTIES. WHEN I purchased the copyright and materials of Mrs. Cowdroy's Gazette I received assistance from some friends. and amongst others from one firm that opened a credit for me with a hanker. The firm which was amongst ii; ferers 1>\ the great commercial depression of 1826, became insolvent : and I had to repay to the- bank the money which had been advanced to me. This was the beginning of diffi- culties which I need not detail. Demands came upon me fasti T than could be met from the profits of my paper. Towards the end of 1827 my friends advised me to offer my creditors a composition, I did so, and the greater number had agreed to accept it, when one of the persons who had become security for me at the stamp-office, becoming alarmed, gave notice that he expected the board to use the power it possessed of compelling payment. "What was called "an extent in aid" was i-sued, and I suddenly found not only all my printing materials taken posscsson of. but notices sent to all who owed me money that it was to be paid to government. The composition, the arrangements for which had been nearly completed, was now out of the question, >nd bankruptcy was the necessary result I wa- in the condition of the fanner, who, having laid out all his money in improvements, was broken down just at the time when the return for his outlay began to come in. I had added fifty per cent, to the circulation of the paper, and much more than doubled its advertisements. It was yield- ing an income beyond my expenditure, and promi-ed speedily to become a " good property." It was in th of clearing off all debt upon it, but not speedily enough to ADDBES3 TO HIS READERS. 329 satNfy the immediate demands, and in this condition it was broken down, and I was, for the time, broken down with it. When I saw that the process of bankruptcy must takr it> course, but in the hope that the assignees who might be appointed for the sale of my interest therein, would not allow the paper to die out, and the value of the copyright to be lost to my creditors, I published the follow- ing address to my readers : "TO THE KEAUEK3 OF THE 'GAZETTE.' 1 le commencement of a new year, it has been my custom to offer to tlu- readers of the Gazette my sincere and grateful acknow- ledgments for the support and patronage experienced by me during t!ii' time 1 have had the pleasure, and I trust the not unimportant or useless task of holding weekly communication with them on matters of local and general interest. I do so again on the present occasion with not less sincerity, although under circumstances wlu'ch, as _c mvM-lf, are painful and unfortunate, and to which, though of a somewhat personal nature, it seems proper for me publicly to allude. "All the- old subscribers to tliis paper know that, previously to its coining into my hands, it had, for some years, been conducted under most di.-:t'l\u!iiageom8 circumstances. Its influence upon public opinion :i- \--rv limited: its advertisements, the most profitable not of ft newspaper establishment, were exceedingly few; it> \\\v was fast wearing out ; and although if not a very obviously sinking concern, it was a matter of some degree of wonder that it did not sink. Still it hud ft circulation amongst those who were pleased with its consist. iii-v during more than a quarter of a century ; it had a name and a <-\<\ njii. and this name and copyright, I purchased at a considerable pnre. Once the dnzette had been a very different thing, and I looked upon it as capable of being restored to and raised beyond its former condition. When I turned over its pages, and conned its content.-* ; when I saw what it was, and knew what it hud been; and when I relleeted mi the wide .-cope wliieh the increase of the popula- tion, trade, and intelligence of the di.-triet, afforded for exertion, I felt as innny an enterprising agriculturist has felt when walking over the fields i it' a once well cultivated and prosperous farm, which, either from the inflect or poverty of the cultivator, had become a wilder- ness ; but frotu which, alter a liberal outlay, there wight still bo 330 CAUSES OF FA.ILI iheral return. Such a man, in such a pursuit, ii too sanguine in his views, ami prone to look at what tin- farm may bring him \ears hence, ami after he has expended his m> improving it, tlian to the return it can yield in tin- early period of hi- tcn.iiitcy. In counting the future gains from aero which are u-t inqptodoottve, lie will confidently lav out his money in drain- ing Mid trenching, and ploughing, and hedging, and planting (to say nothing of the too great price ho may pay for his occupation of it), the land which is to gnc its harvest at a future period. And thus, while effecting undoubted improvement*, the man, if his capital be not great, finds his means to be exhausted precisely when the return of his outlay is about to be fully enjoyed ; and perhaps he - fruits of his labours pass into the hands of others who gather where they have not strewed. "Very much like this have been my calculations and cond , have eU'eeted the improvement ; I have changed (..tally the aspect of my concern. I have, during less than four years, raised the G so far, that, in circulation, it ranks behind not more than five or six of all the country papers, and behind only one of the Manchester papers. It ha-, under my management, acquired some importance as t lie organ of bold and independent sentiments, with regard both to local and national topics, It does actually 3 icld a hamUuiue income at tin- piv-nit time. But having accomplished thus much I find myself, for a time, at Ira-t, overwhelmed with engagements, resulting, in a great measure, from my efforts to improve my paper, Mid to make ii that which it was capable of being mad,-. " There are causes of embarrassment to which the case supposed bears no analog}'. The outgoings of a newspaper establishment are comparatively large sums, while all its incomings are small. The former are certain, constant, and admit of no delay. The latter arc of such a nature, that the most incessant watchfulness and effort are necessary to make them available. The accounts for new-spa] advertisements, and for printing, are numerous beyond the . tion of those who are ignorant of the details of such a business ; and these are almost all credit accounts ; and these little credit accounts are precisely those which people in general care least about puii< tually paying, and which it is then-fore most diflicult to collect. Over this depart iin -MI. while labouring in the editorial field, to rai-r the character of the paper, to increase its circulation, and cxten I its dvcrti-ini; connexion, I have been unable to exercise that cl : watchful superintendence which it required, and the effect has been SYMPATHY EXPERIENCED. 331 mueh more than any person unacquainted with such a business could readily eoneei\e. If, for having suffered these losses to accrue for want of my eon-tant personal superintendence of the department in ii, I am blameable, (which I do not deny,) I must be content to bear all the ei-nsure I may receive from those who have known what it is to livl tlu-ir minds distracted by the long-continued and severe illness of those who are dearest to them, and who also know something of the pressure with which this evil has weighed upon mo a pressure which is now, I thank God, lightened in a great degree, and i*, I trust, in a course of complete removal. : un ofler to the readers of the Gazette my warm and sincere thanks for their patronage, and beg leave to express my hope that it will *till be continued ; for every thing which improves the condition of this |..i]..-r, will improve the situation of my creditors, and facilitate my arrangements with them. " Gazelle Office, January 12/A, 1828." This address brought around me many sympathising frends, including some of my heaviest creditors, who tried to soothe my feelings by assuring me that I had suffered because I was in advance of public opinion, and by circum- stances over which I could have no control, and that better \\ould come. Amongst other notes of encouragement, for which I felt grateful, was one from Mr. Egerton Smith, who, in the Liverpool Mercury of February 1st said gcne- rou>ly : " 'lite proprietors of newspapers who dare fearlessly of parliamentary reform, and of civil and us liberty, and expose private delinquency, are tycsct with so many perils, that they ought, at least, to encourage each other, and especially in the hour of adversity. For some reason, for which we are unacquainted, the editor of the Manchester Gazette seems to want cheering up a little just at this moment; and we trust our respectable and honest contemporary will not be offended if we take the liberty to clap him on the back. We have marked his political career, and have found him to be one of those public character* who cannot be spared in such times as these. We were much concerned to hear a rumour that the Gazette was 332 DUTIES TO BE DOM. about to be relinquished, and we are much pleased to find this rumour unfounded." The day came for my appearance before the bankruptcy commissioners. The kind-hearted Richard Potter, one of my assignees, with tears in his eyes and a voice broken by emotion, uttered something of ill health at my home, and of mistaken calculations of success, and my examination was passed with scarcely another word. I went from the meeting to the New Quay Company's warehouse, where the dead bodies were laid of a number of young p< who had been drowned that morning at the launch of a vessel in the river. I had scarcely seen death before, and the wet and livid bodies presented it in a frightful form ; but I found myself, while contemplating the melancholy scene, reflecting, with some degree of envy, that after life's fitful fever they slept sound. The unnerving thought held me but for a moment. There were duties to be done, and I resolved, with the help of God, that they should be .lone. I was spared to help forward, however humbly, by my voice and pen, many movements to promote the happiness of my fellow-men, to see catholic emancipation follow the repeal of the tot and coq>oration acts, the passing of the reform bill, the aliolition of slavery in our colonies, the reform of our municipal corporations, the reduction of the duty on ne\\ -papers, the adoption of the penny postage, the aboli- tion of the monopoly of biblc^printing in Scotland, a great impulse given to early tuition, the repeal of the corn and navigation laws, and a wide recognition of the principles of peace, to prove, notwithstanding my disastrous and ahnple* representat > i v. -icing surplus corn abroad nnd surplus goods at home, and the proprietors of each needing that which the other wished to dispose of, would have decreed that the mutually Ix'iicfifial exchange should not take place, and for no reason in tin- world hut tin-, that a domineering aristocracy should, out of the hard earnings of indii-tn. which are paid for the dear bread of home pro- duction, continue to derive the exorbitant rents which war and paper fonnerh enabled them to exact." I believe that the public have given me credit for the faithful fulfilment of this pledge. There were other papers which advocated parliamentary reform and the abo- lition of monopolies, but it was occasionally and incidentally. not with the reiterated, earnest continuousness of the Man- chester Times, which waited not for the favourable tide 834 A FLEDGE KEPT. of public opinion, but strove to create it : and I n permitted to say, without any great amount of undue assumption, th:t the constant exposure, in its columns of every landlord-fallacy uttered from 1828 to 1S.>*. contri- buted in no slight decree to the lead^which Maud. from the latter period, took in the great movement which resulted in the repeal of the corn law. Certain it is that, during that memorable contest, I was often cheered by the assurance of young, able, and energetic men, throwing their life and sold into the agitation for free trade, and its great anticipated result the binding of all nations of the earth in the Iwnds of peace that their first lessons in a generous political economy were derived from me. I have j through the sandy desert where no water was. and may be allowed now to look back, with feelings, approach exultation, to the few green fields that lie between. The period at which I renewed my labours as a journalist was one of high hope. There was not much movement, but men's minds were in the way of preparation for move- ment. Some experiments had been made in the direction of free-trade, and made without ruining commerce : the test and corporation acts had been repealed, and yet the always-iii-danger church stood unshaken; the belief was gaining ground that Catholic Emancipation might be granted, not only without utterly destroying, but without in any decree endangering an enlightened Protestant inn, and that a considerable reform of the representati\ . -\-h -in might take place without the extinction of our "glorious Mition." The friends of civil and religion^ liberty looked forward with hope, the obstructives of progress with dismay. I bigotry and conservatism which had distinguished ester and its neighbourhood, were not to be van- quished \\ithoutastruggle. On the 21st of November, 1828, there appeared in the Manchester papers a requisition, PROTKSTANT MEETING. 335 1 by five hundred and fifty persons, including forty- four clergymen, calling a meeting of all who concurred with the requisitionista in the opinion that the cone* of further political power to the Roman Catholics would be' pregnant with danger to the constitution of these realms. A counter declaration appeared in the same papers, in which the subscribers, four hundred and fifty in number, expressed their regret that the harmony and good feeling prevalent should be disturbed by the agitation of the sub- ad made known their desire to have the question left to the calm consideration of parliament. Amongst those who signed the declaration were a number of churchmen and lories, who had never before lent their names to any- thing so nearly approaching a liberal movement. Mr. Peel had been in Manchester in the early part of the year, and had cautiously avoided any pledge to stand firm in his opposition to concession ; Eldon had been left out of office, and some rather strong suspicions had arisen that the Duke of Wellington would yield to expediency on the question. The anti-catholic meeting took place in the Manor Court Room on the following Monday, and Mr. Lavender, who icceeded Nadin as deputy-constable, stood at the door hide all who were unfavourable to the object of the meeting. 1 see I have noted at the time that "to the honour of those who were thus questioned be it said, that as their leaders will not forswear themselves to get admit- into parliament, they would not tell a falsehood to gain admittance into the court-room of the lord of the minor of Manchester.** The chairman. Mr. llardman, very wi. ly -aid that their object was not di-ci^sion, Dl vt an ex- 1 their tears of danger to the constitution. Mr. Norris, the paid chairman of the quarter sessions, a man of narrow intellect and confined views, moved the first resolution. His main argument was, that if catholic eman- ited. parliamentary reform would be demanded ; " and then," ho asked triumphantly, what 33& THE CHESHIRE BHT7NSWICKEB8. would become of our constitution ? What would become of king, lords, and commons ? The motion wns seconded by Mr. John Bradshaw, and of course carried unanimously. The other speakers or movers were M'^-i--. Joseph I'irley, Francis Phillips, who made a stand for Protestant a-ceml- ancy, Mr. .lames Brierley, Mr. Benjamin Braidley, then ri-iii^ into a very brief distinction, Mr. Jeremiah Fielding, Mr. Charles Cross, Mr. Watkinson, who did not wish the kini; to go to his grave a " perjured character," Mr. Joseph (Jreen, whose day of local power was now nearly over, and the Rev. Cecil Daniel Wray, who still holds a lucrative office in the church, notwithstanding catholic emancipation. The petition to the lords was to be en- trusted to the Duke of Wellington, that to the- commons to Mr. Peel. Alas for the expectations of our prototant ascendancy gentlemen ! In three short months both of those statesmen were to be against them. The Cheshire Brunswickcrs followed the example of the Manche-ter obstructives. A county meeting was held at Knutsibrd on Monday, December 28th. It had been con- fidently announced that it would be attended by between twenty and thirty thousand persons: notwithstanding extra- ordinary exertions all over the country, not more than six or seven hundred came, including the women and children of Kmitsford. Peel's ominous silence, and the Duke of Wellington's expressed desire for dispassionate considera- tion, had jM-epared the minds of the more moderate for some feasible change, and they held aloof. Sir II. M. Mainwairing. a renowned fox-hunter, was called to the chair, and made a mild speech. He was followed by the Hev. Sir. Philip Grey Egerton, who was equally cautious. Mr. II ('. Cotton was also very moderate. Mr. Tralfbrd Trallbrd. of Oughterington, chairman of the quart < I < > Council, Shiel, and the catholic prier-ts : but. being a man not averse to patronage, if exerted in his own behalf or that of his family, forcbore to say much against tin govern- Tin: IRISH "FOR i 337 mcnt, which might possibly turn and ask its friends to turn with it. Tin' Uev. ('. W. KthcUton reminded his hearers of tin- in i-vii TC of St. Bartholomew's day. Mr. W. IF. Folliott, speaking near dinner time, was listened to im- patiently. "Well." sai;l he, "I will not detain you. A good dinner is better than a bad speech at any time. Allow me, however, to read you what was done in the reign of Mary, which lasted four years, five mouths, and eleven days. In that time two hundred and seventy persons were burned to death, including five bishops. Think of that think of that ; and twenty-one clergymen think of that. There were aUo eight laymen and eighty-four tradesmen ; and now listen, yon husbandmen, one hundred husband- men were burned aye, made beef-steaks of. Think o that, fanners of Cheshire. How would you like to made 'eaks of? Think of that." The farmers of Che-hire proved that they did think of it by voting for the resolu- tions. The leaders afterwards dined together, and drank " protestant ascendancy," all standing who could stand and thus the great county demonstration ended, the last that was attempted by the hitherto ruling party in ultra loyal and protestant Cheshire. At a meeting of the Catholic Association, held' in the month of December, Mr. O' Council said he had ascertained that an emancipation bill was actually in the hands of the lawyers, and that ministers were making preparation! to it p-ied through both houses of parliament, at the approaching session. I had a lurking suspicion that the catholic leaders would be glad to barter, for the removal of their own civil disabilities, the political rights of their humbler countrymen, and I thus hinted it in my paper of the 28th : " The bill, described by Mr. O'Connell, is infinitely less objection- able in its principle than that which hud hi* cordial approbation in r it- defect i-* only u foolish restriction of catholic votes to subjects not connected with the church, while the bill which he and Q 338 THE BASE BABGAIN. his colleagues sanctioned, would have limited the elective franchise, already by far too narrow, and thus made a barter of popular rights for aristocratic principle*. Mr. O'Connell and Mr. Shii-1 can ha\e no objection to sit in the House of Commons, even with a limitation of their votes to subjects unconnected with the endowed church ; for no sacrifice of principle is made when men enter upon the < -in of enlarged privileges, though the enlargement be not so ample as tliev desired and contended for; but had Mr. O'Conndl and Mr. Sluel obtained an extension of their own privileges, by consent im;. in the name of their countrymen, to a limitation of the < -1< vt i\ c - it would hare been one of the basest instances of selfish burft rinif that rrer disgraced the annals of a country notorious for injur'n-x inj/ic/nl on the many for the benefit of the few. We were amount the few journalists who opposed the filiations design to disfranchise the Irish freeholders, and to place the Irish Roman Catholic priesthood as pensioners upon the produce of the taxes paid by English Protest :mt s; mill having denounced the scheme as flagrantly disffrsed the badness of the proceeding, but they were very lew; and the very men who ought to have understood and 1 n faithful to the principle of the case, the very men who, in the same session spoke and voted for parliamentary THE TOUGH MORSEL. 339 reform, helped to extinguish the political liberties of the forties! Mr. IJrougham regarded it as the almost extr.i- vagant price of the inestimable good which would arise from catholic emancipation. Sir J. Macintosh, dec-hired it a tough morsel which he had found it hard to swallow. Lord Duncannon, Lord Palmerston, and Mr. Un- tried another method. They did what argument could do to obtain the inestimable good without paying the extrava- gant price which they did not conceive to be necessary. If they had been duly supported by all the friends of parlia- mentary reform, there is little doubt that the relief of the catholics might have been obtained without the sacrifice of so vast an amount of political right. But among the silent and idl was OVonnell, who threw overboard his believed * Forties,' after pledging his life to destruction, and his soul to perdition, if he ever again slighted their liberties ; and in a case where O'Connell so failed, we have little power of censure to share for meaner offenders." My censure, the censure of one of the few, " the very few," who protested against tin- base bargain, extends to all the offenders, great and small. It was not Mr. Brougham who had to pay the extravagant price ; it was not Sir James Macintosh who had the tough morsel to swallow ; it was not Mr. O'Connell who made a sacrifice. The act was a wholesale disfran- chiscment of the poor to obtain privilege for a few of the rich. It reduced the electoral body in Ireland to such a small handful, that Lord John Russell's administration, in very shame, because the whole country was crying shame on it, was obliged to come forward, in this year 1850, with a tinkering measure to remedy the evil inflicted twenty-one years before. It was sickening to contrast the pertinacity with which the House of Commons defended the privilege of a handful of corrupt voters in a Cornish borough with its hot-haste in disfranchising 200,000 voters in Ireland. While indulging in the hope of reform I saw that, to make an improvement of the representative system pro- Q 2 340 SCHOOLS FOR INI AXIS. duetive of really good government, instruction must be widely ditlWd amongst the people, and that instruction, to be effective, must In- commenced yearly. Schools for Infants had been established, but the system had made little progress. Samuel AVilderspin had done some good by attracting attention to the advantages to be derived from very early tuition. Bishops and lords had tried to do so, but with little success. Wilderspin illustrated his plan. He carried a school with him, and exhibited it before the admiring eyes of the benevolent ; and tears from (lie well-spring of the heart, and smiles irradiating lovely countenances betokened the triumph of the simple and the beautiful exhibition. Societies were formed, and schools were- built, and hopes were indulged that the infant race was speedily to be religiously and morally instructed, before vicious habits could fasten themselves with an iron grasp upon the infant mind. But to build new schools was an expensive process ; the initiative was costly, and the ub- sequent required support was costly. The recipients of the benefit, parents among the poorer clashes, were not much disposed to pay for a good which they did not very well understand. The Lady Bountiful was very kind; the rich folks were very kind; it was a nice thing for their little ones to sing nice little songs and to behave pretty ; but "really twopence every week was a good deal for a poor man to pay." And some doubted the good to be derived. They had not felt the want, and had not sought the benefit. It was a new thing proceeding from the rich without consultation with the poor, and might be, after all, only another scheme similar to the charity school, where the principal thing was how poor men's boys should pull off their caps, and poor men's girls should make their curtsey to the squire and the parson, and the squire's lady and the parson's lady. Sad perversion of thought, cer- tainly; but those who entertained it had not enjoyed the benefit of early tuition, and the doubt was excusable. PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS. 341 It struck me that something more practicable might be attempted, and I suggested it. All the Sunday schools stood invitingly open six days in the week; why not bring thnn into daily use ? A sum of 400 or 500 would be required to build a school for infants. There were hundreds of places ready built, used only on the Sunday, readjr for additional use at a trifling expense. The mere suggestion gave a greater impulse to that system of teaching than it had previously received. Another suggestion greatly lessened the pecuniary responsibility for current expenses. To render the schools, as nearly as possible, self-support- ing, it was necessary to have a fair number of scholars attending and paying constantly. That could not be had without convincing parents that it was their interest and their duty to send their children, not occasionally, but regularly. I sought out school rooms where I could deliver lectures on the subject. Parents were called together by bell or handbill. They were told that the main support of the schools, almost the only support of the schools, must come from them. They were told that reading and writing were only parts of education not knowledge, but only the means of obtaining knowledge ; and that the training of the affections and the conversion from bad habits, even fading and writing not attained, \v: tnd a most important part of education, well worth paying for. Where >ueh explanations were given, the schools were prosperous and nearly self-supporting. Where they were not given, the main obstacle to success remained, and the schools languished, a heavy burden on the hands of the benevolent pel-sons who established them. Seeing that these gratuitous lectures, delivered in many town-, in the manufacturing districts during the years 1828 and ls_".>. had caused the establishment of a number of successful schools, I published a sixpenny tract on the sub- ject in ls;j(), which was widely circulated. In the preface to a third edition of it, published in March, 1832, I said; 342 SUPERSTRUCTURE. " At the period when I send this edition to the press, there is an additional incentive to every labourer in the vineyard of instruction. The probability of a great extension of the elective suffrage makes it the duty of all who have the welfare of their country at heart, to promote the means of enabling tlue to whom the right is to be extruded, to excrci.M- it for the public good. I know of nothing more likely to effect so desirable an end than the establishment of schools which not only instruct the child, but make it a most influential teacher of the parent, by awakening a percep- tion of social relations, and the obligation of social duties." A fourth and stereotyped edition was published in March, 1847. As the subject of national education has recently excited much discussion, as great encouragement has been given to voluntary effort, by the exhibition of what it has already done, and as there is a wide-spread conviction that religious and moral instruct ion cannot, without great difficulty, be conveyed to considerable portions of the com- munity unless it be commenced before the labour of children, however small its reward may be, becomes important to their parents, I may be permitted here to express a hope, that a noble- superstructure may rise upon the foundations which have been laid. CHAPTER XXII. THE DARK. HOUR BEFOBE THE DAWX. THE recollection of a period of general distress, some twenty years back, is like the remembrance of a long- continued illness at the same distance of time. In both instances there is an impression of misery endured, but it is softened by the lapse of years, its most painful circum- stances forgotten, and the remembrance is^scarcely more than that of a vague but painful dream. But in the case of illness, suppose the sufferer has written down an account of the continuance of his disease, day after day, week after . and month after month ; through the dreariness ot winter, made more dreary by despondency ; through the hopeful spring, without hope ; through the joyous summer without joy ; through the cheerful autumn, without other thought than of falling leaves and decay, to another dreary winter, without the slightest prospect of a favourable change, suppose such a journal written, and read after a lapse of twenty years, every circumstance is recalled with a vivid strength which is almost overpowering. Such feel- ings have I experienced in looking over the file of my paper for 1829, for there is recorded the "state of trade," week after week, throughout the year, and every week there is a record of deep and still deepening distress. In January, it is noted that at Stockport, in consequence of the refusal of the operatives to submit to a reduction of wages to the amount often percent., no fewer than fifteen establishments had been stopped, and two thousand persons thrown out of employment ; in the beginning of February that ten thousand were out of employment in that town, while the failure of country drapers was checking the spring 3 H A YEAR'S DISTRESS. trade in Manchester ; in March, that the spinners had given notice of working short time, so as to make only five. k ; in April, that there was no amendment; in May, that the Stockport hands were still out, and that elsewhere were undei going further reductions; in June, that some employment was "hoped" lor; in July, that there were some indications of improvement, hut without any eili-et on prices or wages ; in the same month, that, notwithstanding the long tuiu-out in Stockport, stocks not diminishing, and wages continued to fall ; iu August, that the di.-tio- \v;i- deepening all around, profits and wages daily becoming less; iu September, that the ihopkeepen, depending on the expenditure of the working classes, were iu deep distress ; iu October, that the down- ward progios of wages and profit still continued, and that the condition of the weaver was truly deplorable ; in No- vember, that the peace between Russia and Turkey had brought a few buyers into the market for low-] printed goods, but that for every other description of goods, there \,,,- little demand; and in December, that CM ry- where in the manufacturing districts the gicatest i\'.- .led, and that wages wire still falling. And that the commencing disastrously for both masters and men, ended, without an interval of relaxation from distress, scarcely with ap interval of hope, in a depression of trade almost unexampled, bankruptcy and ruin threatening the employee and utter starvation the employed. During all this downward progress, the press, with very .i-cptioiis, laboured earnestly to persuade the public that the distress was only temporary. Trade was always to be better next week or next month. In winter, it was to be l>cttcr in the spring : in spring, it was to be better in the summer ; in summer, it was to be better in the autumn. The writers seemed to think, that all that was wanted was " confidence," and that prosperity could be restored by confident and reiterated assertions that things were about FALSE HOPES HELD OUT. 345 to mend. The Manchester GiiartUan was in the front rnnk of tin hopeful, or professedly hopeful ; and though it had to conf'e>-. week after week, the delay of the prognosticated improvement, there was always some reason given for the delay, and ne\v prophecies made that the good time was coming any reason but the true one. The truth was, that the- press generally was committed as to the effect to be produced by the withdrawment from circulation, in April, of Bank of England and other notes under the value of five pounds. Almost every journalist of the period held that the bank had, at the end of 1828, made provision for that change, and that the consequent increase in the value of money, and decrease in the value of other commodities, had already taken place. In support of this opinion, every successive proof of depression was declared to be only tem- porary. I followed Cobbett's opinion to a certain extent, believing that money would continue to increase, and other commodities to decrease in value, throughout the whole of 1829 ; and I earnestly and reiteratedly pressed my views on the community, convinced that there was more safety in looking the danger straight in the face than in indulging groundless hope of a favourable change. The mischief done by representations that the distress was only temporary, was soon manifest. The working classes could not understand why, under only a temporary depression of trade, a constant reduction of their wages should go on. If trade was to be u better next week," why were weavers to be discharged ? If yarns were to be more in demand "next week," why were the prices of spinning to be reduced ? If manufacturers were all to be prosperous, by and by, why were working men to be reduced to the condition of paupers in the meantime : There was a great "turn-out," and employers took little pains to explain perhaps, like the employed, they did not understand their actual position; and the two classes were arrayed against each other in a hostility which daily became more bitter, Q 3 346 DISTURBANCES. each taking that antagonistic position to the other that they should have taken against what occasioned the distress of both ruinous restrictions on track 1 , and a heavy aggra- vation of tin- burthen of taxation, by the altered value of money, without a corresponding reduction of the public expenditure. On Monday. April 27th, the distressed silk weavers of MaccleshYld. who had previously borne their privations with exemplary patience, assembled in the Market Place, to the number of a thousand, and proceeded to Messrs. Brocklehurst's factor}' at Hurdsfield, where they demolished all the windows in front of the building, and disp before the recruiting parties in the town could be put under arms. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday they paraded the streets with flags inscribed " \Ve only wi>h to live by our labour." On Wednesday a number of men at Rochdale, who had turned out, met, and went to the is who were employed, demanding their shuttles. On Thursday the factory of Messrs. Chadwick and Co. was surrounded by a great crowd, some of whom entered and destroyed a great deal of machinery, and at Mr. Koliin-on's and Mr. A-hworth's factor}' the same mischief was perpe- trated. The military were called out, but arrived too late to prevent the mischief. On Friday sixteen men were committed for trial at Lancaster for taking part in these riots. An event more melancholy was to follow. When the prisoners were lodged in the lock-ups, the dragoons retin-d, leaving the place guarded by eleven soldiers, in- cluding a sergeant and corporal, of the 67th. Soon after the horse soldiers were out of sight, the mob began to rally, and about cii;ht o'clock some stones were thrown at the soldiers on guard, and in a short time they fell in such showers, that the soldiers began to entertain fears of their own safety, and the sergeant told the crowd that if they did not dc-ist. he should be compelled to order his men to fire. As this threat produced no effect, he ordered two FATAX CONFLICT. 347 men to fire, which they did, taking care, however, to fire hij^h. The moment, however, that it was seeen that neither of the shots had taken effect, the crowd, which had re- treated, began to rally, and again to close round the soldiers and assail them with stones. The men seem now to have been in great danger, and the sergeant, acting, as he says, under the belief that the prisoners might be rescued, onl'Ted the soldiers to fire. The command was immediately obeyed ; but it would seem as if the crowd kept pressing upon them, shouting for the rescue of the prisoners, and throwing stones with the utmost fury. The soldiers hav- ing loaded again, fired, and their volley must have been dreadfully destructive, for almost every shot took effect, and six or eight persons fell. The mob, seeing this, in- stantly took to flight, and the dragoons, arriving soon after, cleared the streets. Riots in Manchester were less fatal, but more destructive of property. On Sunday, May 3rd, a meeting of hand-loom weavers, the most deeply distressed portion of the commu- nity, was held at Harpurhey, at which it was resolved that the power-loom weavers should be invited to leave the factories next day, rather than submit to an intended reduction of their wages. On Monday a number of persons congregated in St. George's Fields, proceeded thence to Mr. Guest's factory in Union-street, and made his weavers leave their looms. Hitherto their intentions seem to have been to get the men to leave their work ; but when they got to another factory in Mather-street, belonging to Mr. Twiss, they were not satisfied with requiring the men to leave their work, but broke into the mill and cut to pieces all the warps in the looms, and broke the reeds and every thing that was easily destructible about the looms. They thru set about toeing the weks into the street, and the street. for fifty yards on each side of the factory, was literally covered with cloth trampled into the mud. The mob then proceeded to Mr. Harbottle's factory, in 1'ollard-street, and 348 BIOT8 IX MANCHESTER. having effected a forcible endy, tiny at once set to the work of distinction, as it' in their unchecked progres> they had entirely lost si^ht of their first intention, for no invi- tutiun was given to tin- weavers to turn out. Hen- the mischief was much greater than at Mr. Twiss's. The win- dows were- instantly smashed in, and the destruction of machinery was systematic and effective. Forty-six power- looms were instantly rendered useless, a single blow with a sledge-hammer being sufficient to break the east-iron framing, and another to destroy the regulating pinion- whccls. In a spinning-room below less evil was done, for the spindles are not easily broken ; but in a long shed, one story in height, containing ninety-two dandy-looms, the destruction was complete. One man on each side, with a single cut of a knife, cut through the warp, and with another the healds, while another man on each side followed, and with one blow broke the frames, and with another the wheels. After having demolished the whole of the windows in front, they went leisurely off. All this was done in that an hour from the time they left St. George's Fields. They then came back in the direction of Mr. (i nest's, from which they had previously induced the is to withdraw. They seemed now flushed with -s, lor, immediately on coming to the factory, they set to work, knocked out the windows, and in a quarter of an hour fifty-three power-looms were broken, and a vast quan- tity of \\arp-. tossed out of the windows and thrown into the canal, which was covered with them, as the road had it Twin's with webs. \'>\ this time the beadles, \\ith Mr. I .a \ender, the deputy constable, at their head, had armed: but this force was soon disposed of. The police, iindini; tin m-i Ives unable to make head, retired prudently, and. th-i i^h pursued by the mob, they contrived to lay hold of two in* n. \\lio \\ere pointed out to them as having 1>< t n seen throwing stones at the factory windows. They finally took refuge from the shouers of stones which were thrown PA.CTOBY SET ON FIBE. 349 at them in the Albion Hotel, where some of the magistrates were by this time assembled. The mob were, in the mean time, taking advantage of their vietory ; and while a part pursued the constables, another part proceeded to the fac- tory of Messrs. J. and J. Parker, in Lndgate-street, St. George's-road, who had taken 3d. per cut from their wages. The mob made several attempts to burst in the door, but this, for a long time, withstoood their efforts, and, in the mean time, others were demolishing the windows by throw- ing stones at them. The door was at length burst in, and the looms and webs were disposed of in the same manner a< the others. This method being, however, a somewhat slow process, and several alarms having been given that the military were coming, the factory was set fire to in several places. The building was about forty yards long, about twenty wide, and seven stories high. There was a brisk breeze, and as all the windows on the undermost floor were completely knocked in, the fire spread most rapidly, and in little more than half an hour it was all one tremendous flame. The blaze from the one window joined the bla/e from the window above it, so that the whole was one im- mense mass of vivid flame. The houses in the streets on three sides of the factory were set fire to by the heat. Some of these were at the distance of thirty yards from the factory, and it was only with the utmost exertions on the part of the persons who resided in them that they were saved from the flames. Almost all the furniture was removed out of them, there being at one time scarcely any hope of .saving the houses, the fire having caught hold in so many jil K - at once. On the entrance of the mob into the loutr M"]\, Mes-rs. Parker and their assistants retreated to the staircase leading to the second story, where they remained for the purpose of opposing any attempt to pene- to the upper room. They had not been there long, howi \er, when the progress of the flumes, which began to ascend on all sides of them, rendered it necessary to 350 ORDER RESTORED. depart, and they accordingly escaped through the fire, with considerable difficulty, and retreated to the house of their overlooker, which adjoins the factory gates. The difficulty ipc was much increased by the flames inning through the two doors opposite each other at the loot of the stair- case, and by the incendiaries throwing staves and other missiles into the door of the room on the second story, where Messrs. Parker and their assistants were, with the view, as it would appear, of preventing their escape. Mr. Parker escaped with the loss of his coat and hat, which he had placed in the counting-house. While this was going on the magistrates and the peace officers were waiting at the Albion Hotel for the arrival of such a military force as was to be had. A part of the military force which \\ Manchester had been sent to Rochdale, and a part to Mac- clcsficld, to quell the riots in those towns, and the remainder on Monday morning set out for Liverpool, on their way to Ireland. Having gathered together twelve soldiers of a recruiting party, some armed with bayonets and one with a pistol, Mr. Lavender put himself at their head, and led them to Messrs. Parkers' factory, where they arrived ju-t after the rioters had dispersed, and the fire had gone so far ahead as to render- any attempt to save the factory out of the question. Shortly after, Mr. Foster and Mr. Gr< two of the magistracy, arrived at the same spot, at the head of about twenty dragoons. All, however, that they could do was to ride through and preserve order in the neighbourhood, which was now exceedingly crowded by persons flocking from all quarters to learn the cause of the disturbances. Though there was no further manife.station of any intention to riot, they continued to parade the streets during the greater part of the afternoon and evening. The terror, of course, spread over the town, and a great many of the shops, especially in that quarter where the factories were situated, were closed. Several of the masters of other factories procured fire-arms, and now and then fired a shot THE CAUSES OF DISTBESS. 351 to show that they were prepared to defend their property ^c of an attack. On the Tuesday and Wednesday great alarm continued to prevail throughout the town, for although an accession of military strength prevented further attack*, mobs suddenly congregated in particular places, and sacked the provision shops, and levied contributions in money and food from private houses, dispersing before any force could be brought to bear against them. By Wednes- day night order was restored. At a time when masters were regarded by the working people as grievous oppressors, and when the working people were regarded by their masters as unreasoning and brutal incendiaries, the duty of a journalist was not easily fulfilled. I endeavoured to call the attention of both to the real causes of the distress which was prostrating both. In a long address, in my paper of the 9th of May, I showed how the corn law had limited the demand for goods and reduced the wages of labour ; I dwelt on the effect of increasing the value of money, and consequently reducing the price of thing except corn, while taxation, in the fifteenth year of peace, was as heavy, the different value of money considered, as it was during the war ; I represented the injurious effect on wages occasioned by the great immigra- tion from Ireland of poor creatures who were ejected by the landlords from their native soil in tens of thousands ; I counselled petitions for a repeal of the corn law, for a great reduction of taxation, for the extension of a poor law to Ireland, and, as a guard against the recurrence of misery, for a thorough reform in parliament. Newspapers were then sexenpenee. \\hich placed them beyond the reach of the mass of the people. My appeal was printed as a penny pamphlet, and the sale of thousand after thousand, for weeks together, showed that, amidst the bitter and foolish war of classes, there were many anxious inquirers into the real causes and cure of the distress. By this time Colonel Thompson's admirable Catechism of 352 CORN LAW CATECHISM. the Corn Laics had appeared in a cheap form, was much read, and conveyed much useful and exceedingly well-timed instruction. I wished to circulate its wholesome truths and fallacy-destroying arguments still more widely, ami the proprietors of the Mnnctu-stcr Times, always ready to pro- mote the public good, cheerfully acceded to my n < that four thousand copies of it should be printed and away with the paper. This was done in August, gn-atly to the promotion of that thorough knowledge of the corn question, which, nine years after, made Manchester originate and lead the great free-trade movement. Nor was this diffusion of knowledge, on this one point, without mure immediate effects. The reform bill itself was hastened on mainly by the conviction, that without a great organic change in our representative system the landlords' mono- poly could not be destroyed. There was good seed sown in those unpromising times. The humble country journalist, when accused of asking for the impracticable, could point to Bentham, and Thompson, and Bowring, who, in the Westminster Review, were convincing the educated cl that radical reform in representation and commercial policy, was, after all, not the very frightful wild-fowl it had been taken for ; and with the example of such a triumvirate, he went on determinedly on his way, hopeful!}', in spite of discouragement to hope. After this dreary 1829, the first number of my paper for 1830 contained the whole of a forthcoming article by Colonel Thompson in the II ' v/- minster, on Radical Reform, which thus concludul: 44 Eschew violence ; cultivate education from A, B, C, upwards; hurry nothing, // ///// all come in time, like (In- breaking up of a hard frost. Pull down an abuse \\hen you can. r-peeially where it is one, like that of shn the West Indies, whose supporters support all the rest. Go on, quietly and perseveringly, and fear nothing. There will be no revolution, no disturbance, no violent clmi any more than a child, of a span long, turns into a grena- COBBETT'S LECTUBES. 353 dier. Sensible men arc not to endure an evil for ever, through a vague fear of its removal being something they not hi-anl before, Do something; do a little; do more when you can. Keep the stone rolling ; and see if you do not end by proving to all ranks and orders, except the downright plunderers, that radical is your only wear.'' In the week of Ib30 William Cobbett delivered four lectures in Manchester to crowded audiences. Ten years before, on his return from the United States, the autho- rities notified to him that he should not be permitted to pass through the town. Many of his hearers were persons, who, at the former period, approved of that extraordinary exercise of power. His leading propositions were, that . iug the quantity of the currency had increased its value ; that the increase in the value of money had in- creased the claims of all creditors, especially the public creditor ; and that the fall in the price of every commodity, without a correspondent reduction of taxes, had occasioned intolerable distress. His wonderful power of illustration, on these few propositions, engaged the deep attention of crowded audiences every night, and the thunders of ap- plause, with which he was greeted at the close of the course, must have made some amends to him for his scurvy ten-reception in December, 1819. Two omissions, how-- ever, were remarked upon by even his ardent admirers, the monopoly of the corn growers, and the want of an adequate representation in the House of Commons, His then rival Hunt, a man of far inferior abilities, even as a speaker, had much sounder notions on the corn laws ; and Cobbett seemed 1. -- anxious to have parliamentary reform than that he himself should be a member of parliament. M that ere long he would sit on the same bench ith Mr. Iluslvi^.ii, but it was long after Huskissuii's death before he obtained a seat in the legislature. Another lecturer had vi>itcd Manchester in the previous year, Mr. J. S. Buckingham, whose really able exposition of the East 351 1 KI.K TRADE WITH INDIA. India monopoly excited a considerable share of public attention, and led to a public meeting on the 21st of January, at which spirited resolutions wnv parsed in favour of free trade with India and China. The principal speakers \\ere, Messrs. G. W, Wood, John Shuttleworth, Rolx.Tt Hyde Greg, and Mark Philips; and they had the aid of some gentlemen who, though they saw nothing alarming in the prospect of free trade with India, would have been frightened at the notion of having frer trade at hoim no harm hi selling their calicoes to John China- man, but great mischief in receiving brother Jonathan's corn. They were, however, taking one step in the right direction. A demand for some reforms at home speedily followed. On the 20th of February appeared a requisition for a meet- ing, to be held in the Town Hall, to take into consideration the propriety of addressing parliament on the distressed state of the country, and of petitioning, that an immediate reduction of the taxes be made, and that commerce be not disturbed by again altering the value of the currency. I am tempted to give the names of all the requisitionists : William Horsley, Robert Lees, John Ashworth, Alexander Horsley, Thomas Deane, James Cunningham, S V ISailey, 11 J. Barker, Joint Hunt, James Wilde, II. I'reseott, William Yatea, John 11 ul mi-, John Samucla, J. S. Ormerod, James Baylor, Gerard Cowrll, Samuel I'ullcin, William B. Baylcy, John Wallis, Robert WvMtt, John Read, Joseph Thompson, William Labrcy, J. Smith, Edward Shawcrora, W. B. OriiiK-, Robert fyke*, Ben. Sandford, Thomas Goadsby, Holbrooke, June* O. Frost, F. Ooadohy, jun., John Jiu-k-i >H, Edward Daniel, Kii-lnl. lluti-hinson, June* Hardman, Thomas Johnson, James Crankshaw, Robert Bunting, Jos. Dickinson, W. I). Coddington, June* A.h worth, 1' \V. Dnnhy, R. H. Greg, Thotnaa Darics, John Todd, John Ashton, Thomas Moore, Samuel Prince, Richard Potter. MEETING OX THE STATE OF THE COUXTEY. 355 James II. Heron, William Newall, William Han-ey, Isaac Hu Uon, John Whyatt, John Dugdale, Thomas Or WiUiam Maybury, John Brooks, ^ ih Gerrard, Francis Clarke, Josias Foster, Jolin Shepherd, Riehanl Wilson, Nath. Tidmarsh, John Doerhurst, William Barratt, Robert Whyatt, - Broadbent, Joseph Bar rat t, Samuel Mitd it'll, Jos. 8. Graft on, J. and W. Ansell, Thos. Worthington, Thomas Pott.-r, H. Ricloardson, George Gill, Thomas Fielden, James Twisse, T. Smith, John Hoyle, William Hunt, John Warner, George Culverwell, James Knight, Nicholas Wright, William Bay ley, T. H. Biekham, Thomas Labrey, David Hunt, Robert Ilenson, John Whitlow, Richard Sutclifle, Robert Leake, Edward Royle, Robert Clough, William Marsh, Jos. Fletcher, 1 Jackson, Thomas Biggies, John Roberts, Richard Boardman, William Foster, John Royle, Thomas Noblet, Thomas Smith, John Faulkner, Isaac Pipe, George Thorniloy, Robert Prichard, James Townsend, John Richardson, Michael Peacock, George Rowland, Henry Moore, John Tomlinson, J. Everett, Archibald Prentice, WiUiam Wood, John Armstrong, Caleb Lea, John Richardson, James Holden, William Nixon, James Oldfield, P. T. Candelet, Pascoe Aranson, John Kenworthy, George Bentliam, Edwin Stott, W. G. Ansell, Roger Reyner, Samuel Lowe, Samuel Johnson, Thomas Crossley, Thomas Forrest, James Crossli. 1,1, Thomas Brown, William Fox, William Howard, William Davies, William Lano, William Fowler, Thomas Gelland, Steplifii Slu-ldon, Richard Tlu-lwell. t- 11. NVmder, James Masscy, jun., The boroughrccve, Mr. Bulkelcy Price, and the con- stables, Mr. Edmund Buckley (afterwards member for Newcastlr-unili-r-Lyne) and Mr. R. C. Sharp, appointed the meeting to be held in the Town Hall, on the following Thursday, the first time that any meeting, for any such puqiMM', had been held there. The first resolution was : " That the great manufacturing district, of which this town 356 THE SPKAKEK8. is the centre and the mart, notwithstanding the unwearied and tlu> incessant labour of its inhabitants, is suffering under a pres.Mirc of distress which, except in short periods of depression, is wholly unexampled in its extent and severity." It was moved by Mr. Richard Potter, who, in dot rilling the wretchedness of the poor man's cottage. became so overpowered by his feelings as to be unable to proceed. Mr. John Shuttleworth, in a very effective speech, gave a statement of the enormous expenditure from the" commencement of the war to that period, tin- fit'tn-nth t peace : alluded to the bankers' and the landlords' monopolies at home, and the tea, sugar, and timber mono- polies abroad ; and concluded by saving : " The calamities under which this country is suffering arise from inordinate and unequal taxation ; from the restrictions on the trade in corn, which a sordid aristocracy, for its own advantage, has had the power, owing to the unfortunate constitution of our legislature, to inflict upon our nation; and from those monopolies which, to the disgrace of our commercial system, are perpetuated to gratify the selfishness of the powerful few, and at the expense and to the injury of the powerless many. These are the causes of the present general and unprecedented distress, and the means of alle- viation, therefore, are clearly to remove those cau> repeal the restrictions on the trade in corn, to abolish all monopolies, and to reduce taxation." This speech was received with loud and reiterated cheers, but the meeting would not pass the resolution excepting " short periods of sudden depression." An amendment, that these words be left out. was moved, and it was carried by acclamation. Mr. UolxTt Hyde Greg moved the next resolution : " That much of the distress under which the people MiHi-r is to be 1 to the enormous amount and unequal pressure of taxation ; an amount which this meeting is of opinion is unm ( -i sx.ii -y for the purposes of a government anxious only mote the public welfare." He exposed the inequality MR. JOHN BBOOKS. 357 of taxation, and compared the extravagance of the nation to that of an individual who constantly drew on his banker without making deposits ; said that to have a reduction of taxes we must have a reduction of expenditure ; and de- da i -i-d that the cost of our army, our navy, our colonies, and every other branch of public expenditure, must be cut down to meet the exigencies of the country. The motion was seconded by Mr. John Brooks, afterwards to dis- tingui>h himself by his energetic opposition to the corn law, and his munificent support of the funds required to agitate successfully the question of free-trade. He ex- hibited a list of bad debts he had made in the year 1 829, to the amount of 11,180 5s. 9d., and to the amount of 981 lls. lOd. from the first of January to that day, "and thi*," said he, " is a pretty commencement for the year 1830." The resolution was carried unanimously. The next resolution enumerated particular instances of unne- cessary expenditure, was moved by Mr. B. Grime, seconded by Mr. Pullcin, and carried unanimously. The next re- solution, attributing a great portion of the distress to the operation of the corn law, was entmsted to me. I recom- mended the attentive perusal of Col. Thompson's Corn Law Catec/n'xm ; and proceeded, at greater length than I had ^poken in public before, to expose the mischievous effects of the landlords' monopoly. In the course of my address, I resolved that the words " radical parliamentary reform" should, for the first time, ring through that hall. \\ e see," I said, "the misery that exists around us, and we know that no man, whoever he may be, can deny its existence, unless he happen to be one of those persons who think all are well because themselves are well. Why do not members of parliament see this? Because they neither go amongst the people nor represent the people ; and allow me to say," and I said it very quietly, "that there never will be a proper sympathy for the people until tin y are represented in parliament, till there shall be a 358 PKESEBVATION OF FOOTWAYS. thorough nn effectual a radical reform." There was here a loud burst of cheering, frequently renewed, each time with additional vehemence, during which the borough- reeve begged that I would keep to the question. J " I have done, sir, but I trust that ere long we shall have an opportunity of discussing the question in this hall, for I cannot doubt that the boroughreeve and constables, who BO readily convened this meeting, if requested by their fellow- townsmen to convene a meeting for the consideration of reform, will readily agree to it." "We had not long to wait for the opportunity. The subsequent speakers were Mr. Elijah Dixon, one of the imprisoned in IH17 : Mr. W. Harvey, one of the "small band" of 1815 ; Mr. 1'. T. Candelet, who had always worked with that band ; Mr. J. "Whyatt, who said that politics were as much a man's busi- ness as his own particular trade ; Mr. J. C. 1 >yer, who was afterwards to do essential service to the cause of political and commercial reform by his public spirit and close logic ; and Mr. Robert Bunting, who was, as the tory newspaper truly said, "an acute man though no orator." A week after this meeting had been held the " Society for the Preservation of Ancient Footpaths" had occasion to exercise its functions in defence of a public right ; and the two events furnished the GnanUnn newspaper with occasion to animadvert strongly on former friends who had taken a part in both. Mr. George Jones had built a handsome house at Pcndlcton, close to a footpath, which he had taken the liberty to divert in order to make space for a lawn in front of his new mansion. The society had pro- tested against the encroachment, and were at first promised alterations, with the view of evading their demands, and t ut defiance by an insolently couched refusal to do anything. The following account of their proceedings is from the ^fersonally to seem arrayed against an individual. They would, however, he added, carry the resolution of the society into effect in an amicable spirit. Mr. Jones very warmly retorted that he saw nothing amicable in the proceeding. The society, he said, were not satisfied with the public having obtained a better road than he had shut up, and he could therefore only attribute their conduct to private malice and envy. The gentlemen of the society making allowance for the irritation of Mr. Jones's feelings, made little reply to his imeeiMc-, and he, probably mistaking the cause of their for- bearance, grew still more abusive, and when they n ached that part of the carriage road where the opening was to be made in the direc- tion of the old footway, and were making preparations to remove the obstructions, he said the proceeding was most unneighbourly, most malicious, and most ungentlemanly. Mr. Prentice said that these were terms which, under circumstances less irritating to Mr. Jones's : -, he, for one, would not submit to hear. Very few members of the committee knew Mr. Jones, and some of them probably now saw him for the first time, and, consequently, could have no malice to him 'Just to show you, Mr. Jones,' added Mr. Prentice, ' that we are not actuated by any such feeling, I, who am a stranger to you, will be the first to put my hand to remove your fence.' lie then, assisted by a labourer, who had been brought for the purpose, wrenched out the bolts which connected the wrought-iron hurdles that topped the fence, and the workman, with a spade, began to level down the bank, and to make such an opening into the pleasure- grounds as would make the path easily aecc->il>le. Ihiring this process Mr. Jones, in great irritation, charged the society \\ith par- tiality in their operations, in having selected him, while other persons, who had done as he had done, were allowed to escape. Mr. Potter begged leave to remind Mr. Jones of the cases against Air. Wright, of Flixton, against the Duke of Bridgewater, and lately against Mr. llull, of Urdsull Lane, and several other persons, 360 THE OUAKDIA.K. to dhow that the society, whenever they hud ft clear case, would awrt the public rights. The workmen having now levelled down the bauk, I In- deputation walked across the grounds directly in front of and close to Mr. .Jones's ncwh-crceti d mansion, making thrir wa\ through tin- latch laid-ont shrubbcrii - and llowcr pin When- tin- footway joined tlic carriage rood at the oil, of Mr. .Jono's lawn, another hank needed to he le\elled. and licro a^ain Mr. I'n-ntiec \olnnteered to In- the filM in rcnnni' repeating tlmt no malice or unncighbonrly feeling could )K>ssibly inlluenec him, who had never spoken to Mr. Jones before, except on one occasion in the Salford Town Hall, where he hail ; jnueh courtesy from liim. The society, he said, wive actuated nolcly 1>\ a desire to protect the public rights, and Mr. .loiic~ might rest assured that they would not cease their operations til! footway within twenty miles of Manchester, that had hccn or should be illegally stopped, was opened. Mr. Jones continued, h> to complain of the proceedings, and said, if they mu.-t have a foot- path, he should dig one ten feet under the level of hU lawn. " No," Kiid Mr. IVentKv, "we will not permit you to do so, Mr. Jones. Tin 1 public have a right to their old footway as it was, nnd arc not to be sent along a deep ditch. The same law which enables us to OJM-II this footway will compel you to make it a good one." The opening having b-en eUcctcd, and men liciiiL' I to prcu-iit its l.eing again obstructed, the deputation took their leave, Mr. Jones assuring them, an they went, that he should immediately apply for a magis- trate's order to have the road diverted." Mr. Jones, on more deliberate consideration, made appli- cation to the Soeiety for lenve to make such ;m altt ration as would considerably shorten the distance ; to which the members, passing over his previous insolence, jravc their consent. But the editor of the (!ttar party and personal insinuations, bickerim. iions. has estranged from the editor his private friends, ;md sunk and degraded him in public estimation, I cannot, with reference to the forebodings I entertain of its ultimate influence on himself, and on account of the re- membrance of past acquaintance and connection, contem- plate its present display without the sincerest regret." Mr. W. \>. Grime says: "Nobody but the editor of the (rttnrtlitin would have had the impudence to assert that the opening this road was a virtual departure from the objects for which the society was established. Censure from such i is praise." Mr. Thomas Potter says : " If Mr. Taylor'- object be to raise an impression that I, like Mr. . illegally stopped a footpath, he endeavours to make the public believe n-Jiat he knows to be ////w." Mr. Richard Potter, in reply to an assertion in the (ruard!aji t that the requisition to call the public meeting had not been sent to the editors for signature, gives the aflidavit of one clerks that it was presented to Mr. Jeremiah (iarnett, who >:i;d "that there was one point he objected to, but would consider of it, and if he determined to Sign it, would call on Mr. Potter for that purpose," which he did not do. A letter from myself follows, in which I tell Mr. Taylor, in reply to some injurious insinuations, that his repeatedly d falsehoods had deprived him of all claim to credence. It is painful to record these derelictions of principle and ruptures of ancient friendship, but having ully acknowledged Mr. Taylor's former ser\ ices to the public, I do not see that I should suppress tin >e p:i>siu r es. There were. as yt. few symptoms of dawn in the poli- tic-d hori/nn. In the legislature' there was a determined nee to every proposed reform, however small. A motion fur the transference of the East Hetford seats to Birmingham was negatived by I'JU votes against 'J'J. In the debate Mr. Huskis-oii alluded to the formation of the first political union: "lie saw in Birmingham lately an B 362 DEATH OF THE KIN<:. a->uciatiim which. ;is far a* he could perceive il< element*, principles, and operations, seemed exactly formed on the model of the Catholic Association; for it had its subscrip- tions, its meetings, its discu-sions, and its agitator. The purpose of this association was to raise a universal cry for parliamentary reform to carry the quotion by ex:i_ ting the difficulties, abuses, and distresses of the country. He would rather see the leader of the Birmingham meeting here, as the representative of that town, than in conduct- ing such an association, sending forth those statements and appeals to the country, which was, perhaps, too prone, at the present moment, to act on the apprehensions gem rated by them. Lord John Russell attempted a slight change in the Dentation by moving for leave to bring in a bill to enable Birmingham, Manchester, and Leeds to return members to parliament. This was resisted by Iluskisson, amongst others on the ground that such a beginning would lead to wider innovations on the constitution of the country, and endanger the succession to the throne. Mr. O'Connell moved for a bill to establish universal suffrage, triennial p irliamcnts, and vote by ballot. Lord John llussell moved two resolutions in favour of an increase in the number of representatives, and for the additional ones bcini: u r iv. -n to large towns and populous counties. The motion and the resolutions were both negatived by large majorities. The tory rule had been shaken, but the whigs had shown little disposition to join the people in their demand for reform. Men looked for a change, but knew not whence it would come. On the 26th of June George IV died. CHAPTER XXIII. SYMPTOMS OF THE D A AV \ . THERE was not much grief at the death of George the Fourth not much joy at the accession of William the Fourth. There was a plain, unaffected, natural man instead of a selfish voluptuary ; hut William retained George's minister-. Avho Avcre disliked hy a considerable portion of the community because they had conceded some reforms, and by a still more considerable portion because they con- tinued to he opposed to all others. In Manchester thcrtj great concourse of persons in the procession on the proclamation of the new king; but the meeting held in the Town Hull, com-ened by the boroughrceve and constables, to vote an address to his majesty, gave very slight indica- tion of the existence of loyalty, for Avhcn the business should have commenced there were not more than twenty persons present. I said it would be a farce to vote an address from such a meeting, upon which Mr. Jeremiah Garnrtt -;iid that he had known meetings of five or six >rt very important bu-inr-s. Daring this conversation the meeting grew into one of about fifty per- sons, and then the address, which was in the- usual strain of condolence and congratulation, was proposed. I moved an address as an amendment, stating that many and grievous cvil< wen- endured by his majesty's subjects, from a long course of misgovernment, and a wasteful and extravagant expenditure of the people's money, and praying him to take none into his councils "who would not honestly and zealously enforce the most rigid economy in every depart- ment of the public expenditure, and promote the real splendour of the throne, and its legitimate and beneficial B 2 SECOND 1 ';l VOLUTION. influence, by the reformation of abuses which are alike derogatory to the sovereign, and offensive, oppre>s ivc. and degrading to the people." Mr. (Jarnctt expressed his dislike to politics being introduced into the adilrc >-. and .pported by a Captain (irim-haw, of whom we shall more hereafter, and the voting was twenty-eight for the original motion and twenty-three for mine. An address from twenty-eight persons out of a population of 250,000 was not very complimentary to the new soverci. In my paper of July 31st I find that I said of Trance: " Royal ordinances have dissolved the chamber en- its newly-elected members had met, suppressed the liberty of the press, and altered the law of elections. The govern- ment of France, which, a few days ago, was a monarchy. kept in check by the representatives of the people, is now a simple despotism. If these measures do not produce another revolution, there is a less ardent desire for liberty than we have supposed to exist." The revolution had already taken place. France, in three days, had shaken off the despotism, and the friends of liberty throughout Europe rejoiced in her emancipation, and hailed it as the promise of beneficial changes in every country which was suffering under tyrannical rule. The boroughieeve and constables Manchester declined to call a meeting of the inhabitants to public expression to their sentiments on the occasion ; but the meeting, notwithstanding, was held on Monday, the J.'Ird of August; Mr. Thomas Ilarbottlc in the chair. The speakers, amidst enthusiastic cheers from the ci" assemblage-, all referred to the necessity of reform at home. "Let us not." said Mr. Mark Philips, soon to be iej tativc of our then unrepresented town, "in our admiration of that glorious burst of freedom which has just exhibited in France, forget for a single moment that some of our own in-titutions at home are incompatible with the spirit of the age ; let it not be a reproach to us that whilst France is making rapid strides, England is standing still. THE EXAMPLE TO ENGLAND. 300 Mr. Thomas Hopkins said: " Monarch* must now see that it i- their inti : < 11 as their duty to move with the people. The ^n-at want of the French people has been a real representation, and the same want is felt in all the > of Europe." Mr. Richard Potter, who was then nriking a gallant attempt to open the borough of Wigan, win-re certain corporation-made bi ^ad usurped the right of voting," which had once belonged to all the house- holders, said : " Sure am I that this glorious event will make the boroughmongers of England fear and tremble, and induce the people of England to throw off a yoke which '.ing alike- to king and people." Mr. K. II. Greg said that the ministers of our own country would not now dare to support despotism in France. Mr. G. Iladfield hoped that England would so far imitate the example Oi to in-ist on reform in parliament, and the aboli- tion of the grinding and iniquitous corn laws. Mr. J. E. Taylor was scarcely allowed to speak, but his tone was nearly accordant with that of the meeting. Mr. Shuttle- worth alluded to the employment by the late French government of mercenaries of other nations. " One of the advantages," he said, "which will result from the change is. that the Swiss cantons will be deprived of the market for their detestable commerce in soldiers, for that foul traffic in the living blood, and bones, and sinews of their population by which those canl<- lined with the deepest disgrace, and human nature itself is insulted and dishonoured." Mr. Edward B ixter trusted that the example of Fiance would not be lost on his own country- men, and that England would not be long before she obtained a thorough reform in the House of C'omnu us. Mr. J. ('. I'yi r s;iid that it had been :-hown what might be -nit when rich and poor formed one common union, . common effort, for the ovi rthrow of tyranny and the establishment of liberty. The address to the French people ; to. and Mes-rs. Mark Philips, Alexander Kay. 366 GENERAL ELECTION". ami Joseph 0. Dyer were appointed as a deputation to pro- ! with it to I'.ni-. \\hcre, with Dr. Bowring, they were ived with ijreat distinction by tin- r'rcnch government. The electors of the kingdom partook little of the aroused national spirit. In the small boroughs, which sent to parliament a majority of the House of Commons, they w> few in number, and almost all dependent or corrupt. Tl: rulers or purchasers thought the administration too con- ceding, and members were sent rather to impede than to promote reform. The few large constituencies vliared in the prevailing hope that the time was come for some change in that boasted "glorious constitution" which had" worked so ill, and, at the general election, Yorkshire re- turned Mr. Brougham, and Middlesex, Mr. Hume. No one could tell how a house so constituted, or a ministry so little supported, would act. The newly-elected House of Commons was not to meet till November, and there was an anxious period between. In the meantime di-t urhanccs 11 broke out in the agricultural districts always the first originators of and sufferers by riot. The much-pro- tected iiirin labourers made war upon the much-protected farmers, and their kind common protectors, the landowners, could do nothing to repress the destructive spirit. Stack- yard> were bla/ing in the dark nights through all the south- eastern counties. The rick-burning, which commenced in t, >prcad into Hampshire, Wiltshire, Buckingham^ : Sussex, and Surrey. In Birmingham the people took a different cour>e. They attributed the evils under which they sullen -d to mingnvt -rnnu nt, and formed a political union to reform the constitution. In this state of the country, parliament met on the 1st Novemln-r, and the kii h was made next day. In the debate UJMHI the address in the House of Lords, the Duke of Wellington made a declaration, which did more in stimulating the demand for reform than even the results of the French and Belgian revolutions. His folly may be DUKE'8 DECLARATION AGAINST REFORM.' 367 accounted (or by the supposition that, after the outcry from the bigotted, which followed his concessions to dissenters and catholics, he was hurriedly eager to assure his party of his determination to concede no more. Miss Martiueuu says his 1'riends imputed his blunder to a deafness which h-ul been growing upon him, which prevented his hearing what was said by men of his own party. Earl Grey had alluded to the necessity of parliamentary reform. The Duke, throwing to the winds the Fabian tactics by which he had been distinguished in the Peninsular war, and observe the iteration and reiteration of the unmisundcr- standable declaration, so often quoted afterwards, he emphatically said : had never heard or read of any measure, up to the present moment, which could in any degree satisfy his mind that the state of the reprc.sciitation, roii/il hr imjirtirdl, or be rendered more mitisfiu-- tory to the cmuifiy at large i\\..n at Ilic present time. lie was fully convinced that the country posseted, /// // present moment, a lejji-- latnrc which answered all the good purposes of legislation, and this to a greater degree than any legislature e\er answered /'/; n,ii/ <<'////// irhntt >; ,\ lie uould go further, and say, that the legislature and -:cm i if representation possessed the full and ml ire confidence of the country Di:si:nvKDLT possessed that confidence. He would go still further, and say, tliat if, at the present moment he had ini- ' i pun him the duty of forming a legislature for any country, and pirti'-u! irK for any country like this, in possession of great projHTt\ of \arious descriptions, he did not mean to say he could form such a legislature as they possessed now, for the nature of man wot incapable of reaching such excellence at once, but his great endeavour would be-, to form .some de.-eript ion of legislature which would jii-o'hii-r tin' tame results. The representation of the people at contained a large body of the property of the country, and in which Ihf Inmlnl interest .had a prepondera/in;/ injliiiin-f. I'mlcr these circumstances, he was not prepared to bring forward any measure of t he description alluded to by the nohle lord. He was not only nut prepared, but he would at once declare that, so far as he was concerned, as long as he held any station in the government of the country, he should alwa\s (',-. 1 it to be his duty to resist such measures when proposed by olh< 368 wi i I .IM. ION'S i: :OW. . r was tin- hacki.icd ({notation, qu rnft in- quoted than it was now. This was on tlio 2nd of November : on tlu- 7th the Duke increased his un- popularity by advising tin- kin^ that it was unsafe to entrust if in tin- city : on the l-'ithSir Henry 1'arnell's n. for a select committee on the civil list was carried ; . ministers h\ 2:'i-'5 votes against 204 ; on the Kith the Duke of Wellington and his colleagues resigned; on the 22nd Karl Grey's ministry came into office, and announced, Ji their chief, that they would acton the ]>rinci; retrenchment, and reform, which became the watch- words during the approaching contest. Time \\ as allow i d for the re-election of members who had accepted office, and in December parliament was prorogued to the old of Fch There was time between that 22nd of November and that 3rd of February for the people to think and n In Manchester there \\.ic some reformers who placed full faith in the sincerity of the declaration that ; trenchment, and reform, would be promoted. There \\cre others who thought that, either to support minister^ if they -inccre, or to ur^e them onwards if they were not, desirable to form an association ready to act when n required. The ministerial declaration \\.ismade on Monday the 22nd; on Wednesday the 21th a crowded meeting was held in the Mechanics' Institution. A Toli- tieal 1'nion was formed, and the following were appointed as the members of its council : sin, John Ficldoi, John Mnssey, J. Barrow, ; Froggatt, 'llidiiiii.-* Merry, Ocorgf Iti-iitlciin, Thomas Fu-lilfii, AVilliain Parr, Robert I'.iii ' add, Arcliiliald 1'rrnticc, 1' 1 Kdmiiiid (triunly, William 1'irkrring, ' in-ciioiiiili, Roger I;-MIIT, Ii\on, Jamea Hampson, l{;.l|.li Shaw, John Drarup, \\ 1 11,-U-ili, l>M\id Mi-\\ illianu, 1 Janu*^ 1 Inline, John Wlijatt, Kowlati' James Jones, 0. 11. \\ iniU-r. MANCHESTER POLITICAL UXIOX. 369 With tin- exception of the Messrs. Ficldcn, great manu- facturers. and Mr. Edmund Grimily, a gentleman of good fcrtune, retired from business, the council consisted prin- cipally of shopkeepers, with a few men of the working but they were men earnest in the cause they had undertaken to promote, and they were afterwards joined by persons of higher commercial .standing. Mr. Wheeler, in his History of Manchester, says that the Union "never attained any influence ;" but ministers did not think so when they needed its services, and the enemies of reform did not think so when they felt its power, not of stimula- tion, but of repression, for disturbances with violence would to them have been very acceptable. The opening of the Manchester and Liverpool Railway was one of the events of 1 830, which was not without its influence, in future days, on the progress of public opinion. The anti-corn-law agitation was wonderfully forwarded by quick railway travelling and the penny postage. Even in 1830 the railway promoted the cause of reform. It was an innovation on the old ways of travelling, and a successful one ; and people thought that something like this achieve- ment in constructive and mechanical science might be effected in political science. It brought, besides, a little proprietary borough, which nobody had ever seen before, into full view. I recollect, when passing over it for the first time, I said to a friend : " Parliamentary reform must follow soon after the opening of this road. A million ot persons will pass over it in the course of this year, and see that hitherto unseen little village of Newton ; and they must be convinced of the absurdity of its sending two members to parliament, whilst Manchester sends none." On Thursday, the 20th of January, 1831, a meeting was held in the Town Hall, to consider the propriety of petition- ing for a reform of the representative system. It was called ' requisitiouists, including many of the first merchant.-, manufacturers, and shopkeepers. The boroughreeve and B 3 370 MM MM. I K KM oHM. constables had declined to cull it, alleging the " excitement" that prevailed in tin- town and neighbourhood as their excuse; their refusal, of course, adding to the excitement. 'flu- use of the hall \vas, howe\cr, granted by the police commissioners, and it was filled with a most respectable auditory. Mr. Hdward Baxter, who occupied the chair, inculcated the duty of even- unrepresented locality standing forward, because, if they remained silent, it might 1>< that they were indifferent about their rights. Mr. Richard Potter spoke at some length on the necessity of reform, and adduced a number of instances of the insufficiency and the inequality of representation, and he quoted a statement that had been sent out by me, showing that the parish of unrepresented Manchester contained as many inhabitants &s there were in 130 boroughs which returned 2GO mem- bers, a majority of the Knglish members in the House of Commons. Mr. J. Shuttleworth made an eloquent and effective speech, in the course of which he said : " We are on the eve of a great, a radical change. No other change can be effected ; other means have been tried in abundance and found wanting. Our law books are encumbered with no less than about eighty statutes, regularly made and provided, as their preambles state, to secure and protect freedom of election, and to prevent bribery and corruption. And yet, in defiance of this multitude of laws, it is notorious that freedom of election has diminished, and bribery and corruption have in< -n .;-, ,[. To continue patching and bolstering up the old system by additional laws is, there- fore, dearly vain and illusory. An entirely m \\ tyitem must be introduced. There is no other mode of redressing at grievances and averting future. The Ho;. Commons, as now constituted, is an assemblage in which the people, whose house it ought to be, have MO ] The r< t'oim must lie such as will return members who will vcrnmcnt, members who will act lor the benefit of the whole community, and not, as h MR. J. C. DYEE. 371 fore, for the exclusive benefit of themselves and borough- rs, members who will no longer sacrifice the interests of the many to the interests of the few." Mr. II. II. Greg showed that in the early periods of our parliamentary his- tory there was a much wider extension of the right of voting than there was now, and that a large measure of reform would be no more than a return to ancient custom. Mr. Thomas Hopkins gave some forcible illustrations of the inequality of representation, and of the excessively heavy ire of taxation. I followed, and argued the necessity of the reform being cither wide, sweeping, and effectual, or Mich as would give a guarantee of such ultimate result. Mr. Detrosier, a very eloquent young man, who had sought and found knowledge under unusual difficulties, strongly advocated the rights of the many. Mr. Mark Philips said, that while unanimity was most desirable, he thought that reform would not be complete without the ballot ; and Mr. A. Kay urged the necessity of short parliaments. Mr. J. C. who had become known" and appreciated, made an able speech. In reference to the ballot he said : hud tlu- pleasure to receive, in France, a great many powerful i K-r the propriety of petitioning that that town should be represented in parliament. TJie speakers were Mr. John Smith, Mr. Jerry I.r,-. Mr. Hopkins. Mr. W. Harvey, Mr. Joseph Hrotherton, Mr. Lot Gardner, and Mr. J. G. Frost. Resolutions were passed in favour of including the town, as a separate borough, in any measure that might be brought forward for parliamentary reform ; and an influ- ential committee, which afterwards .succeeded in its object, was appointed to carry the resolutions into effect. Amidst the cheering hopes of reform, and the active demonstrations to secure it, there was much to throw gloom on the commencement of 1831. Two special com- missioners had been appointed to try the prisoners who had been apprehended during the rick-burning disturb- ances, not yet fully prevented. These commissions were opened at Winchester on the 20th, and at Readii the 27th December, and proceeded to Wiltshire, Dorset- shire, Buckinghamshire, and other counties. The list of convictions and sentences is a melancholy one. On the 9th of January, judgment of death was recorded against twenty-three prisoners, for the destruction of a paper machine in Buckinghamshire ; in Dorset, on the llth, against three for extorting money, and two for robbery : at Norwich, fifty-five prisoners were convicted of machine- breaking and rioting ; at Ipswich, three for extorting money; at 1'ctworth, twenty-six for machine-breaking and rioting; at Gloucester, upwards of thirty ; at Oxford, twenty- nine ; and at Winchester, out of upwards of forty con- . -i\ \M-re left for execution. Four of tin -M- \\c n afterwards respited ; but two of them were executed on the 15th. At Salisbury, forty-four prisoners were con- victed, of whom two were executed on the 20th. In the whole, upwards of eight hundred of the rioters were tried before the commission ; and all of those who were cou- \ieted. with the exception of the four cases mentioned, were sentenced to various terms of transportation and iiu- THE REFORM BILL. 373 prisonmi nt. Sad commencement this for the year of hope. In the great manufacturing districts there was no rioting ; the people there better knew the causes of their distress. Parliament was opened on the 3rd of February. On the first day of the session Earl Grey stated that " ministers had succeeded in framing a measure which, they were ided, would prove efficient, without exceeding the bounds of that wise moderation with which such a measure should be accompanied. Lord John Russell made a similar notification to the House of Commons. It was not until the 1 st of March that the ministerial plan of reform was explained, the nation in the meantime waiting the dis- closure witb great impatience. The measure was quite as broad and etfcctive as the people expected broader than was expected by those who doubted whig sincerity and courage. My comment upon it was : " Our readers know that we are advocates of the broadest possible suffrage, of the annual exercise of the elective right, and of the pro- tection afforded to the electors by secret voting ; and that, consequently, no scheme of reform which does not embrace all the>e points, can receive our unqualified approbation ; but we never allowed our wishes so far to get the better of our judgment as to suppose that we should have a perfect u of representation all at once. We have looked furuard to a prolonged contest, in which we should gain a little now, and a little then, and thus be enabled to take fresh ground, and to press forward till complete victory was obtained. We did not, of course, expect that even the most zealously reforming administration, considering the strength of adverse interests which woidd have to be encountered, would \enturc to propose anything like n perfect scheme. We have it now before us, and though it falls fur short of what we demand, and what we believe . nil ultimately, and at no very distant period, obtain. it i> a great deal better than we expected, and inini.-UTs have our most hearty thanks for it, and they shall have 371 ANOTHER MEETING. our strenuous support to carry it into effort, should tho borough mongers, as it is probable they will, force thorn to uppoal to tho country." I believe that such were the opinions, throughout the country, of the class of por>ons who professed rational radicalism, as distinguished from the radicalism which would have all or nothing. After a dohate which was prolonged for SON en days, the motion for leave to bring in the bill was agreed to without a division. Tho utmost excitement, during this tardy pro- gress, was manifested in the country. On Wednesday, the 9th of March, a mooting, to thank ministers, was hold in the Town Hall, .Manchester, called by the boroughreeve and constables the first they had called on the subject of parliamentary reform and many were present who never before had taken any part in the movement. But it had now the sanction of the whig administration, and, it was believed, of the whig aristocracy generally. Not many new speakers, however, had yet appeared. The chair having been taken by the boroughreeve. .Mr. James Hurt, the meeting was addressed by Mr. Richard Potter, who drew a strong contrast between Mr. Peel's opposition to the dis- franchiscment of votes in English rotten boroughs, and his former haste to disfranchise the whole of the Irish 1'i.rty- shilling freeholders. Mr. K. Baxter asked whether, if the king had the power to confer scats, he would select the village of Newton or the great town of Manchester ~ Mr. Mark Philips made a spirited speech, in which he called on the county not to waste its power in a skirmish of out -posts, but to concentrate its strength and bear down upon the corruptionists in one united and overwhelming mass. Mr John Shuttleworth spoke with great eloquence and Mr. K. II. (ircg said, contrasting Charles X and William IV, he had often heard of the revolutionary spirit of the people, but he thought those complaints might be r< < on the sovereigns. Mr. George Iladfiold, an early and decided reformer, but who had not token much part in MB. O. W. WOOD. 375 public meetings, quoted Mr. Pitt's saying, that no honest man could be minister, in his time, as the house was con- stituted, and said that its truth was as obvious now as it was then. The eloquent Detrosier again asserted the right of the over-taxed, corn-law-oppressed poor to representa- tion. Mr. E. J. Loyd, one of the 1688 whigs, expressed ititude to the administration. Mr. James Wood, who afterwards recommended Mr. II. II. Birley as a fit member for Manchester, said he had travelled all night to have the pleasure of attending the meeting. Mr. Absalom Watkiu spoke briefly but energetically. Mr. G. W. Wood, another 1688 whig, said he heartily joined in the resolution of thanks to ministers. Mr. J. C. Dyer, Mr. Thomas Potter, and Mr. Alexander Kay spoke briefly but emphatically ; and the vote of thanks was passed unanimously. A little episode in the proceedings showed the jealousy with which recent converts were received, when there was a belief that their conversion was with a view to future favours from the new constituencies. A motion had been made that the petition to the lords should be presented by Marl (in v, and that to the commons by Lord Althorp. Mr. (i. \V. Wood, said he would prefer its being presented by Lord Stanley and Mr. Wilson Patten, members for the county, who had been very attentive to the deputation sent to London to obtain the repeal of the calico-print duties. Some one asked if Mr. Patten was a reformer. Mr. Wood said la- did not know ; but it was desirable that he should be one, and he hoped their confidence would make him one. Mr. Thomas Potter said it was a piece of great presumption in Mr. Wood to find fault with the arrangements of the committee. I protested against bribing any one with con- fidence before he had earned it. The time was coming when they would not need to bribe men to be reformers. The time was come when those who wished, like Mr. Wood. to be thought reformers, should come forward and join the ranks of the reformers. To Lord Stanley, and Mr. Wood, 376 MA.JOUITY AGAINST MINISTERS. nml Mr. Wood's junto the police commiiom -i> owed their banishment IVoiu that hall. Mr. Wood attempted to reply, but tlu- meeting would not permit him. Mr. Shuttle-worth said he hoped the boroughreeve would allow nothing hut explanation, for, otherwise, Mr. Wood would continue ad- ing them until the sun set. Mr. Wood was at length permitted to >ay that he gave an unqualified denial to Mr. Prentice's statement, to which Mr. Prentice said he could prove it, and that Lord John Russell had, some few years ago, been deceived by the committee of which Mr. Wood was a member into the belief that a 20 qualification would be acceptable to the people of Manchester. On the 14th of March the bill was read a first time. On the 20th the second reading was proposed, and carried by a majority of ONE, in the fullest house ever known to have divided, the numbers being, 302 for the motion, and 301 against it. This narrow majority this almost lost sanction of the house increased the excitement of the country, which showed that the promised reform, or the mutilation of the " bill," would not be quietly submitted to. The obstructives, however, dared all the consequences. On the 18th of April the house went into committee, when a motion was made by General Gascoync to the effect, that the number of members for England and Wales ou^ht not to be diminished, and tho house divided with a majority of eight against ministers. This was virtually to save a number of the rotten boroughs, and to deny to Scotland and Ireland the increased proportion. of members to which they were entitled. Ministers tendered their resignation to the king, but it was declined. On the Wednesday night, or rather on Thursday morning, they were a^ain del when Mr. Banks moved an adjournment, and obtained a majority of twenty-two, thus refusing to go into the motion of supply which should have occupied the house. The king was now appealed to, and he resolved to dissolve parliament. Miss Martincau gives a graphic account of the Mil. Kr . \ l.s 1-AKI.1A ! 377 iiis Majesty and Marl (Jivy, with one or two of his colleague-. "lie was yielding had yielded but with strung expressions of reluctance, when that reluctance was suddenly changed into alacrity by the news which was brought liini of the tone used in the House of Lords about the impossibility of his actually dissolving parliament, un- doubted as was his constitutional power to do so. '"NVhat! Did they dare to meddle with his prerogative ?' the king exclaimed : he would presently show them what he could and would do. lie had given his promise ; and now he would lose no time ; he would go instantly that very moment and dissolve parliament. ' As soon as the royal carriage could be got ready/ hi.s ministers agreed. ' Never mind the carriage send for a hackney coach,' replied the a saying which spread over the kingdom, and much enhanced his popularity for the moment." I was in London at the time, and had been told in the morning by Mr. John Wood, member for Preston, that the house would probably be dissolved that day. I had come from Jeremy Hcntham's house, through St. James's Park, and through the Horse Guards, to see what might happen : and there was the king on his way, with a guard of cavalry, riding wide of his carriage on euch side, not ilin^ persons from coming close up to him. One rough sailor-looking man rushed to the side of the carriage, pulled oil' his hat, waved it round his head, and shouted, "Turn the rogues out your majesty." and his majesty had an air of di t. i -initiation on his countenance which declared that he meant as much, and without ceremony. In the mitin ing associations in the mind of admirer of high intellect and lover of freedom. With such an estimation of Bentham, and not daring to hope that I should ever be admitted to any communication with the 380 ii \M'S BUST. venerable jurist, it may l>r i:n Hp . 1 \\iih \v!i:it e\u/ I read on tin- title-page of a hook sent me the first volume of his Con-titutionul (.'ode) my own name neatly inscribed, with thi? addition of "from Jeremy Ui-ntham. Q. S. 1*. llth of April, IH.'Jl." I know not if any lover ever read Kith mote delight the first epistle from his mistn-ss than I did the note accompanying the present, in which I found myself recognised as a fellow-labourer with him " in the field of parliamentary reform in the vineyard of law re- form in the field of veracity and justice." As I had to be in London in a week or ten days. I delayed to answer certain queries he had put to me, in the hope that, should I find no friend having the privilege of admission to the venerable jurist, I might have the greater chance of being allowed a minute or two in his presence. Colonel Thompson and Dr. IJowring, from whom I could a-k for an introduc- tion, were lx>th absent. In this difficulty I put a bold lace upon the matter, went Sfrht off to Queen-square Place, pulled the bell, my heart palpitating the while, and pre- sented my card. I was not kept long in suspense. The servant returning almo.-t immediately, said Mr. Jicnthaiu would be with me in a few niiini. The walls of the room into which I was shown covered with a dark-coloured Indian paper, secmin ancient as its owner, with strange birds of the si/e of phea- sant-, represented as seated on the branclu-s of vine-like stems, with leaves anonymous to the botanist, and i! as yet nondescript. The chairs and a large book of the Kime date, dark and massive, and on a table stood a noble hu-'t. inscribed A .Ji.u: i 11 \ M. 1'. .1. I > \ \ n>, with the motto, " IM.URIMOBUM MAXIMA i r.i.n -ITAS." Ainong-t the newspapers that lay upon the table was one in French, printed at New Orleans, containing a no' the adoption of some of licntham's "Codifications" by one of the South American republics, and I was deep in the middle of this when the door opened and the venerable CAKD: 381 his lung silvery hair hanging down on his shudders, and liis fine features, still fresh and florid, beaming with lence. appeared before me. All doubt about the nature of my rt -ccption was at once dispelled, for he ap- hed me holding out both hands and exclaiming. " Ah, I am glad, very glad to see you. I expected you to write, but I am imi'-h better pleased that you have come to see After a short conversation he invited me to < him in his daily walk round the garden, and there I .modatcd my pace to his quick short shuffle, and we held converse on the promotion of the greatest happiness of the greatest number. It was enough to walk in the i of the patriot poet with the patriot jurist, but I felt it as an additional gratification that I was enabled to tell him I had good reason to believe than an ancestor of my own. the right-hand man of Lockhart, the parliamentary general, had there often discoursed withe the author of the io pro Popnlo. When I conceived that I was about to :;iy leave, probably for ever, of the aged reformer, at the little gate that opened into St. James's Park, he s;iid. 'You must not leave London without having a social chat with me." and invited me to dine with him next day. A " social chat " with Bcntham ! To fill up the measure of that day's enjoyment, I had not been five minutes absent from him before 1 s;i\v the king hurrying down to the House of Lords to do that which never English sovereign had dime before to dissolve a parliament because it was ad\erse to reform. It seemed to n.e that the seed had been sown in good ground and that it was bringing forth fruit abundantly. If in the reign of that sovereign the produce was thirty-fold, may it be a hundred-fold in the reign of our youthful (Jr Hal; n o'clock nc.v found me sitting at a neatly set out and rec/icrr/it' dinner in Ucntham's library, the sii.ije l-'rcnch lamp shedding its broad li^ht on the table, but leaving the books which lined the walls in a 382 BENTIIAM'S CON vi K-, \TIOX. visible. We sat on a platform raised about three feet from the floor, and extending to within about three feet of tin- wall on each side. The space between the floor and the platform I found was intended as a well to contain hot air a Ku^sian mode of heating apartment*, recom- mended by Hentham's brother, Sir Samuel. The conv r-a- tion of my host was light and playful, but full of vigour, beautifully combining the wisdom of the vi^e and the sim- plicity and gaiety of the child. I exprc->ed the \>\< -aurc I felt in observing that advanced years had not impaired his. cheerfulness. " Sir," said he, " I cultivate cheerfulness OS a habit. Besides, I have the coiiM-iou-ncss of havii sixty years endeavoured to promote the happiness of my fellow men, and why should I be otherwise than cheerful :" The period of my visit was one of high hope. A great principle had been asserted, and all believed that it was soon to be carried effectually into practice. The nation exulted in the expectation of a great reform of the repre- sentative system, and already were men's minds directed to the means of securing the fruits of that onward movement, and the character of many who were likely to take a prominent part in the subsequent contests was strictly scrutinixed. Bcntham, at eighty-two, had the confiding faith of a lad of sixteen, and unreservedly spoke of all of whom I asked his opinion, either as leading statesmen or as the probable representatives of new or reformed con- stituencies. Of one distinguished by great and vcr>atilc talent, he said : "I never knew whether he was \- or earnest. He comes here and tells me he h.i> come to sit at the feet of Gamaliel and imbibe wisdom from my lips but when I begin to show him that his projected legal reforms have no simplicity or breadth of principle, he suddenly discovers that it is time to go away to dine with my lord this or my lady that, and I see no more of him for a month, when he comes again with the same story that he is seeking wisdom from the Gamaliel of the law, and again DE. BOWRIXC. 383 he rims away so soon as I begin to show that his reforms are only poor palliatives of a system essentially bad." Of a prominent member of the commons he said : " I think he confounds low-priced government with cheap govern- ment. What we want is good government. However, he does his part by endeavouring to cut off the springs of corruption." NY talked much of his friend, Dr. Bowring. He said it was a great mistake to suppose that Bowriug's literature unfitted him for practical business, for he was well ac- quainted with all the bearings of commerce, and there was not a man in the kingdom more able to simplify and metho- dise the public accounts, the complexity of which seemed purposely contrived to conceal frauds and keep the country ignorant of its financial condition. " You," said he, " are practically acquainted with trade, and you shall judge of his knowledge of it. Here is a pamphlet written by him several years ago, from some very meagre notes of mine. Pray glance your eyes over it while I take a little exercise." I found the work contained a very lucid view of our com- mercial relations with Spain, and that the doctrines of free trade were vindicated with statesman-like ability. "When I had finished my reading I looked around for my venerable host, but he had disappeared. My attention, however, was directed to something white, waving backwards and for- wards in the dark space between the raised platform on which I sat and the book shelves. It was the silver hair of the octogenarian, who having poised himself on both hands and lifted up his feet, was swaying his body with all the vigour of one of the pupils in his own gymnastic school. This was his evening's exercise, as the walk round Milton's garden was his exercise of the morning. Our conversation resumed ; we went back to the days of the "Club," Dr. Johnson's corn-law tract being the train of association. Bcntham had dined with some of the fra- ternity one day, and observing that Bos well had made some 384 GEORGE in n>. Tto^v: ; OR. excuse to <;o back to the dining room when the ; on their way to the drawing room, and having picion that the cxcu. the biographer of Johnson became a> eloquent as, according to his own account, In under similar influence, in th presence of the Dm-h- - nf .\ I amused Bentham by telling him how Hoswell's fall one occasion, had combined frugality with generosity. My grcnt-uncle had been tutor to James, and Lord Auchinleck, Xriifornni, had rewarded him with a kirk, a cheap way of repaying f.unily obligation, "NYhen my relative was about to be married, the old whig lord was told by . his friends that he ought to make the minister a prc-ent of some plate, but unwilling to lay out mom y. he 1 dozen silver spoons from the family store, with the family initials u])on them, and had the tail of the u altered. to convert it into n tolerably decent u. the initial of his son's instructor, and these, with half nil inu^s of the same metal, and similarly re-inscribed. in form. The plate is now in possession of my brother. and the alteration is very obvious. llcntham had never any sympathy with the politicians who were active from other motives than tho-e which from an enlightened benevolence, and then-lore he <' like Home Tooke. "John Home." s.iid h". " \\a< ji one day where I was at dinner, and his amusement ^ tea/in^ two American gentlemen by - on their country, conveyed not 8O broadly ns to justify their show- ing any re-cntment, but obviously jjivinj; them ])aiu. I cannot understand how any man can have pleasure in giving pain to another." Nor could he. for. both from natural disposition and principle, no man was more attentive to the JOHN ( inr.-DS. 385 amenities of life than Bentham. He cultivated benevolence as he did cheerfulness. A friend who held Bentham in great veneration was with me in London, and when I left him in the evening had earnestly and solemnly conjured me, by the remembrance of a twenty years' friendship, that I should procure him some- thing from Bentham, were it even his smallest pamphlet, with his hand- writing in it. I had teazed my friend a little, saying that I could not presume to take such a liberty with a man so much beyond my intellectual rank ; and, half angry at my affected fastidiousness, he muttered something about Scotch coldness and caution. I laughingly told Bentham of this, and taking down one of his volumes, he carefully selected the best of his pens and said, " I know him as a good friend of liberty, and as usefully engaged in making good books cheap ;" and I delighted my friend next morning, after maliciously keeping him some time in suspense, by showing him the book and the carefully and neatly written inscription " John Childs, Esq., from Jeremy Bentham." From the subject of instruction of the young, which - introduced by the presentation of a little tract I had published on schools for infants, we went by a natural transition to the instruction of nations. Bentham had been reading Kotxebue's strictures on the conduct of the mis- sionaries in the South Sea Islands, and he expressed his is that the inhabitants had only exchanged one abject superstition for another, and that no advance would be made in civilization under the usurped dominion of ignorant fanatics. I thought it but justice to remove from the mind of such a man his misapprehension of the character of Un- enlightened and devoted missionaries, who had made Chris- tianity the precursor of a rapid eivili/ation ; and I told him of the cessation of human sacrifices and infanticide, tin- institution of marriage, the appointment of magistrates by tin- voice of the people, the adoption of a simple code of s 386 MISSIONARY LABOURS. laws such as lie himself might have recommended, the establishment of a printing press, the encouragement of agriculture, and the introduction of commerce and the useful arts. He was exceedingly interested with the detail, and learning that my authority was Mr. ElhVs book, ho called his secretary, a young gentleman whom he addressed with the affectionate kindness of a father, and requested him to purchase it for him in the morning. It was now half-past twelve, and I took my leave of the venerable old man, with a bundle of his books which he had presented to me, having first received a cordial invitation to visit him whenever I came to London. " My time," said he, " is but short, and I cannot have many opportunities of seeing you." I saw him only once again. The oil was fast wasting in the lamp which had burned so long and so brightly. He died on the day before the Reform Bill passed, and he knew that it was to pass. Before my return home a " true bill " for libel was found against me, at our quarter sessions. I procured a copy of the indictment, and learned that I, "Archibald Prentice, late of Manchester, labourer," being a person of a wicked disposition, and instigated by the devil, had, with force and arms, printed, and caused to be printed, published, and caused to be published, certain false, scandalous, and mali- cious things, therein set forth, of and concerning one John Cirimshaw, commonly called Capt. Grimshaw. What I had said was as true as holy writ, but, according to judge-made law. no doubt a libel. I had said he had been accustomed to give indecent toasts at public dinners, and everybody knew that lie had. I resolved to deny the tenability of an indictment calling upon the jury, upon their oaths, without other evidence than proof of publication, to find that I was guilty of the malice and falsehood charged ; but having some faint recollection of having seen something in print by Bentham upon the law of libel, I sent Dr. Bowring a copy of the indictment, begging him to lay it before his TKIAL FOE LIBEL. 387 illustrious friend, and to ask him what course I ought to pursue. In the course of a few days I received a pamphlet publi*hrd by him in 1817, denying the tenability of such indictments. In a few days more he sent me an examination of the indictment, exposing its absurdities and falsehoods, and arguing that a jury could not, without perjury, find that to be false which was not proved to be false. I was of course delighted with having a corroboration of my opinion from such a quarter ; and as it was not likely that I should find a lawyer bold enough to set the dicta of the courts at defiance, I determined to undertake my own defence. The trial came on at the Manchester quarter sessions, July 14th, and it became my turn to address the jury. I arose, not without some embarrassment, for it was a new scene to me, and there were fine and imprisonment, at the mercy of the court which I was defying, if I failed. But there was something in the novelty of the argument, and the plainness and earnestness with which it was offered, that strongly arrested the attention of the jury. In the indictment I had been called a labourer, and I said, in the words of Bentham : " Yes ! a labourer I am in a certain sense, and I glory in so being. A labourer I am, and a labourer I have long been, in the field of parliamentary reform ; and for my labour in that field, rather than from any injury to Captain Grim- shaw, I suspect I owe my appearance before you to-day. A labourer I am, as you sec and hear, in the vineyard of law irt<>rm in the field of veracity and justice." I had been charged, in the indictment, with malice and falsehood, and I asked the jury : " Can you, upon your oaths, declare that to be false, of the falsehood of which you have not one particle of evidence, and the truth of which you shall hear me offer to prove ? Will you, on your oaths, declare that I have published a FALSE libel? I know that you will not. I cannot imagine the possibility of there being, amongst twelve respectable and intelligent men, one who would upon his oath declare that to be false, of the falsehood of 6 2 388 THE AUTHOR'S DEFENCE. which there is not only no evidence, but not the pretence of evidence, while of its truth evidence is tendered and refused." I went on to examine count after count of the indictment : " Count the fifth is the same as count the first and fourth, but with this very remarkable difference, that the word 'false' is omitted. True or false as the libel might prove, here is a trap laid for you to convict me. The indictment-drawing attorney has anticipated my objection, though the learned counsel has not. He has contemplated the possibility of an honest jury being unwilling to declare that to be false which, for anything he knew to the contrary, might be as true as holy writ. But ' vaulting cunning doth o'crleap itself.' The very leaving out of the charge of falsehood is an express acknowledgment that the charge itself is false. Here you have them demanding of you that you shall punish me for speaking the truth : and will you forget the ancient law of the land, and so confound the distinctions between right and wrong as to expose me to the same punishment for speaking the truth as would he awarded to me if I had been guilty of the most atrocious falsehoods." I asked the chairman, Mr. Norris, if I might be allowed to prove the truth of what I had asserted con- ecrning Grimshaw. "The CHAIRMAN. Certainly not. " Mr. PRENTICK. I have witnesses in court to prove the whole of what I have asserted; but I am not allowed to call them. Hut my case is complete without them. A man who is charged with an offence in a court of justice is not called to prove the falsehood of the charge. It must be brought home to him by evidence. If there is not proof against him there is nothing for him to rebut, and the charge falls to the ground, as this must." I went on to say that even had I charged Grimshaw with the utmost wickedness that human nature can reach : "even, in such a case, I should have been entitled to a verdict of not guilty, for you could not have subscribed to all that is contained in this indictment ; and, as I said before, if a criminal escaped in consequence of your THK CHATRMAN'S LAW. 389 sentence of acquittal, the fault would not lie with you, but with the blunderer who crammed his indictment with statements unsupported by proof." And thus I went on, for an hour, repeating, in a variety of forms, nearly the same things, and concluded by saying : "Gentlemen, I deny that I hare written any libel on Captain Grimshaw that calls for punishment ; but if I had, dare you, upon your oaths, declare it to be either a false or malicious libel, without one particle of proof either of falsehood or malice, and not only without proof, but in the face of my offer to prove the contrary ? I peak boldly, gentlemen you cannot. As honest men you cannot. As Chri*tian, reverencing the sacred oath you have taken, YOU DARE NOT. I have not appealed to your passions, gentlemen, but I do appeal to your understandings, which are mocked by this in- dictment and I do appeal to your consciences, which are insulted by this indictment, and I call upon you to regard your verdict not as a matter between the lawyers and you, but as matter between you and your GOD, and to give such decision as you shall answer for in the great day of judgment, in that court where it will be in vain to plead ctutom as an excuse for the VIOLATION OF AN OATH." The chairman of the sessions had the usual reply in such cases : " The law says if any one personates or writes for publication, concerning any individual or individuals, that which has a tendency to bring any person into hatred or contempt, such writing or personation is a libel ; whether the writer intended it should have that effect or not, still it is a libel, and, being so, the law presumes that it is false ; and the inference is also that it is malicious, and the law presumes that it is both malicious and scandalous so to bring any one into contempt. A libel, having a tendency to excite to a breach of the peace, was said to be against the peace of the king ; and it was a customary thing, therefore, to say it was done with force and arms." Immediately after the chairman had concluded his charge, a little after seven o'clock in the evening, the trial having lasted two hours, the jury requested permission to retire for the purpose of considering their verdict ; and after one 390 THE JURY LOCKED UP. of the police-officers had been sworn in charge of them, they were conducted to the grand jury room, then u> remain without^food, fire, or candle, till they agreed upon their verdict. The court sat still for two hours without calling any other case. At nine o'clock there beiiiL r n<> tidings of the jury, the chairman sent for them, and asked them if there was any probability of their soon coming to an agreement ? The foreman very emphatically said they were not likely, and they were then sent again into their room, and the court was adjourned to Mr. Norris's house, where he said he would receive the verdict at any hour of the night. I remained at Mr. John Whyatt's, in Bridge- street, expecting, throughout the whole of the night, to be called on to accompany the jury to Mr. Nonis's house ; but hour after hour rolled on, and still the jury remained. At six in the morning we went to look up to the windows of the grand jury room where they were in durance, but still there was no indication of movement. The court opened at nine next morning, and still the jury were locked up. An appeal case was entered upon and con- cluded without any tidings from them. At a quarter to eleven, fifteen hours and a half from the time they had retired, Mr. Brandt rose, and said, that after the long period the jury had been locked up, he was willing to prevent their suffering any further confinement, and would consent to their being discharged if they were still unable to agree. The Chairman : " Do you consent to this arrange- ment, Mr. 1'routice ?" I said, " I do, most willingly. I have no desre to prolong their captivity." The jury were then called in, and on saying that they still were unable to agree, they were told of the arrangement, and discharged. It was afterwards stated by some of the jurymen that TEN of their number decided on a verdict of " not guilty" in a few minutes after they retired. The foreman, they viid, was for a verdict of guilty, and that another joined him, on condition that if the verdict were "guilty," it THB JUHY'S PBIVATIONS. 391 Rhould be accompanied by a declaration that the falsehood had not been proved. The TEN, however, were inflexible. One of them had laid himself down, at full length on the table. Another asked him, " Hast thou a bowster (bolster) there ?" The reply was : " No, I have no bowster but the bowster of God's truth and justice, and I winno' bring in this man guilty." Another, who had lost his right arm in his youth, held up the other and said : " I will gnaw the flesh from the bones of this one arm before I find him guilty." They had all found the sensation of thirst very painfully, and when daylight came they looked out wish- fully upon the Irwell flowing past, black as ink, thinking it was a great pity that so much good water should run to waste whilst they were so dry ! Here are their names : George Jackson, foreman Salford William Dixon Do. Thomas Bainbridge Do. John Fletcher Wuerdle and Wardlc. William Crossley Todmorden. William Scholfield Do. Kobert Barker Tottington. Richard Howarth Do. Thomas Elton Do. John Wilde Do. Edmund Pickup Do. John Priestley Do. Many of the London papers reported and commented upon the trial. The Examiner paid me the compliment of attributing, from internal evidence, but erroneously, a particular part of my speech to the pen of Bentham. Cobbett, who had been tried a week before, and escaped the conviction that was earnestly desired, expressed him- self cxultingly at this another triumph over the judge- made law of libel. I had written to Bentham, asking him to felicitate me on the result, and the following was his reply ; which will be found also in Bo wring's Memoirs of the Jurist's Life : 392 T.ETTEB FROM JEKKMY BENTHAM. "Queen's Square Place, Westminster, July 21st, 1KH DEAB SIB, Yes ; I do felicitate you ; I felicitate the honest and intelligent jurymen, I felicitate the country in general, I felicitate "ii this your virtual acquittal. I say the country in gem-nil ; for further, much further than (o the deliverance of one innocent man from the persecution under which he waa suffering, do I look for tin: benefit capable of resulting from this event. It not only always has been, but will now be very extensively seen to be, in the power, not merely of any jury, but of any one man in any jury, to effect no inconsiderable progress in the career of law reform. For producing an effect so eminently desirable, a very few juries, and thence a very few individuals, one in each jury, will suffice. Choosing for the experiment those cases in which the acquittal, though of a person by whom the offence haa really been committed, will be pro- duct he of least evil to the public (and many are the cases in which it would not be productive of any evil at all) ; making this choice, and declaring that the acquittal had no other cause than their detci- mination not to join with the judges and their partners in iniquity, in the contamination of the public morals, by the utterance of such a tissue of solemn and pernicious falsehoods, it will be in the power of this small number of individuals to compel those on whom it depends to clear all instruments of accusation from the greater part of that mass of pickpocket lies and absurdities with which they have hitherto been loaded. This may a small number of the lovers of justice do ; and thus doing, they will thus pave the way for the establishment of that all-comprehensive plan of law reform to the organization of which nearer three-quarters than half a century of my life haa been devoted. And here, sir, you have before you my ground for self- felicitation. " The course which I am thus using my endeavours to recommend to jurymen is no other than that which I myself would take in their place. In former days it happened to me to be summoned to serve upon juries of both kinds, grand and special. Uming received from nature the experienced faculty of remaining without food for several days without much inconvenience, it would have been in my power in the situation of juryman to command the vcrdiet ; and if so disposed, in the situation of member of a petty jury, spe- cial or common, to give or sell impunity for any crime at pleasure not to speak of the giving to one man the property, to any amount of any other. With what feelings and what views I figured to myself thia power in some hands, I leave you to imagine. On the BENTHAM'S ADVICE TO JURIES. 393 particular occasions then in question, I saw no prospect of rendering to my country in a jury box service to so great an amount as it teemed to me I could render, and was actually rendering in my closet, and thence it was that the invitation never experienced my acceptance. " ' Of a bad bargain make the best,' says one of our old satct, nor that the least instructive one. Under the rotten and anti-popular constitution, for the change of which into a sound and popular one all eyes are looking with such intense anxiety, the main use of juries, as at pretext constituted, is, m my view of the matter, the veto which the institution gives to the people upon laws upon bad laws in general, and in particular upon all those in which the oligarchy by whom we are plundered and oppressed have a special sinister interest. " On a cursory glance, it does not seem to me that you had reason to complain, either of the learned gentleman who led as counsel against you, or of the other learned gentleman who on this occasion officiated as judge. Thus the law w, says the judge ; and hi saying it, says what is but too true. Thus the law is that is the spurious, judge-made law substituted to legislature-made law and to parlia- ment-made law, and in this consists the grievance. " As to the learned counsel, ' Mischief is capable of being done,' says he, ' by taunting men with offences which they have really committed.' In this (though it would not come up to his purpose -ranting the jury to tell the lies in question) there is unques- tionable truth, and it presents a real demand for regulation. Such regulation my penal code would accordingly give ; but of judge-made law (if to the tissue of irregularities which have no words belonging to them the name of law must be misapplied), one of the evil pro- perties is, that by it no regulation of anything can be made. "It is with no small satisfaction and admiration that I lum- observed the ability with which you turned to account the materials with which I had the pleasure of furnishing you, and the important additions which you made to them. " Dear sir, yours sincerely, " JEKESIY BENTIIAH." "Archibald Prentice, Esq., Manchester." " P.S. My advice to jurymen is plain and unmisuuderstandable, and nothing can be easier than to follow it. Examine the indictment, and if in any part there be any assertion that is either notoriously false or not proved to be tme, do not join in declaring it to be true, but say ' Sot Guilty.' " 8 3 CHAPTER XXV- THE DELEGATE PARLIAMENT. FOB once, there was an " appeal to the country;" all other so-named appeals, in our modern history, had been to the rotten boroughs and the close counties. The popular will bore almost universal sway. The election cry was " The bill, the whole bill, and nothing but the bill" the meaning of the latter condition being "nothing less than the bill." The conviction had spread amongst the enemies of reform that, if there was not change to the extent promised, reform to a much greater extent would be imperatively demanded. They yielded to what seemed to be an inevitable necessity ; and the curious spectacle was exhibited of rotten boroughs sending delegates to vote for their own disfranchiscment. A stand was made in the universities, and in boroughs where the tory aristocracy had unlimited power; but win there was more than a mere shadow of representation, men were elected whose sole pledge was that they should pass the bill. There was to be a convention of 1831, as there had been a convention in 1688 a convention, not to alter the succession to the throne, but to secure the representative rights of the people not by a perfect and final measure, but by one containing the elements that would produce further and more theoretically perfect reforms, without the necessity of further fierce agitation. The counties generally sent pledged delegates. In Lancashire no tory dared to offer himself to the electors, and Mr. Stanley (now Lord Stanley) and Mr. Heywood, of Manchester (now Sir Ben- jamin Hcywood), were elected by acclamation. The delegate parliament met on the 24th of June ; on the 25th the Reform Bill was again introduced, on the 26th MEETING IN THE TOWN HALL. 395 it was read a first time, and on the 4th of July the second reading was moved. A three days' debate followed, and on the division ministers had a majority of one hundred and thirty-six. Long and tedious delay took place in com- mittee, the tories yielding only inch by inch, taking up fresh ground whenever driven from their position, and it was not until the 22nd of September that the bill passed the lower house ; the country looking on quietly and confident as to the result, but prepared for instant action should any unforeseen obstruction arise. Many meetings, however, took place to prove to the House of Lords that there was no relaxation in the desire for fair representation. On that 22nd of September a meeting was held in the Town Hall, Manchester, Mr. James Burt, the boroughreeve, in the chair. Mr. Richard Potter took the lead. " It had been said that the ardour for reform had abated, and this was one reason for holding the meeting, that it might be shown that the people were still animated with the same determined resolution which had been manifested through- out the long-protracted contest." Mr. M. Philips followed, and said, that misrepresentations of the state of public opinion might be expected from men whose selfish interests or whose want of principle prompted them to advocate the continuance of a system under which they had themst-K > fatted on the public plunder. A somewhat turbulent person, named Ashmore, a weaver one of a class of men who, whether they were honest or not, were doing the work of the obstructives as earnestly as if they had been well paid for it here rose and asserted that there had been a great alteration in public opinion about the bill, which, however, bad as it was, he would accept as a stepping-stone for more. A working man, named Thomas Johnson, fol- lowed, who declared his conviction that the bill would bi- advantageous to the working classes, for which declaration he was hissed by Ashmore's small party. Mr. Thomas Heywood said that there was no evidence to show that the Wi 8ECOKD BEADING DEFEATED. reformers of May and June were not reformers in Septem- ber, and expressed his aversion to the corn-law, to repeal which would be the first duty of a reformed parliament. Mr. John Shuttleworth then addressed the meeting in a most effective speech, in which he asserted that it was an imperative and most solemn duty, on the part of the minis- ter, by advising an exercise of the king's prerogative, and by the creation of the necessary number of peers, how large soever that number might be, to carry the measure safely through the House of Lords. Mr. Jeremiah Lloyd said that the delay in forwarding the bill had had one good effect it had shown that the demand for it was not from temporary excitement, but enduring conviction. Mr. R. II. Greg expressed his conviction that the lords would pass the bill, for they must be aware that its rejection would be attended with most disastrous consequences. Mr. James Whittle and Mr. Thomas Ilarbottle supported the petition that had been proposed. Mr. J. C. Dyer, in a short and pithy speech, denied the right of the lords to interfere in the constitution of the other house, which ought to represent the people. Mr. G. Humphreys, in a first appearance before the public, ably asserted the justice of the measure about to be submitted to the House of Lords. Mr. G. Iladfield characterized the bill as a confirmation of the revolution of 1688, by the admission of the people to the power intended for them, but which they did not obtain, from the want, at that time, of a knowledge of the principles of representation. After short speeches from Mr. G. II. Winder, Mr. E. Baxter. Mr. J. C. Walker, Mr. Thomas Potter, and myself, the meeting closed with three tremendous cheers for reform. A numerous and equally enthusiastic meeting was held in Sulford on the following week. The second reading of the Reform Bill was moved in the House of Lords on the 3rd of October. At a late hour Lord Wharncliffe moved an amendment, " that the bill be read a second time that day six months," and the debate A. FIERCE AGITATION'. 397 adjourned till next day, and from day to day, until, at four o'clock in the morning of the 7th, Earl Grey rose to reply. He concluded his address by saying : " If your lord- ships throw out the bill, it will rest with myself and my ience how I shall shape my future conduct. But I will not abandon the helm of affairs so long as I can be useful to my king or my country." On the anxiously-expected division there appeared, contents 158, non-contents 199, being a majority of forty-one against the bill, twenty-one of the number being contributed by the bench of bishops. To soften the disappointment to the country perhaps to avoid the consequences to themselves many of the oppo- nents of the bill expressed their conviction that the time was come when some reform "safe" and "gradual" ought to take place ; and the Archbishop of Canterbury, on behalf of himself and the right reverend bench, said, " he was so thoroughly sensible that some reform was neces- sary, that to a temperate and safe reform he would offer no objections. He could not help indulging a hope that the discussions of that evening would lead to the introduction of such a measure as would ensure the union of men of all parties." There was no faith in such professions no faith in reform from such sources. The conviction had been growing up, during the long-protracted discussions, that the measure, instead of going too far, had not gone far enough : and a new and fiercer agitation was commenced : " The country pours amain, The spirit of our ancestors is up, - The spirit of the free ! And with a voice That breathes success, they all demand reform." Early on the morning of Monday the 1 Oth, it was gene- rally known throughout Manchester that active measures in operation for convening a public meeting, and in the course of the day a notice from the municipal autho- ritu-s in compliance with a requisition signed by upwards of four hundred merchants, and other inhabitants, was 398 MEETING ON CAMP FIELD. issued, inviting the inhabitants to assemble on Wednesday, in the Riding School, Lower Mosley-street, " to consider the propriety of presenting a dutiful and loyal address to his majesty, at this alarming crisis, for the purpose 01 assuring him of their devotion to his person, and of their unshaken determination to give to his majesty, and hit present government, all the support in their power ; anc also of imploring his majesty to take such decisive con- stitutional proceedings as shall counteract the pernicious consequences which may result from the rejection of the Reform Bill by the House of Lords, secure the passing of that important measure into a law, and thus preserve the peace, and secure the future welfare of the country." At the hour appointed the street was filled with people who, the moment the door was opened, completely filled the place, to the number of four thousand, leaving thousands more outside clamouring for adjournment. A vain attempt was made to proceed with business, but the cries for adjournment were overpowering. At length it was agreed that the meeting should be held in Camp Field, to which the whole assemblage proceeded, swelling as it went, until the number congregated amounted to at least a hundred thousand, exceeding, by forty thousand, the number met on St. Peter's Field on the 16th of August, 1819. The boroughreeve having declined presiding at an open-air meeting, Mr. Thomas Potter, now beginning to take that active part in public business which he pursued during the remainder of his most useful life, was called to the chair and received with tremendous cheers. He briefly addressed the meeting, and called on the brother of the county mem- ber, to move the first resolution. Mr. Heywood spoke in a low tone of voice, with some hesitation, and was badly heard ; and it became obvious that there would be a demand for resolutions more in accordance with the fierce temper of the disappointed multitude than those which were to be proposed. Mr. Shuttleworth's better voice and more RADICAL AMENDMENT. 399 assured tone made him well heard over the greater part of the meeting, and much of what he said was enthusiastically cheered, but his allusion to the necessity of creating an additional number of peers was met by cries of " no more peers we've had enough of them." A young man of the name of Richardson moved an amendment to the effect, that the king should be addressed to issue writs to populous places, to withhold them from decayed and rotten boroughs, and to create no new peers, but to take such other con- stitutional measures as should secure the passing of a bill on the principles of universal suffrage, annual parliaments, and vote by ballot. A scene of extraordinary excitement followed. Mr. Shuttle worth and Mr. J. C. Dyer in vain attempted to show the propriety of adopting the resolutions proposed. I tried to show that a slight alteration of the amendment might secure unanimity, but was met with overpowering cries of " Don't humbug us." Mr. Hum- phreys begged the meeting to support the men who were fighting their battles in parliament, and the reply was : " We'll fight our battle ourselves." The utmost confusion prevailed, but on the amendment being put and declared to be carried, tremendous shouts rent the air, and thanks being unanimously voted to the chairman, the enormous assemblage peaceably dispersed. My comments on this meeting were : " The congregation of one hundred thousand of the inhabitants of Manchester was a proof of the interest which the public feel on the fate of the Reform 01, and ought, with similiar manifestations throughout the country, to convince the lords of the majority that the demand for reform is one which, instead of subsiding experiences fearful increase by opposition. The tones need not lay the flattering unction to their souls that the people will accept their as-lit tle-as-needs- bc scheme of reform, if they should succeed in throwing out the present bill. If that be ultimately thrown out, they may depend upon it tliat the people will be unanimous in demanding one with a broader extension of suffrage, and with complete protection to the voter. The nut-ting, in consequence of the fury of a few foolish and mis- 400 RIOTS. guided men, was not effective as an expression of deliberate opinion, inn it was most instructive as to the consequences of a branch of the legislature, whose hereditary sway is only tolerated, throwing itself as an obstacle in the way of the people's will." The irritated feelings of the people found more alarming expression in other parts of the country. On the 10th, 1 1th, and 12th October much alarm was occasioned by the assem- blage of tumultuous crowds ; the Duke of Wellington was insulted on his way to the House of Lords ; the Marquis of Londonderry was attacked and stones thrown at him, one of which struck him on the temple ; and many of the most obnoxious amongst the nobility had their windows knocked in and broken. When the intelligence of the rejection of the bill reached Derby, a great crowd assembled, broke open the town jail and liberated the prisoners. The county jail was also attacked but successfully defended. Mr. Haden, a respectable inhabitant of the town, was struck with a stone, which caused his death. At Nottingham the disturbances were still more serious, and the rioting ended, after an attack upon Colwick Hall, the seat of J. Musters. Esq., whose lady died of the fright occasioned, by the destruction by fire of the beautiful castle, standing un- roofed till the present day, a monument of blind fury, the property of the Duke of Newcastle, who had become unpopular, and had given a great impulse to reform, by his insolent declaration relative to his dependant voters at Newark, that " he had a right to do what he liked with Ins own." On the 12th, Earl Grey informed the- deputies from various parishes of the metropolis that it would be absurd to think of again proposing Lord John Russell's bill, but they might be as>ured that the ministers would support no bill that would not secure to the people their constitutional rights. On the 26th parliament was prorogued by the king, who intimated the necessity of resuming, in the ensuing session, the subject of a constitutional reform. Tin- did not, however, put an end to the disturbances, of which THE BRISTOL RIOTS. 401 many, oaring nothing about reform, joined for the sake of plunder. On the 29th Bristol became the scene of frightful and disgracing excesses on the public entrance of Sir Charles Wetherall, recorder for the city, whose opposition to the Reform Bill, in the House of Commons, had been characterised by the bitterest and most unmeasured vitu- peration of all who promoted it. " The whole of Bristol," says Mr. Wade, " was on the verge of destruction ; the mansion-house, custom-house, excise-office, and bishop's palace were plundered and set on fire ; the toll-gates pulled down ; the prisons burst open with sledge hammers, and their inmates, criminals and debtors, set at liberty amidst the exulting shouts of the populace. During the whole of the Sunday the mob were the unresisted masters of the city. Forty- two offices, dwelling-houses, and warehouses, were completely destroyed, exclusive of public buildings. The loss of property was estimated at half a million. The number of rioters killed, wounded, or otherwise injured, were 110. Of about fourteen or sixteen who lost their lives, three died from the shots or sword-cuts of the mili- tary ; the rest were mostly the victims of excessive drinking, in the rifled cellars and warehouses, which produced either apoplexy on the spot, or disabled them from escaping from the flames that they had themselves kindled." I have gpoken of the functions of the Manchester Political Union as being more to direct and restrain than to urge urging not being required when the association was formed. The Bristol Union had not been so effective in preventing out- rages, but when they had occurred, it was very influential in restoring peace. In my paper of the 5th of November, I said : Lamentable and disgraceful riots, attended with serious loss of lift* mid immense destruction of property, have taken place at Bristol. It is impossible to read the frightful details without seeing the peri- lous condition of a country in which the mass of the people, having no voice in the choice of representatives whose enactments they are 402 THE POLITICAL TJNIO called upon to obey, nor in the choice of the magistrates who admi- nister those laws, have no respect for the authorities appoint the conservation of the peace. The magistrates, knowing tliat they had no one feeling in common with the people, seem to have been completely paralyzed ; and the mob, seeing their imbecility, seemed to have proceeded from one act of violence to another, till, maddi-n^l by unexpected success, like the tiger which has tasted blood, they recklessly destroyed all before them, counting life and property a* nothing. Is it possible that such horrible excesses could have Ixx-n committed in any country where the people, having the enactment of their own laws and the formation of their own institutions, could say, " They are of our own making we will enforce them 5 1 1 of our own creation we will support them ?" If, instead of a tory corporation, known for ages as adverse to popular rights, Bristol had been governed by magistrates appointed by the people, the riot would liave been quelled in an hour or two. The application of that corpo- ration, after three days' fire and carnage, to the Political Union, is pregnant with instruction. It was an acknowledgement that the peace could be restored only by authorities appointed by the people. The correspondent of the Morning Herald says : " The city may be said to be under the protection of the Political Union, to whom the magistrates were constrained to appeal in the dreadful emergency, and the firmness and patriotism displayed by the reformers Merit every praise. Mr. Herepath, the vice-president of the Bristol Poli- tical Union, was Tested by the magistrates with an authority similar to tliat of the under-sheriff. He was requested to assemble the members of the union a course which, it should be remembered, the vice-president tad already determined on ; and, armed with the power conferred on them by the magistrates, the reformers applied themselves, in the most praiseworthy and successful manner, in tin- restoration of order." " It is impossible," says the Brittol Mercury of Tuesday, " to speak of the laudable conduct as we could have wished, displayed throughout the night by the members of the Poli- tical Union, acting in conjunction with the parochial authorities. The firmness and patriotism they have displayed on the present emergency entitle them not only to the esteem of their fellow- citizen*, but to the gratitude of the whole country. A stronger contrast can scarcely be conceived than the good order of the last evening presented to the uproar and confusion of Sunday night. Under their protection we may now say that confidence is restored, though the city still bears the appearance of gloom, very few shops KESOLUTTONS Of THE MANCHESTER UNION. 403 being open and business still being in a manner suspended." The contrast of the good order of Tuesday morning with the uproar of Sunday evening is the contrast of an authority appointed by the people with one in whose appointment they have no choice. Mr. Herepath was the legitimate magistrate, the corporation the usurpers. Under them, all was tumult and confusion; under him, was good order and confidence. Under their direction, the military only added to the irritation ; under his direction, they were hailed as the restorers of peace. The city abandoned to destruction, the reformers and the soldiery restored tranquillity. Great efforts having been made to create disunion amongst the reformers, the council of the Manchester Poli- tical Union met on Wednesday, the 9th November, and agreed to a series of resolutions, two of which are sub- joined : " Tliat the members of this council, associated during the Wel- lington administration for the purpose of promoting parliamentary reform on the broadest basis, having since the introduction of the Reform Bill given it their warmest support, as a great improvement upon the present corrupt and impoverishing system, though it fell far short of their ideas of theoretic excellence, as every reform will, in which exclusion is not itself excluded, were grieved and alarmed at its rejection ; and especially when it was reported, that, on being re-introduced, it would be deprived of some of its best principles, in order to render it more acceptable to an aristocracy adverse to any extension of the suffrage. "That while the members of this council feel it their duty to invite all reformers to unite with them in one call for the adoption of the ancient constitutional principle of suffrage, for the frequent exer- cise of the elective right, and for the protection to the voter from all undue influences ; and though they think all these points are neces- sary to a thorough reform, and though they will continue to demand them as their right, they feel that it is a duty they owe to themselves to declare, that they will not oppose themselves to any such scheme of reform, which, though short of their own ideas of perfection, shall effect a real amendment upon the present corrupt system, and tend to lessen the evils introduced by a long train of misgovernment, while, by showing that their fears of the consequences of innovation are groundless, it may lead the way to the peaceable adoption of measures which shall restore to the whole people their long-lost rights, HM THE DOCTRINE OF FINALITY. and sweep away every abuse in the state, the laws, and the church. Their principle is to ADVANCE to the extreme point aa speedily as possible but at all events, to ADVANCE." Such was the generous waiving of present demands, con- sidered just and reasonable, which the reformers conceded to the whig administration, believing that when a beginning had been made, and made safely, they would acknowledge that principle of progression ; and if they did not them- selves urge on other reforms, would at least leave the shortening the duration of parliaments, the adoption of the ballot, and the extension of the suffrage, as open questions. It was an ungenerous return to declare the doctrine of finality still more ungenerous to act upon it when the declaration of finality was denied. CHAPTER XXYI. THE REFORM BILL PASSED. Tin: new parliament assembled on the 6th December, 1831. There was faith that reform would be carried, because there was the determination that it should be carried. The obstructives might appear in unexpected strength, the administration might falter in its course, and the king might yield to unseen and mischievous influences ; but the people were determined to have reform, peaceably if they could, but to have it. Every thinking person saw that there was to be either reform or revolution, and felt con- vinced that the one would be yielded rather than that the risk of the other should be incurred. " There was some- thing unusually solemn," says Miss Martineau, " in that meeting of parliament on the 6th December." It was certainly a season of much solemnity, for great issues were to be tried, but it was one in which hope greatly prepon- derated over fear. The result was not watched with the anxii-ty with which we wait the verdict of a jury, shut up until they agree. The country had already pronounced the verdict, and parliament was assembled only to put it upon record. Lord John Russell brought forward his new bill, in the House of Commons, on the 12th December. On Friday, the 16th, the second reading was moved, and the debate did not come to a conclusion until Sunday morning, the 18th, when the majority was 162 in a house of 486. An adjournment took place till after the Christmas holiday*, and the contest was resumed on thr 17th January, 1832. The house went into committee on the 20th, and even- possible device to obstruct and to delay having been resorted 406 THE BILL AGAIN DEFEATED. to, it was not until the 1 9th of March that the third reading was moved. On the 22nd the motion was carried, 355 voting for and 239 against it. A more doubtful contest was to take place in the House of Lords. They had defeated the former bill, and it was known that, although many converts had been made-, there was still a majority of obstructives there ; yet few would believe that they would risk the existence of their own order by the positive rejection of the bill, and the only fear was as to its possible mutilation. The talk amongst the people was, that if the lords would not permit the com- mons to be reformed, their lordships' own house should be reformed or abolished. On the 26th March the bill was introduced there and read a first time. On the 5th April, Earl Grey moved the second reading, and a four days' debate took place, ending with a division which gave 184 votes for and 1 75 against the bill. It became obvious that the measure would either be mutilated or lost in committee unless peers were created for the emergency. Numerous large meetings were held, intended to strengthen the hands of ministers if they stood firm to the integrity of the bill ; there was the expression of a determined resolution, with- out any great amount of excitement; there was still the belief that means would be found to force the measure through the obstructive house. The Easter holidays being over, the House of Lords met on Monday, the 7th May. and resolved itself into a committee upon the bill. Lord Lyndhurst moved that the disfranchising should be post- poned until after the consideration of the en fraud li-in^ clauses. The motion was carried by a majority of 35. It was now seen that the intention was, regardless of conse- quences, either to mutilate or destroy the bill. On "Wed- nesday, ministers finding that the king was not disposed to use the only means left to influence the lords, resigned office, and the Duke of Wellington was sent for. The people rose, almost as one man, with the manifestation of CHEAT SEXSATIOX. 407 cine determined will. A crisis was come. Reform had been refused, and the other alternative was forced on every one's consideration. It was understood that the military hod received their instructions. Alexander Somerville, in his " Autobiography of a Working Man," says that " the Scota Greys at Birmingham had orders to rough-sharpen their swords, that they might inflict a ragged wound;" but there were rumours also that the soldiers would not act against the people. If the king did not exercise his constitutional prerogative to ensure the passing of a mea- sure so imperatively demanded a revolution must ensue. Men pondered whether it would be a three days' contest, as in France, or a protracted and bloody civil war. The intelligence that ministers had resigned reached Manchester soon after seven o'clock in the morning of Thursday. It was circulated with inconceivable rapidity, and the sensation it created was beyond description. Business was at once suspended. Purchasers for the home market, fearing insurrection, would buy no more. Foreigners, dreading the effect upon the foreign policy of this country that would be the result of a tory administra- tion being restored, with all its leanings in favour of continental despotism, countermanded their orders. The shopkeepers left their places of business, and ran about asking, " what is to be done now ?" The working classes, in every district of the town, gathered into little knots, and, with curses both loud and deep, expressed their hatred of the faction whose intrigues had prevailed over the voice of twenty-four millions of people. There had been a committee appointed at the September reform meet- ing in Manchester, and it had resolved to sit every day at the Town Hall till the bill was safely passed through the House of Lords. Here, then, merchants, manufacturers, and others simultaneously assembled, until, with that committee, they formed a highly respectable and numerous public meeting. Mr. John Shuttleworth was called to the 408 THK MANCHESTER PETITION. chair, and the following petition, prepared by Mr. Absalom "Watkin, was read amidst loud and enthusiastic cheers : "TO THE HOJfOtmABLB THE COHMONS, &.C., " The Petition of the undertigned Inhabitant*, Sfc., " Sheweth, That your petitioners have heard, with fivlinus that it is impossible to describe, that the Reform Bill has again been virtually lost in the House of Lords, and that Earl Grey and his admini-t ra- tion have, in consequence, been compelled to withdraw from his majesty's councils; that your petitioners, considering that tin- plan of reform wlu'ch has been defeated was a measure which men 1\ re- stored to the people a right to which they were always entitled by tin- constitution, and of which they have been too long defrauded 1>\ a faction ; considering also that the bill had been twice passed by your honourable house, and was earnestly desired by the people; ;md, moreover, that it is a measure wluch legally and honestly can affect Un- people and their representatives only ; are at a loss to find word- to express their indignation at being denied their birthright, by tin- manoeuvres of a small number of interested individuals. That your petitioners being thus situated, have recourse to your honourable house as the constituted organ of their wishes, and their established defence a<::iin-t injustice and arbitrary rule, and do pray your honour- able house that you will assert your own collective dignity, and the indefeasible rights of your fellow subjects by determined mlhrrrmv to the bill, and by refuting to vote any ftij>j>li>-s until a measure essential to the happiness of the people and the safety of the throne shall be carried into a law." The petition was agreed to, without a dissenting voice, and it was resolved that it should be carried to London that same evening, by a deputation consisting of Mr. Richard Potter, Mr. John Fielden, and Mr. Shuttle-worth. The writing of the petition was not concluded till one o'clock, and it was two before placards could be got out, stating where it would lie for signature, and nearly three before all the sheets were distributed to the appointed places ; but at six o'clock the signatures amounted to IWINTY-FOUR THOUSAND. The deputation then M.-irted in a chaise and four for London; thousands of per-ons enthusiastically cheering them as they drove off. As they PROGRESS TO LONDON. 409 did not change horses at Stoekport, the inhabitants not aware of the object of their journey, but at Macck-s- field a number of people collected, and with loud chri-rs testified their gratification at the promptitude which had been displayed at Manchester. At Leek, in consequence of some delay in changing horses, the business of the deputation got known, and in a few minutes almost the whole population were in the streets. A short account of the meeting was distributed amongst them, and also the petition to the commons. The crowd was so dense, that the carriage could not proceed for some time ; the cheering of the people was loud and continued, and numbers pressed forward to shake hands with the gentlemen of the deputa- tion. Although it was midnight when they passed through Derby, several persons soon collected, and expressed their satisfaction that Manchester had set so good an example. Loughbrough and Leicester were passed through in the dead of the night ; but Mr. Potter put some of the resolu- tions in the post, directed for his friends there. The deputation reached Northampton about five in the morning ; the object of their journey soon spread, and the inhabitants, on hearing the shouts of the people, repaired to their win- dows, eagerly inquiring what was the matter, and on being told, waved their hands and wished success to the mission. In the small towns from Northampton to London, the gentlemen were] everywhere welcomed with the utmost enthusiasm. They reached Palace Yard a little after rlevcn, having performed the journey in SEVENTI.I N HOURS, a wonderful feat in those days, though at several of the towns they passed through in the night they had to wait generally a quarter of an hour, and lost, at least, an hour and a half in this way. At every town and village they distributed a short account of the meeting, and the petition ; and as they approached London, copies of the petition were distributed to the passengers of the nu- merous coaches they met, so that in the course of T 410 TETITIOX PBESENTED. that day intelligence of the Manchester meeting would be spread throughout the greater part of the king- dom. Immediately on the deputation reaching London, they repaired to Westminster Hall and the committee rooms, and they soon found John Wood, Esq., the patriotic member for Preston, who instantly put his own name and Mr. Heywood's on the speaker's list, to obtain precedence in the presentation of the petition, and it was owing to this prompt proceeding that the petition was presented that very night. Mr. Wood, amidst the cheers of the whole house, made a most energetic and well-timed speech. After securing the presentation of the petition, the deputation called on Mr. Heywood, Joseph Hume, Daniel O'Connell, Col. Evans, Mr. Tomes, and several other friends of reform, requesting them to support the prayer of the petition, and were received most cordially. The Manchester petition was the very first which was presented praying the House of Commons to stop the sup- plies until reform and a redress of grievances were obtained. There being no house on Saturday, its presentation on Fri- day was most opportune, for the example was eagerly followed by all parts of the kingdom. On Saturday and Sunday the petition was the general subject of conversation in London. On Saturday the deputation were engaged in calling on several members of both houses, to give them personal assurances that not only was there no abatement in the desire for reform, but that the probability of the formation of a ministry adverse to it had roused a spirit which would render it impossible for any such administra- tion to conduct the affairs of government. The extemporaneous meeting on the Thursday had been held at an hour of the day when the working classes had not the opportunity of attending. It was desirable that they should have their share in the demonstration, not to increase the excitement, but that it might be regulated and kept within constitutional bounds. There was no need MEETIXG OX ST. PETEH's FIELD. 411 to urge onwards ; more need was there to restrain, or at least to keep in the right and peaceful direction a feeling smarting under the universal conviction of a great wrong and insult having been offered to the nation. It was felt that a thoroughly public expression of opinion was the legitimate and safe course. A meeting was appointed to be held on the following Monday, on St. Peter's Field, the scene of former meetings when to ask for reform was a crime to be the scene thereafter, in an enormous hall erected for the express purpose, of a long series of crowded meetings to agitate for that measure of free-trade which ought to have been the very first result of the Reform Bill. The area was now limited to 8,000 square yards, on which were congregated 40,000 persons of all ranks and condi- tions not one-third women and children as on the 16th August, 1819, but all men, determined men. Mr. Charles James Stanley "Walker, son of Thomas Walker, whose trial, in 1794, has been given in the commencement of this volume, " honoured son of an honoured sire," as one of . tin- speakers designated him, was called to the chair. The venerable Robert Philips, of Park, still holding the principles he had supported in 1 792, moved the first reso- lution, " That this meeting has heard of the virtual loss of the Reform Bill in the House of Lords, and the consequent resignation of Earl Grey and his colleagues, with sxich sen- timents as it becomes Englishmen to entertain when their best interests are basely sacrificed to the selfish views of a faction." Mr. Philips's son-in-law, Mr. Robert Hyde Greg, seconded the motion. Alluding to the former meeting, which he had attended, he said : " He had flattered himself that the next time ho had the pleasure of addressing his fellow-countrymen, it would have been for the pur- pose of congratulating them and the country <>n the victorious con- summation of their struggle in having shaken off the burthen which had so long pressed thorn down that incubus and nightmare, the boroughmongering faction. (Great applause.) But the prize, it seemed, was too great and valuable to bo obtained on such easy terms. T 2 II-' RESOLUTION MISUNDERSTOOD. After eighteen months of anxiety after the heavy expriiM- which tin' count rj- 1ms incurred hy tin- general t-Wt ion after the sufferings of the jx'ople, from the sickness of the heart from hope deferred it seemed that the nation was again called upon to fight the battle . ! reform. (Applause.) The boroughmongers were determined, it seemed, to make a desperate struggle to retain their ill-gotten wealth and misused influence, hut their groans and hearings were those of dying men. (Cheers.) But as they had thrown down the gauntlet, let it K- taken up by the nation (long continued cheers) and God defend the right." (Renewed and enthusiastic applause.) Mr. Joseph Johnson, who had endured a year's impri- sonment for having appeared on the hustings on that very spot thirteen years before, moved the next resolution, " That this meeting, satisfied that the ministerial plan of reform was no more than a partial restoration to the people of a constitutional right of which they have been too long unjustly deprived, and well knowing that no part of the bill could, directly or indirectly, interfere with any legal or honest possession or privilege of that body by which it has been defeated, is unable to find language sufficiently strong to express the indignation with which it has witnessed this second refusal of an acknowledged right." At the conclu- sion of his speech, Mr. Johnson said, that " if the people were satisfied to try the bill ; if they were satisfied to give up a portion of their rights for the purpose of trying how the measure would work" (here he was interrupted by loud cries of, " We are not satisfied ; we want the whole.") The speaker resumed : " I am for the whole ; but let us get this bill if we can ; and if it does not work well, let us go for the whole of our rights." Mr. Thomas Potter, now and henceforward to take a generous and most influential part in public affairs, in seconding the motion, said it \\.-i- impossible for him to find words sufficiently strong to ex- press his indignation of the conduct of the House of Lords in rejecting the Itcform Bill. Mr. Johnson's speech, and the resolution he had read, had been very indistinctly heard, and there were strong symptoms that the resolution had I'NAXIMITY SECfBED. 413 \yccn misunderstood, as committing the meeting to the bill as a perfect measure, instead of being accepted only as an instalment. I saw the danger of a division, which would have been to strengthen the resisting faction, and begged to read the resolution again, which I did loudly, slowly, and emphatically, so as to be heard by everybody in the meeting, to show that it referred to only a partial restoration of the people's rights. In the course of my address, designed to show that nothing but constitutional means should be used, and that physical force should not be resorted to until the very last extremity, I said : " The object of the present meeting was to obtain support to the patriots who were now fighting their battle in the House of Com- mons; and he hoped reformers, one and all, would put aside .-ill minor differences, and unanimously agree in one object, namely, the stopping of the supplies. (Cheers.) If they did not obtain their wih by that course, there were other means, namely, that hnvin-r raised their hands here in sunnort of the resolutions to obtain thru rights, then after all constitutional means had failed then \( would be time to hold up their hands with something in them. (Tremendous cheers, which lasted some minutes.) He had nl\v;u> counselled peaceable and quiet measures, and he knew that he had sometimes rendered himself unpopular by it, when indignation hur- ried men into rash thoughts; but though he had always ad\iTd quiet measures, he knew what measures to propose after nil these had failed. (Cheers.) * * Ho concluded by begging the reformers of Manchester to sink all little differences of opinion, and to seek ainment of their purpose by peaceable and constitutional means. It might be that there were some present that day who did not go so far as himself, and others did ; but the meeting should UMI in mind, that in the event of an attempt to form a Polignac admini- stration, the gentlemen who had framed the resolutions, moderate as they illicit seem to be, might in a fe^lays be suffering within the walls of a prison. These were time* to try men, but lie hoped that the meeting would follow moderate counsels, although at the same time they ought to be ready and determined to struggle for their rights." (Loud cheers.) The
  • -;iti>fa<-tion i-xpivsM-d by a portion of the meeting; \\a now removed, and Mr. Elijah Dixon. one of the impri- 1 1 1 SA.LFOHD MEETING. soncd of 1817, and a working man named Thomas Johnson having expressed their approval of the resolution, it was put and carried unanimously, followed by three hearty cheers. Mr. William Harvey moved the next resolution : " That this meeting concur entirely with the petition that has already been sent from Manchester to the House of Commons on this subject, and does hereby solemnly call upon that house to adhere, with steadfast and unyielding determination, to the bill ; and, above all, to vote no supplies whatever, until the bill, or a measure in every particular, at least, as favourable to the rights of the people, shall have passed into a law." True to his temperance principles, Mr. Harvey said they could not legally pass a resolution that they would pay no more taxes, but they could resolve amongst themselves not to consume spirits, malt, tobacco, and other unnecessary articles that contributed heavily to the revenue. Mr. James Whittle seconded the resolution, HH^ It TTIio CGJneu unanimously, as was uie petition, wnlCB was directed to be signed by the chairman. A cordial vote of thanks to the chairman having been passed, he said he had always been a reformer, he was born a reformer, and, if it pleased God, he would die a reformer. He was confident there was such a moral force in the country as would render an appeal to physical force unnecessary. Another meeting was held in the adjoining town of Sal- ford, which, under the bill then in jeopardy, was to have a separate member. Mr. William Hill, the boroughreeve r pn >ided. The speakers were Mr. Hill, Mr. John Smith, Mr. Joseph Brotherton (to whose exertions was mainly owing the inclusion of Jhc town in the list of boroughs to be enfranchised), Mr. Holland Hoole, Mr. Mark Philips, following the example of his venertiblc father, Mr. Heron, Mr. Thomas Hopkins, and Mr. Ormcrod. One was also held in Chorlton-upon-Medlock, then called Chorlton Row, which was becoming a very populous township. Mr. Joseph Wood, the senior constable, was in the chair, and BIBMINGHAM UNION. 416 the meeting was addressed by Mr. James Wood, Mr. Henry, Mr. Samuel Fletcher, Mr. Burdekin, Mr. Thomas Wheeler, Mr. Westhead, Mr. Kerehaw, and myself. Similar demon- strations were made in the many large manufacturing towns which surround Manchester. On Monday, the 7th of May, there was a congregation of the political unions at Birmingham, composing the largest meeting ever held in Great Britain. The Bromsgrove union, which arrived late on the field, was greeted with the Union Hymn, ending : " God is our guide ! No swords we draw, We kindle not war's battle fires ; By union, justice, reason, law, We claim tho birthright of our sires. We raise the watchword Liberty ! We will, we will, we will be free." " Before the echoes of the hymn had well died away," says Miss Martineau, " before the tears were well dried which the plighting of faith had brought upon many cheeks, the lords in London had decided, by a majority of thirty-five, against the disfranchising clauses." Birmingham, after that pause of a day, again took the lead, and the unions were where at work. The Common Council of London petitioned parliament to refuse the supplies, and appointed a committee to sit daily till the bill should be secured. Throughout the kingdom men speculated on the point whether the military would join with or take part against the people ; but none swerved from the determination, let the military act as they would, that the bill should pass un- mutilated in its full integrity. JThere was a TEX DAYS' agitation as fearful to the obstructives in our kingdom as the THBEE DATS of France were to Charles X and his Polignac administration. On Tuesday, the 1 5th of May, Lord Grey in the House of Lords, and Lord Althorp in the House of Commons, announced that communications had been renewed between 416 PASSING OF THE BILL. the sovereign and themselves which rendered it expedient to adjourn till Thursday. It was known that minister.- would not have resumed office unless they were assured that they should have the sovereign's aid in passing tin- bill. " The words were scarcely uttered," says Miss Mar- tineau, in her interesting history of the period, " before there was a rush from the houses to spread the tidings. There was no electric telegraph then, but the news Hew a- if by electric agency. By breakfast-time next morning placards were up in the streets of Birmingham, and pre- sently the people thronged to Newhall Hill, after bringing Mr. Attwood into the town. As by an impulse of the moment, a minister present asked to offer thanksgiving, and that prayer that devout expression of gratitude for their bloodless victory, and their privileges as exulting freemen, was felt by the throng to be a fitting sequel to their last week's solemn vow." On the 7th of June the Reform Bill became law. In the interval, Manchester, about to be enfranchised, was already looking out for representatives, and it became obvious that some who had come into the field only when victory was of certain achievement, would seek honourable reward for their late exertions. One defect of the Reform Bill was now very obvious. In my paper of the 2nd of June I said : "Regarding the Reform Bill as now beyond danger, and exj that in another week we shall be enabled to announce that it ha.* become the law of the land, our minds are naturally din-rtiil to tin- consideration of what persons will be fit and proper represci ; ' of the new coMtitunu-y ; and the first thing that strikes us is, the necessity of the bill being accompanied by another, of some half <\<>/<-.\ lines, to REPEAL TUB SBPTENXIAL^CT, or that a positive pledge should be required from each candidate that lie will relinquish Ins seat at the end of a term of not longer than three years. Almost every one who is to have a vote has felt the difficulty of making a choice of men upon whom a thorough dependence can be placed that they will ably and earnestly labour for these n< PASSING OF THE BILL. 417 FORMS of which the bill is only the precursor; and the difficult y ussmncs a formidable shape, when it is considered that err,- ',,, ike selection is irremediable for seven years ! We arc of opinion that circumstances will produce right opinions, and the vigour of mind necessary to enforce them, but wo fear that they will not pro- duce tliis effect in time for the elections. It is impossible to look round us and sec men who have no other claims to a scat than tin- merit of having, at the eleventh hour, and when the passing of the reform bill was obviously inevitable, given it their support, and to know that such to be suspected reformation is by many regarded as n reason for selection, without feelings of almost dismay at the possi- bility of such an exercise of the suffrage, as shall send, for SEVEN TEAKS, representatives to the house content to follow in the course of their predecessors, the borough nominees, without one single t-lfivtive struggle for these measures which arc absolutely necessary for the comfort of the people, and the national safety. The term of seven years is too long to invest any man, especially any untried man, with the representation of opinions. * * * Well may the Manchester conservatives desire to return, as a representative, one (Mr. Stanley, now Lord Stanley) who, under the cloak of whiggism, would be found exerting rather formidable talents in resisting those practical reforms, which, by extending the commercial relations of the country, and lessening to the lowest practicable extent its burthens, shall raise it from that gulf of wretchedness, into which the borough owners and the aristocracy have sunk it. No, no ! We must liave no such members for Manchester. FBEE-TBADE, CHEAP GOVERNMENT, PBOOBE3SIVE BEFOBM, are what the electors want, and though they hail the bill, as an immense improvement in the representative system, they will give their suffrages to those only wliu will heartily, and with ability, promote those means of amelio- rating the condition of the people." Manchester was, at last, enfranchised. We have traced its history through a long series of years, during which tranquillity and comfort were only exceptions to the rule of misery, at periods intolerable. It has been shown how, by long and stern teachings in the bitter school of adversity. iN inhabitants were slowly convinced that they needed better irovemment to preserve their trade, and even their exi-tencc. It has been shown how the despised minority, patient and pi-i>everini:, became the o\ < nvlichninir majority T 3 418 PBACTICAX BEFOBMS EXPECTED. It has been shown how one reform, to be the instrument in obtaining other necessary reforms, was, at length, triumph- antly obtained. To show how that instrument was used, and what part Manchester took in other struggles for measures which ought to have been the very first fruits of the reform act, would be fit occupation for the pen of a competent writer, when, after a little more lapse of time, the further period of excitation can be looked back upon with a calm impartiality becoming the historian. SUPPLEMENTARY CHAPTER, SOCIETY TO PUT DOWN LEVELLERS. ON the llth of December, 1792, a church and king mob made a furious attack on the printing office of Messrs. Faulkner and Birch ; and on the house of Mr. Thomas Walker, as described in my first chapter. The success of those resorts to physical force encouraged the then leading men of Manchester to make a more systematic organization against the reformers. On the following day a meeting held, and the following resolutions passed : " Bull's Head, Manchester, December 12, 1792. " An association for preserving constitutional order and liberty, as well as property, against the various efforts of levellers and republi- cans, entered into at Manchester, the 12th day of December, 1792, upon the principles contained in the following declaration. " "We whose names are hereunto subscribed, seriously considering the affairs of this juncture, and the various efforts of restless, disaf- fected persons, tending to subvert the happy rights and liberties equally enjoyed by all descriptions of persons under the auspicious protection of a long experience and universally venerated constitution and government, composed of king, lords, and commons, do di-ter- mine to form ourselves into an association under the above title, and solemnly engage to afford the most vigorous exertion and support to the executive power of this country in counteracting all attempts of sedition and treason. And for these purposes we declare and resolve as follow : " That we will, by every legal measure, endeavour to discover and bring to justice the authors, publishers, and distributors of all sedi- tious and treasonable writings, and especially all persons who shall be engaged in any societies or combinations for the dispersion and promotion of such doctrines. " That we will, by the distribution of plain and undisguised con- stitutional principles, endeavour to undeceive such persons as may bo mMi'il by the sinister and inflammatory insinuations of designing men." -till^ (if Jilllli - Ai'kelV-, Jolll and Ju-epli llardmitn, tin- Ixirimylitvevc mid constables of Manehc-- tor, tin- in .] the hiuulml of ivilford, N:itli:m t'nunptnn, Holhnul A. Robert Pool, Henry Karrington, James Radford, John Simpson, William Major, Henry Barton, I.JIM r 1 jim., William Hall, Joseph I'ickford, James Borron, Rev. John GatlifT, Robert Markland, Ashton Etlifl.-t..n, Jonathan Becver, William Douglas, Nathaniel Kirkman, Nathaniel MUne, James Bateinan, James Broom, William Barrow, William Fox, Joseph Bo\\t r, John Ridings, James Barton, and many others. " Sixty seven names arc attached to the declaration." The committee appointed lost no time in going to work, for on the same day they made the following orders, offer- ing a strong temptation to spies who could give them in- formation, and thanking the publicans for their declaration as printed in the eighth page of my first chapter. " Committee Room, Bull's Head, Dec. 12, 171)2. " Orders of the committee of association for preserving const it u- tional order, liberty, and property, against the various efforts of levellers and republicans. "At a meeting of the committee this day, James Ackers, Esq., in the chair : " Ordered, That John Simpson, Esq., be appointed treasurer to this society ; and that Henry Karrinyton, William Hall, James Barton, Thomas Stott, and William Hodson, bo appointed t<> audit the treasurer's account. " That the Rev. John Gatliff be appointed secretary to this > with thanks for his accepting the office. " Ordered, That ten thousand copies of the declaration and reso- lutions of the meeting on Tuesday shall be immediately print "That a reward often guineas shall be given by this commit any person or persons who will come forward, and give such e\ as will discover and bring to justice any person or persons guilty <>f writing, printing, publishing, or dispersing seditious and treasonable writings, books, or papers, or be guilty of nny other species of treason or sedition, ami jmrtieularly those who may have attempted, or shall \:\ ( IfAI'TER. 421 hereafter attempt, to sedmv any of the soldiers from their allegiance t<> the king, by circulating any treasonable or seditious doctrines. " Ordered, Tliat the thanks of the committee be given to the innkeepers for their laudable conduct in forbidding all seditious meetings to be held at their houses. " Ordered, That a person be stationed at the door of the com- room, to interrogate every gentleman whether he is a member of this committee, and to assist the secretary when required ; and that he be appointed and paid at the secretary's discretion. " Ordered, That in order to put in force the resolution for the publication of true constitutional principles, a committee of the nine following gentlemen be appointed, viz. : Samuel Clowes, Esq., Bev. Mr. Sandford, Mr. R. Foxley, Rev. T. Radclifle, Mr. Charles Lawson, Ki-v. T. Seddon, Rev. F. Hall, Rev. T. Griffiths, and Mr. F. Williams." The society seems to have been afraid of working in broad daylight, as its minutes, also not intended to be seen in the daylight of forty-eight years afterwards, clearly show : " Committee Room, December 14, 1792. " Samuel Clowes, jun., Esq., in the chair ; " Ordered, That every member sign the declaration of secrecy before admittance into the committee room. " Ordered, That the thanks of this meeting bo given in a hand- bill to Mr. Martin Marshall and liis son, for their endeavour to quell all tumult on Tuesday evening, and to all other gentlemen who were active in the same cause. " Ordered, Tliat no attorney of this committee be concerned, either directly or indirectly, in the defence of, or advice concerning, any prosecution tliat may hereafter be commenced against any person or persons in cases of treason or sedition." The latter resolution covered a wider object than appears on its face. No attorney in the body was to defend the prosecuted; any attorney out of the body, guilty of def'rnd- ing a " leveller" was to be persecuted. The next object was to fraternise with ;uul to direct less influential associations. " Committee Room, December 17, 1792. " Samuel Clowes, jun., Esq., in the chair ; " Ordered, Tliat the thanks of the committee be given to the members of tlie Hibernian Society, &c. lni Grim-h:i\\, merchant. Richard Walker, merchant. M. Grimstcd, schoolm O. Wakcfield, merchant. Q-. Duckworth, attorney -at -law. S. II anli nan, merchant. Ogdcn, surgeon. K N orris, merchant. J. Ford, tinman. R. Collier, surgeon O. Salvin, merchant. 8. O. Birch, Manchester. Bees, calico printer. George Philips, merchant. John Ainsworth, merchant. Samuel Jackson, cotton dealer. Priestley, merchant. William Rigby, jun., merchant. John Fort, calico printer. Mr. Paul, paper stainer. Mounscr, merchant. Ottiwell Wood, merchant. Allan Jackson, cotton dealer. The following, from a society every member of which was bound to keep its proceedings secret, is a very rich specimen of impudence : "January 2 ith, 1793. " Samuel Clowes, Esq., in the chair ; " Ordered, That the following advertisement be published in the Manchester papers : "Whereas some persons liave assembled at different times under the appellation of a ' Constitutional Society,' and have published various resolutions, signed by Thomas Walker and others, as presi- dents, and Samuel Jackson, as secretary to the said society. " We, the committee of an association established at a public meeting upon real constitutional principles, do call upon the members of that society to publish their names and places of abode, for we think it higlily necessaay that those should be knowii who ha\c taken so much pains to enlighten the minds of the people, by recom- mending to their particular attention a book published by Thomas Paine, entitled 'The Rights of Man,' a publication of most seditious tendency, and which lias been proved by a British jury to be a libel upon government. Who have also entered into a corrcspoudenev with the Jacobin Club of Paris, the avowed enemies of religion and of kings, which acts directly contradict their pompous dod:> and reputed assertions, that a reform in the lower house of parlia- ment i.* their only object, and that they have assumed the title of 'Constitutional Society,' to impose upon the ignorant and unwary, and to overt urn that very constitution they pretend to support. The committee likewise beg leave to put th<- following qm- Thomas Walker: SUPPLEMENTARY CIIAPTKK. 425 Whether his appearance, as a principal in these transactions, has not been the means of exasperating the people against him ; and whether the attack upon his house may not be attributed to that cause?' " ' By what acts have any of the respectable inhabitants of this town deserved the opprobious epithets of ' the Enemies of Freedom mid the Friends of Despotism ?' " As to the still more opprobrious term of an c unprincipled faction,' which Mr. Walker has likewise thought proper to apply to some of his townsmen in his letter to his friends and fellow-citizens at Sheffield, when the Constitutional Society have published their names, the public will have an opportunity of judging who best deserve that appellation. " Ordered, That the committee of papers meet on Tuesday at eleven o'clock, and that Mr. Sfarkie's sermon be taken into con- sideration." A law was had to put down what were culled " corres- ponding societies," and thus to put down the reform principles which those associations advocated. It will be seen by the following minutes that this loyal and secret MaiK-hcster society, established to put down reform princi- ples, was not to be bound by legal enactments : " January 26th, 1793. " Dr. White in the chair ; " Ordered, Read the depositions of Martin Marshall, Mr. Tate, jun., and James Hallows, with Mr. Topping's opinion thereupon." " January 31st, 1793. " Her. R. Sandford in the chair ; " Ordered, That Mr. Dauntsey Hulme be requested to present i-avians with the thanks of this societv 1, a Ictt.-r signed ' Amieus.' " Ordered, That Mr. Webster be requested to make all the inqui- ;>ossible respecting the information given by 'Amicus.' (fould unanimously elected a member of the committee. " John Griffith, Secretary." " February 7th, 1793. " Samuel Clowes, Esq., in the chair ; " Rev. Mr Derby unanimously elected. " Ordered, Tliat the thanks of this meeting be transmitted to the boroughreeve and constables of this town for their very proper and 426 SUPPLEMENTARY CHAPTER. spirited conduct respecting Mr. T. Walker's answer to the letters of condolence from the Con>tituti<>i>:il Society at Sheffield, and that the same be published in the three Manchester papers." " October 22nd, 1794. " James Entwistle in the chair ; " Resolved, That Mr. Harrop bo paid at the expense of this com- mittee for nine copies of the ' Report of the Committee of Secrecy of both Houses of Parliament.' "Read, a letter from Mr. Paynter respecting some expenses in- curred in obtaining evidence against several seditious persons." "April 7th, 1795. "At & meeting of the Association for Protecting Liberty and Pro- perty against Republicans and Levellers, " John Kearsley, Esq., in thc'chair ; " Resolved, That the several loyal associations co-operating with this society be entered upon the books in the following order : 1, The Crown and Cushion ; 2, Black Moor's Head j 8, York Min- ster ; 4, The Grapes ; 6, The King, Oldham-street ; 6, St. Michael's ; 7, The Union ; 8, Rose and Crown ; 9, White Lion ; 10, King's Anna, Turner-street ; 11, Queen Anne, Bed Bank ; 12, Crown and ShuttK-. " That five gentlemen be appointed delegates to attend the monthly meetings of the united delegates from the other loyal associations. "That the following gentlemen, viz., Mr. Kearslcy, Mr. T. Stott, Mr. R. Yates, Mr. Thackeray, and Mr. Webster, be the delegates from this association for the succeeding month." "Bull's Head, Dec. 6, 1795. (Sunday!) " John Sedgwick, Esq., in the chair ; " Mr. John Barton and Mr. Knowell Stott admitted members of this association. " Stsolced, That the thanks of this meeting be given to Mr. II. Farrington and Mr. C. Marriott (the boroughreeve and one of the constables), to Mr. Leaf and Mr. Richardson, for having waited upon Mr. George Philips (in the absence of Mr. Lloyd) respecting the call of the public, to take (what is unjustly termed) the sense of the town and neighbourhood of Manchester on the question of the bills pending in parliament against seditious meetings, and for the pre- servation of our gracious sovereign. SUPPLEMENTARY CHAPTER. 427 " Retolted, That every support possible shall be given by this meeting to the other loyal associations on Monday, the 7th instant. "Resolved, That this and the other loyal associations be requested to meet at the New Market Hall, to-morrow morning (the 7th inst.) at ten o'clock. " Resohed, That James Ackers, Esq., be requested to take the chair at the meeting of the loyal inhabitants of the town and neigh- bourhood, agreeably to the preceding resolution. " Resetted, That the address to his majesty and petition to the House of Lords, brought forward by the committee of papers, be approved of by this association, with such alterations (if any shall be hereafter required) as that committee shall think necessary. " Resolved, That public notice of the meeting bo given by a hand- bill, as now prepared, and that 4000 copies be ordered to be printed. " Resolved, Tliat 2000 copies of the notice, that the address and petition are lying for signature at the several places mentioned in the notice be printed. " Retolced, That the address and petition be printed." "Bull's Head, Dec. 7, 1795. " John Sedgwick, Esq., in the chair ; u Mr. Dodgson and Mr. Kobert liindiey, jun., admitted members of this association. " Resolved, That the Duke of Bridgewater and the Right Hon. Lord Grey de Wilton be requested to present the petition to the House of Lords, and that the address to his majesty be transmitted to the county members." " Bull's Head, February 17th, 1797. " Mr. Edge in the chair ; " Remved the following resolution from the general delegates : " Resolved, That this meeting fully concurs with the measure recommended by the ' Loyal Association of the Bull's Head.' " In consequence of the above, it was " Resolved, That a general meeting of the society be summoned to attend the general delegation of the several loyal associations at sercn o'clock on Wednesday evening next, for the purpose of deter- mining upon an address to all well-wishers of their king and const i- tion, in the towns and neighbourhood of Manchester and Salford, on the propriety of immediately forming an armed volunteer corps for their internal defence. 428 SUPPLEMENTARY CHAPTER. " Sesolred, That Mr. Leaf, Mr. Joseph Hardnun, Mr. GatUff, Mr. Iliiulley, Mr. Foxley, Mr. Serjeant, and Mr. Bald wen, be re- quested to draw up the heads of such address. "Resolved, That Mr. John Milne be admitted a member of tlii< association." "Bull's Head, February 22nd, 17i7. " Mr. Leaf, chairman ; " That the address to the people now read be approved." " Bull's Head, January 8th, 1798. " Mr. Kearsley, chairman 5 " Retoleed, That Mr. Hall, Mr. Foxley, Mr. R. Yates, Mr. Tetloe, and Mr. Kearsley be appointed delegates to the united meet- ings of the several loyal associations ; and that other members of this society be at liberty to attend them in the business of the delegation. "That for the purposes of this association, a third subscription i- necessary, and that the same be entered into without delay." "July 3rd, 1799. " There being only six members present, viz., Mr. Kearsley. Mj. Stott, Mr. Hall, Mr. Foxlcy, Mr. Harrop, and Mr. GatUff, a com- mittee could not be formed." THE MANCHESTER PITT CLUB. The events of 1812 having shown the Manchester ob- structives that they could no longer control and dim-t public assemblages of the inhabitants, they resolved in form a Pitt Club, the committee of which could carry on the operations of the defunct society to put down k-vcllcrs and republicans; while the annual dinner, commemorating the birth of the "heaven-born minister," would bo ;i sit'r occasion to utter their loyal and anti-reform sentiments. The following are the resolutions passed at a meeting lu-ld nt the Star Inn, on the 10th of December, 1812 : "That a society be instituted at Manchester, under the nninr i tin- I'itt Club, for the purpose of celebrating the birth-day of tlmt great, patriotic, and illustrious statesman, the Right Honourable SUPPLEMENTARY CHAPTEB. I- 1 ' Willinin 1'itt, and that the members do meet annually on every 28th if -May; and that the first meeting be holden upon the 28th of May, 1813. " That any person desirous of becoming a member shall be pro- posed by a member of the club, at a general meeting then next ling ; and that the gentleman proposing any new member shall declare tliat he knows the person proposed to be well affected to the king and constitution, and that he approves of the political principles of the late Right Honourable William Pitt. " That the proposal of each person as a candidate shall be seconded, and such candidate, provided he shall have five-sixths of the balls in his favour, be declared duly elected. " That each member shall wear a medal, suspended by a blue ribbon, at the anniversary dinner, such medal to be provided by the committee for that purpose, and the medal to be paid for by each member on delivery viz., 2 2s. " That the following gentlemen do constitute the original members of the club." The names of 192 gentlemen follow, amongst whom were the following clergymen : Rev. 11. Di-lvi>, Rev. J. Holdsworth, Rev. J. Hodgkinson, John Clowe, Joseph Bradshaw, C. Huthersall, C. W. Ethelston, W. C. Cruttenden, Henry Fielding, John Gatliff, Robinson Elsdale, W. B. Quest, T. Oaskell, J. H. Mallory, John Hunter, Jer. Smith, J. T. Allen, E. B. Shaw, C. Wray, R. H. Whitelock, B. Johnson, Thos. Hodgson, Thos. Blackburn, N. German, Moses Randall, Win. Johnson, W. Fox, W. Ki-\t, W. Cotton, C. Prescott. W.R.Hay, The greater part of the toasts at the anniversary dinners too grossly indelicate to be printed at the present day. Amongst those of another class we find, in 1813, "The Land we live in, and may those who don't like it leave it ;" in 1814, " Protestant Ascendancy," and "Chastisement and Humiliation to that Government which arrogantly raised its feeble arm against this Country when fighting for the Liberty of the World ;" in 1815, " Protestant Ascendancy," 430 SUPPLEMENTARY CHAPTER. and " The best Process to bleach the Tri-Colour White." On the 15th of January, 1817, the following resolution was passed: " That a select committee be formed for the purpose of preparing, printing, and circulating suitable political tracts, in order to counter- act the poisonous effects of the various efforts vhieh tho disaffected hare so recently and fully manifested ; and that the following gen- tlemen be appointed a committee viz.: the Rev. Dr. Smith, Rev. Cecil Wray, Rev. J. T. Allen, Rev. Moses Randall, Mr. Simmons, Rev. John Qatliff, Rev. Robinson Elsdale, Mr. Joseph Green, Mr. Thomas Jackson, Rev. C. W. Ethelston, Mr. F. Phillips, Mr. John Pooley, Mr. Thomas Hardman, Mr. E. Chesshyre, Mr. P. Crompton, Dr. Bardsley, M.D., Mr. John Wheeler, Mr. Bell, Rev. W. R. Hay, Mr. James Watkins, Mr. James Norris, Robert Peel, Esq., and Mr. Robert Hindley." A collection of the tracts published would form amusing reading at the present day. The toasts and sentiments continued to mark the subjects that succesivcly occupied the attention of the club : 1817. " May the Dream of Universal Suffrage and Annual Parlia- ments no longer disturb our repose." "The able advocate of the Protestant Cause The Right Hon. Robert PeeL" " Suspension to all cart-politicians." " May political errors find forgiveness, political crimes punishment." "May the language of sedition blister the tongue that utters it." " Reformation to modern reformers." 1818." The Protestant Ascendancy." " The distinguished Secre- tary for Ireland The Right Hon. Robert Peel, the approved sup- porter of our constitution in Church and State." " The Electors of Great Britain May they ever distinguish between the empty sound of patriotism and the solid sense of it" "The Magistrates of the Division, with thanks for their past and confidence in their future services." " May the British Constitution endure like the oak and its enemies fall like its decayed leaves." 1821. "The Committee of Magistrates." "Mr. Hay and the Magistrates of the Division, with thanks for their past and confidence in their future services." "Major Birley and the Manchester and Salford Yeomanry Cavalry, with thanks to them for their past and confidence in their future services. " May the Energies of the Loyal always defeat the Attempts of the Factious." StTPPLEMENTAJBY CHAPTEB. 431 Many of the members seem to have tired of these annual eating and drinking demonstrations. At a general meeting held 7th April, 1826, the following resolutions were passed : " That ever since the institution of this club the number of its members has progressively increased, and yet the attendance at the nnii1 celebration has considerably declined, so that more than three-fourths of the whole body hare really been absent on several of those occasions." "That such repeated proofs of inattention of those periodical assemblies (appointed as they were for the social expression of our acknowledged principle and sentiment) materially prejudice the spirit and character of the institution, and at the same time indicate a great want of respect to the President, who obligingly undertakes the arduous duties of that situation at the request of the club." Amongst the toasts at the annual dinner on the 29th of May, 1826, was, " Captain Grimshaw, a zealous promoter of the principles of the Pitt Club." His promotion of those principles was the concoction of toasts which, in our more fastidious days, would be considered as an outrage on common decency. The acknowledgment of his peculiar services does not seem to have arrested the downward pro- of the association. At the annual meeting, held 5th of April, 1827, the following resolution was passed : " That it appears to be the prevailing sentiment of the members present, ' That under the existing circumstances the usual meeting of the club for the purpose of dining be not held this year.' And notice of an intended resolution to that effect being now given, the subject be taken into consideration at the said annual meeting on 3rd of May." At the meeting on the 3rd of May the following minute was made : " The notice of an intended motion for dispensing this year with the usual dinner was immediately withdrawn, the gentleman from whom it proceeded having expressed his decided conviction of the propriety of that course, from the violent and important change of circumstances which had recently taken place in the government of the country." The club, however, was fast approaching to its dissolu- tion, as the following resolutions will show : -1 IT I I.M BHTAAl CHAl'TEB. "Star Inn, May 13th, Iv " Moved, seconded, and resolved, Tlint the annual dinner be post- poned to the year 1830. " Star Inn, Manchester, April 1st, 1830. " John Powell, Esq., in the chair ; " Resolved, That there shall not be any anniversary dinner of the club this year. " Star Inn, April 7th, 1831. " Dr. Bardsley in the chair ; Resolved, That at this important crisis of the state of the nation, the following letter be sent to every member of this club without delay : " Sir, You are requested to address a letter to Mr. Chesshyrc, the secretary, as early as possible, stating whether you will engage or not to attend the next anniversary dinner, which is intended to take place on Wednesday the 1st of June, in consequence of the birth- day happening in the Manchester race week this year." " Star Inn, May 6th, 1831. " Dr. Bardfiley in t ho chair ; " The proceedings of the meeting of the 7th of April last were read bv the chairman. And the result of the circular letters sent to the members pursuant to the resolution to that purpose passed at the last meeting being communicated to the meeting, and it appearing by the answers of the members that twenty-four answers were as- to the anniversary dinner on the 1st of June next, fifty -three dis- .i-n tii-iit 9, and seven dubious. " Resolved, That in consequence of the above result of the appli- cation to members, the anniversary dinner be postponed, m this meeting do adjourn to the first Thursday in April, 1832." Tin: END. I'arkes, Printer, Market Street, Manchester. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los /^seles - This book is DUE on * 'te stamoed below. '. 000 \ ! . f t