John Rayner /off fi tlayner Books on Angling. Publijhed by W. PICKERING. Walton and Cotton's Complete Angler. Edited with Original Memoirs, by Sir Harris Ni- colas ^ Illuftrated by Engravings from Defigns by Stothard and Injkipp. 2 vols. imperial 8vo. 61. 6s. or proofs on India paper, io/. 105. The Illuftra- tions feparate, 410. proofs before the letters, io/. ioj. *** Additional Plates (xxxn) to Illuftrate Wal- ton and Cotton's Complete Angler, confifting of Portraits, Monuments, &c. moftly proofs, imperial 8vo. 3/. 3*. II The true Enjoyment of Angling. By Henry Phillips, Efq. Illuftrated with a Portrait of the Author, and Seven Songs, defcriptive of the Art, with Pianoforte Accompaniments. 8vo. IQS. 6d. Ill Berners's (Juliana) Treatyfe of Fysmynge wyth an 'Angle. Reprint with fac-fimile wood-cuts, crown 8vo. s. Books on Angling. IV Pifcatorial Reminifcences and Gleanings, by an Old Angler and Bibliopolijl ; with the moft complete Catalogue of Books on Angling ever pub- limed, fscap. 8vo. with cuts^ 7*. 6d. The Angler's Defideratum, containing the beft and fulleft Dire&ions for drefling the Artificial Fly ; with fome new and valuable Inventions, " by The Author," from a practice of nearly half a Cen- tury, I2mo. is. bd. THE RIVER DOVE WITH SOME QUIET THOUGHTS ON THE HAPPY PRACTICE OF ANGLING LONDON WILLIAM PICKERING 1847 'Epaj IIEAEIA, IIo'0y rtoQsv Tf&fatra-ai; nd0v jw-o'pwv rotrovrwv fs xai 4/Ka'^