HD 9161 B8K3 UC-NRLF DOCi 1 ;■■ ■ OR, EUG )AHN BRAZILIAN 1?Vi i< mLMSMi .***/, THE ^ LAND of RUBBER AT THE Third International Rubber and Allied Trades Exhibition New York 1912 WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE BRAZILIAN GOVERNMENT fb<-^-2-\\ , C* From DR. EUGENIO DAHNE BRAZILIAN COMMISSIONER 1253 Jones Street SAN FRANCISCO, - CALIFORN \w ^» "21 < ■> E.-KP ^~ b-wa^Vxj ,* A ^ THE ^ LAND o/ RUBBER AT THE Third International Rubber and Allied Trades Exhibition New York 1912 with the compliments of THE BRAZILIAN GOVERNMENT to -vmu ^\^ BRAZIL COURT ^gjf Brazil occupies no less than ten thousand square feet of space on the Balcony Floor. The Exhibit is specially comprehensive. There is a fine archway to each entrance to the court domi- nated by the arms of the Federal Government. An Information Bureau is provided, at which all enquiries as to Brazilian rubber will be answered. The walls are hung with statistics and maps of the country. Close by are the offices of the Brazilian Com- missioners and a refreshment kiosk, where the Federal Govern- ment dispenses Brazilian coffee to visitors. One of the first things to strike the eye is the huge recumbant figure of the Rubber Colossus, overlooking the mighty Amazon and its in- numerable tributaries, all of them highways of the rubber col- lecting industry. From this point the visitor may, with the assistance of a number of pictures, 22 feet by 12 feet, take a bird's eye view tour up the Amazon. Alongside these pictures is a unique collection from the different States of Brazil of rubber and other products, the preponderance of the rubber industry being illustrated by a fine pyramid of caoutchouc. Dotted here and there are life-sized models of Brazilian workmen in their native costumes. Arriving at the entrance to the Amazonas Sec- tion we find Dr. Pinto actually engaged in the coagulation of latex by his new smokeless process, which manufacturers have admitted turns out excellent rubber and which has the great advantage over the native system hitherto in vogue, of saving an enormous amount of both time and labor, whilst giving splendid results. A second series of pictures affords a vivid idea of the salient features of the State of Amazonas. In this section we have a mountain of rubber, and a ball which weighs 1,600 pounds. There is a fine picture of a native tapping a rubber tree and numerous very beautiful photographs. That nothing may be wanting to the completeness of the representation of Brazil's great rubber industry a series of Moving Pictures is shown in the Main Hall of the Exhibition, which visitors will find particularly instructive after they have gone through the Brazilian Section on the Balcony Floor. Qort, or one that must serve them. 80 Art. 35. Each hospital shall have a capacity for 100 sick persons. Art. 36 Each hospital shall possess the following in- stallations: (a) Five separate pavilions, each for 20 sick, each sick per- son having 5 cubic metres and an area of 12 square metres. One of the pavilions should be installed with the necessary- requisites for the isolation of infectious diseases; for this purpose it should be divided into rooms for isolation, independent and easily disinfected, with the proper sanitary apparatus. All the hospital buildings should have the windows protected by wire screening whose openings should never exceed V/z millimeter and the doors provided with : (b) A disinfectory provided with an 'apparatus to disin- fect in boiling lye and a stove for sterilization by the combined action of heat, vacuum and formal. Annexed to the disinfectory shall be the laundry. (c) A laboratory for the diagnostic clinics and microbiology. (d) Surgicial operating room. (e) Clinic consulting room. (f) Room for autopsies. (g) Pharmacy. (h) Sanitary installation, in which should terminate all the drainage pipes of the hospital, destined for the bacteriological treatment of the water used, which not until after this operation must be allowed to flow into the natural river courses. (i) Dependencies for the administration and quarters of the personnel. Art. 37. In each hospital there shall be made in the respec- tive pharmaceutical laboratory a preliminary study of all the remedies used by the people of that region to determine which are prejudicial and which inoffensive. The respective Director shall show the people in printed circulars, frequently and pro- fusely distributed that their use is improper. Those which are found efficacious and susceptible of improvement, shall be sent for more complete studies in the chemical laboratories and federal pharmacies, letting the people know the results obtained. Art. 38. When the installation of each hospital is complete, a contract shall be made, by public bidding, or independent of it, as the Government may think best, with some professional of recognized ability, the direction and maintenance of the respec- tive services, the contract including the following obligations : 1. The reservation of one hour daily in the medical con- sultation room, where the sick known to be without means may freely receive examination and be furnished with the necessary medicines. 81 2. The maintenance of a bureau for vaccination against smallpox and other contageous diseases by means considered efficacious, and to attend gratuitously to all who may wish it. 3. To submit for the approval of the Government the regimen internal of the establishment and a table of prices for the treatment of the sick, which should be revised every 3 years. 4. To expose for sale in the pharmacy only medicines of the best quality, especially sulphate of quinine and such other preparations, under penalty of having destroyed all drugs known to be impure in addition to the fine to suit the case that may be fixed in the contract. 5. To give a bond in money, or policies of the public federal debt that will guarantee the good conservation of the establishment during the time of the contract. 6. To distribute abundantly every' six months leaflets con- taining advice about hygiene prevention of the sicknesses of that region, showing in clear language, within the reach of all, those that are improper and the danger in the use of alcoholic drinks, and teaching what measures to take and the common remedies which should be applied in different cases when there is no physician to be had. 7. To be subject to the inspection of the Government which should be very minute and severe as to the condition of cleanli- ness and conservation of the establishment, the quality of the medicines employed and sold to the public and the care with which the sick are treated. Art. 39. The hospitals and all their dependencies and sections are not subject to any duties to the state or munici- pality, being the property of the Union and doing a federal pub- lic service. Art. 40. To each hospital there shall be given an annual pecuniary subvention, proportioned to the services to which it will have to attend, until the income of the establishment and all its dependencies derive a profit of 10 per cent, during 3 con- secutive years on the respective capital invested, which amount shall be acknowledged and previously approved by the Govern- ment. CHAPTER III The agricultural nucleuses adjacent to the hospitals Art. 41. The agricultural nucleuses adjacent to the interior hospital shall be founded by the Union for the following pur- poses : 1. The production of foodstuffs necessary for the support of the said hospitals. 2. The intensive culture and breeding of the plants and animals of alimentation generally consumed by the neighboring population. 3. The constituting of fixed centres of population economi- cally equipped, which will serve as a point of parting for colonies of greater importance, capable of gradually attending to the necessities that the growing population of that region may be creating. Art. 42. The preliminary studies, the plan, the preparatory work and the different installations necessary for the founding of each nucleus as well as the colonization of the lots, and their administration in general, shall be done in accordance with dis- positions of decree number 9,081, Nov. 3, and number 9,214, Dec. 15, 1911, observing the following alterations: 1. The selling price of rural and urban lots shall be cal- culated on the prices established in the land laws of the States of Para and Amazonas, as a base, applicable to the nucleuses situated respectively in each state : 2. In failure of remunerating work, or when there is in- sufficient, the judge of the administration, to maintain numerous families, shall furnish them food, charging the same to the heads of the families, calculating this furnishing at the rate of from 2 milreis to 3 milreis daily at the highest, for adults and those over 7 years of age, and one half this for those between the age of 7 to 3 years. Art. 43. The indians and native workers localized in the agricultural nucleuses shall participate in the advantages and obligations contained in decree number 9,214, Dec. 15, 1911. Art. 44. Having finished the preparatory work for each nucleus, the lots first colonized shall be those devoted to the production of the foods necessary for the support of the hospital which is in their neighborhood, so that it can count on, from the time of its inauguration, a regular and sufficient supply of these commodities. S3 TITLE IV Improvements and measures tending to facilitate transportation and decrease its cost in the valley of the Amazon CHAPTER I Lines of railroad transportation Art. 45. There shall be constructed in the valley of the Amazon lines of railroad transportation of two classes : 1. Large lines of transportation, making an integral part of the general line of Federal railroads, with identical character- istics and comprising the same principles. 2. Economic lines of transportation, of reduced gauge, pro- visionally established for easy ways of penetration, whatever may be their development, sufficient to facilitate access to and permit the exploration of the virgen seringas and the good lands for cultivation situated on the upper banks of the Rivers Xingu, Tapajoz, Branco, Negro, and others situated in the States of Para, Matto-Grosso and Amazonas. Art. 40. Those lines belonging to the first class shall be immediately begun and constructed as quickly as possible, the following: 1. Parting from the Port of Belem (Para) and joining the general line of railroad in Pirapora, in the State of Minas Geraes and in Coroata, in the State of Maranbao, with the necessary branches to unite the initial points or terminals of navigation on the Rivers Arguaya, Tocantins, Parnaluyba, and S. Francisco. 2. Beginning at a convenient point chosen on the Madeira- Marmore railroad, near the mouth of the River Abuna, passing by the Villa Rio Branco, and the point most appropriate be- tween Senna Medureira and Catay and terminating in Villa Thaumaturgo, with a branch to the frontier of Peru by the valley of the River Purus. Art. 47. The rules for the construction of these lines is prescribed by law, number 1,126, Dec. 15, 1903, and both shall be let at public bidding. Art. 48. The Minister of Transportation is to command the studies to be made, to contract for the construction and in- spect the traffic of these roads, but he will furnish the Minister of Agriculture a copy of the plans relative to the route and give descriptive memoranda of the project, and when drawing up the papers for the bidding, shall include the clauses which he shall judge necessary and opportune for the colonization of the bor- dering lands and the development of the industries of the zone 84 tributary to the line as well as to attend to the eventual neces- sities of the commerce. Art. 49. The construction and the concession for construc- tion of the roads of the second class may be made by the Union or by the States interested. Art. 50. The Minister of Agriculture is the proper person to construct or permit the construction of those Government resolves to carry into effect at the account of the Union, as well as to authorize the payment of the subvention of 15,000 mibreis per kilometer to those which were contracted for by the States. Art. 51. The technical conditions of the railroads of which Art. 45. treats in the second part, are the following: A portable line of the Decauville type. _ Weight of the rails, 15 kilos per metre. Gauge 0,60 cm between the rails, least radius of curvature 40 M. O. Greatest incline OmOlO. Weight of locomotives 18 to 20 tons. Art. 52. The concessions for these roads shall be let at a public bidding according to the rule established in law number 1 ,126 of 1903, or independently of bidding with a person or cor- poration sufficiently able with the help of the payment of the maximum subvention of 25 contos per kilometer, according to the difficulties of the land it passes through, paid by sections of not less than 30 kilometers, completely ready and furnished with the necessary rolling stock, within 90 days of the date of the respective inaugurations. Art. 53. The concession for these railroads cannot be given to those who agree to build then simply as transportation en- terprises, but only to those who will obligate themselves to colonize and explore, in proportion as they may be justified, the respective marginal lands. It is an essential condition for the validity of the conces- sion, that the contractor presents to the Minister of Agriculture within the maximum term of one year, proof that he has dis- posed of the lands for colonization, and a descriptive memo- randum of the character and extent of the industries he intends to develop. Art. 54. Those railroads of this type which in the future may be joined to any general line of transportation, shall be obliged as soon as its gross earnings amount to 10,000 mibreis per kilometer, to make its gauge conform to the same, and from then for all purposes becoming a part of the general federal transportation system. Independently of being joined to any railroad in general, these economical railroads shall pass to the jurisdiction of the 85 Minister of Transportation and Public Works and shall be obliged to enlarge their gauge to 1 meter, without other favors from the Government, there not being a supplementary term of the contract, if it is wanting for its termination in less than 60 years, when the gross receipts have reached 15,000 mibreis per kilometer during 3 successive years. Before this the rail- road may pass to the Minister of Tranportation and the gauge be widened, on his own account, when he shall think it to his interest, or by a new contract, when the Government thinks it necessary to have it done for the necessities of the administra- tion or the defense of the country. Art. 55. In addition to the subvention per kilometer, there shall be given to these railroads all the indirect favors received by the other railroads of the country. Art. 56. The maximum term for a concession shall be 90 years, at the end of which the railroad will revert to the control of the Union. Art. 57. Under the right of experiment, the Government shall promote at once the following lines of economical rail- roads : 1. Parting from "Autiga Souzel," or other point more con- venient on the left bank of the Xingu and ascending the left side of the valley to the margin of the River Cariahy, with a branch which parting at a convenient point, shall go to the Tapajoz and ascend the right hand side of the valley until it reaches the S. Manoel which may appear advantageous, ascend- ing the secondary valley and continuing to the dividing of the waters of the two principal rivers. 2. Parting from the confluence of the River Negro with the Branco and by the valley of the River Seruiny, gaining the right side of the valley by the Caratimani river and continuing to the upper Uraricaera, with a branch parting at a convenient point at the request of the upper Paduiry and a branch in the direc- tion of the Villa Boa Vista. CHAPTER II Improvements for the navigation of the Rivers Branco, Negro, Purus and Acre Art. 58. The improvements necessary for effective naviga- tion at any season of the year, for steamers drawing 3 feet, on the River Negro, between Santa Izabel and Cucuhy, on the River Branco, from its mouth to Sao Joaquin, on the River Purus, between Hyutanha and Senna Madureira, and on the River Acre, from its mouth to Riosinho de Pedros, shall be con- tracted for by public bidding, or independently of bidding, with 86 corporations sufficiently able, under the rule established by decree, number 6,368, Feb. 14, 1907 or others which may not be more onerous and may permit the assurance of the opening of navigation more rapidly on the sections of the rivers to be improved. Art. 59. In none of the contracts shall a longer term than 7 years be granted the contracting party, to count from the date of its signing, so that safe and free passage is given steamers drawing 3 feet in the entire distance of the contract. Art. 60. The improvements in the Rio Branco, shall com- mence with the destruction and regulating of the Cujubim rapid, so that from now on navigation is assured during the Winter to Villa Boa Vista. Art. 61. The studies, plans, constructions, inspection and direct conservation of these works are under the supervision of the Minister of Transportation ; but before the respective con- tract is signed, copies of the plans and descriptive memorandum referring to the project shall be furnished the Minister of Agri- culture, so that he may be heard upon the opportunity and the order in which these works shall be executed, in the interest of the economic development of the region, and that they may be conveniently attended by those casually interested in the coloni- zation and development of the industries along the banks of the rivers, or in commerce in general. In case it is found that the destruction and regulation of the Culubim rapid cannot be done during one season of low water in the river, the Minister of Agriculture, by agreement with the State of Amazonas, can order to be constructed a Decauville line of the type described in articles 45, second part and 51, in the belt line constructed by that State along waterfalls, so that the leasing and colonization of the national plantations of Rio Branco is no longer delayed. CHAPTER III Complementary measures Art. 62. All vessels of every kind intended for the fluvial navigation in the valley of the Amazon are free of all import duties, including the fees. This exemption shall be given by the custom houses of Belem (Para) and Manaos, through a requi- sition to the Minister of Agriculture, which the importer shall have asked for, declaring in his request the number, class and tonnage, the draft and the cost and the purpose of each vessel. Art. 63. The vessel imported under this favor, if sold out- side the valley of the Amazon, or even within it, to a foreign 87 country, shall pay the proper duties according to the law of the budget in force in the year of its importation. Art. 64. Deposits of coal shall be established for supplying the steamers which navigate the Amazon rivers, and for others who care to use them, in the following places, or in others which be shown to be more convenient: Belem (Para), Cameta, Breves, Chaves, Mazagao, Gurupa, Souzel, Prainha, Sautarem, Ponta Nova Brasileira, Obidos, Parintius, Itacoatiara, Manaos, Carvoeiro, Moreira, Santa Izabel do Rio Negro, Carmo do Rio Branco, Caracarahy, Boca do Canuma, Baetas, Boca do Rio Machado, Boca do Purus, Campina, Nova Olinda, Canutama, Cachoeira de Hyutanahan, Boca do Pauhiny, Boca do Acre, Rio Branco, Seuna Madureira, Coary, Teffe, Boca do Jurua, Juruapeca, Mearary, Boca do Tarauaca, Cruzeiro do Sul, Boca do Jutahy, S. Paulo de Olivenga, Benjamin Constant and Santo Antonio de Maripi. Art. 65. There shall be floating deposits, so that they can be moved from one place to another, as the giowth of navigation in this or that place may require ; they shall have sufficient capacity for the movement of steamers at the station they are serving and passes modern apparatus for discharging the coal, which will reduce to a minimum the raising of dust, and load the steamers as quickly as possible. Art. 66. At points where it may be thought necessary, the deposits shall be provided with tanks for fuel oil, which can be placed on the platform with coal, or on separate floating platforms. Art. 67. The establishment of the deposits and the business of furnishing fuel to the steamers, shall be by contract after a public bidding and signed by the Minister of Agriculture. Art. 68. The floating material for the depositories and the fuel imported shall be free of all import duties, including the fees. The fees in the custom houses shall be ordered through a requisition from the Minister of Agriculture, from whom the contracting party shall ask it, for each shipment, with the nec- essary data. Art. 69. The fuel imported by the corporation can only be sold for river navigation service. Art. 70. The maximum prices at which the party can sell fuel to steamers, shall be according to tables approved annually by the Minister. These may be altered during the year, when so necessary in the opinion of the Government. Art. 71. The contracting party shall not be subject to pay- ment of any state or municipal duties, because the object is the public federal service. 88 Art. 72. In places where the party has and the Government has not deposits of fuel, to him shall be given the preference for furnishing the quantity necessary for the national vessels of war, at the prices received when supplying the vessels of individuals. Art. 73. In extraordinary circumstances and at the requi- sition of the Government, the contracting party shall place at its disposition all the deposits of fuel on hand, being afterwards indemnified for a part or all of the fuel delivered, and after- wards another payment of the value of the deposits unused, corresponding to the profits lost during the time of the interrup- tion of his business, calculated on an equal period of the preced- ing year. Art. 74. The bidding for the contract shall be upon the terms for the installation of the depositories", their reversion to the Union and the selling price of fuel for the first year. TITLE V The creation of centres producing foodstuffs in the valley of the Amazon CHAPTER I The leasing of the national plantations of Rio Branco Art. 75. The Minister of Agriculture can contract for the leasing of the two national plantations S. Bento and S. Marcos, except the part situated between the Rivers Mahu, Takutu, Surumu and Cotingo, by public bidding, or independent of it, with a corporation or party sufficiently able, observing the fol- lowing dispositions which shall be explained and assured in the clauses of the detailed contracts. 1. The party will be obliged to : (a) Develop and practice on a large scale, by the best and most modern methods the breeding of cattle of different kinds and the cultivation of the usual alimentary cereals ; (b) Establish a packing house for the preparation of dried beef and a factory for the canning of alimental animal and vegetable products. (c) Equip a factory for milk products, in which in addition to making cheese and butter, milk shall be prepared by the Pasteur system or some other that may be better, in condition to be supplied to the seringaes and estates of the interior. (d) Equip a central mill for the treatment of rice and other cereals and two improved factories for mandioca flour, as soon as the number of colonies localized can produce a sufficient supply of raw material for such establishment. 89 (e) Receive and localize the immigrants who may desire to settle on the lands of the plantation, in accordance with the dis- positions of this regulation and with the decrees number 9,081, Nov. 3, 1911, referring to the peopling of the soil, and number 9,214, Dec. 15, 1911, referring to the protection of the Indians and localization of native laborers, in the parts that may be proper. (f) Present to the Minister for approval the plans and descriptive memorandum, with as much detail as possible, of the agricultural nucleus which he shall be obliged to establish and all the installations referring to the factories and services necessary for the complete equipment of the plantations, within the maximum space of 2 years, to count from the signing of the contract. (g) Be subject to inspection by -the Government for the faithful execution of the contract, on the terms therein established. Art. 76. To the party or corporation the following favors will be granted : (a) Exemption from all import duties, including fees, in the form and by the process referred to in article 91, for all the imported material necessary to complete the equipment of the plantations, including houses, barns, pastures, fences, reservoirs, implements and machines for the culture, harvesting and treat- ing the cereals, installation of mills and factories, improved cattle, seeds of alimentary and industrial plants, as well as for the materials and chemicals necessary to maintain the factories and husbandry, during the time of his contract. (b) Right of condemnation for public use, of the property or improvements of individuals, which may be necessary, in the opinion of the Government for any of the services of the enterprise. (c) All the favors specified in articles 131 and 132 of decree number 9,081, Nov. 3, 1911, native and foreign colonies being made equal. (d) Preference for the contract of the works necessary for the improvement of the navigation of the Rio Branco, if the price is considered acceptable by the Government and the time for the completion of the work not more than 6 years. Art. 77. The term of the lease in the contract shall be 60 years, at the end of which all the cattle for breeding and all the improvements then possessed by the lessee shall revert to the dominion of the Union. Art. 78. Within the term of 1 year, to date from the signing of the contract, the Government will give to lessee a copy of the plans of the plantations, in which shall be marked the water 90 courses with a specification of those navigable, the zone of forest and plain and the situations of the occupants who may be found. Art. 79. The plantations shall be turned over as soon as an inventory of the improvements, and the number of cattle of each kind then on the plantation can be made. CHAPTER II The colonization of the plantation of S. Marcos situated between the Rivers Mahu, Takutu, Surumu and Cotingo Art. 80. The colonization of the lands of S. Marcos' planta- tion, situated between the Rivers Mahu, Takutu Surumu and Cotingo, on the frontier of British Guiana shall be done directly by the Minister of Agriculture, who shall order, without delay, to prepare a plan with the necessary details, and afterwards carry them out as they may be necessary : (a) A town of the aborigines ; (b) An agricultural centre ; (c) A colonial nucleus; (d) An ambulant course of agriculture; (e) An agricultural apprenticeship; (f) A school of practical agriculture ; (g) An experimental station. Art. 81. The colonization of the lands whether in the agri- cultural centre, or colonial nucleus, shall be made so that each lot occupied by a foreign colonist corresponds to at least two occupied by families of native colonists, which preferably shall be chosen from those who arrive at the lodges of Belem and Manaos, proceeding from the states of the northwest. Art. 82. Gradually and opportunely there shall be installed in the colony lands, mills and factories, having in view the im- provement and production on a large scale of cereals and other alimentary foods. Art. 83. In an appropriate locality there shall be established a model plantation for the breeding of cattle, horses and mules, in which there shall be made a comparative study of the native and foreign breeds, which best resist the climate of that region, to verify which may be most advantageously improved by the method of selection, crossing and formation of perfect types. CHAPTER III The premiums and favors to those who intend to found large plantations of agriculture and cattle raising Art. 84. To large plantations of agriculture and cattle rais- ing that may be founded, one in the Territory of Acre (between 91 the Rio Branco and Xapury) one in the State of Amazonas (in the region of the River Autaz), and one in the State of Para (on the island of Marajo, or other point more convenient on the lower Amazon), the federal Government will grant the fol- lowing favors : (a) Exemption from import duties, including the fees, in the form and by the process described, in article 91, for all the imported material necessary to complete the equipment of the plantation, including houses, barns, pastures, fences, reservoirs, implements and machines, for the culture, harvesting and trea- ment of cereals, and installation of factories for milk products, the preservation of meat, as well as for cattle and seed which are imported, within the first 5 years after the installation of the plantation; (b) Premiums of 30,000 mibreis for groups of a thousand hectores of pastures artificially planted and conveniently fenced and of 100,000 hectores and of 100,000 mibreis for groups of a thousand hectores of land improved for agriculture, and actually cultivated with rice, beans, corn and mandicaco ; (c) Premium of 100,000 milreis paid for groups of 500 tons of foodstuffs manufactured from milk, and canned or packed meat, which may be produced in 5 years. Art. 85. The claimant of a right to these premiums must make a previous contract with the Minister of Agriculture, in which he obligates himself to : 1. Present within one year a plan of the plantation, in which should be mentioned the river port that would serve him, the courses of the rivers which wash it, with a specification of these navigable for steamers, launches or only for canoes, the zones of forest and plain, accompained by the plan of installation to be made, a descriptive memorandum of the services, and in- dustries that he intends to develop and a detailed relatorio, in- dicating the quality, the quantity and cost of the materials necessary to import for the first year's work. 2. Allow the plantation and all its dependencies to be visited by the official charged with the inspection, when he is perform- ing his duties, to verify the proper use of the objects and ma- terials imported exempt from duties, the area, the state and kind of culture and the quantity, class and quality of the goods manufactured and destined for foodstuffs. Art. 86. The premiums shall be paid at the National Treasury or at the Delegacias Fiscaes in Belem and Manaos, by a requisition from the Minister of Agriculture, which the claim- ant must ask, attaching to his request the certificate of the Government inspector that all the dispositions of this regulation have been faithfully fulfilled, and a statistical table of the work- 92 ers employed during the year in each industry and the amount of the annual crop, with the specification of the quantity of each kind. Art. 87. The contractor can colonize the lands of the planta- tion under the order established in Chapter XII of the regulation under the decree, number 9,081, Nov. 3, 1911; the national colonists coming from the states of the northwest are made equal to foreign colonists, for the purpose of the premiums of which articles 132 and 133 treat in the above mentioned regulation. CHAPTER IV Favors to a fishing corporation Art. 88. The Minister of Agriculture shall contract with some person, syndicate or company, offering guarantees of sufficient ability, for the establishment of a fishing enterprise, which with headquarters in Belem (Para) or Manaos, that can be conveniently equipped as quickly as possible, to begin this and its allied industries, on a large scale in the Amazon rivers. Art. 89. The following favors shall be given the enterprise : (a) Exemption from all import duties, including fees, for the vessels, instruments and other maritime material; for all the material necessary for the installation, complete equipping and establishment of the enterprise on conditions which would en- able it to be a going industry in all its phases, as well as the drugs, ingredients, cans and boxes, or materials to make them, and in general for all that it may be necessary to import from abroad, indispensable to the maintenance of its vessels and fac- tories, during a term of 15 years, to count from the date of its operations ; (b) Premium of animation m money to the amount of 10,000 mibreis during 5 consecutive years, when the production of preserved and salted fish shall be annually more than 100 tons ; (c) The right of condemnation for public use, of the lands and improvements belonging to individuals, judged appropriate and indispensable for the installation of any of the establish- ments that it is necessary to build on land ; (d) Exemption from all state and municipal imports because the object of the contract is for the federal public service. Art. 90. All the property of the enterprise shall revert to the Union, at the end of the term for which the contract was granted. Art. 91. The exemptions from duties shall be given by the custom houses in Belem and Manaos, by a requisition from the Minister of Agriculture, from whom it shall be requested, attach- 93 ing to the request a memorandum of the objects with specifica tion of the qualities, quantities and ends for which they are needed, and what are imported for the services of the first estab- lishment, and after this what must be imported for its mainte- nance. Art. 92. The enterprise shall be subject to inspection by the Government as to the safety of the steamers, and processes em- ployed in fishing - , the faithful use of the objects imported, the manufacture of preserving, in which substances hurtful to the public health shall not be employed, nor in the annual produc- tion of preserved or salted fish for the purpose of obtaining the premiums in money. Art. 93. Specimens of fish not well known, the party shall send one properly preserved to the Minister of Agriculture, ac- companied by a small relatorio describing the place and condi- tions under which it was caught and noting anything particular that might be interesting in studying it. Art. 94. Every commander or master of the vessels of the enterprise, shall make a written communication to the directors for them to bring to the knowledge of the Government, the places where there is tlie existence of any obstacle to navigation, indicat- ing the position in a good sketch of that stretch of the river, describing its nature and the route to be followed to avoid it. These communications shall be transmitted to the Minister of Transportation in order that he may place a signal on the ob- stacle, and as soon as possible remove it. TITLE VI The Triennial Expositions Embracing All That Relates to the National Rubber Industry Art. 95. The Rubber Expositions shall be held in Rio de Janeiro every three years, the first being on May 13, 1913 ; its object shall be to give the sum of the triennial movement of the national rubber industry in its various modifications, compared with the industry in other countries. Art. 96. The triennial expositions shall include the rubber industry in all its branches and shall include the following classi- fications : 1. The Culture. 2. The Extraction. 3. The Improvement. 4. The Manufacture of Articles. The classes shall be subdivided into groups including native 94 and cultivated plants, machinery, utensils, processes, commercial type, studies and statistics. Art. 97. Premiums of encouragement shall be given for the best processes of culture, extraction and treatment, and to the best manufactured products, whether as raw material, constitut- ing commercial types for exportation, or as to manufacture. Art. 98. The Government shall opportunely request the Na- tional Congress for the necessary enactments to make these prem- iums effective. Art. 99. The rubber expositions shall be true expositions held in relation to the machinery and utensils and products of rubber of all kinds, but the sale sought to be registered in a special book, by the payment of a fixed percentage to the organizing commission which shall apply this income -to the interests of these same expositions. Art. 100. Foreign products can be admitted to these rubber expositions, for the purpose of permitting comparison and per- fecting the national industry but shall receive no premium. Section 1. Foreign products destined for the rubber exposi- tions shall be free of all custom house duties, as established in Law No. 2,544, January 4, 1912, Article 89, No. 6, but if they are sold, shall pay their respective import duties when given to the buyers. Sec. 2. Foreign products not sold shall be re-exported for the account of the respective expositors. Art. 101. The transportation of the national products destined for the rubber expositions shall be gratuitous. Art. 102. For these expositions there shall be prepared bound statistics and relatorios especially relative to the former period and as regards the rubber industry in Brazil, compared with the world movement. Art. 103. During the expositions there shall be held: 1. National congresses specializing upon the rubber industry. 2. Lectures upon subjects previously chosen and illustrated with stereopticon slides. For the carrying out of what is ordered in this article, the organizing commission shall provide for the respective programs and other measures for its entire success. Art. 104. From all the principle products exhibited some specimens shall be selected to constitute a permanent exhibit, which shall remain exhibited in the Commercial Museum of Rio de Janeiro, and in whose care shall also remain some reserves to be sent to similar Museums in Brazil and in foreign lands. 95 TITLE VII The Direction and Inspection of the Service Art. 105. The direction and inspection of all the service for the economic defense of rubber, shall be in charge of a provisory department of the Minister of Agriculture, Industry and Com- merce, entitled "Superintendency of the Protection of Rubber." Art. 106. The superintendency is charged with : 1. To receive, to record, to prepare, and to inform the manu- scripts which depend upon the despatch of the Minister. 2. To see to the effective and integral execution of measures of an administrative character foreseen in the Regulation. 3. The study, planning, calculating and execution of the work that must be done by the administration. 4. The study, planning, calculating, and execution of the work that must be done by contract. 5. The closing, with the approval of the Minister, of the contracts and the decrees relative to the concurrence of the States and Municipalities for the works and measures which they resolved to aid. Section 1. Each service that has been definitely installed and is in normal working condition, shall be given over to a section of the Ministry of Agriculture with which it harmonizes and incorporated or subordinated. Sec. 2. For the measure that is being executed as ordered in Sec. 1, the Government shall provide that the proper lawful budgets shall be apportioned of the means necessary for the maintenance, conservation and development of new settlements. Art. 107. The Superintendency of the "Protection of Rubber" shall be constituted of: A central section working in the Federal Capital. A district section with headquarters in the national planta- tions of Rio Branco. Partial commissions for services that may be indispensable. Districts of inspection embracing one or more States, in con- formity with the number and importance of the services under way. Art. 108. The central section shall be composed of a super- intendent, a secretary, a constructing engineer, an agricultural engineer, an engineer of the second class, two draughtsmen, two typewriters, a bookkeeper, two clerks, a messenger and two servants. The district section shall be composed of a chief engineer, an engineer of the first class, engineers of the second class, agricul- 96 tural engineers, conductors of the first and second class, a draughtsman, a bookkeeper, a paymaster, a customs officer, tech- nical assistants, journalists and a physician. The partial commissions shall be composed of a chief engi- neer, the technical and administrative personal necessary, in conformity with the work to be done, and a physician. The districts for inspection shall consist of a chief engineer, an engineer of the second class, an agriculturist and assistants to the number necessary and sufficient. The staff of the employes shall not be fixed, but vary accord- ing to the development of the work, and will correspond well with the distribution of the respective work and the special in- structions opportunely executed. Art. 109. The services relative to the triennial rubber exposi- tions, shall be directed by a special commission presided over by the minister and composed of the superintendent, who shall take the place of the minister in his absence, and of the members of the Permanent Commission of Expositions, created by Article 89 of Law Mo. 2,544, January 4, 1912. Art. 110. All the personnel of the superintendency shall be considered in commission and dismissed when the work is fin- ished for which it was formed. Art. 111. There shall be appointed: by decree of the Presi- dent of the Republic, the superintendent; by preferment of the Minister, the chief engineers, the secretary of the central sec- tion, the engineer of the first class and the paymaster of the district section ; by the Superintendent, the engineers of the second class, the agriculturists, the physicians, the draughtsmen, the typewriters, the clerks and the customs officials ; by the chief engineers, the personnel who work under their direction. Art. 112. The salaries of the employes shall be those fixed in the annexed table. For the employes in the services which were incident to the order in the first section of Article 106, the salaries are fixed in accord with tables for similar service already existing in the Minister's department, increased from fifty to eighty per cent for those who shall be situated in the valley of the Amazon, while the high cost of living shall continue in that respective place. Art. 103. For services which shall be thought advantageous, and when they have good reputations, the Government may em- ploy professional specialists, natives or foreigners, paying them annual salaries not greater than those in the table or a lump sum for the service rendered, as may be advisable in each case. Art. 114. To provide for the increase in the work of the Di- rector General of Accounts, in consequence of the services men- 97 tioned in this regulation, there shall be added to the same Di- rectorship, employees of the Treasury and other departments of recognized ability and the typewriters in commission accepted, under the proposal of the Director General; working overtime, whenever necessary, in accordance with Articles 68 and 71 of the Decree, No. 8,889, of August 11, 1911, the work of counting, examining, inspecting and recording the expenses, distribution of credits, advances, and other things of an urgent nature. The expenses resulting from the order in this article shall be met by the credits which were opened in accordance with Article 14 of Law No. 2,543A, of January 5, 1912. It pertains to the Minister to fix the gratuities of the typewriters and the employes of the Department of Finance to which this same article refers. 98 TABLE OF THE SALARIES OF THE PERSONNEL OF THE SUPERINTENDENCY "PROTECTION OF RUBBER" Monthly Classes Salaries Superintendent 5,000$000 Chief Engineer of the Section Rio Branco 2,700$000 Physician 2,500$000 Constructing Engineer 1,500$000 Chief Engineer of the Partial Commission 1,250$000 Chief Engineer of the District of Inspection 1,250$000 Engineer of the first class of the Section Rio Branco. 1,250$000 Agricultural Engineer 7 1,000$000 Engineer of the second class 1,000$000 Secretary to the Superintendent 1,000$000 Paymaster of the Section Rio Branco 1,000$000 Conductor of the first class 750$000 Customs Official of the Section Rio Branco 750$000 Conductor of the second class 600$000 Draughtsman 600$000 Bookkeeper 500$000 Technical Aid 450$000 Clerk 350$000 Typewriter 350$000 Messenger 200$000 Servant 150$000 The personnel in service in the Valley of the Amazon, with per- haps the exception of the Chief Engineer of the Rio Branco section, shall receive an increase over the salaries mentioned in the table, varying from fifty to eighty per cent, according to the judgment of the Superintendent because of the high cost of living in their respective places. A third part of the annual salary shall be considered the gratuity of the office. To the technical personnel, to the paymaster, and to the physicians shall be adjudicated by the Superintendent a daily allowance of from 5$000 to 30$000. Rio de Janeiro, April 17, 1912. PEDRO DE TOLEDO. List of utensils and materials exempt from importation duties, to which Article 2 of Decree No. 9,521 of April 17, 1912, refers : 99 FIRST GROUP Implements and Utensils for the Rubber Gatherer Axes. Hatchets. Knives and special apparatus for the incision of trees. Buckets, pails, basins of tin, zinc or other material. Pitchers for smoking. Machines destined for the coagulation of the milk. Cylinders for pressing. Colanders and their appurten- ances. SECOND GROUP Implements and Material for Cultivation Electric detoners and their ac cessories. Dynamite. Mining powder and other ex plosives. Caps and fuses. Decauville lines. Mono rails. Aerial transporters accessories. Locomotives and th eir stationary engines. Chemical drugs, disinfectants and insecticides. THIRD GROUP Materials and Utensils Intended for the Culture of Trees and Treatment of Rubber, including: Materials for the necessary installations for the mounting of factories, construction of buildings, huts and houses of work- men, box factory and factory for rubber articles. FOURTH GROUP Chemical Substances, Raw Material, Thin Cloth and Othe: Objects Used in the Treatment of and Manufacture of Rubber Articles a. Coagulants : Acetic Acid. Fluoric Acid. Formic Acid. Sulphuric Acid. Hydrochloric Acid. b. Dissolvents: Aceton. Ethylic Alcohol. Methylic Alcohol (C. FI Benzine. Benzol. Borax or Borate of Sodium. (Na 2 B. 4 O t 10 H 2 O). Chloruret of Carbon. Chloroform. Ether. 4 O), 100 Essence of Therebentine. Methylbenzol or Tolnol (C H 8 ). Solvent Naphtha. Oil of Camphor (essence). Oil of Dippel. Parafin Oil. Sulphuret of Carbon. Tetrachloruret of Carbon. c. Deodorizers and Disinfec- tants : Camphin or Camphene. Animal Charcoal. Porcupine Grape Yellow. Anilines and their derivatives. Arsenites and their derivatives. Aureoline. Cobalt Blue. Methylen Blue. Bistre. Fixed White (Salts of Baryum, etc.). Creosote. Cresolin. Essence of Lavender. Essence of Lemon. Essence of Peppermint. Essence of Menthol (C 10 H* O). Essence of Eucalyptus. Essence of Florence Lily. Essence of Mustard. Essence of Moss. Essence of Rosemary. Essence of Tomilho. Essence of Thymol. Farmol, Formaldehyde or Formalin. Nitrobenzol. d. Coloring Materials: Cassel's Yellow. Dyck Van Brown. Yellow Brilliantine. and Bismarck Bronze and its derivates. Orange Bleu. Brooksite (Mixture of rosin and oils). Bukaramuguiana. Pattison White. Paris White. Wax for cables (wax, asphalt and rosin). Cachou. Rosin Colors. Massicot. Minio. Murexide (purple). Paris Black. Lamp Black. Ivory Black. Uranium Black. Vine Black. Nigramine. Ochre of all colors. Orange Neutral. Salts of Mercury. Sulfapone. Terre d'Ombre. Falladium Red. Vermillion (sulphuret of mer- cury) . e. Hydrocarburets, Heavy Bodies and Oils: Stearic Acid. Fish Oil. Fichetelito (C 18 H 22 ). Vegetable Fibre. Glycerin. Heptana. Idrialine (C 30 H 54 O 2 ). Lanoline. Linoxine. Marito Lard. Naphtaline. Arachyde Oil (Amendoim). Cole Seed Oil. Wood Oil, Chinese and Jap- anese. Cotton Seed Oil. 101 Layos Oil. Banba Oil. Oil of Wool (fat of wool from sheep). Linseed Oil. Corn Oil. Cod Liver Oil. Nut Oil. Olive Oil. Palm Oil (Attalea Excelsis, Bertholetin Excelsis, Maxi- miliana regia). Pine Oil. Ricine Oil. Soja Oil. Calves' Foot Oil. Tung Oil. Vulcanized Oils. Nitrated Oils. Parafin. Pentan. Petroleum and all its deriva- tives. Stearine. Vaseline. f. Resin, Resinous Gums and Lacs: Yellow Amber. Ambroid. Natural Balsam. Canada Balsam. Chypre Balsam. Sulphur Balsam. Peru Balsam. Therebentin Balsam. Talu Balsam. Benjoim. Colophane. Copal. Banana Gum. Lac Gum. Kauri Gum. Lacs separate. Enamel Lacs and all their de- rivatives. Rhus Lacs. Mastick. Rosin Oil. Ammonia Rosin. Bourgogue Rosin. Damar Rosin. Elemi Rosin. Hymenea Courbaril. Rosin (Copal). Jalap Rosin. Myrrh Rosin. Xanthorea Rosin. Sandarac. Storax. Therebentine. Venice Therebentine and its derivatives. g. Agents of Vulcanization: Metallic Antimony and its de- rivatives. Bromurets and all their deri- vatives. Calcium and its derivatives. Caustic Lime. Chlorine (CI.) and all its de- rivatives. Lead and all its derivatives. Sulphur and all its derivatives. Iodine and all its derivatives. Sodium and its derivatives. Zinc and its derivatives. h. Fibres and Cloth: Cotton. Brass. Cabo Asbestos. Maselig Asbestos. Hemp. Banana Hemp. India Hemp. Sisel Hemp. Madrasta Hemp. Manila Hemp. Fibres of all kinds of vegetable or animal origin. Vulcanized Fibres. 102 Raphia Fabrics. Gelatine. Lace. Gilsonite. Flax Thread. Hermetine. Jute. Karphite. Wool. Lava. Flax. Ledererite. Luffa. Lithine. Japan Lacs. Lithocarbon. Nanking. Manjak. Cotton Cloth. Marloid. Asbestos Cloth. Mica. Linen Cloth. Mecanite. Paper Mache. Oil of Tar. Parameta. Okonite. Rami. Ouralite. Silk Cloth, animal and vege- Ozocerite. table. Ozotere. Taffetas. Vegetable. Zaputtine and its derivatives. j. Divers Materials: i. Isolated Materials : Citric acid (C 6 H 8 °\ Asbestos and all its derivatives. Azotic acid (H. N. O 8 ). Alexite. Salicylic acid. Algina. Sehacic acid. Amiante. Oxalic acid (C 2 H 2 o 4 ). Asphalt. Oleic acid (C 16 H 84 O 2 ). Astrictum. Tartaric acid. Russian. Agalmatolite. Birch. Areometers. Animal and Vegetable Tar of Alkalies. lignite, hulha and all their Ammonia. derivatives. Salts of Ammonia. Bitite. Aluminum and its derivatives. Bitumen. Alum. Colorifugos and all its deriva- Starch. tives. Auhydrite. Cerasine. Autibenzine Pirine, Cork. Astraline. Cellulose and all its deriva- Atmold. tives. Whale Oil. Esbetine. Balenite. • Eshalite. Balons. Fermantine. Salts of Baryum. Fassilite. Materials for bleaching. Fucasine. Bolus. Gasoline. Camptulikon. 103 Afridi Wax. Japan Wax. Caruabuba Wax. Carbarundum. Materials for Beech Creosote. Chlorydrate of Quinine. Cyanuret of Potassium. Caseina. Ceramyl. Vegetable Coal. Coal Dust. Horn. Mineral and Vegetable Waxs. Fish Glue. Coralline. Caokaline. Leather. Copper and its derivatives. Dextrina (C 2 A 20 O 10 ). Dextrose. Diamond. Dichlorhydine. Dielectrics. Dielectrine. Eburine. Sponges. Tin and its derivatives. Eternite. Flour. Potato Sediment. Felds Pathe. Fibroleum. Metallic Wires. Sheets of Tin. Lasts. Fuller. Fustian. Galalithe. Gas. Gaze. Fish Glue. Glucose. Glutin. Graphite. Mineral Oils. Gypsum. Hemalite. Hatschetine. Hydrofugine. Koalin. Kisselguhr. Compound Kirrage. Lactoleum. Lederine. Limeite. Lactoite. Lactites. Material for Polishing. Magnalium. Magnesium and its compounds. Magnesia. Magnesia Calcinated . Marble Dust. Morocoline. Nickel. Salt of Nipa. Nitronaphtaline. Orgahdim. Bones. Pagodite. Pantasote. Petrifite. Earth of Pipe. Pumice Stone. Phosphorus. Plombago. Pluviosine. Salts of Potassium Poudre Rouge. Anti-ronille. Sand. Salitre (Nitrate of Potash K. N. O 3 ). Soap. Sawdust. Silicates of Aluminum. Bronze Silicium. Hides. Luberine. Luberite. Metallic Sulphuret. Isinglass. Tannico. 104 Metallic Cloth. Vulcoleina. Turfa. Wallasine. Tripoli. Waterproof Varnish. Trichopiese. Whaleboline. I lulha Varnish. Xylolithe. Wood Vinegar. Rio de Janeiro, April 17, 1912. PEDRO DE TOLEDO, Minister of Agriculture. 105 GEORGE E. PELL, ESQ. Commissioner for the Commercial Association of Para 106 PARA FURTHER DETAILS RELATING TO PARA HAVE NOT COME TO HAND UP TO THE TIME OF GOING TO PRESS 107 COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION, PARA (BRAZIL) DESCRIPTION OF EXHIBITS. 501 Biscuits 81 Biscuits 111 Biscuits 235 Biscuits 145 Biscuits 44 Biscuits 10 Biscuits 10 Biscuits Quality. Fine Island Rubber, Fine Island Rubber, Cajary, Fine Island Rubber, Anapu, Fine Island Rubber, Cavianna, Fine Low Xingu, Weight, net 1,037 ks. net 804 ks. net 756 ks. net 1,116 ks. net 979 ks. sticks Fine Itaituba (Tap), Fine High Xingu, net 937 ks net 696 ks. 5 Biscuits I on 34 Biscuits S 63 Biscuits sticks Fine Itaituba (Tapajos) Cachoeira, net 1,025 ks. 110 Biscuits 20 Balls 30 Balls 20 Balls 2 Bags — 1 Bag 1 Bag 2 Boxes — 4 & 5 1 Case— No. 3 1 Box 1 Box Weak Fine Rubber, net 650 ks. Island Coarse Rubber, net 1,000 ks. Cameta Coarse, net 1,515 ks. Coarse Itaituba (Tapajos), • net 302 ks. Weak Coarse, net 254 ks. Tiras (Strips), net 119 ks. Toe. Caucho Ball, net 911 ks. Tap. Caucho Ball, Cachoeira, net 1,061 ks. High Xingu Caucho Ball, net 1,044 ks. Inaja Palm Nuts Urucuri Palm Nuts Tin Cups, etc., for collecting Latex Natural Woods — 2 blocks of wood and shav- ings, used for curing rubber Machadinhos (Hatchets), collecting and curing utensils Wooden Stand used for curing large biscuits of rubber. 108 Procedence. From the Islands. From River Cajary, & partly islands. From River Anapu & partly islands. From Island of Cavianna. From Lower reaches of River Xingu (This par- cel contains two lots, dry and fresh, should be separated and marked "Dry" and "New"). From Lower reaches of River Tapajos. From Higher reaches of River Xingu, above rap- ids. From Higher reaches of River Tapajos, above rapids, and state of Matto-Grosso. From Lower Amazon. From Islands and affluents of Lower Amazon. From River Cameta and partly Isl- ands. From River Tapa- jos. From Lower Amazon. From River Tapa- jos. From River To- cantins & Rio Fresco. From Higher reaches of River Tapajos, above rapids, and State of Matto-Grosso. From Higher reaches of River Xingu. Used for curing Fine Rubber. Used for curing Fine Rubber. The AMAZONAS Section 109 AMAZON STATE IS THE LARGEST ONE IN BRAZIL Area in square kilometers, 1,894,724. Population, 600,000 inhabitants. Capital, Manaos ; 60,000 inhabitants, 32 m , 40 m height from sea- level. It exports rubber and woods for construction and for other works, Para nuts, Guarana and some other products. Beans, corn, rice and almost every kind of cereals grow there beautifully. It is put in communication with Europe by one English and two German Steamship Companies, and by cable and wireless telegraphy. These companies have improved their steamers, which go to Europe. To the United, States it is served only by the English company, every ten days. They are cargo boats. Principal cities : Stacoatiara, Manicore, Humaythe, TefTe, Parintins and Labrea. Medium temperature, 27° 2' centigrade. Rains — Evaporation in mm., 1592,0. Height, 1525,3 (in 202 days). Wind — Velocity in one second, l m , 60. Direction, east. EXPORTS OF RUBBER FROM STATE OF AMAZONAS SINCE 1827 UP TO 1907 Years. Kilograms. 1837 802,410 1847 4,286,570 1857 7,134,195 1867 2,969,070 1877 17,403,574 1887 43,454,671 1897 106,424,423 1907 120,434,947 From 1827 to 1852 the exports belong to Para and Amazonas together. 110 COLONEL ANTONIO CLEMENTE RIBEIRO BITTENCOURT Governor of the State of the Amazonas, Brazil 111 >i DR. MANOEL LOBATO Commissioner for the State of the Amazonas, Brazil, also of Matto Grosso and the Federal Territory of Acre 113 RUBBER IN THE STATE OF AMAZONAS General Ideas about the State. Progress in the Means of Trans- portation. Climatological Conditions. The State of the Amazonas is the largest one in the Brazilian Republic. Notwithstanding its well-known natural resources that are not limited, according to many persons, to the precious milk of the rubber tree — that wonderful tree of fortune — which is dis- puted by various producing centers, its vast territory is yet far from being completely and properly populated. The emigration currents towards that section have started lately, so that the population of hardly over two hundred thou- sand souls a few years ago, to-day is over six hundred thousand inhabitants, without any exaggeration. As such changes are taking place the conditions of life arc being altered every day. It is true that there still prevails in the books of gay tourists who consider humbug as a condition of inexhaustible success, the impression that the native indians travel about half nude and armed with arches and arrows, chasing the lost Europeans through such outlandish regions of the world. The remark, however, is not based on real facts. The native Indians are not now to be found in very accessible places. The foreigner who lands in the Amazonas capital, for instance, may be sure that his habits and his civilization will not cause any fright. It is difficult to find among the natives who possess some education and means one who has not been through several European countries, especially France; so that as soon as the visitor lands he notices an atmosphere of modern improvements and all the novelty and gay spirit of Parisian life; the latesi fashions are found at once in Manaos. The progress of that beautiful princess of the Rio Negro (Black River) is most remarkable, because it is at the most only twenty years. Until the proclamation of the Republic in Brazil, Manaos amounted to almost nothing. From 1889 to this date began its stupendous development, counting already over 60,000 inhabitants. To-day it has comfortable homes, good and solid buildings of artistic architecture. Its port is perfectly fitted to receive the visits of the large transatlantic steamers, which places it 114 A. W. STEDMAN, ESQ. Commissioner for the Commercial Association of the State of Manaos, Matto Grosso, and the Federal Territory of Acre, Brazil 115 in communication with the leading European ports. The navi- gation line for the United States, served by an English company, is not yet of the required progress to insure all the necessary comfort to the passengers who venture to undertake the long trip. Furthermore, it is served by steamers that do not possess the modern requirements of speed, which at present is of first interest not only for the passengers who look for a pleasure resort as well as for the intercourse of commercial relations with the world's markets. That is the reason why the interchange between Amazonas and New York has been rather slow, which interchange could be of greater magnitude than it is to-day if there was a more intimate knowledge between the parties. I would not want to end this information about the capital of the State of Amazonas without quoting some paragraphs from the excellent work, "The Rubber Country of the Amazon," written by Mr. Henry C. Pearson, Editor of the "India Rubbei World" : "When one considers that this city is a thousand miles from the seacoast, in the heart of a vast tropical jungle, with wild Indians within a hundred miles of it, its presence seems incred- ible. In a way, it is as modern as New York or Chicago. The latest Parisian fashions are there, and almost anything that civilized man desires is obtainable. Prices are high, to be sure, because both luxuries and necessities are imported and subject to a duty of 100 per cent. But when something besides rubber is produced by the magnificently fertile lands that surround it, Manaos will be one of the great and beautiful cities of the world and living as reasonable as anywhere." That progress, although it has been made principally in Manaos, in some form is also affecting the interior of the State. The river navigation is made quicker than before and on elegant and up-to-date steamers, which navigate throughout all the tribu- taries of the Amazon River. Furthermore, the Madeira-Mamore railroad has produced a great improvement in the transportation facilities adopted in the State for the quick delivery of merchandise in the interior. The most distant points of the territory are now connected by wireless telegraphy. The news of the world can be trans- mitted daily to the capital of the State by means of double river cable and by wireless telegraphy of the Marconi system. The climatic conditions are not so terrible as pictured in the minds of the outside people, who do not know the real facts and the true geographic situation of the State. Mr. A. R. Wallace, in his "Narrative of Travels on the Ama- 116 , _ CAOUTCHOUC PROCESS No. 1. The Men Set to Work Bleeding the Base of the Castilloa. 117 zon and Rio Negro," and Captain Maury, in his book "The Amazon and the Atlantic Coast of South America," show them- selves so enthusiastic over the climate of Amazonas and recom- mend it "as one of the healthiest and mildest in the world." That easy enthusiasm is not so good for us as the competent French engineer, Mr. Paul Le Cointe's opinion, after many years in the northern part of Brazil. Thus he expresses himself: "The Amazonia, an immense tableland slightly concave, situ- ated entirely in the tropics, crossed by rivers of colossal dimen- sions, with lakes and swamps, the remains of the original water basin, badly separated by modern alluvium land, covered with impenetrable forests from which emerge here and there some plains, ought to, have a specially hot, damp and unhealthy climate. "That is the reputation which it has enjoyed for a long time and which has frightened away the European immigration ; but it is not deserved in such an absolute manner; as a hot country is perhaps on the contrary the less deadly for the settler as well as for the traveler." THE AMAZON AS RUBBER PRODUCER It is indeed very difficult if not absolutely impossible to limit the rubber producing region of Amazonas. In almost the whole of the vast territory of that State there are found rubber trees and where they do not grow, they certainly can be successfully planted. Over large tracts of lands on the banks of rivers not navigable, there are extensive rubber forests not explored on account of lack of population. That exuberance of the Amazonian flora, that arrangement of nature to furnish resources to the rubber extractor for many years, kept him away from any other occupation except that of raising the arm and wounding the tree of fortune in order to obtain prosperity. There was no necessity of planting that which the open road of the forest presents at each step ; also why worry with a view to obtaining any other process of securing the "hevea brasiliensis" when its milk in the primitive state is obtained at the lowest price of exploitation and cultivation, pre- serving all the excellent qualities of the rubber? The presence of competitors in the world's market, more than the damage caused to the health by the smoking process of coagulation, is the reason to establish new exploitation. The rubber plantation is now being conducted perhaps without obey- ing the scientific criterion, but more in the shape of facilitating the gathering of the latex. 118 One hears a good deal about high prices in the Amazonas, and careless observers state in opposition to that the cheapness of life in the Asiatic Islands and other points of the world, i do not think that a thoughtful person without any interest in connection with enterprises and plantations elsewhere in the world, would be able to use such an assertion, which is so unjust. The French engineer, Mr. Paul Le Cointe, who is an expert in the matter, writes the following: "For the work to be executed, the number of workmen re- quired is much less where the production of those men is high, hence to calculate the price of hand work, the individual produc- tion is the factor that may become more important than the pay to the men who work by the day. "In the Far East, the workmen are paid from Fr. 75 to Fr. 1.25, equal to 14 cents to 23 cents, approximately, including feed- ing. In the Amazonas, the pay per day amounts to Frs. 4.75, or that is, almost 91 cents for all the work, which is three to four times more." Let us examine the cost in Asia and in the Amazonas for the different work required by the cultivation of the rubber trees. According to Mr. Stanley Arden, it is about 38 cents for each kilogram of rubber in the plantation (the data that I am presenting in connection with this matter is from the book of Mr. Le Cointe, entitled "Le Caoutchouc Amazonien et son Con- current Asiatique"). Mr. Lamy Torrilhon speaks about the Kuala Lampur Rub- ber Company (Malay), which had in 1909, 404,012 rubber trees from one to six years old. Calculating the price of cultivation of that rubber at Fr. 4 per kilogram or approximately 76 cents, Mr. Stanley Arden also calculated that the cost of a hectar of plantation before reaching the period of exploitation (the sixth year, according to him) was only Fr. 816, or more or less $157, including the salaries and establishment of European employees, an?d Mr. M. G. Vernet, of the Pasteur Institute of Nha-Trang, calculated Fr. 3,000, about $580. Mr. Le Cointe further states that Mr. Stanley Arden in his calculations of expense seems to presume the plantation in lands not thickly wooded, because he counts for the burning and clear- ing of the land, hardly one-third the cost of felling the trees, when in the forest it is about the same. Of course, lands not properly protected and in the virgin state in the tropical coun- tries, are less fertile than those covered with thick forests, fur- 120 thermore the lands that have been devoted to a prolonged culti- vation of plants, like coffee, tea, etc., are to a large extent ex- hausted, and if rubber trees were attempted to be planted there, the result would be that it would largely lose the advantages by having to fell new trees. Mr. Le Cointe also speaks of about 225 trees per kilogram, when practically that number can be doubled ; besides this the calculation made by the same author of about $18 for the clear- ing of the hectar, at the rate of $14 per day for each workman shows that the price for that work in almost clean land will take sixty-two days, whereas in the Amazonas we only count on twenty-six days for each clearing of a hectar in a virgin forest. This argument, it seems to me, shows that there is a purpose to bring up a cheapness which is more apparent than real, with the determination of recommending the Asiatic plantations to the detriment of the Amazonas rubber plantations. This plan of attack is not the most correct one. We have the advantage of having workmen who easily adapt themselves to the producing land, and with the measures of protection that the Government is going to guarantee to the rubber planters, the life of the contractor is going to become easier. The tree which is planted in its own region, is less subject to ravages, being less persecuted by the destroying parasites, is not violently fell by hard winds. As every day increases the number of industries which re- quires rubber as a raw material, it is therefore necessary to exploit it in different centers, counting even with possible dis- aster, but nowhere in the world, in accordance with the most reliable statistics, is there more favorable land for the planting of rubber trees than in the various territories of the Amazonas. That territory has been placed by nature to be the emporium of that industry, and counts with all the means to preserve that privilege, and for the guarantee of the planter as soon as the rubber tree develops itself, it has other resinous trees suitable for construction, and excellent fibres which can be sold at a profit. The Brazilian walnut is so abundant there that it is a second source of income in the State of Amazonas. THE PRODUCTION OF RUBBER Only during the first six months of this year, notwithstanding that the time for the full crop was not as yet due, from Manaos there were exported to the United States 2,328,389 kilograms of fine rubber, 602,180 medium quality, sernamby 991,088, caucho 122 H K « « I 2 - si? M o PQ ^ § , >> fe cti o| o £ s ^ w > H a; % S3 H 798,024; to Europe, first quality 2,449,776, medium quality 407,- 278, sernamby 507,860, caucho 1,368,489; from Itacoatiara, first quality 37,240, medium 3,858, sernamby 26,237, caucho 11,405, that is for the Amazonas a total of 9,531,824 kilograms, almost half of the export of 22,902,401 kilograms made in that period for that State, besides that of Para and Iquitos. The production of Amazonas in 1910 was 10,466,231 kilograms; in 1911, 10,122,- 242 ; this year, it is expected that there will be an increase of more than 15 per cent of the production of last year. This is due only to the active work of a few thousand work- men. What would be the colossal production of that territory, when the work of the men will be facilitated by a rational dis- tribution of rubber trees! Reflecting upon that, I am reminded of the words of Dr. T. Huber: "A regular planting industry will have a marked and salutary influence upon the extraction of wild rubber and the management of wild rubber forests." Furthermore, I have the full conviction that the future of that industry competently managed will offer in Amazonas, and in order to be more exact, in Brazil, more guarantees of success than in any other region in the world. M. LOBATO. 124 BRAZIL The States of Amazonas and Matto-Grosso, and the Acre Territory The Commercial Association of Amazonas exhibits samples of rubber from the States of Amazonas and Matto-Grosso, and from the Acre Territory, having been authorized by the respec- tive Governments for this purpose. 1. STATE OF AMAZONAS The main stream of the River Amazon flows through the entire territory of this State, and within its boundaries is joined by many tributaries. The boundary with the State of Para is formed by the same river, and that with Matto-Grosso and the Republic of Bolivia by the Upper Madeira River. The River Javary, a tributary of the Solimoes (or Upper Amazon), forms the boundary with Peru, as does the Upper Rio Negro (the waters of which connect with the Orinoco through the Cassiquari Canal), with Venezuela. Before the formation of the Federal Acre Territory, the upper reaches of the Rivers Acre, Purus, and Jurua also constituted the frontiers of the State of Amazonas with Peru and Bolivia. The capital of the State, Manaos, is situated in the bay of the Rio Negro, three days distant by steamer from the capital of the adjoining State, Para. The nearest European port, Lisbon, can be reached in thirteen days, and New York in eighteen days. Manaos is the turning-point for ocean going steamers from the United States of America, and Europe, as well as from the South of Brazil. The companies engaged in the transatlantic service are : The Booth Steamship Co., Ltd. (British), with four sailings each way to and from Liverpool per month, calling at Itacoatiara, Para, Madeira, Lisbon, Leixoes (Oporto), Vigo and Cherbourg, and three sailings to and from New York per month, calling at Para and Barbadoes. The Hamburg- Amerika Line and Hamburg-Sudamerikanische Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft (German), with two sailings per month to and from Hamburg, calling at Para, Madeira, Lisbon, Leixoes (Oporto), Havre and Antwerp. The Booth Steamship Co., Ltd., also runs two lines, one from Liverpool and the other from New York, as far as Iquitos, the capital and principal port of the Loreto province of Peru. Maritime communication with Southern Brazil is maintained by the "Lloyd Brazileiro" and the 126 i AOM.NhSTRACAO DO 0" IDUAROO GONQAlVtS RIBCII JMHAD5 i«»i».jl».».- atal MAP OF MANAOS 127 "Cia. de Commercio e Navegacao," the former having six steam- ers per month, and the latter three. The voyage from Manaos to Rio de Janeiro occupies from 14 to 16 days. The river navigation is controlled by the Amazon River Navi- gation Co. (1911), Ltd., and numerous private steamers, which form a flotilla only to be compared with that of the River Missis- sippi. A new company "A Companhia Navegacao do Amazonas" is about to commence operations. All these steamers call at Manaos, or have their headquarters there. Telegraphic communication is as follows: By means of the Amazon Telegraph Co., Ltd., in combination with the Western Telegraph Co. to and from all parts of the world. Wireless Telegraphy (Marconi and Telefunken systems), is already making considerable headway. The Marconi station at Manaos, in the hands of the Madeira Mamore Railway Co., receives and transmits messages to and from Porto Velho, on the Madeira River, the starting point and headquarters of the railroad, as well as to and from the Telefunken stations at Senna Madureira, Empreza and Cruzeiro do Sul (the capital towns of the three divisions of the Acre Territory). These last stations are not yet open for use by the public, and other intermediate stations are still in course of construction. Manaos has also a station of the Amazon Wireless Telegraph & Telephone Co., Ltd., which transmits messages to Para, and has lately been in regular communication with the station in Iquitos belonging to the Peruvian Government. By this route it is possible to send messages to Lima, the capital of Peru, on the Pacific Coast. However, the Company mentioned has so far not succeeded in obtaining the official permission of the Brazilian Government to operate in Brazil. Manaos has a permanent population of upwards of 70,000 inhabitants. Its houses and public buildings conform to modern architectural ideas, and some of its buildings, such as the State Theatre, the Public Library, the Palace of Justice and the "Ben- jamin Constant" Orphan Asylum are magnificent. The streets, squares and avenues are well lighted by electric- ity and the town possesses an excellent electric tramway system. The drainage scheme is almost completed, and the water supply is very satisfactory. The port works are in the hands of the Manaos Harbor, Ltd. There are some excellent hotels, and a splendid telephone service. The following banks carry on operations in Manaos : The London & Brazilian Bank, Ltd., and The London & River Plate Bank, Ltd. (British), agencies. Banco do Brazil (Brazilian), agency. Banco Amazonense (Brazilian), Head Office. 128 A "SERINGUEIRO"' TAPPING A RUBBER TREE. 129 Banking Firms: Zarges Ohliger & Co. (German). Life, Fire & Marine Insurance Companies: Northern Insurance Co. (British), agency. Royal Insurance Co. (British), agency. "Mannheim" Insurance Co. (German), agency. Lloyd Amazonense (Brazilian), head office. And agencies of the following Brazilian companies : Garantia da Amazonia, Seguradora Paraense, Allianca da Bahia, Com- mercial Paraense, Lloyd Paraense, Allianca, Paraense. Rubber is the chief industry of the State, being its principal product and source of income. The predominance of this industry dates from 1863, and within a few years it superseded entirely the planting of rice, coffee, cocoa, sugar cane, beans and maize. Up to 1870 rubber was generally exported in the form of roughly made shoes, hats and caps, as well as in sacks and in bulk, the greater part of it going to New York, via Para. Later, the present system of biscuits or balls, cut and packed in cases, came into use. Considerable business has always been done in Amazon with the United States of America, although formerly the proportion shipped to America was greater than at present, as it was only in later years that the heavy competition by London and Liver- pool came into being. The production of the various rivers during 1911 was : River Solimoes 865,000 kilos Purus 3,019,000 Acre 371,000 Jurua 2,055,000 Madeira 1,370,000 Tavary 1,420,000 Japura 70,000 Jutahy 287,000 Negro 679,000 Branco 33,000 Lower Amazon 194,000 The rubber exporting houses are : Zarges Ohliger & Co. (German). Adelbert H. Alden, Ltd. (American). Ahlers & Co. (German). General Rubber Co. of Brazil (American). De Lagotellerie & Co. (French). no 'DEFUMADOR," OR SMOKING-HUT. 131 STATE OF AMAZON EXHIBIT INCLUDES: Pyramid of 50 tons rubber. Models of River Steamers. Rubber Milk. Photographs and Maps. Rubber Toys, etc., made by natives. Basins, Pails, etc. Large Rubber Tree Stump and several Young Rubber Trees, Exhibited by Messrs. Asenei & Co., River Madeira. Rubber Milk. Nuts and Appliances for Smoking Rubber. Exhibited by Sno. Raymundo Monteiro da Costa COMPARATIVE RUBBER 'STATISTICS Comparative Rates of Fine Para. Liv s. 1894 2 1895 3 1896 3 1897 3 1898 3 1899 3 1900 3 1901 3 1902 2 1903 3 1904 3 1905 4 1906 4 1907 2 1908 2 1909 4 1910 4 1911 3 Liverpool. New York. d. s. d. 9 to 3 1 $0.64^ to $0.73 0% to 3 4% .70 to &V/2 0}/ 2 to 3 m .71 to .85 5 to 3 9 .1^/2 to .89 iy 2 to 4 5 .82 to 1.06 10 to 4 nVA .91 to 1.10 sy 2 to 4 9 .83 to 1.1154 4 to 3 iiy 2 .76 to .95 10 to 3 W2 .66 to .92 6% to 4 8 .78 to 1.13 10% to 5 6 .89 to 1.32 1054 to 5 8% 1.13 to 1.35 llV 2 to 5 5/2 1.16 to 1.28 11% to 5 3 .69 to 1.24 954 to 5 5 .65 to 1.30 10 to 9 2 1.13 to 2.15 10 to 12 454 1.16 to 2.90 10 to 7 1 .90 to 1.67 FEDERAL TERRITORY OF ACRE THE ACRE THE FLUVIAL REGION THAT IS RICHEST IN RUBBER As far as the wealth of rubber obtained from natural sources is concerned, Brazil ranks first among all the world's rubber producing countries. While the East Indian section, with its plantation grown product, has already outstripped her in the quantity of its annual plantation output, the superior excellence of genuine Para rubber has not been attained. The "fine rubber" that comes from the inundated region of the lower river country is best known. In the upper districts of various southern afflu- ents, fine rubber trees grow, but no longer in-the lowlands that have long been subject to inundation, they occur rather in forests that are overflowed seldom, if at all, that even extend over the hilly districts. The method of collection and the entire opera- tion of rubber production varies in many respects from the more familiar methods of the* inundated districts. This applies particularly to Acre, with its characteristic and peculiar river section. To explore this section, from economic and scientific points of view, I undertook a journey last year, 1911, at the instance of the Associacao Commercial. The results of this journey will be embodied in a detail report, it is at present proposed to make only a brief summary to sup- plement the pictures shown in the exhibition. Our better knowledge of Acre dates back barely a quarter of a century. At that period uncertainty prevailed as to which of the countries adjoining Acre, Brazil, Bolivia and Peru, were the owners of the territory. In more recent times these conditions have been adjusted, the greater part having been awarded to Brazil, while Bolivia received a portion of the left bank of the upper Acre. The boundary between Bolivia and Peru is as yet undecided. The latter country includes the uppermost left bank of the source section which contains but few fine rubber trees. The Acre is a right affluent of the larger tributaries of the Purus, entering above the mouth of the Rio Negro and com- ing from the Southwest, and flows, like these, through the boundless forest tracts of the Amazon River country. It rises in elevated ground, East of the Andes, in a still partly explored 135 DR. CARLOS DE CERQUEIRA PINTO, Inventor of a Smokeless Process for Curing Rubber. 136 territory, very difficult of access, at about the eleventh degree of southern latitude and 70^ longitude and flows at first eastward, to the Bolivian boundary at 69°. From this point, the Acre flows first Northeast, with a constantly increasing northerly inclination, until it enters the Central Purus at 8 2-3 South latitude and 67^ longitude. The small steamers run from this point to the junction with the Amazon and on to Manaos in six to eight days. In November more than 40 large and small steamers are despatched from Para and Manaos. They carry supplies for the rubber district and load, for the return trip, fine rubber and other caoutchouc varieties. Such steamers have, as a rule, a cargo capacity of 100 to 300 tons. The largest, taking as much as 500 tons, are at most 50 to 60 meters in length. The journey from Manaos to the Purus, is usually accomp- lished in one day. The Purus is a stately river, which, in its lower reaches often attains a breadth of 1,000 meters and al- though it gradually narrows, it always retains, until its con- fluence with the Acre, a breadth of several hundred meters. The trip to that point takes, as a rule, 12 to 16 days and ex- cept for the last stretch of about three days, is open all the year. Here is the place called Cochoeiras, where there are rapids, which during the dry season of about four months, obstruct steam navigation on the Puriis. The Acre, on the other hand, has a narrow but deep bed, is rarely over 100 meters wide and often contracts to 50 to 60 meters. In the dense forests, there may be seen, from time to time, clearings on the banks with the Baracaos that are the stations for the fine rubber business. Also occasional larger places of residence, villages and little towns, where longer stops are often made, are encountered. We first pass Antimary, at the mouth of a river similarly named. Then we soon reach Porto de Acre, a large residential place, where the steamers must have their papers passed and pay duties. This is the beginning of the Federal territory, which is sepa- rate from the State of Amazonas and is subject to the central government in Rio de Janeiro. Hardly a day's journey up stream lies the little town of Empreza, with its picturesque houses em- bowered in foliage. It is the most important place on the lower Acre and the second largest residential town in Acre Territory. About three days' journey up the river the town of Hapury is reached, which contains several thousand inhabitants and enjoys a considerable trade. It is the largest and most important town in the entire Acre territory. When at times in the river's narrow water course there are a dozen large steamers lying and a lively business intercourse 138 is everywhere in progress, the scene, in the depth of the pri- meval forest, creates quite an imposing impression. Hapury is considered already in the district of Alta Acre and from this point, the difficulty of navigation increases, the breadth and volume of water of the river alike decreasing. Very rapidly during long, rainless periods, the river water level lowers and the further progress of the steamers becomes impossible. They must anchor at a convenient place and wait until the river rises again. In lower Acre, where water is more plentiful, such in- terruptions are less frequent, but in upper Acre they are the rule. The farther the river is ascended the more frequent are these compulsory stoppages, often lasting eight to fourteen days. High- water in the river often lasts but a few days, so that the steam- ers must stop again. Then too, the many windings of the river make navigation exceedingly difficult. On the upper Acre travel is by day only, boats laying to at night. Following the course of the river, 85 kilometers above Ha- pury, Igarape de Bahia is reached, on the Bolivian border and then the little town of Cobija. It is situated on the right bank and belongs to Bolivia, whereas on the left bank, Brazilian terri- tory continues. The steamers here are subject to the Bolivian customs regulations and must pay duty on all goods destined for Bolivia. A large number of the steamers that start from Manaos, go only as far as this or as Hapury, only a few venture to penetrate further and are not deterred by the great loss of time. Above Cobija are some of the most productive rubber sec- tions where there are goods to discharge and rubber to be loaded. A few steamers follow the Bolivian border up to the terminal station, Tacna. Here, as a small affluent from the right, the Taverija flows into the Acre, forming at the same time the boundary between Bolivia and Peru. Bolivia maintains here a small military post, whereas there is only a commissioner for Peru. If the steamer has met with favorable conditions, the trip from Manaos may have been made in a month ; ordinarily, however, it takes two or three months. The return trip is made much faster, some steamers, that do not stop, make Manaos from upper Acre in fourteen days. Above Tacna there are but two rubber forest districts or seringaes as they are termed, the Seringal Auristella on the Peruvian side and the Seringal St. Francisco on the Brazilian side. The latter is a very productive and still young rubber forest, farther up the river the fine rubber trees suddenly cease and their output is no longer remunerative. The climate, like that of the Amazon country, is humid and hot, with a rainy and a dry season. The southerly situation, 140 RUBBER TREE AT HAPURY. 141 however, causes a somewhat more marked difference between the two seasons. In April, the rains become less frequent and then, until October, there are no or but very few heavy precipi- tations ; some times the fallen leaves on the ground in the woods are dried out and even the dew is absent. There then occur, however, especially in the months of June, July and August, steady cold spells, when the thermometer, in the morning, sinks to 8° C. and often does not go above 12° C. during the day. These so-called Friazens last several days and are recurrent, but cease in September. Thunder storms and violent rain storms begin in October, so that in November the rivers are usually navigable again. In December the first steamships arrive. In January and February a rainless period is frequent, which is followed, in March and April again, by a rainy spell. Many steamers undertake, usually at this time, their second voyage and if they have good fortune they make three trips to upper Acre. The copious precipitation, the heat and the fertile soil have produced in Acre a luxuriant primeval forest, which is higher and more densely overgrown than that of the lower river courses of the Amazon country. Trees of 40 to 50 meters in height are not infrequent, they form a forest of varied composition. There may be found here representatives of the most diverse plant families ; some of which, in the cool season, lose their foliage. The forest is densely overgrown with plants, shoots and shrubs. Where a thorny growth, Tapoea and other under- brush gets the upper hand, a machete or axe is necessary in forcing a path through the virgin forest. Various kinds of trees are used by the natives for building houses, fashioning canoes and other purposes. For export, how- ever, neither these useful woods nor many other products of the forest, have attained any importance. The fruit of the cacao tree and Para nuts, rot on the ground, transportation to Manaos being too costly. The caoutchouc products are, however, present in such abundance and possess such great value, that their ac- quisition and transportation recompenses every effort and have been the cause of the development in these distant primeval forests of a busy life. The water in the deeply hollowed bed of the Acre, swells in flood time and submerges the land on the adjacent shores and some sand banks, but for the most part does not penetrate into the forest or only for a short period. The flooded forests of the lower water courses, often miles in extent, are lacking and the fine rubber trees grown on land free from inundation, often reaches up into the hills in the hilly or mountainous district. The fine rubber tree belongs to the Hevea brasiliensis, Mull. 142 Arg. or to their near families. It is higher and more vigorous than the trees in the inundated districts and has somewhat larger and longer seeds. Trees of more than 40 meters in height and up to five meters in circumference, are not rare. Whether the Acre fine rubber tree is a special species or a variety of Hevea Braziliensis, can be determined only by a very painstaking in- vestigation. In yield of rubber and quality of product, the Acre tree surpasses that of the inundated districts. Of other Hevea varieties Hevea cuneata Hub. the Seringa vermelha, occurs but rarely, also sapium tapuru, Ule, is found but rarely. Castilloa Ulei, Warb., the "caucho" of the Peru- vians, is quite plentiful and is generally utilized, its exploitation being regarded sometimes as more profitable than the fine rub- ber. Just as in the Amazon country, under the title "caout- chouc," the product of castilloa is mainly understood, so, in Acre, for the yield of the Hevea, the name "fine rubber" is used. At present, there are on the Acre no unowned, unused lands, but some of the seringaes in operation are capable of further development. In lower Acre there are many seringaes that are badly exhausted and furnish but a small yield. The rubber col- lectors too, who, as is well-known, cut down the Castilloa trees, are compelled to go further into upper Acre all the time to find profitable work. Acre territory is regarded as the most productive fine rubber section, especially on its borders ; on the little river Hapury and towards the Taurumano, which belongs to the water-shed of the Madeira, the output is said to be exceedingly rich. In propor- tion to their longitudinal extent, the extent of the woods belong- ing to Acre, in breadth, is comparatively small, for in a one or two days' journey, it is possible to reach the district of another river. The rubber forest properties are consequently all meas- ured from the river and include usually, a territory of several hundred square kilometers, often in fact, equal to small princi- palities. Many owners have also several seringaes, often in Bolivia and Brazil simultaneously. In such a^ seringal on the river bank, the dwelling with ware- house accommodations and sales-place, is erected, known as the Baracao in contradistinction to the small Baraken of the work people. About the Baracao the forest is usually cleared to afford land for planting and pasture for the cattle. The management of the seringal and its entire business, pro- ceeds from the Baracao. According to the extent of the seringal, from twenty to several hundred work people are employed on it. Through the entire forest, paths, known as estradas, are laid out, from which all obstructive brush and hanging creepers, are cut 144 away with the machete. These estradas, where possible, are laid out in loops, so that they lead back to the starting point and are so planned as to include from 100 to 150 fine rubber trees. Every seringueiro is alloted two or three estradas to work. These seringueiros live in the interior of the forest in special baraken, either with their families, or usually several together. The different baraken are connected by broader roads that can be traversed by mules. In May or June, after the estradas have previously been put in order, the gathering of fine rubber commences. The serin- gueiro proceeds in the early morning into the forest, taps the trees in the customary manner with the little axe Maschadi, at- taches the tin cups and afterwards collects the accumulated milk. It is afternoon when he reaches home with the milk he has collected in a rubber bag or in tin cans, to be smoked. In a little hut, roofed with palm-straw, the smoking is proceeded with. Pieces of wood that give a copious smoke are burned and over the fire is placed a tin cylinder, known as a Boiao. The serin- gueiro first collects, in the middle of a round, strong stick, some coagulated rubber milk and pours the still fluid milk, which he has in a large tin dish, over this place, turning the stick so that the smoke can impregnate the coagulating caoutchouc. He con- tinues this operation until the milk in the tin pan is all used up. By this means, a rubber ball is produced which is enlarged in the succeeding days until it weighs about 50 kilos. The stick is then withdrawn and the ball, stored with others, until the mule train comes for it. A mule can carry on each side of him 50 kilos without over-exerting himself. If, however, the weight of the ball exceeds sixty kilos, the mules are overloaded and the seringueiro who made the balls pays a fine. Where the dwelling place of the seringueiro is near a river and the fine rubber can be transported by canoe, larger balls, that often weigh more than 100 kilos are made. This gathering and preparation of the fine rubber differs materially from that practiced on the lower water courses where the. .milk is smoked with much greater care, on the shovel shaped mould and the balls, as a rule, weigh but 10 to 30 kilos. On the Acre, the seringueiro will gather in a day 15 to 25 liters of milk, which will yield 7 to 12 kilos of dry rubber, whereas in the inundated section he will be able to gather but one-half or one- third as much. Of course the seringueiro can smoke the milk much more carefully and take certain precautions, as for in- stance, that the rubber-milk is never heated. On the Acre on the other hand, the milk is warmed as a rule, because otherwise the large mass is difficult to manage. There is no question but that in this manner the quality of the rubber, which is prepared 146 from the best material and certainly would yield the best product, suffers. Nevertheless the rubber 'balls from Acre, prepared in the primitive manner, furnish a good and much sought for rubber. The tapping of the trees also is often effected with less care, small steel axes being used that make wounds that are too deep and as a result, the seringaes in the Acre are exhausted more quickly than those in the inundated district. From the baracaos the stations on the banks of the river, small mule trains proceed to the interior to bring in the rubber balls, which are laid in rows, usually in the open air, so that they will be thoroughly dried before loading them on the steamer. By the same mules, food and supplies are sent to the seringueiros in the forest. When the rubber gathering ceases in December or January, the seringueiro has other important work to do. Roads must be opened and repaired, clearings made in the forest, huts erected, wood cut and finally the paths set in order for the approaching harvest. During the rainy season, the steamer brings new supplies and food, which the seringueiro must buy at the Baracao. Concerning the duties the seringueiro has to perform, there are special regulations, which prevail in most seringae and of which written or printed copies are often furnished. To each seringueiro is allotted two or three estradas, each with 120 to 200 trees. For this he pays 15 per cent of his gather- ing of fine rubber to the owner of the forest and an additional 10 per cent if he uses the mules for transportation. The remain- ing rubber belongs to the seringueiro in so far as he does not have to pay it for goods purchased. As a rule, the owner pur- chases a portion of the product on the spot at a price that is, of course, somewhat lower than is paid in Manaos, the remaining portion is shipped, for account of the seringueiro, to Para and Manaos, and he receives the full market price for it, of course, after deducting freight and duties. The balance is placed to the credit of the seringueiro and paid to the firm representing the owner in Manaos or Para. Certain items, for instance, the price of Sernamby, consisting of residual scraps of rubber, the serin- gueiro also receives in Acre. In some cases payments are made in rubber products, a form of payment quite common in other transactions. On the upper Acre, a seringueiro will usually collect in a day as much milk as will yield from 6 to 15 kilos of fine rubber. Two liters of this milk yield a kilo of dry rubber, whereas with Manihot Glaziovi, 3 liters are required for this. Exceptional cases occur where the seringueiro furnishes milk for 20 to 25 kilos of fine rubber in one day. Daily collections of more than 40 liters, however, a single worker can hardly control and he 148 RUBBER TREE OF NEARLY FIVE METERS IN CIRCUMFERENCE M±Ll ^ Kb 149 must then have an assistant for carrying- and smoking. The yearly production of a seringueiro amounts, in the better rubber forest properties, to upwards of 1,000 kilos of dry rubber. Some owners offer a reward, such as for instance, a gold watch, for the most industrious and luckiest seringueiro. On the Seringal S. Francisco, for the crop year 1911-1912, a serin- gueiro won the gold watch who had collected 2,500 kilos. The annual highest yield of caoutchouc from the Castilloa was only 1,700 kilos, for the forest there in regard to Castilloa is already very much exhausted. Otherwise the yields of this rubber are more variable and higher than those of fine rubber. If the price of rubber rules high, a seringueiro has quite a considerable income and with a little frugality can acquire a property. If, on the other hand, the price of rubber drops below five milreis, the seringueiro has trouble to make both ends meet with his income and easily gets into debt. The supplies that he must purchase from the proprietor or his representative (lessee) are very expensive. The customs duties, the long haul and consequently high freight, the risk, the different losses, which the proprietor suffers through debtor workmen, and the occasional high price of fine rubber, which forces all prices upward, makes everything in upper Acre very dear. The prices of some of the most necessary supplies and goods are about as follows. 1 kilo mandioka flour, % l / 2 milreis. 1 kilo coffee, 4 milreis. 1 kilo sugar, 3 milreis. 1 kilo beans, 3 milreis. 1 kilo rice, % T / 2 milreis. 1 kilo dried meat, 5 milreis. 1 kilo fresh meat, 4 milreis. 1 chicken, 30 milreis. 1 dozen eggs, 10 milreis. 1 bottle brandy, 8 milreis. 1 meter goods, 3 to 6 milreis. 1 woolen quilt, 120 to 140 milreis. 1 pair boots, 40 to 60 milreis. 1 cake washing soap, 3^ milreis. 1 piece fine soap, 5 milreis. 1 machete, 14 to 22 milreis. 1 package matches, 3 milreis. 1 carbine, 200 milreis. 1 kilo powder, 28 milreis. I kilo shot, 4 milreis. 150 1 pound sterling is now worth about 15 milreis, so that four shillings (about one dollar U. S.)=3 milreis. On the lower Acre, goods are much cheaper and they fall still lower down to Manaos, where many articles only cost one- third or one-fourth as much, or even less, but Manaos is never- theless an expensive city. The large profits which fine rubber often yields, make all labor very dear. For this reason agriculture has developed but slowly and most food supplies must therefore be imported. Nevertheless cattle raising is constantly growing, stock being brought in from Bolivia. Bananas, the tubers of the sweet man- diola, beans and some vegetables are extensively grown, especi- ally by Peruvians and Bolivians. Often the seringueiro will plant some bananas and cultivate a small patch of cleared land, but this is not favorably regarded by the proprietor. In some seringaes, even the marriage of the seringueiros is opposed; everything is directed towards obtaining the largest possible quantity of fine rubber. Although the Acre is not very full of fish, fishing, in the dry season, is attended with some success, which particularly benefits dwellers on the banks of the river. Hunting also, in some sections, furnishes residents with fresh meat. As animals of the chase may be enumerated, monkeys, Taca, Aguti, wild swine, small varieties of deer, sloths, tapirs, various wood fowl and ducks. Very different from the arrangements customary, as a rule, in the Acre, are the conditions in the Bolivian rubber districts, which for the most part are owned by a single proprietor, N. Suarez y Hermanos. He is said to produce 1,500 tons of fine rubber per year, and could produce more than four times the quantity if the entire forest concession, which is probably as large as South Germany was all put in operation. One portion of this rubber forest is situated on the Acre, but the greater part includes the Southwestern tributaries of the Rio Madeira. In the properties on the Acre, the working methods are adapted to Brazilian customs, especially where Brazilian seringueiros are employed. While in the Seringaes, trade is conducted mostly through the Baracoes, there are in some places, notably in Cobija, Ha- pury and Empreza, various business houses, through which the owners of seringaes, captains of ships and other persons, can supply their wants, for before the steamer returns, there is often a scarcity in some products. The retail trade is mainly in the hands of so-called Turks, various Orientals, from Syria, Arabia, Tunis and Morocco. They have large boats, propelled by poles and oars and which contain 152 the goods in a covered space. These Turks travel as pedlars for years about on the rivers, selling their goods for money or rubber. This commerce is designated Regatao and is not favored by proprietors, who sometimes forbid stopping in their territory. The seringueiro can not only buy cheaper of them, but can dis- pose of caoutchouc surreptitiously. Those who encounter favorable conditions on the Acre, who are diligent and economical, can, by working in the rubber in- dustry, or in any other field of activity, soon acquire a property. The majority, however, squander their earnings on trips to Manaos, Para or Ceara, or suffer from sickness. Although hygienic conditions on the Acre have improved with the times and there are numerous healthy localities, malaria still prevails there a great deal, and other diseases, notably beri- beri, are often fatally prevalent. Many privations, caused by the difficulties of travel, and a certain amount of luxury, made possible by the large earnings, often contrast with one another. From Acre, during the year, about 5,000 tons of fine rubber, inclusive of other rubber products, are exported, of which cer- tainly a portion comes from the adjacent territory. This quantity, according to the price of rubber, will represent a value of 20,000 to 75,000 contos of reis, about $5,000,000 to $15,000,000. These are figures that play a part in the total output of rubber, the importance of which is increased by its quality. 3, THE ACRE TERRITORY. Previous to the Treaty of Petropolis, in 1903, between Brazil and Bolivia, the Acre Territory formed part of the State of Amazonas, one portion being, in fact, still in dispute. By virtue of this treaty the Acre Territory became Brazilian, Brazil in exchange paying £2,000,000 to Bolivia, an indemnity to an Ameri- can syndicate, and undertaking to construct the Madeira Mamore Railway. The Congress then empowered the Federal authorities to ad- minister the Territory until the question should be finally settled. The administration is much the same as that of the other States. Recent laws have tended to decentralize the administra- tion, the latest being one giving municipal independence. The three provinces of the Territory are : Upper Purus (capital Senna Madureira). Upper Jurua (capital Cruzeiro do Sul), and Upper Acre (capital Empreza). 154 TRANSPORT OF RUBBER BISCUITS. 155 The only product and export is rubber, the proportions during 1911 being: Upper Purus 4,042,000 kilos Upper Jurua 3,008,000 kilos Upper Acre 3,526,000 kilos One of the most serious questions has been that relating to the ownership of land. The Federal Congress is prepared to solve this problem satisfactorily, by recognizing bona-fide hold- ings dating from before the Treaty of Petropolis, giving prefer- ence to property deeds granted by the State of Amazonas, next to those given by the Republic of Bolivia during its brief occupa- tion, and then to any possession obtained in good faith during the whole interregnum, up to the date of the last law passed. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. For the protection of Brazilian rubber, and in order to facili- tate and develop its culture, as well as its final handling, a Fede- ral law was passed on January 5th of the current year. (No. 2513 A.) Its principal measures are especially concerned with Amazon rubber and the country in which it is produced, viz. : the States of Amazonas and Matto-Grosso and the Acre Territory. The scheme embraces the construction of railways and roads, the clearing of rivers, reduction of import duties and of dues on river navigation, the establishing of coal depots, living accommodation for laborers, centres for the production of foodstuff, model cattle farms, prizes to rubber planters and exemption from import duties on. all material for rubber working. Besides the Madeira Mamore Railway, which benefits prin- cipally the Madeira River district of Matto-Grosso, and a further branch of the same railway, now in course of construction, and which is intended to open up the Bolivian district of the Beni River, the Brazilian Government will construct another railroad (in the route of which the Commercial Association has suggested some alterations) to commence from Manaos and to work through the region of the Rio Branco, to link up with the English railroad already constructed in British Guiana up to the Brazilian bound- ary. This railway will open up to the State of Amazonas a huge tract of country admirably suited to agriculture of all kinds, and to colonization by Europeans. The Association Commercial will also propose the construc- tion of a further railroad to communicate by means of branch lines with the various provinces of the Acre Territory, in order to bring the product of that region to the lower Purus River, at a point which will admit of free access to steamers of deep draft to and from Manaos. 156 DR. CERQUEIRA PINTO'S PROCESS EXTRA FINE PARA This rubber was cured for export in the rubber estate 'TRA- CEMA," in the Federal Acre, Amazonia, Brazil, by Dr. Cerqueira Pinto's process of smokeless coagulation. (See The India Rubber World, August 1, 1909, page 396, and copy of the same journal of 1st September, the same year, page 435.) The enclosed sample contains 68 kilos and belongs to the lot of 5.000 kilos (11.025 lbs.) that Dr. Cerqueira Pinto holds to be sold in New York. Dr. Cerqueira Pinto's process is one of coagulation of the latex of the "Hevea Brasiliensis" by an ingredient patented by the Brazilian Government — "LACTINA" — absolutely free of any acid. The latex after the coagulation is pressed through a cylinder in order to dry out. This rubber was tested and classified as of STANDARD type by the Government of the United States of America. It oflers the resistance of 2,010 pounds per square inch accord- ing to the experiments made by The Manhattan Rubber Com- pany in July, 1909. This rubber means a saving to the manu- facturer of at least 20 per cent, in the opinion of the Favorite Rubber Mfg. Co. of New Jersey and of 25 per cent, as per the analysis made in London. The author of this process calls the Jury's attention to his rubbers and is willing to furnish with the sufficient quantity in order to prove to the entire satisfaction of his assertions. It vulcanizes as well by acid as by vapor. Dr. Cerqueira Pinto will prepare, during the Exposition, in September, before the public and the manufacturers, his rubbers with both Hevea and Castilloa latexes, yield of the trees in October, 1911, in the Federal Acre, Brazil. He shall present as well a large quantity of similar rub- bers cured by the author on different occasions. They are true rubbers of commerce cured for export. They are clothed by a vegetal varnish, soluble in water, which is also a discovery of Dr. Cerqueira Pinto, to prevent the mould. CASTILLOA OR CAUCHO. Prepared by the process of Dr. Carlos de Cerqueira Pinto. (See the India Rubber World of September 1st, 1909, page 435). The included sample weighs 68 kilos. The author holds 1,400 pounds of this quality to be sold in New York market. The article was cured by rubber laborers of the estate "Ira- cema" in the Federal Acre, Amazonia, Brazil, during the months of July to December, 1911. They are rubbers of commerce and cured for export. 158 CO O < >hPh co< cnW OB Wffl H D "S L0 W wffi H £ to O Q < H D O u THE STATE OF MATTO GROSSO 165 THE STATE OF MATTO GROSSO IN THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL RUBBER EXPOSITION IN NEW YORK, 1912 BY LEOPOLDO DE MATTOS Dr. Joaquim Augusto da Costa Marques, President of the State of Matto Grosso, 1911-1915 The State of Matto Grosso, Brazil, at the Third International' Rubber Exposition in New York, 1912 Of the twenty states composing the Republic of the United States of Brazil, Matto Grosso is second to the largest in its territorial extension. It is situated south of the States Amazon and Para, having on the East the States of Goyaz, S. Paulo and Parana, on the South the Republic of Paraguay, and on the West Bolivia. It embraces on the map that portion of the earth's surface which extends, approximately from the fourth degree South of the Equator to the Tropic of Capricorn. Its immense area is about 50,175 square leagues, or according to Mr. Candido Mendes it has an area of 1,379,651 square meters. Its population is actually about 350,000, not including a considerable number of uncivilized Indians, whose improvement is carried steadily for- ward by the united efforts of the State and Federal Governments. Without mentioning its capital, the principal cities of the State are Corumba, S. Luiz de Caceres, Miranda, Nioae, Focoue, Santa Aunade Paranabyba, Diamantina, Rosario, Livramento, and the new and recentlv incorporated municipality, S. Antonio de Rio Madeira. Its capital, Cuyaba, is situated on the left bank of the river of the same name, 288 meters above sea level, and owes its origin to the Paulistas, who formed colonies in the western part of Brazil during the first part of the Eighteenth Century. In 1719 Paschoal Moreira Cabral ascending the River Coxipe Mirim, founded on the left bank of this stream a village which 167 was called Forquilha, but to-day is the city of Cuyaba, where in those early days a rich gold mine was discovered. In those days, according to Elyses Reelus, the vast region of Matto Grosso, was hardly anything except a narrow, ordinary zone, nothing more than an immense solitude of undefined limits and unknown, but given over to Indians and wild beasts. It was joined to the rest of Brazil by the lonely paths of hunters, and by channels of the rivers that had their origin there. Really in those days communication with the remainder of Brazil was as difficult as with Matto Grosso. It is within the memory of many and known to those who read the history of Brazil, that it was impossible for the troops who were enrolled and equipped in the coast provinces, to go directly to the aid of their compatriots in Matto Grosso, when the Brazilian people had to respond to the declaration of war by Paraguay. With the thousands of obstructions in their path, a portion of the army composed of 3,000 men, which left Rio de Janeiro in April, 1865, and which could only be organized in Uberaba, in the upper basin of Parana, was reduced to about 700, when it arrived at that safe and impregnable place. The war with Paraguay being ended, there is no doubt that the victory gained by Brazil opened wide the ports of Matto Grosso, for the natural declivity of the soil, the course of the streams, with the free river navigation, guaranteed by her tri- umph, established a regular line of packets between Rio de Janeiro, Corumba and Cuyaba, by way of the River La Plata, passing by Montevideo, Buenos Ayres and Assumption. The fluvial ways of the Guapore, Madeira and Amazon were constantly used in the Eighteenth Century, after the ex- ploration made by Manoel de Lima in 1742. Navigation by the Guapore river to the Madeira, in short to S. Antonio, which is the initial point of navigation on this last mentioned river, is long and full of difficulties. Withal, Matto Grosso is gradually approaching the coasts of Brazil by means of railroads, such as the Northwestern Road, which will shortly unite it with Rio de Janeiro, and the railroad, already projected, which, parting from S. Luiz de Caceres, will reach the old city of Matto Grosso, where the Gaupore begins to be navigable, to Guajara-Mirim, the terminal point of the great Madeira-Marmore Railway. In a short time, as can readily be seen, these roads will be a reality, the navigable rivers being united by the stretches of rail- roads between them. The Paranapanema and the Ivahy in the States of Parana and S. Paulo, continue on the one side of the Parana River, ascending the Ivanhema, and the Brilhante, as far as the neighboring mountains of Miranda, in the meridional part of Matto Grosso. 168 The magnificent regions of Matto Grosso promise in the near future, to be great centers of population and consequently a future focus of civilization by probable fusion of the different elements of immigration, which will certainly come together there in the flight of time, and the increased facilities in the way of transportation. Somewhere it has been said, that colonization without doubt will come from the South, from Paraguay and Argentina ; but at the present time, with the completion of the Madeira-Marmore Railway, undoubtedly colonization will also come from the North, communication being facilitated by the Amazon River, the Madeira being one of its tributaries, on the right bank of which is situated Porto Velho, the initial point of the Madeira-Marmore Railway. These effects are already commenc- ing to produce results as may be seen from founding of a new municipality and district of Matto Grosso, called the municipality of St. Antonio of the River Madeira, reached by the above- mentioned railway and to which region we will devote a special chapter later on. Already one sees the farthest northern side of Matto Grosso filling with people, while the southenr side really contains the greater number of inhabitants. Matto Grosso is one of the regions of least roughness on the continent of South America. There are no elevations of the land which constitute real mountains. The elevated lands have their points of culmination in the western bases of the Mantiqueira, the Aymores, and the Espin- hago, and continue, gradually lowering from this side to the West of Goyaz, and on the other side are the elevated lands at the base of the Andes, which incline to the East with its sup- ports. Elysee Reclus says that an intermediary plain, separating the two geographical districts, goes winding in the form of a valley, that in other ages certainly was a maritime strait separat- ing the two islands — Western Brazil and the Andes. To-day rivers run in the depression where formerly there was a sea and the plain is actually full of alluvial soil. The true center of South America is between the two cities of Cuyaba and Corumba. To those who do not know the region, the slopes of the hills are mistaken for mountains and geographical maps show a chain of mountains more or less continuous, between the basins of the Tapajoz and the Madeira, between the head waters of the same Tapajoz and Paraguay and finally between the Tapajoz and the Araguaya. Nevertheless this semi-circular plain exists only in fragments, because the elevations which are found in the plains of the upper Paraguay and its tributaries are only a high, level ground of horizontal sections or slight elevations and worn away by the rivers which flow into the great Amazon, 170 REMOVING THE BALL OF RUBBER AFTER IT HAS BEEN SMOKED. 171 They are rather tablelands than mountains, for they do not reach an elevation, except in some parts of the tableland, of more than 100 meters, while the mean elevation of a range of moun- tains is 500 meters. This geographic district in the State of Matto Grosso is in- differently called the cordillara of Parecys, but does not present a mountainous aspect except on the South side. On this scarred side, the rock is cut into peaks, or cut away into obelisks. On the other side towards the Tapajoz and Xingu, a long range ex- tends and gradually declines into the plains of the State of Amazonas. D'Orbiguy found in the high northern part of Matto Grosso, the existence of beds pertaining to the carboniferous age and corresponding to rocks of the same nature which on the opposite side of that region are found in the Bolivian bases of the Sierra of Santa Cruz. After this Hart and Derby verified the fact that the southern parts of the Araxa, which are the elevated borders of the tableland, date probably from paleozoic epochs, and there are found the carboniferous, devonian and silurian beds. Fossil beds found by the Geologist Smith below the hillocks of the plains, 50 kilometers east of Cuyaba, place these facts beyond doubt. More to the North is the zone of the rocky places, which in links cut the Madeira, Tapajoz, Xingu, Tocatius and their tributaries, the walls denuded by erosion, are all of the crystalline formation, granite, gueis, porphory and quartzite. The elevations that unroll in the direction of the South, between the sources of the Paraguay and Araguaya, fol- lowing between the Paraguay and the Parana, do not present the same characteristics as the tablelands of the North. The high parts of Western Matto Grosso were separated from the East and West sides and devastated by lateral excavations, take in certain places the aspects of true mountain chains, and for this reason they are named, from the North to the South, the Sierras of S. Jeronimo, Maracaju and Anhauhaly. Eruptive rocks, called basaltic in this country, probably por- phyritic rend the beds of sandstone, of which the mountains are composed and appear to form by their disintegration "red lands," similar to those which give the farmers of S. Paulo their abun- dant harvests of coffee. In a sort of circle limited by a semicircle of elevations iso- lated masses have been lifted up, rocks whose outlines, seen from a distance, have a perfect regularity. The hills proper, for the greater part, have geometrical forms, which it should be said, great forces have crumbled, leaving smooth walls like the sides of pyramids. The tops of the tablelands, as well as summits, have been maimed by a force certainly corresponding to the other summits, which now may be seen as part of the same 172 COLLECTING THE LATEX. 173 prairie. According to Taunay, who traveled over the country, these masses of sandstone in horizontal beds regularly placed one above another, are formed of marshy sediment deposited by the sea of fresh water, which in former times covered this region. The ruins of these hills and slopes contributed also to change the physiognomy of the landscape. These excoriations were picked up and dragged by the rivers, to form new beds and soil, and much rock disappeared below the continued crumbling of the mountains. Others show nothing except their summits above the land of recent formation. Masses that held them, to the tablelands and the chains of the interior are separated from them, because their bases are buried and they emerge abruptly from the soil. These distinctive peaks to which the name of itambea has been given, raise their heads above a sea of trees, like some great buildings erected by the hand of man. To the East, the southern part of Matto Grosso, they range themselves in files and group themselves in archipelagoes, each time becom- ing higher and more numerous. The part that goes towards the West are solitary peaks on the circle of the horizon and may be seen along the banks of the River Paraguay, and even on the other side of the same. The Upper Guarpore, Itenez of the Bolivians, although situ- ated in the immense basin of the Amazon as a tributary to the Madeira River by the Marmore, belongs to the State of Matto Grosso, for the city of this name was founded on its banks and nearly the whole population of the state accumulated in this de- pression, through whose western half the river finds its way. Its principal source is very obscure. It rises in a. grotto along the the border of the Araxa, and takes first a southerly course, parallel to other rivers which descend towards Paraguay. On leaving the last hills it curves to the West, and afterwards to the North- west, where already enlarged by numerous tributaries it crosses the plain, where there is found the city named at its founding Villa Bella and to-day called Matto Grosso. The Paraguay is one of the most known rivers of South America, as a way of navigation, as Elysee Reclus affirms. Few rivers have such a slight declination in proportion to their length. Oastelnaw says that it rises at an altitude of 305 meters, in places where tranquil waters glide slowly to the sea, the altitude of the land being scarcely 200 meters. At a point 4,000 kilo- meters from the sea, the declination is scarcely 5 centimeters. Therefore, steamers of light draft can freelv ascend to the con- fines of Brazil, far to the North of the two Republics of Argen- tine and Paraguay and arrive at the base of the tableland by the principal river and its tributaries, Jauru, Sepotuba, Cuyaba, 174 S. Lourengo and Taquary. The Paraguay presents another not- able phenomenon, which is the crossing its sources with those of the tributaries of the Amazon. The River Jauru approaches the Guapore so closely that it would be easy to make a canal from the waters of this western river to a tributary of the Jauru. Another tributary of the Para- guay, the Aguapehy, is only separated from the Alegre River, which flows by the old city of Villa Bella, to-day called Matto Grosso, by a low and narrow isthmus, which according to Leverger measures 5,280 meters. During 1772, and even later, it was proposed to cut a canal at different places in this isthmus, but the work was never done because of the little commerce of that locality. Certainly, railroads, in the near future, will supply the absence of a canal and will join Montevideo to Para, passing through the larger part of the State of Matto Grosso, and by a continental navigable water way of 8,300 kilometers, as Bar- tholomo Bossi says. The Paraguay River has as its principal tributaries the S. Lourengo, enlarged by the waters of the Cuyaba, the Taquary, the Mondego, and the Apa, the last marking the boundary be- tween Brazil and the Republic of Paraguay. At the time of the floods, its level, and that of its tributaries, rises 10 to 11 meters and overflows to the right and the left, forming a tem- porary sea, which extends to great distances, being lost to sight and continuing in lakes. The first Spanish explorers gave it the name of Lake Xarayes, in its lower section, where it receives the nearly dormant waters of its principal tributaries. This lake is about 600 kilometers in length from North to South, between the mouths of Jauru and the hills of "Fecho-dos-Morros," and in certain places reaches a width of 250 kilometers. It is not permanent, as you already know, but at certain seasons of the year there are overflows, which the Indians called bays and rightly, for here there were bays of an ancient sea, which to-day are nearly dry, and most of these lakes are in con- stant communication with the Paraguay River, either by under- ground openings, or by long canals. These latter are called the lakes of Uberaba, Gaiaba, Mandiore, Caceres, etc. Some of these lakes contain only fresh water from the overflowing rivers, while others being ancient cavities are now filled with salt water, and have in their depths beds of salt, which give to the liquid a soapy characteristic. It is singular that this contrast by nature of fresh and salt water is also found in the lands of the vast plains, and thus it is, that these extensive fields, covered by a rich alluvial soil, bear heavy forests. Here the agriculturist can certainly obtain marvelous harvests. It is certainly true that these fields of Matto Grosso will serve for agriculture as well as pastoral industry. 176 The height of the lands, formed in the center of this vast valley, hinders the tributary from remaining in a regular channel, and the waters escaping from both sides ramify in a labyrinth of rivers and false rivers. The lateral branches follow in the zones of the lakes, to the confluence of the Taquary and Miranda Rivers, which descend from the mountains on the East. These receive in the upper region, a tributary called the Coxim, which travelers consider one of the most picturesque rivers of Brazil. It is curious to see, in some places, the waters of the Coxim crowded between perpendicular walls 50 meters in height and the small vessels floating on their bosom at the bottom of an opening not more than 10 or 12 meters in width. THE CLIMATE The climate of Matto Grosso is relatively warm in the lower parts and those overflowed by the high waters of the Paraguay and other rivers. In the region of the tablelands the climate is cool and healthy. The movement of the air columns is de- termined by the open passage way between the Andes moun- tains and the highlands of Brazil, as well as in the center of the South American continent, and are held by it. The warm winds, coming from the region of the Amazon, are succeeded in the Winter time by the winds which blow from the cool pampas. In the high parts of the circle of hills and mountains which sur- round the tablelands of Matto Grosso, the cold goes below- the freezing point. The copious rains brought by the cooling winds refresh the central tablelands of Brazil and then dash themselves against the sides of the Andes. They fall with great regularity in the Summer and are frequently accompanied by thunder- storms. According to observations taken by some, the annual fall of water is 3 meters, and in Cuyaba about 135 days of the ordinary year are rainy ones. ITS SITUATION The State of Matto Grosso, from its geographical situation in the Continent of South America, placed at the point of separa- tion of the two great basins of Brazil, contains at the same time the flowers and faunae of the Amazon and Plata regions. Never- theless, the tropical flora predominates with its infinite variety of vegetable forms in all the forest regions, that is to say, along the banks of the rivers, and among the famous species found along the shores of the River-Sea, there are few which are not found in the region of the Upper Cuapore, and specimens of which may not be seen. 177 In no other parts, like here, will the development of Cipo's palm be found. In 1875, a boundary commission discovered one of these palms Urumbamba (Calamus procumbeus) or Des Moncus rudentum de Martins, of more than 20 meters in length, with hardly the thickness of a centimeter. The cotton tree, to- bacco, ipecac, there called "poya," grow spontaneously on the plains and in the forests. The last grows abundantly in the forests of the Upper Jauru and the neighboring rivers. Mate, the most notable product of the tablelands of the South, and which has made some regions rich, as the State of Parana, grows here spontaneously between the Rivers Miranda and Apa, with- out speaking of the seringa, which is found in immense and thick forests in a district that extends from Cuyaba to Madeira and which will be the special subject of this leaflet. The woods for building are very abundant and of a great variety, such as Brazil wood, Jacaranda, Peroba, Canella, Cedro, Jequitiba, Massaran-duba, Arco, Ferro, Setim and Vinhatico. Among the animals are found deer, tapir, panther, and also a large number of small animals usually found in tropical regions. The fowls and birds along the streams and the songsters in the forests are, because of their variety, almost innumerable. The ostrich is found in the region of the pampas and on the margins of the upper Paraguay. There are many varieties of fish in the large and small rivers. In the mineral kingdom, the State of Matto Grosso has numerous mines of gold, silver, platinum, copper, tin, mercury, coal, iron, precious stones, diamonds, etc. There are already four English companies developing gold mines. There is also granite, crystal, malacacheta, limestone, sal-geunna, etc. Finally, in the region of the Araxa, there are sulphur mineral springs. In Matto Grosso are found the largest cattle ranches, not only as to their territorial extent, but also as to the number of horses and cattle, some of them numbering 100,000 head. The number of cattle is calculated to be 2,000,500,000 head. Although the transportation of cattle from Matto Grosso to Rio de Janeiro is difficult, it is generally done by a road running West to Uberaba, where they pass the Winter season of two or three months and being recuperated are sent by railroad to Rio de Janeiro. Hence it is easy to see that with the completion of the Northwestern Railway of Brazil, the problem of transportation to the coast will be solved. Also with the completion of the Madeira-Marmore Railway the navigable rivers of Matto Grosso, will in short time, be linked with the port of Para. Before long another railway will extend from S. Luiz de Caceres, the ancient city of Matto Grosso, where the River Guapore commences to be navigable to Guajara-Mirim, the terminal point of the Ma- 178 to o in W s in W W H H < - go o w ►J Qg WO toF. deira-Marmore Railway. This will solve the problem of the transportation of cattle to the States of Amazonas, Para, etc. From this brief exposition one concludes that the State of Matto Grosso is very rich in cattle and gold, diamonds and coffee, tobacco and mate, rubber and ipecac, and all other products of the tropical and temperate zone. Without doubt it will come to be one of the largest and richest empires of the world. Endowed with a warm climate in the North, it has in other regions a temperate and even cold climate. The tablelands contain a rare accumulation of wealth, yet little explored. Natur- ally people, in their activities and progressive conflict for a liveli- hood, will come here from all parts of the world. By their intelli- gence and endeavors they will make that part of Brazil an in- dustrial, commercial and maritime mart. Here from the fusion of the different races, a great civilization will arise, and man- kind will progress onward and upward to the final conquest of the land. RUBBER The rubber sent to this Exposition, comes from the vast regions served by the Rivers Machados, or Dgy-Parana, Jamary, Jacy-Parana, Mutum-Parana, Paca-Nova and Guapore and their tributaries, which in turn are tributaries of the great Madeira River, on whose right bank is situated the new municipality St. Antonio do Rio Madeira, installed July 2, 1912. The new municipality has the following limits : Starting at the falls of St. Antonio do Rio Madeira, on parallel 8° 48', the River Madeira above ; the River Madeira above to the mouth of the Guarope on parallel of 12°, and on this parallel to its inter- section with the River Camarare; on this river below to its con- fluence with the Juruema ; on this river below to the point where it unites with the Arinos; on the parallel at this point which passes to its intersection with S. Manuel River; it follows this river down to its confluence with the Tapajoz; and from this point back to St. Antonio Falls, along the line that divides Matto Grosso from the Amazonas. All this immense territory of the new municipality is traversed on the North by the Madeira-Marmore Railway, which was completed and opened for traffic, September 7, 1912. It starts at Porto Velho and terminates at Guaraja-Mirim, a distance of 390 kilometers. The Madeira-Marmore Railroad, in addition to the stations already opened in Porto Velho, Candelaria, St. Antonio, Jacy- Parana, Abuna, Villa Murtinho, and Guarjara-Mirim has 46 places of stopping, which corresponds to the number of camps. Among the ways of communication that St. Antonio do Rio 180 Madeira, the new municipality, has with the neighboring States of Amazonas and Para, as well as with the capital and other cities of Matto Grosso, we would mention the telegraph line which the Federal Government is constructing along with its public road ways. There are two gangs of engineers and work- men engaged in the construction of the telegraph line. One started at St. Antonio in the North, and the other at Diamantina in the South. Leaving St. Antonio the telegraph line follows parallel 8° 48' until it comes to the River Jamary, a distance of about 60 kilometers. Arriving there its course is changed to the headwaters of the Dgy-Parana River, to a place called Urupa. Here it will meet and be joined to the line coming from the South. On June 3, 1912, at the very headwaters of the Dgy- Parana River, the telegraph station of Jose Bonifacio was opened, by the gang from the South, while those from the North had, previous to this, opened the stations of St. Antoino do Rio Madeira and Jamary. This notable undertaking is under the efficient and extraordinary devotion of the Colonel of Engineers of the Brazilian army, Candido Roudon, who has a record for the construction of telegraph lines in Brazil and South America. Within a year, more or less, the telegraph line will follow along a roadway 40 meters wide, and about 200 leagues in length, extending from Cuyaba to St. Antonio on the Madeira River. This immense roadway of communication cutting all this vast interior, rich in rubber and gold, will have a telegraph station every 10 leagues. In Porto Velho, the initial point of the Ma- deira-Marmore Railway, there is already working a wireless telegraph station of the Marconi system. There is daily com- munication with Manaos. Also with Iquitos and with the Federal department at Acre, Purus and Jurua. Transportation from Manaos to St. Antonio on the Madeira River is made in good condition and comfortable vessels. Dur- ing the time of low water, that is during the dry season of the great Amazon and its tributaries, only vessels of 500 tons can ascend to those places from Manaos. In the time of high waters, when the valley of the entire Amazon is overflowed, the trans- Atlantic steamers of 7,000 to 9,000 tons, ascend in four days from Manaos. This has been done in the transportation of materials for the construction of the Madeira-Marmore Railway. The vessels easily approached and made fast to the two wharves made of wood, one of which is in front of the offices at Porto Velho and the other at Candelaria. The Government of the Republic, however, has determined to build of stone and lime the wharves between Porto Velho and St. Antonio on the River Madeira. The small steamers which navigate during the dry season, 181 I have accommodations for first and third class passengers, are lighted by electricity, have an artificial ice plant and make the voyage from Manaos to Porto Velho and St. Antonio in about five days, at the average speed of ten miles an hour, calling at the small Amazonian ports and cities situated on the banks of the Madeira River. In descending the river both the large and small steamers make the voyage in from three to four days. The rubber from St. Antonio on the Madeira River is of the same physical and chemical constituents as all the rubber of the Amazon Valley. This is worth remembering, when we think of this new municipality in the State of Matto Grosso, being the frontier of the States of Amazonas and Para. In the Manaos market, where the rubber comes by way of the Madeira River, and in that of Para, which it reaches by way of River Tapajoz, it is always quoted at the same price and under the same conditions as those produced in the regions of the Amazon proper. The production has been increasing annually since 1906 and is actually about 2,000,000 of kilos annually. This will cer- tainly increase to an amount that cannot be foretold, with the completion of the Madeira-Marmore Railway, the wagon road and telegraph line and the constant improvements in navigation. During the first six months of the current year, the produc- tion of rubber was greater than for the same length of time in any year since 1907, as can be verified from the report annexed. In those regions, between Cuyaba and the new municipality, there exist rubber (seringa) forests capable of producing in one year, more than 40,000,000 of kilos of rubber. To attain this ideal, it is only necessary that the captains of industry should join in the development of extraction. This fountain shoots forth from the earth spontaneously without the necessity of cultivation. To encourage and stimulate those who wish to employ there, their endeavors and capital, the law of the State of Matto Grosso offers special favors. These are offered to those who wish to develop the vast forests of rubber existing, as well as to those who wish to plant and cultivate the Sypho- nia elastica. Speaking of the Rubber Exposition soon to be held in New York, it is proper to call attention to the well-known fact that already the capitalists of North America have begun the develop- ment of that region. The large capitalist, Percival Farquhar, of North America, has already incorporated two rubber companies, the Muller and Guapore, under the social terms of July, for the purpose not only of developing the extraction industry of the hevea brazil- iensis, but also for the different branches of agriculture necessary for the making of sugar, cotton cloth, etc. 183 Actually the extraction of rubber in the vast seringaes of the municipality of St. Antonio of the River Madeira employ about 5,000 workmen. This number will constantly increase, as the said municipality becomes the center of the currents of com- merce, industry and agriculture, from Matto Grosso and the Republic of Bolivia. This is easy to imagine, when we see that the Madeira-Mar- more Railway will place it in communication to the South with S. Luiz de Caceres, by means of the River Guapore, and by the railway, which, from S. Luiz de Caceres will extend to the ancient city of Matto Grosso, thus joining the basin of the Plata — by means of the Paraguay River, to the basin of the River Amazon. And to the West the same Madeira-Marmore Railway, reaching to Ribeira-Alta, will bind the vast and rich regions of the Boli- vian Republic to the basin of the Amazon, by means of the Ma- deira River. Presently the chief engineer and director of the Madeira-Marmore Railway, Mr. H. Dose, will leave for that region, to begin the construction of the branch Guajara Mirim — Matto Grosso, to Ribeira Alta, Bolivia, which will be finished within a year and a half, and be about 100 meters long. In addition to this with the prompt construction within a year of the wagon — telegraphic line — roadway from Cuyaba to St. Antonio on the Madeira River, we can easily conclude, that the municipality of St. Antonio on the Madeira River, will indeed become the converging point of these great and strong currents of development of progress and of civilization. In conclusion it should not be forgotten that this territory herein described serves not only for the production of rubber, which there, as in the whole valley of the Amazon, is native and grows according to the laws of nature. It also should be mentioned that cacao and cotton are native, while there can be planted and cultivated, sugar cane, coffee, vanilla, corn, beans, rice, tobacco, potatoes, brazil nut, etc. The Madeira-Marmore Railway Company has the concession of a vast amount of land along its line, which it proposes to plant in cacao, sugar cane, etc., thus improving these lands. From this description, in which we have endeavored to set forth only the truth, giving the facts concerning the region in question, it can be concluded that the new municipality of St. Antonio on the River Madeira, which actually exports to the mar- kets of the world, via Para and Manaos, about 2,000,000 kilos of rubber, will in a few years, with immigration and from other causes, export from 10 to 15,000,000 kilos. The author of this article asks indulgence for any shortcom- ings it may contain, as it was written in the spare moments he could find, while laboriously collecting the samples of rubber 184 and putting them on board the steamer at Manaos for New York. The samples of rubber from the State of Matto Grosso, which are seen in this International Rubber Exposition, have been ex- hibited by order of the Government and at the expense of the Commercial Association of the Amazonas. STATE OF MATTO GROSSO Inspection Department of the North Table showing the production of rubber in the valleys of the Madeira and upper Tapajoz, for the years 1907-1912, in compari- son with the first six months of 1912 : Origin 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 Machado and Jamary.. 1,092,454 1,252,194 910,982 1,295,605 1,317,917 1,315,995 lacy-Parana, Upper Ma- deira and More 98,464 152,713 150,759 142,458 201,562 259,612 Upper Tapajoz 156,034 167,841 107,458 73,688 113.453 1,190,918 1,560,941 1,229,582 1,545,521 1,593,167 1,689,060 I Sli TAPPING THE RUBBER TREE. 187 1. STATE OF MATTO-GROSSO The capital, Cuyaba, and the principal port, Curumba, belong to the hydrographical- system of the Paraguay River. The boundaries of this State, formed by the Amazon River, embrace the upper basin of the Madeira River, which as the result of an agreement with the State of Amazonas appertains to Matto- Grosso, whereas it previously belonged to the former State. This territory constitutes the judicial and administrative prov- ince of Santo Antonio do Madeira. The executive and fiscal administration is entrusted to a Fis- cal Delegate in Manaos. The collection of duties is attended to by the State Customs of Amazonas. The rubber producing rivers, with total production of Matto- Grosso, are : 1908 1909 1910 1911 Kilos Kilos Kilos Kilos Machado and Jamary. 1,253,000 911,000 1,296,000 1,318,000 Jacy. Parana, Upper Ma- deira & Mamore. . . . 153,000 150,000 143,000 202,000 During the first half of the current year the production has shown a considerable increase, this being largely due to the open- ing and developing of the Madeira Mamore Railway, which passes through the whole region of these rivers. 188 WALKING THROUGH THE FOREST ESTATE OF FIDEL BACA & CO., JACY PARANA RIVER. ESTADO DE MATTO-GROSSO NA EXPOSICAO INTERNACIONAL DE BORRACHA DE 1912 EM NEW- YORK POR LEOPOLDO DE MATTOS NEW- YORK, 1912 DR. JOAQUIM AUGUSTO DA COSTA MARQUES PRES1DENTE DO ESTADO DE MATTO-GROSSO 1911-1915 O ESTADO DE MATTO-GROSSO NA EXPOSICAO DE BORRACHA DE 1912 EM NEW- YORK Dos vinte Estados que compoem a Republica dos Estados Unidos do Brasil, Matto-Grosso esta collocado em segundo piano, pela sua extensao territorial situado ao Sul dos Estados do Amazonas e Para, tendo a Leste os Estados de Goyaz, S. Paulo e Parana, ao Sul a Republica do Paraguay e a Oeste a Republica da Bolivia. Abrange no mappa uma porgao que vae approximadamente desde o 14° grao ao Sul do Equador ate o Tropico do Capricornio. Sua area immensa e de cerca de 50175 leguas quadradas, segundo Candido Mendes, ou melhor, tern uma superficie de 1379651 kilo- metro s quadrados. Sua populacao e actualmente de cerca de 350,000 habitantes, nao incluindo consideravel numero .de indios bravios, cuja cathechese se procede com afinco, dia a dia, com o concurso simul- taneo dos Governos Federal e Estadoal. Sem contar a Capital, as cidades principaes do Estado sao Corumba, S. Luiz de Caceres, Miranda, Nioac, Pocone, Sant' Anna de Paranahyba, Diamantina, Rosario, Livramento e o novo Municipio recentemente installado de Sto. Antonio do Rio Madeira. Cuyaba, sua capital, esta situada a margem esquerda do rio do mesmo nome, a 288 metros acima do nivel do mar, e deve as suas origens aos Paulistas que formaram as legendarias bandeiras e que percorreram o Brasil Occidental no comego do seculo XVIII. Em 1719 Paschoal Moreira Cabral subindo o Rio Coxipo Mirim, fundou a margem esquerda d'esta corrente uma povoagao que denominou Forquilha, hoje a cidade de Cuyaba, onde naquelles tempos se descobriu uma rica mina de ouro. Em outros tempos, conforme Elysee Reclus, a vastissima regiao de Matto-Grosso era apenas, salvo uma estreita zona mediana, nao mais que uma immensa solidao de limites indecisos e senao desconhecidos pelo menos ainda entregues aos indios e as feras, a qual se ligava ao resto do Brasil por simples picadas de cagadores e pelos cursos dos rios que ali nascem. Realmente em outros tempos eram tamanhas as difficuldades de communi- cagao do resto do paiz com Matto-Grosso, que ainda esta na 192 A RUBBER GATHERER MAKING A RUBBER SACK RV COVERING CANVAS WITH LIQUID RUBBER memoria de muitos e no conhecimento dos que leem as paginas da Historia do Brasil, a impossibilidade que tiveram as tropas reunidas nas provincias do littoral para irem soccorrer direc- tamente seus compatriotas de Matto-Grosso, quando a nagao brazileira teve de responder a declaragao de guerra do Paraguay. Com os mil estorvos da travessia, o corpo de exercito composto de 3000 homens que partiu em Abril de 1865 do Rio de Janeiro e que so poude organisarse em Uberaba, na bacia superior do Parana, estava reduzido apenas a 700 homens quando chegou a ponto inatacavel e seguro. Vencida, porem, a guerra com o Paraguay, nao ha nenhuma duvida que a a victoria do Brasil escancarou-lhe as portas de Matto-Grosso, pois que o declive natural do solo e o curso das aguas com a liberdade da navegagao fluvial, garantida pelo tri- umpho, estabeleceu um servigo regular de paquetes do Rio de Janeiro a Corumba e Cuyaba, pela via do Rio da Prata, passando por Montevideo, Buenos Ayres e Assumpgao. O caminho fluvial do Guapore, Madeira e Amazonas foi muito utilisado no seculo XV111, depois da exploragao feita por Manoel de Lima em 17.42. A navegagao pelo Rio Guapore ate o Rio Madeira, ate enfim Sto. Antonio, que e o ponto inicial da na- vegagao d'este ultimo rio, e longa e cheia de fadiga. Comtudo Matto-Grosso vae gradualmente se approximando do litoral do Brasil por meio de estradas de ferro, taes como a Noroeste do Brasil que ligal-o-a dentro em breve ao Rio de Janeiro e a estrada de ferro ja projectada que partindo de S. Luiz de Caceres ira ate a antiga cidade de Matto-Grosso, donde o rio Guapore comega a ser navegavel ate Guajara-Mirim, ponto terminal da grande via Madeira-Mamore Railway. Dentro de pouco tempo, como se ve, as estradas mixtas serao una reaiidade, comprehendendo rios navegaveis por vapores e os trechos de communicagao entre estes rios. O Paranapanema e o Ivahy, nos Estados do Parana e S. Paulo continuam para outro lado do rio Parana subindo o Ivinhema e o Brilhante, ate as visinhas montanhas de Miranda, na parte meridional de Matto-Grosso. As magnificas regioes de Matto-Grosso pro- mettem ser de futuro, e futuro ja bem proximo, um grande centro de povoamento, e conseguintemente um futuro foco de civi- lisagao, pela provavel fusao dos diversos elementos de im- migragao que para alii certamente concorrorem com o correr dos tempos e a facilidade que forem apresentando cada vez mais os meios de communicagao. Algures se disse, que a colonisagao far-se-ha sem duvida pelo Sul, pelo lado do Paraguay e da Argentina ; mas nos dias que correm, com a presenga da Madeira Mamore Railway, indubitavelmente a colonisagao darse-a tambem pelo Norte, facilitada a communicagao pelo Rio 194 Amazonas, de que e urn dos affluentes o Madeira, a margem direita do qual esta Porto Velho, ponto inicial da mesma Madeira Mamore Railway. E estes effeitos ja se comegam a produzir com a fundagao de um novo Municipo e Comarca de Matto-Grosso, que e o Municipio de Sto. Antonio do rio Madeira, cortado pela referida via ferrea e a cuja regiao dedicaremos adiante um capitulo especial. Ja vae portanto se enchendo de populagao a extremidade da vertente septentrional do territorio de Matto-Grosso, postoque a da vertente meridional e realmente a que contem maior numero de habitantes. Matto-Grosso e uma das regioes de menor relevo do conti- nente da America do Sul ; alii nao se encontram elevagoes de terreno que constituam verdadeiras montanhas. As terras elevadas do Brasil tern os seus pontos de culminan- cia nas cadeias orientaes da Mantiqueira, dos Aymores e de Espinhago e vao-se abaixando proporcionalmente d'este lado para o Oeste do Estado de Goyaz e do outrd lado sao as elevadas massas da cadeia dos Andes que se inclinam para Leste com os seus contrafortes. Diz Elysee Reclus, que separando os dois systemas orographicos, vae serpeando em forma de valle uma planicie intermediaria, que certamente foi outr'ora um estreito maritimo separando as duas ilhas— Brasil Oriental e Andes. Hoje correm aguas fluviaes na depressao por onde passaram outr'ora as aguas marinhas e a planicie esta cheia actualmente de suas alluvioes. O verdadeiro centro da America do Sul esta entre as duas cidades de Cuyaba e Corumba. Para os que desconhecem a regiao, as vertentes sao as vezes confundidas com as serras, e em cartas geographicas se desenha uma cadeia de montanhas mais ou menos continua, entre as bacias do Tapajoz e do Madeira, entre as nascentes do mesmo Tapajoz e do Paraguay em seguida, e finalmente entre ainda o Ta- pajoz e o Araguaya. Comtudo este relevo semicircular nao existe senao fragmentado, pois que as elevagoes que dominam as planicies do alto Paraguay e seus affluentes sao na realidade um alto cha- padao de extractos horisontaes ou mui ligeiramente inclinados e car- comidos pelos rios que descem para o grande Amazonas. Sao antes taboleiros que montanhas, ou ao menos estas nao se elevam senao em alguns pontos do grande planalto, attingindo, aqui e alem, uns mil metros de altura, emquanto a elevagao media do proprio paredao e de quinhentos metros. Assim, o conjuncto orographico do Estado de Matto-Grosso chamado indifferentemente cordilheira dos Parecys, nao apresenta aspecto montanhoso senao para o lado do Sul ; n'esta face escar- pada, a rocha e talhada a pique ou recortada em agulhas, mas do 195 outro lado para o Tapajoz e Xingu, uma encosta longa se estende e vae morrer gradualmente nas planicies do Estado do Amazonas. D'Orbigny reconheceu na eminencia da parte septentrional do Estado de Matto-Grosso a existencia de camadas pertencentes a edade carbonifera e correspondendo as rochas da mesma natureza, que do lado opposto da regiao se apresenta nos contrafortes bolivianos de Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Depois d'este, Hart e Derby verificaram que as partes meridionaes do Araxa, que sao as bordas elevadas do planalto, datam provavelmente das epochas paleozoicas, e que alii estao representadas as camadas carboni- feras devonianas e siluricas. Leitos fossiliferos encontrados pelo geologo Smith abaixo das collinas da Chapada, 50 kilometros a Leste de Cuyaba, puzeram fora de duvida estes factos. Mais ao Norte, na zona de rochedos que em travess5es cortam o Madeira, o Tapajoz, o Xingu, o Tocantins e seus affluentes, as paredes desnudadas pela erosao sao todas de formagao crystallina: grani- tos, gneis, porphiros e quartzitos. As elevagoes que se desenvolvem na direcgao do Sul entre as nascentes do Paraguay e as do Araguaya, em seguida entre o Paraguay e o Parana, nao apresentam as rnesmas caracteristicas dcs planaltos do Norte. As eminencias da parte Oriental do Estado de Matto-Grosso foram esbarancadas dos dois lados a Leste e Oeste e devastadas por estas excavagoes lateraes, tomam em certos pontos o aspecto de verdadeiras cadeias de montanhas, e assim e que desenham-se do Norte ao Sul as serras de S. Jeronymo, do Mara- caju e Anhanbahy. Rochas eruptivas, chamadas no paiz bassaltos, provavelmente porphyricas, romperam as camadas de grez que compoem as mon- tanhas e parece que formaram pela sua desaggregagao "terras roxas," analogas as que dao aos fazendeiros de S. Paulo tao copiosas colheitas de cafe. Na especie de circo limitado pelo semi-circulo das elevagoes levantam se massigos isolados, rochas, cujos extractos, visiveis de longe, tern uma regularidade perfeita. Os proprios morros tern pela maior parte formas geometricas : dir-se-ia que se esboroaram vastos langos, deixando paredoes lisos, eguaes aos flancos de uma pyramide. Os cumes horizontaes como se as pontas tivessem sido decepadas por um instrumento cortante correspondem a outros cumes, e ve se que outr'ora faziam parte de um mesmo chapadao. Segundo Taunay, que percorreu o paiz, estes massigos de grez, de camadas horizontaes e regularmente superpostas, sao formados de sedimentos lacustres coados pelo mar de agua doce que outr'ora cobriu a regiao. As ruinas d'estes paredoes e das escarpas contribuiram tam- bem para mudar a phisionomia da paysagem. Os escombros, apanhados e arrastados pelos rios, foram revestir de camadas 196 HUT OF RUBBER GATHERERS ON THE UPPER ACRE. 1©T novas o solo, e muitas saliencias de pedras desappareceram de- baixo dos restos esmigalhados das montanhas e outras nao mostram senao as pontas por cima doz terrenos de formacao mais recente. Massicos que se prendiam aos planaltos e as cadeias do interior estao agora separados d'ellas, porque suas bases se acham soterradas e elles emergem abruptamente do solo. Estes picos distinctos aos quaes se deu o nome de itambes, erigem seus cabe- gos por cima dum mar de arvores comparaveis a gigantescos edificios erguidos pela mao do homem. A Leste da parte meridio- nal de Matto-Grosso, elles enfileiramse e agrupam-se em archi- pelagos, depois cada vez mais altos e menos numerosos, a pro- porcao que se caminha para Oeste, ou completamente solitarios no circulo do horizonte, apparecem ate nas margens do rio Para- guay e ainda do outro lado do mesmo. O alto Guapore, Itenez dos Bolivianos, posto que compre- hendido na bacia do immenso Amazonas, como affluente do Madeira pelo Mamore, pertence especialmente ao Estado de Matto-Grosso, pois que a cidade d'este nome foi fundada nas suas margens e quasi toda a populagao de Estado se accumulou na depressao, cuja metade occidental este rio percorre. Sua principal nascente, muito ferruginosa, desponta n'uma grota junto a borda do Araxa, e corre primeiro na direccao do Sul, parallellamente a outros rios que descem para o Paraguay; mas ao deixar as ulti- mas collinas o ribeirao curva-se para Oeste, depois para Noroeste e ja engrossado por numerosos affluentes atravessa a planicie, em que esta a cidade que se chamou na sua fundacao Villa-Bella e hoje se denomina Matto-Grosso. O Paraguay e um dos rios mais notaveis da Terra como via de navegacao, segundo affirma Elysee Reclus; poucos tern um declive mais suave e fraco proporcionalmente a sua extensao. Affirma Castelnau que elle nasce na altitude de 305 metros; nos lugares onde as aguas tranquillas deslizam lentamente para o mar, a altitude dos campos e apenas de 200 metros, e a partir de um ponto situado a quatro mil kilometros do mar, o declive e apenas de cinco centimetros. D'este modo, vapores de pequeno calado podem subir livremente ate os confins do Brasil, muito ao Norte das duas Republicas da Argentina e Paraguay e chegar a base do planalto pelo rio principal e pelos seus affluentes, Jauru, Sepo- tuba, Cuyaba, S. Lourengo e Taquary. O Paraguay apresenta ainda um phenomeno notavel, que e o do cruzamento de suas nascentes com as dos affluentes do Rio Amazonas. O Jauru approxima-se tanto do Guapore, que seria facil passar por um canal as aguas do rio Occidental para um affluente do Jauru. Outro tributario do Paraguay, o Aguapehy, so esta se- parado do rio Alegre, que desce para a antiga cidade de Villa- Bella, hoje Matto-Grosso, por um isthmo de pouca largura, de •198 fraco relevo, que segundo Leverger, mede 2400 bragas ou 5280 metros. No anno de 1772, e depois, tentou-se cavar urn canal em pontos diversos do isthmo, masas obras nao chegaram a termo por falta de commercio na localidade. Certamente estradas de ferro, em mais ou menos dias, supprirao a ausencia do canal que ligaria Montevideo ao Para, passando em grande parte do Estado _ de Matto-Grosso, e por uma via continental navegavel de 8300 kilo- metros, segundo refere Bartholomeu Bossi. O rio Paraguay tern como affluentez principaes os rios S. Lourengo, engrossado pelas aguas do Cuyaba, o Taquary, oMon- dego e o Apa, limite este ultimo entre o Brasil e a Republica do Paraguay. Por occasiao das enchentes, seu nivel e o dos seus affluentes eleva-se de dez e onze metros e derrama-se a esquerda e a direita, formando um mar ephemero que se estende ao longe, a perder de vista e se prolonga em banhados. Os primeiros viajantes.hespa- nhoes deram o nome de lago Xarayes a baixada onde se espar- ramam as aguas quasi dormentes dos bragos principaes do rio. Este lago tern de extensao cerca de 600 kilometros de Sul a Norte, entre as boccas do Jauru e as collinas do Fecho-dos- Morros e em certos pontos chega a 250 de largura. Elle nao e permanente, como se pensava outr'ora, mas em qualquer epocha do anno ha trechos alagados que os indios deno- minam bahias e com razao, pois que sao bahias de um antigo mar, que hoje esta meio secco, e a maior parte de taes lagoas esta em communicagao constante com o rio Paraguay, ora por furos lateraes, ora por longos canaes, taes como os denominados lagos de Uberaba, Gaiaba, Mandiore, Caceres, etc. D'entre estes lagos, uns nao contem senao agua doce trazida pela innundagao fluvial, emquanto outros, que sao antigas cavidades outr'ora occupadas por agua do mar, conservam no fundo de seus leitos camadas salinas, que dao ao liquido um sabor caracteristico. E' singular que este contraste da natureza das aguas doces ou salinas tambem se produza nos terrenos da vasta planicie, e assim e que campos extensos, cobertos de ricas alluvioes, deram nascimento a mattas cerradas, e o agricultor pode muito bem alii obter colheitas maravilhosas. E' certamente por este motivo que os campos de Matto-Grosso tanto se prestam a industria pastoril. A horizontalidade do terreno, formada pelo centro da depres- sao do immenso valle, impede que o confluente se conserve em um leito regular, e as aguas escapando por ambos os lados rami- ficam-se n'um labirintho do rios e falsos rios. Os ramos lateraes seguem por entre as zonas dos banhados, ate a confluencia do rio Taquary e do rio Miranda, que descem das montanhas de Leste, recebendo o primeiro d'estes, na regiao superior, um affluente, o Coxim, considerado pelos viajantes como um dos mais pitto- 199 rescos rios do Brasil. E' curioso ver em alguns lugares o Coxim estreitara-se entre paredoes a pique, de 50 metros de altura, e as pequenas embarcacoes correrem sobre elle como no fundo de um vallao que nao tem mais de 10 ou 12 metros de largura. O clima de Matto-Grosso e relativamente quente nas regioes baixas e alagadas pelas enchentes dos rios, taes como Paraguay ; nas regioes dos planaltos o clima e salubre e frio. O movimento das columnas de ar e determinada pela forma de corredor aberto entre a cordilheira dos Andes e as terras altas do Brasil, bem no centro do continente Sul Americano, e por elle sao arrastadas; aos ventos tepidos proveniente da regiao da Amazonia, succedem no inverno ventos que sopram do frio pampa. Nas alturas do circo de chapadoes e montanhas que rodeiam a planicie do Estado de Matto-Grosso, o frio desce abaixo do ponto de congelagao. As copiosas chuvas trazidas pelo rebojo dos ventos que contornam o planalto central do Brasil e vem esbarrar nos primeiros contra- fortes dos Andes, cahem com muita regularidade no verao e sao frequentemente acompanhadas de trovoadas. " Consoante alguns observadores, a queda da agua annual e de 3 metros, e em Cuyaba contam-se mais ou menos 135 dias de chuva por anno medio. O Estado de Matto-Grosso, pela sua situagao geographica no continente Sul Americano, collocado no ponto de separagao das duas grandes bacias do Brasil, reune ao mesmo tempo as floras e as faunas da regiao da Amazonia e das regioes Platinas. En- tretanto, a flora tropical predomina com sua infinita variedade de formas vegetaes em todas as regioes das florestas, isto e, a beira dos rios, e entre as especies famosas habitantes das margens do Rio Mar, poucas ha que nao estejam representadas na regiao do alto Guapore, ou das quaes se nao encontrem congeneres. Em nenhuma parte se desenvolve como alii as palmeiras Cipos, e em 1875 uma commissao de limites descobriu uma d'estas pal- meiras Urumbamba (Calamus procumbeus) ou Desmoncus rudentum de Martius, com mais de 200 metros de comprimento e apenas com a grossura de um centimetro ! O algodoeiro o tabacco, a ipeccacuanha, chamada alii poaya nascm espontaneamente nas planicies e nas florestas ; esta ultima sobretudo colhem-na nas florestas do alto Jauru e dos rios visinhos. O mate, a mais notavel das plantas da zona meridional e que faz a riqueza de algumas regioes como do Estado do Parana, cresce alii espontaneamente entre Miranda e o rio Apa, sem fallar propriamente da seringueira, que e encontrada em immensas e cerradas florestas n'uma ex- 201 w H W O d tensao comprehendida desde Cuyaba ate o Madeira, e a qual fara o assumpto especial d'este ligeiro exposto. As madeiras de construcgao sao abundantissimas e em grande variedade, podendo-se citar o pao-brasil, o jacaranda, a peroba, a canella, o cedro, o jequitiba, a massaranduba, o pao-d'arco, o pao- ferro, o pao-setim, o vinhatico, etc. Entre os animaes, encontram-se os veados, as antas e as ongas, alem de urn grande numero de outros pequenos, proprios das re- gioes tropicaes. As aves e os passaros, aves ribeirinhas e passaros cantores das florestas, sao pela sua variedade quasi innumeros. A avestruz vinda das regioes dos pampas chegou as planicies margi- naes do alto Paraguay ; os peixes abundam n'uma riquissima e magnifica variedade nos grandes e pequenos rios. No reino mineral, o Estado de Matto-Grosso possue minas numerosas de ouro, prata, platina, cobre, estanho, chumbo, mer- curio, carvao de pedra, ferro, pedras, preciosas, diamantes, &c, existindo ja quatro companhias inglezas na exploragao de minas de ouro. Ha tambem granitos, crystal de rocha, malacacheta, pedra calcaria, sal-gemma, &c. Finalmente nas regioes do Araxa, ha fontes de aguas mineraes sulphurosas.. O Estado de Matto-Grosse e a regiao do Brasil onde se encon- tram as maiores fazendas de gado, nao so em extensao territorial, como em numero de cabegas de gado vaccum e cavallar, havendo algumas que contam cem mil cabegas. Calcula-se o numero de cabegas de gado vaccum em Matto-Grosso em dois bilhoes e quinhentas mil. Nos dias que correm, ainda e urn pouco difficil o transporte de gado de Matto-Grosso para o Rio de Janeiro, principalmente, e a exportagao e feita pelo caminho de Oeste ate Uberaba, onde a invernada se faz em dois ou trez mezes, ate que os animaes se refagam e possam ser conduzidos em caminho de ferro ate o littoral do Rio de Janeiro. Ve-se, entretanto que, com a terminagao da via ferrea Noroeste do Brasil, o problema do transporte para o littoral sera resolvi'do, assim como a Madeira Mamore Railway, contando Matto-Grosso presentemente com rios navegaveis e dentro de bem pouco tempo com a via ferrea de que ja fallamos, de S. Luiz de Caeeres a antiga cidade de Matto-Grosso, donde comega a ser navegavel o rio Guapore ate Guarjara-Mirim, ponto terminal da Madeira Mamore Railway, resolvera tambem o problema da exportagao de gado para os Estados do Amazonas, Para, &c. D'este leve exposto conclue-se que o territorio do Estado de Matto-Grosso e grandemente rico de gado e ouro, de diamante e cafe, de tabaco e mate, de borracha e ipecacuanha e de todos os productos dos tropicos e das zonas temperadas : — elle so bastaria 204 < H-l < w o para constituir um dos mais vastos e mais opulentos imperios do mundo ! Dotado de um clima, se bem que quente ao Norte, porem temperado e mesmo frio nas demais regioes, como a dos planaltos, apresentando um accumulo de riquezas raro e ainda pouco ex- plorado como esta, forgosamente para la o homem das diversas partes da Terra, na sua constante actividade, na sua crescente lucta pela vida, immigrara e concorrera com a intelligencia e com o esforco do trabalho, para fazer d'aquella parte do Brasil um grande emporio de industrias, commercio, navegagao, caminhos de ferro e conseguintemente uma grande nascente de civilisagao, donde, pela fusao das diversas ragas, o mesmo homem surgira sempre grande, sempre vencedor no immenso concerto e na elevada harmonia da Vida e da Terra! A borracha que se ve n'esta Exposigao e extrahida e vinda toda das vastas regioes cortadas pelos rios Machados, ou Dgy-Parana, Jamary, Jacy-Parana, Mutum-Parana, Paca-Nova e Guapore com seus affluentes, aquelles a seu turno affluentes do grande rio Madeira, em cuja margem direita esta situado o novo Municipio e Comarca de Sto. Antonio do rio Madeira, installado em 2 de Julho do anno corrente. O novo Municipio tern os seguintes limites : partindo da cachoeira de Sto. Antonio no rio Madeira, no parallelo de 8 48', o rio Madeira acima; o rio Mamore acima ate a foz do Guapore no parallelo de 12, este parallelo ate a sua intersecgao com o rio Camarare; este rio abaixo ate a sua confluencia no Juruema; este rio abaixo ate o ponto em que se reune ao Arinos; o parallelo que n'este ponto passa ate a sua intersecgao com o rio S. Manuel; este rio abaixo ate sua confluencia no Tapajoz; e d'este ponto ate en- contrar a cachoeira de Sto. Antonio no Rio Madeira a linha que extrema os territorios dos Estados de Matto-Grosso e do Amazonas. Todo o immenso territorio do novo Municipio e cortado ao Norte pela Madeira Mamore Railway, que conta 365 kilometros de via ferrea ja construidos, partindo de Porto Velho no Estado do Amazonas, distante 7 kilometros da sede propriamente do Municipio, ate Guajara-Mirim. A via ferrea Madeira Mamore, alem das estagoes ja construidas, em Porto Velho, Candelaria, Sto. Antonio, Jacy-Parana, Abuna, Villa Murtinho e Guajara-Mirim, tern 46 pontos de parada que correspondem ao numero dos seus acampamentos. Entre as vias de communicagao do novo Municipio de Sto. Antonio do rio Madeira com os visinhos Estados do Amazonas e Para e tambem com a capital e outras cidades do Estado de Matto- Grosso, comecemos por dizer algo da linha telegraphica ora ainda em construcgao por conta do Governo Federal e da respectiva 206 < •J w o M w p < o i — i O Ph estrada de rodagem. Sao duas as turmas de engenheiros e operarios que constroem a linha telegraphica, uma partida do Norte — Sto. Antonio — e outra do Sul — Diamantina. Partindo de Sto. Antonio, a linha telegraphica segue o parallelo 8 48' ate en- contrar o rio Jamary, n'uma extensao de cerca de sessenta kilo- metros ; ahi chegando desvia se para o rumo das cabeceiras do rio Dgy-Parana, no lugar denominado Urupa, onde se deve encontrar com a turma do Sul e onde a ligagao sera feita. A 3 de Junho de 1912 na mais alta cabeceira do rio Dgy-Parana, ja foi inaugurada a estagao telegraphica de Jose Bonifacio, pela turma do Sul, emquanto a do Norte tambem ja inaugurou em data anterior as estagoes de Sto. Antonio do rio Madeira e Jamary. Este emprehendimento notavel esta sob a intelligencia e extraordinaria dedicagao do snr. Coronel de Engenheiros do Exercito Brazileiro, Candido Rondon, que tern o record das construccoes de linhas telegraphicas no Brasil e quiga na America do Sul. Prompta dentro de um anno, mais ou menos, a linha telegraphica marginara uma estrada de rodagem de 40 metros de largura, de cerca de duzentas leguas de extensao a partir de Cuyaba ate Sto. Antonio do rio Madeira. Esta immensa via de communicagao cortando todo um vasto sertao sobretudo rico em borracha e ouro, tera de dez em dez leguas uma estagao telegraphica. Em Porto Velho, ponto inicial da Madeira Mamore Railway, ha ja por sua vez funccionando uma poderosa estagao radiographica 1 do systema Marconi e que se communica diariamente com Manaos e ja. se tern communicado mesmo com Iquitos e com os Depart- amentos Federaes do Acre, do Purus e do Jurua. Quanto a navegagao de Manaos ate Sto. Antonio do rio Madeira, ella e feita em boas condigoes e em navios confortaveis. Nas aguas baixas, isto e, nos tempos da secca do grande rio Ama- zonas e seus affluentes, sobem de Manaos ate aquelles pontos os navios de tonelagem ate 500, nos tempos de aguas altas, em que o valle do Amazonas todo se alaga, navios transantlaticos de 7 mil a nove mil toneladas sobem de Manaos ate alii, em quatro dias de viagem, como ja tern succedido no transporte de materiaes para construcgao da Madeira Mamore Railway, acostando facilmente em 2 caes feitos de madeira de lei, o primeiro construido em frente as officinas de Porto Velho e o segundo em Candelaria. Por sua vez o Governo da Republica esta resolvido a construir um caes de pedra e cal entre Porto Velho e Sto. Antonio. Os pequenos navios que navegam durante a secca dos rios, teem accomodagoes para passageiros de l. a e 3. a classe, sao illuminados a luz electrica, possuem fabricas de gelo e fazem bem a viagem de Manaos a Porto Velho e Sto. Antonio em cerca de 5 dias, com uma media de velocidade de 10 milhas por hora, fazendo escala por pequenos portos e cidades amazonenses, situadas nas margens do 208 « rio Madeira. Na descida tanto dos grandes transantlaticos como dos pequenos navios de 500 toneladas, a viagem se faz mais rapi- damente, em 3 e 4 dias. A borracha de Sto. Antonio do rio Madeira e da mesma natureza phisica e chimica de toda borracha do valle do Amazonas, e esta assergao salta a vista, quando nos lembramos que a parte do Estado de Matto-Grosso occupada pelo novo Municipio e justamente aquella limitrophe dos Estados do Amazonas e do Para. Na parga de Manaos, para onde vem o producto pela via do rio Madeira, e na de Belem do Para onde e enviada pela via do rio Tapajoz, ella e sempre cotada pelos mesmos pregos e nas mesmas condigoes das produzidas propriamente nas regioes da Amazonia. A sua producgao, que vem num crescendo desde o anno de 1906, e actualmente de cerca de 2 milhoes de kilos annuaes, que augmentara certamente numa proporgao — impossivel desde ja de ser prevista — com a presenga e o desenvolvimento da Madeira Mamore Railway, da estrada de rodagem da linha telegraphica e os progressos cons- tantes da navegagao. No. lro. semestre do anno fluente a producgao da borracha foi superior a de nao importa qual seja o anno desde 1907, conforme se verifica do quadro estatistico annexe N'aquellas regioes, comprehendidas desde Cuyaba ate a sede do novo Municipio, existem seringaes capazes de produzir por si sos dentro do periodo de um anno, mais de quarenta milhoes de kilos de borracha. Para attingir a este ideal, bastaria que os capitaes concorressem para exploragao de uma industria extractiva, cuja fonte brota es- pontaneamente da terra sem carencia de cultivo e para animar e estimular aquelles que desejam ali empregar os seus esforgos e capitaes, ahi esta a lei do Governo do Estado de Matto-Grosso, que ofTerece favores especiaes aos que, alem propriamente da exploragao dos vastos seringaes ja existentes, se quizerem dedicar ao plantio e cultivo da mesma syphonia elastica. Tratando-se uma exposigao de borracha em New- York, e justo chamarmos a attengao dos que nos queiram ler para o facto bem importante da concorrencia que ja comega dos capitaes norte- americanos para a exploragao d'aquella regiao. O grande capitalists Percival Farquhar, americano do Norte, ja incorporou duas companhias sob as razoes sociaes de Julio Muller Rubber, e Guapore Rubber, com o nm nao so de explorar a industria extractiva de hevea brasiliensis, como tambem para os diversos ramos de agricultura attinentes ao fabrico do assucar, dos tecidos de algodao &c. &c. 210 Actualmente a extracgao da borracha nos vastos seringaes do Municipio de Sto. Antonio do rio Madeira occupa cerca de cinco mil trabalhadores, mas este numero augmentara cada vez mais, positivamente, a proporgao que o referido Municipio se for tornando o ponto de convergencia para onde affluirao as correntes com- merciaes, industriaes e agricolas dos centros de Matto-Grosso e da Republica da Bolivia. Isto e facil de imaginar, quando vemos que a estrada de ferro Madeira Mamore por sea em communicagao para o Sul com S. Luiz de Caceres por meio do rio Guapore e da estrada de ferro que de S. Luiz de Caceres ira ate a antiga cidade de Matto-Grosso, ligando assim a bacia do Prata de intermedio o rio Paraguay — a bacia do rio Amazonas, e para Leste, a mesma Maderia Mamore Railway levara os seus trilhos ate Ribeira-Alta, ligando as vastas e riquissimas regioes da Republica Boliviana tambem a bacia do Amazonas, de intermedio o rio Maderia. Presentemente, parte para aquella regiao o Engenheiro chefe e Director da Maderia Mamore Railway, Mr. H. Dose, que vai dar comego a construcgao do referido ramal de Guajara Mirim — Matto-Grosso — a Ribeira Alta-Bolivia — , que ficara con- cluida dentro do praso de urn anno e meio e tera cerca de cem kilo- metros de extensao. Accrescendo a isto ainda a construcgao prompta, dentro de um anno, da grande estrada de rodagem da linha telegraphica de Cuyaba ate Sto. Antonio do rio Madeira, poderemos f acilmente ] imaginar o que n'um futuro, que nada faz pensar sera muito remoto, ira ser o novo Municipio de Sto. Antonio do rio Madeira, como um verdadeiro e incontestavel ponto de convergencia de tao fortes e ricas correntes de desenvolvimento de progresso e de civilizagao. Antes de terminar, nao devemos esquecer que o territorio em questao nao se presta somente a producgao da gomma elastica, que alias como em todo o valle do Amazonas e agreste e nasce a lei da natureza. Convem dizer que alii, alem do cacao e do algodao, que tambem sao agrestes, podem ser plantados e cultivados a canna de assucar, o cafe, a baunilha, o milho, o feijao, o arroz, o tabaco, a batata, a castanha, &c. A propria Madeira Mamore Railway Co., concessionaria de uma vasta faixa de terra a margem de sua linha ferrea, pensa em fazer o plantio do cacao, da canna de assucar, &c, &c, aprovei- tando os referidos terrenos. De tudo o que fica exposto em linhas bem ligeiras e nas quaes procuramos nos approximar sempre da verdade, dando noticias sobre a regiao em questao, pode-se concluir facilmente que so o novo Municipio de Sto. Antonio do rio Madeira, que exporta 212 actualmente para o commercio mundial, via Para e Manaos, cerca de 2 milhoes de kilos de borracha, passara a exportar dentro de poucos annos, sobretudo com a immigragao que todos os factores nos levam esperar, de 10 a 15 milh5es. O auctor d'este exposto pede indulgencia para as lacunas que nelle forem encontradas : — foi escripto nos raros momentos livres ao trabalho fatigante de organisar a exposigao das amQstras de borracha ate o respectivo embarque em Manaos para New- York. As amostras da borracha de Matto-Grosso que figuram no recinto da Exposigao, sao expostas por ordem do Governo, pela benemerita Associagao Commercial do Amazonas. ESTADO DE MATTO GROSSO DELEGACIA FISCAL DO NORTE QUADRO DEMONSTRATIVO DA PRODUCQAO DA BORRACHA DOS VALLES DO MADEIRA E ALTO TAPAJOZ NOS ANNOS de 1907 a 1912, EM COMPA RAQAO COM A MESMA PRODUCQAO NO PRIMEIRO SEMESTRE DE 1912. 1912 Procedencia 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 so o lo. semestre Machado e Jamary 1.092454 1.252194 910982 1.295605 1.317917 1.315995 Jacy Parana Alto Ma- deira e More 98464 152713 150759 142458 201562 259612 Alto Tapajoz 156034 167841 107458 73688 113453 1.190918 1.560941 1.229582 1.545521 1.593167 1.689060 214 to o % o I— I H U H m O u STATE OF BAHIA 217 EXHIBITS OF THE STATE OF BAHIA AT THE INTERNATIONAL RUBBER EXHIBITION IN NEW YORK, 1912 STATE OF BAHIA. 1 bale of 100 kilos of superior manigoba rubber. 1 bale of 100 kilos of first quality manigoba rubber. 1 bale of 100 kilos of second quality manigoba rubber. 1 bale of 50 kilos of superior mangabeira rubber. 1 bale of 50 kilos of first quality of mangabeira rubber. 1 package of 20 kilos of caucho rubber. Various statistical tables, photographs, diagrams and a pano- ramic view of the City of Bahia. Books and pamphlets concerning the natural resources of the state. BY S. HESS & COMPANY. Samples of the various kinds of native rubber of Bahia. Two sacks of the seed of the manigoba rubber tree cultivated in Bahia. Specimens of the manigoba tree. BY F. STEVENSON & COMPANY, LTD. 1 bale of 100 kilos of superior manigoba rubber from JEQUIE. BY M. ULMANN & COMPANY. 1 bale of 50 kilos of superior manigoba rubber. 1 bale of 50 kilos of first quality manigoba rubber. 1 bale of superior mangabeira rubber. 1 package of caucho rubber from the State of Bahia. 218 BY VON DER LINDE & COMPANY. Specimens of the various kinds of rubber, from the State of Bahia, in a glass case. BY MORAES & COMPANY. 1 bale of 100 kilos of superior manigoba rubber. By JOSE C. DA COSTA SANTOS. 1 bale of superior manigoba rubber. 1 bale of first quality manigoba rubber. 1 bale of second quality manigoba rubber. Specimens of the various kinds of rubber of Bahia. STATE OF ALAGOAS. Specimens of various kinds of rubber. Specimens of the rubber grown in JARAGUA. These specimens were sent by Mr. Americo Mello, represen- tative of the Commercial Museum of Rio de Janeiro, in the State of Alagoas. STATE OF PERNAMBUCO. Two large packages of the various kinds of rubber grown in the State. These were sent by Dr. Antonio Valenca, represen- tative of the Commercial Museum of Rio de Janeiro, in the State of Pernambuco. 219 STATE OF MINAS GERAES 220 STATE OF MINAS GERAES— PROVISIONAL NOTE EXHIBITS 1. Wild Manisoba (Manihot) Rubber in the raw and cleaned market condition. 2. Planted Manisoba Rubber, viz. : (a) Fine ; (b) Seconds ; (c) Scrao. 3. Photographs taken on the San Francisco River, the rub- ber region of the "Highlands of Brazil." 4. Photographs of Rubber Trees, viz. : (a) Manihot Glaziovii; (b) Manihot Heptaphylla; (c) Manihot Piauhyensis. 5. Photographs of Bello Horisonte, capital of the State of Minas Geraes, and of other localities of importance and general interest. Maps of the State and Climatological Charts. 221 BRAZIL DAY Saturday, September 28 Gaylamount Pamphlet fl Binder Gaylord Bros.. Inc. W Stockton, Calif. T. M. Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. ■ jM, 1 RETURN LOAN PERld v V \ 4 •b 2569 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED m. .crt 7 Um.o DUE AS STAMPED BELOW C Vol i 1 , r 2 6 1977 RECD IN NQV 1 1977 DOCS DEPT. ,,,uv 1 \Jt t FORM NO. DD 7, 8m, 6'76 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKEl BERKELEY, CA 94720