Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN -W ' E THE Strange Effects of Faith; WITH (MADE IN 1792, &c.) . OF THINGS WHICH ARE TO COME: Also, some Account of my Life. The Lord is coining (as he hath spoken by his Prophets) to be the Mighty Counsellor, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, and the Desire of every Nation : And this is his Counsel To deal with Men after the Manner of Men ; to have thrse Writings tried by Judges and Jury : The Judges are the Ministers of the Lord : the Jury are the Sheep of his Flock : So I give myself up to the Judgment of Men, to be tried according to the Lawi of God and Man. Now, if I am refused so just and fair a Trial, I, must judge myself in a Land that Darkness hath overspread, and gross Darkness the Eyes of the People; where Justice is fallen in the Streets, and Equity cannot enter. JOANNA SOUTHCOTT, EXETER, JAX. 1801. THE THIPD EDITION. Printed, for the Author, (formerly,) by T. Brice, High-street, ExeteK Printed by Galabin & Marchant, Ingram-Cor.n ; and sold by W. TOZFR, Chapel Place, Duke Street, Westminster Road, sojthwark ; also by W. SYMONDS, Ga'idy Lane; and the Miss EVELEIGHS, St bidwell's, Exeter; h. HIBST, Leeds; J. MIDDLETON, York; and JAMES LIGHT, Coventry Street, ridge, Worcestershire. (Price One Shilling ihi.i.M.'i.i uiWmJ In the first Edition, the second Page was left a Blank, and the follow- ing is permitted to be added to fill up that Blank Page. It was given by the Spirit to Joanna, on the 2Qth Oct. 1802. She was then told she should mt only hare the knowledge from the SPIRIT, but also the POWER, and it lias by divine Power she had been kept to go on, not only in opposition to men and devils, but against her own will. For she had often determined to burn all her writings. Now these are the Words that were given to Joanna from the SPI- RIT : " They will see the truth of my Words in thy Writings, from thy own hand ; and here is the truth of thy dream, (see page 32 of this book,) trying to break the feathers, but could not, for my decrees are unalterable, and change not; and now thou shall find thyself the little Bird that plucked the feathers from the great ones. For now, I say, thou'lt pluck them all, When you to the purpose come : Their lofty feathers they shall fall ; The GREAT BIRD will be known, Whose feathers hard they were of brass, The gold was spangled there ; For I shall then unveil my face, And like the BIRD appear. For none shall pluck, and none shall break The things that I've decreed ; And they shall find the simple bird Confound the wisest head ; Whoe'er do come, with words most strong Thou shall confound them all ; And they shall know before 'tis long, Their fealhers all shall fall Unto the ground, in every sound ; My WORD Ihey cannot break, Thai il was I did visit thee, And in thee I do speak. So high or low, let mortals know, 'Tis I direct thy hand : The spangled gold thou didst behold Upon trie Bird lo stand, Whose feathers there did so appear As solid Brass to thee ; From it the nations all shall know The firm decrees of ME. So 'tis in vain, ye sons of men, Ever to break my word ; The spangled gold I now shall bring To those that judge Ihe Lord Will now go on, as I've begun, Unlil I've made an end ; And then the gold I'll give to man That now will sland my friend. So I'll end here and say no more, For all is hastening on." v. in- every age of the world, when the Lord be- gan to work on the heart of man, to prophesy in his name, Satan began to work on the hearts of others to prophesy by him, that the Prophets of the Lord might not be believed : so now, in the last days, when the Lord intends to do as he spoke in the Pro-* phet Joel, pouring his Spirit upon all flesh, and upon his handmaids, that they shall prophesy, he well knows Satan will do the same : therefore, it is writ-> ten, False Prophets and false Christs will arise. And that no man might be deceived in this matter, I say, that the Gospel of Christ, and the Visions of John in the Revelation (chap. xii. xix. and last) shew who are the Prophets to be believed but no living Man can give an explanation. The word of God is as a book that is sealed, so that neither the learned nor the unlearned can read (that is to say, understand) it : for it was sealed up in the bosom of the Father, till he thought proper to break the seals, and reveal it to a Woman, as it is written in the Revelation, ; Had these things been known or understood by man, the world would have seen many of these women in every age and century ; but the Lord hath con- cealed it from man, as he did from the Jews the man' ner in which Christ should be born, which was a stumbling-block to them; and now the case is the same with the Gentiles ; for neither Jews nor Gen- tiles understand their Bibles. We art commanded to try the sbirits, whether they be of God, or not. If they be oj God, the truth will make manifest. Now, if any twelve Ministers, who are worthy and good men, will prove these writings come from the Devil and his foreknowledge of things ; and ex- plain clearly to me those mysteries of the Bible that I shall propose to them, I will refrain from further printing : but if they cannot, I shall go on, till I have made public all the mysteries of the Bible the times which are to come and what shall happen till Christ's Kingdom be established: sometimes jrom parables, sometimes from types and shadows, sometimes from dreams and visions, and also from the Bible, which sheweth, by the account of the tree of know- ledge, that knowledge must come to man from the woman. As she at first plucked the fruit, and brought the knowledge of the evil fruit, so as at last she must bring the knowledge of the good fruit. THE STRANGE EFFECTS OF FAITH. FIRST PART. AS I have begun to publish to the world, I shall give some short account of my Life, which hath been singular, from my youth up to this day. I shall omit former particulars, and begin with informing the Reader, that, in 1792, I was strangely visited, by day and night, concerning what was coming upon the whole earth. I was then ordered to set it down, in writing. I obeyed, though not without strong external opposition; and so it has continued to the present time. In 1792, my Sister told me, I was growing out of my senses. She said, " You say there will be, a war. " Who shall we go to war with ? The French are " destroying themselves. As to the dearth of provi- " sion you speak of, you are wrong ; for corn will " come do\vn very low; I could not make 4s. 6d. " a bushel of the best of the wheat this year. As " to the distresses of the nation, you are wrong there; " for England was never in a more flourishing state " than it is in at present." I answered, u Well, if it " be of God, it will come to pass, however likely or " unlikely it may appear at present. If not, I shall " hurt no one but myself m writing it. I am the " fool, 6 " fool, and must be the sufferer, if it be not of God. " If it be of God, I would not refuse for the world, " and am determined to err on the safest side." My Sister thought she should err on the safest 3idc, by preventing me from doing it ; and said, I should not do it in her house. However, I took advantage of her absence; and, in 1792, I wrote of what has since followed in this nation and all others ; but the end is not yet. -I left my writings at Plymtree, and came back to Exeter. In 1793, the war broke out ; and in this year, three remarkable things happened, which I had written of in 1792. These events strengthened my judgment that it was of God ; for it was said, " Whatever I " put into thy mouth, I will do upon the earth." In 1793, I told the Rev. Mr. L. how I had been warned of what was coming. After hearing me in silence, he said, " It comes from the Devil ; for not " one thing you have mentioned will come to pass. * f You have the war in your favour, which is all that " will come true of your prophecies; and the war will " be over in a quarter of a year. It is from the de- " vil, to disturb your peace : Satan hath a design to " sift you as wheat. Yet I believe you to be a good " woman ; your friends speak of you in the highest " terms ; but what you have said will never come " true. Besides, if it were, the Lord would never " have revealed it to you. There are a thousand in "Exeter, whom I could point out, to whom the " Lord would have revealed it before he would to " you." Of these observations I had been warned, before I saw him ; yet it made a deep impression on my heart, tears and prayers were my private compa- nions. But the next day, I was answered, " Who " made him a judge. He neither knows thee, nor " thy forefathers, who walked before me with a " perfect and upright heart." Thus the feeling of my heart was deeply answered ; with further sayings used by him, which at present I shall not mention. Soon Soon after this, I went to St. Peter's Cathedral, and heard the Rev. * Mr. ; Whose text was Walk ye in the light, while ye have light, lest dark- ness come upon you. He remarked on the neigh- bouring nations abroad," and on the seven churches of Asia ; made application to the affairs of our own land ; and concluded with the words of Samuel, Yet for all this God will save you, because ye are his peo- ple, if ye obey him; if not " As soon as his sermon was over, I was answered, " Thou " must say unto him, as our Saviour said unto Peter " Blessed art thou, Barjonah for flesh and blood " hath not revealed it to him, but the Spirit of God. " What he hath this day preached is the will of God. " If L. give it up, go to him [the Preacher] for he " will not ; for the laws of the Lord are written in his " heart." I had been answered, that the truth of my writings must be brought to light by one man ; either by the Rev. Mr. L. or the Rev. Mr. the Preacher above mentioned. This was at the end of 1793, not long after I had been with Mr. L. and it was said to me, " I shall set signs before thee. " He that bringeth to light shall come unto thee; " for that shall be the sign unto thee, rny servant. " He shall come ; for I will so incline his heart, that ut now from Cain and Abel let you sec How soon the man like Satan came to be ; For then the tempter did like fury come, More, like a lion, when he tempted man ; For when the shepherd he did first appear, 'The tiller of the ground laid vengeance there; So the poor sheep were simply left alone, Their Shepherd murder' d by his brother's hand; The tiller of the ground was fli-d away : Think on the horror that comes in one day Pour out his vengeance on the sons of men. Now to men's conscience I will all appeal, If he'd not make this world a perfect hell ? By the short time he did begin to reign, Fast- as the lightning did his fury run, Pour out his fury on the sons of men. What anguish must the parents now endure, No friend "to comfort, but their souls despair I This in my heart I surely felt for man, Repent myself I ever did him form, And griev'd my Spirit to the very heart ; But for mine honour it could not depart ; Because that Satan did my promise claim ; Then all be wise, Oh, all ye sons of men ; My promise great is turrf"d the other way, To those that will but my commands obey." Here follows wlat was unititentwmtlly omitted In Part the First. The words that were said to me, that the Lord would begin like man, and make the same promise to. me as Ilerod did to the damsel- - -w licit ever 1 ask, " to the half of my kingdom" should be given tc my petition was, that Satan may he cast dt Christ's kingdom established, our land delivered from the hands of our enemies, and ail nations brought iu. Now thou sriv'st. thyself hast ended, Now I answer, so .''.all it be ; For this nation I'll defend it I'Vom the ford 11 encmv. Think upon thy first amusing Why is it thou art stumbled now? Was it not tuo great a. spirit To the Romish bands to bow ? For I \viii have a strong army Jews and Gentiles shall agree, And my Spirit goes before them, I will gain the victory. Though i may awiiile defer it, Vet I'll not with this give o'er; Why is thy mind so greatly puzzi I shall face the iocs once more. Ai'i man's rights I am renewing; " Can this give a just offence: Those that gloried in my ruin, Now's the tim.e I'll rccotnpencc. jfor my servants I'll a\va And their hearts I'll fill with love; They shall find, they're not for: By thei" i above. lii heaven the armour's now preparing That my soldiers they shall wear; But the breast- es before theirs, They have nothing new to f. When my sword begins to glitter And I'll p:;l k in il. Th.'y shad hear the words I'll utter, When 1 give them my command. Ko-.v be strong, and htaud coura:- You have nothing for to fear; But remember Herod's ; To the damsel he did sv, To the hnlf of all mv I will freely give to ; All the words that thoi: < - ~ For this nation, so shal. By thy questrons ai; ' Thud That I'll now stand i ' Ai' : II. For in conquering now !, All the bloody towards me. I thought others beheld it, as well as myself, and said they never saw such sight in their lives ; but I said that I had, before the war broke oat ; and then awoke. This Dream was answered me in the following manner. " Tii en now this droam I'll answer unto thee: The train of men, in their long cloaks to be, At first appear'd, and slowly . n 1:0 move, So slowly on, that thou Jio.u '; ul and gaze; Soon after that appear'd as r:;;,:,; more, Or twice the number that d,u lirst appear; In haste they rode, the armies they were full, The heavens cover'd, and thou could'st not tell Who was the MAN that cross'd the ranks all through, And rode so very hasty to thy view. Then now the. mystery I to thee shall show: The armies that did h'rst ride on so slow, Display the dulness of mankind below; Their cloaks do cover, and no danger's near Their passing softly through the very air ; But no foundation have they there to stand ; For quickly after come the hasty train ; They mov'd their puce when dangers did appear, So will it be with all the sons of men ; They'll move their pace when danger;; do come on. But as a MAN rode hasty on to thee, The MAN of GOD I say 'twill surely be; And know, these dangers they are nigh at hand, And therefore to thee he will surely come; J'or all these visions will be in Ihe land ; 56 Because the wars most dreadful will abound : And in this land you'll hear the dreadful sound. They are preparing, yet it is but slow ; What's coming on, I say, they do not know ; Their cloaks do cover, for they trust in man, And on the Lord they do not all depend ; But on the Lord they surely all must lean, ]f e'er my army comes to join with them; And then their work it will be done in haste ; Cylinder well, my army rode so fast. This was thy dream, that slowly came at first, But in the end the army was in haste." I judged the substance past; but it is said to me, the substance is to follow. I now shall o-ive an account of the Seven Stars, ^j which were explained tome in the following man- Ben They were the seven mysteries of God : The first was, when he made man ; the second, when he made the woman ; the third, the promise of re- demption ; the fourth, the Angel appearing to the Virgin Mary ; the fifth, Christ's birth ; the sixth, Christ's death ; the seventh, his revealing the se^ crets to a woman, as one standing alone. " For as a sparrow on the house, Thou say'st thou stand'st alone ; And with thec to assist in ought, The Lord well knows thou'st none, Wi'.h Adam first this was the case; For he did standalone; And with him to assist in ought, Lord well knew he had none. A helpmate then 1 did prepare, Bone of his bunc to he ; When ho awoke, and found her there, Appear'd a mystery. When by the fall he was seduc'd, And out of F/len sent, ile saw his follies when too late; Yet he did sore repent ; But this repentance was in vain; The fatal die was cast : And he no pardon could obtain ; For all his joys did b!a-t. .. + J But here's another mystery 1 shall not lonj; corv 57 For the Messiah promi/d then His deadly wounds to heal. But how it then should be perform'd, Adam he did not know: ilL d:-iys were rpent in sorrow great, His sons : n his w<-e. From age to age it was conceal'd How this sh;.uid be perfona'd, Uiitii the Angel did appear And did the Virgin warn, The Holy Ghost should on her come; The power of the .Most High Should over shadow from ubove, Appear'd a mystery. Though all the Prophets prophesied Thi* thing should surely be, But in what manner was not clear, Appear'd a mystery Unto the unbelieving JL When Christ their lung was born ; Therefore they all dopisvd him, And did receive with scorn ; But when he in the temple .came, Simeon the child did know ; For God had warned him before, And he did find it so : The manner he should be brought in, The very day and hour; And u hen he saw the babe appear, He felt the Saviour's power ; Therefore with raptures he was fill'd To see the holy child; But yet from him it was conceal'd How they his life beguil'd. But here's another nyy >: l.-"ry t That I shall notconceajl. 7 - That when lie died upon the cross v He did the nations heal. . Now think upon his dying words, " Tis finish'd," he'd id Fry ; **"" But what was finish'd at that time Appears a mystery. Now to the Prophet thou must turn To discern the mystery Oh ! thou desire of nations, corne- ls now fulfih'd in thee. is it uow contus'th thy head ? Or why thy ptin put down t 8 Hast thou not wearied heaven with prayers, These truths might be made known ? Then at what art thou stumbled now, For thou these truths hast penn'd ? For thou hast wearied heaven with prayers To God's beloved Son ; That he will come and intercede His servants' wounds to heal, And chain down Satan in his place, That doth my servants foil. Didst thou not come to ME in prayer, When threatenings were applied ? Had I been there, like Mary spoke, " My brother had not died." But here the words do puzzle thee, As thou said'st they'd obey, If I would let them know my will My servants cannot stay: ' Then now the meaning is the same, For it" they do ME obey, They sure shall live for evermore, And that's most certainly. Now thou hast ended with the sixth, The seventh I'll begin, That doth appear a mystery Unto the sons of men. As all these words do verify, How can this thing e'er be, That all the secrets of the Lord -^* Shall be reveal'd to thee. Yet so they'll find it certain is, The truth I'll make so clear; I'll leave no room for man to doubt^ jff When I have ended here : "" .. *-* For then they'll find the little lump Shall surely lump the leaven ; And they shall find a single star Is joined to the- seven. But do not think I've ended here, Or thou thy work hasf done ; For all the mysteries of the stars, They are not yet made known. Now back to Adam thou must go For he was sure the first, And when the whole thou hast pass'd throu^jh, ^r Thyself must be the last. -, If thou bear'st record of thyself, They'll say that is not true ; The servant is not greater sura, Nor can his words be so ; For it thy Master was denied By his own chosen race, How can thy words be e'er applied In these dark evil days ? When unbelief so much abounds, Faith on the earth there's none ; Like Abraham's let their faith be tried, Who offer'd up his son. Where is the man that would obey, T. he sacrifice prepare ? It surely is not God's command ; His faith would stagger there. And yet they say there's but one faith, The faithful that must be; So strong a faith on earth there's not, As I have found in thee. Thy faith is to the utmost tried, By men and devils here ; But when my premise is applied, It keeps thee from despair. And though I've put thee off so long, Yet still thou dost obey, Thinking my word I shall perform, Though 1 so long delay. This is the language of thy heart, That, from my written word, Declareth none shall be deceiv'd That trusrcth in the Lord. So shall it surely be to thee, Thou shall not be deceiv'd; Because I know thy inmost soul, How strong thou dost believe. Though some have laughed thee to scorn, And others did thee blame, Thy steadfast heart doth still obey, And thou art still the same. Therefore I'll own thee for the bride ; Thou art the EVENING STAR ; By thy appearance all shall know That night is coming near. The MORNING STAR is '.'oiif and past ; The sun his course hath run ; The evening star doth now appear, And night js coming on. Then in the night the stars will shine, iu the midst are seven, H 2 6*0 never shall divided be, Urti* the whole are leavcn'd. As was the first., so is the last ; For Adam str.ocl ahv,-; liis helpmate dd not strengthen him, But surely pulled him down. So \v ruld^hy friends have done by thee Ii' thou hadst them obey'd ; But now the woman's conquering seed Shall break the serpent's head,," One night I dreamed I was on a high place ; ancj there were two roads in it, and two waggons going before me ; one of them was so heavy laden, that the weight of it broke down the p.ith, and the bigh hills were thrown down to the bottom. I thought I had a waggon heavy laden myself, and was going on the same hill in another padi ; but when I saw the waggon before me was gone to the bottom, I was afraid; but the horses coiv.iug fast after me, I was forced to go. on with my waggon; but cannot tell how I came down the hill, only re- member that the other path was brought from a high hill to a low valley, and the wheel- ruts washed away, " Then now this dream that thou ha.st read to MX, I'll answer every single line to The first thou saw'st it is ^o,>e In , Bow'd do\\niu piison by the human power. IJm now I telj thee that thy pep p : Tl.ou saw'si the ground did with tie Till the high mount:. M-S they did thou en.iie low , J^eop wa- ; I to thee did show. So now I tell thee if shall Mire Because my anger doth ii!\r fi Against the stubborn hardened sons of men ; And, like the wagons, 1 ^iiall crush them down. Therefore tin- Wilson's lading now for thee ; Thou m\ si go on, and canst not now di , The horses close will surely on thee come ; It is my Spirit for to p : ess thee on, .Thou knowest ho\v that Brothers is he \Vhich is the reason thou dost look and fear : 61 But by his \vcight the v,-ho!e it was pull'd dewn J know my prophet's in a prison bound, And in their hearts there's few for him do feel ; I'll break mankind, as he did by the wheel. It was Li, weight that shook the earth all through- Dec!) is the vision brought unto thy iz| ])'u to thy own dream thou hast sure forgot WLrtl.iT iito waggon broke the ground or not: No, no, I tell thee 'tis f r.c-val'd from thee ; Th 01.; must o;o on, and I \\iil guide 'he way. '1 lie s-ii.i of men \vili pull my vengeance down; For sain; an.i sinner now do bring it on; I say die/ >e sickly as they are lukewarm." All lands are in darkness at present ; but as I know the end of all things is at hand, and as clear as the noon-nay's sun that the Bi- bk ^ t'uUilling, that all hath happened together,) I <;'',;, . .'.o\v give my readers tine meaning of our , ; v.-.-rds, when he said, " As the days of and Lot, so shall the coming of the Sou " of M..n i>e."' In the ('ays of Noah they were full of unbelief; and in the days of Lot the same; and so t;.";-v are now ; but the- substance of the days of Tv-ah is in Genesis, chap! vi. where it is wiitten, " It repented the Lord that he had made man ;"not ti-at ihe Lord repented that he had made man. Here i- a mystery that men do not discern. And the Lori said, u I will destroy man, whom I " have created, fn.-'ii the face of the earth, both " n.an HIK! bea>t; for it grieved him to the heart th^t -he had m.ule man. But was man destroyed? You must answer, no. Noah was not destroyed, nor his sons ; and by them the world was again in- creased to as large a number as before. Then here is a mystery beyond the depth of human com- prehension, which I never discerned ; and of myself cannot explain, nor can any man by learning; for in this mystery, man was preserved in a wonderful manner: though it givetli room for men to say, the Lord did not do as he said ; as they feared to give their God the lie ; but was it man they would. Now I will throw open rny Bible to men. It rfr- pcuted the Lord that he had made man so subject to the arts of Satan, and that he had given him such. power over man; and therefore he caused the ark to be erected, for the preservation of man in the great ami temble'day of the Lord. Now man was so far from being destroyed, that the Lord caused an astonishing building, for the reception of iran aud beast, whom he said he would destroy. Yet in this extraordinary manner were man and beast preserved. The Lord was grieved to the ](.-;rt to see how the powers of darkness were ang man's destruction ; but as the deluge over- thro wed the workers of iniquity, so shall the de- luge overthrow the powers of darkness ; for that is the man the Lord will destroy. It came first by water, but now it will be by blood. For as the. ark was made to preserve man, so shall the ark of the New Covenant preserve man at last ; but it will not preserve those that do not believe in Christ, as the full redemption foreman. Now it is said of all/beasts that were preserved, they should come to the ark of Noah ; so all that will be now preserved, must come to the ark of the New Cove- nant, and call to their remembrance the words of the Gospel, wherein our Saviour assureth them of their full redemption in his blood, and shewcth the signs that were set before them to lift up their heads, for their redemption drawcth near; that nieaneth a full redemption in the blood of Christ. Now those that believe as Noah believed the deluged would come : that meaneth, that the whole world will undergo a great change ; and the sword, like the deluge, will go over the land, till it doth destroy < hose that do not conic to Christ, and believe in him for full redemption; but those that do believe in him, as the Saviourof mankind, will be preserved, as Noah was in the ark, when the man of sin will be cut off from the face of the earth, and that is 65 the devil. The Lord created all things in heaven and earth ; the heavens he created for his throne, the earth for man, and hell for fallen angels; and these must all have their fixed bounds, when Christ cometh to preserve man, as he did Noah, and lay the axe to the root, which root is the devil; and he is fhe root of every evil; for it is said to me, that what.I have been ordered to do, by sealing up of man, is a much greater preservation for man than Noah's ark was. Now marvel not that the devil \vas called man, when he called the Prince of Glory, very God and very man y because he took man's nature upon him ; and so was the devil, very man and very dccil, when he entered into the heart of Judas. This I shall ex- plain more clearly at another time; but this is a clear type of the last clays ; and those days are nigh at hand. The earth was never made for fallen an- gels, nor for the man of sin ; therefore be assured he will be destroyed from off the face of the earth. This is what our Saviour meant by saying, " As 11 the clays of Noah, so will the coining of the Son ff of Man be." Here I shall come to the days of Lot, and shew you what our Saviour meant by that; but first I shall come to Sodom and Go- morrah. The sins of Sodom were men united in evil ; and this is the type of men and devils ; for as he entered into the heart of Judas, so he en- tereth into the hearts of men; as he did into the herd of swine, and they ran violently down the steep, and were choaked in the sand ; and so will many now, that are so closely joined u ith the de- vil as the men of Sodom were. All this stands as a type of the last days. In every age of the world men have committed the sin with men, when they use violence one against another ; and this was done, when they destroyed the Prophets, and crucified the LORD of LIFE; and trm you. must consider was not done, before the devil ne- 64 tared into the heart of Judas; therefore our Sa- viour said, " it should be more tolerable for " Sodom and Gomorrah, in the day of judgment,- than for them ;" for they declared their sins and hid them not; woe unto their souls! hut these sins of cruelty will never be committed, .without man being as closely united with the devil as the Sodomites were to each other. And now the time dravveth near, that such men will be destroy- ed, as Sodom was ; for as the angels came to Lot in disguise, and Lot judged them men; so the angels of the Lord are come, to warn all men the night is far spent, and the day is at hand, that all these things will be fulfilled ; and those that believe, like Lot, will be preserved, as he was, when the fire of the Lord's anger will consume the others. For you' are to consider, it is written in Isaiah, the day of vengeance was in his heart; and our Saviour said, " Offences mu,st first arise ; but woe unto the land because of oflences." Per- secutions I know will arise, and all will come, as it was said of Sodom and Gomorrah. Now in every age of the world sins as bad as of Sodom have been committed, by killing of the Prophets, crucifying our Saviour, and putting the Apostles to d^.th : ana since those days, the Martyrs li-ive suffered b-\ the same sin. Men and devils were united ugainsiihehoiy laws of God ; as their's were temporal, so all their sins of persecution were spiritual : for he that was bom after the flesh, persecuted him that \vas born after the spirit ; and this hath been done by men in every age of the world. But now the spirit of prophecy is given to a woman, there will be many women that are in heart and life joined to the powers of darkness, joined together in persecution against the woman ; men will join with men, and women will join with women, in persecution, that do .not be- lieve, to persecute those who do believe, till the anger of the Lord be kindled to destroy them. So 6$ it will end like the days of Noah and Lot. But were you to suppose it to be as the days of Noah and Lot, you must say there will remain but one just man upon earth, and the greatest part of the world must be Sodomites : But that will not be the case; for when the sin of persecution abounds, grace will much more abound. I know the things that I have published are hard to be understood, and full as hard to be believed, which makes some marvel at them, and cast va- rious constructions upon them. Some say, they see no prophecies in them ; others, that it is from the devil ; whilst some attribute it to fallen an- gels ; and others conceive it as from myself alone, asserting that all my foreknowledge is drawn from the Bible ; and that 1 am out of my senses. 1 shall answer every one according to their different words. Those that see no prophecies in them, do not understand what they read ; the book is full of prophecies throughout ; the letters I sent to the ministers, and what was written in 1792, are deep of prophecy, and speak of all nations in distress and war: the shadow is begun, and the substance is hastening on; but I cannot make the blind to see, till it please the Lord to reveal to them the truth ; and if the}' cannot see it any other way, the Lord will open their eyes by the truth. Now I shall answer those who say it is from the devil. If Satan is divided against himself, how then can his kingdom stand ? And how came Satan to know in 1792 what the Lord would do upon the earth, when it is concealed from the angels in hea- ven, till the Lord is pleased to disclose it to them, and to send them down to warn mankind thereof? But if I, by the spirit of the devil, am become a true believer in Christ, by what spirit is the world become unbelievers in the gospel of Christ and i 66 their Bibles, believing that their Bibles will never be fulfilled in any other way than their judgments point out? And that is no way at all ; tor while one is iifclined to this way, and another is inclined to that, no man's judgment can be true; so it is impossible to fulfil the Bible to the judgments of men ; and therefore it must be fulfilled to the judgment of God. But where is the man that knows his decrees? For it is written by the Pro- phets, " In the latter days the Lord will do niar- " vellous things amongst them ; the wisdom of " the wise, men shall perish ; the understanding of " the prudent men shall be hid :" then how can men tell how to fulfil their Bibles, seeing their un- derstandings are hid ? Who by searching can find out God ? or who can find out the Almighty to perfection ? Yet the world is led to believe they can, from their knowledge and learning, find out the mysteries of the Bible, which no man can maintain by arguments that their Bible is true, if they have wisdom to find it out. Now I ask mankind, by what spirit they are led to believe things contrary to the Bible, and say I am led to believe the Scriptures, consistent with the truth thereof, by the spirit of the devil? May not he that sitteth in the heavens laugh, to hear the folly of mankind, whom the Lord hath pronounced dead as to every .knowledge and perfection of him, saying he is alive to all the knowledge of God, contrary to the written word of God, which the different opinions of mankind verity and prove? So let God be true, and every man a liar, who saith he can fulfil his Bible by learning; and let those who say I am led by the devil, prove it by the word of God, if they can, and I will give it up. Now I shall ansxver those who say, it is from fallen angels, who wish to gain themselves in fa- vour with God. This to me is as great an error as 67 the former ; for then the division must have taken place in hell already. But can fallen angels, after rebelling- against God in heaven, and joining with the devil, work in the hearts of men upon earth to break the commands of God, ever think to gain themselves in favour with God again? This to me is unlikely in the first place ; in the second more unlikely, to think by mocking of God, by coming- as an angel of light, pretending he is the maker and judge of all men, and that all power in heaven, earth, and hell, is his, should evergain him in favour with God : I say, this appears so improbable to me, that if the fallen angels think it, they must have lost their senses, as well as their glory. I conceive, therefore, those thoughts to be the production of a weaker head, to judge it came from fallen an- gels, than mine to judge it came from God ; for I cannot build my faith upon any such sandy foundation. Now I shall answer those who say, I am, or shall be out of my senses. This I grant is true ; for out of my senses proceed all my writings; and so far from any sense or knowledge I have of my- self, so high as the heavens are above the earth, and how much farther they will go, I cannot tell; but this I know, they are gone so far, that they never will come back to the senses of men, while they are of so many different opinions. No judge will give up his cause to a divided jury ; and I must be no judge of my own cause, if I give it up to a divided people: For the first minister f ever spoke to on the.subject said,' it was from God; the second, that it was from the devil; the third minister said, the latter gentleman had not shewn his sense in what he had spoken ; the fourth de- clared, that It was not from the devil ; and if not of God, it was of myself; other ministers said, it . u as the disorder of a confused brain; and this disorder had so increased over the land, that every 68 one felt the fatal effects thereof: and I feel it to 'my sorrow ; for the truth of all my writings lies be- fore me; and I know I must go through evil re- port, and through good report, through honour, and through dishonour, as counted a fool, yet making some wise : The hees gather honey from the bit- terest herbs ; and those whose minds go deep, will get wisdom from my foolishness, should it prove from the devil, as some insinuate; but if of God, as I judge it is, it will strengthen their faith to stand in the evil day, and give them courage and faith to stand against, all the wiles of the devil; for it is by faith ye must be saved. I have already told you, and I now again tell you, the end of all things is at hand ; by which is meant, that Satan's kingdom is to be destroyed ; that all nations will be called in; the fulfilment of the Gentiles, and the calling in of the Jews. " Now I will answer those who say, if my writ- ings are not of God, they are blasphemy. I grant it, , and give credit to their wisdom ; for it is writ- ten, WG& unto them that say, the Lord saith, when he hath not spoken; but he. that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully, saith the Lord. Hea- ven is my witness, I have spoken it faithfully in all I have written; but as our Saviour saith. r J"hewind bloweth where it listcth, and ye hear the sound there- of, but cannot tell from whence it conic th, or whi- ther it goeth, so is every one that is horn of the spirit ; and perfectly it hath been often so to me; nor can I tell from whence it comeib, or whither it goeth, but judge the spirit to be of God, from the truths of my writings, and the manner the)'' are spoken ; yet leave the world to enjoy their opini- on, and I to enjoy mine, till the truth is proved, which' it certainly will; for when the public have passed their judgment on them, then will the Lord convince ill m, whose judgment was right, and whose was \vrong. 69 Now I shall aswer those who say, it is pre- sumptuous blasphemy. And this is the greatest presumption man can speak, to say he knoweth it is blasphemy : for he must judge himself more than man, and have a high opinion of his own wis- dom, who will take upon him to assert, he know- eth it is not of God, but presumptuous blasphemy of myself. Let that man or woman make my writings false, which with all their boasted wisdom they cannot do; for I have now by me writings for years past, which will prove the truth of my words ; besides what I have put in print, predict- ing what is hastening on, and which a few years, will fulfil; and many men \\ill be convinced of the truth, that all con.cth as I foretel. And what a proud, conceited fool must I be, to say of myself, I have more knowledge than the learned, and can tell them better than they know, from my own wisdom ! Shall I say I know it from philosophy, and do not understand one planet? Shall I say I know it from divinity, and never studied the Bi- ble in my life, any further than I thought neces- sary for my own salvation ? Shall I say I know it from other men's works, when I put no belief in any man's judgment but the prophets and apostles, and those who were inspired by the Lord ? Shall I say I had the spirit of wisdom given to me, when I never had any talents to boast of in my life, and was considered by all my wordly wise brothers and sisters the simplest of my father's house? And I always deemed myself the same : but the Lord hath chosen the weak foolish things of this world, to confound the great arid mighty. I must intreat my charitable Christian readers to keep my first books by them, till they see the end of the ten years mentioned therein, in page 37, which was turned to the ten days, in page 34 ; this was in 179^, and the ten years will elapse in 1802; so they cannot judge clearly of my pro- 70 phecies till they*lo seethetenyfcars fulfilled, when it will be evident to them. The reasons assigned to me for putting it in print the beginning of the century is, the hand of the Lord will be close after to fulfil them^ Very extraordinary and strange events will take place in two years, and more ex- traordinary in four ; but if fatal events, it is unbe- Jjef will bring them on ; for I now tell all men, that peace and plenty, love and harmony, will ne- ver abound in our land, until men are wishing for Christ's kinodom to be established : then the Lord tj will begin-to change our scene of sorrow into hap- piness, which you will see in page 51, on the fall of man. A few years will convince you of the truth of my writings : the shadow is past, the sub- stance is hastening on ; weigh deep the lines that follow the fall of man. But some will say, can. such a promise be made to a woman ? I grant it mysterious to be believed; yet remember the first promise that was made to the woman, and thru you will not marvel it should be the last. Consi- der how great \yas the promise made to Abraham, that in his obedience all the earth should be bless- ed ; and though that promise is not yet fulfilled, i am of opinion it certainly will : But will you say it ever was fulfilled ? then I answer, it was in an age before I was born, and in an age I never read of. I shall now answer those who say, I go on as my mind is deranged. I grant it; and so did all the prophets of old. Their minds were so deranged, that Noah was judged an old fool, and Lot the same. I should fill my book with how the pro- phets were judged deranged, if I were to enter in- to the list of them. But the deranged sens, the prophets and the apostles, and the words of our Saviour, have so far deranged my senses, as to believe in them. How must Noah's senses be de- ranged, when he found no man believed him ' 71 yet he persevered to go into the ark. And what strong infusion must take place in his head, when the heavens gathered blackness, and those who judged his building the ark to be the strange ef- fects of faith, found it the fatal effects of faith. And how must Lot's senses be deranged, when he saw the strange effects of his faith, being judged by his own sons an old fool, become the fatal effects of unbelief to those who mocked him, when they saw the fire come down from heaven ? How must his senses be then deranged, when he saw his mockers destroyed ? And how must my senses now be de- ranged, when I see the strange effects of my faith kindling all over the land, and bringing the fatal effects of unbelief over all lands? Can my senses stop here, without believing, that he who hath be- gun his strano-e work, will in the end shew his CJ C7 darling attribute; and go on from conquering to conquer, until he hath brought, forth judgment into victory ; for mercy is his darling attribute, judgment is his strange work : and strange to me is ail before me. How men's senses can be derang- ed, when they see the sun is risen, and say the day- light is net broke; in what a dream, or what a sleep must such men's senses be deranged ! and so they may go on until they see the evening star appear, and the sun begin to set in darkness. Will they then say, I have passed my day in sleep ; and it is too late to arise and be doing ; I will wait the ef- fects of another day? But let such remember, that at midnight was a cry ; and the bridegroom ap- peared ; and you sleeped away the day, wherein you ought to have got your oil ready, and your lamps prepared. So in all ages of the world we may see the strange effects of -faith, and the fatal effects of xinbelief. And this our Saviour, and all his Disci- ples, warned us would be the end ; the foolish vir- gins and the wise. For wisdom teacheth us to fear * the rod, and he that appointed it ; but folly teach- 72 ethus to despise low things, and climb to high ones; as the seed of Noah, who, because they had been favoured in their forefathers, by being preserved in the ark when the world was drowned, thought by their wisdom that they could build castles in the air, to climb to heaven, and so be preserved, if ano- ther deluge should come; not considering that the -h? ark was built by the command of God, and they were building by their own wisdom, whose wisdom the Lord soon confounded, by dividing their language. And now it is the same ; men have built too high in their own wisdom ; and the Lord hath divided tbeir^. speech and opinions. There was not more difference in tongues and languages, to stop their building of the tower of Babel, than there are dif- ferent opinions now about my writings. Then on whose judgment shall I fix my faith ? on this man's ? or on that man's ? or on the Lord of life and glo- O ry, who hath commanded us to have salt in our- selves, and to judge for ourselves, and not for another ? I shall now reply to those who say, if I judge my writings to be of God, I must think myself a great favourite of heaven. I answer that I always con- dered we were great favourites of heaven, or our Bibles could never be true. Can any one reflect for a moment, and see what the Lord hath done for man in every age of the world ? what care and con- cern he hath taken for him ; suffering his Son to leave his Father's throne, and strip himself of all but love ; to change the godhead into manhood ! and trace his life from the manger to the cross; is it possible he would have done all this for our sakes, had we not been great favourites of heaven? For what must the Holy Trinity feel ! Could the Son suffer, and the Father, not? Can we suppose that the heavenly host did not suffer pain, to see the Son of God, the Prince of Glory, sweating drops of blood, compassed round by men and devils, . 73 treated with infamy in Pilate's hall, and offered up as a malefactor upon the cross ? Ca 1 : we believe that he suffered all this tor pur sakes, and not con- sider ourselves favourites or heavvn ? Should a king !-ay he would venture his life and fortune for his subjects, who were near his heart, would it not be an unjust return for them to say, he did; not love them? Should they not rather s-'y, his love hath kindled ours, \ve arc greatly in favour with our sovereign ; therefore we will hazard our lives for him ': Now let your thoughts go deep and you will perceive that the creature is a great fa- vourite with his Creator. Man is a great favourite with God; for the Lord saith, M$ delight shall be with the sons of men ; and our Saviour saith, lie that doth the will of my Father, the same is my mother, my brother, and my sister ; then are we not great favourites of heaven ? At what do ye all marvel \ Our Saviour said, What I say n/,tu ytu, I say unto all; God is a faithful reivarder of them that diligently seek him. This was my deep medi- tation from my early age, winch ma'!e me judge we were favourites of heaven, and caused me to love and fear him. If you weigh these things dt ep- ly, I think you will join with me in opinion. Can, you suppose the Lord hath shewn his love so far 10 man, and that he will leave him before he hath completed and fulfilled all the promises he hath made? Wh.it you so much marvel at, his reveal- ing' 1 himself to a woman, is the least mystery, when you trace your Bibles back ; for all the Bi- ble is marvellous : you will find so it began ; and so it will end. Now I shall come to the purpose. What a wonder does this appear, that the secrets of the Lord should be revealed to a woman ! A wonder so great to many, that they cannot belie\e it. And was not the first as great a wonder as the last, when the Lord caused a deep sleep upon man, and X took one of his bones to complete his happiness, and be robbed of his purpose, words and promises, by the arts of hell, by the woman and the tree of knowledge that he placed in the garden of Eden? If you weigh this deeplv, you will see nothing more towcnider at the woman's bringing you the know- ledge of the good fruit, than her bringing you the knowledge of the evil. But all is a mystery " And I shall put the mystery here : Ask if the learned this can cl< ar; If so, their talents they must shine In wisdom bright that is divine. Out of the dust I made at first My perfect image there: I breath'd in him, it plain was seen, My Spirit, bright and clear ; And lord below, you all shall know, I did my likeness make. I took a bone i'rom him, 'twas known, M^ //tiis J-yciw ')" To make his bliss complete ; This I did do, believe it true, Though man did it deny ; It was the bone I took i'rom man Brought fatal destiny. Then here's a wheel beyond your skill To answer my demand ; The man or ME deceiv'd must be, If that my word don't stand. If it do not, (perceive your lot,) Then I must surely err, And like thy pen the fall of man Must fall to rise no more. But if I do, (believe it true, My word I shall make good,) It was the bone I took from man Should break the serpent's head; And that at last my word at first I surely will complete. The woman ne'er brought on the corse, But did the serpent cheat : A mystery here there's none can clear, Became the 1 nes go deep; But I'll appear to answer here, And make the mystery out." Now, if my readers say they cannot see how thrs can be made out, I will in. the next part, render it 75 to them. In the way it is explained to me, as clear as the noon day sun. Bat some readers will say, can we believe the Lord will condescend to speak in so familiar a manner to dust and ashes ? I an- swer, how familiar did the angels appear to Abra- ham and Lot, when thev rame to them in disguise . */ CU as men ? and how familiar did our Saviour appear in disguise to his disciples? I could fill a volume with the freedom of the Lord with men. Angels must first come to the similitude of men, before men can arise to the similitude of angels; signify- ing, that angels must stoop to the imperfections of men, before men can arrive to the perfections of angels; and there can be no perfection in men, till they are all of one mhid: for every man's way is clean in his own eyes ; but the Lord weigheth the spirit. Now I have promised to give up my cause to the opinion of twelve ministers, if they are of one mind; and till they are, I am the judge myself that the same Spirit that indited my writings, in- spired all the prophets throughout the Bible ; and if I err, they did the same; for one Spirit inspired the whole. Whoever deny the truth of this, let them bring forth their arguments, and shew their strong reasons ; and I will bring forth mine, such as no man s4lall be able to answer me one word in a thousand : For the Lord hath a controversy with his people; therefore now give car. O heaven ! and bethou astonished, O earth ! for the wonder of the woman is come unto men. If there be any sense or understanding in them, they cannot read over these two volumes without woiu.er and amazement, if they judge it is not troui God that a woman hath life and senses to be a mocker of God; a de- ceiver of man ; and a defier of all the powers of hell, despising him as being the author of ail our misery: but. there is help laid upon one that is migut\ to keep us from ail his power. But on whac [j .can- I rely, if 1 am trailing with the Lord, to say 76 that all my writings came from him, when the Lord hath not spoken. As to men, they see I nei- ther regard their smiles, nor fear their frowns ; nei- ther am 1 dismayed by their words, but say with David, " If I arn vile, I shall still be viler ; and if I have brought you wondrous things at first, I shall bring you far more wondrous things at last Till Adam's wonder will begin, \\ncl s,o I say 'twill end \\itii men : Till Adams here will all appear, To see the bone of man ; In every seal my mind reve i!, And give it to your hands. "I am sorry to disappoint my readers, by riot in- serting in this book all I promised in the last; but what use is my publishing what the world do not believe, till I have convinced mankind from the Bible, and put to silence the tongues of foolish people, who do not discern what they read, and what they profess to be judges of? 1 marvel at the simpl- speeches I hear from some; how it is pos- sible, that a people in a Christian land can be so void of understanding, as to say, I havekepta jour- nal or' what has happened for eight years, and now put in print as prophecies ; then I must have shot beyond the mark, and overshot myself; for they are informed in my first part, that I have placed letters in the hands of ministers, stating what would be the events of years, and that the truth followed. If I have published lies, is it not easy to find out the truth, by demanding who those mi- nisters are? If I refuse telling, then let them say, I am an impostor. Every circumstance which re- lates to 1792, I have living witnesses to prove I wrote in 1792, and never had the seals in my pos- session ; so 1 have not imposed on the world by false reports, the Lord is my judge; and I can clear myself with the truth of all I have said and clone. 77 The unbelieving v/orld, that mocked my writings last year, are now fulfilling the very effects I said would follow the harvest. I was then cursed by buyer and seller; both farmers and tradesmen boasted of the plenty, and called me fool and old witch; said that I deserved to be hanged for tell- ing them they would be disappointed, and perfectly informing them what effects would follow the har- vest, and they are now fulfilling my words. I shall answer such fools according to their folly. " So if a Prophet is denied, Then say the witch is come, Who can foretel what will befal I'm jesting now with man ; After their manner I do speak, As I have often done ; But soon my fury it will break, And to the purpose come ; And then you'll find J am no witch, Nor do the lines rgree ; But when my hand begins to touch, Your witchcraft you will see J That one another you've bewitch' d, And one another blame ; But when my ringers you do touch, I'll put you all to shame. So boast no more of your*great store, Till you can make it good ; And let your oaths 'bout me be o'er, They're fallen on your own head. I warn'dyou all it so would fall, And you did not believe. Can no one judge from whence the call f Yourselves you did deceive ; So now take care> 1 warn you here, Of what is hastening on, That if the sword doth now appear, The famine next will come. As in the p>;per was decreed,' You'll find it come from heaven ; And if your oaths make my heart bleed, Then now the lump I'll leaven, That is to fall upon you ail, And vengeance now I'll take ; For if your mocking still goes oOj JNIy sceptre I will shake. 78 My rod before doth now appear, And threatens now by man, That they will see the harvest clear, Or else the rod shall come; And so 'twill fall upon you all, If you do not relent. Then see the witch that you did call, To hang was your intent : But now see clear, the danger's near, To turn the other way ; You have more reason now to fear, Than see the judgment-clay. I said in Spring it would begin, And you would see it in Lent ; And as the shadow's now begun, Be wise, or you'll repent. For deep you'll see the mystery Of all was said before ; And mark from me what I did say, And May will soon be here ; Then you may see your destiny To hasten fast in May. Your fortune-teller was despis'd. And to be put away; The Spirit you have try'd to quench, And prophecies despis'd. Reflect, in May what you did say, And now you may grow wise ; Or May 'twill be, you all will see, A fatal May for man, If you in confidence agree The Prophet to condemn ; Then you shall sec your destiny, What I will put away; And every mystery will come round, As I before did say. Let May appear, my hour is near To turn it back on man ; Then for the powers I bid you pray, The heads now of your land. This I'll explain another time : But tell you this of May, You all will sec such destiny, To judge what I do say Is spoke one year, and not appear, Another hastening on For ME to make the mysteries clear, And prove from whence they come. 79- Could they discern how I do warn, No learning can appear, To shew I shall bring on the storm, And every Hanger's near." I dreamt 1 saw a large castle building, with large bow windows and boards before them. 1 thought the wind rose high, and carried the boards up in the air, and that they fell back again in the same p^ce. I said they must be fastened to make them remain, " My house, is building now a-ne\v, , My scaffolds I shall place, The boards must keep the storms and rain, For they shall want no glass ; ' For my partition must be strong, The glass will never do ; You'll see the time before 'tis long, I'll bring it to thy view. Strong, firm partitions you must build, Which stones cannot destroy : I say the storms are rising high, . For those that don't enjoy A steadfast and unshaken faith For to rely on M E ; Fatal scenes are coming on, That every soul shall see. For every proud and scornful heart I certain will bring low ; For fatal years are coming on, That every soul shall know. And when thy writings are brought forth, They'll say this is the year That I pronounc'd my just decrees, And England sure shall fear. The last year I my threatenings sent, With cold and hunger too ; But now 'tis chang'd the other way ^I'll bring it to thy view: The weather mild, my smiles descend, And now 'tis just the same; Man with his Maker does contend, But does not know my name. Sin in your land does still abound, As I have said before ; If Satan's come for to condemn, Then sinners sure may fear t But if 'tis I that do reprove, I bid mankind awake; For if that they do slight my love, My sceptre I shall shake." Compare the three chapters of Joel together, foe^ ginning with the first " Hear this, ye old men, and " all the inhabitants of the land ; hath this been in " your days, or in the days of your forefathers ?" Now look back on all the records of history, and your Bibles, and see it'all things have ever happened together as they now are. Were I to go through the chapters which relate to the Jews at that time, and what is for Jews and Gentiles now, I should take up too much of your time; but I shall come to the purpose. When the Lord was doing any extraor- dinary thing in the land, it was to bring about some strange acts, and some extraordinary event was to take place. Now compare the words^qf our Saviour with the words of the prophet Joel, and see if such things have happened in the days of your forefathers, as have within half a century. Nation hath risen against nation, city against city ; fite nations have been divided against themselves with- in the space of forty years ; wars and rumou rs of wars, perplexities and distresses of nations, and almost the fear of a famine, which we have heard from a- broad and at home ; and hath all this passed unno- ticed? Men imprisoned for prophecies; yet the spi- rit of prophecy cloth not cease, but much more abounds ; and so do sorrows in all lands abound ; then see if all such things have ever happened to- gether in the days of your forefathers. Our Saviour said, "I come not to -destroy the law and the pro- phets, but to fulfil them;'' but were -the. prophets' words ever fulfilled ? yet Joel's words must be ful- filled, when the Lord comcth to pour out his Spirit upon all flesh. Compare those words with the words of our Saviour "When ye see all these things, lift " up your heads.; for, lo ! your redemption draweth "nigh." The word of the Lord spoken by tne Prophets, and the words of our Satiour, and his Apostles, are all fulfilling together. Now the /s 81 prophet Amos, in chap. iiL ver. 7, says " Surely " the Lord will do nothing, but he revealtth his " secret unto his servants -the prophets." But will you say, the Lord hath not done it ? Is there evil in the city, and the Lord hath not done it ? Will the jion roar where no prey is? The lion hath roared, who can but fear? The Lord hath spoken, who can but prophesy ? .Bring the law and the gospel together ; for as a chain is linked together, so they must be fulfilled together. I have given a very short -account of what is explained very clearly. The 5th of November, 1734, was explained to nie in the following manner: " As Moes was a type of C/irist, foretold 15y ail riie Prophets you have heard of old, November is a sure- and certain s How it \viil end wit;* all ';id. The plot at first resembk-d ti.^t of hell, \Vhe.e the infernal fiend does ever .;\vell; The am of man resemble all mankind That to such master do their spirits bind ; And in ihe manner they have kept the day, So in like manner all uill pass awav. Some of you now regard it not at all ; lit -lure that day all such must surely fill; Some are like madmen drunken at that day, And so like madmen some will pass away; Some sport with tire, and they do net know Of any reason why they've kept it so; But yet with fire some will pass away, Anri be consumed in that awful clay; Some sport with rockets mounting in the air, The tire does sparkle, you may see most clear; So will the fire sparkle from on hi^h, And then too late lor any one to fly ; Other> by lingi n make the echo sound, Tin Ijellsin every parish round; While Mime their son^s of loyalty do sing In honour to their S-.vHnr, Lord, and King. This is the dilierent iviuU.cl < f mankind ; And those the difVeie;:t an-weis 1 hey shall find. For when- the 1 ,tte;,s weie first blaz'd abroafl, Then every one pursued his dili'erent road: L 82 So when thy letters are first blaz*d abroad, Then e\ery one will seek his different road : They'll seek at fiist the truth for to find out, But I will make itpla n, they've nought to doubt. For in the house the right man bore the name, For whom ihe letter was when there it came; Because kind Providence did order so, That the^s the certain truth might surely know; So when the right man cometh unto thee, Whom I have mention'd so repeatedly, Then the dark mysteries will be brought to light, And plainly shewn to each believer's sight; And then the different road they will pursue, To prove to man that all my words are true. Some will in tran>port wait for that glad day, When they their King in triumph sure shall see; The heavenly mu-ic will sound in their ear, And they will long to see their Lord appear In all his glory tor so bright to shine, And eager wish for that appointed time; While lukewarm Christians they will little care, And say, if we' re in Christ, what shall we fear? What farther hopes have we for to believe ? If we're in Christ, what more can we receive ? But such professors are lukewarm to me, And much more hateful than the sinners be; Because that they are loyal to their king; But lukewarm Christians will no honour bring. The day appointed they shall never see, Nor with the Bridegroom welcom'd in shall be; Their lamps gone out, and I will shut the door; The foolish virgins shall not enter there. NOW to the wicked thou must quickly turn; For there my anger shall like fury burn. Now change these lines, and thou wilt quickly see, How well with reason all this doth agree. Therefore let no one blame the Romish bands, Nor the most spiteful Jews, nor heathen lands; For they myself so much I do not blame; Because they've never heard a .Saviour's name; But those that do profess to know my name, And by their conduct do deny the same; Them of high treason I will sure condemn, And lay it heavier on such sons of men ; For once my anger does begin to smoke, Then sure such souls shall shrink beneath my yoke. Now from this type a warning I do give, How every one may now begin to live. 83 In 1794 I dreamt I was on a high place ; but I could not tell how I came there. . I thought I was in a large room, that had got two how windows, out of one of which I thought I looked, and. saw the clouds working in a very strange manner, with a train hanging double, that had the appearance of gunpowder; and a most extraordinary spectacle did the working of the clouds in heaven exhibit. I was ordered to pen it, and it was explained in the following manner: " This is the very mystery of thy dream, The working of the clouds I shall explain; For in the heavens I say 'tis working high; But there comes on arn ther mystcr, ; For the dark train it must to all be known, The fury of the Lori! is coming down; But hanging doul'ly surely it would be, And every nation shall my fury see ; Yet as thou know'st not how thou didst come there, So all's a mystery I to thee declare. To know the will oi God, how can it be? Thou know'st to man it is a mystery. I ask of those that do my Spirit blame, Am I not God, as yesterday the same ?" - [The remainder of tins dream shall appear in Part J//.] In 1795 I dreamt there were two boys sitting by the fire; one of whom, hearing he was to be killed, turned himself into a rabbit ; and they were com- pelled to clash his head in pieces. I thought the other boy said to me, you will not kill me, will you ? the Lord is too merciful, and you are too pitiful. I thought I took the boy up, in my arms, hugged him to my breast, and said, no ; 1 would sooner kill myself, than hurt you. Simple v as this dream may appear, very deep is the meaning. I shall give the explanation in the following manner: " Then now unto the purpose (hou art come; Just like the boys are all the sons of men. Thou know'st that one turn'd himself to a beast, M - When deTai upon him, and his sentence cast, Which made it easy him tor to destroy. .But now thou'rt come unto the other boy; 84 He saw the other did before him die, And then for mercy he did humbly cry; He sought thy mercy; it he did obtain, Thou hugg'st the child when he did sore complain. 'Twas I that brought this vision to thy view; Just iikc thy d'ream I with mankind shall do ; t <:o through, I, 7 ;. hang the iv:: ,'.<. - must go; '! ' en in the gap I bade thee tor to come, O MI mv fury 1 should throw all down ; 'i hen in the i>,ap I bid theg now at.ipear, Make up the breach, as Moses ciid Before, And from the text 1 said I'd fix it there. 86 The Holy Ghost to thee is surely come, Tis lie inspires, it must to all be known. From place to place, and heart to heart I go, And know before what every man will do. Out ot his mouth to-day he did deelare That very text that brings the substance here; For like the text I say I'll surely do ; If men will jiot obey, aru u\vu M E true, Piovuk'd to anger, 1 shall soon begin, It iii en deny, v hen thou hast told my mind. And now I tell ihee, ifthou dost draw back, liuiu arvl th trieiids in pieces I shall break ; Bi.tletihy irieiuK \\itii t "e in this agree, Then l/y their tuith preserved they shall be, As all thj writings are in a straight line: And can they prove the writings are nor mine? No greater 'judges then il ey must appear Than thou wast of thfe feerroon thou didst hear; And that ti ou s-a^At thou didst not understand, So \\ilt not justify, nor wilt condemn. Soto mankind I now do say the same, If they'll n t justify, they can't condemn ; An-i to thy juiigine..t they must give it up, And 'tis !>} thee t! e curtains must come buck ; For he that pre ch'u it n w the judge must be, And now ( tell thee so must it by thee, If that thy writings they can't understand, 1 ut say it is out of the reach of man, To judge aright of things that are too high, Then to thyself they all must give the day." One night I dreamt I saw men in the air, who pitched u it) i their horses upon the earth; the horses fought -furiously, and tlje men fought furiously; and so frightened me that I awoke, and thought th., French would land; but I was answered in the following manner : " Tis ;,oi the French, as thou dost now suppose; The hc.-ilc 1 . dye was on the soldiers' clothes, And on the earth for battle firm they stood: Thou kaow'st my garments they were dipt in blood. No more in Bethlehem doth the infant lay, But now in heaven my wonders shall display; A place for horses, when the S /n of God Unto mankind his coming first was know'd ; And as the horses do the harness wear, So let them know my chariot it is near. 87 These heavenly visions shall to all be known, That in ray chariot I am caning down: No more in swaddlings doth the iutant lay, But no\v I'll come in glory's bright array, And a true Saviour now 1*11 "surely be To those who put their trust alone in ME. But darkness o'er the earth will sure abound ; Yet you, enlighten'ci land, his praise resound; The glory of the Lord shall in thee rise, And his salvation shall be in the wise. Conquering to conquer I will now begin: Rejoice, ye lands! wilh joy and gladness sing." This dream is deeper than any man can possibly imagine. I shall here introduce a parable, that was inter- preted to me at the time Campion was executed for committing a riot, and who was drawn to the gallows guarded by soldiers; near about which time a mill-stone was broken at the very mill where the riot first commenced, which shook the earth for four miles round, as report then stated. It was explained to me in the following manner : " I said the thief with me did surely die, "When I was. murder' d on Mount Calvary; And now the sight much like it doth appear, To let them know my chariot-wheels are near. The stone was broken at the mill, 'twas so, It shook the ground, let all the readers know. The swords and spears thou whettest all in vain, For to prevent, the time is coming on ; And know the sceptre I shall surely sway, And save the soldiers who do ME obey : That is, to act according to my word, And let them know that I alone am Lord: A disaffected man they all call'd ME, And said the tribute I refund to pay ; Then now for tribute I shall pay them, all ; My sword and gun do loud for vengeance call. That very man to Paradise is come ; Unto the cross he brought ME back again. And now my sword it shall like fury smoke, The hearts of men I'll surely bow or break, , Just as the mill-stone did before the time; I say of all men they are totally blind, 8S Or like thy sister, head-strong wisdom And think their gods and they can iul< \Vhen that the hearts of none they can command." ST. ATIIANASIUS'S CREED paraphrai " The Father, Son, and liuly Gliost, thes6 i Make one true God in perfect unity; The Father is the giver of the.u all ; The Son is the redeemer of the full; The Holy Ghost did to the Virgin come To make the Trinity agree in ON K. The Son did come, man's natur- to assume, That man again might like his Maker come; But here's a mystery I'll to lliee reveal, That I no longer shall from thee conceal : That GOD and Man must first united be For to fulfil the glorious Trinity; The Trinity and Unily are one, A perfect peace then made with God and man. Another mystery Ires still behind, That thou in no ways out the truth canst find, Which thou must gaiher from the Trinity, Though join'd in one, inferior man must be. These things that I to thee have now reveal'd, Are from the wise and prudent men conceal'd; Because the Son of God, when here below, Has said, to babes he would the mystery show. One person of the F;,thcr is the Son, Another of the Son is surely Man, Another of the Holy Ghost proceed The woman's doom'd to break the serpent's head. Not of herself she any thing could do, But by the power of God these things are true ; The Godhead of the Father and the Son, And of the Holy Ghost, these three are one; The glory equal, and in majesty Make one true God in perfect unity. Th;s is the faith that all men must believe, II they aaain i:i perfect be ivceiv'd ; For by the : hn-tian faith we are compell'd, That ue urn, G< d and Christ be reconcil'd ; Then every man in Christ shall be made lord Of every blessing he doth here afford ; And wi.man by the lld\ Ghost shall come- To full perfeYtion, equal with the man; Bone of his boiu-, and flesh like his become, Dividing substance, but in heart us on/; '1 he ^t'tM that's planted in the urgi;^ w< mb, is'ot ut iicnel:, dolL to \ euecUvU come; 89 Nor no perfection could there be in man, Ti:l by God's wisdom they \vere join'd as one; Wade l^eirs of- God and Christ, and heirs of heaven Shall be their seed, when the whole lump is ieaven'd. So now your Saviour's words you plainly see, They are mads perirct in this Trinity ; None is before norafter, neither then, Because in Gi .;: t( cy arc nil perfect men. How can this Creed be e'^r made out by man, \Vhut they do not believe nor understand?-. To keep it underii'd there no men do ; Then all must perish, if men's words are true. But heie's the mystery now :;,ade out by God, When all shall keep it by his holy word." I shall now explain the faith of Abraham, when he went to offer up his son Isaac, in whom the promise was made. But how couki it be: fulfilled, when he was dead ? would be the faith now a-day. " But here was Abraham's strong faith j Let Aoraham now appear: By charity he follow'd ME, Or else his faith would err. Because of M E hi . 3 thoughts were high, Or faith would soon been dead ; He would have stumbled in the way, When he to .th' altar led His only son, to ail was known The promise there was made ; But when I bid him offer up, Then faith must sure be dead; The child be dead, the promise fled, And it must be in vain; But charity was found in he The promise to obtain ; Because he judg'd ME as a God That would not man deceive. This way the gloomy path he trod, In charity believ'd, That if his son I did demand, Another I'd prepare, To bring it to the promis'd land That 1 had said before ; And on my word he did depend, And so did M E obey ; He judg'd ME faithful in the end, And so went on his way; M 90 And then the altar did prepare, And bound the happy child. But now the mysteries I shall clear: When both together, mild The son demands to see the lamb The father must prepare ; The father took and bound the son, To prove the lamb was there. "When this was done, the voice was known, Which did them both surprise Now, Abraham, stay thy bloody hand, And cast about thine eyes ; Let go the" lamb, and take the ram ; lie's in the thicket caught; Then like that lamb let men become, The victory shall be wrought. For my sons they are fast bound, And on the altar cast; But Satan's doom must so come round To be the ram at last. But here thy mind is puzzled now, And puzzling doth appear ; Can Satan e'er a ram be called ? I'll make the mystery c,lear : Comparisons have always been : The serpent was of >j p., When in the wilderness was seen, The brazen serpent, see ; And yet it was a type of ME ; Then marvel not 'tis so, That I compar'd him to a ram, That with my Hock doth go, For to defy and hunt my sheep, And lead them all astray. Now by the horn he shall be caught ; The thicket's in the way: If men like Abraham do begin, I will my sons unbind ; The walls which Satan made so strong, Shall \fith his horns come down. The waUs of Jericho must fall ; The ram's horns must appear: But let the sound be known to alf, 'Tis I have spoken it here. I shall throw down, and now build up, That you may stand secure ; And build upon a firmer hope, Than yon have stood before ; 91 Because my mind I have c~nceal'd From all the sons of men ; I But when the mysteries are reveal'd, Then will your hopes be known." Now I have given you a short account of Abra- ham's Faith , and what a type that was of the last days. Our faith is what we judge of God ; but as it is written, " False prophets shall arise and de- (< ceive many," I shall give you a short account of what they are : They are those who prophesy out of their own hearts, and have seen nothing; and deny the true prophets of the Lord, Every man that pretends to say things that will not come to pass, as it is written, " Maketh himself a prophet,, " and prophesieth out his own heart, and deceiveth "all that believe him." Too many false prophets are already gone out into the world, who have pro- phesied false things and deceit; whom the Lord neither sent or commanded ; yet they pretend to prophesy, and deceive many thereby. Th.s I shall explain more clearly hereafter, and shew you, from the written word of God, that true prophecies must be given, and the Bible clearly revealed to man. It is not the sword of war that will open any man's understanding ; it is the sword df the spirit that must bring men to the knowledge of the Lord ; or men would abide for ever in kraorahce. The following lines were written in answer to men's saying, that the Jews would be converted ; and that many had pretended to prophesy, as I had done. " Vain are their thoughts, to think that I Shall e'er convince them in the way That their vain notions now suppose, Which make my Gospel of no use. What profit was it for to pen What never is of use to men ? ^ But here my Bible's thrown aside, Since now my Spirit is denied. M 2 Bring now the woman, let her come, That writes i r acts as them hast done ; Then an impostor thou s-halt be, And say another acts like thee. No woman ever did assume To say a child was ever born As Mary did the son of God ; fetidh tiling was never heard, nor know'd. Now where's the. woman will appear To shew herself the. bride so clear? It Mich a thins; was ever done, I will no longer guide thy pen. So all g.nmaycrs now stand still, It is your God, it is his will To vindicate the lawful bride, To shew his Gospel is applied ; And then as brides I'll make ye all. That on my name for mercy call ; And all alike I'll join to ME; 'Tis but a mark that ye might see That all my liible is made clear; For like the jews the Gentiles are ; It must come perfect to the word, Or they'll deny it is from God: Now 'tis come perfect to the word ; Let Jews and Gentiles know the Lord." As I am coming to the conclusion of my Second Book, I must beg the serious reader will weigh deeply the .First Book; and call his attention to what was said in 1 79^ (see page 14), and which was spoken in verse. I must also call his attention to the 18th page, and earnestly intreat him to weigh deeply what was spoken in the Psalms, page 20; mark well the letter that follows, and the cross and dots for words, which, though he cannot read, are deep and weighty, and were sent to :he mi- nisters in words that are concealed from the pub- lic; and lie will find there is concealed from him what is hastening on, that he knows no more of than the dots lie cannot read ; for the one is as much concealed from him as the other, at present ; so he must wait till the ten years are expired; and then he will clearly perceive the truth of the first letter. I have understanding, as well as you all. I must beg your attention to the Second Letter: Unto whom have you done despite? either to the Spirit of the Lord, or to me; if to me, no judg- ments can follow; hut if to the Lord, they cer- tainly will. For in all ages of the world, when men mocked the words of the Lord, the Lord said, I will laugh at their calamities, and mock when their fear cometh. Then you will perceive you have all seen through a glass darkly; and read the hook as a man vieweth his face in a glass, and goeth away, forgetting what manner of man he was, and is therefore obliged to return to the glass to recollect his features ; so you must re- turn to the First Book, to recal the prophecies, if y ou wish to be judges of what you read. The third letter you are fulfilling, if you could read the dots, that stand in the place of words, where it is spoken of and concerning Egypt; but, like blind men judging of colours that will not bear the day-light, so many have judged of my writings, that when the truth is come to light, their judgmentswill not bear. I shall next call your attention to the contents of page C 2Q. Talk no more so proudly, lest your pride should have a fall. For some readers have not discerned a word that they have read ; while others have weighed deeply, ,and have not exer- cised themselves in things too high for them ; de- sirous of being more clear in their judgment, by seeing more of it. I shall conclude, by answering those who say, my writings are the production of some minister or another ; and that I, like a fool, have signed my name to other men's works. At this so strange 94 an assertion I cannot but marvel; being at a loss to conceive, how any man. who has read the books through, can be so destitute of understand- ing. He, or they, must discern in what manner they are put ; the truth is easy to be found out ; and had it been my intention to impose on the public, I must have shot considerably beyond the mark, and overshot myself. My soul is provoked to hear what wrong constructions some readers have put upon my writings. " But barr-" piinrls, like barren soil, M'ick the ciiltiv tor's toil. Though you sow the choicest seed, It produceth chaff and weed ; So if chaff and weed, appear, I will burn the fallows bare, Until the ground is fit for wheat, And then you'll find your crops are great. But, Oh ! wbot seed shall I now sow, When every blade of wheat I know Is coinpass'd round so full of weed, There is no room for it to breed ? Then if the weeds so fast do grow, My wheat must all be choak'd, 1 know, Until I make my fallows bare, And like a husbandman appear, To cleanse my ground, and burn the weed, And then my wheat I know will breed. And so this year I will go on : It nought but weeds ; the weeds I'll burn ; And when y-our harvest does appear, No more complain of scanty year; For full as scanty I see man To speak die truth, or judge my hand ; For if believer* do upbear, li.ey'rechoakM \\iih mockers every where. Tien I will surd, mock the whole, And cho'k ; ,e hn.'ve-l lor you all ; Unless my ^erv "....s <.o I c::m To pull the wt.eds ihat now do spring So very fast to chonk the bh.iie, No corn 'at harvest to be had. But now (i e mystrry I'll explain ; The word of God's the seed 1 me;ai, 95 That like the manna comes from heaven ; And angels' food to man is given, While in the- wilderness ^ou stand, And help you to the promis'd land, That you will find is now before, And you may see the Canaan shore. The blades that I have call'd the wheat, Are those that judge the calling; .great, That they from Satan shall be free : And Pharaoh was a type of he. The weeds that do so strong appear, Are unbelievers every where, That choak the heart, it cannot grow; So here's the Gospel and the Law, That I shall closely join in one; And to the Gospel now I'll come. The husbandman doth now apj ear, To sow his seed both far and i;ear; And as the tender blades do spring, The enemy the tares doth bring ; I saw his seed amongst the wheat ; Then soon you'll find the harvest great; For both together now may grow ; To weed the tares too soon I know That all my wheat I must destroy ; Then who my harvest can enjoy ? So both together let them spring, Until my reapers do begin For to cut down both wheat and tare ; Then I'll divide my harvest here, And all the chaff it soon shall fly, And all will find my harvest nigh ; For every mystery I'll explain, What is beyond the heads of men." I shall finish this Book with remarking, that the two publications I have produced, are as hard to be understood, and as hard to be believed, by the Gentiles, who are under the Gospel, as the Old and New Testaments are by the Jews, who are under the Law. In my next Book I shall throw open the Bible, and bring all things to your re- membrance, and come to the purpose with Jews and Gentiles. And what has been omitted in this 96 Book, I promise to insert in the next, provided I do not hear too much contradiction by men, /or me to hold a controversy with. 'Therefore, now give ear, .O heavens! and be astonished, O earth ! the Lord hath a controversy with his people. Joanna South cott* March 29, 1801. Printed by W. MAECHANT, Greville-Strcet ; and sold by E. J. FIELD, No. 150, near Bloomsbury Court, High Holborn ; C. AI;I;OTT, opposite the London Apprentice. East End of Old-Street: W.Tox.tB, Lambeth Road, St. George's Fields; also by W. SYMOKDS, Gandj Lune ; aud ihe Miss EVF- LEIGHS, St Sidwell's, Exeter; S. HIRST, Leeds; J. MIUDT ETON, York; aod JAMKS LIGHT, Coventry-Street, Stourbridgc, \Vuia.-stcihire. rJi-iiu jTii. ft* .; The Strange Effects of Faith. THIRD PART. 1 Shall begin this Book with the explanations of the other two, and the meaning of the third chapter of Genesis. The two volumes of books are deep and weighty, which I must call your attention to, and request you will compare them together (the first and second) how they will be fulfilled ; and which I shall shew you in this book. But now I must direct your thoughts to the third chapter of Genesis. The first prophecy that was given, was to the ser- pent ; the second to the woman ; and the third to the man. Now I shall shew you how it is ex- plained ; and how it will be fulfilled you will see in the volume of this book. To me it appeareth, as clear as the noon-day sun, just and right for the serpent to bear the blame the woman cast on him, if the Lord of Life and Glory bore on the cross the blame which man cast on him in paradise, when he fell ; for those are the reasons assigned to me why he died, which I shall shew you in the following manner ; but this must be judged by the world at N large. Kvprinted by S. Rousseau, Wood Street, Spa Fields, from the 'fust tldition, published May iy, 1801. ( 98 ) . large. The writings that I am ordered to pot in print, are to try what is in man, to open the eyes of the blind, and to unstop the ears of the deaf, that the dead might hear his voice and live. And now I say unto this land, , if this year that hath begun in sorrow, does not end in joy, it is your own faults : for England may be a blessed land ; and the first redeemed of all the earth ; be able to boast in the God of their salvation ; and see every enemy fall before them, spiritual and temporal ; for the fulness of the Gentiles is the calling of the Jews ; and in this book you will find it written, how your full redemp- tion must come. But as the Lord hath appointed ministers as shepherds to their flocks, so all who read this book, if they cannot understand it, ought in' duty to appeal to their ministers ; for they have as much right to demand their judgment, as the ministers have to demand their money for preach- ing ; and the sacrament binds and commands all persons distressed in mind to go to their ministers, and make known their grief; and they must be careless readers, who are not desirous of knowing, if this calling be of God, or not ; for as the benefit is great to those who receive it worthily, so is the danger great to those who receive it unworthily, for then ye have eat and drank the body and blood of Christ to your condemnation, not discerning the Lord's body till his coming. This I shall explain, that I might not hurt weak minds. The manner of receiving it worthily, is, to see the justness of God, how it was placed, and how it was all ordained. But if jealousy arise in your breasts, whether the report be true or not, appeal to the ministers of the Lord for further instruction, to know what spirit hath inspired a woman, to write such things in these last days, as never entered into the heart or thoughts of any one since earth's foundation was placed. Those that thus concern themselves, are worthy partakers ( 99 ) partakers of the body and blood of Christ, and will reap much benefit thereby, to their great and end- less comfort ; but those that receive it unworthily, are such as read it as an idle tale, and do not care whether it be true or nor ; and' their conduct will kindle God's wrath against them, and provoke him to plague them with divers diseases, and sundry kinds of deaths ; for they have eat and drank their % own condemnation, by eating the bread, and drink- ing the wine, in memory of his death ad suffering. And now they are shewn clearly what his death and suffering meant, to turn it back on the serpent at last as HE bore it at first. Then ye cannot be wor- thy partakers, unless the same mind be in you, as was in Christ ; for you know the devil was the au- thor of every sin ; and the finisher when Christ died upon the cross ; for then he betrayed both God and man, when he entered into Judas; Judas hanged himself, and our Saviour was crucified : therefore our dear dying Lord said, it was finished. But you must know, from Isaiah, that the day of vengeance wa in his heart ; that meaneth, to turn on Satan the spear. Know, if we are worthy partakers of his body and blood, we shall all drink into the same spirit, least we bring that day of vengeance on ourselves, by committing the sin against the Holy Ghost. But such a monster, I trust, there is not upon earth ; yet I fear there are many Laodiceans, neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm ; they are unworthy re- ceivers of the sacrament. I shall now answer those who marvel at my saying I am the Bride. I tell you all, Christ stileth himself the Bridegroom; and whoever hath his mind and will written on his heart, the same is the Bride ; for Christ is the Bridegroom, the Church is the Bride, Now call his words to your remembrance " Who is my mother? he that doeth the will of my Father, the same is my mother, my brother, and my sister." " And now I ask you, N 2 who who is the Bride ? those who have my mind and heart within them, to avenge the injuries done to the Lord. I am the Bridegroom, they are the Bride, saith the Lord Jesus Christ. Judas betrayed ME ; but he could not crucify ME, had not others agreed with him ;" and though the petition is made by me, it cannot be offered up as an acceptable sacrifice till the church unite together. I shall shew you the meaning of this mystery hereafter, from the two rams that Moses was ordered to offer up as a burnt sacrifice.' To explain the type of those two rams, is too deep, too weighty, and a field too large to enter into at present. But now I will come to Pilate's question, " Which of the twain 'will ye that I release unto you ? the serpent, or the woman ? Here is as just an inquiry as Pilate made. One of the two must be cast, before your full redemption can be accomplished, Now answer for thyself, O man ! and I will for the woman. Did I not bear all the blame man cast on ME ? And is it not just, the serpent should bear the blame the woman cast on him ? If ye judge this simple, read back your Bibles, and ye will find alias simple. Simple WHS my coming into the world, and my manner through the world, and my going out of the world ; all was as simple to the Jews as this appears to the Gentiles. Was I not born of simple parents, laid in a manger, and sim- ply warned the wise men to return another way for fear of Herod, when I could have destroyed him ? Did I not simply fly into Egypt, and full as simply returned again ? For a God to be afraid of man, you must confess a simple thing. And now in verse I shall begin To echo back the lines to men. Of simple parents ( wa- horn, And worldly wise men did me scorn : Simply, to Kgypt I did fly, And simply all \V;K ( 101 ) And simply anothei way I did turn back again ; Simply I oft myself did hide When man 1 could destroy ; Simply the manger made my bed, While mankind did enjoy Their beds of down, and wore their crown, While I was forc'd to flee ; And simply shall their pride come down, That every soul shall see. Simple among the sons of men I always did appear 5 . /#***" And simple in the woman's form O/ re the blaaie that man did cast on ME, The day of vengeance I had in my heart, It was on Satan for to turn the dart, That he should bear the blame as well as ME, Cast by the woman. Now let all men tec, No other way I could for rmn atone, To free his guilt, but take it all my own. Then as I first took on ME every blame That man did cast, then Satan sure must come To bear the blame the woman cast on he, And there's no other way you can be free? Your full redemption ye can ne'er atta'n . jf/ -JL*. But by the woman, whom I did ordain ^ rj To be your helpmate in your sore distress. And in the end complete your happiness. For this I tell you was my Father's will ; And, lo ! I come, his promise to fulfil, And pay the debt was cast on ME by man ; And now the other mystery comes bn. When Satan pays the debt was cast on he, Your full redemption you with joy may see ; No other way can your redemption come, But by the woman copying after man, To s:iy to Satan, now must come the spear, 'Tis just that you your sentence now should bear. Now I shall come to reason with man. What ideas could fill thy head and heart, O man ! to think my .Father and I should agree together for ME to leave my Father's throne, to come down on earth, to suffer hunger and thirst, poverty and want, temptation and persecution ; go through a life, the half of what I suffered here below was never penned ; and then to make myself a sacrifice for sin, for man ; or suffer man to make ME a sacri- fice for sin, that knew no sin, that man might live ; and at that time to cast out my chosen people, the Jews, and scatter them over the face of the earth, as a just mark of my resentment; and make them my people that were not my people; call them be- loved that were not beloved ? Wherein have I chang- ed ( 104 ) ed for the better ? Trace your Bibles back ; look to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Moses, Daniel, and Job, in all the Prophets and Apostles ; are ye better than any of them ? you must answer, no ; yet the martyrs shewed their love as great in dying for ME, as the Jews did : then here ye stand together, both alike faithful, so I have not changed for the better, nor the worse : but I will tell you what I changed for to try you all in the end. The Jews perished for want of that knowledge which the devil told them they should have ; for had they been as gods, knowing good from evil, they would have known ME, when I put them to the trial of their knowledge ; therefore I told them the devil was a liar from the beginning, and by their ignorance they proved it : neither un- derstood they their prophets ; but judged what they prophesied of my second coming would be fulfilled at the first, and erred for want of knowledge ; and proved the truth of what I said to man, that he should be dead as to every knowledge of God. And now I am come to try the knowledge of the Gentiles, and find them as far from knowledge as the Jews ; or they would have discerned from whence the Spirit came : but here is man lost in wisdom and under- standing, and dead as to the knowledge of God. ISJow I will throw open the Bible unto all men. The woman, through her strange effects of faith, was betrayed by the serpent, and gave it to the man ; the man betrayed his Lord ; then followed the wondrous prophecies, that no man ever under- stood, that as the serpent bruised my heel, so shall I bruise his head, by the same weak instrument he first betrayed to bring it on MK, and should in the end bring it back again ; so I suffered what man cast on ME ; and Satan shall suffer the blame the woman cast on him ; and that man that will not own it just, shall go with his master he most prizes ; for now I will cut short my work rn righteousness." Do Do these things appear too marvellous in the eyes of the readers to believe them ? I answer, they appear to me so just, that the god of this world must so blind their eyes, that in seeing they cannot see, nor in hearing they cannot understand, if they do not see it clear : and every one must own the sentence just ; for I may say with the thief upon the cross, Satan received the just sentence passed upon him from the woman, but the Lord suffered an un- just sentence from the man, at first and at last ; for if they thought it right tojiearken to the woman at first, why not Pilate hearken to the woman at last ? So I cannot see but man is blameable, as well as the wo- man ; but the author of the whole was the devil ; he first rebelled in heaven; and, as soon as man and woman were created, he studied arts and lies to betray them, and made them break the commands of God ; and the best of men cannot shun all his arts ; therefore it is impossible for the will of God to be done upon earth, as long as Satan's power reigneth ; for his arts are as many as his power is great. Now is it un- likely that the Lord should pass so just a sentence on him, to turn back on his head the destruction he had brought on us all ? He did not spare his Son, nei- ther hath he spared man, and why should he spare the devil, who was the author of every evil ? For we learn from Judas, that the devil entered into his heart, before he betrayed his Lord ; and it is plainly proved from his hanging himself afterwards ; and I believe he entered into every heart, or they would never have betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ. Then why should it be marvellous in any one's eyes to say, the day of vengeance the Lord had in his heart turned on Satan the spear, that he should receive his sentence from the woman, as Christ did from/^^v' the man ? This appeareth to me consistent with the t '-?" w/ " mercy, wisdom, and the goodness of the Lord, who' is wise in all his ways, and just and right in all his O works. ( 106 ) works; and when I disbelieve the one, I shall the other; for the prophecies are as clear of the one as o the other. So here is my firm belief gone out into the world ; and I believe this spirit as much came from the Lord, as I believe Christ died on the cross. Now let men of learning bring forth their argu^ ments, and shew their strong reasons, why they be- lieve the one and not the other ; and I will bring forth mine, and shew my strong reasons, why I cannot believe the one without the other. What- ever be your thoughts, as judging it of myself, I will tell you the answer of the Spirit to it tc Thy pen is the pen of a ready writer ; thy heart hath indited a/ good matter ; and all men shall know the weight, and the truth, and justness of thy words; either to their joy and comfort, and everlasting salvation, or to their everlasting destruction. For now be it known unto all men, the redemption of man would never have been bought with my blood, had not that been in the bosom of the Father and ME, for ME to take the blame man cast on the Lord, that Satan might bear the blame the woman cast on him ; therefore I said unto thee, in answer to the mi- nister, when he said he would never have believed one God died to atone to another One God unto another to atone ; It is a mystery understood by none. But now the mystery I shall shew it clear, The fatal sin I bid you now beware ; For here's the sin against the Holy Ghost, To say the serpent's sentence is not just ; Then sure unjustly I for man did die. ; Look unto Calvary, men, and tell ME, why You nail'd my hands and feet unto the cross ? Jf Sacan's freed, then man, 1 say, is lost. Greater than Adam man brought on the guilt, And on your heads must all my blood be spilt, If from my side there does not com? the spear To bru:se the serpent's head, and wound it here. My side, like man's, was open to your view, Look on the woman now; believe it true. That That here's a woman taken from my side, That I've declared to man to be the bride, And to take vengeance for the Bridegroom's heel, And justly claim the serpent's blood to spill. Now if this justice is denied by man, I tell you plain, you've brought your ruin on ; For then the vengeance I had in my hcar^ Must be on man to turn the fatal dart ; But if you own the woman's sentence just, Then man is freed, and Satan's sentence cast. So now the hearts of men I mean to try, And then my arrows they shall surely fly ; On men or devil shall my fury fall ; So now take care, I warn you one and all. Now I have shewn you plainly why I took man's nature upon ME, and died for man that I might bear the blame he cast on ME, that Satan might bear the blame the woman cast on him ; for I felt for man, that I had made him subject to the powers of dark- ness. But was there no other way could be or* dained for man's redemption ; and could my Father's wrath be no other way appeased, but by my shameful death upon the cross ? How inconsistent with rea<- son, to think the shameful death men put ME to, should appease my Father's wrath. No. no, I tell you plainly, O man ! was it to stop there, it would sooner increase his anger than abate his wrath : But what will abate his displeasure with men, is, their seeing clearly the justness of his sentence, in casting on Satan the sentence from the woman, as they cast the sentence on the Lord by man ; for though the petition is made by thee, the just- ness of the sentence must be cast by man, before ever God and man can be reconciled. Where is the age that sheweth or proveth God was ever reconciled to man ? Have not the judgments of God overtaken men in every age of the world ? Then how is my lather's wrath appeased, when sin and sorrow, and the judgments of God, have followed if an to this day ? Will you say I died for them that O 2 were were good men, and believed in ME ? And was that all I died for to reconcile to God ? then my blood was shed in vain ; for in every age of the world, they that feared God, and worked righteousness, were saved. So there is no way man's judgment pointeth out my death was of any use to him. But here are the ends of my death ; to see the travail of my soul, and be satisfied ; to triumph over death, hell, and the grave ; when I see my deadly foe cast by man that crucified me, and clamour for Satan's destruction, as they did for mine ; and all men say, with the thief on the cross, Satan is cast justly, but the Son of God has done no wrong ; then will my Fa- ther be reconciled to man ; and Satan must confess I have done him no wrong, if I bore the sentence man cast on ME, for him to bear the sentence the woman cast on him. If I stoop to the failings of men, Satan must fall the same way ; for if man is the sufferer, man must be the judge. But consider, the Son of God suffered with man, and must be the Judge for man ; men as men must be the jury, God as God must be the Judge, to pass the sentence, when clearly proved by man ; then will God and man be reconciled. Weigh deeply these lines with reason and the Bible, and tell ME, O man ! whether this sentence is just or unjust, and J will answer thee again. But ne'er no judges in your land Had e'er so weighty trial in hand, S nee I was judg'd at Pilate's bar. The Holy Ghost roust be judg'd here ; But I do tell them, 'tis not thee, It is the writings they must see ; I am the Spirit did indite, ^ That did induce thee first to write ; And all mankind shall knmv I AM, ^, And I JEHOVAH is my name, The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, In these three Is the sentence past, And every mystery I'll explain, And C And echo back the lines to men. I am the Maker of ye all, Eden was found, when man did fall, A tree of life within to stand : Hear now my voice, ye sons of men ! people ! simple and unwise, Vain.are your thoughts, for to despise A God that gave the woman first j 1 AM, I AM, too, gave her last ; By her obedience freed the score, Her faith is just, if man sets clear j And she hath err'd the safest side, The path is straight, the field is wide. So if you judge her senses lost, It is where man can never boast, So far beyond the learned 's skill ; So you may judge it as you will." The following was written, in answer to a digni- tary of the church, to whom I have sent many let- ters. It was from the text he preached on a thanks- giving day in 1797 " Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling," Psalm \\. ver. 11. It was answered me in the following manner : j " Now thou hast ended I'll begin. The second Psalm to all is come j My sword is drawn, and dipp'd in blood ; 'Tis time for man to know his God ; For conquering now I'll conquer all. And fast the deluge down shall fall, Till every nation, you shall see, Will each fall down and worship ME. I'll trifle now with man no more; My sword I'll send from shore to shore, Until the nations do comply, And in the vailies humbly lie, To worship at Irnmanuel's feet; Now I've begun I'll finish it. But if your peace you'll keep at home, My mind and will must be made known ; That every nation now may fear, Lj^England know my kingdom's near, "VvTRj every burden I'll relieve, And gladden soon the hearts that grieve. But it this way ye do go on, To keep in darkness still your land, Just Just like thy head all hearts will be j We cannot stand, lie down like thee. Provok'd by anger, first they'll go Careless, like thee, of what they do,. Until their feet a,re wet with blood, /And soon the pain will seize their head ; Then sure like thee they'll all lie down " We cannot stand, nor bear the wound." Therefore ye shepherds now awake, The helmet of salvation take, And the whole grinour now put on, And shew the Corner-stone to man -, The temple-gate throw open wide, And shew your flocks where they must hide - t The Rock of Ages now is come ; Such days as these were never known 5 Nor did a woman so appear To write or act as thou hast here. Then every thing together weigh, You'll see the dawning of the day, Though like the weather it doth appear j The sun seems hid and cloudy here, That you cannot behold the sun, No more you see the days are come." If my readers are at a loss to know how these things came to me ; and cannot believe them, be- cause they cannot find out the mystery ; I shall answer them from another text, and part of the sermon preached by a reverend divine on the 25th of December, 1707. I hope my readers will weigh deeply the words, and the answer to them. The text was from id Corinthians, chap. viii. ver. Q. " For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, " that, though he was lich, yet for your sakes hebe- " came poor, that ye through his poverty might " be rich." In the course of his sermon he said, if we did not believe in Christ, because we could not find out all mysteries, we should be like a man that sought for an anchor in the dark, and so make sbjjjpn'eck of faith and a good .conscience; or like a philosopher, who threw away his cup, because he was outdone by a _ ( "1 ) a boy, that made a cup with the hollow of his hand to drink out of. In his sermon he said, nothing could strike us more forcibly than our own con- science, when our Saviour said, " I was hungry, Too wondrous to believe j As he can never rind the way These truths thou didst receive. Then like the man will he go on, His clip to throw away ; Because he is outdone by one Appears as low as thee ; Or in the dark, to miss his mark, No pilot can he see, No rock to climb, his anchor gone, His shipwreck let him see : What hazard run, what rock to clirab, When he's benighted here, And faith, and hope, and all isgone, And charity despair: For charity he'th none for ME, To see my honour die ; Am I not come to poverty, Humbly to him apply ? And will he say, like thee, that day He did something bestow, For to assist ME in the way, My journey to go through ? To bid ME come has he begun, Or wish'd my kingdom here; As all my flock h:.s now become Just like thy father here ? Wounded Wounded like be my people be, What clothing do you send ? I ask you where's your charity ? See my imprison'd friend ! \\\ih grief oppress'd, you wound her breast, And stones for bread you send 3 She does not want your charity, If gold be what you mean : The charity wanted by she Is faith and IOVK to show, The feeble knee for to confirm With charity below. And judge your God as Abram did- He's faithful in the end ; He won't deceive those that believe; Ceme, to the other send. For perfect here do men appear ? My word they do forget ; No prophecies are mine ; by them The mysteries seem forgot j My Bible's clear, 'tis man doth err, And trace my Bible back j Did I not tell you in the end The mysteries would be great ? The Prophet's word is on record / A Child should lead you all ; ^ Whai answer now from you I've got ? You mind it not at all. And marvellous things to you I bring, And marvellous all is done; Were you to see the perfect day Your senses would be gone. The sun so bright would take your sight When brilliant it doth shine ; You cannot long look in the sun, Nor see the things divine ; So must appear now clouded here, Your senses to secure. Thy Father's hand so near doth stand, I can't say any more." Now I shall begin with our Saviour's words when he was about to leave his disciples; he said, " When * f the Holy Ghost cometh, that is the Comforter, " whom the Father shall send in my name, he shall " bring all things to your remembrance." Now you are not to suppose lie meant it at that time to his ( 113 ) his disciples ; for though he sent the Holy Ghost upon them, and gave them power to work miracles by the power of his Spirit, yet the Father did not send it then in his name, as being the fulfilment of the meaning of his words ; for Christ appeared per- sonally unto his disciples, and the power of his Spirit was given them. The Holy Ghost is the Holy Spirit of God and Christ, as the soul and body is united in one man, the body visible, the spirit in- visible, yet the two are one ; so God and Christ are one in power, one in wisdom, and one in heart and mind ; yet they are two in person ; but the Holy Ghost is the Holy Spirit of God and Christ invisi- ble ; and where is the inspired penman that ever said the Holy Ghost was seen ? Now, as the Holy Ghost was to come, to bring all to your remem- brance, you are to consider further our dear Re- deemer's words, " What I say unto you, I say unto all ; lo ! I am with you to the end." This is meant to all his believers and followers, that he should be with them till the end was come ; to send the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, whom the Father should send in his name, to bring all things to their remem- brance. Now, my friends and enemies, I must ad- dress the different readers ; for I know, as in ages past, so is the present ; for in every age of the world unbelief hath abounded, and so it will in this present age; or the 12th chapter of the Revelation can never be fulfilled. If the devil did not work in the hearts of some men, how could the dragon cast out floods against her ? But to come to the purpose. I shall inform my readers, it is by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost my writings are to bring all things to your remembrance. I am ordered to write in his name, to call you back to the tree of knowledge, and to lay all the Bible before your eyes. I am to call to your remembrance what our Saviour said ; and what he meant by saying, the Holy Ghost was P the the Comforter; for I have now to inform you of the dangers and distresses ; sword, and almost famine, seem to appear ; yet your redemption is nigh, to be redeemed from death, hell, and sin ; that is, from Adam's fall, by the redemption in the blood of Christ i Satan to be chained down ; Christ's king- dom to be established ; and the good fruit that was on the tree of knowledge must cotne unto all men : for the dead shall hear his voice, and live ; that meaneth, those who were dead by the fall of Adam, shall come to the knowledge of God, and the know- ledge of their Bibles. The man that was born blind received his sight by Christ, and so will men that are pronounced dead be made alive by Christ ; and first, see men as trees walking, will soon see they are perfect men, and no more appear like ' " but so they now discern their Bibles' T"lorthe Scrip- tures are hid unto them that are losfT~Now we were all lost by Adam's fall ; and the Scriptures have been hid from all men. But the proper meaning of the word is it is hid from the powers of darkness ; for as soon as the devil found out the command was given to man, he found away to betray him ; and as soon as the Son of God was upon the earth, he found a way to work in man to betray him ; and did the de- vil understand the Scriptures, he would soon find a way to work on men, and make them like himself, till he would draw men to the same pride, presumption, and rebellion, as he did the fallen angels ; so all must P er ' s h' l( Therefore, it is for the sake of man that the Scriptures are hid from* men and devils, till the powers of darkness .are chained down ; then I will throw open the meaning of all the Bible, and give them the enlightened knowledge that the fallen angels had got, and place man in a state of perfect happi- ness, as they were placed; and try man for one thou- sand years; then shall I see what man is, when Satan hath no power over him ; to be clear when I judge, and ( H5 ) and just when I condemn, I will let him loose to see what he will do. Now, if Satan does not tempt man again, he shall have his perfect freedom to walk up and down in the earth ; but if he tempteth man again, he shall have his sentence passed in that day, to be cut from off the face of the earth, when the seventh thousand is expired. Now I will appeal to men's consciences, if I am not as just with Satan, as I was with man ; and if I am not just in judging, and clear in condemning, when I have made so fair a trial, and sat bounds tor the devil as well as for man. But this I will explain another time." The answer to some one's inquiry, what use the prophecies were ? " Now, JOANNA, I will answer thee in plain words. At the beginning, when man fell from the perfec- tion in which he was first made, he fell under the powers of darkness ; and had it not been for prophe- cies, man would soon have become like the wild ass's colt. The wild Indians, and the complete heathens, who worship stocks and stones, shew you what man was fallen to ; and what all men would be, had I not senr my Spirit amongst them, to in- struct and direcr them ; and by prophecies foretold what lay before them. The promises and threnten- ings were both foretold, and both were fulfilled, to enlighten men's minds, and make them live in faith and fear. But all this time man remains under the fall ; few see any form or comeliness in religion ; ignorant of God, pursued by the devil ; and what are men now, but like wild bulls, rushing one upon another ? Hath this made your land, or any other, one whit the better or wiser? Various construc- tions do all men put on it ; then how will ye be- come new creatures ? How will ye know the Lord, , : f your understanding is not enlightened ? And how P 2 will will it be enlightened, but by the spirit of revela- tion, and by the spirit of prophecy ? How shall I bring men out of darkness into my marvellous light, or how shall the knowledge of the Lord cover the earth as the waters cover the great deep, if I do not go on as I have begun ? Men now see but as trees walking- ; but when I open to men all myste- ries, then they shall see as men, why I permitted the fall ; and why I fixed their bounds to be under the fall ; and why I promised to redeem them from the fall. These are mysteries concealed from man ; and was I to shew signs and wonders in heaven above, or in the earth below, it would not enlighten men's minds. For though my Gospel is clear and plain before them; yet those who do see, it is through a glass darkly; but then shall ye see face to face: when the truths of thy prophecies are made known, then will men see the mysteries of the Bible, and all men become of one mind, and one heart ; there- fore have I made it so strong, and brought it round in so strange a manner, that it is impossible for man to-be deceived. The truths of thy prophecies will convince men of the truths of their Bible ; the strange manner it \\ill be brought tolight, will con- vince men it is the Lord's doing, and will be mar- vellous in their eyes. The more men wonder it thee, the more will they wonder at their Bibles, when they are brought plain to their view. Some stumble at thee; others at my chosen men; bur the end will convince all men that it is the wisdom of God, and not of man, who chose these very men to bring to light the hidden things that arc done in darkness, and bring my Bible and thy prophecies together. 1 will explain it more fully on the morrow." The Ityh of June, 1798. ( H7 ) I have given you a short account of the use of prophecies, and now I will explain the mystery of prophecies. They were delivered to the Prophets, who never understood them, nor any that read them ; as you will see by the vision of EzekieFs Dry Bones. It was delivered to the Prophet long before Christ came ; and the end of the vision was seen by John (see Revelation, chap. vii. where he speaks of the sealed people). Happy are those who believe and pray to be some of the sealed number : for the Lord will wipe away all tears from their eyes (as you will see in the last verse,) and lead them to living waters, and breathe ip them the breath of life ; as you will find in Ezekiel's vision, which is explained in the following manner : " It must appear, the dry bones here, Men's hearts are all grown dry, In Satan's snare, I tell thee here ; Does this a mystery Appear to thee ? How can it be The meaning of the word 3 The vision that was seen by him Foretels the power of God. When I do come to breathe in man A spirit that is new, I'll surely make the dry bones come, And give them sinews too, Upon their feet ; the number's great When I do all awake ; Though men have been all dead in sin, Their sinews I shall shake. Bone to his bone is known by none, Nor isir understood That I did make man for my own \ 'Tis there they death elude. That by the fall, be't known to all, I did pronounce man dead ; But when I do them all recall, They'll see their living Head, That conquer'd death, will bring them forth, And join them bone to bone j That is to ME, the mystery, I therefore took man's form. My My sinews there shall sure appear j t But then the Jews will quake, When I do te'l them when and where My ^tatutes they did break, Till 'hey did come dry bones to man, And sinews they have none, And number'd in their graves so long, And almost buried down. Canst thou not see the mystery, H >w they are bnried here, And like the dead in graves now be ? I'll make it to appear : A living people once they were, And trace their fathers back, Abraham and Joseph now appear, And judge how Enoch walk'd Close with ME ; the mystery see Let all the just appear ; Then you will see they liv'd in ME, And shone as pillars here. Butthqse are dead, and ail are fled, The branches are behind. J ask what living stones appear, What corner-stone to find, J"or to keep up a Joseph's hope, And Abraham's faith appear >" The following lines were answered me from the words of a Jewess, who said; "They were of all " people the most unhappy ; for they were obliged " to wander up and down the earth to get their Cl bread." She was answered, " Some people were of " opinion, that the Jews and Gentiles would soon be " of one mind." The Jewess replied, " She wished t( it was to-morrow, if it was the will of God," and repeated it three times ; " they had expected it for " two hundred years ago, but feared now it was not " so near." Her words were answered me in the following manner t *' To her words I'll deeply answer. Of one mind you soon may be ; The two hundred and two thousand h a Ivddtn mysterv. The The two hundred they haveshorten'd, As I told thee heretofore ; The two thousand are approaching j Let the Jews begin to fear. Tel) me why they are complaining That they wander up and down ? For when first I came among them, They no place ("or ME could find. All the wonders I did shew them Did but swell their malice high, As I was not then exalted j Now I'll shew the mystery. Pomp and grandeur then did swell them, And my poverty despis'd j Trace the judgments, now I tell them, It is time for to be wise. If my love they longer slight it, Fatal shall their sorrows come j They for ME no house provided j I for them prepar'd no land. My disciples they did wander, And as martyis they did die; They are murmuring and complaining,, But I bid them tell me why. Haughty titles they were seeking, And my poverty despise; . If I bring them to the rnanger, Will they now the babe despise ? If they do not, I do tell them, All that their forefathers done I will blot out of my memory, If they to the purpose come. When I come 'twill be in glory, And by every soul shall see j If on earth I dwell amongst them, In the Spirit it shall be. I have died for man already, C~^ L But I say I'll die no mere j Let them tell how they expect ME, And I'll fully answer here. If they wish the days approaching, Then to-morrow it may be ; In my Gospel they may seek it, In it there's a mystery. Now the Jews, thou soon must warn them, And the reasons now assign, In what manner they expect MR In their own appointed time. Then Then their reason I will answer, And their folly I will shew ; But I say I'll not reject them, If they own my judgments true. All their lands I will redeem them ; Nations shall before them fall ; For one man shallchace a thousand Till I have destroy'd them all. / And that is the heathen nation, T , ' With them I shall next begin, Till Jews and Gentiles join together, Then the victory they shall winj For by two I'll kill ten thousand,) And the rebels then shall fly j I will build that holy city, And the time is drawing nigh ; > Then my kingdom it will flourish, And you golden days will see ; For the rebels all must perish, That won't put their trust in ME With the Jews thounow hast ended, Till of them thoumore dost hear ; And of others I did tell thee, I shall answer all thy prayer." I sliall now inform my readers the fulfilment of these things is to all nations ; but more particularly to Jews and Gentiles, as you will see explained from Simeon's words " A light to lighten the " Gentiles, and the glory of my people Israel." The type was explained to me from the two candle- sticks at the altar, in the following manner. " How shall the glory now in Israel shine, If I don't open the benighted mind ? , Or the fulfilment of the Gentiles come ? "i\vas by a woman first the deed was done ; Because she d d the serpent first obey, To bring it back must turn the other way } The Mother she was surely of the Jews, "But now the Bride I'll of the Gentiles choose. Judge ibr yourselves, if these things don't agree," That God and man might perfect likeness bv j And if I stoop to come so low as man, Why should I not now do as they have done ? Two candles on the altar now are plac'd, For types and shadows now, as Moses was ; But But soon these shadows will be put away, When every one doth shine to perfect day. The meaning of the candles is conceal'd, And now the mystery I'll to thee reveal. 'Twas the two lights that Simeon he did see, The Jews and Gentiles, glorious lights to bej . And why so glorious did these two appear ? BeHuse. the Virgin did the Saviour bear ; And to the Gentiles thou must surely come. The Prophet's words must unto all be known : Rejoice, thou barren ! thou who dost not bear, Break forth in singing, thy Deliverer's near; And of thy children many more shall be Than of the married wile, most certainly ; Th e Lord of Host thyjrusbandhe doth call , , And 5 therldeTTromthl^ird^air. -fr _ ^ jjuji. deeper m}'sjeries l|ejuTTbehln32II jrhirTthou anotheTd^y~tEe truth shaTTfind ; reveal_toUiee, 1^ _ Be(bre~my servants warned they shall be." I shall now proceed with what was explained to me in 1797. In that year I was ordered to fast throughout Lent, and eat no meat but one day in the week ; so I fasted six days, and eat no more than a bason of broth a day ; not a morsel of bread did I make use of but in my broth. Thus I fasted the seven weeks in Lent, as I was commanded ; .and on the Good Friday I was ordered to put three pens in the Bible, and write down where I found them. The first was in Micah, i. 2 "Hear, all ye people; ic hearken, O earth, and all that therein is : and " let the Lord God be witness against you, the " Lord from his holy temple." The second pen was in the 2 Chronicles, xxiv. 19 " Yet he sent " prophets to them to bring them again unto the " Lord, and they testified against them : but they " would not give ear." The third pen was in Num- lers, xxvii. 15, 16 "And Moses spake unto the. " Lord, saying, Let the Lord, the God of the " spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congrega- Q " tion." ( 122 ) " tion." After I had written where I had found my pens, as I put them in the Bible without know- ing where, I was answered in the following .manner : " Now hear the words of the Lord, ye< men of Israel, and all ye inhabitants of the house of Jacob, thus saith the Lord, I am God, and there is none besides me that can deliver you. I am the'same to-day, yesterday, and for -ever. In me there is no variableness, nor the shadow of turning. Then why have men sought out so many inventions ? Why have ye set at nought all my counsel ? or why iiave ye despised prophecies ? On what foundation does the house of Israel trust ? Have ye seen vain visions ? Have ye deceived yourselves in \ T ain divi- nation ? Are ye become more Wise than your fore- fathers ? or are ye become more foolish ? The prophets trusted in ME, and sought ME not in vain. I was a light unto their feet, and a Ian thorn to their paths. I directed their goings, and my Spirit was upon them from generation to generation. I never left myself without a witness. Have I not cared for man, whom I formed ? but how is the fine gold become dim ! As past ages were, so is the present. They despised my prophets, they were full of their own inventions, till they brought destruction on their ownselves. Then, lo ! I come : in the volume of the book it is written of ME. Here was my Father and ME ; one in -spirit, o^e in power, and one in truth. The lame were healed and walked, the blind received their sight, and the deaf heard. Not half the miracles I wrought were ever penned. But here is the chain that hangs the Law and the Gospel together : the Law was given to man, but it was fulfilled by the Son of God. Then now hear ye him, " to day, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts." Did I come to give ye light, or to make ye blind ? If light, walk in the light, and confess that my Gospel is true, and my word verified. Ye have ( 123 ) have wars and rumours of wars, nation against na- tion, city against city, men divided against them- selves, and perplexities and distresses of nations ; judge for yourselves if it be not true. Then now let the Bridegroom go forth from his chamber, and the Bride go out of her closet ; for Sion is in travail, and longing to be delivered; for darkness hath co- vered the earth, and gross darkness, the hearts of the people ; the wisdom of the wise men is pe- rished, the understanding of the prudent men is hid, and the bows of the mighty men are broken ; then fear ye the rod, and him that hath appointed it ; for he that stumbleth shall be girt with strength ; nor shall this generation pass away till all is ful- filled. Let men study their Bibles, and they will find it is not fulfilled. Have I called the Jews from all nations whitherever I have scattered them ? Is Jerusalem new built ? Do all the nations of the earth know ME ? These are not fulfilled ; but the time is at hand, that I will throw down and build up ; I will scatter abroad and gather together ; I will wound and I will heal ; I will cast down and I will raise up; I will kill and make alive ; I will quench the flames of fire that are kindled seven times more than usual ; I will stop the mouths of lions ; I will gain the vicrories in war; I will go on as I have begun, till victory is accomplished ; for judgment shall be laid to the hue., and righteouness to the plummet. I have begun, and I will make an end. The days are accomplished for my chosen people ; and their warfare must be accomplished and have an end. Paul, Paul, do not persecute me. Peter, Peter, do not deny me any more. I will gather you together as a hen gather her brood under her wings. I will set a watchman over you, and my banner shall be ", love." Then now hear ME, O Jacob, and all the families of the house of Israel ; the stone that was rejected by the builders, is now be- Q 2 come /// uJ' come the head of the Gentiles ; and here is the head of the building. '* I have chosen you a watchman over you, that ye may not be as sheep without a shepherd. Your shepherds are dumb dogs ; your prophets are gone ; your cities are laid waste ; and ye are become as cakes not baken ; for ye have fol- lowed after wind ; and the pride of all nations testi- fieth against you. Then now let us reason together. Though your sins are as scarlet, I will make them as snow ; and though they are as crimson, I will make them as wool. Then now let your rocky hearts be rent, and the graves of the dead be opened; for ye are dead in trespasses and sins ; but now I will call you with an effectual call ; now I will save you with an everlasting salvation. Turn unto ME, and I will turn unto you ; look back on your pro phets, whom ye have slain ; and look unto Calvary, whom ye have crucified ; confess your faults, and wash your hands, and I will heal your backslidings, and love you freely : but if ye harden your hearts, as your forefathers did, then will I bring on you swift destruction. This is my will for the Jews." But now to come to the Gentiles. Awake, my shepherd, whom I have anointed as a watchman over you and all nations, to be a judge between ME and my vineyard, and I will anoint him with the oil of gladness, and he shall come into my presence with thanksgiving. Give ear, O heavens! and be astonished, O earth ! the Lord hath a controversy with his people. I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. Ye have drawn the sword in vain ; ye have fixed your bows for nought ; and by reason of your sins doth your land mourn. Now this commandment is for youT^TTiave chosen ME a shepherd, in whom I find no hiult : if you choose him, I will choose you ; if you obey his counsel, I will heal your backslidings, and love you i'reely : but if ye reject him, I will reject reject you ; and I will laugh at your calamities, and mock when your fear cometh ; foY if you refuse him you will refuse ME; for he hath not testified of him- self, but I have testified of him ; my laws shall be written on his heart, and my Spirit shall be in his inner parts ; in seeing he shall see ; and in hearing he shall understand ; he shall judge between thee and ME ; between ME and my vineyard : true and just shall be his judgment; and by himthou must stand or fall ; for my Spirit shall be upon him ; because he hath acted more wise than others, so will I give him more wisdom than others ; for he that humbleth. himself shall be exalted ; but he that exalteth him- self shall be abased. Ye that seek for Wisdom, shall find her as silver, and ye that dig deep, shall find her as true goldj and be made heirs of God, and joint heirs with Jesus Christ." No man can read his Bible, without being lost in wonder, love, and praise ; and know, it is not our merits, but free unbounded love was the spring from whence all his goodness flows, " The righteous all with their enlighten'd eyes, With modest joy the humble host replies, ' Thy mercies, Lord, our goodness nough-t we know, ' No good, alas ! then did we ever do, ' To be so highly favour'd of our God . . ' For Christ to die, and wash us in his blood ; cfi^ 'i^ W ** soon I'll make it all appear, And prove Miraiah is thy Maker here; And the Messiah in that name doth siand ; 'Tis but few letters chang'd from God to man. For if they say they'll have a glorious peace, And gain the victory ere their arms do cease ; Then let the spirit's sword begin to fight, And say my Gospel musl be ke/,t aright j Then I will soon support them in that war, And prove to man the true M caiah's here; Then as the difference in the name's no more, I'll make it prove that the Messiah's here : And if my shepherds they do now awake, To change the letter, and Messiah take To be the prophet that did tell them true, And bring my Law and Gospel to their view, And let the Spirit's sword begin to fight, I tell you all I'll make them men of might, And every foe shall down before them fall : That way you'll conquer, and you'll conquer all ; And the-) ;i h:ip, y nation you shall he; Y*. ur land I'll pumper, and your b. 1 all the rest be lighted in the skies ? Ye sons of learning look, and now be wise. In this new century I have shewn the star, Seal'd up from man, till night was drawing near; S ; x years thou know'st that this hath been conceal'*!, But !-;ow, the seventh, publicly reveal *d, And this discern is in the date that's n w ; Bring forth ynnr reasons, or believe it true That now the evening star it doth appear, And Ahab's prophets and Micaiah here. So now act wisely, all ye sons of men ; Be clear in judgment ere ye dj begin To use the wo.;;an as you did the man ; "\ou'll find a Jehu after soon will come, And .'srae! -catter'd as they were of old You'll find the truth was by the woman told." But now I shall come to the purpose of types and shadows. The brazen serpent was a type of Christ, though made like a serpent that resembled the de- vil (for in that shape he betrayed the woman ;) yet the brazen serpent was certainly a type of Christ ; as the ram that was caught in the thicket, when Abraham offered up his son Is"aac, was a type of the devil, though he was a sheep ; and Christ compar- eth his flock to sheep, and himself to a lamb ; yet then he compares the ram to a devil that will be caught in a thicket, and must be slain instead of man, when all men's faith becomes like Abraham's. This I shall shew you in the volume of my books. But to come to the type of the bells ringing in dif- ferent hours in different parishes., so is the different calling of the nations, and the type of the seven and eight days. The seven o'clock bell denotes the Lord's finishing all for man in seven days ; at eight days old Christ was made known in the temple by Simeon : now reflect on his words " A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of his people Is- rael." But what followed Israel then I Now, as the ( 126 ) tlie bells stand for types and shadows, consider, as the seven days were ended, so the decree for man, which is one thousand years. The eight denotes the eight hundred ; then the nine is to call back the leprous men, who are to be brought back again and joined to the ten, which denotes, that some of different nations were convinced at that time, but did not abide in the Gospel of Christ. The stranger was the Gentiles. Now, all these men must be joined together by the ten and eleven o'clock bells; for then goeth in all churches. In the afternoon, the one o'clock bell in all parishes ; so in the end all na- tions will come to the Three-One God. Now the one thousand denotes the Lord's finishing for man ; and the eight hundred, Christ's second Coming. Then now judge for yourselves ; as it is said to me, the Lord will begin his strange works with a new century, and go on in such a manner to fulfil my prophecies, that in three years the major part of our land will be convinced the Lord hath spoken by me * ; and the Bible will be revealed very clearly unto men. Mr. L r dreamt one night he was going over London Bridge, and the bridge was broken in the middle ; that many persons were looking at the water, and others were endeavouring to repair the bridge. Deep is the mystery of this dream ; the explanation of which I shall give, in part. " Now by this dream cannot mankind discern How they are warn'd to guard against the storm ? In every age this thing hath surely been ; Then now I ask if I am not the same ? If that in dreams I ever do men warn, "Tisby the Spirit, (they do not discern,) And by the Spirit 1 do do the same, By day and night my Spirit always came; For should I leave man singly to himself, There is no man could 'scape the powers of hell. But This was Joanna's own iiul-ment, that from the three ^ood har- vests following as foretold people would be generally convinced. But though I guard them with a father's care, I'll try their wisdom ere I'll say I'm here ; And he that doih with caution now go on, I will protect 'gainst every coming storm. But now the mysteries I will soon unfold This is the very mystery of his dream : Bridges are safeguards for the sons of men ; .But when they' re broken none can safe go through ; And now I'll bring it plainer to thy view : When bridges part or wholly are thrown down, Some other road for man there must be found. Thou know'st I said the storm was coming on, That they must guard against the rising storm ; And now thou seest the shadow is begun, I say the substance now is hastening on." I shall leave the further explanation of this, dream to my readers. Now I shall acquaint you with the days that are before you. The end of finishing what Christ died for is at hand, as I told you ; and you must know, from the prophet Isaiah, Ixiii. 4, " The day of vengeance is in my heart ;" then will you bring the day of vengeance upon yourselves, by denying its being for the devil ? then you may say it is for man. Then know, O man, that day is at hand, which you will see in Revelation, xi. 14 " The second woe is past ; and behold, the third woe cflmeth quickly." The first woe was when the world was drowned, and a fatal woe that was to men. The second woe was the destruction pronounced upon the Jews, the destruction of Je- rusalem, and the scattering of the Jews over the face of the earth. Now the third woe is to come. The two first were pronounced on man ; the third and last is for the devil. If it fall on men, they will bring it on themselves by their careless regard of bringing it on the devil. But if men will look deep into the mystery, and pray the Lord to turn the day of vengeance on the devil, as being the au- thor of sin and the finisher of their sorrow, then R Christ ( 130 ) Christ, who was the author of their faith to lead them to trust in him, will be the finisher of their faith ; which will now be the case with thousands. Plor now is coming the kingdom of our God and our Christ, and it is not all the powers of earth and hell can tempt all men to disbelieve it, or to say it is an unjust sentence in the Lord, to cast on the drvil, that old serpent, the sentence the woman cast upon him. So you may begin to lift up your heads ; for your full redemption draweth near ; which you will see in Joel,, ii. and in the Reve- lation, xxii "For when that is fulfilled, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh ;" it must be fulfilled, that your women shall prophesy. Weigh the chapter deep, and these words, Revelation, xxii. 17 "And the Spirit and the Bride say, come ;" then whomsoever will, may come and take of the water of life freely, which signifieth the water wherein the person is baptized, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, to renounce the devil and all his works. But was this ever yet done ? No man knoweth how oft he offendeth ; the best of men have sinned, and come short of the glory of God ; then how have ye renounced the de- vil and all his works ? But now I shall open to your view, how you may renounce them all. By a sted- fast faith in the Lord, that he will complete at last the promise he made you at first by the woman, to perfect your happiness : for though Satan robbed you, by working in the woman at first ; ye trust in Christ, he will make it good by working in the wo- man at last; therefore are ye signed with the sign of the cross, in token of his death and passion ; this is the mark ye have in your foreheads Christ dying to atone for man ; Christ is risen to arise in the woman, to cast her blame on the serpent ; then cometh your victory. And this is your bap- tism to join with her to renounce the devil and all his < 131 ) his works ; that is to say, it was all his works that brought on your ruin. A word to the wise is enough. But to turn to the Spirit and the Bride. The Spirit, you must allow, is the Spirit of God ; the Brde represents believers in God ; for Christ is compared to the church, and to a man and his wife. ^ ou do not suppose the church meaneth the walls or the building : no. it means the building of the body of ..an, as by the hand of God. Then before the Revelation can be fulfilled, the Spirit of God must visit all the churches, to make the church the Bride. Then why do ye marvel it cometh to one at first as the shadow, and then follows unto all as the substance? Now he that denieth those things, must deny his Bible, and take away the prophecies that are there written ; for I have not added thereto, nor taken therefrom ; for it is written in the book of God ; and whomsoever says it is wrongly explained or revealed to me, let him explain it another way, and he must add thereto, or take therefrom ; for I have shewed you the meaning of the chapter. How can Christ s kingdom come upon earth, before the Spirit of Christ is come to warn them of his com- ing ? And you may as well expect the sun in its full meridian as soon as it is risen, as to expect the Spirit of God will appear to every one when it first cometh ro warn. Yet by one Spirit ye have divers gifts (see 1 Corinthians xii. 17, 18); the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of working miracles, and the spirit of prophecies ; all Aese came from one and the same Spirit ; for as the many members make the body, so the different gifts make the body of Christ's church : for wisdom alone would fail you in the co ning of the Lord Jesus Christ ; and that day would come unawares, was not the spirit of prophecy given to warn you of his coming ; and the spirit of prophecy would fail, was not the spirit of wisdom given to 11 2 others . ( 132 ) others to discern it. So the head cannot say to the foot, I have no need of thee ; nor the foot to the head, I have no need of thee ; then where is room for any to boast ? If I had ten thousand gifts of prophecy, and could speak with the tongues of angels, if none had the spirit of wisdom to discern it, my prophecies would avail nothing. He that hath the spirit of wisdom to discern, hath' the gift of God ; for the natural man cannot discern the things of God ; for they are spiritually discerned. So, if you weigh these things deeply, you will say I have not made myself more than__another ; neither^ am I preferred before another ; b7irTlhere~l^Dn_that^ c^meth ajtej^me^^jtjj^refcrrjd_^fore me, w\\u^_ shall discern all mysteries ; TmT~where there are prophecies tfiey shall lauV^Prophecies were given in part, and on condition, that when one faileth, the other must also. Jonah's prophecies concerning Nineveh failed at the time they were mentioned ; the prophecies concerning Eli also failed ; as did those concerning Hezekiah ; and many more, which I could mention ; but charity never faileth. Now charity is to judge 1 your God, slow to anger, and of great mercy ; and threatened), because he is loath to punish ; and repenteth of the evil, if men repent of rheir faults, as Nineveh did. Therefore you cannot believe all that the prophets have said: the Lord repented of the blessings pronounced on Eli, when he saw him careless of his honour and glory : the Lord said, they that honour ME I will honour ; and they that despise ME, shall be lightly esteemed. I have explained these things, for the sake of some, who have said, that when they read my first books they trembled for fear of the famine. If this fear be in our land, no famine will be in it; for to that land that trembleth at his word, the Lord will look ; that is, he will look in mercy; but that land that his word, will shrink beneath his rod ; and what ( 133 ) what land 1 that calamity will fall on, I know not ; but this I am assured, from my prophecies to convince all nations that this calling is of God, that there will come a three years famine, wherein there will be neither earing nor harvest. What nation, I know not ; whether in France, or Spain, Africa, or America, or some other remote part ; but I hope the Lord will keep it from our land ; though I am promised it will never happen in my days ; for I shall not live to see the affliction ; yet I feel for those that are behind ; and know the just must suf- fer with the unjust. My prophecies go to all na- tions ; and it was unintentionally omitted in the first book, " That the Lord would go from nation to nation in the fierceness of his anger." Now I have set one sign before you, to convince all nations this calling is of God ; viz. in some nation or other there will be three years of total famine, \\herein there will be neither earing nor harvest. And now I am come to set another sign before them ; if the tilings that are already come to pass, and what is now be- fore you being foretold, do not convince mankind it is of God, as men think the Lord stoops too low for them to regard his words (which was the very spirit of the Jews ; they thought the Lord stooped too low for them to regard him ;) now I say, if the Gentiles are the same, I will set another sign before them " I will send out my destroying angel to go through the land, and I will set a mark over every house that faith and fear are in, and the angel shall pass by the door ; but every house that mocketh my words, because I have stooped so low, the destroying angel shall enter in and destroy ; and those that wish to abide in the dark, in the dark let them abide, till I come upon them as a thief in the night, and take them unawares. For out of your own mouths ye are condemned ; for ye confess it is not placed ay though it came from men of learning, and ( 134 ) and then ye must confess the Lord hath chosen the weak foolish things of this world to confound the great and learned, when ye see all these judgments executed that are here mentioned." Simple as these books appear to some readers, they are too high for any man to climb to, and too deep for any one to fathom. Could ye behold the mysteries of them, ye would see they wanted neither eloquent lan- guage, brightness of speech, nor noble style to set them forth, but depth of wisdom to understand them ; and were they put into eloquent lan^uacre, deeply spoken, and wisely placed, as though they came from men of learning, they would baffle all your belief, and men would judge it a cunningly devised fable from some wise inspired penman. But now to convince you it is from the simple, and that the Lord hath dealt simply ; yet, however simple this may appear, it is too strong for all your senses; ye could no more look into these three volumes of books, and see them clear, and keep your senses, than ye could stedfastly behold the burning sun, and not hurt your eyes ; for the one is as much too strong for your senses, as the other is for your eye- sight. So I must call you to our Saviour's dying words, " Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani ?" My God, my God,, v:hy hast ill w forsaken me? And may not this be the language of every heart, My God, my Qod, ivhy hast thou forsaken us, that in seeing we cannot see, and in hearing we cannot understand ? for in the midst of life we are in death, as we are dead to the perfect happiness we were first created for ; but we shall be changed ; and this change must take place with thousands, that we may taste of that perfect happiness, which to live in God will produce ; and this change must come to this gene- ration, or ye could not have a true knowledge of the good and evil fruit ; and this knowledge will come unto thousands that are in the midst of life and and death, which I shall hereafter more clearly ex- plain. And now I shall come to the thoughts of my own heart, which I was ordered to pen and put in print, from what is revealed to me, and hew the Bible is ex- plained, which has thrown my ideas into a different channel from what they ever were before. I was me- ditating how all was explained ; and it appeared so clear and just to me, so consistent with the wisdom of the Almighty, in creation and preservation, from the manner all was placed, and all was spoken at first ; all have suffered, both God and man ; then, to act according to the justness of God, the serpent must be cast. The ponderings of my heart I was or- dered to pen, and my secret thoughts were known to the Lord. When I had written the whole, I was answered as man would answer man. Here I shall give to the world at large what were the meditations of my heart, and how they were an- swered by the Spirit. I was reflecting from the creation, how the man and woman were both obedient to the commands of the Lord, until the serpent, which is the devil, ef- fectually imposed on the simplicity, innocency, and ignorance of the woman, by telling her they should be as Gods, knowing good from evil. Here she was ignorantly betrayed by artful lies, and simply drew in the man. Then the Lord spake unto the serpent, and fixed his curse to be above every creature ; and he should bruise the heel of the seed of the woman ; and the wo'man's seed should bruise his head. Now you know the serpent hath already done it, unless ye deny the death of Christ. Then as all the prophe- cies of the Bible have come both on God and man, how can they be fulfilled until the serpent hath received the sentence passed on him ? This must be, to fulfil the words of the Lord ; and I cannot see the Bible clear without it. The justice, wis- dom, ( 136 ) dom, goodness, and truth, of the Lord of Hosts, thus seem clear ; but I cannot see them clear in any other way. The Lord cannot do justice to himself or to 'his Son, nor to the man or the woman, unless they fulfil his words, by casting the devil in the very manner in which it is placed and revealed. Then men and devils must acknowledge the Lord is clear from the blood of all men ; and that the woman the Lord gave to man brought him that happiness at last which he promised man at first. When I had writ- ten these words, which had been the ponderings of my heart, I was answered, as man will answer man " Thou sayest, thy God cannot do justice to him- self or to his Son, nor to the man or the woman, un- less he does cast the serpent, as he promised to the woman. Answer for thyself Why the Lord cannot do justice to himself?" I answer. How can the Lord, in justice to his honour, and glory, and great name, suffer the Son of his bosom^to come down upon earth, and suffer such sorrowful life, and die so shameful a death, to bear the blame man cast on him, and the serpent be screened from bearing the blame the woman cast on him, and escape being treated with that con- tempt he deserves ? The Son of God had done no wrong, but was deserving of honour, love, and respect. Every honour, every gratitude, and every love, was due to the all-gracious Son of God. And if he condescended to bear the blame man cast on him, shall that cruel serpent, the devil, be freed by a just God ? Far be it from thee, O Lord. If thou art clear from the blood o all men, wilt thou not be clear to cast it back on the serpent, and just to condemn him ? Here I was answered, as man would answer man. " I shall now answer thee. From the ponderings of thy heart thou fearest to speak out what thy mind ( 137 ) mind conceiveth ; but canst thou conceal from ME thy thoughts ? I tell thee, no ; for I am in them. Thou sayest, no judge will condemn an innocent person, and free a guilty murderer : these were thy thoughts ; and thou judgest thy God cannot be just, to cast his Son, and free the devil. Thus far I will not blame thee. But answer me, how I cannot do justice to man, if I do not cast the serpent ?" Here is my answer. Man was betrayed by the woman and the serpent, and that guilt was passed on all men unborn. Now man said he should not have disobeyed had it not been for the woman ; the woman said she should not, had it not been for the serpent. Then to give man a fair trial for himself, to discover where the fault lay, is to remove the cause, and to take the powers of darkness from man, as man lies under condemnation to this present moment. Here I was answered " How dost thou prove that ?" I answered, from the Jews. They stand out against their God, and their God against them ; for it is written, In seeing they should not see ; and in hearing they should not understand. So they stand out against their God, through unbelief against his Son : for if the Father and the Son are one, they must stand out against their Lord, if they do against the Son. Now it is written, The God of this world hath so blinded their eyes, that in seeing they cannot see ; nor in hearing they cannot understand, Now if the Lord doeth them justice, he must take that power from them, that in seeing they may see, and in hearing- they may understand. And if man suffereth for what his forefathers did, ought not the serpent to suffer for what he hath done, that was a transgressor from the beginning ? O, my God ! pardon my weakness, if I have an- swered wrong. But thou hast commanded me to utter the thoughts of my heart, which I cannot S conceai ( 138 ) conceal from the Most High. If wrong, cleanse the thoughts of my heart by the inspi ation of the Holy Ghost. Here I was answered, as man would answer man. " Thou hast spoken right in all thou hast said. Now answer for the woman. What justice is there due to her, that is now left undone ? Answer me that, and I will answer thee again.'* I answered. The woman still crieth for ven- geance against the old serpent, called the devil. She was first betrayed by his arts, and condemned by God and man ; her first son was betrayed by the devil to slay her second son ; and when in purity and innocence she was so highly favoured and honoured of God as to be visited from on high, and to have the power of the Holy Ghost, and bare the Son of God, being called a spotless and pure virgin, pure and innocent before the Lord; yet how was her heart rent in pieces, and how was she pierced to the soul, to see her son offered up as a malefactor on the cross, by the devil's entering into the heart of man ! Then does not the woman's blood cry for vengeance against the devil ? If she cast it on man, she must cast it on herself for betraying man at first ; but the serpent first betrayed her ; then surely her soul must cry for vengeance against the devil, that was the author and finisher of all her sorrows. Then may not the woman cry for ven- geance, and plead, Lord, avenge me of mine adver- sary, that is the devil, that we may wash our hands in innocence, and bring a pure heart before thee, O my God ? These questions and answers may appear simple to a world, that does not consider, that Abraham was permitted to plead with the Lord, and Moses the same, and Jacob wrestled with the angel : then now we must be all wrestling Jacobs, if we will be prevailing Israels. Whatever Whatever may be the judgments of men on my answers, I was replied to by the Spirit in the fol- lowmo; manner, as soon as I had written the last O ' words bring a pure heart before thee, my God : "Joanna, J tanna, I'll answer again. Thy words and thy wisdom will ever remain Enrolled in heaven, and published op earth. Yemen of learning mark well what she saith. But out of her senses you know she is plac'd, And judg'd by men's wisd.>m as simpls as the ass; But k ow that the ass did wise Balaam reprove; And now from this shews the woman is love ; As much as she's scoru'd and despised by man, I ask you what spirit unto her is come, That she from her heart can now forgive all, And pray lor the vengeance on Saran to fall ? A hazard most fatal you know she must run ; If I do forsake her you know she's undone ; If trifling with God, how can she appear ? The anger of Satan she must kindle here. So h AV do you judge her now trifling with all, An ass now for wisdom your nation to call, And warn you of dangers before they appear ? Then judge 1 1 om your Gospel, your Master i= here So strongly u; n her, your Gospel now see ; I ne'er will condemn her foi carrying ofwE. So now (' you judge her as ignorant as an ass, Your Kuig is upon her, the Gospel now says; So those that believe her, their clothing is here, And now laid upon her, the Master to bear ; The boughs and the branches you all may cut down, Jn the way you may strew them, from heaven's the sound. If this appears simple, as simply I came, Your King on an ass, for to spread forth his fame. Fc.r where is the man will so humbiy descend ? Your chariots are ready your kings to attend. But now all the mystery I surely shall clear; I went in that manner to shew you all hero, When I come to conquer, in triumph appear, A woman that's simple my Spirit must bear. So you that believe her, your clothing is cast In faith now upon her, your joy now /nay bur=t. The boughs and the branches I'll surely cut down, Men's wisdom advancing I'll surely confound ; For babes now add sucklings my praises shall sing. From Solomon's wisdom I next will begin ; For he that's so humble at first to appear, S2 At ( 140 ) At last is exalted, I now tell you here j And now before honour humility comes. These words they were spoken by wise Solomon ; Then Solomon's wisdom I tell you must shine; The Spirit from heaven was given divine } And now you will find all heaven descend ; I come for to warn you, and speak as a friend, Thai all is fulfilled so near to the word ; You'll find that the Spirit's the Spirit of God, That work'd in the woman to see it all clear. If men do despise her, 1 now tell you here, This May will be fatal, I tell ye, for man ; And coals on your heads from her prayers will come. Her questions and answers I bid you weigh deep ; Consider the cost, or you'll fall in the pit. The way you are building you cannot go through ; The cost is too great to be paid now by you ; My laws you have broken ; my Son you have slain; Mark well what is spoken, I tell you again. As wise as the woman you all must appear; Cast all on the serpent, your debt for to clear; And say that he robb'd you to run you in debt. Mark well from your judges how oil do they put "Words wisely before you, the prisoner to fiee; And I am your judge, and have done so by ye; Because that ye know not your danger's so near ; 1o execute justice my angels appear, As soon as 1 send them to fulfil my word ; Then blame not your judge, you'll find 'tis the Lord That shew'd you the vision so clear in the dream ; And from the two boys 1 the whole shall explain; For weli I know many will turn to the beast, Though death's now upon them, the sentence is past ; While others for mercy they humbly will cry, ' My God. on the serpent thy vengeance must lie, " For 1 have been robbed, I can't pay the score" The thief must he taken, 1 need not sny more. So this 1 have published, your hearts for to try; And then fast my arrows they surely will fly. A nd deep you will find is the vision and dream That were spoke of those boys ; you may read it again. But deeper doors I have to open, Dreper shall my Spirit go ; You shall know, from what I've spoken, From Jehovah all doth flow. Deeper dreams and deeper visions Surely shall to all appear, I've I've begun in this new century, And the scenes I've chang'd them here. Men have chang'd the scenes already By the century thai is past, And the end they made it bloody; But the new I'll make it burst. For the style by man was alter'd, And the shadow all do keep ; So I see that men do faulter, All my flock is hush'd asleep. Do my shepherds see no danger ? Nor my Bible yet discern ? They mistake the heavenly Stranger, In what way he meant to come. Perfect like the style they've chang'd it ; But their changing I'll not blame 3 Eleven days they brought it sooner, And like .man I'll do the same. So the days they shall be shortened, As they shorten now the year, As men did by the last century, So the new shall now appear." Here I have finished the answer of the Spirit to my words. Judge as you please ; it was answered me by a Spirit invisible. I shall now answer a letter, sent me by a gentle- man from London. Having read my second book, he desired to have these two questions answered, viz. I . Whether the woman deceived the serpent, and did not first eat the forbidden fruit ? 2. fp 7/7 a foreign enemy land in England ? This I shall publicly answer, as many of my readers may be of the same mind. The woman eat of the forbidden fruit, and gave it to her husband : ^ so she did not cheat the serpent that way ; as she knew no arts, she could practise none ; she was be- trayed in a state of perfect innocence ; but the way she cheated the serpent was, in casting the blame on him. And now, to make it more plainly appear, I will answer it from the judge of assize. Bring a criminal before a judge, and if he is condemned for stealing, ( 142 ) stealing, and he brings tfie person who was confe- derate with him, and drew him in at first to do the deed, by assuring, him there was no harm in what he did, as the property was his own, and therefore he had a right to take it, and thereby deceives an ig- norant and innocent person ; now when such a case is brought before a just judge, if the law obliges him to punish the one, would not justice compel him to punish the other, knowing the innocent was be- trayed by the guilty ? Let two such stand before a just judge, and which do you think he would be most ready to punish ; he that was betrayed through ig- norance, or he that deceived him through deceitful arts to make the innocent as bad as himself? Any just man can be a just judge in such a cause as this; for Satan was an old offender in heaven, and drew the third part after him, and so he began upon earth to draw in man the same ; but the woman turned, as you say, kind's evidence, and betrayed her betrayer. Now judge the cause. When the Lord beginneth like man, he that turneth king's evidence is freed, and so is man. God will deal with man, perfectly after the manner of men; therefore it is written, our secret thoughts must be had into judgment; and the saints must judge the earth. My secret thoughts are gone out into the world ; and the clay of judgment is already begun with man. This I shall explain more clearly in my next book ; as I cannot answer all the first inquiry in this ; for my book was too near its end before I received the letter; but you will see every particular answered in my next book. Now 1 shall answer the other inquiry in part, from 2 dream or vision that was shewn me in 179> r >. I dreamt I had a basket of birds, and that I left them at a house I knew not where, and left them to the care of the people ; but when I came to seek them, they were gone. I thought I went from place to place ( '43 ) place to find them; but to no purpose. At last I saw two monks and two friars ; I asked them if they had seen them. I thought they scornfully answered me, " They knew nothing of the birds, nor had they seen them." After a long and fruitless search, I gav^ them up for lost, and went away with a heavy heart, despairing of ever seeing them more. At last,- to my great comfort, some one said they had brought my basket of birds, and opened them ; but they were so changed, I did not know them. They stood on their feet like children, with the most beautiful fea- thers I ever saw, hanging in the most curious man- ner. Those who brought them, and others that were with me, stood and gazed with amazement at the beauty of the birds. I shall give the explanation ;n part, as it was explained on the following day. " To monks and friars I will never stoop : Let France beware, it is not there My Gospel is made known ; And let the Romish soldiers fear, It is not so in Spain. Then let the feather'd fowls appear, If they be in your land j For though thy basket seemeth !o~,t, i I'll bring it to thy hand : And as the feathers seem'd to hang In such a curious strain, Such birds I'll surely make them here As ne'er were seen by men. No foreign nation you've to fear Will now invade your land ; But of your own you may take care- Be wise, and understand. O England, O England, I'd have you take carcj A home now divided I'd have y< >u beware ; A city divided, oh ! hv>w will ye stand ? With wisdom decide ;t, aids keep y ur iand. In heart be united ; when you have a peace, If my warnings are slighted yom griefs, will increase. The monks nor the friars my Gospel "don't see; Mv honour shall keep you, if you will agree j I'll ( 144 ) I'll warn you of dangers when they do appenr; And in ray next volume I'll shew you more clear What doors I've to open to bring to your view; The woman hath spoken, you'll find it all truej So let May be over, and June but appear, Then weigh \vell my writings, and with all compare; Your nobles and country, see how all doth stand, And then I'li inform you how to judge your land." But all must look to the old style. I have not giv- en you all the' explanation of the dream in 17Q5 ; but I have set a mark of. what is spoken now from the two woes, when the verse begins to change. Now I am come to the end of the third volume of a work, on which men of learning and ministers are at a loss to form a judgment, whether I am inspired by the Spirit of the Lord, or whether my head is a little deranged. Ministers have acknowledged they are at a loss, and will not therefore decide hastily* But I can assure them my head is no way deranged, but by the visitation of some Spirit invisible ; and what Spirit that is, may be easily discovered from the vision seen in 17Q4, when I was perfectly awake. If then three books puzzle the heads of the learned, the fourth will puzzle them much more, when they see the day of judgment explained. It must first take place upon earth, before it takes place with the Lord. Shall I astonish my readers to tell them, men must judge the Lord, before the Lord judgeth men ? And as the war was begun in heaven, so it will now end upon earth ; which meaneth, men will be divided conceFniiig Christ's kingdom. Joanna Soutlicott. _ Exeter, May 10th, 1801. L O A D O N : PRINTED BY S. ROUSSEAU, WOOD STREET, SPA FIELDS', And sold by E. .1. FIELD, No. lf>Q,nrar Kloowjburi/ Court, High Jfolr born; 0. ABBOTT, opposite the London Apprentice, East Y.nd of Old Street; \V. TOZEU, Lambeth Itoad, Sf. (ifurffcs FiMi ; Also hy \Y. SYMONDS, Couch/ Lane; and the Miss lCvi:i.KiGHS, jSV. SidwelTt, Kxcter ; SAMUEL HIRST, Leeds; J. M IDOL ETON, York; and JAMES LIGHT, Coventry Street, Stourbridgc, ll'ortts- ler$hire. [PRICE NINE PENCE.] The Strange Effects of Faith ; WITH REMARKABLE PROPHECIES, MADE IN 1792, &C. OF THINGS WHICH ARE TO COME. FOURTH PART. JL SHALL begin this book with informing my readers, I am sorry to say, few have discerned what they read, as they expected to see some wondrous things this May and June ; not calling to mind, that in the first book it wa written, the ten days must be turned into ten years, before man should . see it clear ; and in the second book it was writ- ten, that, 'what was spoken one year should not ap- pear till the next, (in the very page where it was written of May and June,) then the ten years will be up ; that all is fulfilled at the appointed time, that was written in the prophecies; not appearing the year it was spoken, but fulfilled the year after. Therefore I said in my last book Let May be over, and June but appear, Then weigh well my writings, and with all compare; \e men now of learning, judge how all doth stand, And if you've discernment you may judge your land. The doors I've to open to bring to your view, '. From the ten years was spoken, you'll find it all true; T Printed in August, 1806, by W. Mar- chant, from the First tithed in July. 1801. chant, from the First Edition, pub- 146 What doors could be deeper to bring to your sight, If by your own judgment you now prov'd it right ? But now from these writings you all shall see clear, I'll begin in this century to shew you all here, Ti.e doors that were bolted so strongly tor man, When out of the garden of Eden he c;nne ; So deep from his knowledge I'll bring to his view, I now shall unbolt them, and you'll see it true ; But sure like the Bible this all must come round, .And none but my sheep can e'er judge of the sound, But now I'll speak plainer, and come to the fall, ^'d your \ idc, f.nd I clos'd it from all ; For deep was the sleep thai I ca*t upon man, Anffcl'.x'p is the mystery the bone must return, So closely united in heart and in mind, Ov the man to perfection you never can find. So now I will open the door from the fall ; Then sew no more fig-leaves, they'll not cover all. Ah ! why from my presence yourselves do you hide ? Remember the bone that 1 took from your side ; Your blame then upon her and MK it was cast, And this is the door that I now shall make burst, To cast her temptations on Satan and men, And in her next volume her history must come,' I low she hath been tempted, and how she withstood 5 Then I ask you, what spirit to her you'll allude ? See how often her senses by man hath been ca>t, Then you'll see how many their senses have lost, Who jud;j;'d by her virtue her senses were gone ; You'll find in her history it so fell on them. So first upon man I have brought back the blow, And next on the serpent my fury shall flow ; Then you'll see the woman was took from my side; In heart so united the Scriptures apply'd. So know from this woman rhc fulness is come, You'll find I urn present in the woman's form ; That is, in her form all this doth appear, But sure ' tis my Spirit to make it all clear ; For by her own wisdom she cannot effect No more thran another, the way I direct. Now I shall come to the fulness of time, of the woman made under the law. When the woman was first created, she was made to complete the happi- ness, of man, and to be his helpmate. The tr.ee of knowledge was planted in the garden of Eden. 1 he woman was taken froin the side of man; not of the 147 dust of the ground, but of purified clay, the bone of man, while he stood in' perfection, to complete his happiness. The tree of knowledge, was the knowledge of God, and the knowlege of the devil ; the good and evil fruit both hung on the tree. Then as man was divided into two parts, if the sam hand that brought him the knowledge of the evil fruit, does not bring him the knowledge of the good fruit, he may still blame his Maker for ever forming him. The Avoman, as the source of all his misery and man may charge his God fool- ishly; for all standeth as though I ordained it to bring on man's destruction ; but now be it known unto thee, O man, I ordained and placed the whole for man's preservation, well knowing the depth of Satan, that he would begin upon earth, as he did in heaven ; and tempt man as he did the angels, till he had drawn him into the same destruction ; then how could I screen the man ? for what would Satan say ? If all alike the path is straight, Then all alike must come. I ask you in the judgment-clay How I could screen the man ? Now I'll begin for to explain, And make the mystery clear: Out of the dust I made at first My perfect image there; I breath'd in him, it then was seen, My Spirit, bright and fair; And lord below, you all shall know, I did my likeness make; A paradise I plac'd him in, To make his bliss complete: The trees around, you know, were found, Whereof I bade him taste; The tree of knowledge I forbade, For well I knew his case. Had dust increased in paradise, Satan had found a way, As he in heaven did first begin, The angels did betray. Lor uow to man the time is come To judge the world below, T2 148 And now the mysteries I'll explain, Why I ordain'd it so. In heaven's high courts, enthron'd above, The rebel there was plac'd ; And well he knew I lov'd the Son, Distinguished from the rest; Which swell'd his pride to throw aside My Son's united reign; This Satan's malice caus'd to swell, And made the heavens unclean. He then began as god and king, And thought to reign in heaven; A mutiny he there did gain, And he from thence was driven. All heaven in disorder stood, And parties fast increas'd ; Had I not cast him headlong down The tumult ne'er had ceas'd. No sword of war did e'er appear, More dreadful here below; But loud the sound made heaven resound, As tumult quick did shew. Satan the king, declar'd by some, Was then pronounc'd in heaven ; To shew them of his bloody reign A kingdom soon was given. Now I'll explain what I do mean: I claim the heavens my own ; And soon from thence I cast him hencg, And did him then dethrone. To try again his future reign, I soon created man, To fill the place that Satan left, And paradise command. Now I'll begin to shew to man^ How I made him at first, And perfect like the heavenly plan I order'd all the dust. I made the man in my own form, In my own likeness stood ; I made him lord of all below, And gave him all was good : I made my plan so much for man For to resemble heaven ; I took the partner from his side, That unto him was given. So like my Son, the woman came, The partner of his soul, 149 And so my plan I plac'd for man, In my own likeness all. I and my Son were both as One ; I took him from my side; And so the woman I did form, Which I pronounc'd the Bride, For to bring forth a glorious earth As I had made in heaven; I made the angels as the birth Of children you have given. J shall explain what this does mean: I brought up children there, And they against me did rebel, Lei every soul see clear. Now I'll begin in words more plain, As this doth puzzle thee ; But surely 'tis for learned men The mysteries to see. How soon the earth was then drawn forth So much to belike heaven, To try the king who wants to reign, A power to him was given, When down below, let mortals know, I did the rebel cast ; And now the mysteries plain I'll shew, How every thing was plac'd. The tree of knowledge of good and evil, was the knowledge of God and the devil; therefore I for- bade the man to eat it, and pronounced him dead if he ate thereof. This command was given to man ; and to try the whole, I left the man to himself ; the woman to herself; and the devil to himself; all were left to their own will and power, to obey, or dis- obey ; and the man and woman stood in perfect obedience, till the serpent began upon earth, as he had done in heaven, to work by arts to betray the woman. For as his malice came, for you to judge the earth, I have shewed you my plan, why I crea- ted the whole, and why I placed it on conditions. Could you call ME just with Satan, that was once an angel of light, and had long been a companion of God and angels in heaven, to cast him from heaven, 1.50 and chain him clown in hell for his rebellion in hea- ven, before I had tried his reign upon earth ? He wanted to be a king, and have the power in his own hands; many of the angels he had influenced to judge him fit for a king and governor, and they joined with him, till I cast them all out of heaven ; and blasphemy soon burst from Satan and his angels,, in the like manner he came to thee, against the Lord, and the Son of God, Then I created man, and gave Satan power as a god of this world, and fixed his reigri at six thousand years, wherein I laboured: and one day is as a thousand years with the Lord, and I am the Lord that hath spoken it ; one thousand years of rest : I have said, my Spirit shall not al- ways strive with man. I have been striving with man ever since the fall ; I have felt for man ; I have pitied man, well knowing what powerful adver- sary and enemy he had to work with. But let men know I am their King, their Captain, and their Con- queror, to fight all their battles for them, if they join with ME. For when I bring the tree of know- ledge to all their view, the Lord is good, wondrous, and wise, in all his ways ; just and right in all his works ; and the same hand that plucked the evil fruit, and broughtitto the man, will assuredly bring you to the knowledge of the good, that ye may not charge God foolishly, for giving you the woman to complete your bliss : and by her it shall be com- pleted, as I promised man at first; or Satan must outwit ME, if she does not bruise his head. So she and I the cause will try> And let the stars appear ; If in the land there twelve do lie To judge the star is here; Then they shall see the mystery, How all's inroll'd in heaven ; And every myitery I'll unfold, To them it shall be given. For here's the marriage of the Lamb That shall them all unite j 151 Their lamps with oil I'll surely trim,, And make them all burn bright. For Canaan's wonders shall begin; I'll make your water wine; And szreater wonders shall be seen Than were wrought at that time. When you appear to see it clear, To know it came from heaven, Then every seal will be reveal'd, And to vour hands be given. So shepherds all now hear your call, And judge your long-lost sheep, Whom men conceiv'd was lost to all, Her tracks were gone too deep. You hear the sound that doth abound, Like simple shepherds gaze " We sec what tracks do now appear, " And are lost in th' ama^e ; " If be from heaven to us 'tis given " To judge the world below ; " And is this pearl hid from all ? " The truth we'll surely know, " And now act wise ; if she disguise, " We'll soon find out the cheat ; " But if from heaven the sound is given, " Tis our Emmanuel's feet " That do appear ; his tracks are here, '' So wondrous in the sound ; " His tracks were gone so long before, " They all were buried down. " So in amaze we well might gaze, " To see the sheep appear, " Whose footsteps we could never trace, " Which way she wander'd there. " Beyond our heads are mysteries laid ; " They mysteries are to all; " The Prophets knew not what they said, " If this is now the Call." Now I'll explain what I do mean : They did not understand What was the fulness of the time; They judg'd it then at hand. When the fulness of the time was come, God sent his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. Now I ask you, what fulness of time was then, when the Jews were cast out, whom I pronounced my chosen people ? What fulness can you make good was done at that time? But now I will tell you ihe fulness-trip the time is, to fulfil the Bible; to bring men out of darkness into my marvellous light ; to redeem you from the fall ; to call the Jews from all nations, whither I have scattered them ; to bring my sons from afar, and my daugh- ters from the ends of the earth ; to have the hea- thens for my inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for my possession ; to pour out my Spirit upon all flesh ; and bring in one thou- sand years of rest for man and ME; and then the fulness all will see that I am in the woman's form, and brought this knowledge unto man. Now call my words to your remembrance : If the days were not shortened, no flesh could be saved ; but for the elect's sake they will be shortened : the elect was man ; and, for his sake, the six thousand years will be shortened, to give a fair trial to men and devils. So now be clear, seven thousand years- Six thousand Satan's reign ; So long as he is chain'd before, So long I'll free his chain. Then certainly the judgment day Must surely follow next, When I shall sever from my throne, And all my judgments fix. An awful day you all will sec, Just like the seat of war ; The heavenly trumpets first will sound; My angels must appear \Vith every music in their hands, And every trumpet sound ; The music, striking every ear, Shall reach the earthly ground ; From shore to shore my thunders roar, And earth's foundation shake; Confusion must to all appear, When I begin to take The cause in hand, so deep for men,, And bring them from the dust ; 153 In perfect order all must stand, As they were made at first. The graves must open, and awake, And earth give up her dead; The foaming billows they will roar, Where are some millions laid. But such a sound will then rebound, And trembling saints will stand, To see that awful day appear, \Vhen I the earth command For to appear and meet ME here, And soul and body meet ; In perfect form as now they're known, The likeness will be great; But iu the bloom of youth appear, I say, they all shall come, Much brighter than they ever were ; But ^all resemble man Just as your pictures do appear, Some likeness to your view ; But I shall make the body fair, In brighter colours too. Thus must begin the awful scene, And all you'll call to mind, How in the bodies you have been ; And memories quick you'll find, When face to face, from every place, Acquaintance all will meet; . And every age, I'll now engage, Will'their companions greet. Thus will appear the righteous here, With hearts inflamed with joy. But when the sinners do appear, This will their peace destroy, To meet the foe, that here below There did their ruin seek j The murderers will their sufferers know, And tremble at their feet. The scenes of war will then appear; For men in ranks must stand, And view each other face to face, As you do now view man : When this is done, war will begin And enmity appear ; Men's consciences will burn within, To meet their fellows here, Whom they iH-u.sed, or abus'd, By any artful hand ; 154 For none can fly that awful day, But must together btand. O what a scene will then begin, When every rank turns round J Aud perfect like the seat of war That clay will sure be found : For face to face, a? in a glass, You surety all must meet; And as the day of battle is, You'll find the battle great : No glittering sword that goes abroad, No cannon that doth roar, Will strike more deep in any man; For every shot is here, And every dart to wound the heart Of those that are unjust; That day will make some millions smart; For so to meet you must. An awful scene will then begin, And fast the shots will fly ; You'll want no armour then of men, For every armour's nigh ; Because in men it all will come, And every wound go deep ; Much louder than the cannon's roar Will then the sinners weep. Then must appear in terror here The kings by whom 'twas fix'd j The King of Glory in the air ; The prince of darkness next ; Because as king he did begin, Wanting to reign above, And so his reign he fix'd in men? Then judge which king you love. As men began by the French king, The traitor you will see; The traitor here doth now appear A bloody king to be. A meeting then will soon begin, And men will Satan hate " But how shall we throw off his reign Jf" The mutiny will be great. " The king above, we did slight his Iove f " We cannot mercy find ; u The king below, with him to go, " He will in fetters bind. " So what to do we do not know, " But down our arms must fall; 155 " V " O let the rocks and mountains coma " To hide us now from all." Then who shall fight ? Not small nor great, But these two kings must stand. I made them all, both great and small, And plac'din every land, I sav, these men that thou hast slain Now Satan hear thy d-^om; And, canst thou raise- them from the dust, Torioht against ME, come ! No; men'.vul lay theii armour by, As dead men they'll appear, While loud hosannas from my saints The echo they will hear: " Bless'd be our King, and bless'd his reign; " He's worthy of a God ; " The Prince of Glory once was slain, " And wahh'd us in his blood." With every sjuad will they abound, " Th ice blessed be his name ! " His garments once were dipt in blood; " From him our armour came; " He fought the battle for us all, " Wounded our deadly foe" And endless ages shall rebound, From heaven and earth below ; While hearts within in love will burn, And happiness complete, Then will the sinners silent mourn, * And tremble at his feet. " Ah, happy men !" will they begin, " Had we their footsteps trod, " In triumph we should now appear " With our victorious God ; " No burning conscience should we feel, " But hearts inflam'd with love : il Then sure his worth is now set forth " By all the host above." For saints will praise, and angels gaze, And trembling sinners fall ; Thus will I come \vith armies strong, Till I have rescued all. The winners' smart will wound my heart, For to destroy their foe; And shew him of his bloody reign, While he hath reign'd below. So he and I the cause will try In that tremendous hour, u 2 156 No more I'll hear the sinners' cry, But free them of his power? I'll shame him then by sinful men, As he did cause their fall ; And prove no heaven could be in him He'th made a hell for all, When he was king; and see his reign ; In man it must appear ; . Therefore I did let go his chain To reign six thousand years. The one you'll see preserved for ME, That all may prove iny reign ; And justice must in all agree, That he is justly slain ; For justice here must now appear To chain him down below ; The banish'd prisoners then I'll clear ; Their time is up I know ! So I'll dispute, while man is mute, And all shall hear my sound ; I'll cut the brunches from the root, And then the stump I'll bind In fetters strong, alone to burn; Because his rage will swell, To see his fall, condemn'd by all, Will kindle flames in hell. But then be clear, no MAN is there, That trcmbleth at my rod ; I mean to make the mystery clear ; And all shall find their God Did ne'er design the human kind Created for such woe, As here to die, in hell to lie, In fetters bound below. No, no ; that day, to man I say, Satan will find the cheat: An army strong he'll bring with him But l.erc the lines go deep; For when he comes with armies strong, In hopes to win I, c field, He'H h'nd his men such cowards then, 'I hut every man will yield, No more to rise, (let men grow wise,) V"'inst the laws of God; i heir leader I chastise, ii iind my lavs are good, pe just ; let sinners trust ; .-.imil shew their end ; 157 And down in'hell their king shall dwell, With his own feost descend : That is, (be clear), his angels here, Whom he did drive from heaven ; But MAX is mine ; he must resign ; For he shall be forgivi-n. Then I'll bring forth a glorious earth, And place them here below; But sure I have a paradise Where all my saints shall go, In true perfection to enjoy A never-fading crown ; For then their peace can none destroy ; A heaven to them is found. But those bejow, they'll rind it so, Will greatly differ here ; A heaven to some on earth will come ; But anger will appear ; Concealed long, some hearts will burn, Their murderers to see ; And conscience burn, 'twill make some moorn, And spoil their harmony. So that complete the sinners' state AYill not be in the end, Like those that do my favours seek Tis deep all thou hast per.n'd : But man I'll free from misery, If sorrows do abound, That one the other can forgive, Your grief will then be found, So I'll end here, and say no more, But weigh the matter deep ; If happiness you wish to share,' Your conscience void now keep : Not give offence ; for recompense Will meet you on that day, When I have made a heaven below. My wonders all display'd ; Wonders will be, you all will sec, When Satan's hurried down ; Such blasphemy \sill come from he, And horror shake the ground ; Thunder will roll from pole to pole, And lightning fast will fly ; More dreadful war than 'twas before, When he rebell'd on high. So war's begun, and war will end, And sxich a war 'twill be, 158 In hell in \var they will contend To all eternity. So I'll end here, and say no more Of that gi eat judgment-day, In colours faint I've iven ;hee Of what iL then will be : Such battles fought, such victories wrought, And Satan's pride will butst, Condemn'd by all ' What ! must I fall, ' And man preserved at last ? * Then I can swell no more in hell, ' The angels will me blame 4 What! must I sec such destiny. 4 As setteth hell in flames ?' So now at last 'twill kindle f.ist ; For then the tire will burn ; It is from them the flames must come, And on their heads return." In this manner is the Day of Judgment explain- ed to me, from the rebellion in heaven to the last day of judgment, I shall give a few lines of my own judgment on it. All this is worthy of a God ; And may I thus believe, On Satan so to cast the rod, As he did man deceive. Thy power, thy wisdom, and thy might, We all shall worship too ; When he doth bring all this to light Twill be a glorious view. Men's hearts enlarged to speak his praise; For who can set it forth ? It may rebound in endless days, But none can judge his worth. My sonl too low I know must go To fathom things so deep. I shall leave my own thoughts, of the justness of God on the day of judgment, to wiser heads than mine, and deep divines, who I know will An-ite from it, when they are clear it is from God. .But I shall answer a few objections, that some have already made on hearing it : They did not believe 159 that sinners would ever be saved from hell in the day of judgment; as it was written, " Go, ye ac- cursed, into everlasting' lire, prepared for the devil and his angels." But that accursed thino- was the O O devil. And these were answered me from our Sa- viour's words : I will separate the sheep from the goats ; the sheep on my right hand, and the goats on the left ; 'but though hand joined in hand, the wicked shall not go unpunished. " But on ;ny right hand all my sheep shall sit : And on the left the goats I'll not forget; For if I died to be the sinners' friend, They all shall find I'll prove it in the end. What in my heart did I for Judas feel, To see his conscience like t4ie flames of hell ! And in despair he died a wretched end, And said he sinn'd for to betray his friend : And in the end his friend I'll surely be, Condemn the power that first betrayed he. So here the doors are open now for man; The day of judgment it is nigh at hand, When men in judgment they muit surely sit, And tell the woman if her thoughts are right; And in her history what in her they blame; Then alter that her trial must come on. But if the sixth book it doth first appear, The four and twenty ciders must see clear That I am present in the woman's form, When that the sixth book you do deep discern: When all together you do deeply weigh, Then know to man is come the judgment day: And then to heal the nations you begin. And now I'll bring you to a deeper dream, Which I command thee now to pen it here, And then the mystery I shall make it clear. In the Christmas holidays of 1794, after I had seen the vision at the close of that year, (being perfectly awake when I saw the vision in the Christ- inas), this dream was brought to my view. I thought I was at a door ; and, looking in the heavens, saw them full of sheep, lying in the air like a flock of sheep on the mountains. In the midst 160 I there was one of the size of a bullock, but cover- ed with wool like a sheep, remarkably long, and white as snow, and the head like a lamb ; the others were of the common size of sheep, lying round the large one ; but all had long white wool like mow ; and their faces like lambs ; some were the size of lambs ; and all lay in the air round the large one, and. the heavens seemed covered with them : so that some appeared near to the earth. In the morning when I awoke, it was said to me " Arise, and write, the day-light now is come; My Spirit's waiting to direct thy hand." It is now concealed from me how it was then ex- plained, as my writings are sealed up from me. I only remember these words. When I had written, " the light came from the moon ;" I was question- " ed, Where dost thou see the moon r" I threw down my pen with astonishment, as knowing I did not see the moon ; but judged it so from the light, as I dreamt it at midnight. I was answered " What thou hast written, I well know is true ; 'Twas I that brought this vision to thy view." I cannot recollect how it was then explained ; but it was in such a beautiful manner, that my eyes were drowned in tears while I penned what was then revealed of Christ and his flock. It is now answered in the following manner. " Then Christ and his flock now together must stand, And prove from this vision my kingdom's at hand ; And white as the wool my flock shall appear; And the light from my lambs you shall all see it clear ; My Spirit's descended so far from my throne, And so near to the earth now my Spirit is come. And surely around ME I'll gather my sheep, And now in the air you with safety may sleep ; No light from the moon there need to appear; I'll enlighten my shepherds to light you all here ; /^ So walk in this light before it is gone ; My flock must not tarry ; 'tis time for to come ; Because that this vision's conceal'd from thy view,. How it was explained thou little dust know ; 161 No, no ; 'tis ray shepherds must search out the dream; Then you'll find it true as I then did explain. So of dreams now and visions another now pen; It was ot the moons ; thou must give it to men." If I remember right, it was the same Christmas, I dreamed that I was in a bed, out in a remarkably large open field. I thought I saw one moon over my head, shining very bright, and another, very large, at the end of a field, with the head of a man in it, like a Turk's head. I cannot recollect how it was explained : but I then thought it wondrous. I shall pen the words, as it is answered me now. " Then now I will answer. In wonders appear Two moons, thev were shininsi so bright in the air. Thou safest in one there appear* d the Turk's head; The field is the world when-in t;iou wast laid ; The head of the man in the moon did appear; And the wisdom of Satan in so-:--e \\ill shine clear; And now in his wisdom so bright some will shine, And give light to the world that walketh in him. I told thee the sun was an emblem of ME, To give light to the world, that clear you may see ; But sure as the moon that shines in the night, Then unto the darkness the moon is a light. And now by men's conduct thou surely wilt know, From the sun or the moon,where men's wisdom doth flow; For those that do gather their light from the sun, They'll surely see clear which way it doth come ; But those that do gather their light from the moon, It is but in darkness their wisdom can shine ; Because that the moon cannot lighten the day. Ye men now of learning, mark well what I say: For deep you will find is the vision to all ; The sun must be risen to judge of your call ; Because that in darkness there manv will shine, And prove that these writings were never divine ; The wisdom of Satan ; n man will appear, And point out such Sight to deny it all here' And so by ma. -,'s conduct the truth thou wilt see, ,-/. r ^^ How true were the words I then answer' d to thee/^/^'/v / ta That now from thy memory I hourly conceal'd ; But unto my shepherds must all be reveal'd ; _kL For then they will gather their light from the sun; When the seals they are broken the day-light will come, X 162 For n r 'W I do tell thee to pen one dream more, And then let the learned together compare." I shall now mention one dream more. In 1794, I thought I saw a pump, the handle of which was so very high, that I could scarce reach it, and it was so hard I could get no water from it. I thought I lay down under the handle, and all on a sudden the water gushed out, and ran down in a large stream till it came to a very deep pond, where there was muddy water, which frothed amazingly when the clear stream came into the pond ; and the pit was large and deep. I was answered " And is that all thou knowest of thy dream? This simple mystery I shall soon explain ; For in thy dream thou know'st the pump was high ; But in it here's another mystery ; When for to pump it thou didst find it hard 'Tis plain thy words they little do regard ; Therefore in silence thou must surely wait^ Because the handle is most high and strait; But by itself it certainly will go, The living water shall gush out, you know, _, And in the pit it certain will run down ; (Thou know'st the fountain it was under ground ;) And then it foam'd, it must to all be known ; But here's a mystery thou canst not explain ; But yet the mystery I'll explain to thee; Far in it there's a double mystery. I say the pit resembleth that of hell, Where the infernal host do surely dwell. And will the living waters thither come ? It is a mystery to thee unknown. No, no ; I say, it is not what I mean ; The living waters are the living stream, That like a fountain will come from on high; But yet the sinners will it all defy ; And as 'tis flowing, sin will sure abound ; They'll froth with fury for to hear the sound* Thou know'st thou saw'st the scarlet dye appear, Amongst the waters thou didst see most clear ; And how it came thou didst enquire to know ; Thou saidst the waters Would be hurted through. So that thy dream thou hast not wrote it all, But for thy answer is thy eager call. This is a folly I do see in thee; But in it here's another mystery. Now for my answer thou dost always wait ; In that the mystery 1 say is great; For as the foaming with the waters came, So will the tumult be In every land ; For saints and sinners they will nut agree- The water dirty did appear to thee, Thut in the stream it did to lie below, And make it foam when living waters flow; So with the wicked it will certain be: They'll foam with fury, and the truth you'll see. But this was the dream that I shevv'd thee at first, And so in the end all my glory shall burst." This was a dream in 1792. I had been power- fully visited by the blasphemy of Satan, which made me earnest in prayer, that the Lord would cut short the powers of darkness. I was answered, 1 will shew thee, in dreams and visions of the night, what I will do with him. The same I was answered when I was going to bed. ..I went to sleep, but seemed as full of life and sense, as though I had been awake, when I heard the most heavenly music I ever heard in my life, louder than an organ, but much sweeter. With this heavenly music I saw my chamber door burst open, and a man leading in a pig with his mouth tied round with a cord, and the man led him in with a halter. Two men, or angels, I thought, stood at my bedside, with heavenly mu- sic in their hands, while the other led forward the pig, which seemed to breathe forth threatenings against me, and the smoke ascended from its nos- trils. I thought I trembled in my bed, and was earnest in prayer to God to save me from his power, as I thought in my dream it was the devil. As 1 was in prayer he was led away, and the hea- venly music ceased, and all was. silent. Some hours after, in the same night, I heard the like heavenly music the second time ; and all appeared before me as at first ; only I conceived the pig seemed more 164 furious; but there was no other difference than that between the former and the latter. I then awoke, much confused. This was in \792. I cannot re- collect the whole of the circumstances; but re- mem her it was Satan's being bound. I shall here insert the manner it is explained; as I could not explain it myself. I was answered " Why doubte.-.t thon that all from heaven descend, As thou canst not answer one word thou hast penn'd ? But here is the vision I shew'd thee at firsf, And Leie is ihe vision that shall sorely burst. The music from heaven shall surely appear; And loudly the UIUMC >hall strike in your ear, That I am approaching, my kingdom is nigh; Then surely the rebels will bitterly cry ; A noise that's most dreadful some thousands will make, When the pillars of heaven begin for to sha';e ; And earth's strong foundations will :i;ie trrmde here, When Satan is bound, and that sight dorh ar/pear. Against thee his malice he'll try for to vent, And I tell thee in bunder he surely would rent, If I had not bound him, as close as thy dream ; My angels do guard thee to keep thee from him : For now I do tell thee, could Satan gel free, He'd vent out his malice he hath against thee : Eut like as thy dream do my angels appear, By day and by night they are guarding thee here. So all men are simple to judge that thy hand Could write in such manner, did I nor command. No if thou wert mocking, all mortals would see, Satan would be catching, and soon baffle thee ; For I would not guard thee, nor keep thee from harm. Ye judge of your Bibles, 1-ut do not discern, As soon as impostors ave risen in my name, The devils light on ti.i-ni a'ul put them to shame. And now, if you'd uiadoui, you all would see clear, Thy life would not last, or my Bible must err, To say that your thoughts are all open to ME ; Then surely thy writing 1 -, I plainly do see ; Then surely some wonder in you must appear, Jf you judge lhat my Sp rit hath not spoken here, And weifjb well the writings that came from her hand, It you judge not from heaven, in wonders you'd stand; Unless to all knowledge you're totally dead, The heavens are silent, and Satan is tied. This must be the language of every heart, 16*5 That jadg'th Ms not Gou doth these secrets impart: For sure like thy circa' . n,u t UK 'empier be bound, Or all i en wo..id see how he'd quickly confound; So now Irora ibe?e hues let the le.rnecl weigh deep. And now I shall answer ho.. thousanJs will weep; Becaus.- mat the tempter i surely shi.!l bind, So much like thy dream, all ;ny shepherds shall find, Th;r when they come boldly to ju< ge of the word, And -ay ' We'll see Ciearly it this be from God ;" Then the heavenly mus.c shall sound'm your ear " The voice is fro'ii heaven, we've nothing to fear." And then of the earth they're the first I'll redeem ; And ihuc'h deeper mysteiies I then shall explain, \\he.i _.uu bee the woman in wonders appear; Ana wonders from heaven you surely will hear; But this is a mystery you can't discern, Nor yet unoent.ind in what way I do warn ; Bccai^e irom the woman 1'il make it all clear; And re.ur i back the bone for to shew you all here, liow Satan you'll conquer, and Eden regain ; And :,ow it was lost she shaii shew you ail plain ; And then all the mysteries you all wih see dear; And wonders from i.caveii to all Miall appear; because I'll fulfil it so much like thj dieam And n ;w from another the whoie I'll explain." [I have omitted inserting, before my dream at mulniq-ht, that 1 was awoke with the most dread- O ful noise I ever heard in my life ; and was answer- ed, it was like the noise of hc-il when the devils are chained down; then I slept, and had the two preceding dreams.] In 1797 I dreamt I felt myself almost dying, and whether awake or asleep I could scarce tell; but I felt myself so shocked with pain, that I said I could not live any longer; and thought I felt my spirit depart from my body, and was carried through the air to some wondrous buildings, the most curious I ever beheld, and too remarkable to pen. I thought there were galleries, filled with and surrounded by soldiers. Before the galleries there was a large court-yard, in which stood a remarkable large oak, well spread, and well grown, the leaves of which I thought they had gilded all over with s;old, and tied ribbons all 1 r over the tree, in token or some great victory they had won. There were officers there, with swords glittering with gold, and ribbons tied to them ; all which seemed to bear the appearance of some great victory ; and when I awoke I thought I should hear of some \ but it is answered in the following manner : ** Then now the victory I'll explain, And tell thce all the war I mean. My servants shall like soldiers come ; The tree of lite shall be made known, In golden colours to appear ; The ribbons shew the victory there. So on thy bed wilt thou lie down ; The day at last for ME is found, That I an earthly j udgment meet : This awful day must finish it. But how, thou'lt cry, can I appear, Though in my heart I wish'd it near ? But now the awful day is come, That in my heart I wish'd for long. So much like Peter thou wilt stand, Though boldly launch'd by my command, To warn the jury to appear ; But then thy faith will sink in fear. save me, Lord, will be thy cry; Can such a simple worm as I Before such learned men appear ? 1 sink ! I sink ! will be thy fear: But when these fears do thee alarm, Like Peter, thou shalt find my arm ; And in the galleries thou shalt see The glorious victories wroupht by ME. The soldiers are the men of G^\ The glittering sword, the Spirit's word ; In golden colours shall appear The tree of life, that day I'll clear, And every sign I'll then make good, I bought your ransom on the wood. So let the judge and jury come; The tree of life shall be made known In golden colours to appear : And all shall find my Spirit near, That is descended like a dove ; 167 And all I'll fill with heavenly love; And then the waters I'll abate, When I return your loving mate, To bring the olive-branch of peace, And make your jarring discord cease. For sure a Thomas uill Le found, That's jealous of the heavenly sound ; And if in doubts he doth appear, My hands and side I'll shew him there; For then the mysteries I'll explain ; Because I know they are but men ; And you shall know what days are come; And find ME in the woman's form, To make your perfect bliss complete; And you shall find your helpmate's great. For this was first my Father's will, And it you'll find I shall fulfil; And then my rather you'll not blame, When I the serpent put to shame. I took my trir.l first from man, And so the serpent next must come *f f U~ " TVhen you can prove you have seen h plain; Besides, some mysteries are behind, Until that day you cannot find, Till I unbolt the perfect door, \Vhut I have jjot for man in store- So let not faith to keep you back, Nor unbelief to climb the rock, Because you fear that you may fall ; Your anchor's fix'd ; I'll keep you all. So now I've ended with thy dream; .And now from visions I'll explain, And prove my prophet Joel true, And bring the vision to your view. The vision first was seen by man, Just like my bible all's the plan, That in the heavens to him appear'd ; But he the mystery could not clear, Nor yet no man could see it plain, Nor shew the vision what it meant; Till it came to the woman's hand, I had conceal'd it all from man ; To make the prophet's words more clear- The prophet was the woman here. So now the vision I'll explain, And shew it with the former dream." After I had written out the dreams shewn me in 1792 and 17.94, I received a letter from a worthy minister in London, with an open vision hesaw in the heavens as he was reading the burial service over the dead. He sent me a representation of the vision, neatly engraved. I must beg the worthy gentle- man's pardon for putting it in print without his ap- probation ; but I trust a gentleman of his good sense and learning will forgive me, when I tell him, the Lord hath commanded me, and I had not time to write for his consent. So I shall insert the vi- sion perfectly as he sent the words to me, and after give the explanation, as it was explained to me. I conceal the reverend entleman's name. Description of an OPEN VISION. " There ap- peared in the heavens an ill formed beast, standing on the Continent, and afterwards marching upright 169 at the head of an immense army, issuing oat of a cloud ; the beast stretched out his fore paws, as if swimming, much agitated, and pointing to some- thing at a distance. All marchect gently but boldly on, mid appeared to cross the sea, making for an island, which they invaded in a very short space of time. The sea then assumed the appearance of a barren heath, and every thing seemed to have fallen before them. ''The beast having arrived in the middle of the island, put on the form and colour of a leopard; and lay down, as if to take his rest, when the army dis- appeared, and all things about him wore a most beautiful appearance, like fertile land, when the sun is rising upon it; and immediately (the leopard keeping his position) a small cloud arose from the middle of the space, and moved gently to the side, followed by a buffalo and a crocodile; both which, as they drew near the cloud, were invested with its shape, and lost their own. " The Vision N. N. E. Time about four minutes. " The above Vision was also seen, and particular- ly noticed by E. Wynne, schoolmaster, Hill, on his road to Wapping, in the c y of several gentlemen. The above E. W. noticed, that the beast, when it was lain down, momentarily panted, as if at its last gasp. T. \V. the publisher, had, at this period of the vision, taken off his eyes for a few seconds. "The army and the beast, as represented at the head, appeared to be about six feet high, and the quadrupeds bore an exact natural proportion." Lshall now come to the explanation of the. vision. As the men are drawn in a bow in the cloud, pur- suing the beast, it is explained in the following manner. 170 " When thfc world was drowned, the beast had SQ powerfully worked on man, till he had drawn all men after him, and the deluge of rain made the world become like the sea. At that time the Lord said he would destroy man from the face of the earth ; but man, that was made of the dust of the ground, and created in parkdise, was not destroyed ;. the Lord preserved more in the ark than he created' at first. But after the deluge ceased, the Lord said, he would no, more suffer the waters to drown the world ; and, as a sign unto men, he set the bow in the clouds. In the prophet Joel he saith, when he cometh to pour out his Spirit; upon all flesh, Your young men shall see visions, and your women shall prophesy ; and ye shall see signs in the heavens. And in the Revelation it is written, they shall overcome the beast, that is the devil, by the blood of the larnb, and the \vord of their testimony; therefore, rejoice, ye heavens, and all that dwell in them; but woe to the inhabitants of the earth and sea ; for the devil is come down in great wrath, be- cause he knoweth he hath but a short time. Now I have shewed you, from the written word of God, how all is spoken on the record of the Bible. The bow was placed as a sign of preservation for man ; and the Revelation shews you how to overcome the powers of darkness by the power of Christ. Now I have shewed you, from the Bible, how all was spo- ken ; and now, from this vision, you see how all is placed. The bow, that was set in the clouds for man's preservation, is now drawn with an army of men pursuing the beast ; at the end of the vision the beast lay down, much agitated, as if to take his last repose. Now let men know, the men that were in the clouds, are men on the earth, that, by faith iu the blood of Christ, will pursue the bcLt, and overcome him by their words and testimony of the truth. The leopard denotes men, that Satan will 171 draw to join with him. The crocodile denotes all the arts of the devil; as the crocodile makes a noise to get men to come near him, and then devours them, and so does the devil : But now the croco- dile hath no power to approach man, if he be ad- vised of his arts, and shun him; neither hath the devil power to draw in man, or hurt him, if he be aware of his wiles, and shun him. But this vision shews you, what arts Satan uses to betray man ; for Satan is now much agitated, and so he will con- tinue. He has arts like the crocodile And like the ravenous beasts he'll now assume,. And like the crocodile with arts he'll come; But men will conquer by the heavenly train; And know, the rainbow was a type for men, That at the lust preserved they shall be; The beast I'll conquer, and the men I'll free; And at his last gasp he is surely come ; And the whole armour you may now put on. Deep is the vision must to all appear Rejoice, ye Jews; and let the Turks to fear; For in that nation I shall end the war. The bairen heath in Turkey doth appear ; Their minds are barren; all is barren there. And yet thou'rt puzzled, how these things can be : The beast arriv'd the fertile land to see, And all my armv they did disappear. T' I I Inis is a mystery thou canst never clear; But now the mystery I will here untold, And prove the truth is by a woman told ; But by thy wisdom, as a woman, here No more than man canst thou the mystery clear. To see the beast possess the promis'd land, And all my army silent for to stand, Or at that' very time to disappear ; It is a mystery that no man can clear, lint now, I tell thee, I will clear the whole; And know, my army they went on so bold, And did pursue unto the promis'd land, That for the Jews I surely shall command ; But as the beast alone he did see there, In his possession you may now see clear, That certainly it was the heathen land That now the beast has got in full command, Y 2 172 Anri :vuv I tell tLee that thy per. coes deep ^p; Bur ." - a f;wai;e them Iron: tho ; r i^rearn, And tiuT. the vision , ..:! see plai 1 .. Now if men judge it of some curious head, To see t!;e vision as they 1 ; Then Solomon in \\isdo.r. mu.-t Appear, To s!:ew the vision with thf K-ii'le clear. Wise fool:-, I tell you here the moon docs shine, It you will prove these writing not divine : From Satan's wisdom you must draw your light, To shine in darkness, and you may shine bright, To bring forth reasons you cannot make clear, When once the Sun of Righteousness ris'th here; Then ali your light will vanish soon away, When I do bring to man the perfect day. jV'Iark ali these dreams and visions seen before ; And from each other all concealed were, Till I command the truth to fly abroad, And then the vision must to all be know'd; For, Jike the vision 1 shall now go on, And fix my army in the tons of imn. So now together you may ail compare, And judge what senses are deranged here, To bring such wondrous things before your sight, Jn such a form, and every path is straight; Unless I tell ye, you aie all sun-blind, And at the noon-day you the walls cau'tfind ; Then sure like bears you may be^in to roar, And mourn Lke doves your blindness to deplore; In pi; Ctsdisoh.te yn/ii surely be, And ;-Ov.n hkf (lead uu n v. .liyour folly see: For n;.-.v you'll find -'ur, W:. en all ii.ankind \> And full reward; - , . -iiier '.n, iii ; A i.'. \ou v.iii fi e t the Biuli groc in ; and you'll teei my power, To bhii; _)cu in iii uie irom i ; v( ;-y ibe; '. , jtnir nan.es 1 know; ftui '. .i.hsh virginhtjo appear, Who : le wain nj ol ilie Bricie^rcom here, ] tell \ou piiiin what then will i.eyoui lute; Like fooli>ii viigins^cu will come too late; iJetdU'-e jour names, i say, i do not know ; You motk'U the warning, and iie..ij;is'd the blow 173 That I pronounc'd against the mockers here ; And now the midnight hour to them appears, That back on mockers must my fury fall. So now take care, I warn ye, one and all ; The midnight hour for all is nigh at band. That on your heads the prophet's blood must stand, As they asunder did Isaiah ^aw: And now observe the Gospel and the L;nv ; And Jeremiah in the dungeon c:-^:, And nuw the midnight hour for all shall burst; For now asunder I shall saw the whole, And back on mockers shall my fury fall. So here's my warning in the date that's new; The days I'll sjjorten ; and like man I'll do : As men asunder did Isaiah saw, So now asunder you shall see my law; Unto the one my pr >m:ses are great; Unto the other tlu-y shall meet his fate, And Jeremiah in the dungeon cast; And now the dun aeon must for mockers burst. Look to the blood the Romans they did spill, And how the martyrs did their fury feel; Back on their heads yon see I brought the blow, And now the midnight hour ye all shall know. As 'twas by mockers I was crucified, And 'twas by mockers my disciples died ; And will ye say, my Gospel you do know ? Then on )cur heads you're bringing now the blow : For Alel'h blood must unto men appear ; The day of vengeance now is coming here, That all their blood must now on mockers fall. Now iVuin that woman I do tell you all, Who bay your Bibles you do now see clear, And jet dt-bp^e the warnings 1 give here; Just like the blind my Bibles }ou do see Write out her wc;rd*,and then I'll answer thee." These words were in answer to a proud, ignorant woman, who came into a house where I was ; and, speaking of the prophecies, said, " She did not want any one to tell her better than site kne\r ; for the Bible was plain; and all our Saviour's words were true; and wars and rumours of wars, and the Revelation, were all fulfilled. She had read them, and understood them all; and the day of judg- ment was at hand," I shewed her the open vision, / 174 seen by the clergyman. She asked, " If it wa.* not the gentleman's imagination ?" I said, No; he must have had more wisdom than Solomon, to imagine such a thing, to draw so lively a picture of the last days ; so consistent with all the Bible. But I found the woman, with all her boasted wis- dom, had no idea at all of the last days. She was h>j,,>rant and opinionated in her own knowledge ; so I left off disputing with her ; for I found her so wise in her own eyes, that there was more hopes of a fool, than of her. Her folly was answered me in the following manner. " Thy observation was just. There is more hopes of a fool, than of such, who think they know every thing, and know nothing. If she knew my Bible, she must know all these things that thou hast writ- ten ; and the vision shewed her must first come to pass. And he that is not with ME, is against ME ; and he thatgathereth not with ME, scattereth ; for no A' is coming the end. The day of judgment for nan is already come; and this new century I shall begin for men to sit in judgment, to judge the wo- man and her writings ; and all will find such a trial, as has never happened since my being judged at Pilate's bar. For all will find the trial great ; l ; or different passions this will heat, When men in judgment do appear, For to condemn, or for to clear. As ditiiTent passions will arise, Some men of learning will chastise, To prove their judgments not betray'd, And cast it on the woman's head, Thiit sunn- mad fancy fill'd her brain We judg'il it wrong for to contend, With one we thought so veiy low ; 'I h cut to re her lolly we let go, Thinking her toily it would die; But now \ve see 'tis rising high ; And now our visd-nn we may blame, " If we can't put her now to shame. 175 w Then deeply we did not discern, *' If 'tis from God the Spirit came; ' " But to this we will not submit, " Until we sec the truth more great." V/hile other men will see more clear " It is of God, I now do fear; *' And if it be so, I must submit, " And ca^t my wisdom at his feet." While there are some will see it plain- " It is from God, I'll now mainrnin ;" And strong the reasons they'll assign, To prove the writings all divine; While some are blind, and cannot see They're spoken by divinity " It surely was some curious head J That every mystery she. will clear; ^t** US'LL* Csl'* c * When to the purpose all will come, ^H To justify, Or to condemn. Then she will j^ake the mystery clear, And prove the tree of knowledge here; That by her faith she reach'd so high, And the good fruit she brought so nigh, Whereof she bade you now to taste- The bad is fallen, the good is plac'd, Which now hangs hovering on the tree, And ail shall find 'tis pluck'cl by she. So, fallen man, canst ascertain What madness now hath fiil'd thy brain, To judge that e'er a woman's hand Could give such challenge unto man? No, No : In man I'd soon appear, For to confound and ^hamehcr here, Did not the, challenge come iroin ME ; You are but men, you ail shailsee, Whom I've pronounced to be cie id, As you the woman first obe}'d ; But if your life you'll now regain, I tell you all to do the same, And nw obey the woman's han6tappear,~~^ To bear the mocR of fools > anjjitmoj^jjerej^ I-'or alt must stagger ancTfaTT toTBlTgroundV 'As they did brice'wrJen I "was in the sound j_ But tGeii The~g63TieaTl did quick|y change7__ Ami took the manfioo37~whichto you~TT strange, That very_Go D and very MAN could be Were not fnT angels sent to comfort ME.^ What" need" rcomtort inThe 'godhead's form, ^L Invested"!?! aTTnTs ower, ~ (Tr~tQ tn y Fa t'h t- r had TnoccTfo To let the fatal cup to_pass away, _ If'twas his will to have^Trlo be done, An3~3rops 7>TT?Tood^irragoDie8"'to J comej^ Or ou~flle~cfdss~ wHalTneecniagTto cry, \ryUocl, my God, HasTtHouTorsalcen TVI t. ? Then all the prophets surefy must speak wrong, irTrTthjg_g(KUiead 1 tQ mortals come, __ Tnested i n3HeJheavenly"Trini ty_,_^ __ ^. with maiTpOhow could this agree ? Or yet what judge could I e'er be for man, If all their form I had not yet put on ? And all their nature I did then assume, JP And all my power did from the Father come; 179 For all the godhead I had laid aside, And all man's strength and nature then I tried, And found the arts of Satan how they swell; And deeper nnsteries I to rmm shall tell. Had he not fell in Eden then atjirnt, I am their Judge, and know he would at last. The kingdoms of the earth were offcr'd ME ; And unto men the. kingdoms, they would see, Would soon be ofter'd, as the full reward To worship him, and not their God regard ; And by his influence he'd men throw away ; i Then all must perish in the judgment -day, Had not my wisdom so ordain'd my plan, To cast the serpent and to screen the MAN*, That to perfection he's pronounced dead; And bring his murder on the tempter's head, That by the woman at that time was cast ; And now 's the time I'll make the woman burst, To claim the promise she had got of ME. When Mordecai and Esther do agree, That when men do like Mordecai appear, And pray for Esther she may persevere ; Then all the royal robes you may put on ; The glittering sceptre shall to all be known ; Then Esther's banquet you with joy may see; And on the gallows Hainan he may be, Or else the serpent in the room of man, And so proud Lucifer his end must come. These lines I've spoke, the learned men to try If they can see the hidden mystery; If not, the mystery I shall make more clear. The end is come ; and let the dream appear." ThisjHs a dream sent me by a reverend gentle- man from London; not from himself, but another fentleman, who lias had many visitations from the pirit of the Lord, told it to him in the following manner : He thought he was in the temple of God, which appeared to be unfinished, in a city ; the inhabi- tants whereof, when he asked the name of it, called it New Jerusalem. That he stood on a high place in it, and saw a man walking below, whom he thought at first to resemble himself, who took up a sword lying on the pavement, and brandished it 180 several times, saying, The Sword of Gideon, and then laid it down again. This dream was sent me by an elderly divine; and the vision by a voun and I have done as Peter did, launched into the great deep. And boisterous waves have swelled high, And oft I've felt a Peter's cry ; But though I've launch'd into the sterna, J hope to meet my Saviour's arm, Who oft has blamM my unbelief, When I, like Peter, sunk in grief. But now what dangers shall I fear, If on the seas my Lord is near ? Then he will keep me in his arms, Though men and devils raise the storm;.. I have given my answer to that part of the world who have said, I print for gain ; and now * shall give the answer of the Spirit to these words. " Now let these boasting fools appear, To write or act as thou hast here ; Then they must have an arm like Ar>d so confound the Trinity. 187 But they wish, and wish in vain ; A hand like thine they'll never gain ; Because their pride, 1 well do know, Would swell too high if it was so, The prophet Balaam they'd become^ For Balak's gold they all would long. Then how such heart could I obtain, The heavenly victory for to gain ? The oath that I did swuar to thee Could never gain the victory; For gold they'd ask as their reward, And earthly grandeur their regard. Then all my plan must be in vain, To act like man in Herod's reign, When to the damsel he did swear, Whate'er sue ask'd he'd grant her there, Unto the half of all his crown, Because his kingdom so is found. So now the same 1 offer'd thee, One-half, like man, I'll give to thee. So hear together both the sound ; Let men or- devils this confound : The damsel's nralice did appear So influenc'd by her mother there, That envy swell'd her wretched breast, For my disciple she did thirst, And every grandeur threw aside, Revenge was all her haughty pride; If she could have the Prophet's head, All other grandeurs might be dead. And now :o thee 'twas just the same, When powerfully the Spirit came, To tell the oath that I had made, And half my kingdom ofiered, Revenge was all that sweli'd thy breast, And pray'd that Satan might be cast, As John the Baptist was before And now the mystery all. see clear : For in a charger this was done And now this charge I give to man, To give the dams-el up her will, And then my oath I will fulfil. And now her will you may demand, And on her head like stars now stand ; Then you shall see the glittering crown. Beneath her feet the moon is found, That in the darkness giveth light, And in the day los'th all his sight. AfcS 188 So here's a mystery deep for man, I've shewn you all my heavenly plan; And let my shepherd to appear, That did inquire thy combat here : How thon could'st e'er destroy the joe, Or in what mannt-r wish to know; ' I gave this answer from thy pen : The combat must begin by men ; The damsel ask'd, and men fullill'd. And now, ye learned, try your skill, And then FlPspeak in words more plain, How with them both you must contend. So here's the answer to the world : Had thy desire been for base gold, Such promise I would never make ; So no\t, yc fools, see your mistake, You all may wish, and wish in vain, Her baud and heart you'll never gain ; While all your wishing is for gold, Your hands and hearts does Satan hold ; And now his- purse you may command. If you by arts can forge her hand ; But never let her hand appear, Nor yet her name, I charge you here, Unless herself she does command, While on this earth her lite doth stand ; To print her writings I forbid, Unless by her 'tis So decreed." Now as I am come to the conclusion of my fourth book, I must beg liberty to answer for myself to the public. Some say I have written nonsense, which they cannot understand; while others say that my writings ought to be burnt, as I am setting the world at variance; the father against the son, and the son against the father; so floods of oaths and curses are poured out against me on the one hand, and the greatest approbation of my writings is given me on the other, as being beyond the power of human learning; and that none but the Spirit of God could indite such writings. Now as men say, loughtto print what they could understand, Imust bring you to understand the K'th chapter of the Revelation of St. John : The dragon rcas wroth with the woman, and cast out floods of water against 189 frer ; and so cloth man against me. You are not to suppose this dragon meant the devil, that he co.iid do it of himself; no; it is in the heart of man, he must do it: and in man it is already done. And the earth helped the woman, and swallowed up the flood* ; and so the earth hath helped me ; and I have worthy friends, and malicious enemies. Let both read the 12th chapter of the Revelation, and conscience must bear them witness, " We are mak- ing the truth of the prophecies, and pouring the whole on our heads. But how is she travailing in birth, and crying to be delivered ?" may be your inquiry. " If we are making good the one, how will you prove the other?" I answer, I am still complain- ing to be delivered ; for till my writings are proved by the standard fixed for me, I shall never be delivered, nor can the wound of my heart ever be healed. For Avhat I have already seen, is through a glass darkly ; but then I shall see face to face, and know in whom I have believed, and my bur- den will fall from me, and not before. So the same Spirit that made the Revelation at first, hath brought it round and placed it in such a manner as to make that chapter plain and true, if men have any understanding at all. I have many friends and many foes ; the world helpeth me, and per- secuteth me : So man is the earth that was made of the dust of the ground ; and if one man opens his mouth and casts out floods, another opens his mouth and swalloweth them up, as you will see when the truth is proved. So here is the noon-day sun before you ; and will you say, then we are sun- bllnd, and cannot see it ? I answer, the fault is your's, and not mine; for I have made the crooked path straight before you; and remember the days of Noah and Lot, which are full as plain ; but if men will shut their eyes against the day-light, the fault is not mine. Will men find fault with their Bibles, because they cannot understand them? The 1.90 ways of the Lord were always past man's finding out, and his footsteps were hid in the great deep. So let not men find fault with their Maker, because they cannot find out his words nor wisdom. Who is the man that can direct the Almighty? or who can find him out to perfection ? Those that did judge my writings nonsense, 1 must be plain to tell them, do not understand good sense. Did they come from myself, I would not say one word to justify them ; I should blush to praise my own works ; but know- ing every truth in them, thai they are from the Spirit of the Living God ; therefore I will take upon me to say, they are spoken in wisdom greater than ever was in man, and brought round in such a manner to fulfil the Bible, that it is impossible for any spirit to bring it so close to the Bible, that did not in the first place inspire men to compose it : he that was the author of one, is now the finisher of both, whose unerring wisdom men have taken upon them in every age of the world to find fault with. But I am ready to stand the trial, and meet my judges as they are fixed forme, and my trust is in the God of my sal~ vation : in the fire he hath promised to be with me ; and the waters shall not drown me; but had I learned the foolish nonsense of this world, then the people of the world w r ould have understood it; but as the natural man knoweth not the things of God, for they are spiritually discerned ; then let not men judge of things they know nothing about, nor ex- ercise themselves in things too high for them. I have already told you my writings must be judged By "learned olvines ; and the sheep must be led by tfie~voice~of the shepherds. J^ fy j^ ^/ So now your charges you may load, And let your shots to fly, You all will find I have a God, And every armour's nigh, That will confound in every sound ; His armour I'll put on, And then he'll shake the earthly ground, I mfrart the hearts of men. When they appear to sec it clear, Confounded all will be, That did pretend to baffle here " We cannot answer thce One word of a thousand. It is the Lord's doing, and marvellous in our eyes." But now I shall answer those who say, I am set- ting the world at variance. I am sorry to say, I never remember the world in peace since I knew it ; for I may say, forty years have I been grieved with a crooked and perverse generation, in a world where I never saw any true happiness nor peace in my life. And now I will call every man to bear me witness from his own conscience, if perfect peace and true happiness were ever in his dwelling for a long con- tinuance at home ; and what do we now see but tu- mults abroad ? In these things men's own conscien- ces must condemn them. I never kindled the ha- tred of the son against the father, nor of the father against the son ; but the son hath been opposite to his father's will ever since I knew the world. Let men look into their own hearts and families, and conscience must bear them witness to the truth. So let no man say, when he is tempted, I am tempted of God, when he is drawn away by his own lust to do evil. But would men hearken to my writings, they would forsake the evil, and learn to do good, and be flocking unto Jesus Christ, as doves unto windows, crying out, with the trembling Gaoler, "What shall we do to be saved to inherit ''the crown that is before us, looking for, and hast- " ening, the coining of the Lord Jesus Christ ?" As a report prevails, that my writings are not of myself, but extracts from other books; it is proper for me to observe, I shall not say what a hardened wretch such judges must think me, were I capable, of selecting from other men's works, and, by giving 192 them a new dress, insinuate to the world they were revealed to me by the Lord. But as I must stand the trial, whether such books can be produced or not, I now forbid every one from printing any of my productions, unless employed by me ; and I hereby challenge the world, by asserting, there ne- ver were such writings since the world was created, as mine are. I have explained to you in this book the nature of Christ's second coming: already in the Spiiit, according to the Scriptures. Now judge 'for yourselves how long Christ remained upon the earth before he expired on the cross, and said it was finished, and recollect how many mira- cles he had previously wrought. Now if these books you can see clear, You'll know the Spirit of Christ is here, Or the greatest impostor ever known ; Then judge what a trial for me is to come. Therefore every Printer I hereby forbid, No more than I publish my name for to spread. LONDON: Printed by W. MARCHANT, Greville-Street ; and sold by E. J. FIFLD, No. 139, near liloomsbnry Cor.rt, High Holborn; C. ABBOTT, opposite the London Apprentice. E.<-. tifi of Old-Street; W. TOZER, Lamhetii Road, Sf. George's Fields: aho < W. STMONDS, Gaudy Lane; and the Miis K\ K - inans, >.\, .-<'. ; -. Lxelcr ; S. HIRST, Leeds ; J. WIDDI.ETON, York; *8 LiGiii, Coventry- Street, Stourbridge, Worcestershire. (Price Niw-Pence.J * The Strange EfeSls of Faith ; Wl 1H Remarkable Prophecies, MADE IN 1792, &c, Of Things which arc to come. FIFTH PART. HAVING published to the world such wondrous prophecies, as many are at a loss to give credit to, and others judge it the disorder of a confused brain, I shall inform my readers, that my head was so disordered from my youth up, and so were the heads of my forefathers : Therefore, if the world judge, that a firm belief in the Lord, rely- ing on all the truths of the Bible coming from men, inspired by God, and the words left on record by our blessed Lord and Saviour, is madness to be- lieve, I was born mad, and so was my mother be- fore me, as they will see i*i the volume of this book, from the short account I shall give of my life. From my early age, the fear of the Lord was deeply placed on my mind and heart. Reading the gospel of Christ, and all the persecution he went B b through, Printed for Joanna Southcotf . by C. Floyde, JHib-&Ueet, ( *94 through, made me love him, and fear to offend him, and I felt my heart burn with indignation against his accusers, and that as I grew in years I grew in grace, and in the fear of the Lord. I shall omit particulars at present, and corne to some singular circumstance that happened to my family, which made me believe in my early age the Lord spake by dreamsland visions of the nighr, and that the angels of ; theLord are rhinistering spirits, to administer to the heirs of salvation. I shall quote one instance that happened to my father's brother,, which convinced me the Lord was rou >d our beds, and in our paths, the same now as he was in ages p ist, to day, yesterday, and for ever the same, as I shall infer from my father's brother, who was H remarkably religious young man from his youth up ; and when he was desired to take more pleasure in the world than he did, he made this reply, " I cannot live as others do ; this is no ;i brought 0,1 hi-; fall : So by men's w'sJom now they'll turn aiiJe, And think the world i, as the ocean w.de, But dj not know my rock is p'ac'd so near. While those that do not see it will split there, While those who see the 'and-m :ik how its plac'd Will reach the lh<>ie, arid all he truth embrace. But as thy uncle in the ship was found, (That by the captain's madness he was drown'd) He found the Koc'< of Ages there to Itand, And bv hi; faith possess d a better laud : So if men's madness doth deih'ov the julr, I tell you plain a better world will burft. So now let men of learning weigh this d-^ep, I've fhew'd you plainly how the end will break ; For deep's the parable I've given here, And in the end the truth you'll all see clear. Having ended with the explanation of my father's, brother, I shall here add a singular instance of my mother's brother; who was, like the former, a re- markably religious young m i i, and was so inti- mately acquainted with the young Mr. Dagworthy, that they were like brothers, and were always to- gether every opportunity tney coul and though she did npt hear from him for more than a twelvemonth after, yet she did not despair o' seeing him return in peace, which hap- pened within two years after he went to sea, as she had said, when he came home quite composed, to the i cat joy of all his friends. These singular instances I look on as a sure sign that the Lord is with us as in ages past, to warn us by ('reams and visions of the night; and a present health in the time of trouble, if we put our whole trust in the God of our Salvation. But now it is given mo to understand, that these things happened ( >99 ) happened in my family for deep and weighty signs to the nations, as it is explained in the following manner. Now from thy mother's brother I'll explain, And bung it closely to the sons of men. Thy mother warn'd him of his friend so dear, That he was ill, and wifh'd him to appear. Thy uncle did not judge his death so nigh, Nor thought hi? friend was then ordain'd to die, "Which made him to pursue his own affair, And in a leisure hour he did appear ; Eut then his leisure hour prov'd roo late, He met his corpse, and saw his dying fate, And then too late to take his laft farewell, Which made his heart in agonies to swell, To meet the corpse of one he lov'd so dear, And of riL vck :rss he was warn'd before: Th^'i self-reflection i i his heart did burn, Too late, cry'd ho, I with l'dsoonercom To take mv leave of me 1 lov'd so dear, Ht never ihew'd nv such unkindness here. And dll h;s formei ove he < all'd to mind, And in j chine; hour In; might find Some con (,i riuii in a dving friend, But no 1 -'- ti-o i a .', he cry*d, 1 see his end. So ?e f .. fl- 10 i -u t,k him in despair ; A woumu- : hea t ;;ii'.l ro 'science who can bear ? 1 o fiv iioin so; io\vs h- went to the seas, And judg'd the oct-an wide might give him ease, A\ hVh d.d hi fii.-nds and mother much alarm. And hf-re's th bread that you muft all discern, Which 1 did warn his mother in a dream. Ye men of if-aining judge, and now see plain, That in th.,t man there was the bread from heav'n, And if his writings were unto you giv'n, You d see his pond'ring heart and thoughts went deep, He lov d his friend, who all my flatntes kept, And in his heart he lov'd his Lord the same : But now I'll Ihew yon how his folly came. To such a madness as you see his end, 'Twas unbelief concerning of his friend, Because he did no' judge his ceath so near. And now mv friends 1 give this warning here. You see your sister in thib woman iiand, 20 'iSowarn her brethren I am near at hand, And that my Spirit suivivis (ie cend Just as the hand of death vva^ to h. frisnd. But if you say you will uot now appear, You do not judge my c,.>m-ng i> so near. Then like the former yo-.i will come too late, And like the corpse you all will meet your fate ; For when the Biidegroom he is at tru door, It is too late to say I'm welcome th -ie, For if before you will nut welcome me, Juft like the corpse my vvJconv- \ou iliall see, That is in silence like a dying f'nend, And so you'll find I tell you now your end. If you in unbeiief do linger heic. Juft like the corpse my coining will appear : For as the sickness in that ma,i was lound, Juft so my Spirit is in ev ry bound ; And as the hand of death was m ai his friend, Juft so you'll find I stirtly shall detce ui ; And those that c'o not judge rne now so near, Will find the corpse to niret me it th. do.)r ; That is, my coming it will be the same. Judge as you will, these uiadows never came, But by permission as they came from me, That in the end the snbftance all might s>ee. And now unto the purpose I [hall come, And bring the subftance now unto your home: And in thy mother 1 will p'ace thre here, And with the dying friend myself compare ; And with thy trie e 1 shall place the land. Observe the hift'ry row, and underitand, That as a sifler to vour bnd appear, Thou'rt writing letters to thy brethren here, To tell them plainly I am so descend. And by thy hand I'm warning ev'ry friend, That as the sickness in tee m .n : pnear d, Juft so I'm sick till I the whole have clear'd; Sick of men's sufFri.igs I am tome of late, Sick of their sins for to brin^t on their fate, Sick of the folly I see in mankind, Sick of the fever that ris'th in thy mind. As no physician seeks thy wound to cure, I know thy burthen's more than thoa canft bear, Did I riot take from thee pait of the li aJ, For by thy sorrows thou doft wound thy Lord. So aJl together thus do sicken me, And ( 201 > And with the dying friend compar'd might be. And so the warrrng I have given here ; But now the myft'ry I'll begin to clear. If that the warning now mv friends don't take, Juft like the co^e ;ny convngno v 'viil break, And all my death I'll lay befoie your view; For like the corpse 'twill be unto the Je^vs, For like thy u;u!e they h.ive s'ighted :n J , And not beliav'd that I tor th in did iie ; But now I warn them all for t.i appear, And then mv corpse 'hah me;t them at the door. This is a mvtt'ry thou doft not underhand, How they will meet mv corpse by my command; For when the Jews I warn them to appear, Perhaps they'll think some wounded fViend is here, Or some disorder, man may easy cure, And fay they'll come, and jtv'g- some friend is here; For as thou call'tt them they'll judge 'tis a friend, But then they'll come my funeral to attend ; That is, my death and suff rings they will see, And be convinc d that it is surely me That now doth warn them of mv sickness here, And like the corpse it will to th- m appear ; For all my death I'll lay b -fore their view. My friends like bearers ev'ry truth will ihew, And then the hearts of many I ha'! wound, And like thy uncle thev lhall hear the- bound, And so dejected they will turn away, And soon in grief they'll cross the i aging sea, To wa ii their friend of ev'rv truth they Know 'Tis plain I did for them, the truth is so; And .-o the bread is on the waters caft, And like thy uncle iuw the Jews will burft, Because my d-ath wiil unto them appear, And like thy uncle's dying fr. end compare. So of the Jews 1 ve told thee now theii end ; Deep are the lines that in thv hi't'ry's penn'd ; But to the Gentiles if th \ backward come, I'll {hew their end as thou di:t now go on. So for the present 1 mall end itht-rp Let Jews and Gentiles now begin 10 f^ar, Left they ftand out too long in unbelief, Then in the end they'll find thy under grief; Forifthe Gentiles judge I'm not .>o '.igh As he didjudge his friend, protiounc'd to die, Was not so hafty, they'll find their rniftake, P d And { 2O2 ) And in the end their grief like his will break, We never attend him in his sickness here, Nor for his coming did we once prepare, But like the corpse it all is to our view, A sudden (hock will Jews and Gentiles know, That co not judge the coming of their Lord, And how my Spirit has to. you occurr'd, Wide wand'ring through the world, nor entertain'd, And when in prison, (lories for bread you send. And this my Spirit is to man apply'd. My friend received now the field is wide, As in the Spirit I do now appear, And in the Spirit I am wounded here, To see my friend to suffer for my sake, And in the end I've many friend will break As much diftress'd as did thy uncle here ; Conscience conde/nn'd us, how fliall we appear, As we Mood out so long through unbelief, We see too late, which heighten'd all our grief, To see the sorrows of our dying friend, Then how the funeral {hall we notv attend ? This is a my fiery conceal'd from all. But maik, your sifter .cives you now the call, That you will find is deep in ev'ry line ; And from this parable then you will find, That deep's the warning I have given all. Let Jews and Gentiles now observe the call, Left like thy uncle they do find the end, And come too late to see a dying friend. But on the waters now your bread is caft, And like the waters many eyes will burfr, Because they know they did forsake my friends ; Then how my fun'ral will they now attend? Because my fun'ral I fhall place in thee, And in the end a myft'ry all will see. So here's a parable goes deep for all, And in the next the sinners I fliall call, Who like the atheifts now do mock the Lord, His love nor anger they do not regard. So here's the second parable for man, And in the third the fatal die mufl come. Here Here I shall proceed a little further, to shew my readers how 1 was taught, from my early age, the Lord is the same to-day, yesterday, and for ever, as I was instructed from my mother ; whose earn- est prayers were for her children, before they were born, that they might be like Samuel to wait on the Lord, and like Timothy to seek him in their youth. I heard her repeat these words concerning me: She said, she had great faith, great com- fort, and great promises made to her in prayer for me before I was born, and ever since ; and if I was a wrestling Jacob, I should be a prevailing Israel." And I remember her saying these words, "Joanna, my dear child ! mayest thou be a mother in Israel." These things I never understood further than that they applied to my own salvation, and I pondered them deep in my heart. I shall leave particulars, and come to the death of a neighbour, who sunk deep in my mind and heart before I was 15 years of age. The man was a professed atheist. The night before he died, his wife requested my mother would permit one of her daughters to stay up by him; and she sent me. At midnight the room shook as though it had been shaken by thunder. The dying man rose up in his bed, and spake, with a voice most dreadful, " there is a great black dog down in the window." I went to compose him, but the dying man replied with more fury, " you think I am light, but I am not; I tell you the devil is there." This shocked my very heart and soul ; the bed shook under him, and the man trembled with great fear. It is impossible to pen what I felt. This continued an hour, and then all was ushed to silence. I do not remember in all this time he once called on the Lord to have mercy ( 204 ) mercy upon him. This made a deep impression on my mind and heart, and made me fear sin more than death. Weighty were my mother's words to me concerning him. I shall leave other particulars, and come to my mother's death, which happened a few years after. The night before my mother died, I heard some- thing in her throat. I asked wh-it was the matter ? She answered, " My dear child I don't you e ;r the rattle is upon me ?" It shocked me to the heart* I asked her if she was in any pain ? She answered, "no, my dear child ! " Jesus can make a dying bed " As sweet as downy pi:lows are, " While on his breaft I lay my head, " And breathe my life out sweetly there.'* At these words I was almost death struck myself, to think I should lose so good a parent. I went and called my sister, and we both sat by her side till morning ; when, thinking our mother was bat- ter, we went down about our dairy work, and left a. neighbour to sit by her, not supposing her end was so near. At eight in the morning (about an hour after we left her) she said to Mrs. Ven, her time was but short, and rejoiced in the hour of death. " As to my children, said she, I must leave them to the Lord ; but tell Joanna to come up to me. " I immediately obeyed her summons ; but the doctor having been there just before, and not conceiving her death so nigh, my sister tarried to finish her butter, and I went up alone. When I came, she took me by the hand, and said, tf My dear child ! stand here, and learn to die; live in Christ, for to die in him is great gain. What profit would all the the world be to me no v, if I ha:l it to leave to you, and I myself >vis lo->t? Yoa are a maid of lively spirits and great courage ; let your courage be strong in the Lord ; cast all thy care on him, for he careth for tliee ; commit all thy ways unto the Lord, as he will direct thy goings ; and the blessing of God be with thee, my dear child !" then fasten- ing her dying hand in mine, she tried to utter more words ; and my father and sister entering the room just as she had done addres^Hg me, she endeavored to speak to them, but her voice failed her, and she fell asleep in the Lord, with her dying hand closed in mine. It is fruitless to pen what we all felt on so sudden a change in my mother, as she had not been long ill, and no one had reason to judge her dissolution so near, My mother's dying words so strongly impressed my mind, that, reflecting on the different shapes I had seen death, in the man, and in my mother, it made me weary heaven with prayers, to have some assurance; which were increased, till at length [ was powerfully questioned, " What is thy petition, and what is thy request ?" I replied, Lord, thoti knowest; a new heart. I was .mswcred, " A new- heart I will give thee, and a new spirit I will put within thee ; f will wnfe my laws upon thy heart, and I will put my Spirit in thy inner parts, so that thou shalt have the Spirit of God to bear witness with thy spirit .h it thou art a child of God, whereby thou shalt ciy, Abba, Father, my Lord, and my God." At these words my fears vanished ; 1 began to rejoice in the God of my salvation, and began to have a lively and strong faith in the Lord; and shortly after I was put to the trial of my faith ; as I was inwardly told what would happen concerning E e my my father, which my father thought madness in me to believe; and asked me, if I thought the Lord would work miracles as he did for the chil- dren of Israel ? I said, the Lord was as well able to do it now, as then ; while some put their trust in chano*s, and others in horses, let Israel trust in the God of their salvation : Tliro'ig! 1 him the weak confound the ftrong, A,;d oinfh their haughty fre. ; And sn thou qu''.i"st the heathen's tongue 1 hat thee aud thi:;e oppose. Mv f/*hor though*- mv faith presumptuous ; but whec h; ir.n- the L( n hud done perfectly as I had it au-i l.'fM iv the \vteK wjs at an end, he bursted into tears, and said "Joanna, my dear child! if I had faith like unto thee, I could freely consent to be burnt in ihe flames. As the spirit of Elijah fell upon Flisha, so has the spirit of thy mother fell upon thee. God hath revealed it unto thee ; thou art taught of God, and not of man". I shall for- bear descending to particulars, and proceed to re- late a singular circumstance that happened some years after. Having a desire to go abroad, I left my father's home, and got a situation in a gentleman's family, where my life was rendered miserable by a wicked foe t man, who finding his base arts ineffectual, stu- died nothing but revenge. I therefore thought it dangerous to abide in the house. On a Sunday as I was in a field, bathed in tears, devout in prayers, looking towards heaven, ar.d earnestly supplicating my Deliverance, 1 repeated these words: From From tlii* sa<1 prison set me free, And o the subilan.ce will to all appear. Ff At twelve at night thou say'ft the room did And great confusion from thy neighbour broke, With voice moft dreadful he did thee alarm, And taw the fiend that thou didft not discern, \Vhich Jike a dog did fiift to him appear, His senses firong, and saw the devil there. He saw thy fo:iy for to judge him light, But well I know he saw thy ev'ry sight. It was the devil that did fhake the room, And for his prey he certainly was come ; 15u by tr.y angels 1 had guarded thee, A -'ght so tiitndful they'd not let thee see : But oh ! the following night hadit thou been there* A voice more dreadful fhuu woukl'ft surely hear. And yet all this did ns.-t his friends awake, His wife nor sons did not their vice forsake. Thou say'ft on God that he never did call ; Ko, no, that name was bury'd from them all J He liv'd a heathen, and a heathen dy'd, And to th? heathens r.ow mutt be apply'd ; For many heathens now art in your land, "Who judge no God. nor do not underftand That unto Satan they givf ev'ry will ; But now's the time all :>urh he'll surely chill, For now thf midnight-hour is coming near, That a'l suth heathens may begin to fear; For Satan's fury now is coming on, And fail you'll find he'll (hake ihe hearts of men. That to his spiiit th't-y themselves do bind, A midnight-hour is coming they will find, That he will surely fha'ke'their house of clay. And like the dying man will thousands say, In ev'ry fliape I see the devil there. JFor now the midnight-hour will come for all That on the ] ord tor mercy will not call. The midnight hour for all is nigh at hand, Then like the dying man will tiembling sinners {land, For now the hour of death is coming near, The death of Sin and Satan will appear Much like a grtech' dog to get his prey, Or in his fliape hi{> cwn for to convey Unto his kingdom., there they all mufl dwell L'r.til 1 r. me u lesnie death and hell. For dea'.h arc! hu mi-ft thtn give i;p their dead, Then eanh's ioumlation j;cv\h' will be iaid. Eut But if your backs are bras?, and finnevvs here An- made of iron, that you do not fear To see that prison till the judgment-day, And Satan's fetters do not frighten ye, Then on the Lord 1 know you will not call. Til! Satan comes to bring that fear on all, Andy ur irp?ntance then will come too late, When in your piison you will meet your fate, And see the fiend, whose ways you like so well ; And to all nations now this thing I tell : Tha,t as the midnight-hour did then appear, The dying man, a neighbour, that is here, So will the midnight-hour for all come on, Th^t trembling voices be in ev'ry land j For Satan's roving like a bead of prey, And like a dog he tteals my fiieep away, And like himself in ev'ry fliape appear; And nowth: midnight-hour for all is near, Who unto Satan do their spirits bind,, "Who fear no God, nor keep him in their mind; Then sine tb< devil he will make them fear If God cannot ; an i now I warn you here The midnight-hour for all is nigh at hand, When like the dying man you'll trembling (land. But if your God you now begin to fear, You need not tremble when his hand is near: But if the fear of God you call away, The midnight-hour doth close before you lay : For like the dying man all lands will lLake, And fair confufion on you all will break. So 'mark the caution 1 have given all, And as the shadows will the subfiance fall. So in ihe hi't'ry you muft weigh all deep ; I've (hew d the end how ail tilings they will break. Am) now thts danger.- you will not come near, If you fear GoJ> the other yon need not fear. To fear tne Lord I'd have you all begin, Or Satan's fury scon 1m fearo wi 1 bring; And like the room the earth wilUuiely ihake, And Satan's fury fait upon you break. So f your fears you bani.1i all at fir A, I tell you in the end they all will burir. For as the hitt'ry doth to all appear, Just so you'll fi'.jd the end of all is near. So now these trifling fl'adows weigh them deep, For so the substance unto all will break. Tbt The following is the ^th P irablc of my Mother's Death. Now from thy mother h -re's a line for all. She had no fear when I her life did call ; JBut yet h- r God QIC feared all her days, And in her death She gave him ev'ry praise, And all h^r children did com nit to me. Now here's the difFrem masters, let men see : The one with pleasur did her Lord behold, The other saw his God, and soon turn'd cold, That is, his heart was chill 'd with ev'ry sight, The other dy'd with tiiumph and delight. And in this manner soon your lands wi.l burst. And now like Moses here the words are plac'd ; For good and evil now I set before, Chuse which you will, and let your fears be o'cr^ For if you say you now wil chuse the good, You need not fear, you all will shun the bad ; And like thy mother thou wilt find a fiend, That will prot^dt thee safe unto the end ; But if the evil you say you will chuse, And all the good you say you will refuse, My lov nor anger you say you'll not fear, Then like thr dying man you may take care, Because your fea:s will meet you in onedjy, To see your lead r trembling then you',1 'ay, And then your tears th:-y wili come once for all* O England ! Fng'and ! hear thy ev'ry t a'J. For as that peace possess'd thy mother'. biaat^ And in my bosom The compos'd hrr rest, So shall my friends, that do re y on me, As peaceful mansions each of them shall see, Then all their children they'll commit to me: And now her dying woids I'll answei thee. Thy mother's faith it unto thee was known, But in this hist'ry not one quarter s shewn ; But from the faith rhatthou hast written herej Her brother's death I'll now together clear. She for her children all alike did pray That fiom the womb they might be born of me. But here'* a myst ry, none do understand It is by heifftup comes your ev'ry land; Then as through h*irs!iip it doth ill appear, The fourth daughter no\v nust b- the heir, Since all che other three are s.iriiv 1 a 1 To whom as h^irs the prom;-.e it To Sarah iirst tha proni,? it wss That all her chiid-s:i ho i!J '.r- .u:rs of heav'n; It was in Isaac all the earth I bl'.-ss' i ,-ut tj -.b'troy Her very b/eihren, th'.-v mi^ii. 10 enjoy The promif"d blessing hev -ere toobta.n, But yet by Efthe,- th.-y en promise g.ii.i'd. So now I ve ihewu to yo.i ttujseco i>l ii ir That did in Efth^r to UK- .lews appear Then now I t?!l you I'i' Ct>me to tiie third i You know to David wa- the promise made, That from his hous- the e sareiy iu> ilcl -.ppjar Anheireio then to bring the peife't heir, That after him the scept;v lie !iould sway; Ye mn of learning judge what I do say; For if the heiress id no'ii hi n appear, You all do know tii son mu"t be the h?ir, And kings their cr.> v ns murt cail before my feet, And at my cross you ;n . t my kingdom meet; Therefore my judg dnl write my deftiny In hebrew, greek, and iatin did appear, And hebrfW, greek, and iatin you see here, Thatss too high for you ro underfland v Few men have learning all this to command; For jurt lik? children vou do all appear, That hebrew, greek, and iatin, cannot ciear, No mor by learning can you clear ihe whole; But now the sword went thiough the woman's soul. Then uow the myft'ry you may all see clear, -ft.- A father's anger doth cut off the heir ; That is. to cut the entail from all his land, And then another heir h doth command. Then as a father I have done the same, Ai:d from the Gentiies now the heir must come, And let the generations to appear, The thud and fourth is pi enounced here, Where I sha'.l end mv blessing or my curse, And here you'll find that every die is cast, Fora,l will find the heirtss now is come ; Look to my Gospel, and you may discetn The barren womb doth to you ail appear, And those that do believe, will bless her here; For more than Esther she stood out for all, And now, ye foob J if you can't see your call, Then suit- tl-.e p-enerations must be com* That ev ry fat;;l woe must fall thereon. For seven children they are here apply'd, That I shall give unto the world so wide. The first a son, whom I shall cll an heir, And so the elder brother did appear, Then four daughters after hirri did come, And the three first I have pronounc'd as dead, Then sure the fourth must the heirship plead. But yet thou say'st thou dost not understand He \v ever a woman can possess the land, \Vhile that her elder brother doth remain ; But I've compar'd him to ihy brother slain. Thou know'st thy brother ne er possest his land. But as an heir he certainly doth stand. But here the woman I pronounce the heir, Then sure in thee the fourth doth appear. Two brethren after thee thou know'st did come, Thou know'st a Joseph, and thou know'st a John, The one is living, but the other dead, And so the Jews and Gentiles now are Jed ; Foi sure like dead men do the Jews appear, But many '.ivinq; in ;he Gentiles are, Thoutrh iike thy brother they do not know A Josepi-'s words do from the Gentilesflow- 1 hcu know'st thy brr-ther said he knew not thee, But was surptis'd when he thy face did see j But after that he did thee sure deny, He had no sister that could prophesy; And many bi others then hast got the same, And that's the way thy brother's prison came, Because in angei I did hate the man, To judge by all he was impos'd upon. And as thy brother did deny thee there, So I made man deny his ev'ry prtjr'r; So if thybrethrer. do thee now deny, I teil ttiem al. they'll feel a Joseph's cry So now let men of learning weiirh it deep, Lest in a prison th*y like Joseph weep. But he.i-i;l i ii n a per- son of sound judgment, and nor the ic.i^r inclined to madness. Myself and frie.i-U heard him with pleasure, and wished to have more "of his company; but his saying he was ordered by the Spirit to come near three hundred miles to know the truth con- cerning me, was a stumbling-block unto me, as I judged I should have been warned myself. My friend gave him an invitation at her house the next day ; but jealousy kept me from pressing him to stay any longer than his own inclination led him. He said he did not know whether he should tarry or not ; so I gave him up to his own directions. In the night, as I lay in my bed, I was ordered to call to my remembrance the words that were said to me in 1795, " 1 should know what Spirit led me, when the Lord should send L unto me." By this I understood a revet end gentleman, whom I had been writing to fiom "795 to 1795. And it was said to me in my writings, I should know the Spirit when L did come, and say I had warned him in a midnight dream, And he to Exeter must surely go Unto Joanna, ev'ry truth to know. This I wrote and sealed up in 1795, with many more words I do not renn u.ber ; but these words have always been running i i my mind, that my writings would never be proved oetore L was warned, and came to me. But when it was brought to nvy remembrance in my bed, that this was the ( 217 > the L the Lord meant, I marvelled^at his bearing a different name. I was answ^re i, 1 should remember Paul and P^ter were called Saul and Simon : the Lord gave men different names. Tnis made me restless and uneasy all the night. In the morning I arose early, and went to the inn, to enquire for him; when, to m/ sorrovV, I found he was gone. My healt felt loaded with grief, because I had not constrained him to abide with us a few days. I acquainted all my friends that 1 hid reason to think the Lord had sent him. Sj we all began, to reflect on ourselves that we had not constrained him to abide with us a few days, without being at an inn. But all our repentance came too late ; and I could not forgive myself I had not entreated him to tarry longer, as I had many deep and weighty things to lay before him, which jealousy prevented my doing, thinking he might be a spy, and that curiosity, not the Lord, had sent him ; for I am jealous of men as well as devils ; fearing I might be deceived, as I am of a fearful make : but when I was convinced the Lord had sent him, my heart and soul were wounded within me. I was ordered to write out tim the name. Did Peter here t> thee appeal ? And was the journey u.ng ? The length c.fit he did not tear, That length to th e he came. Then let the L. go foi the Lord, Then Peter's iove did reach, To join you all with one accord, His brethren to beseech That they would see the myst'ry, Hh And ev'ry sign see clear ; !Nrw in the volume it mull go To \vaiu men far and near. 3 am not trifling now with man, His journey's not i:i vain, For if his love did reach so long, The Lord wi'l this maintain, That it was I, who dwells on high, Did sureiy scud the man; And many things from 95 Are now in to thee come : For this is now the L. I mean That must tu thee appear, And from the length I shall contend The Lord did bend him here. For row I'll prove a Peter's love Did launch into the deep, The boisi'rous waves from Satan came, And made my Peter sink. For what he came it was unknown, The myft'rie^ are behind, And like a bird is Petti flown For to diflress thy mind. Then I'll appear to answer here Men's hearts will grieve the same, When thi;t my supper doth appear, V', ho do not know my name. Jt Wi;s his name that thee deceiv'd, For had his name been L , It would have soon thy heart enflam'd, And would thy friend beseech With thee to ftay another day, And would'il not let him go"; But this b;ouj.>ht on thy jealousy, A name thou dofl: not know. For this to man rmift deeply come, As thousands are the same, They ne'er discern hew 1 do warn, Nor do they know my :iame : That when i cunje, it muft be known My Spirit muft appear, And mult be in. the woman's form, And let th<- liars appear J'TITH^ 1 - ^ ^'^ c " >7/ And then you'll see the myftery, HOVJ I .shall all explain. The fi'iy seipent now I'll clear, And ihcw the vision plain. Mr. MORRISON'S VISION, AS RELATED BY HIMSELF. Mr. Morrison told tne, that being on a journey \vhich the Lord had sent him, as he was travelling over a common of great length, at the close of day, there appeared to him a fiery serpent, with a large body of fire turning him in different forms, and apparently twisting his head round his body to rear up his head. That it being dark, and having no company, he grew afraid ; when lifting, up his heart and thoughts to the Lord, his courage began to come, and he had fortitude to bid the serpent to go behind him ; which it di ^, and he lost it soon after. There was also a sword presented to the side of his face, as a body of fire or gold. He saw the handle corne before his face, and two amazing large stars rested on each side of the point of the sword, working tor some time in different colours, and at length disappeared. He shewed me the chapters where he opened to in the Bible; the ex- planation of which I shall give to my readers here- after, and proceed to the solution of the serpent and the sword. The fiery serpent is the devil, who will appear in a body of fire amongst mankind, with every art, and every shape : he will now twist and work him- self to enflame the hearts of men, and fill my friends with fear ; but these fears will vanish, if men, by faith, trust in me. It is not the darkness that has covered the earth, nor the gross darkness the hearts of the people ; one part of them shall frighten the other part ; for Satan must get behind them ; " ( 220 ) them ; and the sword of the Lord shall go before them, and by them, to protect them. Fur as the sword was held by his side, so shall my sword defend them from all dangers ; and as the two stars that were on the top of the svvord are my two great witnesses, such is the morning and the evening star; and now they are both rose together, be assured the day is far spent, and so shortened that it is near its decline, so that the evening star will appear before the morning star disappear. Then judge how your days are shortened, and to what a span they are come. Now compare my Gospel together : " I was hungry, and ye gave me no meat ; thirsty, and ye gave me no drink ; in prison, and ye visited me not: as much as ye did it not unto the least of these my disciples, ye did it not unto me." For by my Spirit I'm imprison'd here, Wide wand'ring thro' the woiid my friends appear, And yet I see but few do entei tain, And of thy coUiness them dolt now complain ; But itill reflexion in thy "heart doth burn. And now this warning I do give to man : If they, like thee, in lealousv appear, When 'tis too iate like thee they'll see more clear, That it is I th.,t dotli Hired thy hand, And their miitaWis by the name dcth land. For now my second coming doth dppfar First in a woman is a uiyst iy h. re, That men are stumbled, ami hki- thee become, To find me present in tlu woman's form, The time nor fulness no man ,>oth disc rn ; To find a womar) in thv room of man, Is just like thee w en Mom v> u thee came : And 'twas the name alone thar stumb ed thee, Had it been !.. the ca.iing tliou would'it see; To say the calling surety \ v as from heav'n, It was fulfill'd, to thee the wouis weie giv'n. But now to reason I shall sure begin ; The truth of thee had all tg L been seen ; Therj Then sure I need not wain him to appear To see the truth of what he k.jf-w before; And if he judg'd it all an idle dr^am. I need not warn him for to see more plain, Because the truths are all !-efore his view, And if I warn him, can he say its true ? If Satan like an angel came to thee, Then like an a:igel he may cjme to he ; And so a ike you both may be deceiv'd: And (hall I warn a man so wrong believ'd ? I afk what use such warning would appear? Then now. the my (fries I'll begin to clear. This was the very L I said would comt, And the firft thing he told thee was his dream, That in thy mem'ry thou ha t now forgot, And ev'ry myitcry's beyond thy thought, And so is ail beyond the thought of man ; But let the sword and itars together come ; Beca.use the swo d you'll fi id if is> my word, And the two liars upon the ylitt'ring sword, It is the morning nar that doth appear, And in the evening itar doth now ihine clear; And now tog ther both you senate m 't, The davs are (horten M and the trat.i js great. If in the woman I anse t.) Oiine. You all inn ft know the days are near decline. And here s a rnv(t f ry deep for man, As L and Morrison difF nt names did come ; For Morrison told what I said befo;e, 'Twas but the name that made thee for 'oerr. And now my second coining is the same, The Holy Ghot, the Comforrei, is come; And now mv Fathers w..r>ls 1'li sure y clear; He said a helpmate he'd f.-r ma^i prepar , That in the ei-.) -lie fhuu'd tompiete ni> bii^s; And ca i my Father'^juft decrees eie miss ? No earth .rui hell may IPAV coTiibi u- in vain, The fiery seipent njay 1.1 ma i conta.n. But scon you'.i fi HI my gntr iin^ sword appear, And the two (iais upon the tup Te clear, That at my coming I'll the woman free. She calt her biame on S..tiiii m.t on m. ; Then sure upon hei I'll not caft the blame. But now mv r'arhei's promi>e 1 il al! claim To make the s< r t )e,,t now to ic^ thj cluft, And above all men to leceive his curse. li An* And as the serpent firft did bruise my heel, The fatal sword went through the woman's soul? The day of vengeance then was in my heait, To turn the sword that he fhould feel the dart; So he may burn and twift himself in vain ; Upon the sword the glitt'ring ''ars \veie plain. The woman plead my promise to fulfil; Then here's the ev'ning iUr, judge as you will ; But 'tis the morning ftar muft in her rise, And by his sword be plac'd before your eyes. ' Fis 1 mufl. conquer as the woman's friend, And bv my sword I'll make the fie to bend. Now, from the manner all tht- itais are plac'd, 3 '11 bring the mylt'ry to the human race. The day-light with the moming Har appear, And the sun rising then you know is n-ar; Then sure the sun mult govern firil the day, For man to see his true and perfect way. But that perfection man doth not obtain, Which plainly (hews the sun hath ilione in vain; Therefore the darkness coi'ers now the earth, And man goes back from whence he firll had birth ; That is, I say, created all anew, And bring the woman now before his view ; That as the ev'ning star doth now appear, The day declining, and the night is near, Then se what liars will now arise to (bine, The sun be darken'd, and the moon decline ; Because the sun is now in darkness set, And it is gone beyond your ev'ry thought ; And as the moon's declin'd, and it is gone, The ftars are left to govern then alone ; And from the ftars you gather all your light, No moon at all, you'll find there is a night "Wherein the moon doth not appear at all, AVhich plainly proves to man the devil's fall. The sun i? fteat'fast", and the stars the same* Jndeep philosophy the^e thing-* I name, Because th* moon doth never steadfast stand, "Which is a sure- and certain sign for rjan, That Satan's kingdom it inv^t pafs away, And like the moon it certain must decay ; Until you find there is no moon at all, That sign is fix'd to prove the devil's fall ; And now the moon it must be turn'd to blood, And in the woman know the type hath stood. So here's a mystery stands deep for man, The cleansing blood doth from the woman come; And when the moon is turned into blood, Then all are wafhed in that heav'nty flood, And then my- Father you no more will blame, To make the woman, as you said, your fliame Was brought on by her, but you do not know What light will burst when I the tlay-'ight shew, And then the tree of knowledge you may taste, The bad is fallen, and the good is plac'd, That by the woman must be handed down ; Let Jews and Gentiles both confie to the sound, And know the woman was the bone of man ; And tiow unto isaiah you must come : I said a bone of him fhould not be broke ; I ask the Jewa why they their prophet mock ? For if like man 1 did to them appear, And of my bone, that was not broken there, And yet they say that 1 was but a man, Then with the Gentiles I'll to reason come For as in Adam they say that they dy'd. Then so in Chiist they must b< j made alive. Then sure in Adam you say that you fell, 'Twas by the woman, if the truth you tell, And by the bone was taken then from man. Then now unto the purpose I shall come, And your strong reasons let them now appear, And now the law and gospel you iftall clear: For as you say that you dy'd from his bone, That was the woman taken then from man, Thela now the same it unto you must come, And see the bone now taken from my side, In heart and life must be to you apply 'd, For to take vengeance on her master's heel, And all to Satan ev'ry heart did teel, To work by malice then my overthrow, And to the root she surely cast the blow : And now the axe is laid unto the tree. And all that are her foes cut down shall be, Because this bone it never shall be broke, And men and devils now may fear the stioke; For here's the sin against the Holy Ghost, To jsay the woman's sentence is not just, Because the devil they must sure appear, Or else his friend, to wish his kingdom here. Then to his kingdom I do bid such go, And ( "4 ) And then their master they wi I better know ; So scribes and phaiisees vim niav appear, And your hvpocrisy i now shall clear. Pretend your zeal is far the Lord of -Ijst, When your desire is Satan be not cast ; But such hypocrisy I do despite, And all my friends watan's malice makes them tremb'e too : Then surely n.an feel now the gr< ateft curse, If thi*. g( eson, my prom'st then muft miss ; this I've gave her wisdom to discern, That That (he may plead my promises muft come, To make the serpent for to lick the dull ; A-' in my promises is now her truft, That ev ry one of them I'll now fulfil, And more than man the serpent's heart I'll chill* And 'tis by wisdom you knjw how to pray, Atvi how to plead your words aright to me. Then now by wisd m let my liars appear, A id like th<> woman plead in fervent pray'r, T iata!l my p omises I may now fulfil, And more than man the serpent's heart to chill. For as the -ei pe:it 1 compar'd to beaft, And so the devil now with man is calt ; But ifth-^ serpent gave the beai'l a fling, I ask you which is the greatell surFrer then, Until that fiing from him is ta en away ? The heart's fhe gieateft suff'rer he doih lay. And here I tell you all the lines go deep : The fling of Satan yo;i do all fee; it ; Until that sting fiom man is ta'en away, The greatest suffrt-r now in man doth lay; The sting or conscience, and the sting or sin, The fears of hell, do all your souows bring, "While Satan triumphs as a traitor here, No sting of conscience he doth feel or fear, Because his nature is a poison stiong; And you may marvel, as from heaven he came, How such a fi'ry serpent II ould be there. This is a myst'ry I to man shall clear, When they together do in judgment sit, In six days labour I shall all complete. So if this vo'umeyou do but weigh deep, You'll see my Bible plainly speaks of it. But a yon say the woman's foiled here "In many things, I'll make the myst'ry clear. How could her travail pains then ere come on, If Satan s arts did not upon her come ? To be drliver'd (Tie could never cr) r , It ail frf>m God in a strait line did lie : Then her deliv'iame she must wish from me, Ar d with my Bible this could not agiee; For then no stars I'd place upon her head, Nor at her feet could Satan ete be laid, If tv'ry thing was clear before her view, And Satan's aits did never her pursue, And from hie pow'r and arts I kept her free, If In pain to be delivered then from me Must be the language of her heart and soul, And such a heart I'd q.uc-ily froe fro n all , And all her prophecies shou'd quickly drop ; She need not cry, nor have no roo n to hope, If all the sorrow (he hath now g me thiough Was but to mo jrn that (he my work must do, And wifli to be deliver'd from that pain, I tell you -ill flie fliould not iong complain. I'd soon give prophecies (hould stop her hand ; And, to confound her, I'd soon wurkin mart, That as the six together they did meet, And by a lying spirit gave it u >, So six more lying spirits (hould appear, The twelve together, as they placed were, And soon confound her in the ev'ry sound, It is to stop thy folly now we're found To meet together, no-.v to please a fool, And stop thy madness doth our anger rule, That no such folly ihould go in the Idiid, We see no prophecies for to command For thou to pubiilh to the world abioad, Nor in it can we see the hand of God. So thus together I'd make them to meet* And by my anger would their anger heat, To take the burthen thou complain st of ong, If weary of my labour thou wast come, And found'ft it difficult for to go thiough, I say like man, like man, I'd surefy do ; I'd ne'er keep silence like the orher two. But like the Deacon ev'ry si.ul ll ouid know, That all thy pray'rs 1 surely would turn back, And then like ev'rv man .hould act, To give the warning then for to appear, And so a fool (houhl tiK'et her t'oily there ; For to the twelve thou say'st thuu'dir give it up, And by the twelve thy burthen soon Vhould drop Till I a heavier burthen brought o i thi e. And like this night thy slumber a I ihould be, That no physician could appear to cure, And then thy burthen I'd mcrvase much more. For on thy death-bed thou \vould\t trembling lie, My life's a burthen, and afraid to die, Would be the language of thv h j a,t and soul. And then such burthen I'd soon b: ought on ail, That, like thy sister, daily do complain, Thou Thou art a burthen to the sons of men ; And in the end the burthen al! shoird see, Hadft thou compiain'd tti- b nthen came from me. But well I kn >vv what made rive to compla.n : The arts of Satan oft h ,ve fill'd thy brain, That in thv wiitings I let to appear, And teil thee lies, and fi I thy heart with fear, *?c* . , Then I appear'd in wonders that were true, /z^*^ L*' L *^' f" And all the^e my fries laid before thy view, Which cans c! a burthen in thy mind and soul, Thou judg'dft o-ie spirit that did tell thee all. But in thv writings tiiou doft not discern, Noi in what manner 1 to thee did warn, That if pride ever ihould arise in thee, It wa, by Satan, humbled thou fliould'ft be. And how could Satan ever lo.v'r thy pride, Had I not let him go, an.! thee mislead ? And when I saw he'd sunk thee in despair, I sent my Spirit for to comfort there, That thou in faith and fear mightTt It ill goon, And so this burthen ltiil'\ipo:i thee come; As like the chapter all thy life appear, And now the glitt'ring Itars will ihew thee clear That all this calling it did come fiom heav'n, And unto them fhali ev'ry truth be giv'n. For then the myft'iy thou w It all see clear ; These are the tlars -hou sawe>t in th. 1 air When M -- and W did bit down* Tir'd with walking, thou know'it both were found. But thou o'irlii ttl, thvm thou mull travei on, Unto the g:itt'ring nars thou kuow'it thou didi't come ; And on thy head thou It find the (Ian do (hi ie, And great's the light th -y 11 give to all mankind : For these are itais 1 ^hew' ; thee in the air, And these are ttars that will to thee j pear. Andtho* the daikness it has been ni thee, Wand'ring alone th>u oft ha i lo.t th\ way; But now these fta s th--\ will arUeto And great's the light they'll g ve unto mankind, / ~_ And great s the light they wi'l g ve unto all, t* '' u' But down will t.- ry time, < Without the seal truy will adm tta ice find, But not as sta; > not named to appear, It is the seals that ev'iy liar mult clear. 'LI * See the Dream inserted in the following page. So in the end all this they'll surely see ; And now remember what 1 said to thee. iForthe disobedience of the fiift They broke the seals, and how can they be plac'4 Ever to come as liars upon thy head ; I'll truft no judges who so wjong do plead, That Satan's come in any anel s funn, To preach such drfftririe as th. y don't discern ; And thosp thou aflc'it, and did refuse to come, If DOW they do, 1M sue!y cai out them, Unless thvy do repent before too hite, And write to thee b. fore the bo-)k is shut. For the fiist book thou do;>t together put Of this filth vo ume, 'et it to be shut ; That is, the book 1 bid tlue for to seal, And then the names of ail 1 shall reveal. On Christmas, in the year 179$, I dreamt, that as Mrs. M. and Mrs. W. and myself, were going a journey, I thought it was late in the night, and that they were tired and sat down, saying they could go no farther. I told them I would travel on by myself, for I must pursue my journey. I thought I went on to the top of a hill, where I saw a parcel of stars in the air, like a flock of birds, which shone amazing bright, but they were not in the firmament. At this I marvelled, and thought 1 went back, and related the circumstance to Mrs. M. and Mrs. W. and expressed a wish that they had been with me to see them ; when they inform- ed me, that they had seen the stars pass before them. I know not how ii was explained to me at that time, but 1 have shewed you how it is ex- plained to me now. The The following lines of this chapter were explain- ed to me, in answer to a Minister, who read to me the last chapter of the Revelation, and told me he understood from thence, prophecies must be no more. It was then shewn to me in the following manner, which I was ordered to wriie out and send to him ; but I shall now send it to him in print, as 1 am ordered to put it in print. So what I say unto one, I say unto ail, who judge the Bible as he did. Rev. Sir, Exeter, Aug. 1801. Now I will come to the Revelation, which you shewed me. As contrary as the Jews took or understood the law and the prophets, so wrong have tbe Gentiles understood the gospel and the Revelation of St. John. I shall now come to the purport of the words which are misunderstood by the Gentiles. It is written, " seal not up the say- ( ' ings of the prophecies of this book ;" which sig- nifies the Bible. Then why do men seal them up, as though all was said and finished, and no more prophecies to be added to them, or no revelation to be revealed from them ? It is called the Revela- tion, as a book to be revealed, and not concealed; as a book to be sealed up from man. He that add- eth thereto, or taketh therefrom, addeth to him- self all the plagues that are therein written. Now I shall come to the purpose. He that addeth thereto, must add to the Scriptures from his own wisdom, and net assent or consent to the truth of them ; then he wijj add to himself all the plagues that are written therein ; and now they are all ccming fust on men. Many add to the Scriptures, and pervert them, to their own condemnation. By By adding thereto, is to say things they cannot find scripture proof for. NJ--V if any rn.ri will prove that I have spoken what I cannot bring scripture- proof for, I will give it up. Let men examine my writings, and point out any one passage or page they blame, and if I cannot find seripture-proot for it, then I will resign to man ; if not, let them know, the spirit is the Spirit of Jesus, that is rot come to seal up the sayings of the book, but to re- ve tl them. He that taketh therefrom, will surely take his part out of the book and tree of life ; that is, he will take away his part by his unbelief. For the tree of life was preserved for man, guarded with the sword. Now the sword meaneth the sword of my word, that was given to the serpent; I pro- nounced him cursed above every living creature; then I must pronounce the devil cursed above every man or woman, which hath not yet taken place, but now the time is at hand when his curse will come upon him by the promise I made to the wo- man, her seed should bruise his head ; as he bruised his heel, so shall she bruise his head. The promise was given between the woman and the serpent : the promise was given to the woman, her seed should bruise his head, and so it must end ; ,m 1 he that taketh ;>way that promise, will certainly take away his part out of the book of lite; for on that promise stands your full redemption irom the fall. With the woman and the serpent it heiM:i, and with the woman and the serpent it must C-D , when the seed of the woman stands the woman's friend ; for let all men know, it was not the seed of man. Then ( 233 ) Then why do you the Trinity condemn ? ^ ii.^^t'f' If I in unity did so appear, The Holy GHo.>t did unto her appear, An 1 bv that seed produc'd the heav'nly Heir. Then sure the Spirit and the iJnde mast come To bring the unity with God and man ; And he that doth this promise take away, He hath no part in the great mystery ; And he that adds thereto will surely miss, And on himself will surely bring a curse, Because he'll add it all another way, And not believe the promise as it lay. For the first promise I did give to man, It was the woman should as helpmate come, And thereby promis'd to complete his bliss, And of this promise ev'ry one will miss ; That now this promise he will take away, And bring the plagues that do b-fore him lay. . For now I ask, what promise they can plead ? The Jews did prove their mother was misled; Then sure as bastards they did all appear , Then how their Bibles will they now see clear, Since all their Bibles they have thrown a-ide, And all their prophets' words they have deny'd ? For ev'ry promise thev have took away That in the book of I f-- before them lay, And to themselves they suiely add a curse, And of these promises they al 1 did miss, As they the Scriptures aiim ca^r, And see her promise tl -ai ; The day of vengeance comes at lad, That men may hope a id fear. For if you say another way; The woman is not right The he^ds of men you iJ break in twain, And so you'll take yo n fri^'U ; Till houses deso'at vo.i'll find If you [(jo on this wav ; The warning's deep to a 1 mankind; See how the tree did lav. Between two men tlie tiee was seen, Which kind!.- .1 boon the HiifV, And brought trie fatal death to one, The other fled foi life, Who sai the wi kings were too high Men's senses for to drow i ; But let him know th blow was nigh That took the life ot 1111:11. And >o men's lives aw.iy 3 7 ouM take, If you j?o on this way; The -midnight hour you'll find wili break, And you in grief will lay? Nn If If you go on to caft on man The day of vengeance here ; But the fiift blow, vou all iha'l know, Th' Offender now Ihall clear, If he relent, and doth repent The folly he hath done ; 'Tis he that gives the firit offence ; To reason now I'll come : Because offences 1 foibid, And know off^ncr was there ; 'Tis the fiift blow that .then was laid, Muft set th* offender clear. So now the'trembiing pris'ner see, Which I'll compare to man, The other dy'd about the tree. By claiming it his own. So here's the type, and it goes deep, My Bible (lands the same, The day of vengeance in my heart For Satan is and man. To ttll you plain, ye sons of men, If you dispute it here, Your heads you all will bieak in twain, And like the other fear ; But if you fay,, another way We all will give it up, 'Tis Satan did us all betray, And so the tree muit drop ; Bntifas men you will contend, I say, to part the tree, Your heads you'll surely break in twain, And like the other fiee. To give it up, the tiee muft drop, For I shall cut it down ; And fatal 'tis for .to dispute. The end will so be. found. So here you sec a myiiery, .A parable for man ;* And perfect ?>o the end will be, And so my Bible Hand. * Now I shall explain what the parable was be- tween A, and B. who quarrelled about a tree that grew i k 2 39 ) grew betwixt their lands. A. contended it was his property, and B. insisted it was his. Ar length B. proposed dividing it, but A. refused. Then B. said he would give it to him, of which A. would not ac- cept, conceiving it his own. Wo; ds then ensued, and A. struck B. with a bridle, which violently pro- voking the latter, he unfortunately struck A. oh the head, which proved fatal. B. fearing to be appre- hended, fled at midnight to the house where I was, and alarmed the family. This news, being brought to me at midnight, \va-s deeply explained to me. So the midnight hour would break for mockers, B. ha- ving been a great mocker of my writings; but as this was temporal, it is spiritualized to me. The tree represents the devil; for it is written, when the axe is laid to the tree, it must be cut down. As it is a type of men and devils, the dispute will be on whom it must fall. If they will not give it. up, the woman's right to cast it to the devil they will bring it on themselves, and distract more families by their words, than they have done by their blows. I -shall answer all disputants, by deciding to which 'of the two the tree belonged. For as you say you do not know, As it between their lands did grow, Then fully I will answer here, 1 he day of vergeanre now is near. For like the tret it now doth stand Between the serpent and the man; And this the woman must decide, The way she fell and was betrav'd, And how she did draw in the man, Must be decided by her hand, And by her hand it doth appear The day of vengeance now is clear To caft it on the serpent's head, And make him prove the words he said, That they as gods should now appear, .And good from evil discern clear. My My Sixth Book will treat chiefly of the Day of Judgment. For tho' it is written, the saints must judge the earth, it never entered the heart of man what it meant, nor how they wiU.hear the Spirit of the Lord speaking in the woman in every age of the world, how she brought forth the good fruit, and man always destroyed it by the evil fruit ; and now it is the same. And were fools and sinful men to sit in judgment on my Sixth Book, they would bring, the day of vengeance on themselves, and not on the devil, who was the author of all our sorrows. There- fore it is well for mankind, that this must be judged by saints, who are men inspired by the Spirit of the Lord ; for Satan would speedily work in fools, to cast the fault on the woman for the fall, and then she must cast the blame on m:m fur crucifying her Son, who was born by the Holy Ghost ; and so the arts of the devil would free himself, by working in the hearts of fools, and bringing destruction on the whole human race. For as it is now cast by men,, so it must stand for ever. Therefore men, svito are not inspired, .by the Spirit of thj Lord, are not lit to sit in judgment on these things. As some men haiy sent me letters unthinkingly without paying the postage, I /v to remark, that -were I to defray the- cxbencc of all ,v/v letters, I ,' i should some wee/is have to pav nine r ten fillings, an expcnce, am sorry to sa\, 1 am not capable of ctis* charging. 1 have- there lore to rci;iast, that all -writ- ten communications addressed to me he in future post* paid, at which I trust no one will feel vjfafieted. Dec. i, 1801. JOANNA SQU FHCOTT. Sold at Mr. Symoiis's, Candy's-lane, E>eter ; at.d at Mr. G-. Riebau's. No. 2 Blandford-street, Manchester-square, London Price NINE PL NCE. Exeter ; Printed by G. FLOYDE, High-btreet. The Strange Effects of Faith ; WITH REMARKABLE PROPHECIES, MADE IN 1792, &C. Of Things which are to come. SIXTH PART. I SHALL begin this book with the Judgment- Day for Man. * It is written, the Saints must judge the earth, from the foundation of the world " And this century (the first in the 1 900th before it is com- pleted) is fixed for man to sit in judgment, to judge between ME and my vineyard. Therefore I have called by my Spirit, anci by the mouth of all my prophets : Come, let us reason toge- ther, saith the Lord ; though your sins are as scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Turn unto me, and I will turn unto you: I will heal your backslidings, and love you freely. For now be astonished, O earth ! I have a con- troversy with my people : and as the echo of verse gives the sound of one line to another, so have I, by my Spirit, echoed back in verse to the words of man. O simple and foolish gene- B The fourth Edition, printed in October, 1813, r . . o , o proudly spoke. And instantly in man did mock, To say, the woman I gave he Had given the fruit forbidden by ME ; And so by her he disobey'd, And so on M E the blame was laid. I answer'd then the blame I'd bear. And in the field I would appear; But knew my second then must -come To take the sword out of my hand And plunge it in the rebel's heart, And so turn back the every dart. If justice did my Blood demand, To take my challenge from his hand ; Then sure my second now must come, And plunge the dagger back again ; And say, " My Lord was not to blame; " From Satan all the mischief came, " Who first betray'd me with a lie, " I was not then pronounc'd to die, " And good from evil I should know, " And every lie from Satan flow, " Which brought my Lord upon the tree, '*' And bore the death pronounc'd for m. 252 And since for me he did appear. His Father's promise must be clear, That all thy lies must bruise thy head, If I've an advocate to plead. Therefore my cause he now will plead, And bring his blood upon thy head ; Or he must bring it all on mine, For hearkening to the lies of thine. It was my sins that made him bleed, For hearkening to the lies thou'st said, And so the sword went through my soul ; And wilt thou triumph over all ? Then I most have no foot to stand, No advocate is nigh at hand ; No Father's promise for to claim ; My Saviour's Blood was all in vain ; And I must sink beneath the curse, If now my Father's words do miss, To have my seed to bruise thy head ; My Father's words are all my stead, And trust his words he will fulfil, And not uphold the murderer still. As Satan first a murderer came, He knew that death was in the name Of eating the forbidden fruit ; He cast his eyes so near the root, While I in ignorance did appear, And of his arts was unaware. I knew no angels that had fell ; I knew no arts that came from hell ; I knew no power that could appear, But what came from my Maker dear ; And all I thought must then be good, As 'twas pronounced by my God. And in that shape thou didst appear, In what war, good, pronounced there ; And good to evil thou didst bring, And in the serpent plac'd a sting, Whereby thou stung'st me to the soul ; For of my children, I know, all That were like Abel, met a Cain, And so- my Lord the same did find ; Thus, like champion in the field, He took his challenge, and did yield To bear the blow that thou hast given, And now his triumph is in heaven, 253 ** That he did die to conquer all ; " Then sure I know his sword must fall " For he to give it to my hand, " And vengeance now tor to command. t( As he hung bleeding on the tree, " My Lord and Saviour dy'd for me 'Tis thee and I must bear the blame; His murder sure from us did come. So take the weapon in thy hand, And now thy challenge I will stand. A coward thou didst first appear; " The weakest vessel thou saw'st clear " Was took from man' one single bone, " Not form'd in power like his own ; " And so advantage thou didst take, " In coming like a poisonous snake, " To rob my soul of every bliss, " And poison all my unborn race. " So on thy belly thou must come, " Thou'st not one foot to stand upon, ** To say thou actest like a man " Of honour and of honesty. " I ask what challenge thou canst give, " To answer for thy base design ; " Such coward prove to me and mine, " To cheat my soul with such a lie " As caus'th my children for to die, " By reason of thy cursed sting ? " And now to reason I'll begin : " Did heaven create me for thy spoil f " Create a race for thee to foil, " That hath no footing here to stand ? " How dar'st thou interfere with man ? " Or didst thou the world ever form ? " Or didst thou e'er create the man, " Or take the partner from his side? " How dar'st thou ever rob the bride *' Of innocence that there was plac'd ? " I know my Lord I did disgrace, " By listening to the arts of thine : " And now with shame I must resign " To own his anger then was just ; " And so my grief did ever burst, " From age to age his anger bear, ft The weaker vessel full of care, 354 While thou didst triumph in ray grief j But npw my Lord will give relief, To place the weapon in my hand, And as thy challenger to stand, And justice I may now demand. And now I ask how thou'lt appear ? Thou robb'dst thy God, thou robbedst me ; This world was never made for thee. Then how cam'st thou to interfere, Unto God's footstool to appear, To rob the footstool of thy God, When all he had pronounced good ! Yet good to evil thou didst turn, And did thy God impose upon ; Then well thou may'st impose on me ; The weakest vessel thou didst see, Which good from evil did not know, And by thy arts received the blow, Which I've a right to return back, As I the evil fruit did pluck. And now thy lies I'll make them good, And know that evil in thee stood, And all thy arts I well do know ; And back on thee I'll cast the blow ; For well I know thou canst not stand, To give the challenge from my hand. Could'st thou no better arts command Than like a serpent to appear, With lies that thou could'st never clear ? And yet I now will clear them all, And from thy mouth thou now must fall. Thou saidst the evil I should know ; And now the truth I'll prove it so ; For every evil is in thee, And so thou hang'st upon the tree, And all the good with it was plac'd, And so the first must come at last ; And so my Lord he did appear, As on the cross, I may compare, That it was taken from a tree Thou bad'st me pluck that fruit for thee, To fill my soul with envy here, To turn on thee the fatal spear : And so thou bad'st me pluck the rod, To prove, when I did know my God, 255 Him I should love, and thee should hate j And so thou bad'st me pluck thy fete ; For if my God I now do know ; He promised to turn back the blow. So where's the honour thou canst boast, But like the serpent lick the dust, And on thy belly for to come? Thou hast no foot to stand upon : For all thy words did thee condemn. For well I know my God is good. And mercy unto me has shew'd, To keep me from thy every power, Or else my soul thou would'st devour. So here I own thou didst not lie ; The fatal truth was pluck'd by thee ; And by thy words thou must be cast, And man's redemption must be plac'd, As 'twas my heavenly Father's will Man's happiness I should fulfil. And dost thou think to rob thy God, Of performing the words he said, Because thou hangedst on the tree ? Then know that fruit was pluck'd by me- And now I say I'll pluck the whole Till-down the evil fruit shall fall, And then the good may all remain j And from thy words I'll still maintain, That like as gods men may appear, The evil fruit I'll shew them clear, That thou didst bid me for to taste ; I'll shew thy arts, how all was plac'd, And then my judges let them come, I'll take my trial first from man ; And then discover which they'll blame j 'Tis me or thee they must condemn. And now wilt thou in man appear, Thy innocence in aught to clear, To say thou art not justly cast? Then sure from hell such man must burst, And him I'll prove an evil fruit. Who came from thee to save the root, From whence all mischief first did spring, And on my Lord to cast the blame, Which he had got no right to bear; His innocence I now will clear. 256* " If simply I drew in the man, *' And on my head the blame doth stand, " Then I must throw it back on thine. " And now I bid thee look to Cain, " How soon a murderer he became. " I know thy power was in my Son ; " For when the fruit did first appear, " Then good and evil I saw clear ; " Then good was murder'd by thy hand : " And now let men the trial stand, *' And see how they will now appear, " Thy innocence in aught to clear. *' Then man must say I am a devil, " And all my nature it was evil, " And so the woman now I'll blame* " As from her fall we so became. " Then from my fall I'll answer here, " An Abel will for me appear, " To prove I had not tainted all, " As the good fruit in him did fall. " So here's a child by me will stand, " Though murdered by his brother's hand., " To prove I had not tainted all. " If I'm condemn'd, then man must fall ; " For let my children all appear : " I've Moes and Elias here ; " I've all the prophets of the Lord " To prove the good fruit I have bearM ; " But as their murderers will appear, " Will man condemn me them to clear? " Then surely I'll condemn the whole, " And bring my seed before you all, " Because you murder'd then my Son, " That never was begot by man, " And in his mouth was found no guile. " 1 ask you how you him can foil ? " Perform the miracles he wrought, " By Beelzebub as you were taught ? " From Satan's arts to fill your brain, " He all these wonders did maintain. " Then now I bid you do the same, " Or else I'll put you all to shame. 257 "And prove the fault must be in man, Had I a blessing sent to him, To baffle all his father's will. But Jews and Gentiles now stand still- This was a simple type of man, To shew when power was in his hand, 264 How he that power would instant rule, And soon destroy his children all. " As Noah had ME right obey'd, And built the ark, as I had said, I gave him will, I gave him power, And now you see the fatal hour, When man in power began to rule, How soon his anger let him fall To ruin all his unborn race, And every child thereby disgrace. So now I ask what man can boast, When power in him by ME is plac'd? In pride and passion he'd soon swell, And send his children fast to hell. Because offence he could not bear, Too soon his anger did appear, Which I in anger granted he, That in the end you all might see Wan is unfit to have the power ; Their children they'd too soon devour, As Noah did unto his son. And now to reason I shall come : If I like man should so appear, To curse my children every where, Because that they have laugh 'd at ME, Like Noah's son you all would be ; And so you all would find a curse ; For Satan's arts in all are plac'd. " When I the world completely drown'd. One. upright man there sure was found, Whom I preserved in the ark ; But Satan never miss'd his mark, And, like a ravenous beast of prey, He watch'd my children every way ; When I destroy'd the world of sin, He study'd then how to begin To make it bad as 'twas before, And soon to Noah did appear, To make him drunk at first with wine, (This nakedness is in mankind) Which was discover'd by the son, And Satan quickly laugh'd in him, His father's anger for to heat, And so for both he laid his net, 265 To catch the simple in his snare I ask what woman then was there ? You all may answer, you read none ; The father and the sons alonej No sooner 'scap'd out of the snare, Not perish'd with the deluge there, Than all together they begin, By Satan's arts, to fall in sin ; For when the father curst the son, You know not how his heart did burn, And thought his father so unjust, Such heavy sentence for to cast. " So sin and anger did abound, Though all the world of sinners drown'd ; But still there was the man of sin, With all his poisonous darts within, To set the hearts on fire for hell ; And so his mischief ever will, While in this world he has got power, He studies the unwary to devour. For should I now in wrath appear, And burn the stubble every where, And set this world all in a flame, And save no more than fear my name, I know that fear would not abound ; Too soon the tempter would be found To works by arts and to betray, And draw my children fast away. Trace all the judgments I have sent, In ages past that have been penn'd, And yet the world is full of sin. And now to reason I'll begin : The Jews a proverb they do stand, And scatter'd now from- land to land, Without a house, withuot a home, That they can boldly call their own ; And there's no nation they can boast That is their own ; they're so outcast, And all their judgments they do see, And yet they do not live to ME, According as their law was plac'd But live in sin, like all the rest. I know their arts, I know their lies, And how to cheat they'll all disguise : I know the form they all do make, And know the truth they all forsake, 266 And all ray judgments are in While Satan's arts in man do reign ; - I see no peace there will appear, While Satan's witchcrafts are so near. Until I rid him from the coast, And then may man in virtue boast. So let the Jews for to appear, And my demand to answer here, And say they worship now one God, As it was written by his word ; And say their conscience now is clear. They do not lie, nor do they swear, They do not cheat, they do not steal, My sabbath they do never fail To keep it holy to their Lord ; They love and fear their only God, Ana by the law their conscience free, No sin they do commit 'gainst ME ; But perfect as my laws have stood, They live in all things perfect good, And upright. men they say theybe In every Taw was given by ME. " Now if -these things they all can clear,. They need to have no Saviour hire; For their transgressions to atone, If they can prove thut fchay have none. But live as men before t; r tr Lord, That have each evil word afohorr'd ; For by my law they are not free, Unless their lives so upright be ; And if their conscience now is clear, To say, " No sin in us appear ;" Then they do want no Saviour's blood, If in my laws they've perfect stood ; But if their conscience do condemn " We broke the laws that thou hast nam'd ;" Then now I say I'll break them all, And vengeance shall upon them fall, Unless they instantly do turn, And see the evil they have done; ' We have no merit for to plead, * If that our sins are on our heads ; 1 In guilt we know we must appear, ' Unless our Saviour comes to clear ; ' And this we have been waiting for, ' Thinking he would for us appear, 267 ** To be our prince, to be our king, " And David's throne to us he'd bring." Then read your Bible back once more, Arc. Answer all my questions here, And tell M E who was crucify'd, To bear the sin of man, that dy^d, And you regard it not at all, When I did bear the blame for all ? And who was smitten then of God, And bore for man the fatal load, That bore the burden for you all, That from the woman then did fall ? I answer now, ye sons of men, These things by man could not be done ; Had I not blinded then your eyes, Could man the Son of God despise, To put him to so shameful death 1 Consider what the Scripture saith ; If you had known what you had done,,, You all must with the devils come ; For how the man could I e'er free? No war was kindled then for ME, As angels kindled it in heaven. And how could men be e'er forgiven, If they had known what they had done -r To crucify God's only Son ? But as their blindness did appear, Because man's blame I said I'd bear, As man did cast the blame on ML : But here's my travail all shall see, Wherein my soul is satisfy'd, To see the woman's claim apply 'd; How man will clamour for his blood, And say that promise always stood ; And when that promise I fulfil, The serpent's heart I then must chill, And all these things must bruise his bead, And all in public must be laid. " For here's the Judgment-Day for man, To judge the earth how all doth stand. And those that can't afford to buy, I know my friends will give away; When they have prov'd it came from heaven, Unto the public 'twill be given ; And then men's hearts I soon shall try> And fast my arrows they shall fly ; 268 For if men now do mock the word, They soon shall find my glittering sword, To cut the rebels to the heart, That will not now turn back the dart ; For every mystery I'll make clear, And prove the Day of Judgment's here, Wherein the saints must judge the earth. According as the Scripture saiih, Spoke by the Spirit and the Bride ; And all my laws are here apply'd, And every law Pll now make good : I bought your ransom, as I said, Upon the fatal cursed tree ; Did .Satan pluck the fruit for MF, Or tempt the woman so to do ? Bring all the mysteries to your view, How in the garden all was placed, And then discern how all was cast; The good and evil fruit hung there ; The serpent's arts did soon appear, To tempt the woman it to take, And eat the fruit, my laws to break ; And boldly he appear'd in man To answer then the fault was mine, To make the woman to appear; And well I knew he mock'd ME there: But was the power in Satan's hand? Did I .not know how all did stand, That if the woman he betray'd, In her I'd surely bruise his head ? And now in her I will appear, And all her promises shall clear, That she'th a right for to demand ; And now the trial she must stand, And shew the evil and the good, And ask to which you'll now allude, TO pluck the whole from off the tree, That nought but good fruit there must b. For to her hand I'll now resign : And tell ME if the fault was mine, To give the woman to your hand, Because,the serpent did command For her to pluck the evil fruit ? And now she strikes it to the root ; And let mankind as close obey As Adam did that very day ; Then I no more the man will blame, If he with her alike condemn, And say the woman I had given ; He saw it wisdom then in heaven To take the partner from his side, Whom God in wisdom calls the bride. And as the serpent did appear To rob the bride, as you see clear, Your laws will now condemn the man That robs your wives, and so become For to bring in a bastard race, And so your families disgrace. But if the woman free consents, And with the man is fully bent With her betrayer for to go, Divorcement you've a right unto ; But if by arts she is betrayed, And no deceit in her was laid, As he at first had made her blind. And drown'd her senses, for to find A way to get admittance there, And every truth she shew'd you clear, And you should prove as blind as she^, And in like manner to agree There was no evil in the man ; You see no arts in him could come, When both alike you were betray'd, When all is clear before you laid ; And if the bride do first condemn, ' By arts I was impos'd upon ; '' For now his arts I plain do see. By all his arts for to rob me. Is all the gold he offer'd here; And all his arts I now see deaf Is for to seek my overthrow, Is all his friendship now I know. Now if the wife doth this see clear, And then discern his every snare; Then if in violence he goes on, I ask the husband how he'll stand For to support a faithful bride, When all the arts of man she laid 270 So clear and open to his view, Despise the sins he did tempt her to f Will not the husband feel alarm'd, To keep his wife from future harm, And jealously within him burn ? " And now to reason I shall come : A man of honour will appear, Condemn the man, his wife to clear, And from his house he will forbid A man that doth wilh arts proceed, To rob the virtue of his bride, When she the whole before him laid. So now your Bibles you trace back ; For in that manner I have spoke, From age to age, I say, to man, And to that purpose now I'll come; For all the arts of Satan here, I in this manner may compare : And those that freely do consent, To say, " Our minds are fully bent " With this betrayer for to go ; " We do not wish his overthrow ; " His ways and arts we love too well, " To have him banish'd down to hell." " Then like a husband, now I say, . Such brides I all will put away ; And Moses' laws I'll now fulfil, And all such brides their hearts I'll chill ; For my divorcement now shall come ; And this you'll find in every land ; For mark the words I said before, That like a bridegroom I'll appear ; And as a bri.degroom now I'll be Of honour and of honesty ; But if my brides do now complain, (For men and women both I mean,) That Satan like a man appears With every art invented here, To rob their hearts arid steal away, And like these treacherous knaves doth lie In every ambush for the bride, I am the husband now apply'd, That will take vengeance of your ill. Some men of honour they did kill 271 Such men as did insult their wife, To rob her of a virtuous life ; And now such man I'll surely be, Of honour and of honesty, And shew my rage through jealousy. As men by jealousy have done. And to that purpose now I'll come. To free my brides that do complain, (I speak of women and of men ;) For Dinah's brethren, all shall see. Are now within the heart of M E ; And as the elders did appear, I say again Susannah's here ; Just so the devil, I do know, By vile arts seeks your overthrow ; And those he cannot tempt to sin, I know his malice burns within, And what false witness he doth bear Against my brides that shunn'd hira here, " And now the mysteries all I'll clear, As in thy heart thou doit complain, These mysteries all do shew thee plain, That if I now would act like man, The serpent's ruin now must come ; For where's the man that will appeal To have his wife so tempted here ? If she to him did but complain, Thou say'st he'd free her of her pain ; Because his wife he would protect ; But here's a mystery thou know'st not. Let man with man now bold contend, His wife's a harlot he'll maintain, And he can easily make her so ; The husband's prudence may let go His erery art, to try awhile, To see if he his wife can foil By any art he can adopt ; And wheft he finds that vain's his plot, His love and anger will arise Against the man that did devise Such wretched schemes to rob the wife ; And love and anger end the strife : In love unto his wife declare, ' The villain's arts, I now see clear, *' Was but her virtue to destroy " That I no comfort might emjoy , .;:; 272 With one whom I did love so dear ; But all his arts I now sec clear ; And as a man of honour here I'll make the villain for to fly ; No more his honour he shall try, As she with prudence hath withstood These very arts that he pursu'd." " So this may be the case with man, Where subtle knaves have laid such plan Against the virtues of a bride ; And here the field is open wide No sooner had I form'd the man, Than Satan's arts began to burn, And said I'd cast them out of heaven And must the place they left be given To such a foolish worthless worm, Who like the angels soon would turn To rise against ME and rebel ; Or else with pride they soon would swell, That they were gods as great as ME, And like the devils 1 should see How in a short time they'd become; I plac'd no better in their room, Than what before I had cast out, And of their virtues he did doubt, I had not made a better race To fill the fallen angels' place ? So instantly he did complain ; I gave the trial then, like men, Whose wisdom I have mention'd here j But now my brides I'll surely clear, And like a husbaud now I'll come, To clear a race that he condemns, Whose virtues he has ever try'd, As man by arts can try the bride. There are no arts that man can use, But Satan first did them infuse ; And there he thought that he could boast, As they their virtues all had lost, And in his hands he had them theje, To try my children every where. " And thus I let him to go on, To shew what virtue was in man, Whom he at first so much did scorn, Taken from earth a simple worm. 273 And now these worms he soon shall see Are fit companions for to be Join'd with the glorious heavenly host, And in their virtues now I'll boast, In what they've suffer'd all for ME, And now a husband let him see. My friends they did not fear to run, When he infus'd the thoughts in some, What dangers may fall on their head For doing as the Spirit said. " So here the tempter miss'd his aim, And in the end you'll all see plain Which way the tempter laid his dart To wound the men of upright heart. ! For well I know the just will turn, And soon repent of what they've done ; And so the mysteries all will see, What virtue in my children be ; And all my children gone before, And all together you compare, I'll prove I've made a better race Than those that did in heaven transgress, To fill the angels' vacant seats, Enlarge the heavens in praises great j For men and angels, they will join In praises heavenly and divine ; And my delight shall be in men ; They'll find their love was not in vain, To run such hazards for my sake, And know their lives were at the stake. " So now let all together come, The dead their names I'll raise to man ; The evil fruit must disappear When I the blood of Abel clear, Who still for vengeance loud doth call j So it must now turn back on all ; I tell all you that are like Cain, The evil fruit have had their time; And now 1 see they're dead-ripe come, I'll raise the winds and blow them down; But as the good fruit do appear, The wind and weather they can bear ; Because they are not dead-ripe grown, And they will stand against the storm ; D 274 Besides, in blossoms some appear ; I have much fruit to ripen here; And well I know that it will stand And every bounds I tix'd for man. " The evil fruit have had their time, To pluck the good fruit that was mine ; And some they pluck, and some they pull And now I say I'll shake the whole ; And those that will not boldly stand, And answer to thy written hand, To say my sentence all is just, Like evil fruit shall all be cast. For now I'll turn it back on man, If they do mock thy written hand ; The blood of Abel now shall turn, And Cain shall perish in his room ; And all the prophets' blood the same I'll bring on those that mock my name. As men the furnace did prepare For to destroy my children there ; Just so I'll heat it now for all That do depise the heavenly call ; And as the lions did appear, The mockers shall in pieces tear ; For 1 will now preserve the good, As in the flames they firmly stood, And in the lions' den were found Preserv'd unhurt, though compass'd round By hungry lions wanting prey; And now like Daniel all shall be, That do not fear the wrath of man ; Like Daniel now they all shall stand ; For all the days Pve now gone through. And saw the fruit how all did grow ; And was my labour then in vain, One thousand years to work with man, From every day was mention'd here, Till the six thousand did appear? Then see how near they all are up It was the sixth day I did drop, To hang upon the cursed tree ; Then sure that day must shorten'd be. From the sixth hour to the ninth' Great is the mystery to mankind. 275 " For as the ninth did then appear, To change the darkness that was there; So shall this century be for map ; Their rocky hearts I'll rend in twain, And all the graves then now shall burst, And raise the names of all the just, And range them all before your view, And in their days the same you'll do, That do despise the calling here, And on your heads shall all appear, The blood of all that you have slain ; They all were murder'd by such men, Who now appear these things to mock, And now on them I'll bring the stroke; As down the kettle* then did fall, You shall perceive I'll bring on all j But those who do not it despise, My blood, before them, as it lies, Shall wash away their every guilt ; They'll see their names though it was spilt ; Through all the dirt it will appear, And then I say I'll wash them clear ; But those that now do mock the call, This caution I shall give to all, That as the dirt does now appear, Your sins before ME now are clear; For in one spirit all was done ; And in their days if you had been, The prophets you'd have mock'd the same. No greater Prophet ever came, Since earth's foundation it was plac'd, And all yourselves you must disgrace, To think that e'er a woman's hand Could give such challenge unto man, And devils boldly challenge here ; If from her hand did all appear, * Just as I had written, " these things to mock," my meat kettle, which was on the fire, fell suddenly off, and in my stooping to take it up, I threw my writings before it, which involved them in smoke, ashes, and water ; fortunately, however, on getting dry, I found no part of them obliterated, p 2 276 Her wisdom must outshine you all, It deeply you do weigh her call ; And if she does so wisely speak, And men like adders mind it not ; Then men like adders will appear, I know 4.heir sting, I know their spear ; But I'll turn back their every sting, And like a husband will begin, In love and jealousy appear, And on the mockers turn the spear, Who mock .he virtues of the bride, Whom men and devils both have try'd, And yet in virtue she doth stand. Answer the challenge from her hand : Do I not know, do I not see The challenge she hath given thee, I say, vain man, for to appear, And Satan boldly challeng'd here ? And in the end I'll challenge all, If on her head the blame doth fall ; That is, I mean, if men do blame. The serpent I shall put to shame." As I have shewn you in verse, how the Spirit spake rn the Woman throughout the world, and it may appear marvellous in your eyes, I must call your attention to the Bible. You say, as in Adam all died, even so in Christ shall all be made alive ; and when the fulness of the time was come, God sent his Son, made of a woman. Now, how do you prove your Bibles, where you say, that death passed on man, came first by the woman ? Then it was by the woman all died ; and by the woman all are to be made alive. You say, by one man's disobedience many were made sinners ; and by one man's obe- dience many were made righteous ; yet you say, by the woman's disobedience many were made sin- ners; then by the woman's obedience many must be made righteous : if in the woman all died, even so 277 ye must be all made alive. Now I shall come to the purpose. You cause your Bibles to become a mystery ; and all is a mystery ; for you say, all came by the woman ; and yet you say again, by the man sin entered into the world. Now I ask, how you prove it? But this I will prove, that all came from the MAN at first : He was the first in creation ; not made of man, but of God ; and the BONE was taken from MAN to complete his happiness. But Satan found arts to rob man of that happiness, by breaking the BONE ; that is, she fell, and broke off all the happiness from man. Now Christ is com- pared to the second Adam ; then there must come a second Eve, to bring the GODHEAD and MAN- HOOD to a perfect likeness.. For as the bone was taken from man, and made woman in man's like- ness ; then Christ, who is the second Adam, must have a bone taken from htm also, to fulfil the law of God and the gospel of Christ, that the bone that is given to man, as a bone of Christ, cannot be broken. For on the cross the bones of men were broken ; but the bone of Christ was not broken; and he said I come to do thy will, O God ! It was the will of God to make the woman to be a helpmate for man, and to complete his happi- ness " And by her it shall be done ; for if Satan had his will at first, 1 will have mine at last. So all men shall know my word shall not be broken, nor the bone of that man, Christ Jesus ; for now shall mortal put on immortality ; that is, the bone of man, that was formed after the manner of men, as Christ was born after their manner; though he came from God, yet he came into the world after the manner of men ; not after the manner of Adam, but born of a woman, after the manner of men; so now the woman, who came into the world not as Eve did, but after the manner of women, even 278 so Christ came after the manner of men." Now to be clearly understood in this mystery, at his first coming, he came in the form and fashion of a man, but in the power and spirit of God. At his se- cond coming he promises to redeem the fall ; then he must come in power, and in spirit, to the wo- man ; and imperfection must put on true perfec- tion ; and the bone of Christ, that is the spirit of Christ, must come in the same likeness as the bone of man did ; and this must first be completed, be- fore man's redemption can come, or the fall of man be repaired. " So now let learned men dispute, And prove their Bibles clear, The bone of man to all is come, With every knowledge here. So let your knowledge now appear That I pronounced dead ; But by my bone I'll prove it here I am the living head." Here I shall drop this subject for the present ; a word to the wise is enough, for the wise to weigh their Bibles deep. And next I shall come to the Revelation, which is a wonder in heaven and on earth. And here is a wonder of me, and a wonder of men. The distress of my mind causeth the wonder in me, as many mysteries confuse my mind ; but the many truths ought to change my doubts. So 1 am a Wonder to men and angels ; and men are a wonder to both, how they can read such writings, and judge them the productions of the devil, from whom nought but blasphemy proceeds. Another wonder is, how any man can judge it from myself. 279 and see the bible so plain before him. These won- drous thoughts must lead them to the Revelation, where the mystery is revealed the prayers are daily beiore the throne, crying to be delivered " While saints amaze, and angels gaze To see the heads of men, They do not see the mystery, The Revelation's plain. Such words from hell do angels tell, To an enlighten'd race ; While others judge it from thyself ' The woman must disgrace " The learned men, we see it plain, " Gross darkness doth appear ; " The wonder now to heaven is come^ " How man so much can err !" Those are the wonders now above, Enlighten'd saints do see How strong my Spirit here doth move ; Can man so darken'd be, Not to discern from whence it came ? The wondrous angels fly To tell that man knows not my name The glorious Trinity Hath now agreed, the serpent's head Must fall by that weak hand That he so artfully betray'd, And man's redemption come. This wonders all, to see such call, And man so long stand out; Had Adam done it first of all, Then man might well dispute ; But he did not ; now see your lot, Like Adam all go on ; He cast on ME his destiny ; Then now to ME 'tis corae. The woman here doth now appear, That 1 have given to men ; And now I bid you persevere, And judge her written hand, And answer then, as he began, " The woman us beguil'd ;" Then I'll appear to answer here, The serpent must be foir/d. 280 So cast on ME your destiny, To give the woman here ; Improve your call, I tell you all, I'll act like Satan there, Who claim'd my word, condemned his Lord, For to bring on the fall ; For man must die, was his reply, And death was past on all ; Then now 'tis life brings on the strife Behold an infant cry, The mother's pain doth all remain When it is brought so nigh. Ye sons of men, could you discern The lines that here go deep, You'd see what birth must bring you forth, And all like children weep, That you stood out so full of doubt, RefusM your Maker's call, From Satan's head too soon betray'd, And so brought on your fall. But now be wise betimes to rise ; The fulness now is come, That in disguise, before your eyes, I'm in the woman's form ; But like the Jews you hear the news, My wounds you open here, 'Tis all afresh ; the Scripture saith, My Spirit doth appear." Here I s shall end with the Revelation, for the present, and come to the Law and the Gospel. To be more plainly understood, I shall come to the brazen serpent, Numbers xxi. 8, 9. "And the Lord " said unto Moses, make thee a fiery serpent, and " set it upon a pole : and it shall come to pass, " that every one that is bitten, when he looketh " upon it, shall live. And Moses made a serpent " of brass, and put it upon a pole ; and it came to " pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when " he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived." Now I shall bring this to St. Matthew's Gospel, c. xxvi. v. 64, &c. " Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said : 281 " Nevertheless I say unto you, hereafter shall "ye see the Son of Man sitting on the right " hand of power and coming in the clouds of " heaven. Then the high priest rent his clothes, "saying, he hath spoken blasphemy; what "further need have we- of witnesses? behold '" now ye have heard his blasphemy. What " think ye? They answered and said, he is " guilty of death. Then they did spit in his " face, and buffetted him ; and others smote " him with the palms of their hands." They also mocked him on the cross, saying, " He " saved others, himself he cannot save." " Now I shall answer those passages of the Old and New Testament together; the shadow and the substance. The serpent of fire, that I com- manded Moses to lift up in the wilderness, and which was made of brass, was my foreknow- ledge, how my Son would be lifted up. They condemned him for blasphemy, for doing his miracles by devils ; and blaspheming the name of the Lord, by saying he was the Son of God. So they placed him on the cross, as a serpent that had acted in every form as a serpent of fire ; for fire is a body of heat, and so they judged my Son a body of heat in the form of the devil. Brass is considered an emblem of boldness ; and for boldness they judged him. Now the brazen serpent saved all that looked up to him; but himself he could not save; be- cause, being in the hands of men, they turned him in what form they pleased. Just so was my Son : He saved all that looked to him for re- demption; but himself he could not save. If he would destroy the works of the devil, he must cut him down in his own likeness ; for to cure the sting of sin, he must come, as I have said, 232 in like manner with the serpent I will bear the blame the man east on me ; and thou shalt bear the blame the woman cast on thee ; and then I will euie the sting of sin. So look unto me, all ye to the ends of the earth, and be saved. " Bind up the testimony, seal the law amongst * c my disciples." Isaiah, c. viii. v. 16. " For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son '* ia given : and the government shall be upon "his shoulder: and his name shall be called " Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the " Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Of " the increase of his government and peace there ** shall be no end." Isaiah, c. ix. v. 6, 7. " The Lord will cut off from Israel head and " tail, branch and rush, in one day. The an- " cient and honourable, he is the head : and the " prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail." Isaiah, c. ix. v. 14, 15. " And they set up over his head this accusa- " tion written, This is Jesus, the King of the " Je;$." Matthew, c. xxvii. v. 37. " The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of pro- phecy." Revelation, c. xix. v. 10. ** Now I will bring these mysteries together. A Child was born unto all men that believed in him ; and on the cross his government was writ- ten, the King of the Jews; and they have had no king since this. That was the government that was to be on my shoulders, the destiny that Pilate wrote, whom they called my judge. This \vas the prophecy that was written on my cross ; and for their unbelief, their honourable men, their wise men, and prophets, were cast out ; for they would not have a prophet but such as prophesied lies unto them ; so all were cut off in 283 one day ; for the wisdom of their wise men is perished, and the understanding of the prudent man is hid ; for they do not understand their prophets. They prophesied of my first and se- cond coming ; but did not say, one was my first, the other was my second ; so they expected at my coming, to see my government and my king- dom established. Now I will tell them the meaning of the words ; my government being on my cross, was to govern myself, and be brought as a sheep to the slaughter; and as a Jamb before the shearer is dumb, so I opened not my mouth. If ye will govern the world, ye must first govern yourselves, and set an example for others to walk by. So I set an example be- fore all men, to bear patiently my destiny, that my adversary may bear his." I shall drop this subject for the present, as I intend filling my book with different subjects ; and shall here insert a letter I sent to a reverend gentleman, in June, 1799- Rev. Sir, As I heard you inquired about me at a public parish meeting, I must refer you to a private meeting, and call your attention to the Revelations. Were they made tp be ful- filled and understood, or not ? As I heard a minister once say in his pulpit they were designed for eternity to explain ; for no man living could ever find them out. Sir, I grant that no man, by learning, can ever find them out ; had they been plain, impostors would have risen to fulfil them, and rendered the perfect truth of them more difficult to be discovered, than it is now ; for now the crooked paths are made straight be- fore you. 284 I shall begin with the wonders John saw in heaven. Are they to be fulfilled in heaven, or on earth ? If you say, on earth ; I answer, then the wonder of the woman travailing in, birth, and crying to be delivered, must take place on earth; and the wonders which were seen in heaven by John, must come on earth to men. If you say nay ; they are past already ; as some simply dispute of the Virgin Mary and our Saviour ; I ask, when was this vi- sion seen ? was it before our Saviour was born, or since? Your answer must be, since. Then I ask, if Satan could appear in heaven to Christ to destroy him there ? or the Virgin Mary could be travailing with child after Christ ascended into glory, and all. was finished ? Then if you cannot make it good that it is passed, it must be to come. You will then be ready to ask me, who is the Man Child that is to rule all nations with a rod of iron ? This I am ready to answer, when an explanation is demanded. Now I will call your attention further. When John saw Michael and the angels fighting against the Dragon, and the Dragon was cast out, was Satan then in heaven ? You will be ready to answer, no ; Satan was cast out before man was made. Then it must be casting from earth to helL You may say, why then was it written, he is come down in great wrath, because he knows his time is short ? I answer, his casting is firsf from heaven: though he is, not in heaven, yet he is the power of darkness and prince in the air ; you may see him in the moon ; though some have simply said it is a man, but the Spirit of revelation or divine inspiration has reavealecl to me it is the devil : therefore it is said of the wonder of the woman in the Revelation, " The 285 " moon was under her feet, and onherhead a crown " of twelve stars." You may then be ready to ask me, who are the twelve stars? Sir, I an- swer, the twelve chosen men, who strengtheu my hands. Therefore the moon will be turned into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord ; but that terrible day is for devils. Now I have given you a short account of what is very clearly explained to me, I must call your attention to the twenty-four elders. Do you think it means, Sir, in heaven or on earth? If you judge it in heaven, whom do you judge to be the prophets, apostles,, or martyrs? Do not all the hosts of heaven fall down and worship him ? But if it is fulfilled on earth, when was it done ? All must be fulfilled on earth, which John saw in heaven. I will tell you who will be the twenty-four elders, when I know who are the twenty-four-men that will prove these wond- rous tilings. After my hands have been strength- ened by twelve men, they will gain other twelve ; then they will see what no man ever thought, and what never entered into the heart of man to conceive. When they see the wondrous wis- dom of God in creation and preservation, his love to man. his mercy and goodness over all his works, and how he has condescended to lay be- fore men why he has done all things; then will the twenty-four elders cast their crowns before him, saying, " Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and power, for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are, and were created : wise is the Lord in all his ways, just and righteous in all his works," will be the language of every heart ; and well it may. The Bible ends with the Reve- lation ; and when the Bible is revealed, they will be convinced they have been dead while they were alive, as Adam was pronounced ; yet, as we call life, he lived long after ; but he was .pro- nounced dead. Just so is every man under the fall ; but as in Adam all died, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Now I must call your attention to the 5th chapter of the Revelation, respecting the seven seals. In 179% I left my writings at Plymtree; and when they were brought to me, they were sealed up with seven eals, undesignedly by me; but whether designedly or promiscuously done, I know not; but they were written within and without; and I was ordered to put them in Mr. Ts possession ; and no man can read them : and what is sealed on earth, is said to me to be sealed in heaven. I am now ordered to write to five different ministers, by sending a letter, sealed up, to each of them. And now I must call you to the 6th chapter of the Revelation ; as these five seals are explained to me ; but the sixth seal is not explained at present. I must beg you will weigh your letters toge- ther, as they are all on different subjects. " So now your parish meetings call, And quit yourselves like men ; The tree of knowledge comes to all, And the good fruit must come*" 287 The following letter was sent in die year 1799-, to a very dignified Clergyman. Right Rev. Sir, Exeter, &c. I trust, from the amiable, worthy, and good cha- racter I hear of your Lordship, you will pardon the liberty I am. going to take, in sending you the following lines ; the weightiest subject that ever entered the human brain such an instance has never happened to any human being sinef earth's foundation was placed before ; the deepest inspired penman, th taest learned divine, nor the deepest philosopher that ever wrote, ever had such thoughts of divinity or philosophy, as have been revealed to me by the Spirit of Revelation; and what Spirit that is, must be judged by men. Will your Lordship be astonished, when I tell your Lordship, in 1792 I was foretold all that was com- ing on the earth ? Perfectly as I was foretold, all has happened in every nation ; but the end is not yet. When the truth of my writings began to come, I was encouraged strongly in faith, that has been impossible for man to destroy, although their arguments have often shaken my faith, by telling me it came from the devil ; but the answers given me to their words, and the wondrous manner in which the Bible is explained, truly convinced me their judgment was wrong ; and as throw- ing oil into the fire makes the flames burn the greater, the very way men went to chill my faith, confirms the truth of the Bible and the truth of my writings, as being foretold how every man I was ordered to write to would act. And who can tell the heart and thoughts of man, but God a-lone ? Now, my Lord, will you be astonished when I tell you, the end of all things is at hand, and the powers of darkness must be destroyed from the face of the earth, by that weak hand that he first betrayed ? Here your Lordship may be lost in wonder, how Satan shall fail by a woman's hand. Mysterious as it may appear, yet very clearly it is explained to me, by rny pert'ect obedience to thje commands of the Lord, who made the same 'promise to me, as Herod did to the damsel ; and \ was ordered to ask in writing and my petition and request was, If I had found favour in the aight of the Lord, that Satan might be cut off from the face of the earth, as John the Baptist was. I was answered, the Lord will grant my petition, and give me my request ; and I should seal it up with three seals, and carry it with me to the altar, when I re- ceived the sacrament I did ; and was then answered, " what J have spoken by my Spirit, sealed with aiy seal, I will now seal with tuy blood." But it is said to me, 288 " It is man must raise thy hand And tell thee to grow wise, .Like Herod's damsel to go on, Then all shall gain the prize. When men begin as she did then, And like Herodias burn, To wound the foe, as she did do., I will like Herod come." The man strengthened the woman's hand by the fall, and he must strengthen her hand to bring it back. What God designed at first, he will accomplish at last. It is not all the powers of hell can frustrate the designs nor purposes of the Most High. The Lord made the woman to complete the happiness of man, and by her it must be done. For as the sun riseth in the horizon, and shineth over the face of the earth, and then setteth in darkness, and riseth again in the same place ; and dust returns to dust ; and wave returns to wave with ebbing and flowing ; yet all centre in the same place so must man centre, at last, as God placed hira at first, in perfect happiness ; and by the woman it must be com- pleted. Christ died for man's atonement, and rose again for our justification. Therefore now give ear, O heavens ! and be as- tonished, O earth ! the Lord hath a controversy with his people ; and the saints must judge the earth. That day of judgment must take place, , when my writings are proved ; such writings as never were before since earth's foundation stood. Will your Lordship marvel if I tell you, it is a sign to me, why the Lord hath done all things ; I have written to the Rev. , the Rev. , and the Rev. ; but I am told, the Lord will never permit my writings to be proved, till I had written to you. If your Lordship will give me liberty, I will wait on you, to tell what grounds I have for this faith. From your dutiful and humble Servant, JOANNA SOCJTHCOTT. LONDON: Printed by Marchant and Gal ibin, Ingram-Court ; and sold by W. TOZEH. Chapel-Place, Duke-Street, Westminster-Road, Southwark ; also by W. SYMONDS, Gandy-Lane, and the Miss EVELEIGHS, St. Sidwell's, Exeter ; S. HIRST, Leeds; W. WADMN, York; JAMES LIGHT, Coventry- Street, Stourbridge; EDMUND BAKER, Ilminster ; C. BUADLE\, Digbcth, Birmingham; R. GOLDSMITH, Gravesend; and T. TURPIN, Greenwich. (Price Owe Shilling.) A CONTINUATION OF PROPHECIES, BY JOANNA SOUTHCOTT, From the YEAR 1792* to the present Time. I SHALL insert in this book Copies of Letters, which were sent to me by a worthy Gentleman, now deceased ; but though he is dead, his letters still speak. I shall however preface such my de- sign by observing, that as men have warmly re- proved my writings, and said, prophecies had ceased ever since our Saviour was on the earth, I must intreat the learned world to answer the following quotations from the Bible. How the knowledge of the Lord can cover the earth, as the waters cover the great deep ? How they shall all know the Lord, from the greatest to the least ? How they arc to follow on to know the Lord ? for it is written, then shall ye know the Lord, if ye follow on to know him, for the kingdom of heaven is within you. Let your eye be single,. and your whole body shall be full of light. Com- mune with God in your heart, and he will commune with you. The Lord saith, 1 am the same yester- A day, Ext ttr : Printed fry G, Fioyde, High-Street. day, to day, and forever : in me there is no varia- bleness, nor the shadow of turning : but man sought out many inventions. The Lord spake by dreams and visions ot the night, and the angels of the Lord are ministering spirits, to administer to the heirs ot salvation. The Spirit of the Lord is with them that fear him, and he reveals his secrets to them that believe in his name. The Prophet saith, sure- ly the Lord God will do nothing, but he will reveal his secrets to his servants, the prophets. Our dear Redeemer said, he came not to destroy the law of God or the prophets, but to fulfil them ; this gene- ration should not pass away till all was fulfilled : this was near 1802 years ago. Let the learned world explain what he meant ; for the Old Testa- nient is not fulfilled, that he called his sons from afar, and h.is daughters from the end of the earth. Is Jerusalem new-built ? Hath the Lord esta- blished the covenant that he made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Is the throne of David esta- blished ? Is righteousness and truth met together, doth Jove and peace kiss each other? Doth every man speak the truth by his neighbour? Doth righteousness run down our streets as a flood, and the fear of the Lord as a mighty stream ; or men ilock unto Jesus as doves to the windows, crying out like the jailer, what shall we do to be saved, to in- herit the crown which is set before us ? Is there any crown set before them, that they are so seek- ing after ? Do not men drink in iniquity, as the ox drinketh water ? Is not every man's hand against his neighbour ? Are not the Apostle's words veri- iied, who hath asked counsel of the Lord, or who bath ascended c>n high ? for since the prophets fell ask-x-p, all things rtmained as they were. Do not men try to quench the Spirit, and despise prophe- cies ? ( J ) cies ? Do they not do despite to the Spirit of Gocl, and say they want not the knowledge of the Most High ? Do they not crucify the Lord afresh, and put him again to an open shame ? Are not men the same at his second coming as they were at his first ? Are not his words verified at his second coming, ye shall scarce find faith on the earth ? yet men nave faith to believe their Bibles as they have placed them, but faith to believe the manner of Christ's second coming is scarce to be found on the earth. And this is what our Saviour meant, when he said, but they that fear the Lord speak often one to ano- ther ; and the Lord hearkened, and heard, and a, book of remembrance is written, and they shall be mine, saith the Lord, in the day I make up my jew- els : and I will spare them, saith the Lord, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him : for to that man will I look that is of a meek and contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word ; for he that honoreth me, I will honor, and he that despiseth me, shall be lightly esteemed : he that seeketh me, shall find me, and he that ordereth his conversation aright, in him will I dwell and take up my abode with him, and he shall sup with me, and I with him : my de- light shall be with the sons of men ; for I am the good Shepherd, and my sheep know my voice, and they follow me wheresoever I go, and I go to pre- pare a place for them, that where I am, there they may be also. These texts of scripture let the learned world answer, or I shall do it for them. But I shall post- pone the subject for the present, and proceed to in- sert copies of some letters received by me from that highly esteemed and very worthy character, B. Bruce, esq. LETTER ( 4 ) LETTER I. Basil Bruce, Esq. to Joanna Soutbcott. MY dearly beloved sister in the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ! for such you are in the strongest. sense of the word, and'which I shall be ever proud to call you, while one spark of his blessed Spirit is graciously vouchsafed to fill my soul, in thirsting after righteousness ; for his divine Spirit, wherever it dwells, must find out its kindred Spirit, which you possess in a very high degree ; and that the very God of Love may unceasingly shower down his choicest blessings on you, for your obedience and great exertions in the noble work he has allotted you, is the earnest prayer of my heart ! My friend Torin having put this letter into my hand to forward under cover to Mr.Taylor, foF which purpose I have got a frank, I felt that I could not employ 'he few spare minutes I have just now, bet- ter, than in executing the desire of my heart, to tes- tify to you my admiration of the heavenly \\ork in which you are engaged; and to convince you, that the presumption ivitb which you^wrongfully accused me in your letter to my father, viz. " mat I thought "he wrote too humbly for a gentleman," &c. I say, to convince you that my heart is incapable of such presumption, 1 need only tell you, that ever since 1795 I have been led by the Spirit of the Lord to know, that his time was at hand to execute the long predicted judgments on an apostate world, out of which he would preserve a people to serve and obey him in purity of spirit and holiness of liv* ing; ( s ) ing; and that in 1798 I was urged by tli3 same Spirit to quit an office, which I had held 14 years under government with credit and approbation, from a conscientious desire, to fulfil the express command of Christ against swearing Oaths. A-id I immediately published an Exhortation to the world against the rapidly increasing .S//z of swearing Oaths, and testifying my firm belief in the Divine Mission of Richard Brothers. I have also further to say, that I received your two first books with rapture, before my father had seen them ; for I put them into his hand with that assurance, as he can testify. Now, believe me, I do not mention these things out of pride and vanity (for I know of mine own self I can do nothing, and that every good gift cometh from the Lord), but only to justify myself in your eyes, and to convince you how incapable I am of imagining any thing prejudicial to you. For after bearing up against the bufferings of the world, and the ridicule and persecution of my for- mer friends and relations ; after sacrificing every worldly consideration, for the testimony of 'Jesus, God forbid I should turn back, and lose the pro- rnised reward ! Nor do I mean to detract from the merit of my worthy father when I add, that for 5; years (that is, from 179$ to 1800) I experienced a warm opposer even in him ; for the Lord can re- veal himself to whom he pleases, how he pleases, and when he pleases, and it is our duty to receive the heavenly Visitor with humility and thanksgiv- ing in the way in which it pleaseth him to send it. Another time I will take the liberty to send you an account of a remarkable vision with which I was favored 4th March, 179$. I observe, by your last letter to my father, you B received received tlip pnine.i which niv wife (not my father) stni ty yiuug ylor, as a trifling testimony of her Christian love for you. And it gives me inex- pressible pleasuie to te.ll you (mind I do it as a dii'\, and in* humility, not in pride), that the Lord has blessed my endeavours -to make you a present of a little purse, with success, and. in the course of next week 1 hope to be able to send you a token of our love and affection. I wish it was ten times the sum; but for these years I have felt it my duty, as a Christian, to relieve the distressed servants of the Lord whenever they fell in my way, which has greatly lessened my means and power to fulfil in this respect the desire of my heart ; " but such as (t I have, I freely give unto thee ;" and may the God of Love and Peace be with you, now and henceforth for ever, is the wish of, my dear Sister, Your's most affectionately, No. 77, Jermyn-Str. St. Jas. > BASIL BRUCE. 22 Aug. lOOI. ) P. S. It gave me great pleasure to hear my very worthy friend, the Rev. Mr. Foley, had written to you. I expect him in town every day, when you will be the frequent subject of our conversation. LETTER II. Basil Bruce, Esq. to Joanna Soutbcott. London, 31 Aug. 1801. My dear Sister in the Lord ! AS it is impossible for me to give you an adequate ir'ea of the grateful feelings \viih winch n. y soul was overwhelmed at the perusal of your very ( 7 ) very kind letter; I shall only say, that when the Lord permits, and you have time, you cannot con- fer a greater favor on me and my dear wife than by writing. I am truly sorry it is not in my power to write you a proper answer just now, as the whole of this day has been folly occupied in a variety of business previous to leaving town at 5 o'clock to- morrow morning for Lincolnshire, where I expect to meet my father, who was this day to set off from his living in Wiltshire across the country to Market- Deeping, where he hcisa married daughter residing ; and I could ni r delay an h -r post to beg your accept- ance of the inclosed, as another instance of the Lord's favor to you, bis faiibfid servant, as well as to those he has deemed worthy instruments to further his glorious work in yon, and by you. In order to make the conveyance quite safe, I paid 14 into my bankers' hands, and got a post bill from them, payable to Mr. Taylor, as being more in the way of negotiating such notes, and have requested him to pay you the amount. In order to acquaint you with particulars I must tell you, the day after I received your letters I went to my worthy and spiritual friend, Mr. Sharp, who lives at No. 50, Titchfield-Sireet, Mary-le-bone, well-knowing his ability and inclination to send you a token of Christian love. After reading your let- ters with great inward pleasure, he presented me with seven guineas, saying, he had long had it on his mind to beg your acceptance of a trifle. I can- not express to you how my soul leaped with joy, and pouring out of gratitude to the Lord on the occasion. I hope yon will write a few lines when you can. Two guineas are from my sister Beecraft and hsr husband at Deeping, where I am going oh a visit ; the ( 8 ) the rest of the money is from myself and wife, ex- cept a guinea my father desired me to send from him whenever I was able to make a sum worth send- ing. I perceive you still labour under a mistake, with respect to my having said something about my fa- ther's writing with too much humility & familiarity to you ; for I call God to witness, that no such ideas ever entered my head, nor any such words ever es- caped my lips. All I said to my father on his giving me one of his letters to you to read, was, that I thought he occnpie.d too much of his letter in rela- ting trifling domestic anecdotes, which could not be very interesting to you, who was occupied with the great work of the Lord. However, it that cir- cumstance was the occasion of your relating the wonderful history of your life, I am satisfied it was all ordered for the best, and I praise God for it. When you favor me with another letter, pray ex- plain farther the mystery of the Father and the Son coming one after the other, as all the shadows co'me to you from the, substance ; because in your book you say, the shadows come first, or one year, and the substance the next. Please to direct your letters for me and my father, as usual, to Jermyn- Street, and my wife will forward them. Mrs. Bruce, and my friend Mr. Bryan, who is here, and is a highly favored character in spiritual things, unite in Christian love, &c. with, My dear friend, Your's ever sincerely in the love of the truth, BASIL BRUCE. ^T My readers will particularly notice, that the contents of the two foregoing letters were commu- nicated ( 9 ) nicatedto me in July, nearly a month before they were written, when it was foretold me, that the Lord would raise up for me friends in London, who would readily grant me any assistance in the prose- cution of his work. In the book of printed letters you will see the promise was made, that the Lord would s?;id a blessing for their sakes, and stop the rain in the time of harvest : the truth of both followed, as you find by the letters and harvest ; though at the be- ginning of the harvest, it is well known, the crops were likely to be spoiled by rain, and judged so by most, as it rained both old and new St. S-.vithin's day, which have al'.vays been remarked to bring a long continued rain : yet all these scenes changed on a sudden ; the rain ceased as promised, and brought in a plentiful harvest. This I know the ignorant part of mankind will laugh ah and say, will the Lord send a blessing or a curse, as her words are believed or disbelieved ? But you know I have told you, they are not my words, but the words of the Lord. But come now to your Bible. Did not the Lord, in every age of the world, send a blessing or a curse, as the Prophets were believed or disbelieved f Witness Nineveh, Sodom, or Go- morrah, and trace all your Bibles back, do not you say, the eye of the Lord is every where present ? Then was his eye not present in 1798, when I wrote a letter from Bristol on Aug. 23 of that year, stat- ing, that if my writings were mocked, and men re- fused to search out the truth, the anger of the Lord would be kindled, and the following harvest would be hurt by sun or rain ? If men despised the words of the Lord, and brought a burthen on me, so the Lord would bring a burthen on the land in the sue- C ceeding ceeding year. Now I must give my readers to un- derstand, that in the following year my writings were despised and mocked before the harvest, and my letters turned back, with contempt to me again, which caused a heavy burthen on my mind and heart, arid tears like a fountain flowed from my eyes. I. was answered ; as men increase thy sor- rows, I will increase theirs ; and as thy letters were turned back with contempt, so shall their prayers for the harvest ; and so it followed. Prayers were every Sunday offered up in all places of wor- ship, that the Lord would stay his heavy hand to stop the rain in 1799; but they were treated like my letter, and turned back with anger unanswered, and not granted, till the harvest was hurt -by the rain, and brought in a scarcity. Now my readers must understand, some of my letters were burnt in contempt. Then I was answered; the Lord will in his anger burn up the land in the following year, and it proved so; as it was said they had done 'despite to the Spjrit of God, and had kindled the anger of the Lord to a flame, which should burn upon the land. Now the following year, 1800, many fields of barley were so much burnt, that they brought 'forth no grain, which produced a much greater scarcity and dearth tha.n the former ; and had other nations met with the like affliction, so as to have prevented their sending us a supply, xve should have wanted bread before the harvest. I was then ordered to get my writings printed, and if there were found just men and ministers to search out the truth of them, I was promised the harvest in 1801 should produce great plenty (see page )8 of my first book). So ministers did begin, to search out the truths of my writings as soon as they they were made public ; the harvest was abundant, as promised ; and the heavy load of the land began to lessen, as the ministers and other good men had lessened mine. Now if any man, endowed with sense and reason,' believes the sacred truths of the Bible, that the eye of the Lord is every where present, round our beds and round our paths, and all our words and ways are open before him, then all these things uere open to his view. The Lord knew I hud written, he would deal with men as men dealt with me. But can you believe the Lord would verify these words, if the Lord had not spoken them himself? Certainly no. I must first believe there is no knowledge in the Most High, before I can believe these truths would have fol* lowed had they not been spoken by the Most H.igh : He that spoke them, had power to fulfil them as he hath done; and I believe it to be from that Su- preme Power alone, who governs the world, per- suaded that no other power can make the sun and rain obey him. Now I shall proceed to give the answer of the Spirit to what is here written. Now thou hast ended I'll begin. Awake, ye simple son of men ! And from the dead of sn; arise, And then I'll open both jour eyes.. Can you suppo.ea woman's hind Could in such order ever stand, In perfect tr.;th and a trai :ht line, Unlefs the writing* all were mine? Xo \ian I'll piove you're totally dead, Pluck'd from the icot, as then I said, Because youi:eiv - y< i 1 ph ck'd from me, For good and evil oil the tiee That ( I* ) That was of knowledge there was plac'd I'll answer now the fallen race. The angels that I cast from heav'n Had knowledge to them surely giv'n, Which they pronounced to be good, And so the tree of knowledge stood : The under branches I plac'd there To shew, if he did man ensnare, That to his knowledge man would cor.... The good I now shall shew to man, Is like the grains of wheat that die And in the earth conceal'd do lie, And do appear firft like a blade, And afterwards each ear is seed, Firft for to shoot, and to appear, And then the hlofsom you see clear, Before it comes to perfect corn, To bring the increase unto man. So here the parabie is plain You know my wheat 1 called man ; That firtt I told him he should die, And can you provt.- I then did lie ? For nothing but the blades appear In ev'iy age I now see clear There's nothing but the blade in man, His wisdom, like the wheat, is gone Dead in thr bowels of the eaith, So pe fectly the Script' uv saith ; And wh^n the b'a ;es of wheat appear, The husbandman may ask you there "What setd h~ in thf fie d did sow ? Thousands will *ay, the)' do not know, Before by them the ear is seen And now to reason I'll begin, And like the husbandman appear My seed is sown f tell ye here; And as the blades of wheat ye see, The husbandman now asks of ye What seed is sown amongst the ground ? My word's the wheat the blade is found Among the nations now to spring. And here's the myst'ry of the thing : Let any husbundman appear, He'd tell the sowers wheat was there ; While those who did not understand, A different grain they might command. And ( 13 ) Ana" say 'twas barley, oats, or rye ; And perfect so my word does lay U.-til my harvest does appear Thousands know not what grain is here, But ev'ry husbandman can see, Before the time, what grains they be So let a husbandman appear, (Whom with myself I Jo compare) Then by the blade he'll surely know The wheat is sown, the blades do grow So diffrent from another blade, The husbandman is not mi .-laid. So now, my friends, I've shewn you here How with myself I you compare, Who can be judges of the word, And say the writings came from God ; But yo j that cannot see it clear, Confefs no husbandmen ye are, That are acquainted with my ways, And so the blade deceives your eyes ; In ev'ry age this has been done, My words were like the seeds were s^wn, And when the blades to man appear, None but the husbandmen saw clear That e'er the seed could be my word, Nor judg'd the husband.nan the Lord, Unlefs their spirit joia'd with me, Then husbandman alike mun be. So here the parab e is pla n ; I've an^w -r'd now the sons of men, And if thtf word you do nt.tknow, Give to my husbandmen their due, That the true judges they mu be Who join in husba idiy wit'i me - r And you as well m.;y give it up As you wouid do thy sowei's crop ; For when the harvelt do s appear, You mull co.if ">s the sower there Was the true judge what he did sow, And you'd no wisdom for to know What seed Wds bury'd in the earth Now mark the Spirit what it faith; For deep's the parable for man, For none can judge thy written hand Who have no knowledge of my ways, Nor know the wheat I mean to raife D Unto Unto the blofsom of the ear, And faft my harveft .^hall appear For man is like the blade of wheat, And from the earth I firft rose it, And then I said that man should die, And so your corn does always lie Bury'd in the earth below, And perfect so the man does grow. Man with the blade 1 shall compare A myirry deep 1 now wiilckar. When him I had pronounced dead, How could I deem him but a blade Before the ear began to shoot ? And here's man in his perfect ftate : For by the forming of the ear, The blofsom does in man appear, And some do kern to perfect wheat, And so does man, without deceit, Come perfect as the wheat does grow, And some are deaf, you all do know; And perfect so are many men, The ruft and canker in the grain Doth perfect so in man appear ; But now the harveft I shall clear If knowledge to the woman come, To give that knowledge unto man, To bring the knowledge of the full, Then from her mutt the knowledge burfl, Or men and devils the}' may boaft Their Maker's wisdom it was loft, When first the woman he did form To be a hrlpmati- unto man, To bring him into mifen And now, \e b.ind, bi j gin to see, If .'he don't h<>.p him out again, Your Vak'er s WJM <et the blind begin to see What heathen nations do possess, While Satan's kingdom I call this; For well you know i told you here, Satan will as a God appear Overthe world, to b'md your eyes ; And now my little flock grow wise, For I shall claim the earth my own, The heathen nations shall dethrone. You'll find your war is not begun, I told you when you thought 'twould eni, Sadly mistaken all would be, 'Twas not begun, you all would see- And so you'll find tis not begun, You little think what's hast'mngqn To bring it to an eastern war. And all shall know the end is near, As they a heathen nation be. The promis'd land possess, you see When I cut oil he perfect heirs, As Satan's aits did man ensnare, I gave their nation to such men As in spirit acted like them ; For Satan's kingdom then did fight, (Bring ev rymyst'ry to your sight) And ( 17 ) And he did ev'ry battle gain, Myself and brethren then were slain ; For my disciples dy'd for me, And Satan got the victory, And so his servants I plac'd there, He got his vict'ry then by war. And so I let the tyrant reign But now the myst'ry I'il explain-.' When I cut off the perfect heirs, Nothing but bondmen tfeAi appear. And bondwomen they surely be ; But now the heirs I mean to free. And all these bondmen I'll cast out. And the true heirs have nought to doubt, For I'll cut off the bastard race, And in their stead the true heirs place For to possess that very land. And now, my friends, you may demand To stand like princes in the fight. And now I'll bring the truth to light ; So let my gospel now appear- You know my vineyard once was there. And all my servants they did kil!, And so the heir his blood did spill, And all the vineyard claim'd their own, As in my gospel it is shewn ; But then I told you what I'd dot, Bring ev'ry m\'t'y to your view. When I tht vineyard come to claim, I said these men must ail be tlain. So now's the time I'll slay them all; The vineyard's mine, the Lord doth calf. Who will these hubandmen destroy, For th* true hens shall now enjoy Every vineyard that is mine, And the true heirs with me I'll join. And now I'll tell you that each heir Is him who does in laith appear. Believes my gospel I'h fulfil, And all these husbandmen will kill. Who've no right longer to possess, WhR I bring U my gospel pet$e, P For then the rebel he mutt fall, And so his serx r ants they muft all. So now you'll find the time's at hand When 1 my vineyard shall demand, And ail my bible will fulfil Then now, ye learned, try your skill, And let Jehosaphat appear, You all will find the valley near, And I shall come to plead with all So, men , together ye I call To judge your bible and my word, And then aright you'll use the fword, Or elfe your bow you'll draw in vain, And by the enemy be slain ; But if you let the' Lord direct, In ev'iy battle I'll protect ; For I'm the Lord does it declare, Obey my word you've nought to fear, But if v ou run againft my word, You afi will h'tid'that I'm the Lord: For now's the time that Satan's hoft Muft fall like Pharaoh's, near the coast; That is, to perish in the deep llejoice, my friends, your foes muft weep, As Satan's vicVries are all paft, I'll gain the vidYriesat the laft. And now a myft'iy I'll explain Unto the learned sons of men, And bring them to the prophet's word, And let them know with one accord Jofliua the high pried was seen With Satan, ready to condemn ; As he with Jofliua did appear, The Lord rebuk'd the tempter there. But now the myft'ry I'll explain Jerusalem was then unclean, And so unclean proceeded on. And filthy garments so become, And all are filthy garments there- But now the myft'ries 1 shall clear Out of the fire now shall come, And pluck from those that are unclean; For change of garments all shall see, A change of people now fhall be. I shall defer the continuation of this subject for awhile, and insert the vision of Mr. B. Bruce, ( '9 ) Mr. B. BRUCE was favored with the following Vision of the night, between the 3d and 4th of March, 1795. After offering up my earnest prayer and thanks- giving to God for all his mercies and dispensations to his humble creatures here upon earth, and parti- cularly for the inestimable blessings bestowed on me, in placing before my eyes, in such strong co- lours, the total dependance of man on his Creator's wisdom and goodness ; I began to make my suppli- cations to God, that he would vouchsafe to en- lighten my understanding and open my spiritual sight, so as to enable me to discover clearly and un- equivocally the truth or falshood of Mr. Brothers's pretensions and mission, when I suddenly found myself removed from the room I was then in to the garret, where I continued to pray and pour out my soul to my blessed Lord and Saviour, and he was graciously pleased to hear x my prayer; for I thought (and the impression is indelibly stamped on my heart) an Angel approached me in the hu- man shape, with a dignity and grace that instantly infused a degree of ecstasy and confidence through my whole frame far beyond the power of language to express or describe ; I felt as it were transported from misery to felicity, from earth to heaven I The Angel assured me, in terms the most distinct and forcible, " that the wickedness, presumption, and And some did weep and so.ne di I mourn, And thuieo-v i , i -. .hin did b.n.i, When th ?y t;-,ld thee t i.-re, And tlvju in seem v: pt.t i ) prty'r, And mourn'd th; d 'aM of t'u- . j .iK c-ndd not be bi. Men w re nut r'u 1 1 I to,> n ic i t'l^y mjck'd; Th^-n woit'iy they could n-'.vc-r ba To loose the seals a> made by ms, So disappnirlted :hjv uood all,' As twelv tog ther is my call Before t ie seals [ will uiiltole, And so their* coming Ji 1 ret' To have the s-al- be bruken then Before I'd all my choien m^n. So here the scriptures you see plain The seals weie sign'd and giv'n to men, But sure unable they were there Until the twelve do all appear. But now the myst'ry I'll make plain In heav'n could man with me contend, To whom I'd ne'er reveal'd the word, I ask you how he there could plead Till Bruce in person did appear ? And now the myst'ry you see clear In heav'n nor earth he could not be "When they came down the truth to see. Three days you wander in the air, Then the firft heav'n to you appear, And with enlighten'd saints to meet, Ere you approach the judgment seat, And to the highest heav'n you come, r Six days I tell you muft be known Ere you in glory can appear, And then my sabbath, you'll see clear, Shall be the seventh day for reft, As heav'n and earth alike are plac'd. So now, I say> when they carne down, In heav'n uor earth he was not found, Brfjie my word was giv'n tu tliee, The s als .r.uft not then loosed be; But sure I ,av you .1 'd not fear, Th 'i .11 < ie is near, As \\- w-s j ,in t (i to th'- tribe, The path is'aUaigh^ tue fielj Is wide, K And < 38 ) And seals alike to all were giv'n, The &f als are now in earth and heav'n, Foi what on earth was sealed there Loth now to me in heav'n appear, And what is sealed now in heav'n Shall to my friends on earth be giv'n, "When they do meet to loose the seals, Then ev'iy myst'iy I'll reveal, And from my bible you'll see clear The woman is your helpmate here. To bring the knowledge of the tree, The good andevij both you'll see : As she the serpent fit ft condemn'd, I gave the stais ir.to her hand, And she hath i^ivn them unto men, As she in paiadi>e btga.i ; 1 hen -uic the my-t i\ now is plain, And paradise you nujn ).g.iiu Jfycu: so c o^-i'v i upy her, As A<:ajn did, you've nought to fear; For if by h'-i \<l. hei son ti'en paid the cost ; y u * Then suie her husband must redeem Sp wake, ye simple sons of men. I shall here insert the Thoughts of the seven worthy and good gentlemen, \vho came to Exeter to examine my writings and give their opinions on the Sixth Book, which are as follow. THOUGHTS on the SIXTH BOOK, Printed for JOANNA SOUTHCOTT. FIRST THOUGHT. Tn the name of the all-wise and most merciful God. Thou, O Lord, in these writings of thy servant, Joanna Southcott, inspired, or dictated, by thy Holy Spirit ; the same which filled the hearts, and spoke ( 39 ) spoke by the mouths of thy Holy Apostles and Prophets of old, has*" opened to us as much of thy counsels, and manner of acting with the Angels \vho never fell, with Man who did, and with Satan and his Associates, who first rebelled against *tbce t the Lord of Life and Glory, the Fountain from whom all good and happiness flows, and who after- wards, by hellish arts, endeavour'd to destroy all mankind, as far as is needful, and suited to the pro- sent occasion ; which thou hast most graciously and condescendingly submitted to our judgment, and hast commanded us to declare (as far as lies within the compass of our abilities) thy ijws, delivered in the everlasting Gospel, and thy righteous dealings, to all mankind. With respect to myself, the view fills me with the highest gratitude and asioni'-h- ment. I am truly sensible of my own unworthi- ness. I have too frequently transgressed thy most holy laws ; and know tnat it is the Blood of t:\y dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ, alone that can wash away my sins, and those of the whole human race ; which He will do in the end ; according 10 what is declar'd by himself in the Gospel, by thy Apostle Paul, .in these words, " For ibis we both labour and suffer reproach : because we trust in the living God ; who is the Saviour of all men : es- pecially of those that believe;" and now again by thy servant Joanna, Therefore I should hardly presume to form, much less to declare my judg- ment on these thy wonderful works and wise pro- ceedings unless thou hadst commanded it. Now then in obedience to that command (having pre- viously implor'd the Grace of thy Ho; Lpiitt to .enable me to decide thereon) I join witn llu y\jma;j, in praying thee to cast the blaire on the i'ri;go;], that old serpent, which is the Devil and baiun, that she < 40 ) she laid upon him at the fall, and to execute the sentence thou didst then pronounce against him. For my part I cannot avoid confessing, that holy and just are thy ways, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. I humbly be- seech thee that I may never fall from thy grace, and that thou wouldst permit me to search out and enable me to proclaim thy unbounded mercy., great- ness, truth, and loving kindness, throughout the endless duration of eternity. SECOND THOUGHT. The reasonings contained in this 6th book in fa- vour of God's Wisdom in placing man as he did in the creation ; Justice in putting down the kingdom of Satan; and Mercy in the redemption of man from everlasting punishment under the powers of darkness, and taking on him the blame and punish- ment due to man; are so conclusive, that I cannot but acknowledge them to be from God. THIRD THOUGHT. Honor, Glory and Blessing, be unto our God and our dear Redeemer, Jesus Christ. .How shall we praise the Lord for his goodness to the children of men ! for his having revealed such knowledge to babes and sucklings, when to the wise and learned of this world he has denied it. How wonderful has this sixth book laid cpen the mysteries of the Bible, and has furnished the servants of the Most High God with such weapons, as neither the powers of darkness, nor all the wickedness of men will be able to stand a moment before them ? May we put on the whole armour of God ! may we be strong, firm, faithful and obedient to our Blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ ! then will he send us strength, wisdom, faith, ( 4- ) faith, and courage, from his holy sanctuary ; that we may be enabled to withstand ail the wiles an 1 fiery darts of Satan ; that we may be enabled to overcome all the enemies and foes of the Captaiti of our Salvation, and through hi> blessing, be the happy instruments of establishing his blessed king- do in upon earth. Then may \ve rejoice with the Oil of Gladness, because his Bride hath made her- self ready, and by her perfect obedience, our deadly foe (Satan), together with his host, will be cast from the earth, and that promise will be soon ful- filled, " of the seed of the woman bruising the ser- pent's bead." FOURTH THOUGHT, I have examined and read the sixth part of the writings of Joanna Southcott, and I desire to bless the Lord for the light, life and comfort derived to my soul by these inspired writings. They are like the rest of her writings ; a garden enclos'd, a foun- tain seal'd from the world ; but the Lord in his rich mercy to my soul, has granted me the blessing whereby I have drank deeply of these living waters. And I trust and earnestly pray the Lord will shortly destroy Satan's kingdom and establish his own upon its ruins! to the glory of his great name, and the everlasting good and comfort of his people. FIFTH THOUGHT. The sixth book wrote by Joanna Southcott, must be indited by the Divine Spirit of the Lord, its con- tents being both ju.st and true. It is true that per- fect innocence must be without suspicion, and the most easy to be deceived ; the fall of the woman therefore cannot be the woman's fault. And it is perfectly jusi that Divine Love should* by his di- L vine < 4-2 ) vine wisdom, destroy the power of the devil by the woman's hand, whose innocence he first betrayed. SIXTH THOUGHT. I give my judgment on Joanna Southcott's six books, that they are wrote by the directions of the Lord God. SEVENTH THOUGHT. The sixth book. In it I perceive, and he^r the voice of the Lord through the woman by the Spirit, speaking and reasoning justly with man and devils, and that the Son of God had suffered the blame, which man, by the influence of the devil, cast un- justly upon him . and the woman pleading of being deceived by the devil ignorantly, and that the devil may be cast, and the dagger fall upon him as the root of evil : and the Son of God declaring that he now will have his will, as the Devil and Satan has had his will before. And this I perceive to be just of the Son of God claiming his purchased kingdom and destroying the works of the devil, and driving him from the face of the earth, that man may serve and glorify God his Maker, perfectly in holiness. This is the answer of the Spirit, to the Thoughts of the seve^n worthy gentlemen. Now these thoughts ara placed by seven men, And now thi answer I do bid thee send. The first I thought it was for man and me, That man and I in likeness should agree; Man had my image, and he had my form, He had my Spiiit breathed into him ; All my thoughts weie to make his bliss complete, I irade a helpmate for to finish it So this; I say. was my first thought for man. I caus'd a sleep to biing the second on. And ( 43 ) And when my second did to man appear, He saw his helpmate, and admir'd her there, Whom Satan's arts did instantly betray, He broke their peace and close to them did lay. And on their Maker Satan caft the blame, Then my third thought as quick as lightning came I'd bear the blame the man did caft on me, And Satan fhould the blame was cafl ou he. So this I say was my third thought for man- The tree of life did in the garden Hand, And had he e*ten as pronounced dead. Then he had Hv d for ever, as 'twas said, __ Under the fall pronounced dead by me, Then how in life could man and I agree? So, to secure him fiom that fatal curse,_ _ Out of the garden he was sudden call; ^ . And so the tree of life did there r<-main.^ t > The flaming sword to cut the serpent down, Whene'er the woman did my promise claim, To claim the promise I made her atTir';, So now's the time the serpent mult be~caft : So if men now do miss the glorious thougKfT" Then their destruction is for ever wroughC^^ And on their heads my vengeance it muufaTl7 For men or devils now muft pay for all : -~~~^. So here I've Ihewn my fourth thought for man, How to preserve him I have laid my plan. ~ _^ So now my fifth thought fhall to man appear I caus'd the aik to shew my judgment theie ; ^ And then I sai ' mankind I would destroy, But in the ark mankind did life enjoy, And on the waters then the ark did move, And in the ark there was the harmless dove That brought the olive-branch of peace for man, E'en so the seal is given to thy hand ; y_ And know the rainbow it was plac'd by me, And know the rainbow it was sent to thee ; So altogether you may now weigh deep, Here's ev'iy thing to save n y frighted sheep. For my sixth thought it was to build the ark, And leave the subtle tempte. in the dark; That as the worid of sin was swept away, Whom Satan's aith had caus d f o follow he, Then surely after he muit go the same ^- 1_ ^- And now 1 ve uVwn jou rry six'h thought for man. 1 hen now the .seventh thought it mutt appear, The biazen serpent, see the myft'iy clear, That ( 44 ) That full of fire I order' d man to make, And so that ivav to kill the pois'nous snake, Or for to cure trie i"^ he made in man, And deep's th> s^vei'th thouglit ait-> you com* j For now the brazen serpent, ali ihall see. Will cure the ftiug of sin for man and thee, And all that look to me thai! now receive The promis'd blessing 1 to her did give So now the seventh I have ended here, For man and me alike I aow compare ; And let th^se thoughts be publilhed jp man, And closely after let my answer come. For here the seven stars they did appear, -^- And in them were my seven Spirits there; And seven golden candlefticks they be, As in the vision I d.d (hew to thee ; So now the sparkling light (hall soon appear, Tor^vith the law the seven placed were, To have the glorious light to Israel come, And bciifg the ark back unto them again ; For by the eighth I fhall the gospel join Unto the Revelations of St. John Thou putt'ft my seals the first and second star, And to confirm the truth I sent thee here The promise of the gospel with my seal- And now the myst'ries 1 shall all reveal. The man and woman do together sit, As I ordain'd, to make my words complete; And of temptations they do both complain, And upon Satan both do call the blame Then sure the serpent he must now be cast, He brought my seal, which seals your peace at last; And as the olive branch it shail appear, And in my book you all are sealed there ; Because a third book thou wilt have to sea!, And ht"i the myst'ries I shall all reveal, And let that sea) be sealed then within, For ev'ry myst'ry must to all be seen. And now I'll tell thee why 1 piac'd this maa, . Because unto thee he did bring the seal That shall the Revelations all reveal; And as my picture doth to thee appear, Just so my face you all shall see it clear. One side is darken'd like the minds of mtn Whose harden'd hearts do Satan's fetters bind, And unto him they do give ev'ry will, And so my blacken'd face they all shall feel, But on the other side there is a li^ht, And *Q my friends shall find my cv'ry <{ht. THE THE EIGHTH THOUGHT n the Sixth Book of the Pmpbecies of JOANNA SOUTHCOTT of xeter, respecting the Day of Judgment -finished Jan. 9, 1802. Adam ! where art thou ? was the call of Jehovah to the first man after the fall. His conduct bespoke his shame that he had sinned. Naked and ashamed he was found with a human imperfect covering of fig-leaves. The answer he gave for his disobedience was, " The woman tboii gavest me, gave me the evil and I did eat!" Here he cast the blame upon his frail partner, whereas the man and woman (being the perfect man) ought not to have been divided against themselves, but ought to have been one in spirit, and one in perpetual unity and innocence. But the woman had sinned here, The serpent had beguiled her in the original, there was the source, spring, and foundation of the evil." Here it appears the man cast the blame wrong, by blaming the Lord in saying, the woman thou gavest me deceived me. He ought to have gone farther, and laid the axe of truth to the root of the corrupt tree ; and said, the serpent beguiled us and we did eat. Hid he toid the truth he had then shamed, cast, and bound the devil : but alas ! his posterity have ielt the falshood : perpe- tual evil, perpetual rnmity* and perpetual falshood has been entailed on all. The devil has reigned to this time on earth triumphant. However the infinite wisdom and mercy of God was soon manifested in a promise to the seed of the woman in order to com- fort and heal the breach, by saying, that her seed should bring the blow on Satan, and order and unity in time should again be manifested in the man-wo- man. He said to Satan, " cursed art thou above every creature :" I have found a ransom I will pay the price for the man's redemption, and Lhou shalt M bear bear the woman's blame, thou art a transgressor, and thou shalt ultimately feel it. Thou hast re- belied against the order of my creation, justice shall have its course ; thou hast sinned against me in heaven and upon earth, therefore, I will die for man, and the woman's blood shall lie upon thy head : then whcre's thy ground on earth receive thy doom, the pit, there twist in flames, and there thy like deceive ! Then Cain received thy doom from Abel's blood. Then where is Pharaoh and h;s host ? Judge then, need Moses fear ! Where is the lion fall'n : and the pit has oped its mouth---the cover- ing's dropt the Lamb has nought to fearthen roar no more to shake the earth and sea. Where now's the eagle and vultur'd host- thy wings are plucked on earth, she stands defenceless, the fatal net bene;;th---The dove now has protection, she ranges earth and sea, and soars aloft unhurt, un- feared to carry peace to all. The ark is opened now, she brings the olive branch the floods are past, where now's the giant race ? Who pressed on Lot? 'Twas thee the proud oppressor ! where art thou now? Where is thy pride and city ? Knowest thou the words, come out ! come out ! let Sodom feel its doom. Where now is Lot ? At Zoar safe ! Where is his wife ? Is she not salt all ? The writ- ing's on the wall Thou lewdly rcvellcst with the bo\vls of God -Thy kingdom's past away- Now see my Daniel rise. Who cast him in the den ?- 'Twas thee ! Thou rolledst the stone, thou sealedst his doom- the roaring lion thee ! Then let the stone r* turn, the seal be broke, and go thou in his stead. V> here is the image gold arid Bci ? Where is proud I ahei's buildtr ? Confusion is thy name : coi : u>, u is thy doom ! Let Bel asunder burst ! the pi.ch, and tar, and walls of wood expose thy make ; dent it and < 47 ) and craft and pass in flames away. The God of Daniel stands- Da iel rise up ! six days are past the seventh now is hereseven times refined and purifkd in innocency come. The emerald unhurt in fire displays great Judith's son-- Let Urim's light and Thummim shine in bright perfection's day. The twelve men stand upon the plate the fourth denotes great Judah's son, who is the rightful heir. The stones denote old Jacob's sons, their light and quality - they shine as stars in Jesus ciown upon the woman's head The sun unveiled shall now arise --The moon from scarlet shall emergeThe sturs from darkness now appear to light the mid- night hour Then where art thou, O Satan ! where are thy heads, and horns, and dragon's tail, which slew and hurt the living stars ! where are thy rays of firethy watry floods-- behold they are past away The woman's fears of thee are o'er---the wilderness receives her child, whose iron rod now feel. The pit has oped its mouth- -thou now art cast, shut up and sealed---The Saints now judge the earth. The Omnipotent is here, in power, and Spirit in the word--The sword, white horse, and King of Kings has drawn the flaming sword ! Rejoice, ye Saints, rejoice ! The beast, and dragon, mountain, tree, no more shall hurt, devour, becloud the Saint, the gold, and vine. The gold and gems appear- -The mighty earthquake now displays the hidden Son of God. The rod and smitten rock gush forth, and smite and slay, and make alive, now saves, and now destroys. The cloud and glory Jonah's sign dis- play the virtues of the word, the light and darkness shews. The Gospel brings the light and life and death---and death as men obey or mock. The six denotes the suffering time to shew the Son of Man- The sign within the sun The fowls now feast on thee l thee \ Then where's thy former reign? Beneath the rod of Moses see thy fall from heaven's height. Son of the morning, Lucifer, no more oppress--.be thou a fallen star ! Great Og and Agag where are ye ! The walls of Jericho art thou, fall flat ! Jo- shua's rams horns, the seven and twelve, pass Jor- dan's stream- -Where is the lion, bear, Goiiah huge, but in the centre thee. David appears a stripling youth, now tears and slays and slings the stone, and smites thy dragon's head. Now see great David's reign---The temple's stones, unhewed by man in those days, unite, the King of Peace amidst the seven in oil unite, and in a stone with seven eyes appears. The stately fabric now is laid, founded and topped with gems of every hue. The ark of Moses now is built The words, the laws, the scep- tre all unite, and Aaron's budded rod He now is chosen, eat the bread, prepare the sacrifice. John eats the book which sweet and bitter is He pro- phecies, the temple metes, and stands before the Lamb. The temple measures and anoint, and Moses* tabernacle. The witnesses, Matthew and John, as olive trees appear The broken stones of Moses now uplift, renewed in books arise from death. The Lord's anointed reigns---The rods or laws of Ephraim, ten unite in one, and hold by Judah's skirt- The Son of Man o'er Israel reigns - The dry bones now arise---Here ends thy earthly reign. The bond of union now is come- -The mar- riage ring appears. The bride is come The Bride- groom now receives the marriage seal. The law and gospel now unite The moon and sun appear- Caleb and Joshua pass the stream in triumph to re- store. Where now thou Canaanite art thou ? Where all thy madden'd Crew ? Hittites, ( 49 ) -HitHtes, be gone ! no more appear to hurt or to anno/ ; Now Israel's sons in peace succeed and Canaan's land enjoy. Behold, from Edom 1 appear with garments dipt in blood : My sons are freed, and sav'd, and wash'd amidit the purple flood. The law, or moon, imperfect was to save But now the Star points dead-men to the grave. Mercy benign appears- The Gospel Sun embraces all The Spirit and the Bride invite, and oifer wine and milk but not to mockers here. Infinity of Love and Grace ! Gentiles and Jews unite, no more from love to part. Six days are past Peter and James and John, behold my glory in my word. The Law and Prophets now are seen with Jesus' word to fhine But what hall thou, thou Serpent here, to do with love benign ? Tremble and flee, 'tis done. The seals are burst * the vials pour, and end tiiy destiny. Thus a small part of the thoughts of the judg- ments of God pronounced on Satan, with his final overthrow, concludes the writer, who is a gentleman of vast respectability. shall insert, a little further on, an answer to the eighth thought, as explained to me by the Spirit. Now I have gone so far with this book, wherein t have shewn you how every crooked path is made straight concerning Mr. Bruce and I deny the learned werld can. prove the Bible to be from the Lord, and that my writings are not. There is none but God could have brought round such a mystery, to fulfil the Bible, and make every thing appear in a- straight line together. So every man of deep pene- tration And discernment must say, I am a, wonder N U ( 5 ) to .men, if they do not believe it is the Lord's doing, and marvellous in their eyes. But how ! shall tell you another mystery. The worthy Mr. B. Bruce has been represented as a type of Christ ; and Christ it is said is the Son of Kighteousness, to arise with healing in his wings, by which is meant, to heal the fail of the woman, and so bring in the redemption for man ; and being clothed with him, is meant the clothing of his Spi- rit, which are his words. Now, to bring the shadow fo the substance, let every man know, that as Mr. Bruce is called the shadow, I am now clothed with his clothing, sent to me by his worthy bride ; for a wan and his wife are one: and further let it be known unto all men, that it happened for me to wear it for him in the tenth year. So now weigh deep the letters sent to me by the son of man, and consider well my answers to them by the Spirit of the Lord. And now as Christ died to reconcile the world untoQod, that we might be heirs of God and joint heirs of Jesus Christ; so h.ereby ye are to know, that Mr. Bruce is brought forth unto the world an heir of God and joint heir of Jesus Christ, \vho is ascended on high to receive gifts for men; that is, to be permitted to come boldly before the throne of God to have the act of grace passed for man, and the promise made to the woman fulfilled. So now see clear the ihadow's here, She's clothed with the son, For all his clothing she does wear, And the tenth year is cpme. If you discern how 1 do warn, The shadows first appear, And now you see the son of man His clothing she does wear. But in that day, to you I say, you together meet, Hif His clothing there will then appeav And make the myft'ry great. So now see plain, ye sons of men. The shadow you ma)' see, But as the word is on record, She's clothed now with me ; Who soon shall come to rescue man And free the woman's fall ; As Bruce's letters shew his hand, You'll find my hand in all. And as his word is on record, That he sent by his hand, So mine you'll see alike to be, And both together ftand. So, learned men, no more contend Till you have seen all clear, The woman clothed with the son> A wonder to you here. So in amaze you all may gaze, As Adam did at fit ft, To see the bone, to him unknown, The woman there was plac'd. The woe, you see, she brought on he, And the firft woe for man- But how shall Satan now get free, She cafts her woe on him : Then sure her woe on him muft g4, And man muft now be free, If you do plead as Bruce has said, Imputed all fiiall be. Unto you men I tell you plain, As jury-men appear, And now the woman's cause maintain, Then as a judge I'll clear. For as a judge. I'll surely come When you the cause do try, And Satan shall receive his doom, The woe for him is nigh. So now you see the myftery, Took from the woman's name- She brought her woe on man and me, And both did bear the blame. Though 'twas not (he, I muft tell ye, Did caft the woe on man ; The serpent was condemn'd by flie, And there her woe mult come. Here- Here follows the answer of the Spirit to the Eighth Thought. The seven past, the law of God appear'd, As with the law the seven I compar'd But mark, the eighth does with the Gospel join, To brin'g the Revelations to mankind ; And as my angels did my servant warn, Just so my Spirit he did not discern Working within him deep in ev'ry thought, For Satan's doom is plac'd in all he wrote : For as the woman he by arts betray'd, The sword of juftice now is on his head, And he's the Cain shall now receive his doom From Abel's blood, and Abel's now in man. For now of Sodom here his thoughts went deep *Tis Satan's doom, the flames on him shall break, For now the myst'ry ev'ry one shall see The woman stands the pillar now for he, That is, I tell you, for to catch him there, The liquid fire shall on his head appear : Jf she for disobeying in one word Became a judgment-pillar of her Lord, Then now my judgments he shall surely feel If e'er he tempts my chosen, bhe doth seal, A ,id now a pillar she shall be for man, Of salt to savour those can judge her hand- Mark we]l the shadow did so strong appear, When fire from heav'n was on Gomorrah there ]Butcan you deem my judgment soseveie To turn the woman in a pillar there, Had 1 not set the type for the mil days That all may see the justness of my ways* For as th'j woman there he did condemn . For disobedience, and to salt fhe came, Then now the woman I'll make salt for all, And Satan now shall find her final fall, ] fhe goes on to disobey like she, Then the same net is surely.laid for he. And now the woman shall like salt appear, She'th seal'd my people as I commanded hef, And jf the tempter ever looks to them, Then Sodom and Gomorrah's now his doom. Was Lot my friend, and did I save tlv m ? Did he preserve my angels that, to him c^. A -id did such judgments to hu wife appeal i? Miflaken man, y tn never knew me hue I sent that judgment to the woman there, That in the end she may like salt appsar, To t-\\ the tempter he was bound the same, And now like Sodom ha shall feel the rla The Revelations to your view Must make the learned bend. The woman clothed with the son You'll find must first appear, The Marriage of the Lamb must come, My seal it muft appear. All this is done by my command, Then judge your summer nigh, For my elert shall ever stand, And Abba, Fathe"r, cry. 'Tis spoke of tike, let all men see, That such one must arise; So if your bibles plain you see, There's none can blind your eyes. For what impostor can take place, 'f uiseJy you discern ? *Tis but a dark benighted race, That fools can never harm. Now I am come to the end, I shall clear up the beginning, to prevent my readers from stumbling, as I did when I was told that the harvest should be hurt, as they had brought a burthen on me it should fall on the land. I then thought within myself, will the Lord afflict a whole nation for the sake of a few. But I v^i#n^vvered, thou knowest not what man is; the hearts of all men-are known , unto me, and were thy writings public, thousands would mock as they do, for nothing but judgments -t will awaken your land. The truth of this I soon found to follow as soon as my writings \vere put in print. So let no one say, afflictions came lor a few, ( 56 ) few, they came as the jiearts of most men were alike. And now I shall inform my readers what part of my writings have been fulfilled since I began to publish in 1801, and what are hasten- ing on. FULFILLED. See Page i& 53 60 84 94 126 141 161 162 197 200 HASTENING ON See Page 8 27 29 37 46 79 87 109 120 l6o 172 180 The last eight pages of the Book of Letters are hastening on. The prophecies in that book are deeper than any man can imagine. JOANNA SOUTHCOTT. Entered at the Stamp Office, Somerset Place, London. Sold at Mr. SYMONS'S, Gandy's-lane, Exeter ; and by Mr. ELIAS JAMESON FIELD, No. 3, Broad-Court, Long- Acre, London. G. Floyde, f rimer, High-street, Exeter. THE Strange Ejfefts of Faith : BEING A CONTINUATION OF JOANNA SOUTHCOTT's PROPHECIES OF THINGS WHICH ARE TO COME. I SHALL now anfwer for myfelf to the public; as I have Tent printed letters throughout the kingdom by divine command. I anfwer for myfelf, that I have written no cunningly devifed fable, nor have built my faith on a fandy foundation: but I mud entreat my readers to fearch the fcriptures; for in them, ye think ye have eternal life : for the fe are they which teftifyofme, or i'ome fuck one to ? rife before man's redemption can ever come. The fpint and the bride mud come. Then whofoever will, may come, and take of the waters of life freely. But here my readers Avill fay, I ha-ve begun at the Revelations, and have ended at Genjfai. i^mr% jHm^iuft go back with your bibles, if yop*% ill ever trace the divine footfteps of the Lordfor his footfteps have bee^i hid in the great deep, and his paths paft man's finding out I am Al- pha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the firft and the laft. The Lord (aid he would make man in his own image j and he faid, it was not good for the man to be alone. I will make an helpmate for him. Now let U3 reafon together faith the Lord; but O man A where ( 58 ) where is thy reafon, if I Am the fir/I I faid at firft. It was not good for the man to be alone ; and made the woman to be his helpmate to complete his happinefs. Now if I am the la/I, (he muft complete it at laft. What I 'laid at firft I muft complete at laft. But know, fatan came after me at firli, and as he now Hands I was the beginning, and fatan is the ending, if I flop here; then how can I be the fir/I and the la/I; if I do not accomplifh at laft what I faid at firft ? Now here is the wifdom of the wife men perifhed, and the underftanding of the prudent men hid. My word at firft, was, it was not good for the man to be alone. My word at laft is now the fame. The man is evil here alone. The pride of man afpires to be a god. " Too plain I fee as he'th his Maker's form, They judg'd my honour all their own ; If I had fo ordain'd my plan, To give my wifdom all to man. Your fpints you do little know, S.;,an would fwell your pride below ; .But as the woman doth appear, She never was a favloin here. Nor in my bibie faid to be, Then here you ail may honour me ; To fay the woman, now is good, Becaufe in her the light has flood ; Tho' weak as water fhe appears, The fpirit of the Lord is here. And on. the water now doth move. That all mankind may know my love ; For I'll divide the day from ni;.jht, Bring every myflery to your fight." And now I fhall give you a clear prophecy from the bible, placed backward, as the fun went backward for Hezechiah, when he was pronounced to die, but when the Lord promifed to prolong his life, it was by the fign of the fun going backward ten degrees. Now when the Lord giveth a newnefs of life to man, the bible muft be placed backward, the fame, to {hew you he ( 59 } he hath renewed his covenant with you, and raifed you from death unto life, by as pleafant and fweet a fruit as the figs were when applied to Hezechiah, and the Lord added to his life fifteen years, after he "was pro- nounced to die. And when the-bible goeth backward, then the Lord will add to man all the promifes in the bible which I have fet before you and know that his promifes are yea and amen. Then is it not your pri- vilege to plead them? fo the following lines are from the bibie, and I fhall give you the explanation of them in part, and then judge for yourfelves. " The fpirit and the bride fay, come : and let him that heareth. fay, come, and let him that is athirft, come." " For the marriage of the lamb is come, and his wife hath made herfclf ready." <; Thy Maker is thy hufband, the Lord of Holts is his name, and thy Redeemer the holy one of Ifracl; the God of the whole earth fhall he be called for the Lord has called thee as a woman for fa ken ; and grieved in fpirit, and a wife of youth; when thou waft rcfufed faith thy God, and all thy children fhall be taught of the Lord, and great fhall be the peace of thy children; in righteoufnefs fhalt thou be eftablifhed- Thou fhalt be far from op- preflion, for thou fhalt not fear; and from terror, for it fhalt not come near thee. Behold, they fhall furely gather together, but not by me. Whofoever fhall gather together againft thee, fhall fall for thy fake." 4; In forrow thou {halt bring forth thy children: thy defire fhall be to thy hufband, and he fhall rule over thce." " No weapon that is formed againfl thee fhall profpcr : and every tongue that fhall rife againft thee in judgment thou fhalt condemn. This is the heritage of the fervant of the Lord. And their righteoufnefs is of me, faith the Lord.' 5 " I will rJut enmity be- tween her feed and thy feed, and it fhall bruife thy head." ii I Jefus fent my angel to teftify unto you thefe things in the churches. I am the root and o'fF- fpring of David, and the bright, and the morning ftar." A 2 "I ( 60 ) " I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the firft and the laft." " Blefled are they who do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life." " For the mountains mail depart, and the hills be moved; but my kindnefs (hall not depart from thee: neither (hall the covenant of my peace be moved, faith the Lord, that hath rnercy on thee. O thou afflicted, to fled with tempeft, and not comforted. Behold, I will lay thy {tones with fair colours and lay thy foundations with fapphires and I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles and all thy borders of pleafant flone^." " A garden en- clofCjd is my filter; my fpoufe: a fpring fliut up, a fountain fealed, a fountain of gardens, a well of living waters: and ftreams from Labanon. Awake, O north wind, and come: thou fouth blow upon my garden, that the fpices thereof may flow out: let my beloved come into' his garden, and eat his pleafant fruits." "Who is this that cometh up from the wildernefs, leaning upon her beloved? fet me as a feal upon thy heart; and as a feal upon thy arm." ct For lo! the winter is paft, the rain is over and gone, the flowers ^ppeaf upon the earth, the time of the fmging of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land." " The fig-tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good fmell. Arilc, my love, my fair one. and come away. Oh! my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the (e- crct places of the flairs; let me fee thy countenance: let me hear thy voice; for fwcct is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely. Take us, the foxes, the little foxes, that fpoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feed- eth among the lillies." " The law of the wife is a fountain of life, to depart from the fnarcs of. death." " in the fear of the Lord is ftrong confidence; and his children fhall have a place of refuge. The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life to depart from the fnares of death death. Wifdom refteth in the heart of him that hath understanding: but that which is in the midft of fools is made known. Righfeoufnefs exalteth a nation: but fin is a reproach to any people. Therefore the un- godly fiiall not (land in judgment: nor iinners in the congregation of the righteous, for the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly ihall perifli. Kils the fon left he be angry, and ye pe- rim from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a lit- tle ; blefied are all they that put their truft in him I will declare the decree; the Lord hath faid unto me, Thou art my fon, this day have I begotten thee. Aik of me, and I will give thee the heathen for thy inheri- tance, and the uttermoft parts of the earth for thy poffef- iion: fojourn in the land, and I will be with thee. and will blefs thee: for unto thee, and unto thy feed I will give all thefe countries: and 1 willperform the oath \vhich I {'ware unto Abraham thy father: and I will make thy feed to multiply as the ftars of heaven, and will give unto thy feed all thefe countries: and in thy feed mall all the nations of the earth be blefied: becaufe that Abraham obeyed my voice: and kept my charge, my commandments, my ftatutes, and my laws. And God faid, let us make man in our owa image, after our likenefs: and let them have dominion over the fifh of the lea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth fo God created man in his own image: in the image of God created he him, male and female, created he them: and l.od blefTed them, and God faid unto them, , be fruitful and multiply, and replenifh the earth, and fubdue ir, and have dominion over the fid of the fea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveih upon the earth. And there (hall be no more curie: but the throne of God, and of the Lamb (hall be in it: and his fervants ihall ferve him: and they {hall fee his face; ana his name Ihall be in their (heir foreheads. And he faid unto me thefe fayingsare faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy" pro- phets fent his angel to Ihew unto his fervants the things which muft {hortly be done. Behold, I come quick- ly : blefled is he, that keepeth the fay ings of the pro- phecy of this book. And he (hewed me a pure river of water of life, clear ascryftal, procr eding out of the throne of God, and of the Lamb: in the mid ft of the ilreet of it, and on either fide of the river was there the tree of life, which hath twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month, and the leaves of the trees were for the healing of the nations. And he that fat upon the throne, faid, behold, I make all things new. And he faid unto me, write, for thefe words are true and faithful and he faid uiao me, it is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the b- gin- ning and the end. I will give unto him that is athir it of the fountain of the water of life freely he that over- cometh (hall inherit ail thing?: and I will be his God, and he fhall be my fon. And I faw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomlcfs pit, and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old ferpcnt, which is the devil, and fatan, and bound him a thoufand years; and catt him into the bottomlefs pit, and (hut him up, and let a feal upon him, that he fhoutd deceive the nations no more til! the thoufand years mould be fulfilled. And I faw heaven opened, and behold, a white borfe, and he that i'at upon him was called faithful and true: and in ri-;htconlhc(s he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns ; and he had a name written that no man knew, but IK* himfclfj and he was clothed with a vefture dipped in !;Un d, and his name is called the word of Co;]. And there appeared a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed vith the fun, and the moon, underher (-ft. and upon herhcad^a crown oftwclvc {tars. And Ihe being \\ith child, cried, travailing in binh, and p-.i*.i"d to be delivered. And I heard a loud voice, faying ( 63 ) faying in heaven, now is come falvation and flrengtb, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Chrift: for the accufer of our brethren is call down, which accufed them before our God day and night, and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their teflimony. And they that dwell upon the earth fhall rejoice over them, and make merry, and lhall fend gifts one to another ; becaufe thefe two prophets tormented them who dwelt upon the earth. And after three days and a half, the fpirit of life from God entered into them, and they flood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon them who faw them. And hath made us kings and prielts unto God and his Father to. him be glory and dominion for ever and ever, amen. And when thefe things begin to come to pa is, then look up, and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth m_h. And he fwallow- ed up death in victory, and the Lord God (hall wipe away tears from off all faces, and the rebuke of his people lhall he take away from off all the earth; for the Lord hath fpoken it, and it fhall be faid in that day; lo! this is our God: we have waited for him, . and he will fave us : this is the Lord, we have waited for him : we will be glad, and rejoice in his falvation. Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which kecpeth the truth may enter in. Thou wiit keep him in perfetl peace, whofe mind is (layed on Thee, be- caufe he trufteth in Thee. And the key of the houfe of David will I lay upon his fhoulder. So he fhall open, and none fhall fliut; and he fhall fhut, and none fhall open. And I will fatten him as a nail in a fure place, and he fhail be for a glorious Throne to his fa- ther's houfe. And it fhall come to pafs, in the day that the Lord fliall give thee relt from thy forrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou was made to fsrve. Therefore with.joy fliall yc draw water out of the wells of lalvaiion. And in that day fhal] ye lay, praife the Lord, call upon his name, declare f 64 ) declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted. The wolf alfo fhall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard mail lie down with the kid and the calfj and the young lion, and the falling together, and a little child'ihall lead them. The rem- nant mall return, even the remnant of Jacob unto the mighty God: for he faith, Are not my Princes, alto- gether Kings? Bind up the teftimony : feal the law among my difciples. Behold I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for figns and for wonders in Ifrael. Afk thee a fign of the Lord thy God; aik it either in the depth, or in the height above. They that truft in the Lord mall be as mount Zion ; which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever; as the mountains are round about Jerufalem ; fo the Lord is round about his people from henceforth, even for ever. For the rod of the wicked fhall not reft upon the lot of the righteous. A/id the elders of Jabefh faid unto him, give us f even days refpite, that we may fend meffengers unto all the coafts of Ifrael, and then if there be no man tofavcus we will come out to thee. And Rebecca took goodly raiment of her cldeft fan 'Efau, which were with her in the houfe, and put them upon Jacob her younger fon. And I will make of thee a great nation, and will blcfs thee, and make thy name great, and thou fhalt be a blefling: and I will blefs them that blefs thee, and curfe him that curfeth thee; and in thee fhall all families of the earth be blefled. And the Lord God faid; it is not good that the man mould be alone, I will make him an help- ir.ate for him, And the Loid God caufcd a deep flcep to fall upon Adam, and he flcpt, and he took one of his ribs, and ciofed up the flefh inftead thereof; and the rib which the Lord God had taken from man nlade he a woman. And the fpirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God faid, let there be light, and there was light and God faw the light that it was good. I have given my readers ths prophecies of the bible, Bible, as I was ordered to fulfil the fcripturcs, to begin with the laft, and to bring it back to the tirtt, that the firft may be lalt, and the lalt may befirlt: and {peak from the parable of the labourers being called into the vineyard, at the eleventh hour to receive equal with th?m wh? have born the' burthen and the heat of the day ; and here is the lad hour for man. The fir (I man, Adam, had every promife made him to be in the like- nefs of his Creator. Mal^ and female created HE them' at the time the heavens had fuffered violence, and man hath been purfued by violence ever fmce the creation. Men have ufed violence one with another, as the fallen angels did in heaven before they were caft out; and the promife was made to the faithful that they mould fight and overcome on earth, as the angels did in heaven. Now to gain this promife, men have born the burthen and heat of men's anger: witnels all the prophets, apoftles and martyrs what they fuf- fered from the violence of men. Thus heaven and earth have fuffered violence, and in the likenefs of men I came down to dwell amonglt them : And in their likenefs I died with them. And fo far is the likenefs of man and ME And heav'n and earth {hall now agree; For in man's likenefs I'll appear, At firft the heavens I did clear ; , And caft the rebel from my throne, And in my likenefs foon V.vas known: The earth all in confulion flood, Tho' all things I pronounced good; As good in heaven did all appear > But now the myfteries I (hall clear. Proud Lucifer, from heaven's high throne, Judg'd he had power like my own ; And fo in heaven he did fwell, And made the angels to rebel, And fo the tumult it went on ; Xh" wars \vtth niiiTU are unknown. Before I caft the rebel down,' Ua eafih the likcneis ioou was found; B And ( 66 ) And fo on earth it hath gone on, As it in heav'n at firll begun. But now your privilege you may fee, Awake, mankind, and act like me; To caft the rebel from your thro And then the earth is all your own. (, So in my likenefs now appear, And then the myfteries I (hall clear. "When you begin to aftlike me In my perfection ail flia.ll fee: Your kingdom mall in glory fcurfr, When you the rebel here have caft ; For now you fee the journey's end, Ip hcav'n the rebel I made bend ; And caft him headlong from my throne, And then in peace, to all be 't known, P^ifl the heav'ns alone poflefs, And now my likenefs I'll place this : _/ Let men, as Gods, now boldly {land,-^L If they this earth will now command; Then now as Gods they mult appear, And boldly tell the Scrpenthere,^^ _~ That earth was never made lor he, And with the woman all agree. "~ It was for man the earth was made, _ When the foundation hril was laid ; And now the earth you've all gone Survey vour lands, and claim your And fee the land marks, how they're ^lac'd, And now arife, ye fallen race. i__ And fay, as Gods we now {hall be ' Thou ipok'ft the truth, we'll conquer thce , For in God's likenefs we'll appear, Our Saviour died our guilt to clear ; Theo now HIS promife v.-e do He made the woman at the time ; _ That we mould furely bruife thy head", And now that promife is our plfad_' L ____ '1 hat we may have this earth our owr, 1 ike God, thy power for to unthrone; And in his likenefs to appear, We do not want thy pretence here, For to direr! us what to do, Our God, our God, we wiih to know ; And HIM to fervc. and to obey, We fee the lanv: -arks, how they lay. . I hat we are liken'd to our God, By every footllep we have trod. Chrift . .. for us. jipd we^for mm, AnTplain the likenefs now'is feen. Thert as the likenefs doth appear, Our God for us muft conquer here ; By every promife HE hath made, We fee the land marks how they're laid. The following words were from myfelf, 4 burfting into tears and thankfulnefs at the unbounded good- nefs of God, for the clear manifeftation of his love to man. 41 Glory", honor, praife and power, " Be unto ihe Lamb for ever, " For thou'rt worthy of a God, To have the power and tife the rod. The anfwer of the fpirit to thefe words: Then now let all men fay the fame, And they fhall know their Maker's name ; That in my likenefs they appear, For in the woman I (land here: So with the woman let them (land, And every promife now command, That I have placed before them all, For fo my kingdom now {hall fall ; And to the faithful muft appear, For every myftery I fliall clear, And place them in the fcven here. It is the Mother and the Son, And Abel's vengeance now muft come; And Abraham's promife mull appear, And Ifaac next the truth fee clear; And Jacob's princes n-ow become, And Mofes gain the promis'd land; And Hezekiah muft be found To pray for life, and muft abound To raife a fallen David's throne : Then all thefe land marks are your For I have brought it back to man, That in my likenefs you may ftarui ; And in my likenefs to appear, And then purfue your journey here. As I have brought it back to man, How in my likenefs all do fland ; The woman in her hufband's room, Then, Lucifer, now, know thy doom, B 2 This ( 68 ) This fubject I fhall drop for the preterit, and de- fer the farther explanation of it till another time, and infert a letter that I fent to a gentleman in London, on 2Oth Oftober, 1801. SIR, Exftcr, 10th OB. 1801, I mud beg to inform you, you judge too highly of rrie and Mr. Brothers. The name of the bride, ami the name of Mr. Brothers lead you into'rnittakcn no- tions. Chriit is the bridegroom, believers are the brides; but the fhadow is to one, the fubftanpe to all. It is placed in the Bible, " the bride, the Lamb's wife, hath made herfelf ready ;" that means, by per- fect obedienee to the commands of the Lord, me is ready to declare what is his righteous \vill con- cerning men: That the marriage of the Lamb is come C5 to all that come unto him; that he \\ill join all na- tions and kindreds together as the heart of one man. For the Lord \vill not leave till he be the denre of every nation. You little think what is be- fore you, nor how true my writings have been this year; but another year will convince you my pro- phecies will come on faft. The name of Mr. Brothers {tumbles himfelf and all men. Chrift is the Prince, the King of kings, that \vill rule and reign in every heart, and all believers are his brothers; and when the Lord brings in his glorious kingdom, he will make his brothers kings and princes unto God : for his friends are his brothers; and for your fakes Mr. Brothers has fuffered imprifonment, to mew what his brethren hav v e fuffered for the fake of Chriit, in Mr. Brothers and me. There is a great myttery in his having been in prifon near feven years; and I have fufr'ered imprifonment in mind and heart, in temptation and perfecution, in fbrrows more than pen can paint, or heart conceive, lor near ten years. So So now you fee a myftery, The man and woman piac'd, And bound as prifoners for to be, And ev'ry furrow tafte. And to the fall this calls you all A myftery deep for man : Which at the time, the nations all, In forrow feem'd to ftand. Tumult and war abroad did appear; DiflreiFes were at home. And Zion's travails muft be clear. When he and I did groan. Encom'pafs'd round with ev'ry found, By man that is unjuft: They faid fhe fame, my fenfes gone, And both alike were phic'd. But foon you'll fee a myftery, When heaven frees our chains. Then your dehv 'ranee you will fee, That never felt cur pain. In heart and mind, what did we find! Temptations firong within, Encompafs'd round wuh ev'ry found, And fore afflictions feen. What we went through you do not knew : But this you do difcern Becaufe the prifon's in your view, Which keeps the man from harm. While I without, fo full of doubt, Feel ev'ry travail pain Of jealoufy and mifery, While faith and fear remain. Left to go on, and ftumble men ; Their fenfes all feem loft: They know not who does guide my hand; Nor can their wifdom bcaft That they cou'd f;e as clear as me, Of what was haft'ning on : Nor how their bows now broken be; The wife men are become To mifs their mark, and in the dark, They'll be benighted foon; And. like the blind, the wail can't find * They're fun-clouded at noon. f If they can't fee the myfteiy. To (hivers all are broke, And, like the clock, ftrike fixty three, And mifs in every flroke. For For thirty one it ftruck at ten, And thirteen at eleven : But when it to the middle eamc, Two ftrokes alone were givert. So it began, and fo went on, With random work all round ; And when unto the four it came, Full fixty flrokes were feund. So by the clock, from every ftroke, No man could judge the hour, And fo to men it now is come, It's all beyond their power. For random work did all begin, And random work will end ; And you will fee a myflery, In all that I have penn'd. And every line you'll fine goes deep, To Olivers all are broke, For like the clock the wife men fpeak^ And mifs in every ftroke. So if the hour you wifh to know, You rnuft look to the dial ; For like the ftroke the words did flow'j And every word did fail. As I have faid, they were mifled, As Ahab's prophets were, To tell the king for to go on In fuch a random war. But for the dial, it did not fail, But every hour did keep ; So all might fee, that look d at it, That random* it did fpeak. Now I'll explain what this doth mean ; The church clock it came from, That regular in hours went, But ev'ry hour ftruck wrong. So from the clock, and from the ftroke, I'll fully anfwer here ; Ihe dial was true, bring to your view, The Bible does not err. f To run their Bibles fo, That every word they fpeak is wrong, . The truth from none you know. .Tor every hour 's beyond their power, For man to fpeak aright ; Unlefs it's by the Spirit's power, To bring it to their fight. * The clock ftruck at random. Then to the Bible you muft look, To fee how all is plac'd; The man the truth he did forfake, And did his Lord difgrace ; s To blame the partner of his foul, And caft the blame on Heav'n : The Serpent muft been fcreen'd from all, Had not her word been given. And now, alone, (lie makes her moan, And does for vengeance call, For men to free her mifery, And break the bonds for all. As man was bound, as fhe was found For to bring on his guilt, But (lie is free a myftery No prifon fhe has felt. Becaufe no blame (he <:aft on man, Nor did her Maker blame ; 'Twas but the Serpent (he condemn'd, And now fhe cries the fame. So how can {he in prifon be ? Will you the woman caft ? And fay the Serpent now you'll free, And let his malice burft ? Upon you all it fure muft fall, To ftrike the woman dead ; Then with the Devil you muft fall, No advocate to plead. For if you (land, be 't known to man, The woman muft you free ; And Chrift in her muft fure be found, In freedom left for man. , For in the fall, I tell you all., She no man did condemn. When on her head the blame was laid, The Serpent did appear ; And on his head the blame fhe laid, Will you condemn her here ? Then Satan he, a man muft be, Much ftronger than at firft, And there's no way you can be fcreen'ti ; Your advocate is loft. Here I (hall tell you die myftery of the clock. I was at Sowton, near Exeter. I was there one day in 1796, and took notice of the church clock, how it (truck. At ten it (truck thirty-one at eleven it itruck thirteen at t \velve it ilruck two at three it flruck one ( 72 ) ' one at four it ftruck fixty at five it ftruck fixty- tbree and at eight (they fay) it ftruck forty; but I cannot remember every hour. It was then deeply explained to me as a type of the nation. I am, &c. JOANNA SOUTHCOTT. Having received letters from many different men, that they are the gods of the earth, and the Lord will reveal himfelf to no other: their letters were anfwer- ed to me in the following manner. Now I ihall anfwer thee and all mankind. They fhall know I am lov- ing unto every one, but to ftrip man of the pride, that the fallen angels had, I took a bone from him in Para- dife to preferve him at laft And therefore man alone is. imperfect; then how can an imperfecl man afpirc to .perfection ? I tell thee there is no perfection in man, and had he been made the perfect man alone without the woman, Satan would have fwelled him with as great a pride, as he did the fallen angels; and men and devils would have perifhed together: for men would afpire to be gods by the arts of Satan therefore the bone that I took from man, and the tree of life which I pre- ferved for man, fhall be for his prefervation at laft. And all men fhall know the fame hand that brought him the evil fruit, fhall bring him the good fruit and as a child is nourifhed by his mother's milk: fo ye muft become as new-born babes to defire the fincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby and now all men fhall know thefmccrc milk of the word muft come from the woman, that no man may boaft. But when ye are come to ftrongcr years, then will the fcriptures be opened to your view. For then you all will fee the winr. That I'm the roor, and thou'rt the vine; And then the wine mud all appear, And MOW the luvftcrtes I Oiull C!C;T. Man wtia his Maker cLa contend, But now 'us drawing i> an end, That I (hall fo contend 'with ail, And prove to man I knew his fall. without ( 73 ) y Without the woman would appear, +'^ And now without the womanjiere, Do men as gods afpire to he, And fay the knowledge of the tree Is furely placed in them alone, And they as gods my mind have known, Mert how as gods they may appear, But I (hall fully infwerhere; That they as gods fhall never come, Till they are joined to thtir bone ; And with the woman do agree To take the fruit held out by {he ; And then I'll join them to the vine, And all (Hall know the root is mine ; Who took the partner from my heart, As I at firft the man did partj To take from him one fmgle bone, To be his helpmate then alone. But as his helpmate he did blame, By her I'll put rriankind to fhame; And as his rival will appear: I died the woman's guilt to clear. And nov> in her I'll clear the whole, And bring all to the gofpel pole. So let the barren womb appear, That I pronounc'd fo blefledhere: And fee the paps that ne'er gave fuck 4 Sft full of every perfecl milk, And perfeft it (hall now appear; For all my gofpel now I'll clear; As indignation I did fee, In my difciples for to be; To fee the woman on my head, Give me fuch honour as {he laid: So on my head me doth appear, And honour to me file brings here: Which men's proud hearts cannot approve, Becaufe yourfelves too much you love, And all my love you have forgot, When I your ranfom dearly bought, When hailed to the curled tree Appear, vain man, and anfwer me, How you can ftand without your bone? s You fay you're gods, aftd gods alone, , ,/} / Then gods alone appear to be, f\ But never afk an help from me; J**f For I fhall never help you here, * But in your helpmate all I'll clear ; C Secaufs ( 74 ) Becaufe my ways- are not like man, You know not how I've laid my plan ', For your redemption to appear And prove my wifdom did not err. "When I the woman fir ft did form, Though man too foon my ways did fcorr. And now vain men, I'll fcorn you all, That now defpife the woman's call ; For you fhall find I'm not like man, For to defpife my father's plan : But in the woman I'll appear, And your redemption fo I'll clear. Then at the head I now muft ftand, The fecond Adam now to man. And bring the partner from my fide. Whom I have pronounc'd to be the That over her I now do rule, And man muft judge his god a fool ; To let a woman thus appear, In wifdom man can never clear, N In arguments for to confound, That 'tis not like the heavenly found, In every promife made at firft, And here your happinefs muft burft. For now in Adam I do Sand, But as a God, and not as man, Though in your iikenefs I appear, But now the hker.eis I (hall clear; For now I'll cleave unto the bride. As it by Adam was applied ; And to the bride I'll furely cleave, Father and motner now I'll leave ; For to complete my father's wii!. The woman (hall the ferpoct chill ; For I in her will ftrong appear, And all her children llrong I'll cir And vou fhall find I am more than Then how fliall fatari foil her hand, Or dare to pluck her h.ind from me, And now your weaknefs you may fee ; That you could never keep the bride, From fatan's arts that were applied ; But faid flic did you overcome, Then new I'll turn it back on man ; For (he {hall overcome the whole, As 1 in power o'er her do rule; As her defire in me is plac'd, I'll nufwcr now the human race, -And let thy words in print to ftand, And. ien I'll boldly^ anfwcr man ; Tha.: ( 75 ) . ' y That thy define is all to me, And I am the rival all fhall fee; / / ^ That is in power to keep the bride, & f , And throw rny Bible open wide; ^ &1 fry l+* c " Which I {hall do now by her hand, ' For now I fee the pride of man, That they as gods irould now appear, Did not the woman foil them here ; And fo fhe foil'd them at the fnft. When they in Paradife were plac'd; And now the laft (he doth appear. And all lhall find fte'lt foil them here. Here I fhall infert the lines that 1 am ordered, and which I never thought to have made public to the world but now being Commanded I muft obey. 1 was ordered to chule one of thefe two things, viz: to have an inheritance given me with my brethren and fellow-labourers in the Lord or, when 1 had finiftied my work the Lord had given me to do. to depart this lite and be with Chrift. So death or life was put to my choice. But as my deiire is not for this world, but to be with Chrift, which is far better, I gave the following anfwer, which is the defire of my foul; but never intended to,have made it public, though now I am commanded to do it. It is as follows. O my God, my anfwer is ready, when I have finifhed the work thou haft given me to do, for thy own honour and great glory, and the good of mankind. Let me, I pray thee, have a building with God, eternal in the heavens. And when the mighty work is wrought, Receive thy ready bride. Give me in heaven a happy lot, With all the fanciified. For thou that know'ft all things, knoweft I love thee, And that I fet no idol up above thee; I love thee more thaqalifeor interell, Nor haft thou any rival in my breaft, That with my Saviour I can now compare; For O the heavens to me would fcarce feem fair, Unlefs I there behold thy glorious face, And coop all heaven in the dear embrace : So So "here, my Lord, my hand and heart rcfign, And let rae fay my Lord alone is mine. Here i? the anfwer of the fpirit to the above words; Then now I anfwer I'm thy Lord alone, And in thee now I'll lower the pride of man ; And let their fig-leaves now for to appear, And fay we're naked, now we all fee clear. Becaufe as gods we can't afpire to be, Though we are are tcld fo, as they now told thee ; % Then now I afk who 'twas that told them fo ? And will they anfwer now they do not know ; Or will they anfwer fatan in dilguife : Then I will anfwer, men will now aft wife, And then as gods I'll make them t'appear, And give them clothing they did never wear. For on the ferpent both muft caft the blame, And then they find that I'm God the fame. As in the new creation at the firft, And in the woman did man's pleafure bnrfl; When from his fleep he did awake to fee His perfect likenefs in the woman be, A happy union then did foon take place, Awake, awake, O all ye fleepy race, And fee your helpmate ftand before your eye?, Which foon in wonder will you all furprife. Much more than Adam was furprifed at firft, And more than Adam (hall your glory burft ; To fee your helpmate then for to appear, And bring fuch news as you did never hear. And bring fuch knowledge to the fons of men, And fee the good fruit to be handed down : Then all together men will ftand amaz'd, Jn heavenly raptures men \vill ftand and gaze; To what new pitch 01 knowledge are we brought, To know our Maker by a woman taught; To be our father, and to be our friend, To be our Saviour, now from heaven defcend; With heavenly wings then gliding from above, With tranfport joy we fee the harmlefs dove ; ' Bone of our be ne, and flefh like ours to be, Is this the hand that Satan did betray ? ^s this the hand our Saviour did redeeem ? 'Mien now we fee the fountain, and the dream, As from the woman he did come at nrll, And in the woman doth his glory burfl j Ar.A. ( 77 ) And in the woman it doth all appear, And now we fee the light divided here : The man in darkncfs he appear'd at firft, I^.ut from the woman did the light then burft; And in the woman we do now fee clear, Oui Maker's wifdom, when he form 'd her here. O ! b'.efled Maker, how could Adam blame, We fee thy wifdom, and admire the fame. Bleft be the frui:, now given from her hand, We fee thy wifdom in the woman ftand; That all alike we may be perfeft men ; And 'tis by faith we mull perfeftion gain; And 'tis by faith the promifes were made, , Our Maker's wifdom cannot be betray'd. So by thy wifdom we'll receive our bone. And then thefe promifes are all our own; Becaufe we know flie there was took at firft, And now our bone return'th it, back at laft : For we, like Adam, all have been afleep, 1} it now, like Adam we may wake and weep ; With joy and gladnefs we may now behold, O;ir Maker's goodnefs HE hath now unfold'd. And plain we fee we are not perfect men, Utttil our bone is join'd to us again. And here's the pearl that we find was hid, And here's the fountain that at firft was laid, For fure HE wifely then did lay the plan, To raifc the houfe of clay as he began For now his building he hath all gone through, We fee the beauty, and the houfe we know, Is like the corner ftone was laid at firft And in this likenefs all our joys do burft ; And in his likenefs it doth all appear, We fee no fliadow of a turning here; So all together it is like our God, He doth not vary, as before he faid. Then how fhall man like God for to appear, If he do vary from his Maker here ; For every turning now we plainly fee', Is found in man. that now doth turn from HE. Then how God's likenefs can we fee in man, That from his Maker Uv'th his every plan; And judge his ways arc c'ean before his fight, And crooked now tie tnakes the paths fo ftraight; And by thefe crooked paths we now fee clear, That God is right, and men alone do err, As As he does vary from the ways of God, And now the fall of Eve is clearly fhewed; To be as Gods brought on her fall at firft, To be as Gods the Serpent now does burft. As much in man we fee him to appear. As in the woman, when he made her err. So now in both we plainly fee the fall. And now, our God. we fee is all in ail . And all in all HE doth to us appear. And now the day-light we do fee moft clear; If we will come to be the fons of God, We muft confefs the truth of what he (aid. It is not good for man to be alone, We all came naked from our mother's womb ; And.naked thither we will now return, And of her fpirit let us to be born. Becaufe the myftery now we plainly fee, Chnft's kingdom we muft all enjoy that way. For now like Mofes, ye muft all appear; Put Grt your (hoes, the ground is holy here ; For in your fhoes, I fay, you all do ftand, And in your wifdom, I do now fee man To ftand with boldnefsout againft his God, Then you may tremble all at Mofes' rod. If he puts off the wifdom he hath placed. And now. like Mofes, will his God embrace, And now to ftand like Mofes. heretofore, Put off his wifdom, and I'll fay no more. And to God's wifdom let him riow fubmit, And then he'll put the (hoes from off his feet. And then the flaming bufli will faft appear, And IfraePs children may begin to fear ; And fay. my face they tremble for to fee, Deep are "the lines, and great the myftery ; / As many Mofeses, I fay, arc found, To caft their wifdom, all to hear the found ; And fo their (hoes already they've put off, I mean their wifdom, now I've faid enovigh. Then to the flaming bufh they may appear, And then my voice, I fay, they'll furely hear: For deeper myfteries lie before your view, From types and fhaclows all my Bible through ; Bi:t when the fubftance doth to you appear, Then every myftery I (hall furely clear. Here ( 79 ) Here I mall infert part of two letters, that I fent to two reverend divines, on the 6th of December, 1801^ in anfwer to two dreams of the former, and other things relating to the latter : the whole of which may perhaps be given to the world hereafter. Reverend Sirs, I beg pardon for troubling you with a letter; but confcience compels me : and I am commanded to write to you from your dreams. The Lotd is the fame yelterday, to day, and for ever. He warns by dreams and vifions of the night; and the angels of the Lord are miniitering fpirits. You are warned in your dreams of dangers that will fall on minHlers, if they are now carelefs in looking into thefe my[teries,anddonot awake as men out of ileep. This was my prophecy in the be- ginning that when thefword of war ceafed, the fword of the fpirit mud begin. That mcaneth men difput- ing by words, like fwords contending with each other. They that are led by the fpirit of the Lord believing and looking for Chrilt's kingdom, and pleading for it: and they that are led by the fpirit of the devil, believ- ing all a dream, and plea.ding again 11 it. So this con- troverfy will be among men upon the earth, as it was among the angels in heaven, when fatan and his party were calt out: and ib it will be now upon the earth. A holy war will now enfue: and fatan and his party be cut off from the face of the earth. For now the Lord will try men. Who is fbr him, and who is againft him. They that are for him will.poflefs his holy mountain, and he will take the ftumbling-btock out of the* way of his people; and th.-y (hall ei joy his glorious and peaceable kingdom : but thofe that are againit him he will cut oil' -\ m the face of the earth; as the angels were calt out of heaven. Satan mutt fall, and all his friends mult fali with him, as the angels did. The Lord will fend out his deitroying angel to go through {.he land, auci will cut oil men fa'Kr by the plague ( So ) plague, peftilence, or fome other difeafes, than thejr were by the fword of war. But judgment -will begin at the houfe of God: that is, with the fhepherd's of his flock. If they will not give them the warning their blood will be required at the fhepherds handj if they die in their fins. Therefore, it is written their teachers were blind guides, and their priefis were pol- luters of the fan&uary. Woe unto them that go Un- to them ! For now if the blind are leaders of the blind, they will all fall into the ditch together. So this danger ftands before you, and all fhepherds, if you do not awake, as men out of fleep. Now I fhall come to the other dream of the horfe carrying you in- to the pulpit, and you there finding thefe words "and Jefus wept." Then now reflect on his love to man: and now he is come to try men's love to him: and he finds them every where, and in every place cold and lukewarm. Then may he not weep to fee his love fo great for man; to fhed his blood for their fakes, and them fo dead and cold to him ? > " The ox knoweth his owner, and the afs his matter's crib, but^ Ifrael doth not know J my people do not confider.' Your horfe knew his owner, and his matter's crib, to carry you into the pulpit. But mark, what words met you there, " and Jejus wept" to fee you had no fait in yourfelf. but was carried away by every wind that blew. The Lord hath fet an example for man, by faying, ** I will go down, and fee whether thefe things atre fo as they are come up before me." The Lord did not want to go down to know, for his eye is every where prcfent : but he fpoke thefe words as a pattern for man. When ttrange things are brought before them, deep and weighty, they ought to go down and know if it be fo; that they may be clear when ihey judge, and juft if they condemn. Now judge for yourfelf, Sir, if your text may not be applied to you, and uuto ail ministers. Is there not caufe enough to fav fiiy, c< Jcfus wept?" judge the writings which way you will. If you judge them not. of God, where is the re- gard for his honour and great name, to fuffer a woman to go ou, and to lay the Lord faith, if he hath not fyoken. All the letters I have wrote to minifters i,i his name, from 1793 to this time, mu(t now be brought forward before the whole; and how will minifters an- fw r for themfelves, if they judge it not of God? for it is written, <; tho'u fhall not f lifer fin upon thy neighbour:" (Lev. xix. 17.) and this is the fin they ought not to fufTer. Yet they are fuffering the great, ell fm that ever was committed in the world, if they judge the writings not of the Lord to fee his name branded throughout the world to fay he is come in the fpirit of prophecy, fpeaking in the woman, to warn all men of his coming in majefty, and great glory, and great power, to fave his friends, and deftroy his foes. Now if I have faid what the Lord hath not fpoken, are not all the woes pronounced againft me? and would not men fhew their love to God, to put my fooltfli tongue to filence; not to rob God of his honour, and brand his name with arts and lies, if it be lies? how ready are men to contend for their own honour? then ought they not to contend for the honour of God? But on the other hand if it be of God, let men judge for themfelves. When our dear Redeemer came to bear the blame, man caft on him in Paradife, how ready were men, how warm and zealous to caft it on him, and fay, " crucify him, crucify him." They were not wanting to bruife his heel: but now he is come in the Ipim to fulfil the prophecies given to the woman, to bruife the ferpent's head, how lukewarm is man now found ? Not caring whether his head be bruifed or not: but foori- er fay, with the Jews of old, " his blood be on us, and our children:" we will not try to bring it on the head of the ferpent. ' Yet all men know it was prophecied, " the day of vengeance was in his heart." (llaiah Ixiiij fo it mufl fall on man or devils. May not this un- D kind,, I 8* ) kind, cold retfirn in man grieve the holy fpirit of the Lord? And meet every minifter at his pulpit door with thefe words, < and Jefus wept?" This letter I was ordered to fend to you with thefe words " Whe ther he will hear, or whether he will forbear, fpeak my words unto him." I was ordered to have your nc^t^t written in the fealed book; and you are at liberty to come and judge for yourfelf. I know the expence of the journey is great, but the love of Chrift to lay down his life for man was much greater. Confider what a thorny journey he undertook for man. Fatal in- deed muft it now be for all menj if no man would: undertake a journey for his fake, to find out the truth of thefe things. For as the dream did fo appear The roads are fo for man ; The Shepherds may begin to fear s Tke'll feel my heavy hand. If they ftand out, fo full of doubt, They all will tumble down ; The horfe ami rider I fhall throw, That will not judge the found. I well may weep, to fee my (hecp Such carelefs Shepherds have ; When I've fliewn them all fo plain, How they their flocks may fave, In Adam's ftand I now demand The man for to appear ; And tell me from the woman's hand, Why he denied me here. Will you begin as Adam then, The woman we obey'd ; Then I'll confefs the fault is mine, If you be now mifled. B\H if you flee another way, , As man obey'd at firft ; When Satan's arts did her betray, And death on man was call. I told you then, ye fimple men, That he would bruife my heel ; And juft the fame I told you then, The Serpent flic would foil. To bruife his head, as it was faid, And now his head I'll bruife ; If If you like Adam now proceed, And don't her hand refufe. For I'll begin to plead for man, This way I cannot blame ; He*firft obey'd, as (he hath faid, And now he has done the fame. Thenflie and I the caufe muft try, And man muft fure be free. In Adam'fe innocence you're found, In true fimplicity. ^ Five thoufand years, ye now fee. qfcar, Fire men have right obey'd, That now together fealed are, And fix in part are laid. But like the date, it came too late, To have the letter through ; And fo 't will be the end you'll fee, 1 he Century all (hall know. 'Tis now too late, the book is (hut, And all is fealed up; The fix did come by my command* And Satan here muft flop. For I'll begin to place thefe men, To every thoufand paft ; And firft from Adam I'll begin, He right obey'd at laft. And Noah then, I'll prove the fame. And Abraham muft appear ; And Daniel's in the lion den, And Mofes' rod is near. So for the fix, I now will fix, The fhortening of the days ; In true obedience, like the reft, And all (hall fee my ways. That it is come fo much like man, The century's now too late, To have the thoufand yean to ftand, Like every other date. So I'll begin to feal up man, That now obeys my word ; And ftrike the lintels of the doors, And fend my glittering fword. For to go through you all ihall know, And Pharaoh 's hoft deftroy ; My fealed number now fliall come, My kingdom to enjoy. So 't (hall not ftand, by my command, As it hath flood before ; And it (hall never come to paft As men fuppofe it here. D 2 For r 84:,) For I'll go on as I've begun, Anda'l I'll now go through ; And as the people ctirfed thee, I'll bring rt to thy view. They {hall not {land, againft thy hand, For every foul (hall fall ; And now yo;; all fhall fee my ways, I will deflroy them all. So afk a fig n, and thou fhalt find, The fign it {hall be given : And all {'hall fee, it f.'i fhall be., When I the- lump have leavened. The latter part of thefe verfes was addreffed.to the latter divine, and which was explained, to me from a dream of Mrs. Jones. Sh^ detained fhe heard me reading jmy writings, and a fo the (eventh chapter of Ifaiah, the yth and nth verfes particularly. Soon after fhe told me the dream, I went to Mr. Taylor's and a lady who was there, and who firmly believedmy writings herfelf, told me how much Ihe had heard n,e curfed, as they faid, peace and plenty were come, and they judged every thing would go on uell, as it had for years pafl; bu^ as it is in the yth verfe, it will not ftand according to their judgment; and as the fign is mentioned in the nth ve-rfe, it is now faid to me, I fhall afk a .fign, and it mall be granted me, ,to the convincing of you and all mankind I fhall conclude this w-iih the words I finifhed the former divines's letter. I trull you will pardon the liberty 1 have taken, as I have not done it of myfelf ; but fent you a letter as I was ordered by the Sp-irit, word for word) perfcft as indited to me by the Spirit. So J have forwarded it to you, and I truft the will of the Lord will be done in you, and by you. I fhall be happy to fee you in Exeter, with the other minifters, for then you will be a clear judge for yourftlf. I am,&c. JOANNA SOUTHCOTT. I fhall now give fome faint defcription of the man- ner in which I was led in 1792, which brought me to my prophecies. My religion is that of the eitablifhed Church ( 85 ) Church of England ^ hut being of St. Paul's mind, to try all, prove all things, and to hold faft that which is good; knowing God is no refpecler of per- fons; but in every place where his Goipel is preach- ed, it is faid, the Lord is in. the mid It of them; I at- tended conitantly my church, forenoons and after- noons, and received the Sacrament. At the fame time I alfo attended Mr. Wellley's preachers at eight o'clock in the mornings and at fix in the evenings ; thefe hours not interfering with the fervice of the efta- blifhed church; but did not then join their fociety, though I was much invited to do fo. But at Chriftmas, 1792, by divine command, I was ordered to join the fociety, for ends I mould know hereafter, for fome- thing mould happen in the clafs meeting, \\hich would be the means of convincing the people. So I joined them as commanded, but nothing happened till the halter following: the Good Friday I was more than commonly (truck with the love of Ch rift for man; and all his love and fufferings from the manger to the crols appeared before me in fuch lively colours, that it would be fruitlefs to attempt to pen the feelings of my heart. The funday following I was deeply (truck with hearing the 24th chapter of St. Luke's Gofpel read, and particularly noticed thefe words in the 25th verfe, 4i O, fools, and flow of heart to believe all that the prophets have fpoken ! Ought not Chrift to have luffered thefe things and entered into glory?" And how he expounded to them in the fcriptures. This brought all the fcriptures to my remembrance the following day, and thinking with myfelf, that I might fay with our Sa- viour, ye fools, and fK)w of heart, to difbelieve them. How true is God to his word, how true to his promifes? My paft life with the Bible came quick to my remem- brance : and I began to meditate on what manner I was fent to Exeter, praifing the Lord in my heart for all his goodnefs towards me. J was then anfwered I ftiould go to the clafs meeting and fpeak of thefe things, that had been called to my remembrance. But thinking ( 86 ) thinking with myfelf, no one fpoke of part experience in a clafs meeting; how fhould I go to al different from others? But I was anfwered, if thou art afraid to fpeak of the goodnefs of God, I will take it fforri thee. For now thou art comforted, ftrengthen thy brethren. This made me fpeak of the manner of my coming to Exeter in the clafs meeting, which you will fee in my fifth book. This I thought they might judge me fimple, and I was much confufed whilft I was fpeaking. The day following I had a cloud come over my foul in the morning, and all my comfort feemed gone. I went alone, and was e'arneft in prayer, as the comforts of the Lord feemed to* have left me. I was anfwtrted the people at the meeting were mali- cious againft me; hearing me fpeak fo much of the goodne-fs of God, they had been in prayer that the Lord would take it from me. At thefe words I ftarted with confufion, and faid to myfelf, it cannot be; they are too religious men, and Mr. E , I know to be too good a man. I was anfwered, it was not he, it was the reft. But he wiihed me out of the fociety, fear- ing I mould hurt the people. I faid why had he not told me fo ? I was anfwered, by the Spirit, becaufe he was afraid to offend thee. This occafioned me to be drowned in tears, and I faid to myfelf, I would not be offended; and judged I was going out of my fenfes. Tears and prayers were my private companions, and I began to refleft upon myfelf, that ever I thought fo much of the fcriptures; and called to my remembrance my father's words, who often ufed to fay to me in my early age Joantia 3 my dear child, why doft thou exercife thytelf in things too high for thee? It mult be milk for babes, but Wine for men of llron-ger years. T his was often his gentle reproof, when feeing me affecled in reading the gof- pel Here I thought his advice good, and determined in my heart not to ponder fo dee)5 as I had done; but the more I thought to give it uY>> the more the Bible broke in upon me, and feemed as though I had mi- nifters nifters preaching in my ears in this confufion I fpent the day in tears and prayers, and could have faid with St. Paul, whether in my fenfes or out of my fenfes I could not tell ; but trembled for fear I mould have loft them. It is fruitless to pen the particulars of that week, but at the end I was powerfully told that I fliould go to the clafs meeting, and tell the people what had happened unto me; and what was alfo in their hearts and thoughts concerning me. This I trembled to do, but being threatened that the Lord would withdraw his fpirit from me, if I did not do as I was commanded. This made me go with trembling fteps, and when I came I thought many times I fhould have fainted at the meeting, as the clafs leader began with thefe words let us come to the purpofe of the things that are prefent, and fay no more of the things which are pad. This took all fortitude from me, and I tho ight of leaving the meeting, as I grew faint, but was anfwered I mould not and then the Lord te- ftored my courage, and I told them I thought it was the powers of darknefs that had given me fuch an ac- count of them, that fuch things as before-mentioned were in their hearts and minds concerning me to fct me againll them. But finding the clafs leader was filent, and the men looking one upon another with confufion in their countenances; I began to grow jealous, and thought to myfelf what can all this mean? I was anfwered by the fpirit I fliould leave the meet- ing for good. The next day I was earned in prayer. being jealous for myfeif as well as for them; but I was anfwered what. I was told was the truth the very hearts and thoughts of the men. I faid tomyfelf Mr. E. is a good man, and I never will believe any other. I was anfwcred Mr. Eaftlake was a good man,, and an humble chriltian before N the Lord, hut he muft come more out of himlelf, and rely more upon the wifdom of God. 1 wi.l make this a deep convincing proof to him and to all mankind. This ftran^e working of the fpirits within, and feeing every face formed ".a gai me ( 88 ) without of thefe my companions, whom I thought re- ligious, made me weary heaven with prayers, to know if it was the command of God or not, viz. the going to fpeak as I had in the clafs meeting this I conti- nued for four days, pleading the words and the pro- mifes of God: when all t>n a fudden I thought the voice of the Lord came to me with power, u It was 1 the Lord, that fent thee unto them,, and my loving kindnefs I will never takejrom thee:'' it is impofiible for man to attempt it; I bid men pray for mercies, but not to direft the hand of the Almighty. Then followed tbc words fpoken in verfe in my fit It book. In thunder now the God the filence broke, And from a cloud his lofiy language fpoke ; Who, and where art thou, O fond, prefumptuous man, That by thy own weakmeafures mine would fpan ; Undaunted as an equal match for me, Stand forth, and anfwer my demands of thee ; But firft let thy original be trac'd. And tell me then what mighty thing thou waft. "When to the world my potent word gave birth, And fix'd my centre on the floating earh ; Did thou affift ME with one fin-gle thought, Or my ideas rectify in aught. Thefe words were delivered to me in a voice, wl ich feemed to mix both love and anger together, and this made me earneft in prayer to know its meaning, and I was anfwered, the Lord was angry t with them for directing the hand of the Almighty, whole ways were as far from man's ways, as the heavens were diftant from the earth. Thefe ftrange things brought me into a flow fever; for I brought myfelf almoil lifelefs by fervent prayer. I then went into the country to my fifhr's for the benefit of the air, where the powers of darknefs fo Itrongly afTaulted me for ten diys, as is written in my firft book. So my controverfies began with the devil and will end with men, for as the dif- ferent fpirits invifible I contended with in 1792; fo now I fhall contend with the fame fpirits now vihble in man. The fpirits of the Lord working in one part and and the fpirits of darknefs working in the other: for I find the fpirits of men now vifible, as 1 found then the fpirits invifiblc. But here I {hall proceed to give a further account of what happened in 1792: after the powers of darknefs had left me, and the fpirit of the Lord came llrong upon me, and renewed my former flrength. I returned back to Exeter, and was per- fuaded by fome of my friends to join the fociety again, but I told them what had happened, and alfured them it came from the Lord, and that I knew it; at which they marvelled, and could fcarce give it credit. The next day I was powerfully anfwered in prayer, it was true, audit was from the Lord: and I mould go to Mr. E. and he would confefs the truth, and the Lord would draw him by another man to come to me. The Sunday following I met the man, and he entreated me to join the meeting again ; I told him they had judged me wrongfully, and aTked whom we oughtto obey, God or man ? he anfwered the Lord ; I told him I had ; and would never more go to the meeting, unkfs Mr. E. would tell me the truth: he faid' he would goto Mr, E. and would make him come to me, and was as good as his word. Mr. E. came, and I told him all I have written, and as much more: he confeifed all was true-, but wifhed I had told them, that the Lord had commanded me to (peak of pad experience, for then. he faid no one would have been offended; but there had been a great deal faid about it he then defired me to come and join them again. Finding the truth of all, 1 returned home and made a promifing prayer, that as the Lord had been (b gracious and good to me to lay every heart open before me, and every tongue to confefs the truth: I would live in perfect obedience to all his commands as long as I lived; and earnefliy prayed, that the Lord would not fuffer any wrong fpirit to deceive me, but keep me as in the hollow of his hand, as the apple of his eye, and that by the God of truth, I might be led into every truth. The morn- E ing ( 90 ) ing following the fpirit of the Lord broke in upon me, and I was ordered to go to the clafs meeting in their own wildom, and tell them that the Lord had fent me unto them to reprove their harfh judging, for who 13 he that judgetli another? They were no doers of the law but judges, and they mould not direft the hand of the Almighty, for his ways were not as man's ways, or his thoughts as man's thoughts. Thus being ordered to go aftd reprove them, chilled my heart and foul \viihin me; well knowing iftbey had been offended with my fpeaking of the goodnefs of God to me, they would be much more offended if I went to reprove them : fo that I shought it impoffible to go; but I was an- i'wered by the i'pirit I fhould remember my promife; When thou haft made a vow to God, Defer not then to pray, For Go3 has no delighnn fools, Who mock him in delay. Tbefe and many more words to the fame purpofe, made me determine if they were all againft me, naffer what I would, I would perfevere, and do as I was commanded. But the powers of darknefs preffing hard upon me, my own fears began to alarm me, thinking I fhould not have flrength of mind, nor utter- ance of fpeecii, to go through without fome affiftance: therefore 1 prayed the Lord would permit me to go to Mr. Eattlake, the clafs leader, and confult with him. J was anlwered go to Eafllake, and do as he direfts thee, and thou wilt fee what man is ! The Saturday night I dreamed I was in St. Peter's church, Exeter, and trying to feat myfelf cm a chair, it gave way, and I was near falling, when I awoke. I was anlwered by the fpirit, fo will Eattlake deceive thce. Thou trufleth in man, and thou wilt fee what man is! When J came out of St. Peter's I fpoke to Mr. Ea(tlake > and faid I had fomething to fay to him, but he very coolly anfweredj and addreffed another man, not heed- ing my words, i then followed him flowly till hs came neat ( 9' ) near his houfe, when the man left him ; he then look- 'ing coolly on me, faid, he would fpeak to me another time. At this I felt as though a dagger had been put to my heart, and jealoufy arofe in my breaft. I went into the fields where I might have liberty to indulge my {arrows alone. Deep were my thoughts, tears, and prayers jealous for myfelf, as thinking fo good a man as Mr. Eaftlake could not err. I was anfwered if i: be of man, it will come to nothing: if it be of God they cannot overthrow it; l"e(l they are found to light againft God. But thy friends are like Job's friends; becaufe they cannot account for the manner of God's itrange dealing with thee: they are fometimes filent, and when they fpsak they (peak wrong. In this con- fufion of my heart, I went into a building made for cattle, and took out my common prayer book, and opened to the noth pialm, and was deeply (truck with thefe words, <; Thy -people Jhall be willing in the day of thy power ," which gave me much comfort. I then opened to the y2nd pfalm, and \yasftruck wills, the i8th and igth verfes: " Blejfed be the God, the God of Ifrael, who only fioeth wondrous things: and blejfed bf his glorious name for ever^ and let the whole earth he filled with his glory.'' The pfalms with many powerful words coming to me, feemed to adrninifter fome confo- lation to my wounded heart yet ftill jealoufy alarmed my breaft, fearing I was led into fome errors, and in a retired manner alone I fpent the day. In the eve* ring I was earnelt in prayer, that the Lord would direct me aright, and I was anfwered then have thy conveifation aright. This alarmed my jealoufy, that all I had been doing was wrong; and I laid, how aright? I was anfwered, have thy converfation in the world, and give up thy thoughts of religion, and apPwjITTe well. This I knew came from the powers of darknefs; and faid to myfelf, it is written ye fhall have yduf~con- verfation in heaven, and commune with God in your hearts, and he will commune with you. I was anfwer- ( 9" ) ed if thou doeft thefe things, thou wilt lofe thy fenfes, if thou doeft not give up troubling thyfelf fo much about religion. I faid to myfelf, what then will become of me if I give up religion? I am loit for ever; and I had rather lofe my fenfes than my foul. I was an- fwered; why can'fl thou not do as others, who mind the world? and all is well. Thus being anfwered by the powers of darknefs encreafed my forrows, as I well knew fuch arguments never came from the Spirit of the Lord ; and my troubles feemed greater than I could bear. I wa-s then anfwered, " heavinefs may endure jor a night^ but joy cometh in the morning" t fpoken; when a prophet fpeaketh in the name, of the Lord, if the thing follow not t nor come to pafs, that is the thing which the Lord hath not fpokcn ; the. prophet has fpoken it prefumpiuoufty : thmjh< not be afraid of htm." Now, agreeable to the pofitive de- claration of the word of God, you have fpoken pre- iumptuoufly; as the things you have mentioned have /neither ( 95 ) neither followed nor come to pafs." from which it ap- pears evident that you have prefumed to {peak in the name of the Lord, what he has not commanded: there- fore I refer you to the 2Oth verfe of the fame i8th chapter, " but the prophet which Jhall prefumc to fpeak a word in my name which I have not comrnanded him to fpeak, even that prophet JJiall die" Ezek. ch. 13. * Thus, faith the Lord God, wo, unto the fooliih prophets, that follow their own fpirit, and have feen nothing ; they have feen vanity and lying divination, faying the Lord faith, and the Lord hath not lent them, and they have made others to hope that they would con- firm the word. Have ye not feen a vain vifion, and have ye not fpoken a lying divination ? Whereas ye lay the Lord laith it, albeit I have not fpoken, and mine hand (hall be upon the prophets that fee vanity, and that divine lies; they fhall not be in the affembly of my people, neither ihall they be written in the writing of the houfe of Ifrael, neither ihall they enter into the land oflfrael." It has been a cuftorn with me never to condemn any one. Whenever I have done fo from my own fpirit I have generally found myfelf in an error; which has given me pain : if the facred word con- demns any one, they itand condemned without my poor condemnation, but whenever the word of God condemns, I mould be a traitor to the truth, if I was to lay, it is not fo. I, perhaps, may be told that many things mentioned by Mr. Brothers have not come to pafs, and that thofe who have taken up your writings may with as great propriety believe what you have faid, though it has fallen out contrary, as to Uelieve, Mr. Brothers, whole writings they profefs to believe: but it is not poffible, fo far, to prove that any one thing he mentioned has erred in its accomplifhment; even the very dates have not yet failed; whenever they do, be affured fuch communication cannot have been given by the fpirit of God. The The writer of this hopes you will have honefty and candour enough to let the whole be read before thofe poor deluded men your followers ; he has no objec- tion if it is neceffary for the fake of defending the word of God, to come forward; but as he feeks nei- ther applaufe or popularity, he for theprelent conceals his name: but if you are afraid of coming to the only fountain we have given us for determining what is true, the contents of this letter will'be given. N.B. This letter was received Monday, June 21, 1802, The following are the names of the gentlemen al- luded to in the above letter, under- the name of poor deluded men: they being convinced that Joanna South- cott's writings are of divine authority, and publifhed by divine command, particularly requeft their names to be publifhed to the world at large in this book. Rev. Stanhope Bruce, Rev. Thomas Webfler, Rev. Thomas P. Foley, William Sharpe, George Turner, and John Wilfon. One gentleman being abfent, we have not taken the liberty of inferring his name. Now I have given my readers the anonymous letter that was fent me, I /hall now anfwer for myfelf, to fuch poor deluded men^ who judge of things they know nothing about; but like men looking in the fervent funfhine, whole bright fplendor is' too itrong for their eye-fight; and going into a dark room become fun-blind and this is the darknefs of men's understanding. Seeing the day- light of the gofpet thrown open before them by a -wo- man t bright as the fervent fun; truths of the prophe- cies clear as the moon: which is as much too ftrong for their weak judgment as the fervent funfhine is for their eye-fight for they can no more look into the divine brightnefsand beauty of the one than the other. And this being loft by the divine beauty and fplendor, they go and confult with their dark benighted minds where f 97 ) where no light is, and fo they grope f -r the wall like the blind. I will not fay the writer of the above let- ter was a fool ; but I fay he is a man void of under- ftanding, and has. concealed his name, knowing that if his deeds were brought to the light, he would be re- proved: and then he could not anfwer foV himfelf but now I will anfwer for myfelf. It was written if my father died at the appointed time, thenChrift's kingdom muft be eftablilhed < t whatever time my writings were proved j but if he did not, Chrift's kingdom would not be eftablifhed at that time. Before the appointed time was up I wrote to one of my friends, and laid my father muft out-run the time fpecified, though when I wrote the letter he appeared to me to be a dying man. But he out-ran the time as I faid I then wrote to another of my friends, he would die at a time he was not judged to die unexpected and iud- denly it would appear. Now I mutt inform my read- ers the very day my father was death-ieized; I faw my brother-in-law, and afked him when he faw my father. He anfwered lafh week, and he never faw him look better, and thought he would out-live him. A few days after I received a letter that my father was dying: and when I came to fee him, found he was feized with convulfion fits, which cauled his death, the very day my brother judged he would out-live him: and my filter's fon faid the week before, he thought his grand- father would live for ten years-: he looked fo well, fo ruddy and lively. So my father died according to my prophecies fpoken of him, having out-run, the time I faid at firft, and died at a time unexpected at laft and fo will the coming of Chrift's kingdom be. And nov, I fhall anfwer for Mr. Bruce. I grant he was chofen with his worthy father to judge of my writings, as one of the. twelve : and as they were corning clown to Exeiev to judge them, he was called to his father in heaven; fo he went one journey to Chrift's kingdom in L ven : while his father was purfuing his to prove Chrift's kingdom upon earth. And here the father and the fon were icparated on earth, at the fccond coming of F Chrilt: Chrift ; that was compared to the fliadpw of Chrift! as the father and the fon were feparated in heaven at the firtt coming of Chrift. Now let the blind to fee, and the deaf to hear! Mr. Bruce and his fon were compared as types and fhadows of the father and fon in heaven. But how could this ihadow be perfecl like the fub- flance, if they had not been parted on earth as they were in heaven. For as the Son of God left his Fa- ther's throne, and came down to dwell amongft men, when he came to bring in his gofpel, to be wounded for our fins, and to be bruifed for our iniquities, and the chaftifement of our peace was laid upon him: To be the judge of all men, he dwelt amongft men; and fa the father and the fon was divided, that they might judge together of heaven and earth. Now I mult anfwer; the worthy Mr. Bruce was chofen with his father to judge of me and my writings, when the faints muft judge the earth. So to make the perfeci likenefs of the father and fon, the Lord parted them on earth, as they were parted before in heaven that the fon might afccnd up into glory, and judge of things in heaven, while the father is judging of things on earth; that the fon might give up all judgment to God; and be a clear proof to man of the fecond coming Chrift, by parting the father and the fon at bis fecond coming', as the father and the ion were parted at the Jirft fo this brings the ihadow and the iubftance to-, gether. For now the laft is like the firft, And now my kingdom it (hall burfl ; For as the fhadows do appear, JiiH fo the fubftance 1 (hail clear. The father and the fon were plac'd as one, But when the prophecies of man were come, Thev then divided, and the fon you fee, Did leave his father, and come down to yp, But unbelief did then in man appear, And now the likenefs I to all {hall clear; For now the fecond coming does appear, 1 he father and the fon are parted here : But fee in judgment they Hand both as one, And now unto the purpoie I ihall come ; Judgts ( 99 ) Judges together I fay both do ftand, And all may fee it by his written hand j How both in judgment thefe two do agree ; And now I'll anfwer all the myftery: Should I as fimple now like man appear, And fay the likenefc I fiiall now compare J To part the father, and to take the fon, To (hew the likenefs did in heaven begin, To tell the truth I knew they could not bear, But mark the letter, and you may fee clear; I faid the mourning it was fent for nae, And with the ointment it fhould all agree: For well you know the fon on earth did fall, I faid the funeral foon would prove his call; That like the fon he Would to all appear, And 'by his death I'll prove the likenefs here, But if the likenefs I had made more plain Could they have borne it then? (his friends I mean) Oh fimple men for to direft your God. I told his death though 'twas not underftood. And fo my gofpel I did fpeak the fame, And now I'll anfwer, (O ye fimple men;) -4- I faid the buildings I would foon deftrdy ; But leave the meaning man for to enjoy, The devil's wifdom he in them had plac'd, But now be wife O all ye fullen race : For as that myflery you did not fee plain, Then now by Bruce the fame vou do contend ; Though plainer myfteries lay before your viev> lie was the judge, I'll prove his judglhent truei And to his father now he all hath given up, And foyeu fee his life did iurely drop : So here the likenefs you may all fee plain. And now in judgment this I'll now maintain} The father herepronounc'd the judge alone, Then fure the fon muft die to make it come; As in the funer'l fervice doth appear. And now the myfteries I to all mall clear; For here's the very father, and the fon, ThatfubjeS unto God muft now become ; That put the ferpent now beneath his feet, Here ii'th the myftery, and the truth is great, Becaufe the Son of God cannot appear, / / In no fubjeaion as is liken'd there >" "*' ** *f But ty befubjtS muft inferior be *yf ^ '** ^ So now I've fliew'd you plain the myftery ; For to btfubjecl is the fon of man, And now to retfon I fiiail firong begin; As in the burial fervice doth appear, Then every myftery I will now njaXe clear," The f 100 ) "the lafl enemy that, is to be deftroyed is death, and that enemy was paffed on man by the fall. Then when all is put under foot by the united Trinity, to bring in the perfect unity of God and man; then comes in the likcnefs of God's image; and now is the likenefs begun from my gofpel, fpoken by the Spirit. I will end, and come to the words I faid unto Peter when one faid I was Elias, another faid John the baptilt; I afked Peter who he faid I was? He an- fwered, them art Chrill the fon of the living God. Now mark my anfwer, bleffed art thou Bar-jona, for flem and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but the fpirit of the living God. And on this rock will I build my church and now mark the firft letter I ordered thee to fend to Bruce ; and on this rock will I now build my church, and the gates of Hell fliall not prevail againit it. For now I anfwer thele men that I ordered thee firft to write to, fome faid on one hand, and fome faid on another, but thefe feven have faid it is from the living God; and on this rock will I build my church. For now the living God he fliall appear, And every myftery I (o man will clear; As in one Spirit they do all agree, And here's the rock that every foul (hall fee. Where all the gates of Hell (hall not prevail, But at that time you know the words did fail : ' Bccaufe the gates of Hell were open wide, J^ut here's the my ft cry {hall be now applied. I'll furely fiiut. and none fhall open here, And every my fiery I to man will clear; Bccaufe thcfe hearts are opened unto me. My. feven Spirits furely in them be. And now I tell them there's no man can fruit, And death and hell may tremble at their feet. ' For May is over, June doth now appear, Wife fools, I tell you now for to take care : For fuch a May was never feen by man, The fccond ftar is fent throughout yourMand ; To fhevv my fecond coming doth appear, And I'm rejected now I fay take care. f'-ah are broken and tvirn'd back by man f I fp jke of May, and May, I fay.,, is goiv. So now in June my ahfwer doth appear, Judge well your nation and the whole compare. So altogether fee how this doth ftand. And then you'll know how now to judge your land. For-fuch a thing was never done before, Throughout the land to fend the fecond ftar: For all fliall know that ftar is fure my feaf, What to the bride my Spirit did reveal ! So now. wife fools, you've boafted all too foon, But mark, your fun you'll find to cloud e'er noon. Becaufe the C doth with the ftar appear, And all fliall know my chariot wheels are here : For in the Spirit here. I fay I'm come. And you may find me in the woman's form : But not a heathen god appeared to be, To fwear by Styx, vain man, now aufwer me ; If I a father do to man appear, He threatens long before he ftnkes fevere. And as your right hand you do little know , I've waited patient and kept back the blow. But as your boafting I do fee fo foon, Mark well, I've told you what fliould come in June. And now my anfwer to you doth appear, Wife fools, I tell ye, you have all to fear; For here's my anfwer now turn'd back in June. Once more I tell you. you've boaft'd all too foon. For as the truth you do not feek to know, Then gVoping for the walls you all may go ; Becaufe from you it furely is conceal'd, What to my chofen members is reveal'd. But what vain vifiorl doth to you appear, That like the heathen gods, you ME compare ; And hope that others wiW confirm the word, Juft like yourfelvcs you all do judge your God? Much like a dog, to bite before he bark, And now ray gofpel you've judg'd in the dark. Becaufe dumb dogs I called them all before, That could not bark, and now the truth fee clear. But like a clock my words fliall ever ftand, He wirn'th before he ftnkes, and now command; Becaufe this May I've warning fent to all, One thoufand letters fliew you every call, That I've fent out to warn you one and all. And now this warning if they all defpife, I fay, too late, they'll furely grow more wife.' So of my patience let men mock no more, My eye is kindled and they may fee here, How that thy eye is kindled to a flame, And thev {hall fure Iv find inv eyes the fame, Becaufe ( 102 ) Becaufe the voice of wifdom it is here, And loudly calling men for to appear. But Wifdom's voice, I fee it's all in vain, The lepers ftill, I fee their fpots remain : For what is black, I fee will not be white, And if the mortar doth the foolifh break. I fee thehr folly they will flill contain: Then now be wife, O all ye fons of men, For in the mortar I have bray'd them all, By fword, by famine, and by every call. Becaufe the fwoid you know it has been here, ^-1 And fo the famine has been to the pooTT And all thefe fhadows there's no ma"fT does Tee, Then now I tell you all a my fiery. In ages back, it ever was the fam'e, For Satan always did this kingdom claim; Becaufe the woman by his arts did fall- Then now be wife, I tell you one and all ; That now the woman doth my promife claim, And here's her feed, O all ye fimple men. /_ Who I've deluded to believe her_vvrord,__ _. And in their hand I've furely put the fwordj _ That all (hall find will cut the ferpeTnjT And on this rock my church (hall how be found : That all the gates of Hell (hall not prevail, I'll acl; by man, as they've acled by my feal. And all (hall find this hath been May for man, As never was before fince Earth began. So now, wife fools, I'd have you boaft no more, But fee my eye how it's inflamed here. Beraufe my eye they all may fee in thce, As thine's inflam'd, they'll find the eye of me; But as the other doth not feel the pain, Juft fo^ my friends, my eye to them remain; So by thy eyes the public now may fee, What is my heart, and know the eye of me; For as thy eye's inflam'd 6n the right fide, Juft fo my anger's light, a? now 's applied. But as the left is fo near thy heart, Juft fo, my friendi, fhall never feel the fmart. And as thy fight to all men doth appear,^ -JL, I tell you, England, you may hope "and fear.; So now of boaihng let them fay no more, There's no vain vilion doth to you appear ; But t>y thy fight I (hall confirm the whole, Weigh altogether, let your reafon fall, For times and circumftance will foon appear, To prove to man my eye 's inflamed here. So now the letter let them all weigh deep, The man in filence let him filence keep. Or Or flronger reafons let him to aflign, r lo prove to man the writings are not mine ; Becaufe the great A line he cannot fee, A partial judge, no judge at all can be. Becaufe that Brothers, he faid, did not err, Then 'tis from Satan muft his truth appear; Becaufe of late I've furely left the man, To fhew you Satan, and his every plan ; That if the woman did not interfere, You men would find the ferpcnt to appear, Wuh every art as much to cheat the man, And foyour MAKER you have blam'd in vain ; And now like Satan you do tempt your God, To fend down vengeance, and you call my rod, And when my rod in vengeance doth appear, You muft confefs you all did alk it here. / . For as at firft, you did the woman blame, ^ And fo atlaft your God you've done the fame, For now at laft the fame you've blam'd your God. So now your fig-leaves let them to be ftiow'd, That you together have fo vainly few'd, Jf they can cover, let your fig-leaves do, For all your clothing I (hall take away, And now, O men ! hear ye, what I do fay ; I've other clothing you muft all put on, If naked garments yoi'll confefs are come. Then all your garments I will give anew, Weigh well the words and you {hall find it true. But if your fig-leaves now y ouwifhto__wearj_ Then my new garments you can never bear ; Becaufe my clothing it muft now be new^ I'll mend no longer, for it will not doj^.., For worfe and worfe I fee the renj is made^ And never was a nation more miuecT. "TL yC Than thofe who judge, that e era woman's hand Such wond'rous writings eveY could comm'andT Unlefs from God the words' were lurely call - f ' : L. And here's the wine will maKe^TLgUles l?urfl_. As the new wine does to yTMTaTTa p pear ," Then the old bottles, let them now take care, But for the bottles I have now made new The wine's the fame, and bring all to your view, So both together now I fay wilt ftand. And fo in the end you all will find the land : SQ I'll conclude with warning to the wife, Another day I ftiall them all furpmc. Here is the anfwer to the anonymous letter. But having mentioned about my eyes, which may appear puzzling to my readers, J ,nuit inform them I have ( 104 ) had an inflammation in my'right eye ever fince I came to London. And I was told the eye of the Lord was as much inflamed againft the people, as mine ap- peared to the fight ; becaufe they had rejected the word of the Lord ; and let them take care the Lord does not rejeci them. And I mutt inform my readers thefe figns have often been fet before me; for in Ja- nuary, 1796, I had an inflammation feized my finger, and it was then faid, it fhould be as a fign to me that men's hearts would be inflamed the fame, and their hands would break out againft their governors. I fhall leave particulars: only call to your remembrance the following year feven hundred men mutinied on the fea. Some were hanged in the fliips," and fome were mot in Plymouth, tied to their coffins. In ]a. nuary, 1800, I had an inflammation feized my leg, at fir It it appeared a final! fpot, but when thai was removed it broke out more and more, till both legs became inflamed. It was then faid to be as a fign to me that the heat of the fummer would bring in a dearth, and men's hearts would be inflamed like my feet. I iliall leave all the particulars, but only call my readers to reflect that the truth followed in the 1800, and men's hearts were inflamed as before mentioned, and mobs rofe in various parts of the kingdom, the ipring after, and were pacified (as it was laid to me) by the prudent care of men, a? by the prudent care of the apothecary my legs had been cured. But fur- ther particulars I fhall now leave, as the fubflance fol- lows the.fhadows fo now judge for your yourfelves. When the eye of the Lord is inflamed, I may aniv,. r \viih St. Paul, " Who is afflicted and burn not? Here I fhall drop this iubjeft, and Inicrt a particular circumftance I was commanded to do. Being invited v.iih my friends to dine at a gentleman's houfc, I was ordered to obey. But wh n the day arrived for me to go I felt fuch a gloom come over me that I wiflicd to decline going, if I could with any propriety, but knowing it. would be imprudent I went: when I ar- rived there I found freedom with the mailer and i. treis of the houfe. My heart fccmed to be drawn ( *05 ) particularly to the miftrefs; but foon after a flranger came in, when I felt myfelf hurt, and my fpirits be- came oppreffed I could fcarce fpeak. While I was at dinner I thought I would have given any thing to be out of the company, as I felt no freedom of fpeechj and thought it was cafting of pearls before fwine, and that which is holy before dogs, to fpeak before that fame flranger. I fpoke to the miftrefs concerning him, but fhe begged me to take no notice of him So I began, but in a confufed manner, as I felt my fpirits much oppreffed before three gentlemen entered the room, I then felt a fudden joy at their appearance^ though I thought before I went they were the very men upon whofe account I mould feel that load Upon my fpirits, for I knew of their comirig; but found myfelf deceived! the perfon who occafioned my embarrailment w.as to me unknown of being there but others gave me pleafure when they arrived, and I felt embarraffed as before when they were gone, but freedom of fpirit whilft they were, there. This circumltanee I was or- dered to put in print with the anfwer of the fpirit as follows : Now thou haft ended I'll begin, In print let all thefe truths be feen ; For now the myfteries I (hall clear, And tell thee why I fent thee there. All hearts I know, all hearts I'll try, And then my arrows faft (hall fly ; -X. My fpirit it is juft like thine, I know the ftranger, and his mind ; My kingdom he don't wifh to fee, He neither loves his God or Thee ; for Satan did his fpirit draw, And I draw'd thine the truth to know, That light with darknefs can't appear, For what communion can be there? For God with Belial can't agree, Then how thy heari could it be free? When I within did know the man, I've made thy fpirit like my own; And as my fpirif did appfear, A fon of-Belial fure wus there ; Whofe luke-warm heart could never fee The different love in man and me ; G Thai That I muft fure complete your blifs, If fur my kingdom you do third ; And all vour hearts I muft refine, And love muft kindle at the time; For all ftiall know that God is love, And fo my friends they all {hall prove; _/, For there's no man can dwell in me, That in this love doth not agree ; -f~- For all {hall find my heart like thine, Thou was't impatient at the time, And didft not wifti to tarry there, And now the myftery.I mall clear. I tell rhee I AM jufl the fame, Men only laugh to hear my name; Therefore unpleafant 'tis tome, Such luke-warm chrift'ans for to fee ; -/-- AVhen all my Bible's made fo clear, And Satan {hall be conquer'd here ; And bring my glorious kingdom down, Then thefe may tremble at the found That now diflike the heavenly call, And from that man I'll anfwer all ; That I've a fpirit juft like thee, The man thou didft not love to fee ; Nor with him there for to abide, Ah ! here's a field that's open'd wide ; For all fhall find I AM the fame, And all fuch men I now {hall name ; -yL Are full as fickly unto me, ^ As his appearance was to theej ^ But when the three they did appear, L I fay my fpirit enter'd tfeere ; For wrongly thou didfl judge the men, As they condemn 'd thee but unfeen._^ But when thefe men do know the whole; They'll wifli my kingdom for to fall, A lively chriftian one will be, The man tliat took the eye of thee ; Though of ihy words he the re_did la But mark the blot, I've fauTenough ; For he will laugh another way, -yU. When I my angelsJencTFo RcT; For ftrongly guarded TTTirTalce^aT], For Satan's malice fo will fall ; That if my friends I doriotgiiardj__ I know their foes will "Be toonardT But now I'll be a man of war,"" " And every foe I now will clear ; And all my friends they now mall fee, That double guarded they {hall be ; T Therefore that word in thee I fpoke f Though he did laugh and feem to mock ; But now I'd have him mock no more, For ftrong my guards muft now appear ; That he will furely find for all That now believes this heavenly call ; For now a father I'll appear, And all my children I' 11 make heirs ; And now a man of war I'll be, And every foe they now (hall fee, I'll furely put beneath their feet, And all mall find the victory's great. And now a king I will appear, And princes now I'll make my heirs. For as men's luke-warm hearts I fee, My friends do kindle flames in me; Becaufe I fee their perfeft love, And mine more ftrong they now lhall prove ^ But thofe that luke-warm doap_p_ar,_ My kingdom they {hall never mare: For I'm the counfeltor now become, The mighty counfellor (hall be known; And every trial now I'll plead, And all my jury now I'll lead ; To fpeak in juftice at my bar, And from the judge I this fhall clear. The jury muft the fentence part, And then the judge condemns at laft. And fo the judge I will appear, And now the myfteries I will clear. I'll judge the quick, I'll judge the dead, For fo men's fpints now are led ; For fome in death do now appear, And fo in death I'll judge them_here. _ But fome are quicken'd by my power^___ And they (hall fee the gloriousjiour; To have my harvefl to appear, _ __ And like the hufbandman fee clear, Rejoices in the harvelt day, For fo my harveft now does lay. For altogether I'll cut down, And now let all men judge the found ; For now men's wifdom I'll cut all, Juft like the harveft now (hall fall. That is men's wifdom all muft fee, Juft like the corn cut down muft be. And fo the wheat I know will fall, Confefs dead-ripe they arc grown all. For they in wifdom cannot grow, Becaufe the Bible yoa've run through ; And And row the niyfleries you'll fee plain^ That this Js come, the harveft lime fV ,id -TOW my reavers do appear, To-r 1 :!. my vhea' and tell them here Their wifdom can no longer grow, Thfey fee the Hubble ?.:id the flraw, "VVhereon the bullocks they may feed, But they are cut down, the wheat to breed* For ncyv tl'.f- gro>..id I'll make a nezv } Ami hke the hufbandman I'll do, I'll fan my corn, I : !i fowmy wheat^ And now the increase I'll make great. here J fliall break oif this fubjeft for the preferitjj and iniert a frw vcrfes, 'hat were fpoken in anfwer to my contending with men fin-ace fiu&c afcenrled, So th f oke iv f/ian appears ; But as t'-.e ^ou^il from Heaven refounds ".Vith harmony - 1 *o?, b>; S. l!uUss>.AV, I' S'.'rci/, .V;.' L'ttiu'i, t'/'nii tln'rii-st I'.Jidon, ]>rinit \ after, the above youth was tak- ! \ into the house of a friend, where the visions where (hewn to him, in tL anner, and according to the dares which will be hereafter mentioned. The viiions were brought to rne. and explained as you will see in thisbook. Now, judge for yourselves, my brethren, that ye be not judged of the Lord ; and trace his footfteps back- ward : for no man living can trace them forward, as thewl-dom of the Lord is hid in the great deep, and his paths past man's finding out. Here I might enter into a field large enough for a volume, was I to ex- plain the strange dealings of the Lord with Joseph in Egypt, Moses, and Pharaoh, with Noah, Daniel, and with Job in all his afflictions. None could trace the wisdom of the Lord till they saw the end : and so it is at this moment ; none can trace the wisdom of God forward, in all his directions to me, till they see the end/ JOANNA SOUTHCOTT. High-House, Paddington, May 4, 1803. As I am ordered to put in print Joseph Prescott's visions, that were fhewn to him since the begin- ning of march, J803, which confirm the Bible and my prophecies, I must call my readers to mark the dates in my books how many years ago the promises were made to me, that the Lord would cut off the powers of darkness from the face of the earth. . But man must raise my hand ; which you will see in a let- ter sent to a dignitary, in my sixth book, and A hich is now fulfilled. Now I must observe, thar I v\as ordered to publish in 1SO1 ; and, at the end of rhat year, three ministers came from different parts ot the kingdom, with four other gentlemen, to search out the truth of my writings. The ministers waited upon the bishor> of Exeter, and I wrote him a letter, which was delivered" to him, offering to give up to his judg- ment, or any other ministers he should appoint, if they would only examine' my writings, and prove they were not from the Lord ; but I said,. if they de- clined this offer, I should resign to thejudgment of those gentlemen who came to search out the truth. The bishop declined ; as did all the others ministers, in and near Exeter, to whom I had written. I was then ordered-to give my writings, sealed up, into the hands of the gentlemen whom the Lord had chosen to search out the truth, and to have them^ro^^/in London, as the ministers in Exeter had refused to examine them. So I delivered my writings, sealed up, to the gentle- men, on Tuesday morning the 5th of January 1&O2. The May following 1 was ordered to go to London, and was told I should never return till my writings were proved. The latter end of July, I was inform- ed by the Spirit, that Satan had complained against my sealing the people that wished for his destruction, and that the Lord would give him liberty to come to me, and I should contend with him* (but he was not permitted to appear visible;) and if I stood out with strong faith in Christ, and overcame him with argu- ments, and did not suffer him to speak without my answer, I should overcome the devil at last, as he did the woman at first ; and that the Lord, in his rich mercy, would cast the woman's guilt on Satan's head, aud he should fall by the power of Christ, who t See the Book of Disputes with the Powers of Darkness. A2 'would now fulfil the promis he made me. I obeyed, as I was ordered, knowing if the promise was from the Lord, he would protect me; if not, I had rather die than live, to be deceiving, and being deceived. So I ran the hazard of my life to contend with the powers of darkness : but the Lord protected me, ac- cording to his promise, and then gave me an answer to Satan's words, which may be seen in a late publi- cation, entitled '* The Lord's Answer to the Powers of Darkness " In November I was ordered to advertise in the different Newspapers, that my sealed writings would be brought forward, and proved, on the 12th of January, 18O3. The Clergy were invited thus publicly, and also many of them privately by letters, to attend and investigate the truth; but every invita- tion was disregarded. During the seven days of the trial, there was open house for any to come and pass his judgment; and none who applied AT THE HOUSE were refused admittance. On the last day there were fifty-eight people present, who joined with me for Sa- tan's destruction, believing the calling to be of God, and who with one heart and mind joined with me in the following petition. " I, Joanna Southcott, am clearly convinced my calling is of God, and my writings are indited by his Spirit : as it is impossible for any spirit but anal- wise God, that is wondrous in working, wondrous in wisdom, wondrous in power, and wondrous in truth, could have brought round such mysteries, so full of truth, as is in my writings ; so I am clear in whom I have believed, that all my writings came from the Spirit of the most high God. JOANNA SOUTHCOTT. After I had written my own faith, as I was ordered, I was asked by the Spirit" what was my claim ? or what was my petition to the Lord ? O my God, thou knowest To cut off all the power of Satan from the face of the earth, as the head of John the Baptist was cut off, and bury him down, as John was buried down. This I read to the fifty-eight persons who were present, and they figned their names with me in faith and prayer, for the fulfilment of the above pe- tition. After the trial was finished on the 18th of January, in the evening, these words of the xviiith Psalm were sung by the company it having been explained in my sealed writings. " The Lord descended from above, And bow'd the heavens most high, And underneath his feet he cast The darkness of the sky : On cherubs and on cherublms Full royally he rode, And on the wings of mighty winds Came Hying all abroad. &c. &c. &c. Then was sung by the company the civth Psalm, a few verses of which I shall give. O Lord our great God, how dost thou appear ! So passing in glory, that great is thy fame, Honour and majesty in thee shine most clear. Thou makest thy spirits as heralds to go, And Lightnings to serve we see also prest j Thy will to accomplish they run to and fro, To are or consume things, as seemeth thee best, Src. Thus ended the seventh day of proving my wri- tings, and the casting of Satan. On the fourth of March, I had the following vision of Joseph Pres- cott read to me, by a friend who that day had re- ceived an account of it from the gentleman with whom the youth now lives ; and on the fixth I had a communication concerning the vifion of rhe crowns, now given to the public ; but I must inform my readers, before I proceed, that in July JSO2, I was at the house of the gentleman near London, where I saw a furnace perfectly like one that I saw in my dream in 1794; where I saw a pig cast alive into the furnace ; which I was told was a type of the devil, because .he entered into the herd of swine, and they ran violently down the steep and wer e choaked ; and so shall the devil. The latter end of February, 1803, the same gentleman took into his house this youth, who had been in the habit of seeing visions from 1793 to the present day, and had drawn many hundreds of them, and had sent some to ministers, who judgedhis vifions came from the devil. Some ministers prayed in his father's house, that the Spirit might leave him. Their prayers did not prevail ; for the vifions stili followed him. On March the 4th the youth had the following vision, at the house were he now lives. JOSEPH PRESCOTT'S VISION, March 4, 1803. An Angel appeared, in fize like a grown person, in a loose blue rol.e, with a star on her head, like a cap, a square box under her arm, about a foot each way, apparently of gold. She opened the box, in which wa<; a crown. To look at it all together, it looked like a star of diamonds. Four large arches came from the ball In the cen- tre, at the top Between each of the four arches there was a small crown like the large one. Un- derneath the ball was another small crown, hang- ing to the ball. At tiie top of the ball was ano- ther crown. The an^el said, the four arches fig- nified the four quarters of the world, and the crowns between the four arches, CROWNS of WIS- DOM, that the people of the world arc to be crowned with, and the crown under the ball, the CROWN of LIGHT, that was to be in the hearts of the people. The BALL was the JVorld the crown at the top, the CROWN of GLORY and HAPPI- NESS, given them at their going out of the world. The reason .the box first appeared shut, was, because it is not yet *******. And if any one that was a y believer in GOD, desired a picture, it should ap- pear again; 'but not without. The reason the an-" gel appeared in blue, was because he came with TRUTH." The vision lasted about two or three minutes ; and was seen soon after two o'clock this afternoon . A VISION seen at Medina, in Arabia, on September' IQthy \6lQ,from Krniuhs s History of the Turks. Mr. Knowles, in his Turkish History, relates, that in 1620, there 'was a strange apparition, or vision, seen by the Turks at Medina, where their prophet lies buried, which continued three weeks, and terri- fied the whole country. For on September 20, 1620, was a great tempest about midnight, attended with dreadful thunder : but when the clouds were dispersed, and the sky clear, the people might read in Arabic characters these words in the firmament, "O WHY WILL YE BELIEVE IN LIES ?" And be- tween two and three in the morning appeared a wo- man in white, encompassed with the sun, of a cheer- ful countenance, and a book in her hand. Over against her were armies of Turks, Perfians, Arabians, and other Mahometans, in battle array, ready to fight with her; but she keeping her station, only opened the book; at the sight whereof the armies fled, and presently all the la^ps about Mahomet's tomb weje put out : for Vvhcn the vision vanished, which was commonly an hour before sun-rising, a niurmuring wind was heard, unto which they imputed the extin- guishing of the lamps. The ancient pilgrims of Mahomet's race (who after they visit this place ne- v v er cut their hair) were much amazed to conceive the. meaning of this vision ; only one of the dervises, or priests (which is a strict order among the Turks, like the capuchins among the papists, and live in contemplation) stepped up boldly, and ma\vn become. And from the top, the crown I'll IH>\V l -rg:;i .- For as u:y eye is fixed o'er the C:\MVII, With iparkliKg jfcweje I wi 1 make them up, And cro\vn with w^dom n:an hath never gut ; Pecnnse from man it ever was conceal'd. Sataii would :ob them if I had reveal 'd B 10 My mind and will what I'd laid up in store> I say, for man I need to say no more , Because the thief is always at the door, Where treasure's great, if he can go and steal : Therefore in wisdom men do all conceal Then choicest treasures, fearing of a foe j And Satan's like a thief, I well do know. When the first treasure I to manreveal'd, You all do know, the thief went there to steal ; Theref ,re the other I did all conceal The knowledge of the good did not reveal. But now I AM come to purchase every land; I'll shew my crowns ; my jewels may command. The first is Wisdom, I have said before ; And Solomon he did great wisdom share ; But Satan robb'd him at that very time ; Then I conceal'd that wisdom from mankind. But now the bolt is strong upon the door, I'll catch the thief, if he should enter there. To break the bolts that 1 have made for man : You little know how strong your seals do stand Against the tempter if he breaks the door, To rob the heart, when I have seal'd it here. For here's the hand that you do give to ME, And here is mine, as I said ofter'd free, That J shall place to man the second crown ; For here's the union now it shall be found. I died the world for to reconcile ; And where's the man will dare my wisdom foil ? I died the iall of man for to redeem ; And where's the man shail dare to put a seam ? Because my coat was interwoven through, Without a seam so now no seam shail do j But perfect as the picture doth appear, J tell you all, my kingdom's coming here. As for my kingdom I did bid you pray, That earth like heaven should my will obey ; And now on earth my will shall sure be done. They may cast t Lots to whom it now shall come They who believe according to the call, Or unto them that don't believe at all ; Because my kingdom you cannot dividd And mark the clouds, how they're encircled here, With pointed branches, pointing like a spear, As though the thorns were with u,y crown come d nvn, As man and J alike receiv'd a wound j t Alluding to the lots which the Jews cast for our blessed Lord's ves- ture after his crucifixion : so does M/s allude to the casting of lots for Christ's kingdom: The one according to thepiomiscs in tlie. scriptures; theotheraccoi ding tomen's vusdom and self-interpretation of the scrip- tures. 11 So on both stems the pointed darts you see, And now I'll dart them to the enemy ; For all these darts, I say, shall run through all That do reject MI now I loudly call. By dreams and visions I have called you here, And now my kingdom 1 have shewn you clear. That all my jewels they may enter in : The pointed tops foretel the sons of men That I shall guard my jewels with my care j But all my foes shall feel my pointed spear. For here's the crown of thorns held out to all, To shew the way that I for man did fall j But here's the jewels, sparkling all within, And so mv kingdom you with joy may win j Because you see my eye fix'd o'er the crown, "Wherein man's happiness you see is found, Without a cross for to destroy your bliss, To those that for my kingdom now do thirst. Because, I said, I did die once for all, And now's the time that it to man shall fall. I died for Satan, and I died for man j But here's a mystery thou dost not understand, How for the devil I myself did die j It was for him to share the cross that way : And now I'll (ell thee how I died for man To bear the blame that Satan cast by him. But as the love of man then died for me, It ii by man I've fix'd my just decrees, That to their sentence Satan now shall fall; And that's the way I'll bring the crowns for all. I said, thefrst was wisdom for to know ; The pearl now of great price to you I show ; And all your wisdom you must now weigh deep, To gain the prize, and find the pearl is great: And then I say you'll see the starry crown, That now to man on earth is coming down. The second must an union now be found Between your Maker and I say the man ; Or else the starry crown can never come. But now I say, I'll come unto the, third -. In the beginning you know'twas my word, That man and woman they must both appear : I've made an helpmate, and I'll crown it here, That in the end I'll make your bliss complete ; For now my Father's will I'll finish it, As in thy writings I did say before ; Therefore I made these visions to appear, To prove the truth of all that thou hast penn'd. And now theffth crovr. she%s you of the end 12 That all believers 1 shall crown them here With every premise that in thy books appear, And all my Bible as it there 'is plac'd. I t< 11 thee now I'll crown the human race With rays of glory, and with je,\vels bright, That how do stand like princes in the fight j For all my armour you must now put on. And to the sixth crown I do bid thee come 5 For there's the crown that now shall crown the whole, And bring the seventh crmun in peace to all,' When men with MK have fought the fight of faith, Believe my gospel, as the scripture saith, That I shall reconcile the world to God, Fulfil the prayer I taught them to be said, When to my Father they should ever pray ; And will men answer I did mock that way, To pray for what they never should obtain ? Then my command to man was all in vain ; As by your wisdom you do place your God I must mock man, or now fulfil my word. But now, I say, my word I will fulfil ; For like my eye, my heart is fixed still To bring a glorious kingdom down below, Without a cross, that every soul shall know ; Satan shall know it, when he's chained down ; And every sinner that doth mock the sound, They then will know these visions all are true : When Satan's chain'd the truth they all will kn^ ; And saints above will see the heavenly sight, And saints below, with them I shall delight ; For then I'll crown them with humility ; A heavenly loVe in every heart shall be ; A heavenly union then with God and man. And now I'll tell you how I'll crown your land, With peace and plenty, and with every store, As in thy writings I have named before ; Because these visions I to thee did send, I shew'd the youth that all might know the end. For perfect as tkese pictures do appear, Thou know'st I told thee my kingdom it was near; For when the flowers did a; pear on earth, I told thee then they'd know their Saviour's birth ; And now my birth I'll make it to appear : When I was born the star was then seen clear Unto the shepherds, who were in the field j To follow it the wise men they did yield : Gifts, gold and myrrh, and frankincense, they brought, And here's a mystery deep beyond your thought ; 13 For now the angel doth to you appear, To shew the jewels they did present to her. In heavenly odour they were sealed up, Within a box, which no man ever thought How all men's conduct is enroll'd in heaven ; (That in the end to man it might be given :) And all to your remembrance I shall bring. And now these visions they do shew you plain How every thing is laid before your view You judged my mother, and your judgment's true ; Because the wise men they do now appear To search the truth, as did the shepherds there j And from the wise men I will not conceal : What's right for them to know, I will reveal. No bloody Herods they have now to fear Within are jewels, and without 's the spear; And so my Ibes shall feel the deadly spear, If they begin in anger to appear. No more in Bethlehem doth the infant lay. I said in heaven my wonders I'd display ; And from these visions I have shown thee here* The heavenly visions do to all appear : Read back thy writings, and the truth see dear. When that these visions landed on the earth. The horses fought (mark what the Spirit saith) And now the horses must begin to fight, And then, I say, I'll make them men of might} For I'm the rider, every soul shall see, And strong my Spirit now in man shall be, That now will tight my kingdom to obtain : It is the Spirit's sword that must it gain. Conquering, to conquer I shall now go on ; And now from Paul this vision must be known 'Tis hard for man to kick against these pricks ; For every soul shall know my eye is fix'd, To bring my glorious kingdom down to man, Without a cross : for there no seam shall come; No seam of sorrow, and no seam of sin, But interwoven through, I'll now begin To make my kingdom as it doth appear. And from the dead I now will answer here, That as the vision to the youth was seen, So the departed spirit now is gone, Guarded by angels, all his journey through ; It was with joy he bid the world adieu ; And in the mansions oi eternal bliss His soul is now arriv'd in happiness, Where Satan's malice never can molest, And with his Saviour he's in glory blest; * See Strange Effects of Faith, page 86. 14 But know, his son, that doth remain below, A different labour he hath now'to do The one in heaven, praising of my name, With rapturous joys, that do his tongue inflame, And to my praises he does sing above, In happiness that time can, never move, And in like manner all my saints are gone. I shew'd the vision of this single man, To let you know how all the saints depart, And how they are guarded from the tempter's dart, That I have said is hovering in the way; Therefore my angels must his soul convey. In the like manner all do leave this earth Who die in ME, with upright hearts and faith'. And so I've shew'd yon how the worlds unite, And how the angels always take their flight, To guard my jewels to their heavenly bliss j Then now I ask you how they e'er shall miss To bring my.glorieus kingdom down to man, When I have told you that the time's at hand That my true kingdom must come down below ? How shall they miss these visions for to show, Which all my prophets warn'd you of before ? Ezekiel's visions must to all. appear; Because the dry bones must begin to live I'll raise the dead, and will my Spirit give, With heavenly music sounding in the ear, More sweet than any music thou dost hear. And so in harmony shall all unite I've shew'd the visions of the every sight, And how my kingdom shall come down to all : For as the spikes you place upon the wall, To prick a thief, if he should enter in ; I say, to rob you should he dare to come, You place the spike to tear his every hand ; And now I tell you mine is placed the same } If you begin to rob ME of my fame j Then every spike shall run your hands all through : Deep is the vision, but you'll rind it true. I'll save my jewels that within nppeir; And those that kick against, shah ft-el my spear ; Therefore 'tis hard to kick against these pricks The vision now of Paul for ajl is fix'd ; And he that will not now like Paul become, He'll feel the spear go through his every hand : Because my jewels now I'll make them up, And like the wise men now one heart did drop, Who from the East did go the truth to know : And here's the je.vels I'll preserve below. 15 .And as the fishermen did then appear, These are my jewels, that prove fishers here, To fish for men, 1 say, on the right side; For there the net must now by aL be laid : Or else your labour will be all in vain ; You all may toil, but you no fish will gain j Because, I tell you, all the fish are gone, And nought but itching ears appear in men, With different doctrine in their every mind j But to the Law and Gospel none do bind ; And so your Bibles you put out of doors. By your inventions you destroy my store, And so your houses build upon the sand Then now awake, thou dark benighted land) Discern my Gospel, see the end's at hand; Or else the storms and tempests fast will rise, And great you'll see the fall before your eyes. Your labovir's lost, and all your fish are gone, Unless your nets on th' other side you turn ; And then, I say, your nets will so-jn be full ; For then your wounded nation I shall heal: And so my fishermen must now appear ; And these are jewels I shall make up here. And next unto the prophets I shall come : They were my jewels, that were faithful men, And did with patience bear with ME the cross r These are my jewels, and they are not lost. And now these jewels shall again appear, With the same spirit I shall make them here; Because that now I've plac'd them in the land : Like my first coming cloth the second stand. The Virgin wrun'd before I did appear, And now the Virgin's come to warn you here, That in the Spirit I am come again j And now, proud Herods, it is all in vain To slay her children ; for not one shall fall ' It is the Spirit's sword must conquer all : And now the Spirit's sword they'll find is-come, To bring the day ot vengeance fast on man, That now arise to nail MK to the tree: I've tix'd my spt-ar, that every soul shall see : And mark my eye, and now behold the spear, And weigh the vision dee;- that's placed th'vre; And how the crowns within they ail do ^iand And every Peter may these crowns command j And so I say of persecuting Saul : lear ye the pricks, and I'll preserve ynu all. For so my jewels now I 11 make them up ; And as my eye is fix'd the globe shall dr> p 16 With heavenly beauties I design'd at first ; And now's the time my kingdom so shall burst. For if my kingdom I ne'er bring to ye, I ask of men, what judge they e'er could be, What Paradise they lost by Adam's fall ? Or of the tree ot knowledge ? tell me all What good fruit on it man hath ever gain'd? The best of men have liv'd in grief ind pain, Oppress'd with sorrow, and oppress'd with sin j If one be good, another does condemn : So that the good fruit man could never taste, To spend his days in happiness and peace. But- know, at first I did pronounce all good, And now's the time I will fulfil my word j That all the nations of the earih may see, How I created man to live with ME, In heavenly union I have plac'd below : The justice of my sentence now I'll show, Why I confin'd the rebel down below, With all his angels, and the fallen host, That did rebel I'll rid them off the coast, And let them see the sad effects of sin : I'll conquer death, and hell, and every sting, I say, of poison I will take away ; And man with ME shall see a glorious day. For as the vision * Young did bring thee here-, It was my Mother, hovering in the air, To shew them plainly that her Son should come, And be the Prophet : they must worship Him; Or all that City\ it shall surely fall : The books are open now, I tell you all j And fast the ruin on the Turks will come, If they don't worship now my onlp Son. But those that worship, as the books are here, I say, their city and their land shall share 5 For I'll not stop until I've made all good ; For now my eye is fix'd to crown my -word. So now your Bibles witb these visions weigh : I ask what man of sense will dare to say That from the devil did this, likeness come ? Then your Creator you must all condemn For want of wisdom Satan here must shine, I say, in wisdom, and in words divine. Or will you say, these /u-^J were so agreed. From the invention ol their simple heads, The one to draw, (he other to explain Such wisdom bright, beyond the heads of men ? " Alluding to the vision out of Knowles's History of the Turks. t Medina. } Joanna and Joseph. 17 By words and visions make my Bible true, > And bring these wondrous visions to your view ? 1 say, 'tis more than e'er was done by man : You don't discern the way you lay your plan, To turn my Bible by your judgment here, Till there's no man caa prove my Bible clear: And so you wrest It, till to nought it comes. Therefore my B;ble I have took in hand, And now my Bible I will make it true j But that is more than any man can do, By all the judgment you from it do draw : You are but men, I tell you, plac'd below, Who eat of knowledge I pronounced dead, And perfect so is all your knowledge fled. And 'tis by faith you knowledge must obtain, And by charity you must perfection gain } Faith to believe, my Bible I'll fulfil, And charity in yjur Creator's skill, That he hath wisdom all for to perform, In his own likeness God and man to join, As in my likeness I have made them here j And for their sakes Satan must disappear j Because his sentence is already cast. But here's a wondrous mystery in the last : The world has stood nearly 6000 years, And never was an age that past before, That e'er a woman did the promise claim, That Satan's curse it must be worse than man's, And plead my promise for to bruise his head ; And on the serpent she the fault hath laid, And pleads my promise now for to redeem, That I will come and conquer hell and sin, And conquer Satan, as she hath begun : I ask you when such things were done before ? No, all must own that something new appears; Yet on the earth, you say, there's nothing new : The words you must affirm them false, or true; For on the earth there's something new appears. Since earth's foundation plac'd I tell you here, Such wondrous woman never was below, (Bring all before you, and the truth you'll know) To seal the people in her Maker's name, To prove my Bible true and it explain j To speak of dangers, and say they are near, And then the truth to mak for to appear; And with the Tempter then for to dispute, Till by her arguments she made him mut j c JS And then by cbanee a vision * one did see, That came from Heaven, and was shewn to be The power of Satan breaking off from man, -And >n her writings she had laid her plan. Now if you judge this all a woman's wit, I ask you how the mystery came so great, That she was forc'd to leave her native home Before these visions to her could be shewn ? And how the visions did not so appear Till men had sigrid to free the -woman here, And in her stead to have the serpent cast, And then such wondrous visions for to burst, To shew them plain their words I would fulfil, And their desire, the serpent's power should chill ; Thai is, his power I would so tread down ; And ail shall know I listen'd to their sound. Now on this earth you must confess it ne-Ji ; But know, in heaven these wonders John did shew ; And now to earth they all are coming down : Therefore, ye husbands, tremble at the sound ; Your wives in bondage you do make to be, The masters of them, you'll not Jet them free, To have a power o'er their every will : The married woman doth your power feel ; Then know the single woman is to ME As much in bondage, every soul shall see, By my command, for to obey my word } And like a husband now I'll draw my sword, If man, like Satan, dare lor to assume To threaten her, now I have shewn so plain, From types and shadows, and from visions here, And from my Bible every line is clear; And from the prophecies how all do stand: And now, I say, if you deny her hand, 1 tell you plain you must deny your Cod, And then, I tell you, you shall feel my rod; For such a chance did nevt-r come below, Without my Spirit, every soul sharll know. Think how this woman left her native home, And in what manner did these visions come. The way they came must all in print appear, And tell the time the visions were brought here. And in what manner all did sign their names, To free the woman and the serpent blame. Now then appear, ye leained sons of men, And tell what chance made all these things so plain, That aie beyond the learned to confound ? When they begin they all must judge the sound. - Joseph Prescott'i Vision. Another VISION of JOSEPH PRKSCOTT, seen March jth, 1903. " The part of the mill at the Neckinger, Bermond- sey, where his eye was directed to, just about ten o'clock, all at once was obscured, and exhibited the appearance of a dark night with the sky full of stars; the moon appeared very low ; the principal parts of a dark red colour, interspersed with some marbled part of light, like its natural colour; on the right hand of the moon, and higher up from the horizon, was the sun, which appeared of a dark, grey, gloomy colour, about half as large again as the moon, with some faint rays of light around it. Above the moon and sun were rolling light clouds, in form of a semi- circle, or rainbow reversed ; the underneath parts dark, the upper parts light, from the glory that was over it. Above those clouds, and on some fainter clouds, that seemed at a further distance, was a large grey horse, exceeding in size all he had ever seen. On it was a Person, whom he believes, from what followed, to be the Lord, dressed in a large loose flowing robe, of a red colour; underneath which he had a close garment, of bright purple, a broad sash over the right shoulder, and under the left arm, of the same colour. Upon, his head was a crown of twelve stars, and four arches with a star between each arch, and one on the top of each arch, and four stars in a cluster, on the top of the ball ; and in his right hand a sword, large and broad, which he held perpendicularly ; with the other hand he appeared to guide the horse. The light extended itself above in a semi-circle, or arch, which with the clouds below formed a complete circle. In the circle, above und on each side the horse, were an immense number of angelic faces, of various sizes, at various distances, and apparently of different ages, All as with one voice shouted, '* Glory to fhee, Lord. Ridr forth, mighty God, conquering and to conquer," 20 " From a voice behind him it was said, if a repre- sentation, or drawing, was coveted by any one that was a Believer in these things, it should again appear ; but there was no command for drawing it." The ANSWER to the VISION, from the SPIRIT. The sword of the Spirit is drawn by ME. I am the Captain of their salvation, that am now going on conquering and to conquer. The horse repre- sents men that my Spirit resteth on ; and as the bridle is in- my hand, so will I hold, guide, and direct them who now trust in ME, and rely on the words given to thee for direction arid for protection. And as one leg is broken and turned round under my heel, that was bruised by the powers of darkness working in the hearts of men to bruise it, when they nailed me to the tree ! so shall my heel tread down that power, to break his legs, and all his footing here. Satan hath but one power I have three powers, viz. I have power to give life, and power to take it away ; I have power to send blessings on the earth, or to withhold them. Satan hath but one power, and that is to tempt men to sin, and now that power shall be taken away, and God shall be all in all. For the one power, I say, shall fall. Just as that leg is now turn'd round, Just so his power shall now be found To twist and turn beneath my heel j And true believers now I'll fill With power I made them for at first ; ^ And now's the time that power shall burst. For know (hat horse resembles man, That I am holding in my hand : By the piercing eye that doth appear, They all shall know my Spirit's here, With such a quick discerning eye I know my jewels where they He j And they the mystery shall discern, And all their hearts with love I'll warm. 21 That every foe they shall pierce through. I have the sword, they all shall know, And now to conquer I'll go on ; And they shall trust in MB alone j For Satan's power is broke for man, That gives the reins into my hand, To be directed now by ME ; That piercing eye let mortals see : It is the eye of faith so bright ; And they shall see the every sight, Which in the picture doth ap: e:ir ; Thou know'st, before I told thee there. Your pictures did some likeness bring, And now I've show'd the likeness plain, That from the vision doth appear, And a true p cture now is h re. The angels that surrounded ME, (My sealed people) all shall see, Are those who sign to see my crown, And have my kingdom to come down, And have the power of Satan broke ; , For they in triumph, man knovv^ not, Shall come with ME then 'n the air, When I'vefulfil'd this vision here. Whoe'er do die before the time, If for my kingdom they do sign, My kingdom then they shall enjoy, And Satan's power I'll destroy, And break it off from every man That wish my kingdom for to come. So if they die, they're seal'd above, And they shall t.nste my perfect love ; And they that live are seal'd below, And strong my Spirit here shall go On those that wish to see my reign ; And now my Bible all see plain, How ye are seal'd in heaven and earth, So perfect as the Scripture sairh. The eleventh hour doth appear, And now my vineyard I shall clear, That every one may enter in, And all your \vagesyou may gain, That now are workers here with ME One single hour makes you free : Because the kingdom is my o\vn The righteous labourers inny complain, That man's desires should heaven gain, If they do wish to conquer sin, 22 And have my glorious kingdom come. But now to man I'll this impart ; You all must wish it from your hearts For MB to reign, and Satan fall, Or else, I now do tell you all, Your signing then is of no use, And can no merit here produce j Because the angels will destroy Your every bliss and every joy, Unless you wish lor to be free From Satan's power, and live in MI : And if in MI you wish to live, And so your names you freely give, Then all your names I'll seal above, And you shall taste my perfect love. When I in triumph do appear To conquer hell j I tell you here, That as the angels here you see, You all shall triumph then with MX ; Because your names shall ever stand Upon the palms of both my hands. For when the sun doth dark appear, And comes like night, none can see clear The things that are before their view j And now I tell you, so I'll do: "" I will not see your sins below, But from your names your joys shall flow. For when the moon is turn'd to blood, I'll cast your sins on Satan's head, If he does tempt you then to sin, When you do wish him to be gone, To live in ME and sin no more : But know your hearts must sure be there, To wish that I in you may reign : And so my kingdom you must gain, I tell you all, in heaven or earth : Remember what the Scripture saith My judgment never was like man's : Tis from the heart my judgment comes, And from the heart I'll now judge all That wish for Satan now to fall, And wish my kingdom to appear ; For I'm the judge, and at the door Of every heart that here doth sign. So now I've told you all my mind And to the other picture come. The stars from heaven shall be known, Though they are fallen from the earth j And they shall taste a heavenly birth ; 23 But then they will come down below, These wondrous visions they will shew, That I am coming to fulfil : Or else your hearts I know't would chill, To see my wonders to appear, And rolling thunder in the air; For every house and heart will shake, When I the powers of darkness break, I say to come and chain him down, None but believers will be found, I say, to live and bear the sight j For men will perish in the fright, Thai do not know these things before. The other picture must appear." The Third VISION of JOSEPH PRESCOT T, of the Crowns and Crosses. Bermondsey, March Q, 1803. About half after seven o'clock, Joseph was sitting in the kitchen, at the Neckinger, in company with ******, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. From seeing some rays of light from thence, he saw a crimson velvet cushion, four 'square, with gold tassels and fringe, letters formed by diamonds on it, and the word " CHRIST." Above that were ribbons of blue and white, plaited together in form of a basket. In it, and about it, were red roses and hearts-ease, and upon the cushion, by the basket, was " a star'' and a cross in the middle. Two sceptres across each other like the letter ^ were laid on the flowers, and a crown of diamonds on the sceptres. On the basket was written, in diamonds, the word " SPIRIT." On the crown was written " GOD," with diamonds. The crown had seven arches, and a cross, with red diamonds, on the top of the ball ; and over that was a representation of glory. In that glory were two stars, three points to each, one in another ; and over that, in printing characters, these words : " BEHOLD THE GLORY OF THE TRINITY.'' '14 At eight o'clock it made its second appearance, exactly in the same manner, only with the addition of an angel in the middle of the room; who ut- tered distinctly these words : " Speak not of this till these be gone And that the star of glory, which was ori the cushion, was * temporal representation of the spiritual glory to, be inherited hereafter, through the merits of the eross of Christ. The stars are a representation of the Trinity: Three- in- One and One-in-Three. A fur- ther, explanation of which shall be given hereafter; and if a drawing is wished, it shall appear again." A drawing was coveted, and it is executed. March Ifj, 1803. The following Explanation of the above Vision was given by the Spirit, to Joanna Southcott. " I am the root and offspring of David, the bright and morning Star, that am now coming in all my Father's glory To triumph o'er the cross men nail'd ME to, And every arch I'll bring before thy view ; For in the globe the crown is fasten M there, And everyoow that's round it I shall clear ; For on one stem thou seest that both do stand : The cross and globe were drawn by my command ; And underneath the stem the cushion stands, With the. two crosses that do now appear, And in the middle now the cross see deai 5 And under that you may behold the crown, Wherein's the name of GOD, that now is found To have a power all for to fulfil ; And b^ each arch you see the cross stand still. But yet their turning it doth now appear; You cannot say these crosses now stand fair. No, no, I tell thee they are bowing down, And by the arch they both are circled round > 25 Aad interwoven these two arches be, And joined 'o the globe you plain do see. But now come to the crosses that do stand : They every one are conquer'ng'cruwns for man. Because the crosses you received at first ; And in the end your every crown shall burst ; And then your crosses they will all falLdown. And now I'll tell how every cro-s was found : The tirsr c.x>ss came when I created man j For Satan hasty brought the cross on them ; And then my cross it instant was decreed Therefore these crosses were so curious laid ; For on the globe Mere's one that doth appear, And underneath the other jou see clear ; So both together did the^e crosses come ; Mine was decreed when it was brought on man. But as the other two they so are found : The cross went through when I the world did drown ; But when the fire did from heaven fall, You cannot say that cros, then went through all ; Because a 1 nations I d d n t destroy A little city Lot did thtn enjoy ; Because my heavy hand was not si retch 'd out, To feel that awiul cross ; and so 'tis shut : Because that cross it did not then go through, As did the deluge, every one doth know. But still mankind do feel the general cross ; As by the fall their happiness was lost. But as to th' other two, the crosses turn,'' And on the top they both go through the stem j And on the globe the outside stem appears j Within the other it's incirci'd there ; That is the second stem appear'd to be ; And now the mystery I'll reveal to thee : The outside stem it must resemble man ; And they without, that now bow to my hand, And will subm't to bow to ME btlow, And judge, my o-jtstretch'd arws did to you all appear, Just so my kingdom's interwoven here. Man must come in My aim it must come out; And t:ws appear ; And tlv.'n y.- u ;;11 will see the reign of God. The rose of Sharon now is in the word, And there' are three, now operi'd to y jurview ; It is my shepherds, you shall find it true, Whose eyes areopen'd, and they more shall see, Ad ev:- iy bud in bloss in soon shall be. But seven, and thou see'st no more, T : iou |udg's: eleven should in all appear; Because thou seest that ti:c-y are but ten j And thou hast plac'd them to my chosen men : And ro my chosen men they surely be ; But one is wanting now is said by thee : Bu. as ano;her flower uorh a; pear, I tell thee plain, they are not wanting there ; Because the two will make the twelve complete ; Though they are fainter, thou discern'st them not $ And they themselves so clearly don't discern, Jor in what manner I to thee do warn, As d the re ses which in buds appear ; I tt-11 thee plainly they will see m-jre clear. And as the violet gives a fragrant smell, Join'd with th - roses, or the hearts-ease well, Thou well dost know, that they do bear both names ; Just -o I tell t'nee, when men's hearts inflam'd, I say, with anger, and do violent burn, You'll find it hearts-ease unto every one That doth this calling now believe atjirst : 1 know that v.ount passions now will burst On those that see their wisdom all betray'd Vet they mu.,t own that sweet the words aie laid 27 Unto believers, to enjoy their God : The fl.>\vers shew how all b' arts will be led. Thon now I'll come to answer of the pole The crown and sceptre are held out to all That now will come rny kingdom to embrace,: Mark every stem and flower how they are plac'd } For in my crown you see the rose appear, And four different staffs arej. ined tuere. : On one are join'd the sceptre and the crown On th' other side, the sign for man is found, With four dirf-. ent branches on the po.e> Ar>d much like wings within th-j three do fall. But yet you see, the other it doth join, Though it doth differ now I'll coma to man : I said before, the GLORIOUS TRINITY Agreed to join with man in unity j But yet inferior 1 had placed man ; And now I tell thee mark the eve y kand. It is the wings tl.at make it differ here ; And now from w>ngs I'll make the p ow, r more clear : A bird hath power to mount up and fly, And shun his foes, when he does see them, nigh ; From place tp place a bird hath wings to go, You may confine all beast;, you well d< "now, But where's your buildings can confine oird ? And so their wings I'll liken to ray w< rds , For no man living can my word confine But well I know what's in thy hear' and mind; That cage and houses may confine i .'em here, And take the power from the floating air, Where they in no ways can mount up to fly, And so their wings can be confined that way. But this thou say'st can never be in God ; For there's no man that can confin,e n:y word. To this I answer : he v i>> thy mistake, When you confine a bird you trouble take, To have your cages and your house prepared, Or else you know you can't confine them there; Because the o^.en wal'.s, though e'er so high, Yon know the birds will s:-on m unt up and fly Out o: your power; you can r.o m re command ; And perfect like the birds my word doth stand. You may confine ME by your eve 'y prayer, For t;> -prevent the judgments that a;;e near As Nineveh at first confined ME so : They made their hearts 1 ke cages : all did go For to confine ME by their every prayer; I could not fly from them when they came near IS In dust and ashes bow'd before my throne, Mercy confm'd ME all their prayers to own. That I the judgments to them did not send, .Although my word was gone: mark what is penn'd:- Jt was by prayer they then confm'd my word, That I should act with mercy like a God ; And so with mercy I did then appear, While every heart to ME a cage was there. But when their cages they were all br, ke down, Aud open houses unto ME were f und, Then like the birds from them I flew away, And brought the ru'n I before did say. At'd so to Eli I did prove the same : He made a cage for to confine my name ; I say, in honour he did it confine, Br ,ke down the altar perfect with my mind, And then my promise 1 did make to he, That like the birds I in hig house would be ; But ma.k how soon this cage was instant broke, When all my honour he had quite Ibrgot 5 Then sure horn Eli I did fly away, And brought his fatal ruin in one day. And all my Bible you will see the same ; And 1 ke the birds you'll find my every name ; So, like the birds, with havering wings, I'm come, I say, in love, to make my cage with man j And so my Spirit you may all confine, And to your hearts I will my Spirit bind : If now you'll act according to my will, Firm as the heavenly pillars, I'll fulfil The every promise 1 have made to man- The budding roses shew tl.j time's at hand ; Because 'tis said the flowers shall appear, When in the land the turtle's voice you hear j And all shall find the turtle's voice is come, To bring tfie news of fence to every land j That like the flowers they will now appear; And maik the roses, how t'ley are placed tlierc ; So that the stem, or staff, they do go through ; And here's a mystery deep before veor view. For so, I tell thee, many will begin To claim my promise, and my kingdom win ; Therefore the staff that doth to thce appear, Join'd to my crown, that is so placed there, 1 tell thee plain, it is my outstretch'd arm, To keep believers now from every harm, That shoot their branches interwove with ME Thou know'st I told thee my delight should b: . * Now plac'd with men, when I come down below, And do the glories of rry kingdom show ; And as the flowers and the leaves plac'd there, So men with ME they now must interfere, For to affirm the words that I have spoke j And in such beauty God and man shall drop, As do the flowers on the bank appear. Now mark the compass how 't ; s placed there; And at the bottom thou dost see the ball, And to each side the tassels hang for all, To shew the compass I have nnde for man, And at the top tlie rainbow now does stand : And mark the rainb >w, what I said before j I said the ra'.nbow all your g ief should clear ; Because I said, that I myself woa Id reign, And, in this vision, I have shew'd thee plain The glory of the TRINITY is there ; And on the top thbu seest the second star. But in thy heart thou say'st the top is first ; And now's the time that star shall surely burst, With every power in the bows appear, And I am the rainbow, and I will reign here. For as the tassels under these are found, I tell thee plain that men will now pull down My every power on them as a God j Some will, by fury, now pull my word, With every stripe that in it now appears But mark the roses interwoven there : So they'll prevent t/w strokes on them to fall, And share the glory of my kingdom all. For as the other side it doth appear, And man with ME is interwoven there, As I did tell thee from my cross should be, And like my coat, I said, for man and ME, And like my coat, is interwoven through, A mystery deep ; but all shall find it true, For every vision, they have brought thee here. Fulfils thy prophecies, that they are near ; And every vision I shall now fulfil, And ail s-hallknow the Spirit d : d thee tell The very things that I shall do below: From Gc.dand Christ the Spirit it doth go, To corne to thee, and ttll thee all my mind ; And now I tell thee, man inu^t sure be blind, When all together they do but compare, If they can't see, and know my Spirit's here : And yet ihou marvel'st how thou art so dead, That like a pleasing -dream the words are la d. 30 Thou say'st before thee ; but thy heart should bum If vhou didst know and feel the days a. e come. And this I kncnv would be thy every mind, If I had not ihy senses str ng c ;nfin'd, And put a seal upon thy yery heart, Too well I know the words I do impart Would kindle flames, soon rising in thy breast, And like a fountain would thy eyes now burst ; And all my labour thou c u d'st not go through, If thou didst see and feel, and all didst know, What lies before thec j , even at the door ; I've shew'd my 'eason, and I'll say no more, Why I have put a bolt so strong- on thee, That like thy eyes thou dost but partly see, And many things thou dost not see at all ; For like the shadow does the substance fall. And to the starry cross I bid thee come j For there's the star that now is come to man, To shew my hands and feet were nailed there.- Ihou know'st I told thee I should so appear j And like my words Itell thee all is plac'd : I've shew'd this vision to the human race, That all together they might clearly see, And be assur'd these things came all from ME : For JAM Jehovah is my every name j The Lord of lords and King of kings I am. And now my kingdom it shall surely come, As the six spots foretel you who I am j And the six spots you now may see them clear : But in the seventh there's no spot appears : And I'll go on till there's no spot in man, But like the standard every soul shall come, And man shall own there is no spot in ME A heavenly union now in both shall be j Though man hath often spotted here my name, And by y<~>ui judgment you your Maker blame ; For perfect as the spots do there appear, Just so you always spot your Maker here ; Because I tell you, you do spot my name, And much like Adam, men, 1 say, do blame, The Lord, of Glory, by their different thoughts, And men'sdisputes in s ots nre often wrought; That as the judgment they do draw oi'God, They sj;0t my name, but don't regard my word. So this, I say, hath been throughout thesix ; But in the seventh, there no s: ot is fix'd : And 1'!! go on till every spot I'll clear, And like the standard all shall BOW appear : 31 For no more spots will I now bear for man. jAnd now I'll tell thee how they spot ray name : One spot by Adam it was cast at first j He blam'd the woman that my hand had placfd j But now that spot shall sure be dune away. And bring the knowledge of the glorious day f That like a jewel shall that spot appear. And now the second spot, I tell you here, It came from N ;ah cursing of his son, And instantly it brought a spot on man j And on his Maker it d.d bring the same, To shew my chosen man what folly came, Whom I bt-fore pronounced to be good, And would nut let him perish in the flood. But Oh ! that goodness, it did hasty tura, When he in anger did so cuise his son, Because his nakedness he soon did see } But n -W his spot a jewel is to ME, If that tb Jews will all behold the same, And see their fathers, as 'twas seen by him ; That they were naked, drunken with the wine, And d d not know the Saviour of mankind, When I came down a vine to them below, And, drunk with anger, did in fury go To bring a curse, 1 say, on every son, They slew their brethren j and they still go on, I tell you, backward, to this very day ; But now these spots from them I'll take away, If, like the former, they will now begin To see their fathers' folly, and will turn To ME, I say, that spot shall nc?w appeal To be a jewel so I'll make them here: Because the spot of sin I'll take away, And place them jewels as the crown doth lay. But now the third spot must from man appear-: It was in David when he murder'd there, I say, Uriah, for.to have his wife; And so rhat snot went through his life; And en Ins Maker it is cast the same; Because you know I highly spoke of him. And said he was a man of my own heart ; But now the truth I'll to you all impart. If you like David will but now appear, To save the woman, put her tempter there Into the battle, that betrayed at first But here thou marvel'st how that can be plac'd, To make the husband ever to agree, A type f)f Satan now is said by thee. To til is, I answer, it is by her hand i 32 That first the tempter did by arts command -, But in the husband thou dost say were none, When he in love possess'd her every hand. No ; here I own the likeness don't agree : It is the shad-nv I haire said to thee, And all the shad.jw it is from the hand, That he in different manner did command. So no.v in different manner I'll appear, For I'm the David, and the whole will clear. The hand from Saran now, I say, I'll take, And strong the battle I for man will make : And in the front the tempter shall be slain, And now like D '.vid I'll the woman gain ; And so the spot shall all to jewels turn : I'll slay the rebel, but I'll save the man. For here, like Dav d, I cannot agree T- slay the innocent no ; them I'll free ; It u the shadow only from the hand ; Satan did gain it, and by arts command; And so that hand from him I'll take away. You al! must spot my name, if you .do say There was no mystery laid in David's reign, To like MYSELF to one that yqu complain The worst of crimes was in his murder there, Vvfai-n Satan's arts so powerful did appear, To tempt to murder for adu!tery. And now on Satan shall that ruin be j For 1'ii avenge on h;m Uriah's blood : Now I'm the David, and I'll iiiakc it good, That every sp >t on Satan now shall fallj When I do came, like man, to conquer all, Then every spot I'll turn the other way: Invisible these mysteries all do lay ; And when on Satan every one I turn, I will make up my jewels then in man. Because that David did so sore repent ; And now, I tell you all, my mind is bent To act like David, as he did appear j I'll slay the serp nt that her hand did share: To take it from him Day d shall appear, And 1 kc Uriah s, Sa an's doom is near j Because he tern, ted David to that sin ; And his- repentance I'll like David's bring; For now the sword from him shall not depart. As both were guilty both shall feel rny dart. Dav ; d already hath the sword receiv'd j And Absalom's death did make him sorely grieve. So here's a spot was deeply cast on man ; But now to a jewel I that spot will turn 5 33 Because a jewel always sparkles bright ; And now to man I've brought the truth to light, Why I did let the tempter to go on To work his will upon a righteous man: Because in him the truth it must all appear, It was the devil did his heart ensnare. So now of David you may all w; igh deep. And now the fourth spot 1 will speak of i't : It was Isaiah, every soul shall ^ee ; Th'-y spotted my name, as 'twas foretold by he. For Satan always finds an artful way To work in men, their judgment to betray; And so my jewels they were spotted there, As wrong the judgment did in man appear; Because that Satan works an arrfn; way From his disputes, see how his footsteps lay : I tell you all his footsteps do appear, As in thy book to thee he spoke them there : And out his footsteps man could never find, Had I not let him come and tell his mind, What arguments with mankind he. hath us'd ; And so he work 'd upon the stubborn Jews, That from his judgment they would never turn : The arguments seem'd right he us'd with tt:em ; Because his influence o'er their m'nds ;:ppear'd, - .Move strong in man than in his words spoke there. And now, I tell thee, it was thy dispute That broke his legs, and turn'd beneath my foot : Because I said, if thou in faith stood s; out, To trust in me, thou nothing hadst to doubt; For 1 would conquer, and for thee appear ; And so the vUion I have shew'd thee here, As by my anvwer I did say to tfue, And so the vision does in all agree. So if the learned men can this confound,, I tell thee plain, from hell must come the sound ; And Satan strong in man u.ust now appear, If they the vision and the words will clear; For no such judgment can efe be in m;m, Unless the devil strong in them does come. For when the whole t< -gCiher we compare, A Peter's vision never was so clear ; Nor yet by man so ctearfy understood, And plain iny Bible doth the whole make good; And ail these things I've shew'd them i.o a chi'd, That ail mankind might know they are nt foil'd: And different gifts do to these boys appear, That every soul might know my kingdom's near j E And all these spots shall now to jewels turn j For now,like Satan's words t G-man Til come- That all rny Bible you cannot fulfil, Unless I br.ng the vision by my heel, I tell yop all, to tread his ^ower down. The mighty counsellor I cannot be found, The prince or glory, nor the prince of peace, Unless I make your jarring passi ns cease. By Satan's reasoning you cannot agree j Because he work'd in man, you all may see, To stir up anger, and to stir up itrife j But now I'll clear frtfm Ahasuerus' wife, As his command the queen she disobey'd, And shotted his honour, as his nobles said, She in his presence sh uld not e'er come more| But still h s love for women did appear; And so the virgins unto him were brought, And Estber gain'd his favour as 'tis wrote ; Who say'd her peo, le, and destroy'd her foes : But now the spot in one you all do know: She spotted her honour and her husband's fame, When she refused at his command to come. And so the woman brought the spot at first. But now from Esther shali the mystery-burst : She gain'd his fav >ur, which the other lost} She sav'd her [>e >ple, and her foes she cast. Son%w let Esther's banquet to appear, And my demand let it be answer'd here. From thy disputes, ONE OF THE Two must fall } And now an answer I demand of all ; What shall be done to one who did blaspheme ? As in thy printed book thou may'st see plain : And from thy foes they must the sentence pass, And then the mysteries unto all shall burst. Because thy iiiend> have passed their judgment here, And now thy foe > I bid them to appear, And all their answers 1 do bid them bring, What shall be done to one that did blaspheme? As blasphemy from one tnere must appear, It is thy foes that must the mystery clear : And so their judgment 1 do bid them pass, 'Tis from thy foes the mysteries all must burtt ; And from that book the cause must now be tried, And let the sentence 1'rom thy foes be laid j And so in public let these words appear, And then the Royal Sceptre you'll see clear : For here's a spot that shall to a jewel turn J'il save thy friends, and all thy foes shall mourn,, And every spot shall to a jewel turn : 25 And so the fifth spot thou hast ended here. And now the sixth I'll make it to appear : It was my mother, I shall make it clear; Because they did then spot my mother's name To say that I from her a bastard came ? And so that spot it instant fell on ME, ^ When lafHrmed the words were spoke b> sh< And so that spot then at that time went deep But now's the time when every spot shall break, 1 say, with fury, and within shall * turn' Invisible shall all turn back again : For with the world invisible it shall be; And every spot in man, they now shall see That I will act like all the sons of men, And now I say I will come to the fall The blood of Abel now I say to all, That I'm the Abel, Satan is the Cain, And my avenging Blood he now shall find: And next to Noah, I will so go on, I'll build the ark, and so I'll save the man. Bui as he curs'd the son that laughed at him, So' Satan now shall feel that curse from MS. And now like David I will so appear, And place the serpent like Uriah there : And to Isaiah now 1 say I'll come: I'll saw in sunder Satan's power from man j And io like Ahasuerus I'll appear, And Satan now the gallows he shall share? Because like Herod I'll my oath fulfil, And turn the spots by my avenging heel." The FOURTH VISION of JOSEPH, which he saw of the Flags, Trumpets, &t. at the High House, Pad- ding ton, March 23, 1803. Sitting on one side of the fire place, and Mrs. D. on the other, he heard a voice distinctly say, "Joseph, speak not of this till you arrive at home, mention not a word to any one." Turning his eyes to the spot where the voice appeared to come from, he saw four flags, with a regular space between each, all nearly of a size. The first was red and white stripes, ' Back upon the invisible world. . with a square of blue in one corner, with thirteen stars brilliant, v as if of diamonds. The next was a white fi ;ig with a broad black's face on it. The thirc 1 w';ts a white flag with half moons, swords, stars, and svi.'ike'Or-^ serpents, all in variegated colours. The fo.'irtrTVas a blue flag, with white and red stripes or crosses, .somewhat like the English colours. To the flags were four persons ; one standing by each. One of the persons was a black, by the flag which had a black's face on it. By the flag with variegated colours was a man neither fair nor black, but about a copper colour. By the flag with a square of blue and stars was a dark person, like one of us, with whiskers ; and by the other flag, like English co- lo'irs, was a fair man. In the hand of the man with whiskers was a harp. In the hand of the fair man was another instrument of music, like a lyre. The other two had trumpets all playing on their instru- ments. There appeared at a distance, beyond them, millions of people to each of them, of the same kind as they were. In the middle of them was a person that looked .like our Saviour, with a great number of stars surrounding his head, and his body, orna- mented with diamonds in all parts, with his arms ex- tended, as if ready to embrace, who said in a power- ful voice, " I will be known in all hearts, throughout the whole world* front the emperor on tht throne, lo the meanest subject, on the earth" and then disappeared. The following was given to Joanna by the Spirit, March 2,8th, 1803, being an explanation of this vi- sion ; and also an explanation of an angel's writing down Mr. Carpenter's words, that he w r as reading and speaking, to a few friends, at Little Zoar, near INcrkinger, on Sunday morning, March 27th, 1SO3;* ant; also an explanation of the beforementioned vi- sion, that he had at the High House, in Paddington, i * See account of the vision. 37 on "Wednesday, March 23d, and which was brought to Joanna on Sunday, March 27th. " Now from the visions I'll appear, The youth did see, but did not draw; Because he naid, * the truth was so Thai ;t already was fulfill'd : The h veriiig angels, roirid you still, D.) in h s 1 >wer w rid appear ; Thou kn.nv'st I told thee so before, That n .w the angels were come down, And hell alann'd to hear the sound, As when I first created man They were alarrn'd, and hasty came To see theinan that I had made, And soon their happiness betray'd. By arts they worked in every wheel, The han ;.i'iess o! man to foil j And now again he'd work the same, If he did kn w my ev- ry plan ; There ore my plan I do c nceal, The arts of Satan for to foil As did + the letter then a pear, That Sharp did read ; I tell you here, He saw his foe was in the way, Lurking in ambush to betray; And then he took a diffe - ent road ; And perfect so are the ways of God. He sees the devil how he siands Waiting in ambush strong for man, Their every virtue to betray ; Therefore I've taken a different way, That Satan's arts could ne'er find oat - Such wisdom there's n:> man could doubt If all the mysteries they \veigh deep, They must confess the Lord doth s r eak, In wondrous wisdom to appear, 1o shew his kingdom now is near; Because my Bible is made plain For all the learned sons of men. The books are open'd, as it doth appear, And in remembrance all is written tiiere, The angels penn'd, and all's enr Jl'd in Heaven Of what was read, and what advice was given : * It being a reality. f A letter read by Mr. Sharp, of a boy in America, whose spiritual bight was opened, and he saw his enemy way-lay him, and went ano- ther 3$ And so I tell thee, all's before the throne, And now my jewels, it must to all be known, Are those that do together so converse To bring my kingdon ; they can never miss Of all these blessings in my Bible penn'd, And in thy writings I have shew'd the end. These are th^ jewels I shall now make up ' ~ For as the vision to the youth did drop, To shew them plain * the book was written there, When that my friend in love he did appear, To read my mind, and will, and tell them there That I was coming, perfect like my word, I shew'd the vision, as my prophet said, And as before I shew'd thee, in thy dream, The angel of the Lord was throwing down The sheets of paper then upon the corn, Which I allude to man, it must be known ; And as thou didst dream that it was like thy hand* I tell thee, so the end for all shall stand: Because to rob the Lord they have begun, And the whole nation robs me of my fame, And of my honour : they do not discern, To say, that from the devil it does come : And perfect so the Jews did say before, That from the devil all my wonders were : And now the Gentiles they do say the same} Therefqre the devil 1 will now destroy, And man in innocence T will enjoy, That don't my wonders to the devil place, And by their wisdom don't their Lord disgrace, To say my ways are folly frorrTthe devil : I plainly tell you that your hearts are evil j Because that sin you oft do cast on ME, And say that I ordain'd it so to be ; / But when I warn in any thing that's good, Unto the devil you do all allude,' So now, I bid thee, answer MBf vain man, If like the devil you're not laidjyour plan ? But like the Devil you shall lay no more After my harvest ends, that1|ow is near; Because that all I'll rid them-off'the coast s No more oiUSatan's wisdom men shall boast, Nor of his power all I'll take away ; As to his po\ver you do wonders lay, And to his wisdom you do all confine j But where t'nere's evil, you do call it mine j And say tha 1 1, these things did all ordain i But now your folly I shall shew it plain 3 * Mr. Carpenter read Joanna's prophecies to a few friends. 39 As from this picture * it doth now appear : With outstretch 'd arms you see a likeness there, More like a Turkish Emperor than a God, With [ eygs so dim that scarce can see a word } Because that dim the eyes do both appear, And all around the head there's p'aced hair : And yet you see it's drawn in royal state, With outstretch 'd arms and sparkling diamonds bright, In such a p cture no one can discern What it doth represent, nor judge the form, Whether a man or woman doth appear ; And mark the clothing how 'tis placed there j And mark the rider on the horse you see, I tell you plain these pictures don't agree ' Then here thou'rt puzzled, can this be a God For to resemble, as the youth then said ? To this I answer as I said before, I show'd the vision for to make it clear, That in the manner you have judg'd your God, There's no man living that can judge his wordj Because that vision must them all confound, To say the Lord like that can e'er be crown'd, Array'd in glory and in majesty, In heavenly splendour, and no eyes to seofc As in that vision doth to thee appear j But that's the likeness men have drawn ME here : I tell you plain they've drawn ME in such form, That no man living can a G.xl discern j Because that darkly some have drawn my eye, And judge that nothing I below espy ; And others draw me as they judge a God, Most like a Turkish emperor now is spread, With arms of cruelty held out to all- You don't discern this vision how't does fall j Nor in what manner it does now appear : I shew'd the vision, as the men came here For to dispute, and so to place their God, As no man livingcan discern his word, By all the different judgments they do draw, Just like this vision, every soul shall know, That in this manner men have judged their God, Wherein no meaning in it can be draw'd; For some are Aria us, and they do deny The perfect union of the Trinity, Then now I ask them what ot it they make ? They cannot say a man died for their sakesj * The figure that was drawn for the Lord appeared in such a con- fused form and dress, that you could not tell what it was designed for. t Almost blind. 40 Or that a man could e'er for man atone j Or an impostor, or the greatest born, That iu the world ever came bdow My mother lie ? and 1 affirm it to > ! Then both together you do give the Hej I ask you. where's the knowledge fiom on Ligh, If an imposto I let this j.rocred, For men to worship, as it is decreed, The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? These Three, You know, is worship'd in the Trinity : And by the gospel you have plac'd it so, And now the meaning I demand to know, What kind of figure I must now appear ? I tell you plain my likeness it is here, That I am likened to by the sons of men, A God that cannot see, and now become A Jew, a Turk, or Infidel, to be, No shape, or form, that any man can see, Now by that picture I am liken 'd here; For so the judgment in mankind appears, And in such manner they have likened God j And now I'll prove it by their every w,rd. You say that Satan guides this woman 's hand; Then where's your God, I do oi all demand ? Whose flaming eye doth o'er the world appear. Surveys the hearts and thoughts, I tell you here Before they spring they a 1 are known to ME ; And from my knowledge none conceal'd can be ; Then if by knowledge I know all before, I ask mankind how this did all appear, That every vision is brought to your view ? I shew'd a perfect man you all do know, Plac'd on the horse, with such discerning eye, And broke the leg that differ'd from the three, And by my heel I'll tread that power doxvn, That man and I alike may now be found. So here yon may behold a perfect man ; For in his likeness is the picture drawn ; And so the horse in likeness doth appear So perfect to the words were spoken there, That Satan's power I said that I would break, I shew'd the likeness, and the likeness great. But well I know what folly will appear > These wondrous visions men will turn them here, As though invention by some curious head, And by some curious arts the whole was laid. There-ore the mystery I said I would clear, And shew thee plainer when the youth carne here. For in t this house the vision it was seen, And like the vision do the sons of men. t High House Paddinjjton. 41 Draw all such likeness of divinity :, But when you weigh the whole, you all will sec, You do not draw your judgment tor a God Who is in mercy, and whose aims are spread With outstretch'd arms still to the utmost saves All who return to him, and now believe. Then now unto the black I bid thee come, And mark the trumpet that is in his hanci'j And as the other has the trumpet too A mystery deep t but all shall find -,i true. For the last trumpet must to all a; pc-ar : I've shew'd the trumpets, and I'll make them clear For now the trumpets shall be blown to all, And every nation now shall kn >w their call : And from the blacks the trumpets shall begin- Thou know'st "the blush' that I did put on Cain j And now the Cains I bid them all appear, And blow the trumpet n w in every ear ; For like their brothers every soul shall fly, It you don't sound the trumpet now this way, To say your grief is more than you can bear, If I avenge your Abel's blood now here, I tell you all, upon your guil y heads ; Swiftly repent, or you mus r fly .v.th speed. So now the trumpet it mu- 1 gxmd for all, That Satan now may b: wed thee here, That Satan's head shall 1 ke the black's com? off, As John the baptist's did I've said enough. For in his hand the blood djes now appear, To shew the murder he committed there, When he in malice did his brother kill ; And n >\v I tel! you, Cain rim blood shall feel, If he don't cast the whole on Saran's head, And at the thr.-ne of grace for mercy plead, ' To have the dev 1 now to flee like Cain, And blow the trumpet : he may mercy find, And the Redeemer, to avenge the Wood, . And cast the vengeance on the serpent's head. For deep's the vision, that is shew'd thee here, And deep they'll see the whole, when I shall clear The evtry mystery in the vision here. And with the heavenly music I'll begin : Thou know'st this morning how thou here didst sing The Psaim* of David, as it doth appear, And now I tell thee David's harp is here j For eveiy music it will so come round : A heavenly joy will in each heart be found, That do'h believe, as thou'st believ'd this day ; You all will sing as doth the music play; Upon the har,> of music, you will sing ; A 'd from the lyre now behold the string : Thou seest but. five ; for six do no; appear : Then sure the liar must be vanquish 'd here, Before the six do e'er appear to man, And then in triumph sing that he is gone. For now the 1 ar, must to all lx* known, It is the Devil, tint I now shall lay ; And man. shall sing it to eternity ; And through eternity he sure shall sing, That Satan';, lies no more are cast on men, Foi: them to suffer for the lies he spoke. When he with ^arts does always fill them up : And so with arts he on men's minds does break, To fill their heads for to imagine lies. A'nd now ye simple sons of men, grow wise, Who say these visions never did appear ' 43 It was a vision that \\efancied there ; But such a fancy never came before ; Weigh all together, and you'll see more cleat, How every vision, that is drawn by him, Doth with thy former visions all agree, And with the promise I to thee did make, And how the caus'j of man I'd undertake, f And how my kingdom I would now bring in ; Fur every vis on th-re does "shew you plain, That in one likeness this doth all agree. The,n now app-ar vain man, and answer ME, How both together did the.-e things invent, Or e'er imagine how rny m'nd was bent, To make these vi.ivnt , erfect so agree, For to fulfil these words i s oke by thee ? For when the>e visions they d ; all appear, They're in such chain, that there's no man can clear ; For in one 1 keness they do all agree, Then now an; e r, v.i.n man, and answer ME, Jr t all kn wledge you must not be 1 dead ? As f ora imagination a'l you've laid j Then your imagination must be here, To make t/iae two as earthly 'gods aj pear, A''n;y'd in wisd n>, to imag'ne bright, First speak these w ;rds, and then produce the sight, That as 'twas spoke before it doth a, pear: For every vision doth thy writings clear ; For as the words were spoke the vision's here. J said in Heaven my wonders I'd display ; And s.i my angels I've sent down this way, To shew the heavenly visions do appear, That as I said, my chariot wheels are near, And that my hand w.as now held out to all ; That bastard nations they might hear their Call, Thar 1 was ready all men to receive Whoe'er would turn Co ME and rght believe j And nov/ .ill nations you see to appear, "W'it'-i d ftVr ..:: c< ! ,urs, as the nations are ; And so you see my hand stretch'd out to all, Ami like the Bible doth the" vision fall : And yet you call j,t fancy i;f a child, \\ hoin Nitan's arts have in this manner foil'd; The first to fancy, ard the next tolie, lor to affirm these visi, n ; , c;-mio from ME ; And in that manner you judg'e all a'p; ear, As he hath drawn tht-m, and hath p'ac'd themjiere; Then try your fancy, and y^urfuliy see, li'such a vision will appear to y.m ; And in like m .'Miner you the vi-'u,ns draw, And t!;cin explain them plain, the truth to -shew F 2 44 That your invention all was right before : The world with you in judgment right appears, Whose wild inventions d^ your Bibles turn, And make the God .truth to be a form That a' 1 the karned world can never clear By man's invention, now I tell you here : But by invention ufthfse single two, As ff'. m tlieir fan.;y n w io said by you That their imag-nation doth appear, They've so imagined for to make all clear. If by imaginat'on this is done, Without a God to bring a regular form ; Then every soul must give their God the He, And say to knowledge man did never die ; Becaue some wondrous knowledge doth appear, To prophesy and shew the mystery clear, With dif^rnt gifts, that unto them are given ; And will you say these gifts ne'er came from heaven ? Then sure like Satan you must all appear, And give your Gnd the lie : I tell you here That unto knowledge man did never die, When the|forbidden fruit was eat that day ; Because of knowledge you say you can boast, With wisdom brighter than the Lord of hosts, And knowledge greater, for to make all good, I say my Bible, and fulfil their word. If by their own invention this is done, I tell you plain, you shame both God and man, By the invention of your foolish heads : And now to knowledge I'll pronounce you dead. 'Tisyour invention duth from Satan come j What he suggests you in your minds d form, That it is real, as it comes from he : Once more I tell yu, you eat of the tree That was of knowledge I pronounced dead ; And so by Satan's arts your knowledge fled. Abel knew not his brother would him kill, And Cain knew not the daggers he should feel ; Some wild imagination fill'd his brain, That he should be at peace when he had Abel slain ;. So He imagin'd and his scheme went on ; Imaginat'on doth from Satan come, Whc n you imagine what will never do To make you^ happy j bring before your view All the imaginations that did appear When Noah built the a;k ; 1 tell you here, They all imagin'd Noah was a fool ; And Satan's arts possess'd their every soul, 45 Until the deluge wash'd them all away, Then where must their imagination lay But in the knowledge I pronounced dead, And so the watery graves fill'd every bed ? And hereof knowledge I say they had none, And their imagination all was gone, To be but t lly, as i said before. Imagination never can be good : I tell you, ail must perish in the flood, When I do come to sweep the whole away You may imagine I shall longer stay j But your imagination all will fall, As did the d luge, now I tell you all, And so you know I told you of the end : You may imagine I shall ne'er descend, As on the city of Gomorrah fell, ^ Or Sodom's .ot j you may imagine all Will never come, if you do mock my word, > And judge like them'tis fools believe, and flee, As Let did flee when I did warn him there : He had the knowledge did from ME appear; But they imagin'd every thing was vain Imagination n^'er did knowledge gain : Pharaoh imagin'd, Haman did the same, And both despis'd the knowledge of my name. But see imagination where it did end ; I tell you all it never prov'd a friend j Because imagination comes from hell, To mock the warnings that from heaven fell : And so the Jews imagin'd all the same, That Satan gave me power to become The son of God, and be exalted high A Prince, and Sai ionr, is your every cry, Whom you do worship in the Trinity : The Jews imagined hell exalted ME ; And now the Gentiles thousands are the same : They do imagine hell exalts my name \Vith arts, and lies, and wonders, that were wrought, And all my Father's words they were forgot, That he atfirai'd he had one only Son, Whom all the nations of the world should claim : And now 1 say I'm come to claim them all, And your imagination down shall fall : *- Because 1 said the Gentiles they would rise In rage and tumult, and madly would devise Against the Lord, and his anointed Son j And now 1 see your folly's going on) 46 Because against ME you do madly rage ; Against my Spirit you do- SD engage, By your imagination that is here : Much like the Jews of old, you now appear , And like the Jews of old will be your lot, If you imagine things which you know not. Can you invent by your weak foolish heads The wondrous visions now before you laid ? Or can you answer, and these things explain 5 How all together came in a straight line ? Or how the likeness should in all agree ? The four pillars are. the poles you see, Which these two Indians they have got in hand ; For like wild Indians do the colours stand, As partly naked they do both appear ; But mark the covering how it is cast there. So now to cover I shall sure begin ; They have the pole, the trumpet plain is seen ; And now the trumpet I shall blow to all, And every nation now shall know their call. For there I tell thee stands the Gospel pole, And free salvation's now held out to all, And every land shall .see my arms appear : As they are lifted, so I'll lift them up : ( If they'll return to ME, they all may hope. For as the bloody hand does now appear, To shew the blood ol Cain, the murderer- there, And by such hands they nail'd ME to the tree. But mark the hand and now the mystery see : Two spots of red do on the hand appear, With blue and white, 'tis all encircl'd there; That hand is fallen now without the pole, The other's lifted up the trumpet holds*; So now I tell thee they will bow to MI Throw down the hand that nail'd ME to the tree ; That is, rcbell 0:1 they will all throw down ; Lift up their hands to hear the gospel sound, v And glad'y, gladly, will these nations come -^ To sound the trumpet when they hear j our land, ^. That ye are ca'k-d by the heavenly sound. Over all nations will this call resound ; From shore to shore, from cast to west 'twill fly, And evr ry star foretels the time is nigh ; Or else the si ots that there do now appear ; And by the stripes the nations healed are ; - Because my outstretch'd arm is joined there ; Ben> ath my feet the beast doth now appear : Black is his colour, but thou can'st net form What is the shape; it is to tbee unknown ; 47 But it's a beast thpu dost not understand : And mark he's trodden down, and see my hand Is n.nv in mercy open'd wide to all ; And see the angel, underneath the -xbole, With the two trumpets, now plac'd on both sides. Mark ye the vision ; for the fiel.l is wide ; As on the right, and left, the trumpets stand, And on the top you may behold my/hand, To call my sons and daughters from afar, And save the remnant leaved in the war 5 And as the colour in the hand appear-;, I'll change the skin when I have ended here; And every nation shall in triumph sing : The harp of David to you all I 11 bring j And every lyre he shall now confound, With heavenly music in their every sound. For as the buds are fixed on the poles, The bud is budding out I say for all j And as they're parted, so will every land ; Some will believe, and stedfast they will stand ; But as the poles don't of o.ie length appear, I plainly tell thee, so they will appear In different links, before the whole do join. Here stands the globe that I shall make all mine ; But as the brightest figures d > appear, That have the music, and encircl'd here, "Within the poles thou ^eest the music stand; So now, O England, thou enlighten 'd land, That hath been guarded by the Gospel pole, You may rejoice and sing while others tall ; Because the trumpet you'll \iearjirstfor iuar; That foreign nations they will fast appear, I say for battle : you wiil hear the sound ; A dreadful war will in all land abound, While you may stand within the Gospel's pole And let thrs music now awaken all. You need not follow to the trumpet there 5 For now I teH thee it is first for war ; And fat'il wars wH soon bj o'er the lands ; The Reyeiation- tell y >u :iow it stands, That first a t>owe r t tie bea^t is s ven : And o' r the h id thou seest the s rpent plac'd ; And a t e oih.r sid*.- th u see->t ;i face, Or else the he ,d, is from the body plac'd ; S will the hr.'ds uf a 1 ih-se nati ns fall ; And ,h j n 'hei leader, 1 do tell you -ill, That I shall tread him d wn b -neath ;.y feet Gre t is the mystery, and ybu'i! fiiid it. deep : And deep you'll find that all is hastening on." Wednesday , April 6M, 1803. Joseph Prescott was sitting alone at work in the mill, and saw the appearance of a grove presented to his view. On the one side of the grove was a person kneeling- down, ip robes, his left hand on his breast, and the appearance of fire kindling on or in his breast. Over his hand, at a distance before him, was an angel with a cup in his left hand, pointing upwards with his right hand. Over the angel's head was the sun, with the figure of a man's head ; one large ray of light from which passed through the glass held by the an- gel, to the breast of the man, which appeared to kin- dle on or in his breast. A voice uttered these words, " Come, sinner, get thy pencil ; mingle thy richest colours; paint thy whore with all her decorations. On the other side I will draw a grove, and a sinner kneeling down, who is ready to resolve with the pub- lican in the Gospel " God be mertiful to me a sinner!" On the other side a view of Heaven, and Grace and Mercy descending down, in the foi'm of an angel." Two days after, when Joseph was drawing the above vision, a dove, with an olive-branch in its mouth, appeared as if flying to the kneeling sinner. May 23, 1803, the following communication was given to Joanna, concerning her having been in London one year and one day. The Answer of the Spirit. f< One year and one day thou hast left thy home, to give light to a dark benighted world ; and where there is a large body of people ; but they have re- fused the light, and darkness is come upon them. For, now is coming, as I told thee, the end of every 49 vision ; and happy, thrice happy, shall these men be, who have begun, and will go on, till every curtain is drawn back. Manas man meaneth men, where it is spoken in these things. One man can do nothing of himself; so where I speak of man, I mean men and this hath hastened on ; and these who obeyed the call came unto thee : for now I tell thee, an'd all man- kind, now is coming the end of every vision : and as I kept nothing from Abraham, so will I keep nothing from thee, that I will do upon the earth. The sword is drawn and shall go on , The shadow d;>th appear : And here's a fatal May fbr man, Who now do mock thee here. I said in Spring it wou'd begin, And it you'd see in May ; And now land back your every thought, And all togetherrweigh. Because judgments are not speedily executed, the hearts of the sons of men are set to do evil. So evil here in man appears, Which did not hasty come ; Bnt now I bid them all take care, , This is a May for man, Wherein they'll see such destiny "Will from this May ap;;car ; And let the newspapers be kept, And all may n w see clear V- hat hath b en done since May began, A:v.l what is to the end, Uii.il th't o!t v.?nth day of June, And then b--h Id your friend. Who came t > wain be'ore the stcrrn, If they would warning take ; If they wou'd not, now see their lot, The}' a!f will see too late. Ft r ;:o\v I'm come ;o shew them plain My Bib'e al> is clear - The v.'OTii.m's pr mi:-:e y.u must cla'm, O: all ;i;us>t pcT sh here. G 50 I will not, stop ; the time is up, My Bible to fulfil : The day of judgment now must drop And my avenging heel Must now tread down the powers of man, Thar nail'd ME to the tree, Unless 'tis cast on Satan's head, To have it fall on him. If they will not, I'll tell their lot j In justice they must fall, And they shall find the fatal Cup Is now held out to all. The cup, you see, was given to MI j And know 'twas mingled there With vinegar, and gad, tor ME ; Then now let <*//take care j For I shall mingle it again, I tel! y u all, the same, And point you to the prophet's head, And tel! you all my name. I now am come the second time, In Spirit to appear ; And as my miracles were wrought, So are the visions here j To shew you plain, from every sign, The prophet's words are come ; And now I'll tell you all my mind I'll make a final end. The root of Jesse doth appear ; And now the branches see : The top you know is parted there, And so the end will be. Out of the stem the branches come } And there the stem is two : The man and woman now must join, My labour for to do. Then you shall see your destiny ; Because the cup I'll turn : And true salvation, you shall see, Is now held out to man. B-'h ,ld the dove, then judge my love, The wat j is to abate, That will be h'gh, you all will see The deluge, now will break O'er every land, you may command ; The sword will hasten fast ; And as the deluge did appear, Just so will men now burst, 51 I tell you all, now judge your call, And see the tree of life : If you stand there you need not fear; The dove will end the strife. The news shall come from Heaven's high throne, I say, to warn yeu all ; And if you flee in fnith to ME, You need not fear the fal!, That will c'.me on in ev; ry land j For there the cup stands deep- It is ialva'ion now to man, That il th my Gospel keep, And lo )k to ME redeem'd to be, As I did promise first ; And now your heads you may lift up ; For row it so shall burst, I say, on men thar now begin To see i, y promis. clear ; A paradise t^ey now shall win j The tree of lite is there : I say, for men the tree does stand, And Abels it shall gain : The cup is fury nowto men, If they will act like Cain, For to go on as he began j The fatal sword they'll see : The Spirit's sword it is my word, And it is drawn by ME. And men began, their words were drawn, I say, against my word ; Then down the other sword must come, And perish in the flood. For now I say to thee this day, Your war is not begun, That in the heavens was seen by thee, But now is hastening on. The sword of war shall now appear 5 My anger fast will smoke, Now I have shew'd you all so clear, If men do longer mock The calling here that doth appear Ye blind, begin to see, And with your Bibles all compare ; For all these things must be. For marvtiious-things 1 said I'd bring, ^ mean And you may marvel all, , , To see the likeness so agree, f n And man refuse his call, -S that ran with . nghtened, are two 52 To cast his guilt on Satan's head, That he did cast on m^n : The promises you will not plead ; Then now beheld the hand The cup of trembling must appear; So drink which way you will : I tell you that my kingdom's near ; My friends shall dr:nk their fill, I say, in peace, when wars do cease, And ali my foes are g me : , I it'll you plain, ye sons of men, The cup for all is come. But I'll < nd here, and say no more : The vision there is plain : -But as the cup to thee appear'd, I'll answer now of wine. You all may fi'l which way you will, And drink as there it stands : If you do fill it up with wine, Then wine you may command ; But ii you say another way, Let vinegar appear, To fill for man it so must stand; Th n you may drink it here. So as you fill, judge as youwill, I tell you, all must drink ; Because to man the cup is come, And all stands on the brink. 1 tell you plain, ye sons of men, I've offVr'd mercy free, And told. you how I'd you redeem From sin and misery, From Adam's fall, I've told you all, If you obey my word, To plead the pronrvse in the fall, To come on Satan's head. But mockers here must now lake care,' It is not on your own : The lukewarm spirits I'll not clear ; For now their hearts I'll warm With jealousy or misery, For all I'll now awake: : The sword is drawn by my command, My fury fast will break. A fatal war shall now appear, Since men's hearts arc so cold, That for my love they do not care ^he mysteries I'll ucfold, 53 To shew them plain from everjr sign, "And how my Bible stands The woman's promise you must claim, A .d paradise command. If you will not, now see your lot, Tin- Haming sword is near j The tree of ife must end the strife My frien < hay nought to Tear : The Spirit's sword by the it is drawn, And they shall conquer all; Because they'll see the power's in ME, To make my foes to fa I. So now blame none, whate'er doth come, 1 did you all invite, To b:ing the serpent's ruin on, And make you sons of light. But you refuse, my love abus'd, And judg'd my friends unwise : Another year you will see dear. That darkness blinds your eyes ; Then wise you'll find my friends to be, This calang to embrace; And you to > late will see your fate, That do my friends disgrace, Who do appear to see all clear, And glad'y hear the sound: They shall posess the proniis'd rest, When Satan's chained down." A DREAM. Monday, May 23, 1803, Joanna dreamt that she was caried through the air, and saw a dark cloud, like the shadow of trees. When she came near it, she saw two gre.y. horses, that sprung out with fury, and ran with s \iftness through the air. The Answer of the Spirit. " Now I will answer thee concerniog the mean ing of the two horses. Grey horses denote death, -that is hastening on fast. The horses that ran with swiftness, and started as though frightened, are two 54 great monarchs, who will start out on a sudden, with great fury, to the battle ; and they will cause much death. I will not tell thee who they are : but try your own judgment, and know they were in the shade, and started on a sudden. So will two great monarchs start out, And wars will fast abound , for all my bible i'll make good, That men may judge the sound. And all thy writings I'll make true, And fa^t will ail come on ; Because rny Spirit, a:l shall know, Is surely to thee come. I'll make it plain to every man, That I have visited here, And they shall know the end is come, My kingdum must appear ; For Satan's come to call his own, And I shall now call mine : Ihe sealed number, it must be known, Foretelsyou all the same. For now to man I bo'd will come, And let them answer here, If such a thing was ever done, To make my Gos, el plain j And now I am come to make it true, And al! shall know the end, It now is come to everv land, And fast it shall appear. But now if England will awake, I '11 .make the foes to yield : Sennacherib here shall not appear, With all his boasted 'pride: If England will awaken here You know what name's applied, That I compare, I tell you here, VV ith all Sennacherib'-; host ; But now if England will take caie I'll rid him from this coast. But to take care thou'st ask'd ME here, What caie it is I mean ? I've told thee, that he is ' THE BEAST" 'Tis Buonaparte I mean : And if his death ycu will bring forth, You must take care, and see, That yon do sign for Satan's death. Whoe power is given to he. 55 I lell you plain, ye sons of men. The mystery there goes deep j And if you wish hiai for to reign. And have his pnwvr to break Upon your land, as now it stands, He will dtslroy you all, That now do wish for Satan's reign ; But I MY OWN slia^l call, For to get free, if misery Doth in this and abound ; MY SEALED PEOPLE, all shall see, Who listen to my sound, IT: surely call, I tell ym all, W!- n do ap: ear j A'.id th: -y shall make the foe to fall, If e'er he ventures th.-re, "Where they are call'd ; I tell you all My scaltd now I'll tree : But I must k'low them by their names, Or this cou'd never be. n For now I tell thee, there is a mystery inthe sealed number, and the sealed people, that no man know- eth. But what thou knowest not now, thou wilt know hereafter. $o take with thee every list, FOR ENDS thou wilt knovv hereafter, No more than thou knewest the manner the people would be sealed, when I told thee to seal up the king, and half the nation, in 1794, no more dost thou know the mystery of their being sealed, and of their names being given unto thee Neither do ye know what is hastening on : But thou shalt be warned when dangers are near ; and all the sealed people shall be warned. But this I shall explain more fully another time." Here I am come to the end of this book, being one part of Joseph Prescott's Visions. The other visions and explanations will be continued in ano- ther book, and some remarkable prophecies taken out of my sealed writings, opened January l'2th, J803. And now I must entreat my readers to weigh deep the past and the. present, and remember, what was said of May ; for let it be known unto all men, that this -n'ar broke on/ in Ma\\ perfectly as I s.uci it 56 would last May, when they signed the ratification of the articles of peace on 2Qth of April, at Amiens. I was then informed it was what would brin^; on a war. o For, as the 1802, was like the 1792 ; so would the 1803 be like the 17Q3. Now, tell me, >e worldly wise-men, which ofmy writings have your unbtlief, or self -confidence prevented ? I must answer you. NOT ONE. Then as I *ee you err in judgment, and stnm- blein visions, and all your judgment is WRONG : but the Spirit o God is TRUE), whom then \\ill men persuade me torely on, God or man? Judge ye. When every truth's before your eyes, O simp'e people, and unwise, To stumble at the noon-day sun ; For so my writings now are come, So perfect as. the sun appears, i And will you longer ^.tumble here, When every t: uth is now so plain ? You've tred to baffle, but in vain, To prove my calling's not from heaven, When every truth to me is given : And so the truth doth all appear ; And now 'tis time to stand in fear, If unbelief cl ;th still abound ; Then like the Jews you must be found. T heie was sent to warn you all ; But you've refund the heavenly call j So (fyrui selves you may tdke care,, KttnMitfcan bani h fear : As faith bath banisl.'d fear in me, My reck, and anchor strong, I see'. JOANNA SOUTHCOTT. High-House, Padd:ngton,June 2, 1803. P. S I leave th : s house on the 6th of June, and as I am ordered togoto various parts ofthek'ngdoni; I cannottellat present where to give directions ; but all Utters directed to me, POST PAID, at E. I. Field's, No. 3. Bioad-c urt, Long-acre, will be safely for- warded to me. LONDON: PRINTED BY S. ROUSSEAU, WOOD STREET, SPAFlIil.OS; Ar.d so/t' fnt E. J. IMF.! n, Nn. I5}f). near E'omnjl'urii Court, Jl/yli U<>'- /,.,-// ; \V. Tr.xi.r, \.'n;.lt':i /(.,s F.VELIilGHS, S ' . F;f 'r:'. . I.K;J:T, ('<..< li'-:. S/ncf, Si-curiridgc, WUTI; .'.;>/.../(. THE SECOND BOOK of VISIONS. THE Continuation of Jofeph Prefcott's Vifions, and the Explanation of them, given by the Spirit to Joanna Southcott; to fhew you all the night is far fpent, and the day is at hand., that all the Prophet Joel's words fhall be fulfilled : For I now warn the whole world, by thee, and by him,, that My Bible is near to the end, and all mall be as the Prophet Joel tells you. The end will come by vifions feen by young men,, and prophecies given by My handmaids. Now they are both before you ; and all I {aid in My Gofpel is now like the green leaves in the fpring. Then know that your re- demption is, like your fummer, nigh at hand ; and like your hufbandmen are My difciples, preparing for the fummer fruit, to bring forth the increaie, and to try the ground of every heart: For every heart I know : In him that's little in his own eyes The feed will furely grow : But he that's great will find deceit From his ewn heart appear, And as 'tis drawing to the night, That night will foil him here. E Sp:agg, Printer, .iw-Urect, Covent-gsrder.. I'v ftiewn you plain, from every 11 gn, That all My Bible's clear, I've (hewed the branches and the vine, And told you I AM here: The fhldow firft on you did burft, To prove My prophet true ; But now the fubftance in the laft : That every foul fhall know. April 4th, 1803. The following was given to Joanna in anfwer to people's faying that Jofeph Prefcott's vifions, and her explanations of them, were " 'witty inventions," and Joanna was anfvvered by the Spirit from the 8th chapter of Proverbs. Now I'll appear, to anfwer here, My mind I will unfold : As dead to knowledge man appears, The truth from all is told; And dead in fin do all begin To moulder into duft ; Their undcrflanding all is gone, Jn every age 'twas caft. Then Satan here cannot appear, A o prove man was not dead ; And fo the liar I'll condemn, Men's fenfes all are fled. So I'll begin from Solomon, Who wifdom had of Me : The charmer's voice to all is come, Yet there's but few do fee. His wifdom muft in all appear Unto the fons of men ; And from the Proverbs I mall clear, And will mankind condemn. Wil'dom'in Me they ail (hall fee, It doth with prudence dwclj ; A'-d "wit's invention" all is here, To (hake the powers of hell. For there's no man on earth can come To prove no wit is here : The wife and learned I'll condemn, If they do now appear, To fay from man this wit did come, And all together weigh: Then wit's invention 'tmuft.be known, Is in that youth and thee. So here's the fhe, let all men fee, Hath wit's invention found ; And 'tis not your divinity, Can all her wit confound. Wifer than man the woman's come, Ifyou give her this praife, That her invention this hath done, Then now difcern her ways. She thought a thin?, and made it plain; Like Sheba's queen came here, And then (he found a Solomon ; To make her wifdom clear. For foyou fee that youth muft be, If he invent the whole, And m one likenefs all agree: You mult confefs no fool Could this invent^as all is fent ; So wildom muft be here, Before the earth's foundation laid My wifdom bright appear'd ; But you complain, ye fons of men, That wifdom fpeaks too'low, To be from God, as you have faid, Then now your wifdom (hew. My Bible's high, you all do cry, As none do underftand ; And fo you give it all the lie, As it is plac'd by man : For every way 'tis plac'd by you, Ye fimple fons of men ; In judgment you do not agree, Then how can you contend That you are right, when to your fight You one the other blame, And like the fand your wifdom ftands, That you can never join? But here are two, before your view, That now have join'd the whole; And will you fay in them't did lie, And make yourfelves fuch fools, That you can't be as wife as they, To make your Biblesjoin, As thefe have done from prophecies, And made the whole to bind ? Together ftand : behold the fand, How it ran every hour, Until the whole they both command, And bound beyond your power, That none can break, for great's the weight, And great ihe end they'll fee, For to confound in every found, And own it came from Me, Whofe wifdom high did ever lie Out of the reach of man ; And when ihe woman I created This was my every plan, For so bring in My ways to man, My wifdom and My power, But if to man I fo fhould come He would the whole devour. As man. alone a God becomes Above the human race ; - ,_ If I had fo exalted man, His Lord he'd foon difgracer Above My Son man foon would come, If he had wifdom all : Becaufe you fee a Solomon From grace did quickly fall. So wifdom here, in man t'appear, I fay 'twill never do, Till Satan is defiroyed here ; And bring all to thy view. The woman, fee, was made by me, And man did Me condemn ; So now I'll tell the myftery All ftiall come back again: And firft on man it back muft come, For man to anfwer here, Why he condemn'd the woman's hand, And never did appear To tell her plain, her thoughts were vain, To think a worm like Ihe Should ever know what I would do, And prove the mind of Me A different way than I did fay, If they would thus prevent : But as they did not fo agree, I fay My mind is bent For to condemn the fons of men Like Adam I'll appear, The woman, I nave given you, Hath offer'd good fruit here : Which you refufe, and will not choofe, Then I'll refufe you all : The woman, fee, is giv'n by Me, And now behold your call. Or elfe, I fay, like him, that day You're out of Eden caft : If men with Satan now agree, Then both alike {hall burn 1 . For I'll fpeak plain, ye fons of men. Your Maker now is come To call you to a drift account : Look back at what you've done. The woman's hand againft you Hands, If you her Lord deny: The fhepherds I will never clear The letters all muft fee, That in My name to them were fent, If filent they appear'd, To tell them 'twas thy full intent To publifh for the Lord. That in My name the writings came Their filence gave confent: And they {hall know My every name; And now My mind is bent For to condemn the fons of men, If they do now agree To fay thy writings came from hell : Then where's their love for me? Againft the king had this been dene, Your fury would appear, And feek to know if it was fo - No poverty would clear, I fay, a thing againft the king, If file had forg'd his name : For all to jufiice men would bring, And put them all to fhame. But for your God no love you've {hewn, If you jdg'd this from hell ; And fo you let it fly abroad; By filence he compell'd My fhepherds there not 'to appear: Then he their hearts muft gain, ' Never to fee th" myftery, Till it was all in vaie To flop her hand, or to condemn Vain men, I tell you here, Her guilt I'll caft on every man, If wrong (he doth appear ; Becaufe to all, both great and froalf, She warning fent to all ; And there's no man that ftaid her hand, Or told her wrong's the call, Or came to know if it was fo, To have the truth be tried, What prophecies (he'd written true, But all was thrown afide, As tho' My name (he might blafpheme ; And fo I'll come to man : For as My eye the youth did fee, 'Tis hovering o'er your land : And all I fee I now tell thee, My eye is every where ; But like the dove they'll find My love, For thofe who do appear, The truth to know, and prove it fo They'll- find the dove appear To bring them peace, that fhall encreafe No man can foil them here ; Becaufe My eye fo clofe fhall fly, What man doth not difcern, They foon will fee a myftery, To keep my friends from harm. The dove is peace, your fears may ceafe ; If floods in man do fwell, I'll fo appear, My doves I'll clear, To triumph over hell, And over men, if they contend The harmlefs dove they'll fee, How much fhe condefcends to men, That they her judge ftiould be. But they would not, now fee their lot ; To fpeak is all in vain : For if they now do caft a blot I will her caufe maintain Againit all men who do contend ; And fo the doves I'll clear ; And all My doves (hall fee My love : For I am hovering here. On Friday, 15th of April 1803, Jofeph Prefcott fa\v this vifion as he was going to bed. He faw a hand which held a box with the lid open, wherein was a quantity of pieces of gold, as large as half crowns, with reading on fome of therft, which he could not diftinguiih ; and a voice uttered thefe words. (( This is a cabinet of graces, which I, the Lord, have to be flow on My people: and let the Jinner take care that he Jinneth not again/I me, left I lock it up from hi?n. It is the reprefentation of the Bible, and its contents" The following was given to Joanna in anfwer to the vifion fhewn to Jofeph Prefcott of the box of gold and grapes, &c. &c. The box which is opened before you, mews what is in ftore for My friends, that are longing for my coming, and are workers with Me to bring in My kingdom. There is your reward, fpiritual and tem- poral. There are the grapes hanging in cinders without any interruption, and fo is the vifion, though nothing appears to blaft your happinefs: Neither will there be any interruption to your hap- pinefs when My kingdom comes down below. All will be handed down to you, as that vifion ap- peareth. But as the two diiputed about the box; fo will men difpute about the coming of My kingdom. Some will fay one way, and fome will lay another way : and fo men will place it to their own judg- ment which wav it will come. * But now to reafon I'll begin. The box and till do now appear ; For fo the parting it is there, Wherein at firft ihou putt'ft the feal : And every myllery I'll reveal. For in the box is feal'd My word ; Man fhall be happy with his Lord : And My delight lhall be with man ; For fo at full I laid My plan ; And now that plan I will complete, And all (hall find there's no deceit. For as the box to you appears, It is thy fealed writings there, That men did open to their view ; And all did judge their God was trut t That He his word would now fulfil, And I (hall bruife the Serpent's heel, Or by my heel (hall bruife his head ; For fo the promifes are laid ; And fo the box does now appear : Thou know'ft the circle it is there, Wherein the four ftars are found : If ye have wifdom, judge the found : For in the middle (lands the feal, That unto man I (hall reveal. It is the feal ; and 'tis My word. For to avenge My dying blood Upon the Serpent, as 'tis plac'd, "When I redeem the fall'n race ; Arid now this race I will redeem. As I have faid, without a feam. For as the box does now appear, So full of fplendor you fee there, Juft fo the box is now fcal'd up, And fo the end to man will drop, That now in faith do tlrong appear, They'll find the key for all is there : But as thou fay'ft 'tis up and down, Juft fo the end will now be found. For I have open'd it to man, To {hew you how the box does (land : You fee the top it now is red, And fo the feals thereon are laid : But when the infide does appear You all will find that vifion's near ; Becattfe My word (hall ever ftand : When men thy writings ail command They'll own the box docs fo appear, And perfect like this vi'.ion here, I told thee I had gold in (lore, To build Jerufalem's ruins here : 1 faid my kingdom mould come down, With every fplendor man 'to crown, I fj.id My vrnes (hould clutters bring, And every happinefs (hould fpring, To thofe whofe hearts were warm'd with love j And now's the time men's hearts I'll prove, And bring them all to fee My death ; And let them fee their living faith, Which way they judge My blood will fall : The day of vengeance known to all, Was in My heart for to appear : The law and gofpel you fee clear. So now appear ye righteous men, If you like me have laid your plan, The finners you muft wifh to free : Think on My words at Calvary. " Father, they know not what they do:" I craved their pardon, fo muft you : If that My fpirit you have got, Ihe fins of men you'd wifh to blot, And caft all on the Tempter's head, And fo like Me would be your plead, Which every foul will find is near. But man knows not what he doth do : The vifions open'd to their view, Do with my Bible all agree ; And every word I've fpoke to thee Doth in thefe vifions all appear ; And yet I fee that man doth err. So le: the other vifion come ; And then I'll anfwer thee again. SIXTH VISION. On St. George's Day, April 23, 1803, Jofeph Pref- cott faw the following vifion, at four o'clock in the afternoon/ of a crown compofed of diamonds, of a rich and curious form ; the bottom part of which was four fquare, on which were four mort pillars, four large arches, and feveral fmall ones adjoining, in a ferpentine form. At the top of them was a ball formed with diamonds, branches of diamonds fpread- ing from the ball, top and bottom, different ways, l l * " 1 in the form of fix cornucopias, encircled m a circle of glory. Being at a lofs how to defcribe the vifion, and paufing over it, he heard thefe words: ^" Jofeph, tell Myfervant to jlih it a crown : for it is a repre- fentation of the complete fulnefs of the Godhead todtiy" B 10 SEVENTH VISION. May 8th,, (Sunday) 1803, Jofeph Prefcott faw the following vifion. At the further end of the room where he fat, he beheld feven angels as large as middling fized men, drefled in white robes. They ftood very clofe together. At the right of them was placed a fmall angel, with a piece of green plant in his hand. At the left of them flood a garden pot full of mould or earth. The laft angel of the feveri on the left hand fide,, beckoned to the fmall angel, to come to him. The fmall angel went and took the garden pot, and placed it on the table before Mr. Carpenter, on which his books, vifions, &c. lay, and planted the green plant he held in his hand in the pot, and then went to the place he was before in. It immediately began to grow, and although only a a fmall branch in the hand of the angel, foon grew up until it nearly reached the deling, in a fpiral form : On the top of which mot forth a red flower of a large fize, or a great duller of fmall ones, from one and the fame ftalk. This vifion continued up- wards of two hours. An explanation, given by the Spirit to Joanna, in anfwer to the vifion of Jofeph, of the Crown repre- lenting " The Julnefs of the Godhead bodily ;" and alfo of the vifion of the feven Angels, and the little 4/rge/, green plant, fyc. &\c. > Weigh deep the vifion now, and fee What judgment can be form'd by thee. But, in thy heart thou anfwereft none, Juft like the reft to all 'tis known : And fo alike you all do fee: Then give the wifdom unto Me, This wond'rotis vifion to explain. You fay the tomb therein is found. As on the tomb the crown does ilnnd, And fo I'll give it out to man : I'll place the bottom to My tomb. And fo I'll fhew you all Mv doom, 1 1 And what the prophets did foretel : The guilt of all men on Me fell, Until they brought Me to the tomb, To fuffer in the Tinner's room : But how their fins did I then free? Appear vain men, and anfwer Me, From any judgment you can draw : Now bring the gofpel and the law ; And then you'll iee the gofpel's pole Go from the tomb -afcend to all, With the fix thoufand falling down: But on the top behold the crown, With theux thoufand riling up, Much like the horns you {ee at top ; And like the horns it doth appear, A myltery deep no man can clear: But yet the myftery I'll make plain. When Abraham offer'd up his fon. The youth was freed, the ram was there, And on the altar offer'd was ; And on the altar all {hall fee, The horns are plac'd, and man I'll free, That now in Abraham's faith appears, And all mail find the horns are near, To make the tow'ring walls to fall, Which Satan flrong ha'h built for all. The Tempter, he hath had his time ; And now you'll fee, I will have mine, And all thefe horns I'll give to man, And in the thicket catch the ram, That now mult perifh in man's {lead: If they like Abraham will proceed, They'll find that Abraham's feed is And all the earth I will blefs here : Becaufe that Ifaacs you muft come, Unbind your fons and caft the ram, That 1 have faid defiles My {heep : For in that form he often creeps, I tell you plain, amongft My flock ; Therefore I told thee man know'th not What they are doing, *o condemn ; For Satan in diiguile is come To lead My wandering flock aftray, And fo they perifli in the way, If that no Abrahams could be found, Wiih faith like his, their fons to bind Upon the altar of My word, And judge Me as a faithful God, 12 That I (hall raife you from the duft ; And fo like Abraham is your truft, And folike him your Cons I'll free; And then the horns, you all (hall fee, Shall gam the victory in the end : Mark the two rams by thee were penn'd, A iype of Satan, and of Me, And fothe brazen ferpent fee, How I the likenefs did compare : A myftery deep to man I'll clear, What xhey could never underftand: But mark the crown, and then command How in and out it doth appear, And fo My Bible's placed here: For in and out it muft go oh, Before the ftrait paihs they can come ; And then you'll fee, a perfeft line From every crooked path you'll find. For fo My Bible now I'll clear : 'Tis perfect like the vifion here, And in and out it all went through; As none can prove My prophet's true, To bring it all ii\ a ftrait line: For like that vilibn all will find, My Bible's in and out to man, I tell thee. crooked like thy chain, That in one link cannot appear To prove it ftrait the truth I'll clear. In crooked paths I came to man; My footfteps they did not difcern, Nor could they fee My footfteps clear: They judg'd Ifaiah he muft err, If I the Saviour then could be, Defpis'd by man in poverty, The Prince and Saviour to affiime, The mighty Counfellor to become, And tht dtfire of nations be, And all the earth poffefs'd by Me, When all the earth did Me defpife : My followers then were judg'd unwife, Then how could I to man appear, As by Ifaiah fpoken there, The wondrous Counfellor to be ? No, here the crooked paths, you fee, Did not appear in a Hrait line ; The myftenes out they could not find, A man of forrows to appear, Woundedand griev'd, their guilt to bear, 1*3 Whom they efteemed not at all ; And fo My death appear'd to all, I tell you, crooked from the tomb; The bye-paths were unknown to man: Yet in that path did FAITH appear, And all My defciples follow'd there r To join the path clofe to the tomb, Affirm the crooked paths were known, That mfuch path I muft appear, And they went on, like Me before. To let them know that no ftrait line Could prove My Bible all divine. It is in bye-paths you muft fee The wondrous working all of Me ; And fo in bye-paths they did come, In crooked paihs, unknown to man : They made My death for to appear A ilrait path, as you fee it there : Becaufe the Hem goes thro' the whole, And fo they piac'd the gofpePs pole j And fo the gofpel doth appear To every true believer here: For they in crooked paths go on, Until the ending near is come: But they can point out no llrait line How that My kingdom you may find. The outward court doth all appear In crooked paths, as heretofore: Then fure the inward court muft come, To make the law and gofpel join, How in one chain they do agree ; And, from this vifion, all mall fee How it is like the funs' of men ; You'll find the inner court, mull come. So let the inner court appear ; And now I'll tell thee who they are. But from thy heait, I well do know, The inner court, thou jugd'it them fo, 'Tis thefe thai wait My voice to hear, That I will anfwer all their prayers, And they do wait to hear within ; The inner court tney mull be feen : And fo the inner court they be. But here's a myitery none do fee : /The inner court is now without, ;Becaufe the Spjrit ihey do doubt, What to another may be given ; And fo the judg'd the God of Heaven, 14 That all His creatures He'll deceive j. None but themfelves will they believe. Then they no inner court can be : They draw their judgement not from Mel Becaufe I bid them' judge no man : For different gifts, I faid, would com*, As different as your members are : Then fure the outward court is there, That is, I mean the outward man : They place My gofpel by their plan ; And by their plan they all appear, And fo the outward court is here, I tell you, in a crooked line. From fuch profeffors can you find A path that's flraight, wherein to go? And from within thou anfwereft no : Their paths are crooked all to the ; And fo I fay, they are to Me. Then they are but the outward man, That from their judgement form their plan. Which in My gofpel I forbid ; For different gifts, to man is faid, That in the end thefe muft, appear, To make My church ONE BODY here. The gift of wifdom, it muft come, And different fpiriis to difcern,. And divers gifts, I faid would be, Ajid prophecies, I faid, you'd fee, Amongft the different gifts appear: Then fure the inner court is here : Which hangs together in this chain : The inner court I'll now explain'. Like My difciples 't muft appear, And judge of Me as they judge there, Such miracles could never come From none, but GOD'S ANOINTED SON : Becaufe the power muft come from Heav'n, That unto Me that time was given : And as I faid I was His SON, They faw the wonders I had done ; And fo within they did appear, To judge from faith the truth was clear. From miracles that they did fee, The judged the the truth did come from Me ; And fo the ftandard did appear : It was by faith they walked there; And fo by faith they all went through, And brought the golpel to your view. 15 So this by faith, I fay, was done, And charity in them did come, That as a God I'd not deceive Thofe that by faith fo right believed, A thing was never done before Without a God 't could not appear ; And tho' they faw a crooked line, They judg'd My wifdom laid behind, That all My words I would fulfil Faith was their anchor; wifdom ftill Was fixed in them at the time ; They judged the miracles divine Could never come from any hand, Without a God for to command, The wind and weather to obey; They pondered all before them lay, And then the judg'd the WHOLE divine; And now their off-spring bright fliall ihine: For 'tis by faith you walk the fame- You've feen the truth how faft it came. You've feen how all did haften on : Then to My Bible you did come, Like My difciples then of old, You've feen the truth, how all was told, You fee My bible, how't doth ftand, And fo, like them, you all command That there's no power but a God Could in.fuch wondrous manner lead, To have the myfteries fo come round, The wife and learned to confound : Becaufe the truth confounds them all, If they rejeft the heavenly call. They can't rejeft the truth is here, Unlefs. from Satan, they appear For to affirm it all a lie In Satan's words they muft deny, And fo in Satan's words appear, For to deny a prophet here. So this is now the outward man ; For to the truth they never came : Then how can they be placed within ? And now to reafon I'll begin. The inward men did fo appear, To look within, and fee it clear ; And then My Bible they did fe?, Thefe promifes were made by Me, To bring it all in a ftrait line, And prove My Bible all divine, 16 That every word therein is true : My Bible's open to their view, And I am bringing round the chain, As I have faid, for to redeem My fons and daughters from the fall ; That now in Me you may live all : Becaufe the falnefs now is come THE GODHEAD BODILY with man. It muft in union now agree : The inner court of men do fee, That Joel's prophecies are here : The vifion to the youth appear'd, The woman gave the prophecy, And mark the manner how they lie, That both together near did come, And to each other were unknown, Until I brought the myft'ry round, That both together fhould be fouud, To prove My prophet Joel true; And now My Spirit, all (hall know, I'll pour upon the fons of men, And Satan hath not long to reign ; Tho' he in power will now appear, Becaufe he knows his end is near ; And the Philiftineshe will make- Like Sampfon's ftrength will Satan's break, I tell you now, on every man That in their ftreagth and wifdom ftand. So in their ftrength let man appear ; They'll find a Sampfon's ftrength is near: Becaufe that Satan's flrength will come, And pull their fatal ruin on. But here I fee thy heart within ; To ponder deep thou doft begin, Becaufe to Sampfon 't cannot be A type of hell is judg'd by thee ; I cannot make the myftery clear : For Sampfon's foes deftroyed were. Then 'tis the Devil's foesTnuft fall, And bring the ruin on them all : And fo I fay the end will barft ; For Satan's friends like foes are plac'd ; Becaufe they all defpifed thee, And fay that Satan nils thee up-, Therefore they fay that ihev do hue The writings, for the Devil's fake: Becaufe to him they all do place, And fo the Devil they difgrace, 17 And in their malice prove his foe ; For there they place thy writings fo; And fo I fay they make the found, And the Philiftines they are found, And Satan's malice will abound, I fay, to fall upon their heads : Becaufe they fay their anger^fpread A^g^jft thejwri tings which "came Then S'atan's malice there will fail, gs which came from Hell :e then on their _ toj>lead, ToTay I dieoTo^tjhem Free,J^_. AnHbiTng NTy ven ge a naTall orT he ; ThatTs 'he Devil f do m And faith, the promifes Butjhey have goTlioTaTth a They place My vengeance for to fall, *" - Til - ~ ' - 1 - -*? ... !. J ' ' I tell thee, on the tinner's header AiTd^fo for HelF is all their plead. For there t-he Tempter they do freej^^ And Satan's words "^Tike Mine" will be! '^WKaThypocrites do youj*ppea7T " *' Y3uT fay y^iTTiaT^'tK?wo^^there i __ ^ ' ; BecauJener^w^rHT^ame^aTrTrorrr Hell^; * You faij~fnnn Mejier heart~dl3j^eTl, ;t To tell you alTwhatjnaft appear, " Ar73~foyotrhate tTjewornan there, *' Becaufe you faid (he wrote from Me, *' And fo your malice, now I fee. (i Was all againft the power of Hell ; " And now My power you (hall feel, " Becaufe your love was not for Me, *' You hated the woman I did fee, " Not for her virtue, as 'twas there, '' But her with Me you did compare, " And fo your malice you did (how :' f Likejhe Philiftines fuch will know Like Samp fen's fury ^twilTappear, Bccatlfe^trietr' BuTldIngls~ot fl rongj They have uo church to build upon^'_ TThat I (hall make their builJin^ fjTe, \\ here SaTaTTT^malic^e^ari't appear^.. T_^Yi tODull their Duild ings down It is IvTy word tlie walls are foung^ 1 hat batan's Qy^er ca'iri'ot inake^. 1 hat batan's ^Qy^er ca jjut on the other he wi . And ^Ifrhe building he'll pulldown : Thefe churches mult fall to the ground. C 18 Who judge his ftrength I did cut off, When I expired upon the crofs: But now they'll find like Sampfon's hair, His ftrength in fury will appear, To pull down vengeance now on man, Tho' he muft perifh now with them : For all together they muft fall, The fix foretell'th the end of all, How the fix thoufand they muft drop : But I fhall build the others up, That like the inner court appear, The chain is faften'd, you fee clear ; And fo I'll faften every word, And bring My Bible as I faid : The law and gofpel now (hall join, A Joel's words are to mankind, That all the inner court may fee, I mean of men that judges be, In what a manner this came round, To have the chain fo perfeft found, That like My Bible does appear; And all My prophets now I'll clear, And bring Ifaiah to their view- The Mighty Gounfellor they {hall know, Doth in this counfel now appear, To (hew the vifions as they are, And in the fpirit doth explain The every vifion, what they mean. For by thefe vifions all may fee One link of chain without to be, Without another to come round; And fo My Bible all is found, That in one link it doth appear : Then who can make My Bible clear, Before the other link doth come, That God and man they both muft join, So perfed in the TRINITY ? The Godhead muft with man agree, To make your happinefs complete, As I at firft did him create; In My own image, and My form, I faid, I firft created man, To be in favour then with Me : I afk what fulnefs there can be, If I do not fulfil the whole, And fo the chain bring round to all ? That God and man alike muft join, To bring My glorious kingdom down, 19 As in that chain it doth appear : The fulnefs of the whole is there ; Becaufe it is the gofpel's chain : The ftandard unto man is plain. As from the tomb I did appear ; I did not die to periJJi there, But left My coffin then behind; The linen cloth they there did find, Which I have (hew'd you all in red -, And fo I'll purchafe with My blood, The nations that do join with Me: Behold the branches on the tree. - The tree is now the Tree of Life . As I arofe to end the ftrife, So all the ftrife I now {hall end, And every land (hall bow or bend Unto the circle of the tomb ; As fome are fliort, I'll tell their doom. The crooked paths, that are for man, They muft be fhorten'd by My hand, As to My tomb they do appear : But mark the top, the chain is there I tell you they are circled round, And fo they both mall now be found : For near the top I fay you're come ; And mark the centre from the tomb: Then from the tomb the my fiery fee: It is the Spirit judg'd by you, That comes to vifit from the tomb ; And fo to you I fay I'm come, To make My law and gofpel join. The MIGHTY COUNSELLOR is here, The PRINCE of PEACE you'll find is near j Whom all the prophets did foretel; And now the whole I will fulfil. For as the box does now appear, You fee My eye is faften'd there ; And fo 'tis faften'd to My word, And all mankind fhall find their Lord Will now fulfil the promife all ; For like the inner chain 't mall fall : For fo the whole I will bring round, And like * a heart" two chains are found, With every viftory on the top, And fo the end for man fhall drop, That doth in heart unite with Me, And longs My kingdom for to fee, And prays that Satan now may fall : This vifion fhews the crown's for all, 20 That fa My Bible will come round ; For in one chain muft both be found, 1 now do tell you, God and man ; For fo I've laid My every plan, For men and angels to unite : The angels bring the heavenly fight ; And men muft join with them below ; And fo * the Tree of Life (hall grow, That on My fer\ ant's table flood ; A little branch afcends to God : That meant, it upward then did fpring, And at the top the flowers came, And fo the branches they will grow: They now are planted, all fhall know; Though fmall in body 't now appears, 1 fay, My friends have nought to fear, Tho' few believers ate at firft, And theyfeem levell'd with the duft; Becaufe ihe duft doth fo appear To judge they all muft perifh here, Becaufe the branches do not grow: To man at prefent it is low ; But faft I fay the root will fpring, And foon the flowers will be feen, Upon the top for to appear : The feven angels I (hall clear, 'Myje.i'fn f*>irits now are come. The fpirit of prophecy is one : Thefpiritual eye isopen'd here, In Webfter^ fon doth now appear, That he the fpirits can dilcern, As in the room to him are fecn, To fhew My fpirit it is here, The law and gofpel both to clear. For Mofes' wonders faft will come Upon the fallen fons of men ; And their deliverance they will fee That now in truth do trufl in Me. The promis'd Land is now before, And they fhall fee the Canaan's fhorc, That do rely upon My word, Believe the promifes are made, Throughout My Bible now for man; For theie My words fhall ever ftand ; And fo the law (hall now appear; The fealed people that are here, * This alludes to the Vifion Jofeph faw on the 8th of May at the Is 7 eckenger. 21 Are like the words to Mofes giv'n, How he the people then (hould leaven, By ail ihe blood upon the door: Look deep, I need, now fay no more. For fo the law to all will end, As it to Ifrael then did bend : The promis'd land they all will fee, That now in faith rely on Me. Tojndge Mv fpirii now is come, To make the law and gofpel join. So now from Mofes Ice the end ; And now to Paul i? My intent To make the myfteries out more clear : It was the vifioris warn'd him there, From perfecniion for to turn. And fo ihe end will be to man : For many Pauls will now appear To fee the vifions, marvel here, And true believe rs will become You 11 fee the branches like the ftem, "Which when 'twas planted faft did grow : The bud and bloffom men will know, From many perfecuiing Pauls ; The vifions will awaken all That I have planted by My hand ; But the felf-righteous ftill will ftand Like the felf righteous Jews before. Another vifion will appear, To make the myftery more plain. So, now I've fhew'd thee what it means From the " * three Jpirit s hejhzv^here," That in the room with thee appear'd : You'll find My fpmt ir is come, And Mofes' wonders haftening on; And fo you now will fee from Paul ; Thefe vifions will awaken all. That in his ipirit now are found : Becaufe the root I'll plant it fo, And all (hall find the branches grow, Until the flowers do appear ; And fo of fpirits I'll end here, That of difctrnmem 1 did name; And now to Joel I fhall come, * Jofeph Webfter, when at the High Houfeat Paddington, at the proving of the writings, in January, 1803, law our Lord, St. Paul, and Mofes, walking to and fro in the room, which was confirmed by a viiion given to Mr. G. Turner, of Leeds, and communicated to the company. And the third fpirit hcw from Me; I fent the v ifions all (hall fee, And gave him fight for to difcern Thefe heavenly vifions coming down, To fhew yon what is haftening on ; And My delight's begun with men, That now delight to work with Me ; You'll find throughout eternity, That in My kingdom bright they'll fliine . Who now are joined to the vine : For I "THE VINE,,' muftfure appear. To make the law and gofpel clear. Then ye the branches muft become, In fpirit with your Lord to join ; And fo you're made joint heirs with Mer This is My kingdom, all (hall fee, That I did die for to redeem, From every power of hell and fin ; And fo My kingom I'll make free ; And then My heirs, you all (hall fee, That they joint heirs fliall fo become. To claim My kingdom as their own ; Becaufe 'tispromis'd you before : Look in My Bible, and be clear : I {aid, " Fear not My little flock, "It was My Fathers will w To give His kingdom unto you" And now, My friends ftand ftill. To judge above ; can man now love And wifli Me to refign, And give My glorious kingdom up ? No all the Heavens are Mine ; Andmanfions there I {hall prepare, My friends for to receive ; But Lord of all, you know, I'm there ; That kingdom ne'er I'll give To any man that there doth come, Yet there they fliall abide ; And angels they will join with them,; The Heavens for all are wide. So enter there, you may appear In My eternal reft; But'can you judge I'll give it up, Tho* you in Heaven ar6 blefs'd ? No 'tis not- there, let men fee clear, The kingdom I did mean, It is the earthly kingdom here, When I do it redeem, From hell and fin, the viftory win, 23 And triumph over all; Then fure this kingdom I ftall claim, And then My friends I'll call, For to poflefs the promis'd reft, That I created you for : But here are the fpirits that muft burft This kingdom for to {hare The fpint of wifdom to difcern My Bible how it ftands, And how thefe myft'ries all come round That you do now command. Behold the line, and judge the time ; Then wifdom muft appear; And 'tis a fpirit come from Me, The fourth fpirit here. But I'll go on, for faith muft come, To be your anchor fure, And fee what rock you'll build upon, To judge your God is near. Your Bible fee, the chain to be, And fee the chain comes round, How with My Bible all agree; Then faith muft judge the found. It could not come, be't known to man, By any curious art : BecaufeiHEY THREE,* you all do fee, Were vifited apart, Till I brought on the anchor ftrong, To make your building fure ; Then you may hope I (hall not ftop, Till every path is clear, That I am come to vifit man, From Heaven's high courts above, And man I'll free from mifery, Andlhew My perfeft love, That I did come for to redeem From all the forrows here, That now you feel from hell and fin. By every pain you bear. But pain (hall drop, and man {hail hope, But (hall not hope in vain ; For charity, the end you'll fee, Will every promife gain. For charity men have for Me Who judge Me as a God, That would not let all this agree, Had Satan laid the road. ' * Joanna, Jofeph Prefcott, and Jofcph Wcbftef- Out of the way you foon would ftray, And be benighted here : Thefe fpirits never could agree, Led ou by Satan's care. No they'd confound in every found ; For I'd confound them all: In likenefs they conld not agree, To prove from Heaven's the call. In fuch a line no man could find To be without a God, To make His witneffes fo clear- THEY IN ONE PATH have trod ; And all alike to every fight, And *.all alike unknown Before I brought the truth to light , And bid thee hither come : Thefe witriejfes before thy view I furely here did bring. Now I will anfwer thee, and all mankind, that difpute by what fpirit them art led. Let them tell how thefe things came to pafs, that f ordered thee to bring thy writings and have them proved in London; where I have vifited two boysf one by opening his fpiritual eyes; and I gave him the .gift of difcerning fpirits, to the other I have fent My angel, to mew him the vifions of what is ( coming on the Earth. The one (Jofeph Webfter) hath told you, three fpirits attend you; which he is informed are the fpirits of CHRIST, of MOSES, and of PAUL. You will allow thefe three to be hea- venly meflengers, to affirm I am come in the fpirit; and the truth of the prophecies is the teftimony that I am come. Every vifion that is (hewed to the other youth, tells you all, that as ye fay, ap- paritions, or appearances of things, mew you fame death is near, either of yourfelves or of fome near friend, fo now be alTured, thefe heavenly vi- fions are a fign to you all that My kingdom is nigh at hand ; and thefe lico are thy witnelfes * The Three before ipoken of. i Jofeph Prefcott, and Jofeph Webfter. from the difcernment of the fpirit in the one, and from the vifions fhewn to the other,, who prove thy calling to be of God; and My kingdom to be nigh at hand. For., as the angels warned the fhepherds of My birth; fo have they now warned you in the vifions giyen to the youth. Yet, they err in judg- ment, and ftumble in vifions. Then to whom (hall I teach knowledge? Or whom mall I make to learn C* inftrucuons? For line hath been upon line, and precept hath been upon precept, here a little, and there a little, yet all have gone back.vards, and made themfelves crooked paths; and they mall fall therein. For if I have condefcended fo much to vifit this lower world, by prophecies, and by vifions, and 'have worked on My fervants, whom I have chofen, to be obedient to the heavenly calling, to make it known, and manifeft unto all men Now^ if all thefe things are flighted, and ye refufe to walk in the light while ye have $he light, dark- nefs mall come upon you, and pain as upon a wctoian in labour. For judgment mail follow the line, and righteoufneis lhall be laid to 'the plum- met: for the line is (Ira it before you all, and all men, who have eyes to fee, or ears to hear, or hearts to underftand, they mult know and undcr- Itand, that it was by MY ORDER thou camcfr hither; and it was I who brought ihej'e three to- gether; and there is none who mail put them a- f under. That is, they fhall not be able to fepa- rate the words from coming to pafs, as I have fpoken. VISION of the CAR and SEALED LETTERS. My chariot wheels (hall fail appear, As in the vifion arc feen there: Juft fo My chariot wheels lhall fly : And every name mull come on h 1 D 26 i That now are fea^d by My word ; They all muft come before the Lord, And every lm now a: hand, And wifh for Satan to be caO : I tt-li you thc-.re the end mnn* burft. You know they clamour'd for My blood : So I far man the viftim ft od ; And to their words I did fubmit, And fo they na'l'.l My hands and feet: Becaufe 1 gave it up to man ; And now the fame I've laid_My plan, That I fhall g've it up the lame; And man fhail know My every name, I fay, throughout eternity, That now in heart do vsifh for Me : They fhall not wifh for Me in vain : The holy war I will maintain. Until the deluge down fhall fall On them that now reject the call. I'll tnlle now with man no more ; J'll fend My fwoH from fhore to fliore, Till every nation do comply,' And wifh My kingdom to be nigh. For now I'll make .hem SICK of fin I'll {hew the evil it doth bring ; And then I know, they'll wilh for Me, "When Satan's fury they do fee, That he is pomin^ out on man They foon will feel his heavy hand ; Bccaule My offers they rcfufe: And nuw, 1 fay, worie than the jew 27 Their ruin they a'e bringing on- My offers are defpis'd by mnn ; Ard fo their fufferings 1 defpifc : You all muft judge your God unwife, To let fuch wondrous figh;s appear, As in 'My Bibl? fpoken are, And all together now to bring, To (hew you plain, fiom every ficm. rpl Ine end ot all things now is come: The heavenly v.fions here are fhewn. Then fure My kingdom it is near, As in thefe vifions doth appear : For fo My prophet did foretel, It in the latter days mould fall; And now the latter days are come The woman clothed with the fun, Doth in that manner now appear, As in My Bible's fpoken there ; And floods againft her men do caft, Becaufe the rage of hell does burft With fury on her, as 'tis fpoke; And fo My Bible they do mock, And add it all another way ; For like the Jews, the Gentiles be. For tho' the truth is now made plain, The Bible they do not difcern, That as 'tis fpoke it doth appear, And fo they help the woman here. As in My Bible it is penn'd ; And fo 1 tell you all the end. . For now the end to ail is come : The Revelations they are plain ; And like the Jews do men appear ; Ifaiah's words were fpoken mere, Wherein the Jews did it fulfil ; And fo they iland THE PROVERBS Hill, A fcatter'd people for to be ; And now the Gemiles all fhall flee, If like the Jews they now go on, When I have made My Bible plain, That as 'tis fpoke doth all appear: The law and gofpel now are clear The day of vengeance now is come : And will you bring that day on man? Then fure on man it fhall appear: I will no longer trifle here : For he that digs that pit fhall fall. So now I tell you one and all, 8 That as the letters do appear Before THE THRONE, they all are there ; And fo I fay they all muft come. And every name, before My throne, That in thy lift doth now appear, If theydoiign with thee in prayer, Then they may all receive the crownt, That to (land before their names are found, I fay. to gather in like wheat, And all will find the mylleries great. For as the circle doth appear. With faces, (none dilcern them there) So will the fealed number come ; And every promife is for them, Whofe hands and hearts do now appear. Anei wifii My kingdom to be here; That is on earth for to come* down, And Satan penfh in the found. But as th* hearts of men I know, Thoufands will fay they wifli it fo, Bat will not let their names appear : To fuch I now do anfwer here, Their names muft come before the throne, If by their names they will be known, When I the bridegroom do appear, It is the names the whole muft clear, To prove they are the woman's feed, That fign'd to bruife the Serpent's head; And they THE WHEAT muft then become, That {hail poflefs the holy land; When I have brought it down below, Where the green pafture then mall grow ; And all My kingdom {hall appear So perfect like thefe vifions here : For every vifion here is found, For Me to blefs this earthly ground ; And here's a vifion (hews you plain, The fealed people muft it gain : Tho' I know NUMBERS will appear From different lands thefe things they'll hear. And with this nation with to iign, And from their hearts I'll make them Mine. When the laft trumpet doth appear- The feven angels you fee there, The feventh tnoufand (hall bring in ; Bccaufe to fhorten now I'm come- To fhonen the two hundred years; ~ As I the fixth day did appear For to be nailed to the crofs, And then the fevemh laid ccmpos'd, Urtil il.e firfl day did appeal : Then My difciples met Me .here, I now do ieil you, in the way, But I was quite unknown tp them; And fo to man I'm now unknown, The manner I to you am come, In fuch a Orange difguife appear/ The eye of .faith difcern? Me near, But now. I fay. no other eye, D'fcerns My footfteps, how they lie: Becaufe I'm come to all unknown, And all the fcrip;ures to you have (hewn, And altogether bid you weigh: Then jurige the dawning of the day, And mark what date I fo appear I'vi fan: I'd (horten the fixth year; And the fix thoufand ' lis I mean: Then from My death behold the fign ; And mark the day they took Me firft, And mark the fixth how it did burft. Before the day was ended there They nailed My hands, and pirced the fpear. Then all ALL WAS FINISH'D I did cry : And now look back to Calvary, And every day call you to mind, And then ihe myftenes out you'll find. For the laft century muft appear, When thou alone did alk in prayer, That I would fhonen Satan's reign, But the new century now begin, I fay, for man to do the fame ; And well I know from every name, What hearts wuhm they all have got, Whether they wifh My reign or not : And as I judge all from the heart, A fecret now 1 will impart: The names that are not given FREE, In heart and hand, 1 fay, to Me, Their jealoufy will foon alarm, Satan will every one unarm, With unbelief they will appear, And ill their feals deftroy them here : Then ail their figning is in vain ; For no admittance they can gain, T have My kingdom here belo\v; Or how to Heav'n can any go so That do deflroy My perfecT: word ? I've faid the fealed of the Lord Are the cleft, \vho now muO ftand, And they My kinre. That they do givt in heart and mind, Wiflling ihe Srpmt for to bind. As on the crof^ they then bound Me : One day, " a 'h u'fand years fliall be," That I in r.jl laid in the tomb, Ere I by man a r -ain was feen ; And then the firft I did appear, And My difciples f.iw Me there ; And fo the Devil will arife Again toman, in ftrange difguife, That hath by wonders been brought in ; I know what power he'll gain o'er them: But then My faints wil! iirong appear, And know the judgment day is near. That now are workers here with Me: My fealed number all will fee, 'How they in faith wdl boldly {land, And fay the whole we now command : For every prophecy is ckar; Our enemies we need not fear; Becaufe ihe truth we faw at firft, And now we fee the end to buril, As all the Bible did foretel And as exphiin'd a fo did fall ; And now %ve all d.i fee the end; We know our (iod will be our friend ; And we in tnumon fhai' appear, \Vith fain'ts and atrgels n, ,11; air : Therefore mir death we doii't regard; We know our dod will us reward ; And fo the'll Hand umo the end, And with their God they will defcend : When, the laft trumpet doth appear, They'll come with joy then in the air. But now ih'is fibjett I (hall end : For at thf prejent I intend To make the mvftery out more plain; The fword and ftaves are drawn by men : The flaffis now the power of God, "Whofe ftrength will now fulfil His word. For fo the fpint's fword is come : Becaufe My fpirit doth appear, In every foul that now fees clear: For they have drawn the fpirit's fword, And all mankind mall find v'ly word, That I am come for to fulfil, v And tread with My avenging heel, All that againft Me draw the fword ; And: ail mankind (hall find the Lord Did make thefe vifions to appear. And in the fpirit anfwers here, The every vifion what it means: Ihe fword is drawn, I tell you plain, And he that draw'th it 'gainft My word, f They all fhaU perim in the flood, I fay, of forrow and of fin: For now to reafon I'll begin. I fufferM for the fall of man," As he his Maker did condemn : But if the Tempter now you fKv, You all muft perifli now with he. That is, your lives muft end with grief : I a(k you, who can give relief, If you the murderer now will free? 1 he woman's guilt muft fall 011 lie : That is the Devil I do mean; And then the Earth I mall redeem : But you can point no other way, That in My Bible I did fay, That e'er the Earth I mould redeem, But by the promife made to them, I now do tell you inthe fall : lor there the promife (lands for all ; And there the enmity is placed, I tell you all, ye fallen race, Confcience condemns you every one ; Againft the woman you are come ; With enmity you do appear, Againft the trords arc fpoken here ; And fo your God you muft condemn, To let fhe woman thus go on. S3 i i And let fuch vifions to appear, I fay, My Bible for to clear : But well your anfwers I do know "Ihefe vifions I did never fhow : That is the language of their heart : Then now thefe words I will impart. You muft My Bible all deny, If you do fay, unknown to Me That all thefe things would fo appear; And now, vain mortals, anfwer here, Why I ne'er ftopt the woman's hand? Not four men could I command, To join together, and appear, For to prevent her coming here, To make thefe vilions out fo plain, When ail had been defpis'd by men : And Co, by men. they'd dill appear To be defpis'd, as heretofore, Had not the woman hither come, To fiiew the vifions what they mean ; And fo boch hands are ilrengthened here : Unknown to Me can nought appear ; Becaufe your thoughts I doefpy, And tell you, My difcerning eye To every place doth go before ; And well I know what will appear ; And fo all this is known to Me, Before My throne, you all may fee That every thing is placed there j And as thefe vifions do appear, So all is brought before the throne, And every name to Me is known ; And every hand and heart the fame ; And now, I fay, from every name, The books muft all be brought to Me ; And now My jewels all (hall fee, How from the books I'll make them up, And how the Tempter there fhall drop. For I the judge fhall now appear, And man's petition I will hear, \Vhen all is brought before My throne- Like the hand-writing 't fhall be known, That PUate wrote upon the crofs: Then fure your names cannot be loft. When I, the King of Kings appear, My foldiers muft My kingdom (hare, That draw the fword and win the field ; For there the foe he now muft. yield. When \ the King do but appear, And men's petition I do hear, E And all is laid before My throne, And their petitions mult be known In therr hand-writing to appear, Or by their wifh be enter'd there ; And then 1 will fum up the whole, And be the Pilate for you all, To give confent, I fay, like him, And fo the Tempter falls, like Me, I tell you. by the power of man : By their defire I've laid My plan : Then fure the Tempter can't complain, If I refign'd MyJife to men, Then now to them he (hall refign, And fo I've told you all My mind. The fwords are drawn, the ftaffs appear *Tis time for Satan to take care ;. And you may judge how near the end, As from My death 'twas My intent To fhew you all how this mnft burfl ; And mark Gethfemane was firft, Before I came to Calvary ; And fo My foes (hall fall like Me: Becaufe no refpite I did gain ; For in one week the whole did end. The feventh they'd not let Me fee They fhorten'd then that week for Me, And fo I'll fhorten now the whole, And you may judge how near's the fall^ If you can judge from \that is pult : 1 faid the fwords and flaves were fir/t, And now I fay thqy do appear, Againft the Tempter they are here. Then furely all will batten on: Two out of feven then 'twas known Were nearly (horten'd then for Me ; And fo the end of all you'll fee : For ihefe two centuries, that are here. With the two'days I will compare : So if you've wifdom todifcern, You all may judge how I do warn, And ho"w the tumult muft come on, To make a final end for man : Becaufe for man 1 will appear; And all fhall find Me Pilate here : A he did give it up to man, 1 tell you now, I'll do the fame. So here this vifion I fhall end : For deep are all the lines thou'/l [>enn*d. FRIDAY, 3d June, 18-03. About eight o'clock,, Jofeph Prefcott being engaged pounding allum, \vith other workmen., who were preparing fize for paper, he faw the following vifion; the whole of which was then in motion. He faw a Celeftial Being in human form, with rays of glory iifuing from his body, attended by a number >f angels, the faces only vifible. They were cluf- tering together, and advancing towards the Celeflial Being. Two angels were placed clofe to the Celef- tial Being, one on the right hand, and the other on the left ; each of which had one hand to a book, which they held open right before the Celeftial Being. Underneath thofe, laid another angel, in a reclined pofture, with a long roll in his hand, opened, with feme reading apparently on it. They were vfurrounded by a great number of angels. Under- neath this fcene, at a diiiance, was a very confufed appearance of the earth, on which he faw a number .mb 1 tones; and out of the earth a great number <>[' pcrf.ns were arifing. Some were walking, who apparently had rifen. They looked like ghofts, as he had heard them defcribed. There were two dc- fcriptions of perfons thus r ; fir g, and they moved diffe- rent ways ibme in a kind d ,' ; : ;ht mantle, were going towards a hill, which was lig : -.t and mining; made fa, from the rays of light, which ifTued from the Celef- tial Being, paffing under or behind the clouds. Several of.' ihefe perfons in the mantles had afcended the hill, and mixed with a number who were ga thered together 'in a body, upon the hill fo il- lumined, which was on the right hand of the Celef- tial Being. The other defcription of perfons looked like moving bodies formed of clay, afcending from amongft the tombs. Some had arifen and were waking, others in the acl of rifing: they gathered together on the left hand of the Celeitial Being. The place where they were aflembled was dark and gloomv. By their fide was a large body of fire, af- cending from, or burfting out of the earth: by which was a very ugly figure,, which Jofeph flip- pofed to be the Devil. Behind him was a pile of arrows, aiid in his hand a bow with an arrow applied to it; which he feemed to ftretch a~ainft the firing with great force,, as if to ihoot; pointing at the people in while. At a very great diilance was a' number of rough hills,, with gloomy black clouds, from which ifTued flames of lightening in different places. Some of the hills were on fire, apparently kindled by the lightening; fome on fire, in other parts, where he faw no lightening. Another infer- nal figure was Handing on a cloud, at a confiderable diflance from the one which had the bow in his hand. He was holding up a paper, with great ear- neftnefs, to one of the angels on the left hand fide of the Celeflial Being; which angel had his eye fixed on him with great compofure. On the other 1 fide flood a wretched being in human form, in ap- pearance miferable, ragged, and dirty. He alfo was holding a paper in his hand, with much apparent trouble in his countenance, to another angel on the right hand fide of the Celeflial Being; who looked at him, as the other did, with compofure. The Ce- leftial Being, whom Jofeph fuppofcd to be the Lord had his hands and eyes uplifted, as if going 1 to de- clare fomething. Near to the infernal figure on the cloud, was a perfon in human form, with an angelic countenance, clothed in a garment apparently of flee], having a chain with long links in his hand, one end of which was fattened round the body of the infer- nal perfon. A voice then uttered, " Beh " Wi hold, yonder, in a heavenly croud, ith giujy and fplendor our Ciod is ador'd." If defired to be drawn, it mail appear ngain. FRIDAY, June loth, 1803, About half paft four this afternoon, Jofeph being engaged in parting paper, after fizing, had the fol- lowing vifion. There were prefented to his view fields and trees, &c. in different parts. About the centre was a tent or marquee, with fringe, or fomc kind of ornament about it. The entrance of the tent was facing him; on each fide of which was an angel holding back the curtain with one hand, and in the other each had a iword, compofed of diamonds, with the point touching the ground; Behind them, without the tent, \vere two other angels with trum- pets, which they blew in loud and fhrill founds. Behind one of thofe "which had the trumpets, on the right hand fide, flood a perfon wifh a ipear in his hand, which he held firait up. Within the tent, which was very datk, was a very brilliant crown, raifed fome diflance from the ground. On all parts that furrounded the tent, the fun fhone with un- common fplendor. A voice faid, " If defired to be drawn, it mall appear again;" and further added, "I the Lord will be a light in a dark place." " Now you (hall fee the Son " With millions of ins ions, blood bought. July 5th, ISO';, A communication concerning the vifions given to Joanna, in anfwer to her friends, w r ho wifhed her not to fpend fo much time in fhewing the vifions, during her flay in Devonshire, to fuch numbers of people. She was anfwered, by the Spirit, in the fol- lowing manner. I ordered the vifions to be drawn for thee, to be made public, and fhewn to all who wifhed to fee them; for I now tell thee and all man- kind, the vifions arc the fhadow of what is haflening on: and now call to thy remembrance., I faid, Avhen the ten years were ended, that after I had fhewn My 38 vifitation to th?e, in the world, greater myfteries imifl Appear to their view; and remember, I told thv ; 1792, 1 would mew thee in dreams, and iii v , s, how it (hould come on. The firft ten years wve paffed in dreams: but now, when thofc ten years were gone, that My visitation had appeared to the world, from wars, from dearth, from fcarcity, and difcord, in the hearts of the people, I began to ihew thee, from vifions appearing to the youth, "whom I vifited iri an earl >g^, and permitted Satan to work on the minds of men to defpife his vifions, that all men might know he was vifited by God, and not fet up by man: but when My appointed time was come, that they had gone through thy writings, the vifions were made known : but now I will make it plain to thee, and all mankind, there was no ap- pearance in the world, that 1, the Lord, had vifited thee, till the wars broke out in 1793, and that it went on every year, to make it appear to the world, i?iore and more, till the ten years were up. So, if men look deep, they will fee the truth of thy wntmgs has appeared vifible. to the world, for ten years before the youth was made known; whom I had vifited, but had concealed from thy knowledge; and at M appointed time, revealed it to thee, and them; and ordered it to be made public, that thy yifitatifcn appeared to the world in the beginning of 179.5; and the vifions were made known, and pub- 1-iflied in the beginning of 1803. Now weigh deep the whole togetlier ; then in feeing ye may fee, and in Hearing ye may underfland, that it is I, tho Lord, who have brought all theic flrange things to pafsj. and remember the dream I flicwed thee in in ] 79C, that I arofe from a bed, as one awoke out of deep;, and now he hath lent thee a vifion of a Titxi whh white furniture, and the curtains drawn back; and thxm kivoweft I told thee, 39 Thrice 'nappy was the man, That did begin, and would go on. Till every curtain was drawn back, To know, and prove, if I did fpeak ; And now the curtains do appear, And mark, this came in the tenth year, Or elfc. I fay, when it was up ; The curtains, they are now drawn back ; And as this vifion doth appear You all fhall find your God is near. The light in darknefs it doth fhine : 1 fee the dark benighted minds : For though the truth is now fo- clear, And perfect like .this vifion here, That I (hall pitch my tent with man, And bring My kingdom down to them. And make My angels to appear, To fliew My kingdom, it is near, For all to come in robes of wh'tc I brought that vifion to his light, To {hew the end how it will fall, "When I appear to conquer all ; That is to conquer he!!, and fin. As you may lee it by the chain : The man in armour fir 14 appear 'd, And Satan's chain is-faften'd there: And fo hi power I (hall chain down, So perfccl as the vifiofl came : For as the fight appear'd to he So perfect now the end {hall be. And mark that vifion was feen firft. Where Satan's ruin fo is plac'd ; As by the chain he can't get free, And fo he chained down mall be. The graves are open'd of the juft; And To the end it now will burft : Eecaufe the juft will now appear, To fee My promifes are clear, Inat Satan muft his doom receive, Ere man with Me in peace fhall live. And own My fentence to be juft ; And tot My kingdom they will thirft, And they My k:ngdn;n {hall obtain, In heaven and eiri.n v .vith Me mall reign For in the end th-v'llail .mite, And I will make hem io-i of li rht, As i; ti:i vifion do'h appear: The angel of tue Lord u tftere. 40 1 tell you all, in robes of white. And i'o on eaj-th I'll make the fight ; For ev'ry beauty {hall appear; And from the tent I tell you here, That I {hall pitch My tent with man ; And then you may .behold your land "With every beauty to appear : The trees of Lebanon are fair, And fair, I fay, I'll make the whole, And from thefe vifions {hew you all, That Satan muft be conquer'd firft ; And as thefc vifions both are plac'd, I tell you that the end will fall, And the five angels warn you all : The trumpets they have in their hands, To warn you of the promis'd land. As in the grove they do appear; And fo the trumpets they have there, To found the coming of the Lord, That he with man will now abide, That is in fpirit dwell with he, And nia-n in peace fliall dwell with Me; That is, by man, I mean the whole, Who now do wifli for Satan's fall, To have My kingdom to appear : I tell you, like thefe vifions here My glorious kingdom wiii come in: The robes ef "white with blue are feer>; A I'd robes of white (hall now appear To every true believer here ; And as the mixture is with blue. So all lliall find My words are trie~ Mark every angel how they're plac'd, A likenefs of the human race: The one hath got the fpear in hand ; But mark, the others how they (land: With the two fwords they do appear, And to the earth they're pointed there, As tho' the fwords were drawn to fall; And perfect fo, I tell you all, That every fword will fall from man, When they ivly kingdom do difcern, That they on earth ihall it obtain: And there behold, there {lands the crown ' r The curtains they have in one hand. And fo the crown they do commind ; And there you fee the fword to fall - So here's a warning to you all} 41 The curtains you muft all draw back, To prove and know that I do fpeak, And then the daiknefs all will fee, Wherein is fixed the crown of Me. I faid in darknefs it would come, Grofs darknefs in the fons of men; And fo grofs darknefs doth appear : But all (hall know My crown is near. Unto this dark benighted land ; And now the wife may it command : For back the curtain they will draw, And then My crown they'll fee and know, How it is fix'd in this dark place, So perfeft like the human race : For dark indeed their minds muft be, If they My kingdom cannot fee, That it is haftening on to man, And in the dark My crown doth ftand: But if the truth you wilh to fee, The curtain now drawn back muft be, And then the crown you may behold, And fee the TRUTH from all is told; As in My Bible 't doth appear : There's not a thing hath happen'd here, But in My Bible all ispenn'd; And mark, 1 told you. in the end, None but eye of faith would fee, The vifitation here of Me. Therefore your hearts would fail you all, To fee the end when I do call, To make a final end for man : None but the juft in faith would ftand ; And now I'll tell you of the juft : All thofe who for My kingdom thirft, And fee My juftice to appear, For to confine the Tempter there Down to his den, as he is plac'd, Becaufe My fide by him was pierc'd, And 'twas by him I was betray 'd I faidj that Satan Judas led : But he repented as a man, When Satan's power from him was gone: Then fure the rage muft come from hell, And fo again his rage doth fwell, In every dark benighted mind, That they My kingdom cannot find, How I {hall place My crown below, Nor how My angel's 1 let go, F To draw the curtain back for man, That in the dark they may difcern. My crown of glory it is near, And the two trumpets do appear : The one I liken'd to My word, That's giv'n to thee now from the Lord : The other trumpet all {hall fee, It is the vifion {hewn to he : And fo the trumpets do appear. To {hew you all the end is near : For dark muft be the minds of men, If they the truth cannot difcern, When all the curtains are drawn back : They all muft know the Lord hath fpoke, By figns and vifions that are here, And from the words that do appear, Now all is come in a ftraigru line : They muft confefs the work is Mine, And Mine I'll make it to appear: Thou know'ft I told thee, heretofore, Thefe vifions would be in your land; And now the whole you may command ; And fo My Friends may caft off fear : Thefe vifions plain do {hew you here, That I {hall draw the curtains back, And then you'll fee My crown to break, With every luflre bright to {hine: The other hand foretell'th My mind, That it is fa-len'd to the earth : I tell you all to judge your birth ; That to the earth you muft return, If you do judge you ftand in man ; That is in man, as he was made, I fay of duft, and fo betray'd; And fo to duft he muft return : _. But know the woman never came^_ Out of the duft, nor made that way ,-- She came from man, where life did lay : That way her body did appear ; ' '_^HH And now, vain man, I anfwer here, He$ fpirit it rnuft come the fame, Where life doth fpring: the end I'll name But this you do not underftand : The body firft was formed from man ; But when My fpirit doth appear, For to bring in My fpiritual heirs, The fpirit then mull come from Me, That man and I alike may be ; 43 Becaufe her life came firft from man, And fo return'd to duft again, As did .he man return at firft : Then here themyfteries now mujl burft. If My delight mould be with man, And to Myfelf I've liken'd them, Then fure My fpirit muft appear; The woman muft be taken here To have a fpirit like My own, The Powers of Darknefs to unthrone;' And fo you 're made joint heirs with Me, That heirs of God you all might be. The flefli and blood came firft from man ; And fo the earthly kingdom came: But when My kingdom doth appear, It is My fpirit muft be here; And fo her fpirit came from Me: Then now, ye blind, begin to fee A myftery deep, but it is plain I've faid her life was took from man ; And know, as man I did appear; Then now like man I'll end it here,_ And prove her fpirit came from Me ; And now My kingdom all {hall fee, That of her fpirit will be born,"^. And pray the Serpent to unthrone \~^~ That is the Tempter to be caft, And foher children all muft burft; And great peace on earth the they'll fee, And own her fpirit came from Me, As did her body firft from man : Mark the creation how it {lands, A likeneis of Divinity : . So I created man to be, In My own likenefs to appear, And perfeft fo I've liken'd him here ; And fo I've liken'd Myfelf to man, To fay from Me her fpirit came, So different from the human race; And yet My fpirit men difgrace ; Becaufe My ways are hid from all, In the dark myfteries of the fall : But there, I fay, I fix'd My crown, When I the man and woman found For to lament their fatal fall : I drew the curtains then for all, That they the crown could never fee, How I mould bring it round that way, 44 To have My glittering fword to fall, And for the woman conquer all, As for the woman he was caft ; And NOW'S the time THAT TRUTH ftiall bnrft. I afked him what then he had done, And faid the curfe (hould fall on him, Much greater than the human race : I fix'd on him the woman's curfe, Or elfe, I fay, the woman's fall ; And now'sthe time, I tell you all, That as the vifions do appear, You all will find the end is near. Now mark thefe vifions, how they are plac'd. And then awake, ye fallen race, You fee the chain is in one hand : I died to conquer hell for man ; And now you fee the man appear, With all the ARMOUR man mud wear, If he will conquer hell with Me ; And now, ye blind, begin to fee : The dart is in the woman's hand, That o'er his head you may command ; And unto Heaven (he's looking there, As tho' opprefs'd with grief and fear. As Satan's dart is fix'd"behind: The twifted ferpent then you'll find, How much like it her clothing's plac'd, You cannot fay 'tis like the reft : In different robes lhe doth appear ; Becaufe her clothing is drawn there Much like a ferpent for to be, As in and out the ftripes you fee ; And fo in grief (he's compafs'd round : The dart in Satan's hand is found, How he in rage would keep her back, From every blotting I create, I tell you all, when at the firfl : And fo the end it now is plac'd, As the creation did appear, When Eve from him receiv'd the fpcar : But know, the dart is in her hand, That o'er his head you may command ; And fo the chain is faften'd there : I faid, I'd die her guilt to clear : And fo the guilt was caft on Me, As Satan's dart you all may fee, How it is pointed at the man, That hath the chain now in his hand, *5 Which now is ftamp'dberveath his foot; And fo, I fay, I'll make him mute: For all the graves {hall open here, And all the martyrs (hall appear, To join in fpirit with the juft, That pray for Satan to be caA : For now the books I'll open all, And fo begin from Adam's fall, And to all ages I'll go on, To prove that death was pafs^d on man ; As to perfeftion he was dead, And fo from him is knowledge hid, As one that's buried in the grave, And in the earth no knowledge hath,. So man no knowledge hath of Me : Bring forth the age that right did fee ; And then I'll give up to man, If knowledge you can prove in them, In any age that now is paft : The books are open'J in the laft, And every age does {hew you plain, That man no knowledge did obtain, But when the fpirit carne from M.e ' And now My fpirit, all {hall fee, Is come to draw the curtains back, And {hew My crown how itmuft break From the dark myfteries of the fall : It is the woman (judge your call) Muft claim the promife there was made, Who caft the guilt on Satan's head ; And now upon his head't {hall fall: For they three figures tell you all To faints and angels you may place: But now awake, ye fallen race : The firft to Eve I {hall campare Her combat with the Devil there ; A he the dart hath in his hand ; And fo her clothing you command, Is like a twitted ferpent round ; And fo by him her fall was found: but then with grief {he did appear, And. unto Heav'n did lift her prayers, And great her forrow it did burft ; But on the Serpent it was call, Whofe fubtile arts had her beray'd: But mark, the promife there was made, I tell you of her feed to come, As {he the Serpent did condemn, 40 That it fhould bruife the Serpent's head,. And fo the dart by her was laid ; And fo the dart mall now appear : The woman is fupported there, With other guardians Rill behind", To cornfon her diftrefled mind. Now, from, the fecond. all fhall fee r It was the in the r then of Me, Who did fo clofely after come, To have him chained by her Son, The fecond Abel to appear, To Verge the blood wasmurder'd there, I fay. by Satan's artful hand ; And now the chain you may command, To fee it ftampt beneath his foot : You know I faid I'd bind the root Of every evil, that did fpring I faid I'd conquer hell and fin ; And fo to conquer I'll appear : The fecond woman you fee there, With -all her clothing drawn in red, And fol'll conquer by My blood. Now mark the angel that's behind ; Then the new covenant you'll find, That I am making now with man ; You fee " THESE THREE" are joind as one Then fure My angel muft appear, I fay, to join the women here; And now I tell you, from the laft, It is the woman that is firft, To place them all another way, And from the angel, now I fay, Of the NEW COVENANT who appears, To Ihew the fall how it was there, That I have told you firft was Eve, And mark the promife I did give ; Which I did never yet fulfil ; The firft is laft. I tell you ft ill : Thou fetf'ft die angel he is firft; What I call Eve, {he is the laft, And fo the laft (he doth appear; And now the my flcf ies I'll make clear : Becaufe the laft, you all (hall fee, Is chang'd form Eve and come to thee. For all her forrows thou'ft gone through : Think of the paft, the truth thou'lt know, How Satan's darts have wounded thee, And. in thy prayers, thy griefs to Me. With uplift eyes, were fix'd to Heaven. In deep defpair thy heart was driven, When every voice was compafs'd round, From Heaven, faid they, was not the found; And perfect like the figure there. I've often feen thee drown'd in tears; Which all thy writings plain will pro\'e. When Satan's arts thy heart did move, So full of jealoufy to grow: Thy bleeding heart, I well did know, And oft I've feen thee in fuch grief. When thou'dfl no friend to give relief: But in fuch forrow didft complain, And thy difpute doth it maintain, How Satan ftrove to keep thee back, And fo thy heart was on the rack : But, from the vifion all {hall fee The chain is faften'd there that way ; And fo the dart is o'er his head ; And now remember what I faid, When I the chain did bid thee draw ; And here's the chain they all fhall know, Shall chain the Tempter to his den ; And now the cuts you may fee plain, That on the Tempter's back appear; And from the eight I'll anfwer here : lft f Becaufe in Eden was the firft : A cut on Satan then was caft : 2d, But when the Deluge did appear, The cut went deep for Satan there : Becaufe I then went through the whole ; And fo the cut on him (hall fall, As by his arts he cut off man, And ftrongly then he work'd on them, Till he had work'd their final doom ; But now I'll place him in man's room : For he fhall now be fwept away, As was the deluge in that day ; Becaufe thefe cues he brought on man : 3 preferve the good for all, To put the feal in every hand ; That all may gain the promis'd land," \\ hich I have now for man in ftore : The woman's hand the whole fhall clear. So thofe wlio will turn back and live, Receive the' feal the woman gives : For I have made the myflery clear, To prove that I have fpoken here : But if the truth you cannot fee, From every truth fpoken by me, Then I will make the truth more clear^ By every judg-nent mentioned here, That in her writings I do name, And then the blind will fee more plain, That they have brought My judgments on, By unbelief, I fay, to man, As Adam brought it at the firfl: For unbelief in them did burft, And unbelief is now the fame ; My voice is not belie v'd by man, Until you fee your final fall : But know I've warn'd you one and all, That every nation I'll go through, Till men do own My iSible true ; Which men at prefent don't believe : 1 hey judge, that Satan Me deceives, To make the woman at the firf} : Then I'll deceive him at the lafl : For by her hand he'll furely fall ; She'll pluck the evil through for all ; Until, I fay, 'twill all fall down, And then the good fiuit will be found : As they have ta'en it from her hand. The knowledge they will all command, That the good fruit doth now appear, Wherein I've feal'd Mv fons and heirs, That now in heart do wifh for Me : The woman's hand, .hey all will fee, Hath pluck'd the evil down for all : The fealed number judge their call, That they are feal'd the good to tafte ; And by their hands the evil's caft : Becaufe they.ftgn'd to have him fall: Let every book be known to all, 52 In every date how't did come on ; Thpn thy accufers let them come, And tell Me \\hobronght round this chain, And now you fee the vifion plain : B;it as the hearts of men I know, They'll fay invention brought it fo. Then from invention let them fee If e'er a woman aft like thee. JULY 28, 1803. Joanna dreamt fhe was in a place -where there were two furnaces. When fhe opened the cover of the fecond furnace there appeared a man feated in the furnace of water; at which fhe was alarmed ; and the man faid he was to (it there for a time to recover his health. At lafl the furnace was drawn away by horfes. Joanna was ordered to pen this dream and fhe was anfwercd, fimple as it might appear,, the meaning of it alluded to the whole race of mankind. The furnace is the furnace of affliction, that ye are now put in until you re- ceive the health of your fenfes, and are recovered from the diforder of your unbelieving minds. For I told you plainly in My Gofpel, that wars, and ru- mours of wars would appear, with diftrefles and per- plexities of nations. Now put down the chapters that I mall mention., and I will explain them unto thee. LUKE, ch. xviii. v. s. I tell you., that He will avenge them fpeedily. Neverthelefs, when the Son of Man cometh, mail He find faith on the earth ? Ch. xxl. v. 25. There mall be figns in the fun, moon, and liars ; upon the earth diftrefles of na- .tions with perplexities. r>'8. When thcfe things begin to come to pafs, then look up, and lift up your head's: for, your re- demption draweth nigh. 53 29, SO, When the fig-tree and all the trees Ihoot forth,, ye fee and know of your ownfelves, that fummer is nigh at hand. s i . So likewife ye, when ye fee thefe things come to pafs, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. 35. For as a fnare (hall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to efcape all thefe things that mall come to pafs, and to ftand before the Son of Man. For thefe are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may come to pals. ISAIAH, ch. Ixiii. v. 4. For the day of vengeance is in Mine heart, and the year of My redeemed is come. Ch. Ixv. v. 17. For behold I create a new heaven and a new earth: and the former mail not be re- membered, nor come into mind. 18. But be glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create : for behold, I create Jerufalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy. 19. And I will rejoice in Jerufalem, and joy in My people ; and the voice of weeping ihall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying. Ch. Ixvi. v. 23. And it mall come to pafs, that from one new moon to another, and from one fabbath to another, mail all flefti come and wor- fliip before Me, iaith the Lord. JEREMIAH, ch. xxx. v. 22. And ye ihall be My people, and I will be your God. 23 . Behold the whirl-wind of the Lord goeth forth with fury, a cutting whirl-wind; it ihall fall with pain on the head of the wicked. 24. The fierce anger of the Lord ihall not re- turn until He have done it, until He have per- fonned the intent of His heart : in the latter days ye (hall confider it -perfe6lly. ROMANS, ch. xi. r. 25. For I would not, brethren, that ye fhould be ignorant of this myflery, that blindnefs in part hath happened to Ifrael, until the ful/iefs of the Gentiles be come in, 26. And ib all Ifreal mall be laved: as it is writ- ten, There fhall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and fhall turn away ungodlinefs from Jacob. 27. For this is My covenant with them, when I take away their fins. The ANSWER of the SPIRIT to the foregoing TEXTS and VERSES. Now I fhall anfwer thefe pafTages of Scripture. The Lord will avenge them that cry unto him. Now believers are crying unto 'Me, by their petitions, and names, figned for Satan's deftruclion. They are crying to be avenged of the injuries that Satan hath done them, by caufing their fall, and by bring- ing fin, forrow, and mifery into the world, upon the whole race of Mankind. Thus they are daily coming unto Me, by their daily figning for Sa- tan's deuru6lion, ami for the coming of My king dom. But, neverthelcfs, is there faith on the earth ? Is there faith to believe that I mail avenge you of your adverfary, the Devil? Is there faith to believe I fhall redeem you from the fall of Adam, according to My promife made in Holy Writ? Is- their faith to 'believe I fliall reconcile the whole world unto God ? Is there faith to be- lieve the Bible is written by infpiration from God ; and that My words ftand as firm as the pillars of heaven, which cannot be fhaken by man, neither can My word be changed by the judgment of man ? Is there faith to believe there mall be a new heaven mid a new earth,, wherein dwelleth righteoufnefs ? Is there faith to believe I am already come in the fpirit? Thou anfwereft they who truly believe the words given to thee, do believe ft all. lanfwer, thofe who thus believe : I (hall avenge them of their ad- verfary the Devil. Therefore the words ftand fo clofely joined together, that I will avenge them that tints believe : for this is the faith required to be be- lieved, when I come in the fpirit to redeem you from the fall : or what redemption do you fuppofe 1 told you would draw near ? Or what kingdom of God do you fuppofe I meant was at hand, that mould come as a fnare upon all who dwelt upon the earth ? Here is a myftery beyond the learned, why it mould come as a fnare upon the earth. The true meaning of a fnare is a trap to enfnare the minds of mankind, to draw them into a fnare, which proves to their hurt, when they are enfnared by any arts to fall therein ; or the minds of men may be a fnare unto themielves to draw them into dangers : for a fnare is a delufion or being deceived. Here thou art at a lofs how this can be made good, that a fnare, explained in this manner, can come upon the whole earth, /'/ one part believe unto rightcoujhefs for tlieir redemption. To this I anfwer They who thus be- lieve in their redemption, are already judged to be drawn into a fnare for their hurt And they that do not believe in their redemption, nor judge it is nigh at hand, will be drawn, into a fnare by the arts of the Devil, through unbelief. Therefore watch ye, that ye may be counted worthy to efcape all thefe things that mail come upon the .earth. Watch the times. Watch the feafons-. W r atch the fpirit, whether it be true, or not. Watch the fcriptures; weigh the whole together, draw the link ; lengthen the chain ; fee, if one link will join with another compare the whole together fee, if it adds link to link, chain to chain, like the dawning morning, higher and higher, brighter and brighter, to the perfect day : or like a 56 flower In the bud,, opening more and more until the full blown flower appears. In this manner ye mud weigh the works of God, like the hufbandman's feed, firft thrown into the earth, and buried down without any appearance of the feed, till you fee the blade ap- pear. Then cometh the flalk, next the ear, then the bloifom, then the grain is fit for harveft. Juft fo you mufl mark the rifing of all things which come from God. So it was with Mofes in Egypt with Jofeph in the Land of Pharoah. Juil fo are My ways throughout My Bible. Then fo ye muft watch if ye will efcape all thofe things that fhall come upon the earth. And now I will tell thee why they will come upon the earth. Becaufe of the hardnel's of men's hearts through unbelief: for thefe are the days of vengeance on men and devils. The fpirits that perfecuted Me, and My difciples, and My pro- phets, will now perfecute Me in the fpirit, and bring vengeance on their own heads. But thofe who watch the moving of the fpirit, the truth of the words, and believe that I died for their re- demption, will efcape all thefe evils, and they will not bring it on themfelves; for they will be the people that I fhall redeem. For a new heaven, and a new earth, mean that old things fhall be done away, and all things mail become new. For new it will ap- pear to all men, when the church militant joins the church triumphant, when forrow and fin are done away, and joy andgladnefs are in every heart. It will be a new heaven to the faints, when they have free liberty to come down and converfe with faints below: It will be a new earth to man, when fin and forrow, pain and mifery, are all clone away ; when joy. and gladnefs are in every heart, love and peace in every breaft. Now ye are furrounded with enemies fpiri- tual and temporal : but then ye will be furrounded with faints and angels, and brotherly love in every heart one towards another. This will be a new earth to man : and heaven will be new to faints and 57 angels,, when ye have a free intercourse one with another,, without the infernal hoft that is now ho- vering in the way. But when they are chained down,, it will be a new heaven to faints above,, and a new earth to faints below,, and fo they will praife the name of the Lord from one new moon to ano- ther, from one fabbath to another,, and they fhall be My people, and I will be their God ; for now the whirl-wind is gone out with fury, and it mail fall with pain on the head of the wicked. The root of wickednefs is the Devil, and they that are led by him will be pained with him. But when it comes to the end they will confider it perfectly ; that it is neither Jews nor Gentiles can boaft of wifdom or knowledge. For if the natural branches fell through unbelief, let not them which are grafted in boaji, feeing they err in judgment and Hum- ble in vifions, as they (the Jews) did. Ye turn the Scriptures, and wreft them to your own con- demnation, as they did. Ye wreft the Gofpel of your Lord and Saviour, as they wrefted the words of the prophets. Ye are as full of unbelief of your redemption, as they were of their falvation through My blood. But was this to continue how then fhall the " fulnefs of the Gentiles come?" The fulnefs of the Gentiles is the redemption of man : for then ye come to the fulnefs of My merit to the fulnefs of what I died to purchafe for you the fulnefs of what I created you for the fulnefs of all happinefs., when your Deliverer fhall come out of Sion, and turn away ungodlinefs from Jacob. Your Deliverer is the Lord of Hofts the Mighty One of Ifreal is His Name, who mall now perform the intent of His heart in the redemption of mankind, ac- cording to the intent of My heart, when I made man at firft According to the intent of My mind, when I faid My delight mould be with the fons of men. But where is the age that My delight could be with them ? Could My delight be with man H 58 when they flew the prophets, killed My difciples, and put the martyrs *to death ? Trace back all ages,, and fee when My delight could be with man Could I delight to fee their f offerings ? o O Or could My delight be with them that put them to death for My fake ? Tell Me, where was a perfect race of mankind, that My delight mould be with them ? But now is the time approaching that My delight fhalj be with man, from the fealed number. For now is coming the fulnefs of the Gentiles. They fir ft believed in Me for fahation, and .now they believe in Me for redemption. They are clamouring for Satan's definition as the Jews clamoured for My deftruftion. Therefore My delight mail be with them., as their delight is to fee My kingdom come, My will be done, and all the evil fruit to fall : and it mall fall from you, and they fliall tread down the wicked as afhes under their feet. And now I will anfwer thofe that fay the defire of the heart is like the figning of their names. I anfwer no. It is like Daniel's prayers being in public and private. He might have come to Me in private prayer, with the fame words and fame heart : but then he could not have, brought any honor to My name : neither could he have convinced an heathen nation, king, or coun- try : neither could My 'wondrous works have flood on record for mankind. The three Jews (Sadrach, Mefhach, and Abednego) were the fame: and now the end will prove the fame by the public fealed people, whole names will hereafter appear to an aftonifhed and affrighted world. They will bring glory to God, and a convincing proof to mankind : children unborn wi^ praile their doings, and their names will be had "In everlafting remembrance till time is no more. Then will it be had in remem- brance throughout the countlefs ages of eternity : for their names muft iiand for ever in the Lamb's Book of Life : as they will bring glory to God, and 59 a convincing proof to men, that they believed in their redemption., that I was able to cleanfe the blood that I had not cleanfed, and lave to the uttermoft all who look to Me for redemption, trufting in My mercy, merits, and power, that I am able and willing to conquer death, hell, and fin, and make a final atonement for man to re- concile the whole world unto God. This recon- ciliation cannot be made known unto mankind, and convince an unbelieving world, by any but The fealed Number, whofe names will appear like Daniel's prayers, public unto all "men ; and like Shadrach, Mefhach, and Abednego, who publicly mewed their worfhip to God ; and public miracles were wrought for them ; but had their prayers been the fame in private, and their hearts and minds had been the fame to Me, without fhewing it in pub- lic, thefe wondrous works could not have been wrought. And now it is the fame by figning of their names. However great may be the defire of the hearts and minds of believers in Me, and My Gofpel, they cannot bring any honor to My name, nor any convincing proof to mankind, that I have deftroyed the enemy for their fakes ; and that I have avenged them on their adverfary, the Devil, who cried day and night unto Me. " As prayer hath been through every age, And from My prayer I'll now engage To prove it hath been us'd by man, To have ;Vly kingdom for to come: But how could I that prayer fulfil, To prove I gave them up their will, And fo avenge them of their foe, And bring My kingdom down below, To prove I'll anfwer now your prayers, Should not My fpirit firft appear, To prove the fealed of the Lord Have no%v relied upon My word ? And fo My word I'll now fulfil. And 'tis their names their foe ihall chill ; 60 Becaufe I'll now give up to man : And fo their names muft ever ftand, As thefe have ftood who fign'd My blood : At Pilate's bar yoknow I flood. Condemned by the fons of men ; And fo I gave it up. to them, For to be nail'd to the tree, And fo the names of men you fee, Who fign'd My death and fo it came: By their defire I laid it down : Then now by man's defire the fame, I fay the earth {hall know by name, Until the knowledge of the Lord In every land {hall fly abroad, The diftant nations to call in: The fealed number now {hall win The every word that's in My prayer: My kingdom they (hall find i* near. As they began My will on earth, Like the wife Shepherd's, at My birth, Who firft were guided by the flar, And fo they then came from afar, And now from far they came the fame, And {hew their love by every name, That wifh My kingdom for to fee, Confefs the pow r is now in Me, For to avenge them of the foe, And, in the end, their names they'll know Are all enroll'd in heaven above, And they {hall know My perfect love, And fee the power I have got, When Satan doth receive his lot, That firft in Bonaparte you'll fee, How I'll deftroy that enemy, And fo avenge you of that foe - From types and {hadows all muft go : As John the Baptift. was the firft, And after him My death did burft, So Bonaparte muft fall the fame, Ere Satan doth receive his doom ; And then together all compare ; You'll fee the nations then to fear: For then thy writings men will fee, And own the fptrit came from Me. The figns and vifions do appear: But all will find the fubftance near, That in the heavens thefe figris you'll fee, So j erf eci as they 're ftiewn to him : 61 Perplexities are battening on : You'll find diftrefs in every land, Will in a fliort time to all appear; For on this earth 'tis haftening near - Tumults and wars that will abound : I faid, you foon would hear, the found, That there would be a dreadful war, And now the ihadow doth appear : For all is coming on the earth, So perfefl as the Scripture faith; And yet thefe things would no one fer, Had I not come to vifit thee, And brought My Bible to their view, To let them know My words were true, That all I faid I'll now fulfil ; So men may judge it as they will. If worthy you will now appear, For to efcape the dangers here, Then you the whole muft now difcern, And weigh the manner I did warn, And weigh the words. I here do fpeak, And in what manner all doth break. I faid I'd face the foe once more, Tho' for a time defer it here, And for a time, you know 'twas done : One fingle year 'tis known to man, That you in peace did fo appear ; And mark the time ; I faid the war Would be but fhipwreck in your land, When.that the peace you did command, And out of danger feem'd to be, That (nearer to it) all would fee That dangers then were haftening on ; And now the truth to you is come. I faid the year began in grief, But in the end they'd judge relief ; Becaufe that joy would fo abound: You judg'd that peace was in the found ; And know that plenty did appear : Then judge what change did happen here, To make thy writings all come true : Let all be brought before their view ; And then their Bible's let them fee, If any faith in man can be, To judge a knowledge of a God Can be with man in all that's faid : And know, what will hereafter fpring^ And thetvent of every thing 62 Is known to Me before it comes. If men do know My every name, Or have a lively faith in Me, They mufl confefs My eye doth fee From the beginning to the end, And from the truths that thou haft penn'd J knew the prcgrefs thou wouldft make. The fealed number for to take : Before I hurt the earth or fea I knew that all would come this way. Now if in this mankind fhould err, Before their judge they may appear, And fay that I have man milled, For to fulfil the words wqfe faid ; For if the paft had not come true, I know the prefent, in My view, Would ne'er been carried on by thee : Becaufe thy heart was known to Me. When I let Satan to appear, And tell thee lies, to foil you here, Then to the flames thou'dft all commit; As in thy heart the words thou'dfl fpeak, And in thy heart condemn the whole, Arid fo thy writings they would fall, If I had not fulfill'd My word, By fending harvefts as I faid. I ne'er let batan to appear, But when I'd many truth* were near ; That Satan might not make thee fall : For now 1 tell you one and all, Jt was thy faitnfulnefs to fee, __ That I let Satan come to thee, With any arts for to deceive, ' To prove that right thou didft believe, And from the truth thou judg'dft the whole It was of God if truth did fall ; But if thar lies to thee appear'd, Thou judg'dft from Satan what thou'dft heard, And in thy heart condemn 'd the whole, RefolvM, his lies fhould never call A fall'n nation for to turn Thou judg'dft. it mocking God, and man, To publifti lies which came from hell : Thy bleeding heart I knew did fwell : Thou didft grow jealous of the found -, And in the flames would all be found, If 1 had not kept back thy hand, And made an unbelieving land 3 Tafte of the farrows thou didft feel, And fo thy wounded heart did heal, By making of thy words come true : Bring both the harvefts to thy view, The one by fun, and one by rain, And fo thou ftrength of faith didft gain, To make it public fly abroad, And prove thy writings came from God : And now, I fay, I'll prove the whole: Like thefe two harvefts all fhall fall, That do in mockery now appear: I aflc how man can judge Me here. If I have never fpoke by thee, I afk them how thefe things can be, That all the truths have fo come round ? If from thy felf they judge the found, Then from thy felf muft all appear, The power to fend thefe harvefts here, Or I muft be as much to blame, To make them come and mock My namCj If I had never fpoke the word, And fo fulfill'd it as I faid. And now the whole I (hall fulfil : Judge of this calling as you will, You all fhail find it came from heaven ; The fpint from the Lord is given, To tell you all that he is near, And as a bridegroom will appear ; But like a bridegroom cannot be Without a woman all mail fee: And all as brides I'll make the fame \Vhen all like her believe My name, JOANNA'S ANSWER to the FALSE REPORTS concerning o the SEALING of the PEOPLE. As fome fay I have one guinea for a feal, and others fay that I have five guineas for it, and the fame report they have fpread about my friends, that they have taken money alfo ; and feveral have declared, that they wifhed to have figned for the deftruction of Satan, and for the coming of ChrluYs 64 glorious and peaceable kingdom to be eftablifhed ; but could not afford fo much money, I now anfwer to all. I never took one penny for fealing the people in my life; neither have any of my friends. Such an idea never entered my thoughts, heart or mind, or the thoughts, heart, or mind of any who are joined with me. All I defire of any is to mew their love and defire for Chrift's kingdom to appear, and Satan's power to be deftroyed, by putting their hands to what they fay in their hearts they wifh for: but thofe who do not wifh it, are not to fign it; for the Lord judgelhfrom the heart; and the hand and the heart muft go together. Was I not aflured it was the command of the Lord, that all thofe who wifhed for Chrift's kingdom to come, and the Powers of Darknefs to be deftroyed, mould join their hands with their hearts, byjtgning their najms, I would not fufler it myfelf, for the world to fed the people in Ihe name of the Lord, as knowing it to be a fin of the cleepefl die, if He had not commanded it. But all who fign for Chrift's kingdom to be eftablifhed,, and Satan's to be deftroyed, fhall be fealed to the day of redemption, to inherit the Tree of Life ; and this feal is given "without money, and wilhoiit price." All that is defired, is, men's love to God, and a de- fire for his kingdom; and there muft be a willing mind, and defire in the heart, that God may be all in all, and the Powers of Darknefs utterly deftroyed. Here I have publicly made known to mankind what malicious, falfe reports are made, to fay that I received money for my trouble ; which I pofitively 65 deny ; and I can fay the fame of my friends. Now I mall give the anfwer of the Spirit, that is given to nte, in anfwer to men's being ftumbled that this command mould have been given to a woman ; and then judge for yourfelves. I believe the Bible as it is revealed to me by the fpirit; but I cannot rely on the judgment of any man ; as the beft of men differ fo much in opinions and judgment. On whom then (hall I rely ? The judgment of men contradicts one the other. Therefore, I rely on th e revelation given unto me from the Spirit of the Lord : which you will fee in the following words, given to me in anfwer to the controverfies of men. " Let reafon take pofTefTion of every heart. Then in feeing they muft fee, and in hearing they muft undcrftand, that a plan fixed for man's redemption, in fo clear a manner, would no more have entered thy head and heart, than it did in all the ages that have paffed before you, from true prophets or falfe prophets, from My difciples, or the vagabond Jews, or from all the importers that have arifen fmce, or from any true prophet, or from any learned divine, who have ever pointed out any way or manner that man's redemption mould take place, till it was plainly (hewn to thee /// what manner it muft take place, from the promife mack; in the fall between the woman and the ferpent: and from every pro_ mife through the Bible, where it fpeaks of man's redemption, it is fpoken to the woman. In Ifaiah, ch, 54, it is written, the Lord of Hofts is her huf- I 66 band., and all her children mall be taught of the Lord. In the Revelations, ch. 19, v. 7, is mentioned the Lamb's wife; where the marriage of the Lamb is fet forth. as uniting all nations together. In My Gofpel me is called blefjed that never bore; and the the kingdom of heaven is compared to a woman having a little leaven, till me leavens the whole. In the Revelations, ch. l 2, me is faid to have the moon under her feet, treading down the light that fhineth in darknefs, and being clothed with the fun, which mineth bright to the perfect day. Now, . all thefe Scriptures were never applied to a woman, nor even underftood till now, that they are efta- blifhed by a cloud of witnefTes of true prophecies, that hath followed them. Then now anfwer Me, O vain men, how this came to pafs in the latter days, which never entered the heart or mind of any one before, and applied by one who would not believe them, had not the Spirit fupported her faith and belief, by telling her future events, which none but God knew, and none but God could fulfil. He hath given her knowledge above the learned : for no man living could fortel the events that have taken place, but me only. If you point out in one thing that (lie has flumbled, it is I, the Lord, that have ordained it, to convince mankind me was faithful to pen what was revealed unto her, and leave the event unto time, to prove the truth. If deceived me was as jealous for herfelf as any man was for her : but had me never been foiled the .fincerity of her heart copld never be proved, that fhe wifhed not to prophecy by any but the Lord 67 alone. Now let her enemies point out wherein fhe hath acted with art or deceit, or wherein fhe hath lied unto God or man. Hath fhe profeffed a belief contrary to My Gofpel, hearing a voice as you hear the milling of the wind ? But hath fhe not affirmed unto you all, fhe knoweth not from whence it comes, nor whither it goes ; but judges of the Spirit by the truth that followeth, and the fruit which it bears ? It muft be good ; as all tends to the glory of God, and the good of mankind, to the pulling down of all the ftrong holds of fin (! and every good and perfect gift cometh down from the father of lights." Now anfwer Me, ye men of the world, who defpiie her prophecies and mock the coming of the Lord, from whence came all your. lies? Came they not from your father, the Devil, who was a liar from the beginning ? Is there a word in your mouths, or a thought in your hearts, unknown to Me? By whole fpirit is your malice kindled? Will you anfwer by the Spirit of God? Then fpeak the truth every mart by his neighbour : but the truth is not in her ene- mies. Therefore, out of your own mouths will I condemn you, and will be a fwift witnefs againfl you, that your lies prove your malice is kindled from hell, who is cafting out floods a'gainft the woman floods of malice, floods of oaths, and floods of lies: making lies their refuge; and under falf- hood they are hiding themfelves : but their refuge of lies mall be done away, and their falfhood fhall r.ot hide them in the day of My wrath, when I come to mew My jufl difpleafure againft mankind, 68 for refiifing to fhew their love to Me, by Jigning for the coming of their Lord, to fhew their wifli for Satan's kingdom to be deflroyed, and for MINE to be eftablifhed amongft them. But thofe who judge the fealing is from the heart, and the heart only, let them live to God, and God only ; and fles from every appearance of evil, and follow all the commandments in My Gofpel, and keep My com- mandments ye mall not bear falfe witnefs againil your neighbour. But where is the man upon earth can fay, all this have I obferved to do ? I anfwer, not a man upon earth can appeal to God and his own concience, and fay he hath obferved to keep the whole. Is it not written, judge no man but by his fruit? For I faid, by their fruits ye mall know them. Now let them that judge thee, tell what fruits in thy writings they condemn. But I know the thoughts of thy heart. Thou fayeft they condemn thee for faying thou art C( THE BRIDE" mentioned in the Revelations. Then they mult condemn Me for ftyling Myfelf as coming as a bridegroom, if I do not come to make the church o the bride. To acl like David, I muft begin with one and end with mcmij: therefore, I faid unto thee in years pall, No more in thee they all will fee Then in thy friends abound ; And all that are thy helpers here \Vill in the end be crown'd, In glory bright, in robes of white, For brides I'll make you all : One ftar ca t ne.'er giv.e ' e li^lr, If ail the reu. fhou.d fail. 69 So as to pride, throw all afide ; 'Tis time for all to fliine ; Nor can you fay if (he's " THE BRIDE,' She's higher than mankind. 'Tis but a mark, 'tis growing dark? She's not above the reft ; Obferve the glittering of the ftars, And fee how all is placed, What ftars in glory will appear, In fplendor bright to mine, Before that midnight doth came near; And fo the end you'll find, That ftars of light will fparkle bright, Ere midnight doth come on ; And they will give a heavenly light ; For fo My brides will come. Then brides to all alike I call, (For every ftar is Mine) To point the Bridegroom out to all, That you His words may find. His kingdom here it muft appear, And be in every heart; For your redemption now draws near*. Satan muft feel hi dart. As you do pray, I now do fay, I {hall deliver all, And bring My kingdom down this way : The fealed fo will fall.' For your redemption you are feal'd, If right you now believe (Amyftery never was reveal'd) That from the fall of Eve The promife there d>>th Mrong appear, If you diicorn the firft; The Revelations {hew you clear The promife at the Utt. The Spirit, and ihe Bride, fay come, And do you all invite ; 7O I do not' mean to caft out one The love of none Pirflight, Who wifli My kingdom for to come, And Satan for to fall ; And every name that's enter'd here, I now do tell you all, In- Heaven they'll be inroll'd by Me, Where hand and heart do join. To wifh from Satan to be free : So now I've told My mind : And now in print let this appear, Beginning from the firft, And {hew the lies that now are told, Which from thy foes do burft : For, like a man, I now am come To take thy every part : J know how Satan leads men on, To bring on them the dart, To have My vengeance fall on man, Thinking himfelf to free ; But for the fake of fifty men I'll bring the guilt on him. Tho' I have more, it will appear, Whofe hands and hearts do join ; And Satan (hall not triumph here, His number's more than Mine. When I appear to chain him here, And mew his final doom, The woman's hand muft: then appear He perifli'd in her room. So for the firft he fure was caft, And now the end you fee; 'Tis for the woman, in the laft, He chained down muft be. She pluck'd the fruit, and gave to man., And he did eat the fame : That way, you fay, the evil came, ' And man knows not My name. 71 So now at laft the good is burft, And fo me pluck'd it here, And offer'd it for man to tafle, That he with her might (hare, I fay the knowledge of the Lord, And Me they all fhall know : So let thefe words to fly abroad, And fee what man will do. If they go on as man began, I tell you at the firft, It is of Adam I do mean, Then the good fruit mall burft Upon you all (for fo's the call) Then take it from her hand, And Ihew you wifh for Satan's fall, My kingdom to command. No other way, to you I fay, I ever fhall redeem : It is the changing of the tide, That always brings the ftream. For when the tide keeps back the waves They cannot hafty flow; But foon they overflow the banks When I the tide let go. So 'tis the fame, the woman's hand. You fay, kept back the tide, That man in all true happinefs He did not long abide : But now you fee amyftery, How I the tide let go, To overflow your every bank And living waters flow. They now will run like Jordan's dreams. And all your lepers cure : No other way, to you I fay, Will heal your lepers here. All other waters are in vain I fay they will not do : 72 I tell you r t mull be Jordan's ftreair, The woman rauft go through The firft and laft, the die is caft. (I tell you now) for all : The woman's hand fiiall everftarcf, For to bring back the fall. So 'tis the fealed number here Will feek his overthrow : When I begin to finite the tidei. And all the waves let go, Upon the Serpent ii {hall fall, To drov/n him in the deep ; But I will be a wall to all That now this law do keep The law of reafon, and love: The reafonings here are juft : For I (hall fooivknow every name That is upon the lift : But now this calling is the laft ; For I fliall call no more : But let thefe words be put in print, That all may now fee clear. The woman brought Me to the As 'twas fuppos'd by man : The Serpent fo muft lick the duft, And all come from her hand." Auguft, 1803. printed (verbatim) by E. SPRAGG, 27, Bow-Street, Covent-Garden, London. Sold by E. I. FIELU, N T o. 2, High Street, St. Giles'-, nearhe Church, (Price Is. 3d.) of whom may he had all Joanna Southcott's Publications j and at W, i's, Gandy's-Lane, Exeter. THE ANSWER OF THE LORD TO THE POWERS OF DARKNESS. JOB, CHAPTER 1, VERSE 7. "AND the LORD said unto Satan, whence comest thou ? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." 8. " And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth GOD, and escheweth evil?" 9. " Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job fear GOD for nought?" 10. *' Hast thou not made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side ? Thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land." 11. " But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face." The Second Edition printed in January, 1813, by Marchant and Galabin, from the First Edition, printed in November, 1802. 12. " And the Lord 1 said unto Satan, Behold* all that he hath is in thy power ; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord." CHAPTER II. Part of verse 3. " And still he holdeth fast his- integrity, although thou rnovedst me against him, to destroy him without cause." 4. " And Satan answered the Lord, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath, will he give for his life." 5. " But put forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face," 6. " And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, he- is in thy hand ; but save his life." 7. " So went Satan forth Jrom the presence of the Lord, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown." CHAPTER XXXVIII. [This whole chapter I must desire to be read through; for the words that the Lord said unto Job, He meant for the devil.] Verse \\. ''Hitherto shalt thou come, but no farther : and here shall thy proud waves be stayed.'" CHAPTER XL. 2. " Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him ? He that reproveth God, let him answer it." REVELATION, CHAPTER XII. 10. " And I heard a loud voice, saying in hea- ven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our GOD, and the power of his CHRIST; for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night." 11. " And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony : and they loved not their lives untqjhe death." 12. " Therefore rejoice, ye heavens and ye that dwell in them. WOE to the inhabiters of the earth, and of the sea : for the devil is come down unto you having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." 13. " And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child." Here I was answered from the Book of Job c< That as Satan disputed against Job, so he hath against all men, and brought sore boils of affliction upon all mankind. But there stands the type of Satan's fall ; for I said, there should his proud waves be stayed. When the woman cometh to be tried like the man, which you have in the Revelation of St. John. The answer I gave Job was meant for Satan: for I said, he that reproveth ME, let him answer it. Job did not reprove ME, nor his friends; for they simply thought they were pleading for their God. So I was not reproved by man, but by Sa- tan j who, after, spoke in Job's wife, and Job re- proved the devil in her. "Now, in the woman I am come to reprove Satan, and here shall his proud waves be stayed; for hitherto hath been my permis- sion ; but further is my restraint ; (that meaneth, he was restrained from coming any further than by temptations) for as I told thee in the beginning, I now tell thee again, thy friends have been like Job's friends : because they could not account for the manner of my strange directions to thee. They are sometimes silent, and when they have spoken, they have spoken wrong ; because they could not find out the council of the Lord , nor the depth of Satan's arts. But now be it known un- A 2 to thee and unto all men, with as many words and ways as he came against Job, with so many more he hath come against the ; therefore, I let him try thee to the utmost : I let him tell thee lies, to show him the sincerity of thy heart, that thou wouldest not prophesy in my name, if thou judgedst I had not spoken. But when thou wast resolved to burn thy writings, as judging them not to be of God, I convinced thee then, it was the devil that told thee lies to try thee, and what thou u rotest at thy father's house shall shame both men and devils. For now I am clear in judging and will be just in condemning the unjust words of men and devils; and whether men will judge for themselves or not, the truth shall be proved ; the seals shall be broken, and what thou hast written at thy father's house shall be made known, before this year is ended by the Old Stile. I let it stand one year, from the time thy friends \vent to Exeter to search out the truth, to see if the barren minds will bear fruit or not : and if they do not, within this year, then will I cut down. If the thorn blossoms at Christmas, at Christmas my blossom shall appear. And every letter thou hast sent to Pomeroy, Moore, and Nutcombe, and other ministers, must be made public, and put in print \vith their names : and let them be warned, that they may answer for them- selves if thev will : and let them know it is the God / of the whole earth has commanded them ; and let those that reprove the Lord answer it ; for now, they shall know that I have spoken out of Zion, and I will utter my voice in the midst of Jerusalem. For I am the Lord God, ready for battle, and my arm shall be strong in the midst of my people, and a tM'o-edged su-ord in my baud, the one to cut down the powers of darkness and the workers thereof in high places ; the other to cut down those who deny the fulfilment of my Bible ; therefore if they will nothezTy and will not lay it to heart, to give glory to my name, then I will send a curse amongst them ; but where two or three are gathered together in my name, there will I be in the midst of them, and bless them. The words I gave thee, in answer to those scriptures, were partly the answer of what I said to Job, and meant to the devil; and all shall be answered him before I have ended here. So now let men and devils love or fear, l-'or now comes \\-\efulJilment of the law* And 'tis men's love to ME, they now must show, That when I come, 1 may find every name, Written for ME their Master, to proclaim. And then Hosanna they may cheerful sing : This is the way my Kingdom must come in. But if these mysteries had been known before, The Powers of Darkness would not so appear, As in the manner he to thee hath spoke ; Just like his words of Job, he thee did mock : That over thee lie surely could prevail, And he could make thee to break every seal ; And then I told him instantly to go, Exert his power, that he in words could show ; But not in person unto thee appear, Without my chosen shepherds being there: .And in their presence he refused to come, Because he said thy GOD he dare condemn. Then now thy God in power shall appear, And in a voice of thunder answer here; That it was I the strong foundation laid, And I shall make him know from what he said, That all his jesting he hath carried too far, And he shall find the God of truth is here, That made a promise men for to redeem, And bring the Revelation unto him. I-'or every mystery I will there reveal, Why I command her 10 put every seal, Which Satan boasted they should all bebrol.e. But further on he'll feel the coming stroke : But for the present I .shall end it here, And let the Scripture now to all appear ; And let my answer then to follow next, And thou go on, as all to thee is fix'd." The texts from the Scripture I was ordered to * Lore is the fulfilment of tlie law, which caro by the woman, Matt. xi S7-10 Rom. ziii. 8-10. 6 introduce I heard from a minister, on the G2d of this inonth, August, 1802, who quoted them in his sermon; the text he began with was from Mat- thew xviii. 20. " For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." He quoted in his sermon the following Scrip- tures. Malacld iii. 16. "Then they that feared the LORD spoke often one to another : and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a hook of remem- brance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name." 17. " And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels ; and I \vill. spare them as a man s,pareth his own son that serveth him/' Revelation viii. 3. " And another angel came and stood at the altar, having the golden censer : and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne/' 4. " And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up be- fore God, out of rhe angel's hand." These texts of Scripture, chat he quoted, were deeply explained to me, that they alluded to the last days, though he did not apply them in any such manner. And I was answered in the following words : " Blind guides I see my shepherd* be, The days they don'l discern ; The Scriptures that were spoke by he, Show how you ought to warn : The Prophets' wonis I soon shall clear ; For fast they're hastening on." I shall not go through this explanation, for the present ; but I shall come to the purpose, when I was answered in the following manner. ** Now, Joanna, thee I'll answer Satan's followers will pursue; But I'll make them know thy Master; Like the chapters all will do.t The onethou seest stand out for ME, With resolution strong; The prayers of saints I know will be Unto my Kingdom come. For hasty here will all appear ; My work is all in haste. The Sealed Number first I'll clear, And then my foes shall taste The threatenings there that will appear, And fast is hastening on : You little think the day's so near, That all these things will come. I have begun with seven men, As I began at first, When I began in seven days, And form'd him from the dust ; A helpmate there for him appear/d, And so it must go on. But now I'll answer Satan here, And then I'll answer man. Did he begin for to condemn, That I was not thy God ? f Then to his word I bid him stand, And tremble at his rod. Did he declare his spirit there To be a whit like thine ? For so I bid him to appear, And own my power divine : My favours seek, in tears to weep. As thou hast always done ; The practice of his hellish arts, Like thee, I bid him shun, And prove it so ; then he may go Where'er his mind doth lead ; If he'll hate sin, as thou hast done, Repent of all he said ; And bring a mind, like thee, to find The ways of sin to hate; Confess me God, and fear my rod, He'll find my MERCY'S GREAT! So now like thee let Satan be, And he shall never fall ; * Mul.v. 16. 17. Rev. viii. 3, 4. Matt, xvii'u t Page 6, Dispote between the Woman and the Powers of Darkness. Th deader Is desired to refer to the pages alluded to in that book. 8 His past offences I'll forgive, And bring in peace for all ; But if he'll not, I'll tell his lot; My threatenings shall appear : My anger, if he mind it not, My vengeance he shall bear. Did I come down from heaven's high throne, And make a world below ? Out of confusion all was made; The Earth you do not know, In what disorder all was found, And darkness did appear: I say there was no solid ground, But all a chaos here. But this to men I'll now explain, As thou dost not understand : But near unto thy sister's house,* Thou may'st the whole command. A likeness there doth so appear, Thou know'st the ground doth shake; And so did all the globe appear, When I began to take The cause in hand, and formed man, Out of the native dust ; Then solid ground I made the land, And Earth in order plac'd. The grass to grow, you all shall know, Was quickly form'd by me ; : Then I created living beasts, And form'd the lofty trees. As men began to multiply, Their talents I improv'd ; And so I made the raging sea, And bounds I set of love. The dry land here that doth appear Must perish with its drought, If I the clouds had not prepar'd To come from heaven's height The sea to draw, you all shall know, To wet the barren ground : For barren soon must be all below If that no rain was found. For all shall see the rain's from ME ; And when I don't appear, Your scorching fields you soon do see, How all do wither here. * A piece of ground at the foot of a hill, near a spring of water, which was called a sodciy place, or bog. When any person puts his foot upon the edge, the whole ground shakes lor a quarter of an acre. ID wet weather it is not passable. .9 So barren ground to man was found, When I kept back my rain ; A famine in the land was found Be wise, ye sons of men ; Survey, survey your every land, And see how all do grow ; Without my rain there's none can stand; The scorching sun, you know, Would soon burn up your every hope, And barren ground appear. The pride of men must surely drop, If Satan conquers here. I ask, what earth can he bring forth, With all his boasted pride ? For the foundation of the earth By ME was surely laid ; The foaming billows I did place, And they their bounds do know; But soon they must destroy this earth, If I their bounds let go. For in my hand they all do stand, And I've set bounds for all ; And the proud waves I can command, That backward they must fall. Wave after wave do often come, And the rude seas appear ; But 'tis by my powerful hand That they the shore do fear ; Because my bounds to them are found, They can no further go ; And perfect so shall hell be bound, And that they all shall know. Wave after wave may hasten on, Like raging seas appear; But know, the shore is fix'd for MAN, And the proud Tyrant there Must surely stop his every hope, I made a shore for MAN; And by the raging of the seas, I've show'd you Satan's plan ; How he will swell in rage from hell^ But shall not break the tide ; Like foaming billows he will swell, Like angry seas applied. So now see plain, ye sons of men, What lies before your view Can the proud seas your lives contain, If I their bounds let go ? 10 Can they keep up your every hope, If I destroy the land ? Without my rain can you contain ? Be wise, and understand, There's not a thing on earth is seen But I created all ; And if I do give up my reign, Just like the seas must fall. Then how can ye preserved be, What pleasures are there there ? No more from Satan can there be Than in the seas appear. No corn nor wine you there can find, No solid place of rest; I form'd the seas, I form'd the land, To show how both were plac'd. The rain's from ME, you all may see, Survey your every land ; The cedars and the lofty trees Were planted by my hand ; Your gardens and your gallant walks Were surely plac'd by ME; Talents I have given to men, That all iraprov'd might be. There's not a worm on earth below, But I did create at first ; There is no wisdom men can show, But all from ME doth burst. So now see clear, my hand is here; Survey this earthly ground ; If ought like Satan doth appear, It must in the seas be found: That is to swell in rage from hell, Like angry seas applied ; Like foaming billows he doth swell, That's rolling like the tide ; Unto the shore ht would appear To show his raging pride. But now see plain, ye sons of men, His power can be no more Than is the raging of the seas, If you stand safe on shore: But if you come to vote for him, Then launch into the deep : And if you footing there can find, Tlien Satan's kingdom keep." 11 An Answer to what is written in the Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Pages : Satan's Friend having said, they were cast out of Heaven for being of a cheerful spirit. Answered by the LORD in the following manner: " Thou lying fool, before thy God appear, And boldly answer, if I cast thee there To have a spirit ever like my Son ? For here's the likeness thou dost now condemn. Proud Lucifer, I tell thee 'twas not so ; And of thy lies I'll make thee feel and know : For no such reason did I cast thee there, But for thy pride and envy thou show'dst here;* When I familiar with thee did begin, Then too much freedom instantly was seen ; Above thy MAKER thou didst then appear, And swell'd with pride, thou could'st not conquer there. The heavenly host, thou soon didst draw away, And all my angels thou thoughtest to betray: And so thou thought'st to sit supreme, a king Above thy God, and didst comdemn my Son, As one inferior to thy haughty pride : And to the woman thou hast all belied. Like Jezebel, did all ihy ways appear,^ Who stole the Seal, the angels to ensnare; And then my Son thou thought'st to steal on high, And make the rebel angels him defy. Like Naboth's vineyard was thy every claim, And sons of Belial with thre thou didst gain, To steal my vineyard, and claim all thy own ; And that's the way I did them all unthrone ; And that's the way from heaven thou wast cast, * Because, like Jezebel, thy rage did burst, That thou could'st not unthrone my only Son, That, like myself, in Spirit both was one. But, further on, I'll show thee now the way, How all thy hellish arts in heaven did lie ; And then I'll tell ihee why I rais'd thee up, And now I'll tell thee why I'll make thee drop. As nought but lies in thee did first appear, And nought but lies, I say, thou'st spoken here: And from thy mouth I now condemn thee there. . * He had the same pride and mischief in heaven, which is proved by his con- duct on earth. $ Forged lies when in heaven, to delude the angel* to forsake their God. 12 Thou canst not say the thing came e'er from ME : Twas thy own heart that first enticed thee, To pride and malice, and to every ill, And in rebellion thou the heavens didst fill. So, foolishly thou canst not charge thy God ; But now I'll make thee tremble at my rod, And thou shall surely find thou art undone : And to thy very words I now shall come,* And ask what evil spirit loved thee, That thou with Satan didst so much agree, By every art that thou to her hast spoke ? And now I'll make thee tremble at the stroke; For all thy jesting thou hast carried too far ; And all thy power I'll make it to appear; And all thy arts to men are no \ made known, And all thy hellish lies before them shown ; Forward and backward thou in lies didst go ; And now I'll make the tremble at the blow. Unless to ME thou humbly now submit, Confess thy guilt, and now repent of it ; And all thy witchcraft thou wilt throw aside, That by thy hellish arts are here applied: For, as thou'st spoke into the woman's ear,f I know in man thou daily dost appear, With every subtle art to lead astray; As in this page tby subtle arts do lie; And tempt them daily for to leave their God, And full as many ways before them show'd How they in earthly grandeur all may shine, And so thou com'st and robb'st the souls that' re mine, That I at first created from the dust: And from thy very words, I say, thou'rt cast ; Unless thou'lt promise to renounce them all, And a new life thou instantly wilt call. For, as thou say'st, thou art but Satan's friend, To vindicate thy master thou art sent ; And with thy master I do bid thee go. Art thou his friend ? then now his friendship know; For, as thou'st threatened, thou shall feel the blow j Unless thou instant turn'st another way, And act thyself, as thou to her didst say. Confess thyself, thai all thou'st done is wrong ; Renounce thy master", and break every bond, That thou in union with thy friend hast made; Confess, by Satan, thou hast been betray'd ; * Read page 9, Dispute with the Powers of Darkness. ' t The ear of Eve in the beginning, and Joanna's at the ending. 13 And that his ways thou dost them all despise, Thou seest thy folly, and thou'rt grown more wise ; And all thy friends persuade them now the same, And say, thy guilt and folly thou dost blame ; Because thou now dost see that all is wrong. I've show'd thee mercy, and I've show'd it long; But now, I tell thee, I'll show it no more; I tell thee that thy shipwreck's near the shore. For here thy foaming did toss mountains high ; Close to the woman thou didst surely lie ; And now, I tell thee, 1'il lie close to thee ; LOOK back to Pharaoh, there thy ruin see, And from thy mouth condemned thou shall be. Thou sayest, be still and know that I am God ; Then thou shoutd'st stop, and never one pursu'd, When that my chosen vessels I did seal ; And to the woman did my mind reveal, That whosoever would with her should come. I've seen the afflictions of my people long ; Heavier and heavier is the burden made, The tale of bricks, but straw is now denied. Then now their burden I will surely free ; The blood upon the door-posts now shall be Of every house, whereon I put my seal And now the mysteries I to all reveal : Where'er the Second Star it doth appear, Sealed \v\t\i the woman's hand, I tell thee here, If e'er thou aimest one for to molest, I tell thee, Satan's Friend, thou'rt surely cast, Thou sayest, my wisdom it was in the deep And there, like Pharaoh, thou wilt find the pit; If thou, like Pharaoh, ever dost pursue, I say, like Pharaoh, that shall be thy dooir. So now be still, and know that I am God, Or else I'll make thee tremble at my rod ; For all thy chariot wheels I'll now take off'; I'll be a wall to them that do not scoff, To gain protection from the woman's hand, Who did so boldly for her Master stand. As Moses did with Pharaoh, to contend, You'll find a Moses, and you'll find a Friend, As Miriam did with Moses then appear : You'll find a Moses and a Miriam here. For, I'm the MOSES, every soul shall see, And here's the MIRIAM testifies of ME : And now before you lies the promis'd Land. It was but shadows Moses did command ; Because the stronger Pharaoh he was there ; But now the substance I'll betnn t<> clear: 14 For Satan is the Pharaoh that now is tried, By whom my children they arc ail denied. As a free people he'll nol let them go ; But now a MOSES he shall surely know Doth in the camp of Israel appear ; And all shall know a PROPHETESS is here, I say, like Miriam now shall be applied. And mark that Moses said his tongue was tied, That he a spokesman could not be at all Miriam and Aaron, now behold your call. But this I'm speaking to the sons of men, That ye may now awake and see it plain ; For now, like Moses, I will sure go on ; And now a spokesman I have found in man,* For to deliver all that I do speak : 'Twas but a shadow at that time did break ; But now the substance every one shall see ; For I'm the MOSES, and conceal'd from ye ; And Satan is the Pharaoh now become ; And here's the spokesman I shall make of man. Because a Miriam doth in thee appear, And now my pleading every soul shall hear, How I with Satan shortly shall begin. But know, as yet thou art not come to him; But then, I say, thou'lt hear a different sound ; Like Pharaoh's witchcraft will his friends- abound. For now, I tell thee, he will follow on, And on many he will be working strong ; Because their wisdom they pretend to boast; And there, I tell thee, every soul is lost, That on their wisdom they will now rely ; Like Pharaoh's witchcrafts, Satan's arts will fly ; For hasty after he will now pursue, And miracles, I tell thee, now he'll do. To work by witchcraft in the sinner's heart, Thou little know'st the way he'll fix his dart. Wave after wave, I tell thee, will come on, The raging seas will now be known to man ; But, Oil, my friends ! if you stand safe on shore, The raging of the seas you need not fear ; Because the seas I surely shall divide, And, in the Pillar now myself I'll hide. A Light before my people now I'll go, And be a Wall to them, they all shall know ; Alluding to her friends copying the communications, which she reads from her own writing, and which no other person whatever can read. 15 That now like Israel if they do appear, They'll find a MOSES and a SAVIOUR here, That now is come my people to redeem : I am the FOUNTAIN, and the living STREAM j I am the ROD that shall the Seas divide ; I am the PILLAR that from you is hid : And, 'tis by Faith the Light you all must see ; For unbelief in thousands now will be, And will pursue, like Pharaoh's haughty host, And of their knowledge they'll pretend to boast. And so with Pharaoh they will now pursue ; But in the deep their madness they will know ; Because their wheels, I say, will run too fast ; I mean their wisdom will like fury burst, To judge the Seas I never can divide " O, where' s the Moses, to bring back the tide ? " The fall of man," they'll say, " for to redeem ? " The Promis'd Land," they'll say, " how can we gain ?'' And so men's faith they'll try for to keep back, With all the rage of hell that now can break. But this, thou say'st, is madness to believe, That men will wish ever to sit and grieve, Oppressed wsth burdens so, by Satan's power ; Thou judg'st that all with joy should see the hour, To have their burdens all be took away ; Men should rejoice to see the glorious day, That Man's Redemption nearly now is come, And the fulfilling of the Promise made to Man. Now I shall answer in plain words. The deliver- ance of the Children of Israel, bringing them out of Egypt into the Promised Land, was a type of the Last Days Pharaoh was a type of the Devi!. Now as Pharaoh's magicians used witchcraft to blind the eyes of the Egyptians, that they might not believe that the miracles Moses wrought were ^j from the Lord ; so Satan will work in the hearts of men, to prophesy the same as the True Prophets of GOD; and some of their prophecies will come true, as the Magicians' miracles came some of them like the miracles of Moses. For Satan has worked in men, who have prophesied out of their own hearts, and have seen nothing ; yet some things may come true without the spirit of prophecy ; and many false Prophets are gone out in the world, by the arts of Satan, working in men, that the true 16 Prophets may not be believed. But let them trace the manner of Prophecies, they will find that the Prophecies of the LORD, like Moses's Rod, will swallow up the rest. For, it is not all the Pro- phecies Satan can invent, nor all the arts of earth and hell, can bring their Prophecies to the Bible, as this is ; and men who have a right and true faith in God, and weigh the whole together, they will see it is like Moses's Rod, that swallowed up all the others ; and confess, that none but a GOD could prophesy in such a manner ; and they will be like the children of Israel, who dipped the hysop in the Blood of the Larnb, and struck the lintels of their door-posts, when the destroying Angel went through their land : that meaneth, they will be led by faith to believe, that their being sealed will be as great a protection to them, as stri- king the door-posts was to the children of Israel. But now I shall come to the purpose. When Moses disputed with Pharaoh, it was man dispu- ting with man, visible to each other; and now the shadow is brought to the substance : it is Sa- tan, instead of Pharaoh, that is now to be cast ; then it must be a SPIRITUAL MOSES, and not a temporal one, to cast him. But, as Satan's words are on record, so shall my answer, which is the answer of the Lord. ,It begins at the twenty-first page, answered backward.* Now, Satan, here thy God his silence breaks ; From heaven's high courts to thee 1 now do speak, As all thy words are laid before my view, And in this page thou sayest, 'tis God thou'stknow, That guides my servant, and directs her hand ; Then now I bid thee trembling for to stand. If in one word thou answer's! ME again, Thou wilt see my power to increase thy pain : And backward now to all thy arts I'll come.f Didst thou not tell her, hell was sure her doom, * See page 21, Dispute between the Woman and the Powers of Darkness; t which book the Reader is desired to refer, whenever the page is quoted. t From the Fall. 17 If my command she dar'd for to obey. Looi^ back and see how all thy arts do He : , Yet in these threater.ings thou the same shalt see; In thy own manner now I'll answer thee : Thou say'st, my servant that thou would'st compel, With all the armies thou hast got in hell, To take her life, if she would not comply ; Then, Saian, stand and hear what I do say: With all the armies I have got above, I'll now defend all those that ME do love ; And thou shalt shortly see my mighty power, And all thy host I shortly will devour ; And see, if thou canst be a king supreme, By all thy hellish 'host that thou didst gain, First by temptations, that were full of lies. Look back and see vvhe n thou in heaven didst rise, With pride and envy, and in rage didst swell, Because the heavens thou could'st not all compel To worship thee, that thou might'st be supreme. Look back and see how here thou hast laid thy train : And know, in heaven thou laid'st it just the same, And said'st, thy wisdom was supreme to mine ; And so, thou said'st thou hadst the greatest power, And by thy arts the angels didst devour, To draw from glory and the highest bljss ; Thou promzsed'st happiness. that now they'll miss. For as they judg'd thou wast the wisest king, And thought in wisdom thou didst ME outshine; For, as thou'st pleaded with the woman here , Thou know'st in heaven thou surely didst appear ; In all that manner did thy fury go, Thou swell'dst the angels with deceit, I know, To tell them plainly thou hadst power supreme, And falsely told them they should pleasures gain, Jf in their hearts they would but worship thee : And so my angels thou didst draw away. And, by thy aits, thou sayest I was unjust, When out of heaven thou by M E wast cast ; For, like thy pleading with the woman here, Thou and thy angels daily did appear, Until to threaten thou didst then begin, And well thou know'st I cast thee for that thing; And then together you did all agree To plead against the just decrees of ME.* In the same manner thou hast spoken here, Thou, and thy angels they did so appear, * When cast out of heaven, the same sentiments prevailed *ni >ng the fallen angels, that Cod was unjust, as at this day. 13 To say, no mercy, nor no truth's in ME ; Then now their rock 1 bid them for to see. For as the seventeenth page it doth appear, I tell thee, Satan, was thy pleading there, That thou hast wisdom greater than their God ; And now thy wisdom shall to all be know'd ; For, by thy wisdom I did raise thee up, And by thy wisdom now I'll make thee drop. Because together you did all agree, That Satan was a wiser king than ME ; And of my mercies you did all condemn ; Because I would not let the eavens become In thy confusion, and a perfect hell ; As in thy heart thy malice it did swell, To make the heavens in confusion there. And now the mysteries I to man shall clear : To gain my honour, then I rais'd him up, And as a king on earth I let him drop ; And from the dust I then created MAN; And gave him power for to lay his 1 plan, To be a king in power for to rcign ; I gave him subjects he by arts could gain ; To shew his power I let him to go on, To see what heaven he would make for man. As they all judg'd the fittest king he'd be, And thought the greatest pleasure was in he ; Then to their wisdom I did give all up ; And to their wisdom now they all shall drop ; Because my honour I will gain it here ; To Satan's justice now shall all appear. If he's a king in power now supreme, Let him create an Earth, and subjects gain ; For now my justice shall be tried by man ; He hath had his power, and he hath had And of his power men do still complain, And say he is a king not fit to reign. For such a king they do not want him here; And men like angels they do now appear, To have this prince be banish'd from hN throne. For Reprobation is begun by Man ; Then now Election you shall surely see ; And to hisjustice I will now agree. For to hisjustice now the fool shall stand ; I rais'd him up ; they all had ME condemn'd: As in these writings he'th condemn'd ME here. And now the mysteries I to man shall clear : A Hell for Satan I did make at first ; For in themselves nothing but hell did burst ; 19 For priele and malice, envy and debate, For Satan's fury did the others heat ; And to themselves I banish'd them alone.* But from t liese pages must their words be known ; The twenty-second must be seen by man. And there my mercies they did all comdemn : And said, a Devil now he'd surely be, And all the angels they should join with he, In blasphemy, he said, against their God, And dar'd the angels for to say one word In praise of heaven, or lament their fall. For now the mysteries must be known to all, How he the fallen angels did compel To worship him, as they from heaven fell, And dar'd them ever murmur in a word, And boldly told them they should feel his rod ; Which made the fallen angels to submit, And they did tremble at their leader's feet. For, as the twenty-third page doth appear, And whining Devils he did call them there; Because their folly they did so lament : And some, 1 know, thf,y surely did repent, That heavenly pleasures they did ever leave, And said, the devil did them all deceive. But then he boldly answer'd them again, That my protection they could never gain, And that in pieces them he'd surely tear, And by his threatenings made them for to fear ; And told them heroes they would surely be. If they in spirit then would join with he, And all the power of their God defy ; Then he would praise them for their company. For as the twenty-fourth page appears ; He asked what greater power they could fear. If he was wiih them, always to protect, He asked, what greater power did they expect ? And so his merits he would make them plead, As thou dost Christ's. Remember what he said. For as the twenty-fifth page doth appear, God was wtjust, he surely told them there ; And that their tongues they should not run so fast, Because a discord in them ajl did burst ; When from the heavens they were hurried down, 1 say, confusion in them all was found. * Here is easily understood the origin of Hell. The arm of Divine Power, to secure the society of the just in wisdom and happiness, cast out the infernals, and compels them to be coiifined in their own hellish union. And when the kingdom of heaven comes on earth, the infernal host must be cast and- chained* that Man may be in heavenly union with God and his Angels. B 2 N 20 And as the twenty 'Sixth page doth appear Was Satan's pleadings with his angels there. When out of heaven they at first were cast, He, in that manner, on the angels burst, And told them plainly God did act unjust, " To have so great a king as he was cast, " Whose mighty power from lot own orb did come ; " And by his power he had created them ; " And therefore, they should worship him supreme." Like all his pleadings here he did contend With all the angels that did then repent, That they to join with him did e'er consent ; Then of his power he as much did boast, And made them all confess, "GoD was unjust, " Not for to let him reign upon his throne, " With all the angels he did call his own." So he by threatenings got all on his side, And all the justice of their God denied ; And all together said, 1 was unjust; And all condemned their God for being cast. But as the Devil thou throughout didst blame,* Just so my heavenly angels did the same. But further on I shall direct the way, And tell thee how his subtle arts did lie. For as the Fourtk Day it doth appear, I tell thee so was Satan's pleading there, With every blasphemy against his God, That by the angels he was overthrow'd : They and their MAKER he did so blaspheme, When that the fallen angels he did gain, By all his threatenings to stand by his side. And here's the bill that now must be applied, That he brought in against the Saviour there ; Because with ME the Crown he so did share: And Satan said, " that I did cast him down ; " From his ozw orb he said his power was found ; " For never was it given him by ME."| And so together they did all agree, That sure unjustly I had cast him there; In heaven with ME he ought for to appear. And in my heaven to reign supreme a king ; And so his wisdom unto all was seen, To judge their Maker he was all unjust ; And so the bill against me it was cast. So by their bill, 1 surely rais'd them up ; And by their bill the leader now shall drop. * Joanna. t Satan denies boiif* formed of God. 21 As to the Angels he did then appeal, If I in justice to them did not fail His mighty power for to overthrow ; And now my justice he shall feel and know. If he began u mighty king in heaven For to oppose the laws that I had given, And as a fiery serpent did appear, I ask him how his " Golden Orb" came there ? Or how he breath* d in it the BREATH of LIFE ? I soon CREATED MAN to end the strife j And of this world I made him lord below, And all to Adam I did surely show, That every thing 1 had given unto n an. And now unto the Serpent I shall come, And ask him, how he came a Prince below, If I no justice unto him did show ? To give him power for to try his reign, How he would act, where he could subjects gain ? And where his power I let him to show, From Cain and Abel, I shall let him know, That he a murderer instant did begin ; Because his power o'er man in Cain was seen ; And so hjs brother he did instant slay : But Abel's blood for Vengeance now doth lie, To show the power of the boasted king. And do they think such murderer I shall screen, To have the heavens in murder to appear? Like Cain and Abel must it all been there, If I in heaven had e'er given him a seat, After his pride and malice swelled so great: No ; as the earth he surely did make mourn, Just so the heavens he'd in disorder turn. But as the angels, that with him did fall, Judg'd ME unjust and so they judg'd ME all ; Then, to convince them I did raise him up ; To gain my honour, let the fool to stop, 'Till I a heavier bill had brought them here ; And so my justice I that way shall clear, To gain my honour over Satan's host, And show their king, that they so much did boast; And now their king I'll show his reign in men, Where I let Satan guide their every hand. But first a king I liken'd him to Saul, When free from pride, I now do tell you all ; Or little in his eyes he did appear, I gave him power he could never bear, To see a DAVID after him to come, With his ten thousands ; this brought on his doom, 22 To havq the kingdom then be rent from he. And so in heaven, he then was cast from ME,. As he a humble DAVID did despise. Weigh deep your Bibles now and grow more wise : Because from kings and queens you now shall see The very way the end of all will be. And now from Pharaoh I will here begin ; And now like Pharaoh Satan's host shall end ; Because, like Pharaoh's host, they all are tried ; And here's a mystery now must be applied : Like Pharaoh's task masters he does appear, To burden men with sins they cannot bear. One on the other now do lay the load, By Satan's arts is every footstep trod ; And yet, like Pharaoh, Satan does complain, And daily doth accuse the sons of men, That my command by man is not obey'd Like Pharaoh's words are Satan's witchcrafts laid : For all his arts he so does work in men, To have the perfect truth took all from them. For by their shepherds now I well do know, They give them stubble, and deny them straw.* Because the day of vengeance they've applied To be to man ; but Satan they've denitd To be the author of their every guilt ; That he has laid the burden all have felt, By every art to tempt mankind to sin ; And close upon them daily he hath been ; And this, I said, should fall upon his head. But, O, my shepherds ! how is't now you'll plead ? These promises for man you take away, And every burden you on man do lay, Which I, by Satan's arts have here applied; And if the truth by you is now denied, Then now I'll call you to a strict account, And tell your sins, and how they all amount; That ye as idle shepherds do appear ; My Laws or Gospel you don't seek to clear ; But say, your sheep are going all astray, And judge they are wandering in a crooked way ; And yet, you say you will not call them back ; I ask you, bow you'll answer for your flock ? As many shepherds 1 by her have tried, And yet by every one I am denied ! * The preachers denounce (he punishment of God upon their flock, but omit his promised blessings, that are now at hand, and must come on with the de* struction of Satan's power. 23 Because, of Shepherds I have got but Three, And neither one of them was warn'd by she. No ; they themselves as shepherds did begin To hear their Master's voice, andcopy him " To know the truth, we will go down and see " Whether it prov'd as it is come to we." Then now in ME you may see these Three Men, To know they're Three, and they agree in One. Then here you'll find is the True Shepherd's voice, Whom all mankind shall know, I've made my choice, To be the Rock to build my Church upon. And to my shepherds first I mean to come, And then with Satan I shall next go on. For now, you all shall find a MOSES here; My children's burden now I'm come to clear ; And their task-masters, I do daily see, Increase their load ; but now their load I'll free : And they shall now possess the promis'd land. When I made Adam in my LIKENESS stand, Lord of this earth I made him here below; This earth I promised him, you all do know; But then a Pharaoh hasty did arise, Who all my chosen people did despise ; He daily tried to take their grace away ; And yet against them was his sore complaint, That they were sinners all with one consent. So he to tempt them all his mind was bent, And so by sin he did increase their load; Yet all the blame on them was surely throw'd : As in my Bible you do plainly see, "The great accuser of mankind was HE. So now, ye shepherds, 'wake, and see it clear, Satan like Pharaoh he did first appear, With every art of sin, to burden men, And robb'd them of the grace was given them ; And yet, against them he doth still complain, That they are sinners. Judge, ye sons of men, How many ways with Job he did appear, And every w r ay he did condemn him there ; And every way he always does the same, And much like Pharaoh all his ways I'll name ; And now like Pharaoh he shall sure be cast. And will you, shepherds, be like Pharagh's host? And ot' your goodness will you proudly boast ? That all the fault lies surely in your sheep? From his temptations you yourselves don't keep ; Then now I'll answer you, ye sons of men, I've sought for shepherds, but Pie not found one 24 That act according to my Gospel here, As I commanded Peter to appear, And as I bid you copy after ME. But now, ye Shepherds, you your folly see j You have no: acted atcor^h to my law. Task you where I I T; _, our likenesi show ? If any onedici e'er appeal ir. MK, Diu 1 refuse to hear what they should say ? Or did I empty turn them once away, Before I granted tiiem their lull request, That came to ME and any favour ask'd ? Weigh well my Gospel and my Bible deep ; You'll see, you shepherds, you are like your sheep, Oppress'a togetner in Egyptian load; And i>y it /notations, all forsake their God ; For all the grace froiu you is took away ; And nought but stumble doth before you lie ; And all my alter you have broken down; + Refus'd my servant tremble at the sound!* And so you're under the Egyptian's load And now let Pharaoh tremble at his r^d ; Since he so boldly now hath tempted man, That sheep nor shepherds by his arts can stand : . For here, like Jezebel, he stole the seal. And now another mystery I'll reveal : J Twas Satan's arts that work'd on Pomeroy's mind To seal the letter Bruce's death did bind ; As by the letter Bruce's faith drew back ;t And justice then must make him feel the rack; Because his death that way it must appear, He could not be tit tor my kingdom here. * Joanna was refused the sacrament, by a clegyman at Exeter, because she would be faithful to her vistation. t A letter was sent by a Minister of Exeter to the late Mr. Basil Bruce, which was one of t\ ^ vat ious causes of his sjcriticing his faitli of the divine authority of Joanna's writings. That letter, with the united efforts of persons who call themselves friends to Mr. Brothers, one of whom, in particular, destroyed his own character as a ^entleman, without considering his duty ns a Christian, went so fnr as to tell the ailhcted widow, that the death ot her husband was from the judgment ol God, on account of his belief in these writings. (This person, who is a man ot good property, has however done honour to himself, by his steady, unshaken friendship to Mr. Brothers.) Others also were instigated by. all the arts of Satan to do the same, and made no scruple to wound her feelings, by letters and other means, that her faith and peace might be destroyed toge- ther. They have not even stopped here; Cor they conveyed lies to Mr. Brothers to cause himio attack her. These sons of Belial have exercised every means for Satan to possess the whole vineyard, and their success has been *too fatal. Mr. Brothers has also been much injuried by such friend* : and were these hell- ish arts to succeed, his life must terminate in a mad-house. But God is just. And so his vineyard Satan soon did gain, And sons of Belial did the same maintain. And so 1 tell thee he did rob all there ; And now to take possession thou seest clear, By unbelief he does possess the wliole ; And now, like Jeiebcl, shall be his fall; As every vineyard he hath tried to gain, And every grace he's taking now from men ; That all is under the Egyptian's yoke : And now, like Pharaoh, he shall feel the stroke. These evil spirits shall come out of man, And, like the swine, be choakcd in the sand ; For now I am not come before my time, And that the Tempter he shall surely find ; Because my shepherds he has so betray'd To be dumb dogs, as I before have said ; Like hirelings, that car'cl not for the sheep ; They saw the wolf, and so they fled from it ; Because the wolf did to them all appear, With every art, ashehath spoken here; And so my shepherds he hath all betray'd ; I have but tin ee where / restraint ha-'e laid ; That is, to keep them from the tempter's power: And they with ME shall see the glorious hour ; Because their spirits I before did know; Salt KOS in them, and salt they now do show. But now with Sal an I shall here begin : I've seen the burdens of the sons of men ; In every age I've seen it, that was past; And now my fury shall upon him burst. For as a king, I let him to appear ; And now his reign lot men and devils fear; Because his reign I'll show it now in kings; And like their ruin I his now shall bring. And from the thirtieth page 1 shall appear, And to men's conscience let them answer here, If I in justice do not him condemn : And unto men of sense I now shall come, And ask them, If 1 have not tried his reign ? He hath pour'd out fury on the sons of men. And now the thirty-Jirst page let them see ; How he hath condemn'd the just decrees of ME, To let my SON (o suffer for Man's sake ! But hoyv their cause could I so undertake, Had I not come and been a j u D G E below Of all the sufferings they did undergo? 26 And their temptations I did all go through, That all the arts of Satan I might know; And how in Herod he did so appear, And all the children he destroy'd them there; Because he would destroy the SON OF GOD. But now, O Satan, tremble at his rod ; The rod of Herod now on thee shall fall : And now thy children I'll destroy them all ; A Herod's murder now shall fall on thee, And all thy angels now destroy'd shall be: And all that flee to ME I will enjoy. Ye simple shepherds, now you must appear And prove my .Gospel you can never clear, That 1 did then fulfil it at that time : No, no; the mysteries they are yet behind. I ask, what fan did in my hand appear ? I ask, what wheat I thtn did gather there ? I ask, what chaff that I did then destroy ? Or how my kingdom they did then enjoy, That John did tell them it was nigh at hand ? Be wise, my shepherds now, and understand That all my Gospel I must now fulfil. And now let Satan judge this as he will; As my Disciples they did die with ME, And Satan's triumph he did surely see, To see the children murder'd for my sake ; And in Herodias he did strongly break, To have my Prophet John beheaded there. But now MY SECOND COMING let him fear; For I will as much fulfil my oath to thee, As ever Herod did fulfil to she. So now, ye simple shepherds and unwise, Let all my Gospel lie before your eyes : And judge if you do think I came below To let the devil all his malice show, And as he said, " a fool for to submit," To lay my life and brethren at his feet, Had I not had the vengeance in my heart, Back on the tempter then to turn the dart. For how could I in tiiumphever come, To turn the day of vengeance back on men, ' When every one of tliem is surely dead ? And so my vengeance on them then was laid. But did I die for to destroy man ? Ye simple shepherds, how you've laid your plan ! Know, if I came, as Satan said, a. fool, To give him power in men's hearts to rule, That he in envy triumph'd over ME ; I tell you all, I'm come to conquer he. 37 But as he said he never made the bonds, And therefore to them he will never stand; Then to his wisdom I will now submit, And the Fifth Day's Dispute shall finish it. So now to judge him, let the world appear. Hesaith, already they have judg'd him here; And of his ways, he saith, they do approve; Then look to Herod ; who his ways did Love, When all the children he did there destroy, His hellish malice then for to enjoy ? And next unto Herods I shall come, And ask what pleasure then he brought to man, To have the damsel dance before the king, And John the Baptist's head the music bring? Then now his HKAD shall music bring to all ; For perfect so shall Satan feel the fall; And thy petition the world will now approve, And say, " that this is music we do love ; ' 'Tis heavenly music sounding in our ears, ' For Death and //e/Zhave always been our fears* ' That made us gloomy and in sorrow go ; ' In Satan's fetters he had bound us so, ' That we sat moping, and our hearts were sad, ' Butnow's the time our KING will make us gladv, ' No bloody Herod we have now to fear ; ' But now a Hero in our Saviour dear^ ' Because the rod of sin he'll now destroy, ' And we in peace our KING shall now enjoy." So Satan now thy friends I'd have thee see ; Because in order placed now they be. But first thy friend thou makest it was Cain; I ask thee who approved it at that time ? And see their vices, how thou led'st them on, Until the Deluge over them did come. But now to Kings 1 mean to show thy reign, And show their end ; like them thou shall be slain. Pharaoh and Jezebel I'll place in thee; And all the bloody Kings before them see ; And then thy ways I aslc if men approve ? Let men of learning all their conduct move ; And all their reigns and actions let them show ; For they were govcrn'd all by thee I know. For on this Earth there never was a King Of bloody hands, but doth thy Likeness bring } And like their ruin now shall be thy fall. And now from Judges I shall judge the whole ; And now from Judges men must stand or fall : For like Abimelech, Satan, thou hast done 5 Thou didst rob the Father, and destroy the Sons ; 28 For on the stone 'twas by thy arts they died One uasptesepi'd, that here shall be applied : It was my SON, that hid himself in death ; Because his body never turned to earth , Nor ever did it perish in the dust, But'it arose for to instruct the just And as his LIFE in death ho then did hide, The mysteries of it here shall be applied : For boldly after he did then appear, And warn'd his people and his followers here, How all the arts of Satan were set up ; And as they chose him, what had they to hope? For like the Bramble Satan did appear, And so he drew his followers in a snare, Until the fenced cities were destroy 'd ; Jerusalem no longer was enjoy 'd, A fenced city as it was before ; And their strong towers he destroyed them there. For people like him they did after come,* And so destroy'd the whole as he had done. But now, Abimelech I'll name him here A type of Satan ; so he did appear ; And Satan now is like Abimelech come, To ask the people for to crown him King, That all my brethren he may now destroy, ^ And now, by murder he may all enjoy. And so together, will you crown him King ? Through unbelief, in silence vote for him ? Then now, like Jotham, I do answer here ; And from this parable \ shall appear : The Trees t are now sent out to get a king CHRIST or the Devil must the victory win : And to the OLIVE-TREE I'll firstappeal ; He is the BRANCH of PEACE, and therefore he must fail, To leave his glory, and come down below, To leave the heavenly joys that there do flow ; For 'tis by ME they honour GOD and Man ; And so the kingdom I give to your hands. If in your hearts you do appeal to ME, To be your Ki N G, J'llgive my Kingdom free Unto my friends, that now appear to ME : I'll give my Kingdom, and I'll give it free ; For on this Earth I shall not come to reign, But send my PEACE to all the sons of men, * The Turks. t Judges, chap. ix. ver. 8. N. B The Reader is requested to refer to the chapters alluded to. 29 That firm as heaven it was made at first ; It cannot move: and so the end will burst, And, like the Olive-tree, must steady stand, And its decrees can ne'er be mov'd by man. So here you see the OLIVE would not move; And here you see your GOD, in perfect love. To bring his kingdom, and Satan not at all; For perfect like that chapter all must fall. For as the FIG-TREE did deny the same, I tell you all, such heavenly joys will come, That no promotion men will wish to see, But what in sweetness all do flow from ME : For when the heavenly joys to you do burst, And you the sweetness of the fruit do taste, Within its sweetness you'll say you will abide CHRIST is your KING, and Satan is denied. So now unto the VIXE I say you're come; I am the ROOT from whence the branches sprang; And they I know will stick close to the VINE ; And man's promotion they will never mind, But close unto the VINE they'll surely cleave, And say, " all other pleasures now we'll leave : " For in the Vine, it we do now appear, tc We know the TREE OF LIFE is promised there; " And Christ has promis'd to protect his Vine ; " And there we'll stand, and in his vineyard shine." So thus 1 know will be the minds of men, For to stand still and see my kingdom come : The Olive-branch they'll now expect in Peace ; The sweetest joys from Heaven will now increase " And this in faith we now expect to see : " CHRIST is the VINE, and we the BRANCHES be. " Then how can we promote Satan a King ? " We've sign'd the bond, Christ's vineyard now to bring ; " And we'll not stir one step to break the Ian" ; " CHRIST is the Vine, and we the Branches too, " In every thing supported by his hand, " And in his Vineyard we will steady stand." So here the TRLES I know they cannot move, That stand in ME, and wait the tiuth to prove; They'll not regard the honours done by man, But in my Vineyard stedfast they will stand ; And 'tis in vain for Earth or Hell to move The stedfast hearts that now do stand in love : Because the joys of Heaven they fast will flow ; Sweet are the pleasures you will taste below, If now you say you'll stick close to the VINE, And let the world in their promotion shine. 30 That, like the Trees, will come your faith to move; You'll tell them plain, their ways you don't approve. But now unto the Bramble I shall come ; And will you now bow down to worship him ? Then know, your stately Cedars they must tall j For Satan now is come the King to call ; And like the Bramble he doth now appear ; Will you bow down, vain men, and worship here, As now a King himself he'd now set up ? Then to the Earth you know you all must drop; As from this parable it is applied : And in the Bramble was the fire hid, Which in Abimelech it did so appear ; He did cut down the boughs, you may see clear ; And so their towers he did surely burn, And lull of fire was the Bramble come ; Tor as they first did choose such wretched king. Then their destruction I did let him bring : And here of Satan stands a perfect sign ; And like Abimelech is now his mind ; But mark Abimelech, how he did go on Till to the stronger tower he did come j And when in fury he attempted there, 1 plac'd the WOMAN for to shew you clear, As by the Woman did Abimelech fall, And by the Woman nozv, I tell you all, The stone is thrown upon the Serpent's head Though like Abimelech now may be his plead> That if he falls, it sure shall be by Man ; It never shall be said a Woman's hand Was e'er the cause to make his pride to fall. So both together now, I tell you all, That like Abimelech he will surely die ; That is, his power cut off from you, I say : But yet, I tell thee, some will choose him king, As by their silence they' II prolong his reign; And so, I say, they'll bring their ruin on ; Because the Boughs and Branches they'll cut down; A fire they'll kindle and his friends confound, And many thousand lives they'll take away, And fast their ruin doth before them lie. But now with Satan I'll go further on, And in the end my thundering voice shall come. And now the fortieth page I'll answer here : His gold and silver should it all appear,* I ask the fool, if men can live by gold, When every truth before them it is told, * N.B. The Reader is again requested to refer'to the chapters alluded to, and abo to the Pages in the Dispute with the Towers 31 That every blessing I should take away, And soon destroy your fields of corn and hay ? The cattle on a thousand hills are mine ; Doth Satan think that I shall them resign, Ever to give these blessings to his hand ? I ask what po\ver he can now command, To send one grain of wheat to make it grow ? No, all the Earth is mine, the fool shall know ; And so they all may live then as they list, If Satan should this kingdom now possess : Because no churches there would be at all, To ask for blessings, for there none shall fall ; So " moping" in their churches none would be ; But soon for hunger butchers you would see ; Then one the other men would surely kill, And as they listed, so men's blood they'd spill. And so the truth, the fool, he did speak there ; For, as they listed, men would soon appear; And so their hearts, I know, he'd not confine ; Because a hell is all that's in his mind. But to the forty-second, I shall come And his provoking words I let go on ; From age to age I did his words endure ; But now I tell him his destruction's sure : He that advanc'd himself in heaven so high, And made the rebel angels to comply In every thing for to provoke their GOD, And make me lay on them a heavier rod ; With indignation banish 'd them to hell, With their provoking words that now do swell But yet, with patience, I did longer bear, And his provoking speeches I did hear, And so, I say, I let him to go on: I did not hasty cast him from my throne, Until 1 saw his pride would not submit, Confess his errors, that they had been great. For perfect as he did contend with thee, And spoke against thy God in blasphemy, 1 say, in heaven he surely did the same, And a superior power he there did claim, Until to cast him he did ME compel; But then I did not chain him down to hell, 'Till his provoking ways were fully up ; And now I'll tell the fool that he shall drop ; For in the mortar I have bray'd him here, And still his pride and folly do appear: He sees what ruin he hath brought on man., By every art he hath laid his plan ; He sees the prisons and the jails appear; He sees the gallows, and the sinners' fears; 32 He sees the sorrows he hath brought men to : He sees their sufferings now before his view ; He sees the conscience of the sinner swell ; He sees the trembling jailors now in hell, In agonies they know not how to bear ; And yet his heart no love nor pity shares, That he hath been the author or their guilt, But still with pleasure all their sufferings felt: That is, to hear them daily to complain, He doth rejoice for to increase their pain ; And now he would rejoice the world to see Lost in confusion, and in ruin be, And in his hellish power gain them all ! Then now, Proud Lucifer, I tell thy fall: The measure of thy sins is fully up ; And like thy words, I tell thee, tliou shalt drop ; Thou that advanc'd thyself in heaven's high throne, And there didst wish to have the power thy own, And by thy pride and malice there to stay. Look back, O Satan ! think upon the day, When all in heavenly splendour did appear, And all in harmony my voice did hear, And heavenly music was throughout the sound; Till thy malicious heart did there abound, With pride, with envy, and with malice swell, And want the heavenly armies to compel To have these praises all turn'd back on thee ; And told the angels they should all agree, In the like manner, for to praise thy name, With equal power thou wasi like ME become. And so thy lies in Heaven did begin ; Thou knovv'st the way thou drew'st the angels in ; But now thy power shall fall like one of them; For though in heaven thou didst swell so high, Low as thy angels thou shalt surely lie, If e'er thou answer'st in one boasting word, And dost not now confess the power of God To be superior, and in justice shine, To have compassion on the souls that're mine : That as I did create them all at first, Then like a Father now my pity bursts To every prodigal that will return ; For over them, I say, my heart doth yearn. I see a famine in my land appear ; 1 see my Gospel there's no man can clear j I see the Husk to man is now denied : But here thou marvel'st how it can be applied ; Because the husk thou judgest is given free, And so the swine may feed, 1 now tell thee ; S3 But here the Httsk* I'll prove it is denied; And now I'll tell thee how it is applied: Because the day of vengeance, all may see, Is for the Devil now designed by ME ; Which is the husk now given from my hand- But sure these things are now denied by men, That they may eat the words their minds to fill; There is no other food, judge as you will; And since by man this food is now denied, Then to the following words must be applied - Unto your FATHER you must all return, Humbly confess that all your store is gone; And now as hir'd servants you will be, If I'll accept the names that' re given ME. To be a servant of your Lord become ; This is the way the prodigals must turn^ And joy in Heaven there will surely be; For ninety-nine just persons now I see, That in such manner will not come at all, And so I say that death on them must fall. Then what rejoicing can in heaven be, To see the souls that will not sign for ME, To make your calling and election sure, That Christ has chosen for you to appear For to confound the haughty pride of hell, Who boasts of armies he could now compel. So here, 1 tell you all, the lines go, deep - The prodigals will make some Saints to weep ; To see the fatted calves for to appear, And the new clothing and the ring see clear, While they in unbelief did so stand out. For now I tell thee, many Saints will doubt; And so I tell them they shall come with ME, If they cannot rejoice the truth to see, That every prodigal may now return, And over them their Father's heart will yearn ; If now they come my favour to implore, I'll give them clothing they did never wear; Because the dead shall now be made alive. My Ring is ready all for to receive But will the Saints say, they are now TOO JUST For to rejoice with such unwelcome guests., To see the prodigals for to return ? And say, with sinners they can never join, Because too righteous they themselves now be ? Then in my Kingdom let them come with ME ; "The only consolation man has for his fallen state, is the fulfilling of the Divine Word, to bring the Day of Vengeance on the Devil ; this is the Husk, that only remains for Man j and this the Freachers at this day d?ny. 34 For now I'm come the sinners for to call To the lost sheep, and tiou redeem you all. Now to [he Jorty -fourth page appear The words of Satan I shall answer there: " What hath provoked me now," I'll let him know- Let him look back and see how all did go; In every age what evil he hath done : And was my anger never shewn to men, "When on their heads I did the evil turn, And in my heart the anger it did burn, To see thee, Satan, lead them all astray f And in my heart I've always borne the day, That on thy head I shall the whole return ; 'Twas only lent thee all that thou hast done^ That I the debt of ihee did not demand, Avenge my murder on thy bloody hand ; When Judas, as a man he did appear, And hang'd himself for guilt he could not bear! So at that time thou killed'st both God and Man : Did I not know which way thou laid'st thy plan, And how by arts thou workedst then on men? And my disciples how thou didst betray, And how their blood was surely shed by thee ? But mark, the sixth day, I did sure appear To die for man the-sw thousandth year Is nearly ended, it must now be known; Rut mark, the sixth day was but partly gone, When on the cross they surely nail'd me up ; And ttivsix thousandth now it cannot drop, 'Till on the cross they hang thee up the same ; So now I let thee know thy time is come. Though darkness then was over all the land From the sixth hour, men may understand, That three yearn' darkness will in man appear, Though on the cross I've shewn you Satan here, How that by man he surely shall be cast ; And yet I know the darkness it will last; Over 'all lands, I know it will appear Gross darkness in the minds of men three years: For one already is in darkness past; And now the second it is hastening fast. And nought but darkness in the sons of men ; Therefore the mysteries they do not see plain. But the ninth hour when it did appear, Mark well the shock that all the earth did bear : 'Or else, remember what they then did see, And then the ghost was given up by M E ; That is, my life I did for man resign. And now, O Satan, thou shall know my mind: 35 For all thy friends thou'lt know them in three years, From the new date that this did first appear; And then the temple's veil from thee I'll rend, And something new to thee I'll surely send ; Then Satan and Apollyon both will see The anger of the Lord's inflam'd with thee. So now my anger if thou'lt pacify, Consent to let my SEALED PEOPLE lie In peace and safety, and not one molest: For fatal vengeance on thy head is cast, If e'er my Sealed People thou molest, Or ever temptest them, then thy doom is cast ; Because my heated fury shall appear Seven times hotter now, 1 tell thee here, Than ever it was poured out on man ; Because their blood upon thy head shall come ; And thou shalt find her GOD does not deceive ; I'll be a GOD to her as she believes; And then her paper thou with grief wilt see ; Thy fatal end, Satan, will follow thee. So now, I tell thee, 'tis high time to fear; For thy destruction now is drawing near ; For thy own ruin now thou'rt bringing on. And to the forty -sixth page now I'll come. And they shall find Satan deceiv'd them all, When out of Heaven he his host did call For to stand out in words against their God ; He did deceive them all in what he said : That he had power, as he said, supreme: And now his power I have shewn in men. And now in Danielhe may see it clear; And from Belshazzar I shall answer here ; When he the gods of gold began to praise, Of brass, of iron, and ador'd their ways, And did begin to praise the wood and stone, Then the ha/id-writing unto him was shewn, That all his idol-gods must surely fall. And his astrologers he then did call, To give the meaning of my every hand. But neither one the mysteries could command, Until the Prophet Daniel did appear. And now the mysteries I'll begin to clear; The fallen gods of gold are now become For to set up the honour of their king; That is, of Satan, and the fallen host; And of his praises they begin to boast, And all his worship they have brought forth here. Unto his gods the words I'll now compare; 36 For no more power is in Satan's hand, Than the proud king could from his gods command,* Which in his heart he did set up and praise, And all joined with him- now behold my ways, How the hand-vriting instant did appear ; And now, like him, O Satan, thou must fear. It was but shadows then brought to the king, But now on Satan I'll the ruin bring. For now the Prophet Daniel's words are come, And Satan's gods of gold are now made known, And my hand-writing doth to him appear ; He saw the hand, but could not make it clear, What were the words that did him so reprove ; Nor could interpret how the Sprit mov'd ; The hand of God their blindness could not see, Nor the hand-writing, how reprov'd was he. But now a DANIEL shall to them appear, And the hand-writing I will now make clear. Thou hast seen the judgments all were past on man ; When I did threaten, so their ruin came ; For out of Eden they were cast at first, And on the World did the Deluge burst; When I did threaten it, I did fulfil; And in the deep I Pharaoh's heart did chill ; And Ahab's house I surely did cut off, And Jezebel did feel my equal wrath : Though she adorn'd herself for to tempt man, But see her beauty, what it soon became : Cast from her grandeur for the dogs to tear ! And now, O Satan ! this shall make thee fear To see my word I always kept with men ; And where's the power that did escape my hand ? When Sodom and Gomorrah did appear, Against my angels they attempted there ; Then fire from heaven did them soon destroy ; But know, that Lot protection did enjoy; Because the angels he went for to free, So nought but men appeared unto he ; They being angels, Lot he did not know, And to protect them did his kindness shew ; And now the same mankind have shew'd it hers Nought but a -woman doth to them appear, In every manner perfect in her form ; But of her Spirit is to man unknown : I tell you all, as much conceal' d from man. As -were the angels, that to Lot did come. But now a mystery must to all appear: Just like the angels came the woman hore> * Belsbuzar. 37 To warn you all of what was hastening on, But sure protection she did find in man: When Satan's host did press upon the door, With every threatening did to her appear ; Then now, like Sodom, thou thy doom shall see; The men that press'd upon the door was he. I tell thee, Satan, and thy hellish host, 4 Man must be freed like Lot, and thou art cast ; Because upon her thou didst now press hard ; The weakness of her sex thou didst not regard ; And now thy greatness I'll regard no more; Thou'lt find my angers they were at the door. And did the woman's innocence protect; And now, like Sodom, thou thy doom expect ; Unless that my desire thou'lt now obey. I do not want thee to come back to ME ; Only, I tell thee to obey my will; Or else, my fury thou wilt surely feel If thou wilt trifle with the laws of God. Jerusalem did feel the fatal rod ; Then, if I always kept my word with Man, Canst thou expect my judgments for to shun. When now against thee they are fix'd severe ? If e'er thou aim'st to tempt my chosen here, Then the hand-writing thou shalt surely see; And now I'll tell thee plain thy destiny : For now, O Satan, I do tell thee here, The meaning of the vision that was there: Thy kingdom it is number'd now by GOD, And he will finish it as ho, has said ; Because thy kingdom thou hast all run through; Thy reign is short, and that thou'lt shortly know : Because the Lord will shortly finish it, If to his laws thou dost not now submit. For in the balance thou art suroly weigh'd, And wanting found, from all that thou hast said : Wanting in wisdom now thou dost appear : Wanting in truth, thy lies thou canst not clear; Wanting in power to support thy word ; And soon thou'lt see that all the power's of God. And so thy kingdom I shall n6\v divide ; From Mccles and Persians now shall be applied ;* ThejF.vvs and GENTILES soon shall take the whole; And to the Law and Gospel it shall fall. So now, like Belshazzar is thy lot ; For thy destruction's in my Bible wrote; * See Daniel v,*lattirt/i ! And in this world there must be- something new. 'Tis more than all the learned jm-n could do, To act like her, such mysteries to bring round ; More than a Woman ! is in (very sound ; And if she vainly boast 'tis from herself, J say, her pride must equal that of hell, * The Reader will observe, that if Satan had never tempted Man to fall, M.ui would still be Jiablc to his temptations, whenever he chose to begin, du- ring the (iOOO years ; therefore infinite Wisdom permitted the Fall, and secure4 Han from eternal ruin, by preserving the Tree of Life from bis reach, until the fulness ot time came, when Man is a;-ain rcMorcd to the image and likeness of liis Maker ; secured from the power ot' Satan, who wilt be so bound and chained sts to have no access to deceive Man any more. Then may he take of the Tree of Life and live! Can this all-wisu and merciful plan originate from the weak brain f a simple Woman, or in any wisdom of Man, either natural or acquired? 45 And judge herself superior to this race, And all tin; learned men she must disgrace. For now I'll challenge, none with her shall plead, To say my Bible's true, and she's misled ; And all the learned world I will defy, To prove their Bibles, and give her the lie, To say my Spirit doth not lead her on; Then she must be a WONDER born to man. But if such boasting fool she did appear, I'd drown her senses and send wise men here, That they should soon confound her haughty pride, But know, vain men, your wisdom all is tried; For there's none that can confound her hand ; Because in FAITH she humbly now doth stand., And doth confess the Spirit came from ME, Or some Invisible, is said by she; So to her Wisdom she hath ascribed none: But fools, in folly, have their folly shewn, To judge that Man, who is pronounced dead, Could in such wondrous manner ever lead: Then they in Wisdom must be all Divine, And with their Maker must pretend to shine. So now, vain fools, I'd have you to appear, And lower your pride, or fully answer here, That all such wondrous Mysteries you'd bring round; Then soon Pd come and every sound confound. So here are the different answers now for man, To those who do deny her written hand ; That like the "Serpent you must now appear, To speak in lies that you can never clear : And, like the Serpent, all your pride must falL Because your GOD you rob him now of all, Of every honour due unto his name, And so your pride I'll surely put to shame. So here of Men you hear a different sound ; But now to Satan see the end is crown'd : Because the Enmity see how it doth stand, The Seventh Day, and now the whole coramaad ; For there the Enmity in both is plac'cl ; Satan against the Lord he doth confess ; And she against the Devil doth appear , And boldly told him that she did hate him there. Then back to the Creation you are come: He kill'd the SHEEP but I preserved the LAMB j Because MYSELF I was the LAMB that was slain j But for my own Death I did not contend, To bring my Murder then upon his head ; It is th Murder OTJ my Followers laid ! 46 The Martyr's blood upon his head shall fall : The Death of LEWIS must forewarn yeu all, That Satan now must like the Roman fall; For as he saith, " He never will Repent," He'll find my anger and my mind is bent. With every threatening he did come to thee, With equal threatening^ now I'll come on he. But what I've answered is with him and Man ; But now unto the purpose I whall come; And all his words thou'lt read then unto ME, And now I tell thee I shall answer thee: For now the first, as thou hast read them here, Is like the Serpent, when he did appear In the Beginning, for to work on Man, And there the Marriage of the Lamb did come. Wisely thou answer'dst, Man was counted dead, And so the Serpent, perfect as thou saidst. But here's a folly thou didst not discern; I did not then convince thee, at that time, To see if man could ever find it out; But thou'rt entangled, and thou now dost doubt Of thy own judgment, that it is not clear: Because three Marriages thou makest there, Before thou say'st the Marriageof the Lamb ; So 'tis the fourth Marriage thou dost join; For the first Marriage thou didst not discern, It was an Union with your GOD to join ; The second Union was between the Two, And Man and Woman were within my view, That they in marriage then should be complete, In happy Union, and in Blessings great. So here the Union it stood at the first : With God, with Man, the Union it did burst : And then the second it did sure appear; I gave the Woman to complete it there ; And then the Marrifige did appear but one; For I a Father to them both did come ; But then the Serpent he soon struck them dead ;* As with the Woman he did intercede To bring in Death, you say, upon the Man : And there the Marriage of the Lamb did come ; Because I said that I'd die in his room, And make the Serpent tremble at his doom : * The Reader is requested to read with particular attention, and compare with Page 75 of the Dispute with the Powers of Darkness, where the DcviJ laid, "by Maniage now abide ;" for he imposed on Joanna, and called hisfatal Divorce a Marriage which he produced between Man and Woman and their Maker; but Divine Lore, at ihe same time, provided the remedy by the Mar- riage of the Lamb. 47 As on his head the Woman cast the blame, I instant told her I'd her HUSBAND come; And over her in power I said I'd rule; And so preserve the TREE of LITE for all, That in the end you all might lire in ME, When I fulfil the promise given to SHE. So, as thou say'st, the third Marriage shall stand; The first a Union was with GOD and Man, That in my LIKENESS I said he should stand ; And so my LIKES ESS I did join in Two; The Man and Woman they were joined so; The Man was One, and soon became as Two : Then know, as Man I surely did appear, When I did die, the guilt of Man to clear; Because the Woman's Ignorance was betray'd, And perfect so the Serpent now did lead ; That as a Husband he did sure become, And said to Marriage he would hold thy hand ; And thou for want of judgment didst not see,* Satan was never nam'd a Husband once to be. Then how the fool could he the marriage claim ? And to his words to marriage now I'll bind : I said, a whoring they went all from ME, When unto Satan they were wandering free ; And nought but bastards did their children call. Because strange gods had drawn the hearls of all, That they as bondsmen surely did appear: But know, a bastard never was an Heir; Though Satan's arts had thousands so ensnar'd, That all a whoring they went from their God. But now the fool shall tremble at my rod ; Because a Husband he cannot assume, And now the fool shall tremble at his doom. For now to Marriage every soul I'll bind And, Satan, where's thy Altar now to find ? Produce thy License; who thy Banns will call? Produce thy Ring for to encircle all j And now thy Marriage Deeds, let them appear; I ask thee, how a Husband thou canst clear That thou wast ever to the sons of men? Or where's the Woman thou'st put on the Ring ? Or where's the Priest that did the Marriage join ? The roving heart is an adulterous mind, That I pronounc'd was whoring from their God, And so the Harlots they are public shew'd, That they are prostitutes to men become; But where's the Marriage doth the Harlots join ? * See the bottom of the preceding page 48 No, if they're married, (hen they are made free, If they no longer live in adultery. So 'tis not Sin that Marriage can proclavn ; Because that Marriage bears the sacred name; (But nothing sacred, Satan, is in thee; So by thy own Bonds bound thou now shall be.) For that's the way I made the Bonds at first ; And that's the way I said the Heirs must burst. So now a Husband wilt thou dare assume? Then now I'll make thee tremble at thy doom. And bring thy sacred altar; tell ME where That as a Husband thou didst once appear? Bring ME the priest that ever join'd thy hand: I tell thee MARRIAGE was design' d for man. But make the Crosses,* see how all do stand, In every page where Satan threaten'd there, And all these Crosses shall on him appear ; For on his head his threatenings all shall fall. The fourteenth page the Crosses do appear ; And like the fourteenth page my words he'll hear. So if in pieces I do tear the fool, He now shall know he brought it on himself. So, if his Back be Brass, he can appear, And made of Iron that he doth not fear For to contend so boldly wjth his God : He now shall find and feel my iron rod, If he is come my Subjects to compel, And boldly triumph of his host in hell. Then now, his hellish host, they may appear And meet their awful JUDGE now in the air, And see if they can Le match for heaven. For now the Challenge is by Satan given ; As in the fifteenth page it doth appear; And the mad fool shall know my Power's there; For he shall know that I have seal'd his doom ; And now his matchless power, let it be known ; Foi there I tell him, his proud waves are stay'd. When I the Earth a strong foundation laid, I plac'd for man a double flivmwg sword; And now I'll use it perfect like my word: For every way I've sa\'d the TRKE of LIFE; And now I'll use the sword to end the strife. The Breath of LIFE in Man I sure did breathe; And Man shall find I will not him deceive. But as the Devil saith that I'm unjust ; Then like his faith I bid him now to trust - r If they ho mercy ever found in ME, Then now they never shall, they all shall see. * The Hoadei will see the reason of the Crosses in a subsequent page. 49, So now their power let it to appear, And rreet their awful JUDGE now in the air, Whose just ilisplcasure they have now provok'd ; And now I bid them fear the coming stroke : And then their power they'll begin to see, The limits of their space were given by ME : And that their boasting I shall soon destroy, And then their wisdom let them all enjoy. As in the seventeenth page it doth appear, I'll now go on, till I the whole do clear. And to the eighteenth page I now shall come: There stands the Cross, and so it shall fall on ihem ; For as he said the fish did jump on thee, I tell him now, it so shall fall on he ; So now the fool I'd have him to take care, If he is hardened now he'th all to fear; For to my word he'll find that I will stand. I want not armies now for to command, But want to see if he's a King supreme, And by his power can all my subjects gain ; But to attempt it now, I say they dare The twentieth page, like him, I'll answer here : Unto men's peril let them join him here ; For all his Votes must meet him in the air; For there> I tell you all, will be the sight, And you, my Friends, below will see the fight; And then with pleasure you may stand and gaze, And say we're lost in wonder and amaze, To see our God stand out a Man of War, And all his heavenly armies to appear ! For as the Shadow unto thee was seen, I tell thee plain the Substance will begin ; Shot after shot, I tell thee, fast will fly, And fiery serpents be seen in the sky ; And for a Type my Thunder it doth stand ; Flashes of lightning are seen in your land,* And so the lightning will to all appear, And rolling thunder bursting in the air: With great confusioo fast it will be hurl'd, ' Wave after wave, and world confus'd with world. For as the Vision it did first appear, f I tell thee plain, the End will be seen clear; For all the swords will be seen in the sky, And fast the shot on every side will fly. So Satan thou habt challeng'd for a War, Mar k, how the twenty-second page appears ; For in thy own words I shall answer here : * See Dispute with the Powers of Darkness, page 96. t See grange Effects of Faith, page 29. > If thou art a devil, so thou say'st thou'It be, And in like manner, now I'll answer thee t As in my ways thou say'st I've been unjust, Then now I tell thee perfect so't shall burst; In fury on thee I will now appear ; And unto Man my justice I shall clear, Who doth confess that JUSTICE is in GOD j And unto Man my Justice shall be show'd. But as the fallen angels all agree, To say that God is nought but cruelty, And with their Leader they do all combine, To say in wisdom brightest he doth shine, In words, in merit, and in every praise, And altogether they adore his ways ; Then all together they with him shall go; Ingratitude shall all its vengeance know : The worst of witchcraft it doth now appear, When I have tried his reign Five Thousand Years, And now Eight Hundred added to the Sixth ; Then now he'H find that my Decrees are rix'd. For as the Cross for him it doth appear, Drawn with the Circle, so I tell thee here, In all thy words I have so encircled thee, And now, O Satan, thou thy ruin see ; For on thy head the threalenings they shall fall, And like the King I'll act, I tell you all, That made the man his poisonous coat to wear,* That he had brought the king to poison there ; So on the man he did his guilt turn back, And perfect so shall Satan feel the rack ; For his low cunning arts I all despise ; And all thy ways are now before mine eyes j For as thou say'st that GOD is now unjust, And all thy fury doth against MF burst ; Then all my fury thou shalt surely see Prepare for battle, meet thy match in ME ! If thou dost judge thou hast a powerful hand, Call forth thy legions, and the challenge stand, To meet thy awful JUDGE now in the air. I ask what armies there need to appear One single "woman's life for to destroy? And see what brittle thread man's life enjoyi; And if that brittle thread of life be cut, ' There need no armies for to make it break. So all thy hellish host thou call'st in vain, And thy destruction no\v ihou'lt surely gain ; * A poisoned Coat that was niutif for a Km^, wliii h, when on, the wanntfc of the body caused the poison to intuse its buneiul uhvcls. This Prince, being ecretlv apprized of the plot, desired the man to put it on himself, to see how it looked. Thin the person endeavoured to avoid ; the king insisted being obeyed ; and in a short tin< he felt iu effects, and expired. Before the Woman thou'st begun to fall : And now, O Satan, I do tell you all,* Thy powerful reign make hast for to prepare, As in the twenty -ninth page it is here. s^ No more for honour I'll contend with thee, But in thy weapon now cut down tliou'lt be ; Because of honour in thee there is none ; No love, no pity, or mercy hast thou shown j And now of mercy I'll show none to thee, Bring ifi thy bill ; and all thy debts now pay J And now I tell thee I will sure pay mine : The Curse I did pronounce thou now shalt find ; For all t/iy Legs I now shall t*ke azi-ay^ I ask thee how thou'lt stand the Judgment Day,. When I in thunder do to ihee appear, And show the murders thou'st committed here, And show what traitor thou hast been to man ? For like a thief, in ambush, is thy plan ; Because the thief in ambush thou dost prepare ; And now thou'lt find the gallows it is near, That thou so often didst prepare for man. To rob and murder w;is thy every plan : But yet of man thou daily dost complain ! I tell thee now I'll try the sons of men^ For all thy power now I'll take away If I'm unjust, Satan, it shall be to thee: Because my Justice thou'st allow'd there's none ; Then now I tell thee, it shall not be shown, For any justice now to come to thee ; What thou call'st Justice can't agree with ME. But to my JUSTICE justly thou art cast> And now I'll come to be thy JUDGE at last : That I in RIGHTEOUSNESS may surely sit, When I pronounce on sinners then their fate, That to eternity it must endure, Firm as the Heavens, and nwer alter more. Then clear in Judgment I will sure begin ; And now, without thy arts, I will try Man ; And then in Justice I'll to Man appear ; If all the Fault be thine, the Fault thou'lt bear : But as thou say'st, " the Fault is so in Men ; " 'Tis their own hearts that first enticed them.'* Then now the TRUTH cf this I'll surely know ; To prove the Truth I'll chain thee down below ; And then a JUDGE of MAN I'll surely be, Whether the fault do lie in Man or thee. But as to Man, his ways I sure do blame ; I gave him Reason, to exert the same ; His whole host, t See Genesii, iii. 14. Upon thj bell; halt tbon go, &c. D 2 And plain before them I have set my law ; They have not kept it, that I well do know : And of their ways if they do not repent, They'll feel my anger ; for my mind is bent, I will not always be wearied out by men ; Nor shall my angels always strive with them, To guard and keep them from the tempter's povverU I'll make a Peace ; and Satan shan't devour The peace of angels, and the peace of men ; For now in Union I them both will join. Then my delight with men will surely be, To see that men and angels do agree. Because a Heaven I'll surely make below : This is my KINGDOM, and I'll make it so. For as the thirty-first page doth appear, If I am a fool, my folly now I'll clear. I bear'd the Cross to conquer Death and Hell, And now the second Crow, for thte I tell, Shall surely fall on thee, as mine did at first, If I am a fool, my folly now shall burst. But dost tliou say, Satan, thou wilt not submit? From thy own words, Satan, I'll finish it. Thou say'st the Laws that thou didst never make, And from thy words the whole I now will break ; Because, I tell thee, thou didst ne'er make Men ; And now I'll break them off from all thy hand, And all thy power now I'll take away ; For over Man thou shalt not always sway ; And as this Earth was never made by thee, I tell thee, in it thou shalt never be. When I've tried Man, and so secured my wheat, Thou'lt find the truth of all these words are great; As thou didst never make the Man at first, Thou never shalt stand with him at the last; And as the world was never made by thee, 1 tell thee, in it thou shalt never be ; And upon it, I say, thou shalt not stand, To have a footing, but to be condemn'dj And so like Jezebel must be thy fall ; In vain thy hellish host thou now wilt call} Because unto thy word I'll hold thee here : Thou never mad'st this world by thy care ; And now the world thou never shalt destroy; Thou mak'st no laws, nor none shalt thou enjojT, But what do from thy own words now appear ; And in the thirty-fourth page see clear : For Man, 1 tell thee, shall not want a guard j And death and hell shall soon be thy reward. If thou goest on to answer ME again, Oc dost presume to tempt my chosen men ; i 53 Thou'U see the wonders I shall surely do, And to thy sorrow find, that GOD is true. For unto thy appointment thou shall come ; I will not be thy Keeper 't shall be known, I say to keep thee on the earth I made ; And by thy own words thou art now betray'd ; Because no longer thou hast tooting here, Than in the thirty-fijth page doth appear ; That is, thy JUDGES to be found by Man; And so I tell thee to call in thy own : To thy own Kingdom call them to appear ; But know, the SEALED must my Kingdom share; Because this Kingdom thou didst never make, And here my Laws, I say, thou shalt not break. But if Che greatest part thou say'st are thine. Then in thy Kingdom let them go and shine. l^or now I tell thee, I shall answer here, That perfect like my Gospel I'll appear: And my Appearance will be in this land, And here my Sealed Number they must stand ; Because the Seals must in their hands appear r These are the Lamps that will the Mysteries clear; And with the Bridegroom they may enter in ; That is, my Kingdom they will surely win. But all the rest, I say, I know them not; And if they're thine, then Death must be their lot. But if that MINE stand out through unbelief, I'll tell them plain that Death must end their grief; Because that like my Gospel Til appear It is the SEALS that every Lamp must clear : The SEAL'S the LAMP they must have in their Hand, And they, and they alone, I say will stand, Who will go out witli joy to meet their LORD, And say they're seal'd according to my word. Then it's too late for any to appear, To :*sk to have their Names now sealed here ; Because the Seal there's no one can command, But what is sealed by the Woman's Hand ; Because her Hand, I tell you all, is mine, And to her Hand I will MY Hand resign. So now I tell thee, Satan, to leave all, And thy own friends to thy own kingdom call; And there I bid thee for to call them home, And leave ME and my Kingdom then alone. Thou shalt net stand on what thou didst it<>t make ; Go from thy words I tell thee now't shall break ; And all thy friends thou now may'st call them home, WHEN I HXVE HAD ONE YEAR TO SEAL MY OWN: An. I if thy pleasures thev do all approve, Then Let them go and join the king they love ; 54 For Fm not come to rob thee of thy ow i : ; But all ihy Power I'm come for to unthrone, And take thee from a world thou hast never made ; And from thy own words now the -whole shall break. So now thy subjects I shall shortly try ; I 'know a Famine in them all doth lie, That are thy faithful subjects to appear ; Through unbelief they'll starve and perish here ; And so the Famine now the Rich shall see ; Through unbelief they'll surely starve and die. For here's the BRF.AD that must preserve your Life: The BREAD of HEAVEN now must end the striie. For men's provoking words shall soon be o'er, As in the Jorty-secnud page appears, By Satan's arts, provoking words arc spoke ; And now, O Satan, tremble at the stroke ; For as the Cross doth on this page appear, And circled round, just so thy doom is near; For thy provoking words are fully up, And now, proud Lucifer, thou'lt surelv drop. Though-ihou'st advanc'd thyself to heaven's high throne, By boasting ot a power that's not thy own ; This mighty power I surely shall chain down, And let thy legions tremble at the sound. For as the forty-fourth page appears And mark the Crosses, strcn are placed there; So Seven Crosses now are on thy Head, From every word thou'st in that sentence said : Seven ttr/ies hotter shall my wrath appear, Than ever it was kindled here before ; If thou to tempt my SKALED do go on, Thou'lt feel the fury of my wrath to come. So in thy Power 1 not put such trust APOLLXOS am! the DEVIL both are cast. For if already I've deceived MAN, And better than my promise I have been; Then now I tell thee, Satan, I'll appear No better unto thee, but be severe ; The worst of torments thou must now endure; That is, thy haughty pride must now stoop here, To havp thy Sentence from a WOMAN'S hand, IVhom thou'st betray'd see how the Cross doth stand ; For two togetJicr they do now appear, And two thou hast bet ray M Satan, take care ! The First the Woman thou didst sure betray ; The Second thou in Judas then didst lay, And so thou didst betray the SON of GOD ; But now the Woman's hand brings on thy rod. And so thy ruin thou hast now brought on, As in the fbrty-tiftkptgc it is seen. 56 For nunv, Apottyon, I'll turn back on thee The very words that thou didst say to she, And thou wilt find Satan deceiv'd thee there; His power is not so great ; so now take care. As he hath told his angels that did fall, And soon thon'h find Satan deceived you all : And the two Crosses will tall on thy head. As in the forty-sixth page they are laid. And now unto the jSjfltirtA page I'll come t The Power of Satan thou say'st is known To be superior to the Power of God ; Then now HIS Power shall sure be tried So now the fiftieth page let all weigh deep ; There stands the Cross, and there the Cross shall break : So, Satan, now the hazard thou wilt run To try thy GOD, if he hath Power supreme; And his superior Power thou shalt see I freed the WOMAN, and I'll conquer THEE/* THURSDAY, SEPT. 16, 180B, " But no*v, Joanna, \'\\ to thee appear, Satan hath held ME to my promise here, That if thy Body I in pain afflict, He knows thou'lt curse ME, if I lay the stroke; So now the stroke 1 gave into his hand, When fwty dctys are past, as I command, He, seren days may lay the stroke on thee, To suffer pain as 'tis judgM fit by he: Only, thy Life, I say, is in my hand, And that he cannot touch, is my command ; But as the pain in Wilson's head appear'd; Just so he holds ME, thou the same must bear. And this already thou didst sure resign, To bear for Wilson ; but mark, this is mine; 'Tis for my honour thou the pain must bear ; And dost thou answer, thou'lt my honour clear, With much more pleasure than thou would'st for Man? Then now's the time }he trial must come on; Because that Satan holds ME to my word, And then with power thou'lt hear the Voice of GOD/' This was written four days Itfore licr Jllness, of the 21 */ t day, as it will be dangerous Jor thee to come out of thy bed" On the 20th she went to bed, and dreamt she was laid on a bank or stone; some people went by and asked why she laid there : she said, to view the planets, and the clouds,- that appeared working in a strange manner. She then awoke, with a violent pain in her bones and bowels, as though shehad laid according to her dream. After laying awake a long time she again went to sleep, and dreamt she was laid on the same bank, when some reapers passed by; they asked her if she would go with them : she said yes, and arose and followed them, till she came to another bank, having in her hand a goad, like that which is It may perhaps be of use to the Reader, if he were to maik the Crosses iu thC' r jiruj IT places iu his own book of the Disputes. 57 used to drive oxen, &c. She then threw the goad over the bank, and it instantly sprang back to her again; she threw it a second time over the same bank, and it sprang- back as before ; then she thought to throw it gently, and to her astonishment, it returned to her gently back. This she marvelled at, particu- larly, as the two former throws, she thought when they returned to her, it was from their force repelled back. Here she awoke, and found herself full of pain as before ; she was then ordered to go out of bed, and take some wine, that Mr. Sharp had sent her, as he was warned of the certainty of her illness. On drinking the wine she found her inside relieved with a comfortable warmth ; she returned to her bed, and lay composed until her friend, Mrs. Field, came, who had the key to let herself in. Her pains then returned, with a fever; when she was answered, that as her sickness was left for the Power of Darkness to afflict, he had not afflicted her in the head, because she should not say she was afflicted like Wilson; so the pain of her head that she had the last week was turned; which was the reason the Lord ordered her to keep her bed ; as he knew which way Satan meant to cast the blow. The second day she was seized with a choaking, which seemed to rise from her stomach, accompanied with laughing fits, which lasted more than an hour. An apothecary being sent for, he arrived at eight o'clock at night, who wrote a prescription, which was to be taken, but was omit ted; she wassome^ thing better when he came , but at midnight she was in a delirium, that she knew not what took place ; for she was invisibly forced out of bed, sick as death, and lay in a senseless state on the floor, which awoke her friend. After the sickness was a little over, her triend, with much trouble, got her into bed, being astonished at the senseless, stupid state she was in. She laid in her bed a little while, and was again forced out with the same effects, which much alarmed her friend, to see her so deadly sick, without the least appearance of sense. After her sickness was abated her friend helped her into bed a second time 5 when, after lading a short 58 **tne, she rose up in the bed, and began fighting and talking; all this so much terrified her friend, that she said she would not undergo such another ni^ht . o .o for a large sum. At last, having returned a little to her senses, she saw her distressed friend, sitting out of bed, ancl dressed ; she asked her, seeing her clothes on. why she did not come to bed, and what *made her sit up ? and told her she had a most won- derful dream, for she thought she was out of bed, down- in a dark passage, where she lay for some time, and after that she thought she was upon the bed lighting with the devil. Her friend answered, '* I think you have been fighting \vi-th the devil; and I shall tell you to-morrow." So she persuaded her friend to come to bed, and they lay composed unti! the morning, although she continued in this state from between 1 1 and \*2 at nrght, until near 4 in the morn- ing. Her friend then convinced her, by proofs, of her horrid sickness, which she said she could not have believed, had she not seen it ; for she had no other knowledge than by her dream. All this lime she had lafren no medicine whatever. The fever continued dur- ing this day, when another apothecary* was brought by Mr. Sharp, about three o'clock, who told her that the fever would last twenty-one days ; she answered, cc then I shall not. live so long.''' He replied, "you may not be so bad as you are now all the time/' Hethen prescribed medicines to be taken. But in the midst of all her violent pains and illness, she was assured by the Lord, that he would raise her up on the se- venth day, which she repeatedly told all her friends, when she lay in the most dangerous situation ; but none believed that the Lord would raise her up, in the manner she was, but Mr. Sharp. During her illness she had many remarkable and wonderful dreams ; one of which was, "that she was in a corn-field with standing corn, except some that was cut down ; she * This pentleman was desired to attend, he being a man of much professional knowledge and practice (and of an upright character, like the former) but having no belief in visitations out of the course of nature,, was judged to be the most proper person to relate the fact*, without being partial, in order to guard against every idea of imposture, that many persona might wish (o believe. 59 rhought the Lord threw down from heaven three sheets of paper, that fell upon the standing corn. It was in print, much like her mode of writing. She thought she read them, and that they were the de- crees of the Lord for men and devils ; she thought the writings were full of the most heavenly and beauti- ful language ; she remembered a few of the words when she awoke, but soon forgot them. She thought there was a large quantity of birds in the convfield, pigeons and partridges, which she was ordered to catch, when a large covey came to her, and flew on her arms and on her breast, which she caught and put in her apron ; there were other flocks in the field, and she told all her friends, who were in the field with her, they must also catch them ; she saw the birds gathered round them in coveys to be caught, so they gathered them without trouble." The mean- ing of this dream will be known hereafter. She had strange dreams every night, but they are not all to be penned at present. The fourth day her fever be- gan to abate, and for two or three hours in the even- ing she seemed quite recovered, and talked much to her friends, very cheerfully ;. but the next day, her pains returned with double force, and her faith, like Peter's, began to sink; she thought it impossible to be recovered from such illness in two days; and she was again assured, that the Lord would fulfil his promise ; but she wished to conceal from her friends the dangerous state she felt herself in; knowing how they rejoiced the night before, she did not love to sink their hopes ; but she was so ill that it could not be concealed from them, and they were sunk in fear, except Mr. Sharp, who declared his faith was as firm as ever, as he judged him faithful that promised and all must bejulfilled, which in the end proved true;* for, although she had such a fever, accom- panied with such tormenting pains in the bowels and bones, and was not from her bed until the end of * The Header is desired to refer to the five first pages of this Book ; particu- larly the second page, which was wtitten from Joanna on the 3d of September, and the writing continued until the 17tb ; when shff was to stop, and receiw instructions preparatory to her iilues*, 60 the seven days. On the seventh day In the morning she was told she was to arise from her bed at four o'clock, "the very same hour that the temptations left her by words, on the seventh day j then so it should leave her by sickness now; and she should be perfectly restored and raised up at four o'clock on that day/* which, although at that time ill, she mentioned to Mrs. Field ; who, being filled with joy, said she had a desire to surprise Mr. Sharp, who was always con- fident of her recovery; and also to have a laugh at the person who came with him, and who was always doubtful of her recovery, and often said, " We will wait and see/' So she would make up an image in Joanna's likeness, and place it in the bed, to see how Mr. Sharp would look, seeing his faith disappointed; and the other to cry out that her faith was right: this she said she would do, if Joanna did not think it a sin; but Joanna answered, she was afraid it was carrying a jest too far, as the Lord, in his mercy and goodness, had raised her up, she thought it their most serious duty to return him thanks. . She said if she thought it was wrong, she would decline ; but Joanna was im- mediately answered, she might return thanks, and per- mit the other to be done also ; for the thing was sim- ple, but not sinful. So it was put into execution ; and a perfect image, made up of clothes, was put in the bed that she had risen from, and had retired into another room, most miraculously restored, as though she had never b' en ill, so as to tell her friend she was doubtfcl whether she was in her senses or not; for she felt no effects from her illness. But when Mr. S. came in the evening, with the doubting person, he still believed Joanna to be perfectly restored, but in a sweet sleep, after her recovery; so his faith was not altered; but the other soon discovered the innocent cheat, turned away offended, thinking it presumptu- ous, and done with an intention to cause fear. But Mr. Sharp soon found his faith was on a true founda- tion, and laughed at the innocent invention. This simple thing would never have been put in print, it it had not been commanded. It was explained to her, 61 that they had judged the Lord as dumb an image zp that which was put into the bed she rose from ; to try to baffle the faith of those that did believe, and to strengthen the unbelief of mockers : as this must be done, if the deceit was not found out. Here begins the manner the Lord spake to her after her illness: " Now, Joanna, thee I'll answer, And with Satan next begin ; From the sixth day I'd not answer, Till I did fulfil the thing. Jn Wilson's room, behold thy doom 5 He held me to my word j And now let Satan dare presume For to condemn his Lord. Because you see the mystery, The truth doth now appear ; The Shadow first did come to thee, And now the Substance here Did surely come ; so all was seen, Thy sick bed did appear, .And thou hast suffer 'd Wilson's pain ; ' But Satan's arts were near ; For to afflict a different stroke, He surely laid his hand ; Because his God he thought to mock Be wise and understand : Because, like Job, it must be known, I said he would appear. Can Satan be a powerful god, His wisdom cannot clear? Did I not say, to thee that day, Satan should lay his hand Where'er it was judg'd fit by hei Be wise and understand. And so by he, you all do see, Thy body he did afflict, As I before had said of Job; So Satan now expect The coming stroke ; for I'll not mock Those that believe in me ; For as the faith in Sharp was seen, The end you all shall see ; He did believe I'd not deceive, But raise the seventh day ; And though she went to foil the man, The truth he then did see, That an Impostor in the bed Was placed in thy room, To make him judge thee almost cad, And mock the faith of ma. 62 But I'll appear to answer here, There's no one I do blame ; But to the shadow I shall come, And put mankind to shame : Such fools appear, I tell you here, To mock you all with lies ; And as the shadow she plac'd there, So fools do all disguise, To tell you plain, ye sons of men, Your faith is on the sand ; And plac'd a shadow in ray room, To wound the faith of man ; But when you come to see it plain, The shadow doth appear ; But now the substance I'll maintain, Is what I said before. He that believ'd was not deceiv'd; But laugh'd the truth to see ; But she that stood in unbelief Offended seem'd to be, That she was mock'd, the other jok'd ; But here the lines go deep ; For as the shadow then did come, The end of all will break : Those that believe won't be deceived, By any artful hand ; And they wiri laugh at every way They've baffled been by man ; But those that doubt, when they find out How they were mocked there, May then in anger all stand out, To see what fools they were, To judge that I, who dwell on high, Will not fulfil my word ! A boasted zeal they may begin, And say " wfe judg'd our Lord " Would never come in such a form, " In jesting to appear. " But how my Gospel do you scorn ? When I arose, see clear, I did go on to jest with man, And ME they did not know, Until they had constrained me, That I with them should go. So men must come and noi-j constrain And hold me to my word;* And then you all shall know my name, And then behold your LORD. This alludes to the Disciples of Christ at Emmau 63 S> 1'fl end here, and say no niore, - But to the purpose come ; Men's jesting, I have answered here, Is like the women done: To mock the faith of prudent meii, Like her you place the sign ; To mock the fools, and ignorant 1114:11, I'll own the j-cst is miuc*. So let the Table to appear, As 'in a type of man ; For fools do mock my followers here, Ky Safari's aunt! land. So it was I that work'd on she. To shew the mystery plain ; The very thing that sfye had done, Was like tlie -sons oi inco Who would make men believe the word of God wasasdeady and like the image she put in thy room^ for just so have the ministers placed my Bible, that could neither sec, hear, or speak ; and so they have judged their God! for I must be like the image she placed in thy stead, if nil these wondrous writing's and truths had come round in such order without my Spirit and direction , but as thou wast in the inner room, perfectly risen in health and strength, according to Sharp's faith ; perfectly so shall he find his God, not as the ignorant world, who say, "Since the fathers fell asleep, ail things remained as they were" judging there is no more knowledge in the Most High than there was in the image she made up. But let all men know, the substance was a living wit- ness, close by ; and so close am I to all your faith and unbelief. Those that have believed will find the world have imposed upon them to raock their faith; but the unbelievers will be hurt to find I have mocked their unbelief; so now let the living lay it to heart; for they have placed me and my Bible perfectly like the image they placed of thee, to mock the faith of believers, and strengthen tlie unbeliefof fopls. Sim- ple as this may appear to the world, let it go in print; for it is perfectly like what men have likened ME to. So now to men I've shcw'd the plan, How you your Bibles place; And now to Satan I sltall come. Who did hi* Lrd disgrace', 64 To judge that I, who dwell on high, * Have done with Satan here ; No, no, the fool will find me nigh, And the sixth day appear : He'll surely know the truth is so, I kept him for this day ; His punishment he now shall know. And like his word, I say, Such harden'd being he appear'd ; He held me to my word, That I with pain should visit thee, But now he'll feel the rod. For I'll appear, in anger here, Just like the words he spoke ; For the sixth day I now shall clear, And there the fool shall drop ; And then I'll rest, and man possess, As I have said before. Just like the Circle now he's plac'd, And let the sign appear ; He's circled round with every sound, The Cross throughout doth stand : The four Crosses do appear, He fatally brought on man. You see the first when man was cast ; What Cross did then appear ! And when the World I all condemn'd, And brought the Deluge here, What Cross for Man there then did covne, And Satan brought on all! Now Sodom and Gomorrah see, What Cross on them did fall ! When fire from heaven did appear, The flames they could not miss ; For they were so encircled there And Satan's doom is cast To be like them ; it now must come j For 1 went through the whole .'* And then you see the Cross to be, Jerusalem did fall ! Encompass'd round with every sound, The Heathen took the place. So, Satan, see thy destiny; For this is now thy case. The WOMAN she did stand my friend Let Pilate's Wife appear ; And now I'll be a Friend to she, And thou thy Judge shalt fear. * The great Cross within the Circle, is the Cross of Christ, who suffered for the whole. The four Crosses which fell on Man ; viz. his fall from the Divine Image at first; the Deluge; Sodom and Gomorrah; the Des:ruction of Jeru- salem, in consequence of the Death of our Lord, who bore all it Man. This Ifote is only made 4pr the Reader to attend to the Figure in Page 56. 65 Thy MASTER here I'll now appear, And that thou'lt surely find ; Thy Trial now is hastening near Thy fetters I shall bind, I tell thee, strong before 'tis long Both Sheep do now appear, That thou art murdering by thy hand,. And now I'll Answer here. Satan, Satan! how wilt thou appear? And in \hejifty-fourthpage see clear, Where thou condemn'dst the Lord is now come true; And Wilson's illness bring before thy view ; For she hath suffered all of Wilson's pain, Her head afflicted did one week remain; And after that in arts thou didst appear To wound with pain her body most severe. So as one truth so hasty now has come, I tell thee plain, the other will come on; And so already thou'st begun to fall ; And from thy words I now shall answer all. If she had forg'd my Narre she'd been undone, And never liv'd to see the morning sun. When on her sick bed thou didst so appear, To pull her lifeless from it on the floor: Dead to all feeling was my Handmaid plac'd ; Dead to all knowledge of the death she did taste; And there advantage thou didst surely gain; She neither felt her sufferings or her pain, When on the floor she gasping there did lie Tremble, O Satan, I WAS STANDING BY, When thou didst go to pull her from the bed, And on the floor her body there thou'st laid ; And sick I know thou mad'st her to the heart ; And thou, O Satan, now shalt feel my dart. Weigh thou her answers, speaking for her LORD; Weigh thou her life what she hath all gone through ; No Woman like her on the earth I know, In upright dealings now with GOD and man; Then now, O Satan, trembling thou shalt stand: For here, I say, shall thy proud waves be stay'd It is not she hath room to be afraid: For I must act unworthy of a God, If on thy head I do not cast the rod. To see my friend so wounded for my sake, . Her Love to ME shall now make mine to break With fury on thee, as thou didst appear With all thy threatening;?, thou thyself shalt bear. 66 For now her Character I'll give to men, What is staVd vp t and then behold her hand. If such a Woman ever did draw breath, Since I created man, and fornVd the earth ; For of her virtues I'll begin to boast, And show you plain when all her Seals do burst, That more than Woman she must then appear, If you do not confess her Lout) is there. For Men and Devils she has strong withstood, And all her conduct I'll pronounce is good : For as her Judge I surely do appear; If from herself alone her virtues are; Then I may blush to view the human race, That in their conduct do their LORD disgrace; Who do profess to praise my holy name, And yet they often put their Lord to shame, By many follies I do see in men ; But in this Woman, form'd by nature's plan That you, vain fools, do judge her for to be; Then how can GRACE and Nature now agree, If she in virtue do outshine you all, Without my Spirit? judge her every call And see if Nature brings you better fruit Than Grace can render; O ! ye fools, stand mute. When all her life is laid before your view, You must confess her character is true: Beyond all women doth in virtue shine ; And tell afE if this Spirit is not mine? Or will you answer, No; she is too good To have a Spirit ever like her God ; Then sure like Satan you must all appear, Condemn your GOD, the Creature now to clear, To shine in virtue brighter than mankind ; And say that Nature all these virtues binds, Without a spirit ever come from heaven. I ask you, who this Spirit to her hath given ? And will you answer, " why it came from hell" Where the- infernal host in ragi- do dwell, In pride and envy, and in malice great, With every subtle art, and all deceit; With lies and murder, and of every ill, And with all evil he men's hearts doth fill ? But here is a heart from every vice is free;* Vain fools, appear and instant answer ME, If unto Satan you will give such praise, To say h-c's chang'd, and hath refoim'd his ways J * It is to be remarked, that Joanna was prepared from her birth by the Divine Spirit, which makes hrr by no means assume any superiority above others, but she leels it her ciutj to be huuibie. 67 Then all the vices you must say is in Man, And so the World at once you all condemn, If you \\ill say this Woman came from hell, That doth in virtue all her sex excel. Because her Life I'll bring before your view, And you shall own MY words are perfect true : That she in virtue doth you all outshine, When you do Know the Mysteries lie behind; Because her Life hath all been hid with God ; And all her foes shall tremble at my rod ; Because my fury they will surely heat ; For in this Woman there is no Deceit. And this I bid thee publish now to man, And soon I'll prove it by thy written hand ; Which men will see when all thy Seals are broke, And then let Satan tremble at the stroke : For if my murder I did him forgive, I never will the injuries done to THEE ; Because my love thou didst prefer to man's, When in thy youth thy passions they were strong; And now, MY love I will return to thee, Much greater love than e'er in man could be ; As for my sake thou hast renounced all; And from thy mother's Womb I thee did call ; And from the Name was given unto {hee, So MARY and JOANNA let them see, Whose names were mention'd when I did arise; And now, ye sons of men, you must grow wise; Because it was my MOTHER and my BRIDE, To whom these Names to all must be applied. Now see Joanna, how she doth appear ; In every volume you her Name see clear, That she is come to testify of ME ; And now TWO MARYS* let the public see ; That at the first thou didst these things reveal, And let them know, thy Name is in the Seal ; And show the SECOND STAR doth now appear ; And mark the C, and let the Seal appear, I tell thee, to be printed in this book ; And in my Bible k-t the public look ; For as my Resurrection did appear, The stone was roll'd, and the Seals broke there; So when thy Seals by Man is surely broke, Then, Satan, thou shah tremble at the stroke: * The two persons to whom Joanna first communicated this knowledge, in 1792, were two female friends, both of whose Christian names were Mary. See St. Luke, chap. 24, the 10th and following verses to the end of the chap- ter. Also St. John, chap, 19, verse 25. E 2 68 Because the stone shall now be roll'd on Hell, And seal thy doom, where thou sbalt surely dwell. For now such Mysteries 1 will open here And let ihefiie and fiftieth page appear : And then, like Satan, I shall now begin, To open mysteries man hath never seen : And all the truth to man I now will prove, Of all my words, and man shall know my love; And plain I'll make the whole before your eyes, And open mysteries will you all surprise. You know my COAT it was without a Seam, And so I tell you, Man I'll now redeem : No seam of sorrow will I leave for Man, But interwoven now you'll find my plan ; That is, my friends I'll interweave them through. And the Creation bring before their view ; Because I come to do my Father's Will; And now is. the time I will the whole fulfil. Man's happiness HE did pronounce at first, And now is the time Man's happiness shall burst; Lord of this Earth I surely did him make, And now is the time that promise it shall break. But how can Man be call'd the lord below, While Satm, as a god, his power doth show ? But now his Power I will all destroy, And Man and I together will enjoy The whole Creation now wit/tout a seam. I'll cut oft' sorrow, and I'll cut off sin ; And like my garment all the Earth shall be, And interwdvenin ONE VINE with ME; And my Delight shall surely be with Man; And now, my brethren, see my every plan ; To open mysteries deep before your eyes, I've seal'd the tomb that soon shall make you wise: And mark Joanna that doth to you appear, And tell you mysteries I shall shortly clear. And to the Jifty-sixth page now I'll come. In Satan's words I'll answer back again : Because a liar 1 will never fear; In the beginning now his lies I'll clear; He really thought to mock the God oi Heaven, When the Creation unto Man was given ; He really thought for to destroy them all, And the creation as his own to call; Because if Man did disobey like he, He thought the Earth for him must then be free. But here likehim Man never disobey'd But they, through Ignorance, artj'ully vere betray' d : 69 1 hat Good from Evil they might surely know, And be as gods in goodness here below; Then now as gods I'll make them to appear ; And unto Satan's words I'll hold him here. For Men as Gods they now shall be below, And Good from Evil now thoy all shall know: And those that join close to the Woman's hand, In knowledge of the good fndt they shall stand ; But those that do refuse for to appear To sign their hands, and will not join with her, Then by the evil fruit they all must fall, In Eve's transgressions, now I tell you all. For the Bonds-women I shall all cast out, And all their sons that with them now do doubt ; Because the Woman here I've made her free, And all my Heirs I know will join with she ; Because the good fruit they will wish to know, And have the knowledge of their God below ; And all my words they then shall find them true. I'll bring another mystery to your view: To clear my honour I cannot free Man, But by the Woman, as I've laid my plan ; Because I said Man's bliss she should complete; Another way Satan would prove deceit. So if he's freed according! to my word, Let Satan now appear and answer God, Why did he tell her that they should not die, But be as gods, and now give MR the lie, To say that I did then go from my word ? I tell him now he'll feel my glittering sword. Two different ways he to the Woman came: At first he said NO DEATH was in the name; That is, I say, if she did eat the l-'ruit ; And now the serpent Jie shall sure stand mute; Because his God he now hath given the lie, And said the Woman was pronounc'd to die. Then for his murder let him to appear; A liar and a murderer I'll not clear ; So if I did forgive him for the first, I never will forgive him for the la'-t : And he shall know and feel I am a God, That will not bear the words from what he said , No, no; my honour I'll begin to clear; One way or other thou the guilt shalt bear. Thou say'st thou aim'dft at murder at the first, And here thou threatcncst murder at the last; And such companions I had got in heaven ; And by such arts from thence they all were driven : 70 And such companions men have got on earth ! And 'tis for gold ! it often brings on death ; To rob, to murder, and to every ill, I see the golden orbs men's hearts do fill ; Therefore the golden orbs I'll all destroy, And all the DUST in harmony enjoy; In heavenly splendour I the earth will place, And like a paradise I'll make this race; In every heavenly beauty they shall surely shine, And love and harmony shall be in every mind, When all thy golden orbs I've took away. And now, O Satan, hear what I do say : Before thy God thou'rt summon'd to appear, And answer for thyself the question here. Thou say'st that God did tell the lie at first; Then here my fury shall upon thee burst: Not like the Woman will I answer here, But like thy own words I shall now appear, And in plain words I shall with thee begin, An'd see if I such wretch shall ever screen. Now, Joanna, hitherto the Lord hath been echo- ing back his lines in verse to Satan, as he hath to men ; but now he is come to plain terms with the Devil, and to answer the fool according to his folly. Begin at the mark made for him at the sixth day's dis- pute. Satan said he preserved thee for the last day's punishment; and for the last day's punishment the Lord hath preserved him : seeing what a hardened wretch he is, the Lord will deal with him accordingly; for he shall not have the last word of his Master, but find the LORD is his MASTER. And so sure as the Lord hath made thee ill in Wilson's room, so sure shall Satan fall in my room : and he shall /iHOit' and/re/ that I, JESUS, the Son of the MOST HIGH GOD, will fulfil my promise made to Man for his REDEMPTION, and to Satan for his Destruction. Now let his faith be shaken ! For on thy sick bed I shewed thee how I would gather in my people, as a hen gathereth her brood under her wings ; and as the birds flew on thy arms ; so let them trust to the arms of my mercy:* for now will men be flocking unto Jesus, as doves * See the Dream of catching Pigeons and Partridges, page 58. 71 to the windows. Iniquity will abound, and grace will abound ; out he that holds out to the end shall be saved, and have his part in the Tree of LIFE ; for now the murderer shall be destroyed. I said if these things was done in theGree/z Tree, what shall be done in the Dry Tree? If I, that knew no sin, was cruci- fied for man, what shall Satan suffer, that was the au- thor of all sin? If thou didst lie lifeless or senseless on the floor, for my honour and great name, to ma- nifest the truth to mankind ; how lifeless and sense- less shall Satan become to all men ! I now tell thee, O Satan, I will make thee as senseless of the know- ledge of men, as thou madest my handmaid to the knowledge of herself, when she lay sick on the floor; and so will I now make thee ; for I will "make thee sick with smiting thee, and make thee desolate, be- cause of thy sins, that are more in number than the sands on the sea shore. And so thou hast provoked the wrath of the Lord against thee, and now I an- swer from thy own words " Hell is thy portion ;" for thou shalt not continue on earth to boast of power superior to thy Lord. Thou foundest thyself deceiv- ed already in Heaven, and now thou wilt find thy- self as surely deceived again here upon earth. For the heavens be God's throne, and he cast thee from thence ; the earth is his footstool, and thou canst not have any seat here with the Lord. When he comes to fill the earth with his goodness, he will then fill hell with his terrors. Now, Satan, thy terrors shall come upon thee, as thou threatenedst this handmaid of mine; for here is a sin 1 will never forgive thee in this world, nor that which is to come. Has she not only ventured her life, and left all she had in this world to follow ME ? Friends, interest, and all dependence, she left to obey my commands ; and, as thou sayest, " brought herself to poverty for my sake." All this she hath done at first; and when she was separated from her friends at home, and surrounded by faithless friends, and malicious foes 3 72 yet in this trying hour, alone and by herself, ran the hazard of being accursed for my sake, sooner than submit to lose my honour as a God : she said in her heart, she would sooner judge there was no God, than judge there was a faithless God : she judged JIE all good, and all good she shall find ME. Thou sayest, Satan, I am all that was bad, and so thou shalt find ME : I will not contend with thee for my Honour, but for JUSTICE, that now demands thy guilty crimes to fall on thy head ! Look back on thy words, and tremble, as a murderer when he looks on the person he hath murdered, and sees the judge ap- pear to condemn him ; for now I tell thee > every threatening thou hast breathed out against this Hand- maid of mine, shall now fall back upon thy own head. Dost thou say God is a liar ? Then now 1 will be the God of truth : thy head shall now be bruised, and thy curse above every living creature ; thy footing here on earth shall be taken from thee; and as thou didst cause a pain in her bowels, to cause her to lie sen s.eless on the floor, so shall the pain in thy bowels be ; on thy belly thou shalt go, and fall headlong down to thy fine palace ; there set up thy golden orbs in hell ; and build thy palace with thy gold ; and I will draw forth a glo- rious Earth with the Dust. So now thou shalt not tear a liar, but fear the God of truth, who made man in my own likeness; and in MY oivn likeness be was be- trayed and crucified ; and as thou didst set the angels in heaven at variance, so thou settest men on earth at variance; and now the earth is in the same confused state the heavens were in ; some on my side, and some on thine, through unbelief. As the angel?, that fell, did not judge I should cast them out of heaven, that joined thee Satan, so thou temptest men to believe I never shall cast thee from the earth, nor ever bring in a heaven here for man ; but now I tell thee and all mankind, this Earth shal! be renewed to a Paradise and a place of rest for men that trust in ME. So now, Satan, this is thy doom, as thou thoughtest to rob me of the creation at once, so will I rob thee of all at once; and as thou sowest discord amongst mankind, so will I sow discord amongst thee and those thou hast betrayed ; for thy destruction now is sure. Thou say- estjthougoesttothe woman with murder in thy heart; and now her blood is on thy head; thousayest, I ought not to cast them out of Eden, knowing what a wretch betrayed them ; then now I will show mercy to man thattrustethto ME for mercy; I will show pity toman that Jooketh to ME for pity. As I knew what a wretch betrayed them, so now, Satan, thy reign is short, and thou hast but a little space before thou shalt find ME the God of truth; and I will send my angel to chain thee down for a thousand years, and set a seal on thee, as I have begun to set the seal on my people; for as thou sayest thou despisestmy mercy, my mercy thou shalt never rind. Thou hast spoken what was in thy heart, and Jet men bear witness against thee : thou sayest thou art betrayed by a WOMAN ; then know, a WOMAN was betrayed by thee ; for now I tell thee, Satan, I will bring on thy head every threatening thou breathedst out against my Handmaid. Thou sayest, thou hast showed thy self a complete devil thou hast done a thing that will never be forgiven in this world, nor in that which is to come : thy violence in assault- ing so faithful a servant. And as she stood out in such faith and courage,it shall for ever rest as a blessing on all women that believe in her ; for as Eve's disobedi- ence rested on the one hand, so shall her obedience rest on the other, from generation to generation, until time is on more. So say not that she only is blessed ; tor all are blessed that believe in her; for they that believe in her must believe in ME ; for it is my word, not her words; it is my SP IRI r,not her spirit, whom ye believe in and whom men persecute also ; for they have opened all my wounds afresh, and put ME again to an open shame. Now answer for thyself to the public, the manner of thy life and faith, and then 1 will answer thee again." 74 Now I shall begin to answer for myself thus pub- licly to the unbelief of ignorant people. Some say my writings are from myself,of a spirit possessed of a devil ; others judge it really from the devil, coming in every character, both good and bad. So they judge the devil has come to me like an actor on the stage, who changes his clothes,and acts many different cha- racters ; and sometimes the man comes in the charac- ter of a woman, and the woman in the character of a man; so one person acts many different characters; and just so the ignorant and unlearned have judged the devil comes to me. O simple and unwise ! here is the truth of my writings and the Bible together; for it is written by the prophet, " that in the latter days darkness will cover the earth and gross darkness the eyes of the people" For the book of God is like a book that is sealed, that neither the learned nor the unlearned could read; for the Lord saith by the pro- phet, ' In the latter days I shall do marvellous things amongst them ; for the wisdom of the wise men shall perish, and the understanding of the prudent man shall be hid ; the bows of the mighty men shall be broken." So ye have all drawn out your bows against me in vain ; for all your bows will be broken, and all your spears will be snapped asunder; for ye have no knowledge of God or his ways; for ye have judged God is like the dumb image made in my likeness, that could neither see nor hear ; perfectly so you judge the LORD; and ye have judged me another such as yourselves, that can mock God, and trifle with eter- nity. Such is your judgment of me. But now I shall answer for myself: The fear of the Lord was placed in me from a child, and I was fearfully made : my heart was tender within me, and my conscience also. I not only feared sin, but hated z7, and found no pleasure in any thing, but in the service of the Lord; my character will bear the strictest scrutiny; and so bright did it appear in my early age, that many that I lived with said, I had not my fellow or like 75 amongst women ; as my temper was mild and hea- venly ; my principles honest and upright in all things. Such was my character in my earlier days ; but I found'myself as a sheep amongst wolves j I was sur- rounded with people that were artful, deceitful, proud and malicious, with every headstrong and un- governed passion, more like lions than like chris- tians ; and I was hated for being of a different spirit ; as their characters were bad, and mine good ; so I was hated when I never gave offence ; and finding myself surrounded with such people, who made their own lives unhappy, and all around them ; I began to determine to shake off the world, and to Jive to God, and to God only; and to have my con- versation in heaven, and all my hopes of happiness to be centred in the Lord ; wishing, with Job, I could go down to the cold chambers of the grave, where the wicked cease from troubling, and where the weary be at rest. I saw no happiness in this world nor any did I expect ; for I have been weary of the world for more than twenty years ; nay, I may say, forty years long have I been grieved with a crooked and perverse generation ; for when I was a child I was weary of the tempers and dispositions of sinful people ; my discernment was deep in my earliest age j and now let any candid reader judge, if a heart and mind like mine would run themselves into the grossest sins, to dwell with devils and wicked spi- rits in another world, when I was sick of their vices in this. It was a hell to me to be confined with wicked people here ; then how wretched and miser- able must I feel my case to be confined with nothing but wicked people hereafter ! The Lord is my judge and is witness against you ; the Lord is my law-giver of whom shall 1 be afraid! So singular hath my life been in this world, and so many remarkable things have happened in it, that it was nineteen years ago I was ordered to write my life, for it should go in print, and thousands should be convinced by it ; I then wrote it, but I had no thought that the spirit of 76 , prophecy would ever be given me ; and I was strongly persuaded by my friends not to put it in print then, as they could not see that many thou- sands could be convinced by it. I gave up to their persuasions, not being- strongly pressed by the Spirit to put it in print at that time, after I had written it ; but when the visitation of the Lord came so powerfully to me, in 1792, I began to think of my former writings, and was at war with myself, whether this last might not be like the first, to write, but not to print ; so my jealousy made me spend my time in tears and prayers, that the Lord would not permit a wrong spirit to deceive. I will not say I had no doubts arise in my mind, as every thing I was told appeared very unlikely to come to pass; yet the manner of my visitation sometimes made my faith as strong as the mountains ; at other times jealousy alarmed my breast, fearing the de- vil might come as an angel of light to deceive me ; as I am not unacquainted with the devices of Sa- tan ; for he hath as much power to speak to the hearing of the ear, as he hath to have an influence over the heart. So my faith was mixed with fear, which made me to be in fervent prayer to the Lord that he would not suffer me to be deceived by a wrong spirit; repeated signs of truth were set before me, to assure me my calling was of God; butmany of my writings were hard to beunderstood, and full as hard to be believed: but the severe threatenings pronounced against me, if I drew back through un- belief, made me persevere, as I \vas injuring none but myself, if my writings were not of God ; but if they were of God, I knew they were for the good of all who believed in them ; and the strict- est of justice I found in the Spirit that directed me. I was ordered to seal up my writings in 1792 ; but not to keep them in my possession ; and my writings after, I was ordered to seal up every year, and to have witnesses to sign them ; and I was ordered to send letters to ministers, of 77 events, before they came to pass, every year, from 1 796 to 1 800. But the standard for men to be clear judges, that they could not be deceived, was fixed by the wonderful vision I saw in 1794;* when I was told, that when twelve chosen men should meet toge- ther to break the Seals, then the Lord would make every crooked path straight before them, and the truth be as clear as the noon day sun ; and such signs were then given me that should happen at that time, that no man could err. Now such justice and equity I have never yet found in man; and! can never believe it is in the devil, though some worldly-wise men are led to believe it ; for he must have risen against him- self ; then how will his kingdom stand : Is Satan come to tell me that his whole nature is like the serpent when he appeared to Eve at first ? For such he is represented throughout my writings; though some of my readers do not believe him so bad, but judge men are their own devil O, madmen and fools, how hath Satan bewitched you ! what rnad judgment have ye drawn ! I grant the wind bloweth where it listeth,ye hear the sound thereof, but cannot tell from whence it cometh, or whither it goeth; so is every one that is born of the Spirit; and so it is to me ;and I judge of the spirit by its truth, that it came from the Lord, as he saith. But some are so ignorant to judge my writings are of myself; I must be bold to say that they are both proud, vain and conceited, to think that dit.it and ashes could invent such writings as mine are ; and bring all so close to the Bible, and so full of truths ; which is more than all men on earth could do, if they had all So- lomon's wisdom. So let no man give such merit or wisdom to me ; for as distant as the heavens are from the earth, so distant are my writings from any know- ledge, wisdom, or understanding of my own : and were I so proud and vain a fool to say it was of myselt, I should judge the Lord would take my senses from me ; so men of wisdom must see they come from a su- perior power to man, and placed by j u itice more than I * See Strange Effects of Faith, paj;e 17, 78 find in man. They have j udged me without knowledge, according to the deceitfulness of their own hearts; but I have not so learned of Christ, as to mock God, and deal deceitfully with men ; and I should not have penned the mannerof my life, if I had nut been ordcr- ed, to convince mankind / was born for- what 1 am. So a religious life I do not consider as any merit due to myself, but give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name, who gave me a heart to hate sin jrommy child- hood: and yet to my shame, I have one ruling sin I cannot conquer; and that isaresenting spirit, where I have been used ill ; but can venture my life for those who use me well. My readers may say, if I am a true Christian I ought to forgive every one. I an- swer, our Saviour said, if thy brother offend seven times a day, and seven times a day say he repents, thou shah forgive him ; and so can I freely. We are commanded to pray to the Lord to forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us : now we cannot expect the Lord will forgive us our trespasses unless we repent; and by repentance I can forgive the greatest enemy. But though I bring scripture to clear myself, I do not justify myself in so strongly resentinga spirit; it is a sin that has mortified me ever since I began to write; I have often been compelled^ act contrary to my own natural evil, and fight against myself; so I have nothing to boast of: it was the unbounded love of God who drew my heart to run after him, before I had any knowledge of him; so it is the Lord's goodness that hath made me what I am; but let no one say I am self-iighteous; for I may say, blessed be the rod of the Lord, that crossed me in every tiling in this world, that I might not set my heart upon it, but seek for happiness in him alone: it is the crosses, disappointments, and cruelties of this world, that made me seek all my happiness in the Lord; and I always found him a God hearing and answering prayer; and I have found the truth of his words for more than twenty years 5 the Lofd 79 never did deceive me, and he never will. But do my readers judge if I had not been acquainted with the ways of the Lord, before the Spirit of Prophecy was given me, that my faith would lead me to leave my work, spend my time and money,to write things that then seemed to me as unlikely to come true as the most distant thing ? But I have found the truth of the Lord, concerning myself, for near twenty years be- fore ; so I judged concerning the nations, and the truths have followed for eleven years, as I have fre- quently observed in my writings j and as the past have come true, 1 judge the future all will take place, however unlikely it may appear; and the wondrous manner I have lately been restored from a sick bed confirms mv faith. Here I have given a short ac- j O count of the manner of my life, and find the world perfectly like the judgmentlhad foundfor years past. Now the world 1 bid farewell, For now I plainly see The hearts of men, in chequer'd lines, Lie open unto me ; For now the world I plainly see In colours black and white ; > Farewell, vain world, adieu to me, For God is my delight ! Here I shall mention two particular instances that happened to me \vhen a child, as they are explained by the Spirit. One was my reading about Peter's de- nying of Christ, which made me often go into a gar- den of my father's, that was like a grove shaded by trees, at a small distance from the house ; where I went in prayer that I might never do as Peter did, to deny Christ. The other instance was from an acci- dent ; I was sliding upon the ice on a large pond belon- ging to my father,when I came to the further end the ice broke and I fell in and went under,and must have been drowned, had not my father, who was in his barn threshing, seen me, and immediately ran to my 80 relief, and he was obliged to break the ice to get me out. This simple thing I should not mention had it not been explained to me by the Spirit ; and I have been \ronderrully preserved from being drowned three times. Now I shall For in the Hearts of Men his Seeds are found. But now the Root of Evil I'll destroy. And then the Wheat may their clean land enjoy, To grow together, and increase their crop, When every weed that choaks is burned up. So like a Husbandman I'll now go deep, Till every Root of Evil I do break ; j And all the Roots of Evil now I'll burn, And then I'll bring a glorious Crop for Man. So like the Husbandman I've ended here, And show'd you plain the way I shall appear,. To burn the wicked weeds that so do spring, By burning every Root, I say, of Sin. And now a Man of War I'll surely be, And leave no Foe without a Victory ; My heavenly Armies 1 shall now prepare, To meet the Root of Evil in the air, And make the heavenly pillars for to shake. And earth's foundation tremble and to quake Where as you see your Stroiaui for to burn, Just so my tire you will see to come ; And as your cannons they do loudly roar, Just so my thunder will be in tbe air, When 1 the Warrior do begin for Men, Who sign their Names to have my Kingdom comr. * These words are Terms in Agriculture, n, see the truth fulfilled, that she might know on what foundation she had to rest, and be certain of the truth of the Spirit that spoke within her, so as to know if she spake from divine authority, before she imposed her predictions on the world ? Thus Joanna Southcott has done ; and to all natural appearance became likely to lo>e all the hard earnings of her industrious days ; but though poverty and \\;.r.t were in her view, she firmly trusted that if her visitation was 128 from the Divine Spirit, that the hearts of believers would be in- fluenced to assist her. In this manner she continued nine years (injuring no one) and in the tenth year she was ordered to print and publish her mission to the world, believing that if it was of God, he would prove fait//Jul to his premise. All to her expectation has been truly performed, or she no longer could have gone on. Now the Earth may cast its floods against her, where justice is not in the heart, and equity is a stranger. But I cannot condemn a woman, who, with much grief of heart and mind for nine years, is now convinced of the truth of her writings, and has published them to the world : let those who accuse her take care that they do not depart from those principles of justice and upright dealing, which she has so strictly attended to. Thus far, at present, I am not ashamed to take her part ; for I see no cause to the contrary ; and I firmly believe that the truths which are in the Bible are now hastening on to be accomplished. London, VMkVctober, 1802. WILLIAM SHARP. The reader must keep constantly in mind the following verses, to enable him the better to under- stand the true meaning of this sealed book: REVELATION, xii. 4. "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven : a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet; and upon her head a crown of twelve stars." xix. 7. " Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him : for the marriage of the lamb is come, and his wife has made herself ready." xxii. 17- "And the Spirit and the Bride say, come: and let him that heareth say, come: and him that is a thirst come : and whoever will, let him take of the Water of Life freely." xx. 1. " And I saw an angel come down from Heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit, and a great chain in his hand." 2. "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is called the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years." 3. "And cast him *,vto the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him/' Printed by IVlurcliant and Galabin, Ingrain-Court; and sold by W. TOZER, Chapel Place, Duke-Street, Westminster-Road, Southwark ; also by W. SYMONDS, Gandy-Lane ; and the Miss EVELEIGHS, St. Suiwell's, Exeter ; S. HinsT, Leeds*; W. WADMAN,York ; JAMES LIGHT, Coventry-Street, Stourbtidge; EDMUND BAKER, Ilmitister ; C. BRADLEY, Digbelh, Bir- mingham; R. GOLDSMITH, Gravesend; and T. TURPIN, Gicenwich. (Price Ttw Shillings and Si OR, A CALL TO THE NATION, That they, may know the days of their Visitation, from the Prophecies that are given to Joanna Southcott, with the Reasons assigned why the Spirit of Prophecy is given to a WomajLj. and which is explained from the Scriptures in the following pages. JOANNA SOUTHCOTT. Oldswinford, August 31, 1803. .IN OW, as my Prophecies are many and extend to large volumes, that the poor cannot buy them, if they should wish to know the meaning of them, I shall here explain them in a small compass for the sake of the poor, that no excuse may be found, that they could not afford to buy to judge for themselves; so that we may be clear from the blood of all men. And now 1 shall come to the meaning of my prophecies, and what they tend to. The purpose of them is to warn the whole world at large, that the second coming of Christ is nigh The Third Edition. Printed by Marchant and Galabin, Ingrain-Court, Fenchurch-Street, London,July 1813, from the 2d Edition, printed in June, 1810- A at hand; and how they may stand when he ap- peareth ; and to shew you from the Fall the pro- mise that was made to the Woman at first must be accomplished at last, before Man's Redemption can take place. I shall in the first place give you some passages from the Scriptures, which are ex- plained to me by the Spirit, different from what- ever the learned understood them ; and then I shall give you some of my Prophecies, how they were spoken, and how they were fulfilled ; but I shall take some from my printed Prophecies, as I know the poor cannot afford to buy them, there- fore I shall bring some of the heads into this little volume, that they may judge for themselves, the end is a,t hand, from the truths that are past, judge from the present and for the time to come. But first I shall shew you from the Scriptures, that all these things must come to pass to fulfil them. Here I shall give you the Scriptures which are not yet fulfilled, and how it is explained to me that they will be fulfilled. Isaiah, chap. xlii. v. 1, 2, 3, 4. " Behold my Servant, whom I uphold, my elect in whom my soul delighteth : I have put my Spirit upon him, he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. A bruised reed shall he not break : and the smoking flax shall he not quench: lie shall bring forth judgment unto truth. He shall not fail, nor be discouraged, till he have set judg- ment in the earth : and the isles shall wait for his law/' Isaiah, chap, xliii. v. 19.' "Behold, I will do a new thing: now it shall spring forth, shall ye notknowit? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." 3 Isaiah t chap. xliv. v. 3. " For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground : I will pour my Spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thy offspring." One shall say I am the Lord's : and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob: and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the Lord, and surname himself by the name of Israel. Thus saith the Lord, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer the Lord of Hosts. Isaiah, chap. xlv. v. 11, 12. " Thus saith the Lord, the holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask of me things to come, concerning my sons ; and concerning the work of my hands command ye me. I have made the earth, and created man upon it; I, even my hands have stretched out the heavens, and all their hosts have I commanded. I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will direct all his ways: He shall build my city, and he shall let go my captives, not for price nor reward, saith the Lord of Hosts." Ver. 22, 23. " Look unto me, and be ye saved all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. I have sworn by myself, and the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, that unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. Surely, shall one say, In the Lord have I righteousness and strength : even to him shall men come, and all that arc incensed against him shall be ashamed. In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified and shall glory." Here I shall give the answer of the Spirit to these Chapters, which I was ordered to pen, to shew you from the Scriptures of the Redemption 4 of Man. *' Who is the man that contends with his Maker? or where is the man that boasts of wisdom ? Let him answer these Chapters, how they are to be fulfilled ? or when they ever were fulfilled ? that unto me every knee did bow, and every tongue did swear? or when M-ere all saved to the ends of the Earth ? or when were they ashamed in the Lord, that rose up against my followers ? or those that truly believed in my word ? or when were all the seed of Israel justified and glorified in the Lord ? Here is a question that must make the diviners mad : and turn the wise men backward, and make their knowledge fool- ishness. Isaiah, chap. xliv. v. 25. For this is what I told thee from the vision shewn to Joseph. My Bible stands like this outward chain, full of places to be filled up, and now they shall be filled up, and made like the inward chain: for now will I answer of the work of my hands. I made the earth and created man upon it; and now M'ill I raise him up in righteousness and direct all his ways ; and he shall build my city ; for Israel shall be saved in the Lord, with an everlasting sal- vation. He shall not be ashamed or confounded world without end. Now answer me, ye wise men, and ye that contend against me, when was this accomplished ? have I not said, heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away till all is fulfilled ? Then M'here is my equal to contend with me? Have I not spoken, and shall I not do it? Can I not frustrate the to- kens of the liars, who say in their hearts they have all knowledge given them. But let them know, every good and perfect gift Cometh down from the Father of light, and from me the Creator of all men, and the Preserver of all men. This light and knowledge is come to open the eyes of the blind, and to unstop the ears of the deaf: that in seeing they may see, and in hearing they may understand. The wisdom of the wise men is perished : and the understanding of the prudent men is hid. Darkness hath covered the earth, and gross darkness the eyes of the people: for in seeing they do not see : nor in hearing they do not un- derstand : that man, whom I have created, must he raised up in righteousness, and I must direct his goings. But who inquire of me ro direct them? or how do men judge they shall be directed with- out my Spirit visiting them ; to come to me for directions and for protection ? Is not every man directed by his own wisdom ? Do they not ask counsel one of another? But Avho hath asked counsel of the Lord? Then now judge for your- selves, ye men of this world, who is the true Is- rael of God, that I shall redeem to be justified and glorified in me, and shame all that shame them, and confound all that confound them ? The true Is- rael of God, whether Jews or Gentiles, Greeks or Barbarians, or whatsoever religion they profess, they must all come to the standard mentioned in holy writ, as it is spoken by my Prophet. Ask of me things to come concerning my sons and the works of my hands ; for they are the true Israel, that shall be saved, when I come to build up men in righteousness, in the earth that I have created. The former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare ; before they spring forth I tell you of them. Now answer me, O vain men, how the former things did come to pass ? or who in- formed you of them? or who is now declaring: new f tilings unto you, before ye have any knowledge of them ? Have I not said, I alone am God, and my glory I will not give to another ? For I and my Son am one, who created you, and suffered to re- deem you ; and where is the power can stand against me, when I come to plead for my elect, in whom my soul delighteth ? He shall hring forth judgment to the Gentiles : He shall not cry, nor cause his voice to be heard in the streets : neither shall he be discouraged till he hath set judgment in the earth ; and the isles shall wait for his law. Now open your eyes, ye blind ; unstop your ears, ye deaf; when was this prophecy to be fulfilled ? in the spirit? or in the body, when I was wounded for your transgressions, bruised for your iniquities, and the chastisement of your peace was upon me, and with my stripes ye are healed ? Then was my voice heard in the streets ; and over Jerusalem did I cry, weep and mourn. I was discouraged by my own disciples, and forsaken. How did they hide them- selves from me ! When they saw my afflictions they fled smitten of God, and forsaken of man. Tell me, ye learned, if I was not discouraged : and what judgment did I then set in the earth? Or where are the isles, that are waiting for my law? or whom do ye call the house of Israel, that is saved with an everlasting salvation? or who is the house of Jacob, that I have redeemed? and where are all the enemies that the Lord hath shamed? Is it not all prophesied to be done in the Spirit, and not when I came in the Body? Tell me, ye wise men, what travail of my soul I have yet seen to be satisfied? Was it to see my followers put to death ; my name despised ; the martyrs in the flames? Could this satisfy me, to reconcile the whole world unto God? I tell you, No! but their love so far satisfied me, that it shall now rest upon man for a blessing, that copy after them in love to me, and wait for the coming of my Spirit to be poured out upon all flesh, as it is spoken by the mouth of my prophets : and Joel's words are plain before you, that dreams have been heard, and vi- sions have been seen, and my. handmaids do pro- phesy. Now judge for yourselves, all ye children 7 of men, is it not in the Spirit that your Redemp- tion is spoken of throughout my Bible ? But ye have understood my Gospel, as the Jews did the Prophets : they believed I should come to establish the throne of David, and be the mighty Counsel- lor, conquering and to conquer, and have the go- vernment to be upon my shoulders, and redeem the house of Israel. But they did not believe I should bear the iniquity and transgressions of man, to be wounded for their sins, and to be put to death. So they believed in one, and not in the other ; and perished through their unbelief; and had their holy city destroyed, that they thought I must come to establish, if I was the Son of God. So they believed the one, without weighing the other, what the Prophet had spoken of in another place, that the transgression of man must first be laid upon me. Reason must teach men, it could not come after I had come in all my Father's Glory, to have all nations brought to the knowledge of the Lord, and all the earth to praise the God of their salvation : to have the heathens for my inhe- ritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for my possession. Who then shall lift a hand against me, when every knee shall bow unto me ? So the Prophecies could never be fulfilled to the wisdom of the Jews : and it is the same now by the Gen- tiles; for perfectly so they have understood my Gospel; the first for the last, and the last for the first ; relying on one scripture, and denying ano- ther. Ye say, that false Prophets shall arise in the latter days. On those words ye build your un- belief of the true ones ; for it is written also, Pro- phets shall arise, 1 Thessalonians, chap. v. verses 19,20,21. " Quench not the Spirit. Despise not Prophecies. Prove all things, hold fast that which is good." 1 Corinthians, chap. xiv. v. 1. "Fol- low after charity and desire spiritual gifts ; but ra- ther that ye prophesy. He that prophesieth speak- eth unto men for edification, exhortation, and comfort. He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth, edifieth the church. 1 Cor. chap. x. v. 4. " Know, there are divers gifts, but the same Spirit : for to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom ; to ano- ther the word of knowledge, by the same Spirit; to another the working of miracles ; to another prophecy; to another the discerning of Spirits. 1 Cor. chap. ix. v. 5. It is written, every woman that prayeth, or prophesieth, must have her head covered. Revelation, chap. xix. ver. 10. It is written, " The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy." Now let Jews and Gentiles stand to- gether, and let one answer their Prophets, and the other the Gospel : for both alike have erred and strayed from the truth} believing in one Scripture, and denying another. Then how will ye join the Law and the Gospel together ? for both have parted it asunder ; putting the first for the last, and the last for the first : wresting the Scripture to your own condemnation ; taking away the parts that tend to your own salvation and redemption : for both are taking your names out of the book of life ; for the book of life is the word of God, that is left on record for Jews and Gentiles ; and for all men, even to the ends of the earth. But who hath believed aright? Will you answer, those that believe in my Gospel? Then I answer, ye must believe all that is written of me by the Prophets and by my Disciples; that the testimony of my coming must be made known by the Spirit of Pro- phecy. For in the Spirit stands all your Redemp- tion ; or how are ye redeemed, if I do not take away the heart of stone, that is hardened by the devil, and give you hearts of flesh, by pouring out my Spirit upon you ? Or how will the church be edified by prophecies, if prophecy be not given to edify thereby ? Why should ye desire prophecies rather than spiritual gifts, if prophecies were not to be obtained? Or how shall the church be edi- fied to know and understand all the mysteries of the Bible, which they have never yet understood, without the Spirit of Prophecy is given to explain them ? For there is no good and perfect gift but what cometh down from the Father of light. Now, what perfect gift is there in man ? Though many have spiritual gifts ; but they do not edify the church, nor give grace to the hearers ; but prophecies are for the edifying of all that will hear them. Try and prove them with the written word of God ; for it is by prophecies ye must have the testimony of my coming again in the Spirit, to fulfil all that is written of me, from the Prophets to the Apostles ; and what I told you, the Holy Ghost, that is the Comforter, whom the Father should send in my name, he should bring all things to your remembrance. And now I have brought all to your remembrance, from the Prophets to the Apostles, and confirmed the truth by the truth of prophecies. For new things I have declared unto you, that old things shall be clone away, and all things shall come new : before they spring forth I have told you of them ; as I told you of the wars and dearth, and all other things; before they sprang forth 1 told you of them, that when they came to pass, ye might know it was I the Lord that tokl you of them. So now awake, ye sons of men, And see your Bibles clear ; The former things are come to pass, In all I told you here. And now the new before your view They all are hastening on ; My Law and Gospel I'll make clear To all the sons of men. For as my body did appear Tpon the cursed tree, And man's transgressions I did bear, That he did lay on me ; The past is gone, it must be known, My prophets did foretell : But new things I do now declare I died to conquer hell : That I the earth might all bring forth, As I created man, In righteousness to raise him up, And guide him by my hand; That is, for to direct his ways ; The Israel now of God Will fly to me, you all will see, And now believe my word, That all the whole I shall fulfil, As it is spoken here. It is mankind I must raise up In righteousness to appear, As I created him for at lirst ; And now the end is come, My promises with truth shall burst, I say, on every land, Until the Israel now of God Shall all my goodness see ; For the true Israel now of God They all will trust jn me, That I shall come and now redeem, According to my word. It is by faith you now must be The true Israels of God ; Faith to believe my Bible true, That I shall all fulfil : Have all the prophets in your view, And judge them as you will ; They, like the Vision, do appear The outward chain to be : Hut now I will not tarry here, Till Israel all shall see, That like the inward chain 'tis come, . Fulfill' d in every word ; I cannot be dismay' d by man, That am a powerful God : Strong to deliver, and to save ; Strong to destroy my foe ; Strong to the utmost now I'll save, That Israel now shall know. Israel, you'll see, my sons must be, That on me do rely, And judge me as a faithful God, Whose dwelling is on high ; Who made the earth a bliss for man, And it 1 shall complete ; Who made a promise first for him, When I did him create, That blessings here he should enjoy, Jf he did me obey: But Satan soon did it destroy, And man in grief did lie. Bat mark the curse that was pronounc'd Upon the tempter's head ; If e'er my heel was bruis'd that way, I should avenge the deed : Upon his head the curse was laid, If he should bruise my heel : And for the Woman's fault was laid, He must that vengeance feel ; And now that vengeance it shall come, That was decreed at iirst ; As he betrayed the woman's hand, It on his head was cast. 'Twas by her hand, you know he stands Condemned by the fall ; Because her guilt was cast on him, I now do tell you all. For man's transgressions I did die, And for them did atone ; But still the woman's guilt doth He Till Satan feels his doom. Then can you not the mystery see ? The woman's promise it must come, Who cast her guilt alone on he ; Then why do ye- condemn? For when he doe's receive his curse, Then Israel's seed must come, That now rely upon my word, And build upon my Son : That as he took the curse for man, By hanging on the tree ; Satan must so receive his doom, That was pronounc'd on he. Then from his fall, I tell you all, That man I must redeem ; My promises are so to all, When I this earth do claim. Then Israel's glory will abound, And men my praise will sing ; And the true Israel will be found, Of Jacob's God and King. But Israels here cannot appear, Without a saving faith, That I will make my Bible clear, And give the.n saving grace ; As I have promised at the iirst, When I created him from the dust, That I would make his bliss complete, And so I died to finish it ; 12 Because her foe should fall like me. The woman's prophecies, you see, Are on the serpent all now cast, If men with me in love will burst, To wish my kingdom for to come, That Satan might receive his doom. And doth this marvellous now appear? Then marvellous things I told you here, That I should bring you at the last, When in the end the whole did burst ; To shew you 'twas the woman's hand Must rise in judgment to condemn The very foe that her betray' d ; Therefore the mysteries all were hid, As dead to knowledge man became, And said the Lord the thing had done, By giving him the woman there. And now let all men to take care ; For I the same shall cast on man, That will not now obey her hand ; Because the woman now I give, That you in peace with me might live, And all these blessings now obtain ; If I cast down, I'll raise again ; And if I kill, I'll make alive : And man shall find I ne'er deceive. When I did make the woman first, I said from her the good shall burst ; For man could not be good alone ; The woman must his helpmate come. And now his helpmate doth appear, With prophecies no man can clear, To prove they did not come from God, When all the truth therein is said ; And as my Bible doth appear, The woman's hand hath made it clear, Which all the learned men can't do, To prove my Bible all is true. But yet in truth she makes the whole, And proves her words from Adam's fall, That at the first I did not lie, As in all ages men do say. So now the fall let it appear, And then I'll answer thee once more. Genesis, chap. iii. v. 15. "1 will put enmity between thee and the woman ; and between thy seed and her seed : it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." Genesis, chap. ii. v. 18. "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone ; I will make him 15 an help meet for him." Now answer me, O vain men, from your own judgment, why it was not good for the man to be alone, since you say the woman was his helpmate to cause his fall, and that fall you say is passed on all mankind, which was caused by the woman ? How then will your judgment prove, the man was the better for the wo- man, whom 1 pronounced to be for his good, and to be his helpmate for the better ? Here I have put the question to man. Did I not know the arts of Satan? Did I not know he that had influence over the angels in heaven, would find a way to have influence overman upon earth? Was there no other way, the powers of darkness could find to betray man, if Adam had not tasted of the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil ? I answer, yes : who brought the second curse upon the earth ? Was it not man for cursing his son ? And did not that curse rest upon his posterity ? Then how was man good to be alone ? Did not a few years show you how the devil worked upon the man, whom I pronounced to be a just man, and saved in the ark, when the world was drowned, and all flesh was destroyed? Here was man alone with his sons, when he pro- nounced the curse upon one of them. Did he say to his sons, I have sinned to drink of the grapes, and ye have sinned to laugh at my folly, that we ought to be ashamed of Let us repent and do so no more, lest sin enter again into the world, and it be again destroyed? Had this been the admo- nition of Noah, man would have proved himself good to be alone; but it was not : Satan soon found a way to harden the heart of man and bring a curse upon his posterity. Then how can you prove, that man was good to be alone ? But now I will answer man of the fall : The woman -con- tended with the serpent, and answered, " God 14 hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall not surely die; for God knoweth, in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil." Now answer me, ye worldly wise men, who was the transgressor, the woman, or the serpent ? Did she not justly cast her guilt on her betrayer, when she said, the serpent be- guiled me and I did eat? Then did I not justly cast the guilt on him, for his subtilty and arts to pronounce him cursed above every beast, as a serpent, and above every created being, as a devil? And know I have said, I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last ; and the last shall be first, and the first shall be last. Then was it not first pronoun- ced, her seed should bruise his head ; and the last, he should bruise his heel ? And so the last was the first; for my heel was bruised before his head. For know, he worked on man to cast the blame upon his Maker, for which reason I said he should bruise his heel. Now answer me, O ye simple men and unwise, how- can ye plead one promise without the other ? How can ye rely on my heel being bruised, if ye do not rely on the promise I made to bruise the serpent's head? Did I not tell you to pray that my kingdom should come, and my will to be done in earth, as it is done in heaven ? Did I not tell you that I had the power to deliver you from evil, and unto me ye should give the glory ?''Then why do ye mock me by your prayers, when ye neither wish (or my king- dom, nor believe that I have power to deliver you from evil? Neither will ye give me the glory of completing at last what I promised at first, the woman to bea help meet for your good, to claim the promise I made her in the creation, that ye n 15 come to your redemption. Is not enmity now placed Between the woman's seed and the ser- pent's seed? Are not your tongues like venemous serpents, full of deadly poison? From whence come all your lies and malice, hatred and revenge ? Come they not from the root of all evil? Examine your own hearts, appeal to your own consciences, whe- ther it be in love to God, or that your hearts are blinded by the devil, that ye do not wish to see my kingdom established, and Satan's power destroyed. O ye Scribes, Pharisees, and Hypocrites, who for a pretence use my prayer, and now I am come to fulfil it, ye will not have me to rule over you. Am I come to teach you any other doctrine, than what I told you to pray for? Am I come to make the woman any other, than what I said I created her for? Have I not said I am God, and there is none beside me ; my honour I will not 'give to another? Then how shall I give my ho- nour and power to the devil, to frustrate my designs in the creation, and I not accomplish it in your redemption? Did I alter my decrees by the fall of the woman? Did I not say, her seed should bruise the serpent's head? Then know, O vain man, the promise that was given to the wo- man must be fulfilled by the desire of the woman, and it is I the Lnrd that have pla eel that desire in her heart; and her desire shall never be frus- trated, though in sorrow she bring? forth her chil- dren : but the Lord of Hosts is her husband: the holy One of Israel is his name, (haia/t, chap. 54.) And all her children shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of her children: for her desire is for the kingdom of Christ; and he shall rule over her, and in her, to will and to do of his good pleasure: for his power is over all her words to fulfil them ; therefore no weapon that is formed against her shall prosper, and every tongue that is against her shall fall for her sake. 16 They have gathered together, but not by me; therefore in judgment I will confound her ene- mies, and all men shall know and see that I the Lord am true; true in the creation, true in preservation, true in my promise throughout my Bible. Have I not promised to make crooked paths straight before you, and work good out of evil, and light out of darkness? And so will I bring the good, I said in creating the woman, out of the evil of the fall, to cast her guilt on Satan's head. This was a crooked path to man, that the woman, who was pronounced for man's good, should turn to his hurt, by bringing evil upon him ; but now I will make that crooked path straight before him, by bringing good out of that evil, to preserve the woman and cast her betrayer. But how could this be accomplished at the beginning, before men and devils were both tried in a fallen state, and by my words spoken to the prophets, to prove that man was dead to knowledge? For though they heard my words delivered to the Pro- phets, they did not understand them ; so they were dead to the knowledge of good and evil ; and dead to the knowledge of their God, who knew how to bring round my wisdom in the cre- ation, and in preservation ; to bring that good I promised out of the evil she was betrayed into, by laying the axe to the root : for the root of the fall was the devil ; and now she hath laid the axe to the root, by her prayers and her name, that is sealed to the day of redemption, to pray for my kingdom to come upon earth, that my will may be done on earth as it is in heaven, and Satan's power to be destroyed. And this prayer is so acceptable to me. and so well pleasing in my sight, that every tongue that is against her shall fall for her sake; no weapon that is formed against her shall prosper ; and every one that is 17 against her in judgment she shall condemn. So bring forth your arguments, prove your strong reasons, why I created the woman for your good ; and now you refuse to receive her for your good, when I have shewed the good which shall come out of the evil, and the light that shall come out of the darkness of the fall. I created the tree of good and evil ; so I created the evil and the good. Now the evil shall fall upon the evil, which is the devil ; and the good shall fall on the wo- man, that I said I made for man's good. So if the evil first overcame the good ; then now the good shall overcome the evil ; for as Satan said they should be as gods, knowing good from evil, as gods I will make them that now refuse the evil and choose the good. And now I shall answer those who say in their hearts, they choose the good, but see no use to shew it by their hand-writing; for the Lord judgeth from the heart. And from the heart I judged Job ; but what was Satan's answer? "Let him be tried and he would not be found what I said he was." Therefore I put Job to the trial, to shame Satan that was his accuser. The heart of Job was known to me ; but it was putting him to the trial that shamed the devil, that is the great accuser of mankind. Know it is written, Satan the great accuser of mankind shall be cast down ; but it is by the trial of men's faith, to shew their love to rne, must shame him, and cast him down from pleading against man ; and prove by their hand-writing they do not choose the evil, but the good. So that if Satan tempts them to sin, they do the things they wish not to do ; because they wish God to be all in all, and my kingdom to come, and Satan's power to be destroyed ; and that is the hand-writing that will come against him, as the hand-writing came against Belshazzar; and prove when men's love for him is weighed in the 18 balance, their love to him will be found wanting : for men will shew, as well as the angels in heaven, they do not love his ways. The angels were all known to me ; but I put them all to the trial. Abraham's heart was known to me ; yet I put him to the trial. And now I have put all men to the trial, the same, to see who is for me, and who is against me. It must appear from their hand-writing that the hands of men are lifted up against their betrayer, the devil; and lifted up to heaven to pull down my blessings upon them. Was it not the hand that plucked the fruit ? Then why do ye marvel, the axe must be laid to the root before the tree is cut down? If the hand plucked the evil fruit at first, then now the hand must pluck it all down at last : and by the hand he shall fall. Is it not written, they have hands, and handle not : feet have they, and walk not: neither speak they through their throats? Now answer, why they were condemned for hav- ing hands, and handling not, if their hands were of no use ; and why they were blamed for not speaking, if the heart was all I required ? My son give me thy heart, and let thy light shine before men, that others seeing thy good works, may glorify thy Father who is in Heaven. But who can see thy light or belief; or that thou givest thy heart to me, if thy hand refuses to shew it to me ? Will you answer, I have no need of shew- ing my mind and heart before men ; for the Lord knoweth it altogether; and he is my judge? Then now answer me, ho\v I judged Abraham, from his heart, or laying his hand upon his son? Or how I freed the children of Israel ; was it by Moses's heart, or by his hand, when he smote the waves ? Or how did the water gush out of the rock in the wilderness ; was it from the desire of his heart, or from his hand, when he smote the 19 rocks? Read your Bibles and you will see the hand and heart must join together. When evil is in the heart the hands join with it. Is not all done by the hand ? Then where good is in the heart, the hand will shew it. Then will you say in your hearts, you wish my kingdom was come on the earth, and my will was clone upon the earth, as it is done in heaven, and all the powers of Sa- tan were destroyed ; but you are ashamed to put your hands to sign it, fearing you should be laughed at by men ? Then I answer, 1 shall be ashamed of you, when I come in all my Father's glory. For Satan the great accuser of man- kind will make me ashamed of such professors. For I now tell you one and all,, what this woman hath written that is the desire of her heart, shall be had in everlasting remembrance till time is no more. And let no man say he joins with her in his heart, that refuses to give her the right hand of fellowship, to join with her by his hand : for that is the reason the angels rejoiced at her birth, knowing she was born for such a time as this ; that she might pluck down all the evil fruit, and bring to man all the good fruit ; that Satan might fall by the hand he betrayed, to his own shame and con- fusion : for if the hand plucked the first, it is the hand must pluck the last, to pull down all the evil and destroy it, and bring clown the good to enjoy it. So if ye weigh well the fall, that it came by the woman's hand ; ye must know that Satan's fall must come by the woman's hand the same. And now is the enmity placed between the woman's seed and the serpent's seed : there- fore is man casting out floods of oaths and lies against her ; but the woman's seed is helping her to destroy all the works of the devil, that they may put on the armour of light, and be clothed B 2 20 with the Sun of Righteousness, that is now risiirg with healing in his wings, to heal the fall of the woman. Therefore I have given her the spirit of prophecy, that all men might know she is- called of God, to avenge the injuries done to- herself upon the head of him that betrayed her. For, as the blood of Abel cried for vengeance against Cain ; so does the woman's fall cry for vengeance against the devil, that betrayed her. But now in her weakness I will be her strength, and her strong tower, and the rock of her de- fence* I never would have been born of a wo- man, if I had never intended to have redeemed the woman ; for as I was born of her, so I was born for her, to make her sons joint-heirs with me." Here I shall leave the explanation of the Bible, for the present, and come to some of my Prophe- cies in 1792 ; as I was warned by day and by night of what was coming upon the whole earth, and at the same time I was told of/nany strange and wondrous things that none but a GOD could know, which happened then, to assure me my visitation was from the LOUD, who had begun and would make an end. In 1792 I was warned of a war with France and Spain ; the dearth and scarcity that would be in our land ; the distresses and troubles that were coming upon us ; that the visitation of the LOUD would go from nation to nation ; but in what manner I was warned, a small co'npass cannot contain ; yet it was so powerful, and I had so many clear and convincing proofs set before me, that I judged the calling to be of God, and obeyed the summons to leave my work and go and write it ; knowing, if I was deceived, I should injure no one but myself; 2J and if it was of God, I thought it would be fatal for me to disobey : as fatal were the threaten! ngs pronounced against me if I did not obey. The war was the first I was told would take place ; scarcity and dearth would follow ; and discord would rise in the hearts of the people, from the burden that next would come upon our land. All hath come to pass I was warned of; yet I am told it is the shadows that are past , for the substance is to come. And now I must inform my readers that in March 1802, I was ordered to take my first books in hand, which were printed in January 1801, and I should be told what pages would be hastening on, from the First Book to the end of the First Book of Letters. The pages that I was ordered to put in print that were hastening on, were the 3th page, the 27, 29, 37, 46, 79, 87, 109, 120, 160, 172, 180. In the 8th page are these words " But O thrice happy is the man That doth begin and will go on, Till every curtain is drawn back, To know and prove if I do speak ; For happy then shall be the man That doth obey his call, His talents five shall soon be ten, My Spirit so shall fall." Here I shall give the explanation that is now given to me from that verse. What is said of man alludes to men ; for one man can do nothing of himself; and this page hath since the printing of it been fulfilled by men ; and the curtains have since been shewn that they are drawn back, from the vision shewn to Joseph, "to shew you from the dark mysteries of the fall, where the 22 crown standeth for man's redemption ; and now happy, yea thrice happy are all these that are flock- ing to JESUS, as doves to the windows, looking for and hastening to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, for they will find their redemption is draw- ing near, who will enlist themselves under my ban- ner, and thirsting for my kingdom of peace. They shall be the good servants, who shall enter into the joy of their Lord." Now I have given you the words spoken in verse in the 8th page, and the ex- planation to that. I shall next come to the 27th page, that was said to be hastening on, and of what was spoken to me in 1792. "As I kept nothing from Abra- ham, so will I keep nothing from thee. Thou shalt prophesy in my name, and I will bear thee witness ; what I put in thy mouth, that will I do upon the earth. The Lord is awaked as one out of sleep : the voice of the Lord shall shake terribly the earth: pestilence and famines shall go through the lands : men's hearts shall fail them for very troubles, because they have not known the visi- tation of the Lord." Here I have given you from the 27th page of what I was told was hastening on, in 1802, from the words spoken to me in 1792 ; and now I shall give the answer to the above words, that is now given to me. "Give ear, all ye inhabitants of the earth; for I the Lord have spoken it, and I also will do it. If ye will turn unto me, I will turn unto you; but if ye mock my voice, now I have made all so plain before you ; these evils that are written in this book shall come upon you; and none shall deliver you, till judgments are swallowed up in victory ; for I shall kindle a fire in mine anger, and wrath 23 in my fury, if men now mock the coming of 1 their Lord, when I have made my Bible so plain before you, and made all these Prophecies, that are past, true before you by the shadows. But know, I told you it was the substance that was hastening on; for it was but the shadow of the war that was past; and no more than the shadow that is already fulfilled. But as I bore thee witness in the sha- dow; so I will now in the substance; as I told thee it was hastening on." But here I shall call your attention to the 18th page of my first book, printed in 1801. If this publication awakens the ministers to search out the truth of these writings, the three next harvests are promised to be plentiful. " Prove me now, saith the Lord, and try me, if I will not shower down blessings upon you ; but if the many truths laid before you do not awaken them to search out the truth, the Lord will fulfil his words " If by the wise-men I am mocked now, Like Herod's fury, I'll fulfil my row. For who my anger shall appease If all deny my will ; My thunder-bolts shall loudly roll, And men's proud hearts 1 11 chill." Here follows the answer given to me to that page. " One part is fulfilled by ministers, and by a few who searched out the truth, and the three harvests have come as I promised; but know what is to follow -If all these truths that are now lafd before you, do not awaken the ministers to search out the truth, to warn their flocks of what is hastening on, I will now fulfil the words spoken in verse. Therefore, be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong : For I have heard from the Lord God a consumption, even a deter- urination upon the whole earth. Therefore weep, ye ministers, mourn, ye priests ; for the day of the Lord is at hand." Now I shall come to the 29th page, that I said \yas hastening on. This is the fulfilment of a dream, that I had in 1792, when I was informed I should be shewed in dreams how the things upon the nation should come on : For the night was far spent, and the day was at hand. I dreamed I was upon an high mountain, and saw the sky bright as noon day ; two men came out of the clouds with long robes of purple and scarlet, with crowns of gold on their heads, and swords in their hands, standing in the sky. Two men came out with heavy horses and spoke to them who stood in the air. Soon after 1 saw the men on horseback coming out of the clouds as fast as they could, till the whole sky was covered with men in armour, and spears glittering in the air. I looked down on the earth, and saw the world in a confusion of war; men in armour riding fast. This dream alarmed me ; but I was answered, " Now shall be fulfilled the 2d Psalm- Ask and receive thy full demands ; Now shall the heathens be, The utmosf limit of the land, Shall be possessed by thee. I'll crush them every where, As massy bars of iron break The potter's brittle ware." And now I shall come to the 37th page. " And when her writings you have all gone through, Much greater mysteries will come to your view." 25 Now I shall give you what is hastening on, in the 46th page. " So now, like Eve, let all believe, The Bridegroom is at hand ; That all the earth I shall reprieve- The stronger now shall stand : For Satan's reign hath been so strong, With thousands he did clear ; 'Tis time for David now to come, With his ten thousands here. Your Mighty Counsellor I'll begin, Your Advocate and Friend ; Then I will come your Priest and King, Your Brother in the end ; Your Husband too, you all shall know ; For I shall all protect ; Arid if by one you all came down, By one then all come back. Then all will be as wise as she, Or yet as simple here . Then wives alike you all shall be, The Marriage I shall clear." I shall now come to the 79th page, which is hastening on. " Could they discern how I do warn, No learning can appear, To shew I shall bring on the storm, And every dangers near." Here I shall give you what is hastening on, in 8?th page. " These heavenly visions shall to all be known, That in my chariot I am coming down : No more in swaddlings doth the infant lay. But now I'll come in glory's bright array ; And a true Saviour now I'll surely be To those that put their trust alone in me. But darkness o'er the earth will sure abound, Yet you enlighten'd land, his praise resound ; The glory of the Lord shall in thee rise, And his salvation shall be in the wise. Conquering to conquer I will now begin ; Rejoice ye lands, with joy and gladness sing. 26 Now I shall give you part of the 10 And every nation feel the glittering sword ; If not already, it will so come on, And every land will find my sword is drawn, Till men I've conquer' d and they all submit To lay their jewels humbly at my feet; That is, their faith to trust in me alone ; Then on the other must the sword come on ; For it I'll brandish in the enemy The powers of darkness shall my fury see ; For in the end I'll plunge it in his heart, And lie like man shall feel the fatal dart: For that's the way that I shall sheath the sword. And then all flesh shall know the living Lord." Now I will explain those Pages, which are said to be hastening on. The first, that I warned, was the 8th page, that was hastening on ; viz. of mi- nisters searching out the truth, till the curtains were drawn back and now I have shewn you the Vision of the Curtain being drawn back. The 27th page is the warning given to the woman ; and now the vision hath appeared of' the woman. The 29th page is of the war hastening on ; and now the trumpets of war have appeared in the vision. The 3?th page are great mysteries coming to your view, when they had gone through the writings ; and then came the mysteries of all the visions. 28 The 46th page is Satan's reign being too strong and " I am coming, like David, with tens of thousands and now you have seen the Vision of the Horse and Rider, going on conquering and to conquer, with all the heavenly host, and with the sword of victory in my hand and one power that opposed me, twisted and broke under my heel : so that. I appear as I said, the Mighty Counsellor, your Advocate, and the Captain of your Salvation. The 79th page could they discern how I do warn, and did they weigh all with the visions, that I told thee were hastening on it wants no learning to know all was brought round by the wisdom of a God, beyond the wisdom of all ttye men upon earth. Bring me the man that could bring round such mysteries, and make them come to the per- fect truth ; but that is as far from any man to do of himself, as it was for Moses to work the mira- cles he wrought, without my aid and assistance. The 87th page, are the heavenly visions that should be known ; and now they are seen and known. For so they shall all come upon the earth ; and ye shall find redemption in my blood ; and I will be known in all hearts : for I have shewn you, in the visions, how I am coming down, and how my wonders are displayed in visions : therefore they may rejoice in the God of their salvation, who are now enlightened to see and believe in their re- demption, that now .draweth near. The 109th page, is the second Psalm and now I have shewn you in the Vision of the Trumpets for war, and my arm stretched out to all nations, to save the remnant that is leaved in the war ; but if England does not awake, as men out of sleep ; and the shepherds do not warn their flocks this land will come to all, like the explanation of that Psalm, and say they cannot bear the load, that I shall bring upon them. For as I have sent prophecies 29 among them, and signs and visions, and have laid a few stripes on them, that they might not receive many ; but if a few will not awaken them, I shall lay rny hand heavy upon them. For if they say they want not the knowledge of the Most High, they shall not have the protection of the Most High. The 120th page How shall the glory shine in Israel, if I do not open the eyes of the blind, and bring the Gentiles to the fulness of the gos- pel, that they have believed ; for if the woman bore the Son, the woman must bear the tidings of his coming again in glory and if the Jews and Gentiles are above other nations ; so their women must be above all other nations : For in the vision I shewed the woman arrayed in glory and the woman must be arrayed in the glory of my Spirit, before man that is born of a woman can be re- deemed. But thou sayest in thy heart, the Jews were not redeemed, though the woman bore the Son of God. I answer; they perished through unbelief and through unbelief, will thousands now perish. The l60th page Christ and his flock must stand together. And now I have shewn in the Vision of the Crown and Crosses, how man must come in under my wings for protection ; and my arm shall come out to man, and then the cros- ses shall fall from man ; for now will I conquer all for men : as they shared with me the cross, so shall they now share with me the crown. For now the flowers appear upon the earth ; and my flock shall appear white, as the five angels appear with the trumpets, &c. in their. hands, and will draw back the curtains to all that wish to judg : e for them- selves in that heavenly beauty that vision ap- pears, my flock shall appear in white: for white as the vision appears to all ; so white shall my flock be made, that use the trumpets to sound the coming of the Lord: and for them the swords shall fall 30 in the end. So this is what I told thee was has- tening on for believers ; but first must come on what I said upon unbelievers. For all these visions shew you, that I will fulfil all I have spoken by thee. The 172nd page Your names are written, and your names I know : and so the vision ap- pears, where you see the sealed letters drawn by two white horses ascending upwards, and the earth below in all its glory, and the seven angels coming before the throne. And now you see, men have begun to write their names for the desire of my kingdom, as I said it was hastening on. And now they are fulfilling my words ; and they shall be welcomed in with the Bridegroom, when I come to bring on the midnight hour for man; then they shall be known to me, from their names, who wish for my kingdom ; so all is shewn in the visions, as I told thee. The 188th page The sword of Gideon shall end the war and those who inquired I ordered to enter voluntarily to defend their king and country. But know, in the end, I said I would brand it in the enemy ; the powers of darkness should feel iny fury ; for that is the way I would sheath the sword. And know, the vision was shewn to thee of the Chain round Satan; and the next vision was, the angels in white, with the swords drawn to fall. So here are the visions, like the words I said unto thee were hastening on for all. I said the Sword of Gideon should end the war. And Satan's doom must in it then appear; Because that way I said the sword I'd sheath, When I had made all nations for to yield. And from these visions now I warn you here Twelve heavenly visions thou hast seen most clear ; Twelve different pages I did say were near, That to all nations they were hastening on. I said a mystery would to them be known ; When all thy writings they had then gone through, A greater mystery would come to their view. 31 And so the mysteries must to man appear, To weigh the visions with the pages here, That I did tell thee then were hastening on. I said the curtains must come back by man, And that thrice happy man would surely be, That did go on the naked truth to see ; And now the truth it doth to all appear, As in the visions every one I'll clear ; Because these visions that you now may see, They shew you plain the truth was told by me- Ten years her words were seen upon the land, The wars and tumults, you might all command ; Because the shadow in your land appear'd, And many men for tumult hanged here; That for rebellion they were put to death, Then mark my Gospel what the Scripture saith : Brethren against their brethren there would rise, When I bring on the end, O man, be wise ! Brethren and nations, tumults and the war, The dearth of bread did in your land appear. Mark every shadow in the ten were past ; In 1793 you know the wars did burst, And after that the shadows all did come ; You know the ten years were not past and gone, Before believers came the truth to see, From different parts, and then believed in me, That I had spoken as the Lord on high, To warn my coming and my kingdom nigh. So every shadow did to you appear, And unbelief was seen in the ten years ; So every shadow now is gone and past ; For so I told thee unbelief would burst, And floods against thee would be cast by men, The rage of hell in them you would see plain: And so the rage of hell it did appear, Thou know'st in man within the first ten years : And so the love from heaven it did abound, The same from men thou heard' st the sound, That they in love did hear their coming Lord, And did rejoice, to hear the Bridegroom's word, That was made public by his servant here. All this together was within ten years : And they to help the woman did begin, As in thy printed books may plain be seen. So all these shadows came within ten years ; And different nations did in war appear ; The dreadful fever in America; The tumult then in Ireland men did see. All this I told thee, that it would take place Mark every shadow in the ten that's past, And then the substance every soul shall see; For now increasing as I said to thee, That all these shadows surely would increase, Before I brought to man a lasting peace, And have my glorious Kingdom for to come j For now the substance it is hastening on ; The wars increasing every where abound, From distant nations you do hear the sound. As well as here, the war is in your land, And rage and malice do abound in man Against the Lord, and his anointed Son : Despite against my Spirit now is strong; For men in rage and fury do increase, Against my Kingdom, and wish not for peace, To be delivered from the rage of hell ; But sooner with their masters they do swell, Against the Lord and his anointed Son, Just as I told thee of the second Psalm ; And now the second Psalm to all is near, And so my friends they are increasing here : Because thy friends they daily do increase, More strong now than before, the shadow's least, That in the first ten years are past and gone And, now, I tell you this, O England, Fast as thy friends and foes do now increase, So fast I tell you I'll bring on the rest, Of every shadow that is past before. Jf love increase, thy foes to conquer here, And every foe doth now become a friend, I'll then increase the blessings I did send. Since first her friends they did to her appear, I sent you peace and plenty that same year ; But when the malice did in her foes abound, I sent the war, that in her foes was found, And all your peace I turned to a war ; And now if toes increase, I tell you here, That every sorrow they shall fast increase, The wars, nor tumults they shall never cease, Until the hearts of men will turn to me, And leave their rage of persecuting thee. For if my coming men did love to hear, Such malice in mankind could not appear ; So if men's rage and malice do go on, They'll find the substance like the shadows come : And mark the shadows past in the ten years: But now the substance all her foes shall bear; If they in rage and malice still go on, Then I'll pursue them by the every storm. Until her toes I've swept them all away. And now I bid thee mark what I do say : In public print let all these words appear, And from the visions now I tell you here, As they were seen it all is hastening on ; 'Tis like the pages that I said should come; And like these visions every soul shall see. The end of all things is decreed by me." 33 And now I shall come to the pages that were said to be fulfilled in 1 802, that were printed in 1801. The 18th page If the ministers searched out the truth of the prophecies, the three following harvests were promised to be plentiful. The 53d page The wars to be deferred for a while. The 60th page The first shall be like the last. The 84th page In one harness they will all agree ; my plough is ready for to set them free. The 94th page Barren minds like barren soil, mock the cultivator's toil. The 126th page Because the lying spirit is sent out. The 141st page I have begun in the new century, and changed the sences. The 143d page No foreign nation you've to tear will now invade your land. The 161st page The wisdom of Satan will appear in man, and point out light to deny the whole. The 162d page The living water will gush out of itself. The 174th page Different passions will arise, and some men of learning will chastise. The 197th page The one observed the landmarks, and with steady prudence reached his native shore. The 200th page My Spirit is descended, to warn you that I am at hand. Now I shall give the an- swer of the Spirit to these pages, that were said to be fulfilled in 1802. "The J8th page was ful- filled by the three ministers and others, who searched out the truth ; but the fulfilling of the harvests could not be till the time was come to fulfil them ; but my promises were begun to be fulfilled by the first; then all might be assured I should go on to fulfil the others. Another thing was fulfilled by the mocking of the wise men : then judge what must follow in time. For as time brought on the harvests, as promised ; so will time bring on the others. For if men fulfil the one, I shall fulfil the other. The war was deferred for a while, and so were the judgments in your land. 34 by sending a plenty instead of a scarcity. This was deferred be me : But know, it is time must fulfil the other. As it hath begun by the war, so shall I face my foes in this laud, that mock the coming of the Lord : for where one thing is ful- filled, time must fulfil the other. Now, the words were fulfilled of my plough being ready to set free the other; but time must make all my plough agree together: for they are not all yoked in to- gether ; though it was fulfilled that all the former were taken out, as bullocks were taken out of the yoke, and others, like a plough yoked in, in their place: but the whole is not completed. Barren minds, like baneu soil, have mocked the cultiva- tor's toil; for so did men mock thee. But though that was fulfilled, yet the whole is not fulfilled ; for like the harvests, there must come time to ful- fil them. Where one is fulfilled, the other shall follow ; because there is a lying spirit in mankind, to try to foil thy heart and mind, that I shall go no farther to fulfil the words that I have given to thee. That truth was then fulfilled by many; but time must fulfil the other part, to prove they are lying spirits that prophesy against thee from their own wisdom, that they are better prophets than thou art, who writest wholly by my Spirit. So where one truth is fulfilled, the other shall fol- low. For as I have begun in this new century to call men from different parts, and have made the truth public, and changed the scenes of their pur- suing to establish the French king upon the throne ; and changed the scenes of the dearth, that was in your land ; for these scenes were all changed in 1802, as I told thee; but time must fulfil all that is written in that page ; for where one truth is fulfilled, the other shall be. That truth was ful- filled, that no foreign nation had invaded your land, as I told thee in 1801 ; so shall all be ful- 1 35 filled in that page : therefore, let men be wise and understand all that is there written ; for one truth shall follow to another. It was fulfilled, that Sa- tan appeared to mankind, and pointed out, from their own wisdom, no prophecies could be given to thee; though all the page is not yet fulfilled ; but as sure as the one truth was fulfilled, the other shall follow, till all is fulfilled, that is there writ- ten. The truth was fulfilled, in that page: the li- ving waters gushed out of themselves, without thy seeking after them, or knowing where the living waters were; yet that page is not all fulfilled ; but one truth will bring on the others, till the whole is proved to come from the God of truth. For though that was fulfilled, that different pas- sions arose in mankind, and men of learning re- proved and blamed the judgment of those that believed ; yet that page is not all fulfilled ; but it is hastening on. For as one hour brings on ano- ther, one day another, and one year another ; so shall one truth bring on another, till every truth is fulfilled. For as some have observed the truths which have been fulfilled, and with steady faith believe all will be fulfilled ; so shall their faith bring them to a safe harbour at last. For though they have observed the landmarks, and pursued them with steady faith; yet they are not come to the haven of my rest ; neither are they safely landed to that shore of happiness, which is now in store for them. But as I said it was fulfilled, that some were looking to the landmarks, set before them ; yet the page is not all fulfilled. For.it is like Isaiah's prophecies of my death for man ; but it is not fulfilled, that I have seen the travail of my soul, and am satisfied. So all is fulfilled but in part; yet that part which is fulfilled shal bring on the other, till all be fulfilled, and the \\ hole accomplished. As that trutli is accomplished of c 2 36 the woman's warning all her brethreri that the Spi- rit of the Lord hath visited her. This truth is fulfilled ; but the page is not all fulfilled. Just so stands my Bible: one part fulfilled; the other part not. And the same was my Disciple's saying, in the day of Pentecost, that the Prophet Joel's words were fulfilled. The shadow was, by my Spirit being poured out upon them who were pre- sent, of different religions; but the substance was not fulfilled of my Spirit being poured out upon all flesh : neither did your women then prophesy. Now I have placed these pages to convince man- kind of their folly in judging their Bibles; that one word being fulfilled, is the fulfilment of the whole. But my Bible stands like thy pages, which I ordered thee to print in 1802, being fulfilled ; as many things in them were fulfilled ; but will you say from that, the whole pages throughout were fulfilled ? Then you must argue the three good harvests had then appeared, when there was but one passed. Yet it was fulfilled of the shepherds and others searching out the truth, and one good harvest had followed ; but three years must be passed before the third could be proved. Perfectly so stands all my Bible. I proved myself the Sa- viour of mankind, that I came to die for all men; but 1 have not yet proved that I have saved all men. I died that man might live in me; but I have not yet proved that all men do live in me. I became poor for man, that through my poverty man might become rich; but I have not yet made men rich ; neither in this world, nor in good works. Where is the man that boasts in my sight, that he is rich in grace, rich in faith, rich in the world, and in the knowledge of me ? Now, to fulfil what I died for, men must thus become, when I give them my kingdom that I died to establish for them That as all men lost their state of happiness and bliss by Ad.am's fall ; sp must all gain it again through me. But bow can all men be the same renewed by me, if I do not bring in a whole race of mankind to that perfect happiness which I created man for at first ? And how could this be clone when I came amongst them in the body ? How then could the Jews be scattered through unbelief throughout all nations? Or how could the words of the prophets be ful- filled, or my gospel be fulfilled, if all the evils had fallen at once ? No, I tell thee, my Bible is like thy pages, one part fulfilled, the other hasten- ing on ; as the three years were to fulfil the truth of the harvests; and the third year in the century proved the wars were deferred for a while. And every page that was said was fulfilled, eveiy year is increasing more and more the fulfilment of them. So what was fulfilled by my death for man, shall now go on more and more, as years increase, till 1 fulfil the whole. For it is by thy writings that I have placed in such a manner I shall convince man- kind how my Bible stands and prove that one thing being fulfilled, is not the fulfilment of the whole. If a man gives a bond, and promises to pay one part at any period ; if he be as good as his word, he will fulfil his word ; but that does not prove the bond is cancelled, the debt is paid ; be- cause he fulfilled his word in one payment, that doth not free the whole ; though the man fulfilled his promise in that part, yet the remainder is still behind. Just so stands thy pages and my Bible : One thing fulfilled ; but the other stands like a bond that is not cancelled. But now I will not cease going on from one promise to another, from one fulfilment to another, till every bond is can- celled, and every debt is paid. For, the last ene- my that must be destroyed is death, hell, and sin, and that is the power I died to destroy. And 38 though I said in my dying hour, It is finished ; yet, it was but finished like thy pages : my death . was finished ; yet, man's redemption was not fi- nished : nor Satan's curse was not finished, but as the man that is murdered finished the d*eath for his murderer; so my death being finished by Sa- tan's entering into Judas ; so it shall assuredly finish his death, as Judas finished his life. For as Satan finished death for man and me ; so now I will finish death for him. And now I'll finish life for man, As from the grave I rose again. And like thy pages, all will see, 'Twas finish'cl then no other way. One truth appeared my death to find, Was finish'dthen for all mankind ; But as thy pages do appear, You cannot prove the whole is clear, That all these pages are fulfill'd, Though many truths beyond man's skill Are in these pages that are pass'd ; But in the end the whole will burst. Then with my Bible all compare, And prove that man doth greatly err, To say my Bible is fulfill'd. Let all the learned try their skill, And with thy pages it compare, Then all must prove alike they err: ( Some things fulfill'd and others not, ' In every page that there was wrote ; And all my Bible stands the same ; Therefore these pages I did name ; As some in all was then fulfill'd. The learned men with all their skill, Cannot deny but some were true r Bring every page before their view ; And they must own there's truth in all, That was fulfill' d, when I did call, . To have these pages to appear, And said the truth therein was clear, That was fulfill'd the truth to see j And where's the man that bafiled thee, To say these pages were not true ? Bring all thy friends before thy view : The mysteries they did not discern ; Nor judge the way that I did warn, To say, I had fulfill'd the past, And so the others they would burst ; - 39 As they for man were hastening on ; The way I warn'd, there's none discern'd. To see wherein the lines were true, And what is not, bring to their view, That all together did not come ; And so my Bible stands the same, Which learned men no more do see, Than those that now believe in thee Discern'd what was not there fulfilled ; And so 'tis faith T tell vou still, From the great truths that did appear, They judg'd the Lord had spoken here, Without the lesser things to see, That all fulfill'd could never be. Now perfect so my Bible stands : The greater truths they all command ; But lesser things they do not see, That all fulfill' d could nevei be. As in my Bible all is plac'd; They judge my Gospel from the past, That as these wonders did appear, They judg'd the Son of God was here, And that I died to save mankind ; But ne'er discern'd what laid behind, To make my death secure for man ; The tempter's death must surely come, Before mankind could e'er be free, For every man to live in me As man was tainted by the fall, Through Satan's arts, 'tis known to all ; Then sure the author he must die, Cut from the earth, as I did lie Cut off from man, and in the tomb : For this must be the tempter's doom, Before that all fulfill'd can be, That all the prophets wrote of me. And yet these things do none discern, Not* judge the way that I do warn Throughout my Bible it doth appear, No more than men discern it here, How all the pages thou hast penn'd Were but in part fulfill'd by men ; Then sure some other must appear. For to fulfil these pages here, Ami so my Bible it is plac'd. And now awake, ye fallen race ; For all together you must weigh, Then judge the dawning of the day, That it is breaking now for all. I tell you plain, since Adam's fall, I never gave my words so plain, Nor ever shew'd so straight a line, As in thy writings I have done, To shew you all the end is come ; And all my Bible to make clear, I've shew'd mankind wherein they err; 40 And brought thy writings just the same, To shew you all your folly plain, That you from one must judge the whole, That all together cannot fall, To be fulfilled at one time. I've plac'd these harvests to mankind, To shew you plain the time is come, Before the truth of all is known, And when the time to man appears, I mean to make the mystery clear, Why I these pages did so name, To say they were fulfill' d by man ; For so by man the words were true ; For as I said the truth you know, That friends and foes did so abound, And thou from both did hear the sound, As in the pages that were penn'd ; But can you say you've seen the end, To have these pages all come true ? Bring every page before your view, You'll see it must be a work of time, Ere every truth therein you'll find ; And perfect so my Bible stands Awake, ye dark benighted land, And all together now compare ; Then you must know the Lord is here, Or, such a likeness could not be, To bring my Bible round this way, To shew you all that time must come, Ere I fulfil the whole for man, That man doth say is now fulfill'd. The serpent's head, you say, I chill'd, When that I died to rescue man: To bruise his head was then my plan ; But will you prove it then was done ? Did not his head appear in man, To slay my followers all the same? And so the martyrs I shall name ; And now I tell you. to this day, That Satan's head in men is high, To blind their eyes they may not see, The end is come must fall on he : And it is man must bruise his head, As I by man was surely laid To take my trial all from men, And I was nailed by their hand ; And by their hand it shall appear, That Satan now the same shall share ; Because the nails were drove by men, When they did nail my feet and hands, And they must drive the nail the same ; To bruise his head must be by man. So every name that's entered nere, Satan will find to be a spear, To pierce his heart, as man pierced mine, For on his head the names I'll bind, 41 That every name shall bruise his head, Till all his power I shall strike dead, To be as silent buried down, As in the grave I then was found. And this you know was done by man, Then perfect so I've laid my plan, That Satan's doom must come the same; And 'tis from man the hand must come, To join the woman at the last, Till on the serpent all is cast; Then your redemption I shall free, When every hand is join' d for me ; Because I suffered by the hand Awake, ye dark benighted land, And now the mysteries clearly see, The hand that nail'd me to the tree Must nail the serpent's head the same, And wish for me to rise again. And this must all be from the hand ; And so your names shall ever stand, That you repent you murder'd me ; And so your bloody hands I'll free> That like the crimson did appear; But white as wool I'll make them here: For every bloody handJ'll free, That now appears to wish for me, And have the tempter to be cast, Upon his head the whole shall burst And then my travail I shall see, And satisfied with man I'll be : When I do see them change the hand, And wish my kingdom for to come, To have the powers of hell be cast, Then on his head the whole shall burst And he shall perish then like me, When I was nailed to the tree, And had my life took from the earth ; For Satan so shall find his death. So saints and sinners need not fear, If from their hearts they wish it here ; And with their hearts their hands do join, They in the end shall all be mine ; For they will so bruise Satan's head ; And what against them can be said, If they wish every sin to cease, That they with me might dwell in peace; Then I will give this wish to men ; As by their wish I died for them. So now the mysteries all see clear It is the hand that must appear, To bring the tempter's final doom, And me to triumph in his room ." Now I must call my readers to the following pages, printed in 1801. The 83d page of the 2d 42 book. In the Heavens I say 'tis working high. The 146th page I'll begin in the new century to shew you the doors that were bolted for man when he was cast out of Eden, and will bring to his view the knowledge, that was. kept from him. The 56th page 2d book The wars were said to abound, and the substance was to come ; but in 53d page, they were said lo be deferred for a while. The 64th and 65th pages, it is written, Men will join with men, and women will join with women, who do not believe, to persecute those that do believe, till the anger of the Lord is kin- dled against them. In the 7Oth page, it is writ- ten, I should put my writings in print, with the new century ; as the hand of the Lord would be close after to fulfil them. In the 107th page I took man's nature upon me, and bore the blame man cast on me, that Satan might bear the blame the woman cast on him. The 113th page, my writings are to bring all things to your remem- brance. The 114th page, men that are believers are said at first to see things as trees walking, be- fore they are come to see them as men. The 122d page As the past ages, so is the present. They despised my prophets, and were full of their own invention, till destruction came upon them. The fifth Book, page 235, printed December 1801 As there is a peace, let there be a peace ; but I may say, what peace, so long as Satan and his witchcrafts are sa many? Let it be known, my prophecies are not ended ; yea, they are scarce begun ; for as you say the war is ended, I say it is not begun. Mark deeply the 237th page. 251st page I bore the blame for map, but knew my second next must .come, to take the sword and plunge it in the powers of darkness, and so turn back on Satan the mischief he created. The 268th page When they have proved it came from heaven, it will be given to the public; * 43 and then I shall try the hearts of men, and my arrows shall fly fast, if men mock my word, they soon shall feel my glitteing sword. The 288th page of the Sixth Book, printed January 2d, 1802. What God designed at first, he will ac- complish at last; it is not all the powers of earth or hell can frustrate the designs and purposes of the Most High : the Lord made the woman to complete the happiness of man, and by her it must be done.", Here I shall give the answer of the Spirit to these pages, that I was ordered to mark to the public. Here begins the explanation from the Sixth Book, on which seven men sat in judgment. <; Three of them were shepherds, whom I had chosen ; and these three agreed in one, though three in person, but one in heart and mind, whom I have told thee are the shadow of the three that beared record on earth, compared with the three that beared record in heaven*. Mark now what is written in the third Book : I had chosen me a shepherd in whom I find no fault. If you chuse him, I will chuse you. Page 124 Now this shepherd is my Son, whom I have chosen ; my be- loved, in whom my soul delighteth. And there are three shepherds that have testified of him, that it is his spirit which has visited thee, to make men heirs of God, and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. I have begun at the ending and shall go back to the beginning. But how could any man or woman complete your happiness by prophecies, seeing they were never completed ? But the way the woman shall complete them are by my words and promises. As I have said the one shepherd is my Son ; and if they now chuse him, as thou hast desired them, by their names to prove they have chosen him, then will I chuse them, and make them, as I said, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Jesus Christ Those words which were unknown to thee, were meant when I came to try men, whether they would chuse him or not. But it is the three shepherds agreeing in one, that my Spirit is upon, as men who bear witness of me: They are the shadows, I am the substance; therefore I chose three and no more, to prove I am the substance of their choice : for I am the substance there mentioned. Had I chose one shepherd, men might say he was the man they must chuse and not me. Had I chose more than three shepherds to join the twelve; they could not be the three on earth, as is written in my gos- pel: three to bear record of the three in heaven, and these three to agree in one. So I have shewn the meaning of the three shepherds in the one and the three have agreed to chuse me as the one. And now I shall come to the woman's completing the happiness of man. By these three agreeing with me, thou now standest, and by thy petition for the coming of my kingdom and for Satan's de- struction, that thou wilt complete the happiness of all men and women, who join with thee in hand and heart. It is not thy prophecies that complete their happiness, but sealing their names, that they have signed for Satan's destruction, and their de- sire for my Kingdom that must complete their happiness in the end. Thy prophecies shall bring them to the perfect knowledge of the good; but it is the seals that must complete their happiness in the end. So man is an helpmate with thee; and thou with them; for this shall complete the happiness for man. And it is for the sake of these that elect me for their chosen Priest, and King, that Satan's reign shall be shortened. So these are the elect, for whose sake he shall be cast clown. Now I shall go back to the first pages I ordered thee to mention. It is working high in 45 heaven ; for all this was working to bring round the mysteries mentioned in thy prophecies, to fulfil all I said should be accomplished. Therefore I brought the double train one of visions with thy prophecies to shew you all the end was at hand, and who were the elect for whom Satan's reign should be shortened. I have brought round by the visions sent to thee, and shewed thee by the let- ters sent to thee, who were false Prophets, and false Christs. All this is now brought round toge- ther, to explain the mysteries ; for I have begun in this new century to open many doors, and shew you the light that was concealed from man: but I shall not cease till I have opened every bolted door to man ; and shew you plainly, from the mystery of the fall, it is the promise, that was made to the woman, which must complete the happiness of man ; and which promise no one before ever yet claimed ; neither did it enter into their hearts and thoughts to claim it, before I revealed the mystery to thee. And this light coming upon weak minds, is like the sun to weak eyes ; they cannot look into it. For those that have a weak faith concerning the fall, that the woman's guilt will never be cast upon her betrayer's head, is like weak eyes sitting in the dark, that can scarcely see when a lighted candle is brought in. And so this lighted candle that must be seated on the table to give light to all, takes away the light of those, that are weak in faith of their redemption. For though they see the light of the candle appear, by the war that was deferred fora while, now break out with more fury than before ; as they have set up a mo- narch to make peace with, whose pride is swelled to the highest pitch and where pride is envy follows : if that pride is in the least mortified, revenge will seek the ruin of that it is mortified by. Therefore, I said the wars would abound 46 more dreadful, and you would hear the sound in this land : and though you do hear the sound ; yet, to thousands it appeareth like a sounding-brass, or a, tinkling cymbal: or, like the music in war which takes away the cries of the dead. And so is the music of this world in your ears, that it takes from you the voice and the cry of a crucified Sa- viour and Redeemer, who is now come in the Spirit to invite all men to turn unto me, and I will turn unto you: but ye will not turn unto me, but join in persecution. As I told thee before, I now tell thee again, as Sodom and Gomorrah per- secuted the angels which were sent to Lot; so will men persecute thee, till I shall destroy them in my anger. Therefore it is not thy spirit hut it is my Spirit, whom they are persecuting, and doing all this despite unto; therefore my hand will be close upon them to take vengeance on those that despise my name. For they must know it is my name they despite, if they now continue. Where is the man, where is the woman, where is the power, that could have brought round such truths, in such a manner; first to speak, next to fulfil? For as men fulfil the truth of persecution, I shall fulfil my words of punishing them : for, they must give honour to the devil, for wisdom, knowledge, and truth, if they ascribe thy writings to him ; and they must give thee wisdom above Solomon, if they ascribe the knowledge to thee : first to speak, next to fulfil, and then to explain. Bring me the man that can accomplish all these things, to write and fulfil, aS thou hast done. For, as it was written, Satan should bear the blame the wo- man cast upon him, and this I have shewn in the vision, the woman's dart over his head, and the man with the chain round him, treading him under his feet, with the man's head above Satan's tiart, 47 and Satan's bead under the woman's dart ; so man shall raise his head, and Satan shall fall : for mine is past; Satan's is to come. And this is the fulfil- ling of the pages, that I said should bring all things to your remembrance and now I bring to your remembrance, to weigh the past with the present, what was spoken in years that were past, and com- pare them with the manner they are now fulfilling : How it was written of Satan's destruction, and in what manner his destruction was to be accomplish- ed. For though I have made it so plain before you, to open your eyes, yet you do but see things as trees walking, in comparison to what you will see them hereafter. For those that see, see but in part; and those that believe, believe but in part, the perfect happiness that is now in store for true believers, that their labour of love shall not be in vain in the Lord, that are now workers with me, lo bring in my Kingdom of Peace. For as the past ages opposed my Gospel ; so will the present oppose my Kingdom, till they are scat- tered, as the Jews were scattered; and destroyed, as they were destroyed. For I may say with Jehu, what peace, while Satan's witchcrafts are so many, to bewitch men's minds, not to seek his destruc- tion, but their own ; not to claim his curse to be above every man and woman, but to bring your curse above him ? Thus does Satan bewitch the minds of mankind ; and as long as this lasts, there will be no peace in your land, in your hearts, nor in your houses ; therefore, I knew what this peace would be; for the sword of the spirit was not then drawn, as a war against me; but I knew it would soon take place; and so the other sword would follow. These truths are now before you, and all the others are close upon you. There is nothing past but the shadow the sub- 48 stance is all to come. The shadow was past in thy petition for Satan's destruction ; but now is coming the substance, of taking the sword and of plunging it in his heart, to avenge the injuries done to the woman, and to me, by the old ser- pent, which is the devil. Now is the sword drawn against him, and it shall not be drawn in vain ; for where she has fixed it, it shall remain. Know, the petition you all sign to, is the petition of the woman, to take the sword out of my hand and slay the enemy, that the kingdom may be mine. For, as Judith slew Holophernes, to free the children of Israel, that they might conquer him ; so hath she drawn the sword, that Satan's power might be destroyed ; and my power to stand Satan's kingdom destroyed, and mine to come, that God may be all in all. And if the sword be found but in the hands of fifty righte- ous men, it shall prevail over all the powers of hell. Though, I know I have more than seven hundred, that will not bow a knee to Baal ; that is, they will not bow to the powers of darkness, if he stirs up persecution in mankind against them. I know they will not fall before them, but fight against them ; and they shall prevail : for they shall fight and overcome, and have their part in the tree of life ; for this is the sword that was left to guard it the promise that was made to the woman ; and now it is drawn, life for life, and death for death. My death is past ; Satan's must come. So all I said I am now fulfilling, for now I shall try what is in man; and my arrows shall fly fast upon them, that will not draw their arrows against the powers of darkness. I shall draw my arrows against them, and my sword shall appear to destroy all that mock the coming of their Lord. For now is every shadow before you, from every 49 page ; and as fast as men fulfil the one, I will go on to fulfil the other. So now the sleep of Adam see ; You all must be asleep like he, When 1 the woman did first create, If you can't now discern your fate. The Bone that first I took from man Was then a wonder unto him ; And now your wonder may appear, If you can't see the mystery clear, From what I said when at the first It in the end to man must burst ; Because my word cannot be broke, Though hell may rage and men may mock. I first did create her for man's good ; For so my word hath ever stood, And I'll fulfil it in the end ;> The bone of man may break or bend ; But mine's a bone cannot be broke. I said the bone from man I took, To make an helpmate for his good ; And so my word has ever stood ; And now my word I will fulfil ; So men may judge it, as they will. When all together you do weigh, You must confess 'tis break of day : Then sure the sun you know must rise ; 'Tis time for all men to grow wise, And see the mystery of the fall ; Or else too late, I tell you all, You'll see the day begin to close ; For Satan's doom too well he knows, That he must now receive his curse, And works in men they may not miss To feel the curse, as well as he Wonders in women have been three : For Eve a wonder was to man ; When I did create her first for him, Adam in wonder did appear Another wonder you see here, How she should e'er bring on his curse: Here stood a wonder at the first Another wonder was to man, When Mary bore the heavenly Son ; That as a wonder did appear, That she from heaven a Son should bear And here's a wonder in the third, That I shall now fulfil my word, To change the scenes as at the first. From good to evil soon they burst ; And now the scenes I'll change the same, And all shall know my every name ; D I'll turn the evil now to good ; For so my promise ever stood. So here's a wonder at the last, That from the woman all must burst, To prove 1 made her not in vain, Though man against me did complain. But they may all complain too late, That now refuse from her their fate ; To take from her my sealed word 'Tis the third wonder of the Lord, That in a woman doth appear. Weigh deep the whole, and answer herei How these three wonders so did come ? You must confess, no woman's hand Did ever write such things before, To prove that I her fall should clear, And the creation all make good : For so my promises have stood Throughout my Bible unto man. Though they these things did ne'er discern ; Nor in what manner I did warn, When I her husband did appear, Then all her children I shoufd clear ? And great peace on them there should be Appear, vain men, and answer me, If great peace ever came to man, Since Adam's fall, in every land ; Or, where's the righteous this can boast ? Since Adam's fall, their peace was lost; Because from- Cain the strife began ; And in all ages this hath been, I tell you, to this very day ; And where's the man can this deny > For, in this age, 'tis now the same ; And who can boast he knows my name ; That great peace now they do enjoy ; And none their peace do e'er destroy ? You cannot prove, since Adam's fall, That I my children so did call : For to enjoy a perfect peace. No ! Satan's arts, 1 say, must cease, Before my children this can see, And I your common Parent be ; That is, the Father of you all : And then my peace will surely fall, And great peace on the earth you'll see : Because your Mother I shall free, From the transgression of the first ; Then man is free, and Satan's cast ; For your redemption so must come. I've open'd now the doors to man, That have been bolted since the fall ; And dead to knowledge you are all ; 51 Because these things no man did see, That I have now reveal'd to thee. But had they all been known before, I tell you plain, mankind would err; Because a thief would come too soon, And plead those promises their own ; And men would be deceiv'd thereby. Then sure my word must ever lie Stolen all from me by Satan's arts ; And man would always feel his dart, By robbing him of every peace, And he that way his fate would miss, If I had not conceal'd my word, The way I meant to bruise his head, That he could ne'er break through or steal ; Because it never was reveal'd, Till I've reveal'd it now to thee, The way I'll bruise the head of he ; That is, the serpent I do mean ; As Satan did visit in that form, And so he gave to Eve a sting, That now I'll cure, and him condemn, For stinging of her at the first To slay your murderers it is just ; And so in justice I'll appear. The bolted doors are open'd here, If men have eyes the sight to see; But if they are blind, they blind must be, If they can't now see through the whole. The woman caus'd the devil's fall ; And 'tis for her he must be cast ; My Law and Gospel so are plac'd, That justice must in all appear. For Abel's blood I told them here Would be avenged on the Cains. Then now let all men call to mind, The sword went through my Mother's soul, By Satan's arts, I tell you all ; And Eve receiv'd it at the first, When Cain in fury so did burst, To slay in anger then her son, The righteous Abel, it was known ; But know, 'twas Satan brought the blow Upon the woman first, you know ; Then sure must all come back on he, When justice comes tlie whole to free. And so her witness must appear The woman cast her murderer here, That robb'd her of her every bliss ; And 'tis by her he must be cast. So now of learning boast no more, If you can't see the justice clear, That I am just, as God and Man: For like your laws I've laid my plan : 52 And if my plan you now do blame, Then all your laws you put to shame. So all together now compare, In every page is mentioned here ; And see how I have brought them round- And will you say from hell's the sound? Or, will you say a woman's head Such curious mysteries ever laid, To bring them all in a straight line And prove my Bible truth divine ? That all your learning cannot do; No man can prove my Bible true By any judgment you do form. From Adam's fall you still go on To prove my judgment wrong at first, And so you judge the end must burst. Then I am wrong throughout the whole, If I don't free the woman's fall, And bring the wonder in the end, That's in the Revelation penn'd, To tread the powers of darkness down- For light in darkness he was found ; And light in darkness he doth shine, In every dark, benighted mind ; But that I'll tread beneath her feet ; And all will find the mystery great, Of this third wonder to appear, That in a woman you see here ; Because a wonder she must be, If you do judge it came all from she ; And if from hell you judge the sound, A wonder then must sure be found, That he should come to prove his fall, The justice now from heaven to call ; To say my promises were there, And now I ought the whole to clear, To bring the curse upon his head, As in the fall it there was laid. So here's a wonder in the first, If either way the words you place, And will not say it came from heaven, That all these wonders now are given, To show you all the bolted door, Wherein are blessings now in store, That must be hastening on for man " The Sun of Righteousness is come, With healing in his wings appears, Satan to cast our guilt to clear: And so the woman now he'll free, That heirs of God we all might be. So here's a wonder in the last, As 'twas to Adam at the first, To see the woman change the stream, Turnback the tide again on him, That changed the stream for her at first, When she in happiness was plac'd ; And now she'll change the tide the same, Turn back the waves from whence they came j Because her Lord is now her friend : As well he knew she was betray'd. The Mighty Counsellor now doth plead: As an old counsellor at the bar, The innocence of one to clear, That he can prove hath been betray'd, And cast the guilt upon the head Of him that doth deserve the blame." And now I am come to act the same ; The Mighty Counsellor to appear, My Father's wisdom for to clear, In making of the woman first, And prove his wisdom in the last, The way he'll free you from the fall. The woman's words, I tell you all, Must free the fatal fall of man My Father's words shall ever stand, That by her seed I'll bruise his head- Eleven disciples, it is said, Stood firmly by me in the end ; And now I say, eleven men I chose as judges to appear, And plac'd a Child tlie twelve to clear. So all are come now like the child ; You've all to learn ; and man is foiled. In all the knowledge they did learn, My Bible no man did discern, That I should bring it round this way. Learning did all the Jews betray ; Because their learning they plac'd wrong; And so the learning is of man. Therefore one judge I chose a Child, That ne'er in learning can be foil'd ; Because all nations now will see The truth go on fulfiU'd to be, Before that Child can learning gain, To prove his calling was in vain, When he was chosen to stand with man, To have the twelve together stand. That he with them stopd on thy head, They'll find the truth of what thou'st said ; When he in learning doth appear, He'll learn the truth of all to clear ; And then the Jury-men he'll free, And own their judgment true to be. So I am the Counsellor now for man, And the twelve Judges they will stand As stars to shine upon thy head : The twenty-four may be said To worship then before my throne, And all my wondrous counsel own ; 54 That justice shone in all was said, From the creation it was laid. So now together weigh the whole, Mark every page what there was told. Before the sealing thou dost know That men must sign to strike the blow, To have the devil to be cast Mark all before, how it was plac'cl. In the sixth book it doth appear ; Mark well the words were spoken there : Before the sealing thou didst know, That thou must seal the people so, The evil fruit for to pull down. I told them then to judge the sound, But never told them how't would be, The evil fruit pull'd down by thee, Until the seeding did appear, That thou'st begin the following year ; And then the mysteries all come round. J ask, what man can judge this sound ? Contrived by a woman's head, Without the Lord her spirit led f No ! if the whole you do compare, You all must know the Lord is here, To try the judgment deep of men, And prove their knowledge dead is come \ Or else the Spirit they would know, None but a God the truth could shew, As it hath been re veal' d by thee. The past and present let them see : As the third harvest doth appear ; You own it good now every where ; The war deferr'd you first did see, And now broke out, as said by thee ; Then both together now compare, You must confess the truth is here ; And so the truth is in the past And now the whole is hastening fast." The Child, that is here alluded to, on the 1 2th of January, J803, was not eighteen months old r that now stands as a Type to all Nations, that, like that Child, they have all to learn, if they will come to the full redemption in Christ Jesus. The knowledge of the tree, being good and evil, was never understood by any man ; that as Satan's arts brought them to the knowledge of the evil, so the power and wisdom of God must bring them to the knowledge of the good, through the 55 merits of Christ, who was born of the woman to redeem the fall of women. For, as I was born of her, so I was born for her, to seal the doom of her betrayer. But, know, O vain men, the shadow must begin by the woman, and the substance shall follow by me, that am your Redeemer, to accom- plish the will of my Father, in what he created the woman for to be your help meet for your good. Now, answer me, ye worldly-wise men, why ye took from her hand the evil, and now refuse to take the good? JOANNA SOUTHCOTT. Entered at Stationers Hall. LONDON: Printed by Merchant and Galubin, Ingram-Court ; and sold by W. TOZER, Chapel-Place, Duke-Street, Westminster-Road, Southwark ; also by W. SYMONDS, Gandy-Lane, and the Miss EVEI.EIGHS, St. SidwelPs, Exeter ; S. HIRST, Leeds; W. WADMAN, York; JAMES LIGHT, Coventry- Street, Stourbridge; EDMUND BAKEH,Ilminster ; fc^. BRADLEY, Digbeth, Birmingham; R. GOLDSMITH, Gravesend; and T. TURPIN, Greenwich. 1813. (Price One Shilling.) University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. 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